
Sample records for indice tobillo-brazo patologico

  1. Artrosis de tobillo y su tratamiento con artroplastía total de tobillo

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    Beat Hintermann, DR.


    Resultados clínicos alentadores para artroplastias de segunda generación son prometedores para pacientes con osteoartritis avanzada del tobillo. Sin embargo, las características mecánicas y fisiológicas únicas de la articulación del tobillo siguen siendo un desafío. A la fecha, los fracasos de implantes de tobillo continúan siendo más altos que implantes para otras articulaciones. De cierto modo, esto puede estar relacionado con la inhabilidad del cirujano para restaurar adecuadamente el rol estabilizador crítico de los ligamentos junto con una reproducción insuficiente de la mecánica normal de la articulación del tobillo. Sin embargo, la selección adecuada de pacientes, planificación preoperatoria cuidadosa, tratamiento apropiado de trastornos asociados (por ejemplo, inestabilidad, mal alineación y osteoartritis de articulaciones adyacentes y la minimización de complicaciones perioperatorias, ayudarán a maximizar la posibilidad de un resultado exitoso.

  2. Características propioceptivas en el esguince de tobillo


    Arrate, Marianela


    Introducción: El esguince de tobillo se origina por una inversión forzada del pie que conlleva a una distensión, desgarro o ruptura de la capsula articular y los ligamentos que rodean la articulación del tobillo. El tratamiento óptimo sigue siendo controvertido, y si no se trata adecuadamente, se producen recidivas que causan inestabilidad funcional crónica. Objetivo: Analizar las características propioceptivas del tobillo según el grado de esguince en un punto del tratamiento Kinésico Pro...

  3. Revisión de las repercusiones de los esguinces de tobillo sobre el equilibrio postural


    Martín Casado, Laura; Aguado Jódar, Xavier


    El esguince lateral de tobillo es una de las lesiones más comunes ocurridas en deporte, pudiendo afectar a diferentes componentes del control postural. Esta revisión bibliográfica analiza los estudios en los que se evalúa el control postural a partir de tests de equilibrio estático, dinámico y dinámico funcional en personas que han sufrido un esguince y personas con tobillos sanos utilizando metodologías cuantitativas. Los tobillos lesionados presentan mayores rangos de desplazamiento d...

  4. Modificaciones en la propiocepción en pacientes con esguince de tobillo en el ámbito del accidente de trabajo


    González Íñigo, Salvador


    Falta palabras claves Objetivos: El propósito de este estudio fue determinar si la propiocepción seguía mostrándose alterada en sujetos que han sufrido un esguince de tobillo (en adelante ET), después de 14 días de la producción. Material y método: Se estudiaron los tobillos lesionados y sanos (grupo de comparación) de 30 sujetos que tuvieron un esguince de tobillo como consecuencia de un accidente de trabajo. Para ello, se realizaron pruebas de Romberg, descalzo, sobre plataforma de fu...

  5. Osteopatía y tobillo(I Jornadas de tutelaje clínico en Fisioterapia)


    Fernández Sánchez, Manuel


    El esguince de tobillo es la lesión más común y, constituyen un gran porcentaje del total de lesiones atendidas en las consultas de atención primaria, urgencias y centros de fisioterapia. El aumento de la práctica de actividad física en la población, es directamente proporcional al incremento en el número de esguinces de tobillo. Este tipo de lesión es la más frecuente de cuantas derivan de la práctica deportiva suponiendo hasta un 22% del total de lesiones, representando ...

  6. Eficacia de la propiocepción en la prevención de los esguinces de tobillo en jugadores de baloncesto y fútbol


    Moretó Melero, Anna; Pérez Isidro, Arià; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Medicina


    Justificación: en la práctica del fútbol y el baloncesto, son muy frecuentes las lesiones de tobillo, la mayoría, esguinces causados por inestabilidades en el tobillo y en muchos casos aparecen, a posteriori, numerosas recidivas o sensaciones de inseguridad en dicha articulación. Por ello, nuestra intención es intentar prevenir el número de lesiones en el tobillo mediante un entrenamiento propioceptivo de intensidad creciente durante toda la temporada. Hipótesis: la frecuencia de lesiones en ...

  7. Esguince de tobillo de primer grado como causa de paresia del nervio peroneo común. Caso clínico

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    Í. Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia


    Full Text Available Los esguinces de tobillo, con mecanismo de inversión, son incidencias comunes en la población y constituyen las lesiones más frecuentes en el deporte. Eventualmente pueden ocasionar una neuropatía del nervio peroneo común, debido a un mecanismo de tracción indirecta, a través del nervio peroneo superficial. Se presenta el caso clínico de un varón de 37 años que, tras sufrir un esguince de tobillo de primer grado durante la práctica deportiva, presentó una paresia intensa del nervio peroneo común que se constató mediante estudio ecográfico y electroneuromiográfico. El cuadro se resolvió con tratamiento conservador y electroestimulación. Pese a su rareza, ha de conocerse la asociación entre el esguince de tobillo y la lesión del nervio peroneo común y debe evaluarse la función de dicho nervio en todos los pacientes con esguince de tobillo en sus diferentes grados, tanto en su exploración inicial como en el seguimiento posterior.

  8. Opciones no protésicas en el tratamiento de la artrosis de tobillo

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    DR. U. Giovanni Carcuro


    Full Text Available La artrosis de tobillo es una patología poco frecuente, tiene una incidencia nueve veces menor que la rodilla o la cadera a pesar de relación entre mayor carga y menor superficie de esta. La mayor parte son de causa secundaria, posterior a un trauma o a cambios en la biomecánica de la misma a diferencia de otras articulaciones como cadera o rodilla que su principal causa es idiopática o primaria. Causas menos frecuentes son las artropatías inflamatorias, hemocromatosis o artropatía neuropática. Es un problema creciente en la atención de salud en todo el mundo, con un 1% de prevalencia de artrosis sintomática en población adulta. El tobillo es la articulación que mayor carga recibe en cuanto a superficie se refiere, aproximadamente 500 N. La superficie articular mide 350 mm2 aproximadamente, mientras que la cadera 1100 mm2 y la rodilla 1120 mm2. Soporta hasta 5 veces el peso corporal durante la marcha. Cambios en la distribución de la carga durante la marcha podrían tener un efecto beneficioso en la lubricación y nutrición del cartílago. El cartílago articular es de 1a 1,7 mm comparado con el grosor de cartílago de la rodilla es de 1 a 6 mm. El tobillo con una gran congruencia articular presenta un cartílago más fino que es capaz de equilibrar mejor las cargas. Para el tratamiento de esta patología existen diferentes alternativas, tanto no quirúrgicas como quirúrgicas, y estas últimas se dividen en aquellas que preservan la articulación y las que no. Entre las alternativas no quirúrgicas esta la modificación de estilos de vida. Pacientes con IMC > 25 tienen un riesgo 1,5 veces mayor para el desarrollo de artrosis de pie y tobillo, siendo factor potencialmente mo-dificable, mejorando la eficacia de todas las otras opciones terapéuticas, conservadoras y quirúrgicas. Las actividades de la vida diaria que aumentan el estrés en la articulación del tobillo, así como los deportes de impacto, deben evitarse y

  9. Los abordajes terapéuticos propioceptivos efectivos en esguince del ligamento lateral externo de tobillo en deportistas.


    Enachescu, Florentin Marius


    Pregunta de revisión: ¿Que abordajes terapéuticos propioceptivos son efectivos en la recuperación de un esguince de tobillo en deportistas? Objetivo: El objetivo principal de este trabajo es identificar los abordajes terapéuticos propioceptivos en un esguince del ligamento lateral externo de tobillo, aplicados en deportistas. Metodología: Consiste en una revisión bibliográfica de las principales fuentes y bases de datos biomédicas: Pubmed, Embase, PEDro, The Cochrane Library y Cinahl....

  10. Abordaje del esguince de tobillo para el médico general

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    Diego Fernando Rincón Cardozo


    Full Text Available El esguince de tobillo es una de las patologías musculo esqueléticas más frecuentes tanto para el deportista como para la población en general, presentándose en el 30 % de las lesiones deportivas causando pérdida considerable de tiempo por discapacidad, y un costo elevado en la atención médica. La lesión más frecuente se presenta en el ligamento lateral en el 85% de los casos, 10% comprometen la sindesmosis y 5% el ligamento deltoideo. El esguince de tobillo se clasifica en 3 grados dependiendo de las características clínicas y de los hallazgos del examen físico, con lo cual se puede definir el tipo de manejo y el pronóstico. Dado que es una patología frecuente que acarrea morbilidad y discapacidad en los casos donde no se identifica precozmente, es importante conocer el abordaje diagnóstico y de clasificación para mejorar las tasas de recuperación y los buenos resultados.

  11. Biomecánica del vendaje funcional preventivo de tobillo en deportes de colaboración-oposición


    Meana Riera, Marta


    La aplicación del vendaje funcional de tobillo como método preventivo de los esguinces, durante los entrenamientos y las competiciones, está muy extendida en la práctica diaria, sobre todo en fútbol, baloncesto, balonmano y voleibol. En el estudio, que abre nuevas líneas de investigación en las patologías del pie del deportista, se realiza un profundo análisis de la eficacia de estos vendajes sanos y de sus efectos sobre el rendimiento deportivo y la biomecánica del tobillo. Actividad Físi...

  12. Actuación fisioterapéutica en la Inestabilidad Lateral Crónica de tobillo: Estudio de un caso


    Jurado Rodríguez, Nieves


    Introducción: Las lesiones ligamentosas de tobillo constituyen una de las patologías más frecuentes que afectan al miembro inferior. Alrededor del 85% de las lesiones se producen en el ligamento lateral externo, al ser lesiones provocadas por inversión; el 10% afecta a la sindesmosis y el 5% al ligamento lateral interno o ligamento deltoideo (1.). Hasta un 60% de los pacientes que han sufrido un esguince en inversión desarrollarán una inestabilidad funcional de tobillo debido a la suma de fac...

  13. Incidencia de la condición física en los esguinces de tobillo en jugadoras de fútbol


    Vera, María Pía


    El esguince de tobillo es la segunda lesión ligamentosa más frecuente entre las jugadoras de fútbol femenino, por ello, es importante determinar cuáles son los factores que predisponen dicha lesión para poder evitar la aparición y recidiva, elaborando así un protocolo de entrenamiento y prevención. Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de esguince de tobillo y su gravedad en jugadoras de futbol femenino en relación a su condición física. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo,...

  14. Repercusión de los esguinces de tobillo sobre el equilibrio postural

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    Laura Martín-Casado


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Analizar las diferencias intrasujeto en el equilibrio postural durante la realización de test de equilibrio estáticos y dinámico – funcionales, entre una extremidad que presentó signo de bostezo articular en el tobillo, fruto de una lesión previa de esguince lateral, frente a una extremidad sin bostezo.

  15. q-triplet for Brazos River discharge: The edge of chaos? (United States)

    Stosic, Tatijana; Stosic, Borko; Singh, Vijay P.


    We study the daily discharge data of Brazos River in Texas, USA, from 1900 to 2017, in terms of concepts drawn from the non-extensive statistics recently introduced by Tsallis. We find that the Brazos River discharge indeed follows non-extensive statistics regarding equilibrium, relaxation and sensitivity. Besides being the first such finding of a full-fledged q-triplet in hydrological data with possible future impact on water resources management, the fact that all three Tsallis q-triplet values are remarkably close to those of the logistic map at the onset of chaos opens up new questions towards a deeper understanding of the Brazos River dynamics, that may prove relevant for hydrological research in a more general sense.

  16. Esguince de tobillo de primer grado como causa de paresia del nervio peroneo común. Caso clínico


    Í. Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia; G.Á. Sobrá-Hidalgo


    Los esguinces de tobillo, con mecanismo de inversión, son incidencias comunes en la población y constituyen las lesiones más frecuentes en el deporte. Eventualmente pueden ocasionar una neuropatía del nervio peroneo común, debido a un mecanismo de tracción indirecta, a través del nervio peroneo superficial. Se presenta el caso clínico de un varón de 37 años que, tras sufrir un esguince de tobillo de primer grado durante la práctica deportiva, presentó una paresia intensa del nervio peroneo co...

  17. Técnica manipulativa de descomprensión en esguince de tobillo


    Rodríguez Monteverde, Juan Ignacio


    Nos encontramos hoy en día ante un amplio abanico de tratamientos y terapias destinadas a la rehabilitación del esguince de tobillo, con diferentes metodologías, procedimientos, puntos de vista y disensos entre quienes ejecutan estas prácticas. De este abanico de alternativas, a veces deriva ineludiblemente, una confusión en el abordaje de esta patología, que se estima es la más frecuente del ser humano. Ante esto, surge la necesidad imperiosa de identificar herramientas terapé...

  18. Controls on the Origin and Cycling of Riverine Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Brazos River, Texas (United States)

    Zeng, F.; Masiello, C. A.; Hockaday, W. C.


    Rivers are generally supersaturated in CO2 with respect to the atmosphere. However, there is little agreement on the sources and turnover times of excess CO2 in river waters. This is likely due to varying dominant controls on carbon sources (e.g. geologic setting, climate, land use, or human activities). In this study, we measured carbon isotopic signatures (δ13C and Δ14C) of riverine dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), as well as solid state cross polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of particulate organic carbon (POC), to determine carbon sources fuelling respiration of the Brazos River in Texas. We found that sources of riverine CO2 varied significantly along the length of the Brazos. In the middle Brazos (between Graham and Waco), which is partially underlain by limestone, riverine DIC had average Δ14C of 74 ‰ and δ13C of -7.5 ‰, suggesting that riverine CO2 is derived almost entirely from contemporary carbon (less than 5 years old) with little evidence of carbonate input, probably due to the damming upstream of Waco. In the lower Brazos (downstream of Bryan), riverine DIC was highly depleted in 14C (average Δ14C = -148.5 ‰) and enriched in 13C (average δ13C= -9.32 ‰), indicative of the presence of old carbonate. Since there is no carbonate bedrock in contact with the river in this area, the most likely source of old carbonate is the shell used in road and building construction throughout the 19th century. Our results suggest that the effect of human activities superimposes and even surpasses the effect of natural controls (e.g. geologic setting and climate) on C cycling in the Brazos.

  19. 76 FR 76298 - Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Old Brazos River, Freeport, Brazoria County, TX (United States)


    ... Swing Span Bridge across the Old Brazos River, mile 4.4, at Freeport, Brazoria County, Texas. This... regulation for the Union Pacific Railroad Bridge across the Old Brazos River in 33 CFR 117.975 which states.... The clearance in the closed-to-navigation position is 10.67 feet above mean sea level (MSL). This...

  20. Prevención de esguinces de tobillo en jugadoras de baloncesto amateur mediante programas de propiocepción. Estudio piloto de casos-controles


    López González, Luis; Rodríguez Costa, Isabel; Palacios Cibrián, Antonio


    Objetivos: valorar la eficacia de un programa de propiocepción específico de tobillo, de 8 semanas de duración, constatando si se generan cambios o no en el control postural estático y dinámico de tobillos con y sin historia de esguinces en jugadoras de baloncesto amateur. Participantes y métodos: treinta jugadoras de baloncesto amateur (de entre 12-17 años) participaron en un estudio de casos-controles prospectivo que implicó el desarrollo de un programa de propiocepción de 8 semanas de dura...

  1. Prevalencia de calcificación arterial y factores de riesgo cardiovascular asociados: Estudio multicéntrico poblacional ARTPER Prevalence of arterial calcification and related risk factors: The multicenter population-based ARTPER study

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    María Teresa Alzamora


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Estudiar la prevalencia de calcificación arterial (índice tobillo-brazo >1,4 y de factores de riesgo cardiovascular asociados en población general >49 años de edad. Métodos: Estudio transversal, 3786 sujetos seleccionados aleatoriamente en 28 centros. Para el cálculo de la prevalencia se usó toda la muestra, excluyendo los sujetos con arteriopatía periférica (índice tobillo-brazo Objective: To determine the prevalence of arterial calcification (ankle-brachial index >1.4 and its related factors among the general population aged >49 years. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study of 3,786 people randomly selected from 28 centers. To assess the factors associated with arterial calcification using a multivariate logistic model, the whole sample was used to compute prevalence, excluding persons with peripheral arterial disease (ankle-brachial index <0.9. Results: Arterial calcification was found in 235 persons (prevalen 6.2%; 95% CI: 5.6-7.0, and was twice as frequent in men as in women. Patients with arterial calcification were older, had more previous cardiovascular events, diabetes and obesity, and were less able to perform physical activity than persons with a healthy ankle-brachial index. Conclusions: We recommend measurement of the ankle-brachial index in primary care centers to detect arterial calcification among men, persons with diabetes, overweight, obesity or difficulty in performing physical activity, and in those with left ventricular hypertrophy.

  2. Estrategia de intervención para prevenir el esguince de tobillo en taekwondistas

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    Yanelis Fernández-Rubín


    Full Text Available Resumen El taekwondo es un deporte de combate de contactos muy fuertes, en el cual el atleta utiliza en mayor medida los miembros inferiores; particularmente debe contactar al contrario con el empeine del pie. El sobreuso de esta zona genera traumas frecuentes. Este tipo de lesión requiere tratamiento inmediato y en ocasiones prolongado, que aleja al deportista de las prácticas hasta su total recuperación. En este trabajo se elaboró una estrategia de intervención para prevenir el esguince de tobillo en taekwondistas juveniles de la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Escolar Cerro Pelado, de Camagüey, Cuba. Está dirigido a entrenadores y atletas, y pretende brindar conocimientos de las lesiones más frecuentes en los deportistas de alto rendimiento. Se empleó la entrevista a médicos, atletas y entrenadores. El estudio, diagnóstico y seguimiento de los casos permitió elaborar una estrategia que consta de dos etapas bien definidas, fundamentada en el tratamiento fisio-profiláctico compuesto por un conjunto de acciones fisioterapéuticas realizadas en diferentes momentos del entrenamiento, donde se combinan ejercicios físicos, masajes, estiramientos, crioterapia y charlas educativas para prevenir y rehabilitar estas lesiones. La metodología para la ejecución de estos ejercicios brinda a los entrenadores una herramienta para la prevención de las lesiones en el taekwondo. Los instrumentos aplicados evidencian que los esguinces de tobillo constituyen la lesión más frecuente en los taekwondistas del centro donde se desarrolló el estudio. Con la estrategia de intervención se disminuyó la incidencia de estas lesiones, su gravedad fue menor y la recuperación, más rápida.

  3. Biomecánica del vendaje funcional preventivo de tobillo: elástico vs. no elástico

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    Javier Abián Vicén


    Full Text Available El objetivo ha sido analizar el efecto del vendaje funcional preventivo de tobillo (elástico y no elástico en la capacidad de restricción de movimientos y en la posible pérdida de eficacia en la realización de diferentes tipos de tests, así como estudiar la fatiga del vendaje después de realizar los tests. Metodología: Han participado un total de 470 sujetos (313 hombres y 157 mujeres, distribuidos en cinco estudios. Se han realizado tests de: marcha, carrera, cambio de dirección, salto, amortiguación de caída y equilibrio. Se han analizado variables cinéticas: los picos de fuerza y los instantes en los que sucedían, duraciones de apoyos en los movimientos, así como en algunos casos los picos de potencia y el recorrido vertical del centro de gravedad. En el caso de los tests de equilibrio se registró el recorrido del centro de presiones y se consideraron las variables derivadas del mismo. Se han usado tres plataformas de fuerzas: dos piezoeléctricas Kistler y una extensiométrica Dinascan IBV. Para la valoración de la restricción de los movimientos del tobillo y la fatiga del vendaje se midieron la inversión, eversión, flexión y extensión máximas pasivas del tobillo derecho con un goniómetro manual. Resultados y discusión: En los tests máximos los sujetos con pies cavos mostraron mayores valores en los picos de fuerza mientras que los planos los mostraron en la duración de los apoyos. En la amortiguación de tests de salto las mujeres mostraron menores valores en el segundo pico de fuerza, mayor recorrido del centro de gravedad y un retraso en el tiempo desde el inicio del contacto del pie en el suelo hasta la aparición del segundo pico de fuerza. Los picos de fuerza vertical durante amortiguaciones cayendo desde una superficie elevada a 0.75 m fueron mayores en el grupo de mujeres que en el de hombres. El vendaje no influyó en el rendimiento de los tests de equilibrio, ni en la batida del test de salto. Sin embargo

  4. Urbanization and the Level of Microplastic Ingestion by Fish: A Comparison of Freshwater Sunfish (Centrarchidae) from the Brazos River watershed, and Pinfish (Sparidae), from the Brazos Estuary and Inshore Marine Sites, Texas, USA (United States)

    Rieper, K. B.; Peters, C. A.; Bratton, S. P.


    While previous research has documented ingestion of macro- and microplastics by aquatic fauna in both freshwater and marine ecosystems, relatively little is known of the environmental and ecological factors influencing the entry and diffusion of plastics and artificial polymers into aquatic foodwebs. Microplastics are defined as 50 μm to 5 mm in length. This study utilized stomach content analysis to compare the level of microplastic artificial polymer ingestion for fish collected from the Brazos River watershed, Brazos estuary, and inshore coastal waters of Texas, USA, in areas with varying levels of urbanization. We collected 318 bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and 118 longear sunfish (Lepomis megalotis) at 14 freshwater locales, and 11 samples of 298 pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) at 6 saltwater locales. Sunfish averaged 12.6 cm in length, and pinfish averaged 14.9 cm. Sunfish averaged .807 microplastics per fish, and pinfish averaged 1.09. The maximum percentage for pinfish with microplastics present per sample (frequency) was 77%, compared to 75% for sunfish. Mean frequencies per sample were also similar: 45% for sunfish and 47% for pinfish. The Brazos River collections, however, had a greater percentage with frequencies of colors. Comparison with presence of natural food items suggests microplastic ingestion is predominantly incidental for these sentinel fish species.

  5. Sistema de entrenamiento para un brazo articulado portátil


    García Marín, Alberto


    El proyecto está enmarcado dentro del ámbito de la robótica enfocada a la rehabilitación, asistencia y compensación funcional de personas con discapacidades motoras. Se ha querido desarrollar un sistema de entrenamiento en el que el usuario final pueda decidir qué interfaces y configuraciones se adaptan mejor a sus habilidades para controlar el brazo articulado iARM.

  6. Variation of Probable Maximum Precipitation in Brazos River Basin, TX (United States)

    Bhatia, N.; Singh, V. P.


    The Brazos River basin, the second-largest river basin by area in Texas, generates the highest amount of flow volume of any river in a given year in Texas. With its headwaters located at the confluence of Double Mountain and Salt forks in Stonewall County, the third-longest flowline of the Brazos River traverses within narrow valleys in the area of rolling topography of west Texas, and flows through rugged terrains in mainly featureless plains of central Texas, before its confluence with Gulf of Mexico. Along its major flow network, the river basin covers six different climate regions characterized on the basis of similar attributes of vegetation, temperature, humidity, rainfall, and seasonal weather changes, by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Our previous research on Texas climatology illustrated intensified precipitation regimes, which tend to result in extreme flood events. Such events have caused huge losses of lives and infrastructure in the Brazos River basin. Therefore, a region-specific investigation is required for analyzing precipitation regimes along the geographically-diverse river network. Owing to the topographical and hydroclimatological variations along the flow network, 24-hour Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) was estimated for different hydrologic units along the river network, using the revised Hershfield's method devised by Lan et al. (2017). The method incorporates the use of a standardized variable describing the maximum deviation from the average of a sample scaled by the standard deviation of the sample. The hydrometeorological literature identifies this method as more reasonable and consistent with the frequency equation. With respect to the calculation of stable data size required for statistically reliable results, this study also quantified the respective uncertainty associated with PMP values in different hydrologic units. The corresponding range of return periods of PMPs in different hydrologic units was

  7. Relevancia de la técnica de inmovilización de brazos en las variables cinéticas en el test de salto con contramovimiento

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    Juan Manuel López Gómez


    Full Text Available El test de salto vertical con contramovimiento (CMJse ha venido conformando como uno de los métodos de evaluación de la potencia del tren inferior más utilizado. A la hora de ejecutarlo de forma correcta, se debe aislar al máximo la acción de las extremidades superiores, con el fin de que la producción de fuerza provenga exclusivamente del tren inferior. En la bibliografía específica se han propuesto diversas formas de limitar la acción de los brazos, siendo la más frecuente con las manos en la cintura. Cabe preguntarse si el uso de una técnica u otra podría influir en el rendimiento del salto, lo que no permitiría comparar entre diferentes estudios. Participó una muestra de 19 sujetos que realizó cuatro técnicas diferentes de colocación de los brazos en CMJ: con acción de brazos libre; agarre de antebrazos por detrás de la espalda; manos en la cintura; y agarre de una pica de plástico sobre los hombros. Se analizaron y compararon las principales variables cinemáticas en el salto con el fin de determinar si la posición de los brazos es un factor que condiciona los resultados de los test. Como cabía esperar, se aprecian diferencias significativas con ayuda de brazos respecto a las otras técnicas (p < 0.05. Sin embargo, no se aprecian diferencias significativas entre las tres técnicas de inmovilización de brazos planteadas. Esto lleva a concluir que no es determinante la posición de brazos utilizada, por lo que es posible comparar los resultados obtenidos en los distintos estudios publicados.

  8. Diferencia de tensión arterial en ambos brazos como medio para identificar pacientes con riesgo cardiovascular


    García Martínez, Pedro; Fernández Arroyo, Esther; Collado Boira, Eladio Joaquín


    Introducción: Una diferencia de tensión arterial sistólica entre ambos brazos de 10 mmHg o mayor se ha asociado a enfermedad vascular periférica, enfermedad ce-rebrovascular y aumento de mortalidad. El artículo estudia la diferencia de tensión arterial en ambos brazos de usuarios de una consulta de atención primaria. Secunda-riamente, busca asociar variables de género, edad e hipertensión para identificar per-files de riesgo y su inclusión en estudios posteriores. metodología: Estudio descri...

  9. Colgajo lateral de brazo en reconstrucción de la cavidad oral Lateral arm flap in oral cavity reconstruction

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    A. Dean Ferrer


    Full Text Available Introducción. La posibilidad de emplear una piel fácilmente plegable ha permitido reconstruir defectos de la cavidad oral consiguiendo una gran funcionalidad. Aunque el colgajo radial es el colgajo que se utiliza con más frecuencia para reconstruir defectos de superficie de la cavidad oral, el colgajo lateral de brazo puede ser de elección en algunas situaciones. Objetivos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar las ventajas e inconvenientes y nuestras indicaciones y resultados del colgajo lateral de brazo en reconstrucción de defectos de la cavidad oral. Material y método. Se trata de un estudio prospectivo sobre la utilización del colgajo lateral de brazo en la reconstrucción de defectos de la cavidad oral tras cirugía ablativa. Se ha valorado: la viabilidad del colgajo, la morbilidad del lecho donante, la longitud del pedículo, la selección de vasos receptores, las complicaciones y los resultados funcionales de la zona reconstruida. Resultados. Hemos utilizado el colgajo lateral de brazo en 10 pacientes en reconstrucciones primarias tras cirugía ablativa por carcinoma epidermoide de la cavidad oral. Hubo un caso de necrosis por trombosis venosa. El defecto donante se cerró en 8 casos de modo directo y en 2 con un injerto libre de espesor parcial. La longitud media del pedículo ha sido de 8,75 cm. En 9 casos el resultado funcional de los pacientes ha sido satisfactorio. Conclusiones. El colgajo fasciocutáneo lateral de brazo permite la reconstrucción de la cavidad oral consiguiendo buenos resultados funcionales. Además la morbilidad de la zona donante es mínima y puede realizarse cierre directo del defecto cutáneo del brazo en la mayoría de los casos.Introduction. The availability of easily pliable skin has allowed the functional reconstruction of oral cavity defects. Although the radial forearm free flap is the most frequently used flap for the reconstruction of surface defects of the oral cavity, the lateral arm free

  10. Tratamiento quirúrgico de una fractura trimaleolar de tobillo diagnosticada a las seis semanas de la lesión


    Truffin Rodriguez, Yaniel; Gámez Arregoitía, Rafael; Pérez Martínez, Osmany


    El diagnóstico precoz de una lesión traumática modifica considerablemente la posible evolución del paciente. La articulación del tobillo no está ajena a dicha afirmación y la demora en el tratamiento de sus lesiones puede obstaculizar su correcta función. Por tales razones se presenta el caso de un paciente de 29 años de edad, de procedencia rural, con antecedentes de salud anterior, valorado en el Hospital Provincial Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima de Cienfuegos. Refirió haber sufrido una caída ...


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    Arturo Pacheco


    tratamiento en cada olfatómetro. En el olfatómetro de 90° los insectos se vieron claramente atraídos al brazo que contenía el atrayente, con un porcentaje del 45%, mientras que el olfatómetro de 30° tan solo alcanzó un 1,5% de atracción. Las observaciones realizadas durante estas pruebas dejaron en evidencia que las estrategias de ingreso de los insectos a los olfatómetros y el área de ambientación influyeron de manera importante en estos resultados. En una segunda etapa se evaluó el olfatómetro de 90º, al comparar los promedios de atracción de cada uno de sus 4 brazos, y se verificó que las diferencias de atracción en cada brazo no fueron significativas (p<=0,05. Se concluye que el diseño del olfatómetro de 90º es apropiado para realizar pruebas de atracción a compuestos volátiles en hembras adultas de H. hampei.

  12. La estimulación eléctrica neuromuscular del tibial anterior vs superficie viscoelástica en la reeducación de la propiocepción del tobillo. Un estudio piloto


    Martín Casado, Laura; Avendaño-Coy, Juan; Fernández Rodríguez, José; Alegre Durán, Luis; Aguado Jódar, Xavier


    Analizar las diferencias en el recorrido del centro de presiones durante la realización de 3 tests de equilibrio estáticos, en que se incluyen dos de las técnicas usadas en los tratamientos de la rehabilitación del esguince de tobillo.

  13. Kirubot: brazo robótico ayudante en cirugía

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    Andrés Torres


    Full Text Available

    Los objetivos son el diseño y construcción de un prototipo de
    brazo robótico controlado por instrumentación virtual para la realización de procedimientos quirúrgicos, diseñar un sistema de navegación para ubicación de coordenadas en el espacio tridimensional, construir una página WEB del proyecto y desarrollar una línea de aplicaciones de robótica en cirugía.



  14. Multiplicação in vitro de amoreira-preta cultivar Brazos In vitro multiplication of blackberry cv. Brazos

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    Fabiola Villa


    Full Text Available A micropropagação da amoreira-preta pode gerar plantas livres de vírus e em curto espaço de tempo. Com o objetivo de aprimorar técnicas de micropropagação de amoreira-preta cultivar Brazos (Rubus idaeus L., segmentos nodais, oriundos de plântulas preestabelecidas in vitro foram excisados e inoculados em meio WPM (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200%, suplementado com diferentes concentrações de BAP (0; 0,5; 1,0; 2,0 e 4,0 mg L-1. Após a inoculação, os explantes foram transferidos para sala de crescimento a 27±1ºC, irradiância de 35 mmol m² s¹ e fotoperíodo de 16 horas, onde permaneceram por 60 dias. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, utilizando-se de quatro repetições com quatro explantes cada. Maior número de brotos foi proporcionado com 1,0 mg L-1 de BAP associado a 100% de meio WPM e maior comprimento médio dos brotos após 60 dias foi verificado em 1,0 mg L-1 de BAP associado a 200% de meio WPM. Maior peso de matéria seca da parte aérea foi obtido em meio WPM 200% acrescido de 0,5 mg L-1 de BAP.With the objective of multiplying blackberry cv. Brazos, nodal segments, coming from in vitro plants previously selected, were excised and inoculated in WPM culture medium (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200%, supplemented with different concentrations of BAP (0; 0,5; 1,0; 2,0 and 4,0 mg L-1. After inoculation, the explants were transferred to culture room, at 27±1ºC temperature, 35 mmol m² s¹ ofirradiance and photoperiod of 16 hours, for 60 days. The experimental was a design randomized complete block, with four replications and four explants each. Greater number of sprouts was provided with 1,0 mg L-1 of BAP associated with 100% WPM culture medium and larger sprouts length average after 60 days were verified in 1,0 mg L-1 of BAP associated with 200% WPM culture medium. Higher dry matter weight of the aerial part was obtained in 200% WPM culture medium added with 0,5 mg L-1 of BAP.

  15. Avaliação do tempo de resposta eletromiográfica em atletas de voleibol e não atletas que sofreram entorse de tornozelo Evaluación del tiempo de respuesta electromiográfica en atletas de voleibol y no atletas que han sufrido esguince de tobillo Evaluation of the time for the electromyographic response in volleyball athletes and non-athletes who had ankle sprain

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    Adriana Moré Pacheco


    Full Text Available A proposta deste estudo foi examinar o tempo de resposta eletromiográfica dos músculos fibulares, na inversão repentina do pé, em tornozelos com presença de lesão e saudáveis. Três grupos foram testados, um de atletas normais (grupo 1, um de atletas com história recente de entorse de tornozelo (grupo 2 e o outro de não atletas com história recente de entorse de tornozelo (grupo 3. Para cada sujeito dos três grupos, ambos os tornozelos foram testados. Os sujeitos que sofreram entorse de tornozelo (grupos 2 e 3 não apresentavam sintomas de lesão durante os últimos dois meses antes do teste. Uma plataforma capaz de produzir uma inversão repentina lateral de 20° do tornozelo no plano frontal simulava um evento de entorse de tornozelo. Eletrodos de eletromiografia de superfície foram colocados na pele sobre os músculos fibulares. Os tempos de resposta eletromiográfica dos músculos fibulares foram obtidos e comparados entre os grupos. Para o grupo 1, a média dos tempos de resposta eletromiográfica foi de 71ms para a perna direita e 69ms para a perna esquerda. Para o grupo 2, a média dos tempos de resposta eletromiográfica foi de 72ms para o tornozelo sem lesão e 74ms para o tornozelo com a lesão. Para o grupo 3, a média dos tempos de resposta eletromiográfica foi de 72ms para o tornozelo sem lesão e 73ms para o tornozelo com a lesão. Os resultados indicaram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as pernas direita e esquerda no grupo 1 e entre os tornozelos sem lesão e com lesão dos grupos 2 e 3 para os músculos fibulares. Os achados do presente estudo sugerem que a resposta eletromiográfica dos músculos fibulares, durante o deslocamento angular repentino do tornozelo, não foi influenciada pela entorse de tornozelo.La propuesta de este estudio era examinar el tiempo de la respuesta electromiográfica de los musculos fibulares, en el esguince agudo del pie, en los tobillos con la presencia de l

  16. Impacts of golden alga Prymnesium parvum on fish populations in reservoirs of the upper Colorado River and Brazos River basins, Texas (United States)

    VanLandeghem, Matthew M.; Farooqi, Mukhtar; Farquhar, B.; Patino, Reynaldo


    Several reservoirs in the upper Colorado River and Brazos River basins in Texas have experienced toxic blooms of golden alga Prymnesium parvum and associated fish kills since 2001. There is a paucity of information, however, regarding the population-level effects of such kills in large reservoirs, species-specific resistance to or recovery from kills, or potential differences in the patterns of impacts among basins. We used multiple before-after, control-impact analysis to determine whether repeated golden alga blooms have led to declines in the relative abundance and size structure of fish populations. Sustained declines were noted for 9 of 12 fish species surveyed in the upper Colorado River, whereas only one of eight species was impacted by golden alga in the Brazos River. In the upper Colorado River, White Bass Morone chrysops, White Crappie Pomoxis annularis, Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides, Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, River Carpsucker Carpiodes carpio, Freshwater Drum Aplodinotus grunniens, Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus, Flathead Catfish Pylodictis olivaris, and Blue Catfish I. furcatus exhibited sustained declines in relative abundance, size structure, or both; Gizzard Shad Dorosoma cepedianum, Longnose Gar Lepisosteus osseus, and Common Carp Cyprinus carpio did not exhibit those declines. In the Brazos River, only the relative abundance of Blue Catfish was impacted. Overall, toxic golden alga blooms can negatively impact fish populations over the long-term, but the patterns of impact can vary considerably among river basins and species. In the Brazos River, populations of most fish species appear to be healthy, suggesting a positive angling outlook for this basin. In the upper Colorado River, fish populations have been severely impacted, and angling opportunities have been reduced. Basin-specific management plans aimed at improving water quality and quantity will likely reduce bloom intensity and allow recovery of fish populations to the

  17. Application of Surface Geophysical Methods, With Emphasis on Magnetic Resonance Soundings, to Characterize the Hydrostratigraphy of the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer, College Station, Texas, July 2006 - A Pilot Study (United States)

    Shah, Sachin D.; Kress, Wade H.; Legchenko, Anatoly


    . Variations in resistivity in the alluvium aquifer range from 10 to more than 175 ohm-meters possibly are caused by lateral changes in grain size. Resistivity increases from east to west along a profile away from the Brazos River, which signifies an increase in grain size within the alluvium aquifer and therefore a more productive zone with more abundant water in the aquifer. MRS data can help delineate the subsurface hydrostratigraphy and identify the geometric boundaries of the hydrostratigraphic units by identifying changes in the free water content, transmissivity, and hydraulic conductivity. MRS data indicate that most productive zones of the alluvium aquifer occur between 12 and 25 meters below land surface in the western part of the study area where the hydraulic conductivity can be as high as 250 meters per day. Hydrostratigraphically, individual hydraulic conductivity values derived from MRS were consistent with those from aquifer tests conducted in 1996 in the study area. Average hydraulic conductivity values from the aquifer tests range from about 61 to 80 meters per day, whereas the MRS-derived hydraulic conductivity values range from about 27 to 97 meters per day. Interpreting an interpolated profile of the hydraulic conductivity values and individual values derived from MRS can help describe the hydrostratigraphic framework of an area and constrain ground-water models for better accuracy.

  18. Osteosíntesis de fractura de tobillo. Análisis evolutivo con carga precoz. Estudio preliminar. [Osteosynthesis of ankle fracture. Evolutionary analysis with early loading. Preliminary study].

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    Juan Manuel Yañez Arauz


    Full Text Available Introducción La reducción y osteosíntesis de las fracturas del tobillo, permiten una recuperación precoz. Sin embargo, clásicamente no se permite la carga del peso durante casi 6 semanas. El objetivo del presente estudio, es analizar si la carga inmediata del peso en fracturas de peroné, produce complicaciones y/o desplazamientos secundarios. Material y métodos Se analizaron 21 pacientes operados de fracturas 44AOB1, y se les dio carga inmediata. Se evaluó clínica y radiográficamente la evolución de los mismos. El seguimiento fue a más de 3 meses. Resultados La carga del peso con protección con bota “Walker”, fue ejecutada por los pacientes a los 2 días promedio. El puntaje AOFAS para tobillo evaluado a los 3 meses del post-operatorio fue de 99 puntos promedio. El retorno a la actividad laboral fue promedio 2,1 meses; y el retorno a la actividad deportiva previa, fue promedio de 2,95 meses. En la radiología del POP a más de 90 días de seguimiento, la reducción no sufrió desplazamientos secundarios. Discusión Aun existe controversia sobre el manejo postoperatorio en las fracturas de tobillo. Actualmente se sabe que el movimiento temprano luego de la fijación interna, es beneficioso para disminuir la enfermedad del yeso. La carga de peso temprana facilitaron la restauración de la amplitud de movimiento de la articulación lesionada, disminuyeron la hinchazón, la atrofia de los tejidos blandos, y previnieron el desarrollo de osteoporosis. Conclusiones Las fracturas tipo AO 44B1 de baja energía, tratados mediante reducción y osteosíntesis, pueden realizar carga de peso precoz, sin riesgo de desplazamientos secundarios. La carga precoz junto a la movilización temprana, presenta muy buena evolución clínica, y no incide en un mayor índice de complicaciones.

  19. Analysis of Potential Future Climate and Climate Extremes in the Brazos Headwaters Basin, Texas

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    Ripendra Awal


    Full Text Available Texas’ fast-growing economy and population, coupled with cycles of droughts due to climate change, are creating an insatiable demand for water and an increasing need to understand the potential impacts of future climates and climate extremes on the state’s water resources. The objective of this study was to determine potential future climates and climate extremes; and to assess spatial and temporal changes in precipitation (Prec, and minimum and maximum temperature (Tmin and Tmax, respectively, in the Brazos Headwaters Basin under three greenhouse gas emissions scenarios (A2, A1B, and B1 for three future periods: 2020s (2011–2030, 2055s (2046–2065, and 2090s (2080–2099. Daily gridded climate data obtained from Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR were used to downscale outputs from 15 General Circulation Models (GCMs using the Long Ashton Research Station–Weather Generator (LARS-WG model. Results indicate that basin average Tmin and Tmax will increase; however, annual precipitation will decrease for all periods. Annual precipitation will decrease by up to 5.2% and 6.8% in the 2055s and 2090s, respectively. However, in some locations in the basin, up to a 14% decrease in precipitation is projected in the 2090s under the A2 (high emissions scenario. Overall, the northwestern and southern part of the Brazos Headwaters Basin will experience greater decreases in precipitation. Moreover, precipitation indices of the number of wet days (prec ≥ 5 mm and heavy precipitation days (prec ≥ 10 mm are projected to slightly decrease for all future periods. On the other hand, Tmin and Tmax will increase by 2 and 3 °C on average in the 2055s and 2090s, respectively. Mostly, projected increases in Tmin and Tmax will be in the upper range in the southern and southeastern part of the basin. Temperature indices of frost (Tmin < 0 °C and ice days (Tmax < 0 °C are projected to decrease, while tropical nights (Tmin > 20 °C and summer days (Tmax

  20. Integración del brazo robot IRB120 en entorno ROS-MATLAB


    Gómez Cuadrado, José Manuel


    Este proyecto usa el entorno ROS (Robot Operating System) para desarrollar el control del brazo robot IRB 120 y su implementación en el entorno de trabajo MATLAB. Se explicará la creación del modelo del robot, la planificación de trayectorias y la comunicación con dicho robot. This project uses the ROS (Robot Operating System) environment for developing the control of the IRB 120 robotic arm and its implementation in the MATLAB working environment. It will explain the creation of the...

  1. Comparación entre la clasificación AO pediátrica y la de Días-Tachdjian en fracturas de tobillo Infantiles. [Comparison between the pediatric AO classification and the Dias-Tachdjian classification in pediatric ankle fractures

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    Agustina Ponzone


    Full Text Available Introducción El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el grado de confiabilidad entre dos clasificaciones globalmente empleadas para fracturas de tobillo en la edad pediátrica. Materiales y métodos Se estudiaron 53 pacientes: 34 de sexo masculino y 19 de sexo femenino, con antecedentes de fractura de tobillo. Se emplearon dos clasificaciones. Se llevó a cabo un estudio detallado calculando el valor kappa de Cohen para la confiabilidad intraobservador y, para calcular el acuerdo interobservador, se dedujo el valor kappa utilizando el método de Fleiss. Resultados El acuerdo intraobservador e interobservador en las dos clasificaciones no fue convincentemente diferente entre los distintos grupos de examinadores. Conclusiones Durante la edad pediátrica, es posible encontrar diferentes tipos fracturarios y distintos mecanismos en una misma fractura. Se observó que estos patrones no quedaban englobados en ninguna de las dos clasificaciones, que fueron improductivas para la planificación quirúrgica.

  2. Proliferación tumoral en brazo derecho Tumor proliferation in the right arm

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    Martin Sangueza


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de lesión tumoral de rápido crecimiento en la parte posterior del brazo derecho de una paciente de sexo femenino de 37 años de edad. Son discutidas las características dermatopatológicas e inmuno histoquímicas que determinan el diagnóstico definitivo.It is a case of fast growth tumor lesion on the posterior region of the right arm of a 37-year-old female patient. Dermatopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics are discussed to support the definite diagnosis.

  3. Contribución de los brazos en el aterrizaje del salto vertical. [Contribution of the arms in the landing of the vertical jump].

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    Marcos Gutiérrez-Dávila


    Full Text Available Se pretende comprobar el efecto que tiene la contribución de los brazos en los aterrizajes de los saltos verticales sobre las componentes de las fuerzas de reacción, goniometría articular y contribución de los segmentos corporales al desplazamiento vertical del centro de gravedad (CG. Han participado 29 deportistas donde el salto vertical constituye una habilidad básica. Todos los participantes debían dejarse caer desde una altura de 0.5 m y amortiguar la caída en dos situaciones experimentales: a sin acción de brazos y b con participación libre de los brazos. Se ha utilizado una plataforma de fuerza, operando a 500 Hz, sincronizada temporalmente a una cámara de vídeo a 240 Hz que registraba el plano sagital de los saltos. Los saltos han sido considerados como un movimiento simétrico que se desarrolla en un plano, compuesto por un modelo mecánico simplificado de ocho segmentos. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que la participación libre de los brazos contribuye a reducir del segundo pico máximo de fuerza, lo que se produce debido a la mayor distancia de frenado del CG y una menor reducción de la velocidad vertical del CG, lo que podría contribuir a reducir el riesgo de lesiones. La contribución segmentaria al desplazamiento vertical del CG indica que la restricción de los brazos durante los aterrizajes produce un cambio importante en el mecanismo de absorción de las fuerzas que podría incrementar la tensión en el ligamento cruzado anterior de la rodilla. Abstract The purpose was to evaluate the effect of the arms action during vertical jump landing on ground reaction forces, joint kinematic and vertical displacement of the center of gravity (CG. 29 athletes where the vertical jump constitutes a basic skill in their sport have participated in this study. All participants had to drop from a height of 0.5 m and cushion the fall in two experimental situations: a without arm action and b with free participation of the

  4. Historical Channel Adjustment and Estimates of Selected Hydraulic Values in the Lower Sabine River and Lower Brazos River Basins, Texas and Louisiana (United States)

    Heitmuller, Franklin T.; Greene, Lauren E.


    The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Texas Water Development Board, evaluated historical channel adjustment and estimated selected hydraulic values at U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations in the lower Sabine River Basin in Texas and Louisiana and lower Brazos River Basin in Texas to support geomorphic assessments of the Texas Instream Flow Program. Channel attributes including cross-section geometry, slope, and planform change were evaluated to learn how each river's morphology changed over the years in response to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Historical and contemporary cross-sectional channel geometries at several gaging stations on each river were compared, planform changes were assessed, and hydraulic values were estimated including mean flow velocity, bed shear stress, Froude numbers, and hydraulic depth. The primary sources of historical channel morphology information were U.S. Geological Survey hard-copy discharge-measurement field notes. Additional analyses were done using computations of selected flow hydraulics, comparisons of historical and contemporary aerial photographs, comparisons of historical and contemporary ground photographs, evaluations of how frequently stage-discharge rating curves were updated, reviews of stage-discharge relations for field measurements, and considerations of bridge and reservoir construction activities. Based on historical cross sections at three gaging stations downstream from Toledo Bend Reservoir, the lower Sabine River is relatively stable, but is subject to substantial temporary scour-and-fill processes during floods. Exceptions to this characterization of relative stability include an episode of channel aggradation at the Sabine River near Bon Wier, Texas, during the 1930s, and about 2 to 3 feet of channel incision at the Sabine River near Burkeville, Texas, since the late 1950s. The Brazos River, at gaging stations downstream from Waco, Texas, has adjusted to a combination of

  5. Control del brazo robot IRB120 mediante el dispositivo háptico PHANTOM


    Pardo Alía, Samuel


    El proyecto expuesto en el presente libro consiste en el control del brazo robot IRB120 a través de diferentes aplicaciones por medio de una interfaz gráfica creada con el software matemático MATLAB. Todo ello se llevará a cabo gracias a un socket de comunicación desarrollado en lenguaje RAPID que permite el envío simultáneo de varias posiciones al robot. Entre esas aplicaciones destaca el empleo del dispositivo háptico Phantom Omni para la creación de dibujos o textos a man...


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    Jorge Andrés García Pinzon


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el diseño e implementación de un sistema electrónico para el registro de las señales electromiográficas de la extremidad superior del sujeto (humano. Seguidamente al proceso de la implementación del sistema electrónico, en este trabajo se realiza una etapa de pre-procesamiento y procesamiento de las señales registradas, las técnicas utilizadas para éste fin son: análisis wavelet (AW, análisis de componentes principales (ACP, transformada de fourier (TF, transformada del coseno discreta (DCT, máquinas de soporte vectorial (SVM y redes neuronales artificiales (RNA; estas técnicas se usaron para eliminar información poco relevante, reconocer zonas de interés, extraer patrones en cada grupo de señales y clasificar una nueva señal que controle en forma precisa el movimiento que quiere ejecutar el sujeto con el brazo Hidráulico. Dentro de las técnicas de control de procesos Industriales se busca realizar una aplicación con el fin de poder hacer control a dos grados de libertad más el efector final del brazo hidráulico del laboratorio de automatización y mantenimiento de equipos industriales de la Universidad de Pamplona.

  7. Overview of the evolution of clay mineralogy in the Gulf of Mexico: implications for regional climate and drainage history of the Mississippi and Brazos-Trinity Rivers (United States)

    Adatte, T.; John, C. M.; Flemings, P. B.; Behrmann, J.


    In this paper we present the overview and preliminary results of the analysis of clay minerals in two mini basins drilled during IODP Expedition 308. The goal of our project is to explore the vertical and temporal trends in clay mineralogy in the Ursa Basin and the Brazos-Trinity basin #4. The Brazos-Trinity basin was the sink for sands and clays carried by the Brazos and Trinity Rivers, while the Ursa basin was the sink for sediments carried by the Mississippi river. Reconstructing clay minerals (phyllosilicates turbidity current deposition (controlled mainly by sea-level changes and thus glacio-eustasy). Finally, a major focusing point of Expedition 308 was sediment physical properties in an overpressured basin. Because each clay mineral specie has a specific average grain sizes, physical properties and cation exchange capacity, the clay mineral composition of the sediment investigated here (dominated by clay-sized particles) may partly control how these sediments react to changes in pressure and temperature. Thus, clay mineral data could contribute to our understanding of the physical properties of the sediments in overpressured basins, and collaborations with geotechnical scientist are planned.

  8. Fracturas Fisarias Salter-Harris VI de Tobillo y Pie. [Salter-Harris VI fractures of the foot and ankle.

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    Julio Javier Masquijo


    Full Text Available Introducción Las fracturas Salter-Harris VI (SHVI son lesiones que se caracterizan por presentar ablación del anillo pericondral. Son infrecuentes en niños pero potencialmente devastadoras. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el mecanismo de producción, el tratamiento y los resultados funcionales de estas lesiones localizadas en el pie y el tobillo. Material y métodos Se analizaron retrospectivamente todos los pacientes con lesiones SHVI de tobillo y pie tratadas entre Enero de 2010 y Enero de 2013. Se documentaron datos demográficos, clasificación, mecanismo de lesión, tipo de lesiones asociadas y número de cirugías que requirieron. Los pacientes fueron evaluados funcionalmente con el score de AOFAS y radiográficamente para determinar la viabilidad de la fisis, acortamiento del miembro o deformidad angular. Resultados Se analizaron 5 fracturas en 4 pacientes (3 masculinos y 1 femenino. La edad promedio al momento de la lesión fue de 7.5 años (rango, 6  a 10 años. El seguimiento promedio fue de 26.2 meses (rango, 12 - 37 meses. De acuerdo a la subclasificación de Peterson 3 pertenecían al grupo A, 1 al B y 1 al C. 3 lesiones se produjeron como consecuencia de accidentes de moto y 2 por auto versus peatón. Todos los casos se acompañaron de pérdida de sustancia, el 75% presentaba lesiones en más de un hueso y el 50% lesiones tendinosas asociadas. Cada paciente requirió un promedio de 3.2 cirugías (rango, 2 a 5. El score AOFAS promedio fue de 79.8 puntos (rango, 62 – 100 puntos. Radiográficamente, solo el 40% de las fisis afectadas permanecían viables al último control. Conclusión Las fracturas SHVI se acompañan de una gran variedad de lesiones asociadas, requieren múltiples cirugías y suelen producir un cierre precoz de la fisis y algún grado de discapacidad.  Se requieren medidas de prevención para evitar la exposición de los niños a este tipo de lesiones. El tratamiento temprano es fundamental para

  9. Stratigraphic Evolution of Brazos-Trinity Basin IV, Western Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 308 (United States)

    Pirmez, C.; Behrmann, J.; Flemings, P. B.; John, C.


    IODP Expedition 308 drilled three sites across Brazos-Trinity Basin IV, at the terminal end of a system of four salt-withdrawal intra-slope basins offshore Texas. A 175 m thick succession of sand-rich turbidite fans, mass-transport deposits and hemipelagic sediments was deposited within the last ~120 ka in Basin IV, as recorded at Site U1320. Pre-fan deposits dating back to MIS 6 form a conformable succession of laminated and bioturbated clays, deposited from distal turbidity currents and/or river plumes. The pre-fan succession is capped by a hemipelagic clay interpreted to represent the high stand of sea level during MIS 5e. The basal turbidite deposits in the basin are mud-rich, with the exception of the very first turbidity currents to enter the basin. This initial pulse, possibly derived from failure of older shelf edge deposits, accumulated an ~8 m thick sand-rich interval. A pause in turbidity current influx lasted 30 to 40 kyrs, beginning a few thousand years before ash layer Y8 dated at 84 ka and the Emiliana huxleyi acme. During MIS 3 to MIS 2 sand-rich fans containing 5-25 m thick packets of very fine to lower medium sand beds accumulated up to 130 m of sediments. A 2-3 m thick microfossil-rich clay marks the end of turbidity current influx into the basin during the Holocene. The sedimentary record of Brazos-Trinity Basin IV shows that the accumulation of turbidites in the terminal end of this source to sink depositional system reflects a complex interaction between the availability of material and the initiation of flows at the source near the shelf edge, the interaction of turbidity currents with complex slope topography, and the effects of salt tectonics and flow processes on modifying this topography. The initial results indicate that sealevel changes alone cannot explain the sedimentation patterns observed in the basin.

  10. Efectividad de un programa de entrenamiento neuromuscular de 6 semanas de duración aplicado en el tobillo en la realización del Star Excursion Balance Test en jugadores de baloncesto


    Borao, Olga; Planas, Antoni; Beltran, Vicente; Corbi, Francisco


    Introducción: La mayoría de lesiones que se registran en la práctica del baloncesto se localizan en la extremidad inferior, especialmente en el tobillo, y son la principal causa de ausencia en las sesiones de entrenamiento. Estas lesiones pueden repercutir en un aumento del riesgo de recidiva de la lesión. Objetivos: Determinar si un programa de entrenamiento propioceptivo, confeccionado en base a ejercicios propios del baloncesto, podría provocar un cambio en la estabilidad dinámica de u...


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el estudio y modelado de un brazo robótico lego de tres grados de libertad en asocio con sus respectivos modelos de su cinemática directa e inversa junto con una aproximación al análisis dinámico para la generación de trayectorias de este robot. Las ecuaciones que rigen el movimiento son deducidas de los modelos matemáticos propios a las cadenas cinemáticas y son implementadas en el lenguaje de programación Java y ejecutadas por el robot a través de la extensión Java -LeJOS.

  12. Diseño de una interfaz de usuario y control cinemático de un brazo robótico de 6 grados de libertad para la planificación de trayectorias en software Matlab y Simulink.


    Salazar Patín, Wilman Giovanny


    En este trabajo de tesis se diseñó una interfaz de usuario con cinco prácticas de cálculo cinemático para determinar los desplazamientos que debe tener un brazo robótico mediante interfaces gráficas de usuario realizadas en Matlab. Los movimientos del brazo robótico, la orientación, se basa en un conjunto de parámetros, que se hallan por los ángulos de las articulaciones y la posición en el espacio, utilizando sistema de referencia definido. Estas trayectorias se generan como secuencias de co...

  13. Parámetros funcionales y su relación con la velocidad de marcha en adultos mayores chilenos residentes en la comunidad

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    Christopher Rybertt


    Full Text Available Introducción. La velocidad de marcha es una prueba para medir la capacidad funcional en adultos mayores. Sin embargo, los factores que influyen en esta variable han sido poco descritos en la población sudamericana. Objetivo. Determinar la relación existente entre la velocidad de marcha usual y máxima, y los parámetros de funcionalidad en chilenos adultos mayores de la comunidad. Material y métodos. Este estudio cuantitativo, observacional y descriptivo, de corte transversal, incluyó 69 adultos mayores. La velocidad de marcha normal y la máxima se asociaron con la composición corporal (índice de masa corporal, la fuerza de las extremidades superiores (pruebas de flexiones de brazos e inferiores (pararse y sentarse en 30 segundos, la funcionalidad general (índice de Barthel, la flexibilidad de los tobillos (rango de movimiento, el equilibrio estático y dinámico (timed Up & Go test y la capacidad aeróbica (test de marcha en dos minutos. Resultados. La flexibilidad de los tobillos, la fuerza de las extremidades inferiores y la capacidad aeróbica, influyeron sobre la velocidad de marcha máxima (R2=0,65; p<0,001. La marcha normal se vio influida por la fuerza de las extremidades superiores e inferiores, y la capacidad aeróbica (R2=0,51; p<0,001. Conclusión. La velocidad de marcha, tanto normal como máxima, está influenciada principalmente por la fuerza de las extremidades inferiores y la capacidad aeróbica.

  14. Risk factors for recurrent falls among Brazilian women and men: the Brazilian Osteoporosis Study (BRAZOS Fatores de risco para quedas recorrentes entre mulheres e homens brasileiros: o Estudo Brasileiro sobre Osteoporose (BRAZOS

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    Marcelo de Medeiros Pinheiro


    Full Text Available The objective of the study was to estimate the frequency of recurrent falls and identify the main associated risk factors. The BRAZOS is the first epidemiological study performed on a representative sample of the Brazilian population. Anthropometric data, living habits, previous fractures, falls, dietary intake, physical activity and quality of life were evaluated in 2,420 individuals aged 40 and older. Recurrent falls were reported by 15.5% of men and 25.6% of women. Among women, the risk factors significantly associated to recurrent falls were age, previous fracture, sedentary lifestyle, poor quality of life, diabetes mellitus and current use of benzodiazepine. In men, the risk factors were age, poor quality of life, intake of alcoholic beverages, diabetes mellitus, previous fracture and use of benzodiazepine. A greater intake of vitamin D had a protector effect on the risk of recurrent falls. These findings demonstrated the high prevalence of recurrent falls and emphasize that a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to minimize recurrent falls and their consequences, including osteoporotic fractures.Estimar a freqüência de quedas recorrentes e identificar os principais fatores de risco associados. O BRAZOS é o primeiro estudo epidemiológico realizado em amostragem representativa da população brasileira. Dados antropométricos, hábitos de vida, fratura prévia, quedas, dieta, atividade física e qualidade de vida foram avaliados em 2.420 indivíduos adultos. Quedas recorrentes foram referidas por 15,5% dos homens e 25,6% das mulheres. Nas mulheres, os fatores de risco associados com quedas recorrentes foram idade, fratura prévia, sedentarismo, pior qualidade de vida, diabete mellitus e uso atual de benzodiazepínicos. Nos homens, foram idade, pior qualidade de vida, consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, diabete mellitus, fratura prévia e uso atual de benzodiazepínicos. Maior ingestão de vitamina D desempenhou efeito protetor sobre o

  15. Sedimentologic and Geometric Characterization of Turbidites of Brazos-Trinity Basin IV in the Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 308 (United States)

    Gutierrez-Pastor, J.; Pirmez, C.; Flemings, P. B.; Behrmann, J. H.; John, C. M.


    Brazos Trinity Basin IV is located about 200 km offshore Texas, and belongs to a linked system of four intra slope mini basins. Basin IV provides a type section to characterize turbidites in salt withdrawal mini-basins of the Gulf of Mexico. IODP Expedition 308 has cored and logged complete pre-fan and fan sequences that are clearly distinguished with high-resolution seismic profiles at Brazos Trinity Basin IV at Sites U1319, U1320 and U1321. Seismically imaged pre-fan and fan units also can be distinguished and correlated with the sedimentological and logging data. Turbidite facies display distinct properties in terms of grain size, bed thickness, color, organic matter content, vertical organization of beds and lateral distribution in all the units of the fan through the basin. The pre-fan sequence is composed of terrigenous laminated clay with color banding and it is interpreted to result from deposition from fluvial plumes and/or muddy turbidity currents overspilling from basins upstream of Basin IV. The lower fan is characterized by laminated and bioturbated muds with thin beds of silt and sand, and represent the initial infill of the basin by mostly muddy turbidity currents, although an exceptionally sand-rich unit occurs at the base of the lower fan. The middle and upper fan represent the main pulses of turbidity current influx into Basin IV, and contain fine to medium sand turbidite beds organized in packets ranging in thickness from 5 to 25 m. The middle fan displays an overall upward increase in sand content at Site U1320, suggesting increased flow by-pass from the updip basins through time. Key examples of turbidites from each fan unit are analysed in detail to infer the depositional processes and infilling history of Brazos-Trinity Basin IV. The study of turbidites in a calibrated basin such as Basin IV provides ground truth for the sedimentological processes and resultant seismic facies, which can be used to interpret the infill history of other

  16. Programación del brazo robótico “scorbot-er 4u” según el nivel de llenado


    Viteri Casabona, Ivan Andres; Viteri Casabona, Luis Eduardo; Moncayo Trivino, Eloy Leonardo


    El objetivo principal de nuestro proyecto es el de crear una programación para el brazo robótico mediante la cual cumpla la tarea de ordenar tres vasos de cristal según su nivel de llenado y colocarlos en un recipiente. En el presente material se muestra las características generales del robot y se identifica también los ejes y articulaciones que constan en el mismo para realizar sus movimientos. Con el fin de obtener resultados más didácticos se utilizo una mesa de trabajo la cual simulara ...

  17. Effective Discharge and Annual Sediment Yield on Brazos River (United States)

    Rouhnia, M.; Salehi, M.; Keyvani, A.; Ma, F.; Strom, K. B.; Raphelt, N.


    Geometry of an alluvial river alters dynamically over the time due to the sediment mobilization on the banks and bottom of the river channel in various flow rates. Many researchers tried to define a single representative discharge for these morphological processes such as "bank-full discharge", "effective discharge" and "channel forming discharge". Effective discharge is the flow rate in which, the most sediment load is being carried by water, in a long term period. This project is aimed to develop effective discharge estimates for six gaging stations along the Brazos River from Waco, TX to Rosharon, TX. The project was performed with cooperation of the In-stream Flow Team of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). Project objectives are listed as: 1) developing "Flow Duration Curves" for six stations based on mean-daily discharge by downloading the required, additional data from U.S Geological Survey website, 2) developing "Rating Curves" for six gaging stations after sampling and field measurements in three different flow conditions, 3) developing a smooth shaped "Sediment Yield Histogram" with a well distinguished peak as effective discharge. The effective discharge was calculated using two methods of manually and automatic bin selection. The automatic method is based on kernel density approximation. Cross-sectional geometry measurements, particle size distributions and water field samples were processed in the laboratory to obtain the suspended sediment concentration associated with flow rate. Rating curves showed acceptable trends, as the greater flow rate we experienced, the more sediment were carried by water.

  18. Inversión paracéntrica del brazo largo del cromosoma 3: Reporte de un caso

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    Jorge Ignacio Nazábal Cowan


    Full Text Available Se realizó diagnóstico prenatal citogenético por cultivos de líquido amniótico, a una paciente embarazada de 37 años de edad con 16 semanas de gestación y el antecedente de un hijo previo con retraso mental. Como resultado del análisis se diagnosticó una inversión paracéntrica del brazo largo del cromosoma 3: 46,XX,inv(3(q13.1 q23. Los estudios cromosómicos de los padres reflejaron resultados normales. Ante esta situación la pareja decidió llevar a término el embarazo. El diagnóstico se corroboró después del parto. La niña hasta sus 3 primeros años de edad ha tenido un desarrollo normal. Se reportan los puntos de ruptura y reunión que explican la aparición de este reordenamiento balanceado de novo.

  19. Blackberry (Rubus spp.: influence of ripening and processing on levels of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of the 'Brazos' and 'Tupy' varieties grown in Brazil

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    Acácio Antonio Ferreira Zielinski


    Full Text Available Fruits from temperate and tropical climates which have high levels of antioxidant compounds are the source of numerous studies concerning the correlation with benefits to human health. The objectives of this study were to quantify the anthocyanins and phenolic compounds and also to measure the antioxidant activity (ferric reducing antioxidant power - FRAP of blackberries from two varieties grown in southern Brazil ('Brazos' and 'Tupy' at three stages of ripening; unripe, semi-ripe, ripe and their products (pulp and fermented products. During fruit ripening it was observed that weight, size, diameter and sugars increase significantly and acidity decreased significantly. The anthocyanin content ranged from 4.19 (semi-ripe 'Tupy' variety to 205.75mg 100g-1 (ripe 'Brazos' variety. The highest levels of phenolic compounds were observed for the unripe fruit of both varieties, while antioxidant activity showed no significant difference during the ripening stages. The studied pulp showed a high content of phenolic compounds (ten times higher than that found in the ripe fruits. The anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity did not show the same increase due to the degradation of anthocyanins caused by the heat treatment that was used. The alcoholic fermented beverage made from blackberries remained stable (total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity during two years of storage, but the in third year a significant reduction in antioxidant activity was observed. These results can be important for establishing the shelf life of this kind of product made with blackberry

  20. Control de brazo electrónico usando señales electromiográficas

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    Jorge Andrés García-Pinzón


    Full Text Available Los trabajos enfocados en la extracción de patrones en señales electromiográficas (SEMG han venido creciendo debido a sus múltiples aplicaciones. En este artículo se presenta una aplicación en la cual se implementa un sistema electrónico para el registro de las SEMG de la extremidad superior en un sujeto, con el fin de controlar de forma remota un brazo electrónico. Se realizó una etapa de preprocesamiento de las señales registradas, para eliminar información poco relevante, y reconocimiento de zonas de interés; enseguida se extraen los patrones y se clasifican. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron: análisis wavelet (AW, análisis de componentes principales (ACP, transformada de fourier (TF, transformada del coseno discreta (TDC, energía, máquinas de soporte vectorial (MSV o SVM y redes neuronales (RNA. En este artículo se demuestra que la metodología planteada permite realizar un proceso de clasificación con un rendimiento superior al 95%. Se registraron más de 4000 señales.

  1. Estudio del proceso de solidificación en fundición de aluminio para brazos del sistema de freno de un ascensor, mediante elementos finitos


    Cangás Herrera, Juan Gabriel; Valverde Paredes, Edgar Alexander


    163 hojas : ilustraciones, 29 x 21 cm + CD-ROM 5695 El presente trabajo contiene el estudio del proceso de fundición de aluminio para brazos del sistema de freno de un ascensor eléctrico mediante elementos finitos, con la utilización del software Click2Cast. Se realiza un marco teórico sobre temas inherentes al objeto de este trabajo, como son los procesos de fundición, aleaciones de aluminio, defectología en los procesos de fundición y solidificación de metales, así como una introducció...

  2. Desarrollo de un entorno de programación para un robot simulado Turtlebot-2 con brazo manipulador WIDOWX mediante la conexión V-REP y MATLAB


    Fernández-Vega, Iván


    El objetivo principal de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado ha sido el de implementar un entorno de programación para un robot móvil Turtlebot-2 dotado de un brazo articulado WidowX. Para ello, se ha modelado este conjunto robótico en el simulador V-REP a partir de las descripciones físicas de los mismos, y se han ajustado diversos parámetros para que el comportamiento del robot simulado sea lo más parecido al del robot real. Para implementar las aplicaciones que controlen nuestro co...

  3. Lázaro: Robot Móvil dotado de Brazo para Contacto con el Suelo

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    Jesús M. García


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este artículo tiene por objetivo describir a Lázaro, el cual es un pequeño robot móvil que posee un brazo diseñado especialmente para propiciar un punto adicional de contacto con el suelo que puede utilizarse para mejorar la estabilidad al vuelco y superar obstáculos. Específicamente, se aborda la descripción de la estructura mecánica así como los componentes electrónicos destinados a percepción, comunicación y control. Posteriormente, se revisan las características de funcionamiento de este robot, en cuanto a su cinemática, arquitectura de control, modos de operación e interface. Finalmente, se hace una descripción de algunas pruebas de funcionamiento. Abstract: This paper aims to describe Lázaro, which is a small mobile robot that has an arm designed especially to provide an additional contact point with the ground that can be used to improve the tipover stability and to overcome obstacles. Specifically, the description of the mechanical structure and electronic components for perception, communication and control is discussed. Subsequently, the operating characteristics of the robot are reviewed in terms of kinematics, control architecture, operating modes and interface. Finally, a description of some performance tests is presented. Palabras clave: Robots móviles, estabilidad al vuelco, control de movimiento, tele-operación, Keywords: Mobile robots, tipover stability, motion control, teleoperation

  4. Efecto del pedaleo de brazos sobre el sistema cardiorrespiratorio de las personas con tetraplejia. (Effect of armcrank pedaling on the cardiorespiratory system of the people with tetraplegia).


    Gabriel Brizuela Costa; Sandra Sinz; Rafael Aranda Malavés; Ignacio Martínez Navarro


    Resumen Objetivos: Determinar el efecto de un programa de entrenamiento de pedaleo de brazos (PB) estacionario, sobre el sistema cardiorrespiratorio de personas con tetraplejia. Método: Se estudiaron 11 participantes con tetraplejia por lesión medular (LM) de origen traumático a niveles entre C4 y C6. Se midieron variables espirométricas (VC, FVC y MVV) y de Variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardíaca VFC (HR, STDHR, RMSSD, LF, HF y HRVPOWER), antes y después de 8 semanas de entrenamiento. Resulta...

  5. Efecto del pedaleo de brazos sobre el sistema cardiorrespiratorio de las personas con tetraplejia. (Effect of armcrank pedaling on the cardiorespiratory system of the people with tetraplegia.

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    Gabriel Brizuela Costa


    Full Text Available Resumen Objetivos: Determinar el efecto de un programa de entrenamiento de pedaleo de brazos (PB estacionario, sobre el sistema cardiorrespiratorio de personas con tetraplejia. Método: Se estudiaron 11 participantes con tetraplejia por lesión medular (LM de origen traumático a niveles entre C4 y C6. Se midieron variables espirométricas (VC, FVC y MVV y de Variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardíaca VFC (HR, STDHR, RMSSD, LF, HF y HRVPOWER, antes y después de 8 semanas de entrenamiento. Resultados: Todas las variables mostraron cambios significativos (p Abstract Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the effect, in subjects with tetraplejia, of a stationary armcrank pedaling (AP training program on their cardiorespiratory system. Method: 11 participants with tetraplegia, originated by traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI at levels between C4 and C6, were included in the study. Spirometric (VC, FVC and MVV and Heart Rate Variability (HRV indices (HR, STDHR, RMSSD, LF, HF, HRVPOWER were measured before and after an 8 weeks of armcrank pedaling training program. Results: Spirometric and HRV variables showed changes (p


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda el tema relacionado con la evolución de la robótica industrial orientada a tareas de rehabilitación. La importancia de las lesiones de tobillo y su adecuado procedimiento de rehabilitación pasiva o activa, es también considerada. Se han revisado los dispositivos de rehabilitación del tobillo, tanto los que ya están comercialmente disponibles como aquellos en etapa de desarrollo en laboratorios y centros de investigación. Al final de este artículo se propone la posibilidad de desarrollar un dispositivo mecatrónico, de complejidad intermedia, para rehabilitación del tobillo, orientado a la rehabilitación activa y con algunas características particulares.

  7. Diseño e implementación de un brazo robótico de bajo costo para la automatización en el proceso de análisis bacteriológico

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    Juan Sebastián Rojas


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un brazo robótico antropomórfico de 5 grados de libertad para la automatización del proceso de análisis bacteriológico en laboratorios clínicos, de carácter formativo y bajos costos, con el cual se pueden desarrollar prácticas en robótica y automatización, implementando su control en una tarjeta ARDUINO. Este trabajo permitió a los estudiantes de un curso de robótica básica aplicar estrategias de investigación del tipo experimental como complemento en su formación.

  8. Associação do índice tornozelo-braço com inflamação e alterações minerais ósseas em pacientes em hemodiálise Asociación del índice Tobillo-Brazo con la inflamación y trastornos minerales óseos en pacientes en hemodiálisis Association of ankle-arm index with inflammation and mineral bone disorder in hemodialysis patients

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    Jair B. Miguel


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O índice tornozelo-braço (ITB reduzido, inflamação e distúrbio mineral ósseo (DMO estão associados com aumento no risco de morte e complicações cardiovasculares em pacientes em hemodiálise (HD, mas a relação entre esses fatores necessita ser elucidada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre ITB anormal e DMO com inflamação em pacientes em HD. MÉTODOS: Esta análise transversal avaliou 478 pacientes em HD por pelo menos 1 ano. O ITB foi avaliado através de um Doppler portátil e manômetro de coluna de mercúrio. Os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com o ITB (baixo: 1,3. As medidas de proteína C-reativa foram utilizadas como marcador inflamatório, enquanto a DMO foi avaliada através dos níveis de cálcio, fósforo e hormônio paratireoidiano intacto (iPTH. RESULTADOS: Os participantes tinham 54 (18 a 75 anos, 56% eram do sexo masculino, 17% eram diabéticos e estavam em HM por 5 (1 a 35 anos. A prevalência de ITB baixo, normal e alto AAI foi 26,8%, 64,6% e 8,6%, respectivamente. Usando um modelo de regressão logística condicional com procedimento backward, idade (p6 mg/L (p= 0,006 estavam associados com a presença de ITB baixo, enquanto o sexo masculino (pFUNDAMENTO: El índice tobillo-brazo (ITB reducido, la inflamación y el trastorno mineral óseo (TMO se asocian con mayor riesgo de muerte y complicaciones cardiovasculares en pacientes sometidos a hemodiálisis (HD, pero la relación entre estos factores debe ser aclarada. Objetivos: Evaluar la asociación entre el ITB anormal la TMO con inflamación en paciente en HD. MÉTODOS: Este análisis transversal evaluó a 478 pacientes en HD durante al menos 1 año. El ITB se midió con un Doppler portátil y manómetro de columna de mercurio. Los pacientes fueron divididos en tres grupos, de acuerdo al ITB (bajo: 1,3. Las mediciones de proteína C-reactiva se utilizaron como marcador inflamatorio, mientras que la TMO se evaluó a través de los

  9. Análisis cinético de indicadores difusos en tobillo y rodilla para clasificar la marcha hemipléjica espástica utilizando diagrama de flujo

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    Ubaldo Padilla Liendo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación pretende modelar características difusas de indicadores cinéticos en tobillo y rodilla de pacientes hemipléjicos espásticos por parálisis cerebral. Estos indicadores son consistentes con los utilizados por los especialistas, en la interpretación clásica para clasificar la hemiplejia, propuesta por el Dr. Gage. Cumpliendo los protocolos del Hospital Ortopédico Infantil en Caracas, Venezuela, se procesan los registros de 178 pacientes hemipléjicos. A través de análisis de varianza (ANOVA se determina cuales indicadores son apropiados para clasificar patrones. Se calcula la media, desviación estándar y umbral de separación en aquellos indicadores determinados. La función de membresía describe los rangos de pertenencia a grupos específicos. Basado en los parámetros calculados y la información obtenida, se construye un modelo difuso sobre un diagrama de flujo para discriminar entre los tipos hemipléjicos, comparable a la interpretación clásica. Se procesa el 75% de los registros y el 25% restante validan los resultados, según el grado de pertenencia y sensibilidad. Se obtiene una sensibilidad de 83,33% para el tipo 1; 75% para el tipo 2; 62,5% para el tipo 3 y 85,7% para el tipo 4. Los indicadores son descritos para todos los especialistas a través de un lenguaje médico apropiado.

  10. MILITARY MEDICINE: International Journal of AMSUS. Volume 166, Number 9 (United States)


    General, U.S. Army: Memorandum to Major Walter Reed. Washington, DC, fiebre amarilla " Anales de la Ciencir Medicas, Flsicas y Naturales de la Habana May 29... Fiebre Am- It is, we think, important to observe that of the 9 failures to arilla, Estudio Clinico Patologico y Etiologico, reprint, Habana, infect, the

  11. Efecto de la movilización articular sobre la amplitud del Reflejo H en personas con espasticidad


    Pérez Parra, Julio Ernesto; Henao Lema, Claudia Patricia


    Objetivo: Determinar el efecto de la movilización articular del tobillo sobre la amplitud del reflejo H del músculo sóleo en personas con espasticidad. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un cuasiexperimento con diseño cruzado y enmascaramiento simple en 24 personas voluntarias aleatorizadas para iniciar en el estudio control o experimental. Se aplicó tracción y oscilación rítmica en la articulación del tobillo durante cinco minutos. Se midieron los cambios en la amplitud de la onda H del reflej...

  12. Evaluación de la exposición al riesgo por vibraciones en el segmento mano brazo en compañías del sector metalmecánico

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    Giovanni de Jesús Arias-Castro

    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio consistió en la medición y evaluación de las aceleraciones originadas por herramientas vibrátiles tales como: pulidoras, amoladoras, taladros, entre otras, y su comparación con los límites de exposición permisibles registrados en la norma ISO 5349 de 2002 para el segmento corporal mano brazo. El estudio se desarrolló en cuatro (4 empresas del sector metalmecánico de la Ciudad de Cali, que inicialmente obligó a realizar una visita preliminar con el fin de seleccionar los procesos y herramientas e identificar las personas expuestas. Desde el punto de vista físico y fisiológico, los componentes estudiados fueron: la aceleración, velocidad y amplitud que son los parámetros asociados a vibraciones, además de la dirección en términos vectoriales, según la postura del segmento corporal involucrado y el grado de compromiso de los sistemas biomecánicos y fisiológicos del ser humano. A través del estudio se pudo evidenciar que las evaluaciones realizadas a 15 tipos de herramientas no sobrepasaron los límites permisibles de exposición establecidos en la Conferencia Americana de Higienistas Industriales Gubernamentales de los Estados Unidos ACGIH 2014, que corresponde a 2. 8 m/s². En la Empresa A, se pudo establecer que el nivel de aceleración más elevado lo presentó la Pulidora Dewalt con un valor de 0. 796571 m/s², para la Empresa B, en el caso del mismo equipo presentó una aceleración de 0. 6653 m/s², en el caso de la Empresa C, la aceleración más significativa la presentó una Pulidora Bosh con una aceleración de 0. 5857 m/s², por último, en la Empresa D con una aceleración de 0,4048 m/s², la Esmeriladora. En el artículo se realiza un resumen de los conceptos más importantes relacionados con vibraciones en el segmento corporal mano brazo, así como de los equipos y herramientas utilizados para su respectiva medición y evaluación.

  13. Efectividad de distintas terapias físicas en el tratamiento conservador de la fascitis plantar. Revisión sistemática


    Ana María Díaz López; Patricia Guzmán Carrasco


    Fundamentos: La fascitis plantar es la afección más frecuente de dolor no traumático en el tobillo-pie. Se presenta más en mujeres entre los 40-70 años con comienzo progresivo y difuso en planta del pie o tobillo que poco a poco se agudiza impidiendo la marcha. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar si las distintas terapias físicas utilizadas en el tratamiento conservador de la fascitis plantar de al menos un mes de evolución son efectivas individualmente y/o combinadas entre sí. Métodos:...

  14. Synergizing green and gray infrastructures to increase water supply resilience in the Brazos River basin in Texas (United States)

    Gao, H.; Yamazaki, D.; Finley, T.; Bohn, T. J.; Low, G.; Sabo, J. L.


    Water infrastructure lies at the heart of the challenges and opportunities of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). Green infrastructure (e.g., wetlands restoration) presents an alternative to its hard-path counterpart - gray infrastructure, which often has external, economic and unmeasured ecological costs. But the science framework to prioritize green infrastructure buildout is nascent. In this study, we addressed this gap in Brazos River basin in Texas, in the context of corporate decisions to secure water supplies for various water stewardship objectives. We developed a physically-based tool to quantify the potential for wetland restoration to restore desired flows (hydrology), and a financial framework for comparing its cost-benefit with heightening an existing dam (conservation finance). Our framework has three components. First, we harnessed a topographic index (HAND) to identify the potential wetlands sites. Second, we coupled a land surface model (VIC) with a hydrodynamic model (CaMa-Flood) to investigate the effects of wetland size, location, and vegetation on hydrology. Finally, we estimated the net present value, indirect rate of return and payback period for green (wetlands) vs. gray (reservoir expansion) infrastructure. We found wetlands have more substantial impact on peak flow than baseflow. Interestingly, wetlands can improve baseflow reliability but not directly except with the largest (>400 km2) projects. Peak flow reduction volumes of wetlands if used as credits towards reservoir flood-control storage provide adequate conservation storage to deliver guaranteed reliability of baseflow. Hence, the synergy of existing dams with newly created wetlands offers a promising natural solution to increase water supply resilience, while green projects also generate revenue compared to their gray counterparts. This study demonstrates the possibility of using innovative engineering design to synergize green and gray infrastructures to convert water

  15. Tetralogía de Fallot asociada a duplicación distal del brazo largo del cromosoma 11

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    Elodia Torres


    Full Text Available La tetralogía de Fallot es una cardiopatía frecuente y puede representar hasta el 11 al 13% de todas las cardiopatías congénitas clínicas, se presenta en 1 de cada 8.500 nacidos vivos. En la mayoría de los casos, se asocia a una microdeleción del cromosoma 22 y con menor frecuencia al síndrome de Down. El síndrome de la dup 11q es una anomalía cromosómica causada por la duplicación de la porción distal del extremo del brazo largo del cromosoma 11, ocasionando una trisomía parcial del mismo, producto de un desbalance cromosómico, con disfunción de los genes involucrados en este material genético adicional que ocasiona anormalidades tanto físicas como mentales en un recién nacido. Se presenta el caso de un niño de 3 meses de vida que es derivado a la consulta genética por fenotipo sindromático, Tetralogía de Fallot y retraso del crecimiento. El estudio citogenético se realizó en sangre periférica, los cromosomas fueron procesados con técnicas de tinción convencional, bandas de alta resolución y centroméricas, observándose una duplicación 11q. Cariotipo: 46, XY, dup11 (q23àqter. Se enfatiza la importancia del estudio cromosómico en recién nacidos con malformaciones congénitas mayores para el diagnóstico de certeza y posterior asesoramiento genético a los progenitores.

  16. Urbanization is a major influence on microplastic ingestion by sunfish in the Brazos River Basin, Central Texas, USA. (United States)

    Peters, Colleen A; Bratton, Susan P


    Microplastics, degraded and weathered polymer-based particles, and manufactured products ranging between 50 and 5000 μm in size, are found within marine, freshwater, and estuarine environments. While numerous peer-reviewed papers have quantified the ingestion of microplastics by marine vertebrates, relatively few studies have focused on microplastic ingestion by freshwater organisms. This study documents microplastic and manufactured fiber ingestion by bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and longear (Lepomis megalotis) sunfish (Centrarchidae) from the Brazos River Basin, between Lake Whitney and Marlin, Texas, USA. Fourteen sample sites were studied and categorized into urban, downstream, and upstream areas. A total of 436 sunfish were collected, and 196 (45%) stomachs contained microplastics. Four percent (4%) of items sampled were debris on the macro size scale (i.e. >5 mm) and consisted of masses of plastic, metal, Styrofoam, or fishing material, while 96% of items sampled were in the form of microplastic threads. Fish length was statistically correlated to the number of microplastics detected (p = 0.019). Fish collected from urban sites displayed the highest mean number of microplastics ingested, followed by downstream and upstream sites. Microplastics were associated with the ingestion of other debris items (e.g. sand and wood) and correlated to the ingestion of fish eggs, earthworms, and mollusks, suggesting that sunfish incidentally ingest microplastics during their normal feeding methods. The high frequency of microplastic ingestion suggest that further research is needed to determine the residence time of microplastics within the stomach and gut, potential for food web transfer, and adverse effects on wildlife and ecosystemic health. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Urbanization is a major influence on microplastic ingestion by sunfish in the Brazos River Basin, Central Texas, USA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peters, Colleen A.; Bratton, Susan P.


    Microplastics, degraded and weathered polymer-based particles, and manufactured products ranging between 50 and 5000 μm in size, are found within marine, freshwater, and estuarine environments. While numerous peer-reviewed papers have quantified the ingestion of microplastics by marine vertebrates, relatively few studies have focused on microplastic ingestion by freshwater organisms. This study documents microplastic and manufactured fiber ingestion by bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and longear (Lepomis megalotis) sunfish (Centrarchidae) from the Brazos River Basin, between Lake Whitney and Marlin, Texas, USA. Fourteen sample sites were studied and categorized into urban, downstream, and upstream areas. A total of 436 sunfish were collected, and 196 (45%) stomachs contained microplastics. Four percent (4%) of items sampled were debris on the macro size scale (i.e. >5 mm) and consisted of masses of plastic, metal, Styrofoam, or fishing material, while 96% of items sampled were in the form of microplastic threads. Fish length was statistically correlated to the number of microplastics detected (p = 0.019). Fish collected from urban sites displayed the highest mean number of microplastics ingested, followed by downstream and upstream sites. Microplastics were associated with the ingestion of other debris items (e.g. sand and wood) and correlated to the ingestion of fish eggs, earthworms, and mollusks, suggesting that sunfish incidentally ingest microplastics during their normal feeding methods. The high frequency of microplastic ingestion suggest that further research is needed to determine the residence time of microplastics within the stomach and gut, potential for food web transfer, and adverse effects on wildlife and ecosystemic health. - Highlights: • Sunfish ingest microplastics and manufactured materials at significant levels. • Local urbanization influences microplastic ingestion. • Sunfish incidentally ingest microplastics during their normal

  18. Síndrome respiratorio y reproductivo porcino interacción con el agente causal de la enfermedad de Glässer /


    Segalés Coma, Joaquim


    Descripció del recurs: el 27 d'agost de 2008 Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada En el presente trabajo se describen los experimentos realizados con el objeto de demostrar la existencia o no de una asociacion entre el prrsv y h. parasuis. Para ello se han realizado estudios tanto in vivo como in vitro, haciendo hincapie en los estudios patologicos y de patogenia en los primeros, y ultraestructurales y funcionales en los segundos. se realizaron 3 experim...

  19. Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva: diferencias entre hombres y mujeres

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    María Soledad Rodríguez-Pecci


    Full Text Available La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC ha aumentado su prevalencia en el sexo femenino. Los casos de mujeres se describen como más sintomáticas. A pesar de que la EPOC se ha vinculado a elevado riesgo cardiovascular, hay pocos estudios sobre diferencias por sexo. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue determinar la influencia del sexo sobre calidad de vida y síntomas, tratamiento, factores de riesgo y enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV en una población de pacientes con EPOC. En este estudio prospectivo observacional de corte transversal, se incluyeron pacientes con EPOC ingresados consecutivamente entre el 1 de septiembre de 2008 al 1 de marzo de 2010. Se registraron edad, sexo, habito tabáquico, factores de riesgo y enfermedad cardiovascular, tratamiento y gravedad de la EPOC. Se midió índice tobillo-brazo (ITB y se realizó Euroqol-5D. Se incluyeron 246 pacientes (195 hombres. Los hombres fueron más ex fumadores (68.7% vs. 15.7%, p < 0.001, tuvieron un VEF1 menor (48.7% ± 15.7 vs. 58.2% ± 10.9 de teórico, p < 0.001 y mayor frecuencia de cardiopatía isquémica (16.4% vs. 5.9%, p = 0.04. Las mujeres presentaron más prevalencia de EPOC sin exposición al tabaco (64.7% vs. 7.2%, p < 0.001, más síntomas de ansiedad y depresión (p = 0.004 e ITB alterado en menor frecuencia (20% vs. 41.6%, p = 0.01. Concluimos que hubo diferencias en la EPOC en relación al sexo, con compromiso pulmonar y cardiovascular más grave en hombres y más síntomas de ansiedad y depresión en mujeres.

  20. The evolution of a subaqueous delta in the Anthropocene: A stratigraphic investigation of the Brazos River delta, TX USA (United States)

    Carlin, Joseph A.; Dellapenna, Timothy M.


    Globally, deltas are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic activities. As a result, deltas now evolve through the combined effects of natural and human-induced processes occurring throughout the fluvial-deltaic system. The Brazos River delta, located along the Texas coast in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, and its watershed have been impacted by direct and indirect human activities since the late 19th century. This provides an opportunity to investigate how such alterations have shaped the evolution of a delta in the Anthropocene, a time when humans are drivers of geological change. Historic alteration to the delta and watershed include extensive agricultural activity, jetty construction at the mouth in the late 1890s, mouth diversion ~10 km to the southwest in 1929, and reservoir construction throughout the early and mid 20th Century. Three subaerial deltaic geometries provided the framework to connect subaerial deltaic responses, to the anthropogenic alterations, to the resulting stratigraphic characteristics observed in the subaqueous delta. This study utilized high-resolution geophysical data (swath bathymetry, side scan sonar, CHIRP subbottom profiling) on the subaqueous delta to investigate the subaqueous delta stratigraphy and infer the processes that shaped the deltaic record over time. The results showed distinct areas across the subaqueous delta that were dominated by erosion and deposition. Erosional areas corresponded to earlier growth phase depocenters being exposed at the surface, while the depositional areas corresponded to areas with the most recent growth phase depocenter overlying the earlier depocenters. These results highlight that the subaqueous depocenter has migrated westward over time, consistent with the observed changes to the subaerial delta. Additionally, the data showed that evidence for these past growth phases and depocenters may be preserved within the subaqueous delta, even after subaerial portions of the delta returned to pre

  1. Technical analysis of a river basin-based model of advanced power plant cooling technologies for mitigating water management challenges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stillwell, Ashlynn S; Clayton, Mary E; Webber, Michael E


    Thermoelectric power plants require large volumes of water for cooling, which can introduce drought vulnerability and compete with other water needs. Alternative cooling technologies, such as cooling towers and hybrid wet-dry or dry cooling, present opportunities to reduce water diversions. This case study uses a custom, geographically resolved river basin-based model for eleven river basins in the state of Texas (the Brazos and San Jacinto-Brazos, Colorado and Colorado-Brazos, Cypress, Neches, Nueces, Red, Sabine, San Jacinto, and Trinity River basins), focusing on the Brazos River basin, to analyze water availability during drought. We utilized two existing water availability models for our analysis: (1) the full execution of water rights-a scenario where each water rights holder diverts the full permitted volume with zero return flow, and (2) current conditions-a scenario reflecting actual diversions with associated return flows. Our model results show that switching the cooling technologies at power plants in the eleven analyzed river basins to less water-intensive alternative designs can potentially reduce annual water diversions by 247-703 million m 3 -enough water for 1.3-3.6 million people annually. We consider these results in a geographic context using geographic information system tools and then analyze volume reliability, which is a policymaker's metric that indicates the percentage of total demand actually supplied over a given period. This geographic and volume reliability analysis serves as a measure of drought susceptibility in response to changes in thermoelectric cooling technologies. While these water diversion savings do not alleviate all reliability concerns, the additional streamflow from the use of dry cooling alleviates drought concerns for some municipal water rights holders and might also be sufficient to uphold instream flow requirements for important bays and estuaries on the Texas Gulf coast.

  2. 75 FR 870 - Granting of Request for Early Termination of the Waiting Period Under the Premerger Notification... (United States)


    ... status Party name 30-NOV-09 20100139 G German Efromovich. G 5K Holdings Limited. G 5K Holdings Limited... Facility Trust. G Pine Bridge Investments Fund Management Ltd. G Pine Bridge Investments Schweiz GmbH. G... Capital Partners LLC. G Brazos Capital Management, L.P. G New Brazos GP LLC. 20100185 G Telapex, Inc. G...

  3. Resultados de la implementación de las reglas de Ottawa en el servicio de urgencia del Hospital Universitario Camilo Cienfuegos.2009.

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    George Noel García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Las reglas de Ottawa para el tobillo fueron desarrolladas para ofrecer un organigrama de decisión a la hora de indicar una radiografía a pacientes con lesiones del tobillo y el mediopie. Las mismas son muy sencillas de aplicar por el examinador, el objetivo fue validar su aplicación en el servicio de urgencia del hospital provincial Camilo Cienfuegos. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo para la validación de las reglas de Ottawa que se compuso de su análisis en relación con la confirmación radiológica (radiología anteroposterior y lateral de tobillo. En una tabla de 2x2. La muestra estuvo autolimitada a 100 pacientes. La mayor incidencia estuvo en el sexo masculino con 34 casos (64% y la edad media fue de 32,6 años, con un rango de 16/ 72 años. El mecanismo principal que originó la lesión fue la rotación interna, aducción o inversión con 39 casos (78%. La sensibilidad fue del 100%, La especificidad del 78.72%, el Porciento de falsos positivos y negativos fue de 21 % y 0%, con una prevalencia del 6%. La Probabilidad posprueba (a posteriori del valor predictivo positivo fue de 24 % y el valor predictivo negativo de 100%. La regularización en el uso de las reglas de Ottawa en los departamentos de urgencias disminuiría el uso de radiografías innecesarias, además de contribuir a darle un uso racional de los recursos de salud.

  4. Influência da utilização da órtese de tornozelo durante atividades do voleibol: avaliação eletromiográfica Influencia de la utilización de la ortesis del tobillo durante las actividades del voleibol: evaluación electromiográfica Use of ankle bracing for volleyball activities

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    Jefferson Rosa Cardoso


    Full Text Available Entorse de tornozelo é a lesão aguda mais freqüentemente encontrada no voleibol. Com o intuito de prevenir a ocorrência de lesões de tornozelos, foram desenvolvidos equipamentos profiláticos, como as órteses. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho dos músculos do tornozelo (tibial anterior, fibular longo e gastrocnêmio – porção medial e lateral por meio da medida da atividade elétrica em diferentes atividades esportivas do voleibol (salto vertical e deslocamento lateral com e sem o uso de órtese de tornozelo. Foram avaliadas nove atletas de voleibol feminino infanto-juvenil, com idade variando entre 14 e 17 anos (: 15,8 ± 1,3, todas sem lesões prévias no membro dominante. Foi coletada a contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM de cada músculo e, em seguida, a atividade eletromiográfica em diferentes situações com e sem a órtese, em ordem aleatória. A órtese utilizada possuía dois apoios laterais. O sinal eletromiográfico foi quantificado pela raiz quadrada da média (RMS e normalizado pela CIVM. Realizou-se a análise de variância de medidas repetidas para verificar a diferença da atividade elétrica dos músculos envolvidos em cada atividade, com e sem órtese, com significância estatística de 5% (p El esguince de tobillo es la lesión aguda mas frecuentemente encontrada en el voleibol. Con la intención de prevenir la aparición de estas lesiones se han desarrollados equipos profilácticos como las ortesis. El objetivo de este estudio fué el de evaluar el desempeño de los músculos del tobillo (tibial anterior, fibular largo y gastrocnemio – porciones medial y lateral por medio de la medida de la actividad eléctrica en diferentes actividades deportivas del voleibol (salto vertical y dislocamiento lateral con y sin el uso de ortesis de tobillo. Fueron evaluadas nueve atletas de voleibol femenino infanto-juvenil, con edades variables entre 14 y 17 años (: 15,8 ± 1,3 , todas sin lesiones pr


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    Eduar Elías Bejarano Martínez


    Full Text Available Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia hartmanni es un flebotomíneo implicado en la transmisión de Leishmania (Viannia colombiensis, uno de los agentes etiológicos de la leishmaniasis cutánea en Colombia. El objetivo de este trabajo fue explorar la utilidad potencial del RNA de transferencia mitocondrial para Serina (UCN (tRNASer, en la discriminación taxonómica de L. hartmanni. El DNA mitocondrial se extrajo, amplificó y secuenció a partir de material entomológico recolectado en Envigado, Antioquia, Colombia. El gen tRNASer de L. hartmanni mostró una longitud de 68 pares de bases, con un contenido AT del 80,9%. Éste se diferencia de los demás tRNASer de Lutzomyia conocidos a la fecha tanto por sustituciones en la secuencia primaria de nucleótidos como por los cambios que éstas generan en la estructura secundaria.  El número de apareamientos intracatenarios fue 7 en el brazo aceptor del aminoácido, 3 en el brazo dihidrouridina (DHU, 5 en el brazo del anticodón y 5 en el brazo ribotimidina-pseudouridina-citosina (TψC. El tamaño de las lupas DHU, anticodón, variable y TψC correspondió a 5, 7, 4 y 8 nucleótidos, respectivamente. La notoria ausencia de pares de bases no-Watson-Crick en los cuatro brazos del tRNASer de L. hartmanni, la distingue de otras especies de Lutzomyia.

  6. Comparação entre a utilização de saliva e sangue para determinação do lactato mínimo em cicloergômetro e ergômetro de braço em mesa-tenistas Comparacion entre la utilizacion de saliva y sangre para la determinacion del lactato mínimo en cicloergómetro y ergómetro de brazo en tenistas de mesa Comparison between the use of saliva and blood for the minimum lactate determination in arm ergometer and cycle ergometer in table tennis players

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    Alessandro Moura Zagatto


    +min ciclo-saliva 135,49 ± 33,21, não foram diferentes significativamente. Contudo, essas intensidades não apresentaram correlações significativas. Pode-se então concluir que a utilização de metabólitos na saliva para determinação do TLM não parece ser possível para esse protocolo quando os ergômetros utilizados são o ergômetro de braço isocinético e o cicloergômetro.El objetivo de estudio fué el de verificar la posibilidad de determinar el test de lactato mínimo (TLM con concentraciones de sodio (Na+, potasio (K+ y lactato (LAC en la saliva en ergómetro de brazo y cicloergómetro. Fueron participantes de este estudio ocho tenistas de mesa de nivel internacional. Como estímulo anaeróbico en el TLM en ambos ergômetros, fueron utilizados tests máximos de 30 segundos. En el ergómetro de brazo isocinético (CYBEX UBE 2432 fué aplicada la fuerza máxima con rotación fija en 102 rpm en el cicloergómetro aplicando una carga de 7,5% del peso corporal (Kp. Después del estímulo anaeróbico en el ergómetro de brazo, fué iniciado un test incremental con rotaciones en la manivela constante a 60 rpm, iniciando a 49 Watts con aumento de 16 Watts en cada etapa de 3 minutos del ejercicio. La intensidad correspondiente al TLM fué determinado con muestras de sangre y saliva (LACmin brazo; Na+min brazo-saliva e K+min braço-saliva, respectivamente. Para el cicloergometro, la carga inicial fue de 85 Watts y aumento de 17 Watts con rotación del pedal constante a 70 rpm. Cada etapa de ejercicio también tiene una duración de 3 minutos. El LACmin fué determinado utilizando las muestras de sangre y saliva (LACmin ciclo; Na+min ciclo-saliva, K+min ciclo-saliva e LACmin ciclo-saliva, respectivamente. En ambos ergómetros, las intensidades obtenidas en el TLM fueron correspondientes a la derivada cero del ajuste polinominal entre metabólito versus intensidad. Fueron utilizados como procedimientos estadísticos, el test ANOVA One Way, test "t" de Student apareado


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    S. Márquez


    Full Text Available



    El presente trabajo intenta hacer una comparación de la eficiencia manual entre el brazo derecho e izquierdo tanto en diestros como en zurdos, analizando la diferencia entre las manos no dominantes de zurdos y diestros e investigando si el brazo de mayor rendimiento coincide con el brazo preferente. El estudio se realizó con un grupo de niños de edades comprendidas entre los 5 y los 10 años. En el test de eficiencia manual se detectaron las mayores diferencias entre el brazo dominante y el no dominante para la frecuencia. En general, los diestros obtuvieron mayor rendimiento con su brazo dominante que los zurdos, tanto en frecuencia, como en velocidad de reacción, fuerza y manipulación.
    PALABRAS CLAVE: Lateralidad, Eficiencia, Zurdo, Diestro



    This study was aimed to compare left-arm and right-arm efficiency both in left-handed and right-handed children. Differences beteween non-dominant hands of left-handed and right-handed and coincidence between preferent arm and that of better performance were evaluated. The investigation was carried out on children aged 5 to 10 years. Maximal differences between dominant and non-dominant arm were detected for frquency in the efficiency test. Performance of the dominant arm in frequency, reaction time, force and manipulation, was better for right-handed that for left-handed.
    KEY WORDS: Laterality, Efficiency, Left-handed, Right-handed

  8. Análise da confiabilidade do método Figura Oito e da volumetria para mensuração do edema de tornozelo Análisis de la confiabilidad del método Figura Ocho y de la volumetria para medida del edema de tobillo Analysis of the Figure-of-Eight method and volumetry reliability for ankle edema measurement

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    Filipe Abdalla dos Reis


    Full Text Available A presença de lesões no tornozelo torna necessária a mensuração do edema como fator diagnóstico e evolutivo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a confiabilidade do método Figura Oito e da volumetria para a mensuração do volume do tornozelo, intrateste e interteste. Vinte voluntários, sexo masculino, assintomáticos, idade entre 15 e 30 anos (X= 21,8, foram avaliados aleatoriamente por três examinadores; cada um realizou três mensurações utilizando o método Figura Oito e três, a volumetria. A ordem dos examinadores e da técnica de mensuração foi aleatória. Observou-se excelente confiabilidade nas duas técnicas (ICC = 0,99. O coeficiente de correlação momento-produto de Pearson demonstrou similaridade entre os examinadores; o primeiro apresentou r = 0,91, o segundo, r = 0,95 e o terceiro, r = 0,96. Concluiu-se que os dois métodos são confiáveis, apesar de a maioria dos autores recomendar o método Figura Oito pela sua praticidade, rapidez e baixo custo.La presencia de lesiones del tobillo hace necesario el medir la magnitud del edema como factor diagnóstico y evolutivo. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analisar la confiabilidad del metodo Figura Ocho y de la volumetría para la mensura del volumen del tobillo intratest e interteste. Veinte voluntarios, de sexo masculino, asintomáticos, de edades entre 15 a 30 años (X= 21.8, fueron avaluados aleatoriamente por tres examinadores, donde cada uno realizó tres medidas utilizando el método Figura Ocho y tres utilizando la volumetria. La orden de los examinadores y de la técnica de mensura fué aleatoria. Se ha observado una excelente confiabilidad en las dos técnicas (ICC = 0.99. El coeficiente de correlación momento-produto de Pearson demonstró similaridad entre los examinadores, siendo que el primero presentó r = 0.91, el segundo r = 0.95 y el tercero r = 0.96. Se concluye que los dos métodos son confiables, a pesar de la mayoría de los autores

  9. Long-term trend analysis of reservoir water quality and quantity at the landscape scale in two major river basins of Texas, USA. (United States)

    Patino, Reynaldo; Asquith, William H.; VanLandeghem, Matthew M.; Dawson, D.


    Trends in water quality and quantity were assessed for 11 major reservoirs of the Brazos and Colorado river basins in the southern Great Plains (maximum period of record, 1965–2010). Water quality, major contributing-stream inflow, storage, local precipitation, and basin-wide total water withdrawals were analyzed. Inflow and storage decreased and total phosphorus increased in most reservoirs. The overall, warmest-, or coldest-monthly temperatures increased in 7 reservoirs, decreased in 1 reservoir, and did not significantly change in 3 reservoirs. The most common monotonic trend in salinity-related variables (specific conductance, chloride, sulfate) was one of no change, and when significant change occurred, it was inconsistent among reservoirs. No significant change was detected in monthly sums of local precipitation. Annual water withdrawals increased in both basins, but the increase was significant (P < 0.05) only in the Colorado River and marginally significant (P < 0.1) in the Brazos River. Salinity-related variables dominated spatial variability in water quality data due to the presence of high- and low-salinity reservoirs in both basins. These observations present a landscape in the Brazos and Colorado river basins where, in the last ∼40 years, reservoir inflow and storage generally decreased, eutrophication generally increased, and water temperature generally increased in at least 1 of 3 temperature indicators evaluated. Because local precipitation remained generally stable, observed reductions in reservoir inflow and storage during the study period may be attributable to other proximate factors, including increased water withdrawals (at least in the Colorado River basin) or decreased runoff from contributing watersheds.


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    Hugo Andrés López Fisco


    Full Text Available Cuando se realizan labores agrícolas semimecanizadas como fertilización, fumigación, cosecha y otras, los operarios regularmente llevan una carga en su espalda y una herramienta en una de sus manos. En este trabajo se estimaron los esfuerzos que se generan en las articulaciones del hombro y del disco intervertebral L5-S1, para una persona promedio realizando labores agrícolas con herramientas portátiles de este tipo. Para hacer el análisis se desarrolló una herramienta computacional denominada HOMO, en la cual se consideran las posiciones más comunes del brazo e inclinaciones más comunes del eje de la columna vertebral cuando se usan equipos de espalda. El análisis determinó que una carga en la espalda de 12 kg combinada con un elemento de 0,5 kg en la mano, no son perjudiciales para la salud de los trabajadores agrícolas.In semi-mechanized agricultural labors such as fertilization, pesticide application, harvesting and others, operators usually carry loads in backpacks and a tool in one of their hands. This work estimated the stresses that result in the shoulder and in the inter-vertebral disk L5-S1 of an average operator performing agricultural labors with back-mounted equipment. In order to perform the analysis it was developed a computational tool called HOMO, which considers the most common positions of the arm and the most common inclinations of the backbone when using back-mounted equipment. This analysis determined that a 12 kg load on the operator’s back, combined with a 0,5 kg tool in the operator’s hand, are not harmful for the studied joints.

  11. 334. Strategies for the optimization of antithrombotic therapy and reduction events after coronary artery bypass graft surgery: stop events cabg trial

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    M. Carnero Alcázar


    Métodos: Se ha diseñado un estudio prospectivo, aleatorizado, doble ciego y multicéntrico. Se incluirán pacientes sometidos a CRC que reciban injertos venosos. Se aleatorizarán los sujetos en dos grupos: antiagregación con ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS o AAS + prasugrel (inicio en primeras 24 h postoperatorias. Se registrarán los eventos hemorrágicos, y se medirá la permeabilidad de los injertos mediante tomografía computarizada (TC multicorte a los 3 meses. Otros eventos: muerte, accidente cerebrovascular (ACV, infarto, reintervención coronaria, fallo del injerto previo a los 3 meses. Estudio bilateral, riesgo α: 0,05, potencia (1-ß: 80%. Diferencia a detectar: 6%. Pérdidas estimadas: 15%. Número de injertos por brazo: 490. Número de pacientes por brazo: 250. Análisis intermedio con 150 sujetos en cada brazo.

  12. Focusing on fast food restaurants alone underestimates the relationship between neighborhood deprivation and exposure to fast food in a large rural area


    Sharkey, Joseph R; Johnson, Cassandra M; Dean, Wesley R; Horel, Scott A


    Abstract Background Individuals and families are relying more on food prepared outside the home as a source for at-home and away-from-home consumption. Restricting the estimation of fast-food access to fast-food restaurants alone may underestimate potential spatial access to fast food. Methods The study used data from the 2006 Brazos Valley Food Environment Project (BVFEP) and the 2000 U.S. Census Summary File 3 for six rural counties in the Texas Brazos Valley region. BVFEP ground-truthed da...

  13. Prótesis parcial removible. Una variación de la galga utilizada en su diseño


    Samsó Manzanedo, Jorge; Salsench Cabré, Juan; Gascón Mayordomo, Francisco; Peraire Ardèvol, Maria; Nogueras Clemente, Joaquin


    En este artículo se describe una modificación de la galga del paralelizador, de forma que permita la medición de la altura del área de deslizamiento de los brazos retenedores sobre las piezas para, de esta forma, poder conseguir la misma altura en el área de deslizamiento del brazo recíproco, evitando así los movimientos de vaivén de las piezas pilares durante la inserción y remoción.

  14. Mielopatia necrotizante e neoplasias: registro clinico-patologico de dois casos

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    Marcos R. G. de Freitas


    Full Text Available São relatados dois casos de mielopatia transversa subaguda associada a tumores malignos. O primeiro paciente apresentava neoplasia de células reticulares histiocitárias e o segundo, carcinoma renal. Os autores fazem revisão dos casos similares descritos na literatura. As alterações anátomo-patológicas medulares encontradas foram semelhantes às descritas nos relatos prévios, sendo que no primeiro caso havia também intenso infiltrado inflamatório perivascular e a presença de astrócitos bizarros. Tais alterações encontradas sugerem ser esta afecção de natureza viral.

  15. Revista de tesis de la Facultad de Medicina de Bogotá

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available La prueba de la histamina para el diagnóstico precoz de la lepra. Tesis de grado, declarada Meritoria. 1942. - Por Antonio Jasbon Mantilla / Tratamiento qulrúrgico de las glomerulonefritis. Tesis de grado, declarada meritoria. 1942. - Por Lope Carvajal Peralta / Contribución al tratamiento de la osteomielitis por el bacteriofago Estafilococcico.  Tesis de grado. 1942. - Por Manuel J. Gutiérrez H. / Clorurraquia, cloremia total y plasmatica en 200 casos patologicos. Tesis de grado. 1942. - Por Luis Enrique Peña P. / Estudio clínico y anatomopatológico de las verrugas y nodulos subcutáneos de la bartonellosis humana o enfermedad de carrion. Tesis de grado. 1942. - Por Aurelio Benavides D.

  16. Pedaleo de brazos en personas con lesión medular, parálisis cerebral o ataxia cerebelosa: Parámetros fisiológicos. [Armcrank pedaling in persons with spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy or cerebellar ataxia: Physiological parameters].

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    Iris González-Carbonell


    Full Text Available Los desórdenes neurológicos generan afectación física y derivan en sedentarismo, enfermedades coronarias y obesidad o diabetes, reduciendo tanto la esperanza como la calidad de vida. La oferta de actividad física adaptada es escasa por falta de información específica sobre la forma de adecuarlo y dosificarlo a las personas que presentan estos desórdenes. Con el fin de comparar el efecto del ejercicio de pedaleo de brazos sobre la respuesta fisiológica y la percepción del esfuerzo, en 8 personas con lesión medular, 4 con parálisis cerebral y 4 con ataxia de Friedreich, se analizó su respuesta fisiológica, así como su percepción subjetiva al esfuerzo, frente a un grupo Control (16 participantes. Para ello realizó un ejercicio normalizado de pedaleo de brazos en un ergómetro y se midieron frecuencia cardíaca, frecuencia respiratoria, volumen corriente, volumen espirado, consumo de Oxígeno relativo, pulso de Oxígeno y percepción del esfuerzo y se realizó un ANOVA con estas variables. Para el grupo con lesión medular, el estrés y gasto energético resultaron los más bajos. El grupo con parálisis cerebral mostró los niveles de estrés más altos, además percibiéndolo como una carga moderada. El grupo con ataxia de Friedreich, mostró respuestas cardiorrespiratorias altas intermedias. Se puede concluir que diferentes desórdenes neurológicos muestran respuestas fisiológicas muy diferentes frente al ejercicio y es importante su control. Abstract Neurological disorders produce physical impairment that result in physical inactivity, heart disease and obesity or diabetes, reducing both life expectancy and quality of life. The supply of adapted physical activity is limited by lack of specific information on how to adapt and dosed to people who have these disorders. In order to compare the effect of armcrank pedaling exercise on their physiological response and perception of effort, 8 people with spinal cord injury, 4 with

  17. Colgajo de perforantes de la arteria colateral cubital inferior para defectos por quemadura eléctrica en fosa cubital


    González-Alaña, I.; Torrero-López, J.V.; Llop-Adrián, M.; Martín-Playá, P.; Gabilondo Zubizarreta, F.J.


    Las quemaduras eléctricas producen lesiones profundas, especialmente las debidas a la entrada y salida de la corriente y al arco voltaico, que pueden dejar expuestas estructuras nobles y afectar áreas de flexo-extensión, como la fosa antecubital. Los defectos resultantes pueden cubrirse mediante colgajos libres o pediculados de brazo y antebrazo. Entre las distintas opciones quirúrgicas, el colgajo medial del brazo evita la interrupción de los ejes vasculares mayores y la secuela en la zona d...

  18. Astragalectomía. Evaluación funcional y radiográfica. Reporte de 5 casos. [Talectomy. Functional and radiographic evaluation. Report of 5 cases

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    Ruben David Radkievich


    Full Text Available Objetivos Analizar las indicaciones de la astragalectomía y evaluar resultados radiográficos y funcionales de la técnica en cuatro pacientes. Materiales y Métodos Se evaluaron funcional (Score AOFAS y radiológicamente (Rx y RMI 5 astragalectomías en 4 pacientes con diferentes etiologías. Caso 1 y 4 osteonecrosis infectada secundario a fracturas expuestas de astrágalo, caso 2 osteonecrosis asociada a equino varo y retropié rígido, secuela de fractura expuesta grave de tibia y caso 3, equino varo y retropié rígido neurológico bilateral .Todos los  pacientes del sexo masculino. Edad promedio 32.5 años (19 a 56. Abordaje anteroexterno en pié y tobillo .Astragalectomía y fijación en posición de corrección con 2 clavos de Steinmann de3 mm. Tenotomía del Aquiles u otros procedimientos según necesidad. Resultados Seguimiento de 38 meses (15 A 84, sin signos de osteoartrosis, o signos leves y sin dolor. Score AOFAS de 81,4 puntos (prequirúrgico de 17, una discrepancia de longitud del miembro inferior de2 cm, y un rango de flexo-extensión de 18° en promedio (variancia entre 10° y 45°. Dos varo leves del retropié y tres alineaciones neutras asintomáticos. Conclusión Se observa una buena correlación entre la sintomatología de los pacientes, la alineación adecuada y los escasos signos imagenológicos de artrosis tibiocalcánea o en el resto del pié. Ante la imposibilidad técnica de artrodesis o artroplastía de tobillo como método de tratamiento, la astragalectomía es un método de salvataje para pacientes con deformidades muy severas, o déficit de stock óseo e infecciones recalcitrantes de la articulación del tobillo.

  19. Sesgos de confusión por indicación y gravedad en estudios observacionales Confounding bias due to indication and severity in observational studies

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    Javier Nuevo


    Full Text Available Los estudios observacionales están sujetos a sesgos que pueden conducir a una interpretación errónea de los resultados. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia del tratamiento con omeprazol sobre la duración de la baja laboral en pacientes con esguince de tobillo que tomaban antiinflamatorios no esteroideos. Se utilizaron los registros de la base de datos de la mutua Ibermutuamur. En contra de lo esperado, se observó que los pacientes que recibieron omeprazol presentaron una baja más prolongada que los que no recibieron omeprazol. Es probable que estos hallazgos se deban a la influencia de un sesgo de confusión por gravedad, pues los pacientes que recibieron omeprazol presentaban un esguince más grave, aunque no se puede descartar un sesgo de confusión por indicación. Para evitar la influencia de estos errores sistemáticos se deben controlar los sesgos a lo largo de todo el estudio, desde el diseño hasta el análisis de los datos.Observational studies are subject to biases that may lead to misinterpretation of the results. This study aimed to determine the influence of omeprazole treatment on the duration of sick leave in patients with ankle sprains treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. We used the Ibermutuamur database. Contrary to our expectations, sick leave was longer in patients who received omeprazole than in those who did not. These findings were probably due to the influence of a bias due to confounding by severity, given that patients who received omeprazole had a worse kind of ankle sprain; however, a bias due to confounding by indication cannot be excluded. To avoid the influence of these systematic errors, biases should be monitored from the design stage to the data analysis stage.

  20. Food insecurity is associated with social capital, perceived personal disparity, and partnership status among older and senior adults in a largely rural area of central Texas. (United States)

    Dean, Wesley R; Sharkey, Joseph R; Johnson, Cassandra M


    This study examined the association of compositional measures of collective social functioning, composed of community and familial social capital and perceived personal disparity, with food security among older (aged 50-59 y) and senior (aged ≥ 60 y) adult residents of the largely rural Brazos Valley in Central Texas using data from the 2006 Brazos Valley Community Health Assessment (analytic N = 1059, 74% response rate). Among older adults and seniors, 18.6% reported food insecurity (5.5% often and 13.1% sometimes), defined as running out of food and not having money to buy more. Low community social capital was reported by 22.4% of participants, and 30.8% indicated they were single, widowed, or divorced, an indicator of limited familial social capital. A robust multinomial regression model found the odds of reporting greater food insecurity increased for individuals who were women, African American, residents of a household with a low or poverty-level income, individuals who perceived themselves to be worse off than others within their community, and those who had low social capital. The odds of being food insecure decreased for older respondents, partnered respondents and persons with more education (pseudo r(2) = 0.27, p < 0.0000). Compositional level measures of collective social functioning are important associates of food insecurity among older adults and seniors, regardless of severity.

  1. Diseño e implementación de un sistema de control en tiempo real mediante ondas cerebrales


    Vimos Tixi, Víctor Hugo; Yánez Flores, Christian Marcelo


    Este proyecto desarrolla el procedimiento para adquirir señales cerebrales relacionadas a la intensión de movimiento de los brazos y estado de relajación con ojos cerrados además de los potenciales desarrollados por el movimiento ocular, las señales obtenidas son procesadas y clasificadas respectivamente. El resultado de la clasificación es utilizado como base para la decisión y la ejecución del movimiento básico de un brazo robótico de cinco grados de libertad, se diseña y construye un softw...

  2. Colgajo de perforantes de la arteria colateral cubital inferior para defectos por quemadura eléctrica en fosa cubital

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    I. González-Alaña


    Full Text Available Las quemaduras eléctricas producen lesiones profundas, especialmente las debidas a la entrada y salida de la corriente y al arco voltaico, que pueden dejar expuestas estructuras nobles y afectar áreas de flexo-extensión, como la fosa antecubital. Los defectos resultantes pueden cubrirse mediante colgajos libres o pediculados de brazo y antebrazo. Entre las distintas opciones quirúrgicas, el colgajo medial del brazo evita la interrupción de los ejes vasculares mayores y la secuela en la zona donante es discreta. Sin embargo, su uso está poco extendido por considerarse un colgajo de difícil disección debido a la variabilidad anatómica de las arterias colaterales cubitales superior e inferior que lo irrigan. Presentamos la cobertura para un defecto secundario a quemadura eléctrica en la fosa antecubital mediante un colgajo medial del brazo basado en las ramas perforantes de la arteria colateral cubital inferior. Aunque confirmamos en este caso la variabilidad vascular, la disección resultó sencilla y el resultado estético y funcional fue excelente.

  3. El Río Paraná: geomorfología y morfodinámica de barras e islas en un gran río anabranching


    Pereira, María Soledad


    En los últimos años se propuso una nueva categoría para los ríos con caudal medio anual superior a los ~17,000m3/s, la de los mega-ríos (Latrubesse, 2008), que incluye a los nueve sistemas fluviales más grandes de la Tierra, entre los cuales se encuentra el río Paraná. Estos mega-ríos tienen en común su patrón anabranching, caracterizado por la existencia de brazos entre islas aluviales, cuyos distintos estilos varían de acuerdo a la longitud, sinuosidad y cantidad de brazos, la complejidad m...

  4. 76 FR 59179 - Texas Disaster Number TX-00381 (United States)


    ..., Austin, Bell, Blanco, Brazos, Burnet, Cherokee, Freestone, Hays, Jackson, Lavaca, Limestone, Madison... unchanged. (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers 59002 and 59008) James E. Rivera, Associate...

  5. La medicina en el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada de 1801 a 1810

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    Andrés Soriano Lleras


    Full Text Available Las epidemias de viruela de Lima y Santafé a principios del siglo preocuparon grandemente a los gobernantes españoles y en vista de la descripción hecha por el ministro de Gracia y Justicia, José Antonio Caballero, el Rey decidió organizar una expedición que trajera el virus de la vacuna a América, embarcando "un competente número de jóvenes que no hubieran padecido la viruela; y bajo la conducta de profesores inteligentes que fuesen pasando de brazo en brazo la vacuna hasta ponerla en las costas de América y, desde ellas comunicarla al interior de sus provincias".

  6. Association between proximity to and coverage of traditional fast-food restaurants and non-traditional fast-food outlets and fast-food consumption among rural adults

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    Horel Scott A


    Full Text Available Abstract Objective The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between residential exposure to fast-food entrées, using two measures of potential spatial access: proximity (distance to the nearest location and coverage (number of different locations, and weekly consumption of fast-food meals. Methods Traditional fast-food restaurants and non-traditional fast-food outlets, such as convenience stores, supermarkets, and grocery stores, from the 2006 Brazos Valley Food Environment Project were linked with individual participants (n = 1409 who completed the nutrition module in the 2006 Brazos Valley Community Health Assessment. Results Increased age, poverty, increased distance to the nearest fast food, and increased number of different traditional fast-food restaurants, non-traditional fast-food outlets, or fast-food opportunities were associated with less frequent weekly consumption of fast-food meals. The interaction of gender and proximity (distance or coverage (number indicated that the association of proximity to or coverage of fast-food locations on fast-food consumption was greater among women and opposite of independent effects. Conclusions Results provide impetus for identifying and understanding the complex relationship between access to all fast-food opportunities, rather than to traditional fast-food restaurants alone, and fast-food consumption. The results indicate the importance of further examining the complex interaction of gender and distance in rural areas and particularly in fast-food consumption. Furthermore, this study emphasizes the need for health promotion and policy efforts to consider all sources of fast-food as part of promoting healthful food choices.

  7. Association between proximity to and coverage of traditional fast-food restaurants and non-traditional fast-food outlets and fast-food consumption among rural adults (United States)


    Objective The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between residential exposure to fast-food entrées, using two measures of potential spatial access: proximity (distance to the nearest location) and coverage (number of different locations), and weekly consumption of fast-food meals. Methods Traditional fast-food restaurants and non-traditional fast-food outlets, such as convenience stores, supermarkets, and grocery stores, from the 2006 Brazos Valley Food Environment Project were linked with individual participants (n = 1409) who completed the nutrition module in the 2006 Brazos Valley Community Health Assessment. Results Increased age, poverty, increased distance to the nearest fast food, and increased number of different traditional fast-food restaurants, non-traditional fast-food outlets, or fast-food opportunities were associated with less frequent weekly consumption of fast-food meals. The interaction of gender and proximity (distance) or coverage (number) indicated that the association of proximity to or coverage of fast-food locations on fast-food consumption was greater among women and opposite of independent effects. Conclusions Results provide impetus for identifying and understanding the complex relationship between access to all fast-food opportunities, rather than to traditional fast-food restaurants alone, and fast-food consumption. The results indicate the importance of further examining the complex interaction of gender and distance in rural areas and particularly in fast-food consumption. Furthermore, this study emphasizes the need for health promotion and policy efforts to consider all sources of fast-food as part of promoting healthful food choices. PMID:21599955

  8. Análisis de los factores influyentes en la prevalencia de las úlceras de pie en pacientes en hemodiálisis

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    María Jesús Lechuga Domínguez

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción Los pacientes en tratamiento renal sustitutivo con terapia de hemodiálisis, tienen elevado riesgo de sufrir úlceras en los pies, debido a la presencia de numerosos factores de riesgo asociados. Objetivos El presente estudio, se plantea como objetivo principal establecer la prevalencia de úlceras en los pies, en los pacientes que realizan tratamiento con hemodiálisis en el Hospital San Rafael de A Coruña. Como objetivo secundario, valorar los factores de riesgo de ulceración del pie. Material y Método Se realiza un estudio descriptivo transversal, en el que incluyen a los 131 pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC en tratamiento con hemodiálisis, que cumplen los criterios de inclusión. Se ha marcado como variable principal del estudio la presencia o ausencia de úlcera en el pie. Se valora el estado vascular, con la palpación de pulsos y con registro de sonido doppler de las arterias pedia y tibial posterior, además se realiza el cálculo del índice tobillo brazo (ITB. Se valora el estado neurológico, tras la exploración de la sensibilidad protectora con monofilamento y de la sensibilidad profunda con diapasón graduado. Resultados El 10,7% de los pacientes del estudio tienen úlcera activa en el pie. No se logra palpar pulso en la arteria pedia en un 43,5% de los pacientes y en la arteria tibial posterior en un 60% de la muestra estudiada. El 25% de los pacientes presenta un valor de ITB, por debajo de 0,90 y un 13,5% presenta arterias no compresibles. Presentan alteración de sensibilidad profunda un 48,9% de los pacientes y alteración de la sensibilidad protectora un 44,3%. Conclusión La prevención primaria a través de protocolos estandarizados de exploración del pie en las unidades de hemodiálisis, podrá minimizar la posibilidad de ulceraciones que comprometan la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Sistemáticamente habrá que realizar una valoración vascular, neurológica y de alteraciones

  9. Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva: diferencias entre hombres y mujeres Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: differences between men and women

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    María Soledad Rodríguez-Pecci


    Full Text Available La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC ha aumentado su prevalencia en el sexo femenino. Los casos de mujeres se describen como más sintomáticas. A pesar de que la EPOC se ha vinculado a elevado riesgo cardiovascular, hay pocos estudios sobre diferencias por sexo. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue determinar la influencia del sexo sobre calidad de vida y síntomas, tratamiento, factores de riesgo y enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV en una población de pacientes con EPOC. En este estudio prospectivo observacional de corte transversal, se incluyeron pacientes con EPOC ingresados consecutivamente entre el 1 de septiembre de 2008 al 1 de marzo de 2010. Se registraron edad, sexo, habito tabáquico, factores de riesgo y enfermedad cardiovascular, tratamiento y gravedad de la EPOC. Se midió índice tobillo-brazo (ITB y se realizó Euroqol-5D. Se incluyeron 246 pacientes (195 hombres. Los hombres fueron más ex fumadores (68.7% vs. 15.7%, p Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD has increased its prevalence in females. Women have been described as more symptomatic. There are few studies considering gender differences in COPD. The aim of our study was to determine the influence of gender on quality of life, symptoms, treatment, risk factors and cardiovascular disease in a population of patients with COPD. In this prospective observational cross-sectional study, the included COPD patients were consecutively admitted between September 1, 2008 to March 1, 2010. We registered age, sex, smoking history, risk factors and cardiovascular disease, treatment and severity of COPD. We measured ankle-brachial index (ABI and performed EuroQol-5D. Two hundred forty six patients were included (195 men. There were more former smokers among men (68.7% vs. 15.7%, p < 0.001, men had a lower FEV1 (48.7% ± 15.7 vs. 58.2% ± 10.9 of theoretical, p < 0.001 and higher frequency of ischemic heart disease (16.4% vs. 5.9%, p = 0.04. Women showed a higher

  10. Incidencia de las lesiones deportivas en baloncesto amateur y su prevención


    López González, Luis


    Antecedentes: En la actualidad, el interés creciente por el hábito deportivo en Estados Unidos (EE.UU) y Europa especialmente, explica que el baloncesto gane en número de participantes afianzándose como uno de los deportes “rey”. Inevitablemente unido a este hecho, también lo hace en número de lesiones. La epidemiología de lesiones en el baloncesto conforma una entidad ampliamente estudiada en la actualidad por el motivo de su alta incidencia. Entre todas las lesiones, el esguince de tobillo ...

  11. Lesiones de la sindesmosis tibioperonea distal: Review article


    Álvarez López, Alejandro; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Eugenio; García Lorenzo, Yenima; Muñoz Infante, Arnaldo


    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre las lesiones traumáticas de la articulación tibioperonea distal. Se recuerda y actualiza sobre aspectos como: anatomía, mecanismo de producción y cuadro clínico. Reciben especial énfasis los estudios imagenológicos y se subraya el uso e interpretación de la radiografía simple. Para terminar esta revisión se exponen las variantes de tratamiento tanto para las lesiones ligamentosas aisladas o asociadas a fractura del tobillo y su manejo posoperatorio....

  12. Estudio de los efectos del envejecimiento en la fuerza muscular y en el equilibrio


    Barrena Aizcorbe, Oihane


    Objetivos: -Identificar cambios en la fuerza (máxima isométrica y explosiva) y en el equilibrio dinámico de las extremidades inferiores en las articulaciones de (caderas, rodilla y tobillo) entre los jóvenes y las personas mayores. -Determinar la relación existente la disminución de la fuerza a nivel de las extremidades inferiores y del equilibrio asociados a la edad. Material y métodos: Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo transversal para determinar la fuerza máxima isométrica y explosiva...

  13. Tratamiento de la artropatía crónica hemofílica mediante inyecciones intraarticulares de cortisona


    Fernández Palazzi, F.; Dib, O.; Del Vecchio, R.


    Se evaluaron las historias clínicas de 34 pacientes hemofílicos con artropatía crónica severa (25 grado III y 9 grado IV), todos ellos con deformidades axiales, atrofia muscular y limitación del movimiento articular (31 rodillas, 2 tobillos y 2 hombros), a quienes se les inyectó intraarticularmcnte entre 1 y 9 dosis de cortisona de liberación prolongada con intervalos de 3 semanas. Se les realizó una evaluación subjetiva y objetiva en base a los siguientes parámetros: bueno: no do...

  14. Brazos Santiago Inlet, Texas, Shoaling Study (United States)


    Development Center 3909 Halls Ferry Road Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199 Final report Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Prepared...focus of this study was to understand the shoaling process in the BSI and to suggest sand management alternatives to reduce inlet maintenance ...Santiago Inlet Entrance Channel maintenance dredging quantities (normal distribution). ........................................................ 20

  15. DCS Terrain Submission for Brazos TX (United States)

    Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security — Terrain data, as defined in FEMA Guidelines and Specifications, Appendix N: Data Capture Standards, describes the digital topographic data that was used to create...

  16. Análisis Desde el Modelo Traumatogénico de los Indicadores Gráficos Asociados a Agresiones Sexuales Infantiles en la Prueba Persona Bajo la Lluvia Analysis Based on the Traumagenic Model of the Graphic Indicators Associated to Children Sexual Abuses in the Person in Rain Test

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    Alejandro Pool


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo vincula teóricamente las dinámicas traumatogénicas de las agresiones sexuales descritas por David Finkelhor y Angela Browne con los indicadores gráficos asociados a agresiones sexuales infantiles (Girardi & Pool, 2005 en la prueba Persona Bajo la Lluvia. Como resultado de la presente investigación, se obtuvo que la mayoría de los indicadores asociados a agresiones sexuales infantiles en la prueba Persona Bajo la Lluvia corresponden a la dinámica traumatogénica de Indefensión. Corresponden a esta categoría los siguientes indicadores: lluvia sectorizada, ausencia de paraguas y cabeza grande. A la dinámica traumatogénica de Traición corresponde el indicador ausencia de entorno. El indicador gráfico brazos cortos representa la dinámica traumatogénica de Estigmatización. Por último, el indicador gráfico sonrisa maníaca no es incluido en ninguna de las variables traumatogénicas.This article's purpose is to link theoretically the traumagenic dynamics of sexual abuse described by David Finkelhor and Angela Browne with graphic indicators associated to sexual abuse in children (Girardi & Pool, 2005 in the Person in Rain test. As a result, it was clearly demonstrated that most of the indicators associated to children's sexual abuses in the Person in Rain test are related to the traumagenic dynamic of Helplessness. The indicators "sectioned rain", "absence of umbrella", and "big head", correspond to this category. The indicator "absence of environment" corresponds to the Betrayal traumagenic dynamic. The "short arms" graphic indicator represents the Stigmatization traumagenic dynamic. Finally, the "maniac smile" graphic indicator is not included in any of the traumagenic dynamics.

  17. Detección de quimerismo celular en freemartin por bandeo RGB.

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    López O. Juan B.


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se utilizó el bandeo cromosómico RBG (R-Bromodeoxiuridina-Giemsa para detectar quimerismo celular XX/XY en fenotipo freemartin bovino. Se analizaron los patrones replicativos de células XX y XY tanto en bovinos normales como freemartin. Las células XX mostraron un cromosoma de replicación temprana y uno de replicación tardía, contrario a la teoría de replicación temprana de ambos cromosomas X bovinos, propuesta por Giannelli en 1970. Las células XY mostraron un cromosoma X activo y un cromosoma Y con un brazo corto activo y un brazo largo completamente inactivo. Este patrón replicativo difiere del observado en el cromosoma Y humano el cual presenta sólo una región inactiva en la parte distal de su brazo largo. Todos estos patrones replicativos fueron también observados en el fenotipo freemartin. El bandeo RBG facilita la visualización de los cromosomas sexuales debido a sus patrones de replicación característicos, lo cual agiliza la clasificación de mitosis XX o XY y permite que personas no diestras en la evaluación de cariotipos, puedan detectar este tipo de quimeras celulares. Adicionalmente se evidencia el flujo de células en ambos sentidos entre los fetos, contrario a la creencia de un flujo unilateral del macho a la hembra, planteado por otros investigadores.

  18. La experiencia personal y la perspectiva antropológica en el aprendizaje del esquí nórdico. Realizar unos ejercicios en casa puede acelerar su aprendizaje

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    Feliu Funollet Queixalós


    Full Text Available La experiencia cotidiana en las pistas de esquí nórdico nos sugiere la existencia de tres elementos básicos que al empezar a esquiar dificultan su aprendizaje: la falta de conciencia corporal, la dificultad en controlar la acción del tobillo y la vinculación de la sensación de deslizarse con el miedo súbito. Creemos que si esos tres elementos pudieran entrenarse en casa o en los centros educativos, luego en las pistas de esquí el aprendizaje se realizaría de forma más rápida y segura.

  19. Diseño de prótesis transtibial infantil y validación a través de pruebas de usuario


    Berbesi Espinosa, María Fernanda; Suescum Quezada, María Fernanda


    En los últimos años se ha observado un aumento en el número de traumas y amputaciones debido a las minas antipersonales, siendo la población infantil una de las más afectadas con dicho problema en Colombia. Como respuesta a esta tendencia, se realizo el diseño de un elemento protésico transtibial para niños entre los 8 y 12 años de edad, ajustable en altura para adaptarse al crecimiento de su usuario y con articulación de tobillo para prevenir problemas lumbares y musculares; así mismo para f...

  20. Estudio Cinemático Comparativo de Tres Opciones de Tratamiento Conservador en el Manejo de los Trastornos de la Marcha de Niños con Equinismo Idiopático


    Lerma Lara, Sergio


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid en 2016. Directores de la Tesis: Carlos Goicoechea García y Tomás Epeldegui Torre El equinismo idiopático es una alteración de la marcha pediátrica caracterizada por la realización de una excesiva flexión plantar del tobillo durante la marcha. No hay consenso en la literatura acerca de la mejor oferta terapéutica, coexistiendo opciones conservadoras y quirúrgicas en la práctica clínica. El objetivo de este t...

  1. Produção de amora-preta e amora-vermelha em Lavras - MG

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    Paula Nogueira Curi


    Full Text Available O cultivo de amoras está amplamente difundido em zonas temperadas, porém, algumas cultivares são de baixa necessidade em frio e podem ser exploradas em locais com temperaturas mais elevadas. Assim, objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, avaliar a produção de amoras-pretas e amora-vermelha na região de Lavras-MG (clima Cwb. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro blocos e onze tratamentos (cultivares de amoreiras-pretas 'Arapaho', 'Xavante', 'Ébano', 'Comanche', 'Caingangue', 'Choctaw', 'Tupy', 'Guarani', 'Brazos', 'Cherokee' e a amoreira-vermelha, espécie nativa do Brasil. Em cada parcela, foram coletados dados fenológicos e produtivos no ciclo de produção 2010/11 e 2011/12, além da caracterização físico-química dos frutos. As cultivares de amoreira-preta apresentaram ciclo produtivo entre 66 e 133 dias, com colheitas se iniciando em setembro e se estendendo até janeiro; e a amoreira-vermelha com ciclo produtivo de 283 dias. 'Brazos' apresentou a maior produtividade estimada. As cultivares Brazos e Guarani possibilitaram a produção de frutos de maior massa, enquanto que 'Caingangue', 'Tupy' e 'Choctaw' apresentaram bom equilíbrio entre os sólidos solúveis e acidez. A amoreira-vermelha apresentou elevada produção de frutos (527g por planta no 1o ciclo e 344g por planta no 2o ciclo e demonstrou-se uma excelente opção para o processamento

  2. Comparación cariotípica de cinco especies de Lutzomyia (diptera: psychodidae de la serie townsendi grupo verrucarum en Colombia.

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    Jesús Escovar


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de establecer algunas características citogenéticas de cinco especies nativas de Lutzomyia, correspondientes a la serie townsendi del grupo verrucarum: Lutzomyia longiflocosa, Lutzomyia quasitownsendi, Lutzomyia spinicrassa, Lutzomyia torvida y Lutzomyia youngi, se llevó a cabo un estudio comparativo entre los cariotipos y su morfometría cromosómica. A partir de ganglios cerebrales de larvas de IV estadio, se prepararon los cromosomas mitóticos mediante la técnica de aplastamiento (squash del tejido. Se efectuaron las mediciones cromosómicas, atendiendo los siguientes parámetros: brazo corto, brazo largo, relación de brazos, longitud total, longitud relativa, índice centromérico y longitud relativa promedio. Se clasificaron los cromosomas según su morfometría y posición del centrómero siguiendo patrones estandarizados. Se calculó la distancia taxonómica y con base en estos datos se separaron las especies y se ubicaron en un fenograma. Las cinco especies de flebótomos presentaron 4 pares de cromosomas, número diploide (2N=8, y el número fundamental fue de 16. En ninguno de los cariotipos se observó heteromorfismo sexual cromosómico. El análisis estadístico de los datos de morfometría cromosómica mostró diferencias altamente significativas entre los pares cromosómicos de las cinco especies. Sin embargo, la longitud total del genoma en los flebotómos fue muy similar, a excepción de L. youngi. En conclusión, las especies íntimamente relacionadas se lograron diferenciar a nivel citotaxonómico.

  3. Vegetated treatment area (VTAs efficiencies for E. coli and nutrient removal on small-scale swine operations

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    R. Daren Harmel


    Full Text Available As small-scale animal feeding operations work to manage their byproducts and avoid regulation, they need practical, cost-effective methods to reduce environmental impact. One such option is using vegetative treatment areas (VTAs with perennial grasses to treat runoff; however, research is limited on VTA effectiveness as a waste management alternative for smaller operations. This study evaluated the efficiencies of VTAs in reducing bacteria and nutrient runoff from small-scale swine operations in three counties in Central Texas. Based on 4 yr of runoff data, the Bell and Brazos VTAs significantly reduced loads and concentrations of E. coli and nutrients (except NO3-N and had treatment efficiencies of 73–94%. Most notably, the Bell VTA reduced loads of E. coli, NH4-N, PO4-P, total N, and total P similar to that of the background (control. In spite of significant reductions, runoff from the Brazos VTA had higher concentrations and loads than the control site, especially following installation of concrete pens and increased pen washing, which produced standing water and increased E. coli and nutrient influx. The Robertson VTA produced fewer significant reductions and had lower treatment efficiencies (29–69%; however, E. coli and nutrient concentrations and loads leaving this VTA were much lower than observed at the Bell and Brazos County sites due to alternative solids management and enclosed pens. Based on these results and previous research, VTAs can be practical, effective waste management alternatives for reducing nutrient and bacteria losses from small-scale animal operations, but only if properly designed and managed. Keywords: Bacteria, Nutrients, Swine manure, Waste management, Water quality

  4. Empirical Productivity Indices and Indicators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    B.M. Balk (Bert)


    textabstractThe empirical measurement of productivity change (or difference) by means of indices and indicators starts with the ex post profit/loss accounts of a production unit. Key concepts are profit, leading to indicators, and profitability, leading to indices. The main task for the productivity

  5. Propagação de amoreira-preta utilizando estacas lenhosas Propagation of blackberry using of woody cutting

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    Fabíola Villa


    Full Text Available A amoreira-preta (Rubus sp é uma espécie de clima temperado que, por ocasião da poda hibernal, realizada durante o período de dormência, produz grande quantidade de material vegetal que pode ser utilizado na propagação. Dessa forma, objetivou-se verificar o potencial de enraizamento de estacas lenhosas de duas cultivares de amoreira-preta tratadas com ácido indolbutírico (AIB. De ramos com um ano de idade coletados de plantas-matrizes das cultivares Brazos e Guarani, foram retiradas estacas lenhosas, sem folhas, com aproximadamente 15 cm e tratadas com solução de AIB, nas concentrações de 0, 1000, 2000 e 3000 mg.L-1, por 15 segundos. Posteriormente, as estacas foram plantadas em sacos de polietileno contendo mistura de areia e terra (2:1 v/v como substrato e mantidas em casa-de-vegetação, sob nebulização intermitente durante 90 dias.As cultivares apresentaram diferentes potenciais de enraizamento e desenvolvimento da parte aérea. Maiores percentuais de estacas enraizadas e brotadas, número de folhas e de brotos e peso da matéria seca das brotações foram obtidos em estacas de ‘Brazos' não-tratadas e em estacas de ‘Guarani' com aplicação de 2000 mg.L-1 de AIB.During the winter pruning, in the dormancy period, there are surpluses of great amount of vegetable material that can be used in the propagation. It was aimed at verifying the hardwood cuttings rooting potential of two blackberry cultivar treated with indolebutyric acid (IBA. Hardwood cuttings without leaves, with approximately 15 cm were collected from branches with one year old of ‘Brazos' and ‘Guarani' mother-plant and treated with solution of IBA at of 0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 mg.L-1 concentrations for 15 seconds immersion. Later the cuttings were planted in polyethylene bags containing sand and soil mixture (2:1 v/v as substrate and maintained in greenhouse under intermittent mist for 90 days. The cultivars presented them different rooting potential and

  6. 78 FR 53426 - Expansion of Foreign-Trade Zone 84; Houston, Texas (United States)


    ... 84; Houston, Texas Pursuant to its authority under the Foreign-Trade Zones Act of June 18, 1934, as..., the Port of Houston Authority, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 84, submitted an application to the Board for authority to expand FTZ 84 to include a site in Brazos County, Texas, adjacent to the Houston...

  7. Investigation of Laramide Deformation in North-Central New Mexico and Its Role in Guiding Miocene Extension (United States)

    Freer, C. M.; Hamilton, J.; Murphy, M. A.


    North-trending Laramide age dextral faults in New Mexico help to explain shortening features along the northern margin of the Colorado Plateau. However, a palinspastic reconstruction of aeromagnetic anomalies that are cut by these dextral faults, do not explain shortening in the Tusas-Brazos uplift suggesting that the geometry of the Laramide structural system needs to be reassessed. We conducted geologic mapping and structural analysis of a series of Laramide asymmetric anticlines as well as Miocene normal faults between the Tusas-Brazos and Nacimento uplift to assess alternative models describing Laramide deformation. The kinematics of Laramide features in Northern New Mexico has been interpreted in multiple conflicting models. One model suggests that Laramide deformation in this region was characterized by several (4-6) large N-S striking faults with net dextral slip estimates ranging from ~55-170km. A second model suggests a hybrid of the two models above, suggesting a counter-clockwise rotation in the maximum shortening direction from E-W to NNE-SSW. The anticlines investigated lie between the north-trending east-vergent Tusas-Brazos uplift and the west-vergent Nacimento uplift. They form an en echelon set of km-scale folds that trend ~N40E and verge to the east and west. The estimated shortening direction from conjugate fractures and lineations are close to agreeing on an orientation of N30E, with conjugates at N10W and N50E. Fracture data throughout the specific areas are not easily explained by east-west extension during Rio Grande rifting but instead correlate to Laramide deformation. The regional fracture pattern suggests a vertically oriented σ2 advocating for a strike-slip deformation regime. Also apparent from the fracture pattern is a possible change in σ1 direction, with both E-W and NNE-SSW possible, though timing is uncertain. Mineral stretching lineations in Proterozoic rocks of the Laramide-uplifted Tusas Mountains display an average NE

  8. Reporte de caso Adenocarcinoma de celulas basales de glandula parotida: estudio clinico/patologico e inmunohistoquimico

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    Pedro Emilio García

    Full Text Available Resumen: El adenocarcinoma de células basales es una neoplasia epitelial con las características citológicas del adenoma de células basales pero con un patrón morfológico de crecimiento infiltrante indicativo de malignidad. Debido a su baja incidencia es a menudo difícil de diagnosticar. El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar características morfológicas e inmunohistoquímicas que contribuyen a su diagnóstico. Se resecó un tumor de parótida en una paciente de 52 años; se realizó biopsia postoperatoria e inmunomarcación con Ki-67, CK19, p63 y alfa actina de músculo liso. Se diagnosticó adenocarcinoma de células basales mixto sólido y tubular con invasión perineural y de la cápsula tumoral, grasa periglandular y nodos linfoides. La inmunomarcación con Ki-67, CK19, p63 y alfa actina de músculo liso resultó positiva. Posteriormente se diagnosticó una metástasis en seno maxilar. Las características morfológicas, la inmunomarcación Ki-67 positiva y la metástasis le dan el carácter maligno a este tumor, lo que lo diferencia del adenoma de células basales.

  9. Shoaling Analysis at Brazos Island, Harbor Inlet, Texas (United States)


    and, consequently, is not a high priority for maintenance dredging funding. However, any impacts to inbound vessels ensure a major negative economic...Brownsville Ship Channel. Corpus Christi, TX. Report prepared for Port of Brownsville, TX. Martin Associates. 2008. Market assessment of the Port of

  10. 77 FR 31844 - Notice of Intent to Suspend Certain Pesticide Registrations (United States)


    ... range of stakeholders including environmental, human health, farm worker and agricultural advocates; the...-1 Bio-Groom Flea & Tick 5/21/12 1,2,3 a, b, c BioDerm Lab. Shampoo for Dogs & Cats. Brazos... Pyrethrins 15297-14 Bio-Groom Flea & Tick 5/21/12 1,2,3 a, b, c BioDerm Lab. Pyrethrin Dip Conc. For Dogs...

  11. 78 FR 72096 - Environmental Documents Prepared for Oil, Gas, and Mineral Operations by the Gulf of Mexico Outer... (United States)


    ... Mexico. SEA T13-003. ATP Oil & Gas Corporation, Brazos, Block 544, Lease 7/11/2013 Structure Removal, SEA... Exploration III, Galveston, Block A40, 7/15/2013 L.P., Structure Removal, SEA ES/ Lease OCS-G 26487, SR 13-128..., 078. located 56 miles from the nearest Louisiana shoreline. Hall-Houston Exploration III, High Island...

  12. Values of Kp Indices, Ap Indices, Cp Indices, C9 Indices, Sunspot Number, and 10.7 cm Flux (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data file consists of Kp indices, Ap indices, Cp indices, C9 indices, sunspot number, and 10.7 cm flux. The most often requested parameter of this file are the...

  13. Should researchers use single indicators, best indicators, or multiple indicators in structural equation models?

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    Hayduk Leslie A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Structural equation modeling developed as a statistical melding of path analysis and factor analysis that obscured a fundamental tension between a factor preference for multiple indicators and path modeling’s openness to fewer indicators. Discussion Multiple indicators hamper theory by unnecessarily restricting the number of modeled latents. Using the few best indicators – possibly even the single best indicator of each latent – encourages development of theoretically sophisticated models. Additional latent variables permit stronger statistical control of potential confounders, and encourage detailed investigation of mediating causal mechanisms. Summary We recommend the use of the few best indicators. One or two indicators are often sufficient, but three indicators may occasionally be helpful. More than three indicators are rarely warranted because additional redundant indicators provide less research benefit than single indicators of additional latent variables. Scales created from multiple indicators can introduce additional problems, and are prone to being less desirable than either single or multiple indicators.

  14. Descripción del ARN de transferencia mitocondrial para Serina (UCN de Lutzomyia columbiana (Diptera, Psychodidae Description of the mitochondrial serine transfer RNA (UCN of Lutzomyia columbiana (Diptera, Psychodidae

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    Alveiro Pérez-Doria


    Full Text Available Lutzomyia columbiana es un flebotomíneo considerado como vector sospechoso de Leishmania mexicana y Leishmania braziliensis en Colombia. Este insecto pertenece al grupo verrucarum, que incluye algunos taxones isomórficos, lo que ha estimulado la búsqueda de marcadores moleculares que permitan, además de diferenciar las especies, estudiar sus relaciones de parentesco. En este artículo se describe por primera vez la estructura putativa del ARN de transferencia mitocondrial para serina que reconoce el codón UCN (ARNtSer de Lu. columbiana. El ADN genómico fue extraído, amplificado y secuenciado a partir de seis especímenes colectados con cebo humano. La estructura secundaria del ARNtSer fue inferida con el programa tRNAscan-SE 1.21. El gen ARNts consistió de 67 pares de bases (pb, encontrándose un solo haplotipo en los seis individuos secuenciados. El ARNtSer de Lu. columbiana mostró 7 apareamientos intracatenarios en el brazo aceptor del aminoácido, 3 en el brazo dihidrouridina (DHU, 5 en el brazo del anticodón y 5 en el brazo ribotimidina-pseudouridina-citosina (TøC. El tamaño de las lupas correspondió a 5 nucleótidos en la DHU, 7 en la anticodón, 4 en la variable y 7 en la TøC. Lu. columbiana se distingue del resto de especies de Lutzomyia y Phlebotomus secuenciadas a la fecha por la presencia de una guanina en la posición nucleotídica 64, que produce un apareamiento no canónico tipo uracilo-guanina en el brazo aceptor. Se necesitan más estudios para confirmar la utilidad del ARNtSer como marcador molecular para la discriminación de especies de flebotomíneos.The sand fly Lutzomyia columbiana is considered a suspected vector of Leishmania mexicana and Leishmania braziliensis in Colombia. Lu. columbiana belongs to the Lutzomyia verrucarum species group, which included some sibling species. This has motivated the search for molecular markers to distinguish these taxa. In this paper, we described for the first time the

  15. Keeping Kids Still during Exams (United States)

    ... para que los brazos o piernas del Lo que usted puede hacer para ayudar niño se mantengan en la posición ■ Su hijo puede estar disgustado o apropiada. El peso de las bolsas de sentir su ansiedad. Hable calma ... le recuerda a su hijo que ■ Elógielo(a) por cooperar tan bien y no ...

  16. Percepción de molestias musculoesqueléticas y riesgo postural en trabajadores de una institución de educación superior

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    Martha Mendinueta Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la percepción de molestias musculoesqueléticas y el riesgo postural en trabajadores de una institución de educación superior. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal en 302 trabajadores del área administrativa y operativa. Se realizó un muestreo simple y aleatorio. Las molestias musculoesqueléticas en 9 regiones corporales se definieron mediante el Cuestionario Nórdico. Se uso el método OWAS para analizar las posiciones de espalda, piernas y brazos adoptadas y la carga levantada por los trabajadores durante su tarea laboral, lo cual permite estimar el riesgo para desórdenes musculoesqueléticos. Mediante el programa SPSS 18 se realizó la estadística descriptiva y el análisis bivariado, y se obtuvo los odd ratios de la relación entre las posiciones adoptadas y el nivel de riesgo. Resultados: La percepción en los últimos 12 meses de molestias musculoesqueléticos en la región cervical, dorsal y lumbar se informó en un 37,4, 31,8 y 37,7 % de los trabajadores, respectivamente. Los trabajadores que mantienen un brazo bajo y otro elevado o los dos brazos elevados durante su jornada laboral tienen 3,7 veces mayor probabilidad de desórdenes musculoesqueléticos [OR 3,7 (IC 95 % (1,4-10,1]; igualmente, 2,5 veces [OR 2,5 (IC 95 % (1,4-5,4] cuando levantan cargas entre 10 y 20 kilogramos o mayores de 20 kilogramos. Conclusión: Las molestias musculoesqueléticas afectan a los trabajadores de la institución educativa, principalmente en las zonas cervical, dorsal y lumbar. En este estudio, las posiciones adoptadas por los trabajadores durante sus actividades laborales influyen en el riesgo postural para desórdenes musculoesqueléticos. Palabras clave: salud laboral, sistema musculoesquelético, riesgos laborales, trastornos de traumas acumulados.

  17. Estado nutricional en dos comunidades Mbyá-Guaraní de la provincia de Misiones

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    Oyhenart, Evelia Edith


    Full Text Available La evaluación antropométrica constituye un valiosa herramienta que aporta un cuadro general del estado de salud y nutrición de una población. Como tal, sirve de base para monitorear el bienestar físico de poblaciones que están sufriendo una rápida transición socioeconómica, como es el caso de las poblaciones Amerindias. Se evaluó el estado nutricional en niños y adultos de dos comunidades Mbyá-Guaraní de la provincia de Misiones. Sobre una muestra de 120 individuos de 2 a 60 años de edad se relevaron el peso corporal, estatura total y sentado, circunferencia del brazo y pliegues tricipital y subescapular. Se calcularon además el índice córmico y las áreas muscular y adiposa del brazo. Los datos fueron transformados a puntaje z empleando NHANES I y II. Valores z menores a -2 fueron empleados como puntos de corte para determinar la prevalencia de bajo peso para la talla y baja talla. Los valores z medios en peso, estatura y circunferencia del brazo fueron negativos fluctuando entre 0 y -3. Una situación intermedia se observó en los pliegues subcutáneos cuyos valores z fueron similares a la referencia, mientras que en el índice córmico y el área muscular de mujeres tuvieron valores entre 0 y 2. Los resultados obtenidos confirman los hallados en otras poblaciones Amerindias Sudamericanas donde la prevalencia de baja talla es significativamente superior al bajo peso para la talla (36.7% y 1.8% respectivamente. Las infecciones parasitarias en conjunción con otros factores ambientales que inciden sobre la obtención de recursos nutricionales, pueden ser los factores de mayor incidencia en la baja talla de esta población.

  18. Efectividad de distintas terapias físicas en el tratamiento conservador de la fascitis plantar. Revisión sistemática

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana María Díaz López


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: La fascitis plantar es la afección más frecuente de dolor no traumático en el tobillo-pie. Se presenta más en mujeres entre los 40-70 años con comienzo progresivo y difuso en planta del pie o tobillo que poco a poco se agudiza impidiendo la marcha. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar si las distintas terapias físicas utilizadas en el tratamiento conservador de la fascitis plantar de al menos un mes de evolución son efectivas individualmente y/o combinadas entre sí. Métodos: Revisión sistemática en las bases de datos The Cochrane Library Plus, Medline, Lilacs, IBECS, IME, PEDro y Enfispo sin restricción de fecha, en español e inglés. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos controlados aleatoriamente con personas adultas diagnosticadas de fascitis plantar, estudios de intervención, prospectivos y revisiones sistemáticas. La evaluación de la elegibilidad de los estudios fue desarrollada por dos revisores de manera independiente, estandarizada y no cegada. Para clasificarlos, se utilizó la escala crítica PEDro, formulario de calidad metodológica y una revisión crítica de cada resumen y si esto no fue concluyente evaluación del texto completo. Resultados: Se revisó un total de 32 artículos a texto completo. Las técnicas más empleadas fueron los estiramientos y las ondas de choque, aunque los mejores resultados se obtuvieron combinando varias técnicas. Las ondas de choque fueron efectivas cuando otras técnicas fracasaron. Conclusiones: Las terapias físicas empleadas en los distintos estudios han demostrado ser eficaces aunque en distinta medida ya sea para disminuir el dolor o aliviar los síntomas de la fascitis plantar.

  19. Influencia de la estatura en el patrón de la marcha de hombres y mujeres

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    María Gómez-Jiménez


    Full Text Available Introducción. Tradicionalmente se han desarrollado bases de datos biomecánicos para hombres y mujeres donde se han identificado las diferencias en los patrones de marcha. La descripción de un patrón por sexo está basada en la premisa de que las medidas antropométricas, como la estatura, no influencian los parámetros de la marcha humana tras la normalización. El objetivo del estudio fue examinar las diferencias en la marcha entre grupos de estatura. Métodos. Se analizaron los parámetros espacio-temporales y cinemáticos de 29 mujeres y 31 hombres, distribuidos en grupos considerando los percentiles 25, 50 y 75 de estatura de la población española. Las medidas se recogieron utilizando un sistema de captura de movimiento 3D (VICON. Se realizaron comparaciones de medias entre grupos de estatura (Kruskal-Wallis (α = 0,05. Resultados. Los resultados indicaron que las mujeres con mayor y menor estatura presentaban porcentajes mayores de apoyo (p = 0,031 debido al aumento del tiempo de doble apoyo (p = 0,020. Las mujeres en los grupos centrales de estatura mostraron un adelanto del despegue del pie del suelo (p = 0,018, ocasionado por la ligera disminución de la fase de apoyo. Los hombres con menor estatura mostraron mayor flexión plantar de tobillo que los hombres altos (p = 0,033, debido a que la menor longitud de pie implicó la necesidad de una mayor extensión de tobillo en el despegue del pie. La estatura debería considerarse en el estudio de la marcha, por su utilidad en la planificación de programas de tratamiento, la adaptación de exoesqueletos de reeducación de la marcha o el diseño de ortesis y prótesis.

  20. Las nociones de mano, brazo y codo en indoeuropeo

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    Rosa Pedrero


    Full Text Available The authoress studies the different names which have received the hand, the arm and the elbow in the Indo-European languages. She makes a comparative analysis of all the roots and stems which have originated such designations, in order to determine the antiquity and extensions of the extant forms.

  1. Caso clínico de la Unidad de Medicina Interna : síndrome de falla cardíaca congestiva

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    Juan Manuel Gómez


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 73 años de edad, natural de San Miguel de Cerna (Boyacá, y procedente de Santafé de Bogotá, sin ocupación, quien ingreso en marzo de 1993 por el servicio de urgencias. Consultaba por presentar sintomatología de 20 días de evolución, consistente en tos productiva incapacitante, acompañada de expectoración mucoide, aparición de disnea progresiva hasta llegar a clase funcional IV en los últimos tres días, ortopnea y dolor torácico no anginoso, ocasional. Además, edema en tobillos, inicialmente que luego se hace generalizado. Disminución de la frecuencia y el volumen urinario en los últimos dos meses.

  2. Luisa Valenzuela, baile de máscaras


    Noguerol Jiménez, Francisca


    [ES] En pleno Carnaval, periodo especialmente significativo para entender su escritura, redacto un prólogo que pretende presentarla ante el público español sencillamente como la que es: una experta francotiradora de la palabra con permanente capacidad para colocar al lector en vilo, a la que hay que leer con los brazos en alto y, aun así, siempre caeremos en alguna de sus innumerables celadas.

  3. Retrospective analysis of associations between water quality and toxic blooms of golden alga (Prymnesium parvum) in Texas reservoirs: Implications for understanding dispersal mechanisms and impacts of climate change (United States)

    Patino, Reynaldo; Dawson, D.; VanLandeghem, Matthew M.


    Toxic blooms of golden alga (GA, Prymnesium parvum) in Texas typically occur in winter or early spring. In North America, they were first reported in Texas in the 1980s, and a marked range expansion occurred in 2001. Although there is concern about the influence of climate change on the future distribution of GA, factors responsible for past dispersals remain uncertain. To better understand the factors that influence toxic bloom dispersal in reservoirs, this study characterized reservoir water quality associated with toxic GA blooms since 2001, and examined trends in water quality during a 20-year period bracketing the 2001 expansion. Archived data were analyzed for six impacted and six nonimpacted reservoirs from two major Texas basins: Brazos River and Colorado River. Data were simplified for analysis by pooling spatially (across sampling stations) and temporally (winter, December-February) within reservoirs and generating depth-corrected (1 m) monthly values. Classification tree analysis [period of record (POR), 2001-2010] using salinity-associated variables (specific conductance, chloride, sulfate), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, temperature, total hardness, potassium, nitrate+nitrite, and total phosphorus indicated that salinity best predicts the toxic bloom occurrence. Minimum estimated salinities for toxic bloom formation were 0.59 and 1.02 psu in Brazos and Colorado River reservoirs, respectively. Principal component analysis (POR, 2001-2010) indicated that GA habitat is best defined by higher salinity relative to nonimpacted reservoirs, with winter DO and pH also being slightly higher and winter temperature slightly lower in impacted reservoirs. Trend analysis, however, did not reveal monotonic changes in winter water quality of GA-impacted reservoirs during the 20-year period (1991-2010) bracketing the 2001 dispersal. Therefore, whereas minimum levels of salinity are required for GA establishment and toxic blooms in Texas reservoirs, the lack of trends in

  4. Estudio citogenético de 38 pacientes con síndrome de turner

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    Alejandro Giraldo


    Full Text Available De 38 pacientes con síndrome de Turner, 20 presentaron el cariotipo clásico 45,X0 y una el mosaico 45,X0/46,XX. Las otras 17 pacientes mostraron diferentes anomalías estructurales: diez tenían una o dos líneas con isocromosomas de brazos largos, ocho de ellas con mosaicismo 45,X0; una paciente presentó 46,X, deI (Xp o 46,X,tel (Xq por tratarse de una falta total de brazos cortos; tres mostraron diferentes porcentajes de líneas monosómicas y anillos X: 45,X0/46,X.dXI; dos pacientes tenían anomalías estructurales d el cromosoma Y: 45,X/46, XY nf y 45.X0/46.X.idic (Yq y una paciente mostró 45,X0/46,X.f (X. Estas pacientes fueron remitidas para evaluación clínica y citogenetica al Grupo de Gen6tica del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Colombia, de 1977 a 1983. Se discuten algunas observaciones sobre el posible origen de las anomalías cromosómicas, la edad de los padres, las edades y motivos de consulta de las pacientes y los hallazgos clínicos

  5. Association between proximity to and coverage of traditional fast-food restaurants and non-traditional fast-food outlets and fast-food consumption among rural adults


    Sharkey, Joseph R; Johnson, Cassandra M; Dean, Wesley R; Horel, Scott A


    Abstract Objective The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between residential exposure to fast-food entrées, using two measures of potential spatial access: proximity (distance to the nearest location) and coverage (number of different locations), and weekly consumption of fast-food meals. Methods Traditional fast-food restaurants and non-traditional fast-food outlets, such as convenience stores, supermarkets, and grocery stores, from the 2006 Brazos Valley Food Environmen...

  6. Quality indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjorth-Andersen, Christian


    In recent literature it has been suggested that consumers need have no knowledge of product quality as a number of quality indicators (or signals) may be used as substitutes. Very little attention has been paid to the empirical verification of these studies. The present paper is devoted...... to the issue of how well these indicators perform, using market data provided by consumer magazines from 3 countries. The results strongly indicate that price is a poor quality indicator. The paper also presents some evidence which suggests that seller reputation and easily observable characteristics are also...

  7. Estrategia de intervención para prevenir el esguince de tobillo en taekwondistas


    Yanelis Fernández-Rubín


    Resumen El taekwondo es un deporte de combate de contactos muy fuertes, en el cual el atleta utiliza en mayor medida los miembros inferiores; particularmente debe contactar al contrario con el empeine del pie. El sobreuso de esta zona genera traumas frecuentes. Este tipo de lesión requiere tratamiento inmediato y en ocasiones prolongado, que aleja al deportista de las prácticas hasta su total recuperación. En este trabajo se elaboró una estrategia de intervención para prevenir el esguince ...

  8. Three Cs in Measurement Models: Causal Indicators, Composite Indicators, and Covariates


    Bollen, Kenneth A.; Bauldry, Shawn


    In the last two decades attention to causal (and formative) indicators has grown. Accompanying this growth has been the belief that we can classify indicators into two categories, effect (reflective) indicators and causal (formative) indicators. This paper argues that the dichotomous view is too simple. Instead, there are effect indicators and three types of variables on which a latent variable depends: causal indicators, composite (formative) indicators, and covariates (the “three Cs”). Caus...

  9. Áreas de secção transversa do braço: implicações técnicas e aplicações para avaliação da composição corporal e da força dinâmica máxima Area de sección transversa del brazo: implicaciones técnicas y aplicaciones para avaliación de la composición corporal y de la fuerza dinámica máxima Arm cross-section areas: technical implications and applications for body composition and maximal dynamic strength evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando A.M.S. Pompeu


    Full Text Available As áreas do tecido muscular (A MB e do anel de gordura do braço (A GB, podem ser estimadas por medidas antropométricas. OBJETIVO: Investigar a validade e o erro intertestador da antropometria para inferência A MB e do A GB. Secundariamente, estudou-se a previsão da força dos membros superiores e tronco através da A MB. MÉTODOS: Foram voluntários para este estudo 40 adultos masculinos jovens (25 ± 6 anos; 72,6 ± 9,4kg, divididos aleatoriamente nos grupos de validade interna (VI, n = 30 e validade externa (VE, n = 10. Determinou-se para VI, através de conceitos geométricos, a área total do braço (A TB, A MB, A GB e área percentual de gordura do braço. O somatório de oito dobras cutâneas (S DC8 foi empregado como índice da adiposidade corporal. A força dos membros superiores e do tronco foi medida através da carga máxima alcançada no exercício supino reto livre (1-RM. As medidas antropométricas foram realizadas por dois avaliadores independentes. Os dados foram tratados por meio da análise de regressão, coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC e teste t de Student pareado (a Las áreas del tejido muscular (A MB y del de grosor del brazo (A GB, pueden ser estimadas por medidas antropométricas. OBJETIVO: Investigar la validación de el error inter-testeo de la antropometría para inferencia del A MB y del A GB. Secundariamente, se estudió la previsión de la fuerza de los miembros superiores y del tronco a través de la A MB. METODOS: Fueron voluntarios para este estudio 40 jóvenes masculinos (25 ± 6 años; 72,6 ± 9,4 kg, divididos aleatoriamente en los grupos de validación interna (VI, n = 30 y de validación externa (VE, n = 10. Se determinó para VI, a través de conceptos geométricos, el área total del brazo (A TB, A MB, A GB y el área porcentual de gordura de el brazo. La sumatoria de ocho pliegues cutáneos (S DC8 fue empleado como índice de la adiposidad corporal. La fuerza de los miembros superiores y

  10. Antropometría en la evaluación nutricional de adolescentes del sexo femenino

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    Elena Cristina Vidaillet Calvo


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio antropométrico en 197 niñas de Ciudad de La Habana, según las normas del Programa Biológico Internacional. Se tomó peso, talla, pliegues cutáneos tricipital y subescapular, y dimensiones corporales. Los índices antropométricos fueron área grasa del brazo (AGB, índice energía/proteína (I E/P, el índice de masa corporal (IMC y área muscular del brazo (AMB. Se clasificaron en canales percentilares según las Normas de Cuba para individuos hasta los 19 años. Se buscó el valor promedio, la desviación estándar y la mediana por edad, e indicadores para evaluar el estado nutricional de la muestra. Los datos se procesaron de forma automatizada y se aplicó la prueba de significación estadística. Se halló que la muestra en su mayoría se situó a la derecha de los percentiles 4 y 5 para todas las determinaciones y que el mayor tanto por ciento de obesidad fue el punto de corte de Amador.An anthropometric study of 197 children from the City of Havana was conducted following the International Biological Programs standards. Weight, size, tricipital and subescapular falfolds and body dimensions values were taken. The anthropometric indexes were fatty area of the arm, energy/protein index, body mass index and muscle area of the arm. They were classified in percentiles according to Cuban standards for individuals aged up to 19 years. The average value, the standard deviation and median per age was estimated and also indicators for evaluating the nutritional status of the sample were found. Data were automatically processed and statistical significance test was applied. It was found that most of the sample was placed on the right of percentiles 4 and 5 for every estimation whereas the highest percentage of obesity was Amador´s cut point.

  11. Waste indicators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dall, O.; Lassen, C.; Hansen, E. [Cowi A/S, Lyngby (Denmark)


    The Waste Indicator Project focuses on methods to evaluate the efficiency of waste management. The project proposes the use of three indicators for resource consumption, primary energy and landfill requirements, based on the life-cycle principles applied in the EDIP Project. Trial runs are made With the indicators on paper, glass packaging and aluminium, and two models are identified for mapping the Danish waste management, of which the least extensive focuses on real and potential savings. (au)

  12. Waste indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dall, O.; Lassen, C.; Hansen, E.


    The Waste Indicator Project focuses on methods to evaluate the efficiency of waste management. The project proposes the use of three indicators for resource consumption, primary energy and landfill requirements, based on the life-cycle principles applied in the EDIP Project. Trial runs are made With the indicators on paper, glass packaging and aluminium, and two models are identified for mapping the Danish waste management, of which the least extensive focuses on real and potential savings. (au)

  13. From lagging indicators to leading indicators : design of a leading indicator dashboard for Philips Lighting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cai, Yongjian


    KPI (Key Performance Indicators) such as customer service level and stock level are commonly used in industry to measure the supply chain performance. Supply chain managers have a decided preference for these "lagging" indicators since they only measure the final outcomes that result from their

  14. Statistical Indicators for Religious Studies: Indicators of Level and Structure (United States)

    Herteliu, Claudiu; Isaic-Maniu, Alexandru


    Using statistic indicators as vectors of information relative to the operational status of a phenomenon, including a religious one, is unanimously accepted. By introducing a system of statistic indicators we can also analyze the interfacing areas of a phenomenon. In this context, we have elaborated a system of statistic indicators specific to the…

  15. eHealth indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    HYPPÖNEN, Hannele; AMMENWERTH, Elske; Nøhr, Christian


    eHealth indicators are needed to measure defined aspects of national eHealth implementations. However, until now, eHealth indicators are ambiguous or unclear. Therefore, an expert workshop "Towards an International Minimum Dataset for Monitoring National Health Information System Implementations......" was organized. The objective was to develop ideas for a minimum eHealth indicator set. The proposed ideas for indicators were classified based on EUnetHTA and De-Lone & McClean, and classification was compared with health IT evaluation criteria classification by Ammenwerth & Keizer. Analysis of the workshop...... results emphasized the need for a common methodological framework for defining and classifying eHealth indicators. It also showed the importance of setting the indicators into context. The results will benefit policy makers, developers and researchers in pursuit of provision and use of evidence...

  16. La figura del migrante como estigma social: el derrotero de los exbraceros trabajadores migratorios mexicanos (1942-1964)


    Schaffhauser, Philippe


    Resumen: La palabra bracero es un concepto cuyo significado combina una experiencia directa, es decir, lo que el filósofo Bertrand Russell llama acquaintance (conocimiento por familiaridad), basada en la metáfora de los brazos como herramienta corporal cardinal del jornalero agrícola y una sucesión de vivencias que caracterizó la suerte que corrieron los trabajadores migratorios mexicanos que participaron en el programa bracero México-Estados Unidos (1942-1964) por un lado con un mecanismo po...

  17. Indicators of safety culture - selection and utilization of leading safety performance indicators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reiman, Teemu; Pietikaeinen, Elina (VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland (Finland))


    Safety indicators play a role in providing information on organizational performance, motivating people to work on safety and increasing organizational potential for safety. The aim of this report is to provide an overview on leading safety indicators in the domain of nuclear safety. The report explains the distinction between lead and lag indicators and proposes a framework of three types of safety performance indicators - feedback, monitor and drive indicators. Finally the report provides guidance for nuclear energy organizations for selecting and interpreting safety indicators. It proposes the use of safety culture as a leading safety performance indicator and offers an example list of potential indicators in all three categories. The report concludes that monitor and drive indicators are so called lead indicators. Drive indicators are chosen priority areas of organizational safety activity. They are based on the underlying safety model and potential safety activities and safety policy derived from it. Drive indicators influence control measures that manage the socio technical system; change, maintain, reinforce, or reduce something. Monitor indicators provide a view on the dynamics of the system in question; the activities taking place, abilities, skills and motivation of the personnel, routines and practices - the organizational potential for safety. They also monitor the efficacy of the control measures that are used to manage the socio technical system. Typically the safety performance indicators that are used are lagging (feedback) indicators that measure the outcomes of the socio technical system. Besides feedback indicators, organizations should also acknowledge the important role of monitor and drive indicators in managing safety. The selection and use of safety performance indicators is always based on an understanding (a model) of the socio technical system and safety. The safety model defines what risks are perceived. It is important that the safety

  18. Indicators of safety culture - selection and utilization of leading safety performance indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reiman, Teemu; Pietikaeinen, Elina


    Safety indicators play a role in providing information on organizational performance, motivating people to work on safety and increasing organizational potential for safety. The aim of this report is to provide an overview on leading safety indicators in the domain of nuclear safety. The report explains the distinction between lead and lag indicators and proposes a framework of three types of safety performance indicators - feedback, monitor and drive indicators. Finally the report provides guidance for nuclear energy organizations for selecting and interpreting safety indicators. It proposes the use of safety culture as a leading safety performance indicator and offers an example list of potential indicators in all three categories. The report concludes that monitor and drive indicators are so called lead indicators. Drive indicators are chosen priority areas of organizational safety activity. They are based on the underlying safety model and potential safety activities and safety policy derived from it. Drive indicators influence control measures that manage the socio technical system; change, maintain, reinforce, or reduce something. Monitor indicators provide a view on the dynamics of the system in question; the activities taking place, abilities, skills and motivation of the personnel, routines and practices - the organizational potential for safety. They also monitor the efficacy of the control measures that are used to manage the socio technical system. Typically the safety performance indicators that are used are lagging (feedback) indicators that measure the outcomes of the socio technical system. Besides feedback indicators, organizations should also acknowledge the important role of monitor and drive indicators in managing safety. The selection and use of safety performance indicators is always based on an understanding (a model) of the socio technical system and safety. The safety model defines what risks are perceived. It is important that the safety

  19. General indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document summarizes the main 2002 energy indicators for France. A first table lists the evolution of general indicators between 1973 and 2002: energy bill, price of imported crude oil, energy independence, primary and final energy consumption. The main 2002 results are detailed separately for natural gas, petroleum and coal (consumption, imports, exports, production, stocks, prices). (J.S.)

  20. Electronic health indicators in the selected countries: Are these indicators the best? (United States)

    Afshari, Somaye; Khorasani, Elahe; Yarmohammadian, Mohammad Hossein; Atighechian, Golrokh; Darab, Mohsen Ghaffari


    Many changes have been made in different sciences by developing and advancing information and communication technology in last two decades. E-health is a very broad term that includes many different activities related to the use of electronic devices, software as well as hardware in health organizations. The aim of this study is comparing electronic health indicators in the selected countries and discussion on the best indicators. This study has chosen 12 countries randomly based on the regional division of the WHO. The relevant numbers of health indicators and general indicators and information technology indicators are extracted of these countries. We use data from the Bitarf's comparative study, which is conducted by the Iranian Supreme Council of Information Technology in 2007. By using Pearson correlation test, the relations between health general indicators and IT indicators are studied. Data was analyzed based on the research objectives using SPSS software and in accordance with research questions Pearson correlation test were used. The findings show that there is a positive relation between indicators related to IT and "Total per capita health, healthy life expectancy, percent literacy". Furthermore, there is a mutual relation between IT indicators and "mortality indicator". This study showed differences between selective indicators among different countries. The modern world, with its technological advances, is not powerless in the face of these geographic and health disparity challenges. Researchers must not rely on the available indicators. They must consider indicators like e-business companies, electronic data internet, medical supplies, health electronic record, health information system, etc., In future, continuous studies in this field, to provide the exact and regular reports of amount of using of these indicators through different countries must be necessary.

  1. Crescimento in vitro de amoreira-preta: efeito de reguladores de crescimento e da cultivar In vitro blackberry growing: effect of growth regulators and cultivar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabíola Villa


    Full Text Available Desenvolveu-se, este trabalho, no intuito de aprimorar técnicas de propagação in vitro de amoreira-preta. Testou-se em um experimento a influência de cinco diferentes concentrações de ANA (0; 0,1; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5 mg L-1 e cinco de GA3 (0; 2; 4; 6 e 8 mg L-1, adicionadas ao meio de cultura MS, sob a amoreira-preta cultivar Ébano e; num segundo experimento testaram-se seis diferentes concentrações de ANA (0; 0,1; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 mg L-1 e duas cultivares de amoreira-preta (Tupy e Brazos, no crescimento in vitro de plântulas. Segmentos nodais com 2 cm, de plântulas preestabelecidas in vitro, foram excisadas e inoculadas, em meio MS. O experimento foi inteiramente casualisado, utilizando-se três explantes por repetição e quatro repetições por tratamento. O pH do meio foi ajustado para 5,8 depois da adição de 6 g L-1 de ágar e 30 g L-1 de sacarose, ocorrendo depois a autoclavagem a 121ºC e 1 atm por 20 minutos. Após a inoculação, os tubos de ensaio foram mantidos por 60 dias, em sala de crescimento a 27 ± 1ºC, irradiância de 35 mmol.m-2.s-1 e fotoperíodo de 16 horas, avaliando-se assim o número de folhas, número de raízes, comprimento da maior raiz, comprimento da parte aérea, peso da matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea. Altas concentrações de GA3 associadas a baixas de ANA promoveram maior comprimento da parte aérea da amoreira-preta, cultivar Ébano. Maior comprimento da parte aérea de 'Brazos' foi verificado na presença de 1,0 mg L-1 de ANA. Verificou-se surgimento de calos na cultivar Ébano em todas as concentrações de GA3 associadas a 0,5-1,5 mg L-1 de ANA e nas cultivares Tupy e Brazos em todas as concentrações de ANA. Melhores resultados na micropropagação da amoreira-preta cultivares Tupy e Ébano foram obtidos com a adição de 1,0 mg L-1 de ANA e melhores resultados no enraizamento da amoreira-preta cultivar Ébano foram obtidos com baixas concentrações de ANA e na ausência de GA3.This work

  2. Risk-based safety indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szikszai, T.


    The presentation discusses the following issues: The objectives of the risk-based indicator programme. The characteristics of the risk-based indicators. The objectives of risk-based safety indicators - in monitoring safety; in PSA applications. What indicators? How to produce the risk based indicators? PSA requirements

  3. NRC performance indicator program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, R.N.


    The performance indicator development work of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) interoffice task group involved several major activities that included selection of candidate indicators for a trial program, data collection and review, validation of the trial indicators, display method development, interactions with the industry, and selection of an optimum set of indicators for the program. After evaluating 27 potential indicators against certain ideal attributes, the task group selected 17 for the trial program. The pertinent data for these indicators were then collected from 50 plants at 30 sites. The validation of the indicators consisted of two primary processes: logical validity and statistical analysis. The six indicators currently in the program are scrams, safety system actuations, significant events, safety system failures, forced outage rate, and equipment forced outages per 100 critical hours. A report containing data on the six performance indicators and some supplemental information is issued on a quarterly basis. The NRC staff is also working on refinements of existing indicators and development of additional indicators as directed by the commission

  4. Canadian environmental sustainability indicators : air quality indicator : data sources methods 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    National indicators of freshwater quality, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions were established in 2004 by the Canadian government in recognition that public health and economic well-being are linked to the quality of the environment. These indicators build on a base of an established national monitoring network and are communicated to the public by Environment Canada, Statistics Canada and Health Canada in an effort to provide reliable information on the state of the environment. Each indicator reported in a given year has an associated data sources and methods report to provide technical detail and background information that will help interpret the indicator. This particular report focused on the basic methods and data for the air quality indicator as it was reported in 2005. It approximated public exposure to ground-level ozone, a key component of smog and a harmful pollutant. Since ozone levels are influenced by weather and transboundary flows of pollutants, this report analyzed observed concentrations in relation to where people live. The indicator measures the seasonal average of the highest 8-hour average ground-level ozone concentration for each day. The indicator reflects possible health impacts related to ozone over the entire season. It is population-weighted and assumes that ozone concentrations are constant within a radius of 40 km around each monitoring station. It was noted that future improvements for the air quality indicator will include measures of fine particulate matter and improvements in monitoring methods. 9 refs., 2 tabs., 6 figs

  5. How reliable are geometry-based building indices as thermal performance indicators?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodrigues, Eugénio; Amaral, Ana Rita; Gaspar, Adélio Rodrigues; Gomes, Álvaro


    Highlights: • Geometry-based building indices are tested in different European climate regions. • Building design programs are used to randomly generate sets of simulation models. • Some indices correlate in specific climates and design programs. • Shape-based Relative Compactness presented the best correlation of all indices. • Window-to-Surface Ratio was the window-based index with best correlation. - Abstract: Architects and urban planners have been relying on geometry-based indices to design more energy efficient buildings for years. The advantage of such indices is their ease of use and capability to capture the relation of a few geometric variables with the building’s performance. However, such relation is usually found using only a few simple building models and considering only a few climate regions. This paper presents the analysis of six geometry-based building indices to determine their adequacy in eight different climate regions in Europe. For each location, three residential building design programs were used as building specifications. Two algorithms were employed to randomly generate and assess the thermal performance of three sets of 500 alternative building models. The results show that geometry-based indices only correlate with the buildings’ thermal performance according to specific climate regions and building design programs

  6. Robot articulado de 5 GDL didáctico diseñado para fabricarse con impresora 3D.




    [ES] El proyecto consta en diseñar un brazo articulado de 5 GDL. Se modelará toda la estructura del robot para ser impresa en 3D. Se fabricará el robot y se construirá el prototipo. Se desarrollará el sistema de control para mover los distintos ejes y se programará para ello. Torró Lluch, P. (2015). Robot articulado de 5 GDL didáctico diseñado para fabricarse con impresora 3D. TFGM

  7. Efecto del entrenamiento de la potencia sobre la velocidad de lanzamiento en balonmano


    Aguilar Martínez, D.; Chirosa, L.J.; Martín, I.; Chirosa, I.J.; Cuadrado Reyes, J.


    El prop??sito de este estudio fue examinar el efecto de diferentes m??todos de fuerza unidos al entrenamiento t??cnico ??? t??ctico sobre la potencia muscular y la velocidad de lanzamiento en ambos brazos. Los participantes fueron 11 jugadores senior de balonmano (25??3 a??os; 188,7??4,7 cm; 90,6 ??10 Kg). Se tomaron 3 periodos de entrenamiento, cada uno de 8 semanas, con diferentes m??todos de entrenamiento de la fuerza. Los resultados muestran como el entrenamiento de fuerza basado en el ...

  8. Air quality indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clench-Aas, Jocelyn; Guerreiro, Cristina; Bartonova, Alena


    This report proposes and describes in detail several air quality indicators that may be used to describe population exposure. The suggested indicators account for temporal and spatial patterns of pollution and movements of individuals between different micro-environments. The Air Quality Indicator /AQI) should represent both the spatial and temporal aspects of pollution exposure that may have important effects on health. Two indicators are needed, the Population Air Quality Indicator and the Individual Air Quality Indicator. Mean concentrations, 98th percentile and maximum values are the traditional indicators for estimating exposure. the temporal variability of PM-10 and NO 2 , however, is here described by means of: 1) The rate of change of pollution as the difference between two consecutive hourly values and of 2) episodes, described in terms of number, duration and winter episode period, maximum concentration in the episode and integrated episode exposure (episode AOT50/100). The spatial variation of AQIs can be described in several ways, e.g.: 1) Concentrations in neighbouring grid squares can be compared as an indication of spatial variation and 2) point estimates can be compared to grid values for a description of variation within a grid. Both methods are presented here. A test of the representativity of static point estimates for pollution exposure is to compare them to an estimate of air pollution exposure accounting for movements between different locations, obtained using diaries. The ultimate aim of AQIs is to describe the population exposure to ambient pollution. This is done by estimating the number of people exposed using different characteristics of AQIs. The data used to describe these indicators originates from dispersion modelling of short-term air pollution concentrations in Oslo. Two series of data are used. One represents hour-for hour concentrations in the 1 km 2 grid system covering the city of Oslo, winter 1994/95, calculated by the grid

  9. Indicators and their functions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gudmundsson, Henrik; Joumard, Robert; Aschemann, Ralf


    indicators? How can several indicators be jointly considered? And how can indicators be used in planning and decision making? Firstly we provide definition of 'indicator of environmental sustainability in transport'. The functions, strengths and weaknesses of indicators as measurement tools, and as decision...... for indicators and assessments. As the decision making context influences the perceived and actual needs for indicators and methods, we also analysed the dimensions and context of decision making. We derived criteria and methods for the assessment and selection of indicators of environmental sustainability......This report is the final report of the action COST 356 'EST - Towards the definition of a measurable environmentally sustainable transport'. It tries to answer the following questions: How can environmental impacts of transport be measured? How can measurements be transformed into operational...

  10. Float level indicator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grishchuk, M.Kh.; Laptev, A.G.; Pashkov, V.A.


    Specially developed level indicator is suggested with differential to-transformer converter of the float motion, operating in line with a movable electronic block, intended for indicating the level of the dissociating nitrogen tetroxide liquid phase. On the basis of the indicator elements the device is realized to measure the time of calibrated volume fillino. in by liquid nitrogen tetroxide in steady state operation of the experimental bench-marks [ru

  11. Risk-based safety indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sedlak, J.


    The report is structured as follows: 1. Risk-based safety indicators: Typology of risk-based indicators (RBIs); Tools for defining RBIs; Requirements for the PSA model; Data sources for RBIs; Types of risks monitored; RBIs and operational safety indicators; Feedback from operating experience; PSO model modification for RBIs; RBI categorization; RBI assessment; RBI applications; Suitable RBI applications. 2. Proposal for risk-based indicators: Acquiring information from operational experience; Method of acquiring safety relevance coefficients for the systems from a PSA model; Indicator definitions; On-line indicators. 3. Annex: Application of RBIs worldwide. (P.A.)

  12. Limitaciones del IMC como indicador exclusivo de estado nutricional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moreno Romero, Susana


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar el potencial diagnóstico y las limitaciones del uso del Índice de Masa Corporal como único indicador del estado nutricional. Para ello se analizó una muestra constituida por 2155 sujetos de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 18 años y pertenecientes a tres poblaciones jujeñas que difieren en ubicación altitudinal y nivel socieconómico (NSE: 1. Susques, localidad rural situada a 3675 m.s.n.m; 2. Alto Comedero, barrio periférico de San Salvador de Jujuy (1250 m.s.n.m. de NSE bajo; y 3. José Hernández, muestra representativa del estrato SE elevado de la misma capital. Se tomaron las medidas directas de talla, peso, perímetro braquial y pliegues de grasa subcutánea tricipital y subescapular, entre otras. A partir de éstas, se calculó el IMC y las áreas tisulares del brazo. Se establecieron las categorías nutricionales en función de los percentilos establecidos por el NHANES I y II para la talla, IMC, área magra y grasa del brazo y pliegues tricipital y subescapular. Al comparar los resultados obtenidos para cada variable se comprueba como el uso exclusivo del IMC enmascara importantes patologías nutricionales, tanto por defecto como por exceso.

  13. Indicators and SEA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gao, Jingjing; Kørnøv, Lone; Christensen, Per

    Abstract: Indicators are widely used in SEA to measure, communicate and monitor impacts from a proposed policy, plan or programme, and can improve the effectiveness for the SEA by simplifying the complexity of both assessment and presentation. Indicators can be seen as part of the implementation...... and if the information requirement for different target groups is not addressed. Indicators are widely used in SEA to measure, communicate and monitor impacts from a proposed policy, plan or programme, and can improve the effectiveness for the SEA by simplifying the complexity of both assessment and presentation...... process helping to understand, communicate and, integrate important environmental issues in planning and decision-making. On the other hand, use of indicators can also limit SEA effectiveness, if the ones chosen are biased or limited, if the aggregation gives incorrect interpretation...

  14. Geomagnetic aa Indices (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The geomagnetic aa indices are the continuation of the series beginning in the year 1868. A full description of these indices is given in the International...

  15. Evaluation of information indices as indicators of environmental stress in terrestrial soils

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tobor-Kaplon, M.A.; Holtkamp, R.; Scharler, U.M.; Doroszuk, A.; Kuenen, F.J.A.; Bloem, J.; Ruiter, de P.C.


    Information indices from Ecosystem Network Analysis (ENA) can be used to quantify the development of an ecosystem in terms of its size and organization. There are two types of indices, i.e. absolute indices that describe both the size and organization of ecosystem (Total System Throughput

  16. Indicators of sustainable tourism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jovičić Dobrica


    Full Text Available The indicators, precisely describing the linkages between tourism and the environment, social and cultural base, are not easily available. How ever, some relevant organizations (WTO, EU, OECD, etc., institutions and experts, have been hardly working to create the indicators of sustainable tourism. Whereas the economic objectives are easily defined by the use of the traditional indicators used in national and business economics, it is very difficult to identify widely applicable environmental, social and cultural indicators. In order to stimulate and alleviate the process of sustainable tourism development, EU created the list of comparative indicators of sustainable tourism. In preparing this list, special attention is paid to identification of valid indicators of real tourism impacts on the social and cultural environment (the entire set of traditions, customs, history, hospitality and culture that characterize a given area, that is a very complex task. Assuming the fact that the related indicators have been analyzed in many European countries, this paper is focused on applying the related indicators in research of tourism development in villages of the Kosjerić community. .

  17. Control de la mano robot Inmoov-SR mediante casco NeuroSky Mindset


    Hernández Martínez, Antonio


    En este trabajo el objetivo es conseguir controlar los movimientos de apertura y cierre de la mano robot InMoov-SR conectada al brazo IRB120 de ABB mediante señales EEG, recogidas por medio del casco NeuroSky Mindset. Las señales son recogidas cuando el sujeto está en estado basal y cuando realiza movimiento con su mano y son procesadas con la ayuda de Matlab para de esta manera conseguir establecer las señales de control necesarias para activar la apertura o el cierre de la mano. Final...

  18. Protocolo de comunicación trabajador-robot mediante imágenes


    Castilla Berduque, José Angel


    La idea del proyecto viene del concepto de “fábricas del futuro”, donde las barreras entre robots y humanos se rompen para que la colaboración entre ambos sea como en un equipo. Para la realización de este proyecto se ha utilizado el brazo robótico IRB120 de la marca ABB de 6 Grados de libertad, Matlab y el software Robot Studio. El Objetivo principal de este proyecto es establecer el protocolo de comunicación trabajador-robot mediante imágenes. El trabajador debería poder ...

  19. El archipiélago de San Andrés en la historia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Aguilera


    Full Text Available El turismo en Hispano-América tiene que ir de brazo con la información histórica. Puede el paisaje, o los accidentes de la naturaleza, o la arquitectura colonial producir sensaciones agradables al común de los viajeros y paseantes; pero mayor es la satisfacción de las gentes cultas que aspiran a saber cómo y en qué medida la mano, la inteligencia y el valor del hombre dejó sus huellas en las cosas que se ofrecen ante sus ojos.

  20. Control y reconocimiento táctil aplicado en tareas de manipulación de objetos deformables


    Delgado Rodríguez, Ángel


    En esta Tesis se presenta una arquitectura innovadora para el control de tareas de manipulación de objetos deformables, usando sistemas robóticos compuestos por brazos articulados y manos humanoides. Esta arquitectura se basa principalmente en información sensorial obtenida desde sensores táctiles con los que se ha equipado a las manos robóticas. El principal objetivo del desarrollo de las técnicas que se describirán en esta memoria es obtener un sistema fiable, aplicable, y adaptable. Para q...

  1. Cariotipo y regiones organizadoras del nucleolo del pez sapo marino Halobatrachus didactylus (Schneider, 1801) (Pisces: Batrachoididae)


    Palazón, J. L.; Nirchio, M.; Sarasquete, C.


    Se estudió el cariotipo convencional (Giemsa) y las Regiones Organizadoras del Nucleolo (NOR) en el pez sapo marino Halobatrachus didactylus. El número diploide de cromosomas 2n = 46 estuvo compuesto de 8 elementos metacéntricos, 12 submetacéntricos y 26 acrocéntricos (NF = 66). No fueron observados cromosomas sexuales heteromórficos en esta especie. Los cromosomas metacéntricos fueron fácilmente clasificados como pares homólogos según su morfología y la relación longitud del brazo largo/long...

  2. Nordic eHealth Indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hyppönen, Hannele; Faxvaag, Arild; Gilstad, Heidi


    eHealth indicator and benchmarking activities are rapidly increasing nationally and internationally. The work is rarely based on a transparent methodology for indicator definition. This article describes first results of testing an indicator methodology for defining eHealth indicators, which...... was reported at the Medical Informatics Europe conference in 2012. The core elements of the methodology are illustrated, demonstrating validation of each of them in the context of Nordic eHealth Indicator work. Validation proved the importance of conducting each of the steps of the methodology, with several...

  3. Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map Database for Brazos County, TX, USA (United States)

    Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security — The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data. The primary risk...

  4. Indicator Based and Indicator - Free Electrochemical DNA Biosensors

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Kerman, Kagan


    The utility and advantages of an indicator free and MB based sequence specific DNA hybridization biosensor based on guanine and adenine oxidation signals and MB reduction signals have been demonstrated...

  5. Key performance indicators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zwetsloot, G.I.J.M.


    This paper addresses how organisations can use OSH performance indicators. This is an important way to mainstream OSH into business management. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should provide objective data on the OSH situation. It is often said that ‘what gets measured gets managed’. Without

  6. Knowledge-based competitiveness indices and its connection with energy indices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katić Andrea V.


    Full Text Available Knowledge-based economy has become a major trend in international society in the 21st century. However, today’s strategies place a greater emphasis on sustainability than in the past, while continuing to emphasize the importance of education and its connection with labour market. There has been a re-orientation, where resource, eco-efficiency and innovation have become major elements for achieving national objectives and a relevant level of competitiveness. This article deals with 30 indices, which define the competitiveness of a specific economy, and involve knowledge parameters. They are classified into four main categories and one special category. They are then analysed regarding the participation of Serbia and their availability. The main focus of this paper is to give detailed analyses of energy indices, as a special category of knowledge indexes. It has been shown that Serbia, in many cases, was not included in the study analysis or that there was insufficient information about Serbia’s position. This article shows that only a part of the presented indices includes Serbia. It is concluded that a new, revised model is needed that will include more exact indicators.

  7. Comparative age and growth of common snook Centropomus undecimalis (Pisces: Centropomidae from coastal and riverine areas in Southern Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha A. Perera-Garcia


    Full Text Available Common snook Centropomus unidecimalis is an important commercial and fishery species in Southern Mexico, however the high exploitation rates have resulted in a strong reduction of its abundances. Since, the information about its population structure is scarce, the objective of the present research was to determine and compare the age structure in four important fishery sites. For this, age and growth of common snook were determined from specimens collected monthly, from July 2006 to March 2008, from two coastal (Barra Bosque and Barra San Pedro and two riverine (San Pedro and Tres Brazos commercial fishery sites in Tabasco, Mexico. Age was determined using sectioned saggitae otoliths and data analyzed by von Bertalanffy and Levenberg-Marquardt among others. Estimated ages ranged from 2 to 17 years. Monthly patterns of marginal increment formation and the percentage of otoliths with opaque rings on the outer edge demonstrated that a single annulus was formed each year. The von Bertalanffy parameters were calculated for males and females using linear adjustment and the non-linear method of Levenberg-Marquardt. The von Bertalanffy growth equations were FLt=109.21(1-e-0.21(t+0.57 for Barra Bosque, FLt=94.56(1-e-0.27(t+0.48 for Barra San Pedro, FLt=97.15(1-e-0.17(t+1.32 for San Pedro and FLt=83.77(1-e-0.26(t+0.49 for Tres Brazos. According to (Hotelling’s T², pEl robalo blanco Centropomus undecimalis representa un ingreso monetario significativo y un recurso alimentario para todas las comunidades rurales cercanas a su distribución. Se determinó la edad y crecimiento de esta especie. Los organismos se recolectaron mensualmente en los desembarcos de la pesca artesanal de las cooperativas de mayor contribución en la zona costera (Barra Bosque y San Pedro y ribereña (San Pedro y Tres Brazos entre julio 2006 y marzo 2008. La edad se determinó mediante otolitos seccionados. La edad estimada fue de 2 a 17 años. Mensualmente se estableció la

  8. Geomagnetic Indices Bulletin (GIB) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Geomagnetic Indices Bulletin is a one page sheet containing the magnetic indices Kp, Ap, Cp, An, As, Am and the provisional aa indices. The bulletin is published...

  9. Quality indicators in radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cionini, Luca; Gardani, Gianstefano; Gabriele, Pietro; Magri, Secondo; Morosini, Pier Luigi; Rosi, Antonella; Viti, Vincenza


    Background and purpose: There is a widespread and increasing tendency to develop hospital performance indicators in the field of accreditation/certification systems and quality benchmarking. A study has been undertaken to develop a set of performance indicators for a typical radiotherapy Centre and to evaluate their ability to provide a continuous quality improvement. Materials and methods: A working group consisting of radiation oncologists, medical physicists and radiation technologists under the coordination of experts in health technology assessment has elaborated a set of general indicators able to monitor performances and the quality level of a typical radiotherapy Centre. The work has been carried out through four steps: a preliminary set of indicators was selected; data on these indicators were collected in a number of Italian radiotherapy Centres and medical physics Services; problems in collection and analysis of data were discussed; a final set of indicators was developed. Results: A final set of 13 indicators is here presented. They concern general structural and/or operational features, health physics activities and accuracy and technical complexity of the treatment. Conclusions: The indicators tested in a few Italian Centres of radiotherapy and medical physics Services are now ready to be utilized by a larger community

  10. A Review on the research and practice of city sustainable development indicators and indices (United States)

    Xiang, Ning


    City sustainable development indicators and indices have become a hot issue in academic research and practical application, alongside the high-speed worldwide urbanization and driven by the actual managing demand. This article is aimed at a clear understanding of the progress in relevant research and practice. This is done by collecting common indicators and indices for city sustainable development and making comparison of the assessment process and contents, so as to find out main obstacles for the development of this research field and explore the direction for efforts to be made next step. The article divides these indicators and indices into two categories: ① indicators serving as single index which can provide an explicit description on the relationship between economic activities and environmental carrying capacity, but have a narrow scope of assessment and use complicated methods to collect and calculate data; ② indices based on indicator systems which can represent multiple processes, could reflect the view of strong sustainability and are easy to use, but can hardly depict the responding relationship between social, environmental and economic changes for city sustainable development or assure the scientific rigor of weight setting. Practices on indicators and indices for city sustainable development was summarized, and its problems were reviewed with China being representative of transitioning countries. According to the review, great progress has been achieved in the research and practice of indicators and indices for city sustainable development, but consistency of theories, rationality of indicators and scientific rigor of methodology are to be improved significantly.

  11. Core damage risk indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szikszai, T.


    The purpose of this document is to show a method for the fast recalculation of the PSA. To avoid the information loose, it is necessary to simplify the PSA models, or at least reorganize them. The method, introduced in this document, require that preparation, so we try to show, how to do that. This document is an introduction. This is the starting point of the work related to the development of the risk indicators. In the future, with the application of this method, we are going to show an everyday use of the PSA results to produce the indicators of the core damage risk. There are two different indicators of the plant safety performance, related to the core damage risk. The first is the core damage frequency indicator (CDFI), and the second is the core damage probability indicator (CDPI). Of course, we cannot describe all of the possible ways to use these indicators, rather we will try to introduce the requirements to establish such an indicator system and the calculation process

  12. Indicators for Monitoring Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: A Systematic Review of Indicator Selection Methods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefanie Schwemlein


    Full Text Available Monitoring water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH is important to track progress, improve accountability, and demonstrate impacts of efforts to improve conditions and services, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Indicator selection methods enable robust monitoring of WaSH projects and conditions. However, selection methods are not always used and there are no commonly-used methods for selecting WaSH indicators. To address this gap, we conducted a systematic review of indicator selection methods used in WaSH-related fields. We present a summary of indicator selection methods for environment, international development, and water. We identified six methodological stages for selecting indicators for WaSH: define the purpose and scope; select a conceptual framework; search for candidate indicators; determine selection criteria; score indicators against criteria; and select a final suite of indicators. This summary of indicator selection methods provides a foundation for the critical assessment of existing methods. It can be used to inform future efforts to construct indicator sets in WaSH and related fields.

  13. Reotemp Pressure Indicator - Local Pressure Indication to Monitor the SCHe Supply Bottle Pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    These 0-3000 psig range pressure indicators are located in the SCHe helium supply lines at the pressure bottles and upstream of the PRV. These accident monitoring local pressure indicators monitor the SCHe supply bottle pressure. There is one pressure indicator for each SCHe supply (4)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Oliveros Acosta


    Full Text Available Los objetos pesados son transportados tí- picamente por vehículos de ruedas; sin em- bargo, muchos ambientes como laderas ro- cosas, escaleras, etc, plantean importantes desafíos para este tipo de sistema de lo- comoción. El Exoesqueleto para miembros inferiores de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (EMI-UMNG es un sistema robóti- co que proporciona a su operador la capaci- dad para soportar cargas considerables con un esfuerzo mínimo sobre cualquier tipo de terreno. La actuación y control de un exoes- queleto presenta un problema de interés debido a la precisión para seguir lo movi- mientos de un usuario, evitando lesionarlo u obstaculizar la realización de tareas. Este artículo presenta el diseño y simulación del sistema de actuación del exoesqueleto, adi- cionalmente se presentan los criterios de selección para los sensores para cada una de las articulaciones. Se muestran paráme- tros cinemáticos como la máxima velocidad de desplazamiento de los actuadores en el sistema exoesquelético EMI (Exoesqueleto para Miembros Inferiores de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.

  15. VP Ellipsis without Indices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hardt, Daniel; Asher, Nicholas; Hunter, Julie


    This paper compares two views on the status of indices in syntactic and logical representations. On a structural view, indices are syntactic formants on a par with node labels and phrase bracketings, and are thus a part of the logical forms that are derived from syntactic representations. On the ......This paper compares two views on the status of indices in syntactic and logical representations. On a structural view, indices are syntactic formants on a par with node labels and phrase bracketings, and are thus a part of the logical forms that are derived from syntactic representations...

  16. Comparação entre dois métodos de posicionamento para realização do raio X e sua repercussão na avaliação da cifose torácica utilizando o método de Cobb e no equilíbrio sagital Comparación entre dos métodos de posicionamiento para la realización del rayo X y sus efectos sobre evaluación de la cifosis torácica usando el método de Cobb y el sagital equilibrio Comparison between two positioning methods for X-ray and its impact on the evaluation of thoracic kyphosis by Cobb's method and sagittal balance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Henrique Maçaneiro


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: o tratamento da cifose torácica é baseado na aferição da magnitude da curva baseada em mensurações radiográficas, e proporcionar o correto equilíbrio sagital pela correção cirúrgica de uma gibosidade é de importância fundamental. OBJETIVO: análise radiográfica prospectiva do efeito da variação da posição dos braços sobre a aferição da cifose torácica e do equilíbrio sagital entre pacientes com idades pré-estabelecidas. MÉTODOS: foram realizadas radiografias na posição lateral da coluna vertebral utilizando-se dois métodos posicionais: posição 1, em que o paciente permanecia de pé, com os joelhos juntos, pés alinhados com os ombros, cabeça reta direcionada para a frente, braços estendidos a 90º em relação ao tronco, mantendo os membros superiores estendidos e paralelos ao chão; uma segunda radiografia foi obtida com o paciente de pé, com os joelhos juntos, pés alinhados com os ombros, cabeça reta direcionada para a frente, com os cotovelos fletidos e os dedos repousando sobre a fossa supraclavicular bilateralmente. Os braços devem formar um ângulo de aproximadamente 45º com o corpo. Foram mensurados os ângulos de Cobb e o equilíbrio sagital nas duas radiografias. RESULTADOS: não houve correlação entre a posição dos braços, os valores angulares de Cobb e o equilíbrio sagital. CONCLUSÃO: em nosso trabalho, observamos que a posição dos braços (90º versus 45º, não interfere estatisticamente no valor da cifose torácica e na variação do equilíbrio sagital.INTRODUCCIÓN: el tratamiento de la cifosis torácica se basa en la medición de la magnitud de la curva a partir de mediciones radiológicas, y proporcionar el equilibrio adecuado para la corrección quirúrgica de la deformidad de la columna sagital es de una importancia fundamental. OBJETIVO: un análisis prospectivo radiográfico del efecto de la variación en la posición de los brazos en la medición de la cifosis tor

  17. Solar Indices (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  18. Publication point indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elleby, Anita; Ingwersen, Peter


    ; the Cumulated Publication Point Indicator (CPPI), which graphically illustrates the cumulated gain of obtained vs. ideal points, both seen as vectors; and the normalized Cumulated Publication Point Index (nCPPI) that represents the cumulated gain of publication success as index values, either graphically......The paper presents comparative analyses of two publication point systems, The Norwegian and the in-house system from the interdisciplinary Danish Institute of International Studies (DIIS), used as case in the study for publications published 2006, and compares central citation-based indicators...... with novel publication point indicators (PPIs) that are formalized and exemplified. Two diachronic citation windows are applied: 2006-07 and 2006-08. Web of Science (WoS) as well as Google Scholar (GS) are applied to observe the cite delay and citedness for the different document types published by DIIS...

  19. The Importance of Bank Storage in Supplying Baseflow to Rivers Flowing Through Compartmentalized, Alluvial Aquifers (United States)

    Rhodes, Kimberly A.; Proffitt, Tiffany; Rowley, Taylor; Knappett, Peter S. K.; Montiel, Daniel; Dimova, Natasha; Tebo, Daniel; Miller, Gretchen R.


    As water grows scarcer in semiarid and arid regions around the world, new tools are needed to quantify fluxes of water and chemicals between aquifers and rivers. In this study, we quantify the volumetric flux of subsurface water to a 24 km reach of the Brazos River, a lowland river that meanders through the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer (BRAA), with 8 months of high-frequency differential gaging measurements using fixed gaging stations. Subsurface discharge sources were determined using natural tracers and End-Member Mixing Analysis (EMMA). During a 4 month river stage recession following a high stage event, subsurface discharge decreased from 50 m3/s to 0, releasing a total of 1.0 × 108 m3 of water. Subsurface discharge dried up even as the groundwater table at two locations in the BRAA located 300-500 m from the river remained ˜4 m higher than the river stage. Less than 4% of the water discharged from the subsurface during the prolonged recession period resembled the chemical fingerprint of the alluvial aquifer. Instead, the chemistry of this discharged water closely resembled high stage "event" river water. Together, these findings suggest that the river is well connected to rechargeable bank storage reservoirs but disconnected from the broader alluvial aquifer. The average width of discrete bank storage zones on each side of the river, identified with Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), was approximately 1.5 km. In such highly compartmentalized aquifers, groundwater pumping is unlikely to impact the exchange between the river and the alluvium.

  20. Focusing on fast food restaurants alone underestimates the relationship between neighborhood deprivation and exposure to fast food in a large rural area. (United States)

    Sharkey, Joseph R; Johnson, Cassandra M; Dean, Wesley R; Horel, Scott A


    Individuals and families are relying more on food prepared outside the home as a source for at-home and away-from-home consumption. Restricting the estimation of fast-food access to fast-food restaurants alone may underestimate potential spatial access to fast food. The study used data from the 2006 Brazos Valley Food Environment Project (BVFEP) and the 2000 U.S. Census Summary File 3 for six rural counties in the Texas Brazos Valley region. BVFEP ground-truthed data included identification and geocoding of all fast-food restaurants, convenience stores, supermarkets, and grocery stores in study area and on-site assessment of the availability and variety of fast-food lunch/dinner entrées and side dishes. Network distance was calculated from the population-weighted centroid of each census block group to all retail locations that marketed fast food (n = 205 fast-food opportunities). Spatial access to fast-food opportunities (FFO) was significantly better than to traditional fast-food restaurants (FFR). The median distance to the nearest FFO was 2.7 miles, compared with 4.5 miles to the nearest FFR. Residents of high deprivation neighborhoods had better spatial access to a variety of healthier fast-food entrée and side dish options than residents of low deprivation neighborhoods. Our analyses revealed that identifying fast-food restaurants as the sole source of fast-food entrées and side dishes underestimated neighborhood exposure to fast food, in terms of both neighborhood proximity and coverage. Potential interventions must consider all retail opportunities for fast food, and not just traditional FFR.

  1. Evaluating Living Standard Indicators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Birčiaková Naďa


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the evaluation of selected available indicators of living standards, divided into three groups, namely economic, environmental, and social. We have selected six countries of the European Union for analysis: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg, France, and Great Britain. The aim of this paper is to evaluate indicators measuring living standards and suggest the most important factors which should be included in the final measurement. We have tried to determine what factors influence each indicator and what factors affect living standards. We have chosen regression analysis as our main method. From the study of factors, we can deduce their impact on living standards, and thus the value of indicators of living standards. Indicators with a high degree of reliability include the following factors: size and density of population, health care and spending on education. Emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere also have a certain lower degree of reliability.

  2. Use of indicating material for direct indication of neutrons distributed photographically

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weiss, A.K.; Fico, S.S.


    Electrons distributed photographically can be clearly indicated by a layer, which contains a crystalline polyacetylene connection. An indicating material which contained a short chain alkylester of diindiacid, a polyacetylene polyacidic alkylamide, a polyacetylene amine salt or a diindiolurethane proved particularly suitable. The materials are used in neutron radiography. The construction of the layers is described in detail. 11 extensive examples explain possible variations. (UWI) [de

  3. Indicators for Monitoring Soil Biodiversity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bispo, A.; Cluzeau, D.; Creamer, R.


    is made for a set of suitable indicators for monitoring the decline in soil biodiversity (Bispo et al. 2007). These indicators were selected both from a literature review and an inventory of national monitoring programmes. Decline in soil biodiversity was defined as the reduction of forms of life living...... indicators are actually measured.   For monitoring application it was considered in ENVASSO that only three key indicators per soil stress were practical. For indicating biodiversity decline it was difficult to arrive at a small set of indicators due to the complexity of soil biota and functions. Therefore...

  4. Performance indicators of work activity. (United States)

    Lahoz, Manoela de Assis; Camarotto, João Alberto


    The measurement of performance is a current topic in the management of people in companies, used as a parameter of effectiveness of processes and operations of production. The methods and models of the indicators of current use in the production have concentrated in the assessment of people's performance as determinative resource of the organizational success in the search for the competitiveness. Associated with the classic indicators of performance assessment of the production proceeding, other indicators are used in the assessment of risks and hazards, however with methods focused in the tasks, without connection with the real work activity. The present article explores literature on the models of performance measurement in use in companies and a field research to understand how companies interpret and use indicators that relate health and work, to direct future studies on the subject. Regarding the literature review, one can see that health indicators can be basically divided into two major groups: the legal and managerial indicators. When conducting case studies, it can be realized that companies do not have precisely the concept of health indicator, or were unable to define which of the indicators could be considered indicators of health, considering that absenteeism was the indicator mentioned by the four companies.

  5. Pulsioximetría de pacientes en hemodiálisis, de la unidad de terapia renal – fundación cardioinfantil, análisis para establecer recomendaciones


    Ucrós Lozano, Enrique Carlos


    Introducción. En Colombia, el 80% de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis tienen fístula arteriovenosa periférica (FAV) que asegura el flujo de sangre durante la hemodiálisis (1), la variabilidad en el flujo de sangre en el brazo de la FAV hacia la parte distal, puede afectar la lectura de la oximetría de pulso (SpO2) (2), llevando a la toma de decisiones equivocadas por el personal de salud. El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar si existe diferencia e...

  6. Estado nutricional en niños preescolares que asisten a un jardín de infancia público en Valencia, Venezuela


    del Real, Sara Irene; Sánchez Jaeger, Armando; Barón, María Adela; Díaz, Nayka; Solano, Liseti; Velásquez, Emma; López, Jesús


    RESUMEN: A fin de evaluar el estado nutricional en un grupo de preescolares que asisten a un jardín de infancia público en Valencia, Venezuela (2002), se indagó el estrato social, las variables antropométricas; peso, talla y circunferencia del brazo, la hemoglobina, el retinol sérico, la presencia de parasitosis y el consumo de alimentos, así como el nivel educativo materno. Se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 11.0 y las pruebas t de Student, ANOVA de una vía, Post Hoc de Bonferroni y Fisher ...

  7. Descripción de un caso de síndrome del comosoma 18q-


    Bajo González, Tamara


    Se presenta el estudio de un caso clínico de la deleción terminal del brazo largo del cromosoma 18, también llamado Síndrome de Grouchy, en una niña de siete años de edad. Está clasificada como una enfermedad rara por tener una tasa de incidencia menor o igual a 1 de cada 2000 habitantes de la población. Se analizan los principales problemas que refieren las familias con algún miembro con una enfermedad rara, siendo el más relevante la falta de información y de medios por pa...

  8. Generación de trayectorias y evitación de obstáculos para el robot IRB120 en entorno Matlab


    Blanco Fernández, Nicolás


    En este proyecto se abordará el desarrollo de una aplicación que permita una comunicación eficaz y fluida con el brazo robótico IRB120 de ABB desde el entorno Matlab, posibilitando la generación de trayectorias definidas por el usuario a través de unos “puntos de paso” intermedios, así como la detección de nuevos obstáculos presentes en la trayectoria del robot y la planificación de nuevas trayectorias recalculadas para evitarlos. La detección del área de trabajo se efectuará mediante el s...

  9. Software product lines using FODA: a formal approach


    Camacho González , Carlos


    El término línea de producción en inglés product line evoca a menudo la imagen de una fábrica de coches con un conjunto de brazos mecánicos especializados en colocar piezas, o tareas específicas como atornillar, soldar o ensamblar para conseguir, como producto final, un coche de manera rápida, invirtiendo la menor cantidad de recursos posibles, entre ellos, tiempo y dinero. Esta metodología se ha aplicado en contextos totalmente diferentes a la fabricación de coches, como por ejemplo en el...

  10. Dr. Phil's Art Corner: Searching and Cobra Canyon. (United States)


    Philip Alexander, M.D., is a native Texan, retired physician, and accomplished musician and artist. After 41 years as an internal medicine physician, Dr. Phil retired from his practice in College Station in 2016. A lifelong musician and former music professor, he often performs as an oboe soloist for the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra. He began exploring visual art in 1980, evolving from pencil sketches-including an official White House portrait of President Ronald Reagan-to the computer-generated drawings featured in this journal. His images, which first appeared in this journal in the spring of 2012, are his own original creations.

  11. Fábrica de paños en Tunja, en el siglo XVIII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Elías Ortíz


    Full Text Available Con los pocos datos que se tiene respecto del desarrollo de la manufactura de tejidos en los tiempos coloniales, parece que pudiera corresponder a los señores Juan Manuel de Muelle y Pedro Hernández de Zurita el honor de haber sido los iniciadores en nuestra patria de la industria de textiles, ramo que ellos trataron de sacar del ámbito familiar para darle categoría de industria cuando menos regional, con carácter de fábrica para producción en masa y empleo de muchos brazos para las labores.

  12. Análisis de las Fuerzas Absolutas y las Circunferencias de Volumen Durante el Período Preparatorio.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Freyre Vázquez


    Full Text Available Se aborda la relación de dependencia entre los resultados de las fuerzas absolutas de los planos musculares brazo, tronco y pierna, en correspondencia con las circunferencias máximas de volumen de los miembros superiores e inferiores durante la preparación de fuerza a que fueron sometidos los atletas de baloncesto de la categoría juvenil durante el periodo preparatorio. De esta forma estaríamos hablando de la estrecha relación que existe en cuanto a esta variable, repercutiendo en los resultados a alcanzar por el equipo durante el proceso de entrenamiento.

  13. Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicator Collections: Rio to Johannesburg Dashboard of Sustainable Indicators (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Rio to Johannesburg Dashboard of Sustainable Development Indicators portion of the Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicator Collections contains 35...

  14. Operational indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The chapter presents the operational indicators related to budget, travel costs and tickets, the evolution of the annual program for regulatory inspection, the scientific production, requested patents and the numbers related to the production of the services offered by the Institution

  15. Performance indicators for power reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gillies, C.; White, M.


    A review of Canadian and worldwide performance indicator definitions and data was performed to identify a set of indicators that could be used for comparison of performance among nuclear power plants. The results of this review are to be used as input to an AECB team developing a consistent set of performance indicators for measuring Canadian power reactor safety performance. To support the identification of performance indicators, a set of criteria was developed to assess the effectiveness of each indicator for meaningful comparison of performance information. The project identified a recommended set of performance indicators that could be used by AECB staff to compare the performance of Canadian nuclear power plants among themselves, and with international performance. The basis for selection of the recommended set and exclusion of others is provided. This report provides definitions and calculation methods for each recommended performance indicator. In addition, a spreadsheet has been developed for comparison and trending for the recommended set of indicators. Example trend graphs are included to demonstrate the use of the spreadsheet. (author). 50 refs., 11 tabs., 3 figs

  16. WEF nexus indicators: A study on the development of indicators for urban areas (United States)

    Yuan, M. H.; Lo, S. L.


    Energy shortages and resources constraints have both emerged as one of the greatest challenges facing mankind this century.By 2030, humans will require 30% more water, 45% more energy and 50 % more food. The Food- Energy -Water (FEW) nexus is extensive and few areas are now untouched by it. Competition for energy and resources is increasing , especially in urban areas. To explore ways of meeting the challenges and seizing new opportunities, indicators could provide valuable information on complex issues in a relatively accessible way. In this paper, we develop a framework for selection of indicators, to assess the comprehensive sustainable status and trends to the FEW system .We identify indicators based on related ecosystem services to examine the status of FEW sustainability. We test the framework on two case studies in Taipei and Canberra. Several criteria were used to evaluate the usefulness of the selected indicators, including scalability and sensitivity . This paper identifies the need to establish indicators that entirely and largely reveal the potential of an ecosystem services support by FEW sustainability.

  17. Proposal of indicators to evaluate complementary feeding based on World Health Organization indicators. (United States)

    Saldan, Paula Chuproski; Venancio, Sonia Isoyama; Saldiva, Silvia Regina Dias Medici; de Mello, Débora Falleiros


    This study compares complementary feeding World Health Organization (WHO) indicators with those built in accordance with Brazilian recommendations (Ten Steps to Healthy Feeding). A cross-sectional study was carried out during the National Immunization Campaign against Poliomyelitis in Guarapuava-Paraná, Brazil, in 2012. Feeding data from 1,355 children aged 6-23 months were obtained through the 24 h diet recall. Based on five indicators, the proportion of adequacy was evaluated: introduction of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods; minimum dietary diversity; meal frequency; acceptable diet; and consumption of iron-rich foods. Complementary feeding showed adequacy higher than 85% in most WHO indicators, while review by the Ten Steps assessment method showed a less favorable circumstance and a high intake of unhealthy foods. WHO indicators may not reflect the complementary feeding conditions of children in countries with low malnutrition rates and an increased prevalence of overweight/obesity. The use of indicators according to the Ten Steps can be useful to identify problems and redirect actions aimed at promoting complementary feeding. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  18. Regulatory supervision of safety indicators; experience with radiation safety indicators in Dukovany nuclear power plant performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Urbancik, L.; Kulich, V.


    The State Office for Nuclear Safety uses three sets of indicators describing the following aspects of a favourable nuclear power plant operation: smooth operation in normal circumstances, low risk to the population, and operation with a positive safety attitude. These are three safety-related areas for assessment. Each area has its own set of indicators. Overall operational safety performance indicators were identified for each attribute. From this point, a level of strategic indicators was developed, and finally, a set of specific indicators was set up. While neither the overall indicators nor the strategic indicators are directly measurable, the specific indicators are directly measurable and are targeted during inspection. (author)

  19. Indicators for energy security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kruyt, Bert; Van Vuuren, D.P.; De Vries, H.J.M.; Groenenberg, H.


    The concept of energy security is widely used, yet there is no consensus on its precise interpretation. In this research, we have provided an overview of available indicators for long-term security of supply (SOS). We distinguished four dimensions of energy security that relate to the availability, accessibility, affordability and acceptability of energy and classified indicators for energy security according to this taxonomy. There is no one ideal indicator, as the notion of energy security is highly context dependent. Rather, applying multiple indicators leads to a broader understanding. Incorporating these indicators in model-based scenario analysis showed accelerated depletion of currently known fossil resources due to increasing global demand. Coupled with increasing spatial discrepancy between consumption and production, international trade in energy carriers is projected to have increased by 142% in 2050 compared to 2008. Oil production is projected to become increasingly concentrated in a few countries up to 2030, after which production from other regions diversifies the market. Under stringent climate policies, this diversification may not occur due to reduced demand for oil. Possible benefits of climate policy include increased fuel diversity and slower depletion of fossil resources. (author)

  20. CREDIT Performance Indicator Framework

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Anne Kathrine; Bertelsen, Niels Haldor; Haugbølle, Kim


    During the past two years the Nordic Baltic research project CREDIT (Construction and Real Estate – Developing Indicators for Transparency) has worked with the aim to improve transparency of value creation in building and real estate. One of the central deliverables of the CREDIT project was a fr......During the past two years the Nordic Baltic research project CREDIT (Construction and Real Estate – Developing Indicators for Transparency) has worked with the aim to improve transparency of value creation in building and real estate. One of the central deliverables of the CREDIT project...... was a framework of indicators relevant in building and real estate and applicable in the Nordic and Baltic countries as well as a proposal for a set of key indicators. The study resulting in CREDIT Performance Indicator Framework has been based on 28 case studies of evaluation practises in the building and real...... estate sector each addressing three interlinked levels: building/ projects level, company or enterprise level and benchmarking system level. Additionally it has been based on dialogue with researchers and professional organisation, international research and standardisation work and national building...

  1. Review of sustainability indices and indicators: Towards a new City Sustainability Index (CSI)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mori, Koichiro, E-mail: [Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo (Japan); Christodoulou, Aris, E-mail: [Centre for Transport Studies, University College London (United Kingdom)


    The purpose of this paper is to discuss conceptual requirements for a City Sustainability Index (CSI) and to review existing major sustainability indices/indicators in terms of the requirements. The following indices are reviewed: Ecological Footprint (EF), Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), Dashboard of Sustainability (DS), Welfare Index, Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, City Development Index, emergy/exergy, Human Development Index (HDI), Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI), Environmental Policy Index (EPI), Living Planet Index (LPI), Environmentally-adjusted Domestic Product (EDP), Genuine Saving (GS), and some applications of composite indices or/and multivariate indicators to local or regional context as case studies. The key conceptual requirements for an adequate CSI are: (i) to consider environmental, economic and social aspects (the triple bottom line of sustainability) from the viewpoint of strong sustainability; (ii) to capture external impacts (leakage effects) of city on other areas beyond the city boundaries particularly in terms of environmental aspects; (iii) to create indices/indicators originally for the purpose of assessing city sustainability; and (iv) to be able to assess world cities in both developed and developing countries using common axes of evaluation. Based on the review, we conclude that it is necessary to create a new CSI that enables us to assess and compare cities' sustainability performance in order to understand the global impact of cities on the environment and human life as compared with their economic contribution. In the future, the CSI will be able to provide local authorities with guidance toward sustainable paths. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We derive the four key requirements for a new City Sustainability Index (CSI) system. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer First, the triple bottom line must be considered in terms of strong sustainability. Black

  2. Review of sustainability indices and indicators: Towards a new City Sustainability Index (CSI)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Koichiro; Christodoulou, Aris


    The purpose of this paper is to discuss conceptual requirements for a City Sustainability Index (CSI) and to review existing major sustainability indices/indicators in terms of the requirements. The following indices are reviewed: Ecological Footprint (EF), Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), Dashboard of Sustainability (DS), Welfare Index, Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, City Development Index, emergy/exergy, Human Development Index (HDI), Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI), Environmental Policy Index (EPI), Living Planet Index (LPI), Environmentally-adjusted Domestic Product (EDP), Genuine Saving (GS), and some applications of composite indices or/and multivariate indicators to local or regional context as case studies. The key conceptual requirements for an adequate CSI are: (i) to consider environmental, economic and social aspects (the triple bottom line of sustainability) from the viewpoint of strong sustainability; (ii) to capture external impacts (leakage effects) of city on other areas beyond the city boundaries particularly in terms of environmental aspects; (iii) to create indices/indicators originally for the purpose of assessing city sustainability; and (iv) to be able to assess world cities in both developed and developing countries using common axes of evaluation. Based on the review, we conclude that it is necessary to create a new CSI that enables us to assess and compare cities' sustainability performance in order to understand the global impact of cities on the environment and human life as compared with their economic contribution. In the future, the CSI will be able to provide local authorities with guidance toward sustainable paths. - Highlights: ► We derive the four key requirements for a new City Sustainability Index (CSI) system. ► First, the triple bottom line must be considered in terms of strong sustainability. ► Second, environmental leakage effects beyond city boundaries should

  3. Assessing diabetes practices in clinical settings: precursor to building community partnerships around disease management. (United States)

    Prochaska, John D; Mier, Nelda; Bolin, Jane N; Hora, Kerrie L; Clark, Heather R; Ory, Marcia G


    Many recommended best practices exist for clinical and community diabetes management and prevention. However, in many cases, these recommendations are not being fully utilized. It is useful to gain a sense of currently utilized and needed practices when beginning a partnership building effort to ameliorate such practice problems. The purpose of this study was to assess current practices in clinical settings within the Brazos Valley in preparation for beginning a community-based participatory research project on improving diabetes prevention and management in this region. Fifty-seven physicians with admission privileges to a regional health system were faxed a survey related to current diabetes patient loads, knowledge and implementation of diabetes-related best practices, and related topics. Both qualitative and quantitative examination of the data was conducted. Fifteen percent of responding providers indicated they implemented diabetes prevention best practices, with significant differences between primary-care physicians and specialists. Respondents indicated a need for educational and counseling resources, as well as an increased health-care workforce in the region. The utilization of a faxed-based survey proved an effective means for assessing baseline data as well as serving as a catalyst for further discussion around coalition development. Results indicated a strong need for both clinical and community-based services regarding diabetes prevention and management, and provided information and insight to begin focused community dialogue around diabetes prevention and management needs across the region. Other sites seeking to begin similar projects may benefit from a similar process.

  4. El dolor y la hospitalización en el paciente pediátrico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruth Esperanza Caicedo-Fonseca


    Full Text Available El dolor en el paciente pediátrico se enmarca en el transcurso de su hospitalización, en la gran mayoría de procedimientos y sumado a estos la algidez que produce el proceso patologico que está cursando. La Asociación Internacional para el estudio del dolor, define éste como:"Una sensación desagradable y experiencia emocional asociada con daño actual o potencial al tejido".Se puede clasificar en: La calidad según el tipo del dolor, el tipo de dolor,la localización, la calidad según su sensibilidad, su intensidad, y la cronología. La calidad de vida del niño hospitalizado se altera porque el proceso de hospitalización aumenta la vulnerabilidad del niño originándole un trastorno de adaptación caracterizado por síntomas ansiosos y depresivos como respuesta al Dolor, al medio ambiente institucional, a los procedimientos médicos y quirúrgicos, y a la separación del núcleo familiar. El papel de Enfermería en el manejo del Dolor en el niño hospitalizado una más allá de la realización de ciertos procedimientos invasivos o no invasivos; se hace relevante tener la calidez humana, rapidez y destreza para la realización de los mismos y de esta manera contribuir a minimizar el dolor en el pequeño paciente.

  5. [Indication for mitral valve interventions: Development of a quality indicator for external hospital quality assurance]. (United States)

    Köster, Christina; Schorbach, Lena; Wrede, Stephanie; Meyer, Sven; Kazmaier, Tonia; Szecsenyi, Joachim


    The indication for a mitral valve intervention is an important patient-relevant parameter for the assessment of process quality and the comparison of healthcare providers. In this article, we describe the development of a corresponding quality indicator for an external hospital quality assurance (QA) procedure in Germany. An expert panel was set up by the aQua Institute to assist with the development of a QA procedure for mitral valve interventions and the associated quality indicators. In a comprehensive, systematic literature and evidence research, the American and European guidelines were identified as the best evidence available. Especially the more current American guideline formed the basis on which a quality indicator dealing with the correct indication for a mitral valve intervention was developed. The developed quality indicator assesses the proportion of patients for whom an indication for a mitral valve intervention was determined in compliance with guideline recommendations. The indicator differentiates between surgical and catheter-based procedures. To determine whether or not the indication was correct, different medical parameters are included, such as, for example, type of mitral valve defect, etiology of the disease, severity of symptoms, valve morphology (e. g., mitral valve area), valve hemodynamics and comorbidity, which healthcare providers have to document. The documentation for the developed quality indicator is considerable. Nonetheless, its relevance is undeniable because it allows the user to determine whether a surgical or catheter-based mitral valve intervention was necessary and performed according to guideline recommendations. In the first year of its implementation, this indicator should be evaluated for further improvement and simplification of assessment. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier GmbH.

  6. Stock Indices as Generalizing Indicators of the Stock Markets Condition in the European Union Countries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shuba M. V.


    Full Text Available The aim of the article is to determine the degree of interdependence of stock markets in separate countries of the European Union, namely: France, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary on the basis of studying the changes in stock indexes, as well as determining the existence of tendencies of approximating the dynamics of the national stock index «PFTS Index» to the corresponding dynamics of stock indexes in surveyed countries. The article analyzes the dynamics of changes in stock indices in the UK (FTSE, Germany (DAX 30, France (CAC 40 and pan-European ones (EURO STOXX 50, as well as changes in stock indices in Poland (WIG 20, Czech Republic (PX, Hungary (BUX. Calculations of the coefficients of pair correlation between changes in stock indices in the studied countries have been performed. The calculation results show a substantial connection between the indicators of changes in stock indices and allow to make a conclusion that in the dynamics of stock indices of national stock markets of the studied EU countries some common trends are observed, moreover, in the behavior of the considered indices common local trends are noticed as well. The author calculated the coefficient of pair correlation between the indicators of changes in the national stock index «PFTS Index» and the stock indices of the «old» and «new» EU countries. The calculations showed that the PFTS Index does not demonstrate a high level of correlation with stock indices of the «old» EU countries and has a tendency of approaching the corresponding dynamics of stock indices of the «new» EU countries.

  7. Divergence Measures as Diversity Indices


    Abou-Moustafa, Karim T.


    Entropy measures of probability distributions are widely used measures in ecology, biology, genetics, and in other fields, to quantify species diversity of a community. Unfortunately, entropy-based diversity indices, or diversity indices for short, suffer from three problems. First, when computing the diversity for samples withdrawn from communities with different structures, diversity indices can easily yield non-comparable and hard to interpret results. Second, diversity indices impose weig...

  8. Comparing wastewater chemicals, indicator bacteria concentrations, and bacterial pathogen genes as fecal pollution indicators (United States)

    Haack, S.K.; Duris, J.W.; Fogarty, L.R.; Kolpin, D.W.; Focazio, M.J.; Furlong, E.T.; Meyer, M.T.


    The objective of this study was to compare fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) (fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli [EC], and enterococci [ENT]) concentrations with a wide array of typical organic wastewater chemicals and selected bacterial genes as indicators of fecal pollution in water samples collected at or near 18 surface water drinking water intakes. Genes tested included esp (indicating human-pathogenic ENT) and nine genes associated with various animal sources of shiga-toxin-producing EC (STEC). Fecal pollution was indicated by genes and/or chemicals for 14 of the 18 tested samples, with little relation to FIB standards. Of 13 samples with animal sources of STEC) were detected in eight. Only the EC eaeA gene was positively correlated with FIB concentrations. Human-source fecal pollution was indicated by the esp gene and the human pharmaceutical carbamazepine in one of the nine samples that met all FIB recreational water quality standards. Escherichia coli rfbO157 and stx2c genes, which are typically associated with cattle sources and are of potential human health significance, were detected in one sample in the absence of tested chemicals. Chemical and gene-based indicators of fecal contamination may be present even when FIB standards are met, and some may, unlike FIB, indicate potential sources. Application of multiple water quality indicators with variable environmental persistence and fate may yield greater confidence in fecal pollution assessment and may inform remediation decisions. Copyright ?? 2009 by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America. All rights reserved.

  9. Indicators for environmental sustainability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dong, Yan; Hauschild, Michael Zwicky


    . In this study, we reviewed indicators applied in life cycle assessment (LCA), planetary boundary framework (PB), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed under United Nation. The aim is to 1) identify their applications and relevant decision context; 2) Review their indicators and categorize them...

  10. [Process indicators and result indicators in the control of arterial hypertension]. (United States)

    Dalfó Baqué, A; Sisó Almirall, A; Vila Coll, M A; Núñez Vázquez, S; Botinas Martí, M; Gibert Llorach, E


    To find whether better compliance with the indicators of procedure of a hypertension monitoring programme guarantees better control in the final blood pressure figures. Descriptive cross-sectional study. Gòtic Area Health Centre, Barcelona. Annual audit through random sampling of the computerised records of all the hypertense patients attended at the centre in each of 5 years (1992, n = 337; 1993, n = 318; 1994, n = 322; 1995, n = 325; 1996, n = 325). 1. Procedure indicators: complete physical examination took place in 1996 in only 12% of cases, proportion similar to at the start of the development of the programme (12.2%). Completion of at least two of the three records of protocols (complete physical examination, ECG and analysis) dropped during the period and did not cover half the patients. Screening of the various cardiovascular risk factors (CRF) increased markedly in the 1992-1995 period. 2. RESULTS INDICATORS: The proportion of patients under 66 with SP and DP < 140 and 99 mmHg went up from 23.2% in 1992 to 45.2% in 1996. In the over-65 age-group, it went from 58.9% in 1992 to 81.2% in 1996. The procedure indicators are still useful, in that they are necessary for designing a new hypertension programme. However, we must not forget that any health programme is designed in order to achieve good control and population impact (survival) results. The procedure is only an aid to reach these aims.

  11. Quality indicators for eye bank. (United States)

    Acharya, Manisha; Biswas, Saurabh; Das, Animesh; Mathur, Umang; Dave, Abhishek; Singh, Ashok; Dubey, Suneeta


    The aim of this study is to identify quality indicators of the eye bank and validate their effectivity. Adverse reaction rate, discard rate, protocol deviation rate, and compliance rate were defined as Quality Indicators of the eye bank. These were identified based on definition of quality that captures two dimensions - "result quality" and "process quality." The indicators were measured and tracked as part of quality assurance (QA) program of the eye bank. Regular audits were performed to validate alignment of standard operating procedures (SOP) with regulatory and surgeon acceptance standards and alignment of activities performed in the eye bank with the SOP. Prospective study of the indicators was performed by comparing their observed values over the period 2011-2016. Adverse reaction rate decreased more than 8-fold (from 0.61% to 0.07%), discard rate decreased and stabilized at 30%, protocol deviation rate decreased from 1.05% to 0.08%, and compliance rate reported by annual quality audits improved from 59% to 96% at the same time. In effect, adverse reaction rate, discard rate, and protocol deviation rate were leading indicators, and compliance rate was the trailing indicator. These indicators fulfill an important gap in available literature on QA in eye banking. There are two ways in which these findings can be meaningful. First, eye banks which are new to quality measurement can adopt these indicators. Second, eye banks which are already deeply engaged in quality improvement can test these indicators in their eye bank, thereby incorporating them widely and improving them over time.

  12. Expanding Resilience Indicators: A Case Study on Buffering Capacity Indicator in a Process Plant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Background The complexity of modern sociotechnical systems has created new challenges for safety, so that traditional approaches are not able to cope with them. Resilience engineering (RE is a good alternative to traditional approaches for safety management, however resilience is still a difficult concept to measure, and indicators such as buffering capacity, flexibility, and so on, which are thought to contribute to it, are undeveloped. Objectives This study aimed at expanding buffering capacity as one of the main indicators in order to facilitate measurement of resilience of a system. Materials and Methods We used the Delphi method in order to identify indicators, and data related to all the indicators were gathered by observation and interview. In this line, 32 of the experienced operators with at least 15 years of operational record were selected for semi-structured interviews. Gathered data was processed by the principal component analysis technique. The results were processed by the Minitab 15 software. Results In this study, 29 factors affecting this indicator were determined using the Delphi method; the scores of all factors were less than the scores of the best practice. On the other hand, the state of this indicator was poor in plant included in the study. Conclusions This was the first study that focused on expanding resilience indicators, and presents a new framework to simplify assessment of resilience and safety of a complex system.

  13. Energy Efficiency Indicators Methodology Booklet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sathaye, Jayant; Price, Lynn; McNeil, Michael; de la rue du Can, Stephane


    This Methodology Booklet provides a comprehensive review and methodology guiding principles for constructing energy efficiency indicators, with illustrative examples of application to individual countries. It reviews work done by international agencies and national government in constructing meaningful energy efficiency indicators that help policy makers to assess changes in energy efficiency over time. Building on past OECD experience and best practices, and the knowledge of these countries' institutions, relevant sources of information to construct an energy indicator database are identified. A framework based on levels of hierarchy of indicators -- spanning from aggregate, macro level to disaggregated end-use level metrics -- is presented to help shape the understanding of assessing energy efficiency. In each sector of activity: industry, commercial, residential, agriculture and transport, indicators are presented and recommendations to distinguish the different factors affecting energy use are highlighted. The methodology booklet addresses specifically issues that are relevant to developing indicators where activity is a major factor driving energy demand. A companion spreadsheet tool is available upon request.

  14. Quality indicators for eye bank

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manisha Acharya


    Full Text Available Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify quality indicators of the eye bank and validate their effectivity. Methods: Adverse reaction rate, discard rate, protocol deviation rate, and compliance rate were defined as Quality Indicators of the eye bank. These were identified based on definition of quality that captures two dimensions – “result quality” and “process quality.” The indicators were measured and tracked as part of quality assurance (QA program of the eye bank. Regular audits were performed to validate alignment of standard operating procedures (SOP with regulatory and surgeon acceptance standards and alignment of activities performed in the eye bank with the SOP. Prospective study of the indicators was performed by comparing their observed values over the period 2011–2016. Results: Adverse reaction rate decreased more than 8-fold (from 0.61% to 0.07%, discard rate decreased and stabilized at 30%, protocol deviation rate decreased from 1.05% to 0.08%, and compliance rate reported by annual quality audits improved from 59% to 96% at the same time. In effect, adverse reaction rate, discard rate, and protocol deviation rate were leading indicators, and compliance rate was the trailing indicator. Conclusion: These indicators fulfill an important gap in available literature on QA in eye banking. There are two ways in which these findings can be meaningful. First, eye banks which are new to quality measurement can adopt these indicators. Second, eye banks which are already deeply engaged in quality improvement can test these indicators in their eye bank, thereby incorporating them widely and improving them over time.

  15. The indicators of the sustainable development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 132 selected indicators of the sustainable development are described. They are grouped into: (1) The social indicators of the sustainable development; (2) The economic indicators of the sustainable development; (3) The environmental indicators of the sustainable development. (4) The institutional indicators of the sustainable development

  16. Carbon Impact Analytics - Designing low carbon indices based on Carbon Impact Analytics indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Investors are increasingly exposed to carbon risks and now face the challenge of managing these risks and developing climate-resilient investment strategies. Carbon Impact Analytics (CIA), an innovative methodology for analyzing the full carbon impact of a portfolio or index, equips investors and asset managers with the tools necessary to reduce their climate-related risks but also to seize the opportunities offered by the ongoing energy transition. Investors, asset managers and other financial institutions may use CIA results to: - measure and manage risks, - optimize their contribution to the energy transition, - seize opportunities associated with climate change mitigation, - report on GHG emissions and savings (for regulatory purposes or voluntarily), - engage in dialogue with companies, - reallocate investment portfolios, - and build new low-carbon indices. In this report, Carbone 4 offers a detailed look into how CIA indicators can be used to either 1) reallocate an existing portfolio or index to achieve maximal carbon performance or 2) build new low carbon indices from the ground up, drawn from Carbone 4's ever-growing database of CIA-analyzed firms. Two main levers were used to optimize CIA output: 1. Sectorial reallocation: exclusion of fossil fuel-related sectors or insertion of low carbon pure players; 2. Intra-sectorial reallocation: best-in-class approach within a sector. Sectorial and intra-sectorial methods may be applied in conjunction with one another to maximize results. For example, a best-in-class + fossil fuel-free index may be constructed by first excluding the fossil fuel sector and then applying a CIA best-in-class approach to all remaining sectors. This report offers a detailed look into how CIA indicators can be used to rework portfolios or indices to maximize carbon performance or to build low carbon indices from the ground up. These methods are illustrated via two preliminary examples of indices designed by Carbone 4: the reallocated

  17. Temperature indicating device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Angus, J.P.; Salt, D.


    A temperature indicating device comprises a plurality of planar elements some undergoing a reversible change in appearance at a given temperature the remainder undergoing an irreversible change in appearance at a given temperature. The device is useful in indicating the temperature which an object has achieved as well as its actual temperature. The reversible change is produced by liquid crystal devices. The irreversible change is produced by an absorbent surface carrying substances e.g. waxes which melt at predetermined temperatures and are absorbed by the surface; alternatively paints may be used. The device is used for monitoring processes of encapsulation of radio active waste. (author)

  18. Safety performance indicators program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vidal, Patricia G.


    In 1997 the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) initiated a program to define and implement a Safety Performance Indicators System for the two operating nuclear power plants, Atucha I and Embalse. The objective of the program was to incorporate a set of safety performance indicators to be used as a new regulatory tool providing an additional view of the operational performance of the nuclear power plants, improving the ability to detect degradation on safety related areas. A set of twenty-four safety performance indicators was developed and improved throughout pilot implementation initiated in July 1998. This paper summarises the program development, the main criteria applied in each stage and the results obtained. (author)

  19. Fluctuations of indicator and index microbes as indication of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jul 4, 2013 ... The Plankenburg and Eerste Rivers (Western Cape) have been reported to be contaminated with faecal coliforms. Water is drawn from both rivers for irrigation of fresh produce. The potential risk in the use of these rivers as irrigation sources was assessed by determining the fluctuations of 'indicator' and ...

  20. Focusing on fast food restaurants alone underestimates the relationship between neighborhood deprivation and exposure to fast food in a large rural area

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dean Wesley R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Individuals and families are relying more on food prepared outside the home as a source for at-home and away-from-home consumption. Restricting the estimation of fast-food access to fast-food restaurants alone may underestimate potential spatial access to fast food. Methods The study used data from the 2006 Brazos Valley Food Environment Project (BVFEP and the 2000 U.S. Census Summary File 3 for six rural counties in the Texas Brazos Valley region. BVFEP ground-truthed data included identification and geocoding of all fast-food restaurants, convenience stores, supermarkets, and grocery stores in study area and on-site assessment of the availability and variety of fast-food lunch/dinner entrées and side dishes. Network distance was calculated from the population-weighted centroid of each census block group to all retail locations that marketed fast food (n = 205 fast-food opportunities. Results Spatial access to fast-food opportunities (FFO was significantly better than to traditional fast-food restaurants (FFR. The median distance to the nearest FFO was 2.7 miles, compared with 4.5 miles to the nearest FFR. Residents of high deprivation neighborhoods had better spatial access to a variety of healthier fast-food entrée and side dish options than residents of low deprivation neighborhoods. Conclusions Our analyses revealed that identifying fast-food restaurants as the sole source of fast-food entrées and side dishes underestimated neighborhood exposure to fast food, in terms of both neighborhood proximity and coverage. Potential interventions must consider all retail opportunities for fast food, and not just traditional FFR.

  1. Características florais e carpométricas e germinação in vitro de grãos de pólen de cultivares de amoreira‑preta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Madeleine Alves de Figueiredo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características florais e carpométricas, a viabilidade dos grãos de pólen e a capacidade germinativa de sementes de cultivares de amoreira‑preta. Foram avaliadas as cultivares Brazos, Caingangue, Cherokee, Choctaw, Comanche, Guarani, BRS Tupy e Ébano. Utilizou-se um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com as oito cultivares e dez repetições. Foram feitas avaliações quanto a: número de estames, carpelos, pétalas e sépalas; composição do meio de cultura; número de grãos de pólen por antera e por flor; taxa de germinação de grãos de pólen; percentagem de frutificação; massa de matéria fresca, dimensões e número de sementes dos frutos; massa e dimensões dos drupetes; e percentagem de emergência de plântulas. O meio de cultura estabelecido para as cultivares de amoreira‑preta foi acrescido de 90 g L‑1 de sacarose e 400 mg L‑1 de ácido bórico, com pH aferido para 6,5 e meio solidificado com 8 g L‑1 de ágar. 'Caingangue', 'Ébano' e 'BRS Tupy' apresentaram baixa germinação de grãos de pólen. 'Ébano' apresentou frutos arredondados e com poucos drupetes. 'Choctaw' e 'Comanche' apresentaram baixa percentagem de emergência de plântulas. 'Brazos' destacou-se na maioria das características avaliadas e é considerada como boa progenitora para programas de melhoramento genético.

  2. Cancer rehabilitation indicators for Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baili, Paolo; Hoekstra-Weebers, Josette; Van Hoof, Elke


    , but to obtain comparable data across European countries it will be necessary to administer a questionnaire to randomly selected samples of patients from population-based cancer registry databases. However, three factors complicate questionnaire studies: patients may not be aware that they have cancer......Little is known of cancer rehabilitation needs in Europe. EUROCHIP-3 organised a group of experts to propose a list of population-based indicators used for describing cancer rehabilitation across Europe. The aim of this study is to present and discuss these indicators. A EUROCHIP-3 expert panel...... reached agreement on two types of indicators. (a) Cancer prevalence indicators. These were proposed as a means of characterising the burden of cancer rehabilitation needs by time from diagnosis and patient health status. These indicators can be estimated from cancer registry data or by collecting data...

  3. Decision making with environmental indices (United States)

    Hoag, Dana L.; Ascough, James C.; Keske-Handley, C.; Koontz, Lynne; Burk, A.R.


    Since Ott's seminal book on environmental indices (1978), the use of indices has expanded into several natural resource disciplines, including ecological studies, environmental policymaking, and agricultural economics. However, despite their increasing use in natural resource disciplines, researchers and public decision makers continue to express concern about validity of these instruments to capture and communicate multidimensional, and sometimes disparate, characteristics of research data and stakeholder interests. Our purpose is to demonstrate how useful indices can be for communicating environmental information to decision makers. We discuss how environmental indices have evolved over four stages: 1) simple; 2) compound multicriteria; 3) the impact matrix and 4) disparate stakeholder management. We provide examples of simple and compound indices that were used by policy decision makers. We then build a framework, called an Impact Matrix (IM), that comprehensively accounts for multiple indices but lets the user decide how to integrate them. The IM was shaped from the concept of a financial risk payoff matrix and applied to ecosystem risk. While the IM offers flexibility, it does not address stakeholder preferences about which index to use. Therefore, the last phase in our evolutionary ladder includes stakeholder indices to specifically address disparate stakeholder preferences. Finally, we assert that an environmental index has the potential to increase resource efficiency, since the number of decision making resources may be reduced, and hence improve upon resource productivity

  4. Calculation and definition of safety indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cristian, I.; Branzeu, N.; Vidican, D.; Vladescu, G.


    This paper presents, based on Cernavoda safety indicators proposal, the purpose definition and calculation formulas for each of the selected safety indicators. Five categories of safety indicators for Cernavoda Unit 1 were identified, namely: overall plant safety performance; initiating events; safety system availability, physical barrier integrity; indirect indicators. Definition, calculation and use of some safety indicators are shown in a tabular form. (authors)

  5. Customising turnaround time indicators to requesting clinician: a 10-year study through balanced scorecard indicators. (United States)

    Salinas, Maria; López-Garrigós, Maite; Santo-Quiles, Ana; Gutierrez, Mercedes; Lugo, Javier; Lillo, Rosa; Leiva-Salinas, Carlos


    The purpose of this study is, first to present a 10-year monitoring of postanalytical turnaround time (TAT) adapted to different clinicians and patient situations, second to evaluate and analyse the indicators results during that period of time, and finally to show a synthetic appropriate indicator to be included in the balanced scorecard management system. TAT indicator for routine samples was devised as the percentage of certain key tests that were verified before a specific time on the phlebotomy day. A weighted mean synthetic indicator was also designed. They were calculated for inpatients at 15:00 and 12:00 and for primary care patients only at 15:00. The troponin TAT of emergency department patients, calculated as the difference between the troponin verification and registration time, was selected as the stat laboratory TAT indicator. The routine and stat TAT improved along the 10-year study period. The synthetic indicator showed the same trend. The implementation of systematic and continuous monitoring over years, promoted a continuous improvement in TAT which will probably benefit patient outcome and safety.

  6. Risk-based plant performance indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boccio, J.L.; Azarm, M.A.; Hall, R.E.


    Tasked by the 1979 President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island, the U.S. nuclear power industry has put into place a performance indicator program as one means for showing a demonstrable record of achievement. Largely through the efforts of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), plant performance data has, since 1983, been collected and analyzed to aid utility management in measuring their plants' performance progress. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has also developed a set of performance indicators. This program, conducted by NRC's Office for the Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD), is structured to present information on plant operational performance in a manner that could enhance the staff's ability to recognize changes in the safety performance. Both organizations recognized that performance indicators have limitations and could be subject to misinterpretation and misuse with the potential for an adverse impact on safety. This paper reports on performance indicators presently in use, e.g., unplanned automatic scrams, unplanned safety system actuation, safety system failures, etc., which are logically related to safety. But, a reliability/risk-based method for evaluating either individual indicators or an aggregated set of indicators is not yet available

  7. Climate Change Indicators (United States)

    Presents information, charts and graphs showing measured climate changes across 40 indicators related to greenhouse gases, weather and climate, oceans, snow and ice, heath and society, and ecosystems.

  8. Indicators of Ecological Change (United States)


    H. 1990. Strategy for monitoring the effects of land use change on atmospheric CO2 concentrations . In Proceedings of “Global Natural Resource...Working Group in Santiago , Chile , February 1995, ten nations agreed to a comprehensive set of criteria and indicators for forest conservation and...chemistry variables, the concentrations of total and inorganic suspended sediments during baseflow and storm periods were excellent indicators of

  9. Radiation indicator options for environmental policy

    CERN Document Server

    Pruppers, M J M


    It has proven impossible to create an indicator capable of showing the state of the art in a single figure so as to determine the progress made in the 'radiation component' of environmental policy from the trends indicated. This is the conclusion following an investigation requested by the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment in the framework of the environmental theme 'dispersion of radioactive substances and ionising radiation' to develop a radiation indicator comparable to the indicators for proprietary substances and pesticides. The most important reasons for failing to develop this indicator lie in the absence of both suitable policy targets and data for the calculations necessary for the indicator. Substituting policy targets with reference emissions, reference concentrations and reference doses would make it possible to define indicators for radiation protection. Here, environmental pressure indicators are proposed for nuclear installations and the process industry. The environment...

  10. Performance indicators at Embalse NPP: PSA and safety system indicators based on PSA models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fornero, D.A.


    Several indicators have been implemented at Embalse NPP. The objective was selecting some representative parameters to evaluate the performance of both the plant and the personnel activities, important for safety. A first set of indicators was defined in accordance with plant technical staff criteria. A complementary set of them was addressed later based on WANO guidance. This report presents the set of indicators used at Embalse NPP, centering the description to related to safety systems performance indicators (SSPI). Some considerations are done about the calculation methods, the need for aligning and updating their values following Embalse Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) development, and some pros and cons of using the PSA model for getting systems indicators. Owing to the fact that PSA ownership by utilities is also a subject of the meeting, some characteristics of the organization of the PSA Project are described at the beginning of the report. At Embalse NPP a Level 1 PSA has been developed under the responsibility of its own plant and with an important contribution from the IAEA. PSA was developed at the site, conducting this to a study strongly interactive with the station staff. (author)

  11. Comparación de dos esquemas de preparación intestinal en niños llevados a colonoscopia: experimento clínico multicentrico


    Aristizábal Altahona, Ingrith del Carmen; Quintero, Oscar Javier; Suarez Urueña, Marco Alberto


    Objetivo: Comparar eficacia de PEG 3350 sin electrolitos y fosfato de sodio oral en preparación intestinal de niños previo a colonoscopia. Materiales y métodos: participaron 64 pacientes entre dos y dieciocho años, de ambos géneros, con indicación clínica de colonoscopia que acudieron a tres hospitales de Bogotá y asignados aleatoriamente a uno de dos brazos de intervención. Un grupo expuesto número 1 recibió PEG oral 2.5gr/kg/día por 2 días, un grupo control número 2 recibió Travad 133 ml/m2...

  12. Desarrollo de una interfaz para el control del robot IRB desde Matlab


    Gutiérrez Corbacho, Azahara


    El objetivo de este proyecto es realizar la comunicación con el brazo robótico, IRB120 de ABB, a través de la herramienta de software matemático Matlab. Para ello desarrollaremos un socket de comunicación, que se encargará enviar y procesar los datos. Para comprobar que la comunicación funciona y que el envío de datos se realiza correctamente, se implementarán en Matlab, una serie de interfaces de comunicación con el robot y una aplicación final. La primera, será una interfaz gráfica r...

  13. Clasificación de información táctil para la detección de personas


    Gandarias, Juan M.; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; García-Cerezo, Alfonso


    Este artículo presenta el diseño de un efector final táctil y la aplicación de técnicas de inteligencia artificial para la detección de personas mediante un brazo manipulador ligero de 6 grados de libertad. Este efector está compuesto por un sensor táctil de alta resolución que permite obtener imágenes de presión. El sistema extrae información háptica en situaciones de catástrofe en las que, generalmente, existe baja visibilidad, con el propósito de evaluar el estado de las víctimas en funció...

  14. El blog en el aula. Modelos de actividades para niveles avanzados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Madrona Fernández


    Full Text Available No pertenezco a la denominada cultura digital; no nací con un ordenador debajo del brazo, apenas un pan, como sucedía antes; la videoconsola más sofisticada que existía consistía en una pantalla gris con una línea en medio haciendo las veces de red de una pista de tenis; y en la primera clase del primer curso de informática al que asistí nos enseñaron a formatear disquetes, ya que estos venían impolutos e inmaculados. Se perdían horas antes de poder empezar a escribir y a guardar.

  15. Safety-evaluation report related to renewal of the operating license for the Texas A and M University Research Reactor. Docket No. 50-128, License R-83

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Safety Evaluation Report for the application filed by the Texas A and M University (Texas A and M) for a renewal of operating license number R-83 to continue to operate a research reactor has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The facility is owned and operated by the Texas Engineering and Experiment Station of the Texas A and M University and is located on the campus in College Station, Brazos County, Texas. The staff concludes that the TRIGA reactor facility can continue to be operated by Texas A and M University without endangering the health and safety of the public

  16. Photic maculopathy and iris damage in a psychotic patient


    Ruiz-del-Río, N.; Moriche-Carretero, M.; Ortega-Canales, I.; Revilla-Amores, R.; Peralta-Calvo, JM.


    Caso clínico: Paciente varón de 37 años de edad, en tratamiento psiquiátrico por trastorno psicótico. En el transcurso de un delirio de interpretación no sistematizado y buscando un fin estético se autoindujo unas lesiones en la piel y los ojos. Utilizó lupas para concentrar los rayos solares desarrollando en la cara y los brazos quemaduras de segundo y tercer grado, y en los ojos una atrofia masiva del iris con pérdida de la función esfínter, maculopatía solar y fotocoagulación de la retina ...

  17. “actualización del sistema operativo, manual de operación y guía de prácticas para el sistema didáctico robótico móvil del laboratorío de mecatrónica de la fimcp-ESPOL”


    Lema C., Osmar G.; Orces Pareja, Eduardo H.


    Con la aparición de la nueva carrera en la Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ingeniería en Mecatrónica, la Facultad de Ingeniería en Mecánica y Ciencias de la Producción (FIMCP) hizo un nuevo laboratorio para esta rama. El laboratorio de Mecatrónica, inició con la adquisición de equipos entre los cuales se encuentran: computadoras, un brazo robótico, estaciones de automatización y el sistema didáctico robótico móvil (Robotino® de Festo®). Esta tesis se centra en el sistema didác...

  18. Performance management in healthcare : performance indicator development, task uncertainty, and types of performance indicators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geer-Rutten-Rijswijk, van der E.; Tuijl, van H.F.J.M.; Rutte, C.G.


    In healthcare, performance indicators are increasingly used to measure and control quality and efficiency of care-providing teams. This article demonstrates that when controllability is emphasized during indicator development, the level of task uncertainty influences the type of resulting

  19. Craniometric Indices of Nigeria Skulls


    Orish CN; Ibeachu PC


    Introduction: Craniometric indices show the percentage relationship between different dimensions. It is an important parameter for classification of race and sex of individuals of unknown identity. This study was undertaken to determine the craniometric indices of gnathic, palatal, orbital, cranial and nasal indices of Nigerian skulls. Materials and Methods: One hundred adult dry skulls, (78 males, and 22 females) free from damage and deformities from eleven Departments of Anatomy in Nige...

  20. Sustainable development indicators for territories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moreau; Sylvain; Bottin, Anne; Bovar, Odile; Nirascou, Francoise; Albecker, Marie-Fleur; Bardou, Magali; Barret, Christophe; Berger, Emmanuel; Blanc, Christophe; Bovar, Odile; Briquel, Vincent; Chery, Jean-Pierre; Deshayes, Michel; Firdion, Laetitia; Fluxa, Christine; Girault, Maurice; Guerrero, David; Hassaine, Zahida; Hilal, Mohamed; Imbert, Frederic; Kerouanton, Marie-Helene; Lacroix, Steve; Magnier, Celine; Moreau, Jacques; Nirascou, Francoise; Pageaud, Dorothee; Schaeffer, Yves; Thienard, Helene; Vinet, Loic; Wemelbeke, Guillaume; Wichmann, Martine; Boitard, Corinne; Bird, Geoffrey


    For different themes (Sustainable consumption and production, Knowledge and social and economic development society, governance, climate change and energy management, sustainable transport and modality, conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity and natural resources, public health, risk prevention and management, social and territorial cohesion), this study proposes a set of axis, and several indicators for each axis. Indicators correspond to different geographical scale and are determined from different sources. These indicators are for example: production of aggregates, proportion of organic agriculture in usable agricultural area, evolution in quantity of household waste collected per inhabitant, employment rate, research spending in relation to GDP, coverage of population by local Agenda 21, and so on. Thus, each indicator is discussed, commented and analysed

  1. Developing macroeconomic energy cost indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oberndorfer, Ulrich


    Indicators are more and more drawn on for policy making and assessment. This is also true for energy policy. However, while numerous different energy price figures are available, subordinate energy cost indicators are lacking. This paper lays out a general concept for such indicator sets and presents a flexible framework for representative and consistent energy cost indicators with an underlying weighting principle based on consumption shares. Their application would provide interesting new insights into the relationship between energy cost burdens of different sectors and countries. It would allow for more rigorous analysis in the field of energy economics and policy, particularly with regard to market monitoring and impact assessment as well as ex-post-policy analysis.

  2. Fishery Performance Indicators (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Performance indicators for landings, effort, revenue and distribution of revenue are collected for various fisheries nation-wide. The fisheries include catch and...

  3. Indicators for Research Performance in the Humanities? The Scholars’ View on Research Quality and Indicators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ochsner, M.; Hug, S.E.


    In this paper, we present indicators for research quality in the humanities collected in our previous work (Ochsner, Hug, & Daniel, 2012). We focus on how these indicators are accepted by humanities scholars. We also investigate differences between different subgroups of the humanities scholars we surveyed with regard to their preferences for such indicators. We address the theme of the conference (‘peripheries frontiers and beyond’) regarding two notions of (scientometric) periphery: First, we investigate indicators for research quality in the humanities, a field where there is a lack on knowledge on how to assess or even measure research quality, in fact, there is a quite broad consensus that (evaluative) bibliometrics cannot be readily applied in the humanities (Hicks, 2004; Nederhof, 2006). Second, we fully cover three humanities disciplines at Swiss universities and member universities of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). Scholars are a neglected stakeholder when it comes to the design of research assessment procedures or the selection of research indicators. However, they are directly affected, they know best what research quality in their field is and what impact the use of certain indicators could have on their research practices. The paper is structured as follows: first, we present the background for selecting indicators for research quality. This is followed by a description of our analysis methods and the presentation of the results. We finally discuss the results with regard to their use in research evaluation. (Author)

  4. Minimum risk trigger indices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tingey, F.H.


    A viable safeguards system includes among other things the development and use of indices which trigger various courses of action. The usual limit of error calculation provides such an index. The classical approach is one of constructing tests which, under certain assumptions, make the likelihood of a false alarm small. Of concern also is the test's failure to indicate a loss (diversion) when in fact one has occurred. Since false alarms are usually costly and losses both costly and of extreme strategic sinificance, there remains the task of balancing the probability of false alarm and its consequences against the probability of undetected loss and its consequences. The application of other than classical hypothesis testing procedures are considered in this paper. Using various consequence models, trigger indices are derived which have certain optimum properties. Application of the techniques would enhance the material control function

  5. NOHSS Child Indicators (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Data for School year-end 1994 through year-end 2016. State oral health surveys are the data sources for these indicators. States periodically conduct independent...

  6. NOHSS Child Indicators (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Data for School year-end 1994 through year-end 2017. State oral health surveys are the data sources for these indicators. States periodically conduct independent...

  7. Prevalencia de cardiopatía isquémica asintomática en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dulman O. Pineda-De Paz


    Full Text Available Resumen: Introducción: La enfermedad cardiovascular es la causa principal de muerte en pacientes con diabetes mellitus. La prevalencia de cardiopatía isquémica asintomática es más alta en pacientes diabéticos que en no diabéticos y se asocia a peor pronóstico. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de cardiopatía isquémica asintomática en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en un hospital de tercer nivel de atención de Guatemala y analizar la posible asociación de dicha enfermedad con características epidemiológicas, clínicas y metabólicas. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en el que se estudió una muestra de 92 pacientes diabéticos seleccionados de forma aleatoria simple. Se realizó electrocardiograma, que cuando fue negativo para isquemia ameritó prueba de esfuerzo, o de lo contrario, ecocardiograma de estrés con dobutamina. Resultados: La edad media de los participantes fue de 57 años, 88% de los cuales eran mujeres; la duración media de la diabetes fue 7 años. Se encontró cardiopatía isquémica asintomática en el 22,8% de los casos. No se hallaron posibles asociaciones entre cardiopatía isquémica asintomática y edad, sexo, enfermedad arterial periférica, índice de masa corporal, índice tobillo-brazo, hipertensión arterial, dislipidemia, tabaquismo activo, sedentarismo, sobrepeso/obesidad, alcoholismo, glucosa en ayunas, hemoglobina glicosilada, colesterol total, colesterol HDL, colesterol LDL, ácido úrico, creatinina, tasa de filtrado glomerular y microalbuminuria. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de cardiopatía isquémica asintomática en la población estudiada con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 fue de 22,8%. No se encontraron posibles asociaciones de cardiopatía isquémica asintomática con las variables estudiadas. Abstract: Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death in patients with diabetes mellitus. The prevalence of asymptomatic ischaemic heart disease is higher in diabetic

  8. Environmental indicators for the nuclear area

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alves, Cezar Braga; Mattiolo, Sandra Regina, E-mail: [Centro Tecnologico da Marinha em Sao Paujo (CTMSP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Environmental indicators are tools utilized for measuring the industrial environmental performance and are globally used to provide the company and other stakeholders with information concerning its effectiveness and sustainability. Furthermore, the environmental indicators are an important methodological tool used for monitoring the effectiveness of Environmental Management System goals, as well as its compliance with the established environmental policies. Currently, major companies have reported their environmental indicators based on specialized guides, such as the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) and the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), enumerating the most important indicators for the company activities. However, the GRI as other bibliographies of this subject does not include specific indicators for the nuclear area, leaving a significant gap to be considered for the measurement of environmental performance of this industry. Therefore, it becomes relevant to raise the following questions. May the nuclear sector use the same indicators of the non-nuclear industry? Are these indicators effective in demonstrating environmental commitment? In this work, a discussion of the indicators for the nuclear area and the CTMSP will take place. (author)

  9. Environmental indicators for the nuclear area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alves, Cezar Braga; Mattiolo, Sandra Regina


    Environmental indicators are tools utilized for measuring the industrial environmental performance and are globally used to provide the company and other stakeholders with information concerning its effectiveness and sustainability. Furthermore, the environmental indicators are an important methodological tool used for monitoring the effectiveness of Environmental Management System goals, as well as its compliance with the established environmental policies. Currently, major companies have reported their environmental indicators based on specialized guides, such as the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) and the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), enumerating the most important indicators for the company activities. However, the GRI as other bibliographies of this subject does not include specific indicators for the nuclear area, leaving a significant gap to be considered for the measurement of environmental performance of this industry. Therefore, it becomes relevant to raise the following questions. May the nuclear sector use the same indicators of the non-nuclear industry? Are these indicators effective in demonstrating environmental commitment? In this work, a discussion of the indicators for the nuclear area and the CTMSP will take place. (author)

  10. New formulae for Zagreb indices (United States)

    Cangul, Ismail Naci; Yurttas, Aysun; Togan, Muge; Cevik, Ahmet Sinan


    In this paper, we study with some graph descriptors also called topological indices. These descriptors are useful in determination of some properties of chemical structures and preferred to some earlier descriptors as they are more practical. Especially the first and second Zagreb indices together with the first and second multiplicative Zagreb indices are considered and they are calculated in terms of the smallest and largest vertex degrees and vertex number for some well-known classes of graphs.

  11. Energy conservation indicators. 1982 annual report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belzer, D.B.


    A series of Energy Conservation Indicators were developed for the Department of Energy to assist in the evaluation of current and proposed conservation strategies. As descriptive statistics that signify current conditions and trends related to efficiency of energy use, indicators provide a way of measuring, monitoring, or inferring actual responses by consumers in markets for energy services. Related sets of indicators are presented in some 40 one-page indicator summaries. Indicators are shown graphically, followed by several paragraphs that explain their derivation and highlight key findings. Indicators are classified according to broad end-use sectors: Aggregate (economy), Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Transportation and Electric Utilities. In most cases annual time series information is presented covering the period 1960 through 1981.

  12. Vegetation indices as indicators of damage by the sunn pest ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 18, 2008 ... nylon cloth cage experiments were conducted to determine the feasibility of using remote sensing techniques to ... conventionally used method for the sunn pest manage- ... Study area and sunn pest experiment design ... graphy is nearly flat. .... for determination of indices showed an increasing pattern.

  13. Financial Performance of Socially Responsible Indices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Śliwiński Paweł


    Full Text Available This article analyzes rate-of-return and risk related to investments in socially responsible and conventional country indices. The socially responsible indices are the DJSI Korea, DJSI US and Respect Index, and the corresponding conventional country indices are the Korea Stock Exchange Composite KOSPI, Dow Jones Industrial Average and WIG20TR. We conclude that investing in the analyzed SRI indices do not yield systematically better results than investing in the respective conventional indices, both in terms of neoclassical risk and return rate.

  14. Solar Indices Bulletin (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Solar Indices Bulletin is a prompt monthly information product that is distributed within two weeks after the observation month closes. For the month just ended,...

  15. DC KIDS COUNT e-Databook Indicators (United States)

    DC Action for Children, 2012


    This report presents indicators that are included in DC Action for Children's 2012 KIDS COUNT e-databook, their definitions and sources and the rationale for their selection. The indicators for DC KIDS COUNT represent a mix of traditional KIDS COUNT indicators of child well-being, such as the number of children living in poverty, and indicators of…

  16. Climate indices for vulnerability assessments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Persson, Gunn; Baerring, Lars; Kjellstroem, Erik; Strandberg, Gustav; Rummuk ainen, Markku


    The demand is growing for practical information on climate projections and the impacts expected in different geographical regions and different sectors. It is a challenge to transform the vast amount of data produced in climate models into relevant information for climate change impact studies. Climate indices based on climate model data can be used as means to communicate climate change impact relations. In this report a vast amount of results is presented from a multitude of indices based on different regional climate scenarios. The regional climate scenarios described in this report show many similarities with previous scenarios in terms of general evolution and amplitude of future European climate change. The broad features are manifested in increases in warm and decreases in cold indices. Likewise are presented increases in wet indices in the north and dry indices in the south. Despite the extensive nature of the material presented, it does not cover the full range of possible climate change. We foresee a continued interactive process with stakeholders as well as continued efforts and updates of the results presented in the report.

  17. Linear indices in nonlinear structural equation models : best fitting proper indices and other composites

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, T.K.; Henseler, J.


    The recent advent of nonlinear structural equation models with indices poses a new challenge to the measurement of scientific constructs. We discuss, exemplify and add to a family of statistical methods aimed at creating linear indices, and compare their suitability in a complex path model with

  18. Assessing plant protection practices using pressure indicator and toxicity risk indicators: analysis of therelationship between these indicators for improved risk management, application in viticulture. (United States)

    Oussama, Mghirbi; Kamel, Ellefi; Philippe, Le Grusse; Elisabeth, Mandart; Jacques, Fabre; Habiba, Ayadi; Jean-Paul, Bord


    The excessive use of plant protection products (PPPs) has given rise to issues of public and environmental health because of their toxicity. Reducing the use of toxic PPPs and replacing them with products that are less toxic for human health and the environment have become socially, environmentally and economically indispensable. In this article, we assess the plant protection practices of a small group of winegrowers practicing "integrated agriculture" in the south of France, in order to measure the benefit of using toxicity risk indicators as a decision-support tool for different players in land management. An analysis of plant protection practices using indicators of the risk to operator health and the environment (IRSA, IRTE), together with a frequency-of-treatment indicator (TFI), enabled us to (i) show the variability of these indicators depending on the production system and farmers' pesticide use strategies and (ii) calculate correlations between these indicators. This analysis of plant protection practices at different scales (farm, field), carried out in collaboration with the growers, enabled us to perform an initial validation of decision-support tools for determining risk management strategies regarding the use of pesticides.

  19. NOHSS Adult Indicators (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 2012-2014 (even years). Data from BRFSS for indicators of adult oral health for even years from 2012 through 2014. National estimates are represented by the median...

  20. Tiltmeter Indicates Sense of Slope (United States)

    Lonborg, J. O.


    Tiltmeter indicates sense and magnitude of slope used in locations where incline not visible to operator. Use of direct rather than alternating current greatly simplifies design of instrument capable of indicating sense of slope.

  1. Indicators: Sediment Enzymes (United States)

    Sediment enzymes are proteins that are produced by microorganisms living in the sediment or soil. They are indicators of key ecosystem processes and can help determine which nutrients are affecting the biological community of a waterbody.

  2. NEFSC Survey Indices of Abundance (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Northeast Fisheries Survey Bottom trawl survey indices of abundance such as stratified mean number per tow or mean weight per tow by species stock. Includes indices...

  3. European Educational Research Quality Indicators (EERQI): A first prototype framework of intrinsic and extrinsic indicators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mooij, Ton


    Mooij, T. (2011, 15-16 March). European Educational Research Quality Indicators (EERQI): A first prototype framework of intrinsic and extrinsic indicators. Paper presented at the final EERQI conference, Brussels, University Foundation.

  4. Study of Dendrimers by Topological Indices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soleimani Najmeh


    Full Text Available In this paper, five degree based topological indices, the first Zagreb (M1, second Zagreb (M2, first multiple Zagreb (PM1, second multiple Zagreb (PM2, and the hyper Zagreb (HM indices of two types of dendrimers are studied. In addition, two distance based topological indices, the total eccentricity (θ and eccentric connectivity (ξc indices of these dendrimers are computed.

  5. Sustainable development and energy indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pop-Jordanov, Jordan


    Starting from the basic definition of sustainable development and its four dimensions, the role of indicators for sustainable energy development is analysed. In particular, it is shown that important energy efficiency indicators belong in fact to energy supply efficiency, while the end-use energy efficiency could be more pertinently represented by energy intensity indicators. Furthermore, the negentropic effects of science and technology related sustainable energy scenarios are pointed out. Finally, the sustainable development is related to wisdom, interpreted as a sum of knowledge, morality and timing. (Author)

  6. Environmental Indicator Principium with Case References to Agricultural Soil, Water, and Air Quality and Model-Derived Indicators. (United States)

    Zhang, T Q; Zheng, Z M; Lal, R; Lin, Z Q; Sharpley, A N; Shober, A L; Smith, D; Tan, C S; Van Cappellen, P


    Environmental indicators are powerful tools for tracking environmental changes, measuring environmental performance, and informing policymakers. Many diverse environmental indicators, including agricultural environmental indicators, are currently in use or being developed. This special collection of technical papers expands on the peer-reviewed literature on environmental indicators and their application to important current issues in the following areas: (i) model-derived indicators to indicate phosphorus losses from arable land to surface runoff and subsurface drainage, (ii) glutathione-ascorbate cycle-related antioxidants as early-warning bioindicators of polybrominated diphenyl ether toxicity in mangroves, and (iii) assessing the effectiveness of using organic matrix biobeds to limit herbicide dissipation from agricultural fields, thereby controlling on-farm point-source pollution. This introductory review also provides an overview of environmental indicators, mainly for agriculture, with examples related to the quality of the agricultural soil-water-air continuum and the application of model-derived indicators. Current knowledge gaps and future lines of investigation are also discussed. It appears that environmental indicators, particularly those for agriculture, work efficiently at the field, catchment, and local scales and serve as valuable metrics of system functioning and response; however, these indicators need to be refined or further developed to comprehensively meet community expectations in terms of providing a consistent picture of relevant issues and/or allowing comparisons to be made nationally or internationally. Copyright © by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Inc.

  7. Duplex-tube sodium-indication steam generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matal, O.; Martoch, J.


    The steam generator with duplex tubes and sodium indication is connected to the main sodium input and output via the inlet and outlet chambers and has indication spaces connected to the interspaces of the duplex tubes. The first indication space is linked with the auxiliary inlet pipe to the inlet chamber and the second indication space is connected with the auxiliary pipe to the outlet chamber. Mounted to the auxiliary inlet pipe is at least one closure, i.e., a valve or electromagnetic stop. Mounted on the auxiliary outlet pipe is an indication sensor, e.g., a sodium flow sensor. At least one indication space is provided with an alarm sensor, e.g., a thermocouple, a pressure gauge and one sensor to monitor the hydrogen content of sodium. (J.P.)

  8. Nordic eHealth Indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hyppönen, Hannele; Faxvaag, Arild; Gilstad, Heidi

    This report describes first results of the Network: eHealth policy analysis and first common Nordic eHealth indicators. The results show similarities and also some differences in the eHealth policies, priorities and implementation. Interesting similarities and differences in availability and use...... of eHealth services in the Nordic countries were found with the first comparable eHealth indicators. The results create a basis for Evidence-based policy making as well as benchmarking and learning best practices from each other....

  9. Publication point indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elleby, Anita; Ingwersen, Peter


    The paper presents comparative analyses of two publication point systems, The Norwegian and the in-house system from the interdiscplinary Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), used as case in the study for publications published 2006, and compares central citation-based indicators...... with novel publication point indicators (PPIs) that are formalized and exemplified. Two diachronic citation windows are applied: 2006-07 and 2006-08. Web of Science (WoS) as well as Google Scholar (GS) are applied to observe the cite delay and citedness for the different document types published by DIIS...... for all document types. Statistical significant correlations were only found between WoS and GS and the two publication point systems in between, respectively. The study demonstrates how the nCPPI can be applied to institutions as evaluation tools supplementary to JCI in various combinations...

  10. Performance Indicators in Spine Surgery. (United States)

    St-Pierre, Godefroy Hardy; Yang, Michael H; Bourget-Murray, Jonathan; Thomas, Ken C; Hurlbert, Robin John; Matthes, Nikolas


    Systematic review. To elucidate how performance indicators are currently used in spine surgery. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has given significant traction to the idea that healthcare must provide value to the patient through the introduction of hospital value-based purchasing. The key to implementing this new paradigm is to measure this value notably through performance indicators. MEDLINE, CINAHL Plus, EMBASE, and Google Scholar were searched for studies reporting the use of performance indicators specific to spine surgery. We followed the Prisma-P methodology for a systematic review for entries from January 1980 to July 2016. All full text articles were then reviewed to identify any measure of performance published within the article. This measure was then examined as per the three criteria of established standard, exclusion/risk adjustment, and benchmarking to determine if it constituted a performance indicator. The initial search yielded 85 results among which two relevant studies were identified. The extended search gave a total of 865 citations across databases among which 15 new articles were identified. The grey literature search provided five additional reports which in turn led to six additional articles. A total of 27 full text articles and reports were retrieved and reviewed. We were unable to identify performance indicators. The articles presenting a measure of performance were organized based on how many criteria they lacked. We further examined the next steps to be taken to craft the first performance indicator in spine surgery. The science of performance measurement applied to spine surgery is still in its infancy. Current outcome metrics used in clinical settings require refinement to become performance indicators. Current registry work is providing the necessary foundation, but requires benchmarking to truly measure performance. 1.

  11. Indicators for Nuclear Power Development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Considering the scale of nuclear power aspirations, the number of planned nuclear new builds and the prospects of a number of countries constructing their first nuclear power plants, there is a need to assess the broader context of nuclear energy programmes in areas of macro-and socioeconomic conditions, energy systems and nuclear power, and the environment. It is important to assess the degree to which introduction or expansion of nuclear power is beneficial under these specific circumstances. This publication provides a set of indicators for nuclear power development that can serve as a tool to help explore these issues. The indicators are meant to provide a first order assessment of the situation and identify the issues that present the benefits and challenges in a balanced and objective manner and thereby help guide more detailed evaluations in the next stage of planning and preparations. Methodology sheets are provided to help users in data collection, quantification and interpretation of the indicators. The application of the indicators set is flexible. Users can select a subset of indicators that are most relevant for the questions they wish to explore in a given study or decision making process

  12. Review of Urban Sustainability Indicators Assessment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michael, Florianna Lendai; Noor, Zainura Zainon; Figueroa, Maria Josefina


    This paper examines and compares the processes, methodologies and resulting sets of indicators for urban sustainability carried out in three of Asia's developing countries; Malaysia, Taiwan and China. The paper analytically discusses the challenges of developing urban sustainability indicators...... among the developing countries. The comparison reveals the urban indicators development's processes, contents and outcomes and whether the resulting set of urban indicators is operational and has changed the way things were....

  13. Sustainable Transport and Performance Indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gudmundsson, Henrik


    Sustainable transport has become a major policy concern in recent years. The term suggests a need to consider transport in a comprehensive perspective including the well-being of both present and future generations, and taking environmental, social and economic issues into account. Indicators...... in forecasting and tracking the performance of transport systems increasingly guide sustainable transport policy making. This review explores the implications of the sustainable transport” concept and how it can be made operational with indicators. A number of indicator systems are reviewed, and some strengths...

  14. Wacky Patents Meet Economic Indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Czarnitzki, Dirk; Hussinger, Katrin; Schneider, Cédric


    We investigate whether standard indicators can distinguish between “wacky” patents and a control group. Forward citations are good predictors of importance. However, “wacky” patents have higher originality, generality and citation lags, suggesting that these indicators should be interpreted...

  15. Geomagnetic Kn, Ks, Km Indices (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — A full description of the indices Kn, Ks, Km is given in a monography,"Indices Kn, Ks et Km, 1964-1967", edited in 1968 by the Centre National de la Recherche...

  16. Economic Indicators Selected Countries. (United States)


    DEFENCE I ECONOMIC INDICATORS SELECTED COUNTRIES DECEMBER QUARTER 1987 . ’-H ISSUED BY MANPOWER POLICY & STRATEGIES BRANCH " "’ :.S S ’,1l f ,am -m mW...100 Sour:e: Main Economic Indicators (OECD) Manufactured Basic Metal Year Goods Chemicals Metals Products 1980 100 100 100 100 1981 110 117 102 107...Earnings of all 1982 1986 7.4 Male Employees (a) Aug 1986 Aug 1987 4.8 Hourly Wace Rates 3 1979 1987 lt.2 Garden Island 1983 1987 6.7 Dockyards Dec

  17. Visual indicator of absorbed radiation doses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Generalova, V V; Krasovitskii, B M; Vainshtok, B A; Gurskii, M N


    A visual indicator of the absorbed doses of ionizing radiation is proposed. The indicator has a polymer base with the addition of a dye. A distinctive feature of the indicator consists of the use of polystyrene as its polymer base with the addition of halogen-containing hydrocarbon and the light-proof dye. Such combination of the radiation-resistant polymer of polystyrene and the light-proof dyestuff makes the proposed indicator highly stable.

  18. Spring Indices (SI): National (and Global) Indicators of Climate Impacts on Ecosystems and Society (United States)

    Betancourt, J. L.; Schwartz, M. D.; Ault, T. R.; McCabe, G. J.; Macalady, A. K.; Pederson, G. T.; Cook, B. P.; Henebry, G. M.; Moore, D. J.; Enquist, C.


    Indicators are vital in everyday life, such as tracking blood pressure to assess your health or monitoring the nation's economy using unemployment rates. Tracking the state of the environment in a uniform and integrated manner requires simple and broadly-applicable indicators of year-to-year variability and change. For example, indices such as the Start of Season (SOS) in remotely-sensed land surface phenology, Center of Mass (CM) in the hydrology of snowfed inland waters, and other biogeophysical metrics are being widely used as metrics of global change in seasonal timing. Here, we present a new, standardized spring index (SSI) that uses only daily minimum and maximum temperatures as input. This builds on an earlier version of the spring indices (SI) for lilac and honeysuckle phenology (first leaf and first flower) that required plant chilling to be satisfied over winter. The SSI tracks the transition from winter to spring by tallying phenologically relevant variables, (such as the number and intensity of warm days and total hours of sunlight) from January 1st onward, while ignoring the chilling requirement. This adjustment allows determination of first leaf and first bloom dates across the entire USA, including southernmost latitudes. Outputs from the new SSI is highly correlated with the earlier version, and both models process weather data into indices directly related to growth and development of many plants. Spatially averaged anomalies of SSI are well correlated with remotely sensed data and phenological observations from a wide variety of trees and shrubs in Europe, China, and North America. An advantage of SSI is that it only "sees" the atmosphere, meaning that it is free of local biological effects. Therefore, it can enhance the ability to identify important relationships between the large-scale climate modes of variability and the index itself, an advantage over other plant-based indices (such as SOS). If the state of these atmospheric modes can be

  19. Relative performance of three stream bed stability indices as indicators of stream health. (United States)

    Kusnierz, Paul C; Holbrook, Christopher M


    Bed stability is an important stream habitat attribute because it affects geomorphology and biotic communities. Natural resource managers desire indices of bed stability that can be used under a wide range of geomorphic conditions, are biologically meaningful, and are easily incorporated into sampling protocols. To eliminate potential bias due to presence of instream wood and increase precision of stability values, we modified a stream bed instability index (ISI) to include measurements of bankfull depth (d bf ) and median particle diameter (D 50 ) only in riffles and increased the pebble count to decrease variability (i.e., increase precision) in D 50 . The new riffle-based instability index (RISI) was compared to two established indices: ISI and the riffle stability index (RSI). RISI and ISI were strongly associated with each other but neither was closely associated with RSI. RISI and ISI were closely associated with both a diatom- and two macrovertebrate-based stream health indices, but RSI was only weakly associated with the macroinvertebrate indices. Unexpectedly, precision of D 50 did not differ between RISI and ISI. Results suggest that RISI is a viable alternative to both ISI and RSI for evaluating bed stability in multiple stream types. With few data requirements and a simple protocol, RISI may also better conform to riffle-based sampling methods used by some water quality practitioners.

  20. Virus and indicator relationships in groundwater (United States)

    This presentation examines indicator-virus relationships from 13 international studies of public groundwater systems. This presentation shows that the absence of classic indicators is a strong predictor of the absence of viral pathogens. However, indicators are often present in t...

  1. Acute Aquatic Risk Indicator for Pesticides

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Luttik R; Kalf DF; CSR


    De acute aquatische risico-indicator voor bestrijdingsmiddelen kan beschouwd worden als een indicator voor de toxische druk van bestrijdingsmiddelen op het aquatische milieu. De indicator is gebaseerd op alle bestrijdingsmiddelen die in Nederland gebruikt worden of werden sinds 1984. Voor elk

  2. Developing biodiversity indicators on a stakeholders' opinions basis: the gypsum industry Key Performance Indicators framework. (United States)

    Pitz, Carline; Mahy, Grégory; Vermeulen, Cédric; Marlet, Christine; Séleck, Maxime


    This study aims to establish a common Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) framework for reporting about the gypsum industry biodiversity at the European level. In order to integrate different opinions and to reach a consensus framework, an original participatory process approach has been developed among different stakeholder groups: Eurogypsum, European and regional authorities, university scientists, consulting offices, European and regional associations for the conservation of nature, and the extractive industry. The strategy is developed around four main steps: (1) building of a maximum set of indicators to be submitted to stakeholders based on the literature (Focus Group method); (2) evaluating the consensus about indicators through a policy Delphi survey aiming at the prioritization of indicator classes using the Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP) and of individual indicators; (3) testing acceptability and feasibility through analysis of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and visits to three European quarries; (4) Eurogypsum final decision and communication. The resulting framework contains a set of 11 indicators considered the most suitable for all the stakeholders. Our KPIs respond to European legislation and strategies for biodiversity. The framework aims at improving sustainability in quarries and at helping to manage biodiversity as well as to allow the creation of coherent reporting systems. The final goal is to allow for the definition of the actual biodiversity status of gypsum quarries and allow for enhancing it. The framework is adaptable to the local context of each gypsum quarry.

  3. Sustainable Transport and Performance Indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gudmundsson, H.


    ustainable transport has become a major policy concern in recent years. The term suggests a need to consider transport in a comprehensive perspective including the well-being of both present and future generations, and taking environmental, social and economic issues into account. Indicators...... in forecasting and tracking the performance of transport systems increasingly guide sustainable transport policy making. This review explores the implications of the "sustainable transport" concept and how it can be made operational with indicators. A number of indicator systems are reviewed, and some strengths...... and weaknesses are highlighted with regard to the support they provide for sustainable transport development....

  4. Key Performance Indicators for Primary Schools. (United States)

    Strand, Steve

    Focusing mostly on their application for primary schools, this document describes the educational key performance indicators (KPI) employed by the Wendsworth, England, Local Educational Authority (LEA). Indicators are divided into 3 areas, educational context, resource development, and outcomes. Contextual indicators include pupil mobility, home…

  5. Jordan Banks Financial Soundness Indicators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Imad Kutum


    Full Text Available The aim of this research paper is to examine the Jordanian banks using financial soundness indicators. This is to establish if Jordanian banks were affected because of the 2007/2008 financial crisis and determine the underlying reasons. The research paper was conducted on 25 banks in Jordan listed in the countries securities exchange. The research methodology used consisted of examining the banks financial records in order to derive four crucial Basel III ratio such as the capital adequacy ratio, the leverage ratio, the liquidity ratio and finally the Total Provisions (As % Of Non-Performing Loans %. The results revealed that out of the four hypotheses under examination Jordan Banks do not meet Basel financial Indicators for Capital Adequacy Ratio, Jordan Banks does not meet Basel financial Indicators for Liquidity Ratio , Jordan Banks do not meet Basel financial Indicators for Leverage Ratio and Jordan Banks do not meet Basel financial Indicators for Total Provisions (As % Of Non-Performing Loans ratio. Only one hypothesis was accepted based on the research outcomes. The rest of the hypothesis was rejected since the average trend line did not go below the Basel III required ratio level. The general outcome of the research revealed that Jordanian banks were not affected significantly by the financial crisis.

  6. Framework and indicator testing protocol for developing and piloting quality indicators for the UK quality and outcomes framework

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Burke Martyn


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Quality measures should be subjected to a testing protocol before being used in practice using key attributes such as acceptability, feasibility and reliability, as well as identifying issues derived from actual implementation and unintended consequences. We describe the methodologies and results of an indicator testing protocol (ITP using data from proposed quality indicators for the United Kingdom Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF. Methods The indicator testing protocol involved a multi-step and methodological process: 1 The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method, to test clarity and necessity, 2 data extraction from patients' medical records, to test technical feasibility and reliability, 3 diaries, to test workload, 4 cost-effectiveness modelling, and 5 semi-structured interviews, to test acceptability, implementation issues and unintended consequences. Testing was conducted in a sample of representative family practices in England. These methods were combined into an overall recommendation for each tested indicator. Results Using an indicator testing protocol as part of piloting was seen as a valuable way of testing potential indicators in 'real world' settings. Pilot 1 (October 2009-March 2010 involved thirteen indicators across six clinical domains and twelve indicators passed the indicator testing protocol. However, the indicator testing protocol identified a number of implementation issues and unintended consequences that can be rectified or removed prior to national roll out. A palliative care indicator is used as an exemplar of the value of piloting using a multiple attribute indicator testing protocol - while technically feasible and reliable, it was unacceptable to practice staff and raised concerns about potentially causing actual patient harm. Conclusions This indicator testing protocol is one example of a protocol that may be useful in assessing potential quality indicators when adapted to specific country health

  7. Indicators to monitor NPP operational safety performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez-Cobo, Ana


    Since December 1995 the IAEA activities on safety performance indicators focused on the elaboration of a framework for the establishment of an operational safety performance indicator programme. The development of this framework began with the consideration of the concept of NPP operational safety performance and the identification of operational safety attributes. For each operational safety attribute, overall indicators, envisioned as providing an overall evaluation of relevant aspects of safety performance, were established. Associated with each overall indicator is a level of strategic indicators intended to provide a bridge from overall to specific indicators. Finally each strategic indicator was supported by a set of specific indicators, which represent quantifiable measures of performance. The programme development was enhanced by pilot plant studies, conducted over a 15 month period from January 1998 to March 1999. The result of all this work is compiled in the IAEA-TECDOC-1141, to be published shortly. This paper presents a summary of this IAEA TECDOC. It describes the operational safety performance indicator framework proposed and discusses the results of and lessons learned from the pilot studies. Despite the efforts described, it is clear that additional research is still necessary in areas such as plant-specific adaptation of proposed frameworks in order to suit individual data collection systems and plant characteristics, indicator selection, indicator definition, goal setting, action thresholds, analysis of trends, indicator display systems, analysis of overall safety performance (i.e., aggregation or combination of indicators), safety culture indicators, qualitative indicators, and use of additional indicators to address issues such as industrial safety attitude and performance, staff welfare, and environmental compliance. This is the rationale for a new IAEA Coordinated Research Project on 'Development and application of indicators to monitor NPP

  8. The politics of SEA indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gao, Jingjing; Kørnøv, Lone; Christensen, Per


    The use of indicators is not only technical and science-led, but also a value-laden social process, and thus concerns public participation, political judgment and decision-making. This article approaches the Chinese SEA indicator system from a science-policy interface and aims at: 1) contributing...

  9. Bayesian Sampling using Condition Indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faber, Michael H.; Sørensen, John Dalsgaard


    of condition indicators introduced by Benjamin and Cornell (1970) a Bayesian approach to quality control is formulated. The formulation is then extended to the case where the quality control is based on sampling of indirect information about the condition of the components, i.e. condition indicators...

  10. Facilities Performance Indicators Report, 2008-09 (United States)

    Hills, Christina, Ed.


    This paper features another expanded Web-based Facilities Performance Indicators Report (FPI). The purpose of APPA's Facilities Performance Indicators is to provide a representative set of statistics about facilities in educational institutions. The 2008-09 iteration of the Web-based Facilities Performance Indicators Survey was posted and…

  11. Radionuclide two-indicator method to determine the indices of extravascular pulmonary fluid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frenkel', V.Kh.; Morgunov, N.B.; Kamenker, S.M.; Filatova, N.P.


    A radionuclide two-indicator method with 131 I-human serum albumin and 169 Yb-DTRA was used for examination of 32 persons without any diseases of the circulatory and respiratory organs and 75 patients with myocardial ischemia, different stages of cardiac insufficiency. The results showed that the amount of extravascular pulmonary fluid (EPF) in patients with ischemia was much higher as compared to the controls. EPF also increased significantly with the growing of the severity of cardiac insufficiency. A conclusion has been made that the radionuclide method of the determination of EPF indices is simple and effective in studies on pulmonary water metabolisn and can be used for diagnosis of early forms of interstitial edema

  12. Early Reading Proficiency. Leading Indicator Spotlight (United States)

    Musen, Lindsey


    In "Beyond Test Scores: Leading Indicators for Education," Foley and colleagues (2008) define leading indicators as those that "provide early signals of progress toward academic achievement" (p. 1) and stress that educators "need leading indicators to help them see the direction their efforts are going in and to take…

  13. AREVA sustainable development indicators guidelines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    These guidelines set out the procedures used to measure and report the sustainable development and continuous progress data and indicators used within the Areva Group. It defines the scope of the guide, the list of indicators, the measurement and calculation procedures, the internal and external audits. (A.L.B.)

  14. Cancer rehabilitation indicators for Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baili, Paolo; Hoekstra-Weebers, Josette; Van Hoof, Elke; Bartsch, Hans Helge; Travado, Luzia; Garami, Miklos; Di Salvo, Francesca; Micheli, Andrea; Veerus, Piret

    Little is known of cancer rehabilitation needs in Europe. EUROCHIP-3 organised a group of experts to propose a list of population-based indicators used for describing cancer rehabilitation across Europe. The aim of this study is to present and discuss these indicators. A EUROCHIP-3 expert panel

  15. Evaluation of sustainability indices and indicators in the Paphos district area in Cyprus (United States)

    Italos, Chrysostomos; Akylas, Evangelos; Karidis, Demetris; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G.


    During the last decades most of the coastal zones across the Mediterranean Sea concentrates population around polescities owing to the mass movement of people from the rural areas to urban areas. The extensive tourism development across the coast generates demand of new work positions and pressurizes the environment. The economic development increase the natural capital of the study areas increase the covered with buildings and infrastructures areas and as a consequence reduce the quality of life. All the above effects modify the density of the buildings and infrastructures, push and eliminate the free green covered areas and other open spaces. In order to measure the effects on the environment and the quality of life a composite index is developed which arises using combined indices using economical, social and environmental criteria. The above components give a realistic indicator of the effects on the environment. This unique index arises as a function of the ratios of a per capital income a ratio of cover area by the uncovered area and the density of people per unit area. Usually when the wealth is increased the demand of energy and goods also increased and the damage on environment becomes bigger. This paper explores how the application of sustainability indices can be used as a tool to assess the quality of life. The use of GIS and remote sensing is highlighted to support the application of the existing sustainability indices.

  16. Tamper indicating packaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baumann, M.J.; Bartberger, J.C.; Welch, T.D.


    Protecting sensitive items from undetected tampering in an unattended environment is crucial to the success of non-proliferation efforts relying on the verification of critical activities. Tamper Indicating Packaging (TIP) technologies are applied to containers, packages, and equipment that require an indication of a tamper attempt. Examples include: the transportation and storage of nuclear material, the operation and shipment of surveillance equipment and monitoring sensors, and the retail storage of medicine and food products. The spectrum of adversarial tampering ranges from attempted concealment of a pin-hole sized penetration to the complete container replacement, which would involve counterfeiting efforts of various degrees. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) has developed a technology base for advanced TIP materials, sensors, designs, and processes which can be adapted to various future monitoring systems. The purpose of this technology base is to investigate potential new technologies, and to perform basic research of advanced technologies. This paper will describe the theory of TIP technologies and recent investigations of TIP technologies at SNL

  17. Academic appropriation and Impact Indicators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wilson López López


    Full Text Available The role of appropriation of scientific knowledge and the indicators designed to measure its impact is being hotly debated in Iberoamerica right now. I will separate what I call academic appropriation of knowledge from what many authors have called social appropriation of knowledge. The former isrelated to knowledge communication and transference practices in scientific communities, and the latter has to do with the multiple ways in which knowledge goes to society. This editorial will address academic appropriation.Academic appropriations are found in many levels: the first is that performed by colleagues (peers who use this knowledge, and citations are the indicators of usage. This is a sensitive indicator, and thus vulnerable to citation dynamics in academic communities. For example, communities with low levels of knowledge use are generally endogamic and have low international collaboration.They are also characterised by not easily modifying their citation habits. In this sense, a part of these citations generally make themselves invisible, this is, they do not acknowledge neither their own efforts, not those made by local peer groups (regional, and are negatively paradoxical, even when proclaimed in an anti-mainstream science discourse. At the same time, they downplay their own production or the regional production, and ground their work on the production that they claim to go beyond.On the other hand, research groups with an important output can improve or decrease the visibility of other groups and journals, since the amount of work ends up concentrating citations in particular works or journals, which affects themeasures derived from citation-expressed impacts. In this sense, and as a response with additional elements for assessing academic production, it is suggested that: 1. The quartile of the journal be used, since it gives a more accurate idea of its dynamics and shows the journal in relation to other journals with its variability

  18. Estado Nutricional y Desempeño Físico de una muestra de Escolares de 14 y 15 años de la ciudad de Chillán, Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jessica Ibarra Mora


    Full Text Available Introducción: La obesidad infantil es un problema de elevada magnitud y con graves repercusiones en el estado de salud, lo que plantea la necesidad de tomar medidas orientadas a estimular o mejorar, tanto el aporte nutricional como la condición física. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el desempeño físico de una muestra de estudiantes según el estado nutricional en estudiantes de 14 y 15 años de la ciudad de Chillán. Material y Método: Estudio observacional transversal descriptivo llevado a cabo con 245 estudiantes del instituto superior de Comercio de la ciudad de Chillán, octava región de Chile. Se recogió información del peso y talla con el que se obtuvo el índice de masa corporal y la circunferencia cintura. Además se recogió información sobre el desempeño físico como Course-Navette, abdominales, flexiones de brazo, salto y flexibilidad a través de la batería utilizada por la Agencia de Calidad de la Educación en Chile (SIMCE de Educación Física. Resultados: Un 18,8% y un 14,3% de los estudiantes presenta sobrepeso y obesidad respectivamente. Los niños que presentan sobrepeso y obesidad tienen un peor rendimiento físico con un menor número de repeticiones abdominales y flexiones de brazo, un menor salto y un menor tiempo en segundos en Course-Navette. En flexibilidad no se encontraron diferencias según es estado nutricional. Conclusiones: Los estudiantes con sobrepeso y obesidad presentan un peor rendimiento físico. De ahí la necesidad de tomar medidas orientadas a estimular o mejorar la capacidad física para revertir estas tendencias adversas para su salud.

  19. Indications for coronary angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaltenbach, M.; Vallbracht, C.


    Today selective coronary angiography, introduced by Sones in 1957, is used as clinical routine for diagnosing morphological changes in the coronary arteries. Hitherto, more recent techniques such as digital subtraction angiography cannot provide comparable information. Strict criteria for its indication depending on possible therapeutic consequences, have to be applied, although the risk is low with a letality of 0.01 to 0.05 percent. Radionuclear investigations can be used as additional tool in selected cases. The careful indication for coronary angiography usually implies the possible need for coronary bypass graft surgery of balloon angioplasty. (orig./MG) [de

  20. Design of energy management indicator.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ernesto Tomás Dalmau García


    Full Text Available This work has as a main goal to demostrate the viability of the energy management indicator, that will be a part of the Balanced Scorecard in the organization and the own process of calculation allows to obtain a Balanced Scorecard of energy management. It describes the executive order of the actions that have to be done to reach to the mentioned indicator, based on the selection of the selected period of time; the types of power carriers, the weight of each carrier in the structure of the consumption and the activities where they are used. With these elements several tools are used to reach to the expected results, as the bar charts, comparative tables and indices of power intensity. The indices of energy intensity are recommended as comparative elements for the contribution to the operativity and information level, meaning that not always is necessary to tie them , if not, in some cases, may be other selected indicators that may result as qualitatives type, The Cuban enterprise system uses the model Control of Consumption and Catchment Demand of fuels and lubricants (CDA 002 of the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP that is used in the work and it is recommended for the organizations who apply it. The study and application of this method were made in the Company of Raw materials Recovery in an experimental form.

  1. Environmental Indicators in the Newspaper Industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Enroth


    Full Text Available Environmental indicators promote the eco-efficient development of companies, as demonstrated in earlier study. This study builds on a previously developed model and inventory tools for industryspecific environmental indicators for the graphic arts industry. This study is based on case studies from 14 newspaper companies with experience of the use of these industry-specific environmental indicators in actual production.This paper presents data on industry-specific environmental indicators for the newspaper industry. The data describes the average situation and the range of values for the indicators in 14 environmentally aware newspaper companies in Sweden in 2001. The data is also grouped so as to illustrate average values for various classes:Newspaper companies with printing facilities.Newspaper companies with no printing facilities.Newspaper printing companies.In addition, a preliminary comparison has been carried out using equivalent data for the commercial printing industry.The indicators calculated for each specific company, together with average values for these indicators, have been used to identify areas for action for the various companies and to formulate action plans. The aim of this is to promote more eco-efficient activities. The study also summarizes measures already implemented at the various companies.The use of indicators within these companies has been linked with the current and predicted future eed to communicate environmental issues. Financial and social aspects have been considered to a limited extent in the study in order to put forward the concept of sustainable development in the newspaper industry in Sweden.

  2. Website quality indicators for consumers. (United States)

    Griffiths, Kathleen M; Christensen, Helen


    The rating tool DISCERN was designed for use by consumers without content expertise to evaluate the quality of health information. There is some evidence that DISCERN may be a valid indicator of evidence-based website quality when applied by health professionals. However, it is not known if the tool is a valid measure of evidence-based quality when used by consumers. Since it is a lengthy instrument requiring training in its use, DISCERN may prove impractical for use by the typical consumer. It is therefore important to explore the validity of other simpler potential indicators of site quality such as Google PageRank. This study aimed to determine (1) whether the instrument DISCERN is a valid indicator of evidence-based Web content quality for consumers without specific mental health training, and (2) whether Google PageRank is an indicator of website content quality as measured by an evidence-based gold standard. This was a cross-sectional survey of depression websites using consumer and health professional raters. The main outcome measures were (1) site characteristics, (2) evidence-based quality of content as measured by evidence-based depression guidelines, (3) DISCERN scores, (4) Google PageRank, and (5) user satisfaction. There was a significant association between evidence-based quality ratings and average DISCERN ratings both for consumers (r = 0.62, P = .001) and health professionals (r = 0.80, P PageRank (r = 0.59, P = .002). However, the correlation between DISCERN scores and user satisfaction was higher than the correlation between Google PageRank and user satisfaction. DISCERN has potential as an indicator of content quality when used either by experts or by consumers. Google PageRank shows some promise as an automatic indicator of quality.

  3. EJSCREEN Demographic Indicators 2015 Public (United States)

    EJSCREEN uses demographic factors as very general indicators of a community's potential susceptibility to the types of environmental factors included in this screening tool. There are six demographic indicators: Demographic Index, Supplementary Demographic Index, Individuals under Age 5, Individuals over Age 64, Percent Low-Income, Linguistic Isolation, Percent Minority, and Less than High School Education.

  4. Quality Indicators for Learning Analytics (United States)

    Scheffel, Maren; Drachsler, Hendrik; Stoyanov, Slavi; Specht, Marcus


    This article proposes a framework of quality indicators for learning analytics that aims to standardise the evaluation of learning analytics tools and to provide a mean to capture evidence for the impact of learning analytics on educational practices in a standardised manner. The criteria of the framework and its quality indicators are based on…

  5. Microorganisms as Indicators of Soil Health

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, M. N.; Winding, A.; Binnerup, S.

    ecosystem parameters representing policy relevant end points. It is further recommended to identify a specific minimum data set for specific policy relevant end points, to carefully establish baseline values, to improve scientific knowledge on biodiversity and modelling of soil data, and to implement new......Microorganisms are an essential part of living soil and of outmost importance for soil health. As such they can be used as indicators of soil health. This report reviews the current and potential future use of microbial indicators of soil health and recommends specific microbial indicators for soil...... indicators into soil monitoring programmes as they become applicable....

  6. Instrumental Landing Using Audio Indication (United States)

    Burlak, E. A.; Nabatchikov, A. M.; Korsun, O. N.


    The paper proposes an audio indication method for presenting to a pilot the information regarding the relative positions of an aircraft in the tasks of precision piloting. The implementation of the method is presented, the use of such parameters of audio signal as loudness, frequency and modulation are discussed. To confirm the operability of the audio indication channel the experiments using modern aircraft simulation facility were carried out. The simulated performed the instrument landing using the proposed audio method to indicate the aircraft deviations in relation to the slide path. The results proved compatible with the simulated instrumental landings using the traditional glidescope pointers. It inspires to develop the method in order to solve other precision piloting tasks.

  7. Tus acciones te delatan: ¿Es el sistema cognitivo sensible a los parámetros cinemáticos de las acciones con distintas intenciones?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rocío Goñi Cabara


    Full Text Available George es un tenista que en este momento se encuentra a instantes de realizar un smash para rematar un partido. Anna, por su parte, está en la cacería de un inoportuno insecto volador utilizando una raqueta eléctrica. Si detuviésemos el tiempo en el instante en que George y Anna alzan sus brazos, sin acceder al contexto en el que la acción tiene lugar, ¿seríamos capaces de detectar la intención que subyace a cada movimiento? Estudios recientes sugieren que esto es posible a partir del análisis de la velocidad y trayectoria de acciones que, a primera vista, parecen idénticas.

  8. Estudio de los Efectos Gravitomagnéticos en Cuerpos Masivos Rotantes (United States)

    Velandia Heredia, N.; Tejeiro, J. M.


    A partir del estudio de los Efectos Gravitomagnéticos en cuerpos masivos rotantes, planteamos la expresión para medir el desfase en el tiempo, para diferentes observadores, que se dan cuando viajan dos rayos de luz por una guía de onda o de manera libre (geodésicas), en el plano azimutal y en el plano polar. Con lo anterior queremos abordar el experimento tipo Michelson y Morley, de forma que podamos involucrar el valor de la densidad del momento angular (a) en el retraso temporal para los dos haces de luz que viajan por los brazos del interferómetro, cuando este último es ubicado en el plano ecuatorial.

  9. Relación entre potencia aeròbica y anaeròbica y el Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) en judocas masculinos iraníes de élite


    Farzaneh Hesari, A.; Mirzaei, B.; Mahdavi Ortakand, S.; Rabienejad, A.; Nikolaïdis, P.


    Introducción El objetivo de estudio fue la evaluación de la relación entre las potencias aeróbica y anaeróbica, así como la prueba especial de aptitud física para el judo en los judokas masculinos de élite. Método Diecinueve judokas de élite—edad 24,3 (3,1) años, altura 1,78 (0,06) m, masa corporal 76,4 (11,2) kg, índice de masa corporal 20,2 (3,6) kg·m2 y grasa corporal 11,0 (1,8)%—realizaron una prueba de esfuerzo en cinta, la prueba anaeróbica de Wingate para brazos, y la p...

  10. [Family physicians attitude towards quality indicator program]. (United States)

    Shani, Michal; Nakar, Sasson; Azuri, Yossi


    Quality indicator programs for primary care are implanted throughout the world improving quality in health care. In this study, we have assessed family physicians attitudes towards the quality indicators program in Israel. Questionnaires were distributed to family physicians in various continuing educational programs. The questionnaire addressed demographics, whether the physician dealt with quality indicators, time devoted by the physician to quality indicators, pressure placed on the physician related to quality indicators, and the working environment. A total of 140 questionnaires were distributed and 91 (65%) were completed. The average physician age was 49 years (range 33-65 years]; the average working experience as a family physician was 17.8 years (range 0.5-42); 58 physicians were family medicine specialist (65.9%). Quality indicators were part of the routine work of 94% of the physicians; 72% of the physicians noted the importance of quality indicators; 84% of the physicians noted that quality indicators demand better team work; 76% of the physicians noted that quality indicators have reduced their professional independence. Pressure to deal with quality indicators was noted by 72% of the family physicians. Pressure to deal with quality indicators was related to reduced loyalty to their employer (P = 0.001), reducing their interest to practice family medicine (p programs, without creating a heavy burden on the work of family physicians.

  11. An efficient compression scheme for bitmap indices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Kesheng; Otoo, Ekow J.; Shoshani, Arie


    When using an out-of-core indexing method to answer a query, it is generally assumed that the I/O cost dominates the overall query response time. Because of this, most research on indexing methods concentrate on reducing the sizes of indices. For bitmap indices, compression has been used for this purpose. However, in most cases, operations on these compressed bitmaps, mostly bitwise logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT, spend more time in CPU than in I/O. To speedup these operations, a number of specialized bitmap compression schemes have been developed; the best known of which is the byte-aligned bitmap code (BBC). They are usually faster in performing logical operations than the general purpose compression schemes, but, the time spent in CPU still dominates the total query response time. To reduce the query response time, we designed a CPU-friendly scheme named the word-aligned hybrid (WAH) code. In this paper, we prove that the sizes of WAH compressed bitmap indices are about two words per row for large range of attributes. This size is smaller than typical sizes of commonly used indices, such as a B-tree. Therefore, WAH compressed indices are not only appropriate for low cardinality attributes but also for high cardinality attributes.In the worst case, the time to operate on compressed bitmaps is proportional to the total size of the bitmaps involved. The total size of the bitmaps required to answer a query on one attribute is proportional to the number of hits. These indicate that WAH compressed bitmap indices are optimal. To verify their effectiveness, we generated bitmap indices for four different datasets and measured the response time of many range queries. Tests confirm that sizes of compressed bitmap indices are indeed smaller than B-tree indices, and query processing with WAH compressed indices is much faster than with BBC compressed indices, projection indices and B-tree indices. In addition, we also verified that the average query response time

  12. Injector of solid indicator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chernyshev, G.I.; Luk' yanov, E.P.; Pruslin, Y.A.; Zabrodin, P.I.


    The injector can be used with remote introduction of indicators into a borehole for study in an oil well of the parameters of movement of fluid currents, control of the state of the equipment, and study of the properties of the rocks. Proposed is a method of increasing the reliability of operation of the injector by stabilizing the rate of its dispersing. Introduced to the injector of a solid indicator are auxiliary brackets and a cathode made from nonmetallic electrical conducting material and reinforced at the end by an elastic bracket. The auxillary cathode is attached to the end surface of the anode and cathode.

  13. Measuring educational quality by means of indicators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scheerens, Jaap; Scheerens, J; Luyten, H.; van Ravens, J.


    In this chapter the input-process-outcomes-context framework, introduced in Chapter 1 is used for categorising and describing input indicators, process indicators, outcome indicators and context indicators. The chapter starts out with a review and further illustration of this framework and follows

  14. Safety culture management and quantitative indicator evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mandula, J.


    This report discuses a relationship between safety culture and evaluation of quantitative indicators. It shows how a systematic use of generally shared operational safety indicators may contribute to formation and reinforcement of safety culture characteristics in routine plant operation. The report also briefly describes the system of operational safety indicators used at the Dukovany plant. It is a PC database application enabling an effective work with the indicators and providing all users with an efficient tool for making synoptic overviews of indicator values in their links and hierarchical structure. Using color coding, the system allows quick indicator evaluation against predefined limits considering indicator value trends. The system, which has resulted from several-year development, was completely established at the plant during the years 2001 and 2002. (author)

  15. Driver competence performance indicators using OTMR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hassan EL Rashidy, R.A.


    The current practice for assessing driver competence performance is in-cab riding by driver managers. However, this paper investigates whether real-world driving data extracted from on-train monitoring recorders data (OTMR) can be used to assess the driver performance. A number of indicators were used to evaluate the drivers’ performance. These include: their use of the emergency bypass switch, the driver's reminder appliance as well as the driver’s reaction time. A study case illustrated the applicability of OTMR data to estimate the proposed indicators, which suggests that the indicators can be useful in the driver management system in addition to the current indicators. Furthermore, the proposed indicators could be used to tailor the driver training schemes up to their individual needs and evaluate their effectiveness. They could even be used for improving driver competence performance and reducing crash involvement by revealing potentially detrimental driving performance. (Author)

  16. Key indicators for organizational performance measurement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Firoozeh Haddadi


    Full Text Available Each organization for assessing the amount of utility and desirability of their activities, especially in complex and dynamic environments, requires determining and ranking the vital performance indicators. Indicators provide essential links among strategy, execution and ultimate value creation. The aim of this paper is to develop a framework, which identifies and prioritizes Key Performance Indicators (KPIs that a company should focus on them to define and measure progress towards organizational objectives. For this purpose, an applied research was conducted in 2013 in an Iranian telecommunication company. We first determined the objectives of the company with respect to four perspectives of BSC (Balanced Scorecard framework. Next, performance indicators were listed and paired wise comparisons were accomplished by company's high-ranked employees through standard Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP questionnaires. This helped us establish the weight of each indicator and to rank them, accordingly.

  17. Are biodiversity indices of spontaneous grass covers in olive orchards good indicators of soil degradation? (United States)

    Taguas, E. V.; Arroyo, C.; Lora, A.; Guzmán, G.; Vanderlinden, K.; Gómez, J. A.


    Spontaneous grass covers are an inexpensive soil erosion control measure in olive orchards. Olive farmers allow grass to grow on sloping terrain to comply with the basic environmental standards derived from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). However, to date there are very few studies assessing the environmental quality and extent of such covers. In this study, we described and compared the biodiversity indicators associated to herbaceous vegetation in two contrasting olive orchards in order to evaluate its relevance and quality. In addition, biodiversity patterns and their relationships with environmental factors such as soil type and properties, precipitation, topography and soil management were analyzed. Different grass cover biodiversity indices were evaluated in two olive orchard catchments under conventional tillage and no tillage with grass cover, during 3 hydrological years (2011-2013). Seasonal samples of vegetal material and pictures in a permanent grid (4 samples ha-1) were taken to characterize the temporal variations of the number of species, frequency, diversity and transformed Shannon's and Pielou's indices. Sorensen's index obtained in the two olive orchard catchments showed notable differences in composition, probably linked with the different site conditions. The catchment with the best site conditions (deeper soil and higher precipitation), with average annual soil losses over 10 t ha-1 and a more intense management, presented the highest biodiversity indices. In absolute terms, the diversity indices were reasonably high in both catchments, despite the fact that agricultural activity usually severely limits the landscape and the variety of species. Finally, a significantly higher content of organic matter in the first 10 cm of soil was found in the catchment with the worst site conditions, average annual soil losses of 2 t ha-1 and the least intense management. Therefore, the biodiversity indicators associated to weeds were not found to be

  18. Indicators of climate impacts for forests: recommendations for the US National Climate Assessment indicators system (United States)

    Linda S. Heath; Sarah M. Anderson; Marla R. Emery; Jeffrey A. Hicke; Jeremy Littell; Alan Lucier; Jeffrey G. Masek; David L. Peterson; Richard Pouyat; Kevin M. Potter; Guy Robertson; Jinelle Sperry; Andrzej Bytnerowicz; Sarah Jovan; Miranda H. Mockrin; Robert Musselman; Bethany K. Schulz; Robert J. Smith; Susan I. Stewart


    The Third National Climate Assessment (NCA) process for the United States focused in part on developing a system of indicators to communicate key aspects of the physical climate, climate impacts, vulnerabilities, and preparedness to inform decisionmakers and the public. Initially, 13 active teams were formed to recommend indicators in a range of categories, including...

  19. Fecal indicator bacteria at Havana Bay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez Perez, Lisse; Gomez D'Angelo, Yamiris; Beltran Gonzalez, Jesus; Alvarez Valiente, Reinaldo


    Aims: Fecal indicator bacteria concentrations were evaluated in Havana Bay. Methods: Concentrations of traditional fecal indicator bacteria were calculated between April 2010 and February 2011, by MPN methods. Concentrations of thermo tolerant coliform (CTT), Escherichia coli, fecal streptococci (EF), intestinal enterococci (ENT) in seawater, and Clostridium perfringens in sediment surface, were determined. Results: CTT and E. coli levels were far above Cuban water quality standard for indirect contact with water, showing the negative influence of sewage and rivers on the bay. The EF and ENT were measured during sewage spills at the discharge site and they were suitable indicators of fecal contamination, but these indicators didn't show the same behavior in other selected sites. This result comes from its well-known inactivation by solar light in tropical zones and the presumable presence of humid acids in the waters of the bay. Conclusion: Fecal indicator bacteria and its statistical relationships reflect recent and chronic fecal contamination at the bay and near shores.

  20. Safety indicators for the peat industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berezhnoy, S A; Sedov, Yu I; Yenoshevskiy, B A


    Members of the inter-institutional department of 'Labor Protection' of the KPI, in cooperation with members of the peat industry, have developed safety indicators for the peat industry in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.026-76 SSBT, and established the range and order for their use. The safety indicators for the peat industry are divided into four groups (prohibiting, warning, regulating, and indicating), depending on the function.

  1. A Catalogue of marine biodiversity indicators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heliana Teixeira


    Full Text Available A Catalogue of Marine Biodiversity Indicators was developed with the aim of providing the basis for assessing the environmental status of the marine ecosystems. Useful for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, this catalogue allows the navigation of a database of indicators mostly related to biological diversity, non-indigenous species, food webs, and seafloor integrity. Over 600 indicators were compiled, which were developed and used in the framework of different initiatives (e.g. EU policies, research projects and in national and international contexts (e.g. Regional Seas Conventions, and assessments in non-European seas. The catalogue reflects the current scientific capability to address environmental assessment needs by providing a broad coverage of the most relevant indicators for marine biodiversity and ecosystem integrity.The available indicators are reviewed according to their typology, data requirements, development status, geographical coverage, relevance to habitats or biodiversity components, and related human pressures. Through this comprehensive overview, we discuss the potential of the current set of indicators in a wide range of contexts, from large-scale to local environmental programs, and we also address shortcomings in light of current needs.Developed by the DEVOTES Project, the catalogue is freely available through the DEVOTool software application, which provides browsing and query options for the associated metadata. The tool allows extraction of ranked indicator lists best fulfilling selected criteria, enabling users to search for suitable indicators to address a particular biodiversity component, ecosystem feature, habitat or pressure in a marine area of interest.This tool is useful for EU Member States, Regional Sea Conventions, the European Commission, non-governmental organizations, managers, scientists and any person interested in marine environmental assessment. It allows users to

  2. A Catalogue of Marine Biodiversity Indicators

    KAUST Repository

    Teixeira, Heliana; Berg, Torsten; Uusitalo, Laura; Fü rhaupter, Karin; Heiskanen, Anna Stiina; Mazik, Krysia; Lynam, Christopher P.; Neville, Suzanna; Rodriguez, J. German; Papadopoulou, Nadia; Moncheva, Snejana; Churilova, Tanya; Kryvenko, Olga; Krause-Jensen, Dorte; Zaiko, Anastasija; Verí ssimo, Helena; Pantazi, Maria; Carvalho, Susana; Patrí cio, Joana; Uyarra, Maria C.; Borja, À ngel


    A Catalogue of Marine Biodiversity Indicators was developed with the aim of providing the basis for assessing the environmental status of the marine ecosystems. Useful for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), this catalogue allows the navigation of a database of indicators mostly related to biological diversity, non-indigenous species, food webs, and seafloor integrity. Over 600 indicators were compiled, which were developed and used in the framework of different initiatives (e.g., EU policies, research projects) and in national and international contexts (e.g., Regional Seas Conventions, and assessments in non-European seas). The catalogue reflects the current scientific capability to address environmental assessment needs by providing a broad coverage of the most relevant indicators for marine biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. The available indicators are reviewed according to their typology, data requirements, development status, geographical coverage, relevance to habitats or biodiversity components, and related human pressures. Through this comprehensive overview, we discuss the potential of the current set of indicators in a wide range of contexts, from large-scale to local environmental programs, and we also address shortcomings in light of current needs. Developed by the DEVOTES Project, the catalogue is freely available through the DEVOTool software application, which provides browsing and query options for the associated metadata. The tool allows extraction of ranked indicator lists best fulfilling selected criteria, enabling users to search for suitable indicators to address a particular biodiversity component, ecosystem feature, habitat, or pressure in a marine area of interest. This tool is useful for EU Member States, Regional Sea Conventions, the European Commission, non-governmental organizations, managers, scientists, and any person interested in marine environmental assessment. It allows users to build

  3. Children's Environmental Health Indicators in Australia. (United States)

    Sly, J Leith; Moore, Sophie E; Gore, Fiona; Brune, Marie Noel; Neira, Maria; Jagals, Paul; Sly, Peter D


    Adverse environmental exposures in early life increase the risk of chronic disease but do not attract the attention nor receive the public health priority warranted. A safe and healthy environment is essential for children's health and development, yet absent in many countries. A framework that aids in understanding the link between environmental exposures and adverse health outcomes are environmental health indicators-numerical estimates of hazards and outcomes that can be applied at a population level. The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a set of children's environmental health indicators (CEHI) for physical injuries, insect-borne disease, diarrheal diseases, perinatal diseases, and respiratory diseases; however, uptake of steps necessary to apply these indicators across the WHO regions has been incomplete. A first indication of such uptake is the management of data required to measure CEHI. The present study was undertaken to determine whether Australia has accurate up-to-date, publicly available, and readily accessible data on each CEHI for indigenous and nonindigenous Australian children. Data were not readily accessible for many of the exposure indicators, and much of the available data were not child specific or were only available for Australia's indigenous population. Readily accessible data were available for all but one of the outcome indicators and generally for both indigenous and nonindigenous children. Although Australia regularly collects data on key national indicators of child health, development, and well-being in several domains mostly thought to be of more relevance to Australians and Australian policy makers, these differ substantially from the WHO CEHI. The present study suggests that the majority of these WHO exposure and outcome indicators are relevant and important for monitoring Australian children's environmental health and establishing public health interventions at a local and national level and collection of appropriate

  4. A Catalogue of Marine Biodiversity Indicators

    KAUST Repository

    Teixeira, Heliana


    A Catalogue of Marine Biodiversity Indicators was developed with the aim of providing the basis for assessing the environmental status of the marine ecosystems. Useful for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), this catalogue allows the navigation of a database of indicators mostly related to biological diversity, non-indigenous species, food webs, and seafloor integrity. Over 600 indicators were compiled, which were developed and used in the framework of different initiatives (e.g., EU policies, research projects) and in national and international contexts (e.g., Regional Seas Conventions, and assessments in non-European seas). The catalogue reflects the current scientific capability to address environmental assessment needs by providing a broad coverage of the most relevant indicators for marine biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. The available indicators are reviewed according to their typology, data requirements, development status, geographical coverage, relevance to habitats or biodiversity components, and related human pressures. Through this comprehensive overview, we discuss the potential of the current set of indicators in a wide range of contexts, from large-scale to local environmental programs, and we also address shortcomings in light of current needs. Developed by the DEVOTES Project, the catalogue is freely available through the DEVOTool software application, which provides browsing and query options for the associated metadata. The tool allows extraction of ranked indicator lists best fulfilling selected criteria, enabling users to search for suitable indicators to address a particular biodiversity component, ecosystem feature, habitat, or pressure in a marine area of interest. This tool is useful for EU Member States, Regional Sea Conventions, the European Commission, non-governmental organizations, managers, scientists, and any person interested in marine environmental assessment. It allows users to build

  5. Current status of biological indicators to detect and quantify previous exposures to radiation. Biological Indicators Working Group

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lushbaugh, C.; Eisele, G.; Burr, W. Jr.; Hubner, K.; Wachholz, B.


    Hematologic changes following whole-body exposure to gamma or x-ray radiation have been used to estimate dose. The usefulness of this biological indicator is limited because of the recovery of these cells with time, thus making it unsuitable for estimation of dose years after exposure. The same is true for spermatogenic indicators; recovery and restoration of sperm numbers and fertility makes this biological indicator impractical for assessing radiation dose decades after radiation exposure. As noted in the text of the report, immunological concepts are in a state of rapid development, and it is possible that improved methods for applying immunologic procedures as biological indicators of radiation may be developed in the future. However, at the time, immunological indicators are not useful, even in an early time period, for quantitating radiation dose after total-body irradiation. A semiquantitative effect is observable in the early phase after total-body irradiation over a period of days to weeks, but there is little data available to indicate whether any of the immunological parameters can be indicative of a dose when the test is applied several years after radiation exposure. More detailed information regarding immunological indicators for estimating irradiation dose has been summarized elsewhere (Wasserman 1986). There is good agreement that ionizing radiation causes biochemical changes in the body; however, attempts to apply these changes to provide a reliable biological dosimetry system have not been particularly successful. The status of this research has been summarized by Gerber (1986). One of the difficulties has been the problem of establishing clear dose-effect relationships in humans. The lack of specificity in the response for radiation is another problem

  6. Performance indicators for roadway bridges


    Strauss, A.; Vidovic, A.; Zambon, I.; Dengg, F.; Tanasic, N.; Matos, José C.


    Publicado em "Maintenance, monitoring, safety, risk and resilience of bridges and bridge networks". ISBN 978-1-138-02851-7 The performance indicators should, by its definition, allow capturing the life-cycle degradation processes affecting maintenance plans or the remaining lifetime. The qualitative or quantitative performance indicators are obtained through visual inspections, non-destructive tests or monitoring systems. After their quantification and the comparison with the resp...

  7. Cognitive Value of Financial Indicators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Cristina FLOREA


    Full Text Available Economic and Financial indicators are very important tools in the assessment of the economic entity's well-being. They Provide permanent monitoring of the significance of the issues related to the economic activity's deployment. The main Objectives tracked by the process of managing the company with the help of Economic and Financial indicators is the activity's continuity, ensuring liquidity and Achieving positive results.

  8. Canadian environmental sustainability indicators 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 2004, the Canadian government committed to reporting annual national indicators of air quality, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and freshwater quality in order to provide Canadians with more regular and consistent information on the state of the environment and how it is linked with human activities. The national air quality indicators in this report focused on human exposure to ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ). The report showed that from 1990 to 2004, the ozone indicator showed year-to-year variability, with an averaged increase of 0.9 per cent per year. Stations in southern Ontario reported the highest levels of ozone and PM 2.5 in the country in 2004. There was no discernible upward or downward trend in PM 2.5 levels at the national level for the 2000 to 2004 period, and GHG emissions rose 27 per cent from 1990 to 2004. In 2004, emissions were 35 per cent above the target to which Canada committed under the Kyoto Protocol. However, while total emissions rose, emissions per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 14 per cent from 1990 to 2004. GHG emissions also grew faster than the Canadian population, resulting in a 10 per cent rise in emissions per person. The freshwater quality indicator presented in this report covered the period from 2002 to 2004, and focused on the ability of Canada's surface waters to support aquatic life. For the 340 sites selected across southern Canada, water quality was rated as good or excellent at 44 per cent of sites, fair at 34 per cent of sites, and marginal or poor at 22 per cent of sites. The report included a chapter which attempted to integrate the indicators with other environmental impacts, measures of economic performance, and indices of social progress to improve the ability of the report to influence decision-making that fully accounts for environmental sustainability. 63 refs., 18 figs

  9. Innovation indicators: Towards a User’s guide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iizuka, M.; Hollanders, H.


    The increased use of innovation indicators is observed in policy sphere. Several reasons are attributed for this increased use: first, access to data on innovation increased as the result of over half a century of efforts made by international organizations and researchers in this field; second, an increase in types and number of innovation indicators; third, its increased use in business contexts with the understanding that innovation is an integral part of business performance, which further spurred the use and development of innovation indicators (Soete and Freeman, 2009); fourth, the expansion in geographical coverage of countries, particularly in emerging countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa (Gault, 2010) making innovation indicators more policy (politics) relevant in a wider variety of countries, e.g. by allowing to benchmark and compare countries’ innovation performance; and fifth, the innovation indicators (in particular, the composite indicator but any indicator if used in ranking countries) became a communicative tool in public debate, in the backdrop of recent emphasis on ‘evidence based policy’ and ‘participatory decision making’ in the policy domain (OECD, 2012). Considering innovation indicators are intended to improve the performance of innovation policy, their increasing use is generally good news. Nevertheless, due to the increase in diversity in type and context in which indicators are being applied there is an increased occurrence of inappropriate use and misinterpretation of innovation indicators in the policy sphere. This paper first describes the specific cases then tries to generalize the problem aiming to build a general guideline or check list on the appropriate use of innovation indicators. (Author)

  10. Wholesale gas market indicators - December 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The wholesale gas market indicators publication aims to provide general monitoring indicators about: wholesale gas prices, gas trade between France and neighboring countries, infrastructures availability and utilisation

  11. Wholesale gas market indicators - September 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The wholesale gas market indicators publication aims to provide general monitoring indicators about: wholesale gas prices, gas trade between France and neighboring countries, infrastructures availability and utilisation

  12. Epithelioid osteoblastoma or aggressive osteoblastoma of the astragalus. Presentation of a case and revision of clinical and pathological symptoms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Alcántara-Vázquez


    Full Text Available This is the case of a 58 year-old man with a painful tumour in his right ankle, resulting from a long development. An osteolytic injury was found in an X-ray, formed by bone or osteoid trabeculae surrounded by epithelioid osteoblasts and amongst these cells there were osteoclast-type multinucleated cells. The histogenesis of the tumour, the differential diagnosis and the treatment modalities are reported. Resumen: Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 58 años de edad con un tumor doloroso en el tobillo derecho, de larga evolución. Radiológicamente se encontró una lesión osteolítica, con un anillo de esclerosis en el astrágalo. Histológicamente el tumor, está formado por trabéculas de hueso u osteoide rodeadas de osteoblastos epitelioides y entre estas células hay células multinucleadas tipo osteoclasto. Se comenta la histogénesis del tumor, el diagnóstico diferencial y las modalidades de tratamiento. Keywords: Osteoblastoma, Aggressive osteoblastoma, Epithelioid osteoblastoma, Palabras clave: Osteoblastoma, Osteoblastoma agresivo, Osteoblastoma epitelioides

  13. Aerosol Indices Derived from MODIS Data for Indicating Aerosol-Induced Air Pollution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Junliang He


    Full Text Available Aerosol optical depth (AOD is a critical variable in estimating aerosol concentration in the atmosphere, evaluating severity of atmospheric pollution, and studying their impact on climate. With the assistance of the 6S radiative transfer model, we simulated apparent reflectancein relation to AOD in each Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS waveband in this study. The closeness of the relationship was used to identify the most and least sensitive MODIS wavebands. These two bands were then used to construct three aerosol indices (difference, ratio, and normalized difference for estimating AOD quickly and effectively. The three indices were correlated, respectively, with in situ measured AOD at the Aerosol Robotic NETwork (AERONET Lake Taihu, Beijing, and Xianghe stations. It is found that apparent reflectance of the blue waveband (band 3 is the most sensitive to AOD while the mid-infrared wavelength (band 7 is the least sensitive. The difference aerosol index is the most accurate in indicating aerosol-induced atmospheric pollution with a correlation coefficient of 0.585, 0.860, 0.685, and 0.333 at the Lake Taihu station, 0.721, 0.839, 0.795, and 0.629 at the Beijing station, and 0.778, 0.782, 0.837, and 0.643 at the Xianghe station in spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively. It is concluded that the newly proposed difference aerosol index can be used effectively to study the level of aerosol-induced air pollution from MODIS satellite imagery with relative ease.

  14. Risk-based performance indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azarm, M.A.; Boccio, J.L.; Vesely, W.E.; Lofgren, E.


    The purpose of risk-based indicators is to monitor plant safety. Safety is measured by monitoring the potential for core melt (core-melt frequency) and the public risk. Targets for these measures can be set consistent with NRC safety goals. In this process, the performance of safety systems, support systems, major components, and initiating events can be monitored using measures such as unavailability, failure or occurrence frequency. The changes in performance measures and their trends are determined from the time behavior of monitored measures by differentiation between stochastical and actual variations. Therefore, degradation, as well as improvement in the plant safety performance, can be determined. The development of risk-based performance indicators will also provide the means to trace a change in the safety measures to specific problem areas which are amenable to root cause analysis and inspection audits. In addition, systematic methods will be developed to identify specific improvement policies using the plant information system for the identified problem areas. The final product of the performance indicator project will be a methodology, and an integrated and validated set of software packages which, if properly interfaced with the logic model software of a plant, can monitor the plant performance as plant information is provided as input

  15. Some indicators of (unsuccessful reading

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vuksanović Jasmina


    Full Text Available In the paper we set the aim to determine whether phonological awareness and short-term verbal memory are indicators of a subsequent reading acquisition. The sample consisted of 194 first graders from two primary schools in Belgrade. The results of our research showed that the most significant indicator of the subsequent (unsuccessful reading was phonological awareness. The short-term verbal memory is, to a lesser extent, an indicator of the subsequent reading acquisition defined by the time needed for reading the text and by the text comprehension. Our findings offer basis for proposing that the phonological awareness assessment should be implemented into the regular procedure of assessing child's readiness for school. In this way children in need for preventive stimulation within the inclusive programme in primary schools could be identified.

  16. Canadian environmental sustainability indicators: highlights 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Canadians' health and their social and economic well-being are fundamentally linked to the quality of their environment. Recognizing this, in 2004 the Government of Canada committed to establishing national indicators of freshwater quality, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. The goal of these new indicators is to provide Canadians with more regular and reliable information on the state of their environment and how it is linked with human activity. Canadians need clearly defined environmental indicators - measuring sticks that can track the results that have been achieved through the efforts of governments, industries and individuals to protect and improve the environment. Environment Canada, Statistics Canada and Health Canada are working together to further develop and communicate these indicators. Reflecting the joint responsibility for environmental management in Canada, this effort has benefited from the cooperation and input of the provinces and territories. The indicators are: air quality; greenhouse gas emissions; and, freshwater quality. Air quality tracks Canadians' exposure to ground-level ozone - a key component of smog. The indicator measures one of the most common, harmful air pollutants to which people are exposed. The use of the seasonal average of ozone concentrations reflects the potential for long-term health effects. Greenhouse gas emissions tracks the annual releases of the six greenhouse gases that are the major contributors to climate change. The indicator comes directly from the greenhouse gas inventory report prepared by Environment Canada for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol. The data are widely used to report on progress toward Canada's Kyoto target for reduced emissions. Freshwater quality reports the status of surface water quality at selected monitoring sites across the country. For this first report, the focus of the indicator is on the protection of aquatic life, such as

  17. Operational safety performance indicator system at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant - Experience with indicator aggregation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mandula, J.


    The operational safety performance indicators serve as an important tool of performance monitoring and management at the Dukovany NPP. A software-supported system has been developed, which has included: data collection, central data storage, graphic output production and periodical report generation. Analyses of performance indicator trends together with evaluation in respect of annually updated target values and acceptance criteria are used for operational safety reviews forming an integral part of continual self-assessment process. This contribution has been focused on experience obtained during development of the operational safety assessment model using indicator aggregation. It summarises problems that had to be paid specific attention in the development process. Thanks to their solution, the model has become a synoptic monitor and a useful tool for operational safety assessment. (author)

  18. Competency Assessment Using Key Performance Indicators


    Elena Alexandra Toader; Laura Brad


    The paper proposes a method for computing the scores of the key performance indicators resulted in the competency assessment process. The key performance indicators are estimated considering four performance levels that an IT professional can obtain at the end of the assessment process. We suggest as the best approach for estimating the performance key indicators an online questionnaire filled by 60 employees that work in IT Romanian companies. The results provide evidence that the difference...

  19. Haematological and immunological indicators for radiation exposure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dehos, A.


    It is examined if haematological and immunological parameters can be used as biological indicators for radiation exposure. Additional criteria for biological indicators, apart from the dose dependence of the effect, are listed here. The state of the art concerning the development of haematological and immunological indicators is discussed. Several haematological indicators are currently used in diagnosis when excess radiation exposure has occurred (e.g., after the Chernobyl accident). However, further research work has to be done in the field of immunological indicators. (orig.) [de

  20. Performance Indicators: Sickness and Absence Rates as Indicators of Staff Morale. (United States)

    Parker, Sandra

    Employee absenteeism is a problem faced by all library and information service managers as it erodes both salary budgets and productivity. It can have an undermining effect on staff morale, and may be an indicator of low staff motivation levels. There are two types of absence, unavoidable and avoidable, which can be measured using lost time and…

  1. Adsorption indicators in double precipitation volumetric. II. Use of radioactive indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carnicero Tejerina, M. I.


    1 31I-fluorescein and 1 10Ag-silver sulphate have been used in order to check the role of adsorption indicators in the volumetric analysis of double precipitation reactions. It has been shown by using isotopes that adsorption of fluorescein on silver halides depends on the foreign cations present in the solution. (Author) 8 refs

  2. Energy Innovation Systems Indicator Report 2016

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borup, Mads; Klitkou, Antje; Iversen, Eric

    This report collates a set of indicators, figures and tables for the energy innovation system in Denmark. Emphasis is on renewable energy and other technologies for moving towards sustainability. The purpose is to provide an overview of indicators available for illuminating dynamics and character...... in “EIS – Strategic research alliance for Energy Innovation Systems and their dynamics – Denmark in global competition”. EIS is funded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research (Innovation Fund Denmark) and by the involved research organisations.......This report collates a set of indicators, figures and tables for the energy innovation system in Denmark. Emphasis is on renewable energy and other technologies for moving towards sustainability. The purpose is to provide an overview of indicators available for illuminating dynamics...... and characteristics of energy innovation systems and to the extent possible offer figures of the developments in the individual indicators. The report is an update of a report published in 2012. Graphs and numbers are updated with the most recent data available. The text is updated where needed in connection...

  3. Position indicating device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fellchenfeld, M.M.; Connors, G.R.


    This patent describes a position indicating device for producing an indication of the position of a displaceable structure comprising: a position representing member mounted for movement in response to displacement of the structure; sensing elements spaced apart along the defined path such that each element is associated with a respective location along the defined path; means operatively coupling the elements into respective pairs of elements, having, for each pair of elements, an output producing a signal only when a single element of its respective pair is responding to the presence of the member; signal producing members each operative for producing a signal representing a predetermined logic state in response to a predetermined input signal, the number of the signal producing members being smaller than the number of the sensing elements; and circuit means operatively connecting the outputs to the signal producing members for causing a signal at each output to produce a predetermined input signal at a corresponding signal producing member and for causing a predetermined input signal to be produced at least one the signal producing member whenever a signal is present at either one of at least two of the outputs

  4. Dimensionality reduction of quality of life indicators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Jindrová


    Full Text Available Selecting indicators for assessing the quality of life at the regional level is not unambigous. Currently, there are no precisely defined indicators that would give comprehensive information about the quality of life on a local level. In this paper we focus on the determination (selection of groups of indicators that can be interpreted, on the basis of studied literature, as factors characterizing the quality of life. Furthermore, on the application of methods to reduce the dimensionality of these indicators, from the source of the database CULS KROK, which provides statistics on the regional and districts level. To reduce the number of indicators and the subsequent creation of derived variables that capture the relationships between selected indicators multivariate statistical analysis methods, especially method of principal components and factor analysis were used. This paper also indicates the methodology grant project “Methodological Approaches to assess Subjective Aspects of the life quality in regions of the Czech Republic”.

  5. Environmental indicators for buildings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dammann, S.

    Whenever we shop, the products we consider buying are labelled with the economical price we have to pay if we want to purchase them - an important parameter in our decisions as purchasers. The increrasing awareness for environmental limits and backlashes of human activities also in the building...... sector have fostered the wish to define 'the ecological price' of a building as a help for environmental conscious decision-making. In a social constructivist approach this Ph.D. thesis looks across and beyond the manifold existing approaches for environmental indicators for buildings. It acknowledges...... in the Netherlands. It identifies lines of conflict and areas of consent betweeen the relevant actors and elaborates scenarios for a possible closure of ongoing debate about environmental indicators for buildings....

  6. Hearing Aid with Visual Indicator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    The invention comprises a hearing aid, which has a casing containing a signal receiving part for receiving an audio signal, an audio transducer for providing an audio signal to the user, a signal transmission path between the signal receiving part and the audio transducer, whereby a battery...... is provided for powering the signal receiving part, the signal path and the audio transducer, and where further means are provided for assessing the function of the hearing aid and for generating an electrical indication signal which indicates the function of the hearing aid and where further means...... are provided for intermittently generating a power signal in response to the electrical indication signal and where means are provided for converting the power signal into a light signal, such that the light signal is visible from outside the hearing aid....

  7. Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Indices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Since 2003 Ernst and Young team has been releasing quarterly data that ranks national renewable energy markets, and their suitability for individual technologies. The Country Attractiveness Indices now track the relative attractiveness of 30 countries' renewable energy markets across a selection of technologies each quarter. The Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Indices publication scores and comments on various technologies, including: on-shore wind, off-shore wind, solar PV, solar CSP, biomass, and geothermal.

  8. Development of Mental Health Indicators in Korea (United States)

    Han, Hyeree; Ahn, Dong Hyun; Song, Jinhee; Hwang, Tae Yeon


    Objective Promoting mental health and preventing mental health problems are important tasks for international organizations and nations. Such goals entail the establishment of active information networks and effective systems and indicators to assess the mental health of populations. This being said, there is a need in Korea develop ways to measure the state of mental health in Korea. Methods This paper reviews the mental health indicator development policies and practices of seven organizations, countries, and regions: WHO, OECD, EU, United States, Australia, UK, and Scotland. Using Delphi method, we conducted two surveys of mental health indicators for experts in the field of mental health. The survey questionnaire included 5 domains: mental health status, mental health factor, mental health system, mental health service, and quality of mental health services. We considered 124 potential mental health indicators out of more than 600 from indicators of international organizations and foreign countries. Results We obtained the top 30 mental health indicators from the surveys. Among them, 10 indicators belong to the mental health system. The most important five mental health indicators are suicide rate, rate of increase in mental disorder treatment, burden caused by mental disorders, adequacy of identifying problems of mental health projects and deriving solutions, and annual prevalence of mental disorders. Conclusion Our study provides information about the process for indicator development and the use of survey results to measure the mental health status of the Korean population. The aim of mental health indicator development is to improve the mental health system by better grasping the current situation. We suggest these mental health indicators can monitor progress in efforts to implement reform policies, provide community services, and involve users, families and other stakeholders in mental health promotion, prevention, care and rehabilitation. PMID:23251193

  9. Avaliação eletromiográfica de músculos da cintura escapular e braço durante exercícios com carga axial e rotacional Evaluación electromiográfica de músculos de la cintura escapular y brazos durante ejercicios con cargas axial y rotacional Electromyographic assessment of the shoulder girdle and arm muscles during exercises with axial and rotational loads

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anamaria Siriani de Oliveira


    extremidad libre con la carga rotacional externa (ELCR. Se seleccionaron 20 voluntarias (23,2 años ± 0,9 sedentarias. Ellos estimaron el grosor en mm. de los tríceps del brazo, los bíceps del brazo, pectoral mayor, trapecio y deltoides. El registro electromiográfico de superficie se hizo, durante la realización de los ejercicios con EFCA y de los con ELCR, usando 100% de la resistencia máxima establecidos previamente. Se compararon los valores de RMS normalizados por la reducción máxima voluntaria a través de modelo de efectos mixtos con un nivel de significancia de 5%. En estas condiciones experimentales, los resultados del estudio presente mostraron que ejercicios similares, clasificados por la condición de la extremidad y la dirección de la carga aplicada al miembro superior, promoven niveles similares de electromiografía con actividad en sólo parte de los músculos estudiados. Estos descubrimientos cuestionan la capacidad del sistema de la clasificación usada en este estudio para predecir el tipo de respuesta muscular esperada en el logro de tareas diferentes de misma clasificación.The knowledge of the electromyographic activity produced during shoulder exercises can help in determining its clinical applicability. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of the load direction and the extremity condition on the electrical activity of the shoulder girdle and upper limb muscles during exercises with fixed distal extremity and external axial load (FEAL and mobile extremity with rotational external load (MERL. Twenty 23.2 ± 0.9 years old female sedentary volunteers were selected. The triceps brachii, biceps brachii, major pectoral, trapezium and deltoid muscles were assessed. The surface electromyography was recorded during two FEAL and two MERL exercises using 100% of the previously established maximal resistance. The RMS values normalized by the maximal voluntary contraction were compared by a mixed effect model with 5% significance level. In

  10. Development and integration of programmatic performance indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Modarres, M.; Wrethall, J.; Appignani, P.L.


    This paper describes the results of an evaluation of maintenance-related programmatic performance indicators, and summarizes the direction being taken in a new project to integrate indirect performance indicators for nuclear power plants. Programmatic indicators allow NRC to monitor, at a distance, trends in functional activities before a significant impact appears on safety. Previously presented work described the selection of candidate performance indicators associated with maintenance for continued analysis. This evaluation focused on two aspects of the selected indicators: (1) an evaluation of the state of maintenance programs in the narrative text of SALP reports versus the frequencies of inadvertent ESF actuations from test and maintenance errors; and (2) an evaluation of alternative methods for analyzing the thermal performance of plants as an integral indicator of maintenance program effectiveness. 1 ref., 1 fig

  11. Energy efficiency indicators of Italy (1970-1992)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D` Angelo, E; Perrella, G [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dip. Energia; Bianco, R


    This report is aimed at presenting the results of the energy efficiency evolution in Italy for the 1970-1992 period Results come from the data-base developed under the SAVE/EnR project on `Cross countries comparison on energy efficiency indicators`. In order to be comparable among countries, efforts have been made to harmonize the data collection as well as the definition and the calculation of energy efficiency indicators. Selected indicators are considered in order to illustrate the potentiality of the project (around 200 different energy efficiency indicators can be calculated and presented). Emphasis is put on the interpretation of the so-called `techno-economic indicators` as well as explanatory indicators both for the economic and techno-economic approaches. Industry, transport, tertiary, residential and transformation sectors have been analyzed.

  12. Solar Indices - Solar Flares (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  13. Solar Indices - Sunspot Numbers (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  14. Solar Indices - Plage Regions (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  15. Solar Indices - Solar Ultraviolet (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  16. Solar Indices - Solar Corona (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  17. Solar Indices - Solar Irradiance (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  18. Wholesale electricity markets indicators - September 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The wholesale electricity markets indicators publication aims to provide general monitoring indicators about: wholesale electricity prices, electricity trade between France and neighboring countries, fuel prices, availability and capacity of power generation means, and grid interconnections

  19. Wholesale electricity market indicators - December 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The wholesale electricity markets indicators publication aims to provide general monitoring indicators about: wholesale electricity prices, electricity trade between France and neighboring countries, fuel prices, availability and capacity of power generation means, and grid interconnections

  20. Detailed descriptions of overall performance indicators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of the equivalent availability factor indicator is to monitor progress in attaining high unit and industry equivalent availability. It provides an indication of the effectiveness of plant programs and practices in maximizing electrical generation and provides an overall indication of how well a plant is operated and maintained. Experience has shown that units with high equivalent availability factors and low forced outage rates are often well maintained, follow good operating practices, and can be expected to have a higher margin of safety.

  1. Detailed descriptions of overall performance indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of the equivalent availability factor indicator is to monitor progress in attaining high unit and industry equivalent availability. It provides an indication of the effectiveness of plant programs and practices in maximizing electrical generation and provides an overall indication of how well a plant is operated and maintained. Experience has shown that units with high equivalent availability factors and low forced outage rates are often well maintained, follow good operating practices, and can be expected to have a higher margin of safety

  2. Do Indicators Influence Communication in SEA?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gao, Jingjing; Kørnøv, Lone; Christensen, Per


    Indicators have become one of the primary tools for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the Chinese context, but what does this use of indicators mean for communication within the SEA processes? This article explores how the selection and use of indicators influence the communication...... between different stakeholders involved in SEA. The article provides a conceptual communication model covering directions and level of communication. Using this model on empirical findings from interviews with two specific SEA cases and from general experience collected through an online survey...

  3. Environmental indicators for industrial optimization and design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Konneman, Bram


    Companies use standard financial indicators to determine their business success and optimize their business opportunities. However, sustainable development demands for an integrated approach to economic, environmental and social indicators. Although a lot of indicator initiatives are under

  4. Climate change indicators in the United States (United States)


    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published this report, Climate Change Indicators in the United States, to help readers interpret a set of important indicators to better understand climate change. The report presents 24 indicators, ...

  5. An Olfactory Indicator for Acid-Base Titrations. (United States)

    Flair, Mark N.; Setzer, William N.


    The use of an olfactory acid-base indicator in titrations for visually impaired students is discussed. Potential olfactory indicators include eugenol, thymol, vanillin, and thiophenol. Titrations performed with each indicator with eugenol proved to be successful. (KR)

  6. Indicators of Information Society Measurement :

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hind Elwy


    Full Text Available The indicator of information society describe the infrastructure of information and communication technology ; as well as it’s use and it’s production in different estate of society. The importance economic and social of tic is crescent in modern society. and the presentation of tendency inform above the situation of information society . in this article we want to describe the indicator of tic in Algeria according to librarian’s vision in Mentouri university

  7. Cycling indices for ecosystem models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carney, J.H.; Gardner, R.H.; Mankin, J.B.; DeAngelis, D.L.


    The study of ecosystems is aided by representing structural and functional groups of organisms or processes as discrete components. A complex compartment model will explicitly map pathways from one compartment to another and specify transfer rates. This quantitative description allows insight into the dynamics of flow of nutrients, toxic chemicals, radionuclides, or energy. Three new indices that calculate compartment-specific probabilities of occurrence and recycling and illustrate the problem of applying these indices to ecosystem models are presented

  8. Geophysical and solar activity indices (United States)

    Bossy, L.; Lemaire, J.


    A large number of geophysicists try to correlate their observations with one or even a series of different geophysical or solar activity indices. Yet the right choice of the most appropriate index with which to correlate depends mainly on our understanding of the physical cause-effect relationship between the new set of observations and the index chosen. This best choice will therefore depend on our good understanding of the methods of measurement and derivation of the adopted index in such correlative studies. It relies also on our awareness of the range of applicability of the indices presently available as well as on our understanding of their limitations. It was to achieve these goals that a series of general lectures on geophysical and solar activity indices was organized by L. Bossy and J. Lemaire (Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique (IASB), Brussels), March 26-29, 1984 at Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium.

  9. The non-conventional therapeutical indications of I 131; Les indications therapeutiques non conventionnelles de l`I 131

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delisle, M.J.; Schvartz, C.; Maes, B.; Vaudrey, C.; Pochart, J.M. [I.J.G. BP 171, 51056 Reims (France)


    In our therapeutic activity the non-conventional indications represent 5-10% relative to the indisputable indications which the hyperthyroidism in the second half of the life and the differential thyroid cancers are. In this paper our experience since 1966 is revised and confronted with the data of international literature. In the last almost 40 years we have treated 178 hyperthyroidism of which 17 were youngsters between 16 and 20 years old, 17 multi-nodular euthyroid goiters (MEG), 85 advanced cardiopathies and 8 Cordarone cardiopathies. The indications are precise: relapses after ATS or surgery in young subjects, counter-indications or surgery refusal for the MEGs and cardiologic indications. The long term surveillance was managed by an adequate code. Immediate morbidity is null. The efficiency is high in the hyperthyroidism treatment. The hypothyroidism is diagnosed and early treated. The reduction of the MEG mass is significant. An objective amelioration of the heart state was obtained (23%). The evaluation of the preventive effect of induced hyperthyroidism by Cordarone is underway. In conclusion, the enlargement of indications concerns mainly the hyperthyroidism in young subjects. In order to avoid carcinogenic risks we excluded the children under 16 years, excepting for special situations. This extension to the procreation age imposes a rigorous application of contraception and radiation protection instructions and needs a prolonged evaluation of results

  10. Lipoprotein metabolism indicators improve cardiovascular risk prediction.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniël B van Schalkwijk

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular disease risk increases when lipoprotein metabolism is dysfunctional. We have developed a computational model able to derive indicators of lipoprotein production, lipolysis, and uptake processes from a single lipoprotein profile measurement. This is the first study to investigate whether lipoprotein metabolism indicators can improve cardiovascular risk prediction and therapy management. METHODS AND RESULTS: We calculated lipoprotein metabolism indicators for 1981 subjects (145 cases, 1836 controls from the Framingham Heart Study offspring cohort in which NMR lipoprotein profiles were measured. We applied a statistical learning algorithm using a support vector machine to select conventional risk factors and lipoprotein metabolism indicators that contributed to predicting risk for general cardiovascular disease. Risk prediction was quantified by the change in the Area-Under-the-ROC-Curve (ΔAUC and by risk reclassification (Net Reclassification Improvement (NRI and Integrated Discrimination Improvement (IDI. Two VLDL lipoprotein metabolism indicators (VLDLE and VLDLH improved cardiovascular risk prediction. We added these indicators to a multivariate model with the best performing conventional risk markers. Our method significantly improved both CVD prediction and risk reclassification. CONCLUSIONS: Two calculated VLDL metabolism indicators significantly improved cardiovascular risk prediction. These indicators may help to reduce prescription of unnecessary cholesterol-lowering medication, reducing costs and possible side-effects. For clinical application, further validation is required.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Олена Борисівна ДАНЧЕНКО


    Full Text Available The article shows the process of constructing the project deviations indicator model. It based on a conceptual model of project deviations integrated management (PDIM. During the project different causes (such as risks, changes, problems, crises, conflicts, stress lead to deviations of integrated project indicators - time, cost, quality, and content. For a more detailed definition of where in the project deviations occur and how they are dangerous for the whole project, it needs to develop an indicative model of project deviations. It allows identifying the most dangerous deviations that require PDIM. As a basis for evaluation of project's success has been taken famous model IPMA Delta. During the evaluation, IPMA Delta estimated project management competence of organization in three modules: I-Module ("Individuals" - a self-assessment personnel, P-module ("Projects" - self-assessment of projects and/or programs, and O-module ("Organization" - used to conduct interviews with selected people during auditing company. In the process of building an indicative model of deviations in the project, the first step is the assessment of project management in the organization by IPMA Delta. In the future, built cognitive map and matrix of system interconnections of the project, which conducted simulations and built a scale of deviations for the selected project. They determined a size and place of deviations. To identify the detailed causes of deviations in the project management has been proposed to use the extended system of indicators, which is based on indicators of project management model Project Excellence. The proposed indicative model of deviations in projects allows to estimate the size of variation and more accurately identify the place of negative deviations in the project and provides the project manager information for operational decision making for the management of deviations in the implementation of the project

  12. School infrastructure performance indicator system (SIPIS)

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Gibberd, Jeremy T


    Full Text Available This paper describes the School Infrastructure Performance Indicator System (SIPIS) project which explores how an indicator system could be developed for school infrastructure in South Africa. It outlines the key challenges faced by the system...

  13. Some indicators about coastal impacts monitoring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anido, C.


    Coastline is an environmental place with assets as recreational and productive value. Monitoring of State is necessary for management of reactions to human action, extreme storms or climate change needs indicators as instruments for measuring evolution. Indicators need to be simple, easy to gauge and to make public, so as to be used in Agendas 21 or human development sustain ability. The geologic couches associated to storm high energy and rocks visible s in beaches can be used as indicators. Playa Ramirez, near the center city, shows a high energy couch e mostly linked to a great storm in August 2005 and rocks more o less covered with sand responding to storms and currents transport balance. Both can be indicators integrating effects useful for specific systems, which are to be identified in each part of the coast. (author)

  14. Indications for treatment of thyroid autonomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Emrich, D.


    Based on pathophysiological findings and considerations it is attempted to review critically the present state of indications and therapeutic modalities in cases of thyroid autonomy. If hyperthyroidism occurs or has occurred in autonomy, definitive treatment with radioiodine or surgery is indicated. In cases of autonomy with euthyroidism, treatment planning and indication of definite therapy are difficult still today, because the risk to develop hyperthyroidism cannot as yet be sufficiently estimated. A useful indicator in such cases seems to be the percentage of global thyreoidal uptake of 99m-technetium under supression. If autonomy is severe surgical treatment today is superior to radio-iodine therapy, but is associated with a higher rate of manifest hypothyroidism. Further research into both the risk of hyperthyroidism in thyroid autonomy and the optimization of radio-iodine therapy are needed. (orig./MG) [de

  15. Environmental indicators for evaluating properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Grosso


    Full Text Available Property evaluation for tax purposes has traditionally relied on urban and building criteria, mostly resulting from concepts driven by the commercial attractiveness of the property under evaluation, its building and the site itself. Due to the world climate and ecological crisis, awareness has risen about the need for other indicators, which can evaluate the quality of a property, even referring to its potential environmental impact. Technical standards for the evaluation of buildings’ environmental sustainability, which have been developed since the first years of this century, both nationally and internationally, take into account the impact of the building and its relevance for the life-cycle of materials and elements, with reference to the three sectors of sustainability: environmental, economic and social. The social sector includes indicators referring to the user’s health and comfort, which also interact with the morphological and spatial characteristics of the building. However, there is a lack of methodological tools for the evaluation of said indicators and existing ones are mainly of a qualitative type. This paper suggests a methodological approach for the quantitative evaluation of sustainability indicators, relying on the accessibility of a site’s climate resources by the property, as a criterion to evaluate the potential for the reduction of negative environmental impact, as well as a criterion to improve users’ life quality.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. K. Tyagi, A. K. Chopra, A. A. Kazmi, Arvind Kumar


    Full Text Available Worldwide coliform bacteria are used as indicators of fecal contamination and hence, the possible presence of disease causing organisms. Therefore, it is important to understand the potential and limitations of these indicator organisms before realistically implementing guidelines and regulations to safeguard our water resources and public health. This review addresses the limitations of current faecal indicator microorganisms and proposed significant alternative microbial indicators of water and wastewater quality. The relevant literature brings out four such significant microbial water pollution indicators and the study of these indicators will reveal the total spectrum of water borne pathogens. As E.coli and enterococci indicates the presence of bacterial pathogens, Coliphages indicate the presence of enteric viruses, and Clostridium perfringens, an obligate anaerobe, indicates presence of parasitic protozoan and enteric viruses. Therefore, monitoring a suite of indicator organisms in reclaimed effluent is more likely to be predictive of the presence of certain pathogens in order to protect public health, as no single indicator is most highly predictive of membership in the presence or absence category for pathogens.

  17. Entropic Representation and Estimation of Diversity Indices


    Zhang, Zhiyi; Grabchak, Michael


    This paper serves a twofold purpose. First, a unified perspective on diversity indices is introduced based on an entropic basis. It is shown that the class of all linear combinations of the entropic basis, referred to as the class of linear diversity indices, covers a wide range of diversity indices used in the literature. Second, a class of estimators for linear diversity indices is proposed and it is shown that these estimators have rapidly decaying biases and asymptotic normality.

  18. Indication for pharmacological treatment is often lacking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skoog, Jessica; Midlöv, Patrik; Beckman, Anders


    depending on gender, age, multimorbidity level and income were calculated. RESULTS: On average 45.1 % (range 12.9 % - 75.8 %) of the patients' prescribed drugs had indication. Proton pump inhibitors were associated with the lowest level of indication (12.9 %) and digoxin was associated with the highest......, if there are any differences in indication for treatment depending on gender, age, level of multimorbidity and income. METHOD: Data were collected on individuals aged 65 years or older in Östergötland County in Sweden. To estimate the individual level of multimorbidity the Johns Hopkins ACG Case-Mix System...... level of indication for treatment (75.8 %). Patients aged 80 years or older had the lowest odds ratios of having indication for treatment. CONCLUSION: On average, there was indication for treatment in less than half of the prescription drugs studied. The quality was highest in relation to multimorbidity...

  19. Quantitative Assessment of Political Fragility Indices and Food Prices as Indicators of Food Riots in Countries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Davide Natalini


    Full Text Available The impact of resources on social unrest is of increasing interest to political leaders, business and civil society. Recent events have highlighted that (lack of access to critical resources, including food, energy and water, can, in certain circumstances, lead to violent demonstrations. In this paper, we assess a number of political fragility indices to see whether they are good indicators of propensity to food riots. We found that the most accurate is the Political Instability and Absence of Violence Indicator of the Worldwide Governance Indicators by the World Bank. We compute a likelihood of experiencing a food riot for each quartile of this index. We found that the self-sufficiency of food does not seem to affect the likelihood of the occurrence of food riots, but that the level of political stability of a country does have a role. In addition, we identify a monthly and annual threshold for the Food and Agriculture Organisation Food Price Index, above which food riots in fragile states are more likely to occur.

  20. Certified metamodels for sensitivity indices estimation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prieur Clémentine


    Full Text Available Global sensitivity analysis of a numerical code, more specifically estimation of Sobol indices associated with input variables, generally requires a large number of model runs. When those demand too much computation time, it is necessary to use a reduced model (metamodel to perform sensitivity analysis, whose outputs are numerically close to the ones of the original model, while being much faster to run. In this case, estimated indices are subject to two kinds of errors: sampling error, caused by the computation of the integrals appearing in the definition of the Sobol indices by a Monte-Carlo method, and metamodel error, caused by the replacement of the original model by the metamodel. In cases where we have certified bounds for the metamodel error, we propose a method to quantify both types of error, and we compute confidence intervals for first-order Sobol indices. L’analyse de sensibilité globale d’un modèle numérique, plus précisément l’estimation des indices de Sobol associés aux variables d’entrée, nécessite généralement un nombre important d’exécutions du modèle à analyser. Lorsque celles-ci requièrent un temps de calcul important, il est judicieux d’effectuer l’analyse de sensibilité sur un modèle réduit (ou métamodèle, fournissant des sorties numériquement proches du modèle original mais pour un coût nettement inférieur. Les indices estimés sont alors entâchés de deux sortes d’erreur : l’erreur d’échantillonnage, causée par l’estimation des intégrales définissant les indices de Sobol par une méthode de Monte-Carlo, et l’erreur de métamodèle, liée au remplacement du modèle original par le métamodèle. Lorsque nous disposons de bornes d’erreurs certifiées pour le métamodèle, nous proposons une méthode pour quantifier les deux types d’erreurs et fournir des intervalles de confiance pour les indices de Sobol du premier ordre.

  1. Vulnerability curves vs. vulnerability indicators: application of an indicator-based methodology for debris-flow hazards (United States)

    Papathoma-Köhle, Maria


    The assessment of the physical vulnerability of elements at risk as part of the risk analysis is an essential aspect for the development of strategies and structural measures for risk reduction. Understanding, analysing and, if possible, quantifying physical vulnerability is a prerequisite for designing strategies and adopting tools for its reduction. The most common methods for assessing physical vulnerability are vulnerability matrices, vulnerability curves and vulnerability indicators; however, in most of the cases, these methods are used in a conflicting way rather than in combination. The article focuses on two of these methods: vulnerability curves and vulnerability indicators. Vulnerability curves express physical vulnerability as a function of the intensity of the process and the degree of loss, considering, in individual cases only, some structural characteristics of the affected buildings. However, a considerable amount of studies argue that vulnerability assessment should focus on the identification of these variables that influence the vulnerability of an element at risk (vulnerability indicators). In this study, an indicator-based methodology (IBM) for mountain hazards including debris flow (Kappes et al., 2012) is applied to a case study for debris flows in South Tyrol, where in the past a vulnerability curve has been developed. The relatively "new" indicator-based method is being scrutinised and recommendations for its improvement are outlined. The comparison of the two methodological approaches and their results is challenging since both methodological approaches deal with vulnerability in a different way. However, it is still possible to highlight their weaknesses and strengths, show clearly that both methodologies are necessary for the assessment of physical vulnerability and provide a preliminary "holistic methodological framework" for physical vulnerability assessment showing how the two approaches may be used in combination in the future.

  2. Development of safety performance indicators in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohashi, H.; Tamao, S.; Tanaka, J.; Sawayama, T.


    For the purpose of safety regulations of operating nuclear power stations in Japan, the regulatory authorities utilize two types of regulations. One is the direct regulation, such as periodical inspection to inspect the function and performance of equipment important to safety, and the other is the audit type regulation such as preservation inspection to audit the compliance with the safety preservation rules. As performance indicators are expected to be an effective tool to evaluate the activities by audit type regulations, NUPEC is studying a comprehensive set of operational performance indicators to meet the effective evaluation method for the safety preservation activities in the audit type regulations under the frame of current safety regulation system. The study includes the establishment of comprehensive operational performance indicators applicable in Japan, the effective application of performance indicators to the current Japanese regulation, the clarification of the applicable scope of utilization, the possibility of applying the performance indicators. This report describes the present status of our performance indicator studies. After the completion of these studies the regulatory authorities will evaluate if and how the new set of comprehensive performance indicators could be introduced to Japanese regulatory scheme. (author)

  3. Environmental health indicators of climate change for the United States: findings from the State Environmental Health Indicator Collaborative. (United States)

    English, Paul B; Sinclair, Amber H; Ross, Zev; Anderson, Henry; Boothe, Vicki; Davis, Christine; Ebi, Kristie; Kagey, Betsy; Malecki, Kristen; Shultz, Rebecca; Simms, Erin


    To develop public health adaptation strategies and to project the impacts of climate change on human health, indicators of vulnerability and preparedness along with accurate surveillance data on climate-sensitive health outcomes are needed. We researched and developed environmental health indicators for inputs into human health vulnerability assessments for climate change and to propose public health preventative actions. We conducted a review of the scientific literature to identify outcomes and actions that were related to climate change. Data sources included governmental and nongovernmental agencies and the published literature. Sources were identified and assessed for completeness, usability, and accuracy. Priority was then given to identifying longitudinal data sets that were applicable at the state and community level. We present a list of surveillance indicators for practitioners and policy makers that include climate-sensitive health outcomes and environmental and vulnerability indicators, as well as mitigation, adaptation, and policy indicators of climate change. A review of environmental health indicators for climate change shows that data exist for many of these measures, but more evaluation of their sensitivity and usefulness is needed. Further attention is necessary to increase data quality and availability and to develop new surveillance databases, especially for climate-sensitive morbidity.

  4. Environmental indicators for buildings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dammann, Sven

    Environmental Indicators for Buildings are studied using two different perspectives: with a technological, environmental scientific departing point and with a social scientific departing point. Different relevant groups in the building sector are identified and analysed, using the Social...

  5. Computed Radiography Exposure Indices in Mammography | Koen ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Computed Radiography Exposure Indices in Mammography. L Koen, C Herbst, W Rae. Abstract. Background. Studies indicate that computed radiography (CR) can lead to increased radiation dose to patients. It is therefore important to relate the exposure indicators provided by CR manufacturers to the radiation dose ...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper documents Fluor Hanford's use of Leading Indicators, management leadership, and statistical methodology in order to improve safe performance of work. By applying these methods, Fluor Hanford achieved a significant reduction in injury rates in 2003 and 2004, and the improvement continues today. The integration of data, leadership, and teamwork pays off with improved safety performance and credibility with the customer. The use of Statistical Process Control, Pareto Charts, and Systems Thinking and their effect on management decisions and employee involvement are discussed. Included are practical examples of choosing leading indicators. A statistically based color coded dashboard presentation system methodology is provided. These tools, management theories and methods, coupled with involved leadership and employee efforts, directly led to significant improvements in worker safety and health, and environmental protection and restoration at one of the nation's largest nuclear cleanup sites

  7. EEA core set of indicators. Guide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This guide provides information on the quality of the 37 indicators in the EEA core set. Its primary role is to support improved implementation of the core set in the EEA, European topic centres and the European environment information and observation network (Eionet). In parallel, it is aimed at helping users outside the EEA/Eionet system make best use of the indicators in their own work. It is hoped that the guide will promote cooperation on improving indicator methodologies and data quality as part of the wider process to streamline and improve environmental reporting in the European Union and beyond. (au)

  8. Indicator taxa revisited: useful for conservation planning?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Frank Wugt; Bladt, Jesper; Rahbek, Carsten


    Aim:  Indicators for biodiversity are needed to facilitate the identification of complementary reserve networks for biodiversity conservation. One widely adopted approach is to use indicator taxa, i.e. a single taxon such as birds or butterflies, despite the ongoing debate regarding their usefuln......Aim:  Indicators for biodiversity are needed to facilitate the identification of complementary reserve networks for biodiversity conservation. One widely adopted approach is to use indicator taxa, i.e. a single taxon such as birds or butterflies, despite the ongoing debate regarding...

  9. Microencapsulation of Corrosion Indicators for Smart Coatings (United States)

    Li, Wenyan; Buhrow, Jerry W.; Jolley, Scott T.; Calle, Luz M.; Hanna,Joshua S.; Rawlins, James W.


    A multifunctional smart coating for the autonomous detection, indication, and control of corrosion is been developed based on microencapsulation technology. This paper summarizes the development, optimization, and testing of microcapsules specifically designed for early detection and indication of corrosion when incorporated into a smart coating. Results from experiments designed to test the ability of the microcapsules to detect and indicate corrosion, when blended into several paint systems, show that these experimental coatings generate a color change, indicative of spot specific corrosion events, that can be observed with the naked eye within hours rather than the hundreds of hours or months typical of the standard accelerated corrosion test protocols.. Key words: smart coating, corrosion detection, microencapsulation, microcapsule, pH-sensitive microcapsule, corrosion indicator, corrosion sensing paint

  10. Pollution evaluation in the Shahrood River: Do physico-chemical and macroinvertebrate-based indices indicate same responses to anthropogenic activities? (United States)

    Sharifinia, Moslem; Mahmoudifard, Abbas; Imanpour Namin, Javid; Ramezanpour, Zohreh; Yap, Chee Kong


    This study evaluates the impact of anthropogenic activities on the Shahrood River using water physico-chemical variables and macroinvertebrates data sets obtained over a period of 12 months between February 2012 and February 2013 at 8 sampling sites. Biotic indices i.e. FBI and BMWP based on macroinvertebrates and physico-chemical indices (MPI, HPI and NSF-WQI) were employed to evaluate the water quality status in connection with natural- and human-induced pressures. Based on physico-chemical indices, water quality was categorized as low polluted level and it is suitable for drinking purposes. The water quality based on biotic indices was related to the anthropic activities; a clear deterioration of the water quality was observed from upstream to downstream sites. The water quality along the river changed from very good (class I; reference sites) to good (class II; midstream sites) and turned into moderate (class III) and poor (class IV) quality (downstream sites). These findings indicate that biotic indices are more powerful indicators in assessing water quality than physico-chemical indices. Allocapnia, Glossosoma and Hesperoperla were exclusively related to least disturbed sites, and Naididae, Orthocladiinae and Ecdyonurus were found in sites showing notable degradation. Our results recommended that the use of macroinvertebrates could be employed as a cost-effective tool for biomonitoring and controlling of polluted riverine ecosystems in the Middle East. Finally, the results from this study may be useful not only for developing countries, but also for any organization struggling to use macroinvertebrate based indices with restricted financial resources and knowledge. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. A first-approximation urban-air-quality indicator (United States)

    David M. Paproski; Julian R. Walker


    Development of the first-approximation-urban-air-quality indicator was reported by the Economic Council of Canada. The indicator takes account of ambient concentrations of five pollutants: sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and total oxidants. Epidemiological evidence indicating the potential impact of these pollutants on human...

  12. A Recommended Set of Key Arctic Indicators (United States)

    Stanitski, D.; Druckenmiller, M.; Fetterer, F. M.; Gerst, M.; Intrieri, J. M.; Kenney, M. A.; Meier, W.; Overland, J. E.; Stroeve, J.; Trainor, S.


    The Arctic is an interconnected and environmentally sensitive system of ice, ocean, land, atmosphere, ecosystems, and people. From local to pan-Arctic scales, the area has already undergone major changes in physical and societal systems and will continue at a pace that is greater than twice the global average. Key Arctic indicators can quantify these changes. Indicators serve as the bridge between complex information and policy makers, stakeholders, and the general public, revealing trends and information people need to make important socioeconomic decisions. This presentation evaluates and compiles more than 70 physical, biological, societal and economic indicators into an approachable summary that defines the changing Arctic. We divided indicators into "existing," "in development," "possible," and "aspirational". In preparing a paper on Arctic Indicators for a special issue of the journal Climatic Change, our group established a set of selection criteria to identify indicators to specifically guide decision-makers in their responses to climate change. A goal of the analysis is to select a manageable composite list of recommended indicators based on sustained, reliable data sources with known user communities. The selected list is also based on the development of a conceptual model that identifies components and processes critical to our understanding of the Arctic region. This list of key indicators is designed to inform the plans and priorities of multiple groups such as the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC), and the Arctic Council.

  13. The indicator of sedation need (IOSN). (United States)

    Coulthard, Paul


    Conscious sedation in dentistry is usually indicated because a patient's anxiety can prohibit the necessary dental treatment being undertaken. It may also be indicated because of unpleasant or lengthy treatment or to prevent exacerbation of a patient's medical or behavioural condition by anxiety. The indicator of sedation need (IOSN) tool has been developed to help support dentists in their clinical decision-making and uses information about a patient's anxiety, medical and behavioural status and treatment complexity. The IOSN has been used to measure sedation need and has shown that 5.1% of patients attending general dental practices have a high need of conscious sedation. IOSN has also been used to investigate the need for conscious sedation in the general population among dental practice attenders and those who don't attend. The proportion was found to be 6.7%. Some patients require conscious sedation in order to access dental care. The indicator of sedation need (IOSN) tool helps in the decision-making process.

  14. ACUMEN DELIVERABLE D5.4b – Consequences of Indicators: using indicators on data from Google Scholar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wildgaard, Lorna Elizabeth; Larsen, Birger; Schneider, Jesper


    We investigate if Publish or Perish ready-to-use bibliometric indicators can be used by individual scholars to enrich their curriculum vitae. Selected indicators were tested in four different fields and across 5 different academic seniorities. The results show performance in bibliometric evaluati...

  15. Stereotactic radiotherapy in pediatric indications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernier-Chastagner, V.; Supiot, S.; Carrie, C.; Helfre, S.


    Stereotactic radiotherapy is a very high precision procedure, which has been limited to radiosurgery for a long time. Technological improvements allowed the development of radiotherapy in stereotactic conditions, leading to a lot of innovations. Previously indicated for cerebral pathologies, this procedure is now developed for extra-cerebral locations. In paediatrics, stereotactic radiotherapy is still limited, delivered precociously, due to the possibility of long-term late effects that needs to be addressed. This review reports the different useful conditions, technical evolutions, and the current validated paediatric indications, with differences from adults, and future directions. (authors)

  16. Indicators for knowledge transfer analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Plaza, L. M.


    Understanding by knowledge transfer, the process by which the scientific knowledge generated by the R+Ds Spanish public system investigators is finally harnessed and officially used by the agents that make up the productive system, or by the administration; this project aims to offer a global view of the main scientific indicators by which said process can be analysed and in particular, of the way that some of these indicators allow us to evaluate this transfer in the case of the Spanish I+D system and in that concerning the Biotechnology sector. (Author) 12 refs

  17. Bibliometric indicators of young authors in astrophysics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Havemann, Frank; Larsen, Birger


    We test 16 bibliometric indicators with respect to their validity at the level of the individual researcher by estimating their power to predict later successful researchers. We compare the indicators of a sample of astrophysics researchers who later co-authored highly cited papers before...... their first landmark paper with the distributions of these indicators over a random control group of young authors in astronomy and astrophysics. We find that field and citation-window normalisation substantially improves the predicting power of citation indicators. The sum of citation numbers normalised...

  18. Web indicators for research evaluation a practical guide

    CERN Document Server

    Thelwall, Michael


    In recent years there has been an increasing demand for research evaluation within universities and other research-based organisations. In parallel, there has been an increasing recognition that traditional citation-based indicators are not able to reflect the societal impacts of research and are slow to appear. This has led to the creation of new indicators for different types of research impact as well as timelier indicators, mainly derived from the Web. These indicators have been called altmetrics, webometrics or just web metrics. This book describes and evaluates a range of web indicators for aspects of societal or scholarly impact, discusses the theory and practice of using and evaluating web indicators for research assessment and outlines practical strategies for obtaining many web indicators. In addition to describing impact indicators for traditional scholarly outputs, such as journal articles and monographs, it also covers indicators for videos, datasets, software and other non-standard scholarly out...

  19. Gulf of Maine Council’s EcoSystem Indicator Partnership: transitioning to ecosystem service indicators and a new smartphone app (United States)

    The Gulf of Maine Council’s EcoSystem Indicator Partnership (ESIP) was formed in 2006 to look at change in the health of the Gulf of Maine ecosystem through the use of indicators. ESIP’s initial approach to indicator development focused on seven ecosystem themes, whic...

  20. Multiple Indicator Stationary Time Series Models. (United States)

    Sivo, Stephen A.


    Discusses the propriety and practical advantages of specifying multivariate time series models in the context of structural equation modeling for time series and longitudinal panel data. For time series data, the multiple indicator model specification improves on classical time series analysis. For panel data, the multiple indicator model…

  1. Why Social Policy Needs Objective Indicators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Veenhoven (Ruut)


    textabstractThere are many qualms about subjective indicators, and some believe that social policy would be better for not using them. This paper consists of a review of these objections. It is argued that policy makers need subjective indicators. The main reasons being: 1. Social policy is never

  2. Performance indicators and indices of sludge management in urban wastewater treatment plants. (United States)

    Silva, C; Saldanha Matos, J; Rosa, M J


    Sludge (or biosolids) management is highly complex and has a significant cost associated with the biosolids disposal, as well as with the energy and flocculant consumption in the sludge processing units. The sludge management performance indicators (PIs) and indices (PXs) are thus core measures of the performance assessment system developed for urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The key PIs proposed cover the sludge unit production and dry solids concentration (DS), disposal/beneficial use, quality compliance for agricultural use and costs, whereas the complementary PIs assess the plant reliability and the chemical reagents' use. A key PI was also developed for assessing the phosphorus reclamation, namely through the beneficial use of the biosolids and the reclaimed water in agriculture. The results of a field study with 17 Portuguese urban WWTPs in a 5-year period were used to derive the PI reference values which are neither inherent to the PI formulation nor literature-based. Clusters by sludge type (primary, activated, trickling filter and mixed sludge) and by digestion and dewatering processes were analysed and the reference values for sludge production and dry solids were proposed for two clusters: activated sludge or biofilter WWTPs with primary sedimentation, sludge anaerobic digestion and centrifuge dewatering; activated sludge WWTPs without primary sedimentation and anaerobic digestion and with centrifuge dewatering. The key PXs are computed for the DS after each processing unit and the complementary PXs for the energy consumption and the operating conditions DS-determining. The PX reference values are treatment specific and literature based. The PI and PX system was applied to a WWTP and the results demonstrate that it diagnosis the situation and indicates opportunities and measures for improving the WWTP performance in sludge management. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. 15. Basic economic indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carless, J.; Dow, B.; Farivari, R.; O'Connor, J.; Fox, T.; Tunstall, D.; Mentzingen, M.


    The clear value of economic data and analysis to decisionmakers has motivated them to mandate the creation of extensive global economic data sets. This chapter contains a set of these basic economic data, which provides the context for understanding the causes and the consequences of many of the decisions that affect the world's resources. Many traditional economic indicators fail to account for the depletion or deterioration of natural resources, the long-term consequences of such depletion, the equitable distribution of income within a country, or the sustainability of current economic practices. The type of measurement shown here, however, is still useful in showing the great differences between the wealthiest and the poorest countries. Tables are given on the following: Gross national product and official development assistance 1969-89; External debt indicators 1979-89; Central government expenditures; and World commodity indexes and prices 1975-89

  4. The stranding anomaly as population indicator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peltier, Helene; Baagøe, Hans J.; Camphuysen, Kees C. J.


    Ecological indicators for monitoring strategies are expected to combine three major characteristics: ecological significance, statistical credibility, and cost-effectiveness. Strategies based on stranding networks rank highly in cost-effectiveness, but their ecological significance and statistica...... surveys, mostly SCANS surveys (1994 and 2005). This new indicator could be applied to cetacean populations across the world and more widely to marine megafauna....... credibility are disputed. Our present goal is to improve the value of stranding data as population indicator as part of monitoring strategies by constructing the spatial and temporal null hypothesis for strandings. The null hypothesis is defined as: small cetacean distribution and mortality are uniform...

  5. Contributing Indications to the Rising Cesarean Delivery Rate (United States)

    BARBER, Emma L.; LUNDSBERG, Lisbet; BELANGER, Kathleen; PETTKER, Christian M.; FUNAI, Edmund F.; ILLUZZI, Jessica L.


    OBJECTIVE To examine physician-documented indications for cesarean delivery in order to investigate the specific indications contributing to this increase. METHODS We analyzed rates of primary and repeat cesarean delivery, including indications for the procedure, among 32,443 live births at a major academic hospital between 2003–2009. Time trends for each indication were modeled to estimate the absolute and cumulative annualized relative risk of cesarean by indication over time and the relative contribution of each indication to the overall increase in primary cesarean delivery rate. RESULTS The cesarean delivery rate increased from 26% to 36.5% between 2003 and 2009; 50.0% of the increase was attributable to an increase in primary cesarean delivery. Among the documented indications, nonreassuring fetal status, arrest of dilation, multiple gestation, pre-eclampsia, suspected macrosomia, and maternal request increased over time, while arrest of descent, malpresentation, maternal-fetal indications, and other obstetric indications (eg, cord prolapse, placenta previa) did not increase. The relative contributions of each indication to the total increase in primary cesarean rate were: Non-reassuring fetal status (32%), labor arrest disorders (18%), multiple gestation (16%), suspected macrosomia (10%), pre-eclampsia (10%), maternal request (8%), maternal-fetal conditions (5%), and other obstetric conditions (1%). CONCLUSION Primary cesarean births accounted for 50% of the increasing cesarean rate. Among primary cesareans, more subjective indications (nonreassuring fetal status and arrest of dilation) contributed larger proportions than more objective indications (malpresentation, maternal-fetal, and obstetric conditions). PMID:21646928

  6. Management and organizational indicators of process safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Hemel, S.B.; Connelly, E.M.; Haas, P.M.


    This study is part of a Nuclear Regulatory Commission research element on organizational factors in plant safety under the Human Factors research program. This paper reports that the study investigated the chemical industry, to find leading management or organizational tools which could be useful for the NRC. After collecting information form a variety of information sources, the authors concentrated our study on two types of indicators currently in use: the first is audit- or review-based, and concentrates on programmatic factors; the second, based on frequent behavioral observations, concentrates on the management of individual worker behaviors. The authors analyzed data on the relationships between the leading indictors and direct indictors such as accident and injury rates in three case studies, to determine whether sufficient evidence of validity and utility exists to justify consideration of these indicators as public safety indicators. This paper states that on the basis of statistical associations and other evidence, the authors concluded that the two indicator types have promise for use as plant safety performance indicators, and that further development and testing of the candidate indicators should be performed

  7. Indicators of energy security in industrialised countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loeschel, Andreas; Moslener, Ulf; Ruebbelke, Dirk T.G.


    Energy security has become a popular catch phrase, both in the scientific arena as well as in the political discussion. Yet, in general the applied concepts of energy security are rather vague. This paper sheds some light on concepts and indicators of energy security. First, we conceptually discuss the issue of energy supply security and explain why it is not to handle by one science alone and what economics may contribute in order to structure the topic. After providing a brief survey of existing attempts to define or measure energy security we suggest an additional dimension along which indicators of energy security may be classified: ex-post and ex-ante indicators. Finally, we illustrate our concept on the basis of several simplified indicators. While ex-post indicators are mostly based on price developments, ex-ante indicators are to a greater extent aimed at illustrating potential problems. Our illustration suggests that it is worthwhile to take into account the market structure along with the political stability of exporting countries. (author)

  8. Energy indicators for tracking sustainability in developing countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kemmler, Andreas; Spreng, Daniel


    Due to the fact that human activities and most sustainability issues are closely related to energy use, the energy system is a sound framework for providing lead indicators for sustainable development. Common energy-economic models enable the estimation of future states of the energy system. An energy system-based lead indicator set can be used to develop consistent and coherent future indicator estimates and to track sustainability, a clear advantage over existing sets. In developed countries, the sustainability discussion is focused on environmental topics, while in developing countries the issues of poverty and equity are equally important. Consequently, for measuring sustainable development in a developing country, the inclusion of a poverty indicator in a set of lead indicators is essential. By correlation and descriptive analysis, it is shown that reliable energy-based indicators of poverty can be created. Although no one-dimensional indicator is a comprehensive measure of poverty, the explanatory power of energy poverty indicators is comparable to that of other poverty indicators. Thus, the use of energy indicators is not restricted to environmental and economic issues but is also relevant for social issues

  9. Development of safety performance indicators for HANARO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Jong-Sup; Jung, Hoan-Sung; Ahn, Guk-Hoon; Lee, Kye-Hong; Lim, In-Cheol


    The nuclear facilities need an extensive basis for ensuring their safety. An operating organization should conduct its operation and utilization important to the safety in accordance with approved procedures and regulations. The general aims of a management system for nuclear facilities are to improve the safety performance through a planning, control and supervision of safety related activities and to foster a strong safety culture. The effectiveness of a management system can be monitored and measured to confirm the ability of its processes to achieve the intended safety performance by an assessment of the operational performance. The Operational Safety Performance Indicators, also known as SPI, help an organization define and measure a progress with regard to safety activity goals. The elements of a SPI are quantifiable measurements that reflect the critical success factors of an organizational safety. Since 1995, efforts have been directed towards the elaboration of a framework for the establishment of an operational safety performance indicator program in nuclear power plants (NPP). IAEA-TECDOC-1141, 'Operational safety performance indicators for NPP' attempted to provide a frame work for an identification of performance indicators which have a relationship to the desired safety attributes, and therefore, to a safe plant operation. Three key attributes of a smooth operation, an operation with a low risk, and an operation with a positive safety attitude, were recommended, which are associated with a safe operation. Because these attributes cannot be directly measured, an indicator structure is expanded further until a level of easily quantifiable or directly measurable indicators is identified. The intention of this approach is to use quantitative information provided by the specific indicators and to analyze performance trends relative to established goals. The safety activities in HANARO have been continuously conducted to enhance its safe operation. HANARO

  10. Indicators System for Poverty Measurement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Constantin Mitrut


    Full Text Available Poverty represents a life aspect which is focusing the attention of both the macroeconomic analysis and the international comparisons. In order to measure the level being recorded by this phenomenon, there is a system of indicators which are used in order to underline, in a correlated manner, a number of aspects which are characterizing, quality and quantity wise, the evolution of the poverty in a specific country or, to a larger extent, through comparative surveys, at international level. Despite the fact that they are not the only instrument being used within the process of comparison of the stages of social and economic development at the international level, however the poverty indicators are providing a clear significance to the worked out surveys. In fact, the very purpose of the economic activity consists of increasing welfare and, as much as possible, at least reducing, if not eradicating, the poverty. The present work is broadly presenting the methodology as well as, both theoretical and practical, the way of computing the poverty, making a synthesis of the specific used indicators.

  11. CCME Climate Change Indicators -- Workshop Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In an effort to give Canadians a better understanding of the climate change issue, in 1999 the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) established a Project Working Group to identify and assemble a set of climate change indicators that is scientifically valid, useful and meaningful to the public. To ensure the widest possible participation of experts from all parts of the country the Project Working Group convened a two-day workshop in Toronto to take place on the 6th and 7th of November 2000. The outcome of the workshop, summarized in this report, resulted in a 'Made in Canada' framework of indicators for climate change impacts, divided into five categories: physical environment, personal health and safety, jobs and economic well-being, social and community well-being, and eco-system health. The report contains highlights of the discussions. There are seven appendices containing, respectively, a series of pre-workshop suggestions for indicators (Appendix A), the workshop agenda and backgrounder (Appendix B), a list of participants (Appendix C), presentation slides on the Canada country study (Appendix D), existing and proposed climate change indicators (Appendix E), presentation slides on communication issues (Appendix F), and notes summarizing small group discussions, including assessment of the level of interest demonstrated and opinions expressed by group members about the utility and value of each of the proposed indicators (Appendix G)

  12. Optical indicators based on environment sensitive fluorophors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shakhsher, Z.M.; Seitz, W.R. (Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, NC (USA))


    The authors are interested in the development of optical indicators based on environment sensitive fluorophors. The fluorophor is immobilized on a solid substrate. Interaction with analyte modifies the fluorophor environment, leading to a shift in the distribution of emission wavelengths. Because the indicator is based on spectral shift, it is possible to relate analyte concentration to a ratio of intensities at two different wavelengths. This parameter is insensitive to instrumental drift and slow loss of indicator. Two indicator systems have been investigated. Both involve dansyl derivation, i.e., derivatives of 5-dimethylamino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid.

  13. Measuring individual work performance: identifying and selecting indicators. (United States)

    Koopmans, Linda; Bernaards, Claire M; Hildebrandt, Vincent H; de Vet, Henrica C W; van der Beek, Allard J


    Theoretically, individual work performance (IWP) can be divided into four dimensions: task performance, contextual performance, adaptive performance, and counterproductive work behavior. However, there is no consensus on the indicators used to measure these dimensions. This study was designed to (1) identify indicators for each dimension, (2) select the most relevant indicators, and (3) determine the relative weight of each dimension in ratings of work performance. IWP indicators were identified from multiple research disciplines, via literature, existing questionnaires, and expert interviews. Subsequently, experts selected the most relevant indicators per dimension and scored the relative weight of each dimension in ratings of IWP. In total, 128 unique indicators were identified. Twenty-three of these indicators were selected by experts as most relevant for measuring IWP. Task performance determined 36% of the work performance rating, while the other three dimensions respectively determined 22%, 20% and 21% of the rating. Notable consensus was found on relevant indicators of IWP, reducing the number from 128 to 23 relevant indicators. This provides an important step towards the development of a standardized, generic and short measurement instrument for assessing IWP.

  14. Investable hedge fund indices: how expensive is liquidity ?


    D. Maspero


    The paper reviews the performance of investable hedge fund indices compared to traditional noninvestable hedge fund indices. While investable indices are characterized by a higher level of liquidity they seem to lag the performance on a risk-adjusted basis of noninvestable indices

  15. Comparison of UTCI to selected thermal indices. (United States)

    Blazejczyk, Krzysztof; Epstein, Yoram; Jendritzky, Gerd; Staiger, Henning; Tinz, Birger


    Over the past century more than 100 indices have been developed and used to assess bioclimatic conditions for human beings. The majority of these indices are used sporadically or for specific purposes. Some are based on generalized results of measurements (wind chill, cooling power, wet bulb temperature) and some on the empirically observed reactions of the human body to thermal stress (physiological strain, effective temperature). Those indices that are based on human heat balance considerations are referred to as "rational indices". Several simple human heat balance models are known and are used in research and practice. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the newly developed Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI), and some of the more prevalent thermal indices. The analysis is based on three groups of data: global data-set, synoptic datasets from Europe, and local scale data from special measurement campaigns of COST Action 730. We found the present indices to express bioclimatic conditions reasonably only under specific meteorological situations, while the UTCI represents specific climates, weather, and locations much better. Furthermore, similar to the human body, the UTCI is very sensitive to changes in ambient stimuli: temperature, solar radiation, wind and humidity. UTCI depicts temporal variability of thermal conditions better than other indices. The UTCI scale is able to express even slight differences in the intensity of meteorological stimuli.

  16. Reusable tamper-indicating security seal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryan, M.J.


    A reusable tamper-indicating mechanical security seal for use in safeguarding nuclear material has been developed. The high-security seal displays an unpredictable, randomly selected, five-digit code each time it is used. This five digit code serves the same purpose that the serial number does for conventional non-reusable seals - a unique identifier for each use or application. The newly developed reusable seal is completely enclosed within a seamless, tamper-indicating, plastic jacket. The jacket is designed to reveal any attempts to penetrate, section or to chemically remove and replace with a counterfeit for surreptitious purposes

  17. An aggregated energy security performance indicator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martchamadol, Jutamanee; Kumar, S.


    Highlights: ► AESPI shows a country’s (or province’s) energy security status. ► AESPI considers social, economic and environmental aspects using 25 indicators. ► AESPI shows the impact of the trend of energy policies/measures. ► AESPI could be a tool for monitoring and evaluating the impact of energy policies. -- Abstract: An “Aggregated Energy Security Performance Indicator (AESPI)” has been developed by considering 25 individual indicators representing social, economy and environmental dimensions. The principle used, data required and the methodology for the development of AESPI have been detailed. AESPI requires time series data for its development and its value ranges from 0 to 10. The characteristics of AESPI have been compared with the existing indicators in terms of methodology, data requirements, analysis possible and the applications. The advantages of AESPI is that it not only assists in knowing the past energy security status of a country, but also helps in assessing the future status considering the energy policies and plans of the country, thus enabling the monitoring of the impacts of the policies.

  18. The logarithmic hypervolume indicator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friedrich, Tobias; Bringmann, Karl; Voß, Thomas


    It was recently proven that sets of points maximizing the hypervolume indicator do not give a good multiplicative approximation of the Pareto front. We introduce a new “logarithmic hypervolume indicator” and prove that it achieves a close-to-optimal multiplicative approximation ratio. This is exp...

  19. Lichens as bio indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication discusses the use of lichens as biological indicators. Perennial growth, long life, efficient take-up of mineral nutrients from air and rain and small loss of nutrition are properties that make lichens suitable as biological indicators. In surveys and monitoring, species diversity and coverage by organisms that live as epiphytes on tree trunks have been the most commonly used parameters. A decline in the occurrence of this type of lichen is often related to the content of sulphur compounds in the air and it has been demonstrated that many species are sensitive to sulphur dioxide. It is also known that the growth of many types of lichens increases with a moderate increase in available nitrogen. In South Norway, pollution sensitive species such as Bryoria spp. have advanced strongly, which is probably due to less sulphur in the rain and a higher content of nutrition in the form of nitrate and ammonium

  20. Trochleoplasty: Indications and Technique. (United States)

    Nolan, John E; Schottel, Patrick C; Endres, Nathan K


    Trochlear dysplasia is a well-described risk factor for patellar instability. Trochleoplasty has emerged as a procedure within the surgical armamentarium for patellar instability, yet its role is unclear. A variety of trochleoplasty procedures have emerged. The purpose of this review is to clarify indications for trochleoplasty, outline the technical steps involved in performing common trochleoplasties and report the published outcomes and potential complications of these procedures. Patellar instability with severe trochlear dysplasia is the main indication for trochleoplasty. Three types of trochleoplasty have emerged: (1) lateral facet elevation; (2) sulcus deepening; and (3) recession wedge. Deepening and recession wedge trochleoplasties are the most commonly performed. Trochleoplasty is a surgical option for addressing patellar instability in patients with severe trochlear dysplasia. Deepening and recession wedge trochleoplasties that address Dejour B and D dysplastic trochleas are the most studied, with both short- and midterm outcomes reported. Long-term outcomes are lacking and comparative studies are needed.

  1. Performance indicator system with application to NPP management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez, J.; Roldan, J.


    The objective of the paper is to present the work that is being conducted in the scope of a research project between Cofrentes NPP and the polytechnic university of Valencia aimed to the development and implementation of a performance indicators system to support plant management. In developing this system, attention is being paid to the areas of safety, production and dependability. The first step in the project was the development of the performance indicator system (PIS), in order to help in assessing the effectiveness of the different activities in plant (i.e. maintenance, inspections, tests, etc.). It is suggested establishing the operational indicators set in 3 levels. The lowest level concerns indicators monitoring performance and maintenance characteristics of components. The next one involves a subset of indicators placed at system level with a similar goal. And finally, the highest level summarizes the impact of the global policy in the whole plant from safety and performance point of view. The definition of an indicator should comprise, at least, the following items: indicator's name, performance area, definition and data needed. A strategy should define what, when and how indicators have to be evaluated, analyzed and reported. This article gives an example application of the methodology at the Cofrentes NPP, collective dose as safety indicator, power production as production indicator and the number of work orders as maintenance indicator are considered and their time evolution is given. (A.C.)

  2. Antioxidant intake among Brazilian adults - The Brazilian Osteoporosis Study (BRAZOS: a cross-sectional study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juzwiak Claudia


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Antioxidant nutrient intake and the lesser formation of free radicals seem to contribute to chronic diseases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the intake profile of the main dietary antioxidants in a representative sample of the adult Brazilian population and discuss the main consequences of a low intake of these micronutrients on overall health. Methods The sample comprised 2344 individuals aged 40 years or older from 150 cities and was based on a probabilistic sample from official data. The research was conducted through in-home interviews administered by a team trained for this purpose. Dietary intake information was obtained through 24-h recall. The Nutrition Data System for Research software program was used to analyze data on the intake of vitamins A, C and E, selenium and zinc, which was compared to Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs. Differences in intake according to sex, anthropometrics, socioeconomic status and region were also evaluated. The SPSS statistical package (version 13 was used for the statistical analysis. P-values Results Higher proportions of low intake in relation to recommended values were found for vitamin E (99.7%, vitamin A (92.4% and vitamin C (85.1% in both genders. Intake variations were found between different regions, which may reflect cultural habits. Conclusion These results should lead to the development of public health policies that encourage educational strategies for improving the intake of micronutrients, which are essential to overall health and prevention of non-communicable diseases.

  3. Reconstrucción funcional de brazo en fractura abierta III C de húmero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Mendieta-Espinosa


    Full Text Available Las fracturas abiertas de alta energía tipo III C de Gustilo requieren un abordaje multidisciplinario en el que intervendrán distintas especialidades médicas, personal paramédico y demás profesionales de la salud, a fin de lograr una adecuada evolución del paciente y la restauración de su extremidad. La selección del procedimiento reconstructivo de cobertura dependerá de la localización y magnitud del defecto; pero se necesita una adecuada coordinación para llevar a cabo de forma oportuna la revascularización, la estabilización ósea y la cobertura de tejidos blandos que son la base de un procedimiento exitoso que prevenga la infección, favorezca la consolidación de la fractura y proteja las estructuras óseas, cartilaginosas, tendinosas y neurovasculares. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 20 años de edad con fractura abierta de húmero III C según la clasificación de Gustilo, tratado con revascularización mediante colocación de injertos de vena safena a vasos braquiales, y secuencialmente, fijación intramedular de húmero y cobertura con colgajo músculo-cutáneo de dorsal ancho. Tras 10 días de estancia hospitalaria, el paciente logró una adecuada cobertura de la zona de la fractura abierta y restablecimiento de la función de flexión del codo.

  4. Concept and Indications of Secular State

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philina N. V.


    Full Text Available The article deals with the elaborate analysis of the concept and indications of a secular state. The paper has the interdisciplinary character and it is written on the verge of constitutional law, theory of state administration, philosophy, political science. The comparative analysis between the constitutional indicators of a secular state and democracy realia has been conducted

  5. Material management performance indicators for upper management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Loughlin, R.C.


    The purpose of this paper is to develop a case for the use of performance indicators by upper management to monitor the effectiveness of material management operations at nuclear power plants. The paper establishes that the use of performance indicators is not a pro forma matter. There are specific standards and conditions to which the material management operation must conform for the performance measures to be meaningful. The paper concludes with discussion of the application and use of specific performance indicators. Proper use of selected performance indicators can remove the mystery and uncertainty for management about an aspect of nuclear plant operations that has significant budget implications

  6. Correlation and network analysis of global financial indices. (United States)

    Kumar, Sunil; Deo, Nivedita


    Random matrix theory (RMT) and network methods are applied to investigate the correlation and network properties of 20 financial indices. The results are compared before and during the financial crisis of 2008. In the RMT method, the components of eigenvectors corresponding to the second largest eigenvalue form two clusters of indices in the positive and negative directions. The components of these two clusters switch in opposite directions during the crisis. The network analysis uses the Fruchterman-Reingold layout to find clusters in the network of indices at different thresholds. At a threshold of 0.6, before the crisis, financial indices corresponding to the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific form separate clusters. On the other hand, during the crisis at the same threshold, the American and European indices combine together to form a strongly linked cluster while the Asia-Pacific indices form a separate weakly linked cluster. If the value of the threshold is further increased to 0.9 then the European indices (France, Germany, and the United Kingdom) are found to be the most tightly linked indices. The structure of the minimum spanning tree of financial indices is more starlike before the crisis and it changes to become more chainlike during the crisis. The average linkage hierarchical clustering algorithm is used to find a clearer cluster structure in the network of financial indices. The cophenetic correlation coefficients are calculated and found to increase significantly, which indicates that the hierarchy increases during the financial crisis. These results show that there is substantial change in the structure of the organization of financial indices during a financial crisis.

  7. Energy key performance indicators : a european benchmark and assessment of meaningful indicators for the use of energy in large corporations


    Friedrichs, Katja


    This study aims to identify and analyze energy key performance indicators among large European companies. Energy usage has become a very meaningful topic for both internal management as well as external stakeholders of a company. A review of current literature suggests that while environmental indicators in general have found broad attention and plenty of theories concerning good and meaningful indicators are published, no study investigating actually applied energy indicators ...

  8. Dashboard and Firms Performance Optimization Using Piloting Indicators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sorinel Capusneanu


    Full Text Available Can we analyze the enterprise performances upon the pilot indicators? The answer is completed by analyzing and interpreting the suggested indicators. Finally, these indicators will form the enterprise dashboard, which the management will take the right decisions. The dashboard represents the selection and presentation way of pilot indicators which permit tendencies visualization leaving from enterprise’s followed objectives. Through analyses and interpretation of pilot indicators, it is generating actions which contribute to enterprise’s improvement performances.

  9. Maslov indices and monodromy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dullin, H R; Robbins, J M; Waalkens, H; Creagh, S C; Tanner, G


    We prove that for a Hamiltonian system on a cotangent bundle that is Liouville-integrable and has monodromy the vector of Maslov indices is an eigenvector of the monodromy matrix with eigenvalue 1. As a corollary, the resulting restrictions on the monodromy matrix are derived. (letter to the editor)

  10. The vertex Zagreb indices of some graph operations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. De


    Full Text Available Recently, Tavakoli et al. introduced a new version of Zagreb indices, named as vertex Zagreb indices. In this paper explicit expressions of different graphs operations of vertex Zagreb indices are presented and also as an application, explicit formulas for vertex Zagreb indices of some chemical graphs are obtained.

  11. 14 CFR 23.1326 - Pitot heat indication systems. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Pitot heat indication systems. 23.1326... Instruments: Installation § 23.1326 Pitot heat indication systems. If a flight instrument pitot heating system... provided to indicate to the flight crew when that pitot heating system is not operating. The indication...

  12. 14 CFR 25.1326 - Pitot heat indication systems. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Pitot heat indication systems. 25.1326....1326 Pitot heat indication systems. If a flight instrument pitot heating system is installed, an indication system must be provided to indicate to the flight crew when that pitot heating system is not...

  13. Evaluation of natural gas supply options for south east and central Europe. Part 1: Indicator definitions and single indicator analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Afgan, Naim H.; Carvalho, Maria G.; Pilavachi, Petros A.; Martins, Nelson


    The need for diversification of energy sources is an immanent goal in long term energy strategy. In particular, this is of great importance for the natural gas supply. In this respect, evaluation and assessment of potential natural gas resources and their relation to consumers is of great importance. The natural gas supply in Europe is one of the main issues of European energy strategy to be followed in the future. In particular, the natural gas supply in the southeast countries is important. This paper provides a framework for understanding how much natural gas is available for use in south east and central Europe as well as the links to the recent supply of natural gas and its transport. The analysis is focused on evaluation of the potential routes for natural gas supply to the south east and central European countries. The potential options included in this analysis are the Yamal Route; Nabucco Route; West Balkan Route; LNG NEUM Route and Gas by Wire Route. In this analysis, attention is focused on the following indicators for assessment of potential options: environmental indicator; NG cost indicator; NG transport and royalty indicator; investment indicator; and NG demand indicator. The first part of this paper is devoted to the definition of the indicators and to single indicator analysis. (author)

  14. Optimization by visualization of indices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haverkamp, Uwe; Kriz, Jan; Eich, Hans Theodor [University Muenster, Department of Radiotherapy, Muenster (Germany); Norkus, Darius [Vilnius University, Oncology Institute, Vilnius (Lithuania); Mueller Minai, Mariam; Prott, Franz-Josef [RNS Radiotherapy Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden (Germany)


    Physical 3D treatment planning provides a pool of parameters describing dose distributions. It is often useful to define conformal indices to enable quicker evaluation. However, the application of individual indices is controversial and not always effective. The aim of this study was to design a quick check of dose distributions based on several indices detecting underdosages within planning target volumes (PTVs) and overdosages in normal tissue. Dose distributions of 215 cancer patients were considered. Treatment modalities used were three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT), radiosurgery, intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), intensity-modulated arc therapy (IMAT) and tomotherapy. The volumes recommended in ICRU 50 and 83 were used for planning and six conformation and homogeneity indices were selected: CI, CN, C{sub ICRU}, COV, C{sub ∇}, and HI. These were based on the PTV, the partial volume covered by the prescribed isodose (PI; PTV{sub PI}), the treated volume (TV{sub PI}), near maximum D{sub 2} and near minimum D{sub 98}. Results were presented as a hexagon - the corners of which represent the values of the indices - and a modified test function F (Rosenbrock's function) was calculated. Results refer to clinical examples and mean values, in order to allow evaluation of the power of F and hexagon-based decision support procedures in detail and in general. IMAT and tomotherapy showed the best values for the indices and the lowest standard deviation followed by static IMRT. DCRT and radiosurgery (e.g. CN: IMAT 0.85 ± 0.06; tomotherapy 0.84 ± 0.06; IMRT 0.83 ± 0.07; 3DCRT 0.65 ± 0.08; radiosurgery 0.64 ± 0.11). In extreme situations, not all indices reflected the situation correctly. Over- and underdosing of PTV and normal tissue could be qualitatively assessed from the distortion of the hexagon in graphic analysis. Tomotherapy, IMRT, IMAT, 3DCRT and radiosurgery showed increasingly distorted hexagons, the type of distortion indicating

  15. Quality indicators for hip fracture care, a systematic review. (United States)

    Voeten, S C; Krijnen, P; Voeten, D M; Hegeman, J H; Wouters, M W J M; Schipper, I B


    Quality indicators are used to measure quality of care and enable benchmarking. An overview of all existing hip fracture quality indicators is lacking. The primary aim was to identify quality indicators for hip fracture care reported in literature, hip fracture audits, and guidelines. The secondary aim was to compose a set of methodologically sound quality indicators for the evaluation of hip fracture care in clinical practice. A literature search according to the PRISMA guidelines and an internet search were performed to identify hip fracture quality indicators. The indicators were subdivided into process, structure, and outcome indicators. The methodological quality of the indicators was judged using the Appraisal of Indicators through Research and Evaluation (AIRE) instrument. For structure and process indicators, the construct validity was assessed. Sixteen publications, nine audits and five guidelines were included. In total, 97 unique quality indicators were found: 9 structure, 63 process, and 25 outcome indicators. Since detailed methodological information about the indicators was lacking, the AIRE instrument could not be applied. Seven indicators correlated with an outcome measure. A set of nine quality indicators was extracted from the literature, audits, and guidelines. Many quality indicators are described and used. Not all of them correlate with outcomes of care and have been assessed methodologically. As methodological evidence is lacking, we recommend the extracted set of nine indicators to be used as the starting point for further clinical research. Future research should focus on assessing the clinimetric properties of the existing quality indicators.

  16. Energy indicators for sustainable development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vera, Ivan; Langlois, Lucille


    Energy is an essential factor in overall efforts to achieve sustainable development. Countries striving to this end are seeking to reassess their energy systems with a view toward planning energy programmes and strategies in line with sustainable development goals and objectives. This paper summarizes the outcome of an international partnership initiative on indicators for sustainable energy development that aims to provide an analytical tool for assessing current energy production and use patterns at a national level. The proposed set of energy indicators represents a first step of a consensus reached on this subject by five international agencies-two from the United Nations system (the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the International Atomic Energy Agency), two from the European Union (Eurostat and the European Environment Agency) and one from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (the International Energy Agency). Energy and environmental experts including statisticians, analysts, policy makers and academics have started to implement general guidelines and methodologies in the development of national energy indicators for use in their efforts to monitor the effects of energy policies on the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development

  17. Forecasting Irish Inflation: A Composite Leading Indicator


    Quinn, Terry; Mawdsley, Andrew


    This paper presents the results of research into the construction of a composite leading indicator of the Irish rate of inflation, as measured by the annual percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). It follows the work of Fagan and Fell (1994) who applied the business cycle leading indicator methodology, initially established by Mitchell and Burns (1938,1946), to construct a composite leading indicator of the Irish business cycle.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristian CRISTU


    Full Text Available Sustainable development requires better quality of life for present and future generations. Additional data is required to measure lasting progress, that tracks economic growth. The objectives that take these aspects into consideration should be accompanied by economic, social, environmental and demographic indicators. Thus, sustainable development indicators satisfy these requirements. The articles makes an analysis of the main indicators of sustainable development. Even though it is important to observe them at a macro, European level, it is necessary to take into consideration the specific situation existing at a local and regional level, as well. Equally important is the integration of objectives aimed at sustainable development into the national policies. Economic improvement can be achieved through jobs and sustainable consumption.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brindusa Maria POPA


    Full Text Available Abstract Developing key performance indicators (KPIs represents one step closer to the achievement of objectives and strategic vision of the organization. They are important elements of the pathway towards performance, they evaluate and indicate the level of progress, guide the organizational strategy, they can be considered even the qualitative or quantitative expression of the execution of the strategy. Building reliable and appropriate measurement systems is one of the most difficult stage in the performance evaluation process. Such systems of management will help the executives and the management teams identify and build upon the elements that create competitive advantage and opportunities for better results.

  20. Main economics indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This monthly publication, based on the most up-to-date techniques of tabular and graphical presentation, is designed to provide at a glance a picture of the most recent changes in the economies of the OECD countries, and a collection of international statistics on the economic developments which have affected the OECD area in the past few years. The indicators selected cover national accounts, industrial production, business surveys, deliveries, stocks and orders, construction, internal trade, labour, wages, prices, domestic and foreign finance, interest rates, trade and payments. (author)

  1. Market efficiency of traditional stock market indices and social responsible indices: the role of sustainability reporting


    Henry Mynhardt; Inna Makarenko; Alex Plastun


    Corporate social responsibility, disclosed in sustainability reporting, influences the financial performance of companies. As a result, traditional stock market indices (TI) are expanded with the social responsible stock market indices (SRI). The aim of this study was to establish whether there are any differences in the behavior of the TI and SRI. To do this, the authors analyzed their efficiency. They used R/S analysis to calculate the Hurst exponent as a measure of persistence (long-term m...

  2. Il governo della performance dei processi di business : dai Key Performance Indicators ai Key Risk Indicators


    Sergio Beretta; Saverio Bozzolan


    The recent paper issued by COSO ["Developing Key Risk Indicators to Strengthen Enterprise Risk Management" (Coso, 2010)] is the starting point of this article whose aim is to discuss the relevance of the business process dimension in the design and implementation of Key Risk Indicators. The Authors analyze the reasons of the systematic underestimation of the business process dimension in the COSO papers and debate the implications that the explicit consideration of the business process dimens...

  3. Wholesale gas market indicators - 4. Quarter 2012

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The wholesale gas market indicators publication aims to provide general monitoring indicators about: wholesale gas prices, gas trade between France and neighboring countries, infrastructures availability and utilisation

  4. [Obstetric hysterectomy. Incidence, indications and complications]. (United States)

    Vázquez, Juan A Reveles; Rivera, Geannyne Villegas; Higareda, Salvador Hernández; Páez, Fernando Grover; Vega, Carmen C Hernández; Segura, Agustin Patiño


    Obstetric hysterectomy is indicated when patient's life is at risk, and it is a procedure that requires a highly experienced and skilled medical team to solve any complication. To identify incidence, indications, and complications of obstetric hysterectomy within a high-risk population. Transversal, retrospective study from July 1st 2004 to June 30 2006 at Unidad Medica de Alta Especialidad, Hospital de Ginecoobstetricia, Centro Medico Nacional de Occidente, IMSS. There were reviewed 103 patient' files with obstetric hysterectomy. Incidence was calculated, and clinical and socio-demographic characteristics, indications, and complications of obstetric hysterectomy identified and expressed in frequency, percentages, and central tendency measurements. Incidence of obstetric hysterectomy was 8 cases within every 1,000 obstetric consultation. Age average was 31.1 +/- 5.1 years. 72.8% had cesarean surgery history. Main indication was placenta previa associated with placenta accreta (33%), followed by uterine hypotony (22.3%). Complications were hypovolemic shock (56.3%), and vesical injuries (5.8%). There were no maternal deaths. Cesarean history induces higher obstetric hysterectomy incidence in women with high-risk pregnancy, due to its relation to placentation disorders, as placenta previa that increases hemorrhage possibility, and thus, maternal morbidity and mortality.

  5. Establishing Key Performance Indicators : Case company X


    Singh, Jatinder


    The key performance indicators serve as the navigational tools for a business organization to monitor its performance. They enable the management team to take real time decisions to keep organization’s resources aligned to its business strategy to accomplish its strategic objec-tives. This research was conducted to analyse the process of establishing successful key per-formance indicators for a business organization. The research was conducted to recommend key performance indicators developme...

  6. A user's guide to functional diversity indices


    Schleuter, D.; Daufresne, M.; Massol, F.; Argillier, C.


    Functional diversity is the diversity of species traits in ecosystems. This concept is increasingly used in ecological research, yet its formal definition and measurements are currently under discussion. As the overall behaviour and consistency of functional diversity indices have not been described so far, the novice user risks choosing an inaccurate index or a set of redundant indices to represent functional diversity. In our study we closely examine functional diversity indices to clari...

  7. Societal health and urban sustainability indicators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Petrich, C.H.; Tonn, B.E.


    Without the social will, no city can successfully Undertake the planning and programs necessary for meaningful progress toward sustainability. Social will derives from wellsprings of vital societal health. This paper presents an approach to helping cities in APEC member economies initiate a program for developing indicators of sustainability. Representative indicators of social capital and other aspects of civic engagement, as proxies for societal health, are presented.

  8. Review of design technology of control rod position indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Je Yong; Huh, Hyung; Kim, Ji Ho; Kim, Jong In; Chang, Moon Hee


    An integral reactor SMART is under development at KAERI. The design characteristics of SMART are radically different from those employer in currently operating loop type water reactors in Korea. The objective of this report is to review the design technology of position indicator, and to study the various sensors which can be used in rod position indicator. Design criteria that rod position indicator should satisfy are also examined. Following position indicators are reviewed in this report. 1. Digital positioning indicator (DRPI), 2. Reed switch type position indicator (RSPT), 3. Choke sensor type position indicator, 4. Ultrasonic sensor type position indicator, 5. Comparison of each position indicator. (author)

  9. Tamper indicating gold nanocup plasmonic films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    DeVetter, Brent M.; Bernacki, Bruce E.; Bennett, Wendy D.; Schemer-Kohrn, Alan; Alvine, Kyle J.


    The spectral signature of nanoplasmonic films are both robust and tailorable with optical responses ranging from the visible to the near-infrared. We present the development of flexible, elastomeric nanoplasmonic films consisting of periodic arrays of gold nanocups as tamper indicating films. Gold nanocups have polarization-sensitive optical properties that may be manufactured into films that offer unique advantages for tamper indication. These flexible films can be made quickly and at low-cost using commercially available monodisperse polystyrene nanospheres through self-assembly followed by plasma etching, metal deposition, and lift-off from a sacrificial substrate. Polarization- and angle-dependent optical spectroscopic measurements were performed to characterize the fabricated films. Using polarization-sensitive hyperspectral imaging, we demonstrate how these films can be applied to tamper indication and counterfeit resistance applications.

  10. Lichen indicator [Section 4 (United States)

    Paul L. Patterson; Susan Will-Wolf; Marie T. Trest


    Lichens are very responsive to environmental stressors in forests, including changes in forest structure, air quality, and climate. Each lichen species on a plot is an indicator of how lichen communities respond to ecological conditions. Individual lichen species occur erratically and even common species are often absent from plots with suitable habitat. The combined...

  11. Evaluation of Stony Coral Indicators for Coral Reef ... (United States)

    Colonies of reef-building stony corals at 57 stations around St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands were characterized by species, size and percentage of living tissue. Taxonomic, biological and physical indicators of coral condition were derived from these measurements and assessed for their response to gradients of human disturbance. The purpose of the study was to identify indicators that could be used for regulatory assessments under authority of the Clean Water Act--this requires that indicators distinguish anthropogenic disturbances from natural variation. Stony coral indicators were tested for correlation with human disturbance across gradients located on three different sides of the island. At the most intensely disturbed location, five of eight primary indicators were highly correlated with distance from the source of disturbance: Coral taxa richness, average colony size, the coefficient of variation of colony size (an indicator of colony size heterogeneity), total topographic coral surface area, and live coral surface area. An additional set of exploratory indicators related to rarity, reproductive and spawning mode, and taxonomic identity were also screened for association with disturbance at the same location. For the other two locations, there were no significant changes in indicator values and therefore no discernible effects of human activity. Coral indicators demonstrated sufficient precision to detect levels of change that would be applicable in a regio

  12. Biological indication in aquatic ecosystems. Biological indication in limnic and coastal ecosystems - fundamentals, techniques, methodology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gunkel, G.


    Biological methods of water quality evaluation today form an integral part of environmental monitoring and permit to continuously monitor the condition of aquatic ecosystems. They indicate both improvements in water quality following redevelopment measures, and the sometimes insidious deterioration of water quality. This book on biological indication in aquatic ecosystems is a compendium of measurement and evaluation techniques for limnic systems by means of biological parameters. At present, however, an intense discussion of biological evaluation techniques is going on, for one thing as a consequence of the German reunification and the need to unify evaluation techniques, and for another because of harmonizations within the European Community. (orig./EF) [de

  13. Intravitreal Bevacizumab: Indications and Complications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jan, S.; Nazim, M.; Karim, S.; Hussain, Z.


    Background: Bevacizmab is still an unlicensed drug for intraocular use in spite of the fact that it has shown comparable efficacy to other anti-vascular endothelial growth factors (anti-VEGF) medications in some large sample randomized control trails. Although repackaged bevacizumab has got safety concerns but its use is growing because of easy availability and low cost. Our study focuses on the diverse and growing indications of intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB) and its ocular complications in our geographical setting. Method: This interventional case series was carried out at my private practice in Said Anwar Medical Complex, Dabgari, Peshawar, from January 2008 to July 2015. Total of 6107 injections were given to 4352 eyes. Intravitreal bevacizumab was injected in proper operating room setting. Bevacizumab injections were prepared from same vial by multiple withdrawals taking care of aseptic precautions. Follow up was done at 1 week and 20 days and adverse effects were noted. Results: Diabetic macular oedema (36 percent), central retinal vein occlusion (17.6 percent) and branched retinal vein occlusion (11 percent) were the top three indications of IVB. Other common indications were proliferative diabetic retinopathy (9.6 percent), neo-vascular glaucoma (5.9 percent), proliferative diabetic retinopathy with vitreous bleed (4.4 percent), proliferative diabetic retinopathy with tractional retinal detachment (3.7 percent), neo-vascular age related macular degeneration (2.9 percent), central serous retinopathy (1.48 percent) and Eale disease (1.48 percent). Endohthalmitis occurred in 3 eyes (0.069 percent) while retinal detachment was found in only 2 eyes (0.046 percent).Conclusion: Common indications of bevacizumab are diabetic macular oedema, central retinal vein occlusion and branched retinal vein occlusion. Complications like endophthalmitis and retinal detachment are rare. (author)

  14. Condition Indicators for Gearbox Condition Monitoring Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Večeř


    Full Text Available Condition monitoring systems for manual transmissions based on vibration diagnostics are widely applied in industry. The systems deal with various condition indicators, most of which are focused on a specific type of gearbox fault. Frequently used condition indicators (CIs are described in this paper. The ability of a selected condition indicator to describe the degree of gearing wear was tested using vibration signals acquired during durability testing of manual transmission with helical gears. 

  15. Indications for Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy in Ilorin, Nigeria- A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy is generally indicated for evaluating upper ... ulcer, upper tract stricture or obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding, persistent vomiting of unknown cause etc. This study is therefore to review the indications for ...

  16. Inter-observer reliability of animal-based welfare indicators included in the Animal Welfare Indicators welfare assessment protocol for dairy goats. (United States)

    Vieira, A; Battini, M; Can, E; Mattiello, S; Stilwell, G


    This study was conducted within the context of the Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) project and the underlying scientific motivation for the development of the study was the scarcity of data regarding inter-observer reliability (IOR) of welfare indicators, particularly given the importance of reliability as a further step for developing on-farm welfare assessment protocols. The objective of this study is therefore to evaluate IOR of animal-based indicators (at group and individual-level) of the AWIN welfare assessment protocol (prototype) for dairy goats. In the design of the study, two pairs of observers, one in Portugal and another in Italy, visited 10 farms each and applied the AWIN prototype protocol. Farms in both countries were visited between January and March 2014, and all the observers received the same training before the farm visits were initiated. Data collected during farm visits, and analysed in this study, include group-level and individual-level observations. The results of our study allow us to conclude that most of the group-level indicators presented the highest IOR level ('substantial', 0.85 to 0.99) in both field studies, pointing to a usable set of animal-based welfare indicators that were therefore included in the first level of the final AWIN welfare assessment protocol for dairy goats. Inter-observer reliability of individual-level indicators was lower, but the majority of them still reached 'fair to good' (0.41 to 0.75) and 'excellent' (0.76 to 1) levels. In the paper we explore reasons for the differences found in IOR between the group and individual-level indicators, including how the number of individual-level indicators to be assessed on each animal and the restraining method may have affected the results. Furthermore, we discuss the differences found in the IOR of individual-level indicators in both countries: the Portuguese pair of observers reached a higher level of IOR, when compared with the Italian observers. We argue how the

  17. Atrofia muscular proximal neurogenica hereditaria (doença de Wohlfart-Kugelberg-Welander: estudo clinico, eletromiografico e anatomo-patologico de 3 irmãos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos R. G. de Freitas


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam os casos de três irmãos com fraqueza e amiotrofia proximal dos membros de início na infância. Os estudos eletromiográficos e de biópsias musculares revelaram alterações do tipo neurogênico de permeio com alterações miogênicas. Fazem consideração sobre esta singular associação, considerando as alterações do tipo miopático como secundárias à denervação de longa duração. O estudo histopatológico medular, em um dos pacientes, revelou degeneração das células motoras das pontas anteriores, constituindo, assim, o 4.° estudo de autópsia da doença de Wohlfart-Kugelberg-Welander, na literatura.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar Daniel


    Full Text Available It is wide the discussion involving the importance of production adjustment activities in general, to the concept of sustainable development. Among the agricultural activities, the agroforestry systems have been considered sustainable, coming as alternatives to the intensive systems of agricultural production. To monitor the sustainability of agricultural activities, includings  AF,  the  literature  emphasizes  the  biophysical  indicators,  in  detriment  of  the  socio-economical ones. Seeking to define a list of socio-economical indicators that can be adapted to the several models recommendations of  AF a study was developed, supported by specialists and technicians and wide literature review. The conclusions were: the categories related  to the operation of the systems had the largest number of indicators in the socioeconômic component, with larger concentration in the endogenous operations of the system, followed by the endogenous and exogenous resources; the largest number of indicators suggested in the category operation of the system was in the descriptors health and nutrition, employment, habitation and sanity and economic analysis; in the category operation of exogenous systems, there were certain larger number of indicators for the descriptors commercialization and rural infrastructure; practically there was no difference among the number of indicators obtained for the agroforestry systems with and without the animal component.

  19. Reliability and usability of tourism climate indices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghislain Dubois


    Full Text Available Abstract Tourism climate indices (TCI are commonly used to describe the climate conditions suitable for tourism activities, from the planning, investment or daily operations perspectives. A substantial amount of research has been carried out, in particular with respect to new indices formulae adapted to specific tourism products, and parameters and their weighting, taking into account surveys on the stated preferences of tourists, especially in terms of comfort. This paper illustrates another field of research, which seeks to better understand the different sources of uncertainty associated with indices. Indeed, slight differences in formula thresholds, variations in computation methods, and also the use of multimodel ensembles create nuances that affect the ways in which indices projections are usually presented. Firstly, we assess the impact of differences in preference surveys on the definition of indices thresholds, in particular for thermal comfort. Secondly, we compare computation methods for France, showing the need to better specify detailed data sources and their use to ensure the comparability of results. Thirdly, using multimodel ensembles for the Mediterranean basin, we assess the uncertainty inherent in long-term projections, which are used in modelling the economic impact of climate change. This paper argues in favour of a more cautious use of tourism comfort indices, with more consideration given to the robustness of data (validation, debiasing, uncertainty assessment, etc. and users’ needs, from the climate services perspective.

  20. Development of organ-specific donor risk indices. (United States)

    Akkina, Sanjeev K; Asrani, Sumeet K; Peng, Yi; Stock, Peter; Kim, W Ray; Israni, Ajay K


    Because of the shortage of deceased donor organs, transplant centers accept organs from marginal deceased donors, including older donors. Organ-specific donor risk indices have been developed to predict graft survival with various combinations of donor and recipient characteristics. Here we review the kidney donor risk index (KDRI) and the liver donor risk index (LDRI) and compare and contrast their strengths, limitations, and potential uses. The KDRI has a potential role in developing new kidney allocation algorithms. The LDRI allows a greater appreciation of the importance of donor factors, particularly for hepatitis C virus-positive recipients; as the donor risk index increases, the rates of allograft and patient survival among these recipients decrease disproportionately. The use of livers with high donor risk indices is associated with increased hospital costs that are independent of recipient risk factors, and the transplantation of livers with high donor risk indices into patients with Model for End-Stage Liver Disease scores indices for liver transplantation, including donor-recipient matching and the retransplant donor risk index. Although substantial progress has been made in developing donor risk indices to objectively assess donor variables that affect transplant outcomes, continued efforts are warranted to improve these indices to enhance organ allocation policies and optimize allograft survival. Copyright © 2012 American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

  1. Risk indices in comparative risk assessment studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hubert, P.


    More than a decade ago the development of comparative risk assessment studies aroused overwhelming interest. There was no doubt that data on the health and safety aspects of energy systems would greatly benefit, or even end, the debate on nuclear energy. Although such attempts are still strongly supported, the rose-coloured expectations of the early days have faded. The high uncertainties, and the contradictory aspect, of the first results might explain this evolution. The loose connection between the range of computed risk indices and the questions on which the debate was focused is another reason for this decline in interest. Important research work is being carried out aiming at reducing the different kinds of uncertainties. Rather than the uncertainties, the paper considers the meaning of available risk indices and proposes more significant indices with respect to the goals of risk assessment. First, the indices which are of frequent use in comparative studies are listed. The stress is put on a French comparative study from which most examples are drawn. Secondly, the increase in magnitude of the indices and the decrease in the attributability of the risk to a given system is shown to be a consequence of the trend towards more comprehensive analyses. Thirdly, the ambiguity of such indices as the collective occupational risk is underlined, and a possible solution is suggested. Whenever risk assessments are related to pragmatic decision making problems it is possible to find satisfactory risk indices. The development of cost-effectiveness analyses and the proposals for quantitative safety goals clearly demonstrate this point. In the field of comparison of social impacts some proposals are made, but there remain some gaps still to be filled. (author)

  2. Transportable type neutron level indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khatskevich, M.V.; Kalinin, O.V.; Moskovkin, V.N.; Molchanov, A.V.; Bobkov, A.D.; Rabotnov, Yu.A.


    Some peculiarities of designing level neutron converters (LNC) for portable indicators or level neutron relays are considered. The effect of the LNC geometry and other factors on measurement errors has been studied. Calibration results of the LNC with a neutron reflector and without it are presented. It is shown that the problem of level monitoring with the help of portable indicators can be solved practically for any volume, provided two LNC modifications with reflectors are available: the NPU-G modification with horizontal location of a counter for large volumes and the NPU-V with vertical location of a counter for lesser volumes. A possibility of perfecting LNC performances by shielding the counter with thermal neutron absorbers has been studied. The design of the NPU-V modification for the NIUP-2 level indicator is described. It is intended for tubes and cylinders 30-100 mm in diameter. Measurements carried out on different steel and aluminium vessels with a diameter ranging from 300 to 100 mm and a wall thickness of up to 16 mm with the help of the NPU-V and NPU-G modifications proved the efficiency of the LNC to control a variety of products (kerosine, gasoline, oils, acids, alkalis) [ru

  3. A preliminary simulative assessment of disproportionality indices


    Migheli, Matteo; Ortona, Guido; Ponzano, Ferruccio


    What do indices of disproportionality actually measure? They provide an aggregate estimation of the difference between votes cast and seats assignment, but the relation between the value of the indices and the will of the voters is highly questionable. The reason is that when casting the vote the voter is deeply affected by the electoral system itself, possibly more deeply than s/he understands. The aim of this paper is to assess the performance of the most used indices of disproportionality ...

  4. Health indicators 1991. (United States)

    Dawson, N


    This is the second edition of a database developed by the Canadian Centre for Health Information (CCHI). It features 49 health indicators, under one cover containing the most recent data available from a variety of national surveys. This information may be used to establish health goals for the population and to offer objective measures of their success. The database can be accessed through CANSIM, Statistics Canada's socio-economic electronic database and retrieval system, or through a personal computer package which enables the user to retrieve and analyze the 1.2 million data points in the system.

  5. EJSCREEN Demographic Indicators 2015 Public (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — EJSCREEN uses demographic factors as very general indicators of a community's potential susceptibility to the types of environmental factors included in this...

  6. EJSCREEN Demographic Indicators 2016 Public (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — EJSCREEN uses demographic factors as very general indicators of a community's potential susceptibility to the types of environmental factors included in this...

  7. Building a Metaframework for Sustainable Transport Indicators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cornet, Yannick; Gudmundsson, Henrik


    Several recent papers presented at TRB and elsewhere seek to make sustainability manageable by suggesting indicators and performance measures as key tools to help conceptualize and operationalize sustainability for various levels of transportation-related planning and decision-making. These studies...... often prescribe frameworks that will allow sustainability indicators and measures to be selected and included in, for example, agency strategies and practices. Moreover, some suggest criteria for selection of individual indicators and performance measures. The studies do however not always agree on what...... of the paper is first to provide a theoretical elaboration of the underlying notion of ‘frameworks’, and then to conduct a review of the selected recent key scientific studies on sustainable transportation indicator frameworks in terms of what they propose for building the meta-framework and for identifying...

  8. Development and integration of programmatic performance indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wreathall, J.; Appignani, P.; Modarres, M.


    Work is currently being performed to develop and integrate programmatic performance indicators, that is, indicators of performance associated with the influence on safety associated with plant functional areas like maintenance, operations and training. The process for identifying and evaluating indicators associated with maintenance and training has been described earlier. Since that time, the authors have evaluated the maintenance indicators: inadvertent engineered safety feature actuations due to test and maintenance errors, and daily power loss (DPL), which seemingly show relationships to safety. Work on training process will lead to characteristic sorts of behavior. In the integration study, several frameworks have been developed to provide a basis for describing the interrelationships of plant behavior, personnel behavior, and safety. These will be applied in the next phase of the work to perform the nominal integration


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    Tkacova Andrea


    Full Text Available Monitoring and predicting economic cycles have returned to the awareness of economists with the impact of the economic crisis in 2007/2008. To determine the current and future state of the country’s economic cycle, Composite Leading Indicators (CLI can be used. Their structure is being dealt with by institutions at the national and international level (OECD, Eurostat. Correct predictions of public finance development and the entrepreneurship sphere are very important for competitiveness of the country. The aim of the paper is to propose a new Composite Leading Indicator (CLI to monitor and predict the German economy. The analysis of 140 quantitative and qualitative indicators of industry, services, retail, construction, foreign trade, labor market, money aggregates, stock indices, confidence indicators, consumer expectations was performed for the needs of the indicator. As the reference series represents the German economic cycle, the GDP indicator is selected at constant prices for 2010. All selected quarterly time series are applied with seasonal index methods, the Hodrick-Prescott filter (HP filter in the R program, cross-correlation with time shifts, methods selection and scoring, data standardization, identification of the same and different data and the subsequent construction of the CLI of the German economic cycle. The generated CLI can predict the German economy cycle two quarters ahead with a cross-correlation value of 0.867. The forecasting capabilities of the assembled indicator were better than the prediction capabilities of OECD, Eurostat and IFO indicator.

  10. Sustainability: criteria and indicators for the energy area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walter, F.; Gubler, F.; Brodmann, U.


    This report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the results of a study made on the concept of sustainability with reference to the energy area. The importance of energy topics in the fundamental ideas behind sustainability - ecological compatibility, economic efficiency and social fairness - is discussed. The methods used to define the criteria and indicators for sustainability are discussed on the basis of existing systems. >From these, criteria and indicators are proposed for the energy area, including indicators for the influence of energy on the environment, economy and society, activity-indicators and indicators for energy efficiency and politics. The system boundaries for the indicators are discussed, as are grey energy and other 'grey' effects in the environmental, economic and social areas. The various criteria, indicators and the effort needed to collect data on them are presented in table form. The report is completed with a discussion of recommendations on what is still to be done in the area, how the results of the study can be used and what actions are still to be taken



    Victor M. Askinadze


    The article presents a potential possibility to use stock market Indices as an indicator of emerging innovative economy. The focal point is the significance of taking into account the stock market Indices’ dynamics and volatility.

  12. Sustainability indicators - a tool for regional co-operation


    Koitka, Heike


    Sustainability indicators are more than just numbers. Besides their main function of illustrating the complex vision of sustainability they could support some factors for success of regional co-operation through their development. Today the discussion on indicators and co-operation is mainly separated from each other. Sustainability indicators are developed on all spatial levels from neighbourhoods up to the United Nations. In some cases the indicators are developed but remain unused. Regiona...

  13. Atlantic Coast Environmental Indicators Consortium (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — n 2000, the US EPA granted authority to establish up to five Estuarine Indicator Research Programs. These Programs were designed to identify, evaluate, recommend and...


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    Ricvan Dana Nindrea


    Full Text Available This research want to know the difference between a woman's sexual function after childbirth with Caesarean section on indications second stage dystocia and elective.This study is observational analytic with cross sectional design using comparative in M. Djamil General Hospital and Networking Hospital. Obtained samples are 26 women after childbirth cesarean section for second stage dystocia and 26 women after elective Caesarean section were spawned from term pregnancies that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate using independent T test. The average female sexual function after cesarean section indication of second stage dystocia is 27,70 ± 8,53 and female sexual function after elective Caesarean section indications are 33,55 ± 3,18. Statistical test results are known there is a difference in sexual function between women after Caesarean section indication of second stage dystocia and elective p = 0,003 (p ≤ 0,05. There is a difference between a woman's sexual function after childbirth Caesarean section on indications second stage dystocia and elective.

  15. Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — EPA’s Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) is a geographically-based model that helps policy makers and communities explore data on releases of toxic...

  16. Identifying novel drug indications through automated reasoning.

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    Luis Tari

    Full Text Available With the large amount of pharmacological and biological knowledge available in literature, finding novel drug indications for existing drugs using in silico approaches has become increasingly feasible. Typical literature-based approaches generate new hypotheses in the form of protein-protein interactions networks by means of linking concepts based on their cooccurrences within abstracts. However, this kind of approaches tends to generate too many hypotheses, and identifying new drug indications from large networks can be a time-consuming process.In this work, we developed a method that acquires the necessary facts from literature and knowledge bases, and identifies new drug indications through automated reasoning. This is achieved by encoding the molecular effects caused by drug-target interactions and links to various diseases and drug mechanism as domain knowledge in AnsProlog, a declarative language that is useful for automated reasoning, including reasoning with incomplete information. Unlike other literature-based approaches, our approach is more fine-grained, especially in identifying indirect relationships for drug indications.To evaluate the capability of our approach in inferring novel drug indications, we applied our method to 943 drugs from DrugBank and asked if any of these drugs have potential anti-cancer activities based on information on their targets and molecular interaction types alone. A total of 507 drugs were found to have the potential to be used for cancer treatments. Among the potential anti-cancer drugs, 67 out of 81 drugs (a recall of 82.7% are indeed known cancer drugs. In addition, 144 out of 289 drugs (a recall of 49.8% are non-cancer drugs that are currently tested in clinical trials for cancer treatments. These results suggest that our method is able to infer drug indications (original or alternative based on their molecular targets and interactions alone and has the potential to discover novel drug indications for

  17. A Preliminary Assessment of the Cultural Resources within the Millican Project, Navasota River Basin, Brazos, Grimes, Leon, Madison and Robertson Counties, Texas. Reports of Investigations, Number 19. (United States)


    suggests their use as cooking vessels. An analysis of the faunal remains indicates that deer was the primary large namal exploited; turtle remains are...identified include deer (64.4%), turtle (14.3%), jackrabbit (14.3%) and an unidentified large bird (7%). The Paleoindian materials recovered from the...prehistoric archeologi- cal sites within this area and the cultural adaptations which they rep- resent are neither too limited in nature nor too nebulous to be


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    Victor M. Askinadze


    Full Text Available The article presents a potential possibility to use stock market Indices as an indicator of emerging innovative economy. The focal point is the significance of taking into account the stock market Indices’ dynamics and volatility.

  19. Comparison of East Asian winter monsoon indices

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    Gao Hui


    Full Text Available Four East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM indices are compared in this paper. In the research periods, all the indices show similar interannual and decadal-interdecadal variations, with predominant periods centering in 3–4 years, 6.5 years and 9–15 years, respectively. Besides, all the indices show remarkable weakening trends since the 1980s. The correlation coefficient of each two indices is positive with a significance level of 99%. Both the correlation analyses and the composites indicate that in stronger EAWM years, the Siberian high and the higher-level subtropical westerly jet are stronger, and the Aleutian low and the East Asia trough are deeper. This circulation pattern is favorable for much stronger northwesterly wind and lower air temperature in the subtropical regions of East Asia, while it is on the opposite in weaker EAWM years. Besides, EAWM can also exert a remarkable leading effect on the summer monsoon. After stronger (weaker EAWM, less (more summer precipitation is seen over the regions from the Yangtze River valley of China to southern Japan, while more (less from South China Sea to the tropical western Pacific.

  20. Disclosure indices design: does it make a difference?

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    Francisco Bravo Urquiza


    Full Text Available Measurement of information disclosed by companies is a complex task. Accounting research usually relies on disclosure indices to obtain a proxy for the information disclosed by companies. However, there is no consensus about the best design for these indices. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if there are significant differences among the indices that are used in disclosure studies. Three indices that measure disclosure of forward-looking information are compared: A “quality index” of a multidimensional nature; a “scope index” designed specifically to measure the scope of information, and a “quantity index” that measures information disclosed exclusively in terms of quantity. Results of the empirical analysis indicate that although the indices are correlated, they have a big impact in the rankings of companies. Evidence against the idea of the irrelevance of the particular index chosen is provided.