
Sample records for intestine mecanismos involucrados

  1. Mecanismos moleculares involucrados en la diferenciación neuronal de células madre mesenquimales humanas derivadas de tejido adiposo


    Cardozo, Alejandra Johana


    Cardozo, A. J. (2015). Mecanismos moleculares involucrados en la diferenciación neuronal de células madre mesenquimales humanas derivadas de tejido adiposo (Tesis de Doctorado). Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Bernal, Argentina. Como el sistema nervioso tiene una capacidad limitada de autorreparación, y la neurogénesis en el adulto está restringida a ciertas regiones del cerebro, existe un gran interés en la posibilidad de reparar el sistema nervioso a través de la utilización de técnica...

  2. Proteínas recombinantes útiles para el diagnóstico, prevención y estudios patogénicos de la leptospirosis : Estudio de mecanismos patogénicos involucrados


    Prêtre, Gabriela


    Objetivo general El propósito general de este trabajo es: 1. Generar herramientas moleculares que sean útiles contra la leptospirosis, ya sea para su diagnóstico, prevención o un mejor conocimiento de su patogénesis. 2. Estudiar mecanismos patogénicos involucrados en la leptospirosis. Objetivos específicos 1. Clonado, expresión y purificación de proteínas recombinantes. 2. Producción de antisuero contra las proteínas recombinantes....

  3. Mecanismos moleculares de la síntesis de celulosa en bacterias

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    Micaela Marcela Méndez Ortiz


    Full Text Available La celulosa (C6H10O5n es un biopolímero de gran interés biotecnológico. El presente trabajo ofrece una revisión breve de los aspectos más relevantes que conciernen a los determinantes genéticos y moleculares involucrados en la síntesis de celulosa en bacterias. El análisis de los genes de Acetobacter xylinum involucrados en la síntesis de celulosa ha permitido la identificación de varias especies bacterianas capaces de producir celulosa, así como la elucidación de mecanismos biosintéticos que involucran a la molécula reguladora c-di-GMP, sintetizada por proteínas que poseen dominios GGDEF, las cuales están ampliamente distribuidas entre las bacterias.

  4. Mecanismos involucrados en la promoción de crecimiento axonal por la glia envolvente del bulbo olfatorio

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    Vilma C. Muñetón-Gómez


    Full Text Available La actividad que promueve el crecimiento de axones por la glia envolvente (GE del bulbo olfatorio depende de la expresión de diversas moléculas durante el desarrollo, la vida adulta y la reparación de lesiones nerviosas. Diversas moléculas tales como las neurotrofinas y sus receptores, los factores de crecimiento, las moléculas de adhesión celular, las moléculas de matriz extracelular y las moléculas asociadas con la mielinización son producidas por la glia del sistema olfatorio durante el desarrollo. Su expresión sostenida durante la vida adulta parece estar asociada con el reemplazo celular y la alta plasticidad de este sistema. A su vez, su expresión se involucra en procesos de reparación de lesiones mediados por trasplantes de glia. La migración de la GE, que acompaña axones en crecimiento, se observa durante el desarrollo y en procesos de regeneración luego de una lesión. Los trasplantes de,GE permiten la navegación de brotes regenerantes a través del tejido gliótico inhibidor formado luego de una lesión del sistema nervioso central. El propósito de esta revisión es profundizar en los mecanismos de actividad promotora de crecimiento axonal.

  5. Mecanismos celulares en respuesta al estrés: sirtuinas

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    Nancy Paola Echeverri Ruiz


    Full Text Available Desde hace algún tiempo se conoce el papel de la restricción calórica sobre la longevidad y la prevención de enfermedades crónicas, pero hasta hace poco los mecanismos celulares involucrados comienzan a ser elucidados. El estrés celular se podría definir como el estado en el que la célula no presenta las condiciones óptimas de supervivencia, siendo el oxidativo un tipo de estrés en el que se generan radicales libres nocivos para las estructuras celulares. La restricción calórica podría incrementar la resistencia celular a diferentes formas de estrés. Las sirtuinas, proteínas deacetilasas de histonas tipo III, están involucradas en la relación entre balance energético y transcripción génica, permitiendo que la célula responda a la restricción calórica y sobreviva a situaciones de estrés oxidativo. En esta relación las sirtuinas regulan genes de la familia FOXO, cMYC, hTERT, p53, entre otros. La activación o silenciamiento de estos genes es importante en los procesos de apoptosis, reparación y muerte celular.

  6. Guías para el uso racional de antibióticos beta-lactámicos: mecanismos de resistencia y su interpretación clínica.

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    César A. Arias


    Full Text Available Los antibióticos ß-lactámicos son los compuestos más ampliamente usados para tratar infecciones adquiridas en el hospital o en la comunidad. Sin embargo, la resistencia a estos antibióticos en bacterias Gram negativas y Gram positivas se ha incrementado, lo cual limita su eficacia terapéutica. Se debe estar alerta a este fenómeno y seleccionar la terapia de acuerdo con el mecanismo de resistencia probable del germen aislado. La lectura interpretativa de los patrones de susceptibilidad permite un enfoque más racional del problema de resistencia y se convierte en una guía fundamental para el manejo de situaciones específicas. Dada la complejidad de los mecanismos de resistencia, es indispensable que el laboratorio identifique los microorganismos según especie y determine la susceptibilidad de un número razonable de antimicrobianos. La resistencia a ß-lactámicos en Enterobacteriaceae se debe principalmente a la producción de ß-lactamasas codificadas cromosómicamente o en plásmidos. Los mecanismos de impermeabilidad y la producción de bombas de exclusión molecular son los más comunes en microorganismos 'no fermentadores', por lo cual la terapia debe responder a estos fenómenos. En bacterias Gram positivas existen varios mecanismos involucrados: producción de proteínas de unión a penicilina (PBP alteradas, síntesis de nuevas PBP o producción de ß-lactamasas. Se discuten aquí las opciones terapéuticas basadas en el conocimiento de los mecanismos de resistencia.


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    Belfran Alcides Carbonell medina


    Full Text Available La cabeza de los vertebrados ha sido considerada como una de las principales innovaciones en el proceso evolutivo de los vertebrados y de su distinción craneofacial con el resto de cordados no vertebrados. Muchas estructuras craneofaciales como dientes (pulpa y dentina, maxilares, cartílagos, esqueleto craneofacial y órganos sensoriales son derivadas de las células de la cresta neural (CCN; estas células aportaron en gran medida el patronamiento para la evolución y el desarrollo del complejo craneofacial. La evolución de estas estructuras se llevo a cabo principalmente por la evolución misma de las células de la cresta neural y la duplicación de varios genes involucrados en la delaminación y migración de este grupo de células. La siguiente revisión fue realizada con el objetivo de profundizar en los diferentes aspectos celulares y moleculares involucrados en la evolución de las estructuras craneofaciales.

  8. Eriptosis. Mecanismos involucrados y efecto protector de la eritropoyetina


    Vota, Daiana Marina


    Los procesos inflamatorios, frecuentemente asociados a anemia de enfermedades crónicas, podrían cumplir un rol en la inhibición de la eritropoyesis. La existencia de señales intracelulares comunes entre los procesos que regulan la eritropoyesis y la respuesta inflamatoria sugiere que la desregulación de un sistema podría explicar la disminución de la función del otro. Por otro lado, un daño directo sobre los eritrocitos maduros en circulación, causado por factores presentes en dichos procesos...

  9. Amebiasis intestinal Intestinal amebiasis

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    Full Text Available Entamoeba histolytica es el patógeno intestinal más frecuente en nuestro medio -después de Giardia lamblia-, una de las principales causas de diarrea en menores de cinco años y la cuarta causa de muerte en el mundo debida a infección por protozoarios. Posee mecanismos patogénicos complejos que le permiten invadir la mucosa intestinal y causar colitis amebiana. El examen microscópico es el método más usado para su identificación pero la existencia de dos especies morfológicamente iguales, una patógena ( E. histolytica y una no patógena ( Entamoeba dispar, ha llevado al desarrollo de otros métodos de diagnóstico. El acceso al agua potable y los servicios sanitarios adecuados, un tratamiento médico oportuno y el desarrollo de una vacuna, son los ejes para disminuir la incidencia y mortalidad de esta entidad.Entamoeba histolytica is the most frequent intestinal pathogen seen in our country, after Giardia lamblia, being one of the main causes of diarrhea in children younger than five years of age, and the fourth leading cause of death due to infection for protozoa in the world. It possesses complex pathogenic mechanisms that allow it to invade the intestinal mucosa, causing amoebic colitis. Microscopy is the most used method for its identification, but the existence of two species morphologically identical, the pathogen one ( E. histolytica, and the non pathogen one ( E. dispar, have taken to the development of other methods of diagnosis. The access to drinkable water and appropriate sanitary services, an opportune medical treatment, and the development of a vaccine are the axes to diminish the incidence and mortality of this entity.

  10. Microbiota e barreira intestinal: implicações para obesidade

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    Alynne Moniellen Oliveira


    Full Text Available A epidemia da obesidade é considerada um importante problema de saúde pública na sociedade ocidental, pois ela relaciona-se à comorbidades como síndrome metabólica, diabetes mellitus e hipertensão. A microbiota intestinal pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da obesidade através do aumento da extração energética dos componentes da dieta, da lipogênese, da permeabilidade intestinal e da endotoxemia, mediada especialmente pelos lipopolissacarídeos. Estudos tem demonstrado diferenças na composição da microbiota intestinal entre indivíduos obesos e magros. Ao que parece, o aumento na proporção de Firmicutes em relação a Bacteroidetes parece estar presente na obesidade, podendo ser alterada a medida que ocorre perda de peso. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é revisar a literatura acerca dos mecanismos que relacionam a microbiota e a barreira intestinal ao desenvolvimento ou agravamento da obesidade. Palavras-chave: Obesidade; microbioma gastrointestinal; microbiota; permeabilidade intestinal

  11. Involved mechanisms in the radioprotector effect of the insulinic-1 type growth factor (IGF-1) in the mucous of the small intestine; Mecanismos involucrados en el efecto radioprotector del factor de crecimiento tipo insulinico-1 (IGF-1) en la mucosa del intestino delgado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mohamad, N.; Medina, V.; Sambuco, L.; Gutierrez, A.; Nunez, M.; Martin, G.; Cricco, G.; Rivera, E.; Bergoc, R. [Laboratorio de Radioisotopos, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Junin 956, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Croci, M.; Crescenti, E. [Instituto de Inmunooncologia, Cordoba 3200, Buenos Aires (Argentina)]. e-mail:


    The use of radiant therapies in malignant tissues presents the inconvenience of affecting also to the healthy tissues, mainly when these present a high rate of proliferation like in the case of the mucous of the small intestine. The growth factor of insulinic-1 type (IGF-1) it has been pointed out as a possible protector of normal tissues under irradiation conditions. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the IGF-1 like radioprotector of the mucous of the small intestine in mice irradiated with 10 Gy to whole body, determining the histological characteristics of the tissue, the presence of apoptotic cells, the expression of antigen of cellular proliferation (PCNA) and of anti-oxidant enzymes. Four groups of mice were used: control, treated with IGF-1, irradiated and irradiated and treated with IGF-1. The two treated groups were injected subcutaneously with two dose by day of 2.5 {mu}g of IGF-I /0.1ml during four days (days 1 at 4). The two irradiated groups 10 Gy received to whole body the day 2. The day 5 all the animals were sacrificed and cuts of the mucous of the small intestine were obtained. The histological cuts were evaluated by tint with hematoxyline-eosin; the presence of apoptotic cells its were determined by the Tunnel method (Apoptag kit); the expression of PCNA, superoxide dependent dismutase of copper and zinc (CuZnSOD), superoxide dependent dismutase of manganese (MnSOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathion peroxidase (GPX), by immunohistochemistry. The results demonstrated that the treatment with IGF-1 preserves the partially histology of the mucous of the intestine, the expression of PCNA and the presence of apoptotic cells in the crypts in front of the irradiation. The CuZnSOD it was expressed mainly in the hairiness and, in smaller measure, in the crypts increase in the group IR+IGF-1. The IGF-1 produced the expression of MnSOD in the crypts and in the intestinal hairiness. The expression of CAT in the hairiness increase



    Gasques, Luciano Seraphim; Galvanini, Paulo Alexandre; Favaretto, Fernando; Santana, Tamara Francislaine; Pamphile, João Alencar


    Nas relações desarmônicas, os hospedeiros tendem a selecionar mutações que conferem resistência aos patógenos, enquanto estes selecionam as que neutralizam a resistência. Dessa forma, o processo evolutivo desencadeia nos mais diversificados mecanismos de defesa, entre eles, um mecanismo pouco explorado, à apoptose. Esta revisão teve como objetivo verificar os principais sistemas biológicos que apresentam a apoptose como mecanismo de defesa. Entre os principais sistemas estudados neste trabalh...

  13. Estudios de mecanismos de seguridad en redes inalámbricas de sensores


    Chivite Fernández, Patricia


    Este proyecto fin de carrera va a consistir en el estudio de los mecanismos para proveer seguridad en redes de sensores inalámbricas. En concreto, sobre redes de sensores Crossbow imote2®. Los principales sistemas de seguridad manejan diferentes mecanismos de cifrado y autentificación, así como mecanismos de detección de intrusión. En este marco de trabajo, la gestión de claves de cifrado y firma digital, así como los algoritmos criptográficos, los protocolos de autenticación y los mecanismos...

  14. Sistema Regional de Innovación como mecanismo de gestión en Ciencia y Tecnología. Caso de estudio: Estado Mérida

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    José Aguilar


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la experiencia de FUNDACITE-Mérida en la conformación del Sistema Regional de Innovación (SRI para la gestión en ciencia y tecnología en Mérida en los últimos tres años, la cual se desarrolla como parte del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del Estado Venezolano. Se concibe al SRI como una estructura producto de la convergencia de intereses de distintos entes o actores de la región, cuyo fin es el desarrollo, difusión y uso de las tecnologías e innovación en el ámbito local, a fin de resolver eficientemente los problemas a través de instrumentos eficaces que produzcan impacto en el desarrollo integral del estado Mérida, que abarque los ámbitos social, político, económico y cultural. Los elementos fundamentales del SRI son las Redes de Aliados, las Redes de Innovación Productiva, los Proyectos Replicables y los Procesos de Gestión en Ciencia y Tecnología. Los mismos se conforman utilizando metodologías donde la participación de las comunidades y demás actores involucrados es fundamental. Así, se presenta lo que ha sido el proceso de conformación, basado en los mecanismos que han sido diseñados a nivel nacional y regional, para viabilizar las actividades científico tecnológicas del estado Mérida. Esto ha resultado en el diseño de un conjunto de proyectos, programas, y otros mecanismos, que operacionalizan lo establecido en el Plan de Ciencia y Tecnología del estado Mérida

  15. Mecanismos implicados en la escritura de palabras del castellano

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    Full Text Available El artículo examina los mecanismos cognitivos implicados en la escritura de palabras en lengua castellana. Este tema ha sido ampliamente estudiado en sistemas ortográficos inconsistentes/profundos como el inglés y el francés, pero mucho menos en sistemas consistentes/superficiales como el del castellano. Los datos analizados sugieren que los dos mecanismos de escritura que constituyen la base modelo de la doble ruta: el fonológico y el ortográfico-lexical, intervienen en la escritura de palabras. En comparación con otras ortografías menos consistentes, la adquisición de estos dos mecanismos es más rápida en castellano. Este resultado es conforme a las predicciones del modelo de autoenseñanza. Complementariamente estudiamos otros dos mecanismos implicados en la escritura de palabras: uno ortográfico de carácter subléxico, basado en la frecuencia de regularidades ortográficas, y el otro basado en el conocimiento morfológico. Los datos a este respecto son escasos en castellano. No obstante, los resultados muestran que los aprendices adquieren rápidamente rutinas ortográficas basadas en regularidades ortográficas subléxicas, y que utilizan conocimientos morfológicos para escribir palabras. Esto muestra que ambos factores intervienen en la escritura en todos los sistemas ortográficos alfabéticos, sea cual fuere su grado de consistencia-profundidad. Las diferencias entre sistemas no parecen ser cualitativas sino cuantitativas. Además, todos los mecanismos examinados en castellano se adquieren más rápidamente que en los sistemas menos consistentes.

  16. El Sistema Integral de Desarrollo Profesional Educativo (SíPROFE): Una mirada desde los involucrados en el sistema


    Portaluppi Castro, Carolina


    El estudio aborda la calidad del Sistema Nacional de Desarrollo Profesional Educativo -SíPROFE- desde la perspectiva de los actores involucrados y sus distintos roles: decisor político, decisor técnico, operador de la política en el territorio, experto, instructor y docentes participantes que ejercen su práctica en contextos urbanos y rurales del cantón Guayaquil. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio y cualitativo desde la mirada de la teoría fundamentada en los datos (TFD) cuyo instrumento pr...


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    Daniel A Barragán R.


    Full Text Available Se propone un método para la interpretación de mecanismos complejos de reacción, el cual es aplicado a la simulación del mecanismo de Gyórgyi-Field, (GF desarrollado para la reacción química oscilante de Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ. El método basado en la ley de acción de masas y en el principio de independencia y coexistencia de los pasos elementales, reproduce el comportamiento oscilatorio en la concentración de los intermediarios de reacción.

  18. Mecanismos específicos de patogenicidade de protozoários de mucosa: Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia e Trichomonas vaginalis

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    Patrícia de Brum Vieira


    Full Text Available Entamoeba histolytica e Giardia lamblia são protozoários que podem parasitar a mucosa intestinal, causando principalmente diarreia. Trichomonas vaginalis coloniza a mucosa vaginal causando tricomonose, a doença sexualmente transmissível não viral mais comum no mundo. Embora coletivamente estes parasitos infectem mais de um bilhão de pessoas a cada ano, seus mecanismos de patogenicidade ainda não estão totalmente esclarecidos. Assim, esta revisão reúne os principais mecanismos envolvidos na patogenicidade destes protozoários, bem como os fatores do microambiente que podem interferir no sucesso da colonização. A patogênese da E. histolytica envolve adesão, lise, fagocitose de células epiteliais e bactérias, invasão tecidual por ação de enzimas e evasão da resposta imune do hospedeiro. A lectina Gal/GalNAc, os amebaporos e as cisteína proteases são as principais moléculas envolvidas nesses processos. O estabelecimento da giardiose depende de diversos mecanismos patogênicos e de virulência desenvolvidos pela G. lamblia, tais como as moléculas envolvidas na adesão, encistamento e variação antigênica. Para o sucesso da colonização da mucosa vaginal, o T. vaginalis expressa moléculas como as adesinas de superfície, lipofosfoglicanos e galectina, envolvidas na adesão às células epiteliais vaginais e alteração da expressão gênica, tanto do parasito como do hospedeiro.

  19. Streptococcus pneumoniae, mecanismos de resistencia antimicrobiana

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    Amauri Noda Albelo


    Full Text Available El Streptococcus pneumoniae, principal agente causal de la neumonía comunitaria, líder en la etiología de la otitis media y la meningitis, en las últimas 3 décadas ha incrementado, de manera importante, su resistencia a los agentes terapéuticos más utilizados, como los betalactámicos, macrólidos, azálidos y fluroquinolonas. La versatilidad adaptativa del microorganismo le ha permitido crear mecanismos capaces de sobreponerse a cualquiera de estas agresiones terapéuticas con un grado variable de eficacia. Se realiza una revisión de los mecanismos más importantes implicados en la adquisición de resistencia antimicrobiana por S. pneumoniae, y se precisan algunos de los factores de riesgo implicados en infección por S. pneumoniae resistente.

  20. El ombudsman, como mecanismo de autorregulación


    Dr. Hugo Aznar


    Políticos, empresarios, periodistas y la sociedad en general, todos apelan a la autorregulación cuando se habla de la ética de los medios. Pero ¿qué es la autorregulación y qué mecanismos existen para ponerla en práctica? En 'Comunicación responsable. Deontología y autorregulación de los medios' (Barcelona, 1999) he estudiado todos los mecanismos de autorregulación que pueden aplicarse en los medios (códigos, estatutos de redacción, libros de estilo, consejos, etc.). De cada uno de ellos se a...

  1. Aspectos celulares novedosos en los mecanismos de embriogénesis

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    Sara Elena Panizo Bruzón


    Full Text Available La decodificación del genoma humano inició una nueva era en la investigación científica, sobre todo en aquellos campos que involucran eventos celulares y, por consiguiente, a los mecanismos morfogenéticos básicos. Por su importancia, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica, con el objetivo de actualizar en aspectos relacionados con los fundamentos de los mecanismos morfogenéticos básicos. Para la revisión se emplearon los recursos disponibles en la red Infomed, se consultaron las bases de datos Medline y PubMed. En el estudio se indica que los mecanismos morfogenéticos son eventos celulares o fenómenos biológicos, cuya investigación actual intenta explicar, desde un nivel celular, subcelular o molecular, por qué se desencadenan las transformaciones expuestas por la embriología. Se describen los mecanismos morfogenéticos, teniendo en cuenta los últimos conocimientos generados al respecto, evidenciándose que cuando existen deficiencias en ellos, aparecen los defectos en el desarrollo. Se hace referencia a investigaciones que utilizan estos conocimientos a nivel celular, para comprender la génesis de enfermedades y desarrollar novedosos tratamientos

  2. Microbiota intestinal, probióticos y prebióticos

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    Carlos David Castañeda Guillot


    Full Text Available La microbiota intestinal es el elemento fundamental del “Ecosistema Intestinal”, cuyas acciones tienen un efecto beneficioso para la salud, al participar de forma activa en los procesos de digestión de nutrientes asociado a sus mecanismos sobre la homeostasis y la inmunidad del intestino. Los probióticos y prebióticos juegan un rol decisivo en la modulación de la microbiota intestinal y han demostrado sus beneficios para el tratamiento de distintas enfermedades intestinales y extra-intestinales. Se realizó una búsqueda en bases documentales de PubMed, SciELO y Latindex de publicaciones relacionadas con la microbiota intestinal, probióticos y prebióticos hasta el 30 junio 2017. Son actualizados los criterios relacionados con las funciones de la microbiota intestinal, el proceso de implantación a partir del nacimiento, el desarrollo acelerado en su composición, los distintos factores que influencian en su diversidad y estabilidad para mantener un estado de eubiosis en el curso de la vida. El desequlibrio de la misma (disbiosis es un elemento de importancia en la producción de afecciones intestinales y extra-intestinales agudas y crónicas. Se revisaron los probióticos y prebióticos, sus ventajas, tipos, indicaciones y las formas de obtención de los prebióticos. El papel de la microbiota intestinal como órgano metabólico por sus múltiples funciones, en especial la homeostasis e inmunidad intestinal y sus beneficios para la salud son revisados. La participación de los probióticos y prebióticos como terapéutica y sus efectos en enfermedades intestinales y extra-intestinales relacionadas con la microbiota y su modulación son examinados por su importancia en la práctica médica.

  3. Diseño del mecanismo actuador de un dedo robot antropomórfico

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    Edgar Portilla Flores


    Full Text Available Los mecanismos pueden ser utilizados en el diseño de dedos robóticos para obtener sistemas de accionamiento adecuado para el posterior agarre o manipulación de objetos. En este trabajo se implementa una metodología de diseño para el mecanismo actuador de un "dedo antropomórfi co" desarrollado previamente mediante herramientas computacionales (CAD en la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, UMNG de Colombia. La metodología propuesta parte de la obtención de las relaciones matemáticas de los elementos que conforman el sistema actuador y su posterior síntesis dimensional, lo anterior llevando en consideración que el mecanismo cumpla con características antropométricas basadas en la mano humana, para esto son tomadas diez posiciones (suministradas del trabajo realizado en la UMNG obtenidas en simulación computacional. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos mediante simulación numérica para el mecanismo actuador así como el modelado en CAD de los mecanismos, para fi nalmente realizar una discusión de los resultados.

  4. Ação de herbicidas sobre mecanismos de defesa das plantas aos patógenos


    Rizzardi Mauro Antônio; Fleck Nilson Gilberto; Agostinetto Dirceu; Balbinot Jr. Alvadi Antônio


    As plantas necessitam defender-se continuamente do ataque de agentes biológicos e de estresses do ambiente. A imobilidade e a falta de sistema imunológico, como ocorre em animais, fizeram com que as plantas desenvolvessem mecanismos de defesa, em que cada célula possui tanto capacidade de defesa induzida quanto pré-formada. No entanto, esses mecanismos podem ser influenciados pelo uso de herbicidas. A presente revisão objetivou apresentar os efeitos de herbicidas em mecanismos de defesa das p...

  5. Impacto de mecanismos de seguridad en sensores IEEE 802.15.4


    Tripp Barba, Carolina; Casademont Serra, Jordi


    En la actualidad son muchos los mecanismos de seguridad que el estándar IEEE 802.15.4 permite a las redes inalámbricas de sensores [1] Dicho estándar define las especificaciones de la Capa de Acceso al Medio y la Capa Física de los dispositivos inalámbricos de área personal. La última revisión corresponde al 2006. Dichas revisiones y actualizaciones son hechas por el grupo de trabajo 802.15. Sin embargo estos mecanismos consumen recursos como memoria y batería, que son...

  6. El ombudsman, como mecanismo de autorregulación

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    Dr. Hugo Aznar


    Full Text Available Políticos, empresarios, periodistas y la sociedad en general, todos apelan a la autorregulación cuando se habla de la ética de los medios. Pero ¿qué es la autorregulación y qué mecanismos existen para ponerla en práctica? En 'Comunicación responsable. Deontología y autorregulación de los medios' (Barcelona, 1999 he estudiado todos los mecanismos de autorregulación que pueden aplicarse en los medios (códigos, estatutos de redacción, libros de estilo, consejos, etc.. De cada uno de ellos se aborda su historia, sus funciones, su alcance, etc. El texto que sigue recoge -con algunas modificaciones para acortar su extensión- el apartado del libro dedicado al ombudsman, en el que se discute su papel a la hora de promover la ética y la deontología periodística.

  7. Síntesis Genética de Mecanismos para Aplicaciones en Prótesis de Miembro Inferior


    Merchán-Cruz, E.A.; Lugo-González, E.; Ramírez-Gordillo, J.; Rodríguez-Cañizo, R.G.; Sandoval-Pineda, J.; Hernández-Gómez, L.H.


    Resumen: La síntesis de mecanismos planos representa un problema atractivo para ser resuelto mediante técnicas de computación evolutiva, ya que plantea un sistema indeterminado de ecuaciones no lineales cuyo tamaño es directamente dependiente del número de puntos de precisión definidos para describir la trayectoria deseada del acoplador. Este artículo presenta la optimización en el proceso de síntesis de mecanismos basado en algoritmos genéticos (AG) para el caso de un mecanismo plano de seis...

  8. Racionalización y optimización de mecanismos del Grupo Roca


    Fernández Pérez, Alberto


    Este proyecto pretende replantear la elección de proveedores de los mecanismos de alimentación y descarga instalados en las tazas de los inodoros en las empresas que forman parte del Grupo Roca. Actualmente cada empresa dentro del Grupo elige de manera autónoma el proveedor que cree más conveniente para estos productos, y esto ha llevado a la utilización de más de 15 proveedores diferentes de estos mecanismos. El objetivo es por tanto, reducir el número de proveedores y escoger...


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    Josiane Brietzke Porto


    Full Text Available La educación a distancia a través de la Web ha crecido en Brasil tanto en número de matrículas comoen porcentaje de participación en la enseñanza superior. Eso ha provocado desafíos en las actividadesoperativas y administrativas en las instituciones de enseñanza y a los profesionales involucrados en laprestación de ese servicio. Tales desafíos se manifiestan en diversos aspectos, implicando característicasindividuales, estructura organizacional, competencias y procesos de conocimiento. Este trabajo tiene elobjetivo de identificar mecanismos de coordinación y analizar sus contribuciones en la gestión delconocimiento de cursos de enseñanza superior y a distancia a través de la Web. Para eso ha sidodesarrollada una investigación cualitativa y exploratoria, que abarcó entrevistas con especialistas eneducación a distancia. Los resultados del trabajo presentan los mecanismos que pueden ser usados para lacoordinación de ese tipo de curso, y están distribuidos en cuatro categorías: (i mecanismos de design de laorganización, (ii mecanismos de trabajo, (iii mecanismos de tecnología y (iv mecanismos sociales(interpersonales. Las conclusiones indican la posibilidad de utilizar esos mecanismos en la realidad de laenseñanza superior a distancia a través de la Web en Brasil.

  10. Síntesis Genética de Mecanismos para Aplicaciones en Prótesis de Miembro Inferior

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    E.A. Merchán-Cruz


    Full Text Available Resumen: La síntesis de mecanismos planos representa un problema atractivo para ser resuelto mediante técnicas de computación evolutiva, ya que plantea un sistema indeterminado de ecuaciones no lineales cuyo tamaño es directamente dependiente del número de puntos de precisión definidos para describir la trayectoria deseada del acoplador. Este artículo presenta la optimización en el proceso de síntesis de mecanismos basado en algoritmos genéticos (AG para el caso de un mecanismo plano de seis barras tipo Watt utilizado como base para el diseño de una prótesis policéntrica de rodilla. La trayectoria deseada a ser descrita por el acoplador corresponde a la descrita por la rodilla durante un ciclo normal de marcha. La metodología propuesta ilustra claramente como, por la aplicación de AG's, la trayectoria generada evoluciona de manera natural desde una solución errática hasta una curva que se ajusta suavemente a la trayectoria deseada. Palabras clave: Síntesis de Mecanismos, Algoritmos Genéticos, Computación Evolutiva, Mecanismos Planos, Prótesis, Miembro Inferior



    Silva Soares, Valéria Crístian


    Este texto faz uma abordagem sobre o fenômeno da intertextualidade na textualização do gênero notícia, como ocorre o referido fenômeno e quais os mecanismos utilizados para um texto relacionar-se com outros textos, o que numa visão global define intertextualidade. Analisamos como as notícias utilizam-se do recurso da intertextualidade para sua textualização através de mecanismos como a citação, a alusão, a ironia, a paródia, dentre outros, essa estratégia parece-nos apresentar-se com objetivo...


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    Pablo Gómez Martinez


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    Son muchos los trabajos publicados que explican la resistencia natural del aparato urinario a la infección y las maneras como se defiende. Basta citar unos cuantos para demostrar que ninguno de ellos es plenamente satisfactorio: la naturaleza del epitelio, la evacuación completa del sistema excretor, el factor intrínseco vesical, el lavado hacia el exterior (wash
    out de Hinman, los mucoproteídos, la resistencia del paciente, la virulencia del germen infectante, son mecanismos comúnmente citados como factores en contra del proceso infeccioso.

    Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que la infección no se produce si el organismo es inmune a agentes microbianos, y que si se desarrolla, es porque este mecanismo humoral está disminuido o ausente o alterado, o porque otros, posiblemente existentes, no han sido capaces de vencer el ataque infeccioso al individuo.

    Una vez establecida la infección, los mismos agentes bacterianos obran como antígenos capaces de producir anticuerpos, es decir, de desencadenar el proceso inmunológico que permitirá al paciente salir airoso de la lucha, o modificar la evolución clínica de la

    Ya sea natural o adquirida, generala local, la inmunidad es la que en esencia y básicamente, juega un papel de primera magnitud en la defensa del aparato urinario.

    Mecanismo inmunológico local. Hasta hace poco tiempo, la inmunología se ocupaba principalmente de la respuesta serológica a la infección, tanto en el hombre como en los animales y trataba de producir su inmunidad administrando una gran variedad de antígenos
    cuya respuesta se mide por el título de los anticuerpos producidos en el suero, como prueba de la eficacia del proceso. Nadie puede negar que la vacunación ha sido uno de los grandes triunfos de la humanidad en su lucha contra las epidemias.

    Sin embargo, estudios más recientes han demostrado que, aunque puede existir una relaci

  13. Mecanismos articulados: Geometría Dinámica y Cinemática en un entorno educativo STEM

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    Fco. Javier Manzano Mozo


    Presentamos dos repositorios digitales de mecanismos articulados, la Kinematics Models For Design Digital Library y el Laboratorio delle Macchine Matematiche así como una revisión de propuestas didácticas del uso educativo de este tipo de mecanismos.

  14. Déficit cognitivo de la indefensión aprendida: Una aplicación de la detección de señales


    Rodríguez García, Juan A.; Arnau Gras, Jaume


    Este estudio, trató de examinar la naturaleza del elemento cognitivo de la Indefensión Aprendida. En recientes trabajos (Alloy and Abramson, 1980; Ahramson, Alloy and Rosoff, 1981; Alloy and Seligman, 1979), se sugiere que el lugar del efecto de indefensión se encuentra en distorsiones del mecanismo expectacional involucrado en analizar contingencias de respuesta-consecuencia. En contraste, existen otras posturas alternativas que consideran que el efecto dv indefensión es debido a una falta d...

  15. Actividad antinflamatoria de extractos y fracciones obtenidas de cálices de Physalis peruviana L.

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    Luis A. Franco


    Conclusión. Este estudio confirma la actividad antinflamatoria atribuida a los cálices de Physalis peruviana y también valida su uso en la medicina popular. Se identificaron las principales fracciones responsables de la actividad antinflamatoria, las cuales parecen ser promisorias para el desarrollo de fitopreparados. Se requieren estudios posteriores para aislar e identificar los compuestos responsables de la actividad y también para investigar el mecanismo involucrado en el efecto antinflamatorio observado.

  16. El maltrato infantil: mecanismos subyacentes

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    Gladys S. Martínez


    Full Text Available La exposición durante la infancia a estrés traumático, en la forma de abuso o negligencia, está asociada con una mayor vulnerabilidad, la cual resulta en el desarrollo de diversas psicopatologías, relación que ha sido confirmada una y otra vez en estudios epidemiológicos; sin embargo, aún se desconocen los mecanismos neurales que subyacen dichas alteracionesy solo recientemente se han empezado a estudiar los cambios neurobiológicos subyacentes en padres y madres maltratadores. En esta revisión se resumen investigaciones en que se ha abordado esta temática y se presentan algunos de los modelos animales usados para su estudio.

  17. As múltiplas sintaxes dos mecanismos de busca no ciberespaço Las múltiples sintaxis de los mecanismos de búsqueda en el ciberespacio

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    Silvana Drumond Monteiro


    Full Text Available No período pós-moderno as máquinas estão organizando o conhecimento por meio dos mecanismos de busca. Para discutir e conhecer melhor essa realidade, o artigo propõe uma tipologia para os mecanismos de busca, visando a ilustrar as múltiplas sintaxes de organização e busca do conhecimento e informação no ciberespaço. Dessa forma, apresenta as categorias de classificação: anatomia, que são os processos básicos de funcionamento desses buscadores, ou seja, crawling, indexing e searching; a forma geral de indexação ou organização, que são os diretórios, programas, metabuscadores e híbridos; a ordenação e apresentação dos resultados, que refletem as múltiplas sintaxes; e o paradigma semiótico, que ilustra a multiplicidade semiótica dos mecanismos de busca. A partir dessa tipologia, os buscadores são exemplificados e discutidos, abarcando esse cenário de múltiplas sintaxes de indexação e busca da informação e conhecimento no ciberespaço e ao mesmo tempo construindo uma ontologia desse objeto. O ciberespaço sempre terá e trará o problema da taxonomia do conhecimento e da multiplicidade dos signos, seja em sua representação ou organização.


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    Henrique Guilherme Scatolin


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende enfocar os principais mecanismos de defesa presentes na neurose obsessiva, tais como o deslocamento, a formação reativa, o isolamento e a anulação. Para desenvolver tal discussão, parte de uma releitura das obras pré-psicanalíticas até Inibições, Sintomas e Ansiedade de 1926, enfocando nesta a compreensão freudiana da formação do sintoma obsessivo e dos seus principais mecanismos de defesa. Conclui que, para uma melhor compreensão da etiologia sintomática nesta neurose, é necessário analisar cada mecanismo em sua particularidade; já que este expressa a singularidade de cada sintoma em sua essência. Estes mecanismos de defesa podem ser considerados como uma máscara que encobrem o sintoma, mas ao encobrir, revelam todos os desejos recalcados, denotando a história singular de cada paciente.

  19. El problema de la especificidad del mecanismo de la psicosis


    Moreno, María Luján; Kopelovich, Mercedes


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es seguir el derrotero freudiano relativo a la construcción conceptual acerca del mecanismo de las psicosis, ubicando sus hitos centrales y los obstáculos encontrados por el maestro a la hora de delimitar su especificidad.

  20. Mecanismos efectores del interferón gamma contra la infección por Toxoplasma gondii

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    Jorge Enrique Gómez


    Full Text Available Toxoplasma gondiies un protozoario parásito de desarrollo intracelular. La enfermedad humana producida por T: gondii es una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad neonatal y en pacientes inmunodeprimidos. En esta reseña, se revisan los conocimientos actuales sobre los mecanismos efectores del interferón gamma (IFN y, la principal citocina protectora contra Igondii, incluyendo los resultados que hemos obtenido en un modelo de infección in vifro de células humanas monocitarias (THPI. El IFN y protege las células humanas contra T gondii por mecanismos diferentes a aquéllos con los que protege las células de ratón. En el modelo de infección de célulasTHP1, el IFN y protege por dos mecanismos independientes. Un primer efecto es la reducción del porcentaje de células parasitadas, el cual está ligado a una disminución de la actividad PLA, parasitaria y celular. Se trata de un nuevo mecanismo efector del IFN y contra la infección toxoplásmica, diferente a los mecanismos parasiticidas y parasitostáticos previamente descritos. Un segundo efecto ocurre por interrupción del crecimiento parasitario intracelular a través de la activación de la enzima indoleamina-oxigenasa que degrada el triptófano, lo que constituye un efecto parasitostático. Contrariamente a lo que ocurre en el modelo de infección de células monocitarias de ratón, la producción de óxido nítrico (NO no juega un papel determinante en los monocitos humanos.

  1. Los mecanismos de lo político en las redes sociales de Internet

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    Luis César Torres Nabel


    Full Text Available El artículo propone una serie de mecanismos sociales que operan en acontecimientos políticos en las redes sociales de Internet. Dichos mecanismos son: el contagio social, las cascadas de información y la información desregulada. Con estos elementos y valiéndose de un buen número de hechos contemporáneos que le han dando interés al fenómeno político de las redes sociales, se analiza el impacto de las mismas bajo parámetros claros que sirvan para dar explicaciones desde las ciencias sociales.

  2. Prevalencia de los mecanismos de adaptación del paciente con enfermedad renal bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis

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    David Jahel García Avendaño


    Full Text Available Introducción: La enfermedad renal crónica es resultante de diversas enfermedades crónico degenerativas. El paciente con dicha enfermedad y sometido a hemodiálisis sufre muchos cambios en su estilo de vida. Es por ello que es importante evaluar la prevalencia de los mecanismos de adaptación en el paciente en los aspectos psicológico, afectivo y social. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de los mecanismos adaptativos en el área de lo psicológico, afectivo y social que utiliza el paciente con insuficiencia renal crónica bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Materiales y Métodos: Es un estudio descriptivo de tipo cuantitativo, se utilizó el cuestionario “Mecanismos de adaptación de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en terapia de hemodiálisis”. Se realizó en el año 2010; y presentó un coeficiente del Alfa de Cronbach de 7.0, los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados y Discusión: El estudio arrojó una prevalencia en los mecanismos afectivos, con un 71.4% en la adaptación comprometida; los mecanismos  sociales sobresalen con un 61.9% en la adaptación compensatoria; no evidenciando porcentajes favorables en los mecanismos psicológicos. Conclusiones: La mayoría de las personas con enfermedad renal bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis, utilizan diferentes mecanismos de adaptación a su proceso lo cual depende completamente del ambiente en el que se desarrollan y el acompañamiento familiar que reciben. Cómo citar este artículo: García DJ, Ochoa MC, Martínez NE, Gonzáles B, Sánchez M, Martínez M. Prevalencia de los mecanismos de adaptación del paciente con enfermedad renal bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Rev Cuid. 2016; 7(1: 1144-51.

  3. La supervisión indirecta como mecanismo de control en las franquicias

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    Alberto Mirabal Martínez


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente trabajo es explicar la utilización de la supervisión indirecta como mecanismo de control usado por los franquiciadores para el aseguramiento de los estándares y la calidad de servicio en el formato de franquicias, y examinar su presencia bajo la teoría de agencia y costos de transacción. Se realizó una investigación de naturaleza cualitativa conformada por 10 estudios de casos de unidades franquiciadas de origen nacional y foráneo con presencia en Venezuela. Los resultados arrojados demostraron (a la preeminencia del contrato como base general de la existencia de los distintos mecanismos de control, (b la aplicación a partir del mismo, del uso de formas de control no necesariamente especificadas en el contrato, (c la similar percepción de efectividad por parte de los franquiciados en concordancia a los controles aplicados por la vía de la supervisión indirecta y (d la variabilidad percibida en relación con el agrado por parte de los franquiciados respecto al uso de uno u otro mecanismo presente por la vía de la supervisión indirecta.


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    Rubinstein H*


    Full Text Available El riesgo toxicológico asociado con las micotoxinas se ha convertido en un aspecto central del problema de la invasión fúngica de los cultivos o de los granos almacenados ya que originan pérdidas anuales de varios millones de dólares, no sólo debido a los problemas causados en la salud de la población humana y animal, sino además por la desvalorización de los productos agrícolas. Dentro de las micotoxinas, las fumonisinas son producidas principalmente por el hongo Fusarium verticillioides, que con mayor frecuencia contaminan el maíz en todo el mundo. Dada la alta frecuencia de contaminación con Fumonisina B1 existe la posibilidad de que estas toxinas jueguen un rol de virulencia en el maíz, sin embargo los mecanismos involucrados no han sido completamente esclarecidos hasta el presente. Desde el punto de vista de la planta como hospedador, la resistencia genética parece ser la mejor acción preventiva contra la contaminación con fumonisinas. Desde el punto de vista del microorganismo, los patógenos emplean una serie de estrategias tendientes a debilitar o matar a la planta, a fin de obtener acceso a nutrientes, donde varios “efectores” podrían participar en el proceso de infección y en la interacción planta-hongo parásito como factoresde virulencia o toxinas. Hasta el momento en la compleja interacción entre F. verticillioides y el maíz, la investigación sobre el papel potencial de producción de fumonisina en el desarrollo de la enfermedad ha producido resultados controvertidos. Por otro lado la Agencia Internacional de Investigación en Cáncer clasificó a las fumonisinas como compuestos probablemente carcinogénicos para humanos (grupo 2B. Se han aportado datos epidemiológicos que sugieren una asociación entre la ingesta diaria de fumonisinas y la incidencia de cáncer de hígado y esófago. El mecanismo de toxicidad de Fumonisina B1 más reconocido es la inhibición de la enzima celular ceramida sintetasa y la

  5. Disminución del daño oxidativo y efecto hipoglicemiante de la maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp) en ratas con diabetes inducida por streptozotocina


    María Elena Rodrigo; Rubén Valdivieso; Silvia Suárez; Rosa Oriondo; Raquel Oré


    Introducción: La maca es consumida desde tiempos ancestrales como parte de la dieta. Se le ha atribuido propiedades medicinales y se encuentra incluida en la medicina tradicional peruana. Estudios recientes describen que la admistración de maca reduce la glicemia en animales normoglicémicos, pero los mecanismos involucrados no están muy claros. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto hipoglicemiante y antioxidante de la harina de maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp) del ecotipo amarillo, en ratas con diabete...

  6. Control hormonal de la producción de leche en bovinos Holstein. Efectos de las nematodiasis gastrointestinales durante el desarrollo de las terneras y distintas etapas reproductivas de la vaca adulta


    Perri, Adrián Francisco


    Se evaluó la influencia de parasitosis gastrointestinales sobre producción lechera y desarrollo de bovinos Holstein, considerando los mecanismos fisiológicos involucrados. En vacas se evaluó la producción de leche y la concentración de hormonas lactogénicas y en terneras la influencia parasitaria sobre el desarrollo mamario y las alteraciones hormonales. Se muestrearon mensualmente 256 vacas, materia fecal y sangre. Las vacas positivas a huevos por gramo (HPG>0) durante el periparto (meses -...

  7. Diseño de mecanismos de palancas asistido por computadora. // Computer Aided Design of lever mechanisms.

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    J. L. Betancourt Herrera


    Full Text Available En la práctica del diseño industrial hay múltiples problemas que requieren de la creación de un mecanismo concaracterísticas de movimiento peculiares. La elección de un método que permita la síntesis estructural, el planteamiento ysolución de las ecuaciones correspondientes, requeridas para el análisis cinemático de los mecanismos de palancas, en unaforma clara y simple, es un problema muy complejo de resolver en sentido general.Tomando como referencia la teoría para la formación de los grupos de Assur, el autor desarrolló el método de los gruposestructurales y sobre esta base el software DSM (Diseño y Simulación de Mecanismos, que es la herramienta de cómputopropuesta para apoyar al diseñador en el proceso de Diseño Cualitativo de Mecanismos de Palancas Asistido porComputadora, que consiste en un proceso iterativo entre síntesis y análisis con el que se pueden obtener los resultados de lavariación de la estructura de un mecanismo y de sus parámetros fundamentales, prácticamente en tiempo real.En el presente trabajo se definen y ejemplifican los conceptos y elementos principales relacionados con el diseñocualitativo de mecanismos de palancas asistido por computadora.Palabras claves: CAD, mecanismos de palancas, diseño industrial, análisis cinemático, síntesis estructural.___________________________________________________________________________AbstractThere are series of problems in industrial design practice that require a mechanism with specific characteristic movement.Selecting a method for achieving a clear and simple structural synthesis and cinematic analysis of lever mechanisms isgenerally understood as a hard-solving problem. Based on Assur´s Group Forming Theory, the author developed theStructural Groups Method and the DSM software (Design and Simulation of Mechanisms. This software is a tool intendedto help designers in the process of Computer Assisted Qualitative Design of Lever Mechanisms. It consists

  8. El mecanismo COLLECTING para la comprensión del concepto de serie numérica


    Delgado, Laura; González, María Teresa; Monterrubio, María Consuelo; Codes, Myriam


    En esta comunicación se utiliza el modelo de Pirie y Kieren para analizar el trabajo de una pareja de alumnos universitarios mientras resuelven una tarea en la que han de estudiar el carácter de dos series numéricas. Durante el proceso de solución, los alumnos recurren al mecanismo “collecting” como una forma de folding back para incorporar un conocimiento previo necesario. Este mecanismo se manifiesta en dos momentos a lo largo de la resolución de la tarea.

  9. Epigenética y epigenoma: Un paso más allá en la etiología y potencial tratamiento de las enfermedades neurológicas

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    Sergio J. González


    Full Text Available Los mecanismos de regulación epigenética poseen una función muy importante en el desarrollo y en la función de todos los sistemas del organismo. El fracaso en el normal mantenimiento de esta regulación y desarrollo, debido a factores ambientales, podría contribuir al desarrollo de múltiples enfermedades en pacientes predispuestos genéticamente. Si bien la fisiopatología de gran parte de las enfermedades es desconocida en sus mecanismos moleculares más finos, existen evidencias de que la mayoría de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos convergerían a una interacción entre los genes y el ambiente. La epigenética nos permitiría estudiar la interacción mencionada en los niveles moleculares de regulación de la expresión o supresión de un gen y su relación con diversas enfermedades. Particularmente las enfermedades neurológicas, por su complejidad, la gran cantidad de genes involucrados y la influencia ambiental, son un ámbito más que apropiado para investigar potenciales mecanismos epigenéticos en su fisiopatogenia y desarrollo. La presente revisión tiene como objetivo describir en detalle los mecanismos de regulación epigenética y los hallazgos conocidos que provocarían la disfunción de estos mecanismos como posibles desencadenantes de diferentes enfermedades neurológicas.

  10. Functional enviromics and personality disorders


    Cuartas Arias, Mauricio; Universidad de San Buenaventura - Medellín, Colombia


    La enviromica funcional aborda el análisis de los mecanismos de tipo ambiental que subyacen al incremento en el riesgo de psicopatologías y trastornos de personalidad.Aunque para las ciencias básicas resulta aún complejo determinar cómo influye el ambiente, algunas aproximaciones han involucrado el estudio de las redes neuronales y los circuitos cerebrales en el adulto a partir del neurodesarrollo, el funcionamiento de los sistemas neuroendocrino y de neurotransmisión (NT), las dinámicas de v...


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    Antonio Firmino da Silva Neto


    Full Text Available A informação contábil é um instrumento que proporciona a accountability, que pode ser considerada a razão de ser da Contabilidade. Este ensaio objetiva discutir a Contabilidade Aplicada ao Setor Público como um mecanismo institucional estatal e não-institucional de melhoria de accountability. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa foi a dedutiva com embasamento nos artigos 84 e 110 da Lei Federal no 4.320/1964, Lei de Direito Financeiro, e nas discussões sobre mecanismos de accountability apresentadas por Oakerson (1989, Paul (1992, O’Donnell (1998, 1999, Schedler (1999, Dunn (1999, Elster (1999, Keohane (2002, Mainwaring (2003, Abrucio e Loureiro (2004. As considerações deste estudo são no sentido de que a Contabilidade Aplicada ao Setor Público pode ser caracterizada, preferencialmente, como um mecanismo institucional estatal de accountability, cujo papel é monitorar, fiscalizar, controlar, e com prerrogativas de exigir responsabilização por partes dos agentes públicos, contudo, sem “poderes” de punição ou sanção, mas que pode de uma forma indireta exercer essa prerrogativa como pré-condição para a melhoria da accountability

  12. Deteriorating mechanisms of electric generators; Mecanismos de deterioro de generadores electricos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Tevillo, Arturo; Reyes Martinez, Oscar Alfonso; Robles Pimentel, Edgar Guillermo; Esparza Saucedo, Marcos; Lopez Azamar, Jose Ernesto; Medina Flores, Alfredo; Uribe Martinez, Manuel O [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    It is of the greatest importance to know the deteriorating mechanisms that an electric generator undergoes, in order to take corrective measures to stop the process in order to avoid catastrophic damages that imply non scheduled interruptions for maintenance, or inclusively, to carry on the overhaul. In this paper are discussed the deteriorating mechanisms that have been found in the stator (winding and core) and the rotor of thermoelectric and hydroelectric power stations by the natural aging process and abnormal operation. [Espanol] Es de suma importancia conocer los mecanismos de deterioro que sufre un generador, para tomar medidas correctivas que detengan el proceso, con el fin de evitar danos catastroficos que impliquen salidas no programadas para dar mantenimiento, o incluso, para efectuar la rehabilitacion. En este articulo se discuten los mecanismos de deterioro que se han encontrado en el estator (devanado y nucleo) y el rotor de generadores termicos e hidroelectricos por el proceso natural de envejecimiento y por operacion anormal.

  13. Deteriorating mechanisms of electric generators; Mecanismos de deterioro de generadores electricos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Tevillo, Arturo; Reyes Martinez, Oscar Alfonso; Robles Pimentel, Edgar Guillermo; Esparza Saucedo, Marcos; Lopez Azamar, Jose Ernesto; Medina Flores, Alfredo; Uribe Martinez, Manuel O. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    It is of the greatest importance to know the deteriorating mechanisms that an electric generator undergoes, in order to take corrective measures to stop the process in order to avoid catastrophic damages that imply non scheduled interruptions for maintenance, or inclusively, to carry on the overhaul. In this paper are discussed the deteriorating mechanisms that have been found in the stator (winding and core) and the rotor of thermoelectric and hydroelectric power stations by the natural aging process and abnormal operation. [Espanol] Es de suma importancia conocer los mecanismos de deterioro que sufre un generador, para tomar medidas correctivas que detengan el proceso, con el fin de evitar danos catastroficos que impliquen salidas no programadas para dar mantenimiento, o incluso, para efectuar la rehabilitacion. En este articulo se discuten los mecanismos de deterioro que se han encontrado en el estator (devanado y nucleo) y el rotor de generadores termicos e hidroelectricos por el proceso natural de envejecimiento y por operacion anormal.

  14. Estudios Sobre Cooperación en Perros Domésticos: una Revisión Crítica

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    Full Text Available El análisis comparado de la cooperación contribuye al entendimiento tanto de sus orígenes evolutivos como de los mecanismos próximos involucrados en dicho fenómeno. Esta revisión se centra en estudios sobre cooperación en perros domésticos. Para ello se definieron conceptos relacionados con la cooperación, se describieron las razones filogenéticas y ontogenéticas que hacen del perro un buen modelo para el estudio de este fenómeno y se hizo una revisión crítica de los trabajos realizados en este campo. Fueron incluidas investigaciones sobre situaciones cooperativas y sobre las habilidades cognitivas involucradas. Se discuten hipótesis sobre los mecanismos próximos de esta habilidad que incluyen elementos emocionales, motivacionales y de aprendizaje asociativo

  15. [Adult intestinal malrotation associated with intestinal volvulus]. (United States)

    Hernando-Almudí, Ernesto; Cerdán-Pascual, Rafael; Vallejo-Bernad, Cristina; Martín-Cuartero, Joaquín; Sánchez-Rubio, María; Casamayor-Franco, Carmen

    Intestinal malrotation is a congenital anomaly of the intestinal rotation and fixation, and usually occurs in the neonatal age. Description of a clinical case associated with acute occlusive symptoms. A case of intestinal malrotation is presented in a previously asymptomatic woman of 46 years old with an intestinal obstruction, with radiology and surgical findings showing an absence of intestinal rotation. Intestinal malrotation in adults is often asymptomatic, and is diagnosed as a casual finding during a radiological examination performed for other reasons. Infrequently, it can be diagnosed in adults, associated with an acute abdomen. Copyright © 2016 Academia Mexicana de Cirugía A.C. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  16. Los pigmentos fotosintéticos, algo más que la captación de luz para la fotosíntesis


    Manrique Reol, Esteban


    La luz representa uno de los factores más heterogéneos, espacial y temporalmente, de entre los que afectan a las plantas. La luz, por su naturaleza energética, representa además un factor de riesgo añadido en las plantas que la requieren para el proceso fotosintético. Mientras mantienen unos pigmentos como principales responsables de la absorción energética (clorofilas) también han desarrollado otros mecanismos en los que se ven involucrados pigmentos accesorios para disipar de forma...

  17. Centennial to multidecadal timeseries of North Atlantic climatology during the last two glacial-interglacial transitions and marine-terrestrial teleconnections


    Jiménez Amat, Patricia


    Con el fin de identificar y comprender la secuencia de eventos y los mecanismos involucrados en las transiciones glaciales-interglaciares y el establecimiento de los posteriores períodos interglaciares, es esencial mejorar nuestro entendimiento acerca de la variabilidad del clima y la sensibilidad del océano en áreas clave como el Atlántico Norte a escalas de tiempo de alta resolución. El Atlántico Norte es una región muy sensible a los cambios de las condiciones climáticas durante terminacio...

  18. Generación de gotas microscópicas y caracterización de aerosoles


    Amaveda, Hippolyte; Lozano Fantoba, Antonio; Barreras Toledo, Félix Manuel


    En este trabajo se han estudiado experimentalmente los mecanismos físicos que rigen la atomización ultrasónica. El objetivo es adaptar este proceso al tratamiento de enfermedades respiratorias por inhalación de medicamentos. Para ello se han atomizado pequeñas cantidades de agua con transductores piezocerámicos excitados ultrasónicamente. Se han visualizado los fenómenos involucrados y se ha caracterizado la distribución de tamaños de gotas utilizando las siguientes técnicas: Fluorescencia Pl...

  19. Mecanismos de abertura do sulco e da adubação nitrogenada em arroz de terras altas

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    Vagner do Nascimento


    Full Text Available A cultura do arroz adapta-se pouco ao sistema plantio direto (SPD em razão da maior compactação da camada superficial do solo, devido ao intenso tráfego de máquinas e não mobilização do solo. Nesse caso, o mecanismo utilizado na semeadora para a abertura dos sulcos com a finalidade de deposição do adubo pode ter grande importância para facilitar a penetração das raízes e aumentar a porosidade do solo. Diante disso, propôs-se este estudo com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento e a produtividade do arroz de terras altas em sistema plantio direto, em razão de mecanismos de distribuição do adubo na semeadura e de doses de N em cobertura, em Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, utilizando-se um esquema fatorial 2 x 6, constituído por mecanismos de distribuição do adubo (haste escarificadora e disco duplo e de doses de N em cobertura (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 e 125 kg ha-1, com quatro repetições. Concluiu-se que os mecanismos de distribuição do fertilizante não interferiram na produtividade de grãos do arroz de terras altas; o mecanismo do tipo haste escarificadora promoveu maior altura de plantas e maior número de grãos cheios nos dois anos de cultivo; a aplicação de nitrogênio em cobertura interferiu em algumas características agronômicas, produtivas e em componentes de rendimento de engenho; a produtividade do arroz aumentou até a dose de 69 kg ha-1 de N, no primeiro ano de cultivo.

  20. Globalización capitalista: mecanismos de regulación económica y política

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    William Ortiz Jiménez


    Full Text Available En el artículo se hace un análisis teórico sobre los mecanismos que inciden en las elecciones de gobierno así como la acción colectiva en redes descentralizadas como vías a partir de las cuales los ciudadanos pueden regular las decisiones políticas y, por medio de estas, las decisiones económicas, en el marco de la globalización capitalista. Los mecanismos en torno a la primera vía son analizados con base en la teoría principal-agente, y los referidos a la segunda, a partir de la teoría de redes sociales. En ambos casos, la dificultad radica en la efectiva aplicación de los dispositivos para el logro de los fines propuestos. Sobre estos mecanismos es posible identificar algunas condiciones necesarias para que la acción política ciudadana adquiera efectividad y poder, las cuales están relacionadas con las nuevas dinámicas sociopolíticas


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    Isabel de la A. Valadez Figueroa


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta resultados de una investigación cualitativa, realizada de septiembre 2014 a enero del 2015 con el alumnado de tres escuelas secundarias del sistema oficial ubicadas en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. El objetivo fue conocer el rol que juegan las emociones que experimentan los alumnos involucrados en la violencia escolar específicamente el maltrato entre iguales. La información se obtuvo mediante tres grupos focales y once entrevistas semiestructuradas, utilizando el análisis categorial temático. Los resultados muestran un patrón emocional, compartido entre observadores y víctimas, víctimas y agresores, y observadores, víctimas y agresores. Este patrón integrado por emociones que forman parte del espectro de las emociones relacionadas con la vergüenza, y en el que subyace una afrenta o humillación percibida como cercana y potencial para el observador, real para la víctima y acaecida para el agresor. Esta situación puede tornar la violencia en un círculo interminable, en el cual el estudiantado tanto en su rol de observadores, víctimas y agresores en un intento de recuperar su propia valía ante sí mismos y ante los ojos de los demás, tratan de superar la vergüenza por la afrenta recibida, utilizando la violencia como catarsis de la vergüenza. Estos hallazgos servirán como base empírica para diseñar intervenciones educativas que consideren las emociones de los alumnos.

  2. Evolução dos conceitos e mecanismos da percepção de esforço: uma revisão de literatura

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    Gleber Pereira


    Full Text Available Os mecanismos e conceitos da percepção de esforço têm mudado ao longo do tempo. Assim, este artigo de revisão de literatura tem por objetivos: i investigar as revisões de literatura publicadas a partir de 1982, descrevendo os mecanismos causais de geração da percepção de esforço relatados e; ii verificar se os conceitos da percepção de esforço acompanharam as mudanças que ocorreram acerca dos seus mecanismos causais. Foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados PubMed, Science Direct e Scielo com os termos “rate perceivedexertionandreview” e “perceivedexertionandreview”. No total, foram incluídos 18 artigos, que tiveram como objetivo principal a percepção geral de esforço em exercício físico. Apesar da antiga existência da teoria do Disparo corolário para explicar os mecanismos causais da percepção de esforço, verifica-se que, após as proposições de Borg, a maior parte da literatura descreve a percepção de esforço através do mecanismo de Feedback aferente, baseada em estudos correlacionais. Apenas em 2009, a teoria original do Disparo corolário reaparece. Quanto aos conceitos, a maioria deles remete ao mecanismo de feedback aferente, utilizando-se de constructos como respostas fisiológicas, estresse, desconforto e dor, que são incongruentes com a teoria do Disparo corolário e apresentam mecanismos distintos aos da percepção de esforço. Portanto, verificou-se que os estudos de Borg influenciaram nos mecanismos e conceitos contemporâneos da percepção de esforço. Com o passar do tempo, houve incorporação de constructos no conceito original de Borg, porém, sempre embasado na teoria do Feedback aferente.



    Henrique Guilherme Scatolin


    Este artigo pretende enfocar os principais mecanismos de defesa presentes na neurose obsessiva, tais como o deslocamento, a formação reativa, o isolamento e a anulação. Para desenvolver tal discussão, parte de uma releitura das obras pré-psicanalíticas até Inibições, Sintomas e Ansiedade de 1926, enfocando nesta a compreensão freudiana da formação do sintoma obsessivo e dos seus principais mecanismos de defesa. Conclui que, para uma melhor compreensão da etiologia sintomática nesta neu...


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    Orlando Acosta Losada


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. La infección rotaviral es causa principal de gastroenteritis aguda severa en niños menores de cinco años. La capa protéica externa de la partícula viral está implicada en las interacciones iniciales virus-superficie celular. El mecanismo rotaviral de unión y entrada a la célula parece ser un proceso de múltiples pasos donde las proteínas rotavirales VP4 y VP7 interaccionan con diferentes moléculas de la superficie celular. Objetivo. Proponer un mecanismo de entrada de rotavirus a la célula que incorpore la actividad de la proteína disulfuro isomerasa (PDI. Material y métodos. Utilizando bases de datos electrónicas, se realizó una búsqueda de literatura original y de revisión publicada entre 1990 y 2009 sobre moléculas de la superficie rotaviral o celular participantes en el proceso de entrada del virus. El análisis de los resultados enfatizó las bases moleculares y celulares de las interacciones temporo-espaciales de las proteínas virales y las moléculas de unión/receptoras de la célula. Resultados. Se encontró fundamentos moleculares y celulares para incorporar la actividad de PDI a un mecanismo coherente de vías secuenciales o alternativas previas a la penetración viral. Se propone un mecanismo en que interaccionan las proteínas virales VP4, VP6 y VP7 con las moléculas de la superficie celular ácido siálico, integrinas, Hsc70 y PDI en un proceso endocítico caveola/“raft”-dependiente, caveolina/clatrina-independiente, dinamina-dependiente y sensible a depleción de colesterol. Conclusión. Se amplía el concepto de múltiples pasos en el proceso de entrada de rotavirus, donde la participación de PDI podría ser un blanco potencial de la acción de inhibidores de grupos tiol/disulfuro.

  5. Principales características y diagnóstico de los grupos patógenos de Escherichia coli Diagnosis and main characteristics of Escherichia coli pathogenic groups

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    Guadalupe Rodríguez-Angeles


    Full Text Available Escherichia coli coloniza el intestino del hombre pocas horas después del nacimiento y se considera de flora normal, pero hay descritos seis grupos de E. coli productora de diarrea: enterotoxigénica (ETEC, enterohemorrágica (EHEC, enteroinvasiva (EIEC, enteropatógena (EPEC, enteroagregativa (EAEC y de adherencia difusa (DAEC. La bacteria se puede aislar e identificar tradicionalmente con base en sus características bioquímicas o serológicas, pero también se pueden estudiar sus mecanismos de patogenicidad mediante ensayos en cultivos celulares o modelos animales y, más recientemente, empleando técnicas de biología molecular que evidencian la presencia de genes involucrados en dichos mecanismos. La intención del presente trabajo es resaltar la importancia del estudio y diagnóstico de E. coli como patógeno capaz de causar casos aislados o brotes de diarrea, síndrome urémico hemolítico, colitis hemorrágica y cuadros de disentería, principalmente en niños; por esto es necesario conocer mejor a la bacteria y mantener la vigilancia epidemiológica.Escherichia coli colonizes the human intestinal tract within hours of birth and is considered a non-pathogenic member of the normal intestinal flora. However, there are six pathogenic groups that may produce diarrhea: enterotoxigenic (ETEC, enterohemorrhagic (EHEC, enteroinvasive (EIEC, enteropathogenic (EPEC, enteroaggregative (EAEC and diffusely adherent (DAEC groups. E. coli can be isolated and classified using traditional methods, by identifying its biochemical or serum characteristics. The pathogenic mechanisms may be studied in cell cultures and animal model assays, as well as more up to date molecular biology methods for study and diagnosis. The latter have proven that genes are involved in pathogenesis. The objective of the present work is to draw attention to the importance of E. coli as a pathogenic organism. This microorganism is an etiologic agent of sporadic cases of diarrhea

  6. Mapas de ruido: mecanismo de control del ruido ambiental


    Chávez García, Kelvin


    Los primeros mecanismos de control del ruido ambiental fueron los mapas acústicos. La Directiva Europea 2002149/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de Evatuacián y Gestión del Ruido Ambiental, exige, a los estados miembros,  se midan los niveles de ruido, en su entorno local, con  el fin de contar con indicadores de ruido comunes. elaborar mapas de ruido y planes de acción destinados a reducir los efectos nocivos de ruido ambiental.  Las directrices para la elaboración de l...

  7. La proyección como proceso y como mecanismo


    Brusset, Bernard


    La proyección es a la vez un mecanismo elemental testimonio de la fragilidad de la organización defensiva y un proceso cuyo rol es fundamental en el funcionamiento psíquico. En este doble aspecto, la proyección guarda especificidades diferentes en la neurosis y en la psicosis al punto que se las deba considerar como fundamentalmente diferentes? O bien las diferencias de contexto, del nivel del funcionamiento psíquico, de lugar, de función pueden explicar las diferencias clínicas justificando ...

  8. Propiedades espaciales del mecanismo atencional inhibitorio

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    Alejandro Castillo


    Full Text Available En una serie de tres experimentos se estudia una posible especificidad espacial del mecanismo atencional inhibitorio. A través del paradigma de priming negativo se examina en concreto si existen diferencias entre estímulos distractores situados dentro del foco atencional del sujeto y otros situados en la periferia. Mediante la utilización de una letter-matching task similar a la que emplearon Nelly, Lissner y Beck (1990, se obtiene efecto de priming negativo sólo en aquellas letras distractores que se sitúan fuera del foco de atención del sujeto. Los resultados sugieren que el sistema inhibitorio que actúa a nivel de características físicas y espaciales no puede inhibir los estímulos situados dentro del foco, por lo cual todos ellos son forzosa-mente procesados a nivel semántico.

  9. Intestinal Cancer (United States)

    ... connects your stomach to your large intestine. Intestinal cancer is rare, but eating a high-fat diet ... increase your risk. Possible signs of small intestine cancer include Abdominal pain Weight loss for no reason ...



    Andrés González Serrano


    El presente artículo demostrará que la excepción preliminar "falta de competencia en razón a la materia", sí es un mecanismo de defensa estatal efectivo. Sin embargo, también se podrá evidenciar que este mecanismo se ha tornado ineficaz debido que los agentes estatales de los diferentes Estados Parte de la Convención, son quienes han restado importancia a la excepción, al interponerla de forma no adecuada ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.

  11. Bacterial translocation in an experimental intestinal obstruction model: C-reactive protein reliability? Translocação bacteriana no modelo experimental de obstrução intestinal: A proteína C-reativa é confiável?

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    Saleh Ibrahim El-Awady


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Bacterial translocation occurs in preseptic conditions such as intestinal obstruction through unclear mechanism. The C-reactive protein is an acute phase reactant and a marker of ischemia. METHODS: 45 albino male rats were divided into 3 groups each 15 rats. GI control, GII simple intestinal-obstruction and GIII strangulated obstruction. Outcome measures were: (1 Bacteriologic count and typing for intestinal contents, intestinal wall, liver, mesenteric lymph nodes and blood (cardiac and portal (2 Histopathologic: mucosal injury score, inflammatory cell infiltrate in the wall, MLN, liver, (3 Biochemical: serum CRP, IL-10, mucosal stress pattern (glutathione peroxidase-malonyldialdhyde tissue levels. RESULTS: (1 Intestinal obstruction associates with BT precursors (Bact-overgrowth, mucosal-acidosis, immuno-incomptence, (2 Bacterial translocation (frequency and density was found higher in strangulated I.O, that was mainly enteric (aerobic and anaerobic and mostly E.coli, (3 The pathogen commonality supports the gut origin hypothesis but the systemic inflammatory response goes with the cytokine generating one. (4 The CRP median values for GI, II, III were 0.5, 6.9, 8.5 mg/L, for BT +ve 8 mg/L and 0.75 mg/L for BT -ve rats. CONCLUSION: Bacterial translocation occurs bi-directional (systemic-portal in intestinal obstruction and the resultant inflammatory response pathogenesis is mostly 3 hit model. The CRP is a non selective marker of suspected I.O cases. However, it is a reliable marker of BT, BT density and vascular compromise during I.O.OBJETIVO: Translocação bacteriana ocorre em condições pré-sépticas como na obstrução intestinal por mecanismo não esclarecido. A proteína C-reativa é um marcador de ischemia em fase aguda. A proposição é investigar os possíveis efeitos da obstrução intestinal no equilíbrio ecológico microbiano. MÉTODOS: 45 ratos machos albinos foram distribuídos em três grupos de 15 ratos. GI

  12. Análisis de la relación formulación-proceso-estructura en materiales celulares basados en poliolefinas


    Múgica Izaguirre, Mikel


    Este trabajo de fin de grado trata de cuantificar la influencia del tamaño de partícula de un agente espumante químico exotérmico (la azodicarbonamida) en los mecanismos físicos involucrados en el proceso de espumado. Se comienza con el análisis morfológico y térmico de los materiales de partida. Analizando la información obtenida por medio de instrumentación específica, contrastada con la disponible en la bibliografía, se diseñan las mezclas basadas en polietileno de baja densidad y azodicar...

  13. Relación estructura-función de la proteína epididimaria de rata "DE", y su potencial uso para el desarrollo de un método de regulación de la fertilidad


    Ellerman, Diego A.


    La glicoproteína epididimaria de rata "DE" se asocia al espermatozoide durante la maduración, y participa en el proceso de fusión de gametas a través de sitios complementarios presentes en la superficie del ovocito. Con el fin de comprender los mecanismos involucrados en la participación de DE en dicho proceso, se estudió la importancia de la estructura de DE para la actividad de la proteína. El clonado del ADNc de DE permitió obtener la secuencia de los 227 aminoácidos (aa) de la proteína. E...

  14. Agressividade na condução e mecanismos de defesa em condutores infractores : perspectiva psicodinâmica


    Rosário, Luís Miguel Agulheiro Santos Bonsucesso do


    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicologia Clínica Dinâmica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2009 Esta investigação teve como objectivo estudar a comparação entre a agressividade na condução e os mecanismos de defesa em condutores infractores. Para tal, recorreu-se a uma medida de auto-relato da agressividade na condução (DDDI) e a um inventário de mecanismos de defesa com uma componente semi-projectiva (DM...

  15. Niñas y niños involucrados en procesos de sustracción familiar en México

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    Edith Carrillo


    Full Text Available Mi propósito central en este artículo es aportar elementos para la reflexión respecto a la situación que enfrentan las niñas y los niños que se ven involucrados en procesos de sustracción familiar, es decir, en contextos de conflicto por su custodia. Para ello, analicé la configuración de la sustracción familiar a partir de las narrativas de los progenitores y progenitoras, y de los funcionarios y funcionarias de la administración pública, ubicadas en las instancias que tienen injerencia en esta problemática. Con este artículo busco enfatizar que, si bien los hijos e hijas o nietos y nietas son el supuesto centro de esta disputa, son en realidad los sujetos menos tomados en cuenta en esta situación, ya que lo que se pone en juego y lo que determina este conflicto no es su bienestar o "interés superior", sino el establecimiento del orden de género y de las relaciones de poder en los ámbitos públicos y privados.

  16. Intestinal tract diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozenshtraukh, L.S.


    Roentgenoanatomy and physiology of the small intestine are described. Indications for radiological examinations and their possibilities in the diagnosis of the small intestine diseases are considered.Congenital anomalies and failures in the small intestine development, clinical indications and diagnosis methods for the detection of different aetiology enteritis are described. Characteristics of primary malabsorption due to congenital or acquired inferiority of the small intestine, is provided. Radiological picture of intestinal allergies is described. Clinical, morphological, radiological pictures of Crohn's disease are considered in detail. Special attention is paid to the frequency of primary and secondary tuberculosis of intestinal tract. The description of clinical indications and frequency of benign and malignant tumours of the small intestine, methods for their diagnosis are given. Radiological pictures of parasitogenic and rare diseases of the small intestine are presented. Changes in the small intestine as a result of its reaction to pathological processes, developing in other organs and systems of the organism, are described

  17. Mudança dos mecanismos de defesa e das características de personalidade no processo terapêutico


    Loureiro, Diana de Paiva Silvano Calado


    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário, na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica Os mecanismos de defesa são um dos conceitos mais originais e uma das mais duráveis contribuições teóricas da psicanálise. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura consiste em aprofundar questões relacionadas com o desenvolvimento e evolução de conceções acerca do conceito, compreender funções relevantes dos mecanismos de defesa, e sobretudo fazer uma pesquisa acerca da i...


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    Andrés González Serrano


    Full Text Available El presente artículo demostrará que la excepción preliminar "falta de competencia en razón a la materia", sí es un mecanismo de defensa estatal efectivo. Sin embargo, también se podrá evidenciar que este mecanismo se ha tornado ineficaz debido que los agentes estatales de los diferentes Estados Parte de la Convención, son quienes han restado importancia a la excepción, al interponerla de forma no adecuada ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.

  19. O funcionamento de mecanismos coesivos na argumentação

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    Barbisan, Leci Borges


    Full Text Available Estuda-se neste trabalho o funcionamento de dois mecanismos coesivos no texto argumentativo: a elipse e a anáfora conceitual. Parte-se da hipótese de que ambos desempenham papel no processo argumentativo. Para as análises, utilizam-se conceitos da teoria da argumentação na língua, propostos por Jean-Claude Anscombre e Oswald Ducrot, em sua primeira versão, e Marion Carel e Oswald Ducrot, em seu segundo momento

  20. Las emociones del alumnado involucrado en la dinámica del maltrato entre iguales

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    Valadez Figueroa, Isabel de la A.


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta resultados de una investigación cualitativa, realizada de septiembre 2014 a enero del 2015 con el alumnado de tres escuelas secundarias del sistema oficial ubicadas en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara, Jalis co, México. El objetivo fue conocer el rol que juegan las emociones que experimentan los alumnos involucrados en la violencia escolar específicamente el maltrato entre iguales. La información se obtuvo mediante tres grupos focales y once entrevistas semiestructuradas, utilizando el análisis categorial temático. Los resultados muestran un patrón emocional, compartido entre observadores y víctimas, víctimas y agresores, y observadores, víctimas y agresores. Este patrón integrado por emociones que forman parte del espectro de las emociones relacionadas con la vergüenza, y en el que subyace una afrenta o humillación percibida como cercana y potencial para el observador, real para la víctima y acaecida para el agresor. Esta situación puede tornar la violencia en un círculo interminable, en el cual el estudiantado tanto en su rol de observadores, víctimas y agresores en un intento de recuperar su propia valía ante sí mismos y ante los ojos de los demás, tratan de superar la vergüenza por la afrenta recibida, utilizando la violencia como catarsis de la vergüenza. Estos hallazgos servirán como base empírica para diseñar intervenciones educativas que consideren las emociones de los alumnos.

  1. Intestinal Surgery. (United States)

    Desrochers, André; Anderson, David E


    A wide variety of disorders affecting the intestinal tract in cattle may require surgery. Among those disorders the more common are: intestinal volvulus, jejunal hemorrhage syndrome and more recently the duodenal sigmoid flexure volvulus. Although general principles of intestinal surgery can be applied, cattle has anatomical and behavior particularities that must be known before invading the abdomen. This article focuses on surgical techniques used to optimize outcomes and discusses specific disorders of small intestine. Diagnoses and surgical techniques presented can be applied in field conditions. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Creación de marca mediante la utilización de mecanismos estratégicos comunitarios y marketing


    Melo Lopez, Paula Daniela; Fajardo Carrillo, María Alejandra


    El presente documento pretende mostrar la manera como se debe ejecutar la creación de marca mediante la utilización de mecanismos estratégicos comunitarios y marketing. El objetivo del estudio se basa en encontrar los mecanismos adecuados para el desarrollo y creación de una marca enfocándose en el análisis de las principales prácticas y modelos desarrollados en el área del marketing, examinando el impacto que la marca pueda generar en la comunidad en la cual la organización está incluida, es...

  3. Mecanismos de busca acadêmica: uma análise quantitativa

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    Diego Buchinger


    Full Text Available Os mecanismos de busca consolidaram a pesquisa por informação na internet,sendo os mecanismos de busca acadêmicos (MBAs, hoje, os principais meios para alcançar fontes científicas, como artigos de eventos ou periódicos. Ao invés de gastar horas em uma biblioteca, os MBAs ganham em popularidade pela facilidade de automatizar uma busca e acessar inúmeras bases de dados simultaneamente. Contudo, o caráter incremental das bases de materiais científicos e dos diversos MBAs existentes impõe um desafio aos pesquisadores, que é determinar um MBA que melhor atenda aos seus anseios de pesquisa. Nesse contexto, uma análise quantitativa dos recursos providos pelos MBAs foi realizada com objetivo de determinar quais são os melhores para facilitar as buscas por conteúdo científico, considerando recursos de busca, de refinamento e auxiliares. Dentre um grupo de 40 MBAs iniciais, sete apresentaram-se com σ = 0,5 acima da média nos critérios utilizados, na seguinte ordem: 1o Web of Knowledge; 2o Engineering Village; 3o Scopus SciVerse; 4o IEEE Xplore; 5o ACM Digital Library; 6o Science Direct; e 7o Springer Link. Esses MBAs deveriam ser melhor explorados pelos pesquisadores pois tem inúmeros recursos capazes de facilitar sobremaneira e elevar a qualidade do trabalho de pesquisa.

  4. Ação de herbicidas sobre mecanismos de defesa das plantas aos patógenos

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    Rizzardi Mauro Antônio


    Full Text Available As plantas necessitam defender-se continuamente do ataque de agentes biológicos e de estresses do ambiente. A imobilidade e a falta de sistema imunológico, como ocorre em animais, fizeram com que as plantas desenvolvessem mecanismos de defesa, em que cada célula possui tanto capacidade de defesa induzida quanto pré-formada. No entanto, esses mecanismos podem ser influenciados pelo uso de herbicidas. A presente revisão objetivou apresentar os efeitos de herbicidas em mecanismos de defesa das plantas contra patógenos, bem como analisar as possíveis conseqüências desse conhecimento no manejo de plantas daninhas e de culturas. Alguns herbicidas influenciam a severidade de doenças, induzindo ou inibindo a síntese de fitoalexinas. Herbicidas do grupo químico difeniléteres geram espécies reativas de oxigênio, as quais mediam a ativação de genes de defesa responsáveis pela síntese de fitoalexinas e também por reação de hipersensibilidade. O uso de subdoses de glyphosate ocasiona efeito contrário, diminuindo a produção de fitoalexinas e aumentando a severidade de doenças. A constatação desses efeitos requer a adoção de estratégias de manejo que minimizem seus impactos negativos ou que se beneficiem desses efeitos, como pode ocorrer quando do uso de bioherbicidas.

  5. Impact of Intestinal Microbiota on Intestinal Luminal Metabolome (United States)

    Matsumoto, Mitsuharu; Kibe, Ryoko; Ooga, Takushi; Aiba, Yuji; Kurihara, Shin; Sawaki, Emiko; Koga, Yasuhiro; Benno, Yoshimi


    Low–molecular-weight metabolites produced by intestinal microbiota play a direct role in health and disease. In this study, we analyzed the colonic luminal metabolome using capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry with time-of-flight (CE-TOFMS) —a novel technique for analyzing and differentially displaying metabolic profiles— in order to clarify the metabolite profiles in the intestinal lumen. CE-TOFMS identified 179 metabolites from the colonic luminal metabolome and 48 metabolites were present in significantly higher concentrations and/or incidence in the germ-free (GF) mice than in the Ex-GF mice (p metabolome and a comprehensive understanding of intestinal luminal metabolome is critical for clarifying host-intestinal bacterial interactions. PMID:22724057

  6. Small Intestine Disorders (United States)

    ... disease Crohn's disease Infections Intestinal cancer Intestinal obstruction Irritable bowel syndrome Ulcers, such as peptic ulcer Treatment of disorders of the small intestine depends on the cause.

  7. El cerebro y las drogas, sus mecanismos neurobiológicos


    Méndez Díaz, Mónica; Ruiz Contreras, Alejandra E.; Prieto Gómez, Berta; Romano, Antonio; Caynas, Seraid; Prospéro García, Oscar


    La definición de adicción propuesta por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, dicha de manera sucinta, indica que es una enfermedad cerebral que provoca una búsqueda compulsiva de la droga y su uso, a pesar de las consecuencias adversas que ésta provoque. La fisiopatología de la enfermedad sugiere una interacción entre mecanismos cerebrales, cambios genéticos y medio ambiente. El objetivo de este artículo es discutir la evidencia que existe sobre los sistemas cerebrales que son afectados por l...

  8. Taller: mecanismos de reuso en OO : Arquitectura, patrones y frameworks


    Urciuolo, Adriana Beatriz; Sandoval, Sandra


    En el presente trabajo se describe la experiencia de dictado de un taller sobre mecanismos orientados a objetos para diseño de software reusable, dirigido a alumnos de la carrera Licenciatura en Informática (U.N.P.S.J.B. – Sede Ushuaia); el mismo ha sido implementado en forma preliminar, durante el presente ciclo lectivo, dada la necesidad de incorporar conceptos avanzados de diseño orientado a objetos, que permitan una mejor comprensión de las ventajas del paradigma. No siendo posible alcanz...

  9. Los mecanismos de la democracia directa: Argumentos a favor y en contra desde la teoría de la democracia

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    Patricia Marenghi


    Full Text Available La ponencia presenta una diversidad de afirmaciones que definen diferentes concepciones de la democracia y que, según se interpreten, respaldan afirmativa o negativamente la implementación de mecanismos de democracia directa o participativa. Se acentúan algunos de los argumentos teóricos que subyacen a la utilización de estos mecanismos y que llevan a sus detractores a afirmar que –y a sus partidarios a contradecir que- : a los representantes tienen más conocimientos sobre las consecuencias de las decisiones políticas; b el ciudadano común no puede tomar decisiones informadas (incluso racionales sobre problemas extremadamente complejos; c el participante del mecanismo de democracia directa actúa aisladamente, sin discusión, lo que niega la posibilidad de hacer concesiones o de cambiar de postura en el debate, y por lo tanto, la deliberación de los representantes lleva siempre a resultados mejores basados en el intercambio y la revisión de los argumentos.

  10. Expresión del factor de transcripción SOX11: Su implicancia en el linfoma de células del manto

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    Alejandro Roisman


    Full Text Available El gen SOX11, perteneciente a la familia de genes SOXC, es un factor de transcripción involucrado en la neurogénesis embrionaria y el remodelado tisular, participando asimismo en el control de la proliferación celular. Su rol en la linfomagénesis es desconocido. Estudios recientes han mostrado expresión proteica nuclear aberrante y sobreexpresión de los niveles de transcripto de SOX11 en pacientes con linfoma de células del manto (LCM. Si bien la mayoría de estos linfomas presentan un curso clínico agresivo, existe un subgrupo de pacientes con enfermedad indolente, sugiriendo una mayor heterogeneidad de esta patología. Actualmente, existen contradicciones respecto de la asociación entre la expresión del gen SOX11 y la evolución clínica del LCM; mientras algunos autores relacionan la ausencia de expresión de SOX11 con buen pronóstico, otros lo encuentran asociado a un curso clínico adverso. Esta diferencia en la expresión estaría relacionada a mecanismos epigenéticos, metilación del ADN y modificaciones a nivel de histonas, que permitirían la expresión aberrante de este gen en algunas neoplasias linfoides, incluyendo LCM. La profundización del conocimiento del gen SOX11 en LCM hará factible, sin duda, lograr una mayor comprensión de los mecanismos involucrados en la patogénesis y/o progresión de este linfoma, así como del rol de SOX11 en estos procesos.

  11. Los mecanismos autónomos de resolución extrajudicial de conflictos colectivos laborales: el caso español y apuntes sobre la legislación colombiana

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    Pierre-Henri Cialti


    Full Text Available El ámbito laboral es, sin lugar a dudas, un foco de conflictos, ya que las relaciones empleadores - trabajadores presentan genéticamente un antagonismo de intereses y un conflicto latente. Esta singularidad obliga a contemplar e inventar mecanismos capaces de regular de forma adecuada este conflicto inherente y consustancial al mundo laboral. Pues bien, el ordenamiento jurídico español no ha dejado de fomentar la utilización de mecanismos extrajudiciales de resolución de conflictos, especialmente en materia laboral. Ciertamente, dichos mecanismos favorecen la paz laboral y, de forma indirecta, refuerzan la productividad de las empresas y el aparato productivo nacional. La singularidad en la materia reside en el hecho de que la ley remite a la negociación colectiva el fomento de estos mecanismos extrajudiciales y los apoya materialmente. Estos mecanismos denominados “autónomos”, que se utilizan esencialmente en la resolución de conflictos colectivos, centrarán nuestro propósito. Así, abordaremos en primer lugar los fundamentos constitucional, legal y convencional de estos mecanismos. En segundo lugar analizaremos su funcionamiento y su puesta en marcha mediante los procesos de mediación, conciliación y arbitraje. Destacaremos una tendencia preocupante según la cual las últimas reformas legales intervenidas en España tratan de menoscabar estos mecanismos en beneficio del aumento de los poderes del empresario. Finalmente, se hacen algunos apuntes respecto al derecho colombiano, que presenta sustanciales diferencias, especialmente el amplio marco de actuación del arbitraje obligatorio, que se explican por un contexto histórico y social muy distintos.

  12. Mecanismo de ação dos anestésicos inalatórios

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    Renato Ângelo Saraiva


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Estudos clínicos e experimentais têm sido desenvolvidos para identificar os locais onde os anestésicos (inalatórios atuam e para determinar quais as alterações funcionais que esses fármacos produzem nas estruturas do sistema nervoso central determinantes do estado de anestesia que é observado clinicamente. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever os resultados obtidos por vários autores em estudos clínicos e experimentais realizados recentemente na tentativa de esclarecer os mecanismos de ação dos anestésicos inalatórios no sistema nervoso central. CONTEÚDO: Para facilitar a compreensão dos complexos mecanismos de ação dos anestésicos inalatórios no sistema nervoso central, eles foram divididos em três níveis: o macroscópico, o microscópico e o molecular. Recentemente um grupo de autores descreveram estes mecanismos de ação em: orgânicos, celulares, e inibidores da entropia. Estes mecanismos tentariam explicar o estado de anestesia que teria como característica a capacidade de prover ao paciente duas ações principais: 1 imobilidade, inibição da resposta a estímulos nociceptivos; e 2 amnésia. Outros efeitos (desejáveis também são obtidos pela administração de anestésicos: analgesia e hipnose. Entretanto, tais efeitos seja isoladamente ou juntos, não definem o estado de anestesia. Embasados nestes conceitos, este grupo adota e divulga a classificação dos anestésicos em: 1 anestésicos completos, os que produzem imobilidade e amnésia; e 2 incompletos ou não imobilizantes, os que não produzem imobilidade mas produzem amnésia. CONCLUSÕES: De acordo com os resultados de vários estudos realizados recentemente, provavelmente a amnésia e a inconsciência ocorrem pela ação do anestésico predominantemente no cérebro, enquanto a imobilidade, ou seja, a inibição da resposta ao estímulo nociceptivo por movimento, seria pela ação do anestésico preferencialmente e inicialmente

  13. Mecanismos de control en la ciudad de Osorno en el contexto de dictadura militar 1973 - 1990

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    Miguel Ángel Sepúlveda Chávez


    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir los mecanismos de poder y control utilizados en la ciudad de Osorno bajo en el período de Dictadura Militar.  El Golpe Militar del 11 de septiembre de 1973 y la instauración de una dictadura de diecisiete años en Chile, fue un hecho que marcó a la sociedad chilena en general.  Durante el tiempo que duró, se intentó omitir los violentos actos ejecutados contra todos los contrarios al régimen militar.  Sistemáticas violaciones a los Derechos Humanos, segregación, desigualdad social, instauración del sistema neoliberal, entre otras, son solo algunas de sus principales secuelas, que fueron respaldadas por los variados mecanismos de control utilizados por el Estado chileno.



    Jairo Alejandro Fernández Ortega; José Antonio de Paz Fernández


    La evidencia científica ha demostrado la importancia de la actividad física como una estrategia efectiva para disminuir el riesgo y la recidiva del cáncer de mama. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no se conocen con precisión los mecanismos de acción biológicos del ejercicio sobre el cáncer de mama. El propósito de este artículo es realizar una revisión sistemática exhaustiva de la literatura e identificar las posibles hipótesis que se plantean de los mecanismos de acción biológicos del ejercicio...

  15. The Contributions of Human Mini-Intestines to the Study of Intestinal Physiology and Pathophysiology. (United States)

    Yu, Huimin; Hasan, Nesrin M; In, Julie G; Estes, Mary K; Kovbasnjuk, Olga; Zachos, Nicholas C; Donowitz, Mark


    The lack of accessibility to normal and diseased human intestine and the inability to separate the different functional compartments of the intestine even when tissue could be obtained have held back the understanding of human intestinal physiology. Clevers and his associates identified intestinal stem cells and established conditions to grow "mini-intestines" ex vivo in differentiated and undifferentiated conditions. This pioneering work has made a new model of the human intestine available and has begun making contributions to the understanding of human intestinal transport in normal physiologic conditions and the pathophysiology of intestinal diseases. However, this model is reductionist and lacks many of the complexities of normal intestine. Consequently, it is not yet possible to predict how great the advances using this model will be for understanding human physiology and pathophysiology, nor how the model will be modified to include multiple other intestinal cell types and physical forces necessary to more closely approximate normal intestine. This review describes recent studies using mini-intestines, which have readdressed previously established models of normal intestinal transport physiology and newly examined intestinal pathophysiology. The emphasis is on studies with human enteroids grown either as three-dimensional spheroids or two-dimensional monolayers. In addition, comments are provided on mouse studies in cases when human studies have not yet been described.


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    Jesús Alonso Botero


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es analizar la viabilidad de la utilización del índice de oferta residual (IOR en el mercado eléctrico mayorista en Colombia, con el fin de promover la competencia. Esto se hace a partir de la revisión de la literatura relacionada con las experiencias internacionales respecto a los mecanismos para monitorear el poder de mercado y del análisis del Documento 118 de la Comisión de Regulación de Energía y Gas (CREG, 2010. La principal conclusión es que el IOR no es un buen mecanismo de control en mercados hidráulicos, mientras que el desarrollo de los mercados de largo plazo ha sido utilizado con gran éxito para mitigar el riesgo de abuso de poder de mercado, seg°n lo muestra la experiencia internacional.

  17. Mecanismos moleculares por los cuales los ácidos grasos podrían influir en la captación de glucosa

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    Clara Eugenia Pérez


    Full Text Available Esta revisión tiene el propósito de actualizar el probable mecanismo molecular que ejercen los ácidos grasos en las células que captan glucosa, bajo el estimulo de la insulina y su posible implicación en la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en la que suelen asociarse resistencia a la insulina, obesidad y síndrome metabólico. Entre los mecanismos moleculares por los cuales un aumento de los ácidos grasos libres podría producir resistencia a la insulina, se encuentra la disminución de los niveles de xilulosa 5-fosfato que bloquea la glucólisis por inhibición de la fosfofructocinasa, ello conduce a un aumento de los productos finales en la vía de las hexosaminas y a la activación de la proteincinasa C, un conocido activador de inhibidor de la cinasa Kappa Beta que inhibe la fosforilación del receptor del sustrato de insulina en tirosina, bloqueando los transportadores de glucosa. Existen investigaciones que sugieren que los ácidos grasos libres están implicados en la insulino-resistencia pero el mecanismo bioquímico no esta dilucidado del todo, pues no hay un mecanismo integral que los relacione o interconecte para concluir determinantemente cómo los altos niveles de ácidos grasos libres inducen la resistencia a la insulina.

  18. Regeneración del páramo después de un disturbio agrícola: una síntesis de dos décadas de investigaciones en sistemas con descansos largos de la Cordillera de Mérida


    Sarmiento, Lina; Llambí, Luis Daniel


    El análisis de los patrones y mecanismos involucrados en la recuperación de los ecosistemas durante la sucesión constituye sin duda el aporte más importante de la ecología al desarrollo de fundamentos teóricos para el diseño de prácticas de restauración asistida. En este sentido, los sistemas agrícolas con descansos largos ofrecen una oportunidad única, al constituir experimentos de gran escala de perturbación – sucesión. En este capítulo presentamos una síntesis de 20 años de estudios sobre ...

  19. Mecanismos de transmisión de la política monetaria.


    Chuecos, Alicia E.


    SUMARIO Editorial Peña, Aura Elena Artículos La calidad en la microempresa merideña y su impacto en el ambiente. Bustos F, Carlos E. Mecanismos de transmisión de la política monetaria. Chuecos, Alicia Contabilidad de Costos: una evaluación a la cátedra. Molina, Olga Rosa Las normas internacionales de contabilidad. Monge, Pedro Análisis de la cadena de valor industrial y de la cadena de valor agregado para las pequeñas y medianas indust...

  20. Associated mechanisms of aluminum tolerance in plants/ Mecanismos associados à tolerância ao alumínio em plantas

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    Cecília Estima Sacramento dos Reis


    Full Text Available Aluminum toxicity is one of the major limiting factor regarding plant development in acid soils. The use of liming for correcting soil pH is not viable for some of acid soil areas (technique or economic reasons, making the development of Al tolerant genotypes the best alternative. Thus, the tolerance mechanisms as well as the genetic basis of Al tolerance has deserved special attention in the scientific community. In the last years, a significant progress has been achieved towards these goals, as well as in developing cultivars adapted to acid soils. The Al tolerance mechanisms are divided basically in two classes: the exclusion mechanisms that act after absorption or blocking its entry in the root system and those involved in detoxification, complexing the Al in specific organelles, mainly in the vacuoles. In many species, physiological mechanisms have been reported as responsible for the activation of organic acids (mainly citrate and malate that act as Al quelating agents, however many process are not yet understood and cleared. Currently, the basis for the internal detoxification is becoming clear through organic acid complexes and there sequestering by the vacuoles. Other potential mechanisms are the target for discussions.A toxicidade do alumínio é um dos principais fatores limitantes do desenvolvimento das plantas em solos ácidos. Pelo fato da utilização de corretivos da acidez do solo não ser a estratégia mais viável em muitas situações com solos ácidos (por razões técnicas e econômicas, o desenvolvimento de genótipos tolerantes ao Al tem sido o caminho mais focado, assim a investigação dos mecanismos de tolerância bem como as bases genéticas da tolerância ao Al têm merecido atenção especial pela pesquisa científica. Nos últimos anos, foi gerado um significativo progresso no entendimento das bases dos mecanismos de tolerância ao Al, assim como no desenvolvimento de cultivares mais adaptados as condições de

  1. Intestinal Lymphangiectasia (United States)

    ... Overview of Crohn Disease Additional Content Medical News Intestinal Lymphangiectasia (Idiopathic Hypoproteinemia) By Atenodoro R. Ruiz, Jr., MD, ... Overview of Malabsorption Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome Celiac Disease Intestinal ... Intolerance Short Bowel Syndrome Tropical Sprue Whipple ...

  2. Intestinal parasites : associations with intestinal and systemic inflammation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zavala, Gerardo A; García, Olga P; Camacho, Mariela; Ronquillo, Dolores; Campos-Ponce, Maiza; Doak, Colleen; Polman, Katja; Rosado, Jorge L


    AIMS: Evaluate associations between intestinal parasitic infection with intestinal and systemic inflammatory markers in school-aged children with high rates of obesity. METHODS AND RESULTS: Plasma concentrations of CRP, leptin, TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10 were measured as systemic inflammation markers and

  3. Intestinal Obstruction (United States)

    ... Colostomy ) is required to relieve an obstruction. Understanding Colostomy In a colostomy, the large intestine (colon) is cut. The part ... 1 What Causes Intestinal Strangulation? Figure 2 Understanding Colostomy Gastrointestinal Emergencies Overview of Gastrointestinal Emergencies Abdominal Abscesses ...

  4. Intestinal Leiomyositis: A Cause of Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction in 6 Dogs. (United States)

    Zacuto, A C; Pesavento, P A; Hill, S; McAlister, A; Rosenthal, K; Cherbinsky, O; Marks, S L


    Intestinal leiomyositis is a suspected autoimmune disorder affecting the muscularis propria layer of the gastrointestinal tract and is a cause of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction in humans and animals. To characterize the clinical presentation, histopathologic features, and outcome of dogs with intestinal leiomyositis in an effort to optimize treatment and prognosis. Six client-owned dogs. Retrospective case series. Medical records were reviewed to describe signalment, clinicopathologic and imaging findings, histopathologic diagnoses, treatment, and outcome. All biopsy specimens were reviewed by a board-certified pathologist. Median age of dogs was 5.4 years (range, 15 months-9 years). Consistent clinical signs included vomiting (6/6), regurgitation (2/6), and small bowel diarrhea (3/6). Median duration of clinical signs before presentation was 13 days (range, 5-150 days). Diagnostic imaging showed marked gastric distension with dilated small intestines in 4/6 dogs. Full-thickness intestinal biopsies were obtained in all dogs by laparotomy. Histopathology of the stomach and intestines disclosed mononuclear inflammation, myofiber degeneration and necrosis, and fibrosis centered within the region of myofiber loss in the intestinal muscularis propria. All dogs received various combinations of immunomodulatory and prokinetic treatment, antimicrobial agents, antiemetics, and IV fluids, but none of the dogs showed a clinically relevant improvement with treatment. Median survival was 19 days after diagnosis (range, 3-270 days). Intestinal leiomyositis is a cause of intestinal pseudo-obstruction and must be diagnosed by full-thickness intestinal biopsy. This disease should be considered in dogs with acute and chronic vomiting, regurgitation, and small bowel diarrhea. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  5. The intestinal complement system in inflammatory bowel disease: Shaping intestinal barrier function. (United States)

    Sina, Christian; Kemper, Claudia; Derer, Stefanie


    The complement system is part of innate sensor and effector systems such as the Toll-like receptors (TLRs). It recognizes and quickly systemically and/or locally respond to microbial-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) with a tailored defense reaction. MAMP recognition by intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) and appropriate immune responses are of major importance for the maintenance of intestinal barrier function. Enterocytes highly express various complement components that are suggested to be pivotal for proper IEC function. Appropriate activation of the intestinal complement system seems to play an important role in the resolution of chronic intestinal inflammation, while over-activation and/or dysregulation may worsen intestinal inflammation. Mice deficient for single complement components suffer from enhanced intestinal inflammation mimicking the phenotype of patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn's disease (CD) or ulcerative colitis (UC). However, the mechanisms leading to complement expression in IECs seem to differ markedly between UC and CD patients. Hence, how IECs, intestinal bacteria and epithelial cell expressed complement components interact in the course of IBD still remains to be mostly elucidated to define potential unique patterns contributing to the distinct subtypes of intestinal inflammation observed in CD and UC. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Mecanismos de resistencia a Metales tóxicos (CD bajo variaciones abióticas en Microalgas

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    Alondra A. Cortés Téllez


    Full Text Available En los ecosistemas acuáticos, la presencia de ciertos metales (Cu, Zn, Fe a concentraciones traza son esencialespara distintas actividades biológicas. Sin embargo, otros metales como el Cd y Pb son considerados tóxicos aconcentraciones muy bajas y no participan como micronutrientes. Estos metales interactúan con componentesesenciales a través de enlaces iónicos y covalentes induciendoestrés oxidativo, reemplazo de cationes esenciales,etc. Asimismo, presentan la capacidad de acumularse y biomagnificarse a lo largo de la cadena trófica, promoviendoalta sensibilidad en la mayoría de los organismos acuáticos, mientras que otros como las microalgas, han desarrolladouna gran variedad de estrategias de detoxificación para minimizar los efectos tóxicos de losmetales a través de lainducción de mecanismos de adaptación y resistencia que les permiten la supervivencia a esos ambientes extremos.Por ende, es indispensable conocer la gama de mecanismos de resistencia que estos organismos presentan a laexposición de metales tóxicos presentes en el ecosistema acuático. Así, los objetivos de esta revisión son: identificary describir los principales mecanismos moleculares actualmente descritos en microalgas verdes implicados en laresistencia a metales tóxicos en relación específica con el cadmio; dar a conocer la influencia de distintos factoresambientales sobre esta respuesta y los episodios de corresistencia hacia otros metales de carácter tóxico.

  7. A globalização vista do norte e do sul: quais os seus mecanismos sociais?

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    Olivier Giraud

    Full Text Available Procura-se, neste artigo, definir a globalização a partir da identificação de uma série de mecanismos sociais por meio dos quais essa age diretamente sobre os comportamentos individuais e coletivos ou ainda sobre a maneira de pensar, as crenças, as identidades, as formas de institu-cionalização, etc. O que constitui a especificidade da globalização é justamente o fato de ser um fenômeno social que se manifesta em todo o planeta. Será que os mecanismos específicos que caracterizam o funcionamento da globalização são aplicáveis nas mesmas condições nas sociedades que apresentam fortes diferenças como é o caso das sociedades do Norte e do Sul? Diferentes mecanismos ligados ao reforço da competição econômica internacional e às suas conseqüências sobre o sistema de proteção social, ou ainda ligados à difusão de normas e de práticas políticas no contexto da globalização, serão abordados em seguida. De forma mais sistemática, quatro cenários convergência, divergência, hibridação e recomposição das hierarquias internacionais serão apresentados no contexto de uma análise comparativa dos efeitos da globalização nas sociedades do Sul e do Norte.

  8. [Treatment of children with intestinal failure: intestinal rehabilitation, home parenteral nutrition or small intestine transplantation?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neelis, E.G.; Oers, H.A. van; Escher, J.C.; Damen, G.M.; Rings, E.H.; Tabbers, M.M.


    Intestinal failure is characterised by inadequate absorption of food or fluids, which is caused by insufficient bowel surface area or functioning. Children with chronic intestinal failure are dependent on parenteral nutrition (PN), which can be provided at home (HPN). In the Netherlands, HPN for

  9. Enfoque inmunopatogénico de las infecciones respiratorias agudas virales

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    Enelis Reyes Reyes


    Full Text Available Las infecciones virales respiratorias constituyen uno de los principales problemas de salud de cualquier país; por lo tanto, es de vital importancia para los médicos, otros profesionales y estudiantes de la medicina, incorporar conocimientos actualizados de los factores inmunológicos involucrados en la patogénesis de estas enfermedades, que les garanticen lograr un diagnóstico preciso y un manejo clínico correcto de estos pacientes. La revisión realizada tuvo como objetivo profundizar en los conocimientos de los procesos inmunes activados por una infección viral, a partir de la literatura científica actualizada. Se emplearon los servicios disponibles desde la red Infomed y se consultaron 30 revisiones bibliográficas sobre el tema, el 76 % de los últimos cinco años. En las infecciones virales respiratorias se activan una serie de mecanismos innatos y específicos de defensas, en correspondencia con la principal función fisiológica del sistema inmune. Algunos virus desarrollan mecanismos de evasión, logrando burlar las defensas del cuerpo.

  10. The effect of gastric inhibitory polypeptide on intestinal glucose absorption and intestinal motility in mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ogawa, Eiichi [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); Hosokawa, Masaya [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); Faculty of Human Sciences, Tezukayama Gakuin University, Osaka (Japan); Harada, Norio; Yamane, Shunsuke; Hamasaki, Akihiro; Toyoda, Kentaro; Fujimoto, Shimpei; Fujita, Yoshihito; Fukuda, Kazuhito [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); Tsukiyama, Katsushi; Yamada, Yuichiro [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Geriatric Medicine, Akita University School of Medicine, Akita (Japan); Seino, Yutaka [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); Kansai Electric Power Hospital, Osaka (Japan); Inagaki, Nobuya, E-mail: [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); CREST of Japan Science and Technology Cooperation (JST), Kyoto (Japan)


    Research highlights: {yields} Exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal motility through a somatostatin-mediated pathway. {yields} Exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal glucose absorption by reducing intestinal motility. {yields} The GIP-receptor-mediated action in intestine does not involve in GLP-1-mediated pathway. -- Abstract: Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) is released from the small intestine upon meal ingestion and increases insulin secretion from pancreatic {beta} cells. Although the GIP receptor is known to be expressed in small intestine, the effects of GIP in small intestine are not fully understood. This study was designed to clarify the effect of GIP on intestinal glucose absorption and intestinal motility. Intestinal glucose absorption in vivo was measured by single-pass perfusion method. Incorporation of [{sup 14}C]-glucose into everted jejunal rings in vitro was used to evaluate the effect of GIP on sodium-glucose co-transporter (SGLT). Motility of small intestine was measured by intestinal transit after oral administration of a non-absorbed marker. Intraperitoneal administration of GIP inhibited glucose absorption in wild-type mice in a concentration-dependent manner, showing maximum decrease at the dosage of 50 nmol/kg body weight. In glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor-deficient mice, GIP inhibited glucose absorption as in wild-type mice. In vitro examination of [{sup 14}C]-glucose uptake revealed that 100 nM GIP did not change SGLT-dependent glucose uptake in wild-type mice. After intraperitoneal administration of GIP (50 nmol/kg body weight), small intestinal transit was inhibited to 40% in both wild-type and GLP-1 receptor-deficient mice. Furthermore, a somatostatin receptor antagonist, cyclosomatostatin, reduced the inhibitory effect of GIP on both intestinal transit and glucose absorption in wild-type mice. These results demonstrate that exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal glucose absorption by reducing intestinal motility through a somatostatin

  11. The effect of gastric inhibitory polypeptide on intestinal glucose absorption and intestinal motility in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogawa, Eiichi; Hosokawa, Masaya; Harada, Norio; Yamane, Shunsuke; Hamasaki, Akihiro; Toyoda, Kentaro; Fujimoto, Shimpei; Fujita, Yoshihito; Fukuda, Kazuhito; Tsukiyama, Katsushi; Yamada, Yuichiro; Seino, Yutaka; Inagaki, Nobuya


    Research highlights: → Exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal motility through a somatostatin-mediated pathway. → Exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal glucose absorption by reducing intestinal motility. → The GIP-receptor-mediated action in intestine does not involve in GLP-1-mediated pathway. -- Abstract: Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) is released from the small intestine upon meal ingestion and increases insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells. Although the GIP receptor is known to be expressed in small intestine, the effects of GIP in small intestine are not fully understood. This study was designed to clarify the effect of GIP on intestinal glucose absorption and intestinal motility. Intestinal glucose absorption in vivo was measured by single-pass perfusion method. Incorporation of [ 14 C]-glucose into everted jejunal rings in vitro was used to evaluate the effect of GIP on sodium-glucose co-transporter (SGLT). Motility of small intestine was measured by intestinal transit after oral administration of a non-absorbed marker. Intraperitoneal administration of GIP inhibited glucose absorption in wild-type mice in a concentration-dependent manner, showing maximum decrease at the dosage of 50 nmol/kg body weight. In glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor-deficient mice, GIP inhibited glucose absorption as in wild-type mice. In vitro examination of [ 14 C]-glucose uptake revealed that 100 nM GIP did not change SGLT-dependent glucose uptake in wild-type mice. After intraperitoneal administration of GIP (50 nmol/kg body weight), small intestinal transit was inhibited to 40% in both wild-type and GLP-1 receptor-deficient mice. Furthermore, a somatostatin receptor antagonist, cyclosomatostatin, reduced the inhibitory effect of GIP on both intestinal transit and glucose absorption in wild-type mice. These results demonstrate that exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal glucose absorption by reducing intestinal motility through a somatostatin-mediated pathway rather

  12. Intestinal subepithelial myofibroblasts support in vitro and in vivo growth of human small intestinal epithelium.

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    Nicholas Lahar

    Full Text Available The intestinal crypt-niche interaction is thought to be essential to the function, maintenance, and proliferation of progenitor stem cells found at the bases of intestinal crypts. These stem cells are constantly renewing the intestinal epithelium by sending differentiated cells from the base of the crypts of Lieberkühn to the villus tips where they slough off into the intestinal lumen. The intestinal niche consists of various cell types, extracellular matrix, and growth factors and surrounds the intestinal progenitor cells. There have recently been advances in the understanding of the interactions that regulate the behavior of the intestinal epithelium and there is great interest in methods for isolating and expanding viable intestinal epithelium. However, there is no method to maintain primary human small intestinal epithelium in culture over a prolonged period of time. Similarly no method has been published that describes isolation and support of human intestinal epithelium in an in vivo model. We describe a technique to isolate and maintain human small intestinal epithelium in vitro from surgical specimens. We also describe a novel method to maintain human intestinal epithelium subcutaneously in a mouse model for a prolonged period of time. Our methods require various growth factors and the intimate interaction between intestinal sub-epithelial myofibroblasts (ISEMFs and the intestinal epithelial cells to support the epithelial in vitro and in vivo growth. Absence of these myofibroblasts precluded successful maintenance of epithelial cell formation and proliferation beyond just a few days, even in the presence of supportive growth factors. We believe that the methods described here can be used to explore the molecular basis of human intestinal stem cell support, maintenance, and growth.

  13. Fecal markers of intestinal inflammation and intestinal permeability are elevated in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Schwiertz, Andreas; Spiegel, Jörg; Dillmann, Ulrich; Grundmann, David; Bürmann, Jan; Faßbender, Klaus; Schäfer, Karl-Herbert; Unger, Marcus M


    Intestinal inflammation and increased intestinal permeability (both possibly fueled by dysbiosis) have been suggested to be implicated in the multifactorial pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). The objective of the current study was to investigate whether fecal markers of inflammation and impaired intestinal barrier function corroborate this pathogenic aspect of PD. In a case-control study, we quantitatively analyzed established fecal markers of intestinal inflammation (calprotectin and lactoferrin) and fecal markers of intestinal permeability (alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin) in PD patients (n = 34) and controls (n = 28, group-matched for age) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The study design controlled for potential confounding factors. Calprotectin, a fecal marker of intestinal inflammation, and two fecal markers of increased intestinal permeability (alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin) were significantly elevated in PD patients compared to age-matched controls. Lactoferrin, as a second fecal marker of intestinal inflammation, showed a non-significant trend towards elevated concentrations in PD patients. None of the four fecal markers correlated with disease severity, PD subtype, dopaminergic therapy, or presence of constipation. Fecal markers reflecting intestinal inflammation and increased intestinal permeability have been primarily investigated in inflammatory bowel disease so far. Our data indicate that calprotectin, alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin could be useful non-invasive markers in PD as well. Even though these markers are not disease-specific, they corroborate the hypothesis of an intestinal inflammation as contributing factor in the pathogenesis of PD. Further investigations are needed to determine whether calprotectin, alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin can be used to define PD subgroups and to monitor the effect of interventions in PD. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Intestinal cytochromes P450 regulating the intestinal microbiota and its probiotic profile

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    Eugenia Elefterios Venizelos Bezirtzoglou


    Full Text Available Cytochromes P450 (CYPs enzymes metabolize a large variety of xenobiotic substances. In this vein, a plethora of studies were conducted to investigate their role, as cytochromes are located in both liver and intestinal tissues. The P450 profile of the human intestine has not been fully characterized. Human intestine serves primarily as an absorptive organ for nutrients, although it has also the ability to metabolize drugs. CYPs are responsible for the majority of phase I drug metabolism reactions. CYP3A represents the major intestinal CYP (80% followed by CYP2C9. CYP1A is expressed at high level in the duodenum, together with less abundant levels of CYP2C8-10 and CYP2D6. Cytochromes present a genetic polymorphism intra- or interindividual and intra- or interethnic. Changes in the pharmacokinetic profile of the drug are associated with increased toxicity due to reduced metabolism, altered efficacy of the drug, increased production of toxic metabolites, and adverse drug interaction. The high metabolic capacity of the intestinal flora is due to its enormous pool of enzymes, which catalyzes reactions in phase I and phase II drug metabolism. Compromised intestinal barrier conditions, when rupture of the intestinal integrity occurs, could increase passive paracellular absorption. It is clear that high microbial intestinal charge following intestinal disturbances, ageing, environment, or food-associated ailments leads to the microbial metabolism of a drug before absorption. The effect of certain bacteria having a benefic action on the intestinal ecosystem has been largely discussed during the past few years by many authors. The aim of the probiotic approach is to repair the deficiencies in the gut flora and establish a protective effect. There is a tentative multifactorial association of the CYP (P450 cytochrome role in the different diseases states, environmental toxic effects or chemical exposures and nutritional status.

  15. [Myosin B ATPase activity of the intestinal smooth muscle in intestinal obstruction]. (United States)

    Takamatsu, H


    Intestinal smooth myosin B was prepared from muscle layers around the lesion in dogs with experimental colonic stenosis and in patients with congenital intestinal obstruction. Mg2+-ATPase activity of the myosin B was compared between the proximal dilated segment and distal segment to obstruction. Experimental colonic stenosis: In early period after surgery, proximal colons showed higher activity of myosin B ATPase than distal colons, decreasing to less than distal colon as time passed. Congenital intestinal obstruction: In three cases, whose atresia might have occurred at earlier period of gestation, proximal bowels showed less activity of myosin B ATPase than distal bowels. However, in two cases, whose atresia might have occurred at later period of gestation, and two cases with intestinal stenosis, proximal bowels indicated higher activity of myosin B ATPase than distal bowels. These data suggested that the contractibility of the proximal intestine was depending on the duration of obstruction, and it was depressed in the former patients and was accelerated in the latter patients. These results suggested that the extensive resection of dilated proximal bowel in the congenital atresia is not always necessary to obtain good postoperative intestinal dynamics at the operation of the atresial lesions which may be induced at later period of gestation. They also suggested that surgery for intestinal obstruction should be performed before the depression of intestinal contractibility to get good bowel function.

  16. [Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia]. (United States)

    Popović, Dugan D j; Spuran, Milan; Alempijević, Tamara; Krstić, Miodrag; Djuranović, Srdjan; Kovacević, Nada; Damnjanović, Svetozar; Micev, Marjan


    Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia is a disease which leads to protein losing enteropathy. Tortuous, dilated lymphatic vessels in the intestinal wall and mesenterium are typical features of the disease. Clinical manifestations include malabsorption, diarrhea, steatorrhea, edema and effusions. Specific diet and medication are required for disease control. A 19-year old male patient was hospitalized due to diarrhea, abdominal swelling, weariness and fatigue. Physical examination revealed growth impairment, ascites, and lymphedema of the right hand and forearm. Laboratory assessment indicated iron deficiency anaemia, lymphopenia, malabsorption, inflammatory syndrome, and urinary infection. Enteroscopy and video capsule endoscopy demonstrated dilated lymphatic vessels in the small intestine. The diagnosis was confirmed by intestinal biopsy. The patient was put on high-protein diet containing medium-chain fatty acids, somatotropin and supportive therapy. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia is a rare disease, usually diagnosed in childhood. Early recognition of the disease and adequate treatment can prevent development of various complications.

  17. Autophagy and tight junction proteins in the intestine and intestinal diseases

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    Chien-An A. Hu


    Full Text Available The intestinal epithelium (IE forms an indispensible barrier and interface between the intestinal interstitium and the luminal environment. The IE regulates water, ion and nutrient transport while providing a barrier against toxins, pathogens (bacteria, fungi and virus and antigens. The apical intercellular tight junctions (TJ are responsible for the paracellular barrier function and regulate trans-epithelial flux of ions and solutes between adjacent cells. Increased intestinal permeability caused by defects in the IE TJ barrier is considered an important pathogenic factor for the development of intestinal inflammation, diarrhea and malnutrition in humans and animals. In fact, defects in the IE TJ barrier allow increased antigenic penetration, resulting in an amplified inflammatory response in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD, necrotizing enterocolitis and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Conversely, the beneficial enhancement of the intestinal TJ barrier has been shown to resolve intestinal inflammation and apoptosis in both animal models of IBD and human IBD. Autophagy (self-eating mechanism is an intracellular lysosome-dependent degradation and recycling pathway essential for cell survival and homeostasis. Dysregulated autophagy has been shown to be directly associated with many pathological processes, including IBD. Importantly, the crosstalk between IE TJ and autophagy has been revealed recently. We showed that autophagy enhanced IE TJ barrier function by increasing transepithelial resistance and reducing the paracellular permeability of small solutes and ions, which is, in part, by targeting claudin-2, a cation-selective, pore-forming, transmembrane TJ protein, for lysosome (autophagy-mediated degradation. Interestingly, previous studies have shown that the inflamed intestinal mucosa in patients with active IBD has increased claudin-2 expression. In addition, inflammatory cytokines (for example, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6



    Miranda J,Christian


    El ensayo presenta impresiones académicas sobre los mecanismos de aseguramiento de la calidad de la Educación Superior, mediante el análisis histórico de la regulación universitaria y la conceptualización de los enfoques evaluativos vigentes en la materia. Además, relata las experiencias vividas por el autor, en su rol de Coordinador del proceso de Autoevaluación del Programa de Magíster en Educación, mención Política y Gestión Educativas de la Universidad Austral de Chile ante la Comisión Na...

  19. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia

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    Popović Dušan Đ.


    Full Text Available Background. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia is a disease which leads to protein losing enteropathy. Tortous, dilated lymphatic vessels in the intestinal wall and mesenterium are typical features of the disease. Clinical manifestations include malabsorption, diarrhea, steatorrhea, edema and effusions. Specific diet and medication are required for disease control. Case report. A 19-year old male patient was hospitalized due to diarrhea, abdominal swelling, weariness and fatigue. Physical examination revealed growth impairment, ascites, and lymphedema of the right hand and forearm. Laboratory assessment indicated iron deficiency anaemia, lymphopenia, malabsorption, inflammatory syndrome, and urinary infection. Enteroscopy and video capsule endoscopy demonstrated dilated lymphatic vessels in the small intestine. The diagnosis was confirmed by intestinal biopsy. The patient was put on high-protein diet containing medium-chain fatty acids, somatotropin and suportive therapy. Conclusion. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia is a rare disease, usually diagnosed in childhood. Early recognition of the disease and adequate treatment can prevent development of various complications.

  20. Intestine transplantation

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    Tadeja Pintar


    Conclusion: Intestine transplantation is reserved for patients with irreversible intestinal failure due to short gut syndrome requiring total paranteral nutrition with no possibility of discontinuation and loss of venous access for patient maintenance. In these patients complications of underlying disease and long-term total parenteral nutrition are present.

  1. Variação espacial da fotossíntese e de mecanismos de fotoproteção no cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.)


    Dias, Paulo Cesar


    O comportamento das trocas gasosas, dos parâmetros de fluorescência da clorofila a e do sistema antioxidativo foi estudado em plantas adultas de café arábica cultivadas em campo e orientadas no sentido norte-sul, em Viçosa-MG, objetivando-se identificar potenciais mecanismos de fotoproteção e avaliar como tais mecanismos se ajustariam espacial e diurnamente. Para isso, procederam-se às avaliações em diferentes posições da copa, em agosto de 2005, época relativamente fria, seca e com alta inso...

  2. Coccidiosis hepática en el conejo: aspectos ambientales y clínico-patológicos

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    Mario Pérez Martínez


    Full Text Available La cunicultura es una industria creciente en México. De las 13 especies de coccidias que afectan a los conejos, la Eimeria stiedae es el principal agente causal de la coccidiosis hepática en el conejo. En la presente revisión se aborda la importancia del medio ambiente y aspectos clínico- patológicos de la coccidiosis hepática en conejos. Como resultado de la revisión de la literatura disponible se observa la necesidad de abordar el estudio de la coccidiosis hepática del conejo de manera integral, y avanzar en la comprensión de los mecanismos celulares y moleculares involucrados en su patogenia.

  3. Intestinal Microbiota Influences Non-intestinal Related Autoimmune Diseases (United States)

    Opazo, Maria C.; Ortega-Rocha, Elizabeth M.; Coronado-Arrázola, Irenice; Bonifaz, Laura C.; Boudin, Helene; Neunlist, Michel; Bueno, Susan M.; Kalergis, Alexis M.; Riedel, Claudia A.


    The human body is colonized by millions of microorganisms named microbiota that interact with our tissues in a cooperative and non-pathogenic manner. These microorganisms are present in the skin, gut, nasal, oral cavities, and genital tract. In fact, it has been described that the microbiota contributes to balancing the immune system to maintain host homeostasis. The gut is a vital organ where microbiota can influence and determine the function of cells of the immune system and contributes to preserve the wellbeing of the individual. Several articles have emphasized the connection between intestinal autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn's disease with dysbiosis or an imbalance in the microbiota composition in the gut. However, little is known about the role of the microbiota in autoimmune pathologies affecting other tissues than the intestine. This article focuses on what is known about the role that gut microbiota can play in the pathogenesis of non-intestinal autoimmune diseases, such as Grave's diseases, multiple sclerosis, type-1 diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorders. Furthermore, we discuss as to how metabolites derived from bacteria could be used as potential therapies for non-intestinal autoimmune diseases. PMID:29593681

  4. Intestinal Microbiota Influences Non-intestinal Related Autoimmune Diseases

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    Maria C. Opazo


    Full Text Available The human body is colonized by millions of microorganisms named microbiota that interact with our tissues in a cooperative and non-pathogenic manner. These microorganisms are present in the skin, gut, nasal, oral cavities, and genital tract. In fact, it has been described that the microbiota contributes to balancing the immune system to maintain host homeostasis. The gut is a vital organ where microbiota can influence and determine the function of cells of the immune system and contributes to preserve the wellbeing of the individual. Several articles have emphasized the connection between intestinal autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn's disease with dysbiosis or an imbalance in the microbiota composition in the gut. However, little is known about the role of the microbiota in autoimmune pathologies affecting other tissues than the intestine. This article focuses on what is known about the role that gut microbiota can play in the pathogenesis of non-intestinal autoimmune diseases, such as Grave's diseases, multiple sclerosis, type-1 diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorders. Furthermore, we discuss as to how metabolites derived from bacteria could be used as potential therapies for non-intestinal autoimmune diseases.

  5. Intestinal Permeability: The Basics

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    Ingvar Bjarnason


    Full Text Available The authors review some of the more fundamental principles underlying the noninvasive assessment of intestinal permeability in humans, the choice of test markers and their analyses, and the practical aspects of test dose composition and how these can be changed to allow the specific assessment of regional permeability changes and other intestinal functions. The implications of increased intestinal permeability in the pathogenesis of human disease is discussed in relation to findings in patients with Crohn’s disease. A common feature of increased intestinal permeability is the development of a low grade enteropathy, and while quantitatively similar changes may be found in Crohn’s disease these seem to predict relapse of disease. Moreover, factors associated with relapse of Crohn’s disease have in common an action to increase intestinal permeability. While increased intestinal permeability does not seem to be important in the etiology of Crohn’s disease it may be a central mechanism in the clinical relapse of disease.


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    Édgar Alfredo Portilla Flores


    Full Text Available En este artículo, se presenta el análisis cinemático y una metodología de diseño paramétrico de la falange proximal para un dedo antropomórfico1 de un grado de libertad. El diseño del mecanismo se lleva a cabo, tomando diez posiciones de la barra de salida del mismo. Se presenta la simulación dinámica, utilizando un modelo de CAD para comprobar la factibilidad de los resultados obtenidos por el mecanismo. Por último, se muestra el análisis comparativo entre los resultados de la cinemática obtenidos numéricamente y los experimentales.

  7. Intestinal Microbiota Signatures Associated With Histological Liver Steatosis in Pediatric-Onset Intestinal Failure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Korpela, K.; Mutanen, A.; Salonen, A.; Savilahti, E.; Vos, de W.M.; Pakarinen, M.P.


    BACKGROUND: Intestinal failure (IF)-associated liver disease (IFALD) is the major cause of mortality in IF. The link between intestinal microbiota and IFALD is unclear. METHODS: We compared intestinal microbiota of patients with IF (n = 23) with healthy controls (n = 58) using culture-independent

  8. Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury augments intestinal mucosal injury and bacterial translocation in jaundiced rats. (United States)

    Yüksek, Yunus Nadi; Kologlu, Murat; Daglar, Gül; Doganay, Mutlu; Dolapci, Istar; Bilgihan, Ayse; Dolapçi, Mete; Kama, Nuri Aydin


    The aim of this study was to evaluate local effects and degree of bacterial translocation related with intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury in a rat obstructive jaundice model. Thirty adult Sprague-Dawley rats (200-250 g) were divided into three groups; including Group 1 (jaundice group), Group 2 (jaundice-ischemia group) and Group 3 (ischemia group). All rats had 2 laparotomies. After experimental interventions, tissue samples for translocation; liver and ileum samples for histopathological examination, 25 cm of small intestine for mucosal myeloperoxidase and malondialdehyde levels and blood samples for biochemical analysis were obtained. Jaundiced rats had increased liver enzyme levels and total and direct bilirubin levels (p<0.05). Intestinal mucosal myeloperoxidase and malondialdehyde levels were found to be high in intestinal ischemia-reperfusion groups (p<0.05). Intestinal mucosal damage was more severe in rats with intestinal ischemia-reperfusion after bile duct ligation (p<0.05). Degree of bacterial translocation was also found to be significantly high in these rats (p<0.05). Intestinal mucosa is disturbed more severely in obstructive jaundice with the development of ischemia and reperfusion. Development of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion in obstructive jaundice increases bacterial translocation.

  9. Intestinal lymphangiectasia in children (United States)

    Isa, Hasan M.; Al-Arayedh, Ghadeer G.; Mohamed, Afaf M.


    Intestinal lymphangiectasia (IL) is a rare disease characterized by dilatation of intestinal lymphatics. It can be classified as primary or secondary according to the underlying etiology. The clinical presentations of IL are pitting edema, chylous ascites, pleural effusion, acute appendicitis, diarrhea, lymphocytopenia, malabsorption, and intestinal obstruction. The diagnosis is made by intestinal endoscopy and biopsies. Dietary modification is the mainstay in the management of IL with a variable response. Here we report 2 patients with IL in Bahrain who showed positive response to dietary modification. PMID:26837404

  10. Mecanismo antidiurético en Rhodnius Prolixus (Stal, 1859 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae

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    Ivonne Gómez


    Full Text Available Se propone para R. prolixus un mecanismo antidiurético, cuya actividad se pone de manifiesto una vez transcurrido el periodo diurético y se mantiene hasta que el insecto es alimentado nuevamente. Presumiblemente este mecanismo actua a nivel del esfinter rectal proximal y es inhibido por la ingesta, distención mecanica del buche y desinhibición central por decapitación. Se sugiere que la actividad antidiurética es mantenida por vía nerviosa y se modifica cuando hay distensión del buche o canudo es interrumpida la senãl nerviosa por decapitación. Se pone de manifiesto que la excreción de orina en R. prolixus no es controlada exclusivamente por la hormona diurética, sino que factores no ligados a la hemolinfa mantienen en estado diurético y no diurético a los insectos.An antidiuretic mechanism is proposed for Rhodnius prolixus, whose activity is manifested when the diuretic phase has terminated and is maintained until the insect has fed again. Presumably this mechanism acts at the level of the proximal rectal sphincter and is inhibited by ingestion, mechanical distension of the gut and central desinhibition by decapitation. It is suggested that the antidiuretic activity is maintained by the nervous system and is modified when there is distention of the gut or when the nervous signal is interrupted by decapitacion. It is demonstrated that the excretion of urine in R. prolixus is not controlled exclusively by the diuretic hormone, but rather that factors not linked to the haemolvmph maintain the insects in a diuretic or nondiuretic state.

  11. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction (United States)

    ... Staying in bed for long periods of time (bedridden). Taking drugs that slow intestinal movements. These include ... be tried: Colonoscopy may be used to remove air from the large intestine. Fluids can be given ...

  12. Déficit bilateral: origem, mecanismos e implicações para o treino de força.

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    Cíntia Ehlers Botton


    Full Text Available Vários estudos têm demonstrado uma menor capacidade de gerar força quando os exercícios de um programa de treinamento são executados bilateralmente em relação à soma da força executada pelos membros separadamente. Esse fenômeno, que tem sido bem descrito na literatura científica, é chamado de déficit bilateral. Os mecanismos causadores do déficit não são totalmente claros, mas parecem estar relacionados a mecanismos neu­rais, como um bloqueio dos hemisférios cerebrais ocorrido durante a contração bilateral que reduz a ativação de unidades motoras e a força produzida. Em relação a cada forma de execução (unilateral e bilateral a longo prazo, as adaptações parecem ser específicas ao tipo de contração utilizada durante o treinamento. Portanto, em consideração à rele­vância da realização de exercícios executados unilateralmente e bilateralmente dentro de um programa de treino de força, assim como o efeito de cada forma de execução a longo prazo nas adaptações morfológicas e neurológicas do treinamento, esse artigo teve como objetivos caracterizar o fenômeno déficit bilateral, explorar seus principais mecanismos causadores, bem como discutir a influência de cada tipo de treinamento (unilateral e bilateral nas adaptações do treinamento de força.

  13. Efecto de la dieta sobre la expresión de mirnas involucrados en la capacidad regenerativa del endotelio en pacientes de alto riesgo cardiovascular


    Jiménez Lucena, Rosa


    Premio extraordinario de Trabajo Fin de Máster curso 2012-2013. Medicina, Sanidad y Mejora Animal. Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la principal causa de mortalidad en todo el mundo. Una manifestación temprana de la enfermedad cardiovascular es la disfunción endotelial, asociada a un entorno oxidativo e inflamatorio. El conocimiento de los mecanismos subyacentes a estos procesos es de vital importancia para el desarrollo de nuevos objetivos terapéuticos. La búsqueda de nue...

  14. Intestinal Leiomyositis: A Cause of Chronic Intestinal Pseudo?Obstruction in 6 Dogs


    Zacuto, A.C.; Pesavento, P.A.; Hill, S.; McAlister, A.; Rosenthal, K.; Cherbinsky, O.; Marks, S.L.


    Background Intestinal leiomyositis is a suspected autoimmune disorder affecting the muscularis propria layer of the gastrointestinal tract and is a cause of chronic intestinal pseudo?obstruction in humans and animals. Objective To characterize the clinical presentation, histopathologic features, and outcome of dogs with intestinal leiomyositis in an effort to optimize treatment and prognosis. Animals Six client?owned dogs. Methods Retrospective case series. Medical records were reviewed to de...

  15. Diffused and sustained inhibitory effects of intestinal electrical stimulation on intestinal motility mediated via sympathetic pathway. (United States)

    Zhao, Xiaotuan; Yin, Jieyun; Wang, Lijie; Chen, Jiande D Z


    The aims were to investigate the energy-dose response effect of intestinal electrical stimulation (IES) on small bowel motility, to compare the effect of forward and backward IES, and to explore the possibility of using intermittent IES and mechanism of IES on intestinal motility. Five dogs implanted with a duodenal cannula and one pair of intestinal serosal electrodes were studied in five sessions: 1) energy-dose response study; 2) forward IES; 3) backward IES; 4) intermittent IES vs. continuous IES; 5) administration of guanethidine. The contractile activity and tonic pressure of the small intestine were recorded. The duration of sustained effect after turning off IES was manually calculated. 1) IES with long pulse energy dose dependently inhibited contractile activity and tonic pressure of the small intestine (p intestine depended on the energy of IES delivered (p intestine. 5) Guanethidine blocked the inhibitory effect of IES on intestinal motility. IES with long pulses inhibits small intestinal motility; the effect is energy-dose dependent, diffused, and sustained. Intermittent IES has the same efficacy as the continuous IES in inhibiting small intestinal motility. Forward and backward IES have similar inhibitory effects on small bowel motility. This IES-induced inhibitory effect is mediated via the sympathetic pathway. © 2013 International Neuromodulation Society.

  16. empresarial involucrado

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    María Dolores Ponce Sánchez


    Full Text Available La importancia y dinamismo del turismo de reuniones en el contexto nacional e internacional nos conduce a analizar la capacidad de la ciudad de Murcia para afrontar los retos continuos que le presenta un mercado tan globalizado y competitivo como el actual. Por tanto, esta investigación presenta una aproximación a la situación de la actividad en la ciudad, desde la visión particular de sus beneficiarios directos, empresarios asociados a Murcia Convention Bureau (Oficina de Congresos de Murcia. capital imagen, capital económico, planes estratégicos.

  17. Desarrollo de un sistema de transformación genética en Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    Mauricio Corredor


    Full Text Available

    La transformación genética es una alternativa para el conocimiento de genes involucrados en la patogenicidad de los hongos. A la fecha se han transformado algunos hongos utilizando técnicas como luz ultravioleta para obtener mutantes auxotróficas. Así mismo, se ha empleado la transformación basada en la introducción de plásmidos que confieren resistencia a antibióticos bien sea por medio de electroporación o imitando un evento que se presenta naturalmente entre plantas y el bacilo gram negativo Agrobacterium tumefaciens y que consiste en la transferencia del T-DNA del plásmido Ti bacteriano a la célula vegetal, con la consecuente aparición de un tumor en el tallo de
    la planta. Este mecanismo se ha reproducido con éxito en hongos
    filamentosos y en levaduras. En el caso de Paraco ccidioides brasiliensis aún no se dispone de un modelo de transformación. Considerando esta carencia y la necesidad de conocer los genes involucrados en la patogenicidad de este microorganismo, pretendemos desarrollar un sistema de transformación genética para P. brasiliensis utilizando A. tumefaciens.




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    Jairo Alejandro Fernández Ortega


    Full Text Available La evidencia científica ha demostrado la importancia de la actividad física como una estrategia efectiva para disminuir el riesgo y la recidiva del cáncer de mama. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no se conocen con precisión los mecanismos de acción biológicos del ejercicio sobre el cáncer de mama. El propósito de este artículo es realizar una revisión sistemática exhaustiva de la literatura e identificar las posibles hipótesis que se plantean de los mecanismos de acción biológicos del ejercicio sobre el cáncer de mama. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada desde 1990 hasta 2011 sobre los efectos del ejercicio en el cáncer de mama.


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    Agustín C. Möhlinger


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Los estreptococos del Grupo A son patógenos frecuentes en los seres humanos, responsables de diversas infecciones. Diferentes estudios han demostrado mecanismos involucrados en las defensas del huésped frente a la infección por S. pyogenes. S. pyogenes desencadena una respuesta inmune importante con la consiguiente participación de diversos tipos celulares, como polimorfonucleares neutrófilos, macrófagos y células dendríticas, así como las subpoblaciones TH1 y Th2. El objeto del presente estudio fue examinar la respuesta de Polimorfonucleares (PMNs y Mononucleares (MNs de sujetos normales frente al S. pyogenes vivo (Spv e inactivado(Spi. Métodos: Se separaron los PMNs y MNs de sangre periférica de 48 sujetos donantes sanos. Se incubaron en tubos separados las suspensiones de PMN y MNs en en medio RPMI 1640 con 5l de las suspensiones de S. pyogenes vivo (Spyv e inactivado (Spyi . En el sobrenadante de cultivo de MN y PMN, se evaluaron nitritos (Método de Griess y TNFα [ELISA ;R& D Systems]. En dichas células se determinó el Estallido Respiratorio (ER por Citometría de Flujo. Resultados: Estallido Respiratorio. R(X± E.E.: PMNs est. c/Spv: 2,50±0,478; PMNs est. c/Spi: 1,921±0,275; PMNs Basal: 1,282±0,105. P=0,0483. MNs est. c/Spv: 2,56±0,51; MNs est. c/Spi: 1,92±0,27; MNs Basal: 1,21±0,10. Spv vs Spi P>0,05 ns; Spv vs basal P0,05ns. Niveles Nitritos(x± E.E. MNs est c/ Spv, Spi y Basal: 40,75±5,94; 57,85±8,79; 13,28±1,13. MNs Basal vs MNs Spv P0,05 NS. Niveles de TNFα(x± E.E.: PMNs est c/ Spv, Spi y Basal: 223,54±21,49; 202,78±37,37; 100,82±3,23. PMNs Spv vs Spi P>0,05ns; PMNs Spv vs Basal P0,05 NS; Spv vs Basal P<0,01; Spi vs Basal P<0,05. Conclusiones: Se determinó que el S. pyogenes tanto vivo como inactivado tiene capacidad para estimular a las células fagocíticas, activando su capacidad oxidativa através del Estallido Respiratorio, la producción de nitritos y la de TNF alfa en sobrenadante de

  20. Intestinal lymphangiectasia in adults. (United States)

    Freeman, Hugh James; Nimmo, Michael


    Intestinal lymphangiectasia in the adult may be characterized as a disorder with dilated intestinal lacteals causing loss of lymph into the lumen of the small intestine and resultant hypoproteinemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, hypoalbuminemia and reduced number of circulating lymphocytes or lymphopenia. Most often, intestinal lymphangiectasia has been recorded in children, often in neonates, usually with other congenital abnormalities but initial definition in adults including the elderly has become increasingly more common. Shared clinical features with the pediatric population such as bilateral lower limb edema, sometimes with lymphedema, pleural effusion and chylous ascites may occur but these reflect the severe end of the clinical spectrum. In some, diarrhea occurs with steatorrhea along with increased fecal loss of protein, reflected in increased fecal alpha-1-antitrypsin levels, while others may present with iron deficiency anemia, sometimes associated with occult small intestinal bleeding. Most lymphangiectasia in adults detected in recent years, however, appears to have few or no clinical features of malabsorption. Diagnosis remains dependent on endoscopic changes confirmed by small bowel biopsy showing histological evidence of intestinal lymphangiectasia. In some, video capsule endoscopy and enteroscopy have revealed more extensive changes along the length of the small intestine. A critical diagnostic element in adults with lymphangiectasia is the exclusion of entities (e.g. malignancies including lymphoma) that might lead to obstruction of the lymphatic system and "secondary" changes in the small bowel biopsy. In addition, occult infectious (e.g. Whipple's disease from Tropheryma whipplei) or inflammatory disorders (e.g. Crohn's disease) may also present with profound changes in intestinal permeability and protein-losing enteropathy that also require exclusion. Conversely, rare B-cell type lymphomas have also been described even decades following initial

  1. Expression of an Intestine-Specific Transcription Factor (CDX1) in Intestinal Metaplasia and in Subsequently Developed Intestinal Type of Cholangiocarcinoma in Rat Liver (United States)

    Ren, Ping; Silberg, Debra G.; Sirica, Alphonse E.


    CDX1 is a caudal-type homeobox intestine-specific transcription factor that has been shown to be selectively expressed in epithelial cells in intestinal metaplasia of the human stomach and esophagus and variably expressed in human gastric and esophageal adenocarcinomas (Silberg DG, Furth EE, Taylor JK, Schuck T, Chiou T, Traber PG: Gastroenterology 1997, 113: 478–486). Through the use of immunohistochemistry and Western blotting, we investigated whether CDX1 is also uniquely associated with the intestinal metaplasia associated with putative precancerous cholangiofibrosis induced in rat liver during furan cholangiocarcinogenesis, as well as expressed in neoplastic glands in a subsequently developed intestinal type of cholangiocarcinoma. In normal, control adult rat small intestine, specific nuclear immunoreactivity for CDX1 was most prominent in enterocytes lining the crypts. In comparison, epithelium from intestinal metaplastic glands within furan-induced hepatic cholangiofibrosis and neoplastic epithelium from later developed primary intestinal-type cholangiocarcinoma each demonstrated strong nuclear immunoreactivity for CDX1. CDX1-positive cells were detected in hepatic cholangiofibrotic tissue as early as 3 weeks after the start of chronic furan treatment. We further determined that the percentages of CDX1-positive neoplastic glands and glandular nuclei are significantly higher in primary tumors than in a derived, transplantable cholangiocarcinoma serially-propagated in vivo. Western blotting confirmed our immunohistochemical results, and no CDX1 immunoreactivity was detected in normal adult rat liver or in hyperplastic biliary epithelial cells. These findings indicate that CDX1 is specifically associated with early intestinal metaplasia and a later developed intestinal-type of cholangiocarcinoma induced in the liver of furan-treated rats. PMID:10666391

  2. The CT signs of intestinal volvulus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji Jiansong; Wang Zufei; Xu Zhaolong; Lv Guijian; Xu Min; Zhao Zhongwei; Su Jinliang; Zhou Limin


    Objective: To improve the accuracy rate of spiral CT diagnosing intestinal volvulus. Methods: To analysis the CT findings of 9 cases of intestinal volvulus proved by operation, the main reconstruction techniques were multiplanar reformation (MPR) and sliding thin-slab maximum intensity projection (STS-MIP). Results: All the 9 cases were diagnosed accurately, the main signs were 'whirlpool' of intestine (6 cases) and vessels (9 cases),'target loop' (2 cases),'beak'(6 cases). Conclusion: 'Whirlpool' of vessels is a specific sign to diagnose intestinal volvulus, 'target loop', reduced enhancement of intestinal wall and ascites are the reliable signs to strangulated intestinal obstruction. Spiral CT and reconstructions have important value to diagnose the intestinal volvulus. (authors)

  3. The Effect of DA-6034 on Intestinal Permeability in an Indomethacin-Induced Small Intestinal Injury Model. (United States)

    Kwak, Dong Shin; Lee, Oh Young; Lee, Kang Nyeong; Jun, Dae Won; Lee, Hang Lak; Yoon, Byung Chul; Choi, Ho Soon


    DA-6034 has anti-inflammatory activities and exhibits cytoprotective effects in acute gastric injury models. However, explanations for the protective effects of DA-6034 on intestinal permeability are limited. This study sought to investigate the effect of DA-6034 on intestinal permeability in an indomethacin-induced small intestinal injury model and its protective effect against small intestinal injury. Rats in the treatment group received DA-6034 from days 0 to 2 and indomethacin from days 1 to 2. Rats in the control group received indomethacin from days 1 to 2. On the fourth day, the small intestines were examined to compare the severity of inflammation. Intestinal permeability was evaluated by using fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran. Western blotting was performed to confirm the association between DA-6034 and the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. The inflammation scores in the treatment group were lower than those in the control group, but the difference was statistically insignificant. Hemorrhagic lesions in the treatment group were broader than those in the control group, but the difference was statistically insignificant. Intestinal permeability was lower in the treatment group than in the control group. DA-6034 enhanced extracellular signal-regulated kinase expression, and intestinal permeability was negatively correlated with ERK expression. DA-6034 may decrease intestinal permeability in an indomethacin-induced intestinal injury model via the ERK pathway.

  4. Solar tracking mechanism in two axes; Mecanismo de seguimiento solar en dos ejes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez Benitez, Juan Rafael; Ramos Berumen, Carlos; Beltran Adan, Jose; Lagunas Mendoza, Javier [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)]. E-mail:;;


    The Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) has been interested in the Parabolic Dish technology for electricity generation in Mexico, then through its Non Conventional Energy Department has dedicated special tasks concerning to the knowledge and development of such technology. The structural component, reflective surface support and the tracking system which allows concentrate the solar energy into the receiver have been designed and manufactured. For the mechanical device and control of the solar tracking have been projected a set with servomotors, an electronic control as well as an interface for the equipment configuration and follow-up. In order for getting the following of the apparent movement of the sun, information on the sun paths through the year was analyzed and in consequence elevation and azimuth angles were determined. Using that approaches, for fixing the sun position sensors are not used and then only the control algorithm and the electronic device developed at the IIE were implemented. In this paper the sun tracking system and the electronic control device are presented. [Spanish] La tecnologia de plato parabolico para la generacion de electricidad en Mexico, ha sido de gran interes para el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, por lo que a traves de la Gerencia de Energias No Convencionales se ha avocado a la tarea de conocer y desarrollar esta tecnologia. Se ha disenado y fabricado la parte estructural, la base de la superficie reflejante y el sistema de seguimiento que permite concentrar la energia solar en el receptor. Para el mecanismo y control del seguidor solar se ha propuesto un mecanismo que utiliza servomotores, un control electronico asi como una interfaz para configurar el equipo y monitorear sus variables. Para lograr el seguimiento del movimiento aparente del sol se analizo la informacion en literatura de las trayectorias del sol a lo largo del ano, logrando asi determinar los angulos de altitud y azimut para acotar el

  5. Foreign body-associated intestinal pyogranuloma resulting in intestinal obstruction in four dogs. (United States)

    Papazoglou, L G; Tontis, D; Loukopoulos, P; Patsikas, M N; Hermanns, W; Kouti, V; Timotheou, T; Liapis, I; Tziris, N; Rallis, T S


    Intestinal obstruction resulting from an intramural foreign body-associated pyogranuloma was diagnosed in four dogs. Vomiting and weight loss were the main clinical signs. On physical examination, a mass in the abdomen was detected in three dogs. Abdominal radiography demonstrated the presence of soft tissue opacity in three of the dogs and gas-filled dilated intestinal loops in all four dogs. Abdominal ultrasonography showed hyperkinetic fluid-filled dilated intestinal loops and a hypoechoic small intestinal mass in all the dogs. Exploratory coeliotomy confirmed the presence of a jejunal mass, which was removed by resection and anastomosis in all the dogs. In one of the dogs a linear foreign body was also found cranial to the mass and was removed through a separate enterotomy incision. The lesions were diagnosed as foreign body-associated intestinal pyogranulomas on histological examination. Three dogs recovered without complications, but the fourth showed signs of septic peritonitis four days after surgery and was euthanased at the owner's request. The other three dogs remained disease-free 12 to 42 months after surgery.

  6. Una red neuronal binaria para la identificación de mecanismos isomorfos. // A binary Neural network for identifying isomorphic mechanisms.

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    G. Galán Marín


    Full Text Available Un problema de importancia primordial en el diseño mecánico es identificar los mecanismos isomorfos, puesto que los isomorfismos nodetectados generan soluciones duplicadas y por tanto suponen un esfuerzo innecesario en el proceso de diseño. Desde 1960, una grancantidad de métodos han sido propuestos para la detección de mecanismos isomorfos. Sin embargo, diversos trabajos han mostrado queaunque pueden existir algoritmos eficaces para casos particulares, en el caso general los métodos tradicionales para la detección deisomorfismos en cadenas cinemáticas no proporcionan usualmente soluciones eficientes para este problema, que ha sido clasificado comoNP-duro. Un eficaz método alternativo para la resolución de problemas NP-duros ha surgido recientemente con las redes neuronales. Eneste trabajo proponemos un nuevo modelo de red neuronal binaria diseñado para la resolución del problema de detección de mecanismosisomorfos. El modelo propuesto se halla basado en unas dinámicas discretas que garantizan una rápida y correcta convergencia de la redhacia soluciones aceptables. Las simulaciones numéricas muestran en los mecanismos analizados que la red neuronal propuestaproporciona excelentes resultados, mostrándose además muy superior a la red de Hopfield continua tradicional en lo que respecta al tiempode computación y en la facilidad de su implementación.Palabras claves: Mecanismos isomorfos, síntesis de mecanismos, isomorfismo de grafos, red neuronal binaria,redes de Hopfield.____________________________________________________________________________AbstractAn important step in the kinematic mechanism synthesis process is to identify graph isomorphism whilegenerating new mechanisms. Undetected isomorphisms result in duplicate solutions and unnecessary effort.Since 1960, a lot of methods have been proposed for the graph isomorphism identification. Some authors haveconcluded that, in the general case, the traditional methods of

  7. Intestinal Microbiota Signatures Associated With Histological Liver Steatosis in Pediatric-Onset Intestinal Failure. (United States)

    Korpela, Katri; Mutanen, Annika; Salonen, Anne; Savilahti, Erkki; de Vos, Willem M; Pakarinen, Mikko P


    Intestinal failure (IF)-associated liver disease (IFALD) is the major cause of mortality in IF. The link between intestinal microbiota and IFALD is unclear. We compared intestinal microbiota of patients with IF (n = 23) with healthy controls (n = 58) using culture-independent phylogenetic microarray analysis. The microbiota was related to histological liver injury, fecal markers of intestinal inflammation, matrix metalloproteinase 9 and calprotectin, and disease characteristics. Overabundance of Lactobacilli, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria was observed in IF, whereas bacteria related to Clostridium clusters III, IV, and XIVa along with overall diversity and richness were reduced. Patients were segregated into 3 subgroups based on dominating bacteria: Clostridium cluster XIVa, Proteobacteria, and bacteria related to Lactobacillus plantarum. In addition to liver steatosis and fibrosis, Proteobacteria were associated with prolonged current parenteral nutrition (PN) as well as liver and intestinal inflammation. Lactobacilli were related to advanced steatosis and fibrosis mostly after weaning off PN without associated inflammation. In multivariate permutational analysis of variance, liver steatosis, bowel length, PN calories, and antibiotic treatment best explained the microbiota variation among patients with IF. Intestinal microbiota composition was associated with liver steatosis in IF and better predicted steatosis than duration of PN or length of the remaining intestine. Our results may be explained by a model in which steatosis is initiated during PN in response to proinflammatory lipopolysaccharides produced by Proteobacteria and progresses after weaning off PN, as the L plantarum group Lactobacilli becomes dominant and affects lipid metabolism by altering bile acid signaling.

  8. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia. (United States)

    Suresh, N; Ganesh, R; Sankar, Janani; Sathiyasekaran, Malathi


    Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL) is a rare disease of intestinal lymphatics presenting with hypoproteinemia, bilateral lower limb edema, ascites, and protein losing enteropathy. We report a series of 4 children from Chennai, India presenting with anasarca, recurrent diarrhea, hypoproteinemia and confirmatory features of PIL on endoscopy and histopathology.

  9. Si-Jun-Zi Decoction Treatment Promotes the Restoration of Intestinal Function after Obstruction by Regulating Intestinal Homeostasis

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    Xiangyang Yu


    Full Text Available Intestinal obstruction is a common disease requiring abdominal surgery with significant morbidity and mortality. Currently, an effective medical treatment for obstruction, other than surgical resection or decompression, does not exist. Si-Jun-Zi Decoction is a famous Chinese medicine used to replenish qi and invigorate the functions of the spleen. Modern pharmacological studies show that this prescription can improve gastrointestinal function and strengthen immune function. In this study, we investigated the effects of a famous Chinese herbal formula, Si-Jun-Zi Decoction, on the restoration of intestinal function after the relief of obstruction in a rabbit model. We found that Si-Jun-Zi Decoction could reduce intestinal mucosal injury while promoting the recovery of the small intestine. Further, Si-Jun-Zi Decoction could regulate the intestinal immune system. Our results suggest that Si-Jun-Zi Decoction promotes the restoration of intestinal function after obstruction by regulating intestinal homeostasis. Our observations indicate that Si-Jun-Zi Decoction is potentially a therapeutic drug for intestinal obstruction.

  10. Gastric and intestinal surgery. (United States)

    Fossum, Theresa W; Hedlund, Cheryl S


    Gastric surgery is commonly performed to remove foreign bodies and correct gastric dilatation-volvulus and is less commonly performed to treat gastric ulceration or erosion, neoplasia, and benign gastric outflow obstruction. Intestinal surgery, although commonly performed by veterinarians, should never be considered routine. The most common procedures of the small intestinal tract performed in dogs and cats include enterotomy and resection/anastomosis. Surgery of the large intestine is indicated for lesions causing obstruction, perforations, colonic inertia, or chronic inflammation.

  11. Mapas de ruido: mecanismo de control del ruido ambiental

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    Kelvin Chávez García


    Full Text Available Los primeros mecanismos de control del ruido ambiental fueron los mapas acústicos. La Directiva Europea 2002149/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de Evatuacián y Gestión del Ruido Ambiental, exige, a los estados miembros,  se midan los niveles de ruido, en su entorno local, con  el fin de contar con indicadores de ruido comunes. elaborar mapas de ruido y planes de acción destinados a reducir los efectos nocivos de ruido ambiental.  Las directrices para la elaboración de los  mapas  acústicos son en base a la normativa  Española sobre ruido. Los requerimientos  en base a la normativa, garantizan los resultados, lo cual permitirá elaborar los planes de acción. El estudio busca comunicar la necesidad de utilizar herramientas como  los  mapas  acústicos y ejercer un control de los  impactos por ruido ambiental.

  12. Intestinal epithelium in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Mehmet eCoskun


    Full Text Available The intestinal epithelium has a strategic position as a protective physical barrier to luminal microbiota and actively contributes to the mucosal immune system. This barrier is mainly formed by a monolayer of specialized intestinal epithelial cells (IECs that are crucial in maintaining intestinal homeostasis. Therefore, dysregulation within the epithelial layer can increase intestinal permeability, lead to abnormalities in interactions between IECs and immune cells in underlying lamina propria, and disturb the intestinal immune homeostasis, all of which are linked to the clinical disease course of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD. Understanding the role of the intestinal epithelium in IBD pathogenesis might contribute to an improved knowledge of the inflammatory processes and the identification of potential therapeutic targets.

  13. Diagnosis of intestinal and extra intestinal amoebiasis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez, Myriam Consuelo; Quiroz, Damian Arnoldo; Pinilla, Analida Elizabeth


    The objective is to carry out a review of the national and international literature as of the XXth century in order to update the advances for the diagnosis of complex odd Entamoeba histolytic / Entamoeba dispar and that of intestinal and extra intestinal amoebiasis that may be of use to the scientific community. As well as to unify the diagnostic criteria of this parasitosis known as a public health problem, and as a consequence of that, optimize the quality of population care. Data source: there was a systematic search for the scientific literature Publisher in Spanish and English since 1960 until today, this selection started on the first semester of 2006 until 2007, in the development of the line on intestinal and extra-intestinal amoebiasis of the Medical School of the National University of Colombia. A retrospective search process was carried out, systematically reviewing the most relevant articles as well as the products of this research line. In deciding how to make this article, there was a continuous search in different data bases such as Medline, SciELO and other bases in the library of the National University of Colombia, as well as other classical books related to the subject. For that purpose the terms amoebiasis, odd Entamoeba histolytic, Entamoeba, diagnosis, epidemiology, dysentery, amoebic liver abscess, were used. Studies selection: titles and abstracts were reviewed to select the original publications and the most representative ones related to this article's subject. Data extraction: the articles were classified according to the subject, the chronology and the authors according to the scientific contribution to solve the problem. Synthesis of the data: in the fi rst instance, a chronological critical analysis was carried out to order and synthesize the progress made in the diagnosis until confirmation of the experts' agreements in the field of amoebiasis was obtained throughout the world. Conclusion: this article summarizes what has taken place

  14. Intestinal transplantation: The anesthesia perspective. (United States)

    Dalal, Aparna


    Intestinal transplantation is a complex and challenging surgery. It is very effective for treating intestinal failure, especially for those patients who cannot tolerate parenteral nutrition nor have extensive abdominal disease. Chronic parental nutrition can induce intestinal failure associated liver disease (IFALD). According to United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) data, children with intestinal failure affected by liver disease secondary to parenteral nutrition have the highest mortality on a waiting list when compared with all candidates for solid organ transplantation. Intestinal transplant grafts can be isolated or combined with the liver/duodenum/pancreas. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) has defined intestinal donor criteria. Living donor intestinal transplant (LDIT) has the advantages of optimal timing, short ischemia time and good human leukocyte antigen matching contributing to lower postoperative complications in the recipient. Thoracic epidurals provide excellent analgesia for the donors, as well as recipients. Recipient management can be challenging. Thrombosis and obstruction of venous access maybe common due to prolonged parenteral nutrition and/or hypercoaguability. Thromboelastography (TEG) is helpful for managing intraoperative product therapy or thrombosis. Large fluid shifts and electrolyte disturbances may occur due to massive blood loss, dehydration, third spacing etc. Intestinal grafts are susceptible to warm and cold ischemia and ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Post-reperfusion syndrome is common. Cardiac or pulmonary clots can be monitored with transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and treated with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. Vasopressors maybe used to ensure stable hemodynamics. Post-intestinal transplant patients may need anesthesia for procedures such as biopsies for surveillance of rejection, bronchoscopy, endoscopy, postoperative hemorrhage, anastomotic leaks, thrombosis of grafts etc. Asepsis

  15. Deterioro de la percepción visual en el envejecimiento: Mecanismos cerebrales compensadores

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    José Manuel Rodríguez-Ferrer


    Full Text Available Se han estudiado los efectos del envejecimiento normal en la percepción visual y la existencia de posibles mecanismos cerebrales compensadores. En tres grupos de 30 personas con edad media de 19,6, 42,6 y 65,7 años, se midieron los tiempos de respuesta a la presentación de estímulos (un círculo gris de 0.5 grados de diámetro de forma secuencial en 24 posiciones del campo visual, distribuidas en 8 coordenadas polares y 3 excentricidades (2.15, 3.83 y 5.53 grados de campo visual. El estímulo se presentó durante 100 milisegundos, con bajo y alto contraste (6% y 78%, respectivamente. Los experimentos se realizaron con y sin atención encubierta a los estímulos. Se observó un incremento progresivo de los tiempos de respuesta con la edad para los estímulos del 6% de contrate y de los presentados en la excentricidad de 5.53º. La atención redujo los tiempos de respuesta en los tres grupos de edad, especialmente en jóvenes y mayores. Los resultados muestran que durante el envejecimiento se produce un deterioro selectivo y progresivo en la percepción de estímulos de bajo contraste y que este deterioro es mayor en las zonas periféricas maculares. A partir de los sesenta años se potencia el desarrollo de mecanismos compensadores que implican una mayor eficacia de la atención visual.

  16. Presentation of a nationwide multicenter registry of intestinal failure and intestinal transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neelis, E. G.; Roskott, A. M.; Dijkstra, G.; Wanten, G. J.; Serlie, M. J.; Tabbers, M. M.; Damen, G.; Olthof, E. D.; Jonkers, C. F.; Kloeze, J. H.; Ploeg, R. J.; Imhann, F.; Nieuwenhuijs, V. B.; Rings, E. H. H. M.

    Background & aims: Exact data on Dutch patients with chronic intestinal failure (CIF) and after intestinal transplantation (ITx) have been lacking. To improve standard care of these patients, a nationwide collaboration has been established. Objectives of this study were obtaining an up-to-date

  17. Presentation of a nationwide multicenter registry of intestinal failure and intestinal transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neelis, E.G.; Roskott, A.M.; Dijkstra, G.; Wanten, G.J.A.; Serlie, M.J.; Tabbers, M.M.; Damen, G.M.; Olthof, E.D.; Jonkers, C.F.; Kloeze, J.H.; Ploeg, R.J.; Imhann, F.; Nieuwenhuijs, V.B.; Rings, E.H.


    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Exact data on Dutch patients with chronic intestinal failure (CIF) and after intestinal transplantation (ITx) have been lacking. To improve standard care of these patients, a nationwide collaboration has been established. Objectives of this study were obtaining an up-to-date

  18. Intestinal Stem Cell Markers in the Intestinal Metaplasia of Stomach and Barrett's Esophagus.

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    Bo Gun Jang

    Full Text Available Gastric intestinal metaplasia (IM is a highly prevalent preneoplastic lesion; however, the molecular mechanisms regulating its development remain unclear. We have previously shown that a population of cells expressing the intestinal stem cell (ISC marker LGR5 increases remarkably in IM. In this study, we further investigated the molecular characteristics of these LGR5+ cells in IM by examining the expression profile of several ISC markers. Notably, we found that ISC markers-including OLFM4 and EPHB2-are positively associated with the CDX2 expression in non-tumorous gastric tissues. This finding was confirmed in stomach lesions with or without metaplasia, which demonstrated that OLFM4 and EPHB2 expression gradually increased with metaplastic progression. Moreover, RNA in situ hybridization revealed that LGR5+ cells coexpress several ISC markers and remained confined to the base of metaplastic glands, reminiscent to that of normal intestinal crypts, whereas those in normal antral glands expressed none of these markers. Furthermore, a large number of ISC marker-expressing cells were diffusely distributed in gastric adenomas, suggesting that these markers may facilitate gastric tumorigenesis. In addition, Barrett's esophagus (BE-which is histologically similar to intestinal metaplasia-exhibited a similar distribution of ISC markers, indicating the presence of a stem cell population with intestinal differentiation potential. In conclusion, we identified that LGR5+ cells in gastric IM and BE coexpress ISC markers, and exhibit the same expression profile as those found in normal intestinal crypts. Taken together, these results implicate an intestinal-like stem cell population in the pathogenesis of IM, and provide an important basis for understanding the development and maintenance of this disease.

  19. Non-Meckel Small Intestine Diverticulitis

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    Shamim Ejaz


    Full Text Available Non-Meckel small intestine diverticulitis can have many manifestations and its management is not well-defined. We report 4 unselect cases of small intestine diverticulitis; all patients were seen by the same physician at the Emergency Center at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center between 1999 and 2014. The median age at diagnosis of these patients was 82 years (range, 76–87 years. All 4 patients presented with acute onset of abdominal pain, and computed tomography scans showed characteristics of small intestine diverticulitis unrelated to cancer. Most of the diverticula were found in the region of the duodenum and jejuno-ileal segments of the small intestine. The patients, even those with peripancreatic inflammation and localized perforation, were treated conservatively. Non-Meckel diverticulitis can be overlooked in the initial diagnosis because of the location of the diverticulosis, the age of the patient, and the rarity of the disease. Because patients with non-Meckel small intestine diverticulitis can present with acute abdominal pain, non-Meckel small intestine diverticulitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with acute abdominal pain, and computed tomography scans can help identify the condition. Because of the rarity of non-Meckel small intestine diverticulitis, few studies have been published, and the data are inconclusive about how best to approach these patients. Our experience with these 4 elderly patients indicates that non-Meckel small intestine diverticulitis can be treated conservatively, which avoids the potential morbidity and mortality of a surgical approach.

  20. Dyslipidaemia--hepatic and intestinal cross-talk.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Tomkin, Gerald H


    Cholesterol metabolism is tightly regulated with the majority of de novo cholesterol synthesis occurring in the liver and intestine. 3 Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, a major enzyme involved in cholesterol synthesis, is raised in both liver and intestine in diabetic animals. Niemann PickC1-like1 protein regulates cholesterol absorption in the intestine and facilitates cholesterol transport through the liver. There is evidence to suggest that the effect of inhibition of Niemann PickC1-like1 lowers cholesterol through its effect not only in the intestine but also in the liver. ATP binding cassette proteins G5\\/G8 regulate cholesterol re-excretion in the intestine and in the liver, cholesterol excretion into the bile. Diabetes is associated with reduced ATP binding cassette protein G5\\/G8 expression in both the liver and intestine in animal models. Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein is central to the formation of the chylomicron in the intestine and VLDL in the liver. Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein mRNA is increased in diabetes in both the intestine and liver. Cross-talk between the intestine and liver is poorly documented in humans due to the difficulty in obtaining liver biopsies but animal studies are fairly consistent in showing relationships that explain in part mechanisms involved in cholesterol homeostasis.

  1. Mecanismos neurocognitivos de la terapia basada en mindfulness / Neurocognitive mechanisms of the mindfulness based therapy

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    Manolete S. Moscoso


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Presentamos un resumen y una breve historia del creciente campo de Intervenciones Basadas en mindfulness o conciencia plena. En los últimos tiempos, existe un gran interés en este modelo terapéutico para reducir la vulnerabilidad al estrés crónico y distrés emocional. Mindfulness requiere intencionalmente enfocar nuestra atención a las experiencias que ocurren en el momento presente. A medida que la investigación avanza en esta temática, es vital definir cuidadosamente la estructura de mindfulness y comprender mejor sus mecanismos de acción neurocognitiva. Este informe presenta un marco conceptual que enfatiza el papel central de control atencional y mecanismos de sostenibilidad para desarrollar las habilidades de conciencia plena. También, repasamos la estructura de mindfulness y la autorregulación de las emociones; luego describimos brevemente nuestra investigación relacionada con nuestro programa de Reducción del Estrés en Cáncer de Mama basado en Mindfulness (MBSR-AC en la University of South Florida. Se presenta, a partir de esta premisa, un modelo propuesto que explica nuestros mecanismos cognitivos basados en la lógica del modelo de biocomportamental. ABSTRACT We are presenting an overview and a brief history of the growing field of Mindfulness Based Interventions. There has been a significant interest in this therapeutic model to reduce vulnerability to chronic stress and emotional distress in recent times. Mindfulness requires intentionally bringing our attention to the experiences that occur in the present moment. As the research advances in this line of inquiry, it is vital to carefully define the construct of Mindfulness and better understand its neurocognitive mechanisms of action. This review presents conceptual framework that emphasizes the central role of attentional control and sustainability mechanisms to build mindfulness skills. We also review the construct of Mindfulness and self-regulation of

  2. Presentation of a nationwide multicenter registry of intestinal failure and intestinal transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neelis, E. G.; Roskott, A. M.; Dijkstra, G.; Wanten, G. J.; Serlie, M. J.; Tabbers, M. M.; Damen, G.; Olthof, E. D.; Jonkers, C. F.; Kloeze, J. H.; Ploeg, R. J.; Imhann, F.; Nieuwenhuijs, V. B.; Rings, E. H. H. M.


    Exact data on Dutch patients with chronic intestinal failure (CIF) and after intestinal transplantation (ITx) have been lacking. To improve standard care of these patients, a nationwide collaboration has been established. Objectives of this study were obtaining an up-to-date prevalence of CIF and

  3. Nuevos mecanismos involucrados en la patogénesis de adenomas hipofisarios New mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of pituitary adenomas

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    D. Giacomini


    Full Text Available Analizamos molecularmente tumores formados por clones estables de la línea lactosomatotrofa GH3 Smad-4 (transductor de señales de la proteína morfogénica de hueso-4, BMP-4 dominante negativo (Smad-4dn que bloquea el transductor Smad que desarrollan tumores de menor tamaño que los controles en ratones nude, pero que presentaron un crecimiento tardío. Encontramos que en éstos la expresión/control de Smad-4dn se perdió y que sobreexpresan c-Myc. Concordantemente, BMP-4 se sobreexpresa y estimula la expresión de c-Myc en prolactinomas humanos pero no en otros adenomas o en hipófisis normales. Además en células GH3, ICI 182,780 (bloqueante de estrógenos inhibe la estimulación de c-Myc por BMP-4 y el cotratamiento BMP-4/estrógenos posee un efecto aditivo sobre la proliferación celular. Al bloquear BMP-4 con ICI y estrógenos (E2 con Smad-4dn se bloquea significativamente cada efecto estimulatorio sobre la proliferación. A su vez Smad-4 interacciona físicamente con los dos subtipos de receptores de estrógenos, ERa/ERb. Demostramos por primera vez el rol de BMP-4 en la tumorigénesis de prolactinomas, involucrando un crosstalk funcional BMP-4/estrógenos.We studied Smad-4dn tumors generated from lactosomatotrophic GH3 cells stably transfected with a dominant negative form of Smad-4 (a bone morphogenetic protein-4, BMP-4, signal co-transducer which had reduced tumorigenicity in nude mice, but had showed a late increase in tumor size. We found that they had lost in vivo the expression of Smad-4dn and had recovered c-Myc expression. In accordance, BMP-4 is overexpressed and stimulates the expression of c-Myc in human prolactinomas, but not in other human pituitary adenomas or normal pituitary. In adittion ICI 182,780 inhibited BMP-4 stimulated c-Myc expression and BMP-4 and 17b-estradiol in combination had an additive effect on GH3 cell proliferation. Their action was inhibited by blocking BMP-4 with ICI 182,780 or 17b-estradiol with Smad-4dn. Furthermore, co-immunoprecipitation studies demonstrate that Smad-4 physically interacts with the ERa/ERb. We show for the first time the role of BMP-4 in prolactinoma pathogenesis, involving a functional cross-talk BMP-4/E2.

  4. Adult zebrafish intestine resection: a novel model of short bowel syndrome, adaptation, and intestinal stem cell regeneration. (United States)

    Schall, K A; Holoyda, K A; Grant, C N; Levin, D E; Torres, E R; Maxwell, A; Pollack, H A; Moats, R A; Frey, M R; Darehzereshki, A; Al Alam, D; Lien, C; Grikscheit, T C


    Loss of significant intestinal length from congenital anomaly or disease may lead to short bowel syndrome (SBS); intestinal failure may be partially offset by a gain in epithelial surface area, termed adaptation. Current in vivo models of SBS are costly and technically challenging. Operative times and survival rates have slowed extension to transgenic models. We created a new reproducible in vivo model of SBS in zebrafish, a tractable vertebrate model, to facilitate investigation of the mechanisms of intestinal adaptation. Proximal intestinal diversion at segment 1 (S1, equivalent to jejunum) was performed in adult male zebrafish. SBS fish emptied distal intestinal contents via stoma as in the human disease. After 2 wk, S1 was dilated compared with controls and villus ridges had increased complexity, contributing to greater villus epithelial perimeter. The number of intervillus pockets, the intestinal stem cell zone of the zebrafish increased and contained a higher number of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-labeled cells after 2 wk of SBS. Egf receptor and a subset of its ligands, also drivers of adaptation, were upregulated in SBS fish. Igf has been reported as a driver of intestinal adaptation in other animal models, and SBS fish exposed to a pharmacological inhibitor of the Igf receptor failed to demonstrate signs of intestinal adaptation, such as increased inner epithelial perimeter and BrdU incorporation. We describe a technically feasible model of human SBS in the zebrafish, a faster and less expensive tool to investigate intestinal stem cell plasticity as well as the mechanisms that drive intestinal adaptation. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  5. Small Intestinal Infections. (United States)

    Munot, Khushboo; Kotler, Donald P


    Small intestinal infections are extremely common worldwide. They may be bacterial, viral, or parasitic in etiology. Most are foodborne or waterborne, with specific etiologies differing by region and with diverse pathophysiologies. Very young, very old, and immune-deficient individuals are the most vulnerable to morbidity or mortality from small intestinal infections. There have been significant advances in diagnostic sophistication with the development and early application of molecular diagnostic assays, though these tests have not become mainstream. The lack of rapid diagnoses combined with the self-limited nature of small intestinal infections has hampered the development of specific and effective treatments other than oral rehydration. Antibiotics are not indicated in the absence of an etiologic diagnosis, and not at all in the case of some infections.

  6. Intestinal microbiota in healthy adults: temporal analysis reveals individual and common core and relation to intestinal symptoms.

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    Jonna Jalanka-Tuovinen

    Full Text Available While our knowledge of the intestinal microbiota during disease is accumulating, basic information of the microbiota in healthy subjects is still scarce. The aim of this study was to characterize the intestinal microbiota of healthy adults and specifically address its temporal stability, core microbiota and relation with intestinal symptoms. We carried out a longitudinal study by following a set of 15 healthy Finnish subjects for seven weeks and regularly assessed their intestinal bacteria and archaea with the Human Intestinal Tract (HIT Chip, a phylogenetic microarray, in conjunction with qPCR analyses. The health perception and occurrence of intestinal symptoms was recorded by questionnaire at each sampling point.A high overall temporal stability of the microbiota was observed. Five subjects showed transient microbiota destabilization, which correlated not only with the intake of antibiotics but also with overseas travelling and temporary illness, expanding the hitherto known factors affecting the intestinal microbiota. We identified significant correlations between the microbiota and common intestinal symptoms, including abdominal pain and bloating. The most striking finding was the inverse correlation between Bifidobacteria and abdominal pain: subjects who experienced pain had over five-fold less Bifidobacteria compared to those without pain. Finally, a novel computational approach was used to define the common core microbiota, highlighting the role of the analysis depth in finding the phylogenetic core and estimating its size. The in-depth analysis suggested that we share a substantial number of our intestinal phylotypes but as they represent highly variable proportions of the total community, many of them often remain undetected.A global and high-resolution microbiota analysis was carried out to determine the temporal stability, the associations with intestinal symptoms, and the individual and common core microbiota in healthy adults. The


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    Jurgen Lange


    Full Text Available A partir del análisis de sensibilidad de las constantes cinéticas de un mecanismo propuesto para la polimerización radicálica de los compuestos acrilfuránicos [Acrilato (AF y Metacrilato de Furfurilo (MF] se investiga cuáles son los pasos elementales relevantes en la fenomenología. En este trabajo, se analiza la aplicación de la metodología de Come, la cual permite clasificar los pasos elementales de un mecanismo propuesto en 3 categorías: No sensible, No determinante y Sensible. Los resultados obtenidos con esta herramienta en la simulación de los datos experimentales de la polimerización radicálica de AF y MF revelan que el mecanismo cinético consta esencialmente de cinco pasos elementales: 1 Iniciación primaria, 2 propagación, 3 transferencias degradativas intermolecular y primaria, 4 reiniciación y 5 terminación cruzada. Así, considerando estos pasos elementales en modelos matemáticos, se pudo simular exitosamente la polimerización del AF y MF en diferentes condiciones experimentales.

  8. Small Intestine Cancer—Health Professional Version (United States)

    Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of small intestine cancer. Other types of small intestine cancer are sarcomas, carcinoid tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, and lymphomas. Find evidence-based information on small intestine cancer treatment, research, and statistics.

  9. Parenteral Nutrition and Intestinal Failure. (United States)

    Bielawska, Barbara; Allard, Johane P


    Severe short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a major cause of chronic (Type 3) intestinal failure (IF) where structural and functional changes contribute to malabsorption and risk of micronutrient deficiencies. Chronic IF may be reversible, depending on anatomy and intestinal adaptation, but most patients require long-term nutritional support, generally in the form of parenteral nutrition (PN). SBS management begins with dietary changes and pharmacologic therapies taking into account individual anatomy and physiology, but these are rarely sufficient to avoid PN. New hormonal therapies targeting intestinal adaptation hold promise. Surgical options for SBS including intestinal transplant are available, but have significant limitations. Home PN (HPN) is therefore the mainstay of treatment for severe SBS. HPN involves chronic administration of macronutrients, micronutrients, fluid, and electrolytes via central venous access in the patient's home. HPN requires careful clinical and biochemical monitoring. Main complications of HPN are related to venous access (infection, thrombosis) and metabolic complications including intestinal failure associated liver disease (IFALD). Although HPN significantly impacts quality of life, outcomes are generally good and survival is mostly determined by the underlying disease. As chronic intestinal failure is a rare disease, registries are a promising strategy for studying HPN patients to improve outcomes.

  10. Determination of Intestine Inflammation Markers in Diagnostic Search in Children with Intestinal Diseases

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    N.V. Pavlenko


    Full Text Available Introduction. Prevalence of bowel diseases in children is the second, trailing only the diseases of gastroduodenal zone and growing in recent years. Actual one is the problem of differential diagnosis of functional and inflammatory intestinal diseases using non-invasive methods on the prehospital stage and as a screening. Objective. Comparative analysis of fecal markers of the bowel inflammation (lactoferrine and calprotectine with endoscopy and morphology of intestinal mucosa in children. Matherials and methods. 49 children aged 6–18 years were examined. All patients underwent endoscopic and morphological study of the intestine, coprotest, determination of fecal markers of bowel inflammation (lactoferrin and calprotectine. Results. It is shown that in young children, the intestinal mucosa mainly hadn’t endoscopic changes, coprotest and morphological examination didn’t reveal the signs of inflammation, fecal intestinal inflammation markers were negative (p < 0.05. In the group of older children, moderate or marked catarrhal changes were found endoscopically, coprotest results were typical of inflammation in the intestines, it was morphologically proved the presence of chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon with signs of atrophy, the results of lactoferrin and calprotectine determination were positive (p < 0.05. Conclusion. The findings suggest that the evaluation of calprotectine and lactoferrin can be used in pediatric patients because of its non-invasiveness as diagnostic screening for the selection of patients for the further endoscopic examination and diagnostic search.

  11. Mecanismos de control en la ciudad de Osorno: contexto de dictadura militar, 1973-1990


    Sepúlveda Chávez, Miguel Ángel


    El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir los mecanismos de poder y de control utilizados en la ciudad de Osorno bajo el periodo de dictadura militar, el cual implícitamente es un primer acercamiento a una investigación que busca comprender el proceso de resistencia vivido en la ciudad durante el periodo dictatorial. El golpe militar del 11 de septiembre de 1973 y la instauración de una dictadura durante 17 años en Chile, fue un hecho que marcó a la sociedad chilena en general. Duran...





    El músculo esquelético es un tejido blanco para la acción de los esteroides anabólicos, siendo la testosterona la principal hormona fisiológica. Esta hormona actúa diferencialmente durante el desarrollo de un individuo cumpliendo roles diversos en el período embrionario, en la pubertad y en la vida adulta. Se ha demostrado que la testosterona es capaz de inducir un incremento en la masa muscular de individuos adultos tratados con dosis supra-fisiológicas, sin embargo los mecanismos c...

  13. Intestinal spirochetosis and colon diverticulosis Espiroquetose intestinal e diverticulose do cólon

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    Marcus Aurelho de Lima


    Full Text Available A case of intestinal spirochetosis in a 62-year-old white male is reported. The condition was characterized by chronic flatulence and episodes of intestinal hemorrhage, in addition to the evidence of hypotonic diverticular disease, with a large number of slender organisms in the colon epithelium and cryptae. Spirochetes were demonstrated by Whartin-Starry stain. The serologic tests for syphilis and HIV were positive. Spirochetosis was treated with penicillin G, and the patient remains free of intestinal complaints 20 months later.Um caso de espiroquetose intestinal é relatado em um homem branco de 62 anos. A condição foi caracterizada por flatulência crônica e episódios de hemorragia intestinal, além da evidência de doença diverticular hipotônica dos cólons, com numerosos organismos filamentosos no epitélio e nas criptas do cólon. Os espiroquetas foram demonstrados pela coloração de Whartin-Starry. Os testes sorológicos para sífilis e HIV foram positivos. A espiroquetose foi tratada com penicilina G e o paciente permanece sem queixas intestinais após 20 meses.

  14. Mecanismos de cardiotoxicidad: antineoplásicos, anti-inflamatorios no esteroideos, antipsicóticos, cocaetileno y simpaticomiméticos

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    Lukas Salazar, MD


    Full Text Available La interacción constante del organismo humano con diferentes sustancias, que incluso en muchas ocasiones se consideran inofensivas, tiene un alto impacto sobre todos los sistemas, siendo el cardiovascular uno de los más afectados. Por lo tanto, es vital reconocer los mecanismos por los cuales estas sustancias ejercen su efecto tóxico sobre este sistema, bien sea afectando la estabilidad de membrana y la función contráctil o generando disfunción de organelos intracelulares y estrés oxidativo. Numerosos estudios han descubierto efectos lesivos de sustancias, como la clozapina y las catecolaminas, que han tenido amplio uso durante largos años. En la actualidad aún se realizan investigaciones que buscan esclarecer los mecanismos cardiotóxicos de medicamentos de formulación común, entre ellos antineoplásicos y anti-inflamatorios no esteroideos (AINE, así como de sustancias de uso habitual que causan adicción, tales como alcohol, cocaína y cocaetileno, su metabolito activo.

  15. Detergencia. Sus principales mecanismos

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    Gómez Herrera, Carlos


    Full Text Available Advances on research, technology and applications for detergent processes increase rapidly. They keep provoking, as during last decades, repercussions on several fields (domestic, industrial, sanitary, energetic, environmental, legislative. To control as much as possible these repercussions, it is necessary to assess the actual knowledge about detergency mechanisms. This informative article starts by reviewing the essential elements for detergent processes (substrate, soil, cleaning bath. Subsequently several physico-chemical key factors for effectiveness of the textile washing are discussed. These factors are: a removal of liquid oily soils (by rolling-up, or by spontaneous microemulsification; b separation of solid particles (by interfacial or electrostatic interactions; c antiredeposition effects (by solubilization, emulsification or suspension; d water hardness influence; e washing physical conditions (temperature, agitation, time. The article ends by establishing the necessity for maintaining close collaboration among experts on different fields to optimize both detergent processes and their repercussions.

    Los avances en investigación, tecnología y aplicaciones de las operaciones detersivas aumentan rápidamente. Estos siguen provocando, como durante las últimas décadas, repercusiones en muy diversos campos (domésticos, industriales, sanitarios, energéticos, medioambientales, legislativos. Para controlar en lo posible estas repercusiones, resulta necesario valorar los conocimientos actuales sobre los mecanismos de la detergencia. Este artículo de información comienza revisando los elementos esenciales de las operaciones detersivas (sustrato, suciedad, baño. A continuación discute varios factores químicofísicos clave para la eficacia en el lavado de artículos textiles. Estos factores son: a eliminación de suciedades oleosas líquidas (por «rolling-up», o por microemulsificación; b separación de partículas s

  16. Intestinal epithelium in inflammatory bowel disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coskun, Mehmet


    The intestinal epithelium has a strategic position as a protective physical barrier to luminal microbiota and actively contributes to the mucosal immune system. This barrier is mainly formed by a monolayer of specialized intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) that are crucial in maintaining intestinal...... of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Understanding the role of the intestinal epithelium in IBD pathogenesis might contribute to an improved knowledge of the inflammatory processes and the identification of potential therapeutic targets....

  17. Mecanismos efectores de las células fagocíticas estimuladas in vitro con S. Pyogenes vivo e inactivado por calor

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    Agustín C. Möhlinger


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los estreptococos del Grupo A son patógenos frecuentes en los seres humanos, responsables de diversas infecciones. Diferentes estudios  han demostrado mecanismos involucrados en las defensas del huésped frente a la infección por S. pyogenes. S. pyogenes desencadena una respuesta inmune importante con la consiguiente participación de diversos tipos celulares, como polimorfonucleares neutrófilos, macrófagos y células dendríticas, así como las subpoblaciones TH1 y Th2. El presente estudio pretende describir la respuesta de Polimorfonucleares (PMNs y Mononucleares (MNs de sujetos normales frente al S. pyogenes vivo (Spv e inactivado (Spi. Materiales y Métodos: Se separaron los PMNs y MNs de sangre periférica de 48 sujetos donantes sanos. Se incubaron en tubos separados las suspensiones de PMN y MNs en medio RPMI 1640 con 5l las suspensiones de S. pyogenes vivo (Spyv e inactivado (Spyi. Se evaluaron nitritos por el Método de Griess y TNFα por ELISA ( R& D Systems. En PMNs y MNs se determinó el Estallido Respiratorio (ER por Citometría de Flujo. Resultados: Estallido Respiratorio. R(x± E.E.: PMNs est. c/Spv: 2,50±0,478; PMNs est. c/Spi: 1,921±0,275; PMNs Basal: 1,282±0,105. P=0,0483. MNs est. c/Spv: 2,56±0,51; MNs est. c/Spi: 1,92±0,27; MNs Basal: 1,21±0,10. Spv vs Spi P>0,05 ns; Spv vs basal P0,05ns. Niveles Nitritos(x± E.E. MNs est c/ Spv, Spi y Basal: 40,75±5,94; 57,85±8,79; 13,28±1,13. MNs Basal vs MNs Spv P0,05 NS. Niveles de TNFα(x± E.E.: PMNs est c/ Spv, Spi y Basal: 223,54±21,49; 202,78±37,37; 100,82±3,23. PMNs Spv vs Spi P>0,05ns; PMNs Spv vs Basal P0,05 NS; Spv vs Basal P<0,01; Spi vs Basal P<0,05. Discusión: Se determinó que el S. pyogenes tanto vivo como inactivado tiene capacidad para estimular a las células fagocíticas, activando su capacidad oxidativa através del Estallido Respiratorio, la producción de nitritos y la de TNF alfa en sobrenadante de cultivo Celular incrementado su

  18. Reforço à flexão em vigas de concreto armado com manta de fibra de carbono: mecanismos de incremento de ancoragem

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    Vladimir José Ferrari


    Full Text Available O desprendimento dos laminados de plásticos reforçados com fibras da face inferior tracionada das vigas reforçadas à flexão é um problema complexo e indesejável, pois ocorre sem aviso, antecipando a ruína da viga reforçada e impossibilitando o total aproveitamento das propriedades resistentes à tração do reforço. Neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento de vigas de concreto armado, reforçadas à flexão com manta de fibra de carbono, e avaliou-se a incorporação de mecanismos de incremento de ancoragem para evitar o desprendimento prematuro da manta com conseqüente aumento da capacidade resistente à flexão da viga. Nove vigas foram divididas em cinco grupos em conformidade com mecanismo de incremento de ancoragem adotado. Um dos mecanismos, além de evitar o desprendimento prematuro do reforço, também proporcionou incremento na resistência à flexão mais de 95%, em relação à viga sem reforço, e incrementos em torno de 20%, em relação às vigas sem incremento de ancoragem.

  19. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (Waldmann's disease). (United States)

    Vignes, Stéphane; Bellanger, Jérôme


    Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL) is a rare disorder characterized by dilated intestinal lacteals resulting in lymph leakage into the small bowel lumen and responsible for protein-losing enteropathy leading to lymphopenia, hypoalbuminemia and hypogammaglobulinemia. PIL is generally diagnosed before 3 years of age but may be diagnosed in older patients. Prevalence is unknown. The main symptom is predominantly bilateral lower limb edema. Edema may be moderate to severe with anasarca and includes pleural effusion, pericarditis or chylous ascites. Fatigue, abdominal pain, weight loss, inability to gain weight, moderate diarrhea or fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies due to malabsorption may also be present. In some patients, limb lymphedema is associated with PIL and is difficult to distinguish lymphedema from edema. Exsudative enteropathy is confirmed by the elevated 24-h stool alpha1-antitrypsin clearance. Etiology remains unknown. Very rare familial cases of PIL have been reported. Diagnosis is confirmed by endoscopic observation of intestinal lymphangiectasia with the corresponding histology of intestinal biopsy specimens. Videocapsule endoscopy may be useful when endoscopic findings are not contributive. Differential diagnosis includes constrictive pericarditis, intestinal lymphoma, Whipple's disease, Crohn's disease, intestinal tuberculosis, sarcoidosis or systemic sclerosis. Several B-cell lymphomas confined to the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, jejunum, midgut, ileum) or with extra-intestinal localizations were reported in PIL patients. A low-fat diet associated with medium-chain triglyceride supplementation is the cornerstone of PIL medical management. The absence of fat in the diet prevents chyle engorgement of the intestinal lymphatic vessels thereby preventing their rupture with its ensuing lymph loss. Medium-chain triglycerides are absorbed directly into the portal venous circulation and avoid lacteal overloading. Other inconsistently effective

  20. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (Waldmann's disease

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    Bellanger Jérôme


    Full Text Available Abstract Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL is a rare disorder characterized by dilated intestinal lacteals resulting in lymph leakage into the small bowel lumen and responsible for protein-losing enteropathy leading to lymphopenia, hypoalbuminemia and hypogammaglobulinemia. PIL is generally diagnosed before 3 years of age but may be diagnosed in older patients. Prevalence is unknown. The main symptom is predominantly bilateral lower limb edema. Edema may be moderate to severe with anasarca and includes pleural effusion, pericarditis or chylous ascites. Fatigue, abdominal pain, weight loss, inability to gain weight, moderate diarrhea or fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies due to malabsorption may also be present. In some patients, limb lymphedema is associated with PIL and is difficult to distinguish lymphedema from edema. Exsudative enteropathy is confirmed by the elevated 24-h stool α1-antitrypsin clearance. Etiology remains unknown. Very rare familial cases of PIL have been reported. Diagnosis is confirmed by endoscopic observation of intestinal lymphangiectasia with the corresponding histology of intestinal biopsy specimens. Videocapsule endoscopy may be useful when endoscopic findings are not contributive. Differential diagnosis includes constrictive pericarditis, intestinal lymphoma, Whipple's disease, Crohn's disease, intestinal tuberculosis, sarcoidosis or systemic sclerosis. Several B-cell lymphomas confined to the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, jejunum, midgut, ileum or with extra-intestinal localizations were reported in PIL patients. A low-fat diet associated with medium-chain triglyceride supplementation is the cornerstone of PIL medical management. The absence of fat in the diet prevents chyle engorgement of the intestinal lymphatic vessels thereby preventing their rupture with its ensuing lymph loss. Medium-chain triglycerides are absorbed directly into the portal venous circulation and avoid lacteal overloading. Other

  1. El mimetismo como mecanismo psicótico de autoconservación en el niño

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    María Teresa Padilla Velázquez

    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe la solución ante un conflicto identificatorio por medio de la mimetización como mecanismo psicótico de sobrevivencia. El niño psicótico presenta alteraciones continuas, y una de las formas de alteración que se ha observado es el fenómeno del mimetismo, término procedente de la zoología. En lo psicológico el término mimetismo se emplea para indicar como el niño psicótico puede recurrir a éste, tanto en conducta como en actitudes identificatorias con sus objetos cercanos. Se presenta el caso de una paciente psicótica de 10 años en la que se observa como utiliza el mimetismo como un mecanismo psicótico de autoconservación. En el caso se observan que la paciente obtiene protección mimetizándose a través de actuaciones identificatorias con sus objetos cercanos. El mimetismo puede considerarse como un aspecto dificil de predecir dadas las constantes fluctuaciones de las identificaciones, sin embargo, paradójicamente es un aspecto predecible en el análisis de niños, ya que ante el miedo a la aniquilación se mimetizan.

  2. A etiological factors in mechanical intestinal obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asad, S.; Khan, H.; Khan, I.A.; Ghaffar, S.; Rehman, Z.U.


    Background: Intestinal obstruction occurs when the normal flow of intestinal contents is interrupted. The most frequent causes of intestinal obstruction are postoperative adhesions and hernias, which cause extrinsic compression of the intestine. Less frequently, tumours or strictures of the bowel can cause intrinsic blockage. Objective of the study was to find out the various a etiological factors of mechanical intestinal obstruction and to evaluate the morbidity and mortality in adult patients presenting to Surgical 'A' unit of Ayub teaching hospital with mechanical intestinal obstruction. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from March 2009 to September, 2009. All patients presenting with intestinal obstruction and were above the age of 12 years were included in the study. Patients with non-mechanical obstruction were excluded from the study and those who responded to conservative measures were also excluded. Results: A total of 36 patients with age ranging from 12 to 80 years (Mean age 37.72+-19.74 years) and male to female ratio of 1.77:1, were treated for mechanical intestinal obstruction. The most common cause for mechanical intestinal obstruction was adhesions (36.1%). Intestinal tuberculosis was the second most common cause (19.4%), while hernias and sigmoid volvulus affected 13.9% patients each. Malignancies were found in 5.6% cases. Conclusion: Adhesions and Tuberculosis are the leading causes of mechanical intestinal obstruction in Pakistan. Although some patients can be treated conservatively, a substantial portion requires immediate surgical intervention. (author)

  3. El mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio : oportunidades de Desarrollo Sostenible para Países en Desarrollo en el Protocolo de Kioto. Caso Colombia como posible potencia continental ambiental


    Betancourt Mesa, Juan Manuel


    El Cambio Climático y los Mecanismos de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL) en Colombia: Con el protocolo de Kyoto nacen los Mecanismos de Desarrollo Limpio, los cuales posibilitan a los países en desarrollo el generar cambios en los modelos de producción de las industrias altamente contaminantes por producciones limpias, obteniendo beneficios adicionales por la comercialización de los títulos de Reducciones Certificadas de las Emisiones (RCE). Nuestro país, tiene un potencial importante para fomentar el...

  4. The extent of intestinal failure-associated liver disease in patients referred for intestinal rehabilitation is associated with increased mortality: an analysis of the pediatric intestinal failure consortium database. (United States)

    Javid, Patrick J; Oron, Assaf P; Duggan, Christopher; Squires, Robert H; Horslen, Simon P


    The advent of regional multidisciplinary intestinal rehabilitation programs has been associated with improved survival in pediatric intestinal failure. Yet, the optimal timing of referral for intestinal rehabilitation remains unknown. We hypothesized that the degree of intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD) at initiation of intestinal rehabilitation would be associated with overall outcome. The multicenter, retrospective Pediatric Intestinal Failure Consortium (PIFCon) database was used to identify all subjects with baseline bilirubin data. Conjugated bilirubin (CBili) was used as a marker for IFALD, and we stratified baseline bilirubin values as CBili4 mg/dL. The association between baseline CBili and mortality was examined using Cox proportional hazards regression. Of 272 subjects in the database, 191 (70%) children had baseline bilirubin data collected. 38% and 28% of patients had CBili >4 mg/dL and CBili 4 mg/dL, prematurity, race, and small bowel atresia. On regression analysis controlling for age, prematurity, and diagnosis, the risk of mortality was increased by 3-fold for baseline CBili 2-4 mg/dL (HR 3.25 [1.07-9.92], p=0.04) and 4-fold for baseline CBili >4 mg/dL (HR 4.24 [1.51-11.92], p=0.006). On secondary analysis, CBili >4 mg/dL at baseline was associated with a lower chance of attaining enteral autonomy. In children with intestinal failure treated at intestinal rehabilitation programs, more advanced IFALD at referral is associated with increased mortality and decreased prospect of attaining enteral autonomy. Early referral of children with intestinal failure to intestinal rehabilitation programs should be strongly encouraged. Treatment Study, Level III. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. [An experimental assessment of methods for applying intestinal sutures in intestinal obstruction]. (United States)

    Akhmadudinov, M G


    The results of various methods used in applying intestinal sutures in obturation were studied. Three series of experiments were conducted on 30 dogs--resection of the intestine after obstruction with the formation of anastomoses by means of double-row suture (Albert--Shmiden--Lambert) in the first series (10 dogs), by a single-row suture after V. M. Mateshchuk [correction of Mateshuku] in the second series, and bu a single-row stretching suture suggested by the author in the third series. The postoperative complications and the parameters of physical airtightness of the intestinal anastomosis were studied in dynamics in the experimental animals. The results of the study: incompetence of the anastomosis sutures in the first series 6, in the second 4, and in the third series one. Adhesions occurred in all animals of the first and second series and in 2 of the third series. Six dogs of the first series died, 4 of the second, and one of the third. Study of the dynamics of the results showed a direct connection of the complications with the parameters of the physical airtightness of the anastomosis, and the last-named with the method of the intestinal suture. Relatively better results were noted in formation of the anastomosis by means of our suggested stretshing continuous suture passed through the serous, muscular, and submucous coats of the intestine.

  6. Hemostasia del desarrollo : nuevos mecanismos de regulación de la reactividad plaquetaria en neonatos


    Caparrós Pérez, Eva


    Las alteraciones en la reactividad plaquetaria se han asociado con el desarrollo de procesos trombóticos y hemorrágicos. Los neonatos, especialmente los pretérmino, tienen mayor incidencia de hemorragia intracraneal (HIC) que cualquier otro grupo de edad y, aunque su patogenia es multifactorial, la hiporreactividad de sus plaquetas podría ser un factor contribuyente. Los mecanismos genéticos y moleculares que subyacen a la hiporreactividad de las plaquetas neonatales están pobremente caracter...

  7. Update on small intestinal stem cells


    Tesori, Valentina; Puglisi, Maria Ausiliatrice; Lattanzi, Wanda; Gasbarrini, Giovanni Battista; Gasbarrini, Antonio


    Among somatic stem cells, those residing in the intestine represent a fascinating and poorly explored research field. Particularly, somatic stem cells reside in the small intestine at the level of the crypt base, in a constant balance between self-renewal and differentiation. Aim of the present review is to delve into the mechanisms that regulate the delicate equilibrium through which intestinal stem cells orchestrate intestinal architecture. To this aim, special focus will be addressed to id...

  8. Prophylactic Ozone Administration Reduces Intestinal Mucosa Injury Induced by Intestinal Ischemia-Reperfusion in the Rat

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    Ozkan Onal


    Full Text Available Objectives. Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury is associated with mucosal damage and has a high rate of mortality. Various beneficial effects of ozone have been shown. The aim of the present study was to show the effects of ozone in ischemia reperfusion model in intestine. Material and Method. Twenty eight Wistar rats were randomized into four groups with seven rats in each group. Control group was administered serum physiologic (SF intraperitoneally (ip for five days. Ozone group was administered 1 mg/kg ozone ip for five days. Ischemia Reperfusion (IR group underwent superior mesenteric artery occlusion for one hour and then reperfusion for two hours. Ozone + IR group was administered 1 mg/kg ozone ip for five days and at sixth day IR model was applied. Rats were anesthetized with ketamine∖xyzlazine and their intracardiac blood was drawn completely and they were sacrificed. Intestinal tissue samples were examined under light microscope. Levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD, catalase (CAT, glutathioneperoxidase (GSH-Px, malondyaldehide (MDA, and protein carbonyl (PCO were analyzed in tissue samples. Total oxidant status (TOS, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC were analyzed in blood samples. Data were evaluated statistically by Kruskal Wallis test. Results. In the ozone administered group, degree of intestinal injury was not different from the control group. IR caused an increase in intestinal injury score. The intestinal epithelium maintained its integrity and decrease in intestinal injury score was detected in Ozone + IR group. SOD, GSH-Px, and CAT values were high in ozone group and low in IR. TOS parameter was highest in the IR group and the TAC parameter was highest in the ozone group and lowest in the IR group. Conclusion. In the present study, IR model caused an increase in intestinal injury.In the present study, ozone administration had an effect improving IR associated tissue injury. In the present study, ozone therapy

  9. Very late onset small intestinal B cell lymphoma associated with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia and diffuse cutaneous warts


    Bouhnik, Y; Etienney, I; Nemeth, J; Thevenot, T; Lavergne-Slove, A; Matuchansky, C


    As only a handful of lymphoma cases have been reported in conjunction with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia, it is not yet clear if this association is merely fortuitous or related to primary intestinal lymphangiectasia induced immune deficiency. We report on two female patients, 50 and 58 years old, who developed small intestinal high grade B cell lymphoma a long time (45 and 40 years, respectively) after the initial clinical manifestations of primary intestinal lymphangiectasia. They pre...

  10. The effect of fucoidan on intestinal flora and intestinal barrier function in rats with breast cancer. (United States)

    Xue, Meilan; Ji, Xinqiang; Liang, Hui; Liu, Ying; Wang, Bing; Sun, Lingling; Li, Weiwei


    Recent research studies have shown that the intestinal flora are related to the occurrence and progress of breast cancer. This study investigates the effect of fucoidan on intestinal flora and intestinal barrier function in rats with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced breast cancers. Sixty female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to the control group, the model group, and the F1 and F2 groups, which were fed fucoidan at concentrations of 200 and 400 mg per kg bw (body weight), respectively. Intestinal histopathological analysis was performed and 16S rDNA high-throughput sequencing was used to provide an overview of the intestinal flora composition. The contents of d-lactic acid (d-LA), diamine oxidase (DAO) and endotoxin in plasma were detected by ELISA. Expression levels of the tight junction (TJ) proteins, phosphorylated p38 MAPK and ERK1/2 were measured using western blotting. Our results suggested that the intestinal wall of the model group was damaged. However, after fucoidan intervention, the villi were gradually restored. ELISA showed that the levels of plasma endotoxin, d-LA and DAO decreased in the F1 and F2 groups compared to those in the model group. Fucoidan treatment also increased the expressions of ZO-1, occludin, claudin-1 and claudin-8. Furthermore, the expression levels of phosphorylated p38 MAPK and ERK1/2 were upregulated in fucoidan treatment groups. The results of 16S rDNA high-throughput sequencing indicated that fucoidan increased the diversity of the intestinal microbiota and induced changes in microbial composition, with the increased Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes phylum ratio. In conclusion, the supplement of fucoidan could improve the fecal microbiota composition and repair the intestinal barrier function. The study suggested the use of fucoidan as an intestinal flora modulator for potential prevention of breast cancer.

  11. [Morphological changes of the intestine in experimental acute intestinal infection in the treatment of colloidal silver]. (United States)

    Polov'ian, E S; Chemich, N D; Moskalenko, R A; Romaniuk, A N


    At the present stage of infectionist practice in the treatment of acute intestinal infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms, colloidal silver is used with a particle size of 25 nm as an alternative to conventional causal therapy. In 32 rats, distributed in 4 groups of 8 animals each (intact; healthy, got colloidal silver; with a modeled acute intestinal infection in the basic treatment and with the addition of colloidal silver), histological examination was performed of small and large intestine of rats. Oral administration of colloidal silver at a dose of 0.02 mg/day to intact rats did not lead to changes in morphometric parameters compared to the norm, and during early convalescence in rats with acute intestinal infections were observed destructive and compensatory changes in the intestine, which depended on the treatment regimen. With the introduction of colloidal silver decreased activity of the inflammatory process and the severity of morphological changes in tissues of small and large intestine, indicating that the positive effect of study drug compared with baseline therapy.

  12. Activated STAT5 Confers Resistance to Intestinal Injury by Increasing Intestinal Stem Cell Proliferation and Regeneration

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    Shila Gilbert


    Full Text Available Intestinal epithelial stem cells (IESCs control the intestinal homeostatic response to inflammation and regeneration. The underlying mechanisms are unclear. Cytokine-STAT5 signaling regulates intestinal epithelial homeostasis and responses to injury. We link STAT5 signaling to IESC replenishment upon injury by depletion or activation of Stat5 transcription factor. We found that depletion of Stat5 led to deregulation of IESC marker expression and decreased LGR5+ IESC proliferation. STAT5-deficient mice exhibited worse intestinal histology and impaired crypt regeneration after γ-irradiation. We generated a transgenic mouse model with inducible expression of constitutively active Stat5. In contrast to Stat5 depletion, activation of STAT5 increased IESC proliferation, accelerated crypt regeneration, and conferred resistance to intestinal injury. Furthermore, ectopic activation of STAT5 in mouse or human stem cells promoted LGR5+ IESC self-renewal. Accordingly, STAT5 promotes IESC proliferation and regeneration to mitigate intestinal inflammation. STAT5 is a functional therapeutic target to improve the IESC regenerative response to gut injury.

  13. Mecanismos de hidratação do óxido de magnésio Mechanisms of magnesium oxide hydration

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    L. F. Amaral


    Full Text Available O óxido de magnésio, MgO, é uma importante matéria-prima para a indústria de refratários por ser um material de elevada refratariedade (ponto de fusão próximo a 2800 °C, resistente a escórias básicas, e de custo competitivo. No entanto, em presença de água, o MgO rapidamente se hidrata formando hidróxido de magnésio, Mg(OH2. Essa reação leva a uma expansão volumétrica de até três vezes, limitando sua aplicação em concretos refratários. Para desenvolver soluções que minimizem este problema, torna-se necessário um melhor entendimento do mecanismo pelo qual o MgO se hidrata e quais as principais variáveis envolvidas. Dois mecanismos distintos para esta reação foram propostos: a dissolução seguida de precipitação e b reação em uma única etapa ocorrendo diretamente na superfície das partículas. Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão crítica com relação aos mecanismos propostos e sua potencial aplicação em concretos refratários contendo MgO. Suspensões aquosas de MgO e diferentes técnicas de caracterização (ensaios reológicos oscilatórios, medidas de expansão volumétrica aparente e condutividade iônica permitiram correlacionar os mecanismos apresentados, principalmente com respeito à cinética da reação de hidratação.Magnesium oxide, MgO, is an important raw material for refractories industry due to its high refractoriness (melting point of approximately 2800 ºC, corrosion resistance in basic environment and competitive cost. Nevertheless, MgO presents a great tendency to react with water producing magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH2. This reaction generates a threefold volumetric expansion and could lead to material breakdown inhibiting its application in refractory castables. In order to develop solutions to minimize this effect, a further understanding of the magnesia hydration mechanism and the main variables involved in this reaction is required. Two different mechanisms were proposed: a

  14. Radiation-induced recurrent intestinal pseudo-obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conklin, J.L.; Anuras, S.


    The syndrome of intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a complex of signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction without evidence of mechanical obstruction of the intestinal lumen. A patient with radiation-induced intestinal pseudoobstruction is described. The patient is a 74-year old woman with a history of chronic diarrhea, recurrent episodes of crampy abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting since receiving a 13,000 rad radiation dose to the pelvis in 1954. She has been hospitalized on many occasions for symptoms and signs of bowel obstruction. Upper gastrointestinal contrast roentgenograms with small bowel follow-through done during these episodes revealed multiple dilated loops of small bowel with no obstructing lesion. Barium enemas revealed no obstructing lesion. Each episode resolved with conservative therapy. Other secondary causes for intestinal pseudo-obstruction were ruled out in our patient. She gave no history of familial gastrointestinal disorders. Although postirradiation motility abnormalities have been demonstrated experimentally this is the first report of radiation induced intestinal pseudo-obstruction

  15. Fish oil enhances recovery of intestinal microbiota and epithelial integrity in chronic rejection of intestinal transplant.

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    Qiurong Li

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The intestinal chronic rejection (CR is the major limitation to long-term survival of transplanted organs. This study aimed to investigate the interaction between intestinal microbiota and epithelial integrity in chronic rejection of intestinal transplantation, and to find out whether fish oil enhances recovery of intestinal microbiota and epithelial integrity. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The luminal and mucosal microbiota composition of CR rats were characterized by DGGE analysis at 190 days after intestinal transplant. The specific bacterial species were determined by sequence analysis. Furthermore, changes in the localization of intestinal TJ proteins were examined by immunofluorescent staining. PCR-DGGE analysis revealed that gut microbiota in CR rats had a shift towards Escherichia coli, Bacteroides spp and Clostridium spp and a decrease in the abundance of Lactobacillales bacteria in the intestines. Fish oil supplementation could enhance the recovery of gut microbiota, showing a significant decrease of gut bacterial proportions of E. coli and Bacteroides spp and an increase of Lactobacillales spp. In addition, CR rats showed pronounced alteration of tight junction, depicted by marked changes in epithelial cell ultrastructure and redistribution of occuldin and claudins as well as disruption in TJ barrier function. Fish oil administration ameliorated disruption of epithelial integrity in CR, which was associated with an improvement of the mucosal structure leading to improved tight junctions. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study have presented novel evidence that fish oil is involved in the maintenance of epithelial TJ integrity and recovery of gut microbiota, which may have therapeutic potential against CR in intestinal transplantation.

  16. Lipo sarcoma in small intestine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez Iglesias, J.; Pineyro Gutierrez, A.; Taroco Medeiros, L.; Fein Kolodny, C.; Navarrete Pedocchi, H.


    A case is presented by primitive liposarcoma in small intestine , an extensive bibliographical review foreigner and national in this case. It detach the exceptional of the intestinal topography of the liposarcomas; and making stress in the relative value of the computerized tomography and ultrasonography in the diagnose of the small intestine tumors . As well as in the sarcomas of another topography, chemo and radiotherapy associated to the exeresis surgery, it can be of benefit [es

  17. [Intrauterine intestinal volvulus]. (United States)

    Gawrych, Elzbieta; Chojnacka, Hanna; Wegrzynowski, Jerzy; Rajewska, Justyna


    Intrauterine intestinal volvulus is an extremely rare case of acute congenital intestinal obstruction. The diagnosis is usually possible in the third trimester of a pregnancy. Fetal midgut volvulus is most likely to be recognized by observing a typical clockwise whirlpool sign during color Doppler investigation. Multiple dilated intestinal loops with fluid levels are usually visible during the antenatal ultrasound as well. Physical and radiographic findings in the newborn indicate intestinal obstruction and an emergency surgery is required. The authors describe intrauterine volvulus in 3 female newborns in which surgical treatment was individualized. The decision about primary or delayed anastomosis after resection of the gangrenous part of the small bowel was made at the time of the surgery and depended on the general condition of the newborn, as well as presence or absence of meconium peritonitis. Double loop jejunostomy was performed in case of two newborns, followed by a delayed end-to-end anastomosis. In case of the third newborn, good blood supply of the small intestine after untwisting and 0.25% lignocaine injections into mesentery led to the assumption that the torsion was not complete and ischemia was reversible. In the two cases of incomplete rotation the cecum was sutured to the left abdominal wall to prevent further twisting. The postoperative course was uneventful and oral alimentation caused no problems. Physical development of all these children has been normal (current age: 1-2 years) and the parents have not observed any disorders or problems regarding passage of food through the alimentary canal. Prompt antenatal diagnosis of this surgical emergency and adequate choice of intervention may greatly reduce mortality due to intrauterine volvulus.

  18. Disfunción familiar en pacientes con intento de suicidio en el área de urgencias pediátricas

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    Andrea Vanessa Ruiz-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Señor editor: El intento de suicidio (IS por adolescentes es una realidad que requiere atención médica urgente porque ocasiona daños a la salud y la sociedad. La OMS alerta sobre el incremento en las tasas, y México es el país con el mayor crecimiento. El suicidio es la segunda causa de muerte en adolescentes de 15 a 19 años a nivel mundial y de las tres principales causas en México en este mismo grupo. Estos fallecimientos prematuros prevenibles evidencian la necesidad de tomar medidas para evitarlos. El conocimiento de las características personales y familiares de los menores que intentan suicidarse aporta elementos importantes para el análisis de los mecanismos involucrados en este problema...

  19. Epigenética y epigenoma: Un paso más allá en la etiología y potencial tratamiento de las enfermedades neurológicas Epigenetics and epigenome: A step forward in the etiology and potential treatment of neurological diseases

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    Sergio J. González


    Full Text Available Los mecanismos de regulación epigenética poseen una función muy importante en el desarrollo y en la función de todos los sistemas del organismo. El fracaso en el normal mantenimiento de esta regulación y desarrollo, debido a factores ambientales, podría contribuir al desarrollo de múltiples enfermedades en pacientes predispuestos genéticamente. Si bien la fisiopatología de gran parte de las enfermedades es desconocida en sus mecanismos moleculares más finos, existen evidencias de que la mayoría de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos convergerían a una interacción entre los genes y el ambiente. La epigenética nos permitiría estudiar la interacción mencionada en los niveles moleculares de regulación de la expresión o supresión de un gen y su relación con diversas enfermedades. Particularmente las enfermedades neurológicas, por su complejidad, la gran cantidad de genes involucrados y la influencia ambiental, son un ámbito más que apropiado para investigar potenciales mecanismos epigenéticos en su fisiopatogenia y desarrollo. La presente revisión tiene como objetivo describir en detalle los mecanismos de regulación epigenética y los hallazgos conocidos que provocarían la disfunción de estos mecanismos como posibles desencadenantes de diferentes enfermedades neurológicas.The mechanisms of epigenetic regulation play an important role in the development and function of body systems. Failure in the maintenance of this regulation as well as environmental factors could contribute to the development of multiple disease s in genetically predisposed patients. Although the molecular mechanisms responsible for the etiology of most diseases are unknown, there is evidence of both genetic and environmental factors that could influence this development. Recent findings involve epigenetic mechanisms in the origin of various diseases. This review aims to describe in detail the mechanisms of epigenetic regulation and the known findings

  20. Los mecanismos de la democracia en el pensamiento político de Alexis de Tocqueville

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    Gil, Tomás


    Full Text Available The article intends to reconstruct the functionalist conception of Tocqueville’s democracy, a concept that focus on the beneficial effects of the democracy by describing some of the mechanisms of its practical way of operating.

    El artículo se propone reconstruir la concepción funcionalista de la democracia de Tocqueville, una concepción que se concentra en los efectos benéficos de la democracia, describiendo algunos de los mecanismos de su funcionamiento práctico.

  1. Exercise and the gastro-intestinal tract

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    on perfonnance and me value of cardiovascular training in improving performance in aerobic sports is well recognised. The role of me gastro-intestinal tracr, bom as a limiting and sustaining facror in aerobic exercises, is less well appreciared. Gastro-intestinal symptoms. The spectrum of gastro-intestinal effecrs of exercise ...

  2. Epidermal Growth Factor and Intestinal Barrier Function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaopeng Tang


    Full Text Available Epidermal growth factor (EGF is a 53-amino acid peptide that plays an important role in regulating cell growth, survival, migration, apoptosis, proliferation, and differentiation. In addition, EGF has been established to be an effective intestinal regulator helping to protect intestinal barrier integrity, which was essential for the absorption of nutrients and health in humans and animals. Several researches have demonstrated that EGF via binding to the EGF receptor and subsequent activation of Ras/MAPK, PI3K/AKT, PLC-γ/PKC, and STATS signal pathways regulates intestinal barrier function. In this review, the relationship between epidermal growth factor and intestinal development and intestinal barrier is described, to provide a better understanding of the effects of EGF on intestine development and health.

  3. Thyroid hormone regulation of adult intestinal stem cells: Implications on intestinal development and homeostasis. (United States)

    Sun, Guihong; Roediger, Julia; Shi, Yun-Bo


    Organ-specific adult stem cells are essential for organ homeostasis, tissue repair and regeneration. The formation of such stem cells often takes place during postembryonic development, a period around birth in mammals when plasma thyroid hormone concentration is high. The life-long self-renewal of the intestinal epithelium has made mammalian intestine a valuable model to study the function and regulation and adult stem cells. On the other hand, much less is known about how the adult intestinal stem cells are formed during vertebrate development. Here, we will review some recent progresses on this subject, focusing mainly on the formation of the adult intestine during Xenopus metamorphosis. We will discuss the role of thyroid hormone signaling pathway in the process and potential molecular conservations between amphibians and mammals as well as the implications in organ homeostasis and human diseases.

  4. Isotopic identification of intestinal strangulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, M.C.; Selby, J.B.


    A small series of eleven dogs prepared with a strangulating segment of jejunum demonstrated that a radionuclide, 99 mTc-labelled albumin, concentrates in the lumen and bowel wall of the affected intestinal segment. Modern scanning equipment accurately localized the strangulating loop. This technique has the potential of identifying patients with intestinal obstruction, in whom strangulation is a factor, prior to the development of impaired arterial inflow and frank gangrene. These findings confirmed earlier obstructions that were reported when nuclear scanning instrumentation was less sophisticated. Identification of patients at risk for intestinal strangulation requires a high index of suspicion. Excruciating cramping abdominal pain out of proportion to physical findings, roentgenogram evidence, and laboratory studies should alert the physician to the possibility of intestinal ischemia and closed loop obstruction. Radionuclide scanning in such cases may be of assistance in defining or excluding the diagnosis of a strangulating mechanism. The test is simple, relatively economical, and represents a low risk procedure to patients. It would have no place when the classic physical and laboratory findings of intestinal infarction are present

  5. Isotopic identification of intestinal strangulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, M.C.; Selby, J.B.


    A small series of eleven dogs prepared with a strangulating segment of jejunum demonstrated that a radionuclide, /sup 99/mTc-labelled albumin, concentrates in the lumen and bowel wall of the affected intestinal segment. Modern scanning equipment accurately localized the strangulating loop. This technique has the potential of identifying patients with intestinal obstruction, in whom strangulation is a factor, prior to the development of impaired arterial inflow and frank gangrene. These findings confirmed earlier obstructions that were reported when nuclear scanning instrumentation was less sophisticated. Identification of patients at risk for intestinal strangulation requires a high index of suspicion. Excruciating cramping abdominal pain out of proportion to physical findings, roentgenogram evidence, and laboratory studies should alert the physician to the possibility of intestinal ischemia and closed loop obstruction. Radionuclide scanning in such cases may be of assistance in defining or excluding the diagnosis of a strangulating mechanism. The test is simple, relatively economical, and represents a low risk procedure to patients. It would have no place when the classic physical and laboratory findings of intestinal infarction are present.

  6. Mecanismos de corrosión e inhibición electroquímica del acero galvanorrecocido

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    Arenas, M. A.


    Full Text Available The corrosion mechanism of galvannealed in 0,6 M NaCl has been evaluated by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS. After 48 hours and for longer immersion time, up to 1 month, in sodium chloride, the system is controlled by a diffusion process at finite layer. Moreover, the effectiveness of cerium salts as inhibitor added in the electrolyte has been studied. Inhibition percentages of about 85% for 500 and 1000 ppm at 24 hours have been found. On the hand, changes in the corrosion mechanism due to the cerium presence were shown.

    Se ha estudiado el mecanismo de corrosión de un acero galvanorrecocido, en 0,6 M de cloruro sódico, mediante espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica. Los resultados revelan que el sistema, para tiempos mayores de 48 h de inmersión y hasta 1 mes en NaCl, está controlado por un proceso de difusión en capa finita. A su vez, se ha estudiado la efectividad de sales de cerio como inhibidor añadido en el medio agresivo, obteniéndose porcentajes de inhibición del 85% para concentraciones de 500 y 1.000 ppm a las 24 h de exposición. Además, los espectros de impedancia electroquímica revelan un cambio en el mecanismo de corrosión del galvanorrecocido por la adición del cerio en el medio.

  7. Small intestine aspirate and culture (United States)

    ... ency/article/003731.htm Small intestine aspirate and culture To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Small intestine aspirate and culture is a lab test to check for infection ...

  8. Prenatal intestinal volvulus: look for cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Chouikh, Taieb; Mottet, Nicolas; Cabrol, Christelle; Chaussy, Yann


    Intestinal volvulus is a life-threatening emergency requiring prompt surgical management. Prenatal intestinal volvulus is rare, and most are secondary to intestinal atresia, mesenteric defect or without any underlying cause. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is known to cause digestive tract disorders. After birth, 10-15% of newborns with CF may develop intestinal obstruction within a few days of birth because of meconial ileus. 1 This obstruction is a result of dehydrated thickened meconium obstructing the intestinal lumen. We report two cases of fetuses with prenatal diagnosis of segmental volvulus in whom CF was diagnosed. 2016 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

  9. Telescoping Intestine in an Adult

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    Khaldoon Shaheen


    Full Text Available Protrusion of a bowel segment into another (intussusception produces severe abdominal pain and culminates in intestinal obstruction. In adults, intestinal obstruction due to intussusception is relatively rare phenomenon, as it accounts for minority of intestinal obstructions in this population demographic. Organic lesion is usually identifiable as the cause of adult intussusceptions, neoplasms account for the majority. Therefore, surgical resection without reduction is almost always necessary and is advocated as the best treatment of adult intussusception. Here, we describe a rare case of a 44-year-old male with a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma involving the terminal ileum, which had caused ileocolic intussusception and subsequently developed intestinal obstruction requiring surgical intervention. This case emphasizes the importance of recognizing intussusception as the initial presentation for bowel malignancy.

  10. Intestinal volvulus in cetaceans. (United States)

    Begeman, L; St Leger, J A; Blyde, D J; Jauniaux, T P; Lair, S; Lovewell, G; Raverty, S; Seibel, H; Siebert, U; Staggs, S L; Martelli, P; Keesler, R I


    Intestinal volvulus was recognized as the cause of death in 18 cetaceans, including 8 species of toothed whales (suborder Odontoceti). Cases originated from 11 institutions from around the world and included both captive (n = 9) and free-ranging (n = 9) animals. When the clinical history was available (n = 9), animals consistently demonstrated acute dullness 1 to 5 days prior to death. In 3 of these animals (33%), there was a history of chronic gastrointestinal illness. The pathological findings were similar to those described in other animal species and humans, and consisted of intestinal volvulus and a well-demarcated segment of distended, congested, and edematous intestine with gas and bloody fluid contents. Associated lesions included congested and edematous mesentery and mesenteric lymph nodes, and often serofibrinous or hemorrhagic abdominal effusion. The volvulus involved the cranial part of the intestines in 85% (11 of 13). Potential predisposing causes were recognized in most cases (13 of 18, 72%) but were variable. Further studies investigating predisposing factors are necessary to help prevent occurrence and enhance early clinical diagnosis and management of the condition.

  11. Mecanismos psicobiológicos y del desarrollo de la reactividad al estrés en roedores y humanos

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    Leonardo A. Ortega


    Full Text Available La investigación con modelos animales ha tenido un avance importante sobre elconocimiento de los mecanismos psicobiológicos que subyacen a las diferenciasindividuales que existen con referencia a la reactividad al estrés. La investigaciónanimal también ha ayudado en la comprensión de los correlatos psicobiológicosde la reactividad al estrés en humanos, al sugerir mecanismos neuroquímicosparticulares para la investigación y al producir modelos generales defuncionamiento psicológico aplicables en humanos. En este artículo se describenlos elementos neuroquímicos básicos de la reactividad al estrés. Adicionalmente,se utiliza el modelo de epigénesis probabilística para incluir los elementos deldesarrollo y genéticos que proveen el contexto necesario para la comprensión delas diferencias individuales en la reactividad al estrés. Finalmente, se describenalgunos resultados y potenciales avances en la investigación de la psicobiologíadel trastorno de estrés postraumático en términos de los conceptos que han surgidodesde la investigación animal.

  12. Update on small intestinal stem cells. (United States)

    Tesori, Valentina; Puglisi, Maria Ausiliatrice; Lattanzi, Wanda; Gasbarrini, Giovanni Battista; Gasbarrini, Antonio


    Among somatic stem cells, those residing in the intestine represent a fascinating and poorly explored research field. Particularly, somatic stem cells reside in the small intestine at the level of the crypt base, in a constant balance between self-renewal and differentiation. Aim of the present review is to delve into the mechanisms that regulate the delicate equilibrium through which intestinal stem cells orchestrate intestinal architecture. To this aim, special focus will be addressed to identify the integrating signals from the surrounding niche, supporting a model whereby distinct cell populations facilitate homeostatic vs injury-induced regeneration.

  13. Mecanismos de la acción neuroprotectora de los cannabinoides en la enfermedad de Alzheimer


    Martín Moreno, Ana María


    El papel neuroprotector de los cannabinoides in vivo e in vitro es conocido, pero el mecanismo a través del cual llevan a cabo su acción neuroprotectora, en el contexto de la enfermedad de Alzheimer, no había sido abordado en su conjunto. Los objetivos del presente trabajo son 5: 1. Estudiar el efecto de distintos agonistas cannabinoides, en particular aquellos carentes de efectos psicoactivos, sobre funciones microgliales tales como la generación de nitritos o la migración, que puedan se...

  14. El debate Santos – Zuluaga, el uso de formas y secuencias recurrentes como mecanismos lingüístico-discursivos

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    Bayter Henry Hernández


    Full Text Available Nos proponemos analizar los mecanismos lingüístico-discursivos movilizados por los dos candidatos a las últimas elecciones colombianas de 2014. Nuestro objetivo es poner de manifiesto las diferentes estructuras discursivas utilizadas por los dos candidatos durante el debate entre la primera y la segunda vuelta del 9 de junio de 2014.

  15. Short Bowel Syndrome, a Case of Intestinal Rehabilitation

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    Dianna Ramírez Prada


    Full Text Available Case: The objective is to present the successful experience of multidisciplinary management of a patient with short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure with progression to intestinal adaptation. This is a newly born premature with intestinal atresia type IV with multiple intestinal atresia who evolved to intestinal failure and required managed with prolonged parenteral nutritional support, multiple antibiotic schemes, prebiotics, multivitamins, enteral nutrition with elemental formula to achieve their adaptation intestinal until lead to a normal diet. The evolution of these patients intestinal failure is a challenge for the health team, as it not only involves the surgical management of your condition if not basic nutritional support, fluid and electrolyte balance, hepatic dysfunction cholestasis associated infections etc. Discussion: Short bowel syndrome with progression to intestinal failure in children is a condition whose prevalence is increasing worldwide, thanks to advances in neonatal intensive care, neonatal surgery, and nutritional support of patients with conditions such as gastroschisis, omphalocele and necrotizing enterocolitis. Despite the limitations of our health system, it is possible to offer a multidisciplinary and integrated to lead to intestinal adaptation treatment.

  16. Precision cut intestinal slices are an appropriate ex vivo model to study NSAID-induced intestinal toxicity in rats

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niu, Xiaoyu; de Graaf, Inge A. M.; van der Bij, Hendrik A.; Groothuis, Geny M. M.


    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used therapeutic agents, however, they are associated with a high prevalence of intestinal side effects. In this investigation, rat precision cut intestinal slices (PCIS) were evaluated as an ex vivo model to study NSAID-induced intestinal


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    N.I. Ursova


    Full Text Available The article analyzes modern data on infants’ intestinal colics. Peculiarities of nutrition, intestinal microbiocenose in healthy infants, methods of colcs’ correction are discussed. Author describes the principles of probiotics choice based on their clinical effectiveness in infants. Milk formula «Nan Comfort» can be useful in prophylaxis and treatment of functional disorders of gastrointestinal tract in children.Key words: infants, gastrointestinal tract, anatomy, physiology, intestinal colics, nutrition, probiotics.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2011; 10 (2: 125–131

  18. Role of intestinal bacteria in gliadin-induced changes in intestinal mucosa: study in germ-free rats.

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    Jana Cinova

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Celiac disease (CD is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the small intestine that is induced by dietary wheat gluten proteins (gliadins in genetically predisposed individuals. The overgrowth of potentially pathogenic bacteria and infections has been suggested to contribute to CD pathogenesis. We aimed to study the effects of gliadin and various intestinal bacterial strains on mucosal barrier integrity, gliadin translocation, and cytokine production. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Changes in gut mucosa were assessed in the intestinal loops of inbred Wistar-AVN rats that were reared under germ-free conditions in the presence of various intestinal bacteria (enterobacteria and bifidobacteria isolated from CD patients and healthy children, respectively and CD-triggering agents (gliadin and IFN-γ by histology, scanning electron microscopy, immunofluorescence, and a rat cytokine antibody array. Adhesion of the bacterial strains to the IEC-6 rat cell line was evaluated in vitro. Gliadin fragments alone or together with the proinflammatory cytokine interferon (IFN-γ significantly decreased the number of goblet cells in the small intestine; this effect was more pronounced in the presence of Escherichia coli CBL2 and Shigella CBD8. Shigella CBD8 and IFN-γ induced the highest mucin secretion and greatest impairment in tight junctions and, consequently, translocation of gliadin fragments into the lamina propria. Shigella CBD8 and E. coli CBL2 strongly adhered to IEC-6 epithelial cells. The number of goblet cells in small intestine increased by the simultaneous incubation of Bifidobacterium bifidum IATA-ES2 with gliadin, IFN-γ and enterobacteria. B. bifidum IATA-ES2 also enhanced the production of chemotactic factors and inhibitors of metalloproteinases, which can contribute to gut mucosal protection. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the composition of the intestinal microbiota affects the permeability of the intestinal mucosa

  19. Gliadin, zonulin and gut permeability: Effects on celiac and non-celiac intestinal mucosa and intestinal cell lines. (United States)

    Drago, Sandro; El Asmar, Ramzi; Di Pierro, Mariarosaria; Grazia Clemente, Maria; Tripathi, Amit; Sapone, Anna; Thakar, Manjusha; Iacono, Giuseppe; Carroccio, Antonio; D'Agate, Cinzia; Not, Tarcisio; Zampini, Lucia; Catassi, Carlo; Fasano, Alessio


    Little is known about the interaction of gliadin with intestinal epithelial cells and the mechanism(s) through which gliadin crosses the intestinal epithelial barrier. We investigated whether gliadin has any immediate effect on zonulin release and signaling. Both ex vivo human small intestines and intestinal cell monolayers were exposed to gliadin, and zonulin release and changes in paracellular permeability were monitored in the presence and absence of zonulin antagonism. Zonulin binding, cytoskeletal rearrangement, and zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) redistribution were evaluated by immunofluorescence microscopy. Tight junction occludin and ZO-1 gene expression was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). When exposed to gliadin, zonulin receptor-positive IEC6 and Caco2 cells released zonulin in the cell medium with subsequent zonulin binding to the cell surface, rearrangement of the cell cytoskeleton, loss of occludin-ZO1 protein-protein interaction, and increased monolayer permeability. Pretreatment with the zonulin antagonist FZI/0 blocked these changes without affecting zonulin release. When exposed to luminal gliadin, intestinal biopsies from celiac patients in remission expressed a sustained luminal zonulin release and increase in intestinal permeability that was blocked by FZI/0 pretreatment. Conversely, biopsies from non-celiac patients demonstrated a limited, transient zonulin release which was paralleled by an increase in intestinal permeability that never reached the level of permeability seen in celiac disease (CD) tissues. Chronic gliadin exposure caused down-regulation of both ZO-1 and occludin gene expression. Based on our results, we concluded that gliadin activates zonulin signaling irrespective of the genetic expression of autoimmunity, leading to increased intestinal permeability to macromolecules.

  20. Kaiso overexpression promotes intestinal inflammation and potentiates intestinal tumorigenesis in Apc(Min/+) mice. (United States)

    Pierre, Christina C; Longo, Joseph; Mavor, Meaghan; Milosavljevic, Snezana B; Chaudhary, Roopali; Gilbreath, Ebony; Yates, Clayton; Daniel, Juliet M


    Constitutive Wnt/β-catenin signaling is a key contributor to colorectal cancer (CRC). Although inactivation of the tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is recognized as an early event in CRC development, it is the accumulation of multiple subsequent oncogenic insults facilitates malignant transformation. One potential contributor to colorectal carcinogenesis is the POZ-ZF transcription factor Kaiso, whose depletion extends lifespan and delays polyp onset in the widely used Apc(Min/+) mouse model of intestinal cancer. These findings suggested that Kaiso potentiates intestinal tumorigenesis, but this was paradoxical as Kaiso was previously implicated as a negative regulator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. To resolve Kaiso's role in intestinal tumorigenesis and canonical Wnt signaling, we generated a transgenic mouse model (Kaiso(Tg/+)) expressing an intestinal-specific myc-tagged Kaiso transgene. We then mated Kaiso(Tg/+) and Apc(Min/+) mice to generate Kaiso(Tg/+):Apc(Min/+) mice for further characterization. Kaiso(Tg/+):Apc(Min/+) mice exhibited reduced lifespan and increased polyp multiplicity compared to Apc(Min/+) mice. Consistent with this murine phenotype, we found increased Kaiso expression in human CRC tissue, supporting a role for Kaiso in human CRC. Interestingly, Wnt target gene expression was increased in Kaiso(Tg/+):Apc(Min/+) mice, suggesting that Kaiso's function as a negative regulator of canonical Wnt signaling, as seen in Xenopus, is not maintained in this context. Notably, Kaiso(Tg/+):Apc(Min/+) mice exhibited increased inflammation and activation of NFκB signaling compared to their Apc(Min/+) counterparts. This phenotype was consistent with our previous report that Kaiso(Tg/+) mice exhibit chronic intestinal inflammation. Together our findings highlight a role for Kaiso in promoting Wnt signaling, inflammation and tumorigenesis in the mammalian intestine. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Implantación de IPv6 : red, mecanismos de transición IPv4-IPv6, servicios de aplicación y migración de aplicaciones


    Rodríguez Hervella, Juan Francisco


    El presente proyecto fin de carrera trata los aspectos más importantes de la gestión y migración de las redes IP hacia el nuevo protocolo de red IPv6 y pone gran énfasis en experiencias de implantación de los mismos. A lo largo de este proyecto se profundiza sobre los distintos mecanismos de transición IPv4/IPv6 existentes, concretamente se describen y se prueban (en entornos Linux y FreeBSD) los siguientes: .Túneles 6t04, automáticos, configurados. .Mecanismo DSTM, TRT, ISATAP, NAT-PT. Tambi...

  2. Small intestinal sulphoxidation of albendazole. (United States)

    Villaverde, C; Alvarez, A I; Redondo, P; Voces, J; Del Estal, J L; Prieto, J G


    1. The in vitro sulphoxidation of Albendazole (ABZ) by rat intestinal microsomes has been examined. The results revealed intestinal sulphoxidation of ABZ by intestinal microsomes in a NADPH-dependent enzymatic system. The kinetic constants for sulphoxidase activity were Vmax = 46 pmol/min/mg protein and Michaelis constant Km = 6.8 microM. 2. The possible effect of inducers (Arochlor 1254 and ABZ pretreatment) and inhibitors (erythromycin, methimazole, carbon monoxide and fenbendazole), was also studied. In rat pretreated with Arochlor 1254, Vmax was 52 pmol/min/mg protein, whereas oral administration of ABZ increased the intestinal sulphoxidation of the drug, Vmax being 103 pmol/min/mg protein. 3. Erythromycin did not change the enzymatic bioconversion of ABZ, but methimazole and carbon monoxide inhibited the enzyme activity by approximately 60 and 30% respectively. Fenbendazole (a structural analogue of ABZ) was a competitive inhibitor of the sulphoxidation process, characterized by a Ki or 69 microM. 4. These data demonstrate that the intestinal enzymes contributing to the initial sulphoxidation of ABZ may be similar to the hepatic enzymes involved in the biotransformation process by the P450 and FMO systems, a conclusion that needs to be further established.

  3. Small intestine diverticuli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pomakov, P.; Risov, A.


    The routine method of contrast matter passage applied to 850 patients with different gastrointestinal diseases proved inefficient to detect any small-intestinal diverticuli. The following modiffications of the method have been tested in order to improve the diagnostic possibilities of the X-ray: study at short intervals, assisted passage, enteroclysm, pharmacodynamic impact, retrograde filling of the ileum by irrigoscopy. Twelve diverticuli of the small-intestinal loops were identified: 5 Meckel's diverticuli, 2 solitary of which one of the therminal ileum, 2 double diverticuli and 1 multiple diverticulosis of the jejunum. The results show that the short interval X-ray examination of the small intestines is the method of choice for identifying local changes in them. The solitary diverticuli are not casuistic scarcity, its occurrence is about 0.5% at purposeful X-ray investigation. The assisted passage method is proposed as a method of choice for detection of the Meckel's diverticulum. 5 figs., 3 tabs. 18 refs

  4. Descifrando las bases moleculares de la resistencia cuantitativa

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    Camilo Lopez


    Full Text Available Uno de los factores mas importantes que afectan los cultivos son las enfermedades ocasionadas por los patógenos. La resistencia vegetal ha sido clásicamente dividida en dos tipos: i competa, vertical o cualitativa que es gobernada por un solo gen y ii incompleta, horizontal o cuantitativa la cual es gobernada por varios genes. Aunque la resistencia cuantitativa provee resistencia de amplio espectro y es durable, los mecanismo moleculares subyacentes no han sido estudiados en detalle. En esta revisión se propone un modelo basado en la co-localización de genes similares a los clásicos genes de resistencia cualitativa con QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci para explicar el mecanismo involucrado en el reconocimiento del patógeno durante la resistencia cuantitativa. Además se presenta información acerca del progreso obtenido en los últimos tres años para entender este tipo de resistencia, que culminó con la clonación de varios genes asociados a la resistencia cuantitativa. En conjunto, estos datos proveen nuevas luces sobre la naturaleza genética de este tipo de resistencia y de cómo puede ser empleada en programas de mejoramiento genético.

  5. Megacystis microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome (United States)

    Hiradfar, Mehran; Shojaeian, Reza; Dehghanian, Paria; Hajian, Sara


    Megacystis microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome (MMIHS) is a multisystemic disorder in which impaired intestinal motor activity causes recurrent symptoms of intestinal obstruction in the absence of mechanical occlusion, associated with bladder distention without distal obstruction of the urinary tract. MMIHS and prune belly syndrome may overlap in most of the clinical features and discrimination of these two entities is important because the prognosis, management and consulting with parents are completely different. MMIHS outcome is very poor and in this article we present two neonates with MMIHS that both died in a few days. PMID:23729700

  6. Antibiotic concentrations in intestinal mucosa. (United States)

    Malmborg, A S


    The concentrations in the intestinal mucosa after the initial dose of cefoxitin, piperacillin and clindamycin have been studied. The antibiotics were given at the induction of anesthesia as prophylaxis to patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery. The concentrations of the antibiotics in serum and intestinal mucosa taken during the operation were determined by the microbiological agar diffusion method. Therapeutic concentrations in intestinal mucosa were maintained during the major part of the operation period. The mean mucosa/serum concentration ratios were for cefoxitin 0.4, for piperacillin 0.5 and for clindamycin 1.2.

  7. Deciphering the porcine intestinal microRNA transcriptome

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    Keller Andreas


    Full Text Available Abstract Background While more than 700 microRNAs (miRNAs are known in human, a comparably low number has been identified in swine. Because of the close phylogenetic distance to humans, pigs serve as a suitable model for studying e.g. intestinal development or disease. Recent studies indicate that miRNAs are key regulators of intestinal development and their aberrant expression leads to intestinal malignancy. Results Here, we present the identification of hundreds of apparently novel miRNAs in the porcine intestine. MiRNAs were first identified by means of deep sequencing followed by miRNA precursor prediction using the miRDeep algorithm as well as searching for conserved miRNAs. Second, the porcine miRNAome along the entire intestine (duodenum, proximal and distal jejunum, ileum, ascending and transverse colon was unraveled using customized miRNA microarrays based on the identified sequences as well as known porcine and human ones. In total, the expression of 332 intestinal miRNAs was discovered, of which 201 represented assumed novel porcine miRNAs. The identified hairpin forming precursors were in part organized in genomic clusters, and most of the precursors were located on chromosomes 3 and 1, respectively. Hierarchical clustering of the expression data revealed subsets of miRNAs that are specific to distinct parts of the intestine pointing to their impact on cellular signaling networks. Conclusions In this study, we have applied a straight forward approach to decipher the porcine intestinal miRNAome for the first time in mammals using a piglet model. The high number of identified novel miRNAs in the porcine intestine points out their crucial role in intestinal function as shown by pathway analysis. On the other hand, the reported miRNAs may share orthologs in other mammals such as human still to be discovered.

  8. BVES Regulates Intestinal Stem Cell Programs and Intestinal Crypt Viability after Radiation (United States)

    Reddy, Vishruth K.; Short, Sarah P.; Barrett, Caitlyn W.; Mittal, Mukul K.; Keating, Cody E.; Thompson, Joshua J.; Harris, Elizabeth I.; Revetta, Frank; Bader, David M.; Brand, Thomas; Washington, M. Kay; Williams, Christopher S.


    Blood Vessel Epicardial Substance (BVES/Popdc1) is a junctional-associated transmembrane protein that is underexpressed in a number of malignancies and regulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. We previously identified a role for BVES in regulation of the Wnt pathway, a modulator of intestinal stem cell programs, but its role in small intestinal (SI) biology remains unexplored. We hypothesized that BVES influences intestinal stem cell programs and is critical to SI homeostasis after radiation injury. At baseline, Bves−/− mice demonstrated increased crypt height, as well as elevated proliferation and expression of the stem cell marker Lgr5 compared to wildtype (WT) mice. Intercross with Lgr5-EGFP reporter mice confirmed expansion of the stem cell compartment in Bves−/− mice. To examine stem cell function after BVES deletion, we employed ex vivo 3D-enteroid cultures. Bves−/− enteroids demonstrated increased stemness compared to WT, when examining parameters such as plating efficiency, stem spheroid formation, and retention of peripheral cystic structures. Furthermore, we observed increased proliferation, expression of crypt-base columnar “CBC” and “+4” stem cell markers, amplified Wnt signaling, and responsiveness to Wnt activation in the Bves−/− enteroids. Bves expression was downregulated after radiation in WT mice. Moreover, after radiation, Bves−/− mice demonstrated significantly greater small intestinal crypt viability, proliferation, and amplified Wnt signaling in comparison to WT mice. Bves−/− mice also demonstrated elevations in Lgr5 and Ascl2 expression, and putative damage-responsive stem cell populations marked by Bmi1 and TERT. Therefore, BVES is a key regulator of intestinal stem cell programs and mucosal homeostasis. PMID:26891025

  9. Análisis de los Mecanismos de Transferencia Tecnológica entre los Sectores Científico-tecnológico y Productivo de Argentina

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    Ana Inés Malizia


    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el comportamiento de las estructuras de gestión que, en la Argentina, actúan como interfaz en la relación entre los sectores científico-tecnológicos y los productivos. Estas estructuras son denominadas “Oficinas de Vinculación Tecnológica y Transferencia”. En ese sentido, se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir del análisis cuantitativo de los distintos mecanismos de gestión de la interacción entre ambos sectores. A partir del procesamiento estadístico de información de base, se obtuvieron resultados que permitieron definir y categorizar distintas variables relacionadas con las características de estas oficinas y de los sectores de la demanda. El análisis de la relación entre estas variables, permitió obtener información de base a partir de la cual se realizan inferencias acerca del comportamiento general sobre la generación y gestión de los mecanismos que regulan su relación con los sectores científico-tecnológicos y los productivos en la República Argentina. Palabras clave: mecanismos de transferencia de conocimiento, sistema nacional de innovación, estructuras de interfaz, oficinas de vinculación tecnológica y transferencia

  10. Evaluation value of intestinal flora detection for intestinal mucosal inflammation and immune response in patients with ulcerative colitis

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    Yan Zou


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the evaluation value of intestinal flora detection for intestinal mucosal inflammatory response and immune response in patients with ulcerative colitis. Methods: The patients who were diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in Zigong Fifth People’s Hospital between March 2015 and February 2017 were selected as the UC group, and those who were diagnosed with colonic polyps were selected as the control group. Fresh excreta were collected to detect the number of intestinal flora, and the diseased intestinal mucosa tissue was collected to detect the expression of inflammatory response molecules and immune cell transcription factors. Results: enterococcus contents in intestinal tract and TLR4, NF-kB, TNF-α, HMGB-1, T-bet and RORC mRNA expression levels in intestinal mucosa of UC group were significantly higher than those of control group while bifidobacteria contents in intestinal tract and SOCS2, SOCS3, Foxp3 and GATA-3 mRNA expression levels were significantly lower than those of control group; TLR4, NF-kB, TNF-α, HMGB-1, T-bet and RORC mRNA expression levels in intestinal mucosa of UC patients with grade II and grade III flora disturbance were significantly higher than those of UC patients with normal flora and grade I flora disturbance while SOCS2, SOCS3, Foxp3 and GATA-3 mRNA expression levels were significantly lower than those of UC patients with normal flora and grade I flora disturbance; TLR4, NF-kB, TNF-α, HMGB-1, T-bet and RORC mRNA expression levels in intestinal mucosa of UC patients with grade III flora disturbance were significantly higher than those of UC patients with grade II flora disturbance while SOCS2, SOCS3, Foxp3 and GATA-3 mRNA expression levels were significantly lower than those of UC patients with grade II flora disturbance. Conclusion: The intestinal flora disturbance in patients with ulcerative colitis can result in inflammatory response activation and immune response disorder.

  11. Coping mechanisms used by non-burned out and burned out workers in the family health strategy Mecanismos utilizados para enfrentar el agotamiento por trabajadores que actúan en el programa estrategia de la salud de la familia Mecanismos de enfrentamento utilizados por trabalhadores esgotados e não esgotados da estratégia de saúde da família

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    Letícia de Lima Trindade


    Full Text Available This study aimed to investigate stress coping mechanisms used by workers of 16 Family Health Strategy (FHS teams in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Six workers with scores compatible with the Burnout Syndrome, identified through the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and six workers without the syndrome were interviewed in January and February 2007. In the reports' content analysis, we identified that burned out workers predominantly used individual mechanisms to cope with occupational problems, while non-burned out workers sought collective mechanisms. These findings indicate the importance of interpersonal relationships among FHS team members to cope with occupational stress and the need to develop collective strategies to prevent stress and maintain workers' health.La investigación objetivó investigar los mecanismos para enfrentar el estrés, utilizados por los trabajadores de los dieciséis equipos de la Estrategia de la Salud de la Familia (ESF de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Fueron entrevistados, en los meses de enero y febrero de 2007, seis trabajadores con puntajes compatibles con el síndrome de Burnout, identificados por el Maslach Burnout Inventory, y seis sin el síndrome. En el análisis de contenido de las declaraciones, se identificó que los trabajadores agotados utilizan, predominantemente, mecanismos individuales para enfrentamiento de los problemas laborales, en cuanto los no agotados recurren a mecanismos colectivos. Lo encontrado apunta para la importancia de las relaciones interpersonales entre los miembros del equipo de la ESF para el enfrentamiento del estrés laboral y para la necesidad de construir estrategias colectivas, con el objetivo de prevenir el estrés y mantener la salud del trabajador.A pesquisa objetivou investigar os mecanismos de enfrentamento do estresse utilizados pelos trabalhadores das dezesseis equipes da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Foram entrevistados, nos meses de janeiro e

  12. Intestinal perfusion in the study of intestinal absorption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baker, S.J.


    Several techniques for studying absorption by means of intestinal perfusion have been developed. While the principle is simple, the practice is complicated by absorption of the solvent and by excretion of fluid into the lumen. To improve reliability a ''marker'' is incorporated into the system; it should behave as nearly as possible like the nutrient of interest, except that it should be unabsorbable. A great many markers, including several labelled with radionuclides, have been developed for use with numerous nutrients, and perfusion methods using double or triple tubes or occlusive balloons have been tested. The perfusion technique is too complicated for routine diagnostic use, but it offers at present the only possibility of studying the function of defined sections of the small intestine in the intact human. (author)

  13. The jagged-2/notch-1/hes-1 pathway is involved in intestinal epithelium regeneration after intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guoqing Chen

    Full Text Available Notch signaling plays a critical role in the maintenance of intestinal crypt epithelial cell proliferation. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Notch signaling in the proliferation and regeneration of intestinal epithelium after intestinal ischemia reperfusion (I/R injury.Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to sham operation or I/R by occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA for 20 min. Intestinal tissue samples were collected at 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 h after reperfusion. Proliferation of the intestinal epithelium was evaluated by immunohistochemical staining of proliferating nuclear antigen (PCNA. The mRNA and protein expression levels of Notch signaling components were examined using Real-time PCR and Western blot analyses. Immunofluorescence was also performed to detect the expression and location of Jagged-2, cleaved Notch-1, and Hes-1 in the intestine. Finally, the γ-secretase inhibitor DAPT and the siRNA for Jagged-2 and Hes-1 were applied to investigate the functional role of Notch signaling in the proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells in an in vitro IEC-6 culture system.I/R injury caused increased intestinal crypt epithelial cell proliferation and increased mRNA and protein expression of Jagged-2, Notch-1, and Hes-1. The immunofluorescence results further confirmed increased protein expression of Jagged-2, cleaved Notch-1, and Hes-1 in the intestinal crypts. The inhibition of Notch signaling with DAPT and the suppression of Jagged-2 and Hes-1 expression using siRNA both significantly inhibited the proliferation of IEC-6 cells.The Jagged-2/Notch-1/Hes-1 signaling pathway is involved in intestinal epithelium regeneration early after I/R injury by increasing crypt epithelial cell proliferation.

  14. Alternative Functional In Vitro Models of Human Intestinal Epithelia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda L Kauffman


    Full Text Available Physiologically relevant sources of absorptive intestinal epithelial cells are crucial for human drug transport studies. Human adenocarcinoma-derived intestinal cell lines, such as Caco-2, offer conveniences of easy culture maintenance and scalability, but do not fully recapitulate in vivo intestinal phenotypes. Additional sources of renewable physiologically relevant human intestinal cells would provide a much needed tool for drug discovery and intestinal physiology. We sought to evaluate and compare two alternative sources of human intestinal cells, commercially available primary human intestinal epithelial cells (hInEpCs and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC-derived intestinal cells to Caco-2, for use in in vitro transwell monolayer intestinal transport assays. To achieve this for iPSC-derived cells, our previously described 3-dimensional intestinal organogenesis method was adapted to transwell differentiation. Intestinal cells were assessed by marker expression through immunocytochemical and mRNA expression analyses, monolayer integrity through Transepithelial Electrical Resistance (TEER measurements and molecule permeability, and functionality by taking advantage the well-characterized intestinal transport mechanisms. In most cases, marker expression for primary hInEpCs and iPSC-derived cells appeared to be as good as or better than Caco-2. Furthermore, transwell monolayers exhibited high TEER with low permeability. Primary hInEpCs showed molecule efflux indicative of P-glycoprotein transport. Primary hInEpCs and iPSC-derived cells also showed neonatal Fc receptor-dependent binding of immunoglobulin G variants. Primary hInEpCs and iPSC-derived intestinal cells exhibit expected marker expression and demonstrate basic functional monolayer formation, similar to or better than Caco-2. These cells could offer an alternative source of human intestinal cells for understanding normal intestinal epithelial physiology and drug transport.

  15. An intestinal Trojan horse for gene delivery. (United States)

    Peng, Haisheng; Wang, Chao; Xu, Xiaoyang; Yu, Chenxu; Wang, Qun


    The intestinal epithelium forms an essential element of the mucosal barrier and plays a critical role in the pathophysiological response to different enteric disorders and diseases. As a major enteric dysfunction of the intestinal tract, inflammatory bowel disease is a genetic disease which results from the inappropriate and exaggerated mucosal immune response to the normal constituents in the mucosal microbiota environment. An intestine targeted drug delivery system has unique advantages in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. As a new concept in drug delivery, the Trojan horse system with the synergy of nanotechnology and host cells can achieve better therapeutic efficacy in specific diseases. Here, we demonstrated the feasibility of encapsulating DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles into primary isolated intestinal stem cells to form an intestinal Trojan horse for gene regulation therapy of inflammatory bowel disease. This proof-of-concept intestinal Trojan horse will have a wide variety of applications in the diagnosis and therapy of enteric disorders and diseases.

  16. Radioimmunoassay studies of intestinal calcium-binding protein in the pig. 2. The distribution of intestinal CaBP in pig tissues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arnold, B.M.; Kuttner, M.; Willis, D.M.; Hitchman, A.J.W.; Harrison, J.E.; Murray, T.M.


    Using a specific radioimmunoassay for porcine intestinal calcium-binding protein (CaBP), we have measured the concentration of CaBP in the various tissues and organs of normal pigs. Intestinal CaBP was present in highest concentration in the upper small intestine, with lower concentrations in the distal small intestine. Intestinal CaBP was also found, in lower concentrations, in kidney, liver, thyroid, pancreas, and blood. In all other tissues, including parathyroid, bone, skeletal muscle, and brain, CaBP immunoreactivity was undetectable or less than in blood. The elution profile of calcium-binding activity and immunoreactivity from gel filtration analysis of kidney and parathyroid extracts suggest that the calcium-binding protein in the parathyroid gland, and the major calcium-binding protein(s) in the kidney, are chemically and immunochemically different from intestinal CaBP. (author)

  17. Radioimmunoassay studies of intestinal calcium-binding protein in the pig. II. The distribution of intestinal CaBP in pig tissues

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arnold, B M; Kuttner, M; Willis, D M; Hitchman, A J.W.; Harrison, J E; Murray, T M [Toronto Univ., Ontario (Canada). Dept. of Medicine


    Using a specific radioimmunoassay for porcine intestinal calcium-binding protein (CaBP), we have measured the concentration of CaBP in the various tissues and organs of normal pigs. Intestinal CaBP was present in highest concentration in the upper small intestine, with lower concentrations in the distal small intestine. Intestinal CaBP was also found, in lower concentrations, in kidney, liver, thyroid, pancreas, and blood. In all other tissues, including parathyroid, bone, skeletal muscle, and brain, CaBP immunoreactivity was undetectable or less than in blood. The elution profile of calcium-binding activity and immunoreactivity from gel filtration analysis of kidney and parathyroid extracts suggest that the calcium-binding protein in the parathyroid gland, and the major calcium-binding protein(s) in the kidney, are chemically and immunochemically different from intestinal CaBP.

  18. Parenteral nutrition in intestinal failure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kurkchubasche AG


    Full Text Available Arlet G Kurkchubasche,1 Thomas J Herron,2 Marion F Winkler31Department of Surgery and Pediatrics, 2Department of Surgery, Alpert Medical School of Brown University, 3Department of Surgery/Nutritional Support Service, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI, USAAbstract: Intestinal failure is a consequence of extensive surgical resection resulting in anatomic loss and/or functional impairment in motility or absorptive capacity. The condition is clinically characterized by the inability to maintain fluid, energy, protein, electrolyte, or micronutrient balance when on a conventionally accepted, normal diet. Parenteral nutrition (PN is the cornerstone of management until intestinal adaptation returns the patient to a PN-independent state. Intestinal length, residual anatomic segments and motility determine the need for and duration of parenteral support. The goals of therapy are to provide sufficient nutrients to enable normal growth and development in children, and support a healthy functional status in adults. This review addresses indications for PN, the formulation of the PN solution, patient monitoring, and considerations for prevention of PN-associated complications. With the ultimate goal of achieving enteral autonomy, the important role of diet, pharmacologic interventions, and surgery is discussed.Keywords: intestinal failure, short-bowel syndrome, parenteral nutrition, home nutrition support, intestinal rehabilitation

  19. Transcriptome Analysis of Three Sheep Intestinal Regions reveals Key Pathways and Hub Regulatory Genes of Large Intestinal Lipid Metabolism. (United States)

    Chao, Tianle; Wang, Guizhi; Ji, Zhibin; Liu, Zhaohua; Hou, Lei; Wang, Jin; Wang, Jianmin


    The large intestine, also known as the hindgut, is an important part of the animal digestive system. Recent studies on digestive system development in ruminants have focused on the rumen and the small intestine, but the molecular mechanisms underlying sheep large intestine metabolism remain poorly understood. To identify genes related to intestinal metabolism and to reveal molecular regulation mechanisms, we sequenced and compared the transcriptomes of mucosal epithelial tissues among the cecum, proximal colon and duodenum. A total of 4,221 transcripts from 3,254 genes were identified as differentially expressed transcripts. Between the large intestine and duodenum, differentially expressed transcripts were found to be significantly enriched in 6 metabolism-related pathways, among which PPAR signaling was identified as a key pathway. Three genes, CPT1A, LPL and PCK1, were identified as higher expression hub genes in the large intestine. Between the cecum and colon, differentially expressed transcripts were significantly enriched in 5 lipid metabolism related pathways, and CEPT1 and MBOAT1 were identified as hub genes. This study provides important information regarding the molecular mechanisms of intestinal metabolism in sheep and may provide a basis for further study.

  20. Effects of Digested Onion Extracts on Intestinal Gene Expression: An Interspecies Comparison Using Different Intestine Models.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicole J W de Wit

    Full Text Available Human intestinal tissue samples are barely accessible to study potential health benefits of nutritional compounds. Numbers of animals used in animal trials, however, need to be minimalized. Therefore, we explored the applicability of in vitro (human Caco-2 cells and ex vivo intestine models (rat precision cut intestine slices and the pig in-situ small intestinal segment perfusion (SISP technique to study the effect of food compounds. In vitro digested yellow (YOd and white onion extracts (WOd were used as model food compounds and transcriptomics was applied to obtain more insight into which extent mode of actions depend on the model. The three intestine models shared 9,140 genes which were used to compare the responses to digested onions between the models. Unsupervised clustering analysis showed that genes up- or down-regulated by WOd in human Caco-2 cells and rat intestine slices were similarly regulated by YOd, indicating comparable modes of action for the two onion species. Highly variable responses to onion were found in the pig SISP model. By focussing only on genes with significant differential expression, in combination with a fold change > 1.5, 15 genes showed similar onion-induced expression in human Caco-2 cells and rat intestine slices and 2 overlapping genes were found between the human Caco-2 and pig SISP model. Pathway analyses revealed that mainly processes related to oxidative stress, and especially the Keap1-Nrf2 pathway, were affected by onions in all three models. Our data fit with previous in vivo studies showing that the beneficial effects of onions are mostly linked to their antioxidant properties. Taken together, our data indicate that each of the in vitro and ex vivo intestine models used in this study, taking into account their limitations, can be used to determine modes of action of nutritional compounds and can thereby reduce the number of animals used in conventional nutritional intervention studies.

  1. Interactions between the intestinal microbiota and innate lymphoid cells (United States)

    Chen, Vincent L; Kasper, Dennis L


    The mammalian intestine must manage to contain 100 trillion intestinal bacteria without inducing inappropriate immune responses to these microorganisms. The effects of the immune system on intestinal microorganisms are numerous and well-characterized, and recent research has determined that the microbiota influences the intestinal immune system as well. In this review, we first discuss the intestinal immune system and its role in containing and maintaining tolerance to commensal organisms. We next introduce a category of immune cells, the innate lymphoid cells, and describe their classification and function in intestinal immunology. Finally, we discuss the effects of the intestinal microbiota on innate lymphoid cells. PMID:24418741


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    A.N. Surkov


    Full Text Available Acute intestinal infections are quite common among children. Their clinical presentations include intoxication syndrome (drowsiness, low appetite, fever etc, infectious toxic syndrome (toxicosis with exicosis, neurotoxicosi, hypovolemic or infectious-toxic shockand diarrhea syndrome. Sometimes intestinal infections can be quite severe and even lethal. However disease duration and outcome depend on timelines and adequacy of prescribed treatment. Main guidelines of intestinal infections treatment include probiotics. That is why the right choice of probiotics is important for a pediatrician. The article contains basic information upon etiopathogenesis, classification, diagnostic criteria and acute pediatric intestinal infections treatment guidelines.Key words: acute intestinal infections, etiopathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, treatment, probiotics, children. (Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. — 2011; 10 (6: 141–147

  3. Hippo signalling directs intestinal fate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    le Bouteiller, Marie Catherine M; Jensen, Kim Bak


    Hippo signalling has been associated with many important tissue functions including the regulation of organ size. In the intestinal epithelium differing functions have been proposed for the effectors of Hippo signalling, YAP and TAZ1. These are now shown to have a dual role in the intestinal...

  4. Mecanismos de acción y de resistencia a rifampicina e isoniacida en Mycobacterium tuberculosis: nueva información sobre viejos conocidos Mechanisms of action of and resistance to rifampicin and isoniazid in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: new information on old friends

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. I. De la Iglesia


    Full Text Available La tuberculosis constituye todavía una de la causas más frecuentes de mortalidad en el mundo. A pesar de la implementación de tratamientos con cuatro drogas antituberculosas, la aparición de cepas resistentes y multirresistentes ha comprometido la eficacia de los mismos. Dos de las drogas en uso, la rifampicina y la isoniacida, recibieron gran atención por su importancia terapéutica, incluso se han identificado los genes involucrados en los mecanismos de resistencia y los que codifican para sus blancos moleculares. La rifampicina es un inhibidor de la subunidad beta de la ARN polimerasa de procariotas, incluido Mycobacterium tuberculosis. La resistencia a esta droga está principalmente mediada por mutaciones agrupadas en una región del gen rpoB. Una pequeña fracción de cepas resistentes no mostró mutaciones en rpoB, lo que sugiere la existencia de otros mecanismos de resistencia, posiblemente eflujo de la droga. La isoniacida es una prodroga que se activa por la catalasa-peroxidasa KatG. Mutaciones en katG son las más comúnmente identificadas en cepas clínicas de M. tuberculosis resistentes a isoniacida, confiriendo altos niveles de resistencia. Sin embargo, el blanco molecular de acción para la isoniacida es la InhA, una enoil-ACP reductasa involucrada en la vía de síntesis de los ácidos micólicos. Otras mutaciones involucradas en la resistencia a la isoniacida afectan al gen ndh, que codifica para la NADH deshidrogenasa.Human tuberculosis is still one of the most frequent causes of death worldwide. Despite the implementation of therapeutic regimes combining four drugs, the rise of resistant and multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains has compromised their efficacy. Two of the most effective anti-tubercular drugs in use, rifampicin and isoniazid, have been closely studied due to their therapeutic importance. These studies have led to the identification of the genes involved in resistance mechanisms and of those

  5. Mecanismos de resistencia natural al VIH en seres humanos: un resumen de 10 años de investigación en población colombiana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Teresa Rugeles


    Aunque los estudios llevados a cabo por nuestro grupo de investigación han corroborado el papel protector de algunos de los mecanismos de protección previamente propuestos, la investigación actual en esta área, a nivel mundial, ha hecho evidente que el fenómeno de resistencia natural depende de múltiples factores con una gran influencia genética, y que sólo mediante estudios multicéntricos que involucren individuos con diferente componente genético, podrán establecerse los mecanismos universales de protección. Profundizar en el conocimiento en esta área permitirá el desarrollo de nuevas medidas preventivas y terapéuticas para la infección por el VIH-1.

  6. Intestinal leiomyoma (United States)

    ... most often found when a person has an upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy or colonoscopy for another reason. Rarely, these tumors can cause bleeding, blockage or rupture of the intestines If this ...

  7. Functional characterization of folic acid transport in the intestine of the laying hen using the everted intestinal sac model. (United States)

    Tactacan, G B; Rodriguez-Lecompte, J C; Karmin, O; House, J D


    Absorption at the level of the intestine is likely a primary regulatory mechanism for the deposition of dietary supplemented folic acid into the chicken egg. Therefore, factors affecting the intestinal transport of folic acid in the laying hen may influence the level of egg folate concentrations. To this end, a series of experiments using intestinal everted sacs were conducted to characterize intestinal folic acid absorption processes in laying hens. Effects of naturally occurring folate derivatives (5-methyl and 10-formyltetrahydrofolate) as well as heme on folic acid absorption were also investigated. Folic acid absorption was measured based on the rate of uptake of (3)H-labeled folic acid in the everted sac from various segments of the small and large intestines. Folic acid concentration, incubation length, and pH condition were optimized before the performance of uptake experiments. The distribution profile of folic acid transport along the intestine was highest in the upper half of the small intestine. Maximum uptake rate (nmol·100 g tissue(-1)·min(-1)) was observed in the duodenum (20.6 ± 1.9) and jejunum (22.3 ± 2.0) and decreased significantly in the ileum (15.3 ± 1.1) and cecum (9.3 ± 0.9). Transport increased proportionately (P methyl and 10-formyltetrahydrofolate as well as heme impeded folic acid uptake, reducing intestinal folic acid absorption when added at concentrations ranging from 0 to 100 µM. Overall, these data indicated the presence of a folic acid transport system in the entire intestine of the laying hen. Uptake of folic acid in the cecum raises the likelihood of absorption of bacterial-derived folate.

  8. Regulation of intestinal homeostasis by innate immune cells. (United States)

    Kayama, Hisako; Nishimura, Junichi; Takeda, Kiyoshi


    The intestinal immune system has an ability to distinguish between the microbiota and pathogenic bacteria, and then activate pro-inflammatory pathways against pathogens for host defense while remaining unresponsive to the microbiota and dietary antigens. In the intestine, abnormal activation of innate immunity causes development of several inflammatory disorders such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Thus, activity of innate immunity is finely regulated in the intestine. To date, multiple innate immune cells have been shown to maintain gut homeostasis by preventing inadequate adaptive immune responses in the murine intestine. Additionally, several innate immune subsets, which promote Th1 and Th17 responses and are implicated in the pathogenesis of IBD, have recently been identified in the human intestinal mucosa. The demonstration of both murine and human intestinal innate immune subsets contributing to regulation of adaptive immunity emphasizes the conserved innate immune functions across species and might promote development of the intestinal innate immunity-based clinical therapy.

  9. Análisis cualitativo del concepto y praxis de rehabilitación integral percibido por distintos actores involucrados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marisol Moreno-Angarita


    Full Text Available Introducción. La rehabilitación integral es un concepto de difícil consenso, dado que es resultado de una evolución histórica. Objetivo. Presentar los hallazgos del estudio “Acceso a los servicios de rehabilitación integral en Colombia: una aproximación desde los conceptos y las prácticas de distintos actores sociales” y describir las comprensiones de la rehabilitación integral de parte de diversos actores desde una perspectiva comprensiva de la discapacidad. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo-exploratorio, cualitativo y de múltiples fuentes de evidencia para identificar las percepciones de actores responsables de formular e implementar políticas públicas (FP, académicos (A, profesionales (P, representantes de organizaciones sociales (OS, gestores de servicios (GS, gestores y profesionales de servicios de educación inclusiva (EI, personas con discapacidad (PCD y cuidadores (C, involucrados en la rehabilitación integral en una ciudad colombiana. Se realizaron entrevistas a 18 actores y se desarrollaron seis grupos focales. Para el análisis de datos, se usó el Atlas ti®, el acuerdo entre jueces y el análisis de las narrativas. Resultados. La rehabilitación integral es percibida de distintas maneras por los actores, entre las que priman tres concepciones de ella: como resultado de un proceso de rehabilitación funcional, como derecho y como garante de inclusión social. Conclusiones. Mientras exista diversidad y dispersión acerca de la rehabilitación integral, será difícil concebir, implementar, evaluar y participar activamente en dicho proceso. En consecuencia, las barreras de acceso a ella se incrementarán y estará lejos de entenderse como un derecho que se ejerce desde una visión integral de ser humano. Dicho esto, se enuncian implicaciones para la academia, los prestadores de servicios y las políticas públicas.

  10. Fibrosis endomiocárdica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Juliana Rodríguez-González


    Una de las formas más comunes de miocardiopatía restrictiva es la fibrosis endomiocárdica la cual es endémica en algunas zonas tropicales especialmente en África (países de bajos ingresos, pero en nuestro medio hay pocos reportes de aparición. Su etiología es desconocida, aunque existen diversos mecanismos que han sido involucrados en su fisiopatología. Su diagnóstico se basa en estudios imagenológicos (ecocardiograma transtorácico y resonancia magnética nuclear cardíaca. El pronóstico es muy pobre, y usualmente se diagnostica en etapas muy avanzadas de la enfermedad. Se describe el caso de una paciente femenina, adulta media, que debutó con cardiopatía restrictiva, cuyo diagnóstico final fue fibrosis endomiocárdica.

  11. A new approach to predict human intestinal absorption using porcine intestinal tissue and biorelevant matrices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Westerhout, J.; Steeg, E. van de; Grossouw, D.; Zeijdner, E.E.; Krul, C.A.M.; Verwei, M.; Wortelboer, H.M.


    A reliable prediction of the oral bioavailability in humans is crucial and of high interest for pharmaceutical and food industry. The predictive value of currently used in silico methods, in vitro cell lines, ex vivo intestinal tissue and/or in vivo animal studies for human intestinal absorption,

  12. Regional specialization within the intestinal immune system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mowat, Allan M.; Agace, William Winston


    The intestine represents the largest compartment of the immune system. It is continually exposed to antigens and immunomodulatory agents from the diet and the commensal microbiota, and it is the port of entry for many clinically important pathogens. Intestinal immune processes are also increasingly...... implicated in controlling disease development elsewhere in the body. In this Review, we detail the anatomical and physiological distinctions that are observed in the small and large intestines, and we suggest how these may account for the diversity in the immune apparatus that is seen throughout...... the intestine. We describe how the distribution of innate, adaptive and innate-like immune cells varies in different segments of the intestine and discuss the environmental factors that may influence this. Finally, we consider the implications of regional immune specialization for inflammatory disease...

  13. Intestinal metaplasia induced by x-irradiation in rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Hiromitsu; Terada, Yoritaka; Fujii, Isao; Yamamoto, Yukiko; Takizawa, Shoichi


    Total 400 rad of x-ray was given in 100 or 150 rad doses to the whole body of rats at intervals of one week, and one year and a half later, rats were killed. Disaccharidase was formed in most of animals, intestinal metaplasia only with goblet cells occurred in 65% of animals, and that with intestinal type of lacuna occurred in 36% of them. When 500 rad of x-ray was irradiated to each part of stomach day after day up to the total dose of 3,000 rad, biochemical intestinal metaplasia already occurred one week after the irradiation, and intestinal type lacuna occurred 2 months after the irradiation. Intestinal type lacuna was recognized in all animals killed 499 days after the irradiation, and intestinal metaplasia with Paneth's cells occurred in 6 out of 11 cases (56%). When a dose of 1,000 rad was irradiated to stomach three times at intervals of 2 days up to the total of 3,000 rad, much intestinal type lacuna was recognized 2 months after the irradiation, gastric adenoid cancerous changes appeared 4 months after, and gastric adenoid cancer occurred 6 months after. The above-mentioned results clarified that even if x-ray of a small dose was irradiated, intestinal metaplasia occurred, and that the period from the irradiation to occurrence of intestinal metaplasia was shortened by increasing a dose of x-ray. It was also clarified that not only intestinal metaplasia but also gastric adenoic cancer occurred due to a great amount of x-ray irradiation. (Ueda, J.)

  14. Intestinal metaplasia induced by x-irradiation in rat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watanabe, H; Terada, Y; Fujii, I; Yamamoto, Y; Takizawa, S [Hiroshima Univ. (Japan). Research Inst. for Nuclear Medicine and Biology


    Total 400 rad of x-ray was given in 100 or 150 rad doses to the whole body of rats at intervals of one week, and one year and a half later, rats were killed. Disaccharidase was formed in most of animals, intestinal metaplasia only with goblet cells occurred in 65% of animals, and that with intestinal type of lacuna occurred in 36% of them. When 500 rad of x-ray was irradiated to each part of stomach day after day up to the total dose of 3,000 rad, biochemical intestinal metaplasia already occurred one week after the irradiation, and intestinal type lacuna occurred 2 months after the irradiation. Intestinal type lacuna was recognized in all animals killed 499 days after the irradiation, and intestinal metaplasia with Paneth's cells occurred in 6 out of 11 cases (56%). When a dose of 1,000 rad was irradiated to stomach three times at intervals of 2 days up to the total of 3,000 rad, much intestinal type lacuna was recognized 2 months after the irradiation, gastric adenoid cancerous changes appeared 4 months after, and gastric adenoid cancer occurred 6 months after. The above-mentioned results clarified that even if x-ray of a small dose was irradiated, intestinal metaplasia occurred, and that the period from the irradiation to occurrence of intestinal metaplasia was shortened by increasing a dose of x-ray. It was also clarified that not only intestinal metaplasia but also gastric adenoic cancer occurred due to a great amount of x-ray irradiation.

  15. Mecanismo de acción de hormonas tiroideas sobre el páncreas endócrino


    Cortizo, Ana María


    El rol de las hormonas tiroideas en la Diabetes Mellitus y la función endocrina del páncreas fue estudiado por primera vez en 1944 por B. A. Houssay (1 ). Trabajando con perros parcialmente panceatectomizados, sometidos a tratamiento con hormonas tiroideas, observó que adquirían una forma de diabetes irreversible, que persistía aún después de interrumpir el tratamiento tiroideo. Llamó a ésta Diabetes Meta.tiroidea ; su mecanismo parecía ser un agotamiento pancreático consecutivo a ...

  16. Fusiones y adquisiciones: mecanismos de internacionalización de bancos latinoamericanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julie Janeth Bertel Chadid


    Full Text Available Desde los años noventa, a nivel global, se han registrado un número elevado de fusiones y adquisiciones (en adelante M&As en el mundo financiero cuyo objetivo es apalancar el crecimiento internacional del sector. Como la banca latinoamericana no ha sido la excepción, hemos examinado si las M&As son mecanismos de internacionalización empleados por los bancos latinoamericanos; para ello, escogimos como casos de estudio el principal banco de Brasil, el de Colombia y el de Perú, observando el comportamiento del indicador y dimensionando el grado de internacionalización, durante el período 1990-2014. Aplicamos varias metodologías de medición a fin de no dejar por fuera aspectos importantes de la internacionalización. Los resultados del estudio presentan evidencia del uso de las M&As por los bancos latinoamericanos como estrategias de internacionalización para llegar a nuevos mercados.

  17. Intestinal sclerosis with pseudo-obstruction in three dogs. (United States)

    Moore, R; Carpenter, J


    Intestinal sclerosis causing chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction was diagnosed in 3 dogs. The pseudo-obstruction was characterized by vomiting and weight loss of 2 weeks' to 3 months' duration. A patent intestinal lumen was determined by contrast radiography and verified at surgery. Intestinal biopsy revealed diffuse atrophy, fibrosis, and mononuclear cell infiltration of the tunica muscularis. Each dog was euthanatized because of a progressive, deteriorating clinical course.

  18. Fluorescent labelling of intestinal epithelial cells reveals independent long-lived intestinal stem cells in a crypt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horita, Nobukatsu [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan); Tsuchiya, Kiichiro, E-mail: [Department of Advanced Therapeutics for Gastrointestinal Diseases, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan); Hayashi, Ryohei [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan); Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolism, Hiroshima University (Japan); Fukushima, Keita; Hibiya, Shuji; Fukuda, Masayoshi; Kano, Yoshihito; Mizutani, Tomohiro; Nemoto, Yasuhiro; Yui, Shiro [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan); Okamoto, Ryuichi; Nakamura, Tetsuya [Department of Advanced Therapeutics for Gastrointestinal Diseases, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan); Watanabe, Mamoru [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan)


    Highlights: • Lentivirus mixed with Matrigel enables direct infection of intestinal organoids. • Our original approach allows the marking of a single stem cell in a crypt. • Time-lapse imaging shows the dynamics of a single stem cell. • Our lentivirus transgene system demonstrates plural long-lived stem cells in a crypt. - Abstract: Background and aims: The dynamics of intestinal stem cells are crucial for regulation of intestinal function and maintenance. Although crypt stem cells have been identified in the intestine by genetic marking methods, identification of plural crypt stem cells has not yet been achieved as they are visualised in the same colour. Methods: Intestinal organoids were transferred into Matrigel® mixed with lentivirus encoding mCherry. The dynamics of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using time-lapse imaging, and the localisation of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using 3D immunofluorescence. Results: We established an original method for the introduction of a transgene into an organoid generated from mouse small intestine that resulted in continuous fluorescence of the mCherry protein in a portion of organoid cells. Three-dimensional analysis using confocal microscopy showed a single mCherry-positive cell in an organoid crypt that had been cultured for >1 year, which suggested the presence of long-lived mCherry-positive and -negative stem cells in the same crypt. Moreover, a single mCherry-positive stem cell in a crypt gave rise to both crypt base columnar cells and transit amplifying cells. Each mCherry-positive and -negative cell contributed to the generation of organoids. Conclusions: The use of our original lentiviral transgene system to mark individual organoid crypt stem cells showed that long-lived plural crypt stem cells might independently serve as intestinal epithelial cells, resulting in the formation of a completely functional villus.

  19. Fluorescent labelling of intestinal epithelial cells reveals independent long-lived intestinal stem cells in a crypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horita, Nobukatsu; Tsuchiya, Kiichiro; Hayashi, Ryohei; Fukushima, Keita; Hibiya, Shuji; Fukuda, Masayoshi; Kano, Yoshihito; Mizutani, Tomohiro; Nemoto, Yasuhiro; Yui, Shiro; Okamoto, Ryuichi; Nakamura, Tetsuya; Watanabe, Mamoru


    Highlights: • Lentivirus mixed with Matrigel enables direct infection of intestinal organoids. • Our original approach allows the marking of a single stem cell in a crypt. • Time-lapse imaging shows the dynamics of a single stem cell. • Our lentivirus transgene system demonstrates plural long-lived stem cells in a crypt. - Abstract: Background and aims: The dynamics of intestinal stem cells are crucial for regulation of intestinal function and maintenance. Although crypt stem cells have been identified in the intestine by genetic marking methods, identification of plural crypt stem cells has not yet been achieved as they are visualised in the same colour. Methods: Intestinal organoids were transferred into Matrigel® mixed with lentivirus encoding mCherry. The dynamics of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using time-lapse imaging, and the localisation of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using 3D immunofluorescence. Results: We established an original method for the introduction of a transgene into an organoid generated from mouse small intestine that resulted in continuous fluorescence of the mCherry protein in a portion of organoid cells. Three-dimensional analysis using confocal microscopy showed a single mCherry-positive cell in an organoid crypt that had been cultured for >1 year, which suggested the presence of long-lived mCherry-positive and -negative stem cells in the same crypt. Moreover, a single mCherry-positive stem cell in a crypt gave rise to both crypt base columnar cells and transit amplifying cells. Each mCherry-positive and -negative cell contributed to the generation of organoids. Conclusions: The use of our original lentiviral transgene system to mark individual organoid crypt stem cells showed that long-lived plural crypt stem cells might independently serve as intestinal epithelial cells, resulting in the formation of a completely functional villus

  20. Immunization with intestinal microbiota-derived Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli reduces bacteria-specific recolonization of the intestinal tract. (United States)

    Garfias-López, Julio Adrián; Castro-Escarpuli, Graciela; Cárdenas, Pedro E; Moreno-Altamirano, María Maximina Bertha; Padierna-Olivos, Juan; Sánchez-García, F Javier


    A wide array of microorganisms colonizes distinctive anatomical regions of animals, being the intestine the one that harbors the most abundant and complex microbiota. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that it is composed mainly of bacteria, and that Bacterioidetes and Firmicutes are the most represented phyla (>90% of the total eubacteria) in mice and humans. Intestinal microbiota plays an important role in host physiology, contributing to digestion, epithelial cells metabolism, stimulation of intestinal immune responses, and protection against intestinal pathogens. Changes in its composition may affect intestinal homeostasis, a condition known as dysbiosis, which may lead to non-specific inflammation and disease. The aim of this work was to analyze the effect that a bacteria-specific systemic immune response would have on the intestinal re-colonization by that particular bacterium. Bacteria were isolated and identified from the feces of Balb/c mice, bacterial cell-free extracts were used to immunize the same mice from which bacteria came from. Concurrently with immunization, mice were subjected to a previously described antibiotic-based protocol to eliminate most of their intestinal bacteria. Serum IgG and feces IgA, specific for the immunizing bacteria were determined. After antibiotic treatment was suspended, specific bacteria were orally administered, in an attempt to specifically re-colonize the intestine. Results showed that parenteral immunization with gut-derived bacteria elicited the production of both anti-bacterial IgG and IgA, and that immunization reduces bacteria specific recolonization of the gut. These findings support the idea that the systemic immune response may, at least in part, determine the bacterial composition of the gut. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  1. The mucosal firewalls against commensal intestinal microbes. (United States)

    Macpherson, Andrew J; Slack, Emma; Geuking, Markus B; McCoy, Kathy D


    Mammals coexist with an extremely dense microbiota in the lower intestine. Despite the constant challenge of small numbers of microbes penetrating the intestinal surface epithelium, it is very unusual for these organisms to cause disease. In this review article, we present the different mucosal firewalls that contain and allow mutualism with the intestinal microbiota.

  2. The mechanism of circulatory disturbances in the small intestinal wall and their role in the development of intestinal syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudryavtsev, V.D.; Sushkevich, L.N.


    The mechanism of vascular disorders in the wall of the small intestine, the possibility of correcting them and their significance in the development of the intestinal syndrome were analysed. The experiments in which Wistar rats were irradiated with 10 Gy yielded information on the blood flow in the small intestine, on the number of regenerating crypts, on the blood plasma volume and on arterial blood pressure. The data obtained justify to speak of an important influence of disturbances in general hemodynamics on the microcirculation in the entire organ. Reaction that fail to take place or paradoxic changes in the blood flow of tissue after injection of vasoactive substances also illustrate the significance of direct intestinal vascular damage for adversely affecting compensatory adaptation mechanisms. Markedly disturbed blood supply to the tissue and the resultant deterioration of tissue trophism at the level of an intestinal syndrome not only intensify radiogenic destructive processes in epitheliocytes, but also prevent to a certain extent the regeneration of mucous membrane of the small intestine. The possibility of achieving partial restoration of blood vessel speed in the small intestine of irradiated rats is shown if the loss of intravascular fluid is parenterally replaced with Ringer's or hemodilution solution. (author)

  3. Estrategias gerenciales como mecanismo de responsabilidad social en el sector turístico de Santa Marta - Colombia


    José de los Santos Zarate Díaz; Wilfrido Enrique Gutiérrez Ospino


    El propósito de este artículo es analizar las estrategias gerenciales como mecanismo de responsabilidad social en el sector turístico de Santa Marta, Colombia. Para tal efecto, se realizó revisión bibliográfica que permitió relacionar aspectos fundamentales de las estrategias gerenciales y la responsabilidad social como instrumento importante en cualquier corporación empresarial que persiga lograr objetivos para posicionarse en los mercados de servicios altamente competitivos. La revisión bib...

  4. Cytokine Tuning of Intestinal Epithelial Function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline Andrews


    Full Text Available The intestine serves as both our largest single barrier to the external environment and the host of more immune cells than any other location in our bodies. Separating these potential combatants is a single layer of dynamic epithelium composed of heterogeneous epithelial subtypes, each uniquely adapted to carry out a subset of the intestine’s diverse functions. In addition to its obvious role in digestion, the intestinal epithelium is responsible for a wide array of critical tasks, including maintaining barrier integrity, preventing invasion by microbial commensals and pathogens, and modulating the intestinal immune system. Communication between these epithelial cells and resident immune cells is crucial for maintaining homeostasis and coordinating appropriate responses to disease and can occur through cell-to-cell contact or by the release or recognition of soluble mediators. The objective of this review is to highlight recent literature illuminating how cytokines and chemokines, both those made by and acting on the intestinal epithelium, orchestrate many of the diverse functions of the intestinal epithelium and its interactions with immune cells in health and disease. Areas of focus include cytokine control of intestinal epithelial proliferation, cell death, and barrier permeability. In addition, the modulation of epithelial-derived cytokines and chemokines by factors such as interactions with stromal and immune cells, pathogen and commensal exposure, and diet will be discussed.

  5. Lynch syndrome-related small intestinal adenocarcinomas. (United States)

    Jun, Sun-Young; Lee, Eui-Jin; Kim, Mi-Ju; Chun, Sung Min; Bae, Young Kyung; Hong, Soon Uk; Choi, Jene; Kim, Joon Mee; Jang, Kee-Taek; Kim, Jung Yeon; Kim, Gwang Il; Jung, Soo Jin; Yoon, Ghilsuk; Hong, Seung-Mo


    Lynch syndrome is an autosomal-dominant disorder caused by defective DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes and is associated with increased risk of malignancies in multiple organs. Small-intestinal adenocarcinomas are common initial manifestations of Lynch syndrome. To define the incidence and characteristics of Lynch syndrome-related small-intestinal adenocarcinomas, meticulous familial and clinical histories were obtained from 195 patients with small-intestinal adenocarcinoma, and MMR protein immunohistochemistry, microsatellite instability, MLH1 methylation, and germline mutational analyses were performed. Lynch syndrome was confirmed in eight patients (4%), all of whom had synchronous/metachronous malignancies without noticeable familial histories. Small-intestinal adenocarcinomas were the first clinical manifestation in 37% (3/8) of Lynch syndrome patients, and second malignancies developed within 5 years in 63% (5/8). The patients with accompanying Lynch syndrome were younger (≤50 years; P=0.04) and more likely to have mucinous adenocarcinomas (P=0.003), and tended to survive longer (P=0.11) than those with sporadic cases. A meticulous patient history taking, MMR protein immunolabeling, and germline MMR gene mutational analysis are important for the diagnosis of Lynch syndrome-related small-intestinal adenocarcinomas. Identifying Lynch syndrome in patients with small-intestinal adenocarcinoma can be beneficial for the early detection and treatment of additional Lynch syndrome-related cancers, especially in patients who are young or have mucinous adenocarcinomas.

  6. A comparative study on the metabolism of Epimedium koreanum Nakai-prenylated flavonoids in rats by an intestinal enzyme (lactase phlorizin hydrolase) and intestinal flora. (United States)

    Zhou, Jing; Chen, Yan; Wang, Ying; Gao, Xia; Qu, Ding; Liu, Congyan


    The aim of this study was to compare the significance of the intestinal hydrolysis of prenylated flavonoids in Herba Epimedii by an intestinal enzyme and flora. Flavonoids were incubated at 37 °C with rat intestinal enzyme and intestinal flora. HPLC-UV was used to calculate the metabolic rates of the parent drug in the incubation and LC/MS/MS was used to determine the chemical structures of metabolites generated by different flavonoid glycosides. Rates of flavonoid metabolism by rat intestinal enzyme were quicker than those of intestinal flora. The sequence of intestinal flora metabolic rates was icariin>epimedin B>epimedin A>epimedin C>baohuoside I, whereas the order of intestinal enzyme metabolic rates was icariin>epimedin A>epimedin C>epimedin B>baohuoside I. Meanwhile, the LC/MS/MS graphs showed that icariin produced three products, epimedin A/B/C had four and baohuoside I yielded one product in incubations of both intestinal enzyme and flora, which were more than the results of HPLC-UV due to the fact LC/MS/MS has lower detectability and higher sensitivity. Moreover, the outcomes indicated that the rate of metabolization of flavonoids by intestinal enzyme were faster than those of intestinal flora, which was consistent with the HPLC-UV results. In conclusion, the metabolic pathways of the same components by intestinal flora and enzyme were the same. What's more, an intestinal enzyme such as lactase phlorizin hydrolase exhibited a more significant metabolic role in prenylated flavonoids of Herba Epimedi compared with intestinal flora.

  7. Plasma intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) concentrations increase following intestinal ischemia in pigs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niewold, T.A.; Meinen, M.; Meulen, van der J.


    Intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) is an intracellular epithelial protein in the intestinal mucosa of many animals. IFABP appears in the circulation following epithelial damage, and in humans, is proven to be a parameter for damage to the mucosa. In this paper, an ELISA test designed for

  8. Priming previne a insuficiência renal aguda nefrotóxica através da estimulação do mecanismo de defesa antioxidante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Duarte


    Full Text Available RESUMO Introdução: Priming é um mecanismo de proteção induzida pela exposição anterior de uma célula ou órgão a baixas ou mesmas concentrações de uma substância tóxica. Objetivo: analisar o mecanismo de priming induzido pela exposição a gentamicina em células tubulares proximais humanas e na insuficiência renal aguda (IRA. Métodos: Células tubulares foram expostos a 2 mM de gentamicina durante 24 horas, enquanto ratos Wistar foram expostas a 40 mg/kg durante 3 dias. Depois de uma semana, as células foram expostas à mesma concentração durante 24h e os ratos durante dez dias. Os animais condicionados foram comparados com ratos controle e tratados com gentamicina durante 10 dias. Foram analisados parâmetros bioquímicos, o estresse oxidativo foi analisado por hidroperóxidos e proteínas carboniladas urinárias, enquanto a defesa antioxidante foi estudada pela atividade antioxidante do plasma e imunomarcação e atividade da catalase, superóxido dismutase, heme oxigenase-1 (HO-1 nos rins. Necrose, apoptose, proliferação e expressão da endotelina-1 (ET-1 e HO-1 foram estudadas em células. Resultados: o condicionamento dos animais inibiu o aumento da creatinina, ureia, excreção urinária de sódio e de proteína induzida por gentamicina. Bosentana, antagonista do receptor ET-1, e hemin, indutor de HO-1, potencializaram a inibição. O mecanismo de proteção foi mediado pela indução de enzimas antioxidantes HO-1, catalase e SOD atividade e redução do estresse oxidativo. O condicionamento inibiu a morte celular e induziu a proliferação via produção de ET-1. Conclusão: o mecanismo de condicionamento é persistente e multifactorial, o estímulo da defesa antioxidante poderia mimetizar o processo de condicionamento e impedir a IRA.

  9. [Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (Waldmann's disease)]. (United States)

    Vignes, S; Bellanger, J


    Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL), Waldmann's disease, is a rare disorder of unknown etiology characterized by dilated intestinal lacteals leading to lymph leakage into the small-bowel lumen and responsible for protein-losing enteropathy leading to lymphopenia, hypoalbuminemia and hypogammaglobulinemia. PIL is generally diagnosed before 3 years of age but may be diagnosed in older patients. The main symptom is bilateral lower limb edema. Edema may be moderate to severe including pleural effusion, pericarditis or ascites. Protein-losing enteropathy is confirmed by the elevated 24-h stool α1-antitrypsin clearance and diagnosis by endoscopic observation of intestinal lymphangiectasia with the corresponding histology of biopsies. Videocapsule endoscopy may be useful when endoscopic findings are not contributive. Several B-cell lymphomas of the gastrointestinal tract or with extra-intestinal localizations were reported in PIL patients. A long-term strictly low-fat diet associated with medium-chain triglyceride and liposoluble vitamin supplementation is the cornerstone of PIL medical management. Octreotide, a somatostatin analog, have been proposed with an inconsistent efficacy in association with diet. Surgical small-bowel resection is useful in the rare cases with segmental and localized intestinal lymphangiectasia. A prolonged clinical and biological follow-up is recommended. Copyright © 2017 Société Nationale Française de Médecine Interne (SNFMI). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  10. Intestinal circulation during inhalation anesthesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tverskoy, M.; Gelman, S.; Fowler, K.C.; Bradley, E.L.


    This study was designed to evaluate the influence of inhalational agents on the intestinal circulation in an isolated loop preparation. Sixty dogs were studied, using three intestinal segments from each dog. Selected intestinal segments were pumped with aortic blood at a constant pressure of 100 mmHg. A mixture of 86 Rb and 9-microns spheres labeled with 141 Ce was injected into the arterial cannula supplying the intestinal loop, while mesenteric venous blood was collected for activity counting. A very strong and significant correlation was found between rubidium clearance and microsphere entrapment (r = 0.97, P less than 0.0001). Nitrous oxide anesthesia was accompanied by a higher vascular resistance (VR), lower flow (F), rubidium clearance (Cl-Rb), and microspheres entrapment (Cl-Sph) than pentobarbital anesthesia, indicating that the vascular bed in the intestinal segment was constricted and flow (total and nutritive) decreased. Halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane anesthesia were accompanied by a much lower arteriovenous oxygen content difference (AVDO 2 ) and oxygen uptake than pentobarbital or nitrous oxide. Compared with pentobarbital, enflurane anesthesia was not accompanied by marked differences in VR, F, Cl-Rb, and Cl-Sph; halothane at 2 MAC decreased VR and increased F and Cl-Rb while isoflurane increased VR and decreased F. alpha-Adrenoceptor blockade with phentolamine (1 mg . kg-1) abolished isoflurane-induced vasoconstriction, suggesting that the increase in VR was mediated via circulating catecholamines

  11. Intestinal mucus accumulation in a child with acutemyeloblastic leukemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Namık Özbek


    Full Text Available Intestinal mucus accumulation is a very rare situation observed in some solid tumors, intestinal inflammation, mucosal hyperplasia, elevated intestinal pressure, and various other diseases. However, it has never been described in acute myeloblastic leukemia. The pathogenesis of intestinal mucus accumulation is still not clear. Here, we report a 14-year-old girl with acute myeloblastic leukemia and febrile neutropenia in addition to typhlitis. She was also immobilized due to joint contractures of the lower extremities and had intestinal mucus accumulation, which was, at first, misdiagnosed as intestinal parasitosis. We speculate that typhlitis, immobilization and decreased intestinal motility due to usage of antiemetic drugs might have been the potential etiologic factors in this case. However, its impact on prognosis of the primary disease is unknown.

  12. Disrupted intestinal microbiota and intestinal inflammation in children with cystic fibrosis and its restoration with Lactobacillus GG: a randomised clinical trial.

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    Eugenia Bruzzese

    Full Text Available Intestinal inflammation is a hallmark of cystic fibrosis (CF. Administration of probiotics can reduce intestinal inflammation and the incidence of pulmonary exacerbations. We investigated the composition of intestinal microbiota in children with CF and analyzed its relationship with intestinal inflammation. We also investigated the microflora structure before and after Lactobacillus GG (LGG administration in children with CF with and without antibiotic treatment.The intestinal microbiota were analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE, real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH. Intestinal inflammation was assessed by measuring fecal calprotectin (CLP and rectal nitric oxide (rNO production in children with CF as compared with healthy controls. We then carried out a small double-blind randomized clinical trial with LGG.Twenty-two children with CF children were enrolled in the study (median age, 7 years; range, 2-9 years. Fecal CLP and rNO levels were higher in children with CF than in healthy controls (184±146 µg/g vs. 52±46 µg/g; 18±15 vs. 2.6±1.2 µmol/L NO2 (-, respectively; P<0.01. Compared with healthy controls, children with CF had significantly different intestinal microbial core structures. The levels of Eubacterium rectale, Bacteroides uniformis, Bacteroides vulgatus, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium catenulatum, and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii were reduced in children with CF. A similar but more extreme pattern was observed in children with CF who were taking antibiotics. LGG administration reduced fecal CLP and partially restored intestinal microbiota. There was a significant correlation between reduced microbial richness and intestinal inflammation.CF causes qualitative and quantitative changes in intestinal microbiota, which may represent a novel therapeutic target in the treatment of CF. Administration of probiotics restored gut microbiota, supporting

  13. Differentiation-dependent activation of the human intestinal alkaline phosphatase promoter by HNF-4 in intestinal cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Line; Bressendorff, Simon; Troelsen, Jesper T


    The intestinal alkaline phosphatase gene (ALPI) encodes a digestive brush-border enzyme, which is highly upregulated during small intestinal epithelial cell differentiation. To identify new putative promoter motifs responsible for the regulation of ALPI expression during differentiation of the en...

  14. Potencial bioterapêutico dos probióticos nas parasitoses intestinais Probiotics as potential biotherapeutic agents targeting intestinal parasites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa Cristina Goulart de Oliveira-Sequeira


    Full Text Available Probióticos são microrganismos vivos que, se administrados em quantidades adequadas, promovem benefícios à saúde do homem e dos animais. O crescente interesse nos probióticos fundamenta-se em estudos clínicos nos quais a administração desses organismos foi avaliada na prevenção e no tratamento de desordens intestinais e sistêmicas. Os potenciais mecanismos de ação desses microrganismos incluem a exclusão competitiva, a produção de metabólitos com atividade antimicrobiana e a modulação da resposta imune. Em algumas circunstâncias clínicas específicas, os benefícios produzidos por esses microrganismos foram amplamente documentados, enquanto que em outras os resultados são contraditórios. No presente artigo de revisão, os probióticos foram abordados considerando-se o potencial bioterapêutico desses microrganismos nas parasitoses intestinais.Probiotics are live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, beneficially affect the general health status of man and animal. The great interest in probiotic microganisms is based on evidences from clinical studies indicating benefits in the prevention or treatment of a broad spectrum of gastrointestinal and systemic disorders. The potential mechanisms by which probiotics beneficially affect health include strengthening of the intestinal barrier, modulation of the immune response, and antagonism of pathogens either by the production of antimicrobial compounds or through competition for mucosal binding sites. In some specific clinical circumstances, there is clear evidence of benefit whereas in others, the results are dubious and important questions remaining unanswered. The aim of this review article is to focus probiotics on their potential as biotherapeutic agents against intestinal parasites.

  15. Lymphangiectasia of small intestine presenting as intussusception

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katoch Pervez


    Full Text Available Intussusception is defined as telescoping of a segment of gastrointestinal tract into an adjacent one. In small children, it is the commonest cause of intestinal obstruction. More than 90% of childhood intussusceptions are idiopathic. We report a rare case of localized small intestinal lymphangiectasia, presenting as intussusception in a 6-month-old male child. The child presented with features of acute intestinal obstruction for which he was later operated. The gross examination of excised ileocecal mass revealed intussusception. Histopathologic examination revealed lymphangiectasia of small intestine, which acted as a lead point for ileocecal intussusception. Postoperative period was uneventful.

  16. Lymphangiectasia of small intestine presenting as intussusception. (United States)

    Katoch, Pervez; Bhardwaj, Subhash


    Intussusception is defined as telescoping of a segment of gastrointestinal tract into an adjacent one. In small children, it is the commonest cause of intestinal obstruction. More than 90% of childhood intussusceptions are idiopathic. We report a rare case of localized small intestinal lymphangiectasia, presenting as intussusception in a 6-month-old male child. The child presented with features of acute intestinal obstruction for which he was later operated. The gross examination of excised ileocecal mass revealed intussusception. Histopathologic examination revealed lymphangiectasia of small intestine, which acted as a lead point for ileocecal intussusception. Postoperative period was uneventful.

  17. Inflammasome in Intestinal Inflammation and Cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiago Nunes


    Full Text Available The activation of specific cytosolic pathogen recognition receptors, the nucleotide-binding-oligomerization-domain- (NOD- like receptors (NLRs, leads to the assembly of the inflammasome, a multimeric complex platform that activates caspase-1. The caspase-1 pathway leads to the upregulation of important cytokines from the interleukin (IL-1 family, IL-1β, and IL-18, with subsequent activation of the innate immune response. In this review, we discuss the molecular structure, the mechanisms behind the inflammasome activation, and its possible role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases and intestinal cancer. Here, we show that the available data points towards the importance of the inflammasome in the innate intestinal immune response, being the complex involved in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis, correct intestinal barrier function and efficient elimination of invading pathogens.

  18. Multispectral tissue characterization for intestinal anastomosis optimization (United States)

    Cha, Jaepyeong; Shademan, Azad; Le, Hanh N. D.; Decker, Ryan; Kim, Peter C. W.; Kang, Jin U.; Krieger, Axel


    Intestinal anastomosis is a surgical procedure that restores bowel continuity after surgical resection to treat intestinal malignancy, inflammation, or obstruction. Despite the routine nature of intestinal anastomosis procedures, the rate of complications is high. Standard visual inspection cannot distinguish the tissue subsurface and small changes in spectral characteristics of the tissue, so existing tissue anastomosis techniques that rely on human vision to guide suturing could lead to problems such as bleeding and leakage from suturing sites. We present a proof-of-concept study using a portable multispectral imaging (MSI) platform for tissue characterization and preoperative surgical planning in intestinal anastomosis. The platform is composed of a fiber ring light-guided MSI system coupled with polarizers and image analysis software. The system is tested on ex vivo porcine intestine tissue, and we demonstrate the feasibility of identifying optimal regions for suture placement.

  19. Intestinal mal-rotation in adults. CT findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vazquez Munoz, Enrique; Ramiro Ramiro, Esther; Perez Villacastin, Benjamin; Learra Martinez, Maria C.; Franco Lopez, Maria A.


    We review 7 adult cases of intestinal mal-rotation who were studied with CT. All patients had a small bowel located in the right hemi abdomen, abnormal location of superior mesenteric vein relative to superior mesenteric artery. Superior mesenteric vein was located anteriorly and to the left of superior mesenteric artery. In patients who suffered intestinal volvulus a 'whirlpool' sign was observed, due to the helicoidal torsion of the intestine and mesentery surrounding superior mesenteric artery. In 3 cases CT demonstrated absence or poor development of the pancreas uncinate process. In 2 patients CT revealed polysplenia. CT played a major role in 3 patients with volvulus as a complication of intestinal mal-rotation. CT also demonstrated unsuspected mal-rotation in one asymptomatic patient. In 3 cases with classic symptoms CT confirmed the intestinal mal-rotation diagnosed by barium studies. (author)

  20. La violencia como mecanismo del debate público en Venezuela durante el siglo XX

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inés Guardia Rolando


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente ensayo es describir los mecanismos por medio de los cuales la violencia política se presenta como uno de los elementos fundamentales del debate público en dos coyunturas históricas en Venezuela: en la Revolución de Octubre y en la Revolución Bolivariana. El trabajo se desarrolla en torno a dos ideas: primero se abordará el problema de la violencia y el miedo desde una perspectiva teórica, luego se describirá cada una de estas coyunturas históricas; finalmente se revisa comparativamente este fenómeno que se repite a lo largo del tiempo en Venezuela.

  1. Anita Fricek: la pintura contemporánea como mecanismo de crítica institucional

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    Stephen Zepke


    Full Text Available Este ensayo formula la pregunta acerca de las relaciones posibles entre el arte contemporáneo y la propuesta estética de Gilles Deleuze. Valiéndose de su propia disyunción, pone en contacto dos asuntos yuxtapuestos: lo “conceptual” y la “sensación”. A partir de esa conexión y a través de la obra pictórica de la artista suiza Anita Fricek, el autor critica la propuesta de estética inmanente de la sensación de Deleuze, y la vincula con el mecanismo de crítica institucional inmerso en la propuesta pictórica-crítica de Fricek.

  2. Bioactive Milk for Intestinal Maturation in Preterm Neonates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Yanqi

    The fetal small intestine grows dramatically fast during the second and third trimester of human pregnancy. Many intestinal functions are therefore affected by preterm birth, including gastrointestinal motility, digestive and absorptive function, mucosal barrier function, and the intestinal...

  3. Starved Guts: Morphologic and Functional Intestinal Changes in Malnutrition. (United States)

    Attia, Suzanna; Feenstra, Marjon; Swain, Nathan; Cuesta, Melina; Bandsma, Robert H J


    Malnutrition contributes significantly to death and illness worldwide and especially to the deaths of children younger than 5 years. The relation between intestinal changes in malnutrition and morbidity and mortality has not been well characterized; however, recent research indicates that the functional and morphologic changes of the intestine secondary to malnutrition itself contribute significantly to these negative clinical outcomes and may be potent targets of intervention. The aim of this review was to summarize current knowledge of experimental and clinically observed changes in the intestine from malnutrition preclinical models and human studies. Limited clinical studies have shown villous blunting, intestinal inflammation, and changes in the intestinal microbiome of malnourished children. In addition to these findings, experimental data using various animal models of malnutrition have found evidence of increased intestinal permeability, upregulated intestinal inflammation, and loss of goblet cells. More mechanistic studies are urgently needed to improve our understanding of malnutrition-related intestinal dysfunction and to identify potential novel targets for intervention.

  4. Free radical scavenging and α-glucosidase inhibition, two potential mechanisms involved in the anti-diabetic activity of oleanolic acid; La Captación de radicales libres y la inhibición de α-glucosidasa, dos posibles mecanismos involucrados en la actividad antidiabética del ácido oleanólico.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castellano, J.M.; Guinda, A.; Macias, L.; Santos-Lozano, J.M.; Lapetra, J.; Rada, M.


    This work investigates the role of oleanolic acid (OA), isolated from the olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf, as a radical scavenger and inhibitor of the hydrolyzing enzymes of dietary carbohydrates. New evidence is provided showing that OA may capture 2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) and peroxyl radicals, and also exert a strong and non-competitive inhibition of α-glucosidase (IC50 10.11 ± 0.30 µM). The kinetic and spectrometric analyses performed indicate that OA interacts with this enzyme inside a hydrophobic pocket, through an endothermic and non spontaneous process of a hydrophobic nature. These are two possible mechanisms by which OA may facilitate a better control of post-prandial hyperglycaemia and oxidative stress, so contributing to preserving insulin signalling. Obesity, insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus are considered the first pandemics of the 21st century. In this sense, OA might be used in future preventive and therapeutic strategies, as an ingredient in new drugs and functional foods. [Spanish] Este trabajo estudia el papel del ácido oleanólico (OA), aislado de la hoja de olivo, como secuestrador de radicales libres e inhibidor de enzimas implicados en la hidrolisis de los carbohidratos de la dieta, dos mecanismos por los que el triterpeno podría mitigar la hiperglicemia postprandial y el estrés oxidativo. Se aportan nuevas evidencias que muestran que el OA puede capturar radicales ácido 2,2’-azino-bis-(3-etilbenzotiazolín)-6-sulfónico y peroxilo, y que ejerce una potente inhibición nocompetitiva de α-glucosidasa (IC50 10.11±0.30 µM). El análisis cinético y espectrométrico llevado a cabo indica que OA interacciona con este enzima en el interior de un bolsillo hidrofóbico, mediante un proceso endotérmico no espontáneo, de naturaleza hidrofóbica. Estos son dos posibles mecanismos por los cuales el OA puede facilitar un mejor control de la hiperglucemia postprandial y el estrés oxidativo, lo

  5. Enteric Virome Sensing—Its Role in Intestinal Homeostasis and Immunity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rebecca N. Metzger


    Full Text Available Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs sensing commensal microorganisms in the intestine induce tightly controlled tonic signaling in the intestinal mucosa, which is required to maintain intestinal barrier integrity and immune homeostasis. At the same time, PRR signaling pathways rapidly trigger the innate immune defense against invasive pathogens in the intestine. Intestinal epithelial cells and mononuclear phagocytes in the intestine and the gut-associated lymphoid tissues are critically involved in sensing components of the microbiome and regulating immune responses in the intestine to sustain immune tolerance against harmless antigens and to prevent inflammation. These processes have been mostly investigated in the context of the bacterial components of the microbiome so far. The impact of viruses residing in the intestine and the virus sensors, which are activated by these enteric viruses, on intestinal homeostasis and inflammation is just beginning to be unraveled. In this review, we will summarize recent findings indicating an important role of the enteric virome for intestinal homeostasis as well as pathology when the immune system fails to control the enteric virome. We will provide an overview of the virus sensors and signaling pathways, operative in the intestine and the mononuclear phagocyte subsets, which can sense viruses and shape the intestinal immune response. We will discuss how these might interact with resident enteric viruses directly or in context with the bacterial microbiome to affect intestinal homeostasis.

  6. Measures to minimize small intestine injury in the irradiated pelvis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, N.; Iba, G.; Smith, W.R.


    Small intestine injury causes long-term suffering and high mortality. Five of 187 of our patients had developed serious small intestine injury. Four patients had corrective surgery. Three patients died. All were women. Subsequently, all patients who received definitive pelvic irradiation had small intestine roentgenograms to determine its location and mobility. Female patients, thin patients, and elderly patients had larger amounts of small intestine in the whole pelvis, a deeper cul de sac, and a greater incidence of relatively immobile small intestine. Patients with relatively immobile small intestine in the treatment field may be predisposed to injury. There was no relationship of the incidence of relatively immobile small intestine to prior pelvic surgery. We used the findings from the small intestine roentgenograms to modify individually the radiotherapy regimen so as to minimize the risk for small intestine injury. Patients were placed in the prone position to displace the small intestine out of the treatment fields used for booster dose irradiation. The treatment field was modified to exclude the small intestine. The total tumor dose delivered was determined by expectations for cure vs complications. To date, none of the patients in this study group has developed small intestine injury. Cadaver studies showed the feasibility of elective shortening of the pelvic cul de sac. The small intestine can be displaced away from the bladder, prostate, or cervix. (U.S.)

  7. Enteric Virome Sensing-Its Role in Intestinal Homeostasis and Immunity. (United States)

    Metzger, Rebecca N; Krug, Anne B; Eisenächer, Katharina


    Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) sensing commensal microorganisms in the intestine induce tightly controlled tonic signaling in the intestinal mucosa, which is required to maintain intestinal barrier integrity and immune homeostasis. At the same time, PRR signaling pathways rapidly trigger the innate immune defense against invasive pathogens in the intestine. Intestinal epithelial cells and mononuclear phagocytes in the intestine and the gut-associated lymphoid tissues are critically involved in sensing components of the microbiome and regulating immune responses in the intestine to sustain immune tolerance against harmless antigens and to prevent inflammation. These processes have been mostly investigated in the context of the bacterial components of the microbiome so far. The impact of viruses residing in the intestine and the virus sensors, which are activated by these enteric viruses, on intestinal homeostasis and inflammation is just beginning to be unraveled. In this review, we will summarize recent findings indicating an important role of the enteric virome for intestinal homeostasis as well as pathology when the immune system fails to control the enteric virome. We will provide an overview of the virus sensors and signaling pathways, operative in the intestine and the mononuclear phagocyte subsets, which can sense viruses and shape the intestinal immune response. We will discuss how these might interact with resident enteric viruses directly or in context with the bacterial microbiome to affect intestinal homeostasis.

  8. JAK/STAT-1 Signaling Is Required for Reserve Intestinal Stem Cell Activation during Intestinal Regeneration Following Acute Inflammation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Camilla A. Richmond


    Full Text Available The intestinal epithelium serves as an essential barrier to the outside world and is maintained by functionally distinct populations of rapidly cycling intestinal stem cells (CBC ISCs and slowly cycling, reserve ISCs (r-ISCs. Because disruptions in the epithelial barrier can result from pathological activation of the immune system, we sought to investigate the impact of inflammation on ISC behavior during the regenerative response. In a murine model of αCD3 antibody-induced small-intestinal inflammation, r-ISCs proved highly resistant to injury, while CBC ISCs underwent apoptosis. Moreover, r-ISCs were induced to proliferate and functionally contribute to intestinal regeneration. Further analysis revealed that the inflammatory cytokines interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor alpha led to r-ISC activation in enteroid culture, which could be blocked by the JAK/STAT inhibitor, tofacitinib. These results highlight an important role for r-ISCs in response to acute intestinal inflammation and show that JAK/STAT-1 signaling is required for the r-ISC regenerative response.

  9. Intestinal Volvulus in Idiopathic Steatorrhea (United States)

    Warner, H. A.; Kinnear, D. G.; Cameron, D. G.


    Volvulus of the intestine has recently been observed in three patients with idiopathic steatorrhea in relapse. Two patients gave a history of intermittent abdominal pain, distension and obstipation. Radiographic studies during these attacks revealed obstruction at the level of the sigmoid colon. Reduction under proctoscopic control was achieved in one instance, spontaneous resolution occurring in the other. The third patient presented as a surgical emergency and underwent operative reduction of a small intestinal volvulus. Persistence of diarrhea and weight loss postoperatively led to further investigation and a diagnosis of idiopathic steatorrhea. In all cases, treatment resulted in clinical remission with a coincident disappearance of obstructive intestinal symptoms. The pathogenesis of volvulus in sprue is poorly understood. Atonicity and dilatation of the bowel and stretching of the mesentery likely represent important factors. The symptoms of recurrent abdominal pain and distension in idiopathic steatorrhea necessitate an increased awareness of intestinal volvulus as a complication of this disease. ImagesFig. 1Fig. 2Fig. 3Figs. 4 and 5Fig. 6 PMID:13998948

  10. Regulation of intestinal health by branched-chain amino acids. (United States)

    Zhou, Hua; Yu, Bing; Gao, Jun; Htoo, John Khun; Chen, Daiwen


    Besides its primary role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, the intestine also interacts with a complex external milieu, and is the first defense line against noxious pathogens and antigens. Dysfunction of the intestinal barrier is associated with enhanced intestinal permeability and development of various gastrointestinal diseases. The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are important nutrients, which are the essential substrates for protein biosynthesis. Recently, emerging evidence showed that BCAAs are involved in maintaining intestinal barrier function. It has been reported that dietary supplementation with BCAAs promotes intestinal development, enhances enterocyte proliferation, increases intestinal absorption of amino acids (AA) and glucose, and improves the immune defenses of piglets. The underlying mechanism of these effects is mediated by regulating expression of genes and proteins associate with various signaling pathways. In addition, BCAAs promote the production of beneficial bacteria in the intestine of mice. Compelling evidence supports the notion that BCAAs play important roles in both nutrition and intestinal health. Therefore, as functional amino acids with various physiological effects, BCAAs hold key roles in promoting intestinal development and health in animals and humans. © 2017 Japanese Society of Animal Science.

  11. Therapeutic hypothermia reduces intestinal ischemia/reperfusion ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The detached intestinal epithelial cells in hypothermia group showed ... of apoptosis than those in normothermia group at 4 h (17.30 ± 2.56 vs. ... intestinal ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury, which could be attenuated by therapeutic hypothermia.

  12. Gintonin absorption in intestinal model systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Byung-Hwan Lee


    Conclusion: The present study shows that gintonin could be absorbed in the intestine through transcellular and paracellular diffusion, and active transport. In addition, the lipid component of gintonin might play a key role in its intestinal absorption.

  13. Modelos y mecanismos de interacción universidad-empresa-estado: retos para las universidades colombianas

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    Katherine Pineda Márquez


    Full Text Available Las interacciones entre las universidades y el entorno han sido objeto de estudio en las últimas décadas, sobre todo en el marco de la nueva economía, donde se toma el conocimiento como factor estratégico para la generación de riqueza, y a las universidades como las organizaciones que deben producirlo. El objeto de este artículo es presentar una revisión de literatura alrededor de los principales modelos y mecanismos de interacción Universidad-entorno, con el fin de identificar algunos retos para las universidades colombianas. Esta revisión se realizó en fuentes secundarias, principalmente en bases de datos científicas, y arrojó como resultado que estos modelos y mecanismos han tendido a homogeneizarse, aplicándose indistintamente en los contextos particulares de cada región, produciendo resultados positivos especialmente en Estados Unidos y otros países industrializados, y, por el contrario, fuertes diferencias ideológicas y limitaciones en las interacciones entre los diferentes actores, así como en las capacidades en términos de ciencia, tecnología e innovación de los países en desarrollo, como Colombia. Algunos de los retos que tienen las universidades colombianas están relacionados con el desafío de incrementar sus capacidades de investigación, su acumulación y transferencia de conocimiento, mejorar sus políticas de propiedad intelectual y construir su propio modelo de interacción a partir de sus capacidades internas y del contexto en el cual están inmersas.

  14. Spectrum of diseases in acute intestinal obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masud, M.; Khan, A.; Gondal, Z.I.; Adil, M.


    To determine the etiological spectrum of acute intestinal obstruction in our clinical setup Military Hospital Rawalpindi. Study Design: Descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: Surgical department of Military Hospital, Rawalpindi from Jul 2012 to Jul 2013, over a period of about 1 year. Material and Methods: A total of 120 patients with acute mechanical intestinal obstruction who underwent laparotomy were included in our study while those with non-mechanical intestinal obstruction like history of trauma and paralytic ileus were excluded from the study. All the patients were selected by non-probability purposive sampling technique. Emergency laparotomy was done and operative findings were recorded. Results: A total of 120 patients with mechanical intestinal obstruction were included in this study out of which 93 (69.17%) were female and remaining 27 (30.83%) were males. Male to female ratio was 1:2.24. Age range of patients was 22-85 years. Out of 120 patients operated for acute intestinal obstruction post-op adhesions were found in 37 (30.83%) patients followed by intestinal tuberculosis in 23 (19.17%) patients, obstructed inguinal hernias in 13 (10.83%), gut malignancies in 15 (12.5%) , Meckel's diverticulum with bands in 7 (5.83%), volvulus in 7 (5.83%), perforated appendix in 6 (5%), intussusception in 2 (1.7%), inflammatory bands in 5 (4.17%), trichobezoar and faecal impaction in 2 (1.7%) while in 3 (2.5%) patients no definite cause was found. Conclusion: Post-op adhesions are the commonest cause of mechanical intestinal obstruction in our setup followed by intestinal tuberculosis as second most common clinical pattern of presentation. (author)

  15. Neonatal intestinal obstruction in Benin, Nigeria

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    Osifo Osarumwense


    Full Text Available Background: Intestinal obstruction is a life threatening condition in the newborn, with attendant high mortality rate especially in underserved subregion. This study reports the aetiology, presentation, and outcome of intestinal obstruction management in neonates. Materials and Methods: A prospective study of neonatal intestinal obstruction at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin, Nigeria, between January 2006-June 2008. Data were collated on a structured proforma and analysed for age, sex, weight, presentation, type/date of gestation/delivery, aetiology, clinical presentation, associated anomaly, treatment, and outcome. Results: There were 71 neonates, 52 were males and 19 were females (2.7:1. Their age range was between 12 hours and 28 days (mean, 7.9 ± 2.7 days and they weighed between 1.8 and 5.2 kg (average, 3.2 kg. The causes of intestinal obstruction were: Anorectal anomaly, 28 (39.4%; Hirschsprung′s disease, 8 (11.3%′ prematurity, 3 (4.2%; meconeum plug, 2 (2.8%; malrotation, 6 (8.5%; intestinal atresia, 8 (11.3%; necrotising enterocolitis (NEC, 4 (5.6%; obstructed hernia, 4 (5.6%; and spontaneous gut perforation, 3 (4.2%. Also, 27 (38% children had colostomy, 24 (33.8% had laparotomy, 9 (12.8% had anoplasty, while 11 (15.4% were managed nonoperatively. A total of 41 (57.7% neonates required incubator, 26 (36.6% needed total parenteral nutrition, while 15 (21.1% require d paediatric ventilator. Financial constraint, late presentation, presence of multiple anomalies, aspiration, sepsis, gut perforation, and bowel gangrene were the main contributors to death. Neonates with lower obstructions had a better outcome compared to those having upper intestinal obstruction ( P < 0.0001. Conclusion: Outcomes of intestinal obstruction are still poor in our setting; late presentation, financial constraints, poor parental motivation and lack of basic facilities were the major determinants of mortality.

  16. Mecanismos de selecci?n de pareja en funci?n del sexo: un estudio en poblaci?n colombiana


    Verdugo Rios, Ang?lica Mar?a; ?lvarez Tob?as, Lina Mar?a


    La teor?a evolucionista expuesta por Buss 1996 plantea que existen mecanismos diferentes en el ofrecimiento y b?squeda de atributos a la hora de seleccionar una potencial pareja sexual. Partiendo de dicha teor?a y de investigaciones que la sustentan, el objetivo de esta investigaci?n es confirmar estas predicciones en poblaci?n colombiana y relaciones a largo plazo. Para esto se realiz? un an?lisis de categor?as como edad, atractivo f?sico y recursos encontradas en anuncios de la p?gina www.c...

  17. Tissue response after radiation exposure. Intestine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otsuka, Kensuke; Tomita, Masanori; Yamauchi, Motohiro; Iwasaki, Toshiyasu


    Gastrointestinal syndrome followed by 'gut death' is due to intestinal disorders. This syndrome is induced by high-dose (>10 Gy) of ionizing radiation. Recovery from the gastrointestinal syndrome would depend on the number of survived clonogens and regeneration capability of crypts. These tissue alterations can be observed by high-dose radiation, however, cellular dynamics in crypts can be affected by low-dose radiation. For example, Potten et al. found that low-dose radiation induce apoptosis of intestinal stem cells, which produce all differentiated function cells. Recently, intestinal stem cells are characterized by molecular markers such as Lgr5. Since intestinal adenomas can be induced by deletion of Apc gene in Lgr5 + stem cells, it is widely recognized that Lgr5 + stem cells are the cell-of-origin of cancer. Duodenal Lgr5 + stem cells are known as radioresistant cells, however, we found that ionizing radiation significantly induces the turnover of colonic Lgr5 + stem cells. Combined with the knowledge of other radioresistant markers, stem-cell dynamics in tissue after irradiation are becoming clear. The present review introduces the history of gastrointestinal syndrome and intestinal stem cells, and discusses those future perspectives. (author)

  18. Percepción de actores involucrados en el estado de conservación del Humedal Torca-Guaymaral, Bogotá-Colombia (Perception of actors involved in the conservation status of the Torca-Guaymaral wetland, Bogotá-Colombia

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    Ellie Anne López Barrera


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El Humedal Torca-Guaymaral se localiza en un territorio estratégico de conectividad ecológica del borde norte de la ciudad de Bogotá en Colombia. Sin embargo, la complejidad relacionada con los actores y la gobernanza del territorio, han impedido que el sistema socio-ecológico se desarrolle hacia un proceso de preservación de los componentes ambientales que lo conforman, generándose un deterioro en la calidad ambiental del territorio. En este contexto, el objetivo del presente estudio es aproximarse a la percepción de los actores involucrados en la conservación del humedal, y al mismo tiempo generar un espacio de intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos entre estos, que conlleve a la apropiación y formulación de soluciones conjuntas para mejorar la gestión del sistema socio-ecológico. Metodologías aplicadas como la cartografía social y el diálogo de actores, permiten identificar la percepción de actores involucrados en el estado de conservación del Humedal Torca-Guaymaral, para obtener un diagnóstico inicial de la situación ambiental actual del ecosistema. ABSTRACT The Torca-Guaymaral wetland is located in a strategic area of ecological connectivity in the northern region of Bogota city. However, the complexity related to the actors and the governance of the territory, have prevented the socio-ecological system development towards a process of environmental preservation, thus resulting in the deterioration of environmental quality. In this context, the objective of this study is to approach the perception of actors involved in the wetland conservation process, while creating a space for exchange of experiences and knowledge between them, formulating joint solutions and improve the management of the socio-ecological system. Methodologies involve the use of social cartography and stakeholder dialogue, to identify the perception of actors involved in the conservation status of the Torca-Guaymaral wetland, for an

  19. Bile acids in regulation of intestinal physiology.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Keating, Niamh


    In addition to their roles in facilitating lipid digestion and absorption, bile acids are recognized as important regulators of intestinal function. Exposure to bile acids can dramatically influence intestinal transport and barrier properties; in recent years, they have also become appreciated as important factors in regulating cell growth and survival. Indeed, few cells reside within the intestinal mucosa that are not altered to some degree by exposure to bile acids. The past decade saw great advances in the knowledge of how bile acids exert their actions at the cellular and molecular levels. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of the role of bile acids in regulation of intestinal physiology.

  20. Factors influencing physiological FDG uptake in the intestine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasuda, Seiei; Takahashi, Wakoh; Takagi, Shigeharu; Fujii, Hirofumi; Ide, Michiru; Shohtsu, Akira


    The intestine is a well-known site of physiological 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) accumulation in positron emission tomography (PET). To identify factors influencing physiological FDG uptake in the intestine, the intensity of FDG uptake was evaluated in a total of 1,068 healthy adults. Non-attenuation-corrected whole-body PET images were obtained for all subjects and visually evaluated. Subjects were then classified into two groups according to the intensity of intestinal FDG uptake. Sex, age, presence or absence of constipation, and serum glucose, hemoglobin A 1 c, and free fatty acid levels were compared between the two groups. High intestinal FDG uptake was observed at an overall rate of 11.0%. Sex (female), age, and bowel condition (constipation) were found to affect intestinal FDG uptake. The factors we identified lead to further questions the relationship between intestinal motility and glucose uptake that warrant further study. (author)

  1. Probióticos en síndrome de intestino irritable


    Andrés G, Ortiz M


    En ésta revisión se analizan los posibles usos de los probióticos en el trata miento del síndrome de intestino irritable, evaluando la fisiología de la barrera intestinal, la interacción de la microbiota con dicha barrera y su repercusión en el sistema inmune y sobre el sistema nerviosos tanto autonómico como el sistema nerviosos central. Además, se analizan los distintos mecanismos fisiopatológico del mismo, y los mecanismos de acción de los probióticos, para posteriormente analizar su posib...

  2. Evolutionary insights into postembryonic development of adult intestinal stem cells

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    Ishizuya-Oka Atsuko


    Full Text Available Abstract In the adult vertebrate intestine, multi-potent stem cells continuously generate all of the epithelial cells throughout the adulthood. While it has long been known that the frog intestine is formed via the development of adult intestinal stem cells during thyroid hormone (TH-dependent metamorphosis, the basic structure of the adult intestine is formed by birth in mammals and it is unclear if the subsequent maturation of the intestine involves any changes in the intestinal stem cells. Two recent papers showing that B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 (Blimp1 regulates postnatal epithelial stem cell reprogramming during mouse intestinal maturation support the model that adult intestinal stem cells are developed during postembryonic development in mammals, in a TH-dependent process similar to intestinal remodeling during amphibian metamorphosis. Since the formation of the adult intestine in both mammals and amphibians is closely associated with the adaptation from aquatic to terrestrial life during the peak of endogenous TH levels, the molecular mechanisms by which the adult stem cells are developed are likely evolutionally conserved.

  3. Mecanismos de explotación sexual de niñas y adolescentes en los alrededores del puerto fluvial de Pucallpa

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    Jaris Mujica


    Full Text Available La explotación sexual de niñas y adolescentes es un fenómeno que ha crecido con la expansión de las industrias extractivas (de madera, petróleo, minerales y gas en la Amazonía peruana. El artículo es parte de una larga investigación en la ciudad de Pucallpa y la ruta norte del río Ucayali, y tiene como objetivo central mostrar la dinámica económica de los mecanismos de explotación sexual comercial de niñas y adolescentes en los alrededores del principal puerto fluvial. Se estudia los mecanismos de explotación local de los bares y restaurantes del puerto, la demanda y las percepciones sobre la explotación sexual de las niñas, y las lógicas económicas que ello implica. Se trata de un negocio cuya rentabilidad está anexada al comercio de bebidas alcohólicas y alimentos; y que no obedece a una lógica criminal organizada sino a un conjunto de redes familiares.

  4. Related radiation effects on the intestine and their treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bardychev, M.S.; Kurpeshcheva, A.K.; Kaplan, M.A.


    Late radiation injuries of the intestine are frequent after radiation therapy of malignant tumours of female genitalia and some other tumours due to which the intestine gets into the irradiation field. On the basis of the analysis of 80 patients with late radiation injuries of intestine which developed at remote terms after radiation therapy of cervix uteri cancer and corpus uteri (65 patients) and other tumours, peculiarities of the clinical course and treatment of radiation enterocolitis, rectosigmoidites and rectites are discussed. In 39 patients these injuries were concomitant with late radiation injuries of the skin and subcutaneous soft tissues. The clinical course of radiation unjuries of the intestine was defined by the character of the pathological process in the intestine and was more sharply marked in patients suffering from radiation enterocolites. It was established that one of the pathogenetic mechanisms of late radiation injuries of the intestine was a disorder of the absorption function of the intestine. Local treatment of radiation injuries of the intestine should be combined with a general one the important component of which is a parenteral diet

  5. Modelos informáticos para entender la evolución. (Mecanismos de evolución adaptativa facilitada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cedano, Juan


    Full Text Available Not available

    «La generación espontánea de la vida en la tierra habría tenido tantas probabilidades de darse como el ensamblaje de un avión 747 por un tornado a su paso por un depósito de chatarra». Fred Hoyle

    El modelo darwinista es un modelo sencillo que pretende explicar la manera en la que los seres vivos han evolucionado. La simplicidad de sus planteamientos ha facilitado la difusión de estas ideas. Pero esa misma simplicidad hace que difícilmente pueda explicar la complejidad de los seres vivos. Tampoco explica la enorme velocidad de evolución de las especies, que se deduce de la aparente ausencia de intermediarios en el registro fósil. Para soslayar estos problemas, diversos autores han sugerido la presencia en la célula de mecanismos adaptativos y no preadaptativos, como sugiere el modelo darwinista. La arquitectura de los sistemas informáticos, así como los lenguajes de programación, han tendido, a medida que se han ido haciendo mas complejos, a adoptar la filosofía de los servicios prestados o programación orientada a objeto. Otras herramientas como el debugger han facilitado tremendamente la tarea de los programadores para depurar código y localizar y corregir errores de programación. La adopción de esta filosofía de trabajo ha posibilitado la aparición de sistemas informáticos complejos, robustos y de fácil actualización. Los principios que han posibilitado el aumento en complejidad, su robustez y han facilitado la evolución de lo sistemas informáticos, también podrían estar presentes en la célula. A estos mecanismos los podríamos llamar de «adaptación facilitada», y permitirían: a introducir azar «controladamente» en los genes, b acotar los conjuntos de genes sobre los que este mecanismo actúa, c «validar» si los cambios introducidos han sido o no adaptativos, d facilitar la fijación de dichos cambios en el genoma y e facilitar la propagación horizontal

  6. Chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction syndrome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yeon, Kyung Mo; Seo, Jeong Kee; Lee, Yong Seok [Seoul National University Children' s Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction syndrome is a rare clinical condition in which impaired intestinal peristalsis causes recurrent symptoms of bowel obstruction in the absence of a mechanical occlusion. This syndrome may involve variable segments of small or large bowel, and may be associated with urinary bladder retention. This study included 6 children(3 boys and 3 girls) of chronic intestinal obstruction. Four were symptomatic at birth and two were of the ages of one month and one year. All had abdominal distension and deflection difficulty. Five had urinary bladder distension. Despite parenteral nutrition and surgical intervention(ileostomy or colostomy), bowel obstruction persisted and four patients expired from sepses within one year. All had gaseous distension of small and large bowel on abdominal films. In small bowel series, consistent findings were variable degree of dilatation, decreased peristalsis(prolonged transit time) and microcolon or microrectum. This disease entity must be differentiated from congenital megacolon, ileal atresia and megacystis syndrome.

  7. Ultrasonography of small intestinal obstructions: a contemporary approach. (United States)

    Garcia, D A A; Froes, T R; Vilani, R G D O C; Guérios, S D; Obladen, A


    To assess the accuracy of intestinal ultrasound for diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in dogs and cats. A prospective clinical study was performed. Inclusion criteria were dogs and cats with clinical signs suggestive of gastrointestinal obstruction. Animals with no obstruction detected on ultrasound were excluded if they could not be monitored for 48 hours to confirm absence of obstruction. Sonographic diagnosis of small intestinal obstruction was based on identification of at least two findings suggestive of intestinal obstruction. Ninety-two patients suspected of having intestinal obstruction were included. Correct diagnosis of intestinal obstruction was made in 21 cases (23%), and in 68 (74%) this diagnosis was excluded. Interpretation of the images on prospective analysis had sensitivity, positive predictive, specificity and negative predictive values of 100%, 87.5%, 95.8% and 100%, respectively. Ultrasonography is an excellent method for investigation of animals with gastrointestinal disorders, and is particularly useful for excluding obstructive processes. © 2011 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.

  8. Natural compound methyl protodioscin protects against intestinal inflammation through modulation of intestinal immune responses


    Zhang, Rongli; Gilbert, Shila; Yao, Xinsheng; Vallance, Jefferson; Steinbrecher, Kris; Moriggl, Richard; Zhang, Dongsheng; Eluri, Madhu; Chen, Haifeng; Cao, Huiqing; Shroyer, Noah; Denson, Lee; Han, Xiaonan


    Dioscoreaceae, a kind of yam plant, has been recommended for treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions. However, the mechanisms are poorly defined. Methyl protodioscin (MPD) is one of the main bioactive components in Dioscoreaceae. Here, we aim to determine the mechanisms by which MPD ameliorates intestinal inflammation. Surgical intestinal specimens were collected from inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) patients to perform organ culture. Experimental colitis was induced in mice by dextran ...


    Whipple, G. H.; Stone, H. B.; Bernheim, B. M.


    Closed duodenal loops may be made in dogs by ligatures placed just below the pancreatic duct and just beyond the duodenojejunal junction, together with a posterior gastro-enterostomy. These closed duodenal loop dogs die with symptoms like those of patients suffering from volvulus or high intestinal obstruction. This duodenal loop may simulate closely a volvulus in which there has been no vascular disturbance. Dogs with closed duodenal loops which have been washed out carefully survive a little longer on the average than animals with unwashed loops. The duration of life in the first instance is one to three days, with an average of about forty-eight hours. The dogs usually lose considerable fluid by vomiting and diarrhea. A weak pulse, low blood pressure and temperature are usually conspicuous in the last stages. Autopsy shows more or less splanchnic congestion which may be most marked in the mucosa of the upper small intestine. The peritoneum is usually clear and the closed loop may be distended with thin fluid, or collapsed, and contain only a small amount of pasty brown material. The mucosa of the loop may show ulceration and even perforation, but in the majority of cases it is intact and exhibits only a moderate congestion. Simple intestinal obstruction added to a closed duodenal loop does not modify the result in any manner, but it may hasten the fatal outcome. The liver plays no essential role as a protective agent against this poison, for a dog with an Eck fistula may live three days with a closed loop. A normal dog reacts to intraportal injection and to intravenous injection of the toxic substance in an identical manner. Drainage of this loop under certain conditions may not interfere with the general health over a period of weeks or months. Excision of the part of the duodenum included in this loop causes no disturbance. The material from the closed duodenal loops contains no bile, pancreatic juice, gastric juice, or split products from the food. It can be

  10. Reinvestigación de la formación de alquinilciclopropanocarbonitrilos a partir de complejos carbeno de Fischer: Diastereoselectividad y Mecanismo


    Solis Moreno, Guillermo


    La reinvestigación de la síntesis de los alquinilciclopropanocarbonitrilos ha permitido corregir la configuración asignada al diastereoisómero mayoritario de la reacción, en la publicación original a través de experimentos de RMN de NOE y NOESY. Adicionalmente, aparece detallado el mecanismo de la reacción estudiado a través de calculos computacionales.

  11. Mecanismos de control en la ciudad de Osorno en el contexto de dictadura militar 1973 - 1990


    Miguel Ángel Sepúlveda Chávez


    El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir los mecanismos de poder y control utilizados en la ciudad de Osorno bajo en el período de Dictadura Militar.  El Golpe Militar del 11 de septiembre de 1973 y la instauración de una dictadura de diecisiete años en Chile, fue un hecho que marcó a la sociedad chilena en general.  Durante el tiempo que duró, se intentó omitir los violentos actos ejecutados contra todos los contrarios al régimen militar.  Sistemáticas violaciones a los Derechos Hu...

  12. Dieta cetogênica: como o uso de uma dieta pode interferir em mecanismos neuropatológicos


    Pereira, Érica Silva; Alves, Marion; Sacramento, Thaiana; Rocha, Vera Lúcia


    p. 78-82 A dieta cetogênica tem sido usada de forma ampla e com sucesso para o tratamento de crianças com epilepsia de difícil controle desde a década de 1920. Mas foi somente há uma década que a dieta cetogênica deixou de ser vista como um tratamento alternativo ou de última escolha para estes pacientes e seu uso tem sido considerado em todo o mundo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi revisar o conhecimento disponível acerca da dieta cetogênica: mecanismo de ação, eficácia, tolerabili...

  13. Estudio del ingreso de los bachilleres a la universidad: mecanismos y procesos de admisión


    Analuiza Valdiviezo, Héctor Luciano


    El ingreso de los estudiantes a la universidad, significa abordar un tema que discute los procesos y mecanismos de admisión y que además presenta distintas posiciones que todavía no encuentran un punto de convergencia en el enfoque social e incluso ideológico de la universidad que queremos para cada país; resulta que las políticas que se ejecutan para democratizar el acceso a los centros de educación superior para unos pueden ser vanas y para otros muy significativas en el anhelo de iniciar u...

  14. Mecanismos de influencia sobre la comprobación corporal en las conductas de atracón


    Antonios Dakanalis; Giuseppe Carrà; C. Alix Timko; Chiara Volpato; Joana Pla-Sanjuanelo; M. Assunta Zanetti; Massimo Clerici; Giuseppe Riva


    A pesar del papel teórico que desempeñan las conductas de comprobación corporal en el proceso de mantenimiento de la conducta de atracón, los mecanismos por los que pueden afectar a los atracones siguen sin estar claros. Tomando el modelo de la objetivación de la patología alimentaria como marco teórico, los autores examinaron las posibles funciones que desempeñan la vergüenza corporal, la ansiedad por la apariencia y la restricción alimentaria en la comprobación del cuerpo y los atracones. ...

  15. Intestinal cholesterol secretion : future clinical implications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jakulj, L.; Besseling, J.; Stroes, E. S. G.; Groen, A. K.


    Together with the liver, the intestine serves as a homeostatic organ in cholesterol metabolism. Recent evidence has substantiated the pivotal role of the intestine in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). RCT is a fundamental antiatherogenic pathway, mediating the removal of cholesterol from tissues

  16. Intestinal cholesterol secretion: future clinical implications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jakulj, L.; Besseling, J.; Stroes, E. S. G.; Groen, A. K.


    Together with the liver, the intestine serves as a homeostatic organ in cholesterol metabolism. Recent evidence has substantiated the pivotal role of the intestine in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). RCT is a fundamental antiatherogenic pathway, mediating the removal of cholesterol from tissues

  17. Primary intestinal hodgkin′s lymphoma: An uncommon presentation

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    Shruti Sharma


    Full Text Available Primary intestinal lymphoma is a rare lymphoproliferative neoplasm of the small intestine. The primary nature is established on the basis of lack of evidence of lymphoma on chest X-ray, computerized tomographic scan, peripheral blood or bone marrow puncture. Tumor involvement is limited to the gastrointestinal tract, the criteria for inclusion are that the symptoms related to the small intestine are predominant or the only symptoms at the time of laparotomy. Hodgkin′s lymphoma (HL primarily in the small intestine is a rare entity and an uncommon presentation of the disease. Ileum is the more common site of infliction than the jejunum because of its abundant lymphoid follicles. Here, we present a case of primary intestinal HL, in a 30-year-old male.

  18. Linfangiectasia intestinal e linfangite lipogranulomatosa em dois caninos Intestinal lymphangiectasia with lipogranulomatous lymphangitis in two dogs

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    Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha


    Full Text Available Relatam-se dois casos adicionais de linfangiectasia intestinal e linfangite lipogranulomatosa (LI/LL em caninos. Sinais clínicos manifestados pelos animais afetados incluíam diarréia crônica, perda de peso, dificuldade respiratória e anorexia. À necropsia, a mucosa do intestino delgado apresentava-se pálida, macia e com aspecto aveludado mais evidente conferido por vilosidades esbranquiçadas, alongadas, mais visíveis e densamente aglomeradas formando tufos. Na borda mesentérica da serosa intestinal, havia lesões arredondadas, lisas, elevadas, firmes, brancacentas, de 1-3mm de diâmetro, que também acompanhavam os vasos linfáticos mesentéricos que estavam salientes e distendidos por material espesso e esbranquiçado. Carcaças em mau estado corporal, edema subcutâneo e efusões cavitárias também foram observados. Microscopicamente, havia acentuada ectasia dos vasos quilíferos das vilosidades intestinais associada à presença de lipogranulomas intramurais ou mesentéricos. No presente estudo, o diagnóstico definitivo de LI/LL foi realizado através do exame histológico do intestino delgado e mesentério associado. Desconhece-se a prevalência dessa enfermidade em caninos no Brasil.Two additional cases of intestinal lymphangiectasia with lipogranulomatous lymphangitis (IL/LL in dogs are described. Clinical signs in the affected animals included chronic diarrhea, weight loss, labored breathing and anorexia. At necropsy, the mucosa of the small intestine was pale, soft and had numerous white, elongated villi clumped together in tufts giving the surface of the intestinal mucosa a pronounced velvety pattern. White, round, smooth, raised, firm, pinpoint lesions, varying from 1-3mm of diameter, were observed on the serosal surface of the small intestine on its mesenteric border and along prominent mesenteric lymphatic vessels distended with thick, chalky white paste. Thin carcasses. subcutaneous edema and cavitary effusions were also

  19. Mecanismos adaptativos do sistema imunológico em resposta ao treinamento físico Adaptative mechanisms of the immune system in response to physical training

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    Carol Góis Leandro


    Full Text Available O treinamento físico, de intensidade moderada, melhora os sistemas de defesa, enquanto que o treinamento intenso causa imunossupressão. Os mecanismos subjacentes estão associados à comunicação entre os sistemas nervoso, endócrino e imunológico, sugerindo vias autonômicas e modulação da resposta imune. Células do sistema imune, quando expostas a pequenas cargas de estresse, desenvolvem mecanismo de tolerância. Em muitos tecidos tem-se demonstrado que a resposta a situações agressivas parece ser atenuada pelo treinamento físico aplicado previamente, isto é, o treinamento induz tolerância para situações agressivas/estressantes. Nesta revisão são relatados estudos sugerindo os mecanismos adaptativos do sistema imunológico em resposta ao treinamento físico.Moderate physical training enhances the defense mechanisms, while intense physical training induces to immune suppression. The underlying mechanisms are associated with the link between nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. It suggests autonomic patterns and modulation of immune response. Immune cells, when exposed to regular bouts of stress, develop a mechanism of tolerance. In many tissues, it has been demonstrated that the response to aggressive conditions is attenuated by moderate physical training. Thus, training can induce tolerance to aggressive/stressful situations. In this review, studies suggesting the adaptation mechanisms of the immune system in response to physical training will be reported.

  20. Effects of probiotics and antibiotics on the intestinal homeostasis in a computer controlled model of the large intestine

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    Rehman Ateequr


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Antibiotic associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile infection are frequent complications of broad spectrum antibiotic therapy. Probiotic bacteria are used as therapeutic and preventive agents in these disorders, but the exact functional mechanisms and the mode of action are poorly understood. The effects of clindamycin and the probiotic mixture VSL#3 (containing the 8 bacterial strains Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus consecutively or in combination were investigated and compared to controls without therapy using a standardized human fecal microbiota in a computer-controlled in vitro model of large intestine. Microbial metabolites (short chain fatty acids, lactate, branched chain fatty acids, and ammonia and the intestinal microbiota were analyzed. Results Compared to controls and combination therapy, short chain fatty acids and lactate, but also ammonia and branched chain fatty acids, were increased under probiotic therapy. The metabolic pattern under combined therapy with antibiotics and probiotics had the most beneficial and consistent effect on intestinal metabolic profiles. The intestinal microbiota showed a decrease in several indigenous bacterial groups under antibiotic therapy, there was no significant recovery of these groups when the antibiotic therapy was followed by administration of probiotics. Simultaneous application of anti- and probiotics had a stabilizing effect on the intestinal microbiota with increased bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Conclusions Administration of VSL#3 parallel with the clindamycin therapy had a beneficial and stabilizing effect on the intestinal metabolic homeostasis by decreasing toxic metabolites and protecting the endogenic microbiota from destruction. Probiotics could be a reasonable

  1. Contribución a la Síntesis Dimensional de Mecanismos Planos para Generación de Trayectoria


    Sánchez Marín, Francisco T.


    En este trabajo se han analizado por separado los elementos que definen el problema de sintesis dimensional óptima de mecanismos planos para generacion de trayectoria. Se ha contribuido a la normalización de proposición de funciones objetivo mediante el enunciado de requisitos que deben cumplir.Se ha propuesto la comparación geométrica de las curvas como función objetivo y se han elaborado métodos discretos. Asimismo se ha utilizado un método de optimización combinado exhaustivo-gradiante que...

  2. Surgical management of radiation injury to the small intestine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Swan, R.W.; Fowler, W.C. Jr., Boronow, R.C.


    Severe injury of the small intestine represents one of the most tragic complications of radiation of the pelvis and abdomen. Not uncommonly, patients die from the radiation or the treatment of its intestinal complications. More commonly, patients become intestinal cripples, secondary to chronic partial obstruction of the small intestine and malnutrition associated with the stagnant loop syndrome, as previously reported by one of us. Management results have been discouraging, usually because of a general lack of clinical recognition and understanding of radiation injury to the intestine. Medical management has not been satisfactory. It may provide temporary relief from symptoms, but not long-lasting. Surgical management, although frequently curative, has been associated with high death and morbidity rates. Many surgical procedures have been used in treating radiation injury to the small intestine. Generally, these fall into two categories: first, intestinal resection with primary anastomosis; and second, enteroenteric or enterocolic bypass. In the literature are reflected advocates for each method of surgical management.

  3. Surgical treatment of radiation induced injuries of the intestine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmitt, E.H.; Symmonds, R.E.


    In the patient who has received high dose irradiation of the pelvis and abdomen, all abdominopelvic operations should be avoided, unless it is absolutely essential. Persisting obstruction, hemorrhage, intestinal perforation with peritonitis and with abscess and fistula formation are valid indications for surgical intervention. Ninety-three patients have been operated upon for these complications after irradiation. Some anastomotic dehiscence occurred in ten patients. Six operative deaths occurred. Of the 93 patients, 65 were managed by means of complete resection of the involved segment of intestine, followed by restoration of intestinal continuity by means of an end-to-end anastomosis. This is the treatment of choice when the involved area can be safely resected. In the absence of actual intestinal necrosis and when segments of strictured small intestine are adherent deep in the pelvis, and intestinal bypass procedure may represent the treatment of choice. This was accomplished in 20 patients, two of whom eventually required a second operation for resection of the bypassed segment of intestine.

  4. Surgical treatment of radiation induced injuries of the intestine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmitt, E.H.; Symmonds, R.E.


    In the patient who has received high dose irradiation of the pelvis and abdomen, all abdominopelvic operations should be avoided, unless it is absolutely essential. Persisting obstruction, hemorrhage, intestinal perforation with peritonitis and with abscess and fistula formation are valid indications for surgical intervention. Ninety-three patients have been operated upon for these complications after irradiation. Some anastomotic dehiscence occurred in ten patients. Six operative deaths occurred. Of the 93 patients, 65 were managed by means of complete resection of the involved segment of intestine, followed by restoration of intestinal continuity by means of an end-to-end anastomosis. This is the treatment of choice when the involved area can be safely resected. In the absence of actual intestinal necrosis and when segments of strictured small intestine are adherent deep in the pelvis, and intestinal bypass procedure may represent the treatment of choice. This was accomplished in 20 patients, two of whom eventually required a second operation for resection of the bypassed segment of intestine

  5. Macrophages in intestinal homeostasis and inflammation (United States)

    Bain, Calum C; Mowat, Allan McI


    The intestine contains the largest pool of macrophages in the body which are essential for maintaining mucosal homeostasis in the face of the microbiota and the constant need for epithelial renewal but are also important components of protective immunity and are involved in the pathology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, defining the biological roles of intestinal macrophages has been impeded by problems in defining the phenotype and origins of different populations of myeloid cells in the mucosa. Here, we discuss how multiple parameters can be used in combination to discriminate between functionally distinct myeloid cells and discuss the roles of macrophages during homeostasis and how these may change when inflammation ensues. We also discuss the evidence that intestinal macrophages do not fit the current paradigm that tissue-resident macrophages are derived from embryonic precursors that self-renew in situ, but require constant replenishment by blood monocytes. We describe our recent work demonstrating that classical monocytes constantly enter the intestinal mucosa and how the environment dictates their subsequent fate. We believe that understanding the factors that drive intestinal macrophage development in the steady state and how these may change in response to pathogens or inflammation could provide important insights into the treatment of IBD. PMID:24942685

  6. Small Intestinal Obstruction Caused by Anisakiasis

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    Yuichi Takano


    Full Text Available Small intestinal anisakiasis is a rare disease that is very difficult to diagnose, and its initial diagnosis is often surgical. However, it is typically a benign disease that resolves with conservative treatment, and unnecessary surgery can be avoided if it is appropriately diagnosed. This case report is an example of small intestinal obstruction caused by anisakiasis that resolved with conservative treatment. A 63-year-old man admitted to our department with acute abdominal pain. A history of raw fish (sushi ingestion was recorded. Abdominal CT demonstrated small intestinal dilatation with wall thickening and contrast enhancement. Ascitic fluid was found on the liver surface and in the Douglas pouch. His IgE (RIST was elevated, and he tested positive for the anti-Anisakis antibodies IgG and IgA. Small intestinal obstruction by anisakiasis was highly suspected and conservative treatment was performed, ileus tube, fasting, and fluid replacement. Symptoms quickly resolved, and he was discharged on the seventh day of admission. Small intestinal anisakiasis is a relatively uncommon disease, the diagnosis of which may be difficult. Because it is a self-limiting disease that usually resolves in 1-2 weeks, a conservative approach is advisable to avoid unnecessary surgery.

  7. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia in adults - diagnostic and therapeutic challenge

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    Jocić Tatiana


    Full Text Available Introduction. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia is a rare disorder, characterized by abnormal dilation of intestinal lymphatic vessels and extensive enteric loss of lymph rich in plasma proteins, lymphocytes and chylomicrons. The main characteristics of the disease are hypoalbuminemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, lymphocytopenia, and more rarely, the deficit of liposoluble vitamins and anemia. Except for primary, there are secondary lymphangiectasia, associated with celiac disease, malignant, infective and inflammatory diseases of the small intestine, fibrosis, liver and cardiovascular diseases. Case report. A male, 33 years of age, presented for his medical examination suffering from diarrhea and edema. The diagnosis was established upon the histological examination of a small intestine biopsy during double balloon enteroscopy, which revealed changes only in one segment of the intestine examined. Such a finding was later confirmed by the video endoscopy capsule. Conclusion. The diagnosis of intestinal lymphangiectasia is usually established before the age of 3, but it can also be diagnosed in adults. The diagnosis is based on the histological analysis of the intestinal mucosa biopsy, obtained by endoscopic procedures. The diagnosis of primary intestinal lymphangiectasia is also made upon the exclusion of secondary causes.

  8. Intestinal Anisakiasis Treated Successfully with Prednisolone and Olopatadine Hydrochloride

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    Hideki Toyoda


    Full Text Available The clinical characteristic of gastrointestinal anisakiasis is severe abdominal pain after eating raw fish. Intestinal anisakiasis is more uncommon than gastric anisakiasis. Most patients with intestinal anisakiasis need hospitalization because anisakiasis can cause intestinal obstruction, ileus, peritonitis or intestinal perforation. We report a case of intestinal anisakiasis. A 43-year-old woman presented with symptoms of intermittent abdominal pain 2 days after eating raw fish. Her brother had eaten the same food and had been suffering from gastric anisakiasis. Abdominal ultrasonography in this patient showed localized jejunal wall thickening with dilated lumen of proximal jejunum and ascites. According to the clinical course and examinations, she was diagnosed with intestinal anisakiasis. Administration of prednisolone 5 mg/day and olopatadine hydrochloride 10 mg/day improved her symptoms quickly without hospitalization. Prednisolone was administered for 10 days, and olopatadine hydrochloride was administered for a total of 6 weeks according to ultrasonographic findings. Six months after the treatment, the abdominal ultrasonography demonstrated normal findings. This case demonstrates that ultrasonography was quite useful for the diagnosis and surveillance of intestinal anisakiasis. Furthermore, treatment with corticosteroid and an antiallergic agent could be an option for patients with intestinal anisakiasis.

  9. Intestinal lymphangiectasia associated with recurrence of histiocytosis X. (United States)

    Hui, C K


    Intestinal lymphangiectasia may occur as a primary congenital disorder or a secondary disorder. Secondary lymphangiectasia could be associated with diseases such as abdominal carcinoma, retroperitoneal fibrosis or chronic pancreatitis. This is the first reported case of intestinal lymphangiectasia associated with recurrent histiocytosis X. This case report illustrates the need for more prospective, well-designed studies to determine the natural history and outcome of intestinal lymphangiectasia in the duodenum. Hopefully, these studies will also help clinicians identify which group of patients with intestinal lymphangiectasia in the duodenum is more likely to have a secondary cause.

  10. Upper intestinal lipids regulate energy and glucose homeostasis. (United States)

    Cheung, Grace W C; Kokorovic, Andrea; Lam, Tony K T


    Upon the entry of nutrients into the small intestine, nutrient sensing mechanisms are activated to allow the body to adapt appropriately to the incoming nutrients. To date, mounting evidence points to the existence of an upper intestinal lipid-induced gut-brain neuronal axis to regulate energy homeostasis. Moreover, a recent discovery has also revealed an upper intestinal lipid-induced gut-brain-liver neuronal axis involved in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. In this mini-review, we will focus on the mechanisms underlying the activation of these respective neuronal axes by upper intestinal lipids.

  11. Intestinal Parasitic Infections among Pregnant Women in Venezuela

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    Full Text Available Introduction. Intestinal parasitic infections, especially due to helminths, increase anemia in pregnant women. The results of this are low pregnancy weight gain and IUGR, followed by LBW, with its associated greater risks of infection and higher perinatal mortality rates. For these reasons, in the setting of no large previous studies in Venezuela about this problem, a national multicentric study was conducted. Methods. Pregnant women from nine states were studied, a prenatal evaluation with a coproparasitological study. Univariated and multivariated analyses were made to determine risk factors for intestinal parasitosis and related anemia. Results. During 19 months, 1038 pregnant women were included and evaluated. Intestinal parasitosis was evidenced in 73.9%: A lumbricoides 57.0%, T trichiura 36.0%, G lamblia 14.1%, E hystolitica 12.0%, N americanus 8.1%, E vermicularis 6.3%, S stercoralis 3.3%. Relative risk for anemia in those women with intestinal parasitosis was 2.56 ( P<.01 . Discussion. Intestinal parasitoses could be associated with conditions for development of anemia at pregnancy. These features reflect the need of routine coproparasitological study among pregnant women in rural and endemic zones for intestinal parasites. Further therapeutic and prophylactic protocols are needed. Additional research on pregnant intestinal parasitic infection impact on newborn health is also considered.

  12. Intestinal Parasitic Infections among Pregnant Women in Venezuela (United States)

    Rodríguez-Morales, Alfonso J.; Barbella, Rosa A.; Case, Cynthia; Arria, Melissa; Ravelo, Marisela; Perez, Henry; Urdaneta, Oscar; Gervasio, Gloria; Rubio, Nestor; Maldonado, Andrea; Aguilera, Ymora; Viloria, Anna; Blanco, Juan J.; Colina, Magdary; Hernández, Elizabeth; Araujo, Elianet; Cabaniel, Gilberto; Benitez, Jesús; Rifakis, Pedro


    Introduction. Intestinal parasitic infections, especially due to helminths, increase anemia in pregnant women. The results of this are low pregnancy weight gain and IUGR, followed by LBW, with its associated greater risks of infection and higher perinatal mortality rates. For these reasons, in the setting of no large previous studies in Venezuela about this problem, a national multicentric study was conducted. Methods. Pregnant women from nine states were studied, a prenatal evaluation with a coproparasitological study. Univariated and multivariated analyses were made to determine risk factors for intestinal parasitosis and related anemia. Results. During 19 months, 1038 pregnant women were included and evaluated. Intestinal parasitosis was evidenced in 73.9%: A lumbricoides 57.0%, T trichiura 36.0%, G lamblia 14.1%, E hystolitica 12.0%, N americanus 8.1%, E vermicularis 6.3%, S stercoralis 3.3%. Relative risk for anemia in those women with intestinal parasitosis was 2.56 (P Intestinal parasitoses could be associated with conditions for development of anemia at pregnancy. These features reflect the need of routine coproparasitological study among pregnant women in rural and endemic zones for intestinal parasites. Further therapeutic and prophylactic protocols are needed. Additional research on pregnant intestinal parasitic infection impact on newborn health is also considered. PMID:17093349

  13. Esferocitosis hereditaria: avance en la metodología diagnóstica, estudios demográficos e investigación de mecanismos involucrados


    Crisp, Renée Leonor


    La Esferocitosis Hereditaria (ESH) es una anemia hemolítica de observación frecuente, caracterizada por alteraciones cuali y/o cuantitativas –genéticamente determinadas– de las proteínas de la membrana eritrocitaria. Consecuentemente, se debilita la unión entre la membrana eritrocitaria y el citoesqueleto subyacente, produciéndose la pérdida progresiva de la membrana con formación de hematíes de forma esférica, osmóticamente frágiles, que son selectivamente atrapados y destruidos en el bazo. ...





    Las proteínas ricas en prolinas (PRPs) son proteínas estructurales involucradas en el ensamblaje de la pared celular. En Arabidopsis dos miembros de esta familia de genes, ATPRP1 y ATPRP3, se expresan específicamente en células de pelo radicular. Los pelos radiculares elongan mediante crecimiento por el ápice a partir de células epidermales especializadas denominadas tricoblastos. El crecimiento por el ápice involucra la secreción polarizada de los materiales necesarios para formar la memb...

  15. Intestinal Colonization Dynamics of Vibrio cholerae.

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    Salvador Almagro-Moreno


    Full Text Available To cause the diarrheal disease cholera, Vibrio cholerae must effectively colonize the small intestine. In order to do so, the bacterium needs to successfully travel through the stomach and withstand the presence of agents such as bile and antimicrobial peptides in the intestinal lumen and mucus. The bacterial cells penetrate the viscous mucus layer covering the epithelium and attach and proliferate on its surface. In this review, we discuss recent developments and known aspects of the early stages of V. cholerae intestinal colonization and highlight areas that remain to be fully understood. We propose mechanisms and postulate a model that covers some of the steps that are required in order for the bacterium to efficiently colonize the human host. A deeper understanding of the colonization dynamics of V. cholerae and other intestinal pathogens will provide us with a variety of novel targets and strategies to avoid the diseases caused by these organisms.

  16. Intestinal Iron Homeostasis and Colon Tumorigenesis

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    Yatrik M. Shah


    Full Text Available Colorectal cancer (CRC is the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths in industrialized countries. Understanding the mechanisms of growth and progression of CRC is essential to improve treatment. Iron is an essential nutrient for cell growth. Iron overload caused by hereditary mutations or excess dietary iron uptake has been identified as a risk factor for CRC. Intestinal iron is tightly controlled by iron transporters that are responsible for iron uptake, distribution, and export. Dysregulation of intestinal iron transporters are observed in CRC and lead to iron accumulation in tumors. Intratumoral iron results in oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, protein modification and DNA damage with consequent promotion of oncogene activation. In addition, excess iron in intestinal tumors may lead to increase in tumor-elicited inflammation and tumor growth. Limiting intratumoral iron through specifically chelating excess intestinal iron or modulating activities of iron transporter may be an attractive therapeutic target for CRC.

  17. Does measurement of small intestinal diameter increase diagnostic accuracy of radiography in dogs with suspected intestinal obstruction? (United States)

    Ciasca, Taízha C; David, Frederic H; Lamb, Christopher R


    The ratio between maximal small intestinal (SI) diameter and the height of the body of the fifth lumbar vertebra (L5) in radiographs has been reported as a diagnostic test in dogs with suspected intestinal obstruction. In order to assess the effect of the SI/L5 ratio on the accuracy of radiographic diagnosis of intestinal obstruction, lateral abdominal radiographs of 37 dogs with small intestinal obstruction and 48 nonobstructed dogs were mixed and examined independently by six observers who were unaware of the final diagnosis and who represented a range of experience. Observers first examined radiographs subjectively and stated the likelihood of obstruction (definitely not, probably not, equivocal, probably, definitely). Observers subsequently reexamined the radiographs, determined the SI/L5 ratio, and again stated the likelihood of obstruction. The most frequent cause of obstruction was foreign body (29/37, 78%). Dogs with SI obstruction had a significantly larger median SI/L5 ratio than nonobstructed dogs (P = 0.0002). Using an SI/L5 ratio of 1.7 for diagnosis of intestinal obstruction, sensitivity and specificity were 66%. Use of the SI/L5 ratio was not associated with increased accuracy of diagnosis for any observer, regardless of experience, hence this test may have no diagnostic impact. © 2013 Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound.

  18. Tradução intersemiótica dos mecanismos de busca no ciberespaço

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    Silvana Drumond Monteiro


    Full Text Available Introdução: O processo de busca faz parte da sociedade atual e os mecanismos de busca são os responsáveis pela indexação e elaboração dos índices contemporâneos no ciberespaço.Objetivo: Neste trabalho, a tradução intersemiótica verbo-visual do Google Images e oSKope, considerados híbridos por misturar linguagens, foi analisada visando avaliar o nível de equivalência dos signos nos resultados.Metodologia: A partir da categorização dos mecanismos, o paradigma semiótico vem sendo perscrutado, visando entender as matrizes da linguagem-pensamento, de Santaella, no funcionamento dos buscadores. Entende-se a intersemiose como a mistura das linguagens, sendo a hibridização sua característica principal. O conceito de tradução, apropriado de Jackobson, engloba a transmutação do signo dentro de uma língua (intralingual, de uma língua para outra (interlingual, ou a tradução propriamente dita, e entre uma linguagem e outra (intersemiótica. Outro conceito incorporado na pesquisa foi a tradução intrassemiótica, dentro da matriz visual, para colaborar com a análise da linguagem visual, que tem a forma como eixo de inteligibilidade e a figura como representação do visível.Resultados: O comportamento intersemiótico dos dois buscadores demonstrou-se, de maneira geral, satisfatório.Conclusões: O aprendizado da linguagem pela máquina faz diferença entre os níveis de tradução, entre o igual e o parecido, sobre o princípio de similaridade da forma, seja de uma língua, seja de uma imagem.

  19. [Intestinal volvulus. Case report and a literature review]. (United States)

    Santín-Rivero, Jorge; Núñez-García, Edgar; Aguirre-García, Manuel; Hagerman-Ruiz-Galindo, Gonzalo; de la Vega-González, Francisco; Moctezuma-Velasco, Carla Rubi


    Small bowel volvulus is a rare cause of intestinal obstruction in adult patients. This disease is more common in children and its aetiology and management is different to that in adults. A 30 year-old male with sarcoidosis presents with acute abdomen and clinical data of intestinal obstruction. Small bowel volvulus is diagnosed by a contrast abdominal tomography and an exploratory laparotomy is performed with devolvulation and no intestinal resection. In the days following surgery, he developed a recurrent small bowel volvulus, which was again managed with surgery, but without intestinal resection. Medical treatment for sarcoidosis was started, and with his clinical progress being satisfactory,he was discharged to home. Making an early and correct diagnosis of small bowel volvulus prevents large intestinal resections. Many surgical procedures have been described with a high rate of complications. Therefore, conservative surgical management (no intestinal resection) is recommended as the best treatment with the lowest morbidity and mortality rate. Copyright © 2015 Academia Mexicana de Cirugía A.C. Published by Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  20. Fitobezoar associado à endometriose intestinal: uma rara causa de obstrução intestinal Intestinal endemetriosis associated to phytobezoar: a rare of bowel obstruction

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    Carlos Roberto Amorim


    Full Text Available A endometriose intestinal é uma patologia benigna que afeta preferencialmente a porção retossigmóidea, sendo pouco frequente a localização em íleo terminal. Trata-se de um caso de uma paciente de 29 anos que foi admitida com dor abdominal difusa, náuseas e vômitos. Na propedêutica da obstrução intestinal a tomografia computadorizada revelou massa heterogênea em topografia ileocecal. Submetida a laparotomia exploradora onde foi feita a remoção de fibras vegetais mal digeridas aglomeradas em íleo terminal e ressecção de segmento íleoceco cólico devido a presença de estenose na válvula ileocecal. O exame anátomo patológico revelou endometriose intestinal e fitobezoar. A paciente evoluiu bem com alta no terceiro dia de pós operatório.Intestinal endometriosis is a benign pathology, it occurs most often on the rectosigmoid portion, and the finding isn`t very common on the terminal ileum. On this article the autors present a report from a 29 years old pacient, who had a difuse abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Computadorized tomography (CT showed a heterogeneous mass on the ileocaecal area . An exploratory laparotomy was performed , badly metabolized vegetable fibers were removed from the terminal ileum, and a surgical removal of the ileocaecal - colic portion was done, since there was a stenosis on that area. The anatomical-pathologic study showed intestinal endometriosis and phytobezoar The patient had a good follow up and got out the hospital on the third day after surgery.

  1. Prematurity reduces functional adaptation to intestinal resection in piglets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aunsholt, Lise; Thymann, Thomas; Qvist, Niels


    Background: Necrotizing enterocolitis and congenital gastrointestinal malformations in infants often require intestinal resection, with a subsequent risk of short bowel syndrome (SBS). We hypothesized that immediate intestinal adaptation following resection of the distal intestine with placement ...

  2. Assessoria de Imprensa em Instituições Religiosas: mecanismos profissionais versus proselitismo

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    Eduardo Teixeira


    Full Text Available Ao agir por meio da assessoria de imprensa, as instituições religiosas constroem alicerces pela comunicação profissional, planejada e estratégica e, agregam valor aos públicos ao mostrar a sua imagem e suas ações e também ao discutir projetos. A incorporação das ferramentas comunicacionais disponíveis na assessoria de imprensa é um dos mecanismos que torna possível ampliar o vínculo e a participação social das instituições religiosas através da mídia, fortalecendo a identidade da instituição e fundamentando os relacionamentos com a comunidade na qual ela está inserida. Dessa maneira, as ações eclesiais não ficam atreladas apenas ao proselitismo, que em muitos casos atinge o patamar de “guerra santa” midiatizada nos veículos de comunicação brasileiros.

  3. Vasoactive intestinal peptide is a local mediator in a gut-brain neural axis activating intestinal gluconeogenesis. (United States)

    De Vadder, F; Plessier, F; Gautier-Stein, A; Mithieux, G


    Intestinal gluconeogenesis (IGN) promotes metabolic benefits through activation of a gut-brain neural axis. However, the local mediator activating gluconeogenic genes in the enterocytes remains unknown. We show that (i) vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) signaling through VPAC1 receptor activates the intestinal glucose-6-phosphatase gene in vivo, (ii) the activation of IGN by propionate is counteracted by VPAC1 antagonism, and (iii) VIP-positive intrinsic neurons in the submucosal plexus are increased under the action of propionate. These data support the role of VIP as a local neuromodulator released by intrinsic enteric neurons and responsible for the induction of IGN through a VPAC1 receptor-dependent mechanism in enterocytes. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Primary small intestinal volvulus after laparoscopic rectopexy for rectal prolapse. (United States)

    Koizumi, Michihiro; Yamada, Takeshi; Shinji, Seiichi; Yokoyama, Yasuyuki; Takahashi, Goro; Hotta, Masahiro; Iwai, Takuma; Hara, Keisuke; Takeda, Kohki; Kan, Hayato; Takasaki, Hideaki; Ohta, Keiichiro; Uchida, Eiji


    Primary small intestinal volvulus is defined as torsion in the absence of congenital malrotation, band, or postoperative adhesions. Its occurrence as an early postoperative complication is rare. A 40-year-old woman presented with rectal prolapse, and laparoscopic rectopexy was uneventfully performed. She could not have food on the day after surgery. She started oral intake on postoperative day 3 but developed abdominal pain after the meal. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed torsion of the small intestinal mesentery. An emergent laparotomy showed small intestinal volvulus, without congenital malformation or intestinal adhesions. We diagnosed it as primary small intestinal volvulus. The strangulated intestine was resected, and reconstruction was performed. The patient recovered uneventfully after the second surgery. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of primary small intestinal volvulus occurring after rectopexy for rectal prolapse. Primary small intestinal volvulus could be a postoperative complication after laparoscopy. © 2018 Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Asia Endosurgery Task Force and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  5. Intestinal actinomycosis: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loureiro, C.M.; Labrunie, E.; Pannaim, V.L.N.; Santos, A.A.S. dos; Pereira, A.A.


    Intestinal actinomycosis: a case report. The authors describe a case of intestinal actinomycosis, which was manisfestated by abdominal mass and suggested, clinical and radiologically, a bowel carcinoma. They discuss the pathogenesis, and the clinical and radiological manisfestations of this disease, and its differential diagnosis. This is an infrequent disease which must be considered whenever suggestive clinical aspects are associated with a radiological ''malignant pattern'' of a bowel lesion. (author) [pt

  6. Precision-cut intestinal slices as a culture system to analyze the infection of differentiated intestinal epithelial cells by avian influenza viruses. (United States)

    Punyadarsaniya, Darsaniya; Winter, Christine; Mork, Ann-Kathrin; Amiri, Mahdi; Naim, Hassan Y; Rautenschlein, Silke; Herrler, Georg


    Many viruses infect and replicate in their host via the intestinal tract, e.g. many picornaviruses, several coronaviruses and avian influenza viruses of waterfowl. To analyze infection of enterocytes is a challenging task as culture systems for differentiated intestinal epithelial cells are not readily available and often have a life span that is too short for infection studies. Precision-cut intestinal slices (PCIS) from chicken embryos were prepared and shown that the epithelial cells lining the lumen of the intestine are viable for up to 4 days. Using lectin staining, it was demonstrated that α2,3-linked sialic acids, the preferred receptor determinants of avian influenza viruses, are present on the apical side of the epithelial cells. Furthermore, the epithelial cells (at the tips) of the villi were shown to be susceptible to infection by an avian influenza virus of the H9N2 subtype. This culture system will be useful to analyze virus infection of intestinal epithelial cells and it should be applicable also to the intestine of other species. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia. A case report

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    Georgios Mitsiakos


    Full Text Available Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia, first described by Waldmann et al. in 1961, is a rare congenital malformation of the lymphatics, presented with generalized edema, hypoproteinemia and lymphopenia. Diagnosis is based on endoscopy findings and pathology.We present here a case of a male neonate, second child of an indigenous woman, delivered by caesarean section. Prenatally, multiple cystic abdominal masses were identified by ultrasound. The patient was treated successfully with enterectomy and anastomosis. Histopathology revealed primary intestinal lymphangiectasia with no features of malignancy.Intestinal lymphangiectasia is a rare pathology, which should be differentiated while exploring abdominal masses, hypoproteinemia and edema especially in neonates.

  8. Combatiendo la ilusión de control: cómo hacer uso de la competición de claves y las explicaciones alternativas / Fighting the illusion of control: How to make use of cue competition and alternative explanations

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    Miguel Vadillo


    Full Text Available Los errores en la percepción de la causalidad constituyen la base del pensamiento supersticioso y la pseudociencia. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo fue demostrar cómo puede utilizarse nuestro conocimiento sobre los mecanismos involucrados en la inducción causal para impedir o reducir el desarrollo de este tipo de creencias. La evidencia disponible mostró que a veces las personas perciben relaciones causales que en realidad no existen. La propuesta es que esto podría deberse, al menos en parte, a que las personas no suelen tener en cuenta factores alternativos que puedan estar jugando un papel causalmente relevante. El presente experimento demuestra que efectivamente se pueden reducir los errores en la atribución causal, tales como las ilusiones de control, proporcionando a los participantes información precisa y difícil de ignorar sobre otras causas posibles.

  9. Coagulation of sheep intestinal and prefemoral lymph. (United States)

    Hanley, C A; Johnston, M G; Nelson, W


    We have determined the most suitable method for the automated analysis of the clotting parameters in sheep intestinal and prefemoral lymph as defined by the Activated Partial Thromboplastin Times (APTT; measure of intrinsic coagulation pathway) and the Prothrombin Times (PT; measure of extrinsic coagulation pathway). As opposed to optical density systems, the use of a Fibro-System Fibrometer was found to provide the most consistent assessment of coagulation with the endpoint being the time to fibrin strand formation. We measured APTT in sheep intestinal and prefemoral lymph of 59.78 +/- 7.69 seconds and 51.03 +/- 10.49 seconds respectively. These values were more prolonged than those obtained from sheep blood plasma but only in the case of intestinal lymph were the differences significant (p less than 0.025). Human blood APTT values were significantly less than both sheep blood (p less than 0.05) and sheep intestinal (p less than 0.001) and prefemoral lymph (p less than 0.01). PT values were found to be 21.56 +/- 1.14 seconds in intestinal and 22.00 +/- 1.88 seconds in prefemoral lymph. These values were also significantly greater than those obtained from sheep blood (both p less than 0.001). Human blood PTs were significantly less than both sheep blood (p less than 0.001) and intestinal and prefemoral lymph (both p less than 0.001). Measurement of APTT and PT values in intestinal lymph and PT determinations in prefemoral lymph were not affected by storage in the refrigerator or freezer. There was some indication that APTT values in prefemoral samples were susceptible to storage artifacts; however, the differences in coagulation times were not significant.

  10. Irf4-dependent CD103+CD11b+ dendritic cells and the intestinal microbiome regulate monocyte and macrophage activation and intestinal peristalsis in postoperative ileus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pohl, Judith Mira; Gutweiler, Sebastian; Thiebes, Stephanie


    and large intestinal POI suggested a potential role of the intestinal microbiota. Indeed, antibiotic treatment reduced iNOS levels and ameliorated POI. Conclusions: Our findings reveal that CD103+CD11b+ DCs and the intestinal microbiome are a prerequisite for the activation of intestinal monocytes...

  11. Mecanismos implicados en la acción antioxidante de polifenoles naturales en productos de la pesca y acuicultura


    Maestre, Rodrigo


    El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral consistió en el estudio de los mecanismos que rigen la actividad de aquellos polifenoles de origen natural con mayor actividad antioxidante sobre el músculo de pescado. Asimismo, la investigación comprendió el efecto que dichos polifenoles pueden ejercer sobre la digestión y biodisponibilidad de los compuestos lipídicos del pescado, en particular los PUFAs ω-3. Para ello se eligió un extracto de uva rico en procianidinas que en estudios...

  12. Wnt, RSPO and Hippo Signalling in the Intestine and Intestinal Stem Cells. (United States)

    Kriz, Vitezslav; Korinek, Vladimir


    In this review, we address aspects of Wnt, R-Spondin (RSPO) and Hippo signalling, in both healthy and transformed intestinal epithelium. In intestinal stem cells (ISCs), the Wnt pathway is essential for intestinal crypt formation and renewal, whereas RSPO-mediated signalling mainly affects ISC numbers. In human colorectal cancer (CRC), aberrant Wnt signalling is the driving mechanism initiating this type of neoplasia. The signalling role of the RSPO-binding transmembrane proteins, the leucine-rich-repeat-containing G-protein-coupled receptors (LGRs), is possibly more pleiotropic and not only limited to the enhancement of Wnt signalling. There is growing evidence for multiple crosstalk between Hippo and Wnt/β-catenin signalling. In the ON state, Hippo signalling results in serine/threonine phosphorylation of Yes-associated protein (YAP1) and tafazzin (TAZ), promoting formation of the β-catenin destruction complex. In contrast, YAP1 or TAZ dephosphorylation (and YAP1 methylation) results in β-catenin destruction complex deactivation and β-catenin nuclear localization. In the Hippo OFF state, YAP1 and TAZ are engaged with the nuclear β-catenin and participate in the β-catenin-dependent transcription program. Interestingly, YAP1/TAZ are dispensable for intestinal homeostasis; however, upon Wnt pathway hyperactivation, the proteins together with TEA domain (TEAD) transcription factors drive the transcriptional program essential for intestinal cell transformation. In addition, in many CRC cells, YAP1 phosphorylation by YES proto-oncogene 1 tyrosine kinase (YES1) leads to the formation of a transcriptional complex that includes YAP1, β-catenin and T-box 5 (TBX5) DNA-binding protein. YAP1/β-catenin/T-box 5-mediated transcription is necessary for CRC cell proliferation and survival. Interestingly, dishevelled (DVL) appears to be an important mediator involved in both Wnt and Hippo (YAP1/TAZ) signalling and some of the DVL functions were assigned to the nuclear DVL

  13. Protective effect of salvianolic acid B against intestinal ischemia ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that SAB may protect the intestine by attenuating oxidative stress and inflammatory response and hence, may be potentially for treating IIRI. Keywords: Salvianolic acid B, Intestinal Ischemia-reperfusion, Antioxidants, Inflammation, Intestinal permeability ...

  14. burden of intestinal parasites amongst hiv/aids patients attending

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ABSTRACT. Background: Intestinal parasitic infections cause severe diarrhea especially in debilitated subjects with clinical ... Regional Hospital, Entamoeba histolytica and other intestinal parasites represented a common burden. .... Attempt was made to go through all the fields of ..... Control of Intestinal parasite Infections.

  15. Diversity and functions of intestinal mononuclear phagocytes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Joeris, Thorsten; Müller-Luda, K; Agace, William Winston


    The intestinal lamina propria (LP) contains a diverse array of mononuclear phagocyte (MNP) subsets, including conventional dendritic cells (cDC), monocytes and tissue-resident macrophages (mφ) that collectively play an essential role in mucosal homeostasis, infection and inflammation. In the curr......The intestinal lamina propria (LP) contains a diverse array of mononuclear phagocyte (MNP) subsets, including conventional dendritic cells (cDC), monocytes and tissue-resident macrophages (mφ) that collectively play an essential role in mucosal homeostasis, infection and inflammation....... In the current review we discuss the function of intestinal cDC and monocyte-derived MNP, highlighting how these subsets play several non-redundant roles in the regulation of intestinal immune responses. While much remains to be learnt, recent findings also underline how the various populations of MNP adapt...

  16. Flavanol-Enriched Cocoa Powder Alters the Intestinal Microbiota, Tissue and Fluid Metabolite Profiles, and Intestinal Gene Expression in Pigs. (United States)

    Jang, Saebyeol; Sun, Jianghao; Chen, Pei; Lakshman, Sukla; Molokin, Aleksey; Harnly, James M; Vinyard, Bryan T; Urban, Joseph F; Davis, Cindy D; Solano-Aguilar, Gloria


    Consumption of cocoa-derived polyphenols has been associated with several health benefits; however, their effects on the intestinal microbiome and related features of host intestinal health are not adequately understood. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of eating flavanol-enriched cocoa powder on the composition of the gut microbiota, tissue metabolite profiles, and intestinal immune status. Male pigs (5 mo old, 28 kg mean body weight) were supplemented with 0, 2.5, 10, or 20 g flavanol-enriched cocoa powder/d for 27 d. Metabolites in serum, urine, the proximal colon contents, liver, and adipose tissue; bacterial abundance in the intestinal contents and feces; and intestinal tissue gene expression of inflammatory markers and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) were then determined. O-methyl-epicatechin-glucuronide conjugates dose-dependently increased (Pcocoa powder. The concentration of 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid isomers in urine decreased as the dose of cocoa powder fed to pigs increased (75-85%,Pcocoa powder/d, respectively. Moreover, consumption of cocoa powder reducedTLR9gene expression in ileal Peyer's patches (67-80%,Pcocoa powder/d compared with pigs not supplemented with cocoa powder. This study demonstrates that consumption of cocoa powder by pigs can contribute to gut health by enhancing the abundance ofLactobacillusandBifidobacteriumspecies and modulating markers of localized intestinal immunity. © 2016 American Society for Nutrition.

  17. [Intestinal intussusception due to ileal gastrointestinal stromal tumor--a case report]. (United States)

    Andrei, S; Andrei, A; Tonea, A; Andronesi, D; Preda, C; Herlea, V; Popescu, I


    Intestinal occlusion due to intussusception produced by intestinal tumors is a very rare condition. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors are also rare digestive neopasias, with an impredictable malignant behavior, which are usually growing outside the intestinal wall, being rarely the initiators of an intestinal intussusception. We present the case of a 59 years old female, admitted in our hospital to elucidate the etiology of her iron deficient anaemia, which developed an intestinal occlusion at the intestinal preparation for colonoscopy. The abdominal CT scan performed in emergency conditions highlighted occlusive intestinal tumor complicated with intestinal intussusception. We performed an emergency laparotomy that revealed intestinal occlusion due to ileo-ileal intussusception produced by an ileal tumor. The surgical intervention consisted in segmental ileal enterectomy including the tumor with latero-lateral entero-enteral anastomosis. The patient recovered without complications. The histopathological and immunohisto-chemical examinations established the diagnose of gastro-intestinal stromal tumor with high risk malignant behavior, therefore the patient was guided in the oncological department for specific treatment and oncological surveillance.

  18. Contextualización teórica de los mecanismos de protección en el mundo de la moda colombiana

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    Paola Andrea Zuluaga Ortiz


    Full Text Available Este artículo es el resultado de la primera parte de la investigación titulada “Mecanismos de protección en el mundo de la moda colombiana”. El documento presenta la importancia actual económica y social de la moda en Colombia, así como las dos posturas existentes frente a la protección de las creaciones de moda, mediante una norma redactada exclusivamente para estos casos. Así mismo, hace una breve explicación de cómo podrían protegerse estas creaciones con la normativa vigente de derechos de autor y propiedad industrial. Para lograr su objetivo, en la primera parte presenta una breve contextualización del mercado de la moda en Colombia; posteriormente hace una referencia de los diferentes argumentos presentados por quienes abogan por una normativa especial que regule estas creaciones, y por quienes rechazan esta postura, y creen en la libre circulación; en la tercera parte realiza una presentación de los posibles mecanismos legislativos vigentes que podrían tutelar este tipo de creaciones; y finalmente concluye que por medio de la normativa de derechos de autor y de propiedad industrial es posible proteger estas creaciones.

  19. Adoção de práticas de Green Supply Chain Management: mecanismos de indução e a importância das empresas focais

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    Ariana Fernandes Arantes


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar como práticas de Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM estão sendo induzidas, tanto interna quanto externamente, por empresas consideradas focais em suas cadeias de suprimentos localizadas no Brasil e atuantes no segmento de alta tecnologia. Foram realizados oito estudos de casos por meio da triangulação de fontes de dados: entrevistas, observações diretas e obtenção de dados secundários. Há mecanismos específicos para induzir práticas de GSCM internamente e externamente e destacam-se os mecanismos: treinamento ambiental, atividades logísticas, seleção e avaliação de fornecedores e marketing verde. Constatou-se também que a empresa focal é o vetor nesse processo.


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    Monique Fonseca Cardoso


    Full Text Available O estudo tem como objetivo compreender a relação existente entre o emprego da tecnologia e os mecanismos de controle organizacional. São abordados os seguintes pontos: Tecnologia nas Organizações; Controle pela Tecnologia de Gestão; Vigilância Eletrônica: Controle pela Tecnologia Física; Panoptismo nas Organizações. As tecnologias aperfeiçoam os mecanismos de controle, tornando-os mais invisíveis e abrangentes. Tal refinamento vem sendo conseguido pela intensificação da utilização das tecnologias no processo de trabalho, em especial da vigilância eletrônica. A analogia ao panoptismo vem sendo associada aos sistemas de controle organizacional, e se tornando mais real, à medida que tais sistemas se sofisticam.

  1. Especiação e seus mecanismos: histórico conceitual e avanços recentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Colley


    Full Text Available Apresenta uma abordagem histórica sobre conceitos gerais de especiação e seus mecanismos, a partir das ideias primordiais até as teorias mais recentes que visam elucidar a origem da biodiversidade. Sabe-se que especiação é um tema polêmico e complexo que abrange praticamente todas as linhas de pesquisa dentro da biologia, além da geologia e da paleontologia. O objetivo principal do artigo é clarificar os conceitos teóricos sobre a origem das espécies animais, na ordem cronológica em que foram estabelecidos, ao longo do desenvolvimento da biologia evolutiva como ciência.

  2. Accumulative effect of food residues on intestinal gas production. (United States)

    Mego, M; Accarino, A; Malagelada, J-R; Guarner, F; Azpiroz, F


    As mean transit time in the colon is longer than the interval between meals, several consecutive meal loads accumulate, and contribute to colonic biomass. Our aim was to determine the summation effect of fermentable food residues on intestinal gas production. In eight healthy subjects, the volume of endogenous intestinal gas produced in the intestine over a 4-h period was measured by means of a wash-out technique, using an exogenous gas infusion into the jejunum (24 mL/min) and collection of the effluent via a rectal Foley catheter. The exogenous gas infused was labeled (5% SF6 ) to calculate the proportion of endogenous intestinal gas evacuated. In each subject, four experiments were performed ≥1 week apart combining a 1-day high- or low-flatulogenic diet with a test meal or fast. Basal conditions: on the low-flatulogenic diet, intestinal gas production during fasting over the 4-h study period was 609 ± 63 mL. Effect of diet: during fasting, intestinal gas production on the high-flatulogenic diet was 370 ± 146 mL greater than on the low-flatulogenic diet (p = 0.040). Effect of test meal: on the low-flatulogenic diet, intestinal gas production after the test meal was 681 ± 114 mL greater than during fasting (p = 0.001); a similar effect was observed on the high-flatulogenic diet (599 ± 174 mL more intestinal gas production after the test meal than during fasting; p = 0.021). Our data demonstrate temporal summation effects of food residues on intestinal gas production. Hence, intestinal gas production depends on pre-existing and on recent colonic loads of fermentable foodstuffs. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. The Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissues in the Small Intestine, Not the Large Intestine, Play a Major Role in Oral Prion Disease Pathogenesis (United States)

    Donaldson, David S.; Else, Kathryn J.


    ABSTRACT Prion diseases are infectious neurodegenerative disorders characterized by accumulations of abnormally folded cellular prion protein in affected tissues. Many natural prion diseases are acquired orally, and following exposure, the early replication of some prion isolates upon follicular dendritic cells (FDC) within gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) is important for the efficient spread of disease to the brain (neuroinvasion). Prion detection within large intestinal GALT biopsy specimens has been used to estimate human and animal disease prevalence. However, the relative contributions of the small and large intestinal GALT to oral prion pathogenesis were unknown. To address this issue, we created mice that specifically lacked FDC-containing GALT only in the small intestine. Our data show that oral prion disease susceptibility was dramatically reduced in mice lacking small intestinal GALT. Although these mice had FDC-containing GALT throughout their large intestines, these tissues were not early sites of prion accumulation or neuroinvasion. We also determined whether pathology specifically within the large intestine might influence prion pathogenesis. Congruent infection with the nematode parasite Trichuris muris in the large intestine around the time of oral prion exposure did not affect disease pathogenesis. Together, these data demonstrate that the small intestinal GALT are the major early sites of prion accumulation and neuroinvasion after oral exposure. This has important implications for our understanding of the factors that influence the risk of infection and the preclinical diagnosis of disease. IMPORTANCE Many natural prion diseases are acquired orally. After exposure, the accumulation of some prion diseases in the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) is important for efficient spread of disease to the brain. However, the relative contributions of GALT in the small and large intestines to oral prion pathogenesis were unknown. We show that the

  4. The Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissues in the Small Intestine, Not the Large Intestine, Play a Major Role in Oral Prion Disease Pathogenesis. (United States)

    Donaldson, David S; Else, Kathryn J; Mabbott, Neil A


    Prion diseases are infectious neurodegenerative disorders characterized by accumulations of abnormally folded cellular prion protein in affected tissues. Many natural prion diseases are acquired orally, and following exposure, the early replication of some prion isolates upon follicular dendritic cells (FDC) within gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) is important for the efficient spread of disease to the brain (neuroinvasion). Prion detection within large intestinal GALT biopsy specimens has been used to estimate human and animal disease prevalence. However, the relative contributions of the small and large intestinal GALT to oral prion pathogenesis were unknown. To address this issue, we created mice that specifically lacked FDC-containing GALT only in the small intestine. Our data show that oral prion disease susceptibility was dramatically reduced in mice lacking small intestinal GALT. Although these mice had FDC-containing GALT throughout their large intestines, these tissues were not early sites of prion accumulation or neuroinvasion. We also determined whether pathology specifically within the large intestine might influence prion pathogenesis. Congruent infection with the nematode parasite Trichuris muris in the large intestine around the time of oral prion exposure did not affect disease pathogenesis. Together, these data demonstrate that the small intestinal GALT are the major early sites of prion accumulation and neuroinvasion after oral exposure. This has important implications for our understanding of the factors that influence the risk of infection and the preclinical diagnosis of disease. Many natural prion diseases are acquired orally. After exposure, the accumulation of some prion diseases in the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) is important for efficient spread of disease to the brain. However, the relative contributions of GALT in the small and large intestines to oral prion pathogenesis were unknown. We show that the small intestinal

  5. Advanced three-dimensional culture of equine intestinal epithelial stem cells. (United States)

    Stewart, A Stieler; Freund, J M; Gonzalez, L M


    Intestinal epithelial stem cells are critical to epithelial repair following gastrointestinal injury. The culture of intestinal stem cells has quickly become a cornerstone of a vast number of new research endeavours that range from determining tissue viability to testing drug efficacy for humans. This study aims to describe the methods of equine stem cell culture and highlights the future benefits of these techniques for the advancement of equine medicine. To describe the isolation and culture of small intestinal stem cells into three-dimensional (3D) enteroids in horses without clinical gastrointestinal abnormalities. Descriptive study. Intestinal samples were collected by sharp dissection immediately after euthanasia. Intestinal crypts containing intestinal stem cells were dissociated from the underlying tissue layers, plated in a 3D matrix and supplemented with growth factors. After several days, resultant 3D enteroids were prepared for immunofluorescent imaging and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis to detect and characterise specific cell types present. Intestinal crypts were cryopreserved immediately following collection and viability assessed. Intestinal crypts were successfully cultured and matured into 3D enteroids containing a lumen and budding structures. Immunofluorescence and PCR were used to confirm the existence of stem cells and all post mitotic, mature cell types, described to exist in the horse intestinal epithelium. Previously frozen crypts were successfully cultured following a freeze-thaw cycle. Tissues were all derived from normal horses. Application of this technique for the study of specific disease was not performed at this time. The successful culture of equine intestinal crypts into 3D "mini-guts" allows for in vitro studies of the equine intestine. Additionally, these results have relevance to future development of novel therapies that harness the regenerative potential of equine intestine in horses with gastrointestinal disease

  6. Expresión diferencial de proteínas en Leishmania (Viannia panamensis asociadas con mecanismos de resistencia a antimoniato de meglumina

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    Ronald Guillermo Peláez


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los mecanismos de resistencia al antimonio pentavalente conocidos hasta el momento,se han descrito ampliamente en cepas del subgénero Leishmania, pero poco se sabe sobre lasproteínas involucradas en los mecanismos de resistencia presentes en cepas del subgénero Viannia,como Leishmania panamensis. Objetivo. Identificar proteínas diferencialmente expresadas entre las cepas de L. panamensis(UA140, sensible y resistente al antimonio pentavalente, y analizar el posible papel de estas proteínasen mecanismos de resistencia. Materiales y métodos. Las proteínas de las cepas, sensible y resistente al antimonio pentavalente, secompararon usando electroforesis bidimensional. Las proteínas con aumento de la expresión fueronaisladas e identificadas por espectrometría de masas mediante MALDI-TOF/TOF (Matrix AssistedLaser Desorption Ionization/Time of Flight. La expresión del ARNm de cinco de estas proteínas secuantificó mediante PCR en tiempo real. Resultados. Los geles bidimensionales de las cepas sensible y resistente detectaron 532±39 y 541±43manchas proteicas. Se encontraron 10 manchas con aumento de la expresión en la cepa resistente,identificadas como proteínas de choque térmico (Hsp60 mitocondrial, Hsp70 mitocondrial y citosólica,isomerasa de disulfuro, proteasa de cisteína, enolasa, factor de elongación 5-α, la subunidad 5-α delproteasoma y dos proteínas hipotéticas nombradas como Sp(2 y Sp(25. Conclusión. Este es el primer estudio llevado a cabo con una cepa resistente al antimonio pentavalenteen L. panamensis, en el cual se han identificado proteínas que están relacionadas con el mecanismode resistencia del parásito frente al medicamento, abriendo el camino para futuros estudios de estasproteínas como blancos terapéuticos.   doi:

  7. Avaliação dos mecanismos de aderência entre argamassa colante e substrato não poroso

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    Eduardo Pereira

    Full Text Available A resistência de aderência de um sistema de revestimento cerâmico é uma das mais importantes propriedades deste tipo de acabamento. O conhecimento das propriedades dos substratos e argamassas, e a capacidade de bem avaliar a interação entre os elementos são preceitos básicos para construírem-se revestimentos duráveis. Nesse sentido, o aperfeiçoamento dos modelos que descrevem os mecanismos de aderência, objetos de estudo deste trabalho, são essenciais, principalmente devido a diferenças nas características dos materiais relativas à porosidade, verificadas tanto em substratos como nas placas. O planejamento experimental consistiu no assentamento de um revestimento cerâmico externo utilizando-se a técnica de piso sobre piso, ensaios de resistência de aderência, aquisição de imagens em MEV dos pisos retirados do campo de testes e caracterização das argamassas colantes de estudo. Os resultados mostraram uma relação entre a resistência de aderência e a extensão de contato entre a argamassa e o substrato, indicando que o mecanismo de aderência para o assentamento de placas sobre substratos não porosos está diretamente relacionado com a extensão do contato entre os materiais, resultando em um modelo de aderência para o caso de revestimento cerâmico em substrato pouco poroso.

  8. Microfluidic Organ-on-a-Chip Models of Human IntestineSummary

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    Amir Bein

    Full Text Available Microfluidic organ-on-a-chip models of human intestine have been developed and used to study intestinal physiology and pathophysiology. In this article, we review this field and describe how microfluidic Intestine Chips offer new capabilities not possible with conventional culture systems or organoid cultures, including the ability to analyze contributions of individual cellular, chemical, and physical control parameters one-at-a-time; to coculture human intestinal cells with commensal microbiome for extended times; and to create human-relevant disease models. We also discuss potential future applications of human Intestine Chips, including how they might be used for drug development and personalized medicine. Keywords: Organs-on-Chips, Gut-on-a-Chip, Intestine-on-a-Chip, Microfluidic

  9. Mecanismos de democracia directa en América Latina: Una revisión comparada

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    Steffan Gómez Campos


    Full Text Available Parte de la premisa que concibe a la democracia directa como una forma de reforzar la democracia representativa, en tanto exista una sólida cultura política y un marco institucional arraigado en los principios democráticos fundamentales. Realiza una perspectiva comparada basada fundamentalmente, en las previsiones constitucionales de los 18 países de América Latina. Tiene como objetivo primordial comparar los arreglos institucionales en materia de democracia directa, para establecer las características comunes y diferencias más significativas dentro de la región. Con base en ello se clasifican los mecanismos de democracia directa en las siguientes tres categorías: a el referéndum (y el plebiscito; b la iniciativa popular; y c la revocatoria de mandato.

  10. Intramural intestinal hematoma causing obstruction in three dogs. (United States)

    Moore, R; Carpenter, J


    Intramural hematoma of the intestine caused intestinal obstruction in three dogs. Two dogs were examined because of vomiting and anorexia of several weeks' duration. In one of these, an intramural hematoma of the duodenum was associated with chronic pancreatitis. A cause was not found in the second dog. The third dog, which had clinical and radiographic evidence of gastric dilatation, was found at surgery to have hemoperitoneum associated with a ruptured intramural intestinal hematoma. In 1 dog, the hematoma was evacuated through a serosal incision. In the other 2 dogs, the problem was resolved by resection of the involved segment of intestine, followed by anastomosis. All 3 dogs recovered without complications.

  11. Temporary intestinal ischemia for radiation protection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lote, K.


    The most important determinant of cellular radiosensivity is the tissue oxygen content at the time of irradiation. The purpose of the present experimental work was to assess a new iscemia-inducing method in order to reduce normal tissue radiation damage during radiotherapy. Temporary ischemia was induced in a cat small intestine by degraded starch microspheres. Regional arterial and tissue blod flow immediately fell by 85% with subsequent normalization within 26 minutes after microsphere injection. No tendency of small vessel thrombosis caused by starch sphere embolization in combination with previous or current intestinal irradiation was detected. Starch sphere remenants were rapidly engulfed by, and persisted within tissue macrophages for 14 days without causing intestinal inflammatory reactions. In vitro studies showed that human platelets neither adhered to nor were aggregated by starch microspheres. The new method, wich occlude arteriolar vessels distal to the mesentric arterial arcades and thus largely excludes collateral blood flow, seems suited to provide effictive and selective feline small intestinal hypoxic radiation protection. This conclusion may also be valid in man

  12. Intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body* (United States)

    Nicolodi, Gabriel Cleve; Trippia, Cesar Rodrigo; Caboclo, Maria Fernanda F. S.; de Castro, Francisco Gomes; Miller, Wagner Peitl; de Lima, Raphael Rodrigues; Tazima, Leandro; Geraldo, Jamylle


    Objective To identify the computed tomography findings suggestive of intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. Materials and Methods This was a retrospective study of four cases of surgically proven intestinal perforation by a foreign body, comparing the computed tomography findings with those described in the literature. Results None of the patients reported having ingested a foreign body, all were over 60 years of age, three of the four patients used a dental prosthesis, and all of the foreign bodies were elongated and sharp. In all four patients, there were findings indicative of acute abdomen. None of the foreign bodies were identified on conventional X-rays. The computed tomography findings suggestive of perforation were thickening of the intestinal walls (in all four cases), increased density of mesenteric fat (in all four cases), identification of the foreign body passing through the intestinal wall (in three cases), and gas in the peritoneal cavity (in one case). Conclusion In cases of foreign body ingestion, intestinal perforation is more common when the foreign body is elongated and sharp. Although patients typically do not report having ingested such foreign bodies, the scenario should be suspected in elderly individuals who use dental prostheses. A computed tomography scan can detect foreign bodies, locate perforations, and guide treatment. The findings that suggest perforation are thickening of the intestinal walls, increased mesenteric fat density, and, less frequently, gas in the peritoneal cavity, often restricted to the point of perforation. PMID:27818542

  13. Intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nicolodi, Gabriel Cleve; Trippia, Cesar Rodrigo; Caboclo, Maria Fernanda F.S.; Castro, Francisco Gomes de; Miller, Wagner Peitl; Lima, Raphael Rodrigues de; Tazima, Leandro; Geraldo, Jamylle


    Objective: To identify the computed tomography findings suggestive of intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study of four cases of surgically proven intestinal perforation by a foreign body, comparing the computed tomography findings with those described in the literature. Results: None of the patients reported having ingested a foreign body, all were over 60 years of age, three of the four patients used a dental prosthesis, and all of the foreign bodies were elongated and sharp. In all four patients, there were findings indicative of acute abdomen. None of the foreign bodies were identified on conventional X-rays. The computed tomography findings suggestive of perforation were thickening of the intestinal walls (in all four cases), increased density of mesenteric fat (in all four cases), identification of the foreign body passing through the intestinal wall (in three cases), and gas in the peritoneal cavity (in one case). Conclusion: In cases of foreign body ingestion, intestinal perforation is more common when the foreign body is elongated and sharp. Although patients typically do not report having ingested such foreign bodies, the scenario should be suspected in elderly individuals who use dental prostheses. A computed tomography scan can detect foreign bodies, locate perforations, and guide treatment. The findings that suggest perforation are thickening of the intestinal walls, increased mesenteric fat density, and, less frequently, gas in the peritoneal cavity, often restricted to the point of perforation. (author)

  14. Intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. (United States)

    Nicolodi, Gabriel Cleve; Trippia, Cesar Rodrigo; Caboclo, Maria Fernanda F S; de Castro, Francisco Gomes; Miller, Wagner Peitl; de Lima, Raphael Rodrigues; Tazima, Leandro; Geraldo, Jamylle


    To identify the computed tomography findings suggestive of intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. This was a retrospective study of four cases of surgically proven intestinal perforation by a foreign body, comparing the computed tomography findings with those described in the literature. None of the patients reported having ingested a foreign body, all were over 60 years of age, three of the four patients used a dental prosthesis, and all of the foreign bodies were elongated and sharp. In all four patients, there were findings indicative of acute abdomen. None of the foreign bodies were identified on conventional X-rays. The computed tomography findings suggestive of perforation were thickening of the intestinal walls (in all four cases), increased density of mesenteric fat (in all four cases), identification of the foreign body passing through the intestinal wall (in three cases), and gas in the peritoneal cavity (in one case). In cases of foreign body ingestion, intestinal perforation is more common when the foreign body is elongated and sharp. Although patients typically do not report having ingested such foreign bodies, the scenario should be suspected in elderly individuals who use dental prostheses. A computed tomography scan can detect foreign bodies, locate perforations, and guide treatment. The findings that suggest perforation are thickening of the intestinal walls, increased mesenteric fat density, and, less frequently, gas in the peritoneal cavity, often restricted to the point of perforation.

  15. Intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nicolodi, Gabriel Cleve; Trippia, Cesar Rodrigo; Caboclo, Maria Fernanda F.S.; Castro, Francisco Gomes de; Miller, Wagner Peitl; Lima, Raphael Rodrigues de; Tazima, Leandro; Geraldo, Jamylle, E-mail: [Hospital Sao Vicente - Funef, Curitiba, PR (Brazil)


    Objective: To identify the computed tomography findings suggestive of intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study of four cases of surgically proven intestinal perforation by a foreign body, comparing the computed tomography findings with those described in the literature. Results: None of the patients reported having ingested a foreign body, all were over 60 years of age, three of the four patients used a dental prosthesis, and all of the foreign bodies were elongated and sharp. In all four patients, there were findings indicative of acute abdomen. None of the foreign bodies were identified on conventional X-rays. The computed tomography findings suggestive of perforation were thickening of the intestinal walls (in all four cases), increased density of mesenteric fat (in all four cases), identification of the foreign body passing through the intestinal wall (in three cases), and gas in the peritoneal cavity (in one case). Conclusion: In cases of foreign body ingestion, intestinal perforation is more common when the foreign body is elongated and sharp. Although patients typically do not report having ingested such foreign bodies, the scenario should be suspected in elderly individuals who use dental prostheses. A computed tomography scan can detect foreign bodies, locate perforations, and guide treatment. The findings that suggest perforation are thickening of the intestinal walls, increased mesenteric fat density, and, less frequently, gas in the peritoneal cavity, often restricted to the point of perforation. (author)

  16. Intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Cleve Nicolodi

    Full Text Available Abstract Objective: To identify the computed tomography findings suggestive of intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study of four cases of surgically proven intestinal perforation by a foreign body, comparing the computed tomography findings with those described in the literature. Results: None of the patients reported having ingested a foreign body, all were over 60 years of age, three of the four patients used a dental prosthesis, and all of the foreign bodies were elongated and sharp. In all four patients, there were findings indicative of acute abdomen. None of the foreign bodies were identified on conventional X-rays. The computed tomography findings suggestive of perforation were thickening of the intestinal walls (in all four cases, increased density of mesenteric fat (in all four cases, identification of the foreign body passing through the intestinal wall (in three cases, and gas in the peritoneal cavity (in one case. Conclusion: In cases of foreign body ingestion, intestinal perforation is more common when the foreign body is elongated and sharp. Although patients typically do not report having ingested such foreign bodies, the scenario should be suspected in elderly individuals who use dental prostheses. A computed tomography scan can detect foreign bodies, locate perforations, and guide treatment. The findings that suggest perforation are thickening of the intestinal walls, increased mesenteric fat density, and, less frequently, gas in the peritoneal cavity, often restricted to the point of perforation.

  17. Mecanismos de absorção de aminoácidos e oligopeptídios. Controle e implicações na dietoterapia humana Mechanisms of amino acids and oligopeptides absorption in humans

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Baston FRENHANI


    Full Text Available Os mecanismos envolvidos na absorção de aminoácidos e di-tripeptídios são revistos direcionadamente às implicações na nutrição humana. As membranas borda em escova e basolateral são atravessadas por aminoácidos e di-tripeptídios mediante mecanismos passivos (difusão simples ou facilitada ou ativos (co-transportadores de Na+ ou H+. O sistema ativo dependente de Na+ ocorre principalmente na borda em escova e a difusão simples na basolateral. Ambas as membranas apresentam o transporte passivo facilitado. Os aminoácidos livres usam tanto o sistema passivo, como o ativo, enquanto os di-tripeptídios utilizam mais o sistema ativo (H+. A borda em escova possui sistemas distintos para aminoácidos livres e di-tripeptídios, com os primeiros utilizando preferentemente o Na+-dependente e os demais o H+-dependente. Os aminoácidos livres são transportados em diferentes velocidades por carreadores, em mecanismos saturáveis e competitivos, com especificidade para aminoácidos básicos, ácidos e neutros. Os di e tripeptídios têm pelo menos dois carreadores, ambos H+ dependentes. Na membrana basolateral os aminoácidos livres são transportados por difusão simples enquanto os di-tripeptídios o são ativamente por processo de troca aniônica. A principal regulação do transporte transmembrana de aminoácidos e di-tripeptídios é a concentração desses substratos ao nível da membrana. Afora isso, di e tripeptídios são mais eficientemente absorvidos que os aminoácidos livres os quais por sua vez o são melhor que os tetra ou mais peptídios. Desta forma, o di-tripeptídios resultam em maior retenção nitrogenada que os demais e são particularmente úteis nos casos de redução da capacidade absortiva intestinal. Os peptídios não absorvidos são fermentados pelas bactérias colônicas resultando ácidos graxos de cadeia curta, ácidos dicarboxílicos, compostos fenólicos e amônia. Os ácidos graxos e a amônia são fixados pelas

  18. Machismo a golpe de Whatsapp. El móvil: mecanismo de violencia sexista en los estudiantes universitarios


    Villegas-Castrillo, Esther; Suriá Martínez, Raquel; Rosser Limiñana, Ana


    En nuestra sociedad, se muestra un contexto de violencia, que se visibiliza de manera cotidiana en todas las esferas. Generalmente, sus orígenes están vinculados con situaciones de violencia estructural y/o cultural que se va transmitiendo mediante los mecanismos de comunicación, aprendizaje social, imitación, asimilación o enseñanza. Las nuevas tecnologías, en concreto el uso del móvil, es un ejercicio cotidiano y creciente. Para los jóvenes, la tecnología forma parte de su vida desde la más...

  19. Dynamic analysis of piping with multiple damping mechanisms; Analisis dinamico de tuberias con multiples mecanismos de amortiguamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz Lopez, Pablo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper describes a damping criterion that allows realizing in a more convenient form the dynamic analysis of piping and structures in general, subjected to independent stimulations, fabricated in different materials and/or damping devices. This criterion, named composed damping, is applicable to the method of modal superimposition. [Espanol] En este trabajo se describe un criterio de amortiguamiento que permite realizar en una forma mas conveniente el analisis dinamico de tuberias y estructuras en general, sujetas a excitaciones independientes, compuestas de diferentes materiales y/o mecanismos de amortiguamiento. Este criterio, denominado amortiguamiento compuesto, es aplicable en el metodo de superposicion modal.

  20. Dynamic analysis of piping with multiple damping mechanisms; Analisis dinamico de tuberias con multiples mecanismos de amortiguamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz Lopez, Pablo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper describes a damping criterion that allows realizing in a more convenient form the dynamic analysis of piping and structures in general, subjected to independent stimulations, fabricated in different materials and/or damping devices. This criterion, named composed damping, is applicable to the method of modal superimposition. [Espanol] En este trabajo se describe un criterio de amortiguamiento que permite realizar en una forma mas conveniente el analisis dinamico de tuberias y estructuras en general, sujetas a excitaciones independientes, compuestas de diferentes materiales y/o mecanismos de amortiguamiento. Este criterio, denominado amortiguamiento compuesto, es aplicable en el metodo de superposicion modal.

  1. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and other preprovasoactive intestinal polypeptide-derived peptides in the female and male genital tract: localization, biosynthesis, and functional and clinical significance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ottesen, B; Fahrenkrug, J


    Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, a neuropeptide with wide distribution in the central and peripheral nervous system, has a broad spectrum of biologic actions. The demonstration of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide containing nerve fibers within the female and male genital tract 17 years ago...... indicated a putative role for this peptide in the local nervous control of reproductive functions. The genes encoding the preprovasoactive intestinal polypeptide precursor molecule and the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor have been identified. The gene expression has been studied by the use...... in the genital tracts (i.e., blood flow and nonvascular smooth muscle relaxation). In the ovary vasoactive intestinal polypeptide seems to play an important role as regulator and/or modulator of folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis. In the male genital tract vasoactive intestinal polypeptide seems to participate...

  2. The Brain–Intestinal Mucosa–Appendix– Microbiome–Brain Loop

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Vitetta


    Full Text Available The brain and the gut are connected from early fetal life. The mother’s exposure to microbial molecules is thought to exert in utero developmental effects on the fetus. These effects could importantly underpin the groundwork for subsequent pathophysiological mechanisms for achieving immunological tolerance and metabolic equilibrium post birth, events that continue through to 3–4 years of age. Furthermore, it is understood that the microbiome promotes cues that instruct the neonate’s mucosal tissues and skin in the language of molecular and cellular biology. Post birth mucosal lymphoid tissue formation and maturation (most probably including the vermiform appendix is microbiota-encouraged co-establishing the intestinal microbiome with a developing immune system. Intestinal mucosal tissue maturation loops the brain-gut-brain and is postulated to influence mood dispositions via shifts in the intestinal microbiome phyla. A plausible appreciation is that dysregulated pro-inflammatory signals from intestinal resident macrophages could breach the loop by providing adverse mood signals via vagus nerve afferents to the brain. In this commentary, we further suggest that the intestinal resident macrophages act as an upstream traffic controller of translocated microbes and metabolites in order to maintain local neuro-endocrine-immunological equilibrium. When macrophages are overwhelmed through intestinal microbiome and intestinal epithelial cell dysbiosis, pro-inflammatory signals are sustained, which may then lead to mood disorders. The administration of probiotics as an adjunctive medicine co-administered with antidepressant medications in improving depressed mood may have biological and clinical standing.

  3. Neural influences on human intestinal epithelium in vitro. (United States)

    Krueger, Dagmar; Michel, Klaus; Zeller, Florian; Demir, Ihsan E; Ceyhan, Güralp O; Slotta-Huspenina, Julia; Schemann, Michael


    We present the first systematic and, up to now, most comprehensive evaluation of the basic features of epithelial functions, such as basal and nerve-evoked secretion, as well as tissue resistance, in over 2200 surgical specimens of human small and large intestine. We found no evidence for impaired nerve-evoked epithelial secretion or tissue resistance with age or disease pathologies (stomach, pancreas or colon cancer, polyps, diverticulitis, stoma reversal). This indicates the validity of future studies on epithelial secretion or resistance that are based on data from a variety of surgical specimens. ACh mainly mediated nerve-evoked and basal secretion in the small intestine, whereas vasoactive intestinal peptide and nitric oxide were the primary pro-secretory transmitters in the large intestine. The results of the present study revealed novel insights into regional differences in nerve-mediated secretion in the human intestine and comprise the basis by which to more specifically target impaired epithelial functions in the diseased gut. Knowledge on basic features of epithelial functions in the human intestine is scarce. We used Ussing chamber techniques to record basal tissue resistance (R-basal) and short circuit currents (ISC; secretion) under basal conditions (ISC-basal) and after electrical field stimulation (ISC-EFS) of nerves in 2221 resectates from 435 patients. ISC-EFS was TTX-sensitive and of comparable magnitude in the small and large intestine. ISC-EFS or R-basal were not influenced by the patients' age, sex or disease pathologies (cancer, polyps, diverticulitis). Ion substitution, bumetanide or adenylate cyclase inhibition studies suggested that ISC-EFS depended on epithelial cAMP-driven chloride and bicarbonate secretion but not on amiloride-sensitive sodium absorption. Although atropine-sensitive cholinergic components prevailed for ISC-EFS of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, PG97-269-sensitive [vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptor 1





    Runx2 regula el compromiso de linaje, la proliferación y la diferenciación de las células osteoprogenitoras. La regulación de los niveles de este factor de transcrpción, durante el ciclo celular de preosteoblastos, es considerada como uno de los aspectos críticos que modulan su función. Los antecedentes sugieren una estrecha relación entre el ciclo celular y la expresión del gen Runx2, pero existen varias interrogantes sobre los mecanismos y procesos que regulan las oscilacione...

  5. Intestinal endocrine cells in radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pietroletti, R.; Blaauwgeers, J.L.; Taat, C.W.; Simi, M.; Brummelkamp, W.H.; Becker, A.E.


    In this study, the intestinal endocrine cells were investigated in 13 surgical specimens affected by radiation enteritis. Endocrine cells were studied by means of Grimelius' silver staining and immunostaining for chromogranin, a general marker of endocrine cells. Positively stained cells were quantified by counting their number per unit length of muscularis mucosa. Results in radiation enteritis were compared with matched control specimens by using Student's t test. Chromogranin immunostaining showed a statistically significant increase of endocrine cells in radiation enteritis specimens compared with controls both in small and large intestine (ileum, 67.5 +/- 23.5 cells per unit length of muscularis mucosa in radiation enteritis versus 17.0 +/- 6.1 in controls; colon, 40.9 +/- 13.7 cells per unit length of muscularis mucosa in radiation enteritis versus 9.5 +/- 4.1 in controls--p less than 0.005 in both instances). Increase of endocrine cells was demonstrated also by Grimelius' staining; however, without reaching statistical significance. It is not clear whether or not the increase of endocrine cells in radiation enteritis reported in this study is caused by a hyperplastic response or by a sparing phenomenon. We should consider that increased endocrine cells, when abnormally secreting their products, may be involved in some of the clinical features of radiation enteropathy. In addition, as intestinal endocrine cells produce trophic substances to the intestine, their increase could be responsible for the raised risk of developing carcinoma of the intestine in long standing radiation enteritis

  6. Regulation of intestinal protein metabolism by amino acids. (United States)

    Bertrand, Julien; Goichon, Alexis; Déchelotte, Pierre; Coëffier, Moïse


    Gut homeostasis plays a major role in health and may be regulated by quantitative and qualitative food intake. In the intestinal mucosa, an intense renewal of proteins occurs, at approximately 50% per day in humans. In some pathophysiological conditions, protein turnover is altered and may contribute to intestinal or systemic diseases. Amino acids are key effectors of gut protein turnover, both as constituents of proteins and as regulatory molecules limiting intestinal injury and maintaining intestinal functions. Many studies have focused on two amino acids: glutamine, known as the preferential substrate of rapidly dividing cells, and arginine, another conditionally essential amino acid. The effects of glutamine and arginine on protein synthesis appear to be model and condition dependent, as are the involved signaling pathways. The regulation of gut protein degradation by amino acids has been minimally documented until now. This review will examine recent data, helping to better understand how amino acids regulate intestinal protein metabolism, and will explore perspectives for future studies.

  7. Ultrasonographic findings of intestinal intussusception in seven cats. (United States)

    Patsikas, M N; Papazoglou, L G; Papaioannou, N G; Savvas, I; Kazakos, G M; Dessiris, A K


    The medical records of seven cats with intestinal intussusception that were diagnosed by abdominal ultrasonography and exploratory laparotomy were reviewed. In transverse ultrasonographic sections the intussusception appeared as a target-like mass consisting of one, two or more hyperechoic and hypoechoic concentric rings surrounding a C-shaped, circular or non-specific shaped hyperechoic centre. Part of the intestine representing the inner intussusceptum, located close to the hyperechoic centre and surrounded by concentric rings, was also detected. In longitudinal sections the intussusception appeared as multiple hyperechoic and hypoechoic parallel lines in four cases and as an ovoid mass in three cases. In one case the ovoid mass had a 'kidney' configuration. Additional ultrasonographic findings associated with intestinal intussusception included an intestinal neoplasm in one cat. The results of the present study demonstrate that the ultrasonographic findings of intestinal intussusception in cats bear some similarities to those described in dogs and humans, are relatively consistent, and facilitate a specific diagnosis.

  8. Bovine lactoferrin regulates cell survival, apoptosis and inflammation in intestinal epithelial cells and preterm pig intestine. (United States)

    Nguyen, Duc Ninh; Jiang, Pingping; Stensballe, Allan; Bendixen, Emøke; Sangild, Per T; Chatterton, Dereck E W


    Bovine lactoferrin (bLF) may modulate neonatal intestinal inflammation. Previous studies in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) indicated that moderate bLF doses enhance proliferation whereas high doses trigger inflammation. To further elucidate cellular mechanisms, we profiled the porcine IEC proteome after stimulation with bLF at 0, 0.1, 1 and 10g/L by LC-MS-based proteomics. Key pathways were analyzed in the intestine of formula-fed preterm pigs with and without supplementation of 10g/L bLF. Levels of 123 IEC proteins were altered by bLF. Low bLF doses (0.1-1g/L) up-regulated 11 proteins associated with glycolysis, energy metabolism and protein synthesis, indicating support of cell survival. In contrast, a high bLF dose (10g/L) up-regulated three apoptosis-inducing proteins, down-regulated five anti-apoptotic and proliferation-inducing proteins and 15 proteins related to energy and amino acid metabolism, and altered three proteins enhancing the hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) pathway. In the preterm pig intestine, bLF at 10g/L decreased villus height/crypt depth ratio and up-regulated the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and HIF-1α, indicating elevated intestinal apoptosis and inflammation. In conclusion, bLF dose-dependently affects IECs via metabolic, apoptotic and inflammatory pathways. It is important to select an appropriate dose when feeding neonates with bLF to avoid detrimental effects exerted by excessive doses. The present work elucidates dose-dependent effects of bLF on the proteomic changes of IECs in vitro supplemented with data from a preterm pig study confirming detrimental effects of enteral feeding with the highest dose of bLF (10g/L). The study contributes to further understanding on mechanisms that bLF, as an important milk protein, can regulate the homeostasis of the immature intestine. Results from this study urge neonatologists to carefully consider the dose of bLF to supplement into infant formula used for preterm neonates. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B

  9. HDAC1 and HDAC2 restrain the intestinal inflammatory response by regulating intestinal epithelial cell differentiation.

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    Naomie Turgeon

    Full Text Available Acetylation and deacetylation of histones and other proteins depends on histone acetyltransferases and histone deacetylases (HDACs activities, leading to either positive or negative gene expression. HDAC inhibitors have uncovered a role for HDACs in proliferation, apoptosis and inflammation. However, little is known of the roles of specific HDACs in intestinal epithelial cells (IEC. We investigated the consequences of ablating both HDAC1 and HDAC2 in murine IECs. Floxed Hdac1 and Hdac2 homozygous mice were crossed with villin-Cre mice. Mice deficient in both IEC HDAC1 and HDAC2 weighed less and survived more than a year. Colon and small intestinal sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, or with Alcian blue and Periodic Acid Schiff for goblet cell identification. Tissue sections from mice injected with BrdU for 2 h, 14 h and 48 h were stained with anti-BrdU. To determine intestinal permeability, 4-kDa FITC-labeled dextran was given by gavage for 3 h. Microarray analysis was performed on total colon RNAs. Inflammatory and IEC-specific gene expression was assessed by Western blot or semi-quantitative RT-PCR and qPCR with respectively total colon protein and total colon RNAs. HDAC1 and HDAC2-deficient mice displayed: 1 increased migration and proliferation, with elevated cyclin D1 expression and phosphorylated S6 ribosomal protein, a downstream mTOR target; 2 tissue architecture defects with cell differentiation alterations, correlating with reduction of secretory Paneth and goblet cells in jejunum and goblet cells in colon, increased expression of enterocytic markers such as sucrase-isomaltase in the colon, increased expression of cleaved Notch1 and augmented intestinal permeability; 3 loss of tissue homeostasis, as evidenced by modifications of claudin 3 expression, caspase-3 cleavage and Stat3 phosphorylation; 4 chronic inflammation, as determined by inflammatory molecular expression signatures and altered inflammatory gene expression

  10. Sand impaction of the small intestine in eight dogs. (United States)

    Moles, A D; McGhite, A; Schaaf, O R; Read, R


    To describe signalment, clinical findings, imaging and treatment of intestinal sand impaction in the dog. Medical records of dogs with radiographic evidence of small intestinal sand impaction were reviewed. Sand impaction resulting in small intestinal obstruction was diagnosed in eight dogs. All dogs presented with signs of vomiting. Other clinical signs included anorexia, lethargy and abdominal pain. Radiographs confirmed the presence of radio-opaque material consistent with sand causing distension of the terminal small intestine in all dogs. Four dogs were treated surgically for their impaction and four dogs were managed medically. Seven of the eight dogs survived. Both medical and surgical management of intestinal sand impaction in the dog can be effective and both afford a good prognosis for recovery.

  11. Mecanismos institucionales de control y transparencia en la rendición de cuentas en la gestión del programa de vaso de leche en el distrito de Carabayllo - Lima, año 2014


    Ángeles Cueto, Víctor Alberto; Caller Loaiza, Alejandrina


    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo general, determinar si los mecanismos institucionales de control y transparencia en la rendición de cuentas inciden en la gestión del Programa del Vaso de Leche de la Municipalidad de Carabayllo - Lima, año 2014, contando con el apoyo de la Sub gerencia de dicha corporación edil, ubicada en el Distrito de Carabayllo, Provincia de Lima, Región Lima. Asimismo, se formuló como hipótesis general, los mecanismos institucionales de control...

  12. A deconvolution technique for processing small intestinal transit data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brinch, K. [Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Glostrup Hospital, University Hospital of Copenhagen (Denmark); Larsson, H.B.W. [Danish Research Center of Magnetic Resonance, Hvidovre Hospital, University Hospital of Copenhagen (Denmark); Madsen, J.L. [Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Hvidovre Hospital, University Hospital of Copenhagen (Denmark)


    The deconvolution technique can be used to compute small intestinal impulse response curves from scintigraphic data. Previously suggested approaches, however, are sensitive to noise from the data. We investigated whether deconvolution based on a new simple iterative convolving technique can be recommended. Eight healthy volunteers ingested a meal that contained indium-111 diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid labelled water and technetium-99m stannous colloid labelled omelette. Imaging was performed at 30-min intervals until all radioactivity was located in the colon. A Fermi function=(1+e{sup -{alpha}{beta}})/(1+e{sup (t-{alpha}){beta}}) was chosen to characterize the small intestinal impulse response function. By changing only two parameters, {alpha} and {beta}, it is possible to obtain configurations from nearly a square function to nearly a monoexponential function. Small intestinal input function was obtained from the gastric emptying curve and convolved with the Fermi function. The sum of least squares was used to find {alpha} and {beta} yielding the best fit of the convolved curve to the oberved small intestinal time-activity curve. Finally, a small intestinal mean transit time was calculated from the Fermi function referred to. In all cases, we found an excellent fit of the convolved curve to the observed small intestinal time-activity curve, that is the Fermi function reflected the small intestinal impulse response curve. Small intestinal mean transit time of liquid marker (median 2.02 h) was significantly shorter than that of solid marker (median 2.99 h; P<0.02). The iterative convolving technique seems to be an attractive alternative to ordinary approaches for the processing of small intestinal transit data. (orig.) With 2 figs., 13 refs.

  13. Interactions Between Diet and the Intestinal Microbiota Alter Intestinal Permeability and Colitis Severity in Mice. (United States)

    Llewellyn, Sean R; Britton, Graham J; Contijoch, Eduardo J; Vennaro, Olivia H; Mortha, Arthur; Colombel, Jean-Frederic; Grinspan, Ari; Clemente, Jose C; Merad, Miriam; Faith, Jeremiah J


    It is not clear how the complex interactions between diet and the intestinal microbiota affect development of mucosal inflammation or inflammatory bowel disease. We investigated interactions between dietary ingredients, nutrients, and the microbiota in specific pathogen-free (SPF) and germ-free (GF) mice given more than 40 unique diets; we quantified individual and synergistic effects of dietary macronutrients and the microbiota on intestinal health and development of colitis. C56BL/6J SPF and GF mice were placed on custom diets containing different concentrations and sources of protein, fat, digestible carbohydrates, and indigestible carbohydrates (fiber). After 1 week, SPF and GF mice were given dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) to induce colitis. Disease severity was determined based on the percent weight change from baseline, and modeled as a function of the concentration of each macronutrient in the diet. In unchallenged mice, we measured intestinal permeability by feeding mice labeled dextran and measuring levels in blood. Feces were collected and microbiota were analyzed by 16S rDNA sequencing. We collected colons from mice and performed transcriptome analyses. Fecal microbiota varied with diet; the concentration of protein and fiber had the strongest effect on colitis development. Among 9 fiber sources tested, psyllium, pectin, and cellulose fiber reduced the severity of colitis in SPF mice, whereas methylcellulose increased severity. Increasing dietary protein increased the density of the fecal microbiota and the severity of colitis in SPF mice, but not in GF mice or mice given antibiotics. Psyllium fiber reduced the severity of colitis through microbiota-dependent and microbiota-independent mechanisms. Combinatorial perturbations to dietary casein protein and psyllium fiber in parallel accounted for most variation in gut microbial density and intestinal permeability in unchallenged mice, as well as the severity of DSS-induced colitis; changes in 1 ingredient

  14. Circadian disorganization alters intestinal microbiota.

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    Robin M Voigt

    Full Text Available Intestinal dysbiosis and circadian rhythm disruption are associated with similar diseases including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease. Despite the overlap, the potential relationship between circadian disorganization and dysbiosis is unknown; thus, in the present study, a model of chronic circadian disruption was used to determine the impact on the intestinal microbiome. Male C57BL/6J mice underwent once weekly phase reversals of the light:dark cycle (i.e., circadian rhythm disrupted mice to determine the impact of circadian rhythm disruption on the intestinal microbiome and were fed either standard chow or a high-fat, high-sugar diet to determine how diet influences circadian disruption-induced effects on the microbiome. Weekly phase reversals of the light:dark (LD cycle did not alter the microbiome in mice fed standard chow; however, mice fed a high-fat, high-sugar diet in conjunction with phase shifts in the light:dark cycle had significantly altered microbiota. While it is yet to be established if some of the adverse effects associated with circadian disorganization in humans (e.g., shift workers, travelers moving across time zones, and in individuals with social jet lag are mediated by dysbiosis, the current study demonstrates that circadian disorganization can impact the intestinal microbiota which may have implications for inflammatory diseases.

  15. Laparoscopic Treatment of Intestinal Malrotation in Children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ooms, N.; Matthyssens, L.E.; Draaisma, J.M.T.; Blaauw, I. de; Wijnen, M.H.


    Purpose Intestinal malrotation is a congenital intestinal rotation anomaly, which can be treated by either laparotomy or laparoscopy. Our hypothesis is that laparoscopic treatment leads to less small bowel obstruction because of the fewer adhesions in comparison to laparotomy, without increasing the


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    Jaime Ramiro Gallegos Zúñiga


    Full Text Available El presente informe busca exponer el régimen general que regula la emisión de bonos en Chile, presentando también algunas breves similitudes y diferencias con algunos aspectos del Derecho comparado. Una segunda parte de este estudio se centrará en los particulares mecanismos de defensa de los tenedores de bonos, frente a los demás inversionistas, que les posiciona como sujetos pri - vilegiados dentro del ordenamiento jurídico nacional, dada la relevancia que cobra el correc - to funcionamiento del mercado de capitales en el país, en atención a la adopción hace más de treinta años de un sistema de capitalización individual de las cotizaciones previsionales.

  17. Flavanol-Enriched Cocoa Powder Alters the Intestinal Microbiota, Tissue and Fluid Metabolite Profiles, and Intestinal Gene Expression in Pigs1234 (United States)

    Jang, Saebyeol; Sun, Jianghao; Chen, Pei; Lakshman, Sukla; Molokin, Aleksey; Harnly, James M; Vinyard, Bryan T; Urban, Joseph F; Davis, Cindy D; Solano-Aguilar, Gloria


    Background: Consumption of cocoa-derived polyphenols has been associated with several health benefits; however, their effects on the intestinal microbiome and related features of host intestinal health are not adequately understood. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the effects of eating flavanol-enriched cocoa powder on the composition of the gut microbiota, tissue metabolite profiles, and intestinal immune status. Methods: Male pigs (5 mo old, 28 kg mean body weight) were supplemented with 0, 2.5, 10, or 20 g flavanol-enriched cocoa powder/d for 27 d. Metabolites in serum, urine, the proximal colon contents, liver, and adipose tissue; bacterial abundance in the intestinal contents and feces; and intestinal tissue gene expression of inflammatory markers and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) were then determined. Results: O-methyl-epicatechin-glucuronide conjugates dose-dependently increased (P cocoa powder. The concentration of 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid isomers in urine decreased as the dose of cocoa powder fed to pigs increased (75–85%, P cocoa powder/d, respectively. Moreover, consumption of cocoa powder reduced TLR9 gene expression in ileal Peyer’s patches (67–80%, P cocoa powder/d compared with pigs not supplemented with cocoa powder. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that consumption of cocoa powder by pigs can contribute to gut health by enhancing the abundance of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species and modulating markers of localized intestinal immunity. PMID:26936136

  18. Congenital cytomegalovirus related intestinal malrotation: a case report. (United States)

    Colomba, Claudia; Giuffrè, Mario; La Placa, Simona; Cascio, Antonio; Trizzino, Marcello; De Grazia, Simona; Corsello, Giovanni


    Cytomegalovirus is the most common cause of congenital infection in the developed countries. Gastrointestinal involvement has been extensively described in both adult and paediatric immunocompromised patients but it is infrequent in congenital or perinatal CMV infection. We report on a case of coexistent congenital Cytomegalovirus infection with intestinal malrotation and positive intestinal Cytomegalovirus biopsy. At birth the neonate showed clinical and radiological evidence of intestinal obstruction. Meconium passed only after evacuative nursing procedures; stooling pattern was irregular; gastric residuals were bile-stained. Laparatomy revealed a complete intestinal malrotation and contextually gastrointestinal biopsy samples of the appendix confirmed the diagnosis of CMV gastrointestinal disease. Intravenous ganciclovir was initiated for 2 weeks, followed by oral valgancyclovir for 6 month. CMV-induced proinflammatory process may be responsible of the interruption of the normal development of the gut or could in turn lead to a disruption in the normal development of the gut potentiating the mechanism causing malrotation. We suggest the hypothesis that an inflammatory process induced by CMV congenital infection may be responsible, in the early gestation, of the intestinal end-organ disease, as the intestinal malrotation. CMV infection should always be excluded in full-term infants presenting with colonic stricture or malrotation.

  19. Is isomerism a risk factor for intestinal volvulus? (United States)

    Landisch, Rachel M; Loomba, Rohit S; Salazar, Jose H; Buelow, Matthew W; Frommelt, Michele; Anderson, Robert H; Wagner, Amy J


    Isomerism, or heterotaxy syndrome, affects many organ systems anatomically and functionally. Intestinal malrotation is common in patients with isomerism. Despite a low reported risk of volvulus, some physicians perform routine screening and prophylactic Ladd procedures on asymptomatic patients with isomerism who are found to have intestinal malrotation. The primary aim of this study was to determine if isomerism is an independent risk factor for volvulus. Kid's Inpatient Database data from 1997 to 2012 was utilized for this study. Characteristics of admissions with and without isomerism were compared with a particular focus on intestinal malrotation, volvulus, and Ladd procedure. A logistic regression was conducted to determine independent risk factors for volvulus with respect to isomerism. 15,962,403 inpatient admissions were included in the analysis, of which 7970 (0.05%) patients had isomerism, and 6 patients (0.1%) developed volvulus. Isomerism was associated with a 52-fold increase in the odds of intestinal malrotation by univariate analysis. Of 251 with isomerism and intestinal malrotation, only 2.4% experienced volvulus. Logistic regression demonstrated that isomerism was not an independent risk factor for volvulus. Isomerism is associated with an increased risk of intestinal malrotation but is not an independent risk factor for volvulus. Prognosis study. Level III. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    L. A. Lityaeva


    Full Text Available The purpose of the study was to determine the features of the parietal microbiota of the intestine in children with a verified syndrome of excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine. Clinical and laboratory examination of 25 children at risk of intrauterine infection at the age of 8 months — 4 years with a verified syndrome of excess bacterial growth in the small intestine was performed based on the results of the hydrogen breath test. Investigation of the species and quantitative composition of the parietal intestinal microbiota was carried out with the help of the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method with determination of the concentration of microbial markers by drop of blood (laboratory of bifidobacteria of the Federal Budgetary Institute of Science Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology name after G.N. Gabrichevsky. It was revealed that all of them recorded a high concentration of microbial markers of gram-negative anaerobic bacteria of the colon and viruses of the Herpes family due to a deficit of representatives of priority genera (Propionibacterium Freunderherii 5-fold, Eubacterium spp. 4.8-fold, Bifidobacterium spp. 4-fold, Lactobacillus spp. 1.5-fold with an excess of endotoxin (by 1.5—2-fold and a decrease in plasmalogen (by 2-fold. These data testify to the inflammatory process of the small intestinal mucosa, which aggravates the disturbances in its functioning and confirm the informative nature of the gas chromatography and spectrometry method.

  1. A clinico-radiological reappraisal of intestinal tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tandon, R.K.; Sarin, S.K.; Bose, S.L.; Berry, M.; Tandon, B.N.


    Intestinal tuberculosis is still common in developing countries. In 186 patients with intestinal tuberculosis, clinical features, radiological findings and complications were carefully recorded and compared with those from earlier studies with a view to study any possible changes after the liberal use of antitubercular drugs. Sixty two percent of the patients in the present series had had prior exposure to antitubercular drugs. The incidence of systemic symptoms like fever and anorexia, alternating diarrhoea and constipation, peritoneal and lymph node involvements and associated pulmonary lesions were less frequently observed. On the other hand, an indolent and complicated course with intestinal obstruction (47 %) and lower gastrointestinal bleeding (5.5 %) and frequent colonic involvement (19 %) often necessitating surgical intervention appeared to have become more frequent than reported in earlier series. Awareness of these changes in the clinical profile of intestinal tuberculosis should be helpful in the diagnosis and management of the condition. (author)

  2. Stem cell self-renewal in intestinal crypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simons, Benjamin D.; Clevers, Hans


    As a rapidly cycling tissue capable of fast repair and regeneration, the intestinal epithelium has emerged as a favored model system to explore the principles of adult stem cell biology. However, until recently, the identity and characteristics of the stem cell population in both the small intestine and colon has remained the subject of debate. Recent studies based on targeted lineage tracing strategies, combined with the development of an organotypic culture system, have identified the crypt base columnar cell as the intestinal stem cell, and have unveiled the strategy by which the balance between proliferation and differentiation is maintained. These results show that intestinal stem cells operate in a dynamic environment in which frequent and stochastic stem cell loss is compensated by the proliferation of neighboring stem cells. We review the basis of these experimental findings and the insights they offer into the mechanisms of homeostatic stem cell regulation.

  3. Oral Administration of Probiotics Increases Paneth Cells and Intestinal Antimicrobial Activity

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    Silvia I. Cazorla


    Full Text Available The huge amount of intestinal bacteria represents a continuing threat to the intestinal barrier. To meet this challenge, gut epithelial cells produce antimicrobial peptides (AMP that act at the forefront of innate immunity. We explore whether this antimicrobial activity and Paneth cells, the main intestinal cell responsible of AMP production, are influenced by probiotics administration, to avoid the imbalance of intestinal microbiota and preserve intestinal barrier. Administration of Lactobacillus casei CRL 431 (Lc 431 and L. paracasei CNCM I-1518 (Lp 1518 to 42 days old mice, increases the number of Paneth cells on small intestine, and the antimicrobial activity against the pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella Typhimurium in the intestinal fluids. Specifically, strong damage of the bacterial cell with leakage of cytoplasmic content, and cellular fragmentation were observed in S. Typhimurium and S. aureus. Even more important, probiotics increase the antimicrobial activity of the intestinal fluids at the different ages, from weaning (21 days old to old age (180 days old. Intestinal antimicrobial activity stimulated by oral probiotics, do not influence significantly the composition of total anaerobic bacteria, lactobacilli and enterobacteria in the large intestine, at any age analyzed. This result, together with the antimicrobial activity observed against the same probiotic bacteria; endorse the regular consumption of probiotics without adverse effect on the intestinal homeostasis in healthy individuals. We demonstrate that oral probiotics increase intestinal antimicrobial activity and Paneth cells in order to strengthen epithelial barrier against pathogens. This effect would be another important mechanism by which probiotics protect the host mainly against infectious diseases.

  4. St. John's wort attenuates irinotecan-induced diarrhea via down-regulation of intestinal pro-inflammatory cytokines and inhibition of intestinal epithelial apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Zeping; Yang Xiaoxia; Chan Suiyung; Xu Anlong; Duan Wei; Zhu Yizhun; Sheu, F.-S.; Boelsterli, Urs Alex; Chan, Eli; Zhang Qiang; Wang, J.-C.; Ee, Pui Lai Rachel; Koh, H.L.; Huang Min; Zhou Shufeng


    Diarrhea is a common dose-limiting toxicity associated with cancer chemotherapy, in particular for drugs such as irinotecan (CPT-11), 5-fluouracil, oxaliplatin, capecitabine and raltitrexed. St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum, SJW) has anti-inflammatory activity, and our preliminary study in the rat and a pilot study in cancer patients found that treatment of SJW alleviated irinotecan-induced diarrhea. In the present study, we investigated whether SJW modulated various pro-inflammatory cytokines including interleukins (IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6), interferon (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and intestinal epithelium apoptosis in rats. The rats were treated with irinotecan at 60 mg/kg for 4 days in combination with oral SJW or SJW-free control vehicle at 400 mg/kg for 8 days. Diarrhea, tissue damage, body weight loss, various cytokines including IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IFN-γ and TNF-α and intestinal epithelial apoptosis were monitored over 11 days. Our studies demonstrated that combined SJW markedly reduced CPT-11-induced diarrhea and intestinal lesions. The production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, IFN-γ and TNF-α was significantly up-regulated in intestine. In the mean time, combined SJW significantly suppressed the intestinal epithelial apoptosis induced by CPT-11 over days 5-11. In particular, combination of SJW significantly inhibited the expression of TNF-α mRNA in the intestine over days 5-11. In conclusion, inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines and intestinal epithelium apoptosis partly explained the protective effect of SJW against the intestinal toxicities induced by irinotecan. Further studies are warranted to explore the potential for STW as an agent in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs to lower their dose-limiting toxicities

  5. Scintigraphic visualization of bacterial translocation in experimental strangulated intestinal obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galeev, Yu.M.; Popov, M.V.; Salato, O.V.; Lishmanov, Yu.B.; Grigorev, E.G.; Aparcin, K.A.


    The purpose of this study was to obtain scintigraphic images depicting translocation of 99m Tc-labelled Escherichia coli bacteria through the intestinal barrier and to quantify this process using methods of nuclear medicine. Thirty male Wistar rats (including 20 rats with modelled strangulated intestinal obstruction and 10 healthy rats) were used for bacterial scintigraphy. 99m Tc-labelled E. coli bacteria ( 99m Ts-E. coli) with an activity of 7.4-11.1 MBq were administered into a section of the small intestine. Scintigraphic visualization of bacterial translocation into organs and tissues of laboratory animals was recorded in dynamic (240 min) and static (15 min) modes. The number of labelled bacteria, which migrated through the intestinal barrier, was quantified by calculating the translocation index (TI). Control indicated no translocation of 99m Ts-E. coli administered into the intestine through the parietes of the small intestine's distal part in healthy animals. Animals with strangulated obstruction demonstrated different migration strength and routes of labelled bacteria from strangulated and superior to strangulation sections of the small intestine. 99m Ts-E. coli migrated from the strangulated loop into the peritoneal cavity later causing systemic bacteraemia through peritoneal resorption. The section of the small intestine, which was superior to the strangulation, demonstrated migration of labelled bacteria first into the portal and then into the systemic circulation. The strangulated section of the small intestine was the main source of bacteria dissemination since the number of labelled bacteria, which migrated from this section significantly, exceeded that of the area superior to the strangulation section of the small intestine (p = 0.0003). Bacterial scintigraphy demonstrated the possibility of visualizing migration routes of labelled bacteria and quantifying their translocation through the intestinal barrier. This approach to study bacterial

  6. Intestinal lymphangiectasia mimicking primary peritoneal carcinoma. (United States)

    Steines, Jennifer C; Larson, Joshua H; Wilkinson, Neal; Kirby, Patricia; Goodheart, Michael J


    Intestinal lymphangiectasia is an obstruction of the lymphatic system. We report on a patient with mesenteric adenopathy and an elevated CA125 level, which were suspicious for peritoneal carcinoma. Further evaluation and bowel resection identified intestinal lymphangiectasia. This disease should be considered in patients with mesenteric adenopathy and a small bowel mass. Copyright © 2010 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Full Text Available El cambio climático es visto como uno de los problemas ambientales con mayores impactos sobre los sistemas humanos y naturales. La preocupación social sobre esta problemática es creciente como resultado del aumento de evidencia científi ca y fenómenos catastrófi cos, por lo que se ha buscado una respuesta antrópica (Sabogal, 2007. Los proyectos de Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL hacen parte de la propuesta de solución, generando una contribución a la mitigación de Gases Efecto Invernadero (GEI, sin embargo, contrario a la normatividad del Protocolo de Kioto, su impacto no es tan claro en términos de sostenibilidad. El presente artículo evalúa la presencia y el cumplimiento del objetivo de sostenibilidad en los proyectos de MDL presentados al Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático y el Protocolo de Kyoto (UNFCCC,para el periodo comprendido entre 2004 y 2008, identifi cando tendencias globales y planteando recomendaciones de mejoramiento en la aplicación del mecanismo.

  8. Fisiopatología de la diarrea aguda

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    Raúl L. Riverón Corteguera


    Full Text Available Es un artículo de revisión de los aspectos importantes de la fisiopatología de la diarrea. Se hace una descripción de la fisiopatología intestinal que incluye la anatomía del intestino y de su superficie de absorción y la estructura funcional de la mucosa intestinal. La fisiopatología normal de los líquidos intestinales. Mecanismo de absorción del agua y los electrólitos. Absorción de sodio por difusión electrogénica, unido al ion cloro, intercambio con el ion hidrógeno y unido a sustancias orgánicas como glucosa, aminoácidos y algunos oligopéptidos; secreción intestinal de agua y electrólitos. Control intracelular de la secreción. Mediadores y moduladores extracelulares del transporte intestinal. Factores que aumentan la absorción y reducen la secreción. Factores que estimulan la secreción y reducen la absorción Mecanismo fisiopatológico de la diarrea. Clasificación de la diarrea infecciosa aguda: acuosa secretoria y osmótica; diarrea con sangre invasiva y no invasiva.This a review of some important aspects of the physiopathology of diarrhea. A description is made of the intestinal physiopathology, including the anatomy of the intestine and of its surface of absorption, as well as the functional structure of the intestinal mucosa: the normal physiopathology of the intestinal fluids; the mechanism of absorption of water and electrolites; the absorption of sodium by electrogenic difussion, joined to the chloride ion; the interchange with the hydrogen ion and attached to organic substances, such as glucose, aminoacids and some oligopeptides; the intestinal secretion of water and electrolites; the intracellular control of secretion, the extracellular mediators and modulators of intestinal transport; the factors that increase absorption and reduce secretion; the factors that stimulate secretion and absorption; and the physiopathological mechanism of diarrhea. The classification of acute infectious diarrhea in aqueous

  9. Caracterización fitoquímica de una fracción de biflavonoides de garcinia madruno: su inhibición de la oxidación de ldl humana y su mecanismo de estabilización de especies radicalarias


    Leon, Montoya Pelaez Guillermo


    A una fracción biflavonoide (FB) caracterizada fitoquímicamente de Garcinia madruno (Clusiaceae), se le evalúa su potencial inhibitorio de la oxidación de LDL y su capacidad estabilizadora de especies radicalarias, correlacionando dichas actividades con su contenido en biflavonoides. Los biflavonoides morelloflavona, volkensiflavona y amentoflavona se identifican a partir de la FB. El extracto que contiene la FB (extracto AcOEt) se determina como el principal factor involucrado en la activida...

  10. Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Feline Intestinal Lymphosarcomas in Egypt

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    Fayez Awadalla Salib


    Full Text Available Feline intestinal lymphosarcomas are mostly caused by Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV. Unfortunately, there is no available vaccine for FeLV in Egypt. The diagnosis of feline intestinal lymphosarcomas depends upon abdominal palpation, x-rays examination, ultrasonography, direct ELISA and histopathology of masses excised during laparotomy. The recorded clinical signs in intestinal lymphosarcoma affected cats were variable including vomiting, fever, anorexia, ascites, anemia, dyspnea, constipation and emaciation. The affected lymph nodes were mesenteric, mediastinal and retropharyngeal. The prevalence of intestinal lymphosarcomas in the examined cats was 4.03 % (11 out of 273 cats. The prevalence was higher in queens than toms (2.93 % and 0.73 % respectively. The Siamese cats had higher prevalence than the Sherazy ones (2.56 % and 1.47 % respectively. X-ray films and ultrasonographic images performed on the eleven cats suffered from intestinal lymphosarcomas revealed ascities and abdominal masses. The comparison of ELISA and histopathology (of excised masses results showed that 9 out of 11 intestinal lymphosarcoma affected cats were infected with FeLV that proved not all cases of intestinal lymphosarcoma were caused by FeLV. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of ELISA to diagnose intestinal lymphosarcoma in cats were 81.81 %, 100 % and 92 % respectively. Gross autopsy of the collected lymph nodes, livers, kidneys revealed that gross lymphadenopathy involving one or more nodes, hepatomegaly and kidney enlargement. Microscopically, the examined tissues specimens showed that the normal architecture of the examined lymph nodes, livers, and kidneys has been replaced by a diffuse infiltrate of both lymphocytes and lymphoblasts. The vast majority of the cells are small lymphocyte-type cells with round basophilic nuclei and a sparse rim of cytoplasm. The eleven intestinal lymphosarcoma affected cats exposed to abdominal exploratory surgery (laparotomy

  11. Free Total Rhubarb Anthraquinones Protect Intestinal Injury via Regulation of the Intestinal Immune Response in a Rat Model of Severe Acute Pancreatitis

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    Yuxia Xiong


    Full Text Available Intestinal mucosal immune barrier dysfunction plays a key role in the pathogenesis of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP. Rhubarb is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine as a laxative in China. It markedly protects pancreatic acinar cells from trypsin-induced injury in rats. Free total rhubarb anthraquinones (FTRAs isolated and extracted from rhubarb display the beneficial effects of antibacteria, anti-inflammation, antivirus, and anticancer. The principal aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of FTRAs on the protection of intestinal injury and modification of the intestinal barrier function through regulation of intestinal immune function in rats with SAP. We established a rat model of SAP by injecting 3.5% sodium taurocholate (STC, 350 mg/kg into the biliopancreatic duct via retrograde injection and treated the rats with FTRAs (36 or 72 mg/kg or normal saline (control immediately and 12 h after STC injection. Then, we evaluated the protective effect of FTRAs on intestinal injury by pathological analysis and determined the levels of endotoxin (ET, interleukin 1β (IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α, nitric oxide (NO, myeloperoxidase (MPO, capillary permeability, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptors 3 (NLRP3, apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD domain (ASC, casepase-1, secretary immunoglobulin A (SIgA, regulatory T cells (Tregs, and the ratio of Th1/Th2 in the blood and/or small intestinal tissues or mesenteric lymph node (MLN cells. Moreover, the chemical profile of FTRAs was analyzed by HPLC-UV chromatogram. The results showed that FTRAs significantly protected intestinal damage and decreased the levels of ET, IL-1β, TNF-α, and NO in the blood and TNF-α, IL-1β, and protein extravasation in the intestinal tissues in SAP rats. Furthermore, FTRAs significantly decreased the expressions of NLRP3, ASC, and caspase-1, the number of Tregs and the ratio of Th1/Th2, while

  12. Redistribution of intestinal microcirculatory oxygenation during acute hemodilution in pigs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schwarte, Lothar A.; Fournell, Artur; van Bommel, Jasper; Ince, Can


    Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) compromizes intestinal microcirculatory oxygenation; however, the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. We hypothesized that contributors herein include redistribution of oxygen away from the intestines and shunting of oxygen within the intestines.

  13. Is nonoperative management of adhesive intestinal obstruction ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Nonoperative management of adhesive intestinal obstruction gives good results in adults but there are scant studies on its outcome in children. This study reports outcomes and experiences with nonoperative and operative management of adhesive intestinal obstruction in children in a resource-poor country.

  14. Congruent Strain Specific Intestinal Persistence of Lactobacillus plantarum in an Intestine-Mimicking In Vitro System and in Human Volunteers.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bokhorst-van de Veen, H. van; Swam, I. van; Wels, M.W.; Bron, P.A.; Kleerebezem, M


    BACKGROUND: An important trait of probiotics is their capability to reach their intestinal target sites alive to optimally exert their beneficial effects. Assessment of this trait in intestine-mimicking in vitro model systems has revealed differential survival of individual strains of a species.

  15. Congruent Strain Specific Intestinal Persistence of Lactobacillus plantarum in an Intestine-Mimicking In Vitro System and in Human Volunteers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bokhorst-van de Veen, van H.; Swam, van I.; Wels, M.; Bron, P.A.; Kleerebezem, M.


    BACKGROUND: An important trait of probiotics is their capability to reach their intestinal target sites alive to optimally exert their beneficial effects. Assessment of this trait in intestine-mimicking in vitro model systems has revealed differential survival of individual strains of a species.

  16. [Interaction of effective ingredients from traditional Chinese medicines with intestinal microbiota]. (United States)

    Zu, Xian-Peng; Lin, Zhang; Xie, Hai-Sheng; Yang, Niao; Liu, Xin-Ru; Zhang, Wei-Dong


    A large number and wide varieties of microorganisms colonize in the human gastrointestinal tract. They construct an intestinal microecological system in the intestinal environment. The intestinal symbiotic flora regulates a series of life actions, including digestion and absorption of nutrient, immune response, biological antagonism, and is closely associated with the occurrence and development of many diseases. Therefore, it is greatly essential for the host's health status to maintain the equilibrium of intestinal microecological environment. After effective compositions of traditional Chinese medicines are metabolized or biotransformed by human intestinal bacteria, their metabolites can be absorbed more easily, and can even decrease or increase toxicity and then exhibit significant different biological effects. Meanwhile, traditional Chinese medicines can also regulate the composition of the intestinal flora and protect the function of intestinal mucosal barrier to restore the homeostasis of intestinal microecology. The relevant literatures in recent 15 years about the interactive relationship between traditional Chinese medicines and gut microbiota have been collected in this review, in order to study the classification of gut microflora, the relationship between intestinal dysbacteriosis and diseases, the important roles of gut microflora in intestinal bacterial metabolism in effective ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines and bioactivities, as well as the modulation effects of Chinese medicine on intestinal dysbacteriosis. In addition, it also makes a future prospect for the research strategies to study the mechanism of action of traditional Chinese medicines based on multi-omics techniques. Copyright© by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.

  17. Intestinal obstruction in germ-free dogs. (United States)

    Heneghan, J B; Robinson, J W; Menge, H; Winistörfer, B


    Mechanical occlusions were created in the intestines of four germ-free dogs. At the time of the operation, a control loop of mid-intestine was perfused in vivo and then excised for examinations in vitro, which included the determination of the equilibrium uptake of phenylalanine and of beta-methyl-glucoside, the influx kinetics of phenylalanine and morphometric analysis of the mucosa by microdissection and stereological techniques. Seven days after establishment of the occlusion the abdomen was reopened, and loops above and below the occlusion were perfused, and then excised for the same tests in vitro. Unlike occluded loops of conventional dogs, the intestine of the germ-free animal above the occlusion does not secrete water and electrolytes into the lumen. Its transport properties in vitro do not differ from those of the control loop, and the morphometric analyses reveal only slight changes in villus structure. The loop below the obstruction undergoes marked atrophy, as has been observed in conventional dogs. The results suggest that the copious secretion that occurs above an intestinal obstruction in normal animals is due to the presence of an abundant bacterial population in the obstruction fluid.

  18. Chronic primary intestinal pseudo-obstruction from visceral myopathy Pseudo-osbtrucción intestinal crónica primaria debida a miopatía visceral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. T. Muñoz-Yagüe


    Full Text Available Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is an uncommon syndrome characterized by relapsing episodes suggesting intestinal obstruction during which no mechanical causes are identified to account for symptoms. Etiologic factors may be manifold. Among them a number of neurologic conditions, gastrointestinal smooth muscle myopathies, endocrino-metabolic and autoimmune diseases, and the use of selected drugs stand out. We report a case of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction originating in a sporadic, primary intestinal myopathy that corresponds to no type thus far described. A histological study of the intestinal wall showed disrupted muscle bundles and the presence of interstitial edema. Myocytes had severe degenerative changes, and no alterations were seen in submucosal and myenteric plexus neurons. The activity of enzyme complexes in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, and of thymidine phosphorylase was normal. No mitochondrial DNA changes were seen.La pseudo-obstrucción intestinal crónica es un síndrome infrecuente caracterizado por episodios recidivantes, sugestivos de obstrucción intestinal, durante los cuales no se detectan causas mecánicas que justifiquen la sintomatología. Los factores etiológicos pueden ser múltiples. Entre ellos destacan diversas enfermedades neurológicas, miopatías de la musculatura lisa gastrointestinal, enfermedades endocrino-metabólicas y autoinmunes y el uso de determinados fármacos. Presentamos un caso de pseudo-obstrucción intestinal crónica originada por una miopatía intestinal primaria y esporádica que no corresponde a ningún tipo descrito hasta el momento. El estudio histológico de la pared intestinal mostró que los haces musculares estaban desestructurados y que existía edema intersticial. Los miocitos presentaban marcados cambios degenerativos y no existían alteraciones en las neuronas de los plexos submucoso y mientérico. La actividad de los complejos enzimáticos de la cadena

  19. ESPEN guidelines on chronic intestinal failure in adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pironi, Loris; Arends, Jann; Bozzetti, Federico


    : The following topics were addressed: management of HPN; parenteral nutrition formulation; intestinal rehabilitation, medical therapies, and non-transplant surgery, for short bowel syndrome, chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, and radiation enteritis; intestinal transplantation; prevention/treatment of CVC-related...... organ failure. Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) is the primary treatment for CIF. No guidelines (GLs) have been developed that address the global management of CIF. These GLs have been devised to generate comprehensive recommendations for safe and effective management of adult patients with CIF. METHODS......: The GLs were developed by the Home Artificial Nutrition & Chronic Intestinal Failure Special Interest Group of ESPEN. The GRADE system was used for assigning strength of evidence. Recommendations were discussed, submitted to Delphi rounds, and accepted in an online survey of ESPEN members. RESULTS...

  20. La escritura en el archivo: mecanismos de dominio y control en el Nuevo Reino de Granada

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    Alfonso Rubio Hernández


    Full Text Available Estudio que explora la manera en que se construye el archivo colonial a través de mecanismos jurídico-administrativos, dedicados a ejercer el control sobre las poblaciones subordinadas y el mantenimiento del poder colonial. El paso del testimonio oral, de los indígenas, al documento escrito, característico de la cultura letrada española, representó un desafío cultural. Paulatinamente, los indígenas aprendieron a usar el documento escrito y a emprender litigios judiciales. El control burocrático de la monarquía española dependió centralmente del uso y archivo de la documentación escrita y del papel que jugaron los letrados.

  1. Stem cell self-renewal in intestinal crypt

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Simons, B.D.; Clevers, H.


    As a rapidly cycling tissue capable of fast repair and regeneration, the intestinal epithelium has emerged as a favored model system to explore the principles of adult stem cell biology. However, until recently, the identity and characteristics of the stem cell population in both the small intestine

  2. Encountering Meckel's diverticulum in emergency surgery for ascaridial intestinal obstruction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amin Abid


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Meckel's diverticulum is the most common congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract. In children with intestinal ascariasis, the diverticulum remains asymptomatic or rarely the Ascaris lumbricoides may lead to its complications in the presence of massive intestinal roundworm load. Given that preoperative diagnosis is seldom carried out, when Meckel's diverticulum is found at laparotomy for obstructive intestinal complications of roundworm, the diverticulum should be removed as complications may occur at any time. The aim of this study was to describe the findings of concomitant presence of Meckel's diverticulum who had surgical intervention in symptomatic intestinal ascariasis in children. Methods A retrospective case review study of 14 children who had surgical intervention for symptomatic intestinal ascariasis having the presence of concomitant Meckel's diverticulum was done. The study was done at SMHS Hospital Srinagar, Kashmir. Results A total of the 14 children who had ascaridial intestinal obstruction with concomitant presence of Meckel's diverticulum were studied. Age of children ranged from 4-12 years, male:female ratio was 1.8:1. Nine patients had asymptomatic Meckel's diverticulum, whereas 5 patients with symptomatic signs were found in the course of emergency surgery for ascaridial intestinal obstruction. Conclusion Meckel's diverticulum in intestinal ascariasis may pursue silent course or may be accompanied with complications of the diverticulitis, perforation or the gangrene. Incidental finding of the Meckel's diverticulum in the intestinal ascariasis should have removal.

  3. Drug absorption from the irradiated rat small intestine in situ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venho, V.M.K.


    The absorption of acidic drugs phenobarbitone and sulphafurazole, basic drugs mecamylamine and quinidine, and a neutral drug isoniazid was studied in situ. Rats were irradiated 750 rad whole-body with 60 Co and the absorption experiment was done three and six days thereafter using the cannulated small intestine of urethane-anaesthetized rats. Drug disappearance from the intestinal lumen and drug levels in the whole blood and intestinal wall were measured. In control rats phenobarbitone showed the most rapid absorption and mecamylamine the slowest. Irradiation retarded the disappearance of all drugs from the intestinal lumen on the third postirradiation day. Fluid absorption was also diminished. On the sixth postirradiation day the absorption of phenobarbitone, sulphafurazole and mecamylamine had returned to the control level, but the absorption of quinidine and isoniazid was still retarded. After i.v. administration of drugs they were not significantly excreted into the intestinal contents and irradiation did not modify excretion. The distribution of drugs between the intestinal fluid and the intestinal wall was complete in the first 10 min of experiment. Mecamylamine and quinidine were lowered in the whole blood by irradiation. Blood levels of drugs did not correlate well to the rate of disappearance of drugs from the intestinal lumen. The reversible changes in absorption induced by irradiation are probably secondary effects of irradiation on intestinal morphology, permeability and transport capacity, composition, and possibly blood flow. (orig.) [de

  4. Factoring the intestinal microbiome into the pathogenesis of autoimmune hepatitis. (United States)

    Czaja, Albert J


    The intestinal microbiome is a reservoir of microbial antigens and activated immune cells. The aims of this review were to describe the role of the intestinal microbiome in generating innate and adaptive immune responses, indicate how these responses contribute to the development of systemic immune-mediated diseases, and encourage investigations that improve the understanding and management of autoimmune hepatitis. Alterations in the composition of the intestinal microflora (dysbiosis) can disrupt intestinal and systemic immune tolerances for commensal bacteria. Toll-like receptors within the intestine can recognize microbe-associated molecular patterns and shape subsets of T helper lymphocytes that may cross-react with host antigens (molecular mimicry). Activated gut-derived lymphocytes can migrate to lymph nodes, and gut-derived microbial antigens can translocate to extra-intestinal sites. Inflammasomes can form within hepatocytes and hepatic stellate cells, and they can drive the pro-inflammatory, immune-mediated, and fibrotic responses. Diet, designer probiotics, vitamin supplements, re-colonization methods, antibiotics, drugs that decrease intestinal permeability, and molecular interventions that block signaling pathways may emerge as adjunctive regimens that complement conventional immunosuppressive management. In conclusion, investigations of the intestinal microbiome are warranted in autoimmune hepatitis and promise to clarify pathogenic mechanisms and suggest alternative management strategies.

  5. Diabetes mellitus and impairment of intestinal barier function


    Hoffmanová, Iva


    Introduction: Impairment of intestinal barrier function is involved in pathogenesis of immune mediated diseases (such as type 1 diabetes mellitus or celiac disease) and metabolic diseases (such as type 2 diabetes mellitus). Aims of study: The first aim was to analyze impairment of mucosal part of intestinal barrier in both type of diabetes and to describe differences when compared to celiac disease, which is a typical condition associated with impairment of intestinal barrier function. The se...

  6. Typhoid Intestinal Perforation: 24 Perforations in One Patient

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Intestinal perforation is a common cause of peritonitis necessitating emergency surgical intervention. Perforation ... Mortality rates of typhoid intestinal perforation (TIP) cases are ... may be obscured clinical features with resultant delays in.

  7. Monozygotic twins with discordant intestinal rotation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, Vance L.; Nwomeh, Benedict C.; Long, Frederick


    Previous case reports have suggested a strong concordance of intestinal malrotation among identical twins. This has led to the recommendation that the asymptomatic twin undergo screening when malrotation is discovered in the identical sibling. We present a case of monozygotic twins in which one twin presented with intestinal malrotation with midgut volvulus while the other twin was found to have normal gastrointestinal anatomy. (orig.)

  8. Monozygotic twins with discordant intestinal rotation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, Vance L.; Nwomeh, Benedict C. [Ohio State University College of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Columbus Children' s Hospital, Columbus, OH (United States); Long, Frederick [Ohio State University College of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Radiology, Columbus Children' s Hospital, Columbus, OH (United States)


    Previous case reports have suggested a strong concordance of intestinal malrotation among identical twins. This has led to the recommendation that the asymptomatic twin undergo screening when malrotation is discovered in the identical sibling. We present a case of monozygotic twins in which one twin presented with intestinal malrotation with midgut volvulus while the other twin was found to have normal gastrointestinal anatomy. (orig.)

  9. Intestinal Stem Cell Niche: The Extracellular Matrix and Cellular Components

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    Laween Meran


    Full Text Available The intestinal epithelium comprises a monolayer of polarised columnar cells organised along the crypt-villus axis. Intestinal stem cells reside at the base of crypts and are constantly nourished by their surrounding niche for maintenance, self-renewal, and differentiation. The cellular microenvironment including the adjacent Paneth cells, stromal cells, smooth muscle cells, and neural cells as well as the extracellular matrix together constitute the intestinal stem cell niche. A dynamic regulatory network exists among the epithelium, stromal cells, and the matrix via complex signal transduction to maintain tissue homeostasis. Dysregulation of these biological or mechanical signals could potentially lead to intestinal injury and disease. In this review, we discuss the role of different intestinal stem cell niche components and dissect the interaction between dynamic matrix factors and regulatory signalling during intestinal stem cell homeostasis.

  10. Volvulus as a complication of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    C.T. de Betue (Carlijn); D. Boersma (Doeke); M.W. Oomen (Matthijs W.); M.A. Benninga (Marc); J.R. de Jong (Justin)


    textabstractChronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome (CIPS) is a severe motility disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that presents with continuous or recurrent symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction without evidence of a structural lesion occluding the intestinal lumen. Mechanical

  11. Volvulus as a complication of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Betue, Carlijn T.; Boersma, Doeke; Oomen, Matthijs W.; Benninga, Marc A.; de Jong, Justin R.


    Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome (CIPS) is a severe motility disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that presents with continuous or recurrent symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction without evidence of a structural lesion occluding the intestinal lumen. Mechanical obstruction

  12. Controlling the frontier: regulatory T-cells and intestinal homeostasis. (United States)

    Bollrath, Julia; Powrie, Fiona M


    The intestine represents one of the most challenging sites for the immune system as immune cells must be able to mount an efficient response to invading pathogens while tolerating the large number and diverse array of resident commensal bacteria. Foxp3(+) regulatory T-cells (Tregs) play a non-redundant role at maintaining this balance. At the same time Treg cell differentiation and function can be modulated by the intestinal microbiota. In this review, we will discuss effector mechanisms of Treg cells in the intestine and how these cells can be influenced by the intestinal microbiota. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Omar Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo fundamental estudiar el mecanismo de gelatinización del almidón nativo de banano de la especie Musa sapientum L. exportable del Ecuador. Se estudiaron las variedades Cavendish, Filipino, Valery y Orito, y a su vez, se estudió su potencial para ser añadido en alimentos que demanden características tecnológicas funcionales deseables como agentes espesantes, gelificantes y estabilizantes. También se determinó el tamaño, la forma de gránulos de almidón, temperatura de gelatinización y viscosidad máxima; obteniéndose los siguientes valores: de 25 a 35 μm; 77,7 a 80 °C y de 259 a 270 UB, respectivamente. Según los resultados obtenidos, el almidón nativo de banano de las variedades estudiadas, puede ser incorporado en la elaboración de alimentos que demanden  las características mencionadas.

  14. Intestine-Specific Mttp Deletion Decreases Mortality and Prevents Sepsis-Induced Intestinal Injury in a Murine Model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pneumonia (United States)

    Dominguez, Jessica A.; Xie, Yan; Dunne, W. Michael; Yoseph, Benyam P.; Burd, Eileen M.; Coopersmith, Craig M.; Davidson, Nicholas O.


    Background The small intestine plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of sepsis and has been referred to as the “motor” of the systemic inflammatory response. One proposed mechanism is that toxic gut-derived lipid factors, transported in mesenteric lymph, induce systemic injury and distant organ failure. However, the pathways involved are yet to be defined and the role of intestinal chylomicron assembly and secretion in transporting these lipid factors is unknown. Here we studied the outcome of sepsis in mice with conditional, intestine-specific deletion of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (Mttp-IKO), which exhibit a block in chylomicron assembly together with lipid malabsorption. Methodology/Principal Findings Mttp-IKO mice and controls underwent intratracheal injection with either Pseudomonas aeruginosa or sterile saline. Mttp-IKO mice exhibited decreased seven-day mortality, with 0/20 (0%) dying compared to 5/17 (29%) control mice (p<0.05). This survival advantage in Mttp-IKO mice, however, was not associated with improvements in pulmonary bacterial clearance or neutrophil infiltration. Rather, Mttp-IKO mice exhibited protection against sepsis-associated decreases in villus length and intestinal proliferation and were also protected against increased intestinal apoptosis, both central features in control septic mice. Serum IL-6 levels, a major predictor of mortality in human and mouse models of sepsis, were elevated 8-fold in septic control mice but remained unaltered in septic Mttp-IKO mice. Serum high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels were reduced in septic control mice but were increased in septic Mttp-IKO mice. The decreased levels of HDL were associated with decreased hepatic expression of apolipoprotein A1 in septic control mice. Conclusions/Significance These studies suggest that strategies directed at blocking intestinal chylomicron secretion may attenuate the progression and improve the outcome of sepsis through effects mediated by

  15. Intestine-specific Mttp deletion decreases mortality and prevents sepsis-induced intestinal injury in a murine model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jessica A Dominguez

    Full Text Available The small intestine plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of sepsis and has been referred to as the "motor" of the systemic inflammatory response. One proposed mechanism is that toxic gut-derived lipid factors, transported in mesenteric lymph, induce systemic injury and distant organ failure. However, the pathways involved are yet to be defined and the role of intestinal chylomicron assembly and secretion in transporting these lipid factors is unknown. Here we studied the outcome of sepsis in mice with conditional, intestine-specific deletion of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (Mttp-IKO, which exhibit a block in chylomicron assembly together with lipid malabsorption.Mttp-IKO mice and controls underwent intratracheal injection with either Pseudomonas aeruginosa or sterile saline. Mttp-IKO mice exhibited decreased seven-day mortality, with 0/20 (0% dying compared to 5/17 (29% control mice (p<0.05. This survival advantage in Mttp-IKO mice, however, was not associated with improvements in pulmonary bacterial clearance or neutrophil infiltration. Rather, Mttp-IKO mice exhibited protection against sepsis-associated decreases in villus length and intestinal proliferation and were also protected against increased intestinal apoptosis, both central features in control septic mice. Serum IL-6 levels, a major predictor of mortality in human and mouse models of sepsis, were elevated 8-fold in septic control mice but remained unaltered in septic Mttp-IKO mice. Serum high density lipoprotein (HDL levels were reduced in septic control mice but were increased in septic Mttp-IKO mice. The decreased levels of HDL were associated with decreased hepatic expression of apolipoprotein A1 in septic control mice.These studies suggest that strategies directed at blocking intestinal chylomicron secretion may attenuate the progression and improve the outcome of sepsis through effects mediated by metabolic and physiological adaptations in both intestinal and

  16. Paneth cells, antimicrobial peptides and maintenance of intestinal homeostasis. (United States)

    Bevins, Charles L; Salzman, Nita H


    Building and maintaining a homeostatic relationship between a host and its colonizing microbiota entails ongoing complex interactions between the host and the microorganisms. The mucosal immune system, including epithelial cells, plays an essential part in negotiating this equilibrium. Paneth cells (specialized cells in the epithelium of the small intestine) are an important source of antimicrobial peptides in the intestine. These cells have become the focus of investigations that explore the mechanisms of host-microorganism homeostasis in the small intestine and its collapse in the processes of infection and chronic inflammation. In this Review, we provide an overview of the intestinal microbiota and describe the cell biology of Paneth cells, emphasizing the composition of their secretions and the roles of these cells in intestinal host defence and homeostasis. We also highlight the implications of Paneth cell dysfunction in susceptibility to chronic inflammatory bowel disease.

  17. Potential Role of Probiotics in Mechanism of Intestinal Immunity

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    Imran Rashid Rajput and Wei Fen Li*


    Full Text Available Probiotics are nonpathogenic bacteria exert a constructive influence on health or physiology of the host. Effect of probiotics in the intestinal defense against variety of diseases is well known. The probiotics are involved in the mechanism of intestinal defense, support as antagonist against pathogens, improve intestinal epithelial layer and boost the innate as well as adaptive immunity. However these responses are also exerted by intestinal components. The intestinal components as well as probiotics play a reciprocal role to enhance the immune response of the individual. The possibilities of mechanism of action include the stimulation of epithelial cells, activation of dendritic cells via toll-like receptors (TLRs, conversely produce cytokines. These observations reviewed together advocate that specific immunomodulatory properties of probiotic bacteria should be focusing on mechanism of action via antigen presenting cells (APC.

  18. Factor de crecimiento transformante beta-1: estructura, función y mecanismos de regulación en cáncer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peralta-Zaragoza Oscar


    Full Text Available El factor de crecimiento transformante beta-1 (TGF-beta1 es sintetizado por muchas estirpes celulares como linfocitos, macrófagos y células dendríticas, y su expresión regula de manera autócrina o parácrina la diferenciación, proliferación y el estado de activación de éstas y muchas otras células. En general, el TGF-beta1 tiene propiedades pleiotrópicas en el contexto de la respuesta inmune durante el desarrollo de infecciones y procesos neoplásicos; sin embargo, los mecanismos de acción y regulación de la expresión de esta citocina aún no se comprenden del todo. En la presente revisión se describen las propiedades biológicas y los procesos moleculares que regulan la expresión del TGF-beta1, para entender los efectos de esta citocina durante la proliferación y la diferenciación celular. El conocimiento de los mecanismos moleculares de la regulación del TGF-beta1 puede representar una importante estrategia de tratamiento del cáncer. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en:

  19. Mucosal immunity to pathogenic intestinal bacteria. (United States)

    Perez-Lopez, Araceli; Behnsen, Judith; Nuccio, Sean-Paul; Raffatellu, Manuela


    The intestinal mucosa is a particularly dynamic environment in which the host constantly interacts with trillions of commensal microorganisms, known as the microbiota, and periodically interacts with pathogens of diverse nature. In this Review, we discuss how mucosal immunity is controlled in response to enteric bacterial pathogens, with a focus on the species that cause morbidity and mortality in humans. We explain how the microbiota can shape the immune response to pathogenic bacteria, and we detail innate and adaptive immune mechanisms that drive protective immunity against these pathogens. The vast diversity of the microbiota, pathogens and immune responses encountered in the intestines precludes discussion of all of the relevant players in this Review. Instead, we aim to provide a representative overview of how the intestinal immune system responds to pathogenic bacteria.

  20. Transcriptome changes during intestinal cell differentiation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tadjali, Mehrdad; Seidelin, Jakob B; Olsen, Jørgen


    The expression of 18149 genes have been analysed during the differentiation of the human intestinal cell line Caco-2. cDNA probes from undifferentiated and differentiated Caco-2 cells were separately hybridised to EST DNAs spotted in an array on a nylon membrane. A remarkable change in the transc......The expression of 18149 genes have been analysed during the differentiation of the human intestinal cell line Caco-2. cDNA probes from undifferentiated and differentiated Caco-2 cells were separately hybridised to EST DNAs spotted in an array on a nylon membrane. A remarkable change...... cells by performing reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction on RNA extracted from laser dissected intestinal crypt and villi. In a screen of eight transcripts one - SART3 - was identified as a marker for human colonic crypts....

  1. Recent Advances in Intestinal Stem Cells. (United States)

    McCabe, Laura R; Parameswaran, Narayanan


    The intestine is a dynamic organ with rapid stem cell division generating epithelial cells that mature and apoptose in 3-5 days. Rapid turnover maintains the epithelial barrier and homeostasis. Current insights on intestinal stem cells (ISCs) and their regulation are discussed here. The Lgr5+ ISCs maintain intestinal homeostasis by dividing asymmetrically, but also divide symmetrically to extinguish or replace ISCs. Following radiation or mucosal injury, reserve BMI1+ ISCs as well as other crypt cells can de-differentiate into Lgr5+ ISCs. ISC niche cells, including Paneth, immune and myofibroblast cells secrete factors that regulate ISC proliferation. Finally, several studies indicate that the microbiome metabolites regulate ISC growth. ISC cells can be plastic and integrate a complexity of environmental/niche cues to trigger or suppress proliferation as needed.

  2. Ectoparasites and intestinal helminths of speckled pigeon ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ectoparasites and intestinal helminths of speckled pigeon ( Columba guinea Hartlaub and Finsch 1870) in Zaria, Nigeria. ... Science World Journal ... A total of 30 (20 males and 10 females) Speckled Pigeons trapped from the wild in Zaria and its environs, Nigeria, were examined for ectoparasites and intestinal helminths, ...

  3. Intestinal malrotation and volvulus in adult life

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haak, Bastiaan W.; Bodewitz, Sander T.; Kuijper, Caroline F.; de Widt-Levert, Louise M.


    Midgut volvulus due to intestinal malrotation is a rare cause of intestinal obstruction when occurring in adult life. This paper documents the difficulties in reaching an early diagnosis. We describe the case of an 85-year-old man with non-specific abdominal complaints for 20 years, who presented

  4. [Videocapsule endoscopy as a useful tool to diagnose primary intestinal lymphangiectasia]. (United States)

    Vignes, S; Bellanger, J


    Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (Waldmann's disease) lead to a protein-losing enteropathy due to lymph leak into intestinal tract. A 28-year-old woman presented a bilateral lower limb lymphedema. Laboratory examination showing lymphopenia, hypoalbuminemia, hypogammaglobulinemia suggested the diagnosis of primary intestinal lymphangiectasia. Gastroscopy was normal and second duodenum biopsies were negative. Videocapsule endoscopy gave evidence of intestinal lymphangiectasia of the small bowel. Videocapsule endoscopy may be proposed to confirm intestinal lymphangiectasia and to precise their localization when gastroscopy is not conclusive.

  5. Mecanismos de aprendizagem em organizações: desenvolvimento e validação de uma escala de medida.

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    Antonio Isidro da Silva Filho


    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou desenvolver e validar a Escala de Mecanismos deAprendizagem em Organizações (Emao. A partir da Measurement Scale of OrganizationalLearning de López, Peón e Ordás (2005, composta dos fatores aquisiçãodo conhecimento, distribuição, interpretação e memória organizacional, foirealizada a tradução dos itens da língua inglesa para o português e adequação delinguagem para a cultura brasileira. Feito isso, realizou-se a análise de construtoe semântica dos itens; e dos 25 itens originais, 22 permaneceram para validaçãoempírica da escala. Quinhentos e vinte e dois funcionários de uma instituiçãofinanceira com sede em Brasília (DF responderam ao instrumento de pesquisa.Após as análises fatoriais, identificou-se a melhor solução (rotação Varimax comtrês fatores, de KMO igual a 0,92. Os fatores foram denominados: AquisiçãoInterna e Externa de Conhecimentos (7 itens, Q = 0,81, Compartilhamento deConhecimentos (11 itens, Q = 0,87 e Codificação e Controle de Conhecimentos (4itens, Q = 0,71. Concluindo o estudo, descrevem-se recomendações para futuraspesquisas visando ao melhoramento da escala validada, bem como à realização deestudos que verifiquem as relações entre mecanismos de aprendizagem em organizaçõescom outras variáveis da literatura de comportamento organizacional.

  6. Antibody response to Giardia muris trophozoites in mouse intestine. (United States)

    Heyworth, M F


    The protozoan parasite Giardia muris colonizes the mouse small intestinal lumen. This parasite is cleared immunologically from the intestine of normal mice. In contrast, T-lymphocyte-deficient (nude) mice have an impaired immunological response to G. muris and become chronically infected. In the present study, trophozoites were harvested from the intestinal lumen of immunocompetent BALB/c mice and nude mice and examined for surface-bound mouse immunoglobulins by immunofluorescence microscopy. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG, but not IgM, were detected on trophozoites obtained from BALB/c mice, from day 10 of the infection onwards. Trophozoites from nude mice showed very little evidence of surface-bound mouse immunoglobulin at any time during the 5-week period immediately following infection of these animals with G. muris cysts. Intestinal G. muris infection was cleared by the BALB/c mice but not by the nude animals. The data suggest that parasite-specific IgA and IgG bind to G. muris trophozoites in the intestinal lumen of immunocompetent BALB/c mice. Intestinal antibodies that bind to trophozoite surfaces are likely to play an important part in the clearance of G. muris infection by immunocompetent mice. The inability of nude mice to clear this infection at a normal rate is likely to be due to impairment of Giardia-specific intestinal antibody production.

  7. Influence of fentanyl and morphine on intestinal circulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tverskoy, M.; Gelman, S.; Fowler, K.C.; Bradley, E.L.


    The influence of fentanyl and morphine on the intestinal circulation was evaluated in an isolated loop preparation in 37 dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital intravenously. Selected intestinal segments were pumped with aortic blood at a constant pressure of 100 mm Hg. A mixture of 86 Rb and 9-micron spheres labeled with 141 Ce was injected into the arterial cannula supplying the intestinal loop, while mesenteric venous blood was collected for activity counting. A strong correlation was found between the clearances of rubidium and microspheres (r = 0.97, P less than 0.0001), suggesting that the shunting of 9-micron spheres through the intestines reflects the shunting of blood through nonnutritive vessels. Intravenous fentanyl decreased oxygen uptake (O 2 up), and vascular resistance (VR), and increased blood flow (BF), rubidium and microsphere clearances (Cl-Rb, Cl-Sph, respectively), and permeability--surface area product (PS) in a dose-related fashion. Intravenous morphine in a dose of 1 mg X kg-1 increased Cl-Rb (nutritive BF) without changes in total (nutritive and nonnutritive) BF. This increase in nutritive BF is probably related to morphine-induced histamine release. Morphine in a dose of 5 mg X kg-1 was accompanied by vasoconstriction that was completely abolished by alpha-adrenoceptor blockade. The data suggest that morphine-induced intestinal vasoconstriction is mediated via a release of epinephrine, apparently from the adrenal medulla. It is concluded that changes in the intestinal circulation during anesthesia with narcotics might play a certain role in the cardiovascular homeostasis during anesthesia and surgery. An increase in oxygen content in portal venous blood, resulting from a decrease in intestinal oxygen uptake, should facilitate hepatic oxygenation

  8. Influence of fentanyl and morphine on intestinal circulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tverskoy, M.; Gelman, S.; Fowler, K.C.; Bradley, E.L.


    The influence of fentanyl and morphine on the intestinal circulation was evaluated in an isolated loop preparation in 37 dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital intravenously. Selected intestinal segments were pumped with aortic blood at a constant pressure of 100 mm Hg. A mixture of /sup 86/Rb and 9-micron spheres labeled with /sup 141/Ce was injected into the arterial cannula supplying the intestinal loop, while mesenteric venous blood was collected for activity counting. A strong correlation was found between the clearances of rubidium and microspheres (r = 0.97, P less than 0.0001), suggesting that the shunting of 9-micron spheres through the intestines reflects the shunting of blood through nonnutritive vessels. Intravenous fentanyl decreased oxygen uptake (O/sub 2/up), and vascular resistance (VR), and increased blood flow (BF), rubidium and microsphere clearances (Cl-Rb, Cl-Sph, respectively), and permeability--surface area product (PS) in a dose-related fashion. Intravenous morphine in a dose of 1 mg X kg-1 increased Cl-Rb (nutritive BF) without changes in total (nutritive and nonnutritive) BF. This increase in nutritive BF is probably related to morphine-induced histamine release. Morphine in a dose of 5 mg X kg-1 was accompanied by vasoconstriction that was completely abolished by alpha-adrenoceptor blockade. The data suggest that morphine-induced intestinal vasoconstriction is mediated via a release of epinephrine, apparently from the adrenal medulla. It is concluded that changes in the intestinal circulation during anesthesia with narcotics might play a certain role in the cardiovascular homeostasis during anesthesia and surgery. An increase in oxygen content in portal venous blood, resulting from a decrease in intestinal oxygen uptake, should facilitate hepatic oxygenation.

  9. Governança corporativa: a formação de mecanismos por investidores institucionais, o caso PREVI


    Jesus, Roberto Martins Ribeiro de


    O objetivo geral deste trabalho de dissertação de mestrado é identificar e analisar os principais fatores históricos e institucionais que contribuíram para a formação dos atuais mecanismos de govemança corporativa adotados pela Caixa de Previdência dos Funcionários do Banco do Brasil (PREVI) em relação às empresas em que detém participação acionária relevante. Tendo como foco da investigação o centenário e maior fundo de pensão da América Latina, com investimentos totais da ...

  10. Intestinal parasites and tuberculosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anuar Alonso Cedeño-Burbano


    Conclusions: The available evidence was insufficient to affirm that intestinal parasites predispose to developing tuberculous. The studies carried out so far have found statistically insignificant results.

  11. CT diagnosis of concealed rupture of intestine following abdominal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji Jiansong; Wei Tiemin; Wang Zufei; Zhao Zhongwei; Tu Jianfei; Fan Xiaoxi; Xu Min


    Objective: To investigate CT findings of concealed rupture of intestine following abdominal trauma. Methods: CT findings of 11 cases with concealed rupture of intestine following abdominal trauma proved by surgery were identified retrospectively. Results: The main special signs included: (1) Free air in 4 cases, mainly around injured small bowel or under the diaphragm, or in the retroperitoneal space or and in the lump. (2) High density hematoma between the intestines or in the bowel wall (4 cases). (3) Bowel wall injury sign, demonstrated as low density of the injured intestinal wall, attenuated locally but relatively enhanced in neighbor wall on enhanced CT. (4) Lump around the injured bowel wall with obvious ring-shaped enhancement (4 cases). Other signs included: (1) Free fluid in the abdominal cavity or between the intestines with blurred borders. (2) Bowel obstruction. Conclusion: CT is valuable in diagnosing concealed rupture of intestine following abdominal trauma. (authors)

  12. Claudins, dietary milk proteins, and intestinal barrier regulation. (United States)

    Kotler, Belinda M; Kerstetter, Jane E; Insogna, Karl L


    The family of claudin proteins plays an important role in regulating the intestinal barrier by modulating the permeability of tight junctions. The impact of dietary protein on claudin biology has not been studied extensively. Whey proteins have been reported to improve intestinal barrier function, but their mechanism of action is not clear. Recent studies, however, have demonstrated increased intestinal claudin expression in response to milk protein components. Reviewed here are new findings suggesting that whey-protein-derived transforming growth factor β transcriptionally upregulates claudin-4 expression via a Smad-4-dependent pathway. These and other data, including limited clinical studies, are summarized below and, in the aggregate, suggest a therapeutic role for whey protein in diseases of intestinal barrier dysfunction, perhaps, in part, by regulating claudin expression. © 2013 International Life Sciences Institute.

  13. TREM-1 Promotes Pancreatitis-Associated Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction

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    Shengchun Dang


    Full Text Available Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP can cause intestinal barrier dysfunction (IBD, which significantly increases the disease severity and risk of mortality. We hypothesized that the innate immunity- and inflammatory-related protein-triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1 contributes to this complication of SAP. Thus, we investigated the effect of TREM-1 pathway modulation on a rat model of pancreatitis-associated IBD. In this study we sought to clarify the role of TREM-1 in the pathophysiology of intestinal barrier dysfunction in SAP. Specifically, we evaluated levels of serum TREM-1 and membrane-bound TREM-1 in the intestine and pancreas from an animal model of experimentally induced SAP. TREM-1 pathway blockade by LP17 treatment may suppress pancreatitis-associated IBD and ameliorate the damage to the intestinal mucosa barrier.

  14. Ruminal and Intestinal Digestibility of Leucaena Foliage

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 30, 2013 ... Keywords: Intestinal digestibility, protein fodder, mobile nylon bag, a three-step technique ... A potential strategy for increasing the quality and availability of feed for small ruminants in the dry ... to measure intestinal disappearance of DM and CP using the mobile bag method described by De Boer et al.

  15. Determination of intestinal viability by Doppler ultrasonography in venous infarction. (United States)

    Cooperman, M; Martin, E W; Carey, L C


    The accuracy of Doppler ultrasound in predicting the viability of ischemic intestine secondary to venous obstruction was assessed. Twenty loops of ischemic intestine were created in dogs by temporarily obstructing venous return from the bowel. Doppler arterial flow signals within the intestine quickly disappeared following venous occlusion. In ten segments, arterial signals promptly returned following release of venous occlusion. Nine of these ten segments were viable at reoperation 24 hours later. In ten segments, no arterial signals could be detected following release of venous occlusion, and only one segment proved to be viable. Doppler ultrasound findings were far more accurate in distinguishing between viable and nonviable intestine thatn were clinical guides to intestinal viability. PMID:7352777

  16. La participación ciudadana en la encrucijada. Los mecanismos de democracia directa en Ecuador, Perú y Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanina Welp


    Full Text Available Mediante el estudio comparado de Argentina, Ecuador y Perú, el artículo analiza en qué medida las consultas populares, la iniciativa ciudadana y la revocatoria de mandato podrían contribuir a, por un lado, fortalecer la “democracia delegativa”, esto es, el protagonismo del Poder Ejecutivo basado en el apoyo popular y contra los otros poderes del estado o, por otro lado, incrementar la calidad de la democracia introduciendo mecanismos de control y de participación en la toma de decisiones por parte del ciudadano.

  17. Las redes de acción pública como sistemas asociativos complejos : problemas y mecanismos de integración


    Luna, Matilde; Velasco, José Luis


    Este trabajo analiza las propiedades sistémicas de las interacciones en las redes de gobernanza. Se identifican cuatro propiedades básicas: la autonomía individual de los participantes, la autonomía política de la red, la interdependencia de sus componentes y el dinamismo. También se analizan cuatro mecanismos y procesos para la integración y toma de decisiones: la confianza, la traducción, la negociación y la deliberación. Se concluye que para funcionar adecuadamente, las redes deben lograr ...

  18. Commensal-pathogen interactions in the intestinal tract (United States)

    Reynolds, Lisa A; Smith, Katherine A; Filbey, Kara J; Harcus, Yvonne; Hewitson, James P; Redpath, Stephen A; Valdez, Yanet; Yebra, María J; Finlay, B Brett; Maizels, Rick M


    The intestinal microbiota are pivotal in determining the developmental, metabolic and immunological status of the mammalian host. However, the intestinal tract may also accommodate pathogenic organisms, including helminth parasites which are highly prevalent in most tropical countries. Both microbes and helminths must evade or manipulate the host immune system to reside in the intestinal environment, yet whether they influence each other’s persistence in the host remains unknown. We now show that abundance of Lactobacillus bacteria correlates positively with infection with the mouse intestinal nematode, Heligmosomoides polygyrus, as well as with heightened regulatory T cell (Treg) and Th17 responses. Moreover, H. polygyrus raises Lactobacillus species abundance in the duodenum of C57BL/6 mice, which are highly susceptible to H. polygyrus infection, but not in BALB/c mice, which are relatively resistant. Sequencing of samples at the bacterial gyrB locus identified the principal Lactobacillus species as L. taiwanensis, a previously characterized rodent commensal. Experimental administration of L. taiwanensis to BALB/c mice elevates regulatory T cell frequencies and results in greater helminth establishment, demonstrating a causal relationship in which commensal bacteria promote infection with an intestinal parasite and implicating a bacterially-induced expansion of Tregs as a mechanism of greater helminth susceptibility. The discovery of this tripartite interaction between host, bacteria and parasite has important implications for both antibiotic and anthelmintic use in endemic human populations. PMID:25144609

  19. Postconditioning attenuates acute intestinal ischemia–reperfusion injury

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    Ilker Sengul


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that postconditioning (POC would reduce the detrimental effects of the acute intestinal ischemia–reperfusion (I/R compared to those of the abrupt onset of reperfusion. POC has a protective effect on intestinal I/R injury by inhibiting events in the early minutes of reperfusion in rats. Twenty-four Wistar–Albino rats were subjected to the occlusion of superior mesenteric artery for 30 minutes, then reperfused for 120 minutes, and randomized to the four different modalities of POC: (1 control (no intervention; (2 POC-3 (three cycles of 10 seconds of reperfusion–reocclusion, 1 minute total intervention; (3 POC-6 (six cycles of 10 seconds of reperfusion–reocclusion, 2 minutes total intervention; and (4 sham operation (laparotomy only. The arterial blood samples [0.3 mL total creatine kinase (CK and 0.6 mL malondialdehyde (MDA] and the intestinal mucosal MDA were collected from each after reperfusion. POC, especially POC-6, was effective in attenuating postischemic pathology by decreasing the intestinal tissue MDA levels, serum total CK activity, inflammation, and total histopathological injury scores. POC exerted a protective effect on the intestinal mucosa by reducing the mesenteric oxidant generation, lipid peroxidation, and neutrophil accumulation. The six-cycle algorithm demonstrated the best protection.

  20. Intestinal candidiasis and antibiotic usage in children: case study of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion: The results of this study showed a high prevalence of intestinal candidiasis among children in Nsukka. Strong associations were observed between the presence of intestinal candidiasis and diarrhoea, age and use of antibiotics (p<0.001). Keywords: Intestinal candidiasis, children, antibiotic use, diarrhea ...

  1. The small intestine microbiota, nutritional modulation and relevance for health

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    El Aidy, Sahar; van den Bogert, Bartholomeus; Kleerebezem, Michiel

    The intestinal microbiota plays a profound role in human health and extensive research has been dedicated to identify microbiota aberrations that are associated with disease. Most of this work has been targeting the large intestine and fecal microbiota, while the small intestine microbiota may also

  2. Community and genomic analysis of the human small intestine microbiota

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bogert, van den B.


    Our intestinal tract is densely populated by different microbes, collectively called microbiota, of which the majority are bacteria. Research focusing on the intestinal microbiota often use fecal samples as a representative of the bacteria that inhabit the end of the large intestine.

  3. Intestinal bacterial signatures of white feces syndrome in shrimp. (United States)

    Hou, Dongwei; Huang, Zhijian; Zeng, Shenzheng; Liu, Jian; Wei, Dongdong; Deng, Xisha; Weng, Shaoping; Yan, Qingyun; He, Jianguo


    Increasing evidence suggests that the intestinal microbiota is closely correlated with the host's health status. Thus, a serious disturbance that disrupts the stability of the intestinal microecosystem could cause host disease. Shrimps are one of the most important products among fishery trading commodities. However, digestive system diseases, such as white feces syndrome (WFS), frequently occur in shrimp culture and have led to enormous economic losses across the world. The WFS occurrences are unclear. Here, we compared intestinal bacterial communities of WFS shrimp and healthy shrimp. Intestinal bacterial communities of WFS shrimp exhibited less diversity but were more heterogeneous than those of healthy shrimp. The intestinal bacterial communities were significantly different between WFS shrimp and healthy shrimp; compared with healthy shrimp, in WFS shrimp, Candidatus Bacilloplasma and Phascolarctobacterium were overrepresented, whereas Paracoccus and Lactococcus were underrepresented. PICRUSt functional predictions indicated that the relative abundances of genes involved in energy metabolism and genetic information processing were significantly greater in WFS shrimp. Collectively, we found that the composition and predicted functions of the intestinal bacterial community were markedly shifted by WFS. Significant increases in Candidatus Bacilloplasma and Phascolarctobacterium and decreases in Paracoccus and Lactococcus may contribute to WFS in shrimp.

  4. Bovine Colostrum Supplementation During Running Training Increases Intestinal Permeability

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    Grant D. Brinkworth


    Full Text Available Endurance exercise training can increase intestinal permeability which may contribute to the development of gastrointestinal symptoms in some athletes. Bovine colostrum (BC supplementation reduces intestinal permeability induced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This study aimed to determine whether BC could also reduce intestinal permeability induced by endurance exercise. Thirty healthy adult males (25.0 ± 4.7 yr; mean ± SD completed eight weeks of running three times per week for 45 minutes at their lactate threshold while consuming 60 g/day of BC, whey protein (WP or control (CON. Intestinal permeability was assessed at baseline and after eight weeks by measuring the ratio of urinary lactulose (L and rhamnose (R excretion. After eight weeks the L/R ratio increased significantly more in volunteers consuming BC (251 ± 140% compared with WP (21 ± 35%, P < 0.05 and CON (−7 ± 13%, P < 0.02. The increase in intestinal permeability with BC may have been due to BC inducing greater leakiness of tight junctions between enterocytes or by increasing macromolecular transport as it does in neonatal gut. Further research should investigate the potential for BC to increase intestinal macromolecular transport in adults.

  5. Human zonulin, a potential modulator of intestinal tight junctions. (United States)

    Wang, W; Uzzau, S; Goldblum, S E; Fasano, A


    Intercellular tight junctions are dynamic structures involved in vectorial transport of water and electrolytes across the intestinal epithelium. Zonula occludens toxin derived from Vibrio cholerae interacts with a specific intestinal epithelial surface receptor, with subsequent activation of a complex intracellular cascade of events that regulate tight junction permeability. We postulated that this toxin may mimic the effect of a functionally and immunologically related endogenous modulator of intestinal tight junctions. Affinity-purified anti-zonula occludens toxin antibodies and the Ussing chamber assay were used to screen for one or more mammalian zonula occludens toxin analogues in both fetal and adult human intestine. A novel protein, zonulin, was identified that induces tight junction disassembly in non-human primate intestinal epithelia mounted in Ussing chambers. Comparison of amino acids in the active zonula occludens toxin fragment and zonulin permitted the identification of the putative receptor binding domain within the N-terminal region of the two proteins. Zonulin likely plays a pivotal role in tight junction regulation during developmental, physiological, and pathological processes, including tissue morphogenesis, movement of fluid, macromolecules and leukocytes between the intestinal lumen and the interstitium, and inflammatory/autoimmune disorders.

  6. Myosin Light Chain Kinase Mediates Intestinal Barrier Disruption following Burn Injury (United States)

    Chen, Chuanli; Wang, Pei; Su, Qin; Wang, Shiliang; Wang, Fengjun


    Background Severe burn injury results in the loss of intestinal barrier function, however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation mediated by MLC kinase (MLCK) is critical to the pathophysiological regulation of intestinal barrier function. We hypothesized that the MLCK-dependent MLC phosphorylation mediates the regulation of intestinal barrier function following burn injury, and that MLCK inhibition attenuates the burn-induced intestinal barrier disfunction. Methodology/Principal Findings Male balb/c mice were assigned randomly to either sham burn (control) or 30% total body surface area (TBSA) full thickness burn without or with intraperitoneal injection of ML-9 (2 mg/kg), an MLCK inhibitor. In vivo intestinal permeability to fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran was measured. Intestinal mucosa injury was assessed histologically. Tight junction proteins ZO-1, occludin and claudin-1 was analyzed by immunofluorescent assay. Expression of MLCK and phosphorylated MLC in ileal mucosa was assessed by Western blot. Intestinal permeability was increased significantly after burn injury, which was accompanied by mucosa injury, tight junction protein alterations, and increase of both MLCK and MLC phosphorylation. Treatment with ML-9 attenuated the burn-caused increase of intestinal permeability, mucosa injury, tight junction protein alterations, and decreased MLC phosphorylation, but not MLCK expression. Conclusions/Significance The MLCK-dependent MLC phosphorylation mediates intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction after severe burn injury. It is suggested that MLCK-dependent MLC phosphorylation may be a critical target for the therapeutic treatment of intestinal epithelial barrier disruption after severe burn injury. PMID:22529961

  7. Neuroimmune interaction and the regulation of intestinal immune homeostasis. (United States)

    Verheijden, Simon; Boeckxstaens, Guy E


    Many essential gastrointestinal functions, including motility, secretion, and blood flow, are regulated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS), both through intrinsic enteric neurons and extrinsic (sympathetic and parasympathetic) innervation. Recently identified neuroimmune mechanisms, in particular the interplay between enteric neurons and muscularis macrophages, are now considered to be essential for fine-tuning peristalsis. These findings shed new light on how intestinal immune cells can support enteric nervous function. In addition, both intrinsic and extrinsic neural mechanisms control intestinal immune homeostasis in different layers of the intestine, mainly by affecting macrophage activation through neurotransmitter release. In this mini-review, we discuss recent insights on immunomodulation by intrinsic enteric neurons and extrinsic innervation, with a particular focus on intestinal macrophages. In addition, we discuss the relevance of these novel mechanisms for intestinal immune homeostasis in physiological and pathological conditions, mainly focusing on motility disorders (gastroparesis and postoperative ileus) and inflammatory disorders (colitis).

  8. Functions and Signaling Pathways of Amino Acids in Intestinal Inflammation

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    Fang He


    Full Text Available Intestine is always exposed to external environment and intestinal microorganism; thus it is more sensitive to dysfunction and dysbiosis, leading to intestinal inflammation, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS, and diarrhea. An increasing number of studies indicate that dietary amino acids play significant roles in preventing and treating intestinal inflammation. The review aims to summarize the functions and signaling mechanisms of amino acids in intestinal inflammation. Amino acids, including essential amino acids (EAAs, conditionally essential amino acids (CEAAs, and nonessential amino acids (NEAAs, improve the functions of intestinal barrier and expressions of anti-inflammatory cytokines and tight junction proteins but decrease oxidative stress and the apoptosis of enterocytes as well as the expressions of proinflammatory cytokines in the intestinal inflammation. The functions of amino acids are associated with various signaling pathways, including mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS, calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR, nuclear factor-kappa-B (NF-κB, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK, nuclear erythroid-related factor 2 (Nrf2, general controlled nonrepressed kinase 2 (GCN2, and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2.

  9. Clinical intestinal transplantation: a decade of experience at a single center. (United States)

    Abu-Elmagd, K; Reyes, J; Bond, G; Mazariegos, G; Wu, T; Murase, N; Sindhi, R; Martin, D; Colangelo, J; Zak, M; Janson, D; Ezzelarab, M; Dvorchik, I; Parizhskaya, M; Deutsch, M; Demetris, A; Fung, J; Starzl, T E


    To assess the long-term efficacy of intestinal transplantation under tacrolimus-based immunosuppression and the therapeutic benefit of newly developed adjunct immunosuppressants and management strategies. With the advent of tacrolimus in 1990, transplantation of the intestine began to emerge as therapy for intestinal failure. However, a high risk of rejection, with the consequent need for acute and chronic high-dose immunosuppression, has inhibited its widespread application. During an 11-year period, divided into two segments by a 1-year moratorium in 1994, 155 patients received 165 intestinal allografts under immunosuppression based on tacrolimus and prednisone: 65 intestine alone, 75 liver and intestine, and 25 multivisceral. For the transplantations since the moratorium (n = 99), an adjunct immunosuppressant (cyclophosphamide or daclizumab) was used for 74 transplantations, adjunct donor bone marrow was given in 39, and the intestine of 11 allografts was irradiated with a single dose of 750 cGy. The actuarial survival rate for the total population was 75% at 1 year, 54% at 5 years, and 42% at 10 years. Recipients of liver plus intestine had the best long-term prognosis and the lowest risk of graft loss from rejection (P =.001). Since 1994, survival rates have improved. Techniques for early detection of Epstein-Barr and cytomegaloviral infections, bone marrow augmentation, the adjunct use of the interleukin-2 antagonist daclizumab, and most recently allograft irradiation may have contributed to the better results. The survival rates after intestinal transplantation have cumulatively improved during the past decade. With the management strategies currently under evaluation, intestinal transplant procedures have the potential to become the standard of care for patients with end-stage intestinal failure.

  10. Human organoids: a model system for intestinal diseases


    Wiegerinck, C.L.


    You are what you eat. A common saying that indicates that your physical or mental state can be influenced by your choice of food. Unfortunately, not all people have the luxury to choose what to eat; this can be related to place of birth, social, economic state, or the physical inability of the diseased intestine to take up certain food. A cell layer, the epithelium, covers the intestine, and harbors the main functions of the intestine: uptake, digestion of food, and a barrier against unwanted...

  11. Apple-peel atresia presenting as foetal intestinal obstruction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashok Yadavrao Kshirsagar


    Full Text Available Apple-peel atresia or Type 3 jejuno-ileal atresia (JIA is an uncommon cause of foetal intestinal obstruction. Bowel obstruction in the foetus is diagnosed on the prenatal ultrasonography only in 50% cases. We report a case in which foetal intestinal obstruction was diagnosed on prenatal ultrasonography. The child showed signs of intestinal obstruction on day one after birth, for which an exploratory laparotomy was performed. Type 3 JIA was found for which resection of atretic segments with jejuno-ascending colon anastomosis was preformed.

  12. Ectopic intestinal glands after segmental small bowel irradiation in the cat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rubio, C.A.; Eriksson, B.; Johnsson, L.


    Following segmental irradiation of the small bowel, 5 of 64 cats demonstrated ectopic intestinal glands in the submucosal tissue. In addition, one of these 5 cats had foci of abnormal glands in the muscularis mucosae. In 2 of the 5 animals, cellular polymorphism, nucleolar irregularity and loss of cellular polarity were present in irradiation-induced ectopic intestinal glands. The review of the literature indicates that intestinal irradiation may induce intestinal adenocarcinomas with metastatic growth. The possibility that ectopic intestinal glands are precancerous lesions in the irradiated cat is discussed. (Auth.)

  13. Radiodiagnosis of diseases of the small intestine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Roentgenological image of diseases, development anomalies, various diseases of the small intestine is presented. Roentgenological semiotics of chronic enterocolotis, absorption failure syndrome, Crohn's disease, tuberculosis, abdominal actinomycosis, carcenoid, benign tumors, small intestine cancer, is given. To state final correct diagnosis a complex investigation, comprising angiography, computer tomography and ultrasound diagnosis, is necessary

  14. Childhood malnutrition and the intestinal microbiome. (United States)

    Kane, Anne V; Dinh, Duy M; Ward, Honorine D


    Malnutrition contributes to almost half of all deaths in children under the age of 5 y, particularly those who live in resource-constrained areas. Those who survive frequently suffer from long-term sequelae including growth failure and neurodevelopmental impairment. Malnutrition is part of a vicious cycle of impaired immunity, recurrent infections, and worsening malnutrition. Recently, alterations in the gut microbiome have also been strongly implicated in childhood malnutrition. It has been suggested that malnutrition may delay the normal development of the gut microbiota in early childhood or force it toward an altered composition that lacks the required functions for healthy growth and/or increases the risk for intestinal inflammation. This review addresses our current understanding of the beneficial contributions of gut microbiota to human nutrition (and conversely the potential role of changes in that community to malnutrition), the process of acquiring an intestinal microbiome, potential influences of malnutrition on the developing microbiota, and the evidence directly linking alterations in the intestinal microbiome to childhood malnutrition. We review recent studies on the association between alterations in the intestinal microbiome and early childhood malnutrition and discuss them in the context of implications for intervention or prevention of the devastation caused by malnutrition.

  15. Risks of intestinal helminthiasis in children living in orphanages in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Risks of intestinal helminthiasis in children living in orphanages in Benin city, Nigeria. ... of intestinal helminthiasis (p = 0.016). Conclusion: Behavioural modification, good personal hygiene and provision of towels for each child living in the orphanage should be integral part of intestinal helminths control in orphanages.

  16. Use of Fluorescein Isothiocyanate-Inulin as a Marker for Intestinal Ischemic Injury. (United States)

    AlKukhun, Abedalrazaq; Caturegli, Giorgio; Munoz-Abraham, Armando Salim; Judeeba, Sami; Patron-Lozano, Roger; Morotti, Raffaella; Rodriguez-Davalos, Manuel I; Geibel, John P


    Intestinal ischemia is observed in conditions such as mesenteric ischemia, or during traumatic events such as intestinal transplantation. Intestinal ischemia leads to pathophysiologic disruptions that present as increased fluid secretion into the intestinal lumen. We propose a novel method to detect real-time ischemic injury that is used in an in vitro model applicable to intestinal transplantation. Small intestine segments from rats were procured. The segments were attached to customized perfusion chambers. Both intestines were perfused on the vascular side with a Ringer buffer solution. The experimental buffer solution was bubbled with 100% nitrogen to mimic ischemia. Both lumens were perfused with 3 mL HEPES-Ringer solution containing 50 μM fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-inulin. Intraluminal samples were collected at 15-minute intervals to measure FITC-inulin concentration using a nanofluorospectrophotometer. Intestinal tissue samples were processed and evaluated by a blinded pathologist using the Park/Chiu scoring system for grading intestinal ischemia. Samples collected from the ischemic intestine showed a significant decrease in FITC-inulin fluorescence compared with the control intestine, indicating enhanced fluid secretion. Histopathologic samples from the experimental arm exhibited higher scores of ischemic injury in comparison with the control arm, confirming the FITC-inulin as a correlation to ischemia. Fluorescein isothiocyanate-inulin can be used as a real-time volume marker to monitor the ischemic state of intestinal tissue. A positive correlation between the degree of fluid shift and presence of ischemic injury. The changes in fluorescence signal provide a potential selective method to measure real-time fluid changes inside an intestinal graft to evaluate viability. Copyright © 2016 American College of Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Radiodiagnosis of early radiation intestinal changes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Volodina, G.I.; Abdulkhakova, D.A.


    X-ray examination of the colon in 102 patients and of the small intestine in 62 was performed during combined radiation therapy of cervical cancer and at different time after its discontinuation. Early radiation functional and morphological changes in the ileum and colon were detected. Radiation changes in the ileac mucosa were noted in 52% of the patients, changes of various degree in the rectal, sigmoid and cecal mucosa were noted in 41.2%. Moderate radiation changes in the ascending, descending and horizontal parts of the colon were noted in 10.7%. Early radiation intestinal injuries in the form of erosions and ulcers were revealed in 5.8% of the patients. In most of the patients radiation intestinal changes were without noticeable clinical manifestations. All these patients could be defined as a group at risk of developing late radiation changes

  18. Um possível mecanismo de ação para o efeito anticonvulsivante do p-cimeno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Talita Mendes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito anticonvulsivante do p-cimeno (CIM, bem como verificar a concentração das monoaminas (dopamina (DA, noradrenalina (NA, serotonina (5-HT, e seus metabólitos (ácido dihidroxifenilacético (DOPAC, ácido homovanílico (HVA e ácido 5-hidroxi-indol-acético (5- HIAA no hipocampo de camundongos tratados com cloridrato de pilocarpina 400 mg/kg (P400; i.p. e nos grupos tratados com a associação de CIM (50, 100 ou 150 mg/kg e P400. Nesse estudo foi avaliada a latência para a primeira crise epiléptica e a taxa de mortalidade. Os resultados revelaram que o CIM produziu um aumento na latência para primeira crise epilética, bem como promoveu uma proteção significativa contra a mortalidade induzida pelo processo convulsivo. O monoterpeno nas doses testadas também foi capaz de produzir um aumento da latência para instalação do estado de mal epilético induzido por pilocarpina. Além disso, durante os estudos para identificar o mecanismo de ação nenhum dos efeitos do p-cimeno nesse modelo foram bloqueados pelo pré-tratamento com atropina. Complementando os estudos para identificar o provável mecanismo de ação do p-cimeno, foi verificado que os efeitos desse monorterpeno foram revertidos pelo flumazenil, um antagonista do sistema GABAérgico, sugerindo que esse monoterpeno pode atuar por meio desse sistema. Também, em nossos resultados também foi visto uma diminuição dos níveis de DA e um aumento do conteúdo de seus metabólitos (DOPAC e HVA durante as crises epilépticas. Por outro lado foi detectado um aumento na concentração de NA e 5-HT, e uma diminuição no metabólito da 5-HT (5- HIAA durante as crises epilépticas. Dessa forma, o CIM na presença do estímulo convulsivo, reverte os efeitos produzidos nos níveis das monoaminas e seus metabólitos observados durante as crises epilépticas, sugerindo que este monoterpeno produz efeito anticonvulsivante por meio da

  19. Intestinal metabolism of PAH: in vitro demonstration and study of its impact on PAH transfer through the intestinal epithelium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cavret, Severine; Feidt, Cyril


    Food would seem to be one of the main ways of animal and human contamination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In vivo studies suggest a transfer in intestinal epithelium by diffusion, which appears extensively governed by the physicochemical properties of PAHs, particularly lipophilicity. However, other mechanisms, such as metabolism, are considered to intervene. Our work aimed at testing in vitro intestinal metabolism and defining its impact on transepithelial transport of PAHs. Caco-2 cells were cultivated on permeable filters and incubated with 14 C-labeled benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), pyrene (Pyr), and phenanthrene (Phe), which differ in their physicochemical properties. The results showed that the cells were able to metabolize the compounds. In basal media, Phe appeared to be the least hydroxylated molecule (45% after a 6-h exposure), followed by Pyr (65%) and finally BaP (96%). Inhibition of PAH metabolism showed a determinant effect on kinetics profiles. Transfer in the basal compartment of BaP, Pyr, and Phe radioactivities was, respectively, 26, 4, and 2 times lower with inhibitors, corroborating that intestinal metabolism of PAHs would have a positive impact on their transfer, an impact that increased with their lipophilicity. Furthermore, after a 6-h incubation, metabolites were also detected in apical medium. These findings suggested that intestinal metabolism might play a key role in intestinal barrier permeability and thus in the bioavailability of tested micropollutants


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    Maria do Carmo Friche PASSOS


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT BACKGROUND In recent years, especially after the development of sophisticated metagenomic studies, research on the intestinal microbiota has increased, radically transforming our knowledge about the microbiome and its association with health maintenance and disease development in humans. Increasing evidence has shown that a permanent alteration in microbiota composition or function (dysbiosis can alter immune responses, metabolism, intestinal permeability, and digestive motility, thereby promoting a proinflammatory state. Such alterations can mainly impair the host’s immune and metabolic functions, thus favoring the onset of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, digestive, neurological, autoimmune, and neoplastic diseases. This comprehensive review is a compilation of the available literature on the formation of the complex intestinal ecosystem and its impact on the incidence of diseases such as obesity, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, and digestive neoplasms. CONCLUSION: Alterations in the composition and function of the gastrointestinal microbiota (dysbiosis have a direct impact on human health and seem to have an important role in the pathogenesis of several gastrointestinal diseases, whether inflammatory, metabolic, or neoplastic ones.

  1. Intestinal barrier: A gentlemen's agreement between microbiota and immunity. (United States)

    Caricilli, Andrea Moro; Castoldi, Angela; Câmara, Niels Olsen Saraiva


    Our body is colonized by more than a hundred trillion commensals, represented by viruses, bacteria and fungi. This complex interaction has shown that the microbiome system contributes to the host's adaptation to its environment, providing genes and functionality that give flexibility of diet and modulate the immune system in order not to reject these symbionts. In the intestine, specifically, the microbiota helps developing organ structures, participates of the metabolism of nutrients and induces immunity. Certain components of the microbiota have been shown to trigger inflammatory responses, whereas others, anti-inflammatory responses. The diversity and the composition of the microbiota, thus, play a key role in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis and explain partially the link between intestinal microbiota changes and gut-related disorders in humans. Tight junction proteins are key molecules for determination of the paracellular permeability. In the context of intestinal inflammatory diseases, the intestinal barrier is compromised, and decreased expression and differential distribution of tight junction proteins is observed. It is still unclear what is the nature of the luminal or mucosal factors that affect the tight junction proteins function, but the modulation of the immune cells found in the intestinal lamina propria is hypothesized as having a role in this modulation. In this review, we provide an overview of the current understanding of the interaction of the gut microbiota with the immune system in the development and maintenance of the intestinal barrier.

  2. Epithelial Cell Inflammasomes in Intestinal Immunity and Inflammation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea C. Lei-Leston


    Full Text Available Pattern recognition receptors (PRR, such as NOD-like receptors (NLRs, sense conserved microbial signatures, and host danger signals leading to the coordination of appropriate immune responses. Upon activation, a subset of NLR initiate the assembly of a multimeric protein complex known as the inflammasome, which processes pro-inflammatory cytokines and mediates a specialized form of cell death known as pyroptosis. The identification of inflammasome-associated genes as inflammatory bowel disease susceptibility genes implicates a role for the inflammasome in intestinal inflammation. Despite the fact that the functional importance of inflammasomes within immune cells has been well established, the contribution of inflammasome expression in non-hematopoietic cells remains comparatively understudied. Given that intestinal epithelial cells (IEC act as a barrier between the host and the intestinal microbiota, inflammasome expression by these cells is likely important for intestinal immune homeostasis. Accumulating evidence suggests that the inflammasome plays a key role in shaping epithelial responses at the host–lumen interface with many inflammasome components highly expressed by IEC. Recent studies have exposed functional roles of IEC inflammasomes in mucosal immune defense, inflammation, and tumorigenesis. In this review, we present the main features of the predominant inflammasomes and their effector mechanisms contributing to intestinal homeostasis and inflammation. We also discuss existing controversies in the field and open questions related to their implications in disease. A comprehensive understanding of the molecular basis of intestinal inflammasome signaling could hold therapeutic potential for clinical translation.

  3. The usefulness of MDCT in acute intestinal bleeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kum Rae; Park, Won Kyu; Kim, Jae Woon; Chang, Jay Chun; Jang, Han Won


    We wanted to evaluate the usefulness of MDCT for localizing a bleeding site and for helping make a decision on further management for acute intestinal bleeding. We conducted a retrospective review of 17 consecutive patients who presented with acute intestinal bleeding and who also underwent MDCT before angiography or surgery. The sensitivity of MDCT for detecting acute intestinal bleeding was assessed and compared with that of conventional angiography. The sensitivity of MDCT for the detection of acute intestinal bleeding was 77% (13 or 17), whereas that of angiography was 46% (6 or 13). All the bleeding points that were subsequently detected on angiography were visualized on MDCT. In three cases, the bleeding focus was detected on MDCT and not on angiography. In four cases, both MDCT and angiography did not detect the bleeding focus; for one of these cases, CT during SMA angiography was performed and this detected the active bleeding site. In patients with acute intestinal bleeding, MDCT is a useful image modality to detect the bleeding site and to help decide on further management before performing angiography or surgery. When tumorous lesions are detected, invasive angiography can be omitted

  4. Human Intestinal Spirochaetosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Westerman, L.J.


    Human intestinal spirochaetosis is a condition of the colon that is characterized by the presence of spirochaetes attached to the mucosal cells of the colon. These spirochaetes belong to the family Brachyspiraceae and two species are known to occur in humans: Brachyspira aalborgi and Brachyspira

  5. Small intestinal motility

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smout, André J. P. M.


    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In the past year, many studies were published in which new and relevant information on small intestinal motility in humans and laboratory animals was obtained. RECENT FINDINGS: Although the reported findings are heterogeneous, some themes appear to be particularly interesting and

  6. Sonographic diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in the dog. (United States)

    Manczur, F; Vörös, K; Vrabély, T; Wladár, S; Németh, T; Fenyves, B


    Ultrasonography was performed on 44 dogs to decide whether small bowel obstruction was present. The sonographic criteria for small bowel obstruction were (1) the presence of pendulous movement of the ingesta inside the dilated bowel, (2) observation of invaginated intestines or an ingested intraluminal foreign body, (3) observation of non-uniform peristaltic activity of the dilated intestines, or (4) observation of akinetic intestinal loops together with abdominal fluid accumulation. By using these criteria, obstruction was correctly diagnosed by ultrasonography in 11 of the 13 dogs with mechanical ileus, and obstruction was correctly excluded in 29 of the 31 non-obstructive cases. Thus, the above-mentioned sonographic criteria had 85% sensitivity and positive predictive value, and 94% specificity and negative predictive value. The present study suggests that ultrasonography is a valuable tool for diagnosing small intestinal obstruction in the dog.

  7. Intestinal lymphangiectasia in children. A favorable response to dietary modifications. (United States)

    Isa, Hasan M; Al-Arayedh, Ghadeer G; Mohamed, Afaf M


    Intestinal lymphangiectasia (IL) is a rare disease characterized by dilatation of intestinal lymphatics. It can be classified as primary or secondary according to the underlying etiology. The clinical presentations of IL are pitting edema, chylous ascites, pleural effusion, acute appendicitis, diarrhea, lymphocytopenia, malabsorption, and intestinal obstruction. The diagnosis is made by intestinal endoscopy and biopsies. Dietary modification is the mainstay in the management of IL with a variable response. Here we report 2 patients with IL in Bahrain who showed positive response to dietary modification.

  8. Comparison of Surgically Treated Large Versus Small Intestinal Volvulus (2009-2014). (United States)

    Davis, Elizabeth; Townsend, Forrest I; Bennett, Julie W; Takacs, Joel; Bloch, Christopher P


    The purpose of this retrospective study was to compare the outcome for dogs with surgically treated large versus small intestinal volvulus between October 2009 and February 2014. A total of 15 dogs met the inclusion criteria and underwent an abdominal exploratory. Nine dogs were diagnosed with large intestinal volvulus during the study period, and all nine had surgical correction for large intestinal volvulus. All dogs were discharged from the hospital. Of the seven dogs available for phone follow-up (74 to 955 days postoperatively), all seven were alive and doing well. Six dogs were diagnosed with small intestinal volvulus during the study period. One of the six survived to hospital discharge. Three of the six were euthanized at the time of surgery due to an extensive amount of necrotic bowel. Of the three who were not, one died postoperatively the same day, one died 3 days later, and one dog survived for greater than 730 days. Results concluded that the outcome in dogs with surgically corrected large intestinal volvulus is excellent, compared with a poor outcome in dogs with small intestinal volvulus. The overall survival to discharge for large intestinal volvulus was 100%, versus 16% for small intestinal volvulus.

  9. Aspectos relacionados à ocorrência e mecanismo de ação de fumonisinas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pozzi Claudia Rodrigues


    Full Text Available As fumonisinas são micotoxinas produzidas por fungos do gênero Fusarium, um dos principais fitopatógenos de grãos de milho. Isoladas em 1988, a partir de amostras de milho mofado proveniente de região com alta incidência de câncer do esôfago na África, foram relacionadas à ocorrência de leucoencefalomalácia eqüina e hidrotórax e edema pulmonar suíno, e outras patologias animais. A presente revisão aborda aspectos da ocorrência natural das fumonisinas em grãos de milho, características físico-química das moléculas e efeitos toxicológicos em eqüinos, suínos, aves e bovinos, além do provável mecanismo de ação das micotoxinas.

  10. Intestinal Microbiota Containing Barnesiella Species Cures Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium Colonization (United States)

    Bucci, Vanni; Caballero, Silvia; Djukovic, Ana; Toussaint, Nora C.; Equinda, Michele; Lipuma, Lauren; Ling, Lilan; Gobourne, Asia; No, Daniel; Taur, Ying; Jenq, Robert R.; van den Brink, Marcel R. M.; Xavier, Joao B.


    Bacteria causing infections in hospitalized patients are increasingly antibiotic resistant. Classical infection control practices are only partially effective at preventing spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria within hospitals. Because the density of intestinal colonization by the highly antibiotic-resistant bacterium vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) can exceed 109 organisms per gram of feces, even optimally implemented hygiene protocols often fail. Decreasing the density of intestinal colonization, therefore, represents an important approach to limit VRE transmission. We demonstrate that reintroduction of a diverse intestinal microbiota to densely VRE-colonized mice eliminates VRE from the intestinal tract. While oxygen-tolerant members of the microbiota are ineffective at eliminating VRE, administration of obligate anaerobic commensal bacteria to mice results in a billionfold reduction in the density of intestinal VRE colonization. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of intestinal bacterial populations isolated from mice that cleared VRE following microbiota reconstitution revealed that recolonization with a microbiota that contains Barnesiella correlates with VRE elimination. Characterization of the fecal microbiota of patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation demonstrated that intestinal colonization with Barnesiella confers resistance to intestinal domination and bloodstream infection with VRE. Our studies indicate that obligate anaerobic bacteria belonging to the Barnesiella genus enable clearance of intestinal VRE colonization and may provide novel approaches to prevent the spread of highly antibiotic-resistant bacteria. PMID:23319552

  11. Intestinal infarction: A complication of endovascular therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    England, Andrew; Butterfield, John S.; Sukumar, Sathi; Thompson, David; Roulson, Jo-An; Pritchard, Susan; Ashleigh, Raymond J.


    This report presents a rare case of intestinal infarction following endovascular therapy. A female patient who had undergone an internal carotid artery stenting procedure presented suddenly with abdominal pain. Radiological and clinical examinations at the time suggested a picture of intestinal ischaemia, in view of the patient's general conditions and co-existing morbidities surgical intervention was not considered to be an option. The patient died 4 days after the carotid stenting procedure, post-mortem examination revealed infarction of the ileum and caecum. The learning outcomes are if performing endovascular therapy in a patient with diffuse atherosclerotic disease early consideration of intestinal ischaemia should be given to any patient who presents with acute post-procedural abdominal pain

  12. Intestinal infarction: A complication of endovascular therapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    England, Andrew [Department of Radiology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom)]. E-mail:; Butterfield, John S. [Department of Radiology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom); Sukumar, Sathi [Department of Radiology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom); Thompson, David [Department of Radiology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom); Roulson, Jo-An [Department of Histopathology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom); Pritchard, Susan [Department of Histopathology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom); Ashleigh, Raymond J. [Department of Radiology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom)


    This report presents a rare case of intestinal infarction following endovascular therapy. A female patient who had undergone an internal carotid artery stenting procedure presented suddenly with abdominal pain. Radiological and clinical examinations at the time suggested a picture of intestinal ischaemia, in view of the patient's general conditions and co-existing morbidities surgical intervention was not considered to be an option. The patient died 4 days after the carotid stenting procedure, post-mortem examination revealed infarction of the ileum and caecum. The learning outcomes are if performing endovascular therapy in a patient with diffuse atherosclerotic disease early consideration of intestinal ischaemia should be given to any patient who presents with acute post-procedural abdominal pain.

  13. Myosin light chain kinase mediates intestinal barrier disruption following burn injury.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chuanli Chen

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Severe burn injury results in the loss of intestinal barrier function, however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Myosin light chain (MLC phosphorylation mediated by MLC kinase (MLCK is critical to the pathophysiological regulation of intestinal barrier function. We hypothesized that the MLCK-dependent MLC phosphorylation mediates the regulation of intestinal barrier function following burn injury, and that MLCK inhibition attenuates the burn-induced intestinal barrier disfunction. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Male balb/c mice were assigned randomly to either sham burn (control or 30% total body surface area (TBSA full thickness burn without or with intraperitoneal injection of ML-9 (2 mg/kg, an MLCK inhibitor. In vivo intestinal permeability to fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC-dextran was measured. Intestinal mucosa injury was assessed histologically. Tight junction proteins ZO-1, occludin and claudin-1 was analyzed by immunofluorescent assay. Expression of MLCK and phosphorylated MLC in ileal mucosa was assessed by Western blot. Intestinal permeability was increased significantly after burn injury, which was accompanied by mucosa injury, tight junction protein alterations, and increase of both MLCK and MLC phosphorylation. Treatment with ML-9 attenuated the burn-caused increase of intestinal permeability, mucosa injury, tight junction protein alterations, and decreased MLC phosphorylation, but not MLCK expression. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The MLCK-dependent MLC phosphorylation mediates intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction after severe burn injury. It is suggested that MLCK-dependent MLC phosphorylation may be a critical target for the therapeutic treatment of intestinal epithelial barrier disruption after severe burn injury.

  14. Extensive intestinal spirochaetosis in pigs challenged with Brachyspira pilosicoli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Tim Kåre; Boye, Mette; Møller, Kristian


    of the study). Mild mucosal reddening and flecks of pus characterized the gross lesions, while diffuse, catarrhal colitis was revealed microscopically in all animals. Intestinal spirochaetosis with moderate to densely packed end-attached B. pilosicoli organisms was revealed extensively on the mucosal surface...... of the large intestines by light microscopy and fluorescent in situ hybridization. This study is the first to report extensive intestinal spirochaetosis in pigs challenged with B. pilosicoli....

  15. Microbiota intestinal en la enfermedad renal crónica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Secundino Cigarran Guldris


    En este artículo se revisan la situación de la microflora intestinal en la ERC, la alteración de la barrera intestinal y sus consecuencias clínicas, los efectos deletéreos de las toxinas urémicas derivadas de la microflora intestinal, así como las posibles opciones terapéuticas para mejorar esta disbiosis y reducir las complicaciones de la ERC.

  16. Curcumin Attenuates Gamma Radiation Induced Intestinal Damage in Rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    EI-Tahawy, N.A.


    Small Intestine exhibits numerous morphological and functional alterations during radiation exposure. Oxidative stress, a factor implicated in the intestinal injury may contribute towards some of these alterations. The present work was designed to evaluate the efficacy of curcumin, a yellow pigment of turmeric on y-radiation-induced oxidative damage in the small intestine by measuring alterations in the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TSARS), serotonin metabolism, catecholamine levels, and monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in parallel to changes in the architecture of intestinal tissues. In addition, monoamine level, MAO activity and TSARS level were determined in the serum. Curcumin was supplemented orally via gavages, to rats at a dose of (45 mg/ Kg body wt/ day) for 2 weeks pre-irradiation and the last supplementation was 30 min pre exposure to 6.5 Gy gamma radiations (applied as one shot dose). Animals were sacrificed on the 7th day after irradiation. The results demonstrated that, whole body exposure of rats to ionizing radiation has induced oxidative damage in small intestine obvious by significant increases of TSARS content, MAO activity and 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid (5-HIAA) and by significant decreases of serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) levels. In parallel histopathological studies of the small intestine of irradiated rats through light microscopic showed significant decrease in the number of villi, villus height, mixed sub mucosa layer with more fibres and fibroblasts. Intestinal damage was in parallel to significant alterations of serum MAO activity, TBARS, 5-HT, DA, NE and EPI levels. Administration of curcumin before irradiation has significantly improved the levels of monoamines in small intestine and serum of irradiated rats, which was associated with significant amelioration in MAO activity and TBARS contents

  17. Mucus reduction promotes acetyl salicylic acid-induced small intestinal mucosal injury in rats. (United States)

    Suyama, Yosuke; Handa, Osamu; Naito, Yuji; Takayama, Shun; Mukai, Rieko; Ushiroda, Chihiro; Majima, Atsushi; Yasuda-Onozawa, Yuriko; Higashimura, Yasuki; Fukui, Akifumi; Dohi, Osamu; Okayama, Tetsuya; Yoshida, Naohisa; Katada, Kazuhiro; Kamada, Kazuhiro; Uchiyama, Kazuhiko; Ishikawa, Takeshi; Takagi, Tomohisa; Konishi, Hideyuki; Itoh, Yoshito


    Acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) is a useful drug for the secondary prevention of cerebro-cardiovascular diseases, but it has adverse effects on the small intestinal mucosa. The pathogenesis and prophylaxis of ASA-induced small intestinal injury remain unclear. In this study, we focused on the intestinal mucus, as the gastrointestinal tract is covered by mucus, which exhibits protective effects against various gastrointestinal diseases. ASA was injected into the duodenum of rats, and small intestinal mucosal injury was evaluated using Evans blue dye. To investigate the importance of mucus, Polysorbate 80 (P80), an emulsifier, was used before ASA injection. In addition, rebamipide, a mucus secretion inducer in the small intestine, was used to suppress mucus reduction in the small intestine of P80-administered rats. The addition of P80 reduced the mucus and exacerbated the ASA-induced small intestinal mucosal injury. Rebamipide significantly suppressed P80-reduced small intestinal mucus and P80-increased intestinal mucosal lesions in ASA-injected rats, demonstrating that mucus is important for the protection against ASA-induced small intestinal mucosal injury. These results provide new insight into the mechanism of ASA-induced small intestinal mucosal injury. Mucus secretion-increasing therapy might be useful in preventing ASA-induced small intestinal mucosal injury. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Wnt, stem cells and cancer in the intestine.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pinto, D.; Clevers, J.C.


    The intestinal epithelium is a self-renewing tissue which represents a unique model for studying interconnected cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, cell migration and carcinogenesis. Although the stem cells of the intestine have not yet been physically characterized or

  19. Models of antimicrobial pressure on intestinal bacteria of the treated host populations. (United States)

    Volkova, V V; Cazer, C L; Gröhn, Y T


    Antimicrobial drugs are used to treat pathogenic bacterial infections in animals and humans. The by-stander enteric bacteria of the treated host's intestine can become exposed to the drug or its metabolites reaching the intestine in antimicrobially active form. We consider which processes and variables need to be accounted for to project the antimicrobial concentrations in the host's intestine. Those include: the drug's fraction (inclusive of any active metabolites) excreted in bile; the drug's fractions and intestinal segments of excretion via other mechanisms; the rates and intestinal segments of the drug's absorption and re-absorption; the rates and intestinal segments of the drug's abiotic and biotic degradation in the intestine; the digesta passage time through the intestinal segments; the rates, mechanisms, and reversibility of the drug's sorption to the digesta and enteric microbiome; and the volume of luminal contents in the intestinal segments. For certain antimicrobials, the antimicrobial activity can further depend on the aeration and chemical conditions in the intestine. Model forms that incorporate the inter-individual variation in those relevant variables can support projections of the intestinal antimicrobial concentrations in populations of treated host, such as food animals. To illustrate the proposed modeling framework, we develop two examples of treatments of bovine respiratory disease in beef steers by oral chlortetracycline and injectable third-generation cephalosporin ceftiofur. The host's diet influences the digesta passage time, volume, and digesta and microbiome composition, and may influence the antimicrobial loss due to degradation and sorption in the intestine. We consider two diet compositions in the illustrative simulations. The examples highlight the extent of current ignorance and need for empirical data on the variables influencing the selective pressures imposed by antimicrobial treatments on the host's intestinal bacteria.



    Haricharan; Murali Krishna; Koti Reddy; Nara Hari


    INTRODUCTION: Adhesive intestinal obstruction is an inevitable complication of abdominal surgeries. It has high morbidity with associated poor quality of life and predisposition to repeated hospitalization. Commonest cause of bowel obstruction in developed countries is postoperative adhesions with extrinsic compression of the intestine. Most of them can be managed conservatively. METHODS: A retrospective study of 30 patients admit...