
Sample records for intermontanos ejemplos actuales

  1. XML: Ejemplos de uso


    Luján Mora, Sergio


    XML (eXtensible Markup Language, Lenguaje de marcas extensible) - Aplicación XML = Lenguaje de marcado = Vocabulario - Ejemplos: DocBook, Chemical Markup Language, Keyhole Markup Language, Mathematical Markup Language, Open Document, Open XML Format, Scalable Vector Graphics, Systems Byology Markup Language.

  2. XML: Ejemplos de uso (presentación)


    Luján Mora, Sergio


    XML (eXtensible Markup Language, Lenguaje de marcas extensible) - Aplicación XML = Lenguaje de marcado = Vocabulario - Ejemplos: DocBook, Chemical Markup Language, Keyhole Markup Language, Mathematical Markup Language, Open Document, Open XML Format, Scalable Vector Graphics, Systems Byology Markup Language.

  3. El debate sobre la eutanasia y la medicina actual


    León Correa, Francisco Javier


    En el actual debate planteado en torno a la eutanasia hay cuatro cuestiones que necesitan hoy un urgente estudio. La primera consiste en la necesidad de definir inequívocamente la terminología y, con ella, los conceptos que usamos al hablar de eutanasia. La segunda se refiere a la conveniencia de seguir de cerca la conducta de los profesionales que aceptan la eutanasia como solución para ciertos problemas médico-sociales, tal como nos muestra el ejemplo holandés, y la incidencia en la medicin...

  4. Ejemplos y definiciones de ecuaciones: una ventana hacia el conocimiento conceptual de estudiantes de secundaria

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    Elena Fernández Millán


    Full Text Available En este estudio utilizamos la generación de ejemplos y la definición de conceptos por estudiantes para indagar en el conocimiento conceptual implícito y explícito del concepto ecuación que han adquirido en la Educación Secundaria. Los estudiantes mostraron facilidad para generar ejemplos de ecuaciones y determinar diferencias entre ellos, dando evidencias de su conocimiento conceptual implícito. En cuanto al explícito, manifestaron dificultades para definir el concepto ecuación. Generar ejemplos les ayudó a identificar elementos comunes, generalizar y expresar verbalmente, aunque con ciertas limitaciones, lo que para ellos es una ecuación.

  5. Un ejemplo de evolución literaria: Romance de El prisionero.

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    Francisco Javier Grande Quejigo


    Full Text Available La riqueza del saber popular modifica las versiones literarias de aquellas manifestaciones que se transmiten de forma oral. En este sentido, la recreación en el siglo XX del tradicional romance de El Prisionero es un claro ejemplo de actualización del texto, acomodándolo a su tiempo y lugar, una vez alejado de su génesis. El presente artículo es una muestra de las oscilaciones de significado en la obra que, manteniendo ciertos motivos originarios, incorpora otros nuevos que lo amplifican y alteran su valor, al tiempo que nos demuestra la vigencia de la literatura de romances como ejemplo de literatura viva y en constante transformación.

  6. La problemática educativa actual

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    Daniel Filmus


    Full Text Available A través de una interesante y clara descripción de los cambios sufridos en América Latina y particularmente en Argentina a lo largo de la historia, el destacado especialista y actual Ministro de Educación de la Nación, Lic. Daniel Filmus, detalló los principales problemas que atraviesa hoy la educación. Su conferencia, sólidamente sustentada por numerosos datos estadísticos y ejemplos concretos, abordó temáticas claves como la exclusión, los salarios docentes, la inversión educativa, la globalización y sus efectos, la relación entre educación y demanda laboral. Finalmente, planteó algunos objetivos centrales a los que debemos apuntar para mejorar nuestro sistema educativo y lograr un país con lugar para todos

  7. Efectos de la Respuesta del Lector y del Uso de Ejemplos sobre la Composición Escrita

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    Virginia Pacheco


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el papel de la respuesta del lector y del uso de ejemplos en la elaboración de procedimientos de un escritor en estudiantes universitarios, en dos sesiones: en la primera 36 escritores describieron una figura y una ruta en un mapa; en la segunda, los escritores fueron distribuidos en tres grupos: DM: 12 escritores modificaron sus descripciones con base en ejemplos de procedimientos similares y en dibujos elaborados por 12 lectores; D: 12 escritores modificaron sus textos con base en dibujos de 12 lectores y SDSM: 12 escritores hicieron modificaciones sin ver dibujos ni ejemplos. Los grupos DM y D hicieron descripciones más precisas. Se discute la relevancia de analizar las interacciones escritoras en función del propósito y la complejidad de la tarea.

  8. Tendencias Actuales del Constitucionalismo Latinoamericano

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    Jorge Carpizo


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza los cambios constitucionales que ha habido en América Latina y que han tenido incidencia directa en el progreso de la democracia en la región; de esta manera, hace una amplia comparación de la creación de instituciones que persiguen este fin en los diferentes estados. Desde una definición amplia y actual de democracia, se revelan sus principales focos de peligro como la ilegitimidad del Estado de derecho o la percepción de corrupción predominante en la población. El escrito hace un estudio de los atributos más importantes que pueden encontrarse actualmente en esta parte del continente, y no todos ellos parecen ser siempre optimistas; tal es el caso, por ejemplo, de los referendos cuando no son conducidos conforme a la ley o los no siempre exitosos gobiernos divididos y de coalición. Es claro que el avance en materia de democracia ha sido significativo en los últimos treinta años, pero aún existen factores de riesgo que no deben perderse de vista puesto que resulta imperativo seguir el camino sin retroceder.

  9. Tendencias actuales del constitucionalismo latinoamericano

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    Jorge Carpizo


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza los cambios constitucionales que ha habido en América Latina y que han tenido incidencia directa en el progreso de la democracia en la región; de esta manera, hace una amplia comparación de la creación de instituciones que persiguen este fin en los diferentes estados. Desde una definición amplia y actual de democracia, se revelan sus principales focos de peligro como la ilegitimidad del Estado de derecho o la percepción de corrupción predominante en la población. El escrito hace un estudio de los atributos más importantes que pueden encontrarse actualmente en esta parte del continente, y no todos ellos parecen ser siempre optimistas; tal es el caso, por ejemplo, de los referendos cuando no son conducidos conforme a la ley o los no siempre exitosos gobiernos divididos y de coalición. Es claro que el avance en materia de democracia ha sido significativo en los últimos treinta años, pero aún existen factores de riesgo que no deben perderse de vista puesto que resulta imperativo seguir el camino sin retroceder.

  10. Reformulando el museo en el contexto actual de crisis

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    Susana Solís Zara


    Full Text Available Resumen: El presente artículo analiza y cuestiona la situación actual que atraviesan los centros y museos de arte contemporáneo, a través de un estudio pormenorizado de las transformaciones más destacadas que se han ido dando en los últimos cuarenta años. Donde hemos pasado, a partir del inicio del postmodernismo, del fenómeno “efecto museo” y proliferación memorística acrecentada en pleno boom económico, a nuevos tiempos de incertidumbre donde muchas instituciones museísticas de nuestro país, ven afectadas sus colecciones por los recortes y ajustes presupuestarios generales del Estado, aumentando de esta manera el peligro de la defensa del programa y la disminución de la actividad de estos espacios expositivos que, asimismo, sufren modificaciones constantes, que necesitan adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos y a las propuestas emergentes de los artistas. Reformulando el museo en crisis, contribuiremos a la discusión introduciendo algunos anomalías y ciertas cuestiones sobre el tema. Como es por ejemplo la actual crisis económica y financiera, que pone en peligro tanto la supervivencia de muchos centros culturales como la investigación de nuestro patrimonio artístico y cultural y, por consiguiente, la amenaza de no poder recuperar nuestra memoria histórica.


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    Guiomar Nates Parra


    Full Text Available El concepto de que el comportamiento de los animales esta determinado genéticamente no es nuevo si se considera que ya Darwin en su famosa obra El origen del hombre, en 1871 mencionaba que… “los rasgos del temperamento de los animales son heredados”. Pero solo hasta hace casi 50 años fue que la genética del comportamiento surgió como una especialidad importante dentro de la Genética; desde esa época muchos son los avances que refuerzan la idea generalmente aceptada de que todos los patrones comportamentales están determinados por componentes tanto ambientales como genotípicos. El análisis del control genético de un determinado comportamiento es complicado por el hecho de que las acciones primarias de un gene pueden afectar: 1. Los órganos sensoriales, cambiando la información recibida. 2. Sistemas intermedios (nervioso, endocrino, alterando capacidades de coordinación y percepción y 3. Órganos efectores, alterando la respuesta. Las mutaciones inducidas, que bloquean o alteran los patrones normales de comportamiento, proporcionan una herramienta muy útil para entender como los genes influencian la conducta (Hall et al, 1982. Al respecto hay muchos ejemplos, cuyo conocimiento ha servido para controlar o seleccionar caracteres indeseables o deseables (respectivamente, importantes para el mejoramiento en algunas especies animales. Por ejemplo, con la llegada de la abeja africanizada a América del Sur (Brasil,1958 (Kerr, 1967 llegaron también varios inconvenientes generados por el fuerte comportamiento defensivo de la nueva subespecie introducida (Apis mellifera scutellata , lo cual hizo que se iniciaran programas de investigación tendientes a conocer la biología y el comportamiento de la nueva especie introducida, de manera que se pudieran establecer cepas de abejas menos defensivas, conjuntamente con otras características como productividad o comportamiento higiénico. El establecimiento de las bases moleculares del

  12. «Se lo llevó El Chamuco». El trato familiar hacia el Diablo en algunos ejemplos de la literatura oral de México

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    Claudia Carranza Vera


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. This article is a review of some lexical examples and texts from oral literature, in which it can be seen the representations that have being given to the Devil and to the Hell in mexican culture. The analysis focuses on the folklore devil and analyzes the functions of this representations, which serves as a catalyzer for some of the emotions, positive and negative, of the Mexican society. RESUMEN. Este estudio realiza una revisión de algunos ejemplos léxicos y de textos provenientes de la literatura oral actual (paremias, coplas, narraciones, en donde es posible apreciar las representaciones que suelen hacerse del Diablo y del Infierno en México. El análisis se centra en el diablo folklórico y analiza las funciones que este personaje puede tener para exponer y catalizar algunas de las emociones, positivas y negativas de la sociedad mexicana.


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    Jesús Fernando Novoa Ramírez


    Full Text Available Se presentan algunos ejemplos para motivar el uso de herramientas docentes que las calculadoras poseen. Estas herramientas son la programación, las presentaciones y el desarrollo de material de clase, las cuales pueden ser usadas en todos los niveles de la educación.

  14. Artículos de curación de contenidos. Categorías y ejemplos


    Guallar, Javier


    Se presenta una propuesta de indicadores para el análisis de artículos basados en curación de contenidos. Se consideran dos parámetros fundamentales: curación y contenidos, y para cada uno de ellos se proponen diversos indicadores con tipos de artículos y ejemplos A proposal of indicators for the analysis of articles based on content curation is presented. Two fundamental parameters are considered: curation and content, and for each, several indicators are proposed with types of articles and ...

  15. Ejemplo de cálculo de pérdidas iniciales y diferidas en hormigón pretensado


    Varona Moya, Francisco de Borja


    Este objeto de aprendizaje incluye dos archivos. En primer lugar, el enunciado y resolución completa de un ejemplo de cálculo de pérdidas iniciales y diferidas de pretensado en una viga prefabricada de hormigón con dos tendones postesados adherentes. En segundo lugar, una hoja de cálculo en EXCEL con la secuencia de todos los cálculos.

  16. Ejemplos de visualización y uso de materiales manipulativos en textos matemáticos antiguos


    Meavilla, Vicente; Oller, Antonio Miguel


    La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las Matemáticas, sobre todo en los niveles educativos preuniversitarios, necesita el apoyo de ciertos recursos complementarios (materiales didácticos manipulativos, interpretaciones diversas de un mismo objeto matemático, etc.) que pueden ayudar al aprendiz a la hora de comprender conceptos y procedimientos. La historia de la Matemática está llena de ejemplos (álgebra geométrica, demostraciones visuales, rompecabezas geométricos para transformar figuras en otr...

  17. San Esteban de Atán (Lugo. Un ejemplo de iglesia que no es lo que parece

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    Caballero, Luis


    Full Text Available The archaeological analysis of the church of San Esteban de Atán (Lugo offers a stratigraphic sequence rich in phases and results. Documentary sources and some decorative elements (lattices appear to affirm the existence of a pre-Romanesque church previous to the present Romanesque style church. The reading of facings does not document any building phase that might correspond to these indications. Of the singular pieces considered pre-Romanesque, only one can be confirmed from this date, but its original location is unknown. On this basis, it is impossible to sustain the hypothesis of the church as pre-Romanesque. Secondly, the present construction, catalogued as belonging to the Romanesque period according to architectonic and decorative typologies, belongs in fact to the low medieval period, as seen in diverse relations and in the fact that elements accepted as chronological indicators have been reused in the walls. The results at Atán challenge the classifications within history of art, and this example is surely not an exception.El análisis arqueológico de la iglesia de San Esteban de Atán (Lugo ofrece una secuencia estratigráfica rica en fases y resultados. Las fuentes documentales y algunos elementos decorativos (celosías parecían afirmar la existencia de una iglesia prerrománica anterior a la actual de época románica. La lectura de paramentos no documenta ninguna fase constructiva que pueda corresponder a estos indicios. De las piezas singulares consideradas como prerrománicas, sólo una puede confirmarse de esta fecha, pero desconocemos su emplazamiento original. Sobre esta base, no se puede sostener la hipotética iglesia prerrománica. En segundo lugar, la construcción actual, catalogada en época románica de acuerdo a las tipologías arquitectónicas y decorativas, pertenece en realidad a época bajomedieval, como demuestran diversas relaciones y el hecho de que los elementos aceptados como indicadores cronológicos se

  18. ¿Cómo hacer afirmaciones con pretensiones de universalidad a partir de acontecimientos contingentes?: El ejemplo de Cristo en la filosofía

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    Carlos Casale


    Full Text Available A partir del desafío misional que se le plantea a la teología actual, de realizar afirmaciones universales salvíficas a partir de un hecho revelador concreto, la figura de Jesucristo, la cristología emerge como un campo paradigmático para reflexionar a fondo el reto recién señalado. En Cristo, "universal concreto", se revela la verdad de la humanidad, el cosmos y la historia, como señala el Concilio Vaticano II, en donde la idea de verdad debe ser pensada más allá de las formas clásicas de la "adecuación" y de los estrechos márgenes de la lógica y ciencia moderna: esta idea debe ser interpretada ante todo, apoyándose en Heidegger, como acontecimiento, donde se revela el sentido de la creación. Para poder expresar estas convicciones, la teología puede servirse del ejemplo de cómo algunos representantes fundamentales de la filosofía moderna (Kant, Hegel por ejemplo, han pensado la aparición de lo histórico en relación a la pregunta por el destino y sentido de lo universal.From the starting point of the missionary challenge that modern theology poses, by making universally salvific statements from a concrete act of revelation'the figure of Jesús ChrisfChristology emerges as a paradigmatic field for in-depth reflection upon this aforementioned provocative assertion. In Christ, "concrete universal", the truth about humanity, the cosmos and history is revealed, as Vatican Council II indicates. This is where the idea of truth must be considered beyond the classic forms of "adjustment" and of the narrow margins of logic and modern science. This idea must be interpreted, before anything else, based on Heidegger, as event, where the meaning of Creation is revealed. In order to express these convictions, theology can be served by the examples of how some fundamental representatives of modern philosophy (Kant and Hegel, for example have considered the appearance of the historical in relation to the question of destiny and meaning of

  19. Factores que intervienen en los usos de tú y usted en español peninsular. Algunos ejemplos prácticos para E/LE

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    Jorge Roselló Verdeguer


    Full Text Available : La extensión del tuteo en el español actual puede llevar a pensar al estudiante de E/LE que esta forma de tratamiento es prácticamente la única que se utiliza en el discurso oral. Sin embargo, siguen existiendo condicionantes para el uso de tú y usted, unos derivados de factores sociales y culturales (la edad, el tema, la proximidad y otros relacionados con el contexto o situación. En este trabajo ofrecemos una serie de ejemplos, extraídos de películas, series de televisión, anuncios, etc., que nos ayudan a reflexionar sobre el uso real de estas formas de tratamiento y sobre su aplicación en el aula.   Palabras clave: formas de tratamiento, sociolingüística, cortesía, enseñanza.   Factors involved in the use of tú and usted in peninsular Spanish. Some practical examples for S/FL   Abstract: Addressing someone as  tú is used more often in current Spanish and that can make the students of Spanish as a Foreign Language believe that this form of addressing is almost the only one in the oral speech. However, the use of tú and usted are still conditioned by social, cultural and contextual factors. In this paper we offer a set of examples from movies, TV shows, ads, etc. that help us to reflect on the actual use of these forms of address and their educational applications in the class of  Spanish as a Foreign Language   Keywords: address forms, interactional sociolinguistics, politeness, teaching.

  20. La Protección Medioambiental: Predicar con el Ejemplo

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    María José Vázquez-Cueto


    Full Text Available La preocupación por el cuidado del medioambiente es generalizada, probablemente porque se considera que éste nos pertenece, nos afecta y, por tanto, nos concierne a todas las personas. La buena predisposición teórica hacia políticas o iniciativas que promueven buenos comportamientos ambientales se debilita al conocer los gastos asociados a la recuperación y mantenimiento del medioambiente, máxime cuando se toma conciencia de la repercusión directa para el bolsillo. Este trabajo pone de manifiesto la discrepancia entre la preocupación medioambiental y lo que estamos dispuestos a pagar para paliar los daños medioambientales. A partir de los datos del Ecobarómetro Andaluz (EBA y la Encuesta de Realidad Social en Andalucía (ERSA, realizamos análisis descriptivos y contrates paramétricos y no paramétricos. Observamos la escasa materialización en euros de la alta preocupación medioambiental, encontrando así que la población analizada está muy lejos de predicar con el ejemplo y que otorga un valor nulo a su conciencia medioambiental. Además, hemos analizado separadamente por sexo encontrando ciertas diferencias dignas de mención, según género.


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    María Silveria Agulló Tomás


    Full Text Available El objetivo general de este trabajo estriba en desarrollar el tema del voluntariado de mayores como un claro ejemplo de envejecimiento participativo y saludable. En la primera parte se definen los conceptos utilizados y se refleja el «envejecimiento activo» como expresión de una necesidad social más que sólo una tendencia en boga. La participación social de los mayores es destacada como interés prioritario tanto desde las instituciones políticas como socio-económicas. En la segunda, se ofrecen algunos datos e informaciones que ayudan a dibujar una panorámica internacional sobre la situación de los mayores como voluntarios. En la tercera se desarrollan las distintas actividades, tipología, opiniones y vivencias de voluntarios mayores en nuestro contexto español. Al final, entre otras conclusiones y propuestas, se subraya la relevancia de continuar y hacer realidad un «envejecimiento participativo», pero, eso sí, evitando el derrumbe hacia la «explotación» humana para construir una vejez más saludable y justa acorde con los principios básicos de toda sociedad democrática.

  2. La Neurociencia Computacional hoy: II. El Proyecto Blue Brain, un ejemplo muy representativo en el campo

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    Jesús Cortés


    Full Text Available La Neurociencia Computacional es un campo reciente, pero bien establecido dentro de las Neurociencias. En un primer artículo (Cortés, 2009,, “Qué es y por qué es difícil su estudio”, explico su principal paradigma: todo proceso mental que tiene lugar en nuestro cerebro tiene un circuito o cableado físico que lo sustenta. En este artículo comento un ejemplo muy representativo en el campo: el macro-proyecto de simulación a gran escala y en tiempo real de procesos en la corteza cerebral, el famoso Blue Brain Project.

  3. Introduccción al Bootstrap: Desarrollo de un ejemplo acompañado de software de aplicación

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    Rubén Ledesma


    Full Text Available El bootstrap es un tipo de técnica de remuestreo de datos que permite resolver problemas relacionados con la estimación de intervalos de confianza o la prueba de significación estadística. Este enfoque puede resultar de interés para los investigadores en Psicología, no solo porque es menos restrictivo que el enfoque estadístico clásico, sino también porque es más general en su formulación y más simple de comprender en lo referente al procedimiento básico que subyace al método. En lugar de fórmulas o modelos matemáticos abstractos, el bootstrap simplemente requiere un ordenador capaz de simular un proceso de muestreo aleatorio de los datos. Sin embargo, y debido quizás a la escasa difusión de la técnica, los investigadores aún no han incorporado el bootstrap al repertorio habitual de herramientas de análisis de datos. En este trabajo realizamos una presentación conceptual del bootstrap, ilustramos la técnica mediante un ejemplo y revisamos algunas opciones disponibles en materia de software estadístico. El trabajo incluye además un programa para correr el ejemplo dentro de ViSta “The Visual Statistics System”, un sistema estadístico gratuito y abierto.

  4. Estudio de caso de maestra transexual: la transexualidad como ejemplo de diversidad afectivo-sexual en Educación Primaria


    Parra Rodríguez, Fátima


    El siguiente trabajo «Estudio de caso de maestra transexual: la transexualidad como ejemplo de diversidad afectivo-sexual en Educación Primaria» pretende ser una evidencia de la diversidad afectivo-sexual presente en la escuela como institución que configura y constituye la sociedad. El objeto de estudio es una de las pocas maestras transexuales ejerciendo actualmente en la Educación Primaria andaluza. El testimonio sobre su experiencia personal en el ámbito privado, activista y educativo se ...

  5. Tomografía geoeléctrica: dos ejemplos en la Sabana de Bogotá

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    Briceno Guarupe Luis Alberto


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    With the new technologies about math algorithms and software interpretation to solve the inverse problem, two examples of electric tomography were done in two different places and over quaternary deposits that correspond to Sabana de Bogota. The first, placed, near the location of Tenjo, was done to see the behaviour of the geoelectrical model with low resistivity and electric contrast materials (alluvial deposits of Formaci6n Sabana. While the second, over deposits of fluvial-glacier origen, like Rio Tunjuelito's deposits, shows effects over high resistivity materials with great lateral variations of resistivity. The evaluation of the quality of data was made with lithologic columns in both cases, in general, the results were coherent and showed high resolution. The reached depths of investigation were 30% for the first example and 40%, for the second, situating the electrodes with Wenner amd Wenner-Sciumberguer arrays. Using the results of these two examples, clearly we can see that the depth of investigation depends on the media, the geometric array and the lenght of the section. This geophysic tool is very useful in shallow applications (100 m depth, and where high resolution and quality are needed.

    Con base a las nuevas tecnologías en exploración geoeléctrica en cuanto a algoritmos para resolver el problema inverso y software de interpretación, se hicieron dos secciones tomográficas o “imaging”. Los dos ejemplos se realizaron, en ubicaciones diferentes y sobre sedimentos no consolidados de edad cuaternaria. EI primero, ubicado en cercanias de Tenjo, se realizó para analizar el comportamiento del modelo geoeléctrico sobre materiales de baja resistividad

  6. La enseñanza del periodismo social y su aplicación. El ejemplo de Periodismo Humano


    Rodríguez Montes, Alejandro


    La presente investigación surge del afán por conocer el alcance de la enseñanza del periodismo social en las universidades españolas de cara a una aplicación práctica, complementado con el ejemplo del medio de comunicación Periodismo Humano. En una época marcada por la globalización, en la que los intercambios culturales están a la orden del día, las condiciones de vida a lo largo y ancho del planeta difieren enormemente dependiendo del país en el que nos encontremos. Aunque se han logrado nu...

  7. A propósito de dos ejemplos en pediatría

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    Juan Gérvas Camacho


    Full Text Available La prevención tiene un aura positiva que a veces confunde, pues no se corresponde con los hechos. Decimos que “más vale prevenir que curar” y en muchos casos no es cierto. Además, las actividades preventivas deberían tener mucho mayor fundamento científico que las curativas, pues aquellas las solemos ofrecer y éstas nos son requeridas. En este texto revisamos dos ejemplos pediátricos de cribado, el del neuroblastoma y el de la displasia de cadera, que sirven para valorar los problemas prácticos de la prevención secundaria. Con ellos se examinan algunas cuestiones generales e importantes en el cribado, como la necesidad de conocer la historia natural de la enfermedad, y el “punto crítico de irreversabilidad” (el tiempo en que es oportuno hacer el diagnóstico precoz de forma que permita un mejor curso de la enfermedad por la pronta intervención. En síntesis, sólo a veces “más vale curar que prevenir”, y en todo caso las actividades preventivas deberían ser vistas por el clínico con la misma exigencia de fundamento científico que las actividades curativas.

  8. La transversalidad en la enseñanza de la medicina: el ejemplo de la Oncología

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    A. Barnadas-Molins

    Full Text Available Introducción. El desarrollo de la medicina durante el siglo XIX conllevó la aparición de las especialidades médicas y quirúrgicas, configurando un nuevo escenario asistencial con la fragmentación de los tradicionales servicios de medicina y cirugía. Estos cambios también acontecieron en el campo de la docencia de la medicina, originando algunos conflictos en la definición de competencias que aún persisten. La patología médica debería actuar como punto de encuentro y eje vertebrador del resto de las especialidades médicas, pero hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo ha existido un excesivo esfuerzo en delimitar el campo de cada disciplina, aspecto que no ha facilitado una comunicación fluida entre los diferentes especialistas. La atención a los pacientes con cáncer necesita de la implicación y colaboración de los diferentes profesionales que participan en el diagnóstico y tratamiento y, por ello, precisa de un diálogo fluido entre todos ellos. La oportunidad de poder desarrollar en el pregrado una formación multidisciplinar que englobe aspectos referentes a la integración de los diferentes especialistas en beneficio del paciente facilitará una mejora en la optimización de los recursos sanitarios. La enseñanza de la Oncología en el pregrado ha estado compartida con otras especialidades, pero hasta el momento actual no ha tenido la adecuada consideración. La Oncología constituye un claro ejemplo de que el trabajo en equipo permite mejorar la eficiencia y conducción de los procesos asistenciales. Es de esperar que en las futuras promociones de estudiantes existan menos resistencias para establecer puntos de encuentro y de sinergia y que ello redunde en la adquisición de una visión más amplia y posibilista, y que pueda aplicarse en beneficio de los futuros enfermos.

  9. Who is Self-Actualized? (United States)

    Roweton, William E.


    In an attempt to clarify Maslow's concept of self-actualization as it relates to human motivation, a class of educational psychology students wrote essays describing a self-actualized person and then attempted to decide whether public schools contribute to the production of self-actualized persons. Two-thirds of the students decided that schools…

  10. Seguridad y riesgo de toxicidad de los alimentos: un debate actual

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    Mariné Font, Abel


    Full Text Available Not available

    El progreso científico y tecnológico ha tenido muchas consecuencias beneficiosas para la humanidad pero también conlleva riesgos. Un ámbito en el que estos dos aspectos de la cuestión se manifiestan más claramente es el de la alimentación humana. Las posibilidades actuales de la industria alimentaria permiten la obtención de productos cada vez más adaptados a las necesidades y gustos del consumidor No obstante, existe una desconfianza frente a los alimentos transformados que se juzgan, injustamente, como menos seguros que los frescos o naturales. Ciertos escándalos de gran resonancia alimentan esta desconfianza, y no suele tenerse en cuenta que las vacas locas, los pollos con dioxinas o la carne con hormonas, por ejemplo, son problemas de las fases primarias de producción, agrícola y ganadera, y no de la industria alimentaria propiamente dicha. Bajo la perspectiva global de lo que son los alimentos y de lo que conocemos de su composición y funciones en el ser humano, y teniendo en cuenta de que el riesgo cero no existe para ninguna actividad, y por lo tanto tampoco en la alimentación, se puede afirmar que nuestros alimentos nunca han sido tan seguros como en la actualidad, aunque sigue habiendo problemas y en un tema como éste, de evidente implicación sanitaria, toda precaución es poca.
    En este artículo se discuten las relaciones entre alimentación y riesgo y la percepción social sobre estas relaciones, se describen someramente los componentes tóxicos naturales de los alimentos, la contaminación de los mismos, los problemas de alteración y deterioro, así como la adulteración y el fraude y sus consecuencias. También se aborda la significación de casos actuales que cuestionan la seguridad de los alimentos y el papel del control alimentario, por parte de productores y administraciones públicas, para garantizar la calidad y la seguridad de los alimentos.

  11. Un ejemplo histórico de aprovechamiento hidráulico en medio semiárido: el sistema de Santa Catalina del Monte (Murcia

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    Pablo Giménez Águila


    Full Text Available El sistema hidráulico de Santa Catalina del Monte constituye un ejemplo secular de las relaciones entre el ser humano y el medio en los relieves béticos y clima mediterráneo semi-árido, revelándose la entidad y características de las actuaciones humanas para la captación, acopio y distribución de las aguas subterráneas y de manantial.

  12. Los civiles, como víctimas de la guerra y de la propaganda. El ejemplo de la guerra civil española (1936 - 1939

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    Concha Langa Nuño


    Full Text Available En las siguientes páginas se hace una aproximación al tema de la propaganda. Este es uno de los fenómenos de mayor interés en la centuria que ahora se cierra. Materia ilimitada e inagotable, ha alcanzado cumbres de especial interés. Una de ellas se sitúa en la guerra civil española. Dentro de su variedad, y a modo de aproximación a tan rico tema, hemos elegido la instrumentalización de la población civil como arma. La elección responde a varios aspectos. En primer lugar, porque de dicha propaganda se han estudiado más sus aspectos políticos atendiéndose menos este tema. En segundo, porque el ejemplo de la conculcación de derechos de la población civil sigue presente en nuestros días en los medios de información, y no está de más recordar que no se trata de un fenómeno reciente al calor de los nuevos tiempos. Para ello, hemos analizado diferente material y aportado varios ejemplos que evidencian los manejos de la propaganda totalitaria.





    Los valles intermontanos y costeros de la Cordillera de Nahuelbuta (38°) son un área clásicamente poblada por el pueblo Mapuche y por lo tanto, muy sencible para evaluar el impacto humano en la estructura del paisaje frente a cambios climáticos durante el Holoceno. Esta latitud representa una transición climático-vegetacional de la celda de alta presión (Anticiclón del Pacífico), al régimen de precipitaciones del cinturón de vientos del oeste y al efecto estacional de El Niño Osci...

  14. Actualism and Fictional Characters

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    André Leclerc


    Full Text Available In what follows, I present only part of a program that consists in developing a version of actualism as an adequate framework for the metaphysics of intentionality. I will try to accommodate in that framework suggestions found in Kripke’s works and some positions developed by Amie Thomasson. What should we change if we accept “fictional entities” in the domain of the actual world? Actualism is the thesis that everything that exists belongs to the domain of the actual world and that there are no possibilia. I shall defend that there are abstract artefacts, like fictional characters, and institutions. My argument could be seen as a version of Moore’s paradox: it is paradoxical to say: “I made (created it, but I do not believe it exists”. Moreover, there are true sentences about them. I will examine what it means to include abstract artefacts in the domain of the actual world. I favour a use of “exist” that includes beings with no concrete occupation of tri-dimensional space; to exist, it is enough to have been introduced at some moment in history. Abstract artefacts, like fictional characters, exist in that sense. I argue that it is important to distinguish two perspectives (internal and external in order to clarify the kind of knowledge we have of fictional characters. However, their existence presupposes a relation of dependence to a material basis and the mental activities of many people.

  15. Recolecta: estado actual y perspectivas


    López Medina, Alicia


    Estado actual del Recolector de ciencia abierta español: Recolecta y proyectos de futuro. López Medina, A. (2010). Recolecta: estado actual y perspectivas. X Workshop Rebiun sobre proyectos digitales.

  16. Marijuana and actual driving performance (United States)


    This report concerns the effects of marijuana smoking on actual driving performance. It presents the results of one pilot and three actual driving studies. The pilot study's major purpose was to establish the THC dose current marijuana users smoke to...

  17. 7 CFR 1437.101 - Actual production history. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Actual production history. 1437.101 Section 1437.101... Determining Yield Coverage Using Actual Production History § 1437.101 Actual production history. Actual production history (APH) is the unit's record of crop yield by crop year for the APH base period. The APH...

  18. Cuentos medievales: "La dama del castillo del gavilán" y el "Ejemplo de las flechas" Juan de Mandevilla, Libro de las maravillas del mundo


    María Mercedes Rodríguez Temperley


    A partir de los últimos estudios acerca de la cuentística medieval, tendientes a ampliar el corpus de relatos insertos no sólo en colecciones de cuentos sino en textos muy variados, se rastrean y clasifican los incluidos en el Libro de las maravillas del mundo de Juan de Mandevilla. Asimismo, se realiza el análisis puntual de dos cuentos: "La dama del castillo del gavilán" y el "Ejemplo de las flechas". Taking account of the last studies about medieval tales, which intend to enlarge the co...

  19. Si Zubiri pudiera discutir con la bioética actual: inteligencia y neurociencia

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    Feito Grande, Lydia


    Full Text Available Philosophers are products of their time. Their standpoints, themes and perspectives are a result of a historical time, a knowledge and a prevailing paradigm throughout their epoch. Zubiri is a good example of a philosopher who wants to be in touch with the science and knowledge of his time, but is an author from the XX century. Contemporary bioethics includes a profusion of themes that undoubtedly would have fascinated Zubiri, in as far as they relate to a reflection on the human condition itself. Specifically, the development of neurosciences is challenging to thought, and is producing a correlative development of so-called neuroethics. From this new scenario, this paper deals with those ideas that Zubiri would have discussed in the context of contemporary neuroethics.Los filósofos son hijos de su tiempo. Sus enfoques, sus temas y sus abordajes son deudores de un momento histórico, de unos conocimientos y de un paradigma vigente a la altura de los tiempos en que les ha tocado vivir. Zubiri es buen ejemplo del filósofo que no quiere estar al margen de la ciencia y el conocimiento de su tiempo, pero no deja de ser un autor del siglo XX. La bioética actual expone una profusión de temas que, sin duda, hubieran fascinado a Zubiri, en tanto que atañen a la reflexión sobre la misma condición del ser humano. Específicamente, el desarrollo de las neurociencias propone un reto al pensamiento, que está generando el correlativo avance de la llamada Neuroética. Desde este nuevo escenario se aborda aquí un esbozo del diálogo que Zubiri podría haber planteado ante la neuroética del presente.

  20. Ejemplo de médico y revolucionario

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    María Elena Cuervo Calviño


    Full Text Available Hay hombres que dedican su vida a una causa y por eso, aunque mueran, se mantienen siempre vivos. El Dr. Jeremías José Ramón Hernández Ojito es un vivo ejemplo de ello, quien participó en las actividades revolucionarias desde sus inicios, en actos de sabotajes y distribución de propaganda revolucionaria, vendiendo bonos para el movimiento 26 de julio y en todo cuanto estuvo a su alcance para apoyar el triunfo en 1959. En el año 1965 termina sus estudios médicos y a pesar de ser del municipio de Güines de la provincia de La Habana, vino a trabajar al hospital de la capital provincial de Las Tunas, donde estuvo al frente del servicio de Cirugía, también permaneció durante un tiempo en el hospital “Vladimir Ilich Lenin” de Holguín para realizar estudios de residencia en Cirugía, concluidos los cuales, regresa a Las Tunas, ocupando diferentes cargos administrativos y sindicales, siempre aportando sus conocimientos en el sitio donde más se necesitaran. Por la experiencia adquirida en su especialidad, en el año 1974 fue uno de los integrantes del equipo de cirugía que participó en la famosa separación de las siamesas en el hospital “Vladimir Ilich Lenin”, operación nunca antes realizada en nuestro país y de éxito rotundo, lo cual corrobora el hecho de que las dos aún viven. En septiembre de 1982 fue nombrado Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Las Tunas, cargo que desempeñó hasta septiembre de 1989 cuando fue designado Director del Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas. Entre 1992 y 2000 fue miembro del “Panel de Asesores Expertos en Información Biomédica y Salud” de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS, además  integró el Ejecutivo Nacional del Comité de Médicos para la Prevención de la Guerra Nuclear (IPPNW. Como aval de su trayectoria médica y revolucionaria se relacionan los principales reconocimientos y distinciones recibidos en el transcurso de su vida: Llegó a ser

  1. Budget and Actuals (United States)

    Town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina — This dataset contains the Town's Year-to-Date Budget and Actuals for Fiscal Years 2016, 2017, and 2018. Fiscal years run from July 1 to June 30. The data comes from...

  2. La retórica y el análisis de la tecnología y de la sociedad actuales. Presentación.

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    Giorgio De Marchis


    Full Text Available Es un honor para mí presentar el segundo monográfico dedicado a la retórica de la revista académica Icono 14. El anterior fue el primer número del volumen 3, en 2005. Pasa el tiempo, y queda claro que la retórica no muere, sino que se transforma. Esto es así porque la retórica es el estudio de la comunicación eficaz. Todo emisor desea que su comunicación sea lo más efectiva posible, esto es, que la comunicación logre los objetivos del comunicador. Creo que una de las fortalezas de la retórica clásica es que ha construido un andamiaje muy sólido, ordenado, que permite un análisis estructurado, y sin embargo flexible, que le facilita adaptarse a los cambios tecnológicos y sociales. Algunos artículos publicados en este monográfico sirven de ejemplo de dicha estructura trabada, pero también maleable del análisis retórico. El presente monográfico pretende integrar la retórica clásica con la tecnología actual, y ambas con las formas de comunicación social que los cambios tecnológicos han propiciado. En este número se publican nueve artículos que se ocupan de muy distintos temas, y que demuestran fehacientemente qué es la aproximación retórica actual. A continuación anotaré algunos breves comentarios sobre los artículos publicados para que el lector dirija su atención hacia aquellos textos que más le pudieran interesar.

  3. The actual technological progress of NPPs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Florescu, Gheorghe; Popa, Adrian; Panaitescu, Valeriu


    The actual nuclear R and D issues require new technologies and continuous progress in order to find adequate and effective solutions in sustained and increasing energy demand. The current tendency in energy consumption and occurring of large consumers, especially from Asian countries, imposes finding new means for energy clean, large scale and sustained production. NPPs reliability and availability were permanently monitored and improved; in the mean time the safety of the nuclear energy production was under surveillance. Corresponding development of the new technologies and discovery of improved materials and adequate technological processes offers the possibilities for appropriate implementation and use of them in the NPPs systems configuration and functioning/operation. The modern technologies and scientific discoveries, also the international cooperation, offer the opportunities to brake the actual barriers in order to cumulate and use advanced energy production processes in finding new energy sources and to build improved, reliable and safety power plants. The monitoring systems, intelligent sensors and intelligent SSCs, nanotechnologies and and modern and intelligent materials constitute the main reasons in improvement of the NPPs systems configuration and processes. The paper presents: - The state of the art in the level of actual and useful technologies for nuclear power systems development; - The actual technological limits that need to be over passed for NPPs systems improvements; - The main systems that need improvement and reconfiguration for actual NPPs development and increase in efficient operation, appropriate availability and total safety; - The actual energy production issues; - The key arguments in sustaining the R and D new NPPs systems development; - Future trends in NPPs development; - The limitations in industrial processes knowledge and use. Appropriate R and D in the field of NPPs systems has a specific characteristic that is highlighted in

  4. De la sociedad de trabajo a la sociedad tecnológica

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    Full Text Available En la sociedad actual, caracterizada por la revolución tecnoproductiva (el crecimiento y la difusión acelerados de industrias de alta tecnología, como, por ejemplo, el tratamiento de la información, las comunicaciones avanzadas, y la biotecnología y por un cambio en la mentalidad del "estado de bienestar" en lo que concierne a las preocupaciones por la calidad de vida y la intimidad, es recomendable que los valores tradicionales rígidos con respecto al trabajo, sean reestructurados según los nuevos criterios sociales y económicos. Los problemas sociales actuales - por ejemplo, el alto desempleo y las injusticias sociales entre aquéllos incluidos en la jerarquía de la alta tecnología y aquéllos que son excluidos a causa de unas habilidades y una educación obsoletas - se podrían mejorar por medio de una mayor preocupación por el capital humano, la desburocratización, y a través de iniciativas sociales. Se detallan las estrategias específicas para tales cambios, como por ejemplo aquellas propuestas por A. Gorz ("El que no trabaje, comerá", Letra Internacional, 1986, 3.

  5. La iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en Elche. Un ejemplo de la introducción del hormigón en la arquitectura sacra


    Spairani Berrio, Silvia; Louis Cereceda, Miguel; Spairani-Berrio, Yolanda; Huesca Tortosa, José Antonio


    La iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (Alicante, España), es quizás, el edificio proyectado por el arquitecto D. Antonio Serrano Peral cuyo valor arquitectónico es menos conocido y reconocido en el ámbito de la historia de la arquitectura de la ciudad. Sin embargo, su construcción constituye un interesante ejemplo de arquitectura sacra, como reconoció el jurado del Ministerio de Educación Nacional en 1957, en la exposición nacional de bellas artes, al conceder al arquitecto la medalla de pr...

  6. Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction: Prediction of Cesium Extraction from Actual Wastes and Actual Waste Simulants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delmau, L.H.; Haverlock, T.J.; Sloop, F.V. Jr.; Moyer, B.A.


    This report presents the work that followed the CSSX model development completed in FY2002. The developed cesium and potassium extraction model was based on extraction data obtained from simple aqueous media. It was tested to ensure the validity of the prediction for the cesium extraction from actual waste. Compositions of the actual tank waste were obtained from the Savannah River Site personnel and were used to prepare defined simulants and to predict cesium distribution ratios using the model. It was therefore possible to compare the cesium distribution ratios obtained from the actual waste, the simulant, and the predicted values. It was determined that the predicted values agree with the measured values for the simulants. Predicted values also agreed, with three exceptions, with measured values for the tank wastes. Discrepancies were attributed in part to the uncertainty in the cation/anion balance in the actual waste composition, but likely more so to the uncertainty in the potassium concentration in the waste, given the demonstrated large competing effect of this metal on cesium extraction. It was demonstrated that the upper limit for the potassium concentration in the feed ought to not exceed 0.05 M in order to maintain suitable cesium distribution ratios


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    Eugenio G Scalise P


    Full Text Available This paper presents an example of how Model-Driven Engineering (MDE can be applied to the development of tools for reverse engineering and program comprehension. The tool CodeCrawler was selected as an example; in particular, the polymetric view feature was computed using MDE techniques. To this end, two metamodels were proposed (source and target and meta-level transformations that were used to deduce the information of a polymetric view associated to any software project (source code. The technologies selected to develop the example were those related with the Eclipse Modeling Project, specifically the ATL and the KM3 languages. The approach used in this paper to obtain the implementation can be used to develop all the features of a MDE-oriented software comprehension tool, obtaining a domain-oriented implementation.En este artículo se presenta un ejemplo que describe cómo la Ingeniería Dirigida por Modelos (IDM puede ser aplicada al desarrollo de herramientas para la ingeniería reversa y comprensión de programas. Se seleccionó como caso de estudio la herramienta CodeCrawler, específicamente la funcionalidad denominada polymetric view, desarrollada mediante tecnologías y técnicas de la IDM. Para ello, se emplearon dos metamodelos (entrada y salida y transformaciones a nivel de los metamodelos que permiten generar la información de un polymetric view asociado a un proyecto de software, utilizando la información extraída del código fuente. Las tecnologías utilizadas para el desarrollo del ejemplo, las relacionadas con el Eclipse Modeling Project, específicamente el lenguaje de transformación ATL y el lenguaje KM3. El enfoque seguido para obtener la implementación resultante puede ser utilizado para desarrollar una herramienta de ingeniería reversa y comprensión de software mediante técnicas de la IDM, incorporando el vocabulario del dominio en la implementación.

  8. Las revistas latinoamericanas de economía y la encrucijada actual

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    Supelano Sarmiento Alberto


    Full Text Available Siguiendo el ejemplo mexicano, deseo comenzar con la palabra gracias, esa palabra que expresan todas las lenguas. La gracia es un don, y aquél que lo recibe, lo agradece. Se me ha dado el don de participar en este encuentro y doy las gracias: gracias a la doctora Alicia Girón, directora del instituto de Investigaciones Económicas de la Universidad Autónoma de México y gracias al doctor Salvador Rodríguez, director de Problemas del Desarrollo: caballero andante que hace unos meses recorría los caminos de América Latina para invitarnos a compartir nuevas aventuras y desventuras. Celebro que su empeño nos haya congregado. Espero que esta reunión inicie nuevas andaduras.

  9. Hypochondria as an actual neurosis. (United States)

    Nissen, Bernd


    Freud defined hypochondria as an actual neurosis. In this paper the actual neurosis will be interpreted as unbound traumatic elements which threaten the self. In severe hypochondria, breakdowns have occurred, as outlined by Winnicott. The nameless traumatic elements of the breakdown have been encapsulated. The moment these encapsulated elements are liberated, an actual dynamic takes place which threatens the self with annihilation. Projective identification is not possible because no idea of containment exists. The self tries to evacuate these elements projectively, thus triggering a disintegrative regression. However, the object of this projection, which becomes a malign introject, is felt to remove the remaining psychical elements, forcing the worthless residue back into the self. In a final re-introjection, the self is threatened by unintegration. To save the self, these elements are displaced into an organ which becomes hypochondriacal, an autistoid object, protecting itself against unintegration and decomposition. An autistoid dynamic develops between the hypochondriac organ, the ego and the introject. Two short clinical vignettes illustrate the regressive dynamical and metapsychological considerations. Copyright © 2017 Institute of Psychoanalysis.

  10. Actual imaging time in fetal MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brugger, Peter C.; Prayer, Daniela


    Objective: Safety issues in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are important, especially in fetal MRI. However, since basic data with respect of the effective exposure time in fetal MRI are not available, this study aimed to determine the actual imaging time during a fetal MRI study. Methods: 100 fetal MRI studies of singleton pregnancies performed on a 1.5 T system were analysed with respect to study duration (from starting the survey scan until the end of study), the number of sequences acquired, and the actual imaging time, which was calculated by adding up scan time of each sequence. Furthermore, each sequence type was analysed regarding the number of acquisitions, specific absorption rates (SAR), and duration. Results: Mean study duration was 34.6 min (range: 14–58 min; standard deviation (SD): 9.7 min), the average number of sequences acquired was 26.6 (range: 11–44, SD: 6.6). Actual scan time averaged 11.4 min (range: 4–19 min, SD: 4.0 min). Ultrafast T2-weighted and steady-state free-precession sequences accounted for 62.3% of actual scan time, and were distributed over the whole duration of the study. Conclusion: Actual imaging time only accounts for 33% of total study time and is not continuous. The remaining time is consumed by the preparation phases of the scanner, and is spent with planning sequences and the eventual repositioning of the coil and/or pregnant woman. These data may help to more accurately estimate the exposure to radiofrequency deposition and noise during fetal MRI studies.

  11. Dinamización de la clase magistral en medicina: diez ejemplos de minicasos utilizados en la docencia de la farmacología

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    J.E. Baños

    Full Text Available Las clases magistrales constituyen un método pedagógico muy utilizado en las facultades de medicina. Sin embargo, tiene diversas limitaciones entre las que se encuentran la pasividad y la pérdida de la atención de los alumnos. A fin de estimular la atención y revigorizar su empleo, se han empleado textos cortos que plantean preguntas que pueden resolverse con la información proporcionada en la clase magistral (minicasos. El presente artículo describe una experiencia de su uso en la docencia de la farmacología y ofrece diez ejemplos para ilustrar sobre su empleo. La mayoría de ellos están ambientados en el mundo real, permiten contextualizar los conocimientos básicos de farmacología y estimulan la comprensión de los conceptos claves.

  12. biomoleculas extraídas por sbas: ejemplos prácticos


    Dutra Molino, João; Feitosa, V. Araujo; Lencastre Novaes, L. C. de; Santos Ebinuma, V. de Carvalho; Lópes, A. Moreni; Jozala, A. Faustino; Marquez, D. de Araujo Viana; Pellegrini Malpiedi, Luciana; Pessoa Junior, Adalberto


    La industria biotecnologica actual exige procesos rápidos y económicos para la producción y la purificación de biomoléculas. En este contexto, diferentes técnicas separativas que ofrezcan un alto rendimiento y una alta pureza del producto final han sido evaluadas por diferentes grupos de investigación. La extracción líquido-líquido con sistemas bifasicos acuosos (SBAs) es una de las metodologías más estudiadas para bio-separación. Esta técnica presenta varias ventajas, tales como condiciones ...

  13. Fruticultura orgánica en el trópico: Situación y ejemplos de Mesoamérica

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    H. Alfred Jürgen Pohlan


    Full Text Available La situación en la fruticultura orgánica de Mesoamérica no es fácil a cualificar y cuantificar. Indudablemente existen áreas certificadas sin embargo faltan datos exactos. En otra manera muchos campesinos cultivan frutas y vegetales sin el uso de fertilizantes inorgánicos y sin aplicaciones de pesticidazas por falta de insumos propios. Este estudio esta basado en ejemplos y practicas conocidas y trata a reflejar filosofías practicas del campesinado y las fortalezas y debilidades correspondientes. De lo mas énfasis se ha dedicado al chayote en Costa Rica y México, a la pitahaya en Nicaragua, a la papaya en el Estado Tabasco y al mango, rambutan y caña de azúcar en el estado Chiapas, México, y a las huertas familiares en Cuba. Resultados de una encuesta entre consumidores reflejan el interés para consumir productos orgánicos, establecer la interacción agricultores-consumidores como parte del proceso de desarrollo agroecológico y fortalecer la educación de los consumidores y productores en los aspectos agroecológicos y de salud.

  14. Los vínculos entre la información y el poder en la sociedad actual

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    Xosé Soengas


    Full Text Available La importancia de la información y sus efectos es algo conocido y apreciado por el poder político y económico, de ahí la necesidad y las intenciones de influir en el tratamiento y en el enfoque de los contenidos para orientarlos en el sentido que favorezcan a los sectores que controlan los medios. Por eso enmarcamos nuestro trabajo dentro de tres líneas que consideramos que establecen unas directrices que permiten analizar con rigor la información actual: la agenda setting, el news making y la información-espectáculo. Este planteamiento ayudará a conocer mejor las características de los medios y las tendencias. La gran pregunta es ¿quién establece la agenda informativa? Encontrar la respuesta a esta cuestión permite identificar quién controla la información y, por extensión, quién ejerce el poder político y económico en la sociedad. El control de la información casi siempre es paralelo al control de la opinión.La participación de empresas en los medios de comunicación es una práctica habitual y en muchos casos el capital que sustenta los periódicos, las radios y las televisiones es totalmente ajeno al mundo del periodismo. Los medios se han convertido en un negocio y, como consecuencia de ello, la información pasa a un segundo plano, siempre después de la rentabilidad económica y política. La tiranía que ejercen las audiencias sobre los contenidos es un buen ejemplo de ello, incluso en los informativos. Los programas ya no se califican por la calidad de sus contenidos, sino por el número de espectadores que los ven.

  15. Hacia una alfabetización en medios: ejemplos en contextos de habla portuguesa Towards a media literacy: examples of the Portuguese speaking context

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    Vitor Reia Baptista


    Full Text Available Los niveles de alfabetización en relación a los medios de comunicación vienen condicionados por las características de los contextos locales y globales en los que se desarrollan e integran los mismos. En este artículo se presentan algunos ejemplos concretos que permitirán obtener un conocimiento más cercano a la realidad que se produce en Portugal, así como en otros contextos de habla portuguesa. The levels of media literacy, their nature or even their lack, can show differences or similarities, according to the local and global contexts where they are developed and practiced. The following examples, though of fragmentary nature, are an eventual contribution towards a better knowledge of existing reality in this field both in Portugal and in some other local and global Portuguese speaking contexts.

  16. Perspectiva histórica y claves actuales de la diversidad terminológica aplicada a la educación mediática

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    Alejandro Buitrago Alonso


    Full Text Available El ámbito de la educación mediática transita en un terreno científico que a lo largo del tiempo ha sido etiquetado con un extenso catálogo de denominaciones diferentes. “Educomunicación”, “alfabetización mediática” o “competencia digital” son sólo algunos ejemplos de los vocablos que encontramos con mayor frecuencia a la hora de sumergirnos en el campo de estudio que aboga por empoderar al ciudadano en el sentido crítico ante sus medios. Más allá de la preferencia de los diversos autores ante unas u otras opciones terminológicas, se hace necesaria una revisión conceptual que trate de arrojar luz acerca de las particularidades teóricas y semánticas relativas a los diversos sustantivos y adjetivos que conviven en el entramado léxico que rodea a la educación mediática. De este modo, el presente artículo se fundamenta en un recorrido histórico a través de las nomenclaturas que mayor influencia alcanzaron en las últimas décadas, a la vez que trata de ofrecer las claves actuales para caminar hacia una convergencia que establezca un criterio sólido y común en lo referente a la cuestión terminológica de la educación mediática.

  17. La ciudad herida: Siete ejemplos paradigmáticos de rehabilitación urbana en la segunda mitad del siglo XX

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    Francisco Segado-Vázquez


    Full Text Available En la historia del urbanismo, la segunda mitad del siglo XX marca un punto de inflexión. Los métodos de desarrollo urbano aplicados hasta la fecha ya no consiguen dar respuesta a los problemas surgidos en el corazón de las ciudades: guetos, inseguridad o delincuencia. Resulta necesario buscar nuevos métodos para la recuperación del pulso vital de nuestros barrios. Kreuzberg en Berlín, el centro histórico de Bolonia, Le Marais en París, Fener y Balat en Estambul, Molenbeek en Bruselas, Mouraria en Lisboa y Lavapiés en Madrid se han convertido en ejemplos paradigmáticos de la nueva idea de rehabilitación urbana. La diversidad social, que evita la creación de guetos; la calidad de los espacios públicos, que favorece las relaciones interpersonales; y la salvaguarda, que mantiene y fortalece la imagen que tenemos de nuestro entorno urbano, se convierten en conceptos necesarios para recuperar nuestra "ciudad herida".

  18. Linac project - actual stage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlin Filho, N.


    The actual development stage of Pelletron accelerator to study heavy ion reactions, nuclear structures and applied nuclear physics is presented. The construction of acceleration systems able to provide beams of several mass and energies up to 20 MeV/A, is discussed, describing acceleration structures and implemented systems. (M.C.K.)

  19. El status actual de las ecoescuelas: el caso de la provincia de Granada (España)


    Perales-Palacios, F. J.; Burgos-Peredo, O.; Gutiérrez-Pérez, J.


    La preocupación progresiva por la sostenibilidad de las organizaciones sociales representa hoy un factor de calidad de la madurez institucional de un país. Las ecoauditorías ambientales son un ejemplo de buenas prácticas ambientales en los centros educativos. En esta comunicación se analiza la aplicación de estas metodologías al campo de la planificación y gestión escolar. La implantación del Programa a 21 ecoescuelas de la Provincia de Granada se evalúa mediante un diseño de investigación cu...

  20. El status actual de las ecoescuelas : el caso de la provincia de Granada (España)


    Perales Palacios, F. Javier


    La preocupación progresiva por la sostenibilidad de las organizaciones sociales representa hoy un factor de calidad de la madurez institucional de un país. Las ecoauditorías ambientales son un ejemplo de buenas prácticas ambientales en los centros educativos. En esta comunicación se analiza la aplicación de estas metodologías al campo de la planificación y gestión escolar. La implantación del Programa a 21 ecoescuelas de la Provincia de Granada se evalúa mediante un diseño de investigación cu...

  1. Tracing Actual Causes (United States)


    produce a full explanation. While related, this problem dif- fers from the problem of determining actual causes where the focus is on identifying...1987]. We prove that the decision problem for causal slices is DP1 - complete. DP1 is the class of computational problems that can be solved using an NP ...machine and a co- NP machine simultaneously. Based on this result, we further show that the decision problem for causal histories is in ΠP2 . Closely

  2. Las neurosis actuales y las psicosis ordinarias


    Aguirre, Javier


    El trabajo tiene por finalidad poner en tensión las categorías de psicosis ordinaria y neurosis actuales. En primer lugar, se procede a examinar ambas categorías para luego establecer sus puntos de coincidencia y disidencia. Se concluye que la categoría de neurosis actual propuesta por Freud, es una posible expresión de lo que en la actualidad se llama psicosis ordinaria.

  3. Motivators to participation in actual HIV vaccine trials. (United States)

    Dhalla, Shayesta; Poole, Gary


    An examination of actual HIV vaccine trials can contribute to an understanding of motivators for participation in these studies. Analysis of these motivators reveals that they can be categorized as social and personal benefits. Social benefits are generally altruistic, whereas personal benefits are psychological, physical, and financial. In this systematic review, the authors performed a literature search for actual preventive HIV vaccine trials reporting motivators to participation. Of studies conducted in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, the authors retrieved 12 studies reporting on social benefits and seven reporting on personal benefits. From the non-OECD countries, nine studies reported on social benefits and eight studies on personal benefits. Social benefits were most frequently described on macroscopic, altruistic levels. Personal benefits were most frequently psychological in nature. Rates of participation were compared between the OECD and the non-OECD countries. Knowledge of actual motivators in specific countries and regions can help target recruitment in various types of actual HIV vaccine trials.


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    Alvaro Ricardino


    Full Text Available El artículo expone la aplicación del método de las partidas dobles enseñado a los alumnos de la Clase de Comer¬cio que tuvo inicio en Lisboa en 1759. El objetivo de esta pesquisa es identificar las diferencias y semejanzas de la contabilidad practicada actualmente con la contabilidad por partidas dobles enseñada en la Clase de Comercio en 1765. La base bibliográfica utilizada corresponde, primordialmente, al manuscrito dictado por el primer lente (profesor de la Clase, João Henrique de Souza. La metodología de pesquisa se caracteriza como documental his¬tórico. La principal fuente documental, el manuscrito arriba citado, es de naturaleza primaria. El tema se reviste de importancia en la medida en que aborda los orígenes de la educación contable luso-brasileña. Cumple destacar que el método contable de la época – partidas dobles – contiene tanto diferencias como semejanzas en relación a los procedimientos adoptados en la actualidad para reconocimiento de operaciones similares. Al analizar el tex¬to, el artículo aborda, con la presentación de diversos ejemplos transcritos del manuscrito, la escrituración de los libros utilizados en la época (borrador, diario y razón, las cuentas empleadas en las actividades comerciales e in¬dustriales y el método para apurar el balance de las transacciones ocurridas en el período. Se observa por fin que muchas de las formas y conceptos de hacer la contabilidad se asemejan con las de los días actuales.

  5. The antecedents of herbal product actual purchase in Malaysia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarina Ismail


    Full Text Available This study is meant to examine the relationships of several antecedents of actual purchase of herbal product in Malaysia. Actual purchase is considered to have a vital link to a business success. The study identified eight antecedents of consumer actual purchase such as intention, attitude, social influence, product safety and culture belief. A total of 473 respondents (about 82% completed and returned the questionnaire. A seven point Likert scale was used to measure responses. The data were analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS path modeling. The path coefficient results supported the direct influence of intention, attitude, social influence and product safety on actual buying. Moreover, the findings reveal that attitude, social influence, product safety, and culture belief also influenced buying intention.

  6. Dancers' Perceived and Actual Knowledge of Anatomy. (United States)

    Kotler, Dana H; Lynch, Meaghan; Cushman, Daniel; Hu, Jason; Garner, Jocelyn


    Dancers are highly susceptible to musculoskeletal injuries and frequently require interaction with medical professionals. While many dancers have a finely tuned awareness of their bodies, their knowledge of the fundamentals of human anatomy is not uniform. There is a paucity of literature on the benefits of human anatomy education in dancers, though it seems intuitive that there should be a relationship. The purpose of this study was to assess dancers' perceived and actual knowledge of basic musculoskeletal anatomy and its relationship to function. Adult dancers at the undergraduate, pre-professional, and professional levels were surveyed through an anonymous online questionnaire. Questions included demographic information, dance techniques studied, anatomy training, and injury history. Subjects rated their perceived knowledge of anatomy and were tested with 15 multiple-choice questions on basic musculoskeletal anatomy. Four hundred seventy-five surveys were completed. Ordinal regression showed a correlation of perceived to actual knowledge of anatomy (p < 0.001). Factors that correlated with increases in both perceived and actual knowledge of anatomy included having taken an anatomy course of any type (p < 0.001) and increased age (p ≤ 0.001). Years of dance training and professional dancer status both significantly correlated with increased knowledge of anatomy (p < 0.001) but not perceived knowledge. Chi-square analysis showed that dancers with training in either modern or jazz dance had a significantly higher perceived, but not actual, knowledge when compared to those without training in those styles of dance (p < 0.001 and p = 0.011, respectively). In conclusion, dancers generally scored well on questions pertaining to basic musculoskeletal anatomy, and their perception correlated with their actual knowledge of anatomy. Factors that contribute to dancers' knowledge of anatomy include age, years of experience, professional dancer status, and anatomy training.

  7. The Self-Actualization of Polk Community College Students. (United States)

    Pearsall, Howard E.; Thompson, Paul V., Jr.

    This article investigates the concept of self-actualization introduced by Abraham Maslow (1954). A summary of Maslow's Needs Hierarchy, along with a description of the characteristics of the self-actualized person, is presented. An analysis of humanistic education reveals it has much to offer as a means of promoting the principles of…

  8. Electrodermal responses to implied versus actual violence on television. (United States)

    Kalamas, A D; Gruber, M L


    The electrodermal response (EDR) of children watching a violent show was measured. Particular attention was paid to the type of violence (actual or implied) that prompted an EDR. In addition, the impact of the auditory component (sounds associated with violence) of the show was evaluated. Implied violent stimuli, such as the villain's face, elicited the strongest EDR. The elements that elicited the weakest responses were the actual violent stimuli, such as stabbing. The background noise and voices of the sound track enhanced the total number of EDRs. The results suggest that implied violence may elicit more fear (as measured by EDRs) than actual violence does and that sounds alone contribute significantly to the emotional response to television violence. One should not, therefore, categorically assume that a show with mostly actual violence evokes less fear than one with mostly implied violence.

  9. Linguistic Theory and Actual Language. (United States)

    Segerdahl, Par


    Examines Noam Chomsky's (1957) discussion of "grammaticalness" and the role of linguistics in the "correct" way of speaking and writing. It is argued that the concern of linguistics with the tools of grammar has resulted in confusion, with the tools becoming mixed up with the actual language, thereby becoming the central…


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    studios and on condition that the film represents a free artistic creation. ... television programme types, only the documentary documents and presents actualities. ... SPEECH: This refers to spoken word by the subject, commentary by the.

  11. La arquitectura residencial como una realidad industrial. Tres ejemplos recientes

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    Casaldàliga, P.


    cuales reforzará a la industrialización como una profunda mejora de la construcción de los edificios destinados a uso residencial en España. La reflexión expuesta se ejemplifica con 3 obras proyectadas y edifi cadas a partir de su industrialización y que son representativas de las tipologías residenciales más comunes en nuestro país. La variabilidad de estos casos de estudio, y los satisfactorios resultados muestran el amplio abanico de edificios que se pueden resolver mediante estos sistemas constructivos y estructurales. Los ejemplos expuestos responden a las tipologías de: – Edificio de Vivienda plurifamiliar de baja altura: desarrollo de un sistema estructural industrializado mediante módulos tridimensionales como soporte de forjados de placas alveolares. – Edificio de vivienda plurifamiliar en altura: desarrollo de un sistema estructural industrializado para edificios en altura con un sistema de rigidización mediante tensores metálicos. – Edificio de vivienda unifamiliar aislada: desarrollo de una tipología de vivienda bioclimática que incorpora en su arquitectura, sus sistemas industriales y sus materiales parámetros de sostenibilidad ambiental.

  12. Self-actualization: Its Use and Misuse in Teacher Education. (United States)

    Ivie, Stanley D.


    The writings of Abraham Maslow are analyzed to determine the meaning of the psychological term "self-actualization." After pointing out that self-actualization is a rare quality and that it has little to do with formal education, the author concludes that the concept has little practical relevance for teacher education. (PP)

  13. A Cognitive-Systemic Reconstruction of Maslow's Theory of Self-Actualization


    Heylighen, Francis


    Maslow's need hierarchy and model of the self-actualizing personality are reviewed and criticized. The definition of self-actualization is found to be confusing, and the gratification of all needs is concluded to be insufficient to explain self-actualization. Therefore the theory is reconstructed on the basis of a second-order, cognitive-systemic framework. A hierarchy of basic needs is derived from the urgency of perturbations which an autonomous system must compensate in order to maintain i...

  14. Perceived and actual social discrimination: the case of overweight and social inclusion. (United States)

    Hartung, Freda-Marie; Renner, Britta


    The present study examined the correspondence between perceived and actual social discrimination of overweight people. In total, 77 first-year students provided self-ratings about their height, weight, and perceived social inclusion. To capture actual social inclusion, each participant nominated those fellow students (a) she/he likes and dislikes and (b) about whom she/he is likely to hear social news. Students with lower Body Mass Index (BMI) felt socially included, irrespective of their actual social inclusion. In contrast, students with higher BMI felt socially included depending on the degree of their actual social inclusion. Specifically, their felt social inclusion accurately reflected whether they were actually liked/disliked, but only when they were part of social news. When not part of social news, they also showed insensitivity to their actual social inclusion status. Thus, students with a lower BMI tended to be insensitive, while students with a higher BMI showed a differential sensitivity to actual social discrimination.

  15. Perceived and actual social discrimination: The case of overweight and social inclusion

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    Freda-Marie eHartung


    Full Text Available The present study examined the correspondence between perceived and actual social discrimination of overweight people. In total, 77 first-year students provided self-ratings about their height, weight, and perceived social inclusion. To capture actual social inclusion, each participant nominated those fellow students a she/he likes and dislikes and b about whom she/he is likely to hear social news. Students with lower BMI felt socially included, irrespective of their actual social inclusion. In contrast, students with higher BMI felt socially included depending on the degree of their actual social inclusion. Specifically, their felt social inclusion accurately reflected whether they were actually liked/disliked, but only when they were part of social news. When not part of social news, they also showed insensitivity to their actual social inclusion status. Thus, students with a lower BMI tended to be insensitive, while students with a higher BMI showed a differential sensitivity to actual social discrimination.

  16. Marijuana, alcohol and actual driving performance (United States)


    The purpose of this study was to empirically determine the separate and combined effects of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and alcohol on actual driving performance. This was the first study ever in which the drugs' combined effects were measured...

  17. Actual and preferred personality characteristics of physical educators

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    Saša Cecić Erpič


    Full Text Available The Five-Factor Model of personality, which includes dimensions energy, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness, gained a growing acceptance by personality researchers. In the present study the actual personality characteristics of physical educators and the personality profile of an ideal (according to subjective evaluations of experts physical educator were investigated. The aim of the study was to examine differences between profiles of actual and preferred personality characteristics and to present differences in personality characteristics between male and female physical educators of different ages. The study included 76 (40 male, 36 female 24 to 58 year-old physical educators (mean age 39.7 years. 34 experts from the field of sport, physical education, and kinesiology evaluated the preferred personality structure of an ideal physical educator. The Big Five Observer (BFO was used to assess actual and preferred personality structures. These results show that the actual personality profile of physical educators is described with all five moderately high dimensions, which is relatively congruent with the social type from Holland's typology, characteristic of educators. In comparison with participants, an ideal physical educator should have equally expressed agreeableness, while other four dimensions should be highly expressed. Gender differences in energy and agreeableness (women have higher results in both dimensions were found significant. No significant age differences in the personality structure were obtained by a cross-sectional comparison.

  18. Estimations of actual availability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molan, M.; Molan, G.


    Adaptation of working environment (social, organizational, physical and physical) should assure higher level of workers' availability and consequently higher level of workers' performance. A special theoretical model for description of connections between environmental factors, human availability and performance was developed and validated. The central part of the model is evaluations of human actual availability in the real working situation or fitness for duties self-estimation. The model was tested in different working environments. On the numerous (2000) workers, standardized values and critical limits for an availability questionnaire were defined. Standardized method was used in identification of the most important impact of environmental factors. Identified problems were eliminated by investments in the organization in modification of selection and training procedures in humanization of working .environment. For workers with behavioural and health problems individual consultancy was offered. The described method is a tool for identification of impacts. In combination with behavioural analyses and mathematical analyses of connections, it offers possibilities to keep adequate level of human availability and fitness for duty in each real working situation. The model should be a tool for achieving adequate level of nuclear safety by keeping the adequate level of workers' availability and fitness for duty. For each individual worker possibility for estimation of level of actual fitness for duty is possible. Effects of prolonged work and additional tasks should be evaluated. Evaluations of health status effects and ageing are possible on the individual level. (author)

  19. ATHENA: an actual antihydrogen annihilation

    CERN Multimedia


    This is an image of an actual matter-antimatter annihilation due to an atom of antihydrogen in the ATHENA experiment, located on the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) at CERN since 2001. The antiproton produces four charged pions (yellow) whose positions are given by silicon microstrips (pink) before depositing energy in CsI crystals (yellow cubes). The positron also annihilates to produce back-to-back gamma rays (red).

  20. Humanistic Education and Self-Actualization Theory. (United States)

    Farmer, Rod


    Stresses the need for theoretical justification for the development of humanistic education programs in today's schools. Explores Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs and theory of self-actualization. Argues that Maslow's theory may be the best available for educators concerned with educating the whole child. (JHZ)

  1. El estrés: un análisis basado en el papel de los factores sociales

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    Bonifacio Sandín


    Full Text Available El presente estudio teórico presenta un análisis crítico sobre los conceptos actuales del estrés, focalizado en la relevancia de los factores sociales. Generalmente la investigación sobre el estrés se ha centrado en sus efectos sobre la salud y en los factores biológicos y psicológicos implicados. Sin embargo, el estudio sobre la naturaleza y origen de los estresores (por ejemplo, interés por los aspectos sociales de los estresores también es importante y ha suscitado algunas nuevas cuestiones relevantes durante los últimos años. Se discute separadamente la relevancia de tres formas principales de estresores sociales: (1 sucesos vitales (cambios agudos que requieren reajustes drásticos durante un corto periodo de tiempo; por ejemplo, “estrés reciente”, (2 estrés de rol (demandas persistentes que requieren reajustes durante periodos de tiempo prolongados; por ejemplo, “estrés crónico”, y (3 contrariedades cotidianas (mini-eventos que requieren pequeños reajustes diarios; por ejemplo, los sucesos menores o “estrés diario”. Una de las principales conclusiones de nuestro análisis es que estos tres tipos de estresores pueden contribuir de forma independiente en la predicción de las perturbaciones de la salud asociadas al estrés. Tales categorías de estresores suelen actuar de forma interrelacionada y suelen influirse mutuamente (por ejemplo, los sucesos vitales pueden causar estresores crónicos, y viceversa. Finalmente, se discuten las implicaciones de los recursos personales y sociales (estrategias de afrontamiento, recursos de afrontamiento y apoyo social en la adaptación a los efectos del estrés.

  2. Actual heating energy savings in thermally renovated Dutch dwellings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Majcen, Daša; Itard, Laure; Visscher, Henk


    The register of the Dutch social housing stock was analysed, containing 300.000 dwellings, renovated between 2010 and 2013. The main objective was twofold: to evaluate the performance gap in these dwellings before and after the renovation and to establish what renovation measures achieve the highest reduction of consumption, particularly in practice (actual savings). The results showed large performance gaps in dwellings with low R and high U values, local heating systems, changes from a non-condensing into a condensing boiler and upgrades to a natural ventilation system. Regarding the actual effectiveness of renovation measures, replacement of old gas boilers with more efficient ones yields the highest energy reduction, followed by deep improvements of windows. Installing mechanical ventilation yields a small reduction compared to other measures, but still much larger than theoretically expected. The paper shows once more that the calculation method currently in use cannot be considered accurate if compared to actual consumption. The study demonstrated that unrealistic theoretical efficiencies of heating systems and insulation values are causing a part of the performance gap. Nowadays, large datasets of buildings thermal performance and actual consumption offer an opportunity to improve these misconceptions. - Highlights: • Performance gap is lower in more efficient buildings. • Replacements of gas boilers – the most energy reduction among renovation measures. • Replacing the ventilation system yields a much larger reduction than expected. • How well are the standard values of the calculation methods defined? • Provide large public building performance databases including actual use data.

  3. Interpersonal Communication Behaviors and Self-Actualizing Values: A Conceptual Framework. (United States)

    Macklin, Thomas

    This report addresses the relationship between self-actualizing values and interpersonal communication behaviors. After a discussion of behavioristic and humanistic frameworks for social science research, the paper explains Abraham Maslow's and Carl Roger's concepts of self-actualization as the tendency toward completing and perfecting one's…

  4. Culture Studies and Self-Actualization Theory. (United States)

    Farmer, Rod


    True citizenship education is impossible unless students develop the habit of intelligently evaluating cultures. Abraham Maslow's theory of self-actualization, a theory of innate human needs and of human motivation, is a nonethnocentric tool which can be used by teachers and students to help them understand other cultures. (SR)

  5. How People Actually Use Thermostats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meier, Alan; Aragon, Cecilia; Hurwitz, Becky; Mujumdar, Dhawal; Peffer, Therese; Perry, Daniel; Pritoni, Marco


    Residential thermostats have been a key element in controlling heating and cooling systems for over sixty years. However, today's modern programmable thermostats (PTs) are complicated and difficult for users to understand, leading to errors in operation and wasted energy. Four separate tests of usability were conducted in preparation for a larger study. These tests included personal interviews, an on-line survey, photographing actual thermostat settings, and measurements of ability to accomplish four tasks related to effective use of a PT. The interviews revealed that many occupants used the PT as an on-off switch and most demonstrated little knowledge of how to operate it. The on-line survey found that 89% of the respondents rarely or never used the PT to set a weekday or weekend program. The photographic survey (in low income homes) found that only 30% of the PTs were actually programmed. In the usability test, we found that we could quantify the difference in usability of two PTs as measured in time to accomplish tasks. Users accomplished the tasks in consistently shorter times with the touchscreen unit than with buttons. None of these studies are representative of the entire population of users but, together, they illustrate the importance of improving user interfaces in PTs.

  6. Does age impact self-actualization needs?—an empirical study ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Thus, although this study supports the existence of needs, the chronology of their dominance may not be as per Maslow's hierarchy pyramid. This empirical study establishes that there may not be progressive increase in self-actualization need as age progresses. Keywords: Maslow, need priorities, age, self-actualization ...


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    David Casado Neira


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es mostrar que las representaciones corporales actuales están lejos de los cyborgs. La opción más realista es la concepción moderna del cuerpo asentada en procesos de racionalización, secularización y medicalización. Para ello me remitiré a la imagen de cuerpo como máquina mostrando ejemplos representativos.

  8. Cesium ion exchange using actual waste: Column size considerations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brooks, K.P.


    It is presently planned to remove cesium from Hanford tank waste supernates and sludge wash solutions using ion exchange. To support the development of a cesium ion exchange process, laboratory experiments produced column breakthrough curves using wastes simulants in 200 mL columns. To verify the validity of the simulant tests, column runs with actual supernatants are being planned. The purpose of these actual waste tests is two-fold. First, the tests will verify that use of the simulant accurately reflects the equilibrium and rate behavior of the resin compared to actual wastes. Batch tests and column tests will be used to compare equilibrium behaviors and rate behaviors, respectively. Second, the tests will assist in clarifying the negative interactions between the actual waste and the ion exchange resin, which cannot be effectively tested with simulant. Such interactions include organic fouling of the resin and salt precipitation in the column. These effects may affect the shape of the column breakthrough curve. The reduction in column size also may change the shape of the curve, making the individual effects even more difficult to sort out. To simplify the evaluation, the changes due to column size must be either understood or eliminated. This report describes the determination of the column size for actual waste testing that best minimizes the effect of scale-down. This evaluation will provide a theoretical basis for the dimensions of the column. Experimental testing is still required before the final decision can be made. This evaluation will be confined to the study of CS-100 and R-F resins with NCAW simulant and to a limited extent DSSF waste simulant. Only the cesium loading phase has been considered


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    Suryawati P.


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to know and understand the re-actualization of bale banjar function in Denpasar City. This study was conducted due to the imbalance between the assumptions and current reality. The data sources of this study were some bale banjar-s in Denpasar City, related informants, and previous research findings. All data were collected using observation, interviews, and literature studies techniques and were analyzed using sociocultural evolution, community rationalization, and commodification theories. The research findings showed that re-actualization of bale banjar function in Denpasar City happened due to the high demand of economic space of capitalist economy and the changes of local society’s way of thinking; re-actualization of bale banjar’s form in Denpasar City could be seen from the changes in style and appearance of the spaces that are now widely designed into two floors. The society used the upper floors as a gathering place and the lower floors are rented as a center of economic activity; re-actualization of bale banjar function in Denpasar City had the implications on the way of thinking, the conception of bale banjar form and function and material culture such as the weakening of social relations among krama banjar.

  10. Actualization rate and environment policies: a review on the debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The aim of this report is to present the theoretical basis which underlies the actualization of future values of gains and losses associated with the degradation of the environment on a long term, and even on a very long term. After having recalled some elements related to the actualization rate, the report discusses how to determine the actualization rate parameters through a descriptive or prescriptive approach, and outlines the multiplicity of choices and the sensitivity to parameters. It discusses the impact of relative prices and which hypothesis on these relative prices is to be retained. It finally discusses how risks are to be taken into account

  11. La hipótesis de la compresión de la morbilidad: un ejemplo de desarrollo teórico en epidemiología The hypothesis of the compression of morbidity: an example of theoretical development in epidemiology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio López-Moreno


    Full Text Available En este documento se revisa la hipótesis de la compresión de la morbilidad, propuesta por James Fries en 1980, como un ejemplo de elaboración teórica en el campo de la epidemiología. Se presentan inicialmente algunos rasgos fundamentales de las teorías científicas y se hace un recuento histórico de los modelos causales más importantes que ha utilizado la epidemiología. Posteriormente, se presentan los fundamentos de la hipótesis de la compresión de la morbilidad, y se examinan sus posibilidades y limitaciones actuales, así como sus implicaciones epistemológicas con base en la teoría estructuralista. Se concluye que si el modelo de la compresión de la morbilidad fuera correcto, tendría una enorme capacidad para describir, explicar y predecir la salud y la enfermedad en las poblaciones humanas; por lo tanto, el desarrollo sistemático de este tipo de propuestas tiene una extraordinaria importancia para la salud pública.In this paper we review a hypothesis put forth in 1980 by James Fries under the name of the compression of morbidity, as an example of theoretical development in the field of epidemiology. Initially we discuss some of the essential features of scientific theories and make a historical account of the most important causal models that epidemiology has embraced. Then, the basis for proposing that a compression of the morbidity is taking place are described focusing on its advantages and limitations when it is analyzed from the point of view of structuralism. Finally, we conclude that, to the extent that they are correct, models of this kind have the potential of describing and predicting the evolution of human health; hence, their systematic development entails an extraordinary importance for public health.

  12. Temporal characteristics of imagined and actual walking in frail older adults. (United States)

    Nakano, Hideki; Murata, Shin; Shiraiwa, Kayoko; Iwase, Hiroaki; Kodama, Takayuki


    Mental chronometry, commonly used to evaluate motor imagery ability, measures the imagined time required for movements. Previous studies investigating mental chronometry of walking have investigated healthy older adults. However, mental chronometry in frail older adults has not yet been clarified. To investigate temporal characteristics of imagined and actual walking in frail older adults. We investigated the time required for imagined and actual walking along three walkways of different widths [width(s): 50, 25, 15 cm × length: 5 m] in 29 frail older adults and 20 young adults. Imagined walking was measured with mental chronometry. We observed significantly longer imagined and actual walking times along walkways of 50, 25, and 15 cm width in frail older adults compared with young adults. Moreover, temporal differences (absolute error) between imagined and actual walking were significantly greater in frail older adults than in young adults along walkways with a width of 25 and 15 cm. Furthermore, we observed significant differences in temporal differences (constant error) between frail older adults and young adults for walkways with a width of 25 and 15 cm. Frail older adults tended to underestimate actual walking time in imagined walking trials. Our results suggest that walkways of different widths may be a useful tool to evaluate age-related changes in imagined and actual walking in frail older adults.

  13. 40 CFR 63.5335 - How do I determine the actual HAP loss? (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 12 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true How do I determine the actual HAP loss... Requirements § 63.5335 How do I determine the actual HAP loss? (a) This section describes the information and procedures you must use to determine the actual HAP loss from your leather finishing operation. By the...

  14. Self-Actualization of Youth Subculture Members (Role-Playing Movement as an Example

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    A S Zhuravleva


    Full Text Available The article is dedicated to the research of youth subculture members’ self-actualization (role-playing movement as an example. It describes certain characteristics of role-players’ self-actualization, its structure, and also its gender and age specific features. It has been proven that the level of self-actualization of the members of the role-playing movement is higher than of the people who are not interested in it and that taking part in role-playing games is a more significant factor for the self-actualization of the personality than the gender and age of the players.

  15. Self-Perceived and Actual Motor Competence in Young British Children. (United States)

    Duncan, Michael J; Jones, Victoria; O'Brien, Wesley; Barnett, Lisa M; Eyre, Emma L J


    Children's perception of their own motor competence is an important correlate of their actual motor competence. The current study is the first to examine this association in British children and the first to use both product and process measures of actual motor competence. A total of 258 children (139 boys and 119 girls; aged 4 to 7 years, Mean = 5.6, SD = .96) completed measures of self-perceived motor competence using the Pictorial Scale for Perceived Movement Competence in Young Children. Children were classified as "Low," "Medium," or "High" perceived competence based on tertile analysis. Actual motor competence was assessed with the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (a process measure) and a composite of 10-m sprint run time, standing long jump distance, and 1-kg seated medicine ball throw (collectively, a product measure). Data for process and product measures were analyzed using a 2 (sex) × 3 (high, medium, low perceived competence) analysis of covariance, with body mass index, calculated from height and mass, and age controlled. Boys obtained significantly higher scores than girls for both the process ( p = .044) and product ( p = .001) measures of actual motor competence. Boys had significantly ( p = .04) higher scores for perceived competence compared to girls. Compared to children classified as medium and high self-perceived competence, children classified as low self-perceived competence had lower process ( p = .001) and product scores (i.e., medium, p = .009 and high, p = .0001) of actual motor competence. Age ( p = .0001) and body mass index ( p = .0001) were significantly associated with product motor competence. Strategies to enhance actual motor competence may benefit children's self-perceived motor competence.

  16. Danish Sector Guide for Calculation of the Actual Energy Consumption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Lone Hedegaard


    , the innovation network for sustainable construction, InnoBYG started work on a Danish sector guide for the calculation of actual energy consumption in relation to upgrading of buildings. The focus was to make a common guide for energy calculations that can be used by consultants performing calculations...... consumption compared with the estimated energy demand by calculation. The paper concludes that the result of an energy calculation should not be given as a single figure but rather as a spread between the best and worst case for the assumed conditions. Finally, a brief update on current actions is given...... related to the sector guide for calculation of actual energy consumption. Keywords – Energy calculations, actual energy consumption, energy perfomance...

  17. [Assessment of actual benefits of new drugs by the Transparency Committee]. (United States)

    Le Jeunne, C


    When a drug has been granted a marketing authorization, if the pharmaceutical company wants it to be covered by the National Health Insurance, the company has to submit a file with all the studies concerning the drug, especially drug-drug comparative studies, to be assessed by the Transparency Committee. Drugs are assessed on two criteria: actual or expected benefit (AB) and improvement in actual benefit (IAB). Actual benefit mainly takes into account the severity of the disease concerned, the level of efficacy relative to known side effects (risk-benefit ratio), and the place the drug is intended to take in the therapeutic strategy. At the end of the assessment, AB is considered as important, moderate, poor or insufficient (to justify inclusion of the drug on the list of products to be reimbursed). After actual benefit is determined, improvement of actual benefit is assessed, comparing the estimated benefit of this drug with one of drugs with the same indication that is already reimbursed, to assess whether this drug will improve the patient's disease. This can be assessed by direct comparison (two drugs compared in the same clinical trial) or by indirect comparison (separate studies with the same design). There are four levels of added value, from I (major improvement) to IV (minor improvement). Level V represents no improvement. This second assessment is always relative to another drug. It never provides an absolute score. However, IAB is very important for pharmaceutical companies, because it is a fundamental criterion to determine the price of the drug, which is discussed with the Economic Committee of Health Products in a final phase. Actual benefit and improvement in actual benefit are allocated for each indication of a drug.

  18. Actual global problems of radiation protection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ninkovic, M.


    Personal views on some actual problems in radiation protection are given in this paper. Among these problems are: evolution methodology used in radiation protection regulations; radiation protection, nuclear energy and safety, and new approaches to the process of the hazardous substances management. An interesting fact relating to the X-ray, radiation protection and Nikola Tesla are given also. (author)

  19. Estimating Actual Evapotranspiration from Satellite and Meteorological Data in Central Bolivia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Seiler, C.; Moene, A.F.


    Spatial estimates of actual evapotranspiration are useful for calculating the water balance of river basins, quantifying hydrological services provided by ecosystems, and assessing the hydrological impacts of land-use practices. To provide this information, the authors estimate actual


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    Irina Ivanovna Vitkovskaya


    Full Text Available The article considers the issues of a personality’s self-realization and self-actualization under current educational standards required in the time of impetuous development in informative technologies. The practical aspect of the article describes self-realization and self-actualization of a person as their social and useful activity, interdiscipline approach, it is characterised by interdependence of an individual and their social environment apart with the self-realization of a personality in educational process. Evidently, being a substantial ca-tegory of vital «self-assertion», it should be thought over in categories of self-actualization and self-realization. So, self-realization is considered to be a social process which continues all conscientious life. In pedagogics of our country, labour and professional activity were the spheres of self-actualization therefore, it should be taken into account external factors for self-realization and self-actualization of a person. If socio-pedagogic conditions presuppose having good teachers, what conditions should be created in an individual’s micro-groups and in particular, in the family and kind of values shoud an individual get through the process of socialization. Thus, technological project of self-realization of a personality has to assume that there is the strive for self-perfection and interrelation of ways of self-realization, self-education, and adaptation. The correlation of these ways in a specific educational field is the purpose of the article.

  1. Towards Designing Android Faces after Actual Humans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vlachos, Evgenios; Schärfe, Henrik


    Using their face as their prior affective interface, android robots and other agents embody emotional facial expressions, and convey messages on their identity, gender, age, race, and attractiveness. We are examining whether androids can convey emotionally relevant information via their static...... facial sig-nals, just as humans do. Based on the fact that social information can be accu-rately identified from still images of nonexpressive unknown faces, a judgment paradigm was employed to discover, and compare the style of facial expres-sions of the Geminoid-DK android (modeled after an actual...... initially made for the Original, suggesting that androids inherit the same style of facial expression as their originals. Our findings support the case of designing android faces after specific actual persons who portray facial features that are familiar to the users, and also relevant to the notion...

  2. Realismo y constructivismo en la teoría moral kantiana: el ejemplo de la ética del discurso

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    Lafont, Cristina


    Full Text Available In this paper I argue against the metaethical view of moral Kantianism as a form of constructivism or antirealism. Given that Kantians do not share the expressivism characteristic of standard moral antirealism, Kantian constructivism seems to be an inherently unstable position, which can only be fully developed into either a consistently antirealist or a consistently realist approach. Taking Habermas’ discourse ethics as an example, I contrast a realist with an antirealist interpretation of the principle of universalization, and try to show that only the former is compatible with the moral cognitivism characteristic of Kantian moral theory, whereas the latter unavoidably leads to a decisionist (i.e., relativist approach.

    En este artículo se argumenta contra la interpretación metaética del kantianismo moral como una forma de constructivismo o antirealismo moral. Dado que los kantianos no comparten el expresivismo característico del antirealismo moral estándar, el constructivismo kantiano parece llevar a una posición inherentemente inestable que sólo puede desarrollarse o bien en un realismo consistente con el cognitivismo moral kantiano o en un decidido antirealismo moral. Tomando la ética del discurso de Habermas como ejemplo, aquí se contrasta una interpretación realista con una interpretación antirealista del principio moral de universalización con la intención de mostrar que sólo la primera es compatible con el cognitivismo moral característico de las éticas kantianas, mientras que la segunda lleva inevitablemente a un planteamiento decisionista y, con ello, a un claro relativismo moral.

  3. La investigación histórica y el debate actual sobre la salud masculina: el caso de Alemania

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    Dinges, Martin


    Full Text Available The current discourse on men’s health refers too insistently to an obsolete and monolithic pattern of masculinity contrasting “men” with “women” in a simplistic manner. However, historical analysis shows the remarkable changes that have occurred in the health of men, both in terms of their attitudes and their behaviors, since the industrial revolution; so, for example, the relationship between masculinity and risk behavior throughout life, the professional life and the world of work, and also the medical evaluation of certain high-risk behaviors such as smoking. Differences of the life expectancy between men and women deserve an explanation more accurate and less simplistic. From a historical perspective of longue-durée, it is also a myth that men keep silent on matters of health.El discurso actual sobre la salud masculina remite con demasiada insistencia a una imagen obsoleta y monolítica de la masculinidad contrastando de manera simplista el colectivo “hombres” con el de las “mujeres”. Sin embargo, el análisis histórico hace muy evidentes los notables cambios que se han producido en la salud de los hombres, tanto en lo que se refiere a sus actitudes como a sus comportamientos, desde la revolución industrial; así, por ejemplo, se ha transformado no solamente la vida profesional y el mundo del trabajo, sino también la relación entre la masculinidad y el comportamiento de riesgo a lo largo de la vida y, asimismo, la evaluación médica de ciertos comportamientos de alto riesgo como fumar. Las diferencias en la esperanza de vida entre hombres y mujeres merecen una explicación más precisa y menos simplista. Desde una perspectiva histórica de longue-durée, también es un mito que los hombres guarden silencio en asuntos de salud.

  4. Sex Differences in Jealousy in Response to Actual Infidelity

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    John E. Edlund


    Full Text Available The present studies address two criticisms of the theory of evolved sex differences in jealousy: (a that the sex difference in jealousy emerges only in response to hypothetical infidelity scenarios, and (b that the sex difference emerges only using forced-choice measures. In two separate studies, one a paper-and-pencil survey with a student sample and the other a web-based survey targeting a non-student sample, men and women showed significant sex differences in jealousy in response to actual infidelity experiences; men experienced more jealousy in response to the sexual aspects of an actual infidelity, whereas women experienced more jealousy in response to the emotional aspects of the infidelity. Sex differences emerged using both continuous measures of jealousy as well as the traditional forced-choice measure. Overall, our results demonstrate that sex differences in jealousy are not limited to responses to hypothetical infidelity scenarios; they also emerge in response to actual infidelity experiences.

  5. Linaje y poder en la Castilla Trastámara. El ejemplo de la Orden de Calatrava

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    Rodríguez-Picavea Matilla, Enrique


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to project the analysis made on the Trastámara´s Castile to the concrete example of the Military Order of Calatrava, one of the most important institutions of Castile in the Middle Ages which, up to now, has not still been studied from this point of view. In order to carry on our research, we have taken advantage both chronicles and literary sources and archivistic records. Therefore, the article analyzes the dominion acquired by the most renowned Calatrava's lineages (Padilla, Guzmán, Girón in the Trastámara's Castile, using the Order resources by means of the control of his highests hierarchs. This power was evidenced through a peculiar behaviour and it was exhibited by devices, iconographic figures and some masterpieces. Shortly, the Calatrava's nobility behaved similarly to the laic one, despite his belonging to a religious institution.

    El objetivo de este artículo es proyectar el análisis en la nobleza de la Castilla Trastámara al ejemplo concreto de la Orden militar de Calatrava, una de las instituciones más importantes de la Castilla medieval y que hasta el momento no había sido estudiada desde esta perspectiva. Para nuestra investigación hemos utilizado fuentes cronísticas y literarias combinadas con documentación archivística. El artículo analiza el poder adquirido por los principales linajes calatravos (Padilla, Guzmán y Girón en la Castilla Trastámara, utilizando para ello los recursos de la Orden de Calatrava mediante el control de sus más altas jerarquías. Este poder se concretó en un determinado comportamiento y se exhibió por medio de símbolos, singulares representaciones iconográficas y ciertas obras artísticas. En definitiva, la nobleza calatrava se comportó de manera muy similar a la laica, a pesar de los condicionantes propios de la pertenencia a una institución religiosa.


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    Iván Carrasco M.


    Full Text Available Este trabajo define y sistematiza distintos aspectos de la interculturalidad textual, sus actuales manifestaciones literarias en Chile -la poesía etnocultural, la literatura del exilio y la escritura de inmigrantes- y sugiere su importancia en la alteración del canon de la modernidadThis work defines and systematizes different aspects of textual interculture, its literary manifestations in Chile to-day -ethnocultural poetry, exile literature, and the immigrants’ writing- suggesting its special importance in the alteration of the modernity canon

  7. Actual and Recalled Test Anxiety and Flexibility, Rigidity, and Self-Control. (United States)

    DeVito, Anthony J.; Kubis, Joseph F.


    Compared recalled and actual test anxiety in college students (N=71) and examined the interrelationship of anxiety with personality variables and sex differences. Results showed recalled test anxiety to be significantly higher than actual test anxiety and indicated no significant differences according to sex. (LLL)

  8. From preferred to actual mate characteristics: the case of human body shape.

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    Alexandre Courtiol

    Full Text Available The way individuals pair to produce reproductive units is a major factor determining evolution. This process is complex because it is determined not only by individual mating preferences, but also by numerous other factors such as competition between mates. Consequently, preferred and actual characteristics of mates obtained should differ, but this has rarely been addressed. We simultaneously measured mating preferences for stature, body mass, and body mass index, and recorded corresponding actual partner's characteristics for 116 human couples from France. Results show that preferred and actual partner's characteristics differ for male judges, but not for females. In addition, while the correlation between all preferred and actual partner's characteristics appeared to be weak for female judges, it was strong for males: while men prefer women slimmer than their actual partner, those who prefer the slimmest women also have partners who are slimmer than average. This study therefore suggests that the influences of preferences on pair formation can be sex-specific. It also illustrates that this process can lead to unexpected results on the real influences of mating preferences: traits considered as highly influencing attractiveness do not necessarily have a strong influence on the actual pairing, the reverse being also possible.

  9. Peligros hidrometeorológicos en un valle árido: abordaje geopedológico

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    Raúl Emmanuel Ocaña


    Full Text Available Se expone el análisis geopedológico del valle intermontano de Zonda, Argentina, con el objetivo de que este sea aplicado en estudios de ordenamiento territorial. Los resultados indican que los riesgos provienen de tres cuencas principales: dos locales (bajadas pedemontanas, río Seco de la Ciénaga y una regional (río San Juan, cada una con sus propias características. Los peligros más importantes corresponden a procesos de aluviones e inundaciones provenientes de los límites del valle y desbordes de los máximos caudales estivales del río San Juan. Los resultados fueron presentados en mapas que contienen unidades de relieve y riesgos hidrometeorológicos asociados. Los asentamientos humanos crecen en el valle en contacto con el piedemonte y están amenazados principalmente por aluviones de recurrencia anual y estival.

  10. Peligros hidrometeorológicos en un valle árido: abordaje geopedológico

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    Raúl Emmanuel Ocaña


    Full Text Available Se expone el análisis geopedológico del valle intermontano de Zonda, Argentina, con el objetivo de que este sea aplicado en estudios de ordenamiento territorial. Los resultados indican que los riesgos provienen de tres cuencas principales: dos locales (río San Juan, río Seco de la Ciénaga y una regional (bajadas pedemontanas, cada una con sus propias características. Los peligros más importantes corresponden a procesos de aluviones e inundaciones provenientes de los límites del valle y desbordes de los máximos caudales estivales del río San Juan. Los resultados fueron presentados en mapas que contienen unidades de relieve y riesgos hidrometeorológicos asociados. Los asentamientos humanos crecen en el valle en contacto con el piedemonte y están amenazados principalmente por aluviones de recurrencia anual y estival.

  11. The actual citation impact of European oncological research. (United States)

    López-Illescas, Carmen; de Moya-Anegón, Félix; Moed, Henk F


    This study provides an overview of the research performance of major European countries in the field Oncology, the most important journals in which they published their research articles, and the most important academic institutions publishing them. The analysis was based on Thomson Scientific's Web of Science (WoS) and calculated bibliometric indicators of publication activity and actual citation impact. Studying the time period 2000-2006, it gives an update of earlier studies, but at the same time it expands their methodologies, using a broader definition of the field, calculating indicators of actual citation impact, and analysing new and policy relevant aspects. Findings suggest that the emergence of Asian countries in the field Oncology has displaced European articles more strongly than articles from the USA; that oncologists who have published their articles in important, more general journals or in journals covering other specialties, rather than in their own specialist journals, have generated a relatively high actual citation impact; and that universities from Germany, and--to a lesser extent--those from Italy, the Netherlands, UK, and Sweden, dominate a ranking of European universities based on number of articles in oncology. The outcomes illustrate that different bibliometric methodologies may lead to different outcomes, and that outcomes should be interpreted with care.

  12. Is the Einstein de Sitter model actually ruled out?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanchard, A.


    The standard model for cosmology which is now strongly favored is a flat model, dominated by a vacuum density term. However, the actual direct evidences for such term are limited, essentially based on the supernova probe, i.e. based on a standard candle hypothesis. Here I would like to point out that contrary to the general belief there is room for an Einstein de Sitter universe. Actually several independent measurements, not based on stellar reference, pointed towards a high matter density Universe, weakening the need for a cosmological constant

  13. 25 CFR 39.101 - Does ISEF assess the actual cost of school operations? (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Does ISEF assess the actual cost of school operations? 39... SCHOOL EQUALIZATION PROGRAM Indian School Equalization Formula § 39.101 Does ISEF assess the actual cost of school operations? No. ISEF does not attempt to assess the actual cost of school operations either...

  14. 25 CFR 39.201 - Does ISEF reflect the actual cost of school operations? (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Does ISEF reflect the actual cost of school operations... Does ISEF reflect the actual cost of school operations? ISEF does not attempt to assess the actual cost of school operations either at the local school level or in the aggregate nationally. ISEF is a...

  15. The logic of actual obligation. An alternative approach to deontic logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voorbraak, F.

    In this paper we develop a system of deontic logic (LAO, the logic of actual obligation) with a rather limited scope: we are, only interested in obligations as far as they: are relevant for deciding what actions actually ought to be done in a particular situation, given some normative system N.

  16. La escritura intermedial en la escena actual

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    Luis Thenon


    Full Text Available Las escrituras artísticas actuales integran, en el marco determinado por las realidades intermediales de la escena tecnológica, el concepto de diseño como manipulación perceptiva del espacio, lo que constituye uno de los instrumentos determinantes en la puesta en marcha de un cuadro compositivo de resonancias transformacionales. Podríamos en este sentido hablar de una nueva ecología artística y en especial, teatral. En la renovación del pensamiento teatral actualizado, fuertemente influenciado por la estructura discursiva cinematográfica y por los universos sensoriales de la cultura tecnológica de la imagen y del sonido, está la base de la multiplicación diegética, de la superposición, de la fragmentación de los discursos y de la praxis inter-relacional en la que radica, en gran medida, la potencia intermedial de la escena actual.

  17. Coffee Shop As a Media for Self-Actualization Today's Youth

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    Salendra Salendra


    Full Text Available Trends go to a coffee shop that is currently self-actualization can be a medium for today's youth. In this study, the author uses Dramaturgy Theory introduced by Erving Goffman 1955 in The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.                This research methods using qualitative methodology and data collection technique was done by observation, interviews and  study by literature. Trends goes to coffee shop by teen nowdays be assumed as teen’s activity to follow modern life style and it does to complete needs of self actualization.             It was concluded that the phenomenon of teenage habit to go to the coffee shop is an adolescent self-actualization behaviors performed by following a growing trend. Dramaturgy Theory discusses the two sides of teenage life in self actualize, front stage of a teenager is a person who has wide connections and likes to follow the trend of going to the coffee shop, and the back stage of the teenager is the pupil / student in an educational institution and a child in a family whose primary job is to learn and serve the elderly.

  18. La enseñanza de la arquitectura en la sociedad actual. La integración de las nuevas formas de práctica profesional en el Taller de Arquitectura

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    Marta Masdéu Bernat


    Full Text Available En la actualidad la práctica profesional está experimentando cambios que están afectando al modo de trabajar de los arquitectos. Los estudios de arquitectura están reinventándose para adaptarse a las nuevas demandas sociales, tecnológicas y productivas. Sin embargo, a pesar de los cambios que están produciéndose en la profesión, la formación de los arquitectos en las escuelas continúa centrándose en modelos educativos cada vez más alejados de las demandas profesionales. Conscientes de ello, las escuelas se han visto obligadas a revisar sus programas para desarrollar métodos de enseñanza que les permitan adecuarse a la situación actual. En consecuencia, el modelo tradicional de Taller de Arquitectura, considerado el núcleo de la enseñanza en arquitectura, se encuentra inmerso en un proceso de transformación. En este artículo se abordan algunas de las tendencias que actualmente se perciben en la profesión y su impacto en la formación de los arquitectos. En particular se analiza cómo el modelo tradicional de Taller de Arquitectura está evolucionando hacia nuevos espacios de aprendizaje interdisciplinares, interdependientes e interconectados. También se exponen algunos ejemplos basados en modelos educativos emergentes –Aprendizaje Combinado, Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos Colaborativos, Aprendizaje Digital, Aprendizaje Basado en la Práctica Profesional–. Finalmente se formulan algunas hipótesis sobre el futuro del Taller de Arquitectura.

  19. Stereotactic Target point Verification in Actual Treatment Position of Radiosurgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yun, Hyong Geun; Lee, Hyun Koo


    Purpose : Authors tried to enhance the safety and accuracy of radiosurgery by verifying stereotactic target point in actual treatment position prior to irradiation. Materials and Methods : Before the actual treatment, several sections of anthropomorphic head phantom were used to create a condition of unknown coordinated of the target point. A film was sand witched between the phantom sections and punctured by sharp needle tip. The tip of the needle represented the target point. The head phantom was fixed to the stereotactic ring and CT scan was done with CT localizer attached to the ring. After the CT scanning, the stereotactic coordinates of the target point were determined. The head phantom was secured to accelerator's treatment couch and the movement of laser isocenter to the stereotactic coordinates determined by CT scanning was performed using target positioner. Accelerator's anteroposterior and lateral portal films were taken using angiographic localizers. The stereotactic coordinates determined by analysis of portal films were compared with the stereotactic coordinates previously determined by CT scanning. Following the correction of discrepancy, the head phantom was irradiated using a stereotactic technique of several arcs. After the irradiation, the film which was sand witched between the phantom sections was developed and the degree of coincidence between the center of the radiation distribution with the target point represented by the hole in the film was measured. In the treatment of actual patients, the way of determining the stereotactic coordinates with CT localizers and angiographic localizers between two sets of coordinates, we proceeded to the irradiation of the actual patient. Results : In the phantom study, the agreement between the center of the radiation distribution and the localized target point was very good. By measuring optical density profiles of the sand witched film along axes that intersected the target point, authors could confirm

  20. Developing Human Resources through Actualizing Human Potential (United States)

    Clarken, Rodney H.


    The key to human resource development is in actualizing individual and collective thinking, feeling and choosing potentials related to our minds, hearts and wills respectively. These capacities and faculties must be balanced and regulated according to the standards of truth, love and justice for individual, community and institutional development,…

  1. Monitoring based maintenance utilizing actual stress sensory technology (United States)

    Sumitro, Sunaryo; Kurokawa, Shoji; Shimano, Keiji; Wang, Ming L.


    In recent years, many infrastructures have been deteriorating. In order to maintain sustainability of those infrastructures which have significant influence on social lifelines, economical and rational maintenance management should be carried out to evaluate the life cycle cost (LCC). The development of structural health monitoring systems, such as deriving evaluation techniques for the field structural condition of existing structures and identification techniques for the significant engineering properties of new structures, can be considered as the first step in resolving the above problem. New innovative evaluation methods need to be devised to identify the deterioration of infrastructures, e.g. steel tendons, cables in cable-stayed bridges and strands embedded in pre- or post-tensioned concrete structures. One of the possible solutions that show 'AtoE' characteristics, i.e., (a)ccuracy, (b)enefit, (c)ompendiousness, (d)urability and (e)ase of operation, elasto-magnetic (EM) actual stress sensory technology utilizing the sensitivity of incremental magnetic permeability to stress change, has been developed. Numerous verification tests on various steel materials have been conducted. By comparing with load cell, strain gage and other sensory technology measurement results, the actual stresses of steel tendons in a pre-stressed concrete structure at the following stages have been thoroughly investigated: (i) pre-stress change due to set-loss (anchorage slippage) at the tendon fixation stage; (ii) pre-stress change due to the tendon relaxation stage; (iii) concrete creep and shrinkage at the long term pre-stressing stage; (iv) pre-stress change in the cyclic fatigue loading stage; and (v) pre-stress change due to the re-pre-stress setting stage. As the result of this testing, it is confirmed that EM sensory technology enables one to measure actual stress in steel wire, strands and steel bars precisely without destroying the polyethylene covering sheath and enables

  2. Is the evolutionary theory still useful?: A review with examples ¿Es todavía útil la teoría evolutiva?: Una revisión con ejemplos

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    Full Text Available Evolutionary biology is experiencing an exceptional process of revisión and outreach because of the 200-anniversary if the birth of Charles Darwin. As a consequence, the study of organic evolution and also its teaching are being discussed at several levels, by evolutionary biologists, biologists and scholars outside evolutionary biology and by the general public. In this scenario, a didactic explanation of how biologists address evolutionary research in real populations seems to be useful. Using actual research examples, here I tried to outline how the classic theory (termed here as the "basic scheme" is useful to answer relevant questions in biology and how a less dogmatic paradigm (or a more versatile one would be needed when dealing with the most recent and extravagant cases of gene, genotype, phenotype and environment interactions. Specifically, I used three in-extenso examples of research driven by hypothesis-testing: (1 the changes in genetic architecture induced by sexuality in a cyclically parthenogenetic insect; (2 the test of the energetic definition of fitness through phenotypic selection studies; and (3 the assessment of the underlying causes of character displacement in Darwin finches. In the former two cases, it is argued that the basic scheme is useful and sufficient for testing relevant evolutionary hypotheses. In the third case, it is argued that something else is needed to explain the observed genetic variation that Geospiza species exhibit in Daphne major island (Galapagos. Finally, I outline some "extravagant" cases biological entities interacting, such as horizontal gene transfer, epigenetic inheritance, adaptive anticipatory conditioning, evolutionary capacitance and niche construction. This "post-modern" biology has been seriously proposed and demonstrated to be widespread in nature, which would justify an extended evolutionary synthesis.La biología evolutiva está experimentando un inédito proceso de revisión y difusi

  3. Are human mating preferences with respect to height reflected in actual pairings? (United States)

    Stulp, Gert; Buunk, Abraham P; Pollet, Thomas V; Nettle, Daniel; Verhulst, Simon


    Pair formation, acquiring a mate to form a reproductive unit, is a complex process. Mating preferences are a step in this process. However, due to constraining factors such as availability of mates, rival competition, and mutual mate choice, preferred characteristics may not be realised in the actual partner. People value height in their partner and we investigated to what extent preferences for height are realised in actual couples. We used data from the Millennium Cohort Study (UK) and compared the distribution of height difference in actual couples to simulations of random mating to test how established mate preferences map on to actual mating patterns. In line with mate preferences, we found evidence for: (i) assortative mating (r = .18), (ii) the male-taller norm, and, for the first time, (iii) for the male-not-too-tall norm. Couples where the male partner was shorter, or over 25 cm taller than the female partner, occurred at lower frequency in actual couples than expected by chance, but the magnitude of these effects was modest. We also investigated another preference rule, namely that short women (and tall men) prefer large height differences with their partner, whereas tall women (and short men) prefer small height differences. These patterns were also observed in our population, although the strengths of these associations were weaker than previously reported strength of preferences. We conclude that while preferences for partner height generally translate into actual pairing, they do so only modestly.

  4. Are human mating preferences with respect to height reflected in actual pairings?

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    Gert Stulp

    Full Text Available Pair formation, acquiring a mate to form a reproductive unit, is a complex process. Mating preferences are a step in this process. However, due to constraining factors such as availability of mates, rival competition, and mutual mate choice, preferred characteristics may not be realised in the actual partner. People value height in their partner and we investigated to what extent preferences for height are realised in actual couples. We used data from the Millennium Cohort Study (UK and compared the distribution of height difference in actual couples to simulations of random mating to test how established mate preferences map on to actual mating patterns. In line with mate preferences, we found evidence for: (i assortative mating (r = .18, (ii the male-taller norm, and, for the first time, (iii for the male-not-too-tall norm. Couples where the male partner was shorter, or over 25 cm taller than the female partner, occurred at lower frequency in actual couples than expected by chance, but the magnitude of these effects was modest. We also investigated another preference rule, namely that short women (and tall men prefer large height differences with their partner, whereas tall women (and short men prefer small height differences. These patterns were also observed in our population, although the strengths of these associations were weaker than previously reported strength of preferences. We conclude that while preferences for partner height generally translate into actual pairing, they do so only modestly.

  5. Let's not, and say we would: imagined and actual responses to witnessing homophobia. (United States)

    Crosby, Jennifer Randall; Wilson, Johannes


    We compared imagined versus actual affective and behavioral responses to witnessing a homophobic slur. Participants (N = 72) witnessed a confederate using a homophobic slur, imagined the same scenario, or were not exposed to the slur. Those who imagined hearing the slur reported significantly higher levels of negative affect than those who actually witnessed the slur, and nearly one half of them reported that they would confront the slur, whereas no participants who actually heard the slur confronted it. These findings reveal a discrepancy between imagined and real responses to homophobic remarks, and they have implications for the likelihood that heterosexuals will actually confront homophobic remarks.

  6. Fatigue status assessment for reactor pressure vessel based on actual operational transient

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Guangqiang; Liao Changbin; Dai Bing; Gui Chun


    Background: Fatigue is an important aging mechanism in RPV and it must be contained to aging management working range. Purpose: In order to ensure the safety operation of nuclear power plants, as extension of RPV service time, it is necessary to assess the fatigue damage caused by actual operation transient. Methods: Based on monitoring data of actual operation during the past eleven years, refer to design transient, the statistic analysis for types and occurrence times of actual transient is carried out, at the same time, every transients are combined as different operation cycles and the temperature field and stress field of typical components are analyzed by FEM. Results: Based on these information, fatigue analysis and assessment are finished, if later-actual transients are similar with the previous transients, the calculation result shows that the ratio between maximum of cumulative usage factors and design calculation value is 0.4967 the design transients is conservative. Conclusions: Fatigue status of RPV could be assessed and traced quickly through fatigue status assessment method in this paper based on actual operational transient and assessment result would be a good reference for RPV aging management. (authors)

  7. An in-vitro comparison of the radiographic and actual gutta-percha terminus. (United States)

    Namazikhah, M S; Ghiai, M; Parkin, M J; Puccinelli, L


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference between the radiographic gutta-percha terminus and the actual gutta-percha terminus of human molars by comparing radiographic obturation results with actual obturation results. Forty maxillary palatal roots and 50 mandibular distal roots were randomly selected from a population of 540. They were then mounted in stone and radiographed. Conventional endodontic therapy was completed using stainless-steel K files and lateral condensation. Each radiographic gutta-percha terminus was evaluated under 4.5x magnification by three examiners following the completion of root canal therapy. These results were recorded. Each tooth was then removed from its mounting, and the actual gutta-percha terminus was evaluated under 4.5x magnification. These results were recorded and compared to the radiographic gutta-percha terminus results. In all 90 teeth examined, the actual gutta-percha terminus was equal to or longer than the radiographic gutta-percha terminus. In the 50 mandibular distal roots, the actual gutta-percha terminus averaged 0.645 mm longer than the radiographic gutta-percha terminus. In the 40 maxillary palatal roots, this difference measured 0.6375 mm.

  8. Exaggerating Accessible Differences: When Gender Stereotypes Overestimate Actual Group Differences. (United States)

    Eyal, Tal; Epley, Nicholas


    Stereotypes are often presumed to exaggerate group differences, but empirical evidence is mixed. We suggest exaggeration is moderated by the accessibility of specific stereotype content. In particular, because the most accessible stereotype contents are attributes perceived to differ between groups, those attributes are most likely to exaggerate actual group differences due to regression to the mean. We tested this hypothesis using a highly accessible gender stereotype: that women are more socially sensitive than men. We confirmed that the most accessible stereotype content involves attributes perceived to differ between groups (pretest), and that these stereotypes contain some accuracy but significantly exaggerate actual gender differences (Experiment 1). We observe less exaggeration when judging less accessible stereotype content (Experiment 2), or when judging individual men and women (Experiment 3). Considering the accessibility of specific stereotype content may explain when stereotypes exaggerate actual group differences and when they do not.

  9. Monitoring actual temperatures in Susquehanna SES reactor buildings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Derkacs, A.P.


    PP and L has been monitoring temperatures in the Susquehanna SES reactor building with digital temperature recorders since 1986. In early 1990, data from four representative areas was analyzed to determine the temperature in each area which would produce the same rate of degradation as the distribution of actual temperatures recorded over about 40 months. From these effective average temperatures, qualified life multipliers were determined for activation energies in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 and those multipliers were used to estimate new qualified lives and the number of replacements which might be saved during the life of the plant. The results indicate that pursuing a program of determining EQ qualified lives from actual temperatures, rather than maximum design basis temperatures, will provide a substantial payback in reduced EQ driven maintenance

  10. La complejidad y la transdisciplina como sistemas teóricos en el hacer de la educación superior

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    J. Loreto Salvador Benítez


    Full Text Available Se presenta la ciencia moderna tradicional antepuesta a las ideas de la complejidad y transdisciplina como maneras de abordar y generar conocimiento desde la perspectiva de los sistemas complejos. Se proponen opciones metodológicas, epistémicas y teóricas en contraoposición al paradigma actual de la ciencia moderna, objetiva y cuantitativa. Esto se lleva al terreno de la educación superior, donde tienen lugar acciones y análisis de estos contenidos. Asimismo se plantean ejemplos en la propia educación terciaria y en la noción actual de la sustentabilidad, de sumo compleja, cuyo punto de interés vuelve a la naturaleza y la vida.

  11. Dos miradas de la ganadería: lo general y lo particular. Reflexiones sobre la producción y el consumo de carne

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    María Elena Nancy Dávila Moreno


    Full Text Available El planeta enfrenta actualmente una seria crisis medioambiental provocada por múltiples factores, uno de ellos se deriva de la expansión de la ganadería. Se intentará responder cómo fue que ocurrió una transformación en el pensamiento y la conducta humana para convertir a la carne en un artículo de consumo necesario en la vida cotidiana. La historia de la Ciénega de Chapala, aunque si bien podría mirarse sólo como una micro historia, en realidad representa un buen ejemplo del manejo del hombre sobre la naturaleza y de cómo la introducción de la ganadería llevó a la pérdida del ecosistema y a la degradación ambiental actual. Este ejemplo permitirá comprender en una pequeña escala cómo se ha ido manifestando el problema global de la ganadería.

  12. Comparison of actual and predicted routes used in the shipment of radioactive materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joy, D.S.; Johnson, P.E.; Harrison, I.G.


    A number of highway controlled shipments of radioactive materials have been made over the past several years. An excellent example showing the variability of actual routes is the transfer of 45 shipments between the Three Mile Island reactor in Pennsylvania and Scoville, Idaho in 1982 and 1983. Six different routes varying between 2273 and 2483 miles were used. Approximately 75% of these shipments followed a common route which passed through ten Urbanized Areas, defined by the Census Bureau as having a population exceeding 100,000 people. Other routes, while shorter in distance, passed through as many as 14 Urbanized Areas. Routes predicted by the Oak Ridge routing model did not exactly duplicate actual routes used. However, the analysis shows that the routing model does make a good estimate of transportation routes actually chosen by shippers of radioactive materials. In actual practice, a number of factors (weather, road conditions, driver preference, etc.) influence the actual route taken. 5 refs., 1 fig., 1 tab

  13. The relationship between EFL teachers’ beliefs and actual practices of classroom management

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    Mohammad Aliakbari


    Full Text Available This study aimed at analyzing Iranian EFL teachers’ beliefs toward classroom management and the relationship between teachers’ beliefs and their actual practices of classroom management in regard with individual variables such as gender, education degree, and teaching experience. The data were collected using a behavior and instructional management scale inventory and direct class observation through a researcher made classroom management observation checklist. The findings showed that EFL teachers favored interactionalist orientation on behavior and instructional management dimensions. Findings also indicated that male teachers were not significantly different from females in terms of the relationship between their beliefs and actual practices. However, there was a significant relationship between teachers’ beliefs and their actual practices of classroom management among less experienced teachers. It was further found that increase in teachers’ educational level led to decrease in discrepancy between their beliefs and actual practices.


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    Ramón Cózar Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN. Durante mucho tiempo la historiografía ha presentado la España del siglo XVIII como un paraíso idílico presidido por la concordia y en el que no ocurrieron hechos realmente serios. Nada más lejos de la realidad, pues existió una conflictividad social que no podemos ignorar. Con este artículo queremos contribuir a reforzar esta idea, constatando todos los hechos conflictivos ocurridos en La Mancha albacetense en los años 1765, tras la promulgación de la Real Pragmática liberalizadora del comercio de granos, y 1766, en el que, entre el clima de crispación general propiciado por el motín en Madrid, aparecen dos motines provinciales que ocupan un lugar importante en la historiografía española: Tobarra y Liétor. El primero, por ser el primer caso de sublevación después del motín madrileño de 1766, mientras que el segundo, ha sido considerado por algunos autores, como uno de los ejemplos más representativos de la conflictividad social decimonónica. Esperamos que este estudio pueda contribuir, de algún modo, a un mejor conocimiento de la conflictividad social en la España del siglo XVIII en general, y de La Mancha Oriental en particular. Palabras claves: conflictividad social, motines, Mancha Oriental, siglo XVIII. ABSTRACT. For a long time the historiography has represented the eighteenth-century Spain as an idyllic paradise where concord and unimportant facts prevailed. Far from being true, the situation lived in Spain was marked by a social conflict that can not be ignored. In this article we want to reinforce this idea, noting all the conflicting facts that occurred in La Mancha of Albacete in the years 1765, following the promulgation of the Royal Pragmatic liberalization of trade in grains, and 1766, where the climate of tension between generally favored by the mutiny in Madrid, two provincial riots that occupy an important place in Spanish history: Tobarra and Liétor. The first, being the first case of rebellion

  15. Estimation of moderator temperature coefficient of actual PWRs using wavelet transform

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katsumata, Ryosuke; Shimazu, Yoichiro


    Recently, an applicability of wavelet transform for estimation of moderator temperature coefficient was shown in numerical simulations. The basic concept of the wavelet transform is to eliminate noise in the measured signals. The concept is similar to that of Fourier transform method in which the analyzed reactivity component is divided by the analyzed component of relevant parameter. In order to apply the method to analyze measured data in actual PWRs, we carried out numerical simulations on the data that were more similar to actual data and proposed a method for estimation of moderator temperature coefficient using the wavelet transform. In the numerical simulations we obtained moderator temperature coefficients with the relative error of less than 4%. Based on this result we applied this method to analyze measured data in actual PWRs and the results have proved that the method is applicable for estimation of moderator temperature coefficients in the actual PWRs. It is expected that this method can reduce the required data length during the measurement. We expect to expand the applicability of this method to estimate the other reactivity coefficients with the data of short transient. (author)

  16. Consecución temporal: posibilidades de jugar

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    Bohdan Ulašin


    Full Text Available El objeto de análisis de este artículo es la consecución temporal en la lengua española, un fenómeno típico de las lenguas romances. El fin del presente trabajo es sistemizar y, a través de los ejemplos modelo con sus representaciones gráficas, formular las reglas de su uso. Nos centramos en los casos del empleo de la correlación temporal en el verbo subordinado en los que es posible la interpretación de doble acceso que consiste en poder elegir entre dos puntos de referencia temporal, sea con el espacio actual (el momento del habla, sea con el verbo de la oración principal. Esta doble interpretación la encontramos en los tres tipos de relaciones temporales: simultaneidad, posterioridad, anterioridad. Algunas de las parejas presentan diferencias semánticas, otras se usan indistintamente según las preferencias del hablante sin que haya cambios de significado. La mayoría de los ejemplos la constituyen las oraciones subordinadas sustantivas, no obstante incluimos también ejemplos de otro tipo de oraciones (relativas, causales. Al margen del artículo, analizamos la problemática de la correlación temporal en el caso de la forma del condicional simple del verbo principal.

  17. Actual versus perceived peer sexual risk behavior in online youth social networks. (United States)

    Black, Sandra R; Schmiege, Sarah; Bull, Sheana


    Perception of peer behaviors is an important predictor of actual risk behaviors among youth. However, we lack understanding of peer influence through social media and of actual and perceived peer behavior concordance. The purpose of this research is to document the relationship between individual perception of and actual peer sexual risk behavior using online social networks. The data are a result of a secondary analysis of baseline self-reported and peer-reported sexual risk behavior from a cluster randomized trial including 1,029 persons from 162 virtual networks. Individuals (seeds) recruited up to three friends who then recruited additional friends, extending three waves from the seed. ANOVA models compared network means of actual participant behavior across categories of perceived behavior. Concordance varied between reported and perceived behavior, with higher concordance between perceived and reported condom use, multiple partners, concurrent partners, sexual pressure, and drug and alcohol use during sex. Individuals significantly over-reported risk and under-reported protective peer behaviors related to sex.

  18. Construction and Validation of a Scale to Measure Maslow's Concept of Self-Actualization (United States)

    Jones, Kenneth Melvin; Randolph, Daniel Lee


    Designed to measure self-actualization as defined by Abraham Maslow, the Jones Self Actualizing Scale, as assessed in this study, possesses content validity, reliability, and a number of other positive characteristics. (JC)

  19. Estimation of actual evapotranspiration in the Nagqu river basin of the Tibetan Plateau (United States)

    Zou, Mijun; Zhong, Lei; Ma, Yaoming; Hu, Yuanyuan; Feng, Lu


    As a critical component of the energy and water cycle, terrestrial actual evapotranspiration (ET) can be influenced by many factors. This study was mainly devoted to providing accurate and continuous estimations of actual ET for the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and analyzing the effects of its impact factors. In this study, summer observational data from the Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) Asia-Australia Monsoon Project (CAMP) on the Tibetan Plateau (CAMP/Tibet) for 2003 to 2004 was selected to determine actual ET and investigate its relationship with energy, hydrological, and dynamical parameters. Multiple-layer air temperature, relative humidity, net radiation flux, wind speed, precipitation, and soil moisture were used to estimate actual ET. The regression model simulation results were validated with independent data retrieved using the combinatory method. The results suggested that significant correlations exist between actual ET and hydro-meteorological parameters in the surface layer of the Nagqu river basin, among which the most important factors are energy-related elements (net radiation flux and air temperature). The results also suggested that how ET is eventually affected by precipitation and two-layer wind speed difference depends on whether their positive or negative feedback processes have a more important role. The multivariate linear regression method provided reliable estimations of actual ET; thus, 6-parameter simplified schemes and 14-parameter regular schemes were established.

  20. Strong Primary Care is that one which has instruments that allow measuring the quality it offers (to improve it continuously)


    Juan Gérvas


    Hay que evitar dar respuestas simples a situaciones y problemas complejos. Tales soluciones suelen ser erróneas. Por ejemplo, en el sector de la salud cada vez hay más personas, familias y comunidades que presentan problemas más complejos, mientras que el sistema sanitario pretende ofrecer soluciones simples, aquellas que en el pasado ayudaron a resolver otros problemas y otras situaciones. ¿Los actuales pacientes, familias y comunidades son algo complejo o es el sistema sanitario con el que ...

  1. Design of functional hybrid coatings with anti-biofouling, self-cleaning and anti-reflecting applications


    Santiago Sánchez, Alexander


    263 p. Los recubrimientos son aplicados sobre diferentes superficies con fines fundamentalmente decorativos y de protección. Sin embargo, hoy en día el mercado de estos materiales está siendo sometido a unas especificaciones cada vez más severas. Así, los recubrimientos actuales deben, además de ser decorativos y protectores del sustrato, impartir al mismo otras propiedades adicionales como por ejemplo baja adherencia a los microorganismos, facilidad de limpieza y propiedades auto-reparabl...

  2. Nuevas orientaciones para calcular la profundidad efectiva de la capa endurecida en engranajes de acero cementado // New orientations to calculate the effective depth of the layer hardened in engagements of cemented steel


    G. González Rey


    Se exponen y discuten los inconvenientes de las clásicas y conocidas recomendaciones para decidir el espesor efectivo de capaendurecida en los dientes cementados de engranajes cilíndricos y cónicos. Además, se exponen los recientes trabajo realizados porISO TC60/WG 14 en la normalización de la profundidad efectiva de capa cementada, tomando como base las propuestas alemana yestadounidense. Es verificada mediante 5 ejemplos la aplicabilidad del estado actual de las recomendaciones de profundid...

  3. Reformas financieras en Costa Rica para una banca competitiva y sólida


    Arce Monge, Jorge Alexander


    El principal objetivo del presente ensayo es describir y recomendar posibles reformas al sistema financiero de Costa Rica a partir de la situación regulatoria actual, tomando como ejemplo la experiencia Española y de otras economías desarrolladas; con el propósito de incentivar: la competencia, eficiencia y supervisión eficaz de los actores financieros nacionales, sin esperar y evitando crisis sistémicas. Muchos proyectos y estudios que recomiendan las reformas financieras está...

  4. El negocio del software: licencias, derechos y alternativas


    Matellán Olivera, Vicente; Heras Quirós, Pedro de las; Centeno González, José; González Barahona, Jesús; Ballesteros Cámara, Francisco J.


    El mercado actual del software está construido sobre las licencias “propietarias”. Estas licencias limitan férreamente (usando la legislación sobre copyright) los derechos de quien recibe un programa, prohibiendo por ejemplo su copia, su redistribución, e incluso su uso en ciertas circunstancias. Frente a este modelo, el llamado “software libre” propone una nueva forma de desarrollar y distribuir software, basada en permitir explícitamente la copia, la redistribución, y el acce...

  5. Characteristics of the Self-Actualized Person: Visions from the East and West. (United States)

    Chang, Raylene; Page, Richard C.


    Compares and contrasts the ways that Chinese Taoism and Zen Buddhism view the development of human potential with the ways that the self-actualization theories of Rogers and Maslow describe the human potential movement. Notes many similarities between the ways that Taoism, Zen Buddhism, and the self-actualization theories of Rogers and Maslow…

  6. Farmland Tenure Security in China: Influencing Factors of Actual and Perceived Farmland Tenure Security (United States)

    Ren, Guangcheng; Zhu, Xueqin; Heerink, Nico; van Ierland, Ekko; Feng, Shuyi


    Tenure security plays an important role in farm households' investment, land renting and other decisions. Recent literature distinguishes between actual farmland tenure security (i.e. farm households' actual control of farmland) and perceived farmland tenure security (i.e. farm households' subjective understanding of their farmland tenure situation and expectation regarding government enforcement and equality of the law). However little is known on what factors influence the actual and perceived farmland tenure security in rural China. Theoretically, actual farmland tenure security is related to village self-governance as a major informal governance rule in rural China. Both economic efficiency and equity considerations are likely to play a role in the distribution of land and its tenure security. Household perceptions of farmland tenure security depend not only on the actual farmland tenure security in a village, but may also be affected by households' investment in and ability of changing social rules. Our study examines what factors contribute to differences in actual and perceived farmland tenure security between different villages and farm households in different regions of China. Applying probit models to the data collected from 1,485 households in 124 villages in Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning and Chongqing, we find that development of farmland rental market and degree of self-governance of a village have positive impacts, and development of labour market has a negative effect on actual farmland tenure security. Household perceptions of tenure security depend not only on actual farmland tenure security and on households' investment in and ability of changing social rules, but also on risk preferences of households. This finding has interesting policy implications for future land reforms in rural China.

  7. Greenstone: uso actual en Argentina

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    Marcela Fushimi


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta las características e historia del software para crear y gestionar bibliotecas digitales Greenstone, desarrollado inicialmente por la Universidad de Waikato, Nueva Zelandia en 1997. En primer lugar, se describe la comunidad de usuarios a nivel global, focalizando en el uso actual que el software ha alcanzado en Argentina: la cantidad de implementaciones disponibles, su evolución, el tipo, tamaño y variedad de los desarrollos existentes, así como su aplicación a la gestión de repositorios digitales de ciencia y tecnología en el ámbito de las instituciones científicas, tecnológicas y de educación superior en Argentina. En segundo lugar, se detallan las acciones llevadas a cabo a partir de la creación del Centro Nacional de Promoción de Greenstone en Argentina en 2009. Datos recabados en encuestas realizadas permitieron observar que las razones predominantes para elegir esta plataforma fueron, entre otras, su facilidad de instalación y configuración, su bajo nivel de requerimiento tecnológico, la generalizada escasez de recursos humanos dedicados a esta actividad, y la complejidad que presentaban los softwares alternativos existentes en ese momento. A lo largo de estos 8 años, tanto los repositorios digitales como los sistemas que los soportan evolucionaron drásticamente, modificando el escenario actual. Paralelamente, en 2016 la nueva versión mayor de Greenstone implementó una reingeniería completa del software para su adaptación a las tecnologías en uso: XML, XSLT, Web-services y Java. Como consecuencia de esto, la comunidad de desarrollo local se plantea nuevos desafíos para la migración de las bibliotecas digitales y repositorios implementados con versiones anteriores.

  8. Angina crónica estable. Consideraciones actuales

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    Yanier Coll Muñoz


    Full Text Available La angina de pecho crónica estable es un síndrome clínico caracterizado por dolor o malestar precordial secundario a isquemia miocárdica y sin características clínicas de inestabilidad. El debate actual sobre esta entidad clínica incluye tres aspectos fundamentales: diagnóstico, prevalencia e impacto socioeconómico, y tratamiento médico frente a revascularización miocárdica. En los últimos cuatro años se han dado a conocer los resultados de varios estudios multicéntricos de gran importancia que compararon tratamiento médico con revascularización miocárdica y cirugía de revascularización frente a intervención coronaria percutánea; además, han mejorado las técnicas de revascularización y existe abundante información sobre la eficacia de nuevos fármacos antiisquémicos. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo hacer una revisión de los aspectos actuales más importantes relacionados con la angina de pecho estable y su tratamiento, publicados en la literatura especializada.

  9. A novel method of rapidly modeling optical properties of actual photonic crystal fibres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li-Wen, Wang; Shu-Qin, Lou; Wei-Guo, Chen; Hong-Lei, Li


    The flexible structure of photonic crystal fibre not only offers novel optical properties but also brings some difficulties in keeping the fibre structure in the fabrication process which inevitably cause the optical properties of the resulting fibre to deviate from the designed properties. Therefore, a method of evaluating the optical properties of the actual fibre is necessary for the purpose of application. Up to now, the methods employed to measure the properties of the actual photonic crystal fibre often require long fibre samples or complex expensive equipments. To our knowledge, there are few studies of modeling an actual photonic crystal fibre and evaluating its properties rapidly. In this paper, a novel method, based on the combination model of digital image processing and the finite element method, is proposed to rapidly model the optical properties of the actual photonic crystal fibre. Two kinds of photonic crystal fibres made by Crystal Fiber A/S are modeled. It is confirmed from numerical results that the proposed method is simple, rapid and accurate for evaluating the optical properties of the actual photonic crystal fibre without requiring complex equipment. (rapid communication)

  10. Portable refrigerant charge meter and method for determining the actual refrigerant charge in HVAC systems (United States)

    Gao, Zhiming; Abdelaziz, Omar; LaClair, Tim L.


    A refrigerant charge meter and a method for determining the actual refrigerant charge in HVAC systems are described. The meter includes means for determining an optimum refrigerant charge from system subcooling and system component parameters. The meter also includes means for determining the ratio of the actual refrigerant charge to the optimum refrigerant charge. Finally, the meter includes means for determining the actual refrigerant charge from the optimum refrigerant charge and the ratio of the actual refrigerant charge to the optimum refrigerant charge.

  11. Actual problems of geo-environment and sounding systems


    Burakhovich, T. K.; Kobolev, V. P.


    The results of the conference "Actual problems of geo-environment and sounding systems", dedicated to the memory of outstanding scientists - Vladimir Nikolaevich Shuman and Sergei Nikolaevich Kulik, who made a great contribution to the theory, methodology and geological interpretation of deep electromagnetic electromagnetic sounding of the Earth.


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    Mihaela, SAVU


    Full Text Available This paper aims at to present the essence and the role of economic education related to the natural movement of a functioning market economy in the Romanian actuality. We understand education as an important form of social consciousness in the sense of bipolarity, namely as the premise and the effect at a dynamic microeconomic and macroeconomic level. In this dynamic movement, economic education appears more and more visibly as a new factor of production or as a new dimension of human capital. In our approach we consider several theoretical and methodological axes that allow us to reveal the interdependence of education to the economic and social development, from an emulative or frantic perspective. In this way we treat the evolution of complex phenomena of economic education in terms of public policy, highlighting the need to intensify the decision-making efforts of management and execution, consistent pursuing to link the causes with the effects of economic education in the Romanian actuality.

  13. El escenario actual de la alimentación en México = The actual scene of the feeding in Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soria Sánchez, Graciela


    Full Text Available La soberanía alimentaria y la seguridad alimentaria en México son afectadas por múltiples factores, principalmente el mercado mundial. La población está creciendo y las tierras de cultivo están siendo utilizadas cada vez más para producir biocombustible, e n lugar de producir alimentos para consumo humano. Por otro lado, los acuerdos de libre comercio no han mejorado las condiciones de vida de los campesinos. Por el contrario, se ha generado mayor desigualdad económica y exclusión de la participación en el m ercado. Además, los programas de política pública diseñados para contrarrestar los problemas de abastecimiento de alimentos causados por el mercado, no han incluido estrategias de participación social. El presente trabajo analiza la situación actual de la alimentación en México y su precaria situación asociada principalmente al actual sistema económico neoliberal en donde la alimentación hoy en día representa únicamente un gran negocio

  14. Lexical inferencing: perceptions and actual behaviours of Turkish ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The purpose of this study was to examine Turkish English as a Foreign Language Learners' (EFL) handling of unknown words while reading English texts. The study also examines the relationship between these learners' perceptions and actual practices in the employment of knowledge sources while trying to guess the ...

  15. Student Exposure to Actual Patients in the Classroom. (United States)

    Chisholm, Marie A.; McCall, Charles Y.; Francisco, George E., Jr.; Poirier, Sylvie


    Two clinical courses for first-year dental students were designed to develop students' interaction skills through actual patient case presentations and discussions and an interdisciplinary teaching approach. Results indicate students preferred the case presentations, with or without lecture, to the lecture-only approach and felt they learned more…

  16. Actual drawing of histological images improves knowledge retention. (United States)

    Balemans, Monique C M; Kooloos, Jan G M; Donders, A Rogier T; Van der Zee, Catharina E E M


    Medical students have to process a large amount of information during the first years of their study, which has to be retained over long periods of nonuse. Therefore, it would be beneficial when knowledge is gained in a way that promotes long-term retention. Paper-and-pencil drawings for the uptake of form-function relationships of basic tissues has been a teaching tool for a long time, but now seems to be redundant with virtual microscopy on computer-screens and printers everywhere. Several studies claimed that, apart from learning from pictures, actual drawing of images significantly improved knowledge retention. However, these studies applied only immediate post-tests. We investigated the effects of actual drawing of histological images, using randomized cross-over design and different retention periods. The first part of the study concerned esophageal and tracheal epithelium, with 384 medical and biomedical sciences students randomly assigned to either the drawing or the nondrawing group. For the second part of the study, concerning heart muscle cells, students from the previous drawing group were now assigned to the nondrawing group and vice versa. One, four, and six weeks after the experimental intervention, the students were given a free recall test and a questionnaire or drawing exercise, to determine the amount of knowledge retention. The data from this study showed that knowledge retention was significantly improved in the drawing groups compared with the nondrawing groups, even after four or six weeks. This suggests that actual drawing of histological images can be used as a tool to improve long-term knowledge retention. © 2015 American Association of Anatomists.

  17. La televisión universitaria, el ejemplo de la Universidad de Granada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanesa María Gámiz Sánchez


    Full Text Available En este artículo mostramos, tras una pequeña introducción sobre las funciones sociales y posibilidades actuales de la televisión y en concreto de la televisión universitaria, la experiencia llevada a cabo en la Universidad de Granada con la puesta en marcha de una televisión Universitaria. Explicamos lo que se está haciendo (tipo de emisiones y cómo, ya que la Universidad de Granada ha apostado por la evolución tecnológica y está trabajando la televisión vía Internet y explotando sus posibilidades; describimos los recursos que está utilizando la UGR para la producción y distribución de material audiovisual. Finalmente valoramos la puesta en marcha de esta experiencia y señalamos sus posibilidades futuras en torno a su potencial formativo además de informativo y cómo ésta puede incidir en la formación de los receptores, modificando sus conocimientos, conducta, actitudes, etc., pero que sobre todo se ha de basar en la mejora del proceso de formación del individuo.

  18. Estimation of Regional-Scale Actual Evapotranspiration in Okayama prefecture in Japan using Complementary Relationship (United States)

    Moroizumi, T.; Yamamoto, M.; Miura, T.


    It is important to estimate accurately a water balance in watershed for proposing a reuse of water resources and a proper settlement of water utilization. Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important factor of water balance. Therefore, it is needed to estimate accurately the actual ET. The objective of this study is to estimate accurately monthly actual ET in Yoshii, Asahi, and Takahashi River watersheds in Okayama prefecture from 1999 to 2000. The monthly actual ET was calculated by a Morton and a modified Brutsaert and Stricker (B&S) method, using Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition Systems (AMeDAS) in the basin. The actual ET was estimated using land covers which were classified in 11 categories. The land covers includes the effects of albedo. The actual ET was related to the elevation at each AMeDAS station. Using this relationship, the actual ET at the 1 or 5 km grid-interval mesh in the basin was calculated, and finally, the distribution of actual ET was mapped. The monthly ET estimated by the modified B&S method were smaller than that by Morton method which showed a same tendency as the Penman potential ET (PET). The annual values of Morton"fs ET, modified B&S"fs ET, and PET were estimated as 796, 645, and 800 mm, respectively. The ET by the modified B&S was larger in hilly and mountainous areas than in settlement or city. In general, it was a reasonable result because city or settlement areas were covered with concrete and asphalt and the ET was controlled.

  19. Consumer choice : Linking consumer intentions to actual purchase of GM labeled food products

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sleenhoff, S.; Osseweijer, P.


    With a mandatory labeling scheme for GM food in Europe since 2004 measuring actual consumer choice in practice has become possible. Anticipating Europeans negative attitude toward GM food, the labeling was enforced to allow consumers to make an informed choice. We studied consumers actual purchase

  20. Calculation of the actual cost in the chemical fertilizer industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ion Ionescu


    Full Text Available The main goal of the research is to present a way of organising the managerial accounting of totally and semi finished product obtained in chemical fertilizer industry entities. For this study, we analyzed the current principle of managerial accounting to an entity in the studied area, in order to emphasize the need of organizing and implementing a modern accounting management to control the cost and increase the performance of the entities in this area, starting from the premise that there are sufficient similarities between entities in the field. The research has highlighted the fact that, nowadays, the cost calculation is organized using traditional methods, which focus on the monthly determination of the actual unit cost per product (semi-fabric and that it is necessary to organize and implement a managerial accounting, based on the use of a modern method, namely the standard cost method combined with cost centre method. The major implications of the proposed system for the researched field are the monthly calculation of actual costs per cost centres, the calculation of the actual cost per product, as the final cost carrier, to be performed over longer periods of time, usually, quarterly.

  1. Los Retos del Mercado Actual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Quirós Sáenz


    Full Text Available Probablemente la empresa que sobreviva en laeconomía actual, no será la que tenga el mejor productoo servicio, sino la que tenga la mayor eficienciaoperacional y ofrezca un servicio sorprendente paraobtener la lealtad de sus clientes. Pero también, la quetenga ejecutivos de mercadeo con el conocimiento,carácter y determinación, para enfrentar estos retos deuna manera creativa.   ABSTRACT Most probably the companies that will survive presentday’s economy will not be the ones with the better productor service but the ones with greater operational efficiencywho offers outstanding service to attain customer loyalty.But also the companies with marketing executives thatpossess the knowledge, temper and determination to facethese challenges in a creative way.

  2. 'Actual neurosis' and psychosomatic medicine: the vicissitudes of an enigmatic concept. (United States)

    Hartocollis, Peter


    Out of the concept of neurasthenia, the main non-psychotic diagnosis of nineteenth-century psychiatry besides hysteria, and on the basis of psychophysiological problems of his own, self-diagnosed as neurasthenia, Freud developed the notion of 'actual neurosis', a 'contentless psychic state' manifested by various somatic symptoms and a depressive mood, which he attributed to a chemical factor associated with aberrant sexual practices and in particular masturbation. Rejected by post-Freudian analysts as such along with the diagnosis of neurasthenia, the concept of 'actual neurosis' has survived under various theoretical schemes that seek to explain psychosomatic illness and somatisation, in general, with its concomitant poverty of affects and dearth of fantasy life. In more recent years, the concept of 'actual neurosis' has resurfaced under the label of chronic fatigue syndrome, a medical entity thought to be an immunological deficiency, while in psychoanalysis Freud's idea of a contentless mental state has been replaced by that of unconscious fantasy and symbolisation at a pre-genital or pre-verbal level.

  3. Legal and actual central bank independence : A case study of Bank of Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Artha, I.K.D.S.; de Haan, J.


    Indicators of central bank independence (CBI) based on the interpretation central bank laws in place may not capture the actual independence of the central bank. This paper develops an indicator of actual independence of the Bank Indonesia (BI), the central bank of Indonesia, for the period

  4. Precise and accurate train run data: Approximation of actual arrival and departure times

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Richter, Troels; Landex, Alex; Andersen, Jonas Lohmann Elkjær

    with the approximated actual arrival and departure times. As a result, all future statistics can now either be based on track circuit data with high precision or approximated actual arrival times with a high accuracy. Consequently, performance analysis will be more accurate, punctuality statistics more correct, KPI...

  5. Expert opinion versus actual transaction evidence in the valuation of non-market amenities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cotteleer, G.; Kooten, van G.C.


    Actual property values are overwhelmingly employed as a dependent variable in hedonic pricing models. Yet, assessed property values are generally more readily available than actual sales values and have, in some studies, been used in lieu of market prices. In this study, we compare estimates of

  6. Actual issues of organ donation. Introduction. The lecture.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. L. V.L. Vinogradov


    Full Text Available Further development of transplantation is becoming increasingly problematic despite the impressive achievements. A deficit of donor organs is becoming the main constraint factor of its development in the world and in Russia. This article is an introduction to a series of review articles on actual issues of organ donation.

  7. 29 CFR 783.33 - Employment “as a seaman” depends on the work actually performed. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Employment âas a seamanâ depends on the work actually... § 783.33 Employment “as a seaman” depends on the work actually performed. Whether an employee is “employed as a seaman”, within the meaning of the Act, depends upon the character of the work he actually...

  8. Theoretical vs. actual energy consumption of labelled dwellings in the Netherlands: Discrepancies and policy implications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Majcen, D.; Itard, L.C.M.; Visscher, H.


    In Europe, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) provides for compulsory energy performance certification (labelling) for all existing dwellings. In the Netherlands, a labelling scheme was introduced in 2008. Certificates contain the energy label of the dwelling and corresponding theoretical gas and electricity consumption, calculated based on the dwellings physical characteristics, its heating, ventilation and cooling systems and standard use characteristics. This paper reports on a large-scale study of around 200,000 dwellings comparing labels and theoretical energy use with data on actual energy use. The study shows that dwellings with a low energy label actually consume much less energy than predicted by the label, but on the other hand, energy-efficient dwellings consume more than predicted. In practice, policy targets are set according to the theoretical rather than the actual consumptions of the building stock. In line with identified discrepancies, the study shows that whereas most energy reduction targets can be met according to the theoretical energy consumption of the dwelling stock, the future actual energy reduction potential is much lower and fails to meet most of the current energy reduction targets. - Highlights: ► Actual gas consumption in Dutch dwellings is lower than the theoretical. ► In the dwellings with label A–B, theoretical gas consumption is lower than actual gas consumption. ► In less efficient dwellings, theoretical gas consumption is much higher than the actual. ► Most current energy reduction targets are unachievable if modelled with actual instead of theoretical energy consumption

  9. Consumer choice: Linking consumer intentions to actual purchase of GM labeled food products. (United States)

    Sleenhoff, Susanne; Osseweijer, Patricia


    With a mandatory labeling scheme for GM food in Europe since 2004 measuring actual consumer choice in practice has become possible. Anticipating Europeans negative attitude toward GM food, the labeling was enforced to allow consumers to make an informed choice. We studied consumers actual purchase behavior of GM food products and compared this with their attitude and behavioral intention for buying GM food. We found that despite a majority of consumers voicing a negative attitude toward GM food over 50% of our European respondents stated that they did not actively avoid the purchase of GM food and 6% actually purchased one of the few available GM labeled food products in the period between September 2006 and October 2007. Our results imply that a voiced negative attitude of consumers in responses to questionnaires about their intentions is not a reliable guide for what they actually do in supermarkets. We conclude that the assumption of a negative attitude with regard to GM food is at least in part construed.

  10. Actual and theoretical gas consumption in Dutch dwellings: What causes the differences?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Majcen, Daša; Itard, Laure; Visscher, Henk


    Energy labels in buildings are awarded based on theoretical gas and electricity consumption based on dwelling's physical characteristics. Prior to this research, a large-scale study was conducted in The Netherlands comparing theoretical energy use with data on actual energy use revealing substantial discrepancies (Majcen et al., 2013). This study uses identical energy label data, supplemented with additional data sources in order to reveal how different parameters influence theoretical and actual consumptions gas and electricity. Analysis is conducted through descriptive statistics and regression analysis. Regression analysis explained far less of the variation in the actual consumption than in the theoretical and has shown that variables such as floor area, ownership type, salary and the value of the house, which predicted a high degree of change in actual gas consumption, were insignificant (ownership, salary, value) or had a minor impact on theoretical consumption (floor area). Since some possibly fundamental variables were unavailable for regression analysis, we also conducted a sensitivity study of theoretical gas consumption. It showed that average indoor temperature, ventilation rate and accuracy of U-value have a large influence on the theoretical gas consumption; whereas the number of occupants and internal heat load have a rather limited impact. - Highlights: • Floor area, ownership, salary and value predict the change in actual gas use well. • Mentioned variables are insignificant or have small impact on theoretical use. • Energy consumption of less energy efficient systems is overestimated. • Accurate model assumptions and inspections would reduce the discrepancies. • Big discrepancies stem from misassumption of temperature, heated floor area, U values

  11. La hoja de cálculo como herramienta de toma de decisiones: aplicación a la PYME


    Marín Blaya, Pedro Gabriel


    La toma de decisiones es algo innato en el ser humano. Son situaciones que vivimos prácticamente a diario, a veces, hasta inconscientemente. Sin embargo, son muchos los factores que debemos de tener en cuenta cuando nos enfrentamos a decisiones difíciles, como por ejemplo, decidir hacer una carrera, o elegir un trabajo. En estos casos, deberemos analizar toda la información de la que disponemos. Tendremos que observar nuestra situación actual, nuestro nivel económico, nuestras inquietudes,...

  12. La Organización Internacional de la Francofonía como mecanismo de inserción internacional de la Provincia de Quebec durante el gobierno de Jean Charest (2003- 2012)


    Poveda López, Nelson Andrés


    La dinámica actual de las relaciones internacionales hace cada vez más necesario el análisis de los gobiernos subnacionales, los cuales paulatinamente han influido en determinadas temáticas que afectan sus intereses. Ejemplo de esto es la provincia de Quebec, que tiene como uno de sus objetivos de política exterior el fortalecimiento de su capacidad de acción e influencia en los principales escenarios internacionales. El presente artículo analiza la manera en que la provincia, ...

  13. El delito cientifico


    García Olmedo, Francisco


    ¿Existe una definición de delito científico? ¿Qué protección existe frente al plagio o la falsedad? El caso de los “nano-chips orgánicos” en los laboratorios Bell ha puesto de actualidad la buena (o mala) práctica del trabajo experimental. Francisco García-Olmedo, del departamento de Biotecnología de la UPM, analiza para El Cultural, con ejemplos históricos y actuales, la situación que vive este tipo de delincuencia.

  14. Empleo urbano y migraciones internas en el Perú


    Daniel Cotlear


    Parece haber un consenso que uno de los problemas principa- les del Perú contemporaneo es el “problema del empleo”, y en este consenso participan tanto academicos como periodistas y funcionarios del Gobierno. El consenso se extiende afiiando que la agudeza del problema del empleo en la actualidad esta asociado con la crisis económica. Asi por ejemplo, Schydlowsky y Wicht al comentar sobre los efectos de la crisis actual es que “El resultado mas dramático (. . .) es el desempleo masivo y creci...

  15. Iconografía de la pobreza (siglo XII – siglo XX): la imagen de la pobreza en la ciudad de Madrid (2000-2010)


    Calafate Delgado, Lucía


    Hemos adoptado una definición sociológica de pobreza, que nos ha permitido elaborar una imagen del pobre como individuo ante la sociedad. El estado de la cuestión del que partimos está formado por las definiciones sintéticas de pobreza que ofrecen autores actuales (por ejemplo, pobreza absoluta-relativa, pobreza-desviación social, dualización social-pobreza de Tezanos; nueva pobreza-pobreza tradicional de Tortosa) a partir de las cuales comprendemos y contextualizamos a los autores canónicos ...

  16. 45 CFR 73.735-904 - Resolution of apparent or actual conflicts of interest. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Resolution of apparent or actual conflicts of... ADMINISTRATION STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Reporting Financial Interests § 73.735-904 Resolution of apparent or actual conflicts of interest. (a) Disqualification from participating in a particular matter or category of matters...

  17. Performance of a piezoelectric energy harvester in actual rain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wong, Voon-Kean; Ho, Jee-Hou; Chai, Ai-Bao


    When raindrops impact on the surface of a piezoelectric beam, strain energy produced by the impinging raindrop will be converted to harvestable electrical energy by the piezoelectric layers in a cantilever beam. The novelty of this study is to investigate the performance of the harvester in actual rain and provide practical insights on implementation. The influences of rain parameters such as rain rate, rainfall depth, raindrop count, and drop size distribution (DSD) are discussed in this study. The raindrops accumulated on the surface of the piezoelectric beam will form a water layer. It is described using added mass coefficient in this study. In an actual rain experiment, a piezoelectric beam with surface area of 0.0018 m 2 is able to produce 2076 μJ of energy over a duration of 301 min. The energy generation of a raindrop impact piezoelectric energy harvester is highly dependent on the rain rate. Due to the inconsistency of the energy generation, the piezoelectric energy harvester would require an integration of suitable energy storage device for continuous operation. Nevertheless, this work shows the feasibility of harvesting raindrop energy using a piezoelectric beam. - Highlights: • The performance of a piezoelectric rain energy harvester is tested in actual rain. • The energy generation is highly dependent on the rain rate. • Practical insights on the implementation of the harvester are discussed. • A total energy of 2076 μJ is generated over a duration of 301 min.

  18. Associations between young children's perceived and actual ball skill competence and physical activity. (United States)

    Barnett, Lisa M; Ridgers, Nicola D; Salmon, Jo


    The relationship between actual and perceived object control competence (ball skills) and the contribution to young children's physical activity is not known. Cross sectional study. The Test Gross Motor Development-2 assessed actual object control competence and a modified version of the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children assessed perceived object control competence. Moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity was measured via accelerometry. Three mixed regression models were performed: (i) object control competence as the predictor and the outcome as perceived object control, (ii) perceived object control competence as the predictor and the outcome moderate to vigorous physical activity and (iii) actual object control as the predictor and the outcome moderate to vigorous physical activity. Models adjusted for school clustering, monitor wear time, sex and age. Interactions between respective predictor variables and sex were performed if warranted. A total of 102 children (56% boys, 44% girls) aged 4-8 years (M 6.3, SD 0.92) completed assessments. Girls had lower perceived and actual object control competence and were less active than boys. Actual object control competence was positively associated with perceived object control competence (B=0.11, t(96)=2.25, pperceived object control competence (p=0.827) were associated with moderate to vigorous physical activity. Young children's perceived ball skill abilities appear to relate to actual competence; however, these measures were not associated with physical activity. In older children, object control skill is associated with physical activity so targeting young children's object control skills is an intervention priority. Crown Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Fair Equality of Opportunity in Our Actual World (United States)

    Sachs, Benjamin


    Fair equality of opportunity, a principle that governs the competition for desirable jobs, can seem irrelevant in our actual world, for two reasons. First, parents have broad liberty to raise their children as they see fit, which seems to undermine the fair equality of opportunity-based commitment to eliminating the effects of social circumstances…

  20. Tourism guide cloud service quality: What actually delights customers? (United States)

    Lin, Shu-Ping; Yang, Chen-Lung; Pi, Han-Chung; Ho, Thao-Minh


    The emergence of advanced IT and cloud services has beneficially supported the information-intensive tourism industry, simultaneously caused extreme competitions in attracting customers through building efficient service platforms. On response, numerous nations have implemented cloud platforms to provide value-added sightseeing information and personal intelligent service experiences. Despite these efforts, customers' actual perspectives have yet been sufficiently understood. To bridge the gap, this study attempts to investigate what aspects of tourism cloud services actually delight customers' satisfaction and loyalty. 336 valid survey questionnaire answers were analyzed using structural equation modeling method. The results prove positive impacts of function quality, enjoyment, multiple visual aids, and information quality on customers' satisfaction as well as of enjoyment and satisfaction on use loyalty. The findings hope to provide helpful references of customer use behaviors for enhancing cloud service quality in order to achieve better organizational competitiveness.

  1. Investigations of actual conditions of medical radiation technologists

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    At 50 year after enactment of the law of medical radiation technologists, their actual conditions were investigated. The investigation was done in December 2001 by questionnaire to directors of 10,514 facilities and answers were obtained from 4,241 facilities (40.37%). Following 11 questions (major answers and their analysis in parenthesis) were made: Nature of the facility (Private hospitals 45.8%, public ones 20.8%); State of radiation department (Independent department of the technologists from medical one about 30%); Actual job of the technologists (X-ray about 81% of the facilities, angiography 34%, CT 78%, MRI 38% where 94% of technologists conduct, nuclear medicine 17%, ultrasound 51% where, 10%); Personnel of the radiation department (21,897 persons in total/male 85%); Fulfillment of the personnel number; Treatment of the personnel; Acknowledgement system of the Technologist Society; Management of radiation instruments like daily examination; Radiation control (Leak dose measurement by technologists by themselves about 50% facilities for X-ray and radio-therapy); Medical exposure (Measurement experience about 50%); and Possession of dose rate-meter/survey-meter (Possession in about 40% facilities). (N.I.)

  2. Investigations of actual conditions of medical radiation technologists

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    At 50 year after enactment of the law of medical radiation technologists, their actual conditions were investigated. The investigation was done in December 2001 by questionnaire to directors of 10,514 facilities and answers were obtained from 4,241 facilities (40.37%). Following 11 questions (major answers and their analysis in parenthesis) were made: Nature of the facility (Private hospitals 45.8%, public ones 20.8%); State of radiation department (Independent department of the technologists from medical one about 30%); Actual job of the technologists (X-ray about 81% of the facilities, angiography 34%, CT 78%, MRI 38% where 94% of technologists conduct, nuclear medicine 17%, ultrasound 51% where, 10%); Personnel of the radiation department (21,897 persons in total/male 85%); Fulfillment of the personnel number; Treatment of the personnel; Acknowledgement system of the Technologist Society; Management of radiation instruments like daily examination; Radiation control (Leak dose measurement by technologists by themselves about 50% facilities for X-ray and radio-therapy); Medical exposure (Measurement experience about 50%); and Possession of dose rate-meter/survey-meter (Possession in about 40% facilities). (N.I.)

  3. Physician job satisfaction related to actual and preferred job size. (United States)

    Schmit Jongbloed, Lodewijk J; Cohen-Schotanus, Janke; Borleffs, Jan C C; Stewart, Roy E; Schönrock-Adema, Johanna


    Job satisfaction is essential for physicians' well-being and patient care. The work ethic of long days and hard work that has been advocated for decades is acknowledged as a threat for physicians' job satisfaction, well-being, and patient safety. Our aim was to determine the actual and preferred job size of physicians and to investigate how these and the differences between them influence physicians' job satisfaction. Data were retrieved from a larger, longitudinal study among physicians starting medical training at Groningen University in 1982/83/92/93 (N = 597). Data from 506 participants (85%) were available for this study. We used regression analysis to investigate the influence of job size on physicians' job satisfaction (13 aspects) and ANOVA to examine differences in job satisfaction between physicians wishing to retain, reduce or increase job size. The majority of the respondents (57%) had an actual job size less than 1.0 FTE. More than 80% of all respondents preferred not to work full-time in the future. Respondents' average actual and preferred job sizes were .85 FTE and .81 FTE, respectively. On average, respondents who wished to work less (35% of respondents) preferred a job size reduction of 0.18 FTE and those who wished to work more (12%) preferred an increase in job size of 0.16 FTE. Job size influenced satisfaction with balance work-private hours most (β = -.351). Physicians who preferred larger job sizes were - compared to the other groups of physicians - least satisfied with professional accomplishments. A considerable group of physicians reported a gap between actual and preferred job size. Realizing physicians' preferences as to job size will hardly affect total workforce, but may greatly benefit individual physicians as well as their patients and society. Therefore, it seems time for a shift in work ethic.

  4. The relationship between UT reported size and actual size of the defects in rotor forgings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seong, Un Hak; Kim, Jeong Tae; Park, Yun Sik


    In order to evaluate the reliability of rotor forgings, it is very important to know the actual size of the defects in the rotor forgings. The determination of the defect size requires the accurate non-destructive measurement. However, there may be some differences between the reported size with the ultrasonic non-destructive testing method and the actual size of defects. These differences may be a severe cause of errors in evaluation of rotor forgings. So, the calculated size with 'Master Curve' considering safety factor, which is usually larger than the reported size, has been used in evaluation of rotor forgings. The relation between the EFBH (Equivalent Flat Bottom Hole) size measured by non-destructive method and the actual size by destructive method in many rotors manufactured at Doosan was investigated. In this investigation 'Master Curve' compensating the differences between UT reported size and actual size of defects in our rotor forgings was obtainable. The applicability of this 'Master Curve' as a way of calculating the actual defect size was also investigated. For the evaluation of rotor forgings, it is expected that this 'Master Curve' may be used to determine the accurate actual size of defects.

  5. The relationship between UT reported size and actual size of the defects in rotor forgings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seong, Un Hak; Kim, Jeong Tae; Park, Yun Sik


    In order to evaluate the reliability of rotor forgings, it is very important to know the actual size of the defects in the rotor forgings. The determination of the defect size requires the accurate non-destructive measurement. However, there may be some difference between the reported size with ultrasonic non-destructive testing method and the actual size of defects. These differences may be a severe cause of errors in evaluation of rotor forgings. So, the calculated size with 'Master Curve' considering safety factor, which is usually larger than the reported size, has been used in evaluation of rotor forgings. The relation between the EFBH (Equivalent Flat Bottom Hole) size measured by non-destructive method and the actual size by destructive method in many rotors manufactured at Doosan was investigated. In this investigation, 'Master Curve' compensating the differences between UT reported size and actual size of defects in our rotor forgings was obtainable. The applicability of this 'Master Curve' as a way of calculating the actual defect size was also investigated. For the evaluation of rotor forgings, it is expected that this 'Master Curve' may be used to determine the accurate actual size of defects.

  6. Formation of Students’ Professional Self-Actualization in Modern Educational Environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nadezhda A. Dmitrienko


    Full Text Available The research relevance of the paper is determined by social demands in highly qualified specialists with abilities to professional growth. In this regard, the article is aimed at developing students’ professional self-actualization in modern educational environment. The article presents authors’ technology of developing students’ consciousness indicating higher levels of students’ professional self- actualization. Leading research methods are: theoretical analyses, induction and deduction, systematic and structural analysis, methods of indirect and direct pedagogic observation, expert evaluation and experimental testing (experimental questionnaires and review. Materials of the article are of practical value for teachers, students and people who are interested in practical ways of self-organizing personal and professional development in modern educational environment of technical university.


    Busch, Fredric N


    In psychoanalytic theory, the importance of actual neuroses-considered to be devoid of psychic content-diminished as Freud and subsequent analysts focused on unconscious intrapsychic conflict. This paper explores the relationship between actual neurotic and unrepresented states, which are believed to be best addressed through attention to countertransference, intersubjectivity, and enactments rather than interpretation of intrapsychic conflict. Models suggesting how actual neurotic states and symbolized intrapsychic conflict may interact with each other and environmental stressors are described. Symbolizing actual neurotic states and establishing meaningful linkages between somatic/affective experiences and intrapsychic conflict are viewed as necessary for effective treatment of many disorders. © 2017 The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Inc.

  8. Effects of Nurses' Perceptions of Actual and Demanded Competence on Turnover Intentions. (United States)

    Takase, Miyuki; Yamamoto, Masako; Sato, Yoko; Imai, Takiko; Kawamoto, Mitsuko


    With the growing focus on continuous professional development, demands placed on nurses to uphold nursing competence have been increasing. This study examined how nurses with different lengths of clinical experience perceived the relationship between their actual competence and the competence they felt was demanded of them, and how this relationship was related to their turnover intentions. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 1,377 nurses, of whom 765 returned usable completed forms. The results showed that across all the groups of clinical experience, nurses perceived the demanded competence levels to be higher than their actual competence levels. However, turnover intentions were not related to nurses' perceptions of demanded competence and were negatively related to perceptions of actual competence. The levels of competence demanded should not be considered as threats for nurses. Improving nurses' competence may reduce their turnover intentions.

  9. Cognition, Health Literacy, and Actual and Perceived Medicare Knowledge Among Inner-City Medicare Beneficiaries. (United States)

    Sivakumar, Haran; Hanoch, Yaniv; Barnes, Andrew J; Federman, Alex D


    Poor Medicare knowledge is associated with worse health outcomes, especially in low-income patients. We examined the association of health literacy and cognition with actual and perceived Medicare knowledge in a sample of inner-city older adults. We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of data on 336 adults ages 65 years and older with Medicare coverage recruited from senior centers and low-income housing facilities in Manhattan, New York. Actual Medicare knowledge was determined by a summary score of 9 true/false questions about the Medicare program and perceived Medicare knowledge with a single item. Validated measures were used to assess health literacy and general cognition. Among respondents, 63.1% had high actual Medicare knowledge, and 36.0% believed that they knew what they needed to know about Medicare. Actual and perceived Medicare knowledge were poorly correlated (r = -.01, p > .05). In multivariable models, low health literacy was significantly associated with actual Medicare knowledge (β = -8.30, SE = 2.71, p information about the Medicare program and diminish their ability to make fully informed choices.

  10. Accuracy of self-reported versus actual online gambling wins and losses. (United States)

    Braverman, Julia; Tom, Matthew A; Shaffer, Howard J


    This study is the first to compare the accuracy of self-reported with actual monetary outcomes of online fixed odds sports betting, live action sports betting, and online casino gambling at the individual level of analysis. Subscribers to digital entertainment's online gambling service volunteered to respond to the Brief Bio-Social Gambling Screen and questions about their estimated gambling results on specific games for the last 3 or 12 months. We compared the estimated results of each subscriber with his or her actual betting results data. On average, between 34% and 40% of the participants expressed a favorable distortion of their gambling outcomes (i.e., they underestimated losses or overestimated gains) depending on the time period and game. The size of the discrepancy between actual and self-reported results was consistently associated with the self-reported presence of gambling-related problems. However, the specific direction of the reported discrepancy (i.e., favorable vs. unfavorable bias) was not associated with gambling-related problems. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.

  11. Actual and Potential Pedagogical Use of Tablets in Schools

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    Jenni Rikala


    Full Text Available This study reviews the potential of tablet technology for teaching and learning. In autumn 2012, we conducted a focused survey comprising quantitative and qualitative questions with Finnish teachers (N = 171, from 54 schools. We focused on perceived pedagogical opportunities and the actualized pedagogical potential of tablets at schools. The survey results indicate that the actual usefulness of tablets in schools was significantly less than what teachers perceived as the pedagogical potential. However, the results demonstrate the positive impact these devices are having on teaching and learning, as well as prompting changes in pedagogical perspectives. Teachers stated that tablets can diversify and enhance teaching and learning in many ways, particularly in supporting learners’ motivation and independent learning, and promoting engaging teaching methods. Nevertheless, teachers voiced concern that the student-to-device ratio at the moment is too low, thus serving as a barrier to widespread use of tablets.

  12. La competencia informacional-digital en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ciencias en la educación secundaria obligatoria actual: una revisión teórica


    Daniel Valverde-Crespo; Antonio de Pro-Bueno; Joaquín González-Sánchez


    En este trabajo se realiza una revisión teórica sobre la competencia informacional-digital y su repercusión en la enseñanza de las Ciencias. Para ello, hemos tratado de aportar respuestas a las cuestiones: ¿es lo mismo competencia informacional que competencia digital?; ¿qué ha investigado la didáctica de las ciencias con respecto a la competencia informacional-digital?; ¿es esta competencia una parte de la competencia científica?; ¿tenemos ejemplos en el ámbito de la enseñanza y aprendizaje ...


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    Francisco José Morales Yago


    Full Text Available Cualquier ciudad está compuesta por un espacio real, físico que condiciona o facilita la vida de sus ciudadanos. Para su estudio se emplea una visión “externa” que estaría avalada por el manejo de la cartografía y los datos estadísticos, la confrontación de estos datos daría pie a unos resultados concretos, medibles. La geografía de la percepción y el comportamiento desde sus inicios hace más de cinco décadas propone sumar a lo anterior una nueva visión que recogería la experiencia personal de sus ciudadanos a través de sus sensaciones, emociones y preferencias. Ello nos conduciría a una visión “interior” de esta misma realidad que se encaminaría más hacia el espacio vivido y subjetivo. El presente trabajo tiene como objeto utilizar las propuestas de esta corriente de pensamiento geográfico para analizar el caso real de una ciudad de tipo medio que podría servir como ejemplo para aplicarse en otros espacios de similares características.

  14. Comparative study of methods for potential and actual evapotranspiration determination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolev, B.


    Two types of methods for potential and actual evapotranspiration determining were compared. The first type includes neutron gauge, tensiometers, gypsum blocks and lysimeters. The actual and potential evapotranspiration were calculated by water balance equation. The second type of methods used a simulation model for all calculation. The aim of this study was not only to compare and estimate the methods using. It was mainly pointed on calculations of water use efficiency and transpiration coefficient in potential production situation. This makes possible to choose the best way for water consumption optimization for a given crop. The final results find with the best of the methods could be used for applying the principles of sustainable agriculture in random region of Bulgarian territory. (author)

  15. Are Human Mating Preferences with Respect to Height Reflected in Actual Pairings?


    Stulp, Gert; Buunk, Abraham P.; Pollet, Thomas V.; Nettle, Daniel; Verhulst, Simon


    Pair formation, acquiring a mate to form a reproductive unit, is a complex process. Mating preferences are a step in this process. However, due to constraining factors such as availability of mates, rival competition, and mutual mate choice, preferred characteristics may not be realised in the actual partner. People value height in their partner and we investigated to what extent preferences for height are realised in actual couples. We used data from the Millennium Cohort Study (UK) and comp...

  16. Los humedales del sur de Córdoba: un espacio para la síntesis en las relaciones hombre-naturaleza


    Naranjo-Ramírez, J.


    Breve consideración de las lagunas y humedales del sur de Córdoba como espacios en los que han coincidido unos valores naturales excepcionales (último reducto, por ejemplo, de especies en peligro de extinción, como el pato malvasía) y una actividad humana secular y muy intensiva. La situación actual de estos espacios naturales protegidos es precisamente heredera de la confluencia (a veces traumática y escabrosa) de ambas realidades, las propiamente naturales y las influencias antrópicas. Se c...

  17. El estrés: un análisis basado en el papel de los factores sociales


    Bonifacio Sandín


    El presente estudio teórico presenta un análisis crítico sobre los conceptos actuales del estrés, focalizado en la relevancia de los factores sociales. Generalmente la investigación sobre el estrés se ha centrado en sus efectos sobre la salud y en los factores biológicos y psicológicos implicados. Sin embargo, el estudio sobre la naturaleza y origen de los estresores (por ejemplo, interés por los aspectos sociales de los estresores) también es importante y ha suscitado algunas ...

  18. Estudio y evaluación de las posibilidades del DVB-Hpara comunicaciones IP en un Terminal móvil UMTS/GPRS


    Cumplido Domínguez, Raúl


    La descarga masiva de contenidos puede considerarse una necesidad en nuestra sociedad actual. Los medios de distribución que se utilizan desde hace años se encuentran en continuo desarrollo. Uno de los ejemplos es la inminente entrada de la televisión digital a todos los hogares de nuestro país. El gran aumento de los equipos portátiles en la sociedad y las mejoras en las redes de distribución de contenidos hacen que un sistema que permite descargar información a dispositivo...

  19. La nueva arquitectura brasileña

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    Sartoris, Alberto


    Full Text Available En el movimiento actual de la construcción, la contribución del Brasil moderno es tal vez la primera realización emprendida a gran escala para definir una arquitectura nacional. En un nivel extremadamente elevado, brillantes creadores de calidades insólitas, se han mostrado capaces de establecer los más diversos ejemplos de esta construcción y de hacer de sus audaces proyectos una serie de nuevos conocimientos que forman parte importante de la civilización contemporánea.



    Lazo, Rodrigo Polanco; Villanueva, Felipe Yáñez


    El presente artículo examina las relaciones entre los tratados de inversión y los tratados de doble tributación, considerando que, en la actual evolución de ambos tipos de acuerdos, sus disposiciones pueden presentar superposiciones en aspectos tales como estándares de protección, transparencia, trato nacional, cláusula de la nación más favorecida, expropiación y transferencias de capital. Tomando el ejemplo de los tratados suscritos por Chile, en este trabajo se examinan las consecuencias de...

  1. Contextualizing a Data Warehouse with Documents


    Pérez Martínez, Juan Manuel


    La tecnología actual de los almacenes de datos y las técnicas OLAP permite a las organizaciones analizar los datos estructurados que éstas recopilan en sus bases de datos. Las circunstancias que rodean a estos datos aparecen descritas en documentos, típicamente ricos en texto. Esta información sobre el contexto de los datos registrados el almacén es muy valiosa, ya que nos permite interpretar el resultado obtenido en análisis históricos. Por ejemplo, la crisis financiera relatada una revista ...

  2. Desarrollo de una base de datos integrada de Censo y encuesta mediante el uso de elementos de inteligencia de negocios y SIG


    Cornejo,Robert; Navarrete,Mónica; Valdivia,Ricardo; Aroca,Patricio; Aracena,Sebastián


    En este trabajo se plantea el desarrollo de una solución de Inteligencia de Negocios y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) para gestionar integradamente los datos generados por el Censo Nacional de personas, hogares y viviendas y la Encuesta de Clasificación Económica y Social (CASEN) como una alternativa a los métodos actuales de estimación en área pequeña (SAE) utilizados para obtener indicadores desagregados de bienestar y que estiman, por ejemplo, el ingreso a partir de los atributos...

  3. A indução geral na empresa. Entre um processo administrativo e um fenômeno sociológico


    Bermúdez Restrepo, Héctor L.


    A partir del ejemplo del proceso de inducción general en la empresa, y utilizando ciertos recursos sociológicos, se muestra una paradoja en la que se hallan los especialistas en gestión humana: se pretende cuidar la motivación y el bienestar de los trabajadores para lograr su alto rendimiento, su fidelidad y su permanencia en la empresa; sin embargo, las mutaciones actuales de la arquitectura social, en general, y del trabajo, en particular–como estructura de acción organizada–, obligan a pen...

  4. Redes sociales educativas como introducción a los entornos personales de aprendizaje (PLE’s)


    Gil Mediavilla, Manuel; Ausín Villaverde, Vanesa; Lezcano Barbero, Fernando


    En este artículo se realiza un acercamiento a los entornos personales de aprendizaje o PLE’s desde uno de sus componentes fundamentales, las redes sociales. En primer lugar se hace un recorrido por sus principales características, y se detalla su clasificación, su aplicación a la docencia y algunos ejemplos de uso. Posteriormente se explican los conceptos básicos sobre redes sociales, su tipología y un análisis pormenorizado de varios servicios actuales. La conclusión consiste ...

  5. Lenguaje algorítmico en español: LES

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    Luis Alejandro Bernal Romero


    Es un lenguaje estructurado que permite la abstracción procedimental y de datos y forma parte de la Metodología para la solución de problemas algorítmicos que está siendo desarrollada en el programa de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Escuela de Administración de Negocios (E.A. N.. Se describen en este artículo el por qué de su creación, las características, algunos ejemplos, la formalización del lenguaje y finalmente el estado actual.

  6. Nueva ruralidad: usos, funciones y actividades. Dinámicas y problemáticas


    Zuluaga Sánchez, Gloria Patricia


    Resumen: el trabajo que aquí se presenta, constituye un esfuerzo por problematizar las nociones de lo "rural" y la "ruralidad", guiado en buena medida por la reflexión y el análisis de las preguntas más recurrentes en las asignaturas que han estado bajo mi responsabilidad en la Universidad Nacional. Por lo tanto el documento propone una discusión sobre dichos conceptos y categorías, retomando tanto los enfoques tradicionales como actuales, los cuales se ilustran con ejemplos sobre las implica...

  7. Land tenure in China: Legal, actual and perceived security

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ma, Xianlei; Heerink, N.; Feng, S.; Shi, X.


    This paper examines the magnitudes of legal security, actual security and perceived security of farmland tenure, and the causes of currently prevailing land tenure insecurity in rural China. Two farm household surveys conducted in the northwest of Gansu province in 2010 and in the northeast of

  8. A simulation model for the actual, long wave and net solar radiation computing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolev, B.; Stoilov, A.; Lyubomirov, L.


    The main purpose of this study is to present a calculating procedure for the components of the radiation balance - actual, long-wave and net radiation calculation, using the sunshine duration and the standard meteorological information, through a previously prepared program product.To calculate the actual solar radiation using the total cloudiness only, an empirical regression model has been developed. The results of the coefficient of correlation R(0.75-0.88), respectively for the spring and summer periods (March-May; June-August) show the adequacy of the chosen model. The verification of the model on the independent experimental material prove that the approach that authors suggested, can be successfully applied to the calculation of the actual radiation of the current place

  9. Actual preferences for EV households in Denmark and Sweden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anders Fjendbo; Haustein, Sonja; Cherchi, Elisabetta

    , as the EV market is still quite immature in most countries, lack of data on EV users is a common problem for researchers. Data on EV purchase and use have thus often been collected by means of data from intentional statements (see e.g. Bühler et al. 2014), stated preferences (see e.g. Bunch et al. 1993......; Hidrue et al. 2011; Jensen et al. 2014) and EV vehicle trials (Golob & Gould 1998; Franke & Krems 2013; Jensen et al. 2014). While such studies have provided important insight into various areas of the EV market, the fact that the results are not based on actual behaviour means that they are subject...... to a high degree of uncertainty. Being the global EV market forerunner, Norway has a better foundation for studying the EV market based on actual EV owners. On these grounds, Klöckner et al. (2013), studied differences in car use between EV and conventional vehicle (CV) users. Also in Norway, Mersky et al...

  10. Example dated with {sup 210}Pb; Ejemplo de fechado con {sup 210}Pb

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz-Fernandez, Ana Carolina [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia (Mexico); Sanchez-Cabeza, Joan-Albert [Organismo Internacional de la Energia Atomica, Laboratorios del Medio Marino (Monaco)


    In this chapter we describe in detail, using an example, the procedure to date a core with the technique of {sup 210}Pb using the models described in Chapter 7. Described below, one by one, the spreadsheets containing the information and calculations necessary to complete a profile geochronology of {sup 210}Pb core adapted from Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico. In this case, the old model obtained from the CA model could not be validated with {sup 137}Cs because the peak age of {sup 137}Cs is too old (1985 {+-} 3 years). Moreover, there was an investment of age between sections 2-3 and 3-4 cm because the activity of the lower section is higher than at the top, most likely due to a change in sediment accumulation. The average value of MAR (obtained with the CFCS model: 0.222 {+-} 0.016 g cm{sup -2} yr{sup -1}) is in good agreement with the range obtained with the model MAR CF (0.03 {+-} 0.02 to 0.30 {+-} 0.01 g cm{sup -2} yr{sup -1}). The chronology obtained with the CF model is well validated with the peak of {sup 137}Cs (section 6-7 cm: 1960-1972). SAR profiles and MAR show a progressive increase from the late nineteenth century, due to economic development and population growth in the Gulf of Tehuantepec. This growth, which has altered the coastal marine circulation and sedimentation regimes, had its greatest impact during the past two decades, after the establishment of three major industrial complexes in the region. [Spanish] En este capitulo describimos con detalle, utilizando un ejemplo, el procedimiento para fechar un core con la tecnica de {sup 210}Pb utilizando los modelos descritos en el Capitulo 7. A continuacion describimos, una a una, las hojas de calculo que contienen la informacion y los calculos necesarios para realizar la geocronologia de un perfil de {sup 210}Pb adaptado de un core del Golfo de Tehuantepec, Mexico. En este caso, el modelo de edad obtenido a partir del model CA no pudo ser validado con {sup 137}Cs porque la edad del pico de {sup 137}Cs

  11. Actual situation of radioactive waste management in Guatemala

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez O, P.


    This paper focuses on the actual radioactive waste management situation in Guatemala, as well as on the sources and facilities that have obtained the license, and the way to disposal them, when they are considered as radioactive waste. The Direccion General de Energia Nuclear is the entity responsible for the proper and normal performance of the regulatory activity in the country. (author). 3 refs

  12. Comparison of ASSESS neutralization module results with actual small force engagement outcomes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gardner, B.H.; Snell, M.K.; Paulus, W.K.


    The ASSESS Neutralization module (Neutralization) is part of the Analytic System and Software for Evaluation of Safeguards and Security (ASSESS), a vulnerability assessment tool. Neutralization models a fire fight between security inspectors (SIs) and adversaries. This paper reports that a comparison has been made between actual outcomes of police and small military engagements and the results predicted by the Neutralization module for similar scenarios. The results of this comparison show a surprising correlation between predicted outcomes (based on numbers of combatants, weapon types, and exposures, etc.) and the actual outcomes of the engagements analyzed. The importance of this analysis is that given the defenders have intelligence on actual adversary characteristics or are protecting against a design basis threat, defense capabilities can be evaluated before an engagement. Results could then be used to develop a favorable probability of a desired outcome. For example, law enforcement agencies are frequently able to compile the number of criminals, types of weaponry, willingness to use force, etc., from analysis of crime scenes

  13. Associations between skill perceptions and young children's actual fundamental movement skills. (United States)

    Liong, Grace H E; Ridgers, Nicola D; Barnett, Lisa M


    Given that children with low movement skill competence engage in less physical activity, it is important to understand how children's perceptions relate to actual movement competence. This study examined relationships between (i) children's self-perception and objective assessments of their movement skills (object control and locomotor) and (ii) parents' perceptions of the children's movement skills and objective assessment. Children's skill perceptions were assessed using the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence for Young Children. Parent perceptions of their child's skills were assessed using a modified version of this instrument. The Test of Gross Motor Development-2nd edition assessed children's skills objectively. Participants were 136 Australian children (51% boys; M=6.5 yr., SD=1.1) and 133 parents. Regression analyses (by sex) examined the relationship between perceptions and children's scores for actual skilled performance. Boys' perceptions were associated with their actual object control ability. Parents accurately perceived boys' object control ability and girls' locomotor ability, but not the reverse. This suggests interventions aiming to improve children's movement skills could target parents and be designed to teach parents how to recognize good and poor skill performance in their children.


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    Juárez-López P


    Full Text Available Los objetivos del presente artículo son presentar la situación actual de la horticultura protegida en Nayarit, México y visualizar su probable crecimiento y desarrollo con la implementación de un clúster agroindustrial en el sur. Se describe, de manera general, la situación actual de la horticultura en México, se indican algunos factores agronómicos que favorecen este sistema de producción en el estado y se presenta la situación actual del establecimiento de invernaderos como parte del Clúster Agroindustrial del Sur de Nayarit; asimismo, se visualizan posibles beneficios socioeconómicos con su implementación. Se concluyó que la horticultura protegida en Nayarit está en rápido crecimiento y desarrollo. Se espera que con la puesta en marcha del Clúster Agroindustrial se impulse la economía y el sector agrícola de la entidad; se prevé también un incremento en la exportación de hortalizas y que aumenten las opciones de empleo de ingenieros agrónomos.

  15. The preferred walk to run transition speed in actual lunar gravity. (United States)

    De Witt, John K; Edwards, W Brent; Scott-Pandorf, Melissa M; Norcross, Jason R; Gernhardt, Michael L


    Quantifying the preferred transition speed (PTS) from walking to running has provided insight into the underlying mechanics of locomotion. The dynamic similarity hypothesis suggests that the PTS should occur at the same Froude number across gravitational environments. In normal Earth gravity, the PTS occurs at a Froude number of 0.5 in adult humans, but previous reports found the PTS occurred at Froude numbers greater than 0.5 in simulated lunar gravity. Our purpose was to (1) determine the Froude number at the PTS in actual lunar gravity during parabolic flight and (2) compare it with the Froude number at the PTS in simulated lunar gravity during overhead suspension. We observed that Froude numbers at the PTS in actual lunar gravity (1.39±0.45) and simulated lunar gravity (1.11±0.26) were much greater than 0.5. Froude numbers at the PTS above 1.0 suggest that the use of the inverted pendulum model may not necessarily be valid in actual lunar gravity and that earlier findings in simulated reduced gravity are more accurate than previously thought. © 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  16. How important is young children's actual and perceived movement skill competence to their physical activity? (United States)

    Slykerman, Sarah; Ridgers, Nicola D; Stevenson, Christopher; Barnett, Lisa M


    To determine the associations between young children's actual and perceived object control and locomotor skills and physical activity and whether associations differ by sex. Cross sectional study. A total of 136 children consented. Children had actual skill (Test of Gross Motor Development-2), perceived skill (Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence for Young Children), and moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) (accelerometers) assessed. Independent t-tests assessed sex differences. A regression (with MVPA as the outcome) was performed with all predictor variables (i.e. Actual Object Control, Actual Locomotor, Perceived Object Control, and Perceived Locomotor). Model 2 also adjusted for age, sex, accelerometer wear time and whether the child was from an English speaking background. Interaction terms between the respective actual or perceived skill factor and sex were added to assess sex differences. Analyses were conducted on 109 children (59 boys, 50 girls; mean age=6.5 years, SD=1.0). Boys had higher actual and perceived object control skill and were more active by an average of 19min per day. There were no sex differences in locomotor skills. There were no associations between skill factors and MVPA, except for girls, where locomotor skill was a significant predictor of MVPA (B=3.66, p=0.016). Actual rather than perceived skill competence was more important to MVPA in this sample. Locomotor skill competence may be more important than object control skill competence for girls as they may engage in types of physical activity that do not require object control mastery. Copyright © 2015 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. What does a modified-Fibonacci dose-escalation actually correspond to?

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    Penel Nicolas


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In most phase I oncology trials, it is often stated that the dose increments follow a “modified-Fibonacci sequence”. This term, however, is vague. Methods To better characterize this sequence, we reviewed 81 phase I trials based on this concept. Results Out of 198 phase I oncology trials, 81 (41% are based on modified-Fibonacci series. Actual incremental ratios varied in a large range from 0.80 to 2.08. The median of actual increments was about 2.00, 1.50, 1.33, 1.33, 1.33, 1.33, 1.30, 1.35…. The “modified Fibonacci-sequence” gathers heterogeneous variation of the genuine sequence, which does not tend to a constant number at higher dose-levels. Conclusion This confusing term should be avoided.

  18. Eles eram muitos cavalos y las búsquedas del realismo actual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matias Rebolledo Dujisin


    Full Text Available Existe una tendencia en la literatura latinoamericana de las últimas décadas de regreso a modos realistas de representación, intentando volver a vincular la literatura con la realidad concreta que se representa, con un compromiso social y político, pero a su vez cuestionando desde su misma enunciación los modos tradicionales de representación, que ya no se sostienen en un mundo donde las estructuras sociales, políticas y económicas se han transformado, cambiando la experiencia de lo real y cuestionando las posibilidades del lenguaje literario de comunicar dicha realidad material e histórica. Dentro de este panorama, Eles eram muitos cavalos (Luiz Ruffato 2001 aparece como uno de los ejemplos más radicales y complejos en esta tendencia literaria actual. En este artículo se estudiarán las características que permiten hablar de esta novela como una novela que propone un regreso crítico al realismo, con especial énfasis en algunos de los recursos y técnicas que utiliza, concentrados en tres dimensiones: el compromiso, la representación y el lenguaje, intentando comprender el sentido crítico que estos adquieren en la novela. Há uma tendência na literatura latino-americana das últimas décadas que pretende um retorno a modos realistas de representação que tentam vincular novamente a criação literária com a realidade fatual que é representada, com um engajamento social e político, mas pondo em tensão desde a sua enunciação os modos tradicionais de representação, que já não são válidos num mundo onde as estruturas sociais, políticas e econômicas têm sido transformadas, mudando a experiência do real e questionando as possibilidades da linguagem literária de comunicar essa realidade material e histórica. Dentro desse panorama, Eles eram muitos cavalos (Luiz Ruffato 2001 se apresenta como um dos exemplos mais radicais e complexos desta tendência literária atual. Neste artigo, estudaremos as caracter

  19. Discrepancies Between Planned and Actual Operating Room Turnaround Times at a Large Rural Hospital in Germany

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    Regula Morgenegg


    retrospective study examined the OR turnaround data of 875 elective surgery cases scheduled at the Marienhospital, Vechta, Germany, between July and October 2014. The frequency distributions of planned and actual OR turnaround times were compared and correlations between turnaround times and various factors were established, including the time of day of the procedure, patient age and the planned duration of the surgery. Results: There was a significant difference between mean planned and actual OR turnaround times (0.32 versus 0.64 hours; P <0.001. In addition, significant correlations were noted between actual OR turnaround times and the time of day of the surgery, patient age, actual duration of the procedure and staffing changes affecting the surgeon or the medical specialty of the surgery (P <0.001 each. The quotient of actual/planned OR turnaround times ranged from 1.733–3.000. Conclusion: Significant discrepancies between planned and actual OR turnaround times were noted during the study period. Such findings may be potentially used in future studies to establish a tool to improve OR planning, measure OR management performance and enable benchmarking.

  20. In-Situ Determination Of Actual Evapotranspiration Using Zero Flux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper presents a method of determining in-situ actual evapotranspiration using water balance method in the case of maize crop grown for two seasons at the Experimental Farm of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure in a non-saturated soil condition. The crop was ...

  1. The congruence between actual and perceived person-organization fit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Vuuren, Hubrecht A.; Veldkamp, Bernard P.; de Jong, Menno D.T.; Seydel, E.R.


    Person-organization fit (P-O fit) is an important and often-researched variable, which sheds light on the way employees perceive their relationship with the organization they work for. In this study, two different assessments of P-O fit are compared, i.e. actual fit (an indirect measurement based on

  2. 26 CFR 1.953-2 - Actual United States risks. (United States)


    ... being the promotion of such sales to United States retail outlets by advertising in trade publications... 26 Internal Revenue 10 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Actual United States risks. 1.953-2 Section 1.953-2 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX...

  3. Air resistance measurements on actual airplane parts (United States)

    Weiselsberger, C


    For the calculation of the parasite resistance of an airplane, a knowledge of the resistance of the individual structural and accessory parts is necessary. The most reliable basis for this is given by tests with actual airplane parts at airspeeds which occur in practice. The data given here relate to the landing gear of a Siemanms-Schuckert DI airplane; the landing gear of a 'Luftfahrzeug-Gesellschaft' airplane (type Roland Dlla); landing gear of a 'Flugzeugbau Friedrichshafen' G airplane; a machine gun, and the exhaust manifold of a 269 HP engine.

  4. Cine peruano actual y psicopatología


    Stucchi-Portocarrero, Santiago; Herrera-Lopez, Vanessa


    La conducta humana anormal ha sido fuente inagotable para la industria cinematográfica, difusora muchas veces de prejuicios, mas también creadora de personajes memorables para la psiquiatría. En el presente artículo se presenta un análisis psicopatológico de cinco películas peruanas actuales: “Maruja en el infierno” (1983), “Caídos del cielo” (1990), “Bajo la piel” (1996), “Días de Santiago” (2004) y “La teta asustada” (2009). Abnormal human behavior has been an inexhaustible source for th...

  5. Síndrome doloroso regional complejo: Conceptos actuales


    Ferrer Lozano, Yovanny; Oquendo Vázquez, Pablo; Ferrer Lozano, Dunia


    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de los conceptos actuales que se les atribuyen al síndrome doloroso regional complejo, término propuesto en 1994 por la International Association for Study of Pain. En la aparición del síndrome intervienen varios factores como son los sistemas nerviosos periférico, central y vegetativo; el sistema endocrino, los factores psicológicos, históricos, ambientales y circunstanciales; que permiten en conjunto personalizar el dolor en cada paciente.El tratamiento...

  6. Neoadjuvant Treatment in Rectal Cancer: Actual Status (United States)

    Garajová, Ingrid; Di Girolamo, Stefania; de Rosa, Francesco; Corbelli, Jody; Agostini, Valentina; Biasco, Guido; Brandi, Giovanni


    Neoadjuvant (preoperative) concomitant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) has become a standard treatment of locally advanced rectal adenocarcinomas. The clinical stages II (cT3-4, N0, M0) and III (cT1-4, N+, M0) according to International Union Against Cancer (IUCC) are concerned. It can reduce tumor volume and subsequently lead to an increase in complete resections (R0 resections), shows less toxicity, and improves local control rate. The aim of this review is to summarize actual approaches, main problems, and discrepancies in the treatment of locally advanced rectal adenocarcinomas. PMID:22295206

  7. Actual service life prediction of building components

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Niels-Jørgen; Brandt, Erik; Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place


    In recent years, sustainability and life cycle cost in the construction industry have been given great attention in many countries due to the heavy climatic and environmental impact from this sector. In Denmark, a sustainability certification scheme for buildings has been developed including....... Finally, it is discussed how to adjust the model for practical purposes, and a scheme for actual service life for selected building components important for analysis of sustainability is linked. The schemes are now being implemented as basis for sustainability certification of new buildings in Denmark....

  8. Psychological research of self-actualization of the employees of advertising sector in professional activity


    Валерія Геннадіївна Кот


    The results of research of actualization of employees of advertising sector are presented in the article. The method of averages and factor analysis of data are used. The gender specific of self-actualization is educed among the employees of advertising sector. It is found a professionally-oriented modification of advertisers’ personalities

  9. Providing clinicians and patients with actual prognosis: cancer in the context of competing causes of death. (United States)

    Howlader, Nadia; Mariotto, Angela B; Woloshin, Steven; Schwartz, Lisa M


    To isolate progress against cancer from changes in competing causes of death, population cancer registries have traditionally reported cancer prognosis (net measures). But clinicians and cancer patients generally want to understand actual prognosis (crude measures): the chance of surviving, dying from the specific cancer and from competing causes of death in a given time period. To compare cancer and actual prognosis in the United States for four leading cancers-lung, breast, prostate, and colon-by age, comorbidity, and cancer stage and to provide templates to help patients, clinicians, and researchers understand actual prognosis. Using population-based registry data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program, we calculated cancer prognosis (relative survival) and actual prognosis (five-year overall survival and the "crude" probability of dying from cancer and competing causes) for three important prognostic determinants (age, comorbidity [Charlson-score from 2012 SEER-Medicare linkage dataset] and cancer stage at diagnosis). For younger, healthier, and earlier stage cancer patients, cancer and actual prognosis estimates were quite similar. For older and sicker patients, these prognosis estimates differed substantially. For example, the five-year overall survival for an 85-year-old patient with colorectal cancer is 54% (cancer prognosis) versus 22% (actual prognosis)-the difference reflecting the patient's substantial chance of dying from competing causes. The corresponding five-year chances of dying from the patient's cancer are 46% versus 37%. Although age and comorbidity lowered actual prognosis, stage at diagnosis was the most powerful factor: The five-year chance of colon cancer death was 10% for localized stage and 83% for distant stage. Both cancer and actual prognosis measures are important. Cancer registries should routinely report both cancer and actual prognosis to help clinicians and researchers understand the difference between

  10. Actual Leisure Participation of Norwegian Adolescents with Down Syndrome (United States)

    Dolva, Anne-Stine; Kleiven, Jo; Kollstad, Marit


    This article reports the actual participation in leisure activities by a sample of Norwegian adolescents with Down syndrome aged 14. Representing a first generation to grow up in a relatively inclusive context, they live with their families, attend mainstream schools, and are part of common community life. Leisure information was obtained in…

  11. What Do Primary School Heads Actually Do All Day? (United States)

    Clerkin, Ciaran


    Reports a study which examines the role of the head teacher as described in official reports, analyzing data from interviews and time diaries to determine their actual duties. Concludes that headteachers spend much of their time on daily school maintenance, stating that if duties were delegated, headteachers could more effectively focus on…

  12. Comparison of actual tidal volume in neonatal lung model volume control ventilation using three ventilators. (United States)

    Toyama, H; Endo, Y; Ejima, Y; Matsubara, M; Kurosawa, S


    In neonates, small changes in tidal volumes (V(T)) may lead to complications. Previous studies have shown a significant difference between ventilator-measured tidal volume and tidal volume delivered (actual V(T)). We evaluated the accuracy of three different ventilators to deliver small V(T) during volume-controlled ventilation. We tested Servo 300, 840 ventilator and Evita 4 Neoflow ventilators with lung models simulating normal and injured neonatal lung compliance models. Gas volume delivered from the ventilator into the test circuit (V(TV)) and actual V(T) to the test lung were measured using Ventrak respiration monitors at set V(T) (30 ml). The gas volume increase of the breathing circuit was then calculated. Tidal volumes of the SV300 and PB840 in both lung models were similar to the set V(T) and the actual tidal volumes in the injured model (20.7 ml and 19.8 ml, respectively) were significantly less than that in the normal model (27.4 ml and 23.4 ml). PB840 with circuit compliance compensation could not improve the actual V(T). V(TV) of the EV4N in the normal and the injured models (37.8 ml and 46.6 ml) were markedly increased compared with set V(T), and actual V(T) were similar to set V(T) in the normal and injured model (30.2 ml and 31.9 ml, respectively). EV4N measuring V(T) close to the lung could match actual V(T) to almost the same value as the set V(T) however the gas volume of the breathing circuit was increased. If an accurate value for the patient's actual V(T) is needed, this V(T) must be measured by a sensor located between the Y-piece and the tracheal tube.

  13. Adolescents' explicit and implicit evaluations of hypothetical and actual peers with different bullying participant roles. (United States)

    Pouwels, J Loes; Lansu, Tessa A M; Cillessen, Antonius H N


    This study examined how adolescents evaluate bullying at three levels of specificity: (a) the general concept of bullying, (b) hypothetical peers in different bullying participant roles, and (c) actual peers in different bullying participant roles. Participants were 163 predominantly ethnic majority adolescents in The Netherlands (58% girls; M age =16.34years, SD=0.79). For the hypothetical peers, we examined adolescents' explicit evaluations as well as their implicit evaluations. Adolescents evaluated the general concept of bullying negatively. Adolescents' explicit evaluations of hypothetical and actual peers in the bullying roles depended on their own role, but adolescents' implicit evaluations of hypothetical peers did not. Adolescents' explicit evaluations of hypothetical peers and actual peers were different. Hypothetical bullies were evaluated negatively by all classmates, whereas hypothetical victims were evaluated relatively positively compared with the other roles. However, when adolescents evaluated their actual classmates, the differences between bullies and the other roles were smaller, whereas victims were evaluated the most negatively of all roles. Further research should take into account that adolescents' evaluations of hypothetical peers differ from their evaluations of actual peers. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. "The Actualized Neurosurgeon": A Proposed Model of Surgical Resident Development. (United States)

    Lipsman, Nir; Khan, Osaama; Kulkarni, Abhaya V


    Modern neurosurgical training is both physically and emotionally demanding, posing significant challenges, new and old, to residents as well as programs attempting to train safe, competent surgeons. Models to describe resident development, such as the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education competencies and milestones, address the acquisition of specific skills but largely ignore the stresses and pressures unique to each stage of resident training. We propose an alternative model of resident development adapted from the developmental psychology literature. Our model identifies the challenges that must be met at each stage of junior, intermediate, and senior and chief residency, leading ultimately to an "actualized" neurosurgeon (i.e., one who has maximized his or her potential). Failure to overcome any 1 of these challenges can lead to specific long-lasting consequences, including regret, identity crisis, incompetence, and bitterness. In contrast, the actualized surgeon is one who has successfully acquired the virtues of hope, will, purpose, fidelity, productivity, leadership, competence, and wisdom. The actualized surgeon not only functions safely, confidently, and professionally, but also successfully navigates the challenges of residency and emerges from them having fulfilled his or her maximal potential. This developmental perspective provides an individualized description of healthy surgical development. Our model allows programs to identify the basis for residents who fail to progress, counsel residents during their training, and perhaps help identify resident candidates who are better prepared to meet the developmental challenges of residency training. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Effect of neurolinguistic programming training on self-actualization as measured by the Personal Orientation Inventory. (United States)

    Duncan, R C; Konefal, J; Spechler, M M


    Neurolinguistic programming training is based on principles that should enable the trainee to be more "present"-oriented, inner-directed, flexible, self-aware, and responsive to others, that is, more self-actualized. This study reports within-person changes on self-actualization measures of the Personal Orientation Inventory following a 24-day residential training in neurolinguistic programming. Significant positive mean changes were found for 18 master practitioners on nine of the 12 scales and for 36 practitioners on 10 of the 12 scales. Findings are consistent with the hypothesis that training increases individual self-actualization scores.

  16. Psychological research of self-actualization of the employees of advertising sector in professional activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Валерія Геннадіївна Кот


    Full Text Available The results of research of actualization of employees of advertising sector are presented in the article. The method of averages and factor analysis of data are used. The gender specific of self-actualization is educed among the employees of advertising sector. It is found a professionally-oriented modification of advertisers’ personalities

  17. Fatigue analysis - computation of the actual strain range using elastic calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roche, R.L.


    The design codes used in nuclear industry do not contain all the same rules allowing to deduce from an elastic calculation the actual deformation variation. Knowledge of strain range is needed for fatigue analysis. Elastic calculation does not give the actual range. The aim of this paper is discussing ways to correct elastic results and proposing a practical method to do it. Two corrections are required. The first one is related to elastic follow up effect when shakedown is not obtained (correction on secondary stress). The second one is related to stress raisers effect (correction on peak stress). It is shown that NEUBER's rule is not convenient for the second correction when shakedown is not fulfilled [fr

  18. Advanced liquid waste processing technologies: Theoretical versus actual application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barker, Tracy A.


    This paper provides an overview of Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. (CNSI) experience with turn-key chromate removal at the Maine Yankee Nuclear Plant. Theoretical and actual experiences are addressed on topics such as processing duration, laboratory testing, equipment requirements, chromate removal, waste generation, and waste processing. Chromate salts are used in industrial recirculation cooling water systems as a corrosion inhibitor. However, chromates are toxic at concentrations necessary for surface inhibition. As a result, Chem-Nuclear was contracted to perform turn-key chromate removal and waste disposal by demineralization. This project was unique in that prior to on-site mobilization, a composite sample of chromated waste was shipped to CNSI laboratories for treatment through a laboratory scale system. Removal efficiency, process media requirements, and waste processing methodology were determined from this laboratory testing. Samples of the waste resulting from this testing were processed by dewatering and solidification, respectively. TCLP tests were performed on the actual processed waste, and based on the TCLP results, pre-approval for media waste disposal was obtained. (author)

  19. La educación actual: retos para el profesorado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina García Carmona


    Full Text Available La educación actual necesita adaptarse a los cambios que se producen y se han producido en la sociedad. El profesorado se enfrenta de este modo a diferentes retos que debe afrontar para la consecución de una educación de calidad acorde a las necesidades actuales. Procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje donde el alumnado sea el protagonista, la creación de espacios de diálogo donde se promueva el papel activo del alumnado en la sociedad, la apertura de los centros educativos a su contexto, el adecuado uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y la atención a la diversidad cultural del alumnado, son algunas de las tareas a las que el profesorado da respuesta en nuestros días y sobre las que se reflexiona en el presente trabajo. Para ello es necesaria la mejora de la formación inicial y permanente del profesorado de todos los niveles educativos.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Laboratory-scale flowsheet tests of the fractional crystallization process were conducted with actual tank waste samples in a hot cell at the 222-S Laboratory. The process is designed to separate medium-curie liquid waste into a low-curie stream for feeding to supplemental treatment and a high-curie stream for double-shell tank storage. Separations criteria (for Cs-137 sulfate, and sodium) were exceeded in all three of the flowsheet tests that were performed

  1. Psychoprophylaxis - Antenatal preparation and actual use during labour


    Bergström, Malin


    The aim of this thesis was to study the effects of a model of antenatal education, focusing on natural childbirth preparation by including psychoprophylaxis, breathing and relaxation techniques to cope with labour pain, and the actual use of psychoprophylaxis during labour. Satisfaction with antenatal education and experiences of a subgroup of men with antenatal fear of childbirth were also explored. The principal design was a randomised controlled trial where the new mo...

  2. How Investor Perceptions Drive Actual Trading and Risk-Taking Behavior

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoffmann, A.O.I.; Post, T.; Pennings, J.M.E.


    Recent work in behavioral finance showed how investors’ perceptions (i.e., return expectations, risk tolerance, and risk perception) affect hypothetical trading and risk-taking behavior. However, are such perceptions also capable of explaining actual trading and risktaking behavior? To answer this

  3. Actual energy implementations and basic investigations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nockemann, C.; Wuestenberg, H.


    The actual implementations in guaranteeing the reliability of NDE systems applied in service inspections in nuclear power plants will be presented. The difference between the American PDI (Performance Demonstration Initiative) which is based on blind trials and the European ENIQ (European Network for Inspection Qualification) approach which is based on a mixed procedure of physical modeling, experience data and test experiments will be discussed. The ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) has been adapted from the signal detection theory to NDE problems at BAM to be used for basic investigations and for the validation of new exceptional NDE systems where modeling and reference to standards is not yet possible. Examples of application will be shown and critical discussed especially concerning the influence of the grading unit raster

  4. A Taxometric Analysis of Actual Internet Sports Gambling Behavior (United States)

    Braverman, Julia; LaBrie, Richard A.; Shaffer, Howard J.


    This article presents findings from the first taxometric study of actual gambling behavior to determine whether we can represent the characteristics of extreme gambling as qualitatively distinct (i.e., taxonic) or as a point along a dimension. We analyzed the bets made during a 24-month study period by the 4,595 most involved gamblers among a…

  5. Posibilidad de la ética en el mundo actual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cesar de J. Areiza A.


    Full Text Available RESUMEN En el mundo actual la ética cumple un papel fundamental en la vida de las personas, porque  son  muy frecuentes  las críticas que se le ha hecho  a la  ética como un sistema dogmático de verdades y recetas que solucionan los problemas humanos

  6. Perceived Versus Actual Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by Race and Ethnicity. (United States)

    Yang, Kyeongra; Baniak, Lynn M; Imes, Christopher C; Choi, JiYeon; Chasens, Eileen R


    Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine associations between perceived risk and actual risk of type 2 diabetes by race and/or ethnicity. Methods The study sample included 10 999 adults from the 2011 to 2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Sociodemographic, clinical, and behavioral data were collected using interviews and physical examinations. Participants were asked if they felt at risk for diabetes or prediabetes and then asked the reasons why. Data analyses were conducted with SAS to properly analyze complex survey data. Results About 86% of the sample (n = 9496) answered the risk perception question for diabetes, and among those, 28.4% indicated having a high perceived risk. Among this subsample, 38.3% were identified as having an actual risk for prediabetes or diabetes according to the American Diabetes Association guidelines. Across all race groups, the most frequently reported risk factors participants believed to contribute to their risk for diabetes were family history of diabetes, obesity, and poor diet habits. When the percentage of participants with an actual risk factor who correctly perceived it as a risk factor was examined, fewer Asians correctly perceived weight status and physical activity level as a risk for diabetes in contrast to the other racial/ethnic groups. Conclusions Our study showed that when perception was compared to actual risks, associations differed statistically by race. It will be essential to discuss their risk perception to proper screening for diabetes and relevant lifestyle modifications to prevent and delay the onset of diabetes.

  7. Actuality of the Einstein theory of gravitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanenko, D.D.


    Problems of actuality of the Einstein theory of gravitation are lightened. The great Einstein theory of gravitation is shown to remain a reliable base of understanding of modern physical world pattern and its inevitable further inexhaustible precising. The main GRT difficulties are enumirated: determination of reference systems, presence of singularities in the theory, absence of consistent determination of the gravity energy, impossibility of accounting the relations between atomic, gravitational and cosmological characteristics. The attention is paid to gauge, twistor problems and to unified interaction theory. The great contribution of the soviet science in the theory of gravitation is stressed

  8. How investor perceptions drive actual trading and risk-taking behavior

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoffmann, A.O.I.; Post, T.; Pennings, J.M.E.


    Recent work in behavioral finance showed how investors' perceptions (i.e., return expectations, risk tolerance, and risk perception) affect hypothetical trading and risk-taking behavior. However, are such perceptions also capable of explaining actual trading and risk-taking behavior? To answer this

  9. 50 CFR 530.2 - Ensuring that environmental documents are actually considered in agency decision-making. (United States)


    ... actually considered in agency decision-making. 530.2 Section 530.2 Wildlife and Fisheries MARINE MAMMAL... documents are actually considered in agency decision-making. Section 1505.1 of the NEPA regulations contains requirements to ensure adequate consideration of environmental documents in agency decision-making. To...

  10. Universidad de Costa Rica: Premisas, polémicas y propuestas actuales en educación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Pérez Yglesias


    Full Text Available El artículo busca sintetizar algunas reflexiones sobre las viejas y nuevas premisas y polémicas educativas que se plantean y discuten en este principio de milenio, con el propósito de pensar cómo la Universidad de Costa Rica responde a las exigencias y expectativas internas y externas de los últimos años, haciendo énfasis en la investigación y el posgrado en relación con la docencia y la acción social. Sin pretender ser exhaustivos se trata de responder, con ejemplos, si el modelo de la Universidad de Costa Rica se transforma con acciones concretas y con una perspectiva educativa coherente y académica. Como se dice en el planteamiento “hemos decidido reunir algunos tópicos en torno a cuatro grandes temas que incluyen distintos aspectos de los planteados anteriormente: por una parte el modelo de organización académica; en segunda instancia la apertura a un trabajo dialógico, en equipo, interdisciplinario e interinstitucional; en tercer lugar la incursión en nuevas tecnologías y en educación permanente y por último la tendencia hacia una Universidad cualitativa con impacto social

  11. Actual characteristics study on HTR-10GT coupling with direct gas turbine cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng Xuechuang; Zhu Shutang; Wang Jie


    Compared with a plant of steam turbine cycle, a HTGR plant with direct gas turbine cycle has a higher thermal efficiency. A lot of investigations on the characteristics of HTR-10GT, which is the reactor studying project of Tsinghua University, have been carried out, however, all of them are based on the theoretical Brayton Cycle which neglects many actual conditions, such as leakage, pressure loss and so on. For engineering practices, leakage is an unavoidable problem. The difference of the location and capacity of leakage will directly influence the working medium's thermoparameters and lead to fall of the cycle efficiency. The present study is focused on the performance of an actual Brayton cycle with practical conditions of leakage. The present study which based on building the physical and mathematical model of the leakage, aims to study the actual characteristics of the direct gas turbine circle. (authors)

  12. The analysis of actual and symbolic models of secondary school students in Serbia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stepanović Ivana


    Full Text Available This paper deals with role models of secondary school students in Serbia. In the course of adolescence, there is a gradual separation from parental figures, and other persons become role models for behavior. For that reason, secondary school population is of interest when analyzing this phenomenon, particularly bearing in mind that role models influence not only social, but also other aspects of development. We analyzed role models from students' personal (actual models and public life (symbolic models. The main aim was to determine who their actual and symbolic models are, and why secondary school students look up to them. Based on the data on secondary school students' actual models, it is possible to identify who important persons from their milieu are and why they are important to them. The data about the categories in which symbolic models can be divided, as well as about their occurrence, indicate the young people's system of values in these analyses. The sample comprises 2426 students from 26 schools in 9 Serbian towns. Actual and symbolic models were examined in separate questions, where students were asked to name up to three people from their private life or the world of celebrities that they look up to. 53,9% of students named their actual models, the most common being their mothers. Nearly half the examinees (49,3% stated their symbolic models are public figures. Most symbolic models are from the world of show-business. The results show that parental figures remain the models of behavior throughout adolescence. The data about the categories of symbolic models show the young are drawn to the world of entertainment and indicate a weak role of schools as a potential source of models in the fields of science and culture who would promote cognitive values.

  13. Seismic evaluation of BWR spent fuel storage racks using actual damping by vibration test in water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamasaki, Hiroto; Iwakura, Shigeyoshi; Imaoka, Tetsuo; Okumura, Kazue; Orita, Syuichi; Namita, Yoshio


    Damping value for BWR spent fuel storage racks has been used 1 percent damping, which is applied to welded steel structures in air as defined JEAG4601. However, it is considered that the actual damping is higher than that of the above mentioned, because of its underwater installation. This report shows the actual damping value of the Check Arrayed Rack by vibration test in water and Evaluation by the analysis of rack using actual damping. (author)

  14. El acceso global a los medicamentos en el contexto internacional actual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Germán Velásquez


    El problema del costo de los medicamentos -de extrema urgencia para los países en desarrollo- amenaza con afectar a todo el planeta en el transcurso de los próximos 10 a 15 años, incluso a los países industrializados, cuya población está habituada desde hace casi cincuenta años a acceder sistemática y gratuitamente a los medicamentos necesarios. En efecto, ¿hasta qué punto los sistemas de salud de los países industrializados podrán seguir soportando el aumento del costo de reembolso ante la aparición, por ejemplo, de nuevos medicamentos contra las enfermedades cardiovasculares o el cáncer? Y ello, por no hablar de los tratamientos que se desarrollarán y patentarán a partir de la investigación sobre el genoma humano -sin olvidar que se ha llevado a cabo gracias a fondos públicos-, ni de las terapias relacionadas con el envejecimiento de la población, o la aparición de formulaciones pediátricas. Numerosos países europeos ya destinan a los productos farmacéuticos un porcentaje más elevado de sus gastos totales de salud que los Estados Unidos, país en el que el gasto alcanza el 12,4 %. Así, por ejemplo, en Alemania se destina el 15,2 %; en España, el 22,8 %; en Finlandia, el 16,3 %; en Francia, el 16,6 %, y en Italia, el 20,1 %. La tendencia es la misma en el conjunto de los países ricos: por ejemplo, en Canadá los medicamentos representaban en el 2005 el 17,7 % del presupuesto de la salud, contra el 11 % quince años antes; y en Japón se observa la misma tendencia. Hace 10 años, ningún país industrializado gastaba en medicamentos más del 10 % de su presupuesto de salud (2. Desde 1995, año del nacimiento de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC, el debate sobre el precio de los medicamentos ha estado en la primera línea de los medios de comunicación y foros internacionales debido a los posibles efectos del ADPIC, el acuerdo sobre los aspectos de los derechos de propiedad intelectual relacionados con el comercio. La lógica del

  15. Importancia actual de la oleoquímica en el sector industrial de tensioactivos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gómez Herrera, Carlos


    Full Text Available Oleochemistry is an industrial sector with various applications and important developments in the field of surfactans. In this article different parts are dedicated to: A Sources of oleochemical raw materials; B Valorization of the oleochemistry in the field of surfactants; C Hydrophilic heads based on carbohydrates or proteins, D Examples of surfactants currently prepared at industrial scale, such as esters of polyols, alkylpolyglucosides, glucamides and lipoaminoacids. Collaboration between industrial sectors of surfactants and oleaginous products has evidenced various strong points. Ecological, energetic, economical and sanitary reasons will probably increase this collaboration in the future.La oleoquímica es un sector industrial con aplicaciones múltiples e importantes desarrollos en el campo de los tensioactivos. En el presente artículo se dedican apartados a: A fuentes de materias primas oleoquímicas, B valorización de la oleoquímica en el campo de los tensioactivos, C partes hidrófilas de los tensioactivos basadas en carbohidratos o en proteínas, D ejemplos de biotensioactivos actualmente preparados a escala industrial, tales como ésteres de polioles, alquilpoliglucósidos, glucamidas, ésteres de sacarosa y lipoaminoácidos. La colaboración entre los sectores industriales de tensioactivos y de productos oleaginosos ha puesto en evidencia numerosos puntos fuertes. Muy probablemente, razones energéticas, económicas, ecológicas y sanitarias harán que esta colaboración se incremente en el futuro.

  16. From nascent to actual entrepreneurship: the effect of entry barriers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.J. van Stel (André); D. Storey (David); A.R.M. Wennekers (Sander); A.R. Thurik (Roy)


    textabstractThis exploratory study focuses on the conversion from nascent to actual entrepreneurship and the role of entry barriers in this process. Using data for a sample of countries participating in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor between 2002 and 2004, we estimate a twoequation model

  17. Perceived and actual academic competence in maltreated children. (United States)

    Kinard, E M


    The aims were twofold: 1) to determine whether maltreated and nonmaltreated children differed in the accuracy of their self-assessments of academic achievement; and 2) to determine whether discrepancies between perceived and actual academic competence were related to perceptions of social support from mothers, teachers, and peers. A sample of 195 maltreated children known to a state protective service agency was compared to a control group of 179 nonmaltreated children. The groups were matched on child's gender, age, ethnicity, and birth order; socioeconomic ranking of neighborhood; and family structure. Although maltreated children had significantly lower achievement scores than did nonmal-treated children, the two groups did not differ on perceived academic competence. With regard to discrepancies between perceived and actual competence, maltreated children were more likely than nonmaltreated children to overestimate their level of competence, particularly for reading and arithmetic. Overall, children who reported low maternal support were more likely to overestimate reading competence than were those who reported average or high maternal support. When maltreatment status was considered, maltreated children with low support seemed likely to overestimate abilities, whereas nonmaltreated children with low support seemed likely to underestimate competence. Maltreated children may overestimate their academic abilities in order to compensate for self-perceptions of low self-worth. Efforts to improve academic performance in maltreated children should focus not only on increasing academic skills but also on enhancing self-esteem.


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    Andi Andi


    Full Text Available Leading is one of the most important facets in managing construction projects, and behaving as an effective leader is a vital project manager’s responsibility to ensure that work efforts of other persons are directed toward the accomplishment of organizational objectives. This paper aims to determine basic and actual leadership styles of construction project managers in Surabaya. The effectiveness of the actual leadership style is also examined. To accomplish the objective, the paper first briefly reviews the ways in which leadership is approached. Data were then collected through an empirical survey to 46 project managers, taking Fiedler and Hersey-Blanchard’s models as the point of departure. The results indicate that the basic leadership of project managers in Surabaya falls slightly on task-oriented behavior. Meanwhile selling is the most common style used as actual leadership in practice. The paper discusses the effectiveness of the styles adopted and situational variables affecting.

  19. NUEN-618 Class Project: Actually Implicit Monte Carlo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vega, R. M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Brunner, T. A. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    This research describes a new method for the solution of the thermal radiative transfer (TRT) equations that is implicit in time which will be called Actually Implicit Monte Carlo (AIMC). This section aims to introduce the TRT equations, as well as the current workhorse method which is known as Implicit Monte Carlo (IMC). As the name of the method proposed here indicates, IMC is a misnomer in that it is only semi-implicit, which will be shown in this section as well.

  20. Preferred vs Actual Working Hours in Couple Households


    Yi-Ping Tseng; Mark Wooden


    Working hours in Australia are quite widely distributed around the population mean. That is, there are relatively many people working both relatively short hours and relatively long hours each week. From a welfare perspective, however, it is not the actual number of hours worked that is of importance, but whether the hours being worked are consistent with individual preferences. In this paper the question of how closely hours preferences are being met is examined using data collected in the f...

  1. Receiver gain function: the actual NMR receiver gain


    Mo, Huaping; Harwood, John S.; Raftery, Daniel


    The observed NMR signal size depends on the receiver gain parameter. We propose a receiver gain function to characterize how much the raw FID is amplified by the receiver as a function of the receiver gain setting. Although the receiver is linear for a fixed gain setting, the actual gain of the receiver may differ from what the gain setting suggests. Nevertheless, for a given receiver, we demonstrate that the receiver gain function can be calibrated. Such a calibration enables accurate compar...

  2. Functional brain mapping of actual car-driving using [18F]FDG-PET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, M.; Tashiro, Manabu; Singh, L.N.


    This study aims at identifying the brain activation during actual car-driving on the road, and at comparing the results to those of previous studies on simulated car-driving. Thirty normal volunteers, aged 20 to 56 years, were divided into three subgroups, active driving, passive driving and control groups, for examination by positron emission tomography (PET) and [ 18 F]2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose (FDG). The active driving subjects (n=10) drove for 30 minutes on quiet normal roads with a few traffic signals. The passive driving subjects (n=10) participated as passengers on the front seat. The control subjects (n=10) remained seated in a lit room with their eyes open. Voxel-based t-statistics were applied using SPM2 to search brain activation among the subgroups mentioned above. Significant brain activation was detected during active driving in the primary and secondary visual cortices, primary sensorimotor areas, premotor area, parietal association area, cingulate gyms, the parahippocampal gyrus as well as in thalamus and cerebellum. The passive driving manifested a similar-looking activation pattern, lacking activations in the premotor area, cingulate and parahippocampal gyri and thalamus. Direct comparison of the active and passive driving conditions revealed activation in the cerebellum. The result of actual driving looked similar to that of simulated driving, suggesting that visual perception and visuomotor coordination were the main brain functions while driving. In terms of attention and autonomic arousal, however, it seems there was a significant difference between simulated and actual driving possibly due to risk of accidents. Autonomic and emotional aspects of driving should be studied using an actual driving study-design. (author)

  3. Functional brain mapping of actual car-driving using [18F]FDG-PET. (United States)

    Jeong, Myeonggi; Tashiro, Manabu; Singh, Laxsmi N; Yamaguchi, Keiichiro; Horikawa, Etsuo; Miyake, Masayasu; Watanuki, Shouichi; Iwata, Ren; Fukuda, Hiroshi; Takahashi, Yasuo; Itoh, Masatoshi


    This study aims at identifying the brain activation during actual car-driving on the road, and at comparing the results to those of previous studies on simulated car-driving. Thirty normal volunteers, aged 20 to 56 years, were divided into three subgroups, active driving, passive driving and control groups, for examination by positron emission tomography (PET) and [18F]2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose (FDG). The active driving subjects (n = 10) drove for 30 minutes on quiet normal roads with a few traffic signals. The passive driving subjects (n = 10) participated as passengers on the front seat. The control subjects (n = 10) remained seated in a lit room with their eyes open. Voxel-based t-statistics were applied using SPM2 to search brain activation among the subgroups mentioned above. Significant brain activation was detected during active driving in the primary and secondary visual cortices, primary sensorimotor areas, premotor area, parietal association area, cingulate gyrus, the parahippocampal gyrus as well as in thalamus and cerebellum. The passive driving manifested a similar-looking activation pattern, lacking activations in the premotor area, cingulate and parahippocampal gyri and thalamus. Direct comparison of the active and passive driving conditions revealed activation in the cerebellum. The result of actual driving looked similar to that of simulated driving, suggesting that visual perception and visuomotor coordination were the main brain functions while driving. In terms of attention and autonomic arousal, however, it seems there was a significant difference between simulated and actual driving possibly due to risk of accidents. Autonomic and emotional aspects of driving should be studied using an actual driving study-design.

  4. [Volunteering in psychiatry: determining factors of attitude and actual commitment]. (United States)

    Lauber, C; Nordt, C; Falcato, L; Rössler, W


    To assess public attitude, actual working commitment and the respective influence of demographic, psychological and sociological variables on voluntary help in psychiatry. Multiple logistic regression analysis of the results of a representative population survey in Switzerland. Public attitude is mostly positive, but the respective working commitment is small. Attitude depends on gender, psychological factors (social distance, stereotypes), and on attitude to community psychiatry. For the working commitment, clearly distinct predictors are found: age, emotions, participation, and perceived discrimination to the mentally ill. For both attitude and commitment, having a social profession and interest in mass media are predictors. Internationally compared, Switzerland has a positive attitude and a big commitment in lay helping in psychiatry. But attitude is different from actual commitment. Lay helpers' work must be limited to realizable tasks and they need professional recruitment, instruction, and supervision otherwise they tend to be over-burden. The unused potential of voluntary helpers has to be opened specifically, e.g. by involving mass media and opinion-makers.

  5. Fatigue life prediction of autofrettage tubes using actual material behaviour

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jahed, Hamid; Farshi, Behrooz; Hosseini, Mohammad


    There is a profound Bauschinger effect in the behaviour of high-strength steels used in autofrettaged tubes. This has led to development of methods capable of considering experimentally obtained (actual) material behaviour in residual stress calculations. The extension of these methods to life calculations is presented here. To estimate the life of autofrettaged tubes with a longitudinal surface crack emanating from the bore more accurately, instead of using idealized models, the experimental loading-unloading stress-strain behaviour is employed. The resulting stresses are then used to calculate stress intensity factors by the weight function method as input to fatigue life determination. Fatigue lives obtained using the actual material behaviour are then compared with the results of frequently used ideal models including those considering Bauschinger effect factors and strain hardening in unloading. Using standard fatigue crack growth relationships, life of the vessel is then calculated based on recommended initial and final crack length. It is shown that the life gain due to autofrettage above 70% overstrain is considerable

  6. Tendencias actuales y futuras de la terapia de familias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Almagro Domínguez


    Full Text Available Se exponen brevemente la situación actual y las perspectivas de la terapia familiar a partir de la información obtenida en el Séptimo Congreso de IFTA (International Family Therapy Association, celebrado en Guadalajara, México, en Octubre de 1995. Los criterios actuales abarcan desde el ciclo vital y las técnicas nuevas, hasta el tratamiento familiar del SIDA y el cáncer. El futuro se considera, en general, promisorio para estas terapias. Se habla de relacionar diagnósticos, enseñanza integrada a planes de estudio y entrenamiento de personal comunitario; todo ello como perspectiva de la terapia de familiasThe present situation and the outlooks of family therapy based on the information obtained at the 7th Congress of the International Family Therapy Association, held in Guadalajara, Mexico, in October, 1995, are briefly explained. New criteria embrace from the vital cycle and the new techniques to the family treatment of AIDS and cancer. In general, the future is considered as promising for these therapies. It is talked about relating diagnoses, integrating teaching to curricula, and training community personal; all of it as a prospect of family therapy.

  7. The Singularity: A Crucial Phase in Divine Self-Actualization?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Zimmerman


    Full Text Available Ray Kurzweil and others have posited that the confluence of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and genetic engineering will soon produce posthuman beings that will far surpass us in power and intelligence. Just as black holes constitute a ldquo;singularityrdquo; from which no information can escape, posthumans will constitute a ldquo;singularity:rdquo; whose aims and capacities lie beyond our ken. I argue that technological posthumanists, whether wittingly or unwittingly, draw upon the long-standing Christian discourse of ldquo;theosis,rdquo; according to which humans are capable of being God or god-like. From St. Paul and Luther to Hegel and Kurzweil, the idea of human self-deification plays a prominent role. Hegel in particular emphasizes that God becomes wholly actualized only in the process by which humanity achieves absolute consciousness. Kurzweil agrees that God becomes fully actual only through historical processes that illuminate and thus transform the entire universe. The difference is that for Kurzweil and many other posthumanists, our offspringmdash;the posthumansmdash;will carry out this extraordinary process. What will happen to Home sapiens in the meantime is a daunting /br /

  8. Medical students perception of their medical environment-expected versus actual perceptions--a cross sectional study. (United States)

    Sundus, Ayesha; Haider, Mohammad Nadir; Ibrahim, Mohammad Faisal; Younus, Nida; Farooqui, Mohammad Talha; Iftikhar, Fatiha; Siddique, Osama; Aziz, Sina


    To compare the expected (perceptions of their environment at the beginning of their 1st year) versus actual perceptions (perceptions at the end of 1st year) of 1st year students at Dow University of Health Sciences. The 'expected' perceptions of the students were recorded at the beginning of their 1st year (n = 411) of medical education when they entered the medical school using Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM). DREEM is a validated and self-administered inventory which focuses on learning, teachers, self-confidence and academic as well as social environment. The 'actual' perceptions were then recorded at the end of their first year (n = 405) of education when they had received adequate exposure of their environment. The 2 records were then compared. The total expected DREEM score was 118/200 and the total actual DREEM score was 113/200. The expected domain (Students' perceptions of learning, students' perceptions of teachers, students' academic self-perceptions, students' perceptions of atmosphere, and students' social self-perceptions) scores were 28/48, 26/44, 20/32, 28/48, and 16/28. The actual domain scores were 27/48, 23/44, 19/32, 27/48, 16/28. However both the actual and expected scoring displayed satisfactory environment for learning. Significant differences (p students perceived the environment positively but the significant difference found in the two samples, demonstrated that their expectations were not met.

  9. Focussed probes ultrasonic follow-up of actual flaw growth during fatigue testing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cinotti, C.; Dufresne, J.; Prot, A.C.; Touffait, A.M.; Saglio, R.


    A programme was undertaken to follow-up the growth of actual flaws purposely introduced during the welding process of five test specimens. The aim of this programme is to measure the actual size of the cracks which develop from the known defects during the fatigue testing. The sizing method is based on the use of focussed probes, which allow good accuracy and repeatability, as well as good sensitivity. Examples are given of the first results: sizing before testing, then step by step during the fatigue testing and also under compression. This last point is very important in view of the ultrasonic testing during periodic in-service inspection

  10. Estudio de los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte


    Javato Martín, Moisés


    En este trabajo se estudia el estado actual de los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS) en Estados Unidos y Europa, a través de ejemplos reales. En primer lugar, se da una visión general del tema, definiendo los aspectos y actores clave y explicando las áreas de la gestión del tráfico y del vehículo conectado. A continuación, se aborda el desarrollo de los sistemas ITS en el ámbito de la Unión Europea, explicando las principales instituciones y programas de financiación europeos, así com...

  11. A propósito del libro "Accounting theory: research, regulation and accounting practice" de Michael Gaffikin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Garcia Nohora


    Full Text Available En el libro “Accounting theory: research, regulation and accounting practice”, el profesor australiano Michael Gaffikin ofrece al lector una idea del origen y amplio desenvolvimiento de la teoría contable durante el siglo XX “cuyo desarrollo ha sido dominado por Estados Unidos” (Gaffikin, 2008, p. 32. Plantea, igualmente, los desafíos y problemas actuales de la regulación y la profesión contable. Por ejemplo, el autor precisa que ante la incapacidad de lograr un acuerdo sobre las mediciones apropiadas, la tendencia mundial es a instaurar medidas determinadas arbitrariamente (Gaffikin, 2008, p. 154.

  12. Seguridad alimentaria y biotecnología


    Cotes, A. M.


    El panorama mundial muestra una alta concentración de la población en ciudades. Por ejemplo, en 1990 en los países en vía de desarrollo las grandes ciudades absorbieron el 34% de la población previéndose que en el año 2025 la demanda de alimentos será de 400 millones de toneladas en estos países.Estas crecientes necesidades por alimentos contrastan con la organización global del comercio y de la industria, las estructuras sociales y las legislaciones actuales, que están concebidas de tal mane...

  13. Pequeño livro de desmatemática, de Manuel A. Pina: inventiva genética y competencia literaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara Reis da Silva


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una reflexión acerca del concepto de competencia literaria y de las implicaciones que el texto literario de receptor explícitamente infantil tiene en su formación. Recurriendo al análisis de la obra Pequeno Livro de Desmatemática, de Manuel António Pina, una de las voces más originales del actual panorama literario portugués, se muestran como modelos algunos ejemplos de estrategias técnico-discursivas profundamente innovadoras y potencialmente beneficiosas para la competencia literaria.

  14. A Comparative Case Study of Self-Actualization in Eleanor Roosevelt and Antoine de Saint-Exupery. (United States)

    Tyska, Cynthia Ann

    Eleanor Roosevelt and Antoine de Saint-Exupery are described as strongly developed self-actualizing people. They were selected as subjects of this study because they are generally believed to possess self-actualizing characteristics and because their positions as public figures made it more likely that data on them would be accessible.…

  15. Physician job satisfaction related to actual and preferred job size

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schmit Jongbloed, Lodewijk J.; Cohen-Schotanus, Janke; Borleffs, Jan C. C.; Stewart, Roy E.; Schonrock-Adema, Johanna


    Background: Job satisfaction is essential for physicians' well-being and patient care. The work ethic of long days and hard work that has been advocated for decades is acknowledged as a threat for physicians' job satisfaction, well-being, and patient safety. Our aim was to determine the actual and

  16. Actual and Virtual Reality: Making the Most of Field Trips. (United States)

    Bellan, Jennifer Marie; Scheurman, Geoffrey


    Argues that a virtual field trip can complement and enhance a real one. Discusses the benefits and pitfalls of both types of field trips. Outlines a series of student and teacher activities combining an actual field trip and a virtual one to Fort Snelling in St. Paul, Minnesota. (MJP)

  17. How Are Mate Preferences Linked with Actual Mate Selection? Tests of Mate Preference Integration Algorithms Using Computer Simulations and Actual Mating Couples. (United States)

    Conroy-Beam, Daniel; Buss, David M


    Prior mate preference research has focused on the content of mate preferences. Yet in real life, people must select mates among potentials who vary along myriad dimensions. How do people incorporate information on many different mate preferences in order to choose which partner to pursue? Here, in Study 1, we compare seven candidate algorithms for integrating multiple mate preferences in a competitive agent-based model of human mate choice evolution. This model shows that a Euclidean algorithm is the most evolvable solution to the problem of selecting fitness-beneficial mates. Next, across three studies of actual couples (Study 2: n = 214; Study 3: n = 259; Study 4: n = 294) we apply the Euclidean algorithm toward predicting mate preference fulfillment overall and preference fulfillment as a function of mate value. Consistent with the hypothesis that mate preferences are integrated according to a Euclidean algorithm, we find that actual mates lie close in multidimensional preference space to the preferences of their partners. Moreover, this Euclidean preference fulfillment is greater for people who are higher in mate value, highlighting theoretically-predictable individual differences in who gets what they want. These new Euclidean tools have important implications for understanding real-world dynamics of mate selection.

  18. How Are Mate Preferences Linked with Actual Mate Selection? Tests of Mate Preference Integration Algorithms Using Computer Simulations and Actual Mating Couples.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Conroy-Beam

    Full Text Available Prior mate preference research has focused on the content of mate preferences. Yet in real life, people must select mates among potentials who vary along myriad dimensions. How do people incorporate information on many different mate preferences in order to choose which partner to pursue? Here, in Study 1, we compare seven candidate algorithms for integrating multiple mate preferences in a competitive agent-based model of human mate choice evolution. This model shows that a Euclidean algorithm is the most evolvable solution to the problem of selecting fitness-beneficial mates. Next, across three studies of actual couples (Study 2: n = 214; Study 3: n = 259; Study 4: n = 294 we apply the Euclidean algorithm toward predicting mate preference fulfillment overall and preference fulfillment as a function of mate value. Consistent with the hypothesis that mate preferences are integrated according to a Euclidean algorithm, we find that actual mates lie close in multidimensional preference space to the preferences of their partners. Moreover, this Euclidean preference fulfillment is greater for people who are higher in mate value, highlighting theoretically-predictable individual differences in who gets what they want. These new Euclidean tools have important implications for understanding real-world dynamics of mate selection.

  19. Methodological review: measured and reported congruence between preferred and actual place of death. (United States)

    Bell, C L; Somogyi-Zalud, E; Masaki, K H


    Congruence between preferred and actual place of death is an important palliative care outcome reported in the literature. We examined methods of measuring and reporting congruence to highlight variations impairing cross-study comparisons. Medline, PsychInfo, CINAHL, and Web of Science were systematically searched for clinical research studies examining patient preference and congruence as an outcome. Data were extracted into a matrix, including purpose, reported congruence, and method for eliciting preference. Studies were graded for quality. Using tables of preferred versus actual places of death, an overall congruence (total met preferences out of total preferences) and a kappa statistic of agreement were determined for each study. Twelve studies were identified. Percentage of congruence was reported using four different definitions. Ten studies provided a table or partial table of preferred versus actual deaths for each place. Three studies provided kappa statistics. No study achieved better than moderate agreement when analysed using kappa statistics. A study which elicited ideal preference reported the lowest agreement, while longitudinal studies reporting final preferred place of death yielded the highest agreement (moderate agreement). Two other studies of select populations also yielded moderate agreement. There is marked variation in methods of eliciting and reporting congruence, even among studies focused on congruence as an outcome. Cross-study comparison would be enhanced by the use of similar questions to elicit preference, tables of preferred versus actual places of death, and kappa statistics of agreement.

  20. From VET School to the Labour Market in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Expected versus Actual Wages (United States)

    Brankovic, Nina; Oruc, Nermin


    This article analyses the differences between expected and actual wages of VET students and graduates. It uses a survey of VET students enrolled in schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and data about employed VET graduates from the Labour Force Survey. The model of determinants of wages, expected or actual, estimated separately on each dataset,…

  1. Making the user visible: analysing irrigation practices and farmers’ logic to explain actual drip irrigation performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Benouniche, M.; Kuper, M.; Hammani, A.; Boesveld, H.


    The actual performance of drip irrigation (irrigation efficiency, distribution uniformity) in the field is often quite different from that obtained in experimental stations. We developed an approach to explain the actual irrigation performance of drip irrigation systems by linking measured


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Bejar


    Full Text Available Inscrito dentro de la sociología de la cultura, el presente trabajo constituye un análisis crítico de la psicología positiva, que se toma como ejemplo paradigmático del actual imperativo cultural de la felicidad. El contexto teórico es el de la individualización contemporánea y la cultura psicoterapéutica, que preconizan una concepción del yo reflexiva y autoconstituida, al margen de una comprensión moral y social de la identidad personal. He estudiado las técnicas para lograr la “positividad”, constituyendo su análisis crítico el grueso de este trabajo. Asimismo he analizado los valores, los lenguajes morales de la psicología positiva y las tensiones de los diversos repertorios de significado. He tratado los textos que se encuentran a medio camino entre la psicología científica y la popular, que sirven como ejemplos de la literatura de consejos, que contiene normas explícitas de conducta y alude a las buenas y malas emociones, con la intención de definir un modelo de identidad personal concreto.

  3. La identidad ensamblada: la ordenación de la felicidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Bejar


    Full Text Available Inscrito dentro de la sociología de la cultura, el presente trabajo constituye un análisis crítico de la psicología positiva, que se toma como ejemplo paradigmático del actual imperativo cultural de la felicidad. El contexto teórico es el de la individualización contemporánea y la cultura psicoterapéutica, que preconizan una concepción del yo reflexiva y autoconstituida, al margen de una comprensión moral y social de la identidad personal. He estudiado las técnicas para lograr la “positividad”, constituyendo su análisis crítico el grueso de este trabajo. Asimismo he analizado los valores, los lenguajes morales de la psicología positiva y las tensiones de los diversos repertorios de significado. He tratado los textos que se encuentran a medio camino entre la psicología científica y la popular, que sirven como ejemplos de la literatura de consejos, que contiene normas explícitas de conducta y alude a las buenas y malas emociones, con la intención de definir un modelo de identidad personal concreto.

  4. Socio-demographic Model of Gender Gap in Expected and Actual Wages in Estonia


    Vassil, Kristjan; Eamets, Raul; Mõtsmees, Pille


    Estonia ranks consistently on top of the list of countries with the largest gender pay gap. However, irrespective of abundant aggregate level evidence, little is known what motivates the gap at the individual level. In this paper we precisely address the issue of gender pay gap at the individual level. We examine how large is the gender pay gap in actual and expected wages and how it can be explained. We use a rich dataset from Estonian Labour Force Survey on actual wages, and the data from C...

  5. Research on mass transfer and actual performance of the membrane regeneration air-conditioning system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Xiu-Wei; Zhang, Xiao-Song; Chen, Qing


    Highlights: • Experimental research has been made on the membrane air-conditioning system. • We develop mass transfer models for the membrane regeneration process. • The paper exposes the actual performance of the system. • Increase of membrane pairs improves the performance. - Abstract: Absorption air-conditioning system has great advantages in energy conservation and environmental protection. To improve the performance of the traditional system, the membrane regeneration absorption system was proposed. Its COP could approach 6 by regenerating absorbent solution with the ion exchange membranes. However, the theoretical conclusion has not been supported by the experiment. This paper presents the experimental research of the membrane regeneration process. It has investigated the mass transfer process, energy efficiency and actual performance under different working conditions. Based on that, a mass transfer model has been developed and the influences of some key parameters have been exposed. It found the regeneration performance is mainly influenced by the current intensity. The calculation results with the model agree well the experimental data. The actual efficiency was lower than 50%, caused by energy loss in heat and electrochemical reactions. The actual COP is between 1 and 3, lower current intensity and more membrane pairs could improve it.


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    Francisco Velasco Caballero


    Full Text Available This study analyses the function of “preemption” in the USA. In other words,the “blocking” of the legislative power of the States by virtue of a constitutional or federal legal decision. The study of this nomo dynamic technique is illustrated by a current topic: recent U.S. legislation on immigration in the US States (and even their cities in a subject traditionally regulated by the Federation.From the analysis described it transpires that U.S. “preemption” has no significant relationship with the “prevalence” of the Spanish constitutional system. US “preemption” only takes on its full meaning in its specific context:federalism in the United States, where although it exists, the distribution of powers has a limited role in the articulation of territorial power, where the States have ample sovereignty and where the limit of the this state sovereignty actually lies in federal power (constitutional or legal to prevent or displace the exercising of legislative authority originating in the states.

  7. Long-term leach rates of glasses containing actual waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiley, J.R.; LeRoy, J.H.


    Leach rates of borosilicate glasses that contained actual Savannah River Plant waste were measured. Leaching was done by water and by buffer solutions of pH 4, 7, and 9. Leach rates were then determined from the amount of 137 Cs, 90 Sr, and Pu released into the leach solutions. The cumulative fractions leached were fit to a mathematical model that included leaching by diffusion and glass dissolution

  8. Panorama actual de la Hidrometalurgia. Los nodulos de manganeso.


    Gálvez Flores, José


    La Metalurgia Extractiva se enfrenta en la actualidad como problema principal con tener que emplear menas cada vez más pobres y complejas. Esto, por una parte, y la legislación cada vez más severa sobre contaminación atmosférica —en particular por SO2— han condicionado la evolución de. la investigación actual hacia la hidrometalurgia.

  9. Telework: Timesaving or Timeconsuming? An Investigation into Actual Working Hours

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peters, P.; Wetzels, C.T.A.H.; Tijdens, K


    This paper aims to clarify the relationship between telework and the actual time employees put into their jobs. One of the reported threats to teleworkers' personal lives is that in order to finish their work, they not only use up saved commuting time, but also part of their non-working hours, even

  10. Police interviewing and interrogation of juvenile suspects: a descriptive examination of actual cases. (United States)

    Cleary, Hayley M D


    Although empirical attention to police interrogation has gained traction in recent years, comparatively few studies have examined interrogation of juvenile suspects, and virtually none have examined actual interrogations. Despite a growing literature on youths' interrogation-related capacities, we still know very little about what actually transpires when police question youth. The present study examines electronically recorded police interviews with juveniles to describe the characteristics, processes, and outcomes that occur in actual juvenile interrogations, including interview duration, individuals present, and confessions. Fifty-seven electronic recordings from 17 police departments were analyzed using observational research software. The median juvenile interrogation lasted 46 min, though the range was extensive (6 min to nearly 5 hr). Youth frequently submitted to questioning without a parent or advocate present, and disruptions to the interview process were common. Interrogation outcomes varied and included full confessions, partially incriminating admissions, and denials of guilt. Results from this study provide context for interrogation research using other methods and suggest that youth may frequently consent to interrogation in the absence of important legal protections.

  11. Investigation of thermolytic hydrogen generation rate of tank farm simulated and actual waste

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martino, C. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Newell, D. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Woodham, W. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Pareizs, J. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Edwards, T. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Howe, A. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL)


    To support resolution of Potential Inadequacies in the Safety Analysis for the Savannah River Site (SRS) Tank Farm, Savannah River National Laboratory conducted research to determine the thermolytic hydrogen generation rate (HGR) with simulated and actual waste. Gas chromatography methods were developed and used with air-purged flow systems to quantify hydrogen generation from heated simulated and actual waste at rates applicable to the Tank Farm Documented Safety Analysis (DSA). Initial simulant tests with a simple salt solution plus sodium glycolate demonstrated the behavior of the test apparatus by replicating known HGR kinetics. Additional simulant tests with the simple salt solution excluding organics apart from contaminants provided measurement of the detection and quantification limits for the apparatus with respect to hydrogen generation. Testing included a measurement of HGR on actual SRS tank waste from Tank 38. A final series of measurements examined HGR for a simulant with the most common SRS Tank Farm organics at temperatures up to 140 °C. The following conclusions result from this testing.

  12. Consistency across repeated eyewitness interviews: contrasting police detectives' beliefs with actual eyewitness performance. (United States)

    Krix, Alana C; Sauerland, Melanie; Lorei, Clemens; Rispens, Imke


    In the legal system, inconsistencies in eyewitness accounts are often used to discredit witnesses' credibility. This is at odds with research findings showing that witnesses frequently report reminiscent details (details previously unrecalled) at an accuracy rate that is nearly as high as for consistently recalled information. The present study sought to put the validity of beliefs about recall consistency to a test by directly comparing them with actual memory performance in two recall attempts. All participants watched a film of a staged theft. Subsequently, the memory group (N = 84) provided one statement immediately after the film (either with the Self-Administered Interview or free recall) and one after a one-week delay. The estimation group (N = 81) consisting of experienced police detectives estimated the recall performance of the memory group. The results showed that actual recall performance was consistently underestimated. Also, a sharp decline of memory performance between recall attempts was assumed by the estimation group whereas actual accuracy remained stable. While reminiscent details were almost as accurate as consistent details, they were estimated to be much less accurate than consistent information and as inaccurate as direct contradictions. The police detectives expressed a great concern that reminiscence was the result of suggestive external influences. In conclusion, it seems that experienced police detectives hold many implicit beliefs about recall consistency that do not correspond with actual recall performance. Recommendations for police trainings are provided. These aim at fostering a differentiated view on eyewitness performance and the inclusion of more comprehensive classes on human memory structure.

  13. Consistency across Repeated Eyewitness Interviews: Contrasting Police Detectives’ Beliefs with Actual Eyewitness Performance (United States)

    Krix, Alana C.; Sauerland, Melanie; Lorei, Clemens; Rispens, Imke


    In the legal system, inconsistencies in eyewitness accounts are often used to discredit witnesses’ credibility. This is at odds with research findings showing that witnesses frequently report reminiscent details (details previously unrecalled) at an accuracy rate that is nearly as high as for consistently recalled information. The present study sought to put the validity of beliefs about recall consistency to a test by directly comparing them with actual memory performance in two recall attempts. All participants watched a film of a staged theft. Subsequently, the memory group (N = 84) provided one statement immediately after the film (either with the Self-Administered Interview or free recall) and one after a one-week delay. The estimation group (N = 81) consisting of experienced police detectives estimated the recall performance of the memory group. The results showed that actual recall performance was consistently underestimated. Also, a sharp decline of memory performance between recall attempts was assumed by the estimation group whereas actual accuracy remained stable. While reminiscent details were almost as accurate as consistent details, they were estimated to be much less accurate than consistent information and as inaccurate as direct contradictions. The police detectives expressed a great concern that reminiscence was the result of suggestive external influences. In conclusion, it seems that experienced police detectives hold many implicit beliefs about recall consistency that do not correspond with actual recall performance. Recommendations for police trainings are provided. These aim at fostering a differentiated view on eyewitness performance and the inclusion of more comprehensive classes on human memory structure. PMID:25695428

  14. Consistency across repeated eyewitness interviews: contrasting police detectives' beliefs with actual eyewitness performance.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alana C Krix

    Full Text Available In the legal system, inconsistencies in eyewitness accounts are often used to discredit witnesses' credibility. This is at odds with research findings showing that witnesses frequently report reminiscent details (details previously unrecalled at an accuracy rate that is nearly as high as for consistently recalled information. The present study sought to put the validity of beliefs about recall consistency to a test by directly comparing them with actual memory performance in two recall attempts. All participants watched a film of a staged theft. Subsequently, the memory group (N = 84 provided one statement immediately after the film (either with the Self-Administered Interview or free recall and one after a one-week delay. The estimation group (N = 81 consisting of experienced police detectives estimated the recall performance of the memory group. The results showed that actual recall performance was consistently underestimated. Also, a sharp decline of memory performance between recall attempts was assumed by the estimation group whereas actual accuracy remained stable. While reminiscent details were almost as accurate as consistent details, they were estimated to be much less accurate than consistent information and as inaccurate as direct contradictions. The police detectives expressed a great concern that reminiscence was the result of suggestive external influences. In conclusion, it seems that experienced police detectives hold many implicit beliefs about recall consistency that do not correspond with actual recall performance. Recommendations for police trainings are provided. These aim at fostering a differentiated view on eyewitness performance and the inclusion of more comprehensive classes on human memory structure.

  15. 12 CFR 1282.18 - Affordability-Income level definitions-family size not known (actual or prospective tenants). (United States)


    ....18 Affordability—Income level definitions—family size not known (actual or prospective tenants). In... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Affordability-Income level definitions-family size not known (actual or prospective tenants). 1282.18 Section 1282.18 Banks and Banking FEDERAL...

  16. Posicionamiento y proyección actual del motor de paso en aplicaciones industriales. // Position and proyection in actual industrial applications of stepping motors.


    A. Codina García


    El presente trabajo aborda el empleo del motor de paso en las aplicaciones industriales actuales, los recientesavances y tendencias en la construcción de los mismos así como sus principales características y variantes másconocidas.Palabras claves: Motores de paso, control de movimiento.______________________________________________________________________Abstract.This paper focuses on the position of stepping motors in current industrial applications, recent advances andgeneral trends in desi...

  17. Basic Needs as a Predictors of Prospective Teachers' Self-Actualization (United States)

    Arslan, Ali


    The purpose of this study is to compare the predictive power of prospective teachers' basic needs on self-actualization. This is a correlational research which is one of the descriptive research methods. The study was conducted on 1033 prospective teachers studying in Bulent Ecevit University Eregli Faculty of Education in the spring term of the…

  18. Investigation of actual conditions of mammography in Kagoshima prefecture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baba, Natsuki; Tanimoto, Eriko; Kobayashi, Yasuhiro; Kuma, Kouji


    We surveyed the actual conditions of mammography with regard to image quality and radiation dose at 44 facilities in Kagoshima prefecture in 1999. In April 2004, guidelines for mammography newly included the standard of digital mammography. From September to October 2005, the survey was conducted at 48 facilities, and the results of the survey were compared with that in 1999. We visited 44 of the 48 facilities, and visually evaluated the image quality of mammograms for RMI156 and clinical mammograms. In addition, we measured average mammary gland dose at each facility. The number of the mammography device that satisfied the specified guideline criterion was larger than that in 1999. Image quality for the RMI156 mammograms improved. However, the results of the present survey revealed several problems. First, the number of facilities that had quality control instruments for mammography are few. Second, radiological technologists, medical doctors, and nurses did not share knowledge or information regarding mammography. Finally, there were differences in devices and image quality for mammography among the facilities. We achieved an understanding of the actual conditions of mammography in Kagoshima prefecture by visiting many facilities, evaluating image quality, and communicating with many staff members. Our results may be useful for the development of mammography examinations. (author)

  19. Economic consequences assessment for scenarios and actual accidents do the same methods apply

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brenot, J.


    Methods for estimating the economic consequences of major technological accidents, and their corresponding computer codes, are briefly presented with emphasis on the basic choices. When applied to hypothetic scenarios, those methods give results that are of interest for risk managers with a decision aiding perspective. Simultaneously the various costs, and the procedures for their estimation are reviewed for some actual accidents (Three Mile Island, Chernobyl,..). These costs are used in a perspective of litigation and compensation. The comparison of the methods used and cost estimates obtained for scenarios and actual accidents shows the points of convergence and discrepancies that are discussed

  20. Plantar pressure and EMG activity of simulated and actual ski jumping take-off. (United States)

    Virmavirta, M; Komi, P V


    Plantar pressures and activation of the four muscles (VL - vastus lateralis, GL - gluteus, TA - tibialis anterior and GA - lat. gastrocnemius) were measured from ten ski jumpers under simulated laboratory conditions with training shoes (Lab TS) and with jumping boots (Lab JB) as well as in actual hill jumping conditions (Hill). The most significant differences between measured conditions were found in muscle activation patterns and plantar pressures prior to take-off. The centrifugal force due to the curvature of the inrun under actual hill jumping conditions caused extra pressure under the fore and rear parts of the feet (Pknee and hip extensor muscles.

  1. Perceived and Actual Behavior in Female Sexual Assertiveness: A Within-Couple Analysis in Hong Kong. (United States)

    Zhang, Huiping; Yip, Paul S F


    Studies in female sexual assertiveness have generally focused on individuals rather than couples, and little research has been conducted in the Chinese context. This study examined perceived and actual female sexual assertiveness at the couple level, and also explored its impact on marital and sexual satisfaction with a representative sample of 770 couples in Hong Kong. The results showed that husbands reported a higher level of acceptance of female sexual assertiveness in both perception and actual behavior; furthermore, couples reported greater congruence in their perception of female sexual initiation than actual behavior. Multiple logistic regressions showed that actual female sexual assertiveness, not the perception of it, affects both spouses' marital and sexual satisfaction. Compared with couples in which neither accepted female sexual initiation in practice, husbands where both spouses accepted this were more likely to be satisfied with the marriage. Husbands who accepted female sexual refusal whilst their wives did not were also more likely to be satisfied with both the marital and sexual relationship. Similarly, wives who did accept female sexual assertiveness but whose husbands did not were more likely to be satisfied with both the marital and sexual relationship.

  2. The effects of perceived and actual financial knowledge on regular personal savings: Case of Vietnam

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thi Anh Nhu Nguyen


    Full Text Available The paper examines the factors, which affect decision-making on regular personal saving behaviour in the context of an emerging market in Vietnam. Focusing on financial literacy, the paper uses a combined measure of actual financial knowledge and a self-assessment of overall financial knowledge. The sample of the study consists of 240 commercial banks customers selected in 12 branches of four banks in Ho Chi Minh City. The questionnaire covers: (1 actual financial knowledge; (2 self-rating of financial knowledge; (3 financial risk tolerance; and (4 demographic characteristics of the respondents. The results of a logistic regression analysis show that perceived and actual financial literacy have separate effects on regular personal saving. Particularly, actual financial knowledge has a statistically significant positive relationship with regular personal saving with odds ratio higher than 6.5 times. However, perceived financial knowledge and financial risk tolerance factor are not statistically significant with regular personal saving. Finally, this paper offers evidence that the interaction variable, which is used to combine education level with their major study, has a statistically significant relationship with regular personal saving.

  3. Long-term leach rates of glasses containing actual waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiley, J.R.; LeRoy, J.H.


    Leach rates of borosilicate glasses that contained actual Savannah River Plant waste were measured. Leaching was done by water and by buffer solutions of pH 4, 7, and 9. Leach rates were then determined from the amount of 137 Cs, 90 Sr, and plutonium released into the leach solutions. The cumulative fractions leached were fit to a mathematical model that included leaching by diffusion and glass dissolution. 5 figures, 3 tables

  4. Superconductivity: actual stage forcasting and subsidies for national policy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morato, S.P.


    An overview on the situation of metallic superconductors, their applications and market, and a brief history about the superconductivity at high T c (new ceramic superconductors), describing the actual level of research and development in the world and national plans are presented. Some comments about incentives and markets for rare earths are done. The scientific and technological challengers are discussed and some suggestions to lead a superconductivity national program are proposed. (M.C.K.) [pt

  5. Estado Actual de Ateles fusciceps fusciceps en el Noroccidente Ecuatoriano


    Madden, R. H.; Albuja Viteri, Luis Humberto


    En este artículo se dan a conocer los resultados de los estudios sobre el estado actual de conservación del mono araña o bracilargo(Ateles f. fusciceps), que se realizó en el sector noroccidental del Ecuador, en el que se incluye una parte de la Reserva Ecológica Cotacachi, Cayapas.

  6. Term Familiarity to indicate Perceived and Actual Difficulty of Text in Medical Digital Libraries. (United States)

    Leroy, Gondy; Endicott, James E


    With increasing text digitization, digital libraries can personalize materials for individuals with different education levels and language skills. To this end, documents need meta-information describing their difficulty level. Previous attempts at such labeling used readability formulas but the formulas have not been validated with modern texts and their outcome is seldom associated with actual difficulty. We focus on medical texts and are developing new, evidence-based meta-tags that are associated with perceived and actual text difficulty. This work describes a first tag, term familiarity , which is based on term frequency in the Google corpus. We evaluated its feasibility to serve as a tag by looking at a document corpus (N=1,073) and found that terms in blogs or journal articles displayed unexpected but significantly different scores. Term familiarity was then applied to texts and results from a previous user study (N=86) and could better explain differences for perceived and actual difficulty.

  7. Quantity assessment of waste in the dismantlement of liquid waste treatment plant and its actual state

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uchiyama, Takafumi; Mitsuhashi, Ishi; Matsumoto, Tetsuo; Morishima, Kayoko; Tanzawa, Tomio


    From the progress of decommissioning project work of Tokyo City University Atomic Energy Research Institute, this paper reports the comparison between the actual amount of the waste generated during dismantlement work at liquid waste treatment facilities and the assessment quantity before starting the dismantlement. The quantity assessment was made on the basis of the installation license application, design specifications, drawings, records, history of use, site investigation results, etc. Since this quantity assessment did not take into account the dismantling contents of reservoir concrete, the assessed quantity of non-radioactive waste (NR waste) did not match the sum of actual NR waste. However, if an actually generated quantity of concrete of radioactive waste was added to the quantity assessment as NR waste, the quantity of actually generated NR waste and that of assessed NR waste were nearly consistent, which verified the validity of this assessment. This method is considered to be able to be utilized in the future quantity assessment of decommissioning work and the like. On the other hand, it was found that the number of drums that were actually stored tended to increase more than the estimated number of drum conversion. In old buildings, it is necessary to take into account the generation of waste other than radioactive materials in the quantity assessment stage and dismantlement stage. (A.O.)

  8. The long-run effects of economic, demographic, and political indices on actual and potential CO2 emissions. (United States)

    Adom, Philip Kofi; Kwakwa, Paul Adjei; Amankwaa, Afua


    This study examines the long-run drivers of potential and actual CO 2 emissions in Ghana, a sub-Saharan Africa country. The use of the former helps address the reverse causality problem and capture the true long-run effects. The Stock-Watson dynamic OLS is used with data from 1970 to 2014. The result shows that potential CO 2 emissions improve model efficiency. Income (except in "other sector") and financial development (except in manufacturing and construction sector) have compelling positive and negative effects on actual and potential CO 2 emissions, respectively. A higher price (oil and electricity) reduces actual and potential CO 2 emissions, but electricity price is more vital in residential, buildings and commercial and public services sector, while oil price is crucial in the transport sector. Democracy lowers actual and potential CO 2 emissions in the aggregate (insignificant) and transport sectors but raises it in the manufacturing and construction sector. The effect is, however, inconsistent for the remaining sectors. Urbanization raises aggregate actual and potential CO 2 emissions, but the effect is inconsistent for the transport sector. The findings have important implications for policy formulation. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. The Relationship of Self-Disclosure to Personality, Adjustment and Self-Actualization (United States)

    Lombardo, John P.; Fantasia, Saverio C.


    Tested the hypothesis that a high level of self-disclosure is indicative of psychological adjustment and self-actualization. The self-disclosure scale, Social Avoidance and Distress, Fear of Negative Evaluation, Alienation and Repression-Sensitization scales were administered to 60 introductory psychology students. (Editor/RK)

  10. Actual questions in Slovak and European nuclear sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slugen, V.


    The close cohesion of research and education underlines the development of all research areas and contributes to their sustainability. In the paper, new approaches of European Commission (DG RTD Energy) to nuclear power engineering development (focused on area fission and reactor systems) and applications also for Slovak conditions are discussed in details. Research, education and training increase not only economical factor and technical development, but imply the higher level of safety culture by design or operation of nuclear installations. The paper will be focused on the actual questions in frame of Slovak as well as European nuclear sector.

  11. Evolución y tendencias actuales de los Web crawlers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Iván Camargo Sarmiento


    crawlers, los cuales por la misma dinámica de la información, deben mejorarse constantemente en busca de algoritmos más eficientes. Este documento presenta el estado actual de los algoritmos de rastreo de la Web, sus tendencias, avances, y nuevos enfoques dentro del contexto de la dinámica de las redes sociales.

  12. Determinants of perceived and actual knowledge of commission paid by contributors in the pension funds industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Farías


    Full Text Available This paper examines the determinants of perceived and actual knowledge of commission paid by contributors in the Chilean pension funds industry. Results show that price consciousness and brand credibility are positively associated with perceived and actual knowledge of commission paid by pension fund contributors. Results also show that financial literacy is only positively associated with actual knowledge of commission paid by contributors. Additionally, results show that price based advertising exposure is only positively associated with perceived knowledge of commission paid by contributors. This association is stronger for contributors with a high use of the price-quality cue. Based on the findings presented, implications for managers, regulators and researchers are drawn.

  13. Downscaling Coarse Actual ET Data Using Land Surface Resistance (United States)

    Shen, T.


    This study proposed a new approach of downscaling ETWATCH 1km actual evapotranspiration (ET) product to a spatial resolution of 30m using land surface resistance that simulated mainly from monthly Landsat8 data and Jarvis method, which combined the benefits of both high temporal resolution of ETWATCH product and fine spatial resolution of Landsat8. The driving factor, surface resistance (Rs), was chosen for the reason that could reflect the transfer ability of vapor flow over canopy. Combined resistance Rs both upon canopy conditions, atmospheric factors and available water content of soil, which remains stable inside one ETWATCH pixel (1km). In this research, we used ETWATCH 1km ten-day actual ET product from April to October in a total of twenty-one images and monthly 30 meters cloud-free NDVI of 2013 (two images from HJ as a substitute due to cloud contamination) combined meteorological indicators for downscaling. A good agreement and correlation were obtained between the downscaled data and three flux sites observation in the middle reach of Heihe basin. The downscaling results show good consistency with the original ETWATCH 1km data both temporal and spatial scale over different land cover types with R2 ranged from 0.8 to 0.98. Besides, downscaled result captured the progression of vegetation transpiration well. This study proved the practicability of new downscaling method in the water resource management.

  14. LRFD software for design and actual ultimate capacity of confined rectangular columns. (United States)


    The analysis of concrete columns using unconfined concrete models is a well established practice. On the : other hand, prediction of the actual ultimate capacity of confined concrete columns requires specialized nonlinear : analysis. Modern codes and...

  15. Evidence of a logarithmic relationship between motor capacity and actual performance in daily life of the paretic arm following stroke. (United States)

    Michielsen, Marian E; de Niet, Mark; Ribbers, Gerard M; Stam, Henk J; Bussmann, Johannes B


    To examine the associations between actual performance in daily life and function, capacity and self-perceived performance of the paretic upper limb following stroke. Seventeen individuals with stroke. Correlation coefficients between actual performance (measured with the Stroke-Upper Limb Activity Monitor), function (Fugl-Meyer Assessment), capacity (Action Research Arm test) and self-perceived performance (ABILHAND questionnaire). High correlations were found between actual performance and function (r = 0.75; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.42-0.90), and capacity (r =0.71; 95% CI: 0.35-0.89), whereas a moderate correlation was found between actual performance and self-perceived performance (r = 0.64; 95% CI: 0.21-0.86). For the relationship between actual performance and both function and capacity, logarithmic regression explained more variance than did linear regression. The present study provides first evidence of the existence of a non-linear relationship between actual performance, function and capacity of the paretic upper limb following stroke. The results indicate that function and capacity need to reach a certain threshold-level before actual performance also starts to increase. Because of the small sample size of the present study caution is needed when generalizing these results.

  16. YAG laser cladding to heat exchanger flange in actual plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toshio, Kojima


    This paper is a sequel to ''Development of YAG Laser Cladding Technology to Heat Exchanger Flange'' presented in ICONE-8. A YAG Laser cladding technology is a permanent repairing and preventive maintenance method for heat exchanger's flange (channel side) seating surface which is degraded by the corrosion in long term operation. The material of this flange is carbon steel, and that of cladding wire is type 316 stainless steel so as to have high corrosion resistance. In former paper above, the soundness of cladding layers were presented to be verified. This channel side flange is bolted with tube sheet (shell side) through metal gasket. As the tube sheet side is already cladded a corrosion resistant material, it needs to apply the repairing and preventive maintenance method to only channel side. In 2000 this technology had been performed to the actual heat exchanger (Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger; RHR Hx) flange in domestic nuclear power plant. This paper described the outline, special equipment, and our total evaluation for this actual laser cladding work. And also several technical subjects which we should solve and/or improve for the next project was presented. (author)

  17. The Problems of Proving Actual or Apparent Bias: An Analysis of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article takes a critical look at the divergent approaches of courts in constructing the meaning of actual and apparent bias in adjudicative contexts. ... which has seemingly emerged is that which weighs the allegations of bias against the presumption of impartiality and the requirements of the double reasonableness test.

  18. Neurogenética en el Perú, ejemplo de investigación traslacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pilar Mazzetti

    Full Text Available La neurogenética es una disciplina emergente en el Perú que vincula la investigación básica con la práctica clínica. El Centro de Investigación Básica en Neurogenética, es el único centro en el Perú dedicado a la atención especializada de enfermedades neurogenéticas. La investigación en esta área está estrechamente ligada a la enfermedad de Huntington, desde la genotipificación del gen HTT por PCR, hasta los actuales estudios de haplogrupos en esta enfermedad. La investigación en otras enfermedades monogénicas permitió la implementación de metodologías alternativas para la genotipificación del síndrome X frágil y distrofia miotónica tipo 1. Esfuerzos colaborativos nacionales e internacionales han permitido conocer nuevas variantes genéticas en enfermedades complejas, como la enfermedad de Parkinson y Alzheimer. El entrenamiento multidisciplinario y la mentoría fomentan la formación de nuevos especialistas en neurogenética, permitiendo el crecimiento sostenido de esta disciplina en el país. El impulso de la investigación en el Perú ha impulsado el crecimiento de la investigación en neurogenética; sin embargo, las limitaciones en infraestructura, tecnología y capacitación aún son un reto para el crecimiento de investigación en esta disciplina

  19. Identifying profiles of actual and perceived motor competence among adolescents: associations with motivation, physical activity, and sports participation. (United States)

    De Meester, An; Maes, Jolien; Stodden, David; Cardon, Greet; Goodway, Jacqueline; Lenoir, Matthieu; Haerens, Leen


    The present study identified adolescents' motor competence (MC)-based profiles (e.g., high actual and low perceived MC), and accordingly investigated differences in motivation for physical education (PE), physical activity (PA) levels, and sports participation between profiles by using regression analyses. Actual MC was measured with the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder. Adolescents (n = 215; 66.0% boys; mean age = 13.64 ± .58 years) completed validated questionnaires to assess perceived MC, motivation for PE, PA-levels, and sports participation. Actual and perceived MC were only moderately correlated and cluster analyses identified four groups. Two groups of overestimators (low - overestimation, average - overestimation) were identified (51%), who particularly displayed better motivation for PE when compared to their peers who accurately estimated themselves (low - accurate, average - accurate). Moreover, adolescents with low actual MC, but high perceived MC were significantly more active than adolescents with low actual MC who accurately estimated themselves. Results pointed in the same direction for organised sports participation. Underestimators were not found in the current sample, which is positive as underestimation might negatively influence adolescents' motivation to achieve and persist in PA and sports. In conclusion, results emphasise that developing perceived MC, especially among adolescents with low levels of actual MC, seems crucial to stimulate motivation for PE, and engagement in PA and sports.


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    Vasile Ionel POPESCU


    Full Text Available Although it was released in the summer of 1990, the concept of reengineering returns in actuality, because in the social and economic conditions that we are experiencing at the moment, to face the increasingly fierce competition more and more companies have to resort to redesign the processes. Throughout this article, after a brief introduction, we will present the factors that contributed to the occurrence of reengineering; trying to highlight what involves this concept, the characteristics of the processes resulted from the reengineering, the importance and methods to prepare a process map, and the method to launch the process redesign. Finally we have issued several opinions and have made a number of recommendations that will lead to achieving a qualitative leap targeted by the companies which resort to reengineering.

  1. 24 CFR 81.17 - Affordability-Income level definitions-family size and income known (owner-occupied units, actual... (United States)


    ... definitions-family size and income known (owner-occupied units, actual tenants, and prospective tenants). 81...—Income level definitions—family size and income known (owner-occupied units, actual tenants, and...-income families, where the unit is owner-occupied or, for rental housing, family size and income...

  2. La teoría de las inteligencias múltiples. La señora "A"


    Murcia, Ester


    El sistema escolar vigente no trata igual a todas las inteligencias, da prioridad a la lógico matemática y a la lingüística. En los sistemas escolares actuales se está promoviendo el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje a través de actividades que promueven varias inteligencias. No es de extrañar que un niño tenga que hacer muchos ejercicios de matemáticas pero sin embargo no les enseñamos a prestar atención durante una conversación (tenemos el ejemplo de la cultura oriental). Se debe cambiar l...

  3. Crítica, autocrítica y construcción de teoría en la psicología social latinoamericana


    Maritza Montero


    En este artículo se presenta una definición de psicología crítica señalando los aspectos que le otorgan esta condición. La presencia de esas características en la psicología social latinoamericana es analizada por medio de ejemplos tomados de la producción contemporánea en esa parte del continente (desde finales de los ochenta hasta la década actual). Específicamente, se analizan trabajos de psicología social comunitaria y psicología política que abordan la identidad, el poder y su forma de u...

  4. El electrón en la materia condensada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rojo, Juan Manuel


    Full Text Available Not available.Se lleva a cabo una discusión sobre las características de los estados de los electrones en la materia condensada. Se analizan tres propiedades importantes de dichos estados: 1 el canje entre electrones, responsable del magnetismo, con énfasis en sistemas de interés actual como aglomerados pequeños y materiales amorfos; 2 el apareamiento entre electrones con una nota sobre la superconductividad a alta temperatura y 3 el túnel de electrones, mostrándose algunos ejemplos recientes de la aplicación del túnel al estudio a escala atómica de fenómenos de superficie.

  5. Regresión logística: Un ejemplo de su uso en Endocrinología Logistic regression: An example of its use in Endocrinology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emma Domínguez Alonso


    Full Text Available Se intentó un acercamiento a la regresión logística, como una de las técnicas estadísticas multivariadas de más frecuente uso en las últimas décadas, para orientar a su uso correcto. Se consideraron cuestiones de tipo práctico como número de sujetos necesarios para aplicarla, situaciones en las que está indicado su uso, tipo de variables a las que es posible aplicarla y las formas en que puede ser incluida en el modelo, interpretación de los resultados, etc. Se mostró un ejemplo de la aplicación de esta técnica en una investigación en el campo de la Endocrinología. Se concluyó que la regresión logística resulta de gran utilidad para su aplicación en cualquier campo de la investigación médica cuando necesitamos precisar el efecto de un grupo de variables, consideradas potencialmente influyentes, sobre la ocurrencia de un determinado proceso.An approach to logistic regression , as one of the most used multivariate statistical techniques in the last decades, was made to recommend its correct use. Practical questions as the number of subjects necessary for its application, the situations in which it should be used, the type of variables to which it may be applied, the way it may be included in the model, the interpretation of the results, etc., were taken into consideration. An example of the application of this technique in the field of Endocrinology was given. It was concluded that the application of logistic regression is very useful in any field of medical research when we need to determine the effect of a group of variables, potentially considered as influential, on the ocurrence of a certain process.

  6. Theoretical Model for the Performance of Liquid Ring Pump Based on the Actual Operating Cycle

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    Si Huang


    Full Text Available Liquid ring pump is widely applied in many industry fields due to the advantages of isothermal compression process, simple structure, and liquid-sealing. Based on the actual operating cycle of “suction-compression-discharge-expansion,” a universal theoretical model for performance of liquid ring pump was established in this study, to solve the problem that the theoretical models deviated from the actual performance in operating cycle. With the major geometric parameters and operating conditions of a liquid ring pump, the performance parameters such as the actual capacity for suction and discharge, shaft power, and global efficiency can be conveniently predicted by the proposed theoretical model, without the limitation of empiric range, performance data, or the detailed 3D geometry of pumps. The proposed theoretical model was verified by experimental performances of liquid ring pumps and could provide a feasible tool for the application of liquid ring pump.

  7. Treatability studies of actual listed waste sludges from the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jantzen, C.M.; Peeler, D.K.; Gilliam, T.M.; Bleier, A.; Spence, R.D.


    Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Savannah River Technology Center (SRTC) are investigating vitrification for various low-level and mixed wastes on the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR). Treatability studies have included surrogate waste formulations at the laboratory-, pilot-, and field-scales and actual waste testing at the laboratory- and pilot-scales. The initial waste to be processing through SRTC's Transportable Vitrification System (TVS) is the K-1407-B and K-1407-C (B/C) Pond sludge waste which is a RCRA F-listed waste. The B/C ponds at the ORR K-25 site were used as holding and settling ponds for various waste water treatment streams. Laboratory-, pilot-, and field- scale ''proof-of-principle'' demonstrations are providing needed operating parameters for the planned field-scale demonstration with actual B/C Pond sludge waste at ORR. This report discusses the applied systems approach to optimize glass compositions for this particular waste stream through laboratory-, pilot-, and field-scale studies with surrogate and actual B/C waste. These glass compositions will maximize glass durability and waste loading while optimizing melt properties which affect melter operation, such as melt viscosity and melter refractory corrosion. Maximum waste loadings minimize storage volume of the final waste form translating into considerable cost savings

  8. Novel thermoenvironmental evaluation criteria and comparing them for an actual heat engine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Özel, Gülcan; Açıkkalp, Emin; Savaş, Ahmet Fevzi; Yamık, Hasan


    Highlights: • An irreversible Carnot cycle is considered. • Novel thermoenvironmental criteria are presented. • Calculation are conducted for irreversible cycles. • Numerical results are presented and discussed. - Abstract: In the present study, environmental impact analysis is used for the optimization to an actual heat engine. Four new thermoenvironmental evaluation criteria called as thermoenvironmental function, ecological based thermoenvironmental function, ecologicoenvironmental function and finite time exergoenvironmental criteria are developed and compared with the each other. Ecologicoenvironmental function is used to determine environmental impact at the maximum ecological function. It is defined as the most suitable criteria for an actual heat engine. Because, it has lower irreversibilities compared with others, its work output is equal to 90% of the maximum work and 60% energy efficiency at the optimum point and exergy destruction is lower than others at the optimum point.

  9. Perceived cultural importance and actual self-importance of values in cultural identification. (United States)

    Wan, Ching; Chiu, Chi-yue; Tam, Kim-pong; Lee, Sau-lai; Lau, Ivy Yee-man; Peng, Siqing


    Cross-cultural psychologists assume that core cultural values define to a large extent what a culture is. Typically, core values are identified through an actual self-importance approach, in which core values are those that members of the culture as a group strongly endorse. In this article, the authors propose a perceived cultural importance approach to identifying core values, in which core values are values that members of the culture as a group generally believe to be important in the culture. In 5 studies, the authors examine the utility of the perceived cultural importance approach. Results consistently showed that, compared with values of high actual self-importance, values of high perceived cultural importance play a more important role in cultural identification. These findings have important implications for conceptualizing and measuring cultures. ((c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved).

  10. [Cooperation with the electronic medical record and accounting system of an actual dose of drug given by a radiology information system]. (United States)

    Yamamoto, Hideo; Yoneda, Tarou; Satou, Shuji; Ishikawa, Toru; Hara, Misako


    By input of the actual dose of a drug given into a radiology information system, the system converting with an accounting system into a cost of the drug from the actual dose in the electronic medical record was built. In the drug master, the first unit was set as the cost of the drug, and we set the second unit as the actual dose. The second unit in the radiology information system was received by the accounting system through electronic medical record. In the accounting system, the actual dose was changed into the cost of the drug using the dose of conversion to the first unit. The actual dose was recorded on a radiology information system and electronic medical record. The actual dose was indicated on the accounting system, and the cost for the drug was calculated. About the actual dose of drug, cooperation of the information in a radiology information system and electronic medical record were completed. It was possible to decide the volume of drug from the correct dose of drug at the previous inspection. If it is necessary for the patient to have another treatment of medicine, it is important to know the actual dose of drug given. Moreover, authenticity of electronic medical record based on a statute has also improved.

  11. Assessment of Implicit Self-Esteem in Older Adults: The Role of Actual and Ideal Self-Esteem in Negative Mood. (United States)

    Demeyer, Ineke; Romero, Nuria; De Raedt, Rudi


    The interplay between actual and ideal self-esteem may be a key component in emotional disorders. Since automatic self-evaluations are not always consciously accessible, assessment through implicit measures is necessary. Given the lack of implicit self-esteem measures in late life, we aimed to identify a reliable measure and to clarify the role of actual and ideal self-esteem in mood and depressive symptoms in older adults. Forty-nine older adults completed two adapted Go/No go Association tasks measuring implicit actual and ideal self-esteem and measures of mood and depressive symptoms. The two Go/No go Association tasks showed satisfactory internal consistency. Moderation analyses revealed that lower actual self-esteem in older adults is related to higher levels of sad mood when ideal self-esteem is high. Moreover, lower actual self-esteem is related to more anxious mood. Given the role of self-esteem in emotional well-being, a reliable measure for older adults is crucial to improve age-appropriate diagnostics and treatment.

  12. Panorámica actual de la Diabetes Mellitus

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    Rolando Calderón Velasco


    Full Text Available

    Los avances en el conocimiento de la fisiopatología y etiopatogenia de la diabetes mellitus y sus complicaciones han traído como consecuencia un aumento impresionante de la literatura médica sobre el particular. Estamos en una etapa de la medicina en que el estudio de cada enfermedad se convierte en un libro, lo que trae por consecuencia que al médico general le sea imposible manejar tan vasta información.

    Por ello, es necesario periódicamente revisar los avances que se hacen en la investigación para definir cuales de ellos serán de aplicación en la práctica diaria en el futuro. Muchas veces la literatura médica es tan controversial que es necesario recurrir a los llamados meta-análisis, es decir, reunir estudios y examinar miles de casos que permitan llegar a una conclusión. Sin embargo hay que recordar que la medicina siempre es individual y que por ejemplo una reacción secundaria a un medicamento, con una bajísima incidencia, puede ser que, precisamente se presente en el paciente que estamos atendiendo.

    En la diabetes mellitus se ha realizado también una transición epidemiológica. Al prolongarse el tiempo medio de vida, los pacientes tienen mayor oportunidad de presentar las llamadas complicaciones: nefropatía, retinopatía, neuropatía, vasculopatía. La desventaja para el paciente y para los sistemas de salud, sean estos últimos públicos o privados, es que estas complicaciones son incapacitantes. Así, la segunda causa de ceguera en el mundo es la diabetes mellitus, los servicios de diálisis atienden casi en el 50% a pacientes diabéticos, las amputaciones de miembros son tres o cuatro veces más frecuentes en pacientes diabéticos.

    Sin contar condiciones incapacitantes derivadas de la enfermedad cardiovascular, como el accidente cerebro vascular con sus secuelas o el infarto del miocardio con las limitaciones que deja.

    Para este artículo hemos tenido que seleccionar sólo algunos de los

  13. Telework: timesaving or time-consuming? An investigation into actual working hours

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peters, P.; Wetzels, C.; Tijdens, K.


    This paper aims to clarify the relationship between telework and the actual time employees put into their jobs. One of the reported threats to teleworkers’ personal lives is that in order to finish their work, they not only use up saved commuting time, but also part of their non-working hours, even

  14. Satellite-Based actual evapotranspiration over drying semiarid terrain in West-Africa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schuttemeyer, D.; Schillings, Ch.; Moene, A.F.; Bruin, de H.A.R.


    A simple satellite-based algorithm for estimating actual evaporation based on Makkink¿s equation is applied to a seasonal cycle in 2002 at three test sites in Ghana, West Africa: at a location in the humid tropical southern region and two in the drier northern region. The required input for the


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    L.E. Petuhova


    Full Text Available The article deals with actual problems of providing training for future teachers in line with international standards in the ICT field, the experience of creating an Internet portal ECDL e-learning for higher education in the KSU, and the organization of a distance course by tools of platform MOODLE.

  16. Actualizing Unique Type and Token Values as a Solution to the Problem of Evil

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    Atle Ottesen Søvik


    Full Text Available Concerning the problem of evil, I suggest that God's goodness and omnipotence causes God to want to actualize many different values and things, not solely angels in heaven, but also type unique values like independence, self-formation, creativity, and surprise, and token unique goods like animals and human beings. Such a universe as ours, though, requires undisturbed indeterministic self-formation as actualized by a good God to give those token unique beings access to those type unique values and allow them the opportunity to live forever with God after completion of this self-formation.

  17. Planning versus action: Different decision-making processes predict plans to change one's diet versus actual dietary behavior. (United States)

    Kiviniemi, Marc T; Brown-Kramer, Carolyn R


    Most health decision-making models posit that deciding to engage in a health behavior involves forming a behavioral intention which then leads to actual behavior. However, behavioral intentions and actual behavior may not be functionally equivalent. Two studies examined whether decision-making factors predicting dietary behaviors were the same as or distinct from those predicting intentions. Actual dietary behavior was proximally predicted by affective associations with the behavior. By contrast, behavioral intentions were predicted by cognitive beliefs about behaviors, with no contribution of affective associations. This dissociation has implications for understanding individual regulation of health behaviors and for behavior change interventions. © The Author(s) 2015.

  18. A Brief Analysis of Abraham Maslow's Original Writing of "Self-Actualizing People: A Study of Psychological Health" (United States)

    Francis, Nedra H.; Kritsonis, William Allan


    This article analyzes Abraham Maslow's original writing of "Self-Actualizing People: A Study of Psychological Health." The review of literature in this article reveals that Maslow's hierarchy of needs have had profound effects in the area of psychology. In addition, the authors present information regarding self-actualized people, theorists of…

  19. METEOR v1.0 - A usage example; METEOR v1.0 - Un ejemplo de uso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palomo, E.


    This script describes a detailed example of the use of the software package METEOR for statistical analysis of meteorological data series. A real spanish meteorological data set is chosen to show the capabilities of METEOR. Output files and resultant plots provided of their interpretations are compiled in three appendixes. The original version of METEOR have been developed by Ph. D.Elena Palomo, CIEMAT-IER, GIASE. It is built by linking programs and routines written in FORTRAN 77 and it adds the graphical capabilities of GNUPLOT. The shape of this toolbox was designed following the criteria of modularity, flexibility and agility criteria. All the input, output and analysis options are structured in three main menus: i) the first is aimed to evaluate the quality of the data set; ii) the second is aimed for pre-processing of the data; and iii) the third is aimed towards the statistical analyses and for creating the graphical outputs. Actually the information about METEOR is constituted by three documents written is spanish: 1) METEOR v1.0: User's guide; 2) METEOR v1.0: A usage example; 3) METEOR v1 .0: Design and structure of the software package. (Author)

  20. Situación actual de estándares e.Learning y aplicación en entornos de Software Libre

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    Juan Lago Cabrera


    Full Text Available Esta monografía trata de presentar un breve informe de situación de los estándares e.Learning con especial mención a SCORM, estándar "de facto" que está cobrando bastante importancia en los últimos años. Entre los objetivos que se persiguen con estos estándares, está la reutilización de contenidos de aprendizaje con independencia de la tecnología de las herramientas que los generan (herramientas de autor y los usan (plataformas e.Learning. Son muchas las empresas, instituciones y organizaciones educativas que están adoptando SCORM, pero es interesante ver cómo también la comunidad de Software Libre ha sabido adaptarse a la evolución de estos estándares, pudiéndose encontrar en Internet multitud de herramientas que los soportan. Como ejemplo práctico, se verá cómo integrar un contenido SCORM dentro de una plataforma LMS de Software Libre como Moodle así como una breve descripción de algunas herramientas de autor que se pueden encontrar en la Web.

  1. Situación actual de estándares e.Learning y aplicación en entornos de Software Libre

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    Juan Lago Cabrera

    Full Text Available Esta monografía trata de presentar un breve informe de situación de los estándares e.Learning con especial mención a SCORM, estándar "de facto" que está cobrando bastante importancia en los últimos años. Entre los objetivos que se persiguen con estos estándares, está la reutilización de contenidos de aprendizaje con independencia de la tecnología de las herramientas que los generan (herramientas de autor y los usan (plataformas e.Learning. Son muchas las empresas, instituciones y organizaciones educativas que están adoptando SCORM, pero es interesante ver cómo también la comunidad de Software Libre ha sabido adaptarse a la evolución de estos estándares, pudiéndose encontrar en Internet multitud de herramientas que los soportan. Como ejemplo práctico, se verá cómo integrar un contenido SCORM dentro de una plataforma LMS de Software Libre como Moodle así como una breve descripción de algunas herramientas de autor que se pueden encontrar en la Web.

  2. Linguosemiotic Actualization of Agroengineering Signs in English and Russian Agricultural Discourse

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    Elena Aleksandrovna Sukhova


    Full Text Available Agro-discourse, or agricultural discourse, represents both a person-oriented and an institutional type of communication between the agricultural producers as participants in the agricultural sphere – one of the areas of production, processing and consumption of agricultural products (agronomy, crop production, horticulture, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, mechanization and electrification of agriculture, land reclamation and irrigation of agricultural lands, environmental soil and water pollution, aqua and ichthiological culture. The cognitive model of this type of discourse organizes the entire aspect of agriculture as a semiotic formation comprising a significant part of human culture, and includes the appropriate chronotope, members (agents and customers – producers and consumers of agricultural products, tools, objects and conditions of cultivation, production, processing and consumption . Within the framework of this model we describe the linguosemiotic actualization of signs-pragmatonyms forming the system of concepts and nominations on agroindustrial themes in this discourse. The article describes the linguosemiotic actualization of one of the main types of signspragmatonyms – signs of agroengineering – in English and Russian agricultural discourse. These signs are qualified as signs-instrumentatives nominating the means of production and product operations (manipulations with real material objects for the purpose of their treatment or processing as the procedures of transformation to some agricultural products. The agroengineering signs-pragmatonyms, as one of the agricultural sectors, providing mechanized cultivation and processing of soil for sowing grain, harvesting, growing and harvesting of fruits and vegetables, as well as carrying out many other manipulations and operations with the help of technology, include the signs which gain linguosemiotic actualization in English and Russian agricultural discourse. First of

  3. Salient Key Features of Actual English Instructional Practices in Saudi Arabia (United States)

    Al-Seghayer, Khalid


    This is a comprehensive review of the salient key features of the actual English instructional practices in Saudi Arabia. The goal of this work is to gain insights into the practices and pedagogic approaches to English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching currently employed in this country. In particular, we identify the following central features…

  4. Mobile phones. Up-to-date knowledge and actual questions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asmuss, Monika; Dehos, Anne; Geschwentner, Dirk; Kreuzer, Michaela; Matthes, Ruediger; Poelzl, Christiane; Pophof, Blanka


    Starting point of the German Mobile Phone Research Project (DMF) were reported health effects from low level exposure. In mostly interdisciplinary projects, these effects were followed up. In addition the actual everyday exposure was evaluated and the risk perception within the society and possibilities for risk communication were investigated. Although there are still scientific questions unsolved, the DMF contributed significantly to an improvement of the risk assessment and the public communication. Overall, the results from DMF and other research projects do not give reason to doubt the effectiveness of the radiation protection limits. (orig.)

  5. Actual characteristics study on HTR-10GT coupling with direct gas turbine cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng Xuechuang; Zhu Shutang; Wang Jie


    HTR-10GT is a testing project coupling the reactor HTR-10 with direct gas turbine cycle. Its thermal cycle can be taken as a closed, recuperated and inter-cooled Brayton cycle. The present study is focused on the thermal cycle performance of HTR-10GT under practical conditions of leakage, pressure losses, etc.. Through thermodynamic analysis, the expression of cycle efficiency for actual thermal cycle is derived. By establishing a physical model with friction loss and leakage, a set of governing equation are constructed based on some reasonable assumptions. The results of actual cycle efficiency have been calculated for different leakage amount at different locations while the effects of leakage under different power level have also been calculated and analyzed. (authors)

  6. Estimating actual evapotranspiration for forested sites: modifications to the Thornthwaite Model (United States)

    Randall K. Kolka; Ann T. Wolf


    A previously coded version of the Thornthwaite water balance model was used to estimate annual actual evapotranspiration (AET) for 29 forested sites between 1900 and 1993 in the Upper Great Lakes area. Approximately 8 percent of the data sets calculated AET in error. Errors were detected in months when estimated AET was greater than potential evapotranspiration. Annual...

  7. 12 CFR Appendix M2 to Part 226 - Actual Repayment Disclosures (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Actual Repayment Disclosures M2 Appendix M2 to Part 226 Banks and Banking FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (CONTINUED) BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE... nearest whole year if the estimate contains a fractional year less than 0.5, and rounded up to the nearest...

  8. Velasco, Juan Carlos (2016. El azar de las fronteras. Políticas migratorias, ciudadanía y justicia. Ciudad de México, México: Fondo de Cultura Económica. 372 pp.

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    Luis Esteban Rubio


    Full Text Available Durante la Edad Moderna y Contemporánea numerosos retos se han abordado, de manera ideal o real, desde una perspectiva cosmopolita. El descubrimiento de América, las guerras entre Estados europeos en el siglo XVIII o la Segunda Guerra Mundial, son ejemplos de ello. En la época actual, la humanidad se enfrenta también a una serie de retos globales de gran magnitud: el mantenimiento de la paz, el respeto y garantía de los derechos humanos, el cambio climático, las migraciones internacionales, el aumento de la desigualdad, las pandemias, el terrorismo, los paraísos fiscales o el colapso de los sistemas financieros. La nueva obra de Juan Carlos Velasco busca precisamente abordar con carácter descriptivo, valorativo y normativo uno de esos retos, las migraciones internacionales, y adopta para ello una mirada cosmopolita. La misma se inserta así dentro del corpus teórico de carácter cosmopolita que, principalmente desde el final de la Guerra Fría, una corriente de pensadores (por ejemplo, Seyla Benhabib, Thomas Pogge, Martha Nussbaum o Kwame Anthony Appiah está desarrollando con la voluntad de dar respuestas a los temas de nuestro tiempo...


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    Cristina Moral Santaella


    Full Text Available Debido a la crisis actual en la que está inmersa la investigación cualitativa, el presente trabajo tiene un primer objetivo que consiste en aclarar en qué re - side el movimiento actual que discute la eficacia y utilidad de la investigación cualitativa debilitando sus fundamentos y atacando sus principios de actua - ción, y un segundo objetivo que consiste en proponer alternativas para salir de esta crisis de confianza y resistir al movimiento que pretende imponerse en el ámbito de la investigación educativa como único referente para valorar una investigación de calidad. El movimiento actual que cuestiona la investigación cualitativa se fundamenta en dos problemas esenciales: a el no poder obtener « evidencias » como las que se obtienen mediante un diseño experimental, y b el no poder generar un conocimiento « verdadero » con las mismas herramien - tas que hace la investigación de base científica. Los investigadores cualita - tivos responden a estas críticas y proponen una serie de estrategias para no ser absorbidos por el movimiento positivista actual: a realizar un « bricolaje cristalizado» para resolver el problema de la evidencia, y b realizar un « brico - laje crítico conectado a la acción» para resolver el problema del conocimiento verdadero. La utilización de este tipo de estrategias genera una serie de con - secuencias e implicaciones y lleva asociada una política de resistencia que es esencial conocer para comprender como sigue avanzando, progresando y evolucionando la investigación cualitativa en la actualidad.

  10. Agreement Between Actual and Perceived Body Weight in Adolescents and Their Weight Control Behaviors

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    Sun Mi Shin


    Full Text Available Background : To investigate the agreements between actual and perceived body weight status among adolescents and to identify the associations of disagreements with their weight control behaviors. Methods : This study used the secondary data of a sample survey (n=13,871 of the Seoul Student Health Examination among middle and high schools in 2010. Agreements between actual (underweight, normal, overweight, and obese, according to 2007 Korean National Growth Charts and perceived body weight status (underweight, normal, overweight, and obese were examined using Chi-square and Cohen’s kappa agreement, and then multinomial logistic regression including gender, grade, and attempt of weight control or method of weight control was done. Results : Agreements between actual and perceived body weight status were only 45.2%, and disagreements were up to 54.8%, including mild over- (20.4%, severe over- (1.8%, mild under- (29.5%, and severe under-estimation (3.1%. The kappa coefficient of agreement was only 0.19. The odds ratios on severe over-estimated perception were 1.59 (95% CI, 1.22-2.07 in female subjects, 1.78 (95% CI, 1.36-2.34 in diet control behaviors, and 1.53 (95% CI, 1.18-2.00 in exercise. The odds ratios on severe under-estimated perception were only 0.40 (95% CI, 0.32–0.50 in female subjects but 5.77 (95% CI, 3.68-9.06 in taking medication. Conclusion : There were associations of body weight control behaviors with disagreements of actual and perceived weight status. Therefore, further study is needed to identify the weight disagreement-related factors and to promote the desired weight control behaviors for adolescents.

  11. Does Intrinsic Habit Formation Actually Resolve the Equity Premium Puzzle?


    David A. Chapman


    Constantinides (1990) describes a simple model of intrinsic habit formation that appears to resolve the "equity premium puzzle" of Mehra and Prescott (1985). This finding is particularly important, since it has motivated a broader consideration of the implications of habit formation preferences in dynamic equilibrium models. However, consumption growth actually behaves very differently pre- and post-1948, and the explanatory power of the habit formation model is driven by the pre-1948 data. U...

  12. Fast Food As An Actual Form Of Modern Gastronomic Culture


    Irina V. Sokhan


    This article analyzes the actual gastronomic practice of fast food. Traditional gastronomic culture is undergoing transformations in the modern world. New gastronomic scares are developing that are related to an inability to predict ingredients in consumed foods. Fast food is neutral on the basis of ethnic gastronomic cultures and is becoming a prevailing eating style. As opposed to fast food, alternative gastronomic practices are becoming more essential. They bear a relation to the establish...

  13. Posicionamiento y proyección actual del motor de paso en aplicaciones industriales. // Position and proyection in actual industrial applications of stepping motors.

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    A. Codina García


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo aborda el empleo del motor de paso en las aplicaciones industriales actuales, los recientesavances y tendencias en la construcción de los mismos así como sus principales características y variantes másconocidas.Palabras claves: Motores de paso, control de movimiento.______________________________________________________________________Abstract.This paper focuses on the position of stepping motors in current industrial applications, recent advances andgeneral trends in design and manufacturing such motors. Their most outstanding features and different typesare also shown.Key words: Stepping motors, motion control.


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    Barbara Jones


    Full Text Available Una característica importante de nuestra época es el aumento exponencial de los datos. Grandes cantidades de información, en formato digital, son consumidas para la investigación, y a la vez derivadas de la misma. Internet ha hecho la "información" accesible -no solo datos- a aquellas personas que tienen los recursos necesarios para acceder y utilizar Internet. Como resultado, se ha generado para las instituciones educativas un nuevo conjunto de requisitos para dotar a sus profesores y alumnos con habilidades para acceder y aprovechar efectivamente la información en este entorno digital, bien para propósitos de aprendizaje, o para alcanzar éxito en esferas personales o laborales. Este trabajo explora este nuevo paradigma, que proporciona un estudio del horizonte actual, con ejemplos de trabajos recientes donde se tratan estas áreas de interés, finalizando con la elaboración de conclusiones sobre el estado actual y las posibles direcciones futuras.

  15. Estado del bienestar y salud pública, una relación que debe ser actualizada

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    Fernando G. Benavides


    Full Text Available La salud de las personas ha mejorado a lo largo del siglo xx, al mismo tiempo que se consolidaba el Estado del bienestar. Este trabajo explora la relación actual del Estado del bienestar y la salud pública. Las funciones esenciales de la salud pública se ejercen como parte del Estado, y su principal reto en la actualidad es conseguir que la salud sea protegida y promocionada en las diferentes políticas públicas, entre otras las de empleo. Los resultados de los estudios que valoran el efecto sobre la salud de los distintos tipos de Estado del bienestar son contradictorios, pero cuando se valora el impacto de políticas concretas, como por ejemplo el subsidio de desempleo, los resultados son positivos y consistentes. Sin embargo, la actual crisis del Estado del bienestar dificulta su continuidad, en gran medida por los cambios en el mercado de trabajo, con empleos más flexibles e inseguros.

  16. El control de calidad de los hormigones a través de los ensayos de probetas a compresión simple

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    López Saiz, José María


    Full Text Available This paper presents some ideas on the statistical quality control of concrete used at working sites. Comments are offered on present tendencies in this type of control; an example being taken from an actual case, namely the Navacerrada Bridge at the Villalba Interchange, which was constructed by Huarte & Cia., S. A., to the design of Mr. Carlos Fernández Casado. This project was commented in this magazine.En el presente artículo se exponen algunas ideas acerca del control estadístico de la calidad de los hormigones empleados en las obras. Se comentan las tendencias actuales de dicho control y se aclaran, mediante un ejemplo tomado de una obra real, el puente de Navacerrada en el Nudo de Villalba, ejecutado por Huarte y Cía., S. A., con proyecto de D. Carlos Fernández Casado, sobre el cual su autor informó ampliamente en un artículo aparecido en esta misma revista.

  17. Are soil pollution risks established by governments the same as actual risks?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reijnders, L.


    Though soil pollution policies in North America and the European Union increasingly use risk-based standards, the construction and application of such standards are often deficient in taking account of actual risks. Standards refer to total concentrations of substances and not to the biologically

  18. FDG PET/CT in cancer: comparison of actual use with literature-based recommendations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Petersen, Henrik; Johansen, Allan; Hoeilund-Carlsen, Poul Flemming [Odense University Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense C (Denmark); Holdgaard, Paw Christian [Vejle Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Vejle (Denmark); Madsen, Poul Henning [Vejle Hospital, Department of Medicine, Vejle (Denmark); Knudsen, Lene Meldgaard [Odense University Hospital, Department of Haematological, Odense (Denmark); Gad, Dorte; Gravergaard, Anders Eggert [Odense University Hospital, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense (Denmark); Rohde, Max; Godballe, Christian [Odense University Hospital, Department of ORL Head and Neck Surgery, Odense (Denmark); Engelmann, Bodil Elisabeth [Naestved Sygehus, Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Naestved (Denmark); Bech, Karsten [Aabenraa Sygehus, Organ Centre, Aabenraa (Denmark); Teilmann-Joergensen, Dorte [Aabenraa Sygehus, Department of Gynaecoligcal and Obstetrics, Aabenraa (Denmark); Mogensen, Ole [Odense University Hospital, Department of Gynaecoligcal and Obstetrics, Odense (Denmark); Karstoft, Jens [Odense University Hospital, Department of Radiology, Odense (Denmark); Johansen, Joergen [Odense University Hospital, Department of Oncology, Odense (Denmark); Christensen, Janne Buck [Odense University Hospital, Department of Quality and Research/HTA, Odense (Denmark); Collaboration: on behalf of the PET/CT Task Force of the Region of Southern Denmark


    The Region of Southern Denmark (RSD), covering 1.2 of Denmark's 5.6 million inhabitants, established a task force to (1) retrieve literature evidence for the clinical use of positron emission tomography (PET)/CT and provide consequent recommendations and further to (2) compare the actual use of PET/CT in the RSD with these recommendations. This article summarizes the results. A Work Group appointed a professional Subgroup which made Clinician Groups conduct literature reviews on six selected cancers responsible for 5,768 (62.6 %) of 9,213 PET/CT scans in the RSD in 2012. Rapid Evidence Assessment was applied, using the methodology of systematic reviews with predefined limitations to search PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Library for articles published in English/Danish/Swedish/Norwegian since 2002. PICO questions were defined, data recorded and quality appraised and rated with regard to strength and evidence level. Consequent recommendations for applications of PET/CT were established. The actual use of PET/CT was compared with these, where grades A and B indicated ''established'' and ''useful'' and grades C and D ''potentially useful'' and ''non-recommendable'' indications, respectively. Of 11,729 citations, 1,729 were considered for review, and 204 were included. The evidence suggested usefulness of PET/CT in lung, lymphoma, melanoma, head and neck, and colorectal cancers, whereas evidence was sparse in gynaecological cancers. The agreement between actual use of PET/CT and literature-based recommendations was high in the first five mentioned cancers in that 96.2 % of scans were made for grade A or B indications versus only 22.2 % in gynaecological cancers. Evidence-based usefulness was reported in five of six selected cancers; evidence was sparse in the sixth, gynaecological cancers. Actual use of PET/CT agreed well with recommendations. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreas SCHREIBER


    Full Text Available „Thus, my friends do not confound this education, this delicately footed, spoiled, ethereal goddess, with that usable maid which occasionally also is called ‘education’, but which is merely the intellectual maid and counselor for distress of life, for earnings, for neediness.”1 In his five lectures on the “future of educational system” Nietzsche thoroughly criticized the German educational system of his time and the decay of education in general. Although he was very sharp in accusation and pessimistic about his contemporary situation, he nevertheless cherished some hopes regarding some profound and revolutionary changes in the near future that might take place and rescue the classical concept of education. Looking back from today to Nietzsche’s assertions – like the quote above – we can recognize that his critical sketch of former deficiencies of educational system has lost none of its actuality and truth. We rather notice that some of his points just have been actualized only in modern knowledge society than in his time – or at least they have aggravated. Nowadays, knowledge is considered as an economical factor of production, and education is the fundamental precondition for employability. On the way to neoliberal, capitalistic system we have started with exploitation of the knower and have come to reach a status of voluntary self-exploitation of the educated one. Knowledge and education, and the notion of lifelong learning as well as self-actualization and personality growth have become efficient and perfect instruments of neoliberal systems, as they use the freedom and free volition of the individual to enforce their self-exploitation in order to become high-potential consumers. This contribution points out the still existing actuality of Nietzsche’s critical arguments regarding the decay of the concept of education. Moreover, it is to be shown that in the age of the so called knowledge society in neoliberal systems we

  20. The actual goals of geoethics (United States)

    Nemec, Vaclav


    The most actual goals of geoethics have been formulated as results of the International Conference on Geoethics (October 2013) held at the geoethics birth-place Pribram (Czech Republic): In the sphere of education and public enlightenment an appropriate needed minimum know how of Earth sciences should be intensively promoted together with cultivating ethical way of thinking and acting for the sustainable well-being of the society. The actual activities of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Changes are not sustainable with the existing knowledge of the Earth sciences (as presented in the results of the 33rd and 34th International Geological Congresses). This knowledge should be incorporated into any further work of the IPCC. In the sphere of legislation in a large international co-operation following steps are needed: - to re-formulate the term of a "false alarm" and its legal consequences, - to demand very consequently the needed evaluation of existing risks, - to solve problems of rights of individuals and minorities in cases of the optimum use of mineral resources and of the optimum protection of the local population against emergency dangers and disasters; common good (well-being) must be considered as the priority when solving ethical dilemmas. The precaution principle should be applied in any decision making process. Earth scientists presenting their expert opinions are not exempted from civil, administrative or even criminal liabilities. Details must be established by national law and jurisprudence. The well known case of the L'Aquila earthquake (2009) should serve as a serious warning because of the proven misuse of geoethics for protecting top Italian seismologists responsible and sentenced for their inadequate superficial behaviour causing lot of human victims. Another recent scandal with the Himalayan fossil fraud will be also documented. A support is needed for any effort to analyze and to disclose the problems of the deformation of the contemporary

  1. The Relationship between EFL Teachers' Beliefs and Actual Practices of Classroom Management (United States)

    Aliakbari, Mohammad; Heidarzad, Mohsen


    This study aimed at analyzing Iranian EFL teachers' beliefs toward classroom management and the relationship between teachers' beliefs and their actual practices of classroom management in regard with individual variables such as gender, education degree, and teaching experience. The data were collected using a behavior and instructional…

  2. Latent and actual entrepreneurship in Europe and the US: some recent developments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    I. Grilo (Isabel); A.R. Thurik (Roy)


    textabstractThis paper uses 2004 survey data from the 15 old EU member states and the US to explain country differences in latent and actual entrepreneurship. Other than demographic variables such as gender, age and education, the set of covariates includes the perception by respondents of

  3. To Be or Want to Be: Disentangling the Role of Actual versus Ideal Self in Implicit Self-Esteem (United States)

    De Houwer, Jan; De Raedt, Rudi


    A growing body of work suggests that both depressed and non-depressed individuals display implicit positivity towards the self. In the current study, we examined whether this positivity can be underpinned by two qualitatively distinct propositions related to actual (‘I am good’) or ideal (‘I want to be good’) self-esteem. Dysphoric and non-dysphoric participants completed a self-esteem Implicit Association Test (IAT) as well an Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) targeting their actual self-esteem and an IRAP targeting ideal self-esteem. Both groups demonstrated similar and positive IAT effects. A more complex picture emerged with regard to the IRAP effects. Whereas non-dysphorics did not differ in their actual and ideal self-esteem, their dysphoric counterparts demonstrated lower actual than ideal self-esteem. Our results suggest that closer attention to the role of propositional processes in implicit measures may unlock novel insight into the relationship between implicit self-esteem and depression. PMID:25268889

  4. To be or want to be: disentangling the role of actual versus ideal self in implicit self-esteem.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jonathan Remue

    Full Text Available A growing body of work suggests that both depressed and non-depressed individuals display implicit positivity towards the self. In the current study, we examined whether this positivity can be underpinned by two qualitatively distinct propositions related to actual ('I am good' or ideal ('I want to be good' self-esteem. Dysphoric and non-dysphoric participants completed a self-esteem Implicit Association Test (IAT as well an Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP targeting their actual self-esteem and an IRAP targeting ideal self-esteem. Both groups demonstrated similar and positive IAT effects. A more complex picture emerged with regard to the IRAP effects. Whereas non-dysphorics did not differ in their actual and ideal self-esteem, their dysphoric counterparts demonstrated lower actual than ideal self-esteem. Our results suggest that closer attention to the role of propositional processes in implicit measures may unlock novel insight into the relationship between implicit self-esteem and depression.

  5. Actual conditions of radiation control in radioisotope utilization field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kakihara, Koji


    It may be said that the actual conditions on radiation safety are being improved in utilizing radioisotopes or radiation in Japan. It depends greatly on the results of the voluntary effort of users and the regulations by the ''radiation injury prevention law'' and its relevant ordinances. However, the actual conditions of the strict observation of the law are much insufficient. According to the results of official inspection in 1978, 60% of whole enterprises concerned and 73% of educational and medical organizations were judged as incomplete. Such tendency should not be left as it is, but it should also be noticed that there are realities that critical accidents or injuries have not occurred even in such conditions as many violations mentioned above. Since the existing law has not been subjected to essential revision in the past two decades, it might be said that the law does not properly fit to the present conditions because the progress of related techniques was made during this period. Meanwhile, difficulties exist in measuring the low level concentration in the use of low energy radioisotopes or tracer experiments such as in the process analysis in factories or in the analysis of the movement of trace constituent in soil. Further, there is a problem on the necessity of securing the chief technicians handling radiation, and there is the contradiction that the chief technicians are useless in normal condition but are powerless in case of accidents. This situation should be improved as soon as possible. (Wakatsuki, Y.)

  6. Physician job satisfaction related to actual and preferred job size


    Schmit Jongbloed, Lodewijk J.; Cohen-Schotanus, Janke; Borleffs, Jan C. C.; Stewart, Roy E.; Schonrock-Adema, Johanna


    Background: Job satisfaction is essential for physicians' well-being and patient care. The work ethic of long days and hard work that has been advocated for decades is acknowledged as a threat for physicians' job satisfaction, well-being, and patient safety. Our aim was to determine the actual and preferred job size of physicians and to investigate how these and the differences between them influence physicians' job satisfaction. Method: Data were retrieved from a larger, longitudinal study a...

  7. Receptor research on xenohormone effects of human serum extracts containing the actual mixture of perfluorinated alkyl acids: a short review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerregaard-Olesen, Christian; Bonefeld-Jørgensen, Eva Cecilie


    differs between individuals. Hence, the toxicological studies of single PFAAs and simple mixtures might be insufficient to predict how the actual mixtures of PFAAs may affect humans. To get a better evaluation of the actual mixture effects, we developed a method to extract the actual mixture of PFAAs from...... (, we are currently extracting the actual PFAA serum mixture from 700 pregnant women to further elucidate the potential of the serum PFAA mixture to transactivate the ER at the levels found in human serum. We suggest that our method can in the future be used to study the effects...... of the actual serum PFAA mixture on both steroid hormone actions as well as other hormonal systems e.g. thyroid hormone function. In the current review we will discuss how our recently developed PFAA extraction method might be used in future research to assess the endocrine impact of PFAAs on human health....

  8. What citizens think about the police: assessing actual and wished-for frequency of police activities in one's neighbourhood

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Salmi, S.; Voeten, M.J.M.; Keskinen, E.


    The aim of the study was to find out what were citizens' assessments of actual and wished-for frequencies of 12 police activities in two typical Finnish neighbourhoods. Data were collected from 3271 adults and 986 young people with a mail questionnaire. Actual and wished-for frequencies were

  9. An investigation of the relationship between actual and apparent gasoline thickness in a uniform sand aquifer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ballestero, T.P.; Fiedler, F.R.; Kinner, N.E.


    A common effort involved in the remediation of contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons in porous media is the monitoring and volume estimation of the immiscible hydrocarbon fluid. The apparent free product thickness indicated by a standard monitoring well is typically much greater than the actual free product thickness in the surrounding soil. An equation to predict actual thickness was developed using heterogeneous fluid flow mechanics and hydrostatics. This equation is: t g =t(1-S g )-h a , where t g =actual formation free product thickness, t=apparent thickness, S g =specific gravity of petroleum hydrocarbon, and h a =distance between the groundwater table and the free product in the formation. The developed theory was compared to data collected from a physical model which simulated field conditions. The theory was used to estimate product thickness in the model, and then these estimates were statistically tested for accuracy. The theoretical slope was not statistically different from the regression slope at test levels of α=0.05 and α=0.01, while the theoretical intercept (h a ) was statistically different at α=0.05 and α=0.01. The discrepancy between the theoretical intercept and the regression intercept was probably due to either an incorrect assumption that h a =bar h c (bar h c =average wetting capillary rise), or an incorrect laboratory measurement of bar h c . The effects of water-table fluctuations were also studied. A rising water table caused a decrease in apparent thickness and an increase in actual thickness, and vice versa. Finally, the developed theoretical equation was compared to the results of previously published predictive methods and experiments. The comparison was made by calculating percent error and using a chi-square statistic. The developed theory was found to be the best predictor of actual product thickness for both laboratory data sets used

  10. On the power of autobiographical memories: from threat and challenge appraisals to actual behaviour. (United States)

    Selimbegović, Leila; Régner, Isabelle; Huguet, Pascal; Chatard, Armand


    Autobiographical memories are a major feature of mental life in humans. However, research on the influence of autobiographical recall on actual behaviour is scarce. We predicted and found that general memories of failure and specific memories of success resulted in worse performance than general memories of success and specific memories of failure. This performance pattern was mediated by task appraisal, suggesting that autobiographical memories (of failure and success) impact performance by shaping the perception of the upcoming task. Combined with the fact that these effects occurred even when the content of autobiographical memories was unrelated to the upcoming task, the present research represents an important step forward in understanding how autobiographical recall influences actual behaviour.

  11. Configurations of actual and perceived motor competence among children: Associations with motivation for sports and global self-worth. (United States)

    Bardid, Farid; De Meester, An; Tallir, Isabel; Cardon, Greet; Lenoir, Matthieu; Haerens, Leen


    The present study used a person-centred approach to examine whether different profiles based on actual and perceived motor competence exist in elementary school children. Multilevel regression analyses were conducted to explore how children with different motor competence-based profiles might differ in their autonomous motivation for sports and global self-worth. Validated questionnaires were administered to 161 children (40% boys; age=8.82±0.66years) to assess their perceived motor competence, global self-worth, and motivation for sports. Actual motor competence was measured with the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder. Cluster analyses identified four motor competence-based profiles: two groups were characterized by corresponding levels of actual and perceived motor competence (i.e., low-low and high-high) and two groups were characterized by divergent levels of actual and perceived motor competence (i.e., high-low and low-high). Children in the low-low and high-low group displayed significantly lower levels of autonomous motivation for sports and lower levels of global self-worth than children in the low-high and high-high group. These findings emphasize that fostering children's perceived motor competence might be crucial to improve their motivation for sports and their global self-worth. Teachers and instructors involved in physical education and youth sports should thus focus on both actual and perceived motor competence. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Educación mediática en la sociedad actual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa García Ruíz


    Full Text Available La influencia de los medios de comunicación en la sociedad actual conlleva un cambio de actitud por parte de todos los ciudadanos, instituciones y organismos. De este modo, emana una incesante búsqueda de recursos, propuestas, investigaciones, iniciativas innovadoras y estrategias, relacionadas con la alfabetización mediática, que garantice la participación activa y responsable de la ciudadanía en la sociedad de las múltiples pantallas, como un derecho básico.

  13. La acedia como forma de malestar en la sociedad actual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Lucrecia Rovaletti


    Full Text Available Partiendo de la propuesta de Theunissen, se busca realizar un regreso arqueológico respecto al concepto de melancolía en la antigüedad y de acedia medieval. Con ello, se intenta reflexionar esa trama de fatiga, aburrimiento, tedio, tristeza que se entreteje en la cultura actual. Charbonneau y Legrand (2003 designan como paradepresiones a este conjunto de problemas a menudo infrasintomáticos, demasiado lábiles y poco significativos para ser denominados síntomas.

  14. The actual practice of air cleaning in Belgian nuclear facilities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goossens, W.R. [PEGO, Mol (Belgium)


    With 60% of its power generation from nuclear stations Belgium has 7 nuclear power stations in operation with a total capacity of 5.4 MWe. Enriched uranium is imported and converted to fuel assemblies. The actinides of reprocessed fuel are recycled as MOX fuel. A main waste conditioning operation has been performed in the PAMELA vitrifier. The actual practice of nuclear air cleaning in the Belgian PWR station DOEL-4 and in the PAMELA -vitrification plant for high level liquid waste is reviewed.

  15. Saturday Institute for Manhood, Brotherhood Actualization. Replication Manual [and] Blueprint Resource Manual. (United States)

    Wholistic Stress Control Inst., Atlanta, GA.

    The Saturday Institute for Manhood, Brotherhood Actualization (SIMBA) is a collaborative effort of 12 community organizations that combine resources and ideas to reduce risk factors and increase resilience for young African American males. The program offers youth, aged 9 to 16, who reside at the Lorenzo Benn Youth Development Campus, training…

  16. 29 CFR 776.10 - Employees participating in the actual movement of commerce. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Employees participating in the actual movement of commerce... commerce. (a) Under the principles stated in § 776.9, the wage and hours provisions of the Act apply... instrumentalities and channels of interstate and foreign commerce. Similarly, employees of such businesses as...

  17. Surface energy balance and actual evapotranspiration of the transboundary Indus Basin estimated from satellite measurements and the ETLook model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bastiaanssen, W.G.M.; Cheema, M.J.M.; Immerzeel, W.W.; Mittenburg, I.J.; Pelgrum, H.


    The surface energy fluxes and related evapotranspiration processes across the Indus Basin were estimated for the hydrological year 2007 using satellite measurements. The new ETLook remote sensing model (version 1) infers information on actual Evaporation (E) and actual Transpiration (T) from

  18. The effect of perceived and actual social support on the mental health of HIV-positive persons




    The purpose of this paper is to compare the ways in which perceived and actual social support affect the mental health of gay men, straight or bisexual men, and women living with HIV/AIDS. Participants included 125 women and 232 men with an HIV-positive or AIDS diagnosis involved in three larger investigations of HIV, disclosure and mental health. Results suggest each sub-group experienced perceived social support as significantly predictive of better mental health while the effect of actual ...


    Onishchenko, G G


    In the article there are designated the state and actual hygiene tasks on the issue of environmental pollution and its effects on health of the population. There was emphasized the growing importance of chemical contamination of various objects of environment--air water, soil, and living environment. There is presented the analysis of data on different types of treatment of municipal waste in selected countries. There were shown the significance of the developed Guidance on risk assessmentfor public health as a toolfor making sound management decisions, prospects of using of the methodology of epidemiological mapping based on geoinformational technology (GIS technology). There was marked an important role of the younger generation of hygienists and health officers in further work on both preservation and improvement the health of the population in their countries, harmonization of scientific and practical solutions of actual problems of hygiene.

  20. Un ejemplo de dinámica de role playing en una asignatura de libre configuración en Derecho

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Encarnación La Spina


    Full Text Available Las exigencias del actual mundo laboral y profesional requieren una mayor creación de espacios de formación universitaria para la solución de problemas reales. El role playing, como técnica didáctica diseñada para asignaturas de libre configuración cursadas por estudiantes de diferente perfil formativo, facilita el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de contenidos complejos del Derecho. Este artículo trata de describir y evaluar la experiencia docente en una dinámica basada en la simulación para la asignatura “Convención sobre la eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación contra la mujer”.

  1. Critical review of methods for the estimation of actual evapotranspiration in hydrological models

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Jovanovic, Nebojsa


    Full Text Available The chapter is structured in three parts, namely: i) A theoretical overview of evapotranspiration processes, including the principle of atmospheric demand-soil water supply, ii) A review of methods and techniques to measure and estimate actual...

  2. Actual state and perspectives of the small hydroelectric plants in Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres Q, E.; Castillo C, J.J.


    In this article, the actual state of the small-scale hydroelectric power plants (PCHs, abbreviations in Spanish) in Colombia in aspects as: Statistic of the water in Colombia, a brief historical review and the characteristics of the PCHs in Colombia, is present. The development PCHs, the executing projects and the actions that has been develop by the INEA (Institute of Nuclear Sciences and the Alternative Energies) is described

  3. The actuality and discussion for the data management of radiation sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Yaoyun; Huang Chaoyun; Wang Xiaofeng; Chen Dongliang; Fu Jie


    Large amounts of data and information in radiation safety license permits, supervision and inspection have been accumulated in China. Data management of radiation sources is an important aspect of radiation sources security. This paper introduces the main elements, tache and actuality of data management, the strengths and weaknesses of RAIS system in use. This paper analyzes and discusses the approach of establishing radiation sources monitoring information system network. (authors)

  4. Actual performance of mechanical ventilators in ICU: a multicentric quality control study. (United States)

    Govoni, Leonardo; Dellaca', Raffaele L; Peñuelas, Oscar; Bellani, Giacomo; Artigas, Antonio; Ferrer, Miquel; Navajas, Daniel; Pedotti, Antonio; Farré, Ramon


    Even if the performance of a given ventilator has been evaluated in the laboratory under very well controlled conditions, inappropriate maintenance and lack of long-term stability and accuracy of the ventilator sensors may lead to ventilation errors in actual clinical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the actual performances of ventilators during clinical routines. A resistance (7.69 cmH(2)O/L/s) - elastance (100 mL/cmH(2)O) test lung equipped with pressure, flow, and oxygen concentration sensors was connected to the Y-piece of all the mechanical ventilators available for patients in four intensive care units (ICUs; n = 66). Ventilators were set to volume-controlled ventilation with tidal volume = 600 mL, respiratory rate = 20 breaths/minute, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) = 8 cmH(2)O, and oxygen fraction = 0.5. The signals from the sensors were recorded to compute the ventilation parameters. The average ± standard deviation and range (min-max) of the ventilatory parameters were the following: inspired tidal volume = 607 ± 36 (530-723) mL, expired tidal volume = 608 ± 36 (530-728) mL, peak pressure = 20.8 ± 2.3 (17.2-25.9) cmH(2)O, respiratory rate = 20.09 ± 0.35 (19.5-21.6) breaths/minute, PEEP = 8.43 ± 0.57 (7.26-10.8) cmH(2)O, oxygen fraction = 0.49 ± 0.014 (0.41-0.53). The more error-prone parameters were the ones related to the measure of flow. In several cases, the actual delivered mechanical ventilation was considerably different from the set one, suggesting the need for improving quality control procedures for these machines.

  5. Actual versus perceived central bank transparency: the case of the European Central Bank

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Cruijsen, C.; Eijffinger, S.


    Central banks have become more and more transparent about their monetary policy making process. In the central bank transparency literature the distinction between actual and perceived transparency is often lacking. However, as perceptions are crucial for the actions of economic agents this

  6. Tears or Fears? Comparing Gender Stereotypes about Movie Preferences to Actual Preferences. (United States)

    Wühr, Peter; Lange, Benjamin P; Schwarz, Sascha


    This study investigated the accuracy of gender-specific stereotypes about movie-genre preferences for 17 genres. In Study 1, female and male participants rated the extent to which 17 movie genres are preferred by women or men. In Study 2, another sample of female and male participants rated their own preference for each genre. There were three notable results. First, Study 1 revealed the existence of gender stereotypes for the majority of genres (i.e., for 15 of 17 genres). Second, Study 2 revealed the existence of actual gender differences in preferences for the majority of genres (i.e., for 11 of 17 genres). Third, in order to assess the accuracy of gender stereotypes on movie preferences, we compared the results of both studies and found that the majority of gender stereotypes were accurate in direction, but inaccurate in size. In particular, the stereotypes overestimated actual gender differences for the majority of movie genres (i.e., 10 of 17). Practical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.

  7. Tears or Fears? Comparing Gender Stereotypes about Movie Preferences to Actual Preferences (United States)

    Wühr, Peter; Lange, Benjamin P.; Schwarz, Sascha


    This study investigated the accuracy of gender-specific stereotypes about movie-genre preferences for 17 genres. In Study 1, female and male participants rated the extent to which 17 movie genres are preferred by women or men. In Study 2, another sample of female and male participants rated their own preference for each genre. There were three notable results. First, Study 1 revealed the existence of gender stereotypes for the majority of genres (i.e., for 15 of 17 genres). Second, Study 2 revealed the existence of actual gender differences in preferences for the majority of genres (i.e., for 11 of 17 genres). Third, in order to assess the accuracy of gender stereotypes on movie preferences, we compared the results of both studies and found that the majority of gender stereotypes were accurate in direction, but inaccurate in size. In particular, the stereotypes overestimated actual gender differences for the majority of movie genres (i.e., 10 of 17). Practical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed. PMID:28392774

  8. Mesh Partitioning Algorithm Based on Parallel Finite Element Analysis and Its Actualization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lei Zhang


    Full Text Available In parallel computing based on finite element analysis, domain decomposition is a key technique for its preprocessing. Generally, a domain decomposition of a mesh can be realized through partitioning of a graph which is converted from a finite element mesh. This paper discusses the method for graph partitioning and the way to actualize mesh partitioning. Relevant softwares are introduced, and the data structure and key functions of Metis and ParMetis are introduced. The writing, compiling, and testing of the mesh partitioning interface program based on these key functions are performed. The results indicate some objective law and characteristics to guide the users who use the graph partitioning algorithm and software to write PFEM program, and ideal partitioning effects can be achieved by actualizing mesh partitioning through the program. The interface program can also be used directly by the engineering researchers as a module of the PFEM software. So that it can reduce the application of the threshold of graph partitioning algorithm, improve the calculation efficiency, and promote the application of graph theory and parallel computing.

  9. Comparison of pharmacy students' perceived and actual knowledge using the Pharmacy Curricular Outcomes Assessment. (United States)

    Naughton, Cynthia A; Friesner, Daniel L


    To determine whether a correlation exists between third-year PharmD students' perceived pharmacy knowledge and actual pharmacy knowledge as assessed by the Pharmacy Curricular Outcomes Assessment (PCOA). In 2010 and 2011, the PCOA was administered in a low-stakes environment to third-year pharmacy students at North Dakota State University College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Sciences (COPNAS). A survey instrument was also administered on which students self-assessed their perceived competencies in each of the core areas covered by the PCOA examination. The pharmacy students rated their competencies slightly higher than average. Performance on the PCOA was similar to but slightly higher than national averages. Correlations between each of the 4 content areas (basic biomedical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, social/administrative sciences, and clinical sciences) mirrored those reported nationally by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). Student performance on the basic biomedical sciences portion of the PCOA was significantly correlated with students' perceived competencies in the biomedical sciences. No other correlations between actual and perceived competencies were significant. A lack of correlation exists between what students perceive they know and what they actually know in the areas of pharmaceutical science; social, behavioral, and administrative science; and clinical science. Therefore, additional standardized measures are needed to assess curricular effectiveness and provide comparisons among pharmacy programs.

  10. Comparison of Pharmacy Students’ Perceived and Actual Knowledge Using the Pharmacy Curricular Outcomes Assessment (United States)

    Friesner, Daniel L.


    Objective. To determine whether a correlation exists between third-year PharmD students’ perceived pharmacy knowledge and actual pharmacy knowledge as assessed by the Pharmacy Curricular Outcomes Assessment (PCOA). Methods. In 2010 and 2011, the PCOA was administered in a low-stakes environment to third-year pharmacy students at North Dakota State University College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Sciences (COPNAS). A survey instrument was also administered on which students self-assessed their perceived competencies in each of the core areas covered by the PCOA examination. Results. The pharmacy students rated their competencies slightly higher than average. Performance on the PCOA was similar to but slightly higher than national averages. Correlations between each of the 4 content areas (basic biomedical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, social/administrative sciences, and clinical sciences) mirrored those reported nationally by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). Student performance on the basic biomedical sciences portion of the PCOA was significantly correlated with students’ perceived competencies in the biomedical sciences. No other correlations between actual and perceived competencies were significant. Conclusion. A lack of correlation exists between what students perceive they know and what they actually know in the areas of pharmaceutical science; social, behavioral, and administrative science; and clinical science. Therefore, additional standardized measures are needed to assess curricular effectiveness and provide comparisons among pharmacy programs. PMID:22611272

  11. Actual Proliferating Index and p53 protein expression as prognostic marker in odontogenic cysts. (United States)

    Gadbail, A R; Chaudhary, M; Patil, S; Gawande, M


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biological aggressiveness of odontogenic keratocyst/keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KCOT), radicular cyst (RC) and dentigerous cyst (DC) by observing the actual proliferative activity of epithelium, and p53 protein expression. The actual proliferative activity was measured by Ki-67 Labelling Index and argyrophilic nucleolar organizing regions (AgNOR) count per nucleus. The p53 protein expression was also evaluated. Ki-67 positive cells were observed higher in suprabasal cell layers of KCOT with uniform distribution, a few of them were predominantly observed in basal cell layer in RC and DC. The AgNOR count was significantly higher in suprabasal cell layers of KCOT. The actual proliferative activity was noted to be higher in suprabasal cell layers of KCOT. The p53 immunolabelling was dense and scattered in basal and suprabasal cell layers in KCOT. The weakly stained p53 positive cells were observed diffusely distributed in KCOT, whereas they were mainly seen in basal cell layer of RC and DC. The quantitative and qualitative differences of the proliferative activity and the p53 protein expression in sporadic KCOT may be associated with intrinsic growth potential that could play a role in its development and explain locally aggressive biological behaviour. AgNOR count and p53 protein detection in odontogenic lesions can be of great consequence to predict the biological behaviour and prognosis.

  12. Laboratory stabilization/solidification of surrogate and actual mixed-waste sludge in glass and grout

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spence, R.D.; Gilliam, T.M.; Mattus, C.H.; Mattus, A.J.


    Grouting and vitrification are currently the most likely stabilization/solidification technologies for mixed wastes. Grouting has been used to stabilize and solidify hazardous and low-level waste for decades. Vitrification has long been developed as a high-level-waste alternative and has been under development recently as an alternative treatment technology for low-level mixed waste. Laboratory testing has been performed to develop grout and vitrification formulas for mixed-waste sludges currently stored in underground tanks at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and to compare these waste forms. Envelopes, or operating windows, for both grout and soda-lime-silica glass formulations for a surrogate sludge were developed. One formulation within each envelope was selected for testing the sensitivity of performance to variations (±10 wt%) in the waste form composition and variations in the surrogate sludge composition over the range previously characterized in the sludges. In addition, one sludge sample of an actual mixed-waste tank was obtained, a surrogate was developed for this sludge sample, and grout and glass samples were prepared and tested in the laboratory using both surrogate and the actual sludge. The sensitivity testing of a surrogate tank sludge in selected glass and grout formulations is discussed in this paper, along with the hot-cell testing of an actual tank sludge sample

  13. The Actual Problems of Modern Spain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalya E. Anikeeva


    Full Text Available The important aim of national and Spanish historiography and political science is to study history and foreign policy of modern Spain. The author studied articles and monographies of spanish politicians and researchers ( M. Rahoy, I. Aries, A. Rubalcaba, I. Molina for the preparation of this article during the scientific trip to Madrid (Complutense University, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, which was held in the framework of cooperation between the Bank Santander and MGIMO (University. The paper analyzes the political and economic aspects of life in Spain, and its foreign policy of the period of government of Mariano Rajoy (from 2011 to the present time. The article is dedicated to actual problems of modern Spain: the economy and the priorities of the government of M.Rajoy, the problem of separatism and political system of the country. Modern Spain is still recovering economically from the euro debt crisis and continues to struggle with near-record unemployment. Domestic economic recovery of Spain and the country's foreign position are closely linked. The European integration process still remains the main strategic task of the spanish foreign policy. Spain increases its role in world politics and obtains a non-permanent UN's Security Council seat for the 2015-2016 term.

  14. Thermal Protection System Cavity Heating for Simplified and Actual Geometries Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations with Unstructured Grids (United States)

    McCloud, Peter L.


    Thermal Protection System (TPS) Cavity Heating is predicted using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) on unstructured grids for both simplified cavities and actual cavity geometries. Validation was performed using comparisons to wind tunnel experimental results and CFD predictions using structured grids. Full-scale predictions were made for simplified and actual geometry configurations on the Space Shuttle Orbiter in a mission support timeframe.

  15. 26 CFR 1.996-1 - Rules for actual distributions and certain deemed distributions. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 10 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Rules for actual distributions and certain deemed distributions. 1.996-1 Section 1.996-1 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Domestic International Sales Corporations...

  16. Actual versus Perceived Central Bank Transparency : The Case of the European Central Bank

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Cruijsen, C.A.B.; Eijffinger, S.C.W.


    Central banks have become more and more transparent about their monetary policy making process. In the central bank transparency lit- erature the distinction between actual and perceived central bank trans- parency is often lacking. However, as perceptions are crucial for the ac- tions of economic

  17. Estado Actual y Retos Futuros en el Estudio del Burnout


    Salanova Soria, Marisa; Llorens Gumbau, Susana


    El objetivo principal de este artículo es ofrecer una revisión de la actual investigación aplicada del síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo o burnout. Comenzamos con el concepto de burnout, su evolución desde los primeros estudios en ocupaciones de servicios, hasta la actualidad en donde la investigación ha demostrado la importancia de considerar otras ocupaciones, y ampliar las dimensiones clave del burnout. En segundo lugar, examinaremos cómo evaluar el burnout, en función de la pos...

  18. Problemas actuales del automóvil y el futuro del mismo


    Gómez San Martín, María Begoña


    315 p. El automóvil es un elemento indispensable en la sociedad actual a nivel mundial. Pero presenta serios problemas no resueltos al día de hoy, ocasionados principalmente por el combustible universalmente utilizado: el petróleo. Estos problemas plantean serias preocupaciones cara al futuro. En esta Tesis realizamos una investigación y una prospección sobre los posibles elementos energéticos sustitutivos del petróleo.


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    Enrique López


    Full Text Available El objetivo del ensayo es mostrar las principales líneas de desarrollo de la teoría macroeconómica moderna. Se presentan los principales rasgos del debate que se dio a 10 largo del siglo veinte, desde la revolución keynesiana de los años treinta y cuarenta, hasta llegar a las dos grandes líneas de pensamiento actual: la llamada escuela del Ciclo Real de Negocios y el neokeynesianismo. El artículo destaca que el resultado reciente de la convergencia entre esas dos posturas teóricas es una tendencia clara, señalada por macroeconomistas importantes. Se examina, así mismo, la lógica que tendría el surgimiento de una nueva síntesis neoclásica, con la que se obtendría un consenso que, dada la turbulenta historia de esta rama de la ciencia económica, sorprende, pero que de todas formas es coherente.The purpose of this paper is co show the main lines of improvement of modern macroeconomic theory. The fundamental teatures ot the debate that was carried out during the twenthieth century are presented, trom what is known as the keynesian revolution ot the thirties and torties up to the two actual main theoretical schools: What is known as the Real Business Cycle school and neo-keynesianism. The essay underlines that the recent result of the convergence between these two theoretical approaches is clear and that this is noted by the most important macroeconomic theoriticians. The Logic of the emergence ot a new neoclassical synthesis is discussed as a logical process that would allow a consensus which , given the present intensity of the debate in this area ot economic theory, allthough surprising would be coherent.

  20. Actualization of Categories Linguonationalism and Linguopatriotism in Modern Linguistics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kosmeda Tetiana


    Full Text Available Background: In modern linguistics E. Sepir’s-B. Warf’s theory of a language relativity attracts attention of many scientists, the essence of which some linguists negate as well as they don’t agree to a traditional system of the methodological bases of linguoculturology because this theory «approves» linguonationalism. Purpose: The purpose of the analysis is to illustrate the fact of implementation of the linguonationalism ideology concerning the Ukrainian language by the Russian Empire; the very fact is observed nowadays and the linguopatriotism of the Ukrainians is negated and disrespected by the Russian linguists. Results: Linguonationalism is the ideologization of the very language and a language as a means of a collective self-identification, as a realization of a certain language policy of totalitarian states and modelling of myths in different language forms (discourses. The status of the Ukrainian language, its functions, ontology in Ukraine is considered by modern Russian linguists untruthfully, certain facts are falsified. The system of O. Potebnya’s views represents the objective points of view on the actualized in this research notions of «linguonationalism» and «linguopatriotism». O. Potebnya singled out the task to keep to a reasonable linguopatriotism, which is mentioned in his quotation: «a gradual nationalism – is internationalism». O. Potebnya emphasizes that a nation can be understood only through its language. It is the language that gives the opportunity to see and to feel a nation’s seeing of the world. The scientist actualizes the problem of a modern culturology and the language must be considered as «a certain means of creation and thought refining». Discussion: Modern Ukrainian linguists must elaborate a certain perspective programme aimed at the explanation of the problem of linguonationalism and linguopatriotism.

  1. Desired and Actual Labour Supply of Unmarried Men and Women in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Euwals, R.W.; van Soest, A.H.O.


    Desired and actual working hours of unmarried adults are analyzed.A discrete structural neoclassical model is used to explain desired hours.Desired hours depend on gross wage rates, tax and benefit rules, other income, and some background variables.The model takes account of fixed costs of working

  2. Prospective Associations of Actual and Perceived Descriptive Norms with Drinking Among Emerging Adults. (United States)

    Simons-Morton, Bruce; Haynie, Denise; Bible, Joe; Liu, Danping


    Descriptive norms are commonly associated with participant drinking. However, study participants may incorrectly perceive that their peers drink about the same amount as they do, which would bias estimates of drinking homogeneity. This research examined the magnitude of associations between emerging adults' reports of their own drinking and peer drinking measured the previous year by measures of (1) participants' perceptions of friends' drinking; and (2) actual drinking reported by nominated peers. The data are from annual surveys conducted in 2014 and 2015, Waves 4 and 5 (the first 2 years after high school) of 7 annual assessments as part of the NEXT Generation Health Study (n = 323). Associations of participant alcohol use with perceived friend use (five closest, closest male, and closest female friends), and with actual peer use. Logistic regression analyses estimated the magnitudes of prospective associations between each measure of peer drinking at W4 and participant drinking at W5.

  3. Increasing the Reliability of Circulation Model Validation: Quantifying Drifter Slip to See how Currents are Actually Moving (United States)

    Anderson, T.


    Ocean circulation forecasts can help answer questions regarding larval dispersal, passive movement of injured sea animals, oil spill mitigation, and search and rescue efforts. Circulation forecasts are often validated with GPS-tracked drifter paths, but how accurately do these drifters actually move with ocean currents? Drifters are not only moved by water, but are also forced by wind and waves acting on the exposed buoy and transmitter; this imperfect movement is referred to as drifter slip. The quantification and further understanding of drifter slip will allow scientists to differentiate between drifter imperfections and actual computer model error when comparing trajectory forecasts with actual drifter tracks. This will avoid falsely accrediting all discrepancies between a trajectory forecast and an actual drifter track to computer model error. During multiple deployments of drifters in Nantucket Sound and using observed wind and wave data, we attempt to quantify the slip of drifters developed by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center's (NEFSC) Student Drifters Program. While similar studies have been conducted previously, very few have directly attached current meters to drifters to quantify drifter slip. Furthermore, none have quantified slip of NEFSC drifters relative to the oceanographic-standard "CODE" drifter. The NEFSC drifter archive has over 1000 drifter tracks primarily off the New England coast. With a better understanding of NEFSC drifter slip, modelers can reliably use these tracks for model validation.

  4. Obesity Bias in Children: The Role of Actual and Perceived Body Size (United States)

    Kornilaki, Ekaterina N.


    The aim of this study was to examine how children perceive their body size and whether their actual or perceived body size can explain their anti-fat views. Four hundred and fourteen 5-6, 7-8 and 9-10-year-old children were read short vignettes depicting two characters, one possessing a positive and the other a negative quality. Following each…

  5. Analysis of actual state on enterprise competitive intelligence at internal and abroad

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Nansheng


    Based on the actual state of the enterprise competitive intelligence at internal and abroad and on the point of view of practice and theory, it sets forth the character of ci and the influence on the enterprise, analyzes objectivity the questions and the challenges in using CI in our country, brings up the methods and channels in setting up the CIS. (author)

  6. The Actual and Ideal Sexual Self Concept in the Context of Genital Pain Using Implicit and Explicit Measures. (United States)

    Dewitte, Marieke; De Schryver, Maarten; Heider, Niclas; De Houwer, Jan


    The experience of pain during sexual intercourse generates significant distress and sexual impairments, which is likely to affect sexual identity and become a threat to the sense of self. To explore the role of the concept of the sexual self in the context of genital pain by measuring different states of self (ie, actual vs ideal) at different levels of responding (ie, explicit vs implicit) and examine their associations with sexual, emotional, and pain-related variables. Thirty young women who identified with genital pain and 29 women without pain completed (i) two versions of the Relational Responding Task as a measurement of implicit actual and ideal sexual self; (ii) explicit ratings of the actual and the ideal sexual self; and (iii) measurements of sexual self-esteem, global self-esteem, depression, sexual satisfaction, sexual distress or depression, sexual frequency, and pain experiences. Women with genital pain scored lower on the explicit and implicit actual-self measurements than women without pain but did not differ in their ideal self. Furthermore, the pain group reported higher ideal- than actual-self scores at the explicit level. Actual- and ideal-self measurements had differential effects on sexual, emotional, and behavioral outcome variables. In general, rating the ideal self higher than the actual self was related to more negative outcomes. Pain-related variables were predicted only by the implicit measurements, showing that the high pain group reported more pain, fear of pain, and a stronger tendency to continue with sex despite the pain when perceiving themselves as sexually less competent and when this perception did not match their ideal self. Therapeutic interventions might benefit from discussing women's internal guides for self, decreasing potential discrepancies, and developing identity-related motivational treatments that target the emotional discomfort and maladaptive behavioral strategies that result from trying to conform with their

  7. Sludge batch 9 follow-on actual-waste testing for the nitric-glycolic flowsheet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martino, C. J. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Newell, J. D. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Crawford, C. L. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Pareizs, J. M. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Williams, M. S. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL)


    An actual-waste Sludge Batch 9 qualification run with the nitric-glycolic flowsheet (SC-18) was performed in FY16. In order to supplement the knowledge base for the nitric-glycolic flowsheet, additional testing was performed on the product slurries, condensates, and intermediate samples from run SC-18.

  8. Estado actual de la seguridad y salud ocupacional en la construcción: el caso colombiano


    Lalinde Castrillón, Luis Felipe; Carvajal Peláez, Gloria Isabel


    En Colombia la situación actual de seguridad y salud en el sector de la construcción es muy compleja debido a que es el sector de la actividad económica que presenta el mayor número de accidentes laborales en relación con la población ocupada en dicha actividad; constituyendo así un problema social de gran importancia. En la presente comunicación abordamos el estado actual de la seguridad y salud ocupacional en el sector de la construcción. Para ello se evaluó la evolución de las publicacione...

  9. Market-implied risk-neutral probabilities, actual probabilities, credit risk and news

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shashidhar Murthy


    Full Text Available Motivated by the credit crisis, this paper investigates links between risk-neutral probabilities of default implied by markets (e.g. from yield spreads and their actual counterparts (e.g. from ratings. It discusses differences between the two and clarifies underlying economic intuition using simple representations of credit risk pricing. Observed large differences across bonds in the ratio of the two probabilities are shown to imply that apparently safer securities can be more sensitive to news.

  10. Characterization, Leaching, and Filtration Testing for Tributyl Phosphate (TBP, Group 7) Actual Waste Sample Composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edwards, Matthew K.; Billing, Justin M.; Blanchard, David L.; Buck, Edgar C.; Casella, Amanda J.; Casella, Andrew M.; Crum, J. V.; Daniel, Richard C.; Draper, Kathryn E.; Fiskum, Sandra K.; Jagoda, Lynette K.; Jenson, Evan D.; Kozelisky, Anne E.; MacFarlan, Paul J.; Peterson, Reid A.; Shimskey, Rick W.; Snow, Lanee A.; Swoboda, Robert G.


    .A testing program evaluating actual tank waste was developed in response to Task 4 from the M-12 External Flowsheet Review Team (EFRT) issue response plan. The bulk water-insoluble solid wastes that are anticipated to be delivered to the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) were identified according to type such that the actual waste testing could be targeted to the relevant categories. Eight broad waste groupings were defined. Samples available from the 222S archive were identified and obtained for testing. The actual waste-testing program included homogenizing the samples by group, characterizing the solids and aqueous phases, and performing parametric leaching tests. The tributyl phosphate sludge (TBP, Group 7) is the subject of this report. The Group 7 waste was anticipated to be high in phosphorus as well as aluminum in the form of gibbsite. Both are believed to exist in sufficient quantities in the Group 7 waste to address leaching behavior. Thus, the focus of the Group 7 testing was on the removal of both P and Al. The waste-type definition, archived sample conditions, homogenization activities, characterization (physical, chemical, radioisotope, and crystal habit), and caustic leaching behavior as functions of time, temperature, and hydroxide concentration are discussed in this report. Testing was conducted according to TP-RPP-WTP-467.

  11. Condom use self-efficacy: effect on intended and actual condom use in adolescents. (United States)

    Baele, J; Dusseldorp, E; Maes, S


    To investigate aspects of adolescents' condom use self-efficacy that affect their intended and actual condom use. Four hundred twenty-four male and female sexually experienced and inexperienced adolescents with a mean age of 17.0 years filled out a questionnaire concerning condom use self-efficacy and intended and actual condom use. Specific condom use self-efficacy scales were constructed from 37 items on the basis of a principal component analysis. The effect of self-efficacy, both as a global measure and in terms of specific scales, on condom use intention and consistency was assessed using multiple hierarchic regression analyses. Six specific self-efficacy scales were constructed: Technical Skills, Image Confidence, Emotion Control, Purchase, Assertiveness, and Sexual Control. In sexually inexperienced adolescents, global self-efficacy explained 48%, the six self-efficacy scales 30%, and both together 51% of the variance in intention, after statistical control for gender, age, and education level. In the sexually experienced sample, this was 40%, 50%, and 57% for intention, and 23%, 29%, and 33% for consistency of condom use. Significant predictors of intention in the final model were gender, age, global self-efficacy and purchasing skills in the inexperienced sample, and global self-efficacy, emotion control, assertiveness, image confidence, and sexual control in the experienced sample, whereas gender, age, global self-efficacy, emotion control, assertiveness, and purchase predicted consistency of condom use in the experienced sample. Condom use self-efficacy is a multidimensional construct. Intended and actual condom use in adolescents are best predicted by self-efficacy measures that include both global and relevant specific aspects of condom use.

  12. Expected satiation alone does not predict actual intake of desserts. (United States)

    Guillocheau, Etienne; Davidenko, Olga; Marsset-Baglieri, Agnès; Darcel, Nicolas; Gaudichon, Claire; Tomé, Daniel; Fromentin, Gilles


    The degree to which consumers expect foods to satisfy hunger, referred to as expected satiation, has been reported to predict food intake. Yet this relationship has not been established precisely, at a quantitative level. We sought to explore this relationship in detail by determining whether expected satiation predicts the actual intake of semi-solid desserts. Two separate experiments were performed: the first used variations of a given food (eight apple purées), while the second involved a panel of different foods within a given category (eight desserts). Both experiments studied the consumption of two products assigned to volunteers based on their individual liking and expected satiation ratings, given ad libitum at the end of a standardised meal. A linear model was used to find predictors of food intake and included expected satiation scores, palatability scores, BMI, age, sex, TFEQ-R, TFEQ-D, water consumption during the meal, reported frequency of eating desserts, and reported frequency of consuming tested products as explanatory variables. Expected satiation was a significant predictor of actual food intake in both experiments (apple purée: F(1,97) = 18.60, P desserts: F(1,106) = 9.05, P desserts, on group and on individual level. Our results confirm the importance of expected satiation as a predictor of subsequent food intake, but highlight the need to study individual consumption behaviour and preferences in order to fully understand the role of expected satiation. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Preventing treatment errors in radiotherapy by identifying and evaluating near misses and actual incidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holmberg, Ola; McClean, Brendan


    The aim of this work is to study the effectiveness of a multilayered error prevention system by analysing both the near misses found at calculation-check stations and the actual treatment errors originating in the treatment preparation chain

  14. Associations among Elementary School Children's Actual Motor Competence, Perceived Motor Competence, Physical Activity and BMI: A Cross-Sectional Study. (United States)

    De Meester, An; Stodden, David; Brian, Ali; True, Larissa; Cardon, Greet; Tallir, Isabel; Haerens, Leen


    Positive associations between motor competence and physical activity have been identified by means of variable-centered analyses. To expand the understanding of these associations, this study used a person-centered approach to investigate whether different combinations (i.e., profiles) of actual and perceived motor competence exist (aim 1); and to examine differences in physical activity levels (aim 2) and weight status (aim 3) among children with different motor competence-based profiles. Children's (N = 361; 180 boys = 50%; Mage = 9.50±1.24yrs) actual motor competence was measured with the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 and their perceived motor competence via the Self Perception Profile for Children. We assessed physical activity via accelerometers; height through stadiometers, and weight through scales. Cluster analyses (aim 1) and MANCOVAs (aim 2 & 3) were used to analyze the data. The analysis generated two predictable groups: one group displaying relatively high levels of both actual (M TGMD-2 percentile = 42.54, SD = 2.33) and perceived motor competence (M = 3.42, SD = .37; high-high), and one group with relatively low levels of both (M percentile = 9.71, SD = 3.21; M PMC = 2.52, SD = .35; low-low). One additional group was also identified as having relatively low levels of actual motor competence (M percentile = 4.22, SD = 2.85) but relatively high levels of perceived motor competence (M = 3.52, SD = .30; low-high). The high-high group demonstrated higher daily physical activity (M = 48.39±2.03) and lower BMI (M = 18.13±.43) than the low-low group (MMVPA = 37.93±2.01; MBMI = 20.22±.42). The low-high group had similar physical activity-levels as the low-low group (M = 36.21±2.18) and did not significantly differ in BMI (M = 19.49±.46) from the other two groups. A combination of high actual and perceived motor competence is related to higher physical activity and lower weight status. It is thus recommended to expand health interventions in children


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Núñez Encabo


    Full Text Available La convergencia entre prensa, audiovisual, telecomunicaciones e Internet a través de la tecnología digital es el marco histórico en el que tiene que desarrollarse el periodismo hoy. En este complejo y nuevo panorama informativo actual, desde diversos soportes interconectados, sigue siendo, sin embargo, inmutable la exigencia del derecho constitucional y fundamental de los ciudadanos a recibir informaciones plurales, veraces y opiniones libres y éticas en todos los temas de interés general, respetando los derechos fundamentales de la persona -en el marco del art. 20 y Título I de nuestra Constitución- y la garantía, para ello, es que existan profesionales de la información con dos requisitos imprescindibles: (a Formación adecuada para la elaboración, interpretación y transmisión de los contenidos informativos a los ciudadanos a través de los medios de comunicación y (b compromiso público de asumir su responsabilidad deontológica. Sólo estos profesionales tienen el derecho de denominarse periodistas con las consecuencias de que sin periodistas no existe el periodismo y sin periodismo no tiene sentido la existencia de medios de comunicación -empresas informativas, tal como se entienden actualmente jurídica y socialmente, por lo que seguir denominando medios de comunicación- empresas informativas sin la existencia del ejercicio profesional del periodismo, sería un fraude a las garantías exigibles por los ciudadanos desde su derecho constitucional y fundamental a la información, desnaturalizando además la singularidad de las empresas informativas que de acuerdo con el Código de Deontológica del Periodismo del Consejo de Europa se deben considerar “como empresas especiales socioeconómicas cuyos objetivos empresariales deben quedar limitados por las condiciones que deben hacer posible la prestación de derechos fundamentales”. Con estas características, es imprescindible en el campo de la información la convivencia

  16. Fundamentos filosóficos de la Psicología actual


    Osorio, Alfonso


    El presente artículo analiza algunos presupuestos filosóficos (especialmente antropológicos) que subyacen a la Psico - logía actual, y que pueden afectar al ámbito educativo. Se muestra cómo, aunque la Psicología empírica se ha fundado separándose de la Filosofía, en el fondo se ha separado de algunas doctrinas filosóficas, asociándose a otras. A menudo, en la literatura psicológica, se descubre que se asumen algunos postulados filosóficos como el naturalismo, el dualismo cartesiano (con la c...

  17. Reputation for technological innovation: Does it actually cohere with innovative activity?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrick J. Höflinger


    Full Text Available Firms strategically promote, foster and pursue a reputation for technological innovation. Yet, present research did not examine whether such perception actually coheres with innovative activity itself. Previous studies in this field often relied solely on tangible products/product introductions, hence we apply multiple proxies based on a firm's intangible innovative performance to examine the influences on reputation for technological innovation. Using patent, financial and consumer data our Poisson regression analyzes 65 international firms which have been nominated by 231 consumers. We apply time-series and likewise cross-sectional data for our interdisciplinary analysis. Our findings demonstrate that innovative performance (citation intensity is linked to reputation for technological innovation. Counter-intuitively, our results provide evidence that marketing intensity negatively influences a reputation for technological innovation. From the results, we conclude that innovative performance may be associated with a reputation for technological innovation. Actual technological advancement attracts attention from consumers that cannot be purchased with greater marketing investments. This implies that consumers appreciate the costly and uncertain R&D efforts and value those firms that constantly offer innovation. As a theoretical implication, the consideration of intangible inputs for reputation research is an important contribution for a holistic understanding. The results represent essential strategic information for innovation and marketing functions, where both divisions need to align their activities and investments.

  18. 40 CFR 63.2854 - How do I determine the weighted average volume fraction of HAP in the actual solvent loss? (United States)


    ... volume fraction of HAP in the actual solvent loss? 63.2854 Section 63.2854 Protection of Environment... AIR POLLUTANTS FOR SOURCE CATEGORIES National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Solvent... average volume fraction of HAP in the actual solvent loss? (a) This section describes the information and...

  19. Perceived Motor Competence Differs From Actual Performance in 8-Year-Old Neonatal ECMO Survivors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Toussaint, L.C.; Cammen-van Zijp, M.H. van der; Janssen, A.J.; Tibboel, D.; Heijst, A.F. van; Ijsselstijn, H.


    OBJECTIVE: To assess perceived motor competence, social competence, self-worth, health-related quality of life, and actual motor performancein 8-year-old survivors of neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). METHODS: In a prospective nationwide study, 135 children completed the extended

  20. Sensory determinants of stated liking for vegetable names and actual liking for canned vegetables

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dinnella, Caterina; Morizet, David; Masi, Camilla


    tastes (sweet, umami), delicate flavour and bright appealing colour. A second group of highly disliked vegetables consists of cauliflowers and broccoli, characterized by disliked sensations such as bitter taste and objectionable flavour. Internal Preference Maps from actual liking scores indicate...

  1. Comparison of relative and actual chest compression depths during cardiac arrest in children, adolescents, and young adults☆ (United States)

    Niles, Dana E.; Nishisaki, Akira; Sutton, Robert M.; Nysæther, Jon; Eilevstjønn, Joar; Leffelman, Jessica; Maltese, Matthew R.; Arbogast, Kristy B.; Abella, Benjamin S.; Helfaer, Mark A.; Berg, Robert A.; Nadkarni, Vinay M.


    Aim Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) guidelines recommend specific chest compression (CC) target depths for children. We quantitatively describe relative anterior–posterior diameter (APD) depth, actual depth, and force of CCs during real CPR events in children. Methods CC depth and force were recorded during real CPR events in children ≥8 years using FDA-approved CC sensor. Patient chest APD was measured at conclusion of each CPR event. CC data was stratified and analyzed according to age (pre-puberty, 8–14 years; post-puberty, 15+ years). Relative (% APD) and actual CC depth, corrected for mattress deflection, were assessed and compared with American Heart Association (AHA) 2005 and 2010 pediatric CPR guidelines. Results 35 events in 32 subjects included 16,158 CCs for data analysis: 16 pre-puberty (CCs = 7484, age 11.9 ± 2 years, APD 164.6 ± 25.1 mm); 19 post-puberty (CCs = 8674, age 18.0 ± 2.7 years, APD 196.5 ± 30.4 mm). After correction for mattress deflection, 92% of CC delivered to pre-puberty were resuscitation teams were frequently <1/3 relative APD and <38 mm actual depth after mattress deflection correction, below pediatric and adult target guidelines. Mean CC actual depth and force were not significantly different in pre-puberty and post-puberty. Additional investigation to determine depth of CCs to optimize hemodynamics and outcomes is needed to inform future CPR guidelines. PMID:22079410

  2. A Study on the Propulsion Performance in the Actual Sea by means of Full-scale Experiments

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    Jun Kayano


    Full Text Available The IMO has adopted Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI, Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP and Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI in order to reduce GHG emissions from international shipping. And, the shipping industry is required to develop and improve the energy saving ship operation technologies to meet the above IMO guideline. The weather routing is one of the energy saving navigation technologies and widely adopted by oceangoing merchant ships. The effectiveness of the weather routing mainly depends on the accuracy of weather forecast data and the ship’s propulsion performance prediction. The propulsion performance in the actual sea is usually predicted using the Self Propulsion Factors obtained by model tests. It is necessary to understand the propulsion performance characteristics in the actual sea conditions for the improvement of propulsion performance prediction. From the above points of view, the authors performed full-scale experiments using a training ship in order to investigate the propulsion performance characteristics in the actual sea. This paper describes the analysis results on the characteristics of Power Curves and Self Propulsion Factors under various weather and sea conditions.

  3. [Actual vitamin and main foodstuffs consumption by recovered patients suffered from hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome]. (United States)

    Kasanova, G M; Tutel'ian, A V


    Actual consumption of vitamins A, E, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, thiamin, pyridoxine and main foodstuffs by recovered patients suffered from hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome has been given. Frequency analysis of foodstuffs consumption was used to study actual nourishment of recovered patients. Surplus consumption of fat mainly due to the use of saturated fatty acids, deficiency of poly unsaturated fatty acids, surplus sugar consumption and predominance of proteins of animal origin over proteins of vegetable origin in ration has been revealed. Deficiency of water soluble vitamins equals to 41,6-78,7% of all examined patients, deficiency of fat water soluble vitamins is lower (21,4-38,3%).

  4. Children's route choice during active transportation to school: Difference between shortest and actual route

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dessing, D.; Vries, S.I. de; Hegeman, G.; Verhagen, E.; Mechelen, W. van; Pierik, F.H.


    Background: The purpose of this study is to increase our understanding of environmental correlates that are associated with route choice during active transportation to school (ATS) by comparing characteristics of actual walking and cycling routes between home and school with the shortest possible

  5. Actual versus predicted impacts of three ethanol plants on aquatic and terrestrial resources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eddlemon, G.K.; Webb, J.W.; Hunsaker, D.B. Jr.; Miller, R.L.


    To help reduce US dependence on imported petroleum, Congress passed the Energy Security Act of 1980 (public Law 96-294). This legislation authorized the US Department of Energy (DOE) to promote expansion of the fuel alcohol industry through, among other measures, its Alcohol Fuels Loan Guarantee Program. Under this program, selected proposals for the conversion of plant biomass into fuel-grade ethanol would be granted loan guarantees. of 57 applications submitted for loan guarantees to build and operate ethanol fuel projects under this program, 11 were considered by DOE to have the greatest potential for satisfying DOE's requirements and goals. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), DOE evaluated the potential impacts of proceeding with the Loan Guarantee Program in a programmatic environmental assessment (DOE 1981) that resulted in a finding of no significant impact (FANCY) (47 Federal Register 34, p. 7483). The following year, DOE conducted site-specific environmental assessments (EAs) for 10 of the proposed projects. These F-As predicted no significant environmental impacts from these projects. Eventually, three ethanol fuel projects received loan guarantees and were actually built: the Tennol Energy Company (Tennol; DOE 1982a) facility near Jasper in southeastern Tennessee; the Agrifuels Refining Corporation (Agrifuels; DOE 1985) facility near New Liberia in southern Louisiana; and the New Energy Company of Indiana (NECI; DOE 1982b) facility in South Bend, Indiana. As part of a larger retrospective examination of a wide range of environmental effects of ethanol fuel plants, we compared the actual effects of the three completed plants on aquatic and terrestrial resources with the effects predicted in the NEPA EAs several years earlier. A secondary purpose was to determine: Why were there differences, if any, between actual effects and predictions? How can assessments be improved and impacts reduced?

  6. Sexualization of Awareness: Catchy, but Does It Actually Increase Knowledge of Breast Cancer? (United States)

    Burgess, Melinda C. R.; Murray, Ashley B.


    Currently, in the United States, there exist numerous public awareness campaigns about breast cancer. Many of these campaigns are highly sexualized, focusing on the breasts as an object of fun, as opposed to focusing on information about prevention/diagnosis/treatment. In spite of their popularity, it is unknown what effect they actually have on…

  7. Welcoming the Dark Side?: Exploring Whitelash and Actual Space Nazis in TFA Fanfiction

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    Cait Coker


    Full Text Available From the release of its first trailer, Star Wars: The Force Awakens received a racist backlash in response to the character of Finn, a black Stormtrooper turned hero. Nonetheless, after the film’s debut, slash fans across the Internet joined to make the Finn/Poe and Finn/Poe/Rey relationships (known as ‘ships among the most popular in both art and fiction, in what seemed to be a welcome sign of fandom’s evolution from the usual orgy of white cis-bodies. However, by the time TFA was available for legal download, the Kylo/Hux ‘ship had overtaken the others significantly, despite their lack of screentime and actual lines, and the fact that they were “actual space Nazis” and “evil space boyfriends.” This essay will explore the intersections of racism and misogyny in TFA fanfiction and discuss why these most problematic ‘ships have become the most popular, and consider how the mainstreaming of the Empire in the popular imagination is a form of political whitelash.

  8. Association between imagined and actual functional reach (FR): a comparison of young and older adults. (United States)

    Gabbard, Carl; Cordova, Alberto


    Recent studies indicate that the ability to mentally represent action using motor imagery declines with advanced age (>64 years). As the ability to represent action declines, the elderly may experience increasing difficulty with movement planning and execution. Here, we determined the association between estimation of reach via use of motor imagery and actual FR. Young adults (M=22 years) and older adults (M=66 years) estimated reach while standing with targets randomly presented in peripersonal (within actual reach) and extrapersonal (beyond reach) space. Imagined responses were compared to the individual's scaled maximum reach. FR, also while standing, was assessed using the standardized Functional Reach Test (FRT). Results for total score estimation accuracy showed that there was no difference for age; however, results for mean bias and distribution of error revealed that the older group underestimated while the younger group overestimated. In reference to FR, younger adults outperformed older adults (30 versus 14in.) and most prominent, only the younger group showed a significant relationship between estimation and FR. In addition to gaining insight to the effects of advanced age on the ability to mentally represent action and its association with movement execution, these results although preliminary, may have clinical implications based on the question of whether motor imagery training could improve movement estimations and how that might affect actual reach. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. The relationship between EFL teachers’ beliefs and actual practices of classroom management


    Mohammad Aliakbari; Mohsen Heidarzadi


    This study aimed at analyzing Iranian EFL teachers’ beliefs toward classroom management and the relationship between teachers’ beliefs and their actual practices of classroom management in regard with individual variables such as gender, education degree, and teaching experience. The data were collected using a behavior and instructional management scale inventory and direct class observation through a researcher made classroom management observation checklist. The findings showed that EFL te...

  10. The European atomic politics under the treaty of Lisboa and actual questions of the export of nuclear waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ehlenz, Christian; Frenz, Walter


    In the context of the actual discussion considerably influenced by safety questions activated by the reactor accident in Tschernobyl in 1986, the EAG gains increasing significance. However, a substantial safety risk proceeds not only with nuclear power stations as a possible goal for attacks of terror, but also from the uncontrolled spreading with nuclear material. The latter equally affects the question on handling radioactive waste materials being straightly discussed in Germany as well as in the European Union as proven by the European Union commissioner Oettinger. This is to be considered in connection with the problem how extensively the competences of the Euratom for the nuclear safety may be interpreted. The actual changes of the legal situation by means of the Lisboa contract for the EAG altogether turned out marginally and let its demand for a reform based on the actual conditions appear more urgent.

  11. Differentiation between dementia and depression among older persons: can the difference between actual and premorbid intelligence be useful? (United States)

    Dierckx, Eva; Engelborghs, Sebastiaan; De Raedt, Rudi; Van Buggenhout, Michael; De Deyn, Peter Paul; Verleye, Gino; Verte, Dominique; Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, Ingrid


    We wanted to investigate whether the difference between actual and premorbid intelligence can be useful to make an early differentiation between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and depression among elderly. A Dutch version of the National Adult Reading Test (NLV), a measure of premorbid IQ and the Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices (RCPM), a measure of actual intelligence were administered to patients with mild (34) and moderate (27) AD, depressed elderly (36) and healthy control subjects (51). Logistic regression analyses revealed that intellectual decline (i.e. subtracting NLV percentile score from RCPM percentile score) was only able to predict group membership when moderate AD patients were compared to depressed and healthy individuals. Our results indicate that intellectual decline may not be a concomitant of elderly depression. However, the differentiation between mild AD and elderly depression can not be made by means of the difference between premorbid (NLV) and actual (RCPM) intelligence scores.

  12. Actual sexual risk and perceived risk of HIV acquisition among HIV-negative men who have sex with men in Toronto, Canada

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    Maya A. Kesler


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Theory suggests that perceived human immunodeficiency virus (HIV risk and actual HIV risk behaviour are cyclical whereby engaging in high risk behaviour can increase perceived risk, which initiates precautionary behaviour that reduces actual risk, and with time reduces perceived risk. While current perceived risk may impact future actual risk, it is less clear how previous actual risk shapes current perceived risk. If individuals do not base their current perceived risk on past behaviour, they lose the protective effect of perceived risk motivating precautionary behaviour. Our goal was to determine the impact of actual risk on perceived risk. Methods Sexually active men who have sex with men (MSM were recruited at the Maple Leaf Medical Clinic in downtown Toronto from September 2010 to June 2012. Participants completed a socio-behavioural questionnaire using an Audio Computer Assisted Self-Interview (ACASI. Actual HIV risk (primary predictor was constructed by applying principal component analysis (PCA to eight sexual risk survey questions and comprised three components which reflected sex with casual partners, sex with HIV-positive regular partners and sex with HIV unknown status regular partners. Perceived HIV risk (outcome was measured by asking participants what the chances were that they would ever get HIV. Multivariable logistic regression was used to measure the association between actual and perceived HIV risk. Results One hundred and fifty HIV-negative MSM were recruited (median age 44.5 years [IQR 37–50 years]. Twenty percent of MSM perceived their HIV risk to be high. The odds of having a high perceived risk was significantly higher in those with high actual HIV risk indicated by low condom use with an HIV-positive regular partner compared to those with low actual HIV risk indicated by high condom use with an HIV-positive regular partner (Odds Ratio (OR 18.33, 95 % confidence interval (CI 1.65–203.45. Older

  13. Del Actual Sistema de Enfermedad a un verdadero Sistema de Salud

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    Lidice Alvarez-Miño


    Full Text Available Esta editorial tiene como objetivo generar una reflexión y abrir el debate sobre el sistema actual de salud que se refleja en prácticas naturalizadas  que se contradicen con la esencia del significado de la salud. Se trata de la costumbre de acudir al sistema de salud únicamente cuando se considera que se está enfermo, o peor aún, la equivalencia reduccionista y casi automática del concepto de salud como sinónimo de medicina.

  14. Study of the adenopathies: what is the actual role of MR?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balzarini, L.; Ceglia, E.; Petrillo, R.


    The actual role that MR imaging can play in detaction of adenopathies in different body sites has been evaluated in 54 oncologic patients with pathologic nodes already seen with other methods. Enlarged lymph-nodes seen by CT or ultrasound were all visible by MR as well. Relaxation times of pathologic tissue (T1-T2) were calculated at a 0,5 magnetic field: it's our opinion that at present it's not already possible to state the capability of MR to distinguish different pathologic tissues

  15. 25 CFR 1000.316 - May the Tribe/Consortium be reimbursed for actual and reasonable “wind up costs” incurred after... (United States)


    ... reasonable âwind up costsâ incurred after the effective date of retrocession? 1000.316 Section 1000.316... Reassumption § 1000.316 May the Tribe/Consortium be reimbursed for actual and reasonable “wind up costs” incurred after the effective date of retrocession? Yes, the Tribe/Consortium may be reimbursed for actual...

  16. 42 CFR 137.265 - May a Tribe be reimbursed for actual and reasonable close out costs incurred after the effective... (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false May a Tribe be reimbursed for actual and reasonable... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES TRIBAL SELF-GOVERNANCE Reassumption § 137.265 May a Tribe be reimbursed for... be reimbursed for actual and reasonable close out costs incurred after the effective date of...

  17. Actual Status of CAREM-25 Fuel Element Development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez, Edmundo


    In the frame of the CAREM Project, under Cnea s Reactor and Nuclear Plants Program, the Nuclear Fuel Thematic Area is one among others on which the project is organized. In this area, the primary objective to reach is to actualize the mechanical fuel element and reactivity control designs, taking in account the recents conceptual and engineering modifications introduced in the reactor, and ending with a consolidated conceptual and basic development.In order to reach these objectives, it is presented the way on which the area was organized, the participating working groups, the task required, the personnel involucrated, the grade of global development reached in the areas of engineering, developments, fabrication and essays of design verification, and the found difficulties, the tasks under ejecution, just finished and necessaries to fulfill completely the objectives. Finally, it is possible to say that due to the work realized, the conceptual design of both components is finished and the basic design is under development

  18. Designed for wartime needs, but never actually issued

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    Pantelić Svetlana


    Full Text Available Seeking funds to finance the war against the Turks which it entered in July 1876, Serbia, ruled by Prince Milan Obrenović, passed the decision on issuing paper banknotes with no backing in precious metals. They were printed at the national printing house in Belgrade. About 1500 pieces of banknotes of the Main National Treasury of the Principality of Serbia were printed in different denominations: 1, 5, 10, 50, and 100 dinars. These banknotes were never actually in circulation, being the test prints only, used to check whether the machines and technology for their future printing were working properly. They are extremely rare and popular with collectors. The most interesting ones are the 1-dinar banknotes because they have no reverse side, the 5-dinar banknotes because they were painted by the poet and painter Đura Jakšić, and the 10-dinar ones because they feature the drawings of the painter Đorđe Krstić.

  19. Actual use of a front-of-pack nutrition logo in the supermarket: consumers' motives in food choice. (United States)

    Vyth, Ellis L; Steenhuis, Ingrid H M; Vlot, Jessica A; Wulp, Anouk; Hogenes, Meefa G; Looije, Danielle H; Brug, Johannes; Seidell, Jacob C


    A front-of-pack nutrition logo on products with relatively favourable product compositions might help consumers to make more healthful choices. Studies investigating actual nutrition label use in point-of-purchase settings are scarce. The present study investigates the use of the 'Choices' nutrition logo in Dutch supermarkets. Adults were asked to complete a validated questionnaire about motivation for food choice and their purchased products were scored for the Choices logo after they had done their shopping. Nine supermarkets in The Netherlands. A total of 404 respondents participated. Of the respondents, 62 % reported familiarity with the logo. The motivations for food choice that were positively associated with actually purchasing products with the logo were attention to 'weight control' and 'product information'. The food choice motive 'hedonism' was negatively associated with purchasing products with the logo. This is the first study to investigate actual use of the Choices logo. In order to stimulate consumers to purchase more products with a favourable product composition, extra attention should be paid to hedonistic aspects such as the tastefulness and the image of healthy products.

  20. Entornos personalizados de aprendizaje (EPA para dispositivos móviles: situaciones de aprendizaje y evaluación

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    Zulma Cataldi


    Full Text Available El Informe Horizon para Iberoamérica prevé que en tres años la tecnología móvil, tendrá un potencial de impacto en la enseñanza, el aprendizaje, la investigación y la expresión creativa en el ámbito educativo global. La evolución actual de los dispositivos móviles da cuenta de las posibilidades muy interesantes disponibles, ya que permiten elaborar ambientes de aprendizaje personalizados para cada necesidad. En esta comunicación se definen y se describen los entornos personalizados de aprendizaje (EPA y se da un ejemplo genérico y otro particular de aplicaciones que se probaron en smartphones y tablets.


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    Boris Handal


    Full Text Available Este artículo sostiene que la actual persecución de la comunidad bahá'í de Irán contrasta conlas enseñanzas originales de Mahoma en el Corán las cuales prescriben comprensión y elrespeto hacia las minorías religiosas. Córdoba, una vez la capital de la España musulmana,conocida como al-Andalus, se configura como un ejemplo de tolerancia donde musulmanes,cristianos y judios coexistieron armoniosamente bajo el mandato islámico. Este artículo también describe la persecución de los miembros de la comunidad bahá'í iraní dentro de esecontexto histórico y teológico.


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    José Ángel García Retana


    Full Text Available En un mundo tan complejo como el actual, el modelo educativo debe enfrentar el reto de educar, respetando la individualidad, sin que esto signifique sacrificar la colectividad, ni viceversa; con la finalidad de potenciar la capacidad de aprender a pensar por parte del educando, de manera que éste pueda responder a las demandas de su entorno. Para lograr esto, se requiere construir un área de encuentro entre distintas teorías y enfoques, que incluya a las inteligencias múltiples, el socio-constructivismo y el enfoque por competencias, a través de situaciones didácticas que partan de la realidad. En el presente ensayo se presentan dos ejemplos posibles dentro de esta área de encuentro.

  3. The Cinematic Bergson: From Virtual Image to Actual Gesture

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    John Ó Maoilearca


    Full Text Available Deleuze’s film-philosophy makes much of the notion of virtual images in Bergson’s Matter and Memory, but in doing so he transforms a psycho-meta-physical thesis into a (very unBergsonian ontological one. In this essay, we will offer a corrective by exploring Bergson’s own explanation of the image as an “attitude of the body”—something that projects an actual, corporeal, and postural approach, not only to cinema, but also to philosophy. Indeed, just as Renoir famously said that “a director makes only one movie in his life. Then he breaks it into pieces and makes it again,” so Bergson wrote that each philosopher only makes one “single point” throughout his or her whole career. And this one point, he then declares, is like a “vanishing image,” only one best understood as an attitude of the body. It is embodied image that underlies an alternative Bergsonian cinema of the actual and the body—one that we will examine through what Bergson’s has to say about “attitude” as well as “gesture” and “mime.” We will also look at it through a gestural concept enacted by a film, to be precise, the five remakes that comprise Lars von Trier’s and Jørgen Leth’s The Five Obstructions (2003. This will bring us back to the idea of what it is that is being remade, both by directors and philosophers, in Renoir’s “one film” and Bergson’s singular “vanishing image” respectively.  Is the “one” being remade an image understood as a representation, or is it a gesture, understood as a bodily movement? It is the latter stance that provides a wholly new and alternative view of Bergson’s philosophy of cinema.

  4. Actual performance and characteristic of a grid connected photovoltaic power system in the tropics: A short term evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khatib, Tamer; Sopian, Kamaruzzaman; Kazem, Hussein A.


    Highlights: • We analyzed an actual performance of grid connected PV system. • We derived accurate models for the system based on the actual performance. • We assist the electricity productively of the proposed system. - Abstract: This paper presents a field operation experience for a grid connected PV system under tropical climate. The system is consisted of a 5 kWp photovoltaic (PV) array and a 6 kW DC/AC inverter. The operation performance data are recorded in order to develop accurate mathematical models for the system as well as to evaluate the productivity of the system. The experiment results show that, the average PV performance (the ratio of the theoretical performance to the actual performance) is 73.12% while the average inverter performance (the ratio of the theoretical inverter efficiency to the actual inverter efficiency) is 98.56%. Moreover, it is found that the daily yield factor of the PV system is 2.51 kW h/kWp day while, the capacity factor is 10.47%. However, it is concluded that the productivity of the system is below the prospected rate and thus, an inspection of the system must be done in order to diagnose the problem of the system’s low productivity. This paper presents worthwhile information for those who are interested in PV system installation in Malaysia and nearby country

  5. SEBAL-based Daily Actual Evapotranspiration Forecasting using Wavelets Decomposition Analysis and Multivariate Relevance Vector Machines (United States)

    Torres, A. F.


    Agricultural lands are sources of food and energy for population around the globe. These lands are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change including variations in rainfall regimes, weather patterns, and decreased availability of water for irrigation. In addition, it is not unusual that irrigated agriculture is forced to divert less water in order to make it available for other uses, e.g. human consumption and others. As part of implementation of better policies for water control and management, irrigation companies and water user associations have been implemented water conveyance and distribution monitoring systems along with soil moisture sensors networks in the last decades. These systems allow them to manage and distribute water among the users based on their requirements and water availability while collecting information about actual soil moisture conditions in representative crop fields. In spite of this, requested water deliveries by farmers/water users is based typically on total water share, traditions and past experience on irrigation, which in most cases do not correspond to the actual crop evapotranspiration, already affected by climate change. Therefore it is necessary to provide actual information about the crop water requirements to water users/managers, so they can better quantify the required vs. available water for the irrigation events along the irrigation season. To estimate the actual evapotranspiration in a spatial extent the Sensitivity Analysis of the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) algorithm has demonstrated its effectiveness using satellite or airborne data. Nonetheless the estimation is restricted to the day when the geospatial information was obtained. Without information of precise future daily water crop demand there is a continuous challenge for the implementation of better water distribution and management policies in the irrigation system. The purpose of this study is to investigate the plausibility of using

  6. Overcoming the knowledge-behavior gap: The effect of evidence-based HPV vaccination leaflets on understanding, intention, and actual vaccination decision. (United States)

    Wegwarth, O; Kurzenhäuser-Carstens, S; Gigerenzer, G


    Informed decision making requires transparent and evidence-based (=balanced) information on the potential benefit and harms of medical preventions. An analysis of German HPV vaccination leaflets revealed, however, that none met the standards of balanced risk communication. We surveyed a sample of 225 girl-parent pairs in a before-after design on the effects of balanced and unbalanced risk communication on participants' knowledge about cervical cancer and the HPV vaccination, their perceived risk, their intention to have the vaccine, and their actual vaccination decision. The balanced leaflet increased the number of participants who were correctly informed about cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine by 33 to 66 absolute percentage points. In contrast, the unbalanced leaflet decreased the number of participants who were correctly informed about these facts by 0 to 18 absolute percentage points. Whereas the actual uptake of the HPV vaccination 14 months after the initial study did not differ between the two groups (22% balanced leaflet vs. 23% unbalanced leaflet; p=.93, r=.01), the originally stated intention to have the vaccine reliably predicted the actual vaccination decision for the balanced leaflet group only (concordance between intention and actual uptake: 97% in the balanced leaflet group, rs=.92, p=.00; 60% in the unbalanced leaflet group, rs=.37, p=.08). In contrast to a unbalanced leaflet, a balanced leaflet increased people's knowledge of the HPV vaccination, improved perceived risk judgments, and led to an actual vaccination uptake, which first was robustly predicted by people's intention and second did not differ from the uptake in the unbalanced leaflet group. These findings suggest that balanced reporting about HPV vaccination increases informed decisions about whether to be vaccinated and does not undermine actual uptake. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  7. Using a Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing Model To Determine the Actual Cost of Services Provided by a Transgenic Core. (United States)

    Gerwin, Philip M; Norinsky, Rada M; Tolwani, Ravi J


    Laboratory animal programs and core laboratories often set service rates based on cost estimates. However, actual costs may be unknown, and service rates may not reflect the actual cost of services. Accurately evaluating the actual costs of services can be challenging and time-consuming. We used a time-driven activity-based costing (ABC) model to determine the cost of services provided by a resource laboratory at our institution. The time-driven approach is a more efficient approach to calculating costs than using a traditional ABC model. We calculated only 2 parameters: the time required to perform an activity and the unit cost of the activity based on employee cost. This method allowed us to rapidly and accurately calculate the actual cost of services provided, including microinjection of a DNA construct, microinjection of embryonic stem cells, embryo transfer, and in vitro fertilization. We successfully implemented a time-driven ABC model to evaluate the cost of these services and the capacity of labor used to deliver them. We determined how actual costs compared with current service rates. In addition, we determined that the labor supplied to conduct all services (10,645 min/wk) exceeded the practical labor capacity (8400 min/wk), indicating that the laboratory team was highly efficient and that additional labor capacity was needed to prevent overloading of the current team. Importantly, this time-driven ABC approach allowed us to establish a baseline model that can easily be updated to reflect operational changes or changes in labor costs. We demonstrated that a time-driven ABC model is a powerful management tool that can be applied to other core facilities as well as to entire animal programs, providing valuable information that can be used to set rates based on the actual cost of services and to improve operating efficiency.

  8. La formación actual del médico: fortalezas y debilidades

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    X. Clèries

    Full Text Available Las “Jornadas estatales de estudio y debate sobre el futuro de la formación integral del médico ¿bioingeniería o medicina?” que se realizaron en Barcelona el 8 y 9 de febrero de 2008 fueron el marco para que un grupo de trabajo abordara el tema de las fortalezas y debilidades de la formación actual del médico. Las principales aportaciones se estructuraron en los tres niveles educativos siguientes: pregrado, posgrado y formación continuada. Se destacó la necesidad de una formación integral y psicosocial en la enseñanza de pregrado, la conveniencia de una estructuración troncal de la formación de posgrado para conseguir una mayor transversalidad de la competencia del médico y la contextualización de la formación continuada en el desarrollo profesional de cada médico. El predominio de los conocimientos biomédicos y tecnológicos en la formación actual del médico contrastan con las demandas de carácter psicosocial de una gran parte de la población en el sistema sanitario.

  9. Capitalismo actual y precios de monopolio

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    Alexander Tarassiouk


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este ensayo es redimensionar dos elementos de la herencia teórica de R. Hilferding que no se enfatizan mucho en la literatura, aunque son de gran valor teórico y metodológico para el estudio del capitalismo actual. Se trata del análisis de la naturaleza económica de los precios de los monopolios, realizado en "El capital financiero", y a la metodología que aplica el autor en su obra maestra para investigar una nueva etapa en la evolución del capitalismo. La importancia del primer tema es evidente porque vivimos en el mundo donde las grandes corporación transnacionales determinan los precios de sus productos en la medida mucho mayor que lo hacían los cárteles y los trusts del inicio del siglo XX. Y en lo que se refiere al segundo elemento, su actualidad esta dada por el hecho de que, al parecer, de nuevo vivimos en el período de grandes cambios del sistema económico del capitalismo que se manifiestan en: el creciente papel del capital ficticio en la reproducción del capital global; el paso en las políticas económicas de la lógica de Bretton Woods a la de neoconservadurismo y de Consenso de Washington; y, en las modificaciones de la forma y del mecanismo del ciclo económico.


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    Liana Carolina Ovalles Pabon


    Full Text Available Este proyecto es producto de una reflexión crítica y estructurada por la inminente presencia en la cotidianidad de mecanismos tecnológicos que directa o indirectamente están presentes en los actos pedagógicos, surge la necesidad de entender la forma como está estructurando el pensamiento de los estudiantes y desde el accionar docente, cómo se puede beneficiar el accionar docente y pedagógico de ésta nueva tendencia que gira entorno a la tecnología que permite la conectividad; la educación no puede ser agena a las tendencias y actualizaciones del mundo, por esta razón se crea el paradigma de la educación actual en base al conectivismo.

  11. Planning continuity and the actual conditions of shopping malls. (United States)

    Morita, Yoshitsugu; Tahara, Manabu


    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the continuity of the planning of shopping malls in downtown areas of Japan and to look into the tendencies of the current existing malls until today. This paper is a summary of a survey conducted on the actual conditions of current shopping malls and a questionnaire administered to local governments in the survey areas. The results of this study allow us to summarize the reasons for and changes caused by renewal efforts directed toward the streets, public spaces, and urban elements (pavement, bench, streetlight, arcade, sculpture, etc.) in shopping malls. Furthermore, these results also help us to understand the scale of the renewal efforts as well as their timing in relation to when the shopping mall was originally constructed.

  12. Consumers, food and convenience: The long way from resource constraints to actual consumption patterns

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scholderer, Joachim; Grunert, Klaus G.


    that the influence of resource constraints on actual convenience behaviours is doubly mediated, first by perceptions of resource constraints, and then by convenience orientations. In Study 1, the model is calibrated based on a sample of 1000 French respondents with main responsibility for food shopping and meal...

  13. Radiation safety actuality in Republic of Moldova

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuharuk, E.S.


    Radioecological monitoring issues and radiation safety are actual in the Republic of Moldova. Japan events show us the possibility of natural disasters. Republic of Moldova is surrounded by 8 NPPs, the closest being at the distance of 160 km. Moldovas territory is in seismic zone where underground earthquake shocks reaches 7 points or more. Thatis why radiation safety and radioecological monitoring is actual in our republic. Traces of Chernobyl were left in Moldovas soils. The fallouts of radio nuclides formed on the soil surfaces in the Republic of Moldova following the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station Accident have been continuously affected by attacks of both natural and technicaly generated agents since the time of fallout. During the past decade a shift in emphasis has taken place regarding the need for more complete and accurate information on reservoir sedimentation. Classical sedimentation surveys involve repeated field measurement and, therefore, this is probably the most costly and time consuming method. The application of radio nuclides, particularly Cs 137, for water erosion and sedimentation studies in Republic of Moldova has not been attempted so far. This paper presents the results obtained on reservoir sedimentation rates in an area subjected to wide range in land degradation dy sheet-rill erosion. The profil characteristics support the assumption that in most undisturbed sites there is a sharp decline in Cs 137 activity with increasing dept. Such an asymmetrical distribution of the Cs 137 would suggest a standard pattern in the form of a cantilever. If the validity of this assamption is accepted it is possible to define two major types of Cs 137 cantilever distribution: shallow and deep buried cantilever. The main criterion in classifying these pattents lies generally in the shape of Cs 137 depth profile and particularly in burial magnitude of Cs 137 peak derived from Chernobyl. Hills area has been impacted by greatest sendimentation. This regional

  14. Tratamiento de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica: Conceptos actuales


    Pino Alfonso, Pedro Pablo; Rodríguez Vázquez, Juan Carlos; Gassiot Nuño, Carlos; Rodríguez Fernández, Rolando


    Se revisan los conceptos actuales en el tratamiento de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, incluidos la bronquitis crónica y el enfisema pulmonar. Se hace hincapié en el abandono del hábito de firmar como paso más importante en el tratamiento. Se dan recomendaciones para el uso de la terapia preventiva, así como la mejor manera de establecer el tratamiento broncodilatador, por pasos, a base de bromuro de ipratropiun, en dosis regulares y beta 2 agonistas, a demanda, así como el uso de...

  15. Objectivation of actualization of humanistic component in the syllabus of agricultural universities

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    Myshak Olena Oleksiyivna


    Full Text Available The article reviews the problem of combining the humanitarian training and the professional skills of future specialists. The author carries out the content analysis of educational programs of the disciplines of the humanitarian and professional cycles of agro-industrial specialists’ training. Humanistic component in the content of students’ training in the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine has been analysed and the need for its actualization has been argued.

  16. Desigualdades de género en el mercado laboral: un problema actual


    María Antonia Ribas Bonet


    This paper analyses the main distinctive features of the situations of labour discrimination that women are actually suffering. Men and women play different roles at home, in society and at work. A strong occupational segregation (horizontal and vertical) and serious wage differences between men and women are observed in the labour market of developed countries. The consequences of these labour differences are revealed at all levels: economic, social, labour, family, health, etc., leaving wom...

  17. Numerical calculation of 'actual' radial profile of ion temperature from 'measured' energy spectra of charge-exchanged neutrals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakamura, Kazuo; Hiraki, Naoji; Toi, Kazuo; Itoh, Satoshi


    The energy spectra of charge-exchanged neutrals are observed in the TRIAM-1 tokamak by vertical scanning of the neutral energy analyzer. The ''apparent'' ion temperature obtained directly from the energy spectrum observed in the peripheral region is much higher than that predicted by neoclassical transport theory. The ''actual'' ion temperature profile is derived numerically from the energy spectra observed at various positions taking into account the wall-reflection effect of neutrals and the impermeability of the plasma. As a result, the ''actual'' ion temperature profile is found to agree well with that predicted by neoclassical transport theory.

  18. Numerical calculation of 'actual' radial profile of ion temperature from 'measured' energy spectra of charge-exchanged neutrals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Kazuo; Hiraki, Naoji; Toi, Kazuo; Itoh, Satoshi


    The energy spectra of charge-exchanged neutrals are observed in the TRIAM-1 tokamak by vertical scanning of the neutral energy analyzer. The ''apparent'' ion temperature obtained directly from the energy spectrum observed in the peripheral region is much higher than that predicted by neoclassical transport theory. The ''actual'' ion temperature profile is derived numerically from the energy spectra observed at various positions taking into account the wall-reflection effect of neutrals and the impermeability of the plasma. As a result, the ''actual'' ion temperature profile is found to agree well with that predicted by neoclassical transport theory. (author)

  19. When perception is more than reality: the effects of perceived versus actual resource depletion on self-regulatory behavior. (United States)

    Clarkson, Joshua J; Hirt, Edward R; Jia, Lile; Alexander, Marla B


    Considerable research demonstrates that the depletion of self-regulatory resources impairs performance on subsequent tasks that demand these resources. The current research sought to assess the impact of perceived resource depletion on subsequent task performance at both high and low levels of actual depletion. The authors manipulated perceived resource depletion by having participants 1st complete a depleting or nondepleting task before being presented with feedback that did or did not provide a situational attribution for their internal state. Participants then persisted at a problem-solving task (Experiments 1-2), completed an attention-regulation task (Experiment 3), or responded to a persuasive message (Experiment 4). The findings consistently demonstrated that individuals who perceived themselves as less (vs. more) depleted, whether high or low in actual depletion, were more successful at subsequent self-regulation. Thus, perceived regulatory depletion can impact subsequent task performance-and this impact can be independent of one's actual state of depletion.

  20. Family Business in the Czech Republic: Actual Situation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anastasia PETLINA


    Full Text Available Purpose of the article: The purpose of this paper is to define the actual situation of family business on the market, particularly focused on qualities of family business and its strengths or weaknesses. The object of research is the family business as an economical phenomenon. The study includes two subjects: firstly, to find out a specification of the family business, to analyze family ties within the business in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic or to find out the current economic situation in family business and, secondly, to identify the features of family business as well as the difficulties faced thereby, lying in a base of two main components, namely the family system and the same of entrepreneurship. Methodology/methods: The article was prepared on the basis of general theoretical scientific methods, particularly on those of analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparison, generalization and deduction, or the method of expert estimates. For the analysis of the actual situation in big Czech family business enterprises, it was decided to use the secondary data of a top research-journal for this area, namely the In accordance with one of the paper goals, a SWOT analysis was applied to find out the basic strengths and weaknesses of family business. It was decided to verify the received information by interviewing several representatives of the family business in the Czech Republic. Scientific aim: The aim of scientific research is to improve the understanding of family business from the perspective of difficulties faced by family business and its economic perspectives. Findings: The results of this study have allowed the finding of a definition for the family business based on family ties and the laws of the Czech Republic. Another finding is that family business as a motor of the Czech economy has a real potencial for its development and it is able to enhance the Czech economy competitiveness on the world market. In

  1. Differences in physical environmental characteristics between adolescents' actual and shortest cycling routes: a study using a Google Street View-based audit. (United States)

    Verhoeven, Hannah; Van Hecke, Linde; Van Dyck, Delfien; Baert, Tim; Van de Weghe, Nico; Clarys, Peter; Deforche, Benedicte; Van Cauwenberg, Jelle


    The objective evaluation of the physical environmental characteristics (e.g. speed limit, cycling infrastructure) along adolescents' actual cycling routes remains understudied, although it may provide important insights into why adolescents prefer one cycling route over another. The present study aims to gain insight into the physical environmental characteristics determining the route choice of adolescent cyclists by comparing differences in physical environmental characteristics between their actual cycling routes and the shortest possible cycling routes. Adolescents (n = 204; 46.5% boys; 14.4 ± 1.2 years) recruited at secondary schools in and around Ghent (city in Flanders, northern part of Belgium) were instructed to wear a Global Positioning System device in order to identify cycling trips. For all identified cycling trips, the shortest possible route that could have been taken was calculated. Actual cycling routes that were not the shortest possible cycling routes were divided into street segments. Segments were audited with a Google Street View-based tool to assess physical environmental characteristics along actual and shortest cycling routes. Out of 160 actual cycling trips, 73.1% did not differ from the shortest possible cycling route. For actual cycling routes that were not the shortest cycling route, a speed limit of 30 km/h, roads having few buildings with windows on the street side and roads without cycle lane were more frequently present compared to the shortest possible cycling routes. A mixed land use, roads with commercial destinations, arterial roads, cycle lanes separated from traffic by white lines, small cycle lanes and cycle lanes covered by lighting were less frequently present along actual cycling routes compared to the shortest possible cycling routes. Results showed that distance mainly determines the route along which adolescents cycle. In addition, adolescents cycled more along residential streets (even if no cycle lane was

  2. 12 CFR 408.5 - Ensuring environmental documents are actually considered in Agency decision-making. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Ensuring environmental documents are actually considered in Agency decision-making. 408.5 Section 408.5 Banks and Banking EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES PROCEDURES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT Eximbank Implementing...

  3. The impact of a discrepancy between actual and preferred living arrangements on life satisfaction among the elderly in China. (United States)

    Guan, Jinqun; Li, Hui; Sun, Hong; Wang, Ting; Wu, Weiping


    To explore the effects of a discrepancy between actual and preferred living arrangements on the relationship between living arrangements and life satisfaction among the elderly in China. Secondary analysis of the 2005 dataset of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey was performed. A binary logistic regression model was used to analyze the relationship between life satisfaction and living arrangements. Among those with concordant actual and preferred living arrangements, living in a nursing home increased the likelihood of life satisfaction, whereas living alone and living with a spouse decreased the likelihood of life satisfaction compared to living with the next generation and a spouse. Among those with discordant living arrangements, there were no differences in life satisfaction between the various living arrangements, except that living with a spouse increased life satisfaction compared to living with the next generation and a spouse. A discrepancy between actual and preferred living arrangements modifies the relationship between life satisfaction and actual living arrangement. Living in a nursing home is a good option for Chinese elder care only if the older individual emotionally accepts it. Living alone or with a spouse is not a good arrangement for elder care, even though it is often preferred by the elderly. Those with discordant living arrangements are more satisfied living with their spouses.

  4. Present condition of survey research on actualization strategy of fast breeding reactor (FBR) cycling. General outlines on the research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hara, Hideaki


    The Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) started the survey research on actualization strategy of FBR cycling under cooperation of related organizations such as electric business company and so on, on July, 1999. The research aims at preparation of technical system to establish the FBR cycling for a future main energy supply source by extracting an actualization picture maximum activated advantages originally haven by the FBR cycling and by proposing a developmental strategy flexibly responsible to diverse needs in future society. Here was reported on effort state of its phase 1 (two years between 1999 and 2000 fiscal years). In the phase 1, it was planned to perform research and development shown as follows: 1) Extraction of actualization candidate concept on the FBR cycling under a premise of safety security and a viewpoint of evaluation on economics, resource effective usage, environmental loading reduction, and nuclear dispersion resistance by conducting investigation and evaluation of wide technical choices adopting innovative techniques, and 2) Embodiment of a research and development program of phase 2 (from 2001 to 2005 fiscal years) by investigating some technical subjects important for selection of research and development program aiming at actualization and its candidate concept on the FBR cycling. (G.K.)

  5. Actual situation analyses of rat-run traffic on community streets based on car probe data (United States)

    Sakuragi, Yuki; Matsuo, Kojiro; Sugiki, Nao


    Lowering of so-called "rat-run" traffic on community streets has been one of significant challenges for improving the living environment of neighborhood. However, it has been difficult to quantitatively grasp the actual situation of rat-run traffic by the traditional surveys such as point observations. This study aims to develop a method for extracting rat-run traffic based on car probe data. In addition, based on the extracted rat-run traffic in Toyohashi city, Japan, we try to analyze the actual situation such as time and location distribution of the rat-run traffic. As a result, in Toyohashi city, the rate of using rat-run route increases in peak time period. Focusing on the location distribution of rat-run traffic, in addition, they pass through a variety of community streets. There is no great inter-district bias of the route frequently used as rat-run traffic. Next, we focused on some trips passing through a heavily used route as rat-run traffic. As a result, we found the possibility that they habitually use the route as rat-run because their trips had some commonalities. We also found that they tend to use the rat-run route due to shorter distance than using the alternative highway route, and that the travel speeds were faster than using the alternative highway route. In conclusions, we confirmed that the proposed method can quantitatively grasp the actual situation and the phenomenal tendencies of the rat-run traffic.

  6. Location of colorectal cancer: colonoscopy versus surgery. Yield of colonoscopy in predicting actual location. (United States)

    Blum-Guzman, Juan Pablo; Wanderley de Melo, Silvio


     Recent studies suggest that differences in biological characteristics and risk factors across cancer site within the colon and rectum may translate to differences in survival. It can be challenging at times to determine the precise anatomical location of a lesion with a luminal view during colonoscopy. The aim of this study is to determine if there is a significant difference between the location of colorectal cancers described by gastroenterologists in colonoscopies and the actual anatomical location noted on operative and pathology reports after colon surgery.  A single-center retrospective analysis of colonoscopies of patient with reported colonic masses from January 2005 to April 2014 (n = 380) was carried. Assessed data included demography, operative and pathology reports. Findings were compared: between the location of colorectal cancers described by gastroenterologists in colonoscopies and the actual anatomical location noted on operative reports or pathology samples.  We identified 380 colonic masses, 158 were confirmed adenocarcinomas. Of these 123 underwent surgical resection, 27 had to be excluded since no specific location was reported on their operative or pathology report. An absolute difference between endoscopic and surgical location was found in 32 cases (33 %). Of these, 22 (23 %) differed by 1 colonic segment, 8 (8 %) differed by 2 colonic segments and 2 (2 %) differed by 3 colonic segments.  There is a significant difference between the location of colorectal cancers reported by gastroenterologists during endoscopy and the actual anatomical location noted on operative or pathology reports after colon surgery. Endoscopic tattooing should be used when faced with any luminal lesions of interest.

  7. THE PRIMACY OF RESIDENTIAL QUALITY IN URBAN CREATION. A CURRENT OBSERVATION ON A RECURRING NOTION / La primacía de la calidad residencial en la creación urbana. Una observación actual de una noción recurrente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sten Gromark


    Full Text Available SUMMARY As a current observation this contribution intends to situate origins of the notion of the primacy of residential quality in urban creation in a historical context before May ’68 and to show the relevance and actuality of this concept in emerging contemporary projective urban architectural practices. This is done through a retrospective re–reading of a major research contribution of architectural residential sociology elaborated by Henri Raymond and his team of ISU directed by Henri Lefebvre. A summary of results were published in 1966 as l’Habitat pavillonnaire and re–published in 2001 with the three different components together with the never published applied methodological instruction for inquiries of deep interviews with residents in suburban single family urban zones. This groundbreaking qualitative interpretive approach in social sciences with repercussions in residential architectural design orientations is regarded by the author as a still valid example of how social sciences can provide a more profound understanding of residents’ perceptions of their spatio–social residential situation, hábitat y habitar, than what the standard survey can offer for design guidance.RESUMEN Como observación actual, esta contribución pretende situar los orígenes de la idea de la primacía de la calidad residencial de la creación urbana en un contexto histórico antes de mayo del 68 y mostrar la relevancia y la actualidad de este concepto en las prácticas arquitectónicas urbanas contemporáneas emergentes. Esto se aborda a través de una retrospectiva de la importante contribución a la investigación de la arquitectura residencial de la sociología elaborada por Henri Raymond y su equipo de ISU, dirigido por Henri Lefebvre. Un resumen de los resultados se publicó en 1966 como l’ Habitat pavillonnaire, reeditado en 2001 en sus tres volúmenes, junto con la metodología aplicada y nunca antes aplicada de entrevistas a

  8. Moderating effects of voluntariness on the actual use of electronic health records for allied health professionals. (United States)

    Chiu, Teresa Ml; Ku, Benny Ps


    Mandatory versus voluntary requirement has moderating effect on a person's intention to use a new information technology. Studies have shown that the use of technology in health care settings is predicted by perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, social influence, facilitating conditions, and attitude towards computer. These factors have different effects on mandatory versus voluntary environment of use. However, the degree and direction of moderating effect of voluntariness on these factors remain inconclusive. This study aimed to examine the moderating effect of voluntariness on the actual use of an electronic health record (EHR) designed for use by allied health professionals in Hong Kong. Specifically, this study explored and compared the moderating effects of voluntariness on factors organized into technology, implementation, and individual contexts. Physiotherapists who had taken part in the implementation of a new EHR were invited to complete a survey. The survey included questions that measured the levels of voluntariness, technology acceptance and use, and attitude towards technology. Multiple logistic regressions were conducted to identify factors associated with actual use of a compulsory module and a noncompulsory module of the EHR. In total, there were 93 participants in the study. All of them had access to the noncompulsory module, the e-Progress Note, to record progress notes of their patients. Out of the 93 participants, 57 (62%) were required to use a compulsory module, the e-Registration, to register patient attendance. In the low voluntariness environment, Actual Use was associated with Effort Expectancy (mean score of users 3.51, SD 0.43; mean score of non-users 3.21, SD 0.31; P=.03). Effort Expectancy measured the perceived ease of use and was a variable in the technology context. The variables in the implementation and individual contexts did not show a difference between the two groups. In the high voluntariness environment, the mean

  9. La transversalidad en la enseñanza de la medicina: el ejemplo de la Oncología Cross-sectional approach in medical education: the example of Oncology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Barnadas-Molins


    Full Text Available Introducción. El desarrollo de la medicina durante el siglo XIX conllevó la aparición de las especialidades médicas y quirúrgicas, configurando un nuevo escenario asistencial con la fragmentación de los tradicionales servicios de medicina y cirugía. Estos cambios también acontecieron en el campo de la docencia de la medicina, originando algunos conflictos en la definición de competencias que aún persisten. La patología médica debería actuar como punto de encuentro y eje vertebrador del resto de las especialidades médicas, pero hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo ha existido un excesivo esfuerzo en delimitar el campo de cada disciplina, aspecto que no ha facilitado una comunicación fluida entre los diferentes especialistas. La atención a los pacientes con cáncer necesita de la implicación y colaboración de los diferentes profesionales que participan en el diagnóstico y tratamiento y, por ello, precisa de un diálogo fluido entre todos ellos. La oportunidad de poder desarrollar en el pregrado una formación multidisciplinar que englobe aspectos referentes a la integración de los diferentes especialistas en beneficio del paciente facilitará una mejora en la optimización de los recursos sanitarios. La enseñanza de la Oncología en el pregrado ha estado compartida con otras especialidades, pero hasta el momento actual no ha tenido la adecuada consideración. La Oncología constituye un claro ejemplo de que el trabajo en equipo permite mejorar la eficiencia y conducción de los procesos asistenciales. Es de esperar que en las futuras promociones de estudiantes existan menos resistencias para establecer puntos de encuentro y de sinergia y que ello redunde en la adquisición de una visión más amplia y posibilista, y que pueda aplicarse en beneficio de los futuros enfermos.The development of Medicine throughout the 19th century led to the appearance of medical and surgical specialties, which thus gave rise to a new health care

  10. The willingness and actual situation of Chinese cancer patients and their family members participating in medical decision-making. (United States)

    Zhang, Jie; Yang, Dan; Deng, Yaotiao; Wang, Ying; Deng, Lei; Luo, Xinmei; Zhong, Wuning; Liu, Jie; Wang, Yuqing; Jiang, Yu


    In China, not only patients and physicians are involved in medical decision-making (MDM) but also the patients' family members. The objective is to investigate the willingness and actual situation of cancer patients and their family members participating in the MDM process. In this cross-sectional study, questionnaires were administered to 247 pairs of cancer inpatients and their relatives. Information regarding participants' willingness and actual experience during the decision-making process was documented. Eligible participants were cancer inpatients or their relatives, 18 years of age or older, and informed of the cancer diagnosis. All the patients should have received chemotherapy. The effective response rate was 72.9% (180/247). Over half of the patients (53.3%) and family members (57.8%) were willing to be part of the MDM process. In contrast, only 35.0% of patients and 46.1% of family members actually experienced this process (p = 0.001 and p = 0.011, respectively). Fewer family members (42.2%) than patients (53.3%) believed that patients should be involved in the MDM process (p family (odds ratio 2.577, 95% CI 1.198-5.556, p = 0.015) experienced more involvement in MDM. Although more than half of Chinese cancer patients and family members wanted to be part of MDM, the actual participation was below their expectation. Majority of family members do not want the patients to be involved in the process of MDM. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  11. La importancia de la experiencia estética y el arte actual


    Tejada, Jesús


    Es imprescindible que la reflexión estética aborde el problema de la crisis del arte actual y que analice las distintas respuestas que en la práctica se le están dando. La renovación del diálogo con planteamientos estéticos tradicionales puede arrojar una nueva luz sobre la actividad de la creatividad artística, al destacar los conceptos de emoción y conocimiento entre otros.

  12. (Reportıng of Operation Results In Basis Of Actual Variable Cost)


    Çıkrıkçı, Mustafa; Dabbağoğlu, Kadir


    Calculation of production cost is primarily, essential to calculate cost of sales. Production cost is in the field of cost accounting and there are different approaches on calculation of production cost in cost accounting theory. These approaches designate the cost system. A cost system is a combination of cost principle, cost method and cost procedure. Principals consist of full cost and partial cost. Methods consist of actual cost and estimated cost. Procedures consist of order cost and sta...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Rieznik


    Full Text Available Sobre el carácter histórico de la actual crisis mundial. Este artículo toma como referencia algunos marcos históricos para análisis de esa crisis que está comprendida, no como un episodio cíclico, sino como la manifestación de una disolución más amplia del orden social capitalista. Un trazo singular de esa crisis es que ella se produce en un momento en que el capital pretendía haber establecido su definitiva supremacía histórica . Enfatiza la necesidad de que los educadores comprendan que sin transformación social, no habrá transformación educativa.

  14. Affective Education: A Teacher's Manual to Promote Student Self-Actualization and Human Relations Skills. (United States)

    Snyder, Thomas R.

    This teacher's manual presents affective education as a program to promote student self-actualization and human relations skills. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Erik Erikson's life stages of psychosocial development form the conceptual base for this program. The goals and objectives of this manual are concerned with problem-solving…

  15. The Survey and Analysis of Excellent Senior High School Physics Teachers' Professional Growth Actuality (United States)

    Sun, Haibin; Liu, Tingting


    Excellent senior high school physics teachers are the backbone power in the new course reform of physics in China. The excellent senior high school physics teachers' professional growth actuality in Shandong is surveyed in this article by the self-made "Questionnaire of Excellent Senior High School Physics Teachers' Professional Growth",…

  16. CFD analysis of a full-scale ceramic kiln module under actual operating conditions (United States)

    Milani, Massimo; Montorsi, Luca; Stefani, Matteo; Venturelli, Matteo


    The paper focuses on the CFD analysis of a full-scale module of an industrial ceramic kiln under actual operating conditions. The multi-dimensional analysis includes the real geometry of a ceramic kiln module employed in the preheating and firing sections and investigates the heat transfer between the tiles and the burners' flame as well as the many components that comprise the module. Particular attention is devoted to the simulation of the convective flow field in the upper and lower chambers and to the effects of radiation on the different materials is addressed. The assessment of the radiation contribution to the tiles temperature is paramount to the improvement of the performance of the kiln in terms of energy efficiency and fuel consumption. The CFD analysis is combined to a lumped and distributed parameter model of the entire kiln in order to simulate the module behaviour at the boundaries under actual operating conditions. Finally, the CFD simulation is employed to address the effects of the module operating conditions on the tiles' temperature distribution in order to improve the temperature uniformity as well as to enhance the energy efficiency of the system and thus to reduce the fuel consumption.

  17. An examination of actual fraud cases with a focus on the auditor's responsibility

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Claus; Langsted, Lars Bo; Seehausen, Jesper

    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to an understanding of the intricate relationship between audit regulation and developments in audit practice in relation to the fraud issue. The extent and exact nature of the responsibilities of the auditor to detect fraud in relation to audit engageme......The purpose of this paper is to contribute to an understanding of the intricate relationship between audit regulation and developments in audit practice in relation to the fraud issue. The extent and exact nature of the responsibilities of the auditor to detect fraud in relation to audit...... engagements has been widely discussed over the years. In this paper we classify actual cases, where the responsibilities of auditors have been established by the court system and/or by the auditors own professional organizations in Denmark. The dataset includes all publicized cases raised against Danish...... auditors within the time period 1909-2006. The information provided in the cases provides a basis for identifying the actual responsibilities pertaining to fraud during the audit. The overall finding of the historical analysis is that the responsibilities of the auditor in relation to fraud should...

  18. An Examination of Actual Fraud Cases With a Focus on the Auditor's Responsibility

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Claus; Langsted, Lars Bo; Seehausen, Jesper

    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to an understanding of the intricate relationship between audit regulation and developments in audit practice in relation to the fraud issue. The extent and exact nature of the responsibilities of the auditor to detect fraud in relation to audit engageme......The purpose of this paper is to contribute to an understanding of the intricate relationship between audit regulation and developments in audit practice in relation to the fraud issue. The extent and exact nature of the responsibilities of the auditor to detect fraud in relation to audit...... engagements has been widely discussed over the years. In this paper we classify actual cases, where the responsibilities of auditors have been established by the court system and/or by the auditors own professional organizations in Denmark. The dataset includes all publicized cases raised against Danish...... auditors within the time period 1909-2006. The information provided in the cases provides a basis for identifying the actual responsibilities pertaining to fraud during the audit. The overall finding of the historical analysis is that the responsibilities of the auditor in relation to fraud should...

  19. Prosthesis use in adult acquired major upper-limb amputees: patterns of wear, prosthetic skills and the actual use of prostheses in activities of daily life. (United States)

    Østlie, Kristin; Lesjø, Ingrid Marie; Franklin, Rosemary Joy; Garfelt, Beate; Skjeldal, Ola Hunsbeth; Magnus, Per


    To describe patterns of prosthesis wear and perceived prosthetic usefulness in adult acquired upper-limb amputees (ULAs). To describe prosthetic skills in activities of daily life (ADL) and the actual use of prostheses in the performance of ADL tasks. To estimate the influence of prosthetic skills on actual prosthesis use and the influence of background factors on prosthetic skills and actual prosthesis use. Cross-sectional study analysing population-based questionnaire data (n = 224) and data from interviews and clinical testing in a referred/convenience sample of prosthesis-wearing ULAs (n = 50). Effects were analysed using linear regression. 80.8% wore prostheses. 90.3% reported their most worn prosthesis as useful. Prosthetic usefulness profiles varied with prosthetic type. Despite demonstrating good prosthetic skills, the amputees reported actual prosthesis use in only about half of the ADL tasks performed in everyday life. In unilateral amputees, increased actual use was associated with sufficient prosthetic training and with the use of myoelectric vs cosmetic prostheses, regardless of amputation level. Prosthetic skills did not affect actual prosthesis use. No background factors showed significant effect on prosthetic skills. Most major ULAs wear prostheses. Individualised prosthetic training and fitting of myoelectric rather than passive prostheses may increase actual prosthesis use in ADL.

  20. Visualization and simulation techniques for surgical simulators using actual patient's data. (United States)

    Radetzky, Arne; Nürnberger, Andreas


    Because of the increasing complexity of surgical interventions research in surgical simulation became more and more important over the last years. However, the simulation of tissue deformation is still a challenging problem, mainly due to the short response times that are required for real-time interaction. The demands to hard and software are even larger if not only the modeled human anatomy is used but the anatomy of actual patients. This is required if the surgical simulator should be used as training medium for expert surgeons rather than students. In this article, suitable visualization and simulation methods for surgical simulation utilizing actual patient's datasets are described. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect volume rendering for the visualization are discussed and a neuro-fuzzy system is described, which can be used for the simulation of interactive tissue deformations. The neuro-fuzzy system makes it possible to define the deformation behavior based on a linguistic description of the tissue characteristics or to learn the dynamics by using measured data of real tissue. Furthermore, a simulator for minimally-invasive neurosurgical interventions is presented that utilizes the described visualization and simulation methods. The structure of the simulator is described in detail and the results of a system evaluation by an experienced neurosurgeon--a quantitative comparison between different methods of virtual endoscopy as well as a comparison between real brain images and virtual endoscopies--are given. The evaluation proved that the simulator provides a higher realism of the visualization and simulation then other currently available simulators. Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.

  1. Actual waste demonstration of the nitric-glycolic flowsheet for sludge batch 9 qualification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Newell, D. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Pareizs, J. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Martino, C. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Reboul, S. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Coleman, C. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Edwards, T. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Johnson, F. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL)


    For each sludge batch that is processed in the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF), the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) performs qualification testing to demonstrate that the sludge batch is processable. Based on the results of this actual-waste qualification and previous simulant studies, SRNL recommends implementation of the nitric-glycolic acid flowsheet in DWPF. Other recommendations resulting from this demonstration are reported in section 5.0.

  2. Predictors of Intentions to Participate in Politics and Actual Political Behaviors in Young Adulthood (United States)

    Eckstein, Katharina; Noack, Peter; Gniewosz, Burkhard


    Drawing on data from a three-wave longitudinal study, the present research examined predictors of young adults' intentions to participate in politics and their actual political activities while referring to the broader assumptions of the theory of planned behavior. The analyses were based on a sample of university students from the federal state…

  3. An empirical study of desired versus actual compensation practices in determining intrapreneurial behaviour

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ugochukwu O. Madu


    Full Text Available Orientation: Past research recognises that human resources management practices may influence innovative behaviour, particularly as compensation systems can be used as a tool to increase intrapreneurial activity. Research purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between actual versus desired compensation practices and elevated intrapreneurial behaviour. This is in line with research that focuses on how to promote business innovation, rather than merely research whether innovation is desirable for businesses or not. Motivation for the study: Recognising that entrepreneurial actions are the bedrock of intrapreneurial behaviour and that these behaviours may be critical to the long-term vitality of a firm and economy, it is important to facilitate the empirical study of them in an underresearched, emerging market environment. Moreover, compensation such as reward preferences and variable pay schemes remain controversial in terms of their costs versus contributions, and these constructs deserve more empirical research. Research approach, design and method: The study employed a quantitative research design, using a cross-sectional and empirical approach with primary data sources. A structured webbased instrument rendered a sample of 209 respondents from a diverse set of businesses. Canonical correlational analysis was carried out to test the hypotheses. Main findings: The results reveal that a gap exists between an employee’s perception of desired compensation practices and the actual compensation practices. The results further highlight that non-outcome-based measures like pay risk, job risk and expectations of success play a role in determining whether employees decide to be intrapreneurial or not. Practical/managerial implications: Due to the potential impact rewards have on intrapreneurial behaviour, it is necessary to design relevant compensation systems as part of organisational architecture in order to foster

  4. On the actual controlling of standards concerning the 'fast breeder reactor'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rengeling, H.W.


    If the decision of the OVG Muenster to present the case to the Federal Constitutional Court asking whether Article 7 of the atomic energy law corresponds to the constitution or not, as far as the article allows the licensing of a fast breeder reactor, two problems arise: The legal question in how far the actual controlling of standards is to be preceeded by a statement of facts given by the court of first instance, and the problem behind concerning the responsibility of decision. The Federal Constitutional Court should accept the responsibility of decision to be borne by it. (orig.) [de

  5. El amparo constitucional. Doctrina y problemas actuales. La admisibilidad del recurso


    Hernández Ramos, Mario


    El presenta artículo desarrolla el tema del amparo constitucional abordando los siguientes puntos relacionados con la doctrina y los problemas más actuales, así como la admisibilidad del recurso del amparo: Aspectos introductorios. El recurso de amparo y el trámite de admisión. 1) Estado de la cuestión y diagnóstico de la situación. 1.1) La situación en cifras. 2) Causas de la avalancha de recursos de amparo y acumulación de asuntos ante el tribunal constitucional. 2.1) Causas de origen legis...

  6. Contaminación del aire en Santiago: Estado actual y soluciones


    Raúl O'Ryan; Luis Larraguibel


    En el presente trabajo se discute el problema de la contaminación atmosférica en Santiago y de los esfuerzos en marcha para su solución, representados formalmente por el Plan de Prevención y Descontaminación de la Región Metropolitana (PPDA). A modo de introducción se definen términos y conceptos utilizados en el PPDA, los cuales son de uso frecuente en el área de contaminación urbana. Posteriormente, se analizan el estado actual, la evolución y tendencias de los indicadores representativos d...

  7. Associations among Elementary School Children’s Actual Motor Competence, Perceived Motor Competence, Physical Activity and BMI: A Cross-Sectional Study (United States)

    Stodden, David; Brian, Ali; True, Larissa; Cardon, Greet; Tallir, Isabel; Haerens, Leen


    Background Positive associations between motor competence and physical activity have been identified by means of variable-centered analyses. To expand the understanding of these associations, this study used a person-centered approach to investigate whether different combinations (i.e., profiles) of actual and perceived motor competence exist (aim 1); and to examine differences in physical activity levels (aim 2) and weight status (aim 3) among children with different motor competence-based profiles. Materials and Methods Children’s (N = 361; 180 boys = 50%; Mage = 9.50±1.24yrs) actual motor competence was measured with the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 and their perceived motor competence via the Self Perception Profile for Children. We assessed physical activity via accelerometers; height through stadiometers, and weight through scales. Cluster analyses (aim 1) and MANCOVAs (aim 2 & 3) were used to analyze the data. Results The analysis generated two predictable groups: one group displaying relatively high levels of both actual (M TGMD-2 percentile = 42.54, SD = 2.33) and perceived motor competence (M = 3.42, SD = .37; high-high), and one group with relatively low levels of both (M percentile = 9.71, SD = 3.21; M PMC = 2.52, SD = .35; low-low). One additional group was also identified as having relatively low levels of actual motor competence (M percentile = 4.22, SD = 2.85) but relatively high levels of perceived motor competence (M = 3.52, SD = .30; low-high). The high-high group demonstrated higher daily physical activity (M = 48.39±2.03) and lower BMI (M = 18.13±.43) than the low-low group (MMVPA = 37.93±2.01; MBMI = 20.22±.42). The low-high group had similar physical activity-levels as the low-low group (M = 36.21±2.18) and did not significantly differ in BMI (M = 19.49±.46) from the other two groups. Conclusions A combination of high actual and perceived motor competence is related to higher physical activity and lower weight status. It is thus

  8. Perceived versus actual condom skills among clients at sexually transmitted disease clinics.


    Langer, L M; Zimmerman, R S; Cabral, R J


    The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether individual self-reports of perceived ability to use a condom correctly correlated with the actual ability to do so. Participants in the study were 3,059 clients of a sexually transmitted disease clinic. The findings revealed that the participants' perceived self-efficacy with regard to using a condom effectively was a poor indicator of their clinically demonstrated skills using a penile model as scored on the 6-point Condom Skills Index...

  9. [Variation characteristics and influencing factors of actual evapotranspiration under various vegetation types: A case study in the Huaihe River Basin, China. (United States)

    Wu, Rong Jun; Xing, Xiao Yong


    The actual evapotranspiration was modelled utilizing the boreal ecosystem productivity simulator (BEPS) in Huaihe River Basin from 2001 to 2012. In the meantime, the quantitative analyses of the spatial-temporal variations of actual evapotranspiration characteristics and its influencing factors under different vegetation types were conducted. The results showed that annual evapotranspiration gradually decreased from southeast to northwest, tended to increase annually, and the monthly change for the average annual evapotranspiration was double-peak curve. The differences of evapotranspiration among vegetation types showed that the farmland was the largest contributor for the evapotranspiration of Huaihe Basin. The annual actual evapotranspiration of the mixed forest per unit area was the largest, and that of the bare ground per unit area was the smallest. The changed average annual evapotranspiration per unit area for various vegetation types indicated an increased tendency other than the bare ground, with a most significant increase trend for the evergreen broadleaf forest. The thermodynamic factors (such as average temperature) were the dominant factors affecting the actual evapotranspiration in the Huaihe Basin, followed by radiation and moisture factors.

  10. The impact of a discrepancy between actual and preferred living arrangements on life satisfaction among the elderly in China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jinqun Guan


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To explore the effects of a discrepancy between actual and preferred living arrangements on the relationship between living arrangements and life satisfaction among the elderly in China. METHODS: Secondary analysis of the 2005 dataset of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey was performed. A binary logistic regression model was used to analyze the relationship between life satisfaction and living arrangements. RESULTS: Among those with concordant actual and preferred living arrangements, living in a nursing home increased the likelihood of life satisfaction, whereas living alone and living with a spouse decreased the likelihood of life satisfaction compared to living with the next generation and a spouse. Among those with discordant living arrangements, there were no differences in life satisfaction between the various living arrangements, except that living with a spouse increased life satisfaction compared to living with the next generation and a spouse. CONCLUSIONS: A discrepancy between actual and preferred living arrangements modifies the relationship between life satisfaction and actual living arrangement. Living in a nursing home is a good option for Chinese elder care only if the older individual emotionally accepts it. Living alone or with a spouse is not a good arrangement for elder care, even though it is often preferred by the elderly. Those with discordant living arrangements are more satisfied living with their spouses.

  11. Microbial Biotreatment of Actual Textile Wastewater in a Continuous Sequential Rice Husk Biofilter and the Microbial Community Involved (United States)

    Lindh, Markus V.; Pinhassi, Jarone; Welander, Ulrika


    Textile dying processes often pollute wastewater with recalcitrant azo and anthraquinone dyes. Yet, there is little development of effective and affordable degradation systems for textile wastewater applicable in countries where water technologies remain poor. We determined biodegradation of actual textile wastewater in biofilters containing rice husks by spectrophotometry and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. The indigenous microflora from the rice husks consistently performed >90% decolorization at a hydraulic retention time of 67 h. Analysis of microbial community composition of bacterial 16S rRNA genes and fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) gene fragments in the biofilters revealed a bacterial consortium known to carry azoreductase genes, such as Dysgonomonas, and Pseudomonas and the presence of fungal phylotypes such as Gibberella and Fusarium. Our findings emphasize that rice husk biofilters support a microbial community of both bacteria and fungi with key features for biodegradation of actual textile wastewater. These results suggest that microbial processes can substantially contribute to efficient and reliable degradation of actual textile wastewater. Thus, development of biodegradation systems holds promise for application of affordable wastewater treatment in polluted environments. PMID:28114377

  12. Microbial Biotreatment of Actual Textile Wastewater in a Continuous Sequential Rice Husk Biofilter and the Microbial Community Involved.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jörgen Forss

    Full Text Available Textile dying processes often pollute wastewater with recalcitrant azo and anthraquinone dyes. Yet, there is little development of effective and affordable degradation systems for textile wastewater applicable in countries where water technologies remain poor. We determined biodegradation of actual textile wastewater in biofilters containing rice husks by spectrophotometry and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. The indigenous microflora from the rice husks consistently performed >90% decolorization at a hydraulic retention time of 67 h. Analysis of microbial community composition of bacterial 16S rRNA genes and fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS gene fragments in the biofilters revealed a bacterial consortium known to carry azoreductase genes, such as Dysgonomonas, and Pseudomonas and the presence of fungal phylotypes such as Gibberella and Fusarium. Our findings emphasize that rice husk biofilters support a microbial community of both bacteria and fungi with key features for biodegradation of actual textile wastewater. These results suggest that microbial processes can substantially contribute to efficient and reliable degradation of actual textile wastewater. Thus, development of biodegradation systems holds promise for application of affordable wastewater treatment in polluted environments.

  13. Preferences and actual chemotherapy decision-making in the greater plains collaborative breast cancer study. (United States)

    Berger, Ann M; Buzalko, Russell J; Kupzyk, Kevin A; Gardner, Bret J; Djalilova, Dilorom M; Otte, Julie L


    There is renewed interest in identifying breast cancer patients' participation in decision-making about adjuvant chemotherapy. There is a gap in the literature regarding the impact of these decisions on quality of life (QOL) and quality of care (QOC). Our aims were to determine similarities and differences in how patients diagnosed with breast cancer preferred to make decisions with providers about cancer treatment, to examine the patient's recall of her role when the decision was made about chemotherapy and to determine how preferred and actual roles, as well as congruence between them, relate to QOL and perceived QOC. Greater Plains Collaborative clinical data research network of PCORnet conducted the 'Share Thoughts on Breast Cancer' survey among women 12-18 months post-diagnosis at eight sites in seven Midwestern United States. Patients recalled their preferred and actual treatment decision-making roles and three new shared decision-making (SDM) variables were created. Patients completed QOL and QOC measurements. Correlations and t-tests were used. Of 1235 returned surveys, 873 (full sample) and 329 (subsample who received chemotherapy) were used. About one-half of women in both the full (50.7%) and subsample (49.8%,) preferred SDM with providers about treatment decisions, but only 41.2% (full) and 42.6% (subsample) reported experiencing SDM. Significant differences were found between preferred versus actual roles in the full (p decision-making variables with QOL, but there was an association with QOC. The subsample's decision-making variables related to several QOL scales and QOC items, with a more patient-centered decision than originally preferred related to higher physical and social/family well-being, overall QOL and QOC. Patients benefit from providers' efforts to identify patient preferences, encourage an active role in SDM, and tailor decision making to their desired choice.

  14. Impacts of grass removal on wetting and actual water repellency in a sandy soil

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oostindie, K.; Dekker, L.W.; Wesseling, J.G.; Geissen, V.; Ritsema, C.J.


    Soil water content and actual water repellency were assessed for soil profiles at two sites in a bare and grasscovered plot of a sand pasture, to investigate the impact of the grass removal on both properties. The soil of the plots was sampled six times in vertical transects to a depth of 33 cm

  15. Is climatic regionalization in frame of estimated pedologic-ecological system actual in 21st century? (United States)

    Středová, Hana; Chuchma, Filip


    Climatic variables defining climatic regions of estimated pedologic-ecological system (EPEU) were calculated based on fifty-year climatic data from 1961 to 2010. Obtained results were subsequently compared to intervals determining individual climatic regions defined by previous climatic data (1901-1950). In many agricultural intense areas sum of air temperature and mean air temperature exceeded upper limit. In terms of precipitation it is especially noticeable in the wet (higher) altitudes. Significant volatility was found for probability of dry periods from April to September. The values of the moisture certainty from April to September for the period 1961-2010 reached to several tens. In the final analysis, the only safe prediction is that the present and future are likely to be very different from the past. It is necessary to take it into account for actualization of EPEU methodology. Among the strongest arguments justifying the need of this actualization is in particular climate development since 1901, technological progress and improved measurement technology as well as automation and development of climate models coupled with simulations of complex characteristics and estimates of future climate. It is evident that the development of climate and other factors have an enormous impact on soil fertility. This should be also taken into consideration when fixing the official price. It is necessary to consider the possible replacement of the existing characteristics by more suitable (for example soil moisture balance). The findings might be summarized in few words: old climatic regions do not reflect actual climatic conditions.

  16. Comparison of actual vacuum pressures at the end of 3 phacoemulsification tips in swine eyes. (United States)

    Park, Sang Hoon; Choi, Chul Young; Kim, Joon Mo; Chang, Hae Ran; Kim, Jae Yong; Kim, Myoung Joon; Tchah, Hungwon; Kim, Jae Chan


    To compare the actual vacuum pressure at the end of an aspiration bypass system (ABS) phaco tip and a conventional tip in conditions similar to those during human cataract surgery. Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Seoul, Korea. A 4.0 mm diameter rubber eraser ball was inserted in a phacoemulsified swine eye and engaged to a phaco tip. With a vacuum pressure of 300 mm Hg, the eraser ball was pulled in the opposite direction with the phaco tip. The pulling power separating the eraser ball from the phaco tip was measured using the volume of water dripped into a container connected to the eraser ball. Measurements were taken with an Infiniti ABS tip and 2 conventional tips: Sovereign (conventional tip S) and Infiniti (conventional tip I). Measurements were taken alternatively at random in the same eye. The mean pulling power was 17.35 mL +/- 5.01 (SD) with conventional tip S and 16.85 +/- 4.45 mL with conventional tip I. The mean pulling power of the ABS tip was 13.35 +/- 4.32 mL, which was a mean 20.8% lower than that of conventional tip I (P = .016) and 23.1% lower than that of conventional tip S (P = .010). The actual vacuum pressure of the phaco tip was significantly influenced by the presence of the ABS hole. To compensate for the decrease in actual vacuum pressure, surgeons should be aware of the characteristics of the ABS tip being used and change the standard settings accordingly.

  17. When perceptions defy reality: The relationships between depression and actual and perceived Facebook social support. (United States)

    Park, Jiyoung; Lee, David Seungjae; Shablack, Holly; Verduyn, Philippe; Deldin, Patricia; Ybarra, Oscar; Jonides, John; Kross, Ethan


    Although the relationship between depression and "offline" social support is well established, numerous questions surround the relationship between "online" social support and depression. We explored this issue by examining the social support dynamics that characterize the way individuals with varying levels of depression (Study 1) and SCID-diagnosed clinically depressed and non-depressed individuals (Study 2) interact with Facebook, the world's largest online social network. Using a novel methodology, we examined how disclosing positive or negative information on Facebook influences the amount of social support depressed individuals (a) actually receive (based on actual social support transactions recorded on Facebook walls) and (b) think they receive (based on subjective assessments) from their Facebook network. Contrary to prior research indicating that depression correlates with less actual social support from "offline" networks, across both studies depression was positively correlated with social support from Facebook networks when participants disclosed negative information (p=.02 in Study 1 and p=.06 in Study 2). Yet, depression was negatively correlated with how much social support participants thought they received from their Facebook networks (p=.005 in Study 1 and p=.001 in Study 2). The sample size was relatively small in Study 2, reflecting difficulties of recruiting individuals with Major Depressive Disorder. These results demonstrate that an asymmetry characterizes the relationship between depression and different types of Facebook social support and further identify perceptions of Facebook social support as a potential intervention target. (243 words; 250 max). Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. La competencia informacional-digital en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ciencias en la educación secundaria obligatoria actual: una revisión teórica

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    Daniel Valverde-Crespo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realiza una revisión teórica sobre la competencia informacional-digital y su repercusión en la enseñanza de las Ciencias. Para ello, hemos tratado de aportar respuestas a las cuestiones: ¿es lo mismo competencia informacional que competencia digital?; ¿qué ha investigado la didáctica de las ciencias con respecto a la competencia informacional-digital?; ¿es esta competencia una parte de la competencia científica?; ¿tenemos ejemplos en el ámbito de la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las Ciencias? Nos hemos centrado en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, etapa en la que destaca el papel de esta competencia como elemento formativo de ciudadanos alfabetizados en búsqueda, selección y valoración objetiva y crítica de la información científica disponible en contextos digitales.

  19. Kierkegaard’s Ethical Stage In Hegel’s Logical Categories: Actual Possibility, Reality And Necessity

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    María J. Binetti


    Full Text Available During decades, the history of philosophy has kept Kierkegaardrsquo;s and Hegelrsquo;s thought apart, and their long-standing opposition has swept through the speculative greatness of Kierkegaardian existentialism and the existential power of Hegelian philosophy. In contrast to such unfortunate misinterpretation, this article aims at showing the deep convergence that relates interiorly the Kierkegaardian ethical stage with the most important Hegelian logic categories. Kierkegaard and Hegel conceive of the idea as the real power of subjective becoming, and the existence as the actual concretion of the ideal. To both of them, the pure emeneacute;rgeia/em of freedom, which starts in the abstract and aesthetical possibility of the subjective immediacy, realizes itself as the actual concretion of finitude, assuming time and contingency by the eternal and necessary force of duty. The Kierkegaardian repetition is nothing but this powerful idea, mediating the flux of finite differences in the eternal identity of subject. However, for Kierkegaard as well as for Hegel there is an absolute contradiction, which promotes the overcoming of ethics.

  20. Wind farm production cost: Optimum turbine size and farm capacity in the actual market

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laali, A.R.; Meyer, J.L.; Bellot, C. [Electricite de France, Chatou (France); Louche, A. [Espace de Recherche, Ajaccio (France)


    Several studies are undertaken in R&D Division of EDF in collaboration with ERASME association in order to have a good knowledge of the wind energy production costs. These studies are performed in the framework of a wind energy monitoring project and concern the influence of a few parameters like wind farm capacity, turbine size and wind speed on production costs, through an analysis of the actual market trend. Some 50 manufacturers and 140 different kind of wind turbines are considered for this study. The minimum production cost is situated at 800/900 kW wind turbine rated power. This point will probably move to more important powers in the future. This study is valid only for average conditions and some special parameters like particular climate conditions or lack of infrastructure for a special site the could modify the results shown on the curves. The variety of wind turbines (rated power as a function of rotor diameter, height and specific rated power) in the actual market is analyzed. A brief analysis of the market trend is also performed. 7 refs., 7 figs.