
Sample records for interrogans serogrupo ballum

  1. Medio EMJH modificado para el cultivo de Leptospira interrogans serogrupo Ballum Modified EMJH medium for cultivation of Leptospira interrogans serogroup Ballum

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    A. González


    Full Text Available El serogrupo Ballum agrupa cepas de crecimiento fastidioso, con requerimientos nutricionales más exigentes que otras cepas patógenas de Leptospira. Fue evaluada la influencia de 37 compuestos nutricionales sobre el crecimiento de Leptospira interrogans serogrupo Ballum, tomando como base para el estudio al medio sintético EMJH. El crecimiento microbiano fue estimado espectrofotométricamente y por conteo directo en cámara de Petroff-Hausser. La estabilidad de la virulencia fue evaluada en hamsters mediante el cálculo de la dosis letal media. La estabilidad de la antigenicidad fue evaluada mediante Western blotting con antisuero policlonal específico. Bajo condiciones de cultivo controladas se logró triplicar los rendimientos de biomasa comúnmente obtenidos en el medio EMJH sin afectación de la virulencia y antigenicidad tras el incremento de la concentración de Tween 80 y la incorporación de acetato de sodio y extracto de carne. El incremento de la concentración de al menos 6 componentes del EMJH o la incorporación de una variedad de nuevos nutrientes no estimularon apreciablemente los rendimientos de biomasa o la velocidad específica de crecimiento del microorganismo. Los resultados obtenidos permiten disponer de un medio de cultivo enriquecido capaz de sustentar elevados rendimientos de biomasa de este serogrupo exigente de mayor circulación en humanos en Cuba.Strains within the Ballum serogroup of spirochete Leptospira show fastidious growth with more exigent nutritional requirements than those of other Leptospira pathogenic strains. The influence of 37 nutritional compounds on the growth of Leptospira interrogans serogroup Ballum was investigated employing the synthetic EMJH medium as the base for the study. Microbial growth was estimated spectrophotometrically and direct counts were performed with a Petroff-Hausser counting chamber. Virulence stability was evaluated by calculating the mean lethal dose in hamsters

  2. Inmunogenicidad y capacidad protectora en hamsters de vacunas antileptospirósicas monovalentes de células enteras del serogrupo Ballum Immunogenicity and protective capacity of leptospiral whole-cell monovalent serogroup Ballum vaccines in hamsters

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    A. González


    Full Text Available El serogrupo Ballum de Leptospira constituye en la actualidad la primera causa de leptospirosis humana en Cuba. Vacunas de células enteras químicamente inactivadas fueron formuladas a partir de dos cepas clínicas de Leptospira interrogans serogrupo Ballum empleando como adyuvante hidróxido de aluminio. Los niveles de aglutininas inducidos en hamsters por una u otra preparación vacunal fueron estimados mediante aglutinación microscópica y la actividad IgG específica fue cuantificada mediante ELISA. La capacidad de protección homóloga y heteróloga contra la infección letal y subletal se determinó mediante el desafío con 100 y 10 000 DL50 de cinco cepas virulentas pertenecientes a los serogrupos Ballum, Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae y Pomona. Las evaluaciones realizadas demostraron que ambas vacunas fueron inmunogénicas e indujeron una completa protección homóloga en el modelo animal empleado. La protección cruzada frente a serogrupos heterólogos solo fue significativa en una de las preparaciones monovalentes frente al desafío con 100 DL50 de Canicola. Como resultado de este estudio se pudo comprobar la alta inmunogenicidad y capacidad protectora en hamsters de vacunas monovalentes de células enteras formuladas a partir de dos cepas candidatas vacunales del serogrupo de Leptospira de mayor circulación en humanos en Cuba no incluido en la vacuna actualmente disponible.Leptospira serogroup Ballum is at present the first cause of human leptospirosis in Cuba. Killed whole-cell vaccines were formulated with two clinical isolates of Leptospira interrogans serogroup Ballum using aluminum hydroxide as adjuvant. Agglutinins levels induced by each vaccine in hamsters were estimated by microscopic agglutination test and specific IgG activities were quantified by a whole cell-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Homologous and cross protective capacity against lethal and sublethal infection were determined in vaccinated animals by



    Romero Peñuela, Marlyn Hellen; Astudillo Hernández, Myriam; Quintero Martínez, Mauricio Elías


    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar la infección con serovares de Leptospira spp. en caninos con propietario en Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Las muestras de suero fueron tomadas de 100 caninos y fueron probadas con los serogrupos de Leptospira interrogans: Bataviae, Mini, Autumnalis, Canicola, Shermani, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Cynopteri, Australis, Celledonis, Grippotyphosa, Hebdomadis, Javanica, Manhao, Pomona, Pyrogenes, Sejroe, Tarassovi y Ballum, usando la técnica de...

  4. Caracterización de aislamientos clínicos de Leptospira para su uso en vacunas veterinarias

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    Yaritza Cuba-Romero


    Full Text Available Uno de los criterios más importantes para el desarrollo de inmunógenos de Leptospira es contar con cepas bien caracterizadas por su virulencia y representativa de los serogrupos circulantes desde el punto de vista clínico y veterinario. Todo lo cual permite garantizar inmunógenos capaces de proteger contra los serovares presente en la formulación y que afectan a los animales en riesgo. Este trabajo se realizó a partir de aislamientos del agente causal de cinco casos clínicos autóctonos de Leptospira en la provincia de Holguín, Cuba, mediante métodos convencionales: crecimiento a 13ºC, medio suplementado con 8-azaguanina y en presencia de cloruro de sodio. Además, los aislamientos se clasificaron hasta nivel de serogrupo mediante la técnica de microaglutinación. A partir de estos aislamientos fue seleccionada y caracterizada una cepa del serogrupo Ballum como candidato vacunal. Los aislamientos no mostraron crecimiento a 13ºC, ni cuando se le añadió al medio 8-azaguanina (2,25 mg/mL, mientras que todas las cepas mostraron conversión a forma esférica en presencia de cloruro de sodio (1M. La clasificación de los aislamientos permitió disponer de dos cepas pertenecientes al serogrupo Ballum y dos a Pomona. La cepa seleccionada mostró alta virulencia y patogenicidad en el biomodelo Hámster Sirio, además de buena estabilidad en los medios de cultivos. Su clasificación hasta el nivel de serovar mediante el uso de anticuerpos monoclonales determinó su pertenencia al serovar Ballum. El presente trabajo, por primera vez, sienta las bases para formulaciones vacunales novedosas en animales, conteniendo el serogrupo Ballum.

  5. Evaluación de la inmunogenicidad y la capacidad protectora homóloga de un candidato vacunal tetravalente de Leptospira, para uso veterinario

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    Yaritza Cuba-Romero


    Full Text Available La inmunogenicidad es un parámetro importante en estudios de inmunógenos. En la leptospirosis la respuesta inmune humoral es vital para la resistencia a la infección, de ahí que este trabajo se haya propuesto evaluar la inmunogenicidad y la capacidad protectora homóloga de un candidato tetravalente que incluye al serogrupo Ballum en su formulación. Se trabajó con la cepa 245-12 clasificada como L. borgpetersenii serovar Ballum, aislada a partir de un caso confirmado de leptospirosis. Con esta cepa previamente caracterizada desde el punto de vista de su virulencia, se formularon 5 lotes de una preparación vacunal tetravalente, la cual contiene además las cepas Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae y Pomona contenidas en la vacuna Polivalente-Leptospira, de uso veterinario. Se evaluó la inmunogenicidad de esta preparación, mediante microaglutinación y la capacidad de protección homóloga en hámster sirio dorado, frente al reto con 100 DL50. Los animales se inmunizaron con dos dosis de la vacuna (0,1mL con un intervalo de 15 días, el reto se llevó a cabo a los 14 días de concluido el esquema de inmunización. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con los de la vacuna Polivalente-Leptospira. Todos los lotes de preparación tetravalente formulados cumplieron satisfactoriamente con los controles de calidad. Los lotes formulados en este estudio mostraron una significativa inmunogenicidad y capacidad de protección homologa frente al serogrupo Ballum, y lograron eliminar el estado de portador en los animales inmunizados. El presente trabajo, por primera vez, sienta las bases para formulaciones vacunales novedosas, en animales, conteniendo el serogrupo Ballum.

  6. Continuous Excretion of Leptospira borgpetersenii Ballum in Mice Assessed by Viability Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction. (United States)

    Soupé-Gilbert, Marie-Estelle; Bierque, Emilie; Geroult, Sophie; Teurlai, Magali; Goarant, Cyrille


    Rodents are the main reservoir animals of leptospirosis. In this study, we characterized and quantified the urinary excretion dynamics of Leptospira by Mus musculus infected with 2 × 10 8 virulent Leptospira borgpetersenii serogroup Ballum. Each micturition was collected separately in metabolic cages, at 12 time points from 7 to 117 days post-infection (dpi). We detected Leptospira in all urine samples collected (up to 8 per time point per mouse) proving that Leptospira excretion is continuous with ca. 90% live L. borgpetersenii Ballum, revealed by viability quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Microscopic visualization by Live/Dead fluorescence confirmed this high proportion of live bacteria and demonstrated that L. borgpetersenii Ballum are excreted, at least partly, as bacterial aggregates. We observed two distinct phases in the excretion dynamics, first an increase in Leptospira concentration shed in the urine between 7 and 63 dpi followed by a plateau phase from 63 dpi onward, with up to 3 × 10 7 Leptospira per mL of urine. These two phases seem to correspond to progressive colonization of renal tubules first, then to stable cell survival and maintenance in kidneys. Therefore, chronically infected adult mice are able to contaminate the environment via urine at each micturition event throughout their lifetime. Because Leptospira excretion reached its maximum 2 months after infection, older rodents have a greater risk of contaminating their surrounding environment.

  7. Protección inducida por nanococleatos derivados de proteoliposomas de Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola

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    Beatriz Tamargo


    Full Text Available Desde los años 20 del pasado siglo, hasta el presente, en el mundo se han desarrollado y empleado vacunas de células enteras contra la leptospirosis que confieren una corta inmunidad; la mayoría no adyuvadas y dirigidas, fundamentalmente, contra los diferentes serogrupos de la especie Leptospira interrogans, contenidos en las preparaciones. Numerosos han sido los intentos realizados para lograr una formulación vacunal más pura, efectiva, de amplio espectro y duración de la protección que las bacterinas de células enteras inactivadas. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no se ha registrado ninguna vacuna con tales características. En el presente trabajo se obtuvieron antígenos de membrana externa a partir de una cepa cubana autóctona (Cepa 87, L. interrogans serovar Canicola, mediante una modificación de la tecnología para la producción de vesículas de membrana, patentada por investigadores del Instituto Finlay. Estos antígenos con estructura nanoproteoliposómica fueron formulados/adyuvados mediante diferentes estrategias, logrando cinco preparaciones con estructura coclear, que constituyen nanopartículas de aproximadamente 100 a 150 nm de largo y entre 15 a 30 nm de diámetro. Los inmunógenos se inocularon en el biomodelo Mesocrisetus aureatus, con dos dosis e intervalo de seis semanas. El reto fue realizado con 100.000 DL 50 . Los resultados demuestran que las nuevas formulaciones vacunales confieren protección frente al reto homólogo y fueron capaces de eliminar el estado de portador, lo que unido a la robustez del método de preparación, el mayor nivel de pureza, en comparación con las bacterinas, y la no necesidad del hidróxido de aluminio, las convierten en una alternativa de interés para continuar su desarrollo.


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    Ana I Martínez


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: La enfermedad meningocócica continúa siendo un grave problema de salud pública en todo el mundo. En Cataluña, tras implementar el programa de vacunación, ha habido un descenso importante de los casos producidos por meningococo C. Métodos: Se analizaron los casos notificados de enfermedad meningocócica entre 1997 y 2008 para determinar la evolución después de la introducción de la vacuna conjugada en Cataluña. Resultados: La tasa de incidencia de casos por serogrupo C en menores de 6 años se redujo de 7,6 por 100000 personas/ año en el período prevacunal (1997-2000 hasta 0,6 en el período postvacunal (2001-2007. En los casos por serogrupo B, la reducción fue mucho menor, de 15.4 a 11.1. En los menores de 20 años, la tasa de letalidad solo aumento en los casos por serogrupo B (3% en el período prevacunal y 7.4% en el postvacunal.Entre 2000 y 2008, el subtipo P1.15 ha sido el más frecuentemente identificado entre los casos por serogrupo B (31%, asociado principalmente al serotipo 4 (80%, y el subtipo P1.5 (36% asociado mayoritariamente al serotipo 2a (86%, en los casos por serogrupo C. Durante 2008, 5 casos de B:2a:P1.5, sin aparente relación entre sí fueron identificados en una misma zona geográfica, con una letalidad de 80%. Conclusiones: Es necesario mantener una constante y exhaustiva vigilancia para conocer las cepas circulantes en cada momento y detectar precozmente posibles cambios y recombinaciones entre ellas.

  9. Serogrupos y susceptibilidad antimicrobiana en cepas de Shigella Serogroups and antimicrobial susceptibility in Shigella strains

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    Leonor Díaz Rigau


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Shigella spp. es uno de los agentes causales más importantes de diarrea aguda en los niños. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer la frecuencia de serogrupos y la susceptibilidad antimicrobiana a los fármacos de elección y a los alternativos. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo entre enero de 2004 y diciembre de 2006 a partir de 34 cepas de Shigella spp. aisladas en heces de niños menores de 5 años ingresados en el Hospital «Aleida Fernández Chardiet» (Municipio Güines a causa de enfermedad diarreica aguda. RESULTADOS. Los serogrupos encontrados fueron S. sonnei (70,5 % y S. flexneri (29,5 %. Ambos serogrupos mostraron altos niveles de resistencia al trimetoprim-sulfametoxazol y a la ampicilina, además en las cepas de S. sonnei se encontró resistencia al ácido nalidíxico y en las de S. flexneri al cloranfenicol. Todas las cepas mostraron altos porcentajes de sensibilidad a la ceftriaxona, norfloxacina y ciprofloxacina. El 70 % de las cepas de S. sonnei fueron multirresistentes. El patrón de multirresistencia (ampicilina, trimetoprim-sulfamtetoxazol y ácido nalidíxico se encontró en ambos serogrupos. CONCLUSIONES. La determinación y vigilancia de los patrones de resistencia facilita el control de la política de uso de antibióticos en la región estudiada y previene el surgimiento de cepas resistentes a fármacos de nueva generación.INTRODUCTION: Shigella ssp. is one of the more important causal agents of acute diarrhea in children. Present research has as aim to know serogroups frequency and antimicrobial susceptibility to choice drugs, and to its alternatives. METHODS: A descriptive retrospective study was carried out between January 2004 and December 2006 of 34 strains of Shigella isolated from children lower than 5 years admitted in "Aleida Fernández Chardiet" Hospital in Güines Municipality by acute diarrheic disease. RESULTS: Serogroups included S. sonnei (70

  10. Characterization of the Leptospira interrogans S10-spc-alpha operon

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zuerner, R. L.; Hartskeerl, R. A.; van de Kemp, H.; Bal, A. E.


    A ribosomal protein gene cluster from the spirochaete Leptospira interrogans was characterized. This locus is homologous to the Escherichia coli S10, spc, and alpha operons. Analysis of L. interrogans RNA showed that the ribosomal protein genes within this cluster are co-transcribed, thus forming an

  11. Quantitative survival of Leptospira interrogans in soil and water microcosms. (United States)

    Casanovas-Massana, Arnau; Pedra, Gabriel Ghizzi; Wunder, Elsio A; Diggle, Peter J; Begon, Mike; Ko, Albert I


    Leptospira interrogans is the etiological agent of leptospirosis, a globally distributed zoonotic disease. Human infection usually occurs through skin exposure with water and soil contaminated with the urine of chronically infected animals. In this study, we aimed to quantitatively characterize the survival of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni in environmental matrices. We constructed laboratory microcosms to simulate natural conditions and determined the persistence of DNA markers in soil, mud, spring water and sewage using a qPCR and a PMA-qPCR assay. We found that L. interrogans does not survive at high concentrations in the tested matrices. No net growth was detected in any of the experimental conditions and in all cases the concentration of the DNA markers targeted decreased from the beginning of the experiment following an exponential decay with a decreasing decay rate over time. After 12 and 21 days of incubation the spiked concentration of 10 6 L. interrogans cells/mL or g decreased to approximately 100 cells/mL or g in soil and spring water microcosms, respectively. Furthermore, culturable L. interrogans persisted at concentrations under the limit of detection by PMA-qPCR or qPCR for at least 16 days in soil and 28 days in spring water. Altogether our findings suggest that the environment is not a multiplication reservoir, but a temporary carrier of the L. interrogans Copenhageni, although the observed prolonged persistence at low concentrations may still enable the transmission of the disease. IMPORTANCE Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by spirochetes of the genus Leptospira that primarily affects impoverished populations worldwide. Although leptospirosis is transmitted by contact with water and soil, little is known about the ability of the pathogen to survive in the environment. In this study, we quantitatively characterized the survival of L. interrogans in environmental microcosms and found that although it cannot multiply in water

  12. Descripción de un brote de leptospirosis en la ciudad de Santa Fe, Argentina, marzo-abril de 1998 Description of a leptospirosis outbreak in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina, March-April 1998

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    Norma B. Vanasco


    Full Text Available En marzo-abril de 1998 se identificó en un barrio de la ciudad de Santa Fe (Argentina un brote de una enfermedad aguda caracterizada por fiebre, cefaleas y mialgias intensas. Se presentan los estudios realizados en relación con este brote y los intentos de identificación de la fuente y del modo de transmisión. Los hallazgos epidemiológicos, serológicos y clínicos indicaron que el agente causal fue Leptospira interrogans. Como prueba de tamizaje se aplicó la técnica de aglutinación macroscópica con antígeno termorresistente, seguida de la prueba de ELISA y, como prueba de confirmación, la aglutinación microscópica frente a 10 serovariedades de L. interrogans. Se estudiaron 32 individuos, 8 perros y 8 muestras de agua. Se registraron 12 casos confirmados, 2 probables y 18 negativos. En seis perros se demostró la existencia de infección y en las muestras de agua se detectó la presencia de espiroquetas móviles. Los sueros humanos reaccionaron con las serovariedades ballum, canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae y pyrogenes, y los caninos con ballum, canicola y pomona. La coaglutinación observada en todos los casos confirmados indica que se trató de casos agudos de leptospirosis, pero no permite identificar la serovariedad causal. Salvo en el caso índice, no se reconoció clínicamente la enfermedad. Varios hechos sugieren que la causa del brote fue la inundación pluvial de la zona estudiada. Los resultados de este estudio resaltan la necesidad de una vigilancia activa de la leptospirosis ante desastres naturales como las inundaciones.In March-April 1998 in a neighborhood in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina, there was an outbreak of an acute disease characterized by fever, headaches, and intense myalgias. This article presents the studies surrounding this outbreak and the attempts to identify the source and the mode of transmission. The epidemiological, serological, and clinical findings indicated that the causative agent was Leptospira

  13. Multilocus Sequence Analysis for Typing Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira kirschneri▿ †


    Leon, Albertine; Pronost, Stéphane; Fortier, Guillaume; Andre-Fontaine, Geneviève; Leclercq, Roland


    Fifty-three strains belonging to the pathogenic species Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira kirschneri were analyzed by multilocus sequence analysis. The species formed two distinct branches. In the L. interrogans branch, the phylogenetic tree clustered the strains into three subgroups. Genogroups and serogroups were superimposed but not strictly.

  14. Multilocus Sequence Analysis for Typing Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira kirschneri▿ † (United States)

    Leon, Albertine; Pronost, Stéphane; Fortier, Guillaume; Andre-Fontaine, Geneviève; Leclercq, Roland


    Fifty-three strains belonging to the pathogenic species Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira kirschneri were analyzed by multilocus sequence analysis. The species formed two distinct branches. In the L. interrogans branch, the phylogenetic tree clustered the strains into three subgroups. Genogroups and serogroups were superimposed but not strictly. PMID:19955271

  15. Genetic diversity among major endemic strains of Leptospira interrogans in China

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    Zhang Zhi-Ming


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Leptospirosis is a world-widely distributed zoonosis. Humans become infected via exposure to pathogenic Leptospira spp. from contaminated water or soil. The availability of genomic sequences of Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai and serovar Copenhageni opened up opportunities to identify genetic diversity among different pathogenic strains of L. interrogans representing various kinds of serotypes (serogroups and serovars. Results Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH analysis was used to compare the gene content of L. interrogans serovar Lai strain Lai with that of other 10 L. interrogans strains prevailed in China and one identified from Brazil using a microarray spotted with 3,528 protein coding sequences (CDSs of strain Lai. The cutoff ratio of sample/reference (S/R hybridization for detecting the absence of genes from one tested strain was set by comparing the ratio of S/R hybridization and the in silico sequence similarities of strain Lai and serovar Copenhageni strain Fiocruz L1-130. Among the 11 strains tested, 275 CDSs were found absent from at least one strain. The common backbone of the L. interrogans genome was estimated to contain about 2,917 CDSs. The genes encoding fundamental cellular functions such as translation, energy production and conversion were conserved. While strain-specific genes include those that encode proteins related to either cell surface structures or carbohydrate transport and metabolism. We also found two genomic islands (GIs in strain Lai containing genes divergently absent in other strains. Because genes encoding proteins with potential pathogenic functions are located within GIs, these elements might contribute to the variations in disease manifestation. Differences in genes involved in O-antigen biosynthesis were also identified for strains belonging to different serogroups, which offers an opportunity for future development of genomic typing tools for serological classification

  16. [Sequences and expression pattern of mce gene in Leptospira interrogans of different serogroups]. (United States)

    Zhang, Lei; Xue, Feng; Yan, Jie; Mao, Ya-fei; Li, Li-wei


    To determine the frequency of mce gene in Leptospira interrogans, and to investigate the gene transcription levels of L. interrogans before and after infecting cells. The segments of entire mce genes from 13 L.interrogans strains and 1 L.biflexa strain were amplified by PCR and then sequenced after T-A cloning. A prokaryotic expression system of mce gene was constructed; the expression and output of the target recombinant protein rMce were examined by SDS-PAGE and Western Blot assay. Rabbits were intradermally immunized with rMce to prepare the antiserum, the titer of antiserum was measured by immunodiffusion test. The transcription levels of mce gene in L.interrogans serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar lai strain 56601 before and after infecting J774A.1 cells were monitored by real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR. mce gene was carried in all tested L.interrogans strains, but not in L.biflexa serogroup Semaranga serovar patoc strain Patoc I. The similarities of nucleotide and putative amino acid sequences of the cloned mce genes to the reported sequences (GenBank accession No: NP712236) were 99.02%-100% and 97.91%-100%, respectively. The constructed prokaryotic expression system of mce gene expressed rMce and the output of rMce was about 5% of the total bacterial proteins. The antiserum against whole cell of L.interrogans strain 56601 efficiently recognized rMce. After infecting J774A.1 cells, transcription levels of the mce gene in L.interrogans strain 56601 were remarkably up-regulated. The constructed prokaryotic expression system of mce gene and the prepared antiserum against rMce provide useful tools for further study of the gene function.

  17. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of ferredoxin reductase from Leptospira interrogans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nascimento, Alessandro S.; Ferrarezi, Thiago; Catalano-Dupuy, Daniela L.; Ceccarelli, Eduardo A.; Polikarpov, Igor


    Crystals adequate for X-ray diffraction analysis have been prepared from L. interrogans ferredoxin-NADP + reductase. Ferredoxin-NADP + reductase (FNR) is an FAD-containing enzyme that catalyzes electron transfer between NADP(H) and ferredoxin. Here, results are reported of the recombinant expression, purification and crystallization of FNR from Leptospira interrogans, a parasitic bacterium of animals and humans. The L. interrogans FNR crystals belong to a primitive monoclinic space group and diffract to 2.4 Å resolution at a synchrotron source

  18. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of ferredoxin reductase from Leptospira interrogans

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nascimento, Alessandro S.; Ferrarezi, Thiago [Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Trabalhador Saocarlense 400, São Carlos, SP, 13560-970 (Brazil); Catalano-Dupuy, Daniela L.; Ceccarelli, Eduardo A. [Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas, Molecular Biology Division, Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR), CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Suipacha 531, S2002LRK Rosario (Argentina); Polikarpov, Igor, E-mail: [Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Trabalhador Saocarlense 400, São Carlos, SP, 13560-970 (Brazil)


    Crystals adequate for X-ray diffraction analysis have been prepared from L. interrogans ferredoxin-NADP{sup +} reductase. Ferredoxin-NADP{sup +} reductase (FNR) is an FAD-containing enzyme that catalyzes electron transfer between NADP(H) and ferredoxin. Here, results are reported of the recombinant expression, purification and crystallization of FNR from Leptospira interrogans, a parasitic bacterium of animals and humans. The L. interrogans FNR crystals belong to a primitive monoclinic space group and diffract to 2.4 Å resolution at a synchrotron source.

  19. Leptospira interrogans induces uterine inflammatory responses and abnormal expression of extracellular matrix proteins in dogs. (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Gao, Xuejiao; Guo, Mengyao; Zhang, Wenlong; Song, Xiaojing; Wang, Tiancheng; Zhang, Zecai; Jiang, Haichao; Cao, Yongguo; Zhang, Naisheng


    Leptospira interrogans (L. interrogans), a worldwide zoonosis, infect humans and animals. In dogs, four syndromes caused by leptospirosis have been identified: icteric, hemorrhagic, uremic (Stuttgart disease) and reproductive (abortion and premature or weak pups), and also it caused inflammation. Extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex mixture of matrix molecules that is crucial to the reproduction. Both inflammatory response and ECM are closed relative to reproductive. The aim of this study was to clarify how L. interrogans affected the uterus of dogs, by focusing on the inflammatory responses, and ECM expression in dogs uterine tissue infected by L. interrogans. In the present study, 27 dogs were divided into 3 groups, intrauterine infusion with L. interrogans, to make uterine infection, sterile EMJH, and normal saline as a control, respectively. The uteruses were removed by surgical operation in 10, 20, and 30 days, respectively. The methods of histopathological analysis, ELISA, Western blot and qPCR were used. The results showed that L. interrogans induced significantly inflammatory responses, which were characterized by inflammatory cellular infiltration and high expression levels of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in uterine tissue of these dogs. Furthermore, L. interrogans strongly down-regulated the expression of ECM (collagens (CL) IV, fibronectins (FN) and laminins (LN)) in mRNA and protein levels. These data indicated that strongly inflammatory responses, and abnormal regulation of ECM might contribute to the proliferation of dogs infected by L. interrogans. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Global Proteome Analysis of Leptospira interrogans (United States)

    Comparative global proteome analyses were performed on Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni grown under conventional in vitro conditions and those mimicking in vivo conditions (iron limitation and serum presence). Proteomic analyses were conducted using iTRAQ and LC-ESI-tandem mass spectrometr...

  1. Ecology of Leptospira interrogans in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus in an inner-city neighborhood of Vancouver, Canada.

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    Chelsea G Himsworth

    Full Text Available Leptospira interrogans is a bacterial zoonosis with a worldwide distribution for which rats (Rattus spp. are the primary reservoir in urban settings. In order to assess, monitor, and mitigate the risk to humans, it is important to understand the ecology of this pathogen in rats. The objective of this study was to characterize the ecology of L. interrogans in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus in an impoverished inner-city neighborhood of Vancouver, Canada.Trapping was performed in 43 city blocks, and one location within the adjacent port, over a 12 month period. Kidney samples were tested for the presence of L. interrogans using PCR and sequencing. A multivariable model was built to predict L. interrogans infection status in individual rats using season and morphometric data (e.g., weight, sex, maturity, condition, etc. as independent variables. Spatial analysis was undertaken to identify clusters of high and low L. interrogans prevalence. The prevalence of L. interrogans varied remarkably among blocks (0-66.7%, and spatial clusters of both high and low L. interrogans prevalence were identified. In the final cluster-controlled model, characteristics associated with L. interrogans-infection in rats included weight (OR = 1.14, 95% CI = 1.07-1.20, increased internal fat (OR = 2.12, 95% CI = 1.06-4.25, and number of bite wounds (OR = 1.20, 95% CI = 0.96-1.49.Because L. interrogans prevalence varied with weight, body fat, and bite wounds, this study suggests that social structure and interactions among rats may influence transmission. The prevalence and distribution of L. interrogans in rats was also highly variable even over a short geographic distance. These factors should be considered in future risk management efforts.

  2. Comparison of Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira biflexa genomes: analysis of potential leptospiral-host interactions. (United States)

    Mehrotra, Prachi; Ramakrishnan, Gayatri; Dhandapani, Gunasekaran; Srinivasan, Narayanaswamy; Madanan, Madathiparambil G


    Leptospirosis, a potentially life-threatening disease, remains the most widespread zoonosis caused by pathogenic species of Leptospira. The pathogenic spirochaete, Leptospira interrogans, is characterized by its ability to permeate human host tissues rapidly and colonize multiple organs in the host. In spite of the efforts taken to comprehend the pathophysiology of the pathogen and the heterogeneity posed by L. interrogans, the current knowledge on the mechanism of pathogenesis is modest. In an attempt to contribute towards the same, we demonstrate the use of an established structure-based protocol coupled with information on subcellular localization of proteins and their tissue-specificity, in recognizing a set of 49 biologically feasible interactions potentially mediated by proteins of L. interrogans in humans. We have also presented means to adjudge the physicochemical viability of the predicted host-pathogen interactions, for selected cases, in terms of interaction energies and geometric shape complementarity of the interacting proteins. Comparative analyses of proteins of L. interrogans and the saprophytic spirochaete, Leptospira biflexa, and their predicted involvement in interactions with human hosts, aided in underpinning the functional relevance of leptospiral-host protein-protein interactions specific to L. interrogans as well as those specific to L. biflexa. Our study presents characteristics of the pathogenic L. interrogans that are predicted to facilitate its ability to persist in human hosts.

  3. Aplicación de una biblioteca de anticuerpos lineales humanos frente al polisacárido capsular de Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo B

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    Emigdio León-Toirac


    Full Text Available Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo B produce aún morbimortalidad significativa. Su polisacárido capsular muestra similitud estructural con proteínas humanas y pobre inmunogenicidad, obstaculizando así el desarrollo de vacunas y anticuerpos monoclonales (AcM y policlonales contra esta bacteria. Recientemente se han creado bibliotecas artificiales de anticuerpos humanos expresados en bacteriófagos que reconocen específicamente a moléculas diana existentes, con la ventaja sobre los AcM convencionales por su rápida obtención, sin utilización de animales de laboratorio, lo que emerge como alternativa atractiva para la producción de AcM contra antígenos peculiares o complejos. Se realizó un trabajo de investigación básica, utilizando una biblioteca de fagos filamentosos que expresan constitutivamente regiones variables de anticuerpos humanos, que se enfrentó al polisacárido capsular de N. meningitidis serogrupo B. Los resultados que se obtuvieron mediante ELISA policlonal sugieren la existencia de anticuerpos humanos expresados en fagos que lo reconocen.

  4. Molecular characterization of the pL40 protein in Leptospira interrogans. (United States)

    Zhao, Wei; Chen, Chun-Yan; Zhang, Xiang-Yan; Lai, Wei-Qiang; Hu, Bao-Yu; Zhao, Guo-Ping; Qin, Jin-Hong; Guo, Xiao-Kui


    Leptospirosis is a widespread zoonotic disease caused by pathogenic leptospires. The identification of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) conserved among pathogenic leptospires, which are exposed on the leptospiral surface and expressed during mammalian infection, has become a major focus of leptospirosis research. pL40, a 40 kDa protein coded by the LA3744 gene in Leptospira interrogans, was found to be unique to Leptospira. Triton X-114 fractionation and flow cytometry analyses indicate that pL40 is a component of the leptospiral outer membrane. The conservation of pL40 among Leptospira strains prevalent in China was confirmed by both Western blotting and PCR screening. Furthermore, the pL40 antigen could be recognized by sera from guinea pigs and mice infected with low-passage L. interrogans. These findings indicate that pL40 may serve as a useful serodiagnostic antigen and vaccine candidate for L. interrogans.

  5. Leptospira interrogans in Rodents from Cape Verde. (United States)

    Plata-Luis, Josué; Foronda, Pilar; Martín-Alonso, Aaron; Feliu, Carlos; Alves, Joana; Gil, Horacio; Valladares, Basilio


    Leptospirosis is an important worldwide zoonotic disease that can infect both animals and humans. In most cases, leptospirosis is a nonspecific self-limiting illness, but some patients can develop a severe form with a high mortality. This study was carried out in Santiago Island, Cape Verde, in 2012-2013. A total of 62 wild rodents (Rattus rattus and Mus domesticus) were analyzed. The lipL32 gene, present only in pathogenic Leptospira spp., was amplified by PCR, and 16 samples were positive (25.8%). In both rodent species, Leptospira interrogans was identified. The results show the presence of pathogenic Leptospira in the three localities analyzed in Santiago. The presence of L. interrogans demonstrates a serious health risk for the population, since this species has been associated with the most severe form of leptospirosis, the Weil's disease in humans, a severe infection with jaundice, renal failure, and hemorrhage.

  6. Perfil dos cães sororreagentes para aglutininas anti-Leptospira interrogans em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, 2001/2002 Serological profile of seropositive dogs to anti-Leptospira interrogans agglutinins in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2001-2002

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    D.F. Magalhães


    Full Text Available The serological profile of seropositive dogs according to anti-Leptospira agglutinins was checked in Belo Horizonte including variables such as race, sex, age and whether the dog had an owner or not. The dogs were captured by the Zoonosis Control Center in nine neighborhoods around the city and were separated in two categories - with owners or captured on the streets. The prevalence of anti-Leptospira agglutinins was evaluated in 3,417 blood samples using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT from September 2001 to September 2002. It was found that 13.1% of the dogs had seropositive results with the most reactive serovars being Canicola (7.0%, Ballum (6.1%, Pyrogenes (3.2% and Icterohaemorrhagiae (2.9%. The prevalence of other serovars was less than 1.0%. Greater prevalence was found in male, crossbred dogs, without owners. There were no significant results due to age in 95% (P=0.808 of the cases. According to the results, more research should be done in order to isolate and classify the serovars in positive dogs, especially Ballum and Pyrogenes, which will suggest their inclusion in the commercial vaccines against leptospira used in dogs in this city.

  7. Vaccination with leptospiral outer membrane lipoprotein LipL32 reduces kidney invasion of Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola in hamsters. (United States)

    Humphryes, P C; Weeks, M E; AbuOun, M; Thomson, G; Núñez, A; Coldham, N G


    The Leptospira interrogans vaccines currently available are serovar specific and require regular booster immunizations to maintain protection of the host. In addition, a hamster challenge batch potency test is necessary to evaluate these vaccines prior to market release, requiring the use of a large number of animals, which is ethically and financially undesirable. Our previous work showed that the N terminus of the outer membrane protein LipL32 was altered in Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola vaccines that fail the hamster challenge test, suggesting that it may be involved in the protective immune response. The aim of this study was to determine if vaccination with LipL32 protein alone could provide a protective response against challenge with L. interrogans serovar Canicola to hamsters. Recombinant LipL32, purified from an Escherichia coli expression system, was assessed for protective immunity in five groups of hamsters (n = 5) following a challenge with the virulent L. interrogans serovar Canicola strain Kito as a challenge strain. However, no significant survival against the L. interrogans serovar Canicola challenge was observed compared to that of unvaccinated negative controls. Subsequent histological analysis revealed reduced amounts of L. interrogans in the kidneys from the hamsters vaccinated with recombinant LipL32 protein prior to challenge; however, no significant survival against the L. interrogans serovar Canicola challenge was observed compared to that of unvaccinated negative controls. This finding corresponded to a noticeably reduced severity of renal lesions. This study provides evidence that LipL32 is involved in the protective response against L. interrogans serovar Canicola in hamsters and is the first reported link to LipL32-induced protection against kidney invasion.

  8. Development of Transcriptional Fusions to Assess Leptospira interrogans Promoter Activity (United States)

    Cerqueira, Gustavo M.; Souza, Natalie M.; Araújo, Eduardo R.; Barros, Aline T.; Morais, Zenaide M.; Vasconcellos, Sílvio A.; Nascimento, Ana L. T. O.


    Background Leptospirosis is a zoonotic infectious disease that affects both humans and animals. The existing genetic tools for Leptospira spp. have improved our understanding of the biology of this spirochete as well as the interaction of pathogenic leptospires with the mammalian host. However, new tools are necessary to provide novel and useful information to the field. Methodology and Principal Findings A series of promoter-probe vectors carrying a reporter gene encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) were constructed for use in L. biflexa. They were tested by constructing transcriptional fusions between the lipL41, Leptospiral Immunoglobulin-like A (ligA) and Sphingomielynase 2 (sph2) promoters from L. interrogans and the reporter gene. ligA and sph2 promoters were the most active, in comparison to the lipL41 promoter and the non-induced controls. The results obtained are in agreement with LigA expression from the L. interrogans Fiocruz L1-130 strain. Conclusions The novel vectors facilitated the in vitro evaluation of L. interrogans promoter activity under defined growth conditions which simulate the mammalian host environment. The fluorescence and rt-PCR data obtained closely reflected transcriptional regulation of the promoters, thus demonstrating the suitability of these vectors for assessing promoter activity in L. biflexa. PMID:21445252

  9. Development of transcriptional fusions to assess Leptospira interrogans promoter activity.

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    Gustavo M Cerqueira

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic infectious disease that affects both humans and animals. The existing genetic tools for Leptospira spp. have improved our understanding of the biology of this spirochete as well as the interaction of pathogenic leptospires with the mammalian host. However, new tools are necessary to provide novel and useful information to the field. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A series of promoter-probe vectors carrying a reporter gene encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP were constructed for use in L. biflexa. They were tested by constructing transcriptional fusions between the lipL41, Leptospiral Immunoglobulin-like A (ligA and Sphingomyelinase 2 (sph2 promoters from L. interrogans and the reporter gene. ligA and sph2 promoters were the most active, in comparison to the lipL41 promoter and the non-induced controls. The results obtained are in agreement with LigA expression from the L. interrogans Fiocruz L1-130 strain. CONCLUSIONS: The novel vectors facilitated the in vitro evaluation of L. interrogans promoter activity under defined growth conditions which simulate the mammalian host environment. The fluorescence and rt-PCR data obtained closely reflected transcriptional regulation of the promoters, thus demonstrating the suitability of these vectors for assessing promoter activity in L. biflexa.

  10. [Prokaryotic expression of Leptospira interrogans groEL gene and immunoprotection of its products in hamsters]. (United States)

    Li, Xiaoyu; Wang, Yinhuan; Yan, Jie; Cheng, Dongqing


    To construct a prokaryotic expression system of groEL gene of Leptospira interrogans serogroup Icterohaemorrhagia serovar Lai strain Lai, and to determine the immunoprotective effect of recombinant GroEL protein (rGroEL) in LVG hamsters. The groEL gene was amplified by high fidelity PCR and the amplification products were then sequenced. A prokaryotic expression system of groEL gene was constructed using routine genetic engineering technique. SDS-PAGE plus Bio-Rad Gel Image Analyzer was applied to examine the expression and dissolubility of rGroEL protein while Ni-NTA affinity chromatography was used to extract the expressed rGroEL. The immunoprotective rate in rGroEL-immunized LVG hamsters was determined after challenge with L.interrogans strain Lai. The cross agglutination titers of sera from immunized hamsters with different L.interrogans serogroups were detected using MAT. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the cloned groEL gene were the same as those reported in GenBank. The constructed prokaryotic expression system of groEL gene expressed soluble rGroEL. The immunoprotective rates of 100 and 200 μg rGroEL in LVG hamsters were 50.0 % and 75.0%, respectively. The sera from the rGroEL-immunized LVG hamsters agglutinated all the L.interrogans serogroups tested with different levels. The GroEL protein is a genus-specific immunoprotective antigen of L.interrogans and can be used to develop an universal genetically engineering vaccine of Leptospira.

  11. Transcriptional responses of Leptospira interrogans to host innate immunity: significant changes in metabolism, oxygen tolerance, and outer membrane.

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    Feng Xue

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Leptospira interrogans is the major causative agent of leptospirosis. Phagocytosis plays important roles in the innate immune responses to L. interrogans infection, and L. interrogans can evade the killing of phagocytes. However, little is known about the adaptation of L. interrogans during this process. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To better understand the interaction of pathogenic Leptospira and innate immunity, we employed microarray and comparative genomics analyzing the responses of L. interrogans to macrophage-derived cells. During this process, L. interrogans altered expressions of many genes involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, energy production, signal transduction, transcription and translation, oxygen tolerance, and outer membrane proteins. Among them, the catalase gene expression was significantly up-regulated, suggesting it may contribute to resisting the oxidative pressure of the macrophages. The expressions of several major outer membrane protein (OMP genes (e.g., ompL1, lipL32, lipL41, lipL48 and ompL47 were dramatically down-regulated (10-50 folds, consistent with previous observations that the major OMPs are differentially regulated in vivo. The persistent down-regulations of these major OMPs were validated by immunoblotting. Furthermore, to gain initial insight into the gene regulation mechanisms in L. interrogans, we re-defined the transcription factors (TFs in the genome and identified the major OmpR TF gene (LB333 that is concurrently regulated with the major OMP genes, suggesting a potential role of LB333 in OMPs regulation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This is the first report on global responses of pathogenic Leptospira to innate immunity, which revealed that the down-regulation of the major OMPs may be an immune evasion strategy of L. interrogans, and a putative TF may be involved in governing these down-regulations. Alterations of the leptospiral OMPs up interaction with host antigen

  12. Frequency of exposure of endangered Caspian seals to Canine distemper virus, Leptospira interrogans, and Toxoplasma gondii.

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    Somayeh Namroodi

    Full Text Available Canine distemper virus (CDV, Leptospira interrogans, and Toxoplasma gondii are potentially lethal pathogens associated with decline in marine mammal populations. The Caspian Sea is home for the endangered Caspian seal (Pusa caspica. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, CDV caused a series of mortality events involving at least several thousand Caspian seals. To assess current infection status in Caspian seals, we surveyed for antibodies to three pathogens with potential to cause mortality in marine mammals. During 2015-2017, we tested serum samples from 36, apparently healthy, Caspian seals, accidentally caught in fishing nets in the Caspian Sea off Northern Iran, for antibodies to CDV, L. interrogans, and T. gondii, by virus neutralization, microscopic agglutination, and modified agglutination, respectively. Twelve (33%, 6 (17%, and 30 (83% samples were positive for CDV, L. interrogans and T. gondii antibodies, respectively. The highest titers of CDV, L. interrogans, and T. gondii antibodies were 16, 400, and 50, respectively. Frequencies of antibody to these pathogens were higher in seals >1 year old compared to seals <1 year old. Two serovars of L. interrogans (Pomona and Canicola were detected. Our results suggest a need for additional studies to clarify the impact of these pathogens on Caspian seal population decline and the improvement of management programs, including systematic screening to detect and protect the remaining population from disease outbreaks.

  13. Frequency of exposure of endangered Caspian seals to Canine distemper virus, Leptospira interrogans, and Toxoplasma gondii. (United States)

    Namroodi, Somayeh; Shirazi, Amir S; Khaleghi, Seyyed Reza; N Mills, James; Kheirabady, Vahid


    Canine distemper virus (CDV), Leptospira interrogans, and Toxoplasma gondii are potentially lethal pathogens associated with decline in marine mammal populations. The Caspian Sea is home for the endangered Caspian seal (Pusa caspica). In the late 1990s and early 2000s, CDV caused a series of mortality events involving at least several thousand Caspian seals. To assess current infection status in Caspian seals, we surveyed for antibodies to three pathogens with potential to cause mortality in marine mammals. During 2015-2017, we tested serum samples from 36, apparently healthy, Caspian seals, accidentally caught in fishing nets in the Caspian Sea off Northern Iran, for antibodies to CDV, L. interrogans, and T. gondii, by virus neutralization, microscopic agglutination, and modified agglutination, respectively. Twelve (33%), 6 (17%), and 30 (83%) samples were positive for CDV, L. interrogans and T. gondii antibodies, respectively. The highest titers of CDV, L. interrogans, and T. gondii antibodies were 16, 400, and 50, respectively. Frequencies of antibody to these pathogens were higher in seals >1 year old compared to seals <1 year old. Two serovars of L. interrogans (Pomona and Canicola) were detected. Our results suggest a need for additional studies to clarify the impact of these pathogens on Caspian seal population decline and the improvement of management programs, including systematic screening to detect and protect the remaining population from disease outbreaks.

  14. Leptospira Interrogans Induces Fibrosis in the Mouse Kidney through Inos-Dependent, TLR- and NLR-Independent Signaling Pathways (United States)

    Fanton d'Andon, Martine; Quellard, Nathalie; Fernandez, Béatrice; Ratet, Gwenn; Lacroix-Lamandé, Sonia; Vandewalle, Alain; Boneca, Ivo G.; Goujon, Jean-Michel; Werts, Catherine


    Background Leptospira (L.) interrogans are bacteria responsible for a worldwide reemerging zoonosis. Rodents carry L. interrogans asymptomatically in their kidneys and excrete bacteria in the urine, contaminating the environment. Humans get infected through skin contact and develop a mild or severe leptospirosis that may lead to renal failure and fibrosis. L. interrogans provoke an interstitial nephritis, but the induction of fibrosis caused by L. interrogans has not been studied in murine models. Innate immune receptors from the TLR and NLR families have recently been shown to play a role in the development and progression of tissue fibrosis in the lung, liver and kidneys under different pathophysiological situations. We recently showed that TLR2, TLR4, and NLRP3 receptors were crucial in the defense against leptospirosis. Moreover, infection of a human cell line with L. interrogans was shown to induce TLR2-dependent production of fibronectin, a component of the extracellular matrix. Therefore, we thought to assess the presence of renal fibrosis in L. interrogans infected mice and to analyze the contribution of some innate immune pathways in this process. Methodology/principal findings Here, we characterized by immunohistochemical studies and quantitative real-time PCR, a model of Leptospira-infected C57BL/6J mice, with chronic carriage of L. interrogans inducing mild renal fibrosis. Using various strains of transgenic mice, we determined that the renal infiltrates of T cells and, unexpectedly, TLR and NLR receptors, are not required to generate Leptospira-induced renal fibrosis. We also show that the iNOS enzyme, known to play a role in Leptospira-induced interstitial nephritis, also plays a role in the induction of renal fibrosis. Conclusion/significance To our knowledge, this work provides the first experimental murine model of sustained renal fibrosis induced by a chronic bacterial infection that may be peculiar, since it does not rely on TLR or NLR receptors

  15. Vigilancia de Neisseria meningitidis en Argentina, 1993-2005: distribución de serogrupos, serotipos y serosubtipos causantes de enfermedad invasiva Surveillance of Neisseria meningitidis in Argentina, 1993-2005: Distribution of serogroups, serotypes and serosubtypes isolated from invasive disease

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    L. Chiavetta


    Full Text Available Neisseria meningitidis es agente causal de enfermedades severas como meningitis, bacteriemia y síndrome de shock séptico. Se presenta la distribución en serogrupos, serotipos y serosubtipos de 2244 aislamientos de N. meningitidis obtenidos de cuadros de meningitis y/o meningococcemia durante el período 1993-2005 y analizados en el Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia del INEI-ANLIS "Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán". Estos aislamientos eran provenientes de 33 hospitales de todo el país, conformados en una red nacional de laboratorios para el estudio de meningitis bacteriana. Durante el período 1993-1995 prevaleció el serogrupo B (66%, mientras que entre los años 1995 y 2001 prevaleció el serogrupo C (65%; a partir de esta fecha se restableció la prevalencia de B. En los últimos 5 años los serogrupos Y y W135 representaron en su conjunto el 15,6%, mientras que hasta el año 2000 no superaron el 4,7%. Se registró mayor diversidad en la distribución de serotipos y serosubtipos dentro del serogrupo B que dentro del serogrupo C. Los aislamientos no subtipables durante todo el período de estudio representaron el 52,8%; este elevado porcentaje evidencia la limitada capacidad de la serología para la determinación de subtipos de meningococo.Neisseria meningitidis is an important cause of meningitis, bacteremia and septic shock syndrome. We herein present the distribution of serogroups, serotypes and serosubtypes of 2244 isolates of N. meningitidis from patients with meningitis or meningococcemia, received within the period 1993-2005, in the National Reference Laboratory, INEI-ANLIS "Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán", from 33 Argentine hospitals that are included in a National Network devoted to for the study of bacterial meningitis. Between 1993-1995, serogroup B was prevalent (66% whereas in the period from 1995-2001, serogroup C prevailed (65%. However, following but after that period, the prevalence of serogroup B was recovered. In the last 5 years of the

  16. Cloning, high-level expression, purification and crystallization of peptide deformylase from Leptospira interrogans. (United States)

    Li, Yikun; Ren, Shuangxi; Gong, Weimin


    A new peptide deformylase (PDF; EC gene from Leptospira interrogans was identified and cloned into expression plasmid pET22b(+) and was highly expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). With DEAE-Sepharose anion-exchange chromatography followed by Superdex G-75 size-exclusion chromatography, 60 mg of PDF from L. interrogans was purified from 1 l of cell culture. Crystallization screening of the purified enzyme resulted in two crystal forms, from one of which a 3 A resolution X-ray diffraction data set has been collected.

  17. Vigilancia de Neisseria meningitidis en Argentina, 1993-2005: distribución de serogrupos, serotipos y serosubtipos causantes de enfermedad invasiva


    Chiavetta, L.; Chávez, E.; Ruzic, A.; Mollerach, M.; Regueira, M.


    Neisseria meningitidis es agente causal de enfermedades severas como meningitis, bacteriemia y síndrome de shock séptico. Se presenta la distribución en serogrupos, serotipos y serosubtipos de 2244 aislamientos de N. meningitidis obtenidos de cuadros de meningitis y/o meningococcemia durante el período 1993-2005 y analizados en el Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia del INEI-ANLIS "Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán". Estos aislamientos eran provenientes de 33 hospitales de todo el país, conformados en una...

  18. Effects of Culling on Leptospira interrogans Carriage by Rats (United States)

    Byers, Kaylee A.; Donovan, Christina M.; Bidulka, Julie J.; Stephen, Craig; Patrick, David M.; Himsworth, Chelsea G.


    We found that lethal, urban rat control is associated with a significant increase in the odds that surviving rats carry Leptospira interrogans. Our results suggest that human interventions have the potential to affect and even increase the prevalence of zoonotic pathogens within rat populations. PMID:29350160

  19. Draft Genome Sequence of Leptospira interrogans Serovar Bataviae Strain LepIMR 22 Isolated from a Rodent in Johor, Malaysia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amran, Fairuz; Mohd Khalid, Mohd Khairul Nizam; Mohamad, Saharuddin; Mat Ripen, Adiratna; Ahmad, Norazah; Goris, Marga G. A.; Muhammad, Ayu Haslin; Noor Halim, Nurul Atiqah


    Leptospira interrogans serovar Bataviae was recently identified as one of the persistent Leptospira serovars in Malaysia. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of the L. interrogans serovar Bataviae strain LepIMR 22 isolated from kidney of a rodent in Johor, Malaysia

  20. Efectividad y duración de la inmunidad de la vacuna frente al meningococo serogrupo A y C


    García Comas Luis; Ramírez Fernández Rosa; Castañeda López Rosario; Sanz Moreno Juan Carlos; Vázquez Moreno Julio; Lasheras Carbajo Mª Dolores; Barranco Ordoñez Dolores; Ruiz Contreras Jesús; Jover Ibarra José


    FUNDAMENTO: La Comunidad de Madrid detectó a partir de 1995 un incremento del número de casos de enfermedad meningocócica por serogrupo C. En 1997 se realizó una campaña de inmunización masiva sobre la población de 18 meses a 19 años. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la respuesta inmunitaria producida por la vacuna y su relación con la edad. MÉTODOS: Se seleccionó una muestra de 1.003 niños vacunados durante la campaña. Se extrajo una muestra de sangre antes de la vacunación y tras uno,...

  1. The passive diffusion of Leptospira interrogans (United States)

    Koens, Lyndon; Lauga, Eric


    Motivated by recent experimental measurements, the passive diffusion of the bacterium Leptospira interrogans is investigated theoretically. By approximating the cell shape as a straight helix and using the slender-body-theory approximation of Stokesian hydrodynamics, the resistance matrix of Leptospira is first determined numerically. The passive diffusion of the helical cell is then obtained computationally using a Langevin formulation which is sampled in time in a manner consistent with the experimental procedure. Our results are in excellent quantitative agreement with the experimental results with no adjustable parameters.

  2. Draft Genome Sequence of Leptospira interrogans Serovar Bataviae Strain LepIMR 22 Isolated from a Rodent in Johor, Malaysia. (United States)

    Amran, Fairuz; Mohd Khalid, Mohd Khairul Nizam; Mohamad, Saharuddin; Mat Ripen, Adiratna; Ahmad, Norazah; Goris, Marga G A; Muhammad, Ayu Haslin; Noor Halim, Nurul Atiqah


    Leptospira interrogans serovar Bataviae was recently identified as one of the persistent Leptospira serovars in Malaysia. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of the L. interrogans serovar Bataviae strain LepIMR 22 isolated from kidney of a rodent in Johor, Malaysia. Copyright © 2016 Amran et al.

  3. The passive diffusion of Leptospira interrogans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koens, Lyndon; Lauga, Eric


    Motivated by recent experimental measurements, the passive diffusion of the bacterium Leptospira interrogans is investigated theoretically. By approximating the cell shape as a straight helix and using the slender-body-theory approximation of Stokesian hydrodynamics, the resistance matrix of Leptospira is first determined numerically. The passive diffusion of the helical cell is then obtained computationally using a Langevin formulation which is sampled in time in a manner consistent with the experimental procedure. Our results are in excellent quantitative agreement with the experimental results with no adjustable parameters. (paper)

  4. Leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni harbors two lexA genes involved in SOS response.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciane S Fonseca

    Full Text Available Bacteria activate a regulatory network in response to the challenges imposed by DNA damage to genetic material, known as the SOS response. This system is regulated by the RecA recombinase and by the transcriptional repressor lexA. Leptospira interrogans is a pathogen capable of surviving in the environment for weeks, being exposed to a great variety of stress agents and yet retaining its ability to infect the host. This study aims to investigate the behavior of L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni after the stress induced by DNA damage. We show that L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni genome contains two genes encoding putative LexA proteins (lexA1 and lexA2 one of them being potentially acquired by lateral gene transfer. Both genes are induced after DNA damage, but the steady state levels of both LexA proteins drop, probably due to auto-proteolytic activity triggered in this condition. In addition, seven other genes were up-regulated following UV-C irradiation, recA, recN, dinP, and four genes encoding hypothetical proteins. This set of genes is potentially regulated by LexA1, as it showed binding to their promoter regions. All these regions contain degenerated sequences in relation to the previously described SOS box, TTTGN 5CAAA. On the other hand, LexA2 was able to bind to the palindrome TTGTAN10TACAA, found in its own promoter region, but not in the others. Therefore, the L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni SOS regulon may be even more complex, as a result of LexA1 and LexA2 binding to divergent motifs. New possibilities for DNA damage response in Leptospira are expected, with potential influence in other biological responses such as virulence.

  5. The EbpA-RpoN Regulatory Pathway of the Pathogen Leptospira interrogans Is Essential for Survival in the Environment (United States)

    Hu, Wei-Lin; Pappas, Christopher J.; Zhang, Jun-Jie; Yang, You-Yun; Yan, Jie


    ABSTRACT Leptospira interrogans is the agent of leptospirosis, a reemerging zoonotic disease. It is transmitted to humans through environmental surface waters contaminated by the urine of mammals chronically infected by pathogenic strains able to survive in water for long periods. Little is known about the regulatory pathways underlying environmental sensing and host adaptation of L. interrogans during its enzootic cycle. This study identifies the EbpA-RpoN regulatory pathway in L. interrogans. In this pathway, EbpA, a σ54 activator and putative prokaryotic enhancer-binding protein (EBP), and the alternative sigma factor RpoN (σ54) control expression of at least three genes, encoding AmtB (an ammonium transport protein) and two proteins of unknown function. Electrophoresis mobility shift assay demonstrated that recombinant RpoN and EbpA bind to the promoter region and upstream of these three identified genes, respectively. Genetic disruption of ebpA in L. interrogans serovar Manilae virtually abolished expression of the three genes, including amtB in two independent ebpA mutants. Complementation of the ebpA mutant restored expression of these genes. Intraperitoneal inoculation of gerbils with the ebpA mutant did not affect mortality. However, the ebpA mutant had decreased cell length in vitro and had a significantly lowered cell density at stationary phase when grown with l-alanine as the sole nitrogen source. Furthermore, the ebpA mutant has dramatically reduced long-term survival ability in water. Together, these studies identify a regulatory pathway, the EbpA-RpoN pathway, that plays an important role in the zoonotic cycle of L. interrogans. IMPORTANCE Leptospirosis is a reemerging disease with global importance. However, our understanding of gene regulation of the spirochetal pathogen Leptospira interrogans is still in its infancy, largely due to the lack of robust tools for genetic manipulation of this spirochete. Little is known about how the pathogen

  6. The EbpA-RpoN Regulatory Pathway of the Pathogen Leptospira interrogans Is Essential for Survival in the Environment. (United States)

    Hu, Wei-Lin; Pappas, Christopher J; Zhang, Jun-Jie; Yang, You-Yun; Yan, Jie; Picardeau, Mathieu; Yang, X Frank


    Leptospira interrogans is the agent of leptospirosis, a reemerging zoonotic disease. It is transmitted to humans through environmental surface waters contaminated by the urine of mammals chronically infected by pathogenic strains able to survive in water for long periods. Little is known about the regulatory pathways underlying environmental sensing and host adaptation of L. interrogans during its enzootic cycle. This study identifies the EbpA-RpoN regulatory pathway in L. interrogans In this pathway, EbpA, a σ 54 activator and putative prokaryotic enhancer-binding protein (EBP), and the alternative sigma factor RpoN (σ 54 ) control expression of at least three genes, encoding AmtB (an ammonium transport protein) and two proteins of unknown function. Electrophoresis mobility shift assay demonstrated that recombinant RpoN and EbpA bind to the promoter region and upstream of these three identified genes, respectively. Genetic disruption of ebpA in L. interrogans serovar Manilae virtually abolished expression of the three genes, including amtB in two independent ebpA mutants. Complementation of the ebpA mutant restored expression of these genes. Intraperitoneal inoculation of gerbils with the ebpA mutant did not affect mortality. However, the ebpA mutant had decreased cell length in vitro and had a significantly lowered cell density at stationary phase when grown with l-alanine as the sole nitrogen source. Furthermore, the ebpA mutant has dramatically reduced long-term survival ability in water. Together, these studies identify a regulatory pathway, the EbpA-RpoN pathway, that plays an important role in the zoonotic cycle of L. interrogans IMPORTANCE: Leptospirosis is a reemerging disease with global importance. However, our understanding of gene regulation of the spirochetal pathogen Leptospira interrogans is still in its infancy, largely due to the lack of robust tools for genetic manipulation of this spirochete. Little is known about how the pathogen achieves its

  7. Characterization of Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona isolated from swine in Brazil

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miraglia, Fabiana; Moreno, Luisa Z.; Morais, Zenaide M.; Langoni, Helio; Shimabukuro, Fabio H.; Dellagostin, Odir A.; Hartskeerl, Rudy; Vasconcellos, Silvio A.; Moreno, Andrea Micke


    Leptospira interrogans swine infection is a cause of serious economic loss and a potential human health hazard. In Brazil, the most common serovars associated with swine infections are Pomona, Icterohaemorrhagie and Tarassovi. Cross-reactions among serovars and the failure of infected animals to

  8. Putative outer membrane proteins of Leptospira interrogans stimulate human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECS) and express during infection. (United States)

    Gómez, Ricardo M; Vieira, Monica L; Schattner, Mirta; Malaver, Elisa; Watanabe, Monica M; Barbosa, Angela S; Abreu, Patricia A E; de Morais, Zenaide M; Cifuente, Javier O; Atzingen, Marina V; Oliveira, Tatiane R; Vasconcellos, Silvio A; Nascimento, Ana L T O


    Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) are surface receptors present in eukaryotic cells that mediate cell-cell or cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Vascular endothelium stimulation in vitro that lead to the upregulation of CAMs was reported for the pathogenic spirochaetes, including rLIC10365 of Leptospira interrogans. In this study, we report the cloning of LIC10507, LIC10508, LIC10509 genes of L. interrogans using Escherichia coli as a host system. The rational for selecting these sequences is due to their location in L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni genome that has a potential involvement in pathogenesis. The genes encode for predicted lipoproteins with no assigned functions. The purified recombinant proteins were capable to promote the upregulation of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and E-selectin on monolayers of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECS). In addition, the coding sequences are expressed in the renal tubules of animal during bacterial experimental infection. The proteins are probably located at the outer membrane of the bacteria since they are detected in detergent-phase of L. interrogans Triton X-114 extract. Altogether our data suggest a possible involvement of these proteins during bacterial infection and provide new insights into the role of this region in the pathogenesis of Leptospira.

  9. Complete genome sequence of Leptospira interrogans serovar Bratislava, strain PigK151 (United States)

    The genus Leptospira contains pathogens serologically classified into over 250 serovars, intermediate pathogens and saprophytes with genetic classification into 21 different species. Worldwide, leptospirosis is one of the most widespread zoonoses. L. interrogans serovar Bratislava has been isolated ...

  10. Desarrollo y validación de una reacción en cadena de la polimerasa múltiple para la identificación de los serogrupos B, C2, D y E de Salmonella enterica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nora Cardona-Castro


    Conclusiones. El polimorfismo de los genes rfbJ y wzx permitió desarrollar un método de tipificación molecular sensible, específico y reproducible, que podría servir de apoyo a la serotipificación para identificar serogrupos de Salmonella.

  11. Estandarización de ensayos inmunoenzimáticos (ELISA para la cuantificación de anticuerpos IgG inducidos por una vacuna de vesículas de membrana externa de los serogrupos A y W135 de Neisseria meningitidis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleida Mandiarote


    Full Text Available La enfermedad meningocócica es una afección invasiva, de amplia incidencia mundial, cuyo agente causal es la bacteria gramnegativa Neisseria meningitidis . Existen vacunas polisacarídicas sin conjugar o conjugadas, contra cuatro de los cinco serogrupos responsables del 95% de los casos en el mundo. Para el serogrupo B, cuyo polisacárido es pobremente inmunogénico, se han evaluado varios candidatos vacunales producidos a base de vesículas de membrana externa. La determinación de la actividad bactericida y la cuantificación de IgG por ELISA han sido los métodos más utilizados en la medición de la respuesta inmune generada por vacunas contra la meningitis meningocócica. El segundo de estos métodos es utilizado en el Instituto Finlay como ensayo de inmunogenicidad para la liberación de lotes de VA-MENGOC-BC®. Como parte de una colaboración con investigadores noruegos, se trabaja en la obtención de un candidato vacunal contra los serogrupos A y W135 , basado en vesículas de membrana externa. En el presente trabajo se describe la estandarización de un ELISA para ser utilizado en la evaluación de la respuesta inmune del candidato vacunal bivalente.

  12. The classification of Sejroe group serovars of Leptospira interrogans with monoclonal antibodies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Terpstra, W. J.; Korver, H.; van Leeuwen, J.; Klatser, P. R.; Kolk, A. H.


    Using the hybridoma technique we produced monoclonal antibodies to serovars of Leptospira interrogans. We focussed on serovar hardjo which is an important pathogen for humans and animals, and on other serovars of the Sejroe group. With combinations of monoclonals, characteristic patterns of

  13. Estudos estruturais de proteínas de Leptospira interrogans sorovar Copenhageni potencialmente localizadas no envelope celular


    Priscila Oliveira de Giuseppe


    Resumo: Leptospira interrogans é uma bactéria espiroqueta que causa a leptospirose, uma zoonose de distribuição mundial que afeta mais de 500.000 pessoas anualmente. Pouco se sabe sobre a biologia de leptospiras, o que dificulta a elaboração de novas estratégias de prevenção e de tratamento contra a doença. Cerca de 60 % dos genes de L. interrogans codifica proteínas que não apresentam similaridade de sequência significativa com proteínas de função conhecida. Como a estrutura cristalográfica ...

  14. Resultados del estudio serológico tras la vacunación frente a Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo C en niños


    María Isabel Espín Ríos


    BACKGROUND: El aumento de incidencia de enfermedad meningocócica en la Región de Murcia en la temporada 1996/97 motivó que la Dirección General de Salud desarrollara en septiembre-octubre de 1997 una Campaña de Vacunación frente al meningococo serogrupo C. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer el porcentaje de niños menores de 5 años de edad que mostraban seroconversión postvacunal al mes de la vacunación y el porcentaje de los mismos que conservaban inmunidad al año de la vacunación. MÉTOD...

  15. Protein and antigen profiles of Leptospira interrogans serovar Hardjo Perfil proteico e antigênico da Leptospira interrogans sorovariedade Hardjo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bárbara Nobre Lafetá


    Full Text Available The protein profile of the outer membrane of Leptospira interrogans serovar Hardjo subtype hardjoprajitno associated with the bovine natural immune response was investigated. The outer membrane proteins were extracted utilizing Triton X114 and precipitated with acetone. The protein sample was then resolved by SDS-PAGE and reacted in western blot against sera from a hyperimmune rabbit and from naturally infected bovines. In silver stained gels, 14 protein bands were observed, among which four proteins, with 22, 29, 47 and 63kDa, appeared as major constituents. Western blot tests with hyperimmune rabbit antiserum detected bands corresponding to proteins with 35; 27; 24; 21; 17 and 14kDa, while 32kDa and 45kDa proteins were the most immunoreactive with sera from naturally infected bovines.Estudou-se o perfil proteico da membrana externa da Leptospira interrogans sorovariedade Hardjo, amostra hardjoprajitno, associado à resposta imune natural de bovinos infectados. Foram utilizados Triton X114 para a extração das proteínas de membrana externa e acetona para precipitá-las. As proteínas extraídas foram analisadas por SDS-PAGE e western blot contra soro de coelhos hiperimunes e de bovinos naturalmente infectados. Em géis corados com nitrato de prata, 14 bandas proteicas foram identificadas, e quatro dessas bandas, com 22, 29, 47 e 63kDa, foram as mais proeminentes. Os western blots com soro hiperimune de coelho detectaram bandas correspondentes a proteínas com pesos moleculares de 35, 27, 24, 21, 17 e 14kDa, e bandas de 32 e 45kDa destacaram-se nos testes com soros de bovinos naturalmente infectados.

  16. Isolation of Salmonella enterica and serologic reactivity to Leptospira interrogans in opossums (Didelphis virginiana) from Yucatán, México. (United States)

    Ruiz-Pina, Hugo Antonio; Puc-Franco, Miguel Angel; Flores-Abuxapqui, Javier; Vado-Solis, Ignacio; Cardenas-Marrufo, María Fidelia


    The presence of Salmonella enterica and serologic evidence of infection by Leptospira interrogans, were detected in the opossum Didelphis virginiana in a semi-urban locality of the Yucatán State, México. Ninety-one opossums were captured during the period April 1996 and May 1998. From a total of 17 feces samples, four Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotypes (Sandiego, Newport, Anatum, and Minnesota), and one Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae serovar O44:Z4,Z23:- were isolated. Some opossums presented mixed infections. From 81 sera samples, four (4.9%) were positive to antibodies to Leptospira serovars pomona and wolfii. Both animals infected with Salmonella enterica and those serologically positive to Leptospira interrogans were captured in peridomestic habitat. Opossums infected with Salmonella enterica, were captured in dry season, and those seropositive to Leptospira interrogans during the rainy season. The implications of infection and reactivity of these zoonotic pathogens in D. virginiana in the Yucatan state are briefly discussed.

  17. Molecular characterization, serotyping, and antibiotic susceptibility profile of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni isolates from Brazil

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miraglia, Fabiana; Matsuo, Minekazo; Morais, Zenaide Maria; Dellagostin, Odir Antonio; Seixas, Fabiana Kömmling; Freitas, Julio César; Hartskeerl, Rudy; Moreno, Luisa Zanolli; Costa, Bárbara Letícia; Souza, Gisele Oliveira; Vasconcellos, Silvio Arruda; Moreno, Andrea Micke


    Leptospira interrogans serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae is the major serogroup infecting humans worldwide, and rodents and dogs are the most significant transmission sources in urban environments. Knowledge of the prevalent serovars and their maintenance hosts is essential to understand the

  18. [Expression changes of major outer membrane protein antigens in Leptospira interrogans during infection and its mechanism]. (United States)

    Zheng, Linli; Ge, Yumei; Hu, Weilin; Yan, Jie


    To determine expression changes of major outer membrane protein(OMP) antigens of Leptospira interrogans serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar Lai strain Lai during infection of human macrophages and its mechanism. OmpR encoding genes and OmpR-related histidine kinase (HK) encoding gene of L.interrogans strain Lai and their functional domains were predicted using bioinformatics technique. mRNA level changes of the leptospiral major OMP-encoding genes before and after infection of human THP-1 macrophages were detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR. Effects of the OmpR-encoding genes and HK-encoding gene on the expression of leptospiral OMPs during infection were determined by HK-peptide antiserum block assay and closantel inhibitive assays. The bioinformatics analysis indicated that LB015 and LB333 were referred to OmpR-encoding genes of the spirochete, while LB014 might act as a OmpR-related HK-encoding gene. After the spirochete infecting THP-1 cells, mRNA levels of leptospiral lipL21, lipL32 and lipL41 genes were rapidly and persistently down-regulated (P Expression levels of L.interrogans strain Lai major OMP antigens present notable changes during infection of human macrophages. There is a group of OmpR-and HK-encoding genes which may play a major role in down-regulation of expression levels of partial OMP antigens during infection.

  19. Isolation of Salmonella enterica and serologic reactivity to Leptospira interrogans in opossums (Didelphis virginiana from Yucatán, México Aislamiento de Salmonella enterica y reactividad serológica a Leptospira interrogans en tlacuaches (Didelphis virginiana de Yucatán, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo Antonio RUIZ-PIÑA


    Full Text Available The presence of Salmonella enterica and serologic evidence of infection by Leptospira interrogans, were detected in the opossum Didelphis virginiana in a semi-urban locality of the Yucatán State, México. Ninety-one opossums were captured during the period April 1996 and May 1998. From a total of 17 feces samples, four Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotypes (Sandiego, Newport, Anatum, and Minnesota, and one Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae serovar O44:Z4,Z23:- were isolated. Some opossums presented mixed infections. From 81 sera samples, four (4.9% were positive to antibodies to Leptospira serovars pomona and wolfii. Both animals infected with Salmonella enterica and those serologically positive to Leptospira interrogans were captured in peridomestic habitat. Opossums infected with Salmonella enterica, were captured in dry season, and those seropositive to Leptospira interrogans during the rainy season. The implications of infection and reactivity of these zoonotic pathogens in D. virginiana in the Yucatan state are briefly discussed.La presencia de Salmonella enterica y evidencia serológica de infección por Leptospira interrogans fueron detectadas en tlacuaches de la especie Didelphis virginiana capturados en una localidad semi-urbana del estado de Yucatán, México. Se capturaron 91 marsupiales durante el período de abril de 1996 a mayo de 1998. De un total de 17 muestras de heces, se aislaron cuatro serotipos de Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (Sandiego, Newport, Anatum y Minnesota y una Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae serovar O44:Z4,Z23:-. En algunos tlacuaches se registraron infecciones mixtas. De 81 muestras de suero, cuatro (4,9% presentaron reacciones positivas con los serovares pomona y wolffi, ambos pertenecientes al género Leptospira. Los tlacuaches con serología positiva fueron capturados en el hábitat peridomiciliar. Los animales infectados con Salmonella enterica fueron capturados en los períodos de seca y

  20. Transcriptional response of Leptospira interrogans to iron limitation and characterization of a PerR homolog (United States)

    Leptospira interrogans is the causative agent of leptospirosis, a zoonosis of global significance. Iron is essential for growth of most bacterial species. Since availability of iron is low in the host, pathogens have evolved complex iron acquisition mechanisms to survive and establish infection. In ...

  1. Purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies on 2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactarate aldolase from Leptospira interrogans

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Xu; Huang, Hua [Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027 (China); Song, Xiaomin [Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027 (China); National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101 (China); Wang, Yanli; Xu, Hang [National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101 (China); Teng, Maikun [Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027 (China); Gong, Weimin, E-mail: [Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027 (China); National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101 (China)


    Preliminary crystallographic studies on 2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactarate aldolase from L. interrogans. 2-Dehydro-3-deoxygalactarate (DDG) aldolase is a member of the class II aldolase family and plays an important role in the pyruvate-metabolism pathway, catalyzing the reversible aldol cleavage of DDG to pyruvate and tartronic semialdehyde. As it is a potential novel antibiotic target, it is necessary to elucidate the catalytic mechanism of DDG aldolase. To determine the crystal structure, crystals of DDG aldolase from Leptospira interrogans were obtained by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. The crystals diffracted to 2.2 Å resolution using a Cu Kα rotating-anode X-ray source. The crystal belonged to space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 293.5, b = 125.6, c = 87.6 Å, β = 100.9°. The V{sub M} is calculated to be 2.4 Å{sup 3} Da{sup −1}, assuming there to be 12 protein molecules in the asymmetric unit.

  2. Purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies on 2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactarate aldolase from Leptospira interrogans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Xu; Huang, Hua; Song, Xiaomin; Wang, Yanli; Xu, Hang; Teng, Maikun; Gong, Weimin


    Preliminary crystallographic studies on 2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactarate aldolase from L. interrogans. 2-Dehydro-3-deoxygalactarate (DDG) aldolase is a member of the class II aldolase family and plays an important role in the pyruvate-metabolism pathway, catalyzing the reversible aldol cleavage of DDG to pyruvate and tartronic semialdehyde. As it is a potential novel antibiotic target, it is necessary to elucidate the catalytic mechanism of DDG aldolase. To determine the crystal structure, crystals of DDG aldolase from Leptospira interrogans were obtained by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. The crystals diffracted to 2.2 Å resolution using a Cu Kα rotating-anode X-ray source. The crystal belonged to space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 293.5, b = 125.6, c = 87.6 Å, β = 100.9°. The V M is calculated to be 2.4 Å 3 Da −1 , assuming there to be 12 protein molecules in the asymmetric unit

  3. Comparative genomics of pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola isolated from swine and human in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luisa Z Moreno

    Full Text Available Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola is one of the most important pathogenic serovars for the maintenance of urban leptospirosis. Even though it is considered highly adapted to dogs, serovar Canicola infection has already been described in other animals and even a few human cases. Here, we present the genomic characterisation of two Brazilian L. interrogans serovar Canicola strains isolated from slaughtered sows (L0-3 and L0-4 and their comparison with human strain Fiocruz LV133. It was observed that the porcine serovar Canicola strains present the genetic machinery to cause human infection and, therefore, represent a higher risk to public health. Both human and porcine serovar Canicola isolates also presented sequences with high identity to the Chinese serovar Canicola published plasmids pGui1 and pGui2. The plasmids identification in the Brazilian and Chinese serovar Canicola strains suggest that extra-chromosomal elements are one more feature of this serovar that was previously unnoticed.

  4. A putative regulatory genetic locus modulates virulence in the pathogen Leptospira interrogans. (United States)

    Eshghi, Azad; Becam, Jérôme; Lambert, Ambroise; Sismeiro, Odile; Dillies, Marie-Agnès; Jagla, Bernd; Wunder, Elsio A; Ko, Albert I; Coppee, Jean-Yves; Goarant, Cyrille; Picardeau, Mathieu


    Limited research has been conducted on the role of transcriptional regulators in relation to virulence in Leptospira interrogans, the etiological agent of leptospirosis. Here, we identify an L. interrogans locus that encodes a sensor protein, an anti-sigma factor antagonist, and two genes encoding proteins of unknown function. Transposon insertion into the gene encoding the sensor protein led to dampened transcription of the other 3 genes in this locus. This lb139 insertion mutant (the lb139(-) mutant) displayed attenuated virulence in the hamster model of infection and reduced motility in vitro. Whole-transcriptome analyses using RNA sequencing revealed the downregulation of 115 genes and the upregulation of 28 genes, with an overrepresentation of gene products functioning in motility and signal transduction and numerous gene products with unknown functions, predicted to be localized to the extracellular space. Another significant finding encompassed suppressed expression of the majority of the genes previously demonstrated to be upregulated at physiological osmolarity, including the sphingomyelinase C precursor Sph2 and LigB. We provide insight into a possible requirement for transcriptional regulation as it relates to leptospiral virulence and suggest various biological processes that are affected due to the loss of native expression of this genetic locus.

  5. Expression and characterization of an iron-regulated hemin-binding protein, HbpA, from Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai. (United States)

    Asuthkar, Swapna; Velineni, Sridhar; Stadlmann, Johannes; Altmann, Friedrich; Sritharan, Manjula


    In an earlier study, based on the ferric enterobactin receptor FepA of Escherichia coli, we identified and modeled a TonB-dependent outer membrane receptor protein (LB191) from the genome of Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai. Based on in silico analysis, we hypothesized that this protein was an iron-dependent hemin-binding protein. In this study, we provide experimental evidence to prove that this protein, termed HbpA (hemin-binding protein A), is indeed an iron-regulated hemin-binding protein. We cloned and expressed the full-length 81-kDa recombinant rHbpA protein and a truncated 55-kDa protein from L. interrogans serovar Lai, both of which bind hemin-agarose. Assay of hemin-associated peroxidase activity and spectrofluorimetric analysis provided confirmatory evidence of hemin binding by HbpA. Immunofluorescence studies by confocal microscopy and the microscopic agglutination test demonstrated the surface localization and the iron-regulated expression of HbpA in L. interrogans. Southern blot analysis confirmed our earlier observation that the hbpA gene was present only in some of the pathogenic serovars and was absent in Leptospira biflexa. Hemin-agarose affinity studies showed another hemin-binding protein with a molecular mass of approximately 44 kDa, whose expression was independent of iron levels. This protein was seen in several serovars, including nonpathogenic L. biflexa. Sequence analysis and immunoreactivity with specific antibodies showed this protein to be LipL41.

  6. First Isolates of Leptospira spp., from Rodents Captured in Angola (United States)

    Fortes-Gabriel, Elsa; Carreira, Teresa; Vieira, Maria Luísa


    Rodents play an important role in the transmission of pathogenic Leptospira spp. However, in Angola, neither the natural reservoirs of these spirochetes nor leptospirosis diagnosis has been considered. Regarding this gap, we captured rodents in Luanda and Huambo provinces to identify circulating Leptospira spp. Rodent kidney tissue was cultured and DNA amplified and sequenced. Culture isolates were evaluated for pathogenic status and typing with rabbit antisera; polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing were also performed. A total of 37 rodents were captured: Rattus rattus (15, 40.5%), Rattus norvegicus (9, 24.3%), and Mus musculus (13, 35.2%). Leptospiral DNA was amplified in eight (21.6%) kidney samples. From the cultures, we obtained four (10.8%) Leptospira isolates belonging to the Icterohaemorrhagiae and Ballum serogroups of Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira borgpetersenii genospecies, respectively. This study provides information about circulating leptospires spread by rats and mice in Angola. PMID:26928840

  7. Interleukin 12 in part regulates gamma interferon release in human whole blood stimulated with Leptospira interrogans

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Fost, Maaike; Hartskeerl, Rudy A.; Groenendijk, Martijn R.; van der Poll, Tom


    Heat-killed pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serovar rachmati induced the production of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and the IFN-gamma-inducing cytokines interleukin-12p40 (IL-12p40) and tumor necrosis factor alpha in human whole blood in vitro. The production of IFN-gamma was largely dependent on

  8. Immunoreactivity of the AAA+ chaperone ClpB from Leptospira interrogans with sera from Leptospira-infected animals. (United States)

    Krajewska, Joanna; Arent, Zbigniew; Więckowski, Daniel; Zolkiewski, Michal; Kędzierska-Mieszkowska, Sabina


    Leptospira interrogans is a spirochaete responsible for leptospirosis in mammals. The molecular mechanisms of the Leptospira virulence remain mostly unknown. Recently, it has been demonstrated that L. interrogans ClpB (ClpBLi) is essential for bacterial survival under stressful conditions and also during infection. The aim of this study was to provide further insight into the role of ClpB in L. interrogans and answer the question whether ClpBLi as a potential virulence factor may be a target of the humoral immune response during leptospiral infections in mammals. ClpBLi consists of 860 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 96.3 kDa and shows multi-domain organization similar to that of the well-characterized ClpB from Escherichia coli. The amino acid sequence identity between ClpBLi and E. coli ClpB is 52 %. The coding sequence of the clpB Li gene was cloned and expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) strain. Immunoreactivity of the recombinant ClpBLi protein was assessed with the sera collected from Leptospira-infected animals and uninfected healthy controls. Western blotting and ELISA analysis demonstrated that ClpBLi activates the host immune system, as evidenced by an increased level of antibodies against ClpBLi in the sera from infected animals, as compared to the control group. Additionally, ClpBLi was found in kidney tissues of Leptospira-infected hamsters. ClpBLi is both synthesized and immunogenic during the infectious process, further supporting its involvement in the pathogenicity of Leptospira. In addition, the immunological properties of ClpBLi point to its potential value as a diagnostic antigen for the detection of leptospirosis.

  9. Generation of mammalian host-adapted Leptospira interrogans by cultivation in peritoneal dialysis membrane chamber implantation in rats (United States)

    Leptospira interrogans can infect a myriad of mammalian hosts, including humans (Bharti, Nally et al. 2003, Ko, Goarant et al. 2009). Following acquisition by a suitable host, leptospires disseminate via the bloodstream to multiple tissues, including the kidneys, where they adhere to and colonize th...

  10. Crystal structure of homoserine O-acetyltransferase from Leptospira interrogans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Mingzhu; Liu Lin; Wang Yanli; Wei Zhiyi; Zhang Ping; Li Yikun; Jiang Xiaohua; Xu Hang; Gong Weimin


    Homoserine O-acetyltransferase (HTA, EC initiates methionine biosynthesis pathway by catalyzing the transfer of acetyl group from acetyl-CoA to homoserine. This study reports the crystal structure of HTA from Leptospira interrogans determined at 2.2 A resolution using selenomethionyl single-wavelength anomalous diffraction method. HTA is modular and consists of two structurally distinct domains-a core α/β domain containing the catalytic site and a helical bundle called the lid domain. Overall, the structure fold belongs to α/β hydrolase superfamily with the characteristic 'catalytic triad' residues in the active site. Detailed structure analysis showed that the catalytic histidine and serine are both present in two conformations, which may be involved in the catalytic mechanism for acetyl transfer

  11. First Isolates of Leptospira spp., from Rodents Captured in Angola. (United States)

    Fortes-Gabriel, Elsa; Carreira, Teresa; Vieira, Maria Luísa


    Rodents play an important role in the transmission of pathogenic Leptospira spp. However, in Angola, neither the natural reservoirs of these spirochetes nor leptospirosis diagnosis has been considered. Regarding this gap, we captured rodents in Luanda and Huambo provinces to identify circulating Leptospira spp. Rodent kidney tissue was cultured and DNA amplified and sequenced. Culture isolates were evaluated for pathogenic status and typing with rabbit antisera; polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing were also performed. A total of 37 rodents were captured: Rattus rattus (15, 40.5%), Rattus norvegicus (9, 24.3%), and Mus musculus (13, 35.2%). Leptospiral DNA was amplified in eight (21.6%) kidney samples. From the cultures, we obtained four (10.8%) Leptospira isolates belonging to the Icterohaemorrhagiae and Ballum serogroups of Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira borgpetersenii genospecies, respectively. This study provides information about circulating leptospires spread by rats and mice in Angola. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  12. La ecología de Vibrio cholerae serogrupo 01 en ambientes acuáticos

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    René J. Borroto

    Full Text Available El carácter endémico y estacional del cólera depende de la supervivencia de Vibrio cholerae serogrupo 01 en estado viable, pero no necesariamente cultivable, en nichos ecológicos localizados en ambientes acuáticos durante períodos interepidémicos. Para comprender la ecología de V. cholerae es preciso conocer los ecosistemas acuáticos que pudieran albergarlo y contribuir a la presencia endémica del cólera en América Latina. El presente artículo tiene por objetivo presentar, en términos resumidos, la ecología de V. cholerae 01 organizada según los factores abióticos y bióticos que desempeñan funciones relevantes en la supervivencia del microbio en ambientes acuáticos. Este agente patógeno encuentra condiciones favorables en aguas caracterizadas por niveles moderados de salinidad, un alto contenido de nutrientes, temperaturas cálidas, un pH neutro o ligeramente alcalino y la presencia de macrófitas acuáticas, fitoplancton, zooplancton, peces, moluscos y crustáceos. Estas condiciones ecológicas son propias de los ecosistemas acuáticos de estuarios y pantanos costeros, de cuya flora microbiana V. cholerae 01 toxígeno se considera actualmente un miembro autóctono. Este microorganismo también se ha mostrado capaz de colonizar ecosistemas de agua dulce en su forma viable, aunque no necesariamente cultivable, si encuentra sustratos orgánicos e inorgánicos que favorezcan su supervivencia.

  13. La ecología de Vibrio cholerae serogrupo 01 en ambientes acuáticos

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    Borroto René J.


    Full Text Available El carácter endémico y estacional del cólera depende de la supervivencia de Vibrio cholerae serogrupo 01 en estado viable, pero no necesariamente cultivable, en nichos ecológicos localizados en ambientes acuáticos durante períodos interepidémicos. Para comprender la ecología de V. cholerae es preciso conocer los ecosistemas acuáticos que pudieran albergarlo y contribuir a la presencia endémica del cólera en América Latina. El presente artículo tiene por objetivo presentar, en términos resumidos, la ecología de V. cholerae 01 organizada según los factores abióticos y bióticos que desempeñan funciones relevantes en la supervivencia del microbio en ambientes acuáticos. Este agente patógeno encuentra condiciones favorables en aguas caracterizadas por niveles moderados de salinidad, un alto contenido de nutrientes, temperaturas cálidas, un pH neutro o ligeramente alcalino y la presencia de macrófitas acuáticas, fitoplancton, zooplancton, peces, moluscos y crustáceos. Estas condiciones ecológicas son propias de los ecosistemas acuáticos de estuarios y pantanos costeros, de cuya flora microbiana V. cholerae 01 toxígeno se considera actualmente un miembro autóctono. Este microorganismo también se ha mostrado capaz de colonizar ecosistemas de agua dulce en su forma viable, aunque no necesariamente cultivable, si encuentra sustratos orgánicos e inorgánicos que favorezcan su supervivencia.

  14. A LigA three-domain region protects hamsters from lethal infection by Leptospira interrogans.

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    Mariana L Coutinho


    Full Text Available The leptospiral LigA protein consists of 13 bacterial immunoglobulin-like (Big domains and is the only purified recombinant subunit vaccine that has been demonstrated to protect against lethal challenge by a clinical isolate of Leptospira interrogans in the hamster model of leptospirosis. We determined the minimum number and location of LigA domains required for immunoprotection. Immunization with domains 11 and 12 was found to be required but insufficient for protection. Inclusion of a third domain, either 10 or 13, was required for 100% survival after intraperitoneal challenge with Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni strain Fiocruz L1-130. As in previous studies, survivors had renal colonization; here, we quantitated the leptospiral burden by qPCR to be 1.2×10(3 to 8×10(5 copies of leptospiral DNA per microgram of kidney DNA. Although renal histopathology in survivors revealed tubulointerstitial changes indicating an inflammatory response to the infection, blood chemistry analysis indicated that renal function was normal. These studies define the Big domains of LigA that account for its vaccine efficacy and highlight the need for additional strategies to achieve sterilizing immunity to protect the mammalian host from leptospiral infection and its consequences.

  15. Seropositividad a Leptospira interrogans en perros de la ciudad de Rosario, Argentina


    Seghesso Zabala, Ada; Anthony Omezzolli, Lilian María; Poli Lovagnini, Georgina; Francois Barbagelata, Silvina


    Introducción: la leptospirosis es una de las zoonosis más difundidas mundialmente. La aparición de epidemias urbanas ocasionadas por las inundaciones, la transformaron en un grave problema para la salud pública. Una de las especies animales más afectadas por la leptospirosis es la canina. Los perros se infectan con Leptospira interrogans y padecen la enfermedad, que constituye uno de los factores de riesgo más importante en la transmisión de leptospiras en zonas urbanas. El diagnóstico de cer...

  16. Multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis of Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira borgpetersenii isolated from small feral and wild mammals in East Asia. (United States)

    Koizumi, Nobuo; Izumiya, Hidemasa; Mu, Jung-Jung; Arent, Zbigniew; Okano, Shou; Nakajima, Chie; Suzuki, Yasuhiko; Mizutani Muto, Maki; Tanikawa, Tsutomu; Taylor, Kyle R; Komatsu, Noriyuki; Yoshimatsu, Kumiko; Thi Thu Ha, Hoang; Ohnishi, Makoto


    Leptospira spp. are the causative agents of a worldwide zoonosis, leptospirosis, maintained by various mammals. Each Leptospira serovar is frequently associated with a particular maintenance host, and recently, Leptospira genotype-host association has also been suggested to limit serovars to restricted areas. We investigated the molecular characteristics of L. interrogans and L. borgpetersenii which were isolated from small feral and wild animals in four East Asian states using multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA). MLVA using 11 loci was performed on 110 L. interrogans serogroups from Japan (79 strains of 5 serogroups from 3 animal species), Philippines (21; 3; 2), Taiwan (7; 2; 3), and Vietnam (3; 1; 1). A MLVA method using 4 loci for L. borgpetersenii was established and performed on 52 isolates from Japan (26; 3; 7), Philippines (13; 1; 2), and Taiwan (13; 1; 3). In L. interrogans, serogroups Autumnalis and Hebdomadis appeared more genetically diverse than serogroups Bataviae, Grippotyphosa, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona, or Pyrogenes. The former serogroup strains with the exception of one Hebdomadis strain were isolated from Apodemus speciosus while all the latter serogroup strains with the exception of Grippotyphosa were isolated from Rattus norvegicus. L. borgpetersenii was isolated from at least 11 animal species while L. interrogans was isolated from five species, which might suggest a wider host range for L. borgpetersenii. Broad host preference in a single genotype was also observed, which colonized not only different species of the same genera but also multiple animal genera. This study demonstrates that there may be variability in the range of genetic diversity among different Leptospira serogroups, which may be attributed to maintenance host animals and environmental factors. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  17. Seasonal prevalence of antibodies to Leptospira interrogans in Antillean manatees from a landlocked lake in Tabasco, Mexico. (United States)

    Aragón-Martínez, Arianna; Olivera-Gómez, León D; Jiménez-Domínguez, Darwin


    Factors that alter the dynamics of ecologic systems can influence transmission of infectious diseases and may lead to decreases in natural populations. Leptospirosis is a cosmopolitan disease of zoonotic importance that affects most mammals. At the southern Gulf of Mexico, Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) inhabit highly variable environments, with extended floods during the rainy season and drought conditions during the dry season that affect food availability and the thermal environment for manatees. We tested for changes in prevalence and titers of antibodies to 12 serovars of Leptospira interrogans in manatees between dry and rainy seasons. We determined titers for L. interrogans through microscopic agglutination tests (MAT) from 10 manatees, six during the dry season (DS), and six during the rainy season (RS) in Laguna de las Ilusiones, a landlocked lake hosting a population of about 20 manatees. All individuals were antibody positive (titers ≥ 100) to at least one serovar. The serovars bataviae, bratislava, canicola, and icterohaemorrhagiae had overall prevalences ≥ 50%; bataviae, bratislava, and canicola had prevalences ≥ 50% during both seasons. Serovars icterohaemorrhagiae and pyrogenes had prevalences ≥ 50% during DS and pomona, tarassovi, wolfii, and autumnalis during RS. Significant differences in prevalence between seasons were found for pomona, tarassovi, and autumnalis. Titers of tarassovi, wolfii, autumnalis, and bataviae were significantly higher during RS. There was a high prevalence of L. interrogans during the RS independent of high availability of plant foods, coinciding with the epizootiology of the bacteria that are endemic to tropical regions. Another factor possibly influencing prevalence is high anthropogenic pressure at the lake, causing an increase in potential sources of infection. Because of possible cross-reaction in MAT, further research is needed on the molecular discrimination of serovars in animals in the

  18. Kinetics of Leptospira interrogans infection in hamsters after intradermal and subcutaneous challenge.

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    Mariana L Coutinho


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a zoonosis caused by highly motile, helically shaped bacteria that penetrate the skin and mucous membranes through lesions or abrasions, and rapidly disseminate throughout the body. Although the intraperitoneal route of infection is widely used to experimentally inoculate hamsters, this challenge route does not represent a natural route of infection.Here we describe the kinetics of disease and infection in hamster model of leptospirosis after subcutaneous and intradermal inoculation of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni, strain Fiocruz L1-130. Histopathologic changes in and around the kidney, including glomerular and tubular damage and interstitial inflammatory changes, began on day 5, and preceded deterioration in renal function as measured by serum creatinine. Weight loss, hemoconcentration, increased absolute neutrophil counts (ANC in the blood and hepatic dysfunction were first noted on day 6. Vascular endothelial growth factor, a serum marker of sepsis severity, became elevated during the later stages of infection. The burden of infection, as measured by quantitative PCR, was highest in the kidney and peaked on day 5 after intradermal challenge and on day 6 after subcutaneous challenge. Compared to subcutaneous challenge, intradermal challenge resulted in a lower burden of infection in both the kidney and liver on day 6, lower ANC and less weight loss on day 7.The intradermal and subcutaneous challenge routes result in significant differences in the kinetics of dissemination and disease after challenge with L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni strain Fiocruz L1-130 at an experimental dose of 2×106 leptospires. These results provide new information regarding infection kinetics in the hamster model of leptospirosis.

  19. Vigilancia de Neisseria meningitidis en Argentina, 1993-2005: distribución de serogrupos, serotipos y serosubtipos causantes de enfermedad invasiva Surveillance of Neisseria meningitidis in Argentina, 1993-2005: Distribution of serogroups, serotypes and serosubtypes isolated from invasive disease


    L. Chiavetta; E. Chávez; A. Ruzic; M. Mollerach; M. Regueira


    Neisseria meningitidis es agente causal de enfermedades severas como meningitis, bacteriemia y síndrome de shock séptico. Se presenta la distribución en serogrupos, serotipos y serosubtipos de 2244 aislamientos de N. meningitidis obtenidos de cuadros de meningitis y/o meningococcemia durante el período 1993-2005 y analizados en el Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia del INEI-ANLIS "Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán". Estos aislamientos eran provenientes de 33 hospitales de todo el país, conformados en una...

  20. Chemogenomics profiling of drug targets of peptidoglycan biosynthesis pathway in Leptospira interrogans by virtual screening approaches. (United States)

    Bhattacharjee, Biplab; Simon, Rose Mary; Gangadharaiah, Chaithra; Karunakar, Prashantha


    Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis of global concern caused by Leptospira interrogans. The availability of ligand libraries has facilitated the search for novel drug targets using chemogenomics approaches, compared with the traditional method of drug discovery, which is time consuming and yields few leads with little intracellular information for guiding target selection. Recent subtractive genomics studies have revealed the putative drug targets in peptidoglycan biosynthesis pathways in Leptospira interrogans. Aligand library for the murD ligase enzyme in the peptidoglycan pathway has also been identified. Our approach in this research involves screening of the pre-existing ligand library of murD with related protein family members in the putative drug target assembly in the peptidoglycan biosynthesis pathway. A chemogenomics approach has been implemented here, which involves screening of known ligands of a protein family having analogous domain architecture for identification of leads for existing druggable protein family members. By means of this approach, one murC and one murF inhibitor were identified, providing a platform for developing an antileptospirosis drug targeting the peptidoglycan biosynthesis pathway. Given that the peptidoglycan biosynthesis pathway is exclusive to bacteria, the in silico identified mur ligase inhibitors are expected to be broad-spectrum Gram-negative inhibitors if synthesized and tested in in vitro and in vivo assays.

  1. [Construction and application of prokaryotic expression system of Leptospira interrogans lipL32/1-lipL41/1 fusion gene]. (United States)

    Luo, Dong-jiao; Yan, Jie; Mao, Ya-fei; Li, Shu-ping; Luo, Yi-hui; Li, Li-wei


    To construct lipL32/1-lipL41/1 fusion gene and its prokaryotic expression system and to determine frequencies of carrying and expression of lipL32 and lipL41 genes in L.interrogans wild strains and specific antibody levels in sera from leptospirosis patients. lipL32/1-lipL41/1 fusion gene was constructed using linking primer PCR method and the prokaryotic expression system of the fusion gene done with routine techniques. SDS-PAGE was used to examine expression of the target recombinant protein rLipL32/1-rLipL41/1. Immunogenicity of rLipL32/1-rLipL41/1 was identified by Western blot. PCR and MAT were performed to detect carrying and expression of lipL32 and lipL41 genes in 97 wild L.interrogans strains. Antibodies against products of lipL32 and lipL41 genes in serum samples from 228 leptospirosis patients were detected by ELISA method. The homogeneity of nucleotide and putative amino acid sequence of lipL32/1-lipL41/1 fusion gene were 99.9 % and 99.8 % in comparison with the reported sequences. Expression output of the target recombinant protein rLipL32/1-rLipL41/1, mainly present in inclusion body, accounted for 10 % of the total bacterial proteins. Both the rabbit antisera against rLipL32/1 and rLipL41/1 could combine to rLipL32/1-rLipL41/1. 97.9 % and 87.6 % of the L.interrogans wild strains had lipL32 and lipL41 genes, respectively. 95.9 % and 84.5 % of the wild strains were positive for MAT with titers of 1:4 - 1:128 using rabbit anti-rLipL32s or anti-rLipL41s sera, respectively. 94.7 % - 97.4 % of the patients'serum samples were positive for rLipL32s antibodies, while 78.5 % - 84.6 % of them were rLipL41s antibodies detectable. lipL32/1-jlipL41/1 fusion gene and its prokaryotic expression system were successfully constructed. The expressed fusion protein had qualified immunogenicity. Both the lipL32 and lipL41 genes are extensively carried and frequently expressed by different serogroups of L.interrogans, and their expression products exhibit cross-antigenicity.

  2. LipL53, a temperature regulated protein from Leptospira interrogans that binds to extracellular matrix molecules. (United States)

    Oliveira, Tatiane R; Longhi, Mariana T; Gonçales, Amane P; de Morais, Zenaide M; Vasconcellos, Silvio A; Nascimento, Ana L T O


    The regulation of gene expression by environmental signals, such as temperature and osmolarity, has been correlated with virulence. In this study, we characterize the protein LipL53 from Leptospira interrogans, previously shown to react with serum sample of individual diagnosed with leptospirosis and to be up-regulated by shift to physiological osmolarity. The recombinant protein was expressed in Escherichia coli system, in insoluble form, recovered by urea solubilization and further refolded by decreasing the denaturing agent concentration during the purification procedure. The secondary structure content of the recombinant LipL53, as assessed by circular dichroism, showed a mixture of beta-strands and alpha-helix. The presence of LipL53 transcript at 28 degrees C was only detected within the virulent strains. However, upon shifted of attenuated cultures of pathogenic strains from 28 degrees C to 37 degrees C and to 39 degrees C, this transcript could also be observed. LipL53 binds laminin, collagen IV, cellular and plasma fibronectin in dose-dependent and saturable manner. Animal challenge studies showed that LipL53, although immunogenic, elicited only partial protection in hamsters. LipL53 is probably surface exposed as seen through immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. Our results suggest that LipL53 is a novel temperature regulated adhesin of L. interrogans that may be relevant in the leptospiral pathogenesis. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  3. Seropositivity to Leptospira interrogans serovar Bratislava associated to reproductive problems without significant biochemical or hematological alterations in horses Soropositividade para Leptospira interrogans serovar Bratislava associada a falhas reprodutivas sem alterações hematológicas e bioquímicas significativas em cavalos

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    Melissa Pinna


    Full Text Available The objective was to study haematological and biochemical alterations associated to seropositivity to Leptospira interrogans serovar Bratislava infection in horses with reproductive alterations, such as neonatal deaths, embryonic deaths and abortions. A flock of mares with poor reproductive performance was studied. Eighty-two (58.6% were seropositive (titre 200; 72 of those (87.8% for Bratislava. Slight haematological and biochemical alterations were observed, being more frequent (PO objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar alterações hematológicas e bioquímicas associadas à soropositividade para Leptospira interrogans sorovar Bratislava em cavalos com alterações reprodutivas, tais como mortes neonatais, absorção embrionária e abortamentos. Um rebanho de éguas com baixos índices reprodutivos foi estudado. Oitenta e duas (58,6% foram soropositivas (títulos 200, sendo 72 destas (87,8% para Bratislava. Foram observadas poucas alterações hematológicas e bioquímicas, mais frequentes (P<0,05 em éguas soropositivas do que soronegativas. Cavalos soropositivos para Bratislava não tinham alterações graves nos valores hematológicos e bioquímicos. Esses achados reforçam que esse sorovar seja adaptado de cavalos e cause apenas sintomas brandos, associados a falhas reprodutivas.

  4. Multiple activities of LigB potentiate virulence of Leptospira interrogans: inhibition of alternative and classical pathways of complement.

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    Henry A Choy

    Full Text Available Microbial pathogens acquire the immediate imperative to avoid or counteract the formidable defense of innate immunity as soon as they overcome the initial physical barriers of the host. Many have adopted the strategy of directly disrupting the complement system through the capture of its components, using proteins on the pathogen's surface. In leptospirosis, pathogenic Leptospira spp. are resistant to complement-mediated killing, in contrast to the highly vulnerable non-pathogenic strains. Pathogenic L. interrogans uses LenA/LfhA and LcpA to respectively sequester and commandeer the function of two regulators, factor H and C4BP, which in turn bind C3b or C4b to interrupt the alternative or classical pathways of complement activation. LigB, another surface-proximal protein originally characterized as an adhesin binding multiple host proteins, has other activities suggesting its importance early in infection, including binding extracellular matrix, plasma, and cutaneous repair proteins and inhibiting hemostasis. In this study, we used a recent model of ectopic expression of LigB in the saprophyte, L. biflexa, to test the hypothesis that LigB also interacts with complement proteins C3b and C4b to promote the virulence of L. interrogans. The surface expression of LigB partially rescued the non-pathogen from killing by 5% normal human serum, showing 1.3- to 48-fold greater survival 4 to 6 d following exposure to complement than cultures of the non-expressing parental strain. Recombinant LigB7'-12 comprising the LigB-specific immunoglobulin repeats binds directly to human complement proteins, C3b and C4b, with respective K(ds of 43±26 nM and 69±18 nM. Repeats 9 to 11, previously shown to contain the binding domain for fibronectin and fibrinogen, are also important in LigB-complement interactions, which interfere with the alternative and classical pathways measured by complement-mediated hemolysis of erythrocytes. Thus, LigB is an adaptable interface


    Moreno-Beas, Eduardo; Abalos, Pedro; Hidalgo-Hermoso, Ezequiel


    Serum samples from 130 individuals representing 42 species of carnivores, ungulates, and primates from a population of captive mammals in Metropolitan Region in Chile were tested for antibodies against nine serovars of Leptospira interrogans using the microscopic agglutination test. Ten percent of the animals were seropositive to one or more serovars. Seroprevalence was significantly higher in ungulates (20.4%) compared to carnivores (3.8%) and primates (3.4%). There were no significant differences in seroprevalence among sex and age ranges. The most frequent serovar detected was Autumnalis, present in 53.4% of antibody-positive animals. Most positive animals had titers of ≤1 : 200, except for a maned wolf ( Chrysocyon brachyurus ) with titers of 1 : 400 against serovar Hardjo. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of Leptospira exposure detected in native endangered pudu ( Pudu puda ) and the first confirmation of exposure to L. interrogans in captive wild mammals in Chile. Leptospirosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis in future disease presentation for hepatitis or abortions in captive mammals in Chile.

  6. Lsa63, a newly identified surface protein of Leptospira interrogans binds laminin and collagen IV. (United States)

    Vieira, Monica L; de Morais, Zenaide M; Gonçales, Amane P; Romero, Eliete C; Vasconcellos, Silvio A; Nascimento, Ana L T O


    Leptospira interrogans is the etiological agent of leptospirosis, a zoonotic disease that affects populations worldwide. We have identified in proteomic studies a protein that is encoded by the gene LIC10314 and expressed in virulent strain of L. interrogans serovar Pomona. This protein was predicted to be surface exposed by PSORT program and contains a p83/100 domain identified by BLAST analysis that is conserved in protein antigens of several strains of Borrelia and Treponema spp. The proteins containing this domain have been claimed antigen candidates for serodiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis. Thus, we have cloned the LIC10314 and expressed the protein in Escherichia coli BL21-SI strain by using the expression vector pAE. The recombinant protein tagged with N-terminal hexahistidine was purified by metal-charged chromatography and characterized by circular dichroism spectroscopy. This protein is conserved among several species of pathogenic Leptospira and absent in the saprophytic strain L. biflexa. We confirm by liquid-phase immunofluorescence assays with living organisms that this protein is most likely a new surface leptospiral protein. The ability of the protein to mediate attachment to ECM components was evaluated by binding assays. The leptospiral protein encoded by LIC10314, named Lsa63 (Leptospiral surface adhesin of 63kDa), binds strongly to laminin and collagen IV in a dose-dependent and saturable fashion. In addition, Lsa63 is probably expressed during infection since it was recognized by antibodies of serum samples of confirmed-leptospirosis patients in convalescent phase of the disease. Altogether, the data suggests that this novel identified surface protein may be involved in leptospiral pathogenesis. 2009 The British Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Protective Immunity and Reduced Renal Colonization Induced by Vaccines Containing Recombinant Leptospira interrogans Outer Membrane Proteins and Flagellin Adjuvant (United States)

    Monaris, D.; Sbrogio-Almeida, M. E.; Dib, C. C.; Canhamero, T. A.; Souza, G. O.; Vasconcellos, S. A.; Ferreira, L. C. S.


    Leptospirosis is a global zoonotic disease caused by different Leptospira species, such as Leptospira interrogans, that colonize the renal tubules of wild and domestic animals. Thus far, attempts to develop effective leptospirosis vaccines, both for humans and animals, have failed to induce immune responses capable of conferring protection and simultaneously preventing renal colonization. In this study, we evaluated the protective immunity induced by subunit vaccines containing seven different recombinant Leptospira interrogans outer membrane proteins, including the carboxy-terminal portion of the immunoglobulinlike protein A (LigAC) and six novel antigens, combined with aluminum hydroxide (alum) or Salmonella flagellin (FliC) as adjuvants. Hamsters vaccinated with the different formulations elicited high antigen-specific antibody titers. Immunization with LigAC, either with alum or flagellin, conferred protective immunity but did not prevent renal colonization. Similarly, animals immunized with LigAC or LigAC coadministered with six leptospiral proteins with alum adjuvant conferred protection but did not reduce renal colonization. In contrast, immunizing animals with the pool of seven antigens in combination with flagellin conferred protection and significantly reduced renal colonization by the pathogen. The present study emphasizes the relevance of antigen composition and added adjuvant in the efficacy of antileptospirosis subunit vaccines and shows the complex relationship between immune responses and renal colonization by the pathogen. PMID:26108285

  8. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to the edta extract of Leptospira interrogans, serovar icterohaemorrhagiae

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    Lilian Terezinha de Queiroz Leite


    Full Text Available Monoclonal antibodies (MABs ivere produced against an etbylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA extract of Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae being characterized by gel precipitation as IgM and IgG (IgGl and IgG2b. The EDTA extract was detected as several bands by silver staining in SDS-PAGE. In the Western blot the bands around 20 KDa reacted with a monoclonal antibody, 47B4D6, and was oxidized by periodate and was not digested by pronase, suggesting that the determinant is of carbohydrate nature, lmmunocytochemistry, using colloidal gold labeling, showed that an EDTA extract determinant recognized by monoclonal antibody 47B4D6, is localized under the outer envelope of serovar icterohaemorrhagiae. Hoe AIAB raised against the EDTA extract was not able to protect hamsters from lethal challenge with virulent homologous leptospires.Anticorpos monoclonais (AcM foram produzidos contra o extrato EDTA obtido de Leptospira interrogans, sorovar icterohaemorrhagiae. Pelo teste de precipitação foram caracterizados como IgM e IgG (IgGl e IgG2. A eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida do extrato EDTA revelou diversas bandas quando corada pela prata. No "Western blot", as bandas em torno de 20 kDa reagiram com o AcM 47B4D6, foram oxidadas pelo periodato e não digeridas pela pronase, sugerindo que o determinante é de natureza carboidrato. O determinante reconhecido pelo AcM 47B4D6 estã localizado sob o envelope externo como revelado pela imunocitoquímica usando marcação com ouro coloidal. O AcM contra extrato EDTA do sorovar icterohaemorrahagiae não protegeu hamsters quando inoculados com lepstopira homóloga virulenta.

  9. Identification and Characterization of c-di-GMP Metabolic Enzymes of Leptospira interrogans and c-di-GMP Fluctuations After Thermal Shift and Infection

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    Guohui Xiao


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a widespread zoonotic disease caused by pathogenic Leptospira species. The most common species, Leptospira interrogans, can transfer from contaminated soil or water to the human body. It is able to survive these changing environments through sensing and responding to the changes of environmental cues. Cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP is a special secondary messenger in bacteria, which can respond to the environment and regulate diverse bacterial behaviors. The c-di-GMP levels in bacterial cells are regulated by diguanylatecyclases (DGC and phosphodiesterases (PDE, which are responsible for synthesizing or hydrolyzing c-di-GMP, respectively. In this study, distribution and phylogenetics of c-di-GMP metabolic genes among 15 leptospiral species were systematically analyzed. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that leptospiral species contain a multitude of c-di-GMP metabolic genes. C-di-GMP metabolic genes in L. interrogans strain Lai 56601 were further analyzed and the results showed that these genes have very diverse expression patterns. Most of the putative DGCs and PDEs possess enzymatic activities, as determined by riboswitch-based dual-fluorescence reporters in vivo or HPLC in vitro. Furtherer analysis of subdomains from GGDEF-containing proteins revealed that the ability to synthesize c-di-GMP was lost when the GAF domain from LA1483 and PAS domain from LA2932 were deleted, while deletion of the REC domain from LA2528 did not affect its ability to synthesize c-di-GMP. Furthermore, high temperatures generally resulted in low c-di-GMP concentrations in L. interrogans and most of the c-di-GMP metabolic genes exhibited differential temperature regulation. Also, infection of murine J774A.1 cells resulted in reduced c-di-GMP levels, while no significant change of c-di-GMP metabolic genes on transcriptional levels were observed during the infection of J774A.1 cells. Taken together, these results provide a basic platform for future studies of c

  10. Pathogenomic inference of virulence-associated genes in Leptospira interrogans. (United States)

    Lehmann, Jason S; Fouts, Derrick E; Haft, Daniel H; Cannella, Anthony P; Ricaldi, Jessica N; Brinkac, Lauren; Harkins, Derek; Durkin, Scott; Sanka, Ravi; Sutton, Granger; Moreno, Angelo; Vinetz, Joseph M; Matthias, Michael A


    Leptospirosis is a globally important, neglected zoonotic infection caused by spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. Since genetic transformation remains technically limited for pathogenic Leptospira, a systems biology pathogenomic approach was used to infer leptospiral virulence genes by whole genome comparison of culture-attenuated Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai with its virulent, isogenic parent. Among the 11 pathogen-specific protein-coding genes in which non-synonymous mutations were found, a putative soluble adenylate cyclase with host cell cAMP-elevating activity, and two members of a previously unstudied ∼15 member paralogous gene family of unknown function were identified. This gene family was also uniquely found in the alpha-proteobacteria Bartonella bacilliformis and Bartonella australis that are geographically restricted to the Andes and Australia, respectively. How the pathogenic Leptospira and these two Bartonella species came to share this expanded gene family remains an evolutionary mystery. In vivo expression analyses demonstrated up-regulation of 10/11 Leptospira genes identified in the attenuation screen, and profound in vivo, tissue-specific up-regulation by members of the paralogous gene family, suggesting a direct role in virulence and host-pathogen interactions. The pathogenomic experimental design here is generalizable as a functional systems biology approach to studying bacterial pathogenesis and virulence and should encourage similar experimental studies of other pathogens.

  11. Large-scale purification and in vitro characterization of the assembly of MreB from Leptospira interrogans. (United States)

    Barkó, Szilvia; Szatmári, Dávid; Bódis, Emőke; Türmer, Katalin; Ujfalusi, Zoltán; Popp, David; Robinson, Robert C; Nyitrai, Miklós


    Weil's syndrome is caused by Leptospira interrogans infections, a Gram negative bacterium with a distinct thin corkscrew cell shape. The molecular basis for this unusual morphology is unknown. In many bacteria, cell wall synthesis is orchestrated by the actin homolog, MreB. Here we have identified the MreB within the L. interrogans genome and expressed the His-tagged protein product of the synthesized gene (Li-MreB) in Escherichia coli. Li-MreB did not purify under standard nucleotide-free conditions used for MreBs from other species, requiring the continual presence of ATP to remain soluble. Covalent modification of Li-MreB free thiols with Alexa488 produced a fluorescent version of Li-MreB. We developed native and denaturing/refolding purification schemes for Li-MreB. The purified product was shown to assemble and disassemble in MgCl2 and KCl dependent manners, as monitored by light scattering and sedimentation studies. The fluorescence spectrum of labeled Li-MreB-Alexa488 showed cation-induced changes in line with an activation process followed by a polymerization phase. The resulting filaments appeared as bundles and sheets under the fluorescence microscope. Finally, since the Li-MreB polymerization was cation dependent, we developed a simple method to measure monovalent cation concentrations within a test case prokaryote, E. coli. We have identified and initially characterized the cation-dependent polymerization properties of a novel MreB from a non-rod shaped bacterium and developed a method to measure cation concentrations within prokaryotes. This initial characterization of Li-MreB will enable future structural determination of the MreB filament from this corkscrew-shaped bacterium. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Leptospira interrogans serotype hardjo in dairy cows

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    Vidić Branka M.


    Full Text Available Data on L. hardjo infection of dairy cows in the world pint out its important role in the occurrence of health and economic problem. L. interrogans serotype hardjo has been described as the cause of miscarriages, stillbirts, or the birhs of poorly vital calves, agalactia, mastitis, and low fertility in cows. Two L. hardjo genotypes have been identified in cows, namely, hardjopraitno and hardjobovis. Serological investigations have established a drastic increase in this leptospiral infection in cows. L. hardjo has become adapted to cattle as the primary host, so that an infection is maintained in herds and becomes deeply rooted because of the permanent presence of the source of infection. It was believed that sheep were accidental hosts, but the latest research suggest that they are yet another, transitory, host for maintining this leptospira serotype. L. hardjo is also important from the aspect of human health, especially of persons who are professionally exposed to this infection. L. hardjo infection is detected using serological tests and by proving the presence of leptospira. The medicine of choice in the therapy of leptospiral infections is streptomycin (DSM. Therapy using oxytetracyclines for clinical mastitis was also proven effective. Treatment is most successful in the early stage of the disease. A single dose of streptomycin administered in infected herds reduces the duration period of leptospira excretion through urine, thus preventing the spread of infection thorugh contaminated urine. The basic components of the plan to contain leptospira are the following: serological investigations, sanitary-higiene measures, the elimination of animals which excrete leptospira through urine, therapy, vaccination, quarantine.

  13. Pathogenomic inference of virulence-associated genes in Leptospira interrogans.

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    Jason S Lehmann

    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a globally important, neglected zoonotic infection caused by spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. Since genetic transformation remains technically limited for pathogenic Leptospira, a systems biology pathogenomic approach was used to infer leptospiral virulence genes by whole genome comparison of culture-attenuated Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai with its virulent, isogenic parent. Among the 11 pathogen-specific protein-coding genes in which non-synonymous mutations were found, a putative soluble adenylate cyclase with host cell cAMP-elevating activity, and two members of a previously unstudied ∼15 member paralogous gene family of unknown function were identified. This gene family was also uniquely found in the alpha-proteobacteria Bartonella bacilliformis and Bartonella australis that are geographically restricted to the Andes and Australia, respectively. How the pathogenic Leptospira and these two Bartonella species came to share this expanded gene family remains an evolutionary mystery. In vivo expression analyses demonstrated up-regulation of 10/11 Leptospira genes identified in the attenuation screen, and profound in vivo, tissue-specific up-regulation by members of the paralogous gene family, suggesting a direct role in virulence and host-pathogen interactions. The pathogenomic experimental design here is generalizable as a functional systems biology approach to studying bacterial pathogenesis and virulence and should encourage similar experimental studies of other pathogens.

  14. Expression and characterization of recombinant leptospiral outer membrane protein LipL32 from Leptospira interrogans serovar autumnalis. (United States)

    Boonsathorn, Naphatsawan; Konghom, Ganokrot; Mongkolsiri, Kaveewan; Jirapongwattana, Chanin; Balachandra, Kruavon; Naigowit, Pimjai; Sawanpanyalert, Pathom


    Leptospira interrogans serovar autumnalis, a causative agent of leptospirosis in Thailand, was isolated from a patient for DNA extraction and amplification of LipL32 gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The 782 bp PCR product was obtained, which was inserted into pAE plasmid with polyhistidine (His6 tag) to construct pAE-LipL32. This recombinant plasmid was transfected into E. coli BL21 (DE3). His6-LipL32 was purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. The recombinant protein was used as antigen for testing with sera from leptospirosis and syphilis patients by dot-ELISA technique. It reacted positively with leptospirosis patient sera and negatively with syphilis and healthy sera.

  15. Determination of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Javanica and Leptospira interrogans serovar Bataviae as the persistent Leptospira serovars circulating in the urban rat populations in Peninsular Malaysia. (United States)

    Benacer, Douadi; Mohd Zain, Siti Nursheena; Sim, Shin Zhu; Mohd Khalid, Mohd Khairul Nizam; Galloway, Renee L; Souris, Marc; Thong, Kwai Lin


    Leptospirosis is an emerging infectious disease of global significance, and is endemic in tropical countries, including Malaysia. Over the last decade, a dramatic increase of human cases was reported; however, information on the primary vector, the rat, and the Leptospira serovars circulating among the rat population is limited. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to isolate Leptospira and characterise the serovars circulating in the urban rat populations from selected main cities in Peninsular Malaysia. Rat trappings were carried out between October 2011 to February 2014 in five urban cities which were chosen as study sites to represent different geographical locations in Peninsular Malaysia. Microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and PCR were carried out to identify the Leptospiral serogroup and determine the pathogenic status of the isolates, respectively while pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR were used to characterize the isolates. Three rat species were identified from the three hundred and fifty seven rats captured with Rattus rattus, being the dominant rat species (285, 80 %) followed by Rattus norgevicus (53, 15 %) and Rattus exulans (19, 5 %). Only 39 samples (11.0 %) were positive by culture and further confirmed as pathogenic Leptospira by PCR. Significant associations were shown between host infection with locality, season, host-age and species. Based on MAT, two serogroups were identified in the population namely; L. borgpetersenii serogroup Javanica (n = 16) and L. interrogans serogroup Bataviae (n = 23). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) distinguished the two serovars in the urban rat populations: L. borgpetersenii serovar Javanica (41 %), and L. interrogans serovar Bataviae (59 %). RAPD-PCR yielded 14 distinct patterns and was found to be more discriminative than PFGE. This study confirms two Leptospira serovars circulating among the urban rats population in Peninsular

  16. [Reconstruction of Leptospira interrogans lipL21 gene and characteristics of its expression product]. (United States)

    Luo, Dong-jiao; Hu, Ye; Dennin, R H; Yan, Jie


    To reconstruct the nucleotide sequence of Leptospira interrogans lipL21 gene for increasing the output of prokaryotic expression and to understand the changes on immunogenicity of the expression products before and after reconstruction, and to determine the position of envelope lipoprotein LipL21 on the surface of leptospiral body. According to the preferred codons of E.coli, the nucleotide sequence of lipL21 gene was designed and synthesized, and then its prokaryotic expression system was constructed. By using SDS-PAGE plus BioRad agarose image analysor, the expression level changes of lipL21 genes before and after reconstruction were measured. A Western blot assay using rabbit anti-TR/Patoc I serum as the first antibody was performed to identify the immunoreactivity of the two target recombinant proteins rLipL21s before and after reconstruction. The changes of cross agglutination titers of antisera against two rLipL21s before and after reconstruction to the different leptospiral serogroups were demonstrated using microscope agglutination test (MAT). Immuno-electronmicroscopy was applied to confirm the location of LipL21s. The expression outputs of original and reconstructed lipL21 genes were 8.5 % and 46.5 % of the total bacterial proteins, respectively. Both the two rLipL21s could take place immune conjugation reaction with TR/Patoc I antiserum. After immunization with each of the two rLipL21s in rabbits, the animals could produce specific antibody. Similar MAT titers with 1:80 - 1:320 of the two antisera against rLipL21s were present. LipL21 was confirmed to locate on the surface of leptospiral envelope. LipL21 is a superficial antigen of Leptospira interrogans. The expression output of the reconstructed lipL21 gene is remarkably increased. The expression rLipL21 maintains fine antigenicity and immunoreactivity and its antibody still shows an extensive cross immunoagglutination activity. The high expression of the reconstructed lipL21 gene will offer a

  17. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to the edta extract of Leptospira interrogans, serovar icterohaemorrhagiae

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    Lilian Terezinha de Queiroz Leite


    Full Text Available Monoclonal antibodies (MABs ivere produced against an etbylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA extract of Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae being characterized by gel precipitation as IgM and IgG (IgGl and IgG2b. The EDTA extract was detected as several bands by silver staining in SDS-PAGE. In the Western blot the bands around 20 KDa reacted with a monoclonal antibody, 47B4D6, and was oxidized by periodate and was not digested by pronase, suggesting that the determinant is of carbohydrate nature, lmmunocytochemistry, using colloidal gold labeling, showed that an EDTA extract determinant recognized by monoclonal antibody 47B4D6, is localized under the outer envelope of serovar icterohaemorrhagiae. Hoe AIAB raised against the EDTA extract was not able to protect hamsters from lethal challenge with virulent homologous leptospires.

  18. Leptospira interrogans en una población canina del Gran Buenos Aires: variables asociadas con la seropositividad Leptospira interrogans in a canine population of Greater Buenos Aires: variables associated with seropositivity

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    Diana Rubel


    Full Text Available Se determinó la seroprevalencia de leptospirosis en una población canina suburbana con el objeto de analizar la asociación entre distintas variables individuales y ambientales y la seropositividad a leptospirosis. El estudio, de diseño transversal, se llevó a cabo durante julio de 1992 en un barrio del Gran Buenos Aires en el que viven unos 9 500 habitantes y una población canina de unos 2 000 animales. Se estudió una muestra aleatoria de 223 perros, de cada uno de los cuales se obtuvo una muestra de sangre. La ficha epidemiológica del animal se obtuvo por encuesta al ama de casa. Las determinaciones serológicas se realizaron por microaglutinación frente a 10 serotipos de Leptospira interrogans. Se halló seropositividad en 57% de los 223 perros examinados; 82% de los sueros positivos coaglutinaron con dos o más serotipos. Los serotipos detectados con mayor frecuencia fueron canicola y pyrogenes. La seroprevalencia en hembras fue menor que en machos (P We determined the seroprevalence of leptospirosis in a suburban canine population for the purpose of analyzing the association between different individual and environmental variables and seropositivity for leptospirosis. The study, which was cross-sectional, was performed in July 1992 in a neighborhood of Greater Buenos Aires with approximately 9 500 inhabitants and a canine population of around 2 000 animals. We studied a random sample of 223 dogs and obtained a blood sample from each. Each animal’s epidemiologic history was obtained by interviewing the housewife. Serologic measurements were performed by the microagglutination technique with the use of 10 different serotypes of Leptospira interrogans. Of the 223 dogs that were tested, 57% showed seropositivity; 82% of the positive sera coagglutinated with two or more serotypes. The most frequently detected serotypes were canicola and pyrogenes. Seroprevalence in females was less common than in males (P <0,05 and in puppies less than

  19. [Prokaryotic expression of trigeminy artificial fusion gene of Leptospira interrogans and the immunogenicity of its products]. (United States)

    Luo, Dong-jiao; Qiu, Xiao-feng; Wang, Jiang; Yan, Jin; Wang, Hai-bin; Zhou, Jin-cheng; Yan, Jie


    To construct lipL32/1-lipL21-OmpL1/2 fusion gene of Leptospira interrogans and its prokaryotic expression system, and to identify the immunogenicity of its products. PCR using linking primers was applied to construct lipL32/1-lipL21-OmpL1/2 fusion gene and a prokaryotic expression system of the fusion gene was then established using routine genetic engineering technique. SDS-PAGE was used to examine output of the target recombinant protein rLipL32/1-LipL21-OmpL1/2. Double immunodiffusion and Western Blot assay were applied to identify immunogenicity of rLipL32/1-LipL21-OmpL1/2. lipL32/1-lipL21-OmpL1/2 fusion gene with correct sequence and its prokaryotic expression system E.coli BL21DE3pET42a-lipL32/1-lipL21-ompL1/2 was obtained in this study. The output of rLipL32/1-LipL21- OmpL1/2 after optimisation was 37.78 mg/L. The immunodiffusion titer of rabbit antiserum against rLipL32/1-LipL21-OmpL1/2 was 1:4. The rLipL32/1-LipL21-OmpL1/2 antiserum was able to recognize rLipL32/1-LipL21-OmpL1/2, rLipL32/1, rLipL21 and rOmpL1/2. Positive Western hybridization signals were found among rLipL32/1-LipL21-OmpL1/2 and rabbit antiserum against whole cell of strain 56601 and serum from patients infected with L.interrogans serogroups Icterohaemorrhagiae, Grippotyphosa, Autumnalis and Pomona. The fusion gene lipL32/1-lipL21-OmpL1/2 and its prokaryotic expression system were successfully constructed in this study. The expressed fusion protein can be used as the antigen for developing universal genetic engineering vaccine and universal serological tests of leptospirosis.

  20. Efectividad y duración de la inmunidad de la vacuna frente al meningococo serogrupo A y C

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    Luis García Comas


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: La Comunidad de Madrid detectó a partir de 1995 un incremento del número de casos de enfermedad meningocócica por serogrupo C. En 1997 se realizó una campaña de inmunización masiva sobre la población de 18 meses a 19 años. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la respuesta inmunitaria producida por la vacuna y su relación con la edad. MÉTODOS: Se seleccionó una muestra de 1.003 niños vacunados durante la campaña. Se extrajo una muestra de sangre antes de la vacunación y tras uno, seis (solo <5a y doce meses. Para valorar la respuesta inmune se midieron niveles de anticuerpos bactericidas y totales. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de seroconversión medida por anticuerpos bactericidas es 89,6%. La respuesta es baja en menores de 3 años (34,8%, aumenta con la edad y a partir de los 7 años supera el 90%. A los 6 meses, la prevalencia de niveles protectores en menores de 5 años desciende notablemente (31,3%. Al año, la prevalencia desciende notablemente, especialmente en menores de 7 años. La proporción de individuos con respuesta de anticuerpos totales al mes supera el 90% y se mantiene elevada al año en todos los grupos edad (97,5%. CONCLUSIONES: La respuesta medida mediante anticuerpos totales entra en contradicción con la respuesta clínica a la vacunación y la medida mediante anticuerpos bactericidas infraestima la protección si se compara con los resultados de efectividad vacunal, por lo que es necesario buscar indicadores biológicos que se correlacionen de manera adecuada con la respuesta clínica tras la vacunación.

  1. Cloning and Sequencing of Gene Encoding Outer Membrane Lipoprotein LipL41 of Leptospira Interrogans Serovar Grippotyphosa

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    M.S. Soltani


    Full Text Available Background: Leptospirosis is an infectious bacterial disease caused by pathogenic serovars of Leptospira. Development of reliable and applicable diagnostic test and also recombinant vaccine for this disease require specific antigens that are highly conserved among diverse pathogenic leptospiral serovars. Outer membrane proteins(OMPs of leptospira are effective antigens which can stimulate remarkable immune responses during infection, among them LipL41 is an immunogenic lipoprotein which is present only in pathogenic serovars so it could be regarded as a good candidate for vaccine development and diagnostic method. In order to identify genetic conservation of the lipL41 gene, we cloned and sequenced this gen from Leptospira interrogans serovar vaccinal and field of Grippotyphosa. Materials and Methods: Leptospira interrogans serovar vaccinal Grippotyphosa (RTCC2808 and serovar field Grippotyphosa (RTCC2825were used to inoculate into the selective culture medium(EMJH. The genomic DNA was extracted by standard phenol-chloroform method. The lipL41 gene were amplified by specific primers and cloned into pTZ57R/T vector and transformed into the competent E. coli (Top10 cells. the extracted recombinant plasmid were sequenced. And the related sequences were subjected to homology analysis by comparing them to sequences in the Genbank database. Results: PCR amplification of the lipL41 gene resulted in the 1065 bp PCR product. DNA sequence analysis revealed that lipL41 gene between serovar vaccinal Grippotyphosa (RTCC2808and serovar field Grippotyphosa (RTCC2825 in Iran was 100%. It was also showed that the lipL41 gene had high identity (96%-100% with other pathogenic serovars submitted in Genbank database. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the lipL41 gene was highly conserved among various pathogenic Leptospira serovars( >95.9 % identity. Hence the cloned gene could be further used for expression of recombinant protein for serodiagnosis

  2. Development of the leptospirosis by experimental infection in hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus with Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola, strain LO4, by intact and scratched skin exposures

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    Carolina de Sousa Américo Batista


    Full Text Available The establishment and evolution of leptospirosis in hamster (Mesocricetus auratus by experimental infection with Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola, LO4 strain, by intact and scratched skin exposures, having as control the intraperitoneal route, were evaluated. Hundred-twenty female hamsters distributed in two groups according to inoculation route (intact and scratched skin were used. Infectious inoculum was constituted by a pure culture of L. interrogans serovar Canicola (strain LO4, isolated from liver from a slaughtered swine in Londrina, Paraná state and typified by agglutinins adsortion technique with monoclonal antibody kit at the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The animals were observed twice a day during 21 days. Animals that died were necropsied and kidneys, liver, genital tract (uterus and ovaries and brain were aseptically collected. On the 21st post-inoculation day, surviving animals were euthanized. In these animals, serum samples were also collected by cardiac puncture to antileptospires agglutinins research using microscopic agglutination test (MAT. Fresh direct microscopy and microbiological culture were used for the detection of leptospires. Scratched skin route induced larger lethality when compared to intact skin route, with establishment and evolution of leptospirosis. On the other hand, intact skin route induced renal and/or genital carrier state more frequently. LO4 strain presented low immunogenic power, characterized by soroconversion at the MAT in only one inoculated animal.

  3. Distribution of Plasmids in Distinct Leptospira Pathogenic Species. (United States)

    Wang, Yanzhuo; Zhuang, Xuran; Zhong, Yi; Zhang, Cuicai; Zhang, Yan; Zeng, Lingbing; Zhu, Yongzhang; He, Ping; Dong, Ke; Pal, Utpal; Guo, Xiaokui; Qin, Jinhong


    Leptospirosis, caused by pathogenic Leptospira, is a worldwide zoonotic infection. The genus Leptospira includes at least 21 species clustered into three groups--pathogens, non-pathogens, and intermediates--based on 16S rRNA phylogeny. Research on Leptospira is difficult due to slow growth and poor transformability of the pathogens. Recent identification of extrachromosomal elements besides the two chromosomes in L. interrogans has provided new insight into genome complexity of the genus Leptospira. The large size, low copy number, and high similarity of the sequence of these extrachromosomal elements with the chromosomes present challenges in isolating and detecting them without careful genome assembly. In this study, two extrachromosomal elements were identified in L. borgpetersenii serovar Ballum strain 56604 through whole genome assembly combined with S1 nuclease digestion following pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (S1-PFGE) analysis. Further, extrachromosomal elements in additional 15 Chinese epidemic strains of Leptospira, comprising L. borgpetersenii, L. weilii, and L. interrogans, were successfully separated and identified, independent of genome sequence data. Southern blot hybridization with extrachromosomal element-specific probes, designated as lcp1, lcp2 and lcp3-rep, further confirmed their occurrences as extrachromosomal elements. In total, 24 plasmids were detected in 13 out of 15 tested strains, among which 11 can hybridize with the lcp1-rep probe and 11 with the lcp2-rep probe, whereas two can hybridize with the lcp3-rep probe. None of them are likely to be species-specific. Blastp search of the lcp1, lcp2, and lcp3-rep genes with a nonredundant protein database of Leptospira species genomes showed that their homologous sequences are widely distributed among clades of pathogens but not non-pathogens or intermediates. These results suggest that the plasmids are widely distributed in Leptospira species, and further elucidation of their biological

  4. A newly identified protein of Leptospira interrogans mediates binding to laminin. (United States)

    Longhi, Mariana T; Oliveira, Tatiane R; Romero, Eliete C; Gonçales, Amane P; de Morais, Zenaide M; Vasconcellos, Silvio A; Nascimento, Ana L T O


    Pathogenic Leptospira is the aetiological agent of leptospirosis, a life-threatening disease that affects populations worldwide. The search for novel antigens that could be relevant in host-pathogen interactions is being pursued. These antigens have the potential to elicit several activities, including adhesion. This study focused on a hypothetical predicted lipoprotein of Leptospira, encoded by the gene LIC12895, thought to mediate attachment to extracellular matrix (ECM) components. The gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 Star (DE3)pLys by using the expression vector pAE. The recombinant protein tagged with N-terminal hexahistidine was purified by metal-charged chromatography and characterized by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The capacity of the protein to mediate attachment to ECM components was evaluated by binding assays. The leptospiral protein encoded by LIC12895, named Lsa27 (leptospiral surface adhesin, 27 kDa), bound strongly to laminin in a dose-dependent and saturable fashion. Moreover, Lsa27 was recognized by antibodies from serum samples of confirmed leptospirosis specimens in both the initial and the convalescent phases of the disease. Lsa27 is most likely a surface protein of Leptospira as revealed in liquid-phase immunofluorescence assays with living organisms. Taken together, these data indicate that this newly identified membrane protein is expressed during natural infection and may play a role in mediating adhesion of L. interrogans to its host.

  5. Leptospira interrogans causes quantitative and morphological disturbances in adherens junctions and other biological groups of proteins in human endothelial cells (United States)

    Sato, Hiromi


    Pathogenic Leptospira transmits from animals to humans, causing the zoonotic life-threatening infection called leptospirosis. This infection is reported worldwide with higher risk in tropical regions. Symptoms of leptospirosis range from mild illness to severe illness such as liver damage, kidney failure, respiratory distress, meningitis, and fatal hemorrhagic disease. Invasive species of Leptospira rapidly disseminate to multiple tissues where this bacterium damages host endothelial cells, increasing vascular permeability. Despite the burden in humans and animals, the pathogenic mechanisms of Leptospira infection remain to be elucidated. The pathogenic leptospires adhere to endothelial cells and permeabilize endothelial barriers in vivo and in vitro. In this study, human endothelial cells were infected with the pathogenic L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni or the saprophyte L. biflexa serovar Patoc to investigate morphological changes and other distinctive phenotypes of host cell proteins by fluorescence microscopy. Among those analyzed, 17 proteins from five biological classes demonstrated distinctive phenotypes in morphology and/or signal intensity upon infection with Leptospira. The affected biological groups include: 1) extracellular matrix, 2) intercellular adhesion molecules and cell surface receptors, 3) intracellular proteins, 4) cell-cell junction proteins, and 5) a cytoskeletal protein. Infection with the pathogenic strain most profoundly disturbed the biological structures of adherens junctions (VE-cadherin and catenins) and actin filaments. Our data illuminate morphological disruptions and reduced signals of cell-cell junction proteins and filamentous actin in L. interrogans-infected endothelial cells. In addition, Leptospira infection, regardless of pathogenic status, influenced other host proteins belonging to multiple biological classes. Our data suggest that this zoonotic agent may damage endothelial cells via multiple cascades or pathways

  6. Leptospira interrogans causes quantitative and morphological disturbances in adherens junctions and other biological groups of proteins in human endothelial cells. (United States)

    Sato, Hiromi; Coburn, Jenifer


    Pathogenic Leptospira transmits from animals to humans, causing the zoonotic life-threatening infection called leptospirosis. This infection is reported worldwide with higher risk in tropical regions. Symptoms of leptospirosis range from mild illness to severe illness such as liver damage, kidney failure, respiratory distress, meningitis, and fatal hemorrhagic disease. Invasive species of Leptospira rapidly disseminate to multiple tissues where this bacterium damages host endothelial cells, increasing vascular permeability. Despite the burden in humans and animals, the pathogenic mechanisms of Leptospira infection remain to be elucidated. The pathogenic leptospires adhere to endothelial cells and permeabilize endothelial barriers in vivo and in vitro. In this study, human endothelial cells were infected with the pathogenic L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni or the saprophyte L. biflexa serovar Patoc to investigate morphological changes and other distinctive phenotypes of host cell proteins by fluorescence microscopy. Among those analyzed, 17 proteins from five biological classes demonstrated distinctive phenotypes in morphology and/or signal intensity upon infection with Leptospira. The affected biological groups include: 1) extracellular matrix, 2) intercellular adhesion molecules and cell surface receptors, 3) intracellular proteins, 4) cell-cell junction proteins, and 5) a cytoskeletal protein. Infection with the pathogenic strain most profoundly disturbed the biological structures of adherens junctions (VE-cadherin and catenins) and actin filaments. Our data illuminate morphological disruptions and reduced signals of cell-cell junction proteins and filamentous actin in L. interrogans-infected endothelial cells. In addition, Leptospira infection, regardless of pathogenic status, influenced other host proteins belonging to multiple biological classes. Our data suggest that this zoonotic agent may damage endothelial cells via multiple cascades or pathways

  7. A model system for studying the transcriptomic and physiological changes associated with mammalian host-adaptation by Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni.

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    Melissa J Caimano


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis, an emerging zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution, is caused by spirochetes belonging to the genus Leptospira. More than 500,000 cases of severe leptospirosis are reported annually, with >10% of these being fatal. Leptospires can survive for weeks in suitably moist conditions before encountering a new host. Reservoir hosts, typically rodents, exhibit little to no signs of disease but shed large numbers of organisms in their urine. Transmission occurs when mucosal surfaces or abraded skin come into contact with infected urine or urine-contaminated water or soil. In humans, leptospires can cause a variety of clinical manifestations, ranging from asymptomatic or mild fever to severe icteric (Weil's disease and pulmonary haemorrhage. Currently, little is known about how Leptospira persist within a reservoir host. Prior in vitro studies have suggested that leptospires alter their transcriptomic and proteomic profiles in response to environmental signals encountered during mammalian infection. However, no study has examined gene expression by leptospires within a mammalian host-adapted state. To obtain a more faithful representation of how leptospires respond to host-derived signals, we used RNA-Seq to compare the transcriptome of L. interrogans cultivated within dialysis membrane chambers (DMCs implanted into the peritoneal cavities of rats with that of organisms grown in vitro. In addition to determining the relative expression levels of "core" housekeeping genes under both growth conditions, we identified 166 genes that are differentially-expressed by L. interrogans in vivo. Our analyses highlight physiological aspects of host adaptation by leptospires relating to heme uptake and utilization. We also identified 11 novel non-coding transcripts that are candidate small regulatory RNAs. The DMC model provides a facile system for studying the transcriptional and antigenic changes associated with mammalian host

  8. ChpK and MazF of the toxin-antitoxin modules are involved in the virulence of Leptospira interrogans during infection. (United States)

    Komi, Komi Koukoura; Ge, Yu-Mei; Xin, Xiao-Yang; Ojcius, David M; Sun, Dexter; Hu, Wei-Lin; Zhao, Xin; Lin, Xu'ai; Yan, Jie


    Pathogenic Leptospira species are the causative agents of leptospirosis, a global zoonotic infectious disease. Toxin-antitoxin (TA) modules have been confirmed as stress-response elements that induce prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell-growth arrest or death, but their role in the virulence of Leptospira has not been reported. Here, we confirmed that all the tested leptospiral strains had the chpIK and mazEF TA modules with highly-conserved sequences. The transcription and expression of the chpI, chpK, mazE, and mazF genes of Leptospira interrogans strain Lai were significantly increased during infection of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced human THP-1 macrophages. The toxic ChpK and MazF but not the antitoxic ChpI and MazE proteins were detectable in the cytoplasmic fraction of leptospire-infected THP-1 cells, indicating the external secretion of ChpK and MazF during infection. Transfection of the chpK or mazF gene caused decreased viability and necrosis in THP-1 cells, whereas the chpI or mazE gene transfection did not affect the viability of THP-1 cells but blocked the ChpK or MazF-induced toxicity. Deletion of the chpK or mazF gene also decreased the late-apoptotic and/or necrotic ratios of THP-1 cells at the late stages of infection. The recombinant protein MazF (rMazF) cleaved the RNAs but not the DNAs from Leptospira and THP-1 cells, and this RNA cleavage was blocked by rMazE. However, the rChpK had no RNA or DNA-degrading activity. All these findings indicate that the ChpK and MazF proteins in TA modules are involved in the virulence of L. interrogans during infection. Copyright © 2014 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  9. Leptospira interrogans causes quantitative and morphological disturbances in adherens junctions and other biological groups of proteins in human endothelial cells.

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    Hiromi Sato


    Full Text Available Pathogenic Leptospira transmits from animals to humans, causing the zoonotic life-threatening infection called leptospirosis. This infection is reported worldwide with higher risk in tropical regions. Symptoms of leptospirosis range from mild illness to severe illness such as liver damage, kidney failure, respiratory distress, meningitis, and fatal hemorrhagic disease. Invasive species of Leptospira rapidly disseminate to multiple tissues where this bacterium damages host endothelial cells, increasing vascular permeability. Despite the burden in humans and animals, the pathogenic mechanisms of Leptospira infection remain to be elucidated. The pathogenic leptospires adhere to endothelial cells and permeabilize endothelial barriers in vivo and in vitro. In this study, human endothelial cells were infected with the pathogenic L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni or the saprophyte L. biflexa serovar Patoc to investigate morphological changes and other distinctive phenotypes of host cell proteins by fluorescence microscopy. Among those analyzed, 17 proteins from five biological classes demonstrated distinctive phenotypes in morphology and/or signal intensity upon infection with Leptospira. The affected biological groups include: 1 extracellular matrix, 2 intercellular adhesion molecules and cell surface receptors, 3 intracellular proteins, 4 cell-cell junction proteins, and 5 a cytoskeletal protein. Infection with the pathogenic strain most profoundly disturbed the biological structures of adherens junctions (VE-cadherin and catenins and actin filaments. Our data illuminate morphological disruptions and reduced signals of cell-cell junction proteins and filamentous actin in L. interrogans-infected endothelial cells. In addition, Leptospira infection, regardless of pathogenic status, influenced other host proteins belonging to multiple biological classes. Our data suggest that this zoonotic agent may damage endothelial cells via multiple cascades or

  10. Effect of Leptospira interrogans outer membrane proteins LipL32 on HUVEC. (United States)

    Sun, Zhan; Bao, Lang; Li, DaoKun; Huang, Bi; Wu, Bingting


    Leptospira cause disease through a toxin-mediated process by inducing vascular injury, particularly a small-vessel vasculitis. Breakdown of vessel endothelial cell integrity may increase vessel permeability which is correlated with the changes of tight junction and/or apoptosis in vessel endothelial cells. The specific toxin responsible remains unidentified. In this study, we amplified outer membrane protein LipL32 from the genome of Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai, and it was subcloned in pET32a(+) vector to express thioredoxin(Trx)-LipL32 fusion protein in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The protein was expressed and purified, and Trx-LipL32 was administered to culture with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) to elucidate the role of leptospiral outer membrane proteins in vessel endothelial cell. The purified recombinant protein was capable to increase the permeability of HUVECs. And the protein was able to decrease the expression of ZO-1 and induce F-actin in HUVECs display thickening and clustering. Moreover, apoptosis of HUVEC was significantly accelerated. But the fusion partner had no effect in these regards. It is possible that LipL32 is involved in the vessel lesions. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Profiling of Leptospira interrogans, L. santarosai, L. meyeri and L. borgpetersenii by SE-AFLP, PFGE and susceptibility testing--a continuous attempt at species and serovar differentiation. (United States)

    Moreno, Luisa Z; Miraglia, Fabiana; Lilenbaum, Walter; Neto, José S F; Freitas, Julio C; Morais, Zenaide M; Hartskeerl, Rudy A; da Costa, Barbara L P; Vasconcellos, Silvio A; Moreno, Andrea M


    Leptospirosis is a widespread systemic zoonosis, considered as reemerging in certain developing countries. Although the cross agglutinin absorption test is still considered the standard method for Leptospira identification, it presents several disadvantages. The aim of this study was to characterize Leptospira spp. isolated from various hosts by genotyping and broth microdilution susceptibility testing in an attempt to differentiate Leptospira species, serogroups and serovars. Forty-seven isolates were studied. They were previously serotyped, and species confirmation was performed by 16S rRNA sequencing. Single-enzyme amplified fragment length polymorphism (SE-AFLP) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis enabled the distinction of L. interrogans from L. santarosai, L. meyeri and L. borgpetersenii in two main clusters. Among L. interrogans, it was possible to differentiate into two new clusters the serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae from the serogroups Canicola and Pomona. L. santarosai isolates presented higher genetic variation than the other species in both techniques. Interestingly, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) cluster analysis also provided Leptospira serogroup differentiation. Further studies are necessary regarding serovar Bananal isolates, as they presented the highest MIC values for most of the antimicrobials tested. All studied techniques successfully distinguished Leptospira species and serogroups. Despite being library-dependent methods, these approaches are less labor intensive and more economically viable, particularly SE-AFLP, and can be implemented in most reference laboratories worldwide to enable faster Leptospira typing.

  12. [Construction and expression of recombinant Mycobacterium bovis BCG with the ompA-like membrane protein gene Loa22 of Leptospira interrogans serovar]. (United States)

    Li, Dao-kun; Bao, Lang; Zhang, Ying; Sun, Zhan


    To study the immunity of Loa22 from Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai strain 56601 by expressing its protein in BCG. Amplified the mature peptide of Loa22 gene from the genome of of Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai strain 56601 and constructed recombinant plasmid rpMV36l-1oa22 with the E. coli-BCG integrating shuttle plasmid pMV361 and the Loa22 mature peptide gene. The rpMV36l-1oa22 plasmid was transformed into BCG by electroporation. The rBCG bearing rpMV36l-1oa22 was induced by high temperature of 45 degrees C and expressed protein was identified by SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting. Fifth 6-week-old BALB/c mice were randomly divided into five groups, which were inoculated intraperitoneally two times at 0-day and 21-day with BCG, rBCG-pMV361, rI3CG-1oa22, Loa22 and killed whole-leptospires respectively. All animals were dislocated from cervical vertebra on the 14Ih day after the last immunization. The proliferative reaction of splenic lymphocyte in tuitro were tested by XTT. The rpMV36l-1oa22 plasmid was constructed successfully and transformed into BCG. The rBCG expressed a 19 X io specifical protein identified by SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting. The splenic lymphocyte proliferate activity (SI) in rBCG-ioa22 group in intro was significantly higher than those in BCG group and rBCG-pMV361 group. We explored the expressing feasibility of Loa22 in Mycobacterium bovis BCG. may therefore make further researches on the induction of protective immunity against human and animal leptospirosis.

  13. Methylation and in vivo expression of the surface-exposed Leptospira interrogans outer-membrane protein OmpL32. (United States)

    Eshghi, Azad; Pinne, Marija; Haake, David A; Zuerner, Richard L; Frank, Ami; Cameron, Caroline E


    Recent studies have revealed that bacterial protein methylation is a widespread post-translational modification that is required for virulence in selected pathogenic bacteria. In particular, altered methylation of outer-membrane proteins has been shown to modulate the effectiveness of the host immune response. In this study, 2D gel electrophoresis combined with MALDI-TOF MS identified a Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni strain Fiocruz L1-130 protein, corresponding to ORF LIC11848, which undergoes extensive and differential methylation of glutamic acid residues. Immunofluorescence microscopy implicated LIC11848 as a surface-exposed outer-membrane protein, prompting the designation OmpL32. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy of golden Syrian hamster liver and kidney sections revealed expression of OmpL32 during colonization of these organs. Identification of methylated surface-exposed outer-membrane proteins, such as OmpL32, provides a foundation for delineating the role of this post-translational modification in leptospiral virulence.

  14. Role for cis-acting RNA sequences in the temperature-dependent expression of the multiadhesive lig proteins in Leptospira interrogans. (United States)

    Matsunaga, James; Schlax, Paula J; Haake, David A


    The spirochete Leptospira interrogans causes a systemic infection that provokes a febrile illness. The putative lipoproteins LigA and LigB promote adhesion of Leptospira to host proteins, interfere with coagulation, and capture complement regulators. In this study, we demonstrate that the expression level of the LigA and LigB proteins was substantially higher when L. interrogans proliferated at 37°C instead of the standard culture temperature of 30°C. The RNA comprising the 175-nucleotide 5' untranslated region (UTR) and first six lig codons, whose sequence is identical in ligA and ligB, is predicted to fold into two distinct stem-loop structures separated by a single-stranded region. The ribosome-binding site is partially sequestered in double-stranded RNA within the second structure. Toeprint analysis revealed that in vitro formation of a 30S-tRNA(fMet)-mRNA ternary complex was inhibited unless a 5' deletion mutation disrupted the second stem-loop structure. To determine whether the lig sequence could mediate temperature-regulated gene expression in vivo, the 5' UTR and the first six codons were inserted between the Escherichia coli l-arabinose promoter and bgaB (β-galactosidase from Bacillus stearothermophilus) to create a translational fusion. The lig fragment successfully conferred thermoregulation upon the β-galactosidase reporter in E. coli. The second stem-loop structure was sufficient to confer thermoregulation on the reporter, while sequences further upstream in the 5' UTR slightly diminished expression at each temperature tested. Finally, the expression level of β-galactosidase was significantly higher when point mutations predicted to disrupt base pairs in the second structure were introduced into the stem. Compensatory mutations that maintained base pairing of the stem without restoring the wild-type sequence reinstated the inhibitory effect of the 5' UTR on expression. These results indicate that ligA and ligB expression is limited by double

  15. Enfermedad meningocócica. Situación en España en la temporada 1998-1999

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    Rosa Cano Portero


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: El cambio en el patrón epidemiológico sufrido por la enfermedad meningocócica en gran parte del país en la temporada 1996-1997 y la decisión de intervenir mediante una campaña de vacunación en el grupo de 18 meses a 19 años de edad con vacuna bivalente de polisacáridos, fueron el motivo para reforzar la vigilancia epidemiológica de esta enfermedad MÉTODOS: Se calcularon, para la temporada 1998-1999, tasas y otros indicadores de incidencia y letalidad por serogrupo y edad según los datos notificados al Sistema de Enfermedades de Declaración Obligatoria. RESULTADOS: La incidencia global fue superior que la temporada previa, aunque, la razón de tasas no indicó un riesgo significativamente mayor. Se produjo un aumento significativo de la tasa por serogrupo B y por segundo año consecutivo, la tasa por serogrupo C disminuyó, aunque no de forma significativa. Se produjo un aumento en el número de defunciones. La letalidad por serogrupo C aumentó en el grupo de 1 a 4 años. La incidencia se mantuvo alta y con un claro patrón estacional en las comunidades que no vacunaron. En el resto la incidencia se redujo y el patrón estacional desapareció. CONCLUSIONES: A los dos años de la intervención el predominio de casos del serogrupo B es general en todas las CCAA, excepto en las tres que no vacunaron, en ellas, durante estos dos últimos años, ha predominado el serogrupo C. En las CCAA que vacunaron se aprecia un incremento de la incidencia, aunque no significativo, entre los niños menores de cuatro años.

  16. Immunological and molecular characterization of Leptospira interrogans isolated from a bovine foetus. (United States)

    Monte, Leonardo Garcia; Ridieri, Karine Forster; Jorge, Sérgio; Oliveira, Natasha Rodrigues; Hartwig, Daiane Drawanz; Amaral, Marta Gonçalves; Hartleben, Cláudia Pinho; Dellagostin, Odir Antonio


    Cattle are commonly infected with pathogenic leptospires, and similarly to rodents, they excrete the bacteria in their urine and can transmit the pathogen from animal to animal or animal to human. Thus, surveillance and monitoring systems for detection of new Leptospira serovars are important for the control of leptospirosis. Here, we report the isolation of a spirochete from a stillborn bovine foetus and its characterization by immunological and molecular techniques. A variable number tandem repeat profile using seven discriminatory primers identified the spirochete as belonging to species Leptospira interrogans serogroup Australis serovar Muenchen. A phenotypic analysis using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against leptospiral membrane-associated proteins confirmed the expression of important virulence and pathogenicity factors (LipL32 and LigBrep). Out of 120 reference sera tested, 22 positive (36.66%) and 9 negative (15%) also reacted with the new isolate. Furthermore, the serovar Muenchen isolate was virulent in hamster model. The animal inoculated developed acute lethal infection characterized by hepatic, pulmonary and renal lesions. Local isolates exhibited unique characteristics that differed from those of reference strains; therefore, isolation of leptospires is useful in the surveillance of local pathogenic serovars. In conclusion, the data obtained from this study can contribute to the epidemiological understanding and control of leptospirosis in southern Brazil. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Leptospira interrogans stably infects zebrafish embryos, altering phagocyte behavior and homing to specific tissues.

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    J Muse Davis


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is an extremely widespread zoonotic infection with outcomes ranging from subclinical infection to fatal Weil's syndrome. Despite the global impact of the disease, key aspects of its pathogenesis remain unclear. To examine in detail the earliest steps in the host response to leptospires, we used fluorescently labelled Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni to infect 30 hour post fertilization zebrafish embryos by either the caudal vein or hindbrain ventricle. These embryos have functional innate immunity but have not yet developed an adaptive immune system. Furthermore, they are optically transparent, allowing direct visualization of host-pathogen interactions from the moment of infection. We observed rapid uptake of leptospires by phagocytes, followed by persistent, intracellular infection over the first 48 hours. Phagocytosis of leptospires occasionally resulted in formation of large cellular vesicles consistent with apoptotic bodies. By 24 hours, clusters of infected phagocytes were accumulating lateral to the dorsal artery, presumably in early hematopoietic tissue. Our observations suggest that phagocytosis may be a key defense mechanism in the early stages of leptospirosis, and that phagocytic cells play roles in immunopathogenesis and likely in the dissemination of leptospires to specific target tissues.

  18. Resultados del estudio serológico tras la vacunación frente a Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo C en niños

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    Espín Ríos María Isabel


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: El aumento de incidencia de enfermedad meningocócica en la Región de Murcia en la temporada 1996/97 motivó que la Dirección General de Salud desarrollara en septiembre-octubre de 1997 una Campaña de Vacunación frente al meningococo serogrupo C. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer el porcentaje de niños menores de 5 años de edad que mostraban seroconversión postvacunal al mes de la vacunación y el porcentaje de los mismos que conservaban inmunidad al año de la vacunación. MÉTODO: Estudio de seguimiento de 296 niños entre 18 y 59 meses de edad. Las determinaciones serológicas ser realizaron antes de la vacunación, al mes y al año de la vacunación. La titulación de anticuerpos se determinó según el "ensayo bactericida" de los Centers for Disease Control. RESULTADOS: De los 296 niños estudiados únicamente 11 (3,7% mostraron títulos de anticuerpos bactericidas antes de la vacunación. Al mes, de los niños que no mostraban anticuerpos antes de la vacunación, 167 (63,7% seroconvirtieron. Se observó una tendencia lineal estadísticamente significativa (p<0.001 de aumento del porcentaje de seroconversión con la edad de vacunación. Al año de la vacunación, de entre los niños seroconvertidos al mes de la vacunación, únicamente 6 (4,3% mostraban anticuerpos bactericidas. CONCLUSIÓN: El porcentaje de seroconversión en menores de 5 años de edad, tras la administración de la vacuna de polisacárido capsular C, presentó un claro incremento con la edad. La seroprotección adquirida en niños vacunados declina rápidamente en el año siguiente a la vacunación.

  19. Three case studies involving Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona infection in mixed farming units : case report

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    B. Gummow


    Full Text Available Three case studies involving Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona outbreaks within mixed farming systems in South Africa are described. On 2 farms, pigs constituted the main enterprise with cattle and sheep of secondary importance. On each of these 2 farms, abortion due to L. pomona in sows was confirmed by culture, and antibody titres to pomona were detected in cattle, sheep, horses and dogs. On the 3rd farm, a piggery was ofsecondary importance to cattle farming. Abortion and death in cows occurred on this farmand serology showed titres to various serovars, including pomona. L. pomona was also isolated from bovine urine, an aborted bovine foetus and kidneys from slaughtered pigs. This particular case study was regarded as clinically atypical in that adult Jersey cattle died of acute leptospirosis in a semiarid region of South Africa. In all 3 case studies, the poor management of pig effluent and of the drinking water and its sources played a pivotal role in the transmission of the disease. Inadequate vaccination of animals against Leptospira and poor record-keeping within the secondary farming enterprises were also contributing factors to the spread of leptospirosis.

  20. [Eukaryotic expression of Leptospira interrogans lipL32/1-ompL1/1 fusion gene encoding genus-specific protein antigens and the immunoreactivity of expression products]. (United States)

    Yan, Jie; Zhao, Shou-feng; Mao, Ya-fei; Ruan, Ping; Luo, Yi-hui; Li, Shu-ping; Li, Li-wei


    To construct the eukaryotic expression system of L.interrogans lipL32/1-ompL1/1 fusion gene and to identify the immunoreactivity of expression products. PCR with linking primer was used to construct the fusion gene lipL32/1-ompL1/1. The P.pastoris eukaryotic expression system of the fusion gene, pPIC9K-lipL32/1-ompL1/1-P. pastorisGS115, was constructed after the fusion gene was cloned and sequenced. Colony with phenotype His(+)Mut(+) was isolated by using MD and MM plates and His(+) Mut(+) transformant with high resistance to G418 was screened out by using YPD plate. Using lysate of His(+) Mut(+) colony with high copies of the target gene digested with yeast lyase as the template and 5'AOX1 and 3'AOX1 as the primers, the target fusion gene in chromosome DNA of the constructed P. pastoris engineering strain was detected by PCR. Methanol in BMMY medium was used to induce the target recombinant protein rLipL32/1-rOmpL1/1 expression. rLipL32/1-rOmpL1/1 in the medium supernatant was extracted by using ammonium sulfate precipitation and Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. Output and immunoreactivity of rLipL32/1-rOmpL1/1 were measured by SDS-PAGE and Western blot methods, respectively. Amplification fragments of the obtained fusion gene lipL32/1-ompL1/1 was 1794 bp in size. The homogeneity of nucleotide and putative amino acid sequences of the fusion gene were as high as 99.94 % and 100 %, respectively, compared with the sequences of original lipL32/1 and ompL1/1 genotypes. The constructed eukaryotic expression system was able to secrete rLipL32/1-rOmpL1/1 with an output of 10 % of the total proteins in the supernatant, which located the expected position after SDS-PAGE. The rabbit anti-rLipL32/1 and anti-rOmpL1/1 sera could combine the expressed rLipL32/1-rOmpL1/1. An eukaryotic expression system with high efficiency in P.pastoris of L.interrogans lipL32/1-ompL1/1 fusion gene was successfully constructed in this study. The expressed fusion protein shows specific

  1. Human leptospirosis in Tanzania: sequencing and phylogenetic analysis confirm that pathogenic Leptospira species circulate among agro-pastoralists living in Katavi-Rukwa ecosystem. (United States)

    Muller, Shabani K; Assenga, Justine A; Matemba, Lucas E; Misinzo, Gerald; Kazwala, Rudovick R


    Leptospirosis is a neglected zoonotic disease of worldwide public health importance. The disease affects humans, domestic animals and wildlife. However, leptospirosis is challenging in its diagnosis in humans. Culture technique, which is time consuming, is not recommended for clinical diagnosis. For these reasons, serological and molecular techniques remain the test of choice. The major objective of this study was to explore the genetic characteristic of Leptospira species which are prevalent among agro-pastoralists living in Katavi-Rukwa Ecosystem, Tanzania. A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out in the Katavi-Region South-west, Tanzania between August, 2013 and November, 2014. A total of 267 participants were randomly recruited for the study. Microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was used to detect antibody against six Leptospira antigens including local serogroups Icterohaemorrhagiae, Ballum, Grippotyphosa, Sejroe and reference serogroups Hebdomadis, and Australis. Samples with MAT titers ≥ 1:160 were scored as positive, samples with MAT titers ranging from 1:20 to 1:80 were scored as exposed to Leptospira, and absence of agglutination titers was scored as negative. All MAT positive samples, including the low titre samples were subjected to PCR using the respective 16S rRNA primers for the pathogenic and non-pathogenic species. Out of 267 samples tested, 80 (29.9 %) were positive with MAT. The major circulating leptospiral serogroups were Sejroe (15.7 %,), Icterohaemorrhagiae (8.9 %), Grippotyphosa (4.8 %), Hebdomadis (3.37 %), Australis (1.49 %) and Ballum (1.19 %). By using PCR, 33 (15.7 %) out of 210 samples were pathogenic Leptospira while no saprophytic Leptospira spp. was detected. Partial 16S rRNA gene sequences of Leptospira species which were obtained from this study were submitted to GenBank and acquired accession numbers KP313246 and KP313247. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences revealed that species

  2. Exposure to selected Pathogens in to selected pathogens in Geoffroy's cats and domestic carnivores from central Argentina. (United States)

    Uhart, Marcela M; Rago, M Virginia; Marull, Carolina A; Ferreyra, Hebe del Valle; Pereira, Javier A


    Wild carnivores share a high percentage of parasites and viruses with closely related domestic carnivores. Because of increased overlap and potential contact with domestic species, we conducted a retrospective serosurvey for 11 common carnivore pathogens in 40 Geoffroy's cats (Leopardus geoffroyi) sampled between 2000 and 2008 within or near two protected areas in central Argentina (Lihué Calel National Park, La Pampa, and Campos del Tuyú National Park, Buenos Aires), as well as five domestic cats and 11 domestic dogs from catde ranches adjacent to Lihué Calel Park. Geoffroy's cats had detectable antibody to canine distemper virus (CDV), feline calicivirus (FCV), feline coronavirus, feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), Toxoplasma gondii, Leptospira interrogans (serovars Ictero/Icter and Ballum), and Dirofilaria immitis. None of the wild cats had antibodies to feline herpesvirus, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline leukemia virus, or rabies virus. Domestic dogs had antibodies to CDV, canine adenovirus, canine herpesvirus, and canine parvovirus. Antibodies to FPV, FCV, FIV, and T. gondii were found in domestic cats. We provide the first data on exposure of free-ranging Geoffroy's cats to pathogens at two sites within the core area of the species distribution range, including the first report of antibodies to CDV in this species. We encourage continued monitoring for diseases in wild and domestic carnivores as well as preventive health care for domestic animals, particularly in park buffer zones where overlap is greatest.

  3. Evaluación de la eficacia de VA-MENGOC-BC® en ratón Balb/c retados frente a los serogrupos A, B y C

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    Juan Francisco Infante


    Full Text Available Hasta la fecha se han desarrollado varios modelos experimentales para la reproducción experimental de la enfermedad meningocócica humana, cuya utilidad en la evaluación de la eficacia de medios de inmunización y terapia, así como en el estudio de la patogenia de la enfermedad es incuestionable. En el presente trabajo se describe la evaluación de la eficacia de VA-MENGOC-BC® y la Inmunoglobulina Humana Antimeningocócica BC frente a Neisseria meningitidis de los serogrupos A, B y C, empleando el ratón Balb/c tratado con mucina y dextrana férrica como estimulantes de la virulencia. Los ratones fueron inmunizados por vía intraperitoneal con una, dos o tres dosis de 0,5 mL de VA-MENGOC-BC®. El intervalo entre dosis fue de tres semanas entre la primera y segunda dosis y de 15 días entre la segunda y la tercera. El reto se realizó con dosis letales (1-3 x DL50 de N. meningitidis A, B ó C a los 15 ó 21 días después de aplicada la última dosis de vacuna. Para evaluar la actividad de la Inmunoglobulina Antimeningocócica BC como medio de inmunización pasiva, se trató otro grupo de ratones, 30 min, 2 y 6 h después habérseles inoculado los gérmenes. Se administraron en cada caso 5 mg de la inmunoglobulina por vía intraperitoneal o intravenosa en un volumen de 0,1 mL. Los resultados demostraron que tanto VA-MENGOC-BC® como la Globulina Antimeningocócica BC confieren protección significativa contra un reto letal con N. meningitidis en el modelo de ratón tratado con factores estimulantes de la virulencia.

  4. Alterações espermáticas e dos níveis plasmáticos de testosterona em cães experimentalmente infectados por Leptospira interrogans sorovar Canicola


    Santana, Lucas Alves de Souza [UNESP


    Conhecendo-se a predileção das leptospiras pelo aparelho urogenital, e a crescente utilização de técnicas de reprodução assistida na espécie canina, o presente trabalho objetivou pesquisar a presença e a ação da Leptospira no sêmen e testículo de cães. Foram utilizados 32 animais, dos quais 20 foram inoculados com uma cepa patogênica de Leptospira interrogans sorovar Canicola e 12 não receberam inóculo algum, sendo considerados animais-controle. Assim, os 32 animais experimentais foram reunid...

  5. Na,K-ATPase: a molecular target for Leptospira interrogans endotoxin

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    Younes-Ibrahim M.


    Full Text Available On the basis of our report that a glycolipoprotein fraction (GLP extracted from Leptospira interrogans contains a potent inhibitor of renal Na,K-ATPase, we proposed that GLP-induced inhibition of Na,K-ATPase might be the primary cellular defect in the physiopathology of leptospirosis. The present study was designed to test this hypothesis by determining whether or not 1 GLP inhibits all the isoforms of Na,K-ATPase which are expressed in the tissues affected by leptospirosis, 2 Na,K-ATPase from leptospirosis-resistant species, such as the rat, is sensitive to GLP, 3 GLP inhibits Na,K-ATPase from intact cells, and 4 GLP inhibits ouabain-sensitive H,K-ATPase. The results indicate that in the rabbit, a leptospirosis-sensitive species, GLP inhibits with similar efficiency (apparent IC50: 120-220 µg protein GLP/ml all isoforms of Na,K-ATPase known to be expressed in target tissues for the disease. Na,K-ATPase from rat kidney displays a sensitivity to GLP similar to that of the rabbit kidney enzyme (apparent IC50: 25-80 and 50-150 µg protein GLP/ml for rat and rabbit, respectively, indicating that resistance to the disease does not result from the resistance of Na,K-ATPase to GLP. GLP also reduces ouabain-sensitive rubidium uptake in rat thick ascending limbs (pmol mm-1 min-1 ± SEM; control: 23.8 ± 1.8; GLP, 88 µg protein/ml: 8.2 ± 0.9, demonstrating that it is active in intact cells. Finally, GLP had no demonstrable effect on renal H,K-ATPase activity, even on the ouabain-sensitive form, indicating that the active principle of GLP is more specific for Na,K-ATPase than ouabain itself. Although the hypothesis remains to be demonstrated in vivo, the present findings are compatible with the putative role of GLP-induced inhibition of Na,K-ATPase as an initial mechanism in the physiopathology of leptospirosis

  6. Osmotic regulation of expression of two extracellular matrix-binding proteins and a haemolysin of Leptospira interrogans: differential effects on LigA and Sph2 extracellular release. (United States)

    Matsunaga, James; Medeiros, Marco A; Sanchez, Yolanda; Werneid, Kristian F; Ko, Albert I


    The life cycle of the pathogen Leptospira interrogans involves stages outside and inside the host. Entry of L. interrogans from moist environments into the host is likely to be accompanied by the induction of genes encoding virulence determinants and the concomitant repression of genes encoding products required for survival outside of the host. The expression of the adhesin LigA, the haemolysin Sph2 (Lk73.5) and the outer-membrane lipoprotein LipL36 of pathogenic Leptospira species have been reported to be regulated by mammalian host signals. A previous study demonstrated that raising the osmolarity of the leptospiral growth medium to physiological levels encountered in the host by addition of various salts enhanced the levels of cell-associated LigA and LigB and extracellular LigA. In this study, we systematically examined the effects of osmotic upshift with ionic and non-ionic solutes on expression of the known mammalian host-regulated leptospiral genes. The levels of cell-associated LigA, LigB and Sph2 increased at physiological osmolarity, whereas LipL36 levels decreased, corresponding to changes in specific transcript levels. These changes in expression occurred irrespective of whether sodium chloride or sucrose was used as the solute. The increase of cellular LigA, LigB and Sph2 protein levels occurred within hours of adding sodium chloride. Extracellular Sph2 levels increased when either sodium chloride or sucrose was added to achieve physiological osmolarity. In contrast, enhanced levels of extracellular LigA were observed only with an increase in ionic strength. These results indicate that the mechanisms for release of LigA and Sph2 differ during host infection. Thus, osmolarity not only affects leptospiral gene expression by affecting transcript levels of putative virulence determinants but also affects the release of such proteins into the surroundings.

  7. Resultados del estudio de subdetección del meningococo en vacunados en Galicia

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    Alberto Malvar Pintos


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: A partir la vigilancia activa y el seguimiento de la Enfermedad Meningocócica (EM tras la campaña de vacunación realizada en Galicia, se observó que la proporción de aislamientos del serogrupo responsable de la enfermedad entre los casos de sospechosos de EM (SEM que habían sido vacunados era menor que entre los no vacunados. Ante esta situación se realizó un estudio con el fin de determinar si en el origen de esas SEM sin aislamiento se encontraba la N. Meningitidis del serogrupo C y cuantificar la importancia de esa subdetección. MÉTODOS: Para ello, y durante el período de estudio (desde la semana 26 de 1997 a la semana 14 de 1999, se tomaron muestras de LCR y sangre de las SEM sin aislamiento, para su estudio con PCR para especie y serogrupo. El análisis de las muestras fue realizado por el laboratorio de microbiología del hospital Clínico de Santiago de Compostela. RESULTADOS: De los 120 casos notificados durante el periodo de estudio, se analizaron por PCR 65 (38 vacunados y 27 no vacunados, resultando positivas para N. meningitidis en un 65% (42 muestras, 74% en vacunados y 52% en no vacunados. . Estimando, a partir de los casos estudiados, los resultados para el total, y excluyendo los casos PCR negativo, encontramos que, para el serogrupo C, sólo en el 27% de los casos ocurridos en vacunados se consigue aislarlo, frente al 80% en los no vacunados (p<0.0001. Estos porcentajes son, para el caso del B, del 59 y 71% respectivamente, diferencia estadísticamente no significativa. CONCLUSIONES: La vacuna provocó una verdadera subdetección de meningococos del serogrupo C entre los casos vacunados

  8. Characterization of leptospiral proteins that afford partial protection in hamsters against lethal challenge with Leptospira interrogans. (United States)

    Atzingen, Marina V; Gonçales, Amane P; de Morais, Zenaide M; Araújo, Eduardo R; De Brito, Thales; Vasconcellos, Silvio A; Nascimento, Ana L T O


    Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by pathogenic Leptospira. The whole-genome sequence of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni together with bioinformatic tools allow us to search for novel antigen candidates suitable for improved vaccines against leptospirosis. This study focused on three genes encoding conserved hypothetical proteins predicted to be exported to the outer membrane. The genes were amplified by PCR from six predominant pathogenic serovars in Brazil. The genes were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli strain BL21-SI using the expression vector pDEST17. The recombinant proteins tagged with N-terminal 6xHis were purified by metal-charged chromatography. The proteins were recognized by antibodies present in sera from hamsters that were experimentally infected. Immunization of hamsters followed by challenge with a lethal dose of a virulent strain of Leptospira showed that the recombinant protein rLIC12730 afforded statistically significant protection to animals (44 %), followed by rLIC10494 (40 %) and rLIC12922 (30 %). Immunization with these proteins produced an increase in antibody titres during subsequent boosters, suggesting the involvement of a T-helper 2 response. Although more studies are needed, these data suggest that rLIC12730 and rLIC10494 are promising candidates for a multivalent vaccine for the prevention of leptospirosis.

  9. Imunodiagnóstico da leptospirose humana através do teste ELISA-IgM, empregando-se diferentes preparações antigênicas a partir de sorotipos prevalentes de Leptospira interrogans Immunodiagnostic of human leptospirosis by ELISA-IgM, employing: different antigenic preparations as from prevalent serovars of Leptospira interrogans

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    Marcos Vinicius da Silva


    Full Text Available Realizou-se estudo comparativo de diferentes sorotipos de Leptospira interrogans utilizados na preparação de antígenos empregados no teste ELISA, para a detecção de anticorpos da classe IgM, em amostras de soro na fase precoce e tardia da leptospirose humana. Foram utilizados dez sorotipos, escolhidos entre os que apresentaram maior reatividade na soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM, na cidade de São Paulo. Os cinco sorotipos que apresentaram melhores resultados individualmente no teste ELISA-IgM (canicola, hebdomadis, icterohaemorrhagiae, cynopteri e brasiliensis, foram também estudados em mistura antigênica. Os antígenos não tratados apresentaram maior reatividade do que os antígenos tratados com Triton X - 100 (4% à temperatura de 50ºC, durante 4 horas. O teste ELISA-IgM empregando os sorotipos não tratados, isoladamente, e em mistura antigênica, mostrou-se altamente sensível, podendo ser empregado como teste de triagem para o diagnóstico precoce da leptospirose humana. Outra aplicação do teste é permitir a detecção do início de situações epidêmicas ou de surtos, possibilitando acionar medidas de vigilância epidemiológica.A comparative study among different serovars of Leptospira interrogans was performed in order to prepare antigens to detect IgM antibodies by ELISA in early and late phase of human leptospirosis. Ten serovars were chosen among the most prevalent detected by microscopic seroagglutination (SAM in São Paulo city. Using ELISA-IgM five of them showed better results (canicola, hebdomadis, icterohaemorrhagiae, cynopteri and brasiliensis. These ones were also studied in a pool. The non-treated antigens showed higher reactivity than the Triton X-100 (4%/50ºC/4h. ELISA-IgM using individually or pool of non treated antigens proved to be reliable with high sensitivity and should be used for an earlier diagnosis of leptospirosis, as a trial test. Faster diagnostic elucidation can be useful to detect

  10. Heterologous Expression, Purification and Characterization of an Oligopeptidase A from the Pathogen Leptospira interrogans. (United States)

    Anu, Prasannan V; Madanan, Madathiparambil G; Nair, Ananthakrishnan J; Nair, Gangaprasad A; Nair, Govinda Pillai M; Sudhakaran, Perumana R; Satheeshkumar, Padikara K


    Oligopeptidases are enzymes involved in the degradation of short peptides (generally less than 30 amino acids in size) which help pathogens evade the host defence mechanisms. Leptospira is a zoonotic pathogen and causes leptospirosis in mammals. Proteome analysis of Leptospira revealed the presence of oligopeptidase A (OpdA) among other membrane proteins. To study the role of oligopeptidase in leptospirosis, the OpdA of L. interrogans was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli with a histidine tag (His-tag). The protein showed maximum expression at 37 °C with 0.5 mM of IPTG after 2 h of induction. Recombinant OpdA protein was purified to homogeneity using Ni-affinity chromatography. The purified OpdA showed more than 80% inhibition with a serine protease inhibitor but the activity was reduced to 30% with the cysteine protease inhibitor. The peptidase activity was increased significantly in the presence of Zn 2+ at a neutral pH. Inhibitor assay indicate the presence of more than one active sites for peptidase activity as reported with the OpdA of E. coli and Salmonella. Over-expression of OpdA in E. coli BL21 (DE3) did not cause any negative effects on normal cell growth and viability. The role of OpdA as virulence factor in Leptospira and its potential as a therapeutic and diagnostic target in leptospirosis is yet to be identified.

  11. Novel Leptospira interrogans protein Lsa32 is expressed during infection and binds laminin and plasminogen. (United States)

    Domingos, Renan F; Fernandes, Luis G; Romero, Eliete C; de Morais, Zenaide M; Vasconcellos, Silvio A; Nascimento, Ana L T O


    Pathogenic Leptospira is the aetiological agent of leptospirosis, a life-threatening disease of human and veterinary concern. The quest for novel antigens that could mediate host-pathogen interactions is being pursued. Owing to their location, these antigens have the potential to elicit numerous activities, including immune response and adhesion. This study focuses on a hypothetical protein of Leptospira, encoded by the gene LIC11089, and its three derived fragments: the N-terminal, intermediate and C terminus regions. The gene coding for the full-length protein and fragments was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(SI) strain by using the expression vector pAE. The recombinant protein and fragments tagged with hexahistidine at the N terminus were purified by metal affinity chromatography. The leptospiral full-length protein, named Lsa32 (leptospiral surface adhesin, 32 kDa), adheres to laminin, with the C terminus region being responsible for this interaction. Lsa32 binds to plasminogen in a dose-dependent fashion, generating plasmin when an activator is provided. Moreover, antibodies present in leptospirosis serum samples were able to recognize Lsa32. Lsa32 is most likely a new surface protein of Leptospira, as revealed by proteinase K susceptibility. Altogether, our data suggest that this multifaceted protein is expressed during infection and may play a role in host-L. interrogans interactions. © 2015 The Authors.

  12. Preliminary Investigations on the Distribution of Leptospira Serovars in Domestic Animals in North-west Morocco. (United States)

    Benkirane, A; Noury, S; Hartskeerl, R A; Goris, M G A; Ahmed, A; Nally, J E


    Leptospirosis is a neglected zoonosis of global importance with a complex epidemiology that affects humans, domestic and wild mammals. However, due to the diversity of clinical signs and difficulties of establishing a confirmatory laboratory diagnosis, the disease remains poorly investigated, particularly in the developing world. In Morocco, a descriptive study of the seroprevalence of Leptospira infection in animals has never been undertaken. To fill this gap, the current study was conducted on a subset of animals in north-west Morocco as a preliminary step towards understanding the epidemiological patterns of animal leptospirosis in the country. The study was conducted on 289 serum samples collected between January and April 2012 from dogs, cattle, sheep, goats and donkeys in the areas of Rabat-Temara, Sidi Kacem and Oulmes. All serum samples were tested by the MAT with 14 reference strains of the most prevalent pathogenic serovars of Leptospira and two serovars of non-pathogenic Leptospira. The overall seroprevalence of Leptospira in cattle, sheep, goats, dogs and donkeys was 15%, 18%, 20%, 21% and 20%, respectively. The most prevalent serogroups found in each species were Ballum, Sejroe, and Australis in cattle, Ballum, Australis and Sejroe in sheep, Australis and Ballum in goats, Javanica and Australis in donkey and Australis, Ballum and Canicola in dogs. Of all the serogroups tested in this study, Icterohaemorrhagiae, the only serogroup which has been previously reported in humans in Morocco, was rarely reactive. The majority of reactive sera were collected from low land areas. A large number of sera samples classified as seronegative when tested against pathogenic leptospires were positive when tested against non-pathogenic leptospires; this is suggestive of possible novel, as yet unclassified, Leptospira serovars in Morocco. Eleven of thirteen sheep urine samples were positive by real-time PCR confirming their role as Leptospira carriers in Morocco. © 2014

  13. Molecular identification of the ompL1 gene within Leptospira interrogans standard serovars. (United States)

    Dezhbord, Mehrangiz; Esmaelizad, Majid; Khaki, Pejvak; Fotohi, Fariba; Zarehparvar Moghaddam, Athena


    Leptospirosis, caused by infection with pathogenic Leptospira species, is one of the most prevalent zoonotic diseases in the world. Current leptospiral vaccines are mainly multivalent dead whole-cell mixtures made of several local dominant serovars. Therefore, design and construction of an efficient recombinant vaccine for leptospirosis control is very important. OmpL1 is an immunogenic porin protein that could be of special significance in vaccination and serodiagnosis for leptospirosis. Three strains belonging to pathogenic L. interrogans were analyzed. The specific primers for proliferation of the ompL1 gene were designed. The amplified gene was cloned. In order to investigate the ompL1 nucleotide sequence and homological analysis of this gene, ompL1 genes cloned from standard vaccinal Leptospira serovars prevalent in Iran were sequenced and cloned. PCR amplification of the ompL1 gene using the designed primers resulted in a 963 bp ompL1 gene product. The PCR based on the ompL1 gene detected all pathogenic reference serovars of Leptospira spp. tested. Based on alignment and phylogenetic analysis, although the ompL1 nucleotide sequence was slightly different within three vaccinal serovars (100%-85% identity), amino acid alignment of the OmpL1 proteins revealed that there would be inconsiderable difference among them. The ompL1 gene of the three isolates was well conserved, differing only by a total of 6 bp and the proteins by 2 amino acids. The cloned gene could be further used for expression and recombinant OmpL1 as an efficient and conserved antigen, and may be a useful vaccine candidate against leptospirosis in our region.

  14. Detección de proteínas de adhesión a fibronectina y colágeno presentes en Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola

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    Gisele Reyes


    Full Text Available Como parte de los estudios encaminados a la obtención de una formulación vacunal por subunidades contra la leptospirosis humana, se describe la purificación y caracterización de las proteínas de unión a fibronectina y a colágeno en Leptospira interrogans. Las proteínas de la membrana externa fueron extraídas mediante la solubilización con Tritón X-114 y se aplicaron en una columna de afinidad de IgG AntiBSA-Sepharose 2B CL, para eliminar la BSA, contaminante principal del medio de cultivo en que crece el microorganismo. La muestra libre de BSA (no fijado se aplicó a una columna de afinidad de fibronectina Sepharose 4B-CNBr, que permitió la separación y detección de una fracción que contenía una proteína de unión a fibronectina presente en la cepa 87 de Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola, cuyo peso molecular fue estimado en 40 kDa. La proteína aislada demostró ser antigénica y conservada en los serovares Canicola, Copenhageni y Mozdok, en el ensayo de inmunodetección utilizado en este estudio (Dot blot. Para ello se utilizaron sueros específicos obtenidos en ratas infectadas experimentalmente con cada serovar y una mezcla de sueros de humanos convalecientes de leptospirosis. Las proteínas de membrana externa solubilizadas con Tritón X-114, libres de BSA, fueron aplicadas también a una columna de afinidad colágeno-Sepharosa 4B-CNBr, que permitió la purificación de una proteína de unión a colágeno con un peso molecular de aproximadamente 25 kDa, la cual resultó ser antigénica frente a sueros de humanos convalecientes de la enfermedad. Ambas proteínas seleccionadas (40 kD y 25 kD podrían ser evaluadas como posibles inmunógenos en futuros estudios encaminados a la obtención de nuevos antígenos vacunales.

  15. Occurrence of antibodies anti -Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Leptospira interrogans in a captive deer herd in Southern Brazil

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    Cristina Kraemer Zimpel

    Full Text Available Abstract A large number of Brazilian zoos keep many endangered species of deer, however, very few disease surveillance studies have been conducted among captive cervids. Blood samples from 32 Brazilian deer (Blastocerus dichotomus, Mazama nana and Mazama americana kept in captivity at Bela Vista Biological Sanctuary (Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil were investigated for 10 ruminant pathogens, with the aims of monitoring deer health status and evaluating any potential zoonotic risk. Deer serum samples were tested for Brucella abortus, Leptospira (23 serovars, Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, bovine viral diarrhea virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, western equine encephalitis virus, eastern equine encephalitis virus and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus. Antibodies against T. gondii (15.6%, N. caninum (6.2% and L. interrogans serogroup Serjoe (3.1% were detected. The serological results for all other infectious agents were negative. The deer were considered to be clinically healthy and asymptomatic regarding any disease. Compared with studies on free-ranging deer, the prevalences of the same agents tested among the captive deer kept at the Sanctuary were lower, thus indicating good sanitary conditions and high-quality management practices at the zoo.

  16. Eficácia dos tratamentos estabelecidos pelo Manual da IETS, em oócitos, expostos à Leptospira interrogans

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    A.C. Goes


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a eficácia dos tratamentos, definidos pela International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS, de oócitos bovinos, maturados in vitro e expostos experimentalmente à Leptospira interrogans sorovar Grippotyphosa. Os oócitos foram obtidos por meio de punção folicular, selecionados e distribuídos em quatro grupos, expostos ao patógeno e submetidos aos diferentes tipos de tratamentos. Foram expostos à cepa na concentração de 4,7.10(5/µL, virulenta e não adaptada ao meio de manutenção EMJH, e, de 6,3.10(5/µL, avirulenta e adaptada ao meio, por 24 horas. Os grupos tratados com tripsina ou antibióticos apresentaram eficácia de 21,7%, e o grupo lavado sequencialmente 33,4%. Os tratamentos não foram eficazes para os contaminados com a cepa avirulenta. Concluiu-se que as normas de controle de qualidade estabelecidas pela IETS poderiam ser revisadas e, possivelmente, redefinidas, uma vez que a eficácia dos tratamentos, provavelmente, não depende somente da espécie do patógeno, pois há interferência da virulência e de ação dos tratamentos sobre o tipo de patógeno.

  17. [Optimization of prokaryotic expression conditions of Leptospira interrogans trigeminy genus-specific protein antigen based on surface response analysis]. (United States)

    Wang, Jiang; Luo, Dongjiao; Sun, Aihua; Yan, Jie


    Lipoproteins LipL32 and LipL21 and transmembrane protein OMPL1 have been confirmed as the superficial genus-specific antigens of Leptospira interrogans, which can be used as antigens for developing a universal genetic engineering vaccine. In order to obtain high expression of an artificial fusion gene lipL32/1-lipL21-ompL1/2, we optimized prokaryotic expression conditions. We used surface response analysis based on the central composite design to optimize culture conditions of a new antigen protein by recombinant Escherichia coli DE3.The culture conditions included initial pH, induction start time, post-induction time, Isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) concentration, and temperature. The maximal production of antigen protein was 37.78 mg/l. The optimal culture conditions for high recombinant fusion protein was determined: initial pH 7.9, induction start time 2.5 h, a post-induction time of 5.38 h, 0.20 mM IPTG, and a post-induction temperature of 31 degrees C. Surface response analysis based on CCD increased the target production. This statistical method reduced the number of experiments required for optimization and enabled rapid identification and integration of the key culture condition parameters for optimizing recombinant protein expression.

  18. Seguridad, reactogenicidad e inmunogenicidad de una nueva vacuna de polisacáridos meningocócicos en adultos jóvenes cubanos

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    Rossana Estruch–de la Guardia


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio aleatorizado, controlado y a doble ciegas, en 352 adultos jóvenes cubanos entre 18 y 35 años de edad, con el objetivo de evaluar la seguridad, reactogenicidad y la inmunogenicidad de una nueva vacuna de polisacáridos de Neisseria meningitidis serogrupos A, C y W135, producida por el Instituto Finlay de Vacunas (La Habana, Cuba, con respecto a su similar comercial Mencevax® ACW de Glaxo Smith Kline. Se tomaron muestras de suero antes y 28 días después de la vacunación. La reactogenicidad de ambas vacunas fue similar. Los síntomas y signos, tanto locales como generales fueron leves y aparecieron principalmente durante las primeras 48 h después de la vacunación. Ningún sujeto presentó eventos adversos graves durante los 28 días del período de vigilancia. La vacuna en estudio mostró ser segura y poco reactogénica; sus porcentajes de seroconversión a los 28 días posteriores a la vacunación fueron de: 92,19 % para el serogrupo A, 88,89 % para C y 90,06 % para W135. No se detectaron diferencias con respecto a la seroconversión. La seroprotección alcanzada con la vacuna en estudio fue de 98,44 %, 91,81 % y 95,32 % para los serogrupos A, C y W135 respectivamente y no fue inferior con respecto a la vacuna control para los tres serogrupos estudiados.

  19. Cloning, expression, and homology modeling of GroEL protein from Leptospira interrogans serovar autumnalis strain N2. (United States)

    Natarajaseenivasan, Kalimuthusamy; Shanmughapriya, Santhanam; Velineni, Sridhar; Artiushin, Sergey C; Timoney, John F


    Leptospirosis is an infectious bacterial disease caused by Leptospira species. In this study, we cloned and sequenced the gene encoding the immunodominant protein GroEL from L. interrogans serovar Autumnalis strain N2, which was isolated from the urine of a patient during an outbreak of leptospirosis in Chennai, India. This groEL gene encodes a protein of 60 kDa with a high degree of homology (99% similarity) to those of other leptospiral serovars. Recombinant GroEL was overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Immunoblot analysis indicated that the sera from confirmed leptospirosis patients showed strong reactivity with the recombinant GroEL while no reactivity was observed with the sera from seronegative control patient. In addition, the 3D structure of GroEL was constructed using chaperonin complex cpn60 from Thermus thermophilus as template and validated. The results indicated a Z-score of -8.35, which is in good agreement with the expected value for a protein. The superposition of the Ca traces of cpn60 structure and predicted structure of leptospiral GroEL indicates good agreement of secondary structure elements with an RMSD value of 1.5 Å. Further study is necessary to evaluate GroEL for serological diagnosis of leptospirosis and for its potential as a vaccine component. Copyright © 2011 Beijing Genomics Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Isolation and characterization of Leptospira interrogans from pigs slaughtered in São Paulo State, Brazil Isolamento e caracterização de Leptospira interrogans de suínos abatidos no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Fabiana Miraglia


    Full Text Available With the aim of isolating Leptospira spp., blood serum, kidney, liver and genital tract of 137 female swine (40 sows and 97 gilts and also urine samples from 22 sows were collected in a slaughterhouse in the State of São Paulo, from April 2003 to August 2004. Four isolates were obtained from animals that presented microagglutination test (MAT titers > 100 for the serovar Pomona and one was obtained from an animal negative by MAT in which Leptospira was isolated from the liver and reproductive tract. The presence of leptospiral DNA was investigated by PCR, and positive results were found in kidneys of 11 females, liver of two, genital tract of two and urine of one of them. Nephrosis, interstitial multifocal nephritis, moderate to severe changing, hyalines cylinders and hemorrhagic focuses, hepatic and uterine horns congestion were histological lesions observed in higher frequency in animals positive for leptospira. The silver impregnation (Warthin Starry confirmed the presence of spirochetes in renal tubules of four females with positive leptospira cultures from kidneys. The serogroup of the five isolates was identified as Pomona by cross agglutination with reference polyclonal antibodies. Molecular characterization of the isolates was carried out by variable-number tandem-repeats analysis. All the isolates revealed a pattern distinct from the L. interrogans Pomona type strain, but identical to a previously identified pattern from strains isolated in Argentina belonging to serovar Pomona.Amostras de soro sanguíneo, rim, fígado e trato genital de 137 fêmeas suínas (40 matrizes e 97 marrãs e de urina de 22 matrizes foram colhidas em abatedouro no Estado de São Paulo, no período de abril de 2003 a agosto de 2004 tendo como objetivo o isolamento de Leptospira spp. Quatro estirpes foram isoladas de animais que apresentaram títulos, no teste de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM > 100, para o sorovar Pomona e de um animal, não reagente na


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    Mercedes Goicoechea Sáez


    Full Text Available por serogrupo C en la Comunidad Valenciana durante 1996-1997 motivó la realización de una campaña de vacunación antimeningocócica A+C en la población de 18 meses a 19 años de edad (entre septiembre y diciembre de 1997. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto de la campaña en cuanto a la epidemiología, clínica, evolución de la enfermedad meningocócica y estado de vacunación de la población infantil con el fin de valorar la efectividad vacunal. Métodos: Los datos se obtuvieron de las historias clínicas de los niños menores de 15 años, que presentaron síntomas y signos clínicos sugestivos de enfermedad invasora con aislamiento de Neisseria. meningitidis y/o que cumplían con los criterios de definición de caso establecidos, atendidos en todos los hospitales públicos de la Comunidad Valenciana entre 1996-2000. La evolución de la incidencia se valoró mediante tasas de incidencia. La clínica y su evolución (secuelas y letalidad mediante la frecuencia y distribución por serogrupo y edad. La efectividad vacunal se calculó según la fórmula de Orestein. Resultados: Se registró un total de 302 casos de enfermedad invasora por N. meningitidis. La tasa de incidencia por serogrupo C en niños menores de 15 años disminuyó tras la campaña de vacunación desde 5,82/105 habitantes en 1997 a 1,68/105 habitantes en 1998. Tres años después de la campaña se ha vuelto a tasas similares a la época prevacunal, con un aumento por serogrupo B en los 2 últimos años. El 61% de las secuelas se da en menores de 5 años. La letalidad fue más elevada para el serogrupo C. La efectividad vacunal al tercer año tras la campaña ha sido del 83,7% para el grupo de 5-14 años y del 69,1% para el grupo de 19 meses-4 años. Conclusión: La vacuna polisacarídica se mostró efectiva para interrumpir el brote. La disminución de la incidencia del serogrupo C es atribuible a la efectividad vacunal obtenida.

  2. Evolución de la enfermedad meningocócica en la población infantil de la Comunidad Valenciana (1996-2000: Efectividad de la vacunación antimeningocócica A+C

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    Goicoechea Sáez Mercedes


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El incremento de la enfermedad meningocócica por serogrupo C en la Comunidad Valenciana durante 1996-1997 motivó la realización de una campaña de vacunación antimeningocócica A+C en la población de 18 meses a 19 años de edad (entre septiembre y diciembre de 1997. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto de la campaña en cuanto a la epidemiología, clínica, evolución de la enfermedad meningocócica y estado de vacunación de la población infantil con el fin de valorar la efectividad vacunal. Métodos: Los datos se obtuvieron de las historias clínicas de los niños menores de 15 años, que presentaron síntomas y signos clínicos sugestivos de enfermedad invasora con aislamiento de Neisseria. meningitidis y/o que cumplían con los criterios de definición de caso establecidos, atendidos en todos los hospitales públicos de la Comunidad Valenciana entre 1996-2000. La evolución de la incidencia se valoró mediante tasas de incidencia. La clínica y su evolución (secuelas y letalidad mediante la frecuencia y distribución por serogrupo y edad. La efectividad vacunal se calculó según la fórmula de Orestein. Resultados: Se registró un total de 302 casos de enfermedad invasora por N. meningitidis. La tasa de incidencia por serogrupo C en niños menores de 15 años disminuyó tras la campaña de vacunación desde 5,82/10(5 habitantes en 1997 a 1,68/10(5 habitantes en 1998. Tres años después de la campaña se ha vuelto a tasas similares a la época prevacunal, con un aumento por serogrupo B en los 2 últimos años. El 61% de las secuelas se da en menores de 5 años. La letalidad fue más elevada para el serogrupo C. La efectividad vacunal al tercer año tras la campaña ha sido del 83,7% para el grupo de 5-14 años y del 69,1% para el grupo de 19 meses-4 años. Conclusión: La vacuna polisacarídica se mostró efectiva para interrumpir el brote. La disminución de la incidencia del serogrupo C es atribuible a la

  3. Transcriptional response of Leptospira interrogans to iron limitation and characterization of a PerR homolog. (United States)

    Lo, Miranda; Murray, Gerald L; Khoo, Chen Ai; Haake, David A; Zuerner, Richard L; Adler, Ben


    Leptospirosis is a globally significant zoonosis caused by Leptospira spp. Iron is essential for growth of most bacterial species. Since iron availability is low in the host, pathogens have evolved complex iron acquisition mechanisms to survive and establish infection. In many bacteria, expression of iron uptake and storage proteins is regulated by Fur. L. interrogans encodes four predicted Fur homologs; we have constructed a mutation in one of these, la1857. We conducted microarray analysis to identify iron-responsive genes and to study the effects of la1857 mutation on gene expression. Under iron-limiting conditions, 43 genes were upregulated and 49 genes were downregulated in the wild type. Genes encoding proteins with predicted involvement in inorganic ion transport and metabolism (including TonB-dependent proteins and outer membrane transport proteins) were overrepresented in the upregulated list, while 54% of differentially expressed genes had no known function. There were 16 upregulated genes of unknown function which are absent from the saprophyte L. biflexa and which therefore may encode virulence-associated factors. Expression of iron-responsive genes was not significantly affected by mutagenesis of la1857, indicating that LA1857 is not a global regulator of iron homeostasis. Upregulation of heme biosynthetic genes and a putative catalase in the mutant suggested that LA1857 is more similar to PerR, a regulator of the oxidative stress response. Indeed, the la1857 mutant was more resistant to peroxide stress than the wild type. Our results provide insights into the role of iron in leptospiral metabolism and regulation of the oxidative stress response, including genes likely to be important for virulence.

  4. Proteína LIC10494 de Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni: modelo estructural y regiones funcionales asociadas

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    Orlando Emilio Acevedo


    Full Text Available Protein LIC10494 of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni: structural model and associated functional regions. Objective.Predict by computational means the 3D structure of the antigenic protein LIC10494 and report associated important functional regionsfor its pathogenicity and immunogenicity. Materials and methods. We performed a computational analysis of the primary structure ofLIC10494 using the servers BLAST, PROTPARAM, PROTSCALE, DAS, SOSUI, TOPPRED, TMAP, TMpred, SPLIT4, PHDHTM,TMHMM2, HMMTOP2, GLOBPLOT and PROSITE. The secondary structure was obtained by consensus of the algorithms SOPM,PREDATOR GOR4, DPM and DSC. The approach to the tertiary structure was obtained using the algorithm MUSTER. The energyminimization was done using the AMBER94 force field of the Schrodinger suite of molecular analysis, and the stereochemistry andenergy model validation was performed by the RAMPAGE server. The final model was visualized using PyMol V.0,98. Results. Thisstudy proposes a computational model that describes the 3D structure of the hypothetical lipoprotein LIC10494 and agrees with previousexperimental reports; thus, our study demonstrates the existence of patterns that could play an important role in the pathogenicity andprotection of the bacteria against the host immune system; the presence of a disorganized region between amino acids 80 and 140, andof a transmembrane segment between amino acids 8 and 22. Conclusion. The coincidence between structural and functional segments suggests that our model can be used to predict certain aspects of the biological behaviour of the protein according to the pathogenic andimmunogenic characteristics of the bacteria.

  5. Preliminary identification of secreted proteins by Leptospira interrogans serovar Kennewicki strain Pomona Fromm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ricardi, L.M.P.; Portaro, F.C.; Abreu, P.A.E.; Barbosa, A.S.; Morais, Z.M.; Vasconcellos, S.A.


    Full text: This project aimed to identify secreted proteins by pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serovar Kennewicki strain Pomona Fromm (LPF) by proteomic analyses. The strain LPF, whose virulence was maintained by passages in hamsters, were cultured in EMJH medium. The supernatants were centrifuged, dialyzed and subjected to lyophilization. Protein samples were resolved first by IEF at pH 3 to 10, immobilized pH gradient 13-cm strips. Strips were then processed for the second-dimension separation on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Proteins from gel spots were subjected to reduction, cysteine-alkylation, and in-gel tryptic digestion, and analyzed by LC/MS/MS spectrometry. Liquid chromatography-based separation followed by automated tandem mass spectrometry was also used to identify secreted proteins. In silico analyses were performed using the PSORTbV.3.0 program and SignalP server. One major obstacle to secretome studies is the difficulty to obtain extracts of secreted proteins without citoplasmatic contamination. In addition, the extraction of low concentration proteins from large volumes of culture media, which are rich in salts, BSA and other compounds, frequently interfere with most proteomics techniques. For these reasons, several experimental approaches were used to optimize the protocol applied. In spite of this fact, our analysis resulted in the identification of 200 proteins with high confidence. Only 5 of 63 secreted proteins predicted by in silico analysis were found. Other classes identified included proteins that possess signal peptide but whose cellular localization prediction is unknown or may have multiple localization sites, and proteins that lack signal peptide and are thus thought to be secreted via non conventional mechanisms or resulting from cytoplasmic contamination by cell lysis. Many of these are hypothetical proteins with no putative conserved domains detected. To our knowledge, this is the first study to identify secreted proteins by

  6. Preliminary identification of secreted proteins by Leptospira interrogans serovar Kennewicki strain Pomona Fromm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ricardi, L.M.P.; Portaro, F.C.; Abreu, P.A.E.; Barbosa, A.S. [Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Morais, Z.M.; Vasconcellos, S.A. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil)


    Full text: This project aimed to identify secreted proteins by pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serovar Kennewicki strain Pomona Fromm (LPF) by proteomic analyses. The strain LPF, whose virulence was maintained by passages in hamsters, were cultured in EMJH medium. The supernatants were centrifuged, dialyzed and subjected to lyophilization. Protein samples were resolved first by IEF at pH 3 to 10, immobilized pH gradient 13-cm strips. Strips were then processed for the second-dimension separation on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Proteins from gel spots were subjected to reduction, cysteine-alkylation, and in-gel tryptic digestion, and analyzed by LC/MS/MS spectrometry. Liquid chromatography-based separation followed by automated tandem mass spectrometry was also used to identify secreted proteins. In silico analyses were performed using the PSORTbV.3.0 program and SignalP server. One major obstacle to secretome studies is the difficulty to obtain extracts of secreted proteins without citoplasmatic contamination. In addition, the extraction of low concentration proteins from large volumes of culture media, which are rich in salts, BSA and other compounds, frequently interfere with most proteomics techniques. For these reasons, several experimental approaches were used to optimize the protocol applied. In spite of this fact, our analysis resulted in the identification of 200 proteins with high confidence. Only 5 of 63 secreted proteins predicted by in silico analysis were found. Other classes identified included proteins that possess signal peptide but whose cellular localization prediction is unknown or may have multiple localization sites, and proteins that lack signal peptide and are thus thought to be secreted via non conventional mechanisms or resulting from cytoplasmic contamination by cell lysis. Many of these are hypothetical proteins with no putative conserved domains detected. To our knowledge, this is the first study to identify secreted proteins by

  7. Prevalence of antileptospiral serum antibodies in dogs in Ireland (United States)

    A total of 474 serum samples from client owned Irish dogs were tested for the presence of antibodies against serovars Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Bratislava, Autumnalis, Pomona, Altodouro, Grippotyphosa, Mozdok, Hardjobovis and Ballum. Six percent of dogs presented to veterinary practitioners for...

  8. Features of Two New Proteins with OmpA-Like Domains Identified in the Genome Sequences of Leptospira interrogans (United States)

    Teixeira, Aline F.; de Morais, Zenaide M.; Kirchgatter, Karin; Romero, Eliete C.; Vasconcellos, Silvio A.; Nascimento, Ana Lucia T. O.


    Leptospirosis is an acute febrile disease caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. It is considered an important re-emerging infectious disease that affects humans worldwide. The knowledge about the mechanisms by which pathogenic leptospires invade and colonize the host remains limited since very few virulence factors contributing to the pathogenesis of the disease have been identified. Here, we report the identification and characterization of two new leptospiral proteins with OmpA-like domains. The recombinant proteins, which exhibit extracellular matrix-binding properties, are called Lsa46 - LIC13479 and Lsa77 - LIC10050 (Leptospiral surface adhesins of 46 and 77 kDa, respectively). Attachment of Lsa46 and Lsa77 to laminin was specific, dose dependent and saturable, with KD values of 24.3 ± 17.0 and 53.0 ± 17.5 nM, respectively. Lsa46 and Lsa77 also bind plasma fibronectin, and both adhesins are plasminogen (PLG)-interacting proteins, capable of generating plasmin (PLA) and as such, increase the proteolytic ability of leptospires. The proteins corresponding to Lsa46 and Lsa77 are present in virulent L. interrogans L1-130 and in saprophyte L. biflexa Patoc 1 strains, as detected by immunofluorescence. The adhesins are recognized by human leptospirosis serum samples at the onset and convalescent phases of the disease, suggesting that they are expressed during infection. Taken together, our data could offer valuable information to the understanding of leptospiral pathogenesis. PMID:25849456

  9. Features of two new proteins with OmpA-like domains identified in the genome sequences of Leptospira interrogans.

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    Aline F Teixeira

    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is an acute febrile disease caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. It is considered an important re-emerging infectious disease that affects humans worldwide. The knowledge about the mechanisms by which pathogenic leptospires invade and colonize the host remains limited since very few virulence factors contributing to the pathogenesis of the disease have been identified. Here, we report the identification and characterization of two new leptospiral proteins with OmpA-like domains. The recombinant proteins, which exhibit extracellular matrix-binding properties, are called Lsa46 - LIC13479 and Lsa77 - LIC10050 (Leptospiral surface adhesins of 46 and 77 kDa, respectively. Attachment of Lsa46 and Lsa77 to laminin was specific, dose dependent and saturable, with KD values of 24.3 ± 17.0 and 53.0 ± 17.5 nM, respectively. Lsa46 and Lsa77 also bind plasma fibronectin, and both adhesins are plasminogen (PLG-interacting proteins, capable of generating plasmin (PLA and as such, increase the proteolytic ability of leptospires. The proteins corresponding to Lsa46 and Lsa77 are present in virulent L. interrogans L1-130 and in saprophyte L. biflexa Patoc 1 strains, as detected by immunofluorescence. The adhesins are recognized by human leptospirosis serum samples at the onset and convalescent phases of the disease, suggesting that they are expressed during infection. Taken together, our data could offer valuable information to the understanding of leptospiral pathogenesis.

  10. Infecção experimental em suínos jovens com Leptospira interrogans sorovar wolffi: determinação de parâmetros bioquímicos Experimental infection by Leptospira interrogans serovar wolffi in young pigs: determination of biochemical parameters

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    José Carlos Rende


    Full Text Available Um estudo sobre infecção experimental foi realizado em oito suínos, com idade média de 90 dias, machos castrados, da raça Wessex, e distribuídos em dois grupos de quatro suínos cada. Durante 36 dias, foram analisadas as alterações bioquímicas nos soros dos suínos dos dois grupos. O Grupo I foi mantido como testemunho e recebeu 5,0mL de solução fisiológica estéril por via intravenosa (veia cava craniana e, no Grupo II, os suínos foram inoculados pela mesma via com 5,0mL de cultura de Leptospira interrogans sorovar wolffi , amostra L-10 selvagem isolada de tatu (Dasypus novemcinctus, contendo 1,0 x 10(8 leptospiras/mL. A partir do terceiro dia após a inoculação e em intervalos de 72 horas até o décimo oitavo dia, foram feitas coletas de sangue, sem anticoagulante, dos animais inoculados e testemunhas. Os parâmetros bioquímicos analisados foram: bilirrubina total, direta e indireta, ácidos graxos, glicose e proteínas plasmáticas. Foi detectado um aumento da bilirrubina direta no terceiro dia e um aumento no sexto dia da bilirrubina total e indireta após a inoculação. As dosagens de glicose, ácidos graxos e proteínas plasmáticas apresentaram uma diminuição a partir do terceiro dia da inoculação. Com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que o aumento das taxas de bilirrubinas levam a uma definição de um diagnóstico de hemólise aguda, e que a hipoglicemia, a hipolipidemia e a hipoproteinemia podem estar relacionadas com lesões hepáticas e a uma septcemia.Todas as dosagens em todos os animais retornaram aos seus valores normais a partir do décimo quinto dia.Eight, 90 days old pigs, of the Wessex lineage all castrated male were used in experiment, divided into two groups of four animals. Biochemical alterations in the serum of the animals were analyzed in both groups during 36 days. Control (Group I received 5.0mL of a 0.9% sterile sodium chloride solution by intracranial vein injection; Group II animals

  11. Investigation on the presence of leptospires in ovaries of hamsters experimentally infected whith Leptospiras interrogans serovar pomona

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    Claudio Roberto de Almeida Camargo


    Full Text Available After inoculating L. interrogans serovar pomona in 75 primiparous hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus, the invasiveness of leptospires into lhe ovaries and lhe ability in causing ovary morphologic alterations were investigated by means of microscopic examination and bacterial isolation. For this purpose, 75 hamsters were inoculated with 0.5 ml of virulent strain containing 30-40 leptospires by the microscopic field and the other 15 hamsters were held as the uninfected controls. Signs and symptoms (prostration, tachypnea, rufled hair, jaundice, and nasal, bucal and perineal hemorrage were detected in all inoculated animals. The animals were killed in the agonic state of the illness, which were done through 4th and 7th day post inoculation. The ovaries were taken asseptically during the necropsies, thoroughly washed using the sterile phosphate buffered saline, in order to eliminate the possible external contamination. The fresh ovary samples were submitted to the dark field direct microscopic examination. After the formalin fixation, the specimens were stained by means of histopathologic techniques using the Levaditi and Hematoxylin Eosin stains. The ovary smears were also examined by the direct fluorescent antibody technique andlhe bacterial isolation was carried out in the Fletcher’s medium. The dark field direct microscopic examination was found tobe less sensitive in demonstrating the presence of leptospiresin the ovaries. In those specimens stained by the Lcvadititechnique, leptospires were visualized in different ovaryinternal structures, involving the interspace, pellucid zone andin the inner ovules. Through the histopathologic examination,typical morphologic alterations resembling acute infiamatoryprocess were found in 57% of ovaries examined.

  12. Characteristic features of intracellular pathogenic Leptospira in infected murine macrophages. (United States)

    Toma, Claudia; Okura, Nobuhiko; Takayama, Chitoshi; Suzuki, Toshihiko


    Leptospira interrogans is a spirochaete responsible for a zoonotic disease known as leptospirosis. Leptospires are able to penetrate the abraded skin and mucous membranes and rapidly disseminate to target organs such as the liver, lungs and kidneys. How this pathogen escape from innate immune cells and spread to target organs remains poorly understood. In this paper, the intracellular trafficking undertaken by non-pathogenic Leptospira biflexa and pathogenic L. interrogans in mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages was compared. The delayed in the clearance of L. interrogans was observed. Furthermore, the acquisition of lysosomal markers by L. interrogans-containing phagosomes lagged behind that of L. biflexa-containing phagosomes, and although bone marrow-derived macrophages could degrade L. biflexa as well as L. interrogans, a population of L. interrogans was able to survive and replicate. Intact leptospires were found within vacuoles at 24 h post infection, suggesting that bacterial replication occurs within a membrane-bound compartment. In contrast, L. biflexa were completely degraded at 24 h post infection. Furthermore, L. interrogans but not L. biflexa, were released to the extracellular milieu. These results suggest that pathogenic leptospires are able to survive, replicate and exit from mouse macrophages, enabling their eventual spread to target organs. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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    Adriana Helena Rosa


    Full Text Available The aim of the present work was to determine the relationship between clinical mastitis and Leptospira interrogans / Milk Drop Syndrome in Santa Inês ewes. One thousand sheep were examined on 12 farms in the Distrito Federal, Brazil, as to their clinical condition, in order to identify animals with clinical mastitis. The animals were divided into two groups: animals which presented clinical mastitis symptoms (G1 and animals which did not have clinical mastitis symptoms (G2. Blood samples were collected from all ewes of the two groups. The microscopic agglutination test was performed in order to identify the seropositive animals to Leptospira spp. Four (4.08% animals of the first group were seropositives to Leptospira spp., of which three were positives to Hardjoprajitno (Norma and Hardjoprajitno (OMS sorovars and one to both Australis and Autumnalis sorovars. In the second group, two (5.26% animals were seropositives to both Hardjoprajitno (Norma and Hardjoprajitno (OMS sorovars. A relationship between Leptospira spp. infection / milk drop syndrome and the presence of clinical mastitis in ewes (p > 0.05 was not observed.

  14. Interactions of virulent and avirulent leptospires with primary cultures of renal epithelial cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ballard, S A; Williamson, M; Adler, B


    A primary culture system for the cells of mouse renal-tubular epithelium was established and used to observe the adhesion of leptospires. Virulent strains of serovars copenhageni and ballum attached themselves to epithelial cells within 3 h of infection whereas an avirulent variant of serovar cop...

  15. Leptospira interrogans en una población canina del Gran Buenos Aires: variables asociadas con la seropositividad

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    Diana Rubel


    Full Text Available Se determinó la seroprevalencia de leptospirosis en una población canina suburbana con el objeto de analizar la asociación entre distintas variables individuales y ambientales y la seropositividad a leptospirosis. El estudio, de diseño transversal, se llevó a cabo durante julio de 1992 en un barrio del Gran Buenos Aires en el que viven unos 9 500 habitantes y una población canina de unos 2 000 animales. Se estudió una muestra aleatoria de 223 perros, de cada uno de los cuales se obtuvo una muestra de sangre. La ficha epidemiológica del animal se obtuvo por encuesta al ama de casa. Las determinaciones serológicas se realizaron por microaglutinación frente a 10 serotipos de Leptospira interrogans. Se halló seropositividad en 57% de los 223 perros examinados; 82% de los sueros positivos coaglutinaron con dos o más serotipos. Los serotipos detectados con mayor frecuencia fueron canicola y pyrogenes. La seroprevalencia en hembras fue menor que en machos (P <0,05 y entre los cachorros de menos de 1 año de edad, menor que en los animales de mayor edad (P <0,01. El callejeo del perro y la presencia de agua estancada frente a la vivienda del propietario fueron los factores de riesgo más importantes entre los que se estudiaron. Las asociaciones de la seropositividad con el contacto con un basural, con el comportamiento de caza del perro y con la presencia de roedores en la vivienda no fueron estadísticamente significativas. Se discuten distintas medidas de control.

  16. Comportamiento de la vigilancia epidemiológica de la leptospirosis humana en Colombia, 2007-2011

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    Solmara Bello


    Full Text Available Introducción. La leptospirosis es una zoonosis reemergente de distribución mundial causada por una espiroqueta del género Leptospira. Durante los últimos años en Colombia aumentó el número de casos en humanos y animales. Objetivo. Caracterizar epidemiológicamente los casos de leptospirosis notificados al Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia en Salud Pública de Colombia y hacer una aproximación para conocer los serogrupos que circulan en el país. Materiales y métodos. Se diseñó un estudio observacional de corte retrospectivo, con registros del proceso de vigilancia de los casos reportados por el software Sivigila y muestras enviadas al Grupo de Microbiología de la Red Nacional de Laboratorios, durante el periodo 2007 a 2011. Se registraron variables de tipo sociodemográficas y se analizaron 17 serogrupos de Leptospira. En el análisis seutilizaron medidas de frecuencia, tendencia central y dispersión. Resultados. Se procesaron 11.786 registros, confirmándose 4.621 casos de leptospirosis. Las entidades territoriales con mayor registro fueron Valle del Cauca, Antioquia, Risaralda, Atlántico y Barranquilla; y las de incidencia más alta fueron Guaviare, Risaralda, San Andrés, Santa Marta y Barranquilla. El mayor número de casos reportados perteneció al área urbana, con mayor frecuencia de hombres (77 %, estudiantes (19,4 % y amas de casas (13,6 %, con una mediana por edad de 29 años (rango intercuartílico: 45-19. Se evidenció la circulación de 17 serogrupos en el país; los más frecuentes fueron Australis (24,89 %, Hebdomadis (9,33 % y Sejroe (8,0 %. Conclusión. En Colombia se ha mejorado la notificación y clasificación final de los casos, lo que ha permitido identificar al serogrupo Australis como el de mayor circulación.   doi:

  17. Effects of temperature on gene expression patterns in Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai as assessed by whole-genome microarrays. (United States)

    Lo, Miranda; Bulach, Dieter M; Powell, David R; Haake, David A; Matsunaga, James; Paustian, Michael L; Zuerner, Richard L; Adler, Ben


    Leptospirosis is an important zoonosis of worldwide distribution. Humans become infected via exposure to pathogenic Leptospira spp. from infected animals or contaminated water or soil. The availability of genome sequences for Leptospira interrogans, serovars Lai and Copenhageni, has opened up opportunities to examine global transcription profiles using microarray technology. Temperature is a key environmental factor known to affect leptospiral protein expression. Leptospira spp. can grow in artificial media at a range of temperatures reflecting conditions found in the environment and the mammalian host. Therefore, transcriptional changes were compared between cultures grown at 20 degrees C, 30 degrees C, 37 degrees C, and 39 degrees C to represent ambient temperatures in the environment, growth under laboratory conditions, and temperatures in healthy and febrile hosts. Data from direct pairwise comparisons of the four temperatures were consolidated to examine transcriptional changes at two generalized biological conditions representing mammalian physiological temperatures (37 degrees C and 39 degrees C) versus environmental temperatures (20 degrees C and 30 degrees C). Additionally, cultures grown at 30 degrees C then shifted overnight to 37 degrees C were compared with those grown long-term at 30 degrees C and 37 degrees C to identify genes potentially expressed in the early stages of infection. Comparison of data sets from physiological versus environmental experiments with upshift experiments provided novel insights into possible transcriptional changes at different stages of infection. Changes included differential expression of chemotaxis and motility genes, signal transduction systems, and genes encoding proteins involved in alteration of the outer membrane. These findings indicate that temperature is an important factor regulating expression of proteins that facilitate invasion and establishment of disease.

  18. Leptospira interrogans activation of peripheral blood monocyte glycolipoprotein demonstrated in whole blood by the release of IL-6

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    F. Dorigatti


    Full Text Available Glycolipoprotein (GLP from pathogenic serovars of Leptospira has been implicated in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis by its presence in tissues of experimental animals with leptospirosis, the inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase pump activity, and induced production of cytokines. The aims of the present study were to investigate the induction of IL-6 by GLP in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC and to demonstrate monocyte stimulation at the cellular level in whole blood from healthy volunteers. PBMC were stimulated with increasing concentrations (5 to 2500 ng/ml of GLP extracted from the pathogenic L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni, lipopolysaccharide (positive control or medium (negative control, and supernatants were collected after 6, 20/24, and 48 h, and kept at -80ºC until use. Whole blood was diluted 1:1 in RPMI medium and cultivated for 6 h, with medium, GLP and lipopolysaccharide as described above. Monensin was added after the first hour of culture. Supernatant cytokine levels from PBMC were measured by ELISA and intracellular IL-6 was detected in monocytes in whole blood cultures by flow-cytometry. Monocytes were identified in whole blood on the basis of forward versus side scatter parameters and positive reactions with CD45 and CD14 antibodies. GLP ( > or = 50 ng/ml-induced IL-6 levels in supernatants were detected after 6-h incubation, reaching a peak after 20/24 h. The percentage of monocytes staining for IL-6 increased with increasing GLP concentration. Thus, our findings show a GLP-induced cellular activation by demonstrating the ability of GLP to induce IL-6 and the occurrence of monocyte activation in whole blood at the cellular level.

  19. MHC class II DRB diversity predicts antigen recognition and is associated with disease severity in California sea lions naturally infected with Leptospira interrogans (United States)

    Acevedo-Whitehouse, Karina; Gulland, Frances; Bowen, Lizabeth


    We examined the associations between California sea lion MHC class II DRB (Zaca-DRB) configuration and diversity, and leptospirosis. As Zaca-DRB gene sequences are involved with antigen presentation of bacteria and other extracellular pathogens, we predicted that they would play a role in determining responses to these pathogenic spirochaetes. Specifically, we investigated whether Zaca-DRB diversity (number of genes) and configuration (presence of specific genes) explained differences in disease severity, and whether higher levels of Zaca-DRB diversity predicted the number of specific Leptospira interrogans serovars that a sea lion's serum would react against. We found that serum from diseased sea lions with more Zaca-DRB loci reacted against a wider array of serovars. Specific Zaca-DRB loci were linked to reactions with particular serovars. Interestingly, sea lions with clinical manifestation of leptospirosis that had higher numbers of Zaca-DRB loci were less likely to recover from disease than those with lower diversity, and those that harboured Zaca-DRB.C or –G were 4.5 to 5.3 times more likely to die from leptospirosis, regardless of the infective serovars. We propose that for leptospirosis, a disadvantage of having a wider range of antigen presentation might be increased disease severity due to immunopathology. Ours is the first study to examine the importance of Zaca-DRB diversity for antigen detection and disease severity following natural exposure to infective leptospires.

  20. Eficacia de la vacuna meningocócica de polisacárido capsular del grupo C

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    González Enríquez Jesús


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Este trabajo consiste esencialmente en una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica sobre los efectos, intensidad y duración de la respuesta serológica, así como sobre la eficacia, efectividad y seguridad de la vacuna meningocócica de polisacárido capsular del grupo C. MÉTODOS: Búsqueda en repertorio MEDLINE en el periodo 1970-1996. Búsqueda específica de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y estudios de intervención prospectivos en humanos con vacunas de polisacáridos capsulares de meningococo en el mismo repertorio y periodo. Análisis crítico de literatura científica y síntesis de evidencia. RESULTADOS: La vacuna de polisacárido capsular del serogrupo C es considerada segura y ha mostrado una eficacia superior al 85% en adultos y niños mayores, 70% (IC95%: 5-91% en niños menores de 5 años y 55% (IC90%: 14-76% en niños de 2-3 años. La vacuna no se ha mostrado eficaz en niños menores de 2 años. La duración de niveles de anticuerpos protectores disminuye con la edad. La proporción de niños menores de 6 años efectivamente protegidos al año de la vacunación es baja. La vacunación no limita la respuesta serológica de vacunaciones ulteriores. CONCLUSIONES: La vacuna meningocócica de polisacárido capsular del serogrupo C está indicada en adultos y niños mayores de 2 años como protección contra la enfermedad meningocócica causada por este serogrupo en situaciones de alto riesgo de enfermedad. La escasa protección que ofrece la vacuna en los menores de 2 años, la limitada eficacia en menores de 5 años y la corta duración de la inmunidad que confiere a estas edades, hace que la vacunación rutinaria no esté recomendada y que la vacuna se use fundamentalmente en el control de brotes epidémicos causados por serogrupo C.

  1. Caracterización fenotípica de cepas invasivas de Neisseria meningitidis aisladas en Cuba durante 20 años

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    Isabel Martínez


    Full Text Available Se investigaron los marcadores epidemiológicos (serogrupos, serotipos, subtipos, inmunotipos de 429 cepas invasivas, aisladas en Cuba durante 20 años (1982-2002. Basándonos en el comportamiento de la incidencia de la Enfermedad Meningocócica (EM en el período investigado, las cepas se distribuyeron en dos etapas: epidémica y postepidémica. La epidémica, comprendió 279 cepas aisladas entre 1982-1992 y la ostepidémica, incluyó 150 aislamientos pertenecientes al período comprendido entre 1993-2002. Todas se cultivaron en Agar Mueller Hinton con suero fetal bovino (5% y se incubaron 24-48 horas, 37 0C, en atmósfera húmeda con 5% de C02. La identificación de género, especie y serogrupo, se realizó mediante métodos convencionales; para la caracterización de los sero/subtipos e inmunotipos, se utilizó el ensayo inmunoenzimático (ELISA de células enteras con anticuerpos monoclonales. En ambas etapas predominó el serogrupo B (97,90%: epidémica (96,77% y postepidémica (100%. Sin embargo, el serogrupo C (1,43% y cepas no agrupables (1,8%, sólo se observaron en aislamientos de la etapa epidémica. Los otros marcadores prevalentes fueron: serotipo 4 (86,48%, subtipo P1.19,15 (78,32%, inmunotipo L3,7,9 (90,2% , todos mostraron cifras similares en ambos períodos.Predominó el fenotipo B:4:P1.19,15:L3,7,9 (69,69%, aunque, en la etapa postepidémica (77,34%, el porcentaje fue superior al de la etapa epidémica (65,66% (p<0,05; además, en las cepas de este período, se observó una mayor diversidad de asociaciones fenotípicas. Los resultados obtenidos de esta caracterización fenotípica de las cepas de Neisseria meningitidis aisladas de enfermos aporta datos valiosos al estudio, prevención y control exitoso de la EM en Cuba.

  2. Characterization of novel OmpA-like protein of Leptospira interrogans that binds extracellular matrix molecules and plasminogen. (United States)

    Oliveira, Rosane; de Morais, Zenaide Maria; Gonçales, Amane Paldes; Romero, Eliete Caló; Vasconcellos, Silvio Arruda; Nascimento, Ana L T O


    Leptospira interrogans is the etiological agent of leptospirosis, a zoonotic disease of human and veterinary concern. The identification of novel proteins that mediate host-pathogen interactions is important for understanding the bacterial pathogenesis as well as to identify protective antigens that would help fight the disease. We describe in this work the cloning, expression, purification and characterization of three predicted leptospiral membrane proteins, LIC10258, LIC12880 (Lp30) and LIC12238. We have employed Escherichia coli BL21 (SI) strain as a host expression system. Recently, we have identified LIC12238 as a plasminogen (PLG)-binding receptor. We show now that Lp30 and rLIC10258 are also PLG-receptors of Leptospira, both exhibiting dose-dependent and saturating binding (K(D), 68.8±25.2 nM and 167.39±60.1 nM, for rLIC10258 and rLIC12880, respectively). In addition, LIC10258, which is a novel OmpA-like protein, binds laminin and plasma fibronectin ECM molecules and hence, it was named Lsa66 (Leptospiral surface adhesin of 66 kDa). Binding of Lsa66 to ECM components was determined to be specific, dose-dependent and saturable, with a K(D) of 55.4±15.9 nM to laminin and of 290.8±11.8 nM to plasma fibronectin. Binding of the recombinant proteins to PLG or ECM components was assessed by using antibodies against each of the recombinant proteins obtained in mice and confirmed by monoclonal anti-polyhistidine antibodies. Lsa66 caused partial inhibition on leptospiral adherence to immobilized ECM and PLG. Moreover, this adhesin and rLIC12238 are recognized by antibodies in serum samples of confirmed leptospirosis cases. Thus, Lsa66 is a novel OmpA-like protein with dual activity that may promote the attachment of Leptospira to host tissues and may contribute to the leptospiral invasion. To our knowledge, this is the first leptospiral protein with ECM and PLG binding properties reported to date.

  3. Characterization of novel OmpA-like protein of Leptospira interrogans that binds extracellular matrix molecules and plasminogen.

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    Rosane Oliveira

    Full Text Available Leptospira interrogans is the etiological agent of leptospirosis, a zoonotic disease of human and veterinary concern. The identification of novel proteins that mediate host-pathogen interactions is important for understanding the bacterial pathogenesis as well as to identify protective antigens that would help fight the disease. We describe in this work the cloning, expression, purification and characterization of three predicted leptospiral membrane proteins, LIC10258, LIC12880 (Lp30 and LIC12238. We have employed Escherichia coli BL21 (SI strain as a host expression system. Recently, we have identified LIC12238 as a plasminogen (PLG-binding receptor. We show now that Lp30 and rLIC10258 are also PLG-receptors of Leptospira, both exhibiting dose-dependent and saturating binding (K(D, 68.8±25.2 nM and 167.39±60.1 nM, for rLIC10258 and rLIC12880, respectively. In addition, LIC10258, which is a novel OmpA-like protein, binds laminin and plasma fibronectin ECM molecules and hence, it was named Lsa66 (Leptospiral surface adhesin of 66 kDa. Binding of Lsa66 to ECM components was determined to be specific, dose-dependent and saturable, with a K(D of 55.4±15.9 nM to laminin and of 290.8±11.8 nM to plasma fibronectin. Binding of the recombinant proteins to PLG or ECM components was assessed by using antibodies against each of the recombinant proteins obtained in mice and confirmed by monoclonal anti-polyhistidine antibodies. Lsa66 caused partial inhibition on leptospiral adherence to immobilized ECM and PLG. Moreover, this adhesin and rLIC12238 are recognized by antibodies in serum samples of confirmed leptospirosis cases. Thus, Lsa66 is a novel OmpA-like protein with dual activity that may promote the attachment of Leptospira to host tissues and may contribute to the leptospiral invasion. To our knowledge, this is the first leptospiral protein with ECM and PLG binding properties reported to date.

  4. Aislamiento y serotipificación de Salmonella sp. en estanques con Crocodylus intermedius y testudines cautivos en Villavicencio - Colombia

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    Diana Pachón C.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la presencia de microorganismos del género Salmonella sp. en el ambiente acuático de los ejemplares Crocodylus intermedius y testudines en la Estación de Biología Tropical Roberto Franco (EBTRF. Materiales y métodos. En este estudio se utilizó la metodología estándar para aislar e identificar microorganismos del género Salmonella sp., a partir de muestras de agua y sedimento de 52 estanques (nEstanques Crocodylus=25; nEstanques testudines=27; se procedió a serotipificar los aislamientos por el método convencional de Kaufmann-White y se realizaron pruebas de sensibilidad a antimicrobianos por la técnica de Kirby Bauer. Resultados. Se determinó la presencia de Salmonella sp., en un 33% del total de estanques muestreados. El 29% de los aislamientos de Salmonella sp. serotipificados, correspondió al serogrupo B; los serogrupos C, C1, C2 y D1 presentaron menores porcentajes. Con las pruebas de sensibilidad a antimicrobianos se determinó que el 100% de los aislamientos fueron sensibles a norfloxacina. Conclusiones. La ocurrencia de Salmonella sp., en los estanques de la EBTRF fue del 33%, con la mayor presencia del serogrupo B, donde se encuentran especies con características ampliamente zoonóticas. Con los resultados obtenidos es necesario el seguimiento de las normas de bioseguridad establecidas en la estación para el manejo de las poblaciones allí mantenidas y evitar de esa manera la ocurrencia de cuadros zoonóticos.

  5. NCBI nr-aa BLAST: CBRC-CJAC-01-0924 [SEVENS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available CBRC-CJAC-01-0924 ref|NP_713695.1| Heme exporter protein A [Leptospira interrogans ...serovar Lai str. 56601] gb|AAN50713.1|AE011508_10 Heme exporter protein A [Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai str. 56601] NP_713695.1 3.5 22% ...

  6. The multifunctional LigB adhesin binds homeostatic proteins with potential roles in cutaneous infection by pathogenic Leptospira interrogans.

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    Henry A Choy

    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a potentially fatal zoonotic disease in humans and animals caused by pathogenic spirochetes, such as Leptospira interrogans. The mode of transmission is commonly limited to the exposure of mucous membrane or damaged skin to water contaminated by leptospires shed in the urine of carriers, such as rats. Infection occurs during seasonal flooding of impoverished tropical urban habitats with large rat populations, but also during recreational activity in open water, suggesting it is very efficient. LigA and LigB are surface localized proteins in pathogenic Leptospira strains with properties that could facilitate the infection of damaged skin. Their expression is rapidly induced by the increase in osmolarity encountered by leptospires upon transition from water to host. In addition, the immunoglobulin-like repeats of the Lig proteins bind proteins that mediate attachment to host tissue, such as fibronectin, fibrinogen, collagens, laminin, and elastin, some of which are important in cutaneous wound healing and repair. Hemostasis is critical in a fresh injury, where fibrinogen from damaged vasculature mediates coagulation. We show that fibrinogen binding by recombinant LigB inhibits fibrin formation, which could aid leptospiral entry into the circulation, dissemination, and further infection by impairing healing. LigB also binds fibroblast fibronectin and type III collagen, two proteins prevalent in wound repair, thus potentially enhancing leptospiral adhesion to skin openings. LigA or LigB expression by transformation of a nonpathogenic saprophyte, L. biflexa, enhances bacterial adhesion to fibrinogen. Our results suggest that by binding homeostatic proteins found in cutaneous wounds, LigB could facilitate leptospirosis transmission. Both fibronectin and fibrinogen binding have been mapped to an overlapping domain in LigB comprising repeats 9-11, with repeat 11 possibly enhancing binding by a conformational effect. Leptospirosis

  7. Comparative analysis of lipopolysaccharides of pathogenic and intermediately pathogenic Leptospira species. (United States)

    Patra, Kailash P; Choudhury, Biswa; Matthias, Michael M; Baga, Sheyenne; Bandyopadhya, Keya; Vinetz, Joseph M


    Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are complex, amphipathic biomolecules that constitute the major surface component of Gram-negative bacteria. Leptospira, unlike other human-pathogenic spirochetes, produce LPS, which is fundamental to the taxonomy of the genus, involved in host-adaption and also the target of diagnostic antibodies. Despite its significance, little is known of Leptospira LPS composition and carbohydrate structure among different serovars. LPS from Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni strain L1-130, a pathogenic species, and L. licerasiae serovar Varillal strain VAR 010, an intermediately pathogenic species, were studied. LPS prepared from aqueous and phenol phases were analyzed separately. L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni has additional sugars not found in L. licerasiae serovar Varillal, including fucose (2.7%), a high amount of GlcNAc (12.3%), and two different types of dideoxy HexNAc. SDS-PAGE indicated that L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni LPS had a far higher molecular weight and complexity than that of L. licerasiae serovar Varillal. Chemical composition showed that L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni LPS has an extended O-antigenic polysaccharide consisting of sugars, not present in L. licerasiae serovar Varillal. Arabinose, xylose, mannose, galactose and L-glycero-D-mannoheptose were detected in both the species. Fatty acid analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed the presence of hydroxypalmitate (3-OH-C16:0) only in L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni. Negative staining electron microscopic examination of LPS showed different filamentous morphologies in L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni vs. L. licerasiae serovar Varillal. This comparative biochemical analysis of pathogenic and intermediately pathogenic Leptospira LPS reveals important carbohydrate and lipid differences that underlie future work in understanding the mechanisms of host-adaptation, pathogenicity and vaccine development in leptospirosis.

  8. ORF Alignment: NC_000919 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Carbon storage regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans ... serovar Lai str. 56601] gb|AAN51504.1| Carbo...n storage ... regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans serovar lai str. ... ...r. ... Fiocruz L1-130] sp|Q8EYB0|CSRA_LEPIN Carbon storage ... regulator homolog sp|Q72MJ6|CSRA_

  9. ORF Alignment: NC_006087 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Carbon storage regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans ... serovar Lai str. 56601] gb|AAN51504.1| Carbo...n storage ... regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans serovar lai str. ... ...r. ... Fiocruz L1-130] sp|Q8EYB0|CSRA_LEPIN Carbon storage ... regulator homolog sp|Q72MJ6|CSRA_

  10. ORF Alignment: NC_006156 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Carbon storage regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans ... serovar Lai str. 56601] gb|AAN51504.1| Carbo...n storage ... regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans serovar lai str. ... ...r. ... Fiocruz L1-130] sp|Q8EYB0|CSRA_LEPIN Carbon storage ... regulator homolog sp|Q72MJ6|CSRA_

  11. ORF Alignment: NC_002570 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Carbon storage regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans ... serovar Lai str. 56601] gb|AAN51504.1| Carbo...n storage ... regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans serovar lai str. ... ...r. ... Fiocruz L1-130] sp|Q8EYB0|CSRA_LEPIN Carbon storage ... regulator homolog sp|Q72MJ6|CSRA_

  12. ORF Alignment: NC_003030 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Carbon storage regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans ... serovar Lai str. 56601] gb|AAN51504.1| Carbo...n storage ... regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans serovar lai str. ... ...r. ... Fiocruz L1-130] sp|Q8EYB0|CSRA_LEPIN Carbon storage ... regulator homolog sp|Q72MJ6|CSRA_

  13. ORF Alignment: NC_004193 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Carbon storage regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans ... serovar Lai str. 56601] gb|AAN51504.1| Carbo...n storage ... regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans serovar lai str. ... ...r. ... Fiocruz L1-130] sp|Q8EYB0|CSRA_LEPIN Carbon storage ... regulator homolog sp|Q72MJ6|CSRA_

  14. ORF Alignment: NC_001318 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Carbon storage regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans ... serovar Lai str. 56601] gb|AAN51504.1| Carbo...n storage ... regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans serovar lai str. ... ...r. ... Fiocruz L1-130] sp|Q8EYB0|CSRA_LEPIN Carbon storage ... regulator homolog sp|Q72MJ6|CSRA_

  15. ORF Alignment: NC_000964 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Carbon storage regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans ... serovar Lai str. 56601] gb|AAN51504.1| Carbo...n storage ... regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans serovar lai str. ... ...r. ... Fiocruz L1-130] sp|Q8EYB0|CSRA_LEPIN Carbon storage ... regulator homolog sp|Q72MJ6|CSRA_

  16. ORF Alignment: NC_005823 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Carbon storage regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans ... serovar Lai str. 56601] gb|AAN51504.1| Carbo...n storage ... regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans serovar lai str. ... ...r. ... Fiocruz L1-130] sp|Q8EYB0|CSRA_LEPIN Carbon storage ... regulator homolog sp|Q72MJ6|CSRA_

  17. ORF Alignment: NC_004342 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Carbon storage regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans ... serovar Lai str. 56601] gb|AAN51504.1| Carbo...n storage ... regulator csrA [Leptospira interrogans serovar lai str. ... ...r. ... Fiocruz L1-130] sp|Q8EYB0|CSRA_LEPIN Carbon storage ... regulator homolog sp|Q72MJ6|CSRA_

  18. Sensitivity of pathogenic and free-living Leptospira spp. to UV radiation and mitomycin C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stamm, L.V.; Charon, N.W.


    The habitats for the two major Leptospira spp. differ. The main habitat of L. biflexa is soil and water, whereas L. interrogans primarily resides in the renal tubules of animals. We investigated whether these two species, along with L. illini (species incertae sedis), differ with respect to their sensitivity to UV radiation. The doses of UV resulting in 37, 10 and 1% survival were determined for representive serovars from each species. L. interrogans serovar pomona was 3.0 to 4.8 times more sensitive to UV than the other Leptospira species under the 37, 10, and 1% survival parameters. In comparison to other bacteria, L. interrogans serovar pomona is among the most sensitive to UV. In a qualitative UV sensitivity assay., L. interrogans serovars were found to be in general more sensitive than L. biflexa serovars. All three species were found to have a photoreactivation DNA repair mechanism. Since organisms that are resistant to UV are often resistant to the DNA cross-linking agent mitomycin C, we tested the relative sensitivity of several Leptospira serovars to this compound. With few exceptions, L. biflexa and L. illini serovars were considerably more resistant to mitomycin C than the L. interrogans serovars. The mitomycin C sensitivity assay could be a useful addition to current characterization tests used to differentiate the Leptospira species

  19. Sensitivity of pathogenic and free-living Leptospira spp. to UV radiation and mitomycin C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stamm, L.V.; Charon, N.W.


    The habitats for the two major Leptospira spp. differ. The main habitat of L. biflexa is soil and water, whereas L. interrogans primarily resides in the renal tubules of animals. We investigated whether these two species, along with L. illini (species incertae sedis), differ with respect to their sensitivity to UV radiation. The doses of UV resulting in 37, 10 and 1% survival were determined for representive serovars from each species. L. interrogans serovar pomona was 3.0 to 4.8 times more sensitive to UV than the other Leptospira species under the 37, 10, and 1% survival parameters. In comparison to other bacteria, L. interrogans serovar pomona is among the most sensitive to UV. In a qualitative UV sensitivity assay., L. interrogans serovars were found to be in general more sensitive than L. biflexa serovars. All three species were found to have a photoreactivation DNA repair mechanism. Since organisms that are resistant to UV are often resistant to the DNA cross-linking agent mitomycin C, we tested the relative sensitivity of several Leptospira serovars to this compound. With few exceptions, L. biflexa and L. illini serovars were considerably more resistant to mitomycin C than the L. interrogans serovars. The mitomycin C sensitivity assay could be a useful addition to current characterization tests used to differentiate the Leptospira species.

  20. Identification of a novel prophage-like gene cluster actively expressed in both virulent and avirulent strains of Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai. (United States)

    Qin, Jin-Hong; Zhang, Qing; Zhang, Zhi-Ming; Zhong, Yi; Yang, Yang; Hu, Bao-Yu; Zhao, Guo-Ping; Guo, Xiao-Kui


    DNA microarray analysis was used to compare the differential gene expression profiles between Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai type strain 56601 and its corresponding attenuated strain IPAV. A 22-kb genomic island covering a cluster of 34 genes (i.e., genes LA0186 to LA0219) was actively expressed in both strains but concomitantly upregulated in strain 56601 in contrast to that of IPAV. Reverse transcription-PCR assays proved that the gene cluster comprised five transcripts. Gene annotation of this cluster revealed characteristics of a putative prophage-like remnant with at least 8 of 34 sequences encoding prophage-like proteins, of which the LA0195 protein is probably a putative prophage CI-like regulator. The transcription initiation activities of putative promoter-regulatory sequences of transcripts I, II, and III, all proximal to the LA0195 gene, were further analyzed in the Escherichia coli promoter probe vector pKK232-8 by assaying the reporter chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) activities. The strong promoter activities of both transcripts I and II indicated by the E. coli CAT assay were well correlated with the in vitro sequence-specific binding of the recombinant LA0195 protein to the corresponding promoter probes detected by the electrophoresis mobility shift assay. On the other hand, the promoter activity of transcript III was very low in E. coli and failed to show active binding to the LA0195 protein in vitro. These results suggested that the LA0195 protein is likely involved in the transcription of transcripts I and II. However, the identical complete DNA sequences of this prophage remnant from these two strains strongly suggests that possible regulatory factors or signal transduction systems residing outside of this region within the genome may be responsible for the differential expression profiling in these two strains.

  1. [Detection of leptospira by culture of vitreous humor and detection of antibodies against leptospira in vitreous humor and serum of 225 horses with equine recurrent uveitis]. (United States)

    Dorrego-Keiter, Elisa; Tóth, József; Dikker, Lieke; Sielhorst, Jutta; Schusser, Gerald Fritz


    In the ongoing discussion regarding the aetiopathogenesis of equine recurrent uveitis (ERU) it was the aim of the present study to elucidate the relationship of leptospira infection and ERU. In a population of 225 horses leptospira were examined in vitreous humor by culture and leptospira antibody were detected in vitreous humor and serum samples. Preoperative serum samples were collected from 221/225 ERU patients of different age, gender and breed. Undiluted vitreous humor was aseptically taken from 198/225 patients that underwent pars plana vitrectomy at the beginning of surgery and from 27/225 patients' eyeball after enucleation: Serum and vitreous humor were tested for specific leptospiral antibodies by microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Furthermore, vitreous humor was examined by culture. 20 patients which were euthanized due to a live-threatening disease other than ERU served as a control group. A total of 127/221 (57.5%) horses had serum antibodies (≥ 1:100). Most frequently antibodies against L. interrogans serovar Grippotyphosa were detected (79/127), followed by L. interrogans serovar lcterohaemorrhagiae (34/127) and L. interrogans serovar Bratislava (29/127). Only 79/225 horses (35.1%) had leptospiral antibodies in vitreous humor, in which L. interrogans serovar Grippotyphosa (67/79) was identified most frequently followed by L. interrogans serovar Pomona (18/79) and L. interrogans serovar lcterohaemorrhagiae (8/79) which was identified as single or multiple reaction. Isolation of leptospira from vitreous humor was positive in 34/212 horses (16%). 10/20 control horses had a positive antibody titer against leptospira in serum and 2/20 horses in vitreous humor, whereas there was no leptospira detected in culture. The result of 84% negative cultures from vitreous humor of 212 ERU patients is decisive for the diagnosis and therapy of ERU.


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    Marly Francisca Cândido


    Full Text Available

    Foram analisados 694 hemossoros de eqüinos, procedentes de sete rnunicípios goianos, encontrando-se uma positividade para aglutininas antileptóspira que variou de 8,8 a 25,0%, com o valor médio de 14,4%. Diferentes sorotipos foram pesquisados, pela técnica de GALTON et alii (1962, encontrando-se positividade para os sorotipos grippotyphosa, wolffi, ballum e australis. Os autores concluíram pela necessidade de prosseguimento de novas pesquisas, com a finalidade de averiguar-se a presença ou não de diferentes sorotipos observados em outros Estados e não encontrados na presente pesquisa, além da realização de estudo epidemiológico local e regional.

    694 equine serum blood tests were made from horses of 7 counties of the State of Goiás. Positive rates of Leptospira agglutinins varied from 8.8 to 25.0% with an average of 14.4%. Different serum types were studied by the technique developed by GALTON et alii (1962 finding positiveness for the following serum types: grippotyphosa, wolffi, ballum and australis.

  3. Evolución de la enfermedad meningocócica en la Comunidad de Madrid. Efectividad de la vacunación antimeningocócica A+C

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    Gutiérrez Rodríguez Mª Ángeles


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: En el año 1997 (entre el 22 de septiembre y el 14 de noviembre se efectuó una campaña de vacunación antimeningocócica A+C en la Comunidad de Madrid, en el grupo de edad de 18 meses a 19 años, ante el aumento del número de casos de enfermedad meningocócica por serogrupo C presentado en la temporada 1996-97. Este estudio forma parte de la evaluación de dicha campaña. MÉTODOS: Se ha valorado la evolución de la incidencia de la enfermedad meningocócica, mediante la comparación de tasas; y se ha determinado la efectividad de la vacunación al año (temporada 1997-98 y a los dos años (temporadas 1997-98 y 1998-99 de seguimiento. La efectividad vacunal se ha calculado como (1-(Tasa en vacunados/Tasa en no vacunados*100. RESULTADOS: Se ha producido un descenso significativo en la incidencia de enfermedad meningocócica por serogrupo C al comparar las temporadas 1997-98 y 1998-99 con la temporada epidémica (1996-97. La efectividad vacunal a los dos años de seguimiento tras la campaña de vacunación ha sido de un 76,9% para la población global de 18 meses a 19 años y de un 88,5% en el grupo de vacunados entre 15 y 19 años. CONCLUSIONES: La efectividad vacunal obtenida es compatible con lo descrito en la literatura. La disminución significativa de la incidencia de enfermedad meningocócica por serogrupo C ha sido debida a la efectividad vacunal obtenida.

  4. In Vivo-Expressed Proteins of Virulent Leptospira interrogans Serovar Autumnalis N2 Elicit Strong IgM Responses of Value in Conclusive Diagnosis. (United States)

    Raja, Veerapandian; Shanmughapriya, Santhanam; Kanagavel, Murugesan; Artiushin, Sergey C; Velineni, Sridhar; Timoney, John F; Natarajaseenivasan, Kalimuthusamy


    Leptospirosis is a serious zoonosis that is underdiagnosed because of limited access to laboratory facilities in Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and Oceania. Timely diagnosis of locally distributed serovars of high virulence is crucial for successful care and outbreak management. Using pooled patient sera, an expression gene library of a virulent Leptospira interrogans serovar Autumnalis strain N2 isolated in South India was screened. The identified genes were characterized, and the purified recombinant proteins were used as antigens in IgM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) either singly or in combination. Sera (n = 118) from cases of acute leptospirosis along with sera (n = 58) from healthy subjects were tested for reactivity with the identified proteins in an ELISA designed to detect specific IgM responses. We have identified nine immunoreactive proteins, ArgC, RecA, GlpF, FliD, TrmD, RplS, RnhB, Lp28.6, and Lrr44.9, which were found to be highly conserved among pathogenic leptospires. Apparently, the proteins ArgC, RecA, GlpF, FliD, TrmD, and Lrr44.9 are expressed during natural infection of the host and undetectable in in vitro cultures. Among all the recombinant proteins used as antigens in IgM ELISA, ArgC had the highest sensitivity and specificity, 89.8% and 95.5%, respectively, for the conclusive diagnosis of leptospirosis. The use of ArgC and RecA in combination for IgM ELISA increased the sensitivity and specificity to 95.7% and 94.9%, respectively. ArgC and RecA thus elicited specific IgM responses and were therefore effective in laboratory confirmation of Leptospira infection. Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  5. Diminuição da fragilidade osmótica eritrocitária na leptospirose canina


    Santoro, Marcelo L.; Kogika, Marcia M.; Hagiwara, Mitika K.; Mirandola, Regina M. S.; Castelar, Izaura L. C. G.


    Erythrocyte osmotic fragility (EOF) was carried out in nineteen dogs naturally infected by Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae/copenhagi. A decreased EOF was observed, suggesting a modification of erythrocyte components secondary to disturbances that occur during canine leptospirosis, such as renal damage and hepatic disease.A fragilidade osmótica eritrocitária foi estudada em dezenove cães infectados naturalmente pela Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae/copenhag...

  6. Encuesta de portadores de Neisseria meningitidis en el Área de Salud de Gran Canaria

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    García Rojas Amós


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: Se plantea A Conocer la tasa de portadores y los tipos circulantes de Neisseria Meningitidis en la población residente en el área de salud de Gran Canaria. B Conocer el patrón de distribución de estos portadores. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un diseño descriptivo transversal, con un muestreo aleatorio en etapas múltiples y por conglomerados. Se determinó un tamaño muestral mínimo de 707 personas para una prevalencia esperada del 8,6 %, con una confianza del 95,6 % y precisión de 0,02. Asumiendo que un 15 % de las personas no quisieran colaborar, se incrementó el tamaño muestral a 831 personas, distribuidas en cada conglomerado de manera proporcional a la población existente. Este tamaño se distribuyó a su vez, en cuatro grandes grupos de edad y sexo, proporcionalmente a su importancia en cada zona básica de salud seleccionada aleatoriamente. Los individuos de la muestra se identificaban entre los que acudían a las unidades de extracción, y una vez superados los criterios de exclusión se les solicitaba su colaboración voluntaria en el estudio. Si aceptaban, se les cumplimentaba un cuestionario que englobaba diferentes variables de interés epidemiológico y se les realizaba un frotis faríngeo. Al haber seleccionado los equipos de Atención Primaria con muestreo aleatorio simple y seguir el mismo método para elegir los individuos dentro de ellos, la estimación de la prevalencia se realizó mediante estimador no sesgado. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron un total de 828 muestras, lo que supuso un 99,6% de las previstas. Salvo tres, todos los individuos seleccionados participaron voluntariamente en el estudio, lo que le confiere una alta representatividad. Todas las cepas obtenidas correspondían a N. Meningitidis Serogrupo B, salvo una identificada como N. Meningitidis Serogrupo C Sero/Subtipo 4:P1.2,5. Las cepas de N. Meningitidis serogrupo B identificadas, correspondían a 25 serosubtipos diferentes. La prevalencia puntual

  7. Genotypes of Leptospira spp. strains isolated from dogs in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (United States)

    Grune Loffler, Sylvia; Passaro, Diego; Samartino, Luis; Soncini, Analía; Romero, Graciela; Brihuega, Bibiana


    Leptospirosis is an infectious disease of wide global distribution, which is endemic in Argentina. The objective of this study was to obtain the genetic profiles of Leptospira spp. strains isolated from clinical cases of dogs in the province of Buenos Aires by the multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA). Eight isolated canine strains were genotyped by MLVA, obtaining the identical profile of Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola Hond Utrecht IV in the strains named Dogy and Mayo. The strains named Bel, Sarmiento, La Plata 4581 and La Plata 5478 were identical to the profile of the genotype of L. interrogans serovar Portlandvere MY 1039.The strain named Avellaneda was identical to the genotype profile of L. interrogans serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae RGA and the strain named SB had the same profile as the L. interrogans serovar Pomona Baires genotype and was similar to the profile of serovar Pomona Pomona genotype. It would be useful to include a larger number of isolates from different dog populations in various provinces of Argentina and to characterize the genetic profiles of the strains circulating in the country. The information obtained will be useful for the control of leptospirosis in the dog population. Copyright © 2014 Asociación Argentina de Microbiología. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  8. Radiometric method for the rapid detection of Leptospira organisms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manca, N.; Verardi, R.; Colombrita, D.; Ravizzola, G.; Savoldi, E.; Turano, A.


    A rapid and sensitive radiometric method for detection of Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona and Leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni is described. Stuart's medium and Middlebrook TB (12A) medium supplemented with bovine serum albumin, catalase, and casein hydrolysate and labeled with 14 C-fatty acids were used. The radioactivity was measured in a BACTEC 460. With this system, Leptospira organisms were detected in human blood in 2 to 5 days, a notably shorter time period than that required for the majority of detection techniques

  9. Antibodies to a novel leptospiral protein, LruC, in the eye fluids and sera of horses with Leptospira-associated uveitis. (United States)

    Verma, Ashutosh; Matsunaga, James; Artiushin, Sergey; Pinne, Marija; Houwers, Dirk J; Haake, David A; Stevenson, Brian; Timoney, John F


    Screening of an expression library of Leptospira interrogans with eye fluids from uveitic horses resulted in identification of a novel protein, LruC. LruC is located in the inner leaflet of the leptospiral outer membrane, and an lruC gene was detected in all tested pathogenic L. interrogans strains. LruC-specific antibody levels were significantly higher in eye fluids and sera of uveitic horses than healthy horses. These findings suggest that LruC may play a role in equine leptospiral uveitis.

  10. Control of Gene Expression in Leptospira spp. by Transcription Activator-Like Effectors Demonstrates a Potential Role for LigA and LigB in Leptospira interrogans Virulence. (United States)

    Pappas, Christopher J; Picardeau, Mathieu


    Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease that affects ∼1 million people annually, with a mortality rate of >10%. Currently, there is an absence of effective genetic manipulation tools for targeted mutagenesis in pathogenic leptospires. Transcription activator-like effectors (TALEs) are a recently described group of repressors that modify transcriptional activity in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells by directly binding to a targeted sequence within the host genome. To determine the applicability of TALEs within Leptospira spp., two TALE constructs were designed. First, a constitutively expressed TALE gene specific for the lacO-like region upstream of bgaL was trans inserted in the saprophyte Leptospira biflexa (the TALEβgal strain). Reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) analysis and enzymatic assays demonstrated that BgaL was not expressed in the TALEβgal strain. Second, to study the role of LigA and LigB in pathogenesis, a constitutively expressed TALE gene with specificity for the homologous promoter regions of ligA and ligB was cis inserted into the pathogen Leptospira interrogans (TALElig). LigA and LigB expression was studied by using three independent clones: TALElig1, TALElig2, and TALElig3. Immunoblot analysis of osmotically induced TALElig clones demonstrated 2- to 9-fold reductions in the expression levels of LigA and LigB, with the highest reductions being noted for TALElig1 and TALElig2, which were avirulent in vivo and nonrecoverable from animal tissues. This study reconfirms galactosidase activity in the saprophyte and suggests a role for LigA and LigB in pathogenesis. Collectively, this study demonstrates that TALEs are effective at reducing the expression of targeted genes within saprophytic and pathogenic strains of Leptospira spp., providing an additional genetic manipulation tool for this genus. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  11. Radiometric method for the rapid detection of Leptospira organisms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manca, N.; Verardi, R.; Colombrita, D.; Ravizzola, G.; Savoldi, E.; Turano, A.


    A rapid and sensitive radiometric method for detection of Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona and Leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni is described. Stuart's medium and Middlebrook TB (12A) medium supplemented with bovine serum albumin, catalase, and casein hydrolysate and labeled with /sup 14/C-fatty acids were used. The radioactivity was measured in a BACTEC 460. With this system, Leptospira organisms were detected in human blood in 2 to 5 days, a notably shorter time period than that required for the majority of detection techniques.

  12. Use of saprophytic leptospira strains in the serodiagnosis of experimental leptospirosis in guinea-pigs (Cavia sp

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    Raul J. S. Girio


    Full Text Available The efficiency of four Leptospira biflexa strains (Buenos Aires, Patoc 1, Rufino and São Paulo as single antigen in the serodiagnosis in guinea-pigs experimentally infected with seven Leptospira interrogans serovars (canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohaemorrhagiae, pomona, tarassovi and wolffi was evaluated by the microscopic agglutination test. The four saprophytic strains were not able to reveal antibody titres in sera of guinea-pigs experimentally infected with Leptospira interrogans. Serological cross-reactions were observed between strains Patoc 1 and São Paulo and between serovars wolffi and hardjo.

  13. Intestinal spirochetosis: first cases reported in Brazil and the use of immunohistochemistry as an aid in histopathological diagnosis Espiroquetose intestinal: primeiros casos no Brasil e o uso de técnicas imunohistoquímicas como ajuda no diagnóstico histopatológico

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    T. de Brito


    ógico foi feito através de colorações de rotina, tais como a hematoxilina-eosina, que mostraram franja basofílica de 3µ de espessura sobre a borda em escova do epitélio e por impregnações pela prata como o método de Whartin-Starry. Métodos imunohistoquímicos, usando dois soros primários policlonais, um contra o Treponema pallidum e o outro contra Leptospira interrogans, serovar copenhageni serogrupo Icterohaemorrhagiae revelaram reatividade cruzada com os antígeno/s dos espiroquetas produzindo um contraste acentuado da franja sobre o epitélio colônico e preservando a morfologia espiralada do parasita. Em um paciente, com acentuada diarréia, a imunohistoquímica detectou antígenos de espiroqueta no citoplasma de uma célula da cripta intestinal, demonstrando que a infecção estava mais disseminada do que parecia pelas colorações comuns. Portanto, os métodos imunohistoquímicos facilitam o diagnóstico histológico da espiroquetose intestinal e podem , também, contribuir para a melhor compreensão da patogenia da doença. A microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e a microscopia de varredura, realizadas em um paciente, demonstraram que os espiroquetas lembram a espécie designada como Brachyspira aalborgi.

  14. Comparative proteome analysis reveals pathogen specific outer membrane proteins of Leptospira. (United States)

    Dhandapani, Gunasekaran; Sikha, Thoduvayil; Rana, Aarti; Brahma, Rahul; Akhter, Yusuf; Gopalakrishnan Madanan, Madathiparambil


    Proteomes of pathogenic Leptospira interrogans and L. borgpetersenii and the saprophytic L. biflexa were filtered through computational tools to identify Outer Membrane Proteins (OMPs) that satisfy the required biophysical parameters for their presence on the outer membrane. A total of 133, 130, and 144 OMPs were identified in L. interrogans, L. borgpetersenii, and L. biflexa, respectively, which forms approximately 4% of proteomes. A holistic analysis of transporting and pathogenic characteristics of OMPs together with Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COGs) among the OMPs and their distribution across 3 species was made and put forward a set of 21 candidate OMPs specific to pathogenic leptospires. It is also found that proteins homologous to the candidate OMPs were also present in other pathogenic species of leptospires. Six OMPs from L. interrogans and 2 from L. borgpetersenii observed to have similar COGs while those were not found in any intermediate or saprophytic forms. These OMPs appears to have role in infection and pathogenesis and useful for anti-leptospiral strategies. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Plasmin cleaves fibrinogen and the human complement proteins C3b and C5 in the presence of Leptospira interrogans proteins: A new role of LigA and LigB in invasion and complement immune evasion. (United States)

    Castiblanco-Valencia, Mónica Marcela; Fraga, Tatiana Rodrigues; Pagotto, Ana Helena; Serrano, Solange Maria de Toledo; Abreu, Patricia Antonia Estima; Barbosa, Angela Silva; Isaac, Lourdes


    Plasminogen is a single-chain glycoprotein found in human plasma as the inactive precursor of plasmin. When converted to proteolytically active plasmin, plasmin(ogen) regulates both complement and coagulation cascades, thus representing an important target for pathogenic microorganisms. Leptospira interrogans binds plasminogen, which is converted to active plasmin. Leptospiral immunoglobulin-like (Lig) proteins are surface exposed molecules that interact with extracellular matrix components and complement regulators, including proteins of the FH family and C4BP. In this work, we demonstrate that these multifunctional molecules also bind plasminogen through both N- and C-terminal domains. These interactions are dependent on lysine residues and are affected by ionic strength. Competition assays suggest that plasminogen does not share binding sites with C4BP or FH on Lig proteins at physiological molar ratios. Plasminogen bound to Lig proteins is converted to proteolytic active plasmin in the presence of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA). Lig-bound plasmin is able to cleave the physiological substrates fibrinogen and the complement proteins C3b and C5. Taken together, our data point to a new role of LigA and LigB in leptospiral invasion and complement immune evasion. Plasmin(ogen) acquisition by these versatile proteins may contribute to Leptospira infection, favoring bacterial survival and dissemination inside the host. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier GmbH.

  16. Application of PCR-based DNA sequencing technique for the detection of Leptospira in peripheral blood of septicemia patients

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    Ram, S.


    Full Text Available Aim: Isolation, dark field detection and microscopic agglutination test (MAT are considered ―gold standard‖ tests for diagnosis of Leptospirosis. Several PCR assays are reported but very few have been evaluated for detection of Leptospirosis. Therefore, this study was undertaken. This study aims to design and standardize polymerase chain reaction (PCR - based DNA sequencing technique for the detection of pathogenic Leptospira from peripheral blood of patients clinically diagnosed with septicemia. Methodology and Results: Two hundred and seven (207 blood samples from patients were diagnosed with septicemia which includes 100 bacterial (other than Leptospira culture positive and 107 bacterial culture negative samples were studied. Primers for Nested PCR targeting LipL32 gene of Leptospira interrogans were designed and the specificity of primers was tested against serum samples positive/negative by either MAT or dark field microscopy. PCR amplified products were further confirmed by DNA sequencing. The standardized nPCR was sensitive and specific to Leptospira interrogans. Twenty-one (21% out of 100 culture positive blood samples, three (2.8% out of 107 culture negative samples showed nPCR positivity and were confirmed as Leptospira interrogans by DNA sequencing (p<0.001. A sensitive nPCR specific to Leptospira interrogans was developed. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: The p value (<0.001 signifies that Leptospira is commonly associated with other bacteria circulating in blood indicating that a decreased immune status is created primarily by a bacterium with enhanced possibility of development of Leptospiral infection probably be of an endogenous origin.

  17. Decreased erytrocyte osmotic fragility during canine leptospirosis Diminuição da fragilidade osmótica eritrocitária na leptospirose canina

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    Marcelo L. Santoro


    Full Text Available Erythrocyte osmotic fragility (EOF was carried out in nineteen dogs naturally infected by Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae/copenhagi. A decreased EOF was observed, suggesting a modification of erythrocyte components secondary to disturbances that occur during canine leptospirosis, such as renal damage and hepatic disease.A fragilidade osmótica eritrocitária foi estudada em dezenove cães infectados naturalmente pela Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae/copenhagi. Observou-se uma redução da fragilidade osmótica eritrocitária, sem a presença de anemia, possivelmente relacionada aos distúrbios hepato-renais que ocorrem nesta patologia.

  18. Seroepidemiological detection of antibodies against Leptospira spp using microscopic agglutination test in Urmia cows and sheep

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    Ramin Ag


    Full Text Available The study was designed to determine the level of incidence, titer and various serovars of leptospira in 203 cows and 166 sheep at Urmia abattoir in 2011. Blood samples were collected during the slaughter of animals and sera were separated to evaluate the serological reaction to Leptospira spp by Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT using live antigens representing Leptospira interrogans serogroups: pomona, grippotyphosa, canicola, hardjo, icterrohaemoragiae, and ballum. Overall, 36% of cows and 19.3% of sheep including 33.8% of bulls, 40.5% of female cows, 18.3% of rams and 25% of ewes had a positive reaction to at least one of the leptospira serovars. The most prevalent serovars in cows were pomona (22.7%, grippotyphosa (13.8%, and hardjo (8.4%, and in sheep were grippotyphosa (66.7%, pomona (26.2% and canicola (7.1%. Other serovars were not detected in cows and sheep. The most prevalent serological titers of 1:100 and 1:200 in cows was 18.2% and 26.6%, and for sheep were 13.5% and 8%, respectively, and of 1:400 in sheep was 2.3%. Cows with a positive reaction to one, two and three serovars were 28.6%, 5.9%, and 1.5% and sheep positive to one and two serovars were 13.3% and 6%, respectively. Age comparison in seropositive cows and sheep showed a significantly increased infection (p<0.05 from young to adult ruminants, while no differences were seen regarding gender. The main mixed serovars were between grippotyphosa/pomona, grippotyphosa/canicola and canicola/pomona. The gender comparison of the serovars' distribution revealed that the pomona and grippotyphosa were predominant among other leptospiral serovars in cows and sheep, respectively. In conclusion, the rate of leptospirosis in Urmia cows was about 2 fold in sheep. The most current serovars in cows and sheep were pomona and grippotyphosa, respectively. The majority of animals was infected with one serovar, but polyserovars, are also possible. The highest titer (1:200 was observed in cows

  19. Pesquisa de leptospiras e de anticorpos contra leptospiras em animais e humanos de propriedades rurais nos biomas brasileiros Pantanal e Caatinga

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    Felipe Jorge da Silva


    Full Text Available The occurrence of Leptospira and of seroreactivity against Leptospira was investigated in animals and humans from six farms located in two Brazilian biomes that have different geoclimatic conditions: Pantanal – municipalities of Miranda (MS, Itiquira (MT and Pocone (MT and Caatinga – municipalities of Sobradinho (BA, Garanhuns (PE and Sobral (BA. Blood and urine samples of wildlife, domestic animals and humans were collected at each property. The samples were collected from February to April 2012 in Caatinga and from July to September 2012 in Pantanal. The serological reactivity against Leptospira spp. was verified by microscopic agglutination technique (MAT made with a collection consisting by 24 antigens of Leptospira spp. The leptospires research was carried out by urine samples crop sown in Fletcher resources and Ellinghausen – McCullough – Johnson – Harris (EMJH. Crops with growth of leptospires were referred to the Leptospirosis Laboratory of the Institute of Pathobiology, National Institute of Agricultural Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina and isolated Leptospira strains were genotyped with the technique of Multiple Locus Variable Number Tandem Repeat Analysis (MLVA. The classification procedure employed the VNTR 4, 7, 9, 10, 19, 23, 31, LB4 and LB5, which discriminate strains of L. interrogans and L. borgpetersenii. In Pantanal, 17 wildlife, 65 domestic animals and two humans were examined. In Caatinga, seven wild animals were examined, along with 100 domestic animals and 26 humans. Of 84 blood samples tested in Pantanal, 47 (55.95% were positive and, of 133 in Caatinga, 59 (44.36% were reactant. By Fisher’s exact test, considering a 0.05 significance level, there was no difference between the proportions of serum reagent animals against Leptospira spp. in two biome reviews (p = 0.063. The predominant serovars in SAM reactions were: 1 Pantanal – Bratislava (wildlife, dogs and humans, Grippotyphosa (horses and cattle; 2

  20. Molecular characterization of Leptospira sp by multilocus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA from clinical samples: a case report

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    Hélène Pailhoriès


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a zoonotic infection for which diagnosis is difficult. It has appeared as a global emerging infectious disease over recent years. Genotype determination often requires a Leptospira strain obtained by culture, which is a long and fastidious technique. A method based on multilocus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA to determine the genotype of Leptospira interrogans, performed directly on blood or urine samples, is proposed. This method was applied to a fatal case of leptospirosis for which the geographical origin of infection was unknown. This technique will allow a genotype to be obtained for L. interrogans, even when cultures remain negative.

  1. ORF Alignment: NC_004342 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  2. ORF Alignment: NC_005823 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  3. Leptospira diversity in animals and humans in Tahiti, French Polynesia. (United States)

    Guernier, Vanina; Richard, Vaea; Nhan, Tuxuan; Rouault, Eline; Tessier, Anita; Musso, Didier


    Leptospirosis is a highly endemic bacterial zoonosis in French Polynesia (FP). Nevertheless, data on the epidemiology of leptospirosis in FP are scarce. We conducted molecular studies on Leptospira isolated from humans and the potential main animal reservoirs in order to identify the most likely sources for human infection. Wild rats (n = 113), farm pigs (n = 181) and domestic dogs (n = 4) were screened for Leptospira infection in Tahiti, the most populated island in FP. Positive samples were genotyped and compared to Leptospira isolated from human cases throughout FP (n = 51), using secY, 16S and LipL32 sequencing, and MLST analysis. Leptospira DNA was detected in 20.4% of rats and 26.5% of pigs. We identified two Leptospira species and three sequence types (STs) in animals and humans: Leptospira interrogans ST140 in pigs only and L. interrogans ST17 and Leptospira borgpetersenii ST149 in humans and rats. Overall, L. interrogans was the dominant species and grouped into four clades: one clade including a human case only, two clades including human cases and dogs, and one clade including human cases and rats. All except one pig sample showed a unique L. interrogans (secY) genotype distinct from those isolated from humans, rats and dogs. Moreover, LipL32 sequencing allowed the detection of an additional Leptospira genotype in pigs, clearly distinct from the previous ones. Our data confirm rats as a major potential source for human leptospirosis in FP. By contrast to what was expected, farm pigs did not seem to be a major reservoir for the Leptospira genotypes identified in human patients. Thus, further investigations will be required to determine their significance in leptospirosis transmission in FP.

  4. Epidemiology of Leptospira Transmitted by Rodents in Southeast Asia (United States)

    Mielcarek, Mathilde; Tatard, Caroline; Chaval, Yannick; Suputtamongkol, Yupin; Buchy, Philippe; Jittapalapong, Sathaporn; Herbreteau, Vincent; Morand, Serge


    Background Leptospirosis is the most common bacterial zoonoses and has been identified as an important emerging global public health problem in Southeast Asia. Rodents are important reservoirs for human leptospirosis, but epidemiological data is lacking. Methodology/Principal Findings We sampled rodents living in different habitats from seven localities distributed across Southeast Asia (Thailand, Lao PDR and Cambodia), between 2009 to 2010. Human isolates were also obtained from localities close to where rodents were sampled. The prevalence of Leptospira infection was assessed by real-time PCR using DNA extracted from rodent kidneys, targeting the lipL32 gene. Sequencing rrs and secY genes, and Multi Locus Variable-number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) analyses were performed on DNA extracted from rat kidneys for Leptospira isolates molecular typing. Four species were detected in rodents, L. borgpetersenii (56% of positive samples), L. interrogans (36%), L. kirschneri (3%) and L. weilli (2%), which were identical to human isolates. Mean prevalence in rodents was approximately 7%, and largely varied across localities and habitats, but not between rodent species. The two most abundant Leptospira species displayed different habitat requirements: L. interrogans was linked to humid habitats (rice fields and forests) while L. borgpetersenii was abundant in both humid and dry habitats (non-floodable lands). Conclusion/Significance L. interrogans and L. borgpetersenii species are widely distributed amongst rodent populations, and strain typing confirmed rodents as reservoirs for human leptospirosis. Differences in habitat requirements for L. interrogans and L. borgpetersenii supported differential transmission modes. In Southeast Asia, human infection risk is not only restricted to activities taking place in wetlands and rice fields as is commonly accepted, but should also include tasks such as forestry work, as well as the hunting and preparation of rodents for consumption, which

  5. Detección y caracterización de aislados de "escherichia coli" de origen clínico y fecal en gallinas ponedoras


    Gibert Perelló, Magdalena


    El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido realizar la caracterización de aislados de E. coli clínicos (responsables de cuadros de colibacilosis en gallinas ponedoras) y fecales. Tras llevar a cabo el aislamiento e identificación bioquímica de los aislados, se ha procedido a la determinación del serogrupo, patotipo (detección de factores de virulencia por PCR), sensibilidad a antimicrobianos y pulsotipo (mediante la técnica de Pulsed Field-Gel Electrophoresis, PFGE). Además, se ha realizado un estudio...

  6. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... Comparison of the effects of UV-A radiation on Leptospira interrogan serovar ... Comparison of three methods for determination of protein concentration in lactic .... differential gene expression from the xerophyte Ammopiptanthus mongolicus ...

  7. Estudio de la resistencia a antibióticos [beta]-lactámicos en aislamientos clínicos de "salmonella typhimurium"


    Güerri Santos, María Luisa


    Estudiando las características de las cepas de Salmonella aisladas en el Hospital Universitario "La Paz" (Madrid) durante los últimos once años concluímos que el serogrupo más frecuente es el D9 (exceptuando el año 1996 en el que predomina el B4), la población más afectada son los niños, y los casos de bacteriemia tienen lugar en pacientes con factores predisponentes (VIH y otras enfermedades debilitantes). Se observa un aumento de la resistencia a antibióticos, especialmente llamativa para l...

  8. Efectividad de la vacuna VA-MENGOC-BC® contra cepas heterólogas de meningococo B

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    Rolando Ochoa-Azze


    Full Text Available La efectividad de las vacunas de vesículas de membrana externa de Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo B ha sido cuestionada por algunos investigadores, limitándola a la cepa vacunal. VA-MENGOC-BC® es una vacuna antimeningocócica basada en dicha tecnología. Presentamos un metaanálisis de estudios realizados en diferentes contextos epidemiológicos, evaluando su efectividad contra cepas heterólogas de meningococo B en varios grupos de edades. Se demuestra que la vacuna es efectiva contra cepas homólogas, heterólogas y de diferentes complejos clonales.

  9. Brote de legionelosis en Murcia en julio de 2001. La óptica de sanidad ambiental

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    C. Gutiérrez Molina


    Full Text Available Se exponen las medidas de intervención adoptadas para el estudio y control del brote. Se encontraron 126 instalaciones con riesgo (45 de ellas de alto: 70 torres de refrigeración y similares, 35 fuentes ornamentales, 1 obra con movimiento de tierra y 20 sistemas con circuito cerrado aire-agua, que se distribuyeron por categorías de riesgo.De forma inmediata se clausuraron: las fuentes ornamentales, el baldeo de calles y riegos por aspersión de parques y la obra.Se realizaron un total de 486 inspecciones y 1040 toma de muestras, ordenando la limpieza y desinfección de torres de refrigeración y similares y su clausura en caso necesario. Posteriormente, se cambio de relleno en torres de refrigeración positivas a Lp.Del total de instalaciones investigadas (339, en 57 (16’9% se encontró un cultivo positivo a Lp. Distribución por tipo de instalación con cultivo positivo a Lp: en torres de refrigeración 23 (6’8%, en fuentes ornamentales 3 (7,32% y en agua sanitaria 31 (9’1%.Distribución por serogrupos: LpS1 (62’3%, serogrupos 2-14 (36’68%.LpS1Olda Olda (21’74% fue la mas abundante seguida de LpS1 Pontiac Filadelfia Lugano (18’84% frente a LpS1 Pontiac Filadelfia Glasgow (en 1 ocasión, 1’45%, esta ultima fue la aislada en las 18 muestras de enfermos.En 355 ocasiones se dispone de cultivo y PCR, encontrándose una sensibilidad de 30,8% (Intervalo de confianza al 95%, de 25,1 y una especificidad del 99,4±0,8. Hay que considerar la eventual influencia en los resultados aportada por la posible aparición de dos falsos negativos en el cultivo.Se encuentra un elevado porcentaje de muestras correspondientes a Legionella pneumophilla serogrupo 1, dentro de estas prevalecen las tipo Pontiac Philadelphia, y dentro de estas las tipo Lugano.La primera desinfección no erradicó la contaminación en su totalidad. Abundando en lo anterior, el hallazgo de un número considerable de torres de refrigeración positivas a Lp tras limpieza y

  10. Prevalence of antibody titers to leptospira spp. in Minnesota white-tailed deer (United States)

    Goyal, S.M.; Mech, L.D.; Nelson, M.E.


    Serum samples (n = 204) from 124 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in northeastern Minnesota (USA) were collected from 1984 through 1989 and tested for antibodies to six serovars of Leptospira interrogans (bratislava, canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohemorrhagiae, and pomona) using a microtiter agglutination test. Eighty-eight (43%) sera were positive at greater than or equal to 1:100 for antibodies against serovars pomona and/or bratislava; none was positive for any of the other four serovars. None of the 31 sera collected in 1984-85 was positive, whereas all 54 sera collected from 1986 through 1988 had titers of greater than or equal to 1:100. During 1989, only 34 (29%) of 119 sera had titers of greater than or equal to 1:100. Based on these results, we believe there to be wide variability in exposure of Minnesota deer to Leptospira interrogans.

  11. Niveles de anticuerpos bactericidas frente a meningococo C tras la vacunación de niños de 2 a 6 años de edad en Andalucía


    Elena Delgado Torralbo; Julio Vázquez Moreno; Javier García León; Jesús González Enríquez; Ferrán Martínez Navarro; Sonsoles Berrón Morato; José María Mayoral Cortés; Mª. Angeles Rubin Gómez; Camila Méndez Martínez; Margarita Cortés Majó; Mónica Chaves Caballero; Mª Luisa Bernal González


    FUNDAMENTO: En 1997 el 18,5% de los casos de Enfermedad Meningocócica por serogrupo C en Andalucía fueron niños de 2 a 4 años de edad; edades donde respuesta inmune inicial y duración de la vacuna antimeningocócica de polisacárido capsular A+C, es menor que en edades superiores. Se diseñó una investigación para medir la respuesta inmune producida por esta vacuna, en niños de 2 a 6 años de edad, y compararla con la inmunidad natural presente en niños no vacunados. MÉTODOS: I.- Doble estudio de...

  12. Letter to the Editor (United States)

    We would like to express several concerns regarding the article “Efficacy of vaccination of cattle with the Leptospira interrogans serovar Hardjo type hardjoprajitno component of a pentavalent Leptospira bacterin against experimental challenge with Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo type hardj...

  13. Characterization of a lipopolysaccharide mutant of Leptospira derived by growth in the presence of an anti-lipopolysaccharide monoclonal antibody

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zapata, Sonia; Trueba, Gabriel; Bulach, Dieter M.; Boucher, David; Adler, Ben; Hartskeerl, Rudy


    A lipopolysaccharide mutant of Leptospira interrogans (LaiMut) was obtained by growth in the presence of an agglutinating monoclonal antibody (mAb) against lipopolysaccharide. Agglutination reactions with anti-lipopolysaccharide mAbs and polyclonal antibodies showed that LaiMut had lost some

  14. Expansion of the in vitro assay for Leptospira potency testing to other Serovars: Case study with Leptospira hardjo (United States)

    The Code for Federal Regulations (9 CFR 113:101-104) specifies how vaccine potency is evaluated in a hamster model for evaluation of leptospiral vaccines against pomona, icterohaemorrhagiae, canicola, and grippotyphosa serotypes of Leptospira interrogans. There are several issues which complicate th...

  15. The OmpA-like protein Loa22 is essential for leptospiral virulence.

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    Paula Ristow


    Full Text Available Pathogenic mechanisms of Leptospira interrogans, the causal agent of leptospirosis, remain largely unknown. This is mainly due to the lack of tools for genetic manipulations of pathogenic species. In this study, we characterized a mutant obtained by insertion of the transposon Himar1 into a gene encoding a putative lipoprotein, Loa22, which has a predicted OmpA domain based on sequence identity. The resulting mutant did not express Loa22 and was attenuated in virulence in the guinea pig and hamster models of leptospirosis, whereas the genetically complemented strain was restored in Loa22 expression and virulence. Our results show that Loa22 was expressed during host infection and exposed on the cell surface. Loa22 is therefore necessary for virulence of L. interrogans in the animal model and represents, to our knowledge, the first genetically defined virulence factor in Leptospira species.

  16. Exposure to Rats and Rat-Associated Leptospira and Bartonella Species Among People Who Use Drugs in an Impoverished, Inner-City Neighborhood of Vancouver, Canada. (United States)

    McVea, David A; Himsworth, Chelsea G; Patrick, David M; Lindsay, L Robbin; Kosoy, Michael; Kerr, Thomas


    Rat infestations are common, particularly in impoverished, inner-city neighborhoods. However, there has been little research into the nature and consequences of rat exposure in these neighborhoods, particularly in Canada. In this study, we sought to characterize exposure to rats and rat-associated Leptospira interrogans and Bartonella tribocorum, as well as risk factors associated with exposure, in residents (n = 202) of the Downtown Eastside (DTES) neighborhood of Vancouver, Canada. There was no evidence of exposure to rat-associated L. interrogans but 6/202 (3.0%) of participants were exposed to B. tribocorum, which is known to be circulating among DTES rats. We also found that frequent and close rat exposure was common among DTES residents, and that this exposure was particularly associated with injection drug use and outdoor income-generating activities (e.g., drug dealing). These risk factors may be good targets for interventions geared toward effectively reducing rat exposure.

  17. Isolation and clinical sample typing of human leptospirosis cases in Argentina. (United States)

    Chiani, Yosena; Jacob, Paulina; Varni, Vanina; Landolt, Noelia; Schmeling, María Fernanda; Pujato, Nazarena; Caimi, Karina; Vanasco, Bibiana


    Leptospira typing is carried out using isolated strains. Because of difficulties in obtaining them, direct identification of infective Leptospira in clinical samples is a high priority. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) proved highly discriminatory for seven pathogenic species of Leptospira, allowing isolate characterization and robust assignment to species, in addition to phylogenetic evidence for the relatedness between species. In this study we characterized Leptospira strains circulating in Argentina, using typing methods applied to human clinical samples and isolates. Phylogenetic studies based on 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences enabled typing of 8 isolates (6 Leptospira interrogans, one Leptospira wolffii and one Leptospira broomii) and 58 out of 85 (68.2%) clinical samples (55 L. interrogans, 2 Leptospira meyeri, and one Leptospira kirschneri). MLST results for the L. interrogans isolates indicated that five were probably Canicola serogroup (ST37) and one was probably Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup (ST17). Eleven clinical samples (21.6%), provided MLST interpretable data: five were probably Pyrogenes serogroup (ST13), four Sejroe (ST20), one Autumnalis (ST22) and one Canicola (ST37). To the best of our knowledge this study is the first report of the use of an MLST typing scheme with seven loci to identify Leptospira directly from clinical samples in Argentina. The use of clinical samples presents the advantage of the possibility of knowing the infecting strain without resorting to isolates. This study also allowed, for the first time, the characterization of isolates of intermediate pathogenicity species (L. wolffii and L. broomii) from symptomatic patients. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Serologic Survey for Selected Viral and Bacterial Swine Pathogens in Colombian Collared Peccaries ( Pecari tajacu) and Feral Pigs ( Sus scrofa). (United States)

    Montenegro, Olga L; Roncancio, Nestor; Soler-Tovar, Diego; Cortés-Duque, Jimena; Contreras-Herrera, Jorge; Sabogal, Sandra; Acevedo, Luz Dary; Navas-Suárez, Pedro Enrique


    In South America, wild populations of peccaries coexist with domestic and feral pigs, with poorly understood consequences. We captured 58 collared peccaries ( Pecari tajacu) and 15 feral pigs ( Sus scrofa) in locations of Colombia where coexistence of these species is known. Blood samples were tested for antibodies against four viral agents, classical swine fever virus (CSFV), Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV), porcine circovirus (PCV-2), and vesicular stomatitis virus (New Jersey and Indiana subtypes) and two bacterial agents, Brucella spp. and six serovars of Leptospira interrogans. The prevalence of CSFV was 5% (3/58) in collared peccaries and 7% (1/15) in feral pigs. The prevalence of PCV-2 was 7% (1/15) in collared peccaries and 67% (2/3) in feral pigs. Vesicular stomatitis prevalence was 33% (8/24) in collared peccaries and 67% (4/6) in feral pigs. Leptospira prevalence was 78% (39/50) in collared peccary and 100% (8/8) in feral pigs; bratislava, grippotyphosa, icterohaemorrhagiae, and pomona were the most frequent serovars. Also, the only white-lipped peccary ( Tayassu pecari) sampled was positive for L. interrogans serovar bratislava and for vesicular stomatitis virus, New Jersey strain. No samples were positive for ADV or Brucella. The seroprevalence of antibodies against L. interrogans was similar to that observed in other studies. Icterohaemorrhagiae appears to be a common serovar among in situ and ex situ peccary populations. Positive antibodies against PVC-2 represent a novel report of exposure to this pathogen in Colombian peccaries. Our results indicate the possible transmission of various pathogens, important for pig farms, in the studied pig and peccaries.

  19. Environmental Factors Influencing White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus Exposure to Livestock Pathogens in Wisconsin.

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    Shelli Dubay

    Full Text Available White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus are commonly exposed to disease agents that affect livestock but environmental factors that predispose deer to exposure are unknown for many pathogens. We trapped deer during winter months on two study areas (Northern Forest and Eastern Farmland in Wisconsin from 2010 to 2013. Deer were tested for exposure to six serovars of Leptospira interrogans (grippotyphosa, icterohaemorrhagiae, canicola, bratislava, pomona, and hardjo, bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV-1 and BVDV-2, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBR, and parainfluenza 3 virus (PI3. We used logistic regression to model potential intrinsic (e.g., age, sex and extrinsic (e.g., land type, study site, year, exposure to multiple pathogens variables we considered biologically meaningful to exposure of deer to livestock pathogens. Deer sampled in 2010-2011 did not demonstrate exposure to BVDV, so we did not test for BVDV in subsequent years. Deer had evidence of exposure to PI3 (24.7%, IBR (7.9%, Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona (11.7%, L. i. bratislava (1.0%, L. i. grippotyphosa (2.5% and L. i. hardjo (0.3%. Deer did not demonstrate exposure to L. interrogans serovars canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae. For PI3, we found that capture site and year influenced exposure. Fawns (n = 119 were not exposed to L. i. pomona, but land type was an important predictor of exposure to L. i. pomona for older deer. Our results serve as baseline exposure levels of Wisconsin white-tailed deer to livestock pathogens, and helped to identify important factors that explain deer exposure to livestock pathogens.

  20. Interaction of bovine peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cells and Leptospira species; innate responses in the natural bovine reservoir host. (United States)

    Cattle are the reservoir hosts of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo, and also be reservoir hosts of other Leptospira species such as L. kirschneri, and L. interrogans. As a reservoir host, cattle shed Leptospira, infecting other animals, including humans. Previous studies with human and murin...

  1. Brote de leptospirosis en terneros en recría en la provincia de Corrientes, Argentina Leptospirosis outbreak in calves from Corrientes Province, Argentina

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    María G. Draghi


    Full Text Available La leptospirosis es una enfermedad infecciosa que produce importantes pérdidas económicas en la producción ganadera. Los signos característicos de la enfermedad son aborto, muerte embrionaria, muerte de terneros de pocos días de vida y mastitis. Se describe un brote de leptospirosis en terneros en actividad de recría. Se realizaron estudios histopatológicos, de hemoparásitos, inmunofluorescencia y cultivos bacterianos. Se aisló Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona a partir de muestras de los terneros muertos.Leptospirosis is an infectious disease resulting in significant economic losses in livestock production. This disease causes abortion, embryo death, death of calves within the first few days of life and mastitis. We report a leptospirosis outbreak in calf growing and fattening. Histopathological and hemoparasite studies, immunofluorescence, and bacterial cultures were performed. A strain of Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona was isolated from samples collected from dead calves.

  2. Enfermedad meningocócica: epidemiología y vacunas, un enfoque práctico

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    C. Giannina Izquierdo, Dra.


    Las principales estrategias para la prevención de la enfermedad son el uso de vacunas (prevención primaria y el uso de quimioprofilaxis a los contactos de un caso índice (prevención secundaria. A la fecha existen numerosas vacunas contra Nmen, todas ellas con adecuados perfiles de seguridad e inmunogenicidad, por lo que la elección de la vacuna a utilizar dependerá del serogrupo prevalente en cada país; de las características de la población más afectada y de la factibilidad de disponer de ella e insertarla dentro de los programas nacionales o campañas respectivas de vacunación.

  3. A single multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for seven pathogenic Leptospira species

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boonsilp, Siriphan; Thaipadungpanit, Janjira; Amornchai, Premjit; Wuthiekanun, Vanaporn; Bailey, Mark S.; Holden, Matthew T. G.; Zhang, Cuicai; Jiang, Xiugao; Koizumi, Nobuo; Taylor, Kyle; Galloway, Renee; Hoffmaster, Alex R.; Craig, Scott; Smythe, Lee D.; Hartskeerl, Rudy A.; Day, Nicholas P.; Chantratita, Narisara; Feil, Edward J.; Aanensen, David M.; Spratt, Brian G.; Peacock, Sharon J.


    The available Leptospira multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme supported by a MLST website is limited to L. interrogans and L. kirschneri. Our aim was to broaden the utility of this scheme to incorporate a total of seven pathogenic species. We modified the existing scheme by replacing one of the

  4. Kejadian Leptospirosis pada Anjing di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (CASE OF CANINE LEPTOSPIROSIS IN THE CITY OF YOGYAKARTA

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    Guntari Titik Mulyani


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which is caused by Leptospira interrogans. The incidence of leptospirosis in dogs varies according to region and season, and is considered as emerging infectious diseases in humans. Clinical symptoms of leptospirosis in dogs vary greatly, some dogs are asymptomatic, with mild symptoms, and others progress to severe illness until death. The study aims to determine cases of canine leptospirosis in Yogyakarta, and identify the serovar that infect them. A total of 20 dogs without symptoms, with mild symptoms, to severe symptoms of leptospirosis were collected their serum and further tested using Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT conducted at the Center for Veterinary Research (BBLitvet Bogor. History of vaccination is recorded as a consideration in interpreting the MAT results. The results showed that three out of the 20 samples were positive leptospirosis. Of the three positive samples, one was identified as serovar bataviae, another one as serovar bataviae and tarrasovi, and the last as serovar bataviae, tarrasovi, ichterohaemorrhagiae, canicola, celledoni, pyrogenes, cynopteri, and rachmati, respectively. The three dogs with leptospirosis showed similar clinical symptoms i.e. Anorexia, lethargy, and fever. It can be concluded that there are cases of canine leptospirosis in Yogyakarta which is predominantly caused by Leptospira interrogans serovar bataviae. ABSTRAK Leptospirosis adalah penyakit zoonosis, yang disebabkan oleh Leptospira interrogans. Kejadian leptospirosis pada anjing bervariasi menurut wilayah dan musim, dan dianggap sebagai penyakit menular yang muncul pada manusia. Gejala klinis leptospirosis pada anjing sangat bervariasi, beberapa anjing tanpa menunjukkan gejala, dengan gejala ringan, dan yang lain melanjut menjadi penyakit yang parah sampai kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kasus leptospirosis pada anjing di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan mengidentifikasi

  5. Safety and efficacy of a new octavalent combined Erysipelas, Parvo and Leptospira vaccine in gilts against Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona associated disease and foetal death. (United States)

    Jacobs, A A C; Harks, F; Hoeijmakers, M; Collell, M; Segers, R P A M


    The safety and protective efficacy of a new octavalent combination vaccine containing inactivated Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Parvovirus, and Leptospira interrogans (sensu lato) serogroups Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Australis (Bratislava), Grippotyphosa, Pomona and Tarassovi - Porcilis(®) Ery+Parvo+Lepto - was evaluated in laboratory studies and under field conditions. The safety (2× overdose and repeated dose) was tested in 26 gilts. In this study, neither vaccine related temperature increase nor other systemic reactions were observed after intramuscular vaccination. No local reactions were observed except for one animal that had a small local reaction (2cm diameter) that lasted for 5 days after the third vaccination. Efficacy was tested in 40 gilts. A group of 20 gilts was vaccinated at 20 and 24 weeks of age with Porcilis(®) Ery+Parvo+Lepto and a group of 20 age- and source-matched animals served as the control group. The gilts were inseminated at 41 weeks or 66 weeks of age and were challenged with serovar Pomona 10 weeks after insemination, corresponding to 6 months (n=2×10) and 12 months (n=2×10) after the last vaccination. After both the 6- and 12-month challenges the control animals developed clinical signs (fever, lethargy and anorexia) and leptospiraemia as determined by positive blood culture. In addition, both the 6- and 12-month challenges resulted in death of 21% and 27% of the total number of foetuses in the control groups, respectively. Clinical signs and leptospiraemia were statistically significantly lower in vaccinated gilts after both the 6- and 12-month challenges. In addition, foetal death was statistically significantly lower (3% and 2%, respectively) in vaccinated gilts after both the 6- and 12 month challenges. The vaccine was tested further under field conditions on a Portuguese farm with a history of an increasing abortion rate associated with a Leptospira serovar Pomona infection (confirmed by PCR and serology). This study was

  6. A Single Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) Scheme for Seven Pathogenic Leptospira Species (United States)

    Amornchai, Premjit; Wuthiekanun, Vanaporn; Bailey, Mark S.; Holden, Matthew T. G.; Zhang, Cuicai; Jiang, Xiugao; Koizumi, Nobuo; Taylor, Kyle; Galloway, Renee; Hoffmaster, Alex R.; Craig, Scott; Smythe, Lee D.; Hartskeerl, Rudy A.; Day, Nicholas P.; Chantratita, Narisara; Feil, Edward J.; Aanensen, David M.; Spratt, Brian G.; Peacock, Sharon J.


    Background The available Leptospira multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme supported by a MLST website is limited to L. interrogans and L. kirschneri. Our aim was to broaden the utility of this scheme to incorporate a total of seven pathogenic species. Methodology and Findings We modified the existing scheme by replacing one of the seven MLST loci (fadD was changed to caiB), as the former gene did not appear to be present in some pathogenic species. Comparison of the original and modified schemes using data for L. interrogans and L. kirschneri demonstrated that the discriminatory power of the two schemes was not significantly different. The modified scheme was used to further characterize 325 isolates (L. alexanderi [n = 5], L. borgpetersenii [n = 34], L. interrogans [n = 222], L. kirschneri [n = 29], L. noguchii [n = 9], L. santarosai [n = 10], and L. weilii [n = 16]). Phylogenetic analysis using concatenated sequences of the 7 loci demonstrated that each species corresponded to a discrete clade, and that no strains were misclassified at the species level. Comparison between genotype and serovar was possible for 254 isolates. Of the 31 sequence types (STs) represented by at least two isolates, 18 STs included isolates assigned to two or three different serovars. Conversely, 14 serovars were identified that contained between 2 to 10 different STs. New observations were made on the global phylogeography of Leptospira spp., and the utility of MLST in making associations between human disease and specific maintenance hosts was demonstrated. Conclusion The new MLST scheme, supported by an updated MLST website, allows the characterization and species assignment of isolates of the seven major pathogenic species associated with leptospirosis. PMID:23359622

  7. The terminal portion of leptospiral immunoglobulin-like protein LigA confers protective immunity against lethal infection in the hamster model of leptospirosis. (United States)

    Silva, Everton F; Medeiros, Marco A; McBride, Alan J A; Matsunaga, Jim; Esteves, Gabriela S; Ramos, João G R; Santos, Cleiton S; Croda, Júlio; Homma, Akira; Dellagostin, Odir A; Haake, David A; Reis, Mitermayer G; Ko, Albert I


    Subunit vaccines are a potential intervention strategy against leptospirosis, which is a major public health problem in developing countries and a veterinary disease in livestock and companion animals worldwide. Leptospiral immunoglobulin-like (Lig) proteins are a family of surface-exposed determinants that have Ig-like repeat domains found in virulence factors such as intimin and invasin. We expressed fragments of the repeat domain regions of LigA and LigB from Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni. Immunization of Golden Syrian hamsters with Lig fragments in Freund's adjuvant induced robust antibody responses against recombinant protein and native protein, as detected by ELISA and immunoblot, respectively. A single fragment, LigANI, which corresponds to the six carboxy-terminal Ig-like repeat domains of the LigA molecule, conferred immunoprotection against mortality (67-100%, P<0.05) in hamsters which received a lethal inoculum of L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni. However, immunization with this fragment did not confer sterilizing immunity. These findings indicate that the carboxy-terminal portion of LigA is an immunoprotective domain and may serve as a vaccine candidate for human and veterinary leptospirosis.


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    Maria Fidelia Cardenas-Marrufo


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a zoonotic infectious disease with a worldwide distribution. WHO classifies this disease as reemergent and it represents risk to human health with economical repercussion to animal reproduction. Leptospirosis occurs with higher frequency in countries with tropical weather. A transversal study was conducted to determine the frequency of infection of L. interrogans in 476 reservoir animals -212 bovines, 203 pigs, and 61 dogs in 34 animal production units. Positivity frequency the reservoirs was 30.5%. 31 out of 34 animal units had positive reservoirs. The most frequent serovars were tarassovi (53.6%, and hardjo (31.6% in cattle; bratislava (66% and icterohaemorragiae (18.7% in pigs; and canicola (79.8% and icterohaemorragiae (9.8% in dogs. 68 pools of water samples from water tanks were analyzed by DNA amplification of a 16S rRNA fragment for L. interrogans detection using Lepat1-Lepat2 primers. It is recommended to use preventive measures such as vaccination to domestic animals to reduce the risk of transmission to the human population.

  9. Serosurvey of Leptospirainterrogans, Brucellaabortus and Chlamydophilaabortus infection in free-ranging giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla from Brazil

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    Flávia R. Miranda


    Full Text Available Abstract:A serological survey for antibodies against Leptospira interrogans, Brucella abortus, and Chlamydophila abortus was conducted in 21 clinically healthy, free-ranging giant ant- eaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla from Parque Nacional das Emas (Goiás State, Brazil; n=6, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra (Minas Gerais State, Brazil; n=9, and RPPN SESC Pantanal (Mato Grosso State, Brazil; n=6 between July 2001 and September 2006. Sera were screened for antibodies against 22 serovars of Leptospira interrogans with a microscopic agglutination test. Twelve tested positive for L. interrogansserovars sentot (n=5 in PN Emas, n=2 in PN Serra da Canastra, butembo (n=2 in PN Serra da Canastra, autumnalis, bataviae, and shermani/icterohaemorrhagiae(n=1 each in SESC PantanalOne adult female tested positive for B. abortus with the buffered plate antigen test. All sera were negative for C. abortususing the complement fixation text. This is the first report of pathogens that may interfere with the reproduction and population dynamics of free-ranging giant anteaters.

  10. Portadores nasofaríngeos de Neisseria meningitidis en trabajadores con riesgo ocupacional

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    Isabel Martínez


    Full Text Available Los portadores de Neisseria meningitidis constituyen la principal fuente de infección y transmisión de la enfermedad meningocócica. Conocer su prevalencia, las características de las cepas aisladas y los factores de riesgos asociados con el estado de portador, aportan datos valiosos al control y vigilancia epidemiológica de esta entidad clínica. Para cumplimentar los objetivos propuestos se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo de portadores de N. meningitidis en 112 trabajadores de un centro de producción de biofarmacéuticos de La Habana, con edades comprendidas entre 18_60 años. Previo a su realización se cumplió con las exigencias bioéticas requeridas para este tipo de estudio. A todos se les realizó un exudado nasofaríngeo y una encuesta, donde se indagó sobre factores de riesgo (edad, sexo, hacinamiento, hábito de fumar, consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, amigdalectomía y antecedentes de infección respiratoria que favorecen la condición del portador. La identificación de las cepas de N. meningitidis se realizó según métodos convencionales, la clasificación de los serogrupos se hizo por aglutinación en láminas portaobjetos con antisueros comerciales y para la identificación de los serotipos y subtipos se empleó un ensayo inmunoenzimático (ELISA de células enteras con anticuerpos monoclonales. Se detectó un 8% de portadores de N. meningitidis con predominio del serogrupo B (77,8% y el fenotipo más frecuente fue el B:4:P1.4 (33,3%. Al analizar el estado de portador y su asociación con los factores de riesgo, la edad (p = 0,05 y el sexo (p = 0,013 mostraron diferencias significativas. Se demostró la posibilidad del riesgo ocupacional en aquellos individuos que por su profesión están en contacto con microorganismos patógenos


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    Isabel Abad Sanz


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: el 27 de Junio de 2012 se detectó en el Servicio de Salud Pública del Área 8 de la Comunidad de Madrid un brote de legio- nelosis con 46 personas afectadas. Todas habían estado en el mismo restaurante del municipio de Móstoles dentro del periodo de incubación de la enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la evolución del brote y las medidas sanitarias adoptadas durante el mismo. Métodos: se trata de un estudio descriptivo. Se estudiaron las variables demográficas de los enfermos , antecedentes patológicos, síntomas, evolución clínica y pruebas diagnósticas. Para las variables cualitativas se calcularon frecuencias y porcentajes. Para las variables cuantitativas la media, el valor mínimo y máximo. En las muestras de agua tomadas en las instalaciones de riesgo se estudió concentración de cloro, pH, temperatura y presencia de Legionella. Resultados: en el cultivo del agua del filtro de arena de la depuradora de la fuente exterior creció Legionella pneumophila Serogrupo 1, Sub-grupo Pontiac Allentown/France. Este resultado coincidió con la cepa aislada en las muestras respiratorias de 4 pacientes. Por otro lado, en las muestras de biopelícula obtenidas en la champanera se detectó por PCR la presencia de Legionella pneumophila cuya secuenciación de genes fue idéntica a la encontrada en la muestra respiratoria de un paciente. Conclusiones: se consiguió aislar Legionella pneumophila serogrupo 1 Subgrupo Pontiac Allentown/France serotipo 448 en muestras ambientales, coincidente con la Legionella aislada en muestras respiratorias de algunos pacientes, por lo que se pudo demostrar la vinculación entre el factor de riesgo ambiental y la enfermedad. Este vínculo se confirmó además por secuenciación genética realizada por PCR.

  12. Respuesta inmune mucosal inducida por proteoliposoma y cocleato derivados de N. meningitidis serogrupo B

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    Judith del Campo


    Full Text Available Mucosal vaccination offers attractive advantages to conventional systemic vaccination. Most pathogens enter or establish infection at mucosal surfaces. This represents an enormous challenge for vaccine development. Nevertheless, the availability of safe and effective adjuvants that function mucosally is the major limitation. Therefore, we investigated the impact of mucosal immunization with the Neisseria meningitidis B proteoliposome (AFPL1, Adjuvant Finlay Proteoliposome 1 and its-derived cochleate (Co, AFCo1. They contain multiple PAMPs as immunopotentiators and have delivery system ability as well as Th1 polarization activity. Groups of female mice were immunized by nasal, oral, intravaginal, or intramuscular routes with three doses with AFPL1/AFCo1 alone or containing ovalbumin or glycoprotein (g D2 from Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 (HSV-2. High levels of specific IgG antibodies were detected in sera of mice vaccinated with either route. However, specific IgA antibodies were produced in saliva and vaginal wash only following mucosal delivering. The polarization to a Th1 pattern was confirmed by testing the induction of IgG2a/IgG2c antibody, positive delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, and gIFN production. Additionally, AFCo1gD2 showed practically no vaginal HSV-2 replication and 100% protection against lethal vaginal HSV-2 challenge. In conclusion, the results support the use of AFCo1 as potent Th1 adjuvant for mucosal vaccines, particularly for nasal route.

  13. Evaluation of risk factors of prevalence of leptospirosis in sheep flocks

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    M Imandar


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis  is  a  worldwide  bacterial  zoonoses  that  its  main  source  are  wild animals  and  rodents  That  leptospirals  excrete  in  their  urine. This  disease  causes  fever, hemoglobinuria, jaundice, abortion, mastitis, reduced  milk  production, reproductive  disorders  and  death  in  cattle, that  major  complications  in  sheep  are  abortion  and  pyelonephritis. The  purpose  of  this  study  is the  evaluation  of   risk  factors  for  leptospirosis  disease  and  its  association  with  high  prevalence  of  infection  in  the  sheep  flocks. Accordingly, 260 serum samples were collected from 20 flocks of  sheep. Then  with  microscopic  agglutination  test (MAT using  6  live  antigen  Leptospira  interrogans  include  Pomona , canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae, gryppotyphoza, ballum  and  hardjo  was  studied. MAT  test  results  of  the  serum  samples  showed  the  contamination  was  28.46%. Most  contamination  of  the  samples  was  allocated  to  sheep  who  lived  in  swampy  areas, so  that  70.28%  of  positive   samples  were  included. 56.25%  of  positive  samples  among  the  samples  showed  positive  reaction  with  serotype canicola. On the other hand, 76.56%  of  the  positive  samples  belonged  to  animals  which  in  their  environment, rodents   in  very  large  numbers  were  observed. The  sheep  that  kept  in moist  and  wet  environment  to  be  had  60%  of  positive  samples , and  finally  the  highest frequency  of  positive  animals  were  ranged  among  ages  3  to  6  years  old, the  incidence  of  the  disease  increased  in  older  animals. By  attention  to  the  results, increasing  of  age, living  in  swampy  and  wet  bed, being  infectious  dogs  in  side  of  flocks and  also  very  large


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    Full Text Available SUMMARY Leptospirosis is still one of the most important health problems in developing countries located in humid tropical and subtropical regions. Human infections are generally caused by exposure to water, soil or food contaminated with the urine of infected wild and domestic animals such as rodents and dogs. The clinical course of leptospirosis is variable and may be difficult to distinguish from many other infectious diseases. The dark-field microscopy (DFM, serology and nucleic acid amplification techniques are used to diagnose leptospirosis, however, a distinctive standard reference method is still lacking. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to determine the presence of Leptospira spp., to differentiate the pathogenic L. interrogans and the non-pathogenic L. biflexa, and also to determine the sensitivity and specificity values of molecular methods as an alternative to conventional ones. A total of 133 serum samples, from 47 humans and 86 cattle were evaluated by two conventional tests: the Microagglutination Test (MAT and the DFM, as well as three molecular methods, the 16S rRNA-PCR followed by Restriction Fragment Lenght Polymorphism (RFLP of the amplification products 16S rRNA-PCR-RFLP, LipL32-PCR and OmpL1-PCR. In this study, for L. interrogans, the specificity and sensitivity rates of the 16S rRNA-PCR and the LipL32-PCR were considered similar (100% versus 98.25% and 100% versus 98.68%, respectively. The OmpL1-PCR was able to classify L. interrogans into two intergroups, but this PCR was less sensitive (87.01% than the other two PCR methods. The 16S rRNA-PCR-RFLP could detect L. biflexa DNA, but LipL32-PCR and OmpL1-PCR could not. The 16S rRNA-PCR-RFLP provided an early and accurate diagnosis and was able to distinguish pathogenic and non-pathogenic Leptospira species, hence it may be used as an alternative method to the conventional gold standard techniques for the rapid disgnosis of leptospirosis.

  15. Cloning and sequence analysis of a partial CDS of leptospiral ligA gene in pET-32a - Escherichia coli DH5α system

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    Manju Soman


    Full Text Available Aim: This study aims at cloning, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis of a partial CDS of ligA gene in pET-32a - Escherichia coli DH5α system, with the objective of identifying the conserved nature of the ligA gene in the genus Leptospira. Materials and Methods: A partial CDS (nucleotide 1873 to nucleotide 3363 of the ligA gene was amplified from genomic DNA of Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola by polymerase chain reaction (PCR. The PCR-amplified DNA was cloned into pET-32a vector and transformed into competent E. coli DH5α bacterial cells. The partial ligA gene insert was sequenced and the nucleotide sequences obtained were aligned with the published ligA gene sequences of other Leptospira serovars, using nucleotide BLAST, NCBI. Phylogenetic analysis of the gene sequence was done by maximum likelihood method using Mega 6.06 software. Results: The PCR could amplify the 1491 nucleotide sequence spanning from nucleotide 1873 to nucleotide 3363 of the ligA gene and the partial ligA gene could be successfully cloned in E. coli DH5α cells. The nucleotide sequence when analyzed for homology with the reported gene sequences of other Leptospira serovars was found to have 100% homology to the 1910 bp to 3320 bp sequence of ligA gene of L. interrogans strain Kito serogroup Canicola. The predicted protein consisted of 470 aminoacids. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the ligA gene was conserved in L. interrogans species. Conclusion: The partial ligA gene could be successfully cloned and sequenced from E. coli DH5α cells. The sequence showed 100% homology to the published ligA gene sequences. The phylogenetic analysis revealed the conserved nature of the ligA gene. Further studies on the expression and immunogenicity of the partial LigA protein need to be carried out to determine its competence as a subunit vaccine candidate.

  16. Comparative transcriptional and translational analysis of leptospiral outer membrane protein expression in response to temperature. (United States)

    Lo, Miranda; Cordwell, Stuart J; Bulach, Dieter M; Adler, Ben


    Leptospirosis is a global zoonosis affecting millions of people annually. Transcriptional changes in response to temperature were previously investigated using microarrays to identify genes potentially expressed upon host entry. Past studies found that various leptospiral outer membrane proteins are differentially expressed at different temperatures. However, our microarray studies highlighted a divergence between protein abundance and transcript levels for some proteins. Given the abundance of post-transcriptional expression control mechanisms, this finding highlighted the importance of global protein analysis systems. To complement our previous transcription study, we evaluated differences in the proteins of the leptospiral outer membrane fraction in response to temperature upshift. Outer membrane protein-enriched fractions from Leptospira interrogans grown at 30 degrees C or overnight upshift to 37 degrees C were isolated and the relative abundance of each protein was determined by iTRAQ analysis coupled with two-dimensional liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (2-DLC/MS-MS). We identified 1026 proteins with 99% confidence; 27 and 66 were present at elevated and reduced abundance respectively. Protein abundance changes were compared with transcriptional differences determined from the microarray studies. While there was some correlation between the microarray and iTRAQ data, a subset of genes that showed no differential expression by microarray was found to encode temperature-regulated proteins. This set of genes is of particular interest as it is likely that regulation of their expression occurs post-transcriptionally, providing an opportunity to develop hypotheses about the molecular dynamics of the outer membrane of Leptospira in response to changing environments. This is the first study to compare transcriptional and translational responses to temperature shift in L. interrogans. The results thus provide an insight into the mechanisms used by L

  17. Comparative transcriptional and translational analysis of leptospiral outer membrane protein expression in response to temperature.

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    Miranda Lo

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Leptospirosis is a global zoonosis affecting millions of people annually. Transcriptional changes in response to temperature were previously investigated using microarrays to identify genes potentially expressed upon host entry. Past studies found that various leptospiral outer membrane proteins are differentially expressed at different temperatures. However, our microarray studies highlighted a divergence between protein abundance and transcript levels for some proteins. Given the abundance of post-transcriptional expression control mechanisms, this finding highlighted the importance of global protein analysis systems. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To complement our previous transcription study, we evaluated differences in the proteins of the leptospiral outer membrane fraction in response to temperature upshift. Outer membrane protein-enriched fractions from Leptospira interrogans grown at 30 degrees C or overnight upshift to 37 degrees C were isolated and the relative abundance of each protein was determined by iTRAQ analysis coupled with two-dimensional liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (2-DLC/MS-MS. We identified 1026 proteins with 99% confidence; 27 and 66 were present at elevated and reduced abundance respectively. Protein abundance changes were compared with transcriptional differences determined from the microarray studies. While there was some correlation between the microarray and iTRAQ data, a subset of genes that showed no differential expression by microarray was found to encode temperature-regulated proteins. This set of genes is of particular interest as it is likely that regulation of their expression occurs post-transcriptionally, providing an opportunity to develop hypotheses about the molecular dynamics of the outer membrane of Leptospira in response to changing environments. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This is the first study to compare transcriptional and translational responses to temperature

  18. Six new leptospiral serovars isolated from wild animals in Peru.


    Liceras de Hidalgo, J L; Sulzer, K R


    Six new serovars of Leptospira interrogans were isolated from opossums (Didelphis marsupialis and Philander opossum) trapped in the Peruvian jungle. The proposed names, type strain designation, and serogroup of the serovars, respectively, were: huallaga, strain M-7, Djasiman serogroup; luis, strain M-6, Tarassovi serogroup; machiguenga, strain MMD-3, Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup; rioja, strain MR-12, Bataviae serogroup; rupa rupa, strain M-3, Sejroe serogroup; and tingomaria, strain M-13, Cy...

  19. A cross sectional study of leptospirosis and fetal death in Yucatan, Mexico


    Cárdenas-Marrufo, MaríaFidelia; Vado-Solis, Ignacio; Pérez-Osorio, Carlos; Peniche-Lara, Gaspar; Segura-Correa, José


    Introduction: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease affecting mainly to low income human population. Acute leptospiral infection during pregnancy has been associated with spontaneous abortion and fetal death during the first trimester and the abortion may occur as consequence of systemic failure. Objective: To estimate the frequency of Leptospira interrogans infection in women with spontaneous abortion in the state of Yucatan, Mexico. Methods: A cross sectional study on women with spontaneous a...

  20. Molecular and serological characterization of the first Leptospira santarosai strain isolated from a dog. (United States)

    Miotto, Bruno Alonso; Moreno, Luisa Zanolli; Guilloux, Aline Gil Alves; Sousa, Gisele Oliveira de; Loureiro, Ana Paula; Moreno, Andrea Micke; Lilenbaum, Walter; Vasconcellos, Silvio Arruda; Heinemann, Marcos Bryan; Hagiwara, Mitika Kuribayashi


    Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease of global importance caused by pathogenic Leptospira species. Dogs can become asymptomatically infected, acting like reservoir hosts for pathogenic Leptospira, notably Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola. Identification of such individuals and characterization of leptospires involved in chronic infections may unravel the role of dogs in the epidemiology of particular leptospiral strains. The aim of the present work was to describe the first Leptospira santarosai strain isolated from a dog. The dog was kept in a public shelter in São Paulo city, Brazil, and presented asymptomatic urinary shedding detected by PCR. Prospective evaluation was performed to fully characterize its chronic carrier state. The dog did not present anti-Leptospira titles or clinical/laboratorial abnormalities during the evaluations; nevertheless long-term urinary shedding was confirmed by PCR and leptospires were recovered from two occasions. The isolated strain was molecularly characterized by partial 16S rRNA and secY gene sequencing and MLST analysis. Serogroup identification was performed using polyclonal antibodies. The strain was identified as Leptospira santarosai, serogroup Sejroe. This is the first evidence in the literature of the isolation of L. santarosai in dogs. Our findings show that dogs can persistently harbor leptospires other than L. interrogans. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing Shows Selection on Leptospira Regulatory Proteins during in vitro Culture Attenuation (United States)

    Lehmann, Jason S.; Corey, Victoria C.; Ricaldi, Jessica N.; Vinetz, Joseph M.; Winzeler, Elizabeth A.; Matthias, Michael A.


    Leptospirosis is the most common zoonotic disease worldwide with an estimated 500,000 severe cases reported annually, and case fatality rates of 12–25%, due primarily to acute kidney and lung injuries. Despite its prevalence, the molecular mechanisms underlying leptospirosis pathogenesis remain poorly understood. To identify virulence-related genes in Leptospira interrogans, we delineated cumulative genome changes that occurred during serial in vitro passage of a highly virulent strain of L. interrogans serovar Lai into a nearly avirulent isogenic derivative. Comparison of protein coding and computationally predicted noncoding RNA (ncRNA) genes between these two polyclonal strains identified 15 nonsynonymous single nucleotide variant (nsSNV) alleles that increased in frequency and 19 that decreased, whereas no changes in allelic frequency were observed among the ncRNA genes. Some of the nsSNV alleles were in six genes shown previously to be transcriptionally upregulated during exposure to in vivo-like conditions. Five of these nsSNVs were in evolutionarily conserved positions in genes related to signal transduction and metabolism. Frequency changes of minor nsSNV alleles identified in this study likely contributed to the loss of virulence during serial in vitro culture. The identification of new virulence-associated genes should spur additional experimental inquiry into their potential role in Leptospira pathogenesis. PMID:26711524

  2. Enfermedad meningocócica.Un estudio de caso control en Ciudad Habana, noviembre 2003-julio 2005

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    Antonio Pérez


    Full Text Available Cuba ejecuta un programa de inmunización antimeningocócica desde 1991. El propósito de este estudio fue identificar posibles factores asociados a la ocurrencia de casos en grupos de vacunados. Un total de nueve casos con enfermedad meningocócica (EM en Ciudad Habana se registraron en el período noviembre de 2003- julio 2005 en menores de 20 años, pero se estudiaron solo 7, por encontrarse uno fuera del país y otro fallecido. Se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 34 controles comunitarios para comparar con los casos e identificar algunos factores de riesgo asociados y evaluar los anticuerpos bactericidas y ELISA existentes contra la proteína de membrana externa del serogrupo B. El 100% de los casos estudiados presentó la forma meníngea, con una estadía hospitalaria promedio de 9,8 días y una letalidad de 14,3% (1/7. En el análisis bivariado se encontró la no lactancia materna asociada (OR 3,17 IC95%= 0,44-27,85 a la ocurrencia de la enfermedad, sin significación estadística (p>0,05 por el pequeño universo de estudio. Finalmente, la regresión logística multivariada indicó asociación con la no lactancia materna (OR 3,22 IC95%= 0,52-19,52 con la ocurrencia de la enfermedad, pero igualmente esta no fue significativa. La prueba de Mann Whitney para la comparación de los títulos de anticuerpos para el antígeno B en casos y controles mostró una diferencia muy significativa (p< 0,01 a favor de los enfermos, por la respuesta de la memoria inmune a la infección natural. La vacuna cubana es protectora para la enfermedad meningocócica serogrupo BC. En el 57% de los casos de EM los síntomas comenzaron como promedio cuatro años después de la aplicación de la segunda dosis de la vacuna.

  3. Characterization of three novel adhesins of Leptospira interrogans. (United States)

    Siqueira, Gabriela H; Atzingen, Marina V; Alves, Ivy J; de Morais, Zenaide M; Vasconcellos, Silvio A; Nascimento, Ana L T O


    We report cloning, expression, purification, and characterization of three predicted leptospiral membrane proteins (LIC11360, LIC11009, and LIC11975). In silico analysis and proteinase K accessibility data suggest that these proteins might be surface exposed. We show that proteins encoded by LIC11360, LIC11009 and LIC11975 genes interact with laminin in a dose-dependent and saturable manner. The proteins are referred to as leptospiral surface adhesions 23, 26, and 36 (Lsa23, Lsa26, and Lsa36), respectively. These proteins also bind plasminogen and generate active plasmin. Attachment of Lsa23 and Lsa36 to fibronectin occurs through the involvement of the 30-kDa and 70-kDa heparin-binding domains of the ligand. Dose-dependent, specific-binding of Lsa23 to the complement regulator C4BP and to a lesser extent, to factor H, suggests that this protein may interfere with the complement cascade pathways. Leptospira spp. may use these interactions as possible mechanisms during the establishment of infection.

  4. The terminal portion of leptospiral immunoglobulin-like protein LigA confers protective immunity against lethal infection in the hamster model of leptospirosis


    Silva, Éverton F.; Medeiros, Marco A.; McBride, Alan J. A.; Matsunaga, Jim; Esteves, Gabriela S.; Ramos, João G. R.; Santos, Cleiton S.; Croda, Júlio; Homma, Akira; Dellagostin, Odir A.; Haake, David A.; Reis, Mitermayer G.; Ko, Albert I.


    Subunit vaccines are a potential intervention strategy against leptospirosis, which is a major public health problem in developing countries and a veterinary disease in livestock and companion animals worldwide. Leptospiral immunoglobulin-like (Lig) proteins are a family of surface-exposed determinants that have Ig-like repeat domains found in virulence factors such as intimin and invasin. We expressed fragments of the repeat domain regions of LigA and LigB from Leptospira interrogans serovar...

  5. Testing and Validation of High Density Resequencing Microarray for Broad Range Biothreat Agents Detection (United States)


    concentration of the virus was expressed in plaque forming units (pfu). For synthetic DNA templates, the DNA concentration was used to calculate the...cells ATCC Escherichia coli O157:H7 ATCC 43985 (CDC EDL933) Nucleic acid ATCC Francisella tularensis SHU4 Nucleic acid AFIP Leptospira interrogans ATCC...2% on the nucleotide level and 0.6% on the protein level. Similar strain discrimination was obtained in case of Machupo virus strains Carvallo and

  6. Evidence of Rickettsial and Leptospira Infections in Andean Northern Peru (United States)


    about health in six Latin American countries, 1973- 1992. Rev Panam Salud Publica 1: 23–34. 3. Cowan G, 2000. Rickettsial diseases: the typhus group of...Leonardo Mendoza Instituto Nacional de Salud , Capac Yupanqui No. 1400, Jesús Maria, Lima 11, Peru, Telephone: 51-1-471-9920. Allen L. Richards, Viral and...Colli C, 1997. Leptospira interrogans in a canine population of greater Bue- nos Aires: variables associated with seropositivity. Rev Panam Salud

  7. Doxycycline Attenuates Leptospira-Induced IL-1β by Suppressing NLRP3 Inflammasome Priming


    Zhang, Wenlong; Xie, Xufeng; Wu, Dianjun; Jin, Xuemin; Liu, Runxia; Hu, Xiaoyu; Fu, Yunhe; Ding, Zhuang; Zhang, Naisheng; Cao, Yongguo


    Doxycycline (Dox), a semisynthetic antibiotic, has been reported to exert multiple immunomodulatory effects. Treatment with Dox has a satisfactory curative effect against leptospirosis. In addition to its antibacterial action, we supposed that Dox also modulated immune response in controlling leptospira infection. Using J774A.1 mouse macrophages, the effects of Dox on protein and mRNA levels of IL-1β and TNF-α were investigated after infection with live or sonicated Leptospira interrogans ser...

  8. Genotipificación y evaluación de la dinámica de infección de un aislamiento colombiano de Leptospira santarosai en el modelo experimental en hámster

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    Piedad Agudelo-Flórez


    Conclusión. Se identificó la presencia de la especie L. santarosai con capacidad patógena comparable con la cepa Fiocruz L1-130 de L. interrogans, de reconocida virulencia y tropismo pulmonar, en cuanto a los aspectos histopatológicos de tropismo a pulmón y riñón. Nunca antes se había evaluado en un modelo experimental un aislamiento de origen local bajo estos criterios biológicos.

  9. Comparative genomic analyses of transport proteins encoded within the genomes of Leptospira species. (United States)

    Buyuktimkin, Bora; Saier, Milton H


    Select species of the bacterial genus Leptospira are causative agents of leptospirosis, an emerging global zoonosis affecting nearly one million people worldwide annually. We examined two Leptospira pathogens, Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai str. 56601 and Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo-bovis str. L550, as well as the free-living leptospiral saprophyte, Leptospira biflexa serovar Patoc str. 'Patoc 1 (Ames)'. The transport proteins of these leptospires were identified and compared using bioinformatics to gain an appreciation for which proteins may be related to pathogenesis and saprophytism. L. biflexa possesses a disproportionately high number of secondary carriers for metabolite uptake and environmental adaptability as well as an increased number of inorganic cation transporters providing ionic homeostasis and effective osmoregulation in a rapidly changing environment. L. interrogans and L. borgpetersenii possess far fewer transporters, but those that they have are remarkably similar, with near-equivalent representation in most transporter families. These two Leptospira pathogens also possess intact sphingomyelinases, holins, and virulence-related outer membrane porins. These virulence-related factors, in conjunction with decreased transporter substrate versatility, indicate that pathogenicity was accompanied by progressively narrowing ecological niches and the emergence of a limited set of proteins responsible for host invasion. The variability of host tropism and mortality rates by infectious leptospires suggests that small differences in individual sets of proteins play important physiological and pathological roles. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Use of a New High Resolution Melting Method for Genotyping Pathogenic Leptospira spp.

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    Florence Naze

    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis that is endemic in tropical areas, such as Reunion Island. The species Leptospira interrogans is the primary agent in human infections, but other pathogenic species, such as L. kirschner and L. borgpetersenii, are also associated with human leptospirosis.In this study, a melting curve analysis of the products that were amplified with the primer pairs lfb1 F/R and G1/G2 facilitated an accurate species classification of Leptospira reference strains. Next, we combined an unsupervised high resolution melting (HRM method with a new statistical approach using primers to amplify a two variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR for typing at the subspecies level. The HRM analysis, which was performed with ScreenClust Software, enabled the identification of genotypes at the serovar level with high resolution power (Hunter-Gaston index 0.984. This method was also applied to Leptospira DNA from blood samples that were obtained from Reunion Island after 1998. We were able to identify a unique genotype that is identical to that of the L. interrogans serovars Copenhageni and Icterohaemorrhagiae, suggesting that this genotype is the major cause of leptospirosis on Reunion Island.Our simple, rapid, and robust genotyping method enables the identification of Leptospira strains at the species and subspecies levels and supports the direct genotyping of Leptospira in biological samples without requiring cultures.

  11. Transcriptional Response of Leptospira interrogans to Different Iron Sources (United States)

    Leptospirosis is a globally important zoonotic disease. Humans can become infected via exposure to infected animals or contaminated water or soil. Iron is an essential element for many cellular processes and its sequestration in the host environment constitutes an immune defence mechanism. Pathoge...

  12. Bacteriemia por Vibrio cholerae no-O1, no-O139 en un paciente en hemodiálisis crónica Non-O1, non-O139 Vibrio cholerae bacteremia in a chronic hemodialysis patient

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    Mariela S. Zárate


    Full Text Available Vibrio cholerae no-O1, no-O139 es un agente poco frecuente como causal de bacteriemias y no hay informes que documenten su presencia en pacientes en hemodiálisis crónica. Se describe el caso de una paciente en hemodiálisis crónica que presentó un cuadro de sepsis, por lo cual inició un tratamiento con vancomicina y ceftacidima. Al cabo de seis horas y media de incubación en el sistema BACT/ALERT de hemocultivo, se evidenció la presencia de bacilos curvos gram negativos, posteriormente identificados como Vibrio cholerae mediante pruebas bioquímicas convencionales y el uso de los kits API 20 NE y VITEK 2. La evaluación del serogrupo y de la presencia de factores de patogenicidad, realizada en el laboratorio de referencia, determinó que el microorganismo hallado pertenecía al serogrupo no-O1, no-O139. No se detectó la toxina de cólera, tampoco el factor de colonización ni la toxina termoestable. El aislamiento presentó sensibilidad frente a ampicilina, trimetoprima-sulfametoxazol, ciprofloxacina, tetraciclina, ceftacidima y cefotaxima por el método de difusión con discos y por VITEK 2. La paciente cumplió 14 días de tratamiento con ceftacidima endovenosa, con evolución favorable.Non-O1, and non-O139 Vibrio cholerae is an infrequent cause of bacteremia. There are no reports of such bacteremia in chronic hemodialysis patients. This work describes the case of a chronic hemodialysis patient that had an episode of septicemia associated with dialysis. Blood cultures were obtained and treatment was begun with vancomycin and ceftazidime. After 6.5 hours of incubation in the Bact/Alert system there is evidence of gram-negative curved bacilli that were identified as Vibrio cholerae by conventional biochemical tests, API 20 NE and the VITEK 2 system. This microorganism was sent to the reference laboratory for evaluation of serogroup and virulence factors and was identified as belonging to the non-O1 and non-O139 serogroup. The cholera

  13. Comparative analyses of transport proteins encoded within the genomes of Leptospira species. (United States)

    Buyuktimkin, Bora; Saier, Milton H


    Select species of the bacterial genus Leptospira are causative agents of leptospirosis, an emerging global zoonosis affecting nearly one million people worldwide annually. We examined two Leptospira pathogens, Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai str. 56601 and Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo-bovis str. L550, as well as the free-living leptospiral saprophyte, Leptospira biflexa serovar Patoc str. 'Patoc 1 (Ames)'. The transport proteins of these leptospires were identified and compared using bioinformatics to gain an appreciation for which proteins may be related to pathogenesis and saprophytism. L. biflexa possesses a disproportionately high number of secondary carriers for metabolite uptake and environmental adaptability as well as an increased number of inorganic cation transporters providing ionic homeostasis and effective osmoregulation in a rapidly changing environment. L. interrogans and L. borgpetersenii possess far fewer transporters, but those that they all have are remarkably similar, with near-equivalent representation in most transporter families. These two Leptospira pathogens also possess intact sphingomyelinases, holins, and virulence-related outer membrane porins. These virulence-related factors, in conjunction with decreased transporter substrate versatility, indicate that pathogenicity arose in Leptospira correlating to progressively narrowing ecological niches and the emergence of a limited set of proteins responsible for host invasion. The variability of host tropism and mortality rates by infectious leptospires suggests that small differences in individual sets of proteins play important physiological and pathological roles. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  14. Structural and functional characterization of an orphan ATP-binding cassette ATPase involved in manganese utilization and tolerance in Leptospira spp. (United States)

    Benaroudj, Nadia; Saul, Frederick; Bellalou, Jacques; Miras, Isabelle; Weber, Patrick; Bondet, Vincent; Murray, Gerald L; Adler, Ben; Ristow, Paula; Louvel, Hélène; Haouz, Ahmed; Picardeau, Mathieu


    Pathogenic Leptospira species are the etiological agents of the widespread zoonotic disease leptospirosis. Most organisms, including Leptospira, require divalent cations for proper growth, but because of their high reactivity, these metals are toxic at high concentrations. Therefore, bacteria have acquired strategies to maintain metal homeostasis, such as metal import and efflux. By screening Leptospira biflexa transposon mutants for their ability to use Mn(2+), we have identified a gene encoding a putative orphan ATP-binding cassette (ABC) ATPase of unknown function. Inactivation of this gene in both L. biflexa and L. interrogans strains led to mutants unable to grow in medium in which iron was replaced by Mn(2+), suggesting an involvement of this ABC ATPase in divalent cation uptake. A mutation in this ATPase-coding gene increased susceptibility to Mn(2+) toxicity. Recombinant ABC ATPase of the pathogen L. interrogans exhibited Mg(2+)-dependent ATPase activity involving a P-loop motif. The structure of this ATPase was solved from a crystal containing two monomers in the asymmetric unit. Each monomer adopted a canonical two-subdomain organization of the ABC ATPase fold with an α/β subdomain containing the Walker motifs and an α subdomain containing the ABC signature motif (LSSGE). The two monomers were arranged in a head-to-tail orientation, forming a V-shaped particle with all the conserved ABC motifs at the dimer interface, similar to functional ABC ATPases. These results provide the first structural and functional characterization of a leptospiral ABC ATPase.

  15. Literatura y violencia en la narrativa latinoamericana reciente


    Basile, Teresa


    Los trabajos reunidos en Literatura y violencia en la narrativa latinoamericana reciente interrogan los modos de narrar las experiencias extremas de la historia latinoamericana de las últimas décadas. Configuran un variado mapa de la violencia de las últimas décadas, que comienza con las dictaduras del Cono Sur y arriba a los setecientos femicidios de Ciudad Juárez; un recorrido que va de sur a norte, de los 70 a los 90, de la violencia dictatorial a la violencia neoliberal y a la guerra de l...

  16. Estudio transversal de leptospirosis y muerte fetal en Yucatán, México


    María Fidelia Cárdenas-Marrufo; Ignacio Vado-Solis; Gaspar Fernando Peniche-Lara; Carlos Perez-Osorio; José Correa-Segura


    Introducción: Leptospirosis es una enfermedad zoonótica que afecta principalmente la población humana de bajos recursos. Infección aguda por leptospirosis durante el embarazo se ha asociado con aborto espontáneo y muerte fetal durante el primer trimestre del embarazo.Objetivo: Estimar la frecuencia de infección por Leptospira interrogans en mujeres con aborto espontáneo en el estado de Yucatán, México.Métodos: Se efectuó un estudio trasversal en 81 mujeres con aborto espontáneo. La prueba de ...

  17. Decay-accelerating factor 1 deficiency exacerbates leptospiral-induced murine chronic nephritis and renal fibrosis.

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    María F Ferrer

    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a global zoonosis caused by pathogenic Leptospira, which can colonize the proximal renal tubules and persist for long periods in the kidneys of infected hosts. Here, we characterized the infection of C57BL/6J wild-type and Daf1-/- mice, which have an enhanced host response, with a virulent Leptospira interrogans strain at 14 days post-infection, its persistence in the kidney, and its link to kidney fibrosis at 90 days post-infection. We found that Leptospira interrogans can induce acute moderate nephritis in wild-type mice and is able to persist in some animals, inducing fibrosis in the absence of mortality. In contrast, Daf1-/- mice showed acute mortality, with a higher bacterial burden. At the chronic stage, Daf1-/- mice showed greater inflammation and fibrosis than at 14 days post-infection and higher levels at all times than the wild-type counterpart. Compared with uninfected mice, infected wild-type mice showed higher levels of IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13, with similar levels of α-smooth muscle actin, galectin-3, TGF-β1, IL-17, IFN-γ, and lower IL-12 levels at 90 days post-infection. In contrast, fibrosis in Daf1-/- mice was accompanied by high expression of α-smooth muscle actin, galectin-3, IL-10, IL-13, and IFN-γ, similar levels of TGF-β1, IL-12, and IL-17 and lower IL-4 levels. This study demonstrates the link between Leptospira-induced murine chronic nephritis with renal fibrosis and shows a protective role of Daf1.

  18. Direct Detection and Differentiation of Pathogenic Leptospira Species Using a Multi-Gene Targeted Real Time PCR Approach (United States)

    Ferreira, Ana Sofia; Costa, Pedro; Rocha, Teresa; Amaro, Ana; Vieira, Maria Luísa; Ahmed, Ahmed; Thompson, Gertrude; Hartskeerl, Rudy A.; Inácio, João


    Leptospirosis is a growing public and veterinary health concern caused by pathogenic species of Leptospira. Rapid and reliable laboratory tests for the direct detection of leptospiral infections in animals are in high demand not only to improve diagnosis but also for understanding the epidemiology of the disease. In this work we describe a novel and simple TaqMan-based multi-gene targeted real-time PCR approach able to detect and differentiate Leptospira interrogans, L. kirschneri, L. borgpeteresenii and L. noguchii, which constitute the veterinary most relevant pathogenic species of Leptospira. The method uses sets of species-specific probes, and respective flanking primers, designed from ompL1 and secY gene sequences. To monitor the presence of inhibitors, a duplex amplification assay targeting both the mammal β-actin and the leptospiral lipL32 genes was implemented. The analytical sensitivity of all primer and probe sets was estimated to be <10 genome equivalents (GE) in the reaction mixture. Application of the amplification reactions on genomic DNA from a variety of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Leptospira strains and other non-related bacteria revealed a 100% analytical specificity. Additionally, pathogenic leptospires were successfully detected in five out of 29 tissue samples from animals (Mus spp., Rattus spp., Dolichotis patagonum and Sus domesticus). Two samples were infected with L. borgpetersenii, two with L. interrogans and one with L. kirschneri. The possibility to detect and identify these pathogenic agents to the species level in domestic and wildlife animals reinforces the diagnostic information and will enhance our understanding of the epidemiology of leptopirosis. PMID:25398140

  19. Health assessment of wild lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) populations in the Atlantic Forest and Pantanal biomes, Brazil (1996-2012). (United States)

    Medici, Emília Patrícia; Mangini, Paulo Rogerio; Fernandes-Santos, Renata Carolina


    Abstract The lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) is found in South America and is listed as Vulnerable to Extinction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Red List of Threatened Species. Health issues, particularly infectious diseases, are potential threats for the species. Health information from 65 wild tapirs from two Brazilian biomes, Atlantic Forest (AF) and Pantanal (PA), were collected during a long-term study (1996-2012). The study included physic, hematologic and biochemical evaluations, microbiologic cultures, urinalysis, and serologic analyses for antibodies against 13 infectious agents (viral and bacterial). The AF and PA tapirs were significantly different for several hematologic and biochemical parameters. Ten bacteria taxa were identified in the AF and 26 in the PA. Antibodies against five viruses were detected: Bluetongue virus, eastern equine encephalitis virus, western equine encephalitis virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, and porcine parvovirus. A high prevalence of exposure to Leptospira interrogans (10 serovars: Autumnalis, Bratislava, Canicola, Copenhageni, Grippotyphosa, Hardjo, Hebdomadis, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona, and Pyrogenes) was detected in both the AF and PA sites. A greater diversity of serovars and higher antibody titers were found in the PA. Statistically significant differences between sites were found for L. interrogans, equine encephalitis virus, and porcine parvovirus. Based on physical evaluations, both AF and PA populations were healthy. The differences in the overall health profile of the AF and PA tapir populations appear to be associated with environmental factors and infectious diseases ecology. The extensive datasets on hematology, biochemistry, urinalysis, and microbiology results from this paper can be used as reference values for wild tapirs.

  20. Organización, planeación y administración educativa. Perspectivas teóricas en la escuela


    Yolanda Contreras Bello


    El presente artículo de reflexión pretende abordar el concepto de organización, planeación y administración educativa como criterios que interrogan el contexto educativo, entendiendo por este, un conjunto de instituciones políticas, económicas y jurídicas en el cual cada uno de dichos conceptos se integran como elementos constitutivos de la prestación del servicio educativo. Los antecedentes de la administración como categoría científica desplazan la planeación y organización educativa como c...

  1. Balance sobre la historiografía del deporte en Colombia. Un panorama de su desarrollo


    Ruiz Patiño, Jorge Humberto


    Este artículo busca realizar un análisis crítico de la producción académica sobre historia del deporte en Colombia. En concreto, las investigaciones se interrogan principalmente desde los temas que abordan y en menor medida desde sus presupuestos teóricos y abordajes metodológicos. El texto se encuentra dividido en dos secciones en las cuales se tratan de identificar las respuestas a dos grandes preguntas: ¿Cómo surge el deporte en Colombia? y ¿Cuáles son los factores que incidieron en la dif...

  2. [Genotyping and evaluation of infection dynamics in a Colombian isolate of Leptospira santarosai in hamster as an experimental model]. (United States)

    Agudelo-Flórez, Piedad; Durango, Harold; Aranzazu, Diego; Rodas, Juan David; Travi, Bruno


    Is necessary to develop models for the study of leptospirosis. To genotype a Colombian strain of Leptospira isolated from a human with Weil´s syndrome and to evaluate its infection dynamics in the hamster experimental model. Genotyping was performed by amplification and sequence analysis of the rrs 16S and lipL32 genes. The median lethal dose was determined in intraperitoneally inoculated hamsters. The patterns of clinical chemistry, the duration of leptospiremia, leptospiruria and pathological findings were studied and compared in the same animal model infected with L. interrogans (Fiocruz L1-130). Molecular typing revealed that the isolate corresponded to the pathogenic species L. santarosai, which was recovered from hamsters´ kidneys and lungs and detected by lipL32 PCR from day 3 post-infection in these organs. There was a marked increase of C-reactive protein in animals at day 5 post-infection (3.25 mg/dl; normal value: 0.3 mg/dl) with decreases by day 18 (2.60 mg/dl: normal value: 0.8 mg/dl). Biomarkers of urea showed changes consistent with possible renal acute failure (day 5 post-infection: 49.01 mg/dl and day 18 post-infection: 53.71 mg/dl). Histopathological changes included interstitial pneumonia with varying degrees of hemorrhage and interstitial nephritis. The pathogenic species L. santarosai was identified in Colombia. Its pathogenicity as determined by tropism to lung and kidney was comparable to that of L. interrogans Fiocruz L1-130, well known for its virulence and pulmonar tropism. The biological aspects studied here had never before been evaluated in an autochthonous isolate.

  3. Rapid Isolation and Susceptibility Testing of Leptospira spp. Using a New Solid Medium, LVW Agar (United States)

    Wuthiekanun, Vanaporn; Amornchai, Premjit; Paris, Daniel H.; Langla, Sayan; Thaipadunpanit, Janjira; Chierakul, Wirongrong; Smythe, Lee D.; White, Nicholas J.; Day, Nicholas P. J.; Peacock, Sharon J.


    Pathogenic Leptospira spp., the causative agents of leptospirosis, are slow-growing Gram-negative spirochetes. Isolation of Leptospira from clinical samples and testing of antimicrobial susceptibility are difficult and time-consuming. Here, we describe the development of a new solid medium that facilitates more-rapid growth of Leptospira spp. and the use of this medium to evaluate the Etest's performance in determining antimicrobial MICs to drugs in common use for leptospirosis. The medium was developed by evaluating the effects of numerous factors on the growth rate of Leptospira interrogans strain NR-20157. These included the type of base agar, the concentration of rabbit serum (RS), and the concentration and duration of CO2 incubation during the initial period of culture. The highest growth rate of NR-20157 was achieved using a Noble agar base supplemented with 10% RS (named LVW agar), with an initial incubation at 30°C in 5% CO2 for 2 days prior to continuous culture in air at 30°C. These conditions were used to develop the Etest for three species, L. interrogans (NR-20161), L. kirschnerii (NR-20327), and L. borgpetersenii (NR-20151). The MICs were read on day 7 for all samples. The Etest was then performed on 109 isolates of pathogenic Leptospira spp. The MIC90 values for penicillin G, doxycycline, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, and chloramphenicol were 0.64 units/ml and 0.19, 0.047, 0.5, and 2 μg/ml, respectively. The use of LVW agar, which enables rapid growth, isolation of single colonies, and simple antimicrobial susceptibility testing for Leptospira spp., provides an opportunity for new areas of fundamental and applied research. PMID:23114772

  4. Cyclical changes in seroprevalence of leptospirosis in California sea lions: endemic and epidemic disease in one host species?

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    St Leger Judy


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease infecting a broad range of mammalian hosts, and is re-emerging globally. California sea lions (Zalophus californianus have experienced recurrent outbreaks of leptospirosis since 1970, but it is unknown whether the pathogen persists in the sea lion population or is introduced repeatedly from external reservoirs. Methods We analyzed serum samples collected over an 11-year period from 1344 California sea lions that stranded alive on the California coast, using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT for antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona. We evaluated seroprevalence among yearlings as a measure of incidence in the population, and characterized antibody persistence times based on temporal changes in the distribution of titer scores. We conducted multinomial logistic regression to determine individual risk factors for seropositivity with high and low titers. Results The serosurvey revealed cyclical patterns in seroprevalence to L. interrogans serovar Pomona, with 4–5 year periodicity and peak seroprevalence above 50%. Seroprevalence in yearling sea lions was an accurate index of exposure among all age classses, and indicated on-going exposure to leptospires in non-outbreak years. Analysis of titer decay rates showed that some individuals probably maintain high titers for more than a year following exposure. Conclusion This study presents results of an unprecedented long-term serosurveillance program in marine mammals. Our results suggest that leptospirosis is endemic in California sea lions, but also causes periodic epidemics of acute disease. The findings call into question the classical dichotomy between maintenance hosts of leptospirosis, which experience chronic but largely asymptomatic infections, and accidental hosts, which suffer acute illness or death as a result of disease spillover from reservoir species.

  5. Produção e purificação de imunoglobulinas Y policlonais anti-Leptospira spp.

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    Tatiane C.F. Tavares


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se verificar se galinhas imunizadas com uma solução de Leptospira interrogans inativadas e proteínas de membrana externa do sorovar Hardjo, poderiam produzir anticorpos policlonais específicos anti-leptospiras, detectáveis em testes ELISA. Foram imunizados oito galinhas com 25 semanas de idade, da raça White Leghorn, sendo três imunizadas com uma suspensão de leptospiras inativadas, três com uma solução de proteínas de membrana externa extraída do sorovar Hardjo e duas controle. Coletas de sangue foram realizadas quinzenalmente e de ovos diariamente. A IgY foi purificada a partir da gema dos ovos utilizando para a delipidação o método de diluição em água ácida e a precipitação com sulfato de amônio. Nos testes ELISA realizados para verificar a especificidade da IgY, foi demonstrada a produção de anticorpos anti-Leptospira, tanto no soro quanto nas gemas purificadas. O pico de produção de anticorpos específicos ocorreu na 5º semana após a primeira imunização. Ficou demonstrada a possibilidade da indução da produção de anticorpos específicos em galinhas imunizadas com leptospiras do sorovar Hardjo inativadas, bem como, com proteínas de membrana externa (PME extraidas desse sorovar. As galinhas imunizadas com uma suspensão de leptospiras inativadas ou com PME de Leptospira interrogans do sorovar Hardjo produziram anticorpos reativos a PME Hardjo detectáves por teste ELISA.

  6. Leptospira Species in Feral Cats and Black Rats from Western Australia and Christmas Island. (United States)

    Dybing, Narelle A; Jacobson, Caroline; Irwin, Peter; Algar, David; Adams, Peter J


    Leptospirosis is a neglected, re-emerging bacterial disease with both zoonotic and conservation implications. Rats and livestock are considered the usual sources of human infection, but all mammalian species are capable of carrying Leptospira spp. and transmitting pathogenic leptospires in their urine, and uncertainty remains about the ecology and transmission dynamics of Leptospira in different regions. In light of a recent case of human leptospirosis on tropical Christmas Island, this study aimed to investigate the role of introduced animals (feral cats and black rats) as carriers of pathogenic Leptospira spp. on Christmas Island and to compare this with two different climatic regions of Western Australia (one island and one mainland). Kidney samples were collected from black rats (n = 68) and feral cats (n = 59) from Christmas Island, as well as feral cats from Dirk Hartog Island (n = 23) and southwest Western Australia (n = 59). Molecular (PCR) screening detected pathogenic leptospires in 42.4% (95% confidence interval 29.6-55.9) of cats and 2.9% (0.4-10.2) of rats from Christmas Island. Sequencing of cat- and rat-positive samples from Christmas Island showed 100% similarity for Leptospira interrogans. Pathogenic leptospires were not detected in cats from Dirk Hartog Island or southwest Western Australia. These findings were consistent with previous reports of higher Leptospira spp. prevalence in tropical regions compared with arid and temperate regions. Despite the abundance of black rats on Christmas Island, feral cats appear to be the more important reservoir species for the persistence of pathogenic L. interrogans on the island. This research highlights the importance of disease surveillance and feral animal management to effectively control potential disease transmission.

  7. Leptospirosis serosurvey in bovines from Brazilian Pantanal using IGG ELISA with recombinant protein LipL32 and microscopic agglutination test Sorodiagnóstico de leptospirose em bovinos do Pantanal brasileiro utilizando ELISA IgG com proteína recombinante LipL32 e soroaglutinação microscópica

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    Renata Graça Pinto Tomich


    Full Text Available This investigation was carried out in Brazilian Pantanal: region with important biodiversity. This region's climatic conditions, hydrology and geomorphology as well as the existence of great variety of wild species favor the maintenance of the Leptospira in the environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate IgG ELISA with recombinant protein LipL32 in comparison with microscopic agglutination test (MAT and additionally contribute to the knowledge of the distribution of the one of most important worldwide zoonotic infection, assessing the seropositivity of bovine leptospirosis in beef cattle herds of Brazilian Pantanal, an important ecological preserved area, where cattle constitute not only the most important economic resource but also the major activity compatible of the conservation of natural resource of the region. Out of 282 samples of cattle serum analyzed, 143 (50.71% were positive in MAT. The serovar Hardjo (genotypic Hardjoprajitno and Hardjobovis, Wolffi and Ballum showed the largest frequency of reactive samples. In the IgG ELISA rLipL32, 161 samples (57.09% were positive. This result was higher than obtained by MAT (pEste estudo foi realizado no Pantanal brasileiro: região que apresenta importante biodiversidade. As condições de clima, hidrologia e geomorfologia dessa região, bem como a existência de grande variedade de espécies animais silvestres, favorecem a manutenção da Leptospira no meio ambiente. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o ELISA IgG com proteína recombinante LipL32 em comparação com a soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM para o diagnóstico sorológico de Leptospira. Adicionalmente, contribuir para o conhecimento da distribuição da leptospirose bovina, uma das mais importantes zoonoses mundialmente distribuída. Foi avaliada a soropositividade para essa bactéria em rebanhos bovinos de corte da região do Pantanal, uma área onde o bovino constitui não apenas o recurso econômico mais importante

  8. Prevalencia de anticuerpos anti-Leptospira spp. en personas con exposición laboral en el departamento del Tolima / Prevalence of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies among people with occupational exposure in Tolima Department

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    Blanca L. Guzmán-Barragán


    Full Text Available Resumen Objetivo: estimar la prevalencia de anticuerpos IgM contra Leptospira spp., mediante el Ensayo de Inmunoabsorción Ligado a Enzimas (elisa, en la población de riesgo laboral de 8 municipios del Tolima. Metodología: se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de 261 empleados, las cuales fueron analizadas mediante la técnica de elisa para la detección de anticuerpos IgM anti-Leptospira spp., seguido de mat y serotipificación. Resultado: se estimó una seroprevalencia del 25,29%, con una seroreactividad mayor en trabajadores de plantas de beneficio animal (34,2%, recolección de residuos sólidos (27,1% y trabajadores de acueducto y alcantarillado (14,8%. La actividad en plantas de beneficio animal se identificó como factor de riesgo de Leptospira spp. (OR=1,86. Los serovares identificados fueron L. Bratislava (16, Ballum (5, Tarassovi (3, Hebdomadis (2, Sejroe (2 y Icterhemorragiae (1. El municipio de Libano presento el mayor porcentaje de positividad (36,96%, seguido de Espinal y Guamo con 28,57% cada uno. Discusión: la evaluación del sistema de vigilancia indicó deficiencia en recursos y debilidades de los profesionales de la salud al desconocer los procedimientos, investigación, diagnóstico y notificación de la enfermedad. Conclusiones: la leptospirosis está presente en poblaciones de riesgo laboral en el Tolima y se hace necesario abordar esta problemática en la población de otros municipios y los animales transmisores de la enfermedad. / Abstract Objective: to estimate the prevalence of IgM antibodies against Leptospira spp. Using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa in a population at occupational risk from 8 municipalities of the Tolima department, Colombia. Methodology: blood samples were collected from 261 employees and analyzed with the elisa technique to detect IgM and anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies. This was followed by mat and serotyping. Results: a seroprevalence of 25.29% was estimated, with higher

  9. Effect of metal ion on the structure and function of LiPDF: The study of the fine structure around the metal site using XANES

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yu; Chu Wangsheng; Yang Feifei; Yu Meijuan; Zhao Haifeng; Gong Weimin; Dong Yuhui; Xie Yaning; Wu, Ziyu


    We used X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy to investigate the metal-dependent enzymatic activity of the peptide deformylase from Leptospira interrogans (LiPDF). Ab initio full multiple scattering calculations performed by MXAN are applied to obtain the local structure of the cobalt-containing LiPDF (Co-LiPDF) and zinc-containing LiPDF (Zn-LiPDF) around the metal sites in pH9.0 buffer solution. The result shows the cobalt-wat1 (the bond water molecule) distance of Co-LiPDF is 1.89 A, much shorter than that of Zn-LiPDF, 2.50 A. That is an essential factor for its low catalytic activity.

  10. Effect of metal ion on the structure and function of LiPDF: The study of the fine structure around the metal site using XANES

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang Yu [Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230029 (China); Chu Wangsheng, E-mail: [Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Yang Feifei; Yu Meijuan; Zhao Haifeng [Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Gong Weimin [National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101 (China); Dong Yuhui; Xie Yaning [Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Wu, Ziyu, E-mail: [National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230029 (China); Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China)


    We used X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy to investigate the metal-dependent enzymatic activity of the peptide deformylase from Leptospira interrogans (LiPDF). Ab initio full multiple scattering calculations performed by MXAN are applied to obtain the local structure of the cobalt-containing LiPDF (Co-LiPDF) and zinc-containing LiPDF (Zn-LiPDF) around the metal sites in pH9.0 buffer solution. The result shows the cobalt-wat1 (the bond water molecule) distance of Co-LiPDF is 1.89 A, much shorter than that of Zn-LiPDF, 2.50 A. That is an essential factor for its low catalytic activity.

  11. The use of halloysite clay and carboxyl-functionalised multi-walled carbon nanotubes for recombinant LipL32 antigen delivery enhanced the IgG response. (United States)

    Hartwig, Daiane D; Bacelo, Kátia L; Oliveira, Thaís L; Schuch, Rodrigo; Seixas, Fabiana K; Collares, Tiago; Rodrigues, Oscar; Hartleben, Cláudia P; Dellagostin, Odir A


    We studied the feasibility of using halloysite clay nanotubes (HNTs) and carboxyl-functionalised multi-walled carbon nanotubes (COOH-MWCNTs) as antigen carriers to improve immune responses against a recombinant LipL32 protein (rLipL32). Immunisation using the HNTs or COOH-MWCNTs significantly increased the rLipL32-specific IgG antibody titres (p < 0.05) of Golden Syrian hamsters. None of the vaccines tested conferred protection against a challenge using a virulent Leptospira interrogans strain. These results demonstrated that nanotubes can be used as antigen carriers for delivery in hosts and the induction of a humoral immune response against purified leptospiral antigens used in subunit vaccine preparations.


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    Dr. Rodolfo Villena


    Full Text Available Las vacunas han demostrado ser una excelente estrategia para reducir la morbimortalidad en infecciones respiratorias, con un perfil de seguridad adecuado. Nuestro PNI incorpora varias de ellas con este objetivo, logrando resultados de alto impacto a nivel de salud pública. Para que esto prosiga se requiere de nuestro compromiso y conocimiento para estimular, difundir y obtener altas tasas de cobertura, de manera de lograr efectos de protección indirecta, conocidos como inmunidad comunitaria. Por otro lado, se debe mantener la vigilancia epidemiológica de los agentes inmunoprevenibles para conocer su oscilación temporal, serogrupos, sero y/o genotipos, de manera de establecer directrices adecuadas de edad y esquemas de vacunación para la población. Debemos avanzar en estos temas y realizar estudios de efectividad de las vacunas que hemos introducido, para conocer su aporte en la prevención de infecciones respiratorias, de manera de objetivar sus beneficios, conocer el impacto en poblaciones de riesgo y avanzar en la vacunación de embarazadas, para otorgar mejores estrategias de prevención a nuestra población.

  13. Post-translational modification of LipL32 during Leptospira interrogans infection (United States)

    Leptospirosis, a re-emerging disease of global importance caused by pathogenic Leptospira spp., is considered the world’s most widespread zoonotic disease. Rats serve as asymptomatic carriers of pathogenic Leptospira and are critical for disease spread. In such reservoir hosts, leptospires colonize ...

  14. Whole genome analysis of Leptospira licerasiae provides insight into leptospiral evolution and pathogenicity.

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    Jessica N Ricaldi

    Full Text Available The whole genome analysis of two strains of the first intermediately pathogenic leptospiral species to be sequenced (Leptospira licerasiae strains VAR010 and MMD0835 provides insight into their pathogenic potential and deepens our understanding of leptospiral evolution. Comparative analysis of eight leptospiral genomes shows the existence of a core leptospiral genome comprising 1547 genes and 452 conserved genes restricted to infectious species (including L. licerasiae that are likely to be pathogenicity-related. Comparisons of the functional content of the genomes suggests that L. licerasiae retains several proteins related to nitrogen, amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism which might help to explain why these Leptospira grow well in artificial media compared with pathogenic species. L. licerasiae strains VAR010(T and MMD0835 possess two prophage elements. While one element is circular and shares homology with LE1 of L. biflexa, the second is cryptic and homologous to a previously identified but unnamed region in L. interrogans serovars Copenhageni and Lai. We also report a unique O-antigen locus in L. licerasiae comprised of a 6-gene cluster that is unexpectedly short compared with L. interrogans in which analogous regions may include >90 such genes. Sequence homology searches suggest that these genes were acquired by lateral gene transfer (LGT. Furthermore, seven putative genomic islands ranging in size from 5 to 36 kb are present also suggestive of antecedent LGT. How Leptospira become naturally competent remains to be determined, but considering the phylogenetic origins of the genes comprising the O-antigen cluster and other putative laterally transferred genes, L. licerasiae must be able to exchange genetic material with non-invasive environmental bacteria. The data presented here demonstrate that L. licerasiae is genetically more closely related to pathogenic than to saprophytic Leptospira and provide insight into the genomic bases for

  15. Desarrollo de un método de CLAR-IR para la determinación de etanol residual en vacuna Development of a HPLC-IR method for determination of residual ethanol in vaccine

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    Matilde Cuevas Valdespino


    Full Text Available Los ingredientes farmacéuticos activos de la vacuna antimeningocócica cubana VA-MENGOC-BC TM (vesículas de membrana externa purificadas de Neisseria meningitidis, serogrupo B y polisacárido capsular purificado de Neisseria meningitidis, serogrupo C son conservados en etanol, de ahí que dicha vacuna posea un contenido de etanol residual, cuya concentración real no se conocía hasta el momento. Las regulaciones internacionales plantean que los productos biofarmacéuticos y sus ingredientes farmacéuticos activos deben tener bien caracterizadas todas sus impurezas, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo fue el desarrollo de un método de determinación de etanol mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución-índice de refracción para estos fines y su comparación con un método utilizado frecuentemente para cuantificar este solvente, como es la cromatografía gaseosa. El método evaluado resultó ser útil y con una buena robustez para la determinación de este solvente orgánico en esta vacuna antimenigocócica. No se detectaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los resultados obtenidos al evaluar las mismas muestras de vacuna mediante ambos métodos cromatográficos (cromatografía líquida de alta resolución y cromatografía gaseosa, lo que indica la posibilidad del uso de la cromatografía líquida de alta resolución en sustitución de la cromatografía gaseosa para esta determinación.Active pharmaceutical ingredients of Cuban anti-meningococcal vaccine VA-MENGOC-BC TM (vesicles of purified external membranes of Neisseria meningitidis, B serum-group, and purified capsular polysaccharide of Neisseria meningitidis, serum-group C are stored in ethanol, thus that such vaccine has residual ethanol content, of which real concentration is not known just now. International regulations propose that the biopharmaceutical products and its active pharmaceutical ingredients must to have well defined all impurities, thus

  16. The use of halloysite clay and carboxyl-functionalised multi-walled carbon nanotubes for recombinant LipL32 antigen delivery enhanced the IgG response

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    Daiane D Hartwig


    Full Text Available We studied the feasibility of using halloysite clay nanotubes (HNTs and carboxyl-functionalised multi-walled carbon nanotubes (COOH-MWCNTs as antigen carriers to improve immune responses against a recombinant LipL32 protein (rLipL32. Immunisation using the HNTs or COOH-MWCNTs significantly increased the rLipL32-specific IgG antibody titres (p < 0.05 of Golden Syrian hamsters. None of the vaccines tested conferred protection against a challenge using a virulent Leptospira interrogans strain. These results demonstrated that nanotubes can be used as antigen carriers for delivery in hosts and the induction of a humoral immune response against purified leptospiral antigens used in subunit vaccine preparations.

  17. Reporte de insuficiencia renal producida por Leptospira Interrogans Serovar Pomona en Colombia

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    Fortunato Ospino


    Full Text Available Se describe la presentación de un caso de leptospirosis producida por L. pomona en un paciente de 20 años de edad, trabajadora habitual en un molino de arroz y caracterizado por un síndrome de insuficiencia renal y hepática. El cuadro clínico consistió principalmente en malestar general, anorexia, vómito, fiebre, diarrea, ictericia y hemorragias subconjuntivales. Los exámenes de laboratorio mostraron alteraciones, en los niveles de nitrógeno ureico, creatinina, depuración de creatinina, concentración de cloro, fosfatasa alcalina y bilirrubina directa lo cual podría indicar un daño en el funcionamiento hepático y renal. Las alteraciones en la velocidad de sedimentación, hemoglobina, hematocrito y leucocitos (Tabla 1 explican la anemia e infección ocasionada por la L. pomona en la paciente. El diagnóstico de leptospirosis fue confirmado por el aislamiento del microorganismo de la orina a pesar de no haber detectado anticuerpos en el suero de la paciente. Se pone en evidencia la necesidad de realizar siempre el diagnóstico diferencial con leptospirosis en todo síndrome hepatorrenal, especialmente en los casos con antecedentes epidemiológicos o que por la sintomatología clínica se sospeche la infección.

  18. Proteomic Analysis of Leptospira interrogans Shed in Urine of Chronically Infected Hosts▿


    Monahan, Avril M.; Callanan, John J.; Nally, Jarlath E.


    Leptospirosis is a global zoonotic disease. The causative agent, pathogenic Leptospira species, survives in the renal tubules of chronically infected hosts, from where leptospires are shed via urine into the environment. Infection of new hosts can present as an array of acute and chronic disease processes reflecting variations in host-pathogen interactions. The present study was designed to reproduce the carrier phase of infection in Rattus norvegicus, thus facilitating shedding of leptospire...

  19. Organización, planeación y administración educativa. Perspectivas teóricas en la escuela

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    Yolanda Contreras Bello


    Full Text Available El presente artículo de reflexión pretende abordar el concepto de organización, planeación y administración educativa como criterios que interrogan el contexto educativo, entendiendo por este, un conjunto de instituciones políticas, económicas y jurídicas en el cual cada uno de dichos conceptos se integran como elementos constitutivos de la prestación del servicio educativo. Los antecedentes de la administración como categoría científica desplazan la planeación y organización educativa como categorías que integran el sistema educativo en donde la administración se vincula con procesos industriales propios del sistema capitalista.

  20. Represión y vigilancia hacia el Trabajo Docente durante la Dictadura Militar en Chile (1973-1990

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    Felipe Andres Zurita Garrido


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las políticas de represión y vigilancia ejercidas contra el Trabajo Docente durante la Dictadura Militar (1973-1990. Para alcanzar este objetivo se interrogan diferentes fuentes: Informes de Derechos Humanos, Actas de las Sesiones Secretas de la Junta Militar y documentos propios del funcionamiento cotidiano del aparato de represión. Allí, la figura de profesoras y profesores encuentra un lugar de destaque en tanto grupo a corregir y perseguir, situación que invita a sostener que la Dictadura Militar dedicó una especial atención hacía el Trabajo Docente, apoyándose en estrategias de vigilancia y persecución especialmente diseñadas para estas finalidades.

  1. Brote de legionelosis en Murcia en julio de 2001. La óptica de sanidad ambiental Outbreak of Legionella disease in Murcia, at July 2001. The environmental health point of view

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    F. Sintas Lozano


    Full Text Available Se exponen las medidas de intervención adoptadas para el estudio y control del brote. Se encontraron 126 instalaciones con riesgo (45 de ellas de alto: 70 torres de refrigeración y similares, 35 fuentes ornamentales, 1 obra con movimiento de tierra y 20 sistemas con circuito cerrado aire-agua, que se distribuyeron por categorías de riesgo.De forma inmediata se clausuraron: las fuentes ornamentales, el baldeo de calles y riegos por aspersión de parques y la obra.Se realizaron un total de 486 inspecciones y 1040 toma de muestras, ordenando la limpieza y desinfección de torres de refrigeración y similares y su clausura en caso necesario. Posteriormente, se cambio de relleno en torres de refrigeración positivas a Lp.Del total de instalaciones investigadas (339, en 57 (16’9% se encontró un cultivo positivo a Lp. Distribución por tipo de instalación con cultivo positivo a Lp: en torres de refrigeración 23 (6’8%, en fuentes ornamentales 3 (7,32% y en agua sanitaria 31 (9’1%.Distribución por serogrupos: LpS1 (62’3%, serogrupos 2-14 (36’68%.LpS1Olda Olda (21’74% fue la mas abundante seguida de LpS1 Pontiac Filadelfia Lugano (18’84% frente a LpS1 Pontiac Filadelfia Glasgow (en 1 ocasión, 1’45%, esta ultima fue la aislada en las 18 muestras de enfermos.En 355 ocasiones se dispone de cultivo y PCR, encontrándose una sensibilidad de 30,8% (Intervalo de confianza al 95%, de 25,1 y una especificidad del 99,4±0,8. Hay que considerar la eventual influencia en los resultados aportada por la posible aparición de dos falsos negativos en el cultivo.Se encuentra un elevado porcentaje de muestras correspondientes a Legionella pneumophilla serogrupo 1, dentro de estas prevalecen las tipo Pontiac Philadelphia, y dentro de estas las tipo Lugano.La primera desinfección no erradicó la contaminación en su totalidad. Abundando en lo anterior, el hallazgo de un número considerable de torres de refrigeración positivas a Lp tras limpieza y

  2. Caracterización de aislamientos de Vibrio cholerae no-O1, no-O139 asociados a cuadros de diarrea Characterization of Vibrio cholerae non-O1 and non-O139 isolates associated with diarrhea

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    S. González Fraga


    Full Text Available La infección por Vibrio cholerae, el agente causal del cólera, se trasmite al hombre por ingestión de agua y alimentos contaminados. Aunque son los serogrupos O1 y O139 los que habitualmente se asocian al cólera epidémico, los aislamientos de otros serogrupos también son causales de gastroenteritis e infecciones extra-intestinales. Durante el período 2003-2005, se investigó la presencia de V. cholerae en la materia fecal de niños con diarrea atendidos en el Hospital del Niño Jesús, Tucumán. Se recuperaron 34 aislamientos de V. cholerae no-O1, no-O139. Se determinaron sus perfiles de virulencia por PCR, la sensibilidad a los antimicrobianos y la diversidad genética por electroforesis en campo pulsado. Se obtuvieron ocho perfiles de virulencia, aunque ningún aislamiento fue positivo para la toxina colérica ni para la toxina termoestable. Cuatro aislamientos fueron positivos para el sistema de secreción de tipo tres. El 17,6% de los aislamientos fueron resistentes o de sensibilidad intermedia a ampicilina y el 5,9% fueron resistentes a trimetoprima-sulfametoxazol. Los aislamientos resultaron muy diversos: se hallaron 27 patrones distintos en 29 aislamientos tipificables por electroforesis en campo pulsado. A pesar de su baja incidencia, V. cholerae continúa siendo un agente causal de diarrea en niños, los que se ven afectados por una amplia variedad de cepas circulantes.Vibrio cholerae, etiologic agent of cholera, is transmitted to humans by ingestion of contaminated food or water. Even though serogroups O1 and O139 are the ones usually associated to epidemic cholera, isolates from other serogroups also cause gastroenteritis and extraintestinal infections. During the period 2003-2005, presence of V. cholerae in stools was investigated in children with diarrhea that seaked assistance at the Niño Jesús Hospital in Tucumán. Thirty four isolates of V. cholerae non-O1, non-O139 were recovered. We characterized the isolates studying

  3. Ecología de Vibrio cholerae en relación al Fitoplancton y variables fisicoquímicas en ríos de Tucumán (Argentina Ecology of Vibrio cholerae in relation to phytoplankton and physico-chemical variables in rivers of Tucumán (Argentina

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    V. Mirande

    Full Text Available Vibrio cholerae muestra gran diversidad serológica en base a su antígeno somático O, conociéndose al menos 200 serogrupos. De éstos, solamente O1 y O139 son causantes de epidemias o pandemias. En Latinoamérica el serogrupo O1 reapareció en 1991, tras cien años de no presentar brotes en el continente. Esta bacteria sobrevive y se multiplica asociada al plancton, independientemente de la aparición de infecciones humanas. Desde la década del noventa, en Tucumán, se detectaron casos esporádicos de diarrea por Vibrio cholerae no-O1. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar la posible relación entre la presencia de especímenes de fitoplancton, variables fisicoquímicas y aislamientos de Vibrio cholerae en ríos de Tucumán. Se realizaron 18 campañas en los ríos Lules y Salí entre 2003-2005. Se estudiaron las variables fisicoquímicas del agua (pH, temperatura, conductividad y oxígeno disuelto, el fitoplancton (riqueza y frecuencia relativa y las cepas aisladas de V. cholerae. Los resultados evidenciaron diferencias en la calidad del agua, observándose períodos de anoxia en el río Salí. Las diatomeas sobresalieron en la mayoría de los meses y generalmente estuvieron en porcentajes superiores al 85 %. Sólo se aisló Vibrio cholerae no-O1, no-O139, detectándose más frecuentemente en los meses cálidos, con pH alcalino, aún con baja concentración de oxígeno.Vibrio cholerae shows a great serologic diversity in relation to his O somatic antigen and we know at least 200 serogroups. About these, only O1 and O139 are responsible of epidemics and pandemics. The serogroup O1 reemerged in Latin America in 1991 after being absent from the continent for nearly a century. This bacterium survives and grows up associated to plankton, independently of appearance of human infections. From 90 th decade, there were sporadic cases of diarrhea because of Vibrio cholerae O1 in Tucumán. The aims of this paper were to study the possible

  4. Prevalence and Genotype Allocation of Pathogenic Leptospira Species in Small Mammals from Various Habitat Types in Germany. (United States)

    Obiegala, Anna; Woll, Dietlinde; Karnath, Carolin; Silaghi, Cornelia; Schex, Susanne; Eßbauer, Sandra; Pfeffer, Martin


    Small mammals serve as most important reservoirs for Leptospira spp., the causative agents of Leptospirosis, which is one of the most neglected and widespread zoonotic diseases worldwide. The knowledge about Leptospira spp. occurring in small mammals from Germany is scarce. Thus, this study's objectives were to investigate the occurrence of Leptospira spp. and the inherent sequence types in small mammals from three different study sites: a forest in southern Germany (site B1); a National Park in south-eastern Germany (site B2) and a renaturalised area, in eastern Germany (site S) where small mammals were captured. DNA was extracted from kidneys of small mammals and tested for Leptospira spp. by real-time PCR. Positive samples were further analysed by duplex and conventional PCRs. For 14 positive samples, multi locus sequence typing (MLST) was performed. Altogether, 1213 small mammals were captured: 216 at site B1, 456 at site B2 and 541 at site S belonging to following species: Sorex (S.) araneus, S. coronatus, Apodemus (A.) flavicollis, Myodes glareolus, Microtus (Mi.) arvalis, Crocidura russula, Arvicola terrestris, A. agrarius, Mustela nivalis, Talpa europaea, and Mi. agrestis. DNA of Leptospira spp. was detected in 6% of all small mammals. At site B1, 25 small mammals (11.6%), at site B2, 15 small mammals (3.3%) and at site S, 33 small mammals (6.1%) were positive for Leptospira spp. Overall, 54 of the positive samples were further determined as L. kirschneri, nine as L. interrogans and four as L. borgpetersenii while five real-time PCR-positive samples could not be further determined by conventional PCR. MLST results revealed focal occurrence of L. interrogans and L. kirschneri sequence type (ST) 117 while L. kirschneri ST 110 was present in small mammals at all three sites. Further, this study provides evidence for a particular host association of L. borgpetersenii to mice of the genus Apodemus.

  5. Determining risk for severe leptospirosis by molecular analysis of environmental surface waters for pathogenic Leptospira.

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    Christian A Ganoza


    Full Text Available Although previous data indicate that the overall incidence of human leptospirosis in the Peruvian Amazon is similar in urban and rural sites, severe leptospirosis has been observed only in the urban context. As a potential explanation for this epidemiological observation, we tested the hypothesis that concentrations of more virulent Leptospira would be higher in urban than in rural environmental surface waters.A quantitative real-time PCR assay was used to compare levels of Leptospira in urban and rural environmental surface waters in sites in the Peruvian Amazon region of Iquitos. Molecular taxonomic analysis of a 1,200-bp segment of the leptospiral 16S ribosomal RNA gene was used to identify Leptospira to the species level. Pathogenic Leptospira species were found only in urban slum water sources (Fisher's exact test; p = 0.013. The concentration of pathogen-related Leptospira was higher in urban than rural water sources (approximately 10(3 leptospires/ml versus 0.5 x 10(2 leptospires/ml; F = 8.406, p < 0.05. Identical 16S rRNA gene sequences from Leptospira interrogans serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae were found in urban slum market area gutter water and in human isolates, suggesting a specific mode of transmission from rats to humans. In a prospective, population-based study of patients presenting with acute febrile illness, isolation of L. interrogans-related leptospires from humans was significantly associated with urban acquisition (75% of urban isolates; human isolates of other leptospiral species were associated with rural acquisition (78% of rural isolates (chi-square analysis; p < 0.01. This distribution of human leptospiral isolates mirrored the distribution of leptospiral 16S ribosomal gene sequences in urban and rural water sources.Our findings data support the hypothesis that urban severe leptospirosis in the Peruvian Amazon is associated with higher concentrations of more pathogenic leptospires at sites of exposure and transmission


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    Martín Lombardo


    Full Text Available A partir de las novelas Insensatez de Horacio Castellanos Moya y Dos veces junio de Martín Kohan, el presente artículo reflexiona sobre la representación de un archivo y de un testimonio en un texto narrativo. A través de dos maneras diferentes en que se hace uso del archivo y del documento institucional para hacer una denuncia política, las dos novelas interrogan sobre el estilo de redacción de un documento, sobre los usos del cuerpo de quien cumple una función institucional, sobre la tensión entre el archivo y el testimonio para así plantear el vínculo entre lo irrepresentable del horror, la fantasía y la verdad histórica.

  7. Pathology and pathophysiology of pulmonary manifestations in leptospirosis

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    Marisa Dolhnikoff

    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a re-emerging zoonosis occurring as large outbreaks throughout the world caused by Leptospira interrogans. The incidence of pulmonary involvement in leptospirosis has been reported to be increasing in the last years, affecting up to 70% of the patients. Alveolar hemorrhage presented as dyspnea and hemoptysis is the main pulmonary manifestation. The emergence of massive hemoptysis and acute respiratory distress syndrome has characterized the recent changes reported in the clinical patterns of leptospirosis. The pulmonary involvement has been emerged as a serious life threat, becoming the main cause of death due to leptospirosis in some countries. In this review we present the main clinical and pathological manifestations of pulmonary involvement in leptospirosis, with special focus on recent data concerning the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying lung injury.

  8. Estudio de toxicidad por dosis única y tolerancia local de una vacuna antimeningocócica tipo B en ratas Sprague Dawley

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    Juan F. Núñez


    Full Text Available La vacuna antimeningocócica tipo B, objetivo de este estudio, contiene vesículas purificadas de la membrana externa del meningococo del serogrupo B de la cepa (Cu- 385 - 83 B:4:P1.19,15. El esquema de vacunación propuesto en humanos consiste en tres dosis de 0,5 mL, separadas por un intervalo óptimo de ocho semanas. El objetivo de este estudio de toxicidad en ratas Sprague Dawley (SD fue determinar la toxicidad potencial, letalidad, órganos, sistemas susceptibles y otros eventos adversos, así como la toxicidad en el sitio de inoculación después de la administración de una dosis de la vacuna en estudio. Los resultados indicaron que, bajo las condiciones del estudio y según los criterios establecidos para evaluar los resultados, la vacuna antimeningocócica tipo B, no produce efectos tóxicos en el modelo animal usado. Todo lo que se observó fueron formaciones granulomatosas a nivel del punto de inoculación. Estas formaciones han sido reportadas como pertenecientes a los adyuvantes de depósito, como el hidróxido de aluminio, usado en otras vacunas parenterales. Se concluye que la vacuna antimeningocócica tipo B resultó satisfactoria en las pruebas de toxicidad por dosisúnica y tolerancia local realizadas en la especie rata.

  9. Streptococcus pneumoniae aislados durante 2002-2006: serotipos y resistencia antibiótica. Correlación con las vacunas existentes

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    José María Guevara-Duncan


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Identificar los serotipos de S. pneumoniae aislados, correlacionándolos con los incluidos en las vacunas existentes y su resistencia antimicrobiana. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo, observacional y longitudinal. Lugar: Instituto de Medicina Tropical Daniel A. Carrión, Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM. Material biológico: Cepas de Streptococcus pneumoniae. Intervenciones: Cuarenta Streptococcus pneumoniae de nuestro cepario, aislados entre el 2002 y 2006, fueron serotipificados en el Instituto de Salud Carlos III en Madrid -España; 15 fueron invasivos, 11 aislados de infecciones localizadas, 6 de portadores y 8 eran multiresistentes. Principales medidas de resultados: Protección de las vacunas existentes en nuestro medio a las infecciones causadas por Streptococcus pneumoniae. Resultados: Hubo 14 serotipos diferentes y los serogrupos más identificados fueron 23, 19 y 6. El 28,6% estaba contenido en la vacuna 7-valente, 42,9% en la 9-valente, 50% en la 11-valente y el 71,4% en la 23-valente; 57,5% fue resistente a la penicilina y 30% a eritromicina. El grupo de Streptococcus invasivo resultó más sensible a los antibióticos que los otros grupos. Los serotipos asociados a multirresistencia fueron 19F y 23F. Conclusiones: Ninguna de las vacunas protege a todas las infecciones causadas por Streptococcus pneumoniae, en nuestro medio.

  10. Selección de cepas de Shigella sonnei para el desarrollo de una vacuna efectiva contra la shigellosis

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    Olga M. Martínez


    Full Text Available En el Instituto Finlay se desarrolló una metodología de trabajo que contribuyó a la selección de cepas de Shigella sonnei como posibles candidatos vacunales contra la shigellosis. Las cepas investigadas, donadas por el Centro Provincial de Higiene y Epidemiología de Ciudad de La Habana, se caracterizaron según los métodos convencionales. La identificación del serogrupo y serotipo se realizó por aglutinación en láminas portaobjetos con antisueros comerciales; mientras que para el estudio de la susceptibilidad antimicrobiana se utilizó el DIRAMIC 10, un equipo semiautomatizado que proporcionó los resultados 4 horas después de su realización. Se investigó también la presencia de plásmidos de virulencia, por el crecimiento de Shigella spp. en medio de agar Triptona Soya con Rojo Congo al 0,025%, así como la expresión de las proteínas de la membrana externa en SDS-PAGE; para las pruebas de virulencia y potencia se emplearon los modelos animales (modelo ratón-pulmón y Test de Sereny. Los resultados obtenidos con la metodología utilizada permitieron la selección de la cepa de S. sonnei A-04 como la más adecuada para la obtención del posible candidato vacunal.

  11. Structural reconstruction of the catalytic center of LiPDF through multiple scattering calculation with MXAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Xiaoyun; Chu Wangsheng; Ma Sixuan; Gong Weimin; Benfatto, Maurizio; Hu Tiandou; Xie Yaning; Wu Ziyu


    Peptide deformylase (PDF, EC is essential for the normal growth of eubacterium but not for mammalians. Recently, PDF has been studied as a target for new antibiotics. In this paper, X-ray absorption spectroscopy was employed to determine the local structure around the zinc ion of PDF from Leptospira Interrogans in dry powder, because it is very difficult to obtain the crystallized sample of LiPDF. We performed X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) calculation and reconstructed successfully the local geometry of the active center, and the results from calculations show that a water molecule (Wat1) has moved towards the zinc ion and lies in the distance range to coordinate with the zinc ion weakly. In addition, the sensitivity of theoretical spectra to the different ligand bodies was evaluated in terms of goodness-of-fit

  12. Structural reconstruction of the catalytic center of LiPDF through multiple scattering calculation with MXAN (United States)

    Guo, Xiaoyun; Chu, Wangsheng; Ma, Sixuan; Gong, Weimin; Benfatto, Maurizio; Hu, Tiandou; Xie, Yaning; Wu, ZiYu


    Peptide deformylase (PDF, EC is essential for the normal growth of eubacterium but not for mammalians. Recently, PDF has been studied as a target for new antibiotics. In this paper, X-ray absorption spectroscopy was employed to determine the local structure around the zinc ion of PDF from Leptospira Interrogans in dry powder, because it is very difficult to obtain the crystallized sample of LiPDF. We performed X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) calculation and reconstructed successfully the local geometry of the active center, and the results from calculations show that a water molecule (Wat1) has moved towards the zinc ion and lies in the distance range to coordinate with the zinc ion weakly. In addition, the sensitivity of theoretical spectra to the different ligand bodies was evaluated in terms of goodness-of-fit.

  13. Structural reconstruction of the catalytic center of LiPDF through multiple scattering calculation with MXAN

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guo Xiaoyun [Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, 100049 Beijing (China); School of Life Science, Key Laboratory of Structural Biology, University of Science and Technology of China, 230026 Hefei, Anhui (China); Chu Wangsheng [Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, 100049 Beijing (China); Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, 230026 Hefei, Anhui (China); Ma Sixuan [Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, 100049 Beijing (China); Gong Weimin [National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100101 Beijing (China); Benfatto, Maurizio [Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, P.O. Box 13, 00044 Frascati (Italy); Hu Tiandou [Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, 100049 Beijing (China); Xie Yaning [Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, 100049 Beijing (China); Wu Ziyu [Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, 100049 Beijing (China) and Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, P.O. Box 13, 00044 Frascati (Italy)]. E-mail:


    Peptide deformylase (PDF, EC is essential for the normal growth of eubacterium but not for mammalians. Recently, PDF has been studied as a target for new antibiotics. In this paper, X-ray absorption spectroscopy was employed to determine the local structure around the zinc ion of PDF from Leptospira Interrogans in dry powder, because it is very difficult to obtain the crystallized sample of LiPDF. We performed X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) calculation and reconstructed successfully the local geometry of the active center, and the results from calculations show that a water molecule (Wat1) has moved towards the zinc ion and lies in the distance range to coordinate with the zinc ion weakly. In addition, the sensitivity of theoretical spectra to the different ligand bodies was evaluated in terms of goodness-of-fit.

  14. Detection of reactive canines to Leptospira in Campeche City, Mexico Detección de caninos reaccionantes a Leptospira en la ciudad de Campeche, México

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    Selene del C Blum Domínguez


    Full Text Available Leptospira reactivity in stray and household dogs in Campeche as well as associated risk factors to the seropositivity in household dogs have been herein determined. The survey included 323 dogs, 142 of which were stray dogs and 181 household dogs. Nine Leptospira interrogans serovars were tested by the microagglutination test. Reactivity was 21.3 % (69/323, 17.2 % corresponded to household dogs and 26.7 % to stray dogs. Leptospira Canicola (29 %, Leptospira Hardjo (22.58 %, and Leptospira Icterohaemorrhagiae (16.12 % were the most common serovars reacting against the serum of household animals, while Leptospira Canicola (15.78 %, Leptospira Icterohaemorrhagiae (13.15 %, and Leptospira Pomona (7.89 % were those reacting in stray dogs. Results showed that all dogs have been in contact with different Leptospira serovars and outdoor exposure is the main infection risk factor.

  15. Characterization of the Outer Membrane Proteome of Leptospira interrogans Expressed during Acute Lethal Infection▿


    Nally, Jarlath E.; Whitelegge, Julian P.; Bassilian, Sara; Blanco, David R.; Lovett, Michael A.


    Pathogenic Leptospira species adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions during disease transmission and infection. While the proteome of in vitro cultivated Leptospira has been characterized in several studies to date, relatively little is known of the proteome as expressed by Leptospira during disease processes. Isolates of Leptospira obtained from patients suffering the severe pulmonary form of leptospirosis cause acute lethal infection in guinea pigs and chronic asymptomatic infect...

  16. Caracterización molecular de serovariedades de Leptospira spp. aisladas de muestras de animales y agua en Colombia

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    Claudia M. Romero-Vivas


    Full Text Available Introducción. La leptospirosis es una infección bacteriana transmitida directa o indirectamente de animales a humanos, la cual puede resultar en una enfermedad hemorrágica grave, hepática o renal y pulmonar. Hay 20 especies de Leptospira conocidas y cientos de serovariedades, algunas de las cuales pertenecen a diferentes especies. Es esencial identificar las serovariedades patógenas y sus reservorios potenciales para enfocar estrategias de control. Objetivo. Caracterizar las serovariedades de Leptospira aisladas de muestras de roedores, perros, cerdos y agua en Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Las cepas de leptospiras aisladas fueron identificadas como patógenas usando la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PRC. Sus ADN y el ADN de Salmonella Braenderup H9812 (marcador de peso molecular fueron cortados con NotI y corridos en electroforesis de campo pulsado. Los patrones de la ECP se analizaron con base en los criterios de tipificación para cepas bacterianas y el coeficiente de Dice, cuando se compararon con 200 cepas aisladas en otras partes del mundo. Los perfiles de ADN con un coeficiente de Dice entre 73,7 % y 100 % se consideraron pertenecientes a la misma especie. Resultados. Todos los aislamientos fueron cepas patógenas y cinco se caracterizaron genéticamente. El aislamiento P275 (coeficiente de Dice: 84 % y el P282 (coeficiente de Dice: 95 % de cerdos, se relacionaron con Leptospira interrogans de serovariedad Pomona; el aislamiento de rata (I15 fue indistinguible de Leptospira interrogans de serovariedades Icterohaemorrhagiae o Copenhageni (coeficiente de Dice: 100 %, mientras que los aislamientos de perro (C67 y agua (A42 no se relacionaron (coeficiente de Dice <73,7 % con ninguna de las 200 cepas de referencia; las más cercanas fueron Leptospira noguchii de serovariedades Nicaragua (coeficiente de Dice: 63 % y Orleans (coeficiente de Dice: 60 %. Conclusiones. Esta fue la primera caracterización molecular de serotipos de

  17. Rats, cities, people, and pathogens: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of literature regarding the ecology of rat-associated zoonoses in urban centers. (United States)

    Himsworth, Chelsea G; Parsons, Kirbee L; Jardine, Claire; Patrick, David M


    Urban Norway and black rats (Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus) are the source of a number of pathogens responsible for significant human morbidity and mortality in cities around the world. These pathogens include zoonotic bacteria (Leptospira interrogans, Yersina pestis, Rickettsia typhi, Bartonella spp., Streptobacillus moniliformis), viruses (Seoul hantavirus), and parasites (Angiostrongylus cantonensis). A more complete understanding of the ecology of these pathogens in people and rats is critical for determining the public health risks associated with urban rats and for developing strategies to monitor and mitigate those risks. Although the ecology of rat-associated zoonoses is complex, due to the multiple ways in which rats, people, pathogens, vectors, and the environment may interact, common determinants of human disease can still be identified. This review summarizes the ecology of zoonoses associated with urban rats with a view to identifying similarities, critical differences, and avenues for further study.

  18. Genotyping of Leptospira directly in urine samples of cattle demonstrates a diversity of species and strains in Brazil. (United States)

    Hamond, C; Pestana, C P; Medeiros, M A; Lilenbaum, W


    The aim of this study was to identify Leptospira in urine samples of cattle by direct sequencing of the secY gene. The validity of this approach was assessed using ten Leptospira strains obtained from cattle in Brazil and 77 DNA samples previously extracted from cattle urine, that were positive by PCR for the genus-specific lipL32 gene of Leptospira. Direct sequencing identified 24 (31·1%) interpretable secY sequences and these were identical to those obtained from direct DNA sequencing of the urine samples from which they were recovered. Phylogenetic analyses identified four species: L. interrogans, L. borgpetersenii, L. noguchii, and L. santarosai with the most prevalent genotypes being associated with L. borgpetersenii. While direct sequencing cannot, as yet, replace culturing of leptospires, it is a valid additional tool for epidemiological studies. An unexpected finding from this study was the genetic diversity of Leptospira infecting Brazilian cattle.


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    Helena González


    Full Text Available Puede hacerse cargo la poeta del nosotros sin sucumbir a una idea de comunidad sentimental vertebrada a partir de una postergación utópica? ¿Cómo puede llevar a debate al mismo tiempo la causa de las mujeres y la de la nación subalterna sin que una tienda a abarcar a la otra como paraguas totalizador? ¿Cómo se construye una épica no heroica adecuada a un tiempo en el que no son posibles las narraciones míticas o técnicas sobre el origen de una comunidad? Chus Pato y Ana Romaní ofrecen en sus poemarios publicados a partir del año 2000 modelos que interrogan a la comunidad desde la transformación de las formas poéticas de lo épico para cuestionar la identidad nacional desde la diferencia sexual.

  20. El suicidio, sus estatutos y ética del psicoanálisis. // Suicide, its statutes and the ethics of psychoanalysis.

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    David Vargas Castro.


    Full Text Available This paper examines Freud´s and Lacan´s perspectives about suicide, emphasizing on the theoretical formulations and statutes given to it in the works of each of the authors mentioned. At the same time, the text brings up and analyses the ethical perspectives underlying such formulations, so they can be traced in the ethics of psychoanalysis proposed by each of these authors. // En el presente texto se abordan las perspectivas de Freud y de Lacan en torno al suicidio, destacando las formulaciones teóricas y estatutos otorgados a este a lo largo de la obra de cada uno de los autores mencionados. A su vez, se resaltan e interrogan las perspectivas éticas que subyacen a dichas formulaciones, de tal forma que puedan rastrearse en la ética del psicoanálisis que cada uno de estos autores propuso.

  1. Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies in dogs from Cotia county, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    JOPPERT Adriana Marques


    Full Text Available Dogs sera samples collected from Cotia County, São Paulo were tested using indirect immunoenzymatic test (ELISA in order to study Lyme disease serology in dogs. ELISA method was standardized and G39/40 North American strain of Borrelia burgdorferi was used as antigen. Positive results were confirmed employing the Western blotting technique. Because of the possibility of cross-reactions, sera were also tested for different serological strains of Leptospira interrogans and L. biflexa using microscopic sera agglutination test. Twenty-three of 237 (9.7% serum samples were positive in the ELISA; 20 of them (86.9% were confirmed by the Western blotting, what suggests that Cotia may be a risk area for Lyme disease. Although 4 samples (1.7% were positive for Lyme disease and leptospirosis, no correlation was found between the results (X² = 0.725; p = 0.394 what suggests absence of serological cross reactivity.

  2. Prevalence of the main infectious causes of abortion in dairy cattle in Algeria

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    Derdour Salima-Yamina


    Full Text Available Introduction: Abortion in cattle is a major source of economic losses for the agriculture sector. It can be due to infectious or non-infectious factors. Among infectious factors, parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungi can be involved. The present work investigated the prevalence of the main infectious agents of abortion in Algerian cattle. Material and Methods: Altogether 278 non-aborting and 82 aborting cows were analysed. Results: The prevalence ranged from 0% for Tritrichomonas foetus to 15% for Neospora caninum. Additionally, a case-control study was performed to find the association between the presence of the pathogens and the occurrence of abortion in cows. The odds ratios were significant for Neospora caninum, bovine herpes virus 4, BVD virus, Brucella abortus, Salmonella Dublin, Leptospira interrogans serovar Hardjo, and Coxiella burnetii. Conclusions: The pathogens enumerated here could be major causes of abortion among Algerian cattle.

  3. [Outbreak of Legionnaires' disease in a restaurant in the Community of Madrid, Spain]. (United States)

    Abad Sanz, Isabel; Velasco Rodríguez, Manuel José; Marín Riaño, María Eugenia; Pérez Alonso, Jesús; Muñoz Guadalajara, María Del Carmen; Jodra Trillo, Enrique


    on June 27, 2012, 46 cases of community- acquired Legionnaires'disease were detected in the Public Health Service area 8 of the Community of Madrid. All of them had been in the same restaurant of the city of Móstoles within the incubation period of the disease. this is a descriptive study. Variables studied in the patients were: demographic data, medical history, symptoms, clinical course and diagnostic tests. For qualitative variables, frequencies and percentages were calculated. For quantitative variables, mínimum, máximum and average of values were calculated. In water samples taken on risk devices, we studied chlorine concentration, pH, temperatura and presence of Legionella. Legionella pneumophila Serogrupo 1, Subgrupo Pontiac Allentown/France was isolated from the water culture from the sand filter of the outside fountain's treatment plant; this result coincided with the strain isolated from respiratory samples of 4 patients. On the other hand, in biofilm samples obtained from the champagne bucket it was detected by PCR the presence of Legionella pneumophila whose gene sequencing was identical to that found in a respiratory sample of one patient. Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 subgroup Pontiac Allentown/France serotype 448 was isolated in water samples, and this Legionella coincided with the one isolated from respiratory samples of some patients. So, we could show the link between environmental risk factor and the disease. This link was also confirmed by genetic sequencing with PCR.

  4. De la secuencia de un genoma bacteriano a la identificación de candidatos vacunales

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    Daniel Yero Corona


    Full Text Available Cada día hay más secuencias genómicas completas de un gran número de patógenos humanos. La disponibilidad de estas secuencias ha cambiado completamente el panorama para el desarrollo de vacunas, introduciendo una nueva línea de pensamiento en este proceso. Esta metodología comienza por la secuencia genómica y mediante un análisis computacional se predicen aquellos antígenos más probables a ser candidatos vacunales. Por ejemplo, con el uso de herramientas bioinformáticas se puede hacer un pesquisaje in silico de aquellas proteínas expuestas en la superficie bacteriana, con vistas a identificar antígenos candidatos vacunales. La confirmación in vitro de estos resultados de localización celular y el uso de modelos animales para evaluar la inmunogenicidad de los candidatos acota finalmente el número de candidatos definidos por la computadora. A este proceso, aplicado por primera vez a Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo B, se le denomina vacunología inversa. La genómica también brinda información sobre la biología y la virulencia de especies patogénicas mediante la genómica comparativa. En este trabajo de revisión, describimos cómo la genómica puede ser usada en la identificación de nuevos candidatos vacunales.


    Zyeva, E V; Stoyanova, N A; Tokarevich, N K; Totolyan, Areg A


    Creation of a classification model of Leptospira spp. serovar model using ClinProTools 3.0 software and evaluation of use of MALDI-TOF MS as a method of quality control of reference strains of leptospira. 10 reference strains of Leptospira spp. were used in the study according to microscopic agglutination reaction from the collection of Pasteur RIEM. All the strains were cultivated for 10 days in Terskikh medium at 28 degrees C. Cell extracts were obtained by ethanol/formic acid method. α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid solution was used as a matrix. Mass-spectra were obtained in Microflex mass-spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics, Germany). External validation of the test-model was carried out using novel spectra of every reference strain during their repeated reseeding. Values of cross-validation and confirmatory ability of the optimal model, built on a genetic algorithm, was 99.14 and 100%, respectively. This model contained 11 biomarker peaks (m/z 2959, 3447, 3548, 3764, 3895, 5221, 5917, 6173, 6701, 7013, 8364) for serovar classification. Results of the external validation have shown a 100% correct classification in serovar classesin Sejroe, Ballum, Tarassovi; Copenhageni, Mozdoc, Grippotyphosa and Patoc, that indicates a high prognostic ability of the model in these classes. However, data from verification matrix have shown, that 50%.of the spectra from Canicola and Pomona serovars were classified as Patoc class, that could be associated with cross serological activity of Patoc serovar L. biflexa with pathogenic leptospirae. MALDI-TOF mass-spectrometry method combined with building and using the classification model could be a useful instrument for intra-laboratory control of leptospira reseeding.

  6. Verdad sublime y madre asesina en Christine V., versión de Marguerite Duras

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    Juliana González Holguín


    Full Text Available Todo relato es ficción, versión y, así mismo, verdad, bajo una u otra concepción de la misma, es decir, desde una perspectiva que se enfoca según la intención y la subjetividad de uno o más actores, de uno o más narradores. El texto de Marguerite Duras intitulado Sublime forcément sublime Christine V. involucra, por su contenido y su contexto, varias versiones que contrastan y se interrogan entre sí. La escritora se posiciona de tal manera que, a través de recursos propios del oficio literario, desentraña una verdad que puede no ajustarse a la realidad o al saber, pero que nos enfrenta a los límites de lo pulsional y lo ominoso.

  7. Genetic diversity of Leptospira in northwestern Colombia: first report of Leptospira santarosai as a recognised leptospirosis agent

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    Ronald Guillermo Peláez Sanchez

    Full Text Available The region of Antioquia in northeastern Colombia has the highest number of reported leptospirosis cases in the country. It also shows high seroprevalence indexes in the general population and socio-environmental conditions favourable for the transmission of the disease between humans and animals. In this study, 25 Leptospira isolates from Colombia’s Antioquia department were identified to the species level as L. santarosai (12, L. interrogans (9 and L. meyeri (4 using phylogenetic analysis of the Amidohydrolase gene. Typing at the serovar level was performed using multilocus sequence typing (MLST and monoclonal antibodies. The serovars Canalzonae, Babudieri, Alice, Beye, and Copenhageni have been identified as causing human or animal infections in Antioquia, Colombia. The four environmental isolates were not identified to the serovar level. L. santarosai serovar Canalzonae and Alice were identified as new etiologic agents of human leptospirosis in Antioquia, Colombia. This paper reports species and serovars that were previously unknown in the region.

  8. Detection of virulence factors and molecular typing of pathogenic Leptospira from capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris). (United States)

    Jorge, Sérgio; Monte, Leonardo G; Coimbra, Marco Antonio; Albano, Ana Paula; Hartwig, Daiane D; Lucas, Caroline; Seixas, Fabiana K; Dellagostin, Odir A; Hartleben, Cláudia P


    Leptospirosis is a globally prevalent zoonosis caused by pathogenic Leptospira spp.; several serologic variants have reservoirs in synanthropic rodents. The capybara is the largest living rodent in the world, and it has a wide geographical distribution in Central and South America. This rodent is a significant source of Leptospira since the agent is shed via urine into the environment and is a potential public health threat. In this study, we isolated and identified by molecular techniques a pathogenic Leptospira from capybara in southern Brazil. The isolated strain was characterized by partial rpoB gene sequencing and variable-number tandem-repeats analysis as L. interrogans, serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae. In addition, to confirm the expression of virulence factors, the bacterial immunoglobulin-like proteins A and B expression was detected by indirect immunofluorescence using leptospiral specific monoclonal antibodies. This report identifies capybaras as an important source of infection and provides insight into the epidemiology of leptospirosis.

  9. de "subirnos al tiempo". La economía del "don"

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    Raúl García Durán


    Full Text Available Este trabajo resume las ideas contenidas en el libro -aún inédito- De la miseria de la economía a la plenitud de la fraternidad; o la economía del "don" como alternativa al capitalismo y la economía de mercado. En él se plantean alternativas radicales al capitalismo; particularmente, se ubica al "don" como camino de pensamiento y acción. Se documentan las proposiciones teóricas y aportes de la economía política, la antropología, la historia, para construir la manera en que el don podría contribuir a una reorganización social basada en nuevos-viejos principios. Se interrogan diversas experiencias histórico-antropológicas y su prefiguración actual en un nuevo modelo ético-político-ecológico que abarca las dimensiones local y global.

  10. Asymptomatic and chronic carriage of Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) (United States)

    Since 1970, periodic outbreaks of leptospirosis, caused by pathogenic spirochetes in the genus Leptospira, have caused morbidity and mortality of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) along the Pacific coast of North America. Yearly seasonal epizootics of varying magnitude occur between the ...

  11. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of LipL32 from Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hauk, Pricila; Guzzo, Cristiane R.; Ho, Paulo L.; Farah, Chuck S.


    Recombinant selenomethionine-labelled LipL32, the major surface protein of pathogenic Leptospira, has been purified and crystallized. Data sets from two crystals were collected, one of which diffracted to 2.25 Å resolution. LipL32 is a major surface protein that is expressed during infection by pathogenic Leptospira. Here, the crystallization of recombinant LipL32 21–272 , which corresponds to the mature LipL32 protein minus its N-terminal lipid-anchored cysteine residue, is described. Selenomethionine-labelled LipL32 21–272 crystals diffracted to 2.25 Å resolution at a synchrotron source. The space group was P3 1 21 or P3 2 21 and the unit-cell parameters were a = b = 126.7, c = 96.0 Å


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    M.A. Mazón


    other two cases the title of the first sample already was > 1/1024.Although in our casuistic the incidence of pneumonia by Legionella is low, we can observe the importance of the determination of the urinary Legionella antigen as well as the delayed appearance of antibodies. The clinical importance of this single observation carried us to practice a second determination of antibodies when the suspicion of pneumonia by Legionella is high. RESUMEN.Introducción: Las especies de Legionella son bacilos gram negativos. Fueron descritas por primera vez en los 70 asociados a la enfermedad de los legionarios (EL. Casi la mitad de las 34 especies conocidas son patógenas para el hombre. Las manifestaciones clínicas de infecciones por Legionella son fundamentalmente respiratorias. La forma más común es la neumonía aguda, que varía en severidad de enfermedad suave que no requiere hospitalización a neumonía fatal.Material y Métodos: Se han estudiado y revisado los resultados correspondientes a la medición de anticuerpos frente a L. pneumophila por inmunofluorescencia indirecta, IFI (Gull Laboratories, que determina anticuerpos frente a un pool de serogrupos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 y 8. El número de resultados obtenidos por IFI, correspondientes al periodo 2000-2003, ha sido de 1249, procedentes de diferentes Servicios de nuestro Centro.La determinación de antígeno urinario de Legionella, se ha realizado, en casi todas muestras estudiadas, mediante una técnica inmunocromatográfica rápida para la detección cualitativa del antígeno serogrupo 1 de L. pneumophila (Binax NOW.Resultados y Discusión: De todas las determinaciones realizadas (1249, solo se han confirmado 12 casos de neumonía por Legionella. Posteriormente, se revisaron las historias clínicas y se observó que las edades de los casos confirmados oscilaban entre los 40 y 87 años, con un promedio de edad de 40, de los cuales 8 eran varones y 4 mujeres. Desde el punto de vista de factores de riesgo 6 eran

  13. Nivel de corte de los ELISAs para cuantificación de anticuerpos inducidos por la vacuna antimeningocócica VA-MENGOC-BC

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    Rolando Ochoa


    Full Text Available Para medir el grado de protección inducido por vacunas antimeningocócicas se ha establecido el Ensayo Bactericida en Suero (EBS y se perfeccionan otros ensayos inmunobiológicos, sin embargo, es necesario contar con pruebas sencillas como el ELISA, capaz de evaluar un gran número de muestras. Se estimó el nivel de corte de los ELISAs para la cuantificación de IgG humana contra los antígenos de VA-MENGOC-BC, vacuna antimeningocócica compuesta por vesículas proteicas de membrana externa de meningococo B y polisacárido capsular de meningococo C, con respecto a un panel de muestras de suero de lactantes, caracterizado por Ensayo Bactericida en Sangre Total (EBST. Los valores correspondientes a la máxima sensibilidad y especificidad fueron respectivamente; 2 μg/mL y 12 μg/mL para antipolisacárido C, y 1000 U/mL y 7000 U/mL para antiproteínas de membrana externa. La mayor coincidencia se obtuvo con 6 μg/mL y 2500 U/mL. Se evaluó otro panel de muestras de suero de adolescentes entre 14 y 18 años, por ELISA y EBS para Neisseria meningitidis serogrupos B y C, alcanzándose una buena concordancia. Doce años después de la inmunización con VA-MENGOC-BC persiste una importante concentración de anticuerpos contra los antígenos vacunales en los sueros estudiados.

  14. Leptospira spp. y leptospirosis humana

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    Claudia M. Romero-Vivas


    Full Text Available La leptospirosis, la enfermedad bacteriana zoonótica y emergente más importante en el mundo, es causada por las especies patógenas de Leptospira spp. Han sido descritas veinte especies de Leptospira spp.; se ha determinado la secuencia del ADN genómico de algunas cepas patógenas; la función de la mayoría de los genes involucrados en su patogénesis permanece desconocida. La leptospirosis humana presenta un rango de síntomas que van desde una fiebre indiferenciada hasta una ictericia, hemorragia, fallas renales y pulmonares severas. La administración temprana e intravenosa de penicilina G es requerida para reducir las tasas de mortalidad, pero los antibióticos pueden no ser efectivos en la enfermedad pulmonar severa. En las Américas, las áreas de alto riesgo son Brasil, Centroamérica y el Caribe. En Colombia se han realizado pocos estudios. La prueba serológica de oro, la microaglutinación, tiene alta sesibilidad y especificidad cuando se usan baterías de serovariedades locales, pero es serogrupo específica. Las vacunas generan respuestas específicas para la serovariedad usada, pero no previenen la infección o trasmisión. Problemas en el diagnóstico de laboratorio de la leptospirosis conllevan a un subregistro en el número de casos; altas tasas de mortalidad asociadas a fallas renal y pulmonar son resultado de las dificultades en el manejo de los casos.

  15. Leptopirosis in animal of animal house of Biologic Science Center of Londrina State University / Leptospirose em animais do biotério central do Centro de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina

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    Ernst Eckehardt Muller


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis has been described in laboratory animal house of several countries happening among mice. albino rats. guinea pigs, dogs, rabbits, monkeys and man. The laboratory animal house of Biologic Science Center of Londrina State University maintains and breeds several species of animals and stray dogs trapped in citíes of Paraná State. In this paper w e r e utilized for leptospirosis research, 325 wistar rats. 323 albino mice. 289 dogs, 135 rabbits. 119 guinea pigs, and 57 black rats trapped around of animal house. The microscopic agglutination test with 22 cultures of Leptospira interrogans showed positive results in 110 dogs and o n e guinea pig, having been found antibodies against serovars canicola (62, 7%, pyrogenes (51,8%, castellonis (30.9% and icterobaemorrhagiae (23,6%. The dark field microscopy examination of 574 urine samples (282 albino mice, 224 wistar rats, 29 black rats, 24 dogs, 13 rabbits and two guinea pigs showed positive resuíts in six dogs. The seven attempts of urine and kidneys isolation were negatives.A leptospirose tem sido descrita em biotérios de vários países, acometendo camundongos, ratos albinos, cobaios, cães, coelhos e macacos além do manipuladores. O Biotério Centrai do Centro de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina mantém e cria várias espécies de animais além de receber cães de rua, capturados em municípios do Estado do Paraná. Neste trabalho foram utilizados para a pesquisa de leptospirose, soros de 325 ratos wistar, 323 camundongos albinos. 289 cães de rua, 135 coelhos, 119 cobaios, além de 57 ratos pretos capturados nas proximidades do biotério. A prova de somaglutinação microscópica com 22 soroiipos de Lepiospira interrogans mostrou resultados positivos em 110 cães e um cobaio, sendo encontrado anticorpos principalmente contra os soroiipos canicola (62. 7%. pyrogenes (51.8%. castellonis (30,9% e icterohaemorrhagiae (23.6%. A pesquisa direta de leptospira em

  16. Interaction of Leptospira interrogans with Human Proteolytic Systems Enhances Dissemination through Endothelial Cells and Protease Levels (United States)

    Vieira, Monica L.; Alvarez-Flores, Miryam P.; Kirchgatter, Karin; Romero, Eliete C.; Alves, Ivy J.; de Morais, Zenaide M.; Vasconcellos, Silvio A.; Chudzinski-Tavassi, Ana M.


    We have recently reported the ability of Leptospira to capture plasminogen (PLG) and generate plasmin (PLA) bound on the microbial surface in the presence of exogenous activators. In this work, we examined the effects of leptospiral PLG binding for active penetration through the endothelial cell barrier and activation. The results indicate that leptospires with PLG association or PLA activation have enhanced migration activity through human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) monolayers compared with untreated bacteria. Leptospira cells coated with PLG were capable of stimulating the expression of PLG activators by HUVECs. Moreover, leptospires endowed with PLG or PLA promoted transcriptional upregulation matrix metalloprotease 9 (MMP-9). Serum samples from patients with confirmed leptospirosis showed higher levels of PLG activators and total MMP-9 than serum samples from normal (healthy) subjects. The highest level of PLG activators and total MMP-9 was detected with microscopic agglutination test (MAT)-negative serum samples, suggesting that this proteolytic activity stimulation occurs at the early stage of the disease. Furthermore, a gelatin zymography profile obtained for MMPs with serum samples from patients with leptospirosis appears to be specific to leptospiral infection because serum samples from patients with unrelated infectious diseases produced no similar degradation bands. Altogether, the data suggest that the Leptospira-associated PLG or PLA might represent a mechanism that contributes to bacterial penetration of endothelial cells through an activation cascade of events that enhances the proteolytic capability of the organism. To our knowledge, this is the first proteolytic activity associated with leptospiral pathogenesis described to date. PMID:23478319

  17. Serologic survey in a chamois population of Abruzzo

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    Leonardo Gentile


    Full Text Available Abstract As part of the Abruzzo National Park wildlife health management program, serum samples from 62 free-living and captive Abruzzo chamois, Rupicapra (pyrenaica ornata, were tested to estimate antibody presence to some pathogenous agents. The serum, drawn during chemical immobilisations for introductions or population study programs, were tested for: bovine herpes virus 1 (BHV-1, parainfluenza virus (PI3, pesti virus, foot and mouth disease virus (FMD type O-A-C, bovine leukemia virus (BLV, ovicaprini lentivirus, encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV, S-phase brucellae, leptospira interrogans, mycobacterium paratuberculosis, chlamydia psittaci, coxiella burnetii, rickettsia mooseri and conori and toxoplasrna gondii. Twenty-three subjects were found positive to BHV-1 (7/62, pestivirus (6/62, EMCV (8/62, leptospira (5/62 and toxoplasma (4/62. Results did not indicate any active infection but only contact with some pathogenic agents.

  18. The Leptospiral Antigen Lp49 is a Two-Domain Protein with Putative Protein Binding Function

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira Giuseppe,P.; Oliveira Neves, F.; Nascimento, A.; Gomes Guimaraes, B.


    Pathogenic Leptospira is the etiological agent of leptospirosis, a life-threatening disease that affects populations worldwide. Currently available vaccines have limited effectiveness and therapeutic interventions are complicated by the difficulty in making an early diagnosis of leptospirosis. The genome of Leptospira interrogans was recently sequenced and comparative genomic analysis contributed to the identification of surface antigens, potential candidates for development of new vaccines and serodiagnosis. Lp49 is a membrane-associated protein recognized by antibodies present in sera from early and convalescent phases of leptospirosis patients. Its crystal structure was determined by single-wavelength anomalous diffraction using selenomethionine-labelled crystals and refined at 2.0 Angstroms resolution. Lp49 is composed of two domains and belongs to the all-beta-proteins class. The N-terminal domain folds in an immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich structure, whereas the C-terminal domain presents a seven-bladed beta-propeller fold. Structural analysis of Lp49 indicates putative protein-protein binding sites, suggesting a role in Leptospira-host interaction. This is the first crystal structure of a leptospiral antigen described to date.

  19. In vivo gene expression and immunoreactivity of Leptospira collagenase. (United States)

    Janwitthayanan, Weena; Keelawat, Somboon; Payungporn, Sunchai; Lowanitchapat, Alisa; Suwancharoen, Duangjai; Poovorawan, Yong; Chirathaworn, Chintana


    Pulmonary hemorrhage is an increasing cause of death of leptospirosis patients. Bacterial collagenase has been shown to be involved in lung hemorrhage induced by various infectious agents. According to Leptospira whole genome study, colA, a gene suggested to code for bacterial collagenase has been identified. We investigated colA gene expression in lung tissues of Leptospira infected hamsters. Golden Syrian Hamsters were injected intraperitoneally with Leptospira interrogans serovar Pyrogenes. The hamsters were sacrificed on days 3, 5 and 7 post-infection and lung tissues were collected for histological examination and RNA extraction. Lung pathologies including atelectasis and hemorrhage were observed. Expression of colA gene in lung tissues was demonstrated by both RT-PCR and real time PCR. In addition, ColA protein was cloned and the purified protein could react with sera from leptospirosis patients. Leptospira ColA protein may play a role in Leptospira survival or pathogenesis in vivo. Its reaction with leptospirosis sera suggests that this protein is immunogenic and could be another candidate for vaccine development. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  20. Crystallization of FcpA from Leptospira, a novel flagellar protein that is essential for pathogenesis. (United States)

    San Martin, Fabiana; Mechaly, Ariel E; Larrieux, Nicole; Wunder, Elsio A; Ko, Albert I; Picardeau, Mathieu; Trajtenberg, Felipe; Buschiazzo, Alejandro


    The protein FcpA is a unique component of the flagellar filament of spirochete bacteria belonging to the genus Leptospira. Although it plays an essential role in translational motility and pathogenicity, no structures of FcpA homologues are currently available in the PDB. Its three-dimensional structure will unveil the novel motility mechanisms that render pathogenic Leptospira particularly efficient at invading and disseminating within their hosts, causing leptospirosis in humans and animals. FcpA from L. interrogans was purified and crystallized, but despite laborious attempts no useful X ray diffraction data could be obtained. This challenge was solved by expressing a close orthologue from the related saprophytic species L. biflexa. Three different crystal forms were obtained: a primitive and a centred monoclinic form, as well as a hexagonal variant. All forms diffracted X-rays to suitable resolutions for crystallographic analyses, with the hexagonal type typically reaching the highest limits of 2.0 Å and better. A variation of the quick-soaking procedure resulted in an iodide derivative that was instrumental for single-wavelength anomalous diffraction methods.

  1. Blood characteristics of San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes velox macrotis) at Camp Roberts Army National Guard Training Site, California

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Standley, W.G.; McCue, P.M.


    Hematology, serum chemistry, and prevalence of antibodies against selected, pathogens in a San Joaquin kit fox population (Vulpes velox macrotis) were investigated at Camp Roberts Army National Guard Training Site, California, in 1989 and 1990. Samples from 18 (10 female, 8 male) adult kit foxes were used to establish normal hematology and serum chemistry values for this population. Average values were all within the normal ranges reported for kit foxes in other locations. Three hematology parameters had significant differences between male and female values; males had higher total white blood cell and neutrophil counts, and lower lymphocyte counts. There were no significant differences between serum chemistry values from male and female foxes. Prevalence of antibodies was determined from serum samples from 47 (26 female, 21 male) adult kit foxes and eight (4 female, 4 male) juveniles. Antibodies were detected against five of the eight pathogens tested: canine parvovirus, Toxoplasma gondii Leptospira interrogans, canine distemper virus, and canine hepatitis virus. Antibodies were not detected against Brucella, canis, Coccidioides immitis, or Yersinia pestis.

  2. Neumonía aguda de la comunidad y hemorragia pulmonar por leptospirosis en el área metropolitana Buenos Aires

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    Alfredo Seijo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es comunicar los hallazgos epidemiológicos, clínicos y de diagnóstico de la neumonía y hemorragia pulmonar por leptospirosis, en el período enero 2007 a octubre 2009. Un 64% (20/31 de pacientes con diagnóstico de leptospirosis tuvieron neumonía. Quince de ellos (75% presentaron neumonía grave, de los cuales siete (35% desarrollaron hemorragia pulmonar. En diez enfermos (32% el motivo de consulta e inicio del cuadro clínico fue una gastroenteritis secretoria con fiebre y dolor abdominal. La ictericia sólo se manifestó en once pacientes (35%. La técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR fue útil para el diagnóstico en muestra obtenida post mortem. De un hemocultivo se aisló una cepa clasificada dentro del serogrupo canicola. Se clasificaron las neumonías en tres tipos: neumonías de curso no grave con escasa repercusión general; neumonías graves asociadas a formas clínicas sistémicas con ictericia, insuficiencia renal, trombocitopenia y hemorragia pulmonar; también de curso grave, no asociada a ictericia, insuficiencia renal o trombocitopenia grave. El tratamiento antibiótico iniciado en los primeros días de enfermedad (promedio 3.2 días no tuvo influencia en la evolución de las neumonías graves. Se plantea además considerar tres formas clínicas de leptospirosis: anictérica, ictérica (con sus variantes evolutivas y hemorragia pulmonar.

  3. Methylation and in vivo expression of the surface-exposed Leptospira interrogans outer membrane protein OmpL32 (United States)

    Recent studies have revealed that bacterial protein methylation is a widespread post-translational modification that is required for virulence in selected pathogenic bacteria. In particular, altered methylation of outer membrane proteins has been shown to modulate the effectiveness of the host immu...

  4. Fatal Septicemic Melioidosis in a Young Military Person Possibly Co-Infected With Leptospira Interrogans and Orientia Tsutsugamushi

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    Po-Liang Lu


    Full Text Available Concurrent melioidosis, leptospirosis, and scrub typhus after rural activities is rarely reported. A 19-year-old previously healthy man had fever onset after 2 weeks of military training. Pneumonia became evident on the fifth day of fever under intravenous penicillin and oral minocycline therapy. Acute respiratory failure developed the next day with shock and acute renal and liver function deterioration, which resulted in death. Blood cultures on the third and fifth days grew Burkholderia pseudomallei. Serology revealed leptospirosis and scrub typhus. The emergence of melioidosis in Taiwan and this death without antibiotic treatment for melioidosis alert us that B. pseudomallei should be included as a possible pathogen of pneumonia and sepsis, especially after rural activities.

  5. Leptospira interrogans en una población canina del Gran Buenos Aires: variables asociadas con la seropositividad


    Rubel Diana; Seijo Alfredo; Cernigoi Beatriz; Viale Alberto; Wisnivesky-Colli Cristina


    Se determinó la seroprevalencia de leptospirosis en una población canina suburbana con el objeto de analizar la asociación entre distintas variables individuales y ambientales y la seropositividad a leptospirosis. El estudio, de diseño transversal, se llevó a cabo durante julio de 1992 en un barrio del Gran Buenos Aires en el que viven unos 9 500 habitantes y una población canina de unos 2 000 animales. Se estudió una muestra aleatoria de 223 perros, de cada uno de los cuales se obtuvo una mu...

  6. Carriage of Leptospira interrogans among domestic rats from an urban setting highly endemic for leptospirosis in Brazil

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Faria, Marcos Tucunduva; Calderwood, Michael S.; Athanazio, Daniel A.; McBride, Alan J. A.; Hartskeerl, Rudy A.; Pereira, Martha Maria; Ko, Albert I.; Reis, Mitermayer G.


    A survey was conducted to identify reservoirs for urban leptospirosis in the city of Salvador, Brazil. Sampling protocols were performed in the vicinity of households of severe leptospirosis cases identified during active hospital-based surveillance. Among a total of 142 captured Rattus norvegicus

  7. Molecular analysis of Leptospira spp. isolated from humans by restriction fragment length polymorphism, real-time PCR and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. (United States)

    Turk, Nenad; Milas, Zoran; Mojcec, Vesna; Ruzic-Sabljic, Eva; Staresina, Vilim; Stritof, Zrinka; Habus, Josipa; Postic, Daniele


    A total of 17 Leptospira clinical strains isolated from humans in Croatia were serologically and genetically analysed. For serovar identification, the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were used. To identify isolates on genomic species level, PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and real-time PCR were performed. MAT revealed the following serogroup affinities: Grippotyphosa (seven isolates), Icterohaemorrhagiae (eight isolates) and Javanica (two isolates). RFLP of PCR products from a 331-bp-long fragment of rrs (16S rRNA gene) digested with endonucleases MnlI and DdeI and real-time PCR revealed three Leptospira genomic species. Grippotyphosa isolates belonged to Leptospira kirschneri, Icterohaemorrhagiae isolates to Leptospira interrogans and Javanica isolates to Leptospira borgpetersenii. Genomic DNA from 17 leptospiral isolates was digested with NotI and SgrAI restriction enzymes and analysed by PFGE. Results showed that seven isolates have the same binding pattern to serovar Grippotyphosa, eight isolates to serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae and two isolates to serovar Poi. Results demonstrate the diversity of leptospires circulating in Croatia. We point out the usefulness of a combination of PFGE, RFLP and real-time PCR as appropriate molecular methods in molecular analysis of leptospires.

  8. Leptospiral outer membrane protein LipL41 is not essential for acute leptospirosis but requires a small chaperone protein, lep, for stable expression. (United States)

    King, Amy M; Bartpho, Thanatchaporn; Sermswan, Rasana W; Bulach, Dieter M; Eshghi, Azad; Picardeau, Mathieu; Adler, Ben; Murray, Gerald L


    Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by pathogenic Leptospira spp., but knowledge of leptospiral pathogenesis remains limited. However, the development of mutagenesis systems has allowed the investigation of putative virulence factors and their involvement in leptospirosis. LipL41 is the third most abundant lipoprotein found in the outer membranes of pathogenic leptospires and has been considered a putative virulence factor. LipL41 is encoded on the large chromosome 28 bp upstream of a small open reading frame encoding a hypothetical protein of unknown function. This gene was named lep, for LipL41 expression partner. In this study, lipL41 was found to be cotranscribed with lep. Two transposon mutants were characterized: a lipL41 mutant and a lep mutant. In the lep mutant, LipL41 protein levels were reduced by approximately 90%. Lep was shown through cross-linking and coexpression experiments to bind to LipL41. Lep is proposed to be a molecular chaperone essential for the stable expression of LipL41. The roles of LipL41 and Lep in the pathogenesis of Leptospira interrogans were investigated; surprisingly, neither of these two unique proteins was essential for acute leptospirosis.

  9. Expanding the genetic toolbox for Leptospira species by generation of fluorescent bacteria. (United States)

    Aviat, Florence; Slamti, Leyla; Cerqueira, Gustavo M; Lourdault, Kristel; Picardeau, Mathieu


    Our knowledge of the genetics and molecular basis of the pathogenesis associated with Leptospira, in comparison to those of other bacterial species, is very limited. An improved understanding of pathogenic mechanisms requires reliable genetic tools for functional genetic analysis. Here, we report the expression of gfp and mRFP1 genes under the control of constitutive spirochetal promoters in both saprophytic and pathogenic Leptospira strains. We were able to reliably measure the fluorescence of Leptospira by fluorescence microscopy and a fluorometric microplate reader-based assay. We showed that the expression of the gfp gene had no significant effects on growth in vivo and pathogenicity in L. interrogans. We constructed an expression vector for L. biflexa that contains the lacI repressor, an inducible lac promoter, and gfp as the reporter, demonstrating that the lac system is functional in Leptospira. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression was induced by the addition of isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) in L. biflexa transformants harboring the expression vector. Finally, we showed that GFP can be used as a reporter to assess promoter activity in different environmental conditions. These results may facilitate further advances for studying the genetics of Leptospira spp.

  10. Clases de costura, tejidos y puntadas

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    Carol Dayana Sosa Quintero


    Full Text Available Este artículo da cuenta de los ejercicios pedagógicos que en una perspec- tiva epistemológica construccionista han sido planteados desde la unidad de Humanidades y Formación Integral de la Universidad Santo Tomás, Villavicencio, tejiendo narrativas entre estudiantes, docentes y ciudadanos. Construidos en lenguaje simbólico-narrativo, facilitan una hermenéutica pe- dagógica orientada a la comprensión de cuentos, relatos y narraciones, que a su vez interrogan y trasforman la realidad de los participantes. Se desarrolla en parques, plazas, iglesias, barrios, avenidas y monumentos, espacios abiertos a diferentes formas creativas y lúdicas, en las que cobra sentido la recolección de los saberes ancestrales, experiencias de vida y fábulas urbanas, que hacen del caminar del estudiante universitario un costurero único, apasionante y formativo, y proporcionan herramientas para que los estudiantes se apasionen por otros textos, otras lecturas, incluido el diálogo con las comunidades, cuyas experiencias y sueños apoyan esta reflexión pedagógica, invitándolos a comunicarse y releer su mundo desde diversas perspectivas epistemológicas. 

  11. Desbordes. Vida, política y estéticas del exceso en Osvaldo Lamborghini y Diamela Eltit

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    María Cecilia Sánchez Idiart


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone analizar los modos como dos ficciones latinoamericanas contemporáneas, Sebregondi retrocede (1973 de Osvaldo Lamborghini e Impuesto a la carne (2010 de Diamela Eltit, problematizan las relaciones entre los saberes sobre los cuerpos y las políticas de gobierno de la vida. En la postulación de un lenguaje que desborda la normatividad del biopoder, estas ficciones interrogan los dispositivos de producción de cuerpos y subjetividades, a la vez que configuran una estética del exceso que reinventa la materialidad de lo viviente a partir de la potencia afectiva de la carne. This article aims to analyze the modes in which two contemporary Latin American fictions, Sebregondi retrocede (1973 by Osvaldo Lamborghini and Impuesto a la carne (2010 by Diamela Eltit, problematize the relationships between knowledge about bodies and politics of government of life. From a language that overflows the normativity of biopower, these fictions interrogate the technologies of production of bodies and subjectivities, at the same time that they configure an aesthetics of excess that reinvents the materiality of the living through the affective potency of the flesh.

  12. Clases de costura, tejidos y puntadas. Perspectivas en Humanidades, Formación Integral y Proyección Social

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    Claudia Patricia Mejía Sánchez


    Full Text Available Este artículo da cuenta de los ejercicios pedagógicos que en una perspectiva epistemológica construccionista han sido planteados desde la unidad de Humanidades y Formación Integral de la Universidad Santo Tomás, Villavicencio, tejiendo narrativas entre estudiantes, docentes y ciudadanos. Construidos en lenguaje simbólico-narrativo, facilitan una hermenéutica pedagógica orientada a la comprensión de cuentos, relatos y narraciones, que a su vez interrogan y trasforman la realidad de los participantes. Se desarrolla en parques, plazas, iglesias, barrios, avenidas y monumentos, espacios abiertos a diferentes formas creativas y lúdicas, en las que cobra sentido la recolección de los saberes ancestrales, experiencias de vida y fábulas urbanas, que hacen del caminar del estudiante universitario un costurero único, apasionante y formativo, y proporcionan herramientas para que los estudiantes se apasionen por otros textos, otras lecturas, incluido el diálogo con las comunidades, cuyas experiencias y sueños apoyan esta reflexión pedagógica, invitándolos a comunicarse y releer su mundo desde diversas perspectivas epistemológicas.

  13. Preparación y caracterización de un Material de Referencia de Trabajo de Acetil Colina para determinar Grupos Oacetilo en polisacáridos vacunales

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    Nuris Iglesias


    Full Text Available El control de la calidad de los polisacáridos vacunales exige la evaluación del contenido de grupos O-acetilo, que conjuntamente con otros índices, proporciona criterios de la integridad molecular importantes para su inmunogenicidad, como en el caso del polisacárido Vi de Salmonella typhi. El método comúnmente empleado es colorimétrico y requiere de un material de referencia de cloruro de acetil colina para preparar la curva de calibración contra la que se comparan las muestras en estudio. Generalmente, se adquiere el reactivo comercial (sólido y de éste se prepara la solución de referencia. Esto genera imprecisiones por errores de pesada, características higroscópicas del reactivo, temperatura y tiempo de conservación, entre otras, que influyen en la estimación del contenido de O-acetilo de las muestras. En este trabajo se describe la preparación y caracterización de un Material de Referencia de Trabajo (MRT de Acetil Colina, liofilizado, para ser empleado en los laboratorios del Instituto Finlay involucrados en el control de la calidad de los polisacáridos purificados de Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo C y Salmonella typhi. Para su caracterización se empleó como referencia el producto de SIGMA. Los parámetros evaluados fueron: linealidad (r2 ≥ 0,99, precisión intermedia (CV=2,63%, reproducibilidad (CV=2,73%, exactitud (recuperación: 96% y estabilidad (10 meses hasta el momento actual. Los resultados obtenidos en la evaluación de este MRT demostraron que es adecuado para el ensayo. Esto ha sido corroborado durante más de 10 meses de uso en la rutina del laboratorio.

  14. Brotes de leptospirosis humana en la provincia de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba Human leptospirosis outbreak in the district of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba

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    Miguel Suárez Hernández


    Full Text Available Se analizan los brotes de leptospirosis ocurridos en la provincia de Ciego de Ávila en el periodo de 1980 a 1995. En la etapa se notifican 40 brotes. Las actividades principales vinculadas a los mismos fueron la atención al cultivo de la caña de azúcar, al cultivo del plátano, el baño en río y las inundaciones. Se nota un incremento de brotes a partir del mes de junio. En los meses de octubre y noviembre se reportan las mayores incidencias. Los grupos de edades que más casos aportaron fueron de 10-14 años, 15-19 años y 30-34 años. El sexo más afectado fue el masculino. Los grupos más afectados fueron los estudiantes, pobladores urbanos y trabajadores agrícolas cañeros. De los 40 brotes, 21 fueron confirmados por medio de la prueba de microaglutinación y 19 por la prueba hemolitica, siendo los serogrupos más frecuentes Pomona y Australis.Forty leptospirosis outbreaks occurred in Ciego de Avila province from 1980 to 1995. The main events involved in the outbreaks were floods, bathing in rivers and activities related to sugar cane and banana cultivation. The number of cases increased after June, with higher incidences reported in October and November. The most affected age groups were 10-14 years, 15-19 years and 30-34 years. Men were more affected than women. Students, people residing in the urban zone and farmers were the most affected groups. A total of 21 outbreaks out of 40 were confirmed by the microagglutination test and the remaining 19 by the hemolytic test. Pomona and Australis were the serogroups most frequently detected by microagglutination.

  15. Caracterización proteómica de vesículas de membrana externa extraídas de Shigella sonnei

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    María de los A Padrón-Collaz


    Full Text Available Las vacunas compuestas por vesículas de membrana externa (VMEs previenen de manera exitosa la enfermedad meningocócica del serogrupo B. Esta plataforma tecnológica de obtención puede ser aplicada para otros patógenos bacterianos Gram negativos. Una vacuna de VMEs desarrollada contra Shigella sonnei fue obtenida a través de una extracción de componentes celulares y su caracterización por electroforesis en geles de poliacrilamida unidimensional (1D. Se estudiaron las mejores condiciones de solubilización de las muestras, separación electroforética e identificación a través de espectrometría de masas acoplada a cromatografía de alta presión después del corte de las bandas y su tratamiento enzimático con tripsina. En esta etapa se identificaron un total de 57 proteínas en 23 bandas (2,5 proteínas por banda escindida, 47 de las proteínas no repetidas. Las proteínas inmunogénicas presentes en VMEs de S. sonnei fueron cuantificadas en cuanto a masa molecular por 1D-Western blotting en membranas de nitrocelulosa con anticuerpos obtenidos a partir de ratones inmunizados con las VMEs. Como que las bandas electroforéticas 1D contenían más de una proteína, se estudiaron las mejores condiciones de separación por el método de electroforesis bidimensional (2D para el establecimiento del mapa proteico; tal que el incremento del tamaño de las tiras, el tiempo de focalización y la aplicación catódica garantizaron la mayor resolución.

  16. Síndrome urémico hemolítico en Uruguay. Aspectos microbiológicos y clínicos, aportes para su conocimiento regional

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    Gustavo Varela


    Full Text Available Introducción: El síndrome urémico hemolítico (SUH es una enfermedad de severidad variable que afecta sobre todo a niños menores de 5 años. Está definido por la tríada anemia hemolítica microangiopática, trombocitopenia e insuficiencia renal aguda. La mayoría de los casos aparecen luego de un episodio de diarrea aguda, causado por cepas de Escherichia coli productoras de toxina Shiga (STEC. Objetivo: Establecer las características de las cepas STEC recuperadas de niños con SUH, e informar sobre algunos aspectos clínicos y características epidemiológicas de estos casos. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo que incluyó niños con SUH. La detección de las cepas STEC se realizó por PCR a partir de cultivos de materias fecales. En cada cepa se estableció el genotipo, serotipo y perfil de susceptibilidad a los antibióticos. Resultados: Se estudiaron 43 niños con SUH. Los casos ocurrieron predominantemente en los meses cálidos, afectando niños provenientes de hogares ubicados fuera de la capital y con cobertura privada de salud. La mayoría presentaban el antecedente de diarrea con sangre y 70% habían recibido antibióticos antes de obtener las muestras. En 7 niños se recuperaron 8 cepas STEC; 7 correspondieron a serogrupos no-O157. Todas portaban los genes eae y ehxA. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los casos ocurren en meses cálidos, en niños que cursaron diarrea con sangre, provenientes de hogares ubicados fuera de la ciudad capital. Los cultivos STEC no-O157 fueron los más prevalentes.

  17. Lsa30, a novel adhesin of Leptospira interrogans binds human plasminogen and the complement regulator C4bp. (United States)

    Souza, Natalie M; Vieira, Monica L; Alves, Ivy J; de Morais, Zenaide M; Vasconcellos, Silvio A; Nascimento, Ana L T O


    Pathogenic Leptospira is the etiological agent of leptospirosis, a life-threatening disease that affects populations worldwide. Surface proteins have the potential to promote several activities, including adhesion. This work aimed to study the leptospiral coding sequence (CDS) LIC11087, genome annotated as hypothetical outer membrane protein. The LIC11087 gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) strain by using the expression vector pAE. The recombinant protein tagged with N-terminal 6XHis was purified by metal-charged chromatography and characterized by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The recombinant protein has the ability to mediate attachment to the extracellular matrix (ECM) components, laminin and plasma fibronectin, and was named Lsa30 (Leptospiral surface adhesin of 30 kDa). Lsa30 binds to laminin and to plasma fibronectin in a dose-dependent and saturable manner, with dissociation equilibrium constants (K(D)) of 292 ± 24 nm and 157 ± 35 nm, respectively. Moreover, the Lsa30 is a plasminogen (PLG) receptor, capable of generating plasmin, in the presence of activator. This protein may interfere with the complement cascade by interacting with C4bp regulator. The Lsa30 is probably a new surface protein of Leptospira as revealed by immunofluorescence assays with living organisms and the reactivity with antibodies present in serum samples of experimentally infected hamsters. Thus, Lsa30 is a novel versatile protein that may play a role in mediating adhesion and may help pathogenic Leptospira to overcome tissue barriers and to escape the immune system. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Bid-Induced Release of AIF/EndoG from Mitochondria Causes Apoptosis of Macrophages during Infection with Leptospira interrogans

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    Wei-Lin Hu


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a global zoonotic infectious disease caused by pathogenic Leptospira species. Leptospire-induced macrophage apoptosis through the Fas/FasL-caspase-8/3 pathway plays an important role in the survival and proliferation of the pathogen in hosts. Although, the release of mitochondrial apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF and endonuclease G (EndoG in leptospire-infected macrophages has been described, the mechanisms linking caspase and mitochondrion-related host-cell apoptosis has not been determined. Here, we demonstrated that leptospire-infection induced apoptosis through mitochondrial damages in macrophages. Apoptosis was caused by the mitochondrial release and nuclear translocation of AIF and/or EndoG, leading to nuclear DNA fragmentation. However, the mitochondrion-related CytC-caspase-9/3 pathway was not activated. Next, we found that the release and translocation of AIF and/or EndoG was preceded by the activation of the BH3-interacting domain death agonist (Bid. Furthermore, our data demonstrated that caspase-8 was activated during the infection and caused the activation of Bid. Meanwhile, high reactive oxygen species (ROS trigged by the infection caused the dephosphorylation of Akt, which also activated Bid. In conclusion, Bid-mediated mitochondrial release of AIF and/or EndoG followed by nuclear translocation is a major mechanism of leptospire- induced apoptosis in macrophages, and this process is modulated by both caspase-8 and ROS-Akt signal pathways.

  19. LipL32 Is a Subsurface Lipoprotein of Leptospira interrogans: presentation of new data and reevaluation of previous studies.

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    Marija Pinne

    Full Text Available The agents of leptospirosis, a zoonosis with worldwide distribution, are pathogenic spirochetes belonging to the genus Leptospira. The leptospiral life cycle involves transmission via fresh water and colonization of the renal tubules of their reservoir hosts. Infection of accidental hosts, including humans, may result in life-threatening sequelae. Bacterial outer membrane proteins (OMPs, particularly those with surface-exposed regions, play crucial roles in pathogen virulence mechanisms and adaptation to environmental conditions, including those found in the mammalian host. Therefore, elucidation and characterization of the surface-exposed OMPs of Leptospira spp. is of great interest in the leptospirosis field. A thorough, multi-pronged approach for assessing surface exposure of leptospiral OMPs is essential. Herein, we present evidence for a sub-surface location for most or all of the major leptospiral lipoprotein, LipL32, based on surface immunofluorescence utilizing three different types of antibodies and four different permeabilization methods, as well as surface proteolysis of intact and lysed leptospires. We reevaluate prior evidence presented in support of LipL32 surface-exposure and present a novel perspective on a protein whose location has been misleading researchers, due in large part to its extraordinary abundance in leptospiral cells.


    Lysytsya, A V; Mandygra, Y M; Bojko, O P; Romanishyna, O O; Mandygra, M S


    Factors identified that affect the sensitivity of microorganisms to polyhexamethyleneguanidine (PHMG). Salts of PHMG chloride, valerate, maleate, succinate was to use. Test strains of Esherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Leptospira interrogans, Paenibacillus larvae, Mycobacterium bovis, M. avium, M. fortuitum, Aspergillus niger and some strains of viruses are taken as objects of research. We have determined that the cytoplasm membrane phospholipids is main "target" for the polycation molecules of PHMG. A differential sensitivity of the microorganisms to this drug is primarily determined by relative amount of lipids in membrane and their accessibility. Such trends exist: increase the relative contents of anionic lipids and more negative surface electric potential of membrane, and reduction of the sizes fat acid remainder of lipids bring to increase of microorganism sensitivity. Types of anion salt PHMG just have a certain value. Biocide activity of PHMG chloride is more, than its salts with organic acid. Feasibility of combining PHMG with other biocides in the multicomponent disinfectants studied and analyzed. This combination does not lead to a significant increase in the sensitivity of microorganisms tested in most cases. Most species of pathogenic bacteria can be quickly neutralized by aqueous solutions of PHMG in less than 1% concentrations.

  1. Characterization of Leptospira isolates from humans and the environment in Uruguay. (United States)

    Meny, Paulina; Menéndez, Clara; Quintero, Jair; Hernández, Elba; Ríos, Cristina; Balassiano, Ilana Teruszkin; Trindade, Camilla Nunes Dos Reis; Vital-Brazil, Juliana Magalhães; Ramos, Tatiane Mendes Varela; Ashfield, Natalia; Feble, Camila; Avila, Esthefani; Schelotto, Felipe; Varela, Gustavo


    Laboratory diagnosis of human leptospirosis usually relies on indirect methods exploring specific immune response. Isolation and identification of the involved strains are cumbersome, but can provide biological resources for pathogenic studies and relevant information for guiding prevention and control measures. The aim of the research we are hereby reporting was the characterization of Leptospira isolates obtained from humans and the environment in Uruguay. Blood cultures were performed from early samples of 302 Uruguayan patients, mainly rural workers, and from 36 water samples taken from their living or working environments. Eight human isolates and seven environmental isolates were obtained and analyzed by end point Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Multilocus Variable Number of Tandem Repeat Analysis (MLVA) and other molecular methods. Human isolates corresponded to several serogroups and serovars of Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira kirschneri species, probably reflecting the infection with similar involved Leptospira species and serovars of an extended animal reservoir in rural settings of the country, mostly dedicated to meat and dairy production. Culture-positive patients were older than usually affected workers, and presented signs and symptoms of severe illness. A high organic and circulating bacterial burden may explain an easier positive result from these workers' samples. Environmental isolates were mainly identified as Leptospira biflexa strains, with a single L. meyeri isolate of uncertain significance.

  2. A novel flagellar sheath protein, FcpA, determines filament coiling, translational motility and virulence for the Leptospira spirochete. (United States)

    Wunder, Elsio A; Figueira, Cláudio P; Benaroudj, Nadia; Hu, Bo; Tong, Brian A; Trajtenberg, Felipe; Liu, Jun; Reis, Mitermayer G; Charon, Nyles W; Buschiazzo, Alejandro; Picardeau, Mathieu; Ko, Albert I


    Leptospira are unique among bacteria based on their helical cell morphology with hook-shaped ends and the presence of periplasmic flagella (PF) with pronounced spontaneous supercoiling. The factors that provoke such supercoiling, as well as the role that PF coiling plays in generating the characteristic hook-end cell morphology and motility, have not been elucidated. We have now identified an abundant protein from the pathogen L. interrogans, exposed on the PF surface, and named it Flagellar-coiling protein A (FcpA). The gene encoding FcpA is highly conserved among Leptospira and was not found in other bacteria. fcpA(-) mutants, obtained from clinical isolates or by allelic exchange, had relatively straight, smaller-diameter PF, and were not able to produce translational motility. These mutants lost their ability to cause disease in the standard hamster model of leptospirosis. Complementation of fcpA restored the wild-type morphology, motility and virulence phenotypes. In summary, we identified a novel Leptospira 36-kDa protein, the main component of the spirochete's PF sheath, and a key determinant of the flagella's coiled structure. FcpA is essential for bacterial translational motility and to enable the spirochete to penetrate the host, traverse tissue barriers, disseminate to cause systemic infection and reach target organs. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Association between Opisthorchis viverrini and Leptospira spp. infection in endemic Northeast Thailand. (United States)

    Van, Chinh Dang; Doungchawee, Galayanee; Suttiprapa, Sutas; Arimatsu, Yuji; Kaewkes, Sasithorn; Sripa, Banchob


    Opisthorchiasis caused by Opisthorchis viverrini is an important foodborne trematodiasis in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. Interestingly, the opisthorchiasis endemic region overlaps with an area of leptospirosis emergence. Here we report an association between opisthorchiasis and leptospirosis in Thailand. Of 280 sera collected from villagers living around the Lawa wetland complex in Khon Kaen province, 199 (71%) were seropositive for leptospirosis by immunochromatography. Individuals with O. viverrini infection had a significantly higher rate of leptospirosis than those without (P=0.001). Significant higher leptospirosis prevalence was found in males than females (P=0.002). However, females but not males with O. viverrini infection showed a significantly higher seroprevalence of leptospirosis. Twenty-one of 35 environmental samples from the lake (water, mud and fish skin mucus) were positive for Leptospira spp. DNA sequencing, sequence alignment, and phylogenetic analysis of some positive nested PCR products revealed both pathogenic and intermediate pathogenic strains of Leptospira in the samples. Strikingly, O. viverrini metacercariae from the fish were positive for L. interrogans. These results suggest a close association between opisthorchiasis and leptospirosis. Contact with water, mud or eating raw fish harboring liver fluke metacercariae may be risk factors for Leptospira infection. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. The Characteristics of Ubiquitous and Unique Leptospira Strains from the Collection of Russian Centre for Leptospirosis (United States)

    Voronina, Olga L.; Kunda, Marina S.; Aksenova, Ekaterina I.; Ryzhova, Natalia N.; Semenov, Andrey N.; Petrov, Evgeny M.; Didenko, Lubov V.; Lunin, Vladimir G.; Ananyina, Yuliya V.; Gintsburg, Alexandr L.


    Background and Aim. Leptospira, the causal agent of leptospirosis, has been isolated from the environment, patients, and wide spectrum of animals in Russia. However, the genetic diversity of Leptospira in natural and anthropurgic foci was not clearly defined. Methods. The recent MLST scheme was used for the analysis of seven pathogenic species. 454 pyrosequencing technology was the base of the whole genome sequencing (WGS). Results. The most wide spread and prevalent Leptospira species in Russia were L. interrogans, L. kirschneri, and L. borgpetersenii. Five STs, common for Russian strains: 37, 17, 199, 110, and 146, were identified as having a longtime and ubiquitous distribution in various geographic areas. Unexpected properties were revealed for the environmental Leptospira strain Bairam-Ali. WGS of this strain genome suggested that it combined the features of the pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains and may be a reservoir of the natural resistance genes. Results of the comparative analysis of rrs and rpoB genes and MLST loci for different Leptospira species strains and phenotypic and serological properties of the strain Bairam-Ali suggested that it represented separate Leptospira species. Conclusions. Thus, the natural and anthropurgic foci supported ubiquitous Leptospira species and the pool of genes important for bacterial adaptivity to various conditions. PMID:25276806


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    Esti Rahardianingtyas.


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a disease caused by bacterial infection leptospira interrogans.Leptospira bacteria is a spiral bacterium with solid strands with two flagella periplasmik.Septicaemic phase patient samples taken from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, whereassamples taken at phase immune extracted from urine. The diagnosis of leptospirosis occurdirectly or indirectly. Diagnosis is done by directly isolate and identify the causative agents ofthe agent. Diagnosis is done indirectly by detecting specific antibodies from the patient's body.Gold Standard of the diagnosis of leptospirosis is MAT. Mat made by reacting antibodies toleptospira antigen. Positive results seen with clump formed.Key words: Leptospirosis, Leptospirosis Diagnostic, MAT (Microscopic Agglutination Test Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan karena infeksi bakteri leptospirainterrogans. Bakteri leptospira merupakan bakteri spiral dengan untaian yang padat dengan duaflagella periplasmik. Sampel pasien pada fase septicaemic diambil dari darah dan cairanserebrospinal, sedangkan sampel yang diambil pada fase immune diambil dari urine. Diagnosisleptospirosis dilakukan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Diagnosis secara langsungdilakukan dengan cara mengisolasi agen penyebab dan mengidentifikasi agen tersebut. Diagnosissecara tidak langsung dilakukan dengan cara mendeteksi antibodi spesiflk dari dalam tubuhpasien. Gold Standart dari diagnosis leptospirosis adalah MAT. Mat dilakukan dengan caramereaksikan antibodi dengan antigen leptospira. Hasil positif dilihat dengan terbentuk gumpalanagglutinasiKata kunci: Leptospirosis, Leptospira, Leptospirosis Diagnosis.

  6. Solution structure of leptospiral LigA4 Big domain

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mei, Song; Zhang, Jiahai [Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026 (China); Zhang, Xuecheng [School of Life Sciences, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui 230039 (China); Tu, Xiaoming, E-mail: [Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026 (China)


    Pathogenic Leptospiraspecies express immunoglobulin-like proteins which serve as adhesins to bind to the extracellular matrices of host cells. Leptospiral immunoglobulin-like protein A (LigA), a surface exposed protein containing tandem repeats of bacterial immunoglobulin-like (Big) domains, has been proved to be involved in the interaction of pathogenic Leptospira with mammalian host. In this study, the solution structure of the fourth Big domain of LigA (LigA4 Big domain) from Leptospira interrogans was solved by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The structure of LigA4 Big domain displays a similar bacterial immunoglobulin-like fold compared with other Big domains, implying some common structural aspects of Big domain family. On the other hand, it displays some structural characteristics significantly different from classic Ig-like domain. Furthermore, Stains-all assay and NMR chemical shift perturbation revealed the Ca{sup 2+} binding property of LigA4 Big domain. - Highlights: • Determining the solution structure of a bacterial immunoglobulin-like domain from a surface protein of Leptospira. • The solution structure shows some structural characteristics significantly different from the classic Ig-like domains. • A potential Ca{sup 2+}-binding site was identified by strains-all and NMR chemical shift perturbation.

  7. Evidence for Wild Crocodiles as a Risk for Human Leptospirosis, Mexico. (United States)

    Pérez-Flores, Jonathan; Charruau, Pierre; Cedeño-Vázquez, Rogelio; Atilano, Daniel


    Sentinel species such as crocodilians are used to monitor the health of ecosystems. However, few studies have documented the presence of zoonotic diseases in wild populations of these reptiles. Herein we analyzed 48 serum samples from Crocodylus acutus (n = 34) and C. moreletii (n = 14) from different sites in the state of Quintana Roo (Mexico) to detect antibodies to Leptospira interrogans by means of a microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Crocodylus acutus and C. moreletii tested positive to 11 and 9 serovars, respectively, with Grippotyphosa being the serovar with the highest prevalence in Cozumel island (100%), Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve (70.6%), and Río Hondo (100%), while in Chichankanab Lake, it was Bratislava (75%). Titers ranged from 1:50 to 1:3200, and the most frequent was 1:50 in all study sites. Leptospira is present in fresh and saltwater individuals due to the resistance of the bacterium in both environments. Cases of infected people involved with crocodile handling and egg collection suggest that these reptiles could play an important role in the transmission of leptospirosis. Preventive medicine programs should consider the monitoring of reptiles, and testing the soil and water, to prevent outbreaks of leptospirosis in facilities containing crocodiles.

  8. Solution structure of leptospiral LigA4 Big domain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mei, Song; Zhang, Jiahai; Zhang, Xuecheng; Tu, Xiaoming


    Pathogenic Leptospiraspecies express immunoglobulin-like proteins which serve as adhesins to bind to the extracellular matrices of host cells. Leptospiral immunoglobulin-like protein A (LigA), a surface exposed protein containing tandem repeats of bacterial immunoglobulin-like (Big) domains, has been proved to be involved in the interaction of pathogenic Leptospira with mammalian host. In this study, the solution structure of the fourth Big domain of LigA (LigA4 Big domain) from Leptospira interrogans was solved by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The structure of LigA4 Big domain displays a similar bacterial immunoglobulin-like fold compared with other Big domains, implying some common structural aspects of Big domain family. On the other hand, it displays some structural characteristics significantly different from classic Ig-like domain. Furthermore, Stains-all assay and NMR chemical shift perturbation revealed the Ca"2"+ binding property of LigA4 Big domain. - Highlights: • Determining the solution structure of a bacterial immunoglobulin-like domain from a surface protein of Leptospira. • The solution structure shows some structural characteristics significantly different from the classic Ig-like domains. • A potential Ca"2"+-binding site was identified by strains-all and NMR chemical shift perturbation.

  9. Gene expression profiles of immune mediators and histopathological findings in animal models of leptospirosis: comparison between susceptible hamsters and resistant mice. (United States)

    Matsui, Mariko; Rouleau, Vincent; Bruyère-Ostells, Lilian; Goarant, Cyrille


    Leptospirosis is a widespread zoonosis characterized by multiple organ failure and variable host susceptibility toward pathogenic Leptospira strains. In this study, we put the role of inflammatory mediators in parallel with bacterial burdens and organ lesions by comparing a susceptible animal model, the hamster, and a resistant one, the Oncins France 1 (OF1) mouse, both infected with virulent Leptospira interrogans serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae strain Verdun. Histological observations evidenced edema, congestion, hemorrhage, and inflammatory infiltration in the organs of hamsters, in contrast to limited changes in mice. Using reverse transcription-quantitative PCR techniques, we showed that the relative Leptospira burden progressively increased in hamster tissues, while a rapid clearance was observed in mouse tissues. The early regulation of the proinflammatory mediators interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and cyclo-oxygenase-2 and the chemokines gamma interferon-inducible protein 10 kDa/CXCL10 and macrophage inflammatory protein-1α/CCL3 in mouse tissues contrasted with their delayed and massive overexpression in hamster tissues. Conversely, the induction of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 was faster in the resistant than in the susceptible animal model. The role of these cytokines in the pathophysiology of leptospirosis and the implications of their differential regulation in the development of this disease are discussed.

  10. Molecular modeling and in-silico engineering of Cardamom mosaic virus coat protein for the presentation of immunogenic epitopes of Leptospira LipL32. (United States)

    Kumar, Vikram; Damodharan, S; Pandaranayaka, Eswari P J; Madathiparambil, Madanan G; Tennyson, Jebasingh


    Expression of Cardamom mosaic virus (CdMV) coat protein (CP) in E. coli forms virus-like particles. In this study, the structure of CdMV CP was predicted and used as a platform to display epitopes of the most abundant surface-associated protein, LipL32 of Leptospira at C, N, and both the termini of CdMV CP. In silico, we have mapped sequential and conformational B-cell epitopes from the crystal structure of LipL32 of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni str. Fiocruz L1-130 using IEDB Elipro, ABCpred, BCPRED, and VaxiJen servers. Our results show that the epitopes displayed at the N-terminus of CdMV CP are promising vaccine candidates as compared to those displayed at the C-terminus or at both the termini. LipL32 epitopes, EP2, EP3, EP4, and EP6 are found to be promising B-cell epitopes for vaccine development. Based on the type of amino acids, length, surface accessibility, and docking energy with CdMV CP model, the order of antigenicity of the LipL32 epitopes was found to be EP4 > EP3 > EP2 > EP6.

  11. Enfermedad por meningococo, Neisseria meningitidis: perspectiva epidemiológica, clínica y preventiva Meningococcal disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis: epidemiological, clinical, and preventive perspectives

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    Lourdes Almeida-González


    Full Text Available La meningitis bacteriana continúa siendo uno de los grandes problemas de la salud pública mundial. En particular, la infección por Neisseria meningitidis afecta tanto a países desarrollados como subdesarrollados, y se presenta en formas endémicas y epidémicas. La enfermedad meningocóccica se puede manifestar clínicamente no sólo como meningitis, sino con cuadros fulminantes de meningococcemia. La persistencia de N. meningitidis se debe al gran porcentaje de portadores y a la dinámica de transmisión de la bacteria. Aproximadamente 500 millones de personas en el mundo son portadoras de N. meningitidis en la nasofaringe. Los factores de transmisiblidad identificados han sido el tabaquismo activo o pasivo, la presencia de infecciones virales del tracto respiratorio superior, épocas de sequía, y el hacinamiento. Por lo anterior, se han descrito brotes de enfermedad meningocóccica en cuarteles militares, escuelas, cárceles y dormitorios. Algunos determinantes que permiten la invasión sistémica incluyen daños en la mucosa nasofaríngea de portadores, cepas virulentas con formación de cápsula, ausencia de anticuerpos bactericidas y deficiencias del sistema del complemento. El control de la enfermedad meningocóccica en circunstancias endémicas y epidémicas se logra por el tratamiento de casos con antibióticos adecuados (penicilina, ceftriaxona o cloranfenicol, la quimioprofilaxis de contactos cercanos (ciprofloxacina, rifampicina o ceftriaxona, y la vigilancia clínica de éstos. Sin embargo, es fundamental subrayar que la clave para el control efectivo de la enfermedad meningocóccica es la inmunoprofilaxis. Las vacunas disponibles incluyen las de polisacáridos monovalentes o bivalentes (serogrupos A y C, tetravalentes (A, C, Y, W-135, la conjugada (C o la combinada de proteínas de membrana celular y polisacárido (B y C. Recientemente nos hemos visto forzados a establecer planes nacionales de respuesta que incluyen la

  12. LemA and Erp Y-like recombinant proteins from Leptospira interrogans protect hamsters from challenge using AddaVax™ as adjuvant. (United States)

    Oliveira, Thaís Larré; Schuch, Rodrigo Andrade; Inda, Guilherme Roig; Roloff, Bárbara Couto; Neto, Amilton Clair Pinto Seixas; Amaral, Marta; Dellagostin, Odir Antonio; Hartwig, Daiane Drawanz


    Recombinant subunit vaccines have been extensively evaluated as promising alternatives against leptospirosis. Here, we evaluated two proteins in formulations containing the adjuvant AddaVax™ as vaccine candidates for prevention and control of leptospirosis. Recombinant proteins rErp Y-like and rLemA were characterized by ELISA to assess their ability to bind extracellular matrix (ECM) components and fibrinogen. Groups of eight hamsters were immunized intramuscularly with rErp Y-like or rLemA mixed with a squalene-based adjuvant (AddaVax), and then vaccine efficacy was determined in terms of protection against a lethal challenge. The humoral immune response was determined by ELISA, and the evidence of sub-lethal infection was evaluated by histopathology and kidney culture. rLemA protein binds laminin, fibrinogen, and collagen type IV, while rErp Y-like interacts with fibrinogen. Significant protection was achieved for rLemA and rErp Y-like vaccines, which showed 87.5% and 62.5% survivals, respectively. On day 28, the humoral immune response was significantly greater in the vaccine groups as compared to that in the control group, and the response was predominantly based on IgG2/3. The surviving animals showed negative results in culture isolation but presented with tissue lesions in the lungs and kidneys. Cumulatively, our findings suggest that LemA and Erp Y-like proteins act as adhesins and are able to protect against mortality, but not against tissue lesions. Moreover, AddaVax is a novel adjuvant with potential for improving the immunogenicity of leptospiral vaccines. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Clinical, serological and echocardiographic examination of healthy field dogs before and after vaccination with a commercial tetravalent leptospirosis vaccine. (United States)

    Spiri, Andrea M; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina; Matos, José M; Glaus, Tony M; Riond, Barbara; Reusch, Claudia E; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Willi, Barbara


    Leptospirosis is a re-emerging bacterial zoonosis caused by spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. Severe disease has been reported in dogs in Europe despite vaccination with bivalent Leptospira vaccines. Recently, a tetravalent canine Leptospira vaccine (Nobivac® L4) was licenced in Europe. The goal of this study was to investigate clinical signs, microscopic agglutination test (MAT) titres, haematology, blood biochemistry, cardiac (c) Troponin I levels and echocardiography before and after vaccination with this tetravalent vaccine. Forty-eight healthy dogs were prospectively enrolled and vaccinated twice, 3-4 weeks apart (T0 and T1). Before vaccination (T0) and 16-31 days after the second vaccination (T2), MAT (n = 48), haematology (n = 48), blood biochemistry (n = 36) and cTroponin I measurements (n = 29) were performed, and MAT was repeated 347-413 days after the second vaccination (T3, n = 44). Echocardiography was performed before the first and second vaccination (T0 and T1, n = 24). Mild and transient clinical signs within 5 days following the first and second vaccination occurred in 23% and 10% of the dogs, respectively. Before the first vaccination (T0), all dogs showed negative MAT titres for the tested serovars except for Canicola (50% with titres 100-400). At T2, positive MAT titres to the serovars Canicola (100%), Australis (89%), Grippotyphosa (86%), Bratislava (60%), Autumnalis (58%), Copenhageni (42%), Pomona (12%), Pyrogenes (8%) and Icterohaemorrhagiae (2%) were found. Median to high titres (≥ 400) were most common to the serovar Canicola (92%) and less common to the serovars Australis (41%), Grippotyphosa (21%), Bratislava (12%), Autumnalis (4%), Pyrogenes (4%) and Pomona (2%). At T3, positive MAT titres (titre range: 100-400) were found in 2-18% of the dogs to serovars of the vaccine serogroups and in 2-18% of the dogs to the non-vaccine serovars Pomona, Autumnalis, Pyrogenes and Ballum. Haematology, blood biochemistry, c

  14. Bactericide serum assay to assess the immune response induced by meningococcal and cholera vaccines

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    Bárbara Cedré


    Full Text Available La susceptibilidad al sistema bactericida del suero es una característica de las bacterias gramnegativas. Existen muchos ejemplos en las enterobacterias, de hecho cualquier procariote que presente una membrana lipídica pudiera ser potencialmente susceptible a la lisis mediada por anticuerpos dependiente del complemento, aunque existen cepas que muestran resistencia al sistema bacteriolítico. Estas son frecuentemente aisladas como agente causal de infecciones que involucran daño tisular, lo que indica que la resistencia a la actividad lítica del suero es determinante de la virulencia en algunas infecciones debido a bacterias gramnegativas. Para algunas enfermedades causadas por estas bacterias la vacunación constituye la medida de prevención más efectiva, como es el caso del cólera y la enfermedad meningocócica. La inducción de anticuerpos con capacidad lítica, producto de la vacunación, se considera en muchos casos el mejor correlato con la protección y se estima que individuos que desarrollan anticuerpos bactericidas, ya sea por una infección clínica o por la vacunación, están protegidos contra la infección o la enfermedad. De ahí que el ensayo bactericida del suero sea la prueba de oro para evaluar la eficacia de muchas vacunas. Ensayos clínicos llevados a cabo con vacunas contra los serogrupos A, B, C, Y y W 135 de N. meningitidis y con vacunas de cólera, ya sean vivas atenuadas o inactivadas, han demostrado la inducción de anticuerpos con actividad lítica que luego han correlacionado con la protección en ensayos de eficacia o frente a un reto experimental. Por lo que resulta imprescindible la estandarización y validación de estos ensayos para su empleo como criterio de inmunogenicidad en el desarrollo de estas vacunas.

  15. Niveles de anticuerpos bactericidas frente a meningococo C tras la vacunación de niños de 2 a 6 años de edad en Andalucía

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    Delgado Torralbo Elena


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: En 1997 el 18,5% de los casos de Enfermedad Meningocócica por serogrupo C en Andalucía fueron niños de 2 a 4 años de edad; edades donde respuesta inmune inicial y duración de la vacuna antimeningocócica de polisacárido capsular A+C, es menor que en edades superiores. Se diseñó una investigación para medir la respuesta inmune producida por esta vacuna, en niños de 2 a 6 años de edad, y compararla con la inmunidad natural presente en niños no vacunados. MÉTODOS: I.- Doble estudio de seguimiento: a grupos de niños previamente vacunados y grupos control, b grupo de niños que iba a ser vacunado, para análisis pre y postvacunal (1, 6 y 12 meses y grupo control. II.- La actividad bactericida se midió según protocolo estandarizado del CDC frente a cepa de N. meningítidis C-11. Los sueros con título de actividad bactericida (TAB > o = 1:8 se consideraron protectores. RESULTADOS: Al mes y a los 2 meses de vacunarse la proporción de TAB > o = 1:8 era significativamente superior a la del grupo control (65,5% y 73,9% frente a 2,2% y 12%. En el prevacunal y en el postvacunal a los 6, 7, 12 y 13 meses no se observó diferencia significativa entre vacunados y controles. CONCLUSIONES: Las diferencias entre vacunados y no vacunados 1 y 2 meses después de la vacunación indican seroconversión en los vacunados. Para el grupo de edad de 2 a 6 años la actividad bactericida adquirida declina rápidamente, ya que a los 6 meses dejan de observarse diferencias con el grupo control.

  16. Niveles de anticuerpos bactericidas frente a meningococo C tras la vacunación de niños de 2 a 6 años de edad en Andalucía

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    Elena Delgado Torralbo


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: En 1997 el 18,5% de los casos de Enfermedad Meningocócica por serogrupo C en Andalucía fueron niños de 2 a 4 años de edad; edades donde respuesta inmune inicial y duración de la vacuna antimeningocócica de polisacárido capsular A+C, es menor que en edades superiores. Se diseñó una investigación para medir la respuesta inmune producida por esta vacuna, en niños de 2 a 6 años de edad, y compararla con la inmunidad natural presente en niños no vacunados. MÉTODOS: I.- Doble estudio de seguimiento: a grupos de niños previamente vacunados y grupos control, b grupo de niños que iba a ser vacunado, para análisis pre y postvacunal (1, 6 y 12 meses y grupo control. II.- La actividad bactericida se midió según protocolo estandarizado del CDC frente a cepa de N. meningítidis C-11. Los sueros con título de actividad bactericida (TAB ³ 1:8 se consideraron protectores. RESULTADOS: Al mes y a los 2 meses de vacunarse la proporción de TAB³ 1:8 era significativamente superior a la del grupo control (65,5% y 73,9% frente a 2,2% y 12%. En el prevacunal y en el postvacunal a los 6, 7, 12 y 13 meses no se observó diferencia significativa entre vacunados y controles. CONCLUSIONES: Las diferencias entre vacunados y no vacunados 1 y 2 meses después de la vacunación indican seroconversión en los vacunados. Para el grupo de edad de 2 a 6 años la actividad bactericida adquirida declina rápidamente, ya que a los 6 meses dejan de observarse diferencias con el grupo control.

  17. Características etiológicas, clínicas y sociodemográficas de la diarrea aguda en Venezuela Etiological, clinical, and sociodemographic characteristics of acute diarrhea in Venezuela

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    María I. Urrestarazu


    Full Text Available En cuatro ciudades de Venezuela se llevó a cabo un estudio para evaluar las características epidemiológicas, clínicas y etiológicas de la diarrea aguda en niños menores de 5 años. Entre junio de 1993 y mayo de 1995 se estudiaron 2 552 niños con diarrea y 793 controles que fueron atendidos en el hospital. Para el análisis estadístico de los resultados se empleó la prueba exacta de Fisher. Los rotavirus fueron los agentes más importantes, tanto por su frecuencia (30% como por su asociación con la deshidratación (58%. Le siguieron en importancia Campylobacter spp. (13% y Escherichia coli serogrupos O clásicos (9%, pero su asociación con la diarrea solo fue estadísticamente significativa en los niños menores de 3 meses, hecho de particular importancia desde el punto de vista del tratamiento. Se confirmó la importancia de la edad como factor determinante de la prevalencia y gravedad de la diarrea.In four cities of Venezuela a study was carried out to evaluate the epidemiological, clinical, and etiological characteristics of acute diarrhea in children under 5 years of age. The study was done between June 1993 and May 1995 and involved children who were seen in a hospital, 2 552 with diarrhea and 793 controls. The Fisher exact test was used for the statistical analysis of the results. Rotaviruses were the most important agents, both in terms of their frequency (30% and their association with dehydration (58%. Following in importance were Campylobacter spp. (13% and Escherichia coli classical O serogroups (9%, but their association with diarrhea was only statistically significant among children less than 3 months old, a fact that is particularly important from the standpoint of treatment. The importance of age was confirmed as a determining factor in the prevalence and severity of diarrhea.

  18. Brote de legionelosis asociado a un balneario

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    I. Santa Marina Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En 1998 el inicio de la temporada de actividad de un balneario en Gipuzkoa coincidió con la detección de un brote de legionelosis asociado al mismo, lo cual condujo al cierre de la instalación y al estudio epidemiológico -casos y controles- y ambiental oportunos. Se definió como caso toda persona que durante su estancia en el balneario o durante los 10 días siguientes presentará neumonía o un cuadro febril compatible con fiebre de Pontiac.El estudio ambiental incluyó la inspección del balneario y entorno y muestreos de los sistemas sanitarios de agua y de los elementos de hidroterapia.De las 287 personas encuestadas de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca, el 12.5% cumplían con la definición de caso; 9 casos presentaron neumonía y 26 fiebre de Pontiac. La curva epidémica se inició el 7 de mayo, alcanzando un pico los días 14 y 15 de mayo y finalizando el día 20. El riesgo de enfermar ajustado por edad, sexo y consumo de tabaco se asoció con la duración de la estancia en el balneario (OR=118.5, 95% I.C: 18.7-750.2 y con el uso de una piscina (OR=10.5, 95% I.C: 1.3-82.6. Se detecto L. pneumophila serogrupo1 en recuentos superiores a 103 ufc/l en diversos puntos de la red de hidroterapia y en la ducha de la habitación de uno de los enfermos. El análisis por electroforesis en campos pulsados de una muestra biológica y muestras ambientales permitió la confirmación genotípica. El establecimiento se abrió al público tras realizar un tratamiento de choque y comprobar que transcurridos 15 días no se detectó L. pneumophila en las muestras ambientales.

  19. Comparison of Immunoprotection of Leptospira Recombinant Proteins with conventional vaccine in experimental animals. (United States)

    Parthiban, M; Kumar, S Senthil; Balachandran, C; Kumanan, K; Aarthi, K S; Nireesha, G


    Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira affecting humans and animals. Untreated leptospirosis may result in severe kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure, respiratory distress, and even death. Virulent leptospirosis can rapidly enter kidney fibroblasts and induce a programmed cell death. Thus, it is a challenge for immunologists to develop an effective and safe leptospirosis vaccine. Here, we compared the commercial canine leptospira vaccine and recombinant proteins (OmpL1 and LipL41) with and without adjuvant in terms of immune response and challenge studies in hamsters and immune response studies alone in experimental dogs. The outer membrane proteins viz., lipL41 and OmpL1 of leptospira interrogans serovars icterohaemorrhagiae were amplified. The primers were designed in such a way that amplified products of OmpL1 and lipL41 were ligated and cloned simultaneously into a single vector. The cloned products were expressed in E. coli BL21 cells. The immunoprotection studies were conducted for both recombinant proteins and commercial vaccine. The challenge experiment studies revealed that combination of both rLip41 and rOmpL1 and commercial vaccine gave 83% and 87% protection, respectively. Histopathological investigation revealed mild sub lethal changes were noticed in liver and kidney in commercially vaccinated group alone. The immune responses against recombinant leptospiral proteins were also demonstrated in dogs.

  20. Quantitative investigation of two metallohydrolases by X-ray absorption spectroscopy near-edge spectroscopy

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    Zhao, W. [Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027 (China); Chu, W.S.; Yang, F.F.; Yu, M.J.; Chen, D.L.; Guo, X.Y. [Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Zhou, D.W.; Shi, N. [Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027 (China); Marcelli, A. [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, P.O. Box 13, Frascati 00044 (Italy); Niu, L.W.; Teng, M.K. [Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027 (China); Gong, W.M. [Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101 (China); Benfatto, M. [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, P.O. Box 13, Frascati 00044 (Italy); Wu, Z.Y. [Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, P.O. Box 13, Frascati 00044 (Italy)], E-mail:


    The last several years have witnessed a tremendous increase in biological applications using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (BioXAS), thanks to continuous advancements in synchrotron radiation (SR) sources and detector technology. However, XAS applications in many biological systems have been limited by the intrinsic limitations of the Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) technique e.g., the lack of sensitivity to bond angles. As a consequence, the application of the X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy changed this scenario that is now continuously changing with the introduction of the first quantitative XANES packages such as Minut XANES (MXAN). Here we present and discuss the XANES code MXAN, a novel XANES-fitting package that allows a quantitative analysis of experimental data applied to Zn K-edge spectra of two metalloproteins: Leptospira interrogans Peptide deformylase (LiPDF) and acutolysin-C, a representative of snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) from Agkistrodon acutus venom. The analysis on these two metallohydrolases reveals that proteolytic activities are correlated to subtle conformation changes around the zinc ion. In particular, this quantitative study clarifies the occurrence of the LiPDF catalytic mechanism via a two-water-molecules model, whereas in the acutolysin-C we have observed a different proteolytic activity correlated to structural changes around the zinc ion induced by pH variations.

  1. Quantitative investigation of two metallohydrolases by X-ray absorption spectroscopy near-edge spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, W.; Chu, W.S.; Yang, F.F.; Yu, M.J.; Chen, D.L.; Guo, X.Y.; Zhou, D.W.; Shi, N.; Marcelli, A.; Niu, L.W.; Teng, M.K.; Gong, W.M.; Benfatto, M.; Wu, Z.Y.


    The last several years have witnessed a tremendous increase in biological applications using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (BioXAS), thanks to continuous advancements in synchrotron radiation (SR) sources and detector technology. However, XAS applications in many biological systems have been limited by the intrinsic limitations of the Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) technique e.g., the lack of sensitivity to bond angles. As a consequence, the application of the X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy changed this scenario that is now continuously changing with the introduction of the first quantitative XANES packages such as Minut XANES (MXAN). Here we present and discuss the XANES code MXAN, a novel XANES-fitting package that allows a quantitative analysis of experimental data applied to Zn K-edge spectra of two metalloproteins: Leptospira interrogans Peptide deformylase (LiPDF) and acutolysin-C, a representative of snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) from Agkistrodon acutus venom. The analysis on these two metallohydrolases reveals that proteolytic activities are correlated to subtle conformation changes around the zinc ion. In particular, this quantitative study clarifies the occurrence of the LiPDF catalytic mechanism via a two-water-molecules model, whereas in the acutolysin-C we have observed a different proteolytic activity correlated to structural changes around the zinc ion induced by pH variations

  2. Diversification of an emerging pathogen in a biodiversity hotspot: Leptospira in endemic small mammals of Madagascar. (United States)

    Dietrich, Muriel; Wilkinson, David A; Soarimalala, Voahangy; Goodman, Steven M; Dellagi, Koussay; Tortosa, Pablo


    Biodiversity hotspots and associated endemism are ideal systems for the study of parasite diversity within host communities. Here, we investigated the ecological and evolutionary forces acting on the diversification of an emerging bacterial pathogen, Leptospira spp., in communities of endemic Malagasy small mammals. We determined the infection rate with pathogenic Leptospira in 20 species of sympatric rodents (subfamily Nesomyinae) and tenrecids (family Tenrecidae) at two eastern humid forest localities. A multilocus genotyping analysis allowed the characterization of bacterial diversity within small mammals and gave insights into their genetic relationships with Leptospira infecting endemic Malagasy bats (family Miniopteridae and Vespertilionidae). We report for the first time the presence of pathogenic Leptospira in Malagasy endemic small mammals, with an overall prevalence of 13%. In addition, these hosts harbour species of Leptospira (L. kirschneri, L. borgpetersenii and L. borgpetersenii group B) which are different from those reported in introduced rats (L. interrogans) on Madagascar. The diversification of Leptospira on Madagascar can be traced millions of years into evolutionary history, resulting in the divergence of endemic lineages and strong host specificity. These observations are discussed in relation to the relative roles of endemic vs. introduced mammal species in the evolution and epidemiology of Leptospira on Madagascar, specifically how biodiversity and biogeographical processes can shape community ecology of an emerging pathogen and lead to its diversification within native animal communities. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Development of a real-time PCR for the detection of pathogenic Leptospira spp. in California sea lions. (United States)

    Wu, Qingzhong; Prager, Katherine C; Goldstein, Tracey; Alt, David P; Galloway, Renee L; Zuerner, Richard L; Lloyd-Smith, James O; Schwacke, Lori


    Several real-time PCR assays are currently used for detection of pathogenic Leptospira spp.; however, few methods have been described for the successful evaluation of clinical urine samples. This study reports a rapid assay for the detection of pathogenic Leptospira spp. in California sea lions Zalophus californianus using real-time PCR with primers and a probe targeting the lipL32 gene. The PCR assay had high analytic sensitivity-the limit of detection was 3 genome copies per PCR volume using L. interrogans serovar Pomona DNA and 100% analytic specificity; it detected all pathogenic leptospiral serovars tested and none of the non-pathogenic Leptospira species (L. biflexa and L. meyeri serovar Semaranga), the intermediate species L. inadai, or the non-Leptospira pathogens tested. Our assay had an amplification efficiency of 1.00. Comparisons between the real-time PCR assay and culture isolation for detection of pathogenic Leptospira spp. in urine and kidney tissue samples from California sea lions showed that samples were more often positive by real-time PCR than by culture methods. Inclusion of an internal amplification control in the real-time PCR assay showed no inhibitory effects in PCR negative samples. These studies indicated that our real-time PCR assay has high analytic sensitivity and specificity for the rapid detection of pathogenic Leptospira species in urine and kidney tissue samples.

  4. Serosurvey for selected pathogens in free-ranging American black bears (Ursus americanus) in Maryland, USA. (United States)

    Bronson, Ellen; Spiker, Harry; Driscoll, Cindy P


    American black bears (Ursus americanus) in Maryland, USA, live in forested areas in close proximity to humans and their domestic pets. From 1999 to 2011, we collected 84 serum samples from 63 black bears (18 males; 45 females) in five Maryland counties and tested them for exposure to infectious, including zoonotic, pathogens. A large portion of the bears had antibody to canine distemper virus and Toxoplasma gondii, many at high titers. Prevalences of antibodies to zoonotic agents such as rabies virus and to infectious agents of carnivores including canine adenovirus and canine parvovirus were lower. Bears also had antibodies to vector-borne pathogens common to bears and humans such as West Nile virus, Borrelia burgdorferi, Rickettsia rickettsii, and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Antibodies were detected to Leptospira interrogans serovars Pomona, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, Grippotyphosa, and Bratislava. We did not detect antibodies to Brucella canis or Ehrlichia canis. Although this population of Maryland black bears demonstrated exposure to multiple pathogens of concern for humans and domesticated animals, the low levels of clinical disease in this and other free-ranging black bear populations indicate the black bear is likely a spillover host for the majority of pathogens studied. Nevertheless, bear populations living at the human-domestic-wildlife interface with increasing human and domestic animal exposure should continue to be monitored because this population likely serves as a useful sentinel of ecosystem health.


    Charoenphak, Sirima; Rattanawong, Pattara; Sungkanuparph, Somnuek


    Scrub typhus rarely presents with acute cholecystitis. We present 2 cases of scrub typhus with cholecystitis. The first patient is a 62 year old female who presented to the hospital with fever and body aches for 1 week and right upper quadrant abdominal pain for 3 days. She gave a history of an insect bite 2 weeks previously. She was diagnosed as having acute cholecystitis and underwent cholecystectomy. She continued with fever post-operatively and physical examination revealed an eschar. She had an immunofluorescence assay (IFA) performed that revealed a high IgM titer for Orientia tsutsugamushi. She was diagnosed as having scrub typhus, treated with doxycycline and she recovered completely. The second patient also presented to the hospital with a 1 week history of fever and upper quadrant abdominal pain. She was diagnosed with having cholecystitis. Her symptoms did not improve with intravenous antibiotics and further investigation revealed elevated titers for O. tsutsugamushi and Leptospira interrogans. She was diagnosed as having a co-infection of scrub typhus and leptospirosis and treated with doxycycline. She recovered completely. Patients from scrub typhus endemic regions who present with acute cholecystitis but do not respond to traditional treatment should be tested for scrub typhus and leptospirosis and should have a careful admission physical examination looking for eschar formation, since scrub typhus may present with acute cholecystitis.

  6. Human Leptospirosis Trends: Northeast Thailand, 2001–2012

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    Wilawan Thipmontree


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to determine the changing trend of leptospirosis over time in Thailand using two prospective hospital-based studies conducted amongst adult patients with acute undifferentiated fever (AUFI admitted to Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand between July 2001 to December 2002 and between July 2011 to December 2012. During the first period, leptospirosis (98 patients, 40% and scrub typhus (59 patients, 24.1% were the two major causes of AUFI. In the second period, scrub typhus (137 patients, 28.3% was found to be more common than leptospirosis (61 patients, 12.7%. Amongst patients with leptospirosis, the proportion of male patients and the median age were similar. Leptospira interrogans serogroup Autumnalis was the major infecting serogroup in both study periods. The case fatality rate of leptospirosis was significantly higher in 2011–2012 as compared with the case fatality rate in 2001–2002 (19.7% vs. 6.3%, p < 0.001. In summary, we found that number of leptospirosis cases had decreased over time. This trend is similar to reportable data for leptospirosis complied from passive surveillance by the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. However, the case fatality rate of severe leptospirosis has increased. Severe lung hemorrhage associated with leptospirosis remained the major cause of death.

  7. Discovery of a cAMP Deaminase That Quenches Cyclic AMP-Dependent Regulation (United States)

    Goble, Alissa M.; Feng, Youjun; Raushel, Frank M.; Cronan, John E.


    An enzyme of unknown function within the amidohydrolase superfamily was discovered to catalyze the hydrolysis of the universal second messenger, cyclic-3’, 5’-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). The enzyme, which we have named CadD, is encoded by the human pathogenic bacterium Leptospira interrogans. Although CadD is annotated as an adenosine deaminase, the protein specifically deaminates cAMP to cyclic-3’, 5’-inosine monophosphate (cIMP) with a kcat/Km of 2.7 ± 0.4 × 105 M−1 s−1 and has no activity on adenosine, adenine, or 5’-adenosine monophosphate (AMP). This is the first identification of a deaminase specific for cAMP. Expression of CadD in Escherichia coli mimics the loss of adenylate cyclase in that it blocks growth on carbon sources that require the cAMP-CRP transcriptional activator complex for expression of the cognate genes. The cIMP reaction product cannot replace cAMP as the ligand for CRP binding to DNA in vitro and cIMP is a very poor competitor of cAMP activation of CRP for DNA binding. Transcriptional analyses indicate that CadD expression represses expression of several cAMP-CRP dependent genes. CadD adds a new activity to the cAMP metabolic network and may be a useful tool in intracellular study of cAMP-dependent processes. PMID:24074367

  8. Acquisition of negative complement regulators by the saprophyte Leptospira biflexa expressing LigA or LigB confers enhanced survival in human serum. (United States)

    Castiblanco-Valencia, Mónica M; Fraga, Tatiana R; Breda, Leandro C D; Vasconcellos, Sílvio A; Figueira, Cláudio P; Picardeau, Mathieu; Wunder, Elsio; Ko, Albert I; Barbosa, Angela S; Isaac, Lourdes


    Leptospiral immunoglobulin-like (Lig) proteins are surface exposed molecules present in pathogenic but not in saprophytic Leptospira species. We have previously shown that Lig proteins interact with the soluble complement regulators Factor H (FH), FH like-1 (FHL-1), FH related-1 (FHR-1) and C4b Binding Protein (C4BP). In this study, we used the saprophyte L. biflexa serovar Patoc as a surrogate host to address the specific role of LigA and LigB proteins in leptospiral complement evasion. L. biflexa expressing LigA or LigB was able to acquire FH and C4BP. Bound complement regulators retained their cofactor activities of FI in the proteolytic cleavage of C3b and C4b. Moreover, heterologous expression of ligA and ligB genes in the saprophyte L. biflexa enhanced bacterial survival in human serum. Complement deposition on lig-transformed L. biflexa was assessed by flow cytometry analysis. With regard to MAC deposition, L. biflexa expressing LigA or LigB presented an intermediate profile: MAC deposition levels were greater than those found in the pathogenic L. interrogans, but lower than those observed for L. biflexa wildtype. In conclusion, Lig proteins contribute to in vitro control of complement activation on the leptospiral surface, promoting an increased bacterial survival in human serum. Copyright © 2016 European Federation of Immunological Societies. All rights reserved.

  9. Evaluation of two novel leptospiral proteins for their interaction with human host components. (United States)

    Silva, Lucas P; Fernandes, Luis G V; Vieira, Monica L; de Souza, Gisele O; Heinemann, Marcos B; Vasconcellos, Silvio A; Romero, Eliete C; Nascimento, Ana L T O


    Pathogenic species of the genus Leptospira are the etiological agents of leptospirosis, the most widespread zoonosis. Mechanisms involved in leptospiral pathogenesis are not well understood. By data mining the genome sequences of Leptospira interrogans we have identified two proteins predicted to be surface exposed, LIC10821 and LIC10064. Immunofluorescence and proteinase K assays confirmed that the proteins are exposed. Reactivity of the recombinant proteins with human sera has shown that rLIC10821, but not rLIC10064, is recognized by antibodies in confirmed leptospirosis serum samples, suggesting its expression during infection. The rLIC10821 was able to bind laminin, in a dose-dependent fashion, and was called Lsa37 (leptospiral surface adhesin of 37 kDa). Studies with human plasma components demonstrated that rLIC10821 interacts with plasminogen (PLG) and fibrinogen (Fg). The binding of Lsa37 with PLG generates plasmin when PLG activator was added. Fibrin clotting reduction was observed in a thrombin-catalyzed reaction, when Fg was incubated with Lsa37, suggesting that this protein may interfere in the coagulation cascade during the disease. Although LIC10064 protein is more abundant than the corresponding Lsa37, binding activity with all the components tested was not detected. Thus, Lsa37 is a novel versatile adhesin that may mediate Leptospira-host interactions. © FEMS 2016. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  10. Signaling via ITGB1/FAK and microfilament rearrangement mediates the internalization of Leptospira interrogans in mouse J774A.1 macrophages

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    Zhao Xin


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis caused by pathogenic Leptospira species is a worldwide zoonotic 2 infectious disease, but the mechanisms of leptospiral internalization remain poorly understood. Here, we report that mouse J774A.1 macrophages expressed integrin-subfamily proteins (ITGB1, ITGB2 and ITGB3. Antibody blockage and siRNA-based knockdown of ITGB1 decreased the internalization of leptospires into mouse J774A.1 macrophage cells. The internalization required focal adhesion kinase (FAK activation in J774A.1 cells rather than phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K, and microfilament rather than microtubule aggregation during infection. The data indicated that the ITGB1/FAK/microfilament signaling pathway is responsible for leptospiral internalization in mouse macrophages.

  11. Caracterización de aislamientos invasivos de S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae y N. meningitidis en América Latina y el Caribe: SIREVA II, 2000-2005 Characterization of invasive isolates of S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, and N. meningitidis in Latin America and the Caribbean: SIREVA II, 2000-2005

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    Jean-Marc Gabastou


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Analizar las características fenotípicas y la susceptibilidad a antibióticos de las cepas circulantes de Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae y Neisseria meningitidis en América Latina y el Caribe entre 2000 y 2005. Se evaluó la cobertura potencial de las vacunas conjugadas. MÉTODOS: Se estudió por métodos convencionales la distribución de los serotipos o serogrupos de 17 303 cepas de S. pneumoniae, 2 782 cepas de H. influenzae y 6 955 cepas de N. meningitidis aisladas de casos de neumonía, meningitis, sepsis, bacteriemias y otros procesos invasivos. Se evaluó la susceptibilidad a los antibióticos de las cepas estudiadas. Los aislamientos procedían de 453 centros centinelas de 19 países de América Latina y 4 del Caribe, como parte del proyecto SIREVA II. RESULTADOS: El serotipo 14 de S. pneumoniae fue el más frecuentemente aislado (21,1%, especialmente en niños menores de 6 años (29,1%. Las coberturas potenciales de las vacunas conjugadas antineumocócicas hepta, nona, deca y tridecavalentes fueron de 59,0%, 73,4%, 76,5% y 85,9%, respectivamente. De los aislamientos, 63,3% eran sensibles a la penicilina. El serotipo b de H. influenzae estuvo presente en 72,2% de los aislamientos en niños menores de 2 años, mientras 8,6% correspondieron a los serotipos a, c, d, e y f; 19,2% resultaron no serotipables. La proporción de cepas de H. influenzae productoras de betalactamasa en aislamientos en niños menores de 2 años fue de 16,3%. Los serogrupos de N. meningitidis más frecuentes fueron el B (69,0% y el C (25,7%; 65,8% y 99,2% de las cepas fueron sensibles a la penicilina y a la rifampicina, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de la vigilancia epidemiológica integral de S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae y N. meningitidis en América Latina y el Caribe. La gran heterogeneidad en la distribución de los serotipos de S. pneumoniae en los países estudiados podría reducir la

  12. Outbreak of leptospirosis among triathlon participants in Langau, Austria, 2010. (United States)

    Radl, Christoph; Müller, Maria; Revilla-Fernandez, Sandra; Karner-Zuser, Stefanie; de Martin, Alfred; Schauer, Ulrike; Karner, Franz; Stanek, Gerold; Balcke, Peter; Hallas, Andreas; Frank, Herbert; Fürnschlief, Albert; Erhart, Friedrich; Allerberger, Franz


    We report on the first documented outbreak of leptospirosis in Austria. In July 2010, four cases of serologically confirmed leptospirosis occurred in athletes after a triathlon held in Langau. Heavy rains preceded the triathlon (rainfall: 22 mm). The index case (Patient A) was a 41-year-old previously healthy male, who was admitted to hospital A on July 8 with a four-day history of fever up to 40°C that began 14 days after attending the triathlon event. On July 7, patient B, a 42-year-old male, was admitted to the same hospital, with signs and symptoms of kidney failure. Hemodialysis was performed every other day for 3 weeks. While the serum drawn on the day of admission was negative for antibodies against Leptospira, a specimen from July 28 tested positive with Leptospira interrogans. On July 11, patient C, a 40-year-old male, was admitted to hospital B for nephritis. On July 14, patient D, a 44-year-old male, was admitted to hospital C with a ten days history of intermittent fever, mild dry cough and headache. Our report underlines that in Austria recreational users of bodies of freshwater must be aware of an existing risk of contracting leptospirosis, particularly after heavy rains. The suppressive influence of a triathlon on the immune system is well documented and therefore an outbreak in this population group can be seen as a sensitive indicator concerning possible risk for the general population.

  13. High-Resolution Melting Curve Analysis of the 16S Ribosomal Gene to Detect and Identify Pathogenic and Saprophytic Leptospira Species in Colombian Isolates. (United States)

    Peláez Sánchez, Ronald G; Quintero, Juan Álvaro López; Pereira, Martha María; Agudelo-Flórez, Piedad


    AbstractIt is important to identify the circulating Leptospira agent to enhance the performance of serodiagnostic tests by incorporating specific antigens of native species, develop vaccines that take into account the species/serovars circulating in different regions, and optimize prevention and control strategies. The objectives of this study were to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-high-resolution melting (HRM) assay for differentiating between species of the genus Leptospira and to verify its usefulness in identifying unknown samples to species level. A set of primers from the initial region of the 16S ribosomal gene was designed to detect and differentiate the 22 species of Leptospira . Eleven reference strains were used as controls to establish the reference species and differential melting curves. Twenty-five Colombian Leptospira isolates were studied to evaluate the usefulness of the PCR-HRM assay in identifying unknown samples to species level. This identification was confirmed by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the 16S ribosomal gene. Eleven Leptospira species were successfully identified, except for Leptospira meyeri / Leptospira yanagawae because the sequences were 100% identical. The 25 isolates from humans, animals, and environmental water sources were identified as Leptospira santarosai (twelve), Leptospira interrogans (nine), and L. meyeri / L. yanagawae (four). The species verification was 100% concordant between PCR-HRM and phylogenetic analysis of the 16S ribosomal gene. The PCR-HRM assay designed in this study is a useful tool for identifying Leptospira species from isolates.


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    Elsa Blair


    Full Text Available El articulo recoge algunas reflexiones en tormo al trabajode campo realizado con mujeres excombatientes de diversos grupos armados colombianos en el marco de la investigación Mujeres en tiempos de guerra: una mirada a lo femenino en el contexto de los grupos armados colombianos. A partir de una concepción de la guerra como construcción cultural, las autoras interrogan los efectos de la misma sobre su identidad femenina, esto es, lo que la guerra ha representado para ellas como mujeres y los efectos que ha tenido en términos de su identidad genérica. Tras una reflexión inicia en torno a los desafíos éticos planteados por el trabajo de campo, las autoras abordan la problemática de la identidad de género a través de dos vías: por una parte, los campos o "nudos¿ temáticos que amarran las narraciones de mujeres entrevistadas -la familia, la maternidad y los hijos, las relaciones con los "otros", las experiencias de muerte y el dolor de la guerra-; y por otra, la forma particular en que ellas construyen sus relatos sobre su experiencia como combatientes. Por último, a partir de esa mirada analítica sobre la manera como estas mujeres han vivido y significado su experiencia como guerreras, las autoras plantean, algunas conclusiones preliminares en torno a dicha problemática.

  15. Isolation and characterization of new Leptospira genotypes from patients in Mayotte (Indian Ocean.

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    Pascale Bourhy

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Leptospirosis has been implicated as a severe and fatal form of disease in Mayotte, a French-administrated territory located in the Comoros archipelago (southwestern Indian Ocean. To date, Leptospira isolates have never been isolated in this endemic region. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Leptospires were isolated from blood samples from 22 patients with febrile illness during a 17-month period after a PCR-based screening test was positive. Strains were typed using hyper-immune antisera raised against the major Leptospira serogroups: 20 of 22 clinical isolates were assigned to serogroup Mini; the other two strains belonged to serogroups Grippotyphosa and Pyrogenes, respectively. These isolates were further characterized using partial sequencing of 16S rRNA and ligB gene, Multi Locus VNTR Analysis (MLVA, and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE. Of the 22 isolates, 14 were L. borgpetersenii strains, 7 L. kirschneri strains, and 1, belonging to serogoup Pyrogenes, was L. interrogans. Results of the genotyping methods were consistent. MLVA defined five genotypes, whereas PFGE allowed the recognition of additional subgroups within the genotypes. PFGE fingerprint patterns of clinical strains did not match any of the patterns in the reference strains belonging to the same serogroup, suggesting that the strains were novel serovars. CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary PCR screening of blood specimen allowed a high isolation frequency of leptospires among patients with febrile illness. Typing of leptospiral isolates showed that causative agents of leptospirosis in Mayotte have unique molecular features.

  16. Leptospirosis in Cattle From Markets of Almaty Province, Kazakhstan

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    Kirkimbayeva Zhumagul


    Full Text Available This paper is the first study of the prevalence of leptospirosis in the cattle at slaughter from a rural area of Kazakhstan. Five hundred and seventy three samples of serum, urine, and kidneys from cattle of Alatau, Kazakh white and Auliyekol breed, aged from 2 to 5 years (unknown vaccination status, from the province of Almaty in the South-Eastern region were collected during four years (March 2010 to October 2013. The serological, bacteriological, and molecular analyses were performed. Serum samples were tested with 14 reference Leptospira serovars by microscopic agglutination test (MAT. MAT results showed that 89 (15.53% serum samples had detectable antibodies against seven serovars of L. interrogans at a dilution of ≥1:100. Serovars: Pomona (38.2%, Tarassovi (27.2%, and Kabula (18.8% were the most prevalent and their titres ranged from 100 to 1200. The spirochetes were detected in 11 samples of urine and nine samples of kidneys under dark-field microscope observation. The pure cultures were obtained from three samples. PCR technique confirmed leptospirosis in 23 out of 89 urine samples from cows, which showed the presence of leptospiral antibodies in microagglutination test. The high disease prevalence in cows indicates the high Leptospira contamination in this area. It was concluded that the bovine leptospirosis is an endemic and locally widespread disease in Kazakhstan, and that it may play a role in zoonotic transmission to humans.

  17. Ontologías de lo común en el pensamiento de Giorgio Agamben y Roberto Esposito: entre ética y política

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    Saidel, Matías


    Full Text Available This paper elaborates on Giorgio Agamben’s and Roberto Esposito’s thought on the Community. Both authors interrogate the Common from an impolitical perspective that tries to deconstruct the presuppositions of traditional metaphysics and political philosophy in order to create an affirmative conceptuality in ontological terms. In these authors predominates the recourse to the figure of the community, later considered in the horizon of biopolitics, since life becomes the center of both the power dispositives and today’s forms of political subjectification. The paper asks if these ontological approaches succeed in thinking the common politically or only in ethical terms.El presente trabajo reflexiona sobre el pensamiento de la comunidad en Giorgio Agamben y Roberto Esposito. Ambos interrogan lo común desde una perspectiva impolítica que intenta deconstruir los presupuestos de la metafísica y de la filosofía política tradicionales para poder elaborar una conceptualidad afirmativa en clave ontológica. En estos autores predomina el recurso a la figura de la comunidad, situada luego en el horizonte de la biopolítica, ya que la vida deviene el centro hacia el cual apuntarían los dispositivos de poder y las formas de subjetivación política actuales. El trabajo plantea como interrogante si estos abordajes ontológicos logran dar cuenta plenamente de lo común en términos políticos o sólo éticos.

  18. Heterologous expression of pathogen-specific genes ligA and ligB in the saprophyte Leptospira biflexa confers enhanced adhesion to cultured cells and fibronectin. (United States)

    Figueira, Cláudio Pereira; Croda, Julio; Choy, Henry A; Haake, David A; Reis, Mitermayer G; Ko, Albert I; Picardeau, Mathieu


    In comparison to other bacterial pathogens, our knowledge of the molecular basis of the pathogenesis of leptospirosis is extremely limited. An improved understanding of leptospiral pathogenetic mechanisms requires reliable tools for functional genetic analysis. Leptospiral immunoglobulin-like (Lig) proteins are surface proteins found in pathogenic Leptospira, but not in saprophytes. Here, we describe a system for heterologous expression of the Leptospira interrogans genes ligA and ligB in the saprophyte Leptospira biflexa serovar Patoc. The genes encoding LigA and LigB under the control of a constitutive spirochaetal promoter were inserted into the L. biflexa replicative plasmid. We were able to demonstrate expression and surface localization of LigA and LigB in L. biflexa. We found that the expression of the lig genes significantly enhanced the ability of transformed L. biflexa to adhere in vitro to extracellular matrix components and cultured cells, suggesting the involvement of Lig proteins in cell adhesion. This work reports a complete description of the system we have developed for heterologous expression of pathogen-specific proteins in the saprophytic L. biflexa. We show that expression of LigA and LigB proteins from the pathogen confers a virulence-associated phenotype on L. biflexa, namely adhesion to eukaryotic cells and fibronectin in vitro. This study indicates that L. biflexa can serve as a surrogate host to characterize the role of key virulence factors of the causative agent of leptospirosis.

  19. Multiple Posttranslational Modifications of Leptospira biflexa Proteins as Revealed by Proteomic Analysis. (United States)

    Stewart, Philip E; Carroll, James A; Olano, L Rennee; Sturdevant, Daniel E; Rosa, Patricia A


    The saprophyte Leptospira biflexa is an excellent model for studying the physiology of the medically important Leptospira genus, the pathogenic members of which are more recalcitrant to genetic manipulation and have significantly slower in vitro growth. However, relatively little is known regarding the proteome of L. biflexa, limiting its utility as a model for some studies. Therefore, we have generated a proteomic map of both soluble and membrane-associated proteins of L. biflexa during exponential growth and in stationary phase. Using these data, we identified abundantly produced proteins in each cellular fraction and quantified the transcript levels from a subset of these genes using quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR). These proteins should prove useful as cellular markers and as controls for gene expression studies. We also observed a significant number of L. biflexa membrane-associated proteins with multiple isoforms, each having unique isoelectric focusing points. L. biflexa cell lysates were examined for several posttranslational modifications suggested by the protein patterns. Methylation and acetylation of lysine residues were predominately observed in the proteins of the membrane-associated fraction, while phosphorylation was detected mainly among soluble proteins. These three posttranslational modification systems appear to be conserved between the free-living species L. biflexa and the pathogenic species Leptospira interrogans, suggesting an important physiological advantage despite the varied life cycles of the different species. Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  20. Serosurvey of ex situ giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) in China with implications for species conservation. (United States)

    Loeffler, I Kati; Howard, JoGayle; Montali, Richard J; Hayek, Lee-Ann; Dubovi, Edward; Zhang, Zhihe; Yan, Qigui; Guo, Wanzhu; Wildt, David E


    Conservation strategies for the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) include the development of a self-sustaining ex situ population. This study examined the potential significance of infectious pathogens in giant pandas ex situ. Serologic antibody titers against canine distemper virus (CDV), canine parvovirus (CPV), canine adenovirus (CAV), canine coronavirus (CCV), canine herpesvirus, canine parainfluenza virus (CPIV), Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, and Leptospira interrogans were measured in 44 samples taken from 19 giant pandas between 1998 and 2003 at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan, China. Seroassays also included samples obtained in 2003 from eight red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) housed at the same institution. All individuals had been vaccinated with a Chinese canine vaccine that included modified live CDV, CPV, CAV, CCV, and CPIV. Positive antibody titers were found only against CDV, CPV, and T. gondii. Sera were negative for antibodies against the other six pathogens. Results indicate that the quality of the vaccine may not be reliable and that it should not be considered protective or safe in giant pandas and red pandas. Positive antibody titers against T. gondii were found in seven of the 19 giant pandas. The clinical, subclinical, or epidemiologic significance of infection with these pathogens via natural exposure or from modified live vaccines in giant pandas is unknown. Research in this area is imperative to sustaining a viable population of giant pandas and other endangered species.

  1. Prueba de Elisa indirecta para la detección de anticuerpos IgM para el diagnóstico de Leptospirosis humana

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    Manuel Céspedes Z


    Full Text Available Para el diagnóstico temprano de enfermedades con cuadro clínico inespecífico como la leptospirosis, es necesario la confirmación laboratorial mediante pruebas específicas, con la finalidad de que el diagnóstico sea más acertado y rápido. Objetivo: se realizó un estudio comparativo entre la prueba de microaglutinacion (MAT y la prueba de ELISA indirecta estandarizada con un "pool" de antígenos de Leptospira interrogans, para la detección de anticuerpos IgM, en muestras de suero de fase aguda de leptospirosis humana. Materiales y métodos: 40 muestras de pacientes con sospecha clínica y con títulos de 1:100-1:12800 por la prueba de MAT, 80 muestras negativas de pacientes aparentemente sanos con enfermedades como Brucelosis, Sífilis, Tifus murino, Hepatitis B, Fiebre Amarilla, Dengue y Enfermedad de Carrión fueron evaluados por ELISA IgM. Resultados: se obtuvo una sensibilidad de 97,5% y especificidad de 98,75%, no observándose reacción cruzada con otras enfermedades. Conclusión: ELISA IgM validado en el laboratorio es suficiente sensible, específico y de fácil aplicación para el uso como prueba de tamizaje en una infección por Leptospiras con la subsecuente confirmación por MAT.

  2. Glicolipoproteína de Leptospira interrogans sorogrupo icterohaemorrhagiae: distribuição em fígado e rim de cobaias experimentalmente infectadas

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    R.T. Macêdo Santos


    Full Text Available Acredita-se que as lesões teciduais na leptospirose possam decorrer da ação direta das leptospiras, de toxinas sintetizadas ou liberadas durante sua lise. O presente estudo visou a extração quimica da glicolipoproteína (GLP da leptospira, a produção de anti-soro anti-GLP e a avaliação de sua distribuição em cortes de fígado e rim de cobaias inoculadas e sacrificadas em estudo seqüencial diário até o 6°dia de infecção, correspondente ao pico da doença. Procurou-se também correlacionar a expressão tecidual da GLP com o grau de lesões locais, em busca de novos subsídios para a compreensão da patogenia da leptospirose. A QLP foi detectada em fígado e rim de 2 dentre 6 cobaias no 5°dia e em todas as 6 no 6° dia de infecção, sob a forma de grânulos no citoplasma de macrófagos, livres no interstício ou acolados à membrana de células endoteliais e parenquimatosas, especialmente nas regiões mais lesadas. A cronologia do aparecimento da GLP e sua distribuição sugerem tratar-se de produto dc lise de leptospiras fagocitadas por macrófagos e que esta substância, conquanto não comprovada como iniciadora das lesões, associa-se a seu agravamento nas etapas mais avançadas da leptospirose.

  3. Portadores de Neisseria meningitidis, caracterización de las cepas aisladas y respuesta inmune basal a VA-MENGOC-BC

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    María J. Valdés


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de conocer la prevalencia de portadores de Neisseria meningitidis en un grupo de adolescentes, los marcadores epidemiológicos de las cepas aisladas, así como los factores de riesgo asociados con el estado de portador y la respuesta inmune basal a VA-MENGOC-BC , se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo de portadores en 189 estudiantes de 12-19 años de un politécnico de Ciego de Ávila, siguiendo las Normas Bioéticas establecidas. A los estudiantes se les realizó un exudado faríngeo y una extracción de sangre para la obtención de suero, así como una encuesta relacionada con aspectos de la investigación. La identificación de N. meningitidis se hizo por el sistema API NH (bioMérieux. Los serosubtipos e inmunotipos se clasificaron por ELISA de células enteras con anticuerpos monoclonales y la respuesta inmune basal se detectó por el Ensayo Bactericida del Suero. Se determinó la susceptibilidad antimicrobiana de las cepas frente a la penicilina, cloranfenicol, rifampicina, sulfadiacina sódica, ceftriaxona y ciprofloxacina. La prevalencia de portadores de N. meningitidis fue del 17%. Predominaron las cepas no agrupables (84,7%, seguidas por los serogrupos B (12,5% y Z (3,1%, destacándose la ausencia del C. Prevaleció el fenotipo NA:NT:P1.NST:L3,7,9 (12,5%, las cepas resistentes a la sulfadiacina (78,2% y sensibles a penicilina (81,3%, aunque el 18,7% mostró sensibilidad intermedia a este fármaco. Al resto de los antimicrobianos todas fueron sensibles. Se constató una respuesta inmune de memoria a la vacuna antimeningocócica (VAMENGOC-BC®, 12 años después de su aplicación, con títulos bactericidas anti C y B de 25 y 42%, respectivamente, resultados que pudieran estar influenciados por la inmunización sistemática que se realiza en Cuba con esta vacuna desde 1991.

  4. Differences among children, adolescents and adults with severe leptospirosis: A comparative analysis

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    E F Daher


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a zoonosis of global importance caused by Leptospira interrogans. The aim of this study was to compare the data between children, adolescents and adults with leptospirosis. This is a retrospective study including a total of 373 consecutive patients with leptospirosis, admitted to tertiary hospitals in Northeast of Brazil, from May 1985 to August 2010. The patients were divided into two groups (age ≤21 years and >21 years. The adults were 304 (81.5% of the population, with a mean ge of 41 ± 13 (range 22-84 years. The pediatric group was 16 ± 3 (range 9-21 years. Signs and symptoms where similar between the groups, excepting arrhythmia, which was more frequent in adults and vomiting, more common in children (16% vs. 0%, P = 0.04 and 65% vs. 79%, P = 0.02, respectively. Adult group presented with higher serum urea (137 vs. 97 mg/dl, P = 0.002 and creatinine (4.3 vs. 3.0 mg/dl, P = 0.007. Acute kidney injury (AKI was observed in 80%, mainly in adults (83% vs. 70% P < 0.005. Adults required renal replacement therapy more frequently than children (38% vs. 11%, P < 0.0001. Mortality was higher in adults (14.8% vs. 2.8%, P = 0.005 and in adults with AKI (93% vs. 7%, P < 0.05. There are important differences between the adults and children with leptospirosis. AKI was more frequent in adults and it was associated with increased mortality.

  5. Neutrophil Extracellular Traps are Involved in the Innate Immune Response to Infection with Leptospira (United States)

    Scharrig, Emilia; Carestia, Agostina; Ferrer, María F.; Cédola, Maia; Pretre, Gabriela; Drut, Ricardo; Picardeau, Mathieu; Schattner, Mirta; Gómez, Ricardo M.


    NETosis is a process by which neutrophils extrude their DNA together with bactericidal proteins that trap and/or kill pathogens. In the present study, we evaluated the ability of Leptospira spp. to induce NETosis using human ex vivo and murine in vivo models. Microscopy and fluorometric studies showed that incubation of human neutrophils with Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni strain Fiocruz L1-130 (LIC) resulted in the release of DNA extracellular traps (NETs). The bacteria number, pathogenicity and viability were relevant factors for induction of NETs, but bacteria motility was not. Entrapment of LIC in the NETs resulted in LIC death; however, pathogenic but not saprophytic Leptospira sp. exerted nuclease activity and degraded DNA. Mice infected with LIC showed circulating NETs after 2 days post-infection (dpi). Depletion of neutrophils with mAb1A8 significantly reduced the amount of intravascular NETs in LIC-infected mice, increasing bacteremia at 3 dpi. Although there was a low bacterial burden, scarce neutrophils and an absence of inflammation in the early stages of infection in the kidney and liver, at the beginning of the leptospiruric phase, the bacterial burden was significantly higher in kidneys of neutrophil-depleted-mice compared to non-depleted and infected mice. Surprisingly, interstitial nephritis was of similar intensity in both groups of infected mice. Taken together, these data suggest that LIC triggers NETs, and that the intravascular formation of these DNA traps appears to be critical not only to prevent early leptospiral dissemination but also to preclude further bacterial burden. PMID:26161745

  6. Ovine leptospirosis in Brazil

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    SB Lucheis


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a zoonosis distributed worldwide, endemic mainly in humid subtropical and tropical countries, with epidemic potential. It affects a range of both wild and domestic animals, including sheep, which transport leptospires in their urine and, therefore, can infect other animals and humans who deal with them. Therefore, leptospirosis is characterized as an occupational zoonosis. In individual herds leptospirosis can cause severe economic loss due to miscarriages and outbreaks of mastitis with a significant reduction of milk production. The disease is caused by Leptospira interrogans, which was reclassified into 13 pathogenic species, and distributed into more than 260 serovars classified into 23 serogroups. The clinical signs of infection may vary depending on the serovar and host. In maintenance hosts, antibody production is generally low; there are relatively mild signs of the disease, and a prolonged carrier state with organisms in the kidneys. In incidental hosts, the disease may be more severe, with high titers of circulating antibodies and a very short or nonexistent renal carrier state. In general, young animals with renal and hepatic failure have more serious infections than adults. Several diseases may produce symptoms similar to those of leptospirosis, so that laboratory confirmation, through microscopic agglutination test, for example, is required. The effectiveness of treatment depends on early diagnosis and appropriate therapy, depending on clinical features, since leptospirosis can develop into chronic liver disease and nephropathy, progressing towards death. Improvements in habitation and sanitary conditions, rodent control, vaccination, isolation and treatment of affected animals are the main measures for the control of leptospirosis.

  7. Doxycycline Attenuates Leptospira-Induced IL-1β by Suppressing NLRP3 Inflammasome Priming

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    Wenlong Zhang


    Full Text Available Doxycycline (Dox, a semisynthetic antibiotic, has been reported to exert multiple immunomodulatory effects. Treatment with Dox has a satisfactory curative effect against leptospirosis. In addition to its antibacterial action, we supposed that Dox also modulated immune response in controlling leptospira infection. Using J774A.1 mouse macrophages, the effects of Dox on protein and mRNA levels of IL-1β and TNF-α were investigated after infection with live or sonicated Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai strain Lai (56601. Specifically, the level of IL-1β but not TNF-α was sharply decreased when treated with Dox in leptospira-infected macrophages. Western blot analysis showed that Dox suppressed the activation of leptospira-induced MAPK and NF-κB signaling pathways. Using NLRP3-deficient and NLRC4-deficient mice, the data showed that the expression of leptospira-induced IL-1β was mainly dependent on the presence of NLRP3 inflammasome in macrophages. Meanwhile, Dox suppressed leptospira-induced NLRP3 inflammasome priming with the upregulation of the Na/K-ATPase Pump β1 subunit. The inhibition effect of Dox on IL-1β was also conspicuous in cells with lipopolysaccharide and ATP stimulation. These results were confirmed in vivo, as peritoneal fluids of mice and organs of hamsters expressed less IL-1β after treatment of leptospiral infection with Dox. Our results indicated that Dox also modulated immune response to attenuate leptospira-induced IL-1β by suppressing p38, JNK, p65, and NLRP3 inflammasome priming.

  8. Doxycycline Attenuates Leptospira-Induced IL-1β by Suppressing NLRP3 Inflammasome Priming (United States)

    Zhang, Wenlong; Xie, Xufeng; Wu, Dianjun; Jin, Xuemin; Liu, Runxia; Hu, Xiaoyu; Fu, Yunhe; Ding, Zhuang; Zhang, Naisheng; Cao, Yongguo


    Doxycycline (Dox), a semisynthetic antibiotic, has been reported to exert multiple immunomodulatory effects. Treatment with Dox has a satisfactory curative effect against leptospirosis. In addition to its antibacterial action, we supposed that Dox also modulated immune response in controlling leptospira infection. Using J774A.1 mouse macrophages, the effects of Dox on protein and mRNA levels of IL-1β and TNF-α were investigated after infection with live or sonicated Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai strain Lai (56601). Specifically, the level of IL-1β but not TNF-α was sharply decreased when treated with Dox in leptospira-infected macrophages. Western blot analysis showed that Dox suppressed the activation of leptospira-induced MAPK and NF-κB signaling pathways. Using NLRP3-deficient and NLRC4-deficient mice, the data showed that the expression of leptospira-induced IL-1β was mainly dependent on the presence of NLRP3 inflammasome in macrophages. Meanwhile, Dox suppressed leptospira-induced NLRP3 inflammasome priming with the upregulation of the Na/K-ATPase Pump β1 subunit. The inhibition effect of Dox on IL-1β was also conspicuous in cells with lipopolysaccharide and ATP stimulation. These results were confirmed in vivo, as peritoneal fluids of mice and organs of hamsters expressed less IL-1β after treatment of leptospiral infection with Dox. Our results indicated that Dox also modulated immune response to attenuate leptospira-induced IL-1β by suppressing p38, JNK, p65, and NLRP3 inflammasome priming. PMID:28791016

  9. Genomic survey and expression analysis of DNA repair genes in the genus Leptospira. (United States)

    Martins-Pinheiro, Marinalva; Schons-Fonseca, Luciane; da Silva, Josefa B; Domingos, Renan H; Momo, Leonardo Hiroyuki Santos; Simões, Ana Carolina Quirino; Ho, Paulo Lee; da Costa, Renata M A


    Leptospirosis is an emerging zoonosis with important economic and public health consequences and is caused by pathogenic leptospires. The genus Leptospira belongs to the order Spirochaetales and comprises saprophytic (L. biflexa), pathogenic (L. interrogans) and host-dependent (L. borgpetersenii) members. Here, we present an in silico search for DNA repair pathways in Leptospira spp. The relevance of such DNA repair pathways was assessed through the identification of mRNA levels of some genes during infection in animal model and after exposition to spleen cells. The search was performed by comparison of available Leptospira spp. genomes in public databases with known DNA repair-related genes. Leptospires exhibit some distinct and unexpected characteristics, for instance the existence of a redundant mechanism for repairing a chemically diverse spectrum of alkylated nucleobases, a new mutS-like gene and a new shorter version of uvrD. Leptospira spp. shares some characteristics from Gram-positive, as the presence of PcrA, two RecQ paralogs and two SSB proteins; the latter is considered a feature shared by naturally competent bacteria. We did not find a significant reduction in the number of DNA repair-related genes in both pathogenic and host-dependent species. Pathogenic leptospires were enriched for genes dedicated to base excision repair and non-homologous end joining. Their evolutionary history reveals a remarkable importance of lateral gene transfer events for the evolution of the genus. Up-regulation of specific DNA repair genes, including components of SOS regulon, during infection in animal model validates the critical role of DNA repair mechanisms for the complex interplay between host/pathogen.

  10. Enfermedad neumocócica invasiva en niños de la Región de Murcia

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    Espín M.I.


    Full Text Available Objetivo: La disponibilidad de una vacuna neumocócica conjugada plantea la necesidad de conocer la incidencia y características de la enfermedad neumocócica invasiva en niños de la Región de Murcia, con la finalidad de obtener información que pueda ser de utilidad para establecer adecuadamente las indicaciones de vacunación. Métodos: Se ha realizado una búsqueda retrospectiva de casos de enfermedad invasiva por Streptococcus pneumoniae en menores de 15 años de edad atendidos en hospitales de la Región de Murcia durante el período 1991-2000. Las fuentes de datos utilizadas han sido las bases de datos de los Servicios de Microbiología, el Conjunto Mínimo de Datos Básicos, registro de altas pediátricas y Registro EDO. Resultados: La tasa de incidencia para el período 1996-2000 fue, para los menores de 1 año, de 18,25 por 10(5 personas-año en el caso de enfermedad invasiva (10,6 para meningitis; para los menores de 2 años, de 13,6 para enfermedad invasiva (6 para meningitis; para menores de 5 años, de 8,9 (1,35 para meningitis, y para los menores de 15 años, de 3,7 (1,3 para meningitis. El 28% de los casos presentaba factores de riesgo. Las complicaciones alcanzaron el 35,2% y las secuelas el 5%. La letalidad fue del 11,8%. Los serogrupos prevalentes fueron el 19, el 6, el 18, el 5, el 14 y el 23. Conclusiones: El alto porcentaje de casos con factores de riesgo de enfermedad neumocócica invasiva aconseja la implantación de programas de vacunación dirigidos a todos los niños con factores de riesgo. La incidencia de enfermedad neumocócica invasiva encontrada en la Región de Murcia difiere de la de otras zonas geográficas; sin embargo, la incidencia de meningitis es similar a la de otros estudios. La gravedad de la enfermedad justifica la realización de estudios coste-efectividad para valorar la posible incorporación de la vacuna en el calendario vacunal.

  11. Determinación de anticuerpos contra patógenos virales y bacterianos seleccionados en la población de cerdos silvestres (Sus scrofa de la Reserva Natural Bahía Samborombón, Argentina

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    B. Carpinetti


    Full Text Available Los cerdos silvestres (Sus scrofa descienden de cruzamientos entre cerdos domésticos liberados durante la colonización con jabalíes salvajes euroasiáticos, liberados con propósitos cinegéticos. Son invasivos y su coexistencia con especies domésticas implica riesgos sanitarios. Argentina es considerada libre de fiebre aftosa (FA, peste porcina clásica (PPC y africana (PPA y síndrome reproductivo y respiratorio porcino (PRRS. La enfermedad de Aujeszky (EA y la leptospirosis son endémicas en ciertas áreas del país. El objetivo fue evaluar la presencia de ciertas enfermedades zoonóticas y/o de importancia para la producción animal y la conservación de la biodiversidad en cerdos silvestres de la Bahía de Samborombón. Se capturaron 118 animales. Se tomaron muestras de suero, tonsilas, músculo, intestino delgado, linfonódulos, entre otras. Se estudió la presencia de anticuerpos contra Brucella spp., coronavirus respiratorio porcino, virus de la estomatitis vesicular, de la FA, de la gastroenteritis transmisible porcina (TGEV, de la PPC, PPA, EA, PRRS y Leptospira spp. Se realizaron análisis bacteriológicos para Mycobacterium spp. Los resultados ratificaron la ausencia de las enfermedades exóticas e indicaron que 36 % de los animales presentó anticuerpos contra Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona y 62,5 % contra el virus de la EA. Estos resultados remarcan la importancia del monitoreo de la interfase productiva/silvestre en función de la salud pública, producción animal y conservación de la biodiversidad.

  12. Survey of risk factors for the prevalence of leptospiral infection in horses of Gonbad area

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    omid jaheddashliboroun


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a world-wide zoonotic infection occurring in animals and humans. Rodents and wild animals are a major source of infection. Clinical signs in animals include fever, heamoglubinuria, jaundice, abortion, mastitis, reduced milk production, reproductive failure and death with periodic ophthalmia, abortion and stillbirths being among its important signs in horses. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors for the prevalence of leptospiral infection in horses of Gonbad area. This study was conducted on 200 horses in Gonbad area in Iran in order to determine seroprevalence of leptospiral infection. Sera were initially screened at dilution of 1:100 against 7 live serovars of Leptospira interrogans: Pomona, Canicola, Hardjo, Ballom, Icterohaemorrhagiae, AutomenalisandGrippotyphosausing themicroscopic agglutination test. The prevalence of leptospiral infection was 12% in horses. The majority of these infections were seen in horses that live in marsh and semi-marsh conditions and they accounted for 89% of positive samples. The highest number of reactors in horses (58.34% wasdue toserovarCanicola and 33.34% of positive samples were seen in horses with many rodents living in their environment.66.67% of positive samples were seen in horses that were kept In moist and semi moist stables. The highest number of positive samples were seen in 3 to 6 years old animals, in other words prevalence of this disease is raised with increase of age. So according to the results, increasing age, living in marsh environment, moist stable presence of infected dogs and rodents, in environment are some of risks factors for prevalence of leptospiral infection

  13. WC1 is a hybrid γδ TCR coreceptor and pattern recognition receptor for pathogenic bacteria. (United States)

    Hsu, Haoting; Chen, Chuang; Nenninger, Ariel; Holz, Lauren; Baldwin, Cynthia L; Telfer, Janice C


    WC1 proteins are uniquely expressed on γδ T cells and belong to the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) superfamily. While present in variable, and sometimes high, numbers in the genomes of mammals and birds, in cattle there are 13 distinct genes (WC1-1 to WC1-13). All bovine WC1 proteins can serve as coreceptors for the TCR in a tyrosine phosphorylation dependent manner, and some are required for the γδ T cell response to Leptospira. We hypothesized that individual WC1 receptors encode Ag specificity via coligation of bacteria with the γδ TCR. SRCR domain binding was directly correlated with γδ T cell response, as WC1-3 SRCR domains from Leptospira-responsive cells, but not WC1-4 SRCR domains from Leptospira-nonresponsive cells, bound to multiple serovars of two Leptospira species, L. borgpetersenii, and L. interrogans. Three to five of eleven WC1-3 SRCR domains, but none of the eleven WC1-4 SRCR domains, interacted with Leptospira spp. and Borrelia burgdorferi, but not with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus. Mutational analysis indicated that the active site for bacterial binding in one of the SRCR domains is composed of amino acids in three discontinuous regions. Recombinant WC1 SRCR domains with the ability to bind leptospires inhibited Leptospira growth. Our data suggest that WC1 gene arrays play a multifaceted role in the γδ T cell response to bacteria, including acting as hybrid pattern recognition receptors and TCR coreceptors, and they may function as antimicrobials. Copyright © 2015 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  14. InvA protein is a Nudix hydrolase required for infection by pathogenic Leptospira in cell lines and animals. (United States)

    Luo, Yihui; Liu, Yan; Sun, Dexter; Ojcius, David M; Zhao, Jinfang; Lin, Xuai; Wu, Dong; Zhang, Rongguang; Chen, Ming; Li, Lanjuan; Yan, Jie


    Leptospirosis caused by pathogenic species of the genus Leptospira is a re-emerging zoonotic disease, which affects a wide variety of host species and is transmitted by contaminated water. The genomes of several pathogenic Leptospira species contain a gene named invA, which contains a Nudix domain. However, the function of this gene has never been characterized. Here, we demonstrated that the invA gene was highly conserved in protein sequence and present in all tested pathogenic Leptospira species. The recombinant InvA protein of pathogenic L. interrogans strain Lai hydrolyzed several specific dinucleoside oligophosphate substrates, reflecting the enzymatic activity of Nudix in Leptospira species. Pathogenic leptospires did not express this protein in media but temporarily expressed it at early stages (within 60 min) of infection of macrophages and nephric epithelial cells. Comparing with the wild type, the invA-deficient mutant displayed much lower infectivity and a significantly reduced survival rate in macrophages and nephric epithelial cells. Moreover, the invA-deficient leptospires presented an attenuated virulence in hamsters, caused mild histopathological damage, and were transmitted in lower numbers in the urine, compared with the wild-type strain. The invA revertant, made by complementing the invA-deficient mutant with the invA gene, reacquired virulence similar to the wild type in vitro and in vivo. The LD(50) in hamsters was 1000-fold higher for the invA-deficient mutant than for the invA revertant and wild type. These results demonstrate that the InvA protein is a Nudix hydrolase, and the invA gene is essential for virulence in pathogenic Leptospira species.

  15. Molecular Survey of Bacterial Zoonotic Agents in Bats from the Country of Georgia (Caucasus.

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    Ying Bai

    Full Text Available Bats are important reservoirs for many zoonotic pathogens. However, no surveys of bacterial pathogens in bats have been performed in the Caucasus region. To understand the occurrence and distribution of bacterial infections in these mammals, 218 bats belonging to eight species collected from four regions of Georgia were examined for Bartonella, Brucella, Leptospira, and Yersinia using molecular approaches. Bartonella DNA was detected in 77 (35% bats from all eight species and was distributed in all four regions. The prevalence ranged 6-50% per bat species. The Bartonella DNA represented 25 unique genetic variants that clustered into 21 lineages. Brucella DNA was detected in two Miniopterus schreibersii bats and in two Myotis blythii bats, all of which were from Imereti (west-central region. Leptospira DNA was detected in 25 (13% bats that included four M. schreibersii bats and 21 M. blythii bats collected from two regions. The Leptospira sequences represented five genetic variants with one of them being closely related to the zoonotic pathogen L. interrogans (98.6% genetic identity. No Yersinia DNA was detected in the bats. Mixed infections were observed in several cases. One M. blythii bat and one M. schreibersii bat were co-infected with Bartonella, Brucella, and Leptospira; one M. blythii bat and one M. schreibersii bat were co-infected with Bartonella and Brucella; 15 M. blythii bats and three M. schreibersii bats were co-infected with Bartonella and Leptospira. Our results suggest that bats in Georgia are exposed to multiple bacterial infections. Further studies are needed to evaluate pathogenicity of these agents to bats and their zoonotic potential.

  16. Specialized microbial databases for inductive exploration of microbial genome sequences

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    Cabau Cédric


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The enormous amount of genome sequence data asks for user-oriented databases to manage sequences and annotations. Queries must include search tools permitting function identification through exploration of related objects. Methods The GenoList package for collecting and mining microbial genome databases has been rewritten using MySQL as the database management system. Functions that were not available in MySQL, such as nested subquery, have been implemented. Results Inductive reasoning in the study of genomes starts from "islands of knowledge", centered around genes with some known background. With this concept of "neighborhood" in mind, a modified version of the GenoList structure has been used for organizing sequence data from prokaryotic genomes of particular interest in China. GenoChore, a set of 17 specialized end-user-oriented microbial databases (including one instance of Microsporidia, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, a member of Eukarya has been made publicly available. These databases allow the user to browse genome sequence and annotation data using standard queries. In addition they provide a weekly update of searches against the world-wide protein sequences data libraries, allowing one to monitor annotation updates on genes of interest. Finally, they allow users to search for patterns in DNA or protein sequences, taking into account a clustering of genes into formal operons, as well as providing extra facilities to query sequences using predefined sequence patterns. Conclusion This growing set of specialized microbial databases organize data created by the first Chinese bacterial genome programs (ThermaList, Thermoanaerobacter tencongensis, LeptoList, with two different genomes of Leptospira interrogans and SepiList, Staphylococcus epidermidis associated to related organisms for comparison.

  17. An Extended Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST Scheme for Rapid Direct Typing of Leptospira from Clinical Samples.

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    Sabrina Weiss


    Full Text Available Rapid typing of Leptospira is currently impaired by requiring time consuming culture of leptospires. The objective of this study was to develop an assay that provides multilocus sequence typing (MLST data direct from patient specimens while minimising costs for subsequent sequencing.An existing PCR based MLST scheme was modified by designing nested primers including anchors for facilitated subsequent sequencing. The assay was applied to various specimen types from patients diagnosed with leptospirosis between 2014 and 2015 in the United Kingdom (UK and the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Lao PDR. Of 44 clinical samples (23 serum, 6 whole blood, 3 buffy coat, 12 urine PCR positive for pathogenic Leptospira spp. at least one allele was amplified in 22 samples (50% and used for phylogenetic inference. Full allelic profiles were obtained from ten specimens, representing all sample types (23%. No nonspecific amplicons were observed in any of the samples. Of twelve PCR positive urine specimens three gave full allelic profiles (25% and two a partial profile. Phylogenetic analysis allowed for species assignment. The predominant species detected was L. interrogans (10/14 and 7/8 from UK and Lao PDR, respectively. All other species were detected in samples from only one country (Lao PDR: L. borgpetersenii [1/8]; UK: L. kirschneri [1/14], L. santarosai [1/14], L. weilii [2/14].Typing information of pathogenic Leptospira spp. was obtained directly from a variety of clinical samples using a modified MLST assay. This assay negates the need for time-consuming culture of Leptospira prior to typing and will be of use both in surveillance, as single alleles enable species determination, and outbreaks for the rapid identification of clusters.

  18. Distribution and Diversity of Pathogenic Leptospira Species in Peri-domestic Surface Waters from South Central Chile. (United States)

    Mason, Meghan R; Encina, Carolina; Sreevatsan, Srinand; Muñoz-Zanzi, Claudia


    Leptospirosis is a neglected zoonosis affecting animals and humans caused by infection with Leptospira. The bacteria can survive outside of hosts for long periods of time in soil and water. While identification of Leptospira species from human cases and animal reservoirs are increasingly reported, little is known about the diversity of pathogenic Leptospira species in the environment and how surveillance of the environment might be used for monitoring and controlling disease. Water samples (n = 104) were collected from the peri-domestic environment of 422 households from farms, rural villages, and urban slums participating in a broader study on the eco-epidemiology of leptospirosis in the Los Rios Region, Chile, between October 2010 and April 2012. The secY region of samples, previously detected as pathogenic Leptospira by PCR, was amplified and sequenced. Sequences were aligned using ClustalW in MEGA, and a minimum spanning tree was created in PHYLOViZ using the goeBURST algorithm to assess sequence similarity. Sequences from four clinical isolates, 17 rodents, and 20 reference strains were also included in the analysis. Overall, water samples contained L. interrogans, L. kirschneri, and L. weilii, with descending frequency. All species were found in each community type. The distribution of the species differed by the season in which the water samples were obtained. There was no evidence that community-level prevalence of Leptospira in dogs, rodents, or livestock influenced pathogen diversity in the water samples. This study reports the presence of pathogenic Leptospira in the peri-domestic environment of households in three community types and the differences in Leptospira diversity at the community level. Systematic environmental surveillance of Leptospira can be used for detecting changes in pathogen diversity and to identify and monitor contaminated areas where an increased risk of human infection exists.

  19. High Leptospira Diversity in Animals and Humans Complicates the Search for Common Reservoirs of Human Disease in Rural Ecuador. (United States)

    Barragan, Veronica; Chiriboga, Jorge; Miller, Erin; Olivas, Sonora; Birdsell, Dawn; Hepp, Crystal; Hornstra, Heidie; Schupp, James M; Morales, Melba; Gonzalez, Manuel; Reyes, Soraya; de la Cruz, Carmen; Keim, Paul; Hartskeerl, Rudy; Trueba, Gabriel; Pearson, Talima


    Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease responsible for high morbidity around the world, especially in tropical and low income countries. Rats are thought to be the main vector of human leptospirosis in urban settings. However, differences between urban and low-income rural communities provide additional insights into the epidemiology of the disease. Our study was conducted in two low-income rural communities near the coast of Ecuador. We detected and characterized infectious leptospira DNA in a wide variety of samples using new real time quantitative PCR assays and amplicon sequencing. We detected infectious leptospira in a high percentage of febrile patients (14.7%). In contrast to previous studies on leptospirosis risk factors, higher positivity was not found in rats (3.0%) but rather in cows (35.8%) and pigs (21.1%). Six leptospira species were identified (L. borgpetersenii, L kirschnerii, L santarosai, L. interrogans, L noguchii, and an intermediate species within the L. licerasiae and L. wolffii clade) and no significant differences in the species of leptospira present in each animal species was detected (χ2 = 9.89, adj.p-value = 0.27). A large portion of the world's human population lives in low-income, rural communities, however, there is limited information about leptospirosis transmission dynamics in these settings. In these areas, exposure to peridomestic livestock is particularly common and high prevalence of infectious leptospira in cows and pigs suggest that they may be the most important reservoir for human transmission. Genotyping clinical samples show that multiple species of leptospira are involved in human disease. As these genotypes were also detected in samples from a variety of animals, genotype data must be used in conjunction with epidemiological data to provide evidence of transmission and the importance of different potential leptospirosis reservoirs.

  20. Epidemiology of Leptospirosis in Africa: A Systematic Review of a Neglected Zoonosis and a Paradigm for 'One Health' in Africa. (United States)

    Allan, Kathryn J; Biggs, Holly M; Halliday, Jo E B; Kazwala, Rudovick R; Maro, Venance P; Cleaveland, Sarah; Crump, John A


    Leptospirosis is an important but neglected bacterial zoonosis that has been largely overlooked in Africa. In this systematic review, we aimed to summarise and compare current knowledge of: (1) the geographic distribution, prevalence, incidence and diversity of acute human leptospirosis in Africa; and (2) the geographic distribution, host range, prevalence and diversity of Leptospira spp. infection in animal hosts in Africa. Following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we searched for studies that described (1) acute human leptospirosis and (2) pathogenic Leptospira spp. infection in animals. We performed a literature search using eight international and regional databases for English and non-English articles published between January 1930 to October 2014 that met out pre-defined inclusion criteria and strict case definitions. We identified 97 studies that described acute human leptospirosis (n = 46) or animal Leptospira infection (n = 51) in 26 African countries. The prevalence of acute human leptospirosis ranged from 2 3% to 19 8% (n = 11) in hospital patients with febrile illness. Incidence estimates were largely restricted to the Indian Ocean islands (3 to 101 cases per 100,000 per year (n = 6)). Data from Tanzania indicate that human disease incidence is also high in mainland Africa (75 to 102 cases per 100,000 per year). Three major species (Leptospira borgpetersenii, L. interrogans and L. kirschneri) are predominant in reports from Africa and isolates from a diverse range of serogroups have been reported in human and animal infections. Cattle appear to be important hosts of a large number of Leptospira serogroups in Africa, but few data are available to allow comparison of Leptospira infection in linked human and animal populations. We advocate a 'One Health' approach to promote multidisciplinary research efforts to improve understanding of the animal to human transmission of leptospirosis on the African

  1. Human leptospirosis in Seychelles: A prospective study confirms the heavy burden of the disease but suggests that rats are not the main reservoir. (United States)

    Biscornet, Leon; Dellagi, Koussay; Pagès, Frédéric; Bibi, Jastin; de Comarmond, Jeanine; Mélade, Julien; Govinden, Graham; Tirant, Maria; Gomard, Yann; Guernier, Vanina; Lagadec, Erwan; Mélanie, Jimmy; Rocamora, Gérard; Le Minter, Gildas; Jaubert, Julien; Mavingui, Patrick; Tortosa, Pablo


    Leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonosis caused by pathogenic Leptospira for which rats are considered as the main reservoir. Disease incidence is higher in tropical countries, especially in insular ecosystems. Our objectives were to determine the current burden of leptospirosis in Seychelles, a country ranking first worldwide according to historical data, to establish epidemiological links between animal reservoirs and human disease, and to identify drivers of transmission. A total of 223 patients with acute febrile symptoms of unknown origin were enrolled in a 12-months prospective study and tested for leptospirosis through real-time PCR, IgM ELISA and MAT. In addition, 739 rats trapped throughout the main island were investigated for Leptospira renal carriage. All molecularly confirmed positive samples were further genotyped. A total of 51 patients fulfilled the biological criteria of acute leptospirosis, corresponding to an annual incidence of 54.6 (95% CI 40.7-71.8) per 100,000 inhabitants. Leptospira carriage in Rattus spp. was overall low (7.7%) but dramatically higher in Rattus norvegicus (52.9%) than in Rattus rattus (4.4%). Leptospira interrogans was the only detected species in both humans and rats, and was represented by three distinct Sequence Types (STs). Two were novel STs identified in two thirds of acute human cases while noteworthily absent from rats. This study shows that human leptospirosis still represents a heavy disease burden in Seychelles. Genotype data suggests that rats are actually not the main reservoir for human disease. We highlight a rather limited efficacy of preventive measures so far implemented in Seychelles. This could result from ineffective control measures of excreting animal populations, possibly due to a misidentification of the main contaminating reservoir(s). Altogether, presented data stimulate the exploration of alternative reservoir animal hosts.

  2. Human leptospirosis in Seychelles: A prospective study confirms the heavy burden of the disease but suggests that rats are not the main reservoir.

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    Leon Biscornet


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonosis caused by pathogenic Leptospira for which rats are considered as the main reservoir. Disease incidence is higher in tropical countries, especially in insular ecosystems. Our objectives were to determine the current burden of leptospirosis in Seychelles, a country ranking first worldwide according to historical data, to establish epidemiological links between animal reservoirs and human disease, and to identify drivers of transmission.A total of 223 patients with acute febrile symptoms of unknown origin were enrolled in a 12-months prospective study and tested for leptospirosis through real-time PCR, IgM ELISA and MAT. In addition, 739 rats trapped throughout the main island were investigated for Leptospira renal carriage. All molecularly confirmed positive samples were further genotyped.A total of 51 patients fulfilled the biological criteria of acute leptospirosis, corresponding to an annual incidence of 54.6 (95% CI 40.7-71.8 per 100,000 inhabitants. Leptospira carriage in Rattus spp. was overall low (7.7% but dramatically higher in Rattus norvegicus (52.9% than in Rattus rattus (4.4%. Leptospira interrogans was the only detected species in both humans and rats, and was represented by three distinct Sequence Types (STs. Two were novel STs identified in two thirds of acute human cases while noteworthily absent from rats.This study shows that human leptospirosis still represents a heavy disease burden in Seychelles. Genotype data suggests that rats are actually not the main reservoir for human disease. We highlight a rather limited efficacy of preventive measures so far implemented in Seychelles. This could result from ineffective control measures of excreting animal populations, possibly due to a misidentification of the main contaminating reservoir(s. Altogether, presented data stimulate the exploration of alternative reservoir animal hosts.

  3. Distribution and Diversity of Pathogenic Leptospira Species in Peri-domestic Surface Waters from South Central Chile.

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    Meghan R Mason


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a neglected zoonosis affecting animals and humans caused by infection with Leptospira. The bacteria can survive outside of hosts for long periods of time in soil and water. While identification of Leptospira species from human cases and animal reservoirs are increasingly reported, little is known about the diversity of pathogenic Leptospira species in the environment and how surveillance of the environment might be used for monitoring and controlling disease.Water samples (n = 104 were collected from the peri-domestic environment of 422 households from farms, rural villages, and urban slums participating in a broader study on the eco-epidemiology of leptospirosis in the Los Rios Region, Chile, between October 2010 and April 2012. The secY region of samples, previously detected as pathogenic Leptospira by PCR, was amplified and sequenced. Sequences were aligned using ClustalW in MEGA, and a minimum spanning tree was created in PHYLOViZ using the goeBURST algorithm to assess sequence similarity. Sequences from four clinical isolates, 17 rodents, and 20 reference strains were also included in the analysis. Overall, water samples contained L. interrogans, L. kirschneri, and L. weilii, with descending frequency. All species were found in each community type. The distribution of the species differed by the season in which the water samples were obtained. There was no evidence that community-level prevalence of Leptospira in dogs, rodents, or livestock influenced pathogen diversity in the water samples.This study reports the presence of pathogenic Leptospira in the peri-domestic environment of households in three community types and the differences in Leptospira diversity at the community level. Systematic environmental surveillance of Leptospira can be used for detecting changes in pathogen diversity and to identify and monitor contaminated areas where an increased risk of human infection exists.

  4. Household transmission of leptospira infection in urban slum communities.

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    Elves A P Maciel


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis, a spirochaetal zoonotic disease, is the cause of epidemics associated with high mortality in urban slum communities. Infection with pathogenic Leptospira occurs during environmental exposures and is traditionally associated with occupational risk activities. However, slum inhabitants reside in close proximity to environmental sources of contamination, suggesting that transmission during urban epidemics occurs in the household environment.A survey was performed to determine whether Leptospira infection clustered within households located in slum communities in the city of Salvador, Brazil. Hospital-based surveillance identified 89 confirmed cases of leptospirosis during an outbreak. Serum samples were obtained from members of 22 households with index cases of leptospirosis and 52 control households located in the same slum communities. The presence of anti-Leptospira agglutinating antibodies was used as a marker for previous infection. In households with index cases, 22 (30% of 74 members had anti-Leptospira antibodies, whereas 16 (8% of 195 members from control households had anti-Leptospira antibodies. Highest titres were directed against L. interrogans serovars of the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup in 95% and 100% of the subjects with agglutinating antibodies from case and control households, respectively. Residence in a household with an index case of leptospirosis was associated with increased risk (OR 5.29, 95% CI 2.13-13.12 of having had a Leptospira infection. Increased infection risk was found for all age groups who resided in a household with an index case, including children <15 years of age (P = 0.008.This study identified significant household clustering of Leptospira infection in slum communities where recurrent epidemics of leptospirosis occur. The findings support the hypothesis that the household environment is an important transmission determinant in the urban slum setting. Prevention therefore needs to target

  5. Epidemiology of Leptospirosis in Africa: A Systematic Review of a Neglected Zoonosis and a Paradigm for 'One Health' in Africa.

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    Kathryn J Allan

    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is an important but neglected bacterial zoonosis that has been largely overlooked in Africa. In this systematic review, we aimed to summarise and compare current knowledge of: (1 the geographic distribution, prevalence, incidence and diversity of acute human leptospirosis in Africa; and (2 the geographic distribution, host range, prevalence and diversity of Leptospira spp. infection in animal hosts in Africa.Following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA guidelines, we searched for studies that described (1 acute human leptospirosis and (2 pathogenic Leptospira spp. infection in animals. We performed a literature search using eight international and regional databases for English and non-English articles published between January 1930 to October 2014 that met out pre-defined inclusion criteria and strict case definitions.We identified 97 studies that described acute human leptospirosis (n = 46 or animal Leptospira infection (n = 51 in 26 African countries. The prevalence of acute human leptospirosis ranged from 2 3% to 19 8% (n = 11 in hospital patients with febrile illness. Incidence estimates were largely restricted to the Indian Ocean islands (3 to 101 cases per 100,000 per year (n = 6. Data from Tanzania indicate that human disease incidence is also high in mainland Africa (75 to 102 cases per 100,000 per year. Three major species (Leptospira borgpetersenii, L. interrogans and L. kirschneri are predominant in reports from Africa and isolates from a diverse range of serogroups have been reported in human and animal infections. Cattle appear to be important hosts of a large number of Leptospira serogroups in Africa, but few data are available to allow comparison of Leptospira infection in linked human and animal populations. We advocate a 'One Health' approach to promote multidisciplinary research efforts to improve understanding of the animal to human transmission of leptospirosis on the

  6. VapC from the leptospiral VapBC toxin-antitoxin module displays ribonuclease activity on the initiator tRNA.

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    Alexandre P Y Lopes

    Full Text Available The prokaryotic ubiquitous Toxin-Antitoxin (TA operons encode a stable toxin and an unstable antitoxin. The most accepted hypothesis of the physiological function of the TA system is the reversible cessation of cellular growth under stress conditions. The major TA family, VapBC is present in the spirochaete Leptospira interrogans. VapBC modules are classified based on the presence of a predicted ribonucleasic PIN domain in the VapC toxin. The expression of the leptospiral VapC in E. coli promotes a strong bacterial growth arrestment, making it difficult to express the recombinant protein. Nevertheless, we showed that long term induction of expression in E. coli enabled the recovery of VapC in inclusion bodies. The recombinant protein was successfully refolded by high hydrostatic pressure, providing a new method to obtain the toxin in a soluble and active form. The structural integrity of the recombinant VapB and VapC proteins was assessed by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Physical interaction between the VapC toxin and the VapB antitoxin was demonstrated in vivo and in vitro by pull down and ligand affinity blotting assays, respectively, thereby indicating the ultimate mechanism by which the activity of the toxin is regulated in bacteria. The predicted model of the leptospiral VapC structure closely matches the Shigella's VapC X-ray structure. In agreement, the ribonuclease activity of the leptospiral VapC was similar to the activity described for Shigella's VapC, as demonstrated by the cleavage of tRNAfMet and by the absence of unspecific activity towards E. coli rRNA. This finding suggests that the cleavage of the initiator transfer RNA may represent a common mechanism to a larger group of bacteria and potentially configures a mechanism of post-transcriptional regulation leading to the inhibition of global translation.

  7. Pathogenic Leptospira species express surface-exposed proteins belonging to the bacterial immunoglobulin superfamily (United States)

    Matsunaga, James; Barocchi, Michele A.; Croda, Julio; Young, Tracy A.; Sanchez, Yolanda; Siqueira, Isadora; Bolin, Carole A.; Reis, Mitermayer G.; Riley, Lee W.; Haake, David A.; Ko, Albert I.


    Summary Proteins with bacterial immunoglobulin-like (Big) domains, such as the Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin and Escherichia coli intimin, are surface-expressed proteins that mediate host mammalian cell invasion or attachment. Here, we report the identification and characterization of a new family of Big domain proteins, referred to as Lig (leptospiral Ig-like) proteins, in pathogenic Leptospira. Screening of L. interrogans and L. kirschneri expression libraries with sera from leptospirosis patients identified 13 lambda phage clones that encode tandem repeats of the 90 amino acid Big domain. Two lig genes, designated ligA and ligB, and one pseudo-gene, ligC, were identified. The ligA and ligB genes encode amino-terminal lipoprotein signal peptides followed by 10 or 11 Big domain repeats and, in the case of ligB, a unique carboxy-terminal non-repeat domain. The organization of ligC is similar to that of ligB but contains mutations that disrupt the reading frame. The lig sequences are present in pathogenic but not saprophytic Leptospira species. LigA and LigB are expressed by a variety of virulent leptospiral strains. Loss of Lig protein and RNA transcript expression is correlated with the observed loss of virulence during culture attenuation of pathogenic strains. High-pressure freeze substitution followed by immunocytochemical electron microscopy confirmed that the Lig proteins were localized to the bacterial surface. Immunoblot studies with patient sera found that the Lig proteins are a major antigen recognized during the acute host infection. These observations demonstrate that the Lig proteins are a newly identified surface protein of pathogenic Leptospira, which by analogy to other bacterial immunoglobulin superfamily virulence factors, may play a role in host cell attachment and invasion during leptospiral pathogenesis. PMID:12890019

  8. Leptospiral outer membrane protein microarray, a novel approach to identification of host ligand-binding proteins. (United States)

    Pinne, Marija; Matsunaga, James; Haake, David A


    Leptospirosis is a zoonosis with worldwide distribution caused by pathogenic spirochetes belonging to the genus Leptospira. The leptospiral life cycle involves transmission via freshwater and colonization of the renal tubules of their reservoir hosts. Infection requires adherence to cell surfaces and extracellular matrix components of host tissues. These host-pathogen interactions involve outer membrane proteins (OMPs) expressed on the bacterial surface. In this study, we developed an Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni strain Fiocruz L1-130 OMP microarray containing all predicted lipoproteins and transmembrane OMPs. A total of 401 leptospiral genes or their fragments were transcribed and translated in vitro and printed on nitrocellulose-coated glass slides. We investigated the potential of this protein microarray to screen for interactions between leptospiral OMPs and fibronectin (Fn). This approach resulted in the identification of the recently described fibronectin-binding protein, LIC10258 (MFn8, Lsa66), and 14 novel Fn-binding proteins, denoted Microarray Fn-binding proteins (MFns). We confirmed Fn binding of purified recombinant LIC11612 (MFn1), LIC10714 (MFn2), LIC11051 (MFn6), LIC11436 (MFn7), LIC10258 (MFn8, Lsa66), and LIC10537 (MFn9) by far-Western blot assays. Moreover, we obtained specific antibodies to MFn1, MFn7, MFn8 (Lsa66), and MFn9 and demonstrated that MFn1, MFn7, and MFn9 are expressed and surface exposed under in vitro growth conditions. Further, we demonstrated that MFn1, MFn4 (LIC12631, Sph2), and MFn7 enable leptospires to bind fibronectin when expressed in the saprophyte, Leptospira biflexa. Protein microarrays are valuable tools for high-throughput identification of novel host ligand-binding proteins that have the potential to play key roles in the virulence mechanisms of pathogens.

  9. A replicative plasmid vector allows efficient complementation of pathogenic Leptospira strains. (United States)

    Pappas, Christopher J; Benaroudj, Nadia; Picardeau, Mathieu


    Leptospirosis, an emerging zoonotic disease, remains poorly understood because of a lack of genetic manipulation tools available for pathogenic leptospires. Current genetic manipulation techniques include insertion of DNA by random transposon mutagenesis and homologous recombination via suicide vectors. This study describes the construction of a shuttle vector, pMaORI, that replicates within saprophytic, intermediate, and pathogenic leptospires. The shuttle vector was constructed by the insertion of a 2.9-kb DNA segment including the parA, parB, and rep genes into pMAT, a plasmid that cannot replicate in Leptospira spp. and contains a backbone consisting of an aadA cassette, ori R6K, and oriT RK2/RP4. The inserted DNA segment was isolated from a 52-kb region within Leptospira mayottensis strain 200901116 that is not found in the closely related strain L. mayottensis 200901122. Because of the size of this region and the presence of bacteriophage-like proteins, it is possible that this region is a result of a phage-related genomic island. The stability of the pMaORI plasmid within pathogenic strains was tested by passaging cultures 10 times without selection and confirming the presence of pMaORI. Concordantly, we report the use of trans complementation in the pathogen Leptospira interrogans. Transformation of a pMaORI vector carrying a functional copy of the perR gene in a null mutant background restores the expression of PerR and susceptibility to hydrogen peroxide comparable to that of wild-type cells. In conclusion, we demonstrate the replication of a stable plasmid vector in a large panel of Leptospira strains, including pathogens. The shuttle vector described will expand our ability to perform genetic manipulation of Leptospira spp. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  10. Assessment of clinical pathology and pathogen exposure in sea otters (Enhydra lutris) bordering the threatened population in Alaska (United States)

    Goldstein, Tracey; Gill, Verena A.; Tuomi, Pamela A.; Monson, Daniel H.; Burdin, Alexander; Conrad, Patricia A.; Dunn, J. Lawrence; Field, Cara L.; Johnson, Christine K.; Jessup, David A.; Bodkin, James L.; Doroff, Angela M.


    Northern sea otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) abundance has decreased dramatically over portions of southwest Alaska, USA, since the mid-1980s, and this stock is currently listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. In contrast, adjacent populations in south central Alaska, USA, and Russia have been stable to increasing during the same period. Sea otters bordering the area classified in the recent decline were live-captured during 2004–2006 at Bering Island, Russia, and the Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska, USA, to evaluate differences in general health and current exposure status to marine and terrestrial pathogens. Although body condition was lower in animals captured at Bering Island, Russia, than it was at Kodiak, USA, clinical pathology values did not reveal differences in general health between the two regions. Low prevalences of antibodies (>5%) were found in Kodiak, USA, and on Bering Island, Russia, to Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis neurona, and Leptospira interrogans. Exposure to phocine herpesvirus-1 was found in both Kodiak, USA (15.2%), and Bering Island, Russia (2.3%). Antibodies to Brucella spp. were found in 28% of the otters tested on Bering Island, Russia, compared with only 2.7% of the samples from Kodiak, USA. Prevalence of exposure to Phocine distemper virus (PDV) was 41% in Kodiak, USA, but 0% on Bering Island, Russia. Archived sera from southwest and south-central Alaska dating back to 1989 were negative for PDV, indicating exposure occurred in sea otters in Kodiak, USA, in recent years. Because PDV can be highly pathogenic in naïve and susceptible marine mammal populations, tissues should be examined to explore the contribution of this virus to otter deaths. Our results reveal an increase in exposure to pathogens in sea otters in Kodiak, Alaska, USA, since the 1990s.

  11. Detection of pathogenic Leptospira species associated with phyllostomid bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Veracruz, Mexico. (United States)

    Ballados-González, G G; Sánchez-Montes, S; Romero-Salas, D; Colunga Salas, P; Gutiérrez-Molina, R; León-Paniagua, L; Becker, I; Méndez-Ojeda, M L; Barrientos-Salcedo, C; Serna-Lagunes, R; Cruz-Romero, A


    The genus Leptospira encompass 22 species of spirochaetes, with ten pathogenic species that have been recorded in more than 160 mammals worldwide. In the last two decades, the numbers of records of these agents associated with bats have increased exponentially, particularly in America. Although order Chiroptera represents the second most diverse order of mammals in Mexico, and leptospirosis represents a human and veterinary problem in the country, few studies have been conducted to identify potential wildlife reservoirs. The aim of this study was to detect the presence and diversity of Leptospira sp. in communities of bats in an endemic state of leptospirosis in Mexico. During January to September 2016, 81 bats of ten species from three localities of Veracruz, Mexico, were collected with mist nets. Kidney samples were obtained from all specimens. For the detection of Leptospira sp., we amplified several genes using specific primers. Amplicons of the expected size were submitted to sequencing, and sequences recovered were compared with those of reference deposited in GenBank using the BLAST tool. To identify their phylogenetic position, we realized a reconstruction using maximum-likelihood (ML) method. Twenty-five samples from three bat species (Artibeus lituratus, Choeroniscus godmani and Desmodus rotundus) showed the presence of Leptospira DNA. Sequences recovered were close to Leptospira noguchii, Leptospira weilii and Leptospira interrogans. Our results include the first record of Leptospira in bats from Mexico and exhibit a high diversity of these pathogens circulating in the state. Due to the finding of a large number of positive wild animals, it is necessary to implement a surveillance system in populations of the positive bats as well as in related species, in order to understand their role as carriers of this bacterial genus. © 2018 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  12. A cross-sectional epidemiological study of domestic animals related to human leptospirosis cases in Nicaragua. (United States)

    Flores, Byron J; Pérez-Sánchez, Tania; Fuertes, Héctor; Sheleby-Elías, Jessica; Múzquiz, José Luis; Jirón, William; Duttmann, Christianne; Halaihel, Nabil


    Leptospirosis is one of the most extended zoonosis worldwide and humans become infected most commonly through contact with the urine of carrier animals, either directly or via contaminated water or soil. The aim in this study was to analyse the epidemiological behaviour of Leptospira spp., from domestic animals around the sites of human leptospirosis cases in Nicaragua, from 2007 through 2013. We report the results of a cross-sectional epidemiological study with a non-probability sampling of blood (n=3050) and urine (n=299) from Domestic Animals (DA) around the sites of human leptospirosis cases in Nicaragua. We analysed data obtained through Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT), in-vitro culture, real time PCR and sequencing of lfb1 locus. Frequencies of 30.31% (95% CI: 28.66-31.95) and 15.38% (95% CI: 11.12-19.64) were obtained from serological test and from in-vitro culture, respectively. Although similar frequencies from serology test (P≥0.05) were found in DA species, in-vitro culture frequencies were significantly higher from bovine, equine and sheep (P<0.05) in comparison with swine and canine species. Ten serogroups of pathogenic Leptospira spp. were encountered, with the highest presence of Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup 34.65% (95% CI: 29.35-39.94). We identified 7 samples homologous to L. interrogans species Pyrogenes serovar and 3 samples as L. noguchii Louisiana or Panama serovars by analysis of lfb1 sequences. We were able to establish a temporal and spatial correlation from DA and cumulative incidence of human cases. Therefore an effective epidemiological surveillance should be implemented with a specific control program toward DA in order to reduce human leptospirosis incidence. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Genome Sequence Analysis of Vibrio cholerae clinical isolates from 2013 in Mexico reveals the presence of the strain responsible for the 2010 Haiti outbreak. (United States)

    Díaz-Quiñonez, José Alberto


    La primera semana de septiembre de 2013, el Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica identificó dos casos de cólera en Ciudad de México. Los cultivos de ambas muestras se confirmaron como Vibrio cholerae serogrupo O1, serotipo Ogawa, biotipo El Tor. Los análisis iniciales por electroforesis por campos pulsados y por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa indicaron que ambas cepas eran similares, pero diferentes de las previamente reportadas en México. La semana siguiente se identificaron cuatro casos más en una comunidad del Estado de Hidalgo, ubicada a 121 kilómetros al noreste de Ciudad de México. Posteriormente se inició un brote de cólera en la región de La Huasteca. Los análisis genómicos de cuatro cepas obtenidas en este estudio confirmaron la presencia de las islas de patogenicidad VPI -1 y VPI-2, VSP-1 y VSP-2, y del elemento integrador SXT. La estructura genómica de los cuatro aislamientos fue similar a la de V. cholerae cepa 2010 EL-1786, identificada durante la epidemia en Haití en 2010. Este estudio pone de manifiesto que la epidemiología molecular es una herramienta muy poderosa para vigilar, prevenir y controlar enfermedades de importancia en salud pública en México. The first week of September 2013, the National Epidemiological Surveillance System identified two cases of cholera in Mexico City. The cultures of both samples were confirmed as Vibrio cholerae serogroup O1, serotype Ogawa, biotype El Tor. Initial analyses by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and by polymerase chain reaction-amplification of the virulence genes, suggested that both strains were similar, but different from those previously reported in Mexico. The following week, four more cases were identified in a community in the state of Hidalgo, located 121 km northeast of Mexico City. Thereafter a cholera outbreak started in the region of La Huasteca. Genomic analyses of the strains obtained in this study confirmed the presence of pathogenicity islands VPI-1 and

  14. Estudio serológico y de protección en ratones utilizando diferentes esquemas y dosis de VA-MENGOC-BC®

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    Juan F. Infante


    Full Text Available La alta incidencia mundial de meningitis meningocócica por Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo B (N. meningitidis movilizó los recursos de la ciencia hacia su enfrentamiento en un período corto de tiempo. Para el estudio de esta enfermedad fue imprescindible desarrollar modelos experimentales que posibilitaran caracterizar no sólo la capacidad inmunogénica y protectora de los candidatos vacunales, sino también la toxigenicidad del producto. El estudio basado en el modelo ratón Balb/c con la utilización de factores estimulantes de la virulencia, posibilitó el desarrollo experimental de la enfermedad. Consistió en la aplicación de diferentes esquemas de dosis y diluciones de la vacuna (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 en solución salina fisiológica 0,85%. Se conformaron 15 grupos de ocho animales cada uno que previamente recibieron Dextrana Férrica (IMEFA y mucina gástrica de cerdo 8% en un volumen total de 0,4 mL, y un grupo control al que le fue administrada la vacuna pura. Se empleó para el reto la cepa 385 de N. meningitidis con una concentración del inóculo de 107 UFC/mL. El esquema de vacunación contempló grupos vacunados con 1, 2, y 3 dosis a los 0,15 y 30 días. Se administraron 0,2 mL del inóculo de N. meningitidis por vía intraperitoneal. Se determinó la dosis letal media (DL50, anticuerpos bactericidas, respuesta serológica por el método de ELISA y se calculó la protección conferida. Se aplicó el método de Log rank para la comparación de los tiempos de sobrevivencia y para el ensayo de ELISA se aplicó el método de superficie ajustada por SPLINE. Hemos demostrado la utilidad del biomodelo ratón Balb/c para comprobar la eficacia de la vacuna VA-MENGOC-BC®. Quedó demostrada la correlación entre los niveles de anticuerpos y la protección conferida por la vacuna, comprobándose además por los ensayos de reto. Se logró obtener una aproximación con respecto a los límites de eficacia de VA-MENGOC-BC® mediante

  15. Normalización y validación de ensayos inmunoenzimáticos para cuantificar IgG humana antileptospira serovares canicola canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae copenhageni y pomona mozdok.

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    Xenia Ferriol


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar la respuesta inmune inducida por la vacuna cubana vax-SPIRAL se desarrollaron tres ELISAs de tipo indirecto para la cuantificación de IgG humana antileptospira, en el cual se emplearon como antígenos de captura las células enteras de Leptospira interrogans de los serovares canicola canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae copenhageni y pomona mozdok, inactivadas con formaldehído y posteriormente desecadas a 33 °C durante 16-20 h en placas para ELISA. Para la cuantificación se empleó un suero estándar al que se le asignaron unidades arbitrarias, correspondientes al recíproco del título obtenido por microaglutinación (MAT. Estos fueron 31, 12 y 58 U/mL respectivamente para los tres serovares señalados que se incluyen en el preparado vacunal. Se utilizó un conjugado anti IgG humana-peroxidasa, el cual se une a los anticuerpos específicos contra cada serovar, la reacción se evidencia por la acción de la enzima sobre la mezcla sustratocromógeno (ortofenilendiamina que genera color. El método normalizado se validó para los tres serovares; la precisión intra e interensayos fueron excelentes, con coeficientes de variación inferiores al 10%. Las desviaciones de la recuperación y linealidad fueron también inferiores al 10%. El suero control se ubicaron para los tres serovares en la zona de mayor interés para las muestras. Los ELISAs mostraron un 100% de sensibilidad para los tres serovares y se obtuvieron valores de 93,33% de especificidad para los serovares canicola canicola e icterohaemorrhagiae copenagheni y de 100% para el serovar pomona mozdok. El límite de detección para cada uno de los serovares fue de 0,478; 0,127 y 0,632 U/mL respectivamente.

  16. The OmpL37 surface-exposed protein is expressed by pathogenic Leptospira during infection and binds skin and vascular elastin. (United States)

    Pinne, Marija; Choy, Henry A; Haake, David A


    Pathogenic Leptospira spp. shed in the urine of reservoir hosts into freshwater can be transmitted to a susceptible host through skin abrasions or mucous membranes causing leptospirosis. The infection process involves the ability of leptospires to adhere to cell surface and extracellular matrix components, a crucial step for dissemination and colonization of host tissues. Therefore, the elucidation of novel mediators of host-pathogen interaction is important in the discovery of virulence factors involved in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis. In this study, we assess the functional roles of transmembrane outer membrane proteins OmpL36 (LIC13166), OmpL37 (LIC12263), and OmpL47 (LIC13050), which we recently identified on the leptospiral surface. We determine the capacity of these proteins to bind to host tissue components by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. OmpL37 binds elastin preferentially, exhibiting dose-dependent, saturating binding to human skin (K(d), 104±19 nM) and aortic elastin (K(d), 152±27 nM). It also binds fibrinogen (K(d), 244±15 nM), fibrinogen fragment D (K(d), 132±30 nM), plasma fibronectin (K(d), 359±68 nM), and murine laminin (K(d), 410±81 nM). The binding to human skin elastin by both recombinant OmpL37 and live Leptospira interrogans is specifically enhanced by rabbit antiserum for OmpL37, suggesting the involvement of OmpL37 in leptospiral binding to elastin and also the possibility that host-generated antibodies may promote rather than inhibit the adherence of leptospires to elastin-rich tissues. Further, we demonstrate that OmpL37 is recognized by acute and convalescent leptospirosis patient sera and also by Leptospira-infected hamster sera. Finally, OmpL37 protein is detected in pathogenic Leptospira serovars and not in saprophytic Leptospira. Thus, OmpL37 is a novel elastin-binding protein of pathogenic Leptospira that may be promoting attachment of Leptospira to host tissues.

  17. Induction of TNF-alfa and CXCL-2 mRNAs in different organs of mice infected with pathogenic Leptospira. (United States)

    da Silva, Josefa B; Carvalho, Enéas; Covarrubias, Ambart E; Ching, Ana Tung C; Mattaraia, Vania G M; Paiva, Delhi; de Franco, Marcelo; Fávaro, Regiane Degan; Pereira, Martha M; Vasconcellos, Silvio; Zorn, Telma T M; Ho, Paulo Lee; Martins, Elizabeth A L


    The role of innate immune response in protection against leptospirosis is poorly understood. We examined the expression of the chemokine CXCL2/MIP-2 and the cytokine TNF-α in experimental resistant and susceptible mice models, C3H/HeJ, C3H/HePas and BALB/c strains, using a virulent strain of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni. Animals were infected intraperitoneally with 10(7) cells and the development of the disease was followed. Mortality of C3H/HeJ mice was observed whereas C3H/HePas presented jaundice and BALB/c mice remained asymptomatic. The infection was confirmed by the presence of leptospiral DNA in the organs of the animals, demonstrated by PCR. Sections of the organs were analyzed, after H&E stain. The relative expression of mRNA of chemokine CXCL2/MIP-2 and cytokine TNF-α was measured in lung, kidney and liver of the mice by qPCR. The concentrations of these proteins were measured in extracts of tissues and in serum of the animals, by ELISA. Increasing levels of transcripts and protein CXCL2/MIP-2 were detected since the first day of infection. The highest expression was observed at third day of infection in kidney, liver and lung of BALB/c mice. In C3H/HeJ the expression of CXCL2/MIP-2 was delayed, showing highest protein concentration in lung and kidney at the 5th day. Increasing in TNF-α transcripts were detected after infection, in kidney and liver of animals from the three mice strains. The expression of TNF-α protein in C3H/HeJ was also delayed, being detected in kidney and lung. Our data demonstrated that Leptospira infection stimulates early expression of CXCL2/MIP-2 and TNF-α in the resistant strain of mice. Histological analysis suggests that the expression of those molecules may be related to the influx of distinct immune cells and plays a role in the naturally acquired protective immunity. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Contribution of Leptospira, Neospora caninum and bovine viral diarrhea virus to fetal loss of beef cattle in New Zealand. (United States)

    Sanhueza, J M; Heuer, C; West, D


    The profitability of beef breeding farms in New Zealand depends principally on optimal reproductive performance. The aim of this study was to estimate the impact of four major pathogens, bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), Neospora caninum (N. caninum), Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo (Hardjo), and Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona (Pomona), on rates of fetal loss in commercial beef breeding herds. Farms reporting fetal loss were recruited, and a blood sample from aborting cows (cases) was collected. Controls were normally calving cows from the same farm. At least four controls were selected from each farm contributing cases. Samples were tested using ELISA for detection of antibodies against BVDV and N. caninum, and microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for detection of antibody against Hardjo and Pomona. A selection of titer cut-offs was conducted to evaluate the relationship between fetal loss and seropositivity to each pathogen using conditional logistic regression. The cut-off titer with the strongest association with fetal loss was included in the multivariate model. A significant increased risk of fetal loss was found for animals seropositive to N. caninum (odds ratio (OR)=3.36; 95% confidence interval (95% CI)=1.27-8.89), Hardjo (OR=1.84; 95% CI=1.01-3.33), and Pomona in non-vaccinated cows (OR=14.91, 95% CI=1.73-128.84) at the ELISA titer ≥ 30, and MAT titers of ≥ 1:384 and ≥ 1:768 for a positive sample, respectively. A marginally non-significant increased risk of fetal loss was found for animals exposed to BVDV (OR=2.01; 95% CI=0.99-4.11) at the ELISA titer of ≤ 1. Vaccination did not affect ORs for Hardjo or BVDV and no herd vaccinated against N. caninum. Approximately 14.0% of all fetal loss in the beef breeding cattle population in New Zealand may be attributable to BVDV (3.5%), N. caninum (3.0%), Hardjo (4.7%), and Pomona (3.6%). Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Shedding and seroprevalence of pathogenic Leptospira spp. in sheep and cattle at a New Zealand Abattoir. (United States)

    Fang, F; Collins-Emerson, J M; Cullum, A; Heuer, C; Wilson, P R; Benschop, J


    A cross-sectional study was carried out on sheep and cattle slaughtered at a New Zealand abattoir from September to November 2010 to investigate the supplier-specific shedding rate, renal carriage rate and seroprevalence of leptospires. In the 2008/2009 season, this abattoir experienced three human leptospirosis cases from 20 staff, of which two were hospitalized. Urine, kidney and blood samples were collected from carcasses of 399 sheep (six suppliers, 17 slaughter lines) and 146 cattle (three suppliers, 22 slaughter lines). The urine and kidney samples were tested by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), while serum samples (from coagulated blood samples) were tested by microscopic agglutination test (MAT). In total, 27% (73/274; 95% CI: 18-37) of urine samples tested positive by qPCR. Species-specific shedding rates (prevalence of positive urine qPCR) were 31% (95% CI: 17-48) for sheep and 21% (95% CI: 14-30) for cattle. For 545 kidney samples tested, 145 were qPCR positive (27%; 95% CI: 17-39). The average prevalence of kidney qPCR positivity was 29% (95% CI: 17-45) for sheep and 21% (95% CI: 15-28) for cattle. Three hundred and thirty of 542 sampled sheep and cattle had antibodies against Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjobovis (Hardjobovis) and/or Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona (Pomona), based on reciprocal MAT titre ≥1 : 48 (overall seroprevalence of 61%; 95% CI: 48-73). Seroprevalence was 57% (95% CI: 40-72) for sheep and 73% (95% CI: 59-83) for cattle. Among the seropositive animals, 41% (70/170; 95% CI: 30-54) were shedding (tested positive by urine qPCR) and 42% (137/330; 95% CI: 30-54) had renal carriage (tested positive by kidney qPCR). Some risk management options for abattoirs or farms to prevent human leptospirosis infections include vaccination of maintenance hosts, the use of personal protective equipment, and the application of urine qPCR to detect shedding status of stock as surveillance and as an alert. © 2014 Blackwell Verlag

  20. Enero de 1999 a marzo del 2004

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    Juan Carlos Macías Herrera


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir el comportamiento epidemiológico de la leptospirosis en el departamento del Atlántico (Colombia, de enero de 1999 a marzo del 2004. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo. Se analizaron 970 muestras únicas de pacientes sospechosos de infecciones con Leptospira en el Laboratorio Departamental del Atlántico mediante Aglutinación Microscópica (MAT, usando como antígenos los serovares Icterohemorragiae, Pomona, Canícola, Hardjo, Grippotyphosa y Hardjo-bovis de Leptospira interrogans. Información adicional sobre la clínica de pacientes a través de fichas epidemiológicas y visitas a hospitales, además de datos de precipitación anual, fue obtenida. Resultados: El 9,7% de los casos fueron positivos para Leptospira, siendo los serovares Icterohaemorrhagiae (62% y Hardjo (12,8% los más frecuentes. La mayoría de casos (61%, se presentaron en hombres entre 15 y 45 años de edad y la clínica más común se asoció a fiebre (91,7%, mialgias (72,2%, vómito/nausea (70,8%, cefalea (68,1% e ictericia (63,9%. El 8.6% de los casos asociados a infecciones con el serovar Ictherohemorragiae fueron severos; la sintomatología coincidió con el síndrome de Weil, pero no se registraron fatalidades. En los años 2003(23, 2001(21 y 2002(18 se registró la mayor incidencia de casos, en meses de alta precipitación (Agosto-Noviembre. Los municipios con mayor número de casos fueron Barranquilla (46, Soledad (25, Puerto Colombia (6 y Galapa (6. Conclusiones: La leptospirosis debe tenerse en cuenta dentro del diagnóstico diferencial de otras entidades comunes en la región (fiebre de dengue. Un diligenciamiento completo de la ficha epidemiológica permitirá un estudio más detallado de esta patología, para desarrollar programas de vigilancia y prevención eficaces

  1. Pneumonia a Legionella – A propósito de um caso clínico

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    A.S. Marques


    Full Text Available Resumo: A Legionella como agente etiológico de pneumonia adquirida na comunidade (PAC é provavelmente subvalorizada, não só porque exige a utilização de métodos diagnósticos específicos como existem várias espécies e serogrupos que não são facilmente identificados pelos testes laboratoriais disponíveis. Em estudos europeus e norte-americanos, este agente é responsável por 2 a 15% de todos os casos de pneumonias adquiridas na comunidade que requerem hospitalização, figurando entre as quatro primeiras causas quando se utilizam métodos de cultura, sendo a segunda causa das que exigem tratamento em unidades de cuidados intensivos.Apresenta-se o caso clínico de um homem de 43 anos, fumador e sob corticoterapia por patologia ocular, que surge com uma pneumonia grave complicada de síndroma de dificuldade respiratória do adulto (ARDS. Necessitou de tratamento em unidade de cuidados intensivos, nomeadamente ventilação mecânica.A investigação etiológica permitiu identificar o agente responsável, a Legionella pneumophila tipo 1.Os autores fazem uma revisão desta patologia, discutindo a epidemiologia, o quadro clínico e as particularidades de diagnóstico e terapêutica.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (2: 165-173 Abstract: Legionella, as a cause of community-acquired pneumonia, is probably under-recognized because the diagnosis relies on the use of specific tests as well the existence of an in-numerous species and serogroups not easily identify by the tests available.In studies from Europe and North America, it ranged from 2 to 15 percent of all community-acquired pneumonias that required hospitalisation, in the first four causes when culture methods were done and the second cause of those admitted in the intensive care units.We do a case report of 43 year-old man with history of cigarette smoking and corticosteroid therapy for a ocular disease, that presents with a

  2. Neumonía aguda de la comunidad y hemorragia pulmonar por leptospirosis en el área metropolitana Buenos Aires Community acquired pneumonia and pulmonary hemorrhage in leptospirosis in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area

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    Alfredo Seijo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es comunicar los hallazgos epidemiológicos, clínicos y de diagnóstico de la neumonía y hemorragia pulmonar por leptospirosis, en el período enero 2007 a octubre 2009. Un 64% (20/31 de pacientes con diagnóstico de leptospirosis tuvieron neumonía. Quince de ellos (75% presentaron neumonía grave, de los cuales siete (35% desarrollaron hemorragia pulmonar. En diez enfermos (32% el motivo de consulta e inicio del cuadro clínico fue una gastroenteritis secretoria con fiebre y dolor abdominal. La ictericia sólo se manifestó en once pacientes (35%. La técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR fue útil para el diagnóstico en muestra obtenida post mortem. De un hemocultivo se aisló una cepa clasificada dentro del serogrupo canicola. Se clasificaron las neumonías en tres tipos: neumonías de curso no grave con escasa repercusión general; neumonías graves asociadas a formas clínicas sistémicas con ictericia, insuficiencia renal, trombocitopenia y hemorragia pulmonar; también de curso grave, no asociada a ictericia, insuficiencia renal o trombocitopenia grave. El tratamiento antibiótico iniciado en los primeros días de enfermedad (promedio 3.2 días no tuvo influencia en la evolución de las neumonías graves. Se plantea además considerar tres formas clínicas de leptospirosis: anictérica, ictérica (con sus variantes evolutivas y hemorragia pulmonar.The aim of this paper is to report the epidemiological, clinical and diagnosis findings of pneumonia and pulmonary hemorrhage observed in patients with leptospirosis in the period January 2007 to October 2009. A 64% (20/31 of patients diagnosed with leptospirosis presented pneumonia. Fifteen of them (75% had severe pneumonia, of which seven (35% were pulmonary hemorrhage. In ten patients (32% reason for consultation and clinical early stage was a secretory gastroenteritis with fever and abdominal pain. Jaundice was only expressed in eleven patients (35

  3. Detección y caracterización de Escherichia coli productor de toxina Shiga a partir de casos clínicos y de alimentos en Uruguay Detection and characterization of Shiga toxin - producing Escherichia coli from clinical cases and food in Uruguay

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    G. Varela


    Full Text Available Establecimos la frecuencia de aislamiento de Escherichia coli productor de toxina Shiga (STEC a partir de muestras clínicas y de alimentos, así como las características fenotípicas y genotípicas de las cepas recuperadas. Se analizaron 198 muestras fecales de niños con diarrea sanguinolenta (DS, 14 muestras fecales de niños con síndrome urémico hemolítico (SUH y 220 muestras de carne picada. También se estudiaron 4 cepas STEC aisladas de alimentos embutidos. Se recuperó STEC de 3 (1,5% de los niños con DS, de 1 (7% niño con SUH y de 4 (1,8% de las muestras de carne picada. Todas las cepas fueron eae y ehxA positivas. Los serotipos detectados fueron: O157:H7 (9 cepas, O26:H11 (2 cepas, O111:NM (1 cepa y O145:HNT (1 cepa. Todas las cepas O157:H7 portaron el subtipo eae-g1; las cepas O26:H11 y O145:HNT portaron el subtipo eae-b1 y la cepa O111:NM portó el subtipo eae-g2/q. Las cepas STEC del mismo serogrupo mostraron alta diversidad genética. En Uruguay STEC no sería agente frecuente de diarrea con sangre en niños. Sin embargo, las cepas recuperadas presentaron los genes asociados con enfermedad severa y 2 de los 3 niños infectados con STEC evolucionaron a SUH. La carne picada y otros alimentos serían vehículos importantes de O157:H7.We have assessed the frequency of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC in clinical and food samples as well as studied the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of the recovered strains. One hundred ninety eight fecal samples from children with bloody diarrhea (BD, 14 from children with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS, 220 ground beef samples and 4 STEC isolates from other beef-derived products were analyzed. The STEC strains were isolated from 3 (1.5% children with bloody diarrhea, 1 (7% from a child with HUS and 4 (1.8% from ground beef samples. All strains were eae and ehxA positive. The serotypes found were: O157:H7 (9 strains, O26:H11 (2, O111: NM (1 and O145:HNT (1. All O157:H7 STEC

  4. Discovery of Novel Leptospirosis Vaccine Candidates Using Reverse and Structural Vaccinology

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    Alan John Alexander McBride


    Full Text Available Leptospira spp. are diderm (two membranes bacteria that infect mammals causing leptospirosis, a public health problem with global implications. Thousands of people die every year due to leptospirosis, especially in developing countries with tropical climates. Prophylaxis is difficult due to multiple factors, including the large number of asymptomatic hosts that transmit the bacteria, poor sanitation, increasing numbers of slum dwellers, and the lack of an effective vaccine. Several leptospiral recombinant antigens were evaluated as a replacement for the inactivated (bacterin vaccine; however, success has been limited. A prospective vaccine candidate is likely to be a surface-related protein that can stimulate the host immune response to clear leptospires from blood and organs. In this study, a comprehensive bioinformatics approach based on reverse and structural vaccinology was applied toward the discovery of novel leptospiral vaccine candidates. The Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni strain L1-130 genome was mined in silico for the enhanced identification of conserved β-barrel (βb transmembrane proteins and outer membrane (OM lipoproteins. Orthologs of the prospective vaccine candidates were screened in the genomes of 20 additional Leptospira spp. Three-dimensional structural models, with a high degree of confidence, were created for each of the surface-exposed proteins. Major histocompatibility complex II (MHC-II epitopes were identified, and their locations were mapped on the structural models. A total of 18 βb transmembrane proteins and 8 OM lipoproteins were identified. These proteins were conserved among the pathogenic Leptospira spp. and were predicted to have epitopes for several variants of MHC-II receptors. A structural and functional analysis of the sequence of these surface proteins demonstrated that most βb transmembrane proteins seem to be TonB-dependent receptors associated with transportation. Other proteins

  5. Isolation of a Seawater Tolerant Leptospira spp. from a Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis). (United States)

    Grune Loffler, Sylvia; Rago, Virginia; Martínez, Mara; Uhart, Marcela; Florin-Christensen, Monica; Romero, Graciela; Brihuega, Bibiana


    Leptospirosis is the most widespread zoonotic disease in the world. It is caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the genus Leptospira spp. and is maintained in nature through chronic renal infection of carrier animals. Rodents and other small mammals are the main reservoirs. Information on leptospirosis in marine mammals is scarce; however, cases of leptospirosis have been documented in pinniped populations from the Pacific coast of North America from southern California to British Columbia. We report the isolation of a Leptospira spp. strain, here named Manara, from a kidney sample obtained from a Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis) calf, which stranded dead in Playa Manara, Península Valdés, Argentina. This strain showed motility and morphology typical of the genus Leptospira spp. under dark-field microscopy; and grew in Ellinghausen-McCullough-Johnson-Harris (EMJH) medium and Fletcher medium after 90 days of incubation at 28°C. Considering the source of this bacterium, we tested its ability to grow in Fletcher medium diluted with seawater at different percentages (1%, 3%, 5%, 7% and 10% v/v). Bacterial growth was detected 48 h after inoculation of Fletcher medium supplemented with 5% sea water, demonstrating the halophilic nature of the strain Manara. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences placed this novel strain within the radiation of the pathogenic species of the genus Leptospira spp., with sequence similarities within the range 97-100%, and closely related to L. interrogans. Two different PCR protocols targeting genus-specific pathogenic genes (G1-G2, B64I-B64II and LigB) gave positive results, which indicates that the strain Manara is likely pathogenic. Further studies are needed to confirm this possibility as well as determine its serogroup. These results could modify our understanding of the epidemiology of this zoonosis. Until now, the resistance and ability to grow in seawater for long periods of time had been proven for the strain

  6. Temperature and Oxidative Stress as Triggers for Virulence Gene Expression in Pathogenic Leptospira spp.

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    Tricia Fraser


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a zooanthroponosis aetiologically caused by pathogenic bacteria belonging to the genus, Leptospira. Environmental signals such as increases in temperatures or oxidative stress can trigger response regulatory modes of virulence genes during infection. This study sought to determine the effect of temperature and oxidative stress on virulence associated genes in highly passaged Leptospira borgpeterseneii Jules and L. interrogans Portlandvere. Bacteria were grown in EMJH at 30°C, 37°C, or at 30°C before being transferred to 37°C. A total of 14 virulence-associated genes (fliY, invA, lenA, ligB, lipL32, lipL36, lipL41, lipL45, loa22, lsa21, mce, ompL1, sph2, and tlyC were assessed using endpoint PCR. Transcriptional analyses of lenA, lipL32, lipL41, loa22, sph2 were assessed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR at the temperature conditions. To assess oxidative stress, bacteria were exposed to H2O2 for 30 and 60 min with or without the temperature stress. All genes except ligB (for Portlandvere and ligB and mce (for Jules were detectable in the strains. Quantitatively, temperature stress resulted in significant changes in gene expression within species or between species. Temperature changes were more influential in gene expression for Jules, particularly at 30°C and upshift conditions; at 37°C, expression levels were higher for Portlandvere. However, compared to Jules, where temperature was influential in two of five genes, temperature was an essential element in four of five genes in Portlandvere exposed to oxidative stress. At both low and high oxidative stress levels, the interplay between genetic predisposition (larger genome size and temperature was biased towards Portlandvere particularly at 30°C and upshift conditions. While it is clear that expression of many virulence genes in highly passaged strains of Leptospira are attenuated or lost, genetic predisposition, changes in growth temperature and/or oxidative intensity and

  7. Molecular Typing of Pathogenic Leptospira Serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae Strains Circulating in China during the Past 50 Years (United States)

    Zhang, Cuicai; Yang, Huimian; Li, Xiuwen; Cao, Zhiqiang; Zhou, Haijian; Zeng, Linzi; Xu, Jianmin; Xu, Yinghua; Chang, Yung-Fu; Guo, Xiaokui; Zhu, Yongzhang; Jiang, Xiugao


    Background Leptospirosis is one of the most important neglected tropical infectious diseases worldwide. Icterohaemorrhagiae has been throughout recent history, and still is, the predominant serogroup of this pathogen in China. However, very little in detail is known about the serovars or genotypes of this serogroup. Methodology/Principal Findings In this study, 120 epidemic strains from five geographically diverse regions in China collected over a 50 year period (1958~2008), and 8 international reference strains characterized by 16S rRNA sequencing and MLST analysis. 115, 11 and 2 strains were identified as L. interrogans, L. borgpetersenii, and L. kirschneri, respectively. 17 different STs were identified including 69 ST1 strains, 18 ST17, 18 ST128, 9 ST143 and 2 ST209. The remaining 12 strains belonged to 12 different STs. eBURST analysis demonstrated that, among the clonal complexes isolated (CCs), CC1 accounted for 73.3% (88/120) strains representing three STs: ST1, ST128 and ST98. ST1 was the most likely ancestral strain of this CC, followed by singleton CC17 (17/120) and CC143 (11/120). Further analysis of adding 116 serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae strains in the MLST database and studies previously described using global eBURST analysis and MST dendrogram revealed relatively similar ST clustering patterns with five main CCs and 8 singletons among these 244 strains. CC17 was found to be the most prevalent clone of pathogenic Leptospira circulating worldwide. This is the first time, to our knowledge, that ST1 and ST17 strains were distributed among 4 distinct serovars, indicating a highly complicated relationship between serovars and STs. Conclusions/Significance Our studies demonstrated a high level of genetic diversity in the serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae strains. Distinct from ST17 or ST37 circulating elsewhere, ST1 included in CC1, has over the past 50 years or so, proven to be the most prevalent ST of pathogenic leptospires isolated in China. Moreover, the

  8. Interaction of bovine peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cells and Leptospira species; innate responses in the natural bovine reservoir host.

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    Jennifer H Wilson-Welder


    Full Text Available Cattle are the reservoir hosts of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo, and can also be reservoir hosts of other Leptospira species such as L. kirschneri, and L. interrogans. As a reservoir host, cattle shed Leptospira, infecting other animals, including humans. Previous studies with human and murine neutrophils have shown activation of neutrophil extracellular trap or NET formation, and upregulation of inflammatory mediators by neutrophils in the presence of Leptospira. Humans, companion animals and most widely studied models of Leptospirosis are of acute infection, hallmarked by systemic inflammatory response, neutrophilia and septicemia. In contrast, cattle exhibit chronic infection with few outward clinical signs aside from reproductive failure. Taking into consideration that there is host species variation in innate immunity, especially in pathogen recognition and response, the interaction of bovine peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs and several Leptospira strains was evaluated. Studies including bovine-adapted strains, human pathogen strains, a saprophyte and inactivated organisms. Incubation of PMNs with Leptospira did induce slight activation of neutrophil NETs, greater than unstimulated cells but less than the quantity from E. coli P4 stimulated PMNs. Very low but significant from non-stimulated, levels of reactive oxygen peroxides were produced in the presence of all Leptospira strains and E. coli P4. Similarly, significant levels of reactive nitrogen intermediaries (NO2 was produced from PMNs when incubated with the Leptospira strains and greater quantities in the presence of E. coli P4. PMNs incubated with Leptospira induced RNA transcripts of IL-1β, MIP-1α, and TNF-α, with greater amounts induced by live organisms when compared to heat-inactivated leptospires. Transcript for inflammatory cytokine IL-8 was also induced, at similar levels regardless of Leptospira strain or viability. However, incubation of

  9. Isolation of a Seawater Tolerant Leptospira spp. from a Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis.

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    Sylvia Grune Loffler

    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is the most widespread zoonotic disease in the world. It is caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the genus Leptospira spp. and is maintained in nature through chronic renal infection of carrier animals. Rodents and other small mammals are the main reservoirs. Information on leptospirosis in marine mammals is scarce; however, cases of leptospirosis have been documented in pinniped populations from the Pacific coast of North America from southern California to British Columbia. We report the isolation of a Leptospira spp. strain, here named Manara, from a kidney sample obtained from a Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis calf, which stranded dead in Playa Manara, Península Valdés, Argentina. This strain showed motility and morphology typical of the genus Leptospira spp. under dark-field microscopy; and grew in Ellinghausen-McCullough-Johnson-Harris (EMJH medium and Fletcher medium after 90 days of incubation at 28°C. Considering the source of this bacterium, we tested its ability to grow in Fletcher medium diluted with seawater at different percentages (1%, 3%, 5%, 7% and 10% v/v. Bacterial growth was detected 48 h after inoculation of Fletcher medium supplemented with 5% sea water, demonstrating the halophilic nature of the strain Manara. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences placed this novel strain within the radiation of the pathogenic species of the genus Leptospira spp., with sequence similarities within the range 97-100%, and closely related to L. interrogans. Two different PCR protocols targeting genus-specific pathogenic genes (G1-G2, B64I-B64II and LigB gave positive results, which indicates that the strain Manara is likely pathogenic. Further studies are needed to confirm this possibility as well as determine its serogroup. These results could modify our understanding of the epidemiology of this zoonosis. Until now, the resistance and ability to grow in seawater for long periods of time had been proven

  10. Bacterial variations on the methionine salvage pathway

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    Haas Dieter


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The thiomethyl group of S-adenosylmethionine is often recycled as methionine from methylthioadenosine. The corresponding pathway has been unravelled in Bacillus subtilis. However methylthioadenosine is subjected to alternative degradative pathways depending on the organism. Results This work uses genome in silico analysis to propose methionine salvage pathways for Klebsiella pneumoniae, Leptospira interrogans, Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis and Xylella fastidiosa. Experiments performed with mutants of B. subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa substantiate the hypotheses proposed. The enzymes that catalyze the reactions are recruited from a variety of origins. The first, ubiquitous, enzyme of the pathway, MtnA (methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase, belongs to a family of proteins related to eukaryotic intiation factor 2B alpha. mtnB codes for a methylthioribulose-1-phosphate dehydratase. Two reactions follow, that of an enolase and that of a phosphatase. While in B. subtilis this is performed by two distinct polypeptides, in the other organisms analyzed here an enolase-phosphatase yields 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene. In the presence of dioxygen an aci-reductone dioxygenase yields the immediate precursor of methionine, ketomethylthiobutyrate. Under some conditions this enzyme produces carbon monoxide in B. subtilis, suggesting a route for a new gaseous mediator in bacteria. Ketomethylthiobutyrate is finally transaminated by an aminotransferase that exists usually as a broad specificity enzyme (often able to transaminate aromatic aminoacid keto-acid precursors or histidinol-phosphate. Conclusion A functional methionine salvage pathway was experimentally demonstrated, for the first time, in P. aeruginosa. Apparently, methionine salvage pathways are frequent in Bacteria (and in Eukarya, with recruitment of different polypeptides to perform the needed reactions (an ancestor of a translation initiation factor and Ru

  11. Health evaluation of a pronghorn antelope population in Oregon (United States)

    Dunbar, M.R.; Velarde, Roser; Gregg, M.A.; Bray, M.


    During 1996 and 1997, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducted a study to determine the cause(s) of population decline and low survival of pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana) fawns on Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge (HMNAR) located in southeastern Oregon (USA). As part of that study, blood, fecal, and tissue samples from 104 neonatal fawns, 40 adult does, and nine adult male pronghorns were collected to conduct a health evaluation of the population. Physiological parameters related to nutrition and/or disease were studied. No abnormalities were found in the complete blood cell counts of adults (n = 40) or fawns (n = 44 to 67). Serum total protein and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels were lower compared to other pronghorn populations. Does had mean BUN values significantly lower (P the does' marginal values in about 3 days Whole blood, serum and liver selenium (Se) levels were considered marginal to low in most segments of the pronghorn population. However, serum levels of vitamin E (range 1.98 to 3.27 ??g/ml), as determined from the does captured in March, were apparently sufficient to offset any signs of Se deficiency. No clinical signs of Cu or Se deficiency were observed. Fifty-five of 87 dead fawns were necropsied. Trauma, due to predation by coyotes (Canis latrans), accounted for 62% of the mortality during mid-May to mid-July of each year. Other causes included predation by golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) (4%), dystocia (2%), septicemic pasteurellosis (4%), starvation (5%), and unknown (23%). Adult females were tested for serum neutralizing antibodies to Brucella spp. (n = 20, negative), Leptospira interrogans (n = 20, negative), bluetongue virus (n = 20, 35% positive), epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (n = 20, 30% positive), respiratory syncytial virus (n = 18, negative), parainfluenza virus type 3 (n = 18, 67% positive), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (n = 18, negative), and bovine viral diarrhea (n = 18, negative). Considering the

  12. Efficacy of a New Recrystallized Enrofloxacin Hydrochloride-Dihydrate against Leptospirosis in a Hamster Model. (United States)

    Carrascosa, Alma; Gutierrez, Lilia; De la Peña, Alejandro; Candanosa, Irma E; Tapia, Graciela; Sumano, Hector


    A trial on Syrian hamsters ( Mesocricetus auratus ) infected with Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola was established to compare treatment efficacies of daily intramuscular (i.m.) injections of either 10 mg/kg of 5% enrofloxacin (Baytril [BE]; Bayer Animal Health, Mexico) or the same dose of enrofloxacin hydrochloride-dihydrate (enro-C). Hamsters were experimentally infected via the oral submucosa with 400 microorganisms/animal, in a sequential time schedule aligned to the initial treatment day, and were treated in groups as follows: a group treated with 5% enrofloxacin daily for 7 days after 24 h of infection (group BE 24 ); a group treated as described for group BE 24 but with enro-C (enro-C 24 ); a group also treated with 5% enrofloxacin but starting at 72 h after infection (BE 74 ); a group treated as described for group BE 74 but with injection of enro-C (enro-C 74 ). An untreated-uninfected control group (group CG - ) and an infected-untreated control group (group CG + ) were assembled ( n = 18 in all groups). Weights and temperatures of the hamsters were monitored daily for 28 days. After hamsters were euthanatized or following death, necropsy, histopathology, macroscopic agglutination tests (MAT), bacterial culture, and PCR were performed. The mortality rates were 38.8% in group BE 24 and 100% in group BE 74 No mortality was observed in group enro-C 24 , and 11.1% mortality was recorded in group enro-C 74 The mortality rates in groups CG + and CG - were 100% and zero, respectively. Combined necropsy and histopathologic findings revealed signs of septicemia and organ damage in groups BE 24 , BE 72 , and CG + Groups enro-C 24 and CG - showed no lesions. Moderated lesions were registered in 3 hamsters in group enro-C 72 MAT results were positive in 83.3% of BE 24 hamsters (83.3%) and 100% of BE 72 and CG + hamsters; MAT results were positive in 16.7% in group Enro-C 24 and 38.9% in group enro-C 72 Only 4/18 were PCR positive in group enro-C 72 and only 1

  13. Avaliação da contraimunoeletroforese com antígenos dos sorovars icterohaemorrhagiae E patoc no diagnóstico sorológico da leptospirose humana Evaluation of counterimmunoeletrophoresis with the serovars icterohaemorrhagiae and patoc antigens in the diagnosis of human leptospirosis

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    Paulo H. Yasuda


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o desempenho da contraimunoeletroforese (CIE no diagnóstico sorológico da leptospirose humana utilizando três tipos de antígenos derivados da L. interrogans sorovar icterohaemorrhagiae e do sorovar patoc da L. biflexa. Comparou-se os resultados obtidos na CIE com a prova de referência a soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM. Soros pareados de 135 pacientes com leptospirose foram subdivididos em 4 grupos de acordo com os resultados da SAM. Como controle coletou-se sangue de 69 indivíduos sadios. A concordância entre as duas técnicas variou de 92,64 a 94,11%. Os resultados obtidos pela CIE com os antígenos do sorovar icterohaemorrhagiae foram mais favoráveis do que aqueles derivados do patoc. Ressaltam-se as características de elevada sensibilidade detectando anticorpos antileptospiras mais precocemente do que a microaglutinação. As características encontradas no presente estudo credenciam o emprego da CIE como um método útil e prático para o diagnóstico da leptospirose humana na fase aguda da doença.Counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE was applied on paired sera from 135 pacients with leptospirosis and on 69 sera from a control group. The sera from pacients were subdivided in 4 groups according to the results obtained by the Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT. The first samples sera from 58 pacientes were non reagent by MAT. Six monthly samples of sera were taken from 7 patients to follow-up and to determine the level of agglutinin and precipitin antibodies present using MAT and CIE. Serovars icterohaemorrhagie and patoc were used as antigens. Three types of antigens were compared, 1 Triton-X-100 extracted; 2 heat extacted and 3 a pool of them. The CIE using icterohaemorrhagiae derivated antigens types agreed with MAT in 92.64, 92.64 and 94.11% of the leptospirosis sera. The patoc antigens types reacted with the control group in 7.24, 86.95 and 84.05% of the samples, and consequently were eliminated from the present

  14. Brote de legionelosis asociado a un balneario Legionella outbreak at a spa

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    E. Serrano Ibarbia


    Full Text Available En 1998 el inicio de la temporada de actividad de un balneario en Gipuzkoa coincidió con la detección de un brote de legionelosis asociado al mismo, lo cual condujo al cierre de la instalación y al estudio epidemiológico -casos y controles- y ambiental oportunos. Se definió como caso toda persona que durante su estancia en el balneario o durante los 10 días siguientes presentará neumonía o un cuadro febril compatible con fiebre de Pontiac.El estudio ambiental incluyó la inspección del balneario y entorno y muestreos de los sistemas sanitarios de agua y de los elementos de hidroterapia.De las 287 personas encuestadas de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca, el 12.5% cumplían con la definición de caso; 9 casos presentaron neumonía y 26 fiebre de Pontiac. La curva epidémica se inició el 7 de mayo, alcanzando un pico los días 14 y 15 de mayo y finalizando el día 20. El riesgo de enfermar ajustado por edad, sexo y consumo de tabaco se asoció con la duración de la estancia en el balneario (OR=118.5, 95% I.C: 18.7-750.2 y con el uso de una piscina (OR=10.5, 95% I.C: 1.3-82.6. Se detecto L. pneumophila serogrupo1 en recuentos superiores a 103 ufc/l en diversos puntos de la red de hidroterapia y en la ducha de la habitación de uno de los enfermos. El análisis por electroforesis en campos pulsados de una muestra biológica y muestras ambientales permitió la confirmación genotípica. El establecimiento se abrió al público tras realizar un tratamiento de choque y comprobar que transcurridos 15 días no se detectó L. pneumophila en las muestras ambientales.The start of seasonal activity at a spa in Guipuzcoa coincided with the detection of an associated legionnaire outbreak in 1998. This led to the closure of the premises and to the carrying out of opportune environmental and epidemiological studies. The latter included case-control study. A case was defined as a person who, either during his stay or in a period of 10 days thereafter

  15. Detección de cepas de Neisseria meningitidis resistentes a rifampicina en el Uruguay Detection of rifampicin-resistant strains of Neisseria meningitidis in Uruguay

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    Gabriel Pérez Giffoni


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar fenotípica y genotípicamente dos aislamientos de Neisseria meningitidis resistentes a rifampicina relacionados con dos eventos independientes de transmisión de enfermedad meningocócica grave que se presentaron en septiembre y octubre de 2010 en Montevideo, Uruguay. Se revisó también la base de datos de la vigilancia nacional de resistencia a los antimicrobianos de los últimos 10 años, para estimar la frecuencia de la particularidad de los meningococos caracterizados. La resistencia a rifampicina se estudió por el método epsilométrico. El serotipo y serosubtipo de los aislamientos se determinaron por ELISA y la caracterización genotípica se realizó por digestión del ADN con NheI y electroforesis en gel con campo pulsátil. Ambos aislamientos eran idénticos, B:2a:P1.5, y su fenotipo no figuraba en la colección de 408 cepas de N. meningitidis aisladas en el Uruguay en los últimos 10 años, con la excepción de dos aislamientos sensibles a rifampicina. Los dos aislamientos estudiados también compartían un pulsotipo único, diferente del de otros dos aislamientos resistentes a rifampicina obtenidos en 2003 y 2007. Por lo tanto, ambos eventos de transmisión fueron causados por una única cepa resistente a rifampicina, que podría haberse introducido al país desde otras regiones o haberse originado por un cambio del serogrupo C al B, como producto de la presión selectiva ejercida por vacunas administradas a la población. Es necesario mantener y extremar la vigilancia. No obstante, en vista de que hasta el momento este tipo de hallazgo ha sido esporádico, no se justifica cambiar el fármaco antimicrobiano que se administra a los contactos para la profilaxis, a menos que se identifique un caso secundario.The objective of this study was to characterize the phenotype and genotype of two isolates of rifampicin-resistant Neisseria meningitidis associated with two independent events

  16. Leptospirosis en el Perú: I. Identificación de las cepas de leptospiras presentes en el perro y el gato e incidencia de la infección

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    Arístides Herrer


    Full Text Available Durante 1955 a 1957 se han realizado investigaciones acerca de la leptospirosis en el perro y el gato en la ciudad de Lima con la finalidad de determinar las cepas serológicas que infectan a dichos animales y la incidencia de la infección en relación con diversos factores. Todos los gatos y la mayoría de los perros estudiados procedían de la ciudad de Lima y sus inmediaciones; el resto de los perros, habían sido enviados a Lima procedentes de diversas localidades que se hallan a lo largo de la Costa. Las investigaciones efectuadas en dichos animales consisten en: a reacciones serológicas de aglutinación-lisis, en las que se empleó 11 cepas diferentes de leptospiras; b cultivos de la sangre y el riñón; y c observaciones al campo oscuro del triturado de riñón. Los principales resultados obtenidos son los siguientes: 1. De 444 perros en los que se realizaran las reacciones serológicas, en 206 (46.4% se ha verificado la presencia de anticuerpos a título que varió entre 1:100 a 1:30,000. Los anticuerpos verificados correspondieron casi en su totalidad a L. canícola Ruebush (84.5%, y L. icterohaemorrhagiae AB Winjberg (11.6%. 2. De los 206 perros con reacción serológica positiva, 66 (32% reaccionaron simultáneamente frente a dos cepas y 11 (5.3% frente a tres. En tales reacciones cruzadas la cepa L. ballum fue la que ofreció resultados positivos con mayor frecuencia (78.0% 3. En cuanto al título de los anticuerpos, en 154 casos (74.8% fue entre 1:100 y 1:300; en 49 (23.8%, entre 1:1,000 y 1:3,000; y en los tres restantes (1.4%, entre 1:10,000 y 1:30,000. 4. A semejanza de lo que sucede en otras partes, la incidencia de la leptospirosis canina es mayor durante los meses de temperatura más elevada (enero-marzo, del mismo modo, la incidencia es más alta en los animales machos (50% que en las hembras (35.9%. Ambos datos han sido obtenidos a base de los cultivos de riñón. 5. En 435 perros se hicieron cultivos de riñón y, en 113

  17. Editorial

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    Yeimy Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Editorial Infancia-s, cultura y educaciónUn nutrido número de publicaciones acerca de lainfancia y/o las infancias ratifican la consolida-ción de un campo de discursos que se expandey densifica gracias a la multiplicidad de perspectivasde abordaje teórico y metodológico que aportan al debate sobre lo que ha sido, lo que es y lo que debe ser la infancia. Tales discursos describen y analizan prác-ticas de infantilización que se organizaron en mediode dinámicas sociales e históricas específicas y que seencuentran estrechamente vinculadas con acciones yreflexiones de carácter pedagógico y educativo. Unalectura detallada de ese campo discursivo en AmériLatina evidencia una importante producción de estuca-dios que interrogan la emergencia de saberes sobrela infancia, al mismo tiempo que describen y definenun conjunto de prácticas, especialmente pedagógicas,cuyo propósito es el gobierno de la conducta de esegrupo de individualidades que intentamos definir yatrapar bajo la noción de infancia.Al dedicar este número a la relación infancia-s, cultura y educación, la Revista Pedagogía y Saberes se propone ofrecer a sus lectores un panorama de la diversidad de coordenadas teórico-metodológicas y de diálogos disciplinares que diseñan un lugar para pensar la infancia como objeto de saber y de poder y que definen las formas como nos relacionamos con los sujetos infantiles, en contextos culturalesparticulares. Con esta edición, el Comité Ela revista hace una apuesta por el uso del ditorial de término infancia-s con la intención de expresar el sentidoplural de los modos de ser sujetos, de la diversidad deexperiencias en los primeros años de vida y, también, de las múltiples miradas y formas de pensar, estudiar,investigar y hablar de la(s infancia(s.En la sección Reflexiones se presentan catorce ar-tículos que ofrecen un panorama sobre los saberes yprácticas educativas, gracias a los cuales se construyóuna forma de pensar y

  18. Enfermedad neumocócica invasiva en niños de la Región de Murcia Invasive pneumococcal disease in children in the region of Murcia, Spain

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    M.I. Espín


    Full Text Available Objetivo: La disponibilidad de una vacuna neumocócica conjugada plantea la necesidad de conocer la incidencia y características de la enfermedad neumocócica invasiva en niños de la Región de Murcia, con la finalidad de obtener información que pueda ser de utilidad para establecer adecuadamente las indicaciones de vacunación. Métodos: Se ha realizado una búsqueda retrospectiva de casos de enfermedad invasiva por Streptococcus pneumoniae en menores de 15 años de edad atendidos en hospitales de la Región de Murcia durante el período 1991-2000. Las fuentes de datos utilizadas han sido las bases de datos de los Servicios de Microbiología, el Conjunto Mínimo de Datos Básicos, registro de altas pediátricas y Registro EDO. Resultados: La tasa de incidencia para el período 1996-2000 fue, para los menores de 1 año, de 18,25 por 10(5 personas-año en el caso de enfermedad invasiva (10,6 para meningitis; para los menores de 2 años, de 13,6 para enfermedad invasiva (6 para meningitis; para menores de 5 años, de 8,9 (1,35 para meningitis, y para los menores de 15 años, de 3,7 (1,3 para meningitis. El 28% de los casos presentaba factores de riesgo. Las complicaciones alcanzaron el 35,2% y las secuelas el 5%. La letalidad fue del 11,8%. Los serogrupos prevalentes fueron el 19, el 6, el 18, el 5, el 14 y el 23. Conclusiones: El alto porcentaje de casos con factores de riesgo de enfermedad neumocócica invasiva aconseja la implantación de programas de vacunación dirigidos a todos los niños con factores de riesgo. La incidencia de enfermedad neumocócica invasiva encontrada en la Región de Murcia difiere de la de otras zonas geográficas; sin embargo, la incidencia de meningitis es similar a la de otros estudios. La gravedad de la enfermedad justifica la realización de estudios coste-efectividad para valorar la posible incorporación de la vacuna en el calendario vacunal.Objective: Because of the availability of a conjugate pneumococcal

  19. Meningococcal carriage in the African meningitis belt (United States)


    êcher le portage pharyngé devrait être déterminé. Pour résoudre ce problème, le consortium MenAfriCar (Consortium Africain du Portage Méningococcique) a été établi en 2009 pour étudier le mode de portage du méningocoque dans les pays de la ceinture africaine de la méningite avant et après l’ introduction de PsA-TT. Cet article décrit comment le consortium a été établi, ses objectifs et les méthodes de laboratoire et de terrain standardisées qui ont été utilisées pour atteindre ces objectifs. L’ expérience du consortium MenAfriCar aidera à planifier les futures études sur l’ épidémiologie du portage du méningocoque dans les pays de la ceinture africaine de la méningite et d’ ailleurs. Se está utilizando una vacuna meningocócica conjugada (MenAfriVac™) de polisacárido del serogrupo A / tétano toxoide (PsA-TT) en países del cinturón Africano de meningitis. Las experiencias obtenidas con otras vacunas conjugadas polisacárido/proteína han demostrado que una parte importante de su éxito se debe a su habilidad para prevenir la colonización faríngea de los portadores, acabando por lo tanto con la transmisión, y a la de inducir la protección de rebaño. Si PsA-TT ha de cumplir el objetivo de prevenir epidemias, debe ser capaz de prevenir el estado de portador faríngeo, al igual que la enfermedad invasiva por meningococo, y para ello es necesario determinar si la PsA-TT puede prevenir la colonización faríngea. Con el fin de abordar esta cuestión se estableció un consorcio africano en el 2009 - el MenAfriCar (African Meningococcal Carriage Consortium) – para investigar los patrones del estado de portador de meningococo en países del cinturón Africano de la meningitis, antes y después de la introducción de PsA-TT. Este artículo describe como se estableció el consorcio, sus objetivos y los métodos estandarizados de campo y de laboratorio que se utilizaron para alcanzarlos. La experiencia del consorcio MenAfriCar ayudar