
Sample records for interv pullerits priit

  1. Mäng meediaga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ajakirjanduse ja ettevõtete vahelistest suhetest maine kujundamises. Art. allikaks on Peter Vanderwickeni 2005. aasta jaanuaris Harvard Business Review's ilmunud lugu "Why the news is not the truth". Kommenteerivad Priit Pullerits ja Neeme Raud

  2. Kursi koolkond näitab oma töid biennaaliaegses Veneetsias / Priit Pangsepp ; interv. Tiina Sarv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pangsepp, Priit


    Viljandi kunstniku Priit Pangsepaga Kursi koolkonna 20. aastapäeva tähistavast kunstinäitusest Galleria d'Arte III Millennios Veneetsias. Maale näitavad Priit Pangsepp, Ilmar Kruusamäe, Peeter Allik, Albert Gulk ja Priit Pajos. Näitus ei esinda biennaaliaegses Veneetsias Eestit vaid Kursi koolkonda

  3. Multifilmionu on tehtuga rahul / Priit Pärn ; interv. Rünno Saaremäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärn, Priit, 1946-


    Priit Pärn eesti animafilmi olukorrast, oma tööst, 2. nov. Rakvere Keslinna galeriis avatud isikunäitusest "Pärna maailm" (30. novembrini näidatakse Rakveres Virma Dragon House'is iga päev kell 16 tema animafilme). Ottawa filmifestivalil anti Priit Pärnale ASIFA Special Award elutöö eest

  4. Millise tuleviku You Tube meile toob? / Peeter Marvet ; interv. Pullerits, Priit

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Marvet, Peeter, 1970-


    Tehnokratina tuntud Peeter Marvet, uue meedia juhtiv asjatundja Eestis, on viimastel aastatel jälginud noorte ja internetiga toimuvat kogu maailmas, mistõttu Postimees palus tema hinnangut, milline võiks olla veebi roll Soome koolimõrvades

  5. Sõltumatud kodanikud otsustavad superriigi juhi saatuse / Christopher Kukk ; interv. Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kukk, Christopher


    Eesti päritolu Lääne-Connecticuti politoloogiaprofessor vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad USA presidendivalimisi ja presidendikandidaatide Barack Obama ja John McCaini võimalusi. Vt. samas: Kes on Christopher Kukk?

  6. Joakim Helenius ajab Eestis juuri laiali / Joakim Helenius ; interv. Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helenius, Joakim, 1957-


    Ida-Euroopa suurima kodu- ja aianduskeskuse Eestisse rajanud Trigon Gardeningi juht Joakim Helenius peab aiandust kõige kiiremini arenevaks äriks maailmas. Kommenteerib Martsinson Trigon Venture Partnersi juhataja Allan Martinson. Lisa: Joakin Helenius (48).

  7. Priit Pärna joonisfilmid / Grete Nootre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nootre, Grete


    Eesti Joonisfilm laskis välja neli videokassetti eesti joonisfilmidega : kaks Priit Pärna viimaste töödega ning kaks tema noorte kolleegide Priit Tenderi, Kaspar Jancise ja Ülo Pikkovi loominguga. Toodud ära ka kirjastuse "Tachen" käsiraamatu "Animation Now!" hinnang Priit Pärnale

  8. Eksootikat suusatajaile / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Worldloppeti sõitude koordinaatori ametit pidav Epp Paal uudistas sarja ihkavaid suusamaratone Kangaroo Hoppetit Austraalias Falls Creekis ja Merino Musteri maratoni Uus-Meremaal. Tabel: Uued eksootilised suusamaratonid Worldloppeti sarjas

  9. Frakiga dirigendist värske road-movie peategelaseks / Artur Talvik, Priit Valkna ; interv. Mihkel Niglas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talvik, Artur, 1964-


    Dokumentaalfilm "Vastutuulesaal" Tõnu Kaljuste poolt Naissaarele Nargen Opera saali ehitamisest. Produtsent ja idee autor Artur Talvik, režissöör Priit Valkna räägivad filmi saamisloost. Lisaks "Teised Tõnu Kaljustest" : Arvo Aun ja Allan Vurma

  10. Sõjareporter peab ajakirjanduse objektiivsust kättesaamatuks / Allan Little ; interv. Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Little, Allan


    Briti telekompanii BBC staazhikas väliskorrespondent vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad BBC saadete objektiivsust, telekompanii vasakliberaalseid hoiakuid, BBC suhtumist Iisraeli-Palestiina konflikti ning keerukate välispoliitiliste teemade kajastamist. Lisa: Allan Little

  11. Eesti mehed panid maja rääkima / Raivo Raestik, Priit Vimberg ; interv. Einar Ellermaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raestik, Raivo


    Firma Yoga Intelligence poolt välja töötatud kinnisvara haldussüsteemi lahendusest, kus majade kütet, ventilatsiooni, mõõdikute kauglugemist, elektri-, turva- ja läbipääsusüsteeme juhitakse ühe süsteemiga. Küsimustele vastavad Raivo Raestik ja Priit Vimberg

  12. Projekt EDI / Priit Põdra

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põdra, Priit, 1963-


    Projekt EDI töötab välja programmisüsteemi rahvusvaheliste kaubavedude korraldamiseks, dokumentide vormistamiseks ja firmade arvutiprogrammide koostöö korraldamiseks. Projekti tutvustab AS-i EDI VEKTOR juhatuse esimees Priit Põdra

  13. Endise USA vastuluuraja naasmine / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    USA poliitikateaduste professorist Christopher L. Kukest, kes käesoleval õppeaastal töötab Fulbright Scholar programmi stipendiaadina Tartu Ülikoolis. Lisa: CV. Kommenteerib Tartu Ülikooli riigiteaduste instituudi doktorant Mihkel Solvak

  14. Filmikunst saab igamehe bisniseks / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Eesti Aasta Film '99 tiitli saanud 26-aastase Marko Raadi "Esteetilistel põhjustel" näitab suundumust, et väga väikeste rahadega võivad andekad inimesed teha häid filme, mis konkureerivad suure eelarvega linateostega

  15. Las fun'il tulla / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Taliolümpiamängudel pole murdmaasuusatamine enam ammuilmma A ja O. Autori arvates peavad Eesti riigi-, olümpia- ja spordijuhid kiiremas korras hakkama mõtlema, kuidas arendada meil nn uusi talialasid, nagu lumelauasõitu ja vigursuusatamist

  16. Priit Pärn ja tema kool olid võidukad

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Joonisfilmi "Karl ja Marilyn" : stsenarist, režissöör, kunstnik, värvikunstnik ja monteerija Priit Pärn ja Kaspar Jancise "Weitzenbergi tänav" võitsid Inglismaal Norwichis rahvusvahelisel animafilmide festivalil vastavalt esikoha rahvusvahelises ja diplomi tudengifilmide kategoorias. Ottawa tudengifilmide festivalil sai parima animatsioonikooli tiitli Priit Pärna juhitud Turu Kunstiakadeemia animatsiooniosakond

  17. Priit Pärna vanad hitid jõuavad taastatuna kinno / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Priit Pärna kuus joonisfilmi on digitaalselt taastatud Nkufilmi stuudios Saksa TrickWILK tehnikaga (restauraator Tõnu Talivee) ja heli osas Ants Andrease juhtimisel firmas Film Audio. Sõpruse kinos toimub eriseanss "Priit Pärn revisited" lühifilmide festivali raames 29. augustil

  18. Ülemiste kaubanduskeskus = Ülemiste shopping center / Priit Põldme ; kommenteerinud Linda Madalik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põldme, Priit, 1971-


    Ülemiste kaubanduskeskus Tallinnas Suur-Sõjamäe 4. Sisekujunduse autorid Priit Põldme, Reet Sepp (sisearhitektuuribüroo Joonprojekt); arhitektid Einar Aakeroy (AMB Arkitekter), Lauri Laisaar, Ingel Sirkel-Suviste, Jaanika Oks, Katrin Kõlu (Novarc Group AS). Lühidalt Priit Põldmest ja Reet Sepast

  19. USA Balti-spetsialist maandus Eestisse / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    USA välispoliitika ekspert Paul Goble kavatseb Tartus elades tõmmata oma artiklitega ameeriklaste ja eurooplaste tähelepanu Tartule kui aknale Euraasiasse. Lisa: Välispoliitika ekspert Paul A. Goble

  20. USA ajakirjanikud mustavad Eesti ravimiuuringuid / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Ajakirjas Vanity Fair ilmunud Donald L. Barlett'i ja James B. Steele artiklist "Tapjad ravimid", milles väidetakse, et suured farmaatsiafirmad teevad Tartus inimeste peal ravimikatseid, saades tulemusi, mis firmasid rahuldab, kuna uuringute järelevalve on väidetavalt puudulik. Ravimiameti peadirektori asetäitja Alar Irs ei nõustu väidetega. Diagramm

  1. Priit Tenderi film sai Dresdenis auhinna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Dresdeni 14. filmifestivali animafilmide kategoorias sai teise preemia Priit Tenderi joonisfilm "Mont Blanc". Peapreemia sai saksa režissööri Jonathan Hodgsoni film "Camouflage". Kolmas oli PÖFFi peaauhinna saanud Stepan Birjukovi "Sossedi". Osales ka Nukufilmis diplomitööna valminud Jelena Girlini "Guff"

  2. Shmigun shokeeris positiivse dopinguprooviga / Andrus Nilk, Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nilk, Andrus, 1962-


    Eesti olümpiamedalilootuse organismis ületas anaboolse toimega hormooni 19-norandrosteroni tase lubatud piiri. Vt. ka art. Spordijuhid loodavad kiiret B-proovi analüüsi. Skeem: Kristina Shmiguni suusatajakarjääri silmapaistvamad saavutused

  3. Priit Põldme podnimajet reiting / Ell-Maaja Randküla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randküla, Ell-Maaja, 1939-2016


    28. X 2004. a. Eesti Sisearhitektide Liidu esimeheks valitud Priit Põldmest ja tema loomingust. P. Põldme eesti sisearhitektuuri maine tõusust Eestis, minimalismist kodukujunduses, ESL-i tulevikuplaanidest jm. 4 ill

  4. Precise integration of inducible transcriptional elements (PrIITE) enables absolute control of gene expression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pinto, Rita; Hansen, Lars; Hintze, John


    to be a limitation. Here, we report that the combined use of genome editing tools and last generation Tet-On systems can resolve these issues. Our principle is based on precise integration of inducible transcriptional elements (coined PrIITE) targeted to: (i) exons of an endogenous gene of interest (GOI) and (ii......Tetracycline-based inducible systems provide powerful methods for functional studies where gene expression can be controlled. However, the lack of tight control of the inducible system, leading to leakiness and adverse effects caused by undesirable tetracycline dosage requirements, has proven......) a safe harbor locus. Using PrIITE cells harboring a GFP reporter or CDX2 transcription factor, we demonstrate discrete inducibility of gene expression with complete abrogation of leakiness. CDX2 PrIITE cells generated by this approach uncovered novel CDX2 downstream effector genes. Our results provide...

  5. Büroo Ignite = Ignite office / Priit Põldme, Reet Sepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põldme, Priit, 1971-


    Büroo Ignite (Tatari 25, Tallinn) sisekujundusest. Sisearhitektid Priit Põldme ja Reet Sepp (SAB Joonprojekt). Arhitektid Heiki Taras ja Ahti Luhaäär (Arhitektibüroo Pilter ja Taras). Sisearhitekti ja ESLi aastapreemiate žürii esimehe Kaido Kivi arvamus

  6. Nii tehti (köögi)disaini / Priit Verlin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Verlin, Priit


    Diivani sügisese köögikonkursi võitja Priit Verlini auhinnareisi aruanne Elextroluxi disainikonkursilt tudengitele Barcelonas, kus oluline oli toote esteetilise välimuse kõrval ka inseneritehniline lahendus. Toodud ka võitjad ning nende tööd

  7. Põrandakatete + ja - / Ivi-Els Schneider, Kadri - sisearhitekt Tarbe, Priit Põldme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schneider, Ivi-Els, 1945-


    Sisearhitektid Ivi-Els Schneider, Kadri Tarbe Pärtelpoeg ja Priit Põldme sellest, millist põrandakattematerjali ja millal eelistada. Vaatluse all on naturaalne laudpõrand ja parkett, laminaatparkett, kork, lihvitud betoon, linoleum, vaipkate, keraamiline plaat, looduskivi

  8. Kõhu kaudu pankrotti - või helgesse homsesse? / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Eesti mahetootjad on käivitanud kampaania "Hea märgiga kaup. Öko", kuid eksperdid kahtlevad eestimaise mahetoidu eelistes tavatoidu ees. Mahe- ja tavatoidu kvaliteedi erinevusi ning mõju tervisele puudutava Eesti Maaülikooli uuringu tulemustest. Väga kõrgetest hindadest mahetoidule Eestis. Mainitud on ka proua Evelin Ilvese seisukohavõtte. Juuresoleval fotol proua E. Ilves koos kuninganna Silviaga külastamas Rootsi mahetööstust Salta Mill

  9. Rain Lõhmus toob mängu kupeldaja / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Investeerimispanga Lõhmus, Haavel & Viisemann (LHV) nõukogu esimees on seotud teleäriga ja püüab käivitada uut telekanalit. Vt. samas: Rain Lõhmus vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad LHVga seotud skandaali mõju panga tegevusele ja käimasolevatele äriasjadele. Lisa: Rain Lõhmus. Vt. samas: Mida Lõhmus teleärist teab?

  10. President Ilves annab nõu president Obamale / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves andis rahvusvahelises uudisteajakirjas Newsweek nõu USA presidendiks valitud Barack Obamale: Ilves, Toomas Hendrik. The Challenge in Europe. Newsweek : Special Edition Issues, 2008, dets., lk. 35. ( Eesti president kutsub Ameerika Ühendriike üles kaitsma liberaalse demokraatia väärtusi ning rõhutab USA ja Euroopa koostöö tähtsust Venemaa ohjeldamisel. Ülevaade artiklist ilmunud ka: Eesti Elu 9. jaan. 2009, lk. 16, pealk.: President Ilves andis nõu president Obamale; Eesti Päevaleht (Stockholm) 21. jaan. 2009, lk. 2, pealk.: Eesti president kutsuti USA uuele presidendile nõu andma; Vaba Eesti Sõna 22. jaan. 2009, lk. 3, pealk.: President Ilves annab president Obamale nõu

  11. Slalomiste Oprjat ja Nurmbergi muserdavad rasked traumad / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Eesti mäesuusataja Deyvid Oprja selg ja Tiiu Nurmbergi põlv on nii tõsiselt viga saanud, et neid abistava kiropraktiku Allan Austin Oolo hinnangul on mõlema sportlase olukord äärmiselt tõsine. Tiiu Nurmberg lõpetas oma etteaste 44. kohaga

  12. Kallis müügitrikk laste arvel / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Piret Raua digitaalsest pildiraamatust lastele "Emma roosad asjad" (Suurbritannia : WingedChariot, 2010), mida on võimalik kasutada Apple´i elektroonikatoodetes iPad, iPhone ja iPod (eesti, inglise ja jaapani keeles)

  13. Mõttevabaduse edendajad jagavad omavahel 50 000 eurot / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    50 000 euro suurune Sahharovi mõttevabaduse auhind läheb tänavu jagamisele kolme võitja vahel: preemia jagavad omavahel julmade islamiseaduste vastu sõdiv Nigeeria naisjurist Hauwa Ibrahim, meediavabaduse eest võitlev rahvusvaheline ühendus Piirideta Ajakirjanikud ja Kuuba dissidentide naissoost sugulased. Lisa: Laureaadid

  14. Kes on šõuilma tuntuimad (pool)eestlased? / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Eesti päritolu maailmas tuntud meelelahutusmaailmas osalejatest (Mena Suvari, Ornella Muti, Miliza Korjus, Kalev Mark Kostabi, Edmund Valtman, Erika Eleniak, Alar Kivilo, Ants Robert Kristian Luuk, Sonny Arahanga jt)

  15. Priit Pärn ohjab Turus festivali / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Turu Kunstiakadeemia animatsiooniosakonda juhatav Priit Pärn lükkas eile käima I Turu animafestivali Tough Eye, kus võistleb ka kolm eesti filmi. Toimub ka Eesti päev, kus näidatakse uute tööde kõrval ka Elbert Tuganovi jt. klassikaks saanud animafilme, kaasaarvatud säilinud lõik esimesest eesti joonisfilmist "Kutsu-Juku seiklused" (1931)

  16. Dokumentaalfilm "Maile Grünbergi värvilised maailmad" = "Maile Grünberg's colourful worlds": a documentary / Karin Paulus, Priit Põldme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paulus, Karin, 1975-


    Sisearhitekt Maile Grünbergist ja 2014. aastal temast valminud dokumentaalfilmist "Maile Grünbergi värvilised maailmad". Režissöör Peeter Brambat, tegevprodutsent Priit Põldme, käsikiri Karin Paulus, Peeter Brambat, Priit Põldme. 2014. aasta Kultuurkapitali Arhitektuuripreemia kandidaat

  17. Priit Põldme tahab tõsta sisearhitektuuri mainet / Ell-Maaja Randküla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randküla, Ell-Maaja, 1939-2016


    28. X 2004. a. Eesti Sisearhitektide Liidu esimeheks valitud Priit Põldmest ja tema loomingust. P. Põldme eesti sisearhitektuuri maine tõusust Eestis, minimalismist kodukujunduses, ESL-i tulevikuplaanidest jm. Krista Kodres P. Põldmest sisekujundajana. 4 ill

  18. Voldemar Panso preemia said kaksikvennad Priit ja Märt Pius / Tiiu Laks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laks, Tiiu, 1984-


    Lavakunstikooli 25. lennu üliõpilased Priit ja Märt Pius pälvisid Voldemar Panso nimelise preemia. Terve kursuse esimene bakalaureuselavastus "Jumala Narride Vennaskond" esietendub 4. detsembril Tallinna Linnateatri Põrgulaval. Lavastas kursuse juhendaja Elmo Nüganen

  19. Tumeda animatsiooni surm Euroopas : Priit Pärna "Hotell E" / Andreas Trossek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trossek, Andreas, 1980-


    Vaadeldakse, kuidas M. Gorbatšovi võimuletuleku aastail esilekerkinud sotsiaalkriitilisemate filmide trend Eesti animatsioonis kulmineerub ja ühtlasi lõpeb Priit Pärna joonisfilmiga "Hotell E" (1992) - filmis on kombineeritud endisele Ida-Euroopale iseloomulik sotsialismivastane võimukriitika igatseva ihaga alati virtuaalsena tajutud lääne suunas

  20. Dopinguainete tuvastamine sai ootamatu tagasilöögi / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Vt. ka Postimees : na russkom jazõke 30. mai, lk. 18. Rootsi teadlased on avastanud, et keelatud ainete nimekirja kuuluvat testosterooni, mille süstimine tugevdab lihaseid ning suurendab treeningukoormuste talumise võimet, pole sugugi võimalik kõigi sportlaste organismis avastada

  1. Eesti nimekaim ilukirurg jagab enesekindlust / Peep Pree ; intevjueerinud Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pree, Peep, 1958-


    Vestlus Tartu esteetilise kirurgia erakliiniku Clinica juhatajaga tööst, vastutustundest, ebaõnnestumistest. Kommenteerivad Tartu linnapea Laine Jänes ja Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna emeriitprofessor Ennu Sepp

  2. Miks mind ei märgata? Kohe selgitame! / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Martin Salo ja Mihkel Jäätmaa on loonud revolutsioonilise pilgujälgimise ning emotsioonide mõõtmise ja analüüsi süsteemi, mida kasutavad maailma suurfirmad eBay, Sony, IKEA, Barclays ja paljud teised. Ettevõttest Realeyes

  3. Enesekuvandeist ja maailmapildist Priit Pärna filmides "Kolmnurk" ja Hotell E" / Mari Laaniste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laaniste, Mari, 1977-


    Kõrvutatakse kaht Priit Pärna n.ö. "raskete filmide" tsükli 10-aastase vahega loodud filmi, näidates, mil moel peegelduvad linateostes nende aastate jooksul toimunud ulatuslikud muudatused nii enesekuvandis kui ka maailmapildis laiemalt

  4. Uudiste lõpp ehk kuidas Facebook ajakirjanduse alla neelas / Priit Hõbemägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hõbemägi, Priit, 1957-


    Priit Hõbemägi refereeris Cambridge ülikooli professori ja Columbia ajakirjanduskooli digitaalse ajakirjanduse keskuse direktori Emily Belli meedia­maailmas laineid löönud kõnet sotsiaalmeedia ettevõtete mõju kasvust uudiste levitamise ja sellega raha teenimise üle

  5. Kuidas peaks noor õpetaja ennast klassis kehtestama? / Priit Ahte, Kristi Siirman, Kaia Kauts, Liis Prikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Tallinna kristiine gümnaasiumi keemiaõpetaja Priit Ahte, Tallinna ühisgümnaasiumi eesti keele ja kirjanduse õpetaja Kristi Siirman, Kadrina keskkooli matemaatikaõpetaja Kaia Kauts ja Viimsi keskkooli inglise keele õpetaja Liis Prikk

  6. / interv. Oksana Kostina

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vestlusringis reklaamist ja turundusest Internetis osalesid Sten Klemm, Mihkel Vabrit, Esme Kassak, Aivar Laan, Andrei Korobeinik, Üllar Tamm, Raiko Raie, Martin Orav, Priit A. Heinsalu ja Allan Sombri

  7. Director läks ja küsis / Indrek Randveer, Evelyn Karming, Priit Palk ... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    EMT teenindus- ja müügidirektor Indrek Randveer, Estraveli müügidirektor Evelyn Karming, ABC King/Nero/SHU/Suurtüki turundusjuht Anne-Liis Ostov, kohvik-restoran Crepp juhataja Priit Palk ja Sokos Hotel Viru kommunikatsioonijuht Peep Ehasalu vastavad küsimustele, mis puudutavad nende kogemusi keerukate ja absurdsete kliendikaebuste kohta

  8. Emmaste kell pälvis üleilmset tähelepanu / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Lugu Emmaste kiriku kellast jõudis Associated Pressi kaudu paljudesse maailma infokanalitesse. Kalifornia firma Critical Mass Films kavatseb vändata mängufilmi Hiiumaal Emmaste kiriku kella peitmise loost II Maailmasõja ja järgnenud okupatsiooni ajal. Kella peitmise ja leidmise loo pani kirja AP Balti korrespondent M. Tarm

  9. Vanity Fair peab Skype'i töötajaid veidrikeks / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Üldhuviajakirja Vanity Fair septembrinumber kirjeldab Skype'i Tallinnas asuva tehnilise peakorteri töötajaskonda paadunud tehnoloogianohikuina, keda iseloomustab ebakindel ja kobav sotsiaalne käitumine

  10. Vaja on professionaalseid oskusi! / Tiina Lokk ; interv. Maria Ulfsak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lokk, Tiina, 1955-


    Eesti poolt Leedu teleprogrammide ja -filmide festivalil "Amber arch" žüriis osalenud T. Lokk nähtud filmidest ja peapreemia võitnud Priit Valkna dokumentaalfilmist "Hunt", mille tootis Allfilm ETV "Eesti lugude" dokumentaalsarja

  11. Eesti päritolu naine tõmbab meediaäri niite / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Meediamagnaat Rupert Murdochi eestlasest eksnaine Anna Murdoch Mann on välismeedia andmetel astunud otsustavaid samme, et kindlustada oma laste tulevane osalemine News Corporationi juhtimises. Lachlan Murdoch, Anna ja Rupert Murdochi vanem poeg on lahkunud ettevõtte juhtkonnast

  12. Indrek Kasela, Hamlet ärimaailmas / Indrek Kasela ; intervjueerinud Priit Pullerits ; kommenteerinud Maarja Neilvelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kasela, Indrek, 1971-


    Ettevõtja, kino Sõprus taasavaja ning Premia börsile viija Indrek Kasela oma tegevusest fondihaldurina, New Yorgi ülikoolis saadud kogemustest, Eesti ühiskonnakorralduses vaja minevatest muutustest

  13. Clinton lubas isiklikult aidata Eesti üle Euroliidu läve / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    USA ekspresident Bill Clinton lubas isiklikult kaasa aidata, et iirlased ütleksid rahvahääletusel Nizza lepingule jah-sõna. Vt. samas küsimusele, kuidas peaks Eesti reageerima Clintoni ettepanekule vastavad Lennart Meri, Siim Kallas, Mart Laar, Gunnar Hololei. Parlamendisaadik

  14. Välisminister Paet Afganistani tagant sundimist ei poolda / Urmas Paet ; inter. Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paet, Urmas, 1974-


    Välisminister Urmas Paet leiab, et Afganistanis väidetavalt islamiusku teotavaid materjale levitanud ajakirjaniku Sayed Perwiz Kambakhshi surmamõistva otsuse tühistamiseks poliitilise surve avaldamine toob loodetust vastupidise tulemuse

  15. Ärge kartke üleujutusi, pigem peljake varsti saabuvat suurt veepuudust / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Vt. ka Postimees : na russkom jazõke 6. juuli, lk. 10-11. Kolmandik maakera elanikest kannatab veepuuduse käes. Kõigest viis aastat tagasi kõlasid prognoosid, et nii masendav olukord saabub alles 2025. Vt. samas: Eestlased hiilgavad vee kokkuhoiuga

  16. Sünteetiline lähenemine on edu pant / Tamara Luuk, Olga Pärn, Priit Pärn ; intervjueerinud Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luuk, Tamara, 1952-


    Brügges kuni jaanuari lõpuni 2011 eksponeeritud belgia kunstniku Luc Tuymansi kureeritud näitusest "Madalaima tasandi reaalsus. Visioon Kesk-Euroopast" ("The Reality of the Lowest Rank. A Vision of Central Europe"). Osalema oli kutsutud 43 kunstnikku üle maailma. Priit Pärn Eestist esines söejoonistuste ja filmilõikudega näitusel ning eraldi filmiprogrammiga

  17. Avatakse Eesti muusika hulgiladu / Indrek Loo ; interv. Siim Nestor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loo, Indrek


    Käesoleval nädalal internetis käivituvast projektist Music Online, kuhu on plaanis helifailidena kõigile huvilistele tasu eest kättesaadavaks teha kogu Eestis välja antud muusika - klassikast hip-hopini (projekti muuska-alast järelevalvet teostab Priit Pajusaar)

  18. Loodusfotograaf Sven Začek saab lindudega sõbraks / interv. Kristjan Roos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Začek, Sven, 1980-


    Tartu lähedal Kõrvekülas elavast 31-aastasest loodusfotograafist Sven Začekist sai Remo Savisaare ja Priit Vesilinnu kõrval kolmas eestlane, kelle fotosid on avaldanud mainekas loodusajakiri National Geographic

  19. Taskad teevad Tallinnas maailmakino / Kristian Taska ; interv. Kairit Tsäro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Taska, Kristian


    Produtsent oma uuest mängufilmist "Täna öösel me ei maga", mille võtted algavad 28. juunil Tallinna vanalinnas. Lavastab Ilmar Taska, operaatoriks on Istvan Borbas, peaosades Carmen Kass, Peter Franzen, Maria Avdjushko, Priit Võigemast

  20. Raamidest välja mõtlemine pole piisav / Gabor George Burt ; interv. Harli Uljas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Burt, Gabor George


    Juhtimisstrateegia Blue Ocean Strategy eestkõneleja Gabor George Burti sõnul tuleb edu saavutamiseks keskenduda kliendile ning tegeleda personaalselt kliendi jaoks sobiva lahenduse loomisega. Kommenteerib Priit Põldoja

  1. Imemaade sportlased lisasid suusavõistlustele värvi ja elevust / priit Pullerits, Raigo Pajula

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Vt. ka Postimees : na russkom jazõke 28. veebr., lk. 13. Ligi pool tundi Veerpalule kaotanud Tai ja Costa Rica murdmaasuusatajad ammutasid olümpiamängudelt rahulolu ja rõõmustasid finishisse jõudmise üle

  2. Esileedi Evelin Ilves läheb Kaleviga kommisõtta / Priit Pullerits ; kommenteerinud Monika Heinrand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Liikuvat eluviisi ja tervislikku toitumist propageeriv proua Evelin Ilves on otsustanud alustada võitlust transrasvhappeid sisaldavate toiduainete vastu. Proua E. Ilves koostas nimekirja maiustustetootja Kalevi kommidest, mis märgistuse järgi sisaldavad transrasvu. Arvamust avaldavad Kalevi turundus- ja müügidirektor Monika Heinrand, kirjanik Andrus Kivirähk, koduperenaine Kadi Tarand, Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli toiduainete instituudi direktor professor Raivo Vokk. Vastukajad artiklile vt. Postimees 30. sept. 2009, lk. 15: Petrone, Epp. Poes tuleb tähelepanelik olla; Tuiksoo, Ester. Hoidkem Eesti toitu ja toiduainetetööstust; Õhtuleht 3. okt. 2009, lk. 7: Kerge, Rainer. Mahetomat tapab!; Eesti Päevaleht 5. okt. 2009, lk. 2: Teemägi, Tiina. Aasta turundustegu; Pehme, Sirli. Transrasvu tuleb vältida; Õhtuleht 5. okt. 2009, lk. 8: Kummardus Evelinile!; Rulluisud ja transrasvad; Terviseleht 6. okt. 2009, lk. 2: Laane, Aleksander. Solaariumid ja transrasvad; Postimees 13. okt. 2009, lk. 12-13: Strider, Roy. Kellele on transrasvad kasulikud?; Kambek, Liis. Transrasvhapped on üleilmne probleem; Postimees 17. okt. 2009, lk. 14: Kuusk, Hendrik. Toidupoes ei müüda mürgikokteile; Õhtuleht 24. okt. 2009, lk. 9: Levin, Adik. Igaühel on õigus toituda tervislikult; Eesti Päevaleht 27. okt. 2009, lk. 3: Trisberg, Aet. Luubiga poodi; Postimees : AK 5. dets. 2009, lk. 12 karikatuur transrasvade teemal

  3. Esmamuljed maaülikoolist / Kristi Kägu, Ülle Ütsik, Priit Veeroja, Simon Soll...[jt.] ; küsitlenud Sirje Pärismaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele, kuidas on möödunud esimesed nädalad, vastasid Maaülikooli esmakursuslased: majandusarvestuse ja finantsjuhtimise erialalt Kristi Kägu, ökonoomika ja ettevõtluse erialalt Ülle Ütsik, veemajanduse erialalt Priit Veeroja, maastikuarhitektuuri erialalt Simon Soll, kinnisvara planeerimise erialalt Merlin Henning ja liha- ja piimatehnoloogia erialalt Liina Politanova

  4. Rein Raamat tiris eestlased joonisfilmi juurde / Rein Raamat ; interv. Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raamat, Rein, 1931-


    Kunstnil, anima- ja dokumentaalfilmirežissöör tähistab 75-ndat sünnipäeva. 20. märtsil Kinomajas on autoriõhtu filmidega "Rein Raamat animatsiooni maailmas" ja "Kursi koolkond". Lisatud R. Raamatu loometee lühiandmed ning Priit Pärna kommentaar

  5. Skype'i loojad : teeme, mida tahame! / interv. Kristjan Otsmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Skype'i loojad Jaan Tallinn, Toivo Annust, Ahti Heinla ja Priit Kasesalu, kes on koondunud investeerimisfirmasse Ambient Sound Investments, ning firma tegevjuht Tauno Tats vastavad küsimustele, mis puudutavad nende raha investeerimist. A. Heinla sõnul ei ole nende investeerimise eesmärk teenida üha rohkem raha, sisuline eesmärk on investeerida tehnoloogiasse, edendada tehnoloogiat kogu maailmas. Kommenteerivad Allan Martinson ja Jüri Kaljundi

  6. Last värskeid näitlejaid ja lavastajaid - Pärnusse ja mujale / interv. Merit Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Jutuajamine Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia teatrikunsti VI lennu näitlejate ja lavastajate Jaanus Mehikase, Jaanika Juhansoni, Kati Kivitari, Priit Loogi, Triin Lepiku, Liis Laigna, Kaili Vidase, Sven Heibergi, Sten Karpovi ja Veljo Reinikuga

  7. Eesti aastal 1979 Priit Vesilinnu silmade läbi / Priit Vesilind ; interv. Märten Kross

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vesilind, Priit J., 1943-


    Autori elust ajakirjaniku ja fotograafina, esimesest külaskäigust Eestisse 1979. aastal, mille tulemusel ilmus fotoraamat "Eesti aastal 1979", tööst ajakirjas "National Geographic" ja lähematest plaanidest

  8. Edukas äritegevus ja kunst käivad käsikäes / Reinhold Würth ; interv. Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Würth, Reinhold


    Intervjuu suurärimehe ja kunstimetseeni Reinhold Würthiga, kelle kontserni kontori- ja laohoone (arhitekt Priit Kaljapulk, sisekujundaja Piret Mudist) avati 31. VII Assakul. Hoone juurde kuuluv galerii avati Jaan Elkeni koostatud näitusega, mille avamistseremoonia kujundas Riina Vanhanen. R. Würthi kunstikogust, mille põhjal ta avas 1991. a. Künzelsau-Gaisbachis muuseumi. 2001. a. avati Schwäbischis Kunsthalle Würth. Eesti galeriiga seotud plaanidest

  9. Pärnograafiline / Andreas Trossek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trossek, Andreas, 1980-


    Priit Pärna näitus Kumu Kunstimuuseumis kuni 21. X. Kuraator Eha Komissarov. 11. V toimus Kumu auditooriumis Priit Pärna loomingule pühendatud rahvusvaheline seminar, peaesinejaks oli Edwin Carels Belgiast. Esitamisele tuli filmiprogramm Priit Pärna filmidest ning toimus ümarlaud, milles osalesid Andreas Trossek, Mari Laaniste ja Priit Pärn

  10. Põldoja lahkub igavavõitu pangaelust / Kadrin Karner, Katre Pilvinski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karner, Kadrin


    Hansapank Eesti juht Priit Põldoja lahkub pangast ning asub tööle investeerimisfirmasse Alta Capital. Vt. samas: Hansapank Eesti uus juht Priit Perens; Alta Capital Partners; Maatrikssüsteem ei meeldinud konkurendile. Kommenteerib Priit Perens

  11. Interval selection with machine-dependent intervals


    Bohmova K.; Disser Y.; Mihalak M.; Widmayer P.


    We study an offline interval scheduling problem where every job has exactly one associated interval on every machine. To schedule a set of jobs, exactly one of the intervals associated with each job must be selected, and the intervals selected on the same machine must not intersect.We show that deciding whether all jobs can be scheduled is NP-complete already in various simple cases. In particular, by showing the NP-completeness for the case when all the intervals associated with the same job...

  12. Pärn ja auhind / Priit Pärn ; interv. Peeter Mänd

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärn, Priit, 1946-


    Eesti animafilmirežissöörile ja pedagoogile anti Kanadas Ottawa rahvusvahelisel animafilmide festivalil üle elutöö auhind ASIFA Special Award. Sellest ja eesti animafilmist. Ajaleht on kaksiknumber 2001/2002; Dets./Jaan

  13. Mälestus laulvast revolutsioonist / Rein Veidemann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veidemann, Rein, 1946-


    Rets. rmt. : Vesilind, Priit J. The Singing Revolution : how culture saved a nation / by Priit Vesilind with James and Maureen Tusty, based on their film "The Singing Revolution". Tallinn : Varrak, 2008

  14. "Frank ja Wendy" rikub jõulud ja võtab söögiisu / Astrid Kannel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kannel, Astrid, 1967-


    Animafilm "Frank ja Wendy" : autor David Snowman = Priit Pärn, Ülo Pikkov, Priit Tender ja Kaspar Jancis : Eesti Joonisfilm 2004. Kõik autorid vastavad midagi artikli autori provotseerivatele küsimustele

  15. Ajakirjanduse imelaps / Martin Hanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanson, Martin, 1984-


    Ekspress Grupi juht Priit Leito tutvustab uut börsiettevõtet investoritele Euroopa finantskeskustes. Vt. samas: Kirglik kalamees ja maletaja. Lisa: Priit Leito. Kommenteerivad: Väino Koorberg, Toomas Leito, Ivo Leito ja Igor Rõtov

  16. Hõbetuvi kaenlas, Big Apple kiviga visata / Tiit Merisalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Merisalu, Tiit


    Leipzigi 40. rahvusvahelisest tõsielu- ja animafilmide festivalist, kus konkursiprogrammis oli ka Priit Tenderi "Gravitatsioon" ning panoraamis Mark Soosaare "Lõpetamata lugu "Estoniast"", Riho Undi "Tagasi Euroopasse" ja Priit Pärna klipp "State of Dependence"

  17. Elisabeth Rehn : parem on ise hakkama saada / Elisabeth Rehn ; interv. Priit Simson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rehn, Elisabeth, 1935-


    Soome endine kaitseminister on seisukohal, et Soome oleks pidanud NATO-ga ühinema tükk aega tagasi. Ta toetab NATO-t jätkuvalt, kuid ei tunne end samasuguse NATO entusiastina nagu 5 või 7 aastat tagasi

  18. Ekspert teeb Tallinna tee-ehituse maatasa / Väino Soonike ; interv. Priit Simson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soonike, Väino


    Endine teede- ja sideministeeriumi asekantsler Tallinna teede korrashoiuks vajaminevast summast ja tegelikest kulutustest, tänavate halvast seiskorrast, selle põhjustest ning olukorra parandamise võimalustest. Tema sõnul on Tallinna tänavate remondi rahastamine poliitiliste vastuolude tõttu moonutatud

  19. Kalle Lasn: telekanalid andku eetriaega inimestele tänavalt / interv. Priit Simson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lasn, Kalle, 1942-


    Kanadas tegutseva Eesti päritolu tarbimiskriitiku Kalle Lasniga valmivast raamatust "Design Anarchy", tema võitlusest vaimse keskkonna puhastumise eest ja suurfirmade pähemäärimiskunsti vastu. Kalle Lasnist

  20. Kiä kaetas eläjit, kas susi? / Jan Rahman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rahman, Jan


    Filmidest : "Hunt" Autor-režissöör Priit Valkna. Allfilm : ETV, 2003 ; "Kaetajad" Autor-režissöör Priit Valkna. Allfilm, 2004.Kaetamise ja libahundiks jooksmise juhtumist Võrumaa Luutsniku külas

  1. Kursilased rikastavad kunsti olümpiamänge / Raimu Hanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanson, Raimu, 1957-


    Veneetsia biennaalil esindas Eestit Marko Mäetamm installatiivse projektiga "Loser's Paradise". Kursi koolkonna näitusel Veneetsia kunstigaleriis III Millennio eksponeeritakse Peeter Alliku graafikat, Albert Gulgi joonistusi, Ilmar Kruusamäe, Priit Pajose ja Priit Pangsepa maale

  2. Rakverelased kujundavad maailma mööblimaitset / Aarne Mäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mäe, Aarne, 1967-


    Kümnenda Kölni mööblimessi avangardmööbli osakonnas esinesid juba kolmandat aastat Tartu kunstikooli õpilased Dan Lukas, Priit Videvik, Rain Pluutus ja Priit Verlin (3 viimast on Rakverest) eksklusiivse mööblistiiliga "Class X Furniture"

  3. Ausad asjad. Salong ZIZI

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sisustussalongist 'ZIZI' Vene t. 12 Tallinnas. Omanikud Viive Küttner, Priit Joala. Tekstiil ja puidust mööbel on salongiomanike oma firma toodang. Puidust eksponeerimismööbli on projekteerinud Priit Joala. Pakutava hulgas on disainer Tarmo Luisu (firma DAK) toodang

  4. Joonisfilm lööb letile Eesti uue visiitkaardi / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Täna avab PÖFFi allfestivali Animated Dreams täispikk joonisfilm "Frank ja Wendy", mille režissöörinime David Snowman taha varjunud autorid Priit Pärn, Ülo Pikkov, Priit Tender ja Kaspar Jancis filmitegemisest ka räägivad

  5. Pärn(ad) fookuses, sedapuhku Londonis / Stuart Sweeney

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sweeney, Stuart


    Londoni animafilmide festival pühendas ühe programmi Priit ja Olga Pärna uuemale loomingule. Ka 2009.a. parima Balti- ja Põhjamaade animafilmi auhinna - ANOBA auhinna, sai Olga ja Priit Pärna joonisfilm "Elu ilma Gabriella Ferrita". Viimane oli valitud ka suvise Austraalia festivali kavva

  6. Convex Interval Games

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alparslan-Gok, S.Z.; Brânzei, R.; Tijs, S.H.


    In this paper, convex interval games are introduced and some characterizations are given. Some economic situations leading to convex interval games are discussed. The Weber set and the Shapley value are defined for a suitable class of interval games and their relations with the interval core for

  7. Parim proosalugeja köitis küpsusega / Marika Rajamäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rajamäe, Marika, 1952-


    Toimus viies üle-eestiline proosalugemine "Hansenist Tammsaareni". Mõtteid võistulugemise kohta avaldavad konkursi algataja Enda Trubok, Järva maavalitsuse haridus- ja kultuuriosakonna peainspektor Anne Viljat, Eesti emakeeleõpetajate seltsi esimees Piret Järvela, žürii esimees Iivi Lepik, konkursil võistelnud Merilin Kulpsoo. Peavõidu sai Sabine Liias, V-VII klasside arvestuses läks I koht Sabine Liiasele, II koht Kristian Käreskile, III koht Kristiina Orasele. VIII-IX arvestuses läks I koht Katriin Altementile, II koht Indrek Jõele, III koht Linda Randojale. X-XII klasside arvestuses võitis Kaire Olesk, II koha saii Sten-Robert Pullerits ning III koha Katrin Ojalill

  8. Restricted Interval Valued Neutrosophic Sets and Restricted Interval Valued Neutrosophic Topological Spaces

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anjan Mukherjee


    Full Text Available In this paper we introduce the concept of restricted interval valued neutrosophic sets (RIVNS in short. Some basic operations and properties of RIVNS are discussed. The concept of restricted interval valued neutrosophic topology is also introduced together with restricted interval valued neutrosophic finer and restricted interval valued neutrosophic coarser topology. We also define restricted interval valued neutrosophic interior and closer of a restricted interval valued neutrosophic set. Some theorems and examples are cites. Restricted interval valued neutrosophic subspace topology is also studied.

  9. Kindral : terror pole ainuke oht, milleks valmis olla / Harald Kujat ; interv. Priit Simson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kujat, Harald


    NATO Sõjalise Komitee esimehe hinnangul on Eesti järginud liikmelisuse tegevusplaani, kulutused ja toetus missioonidele on Eesti puhul üle NATO keskmise. Praegust Balti õhuturbe korraldust peab komitee esimees heaks. Lisa: NATO Sõjaline Komitee

  10. Cthulhu Fhtagn! 10 teost, mida kindlasti kuulata / Stijn Van Cauter ; interv. Priit Kenkmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Van Cauter, Stijn


    Küsimustele doom-metali alazhanrist funeral-doomist vastavad belgia muusik Stijn Van Cauter, Taani muusik Nortt ja soome bändi Thergothoni juhtfiguur Niko "Scorpio" Sirkiä. Doom-muusikaga heliplaatidest

  11. Programming with Intervals (United States)

    Matsakis, Nicholas D.; Gross, Thomas R.

    Intervals are a new, higher-level primitive for parallel programming with which programmers directly construct the program schedule. Programs using intervals can be statically analyzed to ensure that they do not deadlock or contain data races. In this paper, we demonstrate the flexibility of intervals by showing how to use them to emulate common parallel control-flow constructs like barriers and signals, as well as higher-level patterns such as bounded-buffer producer-consumer. We have implemented intervals as a publicly available library for Java and Scala.

  12. Ekspress Grupp laieneb Lätti ja Euroopasse / Vallo Toomet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toomet, Vallo, 1960-


    Hans H. Luige meediafirma teatas, et viib oma aktsiad börsile. Vt. samas: Mida arvate aktsiaemissioonist ning kas ise ostaksite aktsiaid? Kommenteerivad: GILD Bankersi juhtivpartner Rainer Tamm, Kristjan Lepik'st, Allan Martinson Trigon Venture Partners'ist, riigikogu liige Olari Taal; Hans H. Luik ja Priit Leito vastavad Päevaleht Online'i lugejate küsimustele. Priit Leito. Tellijad kuuluvad ise kirjastajate hulka

  13. Chosen interval methods for solving linear interval systems with special type of matrix (United States)

    Szyszka, Barbara


    The paper is devoted to chosen direct interval methods for solving linear interval systems with special type of matrix. This kind of matrix: band matrix with a parameter, from finite difference problem is obtained. Such linear systems occur while solving one dimensional wave equation (Partial Differential Equations of hyperbolic type) by using the central difference interval method of the second order. Interval methods are constructed so as the errors of method are enclosed in obtained results, therefore presented linear interval systems contain elements that determining the errors of difference method. The chosen direct algorithms have been applied for solving linear systems because they have no errors of method. All calculations were performed in floating-point interval arithmetic.

  14. Hollywoodi sõltumatud filmid sünnivad salaja / Priit Jürjens ; interv. Gert Kiiler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jürjens, Priit, 1976-


    Intervjuu Viljandis sündinud ja USAs elava režissööriga (Brad Jurjens) tema esimese täispika mängufilmi "Pangarööv" ("The Bank Job") valmimise puhul. P. Jürjens on ka filmi stsenarist, produtsent ja üks peaosalisi

  15. Mõtestatud käsitöölised / Tõnu Kaalep

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaalep, Tõnu, 1966-2018


    Tartu Kunstikoolist väljakasvanud mööblikujundajate ئ Priit Verlin, Rain Pluutus, Priit Videvik, Maarja Inno, Dan Lukas ئ rühmitusest Class X Furniture. Nende loomingu vastandumisest trendiga, praegusest tegevusest jm. Toimetaja Ingo Maurer on valinud P. Verlini tooli 'Allegro' järgmisse Disaini Aastaraamatusse. Jaak Roosi oma põhimõtetest mööblikujundajate õpetamisel Tartu Kunstikoolis. Harry Liivranna arvamus. Kommentaarid: P. Verlin, R. Pluutus

  16. "Viola" sai Jaapanis eripreemia

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Joonisfilmi 3 filmi võistlesid Hiroshima rahvusvahelisel animafilmide festivalil : "Viola" : režissöör Priit Tender, "Armastuse võimalikkusest" : režissöör, stsenarist ja operaator Janno Põldma ja "Porgandite öö" : režissöör Priit Pärn. Neist "Viola" sai žürii eripreemia. Peapreemia sai Kanada "When the Day Breaks" : režissöörid Wendy Tilby ja Amanda Forbis

  17. On interval and cyclic interval edge colorings of (3,5)-biregular graphs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Casselgren, Carl Johan; Petrosyan, Petros; Toft, Bjarne


    A proper edge coloring f of a graph G with colors 1,2,3,…,t is called an interval coloring if the colors on the edges incident to every vertex of G form an interval of integers. The coloring f is cyclic interval if for every vertex v of G, the colors on the edges incident to v either form an inte...

  18. Circadian profile of QT interval and QT interval variability in 172 healthy volunteers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonnemeier, Hendrik; Wiegand, Uwe K H; Braasch, Wiebke


    of sleep. QT and R-R intervals revealed a characteristic day-night-pattern. Diurnal profiles of QT interval variability exhibited a significant increase in the morning hours (6-9 AM; P ... lower at day- and nighttime. Aging was associated with an increase of QT interval mainly at daytime and a significant shift of the T wave apex towards the end of the T wave. The circadian profile of ventricular repolarization is strongly related to the mean R-R interval, however, there are significant...

  19. Muusika igale lapsele / Monika Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Monika


    Carl Orffi metoodika alusel lavastatakse TPÜ kasvatusteaduskonna juures tegutsevas Laste Loomingu Stuudios elementaarmuusikalisi draamasid. Stuudio kogemuste põhjal töötatakse välja Orffi meetodi eesti variant, mis arvestab kohaliku kultuurikontekstiga

  20. Generalized Confidence Intervals and Fiducial Intervals for Some Epidemiological Measures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ionut Bebu


    Full Text Available For binary outcome data from epidemiological studies, this article investigates the interval estimation of several measures of interest in the absence or presence of categorical covariates. When covariates are present, the logistic regression model as well as the log-binomial model are investigated. The measures considered include the common odds ratio (OR from several studies, the number needed to treat (NNT, and the prevalence ratio. For each parameter, confidence intervals are constructed using the concepts of generalized pivotal quantities and fiducial quantities. Numerical results show that the confidence intervals so obtained exhibit satisfactory performance in terms of maintaining the coverage probabilities even when the sample sizes are not large. An appealing feature of the proposed solutions is that they are not based on maximization of the likelihood, and hence are free from convergence issues associated with the numerical calculation of the maximum likelihood estimators, especially in the context of the log-binomial model. The results are illustrated with a number of examples. The overall conclusion is that the proposed methodologies based on generalized pivotal quantities and fiducial quantities provide an accurate and unified approach for the interval estimation of the various epidemiological measures in the context of binary outcome data with or without covariates.

  1. Interval stability for complex systems (United States)

    Klinshov, Vladimir V.; Kirillov, Sergey; Kurths, Jürgen; Nekorkin, Vladimir I.


    Stability of dynamical systems against strong perturbations is an important problem of nonlinear dynamics relevant to many applications in various areas. Here, we develop a novel concept of interval stability, referring to the behavior of the perturbed system during a finite time interval. Based on this concept, we suggest new measures of stability, namely interval basin stability (IBS) and interval stability threshold (IST). IBS characterizes the likelihood that the perturbed system returns to the stable regime (attractor) in a given time. IST provides the minimal magnitude of the perturbation capable to disrupt the stable regime for a given interval of time. The suggested measures provide important information about the system susceptibility to external perturbations which may be useful for practical applications. Moreover, from a theoretical viewpoint the interval stability measures are shown to bridge the gap between linear and asymptotic stability. We also suggest numerical algorithms for quantification of the interval stability characteristics and demonstrate their potential for several dynamical systems of various nature, such as power grids and neural networks.

  2. Statistical intervals a guide for practitioners

    CERN Document Server

    Hahn, Gerald J


    Presents a detailed exposition of statistical intervals and emphasizes applications in industry. The discussion differentiates at an elementary level among different kinds of statistical intervals and gives instruction with numerous examples and simple math on how to construct such intervals from sample data. This includes confidence intervals to contain a population percentile, confidence intervals on probability of meeting specified threshold value, and prediction intervals to include observation in a future sample. Also has an appendix containing computer subroutines for nonparametric stati

  3. Statistics of return intervals between long heartbeat intervals and their usability for online prediction of disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bogachev, Mikhail I; Bunde, Armin; Kireenkov, Igor S; Nifontov, Eugene M


    We study the statistics of return intervals between large heartbeat intervals (above a certain threshold Q) in 24 h records obtained from healthy subjects. We find that both the linear and the nonlinear long-term memory inherent in the heartbeat intervals lead to power-laws in the probability density function P Q (r) of the return intervals. As a consequence, the probability W Q (t; Δt) that at least one large heartbeat interval will occur within the next Δt heartbeat intervals, with an increasing elapsed number of intervals t after the last large heartbeat interval, follows a power-law. Based on these results, we suggest a method of obtaining a priori information about the occurrence of the next large heartbeat interval, and thus to predict it. We show explicitly that the proposed method, which exploits long-term memory, is superior to the conventional precursory pattern recognition technique, which focuses solely on short-term memory. We believe that our results can be straightforwardly extended to obtain more reliable predictions in other physiological signals like blood pressure, as well as in other complex records exhibiting multifractal behaviour, e.g. turbulent flow, precipitation, river flows and network traffic.

  4. Probability Distribution for Flowing Interval Spacing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuzio, S.


    The purpose of this analysis is to develop a probability distribution for flowing interval spacing. A flowing interval is defined as a fractured zone that transmits flow in the Saturated Zone (SZ), as identified through borehole flow meter surveys (Figure 1). This analysis uses the term ''flowing interval spacing'' as opposed to fractured spacing, which is typically used in the literature. The term fracture spacing was not used in this analysis because the data used identify a zone (or a flowing interval) that contains fluid-conducting fractures but does not distinguish how many or which fractures comprise the flowing interval. The flowing interval spacing is measured between the midpoints of each flowing interval. Fracture spacing within the SZ is defined as the spacing between fractures, with no regard to which fractures are carrying flow. The Development Plan associated with this analysis is entitled, ''Probability Distribution for Flowing Interval Spacing'', (CRWMS M and O 2000a). The parameter from this analysis may be used in the TSPA SR/LA Saturated Zone Flow and Transport Work Direction and Planning Documents: (1) ''Abstraction of Matrix Diffusion for SZ Flow and Transport Analyses'' (CRWMS M and O 1999a) and (2) ''Incorporation of Heterogeneity in SZ Flow and Transport Analyses'', (CRWMS M and O 1999b). A limitation of this analysis is that the probability distribution of flowing interval spacing may underestimate the effect of incorporating matrix diffusion processes in the SZ transport model because of the possible overestimation of the flowing interval spacing. Larger flowing interval spacing results in a decrease in the matrix diffusion processes. This analysis may overestimate the flowing interval spacing because the number of fractures that contribute to a flowing interval cannot be determined from the data. Because each flowing interval probably has more than one fracture contributing to a flowing interval, the true flowing interval spacing could be

  5. Two-sorted Point-Interval Temporal Logics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balbiani, Philippe; Goranko, Valentin; Sciavicco, Guido


    There are two natural and well-studied approaches to temporal ontology and reasoning: point-based and interval-based. Usually, interval-based temporal reasoning deals with points as particular, duration-less intervals. Here we develop explicitly two-sorted point-interval temporal logical framework...... whereby time instants (points) and time periods (intervals) are considered on a par, and the perspective can shift between them within the formal discourse. We focus on fragments involving only modal operators that correspond to the inter-sort relations between points and intervals. We analyze...

  6. High-intensity interval training: Modulating interval duration in overweight/obese men. (United States)

    Smith-Ryan, Abbie E; Melvin, Malia N; Wingfield, Hailee L


    High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a time-efficient strategy shown to induce various cardiovascular and metabolic adaptations. Little is known about the optimal tolerable combination of intensity and volume necessary for adaptations, especially in clinical populations. In a randomized controlled pilot design, we evaluated the effects of two types of interval training protocols, varying in intensity and interval duration, on clinical outcomes in overweight/obese men. Twenty-five men [body mass index (BMI) > 25 kg · m(2)] completed baseline body composition measures: fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM) and percent body fat (%BF) and fasting blood glucose, lipids and insulin (IN). A graded exercise cycling test was completed for peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) and power output (PO). Participants were randomly assigned to high-intensity short interval (1MIN-HIIT), high-intensity interval (2MIN-HIIT) or control groups. 1MIN-HIIT and 2MIN-HIIT completed 3 weeks of cycling interval training, 3 days/week, consisting of either 10 × 1 min bouts at 90% PO with 1 min rests (1MIN-HIIT) or 5 × 2 min bouts with 1 min rests at undulating intensities (80%-100%) (2MIN-HIIT). There were no significant training effects on FM (Δ1.06 ± 1.25 kg) or %BF (Δ1.13% ± 1.88%), compared to CON. Increases in LM were not significant but increased by 1.7 kg and 2.1 kg for 1MIN and 2MIN-HIIT groups, respectively. Increases in VO2peak were also not significant for 1MIN (3.4 ml·kg(-1) · min(-1)) or 2MIN groups (2.7 ml · kg(-1) · min(-1)). IN sensitivity (HOMA-IR) improved for both training groups (Δ-2.78 ± 3.48 units; p < 0.05) compared to CON. HIIT may be an effective short-term strategy to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and IN sensitivity in overweight males.

  7. Some Characterizations of Convex Interval Games

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brânzei, R.; Tijs, S.H.; Alparslan-Gok, S.Z.


    This paper focuses on new characterizations of convex interval games using the notions of exactness and superadditivity. We also relate big boss interval games with concave interval games and obtain characterizations of big boss interval games in terms of exactness and subadditivity.

  8. Multivariate interval-censored survival data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hougaard, Philip


    Interval censoring means that an event time is only known to lie in an interval (L,R], with L the last examination time before the event, and R the first after. In the univariate case, parametric models are easily fitted, whereas for non-parametric models, the mass is placed on some intervals, de...

  9. Predicting fecal coliform using the interval-to-interval approach and SWAT in the Miyun watershed, China. (United States)

    Bai, Jianwen; Shen, Zhenyao; Yan, Tiezhu; Qiu, Jiali; Li, Yangyang


    Pathogens in manure can cause waterborne-disease outbreaks, serious illness, and even death in humans. Therefore, information about the transformation and transport of bacteria is crucial for determining their source. In this study, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was applied to simulate fecal coliform bacteria load in the Miyun Reservoir watershed, China. The data for the fecal coliform were obtained at three sampling sites, Chenying (CY), Gubeikou (GBK), and Xiahui (XH). The calibration processes of the fecal coliform were conducted using the CY and GBK sites, and validation was conducted at the XH site. An interval-to-interval approach was designed and incorporated into the processes of fecal coliform calibration and validation. The 95% confidence interval of the predicted values and the 95% confidence interval of measured values were considered during calibration and validation in the interval-to-interval approach. Compared with the traditional point-to-point comparison, this method can improve simulation accuracy. The results indicated that the simulation of fecal coliform using the interval-to-interval approach was reasonable for the watershed. This method could provide a new research direction for future model calibration and validation studies.

  10. Estonian Memory Theatre : the 1970s-1990s / Piret Kruuspere

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kruuspere, Piret, 1961-


    Eesti teatrikunstis - nii näidendites kui lavastustes - 1970-1990. aastatel peegelduv ajalooteadvus ja rahvuslik identiteet. Vaadeldakse Rein Saluri näidendeid "Külalised" (Eesti Draamateater 1974, lav. Kaarin Raid) ja "Minek" (Eesti Draamateater 1988, lav. Mikk Mikiver ja Pärnu Endla 1988, lav. Priit Pedajas), Madis Kõivu näidendeid "Tagasitulek isa juurde" (Eesti Draamateater 1993, lav. Priit Pedajas) ja "Stseene saja-aastasest sõjast" (Eesti Draamateater 1998, lav. Mikk Mikiver), Jaan Kruusvalli näidendit "Pilvede värvid" (Eesti Draamateater 1983, lav. Mikk Mikiver) ja Merle Karusoo dokumentaalteatrit. Viited lk. 174-176

  11. Reviewing interval cancers: Time well spent?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gower-Thomas, Kate; Fielder, Hilary M.P.; Branston, Lucy; Greening, Sarah; Beer, Helen; Rogers, Cerilan


    OBJECTIVES: To categorize interval cancers, and thus identify false-negatives, following prevalent and incident screens in the Welsh breast screening programme. SETTING: Breast Test Wales (BTW) Llandudno, Cardiff and Swansea breast screening units. METHODS: Five hundred and sixty interval breast cancers identified following negative mammographic screening between 1989 and 1997 were reviewed by eight screening radiologists. The blind review was achieved by mixing the screening films of women who subsequently developed an interval cancer with screen negative films of women who did not develop cancer, in a ratio of 4:1. Another radiologist used patients' symptomatic films to record a reference against which the reviewers' reports of the screening films were compared. Interval cancers were categorized as 'true', 'occult', 'false-negative' or 'unclassified' interval cancers or interval cancers with minimal signs, based on the National Health Service breast screening programme (NHSBSP) guidelines. RESULTS: Of the classifiable interval films, 32% were false-negatives, 55% were true intervals and 12% occult. The proportion of false-negatives following incident screens was half that following prevalent screens (P = 0.004). Forty percent of the seed films were recalled by the panel. CONCLUSIONS: Low false-negative interval cancer rates following incident screens (18%) versus prevalent screens (36%) suggest that lower cancer detection rates at incident screens may have resulted from fewer cancers than expected being present, rather than from a failure to detect tumours. The panel method for categorizing interval cancers has significant flaws as the results vary markedly with different protocol and is no more accurate than other, quicker and more timely methods. Gower-Thomas, K. et al. (2002)

  12. Probability Distribution for Flowing Interval Spacing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    S. Kuzio


    Fracture spacing is a key hydrologic parameter in analyses of matrix diffusion. Although the individual fractures that transmit flow in the saturated zone (SZ) cannot be identified directly, it is possible to determine the fractured zones that transmit flow from flow meter survey observations. The fractured zones that transmit flow as identified through borehole flow meter surveys have been defined in this report as flowing intervals. The flowing interval spacing is measured between the midpoints of each flowing interval. The determination of flowing interval spacing is important because the flowing interval spacing parameter is a key hydrologic parameter in SZ transport modeling, which impacts the extent of matrix diffusion in the SZ volcanic matrix. The output of this report is input to the ''Saturated Zone Flow and Transport Model Abstraction'' (BSC 2004 [DIRS 170042]). Specifically, the analysis of data and development of a data distribution reported herein is used to develop the uncertainty distribution for the flowing interval spacing parameter for the SZ transport abstraction model. Figure 1-1 shows the relationship of this report to other model reports that also pertain to flow and transport in the SZ. Figure 1-1 also shows the flow of key information among the SZ reports. It should be noted that Figure 1-1 does not contain a complete representation of the data and parameter inputs and outputs of all SZ reports, nor does it show inputs external to this suite of SZ reports. Use of the developed flowing interval spacing probability distribution is subject to the limitations of the assumptions discussed in Sections 5 and 6 of this analysis report. The number of fractures in a flowing interval is not known. Therefore, the flowing intervals are assumed to be composed of one flowing zone in the transport simulations. This analysis may overestimate the flowing interval spacing because the number of fractures that contribute to a flowing interval cannot be

  13. Sloveenia on juba aasta pärast valmis Euroopa Liiduga liituma / Janez Potocnik ; interv. Priit Rajalo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Potočnik, Janez, 1958-


    Sloveenia Vabariigi ja Euroopa Liidu vaheliste liitumiskõneluste Sloveenia-poolne pealäbirääkija Janekz Potocnik leiab, et Sloveenia ja Eesti peavad kuuluma EL-i esimesse laienemisringi. Sloveenia Vabariigi kaart. Janez Potocniki eluloolisi andmeid

  14. Geometric Least Square Models for Deriving [0,1]-Valued Interval Weights from Interval Fuzzy Preference Relations Based on Multiplicative Transitivity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xuan Yang


    Full Text Available This paper presents a geometric least square framework for deriving [0,1]-valued interval weights from interval fuzzy preference relations. By analyzing the relationship among [0,1]-valued interval weights, multiplicatively consistent interval judgments, and planes, a geometric least square model is developed to derive a normalized [0,1]-valued interval weight vector from an interval fuzzy preference relation. Based on the difference ratio between two interval fuzzy preference relations, a geometric average difference ratio between one interval fuzzy preference relation and the others is defined and employed to determine the relative importance weights for individual interval fuzzy preference relations. A geometric least square based approach is further put forward for solving group decision making problems. An individual decision numerical example and a group decision making problem with the selection of enterprise resource planning software products are furnished to illustrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed models.

  15. Delay-Dependent Guaranteed Cost Control of an Interval System with Interval Time-Varying Delay

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiao Min


    Full Text Available This paper concerns the problem of the delay-dependent robust stability and guaranteed cost control for an interval system with time-varying delay. The interval system with matrix factorization is provided and leads to less conservative conclusions than solving a square root. The time-varying delay is assumed to belong to an interval and the derivative of the interval time-varying delay is not a restriction, which allows a fast time-varying delay; also its applicability is broad. Based on the Lyapunov-Ktasovskii approach, a delay-dependent criterion for the existence of a state feedback controller, which guarantees the closed-loop system stability, the upper bound of cost function, and disturbance attenuation lever for all admissible uncertainties as well as out perturbation, is proposed in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs. The criterion is derived by free weighting matrices that can reduce the conservatism. The effectiveness has been verified in a number example and the compute results are presented to validate the proposed design method.

  16. Interval MULTIMOORA method with target values of attributes based on interval distance and preference degree: biomaterials selection (United States)

    Hafezalkotob, Arian; Hafezalkotob, Ashkan


    A target-based MADM method covers beneficial and non-beneficial attributes besides target values for some attributes. Such techniques are considered as the comprehensive forms of MADM approaches. Target-based MADM methods can also be used in traditional decision-making problems in which beneficial and non-beneficial attributes only exist. In many practical selection problems, some attributes have given target values. The values of decision matrix and target-based attributes can be provided as intervals in some of such problems. Some target-based decision-making methods have recently been developed; however, a research gap exists in the area of MADM techniques with target-based attributes under uncertainty of information. We extend the MULTIMOORA method for solving practical material selection problems in which material properties and their target values are given as interval numbers. We employ various concepts of interval computations to reduce degeneration of uncertain data. In this regard, we use interval arithmetic and introduce innovative formula for interval distance of interval numbers to create interval target-based normalization technique. Furthermore, we use a pairwise preference matrix based on the concept of degree of preference of interval numbers to calculate the maximum, minimum, and ranking of these numbers. Two decision-making problems regarding biomaterials selection of hip and knee prostheses are discussed. Preference degree-based ranking lists for subordinate parts of the extended MULTIMOORA method are generated by calculating the relative degrees of preference for the arranged assessment values of the biomaterials. The resultant rankings for the problem are compared with the outcomes of other target-based models in the literature.

  17. Recurrence interval analysis of trading volumes. (United States)

    Ren, Fei; Zhou, Wei-Xing


    We study the statistical properties of the recurrence intervals τ between successive trading volumes exceeding a certain threshold q. The recurrence interval analysis is carried out for the 20 liquid Chinese stocks covering a period from January 2000 to May 2009, and two Chinese indices from January 2003 to April 2009. Similar to the recurrence interval distribution of the price returns, the tail of the recurrence interval distribution of the trading volumes follows a power-law scaling, and the results are verified by the goodness-of-fit tests using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic, the weighted KS statistic and the Cramér-von Mises criterion. The measurements of the conditional probability distribution and the detrended fluctuation function show that both short-term and long-term memory effects exist in the recurrence intervals between trading volumes. We further study the relationship between trading volumes and price returns based on the recurrence interval analysis method. It is found that large trading volumes are more likely to occur following large price returns, and the comovement between trading volumes and price returns is more pronounced for large trading volumes.

  18. Expressing Intervals in Automated Service Negotiation (United States)

    Clark, Kassidy P.; Warnier, Martijn; van Splunter, Sander; Brazier, Frances M. T.

    During automated negotiation of services between autonomous agents, utility functions are used to evaluate the terms of negotiation. These terms often include intervals of values which are prone to misinterpretation. It is often unclear if an interval embodies a continuum of real numbers or a subset of natural numbers. Furthermore, it is often unclear if an agent is expected to choose only one value, multiple values, a sub-interval or even multiple sub-intervals. Additional semantics are needed to clarify these issues. Normally, these semantics are stored in a domain ontology. However, ontologies are typically domain specific and static in nature. For dynamic environments, in which autonomous agents negotiate resources whose attributes and relationships change rapidly, semantics should be made explicit in the service negotiation. This paper identifies issues that are prone to misinterpretation and proposes a notation for expressing intervals. This notation is illustrated using an example in WS-Agreement.

  19. A scoping review of the psychological responses to interval exercise: is interval exercise a viable alternative to traditional exercise? (United States)

    Stork, Matthew J; Banfield, Laura E; Gibala, Martin J; Martin Ginis, Kathleen A


    While considerable evidence suggests that interval exercise confers numerous physiological adaptations linked to improved health, its psychological consequences and behavioural implications are less clear and the subject of intense debate. The purpose of this scoping review was to catalogue studies investigating the psychological responses to interval exercise in order to identify what psychological outcomes have been assessed, the research methods used, and the results. A secondary objective was to identify research issues and gaps. Forty-two published articles met the review inclusion/exclusion criteria. These studies involved 1258 participants drawn from various active/inactive and healthy/unhealthy populations, and 55 interval exercise protocols (69% high-intensity interval training [HIIT], 27% sprint interval training [SIT], and 4% body-weight interval training [BWIT]). Affect and enjoyment were the most frequently studied psychological outcomes. Post-exercise assessments indicate that overall, enjoyment of, and preferences for interval exercise are equal or greater than for continuous exercise, and participants can hold relatively positive social cognitions regarding interval exercise. Although several methodological issues (e.g., inconsistent use of terminology, measures and protocols) and gaps (e.g., data on adherence and real-world protocols) require attention, from a psychological perspective, the emerging data support the viability of interval exercise as an alternative to continuous exercise.

  20. Application of the entropic coefficient for interval number optimization during interval assessment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tynynyka A. N.


    Full Text Available In solving many statistical problems, the most precise choice of the distribution law of a random variable is required, the sample of which the authors observe. This choice requires the construction of an interval series. Therefore, the problem arises of assigning an optimal number of intervals, and this study proposes a number of formulas for solving it. Which of these formulas solves the problem more accurately? In [9], this question is investigated using the Pearson criterion. This article describes the procedure and on its basis gives formulas available in literature and proposed new formulas using the entropy coefficient. A comparison is made with the previously published results of applying Pearson's concord criterion for these purposes. Differences in the estimates of the accuracy of the formulas are found. The proposed new formulas for calculating the number of intervals showed the best results. Calculations have been made to compare the work of the same formulas for the distribution of sample data according to the normal law and the Rayleigh law.

  1. Correct Bayesian and frequentist intervals are similar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atwood, C.L.


    This paper argues that Bayesians and frequentists will normally reach numerically similar conclusions, when dealing with vague data or sparse data. It is shown that both statistical methodologies can deal reasonably with vague data. With sparse data, in many important practical cases Bayesian interval estimates and frequentist confidence intervals are approximately equal, although with discrete data the frequentist intervals are somewhat longer. This is not to say that the two methodologies are equally easy to use: The construction of a frequentist confidence interval may require new theoretical development. Bayesians methods typically require numerical integration, perhaps over many variables. Also, Bayesian can easily fall into the trap of over-optimism about their amount of prior knowledge. But in cases where both intervals are found correctly, the two intervals are usually not very different. (orig.)

  2. Interval-based reconstruction for uncertainty quantification in PET (United States)

    Kucharczak, Florentin; Loquin, Kevin; Buvat, Irène; Strauss, Olivier; Mariano-Goulart, Denis


    A new directed interval-based tomographic reconstruction algorithm, called non-additive interval based expectation maximization (NIBEM) is presented. It uses non-additive modeling of the forward operator that provides intervals instead of single-valued projections. The detailed approach is an extension of the maximum likelihood—expectation maximization algorithm based on intervals. The main motivation for this extension is that the resulting intervals have appealing properties for estimating the statistical uncertainty associated with the reconstructed activity values. After reviewing previously published theoretical concepts related to interval-based projectors, this paper describes the NIBEM algorithm and gives examples that highlight the properties and advantages of this interval valued reconstruction.

  3. Haemostatic reference intervals in pregnancy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Szecsi, Pal Bela; Jørgensen, Maja; Klajnbard, Anna


    Haemostatic reference intervals are generally based on samples from non-pregnant women. Thus, they may not be relevant to pregnant women, a problem that may hinder accurate diagnosis and treatment of haemostatic disorders during pregnancy. In this study, we establish gestational age-specific refe......Haemostatic reference intervals are generally based on samples from non-pregnant women. Thus, they may not be relevant to pregnant women, a problem that may hinder accurate diagnosis and treatment of haemostatic disorders during pregnancy. In this study, we establish gestational age......-specific reference intervals for coagulation tests during normal pregnancy. Eight hundred one women with expected normal pregnancies were included in the study. Of these women, 391 had no complications during pregnancy, vaginal delivery, or postpartum period. Plasma samples were obtained at gestational weeks 13......-20, 21-28, 29-34, 35-42, at active labor, and on postpartum days 1 and 2. Reference intervals for each gestational period using only the uncomplicated pregnancies were calculated in all 391 women for activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), fibrinogen, fibrin D-dimer, antithrombin, free protein S...

  4. Modal interval analysis new tools for numerical information

    CERN Document Server

    Sainz, Miguel A; Calm, Remei; Herrero, Pau; Jorba, Lambert; Vehi, Josep


    This book presents an innovative new approach to interval analysis. Modal Interval Analysis (MIA) is an attempt to go beyond the limitations of classic intervals in terms of their structural, algebraic and logical features. The starting point of MIA is quite simple: It consists in defining a modal interval that attaches a quantifier to a classical interval and in introducing the basic relation of inclusion between modal intervals by means of the inclusion of the sets of predicates they accept. This modal approach introduces interval extensions of the real continuous functions, identifies equivalences between logical formulas and interval inclusions, and provides the semantic theorems that justify these equivalences, along with guidelines for arriving at these inclusions. Applications of these equivalences in different areas illustrate the obtained results. The book also presents a new interval object: marks, which aspire to be a new form of numerical treatment of errors in measurements and computations.

  5. Optimal Data Interval for Estimating Advertising Response


    Gerard J. Tellis; Philip Hans Franses


    The abundance of highly disaggregate data (e.g., at five-second intervals) raises the question of the optimal data interval to estimate advertising carryover. The literature assumes that (1) the optimal data interval is the interpurchase time, (2) too disaggregate data causes a disaggregation bias, and (3) recovery of true parameters requires assumption of the underlying advertising process. In contrast, we show that (1) the optimal data interval is what we call , (2) too disaggregate data do...

  6. Delay-Dependent Guaranteed Cost H∞ Control of an Interval System with Interval Time-Varying Delay

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhongke Shi


    Full Text Available This paper concerns the problem of the delay-dependent robust stability and guaranteed cost H∞ control for an interval system with time-varying delay. The interval system with matrix factorization is provided and leads to less conservative conclusions than solving a square root. The time-varying delay is assumed to belong to an interval and the derivative of the interval time-varying delay is not a restriction, which allows a fast time-varying delay; also its applicability is broad. Based on the Lyapunov-Ktasovskii approach, a delay-dependent criterion for the existence of a state feedback controller, which guarantees the closed-loop system stability, the upper bound of cost function, and disturbance attenuation lever for all admissible uncertainties as well as out perturbation, is proposed in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs. The criterion is derived by free weighting matrices that can reduce the conservatism. The effectiveness has been verified in a number example and the compute results are presented to validate the proposed design method.

  7. Consistency and refinement for Interval Markov Chains

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Delahaye, Benoit; Larsen, Kim Guldstrand; Legay, Axel


    Interval Markov Chains (IMC), or Markov Chains with probability intervals in the transition matrix, are the base of a classic specification theory for probabilistic systems [18]. The standard semantics of IMCs assigns to a specification the set of all Markov Chains that satisfy its interval...

  8. Advanced Interval Management: A Benefit Analysis (United States)

    Timer, Sebastian; Peters, Mark


    This document is the final report for the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC)- sponsored task order 'Possible Benefits for Advanced Interval Management Operations.' Under this research project, Architecture Technology Corporation performed an analysis to determine the maximum potential benefit to be gained if specific Advanced Interval Management (AIM) operations were implemented in the National Airspace System (NAS). The motivation for this research is to guide NASA decision-making on which Interval Management (IM) applications offer the most potential benefit and warrant further research.

  9. Short-interval and long-interval intracortical inhibition of TMS-evoked EEG potentials. (United States)

    Premoli, Isabella; Király, Julia; Müller-Dahlhaus, Florian; Zipser, Carl M; Rossini, Pierre; Zrenner, Christoph; Ziemann, Ulf; Belardinelli, Paolo


    Inhibition in the human motor cortex can be probed by means of paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (ppTMS) at interstimulus intervals of 2-3 ms (short-interval intracortical inhibition, SICI) or ∼100 ms (long-interval intracortical inhibition, LICI). Conventionally, SICI and LICI are recorded as motor evoked potential (MEP) inhibition in the hand muscle. Pharmacological experiments indicate that they are mediated by GABAA and GABAB receptors, respectively. SICI and LICI of TMS-evoked EEG potentials (TEPs) and their pharmacological properties have not been systematically studied. Here, we sought to examine SICI by ppTMS-evoked compared to single-pulse TMS-evoked TEPs, to investigate its pharmacological manipulation and to compare SICI with our previous results on LICI. PpTMS-EEG was applied to the left motor cortex in 16 healthy subjects in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled crossover design, testing the effects of a single oral dose 20 mg of diazepam, a positive modulator at the GABAA receptor, vs. 50 mg of the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen on SICI of TEPs. We found significant SICI of the N100 and P180 TEPs prior to drug intake. Diazepam reduced SICI of the N100 TEP, while baclofen enhanced it. Compared to our previous ppTMS-EEG results on LICI, the SICI effects on TEPs, including their drug modulation, were largely analogous. Findings suggest a similar interaction of paired-pulse effects on TEPs irrespective of the interstimulus interval. Therefore, SICI and LICI as measured with TEPs cannot be directly derived from SICI and LICI measured with MEPs, but may offer novel insight into paired-pulse responses recorded directly from the brain rather than muscle. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. 46 CFR 61.20-17 - Examination intervals. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Examination intervals. 61.20-17 Section 61.20-17... INSPECTIONS Periodic Tests of Machinery and Equipment § 61.20-17 Examination intervals. (a) A lubricant that... examination interval. (b) Except as provided in paragraphs (c) through (f) of this section, each tailshaft on...

  11. Haemostatic reference intervals in pregnancy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Szecsi, Pal Bela; Jørgensen, Maja; Klajnbard, Anna


    largely unchanged during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum and were within non-pregnant reference intervals. However, levels of fibrinogen, D-dimer, and coagulation factors VII, VIII, and IX increased markedly. Protein S activity decreased substantially, while free protein S decreased slightly and total......Haemostatic reference intervals are generally based on samples from non-pregnant women. Thus, they may not be relevant to pregnant women, a problem that may hinder accurate diagnosis and treatment of haemostatic disorders during pregnancy. In this study, we establish gestational age......-20, 21-28, 29-34, 35-42, at active labor, and on postpartum days 1 and 2. Reference intervals for each gestational period using only the uncomplicated pregnancies were calculated in all 391 women for activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), fibrinogen, fibrin D-dimer, antithrombin, free protein S...

  12. Viiking Vesilind suurendab Eestit / Viio Aitsam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aitsam, Viio, 1955-


    Ajakirja National Geographic ajakirjanik Priit Vesilind esitles esmaspäeval Tallinnas oma esimest eestikeelset raamatut "Eestlane igas sadamas : artikleid ajakirjast National Geographic" (Tallinn, 2004)

  13. Direct Interval Forecasting of Wind Power

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wan, Can; Xu, Zhao; Pinson, Pierre


    This letter proposes a novel approach to directly formulate the prediction intervals of wind power generation based on extreme learning machine and particle swarm optimization, where prediction intervals are generated through direct optimization of both the coverage probability and sharpness...

  14. A note on birth interval distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shrestha, G.


    A considerable amount of work has been done regarding the birth interval analysis in mathematical demography. This paper is prepared with the intention of reviewing some probability models related to interlive birth intervals proposed by different researchers. (author). 14 refs

  15. Electrocardiographic PR-interval duration and cardiovascular risk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Peter Vibe; Nielsen, Jonas Bille; Skov, Morten Wagner


    Background Because of ambiguous reports in the literature, we aimed to investigate the association between PR interval and the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular death, heart failure, and pacemaker implantation, allowing for a nonlinear relationship. MethodsWe included 293,111 individuals...... into 7 groups based on the population PR interval distribution. Cox models were used, with reference to a PR interval between 152 and 161 ms (40th to heart failure...... adjustment. A long PR interval conferred an increased risk of heart failure ( > 200 ms; HR, 1.31; 95% CI, 1.22-1.42; P 200 ms (HR, 3...

  16. Volatility return intervals analysis of the Japanese market (United States)

    Jung, W.-S.; Wang, F. Z.; Havlin, S.; Kaizoji, T.; Moon, H.-T.; Stanley, H. E.


    We investigate scaling and memory effects in return intervals between price volatilities above a certain threshold q for the Japanese stock market using daily and intraday data sets. We find that the distribution of return intervals can be approximated by a scaling function that depends only on the ratio between the return interval τ and its mean . We also find memory effects such that a large (or small) return interval follows a large (or small) interval by investigating the conditional distribution and mean return interval. The results are similar to previous studies of other markets and indicate that similar statistical features appear in different financial markets. We also compare our results between the period before and after the big crash at the end of 1989. We find that scaling and memory effects of the return intervals show similar features although the statistical properties of the returns are different.

  17. An Adequate First Order Logic of Intervals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chaochen, Zhou; Hansen, Michael Reichhardt


    This paper introduces left and right neighbourhoods as primitive interval modalities to define other unary and binary modalities of intervals in a first order logic with interval length. A complete first order logic for the neighbourhood modalities is presented. It is demonstrated how the logic can...... support formal specification and verification of liveness and fairness, and also of various notions of real analysis....

  18. Price rules in airline marketing / Elina Krauja-Veide, Marina Jõgi, Toms Andersons...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Lennukompaniide Air Baltic, Estonian Air, British Airways ja Lithuanian Airlines turundusjuhid olukorrast Baltimaade lennundusturul ja lennufirmade turundustegevusest. Kommenteerivad Priit Kivik, Ilona Kbejan, Julia Brjuhanova. Tabel

  19. Increasing accuracy in the interval analysis by the improved format of interval extension based on the first order Taylor series (United States)

    Li, Yi; Xu, Yan Long


    When the dependence of the function on uncertain variables is non-monotonic in interval, the interval of function obtained by the classic interval extension based on the first order Taylor series will exhibit significant errors. In order to reduce theses errors, the improved format of the interval extension with the first order Taylor series is developed here considering the monotonicity of function. Two typical mathematic examples are given to illustrate this methodology. The vibration of a beam with lumped masses is studied to demonstrate the usefulness of this method in the practical application, and the necessary input data of which are only the function value at the central point of interval, sensitivity and deviation of function. The results of above examples show that the interval of function from the method developed by this paper is more accurate than the ones obtained by the classic method.

  20. Conditional prediction intervals of wind power generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pinson, Pierre; Kariniotakis, Georges


    A generic method for the providing of prediction intervals of wind power generation is described. Prediction intervals complement the more common wind power point forecasts, by giving a range of potential outcomes for a given probability, their so-called nominal coverage rate. Ideally they inform...... on the characteristics of prediction errors for providing conditional interval forecasts. By simultaneously generating prediction intervals with various nominal coverage rates, one obtains full predictive distributions of wind generation. Adapted resampling is applied here to the case of an onshore Danish wind farm...... to the case of a large number of wind farms in Europe and Australia among others is finally discussed....

  1. A probabilistic approach for representation of interval uncertainty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaman, Kais; Rangavajhala, Sirisha; McDonald, Mark P.; Mahadevan, Sankaran


    In this paper, we propose a probabilistic approach to represent interval data for input variables in reliability and uncertainty analysis problems, using flexible families of continuous Johnson distributions. Such a probabilistic representation of interval data facilitates a unified framework for handling aleatory and epistemic uncertainty. For fitting probability distributions, methods such as moment matching are commonly used in the literature. However, unlike point data where single estimates for the moments of data can be calculated, moments of interval data can only be computed in terms of upper and lower bounds. Finding bounds on the moments of interval data has been generally considered an NP-hard problem because it includes a search among the combinations of multiple values of the variables, including interval endpoints. In this paper, we present efficient algorithms based on continuous optimization to find the bounds on second and higher moments of interval data. With numerical examples, we show that the proposed bounding algorithms are scalable in polynomial time with respect to increasing number of intervals. Using the bounds on moments computed using the proposed approach, we fit a family of Johnson distributions to interval data. Furthermore, using an optimization approach based on percentiles, we find the bounding envelopes of the family of distributions, termed as a Johnson p-box. The idea of bounding envelopes for the family of Johnson distributions is analogous to the notion of empirical p-box in the literature. Several sets of interval data with different numbers of intervals and type of overlap are presented to demonstrate the proposed methods. As against the computationally expensive nested analysis that is typically required in the presence of interval variables, the proposed probabilistic representation enables inexpensive optimization-based strategies to estimate bounds on an output quantity of interest.

  2. Risk factors for QTc interval prolongation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heemskerk, Charlotte P.M.; Pereboom, Marieke; van Stralen, Karlijn; Berger, Florine A.; van den Bemt, Patricia M.L.A.; Kuijper, Aaf F.M.; van der Hoeven, Ruud T M; Mantel-Teeuwisse, Aukje K.; Becker, Matthijs L


    Purpose: Prolongation of the QTc interval may result in Torsade de Pointes, a ventricular arrhythmia. Numerous risk factors for QTc interval prolongation have been described, including the use of certain drugs. In clinical practice, there is much debate about the management of the risks involved. In

  3. A Characterization of 2-Tree Probe Interval Graphs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brown David E.


    Full Text Available A graph is a probe interval graph if its vertices correspond to some set of intervals of the real line and can be partitioned into sets P and N so that vertices are adjacent if and only if their corresponding intervals intersect and at least one belongs to P. We characterize the 2-trees which are probe interval graphs and extend a list of forbidden induced subgraphs for such graphs created by Pržulj and Corneil in [2-tree probe interval graphs have a large obstruction set, Discrete Appl. Math. 150 (2005 216-231

  4. Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting with short relaxation intervals. (United States)

    Amthor, Thomas; Doneva, Mariya; Koken, Peter; Sommer, Karsten; Meineke, Jakob; Börnert, Peter


    The aim of this study was to investigate a technique for improving the performance of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) in repetitive sampling schemes, in particular for 3D MRF acquisition, by shortening relaxation intervals between MRF pulse train repetitions. A calculation method for MRF dictionaries adapted to short relaxation intervals and non-relaxed initial spin states is presented, based on the concept of stationary fingerprints. The method is applicable to many different k-space sampling schemes in 2D and 3D. For accuracy analysis, T 1 and T 2 values of a phantom are determined by single-slice Cartesian MRF for different relaxation intervals and are compared with quantitative reference measurements. The relevance of slice profile effects is also investigated in this case. To further illustrate the capabilities of the method, an application to in-vivo spiral 3D MRF measurements is demonstrated. The proposed computation method enables accurate parameter estimation even for the shortest relaxation intervals, as investigated for different sampling patterns in 2D and 3D. In 2D Cartesian measurements, we achieved a scan acceleration of more than a factor of two, while maintaining acceptable accuracy: The largest T 1 values of a sample set deviated from their reference values by 0.3% (longest relaxation interval) and 2.4% (shortest relaxation interval). The largest T 2 values showed systematic deviations of up to 10% for all relaxation intervals, which is discussed. The influence of slice profile effects for multislice acquisition is shown to become increasingly relevant for short relaxation intervals. In 3D spiral measurements, a scan time reduction of 36% was achieved, maintaining the quality of in-vivo T1 and T2 maps. Reducing the relaxation interval between MRF sequence repetitions using stationary fingerprint dictionaries is a feasible method to improve the scan efficiency of MRF sequences. The method enables fast implementations of 3D spatially

  5. Interpregnancy interval and risk of autistic disorder. (United States)

    Gunnes, Nina; Surén, Pål; Bresnahan, Michaeline; Hornig, Mady; Lie, Kari Kveim; Lipkin, W Ian; Magnus, Per; Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted; Schjølberg, Synnve; Susser, Ezra Saul; Øyen, Anne-Siri; Stoltenberg, Camilla


    A recent California study reported increased risk of autistic disorder in children conceived within a year after the birth of a sibling. We assessed the association between interpregnancy interval and risk of autistic disorder using nationwide registry data on pairs of singleton full siblings born in Norway. We defined interpregnancy interval as the time from birth of the first-born child to conception of the second-born child in a sibship. The outcome of interest was autistic disorder in the second-born child. Analyses were restricted to sibships in which the second-born child was born in 1990-2004. Odds ratios (ORs) were estimated by fitting ordinary logistic models and logistic generalized additive models. The study sample included 223,476 singleton full-sibling pairs. In sibships with interpregnancy intervals autistic disorder, compared with 0.13% in the reference category (≥ 36 months). For interpregnancy intervals shorter than 9 months, the adjusted OR of autistic disorder in the second-born child was 2.18 (95% confidence interval 1.42-3.26). The risk of autistic disorder in the second-born child was also increased for interpregnancy intervals of 9-11 months in the adjusted analysis (OR = 1.71 [95% CI = 1.07-2.64]). Consistent with a previous report from California, interpregnancy intervals shorter than 1 year were associated with increased risk of autistic disorder in the second-born child. A possible explanation is depletion of micronutrients in mothers with closely spaced pregnancies.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. A. Kharkovskaia


    Full Text Available The method of an interval observer design for nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainties is considered. The interval observer synthesis problem for systems with varying parameters consists in the following. If there is the uncertainty restraint for the state values of the system, limiting the initial conditions of the system and the set of admissible values for the vector of unknown parameters and inputs, the interval existence condition for the estimations of the system state variables, containing the actual state at a given time, needs to be held valid over the whole considered time segment as well. Conditions of the interval observers design for the considered class of systems are shown. They are: limitation of the input and state, the existence of a majorizing function defining the uncertainty vector for the system, Lipschitz continuity or finiteness of this function, the existence of an observer gain with the suitable Lyapunov matrix. The main condition for design of such a device is cooperativity of the interval estimation error dynamics. An individual observer gain matrix selection problem is considered. In order to ensure the property of cooperativity for interval estimation error dynamics, a static transformation of coordinates is proposed. The proposed algorithm is demonstrated by computer modeling of the biological reactor. Possible applications of these interval estimation systems are the spheres of robust control, where the presence of various types of uncertainties in the system dynamics is assumed, biotechnology and environmental systems and processes, mechatronics and robotics, etc.

  7. Kirjastusuudiseid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest kunstiraamatutest "Meistriteoste lummus. Koopia 19. sajandil" (koostaja Tiina-Mall Kreem), "Priit Pärn" (koostaja Eha Komissarov), "Henn Roode. Modernist saatuse kiuste" (koostaja Kädi Talvoja)

  8. Kavatsedes kaminat / Tiina Kolk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kolk, Tiina


    AET Arhitektide arhitekt Priit Hamer kaminate paigaldamisest, avatud koldega kaminast, klaasuksega ahjust, õhkkütte- ehk malmsüdamega kaminast, gaasikaminast ja valmiskaminatest, kamina sobitumisest ruumikujundusega

  9. EXPO paviljon Shanghais = EXPO pavilion in Shanghai / Illimar Truverk ; intervjueerinud Margit Mutso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Truverk, Illimar, 1967-


    Shanghai EXPO Eesti paviljonist. Arhitektid: Illimar Truverk, Priit Hamer (Allianss Arhitektid), sisearhitektid: Andres Labi, Janno Roos (Ruumilabor), loovjuht: Ionel Lehari (Identity), graafiline disainer: Kristjan Paljasma (Identity)

  10. Eesti Raudtee juht : valitsus tahab meie äri hävitada / Edward A. Burkhardt ; interv. Priit Rajalo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Burkhardt, Edward A.


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 22. dets., lk 2. Eesti Raudtee omanikud (Baltic Rail Service) kaaluvad ettevõtte mahamüümist valitsusepoolse käitumise tõttu. Tallinna Sadama võimalik osalus. Kommenteerivad Villu Reiljan, Taavi Veskimägi, Ivari Padar, Tõnis Lukas, Andrus Ansip ja Edgar Savisaar

  11. Intact interval timing in circadian CLOCK mutants. (United States)

    Cordes, Sara; Gallistel, C R


    While progress has been made in determining the molecular basis for the circadian clock, the mechanism by which mammalian brains time intervals measured in seconds to minutes remains a mystery. An obvious question is whether the interval-timing mechanism shares molecular machinery with the circadian timing mechanism. In the current study, we trained circadian CLOCK +/- and -/- mutant male mice in a peak-interval procedure with 10 and 20-s criteria. The mutant mice were more active than their wild-type littermates, but there were no reliable deficits in the accuracy or precision of their timing as compared with wild-type littermates. This suggests that expression of the CLOCK protein is not necessary for normal interval timing.

  12. Interval Size and Affect: An Ethnomusicological Perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarha Moore


    Full Text Available This commentary addresses Huron and Davis's question of whether "The Harmonic Minor Provides an Optimum Way of Reducing Average Melodic Interval Size, Consistent with Sad Affect Cues" within any non-Western musical cultures. The harmonic minor scale and other semitone-heavy scales, such as Bhairav raga and Hicaz makam, are featured widely in the musical cultures of North India and the Middle East. Do melodies from these genres also have a preponderance of semitone intervals and low incidence of the augmented second interval, as in Huron and Davis's sample? Does the presence of more semitone intervals in a melody affect its emotional connotations in different cultural settings? Are all semitone intervals equal in their effect? My own ethnographic research within these cultures reveals comparable connotations in melodies that linger on semitone intervals, centered on concepts of tension and metaphors of falling. However, across different musical cultures there may also be neutral or lively interpretations of these same pitch sets, dependent on context, manner of performance, and tradition. Small pitch movement may also be associated with social functions such as prayer or lullabies, and may not be described as "sad." "Sad," moreover may not connote the same affect cross-culturally.

  13. Teledokumentalistika hiilgusest ja viletsusest / Maria Ulfsak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ulfsak, Maria, 1981-


    Leedu teleprogrammide ja -filmide festivalil "Amber arch" ("Merevaigust arkaad") võitis peapreemia Priit Valkna dokumentaalfilm "Hunt", mille tootis Allfilm ETV "Eesti lugude" dokumentaalsarja. Ka teistest festivali filmidest

  14. Kuidas töötavad Eesti jäljekütid? / Kai Väärtnõu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Väärtnõu, Kai


    USA kriminaalsarja "Jälgi jätmata" ("Without a Trace") püstitatud inimeste kadumise teemal vesteldakse Põhja politseiprefektuuri kriminaalosakonna isikuvastaste kuritegude talituse vanemkomissari Priit Pärknaga

  15. Septembril seljas on koolimunder, lapsi täis kogunenud klassikamber

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Katkendeid Kuressaare Gümnaasiumi (tollase Kuressaare 2. Keskkooli) õpilaste lõpukirjanditest ja jutte koolialmanahhist, autorid: Sem Kolk, Reet Rand, Mark Loik, Priit Paitse, Tiia Pea, Heili Talur

  16. A New Approach to Interval-Valued Choquet Integrals and the Problem of Ordering in Interval-Valued Fuzzy Set Applications

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bustince, H.; Galar, M.; Bedregal, B.; Kolesárová, A.; Mesiar, Radko


    Roč. 21, č. 6 (2013), s. 1150-1162 ISSN 1063-6706 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP402/11/0378 Institutional support: RVO:67985556 Keywords : Interval- value d Choquet integral * Shapley value * interval- value d ordered weighted aggregation (OWA) operators * interval- value d decision making Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 6.306, year: 2013

  17. Fuzzy interval Finite Element/Statistical Energy Analysis for mid-frequency analysis of built-up systems with mixed fuzzy and interval parameters (United States)

    Yin, Hui; Yu, Dejie; Yin, Shengwen; Xia, Baizhan


    This paper introduces mixed fuzzy and interval parametric uncertainties into the FE components of the hybrid Finite Element/Statistical Energy Analysis (FE/SEA) model for mid-frequency analysis of built-up systems, thus an uncertain ensemble combining non-parametric with mixed fuzzy and interval parametric uncertainties comes into being. A fuzzy interval Finite Element/Statistical Energy Analysis (FIFE/SEA) framework is proposed to obtain the uncertain responses of built-up systems, which are described as intervals with fuzzy bounds, termed as fuzzy-bounded intervals (FBIs) in this paper. Based on the level-cut technique, a first-order fuzzy interval perturbation FE/SEA (FFIPFE/SEA) and a second-order fuzzy interval perturbation FE/SEA method (SFIPFE/SEA) are developed to handle the mixed parametric uncertainties efficiently. FFIPFE/SEA approximates the response functions by the first-order Taylor series, while SFIPFE/SEA improves the accuracy by considering the second-order items of Taylor series, in which all the mixed second-order items are neglected. To further improve the accuracy, a Chebyshev fuzzy interval method (CFIM) is proposed, in which the Chebyshev polynomials is used to approximate the response functions. The FBIs are eventually reconstructed by assembling the extrema solutions at all cut levels. Numerical results on two built-up systems verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

  18. VT Mile Points - 1/10-Mile Intervals (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — The mile points data layer is comprised of discrete locations based on specific measured intervals along a route. These intervals are represented along a...

  19. 46 CFR 176.675 - Extension of examination intervals. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Extension of examination intervals. 176.675 Section 176... 100 GROSS TONS) INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Hull and Tailshaft Examinations § 176.675 Extension of examination intervals. The intervals between drydock examinations and internal structural examinations...

  20. The prognostic value of the QT interval and QT interval dispersion in all-cause and cardiac mortality and morbidity in a population of Danish citizens. (United States)

    Elming, H; Holm, E; Jun, L; Torp-Pedersen, C; Køber, L; Kircshoff, M; Malik, M; Camm, J


    To evaluate the prognostic value of the QT interval and QT interval dispersion in total and in cardiovascular mortality, as well as in cardiac morbidity, in a general population. The QT interval was measured in all leads from a standard 12-lead ECG in a random sample of 1658 women and 1797 men aged 30-60 years. QT interval dispersion was calculated from the maximal difference between QT intervals in any two leads. All cause mortality over 13 years, and cardiovascular mortality as well as cardiac morbidity over 11 years, were the main outcome parameters. Subjects with a prolonged QT interval (430 ms or more) or prolonged QT interval dispersion (80 ms or more) were at higher risk of cardiovascular death and cardiac morbidity than subjects whose QT interval was less than 360 ms, or whose QT interval dispersion was less than 30 ms. Cardiovascular death relative risk ratios, adjusted for age, gender, myocardial infarct, angina pectoris, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, smoking habits, serum cholesterol level, and heart rate were 2.9 for the QT interval (95% confidence interval 1.1-7.8) and 4.4 for QT interval dispersion (95% confidence interval 1.0-19-1). Fatal and non-fatal cardiac morbidity relative risk ratios were similar, at 2.7 (95% confidence interval 1.4-5.5) for the QT interval and 2.2 (95% confidence interval 1.1-4.0) for QT interval dispersion. Prolongation of the QT interval and QT interval dispersion independently affected the prognosis of cardiovascular mortality and cardiac fatal and non-fatal morbidity in a general population over 11 years.

  1. Inverse Interval Matrix: A Survey

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Rohn, Jiří; Farhadsefat, R.


    Roč. 22, - (2011), s. 704-719 E-ISSN 1081-3810 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA201/09/1957; GA ČR GC201/08/J020 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : interval matrix * inverse interval matrix * NP-hardness * enclosure * unit midpoint * inverse sign stability * nonnegative invertibility * absolute value equation * algorithm Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.808, year: 2010 ela / ela -articles/articles/vol22_pp704-719.pdf


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    王国俊; 徐罗山


    This paper introduces the theory of continuous lattices to the study of the Hutton unit interval I(L). some theorems related to I(L) are pithily proved. A kind of intrinsic topologies is applied to refining the topology of I(L),and a new fuzzy unit interval,called the H(λ) unit interval,is defined.Based on the H(λ) unit interval the H(λ)-complete regularity is introduced.Also,the theory of. H(λ)-stone-ech compactifications is established

  3. Extraction and LOD control of colored interval volumes (United States)

    Miyamura, Hiroko N.; Takeshima, Yuriko; Fujishiro, Issei; Saito, Takafumi


    Interval volume serves as a generalized isosurface and represents a three-dimensional subvolume for which the associated scalar filed values lie within a user-specified closed interval. In general, it is not an easy task for novices to specify the scalar field interval corresponding to their ROIs. In order to extract interval volumes from which desirable geometric features can be mined effectively, we propose a suggestive technique which extracts interval volumes automatically based on the global examination of the field contrast structure. Also proposed here is a simplification scheme for decimating resultant triangle patches to realize efficient transmission and rendition of large-scale interval volumes. Color distributions as well as geometric features are taken into account to select best edges to be collapsed. In addition, when a user wants to selectively display and analyze the original dataset, the simplified dataset is restructured to the original quality. Several simulated and acquired datasets are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the present methods.

  4. Baltic Property Trust - professionaalseim kinnisvara investeerimisfirma Baltimere piirkonnas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    BPT Eesti direktor Meelis Liivak Baltic Property Trusti (BPT) eesmärkidest, tegevusvaldkondadest ja tulevikuplaanidest. Kommenteerivad Alo Kullamaa, Priit Põldoja, Andres Järving ja Aivar Tomson. Lisa: Ajalugu

  5. Flood control project selection using an interval type-2 entropy weight with interval type-2 fuzzy TOPSIS (United States)

    Zamri, Nurnadiah; Abdullah, Lazim


    Flood control project is a complex issue which takes economic, social, environment and technical attributes into account. Selection of the best flood control project requires the consideration of conflicting quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria. When decision-makers' judgment are under uncertainty, it is relatively difficult for them to provide exact numerical values. The interval type-2 fuzzy set (IT2FS) is a strong tool which can deal with the uncertainty case of subjective, incomplete, and vague information. Besides, it helps to solve for some situations where the information about criteria weights for alternatives is completely unknown. Therefore, this paper is adopted the information interval type-2 entropy concept into the weighting process of interval type-2 fuzzy TOPSIS. This entropy weight is believed can effectively balance the influence of uncertainty factors in evaluating attribute. Then, a modified ranking value is proposed in line with the interval type-2 entropy weight. Quantitative and qualitative factors that normally linked with flood control project are considered for ranking. Data in form of interval type-2 linguistic variables were collected from three authorised personnel of three Malaysian Government agencies. Study is considered for the whole of Malaysia. From the analysis, it shows that diversion scheme yielded the highest closeness coefficient at 0.4807. A ranking can be drawn using the magnitude of closeness coefficient. It was indicated that the diversion scheme recorded the first rank among five causes.

  6. Tšehhi animafilmi lipp püsib kõrgel / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    IX Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali alafestivali "Animated Dreams" peakülaline on oma kaheksast filmist koosneva retrospektiiviga tšehhi animaator Michaela Pavlatova. Lisatud : Priit Pärn "Soovitan!"

  7. Animeeritud unistused said juba kümnendat korda tõeks / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    Animafilmide festivali "Animated Dreams" võitis Priit ja Olga Pärna joonisfilm "Elu ilma Gabriella Ferrita". Samuti esitati see Põhjamaade ja Balti riikide animafestivalide ühise auhinna ANOBA nominendiks

  8. A Bat in the dustbin of Auropean history / Heikki Jokinen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jokinen, Heikki


    Artikli autor meenutab 1988.a. Tampere Rahvusvahelisel Lühifilmifestivalil nähtud Riho Undi-Hardi Volmeri nukufilmi "Sõda" ja Priit Pärna animafilmi "Eine murul". Veel Eesti animafilmist, tegijatest

  9. Eesti osaleb Riia teatrifestivalil kahe lavastusega

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Riias algas 25. okt. rahvusvaheline teatrifestival Homo Novus '99,kus Eestit esindavad Eesti Draamateater Priit Pedajase lavastusega "Mao tee kalju peal" ja Theatrum Lembit Petersoni lavastusega "Pelleas ja Melisande"

  10. Draamateater ja Theatrum Riias festivalil / Andres Keil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Keil, Andres, 1974-


    Riias algas 25. okt. rahvusvaheline teatrifestival Homo Novus '99,kus Eestit esindavad Eesti Draamateater Priit Pedajase lavastusega "Mao tee kalju peal" ja Theatrum Lembit Petersoni lavastusega "Pelleas ja Melisande"

  11. Красный холст и "красный" Мадрид / Борис Тух

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Тух, Борис, 1946-


    Eesti Draamateatri väikeses saalis 25. septembril esietendunud Priit Pedajase lavastusest "Punane", autor John Logan ja 27. septembril esietendunud lavastusest "Viies kolonn", autor Ernest Hemingway, lavastaja Ingo Normet


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available In this paper we introduce the notions of interval-valued fuzzy bi-ideal, interval-valued anti fuzzy bi-ideal and interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy bi-ideal in ternary semirings and some of the basic properties of these ideals are investigated. We also introduce normal interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy ideals in ternary semirings.

  13. Sex Hormones and the QT Interval: A Review (United States)

    Sedlak, Tara; Shufelt, Chrisandra; Iribarren, Carlos


    Abstract A prolonged QT interval is a marker for an increased risk of ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Both endogenous and exogenous sex hormones have been shown to affect the QT interval. Endogenous testosterone and progesterone shorten the action potential, and estrogen lengthens the QT interval. During a single menstrual cycle, progesterone levels, but not estrogen levels, have the dominant effect on ventricular repolarization in women. Studies of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) in the form of estrogen-alone therapy (ET) and estrogen plus progesterone therapy (EPT) have suggested a counterbalancing effect of exogenous estrogen and progesterone on the QT. Specifically, ET lengthens the QT, whereas EPT has no effect. To date, there are no studies on oral contraception (OC) and the QT interval, and future research is needed. This review outlines the current literature on sex hormones and QT interval, including the endogenous effects of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone and the exogenous effects of estrogen and progesterone therapy in the forms of MHT and hormone contraception. Further, we review the potential mechanisms and pathophysiology of sex hormones on the QT interval. PMID:22663191

  14. Socioeconomic position and the primary care interval

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vedsted, Anders


    to the easiness to interpret the symptoms of the underlying cancer. Methods. We conducted a population-based cohort study using survey data on time intervals linked at an individually level to routine collected data on demographics from Danish registries. Using logistic regression we estimated the odds......Introduction. Diagnostic delays affect cancer survival negatively. Thus, the time interval from symptomatic presentation to a GP until referral to secondary care (i.e. primary care interval (PCI)), should be as short as possible. Lower socioeconomic position seems associated with poorer cancer...... younger than 45 years of age and older than 54 years of age had longer primary care interval than patients aged ‘45-54’ years. No other associations for SEP characteristics were observed. The findings may imply that GPs are referring patients regardless of SEP, although some room for improvement prevails...

  15. Generalized production planning problem under interval uncertainty

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samir A. Abass


    Full Text Available Data in many real life engineering and economical problems suffer from inexactness. Herein we assume that we are given some intervals in which the data can simultaneously and independently perturb. We consider the generalized production planning problem with interval data. The interval data are in both of the objective function and constraints. The existing results concerning the qualitative and quantitative analysis of basic notions in parametric production planning problem. These notions are the set of feasible parameters, the solvability set and the stability set of the first kind.

  16. Reconstruction of dynamical systems from interspike intervals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sauer, T.


    Attractor reconstruction from interspike interval (ISI) data is described, in rough analogy with Taken's theorem for attractor reconstruction from time series. Assuming a generic integrate-and-fire model coupling the dynamical system to the spike train, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the system states and interspike interval vectors of sufficiently large dimension. The correspondence has an important implication: interspike intervals can be forecast from past history. We show that deterministically driven ISI series can be distinguished from stochastically driven ISI series on the basis of prediction error

  17. Ajaleheturul on 70% allahindlus igapäevane / Eda-Liis Kann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kann, Eda-Liis, 1979-


    Selle asemel, et ametlikult reklaamihinda langetada pakuvad ajalehed reklaamiandjatele ülisuuri soodustusi. Kommenteerivad Enn Parel, Aavo Kokk, Andrus Vaher, Priit Leito, Erik Roose, Ruta Kallaspoolik, Toomas Tiivel, Lauri-Hillar Talve

  18. Kaubamaja Naistemaailm = Tallinn Kaubamaja Ladies' World / Külli Salum, Riina Harik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salum, Külli, 1971-


    Tallinna Kaubamaja Naistemaailma (Gonsiori 2) sisekujundusest. Autorid: Külli Salum ja Riina Harik (Saha IN). Skulptuurid: Kalle-Priit Pruuden. Sisearhitekti ja ESLi aastapreemiate žürii liikme Tarmo Piirmetsa arvamus

  19. Augusti Tantsufestival lõppeb lõbusalt / Oleg Sulimenko ; intervjueerinud Tiiu Laks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sulimenko, Oleg


    Vene koreograafide-tantsijate Oleg Sulimenko (elab Viinis) ja Andrei Andrianovi tantsulavastusest "Made in Russia", mis lõpetab 11. Augusti Tantsufestivali Tallinnas. Kuraator Priit Raud 14.-28. augustini kestva festivali kavast

  20. Kaks näitlejapreemiat Viribus Unitisele / Riina Mägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mägi, Riina, 1957-


    13. apr. lõppenud üleriigilisest kooliteatrite festivalist. Jõgevamaad esindav Põltsamaa kultuurikeskuse näitering Viribus Unitis võitis kaks näitlejapreemiat. Need said Veiko Porkanen ja Priit Pius

  1. "Vastutuulesaal" võitis FIPA festivalil auhinna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Dokumentaalfilm "Vastutuulesaal", režissöör Priit Valkna, võitis Prantsusmaal Biarritzis 21. rahvusvahelisel audiovisuaalsete programmide festivalil (FIPA) esituskunstide kategoorias teise auhinna, FIPA D'ARGENT Special Prize'i

  2. "Vastutuulesaal" sai auhinna FIPA festivalil Prantsusmaal / Immo Mihkelson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mihkelson, Immo, 1959-


    Dokumentaalfilm "Vastutuulesaal", režissöör Priit Valkna, võitis Prantsusmaal Biarritzis 21. rahvusvahelisel audiovisuaalsete programmide festivalil (FIPA) esituskunstide kategoorias teise auhinna, FIPA D'ARGENT Special Prize'i

  3. Sonographic Characteristics and Interval Changes of Subacute Thyroiditis. (United States)

    Lee, Yoo Jin; Kim, Dong Wook


    This study aimed to assess the sonographic characteristics and interval changes of subacute thyroiditis using follow-up sonography. From January 2008 to December 2014, 85 patients with clinically suspected subacute thyroiditis underwent sonographic examinations by a single radiologist. Subacute thyroiditis was confirmed on the basis of the clinical, sonographic, and cytohistopathologic findings. On the initial and follow-up sonograms, the individual sonographic findings and interval changes were retrospectively investigated by the same radiologist. According to the sonographic configuration, subacute thyroiditis lesions were categorized as nodular or non-nodular. The interval changes in the lesions were classified as follows: "disappeared," "decreased," "increased," "eventually smaller," "eventually larger," or "no interval change." Subacute thyroiditis was confirmed in 64 of the 85 patients. In these 64 patients, nodular (n = 39) and non-nodular (n = 35) lesions were found; 10 patients had both nodular and non-nodular lesions. Of the 64 patients, 41 underwent sonographic follow-up. In both nodular and non-nodular lesions, the common interval changes included disappeared, decreased, and eventually smaller patterns. Although the increased pattern was found only in 4 nodular lesions, there was no significant difference in the interval changes between nodular and non-nodular lesions. On follow-up sonography, a new lesion was detected in 6 patients. The prevalence rate of nodular subacute thyroiditis lesions on sonography was high, and the interval changes in the lesions were variable.

  4. Tuning for temporal interval in human apparent motion detection. (United States)

    Bours, Roger J E; Stuur, Sanne; Lankheet, Martin J M


    Detection of apparent motion in random dot patterns requires correlation across time and space. It has been difficult to study the temporal requirements for the correlation step because motion detection also depends on temporal filtering preceding correlation and on integration at the next levels. To specifically study tuning for temporal interval in the correlation step, we performed an experiment in which prefiltering and postintegration were held constant and in which we used a motion stimulus containing coherent motion for a single interval value only. The stimulus consisted of a sparse random dot pattern in which each dot was presented in two frames only, separated by a specified interval. On each frame, half of the dots were refreshed and the other half was a displaced reincarnation of the pattern generated one or several frames earlier. Motion energy statistics in such a stimulus do not vary from frame to frame, and the directional bias in spatiotemporal correlations is similar for different interval settings. We measured coherence thresholds for left-right direction discrimination by varying motion coherence levels in a Quest staircase procedure, as a function of both step size and interval. Results show that highest sensitivity was found for an interval of 17-42 ms, irrespective of viewing distance. The falloff at longer intervals was much sharper than previously described. Tuning for temporal interval was largely, but not completely, independent of step size. The optimal temporal interval slightly decreased with increasing step size. Similarly, the optimal step size decreased with increasing temporal interval.

  5. Comparing interval estimates for small sample ordinal CFA models. (United States)

    Natesan, Prathiba


    Robust maximum likelihood (RML) and asymptotically generalized least squares (AGLS) methods have been recommended for fitting ordinal structural equation models. Studies show that some of these methods underestimate standard errors. However, these studies have not investigated the coverage and bias of interval estimates. An estimate with a reasonable standard error could still be severely biased. This can only be known by systematically investigating the interval estimates. The present study compares Bayesian, RML, and AGLS interval estimates of factor correlations in ordinal confirmatory factor analysis models (CFA) for small sample data. Six sample sizes, 3 factor correlations, and 2 factor score distributions (multivariate normal and multivariate mildly skewed) were studied. Two Bayesian prior specifications, informative and relatively less informative were studied. Undercoverage of confidence intervals and underestimation of standard errors was common in non-Bayesian methods. Underestimated standard errors may lead to inflated Type-I error rates. Non-Bayesian intervals were more positive biased than negatively biased, that is, most intervals that did not contain the true value were greater than the true value. Some non-Bayesian methods had non-converging and inadmissible solutions for small samples and non-normal data. Bayesian empirical standard error estimates for informative and relatively less informative priors were closer to the average standard errors of the estimates. The coverage of Bayesian credibility intervals was closer to what was expected with overcoverage in a few cases. Although some Bayesian credibility intervals were wider, they reflected the nature of statistical uncertainty that comes with the data (e.g., small sample). Bayesian point estimates were also more accurate than non-Bayesian estimates. The results illustrate the importance of analyzing coverage and bias of interval estimates, and how ignoring interval estimates can be misleading

  6. Influence Of Inspection Intervals On Mechanical System Reliability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zilberman, B.


    In this paper a methodology of reliability analysis of mechanical systems with latent failures is described. Reliability analysis of such systems must include appropriate usage of check intervals for latent failure detection. The methodology suggests, that based on system logic the analyst decides at the beginning if a system can fail actively or latently and propagates this approach through all system levels. All inspections are assumed to be perfect (all failures are detected and repaired and no new failures are introduced as a result of the maintenance). Additional assumptions are that mission time is much smaller, than check intervals and all components have constant failure rates. Analytical expressions for reliability calculates are provided, based on fault tree and Markov modeling techniques (for two and three redundant systems with inspection intervals). The proposed methodology yields more accurate results than are obtained by not using check intervals or using half check interval times. The conventional analysis assuming that at the beginning of each mission system is as new, give an optimistic prediction of system reliability. Some examples of reliability calculations of mechanical systems with latent failures and establishing optimum check intervals are provided

  7. Animeerija ei pea olema da Vinci / Eve Tisler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tisler, Eve


    Sügisest saab Eesti Kunstiakadeemia meediateaduskonnas fotograafia, stenograafia ja graafilise disaini kõrval õppida ka animatsiooni. Osakonna erakorraline dotsent on Ülo Pikkov ning professor Priit Pärn annab kursust loovusest

  8. Maailma suurim eksperiment lülitub sisse / Arko Olesk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Olesk, Arko, 1981-


    Šveitsi ja Prantsusmaa piiril maa-aluses ringtunnelis asuv Large Hadron Collider suunab füüsika loodetavasti uutele radadele. Eksperimendi juures osalevad ka Eesti teadlased. Kommenteerib ERRi peatoimetaja Priit Ennet

  9. Eesti animafilm osales Annecys

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Animafilmifestivalil Annecys osales neli Eesti filmi : Priit Pärna joonisfilm "Karl ja Marilyn", Rao Heidmetsa nukufilm "Instinkt", David Snowmani joonisfilm "Frank ja Wendy. Hungerburger" ja Meelis Arulepa reklaamfilm "Animated Dreams 2003"

  10. Aasta film - joonisfilm "Mont Blanc" / Verni Leivak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leivak, Verni, 1966-


    Eesti Filmiajakirjanike Ühing andis aasta 2001 parima filmi tiitli Priit Tenderi joonisfilmile "Mont Blanc" : Eesti Joonisfilm 2001.Ka filmikriitikute eelistused kinodes ja televisioonis 2001. aastal näidatud filmide osas

  11. Estonskije filmõ stali laureatami festivalei

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sõltumatu kino 35. festivalil Brüsselis sai peaauhinna Veiko Õunpuu "Sügisball" ja animafilmifestivalil Utrechtis Hollandis võitis peapreemia Priit ja Olga Pärna joonisfilm "Elu ilma Gabriella Ferrita"

  12. Ida-Viru maavanema koht läheb ilmselt sotsidele / Maria-Elisa Rannajõe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rannajõe, Maria-Elisa


    SDE peasekretäri Randel Läntsi sõnul peab maavanema kandidaat olema vastuvõetav nii omavalitsuste juhtidele kui ka valitsusliidule. Põlva maavanema kandidaadiks on nimetatud IRL-i kuuluv Priit Sibul

  13. Kodaniku kohus on maksta makse / Märt Kubo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kubo, Märt


    Dokumentaalfilm "Kodanik - riigi alus" : autor ja produtsent Rein Hanson : režissöörid Tambet Tasuja ja Marko Piirsoo : operaator Priit Murusalu : helilooja Olav Ehala : Läänemaa Telestuudio 2000

  14. The Interval Stability of an Electricity Market Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Weijuan Wang


    Full Text Available Combined with the electric power market dynamic model put forward by Alvarado, an interval model of electricity markets is established and investigated in this paper pertaining to the range of demand elasticity with suppliers and consumers. The stability of an electricity market framework with demand elasticity interval is analyzed. The conclusions characterizing the interval model provided are derived by constructing a suitable Lyapunov function and using the theory of interval dynamical system in differential equations and matrix inequality theory and so forth. Applying the corollary obtained can judge the system stability by available data about demand elasticity. The obtained results are validated and illustrated by a case example.

  15. Clinical and Biological Features of Interval Colorectal Cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu Mi Lee


    Full Text Available Interval colorectal cancer (I-CRC is defined as a CRC diagnosed within 60 months after a negative colonoscopy, taking into account that 5 years is the “mean sojourn time.” It is important to prevent the development of interval cancer. The development of interval colon cancer is associated with female sex, old age, family history of CRC, comorbidities, diverticulosis, and the skill of the endoscopist. During carcinogenesis, sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps share many genomic and colonic site characteristics with I-CRCs. The clinical and biological features of I-CRC should be elucidated to prevent the development of interval colon cancer.

  16. Transmission line sag calculations using interval mathematics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shaalan, H. [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Washington, DC (United States)]|[US Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY (United States)


    Electric utilities are facing the need for additional generating capacity, new transmission systems and more efficient use of existing resources. As such, there are several uncertainties associated with utility decisions. These uncertainties include future load growth, construction times and costs, and performance of new resources. Regulatory and economic environments also present uncertainties. Uncertainty can be modeled based on a probabilistic approach where probability distributions for all of the uncertainties are assumed. Another approach to modeling uncertainty is referred to as unknown but bounded. In this approach, the upper and lower bounds on the uncertainties are assumed without probability distributions. Interval mathematics is a tool for the practical use and extension of the unknown but bounded concept. In this study, the calculation of transmission line sag was used as an example to demonstrate the use of interval mathematics. The objective was to determine the change in cable length, based on a fixed span and an interval of cable sag values for a range of temperatures. The resulting change in cable length was an interval corresponding to the interval of cable sag values. It was shown that there is a small change in conductor length due to variation in sag based on the temperature ranges used in this study. 8 refs.

  17. One-sided interval edge-colorings of bipartite graphs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Casselgren, Carl Johan; Toft, Bjarne


    Let G be a bipartite graph with parts X and Y . An X-interval coloring of G is a proper edge coloring of G by integers such that the colors on the edges incident to any vertex in X form an interval. Denote by χ′int(G,X) the minimum k such that G has an X-interval coloring with k colors. In this p...

  18. Existence test for asynchronous interval iterations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Kaj; Caprani, O.; Stauning, Ole


    In the search for regions that contain fixed points ofa real function of several variables, tests based on interval calculationscan be used to establish existence ornon-existence of fixed points in regions that are examined in the course ofthe search. The search can e.g. be performed...... as a synchronous (sequential) interval iteration:In each iteration step all components of the iterate are calculatedbased on the previous iterate. In this case it is straight forward to base simple interval existence and non-existencetests on the calculations done in each step of the iteration. The search can also...... on thecomponentwise calculations done in the course of the iteration. These componentwisetests are useful for parallel implementation of the search, sincethe tests can then be performed local to each processor and only when a test issuccessful do a processor communicate this result to other processors....

  19. National Survey of Adult and Pediatric Reference Intervals in Clinical Laboratories across Canada: A Report of the CSCC Working Group on Reference Interval Harmonization. (United States)

    Adeli, Khosrow; Higgins, Victoria; Seccombe, David; Collier, Christine P; Balion, Cynthia M; Cembrowski, George; Venner, Allison A; Shaw, Julie


    Reference intervals are widely used decision-making tools in laboratory medicine, serving as health-associated standards to interpret laboratory test results. Numerous studies have shown wide variation in reference intervals, even between laboratories using assays from the same manufacturer. Lack of consistency in either sample measurement or reference intervals across laboratories challenges the expectation of standardized patient care regardless of testing location. Here, we present data from a national survey conducted by the Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists (CSCC) Reference Interval Harmonization (hRI) Working Group that examines variation in laboratory reference sample measurements, as well as pediatric and adult reference intervals currently used in clinical practice across Canada. Data on reference intervals currently used by 37 laboratories were collected through a national survey to examine the variation in reference intervals for seven common laboratory tests. Additionally, 40 clinical laboratories participated in a baseline assessment by measuring six analytes in a reference sample. Of the seven analytes examined, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and creatinine reference intervals were most variable. As expected, reference interval variation was more substantial in the pediatric population and varied between laboratories using the same instrumentation. Reference sample results differed between laboratories, particularly for ALT and free thyroxine (FT4). Reference interval variation was greater than test result variation for the majority of analytes. It is evident that there is a critical lack of harmonization in laboratory reference intervals, particularly for the pediatric population. Furthermore, the observed variation in reference intervals across instruments cannot be explained by the bias between the results obtained on instruments by different manufacturers. Copyright © 2017 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists

  20. Indirect methods for reference interval determination - review and recommendations. (United States)

    Jones, Graham R D; Haeckel, Rainer; Loh, Tze Ping; Sikaris, Ken; Streichert, Thomas; Katayev, Alex; Barth, Julian H; Ozarda, Yesim


    Reference intervals are a vital part of the information supplied by clinical laboratories to support interpretation of numerical pathology results such as are produced in clinical chemistry and hematology laboratories. The traditional method for establishing reference intervals, known as the direct approach, is based on collecting samples from members of a preselected reference population, making the measurements and then determining the intervals. An alternative approach is to perform analysis of results generated as part of routine pathology testing and using appropriate statistical techniques to determine reference intervals. This is known as the indirect approach. This paper from a working group of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) Committee on Reference Intervals and Decision Limits (C-RIDL) aims to summarize current thinking on indirect approaches to reference intervals. The indirect approach has some major potential advantages compared with direct methods. The processes are faster, cheaper and do not involve patient inconvenience, discomfort or the risks associated with generating new patient health information. Indirect methods also use the same preanalytical and analytical techniques used for patient management and can provide very large numbers for assessment. Limitations to the indirect methods include possible effects of diseased subpopulations on the derived interval. The IFCC C-RIDL aims to encourage the use of indirect methods to establish and verify reference intervals, to promote publication of such intervals with clear explanation of the process used and also to support the development of improved statistical techniques for these studies.

  1. RR-Interval variance of electrocardiogram for atrial fibrillation detection (United States)

    Nuryani, N.; Solikhah, M.; Nugoho, A. S.; Afdala, A.; Anzihory, E.


    Atrial fibrillation is a serious heart problem originated from the upper chamber of the heart. The common indication of atrial fibrillation is irregularity of R peak-to-R-peak time interval, which is shortly called RR interval. The irregularity could be represented using variance or spread of RR interval. This article presents a system to detect atrial fibrillation using variances. Using clinical data of patients with atrial fibrillation attack, it is shown that the variance of electrocardiographic RR interval are higher during atrial fibrillation, compared to the normal one. Utilizing a simple detection technique and variances of RR intervals, we find a good performance of atrial fibrillation detection.

  2. QT Interval in Pregnant and Non-pregnant Women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Majid Zamani


    Full Text Available Introduction: Prolongation of QT interval might result in dangerous cardiac arrhythmias, including Torsades de Pointes (TdP, consequently leading to syncope or death. A limited number of studies carried out in this respect to date have shown that QT interval might increase during pregnancy. On the other hand, it has been shown that each pregnancy might result in an increase in the risk of cardiac accidents in patients with long QT interval. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to compare QT intervals in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Methods: Pregnant women group consisted of 40 women in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and the non-pregnant control group consisted of healthy women 18-35 years of age. All the patients underwent standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG. The QT interval was measured for each patient at lead II. The mean corrected QT interval (QTc and QT dispersions (QTd were compared between the two groups. Results: Mean heart rates in the pregnant and non-pregnant groups were 98.55±14.09 and 72.53±13.17 beats/minutes (P<0.001. QTd and QTc means were in the normal range in both groups; however, these variables were 49.50±12.80 and 43.03±18.47 milliseconds in the pregnant group and 39.5±9.59 and 40.38±17.20 milliseconds in the control group, respectively (P<0.001. Conclusion: The QT interval was longer in pregnant women compared to non-pregnant women; however, it was in the normal range in both groups. Therefore, it is important to monitor and manage risk factors involved in prolongation of QT interval and prevent concurrence of these factors with pregnancy.

  3. Volta kvartali esimene visiitkaart sai valmis / Mari Kodres

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kodres, Mari


    Tallinnas Tööstuse tänaval asuv tööstushoone rekonstrueeriti korterelamuks. Arhitektid Raili Kadarik ja Priit Ehala arhitektuuribüroost Ehala & Irik. Volta kvartali arendaja on AS Koger & Partnerid

  4. Animaneste PÖFFi filmikärje kannudes / Tarmo Teder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teder, Tarmo, 1958-


    Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali raames toimuv animafilmide festival Animated Dreams. Lähemalt saksa ja eesti animaatorite sidemetest. Žürii koosseis : Adam Benjamin Elliot (Austraalia), Kristen Winter (Saksamaa) ja Priit Tender

  5. Nightlife duo Meri ja Julm / Siim Nestor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nestor, Siim, 1974-


    Remikside produktsiooni-duost Rulers of the Deep (ROTD), koosseisus Meelis Meri ja P. Julm (Priit Juurman), firma Defected singli ATFC featuring Lisa Milleett "Sleep Talk" edust inglise edetabelites, millel M. Meri remiksid

  6. 500 kodu on pandud sundmüüki / Agnes Ojala

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojala, Agnes


    Swedbank ja SEB on pannud sundmüüki kokku ligi 500 eluaset. Swedbank Eesti juhi Priit Perensi, Sampo Panga personaal- ja jaepanganduse direktori Tõnu Vanajuure, kohtutäitur Mati Kadaku kommentaare

  7. Joonisfilmid / Aare Ermel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ermel, Aare, 1957-2013


    Eesti Joonisfilm ja Nukufilm üllitasid firma V&K Holding kaudu kaks videokassetti "Armastuskolmnurgad" ja "Rebasenaine läheb taevasse" eesti noorte animaatorite Kaspar Jancise, Ülo Pikkovi ja Priit Tenderi loominguga

  8. Perekond Pärna film tõi Eestile esimese koduvõidu / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Animafilmide festivali "Animated Dreams" võitis Priit ja Olga Pärna joonisfilm "Elu ilma Gabriella Ferrita". Samuti esitati see Põhjamaade ja Balti riikide animafestivalide ühise auhinna ANOBA nominendiks. Ka teistest auhinnatutest

  9. "Gerontiuse unenägu" Estonias / Igor Garšnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    2. aprillil Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud Edward Elgari oratooriumi "Gerontiuse unenägu" ettekandest, esitasid: ERSO, Estonia ooperikoor, Estonia poistekoor, kammerkoor Voces Musicales, Helen Lokuta, Bernhard Gärtner, Priit Volmer, dirigent Carlos Spiereri

  10. Yoshiko Chuma Tallinnas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    17. aprillil Rotermanni Soolalaos tantsu ja muusikat ühendav õhtu, kus esinevad Taavi Kerikmäe, Priit Lehto ja New Yorgi koreograaf, lavastaja ja tantsija Yoshiko Chuma mono-performance'ga "Hurricane Holiday"

  11. Interval Forecast for Smooth Transition Autoregressive Model ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this paper, we propose a simple method for constructing interval forecast for smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) model. This interval forecast is based on bootstrapping the residual error of the estimated STAR model for each forecast horizon and computing various Akaike information criterion (AIC) function. This new ...

  12. Symbol interval optimization for molecular communication with drift. (United States)

    Kim, Na-Rae; Eckford, Andrew W; Chae, Chan-Byoung


    In this paper, we propose a symbol interval optimization algorithm in molecular communication with drift. Proper symbol intervals are important in practical communication systems since information needs to be sent as fast as possible with low error rates. There is a trade-off, however, between symbol intervals and inter-symbol interference (ISI) from Brownian motion. Thus, we find proper symbol interval values considering the ISI inside two kinds of blood vessels, and also suggest no ISI system for strong drift models. Finally, an isomer-based molecule shift keying (IMoSK) is applied to calculate achievable data transmission rates (achievable rates, hereafter). Normalized achievable rates are also obtained and compared in one-symbol ISI and no ISI systems.

  13. Symbol lock detection implemented with nonoverlapping integration intervals (United States)

    Shihabi, Mazen M. (Inventor); Hinedi, Sami M. (Inventor); Shah, Biren N. (Inventor)


    A symbol lock detector is introduced for an incoming coherent digital communication signal which utilizes a subcarrier modulated with binary symbol data, d(sub k), and known symbol interval T by integrating binary values of the signal over nonoverlapping first and second intervals selected to be T/2, delaying the first integral an interval T/2, and either summing or multiplying the second integral with the first one that preceded it to form a value X(sub k). That value is then averaged over a number M of symbol intervals to produce a static value Y. A symbol lock decision can then be made when the static value Y exceeds a threshold level delta.

  14. Interpretation of Confidence Interval Facing the Conflict (United States)

    Andrade, Luisa; Fernández, Felipe


    As literature has reported, it is usual that university students in statistics courses, and even statistics teachers, interpret the confidence level associated with a confidence interval as the probability that the parameter value will be between the lower and upper interval limits. To confront this misconception, class activities have been…

  15. New interval forecast for stationary autoregressive models ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this paper, we proposed a new forecasting interval for stationary Autoregressive, AR(p) models using the Akaike information criterion (AIC) function. Ordinarily, the AIC function is used to determine the order of an AR(p) process. In this study however, AIC forecast interval compared favorably with the theoretical forecast ...

  16. Confidence Intervals from Normalized Data: A correction to Cousineau (2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard D. Morey


    Full Text Available Presenting confidence intervals around means is a common method of expressing uncertainty in data. Loftus and Masson (1994 describe confidence intervals for means in within-subjects designs. These confidence intervals are based on the ANOVA mean squared error. Cousineau (2005 presents an alternative to the Loftus and Masson method, but his method produces confidence intervals that are smaller than those of Loftus and Masson. I show why this is the case and offer a simple correction that makes the expected size of Cousineau confidence intervals the same as that of Loftus and Masson confidence intervals.

  17. The interval Shapley value of an M/M/1 service system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cheng-Guo E


    Full Text Available Service systems and their cooperation are one of the most important and hot topics in management and information sciences. To design a reasonable allocation mechanism of service systems is the key issue in the cooperation of service systems. In this paper, we systematically introduce the interval Shapley value as cost allocation of cooperative interval games 〈N, V〉 arising from cooperation in a multi-server service system, and provide an explicit expression for the interval Shapley value of cooperative interval games 〈N, V〉. We construct an interval game 〈N, W〉 of a service system which shares the same value for the grand coalition with the original interval game, by using the characteristic function which is dominated by the function of the original interval game. Finally, we prove that the interval game 〈N, W〉 is concave, which means that the interval Shapley value of the interval game 〈N, W〉 is in the interval core of this interval game, and illustrate this conclusion by using numerical examples.

  18. Robotic fish tracking method based on suboptimal interval Kalman filter (United States)

    Tong, Xiaohong; Tang, Chao


    Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) research focused on tracking and positioning, precise guidance and return to dock and other fields. The robotic fish of AUV has become a hot application in intelligent education, civil and military etc. In nonlinear tracking analysis of robotic fish, which was found that the interval Kalman filter algorithm contains all possible filter results, but the range is wide, relatively conservative, and the interval data vector is uncertain before implementation. This paper proposes a ptimization algorithm of suboptimal interval Kalman filter. Suboptimal interval Kalman filter scheme used the interval inverse matrix with its worst inverse instead, is more approximate nonlinear state equation and measurement equation than the standard interval Kalman filter, increases the accuracy of the nominal dynamic system model, improves the speed and precision of tracking system. Monte-Carlo simulation results show that the optimal trajectory of sub optimal interval Kalman filter algorithm is better than that of the interval Kalman filter method and the standard method of the filter.

  19. Confidence Interval Approximation For Treatment Variance In ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In a random effects model with a single factor, variation is partitioned into two as residual error variance and treatment variance. While a confidence interval can be imposed on the residual error variance, it is not possible to construct an exact confidence interval for the treatment variance. This is because the treatment ...

  20. Interval logic. Proof theory and theorem proving

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Thomas Marthedal


    of a direction of an interval, and present a sound and complete Hilbert proof system for it. Because of its generality, SIL can conveniently act as a general formalism in which other interval logics can be encoded. We develop proof theory for SIL including both a sequent calculus system and a labelled natural...

  1. Кадры для 60 миллионов : Живущий неподалеку от Тарту в Кырвекюла 31-летний Свен Зачек наряду с Ремо Сависааром и Прийтом Весилиндом стал тр

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Зачек, Свен, 1980-


    Tartu lähedal Kõrvekülas elavast 31-aastasest loodusfotograafist Sven Začekist sai Remo Savisaare ja Priit Vesilinnu kõrval kolmas eestlane, kelle fotosid on avaldanud mainekas loodusajakiri National Geographic

  2. Draamateater napsas kaks auhinda

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Draamateatri lavastus "Mao tee kalju peal" võitis Toruni rahvusvahelisel teatrifestivalil kaks auhinda. Priit Pedajase lavastus sai teatrikriitikute preemia ja eriauhinna Toruni Koperniku Ülikoolilt. Peaauhinda sel aastal välja ei antudki

  3. Kehv tuukritöö ja pasane maa märgivad ajastu vaimu / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    PÖFFi alafestivalil Animated Dreams linastunud neljast uuest filmist: Olga ja Priit Pärna "Tuukrid vihmas", Kaspar Jancise "Krokodill", Martinus Daane Klemeti "Õhus" ja Girlin Bassovskaja (Jelena Girlin, Mari-Liis Bassovskaja) "Oranus"

  4. Eesti animafilm külvab uusi seemneid / Mari-Liis Rebane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rebane, Mari-Liis


    PÖFFi alafestivalil Animated Dreams linastunud neljast uuest filmist: Olga ja Priit Pärna "Tuukrid vihmas", Kaspar Jancise "Krokodill", Martinus Daane Klemeti "Õhus" ja Girlin Bassovskaja (Jelena Girlin, Mari-Liis Bassovskaja) "Oranus"

  5. Neli tuttuut Eesti animafilmi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    PÖFFi alafestivalil Animated Dreams linastus neli uut filmi: Olga ja Priit Pärna "Tuukrid vihmas", Kaspar Jancise "Krokodill", Martinus Daane Klemeti "Õhus" ja Girlin Bassovskaja (Jelena Girlin, Mari-Liis Bassovskaja) "Oranus"

  6. Lasva veetorn-galerii = Lasva water tower-gallery / Veronika Valk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valk, Veronika, 1976-


    Lasva veetorni rekonstrueerimisest klavertrepiga kunstigaleriiks-vaatetorniks. Projekteerija: Zizi & Yoyo. Autorid: arhitekt Veronika Valk, arhitekti abiline Kadri Klementi, kunstnik Peeter Laurits, skulptor Kalle-Priit Pruuden, Kalle Tikas (heli elektroonika). Projekt: 2006-2008, valmis: 2009

  7. Eesti korvpallurid on võitnud 12 MM-võistluste medalit / Rein Järva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Järva, Rein


    1959-1990 tuli Eestisse kokku 12 medalit, neist 7 kuldset, 2 hõbedast ja 3 pronksist. Maailmameistrivõistlustel on Eesti edukaim korvpallur olnud Priit Tomson. Lisaks: Korvpalli MM-i medali võitnud eestlased

  8. Shagrenevaja kozha pjatogo elementa, ili Klassika kak zrelishtshe / Boris Tuch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuch, Boris, 1946-


    Klassikalavastused - Mati Undi "Graal" (lav. Peeter Jalakas), Mihhail Bulgakovi "Meister ja Margarita" (lav. Mati Unt), W. Shakespeare'i "Kuningas Lear" (lav. Priit Pedajas), Pedro Calderoni "Elu on unenägu" (lav. Ingo Normet)

  9. Chaos on the interval

    CERN Document Server

    Ruette, Sylvie


    The aim of this book is to survey the relations between the various kinds of chaos and related notions for continuous interval maps from a topological point of view. The papers on this topic are numerous and widely scattered in the literature; some of them are little known, difficult to find, or originally published in Russian, Ukrainian, or Chinese. Dynamical systems given by the iteration of a continuous map on an interval have been broadly studied because they are simple but nevertheless exhibit complex behaviors. They also allow numerical simulations, which enabled the discovery of some chaotic phenomena. Moreover, the "most interesting" part of some higher-dimensional systems can be of lower dimension, which allows, in some cases, boiling it down to systems in dimension one. Some of the more recent developments such as distributional chaos, the relation between entropy and Li-Yorke chaos, sequence entropy, and maps with infinitely many branches are presented in book form for the first time. The author gi...

  10. Applications of interval computations

    CERN Document Server

    Kreinovich, Vladik


    Primary Audience for the Book • Specialists in numerical computations who are interested in algorithms with automatic result verification. • Engineers, scientists, and practitioners who desire results with automatic verification and who would therefore benefit from the experience of suc­ cessful applications. • Students in applied mathematics and computer science who want to learn these methods. Goal Of the Book This book contains surveys of applications of interval computations, i. e. , appli­ cations of numerical methods with automatic result verification, that were pre­ sented at an international workshop on the subject in EI Paso, Texas, February 23-25, 1995. The purpose of this book is to disseminate detailed and surveyed information about existing and potential applications of this new growing field. Brief Description of the Papers At the most fundamental level, interval arithmetic operations work with sets: The result of a single arithmetic operation is the set of all possible results as the o...

  11. QT interval in healthy dogs: which method of correcting the QT interval in dogs is appropriate for use in small animal clinics?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maira S. Oliveira


    Full Text Available The electrocardiography (ECG QT interval is influenced by fluctuations in heart rate (HR what may lead to misinterpretation of its length. Considering that alterations in QT interval length reflect abnormalities of the ventricular repolarisation which predispose to occurrence of arrhythmias, this variable must be properly evaluated. The aim of this work is to determine which method of correcting the QT interval is the most appropriate for dogs regarding different ranges of normal HR (different breeds. Healthy adult dogs (n=130; German Shepherd, Boxer, Pit Bull Terrier, and Poodle were submitted to ECG examination and QT intervals were determined in triplicates from the bipolar limb II lead and corrected for the effects of HR through the application of three published formulae involving quadratic, cubic or linear regression. The mean corrected QT values (QTc obtained using the diverse formulae were significantly different (ρ<0.05, while those derived according to the equation QTcV = QT + 0.087(1- RR were the most consistent (linear regression. QTcV values were strongly correlated (r=0.83 with the QT interval and showed a coefficient of variation of 8.37% and a 95% confidence interval of 0.22-0.23 s. Owing to its simplicity and reliability, the QTcV was considered the most appropriate to be used for the correction of QT interval in dogs.

  12. Rigorous Verification for the Solution of Nonlinear Interval System ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We survey a general method for solving nonlinear interval systems of equations. In particular, we paid special attention to the computational aspects of linear interval systems since the bulk of computations are done during the stage of computing outer estimation of the including linear interval systems. The height of our ...

  13. Три крыши для классики: шатер, церковь, вокзал / Борис Тух

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Тух, Борис, 1946-


    Kolmest 2016. a. suvelavastusest: "Suveöö unenägu" (Tallinna Linnateater, lav. Jaanus Rohumaa); "Becket ehk Jumala au" (Eesti Draamateater, lav. Priit Pedajas); "Anna Karenina" (R.A.A.A.M., lav. Vassili Pessegov)

  14. Kasvuhoone külmkapis ja ajareleega termos / Aarne Mäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mäe, Aarne, 1967-


    Priit Verlini muljeid Barcelonast Elektroluxi korraldatud disainiüliõpilaste konkursi Elektrolux Design Lab näituselt. Võitis Metin Kaplan Türgist, teine koht Brian Law Chuanile Singapurist, kolmas koht Eduardo Altamirano Segoviale Mehhikost

  15. Muutuv kommunikatsioon kultuuri ei ohusta / Annika Poldre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poldre, Annika


    Tallinna Konverentside poolt Sokos Hotel Virus 28. aprillil 2011 korraldatud kommunikatsiooni aastakonverentsist "Muutuv kommunikatsioon: vana ei taha ja uut ei oska. Kuidas edasi?", kus esinesid Ahto Lobjakas, Priit Põiklik, Piia Tamm ja Marju Lauristin

  16. Eesti elektrisüsteemi juhtimiskeskus = Estonian electrical system command centre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinnas Kadaka tee 42B1asuva Eesti elektrisüsteemi juhtimiskeskuse sisekujundusest. Spetsiaalsed kaarjad lauad on sisearhitektide projekteeritud. Sisearhitektid: Priit Põldme, Reet Sepp (Joonprojekt), nende tähtsamate tööde loetelu

  17. Eesti saadab EXPO-le hoiupõrsad / Vahur Koorits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koorits, Vahur, 1981-


    2010. aasta EXPO toimub Hiinas Shanghais, teemaks "Parem linn, parem elu". Eesti paviljoni ideekonkursi võitis Illimar Truverki, Andres Labi, Janno Roosi, Ionel Lehari, Priit Hameri ja Kristian Paljasma töö ""

  18. Tool, mis äratab väärtusi / Aarne Mäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mäe, Aarne, 1967-


    Mööblikunstnik Priit Verlini 3 aastat Kölni mööblimessil osalenud tool "Allegro" hakkab kaunistama "Sony" keskust Kölnis, Rakvere kunstigaleriis eksponeeriti tooli koos sama tooli sarjavate "Eesti Ekspressi" artiklitega seintel.

  19. Pila paatose asemel / Mari Laaniste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laaniste, Mari, 1977-


    Dokumentaalfilm animaator Priit Pärnast "Mees animatsioonist" : režissöör Hardi Volmer : peaprodutsent ja operaator Arko Okk : stsenarist Toomas Kall : helilooja Olav Ehala : Acuba Film 2005. Lisatud andmed H. Volmeri kohta

  20. Reisikiri Tampere lühifilmide festivalilt / Miljard Masin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Masin, Miljard


    Tampere 31. lühifilmifestivalilt. Grand Prix sai soome dokumentaalfilm "Hüppaja" : režissöör P.V. Lehtinen. Ka eelreklaami eelseisvale I Turu animafestivalile, mille initsiaatoriks seal õpetav Priit Pärn

  1. Pepeljajev ja Jalakas said New Yorgist kätte Bessie' tantsupreemia / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    Von Krahli Teatri lavastus - S. Pepeljajevi, P. Jalaka "Luikede järv", sai New Yorgis Bessie Award'i, millega auhinnatakse aasta kuut parimat tantsuetendust. Auhinnagalal käis Priit Raud, Von Krahli Teatri produtsent

  2. Pangad võtavad laenusoovijad põhjalikult luubi alla / Kaire Uusen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uusen, Kaire


    Pankades rakendatavast uue süsteemist Basel 2, mis on kohustuslik kõigile Euroopa Liidu pankadele. Pangatöötajate arvamusi laenuandmise tingimuste kohta. Kommenteerib Priit Kiilmaa. Vt. samas: Pangad hoiatavad SMS-laenu eest

  3. Estimation of individual reference intervals in small sample sizes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ase Marie; Garde, Anne Helene; Eller, Nanna Hurwitz


    In occupational health studies, the study groups most often comprise healthy subjects performing their work. Sampling is often planned in the most practical way, e.g., sampling of blood in the morning at the work site just after the work starts. Optimal use of reference intervals requires...... from various variables such as gender, age, BMI, alcohol, smoking, and menopause. The reference intervals were compared to reference intervals calculated using IFCC recommendations. Where comparable, the IFCC calculated reference intervals had a wider range compared to the variance component models...

  4. Effects of Short-Interval and Long-Interval Swimming Protocols on Performance, Aerobic Adaptations, and Technical Parameters: A Training Study. (United States)

    Dalamitros, Athanasios A; Zafeiridis, Andreas S; Toubekis, Argyris G; Tsalis, George A; Pelarigo, Jailton G; Manou, Vasiliki; Kellis, Spiridon


    Dalamitros, AA, Zafeiridis, AS, Toubekis, AG, Tsalis, GA, Pelarigo, JG, Manou, V, and Kellis, S. Effects of short-interval and long-interval swimming protocols on performance, aerobic adaptations, and technical parameters: A training study. J Strength Cond Res 30(10): 2871-2879, 2016-This study compared 2-interval swimming training programs of different work interval durations, matched for total distance and exercise intensity, on swimming performance, aerobic adaptations, and technical parameters. Twenty-four former swimmers were equally divided to short-interval training group (INT50, 12-16 × 50 m with 15 seconds rest), long-interval training group (INT100, 6-8 × 100 m with 30 seconds rest), and a control group (CON). The 2 experimental groups followed the specified swimming training program for 8 weeks. Before and after training, swimming performance, technical parameters, and indices of aerobic adaptations were assessed. ΙΝΤ50 and ΙΝΤ100 improved swimming performance in 100 and 400-m tests and the maximal aerobic speed (p ≤ 0.05); the performance in the 50-m swim did not change. Posttraining V[Combining Dot Above]O2max values were higher compared with pretraining values in both training groups (p ≤ 0.05), whereas peak aerobic power output increased only in INT100 (p ≤ 0.05). The 1-minute heart rate and blood lactate recovery values decreased after training in both groups (p training in both groups (p ≤ 0.05); no changes were observed in stroke rate after training. Comparisons between groups on posttraining mean values, after adjusting for pretraining values, revealed no significant differences between ΙΝΤ50 and ΙΝΤ100 for all variables; however, all measures were improved vs. the respective values in the CON (p training.

  5. Confidence intervals for correlations when data are not normal. (United States)

    Bishara, Anthony J; Hittner, James B


    With nonnormal data, the typical confidence interval of the correlation (Fisher z') may be inaccurate. The literature has been unclear as to which of several alternative methods should be used instead, and how extreme a violation of normality is needed to justify an alternative. Through Monte Carlo simulation, 11 confidence interval methods were compared, including Fisher z', two Spearman rank-order methods, the Box-Cox transformation, rank-based inverse normal (RIN) transformation, and various bootstrap methods. Nonnormality often distorted the Fisher z' confidence interval-for example, leading to a 95 % confidence interval that had actual coverage as low as 68 %. Increasing the sample size sometimes worsened this problem. Inaccurate Fisher z' intervals could be predicted by a sample kurtosis of at least 2, an absolute sample skewness of at least 1, or significant violations of normality hypothesis tests. Only the Spearman rank-order and RIN transformation methods were universally robust to nonnormality. Among the bootstrap methods, an observed imposed bootstrap came closest to accurate coverage, though it often resulted in an overly long interval. The results suggest that sample nonnormality can justify avoidance of the Fisher z' interval in favor of a more robust alternative. R code for the relevant methods is provided in supplementary materials.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agatha POPESCU


    Full Text Available The paper goal was to study the influence of the calving interval on milk yield for the Romanian Brown breed, using 950 lactations, of which: 573 lactations (60.31 % belonged to the over 400 days calving interval and 377 lactations (39.69% belonged to the 351-400 days calving interval. The calving interval varied between 446.41±18.94 days, the highest length for the 51 dairy cows which had parturition in September and 373.49 ±14.28 days, the shortest length for 53 cows which calved in October. The average calving interval for the cows with a calving interval longer than 400 days accounted for 425.58±14.10 days, while the average calving interval for the cows with this reproductionindicator between 351 and 400 days was 358.65±10.07 days. For the cows whose calving interval was longer than 400 days, milk yield accounted for 4,682.5±124.92 while for the cows whose calving interval varied between 351 and 400 days registered 4,240.0±215.10 kg. The calculations revealed a gross product of Lei 6,087 per lactation in case of cows whose calving interval was longer than 400 days and Lei 5,512 in case of the cows whose calving interval varied between 351-400 days. For an average difference of 66.93 days calving interval between the two calving interval size groups taken into consideration, the milk yield difference accounted for 442.50 kg in the benefit of the cows with the calving interval longer than 400 days. Also, a difference of Lei 575 was recorded in the favor of the cows with calving intervals longer than 400 days because they registered higher a milk yield. This means Lei 8.59 additional income per cow and calving interval day longer than 400 days.

  7. The prognostic value of the QT interval and QT interval dispersion in all-cause and cardiac mortality and morbidity in a population of Danish citizens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elming, H; Holm, E; Jun, L


    with a prolonged QT interval (430 ms or more) or prolonged QT interval dispersion (80 ms or more) were at higher risk of cardiovascular death and cardiac morbidity than subjects whose QT interval was less than 360 ms, or whose QT interval dispersion was less than 30 ms. Cardiovascular death relative risk ratios...

  8. On Some Nonclassical Algebraic Properties of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Soft Sets (United States)


    Interval-valued fuzzy soft sets realize a hybrid soft computing model in a general framework. Both Molodtsov's soft sets and interval-valued fuzzy sets can be seen as special cases of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets. In this study, we first compare four different types of interval-valued fuzzy soft subsets and reveal the relations among them. Then we concentrate on investigating some nonclassical algebraic properties of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets under the soft product operations. We show that some fundamental algebraic properties including the commutative and associative laws do not hold in the conventional sense, but hold in weaker forms characterized in terms of the relation =L. We obtain a number of algebraic inequalities of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets characterized by interval-valued fuzzy soft inclusions. We also establish the weak idempotent law and the weak absorptive law of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets using interval-valued fuzzy soft J-equal relations. It is revealed that the soft product operations ∧ and ∨ of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets do not always have similar algebraic properties. Moreover, we find that only distributive inequalities described by the interval-valued fuzzy soft L-inclusions hold for interval-valued fuzzy soft sets. PMID:25143964

  9. On Some Nonclassical Algebraic Properties of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Soft Sets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaoyan Liu


    Full Text Available Interval-valued fuzzy soft sets realize a hybrid soft computing model in a general framework. Both Molodtsov’s soft sets and interval-valued fuzzy sets can be seen as special cases of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets. In this study, we first compare four different types of interval-valued fuzzy soft subsets and reveal the relations among them. Then we concentrate on investigating some nonclassical algebraic properties of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets under the soft product operations. We show that some fundamental algebraic properties including the commutative and associative laws do not hold in the conventional sense, but hold in weaker forms characterized in terms of the relation =L. We obtain a number of algebraic inequalities of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets characterized by interval-valued fuzzy soft inclusions. We also establish the weak idempotent law and the weak absorptive law of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets using interval-valued fuzzy soft J-equal relations. It is revealed that the soft product operations ∧ and ∨ of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets do not always have similar algebraic properties. Moreover, we find that only distributive inequalities described by the interval-valued fuzzy soft L-inclusions hold for interval-valued fuzzy soft sets.

  10. On some nonclassical algebraic properties of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets. (United States)

    Liu, Xiaoyan; Feng, Feng; Zhang, Hui


    Interval-valued fuzzy soft sets realize a hybrid soft computing model in a general framework. Both Molodtsov's soft sets and interval-valued fuzzy sets can be seen as special cases of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets. In this study, we first compare four different types of interval-valued fuzzy soft subsets and reveal the relations among them. Then we concentrate on investigating some nonclassical algebraic properties of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets under the soft product operations. We show that some fundamental algebraic properties including the commutative and associative laws do not hold in the conventional sense, but hold in weaker forms characterized in terms of the relation = L . We obtain a number of algebraic inequalities of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets characterized by interval-valued fuzzy soft inclusions. We also establish the weak idempotent law and the weak absorptive law of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets using interval-valued fuzzy soft J-equal relations. It is revealed that the soft product operations ∧ and ∨ of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets do not always have similar algebraic properties. Moreover, we find that only distributive inequalities described by the interval-valued fuzzy soft L-inclusions hold for interval-valued fuzzy soft sets.

  11. Five-Year Risk of Interval-Invasive Second Breast Cancer (United States)

    Buist, Diana S. M.; Houssami, Nehmat; Dowling, Emily C.; Halpern, Elkan F.; Gazelle, G. Scott; Lehman, Constance D.; Henderson, Louise M.; Hubbard, Rebecca A.


    Background: Earlier detection of second breast cancers after primary breast cancer (PBC) treatment improves survival, yet mammography is less accurate in women with prior breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to examine women presenting clinically with second breast cancers after negative surveillance mammography (interval cancers), and to estimate the five-year risk of interval-invasive second cancers for women with varying risk profiles. Methods: We evaluated a prospective cohort of 15 114 women with 47 717 surveillance mammograms diagnosed with stage 0-II unilateral PBC from 1996 through 2008 at facilities in the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium. We used discrete time survival models to estimate the association between odds of an interval-invasive second breast cancer and candidate predictors, including demographic, PBC, and imaging characteristics. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results: The cumulative incidence of second breast cancers after five years was 54.4 per 1000 women, with 325 surveillance-detected and 138 interval-invasive second breast cancers. The five-year risk of interval-invasive second cancer for women with referent category characteristics was 0.60%. For women with the most and least favorable profiles, the five-year risk ranged from 0.07% to 6.11%. Multivariable modeling identified grade II PBC (odds ratio [OR] = 1.95, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.15 to 3.31), treatment with lumpectomy without radiation (OR = 3.27, 95% CI = 1.91 to 5.62), interval PBC presentation (OR = 2.01, 95% CI 1.28 to 3.16), and heterogeneously dense breasts on mammography (OR = 1.54, 95% CI = 1.01 to 2.36) as independent predictors of interval-invasive second breast cancers. Conclusions: PBC diagnosis and treatment characteristics contribute to variation in subsequent-interval second breast cancer risk. Consideration of these factors may be useful in developing tailored post-treatment imaging surveillance plans. PMID:25904721

  12. A method to elicit beliefs as most likely intervals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schlag, K.H.; van der Weele, J.J.


    We show how to elicit the beliefs of an expert in the form of a "most likely interval", a set of future outcomes that are deemed more likely than any other outcome. Our method, called the Most Likely Interval elicitation rule (MLI), asks the expert for an interval and pays according to how well the

  13. Identification of atrial fibrillation using electrocardiographic RR-interval difference (United States)

    Eliana, M.; Nuryani, N.


    Automated detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) is an interesting topic. It is an account of very dangerous, not only as a trigger of embolic stroke, but it’s also related to some else chronical disease. In this study, we analyse the presence of AF by determining irregularities of RR-interval. We utilize the interval comparison to measure the degree of irregularities of RR-interval in a defined segment. The series of RR-interval is segmented with the length of 10 of them. In this study, we use interval comparison for the method. We were comparing all of the intervals there each other. Then we put the threshold to define the low difference and high difference (δ). A segment is defined as AF or Normal Sinus by the number of high δ, so we put the tolerance (β) of high δ there. We have used this method to test the 23 patients data from MIT-BIH. Using the approach and the clinical data we find accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 84.98%, 91.99%, and 77.85% respectively.

  14. An optimal dynamic interval preventive maintenance scheduling for series systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao, Yicong; Feng, Yixiong; Zhang, Zixian; Tan, Jianrong


    This paper studies preventive maintenance (PM) with dynamic interval for a multi-component system. Instead of equal interval, the time of PM period in the proposed dynamic interval model is not a fixed constant, which varies from interval-down to interval-up. It is helpful to reduce the outage loss on frequent repair parts and avoid lack of maintenance of the equipment by controlling the equipment maintenance frequency, when compared to a periodic PM scheme. According to the definition of dynamic interval, the reliability of system is analyzed from the failure mechanisms of its components and the different effects of non-periodic PM actions on the reliability of the components. Following the proposed model of reliability, a novel framework for solving the non-periodical PM schedule with dynamic interval based on the multi-objective genetic algorithm is proposed. The framework denotes the strategies include updating strategy, deleting strategy, inserting strategy and moving strategy, which is set to correct the invalid population individuals of the algorithm. The values of the dynamic interval and the selections of PM action for the components on every PM stage are determined by achieving a certain level of system availability with the minimum total PM-related cost. Finally, a typical rotary table system of NC machine tool is used as an example to describe the proposed method. - Highlights: • A non-periodic preventive maintenance scheduling model is proposed. • A framework for solving the non-periodical PM schedule problem is developed. • The interval of non-periodic PM is flexible and schedule can be better adjusted. • Dynamic interval leads to more efficient solutions than fixed interval does

  15. Tudengid nopivad Pollis sügisõunu / Helgi Kaldma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldma, Helgi, 1933-2011


    Kuidas Eesti Maaülikooli 3. kursuse aianduse üliõpilane Priit Pedastaar ja Tartu Ülikooli usuteaduse üliõpilane Dana Kritt aiandusteadlase Edgar Haagi katseaias Polli Aiandusuuringute Keskuses õunu noppimas käisid

  16. Vintage: suvaline eriline vastikult eklektiline rohujuure disain = Vintage: arbitrary and peculiar, obnoxiously eclectic grassroots design / Karin Paulus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paulus, Karin, 1975-


    Sisearhitekt Priit Põldme vintage stiilist. Armastusväärse kujundusega kohvikutest Eestis. Pikemalt kohvikust "Boheem" (Kopli t. 18, sisearhitekt Maris Kerge), "Kukeke" (Telliskivi t.), baarist "Pudel" (Telliskivi loomelinnak, sisekujundus: Pink) ja "Tops" (Soo t.) Tallinnas

  17. Kumu Kunstimuuseum. Felicien Ropsi loomingu näituse "Eros ja Surm" kujundus / Mari Kaljuste, Mari Kurismaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaljuste, Mari, 1957-


    plaan, 7 värv. vaadet; fotod: Priit Põldme, Tiit Sermann. M. Kurismaa (näituse kujundus) ja M. Kaljuste (graafiline kujundus) pälvisid Eesti Sisearhitektide Liidu 2006. a. näituse kujunduse preemia

  18. Kellele oleksid Sina presidendina autasu andnud?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Vabadusvõitluse muuseumi juhataja Johannes Tõrs, Viimsi Teataja peatoimetaja Annika Poldre, Saue linna elanik Evelin Povel-Puusepp, Muraste elanik Vello Malken, Kuusalu valla elanik Sirje Potisepp ja Kanama postijaama elanik Priit Pillov

  19. Eesti Sisearhitektide Liit / Juta Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Juta, 1943-


    ESL-i peasekretäri Juta Lemberiga Eesti Sisearhitektide Liidu asutamisest 1990. a., liikmetest, tegevusest. ESL on 1995. aastast rahvusvahelise liidu IFI (International Federation of Interior Architects) liige. ESL-i juhatuse esimees on Priit Põldme

  20. Tantsupäev toob publiku ette säravaid balletitähti / Raimu Hanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanson, Raimu, 1957-


    29. apr. esinevad Vanemuises rahvusvaheliselt tuntud tantsijad - Tamara Rojo, Jan-Erik Wikström, Inaki Urlezaga, Anna Valev, Olga Volobujeva, Priit Kripson, Diana Cuni ja Kristoffer Sakurai -, et tähistada rahvusvahelist tantsupäeva

  1. Fotokoomiks? / Andreas Trossek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trossek, Andreas, 1980-


    Fotokoomiksitest, selle zhanri tekkimise ajaloost teleseepide kõrvalproduktina ja vähesest tuntusest Eestis - vaid Priit Pärn, Rein Pakk, Rainer Sarnet ja Joonas Sildre on seda kasutanud oma loomingus. Ka arvutiprogrammist Comic Book Creator


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. A. Kharkovskaia


    Full Text Available The paper deals with linear differential equation systems with algebraic restrictions (singular systems and a method of interval observer design for this kind of systems. The systems contain constant time delay, measurement noise and disturbances. Interval observer synthesis is based on monotone and cooperative systems technique, linear matrix inequations, Lyapunov function theory and interval arithmetic. The set of conditions that gives the possibility for interval observer synthesis is proposed. Results of synthesized observer operation are shown on the example of dynamical interindustry balance model. The advantages of proposed method are that it is adapted to observer design for uncertain systems, if the intervals of admissible values for uncertain parameters are given. The designed observer is capable to provide asymptotically definite limits on the estimation accuracy, since the interval of admissible values for the object state is defined at every instant. The obtained result provides an opportunity to develop the interval estimation theory for complex systems that contain parametric uncertainty, varying delay and nonlinear elements. Interval observers increasingly find applications in economics, electrical engineering, mechanical systems with constraints and optimal flow control.

  3. Interval sampling methods and measurement error: a computer simulation. (United States)

    Wirth, Oliver; Slaven, James; Taylor, Matthew A


    A simulation study was conducted to provide a more thorough account of measurement error associated with interval sampling methods. A computer program simulated the application of momentary time sampling, partial-interval recording, and whole-interval recording methods on target events randomly distributed across an observation period. The simulation yielded measures of error for multiple combinations of observation period, interval duration, event duration, and cumulative event duration. The simulations were conducted up to 100 times to yield measures of error variability. Although the present simulation confirmed some previously reported characteristics of interval sampling methods, it also revealed many new findings that pertain to each method's inherent strengths and weaknesses. The analysis and resulting error tables can help guide the selection of the most appropriate sampling method for observation-based behavioral assessments. © Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

  4. MRI of the rotator interval of the shoulder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J.C.; Guy, S.; Connell, D.; Saifuddin, A.; Lambert, S.


    The rotator interval of the shoulder joint is located between the distal edges of the supraspinatus and subscapularis tendons and contains the insertions of the coracohumeral and superior glenohumeral ligaments. These structures form a complex pulley system that stabilizes the long head of the biceps tendon as it enters the bicipital groove of the humeral head. The rotator interval is the site of a variety of pathological processes including biceps tendon lesions, adhesive capsulitis and anterosuperior internal impingement. This article describes the anatomy, function and pathology of the rotator interval using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

  5. Time interval measurement between two emissions: Ar + Au

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bizard, G.; Bougault, R.; Brou, R.; Buta, A.; Durand, D.; Genoux-Lubain, A.; Hamdani, T.; Horn, D.; Laville, J.L.; Le Brun, C.; Lecolley, J.F.; Louvel, M.; Peter, J.; Regimbart, R.; Steckmeyer, J.C.; Tamain, B.


    The Ar + Au system was studied at two bombarding energies, 30 and 60 A.MeV. The comparison of the distributions of fragment emission angles in central collisions was carried out by means of a simulation allowing the emission time interval variation. It was found that this interval depends on the bombarding energy (i.e. deposed excitation energy).For 30 A.MeV this interval is 500 fm/c (0.33 · 10 -23 s), while for 60 A.MeV it is so short that the multifragmentation concept can be used

  6. NHSBSP type 1 interval cancers: a scientifically valid grouping?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porter, G.J.R.; Evans, A.J.; Burrell, H.C.; Lee, A.H.S.; Chakrabarti, J.


    Aim: To assess whether there are differences in the pathological features or survival between the new National Health Service Breast Screening Programme (NHSBSP) interval cancer classification system category of type 1 interval cancers, and the previously used, separate categories of occult, unclassified, and true interval cancers. Materials and methods: The prognostic pathological features (grade, lymph node stage, size, vascular invasion, oestrogen receptor status, and histological type) and survival of 428 type 1 interval invasive breast cancers were analysed by subgroup (occult, unclassified and true interval). Results: Occult cancers compared with other type 1 interval cancers were of significantly lower grade [38 of 52 (73%) versus 151 of 340 (44%) grade 1 or 2, p = 0.0005], more likely to be smaller size [37 of 51 (73%) versus 158 of 341 (46%) <20 mm, p = 0.0003] and more frequently of lobular type at histology [14 of 42 (32%) versus 50 of 286 (17%), p = 0.03]. There was no significant difference in pathological features of unclassified tumours compared with other type 1 tumours. There was no significant survival difference between different type 1 subgroups (p = 0.12). Conclusion: The NHSBSP type 1 interval cancers are a heterogeneous grouping with markedly differing pathological features. However, no significant survival difference is seen between the different type 1 subgroups

  7. NHSBSP type 1 interval cancers: a scientifically valid grouping?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porter, G.J.R. [Nottingham Breast Institute, City Hospital, Nottingham (United Kingdom)]. E-mail:; Evans, A.J. [Nottingham Breast Institute, City Hospital, Nottingham (United Kingdom); Burrell, H.C. [Nottingham Breast Institute, City Hospital, Nottingham (United Kingdom); Lee, A.H.S. [Nottingham Breast Institute, City Hospital, Nottingham (United Kingdom); Chakrabarti, J. [Nottingham Breast Institute, City Hospital, Nottingham (United Kingdom)


    Aim: To assess whether there are differences in the pathological features or survival between the new National Health Service Breast Screening Programme (NHSBSP) interval cancer classification system category of type 1 interval cancers, and the previously used, separate categories of occult, unclassified, and true interval cancers. Materials and methods: The prognostic pathological features (grade, lymph node stage, size, vascular invasion, oestrogen receptor status, and histological type) and survival of 428 type 1 interval invasive breast cancers were analysed by subgroup (occult, unclassified and true interval). Results: Occult cancers compared with other type 1 interval cancers were of significantly lower grade [38 of 52 (73%) versus 151 of 340 (44%) grade 1 or 2, p = 0.0005], more likely to be smaller size [37 of 51 (73%) versus 158 of 341 (46%) <20 mm, p = 0.0003] and more frequently of lobular type at histology [14 of 42 (32%) versus 50 of 286 (17%), p = 0.03]. There was no significant difference in pathological features of unclassified tumours compared with other type 1 tumours. There was no significant survival difference between different type 1 subgroups (p = 0.12). Conclusion: The NHSBSP type 1 interval cancers are a heterogeneous grouping with markedly differing pathological features. However, no significant survival difference is seen between the different type 1 subgroups.

  8. CIMP status of interval colon cancers: another piece to the puzzle. (United States)

    Arain, Mustafa A; Sawhney, Mandeep; Sheikh, Shehla; Anway, Ruth; Thyagarajan, Bharat; Bond, John H; Shaukat, Aasma


    Colon cancers diagnosed in the interval after a complete colonoscopy may occur due to limitations of colonoscopy or due to the development of new tumors, possibly reflecting molecular and environmental differences in tumorigenesis resulting in rapid tumor growth. In a previous study from our group, interval cancers (colon cancers diagnosed within 5 years of a complete colonoscopy) were almost four times more likely to demonstrate microsatellite instability (MSI) than non-interval cancers. In this study we extended our molecular analysis to compare the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) status of interval and non-interval colorectal cancers and investigate the relationship between the CIMP and MSI pathways in the pathogenesis of interval cancers. We searched our institution's cancer registry for interval cancers, defined as colon cancers that developed within 5 years of a complete colonoscopy. These were frequency matched in a 1:2 ratio by age and sex to patients with non-interval cancers (defined as colon cancers diagnosed on a patient's first recorded colonoscopy). Archived cancer specimens for all subjects were retrieved and tested for CIMP gene markers. The MSI status of subjects identified between 1989 and 2004 was known from our previous study. Tissue specimens of newly identified cases and controls (between 2005 and 2006) were tested for MSI. There were 1,323 cases of colon cancer diagnosed over the 17-year study period, of which 63 were identified as having interval cancer and matched to 131 subjects with non-interval cancer. Study subjects were almost all Caucasian men. CIMP was present in 57% of interval cancers compared to 33% of non-interval cancers (P=0.004). As shown previously, interval cancers were more likely than non-interval cancers to occur in the proximal colon (63% vs. 39%; P=0.002), and have MSI 29% vs. 11%, P=0.004). In multivariable logistic regression model, proximal location (odds ratio (OR) 1.85; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1

  9. Vikergallup : eesti kirjandus 2002 : vastused Vikerkaare küsimustele / Lauri Eesmaa, Indrek Hargla, Tõnu Kaalep... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    2002. a. parima uudisraamatu tiitlit jagasid Vaino Vahingu "Mängud ja kõnelused", Anton Nigovi "Harjutused", Heiti Kenderi "Lend", Urmas Vadi "Unetute ralli" ja Emil Tode "Raadio"; parimaks esikraamatuks valiti Priit Kruusi "Ring ümber teiste"

  10. Torunis kohtuvad naaberteatrid / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    22. mail algas Poola väikelinnas Torunis rahvusvaheline teatrifestival "Kontakt". Eestist valis festivali juhtkond välja Priit Pedajase lavastuse "Mao tee kalju peal", mida mängitakse 27. mail ja 28. mail ka Varssavis

  11. Standardi juhid maksid 37, 5 miljonit krooni / Aivar Hundimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hundimägi, Aivar, 1975-


    Standardi juhatuse esimees Enn Veskimägi ning juhatuse liikmed Priit Tamm ja Mati Peekma omandasid 58% Standardi aktsiatest, makstes Indoor Group'ile ja riskikapitaliinvestorile BaltCap tehingu eest väidetavalt 37, 5 miljonit krooni

  12. Brian Frieli illusioonidele rajatud konservatism / Valle-Sten Maiste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maiste, Valle-Sten, 1972-


    Brian Friel "Kodukoht" - Eesti Draamateatri etendus Keila Joa mõisas, lavastaja Priit Pedajas, kunstnik Pille Jänes. Brian Friel "Järelmäng" Eesti Draamateatri Maalisaalis, lavastanud ja mängivad Kersti Kreismann ja Martin Veinmann

  13. Yoga OÜ - kas suur mull või paljulubav väikefirma? / Raigo Neudorf

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Neudorf, Raigo


    Iseõppiva intelligentse hoonesüsteemi arendamise ja väljatöötamisega tegeleva firma Yoga OÜ arengut ja kavatsusi maailmaturul tutvustavad ettevõtjad Priit Vimberg ja Raivo Raestik. Vt. samas: Investorite otsinguil; Revolutsiooniline toode

  14. Verified Interval Orbit Propagation in Satellite Collision Avoidance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Römgens, B.A.; Mooij, E.; Naeije, M.C.


    Verified interval integration methods enclose a solution set corresponding to interval initial values and parameters, and bound integration and rounding errors. Verified methods suffer from overestimation of the solution, i.e., non-solutions are also included in the solution enclosure. Two verified

  15. Overconfidence in Interval Estimates (United States)

    Soll, Jack B.; Klayman, Joshua


    Judges were asked to make numerical estimates (e.g., "In what year was the first flight of a hot air balloon?"). Judges provided high and low estimates such that they were X% sure that the correct answer lay between them. They exhibited substantial overconfidence: The correct answer fell inside their intervals much less than X% of the time. This…

  16. Five-year risk of interval-invasive second breast cancer. (United States)

    Lee, Janie M; Buist, Diana S M; Houssami, Nehmat; Dowling, Emily C; Halpern, Elkan F; Gazelle, G Scott; Lehman, Constance D; Henderson, Louise M; Hubbard, Rebecca A


    Earlier detection of second breast cancers after primary breast cancer (PBC) treatment improves survival, yet mammography is less accurate in women with prior breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to examine women presenting clinically with second breast cancers after negative surveillance mammography (interval cancers), and to estimate the five-year risk of interval-invasive second cancers for women with varying risk profiles. We evaluated a prospective cohort of 15 114 women with 47 717 surveillance mammograms diagnosed with stage 0-II unilateral PBC from 1996 through 2008 at facilities in the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium. We used discrete time survival models to estimate the association between odds of an interval-invasive second breast cancer and candidate predictors, including demographic, PBC, and imaging characteristics. All statistical tests were two-sided. The cumulative incidence of second breast cancers after five years was 54.4 per 1000 women, with 325 surveillance-detected and 138 interval-invasive second breast cancers. The five-year risk of interval-invasive second cancer for women with referent category characteristics was 0.60%. For women with the most and least favorable profiles, the five-year risk ranged from 0.07% to 6.11%. Multivariable modeling identified grade II PBC (odds ratio [OR] = 1.95, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.15 to 3.31), treatment with lumpectomy without radiation (OR = 3.27, 95% CI = 1.91 to 5.62), interval PBC presentation (OR = 2.01, 95% CI 1.28 to 3.16), and heterogeneously dense breasts on mammography (OR = 1.54, 95% CI = 1.01 to 2.36) as independent predictors of interval-invasive second breast cancers. PBC diagnosis and treatment characteristics contribute to variation in subsequent-interval second breast cancer risk. Consideration of these factors may be useful in developing tailored post-treatment imaging surveillance plans. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

  17. Pediatric Reference Intervals for Free Thyroxine and Free Triiodothyronine (United States)

    Jang, Megan; Guo, Tiedong; Soldin, Steven J.


    Background The clinical value of free thyroxine (FT4) and free triiodothyronine (FT3) analysis depends on the reference intervals with which they are compared. We determined age- and sex-specific reference intervals for neonates, infants, and children 0–18 years of age for FT4 and FT3 using tandem mass spectrometry. Methods Reference intervals were calculated for serum FT4 (n = 1426) and FT3 (n = 1107) obtained from healthy children between January 1, 2008, and June 30, 2008, from Children's National Medical Center and Georgetown University Medical Center Bioanalytical Core Laboratory, Washington, DC. Serum samples were analyzed using isotope dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) with deuterium-labeled internal standards. Results FT4 reference intervals were very similar for males and females of all ages and ranged between 1.3 and 2.4 ng/dL for children 1 to 18 years old. FT4 reference intervals for 1- to 12-month-old infants were 1.3–2.8 ng/dL. These 2.5 to 97.5 percentile intervals were much tighter than reference intervals obtained using immunoassay platforms 0.48–2.78 ng/dL for males and 0.85–2.09 ng/dL for females. Similarly, FT3 intervals were consistent and similar for males and females and for all ages, ranging between 1.5 pg/mL and approximately 6.0 pg/mL for children 1 month of age to 18 years old. Conclusions This is the first study to provide pediatric reference intervals of FT4 and FT3 for children from birth to 18 years of age using LC/MS/MS. Analysis using LC/MS/MS provides more specific quantification of thyroid hormones. A comparison of the ultrafiltration tandem mass spectrometric method with equilibrium dialysis showed very good correlation. PMID:19583487

  18. Study on risk insight for additional ILRT interval extension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seo, M. R.; Hong, S. Y.; Kim, M. K.; Chung, B. S.; Oh, H. C.


    In U.S., the containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test (ILRT) interval was extended from 3 times per 10 years to once per 10 years based on NUREG-1493 'Performance-Based Containment Leak-Test Program' in 1995. In September, 2001, ILRT interval was extended up to once per 15 years based on Nuclear Energy Industry (NEI) provisional guidance 'Interim Guidance for Performing Risk Impact Assessments In Support of One-Time Extensions for Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test Surveillance Intervals'. In Korea, the containment ILRT was performed with 5 year interval. But, in MOST(Ministry of Science and Technology) Notice 2004-15 'Standard for the Leak- Rate Test of the Nuclear Reactor Containment', the extension of the ILRT interval to once per 10 year can be allowed if some conditions are met. So, the safety analysis for the extension of Yonggwang Nuclear (YGN) Unit 1 and 2 ILRT interval extension to once per 10 years was completed based on the methodology in NUREG-1493. But, during review process by regulatory body, KINS, it was required that some various risk insight or index for risk analysis should be developed. So, we began to study NEI interim report for 15 year ILRT interval extension. As previous analysis based on NUREG-1493, MACCS II (MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System) computer code was used for the risk analysis of the population, and the population dose was selected as a reference index for the risk evaluation

  19. Ilmus teos "Rektor Johan Kõpp" / Aksel Mark

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mark, Aksel, 1913-2014


    rets. rmt.: Rohtmets, Priit. Rektor Johan Kõpp / toimetaja Mart Orav; resümeede tõlge: saksa keelde Reet Bender, inglise keelde Saskia Kangro, vene keelde A&A Lingua; kujundus Kalle Toompere. Tallinn : Aasta Raamat, 2007. 144 lk.

  20. Eile esilinastus kinos Sõprus neli uut telefilmi "Eesti lugude" sarjas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kinos Sõprus näidati ETV ja EFSA ühisproduktsioonina valmivate "Eesti lugude" uusi tõsielufilme : Ago Ruusi "Laulatatud hobusega", Mart Taevere "Teistmoodi tihane", Sergei Ledenjovi "Nikolai Kormašov ja vene ikoon" ja Priit Valkna "Kaetajad"

  1. Lavalood / Mihkel Mutt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mutt, Mihkel, 1953-


    Tom Stoppardi "Midagi tõelist" Vanalinnastuudios, lav. Roman Baskin, Torgny Lindgreni "Mao tee kalju peal" Eesti Draamateatri väikeses saalis, lav. Priit Pedajas, Josef ja Karel Čapeki "Putukate elust" Pärnu Endlas, lavastaja Jaan Tooming

  2. Elustiil : kas kapp või garderoob?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tank Indoor Systems kaubamärki omava Sunorek AS-i juht Priit Pals soovitab kliendi mõõdu järgi valmistatavaid garderoobisüsteeme. Pakutavad tooted: riietumistoad, garderoobisüsteemid, korvisüsteemid, ruumijagajad ja liuguksed

  3. Teatrid murravad päid ja piike / Dea Martinjonis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Martinjonis, Dea


    Eesti Televisiooni ekraanile jõuab teatriteemaline teleturniir "Bläkkpoks" : stsenarist Villu Kangur : režissöör Ain Prosa : saatejuht Sepo Seeman : toimetaja Anne Tuuling : produtsent Priit Vaher. Ka : Teleleht nr. 50, lk. 36-37

  4. Miks, kuidas ja kellele? / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    Tiit Ojasoo ja Ene-Liis Semperi "Kuidas seletada pilte surnud jänesele" teatris NO99, Priit Võigemasti "Hecuba pärast" Tallinna Linnateatris ja koreograaf-esitaja Mart Kangro "Can't Get No Satisfaction" Kanuti Gildi saalis

  5. Passion House - kirega loodud valmismaja / Kersti Pikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pikk, Kersti


    Janar Toomesso ja Priit Vahe valmismajade projektist Passion Smart Design Houses. Valminud on moodulmaja mudel M1 (Architect 11 meeskond, peaarhitekt Eero Endjärv). Sisearhitektid Hannelore Kääramees, Kätlin Ölluk, Maarja Valk-Falk

  6. Moosipurgid Tartu alateadvuse keldrites / Ave Randviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randviir, Ave, 1981-


    Priit Pajose näitus "Imed, inimesed ja imeinimesed" Tartu Kunstimaja galeriis. Seitsme noorema põlvkonna kunstniku näitus "Raamatukoguprojekt. Kunstniku dialoog ruumiga" Rael Artel Gallery: Non Profit Project Space's Tartu Linnaraamatukogu keldris Kompanii 3/5

  7. Johan Kõpu pärand on mitmekülgne / Peep Pillak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pillak, Peep


    rets. rmt.: Rohtmets, Priit. Rektor Johan Kõpp / toimetaja Mart Orav; resümeede tõlge: saksa keelde Reet Bender, inglise keelde Saskia Kangro, vene keelde A & A Lingua; kujundus Kalle Toompere. Tallinn : Aasta Raamat, 2007. 144 lk.

  8. Äri uued mängureeglid : Kui vastutustundlikust ärist pole pääsu, siis ehk tasub sellega kaasa minna?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Oma kogemusi vastutustundlikust ettevõtlusest jagavad Ragn-Sellsi juhatuse esimees Rain Vääna, Loodusvägi OÜ juhatuse liige ja tegevjuht Ahto Vegmann, BaltCapi juhtivpartner Martin Kõdar ja Viru Keemia Grupi juhatuse esimees Priit Rohumaa


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena B. Shuvalova


    Full Text Available The article discusses the application of the method of interval estimation of conformity of the transaction price the market price. A comparative analysis of interval and point estimate. Identified the positive and negative effects of using interval estimation.

  10. Ratio-based lengths of intervals to improve fuzzy time series forecasting. (United States)

    Huarng, Kunhuang; Yu, Tiffany Hui-Kuang


    The objective of this study is to explore ways of determining the useful lengths of intervals in fuzzy time series. It is suggested that ratios, instead of equal lengths of intervals, can more properly represent the intervals among observations. Ratio-based lengths of intervals are, therefore, proposed to improve fuzzy time series forecasting. Algebraic growth data, such as enrollments and the stock index, and exponential growth data, such as inventory demand, are chosen as the forecasting targets, before forecasting based on the various lengths of intervals is performed. Furthermore, sensitivity analyses are also carried out for various percentiles. The ratio-based lengths of intervals are found to outperform the effective lengths of intervals, as well as the arbitrary ones in regard to the different statistical measures. The empirical analysis suggests that the ratio-based lengths of intervals can also be used to improve fuzzy time series forecasting.

  11. Optimal parallel algorithms for problems modeled by a family of intervals (United States)

    Olariu, Stephan; Schwing, James L.; Zhang, Jingyuan


    A family of intervals on the real line provides a natural model for a vast number of scheduling and VLSI problems. Recently, a number of parallel algorithms to solve a variety of practical problems on such a family of intervals have been proposed in the literature. Computational tools are developed, and it is shown how they can be used for the purpose of devising cost-optimal parallel algorithms for a number of interval-related problems including finding a largest subset of pairwise nonoverlapping intervals, a minimum dominating subset of intervals, along with algorithms to compute the shortest path between a pair of intervals and, based on the shortest path, a parallel algorithm to find the center of the family of intervals. More precisely, with an arbitrary family of n intervals as input, all algorithms run in O(log n) time using O(n) processors in the EREW-PRAM model of computation.

  12. Inter-pregnancy interval and pregnancy outcomes among HIV ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Abstract Background: Both short and long inter-pregnancy intervals have been associated with higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. More so, short inter- pregnancy interval among HIV- positive women implies higher birth rate and subsequently a higher number of neonates exposed to HIV and potentially at.

  13. Propositional interval neighborhood logics: Expressiveness, decidability, and undecidable extensions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bresolin, Davide; Goranko, Valentin; Montanari, Angelo


    In this paper, we investigate the expressiveness of the variety of propositional interval neighborhood logics (PNL), we establish their decidability on linearly ordered domains and some important subclasses, and we prove the undecidability of a number of extensions of PNL with additional modalities...... over interval relations. All together, we show that PNL form a quite expressive and nearly maximal decidable fragment of Halpern–Shoham’s interval logic HS....

  14. Petrophysics of shale intervals in the Skjold Field, Danish North Sea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mbia, Ernest Ncha; Fabricius, Ida Lykke; Oji, C. O.


    interval 6 is mainly shale. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals the dominance of inter-layered smectite/illite in interval 1–3 and upper part of interval 4, whereas illite dominates interval 5 and 6. Other minerals include kaolinite, chlorite, quartz, calcite, Opal-CT, dolomite and plagioclase...

  15. Valguse ja varjupooled Endla Teatrigaleriis / Rica Semjonova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Semjonova, Rica


    3. mail avati Pärnu Endla Teatrigaleriis Nerva näitus "Valguse varjus", peale näituse avamist oli kõigil võimalus Küüni saalis vaadata Priit Valkna dokumentaalfilmi "Hunt", mis valminud ETV sarjale "Eesti lood"

  16. Tampere ja Unt / Jaak Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Jaak


    Ülevaade 5.-9. märtsini toimunud Tampere 33. lühifilmide festivalist. Riho Undi nukufilm "Hing sees" sai animafilmide žürii diplomi. Võistluskavas minifilmide seas osales ka Priit Pärna joonislaast "Liiga hilja" ("2 Late")

  17. Kak estonski oboroten litovskuju korovu ukral / Jevgenia Garanzha

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garanža, Jevgenija, 1979-


    Leedu teleprogrammide ja -filmide festivalil "Amber arch" ("Merevaigust arkaad") võitis peapreemia Priit Valkna dokumentaalfilm "Hunt", mille tootis Allfilm ETV "Eesti lugude" dokumentaalsarja. Osales ka Vahur Laiapea telesari setudest "Veere pääl". Ulatuslik ülevaade festivalist

  18. Läti lati langus Eesti krooni põhja ei tõmba / Lemmi Kann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kann, Lemmi


    Siinsed spetsialistid tõrjuvad üheskoos väidet Eesti krooni devalveerimise kohta, vastandudes välismaiste analüütikute prognoosidele. Diagramm: Maksejõuetuse indikaator CDS erinevates riikides. Kommenteerivad: Priit Põldoja, Heido Vitsur ja rahandusminister Ivari Padar

  19. Läbi klaasi tähtede poole / Margus Mikomägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikomägi, Margus, 1956-


    Meleski vanas klaasivabrikus Viljandimaal 6. augustil esietendunud Ugala teatri suvelavastusest "Läbi klaasi". Autor Mats Traat, lavastaja Priit Pedajas, kunstnik Liina Unt. Klaasitegemise osas andis nõu ja näitleja Aarne Sorole õpetas klaasipuhumist klaasikunstnik Eili Soon

  20. Armastus ei hävi ilmaski ? / Dea Martinjonis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Martinjonis, Dea


    24. novembril esitles Eesti Draamateater õllekeldris "Karl Friedrich 30. novembril esietenduvat Ödon von Horvathi näidendit "Kasimir ja Karoline" : lavastaja Priit Pedajas, kunstnik Pille Jänes. Ajakirjanike ees mängiti katkend lavastusest ja lauldi õllelaule

  1. EXPO : hoiupõrsad ja triibud / Tanel Veenre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veenre, Tanel, 1977-


    Shanghais toimuva EXPO 2010 Eesti paviljoni konkursi võitis töö "", mille autorid on Ionel Lehari, Kristian Paljasma (agentuur Identity), Illimar Truverk, Priit Hamer (Agabus, Endjärv & Truverk Arhitektid), Janno Roos, Andres Labi (Ruumilabor)

  2. Supermodell Carmen Kass osaleb Eestis filmivõtetel / Risto Berendson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Berendson, Risto, 1975-


    Produtsent Kristian Taska uue mängufilmi "Täna öösel me ei maga" võtted algasid 28. juunil Tallinna vanalinnas. Lavastab Ilmar Taska, operaatoriks on Istvan Borbas, peaosades Carmen Kass, Peter Franzen, Maria Avdjushko, Priit Võigemast

  3. Riigikogu liikme puutumatus / Hent Kalmo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalmo, Hent, 1979-


    Saadikupuutumatuse ajaloolisest taustast, õiguslikust iseloomust, materiaalsest ulatusesest ning puutumatuse äravõtmisest. Õiguskantsleri 8. oktoobri 2012. a otsusest, milles ta keeldus tegemast Riigikogule ettepanekut anda nõusolek Riigikogu liikmete Priit Toobali ja Lauri Laasi kriminaalvastutusele võtmiseks

  4. Kinos voolab naftat / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Filmistuudio Nafta lühifilmide kava 1. oktoobrist 2010 Tallinna kinos Artis. Kavasse kuuluvad uued linateosed: Heleri Saariku "Näkilugu" ja Margus Paju "Blackout" ning Priit Pääsukese "Must Peeter" (2008), Peeter Sauteri novelli "Must notsu" ekraniseering

  5. "Musta Peetri" stuudio Nafta näitab uusi lühifilme / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Filmistuudio Nafta lühifilmide kava 1. oktoobrist 2010 Tallinna kinos Artis. Kavasse kuuluvad uued linateosed Heleri Saariku "Näkilugu" ja Margus Paju "Blackout" ning Priit Pääsukese "Must Peeter" (2008), Peeter Sauteri novelli "Must notsu" ekraniseering

  6. Riho Unt lühifilmide festivali žüriis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Nukufilmide režissöör on 1.-9.veebruarini Prantsusmaal Clermont-Ferrand'i lühifilmide festivali žürii liige. Tema nukufilmid Saamueli seklustest on valitud festivali eriprogrammi. Võistlusprogrammi kuulub Priit Tenderi joonisfilm "Mont Blanc"

  7. Kultuurikatustel koos kahemehesaega / Margus Mikomägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikomägi, Margus, 1956-


    Eesti Draamateatri väikeses saalis 25. septembril esietendunud Priit Pedajase lavastusest "Punane". Teatris Ugala 24. septembril esietendunud Andres Lepiku lavastusest "Amadeus". Teatris NO99 13. septembril esietendunud Jarek Kasari ooperist "Katuselt", libreto Jarek Kasar ja Uku Uusberg

  8. Ehitusmaailma stipendiumid / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Ehitusmaailma kaupluseketi omanik AS "Fanaal" jagas kolmandat korda välja stipendiumid ehitus-, arhitektuuri- ja restaureerimisala üliõpilastele. Stipendiumi said: Mati Raal (EKA), Andrus Räämet, Eero Tuhkanen (TTÜ), Priit Lõhmus, Mauro Ilves, Maidu Saar (EPÜ)

  9. 90-aastane Tallinna Polütehnikum - ainus omataoline / Sirje Tohver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tohver, Sirje


    Polütehnikumi vilistlastest õpetajate (Heiki Tähis, Andres Ojalill, Jüri Jakubovitš, Hugo Tartlan, Hergi Kruusimaa, Tiina Karja, Priit Kalman, Ardi Priks, Jaan Kuus, Jüri Puhang, Vello Vanem, Rein Kask, Kalle Sammal, Ain Saaret) meenutusi

  10. Event- and interval-based measurement of stuttering: a review. (United States)

    Valente, Ana Rita S; Jesus, Luis M T; Hall, Andreia; Leahy, Margaret


    Event- and interval-based measurements are two different ways of computing frequency of stuttering. Interval-based methodology emerged as an alternative measure to overcome problems associated with reproducibility in the event-based methodology. No review has been made to study the effect of methodological factors in interval-based absolute reliability data or to compute the agreement between the two methodologies in terms of inter-judge, intra-judge and accuracy (i.e., correspondence between raters' scores and an established criterion). To provide a review related to reproducibility of event-based and time-interval measurement, and to verify the effect of methodological factors (training, experience, interval duration, sample presentation order and judgment conditions) on agreement of time-interval measurement; in addition, to determine if it is possible to quantify the agreement between the two methodologies The first two authors searched for articles on ERIC, MEDLINE, PubMed, B-on, CENTRAL and Dissertation Abstracts during January-February 2013 and retrieved 495 articles. Forty-eight articles were selected for review. Content tables were constructed with the main findings. Articles related to event-based measurements revealed values of inter- and intra-judge greater than 0.70 and agreement percentages beyond 80%. The articles related to time-interval measures revealed that, in general, judges with more experience with stuttering presented significantly higher levels of intra- and inter-judge agreement. Inter- and intra-judge values were beyond the references for high reproducibility values for both methodologies. Accuracy (regarding the closeness of raters' judgements with an established criterion), intra- and inter-judge agreement were higher for trained groups when compared with non-trained groups. Sample presentation order and audio/video conditions did not result in differences in inter- or intra-judge results. A duration of 5 s for an interval appears to be

  11. Change in Breast Cancer Screening Intervals Since the 2009 USPSTF Guideline. (United States)

    Wernli, Karen J; Arao, Robert F; Hubbard, Rebecca A; Sprague, Brian L; Alford-Teaster, Jennifer; Haas, Jennifer S; Henderson, Louise; Hill, Deidre; Lee, Christoph I; Tosteson, Anna N A; Onega, Tracy


    In 2009, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended biennial mammography for women aged 50-74 years and shared decision-making for women aged 40-49 years for breast cancer screening. We evaluated changes in mammography screening interval after the 2009 recommendations. We conducted a prospective cohort study of women aged 40-74 years who received 821,052 screening mammograms between 2006 and 2012 using data from the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium. We compared changes in screening intervals and stratified intervals based on whether the mammogram at the end of the interval occurred before or after the 2009 recommendation. Differences in mean interval length by woman-level characteristics were compared using linear regression. The mean interval (in months) minimally decreased after the 2009 USPSTF recommendations. Among women aged 40-49 years, the mean interval decreased from 17.2 months to 17.1 months (difference -0.16%, 95% confidence interval [CI] -0.30 to -0.01). Similar small reductions were seen for most age groups. The largest change in interval length in the post-USPSTF period was declines among women with a first-degree family history of breast cancer (difference -0.68%, 95% CI -0.82 to -0.54) or a 5-year breast cancer risk ≥2.5% (difference -0.58%, 95% CI -0.73 to -0.44). The 2009 USPSTF recommendation did not lengthen the average mammography interval among women routinely participating in mammography screening. Future studies should evaluate whether breast cancer screening intervals lengthen toward biennial intervals following new national 2016 breast cancer screening recommendations, particularly among women less than 50 years of age.

  12. [Association between oxytocin augmentation intervals and the risk of postpartum haemorrhage]. (United States)

    Loscul, C; Chantry, A-A; Caubit, L; Deneux-Tharaux, C; Goffinet, F; Le Ray, C


    To study the association between the duration of oxytocin augmentation intervals and the risk of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) among primiparous women in spontaneous labour. Retrospective cohort including primiparous women in spontaneous labour who received oxytocin during labour (n=454). Oxytocin augmentation intervals were dichotomized in intervalsoxytocin augmentation intervals. The association between oxytocin augmentation intervals and PPH was analyzed using univariate and multivariate analysis. Oxytocin augmentation intervals were shorter than 20minutes for 43.8% of the study population. The rate of PPH was higher (9.1% vs 3.5%; P=0.014), and the use of sulprostone was more frequent (6.5% vs 3.5%; P=0.013) if oxytocin augmentation intervals were shorter than 20minutes in comparison with intervals≥20minutes. The association between oxytocin augmentation intervals and PPH remains significant after adjustment on other PPH risk factors (adjusted OR=3.48, 95% CI [1.45-8.34]). The rate of adverse neonatal issue, defined by arterial pH at birth≤7.10 and/or 5minutes score d'Apgar≤7, was higher if oxytocin augmentation intervals wereoxytocin with augmentation intervals shorter than 20minutes. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  13. Heritability of Tpeak-Tend Interval and T-wave Amplitude: A Twin Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haarmark, Christian; Kyvik, Kirsten O; Vedel-Larsen, Esben


    BACKGROUND: -Tpeak-Tend interval (TpTe) and T-wave amplitude (Tamp) carry diagnostic and prognostic information regarding cardiac morbidity and mortality. Heart rate and QT interval are known to be heritable traits. The heritability of T-wave morphology parameters such as TpTe and Tamp is unknown...... interval, QTpeak and QTend interval) were measured and averaged over three consecutive beats in lead V5. TpTe was calculated as the QTend and QTpeak interval difference. Heritability was assessed using structural equation models adjusting for age, gender and BMI. All models were reducible to a model...... of additive genetics and unique environment. All variables had considerable genetic components. Adjusted heritability estimates were: TpTe 46%, Tamp lead V1 34%, Tamp lead V5 47%, RR interval 55%, QT interval 67% and QTcB 42%. CONCLUSIONS: -RR interval, QT-interval, T-wave amplitude and Tpeak-Tend interval...

  14. Assessing QT interval prolongation and its associated risks with antipsychotics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jimmi; Graff, Claus; Kanters, Jørgen K.


    markers for TdP have been developed but none of them is clinically implemented yet and QT interval prolongation is still considered the most valid surrogate marker. Although automated QT interval determination may offer some assistance, QT interval determination is best performed by a cardiologist skilled...

  15. Interval matrices: Regularity generates singularity

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Rohn, Jiří; Shary, S.P.


    Roč. 540, 1 March (2018), s. 149-159 ISSN 0024-3795 Institutional support: RVO:67985807 Keywords : interval matrix * regularity * singularity * P-matrix * absolute value equation * diagonally singilarizable matrix Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.973, year: 2016

  16. Chaotic dynamics from interspike intervals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pavlov, A N; Sosnovtseva, Olga; Mosekilde, Erik


    Considering two different mathematical models describing chaotic spiking phenomena, namely, an integrate-and-fire and a threshold-crossing model, we discuss the problem of extracting dynamics from interspike intervals (ISIs) and show that the possibilities of computing the largest Lyapunov expone...

  17. An Interval Bound Algorithm of optimizing reactor core loading pattern by using reactivity interval schema

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gong Zhaohu; Wang Kan; Yao Dong


    Highlights: → We present a new Loading Pattern Optimization method - Interval Bound Algorithm (IBA). → IBA directly uses the reactivity of fuel assemblies and burnable poison. → IBA can optimize fuel assembly orientation in a coupled way. → Numerical experiment shows that IBA outperforms genetic algorithm and engineers. → We devise DDWF technique to deal with multiple objectives and constraints. - Abstract: In order to optimize the core loading pattern in Nuclear Power Plants, the paper presents a new optimization method - Interval Bound Algorithm (IBA). Similar to the typical population based algorithms, e.g. genetic algorithm, IBA maintains a population of solutions and evolves them during the optimization process. IBA acquires the solution by statistical learning and sampling the control variable intervals of the population in each iteration. The control variables are the transforms of the reactivity of fuel assemblies or the worth of burnable poisons, which are the crucial heuristic information for loading pattern optimization problems. IBA can deal with the relationship between the dependent variables by defining the control variables. Based on the IBA algorithm, a parallel Loading Pattern Optimization code, named IBALPO, has been developed. To deal with multiple objectives and constraints, the Dynamic Discontinuous Weight Factors (DDWF) for the fitness function have been used in IBALPO. Finally, the code system has been used to solve a realistic reloading problem and a better pattern has been obtained compared with the ones searched by engineers and genetic algorithm, thus the performance of the code is proved.

  18. Interval-Censored Time-to-Event Data Methods and Applications

    CERN Document Server

    Chen, Ding-Geng


    Interval-Censored Time-to-Event Data: Methods and Applications collects the most recent techniques, models, and computational tools for interval-censored time-to-event data. Top biostatisticians from academia, biopharmaceutical industries, and government agencies discuss how these advances are impacting clinical trials and biomedical research. Divided into three parts, the book begins with an overview of interval-censored data modeling, including nonparametric estimation, survival functions, regression analysis, multivariate data analysis, competing risks analysis, and other models for interva

  19. Interval timing in genetically modified mice: a simple paradigm


    Balci, F.; Papachristos, E. B.; Gallistel, C. R.; Brunner, D.; Gibson, J.; Shumyatsky, G. P.


    We describe a behavioral screen for the quantitative study of interval timing and interval memory in mice. Mice learn to switch from a short-latency feeding station to a long-latency station when the short latency has passed without a feeding. The psychometric function is the cumulative distribution of switch latencies. Its median measures timing accuracy and its interquartile interval measures timing precision. Next, using this behavioral paradigm, we have examined mice with a gene knockout ...

  20. Öö, toolid ja vihased mehed / Veiko Märka

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märka, Veiko, 1964-


    Reginald Rose'i 'Kaksteist vihast meest' (lav. Mikk Mikiver) ja William Shakespeare'i 'Kaheteistkümnes öö' (lav. Finn Poulsen) Vanemuise teatris. Ilja Ilfi ja Jevgeni Petrovi '12 tooli' Vanalinnastuudios (dramatiseerinud Priit Aimla-Eino Baskin, lavastaja Eino Baskin)

  1. Veel vene koolist ja krokodillipisaratest / Yana Toom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toom, Yana, 1966-


    Artikli autori arvates ei ole eesti keele õpetamise kvaliteet piisav, et seada eesmärgiks eestikeelne aineõpe vene koolide gümnaasiumiastmes. Vastukaja artiklile: Priit Simson. Venekeelne kool ja krokodillipisarad. Eesti Päevaleht (2011) 9. sept., lk. 2

  2. Loojatega/loojate loomingust : Tartu Forseliuse gümnaasiumi 31. kirjanduspäeval / Hiie Saumaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saumaa, Hiie


    Tartu Forseliuse Gümnaasiumi 31. kirjanduspäev toimus 28. märtsil 2002.a. kandes nime "Üle kõige on maailmal vaja ...". Esinesid Paul-Eerik Rummo, Kauksi Ülle, Jürgen Rooste, Priit Kruus ja Hedda Maurer

  3. "Kõige mugavam oli filmis öötööd teha Carmen Kassil" / Verni Leivak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leivak, Verni, 1966-


    Lõppesid produtsent Kristian Taska uue mängufilmi "Täna öösel me ei maga" võtted. Lavastab Ilmar Taska, operaatoriks on Istvan Borbas, peaosades Carmen Kass, Peter Franzen; Maria Avdjushko, Priit Võigemast. Esilinastus tuleb 13. veebruaril 2004

  4. Vsemirnaja teatralnaja Olimpiada : Rossiiski razmahh / Eteri Kekelidze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    21. apr. kuni 29. juunini toimub Moskvas Ülemaailmne Teatriolümpiaad ja A. Tšehhovi nim. IV rahvusvaheline teatrifestival, millest võtab osa 150 teatritruppi 50 maalt. Festivalil esines ka Priit Pedajas lavastusega "Lõikuskuu tantsud" Pjotr Fomenko teatris

  5. Taska esimene täispikk lindil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Lõppesid produtsent Kristian Taska uue mängufilmi "Täna öösel me ei maga" võtted. Lavastab Ilmar Taska, operaatoriks on Istvan Borbas, peaosades Carmen Kass, Peter Franzen; Maria Avdjushko, Priit Võigemast. Esilinastus tuleb 13. veebruaril 2004

  6. Kas vangide ennetähtaegne vabastamine tõstab kuritegevust?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Päevalehe küsitlusele vastavad Tartu Ülikooli kriminaalõiguse professor Jaan Sootak, vanglate ameti peadirektor Olavi Israel, kinnipeetav Raul Kaasik, Pärnu maakohtu kriminaalhooldusosakonna juhataja Priit Sutt ja politseiameti peadirektori asetäitja Jüri Kasesalu

  7. EMT maksis enamusosaluse eest Korobeinikule ligi 40 miljonit / Signe Kalberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalberg, Signe, 1959-


    EMT ostis enamusosaluse portaalis, osapooled loovad koostöös uudse multimeediakeskkonna. Internetiportaalist Vt. samas intervjuud Andrei Korobeiniku ja Valdo Kalmuga; Priit Hõbemägi. Virtuaalsed eluedetabelid. Lisad: Konkurents veebisuhtluse turul; Kasutaja: omanikud pole olulised

  8. Teadlane uuris Kassari punavetikaid / Liina Sineveer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sineveer, Liina


    Tallinna Ülikooli matemaatika ja loodusteaduste instituudi doktorant Priit Kersen uuris Kassari lahes kasvavat punavetikat agarikku. Doktoritöö teemaks oli "Punavetikate Furcellaria lumbricalis ja Coccotylus truncatus koosluse struktuur, dünaamika ning kasv Läänemere põhjaosas"

  9. "Eesti lood" - kiiduväärt ettevõtmine / Tue Steen Müller ; tõlk. Marje Jurtšenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Müller, Tue Steen


    Euroopa dokumentalistika ekspert arvustab kuut 2003.a. tõsielufilmi sarjast "Eesti lood" : "Mees, kes avab uksi" (režii Igor Ruus), "Naeratavad naised" ja "Tuleproov" (Liina Trishkina), "Konfiskeeritud" (Asko Kase), "Järelevalveinspektor" (Madli Lääne), "Hunt" (Priit Valkna)

  10. Soome levitaja loodab ületada ühe kuuga 50 000 vaataja piiri / Tarmo Virki

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Virki, Tarmo


    Filmi "Nimed marmortahvlil" levitamisest Soomes ja eilsest pressilinastusest ning sellele järgnenud pressikonverentsist, kus osalesid ka Elmo Nüganen ja näitlejad Hele Kõre, Priit Võigemast ja Peter Franzen ning Soome-poolne produtsent Ilkka Y.L. Matila

  11. Võru sozdajutsja gigantskije skulpturõ iz peska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Võrus Tamula rannas toimuval rahvusvahelisel liivaskulptuurifestivalil valmib kümme suurt liivaskulptuuri. Lisaks Tamula ranna liivaskulptuuridele valmivad suured liivaskulptuurid veel Taevaskojas, Rõuges, Suur-Munamäel, Kubijal ja Piusal. Eestit esindab Kalle-Priit Pruuden. Festivali kuraator on Henry Timusk

  12. Discussion of “Prediction intervals for short-term wind farm generation forecasts” and “Combined nonparametric prediction intervals for wind power generation”

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pinson, Pierre; Tastu, Julija


    A new score for the evaluation of interval forecasts, the so-called coverage width-based criterion (CWC), was proposed and utilized.. This score has been used for the tuning (in-sample) and genuine evaluation (out-ofsample) of prediction intervals for various applications, e.g., electric load [1......], electricity prices [2], general purpose prediction [3], and wind power generation [4], [5]. Indeed, two papers by the same authors appearing in the IEEE Transactions On Sustainable Energy employ that score and use it to conclude on the comparative quality of alternative approaches to interval forecasting...

  13. The lucid interval associated with epidural bleeding: evolving understanding. (United States)

    Ganz, Jeremy C


    The aim of this paper was to elucidate the evolution of our understanding of the term "lucid interval." A number of texts were reviewed to assess their suitability for analysis. The primary requirement was that the text contain detailed descriptions of a series of patients. Details of the clinical course, the findings and timing of surgery, and, when relevant, the time of death and postmortem findings were required. Books written by Henri-François Le Dran, Percival Pott, and James Hill fulfilled these criteria. Surgical findings included the presence and type of fractures, changes in the bone, separation of periosteum, malodorous or purulent material, tense brain, and hematoma. Postmortem findings supplemented and/or complemented the surgical findings. The courses of the patients were then tabulated, and the correlation between different clinical and operative findings was thereby determined. Our understanding of a lucid interval began in the early 18th century with the work of Henri-François Le Dran and Percival Pott in London. They did not, however, demonstrate an interval without symptoms between trauma and deterioration in patients with epidural hematomas (EDHs). The interval they described was longer than usually expected with EDHs and occurred exclusively in patients who had a posttraumatic infection. In 1751, James Hill, from Dumfries, Scotland, described the first hematoma-related lucid interval in a patient with a subdural hematoma. The first case of a lucid interval associated with an EDH was described by John Abernethy. In the 19th century, Jonathan Hutchinson and Walter Jacobson described the interval as it is known today, in cases of EDH. The most recent work on the topic came from studies in Cincinnati and Oslo, where it was demonstrated that bleeding can separate dura mater and that hemorrhage into the epidural space can be shunted out via the veins. This shunting could delay the accumulation of a hematoma and thus the rise in intracranial pressure

  14. Robust misinterpretation of confidence intervals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoekstra, Rink; Morey, Richard; Rouder, Jeffrey N.; Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan


    Null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) is undoubtedly the most common inferential technique used to justify claims in the social sciences. However, even staunch defenders of NHST agree that its outcomes are often misinterpreted. Confidence intervals (CIs) have frequently been proposed as a more

  15. Inter-pregnancy interval and pregnancy outcomes among HIV ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Both short and long inter-pregnancy intervals have been associated with higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. More so, short interpregnancy interval among HIVpositive women implies higher birth rate and subsequently a higher number of neonates exposed to HIV and potentially at r i s k o f mo t h e r ...

  16. Concurrent variable-interval variable-ratio schedules in a dynamic choice environment. (United States)

    Bell, Matthew C; Baum, William M


    Most studies of operant choice have focused on presenting subjects with a fixed pair of schedules across many experimental sessions. Using these methods, studies of concurrent variable- interval variable-ratio schedules helped to evaluate theories of choice. More recently, a growing literature has focused on dynamic choice behavior. Those dynamic choice studies have analyzed behavior on a number of different time scales using concurrent variable-interval schedules. Following the dynamic choice approach, the present experiment examined performance on concurrent variable-interval variable-ratio schedules in a rapidly changing environment. Our objectives were to compare performance on concurrent variable-interval variable-ratio schedules with extant data on concurrent variable-interval variable-interval schedules using a dynamic choice procedure and to extend earlier work on concurrent variable-interval variable-ratio schedules. We analyzed performances at different time scales, finding strong similarities between concurrent variable-interval variable-interval and concurrent variable-interval variable- ratio performance within dynamic choice procedures. Time-based measures revealed almost identical performance in the two procedures compared with response-based measures, supporting the view that choice is best understood as time allocation. Performance at the smaller time scale of visits accorded with the tendency seen in earlier research toward developing a pattern of strong preference for and long visits to the richer alternative paired with brief "samples" at the leaner alternative ("fix and sample"). © 2017 Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

  17. A Neural Network-Based Interval Pattern Matcher

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jing Lu


    Full Text Available One of the most important roles in the machine learning area is to classify, and neural networks are very important classifiers. However, traditional neural networks cannot identify intervals, let alone classify them. To improve their identification ability, we propose a neural network-based interval matcher in our paper. After summarizing the theoretical construction of the model, we take a simple and a practical weather forecasting experiment, which show that the recognizer accuracy reaches 100% and that is promising.

  18. Electrocardiographic Abnormalities and QTc Interval in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuxin Nie

    Full Text Available Sudden cardiac death is one of the primary causes of mortality in chronic hemodialysis (HD patients. Prolonged QTc interval is associated with increased rate of sudden cardiac death. The aim of this article is to assess the abnormalities found in electrocardiograms (ECGs, and to explore factors that can influence the QTc interval.A total of 141 conventional HD patients were enrolled in this study. ECG tests were conducted on each patient before a single dialysis session and 15 minutes before the end of dialysis session (at peak stress. Echocardiography tests were conducted before dialysis session began. Blood samples were drawn by phlebotomy immediately before and after the dialysis session.Before dialysis, 93.62% of the patients were in sinus rhythm, and approximately 65% of the patients showed a prolonged QTc interval (i.e., a QTc interval above 440 ms in males and above 460ms in females. A comparison of ECG parameters before dialysis and at peak stress showed increases in heart rate (77.45±11.92 vs. 80.38±14.65 bpm, p = 0.001 and QTc interval (460.05±24.53 ms vs. 470.93±24.92 ms, p<0.001. After dividing patients into two groups according to the QTc interval, lower pre-dialysis serum concentrations of potassium (K+, calcium (Ca2+, phosphorus, calcium* phosphorus (Ca*P, and higher concentrations of plasma brain natriuretic peptide (BNP were found in the group with prolonged QTc intervals. Patients in this group also had a larger left atrial diameter (LAD and a thicker interventricular septum, and they tended to be older than patients in the other group. Then patients were divided into two groups according to ΔQTc (ΔQTc = QTc peak-stress- QTc pre-HD. When analyzing the patients whose QTc intervals were longer at peak stress than before HD, we found that they had higher concentrations of Ca2+ and P5+ and lower concentrations of K+, ferritin, UA, and BNP. They were also more likely to be female. In addition, more cardiac construction

  19. Spectral of electrocardiographic RR intervals to indicate atrial fibrillation (United States)

    Nuryani, Nuryani; Satrio Nugroho, Anto


    Atrial fibrillation is a serious heart diseases, which is associated on the risk of death, and thus an early detection of atrial fibrillation is necessary. We have investigated spectral pattern of electrocardiogram in relation to atrial fibrillation. The utilized feature of electrocardiogram is RR interval. RR interval is the time interval between a two-consecutive R peaks. A series of RR intervals in a time segment is converted to a signal with a frequency domain. The frequency components are investigated to find the components which significantly associate to atrial fibrillation. A segment is defined as atrial fibrillation or normal segments by considering a defined number of atrial fibrillation RR in the segment. Using clinical data of 23 patients with atrial fibrillation, we find that the frequency components could be used to indicate atrial fibrillation.

  20. Interval Size and Phrase Position: A Comparison between German and Chinese Folksongs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Shanahan


    Full Text Available It is well known that the pitch of the voice tends to decline over the course of a spoken utterance. Ladd (2008 showed that there is also a tendency for the pitch range of spoken utterances to shrink as the pitch of the voice declines. Motivated by this work, two studies are reported that test for the existence of “late phrase compression” in music where the interval size tends to decline toward the end of a phrase. A study of 39,863 phrases from notated Germanic folksongs shows the predicted decline in interval size. However, a second study of 10,985 phrases from Chinese folksongs shows a reverse relationship. In fact, the interval behaviors in Chinese and Germanic folksongs provide marked contrasts: Chinese phrases are dominated by relatively large intervals, but begin with small intervals and end with medium-small intervals. Germanic phrases are dominated by relatively medium intervals, but begin with large intervals and end with small intervals. In short, late phrase interval compression is not evident cross-culturally.

  1. Evelin Ilves kiidab armsaid kodurestorane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Proua Evelin Ilves kiidab Facebook'is Pihode pere MerMeri restorani Kolga-Aabla külas ning Beatrice ja Priit Kuusiku nAnO restorani Tallinna vanalinnas. Vt. ka ristsõna lk. 42, mille lahenduseks on lause proua E. Ilveselt

  2. Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli raamatukogu = Tallinn University of Technology library

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinnas Akadeemia tee 1 asuva raamatukoguhoone sisekujundusest. Sisearhitektid Kristi Lents, Hannelore Kääramees, hoone arhitektid Priit Pent ja Eero Endjärv (Agabus, Endjärv & Truverk Arhitektid). Sisearhitektide tähtsamate koos tehtud tööde loetelu

  3. Sügisteater / Mihkel Mutt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mutt, Mihkel, 1953-


    'Libahunt' Von Krahli teatris (August Kitzbergi järgi dramatiseerinud Margus Kasterpalu ja Peeter Jalakas, lav. Peeter Jalakas); Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmanni - Madis Kõivu 'Kuradieliksiir' Draamateatris (lav. Priit Pedajas); Per Olov Enquisti 'Tribaadide öö' Draamateatris (lav. Katri Kaasik-Aaslav)

  4. Panel discussion: Europe, America, and the Baltics - political and economic relations

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Diskussioonis USA, Euroopa ja Baltimaade suhetest osalesid USA suursaadik Eestis Joseph DeThomas, Euroopa Komisjoni delegatsiooni juht Eestis John Kjaer, Türgi suursaadik Eestis Ömer Altug, välisministeeriumi kantsler Priit Kolbre jt. Vestlusringi juhtis Karlis Streips Lätist

  5. Победа над солнцем / Николай Караев

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Караев, Николай, 1978-


    PÖFFi alafestivalil Animated Dreams linastus neli uut filmi: Olga ja Priit Pärna "Tuukrid vihmas", Kaspar Jancise "Krokodill", Martinus Daane Klemeti "Õhus" ja Girlin Bassovskaja (Jelena Girlin, Mari-Liis Bassovskaja) "Oranus". Lisaks sõnum animafilmifestivali võitjate kohta

  6. Tartu meeriks pürgijad pakuvad - mis tooks ülikoolile Nobeli preemia / Ivar Tallo, Teet Jagomägi, Jüri Kumar, Malle Salupere...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tartu linnapeakandidaadid Ivar Tallo, Teet Jagomägi, Jüri Kumar, Malle Salupere, Tõni Kauba, Tõnis Lukas ja Andrus Ansip vastavad küsimustele : Tartu Ülikooli arenguvõimalustest ja -vajadustest, konkurentsivõime suurendamisest / vahendasid Sander Silm, Priit Rajalo, Ivi Drikkit

  7. Animated Dreamsi festivali parimad said eile auhinnad / Kaarel Kressa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kressa, Kaarel, 1983-


    12. animafilmide festivali Animated Dreams grand prix' pälvis Kei Oyama film "Käeseep" (Jaapan, 2008). Parima disaini preemia sai Jonas Odelli "Tussilago" (Rootsi, 2010). Parima loo jutustas Olga ja Priit Pärna "Tuukrid vihmas" (Eesti, 2009). Teistest preemiatest

  8. Kuidas õppida klassikutelt? / Ellu Maar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maar, Ellu


    Anders Härmi ja Priit Raua kureeritud II NU performance'i-festival: Susanne Linke "Akuutne" (2003) ja "Im Dade Wannen" (1980) 9. XI ning Roi Vaara "Möödalöögid" 10. XI Kanuti gildi saalis. Performance'i rekonstrueerimisest

  9. Millist kangelast me vajame? / Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varblane, Reet, 1952-


    Festival "Continental Breakfast Tallinn NU performance" Kanuti gildi saalis 2.-24. XI. Kuraatorid Anders Härm ja Priit Raud. Inglise-saksa kunstnike grupi Gob Squadi performance'ist "Super Night Shot", norra Baktruppeni tantsuetendusest, Kim H Veltmani loengust, Tellervo Kalleineni sõnaetendusest

  10. Jalgrattur Sigvard Kukk : naisi tuleks lilledega loopida / Andres Kalvik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalvik, Andres, 1982-


    Kalev Chocolate Teami kuuluvad jalgratturid Mart Ojavee ja Priit Prous koos elukaaslaste Fia Metsamägi ja Kaia-Liia Ilumetsaga räägivad paarisuhtest olukorras, kui mees enamiku ajast välismaal viibib. Lisa: Enamik rattureid vahetab spordist loobudes naist

  11. Neljas võim : omni- või impotentne? / Agu Uudelepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uudelepp, Agu, 1974-


    Rahvaliidu teabejuhi arvates on Eesti ajakirjandus liiga skandaalikeskne ning kaotanud olulise rolli demokraatia tasakaalustaja ja valvurina. Autor tõdeb, et meedia survel ei ole ametist lahkunud ükski Eesti tipp-poliitik. Vastuseks vt. Priit Pulleritsu repliiki 12. apr. Postimees lk. 31

  12. Kanuti gildi saalis toimub kuni 24. XI festival "Continental Breakfast Tallinn"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Korraldajad: Anders Härm, Priit Raud. 4. XI Tellervo Kalleineni (Soome) performance "Lase mind/Let me". 5. XI Saralundeni (Sara Lunden, Rootsi) muusikaline performance "Sweet Beat Tour". 8. ja 9. XI esineb babaLAN (Vlado Gotvan Repnik, Sloveenia) multimeedia-performance'iga

  13. Veri ja sitt / Raymond Whitaker

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Whitaker, Raymond


    Veristest lahingutest rahvusvaheliste rahujõudude ja taliibide vahel Afganistanis Helmandi provintsis, algsest ülesehitusmissioonist on saanud sõda. Vt. samas: Kui Helmandis käisid lahingud, olid eestlased puhkusel. Priit Hõbemägi intervjuu Eesti kontingendi ülema Raivo Tammega

  14. Bootstrap Prediction Intervals in Non-Parametric Regression with Applications to Anomaly Detection (United States)

    Kumar, Sricharan; Srivistava, Ashok N.


    Prediction intervals provide a measure of the probable interval in which the outputs of a regression model can be expected to occur. Subsequently, these prediction intervals can be used to determine if the observed output is anomalous or not, conditioned on the input. In this paper, a procedure for determining prediction intervals for outputs of nonparametric regression models using bootstrap methods is proposed. Bootstrap methods allow for a non-parametric approach to computing prediction intervals with no specific assumptions about the sampling distribution of the noise or the data. The asymptotic fidelity of the proposed prediction intervals is theoretically proved. Subsequently, the validity of the bootstrap based prediction intervals is illustrated via simulations. Finally, the bootstrap prediction intervals are applied to the problem of anomaly detection on aviation data.

  15. Graphing within-subjects confidence intervals using SPSS and S-Plus. (United States)

    Wright, Daniel B


    Within-subjects confidence intervals are often appropriate to report and to display. Loftus and Masson (1994) have reported methods to calculate these, and their use is becoming common. In the present article, procedures for calculating within-subjects confidence intervals in SPSS and S-Plus are presented (an R version is on the accompanying Web site). The procedure in S-Plus allows the user to report the bias corrected and adjusted bootstrap confidence intervals as well as the standard confidence intervals based on traditional methods. The presented code can be easily altered to fit the individual user's needs.

  16. A sequent calculus for signed interval logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Thomas Marthedal


    We propose and discuss a complete sequent calculus formulation for Signed Interval Logic (SIL) with the chief purpose of improving proof support for SIL in practice. The main theoretical result is a simple characterization of the limit between decidability and undecidability of quantifier-free SIL....... We present a mechanization of SIL in the generic proof assistant Isabelle and consider techniques for automated reasoning. Many of the results and ideas of this report are also applicable to traditional (non-signed) interval logic and, hence, to Duration Calculus....

  17. The effect of esmolol on corrected-QT interval, corrected-QT interval dispersion changes seen during anesthesia induction in hypertensive patients taking an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zahit Çeker


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The importance of minimizing the exaggerated sympatho-adrenergic responses and QT interval and QT interval dispersion changes that may develop due to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation during anesthesia induction in the hypertensive patients is clear. Esmolol decreases the hemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation. However, the effect of esmolol in decreasing the prolonged QT interval and QT interval dispersion as induced by laryngoscopy and intubation is controversial. We investigated the effect of esmolol on the hemodynamic, and corrected-QT interval and corrected-QT interval dispersion changes seen during anesthesia induction in hypertensive patients using angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. METHODS: 60 ASA I-II patients, with essential hypertension using angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors were included in the study. The esmolol group received esmolol at a bolus dose of 500 mcg/kg followed by a 100 mcg/kg/min infusion which continued until the 4th min after intubation. The control group received 0.9% saline similar to the esmolol group. The mean blood pressure, heart rate values and the electrocardiogram records were obtained as baseline values before the anesthesia, 5 min after esmolol and saline administration, 3 min after the induction and 30 s, 2 min and 4 min after intubation. RESULTS: The corrected-QT interval was shorter in the esmolol group (p = 0.012, the corrected-QT interval dispersion interval was longer in the control group (p = 0.034 and the mean heart rate was higher in the control group (p = 0.022 30 s after intubation. The risk of arrhythmia frequency was higher in the control group in the 4-min period following intubation (p = 0.038. CONCLUSION: Endotracheal intubation was found to prolong corrected-QT interval and corrected-QT interval dispersion, and increase the heart rate during anesthesia induction with propofol in hypertensive patients using angiotensin converting

  18. Persistent fluctuations in stride intervals under fractal auditory stimulation. (United States)

    Marmelat, Vivien; Torre, Kjerstin; Beek, Peter J; Daffertshofer, Andreas


    Stride sequences of healthy gait are characterized by persistent long-range correlations, which become anti-persistent in the presence of an isochronous metronome. The latter phenomenon is of particular interest because auditory cueing is generally considered to reduce stride variability and may hence be beneficial for stabilizing gait. Complex systems tend to match their correlation structure when synchronizing. In gait training, can one capitalize on this tendency by using a fractal metronome rather than an isochronous one? We examined whether auditory cues with fractal variations in inter-beat intervals yield similar fractal inter-stride interval variability as isochronous auditory cueing in two complementary experiments. In Experiment 1, participants walked on a treadmill while being paced by either an isochronous or a fractal metronome with different variation strengths between beats in order to test whether participants managed to synchronize with a fractal metronome and to determine the necessary amount of variability for participants to switch from anti-persistent to persistent inter-stride intervals. Participants did synchronize with the metronome despite its fractal randomness. The corresponding coefficient of variation of inter-beat intervals was fixed in Experiment 2, in which participants walked on a treadmill while being paced by non-isochronous metronomes with different scaling exponents. As expected, inter-stride intervals showed persistent correlations similar to self-paced walking only when cueing contained persistent correlations. Our results open up a new window to optimize rhythmic auditory cueing for gait stabilization by integrating fractal fluctuations in the inter-beat intervals.

  19. Interval forecasting of cyber-attacks on industrial control systems (United States)

    Ivanyo, Y. M.; Krakovsky, Y. M.; Luzgin, A. N.


    At present, cyber-security issues of industrial control systems occupy one of the key niches in a state system of planning and management Functional disruption of these systems via cyber-attacks may lead to emergencies related to loss of life, environmental disasters, major financial and economic damage, or disrupted activities of cities and settlements. There is then an urgent need to develop protection methods against cyber-attacks. This paper studied the results of cyber-attack interval forecasting with a pre-set intensity level of cyber-attacks. Interval forecasting is the forecasting of one interval from two predetermined ones in which a future value of the indicator will be obtained. For this, probability estimates of these events were used. For interval forecasting, a probabilistic neural network with a dynamic updating value of the smoothing parameter was used. A dividing bound of these intervals was determined by a calculation method based on statistical characteristics of the indicator. The number of cyber-attacks per hour that were received through a honeypot from March to September 2013 for the group ‘zeppo-norcal’ was selected as the indicator.

  20. Reference Intervals of Common Clinical Chemistry Analytes for Adults in Hong Kong. (United States)

    Lo, Y C; Armbruster, David A


    Defining reference intervals is a major challenge because of the difficulty in recruiting volunteers to participate and testing samples from a significant number of healthy reference individuals. Historical literature citation intervals are often suboptimal because they're be based on obsolete methods and/or only a small number of poorly defined reference samples. Blood donors in Hong Kong gave permission for additional blood to be collected for reference interval testing. The samples were tested for twenty-five routine analytes on the Abbott ARCHITECT clinical chemistry system. Results were analyzed using the Rhoads EP evaluator software program, which is based on the CLSI/IFCC C28-A guideline, and defines the reference interval as the 95% central range. Method specific reference intervals were established for twenty-five common clinical chemistry analytes for a Chinese ethnic population. The intervals were defined for each gender separately and for genders combined. Gender specific or combined gender intervals were adapted as appropriate for each analyte. A large number of healthy, apparently normal blood donors from a local ethnic population were tested to provide current reference intervals for a new clinical chemistry system. Intervals were determined following an accepted international guideline. Laboratories using the same or similar methodologies may adapt these intervals if deemed validated and deemed suitable for their patient population. Laboratories using different methodologies may be able to successfully adapt the intervals for their facilities using the reference interval transference technique based on a method comparison study.

  1. The Role of Higher Harmonics In Musical Interval Perception (United States)

    Krantz, Richard; Douthett, Jack


    Using an alternative parameterization of the roughness curve we make direct use of critical band results to investigate the role of higher harmonics on the perception of tonal consonance. We scale the spectral amplitudes in the complex home tone and complex interval tone to simulate acoustic signals of constant energy. Our analysis reveals that even with a relatively small addition of higher harmonics the perfect fifth emerges as a consonant interval with more, musically important, just intervals emerging as consonant as more and more energy is shifted into higher frequencies.

  2. Unpacking a time interval lengthens its perceived temporal distance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang eLiu


    Full Text Available In quantity estimation, people often perceive that the whole is less than the sum of its parts. The current study investigated such an unpacking effect in temporal distance judgment. Our results showed that participants in the unpacked condition judged a given time interval longer than those in the packed condition, even the time interval was kept constant between the two conditions. Furthermore, this unpacking effect persists regardless of the unpacking ways we employed. Results suggest that unpacking a time interval may be a good strategy for lengthening its perceived temporal distance.

  3. Optimization of Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking using Interval Analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Kampen, E.; Chu, Q.P.; Mulder, J.A.


    This paper applies interval optimization to the fixed-time multiple impulse rendezvous and docking problem. Current methods for solving this type of optimization problem include for example genetic algorithms and gradient based optimization. Unlike these methods, interval methods can guarantee that

  4. Specifying real-time systems with interval logic (United States)

    Rushby, John


    Pure temporal logic makes no reference to time. An interval temporal logic and an extension to that logic which includes real time constraints are described. The application of this logic by giving a specification for the well-known lift (elevator) example is demonstrated. It is shown how interval logic can be extended to include a notion of process. How the specification language and verification environment of EHDM could be enhanced to support this logic is described. A specification of the alternating bit protocol in this extended version of the specification language of EHDM is given.

  5. Confidence intervals for distinguishing ordinal and disordinal interactions in multiple regression. (United States)

    Lee, Sunbok; Lei, Man-Kit; Brody, Gene H


    Distinguishing between ordinal and disordinal interaction in multiple regression is useful in testing many interesting theoretical hypotheses. Because the distinction is made based on the location of a crossover point of 2 simple regression lines, confidence intervals of the crossover point can be used to distinguish ordinal and disordinal interactions. This study examined 2 factors that need to be considered in constructing confidence intervals of the crossover point: (a) the assumption about the sampling distribution of the crossover point, and (b) the possibility of abnormally wide confidence intervals for the crossover point. A Monte Carlo simulation study was conducted to compare 6 different methods for constructing confidence intervals of the crossover point in terms of the coverage rate, the proportion of true values that fall to the left or right of the confidence intervals, and the average width of the confidence intervals. The methods include the reparameterization, delta, Fieller, basic bootstrap, percentile bootstrap, and bias-corrected accelerated bootstrap methods. The results of our Monte Carlo simulation study suggest that statistical inference using confidence intervals to distinguish ordinal and disordinal interaction requires sample sizes more than 500 to be able to provide sufficiently narrow confidence intervals to identify the location of the crossover point. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  6. Constraint-based Attribute and Interval Planning (United States)

    Jonsson, Ari; Frank, Jeremy


    In this paper we describe Constraint-based Attribute and Interval Planning (CAIP), a paradigm for representing and reasoning about plans. The paradigm enables the description of planning domains with time, resources, concurrent activities, mutual exclusions among sets of activities, disjunctive preconditions and conditional effects. We provide a theoretical foundation for the paradigm, based on temporal intervals and attributes. We then show how the plans are naturally expressed by networks of constraints, and show that the process of planning maps directly to dynamic constraint reasoning. In addition, we de ne compatibilities, a compact mechanism for describing planning domains. We describe how this framework can incorporate the use of constraint reasoning technology to improve planning. Finally, we describe EUROPA, an implementation of the CAIP framework.

  7. A Note on Inclusion Intervals of Matrix Singular Values

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shu-Yu Cui


    Full Text Available We establish an inclusion relation between two known inclusion intervals of matrix singular values in some special case. In addition, based on the use of positive scale vectors, a known inclusion interval of matrix singular values is also improved.

  8. Frequency Interval Cross Gramians for Linear and Bilinear Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jazlan, Ahmad; Sreeram, Victor; Shaker, Hamid Reza


    In many control engineering problems, it is desired to analyze the systems at particular frequency intervals of interest. This paper focuses on the development of frequency interval cross gramians for both linear and bilinear systems. New generalized Sylvester equations for calculating the freque...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anasooya Parail Sankaran


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Primary Objective of this study was to determine the effect on interpregnancy interval on subsequent pregnancies after a miscarriage. Secondary Objective was to study the maternal and foetal complications following shorter interpregnancy interval. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was done in OBG Department, Government TD Medical College, Alappuzha, during 2011 to 2013. A total of 347 cases were studied who have had a miscarriage before the current pregnancy. RESULTS Compared with women with an interpregnancy interval of 6-12 months, those who conceived again within six months were more likely to have another miscarriage and ectopic gestation (odds ratio 0.106, p value 0.000.. Compared with women with interpregnancy interval of <6 months, women who conceived again in 6-12 months went on to have a vaginal delivery in the second pregnancy (Odd’s ratio 0.79 and p value in is significant.Lower segment caesarean section (LSCS is significantly high in women whose interpregnancy interval is more than 12 months (Odds ratio 0.64 and p value 0.000. Maternal complications like APH, PPH, preeclampsia, hypertension, etc. were significantly seen higher in women whose interpregnancy interval is more than 12 months (odds ratio 0.41 p value- 0.000. The women with interpregnancy interval less than 6 months didn’t develop any significant foetal complications. Most of the complications like premature rupture of membrane (PROM, meconium stained amniotic fluid (MSAF, oligamnios, foetal growth restriction (FGR, etc. are seen more in the women with interpregnancy interval 6 to 12 months odds ratio (0.30 p value significant, but breech and foetal distress are seen significantly higher in women with interpregnancy interval more than 12 months (Odds ratio 0.29 p value 0.000. Induction of labour was not significantly raised in any group. CONCLUSION Women who conceive within 6 months of an initial miscarriage have the best reproductive outcomes and lower

  10. Riik koolitab Eesti doktoreid välismaal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tänavu sai välisülikoolidesse doktoriõppe konkurssi korraldav SA Archimedes kaks taotlust tervishoiu erialalt. Riikliku koolitustellimuse välisdoktorantuuri kohtadel õpib praegu viis stipendiaati meditsiini valdkonnast: Annika Kits, Jana Jaal, Kristo Kask, Tarmo Tiido, Priit Eelmäe

  11. Miks olen Reformierakonnas?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad reformierakondlased Reno Laidre, Viivi Maremäe, Ott Kasuri, Kristjan Kahm, Erika Vahtramäe, Urmas Suik, Priit Laineste, Silver Meikar, Kattri Ezzoubi, Anton Teras ja riigikogu liikmed Kristiina Ojuland, Igor Gräzin, Tõnis Kõiv ning Helmer Jõgi

  12. Toompea komandandimaja = The Commandant's House in Toompea / Margit Mutso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mutso, Margit, 1966-


    Tallinnas Toompea 1 asuva hoone restaureerimisest. Arhitekt Raul Vaiksoo, kaasautor Kristo Vaiksoo (Raul Vaiksoo Arhitektuuribüroo), sisearhitektid Priit Põldme, Rita Rahu (SAB Joonprojekt), Raul Vaiksoo, ajaloolased Raul Vaiksoo, Aleksandr Pantelejev. Žürii liikme Mait Summataveti hinnang kultuurkapitali aastapreemiale esitatud hoonele

  13. Aasta pressifotod žürii perspektiivist / Annika Haas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haas, Annika, 1974-


    Konkursist "Aasta pressifoto", pressifotograafide igapäevatööst. "Aasta pressifoto 2014" peapreemia pälvis Dmitri Kotjuhi "Noored suusatajad", portreefoto kategooria võitis Renee Altrovi "Eesti Vabariigi president", uudisfoto kategooria Margus Ansu "Klassijuhataja tunnid", olemusfoto kategooria Priit Simsoni "Kaotatud sõda"

  14. Eesti joonisfilm jälle esimene

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ameerika Ühendriikide suurimal animafilmifestivalil Hollywoodis "The World Animation Celebration" sai Pärna joonisfilm "Porgandite öö" esimese preemia 15-30-minutiliste filmide kategoorias. Film on valitud koos Janno Põldma joonisfilmiga "Armastuse võimalikkusest" ja Priit Tenderi filmiga "Viola" augustis Hiroshimas toimuvale festivalile

  15. Hiinlastele meeldib Eesti EXPO paviljon / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Shanghais 1.05.-31.10. 2010 toimuvast EXPO maailmanäitusest, mille teemaks on "Parem linn, parem elu". Eesti paviljonist ja selle püstitamisest. Eesti projekti "" tegijateks on Illimar Truverk, Andres Labi, Janno Roos, Ionel Lehari, Priit Hamer, Kristian Paljasma

  16. Small prize / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Eesti Arhitektide Liidu konkursi "Väike 2007-2009" 2009 võidutööd: Lasva veetorn Võrumaal (Veronika Valk, Kalle-Priit Pruuden, Peeter Laurits, Kalle Tikas), Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli esisele väljakule paigaldatud pingid (Martin Pärn, Edina Dufala-Pärn)

  17. Šikk poissmehekorter / Maris Kerge

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kerge, Maris


    Tallinnas Müürivahe tänaval asuvas pööningukorteris (53 mø) ühinevad moodne ja ajalooline. Magamistuba on paigutatud klaasboksi. Sisearhitektid Priit Põldme ja Krista Thomson, Sisearhitektuuribüroo Joonprojekt. Projekt 2003, valmis 2004. 8 ill., värv

  18. "Klass : elu pärast" võitis peaauhinna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Genfis toimunud rahvusvahelisel festivalil Cinema Tous Ecrans sai telesarjade võistlusprogrammis peaauhinna ETV sari "Klass : elu pärast", produtsent Gerda Kordemets, stsenarist Margit Keerdo, režissöörid Ilmar Raag, Gerda Kordemets, Liina Paakspuu, Priit Valkna ja Marek Miil

  19. "Klass : elu pärast" võitis rahvusvahelisel festivalil peaauhinna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Genfis toimunud rahvusvahelisel festivalil Cinema Tous Ecrans sai telesarjade võistlusprogrammis peaauhinna ETV sari "Klass : elu pärast", produtsent Gerda Kordemets, stsenarist Margit Keerdo, režissöörid Ilmar Raag, Gerda Kordemets, Liina Paakspuu, Priit Valkna ja Marek Miil

  20. "Päikeseratas" - Viimsi uus keskkool

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    I preemia saanud projektist. Kolmekorruselise hoone põhistruktuuri moodustavad neli omaette plokki, mida ühendab siseaatrium. Autorid Illimar Truverk, Raul Järg, Priit Pent, kaasa töötasid Eero Endjärv, Kristi Lents, Kristjan Reidi (Agabush, Endjärv & Truverk Arhitektid)

  1. Eesti põrsad Hiinas / Janno Roos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roos, Janno, 1976-


    Shanghai EXPO Eesti paviljoni konkursi võidutööst "". Võidutöö autorid Illimar Truverk AET-Arhitektid, Priit Hamer AET-Arhitektid, Janno Roos Ruumilabor, Andres Labi Ruumilabor, Ionel Lehari Identity, Kristian Paljasma Identity, Meelis Opmann Identity ja Maret Põldre Identity

  2. Ostke stiihia eest endale Juhan Liivi kallistamise mõte / Margus Mikomägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikomägi, Margus, 1956-


    13. mail teatri NO99 kammersaalis esietenduva näidendi "Pea vahetus" proovis ja näidendi lugemisel tekkinud mõtteid. Näidendi kirjutas ja lavastab Uku Uusberg. Etenduse muusika kirjutas helilooja Pärt Uusberg. Mängivad: Märt Avandi ja Priit Võigemast

  3. Zero entropy continuous interval maps and MMLS-MMA property (United States)

    Jiang, Yunping


    We prove that the flow generated by any continuous interval map with zero topological entropy is minimally mean-attractable and minimally mean-L-stable. One of the consequences is that any oscillating sequence is linearly disjoint from all flows generated by all continuous interval maps with zero topological entropy. In particular, the Möbius function is linearly disjoint from all flows generated by all continuous interval maps with zero topological entropy (Sarnak’s conjecture for continuous interval maps). Another consequence is a non-trivial example of a flow having discrete spectrum. We also define a log-uniform oscillating sequence and show a result in ergodic theory for comparison. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation. It is also partially supported by a collaboration grant from the Simons Foundation (grant number 523341) and PSC-CUNY awards and a grant from NSFC (grant number 11571122).

  4. Discrete-time optimal control and games on large intervals

    CERN Document Server

    Zaslavski, Alexander J


    Devoted to the structure of approximate solutions of discrete-time optimal control problems and approximate solutions of dynamic discrete-time two-player zero-sum games, this book presents results on properties of approximate solutions in an interval that is independent lengthwise, for all sufficiently large intervals. Results concerning the so-called turnpike property of optimal control problems and zero-sum games in the regions close to the endpoints of the time intervals are the main focus of this book. The description of the structure of approximate solutions on sufficiently large intervals and its stability will interest graduate students and mathematicians in optimal control and game theory, engineering, and economics. This book begins with a brief overview and moves on to analyze the structure of approximate solutions of autonomous nonconcave discrete-time optimal control Lagrange problems.Next the structures of approximate solutions of autonomous discrete-time optimal control problems that are discret...

  5. Complete Blood Count Reference Intervals for Healthy Han Chinese Adults (United States)

    Mu, Runqing; Guo, Wei; Qiao, Rui; Chen, Wenxiang; Jiang, Hong; Ma, Yueyun; Shang, Hong


    Background Complete blood count (CBC) reference intervals are important to diagnose diseases, screen blood donors, and assess overall health. However, current reference intervals established by older instruments and technologies and those from American and European populations are not suitable for Chinese samples due to ethnic, dietary, and lifestyle differences. The aim of this multicenter collaborative study was to establish CBC reference intervals for healthy Han Chinese adults. Methods A total of 4,642 healthy individuals (2,136 males and 2,506 females) were recruited from six clinical centers in China (Shenyang, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Xi’an). Blood samples collected in K2EDTA anticoagulant tubes were analyzed. Analysis of variance was performed to determine differences in consensus intervals according to the use of data from the combined sample and selected samples. Results Median and mean platelet counts from the Chengdu center were significantly lower than those from other centers. Red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin (HGB), and hematocrit (HCT) values were higher in males than in females at all ages. Other CBC parameters showed no significant instrument-, region-, age-, or sex-dependent difference. Thalassemia carriers were found to affect the lower or upper limit of different RBC profiles. Conclusion We were able to establish consensus intervals for CBC parameters in healthy Han Chinese adults. RBC, HGB, and HCT intervals were established for each sex. The reference interval for platelets for the Chengdu center should be established independently. PMID:25769040

  6. Persistent fluctuations in stride intervals under fractal auditory stimulation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vivien Marmelat

    Full Text Available Stride sequences of healthy gait are characterized by persistent long-range correlations, which become anti-persistent in the presence of an isochronous metronome. The latter phenomenon is of particular interest because auditory cueing is generally considered to reduce stride variability and may hence be beneficial for stabilizing gait. Complex systems tend to match their correlation structure when synchronizing. In gait training, can one capitalize on this tendency by using a fractal metronome rather than an isochronous one? We examined whether auditory cues with fractal variations in inter-beat intervals yield similar fractal inter-stride interval variability as isochronous auditory cueing in two complementary experiments. In Experiment 1, participants walked on a treadmill while being paced by either an isochronous or a fractal metronome with different variation strengths between beats in order to test whether participants managed to synchronize with a fractal metronome and to determine the necessary amount of variability for participants to switch from anti-persistent to persistent inter-stride intervals. Participants did synchronize with the metronome despite its fractal randomness. The corresponding coefficient of variation of inter-beat intervals was fixed in Experiment 2, in which participants walked on a treadmill while being paced by non-isochronous metronomes with different scaling exponents. As expected, inter-stride intervals showed persistent correlations similar to self-paced walking only when cueing contained persistent correlations. Our results open up a new window to optimize rhythmic auditory cueing for gait stabilization by integrating fractal fluctuations in the inter-beat intervals.

  7. An Introduction to Confidence Intervals for Both Statistical Estimates and Effect Sizes. (United States)

    Capraro, Mary Margaret

    This paper summarizes methods of estimating confidence intervals, including classical intervals and intervals for effect sizes. The recent American Psychological Association (APA) Task Force on Statistical Inference report suggested that confidence intervals should always be reported, and the fifth edition of the APA "Publication Manual"…

  8. [The effect of esmolol on corrected-QT interval, corrected-QT interval dispersion changes seen during anesthesia induction in hypertensive patients taking an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor]. (United States)

    Ceker, Zahit; Takmaz, Suna Akın; Baltaci, Bülent; Başar, Hülya


    The importance of minimizing the exaggerated sympatho-adrenergic responses and QT interval and QT interval dispersion changes that may develop due to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation during anesthesia induction in the hypertensive patients is clear. Esmolol decreases the hemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation. However, the effect of esmolol in decreasing the prolonged QT interval and QT interval dispersion as induced by laryngoscopy and intubation is controversial. We investigated the effect of esmolol on the hemodynamic, and corrected-QT interval and corrected-QT interval dispersion changes seen during anesthesia induction in hypertensive patients using angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. 60 ASA I-II patients, with essential hypertension using angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors were included in the study. The esmolol group received esmolol at a bolus dose of 500mcg/kg followed by a 100mcg/kg/min infusion which continued until the 4th min after intubation. The control group received 0.9% saline similar to the esmolol group. The mean blood pressure, heart rate values and the electrocardiogram records were obtained as baseline values before the anesthesia, 5min after esmolol and saline administration, 3min after the induction and 30s, 2min and 4min after intubation. The corrected-QT interval was shorter in the esmolol group (p=0.012), the corrected-QT interval dispersion interval was longer in the control group (p=0.034) and the mean heart rate was higher in the control group (p=0.022) 30s after intubation. The risk of arrhythmia frequency was higher in the control group in the 4-min period following intubation (p=0.038). Endotracheal intubation was found to prolong corrected-QT interval and corrected-QT interval dispersion, and increase the heart rate during anesthesia induction with propofol in hypertensive patients using angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. These effects were prevented with esmolol (500mcg/kg bolus, followed by

  9. Timing intervals using population synchrony and spike timing dependent plasticity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Xu


    Full Text Available We present a computational model by which ensembles of regularly spiking neurons can encode different time intervals through synchronous firing. We show that a neuron responding to a large population of convergent inputs has the potential to learn to produce an appropriately-timed output via spike-time dependent plasticity. We explain why temporal variability of this population synchrony increases with increasing time intervals. We also show that the scalar property of timing and its violation at short intervals can be explained by the spike-wise accumulation of jitter in the inter-spike intervals of timing neurons. We explore how the challenge of encoding longer time intervals can be overcome and conclude that this may involve a switch to a different population of neurons with lower firing rate, with the added effect of producing an earlier bias in response. Experimental data on human timing performance show features in agreement with the model’s output.

  10. Application of Interval Predictor Models to Space Radiation Shielding (United States)

    Crespo, Luis G.; Kenny, Sean P.; Giesy,Daniel P.; Norman, Ryan B.; Blattnig, Steve R.


    This paper develops techniques for predicting the uncertainty range of an output variable given input-output data. These models are called Interval Predictor Models (IPM) because they yield an interval valued function of the input. This paper develops IPMs having a radial basis structure. This structure enables the formal description of (i) the uncertainty in the models parameters, (ii) the predicted output interval, and (iii) the probability that a future observation would fall in such an interval. In contrast to other metamodeling techniques, this probabilistic certi cate of correctness does not require making any assumptions on the structure of the mechanism from which data are drawn. Optimization-based strategies for calculating IPMs having minimal spread while containing all the data are developed. Constraints for bounding the minimum interval spread over the continuum of inputs, regulating the IPMs variation/oscillation, and centering its spread about a target point, are used to prevent data over tting. Furthermore, we develop an approach for using expert opinion during extrapolation. This metamodeling technique is illustrated using a radiation shielding application for space exploration. In this application, we use IPMs to describe the error incurred in predicting the ux of particles resulting from the interaction between a high-energy incident beam and a target.

  11. Right Propositional Neighborhood Logic over Natural Numbers with Integer Constraints for Interval Lengths

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bresolin, Davide; Goranko, Valentin; Montanari, Angelo


    Interval temporal logics are based on interval structures over linearly (or partially) ordered domains, where time intervals, rather than time instants, are the primitive ontological entities. In this paper we introduce and study Right Propositional Neighborhood Logic over natural numbers...... with integer constraints for interval lengths, which is a propositional interval temporal logic featuring a modality for the 'right neighborhood' relation between intervals and explicit integer constraints for interval lengths. We prove that it has the bounded model property with respect to ultimately periodic...

  12. Modeling Relationships Between Flight Crew Demographics and Perceptions of Interval Management (United States)

    Remy, Benjamin; Wilson, Sara R.


    The Interval Management Alternative Clearances (IMAC) human-in-the-loop simulation experiment was conducted to assess interval management system performance and participants' acceptability and workload while performing three interval management clearance types. Twenty-four subject pilots and eight subject controllers flew ten high-density arrival scenarios into Denver International Airport during two weeks of data collection. This analysis examined the possible relationships between subject pilot demographics on reported perceptions of interval management in IMAC. Multiple linear regression models were created with a new software tool to predict subject pilot questionnaire item responses from demographic information. General patterns were noted across models that may indicate flight crew demographics influence perceptions of interval management.

  13. Timing of multiple overlapping intervals : How many clocks do we have?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Rijn, Hedderik; Taatgen, Niels A.


    Humans perceive and reproduce short intervals of time (e.g. 1-60 s) relatively accurately, and are capable of timing multiple overlapping intervals if these intervals are presented in different modalities [e.g., Rousseau, L., & Rousseau, RL (1996). Stop-reaction time and the internal clock.

  14. Uptake of recommended common reference intervals for chemical pathology in Australia. (United States)

    Jones, Graham Rd; Koetsier, Sabrina


    Background Reference intervals are a vital part of reporting numerical pathology results. It is known, however, that variation in reference intervals between laboratories is common, even when analytical methods support common reference intervals. In response to this, in Australia, the Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists together with the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia published in 2014 a set of recommended common reference intervals for 11 common serum analytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, creatinine male, creatinine female, calcium, calcium adjusted for albumin, phosphate, magnesium, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase and total protein). Methods Uptake of recommended common reference intervals in Australian laboratories was assessed using data from four annual cycles of the RCPAQAP reference intervals external quality assurance programme. Results Over three years, from 2013 to 2016, the use of the recommended upper and lower reference limits has increased from 40% to 83%. Nearly half of the intervals in use by enrolled laboratories in 2016 have been changed in this time period, indicating an active response to the guidelines. Conclusions These data support the activities of the Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists and Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia in demonstrating a change in laboratory behaviour to reduce unnecessary variation in reference intervals and thus provide a consistent message to doctor and patients irrespective of the laboratory used.

  15. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    8. okt. avab Eesti Kontsert pidulikult vastvalminud Jõhvi kontserdimaja. Estonia kammersaalis esietenduvad Gian Carlo Menotti ooperid "Meedium" ja "Telefon". 1. X toimus Toronto Eesti Majas uue kontsertklaveri Estonia sisseõnnistamise galakontsert. Klassikaraadios algab uus saatesari "Mõttehelin"

  16. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Revalia Kammermeeskoor oli edukas Klaipeda XV SHimkuse-nimelisel rahvusvahelisel koorikonkursil. Tänavuste Tallinna toomkiriku X toompäevade motoks on "Eesti, Läti, Leedu - omapäi ja üheskoos". 27. X sõitis Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor kontserditurneele aasiasse. Heliloomingu konkursist noortele tshellistidele. Kultuurifestival "Ost West Kontakte" Saksamaal kutsus oma külalisesinejaks Tartu klaveriduo Ebe Münteli ja Jorma Tootsi. Dirigent Olari Elts sõitis Shotimaale, et anda kontserte Shoti Kammerorkestriga

  17. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    TMKK lastekoor võitis konkursi "Let the Peoples Sing". Pille Lille Muusikute Toetusfond korraldab Pärnu Eliisabeti kirikus kontserdi sarjas "Meistrite akadeemia". Kanuti Gildi saalis esineb kontserdisarjas "Diplomaatilised noodid / Türgi" ansambel Istanbul Sazelender. Paul Mägi juhatas USAs Detroidi Sümfooniaorkestrit. Neeme Järvi tõi New Jersey SOga publiku ette hooaja kolm avakava. Tüüri teoste ettekandeist

  18. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Lühidalt uvistest tippfestivalidest Ameerikas ja Euroopas (Aspeni muusikafestival, Central City Opera suvefestival, Santa Fe kammerfestival, Santa Fe ooperifestival, Vail Valley festival "Bravo", Salzburgi festival, Bayreuthi Wagneri Festival, Verona ooperifestival, Prantsuse Raadio Festival, Ljubljana festival)

  19. Plaadid / Priit Pruul

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pruul, Priit


    Uutest heliplaatidest Miles Davis "Cool & Collected", Rhythm Doctor "Tulgu malakas", Scissor Sisters "Ta-Dah", "Toatuur", Teriyaki Boys "Beef or Chicken", Mana "Amar es combatir", Papa Roach "The Paramour Session"

  20. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Muusikauudiseid maailmast. Suurejooneline "Heidelbergi kevad", Kaheteistkümnes "Jauna Muzika", Pühendus Peter Maxwell Daviesele, "Kaks ööd ja kaks päeva" Odessas, "Ohren auf Europa", Siemensi preemia Henri Dutilleux'le, Aulis Sallinen 70, Stanley Sadie lahkunud

  1. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Ooperisarjast "Ooper raekojas".m Rahvusvahelisest korifestivalist Olomoucis, kus osalesid ka Eesti koorid. Tõnu Kaljuste dirigeerimisest festivalil "Northern Voices". NYYD Ensemble esinemisest Itaalia festivalil "Aterforum'05". Kaunases toimunud rahvusvahelisest konkursist "Olimpo Musicale"

  2. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Uus muusika Huddersfieldis. "Musikhost" Odenses. Kolm tabelit parimatest (10 suurimat Chopini-pianisti, Euroopa parimad sümfooniaorkestrid, maailma 10 parimat saali). Konkursivõite ja tunnustamisi. La Scala avas hooaja. Uusooper jõulukünnisel Metis

  3. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Milano La Scala alustas hooaega. "Ameerika tragöödia" New Yorgi Metis. Huddersfieldi festivalilt. Ricard Straussi päevad Dresdenis. Viiuldajate konkurss Helsingis. Haruldasi leide. Tunnustusi ja preemiaid

  4. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Lühisõnumeid muusikamaailmast: Gramophone auhind aastal 2011. Daniel Barenboim La Scala muusikadirektoriks. Lera Auerbachi loomingu esmaettekandeid sügisel. Valmis Ameerika sümfooniate uus diskograafia. Tanel Joamets tutvustab "Põhjamaa piltides" Tubina muusikat

  5. Plaadid / Priit Juurmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurmann, Priit


    Uutest heliplaatidest Nicole Willis and The Soul Investigators "Keep Reachin' Up", Pricess Superstar "My Machine", The Darkness "One Way Ticket To Hell...And Back", System Of A Down "Hypnotize", Röövel Ööbik "Supersymmetry", Fort Minor "The Rising Tied", Korn "See You On The Other Side"

  6. Plaadid / Priit Juurmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurmann, Priit


    Uutest heliplaatidest Markus Enochson "Night Games ئ In Steps And Sequences", Up Hygh "The Venus Album", Oasis "Stop the Clock", The Who "Endless Wire", Ray Lamantagne "Trouble", Take That "Beautiful World", Danolo Venturi "La Perla: Noir"

  7. Plaadid / Priit Pruul

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pruul, Priit


    Uutest heliplaatidest Herbie Hancock "The Essential Herbie Hancock", "Feel The Beat", Tom Petty "Highway Companion", "Richard Dorfmeister vs Madrid de los Austrias", James Dean Bradfield "The Great Western", Gladys Knight "Before Me", "Pirates of the Caribbean"

  8. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Muusikauudiseid maailmast: 15. Austraalia kammermuusika festivalist; Peterburi "Valgete ööde festivalist"; Johannesburgis toimunud festivalist "NewMusicSA"; Kuhmo kammermuusika festivalist; Sapporos 9. juulil algavast festivalist "Pacific Music Festival"; Aspeni muusikafestivalist; Kyoto Prize määramisest N. Harnoncourt'ile; C. M. Giulani surmast

  9. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Muusikasündmustest Eestis: Improvizz'05, Jazz'n Motion, muusikafestivali "Eduard Tubin ja tema aeg" pressikonverents, laulumäng "Suur Munamägi" Estonia kammersaalis, modernismi pidunädal Tartu Elleri koolis

  10. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Muusikauudiseid maailmast: Festivalidest "Musica Nova" Helsingis, "Maerzmusik" Berliinis; ansambli Haydn Trio tegemistest; Lazar Mermani, Marcello Viotti surmast; uue muusika festivalidest "Archipel", "Klangvisionen", "Merging Voices"

  11. Plaadid / Priit Juurmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurmann, Priit


    Uutest heliplaatidest "Pure Fire!", Kelis "Kelis Was Here", Marsmobil "Minx", Kosmikud "Pulmad ja matused", The Rapture "Pieces Of The People We Love", The Killers "Sam's Town", The Panic Channel "One"

  12. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Operatsioon B. Eesti Lastekoor võitis Varssavis koorifestivalil noortekooride kategoorias esikoha. 13. XI toimub Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseumis kontsert "J. S. Bachi minimaraton". Tubin Saksamaal ja Soomes. Stockholmi kontserdimaja korraldatud festivali nimiheliloojaks on tänavu John Adams. Olari Elts Riias ja Viinis. Indrek Laul kutsuti esinema Bostoni Televisiooni, kuhu oli selleks puhuks toodud Estonia klaver. Rahvusraamatukogu muusikasaalis avatakse näitus "Enno ja Viive Mäemetsa kingitus Eesti Rahvusraamatukogule: 10 aastat = 500 CDd"

  13. Plaadid / Priit Pruul

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pruul, Priit


    Uutest heliplaatidest Tutty Moreno ft Joyce "Magica", Five O'Clock Heroes "Bend to the breaks", The Game "Doctor's Advocate", Allan Vainola "Unenäopüüdja", Snax "Love pollution", Zhuut "Vagiina ja 49 kuuli", Lucie Silvas "The Same Side"

  14. Eripreemia Priit Tenderile

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Joonisfilmi film "Viola" võitis VIII Hiroshima rahvusvahelisel animafilmide festivalil žürii eripreemia. Peapreemia sai Kanada "When the Day Breaks" : režissöörid Wendy Tilby ja Amanda Forbis

  15. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Irina Zahharenkova võitis 11. IX esikoha Bukaresti XVII rahvusvahelisel pianistide konkursil "Remember Enescu". Vanemuise teater gastroleerib 15. - 17. IX Helsingis Soome Rahvusooperis tantsulavastusega "Armastuse tango" ja ooperiga "Madame Butterfly". Eesti Naislaulu Selts korraldab 17. IX mitu üritust emeriitprofessori koorijuht Ants Söödi 70. sünnipäeva tähistamiseks. MTÜ Tartumaa Rahvakultuuri Keskselts korraldab 17. ja 18. IX festivali "Regiöö". 21. IX esinevad Tartu ülikooli aulas kontserdisarjas "Meistrite akadeemia" Anna-Liisa Bezrodny ja Ivari Ilja. Anu Tali dirigeerib 9. - 18. IX taas Jaapanis. Agentuur Corelli Music avab koos Eesti Klavessiinisõprade Tsunftiga kontserdihooaja "Ajaloo ilu - Johann Sebastian Bach". Sibeliuse festivalist Lahtis. Paavo Järvi avab oma uue hooaja Cincinnati SO peadirigendina. Helsingin Sanomat avaldas pikema intervjuu Olari Eltsiga. Nargen Operalt kontsertetendus "Armida".

  16. Plaadid / Priit Juurmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurmann, Priit


    Uutest heliplaatidest Daft Punk "Musique Vol 1", Madlib the Beat Conducta "Movie Scenes 1-2", Dudley Perkins "Expressions", Tartu Popi ja Roki Instituut "Madise margikogu", Secret Machines "Ten Silver Drops", graham Coxon "Love Travels At Illegal Speeds", Mark Knopfler "All The RoadRunning"

  17. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Wolfgang Wagner loobub Bayreuthi festivalist, "Towards the Millennium" Londonis, Kammerkontserdite mammutsari Põhja-Rhein-Westfaali liidumaal, Kreneki päevad Viinis, Leipzigi ooperi järgmine hooaeg

  18. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Muusikasõnumeid mujalt maailmast: BBC Proms - maailma suurim muusikafestival. Arvo Pärdi "Vater unser" kõlas kingitusena paavstile. Lera Auerbachi muusika on jätkuvalt menukas. Preemiaid ja tunnustusi

  19. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Eltsi debüüt London Sinfoniettaga. 19.- 20. XI toimub muusikaakadeemias RAMi 60. aastapäevale pühendatud rahvusvaheline konverents "Meeskoorilaul ja XX sajandi muusikaelu". Novembris tähistab Georg Otsa nimeline Tallinna Muusikakool oma 85. aastapäeva. EMA kitarriüliõpilane Jelena Ossipova osales Hollandis Zwolle kitarrikonkursil. 13. XI oli Lasnamäe muusikakoolis muusika- ja kunstikoolide õpilaste omaloomingupäev

  20. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Lühidalt muusikasündmustest Eestis: Kuressaares toimuvast Läänemere festivalist ja kammermuusikafestivalist, Lääne-Viru kammerfestivalist, Leigo järvemuusikal toimuvast "Suurte masinate muusikast"

  1. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    EFK salvestab Pärdi "Miserere", "Salve Regina", Nunc dimittis" ja "Littlemore tractus". Georg Otsa nimelise fondi moodustamisest. Pärimusmuusika Lõikuspeost. 24. - 29. IX esineb Eestis Kieli poistekoor. 15. IX avas peadirigent Olari Elts oma Läti Rahvusliku Sümfooniaorkestri uue hooaja. Heli Veskus on kutsutud esinema Läti Rahvusooperi galakontserdile

  2. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    3. - 21. XII toimub ooperifestival "Jõulutähed". Malle Maltis võitis "Musica nova 2004" raames peetud konkursil II preemia. Neeme Järvi tegemistest. "Wien Moder" festivalil dirigeeris Eri Klas Viini Raadio Sümfooniaorkestrit. XIV rahvusvahelisel advendi- ja jõulumuusika konkursil Prahas saatis Eesti koore edu. 27. XI tähistati Pärnus Eesti Meestelaulu Seltsi noorte meeskooride tegutsemise 5. aastapäeva

  3. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Kevadfestival Budapestis. "Musica Nova" Helsingis. Ensemble Intercontemporain 30. Uudiseid ISCMilt (International Society for Contemporary Music). Philadelphia Muusikaakadeemia 150. Preemiaid ja tunnustusi

  4. Arvustused / Priit Kenkmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kenkmann, Priit


    Heliplaatidest: Mayhem "Ordo Ad Chao", Minotauri "II", Loits "Must album", Mithras "Behind The Shadows Lie Madness", Poison The Well "Versions", Conspiracy "Reincarnated", April "Tidelines", Devin Townsend "Ziltoid The Omniscient", Beggars Ball "Fight This Town", Breed "Breed", Black Witchery "Desecration of the Holy Kingdom", Blood Tsunami "Trash Metal", Vintersorg "Solens Rötter", HND "PatuRaamaT", W.A.S.P. "Dominator", Megadeth "United Abominations", Manowar "Gods of War", Dimmu Borgir "In Sorte Diaboli", Despised Icon "The Ills of Modern Man", Trouble "Simple Mind Condition", The Esoteric "Subverter", Orange Goblin "Healing Through Fire", Marduk "Rom 5:12", Nicole "Sivu syyttömistä", Korpiklaani "Tervaskanto", Gaia Epicus "Victory", Lumsk "Det Vilde Kor"

  5. Plaadid / Priit Juurmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurmann, Priit


    Uutest heliplaatidest Alexkid "Caracol", Bob Dylan "Modern Times", Justin Timberlake "Future Sex", Ilves, Pulk ja Rahman "Murõt ei olõ", Audioslave "Revelations", Bill Frisell "Bill Frisell, Ron Carter, Paul Motian", Julie & Khari "Moon Bossa"

  6. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Sõnumeid muusikamaailmast: "Wien Modern 2005". Ooper Norra vabaduse tähtpäevaks. Aasta hinnatumad Saksa ooperis. Cecilia Bartoli maailmaturnee. Anne-Sophie Mutter Mozarti aastaks. Uusi dirigendilepinguid. Preemiaid ja tunnustusi

  7. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Lätis jagati kõrgeimaid muusikalisi autasusid, Deliuse ooper esietendus Glasgow's, Helsingi linnaorkester tuuril, Salzburgi Mozarti nädala laureaatidest ja Schönbergi ooperi "Mooses ja Aaron" esiettekandest Metropolitanis

  8. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    EMA ooperistuudio diplomietendusest Mozarti "Võluflööt", Tampere talos toimunud Verdi ooperi "Otello" esietendusest, Neeme Järvi, Anu Tali, Paavo Järvi töödest. Arvo Pärdile pühendatud kontserttsüklist festivalil "Heidelbergi kevad", A. Pärdi sünnipäeva tähistamisest festivaliga Arvo Pärt Festival 2005. Phil Collinsi kontserdist Tallinnas

  9. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    La Scalaga ei olda enam rahul, Dresdenis tuli lavale Richard Straussi ooper "Ariadne Naxoselt", uus orkestriteos John Adamsilt, Müncheni muusikabiennaali uudiseid, suri üks rahvusvahelise kooriliikumise silmapaistvamaid tegelasi

  10. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    EMA muusikateaduste osakonna uurimisprojektist "Muusikaelu Eestis XX sajandi algupoolel". Algab sari "Noored pianistid I - VII". Kristjan Järvi suvelõpp ja sügis. Rahvusooper Estonia otsib peaosatäitjat ooperisse "Väike Napoleon". Andres Mustonen toob 24. IX Eestisse V. Silvestrovi "Reekviemi" ja V. Martõnovi "Klaverikontserdi" teise maailmaettekande. Modern Fox '38 esitles oma uut plaati "Oober"

  11. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Mihkel Pollpälvis XVIII Rina Sala Gallo rahvusvahelisel pianistide konkursil esikoha. Igal reedel hakkavad toimuma Vanalinnastuudio väikeses saalis jazziklubi-kontserdid. Vanemuise teatri menumuusikalis "Viiuldaja katusel" astusid esmakordselt vaatajate ette uued osatäitjad. Ardo-Ran Varres ja Tanel Jonas. Pärdil uus teos "Da pacem domine". 28.- 31. X toimuvad Nõmme muusikakoolis üleriigilised klaveriõpetajate päevad

  12. An Analysis Of QRS Interval Of The Electrocardiogram In ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives: This cross-sectional study of the 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) was undertaken to establish the normal QRS interval of the adult Nigerian from Jos; to find significant correlation coefficients for QRS interval and the various anthropometric measurements and also to establish prediction equations for the QRS ...

  13. The different effects of high intensity interval training and moderate intensity interval training for weightlessness countermeasures (United States)

    Wang, Lin-Jie; Cheng, Tan; Zhi-Li, Li; Hui-juan, Wang; Wen-juan, Chen; Jianfeng, Zhang; Desheng, Wang; Dongbin, Niu; Qi, Zhao; Chengjia, Yang; Yanqing, Wang

    High intensity interval training (HIIT) has been demonstrated to improve performance in a relatively short training period. But the difference between high intensity interval training and moderate intensity interval training (MIIT) in simulated weightlessness still has not been well studied. This study sought to characterize the difference between 6 weeks high intensity interval training and moderate intensity interval training under reduced weight (RW) gait training device and zero-gravity locomotion system (ZLS). Twenty-three subjects (14M/4F, 32.5±4.5 years) volunteered to participate. They were divided into three groups, that were MITT (alternating 2 min at 40% VO _{2} peak and 2 min at 60% VO _{2} peak for 30min, five days per week) RW group (n=8), HITT (alternating 2 min at 40% VO _{2} peak and 2 min at 90% VO _{2} peak for 30min, three days per week) RW group (n=8) and HITT ZLS group (n=7). The Z-axis load used in RW group was 80% body weight (BW) and in ZLS was 100% BW. Cardiopulmonary function was measured before, after 4-week training and after 6-week training. Isokinetic knee extension-flexion test at 60(°) deg/s and 180(°) deg/s were performed before and after the 6-week training, and isometric knee extension-flexion test at 180(°) deg/s was also examined at the same time. It was found that the VO _{2} peaks, metabolic equivalent (MET), Speedmax and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were significantly increased after 4 and 6-week training in all three groups and no significant group difference were detected. The peak torque at 60(°) deg/s for right knee flexion were significantly increased after 6 week-training in all three groups, and only in HITT RW group the total power at 60(°) deg/s for right knee flexion enhanced. The total power and average power at 60(°) deg/s for right knee extension decreased significantly after 6-week training in all three groups. The peak torque at 60(°) deg/s for right knee extension in MIIT RW group was

  14. Evaluation of test intervals strategies with a risk monitor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soerman, J.


    The Swedish nuclear power utility Oskarshamn Power Group (OKG), is investigating how the use of a risk monitor can facilitate and improve risk-informed decision-making at their nuclear power plants. The intent is to evaluate if risk-informed decision-making can be accepted. A pilot project was initiated and carried out in 2004. The project included investigating if a risk monitor can be used for optimising test intervals for diesel- and gas turbine generators with regard to risk level. The Oskarhamn 2 (O2), PSA Level 1 model was converted into a risk monitor using RiskSpectrum RiskWatcher (RSRW) software. The converted PSA model included the complete PSA model for the power operation mode. RSRW then performs a complete requantification for every analysis. Time dependent reliability data are taken into account, i.e. a shorter test interval will increases the components availability (possibility to e.g. start on demand). The converted O2 model was then used to investigate whether it would be possible to balance longer test intervals for diesel generators, gas turbine generators and high pressure injection system with shorter test intervals for the low pressure injection system, while maintaining a low risk level at the plant. The results show that a new mixture of test intervals can be implemented with only marginally changes in the risk calculated with the risk monitor model. The results indicate that the total number of test activities for the systems included in the pilot study could be reduced by 20% with a maintained level of risk. A risk monitor taking into account the impact from test intervals in availability calculations for components is well suited for evaluation of test interval strategies. It also enables the analyst to evaluate the risk level over a period of time including the impact the actual status of the plant may have on the risk level. (author)

  15. Nonparametric Estimation of Interval Reliability for Discrete-Time Semi-Markov Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Georgiadis, Stylianos; Limnios, Nikolaos


    In this article, we consider a repairable discrete-time semi-Markov system with finite state space. The measure of the interval reliability is given as the probability of the system being operational over a given finite-length time interval. A nonparametric estimator is proposed for the interval...

  16. Interval Continuous Plant Identification from Value Sets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Hernández


    Full Text Available This paper shows how to obtain the values of the numerator and denominator Kharitonov polynomials of an interval plant from its value set at a given frequency. Moreover, it is proven that given a value set, all the assigned polynomials of the vertices can be determined if and only if there is a complete edge or a complete arc lying on a quadrant. This algorithm is nonconservative in the sense that if the value-set boundary of an interval plant is exactly known, and particularly its vertices, then the Kharitonov rectangles are exactly those used to obtain these value sets.

  17. Multilayer perceptron for robust nonlinear interval regression analysis using genetic algorithms. (United States)

    Hu, Yi-Chung


    On the basis of fuzzy regression, computational models in intelligence such as neural networks have the capability to be applied to nonlinear interval regression analysis for dealing with uncertain and imprecise data. When training data are not contaminated by outliers, computational models perform well by including almost all given training data in the data interval. Nevertheless, since training data are often corrupted by outliers, robust learning algorithms employed to resist outliers for interval regression analysis have been an interesting area of research. Several approaches involving computational intelligence are effective for resisting outliers, but the required parameters for these approaches are related to whether the collected data contain outliers or not. Since it seems difficult to prespecify the degree of contamination beforehand, this paper uses multilayer perceptron to construct the robust nonlinear interval regression model using the genetic algorithm. Outliers beyond or beneath the data interval will impose slight effect on the determination of data interval. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method performs well for contaminated datasets.

  18. Retention interval affects visual short-term memory encoding. (United States)

    Bankó, Eva M; Vidnyánszky, Zoltán


    Humans can efficiently store fine-detailed facial emotional information in visual short-term memory for several seconds. However, an unresolved question is whether the same neural mechanisms underlie high-fidelity short-term memory for emotional expressions at different retention intervals. Here we show that retention interval affects the neural processes of short-term memory encoding using a delayed facial emotion discrimination task. The early sensory P100 component of the event-related potentials (ERP) was larger in the 1-s interstimulus interval (ISI) condition than in the 6-s ISI condition, whereas the face-specific N170 component was larger in the longer ISI condition. Furthermore, the memory-related late P3b component of the ERP responses was also modulated by retention interval: it was reduced in the 1-s ISI as compared with the 6-s condition. The present findings cannot be explained based on differences in sensory processing demands or overall task difficulty because there was no difference in the stimulus information and subjects' performance between the two different ISI conditions. These results reveal that encoding processes underlying high-precision short-term memory for facial emotional expressions are modulated depending on whether information has to be stored for one or for several seconds.

  19. Dynamic Properties of QT Intervals

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Halámek, Josef; Jurák, Pavel; Vondra, Vlastimil; Lipoldová, J.; Leinveber, Pavel; Plachý, M.; Fráňa, P.; Kára, T.


    Roč. 36, - (2009), s. 517-520 ISSN 0276-6574 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/08/1129; GA MŠk ME09050 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20650511 Keywords : QT Intervals * arrhythmia diagnosis Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering

  20. An approach to solve group-decision-making problems with ordinal interval numbers. (United States)

    Fan, Zhi-Ping; Liu, Yang


    The ordinal interval number is a form of uncertain preference information in group decision making (GDM), while it is seldom discussed in the existing research. This paper investigates how the ranking order of alternatives is determined based on preference information of ordinal interval numbers in GDM problems. When ranking a large quantity of ordinal interval numbers, the efficiency and accuracy of the ranking process are critical. A new approach is proposed to rank alternatives using ordinal interval numbers when every ranking ordinal in an ordinal interval number is thought to be uniformly and independently distributed in its interval. First, we give the definition of possibility degree on comparing two ordinal interval numbers and the related theory analysis. Then, to rank alternatives, by comparing multiple ordinal interval numbers, a collective expectation possibility degree matrix on pairwise comparisons of alternatives is built, and an optimization model based on this matrix is constructed. Furthermore, an algorithm is also presented to rank alternatives by solving the model. Finally, two examples are used to illustrate the use of the proposed approach.

  1. Voltage interval mappings for an elliptic bursting model


    Wojcik, Jeremy; Shilnikov, Andrey


    We employed Poincar\\'e return mappings for a parameter interval to an exemplary elliptic bursting model, the FitzHugh-Nagumo-Rinzel model. Using the interval mappings, we were able to examine in detail the bifurcations that underlie the complex activity transitions between: tonic spiking and bursting, bursting and mixed-mode oscillations, and finally, mixed-mode oscillations and quiescence in the FitzHugh-Nagumo-Rinzel model. We illustrate the wealth of information, qualitative and quantitati...

  2. Differentially Private Confidence Intervals for Empirical Risk Minimization


    Wang, Yue; Kifer, Daniel; Lee, Jaewoo


    The process of data mining with differential privacy produces results that are affected by two types of noise: sampling noise due to data collection and privacy noise that is designed to prevent the reconstruction of sensitive information. In this paper, we consider the problem of designing confidence intervals for the parameters of a variety of differentially private machine learning models. The algorithms can provide confidence intervals that satisfy differential privacy (as well as the mor...

  3. Concept of Operations for Interval Management Arrivals and Approach (United States)

    Hicok, Daniel S.; Barmore, Bryan E.


    This paper presents the concept of operations for interval management operations to be deployed in the US National Airspace System (NAS) by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) after 2020. The use of interval management operations is described that begin in en route airspace and continue to a termination point inside the arrival terminal area, in a terminal environment that includes other arrival management tools such as arrival metering, Ground-based Interval Management - Spacing (GIM-S), and Terminal Sequencing and Spacing (TSAS). The roles of Air Traffic Controllers and Flight Crews and the ground automation tools that are used by Air Traffic Controllers to enable the primary operation and variations are described.

  4. Time interval approach to the pulsed neutron logging method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Jingwu; Su Weining


    The time interval of neighbouring neutrons emitted from a steady state neutron source can be treated as that from a time-dependent neutron source. In the rock space, the neutron flux is given by the neutron diffusion equation and is composed of an infinite terms. Each term s composed of two die-away curves. The delay action is discussed and used to measure the time interval with only one detector in the experiment. Nuclear reactions with the time distribution due to different types of radiations observed in the neutron well-logging methods are presented with a view to getting the rock nuclear parameters from the time interval technique

  5. Eesti Televisioon osales Prix Europa festivalil / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Tänavusel televisiooni, interneti ja raadiotööde festivalil kandideerinud 630 töö hulgast pääses finaali 276. Nende hulgas oli ka kolm Eesti filmi : Ilmar Raagi "August 1991", Priit Valkna "Kaetajad" ja Heilika Võsu 1,5-minutiline "Missing my Europe"

  6. Jumala ilmumine Pärnus. Vol. 2 : Luule / Arno Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Arno, 1950-


    Arvustus: Kressa, Kaarel. Vereurmarohumesi. Pärnu : Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2011 ; Salumaa, Priit. Viimased viisteist aastat. Pärnu : Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2011 ; Belials, Veiko. Sina ja vaikus ja pajud. Pärnu : Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2011 ; Kivisildnik. Liivlased ja saurused. Valuraamatu I köide. Pärnu : Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2011

  7. Jumala ilmumine Pärnus. 2 / Arno Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Arno, 1950-


    Arvustus: Kressa, Kaarel. Vereurmarohumesi. Pärnu : Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2011 ; Salumaa, Priit. Viimased viisteist aastat. Pärnu : Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2011 ; Belials, Veiko. Sina ja vaikus ja pajud. Pärnu : Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2011 ; Kivisildnik. Liivlased ja saurused. Valuraamatu I köide. Pärnu : Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2011

  8. Sisearhitekt annab panuse : hea disaini mõõdupuuks ratsionaalsus ja omapära / Tea Taruste ; kommenteerinud Loreida Hein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Taruste, Tea


    Tomomi Hayashi, Ahti Grünbergi ja Kerli Valgu projekteeritud ADM Interactive'i bürooruumidest. Sisearhitekt Priit Põldme nõuandeid bürooruumide ümberkujundamiseks. Loreida Heina kommentaar "Bürood uuendades pole mõtet kogu mööblit välja vahetada"

  9. Taskad väntavad Tallinnas uut kassafilmi / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Produtsent Kristian Taska uue mängufilmi "Täna öösel me ei maga" võtted algavad 28. juunil Tallinna vanalinnas. Lavastab Ilmar Taska, operaatoriks on Istvan Borbas, peaosades Carmen Kass, Peter Franzen, Maria Avdjushko, Priit Võigemast. Lisatud eraldi tutvustus operaator Istvan Borbase kohta

  10. Kallinevad bussipiletid kiskusid Valgamaa altkäemaksuskandaali / Risto Berendson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Berendson, Risto, 1975-


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 29. okt. lk. 4-5. Transpordiettevõtte GoBus juhte kahtlustatakse Valgamaa maavanemale altkäemaksu andmises. Vt. samas: Nils Niitra. Kriminaalasi avas suuromanikele võimaluse juhte vallandada; Priit Rajalo. Naabrimehed Valgas peavad maavanemat tipp-topp meheks

  11. Mööblitööstus tunneb jahtuvas majanduses külma / Siim Sultson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sultson, Siim


    Tabel: Mööblitootjate TOP. Vt. samas: Edukaim gasellfirma tabeli keskel; 2005. aasta edetabel; Bellus Furnitur haaras selgi aastal esikoha; Jalaxit aitasid aktiivsed kliendid; Klienditeeninduse tõhustamine kasvatas Falkonet Metall OÜ kasumit üle kahe korra. Küsimusele vastavad Juho Toomik ja Priit Kerma

  12. Limited Rationality and Its Quantification Through the Interval Number Judgments With Permutations. (United States)

    Liu, Fang; Pedrycz, Witold; Zhang, Wei-Guo


    The relative importance of alternatives expressed in terms of interval numbers in the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process aims to capture the uncertainty experienced by decision makers (DMs) when making a series of comparisons. Under the assumption of full rationality, the judgements of DMs in the typical analytic hierarchy process could be consistent. However, since the uncertainty in articulating the opinions of DMs is unavoidable, the interval number judgements are associated with the limited rationality. In this paper, we investigate the concept of limited rationality by introducing interval multiplicative reciprocal comparison matrices. By analyzing the consistency of interval multiplicative reciprocal comparison matrices, it is observed that the interval number judgements are inconsistent. By considering the permutations of alternatives, the concepts of approximation-consistency and acceptable approximation-consistency of interval multiplicative reciprocal comparison matrices are proposed. The exchange method is designed to generate all the permutations. A novel method of determining the interval weight vector is proposed under the consideration of randomness in comparing alternatives, and a vector of interval weights is determined. A new algorithm of solving decision making problems with interval multiplicative reciprocal preference relations is provided. Two numerical examples are carried out to illustrate the proposed approach and offer a comparison with the methods available in the literature.

  13. Monitoring molecular interactions using photon arrival-time interval distribution analysis (United States)

    Laurence, Ted A [Livermore, CA; Weiss, Shimon [Los Angels, CA


    A method for analyzing/monitoring the properties of species that are labeled with fluorophores. A detector is used to detect photons emitted from species that are labeled with one or more fluorophores and located in a confocal detection volume. The arrival time of each of the photons is determined. The interval of time between various photon pairs is then determined to provide photon pair intervals. The number of photons that have arrival times within the photon pair intervals is also determined. The photon pair intervals are then used in combination with the corresponding counts of intervening photons to analyze properties and interactions of the molecules including brightness, concentration, coincidence and transit time. The method can be used for analyzing single photon streams and multiple photon streams.

  14. Interval Management: Development and Implementation of an Airborne Spacing Concept (United States)

    Barmore, Bryan E.; Penhallegon, William J.; Weitz, Lesley A.; Bone, Randall S.; Levitt, Ian; Flores Kriegsfeld, Julia A.; Arbuckle, Doug; Johnson, William C.


    Interval Management is a suite of ADS-B-enabled applications that allows the air traffic controller to instruct a flight crew to achieve and maintain a desired spacing relative to another aircraft. The flight crew, assisted by automation, manages the speed of their aircraft to deliver more precise inter-aircraft spacing than is otherwise possible, which increases traffic throughput at the same or higher levels of safety. Interval Management has evolved from a long history of research and is now seen as a core NextGen capability. With avionics standards recently published, completion of an Investment Analysis Readiness Decision by the FAA, and multiple flight tests planned, Interval Management will soon be part of everyday use in the National Airspace System. Second generation, Advanced Interval Management capabilities are being planned to provide a wider range of operations and improved performance and benefits. This paper briefly reviews the evolution of Interval Management and describes current development and deployment plans. It also reviews concepts under development as the next generation of applications.

  15. Correlation of prolonged QT interval and severity of cirrhosis of liver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tarique, S.; Sarwar, S.


    To determine correlation between prolonged QT interval and severity of disease in patients of cirrhosis of liver. Study Design: Descriptive cross sectional study. Patients and Methods: One hundred and seventeen patients of cirrhosis were included. Baseline haematological and biochemical parameters were determined. Model for end stage liver disease (MELD) score was determined for all patients to document stage of liver disease. Corrected QT interval was determined from electrocardiography of each patient using QT cirrhosis formula. Correlation between QT interval and MELD score was determined using Pearson correlation and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. Results: One hundred and seventeen included patients had mean age of 53.58 (+- 12.11) while male to female ratio was 1.78/1 (75 / 42). Mean MELD score was 17.08 (+- 6.54) in study patients varying between 6 and 37 while mean corrected QT interval was 0.44 seconds (+- 0.06). Pearson correlation revealed no significant relation between severity of liver disease as determined with MELD score and prolonged QT interval (p value 0.18) Area under curve with ROC curve for correlation between prolonged QT interval and severity of liver disease was 0.42. Conclusion: Prolonged QT interval is not an indicator of severity of disease in cirrhosis of liver. (author)

  16. Reference intervals for serum total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Reference intervals of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol concentrations were determined on 309 blood donors from an urban and peri-urban population of Botswana. Using non-parametric methods to establish 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the distribution, the intervals were: total cholesterol 2.16 ...

  17. Interpregnancy intervals: impact of postpartum contraceptive effectiveness and coverage. (United States)

    Thiel de Bocanegra, Heike; Chang, Richard; Howell, Mike; Darney, Philip


    The purpose of this study was to determine the use of contraceptive methods, which was defined by effectiveness, length of coverage, and their association with short interpregnancy intervals, when controlling for provider type and client demographics. We identified a cohort of 117,644 women from the 2008 California Birth Statistical Master file with second or higher order birth and at least 1 Medicaid (Family Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment [Family PACT] program or Medi-Cal) claim within 18 months after index birth. We explored the effect of contraceptive method provision on the odds of having an optimal interpregnancy interval and controlled for covariates. The average length of contraceptive coverage was 3.81 months (SD = 4.84). Most women received user-dependent hormonal contraceptives as their most effective contraceptive method (55%; n = 65,103 women) and one-third (33%; n = 39,090 women) had no contraceptive claim. Women who used long-acting reversible contraceptive methods had 3.89 times the odds and women who used user-dependent hormonal methods had 1.89 times the odds of achieving an optimal birth interval compared with women who used barrier methods only; women with no method had 0.66 times the odds. When user-dependent methods are considered, the odds of having an optimal birth interval increased for each additional month of contraceptive coverage by 8% (odds ratio, 1.08; 95% confidence interval, 1.08-1.09). Women who were seen by Family PACT or by both Family PACT and Medi-Cal providers had significantly higher odds of optimal birth intervals compared with women who were served by Medi-Cal only. To achieve optimal birth spacing and ultimately to improve birth outcomes, attention should be given to contraceptive counseling and access to contraceptive methods in the postpartum period. Copyright © 2014 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. A Statistical Approach for Interval Forecasting of the Electricity Price

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhao, Jun Hua; Dong, Zhao Yang; Xu, Zhao


    the prediction interval is essential for estimating the uncertainty involved in the price and thus is highly useful for making generation bidding strategies and investment decisions. In this paper, a novel data mining-based approach is proposed to achieve two major objectives: 1) to accurately forecast the value......Electricity price forecasting is a difficult yet essential task for market participants in a deregulated electricity market. Rather than forecasting the value, market participants are sometimes more interested in forecasting the prediction interval of the electricity price. Forecasting...... of the electricity price series, which is widely accepted as a nonlinear time series; 2) to accurately estimate the prediction interval of the electricity price series. In the proposed approach, support vector machine (SVM) is employed to forecast the value of the price. To forecast the prediction interval, we...

  19. Time-variant random interval natural frequency analysis of structures (United States)

    Wu, Binhua; Wu, Di; Gao, Wei; Song, Chongmin


    This paper presents a new robust method namely, unified interval Chebyshev-based random perturbation method, to tackle hybrid random interval structural natural frequency problem. In the proposed approach, random perturbation method is implemented to furnish the statistical features (i.e., mean and standard deviation) and Chebyshev surrogate model strategy is incorporated to formulate the statistical information of natural frequency with regards to the interval inputs. The comprehensive analysis framework combines the superiority of both methods in a way that computational cost is dramatically reduced. This presented method is thus capable of investigating the day-to-day based time-variant natural frequency of structures accurately and efficiently under concrete intrinsic creep effect with probabilistic and interval uncertain variables. The extreme bounds of the mean and standard deviation of natural frequency are captured through the embedded optimization strategy within the analysis procedure. Three particularly motivated numerical examples with progressive relationship in perspective of both structure type and uncertainty variables are demonstrated to justify the computational applicability, accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.

  20. Systematic review of serum steroid reference intervals developed using mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Tavita, Nevada; Greaves, Ronda F


    The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review of the published literature to determine the available serum/plasma steroid reference intervals generated by mass spectrometry (MS) methods across all age groups in healthy subjects and to suggest recommendations to achieve common MS based reference intervals for serum steroids. MEDLINE, EMBASE and PubMed databases were used to conduct a comprehensive search for English language, MS-based reference interval studies for serum/plasma steroids. Selection of steroids to include was based on those listed in the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs, Chemical Pathology, Endocrine Program. This methodology has been registered onto the PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews (ID number: CRD42015029637). After accounting for duplicates, a total of 60 manuscripts were identified through the search strategy. Following critical evaluation, a total of 16 studies were selected. Of the 16 studies, 12 reported reference intervals for testosterone, 11 for 17 hydroxy-progesterone, nine for androstenedione, six for cortisol, three for progesterone, two for dihydrotestosterone and only one for aldosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate. No studies established MS-based reference intervals for oestradiol. As far as we are aware, this report provides the first comparison of the peer reviewed literature for serum/plasma steroid reference intervals generated by MS-based methods. The reference intervals based on these published studies can be used to inform the process to develop common reference intervals, and agreed reporting units for mass spectrometry based steroid methods. Copyright © 2017 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Effect of interval training programme on pulse pressure in the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    African Health Sciences ... The exercise (work: rest ratio of 1:1) groups involved in an 8-weeks interval training programs of ... Conclusion: Moderate intensity interval training programs is effective in the non-pharmacological management of

  2. A model of interval timing by neural integration. (United States)

    Simen, Patrick; Balci, Fuat; de Souza, Laura; Cohen, Jonathan D; Holmes, Philip


    We show that simple assumptions about neural processing lead to a model of interval timing as a temporal integration process, in which a noisy firing-rate representation of time rises linearly on average toward a response threshold over the course of an interval. Our assumptions include: that neural spike trains are approximately independent Poisson processes, that correlations among them can be largely cancelled by balancing excitation and inhibition, that neural populations can act as integrators, and that the objective of timed behavior is maximal accuracy and minimal variance. The model accounts for a variety of physiological and behavioral findings in rodents, monkeys, and humans, including ramping firing rates between the onset of reward-predicting cues and the receipt of delayed rewards, and universally scale-invariant response time distributions in interval timing tasks. It furthermore makes specific, well-supported predictions about the skewness of these distributions, a feature of timing data that is usually ignored. The model also incorporates a rapid (potentially one-shot) duration-learning procedure. Human behavioral data support the learning rule's predictions regarding learning speed in sequences of timed responses. These results suggest that simple, integration-based models should play as prominent a role in interval timing theory as they do in theories of perceptual decision making, and that a common neural mechanism may underlie both types of behavior.

  3. Entyvio lengthen dose-interval study: lengthening vedolizumab dose interval and the risk of clinical relapse in inflammatory bowel disease. (United States)

    Chan, Webber; Lynch, Nicole; Bampton, Peter; Chang, Jeff; Chung, Alvin; Florin, Timothy; Hetzel, David J; Jakobovits, Simon; Moore, Gregory; Pavli, Paul; Radford-Smith, Graham; Thin, Lena; Baraty, Brandon; Haifer, Craig; Yau, Yunki; Leong, Rupert W L


    Vedolizumab (VDZ), an α4β7 anti-integrin antibody, is efficacious in the induction and maintenance of remission in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD). In the GEMINI long-term safety study, enrolled patients received 4-weekly VDZ. Upon completion, patients were switched to 8-weekly VDZ in Australia. The clinical success rate of treatment de-escalation for patients in remission on VDZ has not been described previously. To determine the proportion of patients who relapsed after switching from 4 to 8-weekly VDZ, the mean time to relapse, and the recapture rate when switching back to 8-weekly dosing. This was a retrospective, observational, multicenter study of patients previously recruited into GEMINI long-term safety in Australia. Data on the demographics and biochemical findings were collected. There were 34 patients [23 men, mean age 49.1 (±13.1) years] and their mean disease duration was 17.6 (±8.5) years. The mean 4-weekly VDZ infusion duration was 286.5 (±48.8) weeks. A total of five (15%) patients relapsed on dose-interval increase (4/17 UC, 1/17 CD) at a median duration from dose interval lengthening to flare of 14 weeks (interquartile range=6-25). Eighty percent (4/5) of patients re-entered remission following dose-interval decrease back to 4-weekly. No clinical predictors of relapse could be determined because of the small cohort size. The risk of patients relapsing when switching from 4 to 8-weekly VDZ ∼15% and is similar between CD and UC. Dose-interval decrease recaptures 80% of patients who relapsed. Therapeutic drug monitoring of VDZ may be of clinical relevance.

  4. Safety information on QT-interval prolongation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Warnier, Miriam J; Holtkamp, Frank A; Rutten, Frans H


    Prolongation of the QT interval can predispose to fatal ventricular arrhythmias. Differences in QT-labeling language can result in miscommunication and suboptimal risk mitigation. We systematically compared the phraseology used to communicate on QT-prolonging properties of 144 drugs newly approve...

  5. T(peak)T(end) interval in long QT syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kanters, Jørgen Kim; Haarmark, Christian; Vedel-Larsen, Esben


    BACKGROUND: The T(peak)T(end) (T(p)T(e)) interval is believed to reflect the transmural dispersion of repolarization. Accordingly, it should be a risk factor in long QT syndrome (LQTS). The aim of the study was to determine the effect of genotype on T(p)T(e) interval and test whether it was relat...

  6. Role of PR-Interval In Predicting the Occurrence of Atrial Fibrillation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bidstrup, Signe Brøker; Salling Olesen, Morten; Hastrup Svendsen, Jesper


    The identification of individuals at high risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AF) is important to prevent potentially lethal and invalidating complications of this arrhythmia. Recently, several studies have investigated the association between PR-interval and the risk of AF and have tested...... the value of PR-interval in personalized risk scores for AF. However, the results of these studies are generally conflicting. When looking for an association between a prolonged PR-interval (first-degree atrioventricular [AV] block vs. normal PR-interval) and an increased risk of AF, not all studies were...... able to find a consistent and statistically significant association. In two recent studies, however, the investigators were able to show an increased risk of AF for individuals with PR-intervals in the short range compared with individuals in the middle range. The existence of a true U...

  7. Viljandi ilusamad ja inetumad uusehitised võhikute pilgu läbi / Gert Kiiler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiiler, Gert


    Viimase kümne aasta uusehitisi Viljandis hindavad Meelis Atonen, Jaan Tammsalu, Anu Raud, Erge Hanschmidt, Priit Aule ja sisearhitekt Hannes Praks. Ilusaimaks tunnistati Mainori keskus ja Linna Auto maja. Konkurentsis viimane oli bussijaama hoone. Lisaks Gert Kiileri "Hoone ilu sõltub paljudest nüanssidest"

  8. Muusika mängib nukkudega / Tristan Priimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Priimägi, Tristan, 1976-


    Sõpruse kinos 11. aprillil Eesti muusika päevade avaüritusena toimunud animaseansist eesti multifilmidest, mille muusika on teinud eesti heliloojad. Ürituse teises pooles esilinastusid kolm uut nukufilmi: Jelena Girlini ja Mari-Liis Bassovskaja "Kleit", Priit Tenderi "Miriami teatriseiklus" ja Hardi Volmeri "Lõpuõhtu"

  9. Džässist Tallinnas 1918-1945 / Tiiu Lauk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lauk, Tiiu


    Esimestest džässi mängimise katsetustest. Tallinna kohvikute ja restoranide džässiorkestritest. Tähtsamatest Tallinnas tegutsenud poolelukutselistest juhumänguorkestritest. Orkestrite stiilist, koosseisudest ja repertuaarist. Džässist kontserdilaval. Priit Veebelist, Hans Speegist ja Kuldsest Seitsmest kontserdilaval. Hans Speegi Plaza-kontsertidest

  10. Tee bändi nagu kunstiteost, tee kunsti nagu jam session'it / Hanno Soans

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soans, Hanno, 1974-


    3. "NU Performance'i" festival "Recycle Pop" Kanuti gildis 11.-14. novembrini 2009. Kuraatorid Anders Härm ja Priit Raud. Norra Baktruppeni, rootslanna Catti Brandeliuse, prantslanna Carole Douillard'i, Andres Lõo, Maria Arusoo & Maria Juure, Erkki Luugi, Marco Laimre, Raul Kelleri, Kati Ilvese ja Killu Sukmiti esinemisest

  11. Eesti Teatriliidu aastapreemiad 1996

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Aleksander Kurtna nim. preemia sai Anne Lange (T. S. Elioti, J. B. Priestley, W. Shakespeare'i, A. Milleri, E. J. Dunsany ja T. Kushneri näidendite tõlkimise eest); Priit Põldroosi nim. preemia sai Lilian Tamm (Vellerand) raamatu 'Linda Rummo. Elust ja lavaelust' koostamise eest

  12. Uus väravahoone : uued hooned ja rajatised / Mart Kalm, Märt Karmo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalm, Mart, 1961-


    1998. a. arhitektuurivõistlusest, kus esikoha pälvis Aivo Schultsi ja Marti Kahu võistlusprojekt "Vihm". 2003. a. hakkas hoonet ehitama AS Merko Ehitus. Sisearhitekt Priit Põldme. Novembris 2003 valminud hoonest, muudatustest. Ill.: 5 konkursitöö joonised, valminud hoone välis- ja sisevaade

  13. Algab suur animatsioonipidu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    PÖFFi animafilmide festivali "Animated Dreams" (21.-25. XI ), mis on seekord pühendatud Nukufilmi 50. juubelile, avatakse täna kell 19 kinos Sõprus. Avaseansil linastub kolm Eesti animafilmi : Rao Heidmetsa "Papa Carlo teater" (1988), Riho Undi "Kapsapea" (1993) ja Priit Tenderi "Rebasenaine" (2002)

  14. Palga tõusuks jääb raha puudu / Airi Amtmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Amtmann, Airi


    Paljud Raplamaa omavalitsused on probleemi ees, kuidas kindlustada pedagoogidele 22%-list palgatõusu. Arvamust avaldavad Vigala vallavanem Priit Kärsna, Käru vallavanem Elari Hiis, Rapla abivallavanem Imbi Kalberg, Kohila vallavanem Hillar Kalmet, Juuru vallavalitsuse haridus- ja kultuurispetsialist Aili Normak ja haridusministeeriumi nõunik Riho Raave

  15. Eesti ilmumine Hiina rahvale - EXPO 2010 paviljon Shanghais / Anneliis Aunapuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aunapuu, Anneliis


    Shanghai EXPO Eesti paviljoni konkursi võidutööst "", autorid Ionel Lehari, Kristian Paljasma, Illimar Truverk, Priit Hamer, Janno Roos, Andres Labi. Premeeritud tööd. Žürii koosseis. Konkursitöödest on avatud näitus Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseumis 24. maini

  16. Ulukiliha sobib ka jõululauale / Raivo Feldmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Feldmann, Raivo


    Adavere lihakauplusest, mida on külastanud ka president Toomas Hendrik Ilves ja proua Evelin Ilves. OÜ Chef Foodsi kaupa tellib ka presidendi kantselei. Juuresoleval fotol president Toomas Hendrik Ilves ja proua Evelin Ilves koos OÜ Chef Foodsi juhatuse liikme Veiko Villemi ja juhataja Priit Noorhaniga

  17. Troihh nado ubrat, reshil komissar / Boris Tuch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuch, Boris, 1946-


    4. märtsil esilinastus mängufilm "Täna öösel me ei maga" : stsenaristid Kristian Taska, Jaan Tätte : režissöör Ilmar Taska : operaator Istvan Borbas : produtsent Kristian Taska : peaosades Carmen Kass, Peter Franzen; Maria Avdjushko, Priit Võigemast : Taska Productions

  18. PÖFF-i animafestivali võitis venelane Igor Kovaljov / A. R.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    A. R.


    IX Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali alafestivali "Animated Dreams" rahvusvahelise võistlusprogrammi grand prix' ja koos sellega kuju Puust Hunt võitis USA-s elav vene animaator Igor Kovaljov animatsiooniga "Piim". Priit Tenderi joonisfilm "Sõnum naabritele" valiti välja Balti- ja Põhjamaade animafilmi võistlusprogrammi

  19. NU Performance Festival

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    02.-24. nov. 2005 kestab Tallinnas rahvusvaheline projekt "Continental Breakfast", korraldajad Anders Härm ja Priit Raud. Üritused toimuvad Kanuti Gildi saalis, Tallinna Kunstihoones, Tallinna Linnagaleriis ning linnaruumis. Näitustest on Tallinna Kunstihoones "Elavad skulptuurid" ja Tallinna Linnagaleriis Liina Siibi video- ja fotonäitus "Marlowe"

  20. Jürjens vs. Lucas / Gert Kiiler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiiler, Gert


    Neljandast Indiana Jones'i filmist "Indiana Jones ja kristallpealuu kuningriik" ("Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"), režissöör Georg Lucas. Viljandist pärit Hollywoodis filme tegeva Priit Jürjensi (Brad Jurjensi) märulifilmist "Palgamõrtsukas" ("Hired Gun")

  1. NU Performance/NO Performance? / Keiu Virro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Virro, Keiu, 1987-


    3. "NU Performance'i" festivalist "Recycle Pop" Kanuti gildis 11.-14. novembrini 2009. Kuraatorid Anders Härm ja Priit Raud. Erkki Luugi, Lotte Jürjendali ja Katrin Ratte, Kiwa, Andres Lõo ning ExTRAfINE ehk Marko Laimre, Kati Ilvese, Killu Sukmiti ja Raul Kelleri esinemisest

  2. Kuus uut Eesti filmi korraga ekraanil / Tarmo Teder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teder, Tarmo


    21. mail esilinastuvad kinos Sõprus 'Just märried', rezh. Peep Pedmanson; 'Päevavalgus', rezh. Mait Laas; 'Primavera', rezh. Riho Unt ja Hardi Volmer; 'Vares ja hiired', rezh. Priit Tender ja Mikk Rand; 'Bermuda', rezh. Ülo Pikkov; 'Tom ja Fluffy', rezh. Janno Põldma ja Heiki Ernits

  3. Some double sequence spaces of interval numbers defined by Orlicz function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayhan Esi


    Full Text Available In this paper we introduce some interval valued double sequence spaces defined by Orlicz function and study different properties of these spaces like inclusion relations, solidity, etc. We establish some inclusion relations among them. Also we introduce the concept of double statistical convergence for interval number sequences and give an inclusion relation between interval valued double sequence spaces.

  4. Confidence intervals for experiments with background and small numbers of events

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruechle, W.


    Methods to find a confidence interval for Poisson distributed variables are illuminated, especially for the case of poor statistics. The application of 'central' and 'highest probability density' confidence intervals is compared for the case of low count-rates. A method to determine realistic estimates of the confidence intervals for Poisson distributed variables affected with background, and their ratios, is given. (orig.)

  5. Confidence intervals for experiments with background and small numbers of events

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruechle, W.


    Methods to find a confidence interval for Poisson distributed variables are illuminated, especially for the case of poor statistics. The application of 'central' and 'highest probability density' confidence intervals is compared for the case of low count-rates. A method to determine realistic estimates of the confidence intervals for Poisson distributed variables affected with background, and their ratios, is given. (orig.)

  6. Qt interval prolongation and ventricular arrhythmias in patients with chronic heart failure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarwar, M.; Majeed, S.M.I.; Khan, M.A.; Majeed, S.M.


    To determine the association of QTc interval prolongation with ventricular arrhythmias in patients with chronic heart failure. Study Design: Descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology/National Institute of Heart Diseases, Rawalpindi, Pakistan from April 2013 to August 2013. Patients and Methods: Fifty three heart failure patients were monitored for 48 hours using ambulatory holter electrocardiography recorders. Digital ECG data was analyzed for QTc interval along with frequency and severity of arrhythmias. Association of prolonged QTc interval with ventricular arrhythmias and severity of arrhythmias was analyzed. Results: Cardiac arrhythmias were observed in 79.2% patients. QT analysis revealed that 69.8% patients had prolonged QTc interval, 86.4% patients with prolonged QTc had ventricular arrhythmias. Of these 66% patients were found to have severe ventricular arrhythmias. Comparison of mean QTc interval of our study population with a reference value showed significantly higher QTc interval of our study group than the test value. Conclusion: Arrhythmia frequency and severity significantly increases with an increase in QTc interval in heart failure demonstrating association of prolonged QTc interval with high risk of severe ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death in chronic heart failure. (author)

  7. Multichannel interval timer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turko, B.T.


    A CAMAC based modular multichannel interval timer is described. The timer comprises twelve high resolution time digitizers with a common start enabling twelve independent stop inputs. Ten time ranges from 2.5 μs to 1.3 μs can be preset. Time can be read out in twelve 24-bit words either via CAMAC Crate Controller or an external FIFO register. LSB time calibration is 78.125 ps. An additional word reads out the operational status of twelve stop channels. The system consists of two modules. The analog module contains a reference clock and 13 analog time stretchers. The digital module contains counters, logic and interface circuits. The timer has an excellent differential linearity, thermal stability and crosstalk free performance

  8. Dos encuadernaciones históricas: propuesta de intervención


    Valle Gutiérrez, Ascensión del


    El siguiente trabajo versará sobre la propuesta de intervención de dos encuadernaciones históricas de diferente tipología del fondo de patrimonio documental de la Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Se realizará un estudio documental y un análisis detallado del estado de conservación para elaborar una propuesta de intervención ciñéndose a los criterios de metodología e intervención actuales, seguidos a nivel tanto nacional como internacional por...

  9. Binomial confidence intervals for testing non-inferiority or superiority: a practitioner's dilemma. (United States)

    Pradhan, Vivek; Evans, John C; Banerjee, Tathagata


    In testing for non-inferiority or superiority in a single arm study, the confidence interval of a single binomial proportion is frequently used. A number of such intervals are proposed in the literature and implemented in standard software packages. Unfortunately, use of different intervals leads to conflicting conclusions. Practitioners thus face a serious dilemma in deciding which one to depend on. Is there a way to resolve this dilemma? We address this question by investigating the performances of ten commonly used intervals of a single binomial proportion, in the light of two criteria, viz., coverage and expected length of the interval. © The Author(s) 2013.

  10. Multi-objective reliability redundancy allocation in an interval environment using particle swarm optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Enze; Chen, Qingwei


    Most of the existing works addressing reliability redundancy allocation problems are based on the assumption of fixed reliabilities of components. In real-life situations, however, the reliabilities of individual components may be imprecise, most often given as intervals, under different operating or environmental conditions. This paper deals with reliability redundancy allocation problems modeled in an interval environment. An interval multi-objective optimization problem is formulated from the original crisp one, where system reliability and cost are simultaneously considered. To render the multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm capable of dealing with interval multi-objective optimization problems, a dominance relation for interval-valued functions is defined with the help of our newly proposed order relations of interval-valued numbers. Then, the crowding distance is extended to the multi-objective interval-valued case. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed approach has been demonstrated through two numerical examples and a case study of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system in water resource management. - Highlights: • We model the reliability redundancy allocation problem in an interval environment. • We apply the particle swarm optimization directly on the interval values. • A dominance relation for interval-valued multi-objective functions is defined. • The crowding distance metric is extended to handle imprecise objective functions.

  11. Rationalizing method of replacement intervals by using Bayesian statistics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasai, Masao; Notoya, Junichi; Kusakari, Yoshiyuki


    This study represents the formulations for rationalizing the replacement intervals of equipments and/or parts taking into account the probability density functions (PDF) of the parameters of failure distribution functions (FDF) and compares the optimized intervals by our formulations with those by conventional formulations which uses only representative values of the parameters of FDF instead of using these PDFs. The failure data are generated by Monte Carlo simulations since the real failure data can not be available for us. The PDF of PDF parameters are obtained by Bayesian method and the representative values are obtained by likelihood estimation and Bayesian method. We found that the method using PDF by Bayesian method brings longer replacement intervals than one using the representative of the parameters. (author)

  12. Coexistence of uniquely ergodic subsystems of interval mapping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye Xiangdong.


    The purpose of this paper is to show that uniquely ergodic subsystems of interval mapping also coexist in the same way as minimal sets do. To do this we give some notations in section 2. In section 3 we define D-function of a uniquely ergodic system and show its basic properties. We prove the coexistence of uniquely ergodic subsystems of interval mapping in section 4. Lastly we give the examples of uniquely ergodic systems with given D-functions in section 5. 27 refs

  13. Calving Interval Covariance Structures for dairy breeds in South Africa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Abstract. Calving interval (CI) is a fertility trait that can be used in selection programmes to minimize the ... Calving Interval (CI), Days Open and Pregnancy Rate. The last group of ..... SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. VanRaden ...

  14. Traces of times past : Representations of temporal intervals in memory

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Taatgen, Niels; van Rijn, Hedderik


    Theories of time perception typically assume that some sort of memory represents time intervals. This memory component is typically underdeveloped in theories of time perception. Following earlier work that suggested that representations of different time intervals contaminate each other (Grondin,

  15. Perception of short time scale intervals in a hypnotic virtuoso

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Noreika, Valdas; Falter, Christine M.; Arstila, Valtteri; Wearden, John H.; Kallio, Sakari


    Previous studies showed that hypnotized individuals underestimate temporal intervals in the range of several seconds to tens of minutes. However, no previous work has investigated whether duration perception is equally disorderly when shorter time intervals are probed. In this study, duration


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edin Šatrović


    Full Text Available This paper describes in a simple way the changes that occur in the body after death.They develop in a specific order, and the speed of their development and their expression are strongly influenced by various endogenous and exogenous factors. The aim of the authors is to indicate the characteristics of the postmortem changes, and their significance in establishing time since death, which can be established precisely within 72 hours. Accurate evaluation of the age of the corpse based on the common changes is not possible with longer postmortem intervals, so the entomological findings become the most significant change on the corpse for determination of the postmortem interval (PMI.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Payam Mohamad-Panahi


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to determine the appropriate rest time between sets during weight training with light load. Material: Seventeen cadet wrestlers (age =16.7В±0.6 yrs.; height =169.2В±8.2 cm; and weight =51.4В±7.9 kg were recruited from wrestling clubs in the Iranian province of Kurdistan and served as subjects in this study. This study was conducted over seven sessions with 48 hours recovery between sessions. In the first session, the characteristic features of subjects were recorded and the one repetition maximum in the bench press test was determined for each subject. On 6 separate occasions, subjects performed a 4 set of bench press at 60% 1RM with a 90 and 240 seconds rest interval until volitional fatigue. The numbers of repetition performed by the subjects, and also, cortisol and testosterone levels and 1RM were recorded. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the sustainability of repetitions during 4 sets bench press with 60 % load between 90 and 240 seconds rest intervals (rest interval effect (p<0.05 as well as with 90% load. Results: Additionally, there was a significant difference in the sustainability of repetitions during 4 sets bench press in 90 and 240 seconds rest intervals, both, between light and heavy loads (load effect. Plasma cortisol concentrations significantly increased after all bench press trials. Also, the rest interval effect was statistically significant in both 60 % and 90% load trials. But, the load effect was only statistically significant in 90 seconds rest interval trial (p<0.05. In contrast, plasma testosterone concentrations significantly increased after 4 sets bench press only in 90 seconds rest interval with heavy load and 240 seconds rest interval with light load (p<0.05. Accordingly, testosterone to cortisol (T:C ratio were significantly decreased after 4 sets bench press in 90 seconds rest interval with light load and 240 seconds rest interval with


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Payam Mohamad-Panahi


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to determine the appropriate rest time between sets during weight training with light load. Material: Seventeen cadet wrestlers (age =16.7±0.6 yrs.; height =169.2±8.2 cm; and weight =51.4±7.9 kg were recruited from wrestling clubs in the Iranian province of Kurdistan and served as subjects in this study. This study was conducted over seven sessions with 48 hours recovery between sessions. In the first session, the characteristic features of subjects were recorded and the one repetition maximum in the bench press test was determined for each subject. On 6 separate occasions, subjects performed a 4 set of bench press at 60% 1RM with a 90 and 240 seconds rest interval until volitional fatigue. The numbers of repetition performed by the subjects, and also, cortisol and testosterone levels and 1RM were recorded. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the sustainability of repetitions during 4 sets bench press with 60 % load between 90 and 240 seconds rest intervals (rest interval effect (p<0.05 as well as with 90% load. Results: Additionally, there was a significant difference in the sustainability of repetitions during 4 sets bench press in 90 and 240 seconds rest intervals, both, between light and heavy loads (load effect. Plasma cortisol concentrations significantly increased after all bench press trials. Also, the rest interval effect was statistically significant in both 60 % and 90% load trials. But, the load effect was only statistically significant in 90 seconds rest interval trial (p<0.05. In contrast, plasma testosterone concentrations significantly increased after 4 sets bench press only in 90 seconds rest interval with heavy load and 240 seconds rest interval with light load (p<0.05. Accordingly, testosterone to cortisol (T:C ratio were significantly decreased after 4 sets bench press in 90 seconds rest interval with light load and 240 seconds rest interval with heavy

  19. Definition and taxonomy of interval colorectal cancers: a proposal for standardising nomenclature

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sanduleanu, S.; le Clercq, C. M. C.; Dekker, E.; Meijer, G. A.; Rabeneck, L.; Rutter, M. D.; Valori, R.; Young, G. P.; Schoen, R. E.


    Interval colorectal cancers (interval CRCs), that is, cancers occurring after a negative screening test or examination, are an important indicator of the quality and effectiveness of CRC screening and surveillance. In order to compare incidence rates of interval CRCs across screening programmes, a

  20. Interval timing in genetically modified mice: a simple paradigm. (United States)

    Balci, F; Papachristos, E B; Gallistel, C R; Brunner, D; Gibson, J; Shumyatsky, G P


    We describe a behavioral screen for the quantitative study of interval timing and interval memory in mice. Mice learn to switch from a short-latency feeding station to a long-latency station when the short latency has passed without a feeding. The psychometric function is the cumulative distribution of switch latencies. Its median measures timing accuracy and its interquartile interval measures timing precision. Next, using this behavioral paradigm, we have examined mice with a gene knockout of the receptor for gastrin-releasing peptide that show enhanced (i.e. prolonged) freezing in fear conditioning. We have tested the hypothesis that the mutants freeze longer because they are more uncertain than wild types about when to expect the electric shock. The knockouts however show normal accuracy and precision in timing, so we have rejected this alternative hypothesis. Last, we conduct the pharmacological validation of our behavioral screen using d-amphetamine and methamphetamine. We suggest including the analysis of interval timing and temporal memory in tests of genetically modified mice for learning and memory and argue that our paradigm allows this to be done simply and efficiently.