
Sample records for juan pablo pinasco

  1. Gestión educativa y clima organizacional en la institución educativa Juan Pablo II del distrito de Chorrillos, 2015


    Coaquira Incacari, Oscar


    El presente trabajo de investigación está orientado a explicar la relación que existe entre la gestión educativa y clima organizacional en la institución educativa Juan Pablo II del distrito de Chorrillos, 2015, tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación que existe entre la gestión educativa y clima organizacional en la institución educativa Juan Pablo II del distrito de Chorrillos, 2015. El tipo de investigación fue básica o fundamental de naturaleza cuantitativa, carác...

  2. Violência e sociedade em Festa no Covil, de Juan Pablo Villalobos

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    Andre Rezende Benatti


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo uma leitura da violência no romance Festa no Covil, do escritor mexicano Juan Pablo Villalobos. Abordaremos dentre outras questões como a violência se torna parte da rotina do pequeno narrador do romance, Tochtli, tornando-se não mais uma surpresa ou estranheza ou repulsa, mas algo corriqueiro que o acompanha diariamente. No romance, Tochtli é o herdeiro de um cartel de narcotráfico e é criado em um meio no qual a violência está tão presente que o menino não a percebe. Para a leitura nos valeremos de conceitos de Ronaldo Lima Lins (1990 e José Ovejero (2012.

  3. Aprender a ser narco/macho. Fiesta en La Madriguera de Juan Pablo Villalobos

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    Ainhoa Vásquez Mejías


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone, a la luz de los estudiosde masculinidades, que las enseñanzas que recibe un narco-junior en la novela Fiesta en la madriguera de Juan Pablo Villalobos se vinculan a las instrucciones machistas que reciben los niños varones: violencia, poder, control de las emociones. El aprendizaje del niño para convertirse en hombre, sin embargo, se ve cuestionado en la novela, a la vez que se pone en duda la masculinidad hegemónica del padre. La formación de Tochtli concluye no cuando es capaz de derramar sangre como un macho, sino cuando descubre que esa sangre lo une a su padre.

  4. Juan Pablo II: Portador de Esperanza ante el Dolor y el Sufrimiento

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    Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez


    Full Text Available El Santo Papa Juan Pablo II centrado en la pregunta por el hombre y la defensa de su dignidad, se preocupó por dejar una sólida y significativa enseñanza sobre esta realidad del ser humano. Padeció el dolor y el sufrimiento en muchos momentos de su vida y, como filósofo, teólogo y Pastor, manifestó esta gran preocupación en casi todas sus encíclicas, en las que buscó transmitir, a lo largo de todo su pontificado, la fe de la Iglesia Católica recogiendo las enseñanzas de la Sagrada Escritura y la Sagrada Tradición. A través de una revisión de las encíclicas que escribió, ilustramos cómo el Santo Padre evidencia, ante todo, un profundo interés de que el hombre de hoy se entienda principalmente a sí mismo y de esta manera, comprenda el dinamismo del dolor, para que, antes que desesperar en los momentos difíciles, viva la esperanza y pueda así llenar de sentido su vida entera

  5. Inteligencia emocional y comprensión lectora en estudiantes de cuarto grado de Educación secundaria I.E. General Juan Pablo Fernandini del distrito de Salas Guadalupe, Ica, 2009


    Cárdenas Claudio, Miryam Marleni


    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre inteligencia emocional y comprensión lectora en estudiantes de cuarto grado de la Institución Educativa “General Juan Pablo Fernandini” del distrito de Salas Guadalupe, de Ica. El tipo de investigación que se asumen en esta investigación es no experimental con diseño descriptivo correlacional. Se trabajó con una población muestra de 120 estudiantes del cuarto grado de secundaria de la Instituc...

  6. El último sueño de Pablo de Olavide

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    María José ALONSO SEOANE


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El artículo estudia aspectos desconocidos de la actividad de Pablo de Olavide en sus últimos años, a través del testamento de su prima, doña Tomasa de Arellano, con algunos antecedentes que muestran sus vínculos con su familia paterna, oriunda de Navarra. Entre estos aspectos, cabe destacar el deseo de contribuir a la población de España según sus ideas ilustradas, así como las medidas adoptadas para preparar un futuro adecuado a los hijos de Juan Francisco de Arroquia y Bárbara de Olavide, a quienes había formado un patrimonio en una villa cercana a Baeza.ABSTRACT: The article studies unknown aspects of Pablo de Olavide’s activity in his last years through the testament of his cousin, Doña Tomasa de Arellano, with some antecedents that show his ties with his paternal family, coming from Navarra. Among these aspects, it is possible to emphasize his wish to contribute to the population of Spain according to his illustrated ideas, as well as the adopted measures to prepare a right future for the children of Juan Francisco de Arroquia and Bárbara de Olavide, for whom he had created a patrimony in a village near Baeza.

  7. pablo s luna-lozano

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    PABLO S LUNA-LOZANO. Articles written in Sadhana. Volume 41 Issue 8 August 2016 pp 847-853. Digital architecture for a piecewise-linear arbitrary-waveform generator · VICTOR M JIMENEZ-FERNANDEZ HECTOR VAZQUEZ-LEAL PABLO S LUNA-LOZANO J L VAZQUEZ-BELTRAN G GARCIA-SANTIAGO E VALDES- ...

  8. Asedios al cuento fantástico de compromiso político-social peruano. El caso de “Mateo Yucra” (1992, de Juan Pablo Heredia Ponce

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    Richard Leonardo Loayza


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza uno de los primeros cuentos peruanos que abordan el tema del conflicto armado interno: “Mateo Yucra” (1992, de Juan Pablo Heredia Ponce, en el que se emplea lo fantástico como un artefacto discursivo, que le permite a su autor pronunciarse sobre los cruentos sucesos políticos-sociales que estaban ocurriendo en Perú desde inicios de los años ochenta del siglo xx. La crítica literaria peruana ha estudiado la narrativa del conflicto armado interno desde una óptica netamente realista. Sin embargo, estos especialistas parecieran olvidar que hay una serie de obras importantes (entre las que está “Mateo Yucra” que se ocupan de este tema apelando al elemento contrafáctico. Este artículo pretende, a partir del estudio del cuento de Heredia Ponce y desde los aportes de la teoría de lo fantástico (Ferreras, Molloy, Roas y la crítica cultural (Spivak, Butler, Agamben, Žižek, pensar la noción de literatura fantástica de compromiso político-social, categoría que podría servir para estudiar una parcela importante de la narrativa que se ocupa del conflicto armado interno.

  9. Pensamiento de un Ilustrado español. Juan Bautista Virio

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Juan Bautista Virio es por su educación y los años en que vivió una figura importante de la ilustración española. Al pertenecer a una familia acomodada pudo recibir una esmerada educación que incluía el conocimiento de varias lenguas. Como persona cultivada conoció las obras de los principales intelectuales de su época y como funcionario del Ministerio del Estado estuvo en contacto con muchos de los políticos reformistas e ilustrados de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. El mismo disfrutó de la confianza del conde Floridablanca que le encomendó diversas comisiones oficiales entre 1788 y 1790 aunque su relación personal se inició un año antes cuando Floridablanca estudió algunos de sus trabajos que, por otra parte, merecieron el aplauso de Godoy y Urquijo. Pero, también estuvo en contacto con otros muchos políticos y sobre todo diplomáticos que le apoyaron en sus primeros pasos en la administración como José de Anduaga, el marqués de Mahoni, Bernardo del Campo, etc; y mantuvo una estrecha amistad con otros ilustrados como Juan Antonio Melón, Diego María Gardoqui, Domingo García Fernández, Juan Pablo Forner, Francisco Ventura, etc.

  10. A obra poética de Pablo Neruda: um estudo psicanalítico The Pablo Neruda’s poetic work: a psychoanalytical study

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    Ismael Pereira de Siqueira


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho realizou-se uma leitura da obra poética de Pablo Neruda, conforme os pressupostos teóricos de Freud e Lacan. A preocupação inicial foi a de elaborar um esquema teórico que fornecesse subsídios ao estudo. Num segundo momento foi realizada uma leitura das principais obras que marcam os três períodos literários de Pablo Neruda, tentando-se interpretar psicanaliticamente a rede simbólica encontrada nessas obras. Com base nas análises realizadas, pôde-se observar que a poesia de Pablo Neruda parece possuir um papel de figura objetal, possibilitando ao autor religar-se às suas figuras parentais, nas quais projeta os seus desejos e frustrações.In this work a reading of Pablo Neruda’s poetic work was done, according to a Freud’s and Lacan’s theoretical presuppositions. The first concern was to elaborate a theoretical schema to supply subsidies to this study. After, a reading of the most important works of Pablo Neruda’s three literary periods was done, trying to interpret psychoanalytically the symbolic net of these works. Based on the these analysis, it was observed that Pablo Neruda’s poetry seems to have an object figure role, causing the author to link again to his parents figures on whom he projects his desires and frustrations.

  11. La noción de historia en las encíclicas de Juan Pablo II y su continuidad con el Vaticano II

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    Sergio Silva G.


    Full Text Available Partiendo de la reafirmación enfática en Fides et Ratio de una frase de Tertio Millennio Adveniente -"en el cristianismo el tiempo tiene una importancia fundamental"-, el artículo recorre las 13 encíclicas de Juan Pablo II, buscando su noción de historia. Se trata, obviamente, de una noción teológica, y se descubre que sus raíces están en el Concilio Vaticano II. La afirmación fundamental de la fe es que, en Jesucristo, Dios ha entrado en la historia y se ha revelado en ella como Amor misericordioso. Para el Papa esto significa que el Dios trascendente, que conduce la historia, se ha hecho en Jesús inmanente a ella. La misión histórica del Hijo es prolongada por la del Espíritu, que no solo anima y conduce a la Iglesia, sino que actúa también fuera de sus límites visibles. En un segundo momento se recogen las afirmaciones acerca de las mediaciones humanas de la presencia de Dios en la historia. Se trata de la Iglesia, que encuentra su modelo en la mediación de María. Respecto de las relaciones de la Iglesia con la historia humana, además de señalar que hay un aporte recíproco, el acento está puesto en tres afirmaciones: la inculturación es la condición de la relación de la Iglesia con la historia, el hombre es el camino de la Iglesia en la historia, y hay una prioridad de la verdad por sobre la libertad y de la dimensión escatológica de la salvación, presente ya en su dimensión temporal, por sobre esta. Finalmente, se recogen y sistematizan las indicaciones respecto a las estructuras creadas involucradas en la mediación histórica de la acción salvífica de Dios. Se trata de la relación del individuo humano con la historia, de los signos de los tiempos (situados al interior de un diagnóstico de la situación actual del mundo y de la mediación hermenéutica (vinculada al papel de la tradición. Como conclusión se reproducen los textos de las Encíclicas en que Juan Pablo II afirma que la tarea prioritaria de su

  12. Pablo Rodríguez Pérez (1976 - 2016)

    CERN Multimedia


    It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden loss of Pablo Rodríguez Pérez, a physicist on the LHCb Experiment, who died in Manchester on 1st July 2016.   Pablo Rodríguez Pérez. Pablo obtained his Bachelor of Science in Physics at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) in 2003, specialising in electronics before going on to work in industry. He joined the LHCb experiment in 2007, undertaking his Master of Science at USC on the optimisation of readout electronics for the Inner Tracker. He then continued his studies with a PhD, becoming the principal author for the experiment control system of the Silicon Tracker. After the commissioning of the LHCb experiment he moved his attention to the LHCb upgrade, performing the first investigation of prototypes for the upgrade of the vertex locator (VELO). Following his PhD from USC, Cum Laude, he joined the University of Manchester in 2013 to work further on the VELO Upgrade. Pablo took ...

  13. La nueva creación en el pensamiento de Pablo


    Espíndola García, Luis


    En la tradición teológica de la religión judía que demostró poseer Pablo de Tarso, el Dios de Israel tiene el poder de crear y el poder de volver a crear; es decir, realizar una nueva creación. Pablo experimentó cómo en Jesús, Dios ha revelado la salvación, el perdón de los pecados por amor a toda la humanidad; y cada vez que un ser humano recibe este don por parte de Dios, se genera un nuevo ser. La comprensión e interpretación del mensaje teológico de Pablo sobre el tema de la nueva creació...

  14. Description of gravity cores from San Pablo Bay and Carquinez Strait, San Francisco Bay, California (United States)

    Woodrow, Donald L.; John L. Chin,; Wong, Florence L.; Fregoso, Theresa A.; Jaffe, Bruce E.


    Seventy-two gravity cores were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1990, 1991, and 2000 from San Pablo Bay and Carquinez Strait, California. The gravity cores collected within San Pablo Bay contain bioturbated laminated silts and sandy clays, whole and broken bivalve shells (mostly mussels), fossil tube structures, and fine-grained plant or wood fragments. Gravity cores from the channel wall of Carquinez Strait east of San Pablo Bay consist of sand and clay layers, whole and broken bivalve shells (less than in San Pablo Bay), trace fossil tubes, and minute fragments of plant material.

  15. Re-Creating Pablo Picasso's "Guernica" (United States)

    Daseler, Jack C.


    Recently, the teachers at the author's school completed a group project with their eighth-graders in which they recreated a mural version of the famous painting by Pablo Picasso, "Guernica." This activity was aimed at: (1) studying the rise of Fascism in Spain and Germany during the Spanish Civil War prior to World War II; (2) learning…

  16. Pablo Picasso on Kumus / Kadri Karro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karro, Kadri


    Tallinna 15. graafikatriennaali sateliitnäitus "Mapping" Kumu Kunstimuuseumis 2.01.-17.04.2011, kuraator Lilijana Stepančič, kujundaja Liina Siib. Eksponeeritakse Ljubljana graafikabiennaali hitte (Pablo Picasso, Damien Hirsti jt.) ja Eha Komissarovi koostatud valikut biennaalil osalenud eestlaste (Malle Leis, Tõnis Vint jt.) töödest

  17. 33 CFR 165.754 - Safety Zone: San Juan Harbor, San Juan, PR. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Safety Zone: San Juan Harbor, San Juan, PR. 165.754 Section 165.754 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND... Zone: San Juan Harbor, San Juan, PR. (a) Regulated area. A moving safety zone is established in the...

  18. Cote de Pablo: I Was Lucky PSA (:60)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Actress Cote de Pablo talks about her own cervical cancer scare and shares advice for other women.  Created: 9/8/2015 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 9/8/2015.

  19. Cote de Pablo: I Was Lucky PSA (:30)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Actress Cote de Pablo talks about her own cervical cancer scare and shares advice for other women.  Created: 9/8/2015 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 9/8/2015.

  20. Pablo Neruda: un poeta comprometido

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    Adriane A. Vidal Costa


    Full Text Available This article intends to understand the roots of the compromise of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. To do so, we analyze its politic behavior and its speech in the context of its relation with the communism, the antifascism, The Civil War in Spain and the Soviet Union. We reflect on its taking of position in favor of the communism, the revolution and its relation with the communist politic culture, considering its contradictions and changes of opinion.Lastly, we emphasize how the poetic word, in Neruda’s case, served as an instrument of combat and politic action.//En este artículo buscamos comprender las raíces del compromiso del poeta chileno Pablo Neruda. Para eso analizamos su comportamiento político y su discurso en el contexto de su relación con el comunismo, el antifascismo, la Guerra Civil en España y la Unión Soviética. Reflexionamos sobre su toma de posición a favor del comunismo, de la revolución y su relación con la cultura política comunista, considerando sus contradicciones y cambios de opinión. Finalmente, enfatizamos cómo la palabra poética, en el caso de Neruda, sirvió de instrumento de combate y acción política.

  1. Cote de Pablo: Tuve Suerte ASP (:30)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    La actriz Cote de Pablo habla sobre el susto que pasó con el cáncer de cuello uterino y comparte consejos para otras mujeres.  Created: 9/8/2015 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 9/8/2015.

  2. Cote de Pablo: Tuve Suerte ASP (:60)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    La actriz Cote de Pablo habla sobre el susto que pasó con el cáncer de cuello uterino y comparte consejos para otras mujeres.  Created: 9/8/2015 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 9/8/2015.

  3. Does centennial morphodynamic evolution lead to higher channel efficiency in San Pablo Bay, California? (United States)

    van der Wegen, M.; Jaffe, B.E.; Barnard, P.L.; Jaffee, B.E.; Schoellhamer, D.H.


    Measured bathymetries on 30 year interval over the past 150 years show that San Pablo Bay experienced periods of considerable deposition followed by periods of net erosion. However, the main channel in San Pablo Bay has continuously narrowed. The underlying mechanisms and consequences of this tidal channel evolution are not well understood. The central question of this study is whether tidal channels evolve towards a geometry that leads to more efficient hydraulic conveyance and sediment throughput. We applied a hydrodynamic process-based, numerical model (Delft3D), which was run on 5 San Pablo Bay bathymetries measured between 1856 and 1983. Model results shows increasing energy dissipation levels for lower water flows leading to an approximately 15% lower efficiency in 1983 compared to 1856. During the same period the relative seaward sediment throughput through the San Pablo Bay main channel increased by 10%. A probable explanation is that San Pablo Bay is still affected by the excessive historic sediment supply. Sea level rise and Delta surface water area variations over 150 years have limited effect on the model results. With expected lower sediment concentrations in the watershed and less impact of wind waves due to erosion of the shallow flats, it is possible that energy dissipations levels will decrease again in future decades. Our study suggests that the morphodynamic adaptation time scale to excessive variations in sediment supply to estuaries may be on the order of centuries.

  4. Pablo Serrano: el anhelo de un arte unitario

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    Ara Fernández, Ana


    Full Text Available In this article we analyse the works by the sculptor Pablo Serrano made in collaboration with two architects, José Luis Fernández del Amo and Miguel Fisac, and an architect/landscape gardener, Leandro Silva. Attention is focused on two main typologies: the religious works that decorated several of the churches built by these architects and the monumental sculptures situated in new public squares.

    Analizamos en este artículo los trabajos que fueron realizados por el escultor Pablo Serrano en colaboración con dos arquitectos, José Luis Fernández del Amo y Miguel Fisac, y un arquitecto – paisajista, Leandro Silva. Centraremos nuestra atención en dos tipologías principales: las obras religiosas que decoran algunas de las iglesias realizadas por estos arquitectos y las esculturas monumentales instaladas en plazas de nueva planta.

  5. 33 CFR 165.776 - Security Zone; Coast Guard Base San Juan, San Juan Harbor, Puerto Rico (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Security Zone; Coast Guard Base San Juan, San Juan Harbor, Puerto Rico 165.776 Section 165.776 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST... Guard District § 165.776 Security Zone; Coast Guard Base San Juan, San Juan Harbor, Puerto Rico (a...



    Suárez Moreno, Cecilia


    PABLO CARDOSO: AN ETHICAL AND POLITICAL SPIN OF HIS AESTHETICResumen: Pablo Cardoso (Cuenca, 1965), artista contemporáneo cuya excelsa obra estuvo hasta ahora marcada por el escepticismo y una estética contemplativa, adopta un giro ético y político que, sin adherir a tesis alguna de ningún partido ni movimiento políticos, revela las contradicciones de la lógica del capital, particularmente del modelo extractivista, que contamina, agrede y destruye muchas formas de vida. Este giro ético y polí...

  7. San Pablo Bay Tidal Marsh Enhancement and Water Quality Improvement Project (United States)

    Information about the SFBWQP San Pablo Bay Tidal Marsh Enhancement and Water Quality Improvement Project, part of an EPA competitive grant program to improve SF Bay water quality focused on restoring impaired waters and enhancing aquatic resources.

  8. La construcción de un mito : fortuna crítica de Juan de Juanes en los siglos XVI y XVII

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    Miguel Falomir Faus


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende analizar los inicios de la fortuna crítica de Juan de Juanes en los siglos XVI y XVII. La «leyenda» de Juanes se asentó en su triple condición de gloria local, pintor ejemplar y artista piadoso, y quienes la forjaron, de Escolano a Vicente Vitoria pasando por Pacheco o Jusepe Martínez, no dudaron en potenciar, e incluso distorsionar, aquellas facetas de la personalidad de Juanes afines a sus intereses particulares.This article seeks to analyze the origins of the historiographical treatment of Juan de Juanes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The «myth» of Juanes was posited on three aspects: as exemplary and illustrious citizen, model forpainters, and pious artist. Those who forged this image of the artist, from Escolano to Vicente Vitoria and passing by Pacheco or Jusepe Martínez, did not doubt in emphasizing and even distorting those aspects of his personality and life that affirmed their individual interests.

  9. Juan: a 9-year-old Latino boy with ADHD. (United States)

    DuPaul, George J; Pérez, Victor H; Kuo, Alice; Stein, Martin T


    Juan, a 9-year-old Latino male, was referred to a community clinic by his third-grade teacher for evaluation of classroom behavior problems. He is an only child and lives with both parents. At home, Juan speaks Spanish with his parents although he occasionally speaks English with his father. His father came to the U.S. from Mexico as a small child and completed the 12 grade in the U.S. Juan's mother completed 8 grade in Mexico and immigrated to the U.S. as a teenager.Juan's mother reported that he has had no significant medical problems. Her report of his behavior included an inability to focus on tasks at hand and easy distractibility. She was concerned that the principal of the school mentioned that Juan may be asked to repeat the 3 grade or change schools. In the clinic, Juan sat quietly but appeared to be daydreaming and attentive to the conversation. The pediatrician called the principal who expressed frustration with Juan's behavior. In class, he was very fidgety, did not pay attention and usually did not answer questions. He also bothered other students when they were working. The principal explained that because Juan's school was a Spanish language immersion school, there were no special education services available. If a student at the school required special education services, he or she would be transferred to another school in the same school district. An evaluation for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) indicated that Juan had above average cognitive ability (90 percentile), with superior ability to problem solve and process information simultaneously (99 percentile). The Woodcock Johnson III (Spanish version) indicated average achievement in academic skills, with low average in reading fluency, comprehension and spelling. On the Test of Auditory-Perceptual Skills, Juan tested generally low average in all domains, and was at the 14 percentile for both auditory number and auditory word memory. On the Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills, Juan scored

  10. Process-based, morphodynamic hindcast of decadal deposition (1856-1887) and erosion (1951-1983) patterns in San Pablo Bay, California (United States)

    Wegen, M. V.; Jaffe, B. E.; Roelvink, J.


    The objective of the current research is to hindcast decadal morphodynamic development in San Pablo Bay, California, USA using a process-based, numerical model, Delft3D. Experience gained in the current research will be ultimately used to model future morphodynamic changes in San Pablo Bay under different scenarios of climate change. Delft3D is run in 3D mode including wind waves, salt and fresh water interaction, sand and mud fractions and applies a sophisticated morphodynamic update scheme [Roelvink (2006)]. Model outcomes are evaluated against measured bathymetric developments [Cappiella (1999), Jaffe et al (2007)] and include an extensive sensitivity analysis on model parameter settings. In the 19th century more than 250 million cubic meters of sediment was deposited in San Pablo Bay because of the increased sediment load associated with hydraulic gold mining activities. When mining stopped and dam construction regulated river flows and trapped sediment upstream early 20th century, San Pablo Bay showed an eroding trend. Focus of the hindcast is on the 1856 to 1887 depositional period and on the 1951 to 1983 erosional period. The results of the model heavily depend on parameter settings related to sediment transport, bed composition and boundary conditions schematization. A major handicap is that the (historic) values of these parameters are not known in detail. Recommendations by Ganju et al. (2008) are used to overcome this problem. The results show, however, that applying best-guess model parameter settings can predict decadal morphodynamic developments reasonably well in San Pablo Bay. From all varied settings sediment concentration, river discharge and waves have the most significant effect on deposition volumes, whereas waves have the most impact on sediment distribution within San Pablo Bay. For the depositional period Brier Skill Scores have values around 0.25 with a maximum of 0.43 (qualified as ‘good’) although higher values (up to 0.65) were

  11. Pablo Gargallo y el nacimiento de la modernidad: literatura, fotografía y cine

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    Ansón, Antonio


    Full Text Available The author presents an analysis of the aesthetic relationship between the sculptural works of Pablo Gargallo and Cubist literature, photography and cinema. Pierre Reverdy’s poetic theory, the solutions of light and shadow found in photography, film editing and film close-ups are all key references for understanding the work of this sculptor.

    Análisis de la relación estética de la obra escultórica de Pablo Gargallo con la literatura cubista, la fotografía y el cine. La teoría poética de Pierre Reverdy, la resolución en luces y sombras de la fotografía, y el montaje y primeros planos cinematográficos constituyen un referente clave a la hora de entender la obra del escultor.

  12. 78 FR 19103 - Safety Zone; Spanish Navy School Ship San Sebastian El Cano Escort; Bahia de San Juan; San Juan, PR (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Spanish Navy School Ship San Sebastian El Cano Escort; Bahia de San Juan; San Juan... temporary moving safety zone on the waters of Bahia de San Juan during the transit of the Spanish Navy... Channel entrance, and to protect the high ranking officials on board the Spanish Navy School Ship San...

  13. Shipborne Magnetic Survey of San Pablo Bay and Implications on the Hayward-Rodgers Creek Fault Junction (United States)

    Ponce, D. A.; Athens, N. D.; Denton, K.


    A shipborne magnetic survey of San Pablo Bay reveals a steep magnetic gradient as well as several prominent magnetic anomalies along the offshore extension of the Hayward Fault. The Hayward Fault enters San Pablo Bay at Pinole Point and potentially extends beneath San Pablo Bay for 15 km. About 1,000 line-km of shipborne magnetometer data were collected in San Pablo Bay along approximately north-east and north-west trending traverses. Shiptrack lines were spaced 200-m apart in a N55oE direction and tie-lines were spaced 500- and 1,000-m apart in a N145oE direction. Magnetometer and Geographic Positioning System (GPS) data were collected simultaneously at one-second intervals using a Geometrics G858 cesium vapor magnetometer with the sensor attached to a nonmagnetic pole extended about 2 m over the bow. Diurnal variations of the Earth's magnetic field were recorded at a ground magnetic base station and shipborne data were corrected for diurnal variations, International Geomagnetic Reference Field, cultural noise, heading errors, and leveling errors. The heading correction applied to the shipborne magnetic data accounts for a systematic shift in the magnetic readings due to the magnetic field produced by the boat and the orientation of the boat. The heading correction was determined by traversing several shiptrack lines in various azimuths in opposite directions. Magnetic measurements off the main survey lines (e.g., turns) were removed from the survey. After applying the heading correction, crossing values or the difference in values where two survey lines intersect were compared and the survey was leveled. Shipborne magnetic data reveal a prominent magnetic anomaly immediately offshore of Point Pinole that probably reflects ultramafic rocks (e.g. serpentinite), similar to those exposed in the northern part of the onshore Hayward Fault. Further to the northwest, shipborne magnetic data enhance two prominent aeromagnetic anomalies along the Hayward Fault in the

  14. Supporting U.S. Stretegy for Third World Conflict (United States)


    Pablo Escobar-Gaviria, the Ochoa brothers, (Jorge, Fabio, and Juan), Jaime Guillot-Lara, and Carlos Lehder Rivas formed large, ocean and continent... Bonilla . Courageously, Colombia’s President Betancur and his congress legislated new, more rigorous legal strictures against illegal drug trafficking

  15. La concepción de “ser humano” en Pablo Freire

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    Roberto Pineda-Ibarra


    Full Text Available This article analizes how Pablo Freire, one of the main education theoreticians with broad trajectory and world influence and with a big contibution to what it is known as alternative pedagogy, conceives the human been and his participation in and with the world. He has built his conception on this matter through several publications, merged from his teaching practice.

  16. Microscopy and the Mystery of Pablo Picasso's Paints (United States)

    Rose, Volker

    A deep connection to our past and shared cultural heritage must be preserved to foster a balanced society where all humanity can thrive. This talk will describe analysis of paint materials used by Pablo Picasso at the nanoscale, as only possible at the brightest synchrotron sources. It will highlight how new imaging techniques can reveal the invisible, bringing to light underlying compositions of old masters' paintings. This in turn enables the writing of new art history and provides important material clues that can assist with attribution and authentication. We will explain how the use of new technology can lead to new discoveries, which, in turn, can change the public's and the specialists' perception of great works of art. ∖In collaboration with scientists from The Art Institute of Chicago we have teamed up to study the chemical make up of zinc oxide pigments used in artworks by Pablo Picasso. We will show how highly focused X-ray beams with nanoscale spatial resolution and trace element sensitivity have helped to determine that Picasso has used conventional house paint in some of his paintings. Surprisingly, the study gives also new insights into the pigment material zinc oxide, which has also great potential in a variety of applications such as in spintronics or as transparent electrodes in solar panels. Work at the Advanced Photon Source and the Center for Nanoscale Materials was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under contract DEAC02-06CH11357.

  17. ETNOGRAFÍA ARGENTINA: LA CÁTEDRA LIBRE DE MONSEÑOR PABLO CABRERA (1925 / Argentine Ethnography: Monsignor Pablo Cabrera’s free lecture (1925

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    Mariela Eleonora Zabala


    Full Text Available La Reforma Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC en 1918, posibilitó la inserción académica de la antropología en el área central argentina, mediante dos iniciativas de los estudiantes. Una fueron los cursos y docencia libre de carácter extracurricular, para alumnos de todas las carreras. Otra fueron los concursos docentes, destinados a excluir de la autoridad, la administración y el cuerpo docente a los católicos y conservadores, y beneficiar a los profesores “más capaces y dignos” en nombre de “la idoneidad”, “la justicia” y “la libertad”.Este artículo examina una derivación directa de estas iniciativas que parece contradecir sus propósitos: la emergencia del primer curso libre de Etnografía Argentina en la UNC en 1925. Dicho espacio curricular fue propuesto y estuvo a cargo de Monseñor Pablo Cabrera (1857-1936, sacerdote de la diócesis de Córdoba, miembro de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, director del Museo Histórico Provincial, y prolífero autor de libros y artículos publicados en la Revista de la Universidad y el diario Los Principios. ¿Cómo fue posible que un intelectual de la Iglesia encabezara semejante innovación en un contexto anticlerical? ¿Cómo incidió su adscripción confesional en una institución laica, y cómo incidió su obra universitaria en su vertiente clerical? ¿Cómo convivieron estas dos líneas en una misma persona, precursor de la antropología cordobesa? Palabras Claves: Reforma universitaria; enseñanza; Etnología argentina; Monseñor Pablo Cabrera. AbstractThe groundbreaking Reform that took place at the National University of Córdoba (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, UNC in 1918, paved the way to the academic start of anthropology in Central Argentina. This new presence was fostered by two initiatives of the students’ sector: extra-curriculum or “free” courses, and public contests to professors’ positions. The latter was meant to exclude

  18. San Juan Uchucuanicu: évolution historique

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    Full Text Available La communauté de San Juan est reconnue depuis 1939. Une première partie concerne l’organisation de la reducción de San Juan vers le milieu du XVIe siècle. Le poids fiscal s’exerce durement sur le village et la crise est générale dans toute la vallée du Chancay au XVIIe. siècle. La christianisation des habitants est définitive au milieu de ce même siècle. C’est vers la fin du XVIIe siècle et durant tout le XVIIIe que se multiplient les conflits entre San Juan et les villages voisins liés aux terrains de pâture et à la possession de l’eau. La deuxième partie du travail concerne les rapports de la communauté de San Juan avec le Pérou contemporain : contrainte fiscale toujours très lourde durant la fin de l’époque coloniale, exactions des militaires juste avant l’indépendance. La période républicaine voit toujours les conflits avec les villages voisins mais aussi la naissance de familles qui cherchent à retirer le maximum de la communauté. Les terres sont divisées et attribuées : la détérioration de l’organisation communale traditionnelle est manifeste. L4es conflits se multiplient entre petits propriétaires, mais aussi avec les haciendas voisines : c’est l’apparition d’une véritable lutte de classes. La situation actuelle est incertaine, le poids de l’économie marchande se développe avec l’exode des jeunes. Que sera la communauté San Juan à la fin de ce siècle? La comunidad de San Juan está reconocida desde 1939. La primera parte concierne a la organización de la 'reducción' de San Juan hacia mediados del siglo XVI. El peso fiscal se ejerce duramente sobre el pueblo y en el siglo XVII la crisis es general en todo el valle de Chancay. Hacia mediados del mismo siglo la cristianización de los habitantes es definitiva. Es hacia fines del siglo XVII y durante todo el siglo XVIII que se multiplican los conflictos entre San Juan y los pueblos vecinos, los que están relacionados con los terrenos de

  19. Magnetic resonance imaging features of neuroinfections in patients with AIDS. Pablo Tobon Hospital, Medellin (2008-2009)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pulgarin R, Luis G; Gomez R, Susana; Sanchez Z, Jonathan A; Abreo L, Diego F; Hernandez J, Andres F; Donado G, Jorge H.


    Our purpose is to describe the clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of the central nervous system (CNS ) most common infectious diseases in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and / or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS ) that consulted to the Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe in the period 2008-2009. We included four adult patients with HIV and / or AIDS from Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe database, who were diagnosed having central nervous system infections by MRI and diagnostic microbiological tests. The most common MRI patterns of CNS infections in AIDS patients in our institution were irregular multifocal intra-axial space-occupying lesions with heterogeneous and variable signals on T1, T2 and FLAI R, with perilesional edema and rim postcontrast enhancement.

  20. 76 FR 25548 - Safety Zone; Coast Guard Use of Force Training Exercises, San Pablo Bay, CA (United States)


    ... disturbances to waterfowl and referenced a study by the USGS confirming foraging areas in San Pablo Bay are used by diving ducks. In the Consistency Determination, the USGS was contacted and determined that the...

  1. Los artesanos de la luz. Boceto picassiano de Pablo Picasso

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    Hector Rojas Herazo


    Full Text Available En una playa de Antíbes -enérgico vaho de limoneros, de crustáceos, de fúlgidos peces entre el cobre solar- aparece Pablo Picasso. Sólido él, prieto de sí mismo, grave y concentrado, con su sólida arquitectura de toro bravo, de toro de lidia español, de toro altamirense que trae enredados en sus cuernos los primarios racimos atesorados en la caverna. Corajuda la vida de este hombre. Un primitivo peligroso. Ojos saltones, desafiantes, inquisitivos...

  2. Compra de esclavos por el colegio jesuita de San Pablo Lima (1691-1729

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    Tardieu, Jean-Pierre


    Full Text Available In order to find the abundant servile manpower essential to the development of the potentialities of their haciendas, the Jesuits of the San Pablo College in Lima from 1691 to 1729 not only turned to the really limited local market, but also made the most of reliable merchants in connection with the representatives of the ìasientosî slavers in Panamá then in Buenos Aires. However, they soughed to become independent of them by initiating a policy of creolisation, which would rapidly inflate the allocation of manpower in their estates.

    Para adquirir a la abundante mano de obra servil necesaria al desarrollo de las potencialidades de sus haciendas, los jesuitas del colegio de San Pablo de Lima, entre 1691 y 1729, además de acudir al insuficiente mercado local, se valieron de los servicios de mercaderes de confianza, relacionados con los representantes de los asientos negreros en Panamá y luego en Buenos Aires. Pero intentaron independizarse de ellos, iniciando una política de criollización cuyos efectos pronto se harían sentir en las dotaciones de sus fundos.

  3. Marketing San Juan Basin gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Posner, D.M.


    Marketing natural gas produced in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico and Colorado principally involves four gas pipeline companies with significant facilities in the basin. The system capacity, transportation rates, regulatory status, and market access of each of these companies is evaluated. Because of excess gas supplies available to these pipeline companies, producers can expect improved take levels and prices by selling gas directly to end users and utilities as opposed to selling gas to the pipelines for system supply. The complexities of transporting gas today suggest that the services of an independent gas marketing company may be beneficial to smaller producers with gas supplies in the San Juan Basin

  4. The green areas of San Juan, Puerto Rico

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    Olga M. Ramos-González


    Full Text Available Green areas, also known as green infrastructure or urban vegetation, are vital to urbanites for their critical roles in mitigating urban heat island effects and climate change and for their provision of multiple ecosystem services and aesthetics. Here, I provide a high spatial resolution snapshot of the green cover distribution of the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico, by incorporating the use of morphological spatial pattern analysis (MSPA as a tool to describe the spatial pattern and connectivity of the city's urban green areas. Analysis of a previously developed IKONOS 4-m spatial resolution classification of the city of San Juan from 2002 revealed a larger area of vegetation (green areas or green infrastructure than previously estimated by moderate spatial resolution imagery. The city as a whole had approximately 42% green cover and 55% impervious surfaces. Although the city appeared greener in its southern upland sector compared to the northern coastal section, where most built-up urban areas occurred (66% impervious surfaces, northern San Juan had 677 ha more green area cover dispersed across the city than the southern component. MSPA revealed that most forest cover occurred as edges and cores, and green areas were most commonly forest cores, with larger predominance in the southern sector of the municipality. In dense, built-up, urban land, most of the green areas occurred in private yards as islets. When compared to other cities across the United States, San Juan was most similar in green cover features to Boston, Massachusetts, and Miami, Florida. Per capita green space for San Juan (122.2 m²/inhabitant was also comparable to these two U.S. cities. This study explores the intra-urban vegetation variation in the city of San Juan, which is generally overlooked by moderate spatial resolution classifications in Puerto Rico. It serves as a starting point for green infrastructure mapping and landscape pattern analysis of the urban green spaces

  5. 33 CFR 334.1160 - San Pablo Bay, Calif.; target practice area, Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo. (United States)


    ... practice area, Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo. 334.1160 Section 334.1160 Navigation and Navigable... REGULATIONS § 334.1160 San Pablo Bay, Calif.; target practice area, Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo. (a..., Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California, will conduct target practice in the area at intervals...

  6. Competencias profesionales y empleo en el futuro periodista: el caso de los estudiantes de periodismo de la Universidad San Pablo CEU

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    Javier Sierra Sánchez


    Full Text Available La Universidad española ha sufrido una gran transformación desde su adaptación al EEES. El Plan Bolonia propone un replanteamiento de la misión que debe cumplir la Universidad acercando dicha institución a los intereses y necesidades de la empresa y de la sociedad. Uno de los pilares básicos de estos cambios es el que hace referencia a la formación del alumno por competencias. Presentamos un trabajo de investigación científica enfocado en dos aspectos: la adquisición de competencias profesionales en los alumnos de la licenciatura de Periodismo de la Universidad San Pablo CEU y  la importancia que otorgan a diferentes aspectos de un empleo. Éste último aspecto, partiendo del Informe Réflex de ANECA “El profesional flexible en la Sociedad del Conocimiento” establecemos una comparativa entre los resultados allí obtenidos y el caso particular de los alumnos de Periodismo de la San Pablo CEU. Para descubrir estos aspectos presentamos un trabajo empírico para conocer en qué medida los alumnos de último curso de la licenciatura (que no de grado de la Universidad San Pablo CEU han adquirido las competencias profesionales que se reflejan en el Libro Blanco de ANECA de los títulos de grado en Comunicación.Este estudio que presentamos nace con vocación de continuidad en un doble sentido: ser un indicador de la calidad de las enseñanzas que reciben los alumnos de Periodismo de la San Pablo CEU y conocer en un futuro próximo (cuando salga la primera promoción de graduados si existe una diferencia significativa entre los alumnos que cursaron la licenciatura y los nuevos graduados fruto de la reforma universitaria. De este modo, podremos conocer hasta qué punto y qué grado se ha acometido en la Universidad San Pablo CEU esa transformación que conlleva el Plan Bolonia en su sentido más profundo de la reforma.

  7. Condiciones de salud y satisfacción laboral según régimen laboral en enfermeros del Policlínico Pablo Bermúdez


    Contreras Horna, Azucena Magdalena


    El trabajo de investigación que a continuación se presenta es titulado: Condiciones de Salud, satisfacción laboral según el régimen laboral de los enfermeros del Policlínico Pablo Bermúdez, tuvo como objetivo general: determinar la relación que existe entre las condiciones de salud, la satisfacción laboral según el régimen laboral de los enfermeros del Policlínico Pablo Bermúdez. El método utilizado fue descriptivo, explicativo, transversal y correlacional. La población estuvo ...

  8. Una alianza en temas seguridad entre México y Estados Unidos


    Lina María Mejía; Estefanía Aristizabal


    Reseña del siguiente libro:VELÁZQUEZ FLORES, Rafael y Juan Pablo Prado Lallande (coords.) (2009). La Iniciativa Mérida: ¿nuevo paradigma de cooperaciónentre México y Estados Unidos en seguridad?. México: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla/Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 441 pp.

  9. Una alianza en temas seguridad entre México y Estados Unidos

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    Lina María Mejía


    Full Text Available Reseña del siguiente libro:VELÁZQUEZ FLORES, Rafael y Juan Pablo Prado Lallande (coords. (2009. La Iniciativa Mérida: ¿nuevo paradigma de cooperaciónentre México y Estados Unidos en seguridad?. México: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla/Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 441 pp.

  10. Hydrologic assessment and numerical simulation of groundwater flow, San Juan Mine, San Juan County, New Mexico, 2010–13 (United States)

    Stewart, Anne M.


    Coal combustion byproducts (CCBs), which are composed of fly ash, bottom ash, and flue gas desulfurization material, produced at the coal-fired San Juan Generating Station (SJGS), located in San Juan County, New Mexico, have been buried in former surface-mine pits at the San Juan Mine, also referred to as the San Juan Coal Mine, since operations began in the early 1970s. This report, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Mining and Minerals Division of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, describes results of a hydrogeologic assessment, including numerical groundwater modeling, to identify the timing of groundwater recovery and potential pathways for groundwater transport of metals that may be leached from stored CCBs and reach hydrologic receptors after operations cease. Data collected for the hydrologic assessment indicate that groundwater in at least one centrally located reclaimed surface-mining pit has already begun to recover.The U.S. Geological Survey numerical modeling package MODFLOW–NWT was used with MODPATH particle-tracking software to identify advective flow paths from CCB storage areas toward potential hydrologic receptors. Results indicate that groundwater at CCB storage areas will recover to the former steady state, or in some locations, groundwater may recover to a new steady state in 6,600 to 10,600 years at variable rates depending on the proximity to a residual cone-of-groundwater depression caused by mine dewatering and regional oil and gas pumping as well as on actual, rather than estimated, groundwater recharge and evapotranspirational losses. Advective particle-track modeling indicates that the number of particles and rates of advective transport will vary depending on hydraulic properties of the mine spoil, particularly hydraulic conductivity and porosity. Modeling results from the most conservative scenario indicate that particles can migrate from CCB repositories to either the

  11. O narrador solidário de Juan Coytisolo

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    Annete de Almeida Faria


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo se propõe a analisar a construção do narrador de Cuaderno de Sarajevo: anotaciones de un viaje a la barbarie (1993, do escritor espanhol Juan Goytisolo, como expressão estética do seu compromisso ético. Tomamos como referência O narrador de Walter Benjamin para entender o narrador goytisolano como aquele que através das viagens busca o “outro”, elabora um arquivo memorial polifônico, misturando diferentes tipos de linguagem para dar voz às minorias.Palavras-chave: Literatura espanhola; Juan Goytisolo; Cuaderno de Sarajevo: anotaciones de un viaje a la barbarie; Walter Benjamin; O narrador; polifonia.Resumen: El propósito de este artículo consiste en analizar la construcción del narrador de Cuaderno de Sarajevo: anotaciones de un viaje a la barbarie (1993, del escritor español Juan Goytisolo, como expresión estética de su compromisso ético. Tomamos como base el ensayo El narrador, de Walter Benjamin, para comprender al narrador goytisolano como el que viaja en busca del “oro” (otredad para componer un archivo memorial polifónico, mezclando diferentes tipos de lenguaje para dar voz a las minorías.Palabras-clave: Literatura española; Juan Goytisolo; Cuaderno de Sarajevo: anotaciones de un viaje a la barbarie; Walter Benjamin; El narrador; polifonía.Keywords: Spanish literature; Juan Goytisolo; Cuaderno de Sarajevo: anotaciones de un viaje a la barbarie; Walter Benjamin; El narrador; poliphony.

  12. O caudilho da sociologia mexicana: Pablo González Casanova e A democracia no México

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    Full Text Available Resumo O artigo discute a trajetória do sociólogo mexicano Pablo González Casanova no interior do processo de institucionalização das ciências sociais no México, comparando-a com as de Gino Germani, na Argentina, e de Florestan Fernandes, no Brasil.

  13. 33 CFR 334.1170 - San Pablo Bay, Calif.; gunnery range, Naval Inshore Operations Training Center, Mare Island... (United States)


    ... range, Naval Inshore Operations Training Center, Mare Island, Vallejo. 334.1170 Section 334.1170... Operations Training Center, Mare Island, Vallejo. (a) The Danger Zone. A sector in San Pablo Bay delineated..., Vallejo, California, will conduct gunnery practice in the area during the period April 1 through September...

  14. Itinerario de una arquitectura poética: las casas de Pablo Neruda

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    Majorie Agosín


    Full Text Available Con el advenimiento del gobiemo democrático de Patricio Alwyn en 1990, finaliza un legado de terror y despotismo de aproximadamente diecisiete años en Chile. La censura y Ia autocensura que tanto modificaron el espíritu creativo de la nación se encuentra lleno de energía y apertura y uno de los logros de mayor envergadura después de Ia derrota de Pinbchet consiste en las casas de Pablo Neruda, abiertas después de una clausum obligatoria par la dictadura militar.

  15. 33 CFR 165.758 - Security Zone; San Juan, Puerto Rico. (United States)


    ... Security Zone; San Juan, Puerto Rico. (a) Location. Moving and fixed security zones are established 50... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Security Zone; San Juan, Puerto Rico. 165.758 Section 165.758 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND...

  16. 78 FR 35593 - Special Local Regulation; Christmas Boat Parade, San Juan Harbor; San Juan, PR (United States)


    ... individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment. This proposed rule involves.... Pearson, Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the Port San Juan. [FR Doc. 2013-13994 Filed 6-12-13; 8:45...

  17. Una mirada al abismo : la imagen como documento y el documento como imagen en las series históricas de Pablo Márquez

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    Víctor Zarza


    Full Text Available Estudio sobre la estrategia documental del artista español Pablo Márquez (Madrid, 1957 en sus obras de carácter histórico, con la URSS y el III Reich como trasfondo. Consideraciones acerca de las modalidades y la caracterización desarrolladas dentro de su trabajo, a partir del análisis de algunas de sus series.Study about Spanish artist Pablo Márquez’s (Madrid, 1957 documental strategy in his historic works, with the Soviet Union and the III Reich as background. Considerations about the methods and kinds evolved in his work, analyzing some of his series.

  18. A new record for American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus in San Juan, Argentina Nuevo registro de rana toro americana (Lithobates catesbeianus en San Juan, Argentina

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    Eduardo Sanabria


    Full Text Available We report a new record of Lithobates catesbeianus (American bullfrog from Argentina. L. catesbeianus was first introduced to San Juan Province 11 years ago in Calingasta Department, where the habitat is pre-cordilleran. The new record is for Zonda Department, San Juan Province, in the Monte desert region. Here, L. catesbeianus uses artificial ponds for reproduction and tadpole development. These ponds receive water from an irrigation system that connects the whole agriculture land in the region. The tadpoles use the irrigation canals to move among ponds. We suggest that legislation should be established to prevent future invasions and to achieve sustainable management of the wild American bullfrog populations in San Juan. Prevention of future invasion and management of established populations of this species requires the cooperation of numerous stake holders.Se presenta un nuevo registro de Lithobates catesbeianus (rana toro americana en Argentina. L. catesbeianus fue introducida por primera vez a la provincia de San Juan hace 11 años en el Departamento Calingasta, donde el hábitat es pre-cordillerano. El nuevo registro es para el Departamento Zonda en la provincia de San Juan, en el desierto del Monte. En este sitio, L. catesbeianus usa estanques artificiales para la reproducción y desarrollo del renacuajo. Los estanques reciben agua de un sistema de riego que conecta todas las tierras de la agricultura en la región. Los renacuajos utilizan los canales de riego para moverse entre los estanques. Sugerimos que se establezcan leyes para prevenir invasiones futuras y para lograr un manejo integrado de las poblaciones silvestres de rana toro que se encuentran en San Juan. La prevención de futuras invasiones y el manejo de las poblaciones establecidas de esta especie requieren la cooperación de numerosas entidades tanto gubernamentales como privadas.

  19. Juan L. Ortíz: Primeros diálogos

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    Roxana Haydée Páez


    Full Text Available Emergencia, contextualización y diferencia de la poética de Juan L. Ortiz. El intertexto de lo que Julia Kristeva considera la primera vanguardia o vanguardia de fin de siglo, de los poetas argentinos posmodernistas, de Juan Ramón Jiménez. Vinculaciones del impresionismo de Ortiz, a través del simbolismo, el modernismo y el sencillismo

  20. Turkish Image in The Works of Juan Goytisolo




    Inthis article we aim to analize how is perceived Turkey and Turkish people bythe West during the historical process in the non-fictional writings of JuanGoytisolo, who is one of the contemporary writers of Spain. The interest of JuanGoytisolo for Turkish and Islamic World is well-known. However, this positiveattention has never been an obstacle for a realistic approach. The books ofGoytisolo that we incorporated by reference when we were preparing this articleare ‘Estambul Otomano’, ‘Cronica...

  1. Journalism, Caricature and Satirical Drawings in Early Picasso (1891–1895: The Awakening of Pablo Ruiz’s Critical Consciousness

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    X. Antón Castro


    Full Text Available In Pablo Picasso’s formative period in A Coruña (1891–1895, where he was born as an artist, the child and pre-adolescent who at that time signed himself as Pablo Ruiz, already knowing he was a genius, pursued an intense programme of creative activity while devoting himself to drawing and painting. Making use of his facility for reproducing the world around him in images, he also proved to be an incipient devotee of journalism as an instrument of communication and social awareness, a satirical draughtsman and caricaturist, seeking to give his version of events, in line with the magazines and newspapers of the period, and displaying a critical ability unusual in a child, a committed gaze, not devoid of humour and sarcasm, which prefigures the later Picasso with his progressive views, acute intelligence, meta-ironic approach and support for great causes.

  2. Dos desafios para a psicologia histórico-cultural à reflexão sobre a pesquisa nas ciências humanas: entrevista com Pablo del Río Challenges to the historical-cultural psychology to reflect on the research in the humanities: Interview with Pablo del Río

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    Teresa Cristina Rego


    Full Text Available O texto apresenta reflexões instigantes de Pablo del Río Pereda, renomado professor espanhol da Faculdade de Humanidades, Comunicação e Documentação da Universidade Carlos III de Madri, editor e revisor (em conjunto com Amelia Álvarez da Coleção Obras Escogidas, de Lev Semienovitch Vigotski, e presidente da Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje (FIA. Considerado um dos principais responsáveis pela divulgação dos trabalhos de Vigotski no mundo ocidental, Pablo del Río é muito respeitado no cenário acadêmico internacional pelo fato de ser um profundo conhecedor e intérprete da chamada psicologia histórico-cultural. Nessa linha, tem desenvolvido e coordenado importantes projetos de investigação em diversas universidades e instituições, como a Universidade Complutense de Madri (Grupo GOMEL, a Universidade de Salamanca (Centro Tecnológico de Diseño Cultural e a própria Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje. Atualmente dirige o Laboratorio de Investigación Cultural (LIC e o Master Oficial Universitario en Investigación Aplicada a Medios de Comunicación. A entrevista foi realizada em agosto de 2012. Por um lado, o relato de Pablo del Río expressa a solidez de sua formação, sua erudição e sua experiência como investigador da psicologia; por outro, revela o perfil de um intelectual inquieto e crítico, capaz de analisar com rigor e abertura as vicissitudes de nosso tempo. Assim, as reflexões apresentadas oferecem ricos subsídios para o debate acerca dos desafios atuais da psicologia e das ciências humanas de modo geral.The text presents compelling reflections of Pablo del Río Pereda, a renowned Spanish professor of Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madri, editor and reviewer (along with Amelia Álvarez of the Collection Obras Escogidas by Lev Vygotsky Semienovitch, and president of Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje (FIA. Considered one of the main scholars responsible for


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    Luis Quintana Tejera


    Full Text Available La poesia de Pablo Neruda destaca en el marco de la literatura del siglo XX. En particular hemos analizado "Una canción desesperada" y dos poemas de Residencia en la tierra: "Arte poética" y "No hay olvido (Sonata". Mediante el análisis estilístico parcial de estos tres poemas llevamos a cabo una revisión crítica de la Poética del chileno desde la observación del "Yo", la cual refleja los conflictos íntimos de un alma muy peculiarPablo Neruda's poetry stands out in the literature of the XX century. In particular, the poem "A Song of Despair" plus two other poems from the poet's 'Residence on Earth" are analysed here, "Poetic Art" and "There is no Forgetful ness" (sonnets. Through a partial stylistic study of these three poems, we make a critical version of the "Poetics" of the Chilean from the observation of the "self" reflecting the intimate conflicts of a unique soul

  4. Juan's Dilemma: A New Twist on the Old Lemon Battery (United States)

    Hunt, Vanessa; Sorey, Timothy; Balandova, Evguenia; Palmquist, Bruce


    When life hands you lemons, make a battery! In this article, the authors describe an activity they refer to as "Juan's Dilemma," an extension of the familiar lemon-battery activity (Goodisman 2001). Juan's Dilemma integrates oxidation and reduction chemistry with circuit theory in a fun, real-world exercise. The authors designed this activity for…

  5. 33 CFR 110.74c - Bahia de San Juan, PR. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Bahia de San Juan, PR. 110.74c Section 110.74c Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ANCHORAGES ANCHORAGE REGULATIONS Special Anchorage Areas § 110.74c Bahia de San Juan, PR. The waters of San Antonio...

  6. Los círculos concéntricos

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    Manuel José Jaramillo


    Full Text Available El libro de Gonzalo Restrepo Jaramillo, Los Círculos Concéntricos, remueve la controversia del existencialismo. En las páginas de esta obra echa mano el escritor antioqueño de sus experiencias personales, para dar plasticidad a una forma del existencialismo ortodoxo en oposición a algunas tesis del pensador y ensayista francés Juan Pablo Sartre.

  7. Hydrologic data from wells at or in the vicinity of the San Juan coal mine, San Juan County, New Mexico (United States)

    Stewart, Anne M.; Thomas, Nicole


    In 2010, in cooperation with the Mining and Minerals Division (MMD) of the State of New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) initiated a 4-year assessment of hydrologic conditions at the San Juan coal mine (SJCM), located about 14 miles west-northwest of the city of Farmington, San Juan County, New Mexico. The mine produces coal for power generation at the adjacent San Juan Generating Station (SJGS) and stores coal-combustion byproducts from the SJGS in mined-out surface-mining pits. The purpose of the hydrologic assessment is to identify groundwater flow paths away from SJCM coal-combustion-byproduct storage sites that might allow metals that may be leached from coal-combustion byproducts to eventually reach wells or streams after regional dewatering ceases and groundwater recovers to predevelopment levels. The hydrologic assessment, undertaken between 2010 and 2013, included compilation of existing data. The purpose of this report is to present data that were acquired and compiled by the USGS for the SJCM hydrologic assessment.

  8. 33 CFR 165.1182 - Safety/Security Zone: San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay, Carquinez Strait, and Suisun Bay, CA. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Safety/Security Zone: San... Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PORTS AND WATERWAYS SAFETY... Areas Eleventh Coast Guard District § 165.1182 Safety/Security Zone: San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay...

  9. Dimensions on the originals of Pablo Neruda

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    Nurieldín Hermosilla Rumié


    Full Text Available Tratándose de libros viejos y de poesía, la materialidad y las formas ayudan notablemente a la comprensión a través del impacto visual y del arte del diseño (tanto material como enla estrofa misma. Para el bibliófi lo, así como para el comentarista y el crítico, asumen importancia preponderante. En ese terreno, Pablo Neruda fue un verdadero virtuoso, nosolo por el interés que siempre puso en el diseño y en la impresión de cada una de sus obras, sino también por el arte de ingenio, de humor y de afectos que desplegó en lasdedicatorias, mensajes y regalos que hacía en particular a sus amadas y a sus amigos. Para un coleccionista, que quiere reconstituir el pasado a través de sus obras, tanto materialescomo literarias, son tan importantes sus pequeños dibujos, como las largas copias manuscritas de sus propios poemas y algunos collages o dibujos de diferentes tamaños.

  10. Manipulación ideológica y formal en la traducción literaria de Pablo Montoya Campuzano

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    Wilson Orozco


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una reflexión sobre el conversatorio realizado con el traductor y escritor colombiano Pablo Montoya Campuzano. En dicho conversatorio, se le indagó por su formación, sus estrategias de traducción, y su relación con la escritura y la traducción. Para la reflexión se tomaron los planteamientos de André Lefevere, sobre todo los que tienen que ver con la concepción de la traducción como un tipo de reescritura. En cualquier forma en la que se reescriba un texto literario (bien sea desde la misma elección, traducción o edición, existen dos tipos de manipulación, que son la ideológica y la formal. A la luz entonces de estos conceptos, se analiza lo dicho por Pablo Montoya, teniendo como telón de fondo su concepción de la traducción como una posibilidad de formación para la escritura.


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    Geneviève Fabry


    Full Text Available This paper aims to study the intertextual traces dell Song of Songs in the work of Luis de León, San Juan de la Cruz and Juan Gelman from a particular point of view: the resonance in the vernacular of small biblical book as founder dimension of an experience spiritual, emotional and literary time. Choosing our corpus may surprise but, for one, would like to emphasize the importance of two pivotal moments in the reception of the Song: the Spanish Renaissance, whose approach to the Bible is enriched by new currents philological and exegetical of which Luis de León is a sublime representative; the late twentieth century in which an insistent intertextuality observed with sanjuanista work in one direction often foreign to Christian spirituality, as in the case of the Argentine Juan Gelman.


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    Kristina Stankevičiūtė


    Full Text Available The figure of Don Juan that emerged in Spanish baroque synthesised several important cultural issues related to the phenomenon of seduction, a subject of great social controversy since the very beginning of the Christian era. The present article analyses one of the fundamental parts of the universal appeal of the Don Juan figure – the discourse of seduction, considering it from the social and cultural point of view. The traditional discussion of the subject focuses on the contents of the discourse whereas the present article emphasises the implications rather than the contents, grounding its arguments on Jean Baudrillard’s theory of seduction, which claims that it is the signs and the play of signs that are important in seduction, not their meanings. The seduction discourse is seen as a means to exercise power on the women that Don Juan deals with as well as on the audience who gets involved into the discourse creation process. The article concludes with a claim that Don Juan is a figure of social domination, and his discourse is a means to achieve it.

  13. New record of Boa constrictor occidentalis Philippi, 1873 (Serpentes: Boidae) in San Juan province, Argentina


    Martínez, Tomás; Rodriguez Muñoz, Melina; Galdeano, Ana; Acosta, Juan


    We document the first record of Boa constrictor in Valle Fértil department, San Juan province, Argentina. The specimen was collected and deposited in the herpetological collection of the Department of Biology, Universidad Nacional San Juan. This record extends the known distribution for this species in San Juan province by 105 km.

  14. Graafikatriennaalil osalev Juan Manuel Echavarria saabub Tallinna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    12.-15. aprillini 2011 külastab Tallinna Columbia kunstnik Juan Manuel Echavarria. Tema holograafiliste trükiste sarjast "Reekviem NN" (2008-2010), mida eksponeeritakse Tallinna XV graafikatriennaalil Kumu Kunstimuuseumis

  15. Reviewing the Present in Pablo Larraín’s Historical Cinema

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    Vania Barraza Toledo


    Pablo Larraín’s film trilogy about the Chilean dictatorship explores the contradictions of memory haunting contemporary society, establishing a dialogue between a present and a dreadful past. The protagonists of Tony Manero (2008 and Post Mortem (2010 symbolize traumatized subjects embodying a dual temporality, becoming the living dead in a lifeless society. They belong to the domain of between two deaths, returning to collect an unpaid symbolic debt. Both characters bring back the memory of an inconvenient past to Chilean society reporting a haunting history. Hence, Larraín’s movies review the political transition as a tension between oblivion and the incomplete postdictatorial task of mourning. This essay analyzes the figure of the undead epitomizing the debt of Chilean society to its history.

  16. La encrucijada en Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo / The Crossroads in Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo

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    Lilia Leticia García-Peña


    Full Text Available La obra de Juan Rulfo sintetiza la realidad del campo mexicano, captura el contorno de las identidades individuales y de la estructura de la interacción social del mundo que tanto le preocupó y del que es intérprete indiscutible, pero también supo convertir en materia narrativa aquellas atmósferas que rebasan el contexto mexicano y social. En este trabajo abordaré el tema de la encrucijada en el imaginario simbólico de Pedro Páramo (1955 como expresión de una reelaboración del mito de Hermes, analizaré cómo la novela de Juan Rulfo muestra estos ecos herméticos y qué sentido estético y sociocultural tiene esta resonancia mítica.


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    Alvaro López Pardo


    Full Text Available

    Muchos de nuestros amables lectores nos han preguntado acerca de la portada del número anterior, en la cual presentamos un cuadro poco conocido de Pablo Ruiz Picasso. Su estilo clásico sorprendió a quienes están acostumbrados a reconocer el arte del genio español en las "Demoiselles D'Avignon" o en "Guernica".

    Por eso hemos decidido dar algunas explicaciones al respecto del cuadro y profundizar un poco en la vida del artista, sin las pretensiones de tratar el tema exhaustivamente, pues sería, como lo ha sido una tarea muy larga y para manos de expertos.
    El cuadro "Ciencia y Caridad", fue pintado por Picasso en 1897, es decir a la edad de 16 años y con él recibió una mención honorífica en Madrid. En un lecho pobre se ve a la enferma demacrada, que refleja en sus ojos, no sólo su gran debilidad, sino la tristeza de dejar -a su pequeño hijo. A su lado se encuentra la Ciencia, representada por el médico, preocupado por los síntomas de la paciente y por su curación. No parece prestar atención a lo que pasa
    al otro lado de la cama, en donde una rubicunda religiosa, que representa la Caridad, extiende a la enferma un poco de alimento y mantiene en brazos al pequeño, quien, sin comprender el drama, se aferra a la monja. la cual, parece estar cumpliendo su deber sólo como una parte de su rutina. Hay que anotar que el modelo para la figura del médico fue el mismo padre de Picasso. El planteamiento del cuadro es sencillo, su tratamiento y composición clásicos, sin duda es una bella obra, que sorprende en un muchacho de la corta edad a que lo realizó el autor.

    ¿Qué había sucedido en la vida de Picasso antes de realizar esta obra, y qué pasó después? Vale la pena describirlo...


  18. Cuisine Preference of Local Tourists in San Juan, Batangas, Philippines




    This study aimed to determine the cuisine preference of the local tourist in San Juan, Batangas. More specifically, it aimed to describe the demographic profile of local tourist; to identify the preferred cuisine by different restaurants; to determine the significant difference when group according to demographic profile; and to determine the cuisine preference of local tourists in San Juan, Batangas. The research design used the descriptive method because it is the most appropria...


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    Martínez Cárdenas Rogelio


    Full Text Available Resumen: La región de los Altos de Jalisco es una zona turística basada en la religiosidad y principalmente en la devoción hacia la Virgen de la Inmaculada Concepción más conocida como “Virgen de San Juan de los Lagos”. Debido a la canonización que hizo el Papa Juan Pablo II de 25 mártires cristeros, han urgido en esta zona, nuevos centros de devoción religiosa. En el caso de Santa Ana de Guadalupe se estima que recibe alrededor de un millón de visitantes anualmente. Es sorprendente el crecimiento logrado por este último santuario. Se ha convertido en un importante centro de turismo religioso; lo asombroso es que está ubicada a 20 kilómetros de San Juan de los Lagos, segundo centro religioso del país, lo que hace aún más interesante la manera en que han podido integrarse estos dos sitios. Palabras clave: Turismo Religioso. Santuario. San Juan de los Lagos, Santo Toribio.

  20. El pícaro sigue al conquistador: Pablos surca los océanos

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    Roncero López, Victoriano


    Full Text Available At the end of his novel Pablos, the main character of el Buscón by Quevedo, is ready to initiate his trip to America, but the narrator informs us that his staying in the New World did not change his social and economic status. Alonso, the main character of Alonso, mozo de muchos amos by Jerónimo Alcalá, describes to the reader a similar failure during his staying in Mexico. In the present study I analyze the reasons why these two picaros failed in his pursue of the «American dream». Quevedo and Alcalá created two perfect examples of the greed and immorality of the Spaniards who traveled to America at that time, and they used both characters as a way to warn those who wanted to follow them.Al final de sus aventuras Pablos, el protagonista del Buscón quevediano, prepara su huida a América, e informa al lector que en el Nuevo Mundo no cambió ni su suerte ni su estatus social o económico. La misma situación vive Alonso, el protagonista de Alonso, mozo de muchos amos, de Jerónimo Alcalá que también narra su fracasada estancia en México. En este estudio se analizan los motivos del fracaso de estos dos pícaros en su aventura americana. Ambos fueron utilizados por sus creadores como espejos de la avaricia e inmoralidad con la que se embarcaban muchos de los españoles que cruzaban el Atlántico y como advertencia para aquellos que pretendían seguir sus pasos.

  1. Juan Carlos D'Olivo: A portrait (United States)

    Aguilar-Arévalo, Alexis A.


    This report attempts to give a brief bibliographical sketch of the academic life of Juan Carlos D'Olivo, researcher and teacher at the Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares of UNAM, devoted to advancing the fields of High Energy Physics and Astroparticle Physics in Mexico and Latin America.

  2. Bioremediación de lagos tropicales eutrofizados: estudio del Lago San Pablo (Ecuador)


    Gómez Rosero, Tamia Gabriela


    En este trabajo se presenta la propuesta del Plan de Restauración Ambiental denominado "Guardianas/es del Lago" que, a través de la fitorremediación de las macrófitas y diseñado con la participación de la población, plantea disminuir la contaminación que actualmente existe en el lago San Pablo. Para que el diseño sea acorde a la realidad, se ha realizado un diagnóstico de las condiciones físico-químicas, identificación del plancton y de las macrófitas del lago, además una indagaci...

  3. The Wildcat-San Pablo Creek Flood Control Project and Its Implications for the Design of Environmentally Sensitive Flood Management Plans (United States)

    A. L. Riley


    In 1982 a coalition of neighborhood and environmental organizations used a community organizing strategy of the early 1960's, referred to as "advocacy planning" to substantially redesign a traditional structural type of joint federal and local flood control project on Wildcat and San Pablo Creeks in North Richmond, California. Using a combination of...

  4. The Presidents’ Tales. Storytelling and Biographical Stories in the Case of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski

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    Mathias Mackelmann


    Full Text Available The following article analyzes the use of storytelling and biographical stories as elements of communication by presidential governments in Peru. It emphasizes Pedro Pablo Kuczynski administration. It briefly refers to the storytelling techniques used during the campaign that led to his election and then focuses mainly on the storytelling process during his current administration. The different strategies used are discussed in detail, analyzing whether they represent a successful formula to communicate with citizens and maintain a good government image. Finally, the article addresses external political factors that could radically change the population’s perception.

  5. Análisis de la gestión financiera del Gobierno Municipal de Pablo Sexto


    Morocho G., Diana C.


    Contenido: Reseña histórica. Ubicación, límites y extensión. División político administrativa. Análisis situacional. Valores del Municipio de Pablo Sexto. Objetivos. Definición y conceptualización. Indicadores de evaluación. Análisis financiero. Evaluación de la gestión. Análisis y evaluación de indicadores. Presupuestarios, de gestión y sociales. Análisis y evaluación de gestión y sociales

  6. Writing Fragments of Modernity: Visual Technology and Metafiction in Pablo Palacio's "Débora" and "Un hombre muerto a puntapiés" (United States)

    Ramos, Juan G.


    This current study explores the relationship between visual technology (cinema and photography) and a metanarrative preoccupation with the craft of literary narration in two texts by Pablo Palacio (Ecuador, 1906-47). In his novella "Débora" (1927), Palacio employs the language of cinema (e.g., the cinematograph, the cinema, references to…

  7. [Psychiatric Hospital San Juan de Dios. One hundred years later]. (United States)

    Cocula-León, Horacio


    Mental health and psychiatric diseases have always attracted people's and health authorities' attention due to its magical approach, the lack of knowledge that surrounds them, and, at the same time, the religious fear they provoke. Both have played an important role in the history of humanity, of public health politics, and of physicians. The places where psychiatric patients were treated are of historical interest, because through the historical knowledge we can identify an approach from the science and the health policies that prevailed in each age. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was developed in México a new model of hospital care attention to psychiatric patients. La Casa de Salud San Juan de Dios para Pacientes Alienados is an example; the concept "alienated patients" suggests a social and cultural perspective. This paper presents a chronological type description of one of the major institutions involved in mental health care in México. Similarly, it shows a review of the events that affected the religious order San Juan de Dios from 1901 to 2012, when the hospitaller order was reinstated in México and established the Casa de Salud San Juan de Dios para Pacientes Alienados in the town of Zapopan, Jalisco, institution that exists up to the present day and keeps participating in the mental health care in the state of Jalisco, with the current name of Servicios de Salud San Juan de Dios.

  8. The causes, consequences, and treatment of left or right heart failure

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    Peteiro J


    Full Text Available Pablo Pazos-López, Jesús Peteiro-Vázquez, Ana Carcía-Campos, Lourdes García-Bueno, Juan Pablo Abugattas de Torres, Alfonso Castro-BeirasDepartment of Cardiology, Complejo hospitalario Universitario A Coruña, A Coruña, SpainAbstract: Chronic heart failure (HF is a cardiovascular disease of cardinal importance because of several factors: a an increasing occurrence due to the aging of the population, primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular events, and modern advances in therapy, b a bad prognosis: around 65% of patients are dead within 5 years of diagnosis, c a high economic cost: HF accounts for 1% to 2% of total health care expenditure. This review focuses on the main causes, consequences in terms of morbidity, mortality and costs and treatment of HF.Keywords: heart failure, cause, consequence, treatment

  9. Juan Carlos Onetti encerrado con un solo juguete: un libro


    Becerra, Eduardo


    La presente semblanza de Juan Carlos Onetti pretende rescatar un hilo conductor de su vida basado en ciertas actitudes y episodios que se remontan a su niñez y se prolongan hasta sus últimos años. En ellas puede verse una relación entre la soledad, el encierro y la imaginación que explica tanto ciertos rasgos de su personalidad como características fundamentales de su literatura This profile of Juan Carlos Onetti aims to recover a principal current of his life based on ce...

  10. Norma y uso: las ideas educativas en Juan de Robles / Etymology and use: The educational ideas of Juan de Robles

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    Alejandro Gómez Camacho


    Full Text Available Resumen: Juan de Robles es uno de los más brillantes humanistas de nuestro Siglo de Oro, entre cuyas obras destaca El culto sevillano (1631. En este trabajo se analizan sus ideas educativas, centradas en la relación entre la ortografía y el aprendizaje de la escritura. Entre las ideas pedagógicas de Juan de Robles es muy relevante el rechazo vehemente de la ortografía fonética, entre otros motivos, porque no favorecía el aprendizaje de la lectura y de la escritura; en consecuencia, censura la creación de nuevas letras y de un nuevo orden para el alfabeto español. Los ortógrafos defensores de la ortografía fonética en el siglo XVII argumentaban que la nueva escritura permitiría a los niños aprender a leer y a escribir con más rapidez y facilidad; así como que la creación de nuevas letras y el establecimiento de un nuevo orden del alfabeto facilitarían su enseñanza. Frente a estas pretensiones, Juan de Robles defendió el alfabeto tradicional y la ortografía etimológica de origen latino porque eran los instrumentos adecuados para la alfabetización en nuestra lengua. También critica los colegios jesuitas y la Ratio Studiorum; las principales discrepancias entre la pedagogía de la Compañía de Jesús y las ideas educativas de Juan de Robles podrían concretarse en la primacía del español sobre el latín, y en el uso de cuentos y refranes populares para la educación en El culto sevillano. En conclusión, con la obra de Juan de Robles se incorpora definitivamente el argumento pedagógico que relaciona la ortografía y la gramática españolas con el aprendizaje de la lectura y de la escritura a la polémica sobre la ortografía española del Siglo de Oro, en defensa de la ortografía etimológica frente a las pretensiones de imponer una ortografía fonética en el primer tercio del siglo XVII. Abstract: Juan de Robles is considered one of the main humanists in the Spanish Golden Century. The most important of his works is

  11. Argentina’s Defaulted Sovereign Debt: Dealing with the Holdouts (United States)


    PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Congressional Research Service,Library of Congress,101 Independence Ave, SE ,Washington,DC,20540-7500...RS21482, The Paris Club and International Debt Relief, by Martin A. Weiss. 7 Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky and Kunibert Raffer, "¿Qué Hacer con los Reclamos...Piden Suspender un Año la Ley Cerrojo para Acelerar el Canje. November 27, 2009. 28 Martin Kanenguiser, "Inminente Anuncio de Canje de los Bonos que

  12. Juan García y Juan Montaño: territorios distintos y narrativas complementarias desde la memoria afrodescendiente

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    Gustavo Abad Ordóñez


    Full Text Available Este ensayo pone en diálogo el pensamiento y la obra de dos referentes de la cultura afrodescendiente en el Ecuador: Juan García y Juan Montaño. Desde una perspectiva histórico-literaria, analiza las maneras cómo un investigador de la cultura –García- y un escritor –Montaño- ponen en escena el tema de la memoria. El primero va en busca de la tradición oral como portadora de los valores ancestrales capaces de sostener un proceso de resistencia cultural. El segundo, en cambio, inventa otra poética y construye nuevos sentidos acerca de la condición afro en el escenario urbano. Temas como la oralidad, la música, la comunidad, la ciudad, la noche, el amor adquieren significados particulares desde la mirada de dos intelectuales que se expresan desde una profunda conciencia afrodescendiente.

  13. Characterizing the Organic Matter in Surface Sediments from the San Juan Bay Estuary, (United States)

    The San Juan Bay Estuary (SJBE) is located on the north coast of Puerto Rico and includes the San Juan Bay, San José Lagoon, La Torrecilla Lagoon and Piñones Lagoon, as well as the Martín Peña and the Suárez Canals. The SJBE watershed has the highest...

  14. Juan Puma, el hijo del oso. Cuento quechua de La Jalca, Chachapoyas

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    Full Text Available JUAN PUMA, LE FILS DE L'OURS . CONTE QUECHUA DE LA JALCA, CHACHAPOYAS. Une des fêtes les plus importantes de la communauté de La Jalca, Province de Chachapoyas, Amazonas, est celle de la Saint-Pierre où l’on exécute une danse de l’ours très semblable à celle des ukukus du sud péruvien. Le narrateur du récit que nous publions ici assimile ce rite à l’histoire de Juan Oso (Jean de l’Ours très connue dans le monde andin. L’importance de l’ours dans cette culture des hautes terres amazoniennes est fondamentale. En quechua local, l’ours s’appelle “puma” et partage avec le puma de la forêt les caractéristiques de puissance effrayante et de pouvoirs surnaturels. Le fils de l’ours, Juan, évoque les relations ambiguës liant les “chrétiens” des hautes terres d’Amazonas et les “sauvages” de la forêt. Una de las fiestas más importantes de la comunidad de La Jalca, Provincia de Chachapoyas, Amazonas, es la de San Pedro en la que se representa un baile del oso muy semejante al baile de los ukukus del sur peruano. El narrador del cuento que publicamos aquí asimila este rito a la historia de Juan Oso, muy conocido en el mundo andino. La importancia del oso en esta cultura de la ceja de selva alta es fundamental. En quechua local, el oso se llama “puma” y comparte con el puma de la selva las características de fuerza temible y poderes sobrenaturales. El hijo del oso, Juan, evoca las relaciones ambiguas existentes entre los “cristianos” de la serranía de Amazonas y los “chunchos” de la selva. JUAN PUMA, THE BEAR'S SON. A QUECHUA TALE FROM LA JALCA, CHACHAPOYAS. One of the most important feasts of the community of La Jalca, Province of Amazonas, is that of Saint Peter in which a bear dance similar to the southern Peruvian dance of the ukukus is performed. In the story published here, the narrator assimilates this rite with the tale of Juan Oso, another story which is well known throughout the Andes. The importance of bears

  15. Suicidio en azul con negra mancha. Breve historia de un balazo en la pintura de Pablo Picasso

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    Godoy C., Ivan


    Full Text Available Paris 1901: unrequited love drove Carles Casagemas, a close friend of Pablo Picasso’s youth, to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head. This tragic event was a major blow to Picasso, causing him to dwell upon the subject of death and express his “mourning” through his paintings. The “bullet hole” in his friend’s temple symbolically displaced several areas of the young Picasso’s life and became a “deep vacuum” and “melancholy”, permeating various areas in Picasso’s paintings, and marking the start of his famous blue period.París 1901: por el amor de una mujer, se suicida de un balazo en la cabeza Carles Casagemas, amigo íntimo de juventud de Pablo Picasso. Este trágico suceso producirá un gran dolor en el artista, el cual, lo hará internarse en el tema de la muerte y elaborar su “duelo” apoyado en su pintura. El “hoyo a bala” en la sien de su amigo se desplazará simbólicamente a varios espacios de la vida del joven Picasso y devendrá en “vacío profundo” y “melancolía”, permeando diferentes ámbitos dentro de la pintura de Picasso, dando comienzo a su mentado período azul.

  16. 76 FR 4371 - Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed San Juan Basin... (United States)


    ...; NMNM122352] Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed San Juan Basin Energy Connect Project, San Juan County, New Mexico, and La Plata County, Colorado AGENCY: Bureau of Land... prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the proposed San Juan Energy Connect Project, and by...

  17. LOD First Estimates In 7406 SLR San Juan Argentina Station (United States)

    Pacheco, A.; Podestá, R.; Yin, Z.; Adarvez, S.; Liu, W.; Zhao, L.; Alvis Rojas, H.; Actis, E.; Quinteros, J.; Alacoria, J.


    In this paper we show results derived from satellite observations at the San Juan SLR station of Felix Aguilar Astronomical Observatory (OAFA). The Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) telescope was installed in early 2006, in accordance with an international cooperation agreement between the San Juan National University (UNSJ) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The SLR has been in successful operation since 2011 using NAOC SLR software for the data processing. This program was designed to calculate satellite orbits and station coordinates, however it was used in this work for the determination of LOD (Length Of Day) time series and Earth Rotation speed.

  18. Juan Antonio Rubio Rodriguez (1944 – 2010)

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    His colleagues and friends


    It was with deep sorrow and great sadness that we learnt that Juan Antonio Rubio Rodriguez had passed away on 16th January 2010. Juan Antonio was born in Madrid on 4th June 1944, and received his Ph. D. in Physics in 1971 from“Universidad Complutense de Madrid”. He was a CERN Fellow (1968 – 1971) and subsequently worked at JEN (currently CIEMAT) as a researcher (1971 – 1976). He was leader of the HEP group (1977 – 1981), leader of the Nuclear and Particle Physics Division (1981 – 1983), Director for Basic Research (1983 – 1987) and Scientific Director (1984 – 1987). He was instrumental in the Spanish accession to CERN approved by the Spanish Government at the end of 1982 and ratified by the Spanish Parliament in June 1983. He served at CERN (1987 – 2004) as Group Leader (1987 – 1990), Scientific Advisor to the Director-General (1990 – 2000) and as Division Leader of the Education and Technology T...

  19. Aproximación a la vida y obra del pintor y estofador alcalaíno-granadino Pedro Raxis

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    Gila Medina, Lázaro


    Full Text Available This article offers an approximation to the life and work of Pedro de Raxis, a key artist in Counter Reformation Granada. Raxis was the nephew of the sculptor Pablo de Rojas, who was also the master of Juan Martinez Montañés. All three were from Alcalá de Henares and pioneers in the stylistic transition from the Roman Renaissance to early Baroque naturalism. Raxis also established an extremely active studio, precursor in the formation of famous artists, and during his lifetime was considered to be the "father" of the estofa technique (the sizing, gilding and painting of wooden statuary, although his facet as a painter was underestimated.

    En el presente trabajo realizamos una aproximación a la vida y la obra de un artista clave para la Granada de la Contrarreforma: Pedro de Raxis, sobrino carnal del escultor Pablo de Rojas -maestro a su vez del también alcalaíno Juan Martínez Montañés-, todos ellos figuras pioneras al enmarcar el paso del renacimiento romanista al primer naturalismo barroco. Creador, igualmente, de un activísimo taller, precursor en la formación de renombrados artistas, fue considerado en su época como el "padre de la estofa", aunque se infravaloró su faceta de pintor.

  20. Juan Valdez la estrategia detrás de la marca

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    Ana María Parente


    Full Text Available El libro Juan Valdez, la estrategia detrás de la marca busca explicar la táctica de valorización del café colombiano desarrollada por la Federación Nacional de Cafeteros (FNC, que tiene como principal objetivo beneficiar a los caficultores colombianos a lo largo de la cadena de valor. Para ello, el texto hace un recuento del contexto del mercado cafetero mundial, haciendo énfasis en los principales proveedores y consumidores hasta finalmente centrarse en la construcción de la marca Café de Colombia® y Juan Valdez® como estrategias para darle competitividad al grano colombiano.

  1. Illegal drug use and its correlates in San Juan, Puerto Rico. (United States)

    Caetano, Raul; Vaeth, Patrice A C; Canino, Glorisa


    Data on the prevalence and correlates of illegal drug use in Puerto Rico are now almost 20 years old. This study sought to estimate the 12-month prevalence of illegal and non-prescribed medical drug use in San Juan, Puerto Rico and identify sociodemographic correlates of use. Data are from a random household sample of 1510 individuals, 18-64 years of age in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The 12-month prevalence of any illegal or non-prescribed drug use was 16.5%. Prevalence among men (20.7%) was higher than among women (12.9%; chi 2  = 16.308; df = 1; p  .05) were negatively associated with drug use compared to annual income up to $10,000. As in many other places in the U.S., drug use in San Juan, Puerto Rico is high, affecting about 1 in 6 adults in the population. The highest prevalence is for marijuana use, which cannot be medically prescribed and of which recreational use is illegal on the island. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Nicolau Sevcenko, Orfeo extático en la metrópolis: San Pablo, sociedad y cultura en los febriles años veinte

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    Hernán Morales


    Full Text Available Reseña bibliográfica del libro de Nicolau Sevcenko, Orfeo extático en la metrópolis: San Pablo, sociedad y cultura en los febriles años veinte Traducción de Ada Solari, Bernal, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2013, 417 pp.

  3. Strait of Juan de Fuca 36 arc-second DEM (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The 36-second Strait of Juan de Fuca Washington Elevation Grid provides bathymetric data in ASCII raster format of 36-second resolution in geographic coordinates....

  4. Pablo Palacio: Corporal Violence on Impossible Identities in the Zone of the Andes

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    Falconí Travez, Diego Fernando


    Full Text Available Pablo Palacio was an Ecuadorian writer who, in the 1920’s, built within his narrative a catalog of rare bodies with ambiguous and disturbing sexualities, characterizations that are quite different from ones portrayed in the Andean tradition to which Palacio belongs. Nonetheless one of the most issues striking facts of these characters is that their bodies are disciplined by certain discourses of power in a violent way. This paper explores trough literary theory such abuse and violence on women and homosexual identities in two of his stories. The aim of the paper is to investigate issues such as violence, economy of representation, its relationship with the literary text and vulnerability, as a sine qua non norm of abuse, in certain bodies in the area of the Andes.

  5. Strait of Juan de Fuca 1 arc-second DEM (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The 1-second Strait of Juan de Fuca Washington Elevation Grid provides bathymetric data in ASCII raster format of 1-second resolution in geographic coordinates. This...

  6. Use of Anthropomorphic Brand Mascots for Student Motivation and Engagement: A Promotional Case Study with Pablo the Penguin at the University of Portsmouth Library (United States)

    Bennett, David E.; Thompson, Paula


    A case study demonstrating how an online narrative featuring the adventures of a cuddly toy penguin, Pablo Penguin (@uoppenguin on Twitter) has been introduced at the University of Portsmouth Library to build trust and engagement between university students and library services and facilities. Evidence for the benefits of anthropomorphic brand…

  7. Cartografía de valoración económico-ambiental como herramienta para la planificación territorial


    Gómez Jiménez, Inmaculada


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en 2013. Directores de la Tesis: Pablo Martínez de Anguita y Raúl Romero Calcerrada Actualmente la presión humana sobre el territorio continúa siendo un elemento clave de estudio de las Ciencias Ambientales. Los patrones de desarrollo y crecimiento tratan de hacerse compatibles con la conservación y mejora del medio ambiente natural a través de diversas disciplinas. Tradicionalmente, la planificación territorial ha buscado posi...

  8. La juventud universitaria española ante la Defensa Nacional: Encuesta sobre percepción y actitudes


    Olianas, Stefania; Ramirez, J. Martin


    El Grupo Complutense de Investigación sobre Neuropsicopedagogía de la Agresión y la Asociación de Diplomados en Altos Estudios de la Defensa Nacional (ADALEDE), con la colaboración de otras universidades madrileñas (Alcalá, Rey Juan Carlos y San Pablo-CEU), han realizado una encuesta entre jóvenes universitarios, con el objetivo de evaluar su percepción, conciencia, opinión y grado de conocimiento que tienen sobre diversos temas relacionados con la Defensa Nacional.

  9. Elasticidad precio de la demanda y perfil de los usuarios de la parada “Pablo de Olavide" de Metro de Sevilla || Price Elasticity of Demand and Profile of “Pablo de Olavide" Metro Stop's Users of Seville Metro

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    Hernández-Díaz, Alfredo G.


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo mostramos los resultados más relevantes obtenidos en un proceso de encuestación a 300 usuarios de la estación “Pablo de Olavide" del metro de Sevilla. El objetivo del trabajo es doble: por un lado, analizar el perfil del usuario (motivaciones por las que usan el metro, intermodalidad y flujos; mientras que, por otro lado, a partir de las disposiciones a pagar con respecto a posibles incrementos en el precio del servicio, estimamos parcialmente la elasticidad precio de la demanda para esta población objetivo tan concreta. El perfil tan específico de los usuarios de dicha parada así como las características propias del metro de Sevilla explican algunos de los resultados obtenidos esperando ayuden a los gestores y administradores de Metro de Sevilla en la toma de decisiones. || In this paper the most relevant results obtained in a survey conducted by 300 users of the “Pablo de Olavide" Seville metro stop are presented. The aim of the paper is twofold. On the one hand, the user profile is analysed: motivations for using the subway, intermodality and ows, whereas, on the other hand, the price elasticity of demand is partially computed by means of the willingness to pay for that specic user profile. In fact, both the particular user profile and Seville metro's characteristics explain some of the obtained results that hopefully will help managers of Seville Metro in making decisions.

  10. Stenocercus doellojuradoi (Iguanidae, Tropidurinae): una nueva especie para la provincia de San Juan, Argentina


    Laspiur, Alejandro; Acosta, Juan Carlos


    República Argentina, Provincia de San Juan, Depto. Valle Fértil, 3 km al norte de la localidad de Las Tumanas sobre la Ruta Provincial 510 (30°52’ S, 67°20’ W). COLECTOR: Alejandro Laspiur. FECHA: 25 /02/ 2006. MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA: Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan: IMCNUNSJ 3000. Un ejemplar macho (LHC: 54 mm.).

  11. Nuevas noticias sobre la ruina y reconstrucción de la iglesia del Real Convento de San Pablo de Sevilla, según un manuscrito inédito de 1692-1708 (New information about ruin and reconstruction of the church of the Royal Convent of San Pablo in Seville

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    José Roda Peña


    Full Text Available Resumen: Estudio de las circunstancias en que se produjo la ruina de la antigua iglesia del convento dominico de San Pablo el Real de Sevilla en 1691, y de los comienzos de su inmediata reconstrucción en clave barroca por el arquitecto Leonardo de Figueroa (1654-1730, en base a las noticias inéditas aportadas por un manuscrito anónimo contemporáneo (1692-1708, conservado en el legado Montoto de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Sevilla, que también nos ilustra sobre ciertos aspectos devocionales y artísticos referidos a este desaparecido templo hispalense de la Orden de Predicadores.Abstract: Study of the circumstances in which there was the ruin of the old church of the dominican convent of San Pablo el Real of Sevilla in 1691, and of the beginnings of its immediate reconstruction in baroque language by the architect Leonardo de Figueroa (1654-1730, based on the unpublished news contributed by an anonymous contemporary manuscript (1692-1708, preserved in the Montoto legacy of the University Library in Seville, which also illustrates us about certain devotional and artistic aspects related to this disappeared sevillian temple of the Order of Preachers.

  12. 77 FR 61632 - Final Environmental Impact Statement for Cattle Point Road Relocation, San Juan Island National... (United States)


    ... Juan County, Washington AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior. ACTION: Notice of Availability of the... Service (NPS) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with San Juan County... through the park for use by residents and visitors traveling to the east end of the Cattle Point peninsula...

  13. A jewel in the desert: BHP Billiton's San Juan underground mine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buchsbaum, L.


    The Navajo Nation is America's largest native American tribe by population and acreage, and is blessed with large tracks of good coal deposits. BHP Billiton's New Mexico Coal Co. is the largest in the Navajo regeneration area. The holdings comprise the San Juan underground mine, the La Plata surface mine, now in reclamation, and the expanding Navajo surface mine. The article recounts the recent history of the mines. It stresses the emphasis on sensitivity to and helping to sustain tribal culture, and also on safety. San Juan's longwall system is unique to the nation. It started up as an automated system from the outset. Problems caused by hydrogen sulfide are being tackled. San Juan has a bleederless ventilation system to minimise the risk of spontaneous combustion of methane and the atmospheric conditions in the mine are heavily monitored, especially within the gob areas. 3 photos.

  14. Corrigendum. (United States)


    Arenillas JF, Cortijo E, García-Bermejo P, et al. Relative cerebral blood volume is associated with collateral status and infarct growth in stroke patients in SWIFT PRIME. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. Epub ahead of print 1 January 2017. DOI: 10.1177/0271678X17740293 . This article was published online with the sixth author, David Liebeskind (Neurovascular Imaging Research Core, Department of Neurology, UCLA, USA), omitted. The full list and order of authors on the article is as follows: Juan F Arenillas, Elisa Cortijo, Pablo García-Bermejo, Elad I Levy, Reza Jahan, David Liebeskind, Mayank Goyal, Jeffrey L Saver and Gregory W Albers Juan F Arenillas's affiliation should have read Neurovascular Research i3 Laboratory, Instituto de Biología y Genética Molecular, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain.


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    Yanko González


    Full Text Available Veinte Poemas de Amor y Una Canción Desesperada (1924 de Pablo Neruda es uno de los libros cardinales de la sociabilidad lírica y la educación sentimental hispanoamericana. Aunque la obra ha sido ampliamente escrutada y examinada -convertido ya el documento en "monumento"-, tanto el proceso generativo como su correlato sociocrítico no han sido suficientemente ponderados para abordar los dispositivos y procedimientos que co-construyen la segunda publicación del vate. A partir de referentes biobibliográficos, críticos e históricos, este trabajo pretende explorar sintéticamente las estrategias textuales, estéticas y socio-culturales que se articulan en la factura de Veinte Poemas de Amor... proponiendo una lectura que enfatiza la exhaustividad autocrítica del autor y las paradojas valorativas de la obra a la luz de su recepción en Chile.Pablo Neruda's Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair (1942 is one of the cardinal books of Spanish American lyric sociability and sentimental education. However, this work has been widely scrutinized and examined -turned from document into "monument"- both its generative process and socio-critical correlative context have not been sufficiently pondered in order to tackle the mechanisms and procedures that co-construct its second published edition by the poet. From bio-bibliographical, critical, and historical references, this article attempts to synthetically explore the textual, aesthetic and socio-cultural strategies articulated in Twenty Love Poems 'manufacture, proposing an interpretation that emphasizes the author 's self-critical exhaustively, and the paradoxes of this work s valuation, especially considering its reception in Chile.

  16. Pedagogic Juan Andrés Cué Bada's work (1935-1979

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    Janet Reinaldo-Delgado


    Full Text Available Juan Andrés Cué Bada was born on November 30, 1908 in the province of Las Tunas. He had an active political participation against Machado and Batista, while he dedicated himself to private education. After the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959 he moved to Santiago de Cuba and in 1962 began his professorial course at the Universidad de Oriente until he died in 1979. Because of the lack of knowledge about his figure and his work as a teacher, this article Intends to explain the pedagogical work of Juan Andrés Cué Bada between the years 1935 and 1979.

  17. Religión oficial y religiosidad popular en el marco del Real Convento de San Pablo de Sevilla durante el siglo XVIII

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    Carlos José Romero Mensaque


    Full Text Available El Real Convento de San Pablo de Sevilla, de la Orden de Predicadores, ha sido desde su fundación en el siglo XIII, un centro de capital importancia en la conformación de la religiosidad de la ciudad, tanto en su vertiente ortodoxa u oficial orientada hacia una élite socio-económica, como en la más popular e integradora de las grandes masas. Durante el siglo XVIII, época de máxima efervescencia de la religiosidad barroca, conviven en este cenobio y bajo la tutela dominica dos significadas corporaciones, que son paradigmas de ambas tendencias.The "San Pablo» Royal Convent of Seville, of Preachers' Order, has been from its foundation in the century XIII one center of cardinal importance in the conformation of the religiousness of the city, so much in its orthodox or official slope orientated towards a socio-economic elite, since (as, like in the most popular and of integration of the big masses. During the century XVIII, epoch of maximum effervescence of the baroque religiousness, they coexist in this monastery and under the guardianship Dominican two important corporations, which are paradigms of both trends.

  18. Confirmación de Amphisbaena angustifrons plumbea (Squamata: Amphisbaenidae) en la provincia de San Juan, Argentina


    Acosta, Juan Carlos; Murúa, Fernando; Ortiz, Graciela


    Amphisbaena angustifrons plumbea (Gray). República Argentina, provincia de San Juan, Valle del Tulum, departamento Chimbas, Villa Sarmiento (31º 29' S, 69º 30' W) 12 de noviembre de 1995. Un ejemplar adulto, IMCN - UNSJ 102 (Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan).

  19. 33 CFR 162.260 - Channel leading to San Juan Harbor, P.R.; use, administration, and navigation. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Channel leading to San Juan Harbor, P.R.; use, administration, and navigation. 162.260 Section 162.260 Navigation and Navigable... WATERWAYS NAVIGATION REGULATIONS § 162.260 Channel leading to San Juan Harbor, P.R.; use, administration...

  20. Stenocercus doellojuradoi (Iguanidae, Tropidurinae: una nueva especie para la provincia de San Juan, Argentina

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    Laspiur, Alejandro


    Full Text Available República Argentina, Provincia de San Juan, Depto. Valle Fértil, 3 km al norte de la localidad de Las Tumanas sobre la Ruta Provincial 510 (30°52’ S, 67°20’ W. COLECTOR: Alejandro Laspiur. FECHA: 25 /02/ 2006. MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA: Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan: IMCNUNSJ 3000. Un ejemplar macho (LHC: 54 mm..

  1. Cuadros de Juan del Castillo y Antonio del Castillo en el Ermitage

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    Kagané, L.


    Full Text Available Juan del Castillo y Antonio del Castillo son dos pintores que trabajaron en Andalucía. Hace algún tiempo se consideraba que Antonio era el sobrino de Juan, actualmente es sabido que no es así, aunque no se excluye que fuesen parientes. Al ingresar los cuadros de estos pintores en el Ermitage tuvo lugar una confusión debida al parecido de sus apellidos y las obras de uno de ellos se atribuían en los inventarios al otro. Así ocurrió con el pequeño cuadro Visitación (Fig. 1. Fue adquirido en 1834 a Juan Miguel Páez de la Cadena, embajador de España en San Petersburgo, e incluido en el catálogo manuscrito del museo sin haber indicado el nombre. En el Livret y en todos los posteriores catálogos del Ermitage de antes de la revolución, el cuadro fue asignado bajo el nombre de Antonio del Castillo…

  2. RESEÑA DE: Ortego Rico, Pablo, Poder financiero y gestión tributaria en Castilla: Los agentes fiscales en Toledo y su reino (1429-1504.

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    Ana María Rivera Medina


    Full Text Available RESEÑA DE: Ortego Rico, Pablo, Poder financiero y gestión tributaria en Castilla: Los agentes fiscales en Toledo y su reino (1429-1504. Madrid. Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2015. 609 págs.+cd. isbn: 978-84-8008-383-6.

  3. San Juan, Puerto Rico Tsunami Forecast Grids for MOST Model (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The San Juan, Puerto Rico Forecast Model Grids provides bathymetric data strictly for tsunami inundation modeling with the Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) model....

  4. Factores de éxito en la formación online: análisis desde el modelo de coordinación relacional


    Margalina, Vasilica Maria


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid en 2014. Directores de la Tesis: Carmen de Pablos Heredero y José Luis Montes Botella Los accesos a Internet cada vez son más comunes y de mejor calidad tanto en el lugar de trabajo como en el hogar. Además, la disminución progresiva de los precios de los ordenadores y de otros dispositivos electrónicos así como de las comunicaciones ha llevado a su adopción generalizada. Actualmente, hay aproximadamente 2.700 millon...

  5. La lengua salvada: Acerca de dibaxu de Juan Gelman

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    Enrique Abel Foffani


    Full Text Available Se intenta leer el libro dibaxu de Juan Gelman escrito en sefardí desde el horizonte de la tradición poética latinoamericana. A través de la metáfora acerca de "la lengua salvada" de Elías Canetti (una imagen-aconteciªmiento de su propia autobiografía es posible reflexionar sobre la condición de judío y también sobre la relación de la lengua materna y la infancia. En la estela de Rubén Darío y de los poetas posteriores que se vieron en la situación de cambiar de lengua por diversos motivos, Juan Gelman elige el ladino o español sefardí como un doble extrañamiento de la lengua poética: por un lado pertenece a la línea azkenazí y no sefardita y por el otro recupera el español del siglo XV en consonancia con otras propuestas poéticas en las que había ya ensayado el rescate de la voz de poetas españoles como San Juan de la Cruz , Santa Teresa y los poetas místicos árabes. Desde esta perspectiva, el artículo analiza desde la extraterritorialización de la lengua poética los temas de dibaxu y otros libros anteriores a fin de señalar ciertas constantes y sus modos diferentes de articulación en el texto poético.

  6. La lengua salvada: Acerca de dibaxu de Juan Gelman

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    Enrique Abel Foffani


    Full Text Available Se intenta leer el libro dibaxu de Juan Gelman escrito en sefardí desde el horizonte de la tradición poética latinoamericana. A través de la metáfora acerca de "la lengua salvada" de Elías Canetti (una imagen-aconteciªmiento de su propia autobiografía es posible reflexionar sobre la condición de judío y también sobre la relación de la lengua materna y la infancia. En la estela de Rubén Darío y de los poetas posteriores que se vieron en la situación de cambiar de lengua por diversos motivos, Juan Gelman elige el ladino o español sefardí como un doble extrañamiento de la lengua poética: por un lado pertenece a la línea azkenazí y no sefardita y por el otro recupera el español del siglo XV en consonancia con otras propuestas poéticas en las que había ya ensayado el rescate de la voz de poetas españoles como San Juan de la Cruz , Santa Teresa y los poetas místicos árabes. Desde esta perspectiva, el artículo analiza desde la extraterritorialización de la lengua poética los temas de dibaxu y otros libros anteriores a fin de señalar ciertas constantes y sus modos diferentes de articulación en el texto poético.

  7. Visit of His Excellency Mr Juan Martabit, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations Office in Geneva and other international organisations in Switzerland.

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    Maximilien Brice


    Secretary-General; Mrs Juan Martabit. 0502017_07.jpg His Excellency Mr Juan Martabit, Ambassador,Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations Office in Geneva and other international organisations in Switzerland visiting the ATLAS building site. From left to right: Prof. Giora Mikenberg, ATLAS Collaboration; Mr Maximilian Metzger, Secretary-General and His Excellency Mr Juan Martabit. 0502017_08.jpg His Excellency Mr Juan Martabit, Ambassador,Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations Office in Geneva and other international organisations in Switzerland visiting the ATLAS cavern. From left to right: From left to right: Prof. Giora Mikenberg, ATLAS Collaboration; Mr Maximilian Metzger, Secretary-General; His Excellency Mr Juan Martabit and Mrs Juan Martabit.

  8. [The medical world of Juan Gil de Zamora's Historia Naturalis (ca. 1275-1296)]. (United States)

    García Ballester, L; Domínguez, A


    The article describes the authors and works which were quoted by the Franciscan Juan Gil de Zamora in his Historia naturalis, a scientific encyclopaedia written between c. 1275 and before 1296, probably in the Franciscan monastery of Zamora (Kingdom of Castille). Juan Gil made wide use of the Avicenna's Canon, Gilbertus de Aquila (Anglicus)'s Compendium medicine, and Salernitan medical literature. His work contributed to the diffusion of these medical authors and works throughout the Christian intellectual milieu of late medieval Castille. This diffusion was not without problems.

  9. Juan Mayorga's adaptations of Lope: La dama boba in the 21st century

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    Mónica Molanes


    Full Text Available The adaptations made by one of today’s most eminent playwrights, Juan Mayorga, on the texts by Lope de Vega which were represented during the first decade of the 21st century allow us to analyse some of the most relevant aspects in the reception, canonization and theatrical interpretation of 17th century theatre. This study will thus focus on Lope’s La Dama Boba and the adaptation offered by Juan Mayorga for the Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico, directed by Helena Pimenta in 2002.


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    Nicolás Salinas-Ramírez


    Full Text Available Una de las estrategias para elevar el rendimiento y la calidad nutricional en las regiones agrícolas es la búsqueda de cultivares con mayor adaptación a diferentes condiciones ambientales. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar cultivares de frijol ejotero con base en su fenología, crecimiento, rendimiento, calidad nutricional y rentabilidad, en clima templado y condiciones de secano. Tres variedades de hábito de crecimiento determinado, ‘Opus’, ‘Strike’ y ‘Black Valentine’, y una de crecimiento indeterminado, ‘Hav-14’, fueron sembradas el 7 de mayo de 2008 en San Pablo Ixayoc, Estado de México, con densidad de 6.25 plantas·m -2 . Se encontraron diferencias en el ciclo biológico desde 90 a 199 días al último corte, así como en rendimiento y número de ejotes. Estas diferencias se relacionaron en mayor grado con la precipitación acumulada (PP, r = 0.83**, la evapotranspiración total del cultivo (ETc, r = 0.71* y unidades térmicas acumu - ladas (UC, r = 0.65*. La variedad Opus mostró el mayor porcentaje de minerales, fósforo, FDA, lignina, FDN y proteína. El ingreso neto más alto se obtuvo con ‘Opus’ y ‘Black Valentine’. No obstante, en un periodo de cinco años (vida media de la espaldera ‘Hav-14’ ofrece mayor ventaja desde el punto de vista económico. Estos resultados sugieren que ‘Hav-14’, ‘Opus’ y ‘Black Valentine’ serían los cultivares más apropiados para lograr mayor producción bajo condiciones de lluvia estacional en el clima templado de San Pablo Ixayoc.

  11. The green areas of San Juan, Puerto Rico (United States)

    O.M. Ramos-Gonzalez


    Green areas, also known as green infrastructure or urban vegetation, are vital to urbanites for their critical roles in mitigating urban heat island effects and climate change and for their provision of multiple ecosystem services and aesthetics. Here, I provide a high spatial resolution snapshot of the green cover distribution of the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico, by...

  12. The Logic and Semantics of Modal Propositions in Juan Caramuel

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dvořák, Petr

    19/43/, - (2005), s. 105-115. ISBN 80-7007-236-9. ISSN 0231-5955 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z90090514 Keywords : Juan Caramuel y Lobkowicz * modal logic * modalities * late scholasticism Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

  13. Central San Juan caldera cluster: Regional volcanic framework (United States)

    Lipman, Peter W.


    Eruption of at least 8800 km3 of dacitic-rhyolitic magma as 9 major ash-slow sheets (individually 150-5000 km3) was accompanied by recurrent caldera subsidence between 28.3 and about 26.5 Ma in the central San Juan Mountains, Colorado. Voluminous andesitic-decitic lavas and breccias were erupted from central volcanoes prior to the ash-flow eruptions, and similar lava eruptions continued within and adjacent to the calderas during the period of explosive volcanism, making the central San Juan caldera cluster an exceptional site for study of caldera-related volcanic processes. Exposed calderas vary in size from 10 to 75 km in maximum diameter, the largest calderas being associated with the most voluminous eruptions. After collapse of the giant La Garita caldera during eruption if the Fish Canyon Tuff at 17.6 Ma, seven additional explosive eruptions and calderas formed inside the La Garita depression within about 1 m.y. Because of the nested geometry, maximum loci of recurrently overlapping collapse events are inferred to have subsided as much as 10-17 km, far deeper than the roof of the composite subvolcanic batholith defined by gravity data, which represents solidified caldera-related magma bodies. Erosional dissection to depths of as much as 1.5 km, although insufficient to reach the subvolcanic batholith, has exposed diverse features of intracaldera ash-flow tuff and interleaved caldera-collapse landslide deposits that accumulated to multikilometer thickness within concurrently subsiding caldera structures. The calderas display a variety of postcollapse resurgent uplift structures, and caldera-forming events produced complex fault geometries that localized late mineralization, including the epithermal base- and precious-metal veins of the well-known Creede mining district. Most of the central San Juan calderas have been deeply eroded, and their identification is dependent on detailed geologic mapping. In contrast, the primary volcanic morphology of the


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    Full Text Available Entre 1830 y 1835 algunos dirigentes de Mendoza y San Juan, provincias vitivinícolas, trataron de separarse de la República Argentina y regresar a Chile, tal como en la época colonial. Durante más de dos siglos, Mendoza y San Juan fueron parte del Corregimiento de Cuyo del Reino de Chile. Esta situación cambió desde 1776 con la creación del Virreinato del Río de la Plata. Después de la Revolución de 1810, Mendoza y San Juan formaron parte de la República Argentina. Pero algunos años después de la independencia, un grupo descontento con la acción y decisiones del gobierno de Buenos Aires, inició acciones orientadas a la secesión. Este artículo investiga las razones y motivaciones socioeconómicas de este grupoBetween 1830 and 1835 some leaders of Mendoza and San Juan, wine industry oriented provinces, attempted to withdrawal from Argentina Republic, and come back to Chile such as in colonial times. During more than two centuries, Mendoza and San Juan were members of Cuyo Province in Chile's Kingdom. This situation changed since 1776 because the creation of the River Plate Viceroyalty. After Revolution of 1810, Mendoza and San Juan took part of Argentina Republic. But some years after the independence, a group discontented with de action and decision of Buenos Aires government begun the action oriented to secession. This paper explores the socioeconomic reasons and motivation of this group

  15. Manipulación ideológica y formal en la traducción literaria de Pablo Montoya Campuzano


    Orozco, Wilson


    El presente artículo es una reflexión sobre el conversatorio realizado con el traductor y escritor colombiano Pablo Montoya Campuzano. En dicho conversatorio, se le indagó por su formación, sus estrategias de traducción, y su relación con la escritura y la traducción. Para la reflexión se tomaron los planteamientos de André Lefevere, sobre todo los que tienen que ver con la concepción de la traducción como un tipo de reescritura. En cualquier forma en la que se reescriba un texto literario (bie...

  16. A propósito de unas versiones de La Sagrada Familia con los santos «Juanitos» de Juan de Juanes

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    Mateo Gómez, Isabel


    Full Text Available Desde el año 1961 consta en el Archivo fotográfico del Instituto Amatller de Barcelona una Sagrada Familia con los santos «Juanitos» (fig. 1, en colección privada madrileña. Un año después, José Luis Alonso Misol la publicó en un artículo sobre Pintura española en colecciones madrileñas, aportando el nombre del coleccionista, Sr. Fernández López, y destacando que se trataba de una de las mejores obras de Juan de Juanes, de la que hay otras versiones con algunas variantes, poniendo como ejemplo de ellas la de la Academia de San Fernando (fig. 3. En esta línea podría considerarse la pintada por Nicolás Borras (fig. 4, de la colección Grases de Barcelona donde se encontraba en 1916, y en la que se advierten ambas influencias.…

  17. A interação existencial entre seres humanos e animais no romance Pedro Páramo, de Juan Rulfo = The existential interaction between human beings and animals in the novel Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo

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    Evely Vânia Libanori


    Full Text Available Em Pedro Páramo, de Juan Rulfo, o corvo, o cavalo e o gato são animais que mantêm estreita ligação existencial com o ser humano. A interação ser humano-animal é fundamental para o entendimento de temas filosóficos presentes no romance, como a identidade humana, o outro, a morte. O corvo é o batedor da chegada de Juan Preciado no mundo da morte. O cavalo de Miguel Páramo é o único ser que sofre, verdadeiramente, a morte do seu tutor. O gato é o animal que faz visitas noturnas a Susana San Juan, com quem estabelece um diálogo somente inteligível para os dois. A integração entre personagens humanas e animais em Pedro Páramo mostra a comunicação entre seres pertencentes a diferentes espécies animais. No romance, seres humanos, corvos, cavalos e gatos têm mais semelhanças entre si do que a cultura ocidental antropocêntrica conhece.In Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo, the raven, the horse and the cat are animals that maintain a close existential link to the human beings. In the book, this human being/animal interaction is fundamental to the understanding of philosophical themes such as the identity, the other, and the death. In the story, the raven is the escort of Juan Preciado arrival into the death world. Miguel Páramos’s horse is the only being that genuinely suffers because of the death of its guardian, that is, Miguel’s death. The cat is the animal that make night visits to Susana San Juan to whom it speaks in a way that is understood by the two of them only. The connection between human and animal characters in Pedro Páramo shows the communication among beings that belong to different animal species. In the novel, human beings, ravens, horses, and cats are much more alike than the western anthropocentric culture has it.

  18. Segmented Subduction Across the Juan De Fuca Plate: Challenges in Imaging with an Amphibious Array (United States)

    Hawley, W. B.; Allen, R. M.


    The Cascadia Initiative (CI) is an amphibious array spanning the Juan de Fuca plate from formation at the ridge to the destruction of the slab in the mantle beneath western North America. This ambitions project has occupied over 300 onshore and offshore sites, providing an unprecedented opportunity to understand the dynamics of oceanic plates. The CI project is now in its fourth and final year of deployment. Here we present constraints on the structure of the Juan de Fuca plate and its interaction with western North America. We identify segmentation along the Cascadia subduction zone that can be traced back onto the Juan de Fuca plate prior to subduction. These results give insight into the life cycle of oceanic plates, from their creation at a mid-ocean ridge to their subduction and subsequent recycling into the mantle.

  19. Juan Linz ja eestlane Aleksander Kesküla / Kaido Jaanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaanson, Kaido, 1940-


    Eestlasest revolutsionääri Aleksander Kesküla elust Hispaanias aastail 1934-1963. Artikli aluseks on A. Kesküla Hispaania-perioodi väheste sõprade, eelkõige tänaseks rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud sotsioloogi Juan Linz'i meenutused

  20. Environmental geologic analysis of Rio de las Taguas basin Departmento Iglesia San Juan Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arroqui Langer, A.; Cardus, A.; Sindern, S.; Nozica, G.


    A mineral environmental research project results where it has been located in Rio de las Taguas basin, Departamento Iglesia, Provincia de San Juan, Argentina. It has been placed in frontal Andean mountain in San Juan. In this geographic framework has been developed Au and Ag mineral project in order the world scale. The aim of this article is has been related the mineral and geological units bet wen the basin chemistry as well as to carry out future measurements mines impacts in this area. (author)

  1. Stenocercus doellojuradoi (Iguanidae, Liolaeminae): una nueva especie para la provincia de San Juan, Argentina


    Laspiur, Alejandro; Acosta, Juan Carlos


    República Argentina, Provincia de San Juan, Depto. Valle Fértil, 3 km al norte de la localidad de Las Tumanas sobre la Ruta Provincial 510 (30°52’ S, 67°20’ W). COLECTOR: Alejandro Laspiur. FECHA: 25 /02/ 2006. MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA: Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan: IMCNUNSJ 3000. Un ejemplar macho (LHC: 54 mm.).

  2. El UPOBAROMETRO como experiencia de innovación docente del Área de Ciencia Política y de la Administración, de la Universidad Pablo Olavide

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    Fco J. LLera Ramo


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe y analiza la experiencia de innovación docente que ha supuesto la elaboración del Estudio de Opinión UPOBARÓMETRO por el alumnado de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, de Sevilla. Concretamente, describe y analiza la cuarta edición de dicho Estudio de Opinión, realizada durante el curso académico 2012-2013 y en la cual han participado activamente estudiantes de dos asignaturas de Ciencia Política, pertenecientes a diversos cursos de Grado y/o Licenciatura de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. La citada experiencia de innovación docente revela que la elaboración del UPOBARÓMETRO por los referidos estudiantes permite a éstos obtener un valioso aprendizaje autónomo asociado a su empleabilidad laboral y salidas profesionales, lo cual es valorado de forma muy positiva por sus protagonistas.

  3. Bed composition generation for morphodynamic modeling: Case study of San Pablo Bay in California, USA (United States)

    van der Wegen, M.; Dastgheib, A.; Jaffe, B.E.; Roelvink, D.


    Applications of process-based morphodynamic models are often constrained by limited availability of data on bed composition, which may have a considerable impact on the modeled morphodynamic development. One may even distinguish a period of "morphodynamic spin-up" in which the model generates the bed level according to some ill-defined initial bed composition rather than describing the realistic behavior of the system. The present paper proposes a methodology to generate bed composition of multiple sand and/or mud fractions that can act as the initial condition for the process-based numerical model Delft3D. The bed composition generation (BCG) run does not include bed level changes, but does permit the redistribution of multiple sediment fractions over the modeled domain. The model applies the concept of an active layer that may differ in sediment composition above an underlayer with fixed composition. In the case of a BCG run, the bed level is kept constant, whereas the bed composition can change. The approach is applied to San Pablo Bay in California, USA. Model results show that the BCG run reallocates sand and mud fractions over the model domain. Initially, a major sediment reallocation takes place, but development rates decrease in the longer term. Runs that take the outcome of a BCG run as a starting point lead to more gradual morphodynamic development. Sensitivity analysis shows the impact of variations in the morphological factor, the active layer thickness, and wind waves. An important but difficult to characterize criterion for a successful application of a BCG run is that it should not lead to a bed composition that fixes the bed so that it dominates the "natural" morphodynamic development of the system. Future research will focus on a decadal morphodynamic hindcast and comparison with measured bathymetries in San Pablo Bay so that the proposed methodology can be tested and optimized. ?? 2010 The Author(s).

  4. Hazard evaluation of inorganics, singly and in mixtures, to Flannelmouth Sucker Catostomus latipinnis in the San Juan River, New Mexico (United States)

    Hamilton, S.J.; Buhl, K.J.


    Larval flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis) were exposed to arsenate, boron, copper, molybdenum, selenate, selenite, uranium, vanadium, and zinc singly, and to five mixtures of five to nine inorganics. The exposures were conducted in reconstituted water representative of the San Juan River near Shiprock, New Mexico. The mixtures simulated environmental ratios reported for sites along the San Juan River (San Juan River backwater, Fruitland marsh, Hogback East Drain, Mancos River, and McElmo Creek). The rank order of the individual inorganics, from most to least toxic, was: copper > zinc > vanadium > selenite > selenate > arsenate > uranium > boron > molybdenum. All five mixtures exhibited additive toxicity to flannelmouth sucker. In a limited number of tests, 44-day-old and 13-day-old larvae exhibited no difference in sensitivity to three mixtures. Copper was the major toxic component in four mixtures (San Juan backwater, Hogback East Drain, Mancos River, and McElmo Creek), whereas zinc was the major toxic component in the Fruitland marsh mixture, which did not contain copper. The Hogback East Drain was the most toxic mixture tested. Comparison of 96-h LC50values with reported environmental water concentrations from the San Juan River revealed low hazard ratios for arsenic, boron, molybdenum, selenate, selenite, uranium, and vanadium, moderate hazard ratios for zinc and the Fruitland marsh mixture, and high hazard ratios for copper at three sites and four environmental mixtures representing a San Juan backwater, Hogback East Drain, Mancos River, and McElmo Creek. The high hazard ratios suggest that inorganic contaminants could adversely affect larval flannelmouth sucker in the San Juan River at four sites receiving elevated inorganics.

  5. 78 FR 50104 - Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, San Juan... (United States)


    ... representing a minimum of 36 individuals were removed from the English Camp Site in San Juan County, WA, during... the English Camp Site in San Juan County, WA, during legally authorized excavations by Professor Julie... osteological analysis, archeological data, geographic context and accession data, the 76 individuals from the...

  6. Colombia kunstnik Juan Manuel Echavarría Tallinnas / Kadri Karro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karro, Kadri


    Juan Manuel Echavarría külastab Tallinna 12.-15. aprillini 2011, 13. apr.-l toimub Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Rüütelkonna hoones tema artist talk. Kunstniku holograafiliste trükiste sarjast "Reekviem NN" (2008-2010), mida eksponeeritakse Tallinna 15. graafikatriennaalil Kumu Kunstimuuseumis

  7. ["Is it an animal inside? "Melanie Klein's unpublished Don Juan Paper (1939)]. (United States)

    Frank, Claudia


    Klein had been asked to contribute an article to the birthday number of the International Journal for Jones. The author outlines how she hurriedly wrote a text about Don Juan which, however, was rejected by the editor. Essential parts of it are presented in German translation. The manuscript is discussed in the context of Klein's published work as well as of the relevant contemporary literature. In Klein's view, Don Juan's genitality is determined by oral impulses and fears. By his manic acting out he attempts to ward off a depressive break-down. The paper ends with some reflections about why Klein--ontrary to her intention--failed to revise her manuscript for later publication.

  8. 75 FR 62112 - Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the San Juan Creek and Tributaries... (United States)


    ... evaluate flood risk management alternative measures along the lower portions of San Juan, Trabuco, and Oso... to its confluence with Tijeras Creek; and Oso Creek from its confluence with Trabuco Creek northwest approximately 4.5 miles to just north of Oso Parkway. The communities of San Juan Capistrano, Mission Viejo...

  9. Assessing Climate Variability Effects on Dengue Incidence in San Juan, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Méndez-Lázaro, Pablo; Muller-Karger, Frank E.; Otis, Daniel; McCarthy, Matthew J.; Peña-Orellana, Marisol


    We test the hypothesis that climate and environmental conditions are becoming favorable for dengue transmission in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Sea Level Pressure (SLP), Mean Sea Level (MSL), Wind, Sea Surface Temperature (SST), Air Surface Temperature (AST), Rainfall, and confirmed dengue cases were analyzed. We evaluated the dengue incidence and environmental data with Principal Component Analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, Mann-Kendall trend test and logistic regressions. Results indicated that dry days are increasing and wet days are decreasing. MSL is increasing, posing higher risk of dengue as the perimeter of the San Juan Bay estuary expands and shorelines move inland. Warming is evident with both SST and AST. Maximum and minimum air surface temperature extremes have increased. Between 1992 and 2011, dengue transmission increased by a factor of 3.4 (95% CI: 1.9–6.1) for each 1 °C increase in SST. For the period 2007–2011 alone, dengue incidence reached a factor of 5.2 (95% CI: 1.9–13.9) for each 1 °C increase in SST. Teenagers are consistently the age group that suffers the most infections in San Juan. Results help understand possible impacts of different climate change scenarios in planning for social adaptation and public health interventions. PMID:25216253

  10. Assessing Climate Variability Effects on Dengue Incidence in San Juan, Puerto Rico

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    Pablo Méndez-Lázaro


    Full Text Available We test the hypothesis that climate and environmental conditions are becoming favorable for dengue transmission in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Sea Level Pressure (SLP, Mean Sea Level (MSL, Wind, Sea Surface Temperature (SST, Air Surface Temperature (AST, Rainfall, and confirmed dengue cases were analyzed. We evaluated the dengue incidence and environmental data with Principal Component Analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, Mann-Kendall trend test and logistic regressions. Results indicated that dry days are increasing and wet days are decreasing. MSL is increasing, posing higher risk of dengue as the perimeter of the San Juan Bay estuary expands and shorelines move inland. Warming is evident with both SST and AST. Maximum and minimum air surface temperature extremes have increased. Between 1992 and 2011, dengue transmission increased by a factor of 3.4 (95% CI: 1.9–6.1 for each 1 °C increase in SST. For the period 2007–2011 alone, dengue incidence reached a factor of 5.2 (95% CI: 1.9–13.9 for each 1 °C increase in SST. Teenagers are consistently the age group that suffers the most infections in San Juan. Results help understand possible impacts of different climate change scenarios in planning for social adaptation and public health interventions.

  11. Monitoring organo chlorine pesticides in surface and ground water in San Juan (Argentina); Determinacion de pesticiddas organoclorados en aguas superficiales y subterraneas de la provincia de San Juan (Argentina)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Omar, B.; Suero, E.; Augusto, M.; Gimenez, M.; Flores, N.


    The level of contamination with organo chlorine pesticides and the occurrence of their degradation products in the basins of the two main rivers. San Juan and Jackal, of the Province of San Juan, Argentina, were determined. Surface and groundwater samples from both river basins were evaluated by capillary GC and results confirmed with Mass Spectrometry. Chemicals investigated were 16 organo chlorine pesticides. For a total number of 314 samples, the percentage of positive samples ranged from 68.6% for Heptachlor to 16% for Aldrin. concentration values and the percentage of positive samples in groundwater were significantly lower than those found in surface water. Samples taken in different seasons did not show significant differences. (Author) 18 refs.


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    Full Text Available Este estudio se realizó en el municipio de San Pablo (Nariño con el objeto de evaluar métodos de propagación de (Alocasia macrorrhiza y determinar el mejor para la obtención de material de siembra. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con 4 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron: T1- discos del tallo, T2- yemas del tallo, T3- hijuelos y T4 cogollos. El material de propagación fue obtenido en el vivero municipal de San Pablo (Nariño, donde se encontraba un área aproximada de 400 m2 con bore, cuyo estado sanitario y productivo era aceptable. El análisis de varianza detecto diferencias significativas entre tratamientos para la variable altura de planta, mientras que para hojas/planta no hubo diferencias entre tratamiento. La prueba de Duncan permitió determinar que el método de propagación de cogollos fue el de mejor comportamiento logrando un promedio de 125,8 cm/planta. Al finalizar el ensayo, los métodos de discos del tallo e hijuelos fueron los que menor crecimiento presentaron con un promedio de 96,9 y 105,4 cm/planta, respectivamente. El número de hojas por planta es independiente del método de propagación utilizado, sin importar cual método se utilice la producción de biomasa foliar será la misma.

  13. Bedrock aquifers of eastern San Juan County, Utah (United States)

    Avery, Charles


    This study is one of a series of studies appraising the waterbearing properties of the Navajo Sandstone and associated formations in southern Utah.  The study area is about 4,600 square miles, extending from the Utah-Arizona State line northward to the San Juan-Grand County line and westward from the Utah-Colorado State line to the longitude of about 109°50'.Some of the water-yielding formations are grouped into aquifer systems. The C aquifer is comprised of the DeChelly Sandstone Member of the Cutler Formation.  The P aquifer is comprised of the Cedar Mesa Member of the Cutler Formation and the undifferentiated Cutler Formation. The N aquifer is comprised of the sedimentary section that includes the Wingate Sandstone, Kayenta Formation, Navajo Sandstone, Carmel Formation, and Entrada sandstone.  The M aquifer is comprised of the Bluff Sandstone Member and other sandstone units of the Morrison Formation.  The D aquifer is comprised of the Burro Canyon Formation and Dakota Sandstone.  Discharge from the ground-water reservoir to the San Juan River between gaging stations at Four Corners and Mexican Hat is about 66 cubic feet per second.The N aquifer is the main aquifer in the study area. Recharge by infiltration of precipitation is estimated to be 25,000 acre-feet per year.  A major ground-water divide exists under the broad area east of Monticello.  The thickness of the N aquifer, where the sedimentary section is fully preserved and saturated, generally is 750 to 1,250 feet.   Hydraulic conductivity values obtained from aquifer tests range from 0.02 to 0.34 foot per day.  The total volume of water in transient storage is about 11 million acre-feet. Well discharge somewhat exceeded 2,340 acre-feet during 1981.  Discharge to the San Juan River from the N aquifer is estimated to be 6.9 cubic feet per second. Water quality ranges from a calcium bicarbonate to sodium chloride type water

  14. The Literary Criticism and Memoirs of Juan Ramón Jiménez

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    Allen W. Phillips


    Full Text Available Equally as demanding of others as he was of himself, Juan Ramón Jiménez conceived of literary criticism as a serious and exacting task. The critic and the poet, standing side by side, are devoted to complementary activities of mutual enrichment. However fragmentary and partial the critical opinions of Juan Ramón may be (also outspoken and polemical in nature, they are invaluable as a personal historical and aesthetic guide to about fifty or sixty years of Hispanic literary development (1900-1960. Not to take them into account is to fail to recognize a highly important aspect of his total artistic personality. These varied critical texts are a product of a first rate intelligence and the sensibility of a writer of consummate discrimination who was endowed not only with an excellent memory but also a very special talent for appreciating the authentic. Juan Ramón as a critic is quick to praise (San Juan, Bécquer, Dario, Unamuno and Machado and at the same time strong in his censure of certain contemporaries. Several recently collected volumes of miscellaneous critical materials have resolved the bibliographical muddle for the initial study of this fundamental aspect of the poet, but still particularly important are the expressionistic portraits of Españoles de tres mundos , longer tributes to Valle, Ortega and Villaespesa as well as the extensive lectures delivered in his latter years. Examination of these pages gives us an historical and creative overview of the period in which he lived and worked in addition to original considerations about the evolution of Hispanic poetry. Of course, one of the constant focal points of his literary criticism was the modernist epoch of his early days, a movement or attitude which he considered to be a modern twentieth century renaissance. Together with detailed study of these two areas of historical and aesthetic nature, in the ensuing pages some conclusions are pointed out as to the essence of poetry

  15. (Deconstrucciones en la “zona”: los artistas santafesinos Juan José Saer, Juan Pablo Renzi y Fernando Espino

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    Irene Theiner


    Full Text Available The writer Saer, in common with the visual artists of his “zona” Espino and Renzi, questioned how cognition functions and its representability. My proposal is to trace their approaches to the nature of language contained in the literary and visual dialogue between these three artists of Santa Fe (Argentina. They pre-dated many issues which are central to Cognitive Linguistics, starting from the experiential approach to cognition focused on the function of embodied and entrenched perception, memory and the possibility of constructing events from multiple perspectives.

  16. San Juan College Task Force on Innovation 1995 Report. (United States)

    Moore, Nelle

    In fall 1994, San Juan College, in New Mexico, established the Task Force on Innovation to examine changes in the paradigm of education and how those changes might affect the college. The Task Force determined that the primary driver of change in education was technology, and specifically the increasing number of means and ease of access to…

  17. Modelo de innovación y optimización de la energía solar en España. La aplicación de las tecnologías disponibles para el aprovechamiento de recursos, comercialización y beneficios de la energía solar


    González Peña, Daniel


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid en 2014. Directora de la Tesis: Dra. Carmen de Pablos Heredero En esta Tesis Doctoral se pretende analizar los límites, tanto a medio como a largo plazo, de la competitividad económica de la energía solar en España, estudiando el nivel de evolución que presuntamente debería tener esta forma de producción de energía, hasta conseguir llegar a ser competitiva con las energías fósiles, y otras fuentes emergentes en desarrollo. ...

  18. Little sun

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ebbesen, Toke Riis


    the ideas of Alfred Gell’s anthropology of art and the indicative framework derived from Argentinian semiotician Juan Pablo Bonta and Jørn Guldberg. The toy-like solar lamp Little Sun by Olafur Eliasson and Frederik Ottesen is used as case that blends the registers of social design and art......, and as an example of how designers attempt to determine meaning potentials through design in a complex interplay of different strategies. In the final analysis, what characterise objects like Little Sun is seldom that they communicate their meanings in themselves, but instead rely on forceful mediations to gain...

  19. Discurso del Académico Efraím Otero Ruiz, Presidente de la Sociedad Colombiana de Historia de la Medicina En la Recepción como Miembro Honorario del Dr. Egón Lichtenberger.


    Efraim Otero Ruiz


    Bogotá, Mayo 15 de 1997

    Señores Académicos, señoras, señores :

    Retornamos antes de ocho días a esta alta tribuna del pensamiento académico, esta vez para acoger y exaltar como Académico Honorario al Profesor Dr. Egon Lichtenberger. En él consagramos no solamente a la Anatomía Patológica como especialidad, ausente muchos lustros de este recinto bogotano, desde la época de su numerario y posterior Presidente Dr. Juan Pablo Llinás, sino especialmente ...

  20. Juan Gelman: Fábulas y revolución poética = Juan Gelman: Fables and poetic revolution

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    Ching-Yu Lin


    Full Text Available Resumen: El presente estudio se centra en Fábulas de Juan Gelman para analizar la vinculación entre el género fabulístico y la revolución poética subyacente en su obra. Se trata de un nuevo modo de contar la realidad y las circunstancias sociales. Los poemas mezclan la historia oficial y la ficción para proponer miradas alternativas y subvertir convencionalismos y formalismos. Además, se crean personajes anónimos a fin de relatar visiones fabulosas en relación con la identidad colectiva. Esta técnica causa un efecto del extrañamiento y distanciamiento que desemboca en una reflexión profunda sobre la vida real. Finalmente, se reescriben leyendas exóticas, inventando episodios, con la finalidad de llamar la atención sobre ciertos fenómenos de la sociedad actual e inspirar solidaridad.Abstract: This study focuses on Fábulas of Juan Gelman. The aim is to analyze the relationship between fable genre and poetic revolution in this work, in which Gelman provides a new way of describing reality and social circumstances. His poems combine official history with fiction to propose alternative views and subvert conventionalism and formalism. In addition, this poet creates anonymous characters to relate fabulous visions regarding the collective identity. This technique results in estrangement and distancing, which lead to profound reflection on real life. Finally, exotic legends are rewritten by means of invented episodes to draw attention to certain phenomena of modern society and inspire solidarity.

  1. Paralelismos y divergencias entre Juan Tenorio de Tirso de Molina y Miguel Páramo, personaje de Juan Rulfo.

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    Herlinda Ramírez-Barradas.


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este breve artículo se presentan algunas características de Miguel Páramo que, primero, permiten incluirlo en la larga lista de personajes donjuanescos derivados de la obra de Tirso de Molina y que, además, hacen posible entender su función trágica.Summary: This article presents some of Miguel Páramo's characteristics that, first, allow including him in the long list of prominent Don Juan figures derived from Tirso de Molina's work and, in addition, make it possible to understand his tragic function.

  2. Aprendizajes del Accidente de San Juan Ixhuatepec-México Learning from the Accident in San Juan Ixhuatepec-Mexico


    Antioco López-Molina; Richart Vázquez-Román; Christian Díaz-Ovalle


    El índice Dow de fuego y explosión y la metodología del análisis cuantitativo del riesgo son aplicados para analizar uno de los accidentes más desafortunados en la historia mexicana: la explosión de tanques de almacenamiento de gas en la planta de San Juan Ixhuatepec en México. Estimaciones adicionales de la sobrepresión y radiación térmica producida durante el siniestro son llevadas a cabo para explicar el efecto dominó producido como consecuencia del incidente. Estas estimaciones dan eviden...

  3. [SHTLV-I/II seroprevalence in blood donors of Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe Blood Bank during the period 2014-2015]. (United States)

    Muñoz, Manuela; Carvalho, Santiago; Donado, Jorge Hernando; Barco, Gloria Eugenia; Jaramillo, Sergio


    The human-T cell lymphotropic virus is a retrovirus with various types known so far. HTLV-I and HTLV-II are of clinically importance as they cause different diseases such as adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma, tropical spastic paraparesis, and human T-lymphotropic virus type I-associated myelopathy (HAM). To estimate the prevalence of presumptive and confirmatory reactivity to HTLV-I/II in blood donors of Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe Blood Bank between 2014 and 2015. The information was obtained from the Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe Blood Bank database. We analyzed age, sex, place of origin, and place of residence of donors, and the reactivity using the screening test (ELISA) as well as the confirmatory test (immunoblot). The donor population studied included 6,275 men and 8,148 women, for a total of 14,423 donors recruited between March 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015. Of all tested donors, 25 were positive for HTLV-I/II by the screening test (ELISA). After performing the confirmatory test (immunoblot), only nine patients were positive for HTLV-I/II (36%), of whom eight were reactive to HTLV-I (32%) and one to HTLV-II (4%), for a global seroprevalence of 0.06% (CI 95%: 0.10-0.25). Our findings were consistent with those found in similar studies in non-endemic areas of the country and with those from studies at international level reported in the literature.

  4. Otto Dix, Pablo Picasso y la pintura de guerra

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    Ángel Llorente Hernández


    Full Text Available La Primera Guerra Mundial provocó desde su desencadenamiento cambios importantes en los países implicados que afectaron a todos los ámbitos de la vida de sus poblaciones. Algunos artistas sintieron especialmente la repercusión moral y la convulsión causadas por la guerra mecanizada en la que un número cada vez mayor de soldados morían en el frente, a la vez que se producían masacres en zonas de la retaguardia. El pintor expresionista alemán Otto Dix recogió en sus dibujos, hechos en primera línea de combate, la dureza de los enfrentamientos y de la vida de los combatientes en las trincheras del frente occidental y reflejó en grabados y pinturas posteriores a la Gran Guerra las penalidades y los horrores sufridas por aquellos. Sus obras son, además de testimonios de las atrocidades de los combates, condena y denuncia de todas las guerras. En el año 1937 el español Pablo Picasso pintó el mural Guernica, cuyo título alude al bombardeo de la localidad vasca del mismo nombre, ocurrido poco tiempo antes de que su autor lo comenzase. Ya desde su creación, el cuadro se convirtió en una de las obras artísticas principales del pasado siglo y en icono de la lucha por la paz. Ambos artistas emplearon lenguajes vanguardistas para crear formas nuevas, alejadas de las maneras tradicionales de representar la guerra en la cultura occidental. Dix se sirvió del expresionismo para mostrar en sus composiciones escenas verosímiles de una dureza difícil de soportar para quienes las contemplan. Picasso se apoyó sobre todo en el cubismo y el surrealismo para aludir a los efectos de la guerra moderna sobre la población indefensa.Countries involved in The Great War experienced dramatic changes in every aspect of their day to day life. Some artists were especially sensitive towards the moral convulsion caused by a mechanized war where an increasing number of soldiers were dying in the frontline and massacres were taking place in the rear. Through

  5. El San Juan y la Universidad Nacional

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    Victor Manuel Moncayo


    Full Text Available Encontrar una solución para la crisis de la Fundación San Juan de Dios no es un problema jurídico, ni tampoco de gestión ordinaria de una institución. La crisis es de tal magnitud que desborda las capacidades reales de la organización actual y, en especial, de su Junta Directiva o de quienes ejerzan su representación legal o de quienes colaboran como empleados o trabajadores de la institución.

  6. En el recuerdo siempre: Juan Velasco Moreno


    Naranjo-Ramírez, J.


    Semblanza personal, cultural y artística de Juan Velasco Moreno. Sintéticamente se consideran y glosan: sus valores individuales y personales, su amplios y rotundos valores culturales, el valor de su creación literaria (varios libros de poemas y obras de teatro), sus iniciativas excepcionales en el mundo del teatro, considerando desde la fundación del Círculo Cultural Calíope, a las valiosas aportaciones en forma de representación escénica de comedias, dramas y autos sacramentales, que fueron...

  7. El silencio como estrategia en la obra de Juan Rulfo


    Gómez López-Quiñones, Loreto


    Juan Rulfo utiliza el silencio como un espacio para oír y decir mejor en el contexto del México postrevolucionario. Inspirándonos en la terminología de Spivak, pretendemos mostrar el silencio de Rulfo como una estrategia de resistencia ante la representación occidental del Otro.

  8. 8th Argentinean Bioengineering Society Conference (SABI 2011) and 7th Clinical Engineering Meeting (United States)

    Meschino, Gustavo Javier; Ballarin, Virginia L.


    President Dr Gustavo Meschino Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Comittee Dr Gustavo Abraham Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata - CONICET Mg Rubén Acevedo Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos Ing Pablo Agüero Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Ing Mariela Ambrustolo Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Dr Ricardo Armentano Universidad Favaloro Dra Virginia L Ballarin Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Dra Josefina Ballarre Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata - CONICET Dr Eduardo Blotta Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Ing Marco Benalcázar Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Mg Freddy Geovanny Benalcázar Palacios Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador Dr Roberto Boeri Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata - CONICET - INTEMA Dra Agustina Bouchet Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Dr Ariel Braidot Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos Dr Marcel Brun Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Dra Silvia Ceré Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata - CONICET Ing Fernando Clara Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Dr Raúl Correa Prado Universidad Nacional de San Juan Bioing Pablo Cortez Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Dra Teresita R Cuadrado Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata - CONICET Ing Eduardo De Forteza Universidad Favaloro Dra Mariana Del Fresno Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Dr Martín Diaz Informática Médica Hospital Aleman de Buenos Aires - GIBBA Ing Julio César Doumecq Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Mg Ana María Echenique Universidad Nacional de San Juan Bioing Pedro Escobar Universidad Nacional del Centro, Olavarría, Pcia de Buenos Aires Dr Fernando Daniel Farfán Universidad Nacional de Tucumán Dr Carmelo Felice Universidad Nacional de Tucumán - CONICET Dr Elmer Fernández Universidad Católica de Córdoba - CONICET Ing José Flores Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos Dr Arturo Gayoso Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Dra Bioing Agustina Garcés Universidad Nacional de San

  9. Ladrillo and Tales of Juan Bobo: Puerto Rican Folk Tales. (United States)

    Matos, Reinaldo; Matos, Ana

    These two illustrated elementary readers contain the Spanish and English versions of the Puerto Rican folk tales, "Ladrillo" and "Cuentos de Juan Bobo." They are part of a series of reading materials for elementary-level migrant children. These materials are intended to help the child relate to his culture, develop interest in…

  10. Review of Juan Coloma, «"Década de la pasión", "Cántico de la resurrección" de don Juan Coloma, conde de Elda y virrey de Cerdeña. Añádese en apéndice su poesía profana y el epistolario diplomátic con don Juan de Zúñiga», ed. Pedro M. Cátedra y Javier Burguillo, Salamanca, SEMYR, 2015, 532 pp. ISBN 978-84-941708-7-4

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    Martín Zulaica Lopez


    Full Text Available Review of Juan Coloma, «Década de la pasión», «Cántico de la resurrección» de don Juan Coloma, conde de Elda y virrey de Cerdeña. Añádese en apéndice su poesía profana y el epistolario diplomátic con don Juan de Zúñiga, ed. Pedro M. Cátedra y Javier Burguillo, Salamanca, SEMYR, 2015, 532 pp. ISBN 978-84-941708-7-4

  11. Juan Rodríguez Freile (cronista colonial

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    Julio Enrique Cuervo Escobar


    Full Text Available Juan Rodríguez Freile -1566-1638-. Aspirante al sacerdocio, soldado en los albores de la Conquista y más tarde hombre pacífico, que cambió las armas por instrumentos de labranza y en la vejez por la pluma, escribiendo sobre la "Conquista y Descubrimiento del Nuevo Reino. de Granada . .. " (El título completo equivale al índice 1, crónica santafereña que ha pasado a la posteridad con el título familiar de '·'EI Carnero".

  12. El “Mundus Subterraneus” de Juan Ignacio Molina o el geólogo como economista

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    Orrego G., Francisco


    Full Text Available In general, the work of the Chilean ex Jesuit Juan Ignacio Molina (1740-1829 has not been studied under the light of history of geology. This article attempts to reconstruct the origin and morphology of the ideas in which the Chilean naturalist developed about the internal structure of the Earth. We will see how the geological ideas elaborated by Molina went beyond the scientific reflection. The development of a particular discipline as political economy during the eighteenth century also influenced Juan Ignacio Molina´s thoughts about the internal organization of the Earth, geological processes and the descriptions of the nature of Chilean kingdom in the late eighteenth century.En general, la obra del ex jesuita chileno Juan Ignacio Molina (1740-1829 no ha sido estudiada con profundidad a la luz de la historia de la geología. Este artículo reconstruye el origen y la morfología de parte de las ideas que el naturalista chileno elaboró sobre la estructura interna de la Tierra. Se verá cómo las ideas geológicas desarrolladas por Molina fueron más allá de la simple reflexión científica. El desarrollo de una disciplina particular y novedosa como la economía política, también influyó en el tipo de reflexiones que Juan Ignacio Molina desarrolló sobre la organización interior de la Tierra, los procesos geológicos y las descripciones sobre la naturaleza del Reino de Chile a fines del siglo XVIII.

  13. Ästhetisches Bild und Christliche Mystik im Cántico espiritual des San Juans de la Cruz

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kluge, Sofie


      In diesem Zusammenhang werde ich, von dem Cántico espiritual des San Juans de la Cruz (1577) ausgehend und zentrale rezeptionsgeschichtliche Probleme einbeziehend, den mystischen Bildbegriff untersuchen. Auf der einen Seite bildet San Juans selbstständige Interpretation des biblischen Hoheliedes...... macht somit den übergeordneten Rahmen meiner Interpretation und Diskussion des Cántico espiritual mit dazugehörigen Prosakommentaren aus. Weil der Cántico espiritual als mysticher Text behauptet, er beschreibt eine paranormale Erfahrung (die unio mystica als intenses Gotteserlebnis), ist es relevant...

  14. Juan O’Gorman. Formas de no ser arquitecto

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    Javier Jerez González


    Full Text Available La obra proyectada y construida por Juan O’Gorman a lo largo de su vida traza un recorrido largo y sincopado entre formas de entender la arquitectura totalmente antagónicas. Su primera etapa de radical racionalismo desarrolla, según procedimientos estrictamente técnicos, un lenguaje revolucionario basado en la austeridad y la precisión. A pesar de ello muchas de sus obras destacan por la plasticidad de sus composiciones volumétricas, la riqueza espacial o, incluso, por la creación de atmósferas oníricas. Los primeros años de frenética actividad dan paso a un periodo de voluntario alejamiento de la práctica profesional de la arquitectura: ni una sola obra, ni un solo proyecto durante cerca de 15 años. Tan solo su actividad docente le mantiene en contacto con el mundo de la arquitectura. Cuando Juan O’Gorman vuelve a ejercer como arquitecto, lo hace construyendo algunos de los iconos del movimiento de integración plástica de México: la biblioteca central de la UNAM y su casa en San Jerónimo. A pesar de las enormes diferencias, o más bien oposiciones, entre unos momentos y otros, puede identificarse una invariante clara como señal de identidad personal: una velada voluntad de no ser arquitecto

  15. The paradigm of paraglacial megafans of the San Juan river basin, Central Andes, Argentina (United States)

    Suvires, Graciela M.


    The spatial distribution and several morphometric characteristics of the Quaternary alluvial fans of the San Juan River, in the province of San Juan, at the Central and Western part of Argentina, have been studied to classify them as paraglacial megafans, as well to ratify its depositional environmental conditions. The high sedimentary load exported by San Juan river from the Central Andes to the foreland depressions is estimated about 3,682,200 hm3. The large alluvial fans of Ullum-Zonda and Tulum valleys were deposited into deep tectonic depressions, during the Upper Pleistocene deglaciation stages. The outcome of collecting remotely sensed data, map and DEM data, geophysical data and much fieldwork gave access to morphometric, morphographic and morphogenetic data of these alluvial fans. The main drainage network was mapped on processed images using QGis (vers.2.0.1). Several fan morphometric parameters were measured, such as the size, the shape, the thickness, the surface areas and the sedimentary volume of exported load. The analyzed fans were accumulated in deep tectonic depressions, where the alluvium fill reaches 700 to 1200 m thick. Such fans do not reach the large size that other world megafans have, and this is due to tectonic obstacles, although the sedimentary fill average volume surpasses 514,000 hm3. The author proposes to consider Ullum-Zonda and Tulum alluvial fans as paraglacial megafans. According to the stratigraphic relationships of the tropical South American Rivers, the author considers that the San Juan paraglacial megafans would have occurred in the period before 24 ka BP , possibly corresponding to Middle Pleniglacial (ca 65-24ka BP). They record colder and more humid conditions compared with the present arid and dry conditions.

  16. Juan Rulfo and Machado de Assis: Toward an Integrated New Narrative (United States)

    Wiseman, David P.; Krause, James R.


    Despite apparent connections between Brazilian and Spanish American narratives, comparative scholarship has only recently begun to investigate actively these important points of contact. In this study, we introduce a vital crossover between the two traditions, involving Juan Rulfo and Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis. Rulfo's outspoken affinity for…

  17. Las aguas mineromedicinales del Monasterio de Piedra, Nuévalos (Zaragoza

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    Pilar Bosqued Lacambra


    Full Text Available El monasterio de Piedra, situado en Nuévalos, provincia de Zaragoza, fue monasterio cisterciense hasta 1835, fecha en la que fue desamortizado. Vendido en pública subasta, lo compró Pablo Muntadas Campeny y, a su muerte, lo heredó su hijo Juan Federico, quien es el artífice del parque y la piscifactoría. En el año 1869 Federico descubrió de forma casual el manantial de aguas mineromedicinales que serían conocidas como de la Peña. Después de obtener la declaración de aguas aptas para su utilidad pública, quiso establecer en el parque un sanatorio y balneario, pero a pesar del intento, sólo logró el comienzo de su proyecto. El manantial fue oficialmente clausurado en 1932.The monastery of Piedra (Stone, sited in Nuévalos, province of Zaragoza, it was a Cistercian monastery until 1835, date when it was alienated. Sold in public auction, Pablo Muntadas Campeny bought the monastery and after his death, his son Juan Federico inherited it. Federico was the author and artificer of the wonderful park and garden and the fish hatchery. In 1869 he discovered by chance the spring of the minero-medicinal water, that were called as spring of the Peña (Rock. After the statement of the spring water as capable to use by public, Federico wanted do in the park a Sanatorium and watering place, but despite the intention, he did only the beginning of the project. The spring was officialy closed in 1932.

  18. Chico Pereira, Ganador del Premio Cinematográfico de la Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo con el largometraje "El Invierno de Pablo" The Film "Pablo's Winter" of Chico Pereira, Winner of the film award fron the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

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    María Dolores Limón Tamés


    Full Text Available La Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo (EU-OSHA organiza cada año el Festival de Cine Documental de Leipzig (DOK, Leipzig en el que se otorga el Premio Cinematográfico "Lugares de Trabajo Saludables" al documental que destaque como promotor del debate y la reflexión entre los ciudadanos europeos sobre la importancia de la seguridad y la salud en el trabajo. Este año 2012, el Premio ha sido otorgado al largometraje "El invierno de Pablo" del director español Chico Pereira, que narra la cruda historia de Pablo, un minero jubilado que trabajó extrayendo cinabrio durante 30 años y que actualmente presenta unos pulmones y un corazón seriamente dañados como consecuencia de la continua exposición al sulfuro de mercurio. En España, la Red Española de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, coordinada por el Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, organizará durante 2013 sesiones de cine forum en la que se podrán visionar las películas ganadoras del Certamen Cinematográfico "Lugares de Trabajo Saludables", como actividad divulgativa para el debate y la promoción de la cultura preventiva.The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA is supporting every year the Healthy Workplaces Film Award for the best documentary on work-related topics. The award is presented at the International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film (DOK Leipzig. The award honours a documentary film that promotes the importance of workplace health and safety across Europe. The film "Pablo's Winter" won this year the edition, telling the story of a retired miner who had been working during 30 years in an old mercury mine in Spain and currently has his heart and lungs severely damaged as a result of continued exposure to mercury sulfide. In Spain, the Spanish Network of Safety and Health at Work, coordinated by the National Institute of Safety and Health at Work, is organizing during 2013 video screenings of

  19. Marques de l’affectivité dans le discours séducteur du Dom Juan de Molière

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    Diana-Adriana Lefter


    Full Text Available Notre travail prend en discussion l’un des plus célèbres libertins de l’histoire littéraire, Don Juan, tel qu’il est repris dans la pièce de Molière. Plus précisément, nous nous proposons d’étudier le discours de séduction de Don Juan dans les différentes hypostases dans lesquelles il apparaît. Nous voulons mettre en parallèle le discours de Don Juan devant Done Elvire, et celui devant la paysanne Charlotte, pour mettre en évidence deux aspects: la composante affective, c’est-à-dire l’insertion du moi dans le discours, et la composante séductrice, notamment le rapport entre le moi-séducteur et l’objet de la séduction.

  20. Impacts of Urbanization in the Coastal Tropical City of San Juan, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Comarazamy, Daniel E.; Gonzalez, Jorge E.; Luvall, Jeffrey C.; Rickman, Douglass


    Urban sprawl in tropical locations is rapidly accelerating and it is more evident in islands where a large percentage of the population resides along the coasts. This paper focuses on the analysis of the impacts of land use and land cover for urbanization in the tropical coastal city of San Juan, in the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. A mesoscale numerical model, the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), is used to study the impacts of land use for urbanization in the environment including specific characteristics of the urban heat island in the San Juan Metropolitan Area (SJMA), one of the most noticeable urban cores of the Caribbean. The research also makes use of the observations obtained during the airborne San Juan Atlas Mission. Surface and raw insonde data from the mission are used to validate the atmospheric model yielding satisfactory results. Airborne high resolution remote sensing data are used to update the model's surface characteristics in order to obtain a more accurate and detailed configuration of the SJMA and perform a climate impact analysis based on land cover/land use (LCLU) changes. The impact analysis showed that the presence of the urban landscape of San Juan has an impact reflected in higher air temperatures over the area occupied by the city, with positive values of up to 2.5 degrees C, for the simulations that have specified urban LCLU indexes in the model's bottom boundary. One interesting result of the impact analysis was the finding of a precipitation disturbance shown as a difference in total accumulated rainfall between the present urban landscape and with a potential natural vegetation, apparently induced by the presence of the urban area. Results indicate that the urban-enhanced cloud formation and precipitation development occur mainly downwind of the city, including the accumulated precipitation. This spatial pattern can be explained by the presence of a larger urbanized area in the southwest sector of the city, and of

  1. Contribución a la iconografía del venerable Juan de Palafox. Una nueva obra firmada de Francisco Bayeu

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    Rincón García, Wifredo


    Full Text Available A new painting about the venerable Juan de Palafox, signed by Francisco Bayeu, is here presented. It was probably an oil sketch for an altarpiece.

    Se da a conocer una nueva pintura sobre el venerable Juan de Palafox, firmada, de Francisco Bayeu, posible boceto para un cuadro destinado a un retablo.

  2. Herpetofauna de la provincia de San Juan, Argentina: lista comentada y distribución geográfica

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    Ávila, Luciano Javier


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de la fauna de anfibios y reptiles de la Provincia de San Juan es fragmentario e incompleto. En razón de ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una lista de las especies de anfibios y reptiles registrados para San Juan. La información se relevó a partir de la revisión de colecciones de referencia y a partir de revisiones bibliográficas. Se establece un registro de 59 especies y se presentan las localidades de colección de las mismas. The knowledge of amphibians and reptiles of San Juan Province is characterized by being fragmentary and incomplete. For that reason, the main purpose of this work is to present a list of the amphibians and reptiles of the province. The sources of information are a revision of herpetological collections from national and regional museums and bibliographic research. We establish a list of 59 species and we present geographic localities of collections.

  3. First inventory of the echinoderms from Juan de Nova (Iles Eparses ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Juan de Nova is one of the Iles Eparses, French islands scattered in the Mozambique Channel (Western India Ocean). They have been kept isolated of the anthropogenic influences which makes them rare areas to study biodiversity and provides elements of comparison with areas that are strongly impacted by urbanization ...

  4. Chico Pereira, Ganador del Premio Cinematográfico de la Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo con el largometraje "El Invierno de Pablo" The Film "Pablo's Winter" of Chico Pereira, Winner of the film award fron the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work


    María Dolores Limón Tamés


    La Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo (EU-OSHA) organiza cada año el Festival de Cine Documental de Leipzig (DOK, Leipzig) en el que se otorga el Premio Cinematográfico "Lugares de Trabajo Saludables" al documental que destaque como promotor del debate y la reflexión entre los ciudadanos europeos sobre la importancia de la seguridad y la salud en el trabajo. Este año 2012, el Premio ha sido otorgado al largometraje "El invierno de Pablo" del director español Chico Pere...


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    Diego Falconí Travez


    Full Text Available Pablo Palacio, escritor ecuatoriano de la segunda década del siglo pasado, se encargó de construir en sus relatos un catálogo de cuerpos raros con sexualidades ambiguas e inquietantes que se alejan del canon andino al que él pertenece. No obstante, una de las cuestiones que más llama la atención es que varios de esos cuerpos son disciplinados por ciertos discursos de poder de un modo violento. Este trabajo explora desde la teoría literaria dichas vejaciones tomando en consideración la violencia sobre las identidades de mujeres y homosexuales en dos de sus relatos, e indaga sobre cuestiones como la economía de la representación, la  violencia, su relación con el texto literario y la vulnerabilidad, como requisito sine qua non de las vejaciones, en ciertos cuerpos en la zona de los Andes.

  6. Isla de calor y ocupación espacial urbana en San Juan, Argentina: análisis evolutivo


    Papparelli, Alberto; Kurbán, Alejandra; Cúnsulo, Mario


    En este articulo se presentan resultados finales de un proyecto de investigacion bianual (2009-2010), denominado Variación histórica y espacial de la isla de calor urbana en zona árida, financiado por la Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina. Su objetivo principal es determinar la progresiva modificacion de la isla de calor urbana en un periodo de quince anos (1995-2010) y la correlacion de esta con la ocupacion del area urbana del Gran San Juan (GSJ), localizada en la diagonal arida de...

  7. Environmental laws for mining activities in Provincia de San Juan (Argentina), gravel mines exploitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez, M.; Carrascosa, H.


    This paper analyses San Juan Province - Argentina prevailing environmental legislation for mining activity and gravel mines. The study focuses the subject from a mining engineering point of view. (author)

  8. Towards a Poetry of Silence: Stéphane Mallarmé and Juan Ramón Jiménez

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    Mervyn Coke-Enguídanos


    Full Text Available In an era of apparent dissolution, "la Obra" of Juan Ramón Jiménez, like "l'Oeuvre" of Stéphane Mallarmé, has for its goal the attainment of timelessness. In both poets, the concept of absolute Time—the timelessness of eternal Time—is yoked with the ideal of silence. But this is no ordinary silence, and certainly not the kind that results from inadequacy of expression. It is the silence of perfection, the expression of the ineffable: pure Poetry. Since the poetic language is the silent language of thought, both Mallarmé and Juan Ramón seek to convey the pure idea. In so doing, both must stringently eliminate whatever is not essential in their poetry. The astonishing paradox, central to Mallarmé and Juan Ramón alike, is the urge to create an "unwritten" poetry.

  9. El Profesor Académico, Dr. Pablo Gómez Martínez.

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    Zoilo Cuéllar-Montoya


    Más adelante, en la misma Presidencia de la Academia del Profesor Pedro José Almánzar Vargas (1963 – 1965, fue promovido Gómez Martínez a la categoría de Miembro de Número(2,10 con el trabajo “Ilio-cisto-plastia con colgajo sero-muscular invertido y reconstrucción de vejigas funcionales” (2,11. En la sesión ordinaria de la Academia del día 12 de marzo de 1964, el Académico Correspondiente Gómez Martínez presentó el trabajo mencionado(2,12 y, en la sesión ordinaria del día 14 de mayo de 1964, en virtud de haber quedado vacantes las sillas de los Señores Académicos de Número Jaime Jaramillo Arango, fallecido en Bogotá, el 31 de julio de 1962(2,13, Manuel José Luque Guevara, retirado por precarias condiciones de salud(2,14, y Fernando Torres Restrepo, trasladado definitivamente a los Estados Unidos(2,15, la Academia, en votación secreta, eligió, como Miembros de Número, a los Señores Académicos Correspondientes Pablo Gómez Martínez, Alfredo Artunduaga y J. Hernando Hernández Garay(2,16...

  10. Los portafolios digitales grupales: un estudio diacrónico en la Universidad Pablo Olavide (2009-2015 = The group e-portfolio: A diachronic study at University Pablo de Olavide in Spain (2009-2015

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    Eloy López Meneses


    Full Text Available Resumen: En esta investigación se analizan las experiencias de innovación educativa de 607 estudiantes procedentes de los grados de Educación Social y Trabajo social en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (España durante seis cursos académicos (2009-2015. Estas experiencias consisten en el empleo de portafolios grupales dentro y fuera de las clases con el objeto de que propio estudiante pueda valorar sus logros, las dificultades y las evidencias en el diseño y desarrollo de materiales educativos multimedia para la prevención y concienciación social sobre colectivos vulnerables y en riesgo social. Los resultados obtenidos, a través de una metodología de corte cualitativo, evidencian que los portafolios electrónicos grupales mejoran la capacidad de los estudiantes para trabajar colaborativamente, permiten la autorreflexión sobre el error, facilitan la autoevaluación y evidencian el progreso académico. Los estudiantes consideran que una de las principales limitaciones para desarrollar este tipo de portafolio es el tiempo que tiene que emplearse en su desarrollo. Finalmente, consideramos que esta herramienta puede resultar de especial interés para mejorar las estrategias didácticas, permite analizar las prácticas educativas y promover el desarrollo profesional y la evaluación formativa para la mejora de la Educación Superior.Abstract: The present research analyzes the experiences in educational innovation of 607 students from Social Educator and Social Work University degrees at the University Pablo de Olavide in Seville, Spain, over six academic years (2009 to 2015. These experiences consist of the use of group e-portfolios inside and outside the classrooms, which were applied by the students to verify the achievements, difficulties, and most relevant evidence in the planning and implementation of a multimedia educational material (MEM aimed at prevention and social awareness, with emphasis on social groups at risk and

  11. Knowledge to serve the city: insights from an emerging knowledge-action network to address vulnerability and sustainability in San Juan, Puerto Rico (United States)

    T.A. Munoz-Erickson; A.E. Lugo; E. Melendez-Ackerman; L.E. Santiago-Acevedo; J. Seguinot-Barbosa; P. Mendez-Lazaro


    This paper presents initial efforts to establish the San Juan Urban Long-Term Research Area Exploratory (ULTRA-Ex), a long-term program aimed at developing transdisciplinary social-ecological system (SES) research to address vulnerability and sustainability for the municipality of San Juan. Transdisciplinary approaches involve the collaborations between researchers,...

  12. Explotación de peces asociada a la pesquería artesanal de langosta de Juan Fernández (Jasus frontalis

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    Mauricio Ahumada


    Full Text Available Para contribuir al conocimiento de la explotación de peces asociada a la pesquería de langosta de Juan Fernández, se monitorearon 157 salidas de pesca durante la temporada 2010-2011. Se capturaron 10.462 ejemplares correspondientes a 19 especies de peces, tres de las cuales concentraron el 94% de la captura en número: jurel de Juan Fernández (Pseudocaranx chilensis (45%, breca (Nemadactylus gayi (41% y anguila morena (Gymnothoraxporphyreus (8%. Las capturas totales estimadas fueron 40, 24 y 13 ton de breca, jurel de Juan Fernández y anguila morena, respectivamente. El 97% de los ejemplares de peces capturados fueron utilizados como carnada de peces o langosta.

  13. Utilisation de l'espace dans la communauté de San Juan

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    Full Text Available Quelques aspects de la mise en valeur et de l'exploitation agro-pastorale du terroir de San Juan sont présentés à l'aide d'une série de cartes et de tableaux: carte de l'intensité de l'utilisation annuelle de la terre, circuit annuel du bétail, système foncier, évolution de l'irrigation au cours de l'année, rotation des cultures à proximité du village, rotation de terres d'altitude, évolution du bétail et enfin systèmes de mise en valeur du sol, on étudie en conclusion deux types d'évolution possibles de ce village. -Una serie de mapas y de cuadros presenta algunos aspectos del manejo y de 1a explotación agropastoral del terruño de la Comunidad de San Juan, teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones naturales ,y socioculturales: mapa de la intensidad del uso anual de la tierra con respecto al riego, rotación del ganado durante el año, sistema predial, evolución del riego a lo largo del año, rotación de los cultivos entre los corrales ubicados cerca del pueblo, rotación de los cultivos en las tierras de altura, evolución del ganado y sistemas de uso del suelo. Se examinan en conclusión dos tipos de evolución posibles para el pueblo. Some aspects of agro-pastoral management and exploitation in the San Juan lands are presented with a series of maps and tables: map of annual land utilization intensity, annual cattle rotation, land tenure system, irrigation process during the year, rotation of crops near the village, rotation of altitude lands, cattle evolution and soil use systems. Finally, two possible types of evolution for this village are discussed.

  14. Herpetofauna de la provincia de San Juan, Argentina: lista comentada y distribución geográfica


    Ávila, Luciano Javier; Acosta, Juan Carlos; Murúa, Fernando


    El conocimiento de la fauna de anfibios y reptiles de la Provincia de San Juan es fragmentario e incompleto. En razón de ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una lista de las especies de anfibios y reptiles registrados para San Juan. La información se relevó a partir de la revisión de colecciones de referencia y a partir de revisiones bibliográficas. Se establece un registro de 59 especies y se presentan las localidades de colección de las mismas. The knowledge of amphibians and ...

  15. El naturalista Alejando de Humboldt, Cavanilles y Juan Andrés

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    María-Rosario MARTÍ MARCO


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Tras una breve introducción en la que se traza un paralelismo entre el erudito Juan Andrés y el naturalista Alejandro de Humboldt, se presenta una síntesis de la relevancia del viaje científico de Humboldt iniciado en España. Las referencias sobre la figura y trabajo de Humboldt y, en menor medida, sobre Cavanilles en la gran obra total de Andrés demuestran el vigor intelectual de éste, quien subraya muchos de los elementos fundamentales del legado humboldtiano.ABSTRACT: This paper begins with a brief introduction to the similarities between the scholar Juan Andrés and the naturalist Alexander von Humboldt and continues with a summary of the relevance of Humboldt’s scientific expedition which began in Spain. The references to Humboldt’s persona and endeavours, and to a lesser extent to Cavanilles, in all of Andrés’ great works demonstrate the intellectual ability of the author who pinpoints many of the fundamental aspects of Humboldt’s legacy.

  16. Homenaje a la memoria de los Maestros Doctores Abraham Aparicio Cruz (1849-1914 y Pablo García Medina (1858- 1935

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    Medicina Academia de


    reunió en sesión extraordinaria la Academia Nacional de Medicina para descubrir en el salón de sesiones los retratos de los académicos Abraham Aparicio Cruz y Pablo García Medina. El acto que revistió gran solemnidad fue presidido por el profesor emérito José Vicente Huertas. Concurrió el ex-Presidente de la República Dr. Alfonso López, también el señor Ministro de Higiene. Estuvieron presentes la mayoría de los Académicos, profesores universitarios, numerosos miembros de la Academia de Historia y un nutrido y selecto público de damas y caballeros.

  17. The silent Don Juan. The concepts of love and art in the works of Max Frisch

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    Špela Virant


    Full Text Available In the novel Stiller and in the play Don Juan, both published in the early 1950s, Frisch already focuses on the problem of identity as one of his major themes, but it is not yet situated in a political context as, for example, in the play Andorra. In these works, the identity-problem is situated in the domain of intimate relationships and artistic creativity, offering the possibility to discuss Frisch’s concepts of art and love, which unfold through Frisch’s treatment of the traditional literary figure of Don Juan and his hubris. Frisch’s Stiller and Don Juan do not believe in God; but their frame of mind stays the same, while the position of God and his attributes are assigned to love, art and geometry. Although both literary figures in the course of events realize that this substitution is a mistake, they are unable to alter their concepts of love and art. Instead of altering the concepts, they rather resign in silence, while Max Frisch continues to search for alternatives in reflecting on the process of fictionalization and in developing innovative narrative and dramatic structures.

  18. Huella fundacional española de la salud animal en la Octava Villa de Cuba: San Juan de los Remedios - Foundations of the Spanish roots of the Veterinary Medicine in the Eighth Village of Cuba: San Juan de los Remedios


    Rojas Lleonart, Isaías; Silveira Prado, Enrique A


    ResumenEn el presente artículo se realiza un análisis histórico de los acontecimientos que permiten fundamentar las raíces españolas de la Veterinaria en la Octava Villa de Cuba, San Juan de los Remedios, actualmente municipio de Remedios, en la provincia de Villa Clara.SummaryIn this article a historical analysis of the events that allow to lay the foundations of the Spanish roots of the Veterinary medicine in the Eighth Village of Cuba, San Juan de los Remedios, nowadays municipality of Rem...

  19. Y se hizo la imagen del héroe nacional costarricense… Iconografía emblemática de Juan Santamaria.

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    Guillermo Brenes Tencio.


    Full Text Available This article presents an iconographic reading (interpretation of Costa Rica’s national hero, Juan Santamaría. It examines two types of visual representation: the bronze statue of Juan Santamaría as a soldier, designed by the French sculptor, Aristide Onésime Croisy (1840-1899; and the oil painting, La Quema del Mesón, by the Costa Rican artist, Enrique Echandi Montero (1866-1959.

  20. Material didáctico para la enseñanza de factorización en los décimos años de Educación Básica del Colegio Nacional San Pablo, de la parroquia San Pablo del Lago, cantón Otavalo, Provincia Imbabura, en el periodo lectivo 2010-2011.


    Cruz Artos, Javier Vinicio


    Determinar las estrategias didácticas que utilizan los docentes de matemáticas para facilitar el aprendizaje de la factorización de expresiones algebraicas de los décimos años del Colegio Nacional San Pablo. La investigación desarrollada en este trabajo, gira alrededor de la problemática que tienen las personas al tratar de utilizar el método de factorización como método general en la solución de ecuaciones cuadráticas. Para salvar este obstáculo se propone una forma de encontrar dos númer...

  1. Las Silvas de Juan Lorenzo Palmireno

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    Lee, Lilith


    Full Text Available This paper examines the works titled Silva by Juan Lorenzo Palmireno. The analysis of these texts sheds light on Palmireno’s understanding of the word and its possible implications in the sixteenth century. The study identifies an interpretation of silva as a way of writing different from his predecessor, Pedro Mexía, who first used it to title his work Silva de varia lección twenty years ago. The lack of any intention to arrange its structure gives these silvas the characteristic of a literary draft, a feature derived from one of the meanings of silva inherited from the Classical Age. Moreover, Palmireno’s works reveal an encyclopedic project of which the miscellany (represented by silva forms a part. Furthermore, the silvas of Palmireno act as a transition to the later development of silva as a genre, which finds its educational objective being taken over gradually by the anxiety to provide entertainment.El artículo examina las obras tituladas Silva de Juan Lorenzo Palmireno. El análisis de estos textos deja constancia de cómo el humanista entiende la palabra y sus implicaciones en el siglo XVI. El estudio identifica una interpretación de silva como una manera de escribir distinta de su predecesor, Pedro Mexía, quien veinte años antes la utilizó para nombrar a su obra Silva de varia lección. La falta de la intención en ordenar los textos les otorga a las silvas palmirenianas la característica de un borrador literario, uno de los significados de la silva desde la Edad Clásica. Además, las obras del humanista aragonés muestra su proyecto enciclopédico del autor que integra la miscelánea (representada por la silva como una parte. Estas silvas también actúan como la transición para el desarrollo de la silva como género que encuentra su objetivo educacional sustituido gradualmente por la finalidad de ofrecer entretenimiento.

  2. Juan de Fuca slab geometry and its relation to Wadati-Benioff zone seismicity (United States)

    McCrory, Patricia A.; Blair, J. Luke; Waldhause, Felix; Oppenheimer, David H.


    A new model of the subducted Juan de Fuca plate beneath western North America allows first-order correlations between the occurrence of Wadati-Benioff zone earthquakes and slab geometry, temperature, and hydration state. The geo-referenced 3D model, constructed from weighted control points, integrates depth information from earthquake locations and regional seismic velocity studies. We use the model to separate earthquakes that occur in the Cascadia forearc from those that occur within the underlying Juan de Fuca plate and thereby reveal previously obscured details regarding the spatial distribution of earthquakes. Seismicity within the slab is most prevalent where the slab is warped beneath northwestern California and western Washington suggesting that slab flexure, in addition to expected metamorphic dehydration processes, promotes earthquake occurrence within the subducted oceanic plate. Earthquake patterns beneath western Vancouver Island are consistent with slab dehydration processes. Conversely, the lack of slab earthquakes beneath western Oregon is consistent with an anhydrous slab. Double-differenced relocated seismicity resolves a double seismic zone within the slab beneath northwestern California that strongly constrains the location of the plate interface and delineates a cluster of seismicity 10 km above the surface that includes the 1992 M7.1 Mendocino earthquake. We infer that this earthquake ruptured a surface within the Cascadia accretionary margin above the Juan de Fuca plate. We further speculate that this earthquake is associated with a detached fragment of former Farallon plate. Other subsurface tectonic elements within the forearc may have the potential to generate similar damaging earthquakes.

  3. El saxofón en la ópera de Luis de Pablo: La señorita Cristina

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    Martínez García, Francisco


    Full Text Available At 82 years we will not mention the importance and influence of Luis de Pablo in the musical history of Spain in the last fifty years, but it was not what caught my attention for a PhD thesis on his music, but the the large number of works including saxophone in his catalog: 25 works upon today. It is a very high number compared to what Europeans frontline composers have produced during the twentieth century and the first decade of the 21st. From all this great production, surely excel his operas, as three of his five works dedicated to this genre, the saxophone is present and also with dramatic character roles. Then we will make an analysis of the opera La señorita Cristina, and the employment of the saxophone there, with musical contributions that eleven years after its release are certainly innovative and interesting.A sus 82 años no vamos a citar la importancia e influencia de Luis de Pablo en la historia musical de España en los últimos cincuenta años, pero no fue esto lo que me llamó la atención para realizar una tesis doctoral sobre su música1, sino la gran producción de obras con saxofón dentro de su catálogo: veinticinco obras al momento de hoy. Es un número muy alto comparándolo con lo que los compositores europeos de primera línea han llevado a cabo durante el siglo XX y primera década del XXI. De toda esta gran producción, destacan sin duda sus óperas, ya que en tres de sus cinco obras de este apartado, el saxofón está presente y además con funciones de personaje dramático. A continuación vamos a efectuar un análisis de la ópera La señorita Cristina y del empleo del saxofón en la misma, con unas aportaciones musicales que once años después de su estreno son sin duda novedosas y muy interesantes.

  4. Los cambios en la política social argentina y el impacto del terremoto de San Juan (1944)


    Pablo Buchbinder


    El objetivo del artículo consiste en analizar las consecuencias sociales y políticas del terremoto de San Juan. El estudio focaliza en tres aspectos: los relacionados con las colectas de dinero para las víctimas, con las políticas de vivienda y con la aparición de nuevas leyes de adopción de menores. Abstract  The aim of this paper is to analyze the social and political consequences of the earthquake in San Juan. The study focuses on three areas: those related to collecting money for...

  5. Cuisine Preference of Local Tourists in San Juan, Batangas, Philippines

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    Full Text Available This study aimed to determine the cuisine preference of the local tourist in San Juan, Batangas. More specifically, it aimed to describe the demographic profile of local tourist; to identify the preferred cuisine by different restaurants; to determine the significant difference when group according to demographic profile; and to determine the cuisine preference of local tourists in San Juan, Batangas. The research design used the descriptive method because it is the most appropriate method. It was found that the over-all assessment was frequent. Hamburger received the highest weighted mean followed by Sandwiches interpreted as frequent. Doughnut and Roasted Turkey got the lowest. Chinese Cuisine is frequently served. Lumpiang Shanghai has the highest weighted mean that is frequently offered and Siomai being the second highest. Siopao and Dumpling got the lowest weighted mean that makes it sometimes offered in every restaurant. Japanese cuisine has an over-all assessment of frequent. Tempura has the highest weighted mean followed by Teriyaki. Ramen has the second to the lowest weighted mean and Tonkatsu got the lowest. French Cuisine has a composite mean with an over-all assessment of sometimes. Mediterranean salad has the highest weighted followed by French Macaroons. Lamb and Ratatouille has the lowest weighted mean

  6. Characterization and recovery proposal of polymer mortar coating plates of the parish of San Pablo in Seville

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    V. Flores-Alés


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the study of the facade elements of the parish of San Pablo in Seville (1961. They are made with polymer mortar. A characterization of the coating plates was carried out and possible solutions for recovering the altered material were analyzed in order to facilitate a future intervention. The resins used as a binder were identified as aliphatic polyester. The resin study was carried out to assure the compatibility of restoration products. Materials characterization provides information about the structural capacity of the plates and the properties achieved. The plates’ colorimetric control is an inexcusable necessity, since any action on the surface of the pieces leads to a color change. All the analyses and testing carried out have led to the creation of an appropriate treatment system for recovery of the plates that provides sufficient information to the intervention project managers to justify decision-making.

  7. Bioética y catolicismo: dificultades en torno a la constitución de una identidad colectiva

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    Gabriela Irrazábal


    Full Text Available Para 1994, las preocupaciones sobre los avances científicos en términos de biomedicina como la manipulación genética, la reproducción asistida, la anticoncepción y el aborto llevaron al Papa Juan Pablo II a instituir formalmente a la Pontificia Academia para la Vida con el objetivo de defender y promover la vida mediante el estudio y monitoreo de los avances médicos y el derecho. En Argentina, para fines de la década del noventa, algunos movimientos católicos iniciaron la formación de laicos en bioética, apoyando la idea de que son ellos, especialmente los profesionales de la salud, quienes deben difundir los postulados doctrinarios en el territorio, allí donde se encuentran los bautizados. Este trabajo intentará dar cuenta de las estrategias de producción identitarias por parte de algunos líderes católicos bioéticos de un grupo que se dedica a formar laicos en bioética, durante el año 2008.In 1994, the Catholic Pope, Juan Pablo II, founded the Pontifical Academy for Life due to the new scientific developments in genetics, contraception, in vitro fertilization and abortion. The main objective of this academy was to defend and promote human life by means of studying and monitoring science and law progress. At the end of the 1990s, In Argentina, some catholic movements began training lays, especially health professionals, in bioethics so that they could spread their ideas and beliefs in the territory, where the baptized people are. This work will treat the identity production strategies of some catholic bioethics' leaders of a group whose work is to teach bioethics to lays during 2008.

  8. Radiation accident Hospital San Juan de Dios August - September 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chin Cheng, R.


    In Costa Rica, a radiation accident occurred in 1996. It took place at the Radiotherapy Service of the San Juan de Dios Hospital, which affected 115 patients. The Unit of Radiotherapy made a mistake in the calibration of the new bundle because of the change of external faeces of cobalt 60 (Alycon II). The work is a retrospective study that describes what happened in this accident, and the medical consequences that derived from it [es

  9. La junta luz di Juan Gelman: un oratorio contro il silenzio

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    Arianna Fiore


    Full Text Available Juan Gelman is generally considered by critics to be one of the most important poets of modern Argentina. Born in Buenos Aires in 1930 from Russian-Jewish parents, he published his first collection of poems (Violín y otras cuestiones in 1956. He is a member of the generación del 60, made up of intellectuals influenced in their critical realism by the charisma of Raúl González Tuñón, forerunner of Argentina’s social and political poetry. This group was politically very active, as demonstrated by their experimental language and iconoclastic lyricism. Gelman’s later life was marked by his exile in the wake of the 1976 dictatorship, and by the desaparición of his son Marcelo Ariel, his daughter-in-law Claudia and his grand-daughter Andrea (born in prison. Since then, it was impossible for Juan Gelman to separate his personal plight from Argentina’s historical-political situation, and his poetry became more and more intimate and lyrical, marked by human drama. La junta luz, the author’s only theatre play, was written and published in this second phase.

  10. La astronomía de un humanista, Juan Andrés

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La páginas que siguen pretenden ofrecer una visión de conjunto del análisis que de la historia de la Astronomía realiza Juan Andrés, desde los orígenes de la humanidad hasta el siglo XVIII. Este análisis, incluido en su monumental obra Origen, progresos y estado actual de toda la literatura, destaca por su modernidad y precisión, constituyendo, por tanto, una interesante base de comparación entre la visión de la ciencia astronómica del humanismo ilustrado y la que pervive en la actualidad.ABSTRACT: The following pages attempt to offer a full view of the research into the history of astronomy made by Juan Andrés, from the beginning of human culture until the 18th century. This analysis, included in a broader work called Origen, progresos y estado de toda la literatura, stands out on account of its modern and precise ideas, thus representing an interesting knowledge base for comparing the view of astronomy during the Enlightenment with that of the present.

  11. Una interpretación lógica sobre la estructura y el cambio urbano de la ciudad de San Juan de Puerto Rico

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    María del Carmen Zorrilla Lassus


    Full Text Available En los albores del siglo XXI y en el ámbito geográfico del Caribe, la estructura urbana de San Juan de Puerto Rico refleja herencias culturales del pasado y transformaciones económicas y sociales reciente derivadas de la globalización. San Juan aparece como una mancha urbana compuesta por varios municipios e integrada por áreas diferenciadas desde los puntos de vista morfológico, social y funcional. Su estructura y paisajes urbanos son el resultado de modelos culturales y sistemas productivos distintos que se han sucedido a través del tiempo sobre un mismo espacio. Hoy, la administración y los responsables del planteamiento se esfuerzan por corregir los problemas heredados, por resolver las carencias estructurales y por hacer de San Juan una aglomeración capaz de haer compatible desarrollo sostenible y calidad de vida de sus habitantes.In the beginnings of the XXI century and in the geographical environment of the Caribbean, the urban structure of San Juan from Puerto Rico reflects cultural inheritances of the past and derived recent economic and social transformations of the globalization. San Juan appears like an urban stain composed by several municipalities and integrated by áreas that differ greatly from the morphological, social and functional points of view. Their structure and urban landscapes are the result of cultural models and different productivo Systems that have been developing through time in the same space. Today, the administration and those responsible for the planning make an effort to correct the inherited problems, to solve the structural déficits and to make of San Juan a mass able to make compatible sustainable development and quality of their inhabitants' Ufe.

  12. Fé antropológica como ponte entre fé e ideología em Juan Luis Segundo

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    Alvori Ahlert


    Full Text Available Este texto busca a compreensão da ideología em sua relação com a fé na teologia latinoamericana a partir da concepção de fé antropológica na obra de Juan Luis Segundo. Acreditamos que a questão da ideología, e sua relação com a fé, continua sendo urna questão atual no pensamento cristão, face aos velhos e novos problemas humanos que o novo sáculo vem apresentando. Concentramos nossa análise nos escritos de Juan Luis Segundo, um dos principáis representantes dessa teologia, por ser este teólogo que, ao nosso ver, mais trabalhou, de forma explícita, a questão da ideología e sua relação com a fé no contexto latinoamericanoThis text searchs the understanding of the ideology in its relation with the faith in the Latin American theology from the conception of antropology faith in the workmanship of Juan Luis Segundo. We believe that the question of the ideology, and its relation with the faith, continue being a current question in the Christian thought, face to the old and new human problems that the new century comes presenting. We concentrate our analysis on the writings of Juan Luis Segundo, one of the main representatives of this theology, for being this theologian who, to ours to see, more worked, of explicit form, the question of the ideology and its relation with the faith in the Latin American context

  13. Diálogos latino-americanos. Correspondência entre Ángel Rama, Berta e Darcy Ribeiro. Organización, estudios y notas de Haydée Ribeiro Coelho y Pablo Rocca. São Paulo: Global Editora, 2015. 189 pp.

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    Facundo Gómez


    Full Text Available Reseña de Diálogos latino-americanos. Correspondência entre Ángel Rama, Berta e Darcy Ribeiro. Organización, estudios y notas de Haydée Ribeiro Coelho y Pablo Rocca. São Paulo: Global Editora, 2015. 189 pp.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tocho, Claudia; Miranda, Silvia; Pacino, Maria Cristina


    A high-resolution and high-precision detailed gravimetric geoid has been computed for San Juan province in Argentina, ranging from 27 degrees S to 34 degrees S in latitude and 72 degrees W to 65 degrees W in longitude. The gravimetric geoid was calculated using the RTM method, a multiband spheric...

  15. Diagnosis of the Skills of the Master’s Degree: Case Study at the University Pablo of Olavide

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    Eva Ordóñez Olmedo


    Full Text Available The work team of the Postgraduate Studies Centre (henceforth CEDEP of Pablo de Olavide University (henceforth UPO has submitted a questionnaire in order to identify the training needs of the directors of the master’s degrees which are implemented in The UPO during the academic year 2016/2017. This article aims to analyze how the lessons are planned and how the acquisition of the competencies defined in each master’s degree are achieved, in order to assess the current situation and propose solutions for university quality improvement. This research presents a mixed design: quantitative and qualitative non-experimental descriptive through a questionnaire. Further to the study analysis conducted, the need to create a manual of recommended practice to arrange curricula by competencies at the master level is presented, as 62.16% of the participants reflect a great lack of knowledge about the theoretical description of the competencies classification and 73% support a complementary material need for the design of the curriculum.

  16. Juan Goytisolo y la “primavera árabe”

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    Marco Kunz


     Juan Goytisolo observed with enthusiasm, though with certain concern, the news about the revolutions that, since early 2011, overthrew several autocratical regimes (in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, entailed reforms in other countries (Morocco and caused a yet unfinished civil war (Syria. He gave his opinions on this historical process in repor­tages, essays and, mainly, articles published in El País. Based on these texts, I intend to compare his current comments with ideas he expressed in the late 20th century and to analize argumentation figures that are characteristic of Goytisolo’s vision of the recent history of North Africa.

  17. Aplicación de tres índices bióticos en el río San Juan, Andes, Colombia (Application of three biotic indexes in the river San Juan, Andes, Colombia

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    Mailedt Paola Murillo Torrentes


    Full Text Available Durante los meses de febrero, mayo, agosto y octubre del año 2014, se evaluó la calidad del agua del río San Juan. Para tal fin se establecieron seis puntos de muestreo donde se recolectaron muestras de agua y macroinvertebrados acuáticos para los análisis fisicoquímicos e hidrobiológicos. Se aplicaron y modificaron los índices bióticos EPT (efemerópteros, plecópteros, tricópteros, BMWP/Col (Biological Monitoring Working Party y ASPT (Average Score per Taxon basados en las comunidades de macroinvertebrados acuáticos capturados. Los resultados de las variables fisicoquímicas y los índices bióticos indican que las estaciones E1 y E2 son las que presentan menor grado de contaminación, en las demás estaciones disminuye considerablemente la calidad del agua debido a las actividades económicas desarrolladas en el sector y a su cercanías con el casco urbano del municipio de Andes. De los tres índices analizados, el ASPT modificado y adaptado al río San Juan es el que mejor se relaciona con las condiciones ambientales del río en tanto las características de los macroinvertebrados acuáticos recolectados y analizados en el trayecto objeto de estudio. (Abstract. During the months of February, May, August and October 2014, the water quality of the San Juan River was assessed. To this aim, six sampling points were established, where water samples and macroinvertebrates for physical-chemical and hydrobiological analysis were collected. Three biotic indexes were applied and one modified: EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, BMWP / Col (Biological Monitoring Working Party and ASPT (Average Score per Taxon based on the captured communities of aquatic macroinvertebrates. The results of the physical-chemical variables and biotic indixes indicate that E1 and E2 stations are those with lower degree of contamination, other stations considerably decreased water quality due to economic activities around, and the short distance with the

  18. Inter- and Intraspecific Variations of Bacterial Communities Associated with Marine Sponges from San Juan Island, Washington

    KAUST Repository

    Lee, O. O.; Wong, Y. H.; Qian, P.-Y.


    This study attempted to assess whether conspecific or congeneric sponges around San Juan Island, Washington, harbor specific bacterial communities. We used a combination of culture-independent DNA fingerprinting techniques (terminal restriction

  19. View of sand dunes in the San Juan Province of Western Argentina (United States)


    A near vertical view of sand dunes in the San Juan Province of Western Argentina, as photographed from the Apollo spacecraft in Earth orbit during the joint U.S.-USSR Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) mission. The picture was taken at an altitude of 220 kilometers (136 statute miles). The photograph was taken at an altitude of 228 kilometers (141 statute miles).

  20. Escribir para resistir la Soledad: Nostalgia, confesión y amor en cartas a Clara de Juan Rulfo

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    Carlos Julio Ayram Chede


    Full Text Available El presente artículo indaga en el conjunto de cartas que el escritor mexicano Juan Rulfo le escribe a Clara Aparicio entre los años 1944 y 1950 las cuales no solo representan un hecho poé- tico en sí mismo, sino que develan al menos tres estados que se conjugan y coexisten en el plano de la expresión de cada misiva: la nostalgia, la confesión y el amor. Por tanto, cada una de las cartas que escribe Rulfo le permite asegurar un lugar en el mundo que empieza a habitar desde la lejanía de su hogar y que comparte de manera permanente con Clara. Juan Rulfo se sustrae de la lógica de la cotidianidad para evaporar la rutinización de su vida en la escritura, podría afirmarse, que como San Juan de la Cruz o Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Rulfo se evade en la escritura como oportunidad para albergar un mundo incondicional donde existe él y su corazón, donde existe el sujeto que ama.

  1. Carbon Isotopic tests on the Origins of the Shuram Anomaly from the San Juan Fm., Peru (United States)

    Hodgin, E. B.


    Carbon isotope anomalies are associated with perturbations to the carbon cycle that offer insight into the geochemical evolution of the Earth. The largest Carbon isotope anomaly in earth history is the Shuram, which remains poorly understood in spite of being linked to the oxygenation of earth, the rise of metazoans, and a complete reorganization of the carbon cycle. From a basin transect of the carbonate-dominated San Juan Formation in southern Peru, we present evidence for the first clear example of the Shuram isotope anomaly in South America. Unique to this succession are ~140 meters of organic-rich black shale within the anomaly, containing as much as 4% TOC. Preliminary data from the organic-rich black shales of the San Juan Fm. confirm that δ13Corg is relatively invariant and does not covary with δ13Ccarb. These observations are consistent with other Shuram sections and support various models: an exogenous carbon source, an enlarged dissolved organic carbon pool, as well as authigenic carbonate production in organic-rich anoxic sediments. Critical tests of these models have been complicated by a paucity of organics in Shuram facies worldwide. Further analyses of the robust organics from the Shuram facies of the San Juan Fm. therefore hold promise in shedding light on the origin of the Shuram isotope anomaly and critical earth history events to which it has been linked.

  2. Los cambios en la política social argentina y el impacto del terremoto de San Juan (1944

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    Pablo Buchbinder


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo consiste en analizar las consecuencias sociales y políticas del terremoto de San Juan. El estudio focaliza en tres aspectos: los relacionados con las colectas de dinero para las víctimas, con las políticas de vivienda y con la aparición de nuevas leyes de adopción de menores. Abstract  The aim of this paper is to analyze the social and political consequences of the earthquake in San Juan. The study focuses on three areas: those related to collecting money for victims with housing policies and the emergence of new child adoption laws.

  3. Fray Juan Rizi en Italia

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    Salort Pons, Salvador


    Full Text Available Since Tormo, Gusi and Lafuente wrote fray Juan Rizi's monograph in 1930, and Ángulo & Pérez Sánchez revised years later this study in their book Pintura madrileña del segundo tercio del siglo XVII, very little has been published about the life and work of the Benedictine painter. Furthermore, the Italian journey of Rizi, that involved the last 20 years of his life, has always been an enigma, resolved only in certain aspects, thanks to few news supplied by his biographers and the manuscripts the monk wrote during his staying in the Montecassino abbey. Our recent discovery of 8 new canvases painted by Rizi to decorate the Saints Cosme and Damian's chapel in the main church of Trevi nel Lazio (Frosinone, Italy, as well as the location of several new drawings in the Montecassino and Vatican libraries, will allow us to study his activity as painter in Italy and also to profile, with more accuracy, the history of the last years of his life.No disponible

  4. Las correcciones de Juan Rejano. En torno a Canciones de la paz (1955

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    Luján Atienza, Ángel Luis


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to explain the reasons for Juan Rejano to have removed his book Canciones de la paz (Songs for the Peace, 1955 from his first almost complete poems collection, Alas de tierra (Wings of Earth, 1975, and to modify it in his last «collected poems», La mirada del hombre (The Man’s Sight, 1978. In this paper, the circumstances under which the book was written will be analysed, these being linked to the World Movement for Peace and being deeply influenced by the P.C.E. (Spanish Communist Party exhortations. The study of textual variants, deleted poems and new assignments in finished poems reveals that Juan Rejano feels uncomfortable with the combative voice of this part of his work as the instrument to reveal the ugliest side in contemporary life. In addition, this book, intended to be written for children, does not fit in young readers literature.Este artículo trata de dar cuenta de las razones que llevaron a Juan Rejano a eliminar el libro Canciones de la paz (1955 de su primera gran recopilación, Alas de tierra (1975, y a modificarlo sustancialmente en su última suma poética, La mirada del hombre (1978. Con el análisis de las circunstancias en que nació el libro, vinculado al Movimiento Mundial por la Paz e influenciado por las consignas del PCE, y con el estudio de variantes, poemas eliminados y poemas reubicados, podemos aventurar que Rejano no se sentía cómodo con la parte más combativa del libro y con la que presentaba la faceta más sombría de la realidad contemporánea, además de que no cabía el adoctrinamiento en una escritura explícitamente dirigida a los niños.

  5. Geochemistry of axial seamount lavas: Magmatic relationship between the Cobb Hotspot and the Juan de Fuca Ridge (United States)

    Rhodes, J. M.; Morgan, C.; Liias, R. A.


    Axial Seamount, located along the central portion of the Juan de Fuca Ridge axis and at the eastern end of the Cobb-Eickelberg Seamount Chain, is the current center of the Cobb Hotspot. The Axial Seamount lavas are transitional between N-type and E-type mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), characteristics that they share with lavas along the rest of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. There are, however, subtle, but distinct, differences between the seamount lavas and those of the adjoining ridge segments. These include higher Na2O, CaO, and Sr at a given MgO content and lower silica saturation in the seamount lavas as compared with the ridge lavas. Lava chemistry and bathymetry indicate that Axial Seamount is a discrete volcanic unit, with a more productive shallow magmatic plumbing system separate from the adjacent ridge segments. These high magma supply rates have sustained a continuously replenished, steady state magma reservoir that has erupted remarkably homogeneous lavas over a long time period. Despite this classic association of spreading center and hotspot volcanic activity, there is no evidence in the lavas for geochemical or isotopic enrichment typical of hotspot or mantle plume activity. The differences in composition between the Axial Seamount lavas and the Juan de Fuca Ridge lavas are attributed to melting processes rather than to any fundamental differences in their mantle source compositions. The higher magma production rates, higher Sr, and lower silica saturation in the seamount lavas relative to the ridge lavas are thought to be a consequence of melt initiation at greater depths. The melting column producing the seamount lavas is thought to be initiated in the stability field of spinel peridotite, whereas the ridge lavas are produced from a melting column initiated at shallower levels, possibly within or close to the stability field of plagioclase peridotite. Implicit in this interpretation is the conclusion that the Juan de Fuca Ridge lavas, and by analogy most

  6. 77 FR 52310 - Expansion of Foreign-Trade Zone 61, San Juan, Puerto Rico (United States)


    ... 61, San Juan, Puerto Rico Pursuant to its authority under the Foreign-Trade Zones Act of June 18... Order: Whereas, the Puerto Rico Trade and Export Company, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 61, submitted an application to the Board for authority to expand FTZ 61 to include a site in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, adjacent...

  7. Riparian Communities along Longitudinal Gradients in Mexico's Northeastern San Juan River


    Guerra, San Juana; Lizárraga-Mendiola, Liliana; Návar, José


    Abstract: This research was conducted in three major tributaries of Mexico's northeast San Juan River with the major objectives of: (a) describing the diversity-abundance of riparian trees, benthic insects and fish faunal communities and (b) associating the fish and benthic insect communities to riparian tree communities, flow quality, and discharge parameters along a longitudinal gradient of water stress. Regardless of the high spatial variability, two gradients could be identified using mul...

  8. La enfermería de la Orden de San Juan de Dios en el Chile colonial

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    Julia Cristobalina Huaiquián-Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir las prácticas de enfermería en Chile durante la época colonial, prestando especial atención a la influencia de España en dicho proceso. Método: investigación cualitativa de abordaje socio-histórico; las fuentes primarias corresponden a textos históricos de Chile recuperados en la Biblioteca Virtual Memoria Chilena, y a 34 documentos recopilados en el Archivo Museo San Juan de Dios, Casa de los Pisa, en Granada, España, titulados “Listado de los hermanos de San Juan de Dios que vivían en Chile (207 años y un índice de documentos inéditos copiados de los archivos histórico nacional y del antiguo hospital, por Faustino Calvo”. La recolección de la información se efectuó con ficha documental confeccionada por la investigadora, complementada con fotografías. El análisis de los datos se realizó a través de análisis de contenido. Resultados: la Orden de San Juan de Dios llegó a Chile en el año 1617 a los hospitales de Santiago y Concepción y se expandió a las ciudades de La Serena, Valparaíso, San Juan de la Frontera, Talca, Chillan, Concepción y Valdivia. Por más de doscientos años la Orden permaneció en Chile brindando asistencia hospitalaria y de enfermería a través de los cuidados religiosos. Conclusión: con la llegada de la Orden al país mejoró indiscutiblemente la organización de los cuidados de salud al interior de los hospitales, que a partir de esa fecha se administraron de forma organizada, con altos estándares de higiene y limpieza, vigilando sigilosamente la alimentación de sus pacientes y con una gran preocupación por brindar asistencia espiritual a quienes necesitasen de sus servicios.

  9. Geochemical variability of natural soils and reclaimed minespoil soils in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico (United States)

    Gough, L.P.; Severson, R.C.


    An inventory of total-and extractable-element concentrations in soils was made for three areas of the San Juan Basin in New Mexico: (1) the broad area likely to be affected by energy-related development. (2) an area of soils considered to have potential for use as topsoil in mined-land reclamation. and (3) an area of the San Juan coal mine that has been regraded. topsoiled, and revegetated. Maps made of concentrations of 16 elements in area 1 soils show no gradational pattern across the region. Further. these maps do not correspond to those showing geology or soil types. Sodic or saline problems, and a possible but unproven deficiency of zinc available to plants. may make some of the soils in this area undesirable for use as topsoil in mined-land reclamation. Taxonomic great groups of soil in this area cannot be distinguished because each great group tends to have a large within-group variability if compared to the between-group variability. In area 2 the major soils sampled were of the Sheppard. Shiprock. and Doak association. These soils are quite uniform in chemical composition and are not greatly saline or sodic. As in area 1 soils. zinc deficiency may cause a problem in revegetating most of these soils. It is difficult to distinguish soil taxonomic families by using their respective chemical compositions. because of small between-family variability. Topsoil from a reclaimed area of the San Juan mine (area 3) most closely resembles the chemical composition of natural C horizons of soil from area 1. Spoil material that has not been topsoiled is likely to cause sodic-and saline-related problems in revegetation and may cause boron toxicity in plants. Topsoiling has apparently ameliorated these potential problems for plant growth on mine spoil. Total and extractable concentrations for elements and other parameters for each area of the San Juan Basin provide background information for the evaluation of the chemical quality of soils in each area.

  10. Animales en la obra de Juan José Arreola


    Samperio, Guillermo


    Los bestiarios medievales son una tentativa, aunque sea parcial, por explicar la creación. En la letras latinoamericanas, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar y Juan José Arreola renuevan los bestiarios de la edad Media. En este artículo se analizará la obra de Arreola, pues en ella, la imagen del animal trasciende de la forma simbólica del bestiario medieval y toma la forma nominalista del signo para la formulación de metáforas que transforman, no sólo a los hombres, sino también a los objetos,...

  11. La visión exiliar de Juan Gelman

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    María Ángeles PÉREZ LÓPEZ


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En el poeta argentino Juan Gelman (1930, la traumática experiencia del exilio no viene a conformar sólo una parte importante de su producción, la comprendida entre 1975 y 1988, sino que además, y fundamentalmente, establece el desplazamiento hacia zonas de sentido en las que el lenguaje es también «el expulsado», el «vacío-pasión», «la marca de una ausencia que no cesa de no escribirse», en sus propios términos. De ahí que resulte tan relevante su encuentro con la poesía mística española, en la medida en que el místico es un exiliado de Dios (Citas y Comentarios, 1982, y con la poesía sefardí (Dibaxu, 1994, «como si la soledad extrema del exilio me empujara a buscar raíces en la lengua, las más profundas y exiliadas de la lengua».ABSTRACT: In the life of the Argentine poet Juan Gelman (1930, the traumatic experience of exile informs not only an important part of his production, the one that falls between 1975 and 1988, but also, and fundamentaly, it establishes the displacement to areas of significance in which language is also «the rejected», the «empty-passion», «the sign of an absence that does not finish writing itself», in his own words. From this, one discovers the importance of his encounter with Spanish mystical poetry, to the extent that the mystic is estranged from God (Citations and Comentaries, 1982 and with Sephardic poetry (Dibaxu, 1994, «as if the extreme solitude of exile compelled me to search for roots in language, the deepest and most estranged from language».

  12. Juan Rulfo, o no hay salvación ni en la vida ni en la muerte

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    Thomas C. Lyon


    Full Text Available A pesar de la secularización del siglo XX, Juan Rulfo aprovecha una rica tradición religiosa en todo lo que escribe. En el discurso religioso se destaca un fondo de culpabilidad, de deseo de confesar y recibir perdón, y de imposibilidad de cualquiera clase de salvación. Sin entender este fondo religioso el estudio de la obra de Rulfo queda incompleto.   Despide the secularization of the 20th century, Juan Rulfo makes use of a rich religious tradition in all his writings. A background of guilt, of the desire to confess and to be pardoned, and of the impossibility of any kind of salvation is emphasized in the religious discourse. If this religious background is not understood, any study of Rulfo's work is incomplete.

  13. Factores de riesgo de síndrome metabólico en estudiantes de la universidad Pablo Guardado Chávez, año 2013


    Bojorges Velázquez, Luis Alberto; Castillo Herrera, José Arcides; Jiménez Tamayo, Roberto


    Introducción: en México el síndrome metabólico afecta a más del 25 % de la población, lo cual se atribuye a la combinación de factores genéticos y ambientales. Objetivo: conocer la prevalencia de factores de riesgo de síndrome metabólico en una muestra de estudiantes de la Universidad Pablo Guardado Chávez de la ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal a 190 estudiantes de 17 a 28 años de edad, 99 del sexo femenino y 91 del masculino....

  14. Factores Asociados a la Dismenorrea Primaria en Mujeres Atendidas en el Hospital de la Solidaridad de San Juan de Lurigancho 2014.


    Ticlla Vargas, Mery


    Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a la dismenorrea primaria en mujeres atendidas en el Hospital de la Solidaridad de San Juan de Lurigancho, 2014. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional, corte transversal, colección de los datos tipo retrospectivo, al nivel explicativo, tipo de diseño caso-control, en el cual participaron 40 mujeres atendidas en el Hospital de la Solidaridad de San Juan de Lurigancho, 2014 basado en una encuesta anónima aplicada a la una muestra al...

  15. Felipe Celecia y Pablo Waisberg. La Tablada. A vencer o morir. La última batalla de la guerrilla argentina.

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    José René Álvarez


    Full Text Available Ríos de tinta han corrido en el análisis de la violencia política, el terrorismo de Estado y las historias de los grupos guerrilleros en la Argentina durante las décadas de 1960 y 1970, que constituyen una etapa marcada por dictaduras cívico-militares. Pero muy pocos estudios han abordado el asalto al Regimiento de Infantería Mecanizada 3 General Belgrano de La Tablada, realizado por militantes del Movimiento Todos por la Patria (MTP durante la primavera democrática de los años ochenta. Los periodistas Felipe Celecia y Pablo Waisberg, especialistas en temas referidos a la izquierda revolucionaria argentina, ofrecen una minuciosa descripción de este .último ataque guerrillero, que en enero de 1989 intentó. frenar un imaginario golpe de Estado. Este es un libro oportuno, al cumplirse en el 2014 veinticinco años de los hechos que narra.



    Ballestero, Daniel


    The River San Juan (RSJ), in the border between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, is one the major rivers in Central America and drains the largest basin in the region (38570 km²) in terms of volume. Extending from Lago Cicibolca to the Caribbean Sea, the RSJ is an important source of freshwater, sediments, nutrients and pollutants to the continental shelf. Ecosystems degradation, contamination of water bodies and overexploitation of natural resources, particularly deforestation in the southern part ...

  17. El largo camino de Juan Preciado hacia el Mictlán


    Bartolomé Martínez, Cristina


    Podríamos establecer que lo que se esconde tras el viaje de Juan Preciado no es sencillamente el mito azteca del Mictlán, sino el arquetipo universal del alma que regresa a las profundidades del ser en un viaje introspectivo que encontraría su correspondencia en mitos de todas las culturas que posean una cosmovisión, una manera propia de interpretar el mundo y, lo que es aún más inquietante, la vida.

  18. Juan Valdez la estrategia detrás de la marca


    Ana María Parente


    El libro Juan Valdez, la estrategia detrás de la marca busca explicar la táctica de valorización del café colombiano desarrollada por la Federación Nacional de Cafeteros (FNC), que tiene como principal objetivo beneficiar a los caficultores colombianos a lo largo de la cadena de valor. Para ello, el texto hace un recuento del contexto del mercado cafetero mundial, haciendo énfasis en los principales proveedores y consumidores hasta finalmente centrarse en la construcción de la marca Café de C...

  19. Rabia canina en san Juan de Lurigancho y en Jicamarca


    Días, Albina; Condori, René Edgar


    Hasta la tercera semana de noviembre se han confirmado cuatro casos de rabia canina en la DISA Lima Norte, el último caso se presentó el 20 de noviembre en la granja porcina «Pradera del Paraíso» en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho (SJL), perteneciente a la referida Dirección de Salud. Dicho caso sucedió en momentos que un trabajador de la granja trató de separar la pelea entre los perros guardianes de la granja y un perro de origen desconocido, siendo finalmente mordido en una de...

  20. Paradiplomacia en las relaciones Chileno-Argentinas : la integración desde Coquimbo y San Juan

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alvarez, M.


    The dissertation studies how non-central governments inserted themselves in the integration process between Argentina and Chile. As a case study, the link between the Argentinean province of San Juan and the Chilean region of Coquimbo was addressed through an extensive literature review and more

  1. Declining Marbled Murrelet density, but not productivity, in the San Juan Islands, Washington, USA (United States)

    Teresa J. Lorenz; Martin G. Raphael


    The Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) is federally threatened in part of its range in western North America. Information on density and productivity is important for managing populations. Over an 18-yr period, we monitored murrelet density and productivity ratios during the breeding season along 170 km of shoreline of the San Juan Islands...

  2. El uso de productos del reino mineral en la terapéutica del siglo XVI. El libro de los Medicamentos simples de Juan Fragoso (1581 y el Antidotario de Juan Calvo (1580

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    Fresquet Febrer, José Luis


    Full Text Available This work aims to approach us the use of "mineral products" in medicine during 16th and 17th centuries. To have an idea about the use of minerals in daily practice, we have studied Juan Fragoso's Libro de los medicamentos simples (1581, and Juan Calvo's Antidotario (1580. We have also checked the presence of these substances in Dioscorides Materia medica, version of Andres Laguna, and the Diccionario de Autoridades. In addition, but not exhaustively, we have followed the used of these products in medicine until the present. This work proves the medical application of about half a hundred of mineral products, the use of which, was coommon in metallurgy, in paintings and vernishes manufacture, in ceramics, in dying industry, etc. However, the physicians of those times, such as Fragoso and Calvo were careful when applying mineral substances due to their great toxicity.

    Este trabajo pretende acercamos al uso de lo que podemos designar como productos pertenecientes al reino mineral, en la medicina científica de los siglos XVI y XVII. Con el fin de hacemos una idea de lo que realmente se utilizaba en la práctica cotidiana, se han estudiado el Libro de los medicamentos simples de Juan Fragoso y el Antidotario de Juan Calvo. Tomando como base los fármacos que en ellos se describen y comentan, hemos comprobado su presencia en la versión de la Materia médica de Dioscórides, de Andrés Laguna, y hemos completado la información con las definiciones del Diccionario de Autoridades. Además de esto, aunque no de forma exhaustiva, hemos seguido el empleo de estas sustancias en medicina hasta la actualidad. El trabajo demuestra el empleo en terapéutica de más de medio centenar de este tipo de productos cuyo uso era habitual en metalurgia, en la fabricación de pinturas y barnices, en cerámica, en tintes, etc. Los médicos de entonces fueron bastante cautelosos al

  3. When the Copywriter is the Protagonist. History and Intermediality in Pablo Larraín’s No (2012

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    Zucconi Francesco


    Full Text Available Through films such as Tony Manero (2008, Santiago 73, Post Mortem (2010, and No (2012, the productions of Chilean director Pablo Larraín have focused on the historical and political themes that marked the last decades in the life of his country: the putsch against Salvador Allende and Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship. This paper analyses the last film of the trilogy, dedicated to the 1988 Chilean national plebiscite and the communication battle between supporters of the “Yes” and “No” sides. Why does Larraín identify the copywriter René Saavedra as the main character of the film? And why does the film accord such importance to the advertising campaign in recounting the historical reality of democratic transition? How does the fictional film remediate the archival footage of the 1988 campaign? To answer these questions, this paper investigates the film as an audiovisual form of interpretation of historical events and film montage as an intermedial “authentication” of the archival documents relating to this traumatic past.

  4. Marine Biodiversity in Juan Fernández and Desventuradas Islands, Chile: Global Endemism Hotspots. (United States)

    Friedlander, Alan M; Ballesteros, Enric; Caselle, Jennifer E; Gaymer, Carlos F; Palma, Alvaro T; Petit, Ignacio; Varas, Eduardo; Muñoz Wilson, Alex; Sala, Enric


    The Juan Fernández and Desventuradas islands are among the few oceanic islands belonging to Chile. They possess a unique mix of tropical, subtropical, and temperate marine species, and although close to continental South America, elements of the biota have greater affinities with the central and south Pacific owing to the Humboldt Current, which creates a strong biogeographic barrier between these islands and the continent. The Juan Fernández Archipelago has ~700 people, with the major industry being the fishery for the endemic lobster, Jasus frontalis. The Desventuradas Islands are uninhabited except for a small Chilean military garrison on San Félix Island. We compared the marine biodiversity of these islands across multiple taxonomic groups. At San Ambrosio Island (SA), in Desventuradas, the laminarian kelp (Eisenia cokeri), which is limited to Desventuradas in Chile, accounted for >50% of the benthic cover at wave exposed areas, while more sheltered sites were dominated by sea urchin barrens. The benthos at Robinson Crusoe Island (RC), in the Juan Fernández Archipelago, comprised a diverse mix of macroalgae and invertebrates, a number of which are endemic to the region. The biomass of commercially targeted fishes was >2 times higher in remote sites around RC compared to sheltered locations closest to port, and overall biomass was 35% higher around SA compared to RC, likely reflecting fishing effects around RC. The number of endemic fish species was extremely high at both islands, with 87.5% of the species surveyed at RC and 72% at SA consisting of regional endemics. Remarkably, endemics accounted for 99% of the numerical abundance of fishes surveyed at RC and 96% at SA, which is the highest assemblage-level endemism known for any individual marine ecosystem on earth. Our results highlight the uniqueness and global significance of these biodiversity hotspots exposed to very different fishing pressures.

  5. Marine Biodiversity in Juan Fernández and Desventuradas Islands, Chile: Global Endemism Hotspots (United States)

    Friedlander, Alan M.; Ballesteros, Enric; Caselle, Jennifer E.; Gaymer, Carlos F.; Palma, Alvaro T.; Petit, Ignacio; Varas, Eduardo; Muñoz Wilson, Alex; Sala, Enric


    The Juan Fernández and Desventuradas islands are among the few oceanic islands belonging to Chile. They possess a unique mix of tropical, subtropical, and temperate marine species, and although close to continental South America, elements of the biota have greater affinities with the central and south Pacific owing to the Humboldt Current, which creates a strong biogeographic barrier between these islands and the continent. The Juan Fernández Archipelago has ~700 people, with the major industry being the fishery for the endemic lobster, Jasus frontalis. The Desventuradas Islands are uninhabited except for a small Chilean military garrison on San Félix Island. We compared the marine biodiversity of these islands across multiple taxonomic groups. At San Ambrosio Island (SA), in Desventuradas, the laminarian kelp (Eisenia cokeri), which is limited to Desventuradas in Chile, accounted for >50% of the benthic cover at wave exposed areas, while more sheltered sites were dominated by sea urchin barrens. The benthos at Robinson Crusoe Island (RC), in the Juan Fernández Archipelago, comprised a diverse mix of macroalgae and invertebrates, a number of which are endemic to the region. The biomass of commercially targeted fishes was >2 times higher in remote sites around RC compared to sheltered locations closest to port, and overall biomass was 35% higher around SA compared to RC, likely reflecting fishing effects around RC. The number of endemic fish species was extremely high at both islands, with 87.5% of the species surveyed at RC and 72% at SA consisting of regional endemics. Remarkably, endemics accounted for 99% of the numerical abundance of fishes surveyed at RC and 96% at SA, which is the highest assemblage-level endemism known for any individual marine ecosystem on earth. Our results highlight the uniqueness and global significance of these biodiversity hotspots exposed to very different fishing pressures. PMID:26734732

  6. JUAN LUIS SEGUNDO (1925-1976

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    Eduardo Hoornaert


    Full Text Available Juan Luís Segundo era um teólogo que sabia o que queria. Enquanto a maioria de seus colegas ensinava em seminários ou institutos de teologia, assessorava bispos ou encontros de clero, trabalhava com os assim chamados agentes de pastoral, engajava se nas "pastorais especiais", escrevia para revistas de divulgação pastoral, - sempre apoiados na plataforma da instituição grande -, ele ficou organizando seus seminários com leigos não-tão-pobres em Montevidéu, longe do mundo hierárquico, com uma metodologia que ele mesmo descreveu nas palavras introdutórias de sua "Teologia aberta para o leigo adulto" (1976/1, 10-12: seminários em fim-de-semana, com duração de dois ou três dias, divididos em blocos de quatro horas de concentração na seguinte seqüência, aliás bem conhecida: uma conferência inicial de quarenta minutos, grupos de reflexão por uma hora, mesa redonda, reflexão final pelo assessor, e depois oração.

  7. El léxico de parentesco quechua según Juan Pérez Bocanegra (Cuzco, siglo XVII

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    Raúl Bendezú-Araujo


    Full Text Available ResumenEn el marco de los estudios andinos coloniales, la figura de Juan Pérez Bocanegra, párroco de Andahuaylillas (Cuzco, goza de gran prestigio y su obra es frecuentemente citada como una fuente muy digna de crédito. El aporte más significativo de este clérigo a nuestro conocimiento del pasado andino lo constituye, muy probablemente, su detallada descripción del sistema de parentesco quechua. Ahora bien, sin intentar desmerecer el valor general de la obra de Pérez Bocanegra, la presente nota busca ofrecer una perspectiva lingüístico-filológica de los datos que esta presenta respectodel léxico de parentesco del quechua de inicios del siglo XVII. En ese sentido, intentaremos fundamentar la hipótesis de que, en relación con este aspecto particular, los datos de Pérez Bocanegra no son del todo fiables, pues obedecen a un proyecto evangelizador particular, que deja rastros en la selección y presentación de los lexemas que componen el campo léxico en cuestión.Palabras clave: filología andina, términos de parentesco, Juan Pérez Bocanegra, quechua colonial AbstractWithin the framework of colonial Andean studies, the image of Juan Perez Bocanegra, parish priest of Andahuaylillas (Cuzco, is highly regarded, and his work is often cited as a very reliable source. The most significant contribution of this cleric to our knowledge of the Andean past lies in its detailed description of the Quechua kinship system. However, without trying dismiss the overall value of the work of Pérez Bocanegra, this article seeks to provide a linguistic-philological perspective of the data he provides regarding the Quechua kinship lexicon from the early seventeenth century. In this respect, I will try to support the hypothesis that, on this particular aspect, this author’s data is not entirely reliable, for it obeys a particular evangelizer project that leaves traces in the selection and presentation of the lexemes that compose the lexical field in

  8. Arsenic contamination of natural waters in San Juan and La Pampa, Argentina. (United States)

    O'Reilly, J; Watts, M J; Shaw, R A; Marcilla, A L; Ward, N I


    Arsenic (As) speciation in surface and groundwater from two provinces in Argentina (San Juan and La Pampa) was investigated using solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridge methodology with comparison to total arsenic concentrations. A third province, Río Negro, was used as a control to the study. Strong cation exchange (SCX) and strong anion exchange (SAX) cartridges were utilised in series for the separation and preservation of arsenite (As(III)), arsenate (As(V)), monomethylarsonic acid (MA(V)) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA(V)). Samples were collected from a range of water outlets (rivers/streams, wells, untreated domestic taps, well water treatment works) to assess the relationship between total arsenic and arsenic species, water type and water parameters (pH, conductivity and total dissolved solids, TDS). Analysis of the waters for arsenic (total and species) was performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in collision cell mode. Total arsenic concentrations in the surface and groundwater from Encon and the San José de Jáchal region of San Juan (north-west Argentina within the Cuyo region) ranged from 9 to 357 μg l(-1) As. Groundwater from Eduardo Castex (EC) and Ingeniero Luiggi (LU) in La Pampa (central Argentina within the Chaco-Pampean Plain) ranged from 3 to 1326 μg l(-1) As. The pH range for the provinces of San Juan (7.2-9.7) and La Pampa (7.0-9.9) are in agreement with other published literature. The highest total arsenic concentrations were found in La Pampa well waters (both rural farms and pre-treated urban sources), particularly where there was high pH (typically > 8.2), conductivity (>2,600 μS cm(-1)) and TDS (>1,400 mg l(-1)). Reverse osmosis (RO) treatment of well waters in La Pampa for domestic drinking water in EC and LU significantly reduced total arsenic concentrations from a range of 216-224 μg l(-1) As to 0.3-0.8 μg l(-1) As. Arsenic species for both provinces were predominantly As(III) and As(V). As

  9. Juan Ruiz De Alarcón: Impairment as Empowerment in Early Modern Spain (United States)

    Clark, Gloria Bodtorf


    Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, a seventeenth-century writer and native of New Spain, so excelled at the craft of writing "comedias" that he is recognized as one of the great writers of early modern Spain. In his personal life Ruiz de Alarcón struggled with a significant bodily impairment, a large hump on both his back and front, which made him…

  10. New additions to the introduced flora of the Juan Fernández Islands: origin, distribution, life history traits, and potential of invasion Nuevas adiciones a la flora introducida de las Islas Juan Fernández: origen, distribución, rasgos de historia de vida y potencial de invasión

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    Full Text Available Oceanic islands, such as Juan Fernández in Chile, are the home for particular biotas that have evolved in isolation over a long period. The anthropogenic introduction of allochtonous plants is one of many problems for the conservation of endemic elements. In this paper, we present the new additions to the introduced flora of the Juan Fernández Islands, adding some comments about their life form, origin, morphological characteristics, ecology, distribution, abundance, and their potential of invasion. We cited 27 new species, 12 new genera, and three new families for the Juan Fernández flora (Amaryllidaceae, Commelinaceae and Violaceae. Most genera belonged to Asteraceae (seven species. Fifty-nine percent of taxa were perennial herbs, followed by annual or biennial herbs. Wind was the main vector of propagule dispersal (42 %, followed by vegetative dispersal (23 %. Fifty-two percent of the species were weeds and 44 % were plants with dual behaviour: garden-weed plant. Eurasia was the most frequent area of plant origin (70 %. Ninety-four percent of the taxa with known geographic range are in the V Region of mainland Chile, which is the main region of export of plants and materials to the archipelago, suggesting that this may have been the immediate origin of these introductions. Sixty-three percent of the species were only found in the San Juan Bautista urban area, while the remaining taxa were also (22 % or exclusively (15 % found in other places of the main island (Robinson Crusoe. Sixteen species (59 % are considered as noxious weeds in Juan Fernández or elsewhere, and they should be a focus of attention and, eventually, control. Summing our findings to previous lists of introduced taxa, we obtained 260 non-native taxa in Juan Fernández. This number is greater than the native taxa (211, which demonstrate how the human intentional and non-intentional action can dramatically change the floristic composition of an oceanic archipelago. We

  11. Diseño de indicadores urbanos de sustentabilidad. El caso del Gran San Juan en Argentina.

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    Nora Elsa Nacif


    Full Text Available Este trabajo surge de un proyecto de investigación en curso, cuya finalidad principal es contribuir al desarrollo urbano sustentable de la ciudad de Gran San Juan, entendiendo por tal, al desarrollo que considera como ejes del mismo a la equidad social, la eficiencia económica y la preservación del ambiente, a través del estudio de un cuerpo de indicadores urbanos como herramientas de monitoreo permanente y dinámico. La consideración de la sustentabilidad en Gran San Juan, es un imperativo ineludible por su carácter de “ciudad oasis de zona sísmica”, lo que implica preservar su condición de ciudad intermedia. En este marco, se sigue un esquema metodológico que ordena el trabajo en etapas generales de exploración de antecedentes e información obtenida como trabajo de campo, procesamiento y georeferenciación de resultados, para posteriormente formular lineamientos a ser considerados en planes de ordenamiento territorial. Hasta el momento los resultados obtenidos dentro de la línea investigativa, incluyen el desarrollo de un sistema de indicadores estructurado y articulado en base a tres subsistemas que se corresponden con los aspectos: Físico espacial, Socio cultural y Ambiental, que contienen a los diversos indicadores de sustentabilidad. Además de la aplicación de los indicadores del subsistema físico espacial para evaluar algunos sectores urbanos del Gran San Juan, considerados “críticos”. 

  12. La "Celestina" de Palacio, Juan de Lucena y los conversos


    Perez Lopez, Jose Luis


    En el presente artículo se publica por primera vez la Oración anónima que acompaña en el llamado «manuscrito de Palacio» al fragmento de la Celestina y al Diálogo de vida beata, obra, esta última, del converso Juan de Lucena. La Oración está escrita por un eclesiástico toledano converso -como lo fue, según los datos que aportamos, el propio Lucena- y podría tratarse de otra obra del mismo autor. Por lo que respecta al origen del manuscrito de Palacio, se defiende la posibili...

  13. Biología y Patrimonio Cultural: Estudio de la comunidad de plantas que colonizaban la fachada de la Iglesia de San Pablo (Valladolid

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    Manuel García Sáez


    Full Text Available La Biología forma parte del conjunto de ciencias aplicadas al estudio de los agentes de degradación que afectan a los materiales que conforman los bienes culturales, en éste caso las rocas monumentales. A continuación presentamos un ejemplo práctico: el muestreo, identificación, estudio, conclusiones y recomendaciones finales, sobre la comunidad de plantas que colonizaban la fachada de la iglesia de San Pablo de Valladolid. El trabajo formó parte, como un capítulo inicial, de las labores que se llevaron a cabo durante la intervención integral de restauración de la citada portada, un magnífico ejemplo de retablo en piedra del arte gótico español.

  14. Venus y Vulcano de Juan Espinal: precisiones sobre su iconografía y medio artístico (Venus and Vulcan by Juan Espinal: details on the iconography and artistic medium

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    Álvaro Cabezas García


    Full Text Available Resumen: En las siguientes páginas se ofrece una nueva lectura iconográfica del lienzo de Juan Espinal conservado en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla Venus y Vulcano. Los indicios apuntan a que esta pintura estaría representando el momento en el que el dios herrero entrega a su esposa las armas que ella le ha solicitado para su hijo Eneas en los momentos en los que el héroe, después de llegar al Lacio, se dispone a fundar una nueva civilización. Además de esto, se precisan determinados aspectos sobre las circunstancias y la cronología de su realización artística.Abstract: The following pages provides a new iconographic reading of an lienzo preserved in the Museo de Bellas Artes of Seville: Venus and Vulcan of Juan Espinal. Signs point to that in this painting would be represented the time in which the divino blacksmith delivers his wife the weapons that she has asked for her son Aeneas in the moments in which the hero, after arriving at Lazio, is available to found a new civilization. It also addresses certain aspects about the circumstances and chronology of his artistic preparation.

  15. [The examination of men's wits by Juan Huarte de San Juan, and the dawn of the neurobiology of intelligence in the Spanish renaissance]. (United States)

    Martín-Araguz, A; Bustamante-Martínez, C

    The Spanish renaissance doctor Juan Huarte de San Juan (1529-1588) was the author of a unique and immortal work, The Examination of Men's Wits, the edition princeps of which was printed in Baeza in 1575. Since then it has been reprinted at least 80 times and translated into seven languages, which makes it the most influential Spanish contribution to medicine ever published. In this paper we review the unjustly little-known figure of Huarte as the founder of Neuropsychology, and we also analyse his works from a historical and neuroscientific point of view. Huarte's writings deal with the problem of the organic relations between the brain and understanding, and accept the possible influences exerted by temper on the will within the field of the Neurobiology of Intelligence. Thus, over four centuries ago Huarte became the founder of Differential or Physiological Psychology, Neuropsychology, Eugenics and Career Guidance. Huarte's work not only played a fundamental role in the history and development of the body of neuroscientific knowledge, but has also been a clear (although not always cited) influence on scientists, philosophers and men of letters such as Alarcón, Bacon, Cabanis, Cervantes (whose Don Quixote was inspired by him), Charron, Chomsky, Gall, Goethe, Hume, Kant, Kretchmer, Lessing, Lope de Vega, Montaigne, Montesquieu, Nietzsche, Quevedo, Rousseau, Schopenhauer, Thomasius, Tirso de Molina and Ziegler. In the middle of the 16th century, Huarte and his Examination of Men's Wits, together with the works of the naturalist philosophers Gómez Pereira (Antoniana Margarita, 1554) and Miguel Sabuco (New Philosophy, 1587), constituted the prestigious triumvirate of Spanish Renaissance scholars who, for the first time in history, contemplated the workings of the brain from a point of view that had more to do with science than the supernatural.

  16. Tiffany Diamonds and Classical Music as Influences on the Performance of "Don Juan in Hell". (United States)

    Johnson, Jim

    This paper analyzes Paul Gregory's 1951 production of "Don Juan in Hell," now considered to be a seminal work in the development of professional and educational readers theatre. The paper contends that the production, which presented a nondramatic work without the usual emphasis on design and spectacle, forced a reexamination of the role…

  17. Comentario al Libro Juan de Dios Carrasquilla, Hombre de Ciencia”

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    José Félix Patiño Restrepo


    Full Text Available

    La historia de la medicina es, en gran parte, la historia de la ciencia y la historia de la ciencia es la historia de la humanidad. A su vez, las biografías de los médicos conforman como lo dice Sherwin Nuland, la biografía de la medicina. Adolfo De Francisco Zea presenta la tercera biografía de médicos ilustres de Colombia. Primero en 1997 apareció su obra El Doctor José Félix Merizalde y la Medicina a comienzos del siglo XIX en Santa Fe de Bogotá. Luego, en 1999 como la anterior con el patrocinio de la Academia Colombiana de Historia, el estudio biográfico sobre Luis Zea Uribe. Su Vida y su Época, su eminente abuelo materno que tanta influencia tuvo en la escogencia de la medicina como vocación por Adolfo De Francisco.

    La presente obra Juan de Dios Carrasquilla, Hombre de Ciencia, es otra formidable biografía de un personaje que vivió a finales del siglo XIX, la gran revolución científica desatada con el descubrimiento del origen microbiano de las enfermedades, y como lo escribe el autor, “A Juan de Dios Carrasquilla le correspondió hacer el tránsito gradual que va desde las visiones clínicas de un pasado cercano, hasta las concepciones científicas de un presente más rico en soluciones para los problemas médicos, y más adecuado para el desarrollo de las investigaciones que habría de realizar en el difícil y poco explorado campo de la más temible de las enfermedades de todos los tiempos: la lepra”.

    Adolfo De Francisco presenta, en elegante prosa y con base en formidable documentación, la personalidad de Juan de Dios Carrasquilla, cuya vida fue fundamentalmente una continuada aventura intelectual. Como los médicos más destacados de su época, Carrasquilla viajó a Europa, motivado también por su interés en la mineralogía y la geología. En efecto, este médico, nieto de médico, desde temprana edad cultivó una afición especial por las ciencias naturales.

    Es así como De Francisco destaca

  18. Reconfiguración de representaciones y descentramientos de la mirada

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    Cleopatra Barrios Cristaldo


    Full Text Available [es] Este artículo aborda la reconfiguración de representaciones identitarias y los descentramientos de la mirada en fotografías contemporáneas. La reflexión se focaliza en imágenes de la festividad del gaucho Antonio Gil, una de las manifestaciones de la religiosidad popular argentina más difundidas en la última década. En la indagación observamos que las representaciones visuales se encuentran fuertemente ligadas a retóricas de la nacionalidad. También analizamos la reconfiguración de representaciones como un proceso que se ve afectado por descentramientos de la mirada fotográfica. Estos mecanismos desestabilizan los esquemas de visibilidad establecidos y producen nuevas formas de ver, representar y per-formar las identidades. El análisis es interdisciplinar, con aportes de los estudios culturalesvisuales, la historia del arte y la crítica latinoamericana de la comunicación. El corpus está conformado por fotografías tomadas entre 2008 y 2012 por los fotógrafos argentinos Juan Pablo Faccioli y Guillermo Rusconi, en diálogo con otras narrativas. [en] This paper discusses the representational reconfiguration of identity and decentering of the contemporary photographic gaze. The study focus on images of Gaucho Antonio Gil festivity, one of the most widespread manifestation of popular religiosity in the last decade in Argentina. These visual representations are strongly linked to national rhetorics. We also analyze the representational reconfiguration as a process affected by the decentering of the photographic gaze. These mechanisms destabilize established visibility schemes, producing new ways of seeing, representing and performing the identities.This work is an interdisciplinary analysis, with contributions from Cultural and Visual Studies, History of Art and the Latin American Communication Criticism. We analyze photographs taken between 2008 and 2012 by Argentine photographers Juan Pablo Faccioli and Guillermo Rusconi, in

  19. Réquiem para un cóndor ciego: Juan Lavalle según la visión estetizada de la dupla Sabato-Falú

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    Ariel Mamani


    Full Text Available Este artículo indaga las estrategias desplegadas por Ernesto Sabato para la difusión de su particular visión de la historia argentina, especialmente de la controvertida figura del general Juan Lavalle. El deseo de terciar en el campo intelectual y político lo llevó a ensayar diversas formas de participación en los combates por la reinterpretación del pasado. Romance de la Muerte de Juan Lavalle, obra poético-musical realizada en colaboración con el músico folclórico Eduardo Falú, es abordada con la intención de analizar la construcción de discursos acerca del pasado desde ámbitos historiográficos no tradicionalesThis article inquires about the strategies suggested by Ernesto Sabato for the diffusion of his point of view about argentinean history and in special, general Juan Lavalle’s life. The author, in his will of participating in the intellectual and political field, essayed to diverse forms of participation in its re-interpretation of past. His piece of work entitled Romance de la Muerte de Juan Lavalle has been written in collaboration with native music composer Eduardo Falú. My intention is to remark some of the quarrels which took place in the field of "memories" in the purpose of analyze the construction of the differents discourses about past from non traditional historical enclosures

  20. 600 kyr of Hydrothermal Activity on the Cleft Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (United States)

    Middleton, J. L.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Langmuir, C. H.; Costa, K.; McManus, J. F.; Katz, R. F.; Huybers, P. J.; Winckler, G.; Li, Y.


    Pressure fluctuations caused by glacially driven variations in sea level may modulate magmatic and hydrothermal output at submarine volcanic centers, with falling sea level driving increased volcanic activity. In turn, glacially paced changes in submarine volcanism could induce globally synchronous variations in the delivery of bioavailable iron and CO2 from mid-ocean ridges and thus provide solid-Earth feedbacks into the climate system. While evaluation of submarine volcanic output on orbital-timescales is technically challenging, near-ridge sediment cores hosting hydrothermal plume precipitates provide continuous, spatially integrated, and datable records to investigate the long-term behavior of hydrothermal systems. We will present new sedimentary records of hydrothermal variability spanning the past 600 kyr on the Cleft Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Northeast Pacific. As an intermediate spreading-rate ridge, the Juan de Fuca Ridge is hypothesized to be particularly sensitive to sea level forcing at the Milankovitch frequencies of Pleistocene glacial cycles. Thus, the new records can be used to examine the connection between sea level and hydrothermal activity over multiple glacial cycles. Hydrothermal input is determined from iron and copper, with a titanium-based correction for lithogenic contributions. Sedimentary fluxes are then constrained using excess thorium-230 and extraterrestrial helium-3 as constant flux proxies. Preliminary results indicate 10-fold changes in hydrothermal iron and copper fluxes over the past 600 kyr and suggest a quasiperiodic variability in hydrothermal deposition on 100 to 120 kyr cycles. Comparison of the Juan de Fuca record with model predictions for an intermediate spreading ridge forced by Pleistocene glacial cycles finds frequent coincidence between predicted positive anomalies in magmatic output and observed peaks in hydrothermal deposition. This work encourages the continued exploration of the relationship between

  1. The Crownpoint and Churchrock uranium deposits, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: An ISL mining perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCarn, D.W.


    The Crownpoint and Churchrock uranium deposits, San Juan Basin, New Mexico are currently being developed by Uranium Resources, Inc. (URI) and its subsidiary Hydro Resources, Inc. (HRI) with an anticipated start-up in 1998. Both deposits will be developed using advanced in situ leach (ISL) mining techniques. URI/HRI currently has about 14,583 t U (37.834 million pounds U 3 O 8 ) of estimated recoverable reserves at Crownpoint and Churchrock. at a cost less than $39/kg U ($15/lb U 3 O 8 ). The uranium endowment of the San Juan Basin is the largest of any province in the USA. In March, 1997, a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Crownpoint and Churchrock sites was completed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which recommends the issuance of an operating license. The FEIS is the culmination of a 9 year effort to license and develop the deposits. The Westwater Canyon Member of the Jurassic Morrison Formation is an arkosic, fine to coarse grained sandstone bounded by near basinwide confining clays deposited in a wet alluvial fan environment within the San Juan Basin. The primary, trend-ore deposits are hosted by the Westwater Canyon Member as humate-rich, syngenetic tabular deposits which were subsequently remobilized into roll fronts. Since deposition in the Jurassic, two phases of remobilization have occurred in the basin causing the formation of in situ leach amenable monometallic uranium rolls free of organic debris. Following in situ mining, ground water restoration of the Crownpoint and Churchrock mines is required to provide a water quality consistent with pre-mining baseline conditions. The development of in situ mining offers an environmentally sound and cost-effective method for uranium extraction. URI/HRI anticipates a production of 385-1,156 Tonnes U/year (1-3 million pounds U 3 O 8 ) from the New Mexico properties. (author)

  2. Homenaje al Profesor Académico Juan Di Doménico.

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    Roberto Vergara Támara


    Full Text Available

    Sesión solemne del 25 de septiembre de 2003

    Todos hemos sido, en una u otra forma sus discipulos, por lo que todos sentimos este dia, en el fondo del corazón como de especial regocijo, de expresión de una simpatía que sin duda se ha ganado el
    Profesor Di Doménico a lo largo de su vida, por su manera de ser, por su gentileza, por su severidad cuando fue necesario y por la excelente manera de estimular novedades que ha tenido siempre.

    Juan Mendoza-Vega
    "Una leyenda o un mito"

    Es para mí motivo de especial complacencia festejar los 90 años del Profesor Juan Di Doménico Di Ruggiero, por una generosa designación de la Junta Directiva.
    Cuando el señor Académico Germán Peña me notificó la significativa distinción empecé a rebuscar
    en mi memoria antigua la vida y la obra del Profesor Juan Di Doménico y se me llenaron de exuberancias la antigua y la joven. Irrumpió en mi mente la frase paradigmática: "los árboles no dejan ver el bosque", y al poco andar, con el sable campeón del maestro fui desbrozando esa riqueza vital, ese terremoto humano, ese polifacético personaje universal que fue puliendo sus múltiples facetas con el buril de un escultor de almas y de hombres. Con mucha astucia, con mucho método haremos la sinopsis de este insólito e inverosimil personaje.

    Hubiera querido tener el talento, la inteligencia, la astucia y la donosura del verbo, necesarios para pergeñar tan siquiera un bosquejo de lo que veremos ante esta Honorable Academia y poder orgulloso decir el elogio sísmico de este terremoto humano que ya es leyenda y mito.

    Nació en Panamá en 1913. Sus padres eran italianos: Francisco Di Doménico y María Di Ruggiero. Sus
    primeros estudios los realizó en la Escuela Ricaurte y el Colegio Gimnasio Moderno. Luego se trasladó a

  3. Deformaciones de un arco de hormigón armado bi-empotrado del puente sobre el Río San Pablo por medio de análisis dinámico


    Jara Landivar, Jaime Eduardo


    El presente trabajo consistió en realizar varios análisis para determinar por diferentes métodos las deformaciones de un arco de hormigón armado biempotrado de la estructura del puente sobre el río San Pablo ubicado en el acceso norte a la ciudad de Babahoyo en la provincia de Los Ríos, cuya configuración estructural es de dos arcos de hormigón armado que soportan péndolas con cables de acero de alta resistencia y baja relajación y sostienen el tablero del puente vehicular, utilizando métodos...

  4. Juan Emar, arquitecto de la prosa. Elementos de Poética y recepción

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    Alejandro Canseco-Jerez


    Full Text Available El artículo expone (1 los primeros elementos para la interpretación del universo de representaciones estéticas, elementos que impidieron la difusión y la "recepción" en Chile de la obra literaria de Juan Emar; (2 aproximación de la Arqui-textura -Umbral- configuración de la transversabilidad semántica de la obra emariana; y (3 el principio de "dialogización" e intertextualidad y la noción de utopía literaria en torno al universo de Mallarmé y Borges.   The article describes (1 the primary elements for the interpretation of the universe of aesthetic representations, elements which prevented the diffusion and "reception" in Chile of Juan Emar's literary work; (2 the approximation of the archi-texture -Umbral- and the shape of the semantic transversability of the Emarian work; and (3 the beginning of "dialogation" and intertextuality and the notion of literary utopia in connection with the universe of Mallarme and Borges.

  5. Pyroclastic eruptions from Axial caldera, Juan de Fuca Ridge, NE Pacific Ocean

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Helo, Christoph; Stix, John [Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, 3450 University Street, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A7 (Canada); Clague, Dave A [Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute 7700 Sandholdt Road, Moss Landing, CA 95039-9644 (United States)


    Unconsolidated volcaniclastic glass deposits on the flanks of Axial Seamount, a caldera system situated on the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the NE Pacific Ocean, demonstrate the occurrence of explosive events, in addition to effusive activity. The variety of produced glass fragments ranges from various angular forms to thin deep-sea limu o Pele, with dominantly moderately fractionated to occasionally primitive MOR basalt composition. A model involving the collapse of a magmatic foam layer may account for the observed spectrum of glass fragments.


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    Silvia Méndez-Anchía


    Full Text Available Tomando como base la lectura del cuento "Juan Sin Miedo" realizada por tres sujetos adolescentes, pretendo responder a la pregunta sobre los principales temores que enfrenta la población costarricense adolescente en la actualidad. Las respuestas giran en torno a tres núcleos significativos: el miedo a la exclusión económica y social, materializada en el trato discriminatorio hacia quienes no se adecuan a los criterios impuestos por la sociedad de consumo; el miedo a la escuela, en tanto excluye a quienes no se ajustan a la norma esperada de desempeño académico; y el miedo al otro, en particular a la calle y la escuela como espacios de violencia. Concluyo señalando que, detrás de dichos temores, es posible leer un anhelo de pertenencia; de aprecio sincero y gratuito, en que no medie el rendimiento académico de la persona; así como un anhelo de seguridad en el entorno cercano.

  7. De Juan Goytisolo à Monique Lange, de Monique Lange à Juan Goytisolo : une "intertextualité conjugale"

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    Emmanuel Le Vagueresse


    Full Text Available Juan Goytisolo (né en 1931, écrivain espagnol, et Monique Lange (1926-1996, écrivain français, ont produit chacun une œuvre à forte résonance autobiographique, sous couvert de fiction, et qui crée un effet très particulier d’inter­textualité par le simple fait qu’ils étaient, dans la vie, mari et femme... D’où ce titre « d’intertextualité conjugale », car ces récits auto-fictionnels croisés de relations communes s’enri­chissent particulièrement du regard critique et lucide de la romancière sur les obsessions personnelles de son écrivain de mari, les décryptant par le biais de personnages « inventés » qui, non seulement renseignent sur un destin littéraire partagé, mais encore et surtout, dans une configuration rare de double écriture, permettent chez Lange de lire différemment les lignes souvent floues (sur la sexualité, les parias, le monde arabe de l’écrivain espagnol bien connu, et même de démystifier ses discours d’Espagnol marginal.

  8. Reflections on Don Juan and on the utility of the unhappy love affair. (United States)

    Bergel, Ernest


    Based on an unusual clinical experience of a teenage boy in child psychotherapy, two conclusions are proposed: (1) that the extremely unhappy, early love affairs that occur in most men's lives serve a valuable function in helping them separate from their mothers sufficiently to be able to realistically relate to appropriate marriage partners, and (2) that some Don Juans start new relationships in order to break them off, rather than the reverse.

  9. Un ministro para la Defensa de la República desde el exilio : Juan Hernández Saravia

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    Manuela Aroca Mohedano


    Full Text Available La nueva situación internacionai surgida tras el final de la II Guerra Mundial propició la recuperación de las instituciones republicanas españolas en el exilio. Juan Hernández Saravia, un militar profesional, azañista y republicano, será el ministro de la Defensa Nacional de la República Española. Entre posibilidades reales y utopías, a caballo entre la defensa a ultranza de la legalidad y la protección de los movimientos clandestinos antifranquistas, en medio de las disensiones de los militares exiliados dispersos en varios continentes, discurrirá la actuación de un Ministerio que tendrá como objetivo principal la recuperación del ejército para la futura restaurada República y que verá truncadas sus expectativas por la aparición en el panorama mundial de los primeros.A Minister in exile for tfie Republic Defence: Juan Hernández Saravia The new International situation arisen after the end of the Second World War led to the recovery of Spanish Republic Institutions in exile. Juan Hernández Saravia, an army officer, republican and adherent to Azaña, became the National Defence Minister of Spanish Republic. Among real possibilities and utopia, halfway between a vigorous legality defence and the protection of clandestino movements against Franco's dictatorship, the main objective of this Ministery was the army recovery for the futuro restoring Republic, but the early Cold War shattered these prospects.

  10. Geology and metallogeny of the volcanic complex of Rio Blanco Ullum. Province of San Juan. Republica Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mendoza, N.; Weidmann, N.; Puigdomenech, H.; Weidmann, R.


    Preliminary results of a research carried out at the Complejo Rio Blanco de Ullum, San Juan. Argentina are summarized in the present paper. These studies are focused on geological and metallogenic features o f this unit. The study area is located 20 km. WNW of San Juan city with geographic coordinates of 31grades 30' South latitude and 68 grades 52' West longitude. The older rocks aotcroping in the area correspond to limestones of Ordovician San Juan Formation, the chronologic succession continues with sales and siltstones of Silurian Tambolar Formation, pelites and subgraywackes of Devonian Punta Negra Formation and finally a 1500 m thick package of piroclastics and sediments of Albarracin Formation of Tertiary age. Albarracin Formation is composed pf a Basal Member (sandstones and stilstones), a Tuffaceous Member (tuffs, tuffites and oligomictic breccia s with conglomerate interbed dings in the upper part) and a Conglomeratic Member (polimictic para conglomerates). According to piroclastics facies, relationships and spreading area of piroclastics deposits a c olapsed dome and avalanche model is proposed to be the main process for the piroclastics package outcropping in the area.Sedimentary and piroclastics rocks are intruded by five sub volcanic units as noted by Leveratto (1968) which are composed by different lithologies such as: Altered Da cite - Rhyolite, Ullum Da cite, Cerro Blanco de Zonda Andesite, Ullum Andesite and Hybrid Andesite.Detailed work on alteration assemblages and metallogenic features in the southwestern sector of the Complejo resulted in the identification of three alteration zones with characteric features of potassic, argillic and propyllitic signature. (author)

  11. Dry Juan de Fuca slab revealed by quantification of water entering Cascadia subduction zone (United States)

    Canales, J. P.; Carbotte, S. M.; Nedimovic, M. R.; Carton, H. D.


    Water is carried by subducting slabs as a pore fluid and in structurally bound minerals, yet no comprehensive quantification of water content and how it is stored and distributed at depth within incoming plates exists for any segment of the global subduction system. Here we use controlled-source seismic data collected in 2012 as part of the Ridge-to-Trench seismic experiment to quantify the amount of pore and structurally bound water in the Juan de Fuca plate entering the Cascadia subduction zone. We use wide-angle OBS seismic data along a 400-km-long margin-parallel profile 10-15 km seaward from the Cascadia deformation front to obtain P-wave tomography models of the sediments, crust, and uppermost mantle, and effective medium theory combined with a stochastic description of crustal properties (e.g., temperature, alteration assemblages, porosity, pore aspect ratio), to analyze the pore fluid and structurally bound water reservoirs in the sediments, crust and lithospheric mantle, and their variations along the Cascadia margin. Our results demonstrate that the Juan de Fuca lower crust and mantle are much drier than at any other subducting plate, with most of the water stored in the sediments and upper crust. Previously documented, variable but limited bend faulting along the margin, which correlates with degree of plate locking, limits slab access to water, and a warm thermal structure resulting from a thick sediment cover and young plate age prevents significant serpentinization of the mantle. Our results have important implications for a number of subduction processes at Cascadia, such as: (1) the dryness of the lower crust and mantle indicates that fluids that facilitate episodic tremor and slip must be sourced from the subducted upper crust; (2) decompression rather than hydrous melting must dominate arc magmatism in northern-central Cascadia; and (3) dry subducted lower crust and mantle can explain the low levels of intermediate-depth seismicity in the Juan de

  12. El mayor laboratorio en física del mundo Juan Antonio Rubio, candidato a dirigir el CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    The spanish Government presented last Friday at the CERN Council Juan Antonio Rubio, as candidate for the post of Director General of CERN. It's the first time that the spanish Government proposes a candidate for the Direction of this international research center. (2/3 page)

  13. Arquitectura estatal moderna en el eje cívico de la ciudad de San Juan, Argentina
    Modern State Architecture in the Civic Axis of the City of San Juan, Argentina
    Arquitetura Estatal Moderna no Eixo Civico da Cidade de San Juan, Argentina


    María Eugenia Rosés; Esther Solera; María Elvira Sentagne; Militza Laciar


    Este artículo expone cómo influyen las ideas del Movimiento Moderno en la arquitectura estatal edificada en la ciudad de San Juan, durante el proceso de reconstrucción posterior al terremoto de 1944, en el marco de los acontecimientos sociopolíticos, las ideas arquitectónicas y las técnicas de la época. Se centra en el estudio de la avenida Paseo Central, eje cívico-institucional, inexistente en la cuadrícula fundacional y asiento de los principales edificios públicos posteriores al terremoto...

  14. The nature of the Dakota-Morrison boundary, Southeastern San Juan basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aubrey, W.M.


    A thin, discontinuous, fluvial locally conglomeratic sandstone at the vase of the Dakota Sandstone in the vicinity of the southeastern San Juan basin, New Mexico has been named the Encinal Canyon Member of the Dakota Sandstone. In the past, the sandstone beds, placed here in the Encinal Canyon, have been included in the Jackpile sandstone, (an economic unit in the Morrison Formation), in the Burro Canyon Formation, or in the Oak Canyon Member of the Dakota Sandstone. Distinction between the Encinal Canyon Member and the Jackpile sandstone, which are separated by an unconformity that probably spans most of the Early Cretaceous, is economically important. The Jackpile is a primary uranium exploration target, whereas the Dakota contains little known uranium. In the past, the sub-Dakota erosional surface in the southeastern San Juan basin generally was thought to be at the base of the marine and paralic Oak Canyon Member of the Dakota Sandstone, which overlies the Encinal Canyon Member. The unconformity is shown here to be at the base of the fluvial rocks of the Encinal Canyon Member. Local relief at the base of the Encinal Canyon indicates that the sub-Dakota erosional surface formed during a time of regional degradation. Easterly flowing streams scoured underlying units and in some places cut completely through the Jackpile sandstone and the Burro Canyon Formation. The Encinal Canyon was deposited in response to the initial transgression of the Dakota sea. As the sea inundated the area, a transgressive erosional surface formed, and the overlying paralic and marine sediments of the Oak Canyon Member were deposited

  15. Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Juan Pablo Pérez Saínz Roberto Briceño ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Angel Taioli


    May 13, 2015 ... Crime prevention should be linked to cultural and regulatory system. • Prevention may be material (employment, sports, food, housing and urban investment), ... attention as a factor of social cohesion. • Its destruction, in the case of Venezuela, has been a factor that has favored the increase in violence in the ...

  16. 78 FR 37789 - Juan Narcizo Oyervides-Campos, Inmate Number #86526-279, Correctional Institution Reeves I & II... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of Industry and Security Juan Narcizo Oyervides-Campos, Inmate... Order with the Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security. The appeal must be filed within 45... the Internal Security Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 783(b)), or section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act (22...

  17. Nuevos datos sobre la Obra de Juan de Horozco y Covarrubias


    Zafra Molina, Rafael


    Este estudio analiza la vida y obra de Juan de Horozco, uno de los mejores autores de emblemas españoles, en el 400 aniversario de su muerte. En él se repasan todas sus obras y se aclaran algunas cuestiones —como el control de Horozco de la impresión de sus obras— que pretenden ayudar a una mejor comprensión de sus obras  y facilitar la elaboración de nuevas ediciones. Además, se aclaran algunos aspectos importantes de su vida, como sus vínculos con otros miembros de su ilustre familia, las r...

  18. “Normales” y estigmatizados: los símbolos de la estigmatización social en Juan Rulfo

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    Lilia Leticia García Peña


    Full Text Available Este trabajo es resultado parcial del proyecto extenso “La agenda pendiente: vulnerabilidad, estigmatización y nuevos actores sociales en obras esenciales de la literatura mexicana contemporánea”. Se estudian aquí siete formas de estigmatización social encontradas en la obra completa de Juan Rulfo y su representación estética a través de la red simbólica a partir de la teoría microsociológica de Erving Goffman (1922-1982. La metodología de Goffman, generada en los años cincuenta, es una plataforma que permite abordar las realidades sociales significadas en el texto de modo tanto innovador como riguroso. La relectura microsocial de la obra de Juan Rulfo abre nuevas posibilidades de interpretación de sus imperativos poéticos y de las interacciones sociales en ella representadas, lo que permite acercarse a los mecanismos de construcción social del otro y del cambio sociocultural.

  19. Primer registro de artropodofauna cadavérica en sustratos humanos y animales en San Juan, Argentina First record of cadaverous arthropod fauna in human and animal substrates in San Juan, Argentina

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    Fernando H. Aballay


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se estudiaron los artrópodos carroñeros que acudieron a cadáveres de vertebrados al aire libre en la provincia de San Juan, Argentina. El objetivo fue inventariar la composición específica de la artropodofauna cadavérica, asociada a diferentes sustratos de vertebrados en descomposición. Se colectaron muestras de artrópodos sobre restos animales y humanos en condiciones de campo y sobre cadáveres de cerdos domésticos colocados al aire libre bajo condiciones controladas. Se registraron, por primera vez para la provincia de San Juan, 40 especies de artropodofauna tanatológica incluidas en cuatro órdenes y 15 familias. Se incorpora, como primera cita para la fauna forense argentina, un necrófago: Megelenophorus americanus Lacordaire (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae, y tres necrófilas: Polybia ruficeps Schrottky (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Pheidole bergi Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae y Ectatomma brunneum Smith (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae. Se citan 18 especies necrófagas, 18 necrófilas, una omnívora y seis oportunistas sobre siete diferentes sustratos cadavéricos de vertebrados. Se brindan nuevos registros de distribución de 18 especies de insectos. Se confirma la estacionalidad invernal de Callíphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae.In order to determine the specific composition of cadaverous arthropod fauna associated to different decomposing vertebrate substrates, we studied the carrion arthropods that feed on outdoor carcasses in San Juan province, Argentina. Arthropods were collected on animal and human remains in the field and on carcasses of domestic pig placed outdoors under controlled conditions. Forty species of carrion arthropods belonging to four orders and 15 families were recorded for the first time in this province. We present the first record of forensic fauna in Argentina of the necrophagous species Megelenophorus americanus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae and three

  20. La atmósfera sicoantropológica en la novelística de Juan Rulfo

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    Manuel Zapata Olivella


    Full Text Available Para penetrar en los valores artísticos de la obra de Juan Rulfo hay que asumir una expectativa eminentemente latinoamericana, y aún este vocablo habría que circunscribirlo al ámbito aún más regional de México, y ya dentro de este reducto a la visión del jaliciense.

  1. El destierro infinito de Blanco White en la mirada de Juan Goytisolo

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    Durán López, Fernando


    Full Text Available In the years 1970-1972, the novelist Juan Goytisolo published several studies and translations on the work of José María Blanco White, which represent a key moment in the recovery of that forgotten writer for the modern Spanish culture. The argument made in this essay is that the consciously identifying strategy applied by Goytisolo on Blanco White, in order to define a Spanish intellectual tradition throughout the centuries, marked by exile and dissent, is in fact a deformation of the figure and thought of the writer from Seville. Blanco White’s reception in Spain, however, has been conditioned by that reading.En torno a los años 1970-1972 el novelista Juan Goytisolo publica varios estudios y traducciones sobre la obra de José María Blanco White, que suponen un momento clave en la recuperación de ese olvidado escritor para la moderna cultura española. La tesis formulada en el presente artículo es que la estrategia conscientemente identificadora que aplica Goytisolo sobre Blanco White, a fin de definir una tradición intelectual española a lo largo de los siglos marcada por el exilio y la disidencia, supone de hecho una deformación de la figura y el pensamiento del escritor sevillano. La recepción de Blanco White en España ha quedado, sin embargo, condicionada por esa lectura.

  2. Juan Bautista Perolli. Obras genovesas. II

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    López Torrijos, Rosa


    Full Text Available In this article the study of Perolli's work in Genoa is continued, demonstrating his varied artistic activities and his relationship with families under Spanish influence. His last work in Genoa (the Spinola Chapel in the church of San Francisco had to be completed by other artists because Perolli was engaged by Don Alvaro de Bazán to work in his Spanish palace of El Viso. In December 1574, Bazán paid Perolli's debts and shortly afterwards Juan Bautista left for Spain.

    Continúa el estudio de la obra de Perolli en Génova, mostrando su participación en trabajos de arquitectura, escultura y pintura para varias familias genovesas, todas ellas relacionadas con España. Se estudia también su última obra realizada en Génova, la capilla Spinola de la iglesia de San Francisco, desaparecida y totalmente desconocida hasta ahora. Este último trabajo queda interrumpido en diciembre de 1574 cuando don Álvaro de Bazán paga las deudas de Perolli para que éste venga a España a trabajar en el palacio del Viso.

  3. Faulting and hydration of the Juan de Fuca plate system (United States)

    Nedimović, Mladen R.; Bohnenstiehl, DelWayne R.; Carbotte, Suzanne M.; Pablo Canales, J.; Dziak, Robert P.


    Multichannel seismic observations provide the first direct images of crustal scale normal faults within the Juan de Fuca plate system and indicate that brittle deformation extends up to ~ 200 km seaward of the Cascadia trench. Within the sedimentary layering steeply dipping faults are identified by stratigraphic offsets, with maximum throws of 110 ± 10 m found near the trench. Fault throws diminish both upsection and seaward from the trench. Long-term throw rates are estimated to be 13 ± 2 mm/kyr. Faulted offsets within the sedimentary layering are typically linked to larger offset scarps in the basement topography, suggesting reactivation of the normal fault systems formed at the spreading center. Imaged reflections within the gabbroic igneous crust indicate swallowing fault dips at depth. These reflections require local alteration to produce an impedance contrast, indicating that the imaged fault structures provide pathways for fluid transport and hydration. As the depth extent of imaged faulting within this young and sediment insulated oceanic plate is primarily limited to approximately Moho depths, fault-controlled hydration appears to be largely restricted to crustal levels. If dehydration embrittlement is an important mechanism for triggering intermediate-depth earthquakes within the subducting slab, then the limited occurrence rate and magnitude of intraslab seismicity at the Cascadia margin may in part be explained by the limited amount of water imbedded into the uppermost oceanic mantle prior to subduction. The distribution of submarine earthquakes within the Juan de Fuca plate system indicates that propagator wake areas are likely to be more faulted and therefore more hydrated than other parts of this plate system. However, being largely restricted to crustal levels, this localized increase in hydration generally does not appear to have a measurable effect on the intraslab seismicity along most of the subducted propagator wakes at the Cascadia margin.

  4. Writing Virtue and Indigenous Rights: Juan Bautista De Pomar and the "Relación de Texcoco" (United States)

    Espericueta, José


    In his "Relación de Texcoco," Juan Bautista de Pomar (c. 1535-90) takes a political and moral stance against Spanish colonialism in Texcoco and the entire viceroyalty of New Spain. Responding to the "Instrucción y memoria's" (1577) request for information about the history and cultural practices of local populations, Pomar…

  5. 77 FR 63289 - Foreign-Trade Zone 61-San Juan, PR, Application for Subzone, Coamo Property & Investments, LLC... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Foreign-Trade Zones Board [S-107-2012] Foreign-Trade Zone 61--San Juan, PR, Application for Subzone, Coamo Property & Investments, LLC, Coamo, PR An application has been submitted to the..., requesting special-purpose subzone status for the facility of Coamo Property & Investments, LLC, located in...



    JOVER QUIMPER, HERNAN ALBERTO; Universidad Nacional del Altiplano


    La investigación, tuvo el objetivo de analizar, el embarazo de los adolescentes en el contexto familia, San Juan del Oro; Sandia-Puno: 2011. Los materiales de estudio, fueron: la observación, la entrevista y el documental. La muestra fue de 160 madres adolescentes, de un universo de 398. El método de análisis, fue el hipotético-deductivo. Resultados, los factores individuales y el índice de maternidad-embarazo precoz, se aproxima a -1(.820). La correlación estuvo fuerte e inversamente asociad...

  7. Juan Goytisolo y la tradición autobiográfica española

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    Randolph D. Pope


    Full Text Available Escribir una autobiografía exige una compleja elección de modelos. Entre los escritores de autobiografías que Juan Goytisolo incorpora en su propios textos autobiográficos, Coto vedado (1985 y En los reinos de taifa (1986, se encuentra José María Blanco White, escritor de fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del XIX, relativamente olvidado hasta décadas recientes. Significativamente, en la autobiografía de Blanco White ocupa un lugar importante su descubrimiento de Feijoo, cuya fama había periclitado cuando Blanco lo descubre. Vemos así la estrategia autobiográfica de preferir como modelo literario una figura que es necesario reivindicar.   A complex selection of models is required to write an autobiography. Among the writers of autobiographies that Juan Goytisolo includes in his own autobiographical texts, Coto vedado (1985 and En los reinos de taifa (1986 is José Maria Blanco White, a writer from the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries, who was relatively forgotten until recently. Significantly, Blanco While's discovery of Feijoo, whose fame had been declining when Blanco discovered him, has an important place in his autobiography. Thus, we see the autobiographical strategy of selecting a figure who needs to be recovered as a literary model.

  8. La obra gráfica de Juan Carandell Pericay (I)


    Naranjo-Ramírez, J.


    Revisión completa y exhaustiva de la obra gráfica del geólogo y geógrafo Juan Carandell (1893-1937). A través de dos artículos, publicados en sucesivos números de la misma revista, se procedió a la identificación, catalogación y clasificación de todos sus gráficos, mayoritariamente de carácter científico, así como a una restauración de los mismos; finalmente se ha realizado el estudio de toda esta producción gráfica, aportando en buen número de casos también la reproducción física en el seno ...

  9. Surface Water Geochemistry, Sediment, and Field Parameters During Snowmelt and Monsoons in the New Mexico Reach of the Animas and San Juan Rivers, 2016 (United States)

    Blake, J.; Brown, J. E.; Mast, A.


    Following the release of three million gallons of metals laden surface water from the Gold King Mine in August 2015, surface-water samples were collected in the New Mexico reach of the Animas and San Juan Rivers during 2016 snowmelt and in the Animas River during three 2016 monsoonal storms. These samples were evaluated for dissolved (turbidity and specific conductance can provide insight to changes in concentrations of the river on a finer time scale. Regression models developed for selected sites on the Animas and San Juan Rivers show that flow, turbidity and specific conductance may be useful in understanding the relationship between total metal concentrations and real-time parameters. Surrogates for suspended sediment such as hydroacoustic may also be useful, and potentially the best option in this system, for monitoring the concentration of metals in surface water. Further evaluation of the chemistry of the watershed soils and bedrock, the streambed sediments, and suspended sediments will improve understanding of the geochemical processes in the Animas and San Juan Rivers.

  10. Water cycle and salinity dynamics in the mangrove forests of Europa and Juan de Nova Islands, southwest Indian Ocean. (United States)

    Lambs, Luc; Mangion, Perrine; Mougin, Eric; Fromard, François


    The functioning of mangrove forests found on small coralline islands is characterized by limited freshwater inputs. Here, we present data on the water cycling of such systems located on Europa and Juan de Nova Islands, Mozambique Channel. In order to better understand the water cycle and mangrove growth conditions, we have analysed the hydrological and salinity dynamics of the systems by gauge pressure and isotopic tracing (δ18O and δ2H values). Both islands have important seawater intrusion as measured by the water level change and the high salinities in the karstic ponds. Europa Island displays higher salinity stress, with its inner lagoon, but presents a pluri-specific mangrove species formation ranging from shrub to forest stands. No freshwater signal could be detected around the mangrove trees. On Juan de Nova Island, the presence of sand and detrital sediment allows the storage of some amount of rainfall to form a brackish groundwater. The mangrove surface area is very limited with only small mono-specific stands being present in karstic depression. On the drier Europa Island, the salinity of all the water points is equal to or higher than that of the seawater, and on Juan de Nova the groundwater salinity is lower (5 to 20 PSU). This preliminary study shows that the karstic pothole mangroves exist due to the sea connection through the fractured coral and the high tidal dynamics.

  11. Urban ecology of Triatoma infestans in San Juan, Argentina. (United States)

    Vallvé, S L; Rojo, H; Wisnivesky-Colli, C


    This study was performed in an urban neighborhood of the capital city of the province of San Juan, Argentina. Erected as a housing complex, the place consists of 768 flats distributed in buildings of three and seven floors each. A survey was carried out in 33% of the dwellings, enquiring about the number of Triatoma infestans found indoors, stage of the bug development-nymph or adult- and how these insects had entered their homes. Adult T.infestans were found on all floors; 163 people (64%) had found them at least once, and 130 (51%) several times. Dispersal flight seems to have been the main mechanism of infestation by adult bugs in this area, and a total of 51% of the surveyed inhabitants reported that the insects had flown into their flats.

  12. Urban ecology of Triatoma infestans in San Juan, Argentina

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    Silvana L Vallvé


    Full Text Available This study was performed in an urban neighborhood of the capital city of the province of San Juan, Argentina. Erected as a housing complex, the place consists of 768 flats distributed in buildings of three and seven floors each. A survey was carried out in 33% of the dwellings, enquiring about the number of Triatoma infestans found indoors, stage of the bug development - nymph or adult - and how these insects had entered their homes. Adult T.infestans were found on all floors; 163 people (64% had found them at least once, and 130 (51% several times. Dispersal flight seems to have been the main mechanism of infestation by adult bugs in this area, and a total of 51% of the surveyed inhabitants reported that the insects had flown into their flats.

  13. Teoría y práctica del personaje histórico: 1968, el personaje histórico y el trabajo de memoria. El caso de Tizoc, emperador de Pablo Salinas (1970)


    Meyrán, Daniel


    Tizoc, tlatoani de México-Tenochtitlan (1481-1486) me permite plantear el problema del papel teórico del personaje histórico puesto en escena en el teatro mexicano contemporáneo, como actor metafórico en el deber de memoria sobre 1968 y la masacre de Tlatelolco. Veremos cómo Pablo Salinas se sirve del personaje «antihistórico» para recordar con imaginación en el teatro su propio presente. Tizoc, the tlatoani of México-Tenochtitlan (1481-1486), raises the problem of the theoreti...

  14. A heat vulnerability index to improve urban public health management in San Juan, Puerto Rico. (United States)

    Méndez-Lázaro, Pablo; Muller-Karger, Frank E; Otis, Daniel; McCarthy, Matthew J; Rodríguez, Ernesto


    Increased frequency and length of high heat episodes are leading to more cardiovascular issues and asthmatic responses among the population of San Juan, the capital of the island of Puerto Rico, USA. An urban heat island effect, which leads to foci of higher temperatures in some urban areas, can raise heat-related mortality. The objective of this research is to map the risk of high temperature in particular locations by creating heat maps of the city of San Juan. The heat vulnerability index (HVI) maps were developed using images collected by satellite-based remote sensing combined with census data. Land surface temperature was assessed using images from the Thermal Infrared Sensor flown on Landsat 8. Social determinants (e.g., age, unemployment, education and social isolation, and health insurance coverage) were analyzed by census tract. The data were examined in the context of land cover maps generated using products from the Puerto Rico Terrestrial Gap Analysis Project (USDA Forest Service). All variables were set in order to transform the indicators expressed in different units into indices between 0 and 1, and the HVI was calculated as sum of score. The tract with highest index was considered to be the most vulnerable and the lowest to be the least vulnerable. Five vulnerability classes were mapped (very high, high, moderate, low, and very low). The hottest and the most vulnerable tracts corresponded to highly built areas, including the Luis Munoz International Airport, seaports, parking lots, and high-density residential areas. Several variables contributed to increased vulnerability, including higher rates of the population living alone, disabilities, advanced age, and lack of health insurance coverage. Coolest areas corresponded to vegetated landscapes and urban water bodies. The urban HVI map will be useful to health officers, emergency preparedness personnel, the National Weather Service, and San Juan residents, as it helps to prepare for and to mitigate

  15. A heat vulnerability index to improve urban public health management in San Juan, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Méndez-Lázaro, Pablo; Muller-Karger, Frank E.; Otis, Daniel; McCarthy, Matthew J.; Rodríguez, Ernesto


    Increased frequency and length of high heat episodes are leading to more cardiovascular issues and asthmatic responses among the population of San Juan, the capital of the island of Puerto Rico, USA. An urban heat island effect, which leads to foci of higher temperatures in some urban areas, can raise heat-related mortality. The objective of this research is to map the risk of high temperature in particular locations by creating heat maps of the city of San Juan. The heat vulnerability index (HVI) maps were developed using images collected by satellite-based remote sensing combined with census data. Land surface temperature was assessed using images from the Thermal Infrared Sensor flown on Landsat 8. Social determinants (e.g., age, unemployment, education and social isolation, and health insurance coverage) were analyzed by census tract. The data were examined in the context of land cover maps generated using products from the Puerto Rico Terrestrial Gap Analysis Project (USDA Forest Service). All variables were set in order to transform the indicators expressed in different units into indices between 0 and 1, and the HVI was calculated as sum of score. The tract with highest index was considered to be the most vulnerable and the lowest to be the least vulnerable. Five vulnerability classes were mapped (very high, high, moderate, low, and very low). The hottest and the most vulnerable tracts corresponded to highly built areas, including the Luis Munoz International Airport, seaports, parking lots, and high-density residential areas. Several variables contributed to increased vulnerability, including higher rates of the population living alone, disabilities, advanced age, and lack of health insurance coverage. Coolest areas corresponded to vegetated landscapes and urban water bodies. The urban HVI map will be useful to health officers, emergency preparedness personnel, the National Weather Service, and San Juan residents, as it helps to prepare for and to mitigate

  16. Integration Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National University of San Juan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berenguer, T.; Salinas, L.; Cascon, R.


    This work presents proposals for the mud handling derived from mineralogical processes, trying to maintain a balance between the nature and the sustainable development of the region; it comprises of an investigation project that the authors carry out in the National University of San Juan.In this case particular aspects of problematic the environmental one are approached as the contamination of associated the superficial and underground water to the handling of the mineral remainders, specifically muds.To practices and procedures of engineering are described that offer protection against the faults of the deposits so that the remainders and the water of process are outside the hydrological river basins. (author)

  17. Monitoreo de la calidad de datos GPS continuo: la estacion UNSJ (San Juan, Argentina

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    Alfredo Herrada


    Full Text Available Como parte de la red de referencia de operación continua de Argentina, la estación GPS (Global Positioning System denominada UNSJ (Universidad Nacional de San Juan fue establecida en la ciudad de San Juan el 6 de Marzo de 2007. Los datos registrados de UNSJ son ampliamente utilizados en aplicaciones catastrales, y sirven como base para la definición de los marcos de referencia geodésicos nacional y regional. Como una componente fundamental de la infraestructura geodésica, resulta conveniente un eficiente control de calidad de los datos crudos y el monitoreo de la estabilidad de una estación GPS de referencia. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del control de calidad de las observaciones UNSJ luego de dos anos de operación. Para contro l ar y caracterizar el desempeno del receptor GPS y además el medio ambiente de la estación, se eligieron cuatro índices. Ellos son el número de observaciones, multicamino en L1, multicamino en L2 y ocurrencia de saltos de ciclos. También, se evaluó la estabilidad de largo término de la estación UNSJ a través del análisis de las series temporales de las coordenadas semanales provistas por los centros de cálculo SIRGAS (Sistema de Referencia Geocéntrico para las Américas. Completa este estudio el análisis de las coordenadas calculadas por distintos servicios de procesamiento disponibles en Internet. Nuestros resultados indican que durante el período analizado, el funcionamiento de la estación UNSJ fue satisfactorio, produciendo índices de calidad que son aceptables para estándares internacionales.As a part of the Argentine continuously operating reference station network, a GPS (Global Positioning System station named UNSJ (Universidad Nacional de San Juan was established in San Juan city on 6th March 2007. The recorded data of UNSJ are widely applied to cadastral surveys and serve as the basis for defining national and regional geodetic reference frames. As a key component of the

  18. Seamounts in the southeastern Pacific Ocean and biodiversity on Juan Fernandez seamounts, Chile Montes submarinos en el océano Pacífico suroriental y biodiversidad en el cordón de Juan Fernández, Chile

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    Eleuterio Yáñez


    Full Text Available Seamounts are vulnerable marine ecosystems. In Chile, information on these ecosystems is quite scarce; thus, a compilation of information on their geographical distribution and biodiversity is presented herein. A total of 118 seamounts distributed in the Chilean EEZ are identified and characterized. Additionally, an in situ assessment was carried out on the Juan Fernandez seamounts 1 and 2 (JF1 and JF2, which were also oceanographically characterized. Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and marine invertebrate samples were collected and an exploratory fishing survey was executed using different gears. According to the bibliographical review, a total of 82 species have been collected on the JF1 and JF2 seamounts, highlighting fmdings of black coral species caught in lobster traps at the Juan Fernandez Archipelago. Submarine images of the marine substrate at JF1 and JF2 reveal characteristics attributable to the impact of bottom dredges, coinciding with the information obtained from the trawling fleet. The fishing activity was carried out primarily at JF2 (4,667 km of trawling. The monthly fishing effort increased considerably in 2002, 2003, and 2005, reaching values above 500 km of trawling and, thus, modifying the spatial structure of the resource aggregates on the JF2 seamount.Los montes submarinos constituyen ecosistemas marinos vulnerables. Chile presenta una escasa información acerca de estos ecosistemas, por lo que este trabajo recopila información sobre distribución geográfica y biodiversidad. Se identifican y caracterizan 118 montes en la ZEE de Chile. Adicionalmente, una evaluación in situ se desarrolló sobre los montes Juan Fernández 1 y 2 (JF1, JF2, caracterizándolos oceanógraficamente. Se recolectaron muestras de fitoplancton, zooplancton e invertebrados marinos, y se realizó pesca exploratoria con diversos artes. La revisión bibliográfica establece que en JF1 y JF2, se han capturado un total de 82 especies, destacándose la


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    Julieta Aidee Díaz-Rosillo


    Full Text Available In irrigated agriculture, producers are responsible for the management and administration of multiple common resources, among which include land and water. These common resources are used jointly by the whole community and in the same way are removed, depending on the needs of each individual. In the case of well 15 in the Ejido San Juan, has been maintained to be administered only by users without needing them, so far, the involvement of people outside the community or any government body for best results.


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    María Alegra García García


    Full Text Available Juan Martínez Siliceo (c. 1477-1557 was a Roman Catholic cardinal and archbishop and a distinguished humanist and mathematician who played an important role in the History and culture of Toledo and Spain during the 16th century. Furthermore, he was admired and recognized even after his death thanks to different literary sources and historiography. This article aims to approach his iconography through a selection of the most important literary and artistic sources from the 16th and 17th Centuries.Juan Martínez Silíceo (c.1477-1557, además de cardenal y arzobispo de Toledo, fue un importante humanista y matemático que desempeñó un destacado papel en la historia y cultura del Toledo y la España del siglo XVI y que gozó de gran admiración y reconocimiento más allá de su muerte, tal como evidencian las fuentes literarias y la historiografía posterior. Sin embargo, aún quedan pendientes de estudio pormenorizado algunos aspectos relativos a su relación con las artes. Este artículo pretende plantear un primer acercamiento a la iconografía de Silíceo a través de una selección de las fuentes literarias y visuales de los siglos XVI al XVIII consideradas más relevantes.

  1. Hurricane recovery at Cabezas de San Juan, Puerto Rico, and research opportunities at Conservation Trust Reserves (United States)

    Peter L. Weaver; Elizabeth Padilla Rodriguez


    The Cabezas de San Juan Natural Reserve (El Faro), an exposed peninsular area located in the Subtropical dry forest of northeastern Puerto Rico, was impacted by hurricanes Hugo (1989) and Georges (1998). From 1998 to 2008, a 0.10 ha plot was used to assess forest structure, species composition, and stem growth. During post-hurricane recovery, stem density, tree height...

  2. Miguel Bru, de la ausencia y la lucha : Reseña de Morosi, Pablo (2013). ¿Dónde está Miguel? El caso Bru. Un desaparecido en democracia. Marea, 240 p.


    Solari Orellana, Francisco Salvador


    El libro de Pablo Morosi cuenta la historia de Miguel Bru, un relato que atraviesa a cada estudiante de la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social desde su ingreso. Comienza con el final, con lo que sucedió cuando Miguel entró a la Comisaría 9°. A partir de ese momento, el autor provoca una vorágine de información y de vivencias que relatan la desaparición de Miguel y la lucha judicial que su familia desencadenó por su asesinato. Corridas, golpes, gritos. Una pausa. Morosi relata de form...

  3. Análisis de la cadena del café y estrategia de mejoras para el sector caficultor en la Provincia de Manabí Cantón Jipijapa Parroquia Pedro Pablo Goméz


    Medina Micolta, Martha; Luna Merchán, Rómulo


    El presente trabajo de tesis se realizó con el objetivo de analizar los actores de la cadena del café para establecer estrategias de mejoras promoviendo la productividad, competitividad y sostenibilidad del sector caficultor en la provincia de Manabí cantón Jipijapa parroquia Pedro Pablo Gómez, la metodología utilizada se basa en el método inductivo, tras una primera etapa de observación, análisis y clasificación de los hechos del sector cafetalero obtendremos la solución del problema plante...

  4. Resignificación del discurso informativo en clave policial

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    Ramiro Alejandro Duarte


    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo es una reseña crítica del libro Matar a pobres corazones. Fronteras discursivas de la crónica policial, reflexiones sobre el caso de Sandra Cabrera en la prensa gráfica (Redactum, 2014, de Juan Pablo Robledo, comunicador y ensayista egresado de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, en el que se reflexiona sobre las noticias del crimen atravesadas por múltiples factores tanto en su producción como en su circulación. Es un intento de pensar a partir de ellas, focalizadas en la práctica profesional, donde se abren más interrogantes que respuestas al fenómeno, cuyo análisis se escapa de los parámetros tradicionales de las empresas informacionales para construir un trabajo con argumentos concretos y delimitados.

  5. Isla de calor y ocupación espacial urbana en San Juan, Argentina: análisis evolutivo.
    Island heat effect and spatial urban occupancy in San Juan, Argentina: evolution analysis
    Ilha de calor e ocupação do espaço urbano em San Juán, Argentina: análise evolutiva


    Mario Cúnsulo; Alejandra Kurbán; Alberto Papparelli


    Resumen:En este artículo se presentan resultados finales de un proyecto de investigación bianual (2009-2010), denominado Variación histórica y espacial de la isla de calor urbana en zona árida, financiado por la Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina. Su objetivo principal es determinar la progresiva modificación de la isla de calor urbana en un periodo de quince años (1995-2010) y la correlación de esta con la ocupación del área urbana del Gran San Juan (GSJ), localizada en la diagonal ...

  6. La expedición a Veracruz y la defensa de San Juan de Ulúa (1819-1825

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    Manuel Escalona Jiménez


    Full Text Available En 1819 una expedición militar al mando del teniente general Manuel Cagigal partió de Cádiz hacia La Habana. En 1821 el cuerpo expedicionario, compuesto de unos 200 hombres, ocupó Veracruz, pero pronto se vio obligado a replegarse a la isla de San Juan de Ulúa, donde consiguió resistir hasta 1825, a pesar de estar sometido al severo bloqueo de las fuerzas independentistas mexicanas y combatir en las condiciones más precarias, de tal modo que este episodio militar se ganó la admiración general.In 1819, a military expedition, under the command of Lieutenant General Manuel Cagigal, sailed from Cádiz bound to La Habana. In 1821, the army corps, around 200 soldiers, got hold of Veracruz, but was soon obliged to retire to the island of San Juan de Ulúa, where they managed to resist untill 1825, in spite of the blockade by the Mexican independentist Mexican force and the arduous circumstances of the fight to the extent of getting a general admiration.

  7. Mesobathic chondrichthyes of the Juan Fernández seamounts: are they different from those of the central Chilean continental slope?

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    Isabel Andrade


    Full Text Available We compared the geographic distribution of groups of chondrychthid fishes of two physically proximal, although geographically different, regions that include the Juan Fernández seamounts and the central Chilean continental slope, both sampled at mesopelagic and mesobenthonic depths. The ridge is in the Nazca Plate, while the slope region in on the South American Plate, and is closer to the South American continent. We found six species of Chondrichthyes for the seamounts (four orders, four families. The slope sampling produced ten species of Chondrichthyes, of which Torpedo tremens De Buen 1959, was the only species in common with the Juan Fernández area. There are clear differences between the Chondrichthyes of the two regions. These fisheries require adequate administrative modes. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (1: 181-190. Epub 2008 March 31.

  8. Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil: Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington: INVERT (Invertebrate Polygons) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains sensitive biological resource data for clams, oysters, crabs, and other invertebrate species in Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca,...

  9. Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil: Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington: HABITATS (Habitat Polygons) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains sensitive biological resource data for marine and estuarine vegetation in Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington. Vector polygons...

  10. Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil: Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington: FISHL (Fish Lines) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains sensitive biological resource data for marine, estuarine, and anadromous fish in Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington. Vector...

  11. La consigna de los solitarios. Escritura y sobrevivencia en Un año sin amor. Diario del SIDA de Pablo Pérez

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    Alberto Giordano


    Full Text Available A partir del reconocimiento de dos momentos en el desarrollo histórico del género ‘narraciones autobiográficas sobre el SIDA’, identificado cada uno con una forma distinta de representarse la enfermedad y la condición del enfermo, este trabajo propone una lectura comparada de las novelas de Hervé Guibert, À l’ami qui ne m’a pas sauvé la vie (1990 y Le protocole compassionnel (1991 y de Un año sin amor. Diario del SIDA (1997 de Pablo Pérez, centrada en dos tópicos: a la construcción de un tipo específico de subjetividad, la del “sobreviviente”, y b los alcances literarios de las distintas elecciones formales (la novela autobiográfica o el diario íntimo para la exposición del diálogo activo entre vida y muerte que caracteriza a ese tipo de subjetividad.

  12. Fraccionamiento de nitrógeno en frijol ( phaseolus vulgaris l. en el valle de san juan

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    Juan Cedano


    Full Text Available Fraccionamiento de nitrógeno en frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L. en el valle de San Juan. Se realizó un estudio para determinar el efecto del fraccionamiento de la fertilización nitrogenada y el momento adecuado para la aplicación de nitrógeno en el cultivo de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L. en cinco localidades del Valle de San Juan, R. D. Los experimentos fueron establecidos del 5 al 14 de noviembre (1997 , se utilizó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar y nueve tratamientos en cada localidad, encontrándose que en los terrenos con altos niveles de nitrógeno no hubo respuesta a la aplicación de nitrógeno ni al fraccionamiento de este nutrimento; mientras que en los suelos con deficiencia en nitrógeno si hubo respuesta a la fertilización nitrogenada encontrándose diferencia estadística significativa a la aplicación y al momento de aplicación del fertilizante. Entre las localidades hubo diferencia estadística significativa (P>0.05, mientras que no se encontró interacción entre los tratamientos y las localidades

  13. Geology and coal-bed methane resources of the northern San Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fassett, J.E.


    This guidebook is the first of its kind: A focused look at coal-bed methane in a large Rocky Mountain Laramide basin. The papers in this volume cover every aspect of coal-bed methane in the San Juan Basin, including: The geology, environments of deposition, and geometry of the coal beds that contain the resource; the origin and migration history of the gas; basin-wide resource estimates; the engineering aspects of getting the gas out of the ground; the marketing and economics of producing coal-bed methane in the San Juan Basin; the legal ownership of the gas; state regulations governing well spacing and field rules; disposal of produced water; and land and mineral ownership patterns in the northern part of the basin. Also included are detailed papers on all of the major coal-bed methane fields in the basin, and in a paper on the history of Fruitland gas production, a discussion of most of the not-so-major fields. A small section of the book deals with geophysical methods, as yet still experimental, for surface detection of underground hydrocarbon resources. Individual papers have been processed separately for inclusion on the data base

  14. Advances in the knowledge of the mining geological anomaly uraniferous Medano Rico, Disc. Jachal, San Juan Province

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matar, M.; Arroqui, A.; Wetten, A.; Banchig, P.; Iglesias, R.


    Preliminary results of research carried out in the area of ​​Medano Rico, Dto Jachal San Juan Province, under the project Implementation of a model for exploration of uranium in Pre cordillera describes this work. The research tasks are intended to deepen the knowledge of the area to establish a genetic model of uranium anomaly

  15. Sequence Stratigraphy of the Dakota Sandstone, Eastern San Juan Basin, New Mexico, and its Relationship to Reservoir Compartmentalization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Varney, Peter J.


    This research established the Dakota-outcrop sequence stratigraphy in part of the eastern San Juan Basin, New Mexico, and relates reservoir quality lithologies in depositional sequences to structure and reservoir compartmentalization in the South Lindrith Field area. The result was a predictive tool that will help guide further exploration and development.

  16. A Geo-referenced 3D model of the Juan de Fuca Slab and associated seismicity (United States)

    Blair, J.L.; McCrory, P.A.; Oppenheimer, D.H.; Waldhauser, F.


    We present a Geographic Information System (GIS) of a new 3-dimensional (3D) model of the subducted Juan de Fuca Plate beneath western North America and associated seismicity of the Cascadia subduction system. The geo-referenced 3D model was constructed from weighted control points that integrate depth information from hypocenter locations and regional seismic velocity studies. We used the 3D model to differentiate earthquakes that occur above the Juan de Fuca Plate surface from earthquakes that occur below the plate surface. This GIS project of the Cascadia subduction system supersedes the one previously published by McCrory and others (2006). Our new slab model updates the model with new constraints. The most significant updates to the model include: (1) weighted control points to incorporate spatial uncertainty, (2) an additional gridded slab surface based on the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) Surface program which constructs surfaces based on splines in tension (see expanded description below), (3) double-differenced hypocenter locations in northern California to better constrain slab location there, and (4) revised slab shape based on new hypocenter profiles that incorporate routine depth uncertainties as well as data from new seismic-reflection and seismic-refraction studies. We also provide a 3D fly-through animation of the model for use as a visualization tool.

  17. A morte como elemento cultural mexicano em Pedro Páramo, de Juan Rulfo

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    Ana Paula Cantarelli


    Full Text Available Pedro Páramo (1955, de Juan Rulfo, desde sua publicação tem sido alvo de inúmeros estudos desenvolvidos por pesquisadores de diferentes áreas do conhecimento (história, sociologia, filosofia, etc.. Neste texto, buscou-se elaborar uma proposta de leitura a partir do reconhecimento da morte, símbolo nacional mexicano, como um elemento constituinte da estrutura narrativa desse romance, com a intenção de ampliar o campo de análises já delineado ao redor dessa obra.

  18. Review and analysis of mammographies of Servicio de Radiologia Hospital San Juan de Dios

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araya Cerdas, Adrian; Mirambell Sanchez, Melania; Monge Vega, Mandred; Mora Vargas, Karla; Vega Aguilar, Laura


    The concept of mammography is defined. The mammography has been estimated as the best tool currently available for the detection of breast cancer in its early stages, in addition, have been detected clinically occult lesions. Mammographies of the Servicio de Radiologia Hospital San Juan de Dios were analyzed for a total of 1250. The findings were related as static between BIRADS categorization and inherited-family factors, geographical and personal pathological of patients treated in the period September 2012 to January 2013 [es

  19. Eating in a Home for Children. Food Resistance in the Residence Juan de Lanuza


    Cantarero, Luis


    The basic needs of the children of the Residence Juan de Lanuza (Zaragoza, Spain) are covered by the daily amount of food they are provided with at meals. However, the tasks of the professionals who work in this Home are not restricted to feeding. One of the educational goals is to teach children socially adapted food habits, which are considered essential for the young persons’ “culturisation”. Food socialization has its roots in the ideology of the educating staff. The disciplinary system i...

  20. La obra gráfica de Juan Carandell Pericay (y II)


    Naranjo-Ramírez, J.


    Revisión completa y exhaustiva de la obra gráfica del geólogo y geógrafo Juan Carandell (1893-1937). A través de dos artículos, publicados en sucesivos números de la misma revista, se procedió a la identificación, catalogación y clasificación de todos sus gráficos, mayoritariamente de carácter científico, así como a una restauración de los mismos; finalmente se ha realizado el estudio de toda esta producción gráfica, aportando en buen número de casos también la reproducción física en el seno ...

  1. Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil: Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington: NESTS (Nest Points) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains sensitive biological resource data for bald eagle, great blue heron, and seabird nesting sites in Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca,...

  2. New evidence for Oligocene to Recent slip along the San Juan fault, a terrane-bounding structure within the Cascadia forearc of southern British Columbia, Canada (United States)

    Harrichhausen, N.; Morell, K. D.; Regalla, C.; Lynch, E. M.


    Active forearc deformation in the southern Cascadia subduction zone is partially accommodated by faults in the upper crust in both Washington state and Oregon, but until recently, these types of active forearc faults have not been documented in the northern part of the Cascadia forearc on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Here we present new evidence for Quaternary slip on the San Juan fault that indicates that this terrane-bounding structure has been reactivated since its last documented slip in the Eocene. Field work targeted by newly acquired hi-resolution lidar topography reveals a deformed debris flow channel network developed within colluvium along the central portion of the San Juan fault, consistent with a surface-rupturing earthquake with 1-2 m of offset since deglaciation 13 ka. Near the western extent of the San Juan fault, marine sediments are in fault contact with mélange of the Pandora Peak Unit. These marine sediments are likely Oligocene or younger in age, given their similarity in facies and fossil assemblages to nearby outcrops of the Carmanah Group sediments, but new dating using strontium isotope stratigraphy will confirm this hypothesis. If these sediments are part of the Carmanah Group, they occur further east and at a higher elevation than previously documented. The presence of Oligocene or younger marine sediments, more than 400 meters above current sea level, requires a substantial amount of Neogene rock uplift that could have been accommodated by slip on the San Juan fault. A preliminary analysis of fault slickensides indicates a change in slip sense from left-lateral to normal along the strike of the fault. Until further mapping and analysis is completed, however, it remains unclear whether this kinematic change reflects spatial and/or temporal variability. These observations suggest that the San Juan fault is likely part of a network of active faults accommodating forearc strain on Vancouver Island. With the recent discovery of

  3. 75 FR 22836 - Notice of Intent To Prepare a Resource Management Plan for the Eastern Washington and San Juan... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management [LLORW00000 L16100000.DO0000; HAG10-0117] Notice of Intent To Prepare a Resource Management Plan for the Eastern Washington and San Juan Planning... Management, Interior. ACTION: Notice of Intent. SUMMARY: In compliance with the National Environmental Policy...

  4. La obra psicológica de Juan Cuatrecasas Arumí, (1899-1990)


    Kurowski, Maristela


    Se examina y evalúa la obra psicobiológica de Juan Cuatrecasas, médico español exiliado por motivo de la guerra civil a Argentina. Cuatrecasas inició su vida científica en la Escuela de Barcelona bajo tutoría de Augusto Pi Suñer. En el desarrollo de su vida profesional sigue la línea holística de investigación, característica de esta Escuela. En España fue Catedrático de la Facultad de Medicina de Barcelona. Luego en Argentina fue profesor titular de la Cátedra de Antropología Cultural de la ...

  5. Carbonate microfacies of the San Juan Formation (Ordovician: Oepikodus evae and Oepikodus intermedius conodont zones), Niquivil, Central Precordillera, Province of San Juan (Argentina)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soria, T.; Beresi, M.; Mestre, A.; Heredia, S.; Rodríguez, M.C.


    This contribution presents the description and interpretation of carbonate microfacies of the San Juan Formation (Ordovician) at the Niquivil section, considering the stratigraphical interval between the Oepikodus evae and Oepikodus intermedius conodont zones. The distribution of the microfacies and the conodonts assemblages allow us to identify different sub-environments within the late Floian carbonate ramp of the Central Precordillera. Five microfacies were recognized from the base to the top: M1 Bioclastic mudstone-wackestone; M2 Bioclastic-peloidal wackestone; M3 Intra-bioclastic wackestone; M4 Intra-bioclastic packstone; M5 Peloidal grainstone. The vertical distribution of these microfacies indicates a shallowing trend of the carbonate ramp in the Niquivil section for this temporal interval, which suggests a middle ramp environment with low energy, without wave action, and that evolved towards the middle-inner ramp environment with more energy by wave action and development of tempestites. [es

  6. Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil: Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington: MGT (Management Area Polygons) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains polygons that represent the following sensitive human-use management areas in Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington:...

  7. L’abominevole favola del progresso. I mostri di Juan Rodolfo Wilcock, tra comicità e orrore


    Trifiro', Katia


    Il presente contributo intende esplorare le strategie di demistificazione grottesca impiegate da Juan Rodolfo Wilcock per ritrarre l’impasse culturale della società italiana degli anni Sessanta, catapultata nella vacua frenesia di un improvviso benessere. Attraverso il suo «ridente sguardo cadaverico», come lo definisce Pasolini, la seduzione effimera del miracolo economico e, soprattutto, le sue disfunzioni, assumono le sembianze di una funerea profezia sociale, alimentata dal potere corrosi...

  8. Surface Hydrological Processes of Rock Glaciated Basins in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado (United States)

    Mateo, E. I.


    Glaciers in the western United States have been examined in terms of their summer meltwater contributions to regional hydrological systems. In the San Juan Mountains of Colorado where glaciers do not and cannot exist due to a rising zero-degree isotherm, rock glaciers take the place of valley glaciers during the summer runoff period. Most of the rock glaciers in Colorado are located on a northerly slope aspect, however, there are multiple in the southwest region of the state that occur on different aspects. This study asked how slope aspect and rising air temperatures influenced the hydrological processes of streams below rock glaciers in the San Juan Mountains during the 2016 summer season. This project focused on three basins, Yankee Boy basin, Blue Lakes basin, and Mill Creek basin, which are adjacent to each other and share a common peak, Gilpin Peak. Findings of this one-season study showed that air temperature significantly influenced stream discharge below each rock glacier. Discharge and air temperature patterns indicate a possible air temperature threshold during late summer when rock glacier melt increased at a greater rate. The results also suggest that slope aspect of rock glacier basins influences stream discharge, but temperature and precipitation are likely larger components of the melt regimes. The continuation of data collection during the 2017 summer season has allowed for more detailed analysis of the relationship between air temperature and rock glacier melt. This continual expansion of the original dataset is crucial for understanding the hydrological processes of surface runoff below rock glaciers.

  9. Deglaciation and postglacial treeline fluctuation in the northern San Juan Mountains, Colorado (United States)

    Carrara, Paul E.


    The San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado contain numerous lakes and bogs at and above treeline. In June 1978, Lake Emma, a tarn above present-day treeline, was suddenly drained by the collapse of underground mine workings. This study was initiated because the draining exposed a well-preserved archive of subfossil coniferous wood fragments that provided a unique opportunity to further our understanding of the paleoclimatic history of this region. These paleoclimatic studies-coniferous macrofossil identification in conjunction with radiocarbon dating, deuterium analysis of the dated conifer fragments, as well as pollen and fossil insect analyses-yielded new information regarding Holocene climate and accompanying treeline changes in the northern San Juan Mountains. This report synthesizes previously published reports by the author and other investigators, and unpublished information of the author bearing on late Pleistocene and Holocene treeline and climate in this region. Retreat of the glacier that occupied the upper Animas River valley from its Pinedale terminal position began about 19.4 + or - 1.5 10Be thousands of years ago and was essentially complete by about 12.3 + or - 1.0 10Be thousands of years ago. Two sets of late Pleistocene cirque moraines were identified in the northern San Juan Mountains. The older set is widespread and probably correlates with the Younger Dryas (11,000-10,000 radiocarbon years before present; 12,800-11,500 calendar years). The younger set is found only in the Grenadier Range and represents remnant glacier ice lying in well-shaded niches in a mountain range undergoing rapid deglaciation. A snowbank at the northern base of this range appears to be fronted by a Little Ice Age moraine. Soon after deglaciation the average July temperature is estimated to have been about 5°C cooler and timberline about 650 meters lower than at present. However, timberline (and treeline) responded rapidly to the postglacial warming and reached

  10. Sequence Stratigraphy of the Dakota Sandstone, Eastern San Juan Basin, New Mexico, and its Relationship to Reservoir Compartmentalization; FINAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varney, Peter J.


    This research established the Dakota-outcrop sequence stratigraphy in part of the eastern San Juan Basin, New Mexico, and relates reservoir quality lithologies in depositional sequences to structure and reservoir compartmentalization in the South Lindrith Field area. The result was a predictive tool that will help guide further exploration and development

  11. 77 FR 75145 - Foreign-Trade Zone 61-San Juan, Puerto Rico; Application for Subzone; Sea World, Inc.; Guaynabo, PR (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Foreign-Trade Zones Board [S-138-2012] Foreign-Trade Zone 61--San Juan, Puerto Rico; Application for Subzone; Sea World, Inc.; Guaynabo, PR An application has been submitted to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (the Board) by the Puerto Rico Trade & Export Company, grantee of FTZ 61...

  12. Trayectos de lectura de Espacio, de Juan Ramón Jiménez


    Luján Atienza, Ángel Luis


    El estudio de Espacio, de Juan Ramón Jiménez, a partir de la teoría cognitiva de las metáforas conceptuales y la fusión de dominios conceptuales (blending), en confluencia con la filosofía heideggeriana, descubre en el poema dos movimientos contradictorios: el de la fuga y de la búsqueda de un centro, que se pueden poner en relación con dos trayectos de lectura y dos tendencias hermenéuticas: la modernista y la post-modernista. En este contexto se tratan de explicar las paradojas y complejida...

  13. Carbonate microfacies of the San Juan Formation (Ordovician: Oepikodus evae and Oepikodus intermedius conodont zones), Niquivil, Central Precordillera, Province of San Juan (Argentina); Microfacies carbonáticas de la Formación San Juan (Ordovícico: zonas de conodontos Oepikodus evae y Oepikodus intermedius), Niquivil, Precordillera Central, Provincia de San Juan (Argentina)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soria, T.; Beresi, M.; Mestre, A.; Heredia, S.; Rodríguez, M.C.


    This contribution presents the description and interpretation of carbonate microfacies of the San Juan Formation (Ordovician) at the Niquivil section, considering the stratigraphical interval between the Oepikodus evae and Oepikodus intermedius conodont zones. The distribution of the microfacies and the conodonts assemblages allow us to identify different sub-environments within the late Floian carbonate ramp of the Central Precordillera. Five microfacies were recognized from the base to the top: M1 Bioclastic mudstone-wackestone; M2 Bioclastic-peloidal wackestone; M3 Intra-bioclastic wackestone; M4 Intra-bioclastic packstone; M5 Peloidal grainstone. The vertical distribution of these microfacies indicates a shallowing trend of the carbonate ramp in the Niquivil section for this temporal interval, which suggests a middle ramp environment with low energy, without wave action, and that evolved towards the middle-inner ramp environment with more energy by wave action and development of tempestites. [Spanish] En la presente contribución se realiza la descripción e interpretación de las microfacies carbonáticas de la Formación San Juan (Ordovícico) en la sección de Niquivil, considerando el intervalo estratigráfico comprendido entre las zonas de conodontos Oepikodus evae y Oepikodus intermedius. El análisis de las microfacies y los conodontos asociados permiten el reconocimiento de diferentes subambientes carbonáticos dentro de la rampa carbonática desarrollada durante el Floiense tardío de la Precordillera Central. Se reconocieron cinco microfacies que, de base a techo, son: M1 Mudstone-Wackestone bioclástico; M2 Wackestone bioclástico-peloidal; M3 Wackestone intra-bioclástico; M4 Packstone intra-bioclástico; M5 Grainstone peloidal. La interpretación vertical de estas microfacies indica una tendencia hacia la somerización de la rampa carbonática en la sección de Niquivil para el lapso temporal estudiado. El que se correspondería con un ambiente de

  14. APORTES A LA CRONOLOGÍA DE LA CASA DE JUAN FUGL (TANDIL, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA A PARTIR DE ESTUDIOS ARQUEOMAGNÉTICOS (Contribution to the Chronology of the Juan Fugl House (Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina based on Archaeomagnetic Studies

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    Claudia Gogorza


    Full Text Available La aparición de vestigios de construcciones subterráneas y antiguas canteras de arena, en forma de túneles, en el casco histórico de la ciudad de Tandil ha generado una serie de mitos urbanos. Estos relacionan la fundación del Fuerte Independencia (FI de 1823 con los posteriores asentamientos de eurocriollos en la frontera sur, momentos en que empieza a edificarse la ciudad de Tandil. Esas cavidades son atribuidas a galerías de escape por el riesgo de «malones realizados por los indios». Muchas de estas asociaciones fueron realizadas por historiadores locales basándose en la «bravura de los originarios» y el hallazgo fortuito de estructuras subterráneas descubiertas por operarios o residentes diversos. El resurgimiento de esta información en los medios de prensa reabre la hipótesis explicativa sobre los túneles del FI y la comunicación de estos con las primeras casas construidas alrededor de la fortificación. Uno de estos edificios fue la vivienda de Juan Fugl, principal precursor de la ciudad. El objetivo de este trabajo es datar ladrillos de la casa de Juan Fugl mediante estudios arqueomagnéticos con la finalidad de establecer la cronología de su ocupación con la del FI y proporcionar evidencias más ajustadas sobre la relación entre esta vivienda y las construcciones subterráneas arriba mencionadas. ENGLISH: The appearance of vestiges of tunnel-like underground constructions and ancient sand quarries in the historic center of the city of Tandil has generated a series of urban myths. These link the foundation of Fuerte Independencia (FI in 1823, when the city was founded, with the subsequent settlements of “euro-criollos” on the southern border. The cavities are thought to be escape tunnels created because of the risk of “raids” carried out by the Indians. Many of these associations were made by local historians based on the “bravery of the settlers” and the fortuitous finding of underground structures

  15. Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Atlas: Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca, maps and geographic information systems data (NODC Accession 0013952) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set comprises the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) data for the Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca from 1978 to 2006. ESI data characterize...

  16. La protesta social en el primer gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edwin Cruz Rodríguez


    Full Text Available In this paper, social protest phenomenon during Juan Manuel Santos’ first term is analyzed using political processes approach to study social movements. During Santos’ administration, free trade agreements and the “mining-energy locomotive” initiatives have spurred protests since they have brought perverse consequences to rural, education, and health sectors. Nonetheless, protests are not explained as a reaction of economic dynamics, but as a complex articulation between a favorable context —produced by the change in style between the previous administration (Uribe 2002-2010 and Santos’ one, hence, creating expectations and opportunities towards protestin —, and the active role of people mobilizing, which is expressed by the shaping of mobilization structures and the creation of novelty frameworks for collective action.

  17. Juan H. Vera and Grazyna Wilczek-Vera: Classical Thermodynamics of Fluid Systems: Principles and Applications. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kontogeorgis, Georgios


    The book Classical Thermodynamics of Fluid Systems: Principles and Applications written by professor Juan H. Vera and Dr. Grazyna Wilczek-Vera is undoubtably a book written in a most personal style by the two distinguished authors.The book contains four sections and a fifth one with appendices...

  18. El círculo meridiano automático de San Fernando - San Juan. Sus primeros pasos en el hemisferio sur (United States)

    Mallamaci, C. C.; Muiños, J. L.; Gallego, M.; Pérez, J. A.; Marmolejo, L.; Navarro, J. L.; Sedeño, J.; Vallejos, M.; Belizón, F.

    Se informa sobre el estado actual del Círculo Meridiano Automático de San Fernando-San Juan. El instrumento (Grubb-Parson, de 178mm de abertura y 2665 mm de distancia focal) es gemelo del que se encuentra en las Islas Canarias, y fue instalado durante los meses de julio y agosto de 1996 en la estación astronómica ``Dr. C.U.Cesco" (El Leoncito, Barreal), a unos 200 km de distancia de la ciudad de San Juan, merced a un Convenio de Cooperación Científica, firmado en 1994 entre el ROA (España) y el OAFA (Argentina). En la actualidad se está llevando a cabo un programa de prueba cuyos resultados preliminares muestran que el telescopio está en buenas condiciones para observar estrellas de hasta magnitud aproximada 14.5, con buenos errores de observación (<0.12" en ascensión recta y declinación).

  19. Juan Antonio Rubio appointed as Director-General of CIEMAT

    CERN Multimedia


    Juan Antonio Rubio, Head of CERN's ETT unit (Education and Technology Transfer) has been appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science as the Director General of the Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology, CIEMAT. Dr Rubio's career began at the Spanish Nuclear Energy Commission where he held the posts of Investigator, Head of the High Energy Group and Head of Nuclear Physics and High Energy Division. Later, he was named Director of the Department of Basic Investigation and Scientific Director of the CIEMAT. In 1987 he joined CERN as Scientific Adviser to the Director General and Group Leader of the Scientific Assessment Group. Up to now, Dr Rubio has been the Head of the ETT unit, as well as Coordinator for Latin America and Commissioner for the 50th Anniversary of the Organization. He was born on 4 June 1944 in Madrid, and holds a Doctorate in Physical Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

  20. Seguimiento de la construcción de edificio 43 viviendas Av/ Juan XXIII Valencia




    Convenios con empresa. La obra prevé la construcción de un edificio de 41 viviendas VP + 2 viviendas libres, constando de 2 plantas sótano para uso de aparcamiento y trasteros, planta baja con local comercial, 8 plantas con 5 viviendas por planta y una planta ático con 3 viviendas. La obra está en su fase de estructura, habiéndose realizado las plantas de sótano. Burgos Romero, L. (2011). Seguimiento de la construcción de edificio 43 viviendas Av/ Juan XXIII Valencia.

  1. Juan Gálvez y Leandro Fernández de Moratín : cuatro escenas, obra de Gálvez, inspiradas en las comedias de Moratín

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Martínez Cuesta


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza los cuatro lienzos ejecutados por Juan Gálvez (1774-1847 destinados a ilustrar la edición de las obras del dramaturgo Leandro Fernández de Moratín, publicadas por la Real Academia de la Historia, en 1830. Juan Gálvez fue uno de los pintores de cámara en la Corte de Fernando Vil, trabajando en distintos Reales Sitios. Fue director de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Los cuatro lienzos citados constituyeron el modelo para las litografías de las siguientes obras de Moratín: 1 «El sí de las niñas», acto III, escena XIII; 2 «La mojigata», acto II, escena II; 3 «La escuela de maridos», acto III, escena Vil; 4 «El médico a palos», acto ¡I, escena V.This article describes the four canvas painted by Juan Gálvez (1774-1847 in order to alústrate the comedies written by Leandro Fernández of Moratín, published by the Royal Spanish Academy of History, in 1830. Juan Gálvez was one of the official painter in Ferdinand Vlll's court, also he was director of the Royal Spanish Academy of Arts. The four canvas were models for litographies of Moratín's world's: 1 «El sí de las niñas», act III, scene XIII; 2 «La mojigata», act II, scene II; 3 «La escuela de maridos», act III, escena VII; 4 «El médico a palos», act II, scene V.

  2. 75 FR 55347 - Notice of Realty Action: Competitive Sale of Public Land Near Aztec in San Juan County, NM (United States)


    ... city limits in San Juan County, New Mexico. The sale will be subject to the applicable provisions of... sealed bids equal to or greater than the appraised fair market value of the land. Bidders who submit..., Suite A, Farmington, New Mexico 87401. Sealed bids must also be submitted to this address. Supplemental...

  3. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Dust Deposition in the San Juan Mountains, CO: A Network of Late Holocene Lake Sediment Records (United States)

    Arcusa, S.; Routson, C.; McKay, N.


    Millions of stakeholders living in the arid southwestern US rely on snowmelt from the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. However, dust deposition on snow accelerates snowmelt, challenging water management. Dustiness in the southwestern US is primarily mediated by drought, which is projected to increase in frequency and severity. Over the past several millennia, multidecadal-length megadroughts are hypothesized to have enhanced regional dustiness. These past megadroughts were more frequent during the Roman (ca. 1-400 CE) and Medieval (ca. 800-1300 CE) time periods and were similar in duration and severity to those projected for the future. Developing an understanding of the temporal and spatial patterns of past dust deposition in the San Juan Mountains will help inform adaptation strategies for future droughts. A network of short sediment cores from six alpine lakes in the San Juan Mountains were collected in 2016 and 2017 to investigate the spatial patterns of dust deposition. The range in lake basin characteristics in the network, such as catchment size, helps to constrain the influence of secondary dust deposition. Grain size analysis and X-ray Fluorescence were combined with radiocarbon dating to trace the temporal patterns in dust flux over the Late Holocene (the last 2000 years). The End-member Modelling Algorithm (EMMA) was used to estimate the dust proportion in the lake sediment, distinguishing from locally derived catchment material. Comparisons to modern dust-on-snow samples were made to identify the dust size distribution. The results show that deposition trends were not uniform between the south-eastern and north-western San Juans, with increasing trends towards the present in the former, possibly reflecting a shift in dust sources associated with changes in wind speed and direction. Dust levels greater than long term averages were recorded during the Medieval and Roman periods. The network also showed the influence of lake basin parameters, such as the

  4. A Numerical Study of the Urban Heat Island in the Coastal Tropical City of San Juan, Puerto Rico: Model Validation and Impacts of LCLU Changes (United States)

    Comarazamy, Daniel E.; Gonzalez, Jorge E.; Luvall, Jeff; Rickman, Douglas L.


    Urban sprawls in tropical locations are rapidly accelerating and it is more evident in islands where a large percentage of the population resides along the coasts. This paper focuses on the analysis of the impacts of land use and land cover for urbanization in the tropical coastal city of San Juan, in the tropical island of Puerto Rico. A mesoscale numerical model, the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), is used to study specific characteristics and patterns of the urban heat island in the San Juan Metropolitan Area (SJMA), the most noticeable urban core of the Caribbean. The research present in this paper makes use of the observations obtained during the airborne San Juan Atlas Mission in two ways. First, surface and rawinsonde data are used to validate the atmospheric model yielding satisfactory results. Second, airborne remote sensing information is used to update the model's surface characteristics to obtain a detailed configuration of the SJMA in order to perform the LCLU changes impact analysis. This analysis showed that the presence of San Juan has an impact reflected in higher air temperatures over the area occupied by the city, with positive values of up to 2.5 C, for the simulations that have specified urban LCLU indexes in the bottom boundary. One interesting result of the impact analysis was the finding of a precipitation disturbance shown as a difference in total accumulated rainfall between simulation with the city and with a potential natural vegetation induced by the presence of the urban area. Model results indicate that the urban-induced cloud formation and precipitation development occur mainly downwind of the city, including the accumulated precipitation. This spatial pattern can be explained by the presence of a-larger urbanized area in the southwest sector of the city, and of the approaching northeasterly trade winds.

  5. Las bibliotecas populares en la correspondencia de Juan Vicéns a Lulu Jourdain y Hernando Viñes (1933-1936

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    Ramón Salaberría


    Full Text Available Análisis de la correspondencia del bibliotecario Juan Vicéns (1895-1959 a sus amigos Lulu Jourdain y Hernando Viñes. Las 55 cartas analizadas fueron escritas entre abril de 1933 y septiembre de 1936. En ese tiempo republicano, Juan Vicéns ejerce como inspector de las Bibliotecas Públicas Municipales y de las de Misiones Pedagógicas, oposita al Cuerpo Facultativo de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios y Arqueólogos, toma parte en el II Congreso Internacional de Bibliotecas y Bibliografía, presenta su tesis doctoral y organiza las bibliotecas de Cultura Popular. Bibliotecario y comunista, se interesa por las nuevas bibliotecas populares soviéticas (y estadounidenses, inglesas y danesas, por la aplicación del sistema de clasificación decimal en Rusia y por las bibliotecas proletarias abiertas por los sindicatos y organizaciones juveniles en España

  6. El pensamiento económico de Juan de Lugo. Un estudio sobre sus teorías del precio justo, del dinero y del interés


    Monsalve Serrano, Favio


    Esta tesis aborda el pensamiento económico de Juan de Lugo y, más concretamente, sus teorías del precio justo, del dinero y de la usura. También aborda un breve análisis comparativo entre Juan de Lugo y escolásticos coetáneos, principalmente Luis de Molina, así como una proyección de las ideas de Lugo sobre el análisis económico moderno. La teoría del precio justo se aborda desde un enfoque analítico mostrando cada uno de los elementos que componen dicha teoría (respeto a la justicia, teor...

  7. Juan de Pitano y Bolívar, platero vitoriano del siglo XVI

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    Martín Vaquero, Rosa


    Full Text Available Juan de Pitano y Bolívar is one of the most important silversmiths of the second half of the 16th century in Vitoria. He was the successor to one of Vitoria's oldest silversmiths which had its origins in the previous century. Here we provide a biography of the man and present ten pieces of his work in which we are able to appreciated their quality together with the artistic techniques employed. All of the pieces bear his mark: PI/TANO. He was a master of his art and participated in all three of the styles which dominated the art of the silversmith in the 16th century: Gothic, Renaissance and Mannerism.No disponible


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    Dr. Antoine Bouba KIDAKOU


    Full Text Available The community of destinies, as well as the varied historical meetings along the time between notable Spanish representatives and representatives of the African continent have exercised a profound influence over several aspects of the Hispanic-African cultural confluences. Unfortunately, these aspects have retained the critics' attention just for a little while, despite the numerous documents that exist in Spain about African black people. These last ones were already writing in Spanish, following the example of the Ethiopian Juan de Baltasar Abissino, starting right with the 17th century. The present article sets itself to explore a few ways of investigating the Hispanic Negro-African Literature from the 17th century.

  9. Palabras del presidente Carlos S. Menem, a 20 años de la muerte de Juan Domingo Perón


    Menem, Carlos Saúl


    Radio Universidad Nacional de La Plata trasmite en directo y registra para su Archivo de la Palabra el mensaje oficial del presidente Carlos Saúl Menem, difundido por cadena nacional de radio y televisión, al cumplirse 20 años del fallecimiento del presidente Juan Domingo Perón.

  10. Ces silences de la narration qui rapprochèrent Jean Giono et Juan Ramón Jiménez

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    Dominique Bonnet


    Full Text Available This article intends to show how JeanGiono discovered a purity of writing inJuan Ramón Jiménez that he practicedhimself in his elliptical narratives. Thus,this purifying desire that both sought intheir writings would be one of the commonpoints that would persuade Jean Giono todo the film adaptation of Platero y yo.

  11. Juan of Segovia’s Translation of the Qur’ān

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    Roth, Ulli


    Full Text Available John of Segovia (1393-1458 is together with Nicolaus Cusanus one of the most important theologians of the 15th century. His struggle for peace and consensus during the council of Basel culminated in his engagement for interreligious communication in the last years of his life. After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, he prepared a new approach towards the Islam. Not crusade, but interreligious communication based on thorough knowledge of the religion of the other should result in peace, either through converting the other or at least convincing him to stop warfare. Therefore John of Segovia initiated a new translation of the Qur’ān into Spanish, which he himself translated into Latin. This article outlines the history of this famous project and illustrates its main characteristics with examples taken from fragments of this first polyglot translation of the Qur’ān.Junto a Nicolás de Cusa, Juan de Segovia (1393-1458 fue uno de los teólogos más importantes del siglo XV. Sus esfuerzos por llegar a una paz y a un consenso durante el concilio de Basilea culminaron con un compromiso de comunicación interreligiosa en los últimos años de su vida. Después de la caída de Constantinopla en el año 1453, preparó un nuevo acercamiento hacia el Islam. Ya no se trataba de una cruzada, sino de realizar una comunicación entre religiones basada en un conocimiento profundo de la religión del otro, lo que creía que resultaría en una paz a través de la conversión del otro o, al menos, a través del convencimiento de que dejaría la guerra. Juan de Segovia comenzó así la tarea de traducir de nuevo el Corán al castellano, que él mismo había traducido al latín. Este artículo muestra la historia de este famoso proyecto ilustrando sus características más llamativas con ejemplos tomados de esta primera traducción políglota del Corán.

  12. Llamados a servir: los hospitalarios de San Juan de Dios en Zacatecas, México en el siglo XVII

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    González Fasani, Ana Mónica


    Full Text Available Consolidated the Order of San Juan of God in Spain, their religious soon were required to pass to American lands. With the purpose of lifting hospitals they arrived to beginnings of the XVII century and they were organized in three counties: one that would embrace the viceroyalty of New Spain and of overseas, the other one the viceroyalty of the Peru and a third, the denominated Mainland. To four years of having installed in Mexico, they were requested in the populous and rich mining city call Our Mrs. of the Zacatecas.Consolidada la Orden de San Juan de Dios en España, sus religiosos pronto fueron requeridos para pasar a tierras americanas. Con el fin de levantar hospitales llegaron a inicios del siglo XVII y se organizaron en tres provincias: una que abarcaría el virreinato de Nueva España y de ultramar, la otra el virreinato del Perú y una tercera, la denominada Tierra Firme. A cuatro años de instalados en México, fueron solicitados en la populosa y rica ciudad minera llamada Nuestra Señora de los Zacatecas.

  13. Self Portrait of a Courtier: Juan Boscán, Inca Garcilaso’s Model

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    Marta Ortiz Canseco


    Full Text Available This text focuses on a chief masterpiece of the Renaissance, Castiglione’s The Book of the Courtier, and aims to identify its influence on Inca Garcilaso’s work. Considering that he had this book in his library, we will examine the different levels of influence of Castiglione’s work, especially the translation into Spanish by the poet Juan Boscán. This study will address not only the importance of the translator, but also the significance of a piece that brought together all the ideals of the Renaissance: the perfect courtier’s form, style and attitude are omnipresent in Inca Garcilaso’s work and life.

  14. Climate-driven disturbances in the San Juan River sub-basin of the Colorado River (United States)

    Bennett, Katrina E.; Bohn, Theodore J.; Solander, Kurt; McDowell, Nathan G.; Xu, Chonggang; Vivoni, Enrique; Middleton, Richard S.


    Accelerated climate change and associated forest disturbances in the southwestern USA are anticipated to have substantial impacts on regional water resources. Few studies have quantified the impact of both climate change and land cover disturbances on water balances on the basin scale, and none on the regional scale. In this work, we evaluate the impacts of forest disturbances and climate change on a headwater basin to the Colorado River, the San Juan River watershed, using a robustly calibrated (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency 0.76) hydrologic model run with updated formulations that improve estimates of evapotranspiration for semi-arid regions. Our results show that future disturbances will have a substantial impact on streamflow with implications for water resource management. Our findings are in contradiction with conventional thinking that forest disturbances reduce evapotranspiration and increase streamflow. In this study, annual average regional streamflow under the coupled climate-disturbance scenarios is at least 6-11 % lower than those scenarios accounting for climate change alone; for forested zones of the San Juan River basin, streamflow is 15-21 % lower. The monthly signals of altered streamflow point to an emergent streamflow pattern related to changes in forests of the disturbed systems. Exacerbated reductions of mean and low flows under disturbance scenarios indicate a high risk of low water availability for forested headwater systems of the Colorado River basin. These findings also indicate that explicit representation of land cover disturbances is required in modeling efforts that consider the impact of climate change on water resources.

  15. Seafloor Uplift in Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge: New High-Resolution Pressure Data (United States)

    Inderbitzen, K. E.; Becker, K.; Davis, E. E.


    Currently, in-situ seafloor and basement pressures are continuously monitored and recorded by an ODP subseafloor hydrogeological observatory (CORK) located in Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Hole 857D was drilled in 1991 in thickly sedimented crust to a depth of 936 mbsf and instrumented with an original CORK that was replaced in 1996. A large hydrothermal field (Dead Dog) lies roughly 1.7 km north of the hole, and two isolated chimneys and several diffuse flow sites are located ~800 meters northeast. The borehole and the vent fields have been visited periodically by submersible/ROV since 1999. Recent results from the CORK at 857D have shown apparent seafloor uplift, supported by depth records from the submersible Alvin. A constant rate of pressure change of ~6 kPa/yr, from its initiation in 2005 to the visit in 2010, has reduced mean seafloor pressure by ~28 kPa, equivalent to nearly 3 meters of head. This uplift rate is several times the typical pre-eruption inflation rates observed at Axial Seamount further south along the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Initially, the apparent uplift at 857D did not seem to have any effect on local high-temperature hydrothermal venting, however recent operations in Middle Valley revealed distinct changes at not only the hydrothermal field to the northeast, but also a shutdown of high-temperature venting to the north of 857D. We will present new data from Middle Valley, including the first year of data collected by a high-resolution pressure data logger deployed at 857D in June, 2010.

  16. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Gentianella multicaulis collected on the Andean Slopes of San Juan Province, Argentina. (United States)

    Lima, Beatriz; Sánchez, Marianela; Luna, Lorena; Agüero, María B; Zacchino, Susana; Filippa, Eva; Palermo, Jorge A; Tapia, Alejandro; Feresin, Gabriela E


    The infusion of the aerial parts of Gentianella multicaulis (Gillies ex Griseb.) Fabris (Gentianaceae), locally known as 'nencia', is used in San Juan Province, Argentina, as stomachic and as a bitter tonic against digestive and liver problems. The bioassay-guided isolation of G. multicaulis extracts and structural elucidation of the main compounds responsible for the antifungal and free radical scavenging activities were performed. The extracts had strong free radical scavenging effects in the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay (45-93% at 10 microg/mL) and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay at 200 microg/mL. Demethylbellidifolin (4) had high antioxidant activity in the DPPH and FRAP assay. The dermatophytes Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and T. rubrum were moderately inhibited by the different extracts (MIC values of 125-250 microg/mL). Demethylbellidifolin (4), bellidifolin (5), and isobellidifolin (6) showed an antifungal effect (MIC values of 50 microg/mL), while swerchirin (3) was less active with a MIC value of 100 microg/mL. In addition, oleanolic acid (1) and ursolic acid (2) were also isolated. These findings demonstrate that Gentianella multicaulis collected in the mountains of the Province of San Juan, Argentina, is an important source of compounds with antifungal and antioxidant activities.

  17. Primer registro de artropodofauna cadavérica en sustratos humanos y animales en San Juan, Argentina

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    Fernando H. ABALLAY


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se estudiaron los artrópodos carroñeros que acudieron a cadáveres de vertebrados al aire libre en la provincia de San Juan, Argentina. El objetivo fue inventariar la composición específica de la artropodofauna cadavérica, asociada a diferentes sustratos de vertebrados en descomposición. Se colectaron muestras de artrópodos sobre restos animales y humanos en condiciones de campo y sobre cadáveres de cerdos domésticos colocados al aire libre bajo condiciones controladas. Se registraron, por primera vez para la provincia de San Juan, 40 especies de artropodofauna tanatológica incluidas en cuatro órdenes y 15 familias. Se incorpora, como primera cita para la fauna forense argentina, un necrófago: Megelenophorus americanus Lacordaire (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae, y tres necrófilas: Polybia ruficeps Schrottky (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Pheidole bergi Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae y Ectatomma brunneum Smith (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae. Se citan 18 especies necrófagas, 18 necrófilas, una omnívora y seis oportunistas sobre siete diferentes sustratos cadavéricos de vertebrados. Se brindan nuevos registros de distribución de 18 especies de insectos. Se confirma la estacionalidad invernal de Callíphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae.

  18. Entre denuncia y melodrama: Juan José y el teatro social de Joaquín Dicenta

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    Peral Vega, Emilio


    Full Text Available The present article is intended to carry out a measured analysis of Juan José as a popular dramatic phenomenon, as well as to determine to what extent this play drifts away from the «social drama» conception to fall within the melodramatic field. The reverse, however, has proved to be true with other works by Joaquín Dicenta: lacking in support from the audience and being largely neglected by the publishers, they manage to develop a deeper social commitment, as is the case of El señor feudal (1896 and, above all, Daniel (1907, which Dicenta himself considered the head of his dramatic production.Con el presente trabajo pretendemos realizar un análisis mesurado de Juan José como fenómeno dramático popular y determinar hasta qué punto se aleja del esquema de «drama social» para insertarse en el terreno del melodrama, de forma contraria a otras obras de Joaquín Dicenta que, sin haber contado con el apoyo del público y tras haber padecido una casi total ausencia en el plano editorial, sí desarrollan un compromiso social mucho más acabado; así es el caso de El señor feudal (1896 y, sobre todo, Daniel (1907, que el propio Dicenta consideraba como la mejor de sus obras.

  19. Cerebro y metáfora en la novela "Pedro Páramo", de Juan Rulfo

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    Full Text Available Se trata de un avance de investigación que aplica la teoría neurolingüística de Omar Parra Rozo para leer y comprender la metáfora en un texto literario. Se toma como objeto de estudio la novela "Pedro Páramo" de Juan Rulfo, específicamente los fragmentos que hablan acerca de la imagen compleja (religión-poder y muerte. El ejercicio de investigación alcanzó a establecer la relación que existe entre imagen- cerebro y metáfora, en el discurso de esta novela.

  20. La Section d´Or y Juan Gris: Un camino hacia un cubismo espiritual


    Sarriugarte Gómez, Iñigo


    [ES] El artista de origen madrileño Juan Gris tuvo la oportunidad de ser testigo directo de la gestación del cubismo a raíz de su estancia en 1906 en la capital francesa. A partir de aquí, comienza a relacionarse con distintos pintores y críticos vanguardistas, que le ofertarán nuevas posibilidades aperturistas para su posterior involucración cubista. El año 1912 marca su definitiva integración bajo la estela pictórica del cubismo sintético, destacando igualmente su relación con el g...

  1. Analysis of the Transport and Fate of Metals Released From the Gold King Mine in the Animas and San Juan Rivers (United States)

    This project’s objectives were to provide analysis of water quality following the release of acid mine drainage in the Animas and San Juan Rivers in a timely manner to 1) generate a comprehensive picture of the plume at the river system level, 2) help inform future monitoring eff...

  2. Analysis of crustal thickness and off-axis low-velocity zones at the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (United States)

    Wells, A. E.; Hooft, E. E.; Toomey, D. R.; Wilcock, W. S.; Weekly, R. T.


    Construction of the oceanic crust is often thought to occur by delivery of melt from the mantle to the ridge axis that is both segment-centered and rise-centered. However, recent seismic studies at the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise show that mantle melt delivery can be skewed relative to the rise leading to off-axis delivery of melt. Furthermore foci of mantle melt delivery occur on a length-scale shorter than that of a ridge segment and the region of greater melt supply, as measured by crustal thickness, does not correspond to the segment center. We use seismic data from the intermediate-spreading Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge to investigate the spatial and temporal pattern of melt supply in this setting and whether off-axis delivery and transport of melt is a common occurrence. The Juan de Fuca Ridge has a transitional morphology characterized by fault-bounded ridges that parallel the spreading center. Previous models of the Endeavour segment inferred that the off-axis ridges are constructed during periods of enhanced magmatism and that these are separated by the remains of rift valleys generated during periods of reduced magmatism. This model may imply that crustal thickness should vary rapidly, with thicker crust beneath the off-axis ridges and thinner crust in between. Alternatively, on the basis of recent seismic reflection images of crustal magma bodies along the Juan de Fuca ridge this topography is thought to reflect magma-induced deformation resulting from feedbacks between the rheology of the crust above the magma sill and dike intrusion. In this case, short wavelength crustal thickness variations may not be present. The melting anomalies associated with various nearby seamount chains also influence processes along the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The seismic reflection work indicates that there is a ~40-km-wide plateau of greater crustal thickness (~0.5-1.0 km) at the center of the Endeavour segment that began forming about 0.7 Ma. The plateau

  3. Trabajo de campo en el territorio de San Juan Lachao, Oaxaca. Un acercamiento desde las “otras” geografías al paisaje chatino

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    Geronimo Barrera de la Torre


    Este trabajo se realizó en los territorios del municipio de San Juan Lachao, en el sur del estado de Oaxaca.1 Durante este tiempo se llevaron a cabo seis estancias que variaron en duración y objetivos.


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    Full Text Available Our proposal is to analyze the tale Macário by Juan Rulfo, originally published in the magazine Pan and America in the early '50s and, in 1953, in his book of short stories El Llano en Llamas. Our aim is to highlight the importance of the bestiary, influencing on the construction of a narrative seemingly simple, but which reaches density and accuracy to the extent that its narrator-protagonist - easily identified as crazy -, makes it emerge situations of religious conflicts and traumas which come from experiences of sexual repression.

  5. Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil: Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington: SOCECON (Socioeconomic Resource Points and Lines) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains points that represent the following sensitive human-use socioeconomic sites in Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington: access...

  6. Bilingualism, Desdoblamiento, and Dissociative Identity in Juan Marsé’s El amante bilingüe


    Connor, Laura F


    The Barcelonese author Juan Marsé has remarked of his 1990 novel, El amante bilingüe, that it is intended to represent the “schizophrenic” nature of Barcelona, referring to what Marsé views as the fundamental cultural and linguistic division of the officially bilingual city’s inhabitants into two national identities: Spanish-speaking “Castilians” and Catalan-speaking “Catalans”. The rhetoric of illness that Marsé uses to describe his novel suggests that the existence of more than one language...

  7. Reseñas

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    HC Reseñas


    Full Text Available LE CROM, Jean-Pierre y MARTIN, Jean-Clément. Vérité historique, vérité judiciaire (Droit et société ns 38. París, 1998. STEINBERG,J. Why Swüzerland? Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996. GOLDHAGEN, Daniel Jonah. Los verdugos voluntarios de Hitler. Los alemanes corrientes y el holocausto. Madrid, Taurus, 1997. RHODES, M., HEYWOOD, P. y WRIGHT, V. Developments in West European Politics. Londres, Macmillan Press, 1997. FUSI, Juan Pablo y PALAFOX, Jordi. España, 1808-1996. El desafío de la modernidad. Madrid, Espasa, 1997. CRUZ, Rafael y PÉREZ LEDESMA, Manuel (eds.. Cultura y movilización en la España contemporánea. Madrid, Alianza, 1997. TUSELL, Javier, MONTERO, Feliciano y MARÍN, José María (eds.. Las derechas en la España contemporánea. Barcelona, Anthropos-UNED, 1997. LÓPEZ MORA, Fernando. Pobreza y acción social en Córdoba, 1750-1900. Córdoba, Diputación Provincial, 1997. TOSCAS Y SANTAMANS, Eliseu. L'Estat i els poders locáis a la Catalunya del segle XIX. Una visto desde Sarria (1780-1860. Barcelona, Publicacions de L'Abadía de Montserrat, 1997. SABIO ALCUTÉN, Alberto. Los montes públicos en Huesca, 1850-1930. Huesca, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses,1998. ZURITA ALDEGUER, Rafael. Notables, políticos y clientes. La política conservadora en Alicante. 1875-1898. Alicante, Instituto de Cultura "Juan Gil Albert", 1996. JULIA, Santos. Los socialistas en la política española. 1879-1982. Madrid, Taurus, 1997. MARTÍN RAMOS, José Luis. Historia de la Unión General de Trabajadores. Volumen II: Historia de UGT (1914-1930. Madrid, Publicaciones Unión y Centro de Estudios Históricos, 1998. CASTILLO, Santiago. Historia de la Unión General de Trabajadores. Volumen I: Hacia la mayoría de edad (1888-1914. Madrid, Publicaciones Unión y Centro de Estudios Históricos, 1998. Cien años después. Colección dirigida por Juan Pablo FUSI. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 1996, 1997 y 1998. LUIS MARTÍN, Francisco de y

  8. Acerca de las vanguardias artísticas latinoamericanas: el caso de las revistas de Buenos Aires y San Pablo en los años `20

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    Rigotti, Sebastián Miguel


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo nos encargaremos de dar cuenta brevementede cuáles fueron aquellas condiciones sociales ypolíticas, que dieron lugar a la emergencia de las revistas delas vanguardias artísticas en Brasil y Argentina, y, al mismotiempo, qué efecto produjeron con su intervención en el espaciopúblico. Lo haremos a través de una breve reconstrucciónde casos específicos y significativos para la América Latinade la década de 1920: por el lado de San Pablo, haremosreferencia a la revista Klaxon y la Revista de Antropofagia;mientras que por el lado de Buenos Aires, nos referiremos alas revistas Proa y Martín Fierro. El trabajo parte de una reconceptualizacióndel espacio público a través de la relacióncultura-política, dando lugar a una novedosa inscripción delos textos clásicos sobre el tema propuesto

  9. Danger on mountain roads, Iglesia Department, San Juan, Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varela, S.; Puertas, M.


    This paper is related to Mining Projects at Valle del Cura - Iglesia Department-San Juan Province-Argentina Republic. Basis for an Integrated Management of a Sustainable Mining.It aims at locating and analyzing natural dangers which may interfere high mountain paths, such as climatic, anthropic and/or tectonic factors since they may stop a region development. A hillside, a mountainside,a talus or a slope may have, due to their extensive areas, either lithological or structural variations which might determine the presence of un stability phenomena.The cordillera n Iglesia sector major dangers are related to mass displacement movements as a result of the great quantity of unstable detritus situated in valleys slopes.Landsat images, aerial photographs, topographic and geological maps data allowed to detect several sectors that may generate mass displacement movements, Arroyo de Aguas Negras rising sector was selected because it is on the right of National Route No. 150 trace. It is not only a national, but also an international route that connects Argentina and Chile.(author)

  10. Ordovidan K-bentonites in the Precordillera of San Juan and its tectomasmatic significance (United States)

    Cingolani, C.A.; Huff, W.; Bergstrom, S.; Kolata, D.


    A succession of approximately 35 early Middle Ordovician K-bentonite beds are exposed in the Precordillera region near the town of Jachal, in San Juan Province (at Cerro Viejo and La Chilca sections). They occur in argillaceous limestone in the upper part of the San Juan Limestone and in the interbedded shales and mudstones at the base of the overlying Los Azules Formation. Total thickness of the K-bentonite-bearing interval is 23 m and individual beds range from 1 to 65 cm thick. An essentially Arenig-Llanvirn age for the K-bentonite succession is indicated by the presence of graptolites diagnostic of the Paraglossograptus tentaculatus Zone and conodonts indicating the Eoplacognathus suecicus Zone. The bentonites consist mainly of Rl ordered illite/smectite, characteristic of most of the lower Paleozoic K-bentonites, plus volcanogenic crystals. Similar to other K-bentonites, these probably represent the distal, glass-rich portion of fall-out ash beds derived from collision zone explosive volcanism. The geochemical data and preliminary plots on the magmatic discrimination diagram indicate the parental magma was of rhyolite to trachyandesite composition. Tectonic discrimination diagrams show the setting of Cerro Viejo ash layers as falling on the boundary between volcanic arc and within plate rocks, typical of collision margin felsic volcanic rocks. U-Pb isotope dating for two zircon fractions from one sample show a lower concordia intercept of 461, +7-10 Ma coincident with the biostratigraphic age. Thus, they have important implications for the origin and early history of the allochtonous Precordillera terrane and the Pacific margin of South America. Furthermore, they are potentially important in interpretations of the paleogeographic relations of Laurentia and Gondwana during Ordovician time. ?? 1997 Asociacio??n Geolo??gica Argentina.

  11. Antropología y cuidados en el enfoque de San Juan de Dios

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    Genival Fernandes de Freitas

    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación de carácter histórico-social, consiste en contribuir a la reflexión crítica sobre el origen y desarrollo de la cultura de los cuidados en el contexto socio-político y religioso del renacimiento español (siglo XVI desde la perspectiva de la orden mendicante de San Juan de Dios. La filosofía humanística o antropológica de la enfermería, en la perspectiva mencionada, implicaba potenciar la atención holística en el proceso de satisfacción de necesidades de los pacientes considerando el binomio hospitalidad-humanización de la asistencia.

  12. [Juan Valverde de Amusco c. 1525-1588 and his vocation for anatomy in the Hispano-Italian Renaissance]. (United States)

    Hernández-Mansilla, José Miguel


    The XVIth century witnessed a glorious period in the progress of some of the basic medical sciences among which anatomy stands out. One of the well-known figures involved in the development of this subject was Juan Valverde de Amusco, a notable Spanish scientist. This research shows the most relevant data currently known on his life, sociocultural environment and his celebrated treaty on anatomy titled: "Historia de la composición del cuerpo humano". (History of the human body).

  13. Arte y realidad en la poesía de Juan Gelman, ese Aquellofraguado entre silencios que hablan


    Tovar Blanco, Francisco


    Este trabajo se propone un itinerario de lectura por la poética de Juan Gelman. Para ello, aborda los metatextos del propio poeta –reportajes y declaraciones– a fin extraer de ellos ciertas concepciones reguladoras de su escritura. Se caracteriza la poesía de Gelman, desde 1953, como la de un yo que siente la historia, es decir, como expresión de un compromiso con la realidad política de su país.

  14. Literatrónica: un análisis hipertextual de Condiciones extremas, de Juan B. Gutiérrez

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    José María García Linares


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el análisis de la obra hipertextual Condiciones Extremas, de Juan B. Gutiérrez, desde una perspectiva hipertextual. Para ello se tendrá en cuenta no solo el contexto socio-cultural en el que surge, sino también cuestiones teóricas fundamentales para este tipo de obra como la nomenclatura, la nueva concepción de autor y lector y la del texto como juego.

  15. La recepción crítica del estreno de Himmelweg, de Juan Mayorga, en Madrid

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    Manuel Aznar Soler


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta un recorrido por la recepción crítica de Himmelweg, obra del autor español Juan Mayorga que versa sobre el Holocausto judío. Tras su estreno en Málaga el año anterior, Himmelweg llegaba al teatro María Guerrero de Madrid en 2004. Tanto el propio texto como la puesta en escena despertaron opiniones encontradas en las críticas teatrales de la prensa madrileña. Este trabajo recoge esas posturas.

  16. U, Th, and Pb isotopes in hot springs on the Juan de Fuca Ridge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, J.H.


    The concentrations and isotopic compositions of U, Th, and Pb in three hydrothermal fluids from the Juan de Fuca Ridge were determined. The samples consisted of 10.2--57.6% of the pure hydrothermal end-members based on Mg contents. The Pb contents of the samples ranged from 34 to 87 ng/g, U from 1.3 to 3.0 ng/g, and Th from 0.2 to 7.7 pg/g. These samples showed large enrichments of Pb and Th relative to deep-sea water and some depletion of U. They did not show coherent relationships with Mg, however, indicating nonideal mixings between the hot hydrothermal fluids and cold ambient seawater. Particles filtered from these hydrothermal fluids contained significant amounts of Th and Pb which may effectively increase the concentration of these elements in the fluids when acidified. The /sup 234/U//sup 238/U values in all samples show a /sup 234/U enrichment relative to the equilibrium value and have a seawater signature. The Pb isotopic composition of the Juan de Fuca hydrothermal fluids resembles that of 21 0 N East Pacific Rise and has a uniform mid-ocean ridge basalt signature. The hydrothermal systems at oceanic spreading ridges have circulated through a large volume of basalts. Therefore Pb in these fluids may represent the best average value of the local oceanic crust. From the effects of U deposition from seawater to the crust and Pb extraction from rock to the ocean, the U/Pb ratio in the hydrothermally altered oceanic crust may be increased significantly. copyright American Geophysical Union 1987

  17. Éxodo a la “tierra prometida”: Del demonio y otros monstruos en la obra de Juan de Dios Mora

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    Adriana Miramontes Olivas


    Full Text Available Juan de Dios Mora es grabador y docente en la Universidad de Texas en San Antonio, donde comenzó a enseñar pintura, dibujo y grabado en 2010. Mora es un artista prolífico cuyos grabados han sido publicados en numerosos sitios incluyendo los catálogos New Arte Nuevo: San Antonio 2010 y New Art/Arte Nuevo San Antonio 2012. Este año su obra se exhibió en distintos lugares incluyendo el Museo de Arte McNay en San Antonio, Texas en Juan Mora: Cultural Clash (Juan Mora: Choque Cultural, junio 8 a agosto 13 de 2017 y en el Centro de Arte the Cole en la Galería Reavley en Nacogdoches, Texas, en Juan de Dios Mora. En 2016, Mora participó en la exhibición colectiva Los de abajo: Garbage as an Artistic Source (Los de abajo: la basura como una fuente artística en el Centro Cultural Guadalupe en San Antonio (de junio 10 a julio 29 de 2016. Mora también ha sido curador de la exhibición Print It Up por varios años, organizada por el artista en el área del centro de San Antonio dándoles una visibilidad sin precedentes a numerosos artistas. Para esta exhibición Mora guía y aconseja tanto a estudiantes como a exalumnos sobre el proceso de exhibición, desde cómo crear un portafolio, enmarcar e instalar obras, hasta realizar contratos con galeristas y vender las obras al público.  Adriana Miramontes Olivas es estudiante de doctorado en el Departamento de Historia del Arte y Arquitectura en la Universidad de Pittsburgh. Completó su licenciatura en la Universidad de Texas de El Paso y la maestría en la Universidad de Texas de San Antonio. Sus intereses en materia de investigación incluyen arte moderno y contemporáneo global con un enfoque en Latinoamérica, estudios de género, sexualidad e identidad nacional. La Dra. Deborah Caplow es historiadora del arte, curadora y autora del libro sobre el ilustrador Mexicano Leopoldo Méndez (Leopoldo Méndez: arte revolucionario y el grabado mexicano, publicado por la Universidad de Texas. Ella ense

  18. Revista de tesis de la Facultad de Medicina de Bogotá

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Estudio estadístico y radiológico de la esteomielitis infantil en Bogotá. Tesis de grado. Declarada meritoria. 1943. Por Alejandro Isaza Botero / Estudio experimental sobre la acción rítmica de la progesterona y la autodefensa antitumoral. Tesis de grado, 1943. Declarada meritoria. Por Guillermo Nieto Cano / La piroterapia de la corea de Sidenham. Tesis de grado. 1943. Por Servio Tulio Acuña A. / Las anquilosis traumáticas del codo y su tratamiento. Tesis de grado. 1943. Por Hernando Ordóñez F. / Reacción de Vogel para el diagnóstico precoz del embarazo y sero-amino-acidemia (Contribución a su estudio. Tesis de grado. 1943. Por Víctor Dávila González / Algunas consideraciones sobre protección infantil. Tesis de grado. 1943. - Por Juan Pablo Botero R.


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    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza la existencia del sujeto dandi femenino en la literatura del modernismo hispanoamericano, a partir de la antología Cielo dandi. Escrituras y poéticas de estilo en América Latina del escritor chileno Juan Pablo Sutherland. La incorporación de escritoras en esta antología suscita el debate en torno a la categoría de dandi y su relación con las definiciones de género. Se analiza en particular el caso de la escritora chilena Teresa Wilms Montt, relacionando su producción literaria con las propuestas conceptuales de la antología de Sutherland. Se propone que el sujeto dandi es una forma de gestión autorial que da origen a un discurso específico dentro de la literatura, pero que al mismo tiempo dicho sujeto es producido por su propia escritura.

  20. Wittgenstein y la teoría contemplativa del significado Observaciones a la tesis de Juan Abugattás

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    Álvaro Revolledo Novoa


    Full Text Available Este ensayo consiste en una lectura crítica de la interpretación que realiza el filósofo peruano Juan Abugattás en torno a la “teoría contemplativa” del Tractatus Logico Philosophicus (TLP de Ludwig Wittgenstein. En particular, se encarga de revisar la tesis de Bachiller de Juan Abugattás en la que afirma que la teoría del significado del TLP es reemplazada por la teoría del uso en la obra posterior de Wittgenstein. El objetivo central de este ensayo es demostrar que la teoría del significado del TLP no es, como pretende Abugattás, una mera teoría contemplativa, y que la teoría del significado de las Philosophische Bemerkungen (Ph. B., a diferencia de lo que sostiene Abugattás, aun mantiene intacta la perspectiva del TLP respecto de cómo el lenguaje puede permitirnos conocer el mundo. En ambos casos, sostengo que la teoría del significado del TLP obedece a una respuesta a la crítica lingüística de Mauthner y sus consecuencias en el plano del conocimiento.Palabras claves: Wittgenstein, teoría del significado, Tractatus Logico Philosophicus, lenguaje, conocimiento.

  1. Ilustración y liberalismo en la obra de Juan Sempere y Guarinos (1754-1830

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Juan Sempere y Guarinos fue un miembro notable del elenco ilustrado español. Su ideario es el resultado de la confluencia de diversas corrientes modernizadoras: el humanismo y el arbitrismo españoles, la Ilustración italiana, la Ilustración francesa y la Ilustración inglesa. Su interés por la historia legal e institucional de España y no menos por el liberalismo económico, filtrados por un regalismo a ultranza y una sólida creencia en la bondad política del Estado centralista encarnado en la monarquía borbónica, hacen de él un representante típico del pensamiento de crisis y transición, en este caso, el que une, no sin contradicciones, la Ilustración con el primer Liberalismo moderado o conservador.ABSTRACT: Juan Sempere y Guarinos was an outstanding member of the elite of the Spanish Enlightenment. His ideas were the outcome of the mingling of various modernist-oriented crosscurrents: Spanish humanism and «arbitrismo» and the Italian, French and English Enlightenments. Given his interest in Spanish legal and institutional history, as well as in economic liberalism, as shaped by his unconditional «regalismo» and his solid belief in the political virtues of the centralized state embobied in the Bourbon monarchy, he is a typical representative of the thinking thrown up by periods of crisis and transition. In his particular case this involves the somewhat strained merging of Enlightenment thought with early moderate and conservative Liberalism.


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    Alfonso Vargas Rubiano


    Full Text Available

    Hace un tiempo vengo estudiando con fervorosa dedicación la obra pedagógica, sociopolítica, etnológica y cultural de uno de los grandes boyacenses de este siglo, el médico Juan Clímaco Hernández y he encontrado datos muy valiosos de la historia de nuestra educación médica en las postrimerías del pasado siglo y comienzos del actual, que bien valen la pena ser conocidos puesto que las Memorias de Ibáñez terminan en 1884 y el estudio hecho por el Dr. Juan N. Corpas si bien comprende hasta 1922, es muy poco lo que refiere al período que en nuestra historia nacional se conoce como de la Guerra de los 1000 días.


    El 22 de noviembre de 1879, en la solemne sesión de clausura de estudios de la recientemente fundada Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de los Estados Unidos de Colombia, recibían el grado de médicos los jóvenes Rodolfo Rueda, Manuel J
    Urruchurtu, Rafael Baquero, Eugenio de la Hoz y Miguel Hernández. Este último, nacido en Santa Marta, de 34 años de edad, había sido maestro de escuela superior en el Departamento del Magdalena, y recién graduado se trasladó a la ciudad de Tunja, como médico del Batallón Bolívar y allí ejerció su profesión hasta su muerte en 1911, alternándola con el periodismo y la política; fue elegido Diputado a la Asamblea de Boyacá en el período 1880-82 por el liberalismo de la provincia. Dicen las crónicas de la época que "a la Botica del Negro Hernández acudían todas las clases sociales, sin distinción alguna, a solicitar sus servicios médicos; los pobres sabían muy bien que en él tenían un defensor de sus derechos, listo siempre a aliviar sus dolores y miserias; y algunos contertulios iban en busca de distracción, charla agradable, tresillo tras los frascos y también, en noches especiales una mesa redonda con carpeta verde dejaba que los dados corriesen libremente

  3. Preliminary study of the uranium potential of Tertiary rocks in the central San Juan Basin, New Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vizcaino, H.P.; O'Neill, A.J.


    Three formations in the Tertiary of the San Juan Basin were investigated for their uranium favorability. They are the Ojo Alamo Sandstone, the Nacimiento Formation, and the San Jose Formation. The study comprised a literature survey and a basin analysis, which consisted of subsurface lithofacies, stratigraphic, and radiometric mapping. Field work in preparation for the subsurface analysis consisted of examination of outcrop and measured sections, surface radiometric traverses, and checking of reported surface radioactive anomalies. Interpretation of subsurface mapping provided the primary basis for favorability assessment. The sandstone trends depicted in lithofacies maps, and stratigraphic cross sections reflect large channel complexes and major fluvial systems originating in favorable source areas. Although surface radioactivity anomalies were found to be few, weak, and widespread, the San Juan Basin has abundant favorable host rocks. The subsurface anomalies, although weak, are widespread and sometimes persist throughout thickness intervals greater than 50 ft. Subsurface anomalies were mapped on a wide-spaced grid and are generalized. On the basis of apparent source, lithology, differential permeability, contents of carbonaceous detritus, and geometry, the Nacimiento Formation and the basal facies of the San Jose Formation in the north-central basin have the greatest potential. The Ojo Alamo Sandstone is less favorable, and the Nacimiento Formation in the southern part of the basin and the upper San Jose Formation are the least favorable of the units studied

  4. High-resolution fluorescence mapping of impurities in historical zinc oxide pigments: hard X-ray nanoprobe applications to the paints of Pablo Picasso

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casadio, Francesca; Rose, Volker


    Here for the first time we describe the use of high resolution nanoprobe X-ray fluorescence (XRF) mapping for the analysis of artists' paints, hierarchically complex materials typically composed of binder, pigments, fillers, and other additives. The work undertaken at the nanoprobe sought to obtain highly spatially resolved, highly sensitive mapping of metal impurities (Pb, Cd, Fe, and other metals) in submicron particles of zinc oxide pigments used in early 20th century artists' tube paints and enamel paints, with particular emphasis on Ripolin, a popular brand of French house paint used extensively by Pablo Picasso and some of his contemporaries. Analysis revealed that the Zn oxide particles only contain a little Fe, proving that the highest quality Zn oxide pigment, free of Pb and Cd, was used for Ripolin house paints as well as artists' paints. Nanoprobe XRF mapping also demonstrated that artists' tube paints generally have more abundant fillers and additional whites (based on Pb, Ti, Ca) than Ripolin paints, which contain mostly pure zinc oxide. The chemical characterization of paints at the nanoscale opens the path to a better understanding of their fabrication and chemical reactivity. (orig.)

  5. High-resolution fluorescence mapping of impurities in historical zinc oxide pigments: hard X-ray nanoprobe applications to the paints of Pablo Picasso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casadio, Francesca [The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL (United States); Rose, Volker [Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Photon Source and Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne, IL (United States)


    Here for the first time we describe the use of high resolution nanoprobe X-ray fluorescence (XRF) mapping for the analysis of artists' paints, hierarchically complex materials typically composed of binder, pigments, fillers, and other additives. The work undertaken at the nanoprobe sought to obtain highly spatially resolved, highly sensitive mapping of metal impurities (Pb, Cd, Fe, and other metals) in submicron particles of zinc oxide pigments used in early 20th century artists' tube paints and enamel paints, with particular emphasis on Ripolin, a popular brand of French house paint used extensively by Pablo Picasso and some of his contemporaries. Analysis revealed that the Zn oxide particles only contain a little Fe, proving that the highest quality Zn oxide pigment, free of Pb and Cd, was used for Ripolin house paints as well as artists' paints. Nanoprobe XRF mapping also demonstrated that artists' tube paints generally have more abundant fillers and additional whites (based on Pb, Ti, Ca) than Ripolin paints, which contain mostly pure zinc oxide. The chemical characterization of paints at the nanoscale opens the path to a better understanding of their fabrication and chemical reactivity. (orig.)

  6. Arc-parallel extension and fluid flow in an ancient accretionary wedge: The San Juan Islands, Washington (United States)

    Schermer, Elizabeth R.; Gillaspy, J.R.; Lamb, R.


    Structural analysis of the Lopez Structural Complex, a major Late Cretaceous terrane-bounding fault zone in the San Juan thrust system, reveals a sequence of events that provides insight into accretionary wedge mechanics and regional tectonics. After formation of regional ductile flattening and shear-related fabrics, the area was crosscut by brittle structures including: (1) southwest-vergent thrusts, (2) extension veins and normal faults related to northwest-southeast extension, and (3) conjugate strike-slip structures that record northwest-southeast extension and northeast-southwest shortening. Aragonite-bearing veins are associated with thrust and normal faults, but only rarely with strike-slip faults. High-pressure, low-temperature (HP-LT) minerals constrain the conditions for brittle deformation to ???20 km and formed in an accretionary prism during active subduction, which suggests that these brittle structures record internal wedge deformation at depth and early during uplift of the San Juan nappes. The structures are consistent with orogen-normal shortening and vertical thickening followed by vertical thinning and along-strike extension. The kinematic evolution may be related initially to changes in wedge strength, followed by response to overthickening of the wedge in an unbuttressed, obliquely convergent setting. The change in vein mineralogy indicates that exhumation occurred prior to the strike-slip event. The pressure and temperature conditions and spatial and temporal extent of small faults associated with fluid flow suggest a link between these structures and the silent earthquake process. ?? 2007 Geological Society of America.

  7. Pablo Rodríguez Jiménez. Cartas de Amor en tiempos de guerra. Rafael Uribe Uribe. Selección de textos y prólogo. Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario, Escuela de Ciencias Humanas, 2014. 256 páginas


    Eulalia Hernández Ciro


    Conversar por escrito es lo que hacía Rafael Uribe Uribe con su esposa, Sixta Tulia Gaviria, a través de las cartas, retratos, telegramas y cables que intercambiaron durante varios años y que hoy podemos leer de corrido, gracias al libro Cartas de amor en tiempos de guerra..., compilado por el historiador Pablo Rodríguez Jiménez y publicado en el 2014 por la Editorial de la Universidad del Rosario, que agrupa conversas que, además de su riqueza literaria, son valioso material para la comprens...

  8. La Traditio Legis de Cristo a Pedro y Pablo en un plato de vidrio de Cástulo, Linares (Jaén = Traditio Legis of Christ to Peter and Paul in a glass bowl from Cástulo, Linares (Jaén

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    José Mª Blázquez


    Full Text Available En este artículo analizamos la iconografía de un plato de vidrio encontrado en Cástulo con la representación de la Tradicio legis o transmisión de la ley de Cristo a los apóstoles Pedro y Pablo.In this paper we analyze the iconography of a glass bowl found in Cástulo showing the representation of the Traditio legis, or «transmission of the law» of Christ to apostles Peter and Paul.

  9. Juan Bañuelos and Abigael Bohórquez: Poetry as Resistance and Social Representation

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    Gerardo Bustamante Bermúdez


    Full Text Available This article studies poems by Mexican poets Juan Bañuelos and Abigal Bohórquez who, in addition to friendship, shared thematic affinities and concerns relating to the tumultuous national and international contexts of the 1960s and 1970s. Through the sociology of literature, this article examines the contextual production of these two writers, whose work has received little attention from specialized literary critics. Furthermore, this study aims to illustrate how these authors offer their versions of and commitment to the social function of poetry in key moments of 20th century cultural history.

  10. Estudio de vulnerabilidad a los fenómenos del ambiente natural.Caso: Departamento Pocito, San Juan, Argentina


    Elsa Nacif, Nora; Espinosa, María del Pilar


    Este trabajo profundiza en conocimientos de orden conceptual y metodológico en el marco del desarrollo urbano territorial en zonas sísmicas. Su objetivo es estudiar y aplicar métodos de evaluación de vulnerabilidad, contemplando los condicionantes fundamentales del medio natural. Se presenta como caso de estudio el Departamento Pocito, de la provincia de San Juan, Argentina; pero sus principios y procedimientos metodológicos pueden adaptarse a los requerimientos de otras zonas de característi...

  11. Influencia de Gregorio de Nisa sobre Juan Escoto Eriúgena: Aproximación a partir del Periphyseon


    Pachas, José Antonio


    A partir de los cinco libros del Periphyseon el autor intenta un acercamiento entre el pensamiento de Juan Escoto Eriúgena y Gregorio de Nisa, buscando sobre todo las principales influencias del segundo sobre el primero. Encuentra una plataforma de amplia base común entre ambos pensadores, marcada principalmente por un tipo de pensamiento circular según el esquema: procesión y retorno. Sin embargo, es notoria la influencia del Niseno sobre el Carolingio, principalmente cuando se trata de plan...

  12. Proyecto conservación, restauración y desarrollo de las islas Juan Fernández, Chile




    From a scientific point of view, the Juan Fernández islands contain one of the most interesting floras of the planet. Although protected as a National Park and a World Biosphere Reserve, 400 years of human interference have left deep traces in the native plant communities. Repeated burning, overexploitation of species, and the introduction of animal and plant plagues have taken 75 % of the endemic vascular flora to the verge of extinction. In 1997, Chile's national forest service (Corporación...

  13. Project "Conservation, Restoration, and Development of the Juan Fernández islands, Chile" Proyecto conservación, restauración y desarrollo de las islas Juan Fernández, Chile

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    Full Text Available From a scientific point of view, the Juan Fernández islands contain one of the most interesting floras of the planet. Although protected as a National Park and a World Biosphere Reserve, 400 years of human interference have left deep traces in the native plant communities. Repeated burning, overexploitation of species, and the introduction of animal and plant plagues have taken 75 % of the endemic vascular flora to the verge of extinction. In 1997, Chile's national forest service (Corporación Nacional Forestal, CONAF started an ambitious project, whose objective is the recovery of this highly complex ecosystem with a socio-ecological focus. Juan Fernández makes an interesting case, as the local people (600 persons practically live within the park, therefore impeding the exclusion of the people from any conservation program. Secondly, the relatively small size of the archipelago (100 km² permits the observation of the effects of whatever modification in the ecosystem on small scales in time and space. Thirdly, the native and introduced biota are interrelated in such a way that human-caused changes in one species population may provoke unexpected results amongst other, non-target species. The project mainly deals with the eradication or control of some animal and plant plagues, the active conservation and restoration of the flora and the inclusion of the local people in conservation planning. This article presents the park's general problems, the strategy proposed to resolve them as well as some preliminary results. This project shows the complexity of the conservation activities in practice, with diverse and complex interrelations and gaps in ecological knowledge. In this respect, the project may well serve as a model for similar programs in other placesLas islas Juan Fernández albergan una de las floras más interesantes del planeta desde el punto de vista científico. Aunque están protegidas como Parque Nacional y Reserva Mundial de la

  14. Levantamiento de suelos de la reserva ecológica sierra de San Juan, Nayarit, México

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    José I. Bojórquez Serrano


    Full Text Available A soil survey was carried out in the Ecological Reservation of San Juan and soils units were defined in order to establish their potential for sugar cane cultivation. Aerial photographs were used to define 12 soil mapping units based on landforms and the resulting soils; 5 of these were, consociations and 7 were associations. They were classified in a level of great groups when possible, resulting that most of them were included in the Order Andisol and Entisol, few in Inceptisol and even fewer in Alfisol.

  15. Arquitectura estatal moderna en el eje cívico de la ciudad de San Juan, Argentina


    Sentagne, María Elvira; Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina; Solera, Esther; Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina; Rosés, María Eugenia; Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina; Laciar, Militza; Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina


    Este artículo expone cómo influyen las ideas del Movimiento Moderno en la arquitectura estatal edificada en la ciudad de San Juan, durante el proceso de reconstrucción posterior al terremoto de 1944, en el marco de los acontecimientos sociopolíticos, las ideas arquitectónicas y las técnicas de la época. Se centra en el estudio de la avenida Paseo Central, eje cívico-institucional, inexistente en la cuadrícula fundacional y asiento de los principales edificios públicos posteriores al terremoto...

  16. Clima organizacional en trabajadores administrativos del sector salud Red de Salud San Juan de Lurigancho 2016


    Umasi Llave, Juana Maura


    Analiza el nivel del clima organizacional del personal administrativo que labora en las instalaciones de la Red de Salud de San Juan de Lurigancho, desagregándolo en las dimensiones a la autorrealización, involucramiento, supervisión, comunicación y las condiciones laborales. Se usó la encuesta como técnica de toma de datos, evaluando a 101 personas. Se hizo un análisis descriptivo de los datos obtenidos. En los resultados se obtuvo que el 72,3% de los 101 encuestados revelaron que el clim...

  17. La vida invisible ed El séptimo velo di Juan Manuel de Prada: quando echi e geometrie divengono formule

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    Simone Cattaneo


    Full Text Available Il presente articolo vorrebbe mostrare, soffermandosi soprattutto sull’analisi dei romanzi La vida invisible (2003 e El séptimo velo (2007, come la traiettoria letteraria di Juan Manuel de Prada sia nel fondo frutto di una progressiva sedimentazione di tic stilistici, metafore, similitudini, immagini e personaggi che ricorrono sistematicamente nei suoi libri, finendo per dare vita a universi chiusi, retti su archetipi che, con la loro fissità, offuscano il brillante stile barocco dell’autore e mettono a nudo una certa serialità delle vicende narrate. The aim of this article is to show, through the analysis of the novels La vida invisible and El séptimo velo, how the whole literary work of Juan Manuel de Prada –one of the most acclaimed spanish writers born in the Seventies– is based on a progressive sedimentation of stylistic devices, metaphors, similes, images and characters. As a consequence, the literary worlds that he creates in his books are claustrophobic and rely on archetypes that, because of their shared traits, undermine the brilliance of his baroque style and reveal some repetitiveness in the elaboration of plots and situations.

  18. El método de la caxa entera de Juan Bautista de Herrera (1628: una visión peculiar de la partida doble? = The caxa entera method of Juan Bautista de Herrera (1628: A particular overview of double-entry bookkeeping?

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    José Julián Hernández Borreguero


    Full Text Available Juan Bautista de Herrera fue contador del Cabildo Catedral de Sevilla a principios del siglo XVII. En uno de esos libros realiza una introducción en la que explica la utilidad del método de la partida doble, así como los argumentos de cómo debía implantarse el nuevo método. El estudio de dichos argumentos se ha realizado tomando como referencia el primer tratado de contabilidad español escrito por Bartolomé Salvador de Solórzano (1590 dado que este recoge las características y esencia de la partida doble castellana en ese período. A continuación comienza el registro de hechos contables sin recurrir a un libro diario.Juan Bautista de Herrera was an accountant of the Cathedral Council of Sevilla at the beginning of 17th century. In one of these books Herrera made an introduction explaining the usefulness of the double-entry bookkeeping method and argued how to implement it. The aim of this paper is to analyse his arguments using Bartolome Salvador de Solorzano´s approach. Solorzano wrote the first Spanish accounting treatise in 1590, where he compiled the characteristics and essence of Spanish double-entry bookkeeping in this period. Herrera recorded in this book without using a daybook.

  19. Elemental composition of PM2.5 in the urban environment of San Juan, Argentina. (United States)

    Aguilera Sammaritano, Mariela; Bustos, Daniel G; Poblete, Arnobio G; Wannaz, Eduardo D


    This study contributes to the current knowledge about air pollution in the province of San Juan, Argentina. Sampling was carried out to measure the fine particulate matter in the atmosphere (PM 2.5 ) of the city of San Juan. PM 2.5 was collected continuously during the winter and spring seasons of 2014 and 2015, and the concentrations of 14 elements (Pb, Ca, K, Cd, Ni, Cr, Mn, V, Cu, Ti, Ba, Co, Sr, and Fe) were determined in PM 2.5 filters using the technique of X-ray fluorescence by synchrotron radiation (SR-XRF). The results revealed that PM 2.5 presented annual and seasonal variations, showing a higher concentration during the winter seasons. In addition, for the elements quantified in the filters, a multivariate analysis (Positive Matrix Factorization) was performed to identify the main sources of emission of these elements in the study area, with a series of components being obtained that corresponded to their compositions, which were assigned physical meanings. The first factor, which was the most important in contribution of the sum of the measured elements (45%), was determined mainly by the elements K, Ti, V, Mn, and Fe, which came predominantly from soil particles. The second factor contributed 30% to the measured species in PM 2.5 , with higher Ba and Zn content perhaps being related to emissions from vehicular traffic. Finally, the third factor, in which Pb, Cr, and Ca predominated, may be an indicator of industrial activity and contributed 25% of the sum of the measured elements of PM 2.5 . The results of this study provide the first PM composition database in the province, and this can now be used in the development of mitigation and prevention programs.

  20. Juan Ramón Jiménez and Nietzsche

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    John P. Devlin


    Full Text Available The young Juan Ramón Jiménez shared the enthusiasm for the writings of Nietzsche prevalent among his contemporaries. More significant are the interest in and affinity with Nietzsche which persisted into the poet's maturity. Jiménez found in Nietzsche not only a man of ideas but a poet who claimed to be a potent spiritual force. Both writers held that the modern age could recover a sense of spiritual integrity through the will of the individual to live and interpret human existence as an aesthetic phenomenon. Nietzsche's views on the nature of art and the role of the artist helped to sustain Jiménez' exalted and elitist view of poetry and the poet's mission. Jiménez felt an ethical kinship with the philosopher who asserted the absolute uniqueness of the creative individual, the end of whose existence was self-realization through his art. Nietzsche's doctrine of heroic vitalism as an antidote to chronic spiritual malaise corresponds to Jiménez' revitalized vision of the poetic word proclaimed in the Diario and elaborated in subsequent verse and prose writings.

  1. Una aproximación a la biblioteca del ilustrado valenciano Juan Bautista Muñoz (1745-1799)


    Bas Martín, Nicolás


    El presente estudio sobre la biblioteca del ilustrado valenciana Juan Bautista Muñoz (1745-1799) muestra las preocupaciones intelectuales que marcaron su trayectoria intelectual. Impulsor de la filosofía moderna en la Universidad de Valencia, fundador del Archivo General de Indias y autor de la Historia del Nuevo Mundo (1793), poseía una selecta y voluminosa biblioteca que contenía los libros más vanguardistas en las diversas disciplinas (filosofía, historia de América, religión, literatura, ...

  2. Disjecta membra: la escritura de Juan Agustín Palazuelos frente a su recepción crítica

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    David Wallace C.


    Full Text Available El artículo propone una lectura de la obra del novelista chileno Juan Agustín Palazuelos (1936-1969 considerando, en primer lugar, las disímiles impresiones de su recepción crítica. Con ello, se pretende dar cuenta de una poética autorial que desafió, excedió y frustró las expectativas de un exiguo circuito de críticos. La multiplicidad de recursos escriturales de la obra palazueliana es abordada a partir del concepto de disjecta membra, a través del cual es posible establecer vínculos con las nociones de monstruosidad, exceso, melancolía, espectáculo, anamorfosis y simulación, entre otros. This article proposes a reading of the work by the chilean novelist Juan Agustín Palazuelos (1936-1969 considering, first, the different impressions of its critical reception. Therefore we intend to identified the strategies of Palazuelos’s poetics that had defied, exceded and frustrated the expectations of a meager group of critics. The multiplicity of his scriptural resources will be approached from the concept of disjecta membra, trough wich it is posible to establish links with the notions of monstrosity, excess, melancholy, spectacle, anamorphosis and simulation, among others.

  3. Modelación de la conectividad de las subpoblaciones de la langosta de Juan Fernández (Jasus frontalis, a través de un modelo biofísico Modeling the connectivity of Juan Fernández rock lobster (Jasus frontalis, subpopulations through a biophysical model

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    Javier Porobic


    Full Text Available El archipiélago de Juan Fernández y el de las islas Desventuradas, corresponden a dos pequenos grupos de islas oceánicas, separadas entre sí 460 mn y ubicadas aproximadamente a 360 mn frente a la costa chilena. La economía local de estas islas se basa casi exclusivamente en la extracción y comercialización de recursos marinos, focalizados principalmente en la explotación de la langosta (Jasusfrontalis. Esta especie endémica se encuentra distribuída en ambos archipiélagos conformando una metapoblación, donde su dinámica y estructura poblacional sería modulada por forzantes oceanográficos, especialmente durante su prolongada fase larval planctónica. Se evaluó la estructura poblacional y el grado de conectividad-retención dentro y entre las diferentes islas mediante el uso de modelos biofísicos acoplados (modelos hidrodinámicos provenientes del modelo OFES y un modelo individuo basado de J. frontalis. El análisis de los resultados del modelo hidrodinámico indica la presencia de estructuras de mesoescala asociadas al sistema de islas. Índices provenientes del modelo biofísico muestran niveles importantes de conectividad-retención dentro y entre los sistemas de islas y una fuerte variación interanual de estos. Los resultados de la modelación biofísica indican que la varibilidad en el reclutamiento asociado al archipiélago de Juan Fernández depende mayoritariamente de larvas originadas en este mismo sistema, con un aporte importante de reclutas hacia el archipiélago de las Desventuradas. Se realizaron estudios de sensibilidad del modelo biofísico para identificar forzantes potenciales de las variables dependientes del modelo (e.g. índices de conectividad-retención, resultando en que los patrones temporales y espaciales reproductivos, la duración del estadio larval y la temporada (ano son altamente significativos. Finalmente, se propone que J. frontalis presenta una estructura metapoblacional con un alto nivel de

  4. San Juan National Forest Land Management Planning Support System (LMPSS) requirements definition (United States)

    Werth, L. F. (Principal Investigator)


    The role of remote sensing data as it relates to a three-component land management planning system (geographic information, data base management, and planning model) can be understood only when user requirements are known. Personnel at the San Juan National Forest in southwestern Colorado were interviewed to determine data needs for managing and monitoring timber, rangelands, wildlife, fisheries, soils, water, geology and recreation facilities. While all the information required for land management planning cannot be obtained using remote sensing techniques, valuable information can be provided for the geographic information system. A wide range of sensors such as small and large format cameras, synthetic aperture radar, and LANDSAT data should be utilized. Because of the detail and accuracy required, high altitude color infrared photography should serve as the baseline data base and be supplemented and updated with data from the other sensors.

  5. Estudio de las conductas prosociales en niños de San Juan de Pasto/ Prosocial Behaviors Study in Children San Juan de Pasto

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    Érika Alexandra Vásquez Arteaga


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El presente artículo es el resultado de una investigación finalizada desarrollada en tres escuelas públicas de San Juan de Pasto. El objetivo general se dirigió a develar las manifestaciones de las conductas prosociales de los niños para el diseño e implementación de una estrategia psicopedagógica. Método: La metodología se abordó desde el paradigma cualitativo, con un enfoque crítico social, de tipo investigación-acción. El presente artículo corresponde a la fase hermenéutica de la investigación en donde se emplearon como técnicas de recolección de información: narrativas, entrevistas focalizadas, observaciones participantes y sociodramas. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que la empatía puede ser vista como una señal de debilidad o como una constante necesaria de interacción; en las conductas de ayuda hay manifestaciones principalmente no altruistas y la cooperación se presenta de manera intermitente según los estímulos ambientales.

  6. Third annual Lectureship of the Juan A. del Regato Foundation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fletcher, G.H.


    Since Juan del Regato started in 1931 at the Curie Foundation, great progress has been made in improved control rates and in our understanding of the basic principles of radiotherapy. Today, the management of cancers by irradiation is a composite of radiobiological concepts and knowledge of the behavior of the tumors. This blend of basic science and clinical knowledge has given considerable insight into general oncology. A somber note is appropriate. There is still plenty to be learned. The value of high linear energy transfer (LET) radiation, multifractionation, and hypoxic cell sensitizers are areas that require clinical investigation. The proliferation of radiotherapy facilities has resulted in the dispersion of clinical material and in the United States there are no Centers with enough patients to carry out meaningful investigations. Because of the complexity of the treatment schemes, cooperative studies involving a large number of participants fail to prove or disprove any hypothesis. If advances are to be made in clinical radiotherapy, there will have to be willingness to refer patients to Centers that are equipped for specific investigations

  7. As representações das lutas de independência no México na ótica do muralismo: Diego Rivera e Juan O'Gorman

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    Camilo de Mello Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available This article analysis the representation of the Mexican Independence, through the Mexican painters muralists: Diego Rivera and Juan O'Gorman. These paintings are important visual documents that should be viewed in the context of their production, bringing also together the relation between art and politics in Latin America.

  8. Historical review of uranium-vanadium in the eastern Carrizo Mountains, San Juan County, New Mexico and Apache County, Arizona

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chenoweth, W.L.


    This report is a brief review of the uranium and/or vanadium mining in the eastern Carrizo Mountains, San Juan County, New Mexico and Apache County, Arizona. It was prepared at the request of the Navajo Tribe, the New Mexico Energy and Minerals Department, and the Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology. This report deals only with historical production data. The locations of the mines and the production are presented in figures and tables

  9. Análisis descriptivo de la contabilidad de las obras del Puerto de la Luz y Las Palmas (Canarias, España a través del estudio realizado por su director el ingeniero Juan de León y Castillo, siglos XIX y XX

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    Candelaria Castro Pérez


    de los informes, cartas y demás documentos elaborados por el ingeniero Juan de León y Castillo, de acuerdo con la información que al respecto recibió de la empresa contratista y que forman parte del fondo documental Ingeniero D. Juan de León y Castillo.

  10. Profile of prospective bioengineering students at National University of San Juan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez, N; Puzzella, A; Zabala, A; Demartini, H; Alborch, A; Cabrera, L


    The low percentage of students (43 % of applicants) that passed the entrance exams for the bioengineering career at the National University of San Juan in 2007, plus the historical situation of desertion in first year (about 50%), motivated the application of a diagnostic test to prospective students of this career. The aim of this test was to obtain information about the competences acquired by students to solve problems in different contexts using basic mathematical tools, reading comprehension skills to understand texts, graphs and tables. Although this test was sat by the entire population of applicants of the current school year, only the results belonging to bioengineering students are the ones presented for the purpose of this work. However, students of other disciplines of the school of engineering also have similar problems. From the analysis of the answers to the different items, it can be observed that there are serious difficulties in the development of basic capacities to successfully take the courses of this career

  11. Profile of prospective bioengineering students at National University of San Juan (United States)

    Lopez, N.; Puzzella, A.; Zabala, A.; Demartini, H.; Alborch, A.; Cabrera, L.


    The low percentage of students (43 % of applicants) that passed the entrance exams for the bioengineering career at the National University of San Juan in 2007, plus the historical situation of desertion in first year (about 50%), motivated the application of a diagnostic test to prospective students of this career. The aim of this test was to obtain information about the competences acquired by students to solve problems in different contexts using basic mathematical tools, reading comprehension skills to understand texts, graphs and tables. Although this test was sat by the entire population of applicants of the current school year, only the results belonging to bioengineering students are the ones presented for the purpose of this work. However, students of other disciplines of the school of engineering also have similar problems. From the analysis of the answers to the different items, it can be observed that there are serious difficulties in the development of basic capacities to successfully take the courses of this career.

  12. Profile of prospective bioengineering students at National University of San Juan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez, N [School of Engineering. National University of San Juan. Av. San MartIn 1109 (Oeste). CP 5400. San Juan (Argentina); Puzzella, A [School of Philosophy, Humanities and Arts. National University of San Juan. I de la Roza 230 (Oeste). CP 5400. San Juan (Argentina); Zabala, A [School of Engineering. National University of San Juan. Av. San MartIn 1109 (Oeste). CP 5400. San Juan (Argentina); Demartini, H [School of Engineering. National University of San Juan. Av. San MartIn 1109 (Oeste). CP 5400. San Juan (Argentina); Alborch, A [School of Philosophy, Humanities and Arts. National University of San Juan. I de la Roza 230 (Oeste). CP 5400. San Juan (Argentina); Cabrera, L [' Col. Central Universitario Dr. M. Moreno' Secondary School. National University of San Juan. I de la Roza 230 (Oeste). CP 5400. San Juan (Argentina)


    The low percentage of students (43 % of applicants) that passed the entrance exams for the bioengineering career at the National University of San Juan in 2007, plus the historical situation of desertion in first year (about 50%), motivated the application of a diagnostic test to prospective students of this career. The aim of this test was to obtain information about the competences acquired by students to solve problems in different contexts using basic mathematical tools, reading comprehension skills to understand texts, graphs and tables. Although this test was sat by the entire population of applicants of the current school year, only the results belonging to bioengineering students are the ones presented for the purpose of this work. However, students of other disciplines of the school of engineering also have similar problems. From the analysis of the answers to the different items, it can be observed that there are serious difficulties in the development of basic capacities to successfully take the courses of this career.

  13. Juan Daniel Weber en Aullagas (1790: De minero de segunda en Europa a experto en Potosí

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    María Concepción Gavira Marquez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aborda la expedición de metalúrgicos centro europeos comisionados por la Corona española para modernizar la minería americana a fines del siglo XVIII. En concreto, nos centraremos en un personaje especial, Juan Daniel Weber, miembro de la comisión destinada a la región andina liderada por Nordenflycht y que pasó por Potosí sin ningún éxito en cuanto a sus objetivos prioritarios. Aunque Weber en principio no estaba destinado a Alto Perú, permaneció en Potosí, donde se distinguió por dedicarse a defender sus intereses particulares en Aullagas, Chayanta, concretamente invirtiendo en empresas para el desagüe de la veta de Colquechaca y San Bartolomé.   This paper addresses the issue of Central European metal workers commissioned by the Spanish Crown to modernize the American mining activity in the late 18th century. In particular, we focus on a special character, Juan Daniel Weber, a member of the commission sent to the Andean region led by Nordenflycht and that passed by Potosí without achieving any of its main goals. Although, initially, Weber was not destined to go to Upper Peru, he stayed in Potosí, where he stood out for defending his own interests in Aullagas, Chayanta, investing specifically in companies dedicated to seam drainage in Colquechaca and San Bartolomé.

  14. El canon literario andino desde los estudios de género: cargar con el peso de la hetero(maricageneidad contradictoria. El caso de Pablo Palacio

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    Diego Falconí Trávez


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca realizar una crítica desde los estudios de género respecto a la noción de canon literario heterocentrado en la zona andina. Para ello, relee tanto a la crítica nacional como a aquella regional respecto a sus construcciones en torno al ecuatoriano Pablo Palacio, escritor icónico de la vanguardia de los años 30, centrándose en dos nociones. En primer lugar, en la idea, elaborada desde la crítica literaria ecuatorianista, de la relación posicional y gráfica de un hombre que carga a otro, cuestión que ha servido para elaborar una dicotomía vertical y patriarcal en el análisis teórico que contrapone realismo social y cosmopolitismo. Y en segundo, en el concepto regional de sujeto heterogéneo y contradictorio, propuesto por Antonio Cornejo Polar que articulándose en la etnia, la clase y el estatus colonial deja, sin embargo, de lado la diferencia sexo-genérica.

  15. L’espace péruvien chez le précurseur des Indépendances Viscardo y Guzmán : inscription territoriale, parcours géographico-historique et abandon spatial

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    Nicolas De Ribas


    Full Text Available La réflexion émancipatrice de Juan Pablo Viscardo, le précurseur idéologique des Indépendances ibéro-américaines, va clairement s’amorcer et se façonner lorsque ce jésuite va abandonner le Cusco en 1767, et donc se confronter à un nouvel espace, l’espace européen. Par le mouvement qu’il engendre, cet exil va être un acte créateur de réflexions et de nouveaux espaces qui va instaurer alors, entre autres choses, une dialectique entre un extérieur étranger et un intérieur familier. Chez le jésuite, le voyage dans l’espace géographique est aussi la métaphore du parcours initiatique qui transforme le jeune homme et le rend progressivement conscient de qui il est. Cette connaissance de soi va alors devenir indissociable de la connaissance de la société coloniale et de la conscience de son appartenance à un espace américain à reconstruire. Ses pérégrinations en Italie et en Angleterre permettent ainsi à ce personnage historique insigne de rassembler les fragments de sa personnalité individuelle et de reformer le puzzle d’une identité collective historique.La reflexión emancipadora de Juan Pablo Viscardo, el precursor ideológico de las Independencias iberoamericanas, se inicia y se estructura cuando el jesuita abandona el Cuzco en 1767, y entonces se confronta con un nuevo espacio, el espacio europeo. Con los movimientos engendrados, este exilio es un acto creador de reflexiones y de nuevos espacios que instaura entonces, entre otras cosas, una dialéctica entre un exterior extranjero y un interior familiar. En la obra del jesuita, el viaje en el espacio geográfico es también la metáfora de un proceso iniciático que transforma al joven hombre, y gracias al cual éste toma conciencia de sí mismo. Este conocimiento de su persona se convierte en algo inseparable del conocimiento de la sociedad colonial y de la conciencia de su pertenencia a un espacio americano que hay que reconstruir. Sus viajes italianos e

  16. From surfaces to magnetic properties: special section dedicated to Juan Rojo (United States)

    Mascaraque, A.; Rodríguez de la Fuente, O.; González-Barrio, Miguel A.


    Surface physics and magnetism, in particular the connection between surface defects, reduced dimensionality or size, crystal structure, electronic density of states and the mechanical and magnetic properties of solids, were always at the core of Juan Rojo's scientific interest and output. Both fields seem to meet at the nanoscale, a privileged playing field which is ideal for testing theoretical concepts, exploring new physics or probing a wealth of new, stunning and unheard-of applications. Upon reducing size or dimensionality, either in bulk systems or in thin films, surfaces and surface effects are telling. Thus, for instance, an ultra-thin coating can make nanoparticles of non-magnetic materials exhibit magnetic behaviour; or atomic steps can modify the local mechanical properties of a metallic single crystal. In this special section there are eight invited papers by disciples and close collaborators of Juan Rojo, that cover an ample spectrum of the above mentioned topics. The first paper, by Palacio et al, investigates the temperature and oxygen partial pressure conditions for FeO mono- and bi-layer growth on Ru(0001). The following paper, by Cortés-Gil et al, reports on the dramatic change in the electric resistivity of the manganite perovskite (La0.5Ca0.5)z MnO3 as a function of Ca content, an effect related to the removal of a charge-ordered state and a magnetic transition. Baeza et al study biomaterials for bone cancer treatment and skeletal reinforcing, as well as targeted magnetic nanoparticles used for intracell hyperthermia in cancer therapies. In the following paper, Marcano et al, assisted by a multi-technique approach, revisit the extraordinarily rich magnetic phase diagram of the Kondo system CeNi1- x Cux down to 100 mK temperatures. The magnetic field dependence of the martensitic transition temperature of the meta-magnetic shape memory alloy Ni50Mn34.5In15.5 in a crystalline and amorphous phase, in fields up to 13 T, is the subject of the paper

  17. On Both Sides of the Atlantic: Re-Visioning Don Juan and Don Quixote in Modern Literature and Film


    Perez, Karen Patricia


    The study analyzes contemporary literature and film based on two of the most universal characters in Spanish literature, Don Juan and Don Quixote, in both Spain and Hispanic America. Although both characters have undergone re-visioning from work to work through the centuries, it is the aim of this work to present the most salient characteristics of both archetypes in modern times only. The focus of this study is on works by well-known writers from Hispanic America and contemporary writers in ...

  18. Juan Grela en el umbral de lo americano: del realismo mágico al errante Gauguin


    Fantoni, Guillermo Augusto


    Las propuestas del realismo, del constructivismo, del surrealismo, junto a la gravitación de las culturas precolombinas son algunas de las tendencias y sugestiones más operantes en la prolífica obra Juan Grela. Por la producción realizada y por su actuación en las más significativas agrupaciones artísticas de la ciudad como la Mutualidad Popular de Estudiantes y Artistas Plásticos liderada por Berni, la Agrupación de Plásticos Independientes o el célebre Grupo Litoral, Grela constituye una de...

  19. The First Expurgated Edition of a «Letrilla» by Juan Meléndez Valdés

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    Miguel Ángel LAMA


    Full Text Available A few months before the publication of the first posthumous edition of the Poesías of Juan Meléndez Valdés, two other exiles, who like him were unable to return to Spain, brought to light an unpublished version of the poem of the great author. The new version needs to be added to those already in existence; however, the curious fact about the new version is that it was expurgated due to the conditions of exile exarcerbated by the absolutism of King Fernando VII.

  20. Geology and oil and gas assessment of the Fruitland Total Petroleum System, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado: Chapter 6 in Geology and Oil and Gas Assessment of the Fruitland Total Petroleum System, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado (United States)

    Ridgley, J.L.; Condon, S.M.; Hatch, J.R.


    The Fruitland Total Petroleum System (TPS) of the San Juan Basin Province includes all genetically related hydrocarbons generated from coal beds and organic-rich shales in the Cretaceous Fruitland Formation. Coal beds are considered to be the primary source of the hydrocarbons. Potential reservoir rocks in the Fruitland TPS consist of the Upper Cretaceous Pictured Cliffs Sandstone, Fruitland Formation (both sandstone and coal beds), and the Farmington Sandstone Member of the Kirtland Formation, and the Tertiary Ojo Alamo Sandstone, and Animas, Nacimiento, and San Jose Formations.

  1. Hacia el pensamiento de Juan Ruiz de Alarcón

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    Josa, Lola


    Full Text Available The comedy of characters was born in the hands of Ruiz de Alarcón as he achieved that from his first comedies, those of enredo, the main characters learnt to govern their own actions without any classification. That is the reason why the critics, without any further analysis, have described his theatre as 'moral'. Nevertheless, we are talking about a dramatist who stages mirages, unmasks tyrants disguised as level-headed monarchs, and frustrates the development of those court favourites who were egoists and ill by their passions. At the same time, the omission of providence becomes another kind of protest. All the court on the stage to ridicule with irony and punish their bad habits and delusions. When he finally discovered the politics of the conde-duque de Olivares, he decided to give up theatre. Therefore, we discover another Juan Ruiz de Alarcón never suspected: the dramatist who believed in the program of reformation that the conde-duque de Olivares, court favourite of King Philip IV, wanted to impose to a «patria doliente», name given by the dramatist to the Spain of the first half of the 17th century.La comedia de caracteres nace en manos de Ruiz de Alarcón porque consigue que, a partir de sus primeras comedias, las de enredo, los protagonistas aprendan a regir sus propias acciones al margen de tipificación alguna. Motivo por el que la crítica, sin entrar en más análisis, haya calificado su teatro como 'moral'. Sin embargo, nos encontramos ante un dramaturgo que escenifica espejismos; desenmascara a tiranos disfrazados de monarcas ecuánimes; frustra la trayectoria de privados egoístas y sedientos de poder o enfermos por sus pasiones; mientras que, al mismo tiempo, la omisión de la providencia se convierte, también, en otra clase de protesta. Toda la corte sobre las tablas para, con ironía, ridiculizar y castigar sus vicios y delirios. Cuando por fin descubrió los de la política del conde-duque de Olivares, decidi


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    Hernando Forero Caballero


    Full Text Available

    La evolución del hospital de San Juan de Dios, como entidad de carácter asistencial para la salud del pueblo colombiano, se puede dividir en 5 etapas, correspondientes al progreso médico, histórico y cultural del país. La primera etapa, fetal o "de crisálida" como la llamó el Profesor López de Mesa, se inició en 1564 con la organización de la colonia española en Santafé y consistió en el establecimiento de una casa con unas camas destinadas a atender a los españoles que padecían alguna enfermedad, por circunstancias climáticas o infectados de bacterias importadas por ellos mismos. La atención médica, si tal puede llamarse, la ofrecían los monjes que, por intuición o por poseer alguna cultura generala mística religiosa, eran las únicas personas con ciertas condiciones para proporcionar algún alivio a los enfermos.

    El hospital nació de la necesidad de proteger la salud de los conquistadores y sus familias y sobre todo del terror que les inspiraban las epidemias.

    La evolución del hospital de San Juan de Dios, como entidad de carácter asistencial para la salud del pueblo colombiano, se puede dividir en 5 etapas, correspondientes al progreso médico, histórico y cultural del país. La primera etapa, fetal o "de crisálida" como la llamó el Profesor López de Mesa, se inició en 1564 con la organización de la colonia española en Santafé y consistió en el establecimiento de una casa con unas camas destinadas a atender a los españoles que padecían alguna enfermedad, por circunstancias climáticas o infectados de bacterias importadas por ellos mismos. La atención médica, si tal puede llamarse, la ofrecían los monjes que, por intuición o por poseer alguna cultura genera la mística religiosa, eran las únicas personas con ciertas condiciones para proporcionar algún alivio a los enfermos. El hospital nació de la necesidad de proteger la salud de los conquistadores y sus familias y sobre todo del terror

  3. Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita, y Don Juan Manuel, Infante de Castilla : dos miradas para un mundo en crisis o la literatura como herramienta

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    Matías Escalera Cordero


    Full Text Available Hace unos años -en el cuarto número de Verba Hispanica-, en un trabajo titulado Juan Ruiz, un hombre de nuestro tiempo -fundamentado en lo sustancial por las lecturas que del Libro de buen amor, y de la figura de su autor, habían hecho Américo Castro y Jullio Rodríguez Puértolas -, comprobamos cómo la premeditada -y, en absoluto, casualcomplejidad interna del Libro se cimienta no sólo en la diversidad de los materiales que contiene y lo construyen, sino, sobre todo, en la unidad de sentido, que podríamos nombrar proto/novelesca, del conjunto entero: articulada, primero, en tomo de la "ficción realista" -psicológica- del yo literario que los informa; en la lógica –intensamente dialéctica- que los organiza; y, finalmente, en la radical ironía mediante la que el autor desentraña y desactiva todos y cada uno de los -engañosos- discursos artísticos, religiosos e ideológicos dominantes en su tiempo; especialmente, el cortesano, el clerical y el monetario.

  4. Nivel de conocimiento sobre tuberculosis pulmonar y actitud de los pacientes, centro salud San Juan de Salinas, 2017


    Atuncar Mendoza, Pamela


    El objetivo del estudios de investigación fue determinar la relación que existe entre el nivel de conocimiento sobretuberculosis pulmonar y la actitud hacia el tratamiento detuberculosis pulmonar de los pacientes dela Estrategia Sanitaria Nacional de Prevención y Control de la Tuberculosis, Centro de Salud San Juan de Salinas, San Martinde Porres, año 2017. En cuanto a lametodología fue de tipo de investigación aplicada, nivel descriptivo correccional,la población estuvo conformada por 50 p...

  5. Pablo Verani y la UCR rionegrina. Consolidación de prácticas de patronazgo político y de relaciones clientelares, 1983-2003

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    Iuorno, Graciela


    Full Text Available El radicalismo fue el partido de gobierno en la Provincia de Río Negro, desde 1983 a 2011, año en el que el Frente para Victoria obtuvo un rotundo triunfo en alianza con el Frente Grande. El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar las prácticas políticas desplegadas por dirigentes y militantes radicales que acompañaron el proceso de construcción de hegemonía y de consolidación de prácticas de patronazgo que condujeron al dirigente roquense Pablo Verani desde la intendencia de Roca a partir de la re-institucionalización en el país, a las dos gestiones de gobierno -1995-2003- y el modo de representación política, contribuyendo a configurar el sistema de partido predominante en Río Negro. En el caso de este articulo nos ocupamos de analizar la construcción de liderazgo de y de las relaciones clientelares desarrolladas desde la Intendencia durante dos periodos (1983-1991; más adelante desde la vice- gobernación y finalmente en la gobernación por dos periodos consecutivos.

  6. Hydrologic characteristics of lagoons at San Juan, Puerto Rico, during an October 1974 tidal cycle (United States)

    Gómez-Gómez, Fernando; Ellis, S.R.


    Flow and water-quality changes were studied during a period of intense rainfall in the San Juan Lagoon system. The study covered a 25-hour period beginning 0900 hours 22 October, 1974. Precipitation during the study period averaged 70 millimeters. Sampling stations were located at Boca de Cangrejos, the main ocean outlet; Canal Pinones between Laguna de Pinones and Laguna La Torrecilla; Canal Suarez between Laguna San Jose, connects to Laguna La Torrecilla; and Cano de Martin Pena between Laguna San Jose and Bahia de San Juan. In addition water-elevation recording gages were installed at each lagoon. Water samples from the canal stations were analyzed for organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus species, and suspended sediment. Specific-conductance measurements were used with the chemical data to estimate the runoff contributions of nutrients. Runoff into the lagoon, system during the study period was about 2.8 million cubic meters, or about 70 percent of the average precipitation. The runoff contributed chemical loadings to the lagoons of 95,000 kilograms total-organic carbon; 2,700 kilograms of total phosphorus; and 10,000 kilograms of total Khjeldhal nitrogen. A comparison with a prior study during which there was no significant rain, show that dry-period loadings are less than 10 percent of the wet-period loadings. At the end of the study period the system had not reached equilibrium, and the lagoons retained 80 percent of the water inflows from 50 to 90 percent of the chemical loads. Nearly 95 percent of the water outflows occurred at the Boca de Cangrejos sea outlet. The three lagoons and interconnecting canals form a very complex hydraulic system that is difficult to study using traditional techniques. A model of the system will facilitate management to improve the quality of water in the lagoons.

  7. Juan Menéndez Arranz : pintor y crítico de arte gijonés

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    Natalia Tielve García


    Full Text Available Se trata a través de este breve artículo dar a conocer la doble labor como pintor y crítico de arte de un artista gijonés que desarrolla su obra en la primera mitad del siglo XX, Juan Menéndez Arranz de la Torre, que es para el público actual casi un completo desconocido. Sus tareas son estudiadas desde un punto de vista biográfico, diferenciando la presencia de dos fases bien diferenciadas: una primera etapa formativa como pintor y becario de la Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de Madrid y un segundo momento, mucfio más fructífero, como crítico de las Bellas Artes y de la Literatura. De un modo sencillo y ameno se recogen los aspectos más interesantes del pensamiento estético de este autor, en relación con los intereses artísticos vigentes en su tiempo.The object of this brief article is to bring to light the donble role of artist and critic of a Gijón painter, Juan Menéndez Arranz de la Torre, whose world: was carried out during the first half of the twentieth century and who remains an almost complete finknown to today's public. His work is studied from a biographical viewpoint, differentianting the presence of two weli-defined phases: an initial formative stage as painter and scholarship holder at the Madrid HIgher School of Fine Arts, and a second, much more fruitful stage, as fine art and literatura critic. The most interesting aspects of this aflthor's aesthetic thinking are presentad In a simple and readable manner and are relatad to the prevailing artlstic interests of his time.

  8. Juan Bautista Juanini: análisis químico de la contaminación del aire en Madrid (1679

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    José María López Piñero


    Full Text Available Primera de una serie de notas sobre clásicos de la salud pública en España. Se refiere al médico de origen milanés Juan Bautista Juanini, autor en 1679 del libro Discurso, dedicado al análisis químico de la contaminación del aire en Madrid, y que fue traducido al francés en 1685. Juan fue un seguidor del sistema iatroquímico. Su obra no se redujo, sin embargo, a la reproducción servil de las doctrinas de Thomas Willis y de François de le Boe (Sylvius. Incorporó diferentes novedades, la más importante de las cuales fue la teoría del «espíritu nitroaéreo» de John Mayow, formulación antecesora del descubrimiento del oxígeno, de la que fue uno de los primeros defensores europeos. Juanini contribuyó decisivamente a la renovación científica de la medicina española. Su Discurso fue el primer libro médico plenamente «moderno» que se publicó en nuestro país. Muchas de las características del movimiento Novator, iniciado ocho años después, se encuentran en él esbozadas.

  9. Fruit and fertility in San Juan de la Manguana. (United States)

    Mckenna, N D


    Ana Irsa (Nisoris) Aquina, 39, a mother of seven, grandmother, wife, and voluntary community health facilitator, lives in the Dominican Republic. Nisoris counsels women and their partners about reproductive health, provides child survival information to new mothers, and dispenses common remedies for diarrhea and respiratory infections as well as contraceptives (mainly oral contraceptives and condoms). These supplies are financed by Fundacion para el Desarrollo Communitario (FUDECO), a nongovernmental agency which is a member of the Save the Children alliance. FUDECO's work includes the development of water systems, health services, schools, and soil conservation training. Widespread deforestation in the San Juan area has led to a reduction in self-sufficient farming and a lack of nutrition evidenced by an increase in infant blindness caused by Vitamin A deficiency. To combat this situation, FUDECO has taught the women's group led by Nisoris how to use solar power to dry fruits and vegetables to preserve them for consumption beyond their season. The pilot group has in turn taught six other women's groups and conducted informal product sampling and Vitamin A information sessions in the local market. FUDECO provides supplies and technical expertise. The program has been so successful that the women are exploring packaging options so that they can sell the dried produce.

  10. Inventario de bienes de Juan Martínez, escribano público de Jerez de la Frontera en la primera mitad del siglo XV

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    M.ª Belén Piqueras García


    Full Text Available The present study is centered in the analysis of the Inventory of valuable objects of Juan Martínez, Jerez de la Frontera notary public during the first half of 15th century; Persecuting to bring to light this document from notarial type, until now unpublished, that approached its content and diplomatic analysis.

  11. Juan Bautista Alberdi: o pensamento econômico de um liberal latino-americano no século XIX

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    Márcio Bobik Braga


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo destacar algumas das principais ideias do economista e pensador argentino do século XIX, Juan Bautista Alberdi. Tal interpretação se baseia em duas das suas principais obras: Bases y Puntos de Partida para La Organización Política de La República Argentina, escrito originalmente em 1852, e sua obra póstuma, Estudios Económicos, publicada originalmente em 1886. Juan Bautista Alberdi foi jurista, escritor, jornalista e economista, sempre preocupado com a construção da nacionalidade de uma região que seria a atual Argentina em um dos momentos iniciais da expansão do capitalismo cujo centro de interesse era a Inglaterra. Procurou entender seu país a partir de uma perspectiva liberal, porém considerando as estruturas locais. Defendeu, no processo, a inclusão social e regional, uma melhor divisão de poder e um federalismo fiscal mais justo para a região. Foi muito além da defesa da simples divisão internacional do trabalho. Se, no início da sua vida intelectual, colocava-se como um pensador otimista, com o decorrer dos acontecimentos, particularmente durante a segunda metade do século XIX, olhou com desconfiança e pessimismo para o processo de construção do liberalismo argentino conduzido pela cidade de Buenos Aires.

  12. “Donde tu hermosura se ensombra”: problemas morfosemánticos en el “Comentario VII”, de Juan Gelman

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    Aldo García Ávila


    Full Text Available Con las herramientas que brinda la descripción morfológica, en el presente trabajo se describen formal y semánticamente las licencias poéticas y arcaísmos que se encuentran en el poema “Comentario vii”, de Juan Gelman; esto es, aquellas palabras ocasionales que el poeta acuña con una finalidad emotiva y poética, así como las palabras que han caído en desuso y se han revitalizado en su poesía. El análisis toma como punto de partida el concepto de transparencia y opacidad morfológica, en virtud de que la formación de palabras en este poema estará condicionada, entre otras cosas, por el hecho de que el lector pueda identificar la palabra base de la licencia poética, situación que le permitirá determinar el significado de la misma. Además, algunas de estas licencia poéticas rivalizarán con palabras establecidas de la lengua, de manera que la licencia poética no será bloqueada, porque a partir de la transparencia Juan Gelman logrará restituir los significados básicos o prototípicos que las palabras establecidas han dejado de expresar. Finalmente, se muestra cómo se favorece la argumentación literaria con el empleo de herramientas propias de la descripción lingüística.

  13. I awake, she slept. Sor Juana Ines and Juan Rulfo or the new Latin American poetic condition

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    Hoover Delgado


    Full Text Available The article examines how Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz and Juan Rulfo, in dialogue with the literary tradition –especially with the work of Dante, Gongorism and the modern tradition– build a Latin American poetic condition. To that end, it studies the long oneiric ascent of Sor Juana, in First Dream; and Susana San Juan’s story, in Pedro Paramo. For the analysis, it goes to the concepts of resistance when suffering and the signals to transcendence provided by Maria Zambrano in her reflections on the essential condition of the human. It explains how Sor Juana and Susana San Juan offer such resistance: Sor Juana through the journey of knowledge, the sovereignty of the body, the exposure of the precariousness of life and the metaphor of the ascent; Susana, through the fall, madness and eroticism. Finally, it interprets in both characters, the appropriation of the signs of transcendence: the revaluation of the moment, of dreams and the creation-destruction of the divine. It concludes by showing how Sor Juana takes the momentum that starts in Europe with Montaigne, Bacon, the Renaissance and the Golden Age and proposes significant transformations that allow speaking of a different poetic condition. And how Rulfo, starting from the American mythic-religious condition, the non-place, the ontological indefiniteness, stops at the image of Purgatory: showing there the luminous consciousness, the unleashed eroticism and the sacralized madness of Susana as a relief, a possibility of leakage and human of redemption of the sentence.

  14. Cataluña y el Bajo Ampurdán en la obra de Juan Carandell Pericay


    Naranjo-Ramírez, J.; López Ontiveros, Antonio


    En el contexto de un estudio general y completo de la obra del geólogo y geógrafo Juan Carandell, se aporta una aproximación al papel que Cataluña –y más concretamente el Bajo Ampurdán-, su geografía y sus gentes juegan en la vida y en la obra de nuestro autor. Con una mirada amplia y generalizadora se recuerdan las aportaciones y trabajos dedicados a estas tierras bajoampurdanesas, acerca de las cuales se hace un resumen y una valoración científica. Todo ello permite a su vez detectar la alt...

  15. Small theropod teeth from the Late Cretaceous of the San Juan Basin, northwestern New Mexico and their implications for understanding latest Cretaceous dinosaur evolution. (United States)

    Williamson, Thomas E; Brusatte, Stephen L


    Studying the evolution and biogeographic distribution of dinosaurs during the latest Cretaceous is critical for better understanding the end-Cretaceous extinction event that killed off all non-avian dinosaurs. Western North America contains among the best records of Late Cretaceous terrestrial vertebrates in the world, but is biased against small-bodied dinosaurs. Isolated teeth are the primary evidence for understanding the diversity and evolution of small-bodied theropod dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous, but few such specimens have been well documented from outside of the northern Rockies, making it difficult to assess Late Cretaceous dinosaur diversity and biogeographic patterns. We describe small theropod teeth from the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico. These specimens were collected from strata spanning Santonian - Maastrichtian. We grouped isolated theropod teeth into several morphotypes, which we assigned to higher-level theropod clades based on possession of phylogenetic synapomorphies. We then used principal components analysis and discriminant function analyses to gauge whether the San Juan Basin teeth overlap with, or are quantitatively distinct from, similar tooth morphotypes from other geographic areas. The San Juan Basin contains a diverse record of small theropods. Late Campanian assemblages differ from approximately coeval assemblages of the northern Rockies in being less diverse with only rare representatives of troodontids and a Dromaeosaurus-like taxon. We also provide evidence that erect and recurved morphs of a Richardoestesia-like taxon represent a single heterodont species. A late Maastrichtian assemblage is dominated by a distinct troodontid. The differences between northern and southern faunas based on isolated theropod teeth provide evidence for provinciality in the late Campanian and the late Maastrichtian of North America. However, there is no indication that major components of small-bodied theropod diversity were lost

  16. Organisation communale et droits sur l'eau et la terre à San Juan de Uchucuanicu, vallée du Chancay

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    Full Text Available Le village de San Juan est organisé en communauté paysanne comme tous les autres villages de la vallée de Chancay. Sont brièvement exposés l'entrée dans la communauté, les charges communales, les droits communaux et individuels sur les eaux et les terres. Aux charges politiques s'ajoutent les charges cérémonielles pour les fêtes, ainsi que les charges communales concernant les travaux d'intérêt commun (faenas. Les diverses 'terres' du terroir sont exploitées suivant un système complexe de droits dans lesquels coexistent des droits communaux et individuels dont l'existence et les modifications présentes ne semblent pas favoriser l'égalité des divers comuneros. El pueblo de San Juan está organizado como comunidad campesina al igual que los otros pueblos del valle del Chancay. Brevemente se expone la entrada en la comunidad, las cargas comunales, los derechos comunales, los derechos comunales e individuales sobre las aguas y las tierras. A los cargos políticos se agregan los cargos ceremoniales en las fiestas, lo mismo que los cargos comunales concernientes a los trabajos de interés común (faenas. Las diferentes ''tierras' del terruño se explotan siguiendo un sistema complejo de derechos entre los que coexisten derechos comunales e individuales cuya existencia y las modificaciones presentes no parecen favorecer la igualdad de los diversos comuneros. San Juan village is organized into a village community as the other villages in the valley of Chancay. We will expose briefly the entrance to the community, the communal functions, communal and individual rights upon water and lands. Added to the political functions, the ceremonial ones during the festivals as the ones which are concerning works made for the common interest (faenas. The different lands of the soil are exploited according to a complex right system in which coexist communal and individual rights but their existence and present modifications don't seem to help the

  17. La Historia de la Contabilidad, vía privilegiada de aproximación a la investigación histórica: Cuentas de los fondos recibidos por la Factoría General de los Reinos de España para financiar la guerra de Felipe II contra el Papa Pablo IV y Enrique II de Francia (1556-1559 PARTE 1

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    Esteban Hernández Esteve


    Full Text Available La Historia de la Contabilidad, vía privilegiada de aproximación a la investigación histórica: Cuentas de los fondos recibidos por la Factoría General de los Reinos de España para financiar la guerra de Felipe II contra el Papa Pablo IV y Enrique II de Francia (1556-1559 PARTE 1

  18. Poéticas políticas del español. Algunas notas sobre imaginarios del idioma en Juan Gelman y los Zapatistas

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    Miguel Angel Dalmaroni


    Full Text Available Distances and proximities are here described and analyzed between critical so as poetical imaginaries on Spanish language and Spanish language's history (those belonging to Juan Gelman and Subaltern Criticism linked to latinamerican left-wing's literary avantgarde, and the discourse practices of zapatism -in whose inner side are also established the differences between those practices coming from indigenous source and those signed by Subcommander Marcos.

  19. Hydrogeology of the Cliff House Sandstone in the San Juan structural basin, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and Utah (United States)

    Thorn, Conde R.; Levings, G.W.; Craigg, S.D.; Dam, W.L.; Kernodle, J.M.


    This report is one in a series resulting from the U.S. Geological Survey's Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) study of the San Juan structural basin that began in October 1984. Previous reports in the series describe the hydrogeology of the Dakota Sandstone (Craigg and others, 1989), Point Lookout Sandstone (Craigg and others, 1990), Morrison Formation (Dam and others, 1990), Gallup Sandstone (Kernodle and others, 1989), and Menefee Formation (Levings and others, 1990) in the San Juan structural basin. The purposes of the RASA (Welder, 1986) are to: (1) Define and evaluate the aquifer system; (2) assess the effects of past, present, and potential ground-water use on aquifers and streams; and (3) determine the availability and quality of ground water. This report summarizes information on the geology and the occurrence and quality of water in the Cliff House Sandstone, one of the primary water-bearing units in the regional aquifer system. Data used in this report were collected during the study or were derived from existing records in the U.S. Geological Survey's computerized National Water Information System (NWIS) data base, the Petroleum Information Corporation's data base, and the Dwight's ENERGYDATA Inc. BRIN data base. Although all data available for the Cliff House Sandstone were considered in formulating the discussions in the text, not all those data could be plotted on the illustrations. The San Juan structural basin is in New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah and has an area of about 21,600 square miles (fig. 1). The structural basin is about 140 miles wide and about 200 miles long. The study area is that part of the structural basin that contains rocks of Triassic or younger age and, therefore, is less extensive than the structural basin. Triassic through Tertiary sedimentary rocks are emphasized in this study because the major aquifers in the basin are present in these rocks. The study area is about 140 miles wide (about the same as the

  20. Hydrogeology of the Point Lookout Sandstone in the San Juan structural basin, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and Utah (United States)

    Craigg, Steven D.; Dam, W.L.; Kernodle, J.M.; Thorn, C.R.; Levings, G.W.


    This report is one in a series resulting from the U.S. Geological Survey's Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) study of the San Juan structural basin that began in October 1984. Previous reports in the series describe the hydrogeology of the Dakota Sandstone (Craigg and others, 1989), Morrison Formation (Dam and others, 1990), Gallup Sandstone (Kernodle and others, 1989), Menefee Formation (Levings and others, 1990), and Cliff House Sandstone (Thorn and others, 1990), in the San Juan structural basin. The purposes of the RASA (Welder, 1986) are to: (1) Define and evaluate the aquifer system; (2) assess the effects of past, present, and potential ground-water use on aquifers and streams; and (3) determine the availability and quality of ground water. This report summarizes information on the geology and the occurrence and quality of water in the Point Lookout Sandstone, one of the primary water-bearing units in the regional aquifer system. Data used in this report were collected during the study or were derived from existing records in the U.S. Geological Survey's computerized National Water Information System (NWIS) data base, the Petroleum Information Corporation's database, and the Dwight's ENERGYDATA Inc. BRIN data base. Although all data available for the Point Lookout Sandstone were considered in formulating the discussions in the text, not all those data could be plotted on the illustrations. The San Juan structural basin is in New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah and has an area of about 21,600 square miles (fig. 1). The structural basin is about 140 miles wide and about 200 miles long. The study area is that part of the structural basin that contains rocks of Triassic or younger age and, therefore, is less areally extensive than the structural basin. Triassic through Tertiary sedimentary rocks are emphasized in this study because the major aquifers in the basin are present in these rocks. The study area is about 140 miles wide (about the same as the

  1. Enfoque bioético del inicio y fin de la vida en 2 obras plásticas de Juan Emilio Hernández Giro Bioethical approach of the beginning and end of life in 2 plastic pieces of Juan Emilio Hernández Giro

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    María Elena Guerra Felíu


    Full Text Available Tomando como punto de partida la obra del artista santiaguero Juan Emilio Hernández Giro y, en específico, el inicio y fin de la vida expresados mediante la pintura, surgió la motivación para efectuar este artículo, en el cual se caracterizan el tratamiento de ambos momentos trascendentales del ser humano en 2 de las obras del citado autor -- conservadas como patrimonio en el Museo Provincial Emilio Bacardí Moreau de Santiago de Cuba -- y la forma en que se reflejan a través de la luz y el color, los estados de alegría y dolor, además de otros elementos que esta exposición del arte aporta como producto comunicativo.From the work of Juan Emilio Hernández Giro, an artist belonging to Santiago, specifically, the beginning and end of life expressed by means of painting, the motivation to make this investigation arose, in which the treatment of both extraordinary moments of the human being in 2 of the mentioned author's works are characterized --which are preserved as heritage in "Emilio Bacardí Moreau" Provincial Museum in Santiago de Cuba--and the way in which, the states of happiness and pain are reflected through light and color, besides other elements that this art exhibition gives as a communicative product.

  2. Sustainable development and culture - Some reflections for their search in the Alto San Juan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giraldo Restrepo, Aida


    The economic processes in the upstream San Juan River are determined by decisions taken in cultural frames in which the traditional groups and peasants build in hybrid forms of existence according with their own history and the availability of resources in the territory. In this way, they alternate different production systems that introduce them in different social and economic groups: local, zonal, regional, national and trans national; each one with a specific rationality, impacting in a particular way, in agreement with the system of dominant production over the environment. The features of the society and culture that impact the economic decision making can be revealed and strengthened in a coherent strategy that respects the regional and group specificities and that looks for the sustainable development of the region

  3. Uniformity and diversity in the composition of mineralizing fluids from hydrothermal vents on the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge. (United States)

    Philpotts, J.A.; Aruscavage, P. J.; Von Damm, Karen L.


    Abundances of Li, Na, K, Rb, Ca, Sr, Ba, Mn, Fe, Zn, and Si have been determined in fluid samples from 7 vents located in three areas on the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge. The hydrothermal component estimated from the Mg contents of the samples ranges from 7% to 76%. Concentrations of Fe and Si, among other elements, in acid-stabilized solutions appear to be generally representative of the parental hydrothermal fluids, but some Zn determinations and most Ba values appear to be too low.-from Authors

  4. La muerte del príncipe Don Juan. Exequias y duelo en Córdoba y Sevilla durante el otoño de 1497 = The Death of Prince Juan. Funeral Rites and Mourning in Cordoba and Seville during the Autumn of 1497

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    Margarita Cabrera Sánchez


    Full Text Available La finalidad de este trabajo es estudiar las circunstancias de la muerte del príncipe don Juan, los ritos post mortem y las ceremonias fúnebres que tuvieron lugar en Córdoba y Sevilla. Además, nos hemos detenido a analizar cómo pudieron transcurrir los primeros años de su vida y su adolescencia, ya que los testimonios consultados revelan una salud frágil, que, probablemente, pudo precipitar su temprano fallecimiento. Las numerosas fuentes a las que hemos tenido acceso nos han permitido obtener datos inéditos sobre el ceremonial funerario, las manifestaciones de duelo y el volumen de gastos al que tuvieron que hacer frente los concejos de Córdoba y Sevilla para despedir, como la ocasión merecía, al príncipe heredero.   The purpose of this paper is to study the circumstances of the death of prince Juan, the post mortem rites and the funeral ceremonies that took place in Cordoba and Seville. In addition, we have analysed how the first years of his life and adolescence may have taken place, since the testimonies consulted reveal a fragile health that probably could have determined his early death. The numerous sources to which we have had access allowed us to obtain unpublished information on the funerary ceremonial, the demonstrations of mourning and the level of expenditure that was assumed by the councils of Cordoba and Seville to pay their last respects to the heir prince.

  5. Guía docente para desarrollo de destrezas lectoras en estudiantes de séptimo año de educación básica intercultural biblingüe en el CECIB "Tarquino Idrobo" de la comunidad de Ucsha parroquia San Pablo, año 2011.


    Yánez Colta, María Cristina


    El Centro Educativo Comunitario Intercultural Bilingüe (CECIB), que está ubicado en la Comunidad Primavera Ucsha, Parroquia San Pablo Cantón Otavalo, Provincia Imbabura, dicha institución ha laborado hace aproximadamente 40 años en las casa de hacienda del señor Galo Plaza Lasso, de quien el Sr. Tarquino Idrobo fue amigo e ilustre colaborador, razón por la cual se crea la escuela con el nombre de Tarquino Idrobo vista la necesidad del bienestar de la gente indígena de esta comunidad. En es...

  6. El gusto por la obra de Tiziano dentro de los círculos de poder en en el norte de España en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI. El ejemplo de los flamencos trabajando “a la italiana”: Gillis Goignet y el taller de Pablo Schepers y Rolan de Mois

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    Ana Diéguez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La influencia de Tiziano en los pintores europeos del siglo XVI es bien conocida. La ejercida sobre los pintores españoles siempre se ha asumido como de forma directa debido a las obras de su mano hechas para la corte. Sin embargo, no sólo va a ser a través de las obras del maestro de Cadore y las copias, tanto italianas como las hechas en territorio peninsular, las que van a influir en el gusto por sus composiciones, sino también a través de las copias hechas por pintores flamencos que llegan a la península. Muchas de estas obras flamencas siguiendo a Tiziano han sido admiradas como originales, y otras han sido demandadas a estos pintores septentrionales debido a su cuidado en el detalle y su capacidad de reproducción. Aquí analizamos dos ejemplos de este tipo, el primero se trata de una Magdalena de Gillis Coignet que estuvo atribuida al italiano, y el segundo la labor como copistas de Tiziano de Pablo Schepers y Roland de Moys en el entorno del duque de Villahermosa. Titian's influence in European painters of the sixteenth century is well known. The influence exerted on Spanish painters has always been assumed as directly because of the works of his hand made for the court. However, it will not only be through that works of the master of Cadore and his copies, as much Italians than those made in peninsular territory, which are going to have influence over the taste for his compositions, but also through copies made by Flemish painters who arrived at the peninsula. Many of these Flemish works following Tiziano´s compositions have been admired as originals, and others have been asked for them to these northern painters because of their care in details and their reproductive skills. This article analyzes two examples of both types, the first one is a Mary Magdalen by Gillis Coignet that was attributed to the Italian painter, and the second the work as copyists of Titian by Pablo Schepers and Rolan de Mois in the milieu of the Duke of

  7. Vos que me empezaste y quiero que me acabes en la mitad de vos. The Mystical Poetry of Juan Gelman

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    Bianca Pamela Ramírez Rivera


    Full Text Available The mystical experience is a phenomenon that just a few people experience,and even for those people, it’s complicated to explain what it meant and what it still means in their lives. Stories of ancient and contemporary mystics are scattered around the world and do not belong to a single religion. Thus, it is possible to find mystical experiences stories of practitioners of several religions such as Islam, Judaism or Catholicism.Juan Gelman, poet, essayist and journalist, is one of the most important figures of contemporary literature in Latin America. With his journalistic textsand poems, he could denounce the injustices of his country’s politics; and wasalso a personality that starkly gave an account of one of the bloodiest processes occurring in Argentine: the military dictatorship.Gelman also approached the phenomenon of mystical experience. Whetherit was a sense of identification (feeling as a foreigner or through the searchof ‘the mystical’ (which transcends him as a human being, Gelman is a LatinAmerican author whose phase of mystical poetry is central to understand thisphenomenon through literature.This essay aims to explore Juan Gelman’s vein as a seeker and narrator ofmystical experience. This will be traced from the material of this nature thatthe author left in his works, Citas y Comentarios, Com/posiciones and Dibaxu,as well as from his revision of the jewish tradition mystics.

  8. Aporte a la geología del Alto de Mogna, al norte de la depresión del Tulum, provincia de San Juan A contribution to the Geology of the Mogna High, to the North of the Tulum depression, Province of San Juan


    J.J. Zambrano; G. Suvires


    El Alto de Mogna, elevación estructural situada en la parte central de la provincia de San Juan, entre las provincias geológicas de las Sierras Pampeanas y la Precordillera Oriental, tiene rumbo este-oeste, transversal a las estructuras de las mencionadas cadenas montañosas, y separa dos depresiones tectónicas regionales: el valle del Bermejo, al norte, y la depresión de Tulum, al sur. En esta elevación estructural afloran fallas y pliegues, cuyo rumbo es prácticamente este-oeste, salvo en la...

  9. “The Law of Abraham the Catholic”: Juan Gabriel as Qur’ān Translator for Martín de Figuerola and Egidio da Viterbo

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    García-Arenal, Mercedes


    Full Text Available The main aim of this article is to investigate the similarities between the Latin translation of the Qur’ān commissioned by the Italian cardinal Egidio da Viterbo (first version, 1518 and Quranic quotations included in a treatise entitled Lumbre de fe contra el Alcorán (Valencia, 1521 authored by a Catholic preacher, Fray Johan Martín de Figuerola, in order to corroborate the hypothesis that the texts share a common author. The person regarded as the link between them is a convert from Islam to Christianity known as Juan Gabriel from Teruel, formerly Ali Alayzar. The arguments in favour of this thesis are presented, first of all, within a historical description of the circumstances and coincidences of the people involved in the production of the two translation projects; secondly, textual evidence is put forward in which correspondences, similarities and differences are highlighted and discussed. We also consider the similarities to the quotations in Juan Andrés’s Confusión o confutación del Alcorán, drawing attention to a circle of other Christian polemicists around Martín García who were all working in various ways with the Arabic Qur’ān.Este artículo se propone estudiar las similitudes entre la traducción latina del Corán encargada por el cardenal Egidio de Viterbo en 1518 y las citas coránicas incluidas en un tratado de polémica titulado Lumbre de fe contra el Alcorán (Valencia, 1521 escrito por un predicador, Fray Martín de Figuerola. Estas similitudes serán destacadas para corroborar la hipótesis de una autoría común a ambas traducciones en la persona de un mudéjar convertido al catolicismo, Juan Gabriel de Teruel, antes llamado Ali Alayzar. Los argumentos en favor de esta tesis se presentan primero en términos de la descripción de las circunstancias y coincidencias de las personas involucradas en ambos proyectos de traducción y en segundo lugar en las coincidencias, similitudes y características comunes a

  10. Introduction to the 2002 geologic assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the San Juan Basin Province, exclusive of Paleozoic rocks: Chapter 2 in Total petroleum systems and geologic assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the San Juan Basin Province, exclusive of Paleozoic rocks, New Mexico and Colorado (United States)



    The U.S Geological Survey (USGS) periodically conducts assessments of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the United States. The purpose of the U.S. Geological Survey National Oil and Gas Assessment is to develop geologically based hypotheses regarding the potential for additions to oil and gas reserves in priority areas of the United States. The last major USGS assessment of oil and gas of the most important oil and gas provinces in the United States was in 1995 (Gautier and others, 1996). Since then a number of individual assessment provinces have been reappraised using new methodology. This was done particularly for those provinces where new information has become available, where new methodology was expected to reveal more insight to provide a better estimate, where additional geologic investigation was needed, or where continuous accumulations were deemed important. The San Juan Basin was reevaluated because of industry exploitation of new hydrocarbon accumulations that were not previously assessed and because of a change in application of assessment methodology to potential undiscovered hydrocarbon accumulations. Several changes have been made in this study. The methodology is different from that used in 1995 (Schmoker, 2003; Schmoker and Klett, 2003). In this study the total petroleum system (TPS) approach (Magoon and Dow, 1994) is used rather than the play approach. The Chama Basin is not included. The team of scientists studying the basin is different. The 1995 study focused on conventional accumulations, whereas in this 2002 assessment, it was a priority to assess continuous-type accumulations, including coal-bed gas. Consequently we are presenting here an entirely new study and results for the San Juan Basin Province. The results of this 2002 assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the San Juan Basin Province (5022) are presented in this report within the geologic context of individual TPSs and their assessment units (AU) (table 1). Results

  11. Terminología botánica indígena en el vocabulario castellanomexicano (1555 de Fray A. De Molina

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    Manuel Galeote


    Full Text Available Las voces indígenas de la flora americana, que fray Alonso de Molina incluye en la sección castellana de su obra: Aqui comiença vn vocabulario en la lengua castellana y mexicana (México, Juan Pablos, 1555 se analizan desde el punto de vista histórico y sociolingüístico. Se trata del primer vocabulario de Molina —el Nebrija de las Indias — y, además, el primer diccionario impreso en México y en América. En las entradas castellanas, los términos indígenas americanos de la flora (plantas y frutas constituyen uno de los campos onomasiológicos más numerosos (maíz, cacao, maguey, chía, ají, etc. De los once términos indígenas hemos contabilizado casi un centenar de ocurrencias. En conclusión, este vocabulario muestra el fondo léxico patrimonial del español y los indoamericanismos que se acomodaron a las estructuras de la lengua castellana.

  12. Terminología botánica indígena en el vocabulario castellano-mexicano (1555 de Fray A. de Molina

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    Galeote Manuel


    Full Text Available

    Las voces indígenas de la flora americana, que fray Alonso de Molina incluye en la sección castellana de su obra: Aquí comience un vocabulario en la lengua castellana y mexicana (México, Juan Pablos, 1555 se analizan desde el punto de vista histórico y sociolingüístico. Se trata del primer vocabulario de Molina el Nebrija de las Indias y, además, el primer diccionario impreso en México y en América. En las entradas castellanas, los términos indígenas americanos de la flora (plantas y frutas constituyen uno de los campos onomasiológicos más numerosos (maíz, cacao, maguey, chía, ají, etc. De los once términos indígenas hemos contabilizado casi un centenar de ocurrencias. En conclusión, este vocabulario muestra el fondo léxico patrimonial del español y los indoamericanismos que se acomodaron a las estructuras de la lengua castellana.

  13. Ambient Noise Tomography and Microseism Directionalities across the Juan de Fuca Plate (United States)

    Tian, Ye

    Ambient noise tomography has been well developed over the past decade and proven to be effective in studying the crust and upper mantle structure beneath the Earth’s continents. With new seismic array deployments beginning in the oceans, the application of the tomographic methods based on ambient noise observed at ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) has become an important topic for research. In this thesis, I investigate the application of ambient noise tomography to oceanic bottom seismic data recorded by the Cascadia Initiative experiment across the Juan de Fuca plate. With higher local noise levels recorded by OBSs, I find that traditional data processing procedures used in ambient noise tomography produce measurable Rayleigh wave Green’s functions between deep ocean stations, whereas the shallow water stations are severely contaminated by both tilt noise and compliance noise and require new methods of processing. Because the local noise level varies across the study region, four semi-independent studies are conducted to both utilize the quieter deep-water stations and to address the problem posed by noisy shallow water stations. First, I construct an age-dependent shear wave speed model of the crust and uppermost mantle with 18 deep-water stations near the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The model possess a shallow low shear velocity zone near the ridge and has its sedimentary thickness, lithospheric thickness, and mantle shear wave speeds increase systematically with age Second, I investigate the locations and mechanisms of microseism generation using ambient noise cross-correlations constructed between 61 OBSs and 42 continental stations near the western US coast and find that the primary and secondary microseisms are generated at different locations and possibly have different physical mechanisms. Third, I show that tilt and compliance noise on the vertical components of the OBSs can be reduced substantially using the horizontal components and the differential

  14. Geology, sequence stratigraphy, and oil and gas assessment of the Lewis Shale Total Petroleum System, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado: Chapter 5 in Total petroleum systems and geologic assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the San Juan Basin Province, exclusive of Paleozoic rocks, New Mexico and Colorado (United States)

    Dubiel, R.F.


    The Lewis Shale Total Petroleum System (TPS) in the San Juan Basin Province contains a continuous gas accumulation in three distinct stratigraphic units deposited in genetically related depositional environments: offshore-marine shales, mudstones, siltstones, and sandstones of the Lewis Shale, and marginal-marine shoreface sandstones and siltstones of both the La Ventana Tongue and the Chacra Tongue of the Cliff House Sandstone. The Lewis Shale was not a completion target in the San Juan Basin (SJB) in early drilling from about the 1950s through 1990. During that time, only 16 wells were completed in the Lewis from natural fracture systems encountered while drilling for deeper reservoir objectives. In 1991, existing wells that penetrated the Lewis Shale were re-entered by petroleum industry operators in order to fracture-stimulate the Lewis and to add Lewis gas production onto preexisting, and presumably often declining, Mesaverde Group production stratigraphically lower in the section. By 1997, approximately 101 Lewis completions had been made, both as re-entries into existing wells and as add-ons to Mesaverde production in new wells. Based on recent industry drilling and completion practices leading to successful gas production from the Lewis and because new geologic models indicate that the Lewis Shale contains both source rocks and reservoir rocks, the Lewis Shale TPS was defined and evaluated as part of this U.S. Geological Survey oil and gas assessment of the San Juan Basin. Gas in the Lewis Shale Total Petroleum System is produced from shoreface sandstones and siltstones in the La Ventana and Chacra Tongues and from distal facies of these prograding clastic units that extend into marine rocks of the Lewis Shale in the central part of the San Juan Basin. Reservoirs are in shoreface sandstone parasequences of the La Ventana and Chacra and their correlative distal parasequences in the Lewis Shale where both natural and artificially enhanced fractures produce

  15. Operatic films: a comparative study of Don Giovanni by Joseph Losey and Juan by Kasper Holten

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    Full Text Available From an artistic point of view, the adaptation of an opera to the cinema, traditionally has been considered a complex and controversial process. Don Giovanni, of W.A. Mozart is one of the operas that more audiovisual versions has generated during the centuries XX and XXI, although very few films have finally been taken to the screen. This paper is focused on comparing the audiovisual versions Don Giovanni, by Joseph Losey (1979, and Juan by Kasper Holten (2010. Through a quantitative and qualitative methodology based on content analysis, this research reflects on the degree of intervention exercised by the language and audiovisual format used in the process of reinterpretation of the pre-existing operatic text.

  16. Direct U-Pb dating of Cretaceous and Paleocene dinosaur bones, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: COMMENT (United States)

    Koenig, Alan E.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Neymark, Leonid A.; Heckert, Andrew B.; Sullivan, Robert M.; Jasinski, Steven E.; Fowler, Denver W.


    Based on U-Pb dating of two dinosaur bones from the San Juan Basin of New Mexico (United States), Fassett et al. (2011) claim to provide the first successful direct dating of fossil bones and to establish the presence of Paleocene dinosaurs. Fassett et al. ignore previously published work that directly questions their stratigraphic interpretations (Lucas et al., 2009), and fail to provide sufficient descriptions of instrumental, geochronological, and statistical treatments of the data to allow evaluation of the potentially complex diagenetic and recrystallization history of bone. These shortcomings lead us to question the validity of the U-Pb dates published by Fassett et al. and their conclusions regarding the existence of Paleocene dinosaurs.

  17. Energy Efficiency, Water Efficiency, and Renewable Energy Site Assessment: San Juan National Forest - Dolores Ranger District, Colorado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kandt, Alicen J. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Kiatreungwattana, Kosol [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    This report summarizes the results from an energy efficiency, water efficiency, and renewable energy site assessment of the Dolores Ranger District in the San Juan National Forest in Colorado. A team led by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) conducted the assessment with United States Forest Service (USFS) personnel on August 16-17, 2016, as part of ongoing efforts by USFS to reduce energy and water use and implement renewable energy technologies. The assessment is approximately an American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Level 2 audit and meets Energy Independence and Security Act requirements.

  18. Ludopatía y estrategias narratológicas : El caso Barrios en Responso de Juan José Saer


    Degrande, François


    Al inclinarse sobre Responso (1964), novela de los principios muchas veces considerada menor en la obra de Juan José Saer (1937-2005), el artículo muestra la relevancia del autor cuando describe los contornos psicológicos del jugador patológico Barrios. Se presentan las bases antropológicas del juego (Caillois) antes de tratar la ludopatía desde un enfoque clínico (Valleur y Bucher). Sigue un análisis narratológico que tiende a demostrar que algunos de los síntomas de la adicción al juego se ...

  19. La transformación de la doctrina de la virtud moral en el pensamiento de Juan Duns Escoto

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    Emiliano Javier Cuccia


    Full Text Available En su comentario a la distinción 33 del Tercer Libro de las Sentencias, Juan Duns Escoto desarrolla su doctrina referida al sujeto de las virtudes morales, mediante la cual establece la voluntad como única sede posible de las mismas. En el presente trabajo se intentará mostrar que esta determinación, por un lado, es consecuencia de la previa postulación de la voluntad como única potencia moral del hombre y que, por otro, implica una fuerte debilitamiento del rol e importancia de la virtud para la perfección moral.

  20. Seasonal and inter-annual variability of aerosol optical properties during 2005-2010 over Red Mountain Pass and Impact on the Snow Cover of the San Juan Mountains (United States)

    Singh, R. P.; Gautam, R.; Painter, T. H.


    Growing body of evidence suggests the significant role of aerosol solar absorption in accelerated seasonal snowmelt in the cryosphere and elevated mountain regions via snow contamination and radiative warming processes. Characterization of aerosol optical properties over seasonal snow cover and snowpacks is therefore important towards the better understanding of aerosol radiative effects and associated impact on snow albedo. In this study, we present seasonal variations in column-integrated aerosol optical properties retrieved from AERONET sunphotometer measurements (2005-2010) at Red Mountain Pass (37.90° N, 107.72° W, 3368 msl) in the San Juan Mountains, in the vicinity of the North American Great Basin and Colorado Plateau deserts. The aerosol optical depth (AOD) measured at 500nm is generally low (pollutant transport. In addition, the possibility of the observed increased coarse-mode influence associated with mineral dust influx cannot be ruled out, due to westerly-airmass driven transport from arid/desert regions as suggested by backward trajectory simulations. A meteorological coupling is also found in the summer season between AOD and column water vapor retrieved from AERONET with co-occurring enhanced water vapor and AOD. Based on column measurements, it is difficult to ascertain the aerosol composition, however, the summer-time enhanced aerosol loading as presented here is consistent with the increased dust deposition in the San Juan mountain snow cover as reported in recent studies. In summary, this study is expected to better understand the seasonal and inter-annual aerosol column variations and is an attempt to provide an insight into the effects of aerosol solar absorption on accelerated seasonal snowmelt in the San Juan mountains.

  1. Confesiones de un étnico recalcitrante :Respuesta a Juan Aranzadi

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    Joseba Zulaika


    Full Text Available El autor responde a las acusaciones de etnicismo y relativismo posmoderno vertidas contra él por Juan Aranzadi en su libro El escudo de Arquíloco. El caso paradigmático es el debate en torno a los mapas genéticos que Cavalli- Sforza aplica a los vascos: el autor reproduce sus opiniones irónicas y de completo escepticismo sobre tales mapas genéticos expresadas en un texto de dos páginas, y las contrasta con la obvia tergiversación fraudulenta de Aranzadi que utiliza ese texto como base de su argumentación del “etnismo recalcitrante” del autor durante varios cientos de páginas. El artículo examina las inversiones paródicas del texto hiperbólico de Aranzadi que, de forma confesional y dando giros de 180 grados a experiencias pasadas, contrapone cristianismo y anticristianismo, vasquismo y antivasquismo, democracia y antidemocracia, para reproducir el mismo esquema antagónico de purismos solipsistas y autoexcluyentes. La ironía final es que el mordaz crítico del Milenarismo y de la Edad de Oro vascas termina invocando la huida de la modernidad y el retorno a la sociedad de los cazadoresrecolectores.

  2. Efecto de un programa de habilidades sociales: autoestima, asertividad y resiliencia en los adolescentes del Colegio Secundario San Juan Bautista


    Grández Sayón, Mersy; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Salazar Chávez, Vanessa Amalia; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Tucto Pérez, Gina Wendy; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Matute Panaifo, Eva Lucía; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana


    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar el efecto de un programa de habilidades sociales en autoestima, asertividad y resiliencia en adolescentes del Colegio San Juan Bautista, 2010. El método empleado fue el cuantitativo y el diseño fue el experimental de tipo cuasiexperimental. La población de estudio fue de 157 adolescentes del 5to grado de secundaria. La muestra estuvo conformada por 68 adolescentes, 34 para el grupo experimental y 34 para el grupo control, la cu...

  3. Efecto de un programa de habilidades sociales: autoestima, asertividad y resiliencia en los adolescentes del Colegio Secundario San Juan Bautista


    Grández Sayón, Mersy; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Salazar Chávez, Vanessa Amalia; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Tucto Pérez, Gina Wendy; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Matute Panaifo, Eva Lucía; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana


    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar el efecto de un programa de habilidades sociales en autoestima, asertividad y resiliencia en adolescentes del Colegio San Juan Bautista, 2010. El método empleado fue el cuantitativo y el diseño fue el experimental de tipo cuasiexperimental. La población de estudio fue de 157 adolescentes del 5to grado de secundaria. La muestra estuvo conformada por 68 adolescentes, 34 para el grupo experimental y 34 para el grupo control, la cu...

  4. Juan García del Río: un intelectual colombiano para el periodismo de Ambas Américas = Juan García del Río: um intelectual colombiano para o jornalismo de Ambas Américas = Juan García del Río: a Colombian intellectual for the media of Both Américas

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    Zárate Fernández, Amalia Ortiz de


    Full Text Available Apesar de pouco conhecido, o intelectual colombiano Juan García del Río (1794-1856 realizou uma grande variedade de atividades e pesquisas na América Latina. Sua admiração por Simón Bolivar o fez ultrapassar seus limites territoriais contribuindo com a construção de estados-nacionais como Peru, Chile e Colômbia, colaborando diretamente com personagens como Andrés Bello, Bernardo O’Higgins y José de San Martín. A transcendência e perfil literário deste autor nos possibilitam perceber os grandes momentos dos processos independentistas do continente e dos intelectuais da cultura latinoamericana do século XIX, trazendo uma leitura crítica política e social de nossos tempos

  5. Climate change, heat, and mortality in the tropical urban area of San Juan, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Méndez-Lázaro, Pablo A.; Pérez-Cardona, Cynthia M.; Rodríguez, Ernesto; Martínez, Odalys; Taboas, Mariela; Bocanegra, Arelis; Méndez-Tejeda, Rafael


    Extreme heat episodes are becoming more common worldwide, including in tropical areas of Australia, India, and Puerto Rico. Higher frequency, duration, and intensity of extreme heat episodes are triggering public health issues in most mid-latitude and continental cities. With urbanization, land use and land cover have affected local climate directly and indirectly encouraging the Urban Heat Island effect with potential impacts on heat-related morbidity and mortality among urban populations. However, this association is not completely understood in tropical islands such as Puerto Rico. The present study examines the effects of heat in two municipalities (San Juan and Bayamón) within the San Juan metropolitan area on overall and cause-specific mortality among the population between 2009 and 2013. The number of daily deaths attributed to selected causes (cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, chronic lower respiratory disease, pneumonia, and kidney disease) coded and classified according to the Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases was analyzed. The relations between elevated air surface temperatures on cause-specific mortality were modeled. Separate Poisson regression models were fitted to explain the total number of deaths as a function of daily maximum and minimum temperatures, while adjusting for seasonal patterns. Results show a significant increase in the effect of high temperatures on mortality, during the summers of 2012 and 2013. Stroke (relative risk = 16.80, 95% CI 6.81-41.4) and cardiovascular diseases (relative risk = 16.63, 95% CI 10.47-26.42) were the primary causes of death most associated with elevated summer temperatures. Better understanding of how these heat events affect the health of the population will provide a useful tool for decision makers to address and mitigate the effects of the increasing temperatures on public health. The enhanced temperature forecast may be a crucial component in decision

  6. Climate change, heat, and mortality in the tropical urban area of San Juan, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Méndez-Lázaro, Pablo A.; Pérez-Cardona, Cynthia M.; Rodríguez, Ernesto; Martínez, Odalys; Taboas, Mariela; Bocanegra, Arelis; Méndez-Tejeda, Rafael


    Extreme heat episodes are becoming more common worldwide, including in tropical areas of Australia, India, and Puerto Rico. Higher frequency, duration, and intensity of extreme heat episodes are triggering public health issues in most mid-latitude and continental cities. With urbanization, land use and land cover have affected local climate directly and indirectly encouraging the Urban Heat Island effect with potential impacts on heat-related morbidity and mortality among urban populations. However, this association is not completely understood in tropical islands such as Puerto Rico. The present study examines the effects of heat in two municipalities (San Juan and Bayamón) within the San Juan metropolitan area on overall and cause-specific mortality among the population between 2009 and 2013. The number of daily deaths attributed to selected causes (cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, chronic lower respiratory disease, pneumonia, and kidney disease) coded and classified according to the Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases was analyzed. The relations between elevated air surface temperatures on cause-specific mortality were modeled. Separate Poisson regression models were fitted to explain the total number of deaths as a function of daily maximum and minimum temperatures, while adjusting for seasonal patterns. Results show a significant increase in the effect of high temperatures on mortality, during the summers of 2012 and 2013. Stroke (relative risk = 16.80, 95% CI 6.81-41.4) and cardiovascular diseases (relative risk = 16.63, 95% CI 10.47-26.42) were the primary causes of death most associated with elevated summer temperatures. Better understanding of how these heat events affect the health of the population will provide a useful tool for decision makers to address and mitigate the effects of the increasing temperatures on public health. The enhanced temperature forecast may be a crucial component in decision

  7. Climate change, heat, and mortality in the tropical urban area of San Juan, Puerto Rico. (United States)

    Méndez-Lázaro, Pablo A; Pérez-Cardona, Cynthia M; Rodríguez, Ernesto; Martínez, Odalys; Taboas, Mariela; Bocanegra, Arelis; Méndez-Tejeda, Rafael


    Extreme heat episodes are becoming more common worldwide, including in tropical areas of Australia, India, and Puerto Rico. Higher frequency, duration, and intensity of extreme heat episodes are triggering public health issues in most mid-latitude and continental cities. With urbanization, land use and land cover have affected local climate directly and indirectly encouraging the Urban Heat Island effect with potential impacts on heat-related morbidity and mortality among urban populations. However, this association is not completely understood in tropical islands such as Puerto Rico. The present study examines the effects of heat in two municipalities (San Juan and Bayamón) within the San Juan metropolitan area on overall and cause-specific mortality among the population between 2009 and 2013. The number of daily deaths attributed to selected causes (cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, chronic lower respiratory disease, pneumonia, and kidney disease) coded and classified according to the Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases was analyzed. The relations between elevated air surface temperatures on cause-specific mortality were modeled. Separate Poisson regression models were fitted to explain the total number of deaths as a function of daily maximum and minimum temperatures, while adjusting for seasonal patterns. Results show a significant increase in the effect of high temperatures on mortality, during the summers of 2012 and 2013. Stroke (relative risk = 16.80, 95% CI 6.81-41.4) and cardiovascular diseases (relative risk = 16.63, 95% CI 10.47-26.42) were the primary causes of death most associated with elevated summer temperatures. Better understanding of how these heat events affect the health of the population will provide a useful tool for decision makers to address and mitigate the effects of the increasing temperatures on public health. The enhanced temperature forecast may be a crucial component in decision


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    Guillermo Aguirre


    Full Text Available Poeta singular e iconoclasta, Juan Eduardo Cirlot (1916-1973 erigió con su poemario Bronwyn uno de los universos imaginarios más vastos, sugerentes y atractivos realizados en castellano a lo largo del siglo dejado atrás. Interesado por el serialismo musical, la cábala, el simbolismo y la práctica totalidad de corrientes artísticas de la antigüedad y modernas, Cirlot tomaría motivos de todos estos ámbitos para hacerlos confluir con sus propias búsquedas espirituales en su última etapa creativa. Tomando como modelo un método crítico de análisis simbólico y estudio de la naturaleza y significado de los elementos (Bachelard, Poulet, Cassirer, etc., trataremos de comprender aquellos aspectos de su obra que nos ofrezcan una pista tanto del sentido último de su creación, como de su punto de partida y el desarrollo de la misma.

  9. Juan Eduardo Cirlot. Cuando la palabra y la letra llaman a su forma

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    Clara Janés


    Full Text Available Juan Eduardo Cirlot es uno de los grandes innovadores en el campo de la poesía del siglo XX española. Crítico de arte y ensayista, además de poeta y músico, su relación con la familia Buñuel le impulsa a ponerse en contacto con André Breton y los surrealistas de París. Incorpora las técnicas tanto surrealistas como Dadá, pero va mucho más lejos. Su conocimiento de la música contemporánea que adopta el serialismo de Schönberg, el cual parte de la Cabala hebraica -que él transforma en la poesía permutatoria-, su atrevimiento al aproximarse a las antiguas fórmulas mágicas egipcias, sus hallazgos fono-visuales le llevan a cubrir el abanico más amplio y atrevido de la vanguardia hispana de su tiempo.

  10. The pastoral implications of human freedom according to Juan Luis Segundo

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    Vicente de Paula Ferreira


    Full Text Available The paper aims to reflect the issue of human freedom based on the underlying principles of the Christian faith in a time of anthropological vulnerability, especially in Latin American. It holds that Christianity must insist on its proposal to promote universal goodwill, despite a human horizon marked by selfishness and lust for power and money. This approach presupposes a radical position of a listener of the divine mystery, revealed in Jesus Christ, as a way to fulfill the human condition. Theoretical framework: Liberation Theology, in the view of Juan Luis Segundo, and its well-established tradition of transforming realities of injustice through faith, comprises the core argument of this text. Findings: Christian salvation necessarily implies the kenosis (κένωσις of Jesus, i.e., Christ “emptied Himself” (Ph. 2:7, and through His humble dispossession, He broke with all closed systems of the world, and inaugurated a new venture of a liberated freedom: the agape of love. Conclusion: Christian praxis as daily care for the poorest and prophecy of forgiveness rescues the memory of the victims of all forms of human selfishness. 

  11. Las alianzas a la luz del Derecho Canónico: el Tractatus Dialogicus de confoederatione principum et potentatum (c. 1495 de Juan López de Segovia

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    Tubau, Xavier


    Full Text Available Juan López de Segovia’s Tractatus is considered one of the first texts of the legal tradition in the Middle Ages that tackles the nature of the alliances between rulers from a theoretical point of view. This article aims to draw attention to this text not much known by the scholars of history of internatinal law and to highlight the role canon law played in organizing the subjects and arguments developed throughout the dialogue.El Tractatus de Juan López de Segovia es uno de los primeros textos de la tradición jurídica medieval que reflexiona desde un punto de vista teórico sobre la naturaleza de las alianzas establecidas entre gobernantes. Este artículo pretende llamar la atención sobre este texto poco atendido por los estudiosos de la historia del derecho internacional y examinar el papel desempeñado por el derecho canónico en la articulación de los puntos de vista desarrollados a lo largo del diálogo.

  12. Juan Roura- Parella (1897- 1983 y la difusión de la pedagogía de las ciencias del espíritu en latinoamérica

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Una de las consecuencias del exilio español al fin de la Guerra Civil en 1939 fue la llegada a Latinoamérica de un elevado número de intelectuales españoles. Especialmente llamativo fue el caso de México. En este trabajo se analiza el impacto difusor de las ciencias del espíritu, y de la obra de Eduardo Spranger, a través de uno de estos exiliados, Juan Roura Parella, discípulo de Joaquín Xirau, de sólida formación germánica. ABSTRACT: One of the most important consequences of the Spanish Civil War in 1939 was the arrival to Latinoamérica of a numerous group of Spanish intellectuals, pestered by Franco's politic regime. Especially flashy was the exemple of Mexico. In this article the author analyse the spreading impact in Latinoamérica of the socalled spirit sciences, and the Spranger's works, by one of those exiled, Juan Roura Parella, Xirau's follower, and with a German solid education.

  13. Results of uranium HSSR survey of the San Juan area southwestern Colorado

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maxwell, J.C.


    During June--July 1976, 1706 water samples and 1982 sediment samples were collected from 1995 sites in the San Juan Mountains area and analyzed for uranium. The area includes the southern third of the Colorado mineral belt which has yielded rich ores of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, and molybdenum. The broadly domed mountains are capped by 2500 m of Tertiary volcanics, deeply eroded to expose a Precambrian crystalline core. Adjacent plateaus underlain by Mesozoic sedimentary rocks were included in the reconnaissance. Average value of uranium in water samples from mountains was less than 0.5 ppB, from plateaus was 1 to 2 ppB, and from Mancos shale areas exceeded 2 ppB. Anomalous sediment samples, 40 ppM uranium, came from near Storm King Mountain and upper Vallecito Creek. Other anomalous areas, including the Lake City mining district, were well defined by 4 to 30 ppM uranium in sediment and 3 to 30 ppB uranium in water. Above-average concentrations of uranium not previously reported indicate areas favorable for detailed exploration

  14. Inclusión del campus virtual Chamilo como herramienta de aprendizaje para el profesorado del Colegio Juan Pablo II


    Núñez Orellana, Elsa Licenia


    La tecnología ha estado presente a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, desde la talla de puntas de flecha se ha ido perfeccionando la técnica hasta llegar a herramientas más elaboradas como instrumentos para labrar la tierra, la invención de la rueda, el telégrafo, la aeronáutica, la aviación, pasando incluso por artefactos de guerra o armas letales para la vida humana, entre otras, y así llegar a los revolucionarios inventos de finales del siglo XX y comienzos del siglo XXI. Desde un...

  15. Trends in total rainfall, heavy rain events, and number of dry days in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1955-2009

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    Pablo A. Méndez-Lázaro


    Full Text Available Climate variability is a threat to water resources on a global scale and in tropical regions in particular. Rainfall events and patterns are associated worldwide with natural disasters like mudslides and landslides, meteorological phenomena like hurricanes, risks/hazards including severe storms and flooding, and health effects like vector-borne and waterborne diseases. Therefore, in the context of global change, research on rainfall patterns and their variations presents a challenge to the scientific community. The main objective of this research was to analyze recent trends in precipitation in the San Juan metropolitan area in Puerto Rico and their relationship with regional and global climate variations. The statistical trend analysis of precipitation was performed with the nonparametric Mann-Kendall test. All stations showed positive trends of increasing annual rainfall between 1955 and 2009. The winter months of January and February had an increase in monthly rainfall, although winter is normally a dry season on the island. Regarding dry days, we found an annual decreasing trend, also specifically in winter. In terms of numbers of severe rainfall events described as more than 78 mm in 24 hours, 63 episodes have occurred in the San Juan area in the last decade, specifically in the 2000-2009 time frame, with an average of 6 severe events per year. The majority of the episodes occurred in summer, more frequently in August and September. These results can be seen as a clear example of the complexity of spatial and temporal of rainfall distribution over a tropical city.

  16. Autoridad y memoria entre los killakas. Las estrategias discursivas de don Juan Colque Guarache en el sur andino (Siglo XVI)


    Graña, Mario Julio


    Entre 1575 y 1577, don Juan Colque Guarache, cacique principal de las etnias killaka, asanaque, sivaroyo,haracapi y uruquilla del sur del lago Poopó, actual Oruro (Bolivia)eleva a consideración de las autoridades españolas una serie de "Probanzasde Méritos y Servicios" de sus antepasados. Esta fuente permite explorar la narración de la historia de un linaje indígena, a la luz de las estrategias discursivas empleadas por las autoridades étnicas dentro del contexto colonial.En este sentido, se ...

  17. Historical-Geographical Location of Lands Exploited by the Family of Christopher Columbus in the Port of San Juan (Huelva, Spain

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    David González Cruz


    Full Text Available This research presents as novelty the geographical location of certain places that were part of the process of gestation of the discovery of America In addition, it also confirms the linking of the portuguese Briolanja Muñiz —sister in law of Christopher Columbus— with the port of San Juan (Huelva, Spain, and at the same time, offers unpublished data on the boundaries of the estate where the family of the famous discoverer was seated while he managed and organized his first overseas trip.

  18. Evaluación ambiental del río San Juan de Santiago de Cuba por exposición bioacumulativa a metales pesados Environmental evaluation of San Juan river in Santiago de Cuba due to bioaccumulative exposure to heavy metals

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    George Argota Pérez


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la salud ambiental del río San Juan de Santiago de Cuba, expuesto a metales pesados, mediante la utilización de la especie biorreguladora Gambusia punctata. Se analizaron 271 individuos adultos clasificados por sexo, para lo cual se escogieron los intervalos de clases de edades 2,1-3,0 y 3,1-4,0 cm, según la longitud total, respectivamente. La mezcla ácida aplicada estuvo compuesta por ácido perclórico - ácido sulfúrico; (7:1 ácido nítrico para determinar los niveles bioacumulados en hígado, branquias y cerebro como órganos diana. Los metales analizados: cobre, zinc, plomo y cadmio, se cuantificaron mediante espectrometría por plasma inductivamente acoplado con vista axial. Se hallaron diferencias significativas (pThe environmental health of San Juan river in Santiago de Cuba, exposed to heavy metals was evaluated by means of the bioregulatory species Gambusia punctata. Two hundred and seventy five adults were analyzed and classified by sex, for whom the intervals of age classes 2.1-3.0 and 3.1-4.0 cm were chosen, according to the total longitude, respectively. The applied acid mixture was composed by perchloric acid - sulphuric acid; (7:1 nitric acid to determine the bioaccumulated levels in liver, branchiae and brain as target organs. The analyzed metals: copper, zinc, lead and cadmium, were quantified by means of spectrometry by plasma inductively coupled with axial view. There were significant differences (p <0.05 in the bioaccumulated values between intervals and sexes. It was concluded that the levels of bioaccumulated heavy metals overcame the permissible values, so that they represent an environmental risk in the quality of those waters.

  19. Application of Advanced Exploration Technologies for the Development of Mancos Formation Oil Reservoirs, Jicarilla Apache Indian Nation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reeves, Scott; Billingsley, Randy


    The objectives of this project are to: (1) develop an exploration rationale for the Mancos shale in the north-eastern San Juan basin; (2) assess the regional prospectivity of the Mancos in the northern Nation lands based on that rationale; (3) identify specific leads in the northern Nation as appropriate; (4) forecast pro-forma production, reserves and economics for any leads identified; and (5) package and disseminate the results to attract investment in Mancos development on the Nation lands


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    Karina Isabel Bricio Samaniego


    Full Text Available Resumen La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar los aspectos: culturales, económicos, y turísticos de la comuna San Pablo, que permita identificar las necesidades insatisfechas en la Comuna, en la actualidad está compuesta por la zona económica que se encuentra conformada por negocios comerciales de diferentes productos o servicios, la zona empresarial conformada por numerosos laboratorios de crianza de larvas de camarón, empresas industriales pesqueras, nuevos negocios o microempresas familiares de diversas actividades económicas o productivas. Para la elaboración de este trabajo se utilizó la metodología basada en investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se describió las características generales de la problemática existente, permitiendo elaborar una diagnostico situacional de tipo integral, identificando los programas, proyectos y acciones que van a ser evaluados mediante indicadores de gestión de eficiencia, y eficacia, con la implementación de estrategias como son los convenios con las instituciones del estado, capacitación a los directivos para realizar una eficiente administración comunal, buen trabajo en equipo, ejecución de programas y proyectos, participación oportuna de los habitantes para el logro de un crecimiento permanente para la comuna, sus organizaciones y asociaciones ubicadas dentro de su territorio. Palabras clave: Aspectos económicos, sociales, culturales, Comunas, desarrollo turístico Abstract he present investigation has as main objective to analyze the aspects: cultural, economic, and tourist of the commune San Pablo that allows to identify the unsatisfied necessities in the Commune, at the present time is composed by the economic area that is confirmed by commercial business of different products or services, the managerial area conformed by numerous laboratories of upbringing of shrimp larva’s, companies industrial fishing and new business or family microempresas of

  1. CERN 50th Anniversary Official Celebration : welcome by CERN Director General Robert Aymar to French President Jacques Chirac, to King of Spain Juan Carlos and to President of the Swiss Confederation Joseph Deiss

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loiez; Michel Blanc


    CERN 50th Anniversary Official Celebration : welcome by CERN Director General Robert Aymar to French President Jacques Chirac, to King of Spain Juan Carlos and to President of the Swiss Confederation Joseph Deiss

  2. El Cura Juan Fernández de Sotomayor y Picón y los catecismos de la Independencia


    Ocampo López, Javier


    Este libro presenta el entorno revolucionario de finales del siglo XVIII y primera mitad del siglo XIX, a través del pensamiento y la acción del cura cartagenero Juan Fernández de Sotomayor y Picón, Cura de Mompós y rector del colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, quien vivió en los años que dieron nacimiento a la República de Colombia. Se desempeñó como cura revolucionario, como político de Mompós, de Cartagena de Indias, ante el Congreso de las Provincias Unidas del Congreso Nacional...

  3. Una noticia desconcertante sobre la inscripción de San Juan de Baños ofrecida por Alvar Gómez de Castro

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    Velázquez, Isabel


    Full Text Available The paper presents and analyses brief unpublished notes by the humanist Alvar Gómez de Castro, conserved in MS number 7896 in the Biblioteca Nacional, regarding five known inscriptions. Their interest lies in the fact that they are the first references to each one and provide useful data on the history of the pieces. But the most striking is the presentation of an inscription in S. Román de Hornija, the text of which is identical to the inscription of S. Juan de Baños. The paper presents hypotheses on this puzzling and perhaps erroneous fact.Se realiza la presentación y análisis de unas breves notas inéditas del humanista Alvar Gómez de Castro, conservadas en el manuscrito 7896 de la BN, sobre cinco conocidas inscripciones. Su interés reside en que constituyen las primeras referencias de cada una de ellas y aportan datos útiles para la historia de las piezas. Pero lo más llamativo es que se presenta una inscripción en S. Román de Hornija con idéntico texto al de la inscripción de S. Juan de Baños. En este trabajo se apuntan algunas hipótesis sobre tan desconcertante y quizás errónea noticia.

  4. Executive summary--2002 assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the San Juan Basin Province, exclusive of Paleozoic rocks, New Mexico and Colorado: Chapter 1 in Total petroleum systems and geologic assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the San Juan Basin Province, exclusive of Paleozoic rocks, New Mexico and Colorado (United States)



    In 2002, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimated undiscovered oil and gas resources that have the potential for additions to reserves in the San Juan Basin Province (5022), New Mexico and Colorado (fig. 1). Paleozoic rocks were not appraised. The last oil and gas assessment for the province was in 1995 (Gautier and others, 1996). There are several important differences between the 1995 and 2002 assessments. The area assessed is smaller than that in the 1995 assessment. This assessment of undiscovered hydrocarbon resources in the San Juan Basin Province also used a slightly different approach in the assessment, and hence a number of the plays defined in the 1995 assessment are addressed differently in this report. After 1995, the USGS has applied a total petroleum system (TPS) concept to oil and gas basin assessments. The TPS approach incorporates knowledge of the source rocks, reservoir rocks, migration pathways, and time of generation and expulsion of hydrocarbons; thus the assessments are geologically based. Each TPS is subdivided into one or more assessment units, usually defined by a unique set of reservoir rocks, but which have in common the same source rock. Four TPSs and 14 assessment units were geologically evaluated, and for 13 units, the undiscovered oil and gas resources were quantitatively assessed.

  5. Response to critique by lucas et al. (2009) of paper by Fassett (2009) documenting Paleocene dinosaurs in the San Juan Basin (United States)

    Fassett, J.E.


    In this issue of Palaeontologia Electronica Lucas, et al. (2009) question the validity f the Fassett (2009) paper that presented evidence for Paleocene dinosaurs in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico and Colorado. Their challenges focus primarily on the lithostratigraphy, palynology, and paleomagnetism of the dinosaur-bearing Ojo Alamo Sandstone, shown by Fassett to be of Paleocene age. The lithostratigraphy of the Ojo Alamo is addressed by Lucas et al. (2009) based on detailed studies of outcrops of this formation in two relatively small areas in the southern San Juan Basin where Ojo Alamo dinosaur fossils have been found. When viewed over its 13,000 km2 extent, the Ojo Alamo is seen to be a much more complex formation than these authors recognize, thus their perception and description of the lithostratigraphy of this rock unit is limited and provincial. Fassett (2009) presented a detailed discussion of the palynology of the rocks adjacent to the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) interface in the San Juan Basin, including a 67-page appendix and 25 tables listing the 244 palynomorph species identified from these strata. The Ojo Alamo Sandstone produced 103 palynomorphs from five principal localities including one especially prolific sample set from drill core through K-T strata. Without exception, all samples collected from the Ojo Alamo Sandstone for palynologic analysis were found to contain Paleocene palynomorph assemblages. Lucas et al. challenge only one Ojo Alamo palynomorph assemblage from one of the five areas studied, stating that they were unable to find palynomorph-productive samples at that locality. They submit no new palynologic data that refutes the Paleocene palynologic age of the Ojo Alamo Sandstone. In addressing the paleomagnetism of the Ojo Alamo, these authors dismiss the presence of a critical normal-polarity magnetochron discovered in the lower part of the Ojo Alamo - magnetochron C29n.2n of Fassett (2009) with no evidence to justify this dismissal

  6. Children’s Psychiatric Hospital Dr. Juan N. Navarro: 50 years of attention to the mental health of children and adolescents in Mexico


    María Elena Márquez-Caraveo; Eduardo Arroyo-García; Armida Granados-Rojas; Angélica Ángeles-Llerenas


    The activities concerning mental health care of psychiatric disorders during more than 50 years of service (1966-2016) at the Children’s Psychiatric Hospital “Dr. Juan N. Navarro”(HPI), as well as the progressive development of teaching and research, have contributed to its positioning as a leading institution in medical care of high specialization. This has been possible through the training of human resources that focus the quality of care to the children and their families. The hospital ha...

  7. El testamento de Juan Moliner (†1403: un físico al servicio de la monarquía navarra durante la Baja Edad Media

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    Serrano Larráyoz, Fernando


    Full Text Available This work is an approach to the life and socioeconomic context of Juan Moliner (doctor of kings Carlos II and Carlos III of Navarre, based on the study of his testament. The document provides enlightening information about this figure, quite unknown despite being one of the most important Christian doctors at the service of Carlos III ‘El Noble’. In addition, his last will has a religious and spiritual dimension that allows to have an overall perspective on the mentality and lifestyle of this historical character.

    A través del testamento de Juan Moliner, médico de los reyes Carlos II y Carlos III de Navarra, el presente estudio pretende acercarse a su persona, familia, ámbito social y nivel socioeconómico en el que desarrolla su vida. Los datos que aporta dicho documento arrojan algo de luz sobre su ciclo vital, hasta el momento bastante desconocido, pese a ser uno de los más importantes médicos cristianos que atendieron a Carlos III ‘el Noble’. A todo esto hay que añadir la dimensión espiritual y religiosa de sus últimas voluntades, que vienen a completar la mentalidad y el modo de vida de este personaje.

  8. Effects of uranium development on erosion and associated sedimentation in southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico (United States)

    Cooley, Maurice E.


    A reconnaissance was made of some of the effects of uranium development on erosion and associated sedimentation in the southern San Juan Basin, where uranium development is concentrated. In general, the effects of exploration on erosion are minor, although erosion may be accelerated by the building of access roads, by activities at the drilling sites, and by close concentration of drilling sites. Areas where the greatest effects on erosion and sedimentation from mining and milling operations have occurred are: (1) in the immediate vicinity of mines and mills, (2) near waste piles, and (3) in stream channels where modifications, such as changes in depth have been caused by discharge of excess mine and mill water. Collapse of tailings piles could result in localized but excessive erosion and sedimentation.

  9. Ciclo anual de la clorofila-α satelital en el archipiélago de Juan Fernández (33°S), Chile


    Andrade,Isabel; Hormazabal,Samuel E; Correa-Ramirez,Marco A


    La variabilidad espacial y temporal del ciclo anual de la clorofila-α en el archipiélago de Juan Fernández se analiza usando ocho anos de datos satelitales de clorofila-α, viento, corrientes y nivel del mar. Este archipiélago está conformado por tres islas: Robinson Crusoe-Santa Clara (RC-SC) y Alejandro Selkirk (AS). Las islas RC-SC se encuentran en una región de alta energía cinética y mayores concentraciones de clorofila-α definida como Zona de Transición Costera, en cambio ...

  10. Plan de comunicación y financiero de la franquicia venezolana juan chichero en el Ecuador para la ciudad de Guayaquil


    Gomez Arreaga, Viviana Del Rocio; Hidalgo Estrada, Leticia Maru; Miranda Balladares, Patricia Katiana; Garcia Poveda, Hugo


    En nuestro país existen cantidad de empresas y negocios que han sabido llegar al éxito sin invertir en publicidad, dejando a un lado su eje principal para subsistir: el consumidor, quien en los últimos tiempos se ha convertido en la razón de estudio, tanto así, que actualmente se analiza el comportamiento de éste para comprender su principal motivación de compra. Nuestra empresa, JUAN CHICHERO, es una de las tantas que no ha invertido lo suficiente en satisfacer al consumidor y la búsqu...

  11. Relación entre marketing interno y compromiso organizacional en el personal de salud del Hospital de San Juan de Lurigancho


    Zegarra Del Rosario, Francisco Eduardo


    La presente investigación tiene como propósito efectuar una descripción del marketing interno y como ésta se relaciona con el compromiso organizacional en el personal de salud, (médicos y enfermeras), del Hospital de San Juan de Lurigancho. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo correlacional, con una muestra de 155 profesionales, médicos y enfermeras, a quienes se les aplicó dos instrumentos de evaluación: el Cuestionario de Marketing Interno de María Bohnenberger y el Inventario de Compromiso Org...

  12. Biodiversity and trophic ecology of hydrothermal vent fauna associated with tubeworm assemblages on the Juan de Fuca Ridge (United States)

    Lelièvre, Yann; Sarrazin, Jozée; Marticorena, Julien; Schaal, Gauthier; Day, Thomas; Legendre, Pierre; Hourdez, Stéphane; Matabos, Marjolaine


    Hydrothermal vent sites along the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the north-east Pacific host dense populations of Ridgeia piscesae tubeworms that promote habitat heterogeneity and local diversity. A detailed description of the biodiversity and community structure is needed to help understand the ecological processes that underlie the distribution and dynamics of deep-sea vent communities. Here, we assessed the composition, abundance, diversity and trophic structure of six tubeworm samples, corresponding to different successional stages, collected on the Grotto hydrothermal edifice (Main Endeavour Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge) at 2196 m depth. Including R. piscesae, a total of 36 macrofaunal taxa were identified to the species level. Although polychaetes made up the most diverse taxon, faunal densities were dominated by gastropods. Most tubeworm aggregations were numerically dominated by the gastropods Lepetodrilus fucensis and Depressigyra globulus and polychaete Amphisamytha carldarei. The highest diversities were found in tubeworm aggregations characterised by the longest tubes (18.5 ± 3.3 cm). The high biomass of grazers and high resource partitioning at a small scale illustrates the importance of the diversity of free-living microbial communities in the maintenance of food webs. Although symbiont-bearing invertebrates R. piscesae represented a large part of the total biomass, the low number of specialised predators on this potential food source suggests that its primary role lies in community structuring. Vent food webs did not appear to be organised through predator-prey relationships. For example, although trophic structure complexity increased with ecological successional stages, showing a higher number of predators in the last stages, the food web structure itself did not change across assemblages. We suggest that environmental gradients provided by the biogenic structure of tubeworm bushes generate a multitude of ecological niches and contribute to the partitioning

  13. Perfil biográfico del canonista Juan Josef Alfranca y Castellote (1754-1817, rector del colegio de Bolonia

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    Astorgano Abajo, Antonio


    Full Text Available Juan Jose Alfranca y Castellote (Zaragoza, 8.III.1754 – Cuevas de Cañart [Teruel], 1817 of nobleman origin, doctor in canon laws by the universities of Zaragoza and Bolonia, wassuccesfully, schoolboy and rector of Saint Clement school for Spaniards in Bolonia (1780,1788, Mayor of crime in the courthouse of Seville, listener and one of the foundersof the Royal Courthouse of Extremadura (1791, and doctoral canon and then ecclesiastical governor of the Teruel diocese during the French invasion (1812. In this essay, the stages of his vital road are highlighted, as well as the features of his personality which are characterized by his uprightness and deep law knowledge and by his reformist and well educated atitude, as he made clear in the cross-examination to the Llerena Perty (1791.Juan José Alfranca y Castellote (Zaragoza, 8.III.54 – ¿Cuevas de Cañart? [Teruel], 1817, de origen infanzón, doctor en Cánones por las universidades de Zaragoza y Bolonia, fue sucesivamente, colegial y rector del Colegio de San Clemente de Españoles de Bolonia (1780-1788, alcalde del crimen de la Audiencia de Sevilla, oidor y uno de los fundadores de la Real Audiencia de Extremadura (1791 y canónigo doctoral y gobernador eclesiástico de la diócesis de Teruel durante la ocupación francesa (1812. En el presente trabajo se ponen de relieve las etapas de su trayectoria vital, así como los rasgos de su personalidad, caracterizada por su rectitud y profundos conocimientos jurídicos, y por su actitud reformista e ilustrada, como puso de manifiesto en el Interrogatorio del Partido de Llerena (1791.

  14. New geochronologic and stratigraphic evidence confirms the paleocene age of the dinosaur-bearing ojo alamo sandstone and animas formation in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado (United States)

    Fassett, J.E.


    Dinosaur fossils are present in the Paleocene Ojo Alamo Sandstone and Animas Formation in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, and Colorado. Evidence for the Paleo-cene age of the Ojo Alamo Sandstone includes palynologic and paleomagnetic data. Palynologic data indicate that the entire Ojo Alamo Sandstone, including the lower dinosaur-bearing part, is Paleocene in age. All of the palynomorph-productive rock samples collected from the Ojo Alamo Sandstone at multiple localities lacked Creta-ceous index palynomorphs (except for rare, reworked specimens) and produced Paleocene index palynomorphs. Paleocene palynomorphs have been identified strati-graphically below dinosaur fossils at two separate localities in the Ojo Alamo Sand-stone in the central and southern parts of the basin. The Animas Formation in the Colorado part of the basin also contains dinosaur fossils, and its Paleocene age has been established based on fossil leaves and palynology. Magnetostratigraphy provides independent evidence for the Paleocene age of the Ojo Alamo Sandstone and its dinosaur-bearing beds. Normal-polarity magnetochron C29n (early Paleocene) has been identified in the Ojo Alamo Sandstone at six localities in the southern part of the San Juan Basin. An assemblage of 34 skeletal elements from a single hadrosaur, found in the Ojo Alamo Sandstone in the southern San Juan Basin, provided conclusive evidence that this assemblage could not have been reworked from underlying Cretaceous strata. In addition, geochemical studies of 15 vertebrate bones from the Paleocene Ojo Alamo Sandstone and 15 bone samples from the underlying Kirtland Formation of Late Creta-ceous (Campanian) age show that each sample suite contained distinctly different abundances of uranium and rare-earth elements, indicating that the bones were miner-alized in place soon after burial, and that none of the Paleocene dinosaur bones ana-lyzed had been reworked. ?? U.S. Geological Survey, Public Domain April 2009.

  15. Estado y territorio: aportes, desafíos y tensiones en torno a los problemas de tierra en San Juan

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    Margarita Moscheni Bustos


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La disputa por la tierra se ha convertido en un tema relevante para la política argentina en el siglo XX. Poseedores históricos, propietarios y desposeídos son los actores que participan en la trama. Atravesando el juego, se encuentra el Estado en sus distintos niveles, que con cierta autonomía relativa, regula a favor de unos y en detrimento de otros. Este trabajo se propone aportar datos empíricos sobre algunas tensiones territoriales en la provincia de San Juan y el rol del Estado y sus contradicciones en los distintos niveles. El caso gira en torno a la disputa por la tierra, generando tensiones políticas entre propiedad privada y propiedad comunitaria, o entre el derecho civil y los derechos emanados de la Constitución Nacional, los Tratados Internacionales y la Ley de Bosques Nativos N° 26.331. ABSTRACT The fight about lands has been became in a relevant situation for the argentine politics in the 20th century, the historic owners, and dispossessed are the most important actors. The state through its different levels has a certain kind of autonomy and regulate and take actions which tend to favor some social groups and damage others. In this work is proposed give some empirical facts about territorial tensions in the province of San Juan, its role and contradictions in its different levels. The case revolves around the land dispute, generating political tensions between private property and communal property, or between civil law and rights arising out of the National Constitution, international treaties and Native Forest Law, No. 26.331.





    Se busca dar cuenta de la filiación filosófica que tres historiadores de la filosofía (de los siglos XVIII y XIX) otorgan a Juan Escoto Eriúgena (siglo IX). El iluminista J. Brucker, el kantiano W. Tennemann y el romántico T. Rixner son representantes del periodo de gestación de la historia de la filosofía como disciplina, y sus obras son fuentes para destacados filósofos, como por ejemplo Hegel. Se muestra hasta qué punto las líneas interpretativas que iniciaron estos autores se continúan ha...

  17. Rodríguez Llera, Ramón: Resonancias orientales en la obra de Juan Navarro Baldeweg. La vuelta de Hiroshige

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    Iván I. Méndez Rincón Borrego


    Full Text Available A estas alturas, la incansable labor investigadora de Ramón Rodríguez Llera (Santander, 1955 nos sigue sorprendiendo. Después de la publicación de Japón en Occidente. Arqui-tecturas y paisajes del imaginario japonés, del exotismo a la modernidad (2013, obra en la que estudia los intercambios culturales entre la arquitectura occidental y la japonesa desde el despertar del Japón moderno en época Meiji hasta nuestros días, nos descubre Resonancias Orientales en la obra de Juan Navarro Baldeweg.

  18. dibaxu, de Juan Gelman: diáspora de la poesía en las galaxias de la transcreación


    Romano Sued, Susana


    dibaxu es un poemario "bilingüe" que consta de 29 textos en idioma ladino, o judezmo, o sefardí, de la poeta Franco-bosnia Clarisse Nicoîsky, vertidos al castellano por Juan Gelman. Con Haroldo de Campos considero que la traducción de Gelman es "transcreación", que es como ha re-nombrado a la traducción literaria. Tanto los poemas originales como la transcreación de Gelman son en realidad un ars poetica, y ambos tienen lugar en la diáspora. Aquí se produce un encuentro entre Ética y Poética. ...

  19. Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance in the San Juan Mountains, Southwest Colorado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maxwell, J.C.


    From 1995 sites in the San Juan Mountains area, 1706 water and 1982 sediment samples were collected during June--July 1976 and analyzed for uranium. The area includes the southern third of the Colorado mineral belt which has yielded rich ores of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, and molybdenum. The broadly domed mountains are capped by 2500 m of Tertiary volcanics, deeply eroded to expose a Precambrian crystalline core. Adjacent plateaus underlain by Mesozoic sedimentary rocks were included in the reconnaissance. Average value of uranium in water samples from mountains was less than 0.5 ppB, from plateaus was 1 to 2 ppB, from Mancos shale areas exceeded 2 ppB. Anomalous sediment samples, 40 ppM uranium, came from near Storm King Mountain and upper Vallecito Creek. Other anomalous areas, including the Lake City mining district, were well defined by 4 to 30 ppM uranium in sediment and 3 to 30 ppB uranium in water. Anomalous areas not previously reported indicate favorable areas for future exploration.

  20. Restoring sedges and mosses into frost heaving iron fens, San Juan Mountains, Colorado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.A. Chimner


    Full Text Available Rare iron fens in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado are frequently in poor condition due to mining, roads and ditches, which have left much of the fen completely bare of vegetation. Natural revegetation is slow to occur in the bare areas because of severe frost heave in the cold mountain climate. Therefore, experimental revegetation plots were conducted in a factorial design with mulching and no mulching, crossed with moss diaspores, sedge transplants, and moss and sedge combined. Mulching influenced surface soil temperatures by reducing the midday highs and increasing the night-time lows, which decreased the frequency and amount of frost heave. Peat moisture also modified frost heave, with the greatest frost heaving occurring near 75 % peat moisture content (water table 10–20 cm below the surface and the least when soils were either wetter or drier. Moss survival was dependent on mulch, with no moss surviving in plots without mulch. Mulching also increased sedge transplant survival. In summary, mulching significantly increased the success of vegetation restoration efforts for frost heave areas in mountain fens.