
Sample records for humat hasilproses tanah

  1. Serapan Fosfor dan Pertumbuhan Kedelai(Glycine max pada Tanah Ultisol dengan Pemberian Asam Humat

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    Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih


    Full Text Available Ultisol merupakan salah satu jenis tanah asam yang memiliki kelarutan Al, Fe, dan Mn tinggi, serta kandungan P dan Moyang rendah. KelarutanAl dan Fe yangtinggiakan menjerap fosfat, sehingga ketersediaan dan serapan P bagi tanaman menjadi rendah. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi ketidaktersediaan P pada tanah Ultisol yaitu dengan penambahan asam humat. Asam humat merupakan makromolekul polielektrolit yang memiliki gugus fungsional seperti -COOH, -OH fenolat, maupun -OH alkoholat,sehingga asam humat memiliki kemampuan untuk membentuk kompleks dengan ion logam. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk: (1 mengetahui pengaruh asam humat terhadap serapan P dan pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai (2 menentukan konsentrasi asam humat yang paling baikdalam meningkatkan serapan P dan pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK. Pengelompokan didasarkan atas perbedaan intensitas cahaya yang ada di rumah kaca. Perlakuan berupa konsentrasi asam humat, dengan 5 konsentrasi yang berbeda yaitu 0 ppm, 400 ppm, 800 ppm, 1200 ppm dan 1600 ppm. Parameter yang diukur meliputi tinggi tanaman, luas daun, bobot basah, dan bobot kering, P tersedia serta P tanaman. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakananalisis ragam pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% dan 99%. Apabila hasil perlakuan berpengaruh nyata, maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa asam humat berpengaruh terhadap serapan P dan pertumbuhan kedelai pada tanah Ultisol. Asam humat 1200 ppm merupakan perlakuan paling baik dalam meningkatkan ketersediaan P, sehingga mampu meningkatkanpertumbuhan kedelai pada tanah Ultisol.

  2. Pengaruh Tingkat Kepadatan Tanah terhadap Daya Dukung Tanah


    Martini, Martini


    Untuk mendapatkan lahan yang datar pada daerah perbukitan adalah dengan melakukan “cut and fill”, sehingga kemungkinan bangunan dilatakan pada daerah “cut and fill”. Perbedaan kepadatan tanah asli dengan tanah timbunan akan berpengaruh pada daya dukung tanahnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan, kepadatan tanah timbunan lebih rendah 13% - 39% dari kepadatan tanah ditempat, daya dukung tanah timbunan lebih rendah hingga 50% dari daya dukung tanah asli. Tetapi bila kepadatan tanah timbunan lebih...

  3. Remediation using trace element humate surfactant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Riddle, Catherine Lynn; Taylor, Steven Cheney; Bruhn, Debra Fox


    A method of remediation at a remediation site having one or more undesirable conditions in which one or more soil characteristics, preferably soil pH and/or elemental concentrations, are measured at a remediation site. A trace element humate surfactant composition is prepared comprising a humate solution, element solution and at least one surfactant. The prepared trace element humate surfactant composition is then dispensed onto the remediation site whereby the trace element humate surfactant composition will reduce the amount of undesirable compounds by promoting growth of native species activity. By promoting native species activity, remediation occurs quickly and environmental impact is minimal.


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    Akhmad Mustafa


    Full Text Available Kondisi lahan mangrove sangat ekstrem, sehingga vegetasi yang tumbuh merupakan vegetasi yang telah beradaptasi dan berevolusi dengan kondisi tersebut. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik tanah di bawah tegakan vegetasi mangrove dan kedalaman tanah berbeda yang dapat dijadikan indikator biologis untuk memprediksi karakteristik tanah untuk budidaya tambak. Pengukuran dan pengambilan contoh tanah dilakukan di bawah tegakan paku laut (Acrostichum aureum, bakau (Rhizophora apiculata, api-api (Avicennia alba, dan nipah (Nypa fruticans masing-masing pada kedalaman tanah 0-0,25 m dan 0,50-0,75 m di hutan mangrove Kabupaten Mamuju Provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Kualitas tanah yang diukur langsung di lapangan adalah pHF, pHFOX, dan potensial redoks, sedangkan yang dianalisis di laboratorium adalah kandungan air, pHKCl, pHOX, SP, SKCl, SPOS, TPA, TAA, TSA, pirit, karbon organik, N-total, PO4, Fe, Al, tekstur, dan nilai n. Analisis ragam dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas tanah antar vegetasi mangrove pada kedalaman yang sama, sedangkan Uji T dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas tanah antar kedalaman pada vegetasi mangrove yang sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tegakan bakau, api-api, nipah, dan paku laut yang tumbuh pada tanah sulfat masam Kabupaten Mamuju diklasifikasikan sebagai Sulfaquent dan Sulfihemits untuk kategori Kelompok Besar. pHF tanah pada vegetasi dan kedalaman tanah yang berbeda relatif sama, tetapi peubah kemasaman tanah lainnya menunjukkan bahwa tanah vegetasi paku laut memiliki potensi kemasaman yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan vegetasi lainnya. Kesuburan dan sifat fisik tanah vegetasi paku laut lebih mendukung untuk lahan budidaya tambak daripada vegetasi lainnya (bakau, api-api, nipah. Kualitas tanah pada setiap vegetasi relatif sama pada kedua kedalaman, kecuali tanah vegetasi paku laut dan api-api yang memiliki pH dan kandungan PO4 yang

  5. Commercial Humates in Agriculture: Real Substance or Smoke and Mirrors?

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    Graham Lyons


    Full Text Available Soil humic substances (HS are known to be beneficial for soils and plants, and most published studies of HS and humates, usually conducted under controlled conditions, show benefits. However, the value of commercial humate application in the field is less certain. This review attempts to answer the question: How effective are commercial humates in the field? Commercial humates, especially K humate, are used widely in agriculture today as “soil conditioners”. A wide range of benefits is claimed, including growth of beneficial soil microbes; deactivation of toxic metals; improvements in soil structure including water retention capacity, enhanced nutrient and micronutrient uptake and photosynthesis; resistance to abiotic stress, including salinity; and increased growth, yield and product quality. Despite this, there is a surprising lack of solid evidence for their on-farm effectiveness and findings are often inconsistent. The industry relies largely on anecdotal case studies to promote humates, which are often applied at unrealistically low levels. It is recommended that products should be well characterised, physically and chemically, and that careful field studies be conducted on foliar humate application and pelletised humates at realistic rates, targeted to the seedling rhizosphere, for a variety of crops in a range of soils, including low C sandy and saline soils.


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    Acep Hidayat


    Full Text Available Perkembangan pertumbuhan kota meningkat sehingga fenomena yang berkaitan dengan sumber daya air semakin meningkat. Pertumbuhan penduduk setiap tahun bertambah menyertai pertumbuhan kota, menjadikan pemanfaatan air tanah semakin meningkat. Fenomena yang terjadi adalah bahwa ketersediaan lahan untuk prosesnya terjadinya resapan air ke dalam tanah semakin berkurang, dimana luasan lahan yang ada sangat tidak mencukupi resapan air ke dalam tanah. Di samping itu, resapan air ke dalam tanah dipengaruhi tingkat permeabilitas dari jenis tanah pada lingkungan daerah sekitar resapan. Akibat dari jumlah resapan air ke dalam tanah yang tidak seimbang dengan jumlah pemakaian air tanah yang digunakan mengakibatkan terjadinya penurunan muka air tanah dengan disertai penurunan lapisan tanah. Bila hal ini terjadi secara terus menerus menjadikan elevasi permukaan tanah akan lebih rendah dari permukaan laut. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut terjadi, maka penelitian ini melakukan kajian tingkat permeabilitas daya resap air untuk macam jenis tanah dengan melakukan tes-tes tanah, sehingga dapat diketahui titik imbang antara jumlah air tanah yang dapat diambil dengan air yang dapat meresap ke dalam tanah. Berdasarkan perhitungan curah hujan didapat bahwa besar curah hujan dalam satu tahun sebesar 54.56 m3/detik dan yang meresap hanya 5.37 m3/detik atau 9.84 %. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis tanah di sekitar wilayah penelitian berjenis lanau dan clay, sehingga mempunyai angka pori yang kecil. Dengan kondisi tersebut maka wilayah tersebut dapat diprogramkan dengan membuat folder-folder tampungan, sumur-sumur resapan, lubang-lubang biopori dan lainya.

  7. Hubungan Parameter Sifat Magnetik Dan Sifat Keteknikan Tanah Pada Tanah Residual Vulkanik

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    Mela Faridlah


    Full Text Available Penelitian mengenai karakteristik tanah residual vulkanik menggunakan metode magnetik dan metode geoteknik telah dilakukan pada lereng stabil dan lereng longsor yang berada di Desa Langensari Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik suseptibilitas magnetik dan parameter keteknikan tanah residual vulkanik. Karakteristik geoteknik ditentukan melalui uji fisik berupa uji bobot isi, berat isi tanah basah, berat isi tanah kering, kadar air, derajat kejenuhan dan porositas, uji batas atterberg serta uji ukuran butir tanah.. Karakteristik magnetik ditentukan melalui uji suseptibilitas magnetik menggunakan Bartington MS2B (Magnetic Suseptibility System sensor B dual frekuensi yaitu 470 Hz dan 4,7 kHz. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan peningkatan nilai-nilai χLF (suseptibilitas frekuensi rendah dan χFD% (suseptibilitas bergantung frekuensi kearah horizon bagian atas profil tanah residual. Peningkatan nilai-nilai χLF dan χFD% ke arah horizon bagian atas merupakan karakteristik dari suseptibilitas magnetik.Dari hasil penelitian geoteknik dan magnetik didapatkan hasil jenis tanah residual vulkanik tersebut merupakan tanah lempung dengan mineral dominan yaitu Ilmenit. Hubungan antara parameter magnetik dan keteknikan tanah yaitu beberapa parameter keteknikan yang mempengaruhi sifat kemagnetan diantaranya berat isi tanah basah dan kadar air. Research on volcanic residual soil characteristics using magnetic methods and geotechnic methods was carried out on a stable slope and landslide slope are located in Langensari Lembang west Bandung, West Java Province. This study are intended to describe the characteristics of the magnetic susceptibility and residual volcanic soil engineering parameters. Geotechnical characteristics were determined by physical properties tests such as bulk density test, wet density, dry density, water content, degree of saturation and porosity

  8. Formation of americium and europium humate complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Minai, Y.; Tominaga, T.; Meguro, Y.


    Binding constants of americium and europium with a humic acid were determined to study if complex formation of trivalent actinide-humates affects dissolved species of the actinides in hydrosphere. The purified humic acid was characterized by means of UV-vis, IR, and pH titration, indicating high carboxylate capacity and low aromaticity. Binding constants of americium and europium humates were determined at pH 4.6 and 6.0 by solvent extraction using 241 Am or 152 Eu as a tracer. The binding constants for americium-humate obtained preliminarily suggest that complexes with humic acid are not negligible in speciation of trivalent actinides in hydrosphere. The obtained binding constants were nearly identical with those determined previously by the same procedures, but with humic acids of different origin and compositions. (author)

  9. Spring Barley Yield Parameters after Lignite, Sodium Humate and Nitrogen Utilization

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    Kováčik Peter


    Full Text Available The existence of a small number of publications dealing with the impact of solid sodium humate and lignite on the quantity and quality of grown crops was the reason for establishing the field experiment. The objective of this experiment was to detect the impact of solid lignite and solid sodium humate on the quantity and quality of spring barley yield. These substances were applied into the soil either independently or along with nitrogen fertiliser. The next objective was to determine the impact of foliar application of sodium humate water solution applied either independently or along with nitrogen fertiliser on the quality and quantity of spring barley yield. The achieved results showed that the autumn application of solid lignite and the presowing application of solid sodium humate into the soil tended to decrease the yield of both grain and straw of spring barley, crude protein content in grain, proportion of the first-class grains and volume weight of grain, whereas the impact of humate was more negative. Lignite and sodium humate in the solid form should be used along with nitrogen fertiliser. The application of sodium humate in liquid form during the growth season of barley tended to increase the yield of both grain and straw. The joint application of nitrogen and liquid sodium humate during the growth season of barley increased the grain yield of barley significantly. A lower dose of nitrogen, applied during the growth season of barley (growth season BBCH 23, increased the grain yield of barley considerably more than a higher N dose, applied into the soil before barley sowing.

  10. The migrant 152Eu as europium humate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klotz, D.


    Europium was used as a representative of the lanthanide group in the migration experiments in underground water. These 14 elements, with the atomic numbers of 58 (cerium) through 71 (lutetium) are quite similar in their chemical characteristics, and all of them will form metal-humate complexes with humic acids via proton exchange groups. Apart from the concentration, chemical composition and structure, also the particle size of these metal humates will vary strongly as it is dependent on the geochemistry and geophysics of the underground systems [de

  11. Coal briquetting at the presence of humates as the binding substance

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    Zh. Arziev


    Full Text Available The results of coal briquetting at the presence of humates derived from coal at the stage of its chemical preparation by the extraction method are resulted in the paper. The conditions of briquetting and strength characteristics of the received briquettes are optimized. It is demonstrated that briquettes with the durability reaching 3 MPa can be derived from a coal fines using sodium, ammonium and silicate humates as binding substance. Water solutions of ammonium, sodium and silicate humates with concentration from 0,1-2% can be recommended for practical purposes. It is recommended to expose coal briquettes on a basis of ammonium humate to the thermal treatment at temperature 200°C as necessary of long storage (more than a year. The technological scheme of briquetting and the working project of creation of briquette factory with productivity of 40 000 tons of coal per year are developed.

  12. Potassium humate inhibits complement activation and the production of inflammatory cytokines in vitro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    van Rensburg, C.E.J.; Naude, P.J. [University of Pretoria, Pretoria (South Africa)


    The effects of brown coal derived potassium humate on lymphocyte proliferation, cytokine production and complement activation were investigated in vitro. Potassium humate increased lymphocyte proliferation of phytohaemaglutinin A (PHA) and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) stimulated mononuclear lymphocytes (MNL) in vitro from concentrations of 20 to 80 {mu} g/ml, in a dose dependant manner. On the other hand potassium humate, at 40 {mu} g/ml, significantly inhibited the release of TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-6 and IL-10 by PHA stimulated MNL. Regarding complement activation it was found that potassium humate inhibits the activation of both the alternative and classical pathways without affecting the stability of the red blood cell membranes. These results indicate that the anti-inflammatory potential of potassium humate could be partially due to the inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines responsible for the initiation of these reactions as well as inhibition of complement activation. The increased lymphocyte proliferation observed, might be due to increased IL-2 production as previously been documented.

  13. An in vitro investigation of the anti inflammatory properties of potassium humate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Joone, G.K.; van Rensburg, C.E.J. [University of Pretoria, Pretoria (South Africa). Faculty of Health Science, Dept. of Pharmacology


    In this study the anti-inflammatory potential of potassium humate, derived from bituminous coal, has been investigated in vitro. Exposure of resting and phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) stimulated human neutrophils to potassium humate resulted in a decreased expression of CR3 by activated, but not resting cells, in a dose-related way. Humate also inhibited the adhesion of PMA-stimulated neutrophils to a baby hamster kidney cell line expressing ICAM1 (the CR3 ligand) (BHK331-7). Similar results were obtained using normal BHK cells indicating that this inhibition does not only target specific adhesion molecules on the neutrophil and eosinophil membrane by activated phagocytes, but also affects other mechanisms involved in cell adhesion. Opsonised Sephadex or FMLP/Cyto B-induced degranulation of neutrophils and eosinophils were also decreased by humate treatment. Inhibition of the adhesion of activated phagocytes, as well as inhibition of the release of granule polypeptides, both of which are responsible for tissue damage during inflammatory processes, are attractive targets for anti-inflammatory drugs. Because humate is well tolerated with an excellent safety profile it merits further evaluation in patients suffering from inflammatory conditions.

  14. Molecular size distribution of Np(V)-humate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakamoto, Yoshiaki; Nagao, Seiya; Tanaka, Tadao


    Molecular size distributions of humic acid and Np(V)-humate were studied as a function of pH and an ionic strength by an ultrafiltration method. Small particle (10,000-30,000 daltons) of humic acid increased slightly with increases in solution pH. The ion strength dependence of the molecular size distribution was clearly observed for humic acid. The abundance ratio of humic acid in the range from 10,000 to 30,000 daltons increased with the ionic strength from 0.015 M to 0.105 M, in place of the decreasing of that in range from 30,000 to 100,000 daltons. Most of neptunium(V) in the 200 mg/l of the humic acid solution was fractionated into 10,000-30,000 daltons. The abundance ratio of neptunium(V) in the 10,000-30,000 daltons was not clearly dependent on pH and the ionic strength of the solution, in spite of the changing in the molecular size distribution of humic acid by the ionic strength. These results imply that the molecular size distribution of Np(V)-humate does not simply obey by that of the humic acid. Stability constant of Np(V)-humate was measured as a function of the molecular size of the humic acid. The stability constant of Np(V)-humate in the range from 10,000 to 30,000 daltons was highest value comparing with the constants in the molecular size ranges of 100,000 daltons-0.45μm, 30,000-100,000, 5,000-10,000 daltons and under 5,000 daltons. These results may indicate that the Np(V) complexation with humic acid is dominated by the interaction of neptunyl ion with the humic acid in the specific molecular size range. (author)


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    Su Ritohardoyo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pemilikan tanah sangat rawan terhadap terjadinya sengketa di masyarakat perkotaan maupun perdesaan. Konsekuensinya, pemilik tanah sangat mutlak memiliki sertifikat tanah. Namun demimian, banyak tanah di perdesaan belum atau tidak bersertifikat, akibat sebagian besar pemilik tanah menghadapi banyak kendala sosial ekonomi untuk mensertifikatkan tanah. Pemasalahan ini mendasari tujuan pene,itian untuk mengungkap keterkaitan dengan faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi pemegang hak tanah dengan minat penyertifikatan tanah yang dikuasai, antar daerah yang berbeda aksesbilitasnya terhadap kota. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Salam menggunakan metode survei. Responden penelitian adalah kepala keluarga (KK penguasa tanah baik yang sudah atau belum memiliki sertifikat tanah. Penentuan sampel secara quota sampling berdasar tingkat aksesbilitas desa terhadap kota. Jumlah sampel responden secara total 120 KK, yang diambil 60 KK di setiap sampel desa yang berbeda aksesbilitas. Data identitas sosial ekonomi rumah tangga, persepsi tentang sertifikat tanah, dan minat untuk mensertifikatkan tanah, dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik wawancara terstruktur. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistic analisi regresi ganda dan uji beda rata-rata yakni uji ‘t’. Hasil penelitian menunjukkah bahwa luas tanah hak rakyat yang bersertifikat baru sekitar 58 persen. Pelaksanaan program penyertifikatan tanah secara masal belum sepenuhnya berhasil, ditunjukkan dari tanah bersertifikat di daerah aksesbilitas rendah, lebih sedikit (29% daripada di daerah aksesbilitas tinggi (71%. Tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat tentang sertifikat tanah, sangat dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendidikan di setiap daerah yang berbeda aksesbilitas. Tingkat persepsi masyarakat terhadap biaya pengurusan dan waktu penyelesaian sertifikat tanah, secara keruangan bervariasi. Pengaruh tingkat pendidikan terhadap persepsi, hanya berlaku pada masyarakat di daerah aksesbilitas rendah; sedangkan pengaruh

  16. Konsolidasi Tanah: Studi Kasus Kecamatan Gedebage, Kota Bandung

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    Marenda Ishak S


    Full Text Available To create equal distribution of development, Gedebage region was developed as activity centre initiated by building a Sport Centre. In order to do so, a land consolidation program to collect citizen land was launched.  The program was carefully designed to protect people’s right on land and support the whole process. This study examines Land Consolidation Program. The research is carried out by Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA approach, using focus group discussion to collect data. The research showed that land consolidation activity was failed due to the absence of land legal document, lack of people participation and lack of government roles. Guna menciptakan pemerataan pembangunan, wilayah Gedebage dikembangkan sebagai pusat aktivitas yang diawali dengan pembangunan Pusat Olahraga (Sport Centre. Untuk itu, program konsolidasi tanah guna mengumpulkan tanah warga diluncurkan. Program tersebut dirancang dengan cermat untuk melindungi hak warga atas tanah, serta mendukung keseluruhan proses. Kajian ini meneliti Program Konsolidasi Tanah Gedebage, dengan pendekatan Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA, yang menggunakan diskusi kelompok terarah guna mengumpulkan data. Hasilnya, terlihat bahwa aktivitas konsolidasi tanah telah mengalami kegagalan karena ketiadaan dokumen legal menyangkut status tanah, kurangnya partisipasi penduduk, dan lemahnya peran pemerintah.

  17. Effect of pH on stability constants of Am(III)- and Cm(III)- humate complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samadfam, Mohammad; Jintoku, Takashi; Sato, Seichi; Ohashi, Hiroshi; Mitsugashira, Toshiaki; Hara, Mitsuo; Suzuki, Yoshimitsu


    The apparent stability constants of Am(III)- and Cm(III)-humate complexes were determined by dialysis method at ionic strength 0.1 in the pH range from 3.3 to 5.7 under N 2 bubbling. The Am(III) and Cm(III) loadings were about 10 -7 and 10 -10 mol/dm 3 . The concentrations of Am-241 and Cm-242 tracers were measured by α-spectrometry. It was found that the apparent stability constants were almost identical for both the Am(III)-humate and Cm(III)-humate complexes. The apparent stability constants showed a small pH-dependence, increasing from 10 4.6 at pH 3.3 to 10 5.1 at pH 5.7. The ionization of acidic functional groups of humic acid is possibly the primary factor. Above pH 6, the dialysis membrane was no langer permeable to Am(III) and Cm(III) ions and the apparent stability constant could not be experimentally obtained. The apparent stability constants between pH 6 and pH 8.5 were evaluated by considering that both binary metal-humate and ternary metal-hydroxo-humate complexes exist at pHs above 6. It was assumed that mono-hydroxo-humate complex Am(OH)HA and Cm(OH)HA are the major ternary complexes that exist below pH 9. The overall stability constants for Am(III)- and Cm(III)-humate complexes increased from 10 5.7 at pH 6 to 10 7.2 at pH 8. This implies that the formation of metal-hydroxo-humate species is preferred over the formation of hydroxide species. The apparent overall stability constants can be easily incorporated into geochemical modeling of trivalent actinide migration. The results of the present study show that the apparent stability constants determined experimentally at pH≤6 do not represent the complexation properties at higher pHs and the formation of ternary complexes should be considered in speciation calculations of radionuclides at terrestrial environment. (J.P.N.)


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    Niken Subekti


    Full Text Available Rayap Macrotermes gilvus Hagen mempunyai peranan ekologis rayap tanah M. gilvus sebagai degradator primer di dalam hutan, eksplorasi perananannya sebagai agen biologis dalam perbaikan vegetasi dan perbaikan kualitas tanah. Rayap dapat memodifikasi sifat fisik dan kimia tanah. Penelitian tentang kandungan bahan organik telah dilakukan dengan analisis proksimat (metode Weende, sementara akumulasi mineral tanah menggunakan metode X-Ray berdasarkan Analysis Program Cristallynity. Rayap M. gilvus Hagen merupakan komponen penting dalam memodifikasi beragam mineral dari tanah disekitarnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan nyata antara komposisi mineral tanah dalam sarang rayap M. gilvus Hagen dengan mineral tanah disekitar sarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan bahan organik dalam bangunan sarang menghasilkan sebesar 98.33% dan padatannya 1.67%. Padatan ini terdiri dari karbohidrat sebesar 3.16%, abu 4.19%, lemak 23.95%, protein sebesar 39.52%, dan sisanya 29.18% berupa mineral-mineral. Bangunan sarang rayap yaitu SiO2 dan Despujolsite yang dibawa dari lingkungan sekitar kedalan bangunan sarang. Unsur-unsur yang lain diperoleh dari sebagian material yang berasal dari saliva, humus dan tanah sekitar sarang. The termite Macrotermes gilvus Hagen plays an ecological role. Subterranean termites M. gilvus is considered as the primary degradator in the forest, and therefore the exploration of its role as the biological agent to recover the vegetation and soil quality might be useful. Termites could modify the physical and chemical nature of soil. M. gilvus Hagen was an important component in modifying various minerals of the surrounding soil.  Research on the content of the organic materials had been proximat analysis (Weende methode, and the accumulation of soil mineral structure in the mound with X-Ray Methode (Analysis Program Cristallynity 2006. The result of the research indicated that there was significant difference

  19. Brown coal derived humate inhibits contact hypersensitivity; An efficacy, toxicity and teratogenicity study in rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Rensburg, C.E.J.; Snyman, J.R.; Mokoele, T.; Cromarty, A.D. [University of Pretoria, Pretoria (South Africa). Faculty of Health Science


    The effects of two humate products were compared to that of prednisolone on a contact hypersensitivity rat model. Rats, sensitized with dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB), were placed on a daily oral treatment of 61 mg/kg BW of humate derived from either leonardite or bituminous coal or on prednisolone at one mg/kg BW and challenged 6 days later with a topical application of DNFB to the right ear. The inflamed ears were measured daily. In a toxicity study rats were exposed to daily oral treatment of leonardite humate at 1,000 mg/kg BW for 1 month. A teratogenicity study was done where pregnant rats were treated with 500 mg/kg BW on days 5 to 17 of pregnancy. Only the leonardite humate compared favourably with prednisolone in suppressing contact hypersensitivity. No signs of toxicity were observed and weight gain was normal during the 6-day and 1 month treatments and during the teratogenicity study with the leonardite humate. However, the rats on the other two products experienced slower weight gain. The identification of a naturally occurring nontoxic compound with anti-inflammatory activity is exciting and merits further evaluation in the treatment of patients suffering from inflammatory conditions.


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    Arief Nugroho


    Full Text Available ENGLISHAbstractSoil is home to biodiversity where 25% of the Earth’s species live in the soil. Soil can provide ecosystem function through complex interactions between organisms in the soil and the soil itself as soil formation, water filtration, as well as providing useful compounds. However, the soil can be a reservoir of disease in humans. This is because the soil is the recipient of the solid waste that causes contamination of soil that may contain hazardous organic and inorganic materials as well as pathogenic microorganisms. The spread of disease-causing agents through the soil can occur as a result of floods, strong winds or transporting soil from endemic areas to other regions. Pathogens that have caused the role of soil-borne diseases are divided into two groups: Euedaphic Pathogenic Organisms (EPOs and Soil Transmitted Pathogens (STP. Prevention efforts need to avoid the spread of disease from soil to human beings as to conduct remediation of soils contaminated with hazardous chemicals as well as efforts to provide a disinfectant, and sanitary environment to prevent contamination of pathogenic microorganisms in the soil.INDONESIANAbstrakTanah merupakan tempat tinggal bagi keragaman hayati dimana 25% dari spesies bumi tinggal di tanah. Tanah dapat berfungsi menyediakan ekosistem melalui berbagai interaksi yang kompleks antara organisme dalam tanah dan tanah itu sendiri seperti pembentukan tanah, penyaringan air, maupun penyediaan senyawa yang bermanfaat. Namun, tanah dapat menjadi reservoir penyakit pada manusia. Hal ini karena tanah adalah penerima limbah padat sehingga menyebabkan kontaminasi tanah yang dapat mengandung bahan organik dan anorganik berbahaya serta mikroorganisme patogen. Penyebaran agen penyebab penyakit melalui tanah dapat terjadi akibat banjir, tiupan angin kencang atau pengangkutan tanah dari daerah endemik ke daerah lainnya. Patogen yang mempunyai peran menyebabkan penyakit yang ditularkan melalui tanah di bagi

  1. A blend of Sodium Humate/SLES/Herbal Oils

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    Yeliz Akyiğit


    Full Text Available A blend of sodium humate (SH with anionic surfactants such as sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES was prepared by solution mixing at medium of herbal oils at 25, 50 and 75°C. Its miscibility studies were carried out by using physical techniques over an extended range of concentration and composition in buffer solution. In addition, to ascertain the state of miscibility of the blends, they were investigated by using UV-visible spectrophotometer and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR. These values revealed that the blend is miscible when the sodium humate content is more than %60 in the blend at all temperatures. There were no important differences in the characteristics of the blends at different temperatures.It was thought that the mechanism ofthe complex formation is realized by making strong intermolecular interaction like hydrogen bonds between the carbonyl groups in humic acid and hydroxyl groups in fatty acids.


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    F Kusmiyati


    Full Text Available Peralihan fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi wilayah pemukimam dan industri menyebabkan semakinberkurangnya lahan pertanian.Hal tersebut menyebabkan pengembangan pertanian perlu diarahkan padalahan-lahan marginal seperti tanah salin.Tanah salin adalah tanah yang mengandung garam terlarut netraldalam jumlah tertentu yang berpengaruh buruk terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman.Penelitian yangdilaksanakan bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh perbaikan tanah salin secara kimia dan biologi terhadap karakterfisiologis Calopogonium mucunoides. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 3ulangan. Perbaikan tanah salin dilakukan melalui penambahan gipsum (P1, pupuk kandang (P2, abu sekampadi (P3, tanaman halofita (P4, gipsum dan pupuk kandang (P5, gipsum dan abu sekam padi (P6, gipsumdantanamanhalofita (P7, pupuk kandang dan abu sekam padi (P8, pupuk kandang dan tanaman halofita(P9, abusekam padi dan tanaman halofita (P10 dan tanpa penambahan sebagai kontrol (P0. Parameter yangdiamati adalah kandungan klorofil a, kandungan klorofil b, kandungan total klorofil, aktivitas nitrat reduktase,luas daun dan laju fotosintesis.Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan sidik ragam dan uji lanjut dengan ujiwilayah ganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan klorofil a, klorofil b, total klorofil, aktivitasnitrat reduktase dan laju fotosintesis calopo berbeda nyata (P<0,05 lebih tinggi pada perlakuan perbaikantanah salin dibandingkan kontrol. Kandungan klorofil a, klorofil b dan total klorofil calopo pada perlakuankombinasi pupuk kandang dan abu sekam padi serta kombinasi gipsum dan pupuk kandang berbeda nyata(P<0,05 lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Aktivitas nitrat reduktase dan laju fotosintesis calopopada perlakuan kombinasi pupuk kandang dan abu sekam padi serta perlakuan pupuk kandang berbeda nyata(P<0,05 lebih tinggi daripada perlakuan lainnya. Simpulan adalah perbaikan tanah salin dengan penambahankombinasi pupuk kandang dan abu

  3. KANDUNGAN KADMIUM (Cd PADA TANAH DAN CACING TANAH DI TPAS PIYUNGAN, BANTUL, DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA (Cadmium (Cd Content in Soil and Earthworms in Piyungan Controlled Landfill Municipal Waste Disposal, Bantul Yogyakarta Special District

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    Heny Mayasari Setyoningrum


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Analisis kandungan logam berat cadmium (Cd pada tanah dan cacing tanah telah dilakukan di TPAS Piyungan Bantul untuk mengetahui tingkat pencemaran Cd dalam tanah. Penelitian dibagi menjadi penelitian di lapangan yang meliputi pengambilan sampel tanah-cacing tanah dan pengukuran parameter lingkungan, serta penelitian di laboratorium yang meliputi analisis kandungan kadmium, bahan organik dan tekstur tanah. Tingkat pencemaran kadmium ditentukan menggunakan Indeks Kontaminasi-Polusi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan kandungan kadmium pada tanah di TPAS Piyungan antara tidak terdeteksi (< 0.01 – 0.47 ppm. Kandungan kadmium di TPAS Piyungan lebih rendah dibandingkan jumlah maksimum kadmium yang diperbolehkan di tanah dan khusus untuk zona III dan zona I titik sampling 1 dan 2 lebih tinggi dari standar kandungan kadmium pada tanah yang bebas polusi, sedangkan kandungan kadmium pada tanah kontrol lebih rendah dibandingkan kandungan kadmium secara umum pada tanah bebas polusi tersebut. Kandungan kadmium dalam tanah di lokasi TPAS tidak selalu lebih tinggi bila dibanding kontrol. Cacing tanah mengandung kadmium antara 0.35 – 0.45 ppm, kandungan kadmium dalam cacing tanah di beberapa lokasi TPAS lebih rendah dibanding kontrol. Tingkat pencemaran kadmium di TPAS Piyungan berada pada tingkat kontaminasi sangat ringan hingga kontaminasi sangat berat. Lokasi TPAS yang masih aktif digunakan memiliki tingkat kontaminasi lebih tinggi bila dibanding lokasi lain. Rasio kadmium pada tanah dan cacing tanah di TPAS Piyungan adalah 0.13 : 1.75.   ABSTRACT Cadmium (Cd analysis has been done at Piyungan TPAS (Piyungan TPAS, stands for Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah for knowing the level of Cd contamination insoil. The research was divided into in-sites study, which consisted of soil and earthworms sampling, and soil environmental factors measurement, and laboratory analysis, which consisted of cadmium content, organic compounds and soil textures analysis

  4. Analisis Risiko Tanah Longsor Desa Tieng Kecamatan Kejajar Kabupaten Wonosobo

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    Elna Multi Astuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Desa Tieng Kecamatan Kejajar secara umum memiliki kondisi topografi yang dapat menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya tanah longsor seiring dengan perkembangan perkembangan aktivitas manusia. Untuk mengantisipasi dan mencegah terjadinya bencana alam tanah tanah longsor, maka perlu disediakan peta risiko tanah tanah longsor di Desa Tieng yang merupakan perpaduan antara peta bahaya dan peta kerentanan sebagai bahan pertimbangan yang penting dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan tanah longsor. Penyusunan peta bahaya, kerentanan, dan risiko tanah longsor menggunakan ArcGIS dan ILWIS dengan menggunakan parameter hujan, lereng lahan, geologi, keberadaan sesar, kedalaman tanah, penggunaan lahan, infrastruktur, kepadatan pemukiman. Skoring dan pemberatan digunakan dalam penentuan peta bahaya dan  kerentanan. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian menggunakan metode pengambilan sampel acak berstrata dengan berdasarkan zona bahaya tanah longsor di lokasi penelitian.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa zona tingkat bahaya tanah longsor terbagi menjadi 3 zona yaitu zona bahaya tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Wilayah pemukiman berada pada zona bahaya tinggi dan sedang. Tingkat kerentanan total merupakan fungsi dari tingkat kerentanan fisik, sosial, dan ekonomi. Tingkat kerentanan fisik menggunakan faktor persentase kawasan terbangun, kepadatan bangunan, dan jenis material banguan. Tingkat kerentanan sosial menggunakan faktor kepadatan penduduk, persentase penduduk usia tua-balita, dan penduduk wanita. Tingkat kerentanan ekonomi menggunakan faktor persentase rumah tangga yang bekerja di sektor rentan, dan persentase rumah tangga miskin. Masyarakat Desa Tieng membuat sistem terassering untuk berkebun dan membuat bangunan penahan dari batu untuk mengurangi bahaya tanah longsor.  Kesimpulan penelitian ini Desa Tieng berada pada risiko tanah longsor sedang dan tinggi. Penduduk yang berada pada zona risiko tinggi sebaiknya direlokasi terutama penduduk

  5. Keanekaragaman makrofauna tanah pada lahan tanaman padi dengan sistem rotasi dan monokultur di Desa Banyudono, Boyolali

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    Full Text Available Vidya AO, Sugiyarto, Sunarto. 2013. Diversity of soil macrofauna on the ricefield with rorarion and monoculture systems in Banyudono Village, Boyolali. Bioteknologi 11: 19-22. Makrofauna tanah berperan penting dalam menjaga kesuburan tanah persawahan. Perbedaan sistem pengelolaan lahan mempengaruhi populasi dan komposisi makrofauna tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks keanekaragaman makrofauna tanah pada lahan tanaman padi dengan sistem rotasi dan monokultur di Desa Banyudono Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. Koleksi makrofauna dalam tanah dilakukan dengan metode hand sorting. Lokasi sampling ditentukan dengan metode purposive sampling, yang masing-masing stasiun terdapat 5 titik sampling. Indeks dinyatakan dengan indeks keanekaragaman Simpson. Perbandingan studi komunitas antar penggunaan lahan dinyatakan dengan Indeks Similaritas Sorensen. Hubungan antara keanekaragaman makrofauna tanah dengan faktor lingkungan abiotik dianalisis dengan korelasi Pearson. Berdasarkan penelitian ini ditemukan 3 phylum yaitu annelida, arthopoda dan mollusca. Indeks keanekaragaman makrofauna dalam tanah tertinggi adalah pada lahan tanaman padi monokultur umur 80 hari (0,66. Berdasarkan hasil korelasi pearson menunjukkan bahwa indeks keanekaragaman makrofauna dalam tanah berhubungan kuat dengan suhu tanah (-0,732.

  6. Geology and recognition criteria for uraniferous humate deposits, Grants Uranium Region, New Mexico. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adams, S.S.; Saucier, A.E.


    The geology of the uraniferous humate uranium deposits of the Grants Uranium Region, northwestern New Mexico, is summarized. The most important conclusions of this study are enumerated. Although the geologic characteristics of the uraniferous humate deposits of the Grants Uranium Region are obviously not common in the world, neither are they bizarre or coincidental. The source of the uranium in the deposits of the Grants Uranium Region is not known with certainty. The depositional environment of the host sediments was apparently the mid and distal portions of a wet alluvial fan system. The influence of structural control on the location and accumulation of the host sediments is now supported by considerable data. The host sediments possess numerous important characteristics which influenced the formation of uraniferous humate deposits. Ilmenite-magnetite distribution within potential host sandstones is believed to be the simplest and most useful regional alteration pattern related to this type of uranium deposit. A method is presented for organizing geologic observations into what is referred to as recognition criteria. The potential of the United States for new districts similar to the Grants Uranium Region is judged to be low based upon presently available geologic information. Continuing studies on uraniferous humate deposits are desirable in three particular areas


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    I Nyoman Sukanta


    Full Text Available Salah satu komplek perkantoran yang terletak di Jalan Thamrin, Jakarta, dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian. Hasil pemodelan data tanah, menghasilkan 3 lapisan tanah yang berbeda dengan kriteria jenis tanahnya cenderung lunak, dengan nilai N-SPT rata–rata = 11,23. Perhitungan percepatan puncak muka tanah (PGA dan nilai spektrum respon di permukaan tanah menggunakan metoda analisis linier equivalen dengan simulasi Monte Carlo. Program aplikasi SHAKE2000 merupakan alat bantu dalam simulasi, dengan memasukkan beberapa asumsi sebagai data masukan. Data masukan dinamik menggunakan sumber gempabumi Elcentro dan Mexico yang mempunyai kandungan frekuensi berbeda. Asumsi nilai percepatan puncak batuan dasar (PBA untuk kedua sumber gempabumi tersebut sebesar 0,18 g. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai spektrum respon dan percepatan puncak muka tanah sangat bervariasi. Gempabumi Elcentro menghasilkan nilai rata–rata PGA = 0,36 g dengan spektrum responnya = 1,0 g  pada Tc = 0,6 detik. Untuk gempabumi Mexico menghasilkan nilai rata–rata PGA = 0,30 g dengan spektrum responnya = 0,9 g pada Tc = 0,6 detik. Artinya, variabilitas jenis tanah sangat berpengaruh tehadap variabilitas spektrum respon di permukaan tanah.   One of the office complex located at Jalan Thamrin, Jakarta, was chosen as the location of the reseach. Results of data modeling soil, produces 3 different soil layers with soil type criteria tend to be soft, with a value of N-SPT  average = 11.23. Calculation of peak ground acceleration (PGA and the value of the response spectrum at ground surface using the method of equivalent linear analysis with Monte Carlo simulation. SHAKE2000 application software  is a tool in the simulation, by including some assumptions as input data. Dynamic input data using Elcentro and Mexican  earthquakes  which have different frequency contents. Assumed value of peak base acceleration (PBA for the two earthquakes was 0.18 g. The result of analysis was the value

  8. Wpływ humianu sodowego z węgla brunatnego na rozwój roślin [Effect of sodium humate from lignite on plants grown under various culture conditions

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    Z. Gumińska


    Full Text Available The effect of humate on the uptake of Fe-ions has already been proved. In the present paper other advantages of humate are indicated. If plants are grown in optimum conditions humate has no effect. In more concentrated solutions humate acts as a preventive factor and provides for more economical use of the solution (yield increase 40%. When high doses of P and Cu are used, humate weakens their harmful effect on plants; with pH too low or too high, it acts protectively. Humate was tested also in the transplantation of vegetatively propagated young orchid plants from sterile conditions into a natural medium; in that case it also showed a protective effect.

  9. Effect of some detergents, humate, and composition of seedbed on crop of tomato plants in a hydroponic culture (United States)

    Guminka, A. Z.; Gracz-Nalepka, M.; Lukasiewicz, B.; Sobolewicz, E.; Turkiewicz, I. T.


    It is established that single detergent doses distinctly stimulate vegetative development of plants in the initial stage when humates are available. When detergents are applied every four weeks in a hydroponic culture, in which the seedbed does not contain active humates, the crop is reduced by 50%. This adverse effect does not occur when the seedbed is a mixture of brown coal and peat.

  10. HUBUNGAN KEDEKATAN EKOLOGIS ANTARA FAUNA TANAH DENGAN KARAKTERISTIK TANAH GAMBUT YANG DIDRAINASE UNTUK HTI Acacia crassicarpa (Ecological Proximity Relationship Between Soil Fauna and The Characteristics of Drained Peatland for Industrial Plantation

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    Yunita Lisnawati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pengelolaan lahan gambut untuk pengembangan HTI Acacia crassicarpa diawali dengan pembuatan saluran drainase dan pembukaan lahan (land clearing yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penyiapan lahan untuk penanaman, sedangkan kegiatan pemeliharaan meliputi pemberantasan gulma dengan menggunakan herbisida dan pemupukan. Kegiatan pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan tentunya mempunyai dampak bagi kondisi ekologis lahan gambut. Perubahan kondisi ekologis terjadi karena perubahan lahan yang selanjutnya berpengaruh terhadap kelimpahan dan keragaman fauna tanah.Kelimpahan dan keragaman fauna tanah serta fungsi ekosistem menunjukkan hubungan yang sangat kompleks dan belum banyak diketahui dengan pasti. Kecenderungan fauna tanah untuk memilih suatu habitat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor lingkungan baik biotik maupun abiotik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kedekatan ekologis antara karakteristik tanah gambut yang didrainase untuk HTI A. crassicarpa dengan kelimpahan fauna tanahnya. Penelitian dilakukan di HTI lahan gambut  PT. Arara Abadi, Distrik Rasau Kuning, Kabupaten Siak, Riau.  Pengambilan sampel fauna tanah dengan metode pencuplikan contoh tanah yang berukuran 25 x 25 x 25 cm3, pemisahan fauna tanah dengan tanah dilakukan dengan menggunakan modifikasi corong barlese.  Parameter yang diamati adalah kelimpahan dan keragaman fauna tanah, kematangan gambut (C/N, kadar air gambut, dan kedalaman muka air tanah gambut. Untuk menilai kedekatan ekologis digunakan analisis hirarki.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan fauna tanah tertinggi terdapat pada tegakan A. crassicarpa umur 2 tahun. Keragaman jenis fauna tanah di lokasi penelitian termasuk melimpah sedang dengan nilai H’ 1,2. Formicidae berpotensi sebagai bioindikator kelembaban tanah gambut yang rendah yang dicirikan dengan kandungan kadar air yang rendah dan mempunyai tingkat kematangan gambut yang lebih tinggi. Entomobryidae berpotensi sebagai bioindikator kadar air

  11. Analisis Hasil Filtering Karous-Hjelt Berdasarkan Beda Spasi Dalam Penggambaran Struktur Bawah Permukaan Tanah

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    Miftakhul Maulidina


    Full Text Available Struktur penyusun tanah di setiap wilayah dapat digambarkan melalui pemodelan berdasarkan nilai resistivitas material penyusunnya. Tujuan penelitian ini membuat penggambaran struktur bawah permukaan tanah melalui filtering Karous-Hjelt dengan variasi spasi. Adapun spasi dalam pengambilan data di lapangan adalah spasi 1 meter dan spasi 0,5 meter pada masing-masing line. Penelitian ini sekaligus melengkapi hasil penelitian sebelumnya tentang penentuan struktur bawah permukaan tanah di sekitar Candi Gambar Wetan (Maulidina, 2015. Data yang dimasukkan merupakan data hasil pengukuran Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic di area Candi Gambar Wetan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengolahan data menggunakan filtering Karous-Hjelt untuk penggambaran struktur bawah permukaan tanah pada kedalaman 0 – 6 meter untuk dua jenis data berdasarkan variasi spasi. Hasil pengolahan menunjukkan penggambaran struktur bawah permukaan tanah spasi 0,5 m memiliki rentang nilai resistivitas yang lebih mendetail dibandingkan spasi 1 m. Hasil ini dapat menambah informasi dan bisa digunakan sebagai acuan dalam penelitian berikutnya.

  12. Influence of sodium humate on the growth of Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp. Brèb. and Gonium pectorale in the case of different calciumand iron doses

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    Krystyna Juraja


    Full Text Available The influence of sodium humate on calcium and iron uptake by two species of algae was studied. It was found that sodium humate influence differentially the growth of these algae in various culture conditions by regulating the iron uptake. The action of sodium humate is especially favourable in non optimal pH of the medium and its effectiveness increases with time.

  13. Tinjauan Yuridis Kepemilikan Tanah Absentee Dikaji dari Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok Agraria


    Abdurahman, Sultan


    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Kedudukan Kepemilikan Tanah Absentee ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Pokok Agraria dan bagaimana Penerapan Dari Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Pokok Agraria terhadap Tanah Yang Dimiliki Secara Absentee. Dengan menggunkan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dsimpulkan: 1. Kepemilikan tanah secara Absentee memang memunculkan fenomena dalam dunia hukum, hal ini dikarenakan kepemilikan tanah seca...

  14. Lacustrine-humate model for primary uranium ore deposits, Grants Uranium Region, New Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turner-Peterson, C.E.


    Two generations of uranium ore, primary and redistributed, occur in fluvial sandstones of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation in the San Juan basin; the two stages of ore formation can be related to the hydrologic history of the basin. Primary ore formed soon after Morrison deposition, in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, and a model, the lacustrine-humate model, is offered that views primary mineralization as a diagenetic event related to early pore fluid evolution. The basic premise is that the humate, a pore-filling organic material closely associated with primary ore, originated as humic acids dissolved in pore waters of greenish-gray lacustrine mudstones deposited in the mud-flat facies of the Brushy Basin Member and similar K shale beds in the Westwater Canyon Member. During compaction associated with early burial, formation water expelled from lacustrine mudstone units carried these humic acids into adjacent sandstone beds where the organics precipitated, forming the humate deposits that concentrated uranium. During the Tertiary, much later in the hydrologic history of the basin, when Jurassic sediments were largely compacted, oxygenated ground water flowed basinward from uplifted basin margins. This invasion of Morrison sandstone beds by oxidizing ground waters redistributed uranium from primary ores along redox boundaries, forming ore deposits that resemble roll-front-type uranium ores. 11 figures


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    Luh Putu Aritiana Kumala Pratiwi


    Full Text Available The development of tourism in Tanah Lot has been able to open up opportunities for local women. The businesses that mostly cultivated by women are the selling of traditional snacks of klepon, postcards, and hairpins.Women who participate should reconsider their decision to choose a dual role, both as housewives and sellers in Tanah Lot.This article analyzes the motivation of Women in opening a business in Tanah Lot area.The results showed that the motivation of women to open a business in the informal sector in Tanah Lot, namely to be able to meet the physiological needs, safety needs, affiliations, appreciation, self-actualization, and add to work experience. The factors that affect women’s motivations are internal factors such as age, educational background, family income, and marital status. While the external factors namely selling location, the condition of selling place, and having their own income.

  16. Preparation of iron, aluminium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc humates for environmental applications

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kříženecká, S.; Hejda, S.; Machovič, Vladimír; Trögl, J.


    Roč. 68, č. 11 (2014), s. 1443-1451 ISSN 0366-6352 Institutional support: RVO:67985891 Keywords : metal humates * humic substances characterisation * sorption Subject RIV: DD - Geochemistry OBOR OECD: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7) Impact factor: 1.468, year: 2014


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    Agus Aan Jiwa Permana


    Full Text Available Setiap saat Indonesia mengalami ancaman bencana alam. Hal ini sudah dibuktikan dengan adanya bencana alam yang beruntun menimpa negara ini. Mulai dari tsunami, gunung meletus, banjir, tanah longsor, dan gempa. Dengan adanya hal-hal semacam ini, terpikirkan bagaimana caranya untuk melakukan pencegahan awal agar dampak kerugian material dan korban yang ditimbulkan dapat lebih diminimalisir. Misalnya saja bencana tanah longsor sering terjadi di Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Hal ini terjadi karena penambangan dan minimnya daerah tangkapan air sehingga menjadi penyebab maraknya kasus-kasus longsor di Kulon Progo baik karena aktivitas penambangan yang dilakukan legal atau ilegal. Khusus daerah yang menjadi sasaran penambangan emas di Yogya adalah Kecamatan Kokap. Sehingga menyebabkan banyak kejadian tanah longsor di daerah tersebut. Dengan kondisi daerah yang sering mengalami bahaya longsor, nampaknya perlu dikembangkan sebuah sistem informasi geografis yang dapat membantu dalam manajemen resiko bencana tanah tanah longsor yang terjadi di Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Sehingga nantinya jika sistem ini dapat dikembangkan, dapat membantu melakukan analisis resiko dari dampak bencana tanah longsor di era cyber seperti saat ini. Lokasi yang menjadi titik rawan bencana, diharapkan dapat dideteksi dan hasilnya dapat dianalisis untuk kepentingan lebih lanjut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sudah dapat menghasilkan peta bahaya longsor dalam tiga kategori yaitu tinggi, sedang, dan rendah.   Kata-kata kunci: Tanah Longsor,  Bencana Alam,  Sistem Informasi Geografis.

  18. Modelling metal-humate interactions: an approach based on the Gibbs-Donnan concept

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ephraim, J.H.


    Humic and fulvic acids constitute an appreciable portion of organic substances in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Their ability to sequester metal ions and other trace elements has engaged the interest of numerous environmental scientists recently and even though considerable advances have been made, a lot more remains unknown in the area. The existence of high molecular weight fractions and functional group heterogeneity have endowed ion exchange characteristics to these substances. For example, the cation exchange capacities of some humic substances have been compared to those of smectites. Recent development in the solution chemistry has also indicated that humic substances have the capability to interact with other anions because of their amphiphilic nature. In this paper, metal-humate interaction is described by relying heavily on information obtained from treatment of the solution chemistry of ion exchangers as typical polymers. In such a treatment, the perturbations to the metal-humate interaction are estimated by resort to the Gibbs-Donnan concept where the humic substance molecule is envisaged as having a potential counter-ion concentrating region around its molecular domain into which diffusible components can enter or leave depending on their corresponding electrochemical potentials. Information from studies with ion exchangers have been adapted to describe ionic equilibria involving these substances by making it possible to characterise the configuration/conformation of these natural organic acids and to correct for electrostatic effects in the metal-humate interaction. The resultant unified physicochemical approach has facilitated the identification and estimation of the complications to the solution chemistry of humic substances. (authors). 15 refs., 1 fig


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    Dedy Hernawan


    Full Text Available The Development of physical infrastructure always requires  the availability of land, it  is not limited to the State land but also to the land rights. Small-scale land acquisition in the area of less than five (5 acre, can be bought or sold  between government agencies with land owners,  then the land belongs to the government or local government. This provision is problematic because according to Indonesian laws, the  land is controlled  by the State instead of owned. The writer will conduct the research with the aim of knowing the Judicial consequences of the implementation of land for development in the public interest by sale and purchase as stipulated in the laws. Knowing supposed to be done by government institution in order to land acquisition for public development. From the research  it can be concluded that: Knowing the Judicial consequences of the implementation of land for development in the public interest by sale and purchase as stipulated in the law number 2 year 2012 on procurement land for development for public interest, presidential decree number 40 year 2014 which resulted in the land of inheritance of government, is contrary to the provision set forth in article 33 paragraph 3 of the constitution 1945 and the provision of the basic law of agrarian number 5 year 1960. The supposed to be done by government institution in order to land acquisition for public development is trough waiver process/or extraction right by compensation, the amount of compesation itself supposed to be based on the price not based on the tax value of the land. Keywords: land; buying and selling; waiver Pembangunan sarana prasarana fisik memerlukan ketersediaan tanah, baik tanah negara dan tanah hak. Pengadaan tanah dalam skala kecil yang luasnya kurang dari 5 (lima hektar, dapat dilakukan dengan  jual beli antara instansi pemerintah dengan pemilik tanah, tanahnya kemudian menjadi milik pemerintah atau pemerintah daerah. Penelitian ini membahas

  20. Ternary uranium(VI) carbonato humate complex studied by cryo-TRLFS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steudtner, R.; Sachs, S.; Schmeide, K.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G.


    The complex formation of U(VI) with humic acid (HA) in the presence of carbonate was studied by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy at low temperature (cryo-TRLFS) at pH 8.5. In the presence of HA, a decrease of the luminescence intensity of U(VI) and no shift of the emission band maxima in comparison to the luminescence spectrum of the UO 2 (CO 3 ) 3 4- complex, the dominating U(VI) species under the applied experimental conditions in the absence of HA, was observed. The formation of a ternary U(VI) carbonato humate complex of the type UO 2 (CO 3 ) 2 HA(II) 4- starting from UO 2 (CO 3 ) 3 4- was concluded from the luminescence data. For this complex a complex stability constant of log K=2.83 ± 0.17 was determined. Slope analysis resulted in a slope of 1.12 ± 0.11, which verifies the postulated complexation reaction. The results agree very well with literature data. Speciation calculations show that the formation of the ternary U(VI) carbonato humate complex can significantly influence the U(VI) speciation under environmental conditions. (orig.)


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    Fara Meriyan Sari


    Full Text Available Abstrak :            Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan program konversi minyak tanah ke gas di Kota Pekanbaru (studi kasus Kelurahan Tuah Karya dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan program konversi minyak tanah ke gas tersebut. Adapun manfaat yang dapat diambil dari hasil penelitian ini nanti nya antara lain, Pertama : untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir melaui penerapan teori yang didapat penulis. Kedua : untuk menambah pengetahuan penulis tentang pelaksanaan program konversi minyak tanah ke gas, sebagai pertimbangan dan masukan bagi instansi terkait dan sebagai bahan referensi bagi pihak-pihak yang ingin melakukan penelitian dengan topik atau permasaahan yang sama. Kata Kunci :      Kebijakan, implementasi kebijakan dan program konversi minyak tanah. Abstract :             This research is intended to find out which programme  execution to gas conversion kerosene in the city of Peknabaru (a case study of village of Tuah Karya and the factors that influence the implementation  of any Convention program ground to gas oil. As for the benefits that can be taken from the results of this research would include, among others, first : to develop and enhance the ability to think through the application of the theory in the can author. The second : to add to the knowledge of the author about the implementation of the programme of conversion of kerosene into a gas, as a consideration and input for relevant agencies and as reference material for those who want to do research with the same topic or problem. Keyword :              Policy, implementation of policies and kerosen.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Millings, M.


    A field test of a humate technology for uranium and I-129 remediation was conducted at the F-Area Field Research Site as part of the Attenuation-Based Remedies for the Subsurface Applied Field Research Initiative (ABRS AFRI) funded by the DOE Office of Soil and Groundwater Remediation. Previous studies have shown that humic acid sorbed to sediments strongly binds uranium at mildly acidic pH and potentially binds iodine-129 (I-129). Use of humate could be applicable for contaminant stabilization at a wide variety of DOE sites however pilot field-scale tests and optimization of this technology are required to move this technical approach from basic science to actual field deployment and regulatory acceptance. The groundwater plume at the F-Area Field Research Site contains a large number of contaminants, the most important from a risk perspective being strontium-90 (Sr-90), uranium isotopes, I-129, tritium, and nitrate. Groundwater remains acidic, with pH as low as 3.2 near the basins and increasing to the background pH of approximately 5at the plume fringes. The field test was conducted in monitoring well FOB 16D, which historically has shown low pH and elevated concentrations of Sr-90, uranium, I-129 and tritium. The field test included three months of baseline monitoring followed by injection of a potassium humate solution and approximately four and half months of post monitoring. Samples were collected and analyzed for numerous constituents but the focus was on attenuation of uranium, Sr-90, and I-129. This report provides background information, methodology, and preliminary field results for a humate field test. Results from the field monitoring show that most of the excess humate (i.e., humate that did not sorb to the sediments) has flushed through the surrounding formation. Furthermore, the data indicate that the test was successful in loading a band of sediment surrounding the injection point to a point where pH could return to near normal during the study


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    Kurnia Martini Dwi Putri A.T.


    Abstrak Pajak merupakan salah satu pendukung sumber dana terbesar dalam kegiatan pembangunan Indonesia. Pembayaran pajak merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap Subyek Pajak. Mereka akan dikenal memiliki utang kepada Negara setelah mereka tidak membayar pajak. Kewajiban pajak adalah utang yang sangat timbul karena hukum, sehingga memiliki karakteristik didahulukan dari hutang lainnya. Apabila Wajib Pajak tidak membayar pajak mereka, Pemerintah dapat menjual hasil aset yang bernilai tinggi oleh yang berdasarkan Hak Mendahulu Negara. Di Kota Bandar Lampung, pendaftaran tanah judul transfer yang diperoleh dengan lelang berdasarkan Hak Mendahulu Negara terjadi tanah kepemilikan properti pribadi atas nama pribadi milik, yang menjadi pembayaran kewajiban pajak perusahaan, dan juga obyek sengketa warisan. Judul tanah validitas pendaftaran pengalihan kemudian menjadi hukum dipertanyakan, karena objek lelang dicatat atas nama kepemilikan individu, bukan perusahaan. Selain itu, di bawah sengketa warisan dan telah diblokade di Kantor Pertanahan Bandar Lampung.   Kata Kunci: Hak Mendahulu Negara, Lelang, Pemblokiran Sertifikat Tanah


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    Anita Anita


    Full Text Available Indonesia is a state based on a rule of law the goal of which is to realize a just, prosperous, and materially and spiritually equal people. To realize the goal, progressively, sustainable national development has been conducted. The implementation of the development needs, besides from money, the availability of strategic land. To bridge the lack in both of them, BOT concept can be applied, as an agreement between the owner of land right and investor, where the former provides a feasibility study, building, and operation to the latter for a specified period of time, on the condition that when the BOT period of time has expired then the land together with the buildings and their appliances should be transferred to the former, so that both the owner of land right and the investors are mutually benefited. Keywords : National Development; Land; Capital; BOT   ABSTRAK Negara Indonesia merupakan negara hukum yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat adil dan makmur. Guna mewujudkan tujuan tersebut,  dilakukan pembangunan nasional secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan. Pelaksanaan pembangunan tersebut selain perlu didukung oleh dana juga ketersediaan lahan strategis. Keterbatasan keduanya dapat dilakukan melalui konsep BOT,  sebagai suatu perjanjian antara pemilik hak atas tanah dengan investor, dimana pemilik hak atas tanah menyerahkan studi kelayakan, pembangunan, pengoperasian kepada investor pada suatu jangka waktu tertentu, dengan ketentuan apabila masa BOT telah habis, tanah beserta bangunan, serta kelengkapan bangunan diserahkan kepada pemilik hak atas tanah, sehingga baik pemilik hak atas tanah maupun pihak investor yang mendanai pembangunan objek BOT memiliki keuntungan. Kata Kunci : Pembangunan Nasional; Tanah; Dana; BOT


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    Lukman Waris


    Full Text Available Elephantiasis in this lime has still become the problem of trensetter health of society these days. This disease can be catching and have the character of chronical which because of worm of filaria attacking lymph gland and channel causing and lymphangitis of elephantiasis. Borneo South Province, counted 13 Sub-Province/town (100% expressed as Filariasis endemis among others in Tanah Bumbu Sub Province. Target of this research is to know policy of execution of filaria eliminasi in Tanah Bumbu Sub-Province and also applying of strategy of eliminasi mount District and factors which and resistor of PSP society of endemis filariasis. This Research methode is observasional and conducted to organizer of program and also taker of policy of Tanah Bumbu Sub-Province (study qualitative and quantitative study's chosen society by using transversal crosscut Desain study (cross secsional by statistical analysis. Result of research indicate that all taker of policy is not to know surely case picture of filariasis in Tanah Bumbu Sub-Province, so that cannot do resource allocation and over come take action in eradication of filariasis. Result of assessment of knowledge of attitude and behavior of responder, productive age (26-35 year though living many as farmer with education of finish mean of SMA more is owning of knowledge, positive behavior and attitude if compared to other age group. Pursuant to statistical analysis of productive age group at most counselling terpapar by officer of health so that they more is knowing of disease of filaria in general. Key words: filariasis, study policy, tanah bumbu sub province

  6. Karakter Morfologi dan Pertumbuhan Tiga Jenis Cacing Tanah Lokal Pekanbaru pada Dua Macam Media Pertumbuhan

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    Dewi Indriyani Roslim


    Full Text Available Limbah organik dari limbah rumah tangga, pertanian, perkebunan, dan peternakan sering menimbulkan masalah, karena mencemari lingkungan. Cacing tanah dapat menggunakan limbah organik tersebut sebagai media pertumbuhannya dan juga merombaknya menjadi pupuk kasting. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pertumbuhan tiga jenis cacing tanah yang ditemui di kota Pekanbaru pada dua media pertumbuhan. Tiga jenis cacing tanah yang diteliti adalah Amynthas aspergillum (Cacing Gila Bodoh, Perionyx sp1 (Cacing Merah, dan Perionyx sp2 (Cacing Susu. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Faktorial Lengkap. Masing-masing cacing tanah ditumbuhkan pada dua media, yaitu serasah dan campuran kotoran sapi+tanah, di dalam pot plastik. Medium tanpa cacing tanah digunakan sebagai kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan cacing tanah Amynthas aspergillum (Cacing Gila Bodoh, Perionyx sp1 (Cacing Merah, dan Perionyx sp2 (Cacing Susu memiliki perbedaan karakter morfologi pada panjang tubuh, warna kulit, jumlah segmen, tipe prostomium, jumlah seta per segmen, warna dan posisi klitellum, posisi dan jumlah lubang jantan. Medium campuran kotoran sapi+tanah lebih cocok untuk pertumbuhan Perionyx sp2 (Cacing Susu, media serasah untuk pertumbuhan Amynthas aspergillum (Cacing Gila Bodoh, dan media kotoran sapi saja tanpa penambahan tanah untuk Perionyx sp1 (Cacing Merah.Organic waste produced from household, agriculture, plantation, and animal husbandry may cause environmental pollution. Earthworms can utilize this organic waste for their growth medium and decompose them to produce casting fertilizer. The objective of this study was to analyze the growth of three earthworm species from Pekanbaru using two types of media, i.e. Perionyx sp1 (Cacing Merah, Perionyx sp2 (Cacing Susu, and Amynthas aspergillum (Cacing Gila Bodoh. All these earthworms were grown in litter media and manure-soil mixture. Media without the earthworms were used as control. The experiment design used in this


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    Retno Mumpuni


    Full Text Available Abstract: This paper aims to describe the process of compensation in the procurement of land for the public interest in the expansion of Sentani Airport, the legal implication that Ondofolo is not involved in the process of providing compensation for the procurement of land for public purposes, and the correct way of putting the role or position of Ondofolo in procurement of land for the just public interest. The study used a sociological juridical approach. The process of providing compensation in the procurement of land for public purposes in the expansion of a sentani airport involves ondofolo. The legal implications if Ondofolo not involved in the process of compensation for land acquisition for public purposes is a violation of the provisions of Article 43 of Law No. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for Papua which has resulted in the validity of the decision of the government in acquiring the land. The role of Ondofolo in the procurement of land for the public interest is limited to affect the behavior of people in order to work together in realizing mutually agreed objectives for the creation of justice and the guaranteed rights of indigenous peoples both customary and constitutional of the Republic of Indonesia as long as it does not violate the rules applicable   Abstrak:Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pemberian ganti rugi dalam pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum dalam perluasan Bandar Udara Sentani, implikasi hukum jika Ondofolo tidak dilibatkan dalam proses pemberian ganti rugi atas pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum,  dan cara yang benar dalam meletakkan peran atau posisi Ondofolo dalam pengadaan tanah bagi kepentingan umum yang berkeadilan. Kajian menggunakan pendekatan  yuridis sosiologis. Pproses pemberian ganti rugi dalam pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum dalam perluasan bandar udara sentani melibatkan ondofolo. Implikasi hukum jika Ondofolo tidak dilibatkan dalam proses pemberian ganti rugi atas

  8. Ternary uranium(VI) carbonato humate complex studied by cryo-TRLFS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steudtner, R.; Sachs, S.; Schmeide, K.; Brendler, V.; Bernhard, G. [Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden (Germany). Inst. of Radiochemistry


    The complex formation of U(VI) with humic acid (HA) in the presence of carbonate was studied by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy at low temperature (cryo-TRLFS) at pH 8.5. In the presence of HA, a decrease of the luminescence intensity of U(VI) and no shift of the emission band maxima in comparison to the luminescence spectrum of the UO{sub 2}(CO{sub 3}){sub 3}{sup 4-} complex, the dominating U(VI) species under the applied experimental conditions in the absence of HA, was observed. The formation of a ternary U(VI) carbonato humate complex of the type UO{sub 2}(CO{sub 3}){sub 2}HA(II){sup 4-} starting from UO{sub 2}(CO{sub 3}){sub 3}{sup 4-} was concluded from the luminescence data. For this complex a complex stability constant of log K=2.83 {+-} 0.17 was determined. Slope analysis resulted in a slope of 1.12 {+-} 0.11, which verifies the postulated complexation reaction. The results agree very well with literature data. Speciation calculations show that the formation of the ternary U(VI) carbonato humate complex can significantly influence the U(VI) speciation under environmental conditions. (orig.)


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    Astriana Rahmi Setiawati


    Full Text Available Tanah Datar is one of regency in West Sumatera that has a great potential in agriculture, which is more than 70% of  its population are farmers. Unfortunately, the economic income of this regency is lowest than another regency in West Sumatera. This research aimed: (1 to identify superior estate comodities of Tanah Datar Regency; (2 to identify present land use of Tanah Datar Regency; (3 to analyze land availability and to evaluate land suitability of superior estate commodities; (4 to arrange the direction of superior estate commodities development. Land  suitability  evaluation was  done  by  using the matching method  between land characteristics and crops requirement. The study showed that the available land for development of  superior comodities is about 38.210 ha which is suitable for robusta coffee (X koto; nutmeg (Batipuh; cocoa (Batipuh selatan, Rambatan, Limo kaum, Tanjung emas, and Lintau buo utara; rubber (Padang gantiang; cassievera (Pariangan and Salimpauang; vanilla (Sungai tarap; and arabica coffee (Salimpauang, respectively.

  10. Aspek Hukum Pengadaan Tanah bagi Pelaksanaan Pembangunan untuk Kepentingan Umum

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    Hardianto Djanggih


    Full Text Available Tanah adalah karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa bagi rakyat, bangsa dan Negara Indonesia, yang harus diusahakan, dimanfaatkan, dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat. Artikel ini menganalisis tentang pengadaan tanah yang berorientasi pada terciptanya kepastian hukum pengadaan tanah bagi pemerintah daerah. Metode Penelitian digunakan Metode penelitian normatif dengan Pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach dan Pendekatan analisis/konsep (analytical or conceptual approach. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintahan daerah berhak serta berwenang mengatur dan mengurus sendiri urusan pemerintahan daerahnya menurut prinsip-prinsip otonomi daerah, terutama dalam hal pengadaan tanah bagi pelaksanaan pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum. Namun kewenangan yang diberikan kepada setiap pemerintah daerah, aplikasinya harus bersinergi dengan program pemerintah pusat. Jika eksistensi pemerintah daerah tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pemerintah pusat. Land is a gift of God Almighty for the people, the nation and the State of Indonesia, which must be cultivated, utilized, and used for the greatest prosperity of the people. This article examines the land procurement oriented to the creation of legal certainty of land procurement for local government. Methods Research used normative research methods with statutory approach and analytical or conceptual approach. The results of research indicate that local government has the right and authority to arrange and manage its own regional government affairs according to the principles of regional autonomy, especially in terms of land acquisition for the implementation of development for the public interest. However, the authority given to each local government, the application must be in synergy with the central government program. If the existence of local government can not be separated from the central government.


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    Ery Abdul Baary


    Full Text Available Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Surabaya II, sistem informasi pertanahan belum diterapkan, jadi untuk melaksanakan tugasnya hanya menggunakan sebatas peta digital, maka dari itu perlu adanya sistem informasi pertanahan yang terpadu dan mutakhir untuk mendukung dan mengoptimalkan pengelolaan sistem informasi pertanahan di Kota Surabaya II.Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pembuatan sistem informasi pertanahan berdasarkan jenis hak atas tanah dengan menggunakan peta digital Kelurahan Genteng, Kecamatan Genteng, Surabaya skala 1:1000, citra Quickbird 2010, database mengenai bidang tanah dan data hasil survey. Pengolahan data menggunakan software utama Autodesk Land Dekstop 2009, ArcGIS 9.3. Pembuatan program aplikasi menggunakan software Visual Basic 6.0 yang dilengkapi dengan software tambahan MapObject 2.2.Dari hasil pembuatan Sistem informasi pertanahan di Kelurahan Genteng, Program ini mampu mengidentifikasi informasi bidang tanah mengenai jenis hak atas tanah yang meliputi 224 bidang tanah yang terdiri dari 132 bidang tanah atas hak guna bangunan, 89 bidang tanah atas hak milik, dan 3 bidang tanah atas hak pakai, serta dilengkapi dengan buku panduan sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membantu dalam pengambilan kebijakan dalam rencana pelaksanaan program inventarisasi penguasaan, pemilikan, penggunaan, dan pemanfaatan tanah.


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    Fadli Fadli


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify the process of land services in serving the people in charge of land titles in Makassar, the proliferation of land without a certificate becomes a problem for society. This type of research is qualitative deskriftip which give an idea or an exact explanation objectively related to the actual state of the object that diteliti.Jenis data used consist of primary data, interviews and direct observation in the field and secondary data sourced from books, documents / notes / reports and legislation relating to issues diteliti.Dari research result shows the implementation of the People for Land Certification Service (Larasita in Makassar been transparent or open but less effective. This is caused because the indicator execution and settlement services in terms of time, where the completion of the certifiPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi proses pelayanan pertanahan dalam melayani masyarakat mengurusi sertifikat tanah di Makassar, menjamurnya tanah-tanah tanpa sertifikat menjadi permasalahan bagi masyarakat. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriftip yaitu memberikan gambaran atau penjelasan yang tepat secara objektif terkait keadaan yang sebenarnya dari objek yang diteliti.Jenis data yang digunakan terdiri dari data primer yaitu wawancara dan observasi langsung dilapangan dan data sekunder yang bersumber dari buku-buku, dokumen/catatan/laporan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang diteliti.Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukan pelaksanaan Layanan Rakyat untuk Sertifikasi Tanah (Larasita di Kota Makassar sudah Transparan atau terbuka namun kurang efektif. Hal ini diakibatkan karena indikator pelaksanaan dan penyelesaian pelayanan dari segi waktu, dimana penyelesaian sertifikasi dan pelaksanaan Larasita tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah dibuat sebelumnya.cation and implementation Larasita not in accordance with the provisions that have been made

  13. Separation of methyltin species from inorganic tin, and their interactions with humates in natural waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Omar, M.; Bowen, H.J.M.


    Tin(II) and tin(IV) are absorbed from aqueous solutions by Sephadex G-25 gel, from which they can be eluted by humates or fulvates, with which they interact more strongly. Methyltin species are not absorbed by Sephadex G-25, and so can be separated from inorganic tin. Both inorganic tin and methyltin species in natural waters at pH 7.4 can be quantitatively retained by passing through small columns of Chelex-100 resin: the methyltin species can then be washed off the resin with 4M nitric acid. Trimethyltin chloride 113 Sn in water scarcely interacts with fulvates, humates, kaolinite or montmorillonite but is absorbed by Sphagnum peat. Dimethyltin dichloride- 113 Sn reacts significantly with all the above materials after 2 hours equilibration. Methyltin trichloride- 113 Sn interacts weakly in alkaline solutions. (author)


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    Acep Rohendi


    Full Text Available Abstract  - Mortgage abolishment because the expiration of the Right of Exploitation (HGU, Right of Building (HGB, and Right of Use burdened not cause the abolishment of collateralized debt obligations. Duration HGU, HGB and wear rights expire, then the mortgage that is charged against the land becomes clear. This additional agreement means clear. Instead principal agreement (credit agreement is not necessarily to be clear, and move on. In this case resulted in the creditors are in a weak position because of unpaid debts, Mortgage over land as collateral to remove. This study discusses the normative legal efforts to do the lender to avoid the possible risk of the abolishment of land rights based on Law Number 42 Year 1996, which includes the manufacture of promise land extend rights in the imposition of mortgage deed, power of attorney making mortgage charging time HGB changes become ownership rights residential, Object insurance burden for advantage mortgage holder mortgage, debitor to request additional collateral.   Keywords: Mortgage, Creditors, Land Rights   Abstrak - Hapusnya Hak Tanggungan karena berakhirnya jangka waktu HGU ( Hak Guna Usaha, HGB (Hak Guna Bangunan dan Hak Pakai yang dibebani Hak Tanggungan tidak menyebabkan hapusnya utang yang dijamin(Pasal 18 Ayat (4 UUHT . Dengan ketentuan ini, apabila jangka waktu HGU, HGB dan Hak pakai, maka hak tanggungan yang dibebankan terhadap tanah tersebut menjadi hapus. Artinya perjanjian tambahan ini hapus. Sebaliknya perjanjian pokok (perjanjian kredit tidak serta merta menjadi hapus, dan berjalan terus. Dalam hal ini mengakibatkan pihak kreditor berada pada posisi yang lemah karena utang belum dilunasi, Hak Tanggungan atas tanah yang dijadikan jaminan menjadi hapus. Pihak kreditor  yang tadinya berposisi sebagai Kreditor yang bersifat Preferen atas pelunasan utang tersebut dengan jaminan tanah tersebut, dengan hapusnya Hak Tanggungan atas tanah tersebut, maka pihak kreditor preferen

  15. Rancang bangun mesin penyangrai kacang tanah pada Industri Mochi di Sukabumi

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    Silvi Ariyanti


    Full Text Available Abstrak Banyaknya penggunaan kacang tanah yang disangrai untuk diolah menjadi Tingting Gepuk sebagai isi dari kue Mochi sehingga kacang tanah merupakan bahan utama kedua yang banyak digunakan dalam produksi kue Mochi selain dari tepung ketan. Dalam proses pembuatan Titing Gepuk kacang tanah harus disangrai selama 30 menit dengan kapasitas penyangraian 20 Kg/jam. Proses penyangraian kacang tanah dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua buah kuali dan dua buah kompor. Selama proses penyangraian kacang harus terus diaduk tanpa henti oleh satu orang tenaga kerja dengan menggunakan kedua tangannya kanan dan kiri. Hal ini dilakukan karena apabila pekerja berhenti mengaduk karena kelelahan maka kacang akan hangus. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana rancang bangun dan pembuatan mesin penyangraian kacang tanah dengan kapasitas 2 kg/proses untuk menunjang produksi kue Mochi di Sukabumi. Berdasarkan persyaratan teknologi tepat guna bagi industri kecil, antara lain: biaya operasinya terjangkau oleh industri kecil; bentuknya menarik, ergonomis, sederhana; mudah dioperasikan, dirawat, dan aman, dapat meningkatkan mutu produk, dapat mengurangi kelelahan dari pekerja. Metode perancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari perencanaan, pengembangan konsep dan perancangan detail. Dan hari hasil penelitian ini telah dihasilkan disain mesin penyangaraian kacang tanah yang dapat mengurangkan beban kerja pada pekerja penyangraian, pengurangan hawa yang disebabkan oleh proses penyangraian, meningkatkan produktivitas yang disebabkan banyaknya kacang yang hangus, kacang yang dihasilkan dari proses penyangraian yang dihasilkan telah bersih dari dari kulit ari. Kata kunci: Penyangrai, kacang tanah, ergonomis Abstract The amount of use of peanuts roasted to extract the contents of Tingting Gepuk as mochi cake so that the peanut is the main ingredient is widely used both in the production of Mochi Cake apart from glutinous rice flour. In the

  16. Akselerasi Pertumbuhan Cendana (Santalum album dengan Aplikasi Unsur Hara Makro Ensensial pada Tiga Jenis Tanah

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    Eny Faridah


    Full Text Available Cendana (Santalum album Linn. merupakan satu dari pilihan penting untuk digunakan dalam program rehabilitasi lahan-lahan kritis di Indonesia. Upaya untuk mempercepat tingkat pertumbuhannya menjadi sangat penting karena pertumbuhannya yang lambat mengganggu tingkat keberhasilan program rehabilitasi hutan. Mempertimbangkan permasalahan tersebut, studi ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mendapatkan formulasi pendekatan untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan cendana melalui aplikasi unsur hara makro esensial yang dibutuhkan cendana pada tiga tipe tanah, dalam bentuk pupuk biologi seperti biofosfo dan biosulfo. Secara spesifik, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1 Pengaruh jenis media tanah (Grumusol (Vertisol, Mediteran (Alfisol dan Regosol (Entisol terhadap pertumbuhan semai cendana, 2 Pengaruh jenis dan dosis pupuk (biosulfo, biofosfo, dan NPK terhadap pertumbuhan semai cendana, dan 3 Pengaruh jenis media tanah, jenis serta dosis pupuk terhadap ketersediaan hara pada tanah dan jaringan daun tanaman. Penelitian dilakukan di Lab. Silvikultur Intensif, Klebengan, Fakultas Kehutanan UGM dengan menggunakan anakan cendana umur enam bulan. Desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL digunakan dengan perlakuan berupa 3 tipe tanah (Grumusol (Vertisol, Mediterran (Alfisol dan Regosol (Entisol, 3 tipe pupuk (biosulfo, biofosfo, dan NPK, serta 5 dosis pupuk (0; 2,5; 5; 7,5 dan 10 g dengan 5 ulangan untuk setiap unit eksperimen. Parameter yang diukur meliputi tingkat pertumbuhan tanaman (pertumbuhan tinggi & diameter, panjang akar dan tingkat kandungan hara pada tanah dan jaringan daun tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanah Mediteran secara positif mempengaruhi semua parameter pertumbuhan diikuti oleh Regosol dan Grumusol, sementara aplikasi jenis dan dosis pupuk yang berbeda tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap semua parameter pertumbuhan. Tanah Mediteran memiliki kandungan N dan K paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan jenis tanah Regosol dan Grumusol, sementara tanah



    Brata Pantjara; Muhammad Natsir Nessa; Winarni Monoarfa; Iqbal Djawad


    Kegagalan budi daya udang windu di tambak tanah sulfat masam disebabkan adanya kelarutan unsur toksik dalam tambak yang diduga berasal dari pematang terutama pada saat hujan lebat. Oleh karena itu, dalam pemanfaatan untuk tambak di lahan semacam ini diperlukan upaya mencegah terjadinya kelarutan senyawa toksik tersebut melalui perbaikan pematang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi pematang tambak yang baik di tanah sulfat masam terhadap peningkatan kualitas air dan pertumbuhan ...

  18. Pemanfaatan Vinasse -Limbah Industri Alkohol- untuk Perbaikan Sifat Fisik Tanah dalam Pengembangan Tebu (Saccharum officinarum L di Lahan Pasir Pantai

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    M. Zulfan Arrodli


    Full Text Available Lahan pasir pantai merupakan lahan bermasalah untuk pertanian karena sifat tanahnya tidak mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman dan vinasse merupakan limbah industri ethanol yang jumlahnya sangat besar yang apabila dibuang di lahan terbuka akan mencemari lingkungan. Penggunaan vinasse sebagai bahan perbaikan tanah tanpa memberikan pengaruh negatif kemungkinan dapat dikerjakan untuk tanah bertekstur kasar seperti tanah di lahan pasir pantai. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini, vinasse akan dicoba digunakan untuk membudidayakan tebu pada media tanah yang diambil dari lahan pasir pantai. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan percobaan pot faktorial 4x4 yang disusun dalam rancangan lingkungan acak lengkap dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian vinasse dengan dosis 60.000 l/ha hanya sekali pada awal penanaman tebu mampu memperbaiki kemampuan tanah menyimpan air. Vinasse terbukti tidak memberikan pengaruh kurang baik terhadap tanaman yang dibudidayakan, bahkan pemberian vinasse cenderung memperbaiki pertumbuhan tebu baik dilihat pada tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, berat kering akar dan tajuk, meskipun pengaruhnya tidak berbeda nyata.

  19. Electrochemical and radiochemical material transport examinations in humate-containing montmorillonite a bentonite thin layers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antal, K.; Joo, P.


    Various humate-containing H-bentonite layers were investigated using 137 Cs ion transport and radio absorption measuring method. These processes can model radioactive contamination migration in soils exposed to acid rains. Experiment using montmorillonite and bentonite layers are discussed, and the results obtained with electrochemical and radioisotope absorption techniques are presented. (R.P.)


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    Ni Komang Lia Wahyuni


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK: Tanah hutan mangrove diketahui memiliki biodiversitas yang tinggi sebagai lokasi yang berpotensi untuk eksplorasi enzim. Salah satu enzim yang dapat dieksplorasi dari tanah hutan mangrove adalah selulase yang merupakan biokatalisator yang banyak digunakan dalam bidang industri. Tidak seperti pengukuran aktivitas selulase murni atau ekstrak kasar yang berasal dari salah satu sumbernya, pengukuran aktivitas selulase secara langsung dari tanah sering mengalami kesulitan dan banyak faktor yang harus dipelajari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan toluena dan waktu inkubasi reaksi enzimatis terhadap aktivitas selulase yang terdapat pada tanah hutan mangrove pantai Suwung Bali. Pengukuran aktivitas selulase dilakukan dengan metode CMC (Carboxymethyl Cellulose Assay pada sampel tanah (slurry, pelet, dan supernatan dengan dan tanpa penambahan toluena dengan waktu inkubasi reaksi enzimatis 1 dan 24 jam. Glukosa yang dihasilkan dari reaksi dengan substrat CMC (Carboxymethyl Cellulose dianalisis secara spektrofotometri UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 540 nm setelah direaksikan dengan asam 3,5-dinitrosalisilat (DNS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan antiseptik toluena dan waktu inkubasi reaksi enzimatis berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas selulase tanah hutan mangrove pantai Suwung Bali. Aktivitas selulase tertinggi sebesar 249,26 U/mL diperoleh pada lumpur dengan penambahan toluena dan inkubasi reaksi enzimatis 1 jam.   ABSTRACT: Mangrove soil has high biodiversity and has been well known as potential location for enzymes exploration. One of the enzymes explored from mangrove soil is cellulase which is a biocatalysator commonly used in industries. Unlike the measurement of cellulase activity of pure or crude extract obtained from one source, direct measurement of cellulase activity of the soil often counter many obstacles and many factors are involved that need to be elaborated. The aim of this study is to


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    Adam Haris


    Full Text Available Gempabumi merupakan peristiwa alam yang sangat merusak dalam hitunggan waktu yang sangat singkat. Sebagai contoh gempabumi Yogyakarta yang terjadi pada tanggal 27 Mei 2006 dengan kekuatan  6,4 SR. Gempa tersebut banyak sekali memakan harta dan korban jiwa. Penelitian ini  bertujuan  untuk  menganalisa dan  mengetahui sebaran  nilai  percepatan  getaran  tanah  daerah Yogyakarta  dan  untuk  mengetahui  tingkat  risiko  kerusakan  yang  diakibatkan  gempa  di  daerah tersebut periode 1980-2010. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumbert dari USGS dengan skala magnitudo ≥ 4 SR, pada batasan 110°04 BT - 110°08 BT dan 7°5 LS - 8°2 LS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode  atenuasi Patwardhan. Metode  ini dipilih karena lebih sesuai dengan   hasil verifikasi   riil di lapangan   sebagaimana telah dilaporkan oleh Sucipto, 2010 bahwa  gempa    merusak yang    terjadi    di  Yogyakarta tercatat rata -rata  memiliki intensitas antara V-VII   MMI. Metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis nilai percepatan getaran tanah dan nilai intensitas gempabumi sebagai acuan untuk mengetahui daerah yang rawan mengalami kerusakan akibat gempa. Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran data USGS diketahui bahwa   sebagian besar wilayah Yogyakarta didominasi gempa berskala  5  SR  dengan tingkat seismisitas yang tinggi, dimana  gempa-gempa berskala menengah ke atas sering terjadi di wilayah ini. Selanjutnya, setelah dilakukan analisa data dengan menghitung  nilai percepatan getaran tanah  diketahui bahwa  nilai percepatan getaran tanah maksimum di daerah ini berkisar antara  50-60 gal. Sebaran daerah yang rawan mengalami kerusakan akibat gempa berkonsentrasi di kabupaten Bantul serta beberapa daerah Kulon Progo dan Gunung Kidul.

  2. Removal of Sulfur Dioxide from Flue Gas Using the Sludge Sodium Humate

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    Yu Zhao


    Full Text Available This study shows the ability of sodium humate from alkaline treatment sludge on removing sulfur dioxide (SO2 in the simulated flue gas. Experiments were conducted to examine the effect of various operating parameters, like the inlet SO2 concentration or temperature or O2, on the SO2 absorption efficiency and desulfurization time in a lab-scale bubbling reactor. The sludge sodium humate in the supernatant after alkaline sludge treatment shows great performance in SO2 absorption, and such efficiency can be maintained above 98% with 100 mL of this absorption solution at 298 K (flue gas rate of 0.12 m3/h. The highest SO2 absorption by 1.63 g SHA-Na is 0.946 mmol in the process, which is translated to 0.037 g SO2 g−1 SHA-Na. The experimental results indicate that the inlet SO2 concentration slightly influences the SO2 absorption efficiency and significantly influences the desulfurization time. The pH of the absorption solution should be above 3.5 in this process in order to make an effective desulfurization. The products of this process were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. It can be seen that the desulfurization products mainly contain sludge humic acid sediment, which can be used as fertilizer components.

  3. Multifunctional humate-based magnetic sorbent: Preparation, properties and sorption of Cu (II), phosphates and selected pesticides

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Janoš, P.; Kormunda, M.; Novák, František; Životský, O.; Fuitová, J.; Pilařová, V.


    Roč. 73, č. 1 (2013), s. 46-52 ISSN 1381-5148 Grant - others:GA ČR(CZ) GAP106/12/1116 Program:GA Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : magnetic sorbent * humate-based sorbent * heavy metals * phosphate * pesticides Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry Impact factor: 2.822, year: 2013


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    Maria Cicilia Pricemarina


    Abstrak Pendaftaran hak atas tanah bertujuan agar para pemegang hak atas tanah akan dengan mudah membuktikan bahwa dirinya sebagai pemegang hak serta dapat memberikan jaminan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum bagi pemegang hak. Namun di wilayah adat Kebirangga terdapat pembatasan hak bagi pemilik sertifikat hak milik atas tanah di wilayat adat Kebirangga karena tanah diperoleh berdasarkan pembagian tanah ulayat oleh Mosalaki, sehingga fai wazu ana azo (warga adat hanya dipandang sebagai penggarap tanpa mempunyai hak untuk mengalihkan hak atas tanah tersebut ( menjual atau menjaminkan pada Bank hal ini bertentangan dengan ciri dari hak Milik dalam ketentuan Peraturan perundang-undangan yaitu hak milik adalah hak untuk menikmati suatu benda/ tanah dengan sebebas-bebasnya dijadikan jaminan utang dengan dibebani Hak Tanggungan bisa dialihkan atau beralih kepihak lain, dapat dilepas secara suka rela serta dapat diwakafkan asal tidak bertentangan dengan undang-undang atau peraturan lainnya dan tidak mengganggu hak orang lain. Dalam Jurnal ini Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian socio legal research, yang merupakan penelitian yang menitik beratkan perilaku individu atau masyarakat dalam kaitannya dengan hukum. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di wilayah adat Kebirangga di Kecamatan Maukaro belum mampu menghilangkan peran hukum adat khusus dalam penguasaan hak atas tanah dari Mosalaki sebagai Kepala adat, meskipun telah ada sertifikat hak milik atas nama masing-masing orang (fai wazu ana azo, sehingga hak milik masih menjadi hak Mosalaki yang berlaku hingga saat ini, merupakan fakta masih adanya pertentangan akan kepemilikan berdasarkan ketentuan hukum positif dalam kepastian hukum antara hukum positif dan hukum adat. Kata kunci: pembatasan hak, sertifikat hak milik atas tanah, hak menguasai oleh mosalaki (kepala adat

  5. Aplikasi Pupuk Kandang Kotoran Ayam pada Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogeae L.

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    Neni Marlina


    Full Text Available Pupuk kandang kotoran ayam diharapkan dapat memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah, sehingga dapat menyuburkan tanah dan membantu dalam menyumbangkan unsur hara yang dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan hasil kacang tanah.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan takaran pupuk kandang kotoran ayam yang tepat dalam meningkatkan produksi tanaman kacang tanah. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di kebun petani di Desa Payakabung Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir dari bulan Januari sampai dengan April  2014. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK dengan tiga perlakuan dan delapan kelompok, sehingga berjumlah 24 petak penelitian dan setiap petak diambil 10 tanaman sebagai sampel .  Perlakuannya adalah takaran pupuk kandang kotoran ayam 5, 10 dan 15 ton ha-1.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa takaran pupuk kandang kotoran ayam sebanyak 10 ton ha-1 memberikan pertumbuhan dan produksi terbaik dengan ditunjukkan produksi per petak sebesar 2,73 kg petak-1.Poultry manure is expected to improve soil physical, chemical and biological properties. It can improve soil fertility and help in nutrients contribution that can be used to increase the yield of peanut. This study aimed to get the right dose of poultry manure fertilizer in increasing the production of ground peanut plants. This research was conducted in farmyard in the North Indralaya Payakabung District of Ogan Ilir from January to April 2014. The design used in this study was a randomized block design with three treatments and eight groups, thus consisting 24 research plots and each plot was taken as a sample of 10 plants. The treatments of poultry manure fertilizer rate 5, 10 and 15 ton ha-1. The results showed that poultry manure fertilizer rate as much as 10 tons ha-1 gave the best growth and production of 2.73 kg per plot.

  6. Ketersediaan Nitrogen Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Bayam (Amaranthus tricolor L. yang Diperlakukan dengan Pemberian Pupuk Kompos Azolla

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    Lukman Amir


    Full Text Available DOWNLOAD PDFPenelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui kadar  nitogen  tanah  dan  pertumbuhantanaman bayam yang diberi pupuk kompos Azolla. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancanganacak kelompok (RAK yang terdiri atas 2 kelompok, dimana tiap kelompok terdiri atas 4perlakuan dan  1  kontrol  dengan  3  ulangan.  Parameter  pengamatan adalah  pertumbuhantanaman bayam yang meliputi tinggi tanaman (cm, berat kering tanaman bayam (gram,kadar amonium (NH4+ dan nitrat (NO3- pada tanah serta kadar nitrat (NO3- air lindihan.Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa  pupuk  kompos  Azolla  mulai  berpengaruh  nyataterhadap  tinggi  tanaman  sejak  pengamatan  minggu  ke-tiga  dan  berpengaruh  nyata  pulaterhadap berat kering tanaman bayam. Pemberian pupuk kompos Azolla berpengaruh nyataterhadap kadar amonium dan nitrat tanah masing-masing pada minggu ke dua dan mingguke  dua  dan  ke  empat.  Disamping  itu  pemberian  pupuk  tersebut  juga  berpengaruh  nyataterhadap kadar nitrat pada air lindihan.Kata kunci : Pupuk kompos Azolla, pertumbuhan tanaman bayam, nitrogen tanah


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    Mahrita .


    Full Text Available This study aimed to analyze the effects of job satisfaction (X1 and Transformational Leadership Style (X2 as independent variables simultaneously and partially on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y as the dependent variable in the Civil Service, Tanah Laut District Land Office. This research method uses a questionnaire to 32 employees in Tanah Laut District Land Office as a sample. Sampling technique used is the Census. Using variable measurement technique Likert scale with a weight scale from 1 to 5. To analyze the influence of variables Job Satisfaction and Transformational Leadership Style on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y using a statistical technique of linear regression. The results showed that the variables job satisfaction and Transformational Leadership Style jointly significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior PNS Tanah Laut District Land Office. Variables Job Satisfaction partially not significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior PNS Tanah Laut District Land Office. Variable Transformational Leadership Style partially not significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior PNS Tanah Laut District Land Office. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, and Transformational Leadership Style Organizational Citizenship Behavior

  8. Geology and Uranium Mineralization of Tanah Merah and Dendang Arai Sectors, West Kalimantan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Tanah Merah and Dendang Arai sectors are one of the mineralized sectors at Kalan. Goal of this study is to understand the relationship between geology and uranium mineralization character of Tanah Merah and Dendang Arai sectors. In general geology of Tanah Merah is similar with Dendang Arai which consist of biotite quartzite, leopard quartzite, muscovite quartzite, biotite muscovite quartzite, metasilt, metapelite, and granite. The folding is anticline with axel N45F in direction. The prominent fault is NE-SW sinistral fault, NW-SE dextral fault and N-S normal faults. U mineralization fills in the area space between minerals and also as the vein that fill in the fracture system W-E to WNW-ESE in direction. The thickness of mineralization is milimetric to centrimetric. Uranium minerals are uraninite, monazite, autunite and gummite associated with feldspar, tourmaline, zircon, biotite, quartz, pyrite, pyrhotite, hematite, rutile, chalcopyrite, magnenite ilmenite and molybdenite. Radiometric value is in the range of 1.000 to 15.000 c/s and the total grade of U are 12.6 to 2661.25 ppm. U mineralization process connected with intrusion of granite and in the secondary phase. (author)


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    Hasan Ismail


    Full Text Available Leadership  style  and  work  motivation  are  elements  that  can  affect  on  job satisfaction to improve employees’ job satisfaction. This research aims to know and analyze the infl uence of leadership style and work motivation on employees’ job satisfaction on the Polytechnic Tanah laut in Tanah Laut Regency. The  type  of  research  is  explanatory  research.  All  of  the  population  are  the samples of the research. Extracting information on 81 employees’ who were the respondents in the study, by using questionnaire in fi ve scales of likert. Data analysis is taken from multiple linear regression analysis, Coeffi cient of Multiple Determination, F-test and t-test. The  results  showed  leadership  style  and  work  motivation  partially  or simultaneously  positive  and  signifi cant  effect  on  the  the  employees’  job satisfaction. Based on these results, implications for the management employees’ that further enhance the confi dence of the leadership and employees’ motivation in order to improve employees’ job satisfaction and institutional goals can be achieved. Keywords : Leadership style, motivation, job satisfaction


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    Tirta Djusman Arief


    Full Text Available Adding sodium chloride, as admixture, and Portland Cement, as stabilizer, to a very soft clay increase its plasticity index (PI, Californian Bearing Ratio (CBR, and Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS. This paper presents the results of testings done to very soft clay from Margomulyo, Surabaya. The results show a promising tendency. Anyhow a wider and comprehensive research is still needed to ensure the long-term effect of the soil stabilization. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penambahan garam (sodium chloride dan PC (Portland Cement meningkatkan PI (Plasticity Index, CBR (Californian Bearing Ratio, dan UCS (Unconfined Compression Strength dari tanah lempung sangat lunak. Dalam makalah ini disajikan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap lempung sangat lunak dari daerah Margomulyo, Surabaya. Hasilnya menunjukkan kecenderungan yang menggembirakan, namun penelitian yang luas dan komprehensif masih diperlukan untuk peningkatan stabilitas tanah dalam jangka panjang.

  11. Plants diversity of farm forestry in Tanah Laut District, South Kalimantan

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    Full Text Available Both monoculture and polyculture farm forestry were in Tanah Laut District. The plants forming the monoculture farm forestry were rubber, teak, coconut, and acacias. The areas of rubber farm forestry were scattered all over the district. Based on Surat Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Kabupaten Tanah Laut No. 522/202/PPHH/Dishut, there were 43 plant species in the polyculture one; 16 species were categorized as the farm wood and 27 as the other wood. Based on Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan No. SK 272/Menhut-V/2004, there were 44 plant species and 16 of those were the multi purpose tree species. The density and the potential of plants indicated the preference of the community to plant the non-wood producing species of the farm-wood group as well as durian and rambutan of the other wood one.

  12. Kualitas Air Tanah di Tiga Ibu Kota Kecamatan (Kutowinangun, Prembun dan Kutoarjo dan Kaitannya dengan Sanitasi Lingkungan Sekitar

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    S Sudarmadji


    Full Text Available Air tanah masih merupakan sumber air untuk keperluan sehari-hari bagi penduduk perkotaan, lebih-lebih kota kecil pada umumnya. Sumber daya air menunjukkan gejala penurunan kualitas yang disebabkan oleh dampak berbagai macam kegiatan yang menghasilkan limbah dan sistem sanitasi lingkungan yang kurang baik. Daerah-daerah perkotaan yang terletak di dataran alluvial pantai dapat merupakan daerah yang rawan terhadap pencemaran air tanah. Tiga ibu kota kecamatan, yaitu Kutowinangun dan Prembun, Kabupaten Kebumen dan Kutoarjo Kabupaten Purworejo yang terletak saling berdekatan diteliti untuk mengetahui kualitas air tanah yang merupakan sumber air domestik penduduknya dalam kaitannya dengan kondisi sanitasi lingkungan serta persepsi masyarakat terhadap pencemaran sumber air tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengadakan pengamatan di lapangan wawancara dengan penduduk serta analisis laboratorium terhadap sampel air tanah yang diambil. Hasil analisis laboratorium menunjukkan gejala kualitas air di tiga kota tersebut sudah memperlihatkan gejala penurunan, walaupun belum sampai melampaui ambang batas baku mutu air Golongan B. Penurunan tersebut terlibat dengan tingginya kadar NO2, SO4, Cl, COD dan bakteri coli. Diperkirakan bahwa tingginya kadar zat tersebut terkait dengan masalah limbah yang dibuang, yang didukung oleh sanitasi lingkungan yang masih belum baik. Kadar NO2 dan NO3 cenderung lebih tinggi di daerah pusat kota yang merupakan pusat aktivitas penduduk, dibandingkan dengan daerah pinggir kota. Limbah dari aktivitas kegiatan penduduk di pusat-pusat pelayanan umum, termasuk juga dari sarana transportasi di jalan raya dapat merupakan sumber pencemar air tanah. Bakteri coli pada umumnya tinggi di ketiga kota yang diteliti, melebihi 2400 MPN/100ml. Angka COD yang tinggi teramati didalam air tanah Kutowinangun dan Prembun, lebih dari 25% sampel di kedua kota ini memiliki COD diatas 10 mg/l, sedangkan di Kutoarjo relatif lebih rendah. Hal yang


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    Risda Muli


    Full Text Available Pencemaran tanah yang diakibatkan oleh penambangan minyak bumi berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan, vegetasi, dan kelimpahan arthropoda. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian dampak pencemaran minyak bumi di tanah terhadap komunitas Arthropoda. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan struktur komunitas arhtropoda tanah di sekitar lokasi eksplorasi minyak bumi. Kelembapan, pH, suhu tanah, dan kadar TPH tanah diukur dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap indeks keanekaragaman, dominansi, dan kemerataan arthropoda. Penelitian dilakukan di sumur minyak bumi Desa Mangunjaya Kecamatan Babat Toman pada tanggal 19-24 Februari 2015. Arthropoda dikoleksi menggunakan pit fall traps dan corong barlese-tullgren, pengambilan sampel dilakukan di 96 titik. Identifikasi arthropoda dilakukan di Laboratorium Entomologi Jurusan Hama Penyakit Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian. Analisis kadar TPH tanah menggunakan metode Gravimetri dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Fakultas MIPA Universitas Sriwijaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata TPH dan pH tanah di lokasi eksplorasi minyak bumi yang dilakukan oleh Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba lebih rendah daripada eksplorasi oleh masyarakat. Kelembaban dan suhu tanah di lokasi eksplorasi oleh Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba lebih tinggi daripada di lokasi eksplorasi masyarakat. Kadar TPH, pH, kelembaban, dan suhu tanah tidak berpengaruh terhadap indeks keanekaragaman, dominansi, dan kemerataan arhtropoda. Rata-rata indeks keanekaragaman arthropoda tergolong rendah dengan nilai indeks kurang dari 1. Soil contamination caused by the extraction of petroleum affects the environment, vegetation, and abundance of arthropods. Therefore, it is necessary to study the impact of oil pollution on the ground against arthropod community. The research has conducted to determine the differences of terrestrial arthropod around petroleum exploration. Moisture, pH, temperature, and soil TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon

  14. Effect of N, P and K humates on dry matter of Zea mays and soil pH ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ammonia volatilization from surface-applied urea reduces urea-N use efficiency in crop production and it also pollutes the environment; it is an economic loss. A greenhouse study was conducted to confirm the effect of similar fertilizer formulations (N, P and K humates) on soil pH, exchangeable ammonium, available nitrate ...

  15. GROUND WATER ASSESSMENT IN AGRICULTURAL AREA, CASE STUDY FROM MACHANG-MALAYSIA (Penilaian Air Tanah di Daerah Pertanian, Studi Kasus di Machang Malaysia

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    Nur Islami


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The study area is located in Machang, North Kelantan - Malaysia. The North Kelantan plain is covered with Quaternary sediments overlying granite bedrock. The drainage system is dendritic with the main river flowing into the South China Sea. Hydrogeochemical method was used to study groundwater of shallow aquifer characters within the area. Based on water samples analysis collected from the study area, it can be deduced that the cations and anions concentration are good for domestic use except in the southern region which the nitrate concentration is higher (more than 20 mg/l compared to the northern region (relatively zero. The areas that possibly possess nitrate-contaminated groundwater have been mapped along with groundwater flow patterns. The southern and middle part of the study area has an east to west groundwater flow pattern, making it impossible for contaminated water from the southern region to enter the northern area, despite in the northern area has lower elevation. ABSTRAK Lokasi area studi adalah berada di Machang, Kelantan Utara – Malaysia. Dataran tanah wilayah Kelantan Utara dilapisi oleh batuan Sedimen Kuarter yang mana batuan granit sebagai batuan dasar. Sistem pengairan adalah berbentuk jaringan dendritik dengan sungai utama mengalir ke Laut Cina Selatan. Metoda hydrogeochemical digunakan untuk mempelajari karakter air tanah dari akuifer dangkal untuk keseluruhan area studi. Berdasarkan pada analisa air yang diperoleh dari area studi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsentrasi kation dan anion baik digunakan untuk kehidupan sehari hari kecuali air tanah di area sebelah selatan yang mana kandungan nitratnya tinggi (lebih dari 20 mg/l dibandingkan di area sebelah utara (hampir tidak ada kandungan nitrat. Area yang memungkinkan memiliki konsentrasi nitrat pada air tanah dipetakan dengan kombinasi pola aliran air tanah. Pola aliran air tanah di area belahan selatan dan bagian tengah adalah dari timur ke barat yang mana tidak

  16. Land Exploration Study and Water Quality Changes in Tanah Tinggi Lojing, Kelantan, Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wan Adi Yusoff; Mokhtar Jaafar; Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin; Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin; Mohd Ekhwan Toriman; Mohd Ekhwan Toriman


    Land exploration activities in the highlands areas without mitigation can give more impact on the environment health in the river basin. Tanah Tinggi Lojing Gua Musang is one of the commercial areas developed for agricultural activities. Sungai Belatop is one of the affected river at Tanah Tinggi Lojing. This article was conducted to investigate the relationship of land development and water quality changes in the Belatop river basin.The study was conducted by analyzing data from the Department of Environment starts from February to October 2012. The results indicated the development of land exploration activities in the Tanah Tinggi Lojing area has affected on water quality parameters in the area. Where, the suspended sediment (SS) is high with 1161 mg/L, turbidity value is 991 (NTU) and this parameters is increasing on the rainy season impacted from surface erosion and surface runoff at land is not covered. Magnisium content also has increased from 0.66 mg/L to 1.38 mg/L. The high content magnesium result is from fertilizers used in agricultural activities in the study area. Chemical fertilizers content excessive causes the contents of calcium (Ca) high (3.18 mg/L). Ferum content in the water has also exceeded (0.3 mg/L), in Class IIA/B and Class III by WQI. Therefore, some recommendations is proposed to reduce and solving this problem. (author)


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    Edi Budiono


    Full Text Available Penelitian  bertujuan untuk mengukur nilai tukar nelayan dan tingkat ekonomi kesejahteraan nelayan di Kabupaten Tanah Laut Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.  Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif.  Data yang didapat dengan metode survei,  sedangkan data sekunder  dari instansi pemerintah terkait.  Nilai tukar nelayan yang diukur selama bulan nopember 2012 – pebruari 2013.  Penelitian menggunakan formula Indeks Laspeyres yang dikembangkan dan pengujian dengan teori ekonomi kesejahteraan. Perhitungan nilai tukar nelayan dalam  penelitian didapatkan enam  formula, yaitu (1 NTN-pemilik  (2 NTN-perseorangan  (3 NTN-juragan (4 NTN-ABK terampil (5 NTN- ABK biasa  dan (6 NTN-tradisional.  Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan NTN Kabupaten Tanah Laut berada diatas seratus dan INTN berada diatas satu.  Sedangkan tingkat ekonomi kesejahteraan nelayan mengalami kenaikan. Purpose of the research was to measure trade turn and economic welfare of  fisherman living  in the Sea Land Regency  South Borneo Province.  The research use descriptive method in valving that primary data were obtained by survey and secondary data oven collected from relevant government agencies.  Exchange rate index of thratmen was measured during 4 months (November 2012 – February 2013.  Index formulation was developed Laspeyres the economic welfare of the fisherman. Analysis of fisherman trade term found 6 formulation, in cloding (1 NTN-owner (2 NTN-individual (3-NTN squire (4 NTN-skilled crew (5 NTN-ordinary crew and (6 NTN-traditional. Research results showed that NTN for Tanah Laut district was above 100  and INTN was above 1.  Eventhough economic welfare of fisherman was increase.

  18. Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Pembuatan Sertifikat Tanah Dengan Menggunakan Servqual Dan Kansei Engineering Berdasarkan Twitter BPN Salatiga

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    Juwita Artanti Kusumaningtyas


    Full Text Available Abstrak BPN (Badan Pertanahan Nasional merupakan instansi pemerintah dengan tugas di bidang pertanahan sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2015. Salah satu tugas BPN yaitu melaksanakan kebijakan penetapan hak tanah, pendaftaran tanah, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Fungsi tugas pendaftaran dan penetapan hak tanah tertuang dalam salah satunya pelayanan BPN yaitu pembuatan sertifikat tanah. Pemberdayaan masyarakat sendiri dilakukan BPN Salatiga dengan memanfaatkan media sosial twitter untuk berbagi informasi kepada masyarakat terkait program kerja dan pelayanan. Melalui twitter BPN Salatiga, masyarakat dapat mengetahui pelayanan BPN Salatiga dan menjadi forum diskusi masyakarat dengan pihak BPN, sehingga dapat mengetahui keluhan dan harapan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan BPN Salatiga khususnya mengenai sertifikat tanah. Berdasarkan tweet BPN Salatiga ada 20 atribut layanan yang akan diolah dengan metode Servqual dan menggunakan metode Kansei Engineering untuk melakukan perbaikan. Analisis ini diharapkan dapat memberi pandangan kepada BPN untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan kepada pelanggan dan mengetahui kepuasan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan sertifikat tanah melalui twitter BPN Salatiga. Hasilnya tingkat harapan tertinggi ada pada dimensi Tangible (4,50 dan persepsi tertinggi pada dimensi Reliability (4,49 dengan 12 kansei words. Kata kunci: Kepuasan Pelanggan, Servqual, Kansei Engineering, Twitter Abstract BPN (National Land Agency is a government agency with a task in the field of land in accordance with the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2015. One of the duties of BPN is implementing the policy of land titling, land registration, and community empowerment. The function of registration and assignment of land rights is contained in one of the BPN services namely the making of land certificate. Community empowerment itself is done by BPN Salatiga by utilizing social media

  19. Pengaruh Aerasi Bertingkat dengan Kombinasi Saringan Pasir, Karbon Aktif dan Zeolit dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Air Tanah Pesantren Ar-Raudhatul Hasanah


    Nainggolan, Abdul Hafidz


    12 0407 022 Air merupakan kebutuhan vital makhluk hidup. Kualitas, kuantitas, dan kontinuitas air sangat diperlukan untuk aktivitas manusia sehari-hari. Pesantren Ar-Raudhatul Hasanah merupakan salah satu sarana pendidikan yang menggunakan air tanah sebagai sumber air untuk segala kebutuhan. Air tanah yang jika dibiarkan membentuk endapan kuning menunjukkan bahwa masih mengandung kadar Fe dan Mn yang tinggi, sehingga diperlukan suatu metode yang baik dalam kualitas dan ekono...

  20. Single well field injection test of humate to enhance attenuation of uranium and other radionuclides in an acidic plume

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Denham, M. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States)


    This report documents the impact of the injected humate on targeted contaminants over a period of 4 months and suggests it is a viable attenuation-based remedy for uranium, potentially for I-129, but not for Sr-90. Future activities will focus on issues pertinent to scaling the technology to full deployment.


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    Danny Santoso Mintorogo


    Full Text Available One of the common factor for Energy Saving on buildings has dealed a lot with the lightings on building, especially for multi level floors above and below grade. In order for saving energy on lightings, many daylighting strategies on multi floors building are being used and under-developed by many architects. This paper discusses the strategies of the daylighting techniques on multi floors building both above and below grade Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Strategi hemat energi sangat erat hubungan dengan faktor penerangan dalam bangunan, lebih-lebih pada bangunan berlantai banyak diatas atau dibawah permukaan tanah. Untuk menghemat pemakaian energi listrik dari penerangan ini, maka strategi-strategi penerangan alami "Daylighting" terus dikembangkan. Tulisan ini bertujuan memaparkan berbagai strategi daylighting pada bangunan yang berlantai banyak yang dibangun diatas maupun dibawah permukaan tanah. Kata kunci : daylighting, energi

  2. PENGARUH SIFAT FISIK TANAH PADA KONDUKTIVITAS HIDROLIK JENUH DI 5 PENGGUNAAN LAHAN (STUDI KASUS DI KELURAHAN SUMBERSARI MALANG Effect of Soil Physical Properties on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in The 5 Land Use (A Case Study in Sumbersari Malang

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    Elsa Rosyidah


    physical properties, SHC, water movement in soil, infiltration   ABSTRAK Pergerakan air dalam tanah jenuh akan mempengaruhi limpasan dan infiltrasi pada suatu daerah, sedangkan proses pergerakan air dalam tanah dipengaruhi oleh sifat-sifat fisik tanah. Perubahan penggunaan lahan sangat mempengaruhi sifat-sifat fisik tanah. Perubahan penggunaan lahan dan perbedaan sifat – sifat dasar tanah yang meliputi alih fungsi lahan yang semula ada vegetasi menjadi lahan yang tak ada atau minim vegetasi mengakibatkan laju infiltrasi dan perkolasi pada tanah menjadi berubah dan memungkinkan terjadinya proses infiltrasi yang cukup besar, menyebabkan semakin berkurangnya daerah resapan air hujan secara langsung dan penurunan ketersediaan air tanah. Pengukuran pergerakan air dalam tanah kondisi jenuh atau Konduktivitas Hidrolik Jenuh tanah (KHJ sangat penting karena KHJ berperan dalam penentuan limpasan air, infiltrasi, dan perkolasi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya nilai konduktivitas hidrolik jenuh tanah di berbagai penggunaan lahan dengan menggunakan metode constant head dan sifat fisik tanah meliputi tekstur tanah, berat isi, berat jenis, dan porositas di 5 penggunaan lahan pada 3 kedalaman tanah yang berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan di area Kelurahan Sumbersari pada bulan Desember 2008 hingga bulan Oktober 2009. Penelitian pengaruh sifat fisik tanah terhadap KHJ dengan menggunakan metode constant head pada 5 penggunaan lahan yaitu pemukiman penduduk (T1, lapangan (T2, kebun tomat (T3, semak belukar (T4, sawah irigasi (T5 pada 3 kedalaman yang berbeda yaitu 0-15 cm (K1, 15-30 cm (K2, dan 30-45 cm (K3. Sifat fisik tanah yang dianalisis antara lain tekstur tanah, berat isi, berat jenis, porositas, dan kadar air tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai KHJ tertinggi pada seluruh titik lokasi adalah lokasi sawah irigasi dengan kedalaman 30-45 cm. Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi nilai KHJ adalah nilai berat isi. Sifat-sifat fisik tanah yang mempengaruhi nilai KHJ

  3. KONSENSUS SEBAGAI PILAR UTAMA GOOD GOVERNANCE DALAM PENGELOLAAN TANAH ULAYAT DI KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI PROVINSI RIAU (Consensus as the Main Pillar of Good Governance in Managing Tanah Ulayat in the Regency of Kuantan Singingi Riau Province

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    Agus Mandar


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Salah satu persoalan penting pembangunan di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi adalah konflik dalam pengelolaan tanah ulayat. Terjadi paling tidak 15 kasus konflik yang melibatkan masyarakat lokal dan perusahaan di kabupaten ini. Berdasarkan hasil penyelesaian konflik terdapat 3 katagori penyelesaian yakni: penyelesaian kasus yang penuh, penyelesaian semu, dan tanpa penyelesaian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji mekanisme penyelesaian konflik tanah ulayat. Melalui teori good governance penelitian ini mengkaji mekanisme penyelesaian konflik prinsip-prinsip good governance dicobakaitkan dengan nilai-nilai lokal. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa apabila prinsip-prinsip good governance diterapkan dengan mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai budaya lokal, maka konflik-konflik tersebut dapat diselesaikan.   ABSTRACT One of the most well-known and crucial problems in the Regency of Kuantan Singingi development is the conflict in managing tanah ulayat. There are fifteen cases in which conflicts may take place among the local community and the private companies running the land in the Regency. These cases have been categorized into three. There are no consensus cases artificial consensus cases, and truly consensus case. In the analysis process, the researcher has applied theories and the concepts of Local Good Governance. The Good Governance, which can be applied universally, was convergent and applied in a way suitable with the local community traditions in the Kuantan Singingi. This research has proven that the determinant factor of problem solving is the cooperation between the involved polities (the Local Government, Private Companies, and Local Community in the interaction of tanah ulayat management. The consensus can be achieved when the Local Government is able to establish to Good Governance, the private companies is operating Good Corporate Governance paradigm, which arises through the process of crafting the local community’s culture, based on the

  4. EMISI CO2 TANAH AKIBAT ALIH FUNGSI LAHAN HUTAN RAWA GAMBUT DI KALIMANTAN BARAT (Soil Emissions of CO2 Due to Land Use Change of Peat Swamp Forest at West Kalimantan

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    Rossie Wiedya Nusantara


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alih fungsi lahan gambut yang menyebabkan perubahan emisi CO2 tanah pada hutan rawa gambut primer (HP, hutan gambut sekunder (HS, semak belukar (SB, kebun sawit (KS, dan kebun jagung (KJ dan menganalisis pengaruh suhu dan jeluk muka air tanah (water-table depth terhadap emisi CO2 tanah. Sampel dari tiap tipe lahan diambil sebanyak lima ulangan, total sampel 25. Saat pengukuran respirasi CO2 tanah gambut dilakukan pengukuran suhu tanah dan muka air tanah. Pengukuran di lapangan dilaksanakan dua kali yaitu awal musim kemarau dan musim hujan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa emisi CO2 tanah tertinggi dan terendah pada dua waktu pengukuran tersebut adalah pada tipe lahan KJ (6,512 ton ha-1 th-1 dan SB (1,698  ton ha-1 th-1 serta pada tipe lahan KS (6,701 ton ha-1 th-1 dan SB (3,169 ton ha-1 th-1 berturut-turut. Suhu tanah gambut tertinggi dan terendah pada dua waktu pengukuran tersebut berturut-turut adalah pada tipe lahan SB (27,78 oC dan HP (22,78 oC, dan pada tipe lahan KS (29,08 oC dan HP (26,56 oC serta jeluk muka air tanah gambut berturut-turut pada tipe lahan KJ (56,2 cm dan  SB (32,1 cm. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan perubahan emisi CO2 tanah gambut adalah suhu tanah, jeluk muka air tanah dan pengelolaan lahan yang menyebabkan perubahan sifat tanah gambut, seperti ketersediaan C-organik (jumlah dan kualitas bahan organik, pH tanah dan kematangan gambut. ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze peatland use change that caused changes soil emissions of CO2 at primary peat swamp forest (HP, secondary peat forest (HS, shrub (SB, oil palm plantations (KS and corn field (KJ, and to analyze the influence of temperature and water-table depth to soil emission of CO2. Soil samples were taken from each five replications that accunt for 25 samples. Simultaneously with measurement of soil respiration measuremnts soil temperature. Field measurement is carried out twice at the beginning of dry season and

  5. Masalah Tanah dan Krisis Lingkungan di Bali dalam Antologi Puisi Dongeng dari Utara Karya Made Adnyana Ole

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    Puji Retno Hardiningtyas


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan mendekripsikan masalah tanah dan krisis lingkungan di Bali dalam antologi puisi Dongeng dari Utara. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah sepuluh puisi bertema masalah tanah dan krisis lingkungan. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pustaka dengan teknik catat. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah interpretasi dan pemahaman dengan teknik analisis konten. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori konflik dan ekokritik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konflik lingkungan di Bali berkembang sebab faktor pariwisata yang menggerus lahan pertanian di Bali. Sementara itu, krisis lingkungan di Bali merupakan masalah pokok dalam pemanfaatan lingkungan dan upaya pelestarian tanah sebagai unsur alam. Dengan demikian, kehadiran sastra, khususnya puisi, merupakan potret sosial tentang kondisi lingkungan yang terjadi di Bali. Kata-Kata Kunci: puisi, masalah tanah, krisis, lingkungan Abstract: This study aims to describe the land problem and the environment crisis in Bali in the anthology Dongeng dari Utara. The data sources of this research were ten poems themed on the land problem and environmental crisis. The data were collected through library method using recording technique. The data were analyzed by interpretation and understanding using content analysis technique. The theory used was the theory of conflict and ecocriticism. The result indicates that tourism is gradually destroying agricultural soils in Bali and therefore causing the number of environmental conflicts in Bali to grow. Meanwhile, the environmental crisis in Bali is the central issue in the use of the environment and the conservation of soil as a natural element. Thus, the presence of literature, especially poetry, is a social portrait of the environmental condition existing in Bali. Key Words: poetry, land problem, crisis, environment


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    Brata Pantjara


    Full Text Available Kegagalan budi daya udang windu di tambak tanah sulfat masam disebabkan adanya kelarutan unsur toksik dalam tambak yang diduga berasal dari pematang terutama pada saat hujan lebat. Oleh karena itu, dalam pemanfaatan untuk tambak di lahan semacam ini diperlukan upaya mencegah terjadinya kelarutan senyawa toksik tersebut melalui perbaikan pematang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi pematang tambak yang baik di tanah sulfat masam terhadap peningkatan kualitas air dan pertumbuhan serta sintasan udang windu. Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Tambak Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau, Maros. Sebanyak 9 tambak berukuran luasan 800 m2 dan padat penebaran tokolan udang windu 5 ekor/m2. Pemeliharaan terhadap hewan uji dilakukan selama 12 minggu. Perlakuan kondisi pematang adalah pematang yang dilapisi kapur (A; Pematang yang permukaannya ditambah dolomit (B; Pematang yang permukaannya dilapisi plastik (C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tambak dengan kondisi pematang pada A dan C menghasilkan kualitas air yang lebih baik dibandingkan B. Semua perlakuan kondisi pematang menunjukkan tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05 terhadap pertumbuhan udang windu. Kondisi pematang pada perlakuan A dan C di tambak tanah sulfat masam berpengaruh nyata (P0.05. The pond dyke condition to A and C treatments in acid sulphate soil was significantly (P<0.15 to compare with B treatment to survival rate. The survival rate was obtained by the end of research each to the A and C treatments were 29.86% and 28.82% and B treatment was 6.1%.


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    Wulan Metafurry


    Full Text Available Community development (comdev is a form of corporate social responsibility program to increase community welfare. On the other side, comdev also aims to minimize the impact arising from mining activities. The present study aims to analyze the benefit of comdev and to calculate comdev contribution to increase community welfare. The method used to answer the research are Second Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis (2nd CFA and Multiple Linier Regression with Principal Component Analysis (PCA. The result show that benefit of comdev was perceived by community in Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan. Comdev also contributes positively to increase human resource development in Tanah Bumbu, but comdev not enough to compensate for the negative impact of mining especially enviromental issues.


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    Listiatie Budi Utami


    pupuk organik dengan dosis 0 gram, 50 gram, 100 gram, 150 gram, 200 gram, dan 250 gram dalam 2 kg tanah dari TPA Piyungan, Bantul. Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali dan dilakukan selama 4 minggu. Pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang daun, panjang akar, dan berat basah tanaman. Pada minggu ke-4, dilakukan pengukuran kadar timbal (Pb dalam daun. Dilakukan uji ANOVA dan BNT 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk organik dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat. Dosis yang paling efektif untuk pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat adalah 200 gram dalam 2 kg tanah. Pemberian pupuk organik tidak dapat menurunkan kandungan Pb dalam tanaman kangkung darat.


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    Welda Ningsih


    Full Text Available Conflict of communal land between kamanakan malakok with niniak mamak in Tobo clan Nagari Padang Laweh, District Koto VII Sijunjung which in this conflict kamanakan malakok from areas Bukit Bual seeks to maintain in order to get the management rights of communal land that is the intersection of SMP 8 Nagari Padang Laweh which is the possession of niniak mamak Tobo tribe does not comply with the decision of niniak mamak. The approach used in this study is a qualitative research method and descriptive. The data collection is done by observation and in-depth interviews. Based on the results of research conducted, communal land conflicts caused by kamanakan malakok who worked and fence off communal land without the permission and niniak mamak Tobo Tribe resulting land conflict issues. While the forms of conflict resolution is performed by the deliberation and consensus between the two sides, the conflict is not resolved by the prince of the tribe resulted in the issue resolved through official institutions, namely guardian Nagari, the prince of the tribe and the latter through the police, after receiving the decision of the police. Konflik tanah ulayat antara kamanakan malakok dengan niniak mamak Suku Tobo di Nagari Padang Laweh, Kecamatan Koto VII Kabupaten Sijunjung yang mana di dalam konflik ini kamanakan malakok yang berasal dari daerah Bukit Bual berupaya mempertahankan supaya mendapatkan hak pengelolaan tanah ulayat yang ada simpang SMP 8 Nagari Padang Laweh yang merupakan kepunyaan dari niniak mamak suku Tobo dengan jalan tidak mematuhi keputusan dari niniak mamak. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan tipe deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, konflik tanah ulayat disebabkan oleh kamanakan malakok yang menggarap dan memagari tanah ulayat tanpa seizin dan sepengatahuan niniak mamak Suku Tobo sehingga

  10. Removal of Hg(II) from aqueous solution using sodium humate as heavy metal capturing agent. (United States)

    Wang, Shixiang; Liu, Yong; Fan, Qin; Zhou, Anlan; Fan, Lu; Mu, Yulan


    An environmental friendly and economic natural biopolymer-sodium humate (HA-Na) was used to capture Hg(II) from aqueous solutions, and the trapped Hg(II) (HA-Na-Hg) was then removed by aluminium coagulation. The best Hg(II) capturing performance (90.60%) was observed under the following conditions: initial pH of 7.0, coagulation pH of 6.0, HA-Na dosage of 5.0 g L -1 , Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 .18H 2 O dosage of 4.0 g L -1 , initial Hg(II) concentration of 50 mg L -1 and capturing time of 30 min. The HA-Na compositions with the molecular weight beyond 70 kDa showed the most intense affinity toward Hg(II). The results showed that the reaction equilibrium was achieved within 10 min (pH 7.0), and could be well fitted by the pseudo-second-order kinetics model. The capturing process could be well described by the Langmuir isotherm model and the maximum capturing capacity of Hg(II) was high up to 9.80 mg g -1 at 298 K (pH 7.0). The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis showed that the redox reaction between Hg(II) and HA-Na and the coordination reaction of carboxyl and hydroxy groups of HA-Na with Hg(II) were responsible for Hg(II) removal. The successive regeneration experiment showed that the capturing efficiency of humates for Hg(II) was maintained at about 51% after five capture-regeneration recycles.

  11. Analisis Neraca Air Lahan terhadap Jenis Tanah yang Berkembang pada Daerah Karts di Kecamatan Parigi Kabupaten Muna Sulawesi Tenggara

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    M Tufaila


    Full Text Available Soil water balance is describes the condition of the water in an area. The difference of climatic conditions and land characteristic denotes the effect of the soil water balance. The objective of this study is to determine soil water balance on the type of soil that developed at parent material karts. Village Parigi district Muna has an area of 16245.88 ha consists of Inceptisol, Mollisol, and Andosol and developing in Qal and Qpw geological formation. The results of research showed that surplus on rainwater occurred in February, March, and April. While the water deficit occurred in January, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. Soil water balance in the research site was affected by climate, soil condition, and soil characteristic. Soil was formed above the karst rock showing little effect on the soil water balance.  ABSTRAK Neraca air lahan menggambarkan kondisi air pada suatu wilayah. Perbedaan kondisi iklim dan karateristik lahan memberikan pengaruh terhadap nerca air lahan. Tujuan penelitiaan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui neraca air lahan pada jenis tanah yang berkembang pada bahan induk karts. Kecamatan Parigi Kabupaten Muna memiliki luas 16.245,88 ha terdiri dari jenis tanah Iceptisol, Mollisol, dan Andisol dan  berkembang pada formasi geologi Qal dan Qpw. Hasil penelitiaan menunjukan bahwa surpulus air hujan terjadi pada bulan Februari, Maret dan April, sedangkan divisit air terjadi pada bulan Januari, Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, November, dan Desember. Neraca air lahan dilokasi penelitian dipengaruhi oleh iklim, kondisi lahan, dan karateristik tanah. Tanah yang terbentuk diatas batuan karts memberikan pengaruh yang kecil terhadap neraca air lahan.


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    Dina Bisara Lolong


    Full Text Available Abstract. Although Indonesia's HIV epidemic was classified as low epidemic in general, however since2000 in some high risk groups population classified as concentrated such asFSW (Female Sex Workers,IDUs (Injecting Drug Users and transsexual, HIV prevalence tend to increase. While in Papua and WestPapua (Tanah  Papua,the increase of the disease is growing further that have been reaching generalizedclassification namely 2.41% (>1%. This article examines the behaviour on usingcomdom  amongcommunity in Tanah  Papua and among risk groups namely FSW  (Female Sex Workers, FSW  clients,transsexual, Gay, Male Sex Workers and IDUs  in Indonesia. The data were obtained from communitybased of the Integrated Behavioral and Biological Surveillance Survey(IBBS  2006 in 10 districts in Tanah Papua.The other data were obtained from Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS 2004-2005 ofFSW  and FSW clients in 14 provinces, transsexual in four districts, Gay and Male Sex Workers in three districts andIDUs  in five cities. This survey reveals that knowledge of three programmatically important ways toprevent from HIV transmission ABC: abstinent, being faithful and using condom is still concern. Theyoungest and the oldest ages know less the three ways to preventing from HIV transmission. It is verycorcern  that always using condoms among risk groups when they commit commercial sexual activity werevery low, ranging from 3% to 56% for sex workers and their clients, 17% for IDUs.  While amongcommunity in Tanah  Papua ranging from 2% (highland to 35% (easy land when they commit the lastsexual activity with payment. Findings also show that the use in condoms is affected by condomavailability and frequency in suggesting condom use among sex workres.  Therefore it is needed to maintainthe continuity of campaign on 100% condom use and provide condoms in work places of commercial sexworkers and also in all areas in Tanah  Papua.

  13. Curing temperature effect on mechanical strength of smokeless fuel briquettes prepared with humates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    M.J. Blesa; J.L. Miranda; M.T. Izquierdo; R. Moliner; A. Arenillas; F. Rubiera [Instituto de Carboquimica (CSIC), Zaragoza (Spain)


    The effect of curing temperature on smokeless fuel briquettes has been studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), mass spectrometry (MS), and temperature programmed decomposition (TPD). These techniques help to predict the final properties of these briquettes which were prepared with a low-rank coal, sawdust, and olive stone as biomasses and humates as binder. The best mechanical properties are reached with both the mildest thermal curing at 95{sup o}C and the cocarbonized at 600{sup o}C of Maria coal (M2) and sawdust (S) due to the fibrous texture of sawdust. The temperature of curing causes the release of a certain amount of oxygenate structures and the decrease of the mechanical resistance. 15 refs., 7 figs., 3 tabs.

  14. Lactobacillus bulgaricus Sebagai Probiotik Guna Peningkatan Kualitas Ampas Tahu Untuk Pakan Cacing Tanah


    Purkan, Purkan


    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan aktivitas protease dari probiotik Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan pengaruh probiotik Lactobacillus bulgaricus dalam fermentasi pakan ampas tahu untuk meningkatkan produktivitas cacing tanah. Metode yang digunakan untuk penentuan aktivitas protease dalam hidrolisis substrat kasein adalah metode Bradford. Dari hasil penelitian, probiotik Lactobacillus bulgaricus mengeluarkan protease selama 18 jam pertumbuhan, dengan aktivitas protease sebesar 131,0...

  15. Penapisan PGPF untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Lunak Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera di Tanah Gambut

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    Supriyanto Supriyanto


    Full Text Available Aloe (Aloe vera planted in West Borneo peat soil is well known as having the best product quality in Indonesia. Soft rot disease is one of the constraints of Aloe cultivation on peat soil. Many methods have no significant result for controlling this disease. This research objectives are to obtain Plant Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF for controlling Aloe bacterial soft rot in peat soil. The research was conducted in Clinical Laboratory of Plant Pathology and glass house of Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta from October 2008 to September 2009. The methods included fungal isolation from peat land, hypovirulent and PGPF ability test, and biological control test in the glass house. Among 42 peat soil fungi tested, 28 isolates were hypovirulent and only 2 isolates i.e. SNTH001 (Penicillium sp. and SNTH003 (Aspergillus sp. showed the PGPF ability. Glass house trial showed that single application of SNTH001 and SNTH003 isolates were able to increase the growth of Aloe. In the biological control of Aloe soft rot disease test showed that the lowest intensity (25% might be obtained by using SNTH001 isolate.   Lidah buaya (Aloe vera asal tanah gambut Kalimantan Barat dikenal mempunyai kualitas terbaik di Indonesia. Penyakit busuk lunak yang disebabkan oleh bakterimerupakan salah satu kendala dalam pengembangan tanaman lidah buaya dilahan gambut dan beberapa cara pengendalian yang telah dilakukan belum memberikan hasil nyata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari jamur asal tanah gambut yang mampu berperan sebagai Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman untuk pengendalian penyakit busuk lunak di tanah gambut. Penelitian telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Ilmu Penyakit Tumbuhan Klinik dan Rumah Kaca Fakultas Pertanian UGM Yogyakarta dari bulan Oktober 2008 sampai September 2009, meliputi isolasi jamur dari tanah gambut, uji hipovirulensi dan uji kemampuan sebagai PGPF serta uji pengendalian hayati penyakit busuk lunak lidah buaya di rumah kaca. Dari

  16. Implementasi Data Mining Dalam Data Bencana Tanah Longsor Di Jawa Barat Menggunakan Algoritma Fp-Growth

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    Castaka Agus Sugianto


    Full Text Available Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu zona rawan longsor di Indonesia. Pengurangan resiko bencana diantaranya adalah peringatan dini dengan langkah awal menganalisis data yang ada. Salah satu cara menganalisis data ini yaitu dengan teknik data mining. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola hubungan aturan assosiatif antara suatu kombinasi data dan membentuk pola kombinasi datasets dengan menggunakan algoritma Fp-growth dalam data bencana tanah longsor yang di dapat dari Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana dan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat periode data dari 2011 sampai dengan 2016. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan nilai confidence tertinggi sebesar 1 dengan premises malam, jalan rusak dan conclusion hujan deras dan premises tanah labil, korban jiwa, sore dengan conclusion hujan deras yang berarti keterkaitan satu kondisi dengan kondisi lain sebesar 100%. Untuk nilai support tertinggi dalam pola asosiatif didapatkan sebesar 0,629 dengan confidence 0,901 dengan premises rumah rusak dan conclusion hujan deras yang berarti 90% keterkaitan dengan kejadian 63% kemunculan.

  17. Pola Penguasaan Tanah Sawah secara Sistem Gilir Ganti pada Masyarakat Hukum Adat Kerinci


    Idris, Isran


    Sistem gilir ganti sawah adalah pola penguasaan tanah sawah menurut Hukum Adat Kerinci. Sistem ini memberikan bagi ahli waris perempuan untuk secara bergilir ganti dalam menggunakan atau pemakaiannya guna mendapatkan hasilnya. Adanya sistem ini adalah pengaruh sistem kewarisan yang membedakan antara harta berat dan ringan. Banyaknya peserta dan persilangan gilir ganti sawah mempengaruhi pergerakan sistem dan masa tunggu setiap peserta untuk mendapatkan gilirannya.

  18. Perception and Motivation Study as a Determinants of Ecotourism Development in Tanah Datar Region

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    Adam Rachmatullah


    Full Text Available During the last decade, many countries are paying special concern to develop of tourism and ecotourism industry cause able to accelerate development in a region. This research aims to analyze stakeholder perceptions and motivation determinants, a long with to formulate ecotourism development strategy. The research method used in closed ended questionnaire instrument and then data were analyzed by using one score one criteria scoring system. The result of the study showed that a local community and government perceptions have as a conclusion is a good or stil the positive sphere so that it is feasible to be develop as all forms of ecotourism. Afterwards, the result of motivations data showed that stakeholders have a high interest (score 6-7 to be actively involved in any form of ecotourism development. In order to realize the integrated ecotourism development in Tanah Datar Region, then some important things that need to be optimized, among others: 1 regional development perspective; 2 social-culture perspective; 3 capacity building perspective; 4 marketing perspective.  Keywords: ecotourism, motivation, perception, Tanah Datar Region 

  19. Cementation and blackening of Holocene sands by peat-derived humates: A case study from the Great Dune of Pilat, Landes des Gascogne, Southwestern France

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Suchý, V.; Sýkorová, Ivana; Havelcová, Martina; Machovič, Vladimír; Zeman, Antonín; Trejtnarová, Hana


    Roč. 114, JUL (2013), s. 19-32 ISSN 0166-5162 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/09/1162; GA ČR(CZ) GA13-18482S Institutional support: RVO:67985891 ; RVO:68378297 Keywords : humate * peat * cementation * aeolian sand Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy Impact factor: 3.313, year: 2013

  20. Evaluasi Ekstensifikasi dan Intensifikasi Pajak Serta Kontribusinya dalam Meningkatkan Penerimaan Pajak Penghasilan Orang Pribadi pada KPP Pratama Jakarta Tanah Abang Dua

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    Maya Safira Dewi


    Full Text Available In 2010, a number of efforts such as the safeguard mechanism has been implemented by the KPP Pratama Jakarta Tanah Abang Dua, one of the safeguard mechanism is an intensification of activity or potential tax starting from the unified tax mapping activities, benchmarking and profiling, with an analysis of the sectors found on the contribution of a region (eg county or city or the sectors contained in the contribution of tax revenue a tax services office or regional office of the Directorate General of Taxes. Given the working area of KPP Pratama Jakarta Tanah Abang Dua are in the economic and strategic business centers and many residents which don’t have tax ID, provide more opportunity for KPP in capturing the public to serve the taxpayer by providing tax ID. But in actual KPP Pratama Jakarta Tanah Abang Dua should be able to read situations and anticipate the various circumstances that might be a problem in the smooth operation of extending the taxpayer, such as mutations in the population without changing the domicile of the candidate statements taxpayers of local authorities and social conditions change.

  1. Determination of Quality, Quantity, and Geometry of Uranium Deposit at North Tanah Merah, Kalan, West Kalimantan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lilik-Subiantoro; Widiyanta; Widito, P.


    The research based on 1997/1998 the systematic prospect ion result which was discovered a uranium mineralization zones indication with in the area of 11,733 m 2 at Tanah Merah. That mineralization were found with in favourable, rock of quartzite that intruded by granitic rock. Uranium minerals are uraninite and brannerite, fill in spots and incontinously WNW-ESE fractures. The aim of this research was to find information about sub surfaces uranium geology characteristic, geometric, and U resources available at North Tanah Merah using shallow geological exploration drilling. The result of drilling at 3 locations arising 60 m depth each, have found some uranium mineralization indications that was identified as in uranium ore lensis. The geometri of the lensis is 5 cm-3 m lenght, 15 cm maximum wide and 5-150 thick. The result of U reserve estimation around 3 drill holes with in 5.064 m 2 area and at 66 m depth, is contain 31.348 tons U with in inferred category. (author)

  2. Pola Penguasaan Tanah Sawah Secara Sistem Gilir Ganti pada Masyarakat Hukum Adat Kerinci


    Idris, Isran


    Sistem gilir ganti sawah adalah pola penguasaan tanah sawah menurut Hukum Adat Kerinci. Sistem ini memberikan  bagi ahli waris perempuan untuk secara bergilir ganti dalam menggunakan atau pemakaiannya guna  mendapatkan hasilnya. Adanya sistem ini adalah pengaruh sistem kewarisan yang membedakan antara harta berat dan ringan. Banyaknya peserta dan persilangan gilir ganti sawah mempengaruhi pergerakan sistem dan masa tunggu setiap peserta untuk mendapatkan gilirannya.   Kata kunci: sistem gilir...

  3. Studi Pengaruh Pemasangan NGR 40 Ohm pada Uprating Transformator 2 GI Gianyar Terhadap Gangguan Hubung Singkat 1 Phasa Tanah

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    Arya Surya Darma


    Full Text Available Along with the development of ever-increasing burden on the GI Gianyar then the transformer unit 2 with a capacity of 30 MVA will be uprating with a capacity of 60 MVA transformer. To maintain the continuity and reliability of the flow of electrical power to the consumer , NGR (Neutral Grounding Resistance and relay SBEF is used as the safety equipment of the short circuit 1 phase to ground was not in to the neutral point of the transformer. Uprating of transformers that have been done changes on 1 phase fault current to ground when using a direct earthing systems with a value to become 1838.21 A. While the value of the short-circuit current 1 phase to ground after pairing NGR 40 Ohm value is fixed at 288.675 A, so that the current setting and time relay SBEF fixed at 90 A and 7.067 seconds. The analysis result from the effect of installation NGR and rele SBEF on the transformer 60 MVA against short circuit 1 phase to ground has the ability good protection for the value of the fault current is able to be reduced from 1838,21 A into 288.675 A after pairing NGR 40 Ohm and time is needed SBEF to handle distractions 7.067 seconds. Intisari- Seiring dengan perkembangan beban yang terus meningkat di GI Gianyar maka transformator unit 2 berkapasitas 30 MVA akan di lakukan uprating (penggantian dengan transformator berkapasitas 60 MVA. Untuk menjaga kontinyuitas dan keandalan aliran daya listrik sampai ke konsumen (beban, NGR (Neutral Grounding Resistance dan rele SBEF dipergunakan sebagai peralatan pengaman dari gangguan hubung singkat phasa tanah agar arus gangguan 1 phasa ke tanah tidak sampai mengalir ke titik netral transformator. Dari uprating transformator yang sudah di lakukan terjadi perubahan pada arus gangguan 1 phasa ke tanah jika menggunakan sistem pentanahan langsung (solid grounding menjadi 1838,21 A. Sedangkan nilai dari arus hubung singkat 1 phasa ke tanah setelah dipasangkan NGR 40 Ohm nilainya tetap sebesar 288,675 A

  4. STATUS KESUBURAN TANAH DI BAWAH TEGAKAN EUCALYPTUS PELLITA F.Muell: STUDI KASUS DI HPHTI PT. ARARA ABADI, RIAU (Soil fertility under Eucalyptus pellita F.Muell stands: Case study in PT. Arara Abadi, Riau

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    Agung B. Supangat


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Informasi status kesuburan tanah di hutan tanaman sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar penyusunan rencana teknik manipulasi lingkungan pertumbuhan seperti pemupukan dan tindakan silvikultur lainnya.  Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi status kesuburan tanah di bawah tegakan Eucalyptus pellita pada rotasi ketiga, melalui analisis sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanah Typic Kandiudults pada lokasi HTI E. pellita rotasi ketiga di Perawang memiliki tingkat kesuburan yang rendah baik secara fisik, kimia maupun biologi, dan lebih rendah dibandingkan pada tanah di hutan alam. Kenaikan umur tanaman E. pellita membentuk ekosistem hutan yang semakin mantap bagi perbaikan sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi secara umum, yang ditunjukkan perbaikan sebagian besar dari  parameter yang diamati.  Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi status kesuburan tanah di atas, dalam pengelolaan tanah di lahan HTI, diperlukan perlakuan upaya manipulasi lingkungan pertumbuhan seperti pemupukan dan weeding secara tepat melalui uji coba dan penelitian yang lebih teknis baik dalam skala laboratorium maupun lapangan.  Untuk itu, disarankan adanya penelitian lanjutan untuk mengetahui tingkat kerentanan tanah di lahan HTI E. pellita baik secara hidrologis maupun keharaan pada masing-masing umur tanaman, sehingga upaya pengelolaan lahan tanaman menjadi lebih baik.   ABSTRACT Information on status of forest soil fertility in the plantation forest is needed as a basis for planning the manipulation techniques of growth environmental such as fertilization and other silvicultural techniques. The study aims to evaluate the soil fertility status under eucalyptus pellita stands on the third rotation, through the analysis of physical, chemical and biological soil properties. The results showed that the soil of Typic Kandiudults at E. pellita stands in Perawang on the third rotation has a low fertility level, physically, chemically and biologically

  5. Kandungan Inulin Dari Umbi Dahliasp Yang Ditanam Pada Jenis Tanah Vertisol, Inceptisol Dan Andisol


    Iskandar, Yetti Mulyati; Pudjiraharti, Sri; Ratnaningrum, Diah


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan kandungan inulin dari umbi Dahlia sp yang ditanam didaerah sejuk seperti Cianjur, Lembang dan Sukabumi pada jenis tanah yang berbeda dalam rangka rencana produksi di Jawa Barat. Inulin adalah oligosacharida yang terjadi secara alami dengan komposisi gabungan fruktooligosacharida dari oligomer dengan derajat polimerisasi yang berbeda. Umbi dahlia dari bunga berwarna ungu, merah, kuning dan putih yang ditanam di tiga lokasi digunaka...


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    Jumiyati -


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian untuk mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi khamir secara morfologi di tanah Kebun Wisata Pendidikan Unnes. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplorasi yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Unnes. Populasi penelitian adalah khamir di tanah Kebun Wisata Pendidikan Unnes. Sampel penelitian adalah isolat khamir yang diambil dengan teknik Purposive Sampling yaitu membagi kebun menjadi lima zona dan setiap zona diambil secara acak lima titik pengambilan kemudian dihomogenkan. Sampel dibawa ke Laboratorium untuk dilakukan isolasi, purifikasi dan identifikasi secara morfologi koloni dan sel. Simpulan penelitian ditemukan tujuh isolat khamir dan termasuk ke dalam lima genus yaitu Saccharomyces, Candida, Debaromyces, Brettanomyces dan Saccharomycodes. The purpose of the research was to isolate and to identify morphologically the individually-isolated yeasts from the soil of Biology Educational Garden Semarang State University. The exploration research was conducted in the Microbiology Laboratory Department of Biology, FMIPA Semarang State University. The yeasts were collected using purposive sampling technique in five zones and from each zone five random plots were selected to obtain the samples. Samples were isolated, purified and identified morphologically in terms of the colonies and the cells. Result revealed that seven isolated yeasts from five generas (Saccharomyces, Candida, Debaromyces, Brettanomyces, and Saccharomycodes had been collected from the soil of Biology Educational Garden Semarang State University.

  7. Pemberian Biochar Dari Beberapa Bahan Baku Untuk Mengurangi Pencemaran Logam Berat Cd Di Tanah


    Sinaga, Elfride


    120301076 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis bahan baku biochar yang terbaik dalam mengurangi pencemaran logam berat Cd di tanah. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) non faktorial dengan perlakuan kontrol, 3 jenis biochar dari bahan baku yang berbeda meliputi brangkasan jagung, jerami padi dan TKKS, sebanyak 5 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah pH H2O, pH KCl, Cd ekstrak DTPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga jenis biochar...

  8. Improving the desulfurization performance of CaCO3 with sodium humate (United States)

    Feng, Run; Sun, Zhiguo; Zhang, Wenqing; Huang, Hao; Hu, Haihang; Zhang, Li; Xie, Hongyong


    The influence of these factors on desulphurization efficiency was studied by changing the amount of calcium carbonate, the concentration of sulfur dioxide, the liquid flow rate of absorbent and the air flow rate, the optimum working condition was determined by the research of limestone-gypsum desulphurization process commonly used in industry. By changing the amount of calcium carbonate, we conclude that the volume of water in the desulfurization efficiency does not increase with the adding amount of calcium carbonate. The optimum conditions were determined : at the condicion of the concentration of 500ppm of sulfur dioxide, 10g calcium carbonate, 150L/h liquid flow and the minimum air flow rate of 6.75m3/h, the highest desulfurization efficiency was close to 100% when sodium humate was not added, but the holding time was only about 5 minutes. After adding 3g of humic acid, the desulfurization efficiency was improved obviously, and the instantaneous efficiency of 100% lasting for about 40 minutes. It can be seen that, calcium carbonate in the addition of humic acid sodium can significantly improve the absorption of calcium carbonate performance of SO2.

  9. SOIL PROPERTIES OF EIGHT FOREST STANDS RESULTED FROM REHABILITATION OF DEGRADED LAND ON THE TROPICAL AREA FOR ALMOST A HALF CENTURY (Sifat-sifat Tanah Delapan Tegakan Hutan Hasil Rehabilitasi Lahan Terdegradasi pada Daerah Tropika Selama Setengah Abad

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    Haryono Supriyo


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Physical, chemical and biological properties of soil are influenced by vegetation types which grow above it. Different tree species of stands will produce difference litter quantity, litter quality and also plants’ root system. Therefore quantifying physical and chemical soil properties in several stands after rehabilitation of degraded land will increase the understanding of forest soil characteristics. The research was conducted in 8 forest stands in Wanagama I, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Collection of soil samples was done at the depth of 0-10, 10-30 and 30-50 cm by making soil profile. The result showed that the textural classes were from sandy clay loam to clay. The content of clay increased with increasing soil depth. Bulk density did not differ much among the profiles and soil depth, ranging from 0.90 to 1.28 g/cm3, and so were particle density ranged from 2.19 to 2.55 g/cm3 and pore space ranged from 47.89 to 58.08 %. pH H2O ranging from 5.81 to 7.49 (slightly acid to neutral, meanwhile  pH KCl ranging from 4.44 to 6.37. C-organic content varied widely among the vegetations and soil depth ranged between 0.11 and 5.17 %. Available P and total P varied widely from 1 to 104 ppm and from 20 to 390 ppm, respectively. CEC were not much different among the profiles and soil depths, ranging from 19.80 to 38.06 cmol (+/kg and base saturation in all samples were very high i.e. > 100 %.   ABSTRAK Sifat-sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah dipengaruhi oleh tipe vegetasi yang tumbuh di atasnya. Perbedaan spesies pohon suatu tegakan akan menghasilkan perbedaan jumlah seresah, kualitas seresah dan juga sistem perakaran. Kuantifikasi sifat-sifat fisik dan kimia tanah pada beberapa tegakan hutan pada lahan terdegradasi setelah direhabilitasi akan meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai sifat-sifat tanah hutan. Penelitian dilakukan pada I jenis tegakan hutan di Hutan Pendidikan Wanagama, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Pengambilan sampel tanah dilakukan pada

  10. Study of reduction and complexation of technetium in the presence of humate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tkac, P.


    Reduction of pertechnetate was studied by different reduction systems: Sn 2+ , Fe 2+ , ascorbic acid, mixture of ascorbic acid and Fe 3+ , and thiourea. Reduction of pertechnetate by Sn 2+ ions (5 · 10 -2 - 5 · 10 -7 -3 ) was studied in pH range of 0.94-6.4. For effective reduction of Tc(VII) an acidic environment (pH 2+ ions higher than 1 · 10 -5 was necessary. Reduction of Tc(VII) by Fe 2+ (0.01 -3 FeSO 4 ) was strongly dependent on pH and for reduction yield higher than 95 %, pH = 8 and higher was needed. In the presence of ascorbic acid (1 - 5 %) no significant reduction was observed. When a 5 % solution of ascorbic acid was prepared by dilution of ascorbic acid in 2 -3 HCl, 60 % reduction after 30 minutes of reaction was observed. Reduction of Tc(VII) in the presence of ascorbic acid was most effectively observed in the presence of Fe 3+ ions. The yield of reduction was about 98 % after 20 minutes of reaction. Reduction of pertechnetate by thiourea was studied in acidic solution (HCl). Different conditions were used for reduction of 99m TcO 4 - and 99 TcO 4 - , respectively. The best yield for a routine preparation of [ 99 Tc(tu) 6 ] 3+ (tu = thiourea) was observed when 70 mg of thiourea was dissolved in 5 ml of 0.5 -3 HCl and 0.2 - 0.5 ml of 6 · 10 -2 -3 TcO 4 - was added. The mixture was allowed to react at least 20 hours. In the case of 99m Tc, 35 mg of thiourea was diluted in 5 ml of 2 -3 HCl and 0.1 - 0.5 ml of pertechnetate generator solution was added. Reaction mixture was heated at 100 grad C for at least 30 minutes under nitrogen atmosphere. The yield of pertechnetate reduction for both preparation methods was about 99 %. The thiourea complex of technetium was chosen for preparation of technetium-humic complex, because it is well known as the most suitable precursor for preparation of new technetium complexes with Tc 3+ . Gel chromatography of natrium humate was carried out before preparation of


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    Cahaya Jatmoko


    Full Text Available Salah satu penyebab terjadinya tanah longsor dan banjir adalah rusaknya kawasan hutan, namun karena illegal logging , pembukaan ilegal taman , dan perambahan hutan memicu pencabutan hak pengusahaan hutan ( HPH , yang diserahkan kepada kendali lokal , tapi tidak berjalan dengan baik . Dari area data akses terbuka pada tahun 2010 ada sekitar 20 juta hektar dan tidak ditindaklanjuti pengelolaannya.Hutan yang telah mengalami kerusakan akibat penebangan liar perlu direhabilitasi.Dengan menggunakan data spasial ini , kegiatan rehabilitasi dapat diidentifikasi dan dimonitor dengan lebih baik. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat memantau kegiatan rehabilitasi yang dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data Landsat TM, Data penginderaan jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis ( GIS merupakan suatu metode yang dapat diterapkan bersama-sama , untuk memantau dan menganalisa data dengan cepat dan akurat . Penelitian ini menggunakan data penginderaan jauh dengan mengumpulkan fitur tutupan lahan di daerah tertentu yang terjangkau ke seluruh pelosok area hutan penampung air tanah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah . Sistem Informasi Geografis digunakan untuk menangkap dan menganalisa data pertumbuhan pohon . Hasil yang diharapkan adalah terwujudnya sistem informasi geografis yang dapat memantau pertumbuhan pohon di area hutan penampung air tanah di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Kata Kunci : data spasial, Landsat TM, Remote Sensing

  12. Desain Ilustrasi Foto Pada Baju Kaos Dengan Media Fotografi Digital Pendukung Pariwisata Budaya Di Pura Tanah Lot Dan Taman Ayun

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    I Made Saryana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan industri kreatif dengan menerapkan fotografi digital melalui pengembangan produk instan dengan desain ilustrasi foto pada baju kaos. Pemilihan Obyek wisata Pura Tanah Lot Tabanan dan Pura Taman Ayun Badung Bali, dijadikan obyek penelitian karena obyek wisata tersebut selalu ramai dikunjungi wisatawan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan wawancara dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode penciptaan seni, sehingga hasil análisis dapat dijadikan pedoman atau konsep dasar dalam pengembangan produk sovenir baju kaos. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan (1 Mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis sovenir baju kaos yang dijual pada kawasan obyek wisata Tanah Lot Tabanan dan Pura Taman Ayun Badung Bali, baik dari bahan, desain ilustrasinya serta teknik pembuatannya. (2 Menganalisis harga, tingkat penjualan, serta bahan, desain ilustrasinya dan teknik pembuatannya.  (3. Melakukan eksperimen desain ilustrasi foto dengan fotografi digital dan pengolahan melalui komputer. (4 Pembuatan ilustrasi foto dan menerapkannya dengan fotografi dan sablon digital pada baju kaos. This research started with observation of several tourism destinations  in Bali such as Tanah Lot in Tabanan and Taman Ayun Badung. The observation is that by taking pictures of tourists and then selling it on photo printed  paper, profit margins are minimized. Furthermore, selling t-shirts as souvenirs on which the design is lacking in representation of the location show restricted and minimized monetization capabilities. Based on these observations, the researcher intends to conduct research while creating an innovative product which is capable of representing the aforementioned locations. Through implementation of digital photography and patternization modalities, designed photos can instantaneously be printed on the t-shirt, and automatically it may be worn by tourists. This

  13. Kajian Tanah di Kawasan Penyangga (Buffer Zone) Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser Kecamatan Sei Bingei Kabupaten LangkatBerdasarkan Toposekuen




    Penelitian dilaksanakan di daerah penyangga (buffer zone) Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser tepatnya di daerah Pamah Semilir Keeamatan Sei Bingei Kabupaten Langkat. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklasifIkasikan tanah yang terdapat di kawasan penyangga (buffer zone) Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser pada toposekuen menurut Soil Taxonomy USDA 1998 sampai tingkat sub grup. 950303003


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    Merryana Kiding Allo


    Full Text Available Mining activities through land clearing, dredging and backfilling will lead to changes in the ecosystem. Land conditions badly damaged among other unproductive, high erosion and loss of top soil layer of soil. The physical properties of the soil pH is acid soil, the texture increased dust causes soil compacted is difficult to be processed and chemical properties of the soil decreased to lower and lower, that it can not support the root system of plants and would affect the plant growth is not normally. The need for nutrients origin of organic fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers combined with the planting hole and alcosorb can spur the growth of trengguli and mahoni that is expected to speed up the recovery process mined lands of nickel. Planting  trengguli and mahogany produced by percentage grew to 95% by using a experiments using completely randomized design (CRD with a combination of the size of the hole, the dosage of fertilizer and alcosorb on trengguli and mahoni plants produce the best height and diameter growth on the kind trengguli obtained from treatment of the planting hole size 0.30 mx 0.40 mx 0.30 m ( A2 15 kg of organic fertilizer (B3 with alcosorb 3 gr and the best diameter growth in mahoni generated by the use of manure dosage of 7.5 kg and 7.5 gr NPK (B2. Kegiatan penambangan secara land clearing, pengerukan dan penimbunan  akan menyebabkan perubahan ekosistem. Kondisi lahan rusak berat antara lain tidak produktif, terjadi erosi berat dan hilangnya lapisan top soil tanah. Sifat fisik fisik pH tanah menjadi masam, tekstur debu meningkat menyebabkan pemadatan tanah sukar diolah dan sifat kimia tanah menurun menjadi makin rendah, sehingga tidak dapat mendukung sistem perakaran tanaman dan akan berdampak pertumbuhan tanaman tidak normal. Kebutuhan akan unsur hara asal pupuk organik maupun pupuk anorganik yang dikombinasikan dengan lubang tanam dan alcosorb dapat memacu pertumbuhan tanaman jenis trengguli dan mahoni yang

  15. Perbaikan Tanah Dasar Menggunakan Pre-Fabricated Vertical Drain Dengan Variasi Kedalaman Dan Perkuatan Lereng Dengan Turap Studi Kasus : Lapangan Penumpukan Peti Kemas, Pelabuhan Trisakti, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan

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    Dofran Winner


    Full Text Available Metode perbaikan tanah dasar menggunakan preloading yang dikombinasikan dengan Pre-fabricated Vertical Drain (PVD dipilih untuk proyek pengembangan lapangan penumpukan peti kemas di Pelabuhan Trisakti, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan. Selama masa preloading, ternyata kelongsoran selebar 37 meter terjadi di area penumpukan. Diketahui bahwa kelongsoran terjadi saat preloading setinggi 4,0 meter. Agar lapangan penumpukan dapat beroperasi kembali, diperlukan perencanaan untuk perkuatan lereng dan untuk menghilangkan pemampatan tanah dasar di area lapangan penumpukan. Perbaikan tanah dasar menggunakan preloading yang dikombinasikan dengan Pre-fabricated Vertical Drain (PVD digunakan untuk Zona 3, 4, dan 5, dan perkuatan lereng dengan turap digunakan untuk Zona-1 dan Zona-2 yang merupakan bagian lereng dari lapangan penumpukan. Direncanakan PVD dipasang pada kedalaman yang berbeda: 1/3H, 2/3H, dan H (H adalah ketebalan lapisan tanah lunak untuk melihat kondisi yang menghasilkan biaya paling murah. Dari hasil perencanaan yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa turap yang digunakan adalah Corrugated Concrete sheet pile type W-600 A1000. Turap dipasang sedalam 18 meter di Zona-1 dan sedalam 22 meter di Zona-2; selain itu, angker dipasang pada turap untuk meningkatkan kekakuan turap. Hasil perencanaan juga menunjukkan bahwa biaya yang paling ekonomis adalah PVD dipasang sampai 2/3H di Zona-3, dan tanpa PVD di Zona-4 dan Zona-5. Total biaya konstruksi adalah sebesar Rp 843.106.053,00 untuk Zona-1 dan Zona-2; Rp 9.446.530.597,00 untuk Zona-3; Rp 1.869.613.200,00 untuk Zona 4; dan Rp 3.577.392.000,00 untuk Zona 5.

  16. Tradisi dan Perubahan Budi Daya Pohon di Desa Rambahan Kuansing dan Desa Ranggang Tanah Laut (Tradition and Change of Tree Cultivation in Rambahan Kuansing and Ranggang Tanah Laut Villages

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    Didik Suharjito


    Full Text Available The phenomenon of widespread tree cultivation by local community in some countries during the last threedecades has been explained by researchers with a macro perspective. This study is to understand the phenomenonat the micro level and from the native (peasant or farmer point of view. This study aims to explain the traditionand changes in tree cultivation. Theoris economic system were used as the basis to explain the tradition andchanges in tree cultivation in Rambahan village community of the Kuansing District and Ranggang Villagecommunity of Tanah Laut District. Case study method was used in this study. The data were collected  frominformants through individual interviews and focused group discussions. The results of this study show that thecultivation of trees has been practiced and institutionalized in the everyday lives of local people and passeddown from generation to generation, as well as a source of socio-economic stability of families. Factors thatfarmers take into consideration in the selection of tree crops to be cultivated are price, easy to sell, harvestingintensity, knowledge and skills, labor availability (particularly family labor, and capital availability. Theresults of this study also indicate that some elements of the economic system of Ranggang and Rambahancommunities have the characteristics of capitalism adherent, while some other elements have the characteristicsof pre-capitalism. In other words, two communities are in a transition between pre-capitalism and capitalism asshown in the practice of tree cultivation.Keyword: tree cultivation tradition, tenancy system of land and tree,  pre-capitalism community, Kuansing, Tanah Laut

  17. PERAN REVEGETASI TERHADAP RESTORASI TANAH PADA LAHAN REHABILITASI TAMBANG BATUBARA DI DAERAH TROPIKA (The Role of Revegetation on the Soil Restoration in Rehabilitation Areas of Tropical Coal Mining

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    Cahyono Agus


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pertambangan batubara terbuka menyebabkan degradasi lahan, sehingga perlu upaya rehabilitasi lahan melalui program revegetasi. Penelitian dilakukan di areal PT. Berau Coal  pada site Binungan, Lati dan Sambarata, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap ber-blok dengan umur revegetasi sebagai perlakuan, tiga kali ulangan dan tiga site sebagai blok. Pemilihan lokasi menggunakan metode purposif sampling yaitu pengambilan sampel yang didasarkan pada pertimbangan pada umur pengolahan lahan revegetasi, meliputi S1 : area hutan sebelum ditambang (rona awal, S2 : revegetasi awal, umur tanaman  5 tahun. Pengambilan sampel tanah pada  kedalaman 0–20 dan 20-40 cm pada setiap perlakuan di ketiga lokasi, selanjutnya dianalisis sifat fisik dan kimianya. Tanah Typic Hapludult pada lahan hutan sebelum ditambang batubara secara terbuka (S1,  rona awal mempunyai kadar C-organik (1,87 %, N-total (0,14 %, P-tersedia (31,40 ppm, K-tertukar (0,11 me/100g, pH (3,98, KTK (10,72 me/100g dan kejenuhan basa (17 %. Penambangan terbuka batubara telah menyebabkan lapisan bawah dan  permukaan tanah menjadi terbongkar dan terjadi penurunan kualitas tanah yang sangat drastis. Penimbunan lahan dengan media tanah permukaan sebelumnya, telah cukup  mampu memperbaiki sifat-sifat tanah tertambang namun belum sesuai sebagai media pertumbuhan, serta sangat rentan terhadap degradasi lahan lebih lanjut. Revegetasi menggunakan tanaman pionir, cepat tumbuh dan adaptif seperti Sengon, Akasia, Sungkai, Melina, Angsana, Jarak serta Legume Cover Crop (LCC pada area bekas tambang  batubara memberikan pengaruh yang  nyata terhadap peningkatan kandungan C-organik, N-total dan  pH tanah. Revegetasi menggunakan spesies cepat tumbuh setelah berumur 5 tahun telah mengembalikan bahkan memperbaiki sifat kimia tanah dibanding dengan kondisi pada hutan tropika basah sebelum dilakukan penambangan terbuka.   ABSTRACT Open coal mining


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    Listiatie Budi Utami


    Full Text Available Kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir. merupakan tanaman hiperakumulator  logam timbal (Pb, padahal kangkung darat banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan kandungan timbal (Pb kangkung darat pada berbagai dosis pupuk organik; serta untuk mengetahui dosis pupuk organik yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan menurunkan kandungan timbal (Pb dalam kangkung darat. Penelitian dilakukan secara Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL dengan perlakuan pemberianpupuk organik dengan dosis 0 gram, 50 gram, 100 gram, 150 gram, 200 gram, dan 250 gram dalam 2 kg tanah dari TPA Piyungan, Bantul. Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali dan dilakukan selama 4 minggu. Pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang daun, panjang akar, dan berat basah tanaman. Pada minggu ke-4, dilakukan pengukuran kadar timbal (Pb dalam daun. Dilakukan uji ANOVA dan BNT 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk organik dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat. Dosis yang paling efektif untuk pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat adalah 200 gram dalam 2 kg tanah. Pemberian pupuk organik tidak dapat menurunkan kandungan Pb dalam tanaman kangkung darat.

  19. Estímulo no crescimento e na hidrólise de ATP em raízes de alface tratadas com humatos de vermicomposto: II - Efeito da fonte de vermicomposto Improving lettuce seedling root growth and ATP hydrolysis with humates from vermicompost: II - Effect of vermicompost source

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    Maria Rita Cardoso Rodda


    Full Text Available Um dos fatores mais limitantes para a produção de vermicomposto é a disponibilidade de esterco. Neste trabalho, foi avaliado o efeito da substituição parcial do esterco por bagaço de cana e por resíduos de leguminosa (Gliricidia sepium na vermicompostagem sobre a qualidade do vermicomposto e sobre a bioatividade dos humatos, avaliadas por meio da análise do crescimento radicular e da atividade das bombas de H+ isoladas de raízes de alface. A substituição do esterco por bagaço de cana e por resíduos de leguminosas não acarretou prejuízo às características químicas dos vermicompostos. No entanto, os humatos isolados dos diferentes vermicompostos apresentaram características químicas distintas, tais como: acidez e propriedades óticas distintas. Os humatos produzidos a partir de esterco de bovino e da mistura esterco bovino + bagaço proporcionaram maiores estímulos no crescimento radicular das plantas de alface, sendo os mais indicados para uso na forma solúvel. A inclusão de resíduos de leguminosas no processo de vermicompostagem produziu humatos sem efeito sobre o desenvolvimento das raízes de alface.Cattle manure availability is one of the most limiting factors for vermicompost production. The effects of the partial substitution of manure with sugarcane bagasse or residues of Gliricidia sepium on the quality of vermicomposts and the bioactivity of their humates were evaluated by analyzing the root growth and H+-ATPase activity of lettuce seedling roots. The substitutions of manure by sugar cane bagasse and legume cover crops residues did not affect the chemical properties of humates. Humates isolated from the different vermicomposts, however, presented different chemical characteristics, such as acidity and distinct optical properties. Humates isolated from manure and manure + bagasse enhanced growth; these are more adequate for use in soluble form. Humates isolated from vermicompost with legume substitution were

  20. KAJIAN SPASIAL KUALITAS AIR TANAH BEBAS BERDASARKAN KEDALAM MUKA AIR TANAH: STUDI KASUS DI DATARAN ALUVIAL DAS PEMALI KABUPATEN BREBES (Spatial Study of the Quality of Free Groundwater Based on the Surface Depth of Groundwater at an Alluvial Land

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    Siti Sundari Miswadi


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sebagian besar dataran aluvial DAS Pemali Kabupaten Brebes adalah sentra produksi pertanian bawang merah, kedelai, ubi kayu dan cabai. Selain itu, daerah ini terkenal pula dengna usaha peternakan itik yang menghasilkan telur dan berkembang pesat. Kegiatan pertanian dan usaha peternakan itik banyak dijumpai di lingkungan permukiman, padahal kegiatan tersebut menggunakan pupuk dan pestisida serta menghasilkan kotoran ternak yang tentunya akan mencemari sumur-sumur penduduk. Oleh karena layanan air bersih oleh PDAM belum menjangkau semua wilayah DAS Pemali, terutama di permukiman DAS Pemali, maka untuk keperluan masak, minum, mandi, cuci dan keperluan lainnya, penduduk membuat sumur gali dengan kedalaman yang bervariasi, dan tanpa memperhatikan syarat-syarat kesehtan dan syarat pembuatan sumur gali yang benar.  Tujuan penelitian adalah memetakan kualitas air tanah bebas berdasarkan kedalaman muka air tanah di dataran aluvial DAS Pemali. Metode yang digunakan adalah menganalisis kualitas air tanah bebas secara laboratoris dan hasilnya diplotkan pada peta kedalaman muka air tanah yang dibagi menjadi 11 kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 10 parameter kualitas air yang kadarnya melebihi Nilai Ambang Batas (NAB, yaitu  TDS, DHL, alaklinitas, COD, BOD, total coliform, coliform tinja, pH, karbamat dan organoklorin, sedangkan parameter-paramater NO3-, NO2-, SO4=, Ca2+, fosfat dan kekeruhan umumnya mempunyai kadar di bawah NAB. Dilihat dari beberapa titik sampel yang jumlah parameternya mempunyai kadar melebihi NAB, maka kedalaman muka air tanah 0,37-3,98 meter mempunyai delapan parameter yang melebihi NAB, kemudian kedalaman muka air tanah 0,10-0,36 meter dengan lima parameter, dan kedalaman 3,99-8,50 meter dengan empat parameter yang melebihi NAB.  Berdasarkan jumlah parameter setiap titik sampel, maka pada kedalam MAT 0,37-1,27 meter terdapat tujuh titik sampel yang masing-masing sampel mempunyai lima parameter kualitas air yang


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    Aisyah Aisyah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi yang optimal untuk seleksi in vitro kedelai varietas tahan tanah kering masam dan mengetahui respon pertumbuhan kedelai varietas tahan tanah kering masam terhadap berbagai konsentrasi antibiotik kanamisin. Jenis eksplan yang digunakan adalah setengah biji. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi kanamisin (0 mg/L, 50 mg/L, 100 mg/L, 150 mg/L, dan 200 mg/L, dan varietas kedelai yang tahan tanah kering masam (Gepak kuning, Tanggamus, Gema, Grobogan, dan Burangrang. Parameter yang diukur adalah hari muncul tunas, jumlah eksplan yang tumbuh tunas, jumlah tunas yang tumbuh dan jumlah eksplan yang hidup. Data dianalisis menggunakan Anava dua jalur dan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi kanamisin optimal berdasarkan LD50 (Lethal Dosis 50% untuk setiap varietas memiliki sensitivitas yang berbeda. Varietas Gema, Gepak Kuning dan Tanggamus pada 150 mg/L, varietas Grobogan pada 100 mg/L, sedangkan varietas Burangrang sensitif pada konsentrasi 200 mg/L. Semakin meningkatnya konsentrasi kanamisin menyebabkan penurunan jumlah eksplan hidup, jumlah tunas dan eksplan yang membentuk tunas, serta penundaan munculnya tunas.This research aimed to determine the optimal concentration for in vitro selection of dry acid soil resistance soybean variety and evaluate the growth response of dry acid soil resistance soybean variety to various concentrations of the kanamycin antibiotic. The half-seed explants were used. The research used completely randomized design with two factors: the concentration of kanamycin (0 mg/L, 50 mg/L, 100 mg/L, 150 mg/L, and 200 mg/L, and soybean varieties which are resistant to dry acid soil (Gepak kuning, Tanggamus, Gema, Grobogan, and Burangrang. Parameters measured were: the emerging shoot day, number of explants emerging shoots, number of shoots, and the number of survive explants. Data were analyzed used two

  2. Independent University Study to Assess the Performance of a Humate Amendment for Copper Detoxification at the H-12 Outfall at Savannah River Site

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Looney, B. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Harmon, S. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); King, J. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL)


    The overarching objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the copper detoxification process that is in place at the Savannah River Site H-12 Outfall. The testing was performed in two phases; Phase 1 assessed the safety and potential for intrinsic toxicity of the humate amendment being used at the H-12 Outfall, Borregro HA-1, as well as an alternative amendment sodium humic acid. The second phase assessed the effectiveness of Borregro HA-1 in mitigating and reducing toxic effects of copper.



    Asmawati A; Taba, Paulina; Lion, Syarifuddin


    ABSTRAK TEKNOSAINS 2009 Telah dilakukan penelitian fioakumulasi spesies logam berat Cd,cr,dan Pb pada tanah tercemar dengan menggunakan tanaman kangkung darat (Ipomoae reptans Poir) pada variasi waktu panen dan konsentrasi masing-masing logam pada media tanaman kangkung tersebut. Hasil analisis ketiga logam dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi maksimum ketiga logam ini masing-masing adalah ; 1342,01; 1067,55; dan 1627,90 mg/kg berat dengan waktu tanam 21 hari....


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    Yesy Maulina Nadhifah


    Full Text Available Agricultural area, particularly in the rhizosfer area there are various species of mold which lives mainly in the soil. The students have known molds which live in nature but they have not recognized mold which lives in the soil. It is required to develop a teaching material in the form of module which is created based on a research result. The results of this study were; (1 it has been discovered 7 species of mold, which are Trichoderma harzianum, Penicillium nalgiovense, Penicillium corylophilum, Penicillium funiculosum, Penicillium camemberti, Aspergillus ochraceus, dan Penicillium citrinum, (2 the most dominant mold species was Trichoderma harzianum with the total number 1,8 x 104 cfu for every gram soil sample, and (3 there has been arranged of the learning module about fungi kingdom for students in high school level. Tanah pertanian, khususnya di daerah rizosfer, merupakan habitat dari berbagai spesies kapang yang hidup di dalamnya. Para siswa telah mengenal kapang yang tumbuh di alam tetapi mereka belum mengenal kapang yang hidup di dalam tanah pertanian. Perlu dikembangkan sebuah bahan ajar berupa modul yang dibuat berdasarkan hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini, meliputi (1 ditemukan 7 spesies kapang, yaitu Trichoderma harzianum, Penicillium nalgiovense, Penicillium corylophilum, Penicillium funiculosum, Penicillium camemberti, Aspergillus ochraceus, dan Penicillium citrinum, (2 spesies kapang yang paling dominan adalah Trichoderma harzianum dengan total jumlah 1,8 x 104 cfu/g sampel tanah, dan (3 telah tersusun bahan ajar Biologi berupa modul Kingdom Fungi para siswa SMA.

  5. Pendugaan Sebaran Air Tanah Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Resistivitas Konfigurasi Wenner dan Schlumberger di Kampus 2 Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

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    Rahma Hi. Manrulu


    Full Text Available Air sangat penting dalam kehidupan karena mahluk hidup tidak dapat hidup tanpa adanya air. Identifikasi untuk mengetahui keberadaan lapisan pembawa air pada kedalaman tertentu, dapat menggunakan metode geofisika yaitu metode geolistrik tahanan jenis konfigurasi Wenner dan Schlumberger. Prinsip metode resisitivitas adalah dengan mengalirkan arus listrik ke dalam bumi melalui kontak dua elektroda arus, kemudian di ukur distribusi potensial yang dihasilkan. Deposit glasial pasir dan kerikil, kipas aluvial dataran banjir dan deposit delta pasir semuanya merupakan sumber-sumber air yang sangat baik. Pada konfigurasi Wenner air tanah berada di permukaan sampai kedalaman 12 m, dengan jarak elektroda 17 – 31 m dan nilai Resistivitas 30 – 100 Ωm. kemudian kembali terlihat di jarak elektroda 39 – 72 m, dengan kedalaman dari permukaan sampai 12,3 m, sedangkan pada titik berbeda menggunakan konfigurasi Wenner terlihat air tanah dalam lapisan alluvial berada sekitar kedalaman 1,053 – 11,82 m. dengan nilai resistivitas 10 – 30 Ωm. hal tersebut di atas didasarkan karena sekitar lokasi penelitian terdapat beberapa batuan yang memiliki porositas dan permeabilitas yang bagus seperti pasir dan kerikil. serta dekatnya sumber air.

  6. Perencanaan Pondasi Jembatan dan Perbaikan Tanah untuk Oprit Jembatan Overpass Mungkung di Jalan Tol Solo-Ngawi-Kertosono STA 150+331

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    Prathiso Panuntun Unggul Listyono


    Full Text Available Mainroad jalan Tol Solo-Ngawi-Kertosono pada STA 150+331 terdapat perencanaan jembatan overpass Mungkung. Oprit jembatan overpass Mungkung berdiri di atas tanah dasar lempung lunak, sehingga tanah dasar memiliki daya dukung yang rendah yang dapat mengakibatkan kelongsoran pada oprit timbunan dan memiliki kemampumampatan yang tinggi. Pada Penelitian ini struktur bawah jembatan overpass Mungkung direncanakan memiliki 3 buah pilar dan 2 buah abutment. Untuk oprit timbunan jembatan akan direncanakan metode perbaikan tanah dasar menggunakan preloading yang dikombinasikan dengan Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD dan Prefabricated Horizontal Drain (PHD. Untuk perkuatan oprit akan direncanakan 2 alternatif perkuatan yaitu dengan geotextile wall atau sistem freyssisol. Pada tahap akhir dilakukan analisis perbandingan dari 2 alternatif untuk sistem perkuatan oprit jembatan. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan untuk alternatif 1 yaitu dengan geotextile walls diperoleh kebutuhan geotextile untuk H oprit 3 m – 8 m adalah 5 - 27 lapis. Pada perkuatan memanjang diperoleh kebutuhan geotextile sebanyak 27 lapis. Pada alternatif 2 yaitu dengan freyssisol diperoleh masing-masing kebutuhan paraweb straps untuk Tu 30 kN adalah 183,2 kg, untuk Tu 50 kN adalah 967,9 kg, dan untuk Tu 100 kN adalah 2587,1 kg. Untuk perkuatan memanjang diperoleh kebutuhan geotextile sebanyak 11 lapis. Dari kedua alternatif dipilih alternatif 1 karena ketersediaan material geotextile di Indonesia dan kemudahan mendapatkan material dibanding freyssisol yang harus diimpor dari luar Indonesia. Pondasi pilar 1 (pilar tengah adalah tiang pancang dengan diameter 60 cm sebanyak 25 buah dan kedalaman tiang 27,5 m. Pondasi pilar 2 adalah tiang pancang dengan diameter 60 cm sebanyak 16 buah dan kedalaman tiang 27,5 m.Pondasi abutment adalah tiang pancang dengan diameter 60 cm sebanyak 24 buah dan kedalaman tiang 27,5 m.

  7. Teknologi Hijau Warisan Nenek Moyang di Tanah Parahyangan

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    Handajani Asriningpuri


    Full Text Available Masyarakat tradisional umumnya tidak berkebutuhan majemuk; sederhana; bersahaja; dan menerima keberadaan alam sebagai sahabat, bahkan merupakan bagian kehidupannya. Keadaan ini terjadi di Kampung Naga, Garut, Tanah Parahyangan sebagai suatu kearifan lokal. Dari sudut pandang arsitektur, hal tersebut menginspirasi konsep perancangan. Penelitian ini, membuktikan dari sudut pandang ilmu lingkungan dan arsitektur tentang adanya kaitan kearifan lokal dengan teknologi hijau yang menerapkan “green concept”(ZEB – Zero Energy Building dan 3R – Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. Metoda yang dilakukan adalah metoda diskriptif kualitatif berdasarkan data primer dan sekunder hasil observasi lapangan dan literatur. Kemudian dikaji melalui teori Aarsitektur dan pendekatan Teknologi Hijau, dan dibuktikan melalui Greenship Home Assestment (ketentuan GBCI – Green Building Council Indonesia Hasil kajian dan temuan pemahaman kearifan lokal, akan menginspirasi, membangkitkan semangat hijau, dan menambah wawasan bagiperancang bangunan. Bagi para regulator (pemerintah daerah kearifan lokal harus di pertahankan dan dapat menyadarkan penduduk kampung Naga untuk tetap berkehidupan sesuai ketentuan yang di yakini. Kata Kunci : Green Concept, Kampung Naga, Kearifan lokal, Teknologi Arsitektur


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    Zulias Mardinata


    ha, pada pola berkeliling adalah 4,651 jam/ha, dan interaksinya adalah 0,868 – 1,787 l/jam.  Kecepatan dan kedalaman pembajakan berbanding lurus dengan konsumsi bahan bakar dan kapasitas kerja. Pola pengolahan tanah terbaik agar konsumsi bahan bakar efi sien dan kapasitas  kerja maksimal adalah pola berkeliling. Kata kunci: Konsumsi bahan bakar, kapasitas kerja, kecepatan, kedalaman, pola pengolahan


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    Feby Zulya


    Full Text Available AbstrakPenelitian tentang pertumbuhan bibit surian (Toona sinensis (Juss, M. Roem pada tanah ultisol yang dicampur pupuk kompos dengan penambahan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula (FMA telah dilakukan pada bulan November 2014 sampai April 2015 di Rumah Kaca dan Laboratorium Fisiologi Tumbuhan, Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Andalas, Padang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan bibit surian pada media tanah ultisol yang dicampur pupuk kompos dengan penambahan FMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL dengan 4 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan. Perlakuannya adalah tanpa inokulasi (hanya pupuk organik, 5 g inokulan per tanaman, 10 g inokulan per tanaman, 15 g inokulan per tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan bibit surian pada media tanah ultisol yang dicampur pupuk kompos dengan penambahan FMA memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan diameter batang.Abstract Study on the seedling growth of surian inoculated with some doses of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF on ultisol mixed compost has been conducted from November 2014 until February 2015 in the Greenhouse and Plant Physiology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas University, Padang. The aim of this study was to find the growth of surian seedling that inoculated with some dosages of AMF on ultisol mixed compost. The study used a Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and six replications. The treatments were done without inoculation, 5 g inoculants/ plant, 10 g inoculants/ plant, 15 g inoculants/ plant. Result of this study indicated that AMF given on ultisol soil gave significant effect on increasing stem diameter of surian seedlings.


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    Arief Pambudi


    Full Text Available Abstrak Penggunaan pupuk kimia secara berlebih dapat menyebabkan kerusakan tanah dan menyebabkan ekosistem yang ada didalamnya terganggu. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR adalah bakteri yang hidup di daerah rizosfer tanaman yang dapat berperan sebagai biofertilizer, biostimulan dan bioprotektan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh dan mengetahui karakteristik bakteri tanah yang berasal dari dua area persawahan, lokasi pertama di Desa Sukawali (TGR 1 dan lokasi kedua di Desa Belimbing (TGR 2, Kabupaten Tangerang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel tanah, kemudian sampel dikultur dalam media agar nutrien dengan pengenceran bertingkat. Total bakteri dihitung dan isolat yang diperoleh diuji kemampuan dan karakternya dalam menambat nitrogen (BPN, melarutkan fosfat (BPF, menghasilkan indole acetic acid (IAA, menghasilkan Hidrogen Cyanide (HCN, aktivitas katalase, jenis Gram dan karakter motilitas. Total bakteri yang dapat tumbuh dari kedua lokasi sebanyak 2,4x106 CFU/g dan 1,8x106 CFU/g. Kedua lokasi diperoleh total 45 isolat dengan seluruhnya positif BPN, 42 isolat positif BPF, 24 isolat menghasilkan IAA, 27 isolat menghasilkan HCN, 43 isolat katalase positif, 39 isolat Gram positif, 6 isolat Gram negatif, serta 41 isolat motil. Berdasarkan uji yang dilakukan, terdapat 16 isolat yang berpotensi sebagai pupuk hayati.  Abstract Excessive use of chemical fertilizer may cause soil damage and disturb the ecosystem. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR is a consortium bacteria that live in plant rhizosphere which acts as biofertilizer, biostimulant, and bioprotectant. The objective of this research is to isolate and investigate the characteristics of soil bacteria originating from two rice fields in Sukawali Village (TGR 1 and Belimbing Village (TGR 2, Tangerang Regency. The research was conducted by collecting soil samples and then culturing the bacteria onto nutrient agar medium with serial dilution. The total bacteria

  11. Relationship of Respondent’s Characteristic with The Risk of Diabetes Mellitus and Dislipidemia at Tanah Kalikedinding

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    Nina Widyasari


    Full Text Available Non-communicable diseases is one of the health problems of the world and Indonesia, which until now is still a concern in the world of health because of one cause of death. Several types of PTM encountered are dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus (DM. The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship of age, sex, and education with DM and dyslipidemia in Tanah Kecamatan kecamatan kecamatan This study is a cross sectional study. The population in this study is all residents who live in RT 05 RW 02 Kelurahan Tanah kali Kedinding Kenjeran District with a population of 125 KK consisting of 402 people. The sample was taken by simple random sampling with Slovin formula of 125 KK. The sample in this research is 50 people. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship of age of respondents (p value = 0.005; Respondent’s gender (p value = 0,000; Education last respondent (p value = 0,001 with risk of Diabetes Mellitus disease. And there is a significant relation between age of respondent (p value = 0,007; Gender (p value = 0,000; Education (p value = 0,000 with the risk of dyslipidemia. It is suggested to residents of Kalikedinding lands that implementing improved lifestyle by undergoing regular control of eating habits, exercise, and blood glucose and dyslipidemia checkups is necessary. Keywords: non-communicable diseases, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia


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    Cindy Rianti Priadi


    Full Text Available ADSORPTION OF ZINC AND LEAD FROM CERAMIC WASTEWATER USING CLAY. Ceramic industry generates glaze wastewater and clay waste. Glaze wastewater contains heavy metal from ceramic painting process which can potentially cause severe pollution problem. Glaze wastewater from PT.X typically contains Cd (0.013 mg/L; Cu (0.033 mg/L; Pb (1.20 mg/L; and Zn (7.00 mg/L. Clay waste used as adsorbent to reduce heavy metal amount in glaze wastewater. The present study investigates in bench scale and uses batch adsorption method to determine effective  adsorbent amount and contact time in removing heavy metals in glaze wastewater in order to fulfill the discharge requirement based on regulation of Minister of Environment No.16/2008concerning effluent water standard for ceramic industries. The results showed that the effective adsorbent amount and contact time respectively are 5 g/L and 15 minutes with pH 8 and stirring speed of 150 rpm. Concentration of heavy metal adsorbed are 0,614 mg/L and 2,07 mg/L for lead (Pb and zinc (Zn with removal efficiency up to 61.0% for Pb and 9.8% for Zn.From this study clay waste could be potentially used as an adsorbent to reduce heavy metal amount in glaze wastewater. Keywords: adsorption, clay waste, heavy metals Abstrak Industri keramik menghasilkan limbah glasir dan limbah tanah liat. Limbah glasir mengandung logam berat yang berasal dari proses pewarnaan keramik dan berpotensi mencemari lingkungan. Kandungan logam berat pada limbah glasir PT.X yaitu Cd (0,013 mg/L; Cu (0,033 mg/L; Pb (1,20 mg/L; dan Zn (7,00 mg/L. Limbah tanah liat digunakan sebagai adsorben yang berguna mengurangi kadar logam berat pada limbah glasir.Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam skala laboratorium menggunakan metode batch adsorpsi untuk menentukan dosis adsorben dan waktu kontak yang efektif dalam mengolah limbah glasir agar memenuhi persyaratan Peraturan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 16 Tahun 2008 tentang baku mutu air limbah bagi usaha dan


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    Rosnawati -


    Full Text Available Penelitian berfokus pada pengembangan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah-bermain peran untuk meningkatkan rasa cinta tanah air siswa. Tujuan  penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan model pembelajaran yang valid, efektif dan praktis. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan. Sistem pendukung model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan antara lain silabus pembelajaran, Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP, Bahan Ajar dilengkapi dengan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS, serta instrumen pembelajaran yang terdiri dari Lembar observasi, lembar angket pengukuran rasa cinta tanah air, dan lembar soal. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa kelas V SDN Muktiharjo Lor Genuk kota Semarang. Model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan tergolong valid. Respon positif siswa terhadap pembelajaran 80% dan guru memberi komentar yang baik, sehingga model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan praktis digunakan. Rasa cinta tanah air siswa pada kelas eksperimen berada pada kategori sangat tinggi, sedangkan pada kelas pembanding hanya mencapai kategori tinggi. Hasil belajar meningkat dengan kualitas peningkatan tinggi pada kelas eksperimen sedangkan pada kelas pembanding meningkat dengan kualitas peningkatan pada kategori sedang. The research focuses on the development of problembased learning-role playing model to enhance the students' patriotism. The purpose of this study was to obtain a valid learning model, effective and practical. The method is research and development. Support system of learning model developed include syllabus (planning for learning, Learning Implementation Plan (RPP, equipped with Instructional Materials Student Worksheet (LKS, as well as learning an instrument consisting of a sheet of observation, measurement questionnaire sheet of the students' patriotism, and the booklet. The study was conducted in fifth grade in SDN Muktiharjo Lor Genuk Semarang. Learning model developed relatively valid. The positive response of 80% of students towards learning and teachers gave


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    Dina Bisara


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTHelminthiasis is one disease that has become a public health problem in Indonesia that is closely linked toenvironmental conditions. Helminthiasis in a district varies greatly depending on several factors , such asmoisture, soil conditions, hygiene sanitation and age group. Primary school age .children are the mostfrequently infected by helminthiasis, because they are often relating to land that are infected byhelminthiasis. The purpose of this study is to find out helminthiasis cases on the primary school childrenand to evaluate Knowledge Attitude and Practice ( KAP of residential community around the former coalmining in Mantewe Sub -district, Tanah Bumbu South Kalimantan in 2010 . The design of this study wascrossectional. Examination of fecal samples on research site was done by direct inspection on glass objectsusing a liquid logol 2 % . The research found that among 106 primary school children, 18 children (17 % was infected by helminthiasis, with the parasite rate byAscaris lumbricodes7 children (38.9 %,Trichuristrichiura 2 children (11.1%, hookworm 3 children ( 16.7 % , and mix infection 5 children (27.8 % ,namely ; 3 children with two types of worms withAsc . lumbricoidesand T. trichiuraand 2 children with two species of wormsAsc . lumbricoidesand hookworm . In addition, there was another type of wormfound in 1 child, namelyHymenolepis nana.This survey also found that 98,5% of respondens have ever heard about helminthiasis however the parents considered that helminthiasis was not dangerous issue. Theconclusion of this study found helminthiasis among primary school students were worms, Ttrichiuria , Hymenolepis nana Ascaris lumbricoides and hookworm. Knowledge, attitudes and behavior of societytowards treatment, and prevention of helminthiasis was very poor.Keywords: Helminthiasis . KAP (Konwledge, attitude and Practice, Elementary School Students ABSTRAK Kecacingan merupakan salah sate penyakit yang masih menjadi masalah

  15. DAMPAK FASILITATIF TUMBUHAN LEGUM PENUTUP TANAH DAN TANAMAN BERMIKORIZA PADA SUKSESI PRIMER DI LAHAN BEKAS TAMBANG KAPUR (Facilitative Impacts of Legume Cover-crop and Mycorrhizal-inoculated Plant on Primary Succession of Limestone Quarries

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    Retno Prayudyaningsih


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penambangan batu kapur dengan metode penambangan terbuka yang meliputi penghilangan vegetasi, pengeboran dan pengebomanan untuk mengeksplotiasi material batu kapur mengakibatkan kerusakan ekosistem. Pemulihan secara alami pada lahan tersebut berjalan lambat karena kondisi tapak dalam proses suksesi tidak mendukung perkembangan vegetasi alaminya. Pembentukan pertanaman diduga memfasilitasi kehadiran tanaman lain melalui perbaikan karateristik lingkungan yang rusak dan/atau peningkatan ketersediaan sumber hara. Dampak fasilitatif pembentukan pertanaman tumbuhan legum penutup tanah (Centrosema pubescens dan tanaman bermikoriza (Vitex cofassus dipelajari pada suksesi primer di lahan bekas tambang kapur TNS. Kehadiran tumbuhan alami diukur menggunakan kerapatan individu, keanekaragaman dan jumlah jenis melalui sampling vegetasi dengan metode plot kuadrat secara sistematis berdasarkan tingkat habitusnya. Kondisi tapak diukur berdasarkan ketebalan dan biomasa seresah, kadar bahan organik tanah dan kadar karbon organik tanah. Penelitian dilakukan pada 4 tipe areal di lahan bekas tambang kapur yaitu areal terbuka/kondisi alami tanpa pertanaman, areal pertanaman legum penutup tanah, areal pertanaman tanpa mikoriza dan areal pertanaman bermikoriza. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertanaman legum penutup tanah dan pertanaman bermikoriza memperbaiki kondisi tapak lahan bekas tambang kapur. Pembentukan tanaman legum penutup menghasilkan banyak seresahdengan ketebalan 1,08 cm dan biomassa 188,96 g/m2 dan dekomposisi selanjutnya meningkatkan bahan organik tanah sebesar 3,80% dan kandungan karbonorganik sebesar 2,20%. Pembentukan pertanaman juga memberikan dampak yang sama, khususnya yang diinokulasi FungiMikoriza Arbuskula (FMA menghasilkan seresah dengan ketebalan 1,32 cm dan biomassa 220,48 g/m2, dengan kadar bahan organik tanah sebesar 3,66% dan karbon organik tanah sebesar 2,03%. Perbaikan kondisi tapak tersebut mempercepat kehadiran tumbuhan alami


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    Semuel Sandy


    Full Text Available AbstrakInfeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di daerah pedesaan. Parasit cacing yang paling banyak menginfeksi adalah Ascaris lumbricoides, Cacing tambang (hookworm dan Trichuris trichiura. Penyakit ini umumnya terkait dengan faktor sosial-ekonomi, perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi infeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah pada siswa sekolah dasar (SD di Distrik Arso Kabupaten Keerom dan mengetahui hubungan infeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah terhadap status gizi, status anemia, sosial ekonomi orang tua murid, sanitasi lingkungan dan higiene perorangan. Penelitian menggunakan metode potong lintang (cross sectional dengan melakukan pengukuran antropometri tinggi badan, berat badan, pengukuran kadar Hb untuk melihat status anemia pada 224 murid SD di Distrik Arso Kabupaten Keerom. Pengumpulan data sosial-ekonomi, sanitasi, higiene perorangan mengunakan kuesioner. Pemeriksaan infeksi kecacingan menggunakan metode Kato-Katz dan pengukuran variable intensitas infeksi berdasarkan metode WHO. Analisis statistik bivariat dan multivariat digunakan untuk melihat variabel faktor risiko yang berperan dalam penularan infeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan infeksi kecacingan pada anak sekolah dasar didapatkan sebesar 29,9% dari 224 murid SD. Jumlah murid sekolah dasar yang terinfeksi ascariasis 23,2%, terinfeksi cacing tambang 7,6% dan terinfeksi trikhuriasis 4,9%. Sedangkan murid SD yang mengalami anemia 12,5% dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT kurang 79,5%. Hasil analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik diperoleh variabel faktor risiko yang berkaitan dengan infeksi kecacingan STH yaitu: kebiasaan mencuci tangan sebelum makan dengan air dan sabun (OR = 0,33; 95% CI 0, 14-0, 78 dan nilai p = 0,012. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian infeksi kecacingan yang

  17. Ikonografi dan Ikonologi Lukisan Djoko Pekik: ‘Tuan Tanah Kawin Muda’

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    M. Agus Burhan


    ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini tentang lukisan Djoko Pekik yang berjudul ‘Tuan Tanah Kawin Muda’ yang dianalisis dengan pendekatan sejarah seni dan memakai teori ikonografi dan ikonolo- gi Erwin Panofsky. Metode yang dipakai adalah metode sejarah dengan langkah pencarian sumber di lapangan dan pustaka (heuristik, seleksi dan kritik, analisis dan interpretasi sumber untuk menghasilkan sintesis, dan penyusunan historiografi. Hasil penelitian ini berupa: Deskripsi pra ikonografi berisi tanggapan awal aspek tekstual, mengungkap ko- munikasi dan konflik antara dua figur. Analisis ikonografis yaitu tentang tema dan konsep penindasan kaum laki-laki pada perempuan lewat kekuasaan modal ekonomi, sosial dan kultural. Konsep dasar penciptaannya tentang konflik antara kekuasaan yang menindas dan hak yang harus dipertahankan. Interpretasi ikonologis yaitu tentang nilai simbolik yang diungkap dalam lukisan. Lewat pengalaman psikologis pelukis dengan berbagai ke- kerasan dan penderitaan, serta pandangan hidup dari latar belakang sosial dan kultural- nya, maka lukisan ini merupakan kristalisasi simbol dari perampasan dan pertahanan hak rakyat bawah yang menderita..   Kata kunci: realisme sosial, konflik sosial, simbol ketertindasan


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    Umi Baroroh Lili Utami


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Laju erosi yang terjadi di dataran tinggi Dieng, Jawa Tengah sangat tinggi karena pertanian yang dominan adalah sayuran, dan umumnya petani tidak melaksanakan teknik konservasi tanah dan air secara benar. Karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mencari tindakan konservasi tanah yang memadai agar dapat menekan erosi dan aliran permukaan, kehilangan hara dan meningkatkan penghasilan pada usaha tani kentang (Solanum toberosum L dan kubis (Brassica oleracea l. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh tindakan konservasi tanah terhadap aliran permukaan, erosi, kehilangan hara, dan penghasilan sehingga diharapkan teknik konservasi yang sesuai pada usaha tani kentang dan kubis dapat ditemukan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan mengukur aliran permukaan dan erosi tiap kejadian hujan mulai bulan Februari hingga Mei 2000 selama satu musim tanam pada plot erosi berukuran 2 x 10 meter dengan kemiringan 34 %. Kehilangan hara tanah ditentukan dengan mengukur kandungan hara sedimen tanah. Penghasilan usaha tani dihitung setelah panen. Penelitian dirancang secara faktorial dalam Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak (RKLT dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah usaha tani, yaitu kentang (C1 dan kubis (C2. Faktor kedua adalah teknik konservasi tanah, yaitu guludan memotong kontur (P1 sebagai kontrol, guludan sejajar kontur dan teras-gulud yang di tanami serai (P2, guludan sejajar kontur dengm penutupan mulsa alang-alang (P3, dan guludan sejajar kontur dengan mulsa plastik perak hitam (P4. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada usaha tani kentang, tindakan konservasi P2, P3 dan P4 mampu menekan erosi. Tindakan konservasi P2 dan P4 mampu meningkatkan penghasilan, namun P3 menurunkan penghasilan. Pada usaha tani kubis, tindakan konservasi tanah yang mampu menekan erosi hanya P3. Tindakan konservasi P2, P3, dan P4 mampu meningkatkan penghasilan. Tindakan konservasi kentang yang bagus, baik secara lingkungan maupun


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    D Rizania


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon dan konsentrasi optimal higromisin terhadap pertumbuhan eksplan kedelai varietas tahan tanah kering masam. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL pola faktorial yang terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah varietas kedelai (var. Ijen, var. Sinabung, var. Argomulyo, var. Anjasmoro, var. Burangrang, faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi higromisin (0 mg/l, 10 mg/l, 15 mg/l, 20 mg/l, 25 mg/l. Data dianalisis dengan Anava dua jalan, bila signifikan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut menggunakan DMRT (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan varietas kedelai dan konsentrasi higromisin berpengaruh sangat signifikan pada jumlah eksplan yang hidup, jumlah tunas, dan hari muncul tunas. Interaksi dari varietas kedelai dan konsentrasi higromisin tersebut juga berpengaruh signifikan pada semua parameter. Konsentrasi optimal higromisin yang diperlukan untuk menyeleksi eksplan kedelai varietas tahan tanah kering masam pada parameter jumlah eksplan yang hidup, jumlah tunas, dan hari muncul tunas yaitu pada konsentrasi 15 mg/l.This research aims to determine the response and optimal concentration of hygromycin on the growth of dry acid soil resintant soybean variety explant. This research was used a completely randomized design factorial consisting of two factors. The first factor was soybean variety (var. Ijen, var. Sinabung, var. Argomulyo, var. Anjasmoro, var. Burangrang, the second factor is the concentration of hygromycin (0 mg/l, 10 mg/l, 15 mg/l, 20 mg/l, 25 mg/l. Data were analyzed by using two-way ANOVA, followed by significant when using DMRT further test (Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results showed soybean variety and concentration of hygromycin significantly effect on the number of live explants, number of shoots, and the emerging shoots. The interaction of soybean varieties and the hygromycin concentration was also a significant effect on all

  20. Peran LSM Dalam Resolusi Konflik Tapal Batas Antara Nagari Sumpur Dengan Nagari Bungo Tanjuang, Kabupaten Tanah Datar

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    Sri Rahmadani


    Full Text Available The Third parties in the resolution of conflictwas expected to change the behavior of the parties in conflict, even pushed the parties toward an agreement to end the conflict. NGO as the third party is seen independent and can be fair in the resolution of conflict, can do some attempts to encourage the parties in conflict toward an agreement.One example of conflict involving NGO in an effort to resolve the boundary conflicts between Nagari Sumpur and Nagari Bungo Tanjuang, regency of Tanah Datar. Assignment NGO as mediator in resolution of conflict after several attempts taken by the government. This article explained the various efforts and achievement has done by NGO as mediator resolution of conflict both nagari until the formation of representative group become key success in mediation. In addition in this article is also explained the reason NGO that has not been able to achieve an aggrement in resolution of conflict both nagari. Pihak ketiga dalam resolusi konflik diharapkan dapat merubah perilaku para pihak yang berkonflik, bahkan mendorong para pihak menuju kesepakatan untuk mengakhiri konflik. LSM sebagai pihak ketiga dipandang independen dan dapat bersikap adil dalam resolusi konflik, dapat melakukan beberapa upaya untuk mendorong pihak yang berkonflik menuju kesepakatan. Salah satu contoh konflik yang melibatkan LSM dalam penyelesaiannya adalah konflik tapal batas antara Nagari Sumpur dengan Nagari Bungo Tanjuang, Kabupaten Tanah Datar. Penunjukan LSM sebagai mediator dalam penyelesaian konflik setelah beberapa upaya yang ditempuh oleh beberapa pihak dari pemerintahan. Tulisan ini memaparkan berbagai upaya dan pencapaian yang telah dilakukan LSM sebagai mediator penyelesaian konflik kedua nagari hingga terbentuknya perwakilan kelompok yang menjadi kunci keberhasilan dalam mediasi. Selain itu dalam tulisan ini juga memaparkan alasan LSM yang belum mampu mencapai kesepakatan dalam penyelesaian konflik kedua nagari.

  1. Site suitability for riverbed filtration system in Tanah Merah, Kelantan-A physical model study for turbidity removal (United States)

    Ghani, Mastura; Adlan, Mohd Nordin; Kamal, Nurul Hana Mokhtar; Aziz, Hamidi Abdul


    A laboratory physical model study on riverbed filtration (RBeF) was conducted to investigate site suitability of soil from Tanah Merah, Kelantan for RBeF. Soil samples were collected and transported to the Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, Universiti Sains Malaysia for sieve analysis and hydraulic conductivity tests. A physical model was fabricated with gravel packs laid at the bottom of it to cover the screen and then soil sample were placed above gravel pack for 30 cm depth. River water samples from Lubok Buntar, Kedah were used to simulate the effectiveness of RBeF for turbidity removal. Turbidity readings were tested at the inlet and outlet of the filter with specified flow rate. Results from soil characterization show that the soil samples were classified as poorly graded sand with hydraulic conductivity ranged from 7.95 x 10-3 to 6.61 x 10-2 cm/s. Turbidity removal ranged from 44.91% - 92.75% based on the turbidity of water samples before filtration in the range of 33.1-161 NTU. The turbidity of water samples after RBeF could be enhanced up to 2.53 NTU. River water samples with higher turbidity of more than 160 NTU could only reach 50% or less removal by the physical model. Flow rates of the RBeF were in the range of 0.11-1.61 L/min while flow rates at the inlet were set up between 2-4 L/min. Based on the result of soil classification, Tanah Merah site is suitable for RBeF whereas result from physical model study suggested that 30 cm depth of filter media is not sufficient to be used if river water turbidity is higher.

  2. Wpływ detergentów, humianu i ściółek na plonowanie goździków w uprawie hydroponicznej [Influence of detergents humate and seedbed materials on yield of carnations in hydroponic culture

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    Z. Gumińska


    Full Text Available Addition of the detergent (DBSS + ASS either .single or every eight weeks to the nutrient solution stimulates carnation development. Detergent addition every fourth week caused decreasing of flower diameter. The addition of humates to the nutrient solution did not interact significantly with detergents. Among three material combinations used in the seedbed: peat with coke-slag, peat with brown coal and sponge with coke-slag – the first proved the best.

  3. Ruangan Bawah Tanah di Sekolah Menengah Pertama 1 Kuningan Analisa Bentuk dan Fungsi

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    Octaviadi Abrianto


    Full Text Available Abstract The underground chamber as a recent of archaeological remain in West Java was found al SMPNI Kuningan. It occurred when workers digs foun­dation for the new teacher lounge and they accidentally found concrete struc­ture, after they breached the concrete they found a chamber big enough for a man to stand in, and also the other rooms in the chamber. The finding then was reported to BP3 Serang which then sun'eyed it and recommending Balar Band­ung to carryout archaeological research. The paper tries to elaborate about the shape and function of the find. To know its dimension, material, and construction of the chamber as well as what it func­tions when it was used in the last time. Based on data found at the research it's inferential that the underground chamber builds around 1918 when the school was used as HIS. Kata kunci: Kuningan, SMPN 1 Kuningan, ruang bawah tanah, peturasan, septic tank

  4. DAMPAK PEMBANGUNAN HUTAN TANAMAN INDUSTRI Acacia crassicarpa DI LAHAN GAMBUT TERHADAP TINGKAT KEMATANGAN DAN LAJU PENURUNAN PERMUKAAN TANAH (The Impact of Development of Industrial Plantation Forest Acacia crassicarpa in Peatland Towards the Maturity

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    Yunita Lisnawati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pembangunan hutan tanaman di lahan gambut tidak terlepas dari sorotan isu negatif lingkungan terkait dengan penurunan kedalaman muka air tanah, sehingga terjadi perubahan ekosistem asli. Kegiatan reklamasi lahan untuk HTI Acacia crassicarpa dalam jangka panjang disinyalir akan menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap perubahan karakteristik tanah gambutnya seperti tingkat kematangan dan laju penurunan permukaan tanah gambut (subsiden. Kajian mengenai dampak pembangunan HTI di lahan gambut terhadap tingkat kematangan dan laju subsiden perlu dilakukan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai kondisi exsisting daya dukung lahannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kematangan gambut baik secara vertikal (berdasarkan kedalaman gambut maupun secara horizontal (berdasarkan jarak dari bibir kanal dan mengetahui laju subsiden sebagai dampak dari reklamasi lahan gambut menjadi HTI A. crassicarpa. Penelitian dilakukan di PT AA, Distrik Rasau Kuning, Kabupaten Siak, Riau. Plot penelitian ditempatkan dalam satu transek sepanjang 100 m yang dibuat tegak lurus dengan kanal tersier, terdapat 12 plot dan dalam satu transek terdapat 3 titik pengamatan sehingga total titik pengamatan adalah 36 titik. Parameter yang diamati adalah dinamika kedalaman muka air tanah, nilai kadar serat tanah gambut dan laju subsiden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dampak perubahan kedalaman muka air tanah gambut di lokasi penelitian hanya mempengaruhi tingkat kematangan gambut pada kedalaman kurang dari 2 m, sedangkan jarak kanal tersier sebesar 125 m tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap tingkat kematangan gambut. Pada kedalaman kurang dari 2 m tingkat kematangan gambut lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lapisan di bawahnya. Pembangunan HTI A. crassicarpa di lokasi penelitian menyebabkan laju subsiden sebesar rata-rata 5,5 cm/tahun.  ABSTRACT The establishment of forest on peat areas is insepatable from the glare of the negative environmental issues associated


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    Eka Iriadenta


    Full Text Available Decreasing area of coastal swamp ecosystem causing stress to aquatic biota which living in those habitat, and give impact to fishermen’s prosperity level. Study of coastal swamp’s condition really important, with aim as consideration to decide policies that needed to reach environmental balancing and sustainibility of exploitation. Study was done to both primary and secundary data, which include tabulative, graphical, qualitative and quantitative/statistics and computative, both description and inferential, and so spatial analysis for reach locally information of mangrove area’s degradation, and temporal information of comparation with secondary data. Condition of ecosystem of coastal swamp in Jorong subdistrict, which representated by condition of ecosystem of mangrove showing damaged to really damaged condition. Rate of decreasing of mangrove areas in Jorong subdistrict reach of 614,49 ha, or average rate of areas decreasing were 38,41 ha/year. Factors that caused damaged/degradation process of coastal swamp in Jorong subdistrict, Tanah Laut Regency dominated by wave activities and area’s converted

  6. Long-Term Effect of a Leonardite Iron Humate Improving Fe Nutrition As Revealed in Silico, in Vivo, and in Field Experiments. (United States)

    Cieschi, María T; Caballero-Molada, Marcos; Menéndez, Nieves; Naranjo, Miguel A; Lucena, Juan J


    Novel, cheap and ecofriendly fertilizers that solve the usual iron deficiency problem in calcareous soil are needed. The aim of this work is to study the long-term effect of an iron leonardite fertilizer on citrus nutrition taking into account a properly characterization, kinetic response with a ligand competition experiment, efficiency assessment using Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain and finally, in field conditions with citrus as test plants. Its efficiency was compared with the synthetic iron chelate FeEDDHA. Leonardite iron humate (LIH) is mainly humic acid with a high-condensed structure where iron is present as ferrihydrite and Fe 3+ polynuclear compounds stabilized by organic matter. Iron and humic acids form aggregates that decrease the iron release from these kinds of fertilizers. Furthermore, LIH repressed almost 50% of the expression of FET3, FTR1, SIT1, and TIS11 genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, indicating increasing iron provided in cells and improved iron nutrition in citrus.

  7. TATA KELOLA PENANGGULANGAN BENCANA ALAM Suatu Deskripsi Inter-Relasi dan Kesiapan Para Pihak dalam rangka Rehabilitasi-Rekonstruksi Rumah Warga Terdampak Pascagempa di Kabupaten Tanah Datar

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    Erwin -


    Full Text Available At the time of the earthquake affecting substantial losses due to the damage they cause, usually very high expectations of the people to the government for rehabilitation and reconstruction (rehabilitation and reconstruction of homes affected. Therefore readiness to undertake the rehabilitation of earthquake remains an important concern by the parties in the response to natural disasters, both government and society.  This study is a qualitative study to describe the experience of the parties in order to direct the rehabilitation of houses affected by the earthquake of 2007 in Tanah Datar, West Sumatra province. The results of this study found the application of the principles of transparency, participation and accountability in the interrelation between the government and society in the process of preparation and implementation of the rehabilitation of earthquake-affected neighborhoods. Open governance practices have proven quite successful even minimize complaints and public protests or other social conflict that impacts are not uncommon in post-disaster management in the region. Experiences of good practice organizing the rehabilitation of houses affected by the earthquake in Tanah Datar this would even be used as a pilot, and learning resources of many parties in implementing the governance of disaster management in the various regions


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    Akhmad Mustafa


    Full Text Available Rumput laut (Gracilaria verrucosa telah dibudidayakan di tambak tanah sulfat masam dengan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi yang relatif tinggi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui peubah kualitas air yang mempengaruhi laju pertumbuhan rumput laut di tambak tanah sulfat masam Kecamatan Angkona Kabupaten Luwu Timur Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Pemeliharaan rumput laut dilakukan di 30 petak tambak  terpilih selama 6 minggu. Bibit rumput laut dengan bobot 100 g basah ditebar dalam hapa berukuran 1,0 m x 1,0 m x 1,2 m. Peubah tidak bebas yang diamati adalah laju pertumbuhan relatif, sedangkan peubah bebas adalah peubah kualitas air yang meliputi: intensitas cahaya, salinitas, suhu, pH, karbondioksida, nitrat, amonium, fosfat, dan besi. Analisis regresi berganda digunakan untuk menentukan peubah bebas yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi peubah tidak bebas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laju pertumbuhan relatif rumput laut di tambak tanah sulfat masam berkisar antara 1,52% dan 3,63%/hari dengan rata-rata 2,88% ± 0,56%/hari. Di antara 9 peubah kualitas air yang diamati ternyata hanya 5 peubah kualitas air yaitu: nitrat, salinitas, amonium, besi, dan fosfat yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan rumput laut secara nyata. Untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan rumput laut di tambak tanah sulfat masam Kecamatan Angkona Kabupaten Luwu Timur dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian pupuk yang mengandung nitrogen untuk meningkatkan kandungan amonium dan nitrat serta pemberian pupuk yang mengandung fosfor untuk meningkatkan kandungan fosfat sampai pada nilai tertentu, melakukan remediasi untuk menurunkan kandungan besi serta memelihara rumput laut pada salinitas air yang lebih tinggi, tetapi tidak melebihi 30 ppt. Seaweed (Gracilaria verrucosa has been cultivated in acid sulfate soil-affected ponds with relatively high quality and quantity of seaweed production. A research has been conducted to study water quality variables that influence the


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    Arwis Umar Gaib


    Full Text Available The purposes of this study are (1 to analyze the economic valuation of marine tourism in the coastal village of Angsana, Angsana District, Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan (2 to be a Governmental recommendation for original income and marine tourism model in the coastal village of Angsana. Implementation of the study was conducted in the village of Angsana, Angsana District, Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan province for one month (in April 2016. Calculating the value of the economic of the benefit of marine tourism of Angsana using travel cost method with an individual approach. Calculating the cost incurred for tourism activities. The number of visitors when the study was conducted has not known yet, so this study was done by using a non-probability sampling by setting the quota of 100 respondents. From the calculation of the number of visitors from January to April 2016 is as many as 26,719 visitors. Based on the calculation of a number of costs incurred every time a visitor travels to Angsana beach is Rp 4,118,00. Having obtained the number of visitors on years of study and the costs incurred per person when visiting Angsana beach, then it is calculated the economic valuation of marine tourism of Angsana beach. Based on the results of the calculation of the amount of the Economic Valuation of Angsana beach is in the amount of Rp 110,028,842,000. Angsana beach tourism is one of the tourists that presents the beauty of reef under the sea. There is an increasing number of visitors each year while the opening of the resort. For this reason, this marine coastal tourism could be one of the recommendations for the government in terms of raising revenue (the original income. In order to be sustainable in the future, Angsana beach should have a Tourism model in order to have an appeal and can attract the attention of visitors.

  10. Synthesis of cristobalite from silica sands of Tuban and Tanah Laut (United States)

    Nurbaiti, U.; Pratapa, S.


    Synthesis of SiO2 cristobalite powders has been successfully carried out by a coprecipitation method by making use of local silica sands from districts of Tuban and Tanah Laut, Indonesia. Cristobalite is a phase of SiO2 polymorphs which can be used as a composite filler, a coating material, a surface finishing media, and structural ceramics. In the first stage of the synthesis, the as-received sands were processed by a magnetic separation, grinding, and soaking with HCl to increase the purity of silica content. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy showed that the atomic content of Si (excluding oxygen) in both powders reached 95.3 and 97.4%. A coprecipitation process was then performed by dissolving the silica powders in a 7M NaOH solution followed by a titration with 2M HCl to achieve a normal pH and to form a gel. Furthermore, the silica gel is washed, dried and then calcined at a temperature of between 950-1200 °C with a variation of holding time for 1, 4 dan 10 hrs to produce white powders. X-ray diffraction (XRD) data analyses showed that the powder with calcination temperature of 1150 °C for 4 hrs exhibited the highest cristobalite content of up to 95wt%. Its scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image showed that its grain morphology was relatively homogeneous.

  11. Estímulo no crescimento e na hidrólise de ATP em raízes de alface tratadas com humatos de vermicomposto: I - efeito da concentração Improving lettuce seedling root growth and ATP hydrolysis with humates from vermicompost: I - effect of vermicompost concentration

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    Maria Rita Cardoso Rodda


    Full Text Available O vermicomposto contém uma concentração elevada de substâncias húmicas e já é bem conhecido o efeito do seu uso sobre as propriedades do solo. No entanto, a ação direta das substâncias húmicas sobre o metabolismo das plantas é menos conhecida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de humatos extraídos de vermicomposto de esterco de curral com KOH 0,1 mol L-1 sobre o desenvolvimento e metabolismo de ATP em plântulas de alface. Após a germinação, plântulas de alface foram tratadas com os humatos em concentrações que variaram de 0 a 100 mg L-1 de C, durante quinze dias. Foram avaliados o crescimento da raiz e a atividade das bombas de H+ isoladas da fração microssomal do sistema radicular. Foi observado aumento na matéria fresca e seca do sistema radicular, bem como no número de sítios de mitose, raízes emergidas do eixo principal, na área e no comprimento radiculares, com o uso do humato na concentração de 25 mg L-1 de C. Também foi observado, nessa concentração, aumento significativo na hidrólise de ATP pelas bombas de H+, responsáveis pela geração de energia necessária à absorção de íons e pelo crescimento celular.Vermicomposts present a high content of humic substances and their effects on soil properties are well-documented. However, direct effects of humic substances on plant metabolism are less known. The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of humates isolated from cattle manure vermicompost with 0.1 mol L-1 KOH on root growth and ATP metabolism of lettuce seedlings. After germination, lettuce seedlings were treated with different humate concentrations (0 to 100 mg L-1 of C for 15 days. The root growth and the H+-ATPase activity of root cell microsomes isolated by differential centrifugation were evaluated. The humate treatment, at the concentration of 25 mg L-1 of C, increased fresh and dry root mass as well as root area and total length. Also there was a large increase in the number of

  12. Glycaemic control of diabetic patients in an urban primary health care setting in Sarawak: the Tanah Puteh Health Centre experience. (United States)

    Wong, J S; Rahimah, N


    Achieving glycaemic goals in diabetics has always been a problem, especially in a developing country with inadequate facilities such as in Sarawak in Malaysia. There are no reported studies on the control of diabetes mellitus in a diabetic clinic in the primary health care setting in Sarawak. This paper describes the profile of 1031 patients treated in Klinik Kesihatan Tanah Puteh Health Centre. The mean age was 59 years, the mean BMI 27 kg/m2. There was a female preponderance and mainly type-2 diabetes. Mean HbA1c was 7.4%. Glycaemic control was optimal in 28% (HbA1c 7.5%). Reasonable glycaemic control can be achieved in the primary health care setting in Sarawak.


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    Nanang Dwi Ardi


    Full Text Available Makalah ini menampilkan sebuah pendekatan dalam penyelidikan rongga-rongga di bawah tanah. Akuisisi data resistivitas telah dilakukan di Gua Dago Pakar, Bandung. Lintasan resistivitas telah diukur dan dilanjutkan dengan pengukuran secara manual dengan menggunakan tali serta GPS untuk memperkirakan bentuk gua secara akurat. Sistem konfigurasi lintasan resistivitas menggunakan konfigurasi elektroda WennerSchlumberger. Pemrosesan dan pemodelan data menggunakan perangkat lunak Res2DInv dengan metode komputasi kuadrat terkecil. Hasil dari pemodelan inverse 2D menunjukkan bahwa bentuk tubuh gua berlokasi sekitar 10 – 12,4 m di bawah lintasan resistivitas dengan rentang nilai resistivitas 540-600 Ohm meter. Hasil ini dikorelasikan dengan data geologi dan pengukuran secara manual di dalam gua. Kata kunci:  Rongga, Resistivitas, Wenner-Schlumberger, Inversi


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    Ratih Ariningrum


    Full Text Available The Ministry of Health had set targets and obligatoried for minimum health standards that have to be Implemented in each district/municipality. The maternal and neonatal health (MNH services is one of services in the district health system that has to be delivered by puskesmas to enhance the maternal and neonatal health towards reducing the maternal and neonatal mortality. It was a cross sectional study health policy. The study was conducted in three districts/municipality, namely district of Badung, Bali; District of Tanah Datar, West Sumatera and Kupang Municipality in East Nusa Tenggara. February to November 2006. Every area had to make special strategy and specified activity priority to execute the policy on mother and baby healthy program. The roles of other and private sectors need continuality. Attainment of mother and baby healthy program activity year 2005 in general were still under the goals. Constraints to execute the policy on mother and baby healthy program had limitation on the quality and quantity of human resources, availibility of equipments, knowledgeof community concerning health was still lower, attention of local government was very limited on budget allocation; and also the expectation of community to soothsayer was high, especially in Municipality of Kupang and District of Tanah Datar. The other limitation was of training on mother and baby healthy program. The access of community to public health services is good enough. Network with the other sectors in general worked well. There were some areas faced coverage goals so high, that difficult to achieve pregnant mother visit coverage (4 and high referral. Target of coverage that were achieved better were the coverage diving birth by midwifes or healthy staffed midwifery compentency. There were some coverage needs re-socializing as definition, because of the difference perception between the right definition and the perception of health staffs on the coverage of neonatus

  15. Fixation and transport of uranium by humic substances (1962); Fixation et transport de l'uranium par les substances humiques (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    One enter upon the study of the part taken by organic substances in ores that contain uranium in a disseminated form, without mineralization, being considered the reaction between uranium and humus. 'Humic acids' are extracted from the peat by ammonia. By the fact of their ability to cationic exchange, these are forming humates with metal cations; monovalent humates, normally soluble in water, can become insoluble after treatment of humic acids with methanal. The polyvalent humates are insoluble in water, especially humates of U (IV) and uranyl U (VI). Action of Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca uranyl carbonates solutions on the humic acids results in the formation of humates containing uranyl and the other cation. 100 g of humic acids give a fixation of no more than 38 g of uranium as uranyl. In contact with uraniferous weakly concentrated solutions, they fix 4 to 8 g according to pH, with a yield in the extraction greater than 95 per cent. The action of a sodium humate solution on a humate of uranyl give a solution containing a soluble sodium and uranyl humate. The solution is precipitated at various degrees by the polyvalent cations and insoluble humic substances. In all cases, the fixation of uranium with such prepared humic acids corresponds to a chemisorption of uranyl cations. (author) [French] L'etude du role des matieres organiques dans les minerais contenant de l'uranium sous une forme disseminee, sans mineralisation, est abordee en envisageant les reactions de l'uranium et de l'humus. Des 'acides humiques' sont extraits de la tourbe par l'ammoniaque. Par leur capacite d'echange cationique, ils forment des humates avec les cations metalliques; les humates de metaux monovalents, normalement solubles dans l'eau, peuvent etre rendus insolubles apres traitement des acides humiques par le methanal. Les humates de metaux plurivalents sont insolubles dans l'eau, en particulier ceux de U (IV) et d'uranyle U (VI). L'action de solutions d'uranylcarbonates de Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca sur

  16. Effects of a novel poly (AA-co-AAm)/AlZnFe₂O₄/potassium humate superabsorbent hydrogel nanocomposite on water retention of sandy loam soil and wheat seedling growth. (United States)

    Shahid, Shaukat Ali; Qidwai, Ansar Ahmad; Anwar, Farooq; Ullah, Inam; Rashid, Umer


    A novel poly(acrylic acid-co-acrylamide)AlZnFe₂O₄/potassium humate( )superabsorbent hydrogel nanocomposite (PHNC) was synthesized and its physical properties characterized using SEM, Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) and FTIR spectroscopic techniques. Air dried sandy loam soil was amended with 0.1 to 0.4 w/w% of PHNC to evaluate its soil moisture retention attributes. Effect of PHNC amendment on pH, electrical conductivity (EC), porosity, bulk density and hydraulic conductivity of sandy loam soil was also studied. The soil amendment with 0.1 to 0.4 w/w% of PHNC remarkably enhanced the moisture retention at field capacity as compared to the un-amended soils. Seed germination and seedling growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was considerably increased and a delay by 6-9 days in wilting of seedlings was observed in the soil amended with PHNC, resulting in improved wheat plant establishment and growth.


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    Masirun Masirun


    Full Text Available Abstrak : Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kantor pertanahan kota pekanbaru riau, yang terletak dijalan, Pepaya NO 47 Kantor pertanahan merupakan kantor pelayanan masyarakat bertujuan membuat sertifikat-sertifikat tanah dan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kinerja karyawan pada kantor pertanahan kota pekanbaru. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan pada kantor pertanahan Pekanbaru. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah sampling jenuh (sensus dimana seluruh anggota populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian, diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 62 karyawan. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif.Dalam penelitian ini, jenis dan sumber data yang digunakan berupa data primer yang diperoleh dari kantor pertanahan kota pekanbaru.diolah lebih lanjut, serta data sekunder yang berupa data yang telah jadi tanpa mengalami perubahan seperti sejarah singkat perusahaan, job description masing-masing bagian perusahaan, serta struktur organisasi perusahaan.Adapun pendidikan dan pelatihan pada kantor pertanahan kota pekanbaru riau jugak di katagorikan cukup baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kualitas, produktivitas yang meningkat dengan adanya pendidikan dan pelatihan serta pengembangan idividu dan jugak dengan adanya pendidikan dan pelatihan tersebut sangat membantu dalam hal meningkatkan kualitas dan produktivitas kerja serta merupakan perencanaan dalam menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang lebih baik lagi.Dari hasil analisis penelitian tersebut diketahui bahwa rata-rata karyawan yang bekerja pada kantor pertanahan kota pekanbaru cukup baik, Kinerja karyawan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu : Sifat, Perilaku, Kompetensi. Abstract : This study was conducted in the Office of Riau pekanbaru city land, which is located in the street, Papaya NO 47. The land office is aimed at making the civil service of the certificates of land and the purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of employees at the land office

  18. Fixation and transport of uranium by humic substances (1962)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, J.


    One enter upon the study of the part taken by organic substances in ores that contain uranium in a disseminated form, without mineralization, being considered the reaction between uranium and humus. 'Humic acids' are extracted from the peat by ammonia. By the fact of their ability to cationic exchange, these are forming humates with metal cations; monovalent humates, normally soluble in water, can become insoluble after treatment of humic acids with methanal. The polyvalent humates are insoluble in water, especially humates of U (IV) and uranyl U (VI). Action of Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca uranyl carbonates solutions on the humic acids results in the formation of humates containing uranyl and the other cation. 100 g of humic acids give a fixation of no more than 38 g of uranium as uranyl. In contact with uraniferous weakly concentrated solutions, they fix 4 to 8 g according to pH, with a yield in the extraction greater than 95 per cent. The action of a sodium humate solution on a humate of uranyl give a solution containing a soluble sodium and uranyl humate. The solution is precipitated at various degrees by the polyvalent cations and insoluble humic substances. In all cases, the fixation of uranium with such prepared humic acids corresponds to a chemisorption of uranyl cations. (author) [fr

  19. Evaluation of the exploration drilling result of TML-3, TML-4, TML-5, TML-6 at Tanah Merah sector West Kalimantan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manto-Widodo; Sartapa; Widito, P


    Previous researcher obvioused that the uranium favourable zone at Tanah Merah has been existed, it is oriented NW-SE. In those zones have been discovered uranium mineralizations of NW-SE orientation and sub vertical dipping. This research intend to get knowledge about the uranium geology, character and geometry of the sub surface mineralization using exploration drilling. The result shows that lithologically the area dominated by biotite quartzite which is intruded by granitic rocks and lamprophyres. The mineralization consist of uraninite/ pitchblende associated by pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrhotite, ilmenite, molybdenite, quartz, feldsphart and biotite. It seems to be granitic related mineralization as a vein type. Surface mineralization could be correlable to those of sub surface with in the lensoid or tabular shape favourable zones. Geological reserve of those mineralization is about 157 ton U 3 O 8


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    Joko Pramono


    Full Text Available Mitigation of Nitrate Leaching in Inceptisol Soil Through the Use of Natural Nitrate Inhibitor ABSTRAK Pelindian NO3- merupakan salah satu mekanisme kehilangan N dalam aktivitas pertanian, yang dapat berdampak terhadap pencemaran lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui penggunaan bahan alami sebagai nitrat inhibitor terhadap pelindian nitrat pada tanah Inceptisol. Pada penelitian ini diuji tiga jenis bahan nitrat inhibitor (NI alami yang berasal dari; serbuk biji Mimba (SBM, serbuk kulit kayu bakau (SKKB, dan serbuk daun kopi (SDK,yang dikombinasikan dengan tiga taraf dosis NI, yaitu: 20 %, 30 % dan 40 % dari urea yang diberikan, dan ditambah satu perlakuan kontrol tanpa NI. Bahan nitrat inhibitor diberikan bersama urea pada permukaan tanah dalam pot percobaan yang telah dibasahi dengan air suling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan NI yang berbeda memberikan respon terhadap penghambatan nitrifi kasi yang berbeda. Bahan NI yang berasal dari serbuk biji mimba memberikan tingkat penghambatan tertinggi sebesar (25,6 %, serbuk kulit kayu bakau sebesar (19,1 %, dan serbuk daun kopi sebesar 11,8 %. Bahan NI alami mampu menghambat nitrifi kasi melalui penghambatan pertumbuhan bakteri nitrifi kasi (pengoksida ammonium yang bersifat sementara pada kisaran 7-14 hari setelah aplikasi. Perlakuan berbagai bahan dan dosis NI mampu menekan pelindian nitrat rata-rata pada kisaran antara 56,6 sampai 62,8 % dan berbeda sangat nyata terhadap perlakuan kontrol tanpa NI. Bahan NI yang mampu menurunkan rata-rata pelindian nitrat pada pengamatan 14 hari setelah aplikasi tertinggi adalah SBM sebesar 74,15 %. Dosis optimal dua bahan NI terpilih yang menunjukkan kinerja penghambatan nitrifi kasi terbaik (SBM dan SKKB pada 7 hsa, masing-masing 18,30 % (R2 = 0,694 dan 21,67 % (R2=0.691 dari dosis urea yang diberikan. Kata kunci: Nitrifi kasi, nitrat inhibitor, pelindian nitrat ABSTRACT NO3 - leaching is one mechanism of N reduction in agricultural


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    Alfi Syahrin


    Full Text Available The problems in rebon shrimp processing business at household scale in Desa Muara Kintap  are in processing, utilization, and improvement in processing business which have not been maximized, and rebon shrimp quality of the business community at household scale because of inappropriate processing and handling, lack of interest, and cheap selling price. To overcome these problems, one possible way is to provide proper handling to the products of rebon shrimp either in producing or packaging as well as diversifying the processing of rebon shrimp. Therefore, this study aims to (1 determine benefits, eligibility, fluctuation and variation in price and (2 analyze marketing channels of rebon shrimp in Desa Muara Kintap. The significance of this research is that it can be used as an input or a reference in order to increase profits and development of business prospect of rebon shrimp processing at household scale in Desa Muara Kintap,Kecamatan Kintap,Kabupaten Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan Province; and it is also useful for those who want to learn more about the development of business prospect of rebon shrimp processing at household scale in Desa Muara Kintap,Kecamatan Kintap,Kabupaten Tanah Laut, or for those who are interested in the issues in this study. The results showed that the processing business of dried rebon shrimp in Muara Kintap was profitable to do because the total revenue was greater than the total cost, and based on the analysis of the eligibility on the season of NPV, Net BCR, and IRR were on top of the value of 13%, making it eligible to do business processing, and there was also a price fluctuation with an average selling price fluctuation of rebon shrimp in Desa Muara Kintap  between ‘season’ and ‘not season' the prices was 41.05%, and the variation of the fishing season prices ranged from Rp 19,000 to Rp 20,000, while during ‘not season’ the prices were between Rp 26,000 and Rp 30,000. This happened because of the

  2. Pengendalian Pemberian Hak Guna Usaha atas Tanah sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Kerusakan Hutan karena Perambahan Kawasan Hutan yang Dilakukan oleh Perkebunan

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    Yusuf Saepul Zamil


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kasus kebakaran hutan yang terjadi di Provinsi Riau dan beberapa daerah di Indonesia menjadi bencana nasional karena dampak dari kebakaran hutan tersebut menyebabkan kabut asap yang merusak kesehatan, mengganggu aktivitas masyarakat, merusak ekosistem tumbuh-tumbuhan dan hewan, membahayakan penerbangan, protes dari negara tetangga karena adanya kabut asap, dan kerugian-kerugian lainnya. Perambahan hutan juga menyebabkan masyarakat adat dipaksa keluar dari tanah leluhur karena hutan tempat hidup dan mencari penghidupan hangus terbakar. Hal ini adalah kejahatan kemanusiaan luar biasa yang dilakukan oleh para penjarah hutan. Pemberian hak guna usaha atas tanah untuk perkebunan yang mengalihfungsikan kawasan hutan menjadi kawasan perkebunan seharusnya terlebih dahulu mendapat persetujuan dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, walaupun hak guna usaha yang dimohonkan berada pada kawasan area penggunaan lain yang dikuasai oleh pemerintah daerah. Pengendalian izin pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan lahan untuk perkebunan yang merambah kawasan hutan dapat dilakukan antara lain: membuat peraturan daerah tentang tata ruang wilayah dengan menetapkan kawasan hutan di dalam tidak boleh dialihfungsikan menjadi kawasan perkebunan atau kawasan lainnya, menetapkan hutan abadi di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia, dan kebijakan moratorium izin-izin usaha perkebunan. Abstract Cases of fires in Riau Province and some areas in Indonesia became a national disaster due to the impact of forest fires causing smog that damage health, disrupt community activities, destruction of the ecosystem of plants and animals, endanger the flight, protests from neighboring countries because of the smog, and other loses. Encroachment also led to indigenous people being forced out of their ancestral lands as forest where they live and make a living is burned down. This is an incredible crimes against humanity committed by forest dwellers. Granting land use permit which transforms


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    Erna Ratnawati


    Full Text Available Tambak di Kabupaten Luwu Utara umumnya tergolong tanah sulfat masam dan banyak digunakan untuk budidaya rumput laut (Gracilaria verrucosa dengan produksi yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor status pembudidaya, kondisi, dan pengelolaan tambak yang mempengaruhi produksi rumput laut. Metode penelitian yang diaplikasikan adalah metode survai untuk mendapatkan data primer dari produksi, status pembudidaya, dan pengelolaan tambak yang dilakukan melalui pengajuan kuisioner kepada responden secara terstruktur, sedangkan kondisi tambak ditentukan melalui pengamatan dan pengukuran langsung di lapangan. Sebagai peubah tidak bebas adalah produksi dan peubah bebas adalah faktor status pembudidaya yang terdiri atas 10 peubah, kondisi tambak yang terdiri atas 12 peubah, dan pengelolaan tambak yang terdiri atas 26 peubah. Analisis regresi berganda dengan peubah boneka digunakan untuk memprediksi produksi rumput laut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi aktual rata-rata rumput laut di tambak tanah sulfat masam sebesar 7.821 kg/ha/tahun dengan prediksi produksi sebesar 23.563 kg kering/ha/tahun. Produksi rumput laut dapat ditingkatkan melalui: peningkatan pengalaman pembudidaya tambak, penambahan jumlah pintu air, tambak dibuat dengan bentuk bujur sangkar atau empat persegi panjang dengan luasan tambak tidak terlalu luas serta peningkatan lama pengeringan tanah dasar tambak, padat penebaran ikan bandeng, dosis kapur dan dosis pupuk Urea, SP-36, KCl, dan Za sebagai pupuk dasar. Brackishwater pond in North Luwu Regency, generally as classified as acid sulfate soils and most of them was used for culturing seaweed (Gracilaria verrucosa with high productivity. Hence, it was conduct research that aim to know the effect of farmer status, condition, and management of pond on the seaweed production. Survey method was applied to find primary data of seaweed production, farmer status and pond management, while

  4. Inventory of uranium potential sector at Tanah Merah (continuation), West Kalimantan, systematic prospection stage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Subiantoro, L.; Sudarmadi; Sularto, P.; Widito, P.; Marzuki, A.; Paimin


    The investigation based on the previous study by CEA-BATAN (1977) and PPBGN-BATAN (1992-1994/1996), which was found radiometric anomalies on several outcrops (> 15.000 c/s) and soil (> 200 c/s). In again to find information of distribution, geometry and characteristically of mineralization zones, the systematic prospection was done by radiometric and topographic mapping and uranium geology aspect identification. Zones of mineralization were identified in Tanah Merah had total area 5468.4 m 2 . The outcrops of quarzitic rocks in this zone are characterized by vein distribution which contain uraninite, brannerite, autunite, gummite and gutite. The dominantly associated of their minerals are monazite, tourmaline, molybdenite, pirhotite, pyrite, ilmenite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and hematite. By chips sampling in quarsite rock to appear of a lowest value is 8.45 ppm, highest 15259.73 ppm and average value is 319.9 to 489.5 ppm. Elements group correlation matrices from each rocks sample shows that the uranium had relatively good correlation with Cu, Pb, Zn, Co and Ni. The mineralized zone are consist of localized mineralization in lateral and vertically distribution. Structurally the mineralization exist in intersection WNW - ESE, NNE - SSw and WNW - ESE (sub horizontal) fracture. The mineralization are identified as vein type, granite related sub type, perigranitic class and polymetallic veins type, type deposits in metamorphic rocks sub class. (author)

  5. Characterization of commercial humic acid samples and their impact on growth of fungi and plants

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    Asma Lodhi, Shermeen Tahir, Zafar Iqbal, Ansar Mahmood, Muhammad Akhtar, Tariq Mahmood Qureshi, Muhammad Yaqub and Asif Naeem


    Full Text Available Naturally occurring humates like leonardite and brown coal or lignite are marketed under different brand names e.g. Pak Humates, Humate Fertilizer, Pak Humax, Humkara and Humide etc. However, their efficacy is needed to be confirmed before their use. Different studies were conducted for the comparison of four commercial humates for their physico-chemical, optical properties, plant growth promoting ability in terms of seed germination and seedling vigour in wheat (cv Sehr, mung bean (Mung-54, maize (C-12 and sesbania and their effect on growth of some fungi. Moisture content of four humates varied from 0.52 to 71.11%, while solubility in water varied from 30.2 to 98.2% and density differed from 1.67 to 4.17. A 2% solution of humates had pH and EC varying from 5.39 to 10.11 and 3.140 to 1.143 mS cm-1, respectively. Carbon and nitrogen concentrations varied from 22.95 to 36.56% and 0.658 to 1.183, respectively with a C/N ratio of 30.91 to 44.16. Humates dissolved in 0.1N NaOH were partitioned into humic acid and fulvic acid fractions. Of the total C in humates, 40.3 to 77.5% was ranged in humic acid and 22.5 to 59.7% in fulvic acid fraction. The HA was also studied for optical properties at 400, 500, 600, and 700 nm besides that at 465 and 665 to calculate E4/E6 (extinction coefficient; the later varied between 3.64 and 5.48. Optical density of the humic acid decreased at increasing wavelength and was correlated significantly with the carbon contents of humic compounds. Three fungi, Trichoderma harzianum, T. hamatum and Alternaria alternata showed maximum growth at 0.025% HA in the growth medium on the basis of colony diameter. Humates inhibited seed germination in wheat, maize and mung bean except for sesbania. Root length and shoot dry matter increased in wheat and maize but no effect was found in mung bean and sesbania. The studies revealed that humates available in the market vary widely and therefore some sort of quality monitoring is required

  6. PEMANGKASAN AKAR DAN INOKULASI JMA SEBAGAI UPAYA PENINGKATAN FITOREMEDIASI TANAH TERCEMAR MERKURI AKIBAT PENAMBANGAN EMAS OLEH TANAMAN JATI DI KOKAP KULON PROGO YOGYAKARTA (Under ground root pruning and JMA inoculation to improve phytoremediation of soil contaminated with mercury due to gold mining by Tectona grandis in Kokap Kulonprogo Yogyakarta

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    Akhsin Zulkoni


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemangkasan akar (underground root pruning/URP terhadap fitoremediasi tanah yang tercemar merkuri di Kokap Kulon Progo Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah URP, yaitu dengan dan tanpa URP. Faktor kedua ialah takaran Jamur Mikoriza Arbuskula (JMA, meliputi 0; 50; 100, dan 150 g/pot. Hasil penelitian telah membuktikan bahwa pemangkasan akar serta inokulasi JMA ke dalam tanah sisa olahan penambangan emas telah berhasil memacu proses fitoremediasi melalui perluasan rizosfer. Serapan merkuri oleh tanaman Jati yang menjalani pemangkasan akar serta inokulasi JMA sebanyak 100% paling tinggi dibanding perlakuan lain maupun kontrol. Pada perlakuan ini, efisiensi penurunan merkuri di dalam tanah oleh tanaman jati sebesar 88,61%, sedangkan kontrol hanya mencapai 64,11%.   ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of underground root pruning (URP of the mercury-contaminated soil phytoremediation in Kokap Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. This study was conducted using complete randomized block design with three replications. The first factor is the URP, that divided as with and without URP (root pruning. The second factor is the dose of JMA, are 0; 50; 100, and 150 g/pot. Results of studies have proven that the root pruning and inoculation of JMA into the residual gold mining soil has successfully accelerated the process of phytoremediation through the expansion of the rhizosphere. Mercury uptake by Tectona grandis, Linn F that is with root pruning and 100% JMA inoculation are highest other treatment and control. In this treatment, the removal efficiency of mercury in the soil by plants amounted to 88.61% identity, meanwhile control only reached 64.11%.

  7. ANALISIS PERGERAKAN POLUTAN TRIKLOROETILEN DALAM MEDIA BERPORI MENGGUNAKAN SENTRIFUG GEOTEKNIK (Analysis of Trichloroethylene Pollutant Migration in Porous Media Using Geotechnical Centrifuge

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    Muchlis Muchlis


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Trikloroetilen (TCE adalah pelarut organik yang sering digunakan dalam proses industri. TCE adalah salah satu contoh dari Non Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL yang sudah banyak mencemari tanah dan air tanah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat pergerakan TCE dalam berbagai jenis tanah yang berbeda, mengkaji sifat-sifat pergerakan TCE dalam tanah dengan menggunakan kecepatan 1 dan 25 Gravitasi, dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pergerakan TCE dalam tanah. Sifat pergerakan TCE dalam tanah riolit dan granit adalah TCE akan masuk langsung secara vertikal dan horizontal dalam tanah hingga ke dasar tanah. Pergerakan TCE akan terhambat pada tanah yang banyak mengandung partikel berukuran kecil. Pergerakan TCE secara vertikal pada gaya 1G dan 25G dalam tanah granit adalah paling cepat berbanding dalam tanah riolit. Pergerakan TCE dalam tanah kering dipengaruhi oleh sifat tanah terutama ukuran butir dan Kapasitas Pertukaran Kation (KPK. ABSTRACT Tricholoroethylene (TCE is an organic solvent used in many industrial processes. TCE is one of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL which has already contaminated soil and groundwater. The objectives of this study are to determine the migration of TCE in rhyolite and granite soil, to determine the migration of TCE in soil using 1 and 25 Gravity (G force, and to determine the migration of TCE influencing factors in the soil. The characteristics of TCE migration in rhyolite and granite soil will migrate vertically and laterally to the bottom of the ground. The migration will be retarded in small particle size of soil. The fastest migration of TCE at 1G and 25G was found in the granite soil. The migration of TCE in dry soil is affected by properties of soil particularly particle size and cation exchange capacity.


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    Raden Roro Sri Pudji Sinarni Dewi


    Full Text Available Ikan lele (Clarias gariepinus merupakan salah satu komoditas budidaya air tawar yang populer di Indonesia. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ikan lele di antaranya melalui perbaikan kualitas genetik. Upaya peningkatan kualitas genetik ikan lele untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan dilakukan melalui proses seleksi. Pengujian performa ikan lele hasil seleksi (strain Mutiara pada skala komersial dilakukan dengan membandingkannya dengan strain non-seleksi (strain Paiton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk membandingkan produktivitas dan profitabilitas budidaya ikan lele hasil seleksi dan non-seleksi yang dibesarkan di kolam tanah pada skala komersial. Ikan lele ukuran sekitar 2,5 g dipelihara di kolam tanah berukuran 50 m2 dengan kepadatan 200 ekor/m2. Pemeliharaan dilakukan sampai ikan mencapai ukuran panen (sekitar 100 g. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ikan hasil seleksi memiliki laju pertumbuhan spesifik lebih tinggi (5,75 ± 1,25 g/hari, konversi pakan lebih rendah (0,90 ± 0,08, dan periode pemeliharaan lebih singkat (68 ± 13 hari dibandingkan ikan non-seleksi (4,33 ± 0,70 g/hari; 1,09 ± 0,01; 90 ± 12 hari. Berdasarkan analisis bioekonomi, budidaya pembesaran ikan lele hasil seleksi mampu menekan biaya produksi hingga Rp2.365,00/kg dan mendatangkan rasio keuntungan (61,09 ± 5,17% hampir dua kali lipat lebih tinggi dibandingkan non-seleksi (32,54 ± 4,12%. African catfish (Clarias gariepinus is one of the freshwater aquaculture commodity that are popular in Indonesia. Various attempts had been conducted to increase its productivity including through genetic quality improvement. Efforts to improve the genetic quality of African catfish on growth trait was conducted by selection method. Evaluation the performance of improved strain of African catfish (Mutiara strain on a commercial scale was done by comparing with local (non-improved strain (Paiton strain. The purpose of this study was to compare the productivity and

  9. Title: Effects of supplementing humic/fulvic acid on rumen ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Casey McMurphy

    Effects of supplementing humates on rumen fermentation in Holstein ... research on the utilization of humates in beef cattle diets and their effect on rumen fermentation. .... potassium chloride, 80 g/kg; magnesium oxide, 34.5 g/kg; ammonium ...

  10. Studi Laju Transpirasi Peltophorum dassyrachis dan Gliricidia sepium Pada Sistem Budidaya Tanaman Pagar Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Konduktivitas Hidrolik Tidak Jenuh

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    Sugeng Prijono


    Full Text Available Laju transpirasi tanaman bervariasi dengan karakter vegetasi, karakter tanah, lingkungan dan budidaya tanaman. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perbedaan kadar lengas tanah dan laju transpirasi tanaman pagar, dan pengaruh laju transpirasi tanaman terhadap konduktivitas hidrolik tidak jenuh. Studi ini dilakukan di Daerah Karta, Lampung Utara, Indonesia selama tiga bulan. Studi ini menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi, dengan dua perlakuan petak utama (jenis tanaman pagar yaitu Peltophorum dassyrachis (P dan Gliricidia sepium (G. Dua perlakuan (anak petak adalah jarak tanaman 40 cm (A dan 120 cm (B. Masing-masing perlakuan ini diulang empat kali.  Pengamatan kadar lengas tanah dilakukan dengan mengkalibrasikan hasil pengukuran Neutron Probe dengan kadar air gravimetrik. Laju transpirasi tanaman dihitung berdasarkan selisih antara kadar lengas tanah pada perlakuan tanaman pagar tanpa perakaran (T dengan kadar lengas tanah pada perlakuan tanaman pagar dengan perakaran (R. Konduktivitas hidrolik tidak jenuh diukur dengan menggunakan metode Pedo Transfer Functions. Data hasil pengamatan selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis ragam (ANOVA, uji korelasi dan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar lengas tanah di bawah G. sepium lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan P. dassyrachis, kecuali pengamatan hari ke-0 di kedalaman 40-70 cm. Kadar lengas tanah cenderung menurun seiring dengan waktu pengamatan pada semua jenis tanaman pagar dan jarak tanamnya. Laju transpirasi G. sepium lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan P. dassyrachis pada kedalaman tanah 0-40 cm, sedangkan pada kedalaman 40-60 cm laju transpirasi kedua jenis tanaman pagar tersebut adalah sama. Pada kedalaman tanah 0-20 cm, laju transpirasi tanaman pagar dengan jarak tanam 40 cm lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan jarak 120 cm. Sedangkan pada kedalaman tanah 20-60 cm, laju transpirasi tanaman pagar dengan jarak 120 cm lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan jarak tanam 40 cm. Hasil uji


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    Sukarti Sukarti


    Full Text Available The tourism potential of Batakan Beach Resort, which is the slope coast with the bed of brownish white sand along ±12 km, is the special attraction for the visitors. Batakan beach is the area of Animal Conservation in Pelaihari Tanah Laut. Its function is converted to Natural Tourism Park on the basis of Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan Nomor 695/Kpts-II/1991. The assessment is required to find out the potentials of the development as the sustainable tourism resort. The objective of the research was to study the development potentials of the tourism resort of Batakan beach. The assessments were on the land suitability, the supporting factors of the beach tourism resort, and the plan for increasing the potential of the sustainable development of the resort. The land suitability assessment included: the suitability with Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW, the area width and the level of the physical suitability of the beach. The assessment of the supporting factors included: the recreation, health, shopping, entertainment, accommodation, and infrastructure facilities, the public acceptance and the government policy. The research was descriptive and applied the analysis survey method. The result of the research indicated that the assessment of the land suitability received total score 471,1. It indicated that the tourism resort of Batakan beach was at the first rank with the total score 742,46. The Batakan beach was very reliable to develop as the sustainable tourism resort although there were some supporting factors receiving lower score namely the health, shopping, entertainment, and infrastructure facilities.

  12. Pemanfaatan Bentonite sebagai Media Pembumian Elektroda Batang

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    Winanda Riga Tamma


    Full Text Available Sistem pentanahan merupakan suatu sistem yang bertujuan untuk mengamankan sistem tenaga listrik dari gangguan ke tanah maupun gangguan hubung singkat. Pada sistem pentanahan yang baik, resistansi pentanahan harus bernilai dibawah lima ohm. Resistansi pentanahan bergantung pada berbagai aspek antara lain yaitu struktur tanah, kelembapan tanah, dan kandungan yang ada dalam tanah itu sendiri. Dalam pengujian pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan perbaikan pada tanah dengan mencampurkan bentonite ke dalam tanah sebagai media pentanahan. Pencampuran bentonite bertujuan agar mendapatkan nilai resistansi pentanahan yang baik sesuai dengan standar sistem pentanahan. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan elektroda batang dan alat earth resistance tester dengan metode tiga titik dimana elektroda utama atau elektroda pengukuran diberikan treatment sesuai dengan kondisi yang telah ditentukan. Diharapkan pada pengujian ini akan diketahui dampak dari bentonite terhadap penurunan nilai resistansi pentanahan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa dengan mencampurkan bentonite pada media pentanahan, resistansi pentanahan menjadi lebih baik. Meskipun tidak terlalu signifikan, rata-rata penurunan dari setiap masing-masing treatment adalah sebesar 2 ohm.


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    Elfayetti Elfayetti


    Full Text Available Pertanian organik merupakan sistem pertanian yang holistik yang mendukung dan mempercepat biodeversiti, siklus biologi dan aktivitas biologi tanah(International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements,2014. Geografi Pertanian merupakan mata kuliah di Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi FIS Unimed. Dalam Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi yang diterapkan di Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi FIS Unimed merupakan matakuliah wajib pada semester genap, tepatnya pada semester IV (empat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pertumbuhan berat cacing tanah pada pupuk kascing dari limbah kangkung dan bayam dan untuk mengetahui kandungan hara N, P, K dan pH kascing dari limbah kangkung dan bayam pada tanah ultisol. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan pada pupuk organik, maka harus diupayakan bagaimana memperoleh pupuk yang memiliki unsur hara yang padat dan pengadaannya relatif murah dan mudah. Pemanfaatan limbah organik untuk budidaya cacing tanah merupakan salah satu tindakan yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Rendahnya bahan organik, N, P, K menunjukkan bahwa tanah pada percobaan ini membutuhkan bahan organik. Pemberian bahan organik seperti cacing diharapkan dapat meningkatkan Produktivitas Ultisol dimana Kascing mempunyai sifat-sifat kimia, fisika, dan biologi tanah yang baik, sehingga dapat meningkatkan serapan hara dan pertumbuhan tanaman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1. Jenis makanan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan cacing tanah dan kualitas kascing yang dihasilkan. 2.Terdapat perbedaaan pada bobot cacing tanah yang dihasilkan dengan adanya perbedaan jenis makanan. Jenis makanan bayam memberikan tingkat pertumbuhan cacing tanah terbaik dengan terjadinya pertambahan bobot sebesar 650 gram yang awalnya hanya 250 gram. 3. Dari beberapa parameter sifat kimia dan biologi kascing, maka jenis makanan bayam memberikan nilai N tertinggi yaitu 0,52 dan pada pakan kangkung terdapatnilai p tertinggi yaitu 0,35. Kata Kunci

  14. Perspectives of humic substances application in remediation of highly heavy metals contaminated soils in Kola Subarctic (United States)

    Tregubova, Polina; Turbaevskaya, Valeria; Zakharenko, Andrey; Kadulin, Maksim; Smirnova, Irina; Stepanov, Andrey; Koptsik, Galina


    Northwestern part of Russia, the Kola Peninsula, is one of the most heavy metals (HM) contaminated areas in the northern hemisphere. The main polluters, mining-and-metallurgical integrated works "Pechenganikel" and "Severonikel", are surrounded by heavily damaged barren lands that require remediation. The main contaminating metals are Ni and Cu. Using of exogenous humic substances could be possible effective and cost-efficient solution of HM contamination problem. Rational application of humates (Na-K salts of humic acids) can result in improvement of soil properties, localization of contamination and decreasing bioavailability through binding HM in relatively immobile organic complexes. Our research aim was to evaluate the influence of increasing doses of different origin humates on i) basic properties of contaminated soils; ii) mobility and bioavailability of HMs; iii) vegetation state and chemistry. In summer 2013 a model field experiment was provided in natural conditions of the Kola Peninsula. We investigated the Al-Fe-humus abrazem, soil type that dominates in technogenic barren lands around the "Severonikel" work. These soils are strongly acid: pHH2O was 3.7-4.1; pHKCl was 3.4-4.0. The exchangeable acidity is low (0.8-1.6 cmol(+)/kg) due to the depletion of fine particles and organic matter, being the carriers of exchange positions. The abrazems of barrens had lost organic horizon. 12 sites were created in 1 km from the work. In those sites, except 2 controls, various amendments were added: i) two different by it's origin types of humates: peat-humates and coal-humates, the last were in concentrations 0.5% and 1%; ii) lime; iii) NPK-fertilizer; iv) biomates (organic degradable cover for saving warm and erosion protection). As a test-culture a grass mixture with predominance of Festuca rubra and Festuca ovina was sowed. As a result we concluded that humates of different origin have unequal influence on soil properties and cause decreasing as well as

  15. Analysis of G × E interaction using the additive main effects and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This experiment were conducted on the 3 cultivars of potato (Agria, Satina and Caesar) and 4 irrigation regimes (after 30 mm evaporation from class A evaporation pan, after 30 mm evaporation from class A evaporation pan with spraying by potassium humate, after 60 mm evaporation with spraying by potassium humate ...

  16. Lignite pre-treatment and its effect on bio-stimulative properties of respective lignite humic acids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vlckova, Z.; Grasset, L.; Antosova, B.; Pekar, M.; Kucerik, J. [Brno University of Technology, Brno (Czech Republic). Faculty of Chemistry


    Humic acids originating from South-Moravian lignite were subjected to a comparative study with the aim to assess the alteration of their physico-chemical properties after various lignite pre-treatments. Physical modification was achieved with two organic acids, such as acetic acid and citric acid and chemical modification by nitric acid and hydrogene peroxide in various concentrations. Elemental analysis, solid-state NMR, GC-MS analysis of polyols and size exclusion chromatography were carried out for chemical-physical characterization of obtained humic acids. Their biological effect, in form of potassium and ammonium humates, was tested on maize (Zea mays) seedlings. In these tests, potassium humates achieved far better overall results than ammonium humates. Results were inter-correlated in order to appraise the influence of humic acids physical and chemical properties on biological activity. Surprisingly, fractions with the lowest molecular size (0-35 kDa) showed no correlation with bioactivity results (Pearson coefficient from 0.05 to -0.4). On the contrary, middle-sized fractions (35-175 kDa) showed highly significant positive correlation (Pearson coefficient up to 0.92) and the highest molecular-size-fractions (275-350 kDa) showed negative correlation (Pearson coefficient up to -0.75). These findings were identical for both potassium and ammonium humates. No connection was found between bioactivity of humates and polyols content which was remarkably high; it reached 150 mg per g of humic acids in the most extreme case of 5% hydrogene peroxide pre-treatment. In the final analysis, the preparation mode bore pivotal responsibility for the control of humic acids biological effect and showed the best results for potassium humates obtained from lignite pre-treated by acetic acid and by 2% hydrogen peroxide.

  17. Pengaruh Beberapa Dosis Kompos Dan Azolla ( Azolla Pinnata R. B ) Segar Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil 2 Varietas Tanaman Wortel ( Daucus Carotta L. )


    Huda, M. Syahrial; Widaryanto, Eko; Nugroho, Agung


    Wortel termasuk jenis sayuran umbi yang bernilai ekonomis penting di dunia. Salah satu factor budidaya wortel adalah tanah yang tidak hanya sebagai media akar tanaman namun sebagai media tanaman dapat menyerap nutrisi, air dan oksigen. Salah satu peranan bahan organik adalah memperbaiki sifat fisik tanah. Azolla (Azolla pinnata) ialah tumbuhan paku air yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan organik untuk memperbaiki agregat tanah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk dapat mengetahui pengaruh dosis kom...

  18. Competition effect of some metal ions on the complexation of strontium with humic acid. Vol. 4

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Helal, A A; Aly, H F; Imam, D M; Khalifa, S M [Atomic Energy Authorty, Cairo (Egypt)


    Interaction of radioactive strontium with humic acid present in water streams is of main importance to learn about the fate of strontium in case of accidental release. In this work, formation of Sr-humate precipitate was studied radiometrically and colorimetric at different PH`s. The investigations indicated that formation of the precipitated complex increases with increasing strontium concentration till saturation. The competition effect of other cations in solution such as Ca, Mg, Ba, and Ni was investigated. The humate complexes of these cations were studied colorimetric, and the competition behaviour was investigated using the radiotracer of strontium. The results indicated that presence of Ba, Mg and Ni decreases the Sr-humate complex, while increasing Ca concentration enhances precipitation of Sr with humic acid. 10 figs.

  19. Efektivitas Pupuk Organik Dan Pupuk N Pada Pertumbuhan Bibit Eboni (Diospyros Celebica Bakh.)


    Siregar, Hartutiningsih M; Utami, Ning Wikan


    Eboni (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) merupakan tanaman keras dan termasuk jenis kayu mewah yang tumbuh alami di Sulawesi.Masalah yang dihadapi adalah pertumbuhan bibit yang lamban sehingga diperlukan percobaan tentang media pertumbuhan bibit yang sesuai. Bahan yang digunakan adalah bibit eboni berumur 6 bulan dengan pertumbuhan seragam.Percobaan I: Bibit ditanam pada polybag berkapasitas 5 kg yang masing-masing berisi campuran media tanam yakni A (tanah); B (tanah:kompos = 1:1); C (tanah:pupuk ka...


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    Yulius Gae Lada


    menggunakan alat sangrai dari alumunium, besi dan tanah liat menghasilkan profil senyawa volatil yang berbeda. Dari kromatogram SPME-GC-MS diketahui bahwa alat sangrai dari tanah liat menghasilkan kelompok senyawa dan total luas area yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan alat sangrai dari alumunium dan besi. Cokelat batang yang dihasilkan melalui perendaman dan disangrai menggunakan alat sangrai dari tanah liat adalah yang paling disukai oleh panelis. Kata kunci: Perendaman, bahan alat sangrai, biji kakao sangrai, profil senyawa volatil, cokelat batang


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    Martiah Akhdianti


    Full Text Available Kintap coastal area is one of the areas that developed as a coastal fishery production.    Area-based coastal fisheries as Kintap Muara district is consisting of the main activities of fishing activity in the form of Fish Landing Base (PPI with a variety of amenities. Coastal areas in the village of Muara Kintap pattern fisheries are people who are known to pattern  middlemen (Indonesian : penyambang and developed since 2003. Study was conducted to see how the existence determines penyambang ships for fishing communities and the fishing estuary fishing port Kintap with : identifying the impact of fishing communities penyambang vessel catch and fishing port Muara Kintap; analyze business profits as penyambang ship; formulate strategy development as a fishing port economic zone fisheries. Technique uses qualitative and quantitative methods with a descriptive approach. The existence of the ship penyambang was a positive impact on fishermen catch. Fishermen catch will work more effectively and provide capital as a form of business development, while for the Port of Muara Kintap, penyambang ship has negatif impact on the port becauses penyambang ship can not be loading and unloading in the port. So that data from the catches of fishermen willnot be sould to penyambang as data the basis for determining the policy is difficult to know and retribution for PAD port no.  Average profit businesses penyambang vessel during fishing season is Rp. 2.773.611,00 per month while the crew (ABK get Rp.1.386.806, 00 per month and crew still above the local minimum wage (UMR South Kalimantan Province of  Rp. 1.337.500.00. Fishing harbor in the village of Muara Kintap, Tanah Laut District as district fisheries economy still needs a better development strategy so that the presence of the ship penyambang can contribute to Improved Income (PAD Kintap Estuary Fishery Port.

  2. PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT PESISIR TERHADAP KELESTARIAN HUTAN MANGROVE (Studi Kasus Di Desa Kuala Tambangan Kecamatan Takisung Kabupaten Tanah Laut

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    Nurul Huda Safitri


    Full Text Available The research was implemented in the village of Kuala Tambangan Takisung District Tanah Laut Regency. Specifically this study aims: 1. Analyze the level of community participation in conservation of coastal mangrove forests, 2. Analyze the factors related to personal participation in the preservation of mangrove forests. The variables observed were: age, education level, income, occupation, activity and participation level in the organization with the indicator; participation in the planning phase, implementation phase and monitoring phase. To see the factors that influence personal participation rates used in analysis of serial correlation (r ser, to know the correlation of community participation with the age, education and  income. Using analysis of contingency coefficient (KK, for measurements with the nominal scale is occupation and the ordinal scale is community participation and Spearman correlation analysis (rs, to measure whether or not the relationship between the two ordinal variables that activity within the organization means that rs is a measure of the level/degree of relationship between two ordinal data. The participation rate with 84 respondents coastal village of Kuala Tambang communities in the preservation of mangrove forests by 42 %, as the stage level of participation at this stage of planning, implementation, and monitoring is low amounting to between 20-50%. There is a significant relationship between personal factors that work with a very significant level of participation by the contingency coefficient (KK = 0.63%. Activity in the organization with the level of participation by the coefficient spearman = 0.60. Education with a significant level of participation by the serial correlation = 0.42. Revenue by a significant level of the participation by the serial correlation = 0.26.

  3. Optimalisasi Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan Aset Tanah dan Bangunan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN yang Melaksanakan Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum (PK BLU0 dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Pelayanan Pendidikan

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    Dewi Kania Sugiharti


    Full Text Available Abstrak Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum (PTN-PK BLU merupakan instansi pemerintah yang diberi kewenangan untuk melakukan pengelolaan keuangan badan layanan umum, dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan bidang pendidikan kepada masyarakat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Fleksibilitas dalam pengelolaan keuangan PTNPKBLU berdasarkan prinsip ekonomi dan produktivitas, serta penerapan praktik bisnis yang sehat. Berdasarkan PP Nomor 23 Tahun 2005 dan PP Nomor 6 Tahun 2006 sebagaimana telah diubah dengan PP Nomor 38 Tahun 2008, fleksibilitas tersebut hanya berlaku dalam pengelolaan keuangan. Tanah dan bangunan yang berada dalam penguasaan PTNPKBLU, wajib dipergunakan sesuai dengan tugas pokok dan fungsi PTNPKBLU tersebut. Secara normatif, tidak ada ketentuan yang memberikan wewenang kepada kuasa pengguna barang untuk memanfaatkannya untuk tujuan lain. Aturan memberi peluang untuk mendayagunakan barang milik negara yang tidak dipergunakan sesuai dengan tugas pokok dan fungsi, yaitu dalam bentuk sewa, pinjam pakai, kerja sama pemanfaatan, dan bangun serah guna/bangun guna serah dengan tidak mengubah status kepemilikan, namun pemanfaatan tersebut hanya dapat dilakukan oleh pengelola barang, bukan oleh kuasa pengguna barang. Dalam hal ini, kuasa pengguna barang milik negara hanya berwenang dan bertanggung jawab untuk menyerahkan tanah dan/atau bangunan yang tidak dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan penyelenggaraan tugas pokok dan fungsi kantor yang dipimpinnya tersebut, kepada pengguna barang. Abstract State University implementing PK BLU is a government agency with the right to use Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum (PK BLU to better increase educational service in order to improve the intellectual life of the people of Indonesia. Flexibility in a State University implementing PK BLU has to be based on economic principles, productivity, and fairness. Based on Government Regulation 23/2005 and Government


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    Njo Anastasia


    Full Text Available In the same area, the land price had variation caused land characteristics. That is internal factor (lot size, frontage, wide of road, and facing and factor external (economic, politic, and social. This research discusses the market value of property in Pakuwon Indah, Graha Famili, and CitraRaya housing estates with regression model to reduce valuer subjectivity based on internal factor. The result showed at Pakuwon Indah, wide of road influenced the market value of land. At Graha Famili and CitraRaya, market value of land influenced by the lot size and wide of road. The market value of housing at CitraRaya influenced by size of building, number of bedroom, facing to the west and to the east, marble floor quality, and story of building. The other result showed that difference market value indication and listing price at Pakuwon Indah and Graha Famili about 11%-12%, but at CitraRaya the difference is 1%.. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Dalam kawasan yang sama, harga tanah dapat bervariasi disebabkan karakteristik tanah tersebut yaitu faktor internal (luas tanah, frontage, lebar jalan, dan arah hadap dan faktor eksternal (kondisi ekonomi, politik dan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari indikasi nilai pasar properti di perumahan Pakuwon Indah, Graha Famili, dan CitraRaya dengan model regresi untuk mengurangi subyektifitas penilai berdasarkan faktor internal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan di Pakuwon Indah, lebar jalan mempengaruhi nilai tanah. Di Graha Famili dan CitraRaya nilai tanah dipengaruhi oleh luas tanah dan lebar jalan. Sedangkan untuk nilai rumah di CitraRaya dipengaruhi oleh luas bangunan, jumlah kamar tidur, hadap rumah ke Barat dan Timur, kualitas lantai marmer, dan tingkat bangunan. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan adanya perbedaan 11%-12% antara indikasi nilai pasar dengan harga listing untuk tanah di Pakuwon Indah dan Graha Famili, sedangkan untuk rumah di CitraRaya terjadi perbedaaan sekitar 1%. Kata kunci: faktor internal

  5. Potensi Bencana Geologi Pada Penambangan Emas dan Lempung di Desa Cihonje Kecamatan Gumelar Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Asmoro Widagdo


    Full Text Available Desa Cihonje di Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas, memiliki sumber daya mineral seperti emas dan tanah liat kaolin. Kedua mineral ini telah dilakukaneksploitasi oleh masyarakat setempat. Pemanfaatan sumber daya ini telah memberikan kemakmuran bagi warga setempat. Namun, upaya pertambangan tidak dalam kondisi baik dan masih belum berlisensi. Penggalian emas dan tanah liat di sekitar area perumahan telah membawa dampak yang sangat mengkhawatirkan terhadap keselamatan para penambang dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini pada potensi bencana yang mungkin menjadi ancaman bagi masyarakat setempat dilakukan dengan pengamatan langsung. observasi lapangan ini dilakukan dengan memetakan lokasi operasi pertambangan, perubahan lingkungan dilakukan deskripsi, mengambil gambar dan wawancara dengan penduduk dan para penambang. pertambangan emas primer mengambil urat mineral dengan membuat sumur vertikal dan horizontal. sumur ini sangat dalam dan mencapai puluhan meter. Hal ini telah mengancam keselamatan para penambang, mengganggu penggunaan lahan sebagai daerah pertanian, yang mempengaruhi ketersediaan sumber air tanah, menyebabkan tanah longsor dan mencemari sumber air sungai. pertambangan emas sekunder pada deposito aluvial di tepi sungai telah menyebabkan kerusakan lahan pertanian, erosi sungai dan pencemaran air. Pertambangan tanah liat telah menyebabkan perubahan dalam pengaturan lingkungan dan potensi longsor.


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    Afita Lianawati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis bagaimana tingkat efektivitas dan konstribusi penerimaan pajak BPHTB terhadap PAD di Kabupaten Semarang setelah pengalihan 2011-2014. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis pertumbuhan pajak BPHTB selama dipungut oleh Pemerintah Daerah, analisis efektivitas digunakan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pencapaian target pajak BPHTB, analisis konstribusi digunakan untuk melihat seberapa besar sumbangan pajak BPHTB dan analisis forcasting untuk mengetahui bagaimana proyeksi penerimaan pajak BPHTB di Kabupaten Semarang. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kondisi penerimaan pajak BPHTB selama periode setelah pengalihan tahun 2011-2014 mengalami pertumbuhan yang baik di tahun 2012  namun pada tahun 2014 pajak PBHTB menurun. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah pertumbuhan pajak BPHTB berfluktuatif, pemungutan pajak BPHTB di Kabupaten Semarang selama empat tahun setelah pengalihan tergolong sangat efektif dengan rata-rata efektivitas 109%, konstribusi pajak BPHTB terhadap PAD sangat kurang dengan rata-rata 8,87%,  dan proyeksi pajak pada tahun 2015-2017 mengalami kenaikan, ada 2 kendala yang dihadapi Dinas Pendapatan Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset Daerah (DPPKAD yaitu kendala yang bersifat internal dan eksternal. Saran yang berkaitan dengan hasil penelitian ini yaitu Pemerintah Daerah bergerak cepat dalam menilai dan mendata langsung kelapangan sehingga potensi pajak BPHTB dapat dipungut secara maksimal, Kementerian dan Agraria segera memformulasikan NJOP dengan menerapkan Zona Nilai Tanah (ZNT.  Purpose of this study was to analyze how the effectiveness and contribution of tax revenue to the Local Revenue BPHTB in Semarang district during the period after the transfer of 2011-2014. The data used is four years from 2011-2014. Data were collected by interview, observation, documentation. In the method of data analysis using growth analysis is used to determine how the growth trend BPHTB tax Effectiveness Analysis is used

  7. Pendugaan Kedalaman Paisan dan Resistivitas Batuan dengan Metode Geolistrik di Daerah Temon Kabupaten Kulonprogo Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Rudi Hartono


    Full Text Available Intrusi air laut ke daratan (air tanah sering dijumpai di daerah-daerah pantai. Dengan terjadinya intrusi maka kualitas air tanah menjadi berubah dan mungkin tidak dapat lagi digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air rumah tanga. Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah Temon Kabupaten Kulonprogo DIY, yang merupakan daerah pantai, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui resistivitas (tahanan jenis dan kedalaman lapisan-lapisan batuannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode geolistrik Schlumberger dengan interprestasi datanya secara manual. Berdasarkan interprestasi data penelitian maka dapat diperkirakan bahwa lapisan batuan di daerah penelitian terdiri dari: (1 batuan lembab mengandung air tanah dangkal dengan kedalaman 1,5 meter dengan resistivitas 6,8 ohm/m; (2 lapisan batuan kedap air pada kedalaman 20 meter dengan resistivitas 22,0 ohm/m; (3 batuan/akifer mengandung air tanah dalam pada kedalaman 100 meter dengan resistivitas 6,8 ohm/m; dan (4 batuan/akifer mengandung air asin pada kedalaman 200 meter dengan resistivitas 2,5 ohm/m.

  8. Sanitasi, Higiene Perorangan, dan Pencemaran Tanah oleh Cacing pada Kecacingan pada Anak di Kelurahan Liliba, Kecamatan Oebobo Kota Kupang, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Eni Sinaga


    Full Text Available Abstrak Penyakit kecacingan banyak ditemukan di daerah dengan kelembaban tinggi terutama pada kelompok masyarakat dengan higiene perorangan dan sanitasi lingkungan yang kurang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kondisi sanitasi, higiene perorangan, pencemaran tanah oleh cacing dengan kejadian kecacingan pada anak usia 1–5 tahun di Kelurahan Liliba, Kecamatan Oebobo Kota Kupang, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional study dilakukan pada Mei–November 2012. Sampel penelitian 50 anak usia 1–5 tahun sebanyak 50 orang yang diambil secara random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi kuadrat (X2 dengan program statistical product and service solution (SPSS. Prevalensi kecacingan pada anak usia 1-5tahun di Kelurahan Liliba adalah 38%. Hasil Uji chi kuadrat menunjukkan hanya ada satu variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian kecacingan di Liliba yaitu higiene perorangan (p=0,005. Variabel yang tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian kecacingan pada anak 1–5 tahun di Liliba yaitu kondisi sarana air bersih (p=0,07, kondisi jamban (p=0,128, dan pencemaran tanah oleh cacing (p=0,309. Penelitian ini membuktikan ada hubungan bermakna antara higiene perorangan dan kejadian kecacingan, sehingga diharapkan orangtua lebih memperhatikan higiene perorangan anaknya seperti memotong kuku, mencuci tangan setelah bermain dan sebelum makan, mencuci tangan setelah buang air besar dan memberikan alas kaki saat bermain. Dinkes Kota dan Puskesmas khususnya secara periodic setiap 6 bulan sekali diharapkan melakukan tindakan pencegahan dan penanggulangan kecacingan dengan penyuluhan dan pemberian obat cacing kepada anak usia 1–5 tahun. Kata kunci: Higiene perorangan, kecacingan, kondisi lingkungan   Sanitation, Personal Hygiene, and Helminth Contamination of Helminth infectionin Children at Liliba Subdistrict, Oebobo Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province Abstract Helminth infection was found


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    Wisnu Arya Gemilang


    Full Text Available Sebagian wilayah pesisir Pademawu dan sekitarnya, Pamekasan, dijumpai adanya air tanah payau hingga asin dengan pelamparan yang cukup luas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan sebaran air tanah asin hingga payau tersebut, baik pada akuifer dangkal maupun akuifer dalam dan juga untuk mengetahui penyebab keasinan air tanah tersebut. Sebaran air tanah asin dipetakan berdasarkan nilai daya hantar listrik (DHL dengan kriteria tingkat keasinan sebagaimana ditetapkan oleh Panitia Ad Hoc Intrusi Air Asin Jakarta. Sedangkan penyebab keasinan air tanah dianalisa berdasarkan fasies hidrokimia dengan diagram Trilinier Piper. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada akuifer dangkal air tanah agak payau hingga asin dengan nilai DHL > 15.000 µS/cm – 50.000 µS/cm dijumpai pada bagian Selatan Pademawu sepanjang pesisir pantai meliputi Padelegan, Jumiang, Tanjung, Manjungan dan Pademawu Timur. Sedangkan untuk air tanah dalam seluruhnya dalam kondisi tawar dengan nilai DHL < 1500 µS/cm, berada pada bagian Utara dari daerah penelitian meliputi kecamatan Tlanakan, Galis, Pamekasan dan  Larangan. Berdasarkan nilai DHL bahwa daerah bagian Utara penelitian tidak terdeteksi adanya proses penyusupan air laut pada air tanah.INDICATION OF SEA WATER INTRUSION IN COASTAL PADELEGAN, PADEMAWU AREAIn the part of Pademawu coastal areas, Pamekasan, was found brackish groundwater that spreading progressively. The purpose of this study was to map the distribution of salt to brackish groundwater, both in the shallow aquifer and the deep aquifer and also to find out the cause of the salinity of the ground water. Salt groundwater distribution was mapped based on the electrical conductivity (EC with a salinity level criteria as established by Panitia Ad Hoc Intrusi Air Asin Jakarta. While the causes of groundwater salinity were analyzed based on hydrochemical facies with Trilinier Piper diagram. The results showed that the shallow groundwater aquifers slightly brackish to


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    Suparmono Suparmono


    Full Text Available AbstractThis paper models land price for housing in Sleman district. It uses a multiple regression model to estimate the land price based on various variables. It finds six variables that influence the land price, namely the land width, width of the nearest road, width of the nearest main road, distance to the nearest main road, distance to Yogyakarta ring road, and the travel time to Gadjah Mada University campus. It also finds four insignificant variables, namely distance to Malioboro road, distance to Gadjah Mada University campus, travel time to Yogyakarta ring road, and travel time to Malioboro. Keyword: Land price, center of business district, accessibilityJEL classification numbers: D46, D49AbstrakPaper ini memodelkan harga tanah untuk perumahan di Kabupaten Sleman menggunakan model regresi berganda untuk memperkirakan harga tanah berdasarkan berbagai variabel. Paper ini menemukan enam variabel yang mempengaruhi harga tanah, yaitu lebar tanah, lebar jalan terdekat, lebar jalan utama terdekat, jarak ke jalan utama terdekat, jarak ke jalan lingkar Yogyakarta, dan waktu perjalanan ke Universitas Gadjah Mada. Paper ini juga menemukan empat variabel yang tidak signifikan, yaitu jarak ke jalan Malioboro, jarak ke kampus Universitas Gadjah Mada, waktu tempuh ke jalan lingkar Yogyakarta, dan waktu tempuh ke Malioboro.Keyword: Harga tanah, center of business district, aksesibilitasJEL classification numbers: D46, D49


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    Urip Santoso


    Full Text Available Status of land that can be controlled by the local government is the right of use and the right of management. The right of management can be the object of Agreement on Build, Operate, and Transfer between the local government and the company. Then, the company gets the right of management through the Government Decision which is written up in to a form of Decree of Granting Rights. In the last term of the Agreement on Build, Operate, and Transfer, the land and the building with all support facilities submitted by company to the local government.   Status tanah yang dapat dikuasai oleh pemerintah kabupaten/kota adalah hak pakai dan hak pengelolaan. Tanah yang berstatus hak pengelolaan pemerintah kabupaten/kota yang dapat menjadi objek Perjanjian Banguna Guna Serah dengan Perseroan Terbatas. Perseroan Terbatas mendapatkan hak guna bangunan atas tanah hak pengelolaan melalui Penetapan Pemerintah dalam bentuk Surat Keputusan Pemberian Hak. Pada akhir masa Perjanjian Banguna Guna Serah, tanah dan bangunan beserta sarana pendukungnya diserahkan oleh Perseroan Terbatas kepada pemerintah kabupaten/kota.


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    Urip Santoso


    Full Text Available Status of land that can be controlled by the local government is the right of use and the right of management. The right of management can be the object of Agreement on Build, Operate, and Transfer between the local government and the company. Then, the company gets the right of management through the Government Decision which is written up in to a form of Decree of Granting Rights. In the last term of the Agreement on Build, Operate, and Transfer, the land and the building with all support facilities submitted by company to the local government. Status tanah yang dapat dikuasai oleh pemerintah kabupaten/kota adalah hak pakai dan hak pengelolaan. Tanah yang berstatus hak pengelolaan pemerintah kabupaten/kota yang dapat menjadi objek Perjanjian Banguna Guna Serah dengan Perseroan Terbatas. Perseroan Terbatas mendapatkan hak guna bangunan atas tanah hak pengelolaan melalui Penetapan Pemerintah dalam bentuk Surat Keputusan Pemberian Hak. Pada akhir masa Perjanjian Banguna Guna Serah, tanah dan bangunan beserta sarana pendukungnya diserahkan oleh Perseroan Terbatas kepada pemerintah kabupaten/kota.

  13. KEARIFAN LOKAL PENGGUNAAN KAYU GELAM DALAM TANAH RAWA GAMBUT DI KALIMANTAN TENGAH (Local Wisdom of Utilization of Gelam Wood on Peatswamp Land of Central Kalimantan

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    Wahyu Supriyati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Masyarakat di daerah rawa gambut memerlukan kayu sebagai cerucuk atau tiang pancang rumah. Kayu Gelam (Maleleuca sp ditemukan melimpah di hutan rawa gambut di Kalimantan. Kayu Gelam termasuk kelas awet 3 yang berarti hanya dapat dipergunakan di bila berhubungan dengan tanah selama 3 tahun. Kenyataan yang ada kayu Gelam sebagai cerucuk /tiang pancang rumah dalam tanah rawa tetap kuat lebih selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Pemanfaatan kayu ini mendukung untuk konservasi hutan rawa gambut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melestarikan hutan di peatwamp melalui penghematan pemanfaatan kayu yaitu dengan mempelajari pengaruh lama penimbunan dan letak radial terhadap sifat fisika, mekanika dan kandungan silika kayu Gelam. Penelitian dilakukan pada kayu Gelam yang telah ditimbun dalam rawa gambut selama 10, 19, 31 dan 38 tahun. Sifat kayu yang dianalisis adalah sifat fisika mekanika mengikuti BS No 373. Uji silika dengan spektrometer. Analisis menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan faktorial. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa lama penimbunan meningkatkan berat jenis kayu Gelam secara signifikan. Semakin lama penimbunan, semakin tinggi berat jenis (0,54-0,75. Persamaan yang diperoleh Y=0,449+0,063x1+0,01x2 (Y=BJ kering tanur, x1= lama penimbunan, x2= letak radial. Pengaruh lama penimbunan pada kekerasan sejalan dengan BJ. Kadar silika kayu Gelam meningkat dengan semakin lama penimbunan. Lama penimbunan (10-38 tahun meningkatkan BJ kering tanur 28,13 %, kekerasan 12,83%; kandungan silika 1,25%. Penggunaan kayu Gelam merupakan kearifan lokal yang terbukti melestarikan lingkungan karena menghemat pemanfaatan kayu yang dinyatakan dengan kualitas kayu Gelam yang relatif tidak menurun dalam penimbunan. ABSTRACT Local community on peatswamp area need woods as poles. Gelam (Maleleuca sp wood is found abundantly in peatswamp forest area in Kalimantan. It is 3th durability class and expected to withstand up to three years of utilitation outdoor. However, gelam

  14. Resistance of polyvinyl alcohol blends stabilized by sodium and ammonium salts of lignite humic acids against γ-irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barbora Bakajova; Jiri Kucerik; Michal Ilcin; Oga Hola


    The dried blends containing sodium and ammonium salts of lignite humic acids (humates, 0.5-10% w/w) in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were exposed to high dosage of γ-irradiation in the range of doses 127-806 kGy. Resulted products were then tested for their stability using thermogravimetrical analysis. As a reference the non-treated blends were used since the pure PVA exposed to γ-irradiation very quickly lost its stability and resulting consistence did not allow the stability tests. Stabilities showed a strong concentration and counterion dependency. While sodium counterion caused mostly destabilization with increasing dose, the ammonium counterion acted in an opposite way. The tests carried out in a moisturizing container revealed the changes in water absorbing capacity of irradiated samples and allowed partial explanation of humate stabilizing effect. Generally, at lower concentration of a humate the increase was observed with an increase in the γ-irradiation dose and vice versa. The results confirmed the antioxidant and stabilizing effect of humic acids added to some synthetic polymers and their applicability in materials exposed to γ-irradiation. (author)

  15. Late Quaternary lake-level changes constrained by radiocarbon and stable isotope studies on sediment cores from Lake Titicaca, South America (United States)

    Rowe, Harold D.; Guilderson, Thomas P.; Dunbar, Robert B.; Southon, John R.; Seltzer, Geoffrey O.; Mucciarone, David A.; Fritz, Sherilyn C.; Baker, Paul A.


    We present and compare AMS- 14C geochronologies for sediment cores recovered from Lake Titicaca, South America. Radiocarbon dates from three core sites constrain the timing of late Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes in the Central Andes and highlight the site-specific factors that limit the radiocarbon geochronometer. With the exception of mid-Holocene sediments, all cores are generally devoid of macrophyte fragments, thus bulk organic fractions are used to build core chronologies. Comparisons of radiocarbon results for chemically defined fractions (bulk decalcified, humate, humin) suggest that ages derived from all fractions are generally coherent in the post-13,500 yr BP time interval. In the pre-13,500 yr BP time interval, ages derived from humate extracts are significantly younger (300-7000 years) than ages from paired humin residues. Gross age incoherencies between paired humate and humin sub-fractions in pre-13,500 yr BP sediments from all core sites probably reflect the net downward migration of humates. Ages derived from bulk decalcified fractions at our shallow water (90 m) and deep water (230 m) core sites consistently fall between ages derived from humate and humin sub-fractions in the pre-13,500 yr BP interval, reflecting that the bulk decalcified fraction is predominantly a mixture of humate and humin sub-fractions. Bulk decalcified ages from the pre-13,500 yr BP interval at our intermediate depth core site (150 m) are consistently older than humate (youngest) and humin sub-fractions. This uniform, reproducible pattern can be explained by the mobilization of a relatively older organic sub-fraction during and after the re-acidification step following the alkaline treatment of the bulk sediment. The inferred existence of this 'alkali-mobile, acid-soluble' sub-fraction implies a different depositional/post-depositional history that is potentially associated with a difference in source material. While internally consistent geochronologies can be

  16. EXAFS study on the neptunium(V) complexation by various humic acids under neutral pH conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sachs, S.; Schmeide, K.; Brendler, V.; Heise, K.H.; Bernhard, G. [Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V., Inst. of Radiochemistry, Dresden (Germany); Reich, T. [Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V., Inst. of Radiochemistry, Dresden (Germany); Univ. Mainz, Inst. of Nuclear Chemistry (Germany)


    The structure of Np(V) humic acid (HA) complexes at pH 7 was studied by extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis (EXAFS). For the first time, the influence of phenolic OH groups on the complexation of HA and Np(V) in the neutral pH range was investigated using modified HAs with blocked phenolic OH groups and Bio-Rex70, a cation exchange resin having only carboxyl groups as proton exchanging sites. The formation of Np(V) humate complexes was verified by near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Axial Np-O bond distances of 1.84-1.85 Aa were determined for the studied Np(V) humate complexes and the Np(V)-Bio-Rex70 sorbate. In the equatorial plane Np(V) is surrounded by about 3 oxygen atoms with bond lengths of 2.48-2.49 Aa. The comparison of the structural parameters of the Np(V) humates with those of Np(V)-Bio-Rex70 points to the fact that the interaction between HA and Np(V) in the neutral pH range is dominated by carboxylate groups. However, up to now a contribution of phenolic OH groups to the interaction process cannot be excluded completely. The comparison of the obtained structural data for the Np(V) humates to those of Np(V) carboxylates and Np(V) aquo ions reported in the literature indicates that humic acid carboxylate groups predominantly act as monodentate ligands. A differentiation between equatorial coordinated carboxylate groups and water molecules using EXAFS spectroscopy is impossible. (orig.)


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    I Wayan Intara


    Full Text Available Proyek Pembangunan The Nest Condotel merupakan salah satu upaya untuk memenuhi sarana dan prasarana pariwisata khusunya daerah Nusa Dua-Bali. Proyek ini dibangun di tengah-tengah pemukiman penduduk dan berdekatan dengan Pengolahan Limbah BTDC. Setelah dilaksanakan survei lapangan ada permasalahan yang dihadapi pada pembangunan proyek ini yaitu pada pengerjaan struktur basement. Kondisi muka air tanah lebih tinggi daripada rencana pemukaan galian lantai basement yang akan dibuat. Di samping itu, kondisi tanah yang kurang baik dengan kondisi tanah yang berpasir. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas perlu adanya pemilihan perencanaan metode penanganan muka air tanah yang paling tepat dalam pekerjaan  galian basement. Dewatering adalah proses penurunan muka air tanah pada suatu area tertentu dengan cara pemompaan dari sebuah sumur ataupun saluran. Tujuannya adalah untuk menjaga area galian tetap kering dalam proses konstruksi dan menjaga kestabilan lereng galian. Pemompaan dilakukan melalui sumur-sumur dewatering (dewatering well atau well point atau saluran-saluran (sump dengan menggunakan pompa submersible (submersible pump. Dengan demikian penggalian basement bisa dikerjakan dengan baik. Penelitian ini adalah menentukan metode pelaksanaan pekerjaan dewatering yang paling tepat dari metode-metode pelaksanaan yang mungkin untuk dilaksankan berdasarkan biaya, waktu, dan dampak terhadap lingkungan. Metodelogi yang digunakan untuk analisis data adalah menganalisis metode-metode pelaksanaan yang ada dan dari hasil analisis akan ditetapkan metode pelaksanaan terbaik. Hasil analisis dari beberapa metode pelaksanaan yang ada untuk pekerjaan dewatering digunakan adalah predrainage dan open pumping, metode yang terpilih yaitu open pumping adalah metode terbaik untuk dilaksanakan pada proyek tersebut dengan biaya yang terendah, waktu pelaksanaan yang lebih cepat, dan dampak lingkungan yang dapat diminimalisir

  18. Perubahan Entitas Palestina Oleh Pbb Dan Eksistensinya Sebagai Negara Pemantau Non Anggota


    Utami, Windy Widya


    Konflik Israel-Palestina bermula ketika dikeluarkannya resolusi PBB yang membagi tanah Palestina menjadi dua bagian. Israel mendapatkan tanah lebih luas sementara Palestina mendapat bagian yang lebih kecil. Konflik semakin memuncak ketika Israel mendirikan Negara Israel pada tahun 1948 di Palestina berdasarkan resolusi tersebut. Konflik terus berlangsung, tak sedikit masyarakat sipil baik dari Palestina maupun Israel yang menjadi korban. Palestina adalah sebuah Negara yang sedang memperjuangk...


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    Idin Saepudin Ruhimat


    Full Text Available Hutan rakyat memiliki peranan penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Optimasi terhadap peranan penting hutan rakyat dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan perhatian kepada faktor psikologis yang berpengaruh terhadap keputusan petani dalam membangun hutan rakyat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor psikologis (sikap, persepsi, dan motivasi terhadap keputusan petani dalam membangun hutan rakyat di Desa Ranggang baik secara bersama-sama maupun masing-masing. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Ranggang, Kecamatan Takisung, Kabupatan Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian survey eksplanasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analasis jalur (path analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1 faktor  psikologis yang terdiri dari sikap, persepsi dan motivasi  secara bersama-sama berpengaruh nyata sebesar 52,90 % terhadap keputusan petani dalam membangun hutan rakyat di Desa Ranggang, dan (2 faktor  psikologis yang terdiri dari sikap, persepsi dan motivasi  secara masing-masing berpengaruh nyata sebesar 12,60 % untuk sikap, 11,36 % untuk persepsi, dan 9,86 % untuk motivasi terhadap keputusan petani dalam membangun hutan rakyat di Desa Ranggang. Community forest has an important role in Indonesian life. Optimization of the important role of community forest can be done by giving attention to the psychological factors that influence farmers' decisions in community forests development. This study aims to determine the influence of psychological factors (attitudes, perceptions, and motivations to farmers decision in community forest development in Ranggang Village either jointly or respectively. This Study was conducted in Ranggang Village, District Takisung, South Kalimantan use quantitative research design with explanatory survey research methods. Data were analyzed using path analysis. The results showed (1 psychological factors consisting of attitudes, perceptions and

  20. Probabilitas Tegangan Sentuh Dan Tegangan Langkah Di Lokasi Rencana Gardu Induk 500 kV Antosari

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    Abdul Latif


    Full Text Available Semakin berkembangnya pertindustrian di Indonesia, maka kebutuhan daya listrik yang dibutuhkan semakin meningkat. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan daya listrik tersebut pada tahun 2016, PT PLN (Persero merencanakan pembangunan GITET 500 kV Antosari. Pembangunan GITET 500 kV Antosari merupakan tindak lanjut dari rencana PT PLN (Persero yang akan menambah pasokan energi listrik ke Bali melalui sistem interkoneksi Jawa – Bali menggunakan jaringan transmisi SUTET 500 kV, dimulai dari GITET 500 kV Paiton dan akan sampai di GITET 500 kV Antosari. Untuk mengamankan gardu induk dari ancaman sambaran petir, salah satu cara yang digunakan adalah dengan mengamankan sistem perntanahan dilokasi gardu induk. Maka dipilih sistem pentanahan grid di lokasi rencana pembangunan Gardu Induk 500 kV Antosari. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis perbandingan ukuran luas pentanahan dengan kedalaman batang konduktor terhadap tahanan pentanahan grid, tegangan sentuh, tegangan langkah dan probabilitas timbulnya tegangan sentuh dan tegangan langkah. Data tahanan tanah yang didapatkan dari pengukuran secara langsung digunakan untuk mengetahui  nilai tahanan jenis tanah kemudian digunakan untuk menghitung tahanan pentanahan grid, tegangan sentuh, tegangan langkah dan probabilitas tegangan sentuh dan tegangan langkah. Perhitungan tahanan pentanahan grid menggunakan persamaan IEEE, Standard 80-2000 sedangkan untuk perhitungan tegangan sentuh dan tegangan langkah menggunakan IEEE, Standard 665-1995. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di lokasi gardu induk untuk kondisi tanah basah dengan luas grid 3 m x 3 m dan kedalaman 5 m didapatkan nilai tahanan pentanahan grid 0,49 ohm dan nilai tegangan langkah 125 volt dengan probabilitas 0,72%. Sedangkan untuk kondisi tanah kering dengan luas grid 3 m x 3m dan kedalaman 5 didapatkan nilai tahanan pentanahan grid 1,11 ohm dan nilai tegangan langkah 281 volt dengan probabilitas 0,72%. Dari hasil analisis juga menunjukan dengan luas grid 3 m x 3

  1. Kajian Penggunaan Pupuk Hayati untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Akar Gada (Plasmodiophora brassicae pada Tanaman Sawi Daging

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    Diding Rachmawati


    Full Text Available Pada budidaya tanaman sawi daging (pakcoi  dijumpai berbagai masalah  serius  yang menghambat upaya peningkatan produksi dan kualitas hasil. Salah satu kendala utama adalah penyakit tular tanah yang disebabkan oleh cendawan Plasmopara brassicae Wor . Serangan patogen tular tanah dapat menekan produksi tanaman hortikultura secara significan. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk mengendalikan patogen tular tanah antara lain dengan menggunakan bekterisida sistemik . Salah satu alternatif pengendalian yang paling prospektif adalah dengan menggunakan pupuk hayati yang telah diperkaya dengan mikroorganisme. antara lain bakteri selulotik, Azotobacter sp., Azospirillium sp., Rhizobium sp., Pseudomonas sp., Lactobacillus sp., dan  bakteri pelarut fosfat yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki struktur tanah dan mengendalikan penyakit tular tanah. Penelitian dilakukan di kebun percobaan Karangploso BPTP Jatim,  pada bulan Januari sampai dengan April 2014, menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok, 4 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan. Perlakuan  terdiri dari  : A = Pupuk hayati dosis 15 kg/ha,   B = Pupuk hayati dosis 30 kg/ha,  C = Pupuk hayati dosis 45 kg/ha, D = Cara petani. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas pupuk hayati dalam mengendalikan penyakit akar gada  P.brassicae  pada tanaman sawi daging. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk hayati dosis 45 kg/ha dapat memberikan pertumbuhan yang baik terhadap tinggi tanaman ( 26,50 cm, jumlah daun (21 helai, lebar tajuk (33,25 cm, panjang akar (14,38 cm dan bobot/tanaman (380 g/tanaman. Persentase serangan penyakit akar gada terendah juga ditunjukkan oleh pemberian pupuk hayati dosis 45 kg/ha, yaitu sebesar 1,75 % dan penekanan penyakit sebesar 70,83 %.Kata Kunci : Brassica juncea, pupuk hayati, penyakit bengkak akar

  2. Faktor-faktor yang Mengakibatkan Perceraian dalam Perkawinan

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    Armansyah Matondang


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify factors that lead to divorce in the Village of Hope Tanah Pinem Dairi. The study population was Muslim communities have been divorced and remarried totaling 120 households. These samples included 30 heads of families who are Muslims and have been divorced and remarried to the sample in this study were randomly (random sampling. The results showed that the factors that lead to divorce in the household in the village of Hope Tanah Pinem Dairi, among others, namely: fakor young age, economic factors, factors not yet have offspring and factors husband often be harsh to be the cause of divorce in the Village of Hope. Happens result of Divorce in the Village of Hope Tanah Pinem Dairi is the loss of filial affection and Loosening of family relationship between the wife and husband

  3. The influence of humic acids derived from earthworm-processed organic wastes on plant growth

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Atiyeh, R.M.; Lee, S.; Edwards, C.A.; Arancon, N.Q.; Metzger, J.D. [Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (United States). Soil Ecology Lab.


    Some effects of humic acids, formed during the breakdown of organic wastes by earthworms (vermicomposting), on plant growth were evaluated. In the first experiment, humic acids were extracted from pig manure vermicompost using the classic alkali/acid fractionation procedure and mixed with a soilless container medium (Metro-Mix 360), to provide a range of 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 mg of humate per kg of dry weight of container medium, and tomato seedlings were grown in the mixtures. In the second experiment, humates extracted from pig manure and food wastes vermicomposts were mixed with vermiculite to provide a range of 0, 50, 125, 250, 500, 1000 and 4000 mg of humate per kg of dry weight of the container medium, and cucumber seedlings were grown in the mixtures. Both tomato and cucumber seedlings were watered daily with a solution containing all nutrients required to ensure that any differences in growth responses were not nutrient-mediated. The incorporation of both types of vermicompost-derived humic acids, into either type of soilless plant growth media, increased the growth of tomato and cucumber plants significantly, in terms of plant heights, leaf areas, shoot and root dry weights. Plant growth increased with increasing concentrations of humic acids incorporated into the medium up to a certain proportion, but this differed according to the plant species, the source of the vermicompost, and the nature of the container medium. Plant growth tended to be increased by treatments of the plants with 50-500 mg/kg humic acids, but often decreased significantly when the concentrations of humic acids derived in the container medium exceeded 500-1000 mg/kg. These growth responses were most probably due to hormone-like activity of humic acids from the vermicomposts or could have been due to plant growth hormones adsorbed onto the humates. (author)

  4. Effectiveness of Nutrition Education vs. Non-Nutrition Education Intervention in Improving Awareness Pertaining Iron Deficiency among Anemic Adolescents


    Hafzan Yusoff; Wan Nudri Wan Daud; Zulkifli Ahmad


    Background This study was carried out to compare the effect between nutrition education intervention and non-nutrition education intervention on awareness regarding iron deficiency among schooling adolescents in Tanah Merah, one of rural district in Kelantan, Malaysia. Methods: This study which was started in year 2010 involved 280 respondents (223 girls, 57 boys, age: 16 yr) from schools in Tanah Merah. The selection criteria were based on hemoglobin level (Hb = 7 ? 11.9 g/dL for girls; Hb =...

  5. Rancang Bangun Deteksi Jalur Pipa Terpendam Menggunakan Mobile Robot dengan Metal Detector

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    Dwi Indah Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Ketika melaksanakan pembangunan atau perbaikan sesuatu di dalam tanah diperlukan secara akurat mengetahui lokasi utilitas bawah tanah, seperti instalasi pipa logam dan kabel listrik. Sedangkan selama ini masih cenderung kurang adanya pemetaan jaringan utilitas bawah tanah yang jelas. Telah banyak kasus dan pihak yang dirugikan karena masalah ini, seperti kebocoran atau bahkan ledakan. Utilitas bawah tanah yang mengandung logam seperti pipa logam, dapat dideteksi dengan metal detector. Dalam penelitian ini, metal detector yang dibuat menggunakan prinsip beat frequency oscillator (BFO dimana prinsipnya memanfaatkan perubahan frekuensi untuk mendeteksi keberadaan logam. Mikrokontroller Arduino Uno digunakan dalam rangkaian metal detector sebagai frequency counter. Metal detector ini kemudian diaplikasikan sebagai sensor ke sebuah mobile robot. Dengan membaca data metal detector dari Arduino Uno, robot kemudian dapat bergerak mengikuti jalur pipa logam. Robot juga dilengkapi dengan sistem navigasi berdasarkan posisi GPS, sehingga posisi dan gerakan robot dapat diketahui. Pengujian dilakukan pada 3 jenis bahan logam, yaitu besi (ferromagnetik, alumunium (paramagnetik, dan seng (diamagnetik. Hasil pendeteksian paling kuat didapatkan pada bahan besi. Jarak deteksi sensor bervariasi tergantung konstruksi kumparan dan jenis benda logam yang diuji. Pada pengujian dengan pipa besi berdiameter 3 cm, sensor dapat mendeteksi maksimal pada jarak 10 cm tanpa halangan. Dalam aplikasi mobile robot, digunakan 3 sensor untuk mempermudah pendeteksian ketika ada jalur yang berkelok tajam.  

  6. Directives for Mangrove Forest and Coastal Forest Rehabilitation in Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Area in the Provinces of Manggroe Aceh Darussalam and Sumatera Utara (Nias Island, Indonesia

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    Cecep Kusmara


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Peristiwa gempa bumi dan tsunami yang melanda Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD dan Pulau Nias Sumatera Utara pada bulan Desember 2004 telah mengakibatkan rusaknya sebagian besar hutan mangrove dan hutan pantai di kedua wilayah tersebut. Berhubung kedua tipe hutan tersebut sangat penting untuk menopang kelangsungan hidup penduduk pantai, maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan arahan rehabilitasi hutan mangrove dan pantai yang rusak akibat tsunami di NAD dan Pulau Nias. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah pantai yang tanahnya berupa tanah mineral yang bukan lumpur dengan salinitas yang tinggi (di atas 10 0/00 seyogyanya ditanami oleh jenis mangrove eklusif (Rhizophora stylosa, R. apiculata, Sonneratia alba, Ceriops tagal dan Aegeciros floridum dan mangrove asosiat (Osbornea octodonta dan Scyphiphora sp., tanah bukan lumpur dengan salinitas rendah oleh berbagai jenis pohon hutan pantai (Casuarina equisetifolia, dan lain-lain, tanah lumpur bersalinitas tinggi oleh Avicenia spp. dan R. Mucronata; dan tanah gambut seyogyanya ditanami oleh Bruguiera gymnorrizha. Adapun lebar  jalur hijau vegetasi yang disarankan adalah minimal 225 m untuk wilayah NAD dan 211 m untuk wilayah pulau Nias. Untuk merealisasikan kegiatan rehabilitasi vegetasi pantai yang bersifat multitahun di NAD dan Nias maka kegiatan rehabilitasi tersebut harus ditempatkan dalam rangka pembangunan daerah Kata kunci: hutan mangrove, hutan pantai, jalur hijau, mangrove asosiat, mangrove eksklusif

  7. Analisis Laju Sedimen DAS Serayu Hulu dengan Menggunakan Model SWAT

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    Nugroho Christanto


    Full Text Available Wilayah DAS Serayu Hulu merupakan DAS prioritas yang memerlukan langkah pengelolaan yang komprehensif. Aplikasi model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT dapat digunakan sebagai media untuk  perencanaan konservasi ataupun evaluasi respon DAS (debit aliran permukaan, sedimen dan pencemaran sungai. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah menjalankan model SWAT di DAS Serayu Hulu untuk mengetahui laju sedimen di wilayah ini. Pemodelan SWAT membutuhkan sejumlah input parameter berupa relief, tanah, tutupan lahan dan pengelolaan lahan. Pedogeomorfologi digunakan sebagai batas satuan tanah karena tidak tersedianya peta tanah di wilayah penelitian. Hasil Penerapan model SWAT di DAS Serayu Hulu menghasilkan nilai yang cukup memuaskan, hal ini ditunjukkan nilai R2 mencapai 0,94. Hasil pemodelan SWAT dengan menggunakan data selama 10 tahun (2004-2013 menunjukkan bahwa DAS Serayu Hulu memiliki rerata hasil sedimen sebesar 1.926.900 ton/tahun. Sub DAS 8,9 11, 17, 18, dan 19 merupakan penghasil sedimen tertinggi di DAS Serayu Hulu dengan hasil sedimen 43.931– 121.434 ton/ha/tahun.

  8. Europium (III) and americium (III) stability constants with humic acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, R.A.; Choppin, G.R.


    The stability constants for tracer concentrations of Eu(III) and Am(III) complexes with a humic acid extracted from a lake-bottom sediment were measured using a solvent extraction system. The organic extractant was di(2-ethylhexyl)-phosphoric acid in toluene while the humate aqueous phase had a constant ionic strength of 0.1 M (NaClO 4 ). Aqueous humic acid concentrations were monitored by measuring uv-visible absorbances at approx.= 380 nm. The total carboxylate capacity of the humic acid was determined by direct potentiometric titration to be 3.86 +- 0.03 meq/g. The humic acid displayed typical characteristics of a polyelectrolyte - the apparent pKsub(a), as well as the calculated metal ion stability constants increased as the degree of ionization (α) increased. The binding data required a fit of two stability constants, β 1 and β 2 , such that for Eu, log β 1 = 8.86 α + 4.39, log β 2 = 3.55 α + 11.06 while for Am, log β 1 = 10.58 α + 3.84, log β 2 = 5.32 α + 10.42. With hydroxide, carbonate, and humate as competing ligands, the humate complex associated with the β 1 constant is calculated to be the dominant species for the trivalent actinides and lanthanides under conditions present in natural waters. (orig.)


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    Nur Hidayat


    Full Text Available With this reclamation  is expected that the land will be well and restore its function, so that the productivity of the soil can increase, resulting in added value for the environment and create thins are better.  The purpose of this research is to utilize  Centrosoma pubescens (Cp (LCC and Trichoderma as media to improve physical and chemical properties of soil by way of reclamation in former coal mine area. This research has been done on reclaimed damaged and poor nutrient land in 2015, with LCC planting and the Tricoderma biological agents to improve soil physical and chemical properties. Planting of  LCC and giving of trichoderma biological agent with duration of 6 months observation (deadly LCC plant after composting is done analysis of physical and chemical properties of soil after treatment to see the change then compared with data of laboratory result before being treated in the field the result obtained is analyzed with using the complete randomized and Least Significance Different test. Based on the results of the study, LCC and Trichoderma have a very significant effect on the variables of Ca, Mg, Na, K, Al, C Organic, H +, P2O5, K2O, Total N, C/N ratio, CEC and significantly unaffected pH soil, physical properties of soil such as Bulk Density, Porosity, Water content, texture, consistency and soil stabilization.  Giving LCC and Trichoderma improves soil chemical properties such as; Ca, Mg, Na, K2O, C / N Ratio. Giving LCC improves chemical properties such as total N and C / N ratio while Trichoderma improves soil chemical properties of Al, C Organic, H +, C / N Ratio and CEC. Reklamasi dilakukan untuk menjaga lahan agar tidak labil dan lebih produktif. Dengan reklamasi ini diharapkan tanah menjadi baik dan mengembalikan fungsinya sehingga produktifitas tanah dapat meningkat,  menghasilkan nilai tambah bagi lingkungan dan menciptakan keadaan yang jauh lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memanfaatkan tanaman LCC dan

  10. Interaction of Th with humic acid over a wide pH region

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Szabo, G.; Guczi, J. [National Research Inst. for Radiobiology and Radiohygi ene, Budapest, H-1775 (Hungary); Geckeis, H. [FZK - Inst. fuer Nukleare Entsorgung, Karlsruhe (Germany); Reiller, P. [CEA, CE Saclay, Nuclear Energy Division/DPC/SERC, Laboratoire de Speciation des Radionucleides et des Molecules, F-91191 Gif-sue-Y vette (France); Bulman, R.A. [Radiation Protection Division Division, Health Protec tion Agency, Chilton, Didcot (United Kingdom)


    The influence of humic substances on the migration of tetravalent actinides in the far-field of nuclear waste repositories has been modeled by examining the uptake of Th(IV) by a silica/humic acid composite. It is anticipated that this material might serve as a geochemical model of the humate-coated minerals that are likely to be present in the vicinity of the repositories. The binding of Th(IV) by the immobilized humic acid was examined at pH 1-9 in 0.1 mol/l NaClO{sub 4} by the batch method. Th(IV)-humate conditional stability constants have been evaluated from data obtained from these experiments by using non-linear regression of binding isotherms. The results have been interpreted in terms of complexes of 1:1 stoichiometry.

  11. Effect of a few amendments on the mineralization of 14C phenmedipham in a fresh meadow soil and the immobilization of the 14C residues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellinck, C.


    The influence of a few amendments on the mineralization of 14 C phenmedipham in a fresh soil and the distribution of 14 C phenmedipham and its 14 C residues after one year incubation were studied. The N and NPK fertilizers, glucose, cellulose and amorphous calcic humates had a positive effect on the mineralization of the herbicide. Straw, NAFS extract and amorphous lignin had little influence while colloidal lignin and colloidal calcic humates had a negative effect on the mineralization. All the amendments tested increased the quantity of 14 C substances fixed on the soil constituents and so decreased pollution. Calculation of the quantity of free 14 C in the soil after one year incubation showed for the various amendments values comprised between 56 and 93% of that of the control [fr

  12. Influence of humic substances on enhanced remediation of soil polluted by a copper-nickel smelter (United States)

    Tregubova, Polina; Turbaevskaya, Valeria; Korneecheva, Mariya; Kupriyanova, Yuliya; Koptsik, Galina


    The problem of technogenic contamination through the anthropogenic activity is quite urgent nowadays. Long-term air pollution with sulphur dioxide and heavy metals (HM) by injuring vegetation and inhibition of plant and soil microorganisms growth and activity causes appearance of the barren areas - highly damaged eroded ecosystems requiring remediation. There are a lot of remediation ways, but an appropriate restoration method, which does not expensive, does not demand special technical support and corresponds to the natural conditions of soil development is still open to question. We suggest application of exogenous humic substances as the possible environmentally friendly solution of HM toxicity problem and soil health restoration. Using of humates can result in the improvement of soil properties, localization of contamination by decreasing of HM mobility and bioavailability through binding them in relatively immobile complexes, and in stabilization of organic pool. But practice of scientific society as well as our previous investigations demonstrates ambiguous influence of exogenic humic substances on the behavior of HM depending on origin, doses, molecular weight of organic matter and state of microorganisms. In this research we have provided series of short-term (45 days) experiments dedicated to the evaluation of suitable doses of humates of different origin - coal and peat - inoculated by nitrogen fixers and mycorhizae-forming fungi in comparison with lime and NPK-fertilizer on the properties of contaminated soil and mobility of HM. The object of investigation was Al-Fe-humus abrazems from the vicinity of mining-and-metallurgical integrated work located in the Kola Peninsula, Russia. This soil is characterized by the absence of vegetation, complete loss of the organic horizon in result of the erosion processes, low pH (pH H2O 4.1-5.0), low exchangeable acidity (0.8-1.6 cmolc/kg), and depletion of organic mater (content of total carbon is 0.3-0.5%). The main


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    Syamsu Rosid


    Full Text Available Air lindi merupakan limbah sampah organik yang biasanya diproduksi dari sampah rumah tangga. Pencemaran air tanah (groundwater oleh air lindi menjadi ancaman yang serius bagi masyarakat. Penduduk Bantar Gebang, Bekasi merasa terancam kehidupannya dengan adanya tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA sampah yang dikirim dari DKI Jakarta. Beberapa penduduk di sekitar TPA mengeluhkan bahwa air sumurnya agak bau dan tidak lagi terasa segar. Untuk mengetahui seperti apa polusi air lindi yang terjadi, ke arah mana dan sudah sejauh mana sebarannya, dan memetakan daerah resiko tinggi terkena polusi maka telah dilakukan pengukuran geolistrik metoda self potential (SP di sebelah Tenggara dan Selatan daerah TPA Bantar Gebang, Bekasi. Dari data SP diketahui bahwa aliran air tanah bawah permukaan di daerah tersebut berarah Selatan ke Utara. Meskipun lokasi TPA berada di Utara daerah penelitian, limbah air lindi diduga telah mencemari air tanah bawah permukaan hingga radius ratusan meter dari lokasi TPA. Penyebaran air limbah ini  diperkirakan melalui proses osmosis, mekanisme kapilaritas dan proses elektrokinetik.   Kata kunci: air lindi, metoda SP, TPA Bantar Gebang.

  14. Konservasi Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Jawa di Kebub Raya Baturraden di Kawasan Bekas Hutan Produksi Terbatas

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    Herawikan Mandiriati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pengeloaan Kebun Raya Baturraden di Kawasan Hutan Produksi terbatas dapat menimbulkan permasalahan surface run off apabila penanganan lokasi tidak dilakukan secara konservatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi problematika Perubahan ekositem Hutan Produksi Terbatas yang bersifat homogen menjadi Kebun Raya Baturraden merupakan hutan heterogen. Dengan cara membuat PU (Petak Ukur di zona pemanfaatan keluasan 77,4 Ha, sebanyak 109 PU (Petak Ukur dengan ukuran 20x20 m, intensitas 5,5, jarak antar PU 1, 3 m. Hasil pengamatan   parameter yang menjadi pertimbangan ketinggian tanah antara 1076-760 Dpl, kelerengan tanah 12⁰-30⁰, kedalaman tanah < 85 Cm – 90<, erodibilitas tanah 0,43, jenis tanah Latosol Coklat dan curah hujan rata-rata 5.600 mm per tahun. Dari hasil pengamatan kawasan Kebun Raya Baturraden tanah mudah sekali terjadi   proses surface run off. Mengatasi dan merubah ekosistem dari hutan homogeny menjadi heterogen (1 penjarangan harus bertahap sesuai lahan yang akan dikelola, (2 Dengan kondisi tegakan pohon sangat rapat untuk melakukan tebangan sebaiknya menggunakan tebangan penerangan atau penjarangan jangan sampai tanah terbuka mengingat mempunyai curah hujan rata-rata 5.600 mm per tahun. (3 pada lokasi tertentu yang rawan terjadi erosi harus dibuat terasering untuk mengurangi terjadinya surface run off.   Kata Kunci: Kebun Raya, Hutan Produksi terbatas surface run off, ekosistem ABSTRACT Managing Baturraden Botanical Garden in the Limited Production Forest Area can cause problems of surface run off if the location is not handled conservatively. This study aims to overcome the problem of ecosystem changes of the homogeneous Limited Production Forest to become Baturraden Botanical Garden which is heterogeneous forest by making PU (sample plots in the utilization zone of 77.4 hectares in breadth, a total of 109 PU (sample plots with a size of 20x20 m, intensity of 5.5, the distance between PU’s 1, 3 m. The

  15. Kajian Pemilihan Sumber Mikroorganisme Solid Phase Microbial Fuel Cell (SMFC Berdasarkan Jenis dan Volume Sampah, Power Density dan Efisiensi Penurunan COD

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    Ganjar Samudro


    Full Text Available Mikroorganisme merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam proses Solid Phase Microbial Fuel Cell (SMFC untuk degradasi bahan organik dan transfer elektron. Pemilihan sumber mikroorganisme menjadi metode yang paling sederhana untuk dikaji sebagai informasi awal ketersediaan dan identifikasi jenis mikroorganisme yang mendukung proses SMFC. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk memilih sumber mikroorganisme tanah, septic tank dan sedimen sungai yang tepat digunakan dalam proses SMFC berdasarkan jenis dan volume sampah, power density, dan efisiensi penurunan COD. Kajian ini didasarkan pada hasil penelitian menggunakan reaktor SMFC tipe single chamber microbial fuel cell dengan variabel jenis dan volume sampah , serta sumber mikroorganisme. Metode perbandingan secara kuantitatif dilakukan berdasarkan kecenderungan nilai power density dan efisiensi penurunan COD tertinggi di antara jenis dan volume sampah kantin, dedaunan dan komposit kantin-dedaunan. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah sumber mikroorganisme tanah dan sedimen sungai tepat digunakan untuk volume sampah 1/3 dan 2/3 dari volume reaktor, sedangkan sumber mikroorganisme septic tank tepat digunakan untuk volume sampah 1/3 dan 1/2 dari volume reaktor. Sumber mikroorganisme dari septic tank menunjukkan kinerja power density dan efisiensi penurunan COD yang lebih rendah dibandingkan sumber mikroorganisme tanah dan sedimen sungai.


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    Sonny Dewi Judiasih


    Full Text Available Many Indonesians have committed themselves into a mixed marriage, both in Indonesia and outside the country. Mixed marriage would mean that there are differing nationalities who abide under two different state laws and as consequence of this, issues of private international law in joint property would emerge. On the status of ownership on immovable assets such as land, the nationality principle must be paid attention to, because according to Indonesian law, only Indonesian citizens may have access to Land Ownership Rights. Thus, in mixed marriages, foreign spouses (husband or wife may not have land ownership rights.   Masyarakat Indonesia banyak yang melakukan perkawinan campuran, baik yang dilakukan di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Pelaksanaan perkawinan campuran menyebabkan adanya perbedaan kewarganegaraan dimana mereka tunduk pada sistem hukum yang berlainan sehingga melahirkan masalah hukum perdata internasional dalam pengaturan harta bersama. Mengenai status kepemilikan atas benda tidak bergerak seperti tanah, terdapat asas nasionalitas yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu hanya WNI saja yang boleh mempunyai Hak Milik Atas Tanah. Oleh karena itu, dalam perkawinan campuran, suami atau istri yang berkewarganegaraan asing tidak boleh mempunyai hak milik atas tanah.

  17. Pengaruh kadar air tanah terhadap biomassa cacing tanah Pontoscolex corethrurus

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    Alfiah Hayati


    Full Text Available This research was done in order to study of effect the soil humidity on earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus biomass. 80 earthworm were placed in plastic pot (12.5 cm in diameter an 10 cm on deep contained soil media (four individuals in each pot. Four treatment of humidity (45 %, 5 %, 55 % and 60% with five replication was carried out up to six weeks. At the end of experiment animals were wighting. The difference between pre and post experimental body weigh was calculated, F test was used to test biomass differences among the four condition of humidity. The result shown that the optimum biomass was in 50% soil humidity in the soil media.

  18. Pencemaran Tanah dan Air Tanah oleh Pestisida dan Cara Menanggulanginya

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    Rachman Sutanto


    Full Text Available The large increase in the use of modern agricultural chemicals, including pesticides and fertilizers has made agriculture an important non-point source of soil and groundwater contamination. Nitrogen, heavy metals, and organic associated with pesticides are presumably the most common contaminants introduced into the environment by modern agricultural practices. The present and abundance of the chemical contaminants in the soil and underlying groundwater largely depends on their chemical species as well as the various physical, biological and chemical properties of the soil. Understanding these processes and interactions between the contaminants and soil constituents would be useful in identifying effective techniques to restore the soil and groundwater contaminated by modern agricultural practices and others modern society activities. When the level of these contaminants in the soil are such that the quality of the plants, food crops and the groundwater are being compromised, then remedial actions are necessary. Such remediation could include in situ technologies, including bioremediation or phytoremediation combined as well as agronomic-types approaches. The best strategy in reducing soil contamination is to reduce pollution at the source and to use best management practices, such as adopting the most appropriate land use for a given type of soil contamination. Key words: pesticide, contamination, adsorption, bioremediation

  19. Investigations of the sorption characteristics of radiosilver on some natural and artificial soil particles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Szabo, Gyula; Guczi, Judit [`FJC` National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, Budapest (Hungary); Valyon, Jozef [Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (Hungary); Bulman, Robert A. [National Radiological Protection Board, Chilton Didcot, England (United Kingdom)


    The likely distribution of {sup 110m}Ag(I), a radionuclide that may be produced in nuclear power stations and which has been known to contaminate the environment, between the components of particles of soil has been investigated by measuring its uptake from solutions of sodium nitrate, sodium EDTA and sodium citrate onto particles of chernozem soil and particles formed to simulate soils. The artificial soil particles were formed from: (1) silicas coated with manganese oxide, ferric oxide and hydrated ferric oxide, (2) silicas bearing chemically bound humic and fulvic acids and (3) alumina bearing anionically associated humic acid. These investigations have established that uptake of {sup 110m}Ag(I) by the humate coatings of soil particles will predominate under a wide range of pH. In the absence of humate coatings on the soil particles the radionuclide will be bound by the Fe/Mn oxide fractions of soils.

  20. Investigations of the sorption characteristics of radiosilver on some natural and artificial soil particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szabo, Gyula; Guczi, Judit; Valyon, Jozef; Bulman, Robert A.


    The likely distribution of 110m Ag(I), a radionuclide that may be produced in nuclear power stations and which has been known to contaminate the environment, between the components of particles of soil has been investigated by measuring its uptake from solutions of sodium nitrate, sodium EDTA and sodium citrate onto particles of chernozem soil and particles formed to simulate soils. The artificial soil particles were formed from: (1) silicas coated with manganese oxide, ferric oxide and hydrated ferric oxide, (2) silicas bearing chemically bound humic and fulvic acids and (3) alumina bearing anionically associated humic acid. These investigations have established that uptake of 110m Ag(I) by the humate coatings of soil particles will predominate under a wide range of pH. In the absence of humate coatings on the soil particles the radionuclide will be bound by the Fe/Mn oxide fractions of soils


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    Pupung Susilanto


    Full Text Available Cilacap merupakan daerah yang sering merasakan dampak guncangan gempabumi. Populasi penduduk yang besar dan keberadaan obyek penting pemerintah menjadi suatu pertimbangan diperlukannya kajian efek guncangan gempabumi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan daerah yang memiliki potensi mengalami kerusakan akibat guncangan gempabumi berdasarkan jenis tanah hasil analisis kecepatan gelombang geser (Vs sebagai salah satu upaya mitigasi bencana gempabumi. Nilai Vs didapatkan dari pengukuran Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW pada 14 lokasi dan pengolahan menggunakan perangkat lunak WinMASW untuk mendapatkan profil Vs 1D. Selanjutnya dibuat sayatan selatan – utara dan barat daya–timur laut untuk mendapatkan gambaran Vs secara 2D. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daerah penelitian memiliki nilai Vs rata-rata (0-30 m antara 153 m/s – 355 m/s. Berdasarkan sayatan 2D tersusun oleh jenis tanah lunak (Vs ≤ 175 m/s, jenis tanah sedang (175 < Vs ≤ 350m/s, dan jenis tanah keras (Vs ≥ 350 m/s, dengan dominasi utama adalah tanah sedang dengan endapan sedimen yang cukup tebal. Hal ini menyebabkan daerah penelitian terutama di bagian selatan, tengah, dan barat berpeluang besar mengalami guncangan yang lebih besar ketika terjadi gempabumi, sehingga berpotensi mengalami kerusakan yang lebih besar. Sedangkan daerah yang relatif aman untuk pengembangan wilayah berada di sisi utara dan timur daerah penelitian karena tersusun atas endapan sedimen tipis dan tanah yang keras.   Cilacap is an area that often suffers earthquake shocks impact. Large population and existence of important government object becomes a consideration for a study related to earthquake shocks effect. This study aims to map areas that have potential damages due to earthquake, based on soil type from shear wave velocity (Vs analysis, as an effort to earthquake disaster mitigation. Vs obtained from Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave(MASW at 14 locations and processed

  2. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS INTERPRETATION FOR GROUNDWATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT IN THE COASTAL AREA, NORTH KELANTAN, MALAYSIA (Interpretasi Karakterisasi Fisika dan Kimia Untuk Penilaian Kualitas Airtanah di Area Pesisir, Kelantan Utara, Malaysia

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    Nur Islami


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Physical and chemical groundwater interpretation has been done in order to characterize and assess its associated problem in the coastal area, North Kelantan, Malaysia. A total of thirty three groundwater samples that consisted of sixteen groundwater samples were collected directly from existing well and together with seventeen groundwater data obtained from government agency, were used in this study. The depth of groundwater sample was varied from the shallow (3.5 m to the deeper (130 m aquifer. The physical groundwater characteristics were measured directly at the site just after the groundwater collected. The chemical content of the groundwater sample were analysed using Ion Chromatography (IC and Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP. Finally the data was presented and interpreted using the bivariate and piper diagram to improve interpretation and analysis of the whole data. Analysis result of the groundwater sample indicates that the shallow aquifer can be categorized as fresh water. In the zone with marine soil deposit, chloride and sulphate concentration tend to be higher in the water sample. However, the concentration of water sample is still within the accepted limit for human consumption. In places with relatively higher usage of chemical fertilizer, the groundwater sample exhibits higher nitrate concentration more than limit of safe for human consumption (>45 mg/L. K, Ca, Mg and Na content have a positive correlation with chloride concentration in deeper aquifer, indicating that the ions are derived from the same source of saline waters. The relationship between Cl/HCO3 ratios and chloride also shows that the fresh groundwater and seawater mixing in aquifer, and the samples with lower ratios can be categorized as fresh waters. In the shallow aquifer most ions exhibit a poor correlation to chloride indicating that such ions are derived from a different source. ABSTRAK Interpretasi karakter fisika dan kimia air tanah telah dilakukan

  3. Boundaries Delineation of Marine Management Sharing According to Local Government Law No. 23/2014 (Case Study: Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Bangkalan and Sampang) (United States)

    Khomsin; Intan Ary Prayogi, S.


    Regional autonomy is the right, the authority, and the obligation of autonomous region to set up and manage their own affairs and interests of the community in accordance with the potential and peculiarities of each area. To implement regional autonomy, the autonomous region must be clear where the location of its borders. Boundary area is divided into two, namely boundaries in the land and boundaries in the sea. Based on the authority of region government that regulated in Law of Republic Indonesia Number 23 in 2014, the regional maritime boundary consist of maritime management boundary for the province and maritime income sharing boundary for the district/city. This study aimed to determine the maritime income sharing boundary between Surabaya City, Sidoarjo, Bangkalan and Sampang District related to the presence of tanah oloran. Tanah oloran is located in the border of Surabaya City and Sidoarjo district which is currently being disputed border and seizure of property by the two districts/cities. The results of research represent that the claim ownership of Tanah Oloran can impact on maritime income sharing boundaries of Surabaya City and Sidoarjo District with region maritime overlapping is 2,258 ha and will benefit for the region maritime income sharing Sidoarjo District Government.


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    Windu Partono


    Full Text Available Pengembangan peta resiko gempa berdasarkan analisa hazard gempa deterministik (DSHA merupakan salah satu tahapan yang sangat penting untuk mitigasi kegempaan Kota Semarang. Penelitian peta resiko gempa mencakup perhitungan hazard gempa, analisa kondisi tanah lokal (SSA dan analisa tingkat resiko kegempaan. Analisa hazard gempa diimplementasikan dengan pendekatan deterministic akibat gempa untuk sumber gempa sesar aktif disekitar Kota Semarang. Parameter geoteknik diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan atau pengujian geoteknik. Hasil dari penelitian ini mencakup pengembangan peta spektra percepatan gerakan tanah di permukaan dan faktor amplifikasi percepatan tanah yang sangat diperlukan pada pengembangan peta rawan gempa Kota Semarang.[Perception Development of Seismic Risk Map Semarang City Through Deterministic Hazard Analysis Research] Development of seismic risk map based on Deterministic Hazard Analysis (DSHA is an important step for seismic disaster mitigation for Semarang City. The study includes estimation of seismic hazard (DSHA, site specific response analysis (SSA and risk assessment. Seismic hazard is performed based on deterministic approach considering shallow crustal fault sources influencing Semarang City. Geotechnical parameters are interpreted from previous geotechnical measurements. The result of the hazard analysis includes the distribution of site response spectral acceleration and amplification ratios are performed corresponding to seismic risk assessment for Semarang City. 

  5. STUDI EMISI TUNGKU MASAK RUMAH TANGGA (Study for Emission Characteristic of Household Stoves

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    Agus Haryanto


    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to study emission characteristic of household stoves. Five stoves were tested, namely clay pot biomass stove, brick biomass stove, kerosene stove, coal stove, and LPG stove.  Emission parameters to be measured were CO, NO2, SO2, and particulates. Gas emission was measured using gas analyzer Wolfsense TG 501, while particulate was determined based on Indonesian National Standard (SNI: 19-7117.12-2005. Results showed that LPG stove emitted no CO indicating that complete burning existed. Other stoves emitted CO with kerosene stove exhibited the highest CO emission of 1074 μg/m3. Biomass pot stoves produced SO2 (722 μg/m3 which is lower than LPG stove (1488 μg/m3 and kerosene stove (1055 μg/m3, but higher than coal stove (290 μg/m3. On the other side, biomass pot stoves produced more NO2 (99 μg/m3 with pot stove as compared to kerosene stove (25 μg/m3. Particulate emission increased based on the fuels used with an order from the lowest was LPG stove, kerosene stove, coal stove, and biomass stove. Key words: emission, stove, biomass, fossil fuels   ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji karakteristik emisi beberapa tungku atau kompor dapur rumah tangga. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan lima jenis tungku atau kompor, yaitu tungku biomassa pot tebal, tungku biomassa bata, kompor minyak tanah, kompor batubara, dan kompor LPG. Parameter emisi yang diukur meliputi CO, NO2, SO2 dan partikel. Emisi gas diukur menggunakan gas analyser Wolfsense TG 501, sedangkan emisi partikel debu ditentukan berdasarkan standar SNI 19-7117.12-2005. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompor LPG tidak menghasilkan emisi CO. Kompor minyak tanah menghasilkan emisi CO paling tinggi yaitu (1074 μg/m3. Kompor LPG menghasilkan emisi SO2 paling banyak (1488 μg/m3, diikuti kompor minyak tanah (1055 μg/m3, tungku kayu pot (722 μg/m3, dan kompor batubara (290 μg/m3. Di pihak lain, tungku biomassa pot tebal

  6. Pengaruh Bokhasi Eceng Gondok pada Tanaman Selada (Lactuca sativa L.

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    Seprita Lidar


    Full Text Available Isu pertanian organik akhir-akhir ini memang mulai berkembang kembali dengan semakin banyaknya masyarakat yang menyadari pentingnya kesehatan dan mutu bahan pangan yang dikonsumsi. Selain alasan kesehatan, pertanian organik juga diyakini ramah lingkungan karena dapat meminimalkan penggunaan bahan kimia dalam proses produksinya, karena penggunaan pupuk kimia secara terus-menerus dengan dosis yang meningkat justru dapat menyebabkan tanah menjadi keras dan keseimbangan unsur hara tanah terganggu.  Permintaan pasar terhadap tanaman sayuran khususnya selada yang biasanya dikonsumsi mentah terus meningkat, apalagi tanaman selada yang dipupuk dengan pupuk organik. Tanah di Kota Pekanbaru tergolong tanah Podsolid Merah Kuning (PMK yang kandungan bahan organik dan unsur haranya relatif rendah, maka salah satu usaha untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan cara pemupukan yang aman bagi tanaman dan tanah yaitu pupuk bokhasi eceng gondok yang mengandung unsur hara N, P dan K, juga memanfaatkan yang ada di lingkungan yang kalau tidak dimanfaatkan akan menyebabkan pencemaran di perairan.  Dari penelitian yang dilakukan pemberian bokhasi eceng gondok berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman selada dengan dosis terbaik adalah 2000 g/m2. Kata Kunci : Selada, Bokhasi, Eceng Gondok.The issue of organic farming lately indeed began to grow back more and more people will realize the importance of health and quality of food consumed. In addition to health reasons, organic farming is also believed to be environmentally friendly because it can minimize the use of chemicals in the production process, due to the use of chemical fertilizers continuously with increasing doses it can cause the soil to be loud and disturbed soil nutrient balance. Market demand for vegetable crops, especially lettuce is usually consumed raw continue to rise, especially lettuce plants are fertilized with organic fertilizer. Land in the city of Pekanbaru classified as

  7. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    McMurphy, CP. Vol 38, No 3 (2008) - Articles Effects of ovariectomy and anabolic steroid implantation on the somatotrophic axis in feedlot heifers. Abstract PDF · Vol 41, No 2 (2011) - Articles Effects of supplementing humates on rumen fermentation in Holstein steers. Abstract PDF. ISSN: 2221-4062. AJOL African Journals ...


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    Bambang Darmo Yuwono


    Full Text Available The characteristics of the pattern of land subsidence need to be mapped for the purposes of planning and structuring the city as well as taking appropriate actions in anticipating and mitigating the impact. These characteristics can be determined by combining the land subsidence measurements done with various methods such as levelling, GPS, direct measurement and InSAR. Land subsidence that occurred in Semarang had a rate that varied between 0 - 13 cm / year with an increasing trend towards the north east (northeast of Semarang. The areas which had a high rate of land subsidence between 9 -13 cm / year included PRPP, Tanjungmas, Terboyo and Kaligawe. In this paper will show spatial distribution of landsubsidence which have identical pattern  with the change of ground water level .Observations GPS method has a high correlation with changes in ground water level reaches 0.956 compared with InSAR observations, GPS, direct observation

  9. Clay-free drilling mud

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akhmadeyev, R G; Panov, V B; Simonenkov, O I


    A clay-free drilling mud is proposed which contains humate-containing substance, alkali electrolyte, gel-former, inhibitor and water. In order to reduce viscosity of the static shear stress and water output under conditions of polyvalent aggression, it additionally contains organic stabilizer with the following ratio of components, % by mass: humate-containing substance 4.0-8.0; alkali electrolyte 0.2-1.5; gel-former 1.0-3.0; organic stabilizer 0.1-1.0; inhibitor 1.0-40.0; water--the rest. The solution is also distinguished by the fact that the gel-former used is magnesium chloride or magnesium sulfate, or calcium chloride or aluminum sulfate, or iron chloride (III) or iron sulfate (II) or waste of chlorides of titanium production with average chemical composition, % by mass: Ti 1.5-7.0; Fe 5.0-15.0; Al 1.5-10.0; Na 5.0-16.0; Mg 0.5-3.0; Cl 30.0-60.0; Ca 0.2-2.0; Cr 0.2-2.0; Cu 0.2-1.5.

  10. Monitoring of the humus status of soils of the Ingulets irrigation system (United States)

    Lozovitsii, P. S.


    The results of long-term studies (1957-2007) of the changes in the morphology of soil profiles and in the reserves and fractional composition of the humus in the soils of the Ingulets irrigation system are discussed. After 50 years of irrigation, the boundaries of the genetic horizons shifted downward by 15-30 cm. The redistribution of the humus took place: its content decreased to a low level in the plow layer of the irrigated and rainfed soils and significantly increased in the layer of 60-100 cm so that the reserves of humus in the layer of 0-100 cm somewhat increased and corresponded to a moderate level. The distribution of humus in the soil profiles was characterized by the gradual lowering down the soil profile. The concentration of nitrogen in the humus of the irrigated southern chernozems was very low. The degree of humification of the soil organic matter was high. The humus was of the humate type in the upper horizons and of the fulvate-humate type in the lower horizons.


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    Utojo Utojo


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kesesuaian lahan tambak budidaya udang di kawasan industrialisasi Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jawa Timur dan mengkaji strategi revitalisasi tambak berdasarkan hasil penelitian remediasi kualitas tanah dan air tambak. Data primer meliputi: topografi, lahan, dan hidrologi pesisir diperoleh melalui survai lapangan. Penentuan stasiun pengamatan dilakukan secara acak dan sistematik. Setiap lokasi pengambilan contoh ditentukan posisi koordinatnya dengan alat Global Positioning System (GPS. Data sekunder yang digunakan berupa data iklim, peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia kawasan Probolinggo skala 1:25.000 dan citra satelit ALOS AVNIR-2 tahun 2010. Data lapangan (topografi, pasang surut, fisika-kimia air dan tanah, data citra satelit ALOS AVNIR-2 dan data sekunder yang lain, dianalisis secara spasial menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG untuk memperoleh tingkat kesesuaian lahan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kesesuaian lahan tambak dari total luasan tambak 2.143 ha, lahan yang sangat sesuai dan sesuai untuk budidaya udang yaitu 56 ha dan 618 ha. Lahan tersebut tersebar di Kecamatan Tongas dan Pajarakan. Lahan yang cukup sesuai ditemukan sebesar 1.235 ha, dan tersebar di Kecamatan Tongas, Sumberasih, Dringu, Gending, Kraksaan, Pajarakan, dan Paiton. Sedangkan lahan yang tidak sesuai yaitu 234 ha, terdapat di Kecamatan Sumberasih, Gending, dan Kraksaan. Percepatan target peningkatan produksi di tambak budidaya udang kawasan industrialisasi dapat dicapai melalui kesesuaian lahan dan revitalisasi tambak (perbaikan kualitas tanah dan air.

  12. Risk Analysis of Coastal Disaster of Semarang City, Indonesia (United States)

    Sunaryo; Ambariyanto; Sugianto, Denny Nugroho; Helmi, Muhammad; Kaimuddin, Awaluddin Halirin; Indarjo, Agus


    Coastal areas are highly vulnerable to disasters, as they are affected by events occurring both on land and at sea. In the development of cities in these areas, information on vulnerability levels is needed as a consideration in determining policy. This study aims to identify potential vulnerability of Semarang city, and to investigate the potential of hazard and disaster risk levels of the city. The study was conducted in 17 villages in the northern coastal area of Semarang. The assessment approach used was score analysis to some variables, i.e geomorphology, erosion, coastal slope, waves and socio-economic aspects. The research showed that the highest level of coastal vulnerability in the Semarang city were at three villages i.e.Terboyo Kulon, Terboyo Wetan and Trimulyo with value of 4.5; while the lowest level were at the Maron beach, Marina beach and Tanah Mas with value of 2.8. The highest potential coastal hazard in the Semarang city were at two villages i.e. Tanjung Mas and Tambak Lorok with value of 4.5; and the lowest value were in the village of Randugarut, Karanganyar, Tugurejo, Marina beach and Tanah Mas with value of 1.25.The highest level of coastal risk in the Semarang city were in the Trimulyo village with value of 3.13; and the lowest level were in the Marina beach and Tanah mas with value of 1.32.


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    Edi Rusdiyanto


    Full Text Available The development of reclamation land of Mutiara Coast for settlement could impact to environment especially soil, groundwater, and organisms. The aim of this study is to examine soil and water qualities which were observed from physical and chemical properties, plants and birds varieties in the reclamation land of Mutiara Coast, North Jakarta. Soil sample is taken in 0-30 cm deep. Groundwater is taken in artessian well which has been built by the developer. Plants specimens is reconded and taken for further identification. All of those data have been analyzed descriptively. The results show that average of physical and chemical of soil parameter vary, on the other hand condition of groundwater in the reclamation land of Mutiara coast is not qualified as clean water. Plants varieties based on Simpson index is relatively low (C=0.1072, and also birds varieties (C=0.521. It was only 4 species found in those area.


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    Litanya Octonovrilna


    Full Text Available Aplikasi pada bidang geofisika, berupa pengukuran gravitasi dilakukan di lapangan dalam jangka waktu tertentu, dengan tujuan untuk mendeteksi perubahan kondisi bawah permukaan bumi. Dalam hal ini dilakukan pengukuran gravitasi di wilayah Jakarta untuk mendeteksi perubahan kondisi hidrologi Jakarta dalam kaitannya dengan fenomena intrusi air asin. Secara geografis daerah penelitian berada pada -6.35158 s.d -6.08655 LS dan 106.689 s.d. 106.955 BT. Pengolahan data gravitasi wilayah Jakarta dilakukan dalam 2 periode, yaitu periode I (September 2006 dan periode II (November–Desember 2007. Anomali gravitasi  tertinggi terdapat pada bagian pusat dan barat Jakarta ini mengindikasikan terjadinya fenomena subsidensi dan kekosongan massa akibat eksploitasi air tanah serta tekanan dari sejumlah gedung tinggi yang berpusat pada daerah tersebut. Anomali gravitasi terendah terdapat di bagian barat laut Jakarta yang bersesuaian konsentrasi nilai kepayauan tertinggi, mengindikasikan adanya intrusi air asin yang diakibatkan oleh adanya fenomena Conate Water yang menyusup  pada aquifer air tanah akibat eksplotasi air tanah berlebih. Hubungan pola aliran sungai dengan nilai kepayauan air, membuktikan adanya pengaruh sungai aquifer air tanah, namun dampaknya tidak terlalu berpengaruh terlebih pada aquifer dalam.   Gravity measurements are conducted in the field within a certain period in order to detect changes in the earth's surface conditions. We conducted gravity measurements in Jakarta to detect changes in hydrologic conditions in connection to salt water intrusion phenomena. The data processing performed in the two periods, the first period is September 2006 and the second one is November-December 2007. The highest gravity anomalies are in central and western parts of Jakarta. This implies the occurrence of mass subsidence and void due to the exploitation of ground water and the pressure from a number of high buildings based on the area. The lowest gravity


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    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan kawasan rawan gempa. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari kondisi letak geografis Indonesia, bahwa Indonesia merupakan tempat bertemunya 4 lempeng dunia yaitu, lempeng Indo-Australia, lempeng Eurasia, lempeng Filipina dan lempeng Pasific. Bukti lainnya adalah banyaknya jumlah gunung berapi yang aktif di Indonesia. Jika mendesain sebuah bangunan pada lokasi tanah yang dominan pasir, maka salah satu bahaya yang dihadapi adalah likuifaksi. Likuifaksi adalah suatu kondisi berubahnya perilaku tanah dari padat menjadi cair akibat adanya getaran atau beban sklik. Salah satu penyebab dapat terjadinya likuifaksi adalah gempa. Maka jika mendesain bangunan yang berada pada kondisi tanah pasir serta daerah gempa tinggi, harus dilakukan analisa zona likuifaksi. Saat ini terdapat sebuah proyek pembangunan hotel di Pantai Malimbu, Lombok. Proyek tersebut berada di tanah dominan pasir dan juga termasuk daerah dengan resiko gempa tinggi. Pada perencanaan yang telah dilakukan, pihak perencana tidak melakukan analisa terhadap zona likuifaksi dan pengurangan daya dukung pondasi tiang pancang akibat dari likuifaksi. Untuk menangggulangi adanya bahaya akibat likuifaksi, hanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan angka keamanan (safety factor = 5. Pada tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan perencanaan pondasi tiang pancang dengan membandingkan kondisi likuifaksi dan kondisi tidak likuifaksi. Perencanaan pondasi dilakukan terhadap 4 kondisi. Kondisi 1 adalah kondisi eksisting proyek, dimana tidak meninjau terhadap kemungkinan likuifaksi, meninjau beban gempa, dan safety factor = 5. Kondisi 2 adalah kondisi dimana meninjau kemungkinan likufaksi dan penggunaan safety factor = 1.5. Kondisi 3 adalah kondisi tidak meninjau adanya kemungkinan likuifaksi, meninjau beban gempa dan safety factor = 2. Kondisi 4 adalah kondisi tidak meninjau kemungkinan likuifaksi, tidak meninjau beban gempa dan safety factor = 3. Struktur bangunan atas akan di modelkan dengan program bantu SAP


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    Hendra Rosada Nasution


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK. Lahan gambut adalah jenis tanah yang terbentuk dari sisa-sisa tumbuhan yang terpendam dalam jangka  waktu yang sangat lama. Lahan gambut memiliki  karakteristik mudah terbakar  pada kondisi panas tertentu yang membentuk bara api di bawah permukaan dan menjalar ke atas permukaan hingga menyebabkan terbakarnya semak belukar atau hutan yang berada di atasnya, sehingga perlu dilakukan monitoring temperatur dan kelembaban permukaan dan bawah lahan gambut. Prototipe yang dibuat terdiri dari dua perangkat transmitter yang dilengkapi dengan sensor sebagai pengukur parameter dan satu perangkat receiver sebagai penerima data kedua transmitter. Pengukuran temperatur tanah di bawah permukaan digunakan sensor LM35 berbentuk probe, kemudian pengukuran temperatur dan kelembaban udara di permukaan digunakan sensor SHT11. pengiriman data dilakukan secara nirkabel menggunakan nRF24L01 dengan jarak maksimal 450 meter dengan jarak yang baik 200 meter. Perangkat receiver dilengkapi sistem interface PC berbasis database pada server  localhost/phpmyadmin. Hasil karakterisasi sensor LM35 dalam bentuk probe menunjukan linieritasnya adalah 0,9994 dan 0,9996; deviasi error 0,380C dan 0,400C; sensitivitas 0,960C dan 0,810C. Hasil lima kali pengukuran pada dua titik pengujian setiap transmitter menunjukkan temperatur tanah memiliki nilai 30,200C - 38,100C dan 24,800C - 38,600C, temperatur udara 25,000C - 38,860C dan 24,850C - 40,150C, kelembaban udara 51,65% - 96,51% dan 43,03% - 96,17%.   Kata kunci : Prototipe, Database, Lahan Gambut, LM35, nRF24L01, SHT11


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    Fadli Irsyad


    Full Text Available Degradasi lahan merupakan penyebab utama tingginya runoff dibandingkan dengan faktor lainnya. Perubahan tata guna lahan yang terjadi pada suatu kawasan menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan kondisi catchment area dan dapat menyebabkan perubahan aliran permukaan (runoff.  Jika limpasan yang terjadi saat hujan kecil dan infiltrasi air ke dalam tanah besar, maka air terlebih dahulu disimpan di dalam tanah sehingga akan meningkatkan ketersediaan air tanah. DAS Kuanji merupakan salah satu DAS di Kota Padang yang memiliki luas 202,7 km2 dan terdiri dari 5 sub-DAS. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kawasan DAS Kuranji yang secara geografis terletak pada 100o20’31,20” – 100o33’50.40” BT dan 00o55’59.88” - 00o47’24” LS. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret – Juni 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan aplikasi open sources software MapWindows GIS 4.8 RC1 (4.8.1 dari  Tahapan awal dalam penelitian ini yakni pengumpuan data, analisis SWAT di DAS Kuranji, dan penentuan wilayah konservasi DAS Kuranji. Hasil peneltian yang menggunakan MWSWAT untuk DAS Kuranji didapatkan HRU DAS sebanyak 2.034 HRU. Limpasan terbesar yang terjadi yakni 84 mm dengan luasan 75,195 ha, dan tersebar di empat kecamatan (Pauh, Padang Utara, Nanggalo, dan Kototengah. Wilayah konservasi yang direkomendasikan yakni  Limau Manih (81,56 ha, Lambung Bukit (42,27 ha, Gunung Sarik (86,32 ha, Kuranji (60,20 ha, dan Lubuk Minturun (64,45 ha. Kata kunci: Alih Fungsi Lahan,  DAS Kuranji, Konservasi, Limpasan, MWSWAT.

  18. Research of beekeeping products using as radioprotectors for plants

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    I. О. Oginova


    Full Text Available Research conducted on a winter wheat, which was cultivated in a 30-km area in the year ofChernobylaccident, allowed to ascertain that complex use of sodium humate and beekeeping products is ineffective for diminishing the negative irradiation influence on the early growth processes of plants. Only the simultaneous use of humic preparations and anodic extraction of propolis has permanent positive effect.

  19. Determination of Conditional Stability Constants for Metal Ions with Humic Acid using Chemically Immobilised Humic Acid on Silica Gel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Szabo, G.; Guszi, J. [Frederic Joliot-Curie' National Research Inst. for Rad iobiology and Radiohygiene, Budapest, H-1775 (Hungary)]. e-mail:; Miyajima, T. [Dept. of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga Univ ., 1-Honjo, Saga (Japan); Geckeis, H. [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Inst. fuer Nuk leare Entsorgung, 76021 Karlsruhe (Germany); Reiller, P. [Commissariat a l' Energie A tomique, CE Saclay, Laboratoire de Speciation des Radionucleides et des Molecule s, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Bulman, R.A. [Radiation Protection Div., Health Protection Agency, Chilton, Didcot (United Kingdom)


    Limitations on aqueous solution chemistries of humic acid, and also hydrolysis of some cationic species, restrict measurement of conditional stability constants of 4f- and 5f-series elements as humate complexes. Reported log {beta} values are determined by using non-linear regression binding isotherms, of Am(III) and Th(IV), and also Ag(I) and Sr(II), bound by a humic acid composite.

  20. SISTEM PENGENDALI KEMUDI TRAKTOR OTOMATIS EMPAT RODA PADA PENGUJIAN LINTASAN LURUS (Tracking Control System of Autonomous Four Wheel Tractor on Straight Path

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    Setya Permana Sutisna


    dilapangan pada lintasan lurus sepanjang 30 m dengan kecepatan traktor 0.5 m/s. Hasil pengujian di lapangan diperoleh tingkat akurasi kinerja kontrol sebesar 97.13% dan besar simpangan rata-rata terhadap lintasan acuan sebesar 8.62 cm. Kata kunci: Traktor otomatis, sistem pengendali kemudi, pengolahan tanah

  1. Studi Pengaruh Stabilisasi Tanah Lempung Lunak Menggunakan Kolom Kapur Terhadap Parameter Kecepatan Penurunan Tanah

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    Arwan Apriyono


    Full Text Available Soft clay is kind of problem in building and highway foundation design. This type of soils, have low coefficient consolidation (Cv parameter. This condition will cause that soils have very long duration in consolidation process. Limes column stabilization method can be applicable to solve this problem.This research be conducted to analyzed coefficient consolidation behavior in limes column stabilization method. The change variety of coefficient consolidation w ill be observe due to variation of limes column diameter. The limes column stabilization method be wished to increase the value of coefficient consolidation so settlement process of the soil get more rapidly. This research was conducted through experimentalin laboratory, with box that have 40 cm in diameters and this height is 40 cm. Five various of diameters applied in this research and this affect to value of Cv would be examined. Those are 3 cm, 5 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm and 12 cm diameters The result of this research show that limes column could increasing the value of coefficient consolidation. The average change of Cv is 0,000051 (6,38 % compare w i th Cv without limes column stabilization. However, increasing of limes column diameters have no significant affects to the value of coefficient consolidation.

  2. Analisa Pembuatan Tabung Gas Lpg 3 Kg

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    Mustafa -


    Full Text Available Program konversi minyak tanah ke LPG merupakan program pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk mengurangisubsidi BBM, dengan mengalihkan pemakaian minyak tanah ke LPG. Tujuan analisa untuk mengetahui proses pembuatantabung gas, proses deep drawing dan metode pengelasan yang baik. Karena masih banyak orang yang takut memakai bahanbakar LPG tersebut karena takut meledak akibat kualitasnya yang kurang bagus. Deep Drawing atau biasa disebut drawingadalah salah satu jenis proses pembentukan logam, dimana bentuk pada umumnya berupa silinder dan selalu mempunyaikedalaman tertentu. Pada proses pembuatan tabung gas elpiji untuk mendisain suatu proses pembentukan logam , sepertipenarikan (drawing. Salah satu pekerjaan yang harus kita lakukan adalah menentukan atau memilih kapasitas mesin(energi, gaya, torsi serta perkakas dan peralatan yang akan digunakan untuk proses tersebut. Pada proses deep drawingdengan kecepatan tekan yang telah ditentukan (sesuai tabel daya tekan maksimal tidak boleh melebihi: 167,330 kg. Padaproses pengelasan circum, tegangan normal mencapai 61.16 kg/cm2, karena masih diatas uji ketahanan hidrostastik, makamasih dalam batas aman.


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    Sisca Vaulina


    Full Text Available Setelah otonomi masing-masing daerah memiliki lebih dari kebebasan dalam menentukan komoditas yang diprioritaskan dalam pembangunannya. Salah satu potensi di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir adalah pertanian. Untuk pertanian diperlukan identifikasi komoditas pertanian utama yang akan dikembangkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi komoditas pertanian utama terlihat dari dasar komoditas pertanian, spesialisasi dan lokalisasi komoditas pertanian yang diprioritaskan untuk dikembangkan di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi kasus, data yang digunakan adalah data dari tahun 2014-2015, menggunakan analisis ekonomi LQ regional, spesialisasi quotient dan lokalisasi quotient. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komoditas di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir kering padi, kacang tanah, ubi kayu, pepaya, durian, mangga, kelapa, pinang, kelapa, sagu, domba, sapi dan perikanan umum. KS dan KL nilai kegiatan pertanian terspesialisasi di setiap kabupaten. Pengembangan prioritas komoditas padi kering, kedelai, kacang tanah, ubi kayu, pepaya, mangga, durian, jeruk, pinang, kakao, domba dan perikanan umum. Kata kunci : Komoditas Unggulan, Komoditas Pertanian

  4. Location Analysis of Freight Distribution Terminal of Jakarta City, Indonesia

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    Nahry Nahry


    Full Text Available Currently Jakarta has two freight terminals, namely Pulo Gebang and Tanah Merdeka. But, both terminals are just functioned for parking and have not been utilized properly yet, e.g. for consolidation. Goods consolidation, which is usually performed in distribution terminal, may reduce number of freight flow within the city. This paper is aimed to determine the best location of distribution terminal in Jakarta among those two terminals and two additional alternative sites, namely Lodan and Rawa Buaya. It is initialized by the identification of important factors that affect the location selection. It is carried out by Likert analysis through the questionnaires distributed to logistics firms. The best location is determined by applying Overlay Analysis using ArcGIS 9.2. Four grid maps are produced to represent the accessibility, cost, time, and environment factors as the important factors of location. The result shows that the ranking from the best is; Lodan, Tanah Merdeka, Pulo Gebang, and Rawa Buaya.

  5. KONDISI HABITAT DAN EKOSISTEM MANGROVE KECAMATAN SIMPANG PESAK, BELITUNG TIMUR UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN TAMBAK UDANG (Habitat Conditions and Mangrove Ecosystem in Simpang Pesak District, East Belitung for Development of Shrimp Pond

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    Endang Juwita


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kondisi habitat dan eksosistem mangrove menjadi aspek penting dalam pengembangan usaha perikanan budidaya di wilayah pesisir. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji kondisi habitat dan ekosistem mangrove berdasarkan kualitas perairan, tanah, dan vegetasi mangrove serta kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Penelitian dilakukan di empat desa Kecamatan Simpang Pesak Kabupaten Belitung Timur pada bulan April – November 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas air seperti salinitas 28–30, suhu 27–36 oC, pH 7–7,5, kecerahan 50–70, TSS 11–85 mg/L dan kekeruhan 0,91–46,00 NTU, yang rata-rata tidak melebihi ambang batas baku mutu untuk tambak udang dan biota laut, sedangkan kualitas tanah yaitu tekstur tanah (liat berpasir, pH tanah 4,8–6,8 dan bahan organik tanah 9–13% juga menunjukkan nilai yang tidak lebih dari ambang batas yang ditentukan. Kajian lainnya yaitu kondisi mangrove dengan kisaran indeks nilai penting 0–300 menunjukkan mangrove yang berperan dalam ekosistem tersebut dan dalam status mutu baik yang didukung dengan kerapatan 460 pohon/hektar. Oleh karena itu, nilai kerapatan yang tinggi dapat mendukung kegiatan pengembangan tambak udang yaitu dengan konsep ramah lingkungan (silvofisheries. Selain secara ekologi, secara sosial masyarakat juga mendukung pengembangan budidaya tambak udang (wawancara dengan menyediakan (sewa lahan dan tidak mengabaikan kerusakan lingkungan yaitu tetap mempertahankan mangrove. ABSTRACT This research discusses about conditions of habitats and mangrove ecosystems which become an important aspect to develop a good aquaculture in coastal areas. This study aims to analyze the condition of the habitat and mangrove ecosystem based on the quality of water, soil, vegetation of mangroves, and socio-economic conditions of the social community. The study was conducted in four villages in Simpang Pesak, East Belitung Regency from April to November 2013. The results showed the indicator for water

  6. Simultaneous determination of Hg, Pb, As, Cu, Zn and Ni in natural waters (with humic material) by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morales S, E.A.; Zepeda L, E.


    Standardization of a method for simultaneous quantification of Hg, Pb, As, Cu, Zn and Ni in natural waters with humic acid contents was carried out. APDC for complexing free ions and silica gel as adsorber of metallic humates and further filtration were employed. X-ray fluorescence analysis was performed on filters. Good results were found for silica-gel as adsorber. Detection limits of 4 nanograms/milliliter were determined. (author)

  7. Dampak Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan terhadap Tingkat Kekritisan Air Sub-DAS Citarum Hulu

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    Tito Latif Indra


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sehubungan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang membutuhkan ruang untuk hidup telah mengubah pola penggunaan tanah khususnya di DAS Citarum Hulu yang juga merupakan salah satu DAS kritis di Indonesia. Perubahan penggunaan tanah tersebut akan berakibat pada berkurangnya sumberdaya air sehingga menjadikan tingkat kekritisan air semakin tinggi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi peta jaringan sungai, peta penggunaan lahan yang diperoleh dari Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN, data curah hujandan suhu Tahun 1975-2005, peta tanah, peta kemiringan lereng, tutupan vegetasi dan data kebutuhan air primer. Melalui metode GIS yang dipadukan pendekatan hidrologis telah menghasilkan wilayah-wilayah sub DAS yang mengalami kekurangan air dalam hal ini kekritisan air. ABSTRACT The population growth and the need for living space have changeq the patterns of land use especially in Upper Sub Citarum Watershed as one of the critical watersheds in Indonesia. The changes in land use will result in the reduction of water resources and make the higher level of water criticality. Data used in this research including river network map, landuse map obtained from Indonesian National Land Agency (BPN, precipitation and temperature data of 1975-2005, soil map, slope map, vegetation cover and primary water demand data. The critical level of watershed is deterimined based on the comparison of primary water demand and water availability in Upper Citarum Sub Watershed. Through GIS method combined with hydrological approach, the areas of sub watershed experiencing water shortage, in this case is water critical level can be determined. The combination of GIS method and a hydrological approach has resulted in sub-catchment areas experiencing water shortages in this case the critical water level.

  8. Bioremediasi sebagai Usaha Konservasi Lingkungan pada Pencemaran Limbah Pemboran Minyak di Job Pertamina – Petrochina East Java Tuban

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    Ai Siti Fatimah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam skala ex-situ, data yang diperoleh dari setiap perlakuan berupa data deskriptif komparatif. Tujuan penelitian adalah : 1 Mengkaji efektifitas indigeneous sebagai pendegradasi penurunan TPH(Total Petroleum Hydrokarbon, pada sumur Sukowati#4, Sukowati #6, dan Sukowati #7. 2 Mengetahui penyebab penurunan laju degradasi TPH Sukowati#4, lebih cepat dibanding Sukowati #6 dan Sukowati #7. 3 Pemanfaatan hasil bioremediasi untuk masyarakat sekitar lokasi dan rekomendasi saran strategis pengelolaan limbah hasil olahan bioremediasi. Teknik remediasi yang dilakukan secara land farming, dengan menambahkan end-product pada treatment bioremediasi. Variable perlakuan tanah 3:1, pengamatan yang dilakukan selama 20 minggu Indigeneous dan end-product mampu mendegradasi mikroorganisme sumur pemboran Sukowati #4 dengan penurunan TPH yang signifikan sedangkan pada Sukowati #6 mengalami penurunan TPH 25% dan Sukowati #7 penurunan TPH mencapai 20%. Pada minggu ke-8 penurunan TPH mencapai 90 %. Tanah hasil olahan bioremediasi dengan teknik land farming banyak mengandung komponen kimia (N, P, K, memungkinkan untuk digunakan lahan tanaman jarah sebagai rekomendasi saran strategi pengelolaan lingkungan. Pada umumnya masyarakat sekitar lokasi memanfaatkan tanah hasil olahan bioremediasi sebagai tanah urug dan pembuatan batako.   ABSTRACT This research was conducted in the scale of ex-situ, the data obtained from each treatment in the form of comparative descriptive data. Research objectives are: 1 Assess the effectiveness of indigeneous as degrading reduction in TPH (Total Petroleum hydrocarbon, on wells Sukowati # 4, Sragen # 6, and # 7 Sragen. 2 Determine the cause of a decrease in the degradation rate of TPH Sragen # 4, faster than Sragen Sragen # 6 and # 7. 3 Using the findings of bioremediation for the community around the location and strategic advice on the management of waste processed bioremediation. Remediation techniques


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    Ni Ketut Aryastami


    Full Text Available The Ministry of Health had set target it and obligatory for minimum health standard (KW-SPM that has to be implemented in each district/municipality. Maternal and neonatal health (MNH services is one of the services in district health system that has to be delivered by puskesmas to improve the maternal and neonatal health towards reducing the maternal and neonatal mortality. It was a cross sectional study on health policy and financing. The study was conducted in three districts/municipality, namely Badung District, Bali; Tanah Datar District, West Sumatera and Kupang Municipality in East NusaTenggara. Time of the study was February to November 2006. Results showed that the highest allocation of budgetting according to the district health competency was for basic health services, the preventions of communicable diseases, and nutrition program. Budget allocation for investation in maternal and neonatal health was relatively low, only 2-7%. except for Badung District that was 47.2%. The allocated budget for the basic health services has a similar pattern among theareas under study, except for Tanah Datar District, the proportion of operational costs for immunization seem lower than two other districts. There gap between budget allocation and budget necessity. The budget was hardly used to serve the community. Indirect budget, most of provided for staff trainings, building capacity, as well as facility improvements. Per capita allocation for MNH varied among the districts/municapality. Badung District got the lowest (Rp. 20,000 per capita allocation, albeit it had the highest fiscal capacity; meanwhile Tanah Datar District, the middle fiscal capacity had the highest (Rp. 47,000. Kupang Municipality. the lowest fiscal capacity had the middle per capita allocation, which was Rp. 40,000. According to the health services function, the proportion allocating for training was the highest, more than 70% (Kupang and Tanah Datar Districts, and basic health

  10. Successful Ultrasound-Guided Femoral Nerve Blockade and Catheterization in a Patient with Von Willebrand Disease

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    Youmna E. DiStefano


    Full Text Available Peripheral nerve blockade (PNB is superior to neuraxial anesthesia and/or opioid therapy for perioperative analgesia in total knee replacement (TKR. Evidence on the safety of PNB in patients with coagulopathy is lacking. We describe the first documented account of continuous femoral PNB for perioperative analgesia in a patient with Von Willebrand Disease (vWD. Given her history of opioid tolerance and after an informative discussion, a continuous femoral PNB was planned for in this 34-year-old female undergoing TKR. A Humate-P intravenous infusion was started and the patient was positioned supinely. Using sterile technique with ultrasound guidance, a Contiplex 18 Gauge Tuohy needle was advanced in plane through the fascia iliaca towards the femoral nerve. A nerve catheter was threaded through the needle and secured without complications. Postoperatively, a levobupivacaine femoral catheter infusion was maintained, and twice daily Humate-P intravenous infusions were administered for 48 hours; enoxaparin thromboprophylaxis was initiated thereafter. The patient was discharged uneventfully on postoperative day 4. Given documentation of delayed, unheralded bleeding from PNB in coagulopathic patients, we recommend individualized PNB in vWD patients. Multidisciplinary team involvement is required to guide factor supplementation and thromboprophylaxis, as is close follow-up to elicit signs of bleeding throughout the delayed postoperative period.


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    Iwan Permadi


    Full Text Available This paper examines how the legal status of leasing the public land in deal with the State's Right of Controlling is and how the further regulating them in the implementation of regional autonomy is. The used method is a normative legal research with secondary data sources through primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. The results show that leasing the land that the object is a public land constitutes an action against the law, because the state is in fact not the owner of the land. The state only has the right to control the public land and the only the owner has the right to lease the land. Therefore, there is a smuggling law in case of leasing the public land through enacting the regional regulations that contain the permit to use the public land, that the third parties can use public land but the third party must pay a sum of money.


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    Silvia Hanani


    Full Text Available The community family land tenure in the traditional Minangkabau fall entirely on women (Bundo Kanduang. Communal land should not be dominated by men and should not be traded individually. If community family land has been converted from women, then women will lose a valuable asset in his people even poverty will colonize Minangkabau women. As a result women will be trapped at the Minangkabau starvation issues, domestic violence, prostitution, and dropout from school or college. Keywords : Minangkabau, matrilineal, communal landCopyright © 2013 by Kafa`ah All right reservedDOI : 10.15548/jk.v3i1.67

  13. The influence of the poisoning ions on the residual uranium water treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aurelian, F.; Jinescu, G.


    This paper studies uranium adsorption from pond waters on an anionic resin, strongly basic - AM type - under conditions of different concentrations of the noxions ions - the nitric, chlorine, carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate ions - and also various organic substances content under the form of humates. The order in which these ions hinder uranium adsorption on resin and the variation of the loading capacity of the resin, when the concentration of these increase, were established


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    S Sahnan


    Full Text Available The tendency of people to choose outside of the court to solve their disputes should basically be viewed as a legal phenomenon in people lives. Settlement of disputes outside the court has put parties in a position to win-win (win-win solution, different from the way of dispute settlement through the courts that put a party on the win position and the other on the lose position (win-lose solution. Legal dispute settlement through the courts rather than solve the problems it has created more problems between the disputants. Kecenderungan warga masyarakat untuk menyelesaikan sengketanya dengan menggunakan cara di luar pengadilan pada dasarnya harus dipandang sebagai suatu gejala hukum dalam kehidupan warga masyarakat. Penyelesaian sengketa melalui cara di luar pengadilan telah mendudukkan pihak yang bersengketa pada posisi menang-menang (win-win solution, berbeda dengan cara penyelesaian sengketa melalui pengadilan yang mendudukkan pihak yang bersengketa pada posisi ada yang kalah dan ada yang menang. Penyelesaian sengketa melalui pengadilan bukan menyelesaikan masalah justru menambah masalah di antara pihak yang bersengketa.

  15. Analisis Highest and Best Use (HBU pada Lahan Jl. Gubeng Raya No. 54 Surabaya

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    Akmaluddin Akmaluddin


    Full Text Available Laju pertumbuhan penduduk dan tingkat perekonomian yang semakin meningkat di  kota-kota besar seperti Surabaya, bertolak belakang dengan  ketersediaan lahan yang terbatas. Selayaknya properti yang akan dibangun di atas suatu lahan dapat memberikan manfaat yang maksimal serta efisien agar hasilnya dapat dirasakan demi pembangunan wilayah tersebut. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan perhitungan  penggunaan yang paling memungkinkan dan diizinkan dari suatu tanah kosong atau tanah yang  sudah dibangun, dimana secara fisik dimungkinkan, didukung atau dibenarkan oleh peraturan, layak secara keuangan dan menghasilkan nilai tertinggi. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis Highest and Best Use (HBU pada lahan di Jl. Gubeng Raya No. 54 Surabaya seluas 1.150 m2 yang direncanakan akan dibangun hotel. Lahan tersebut berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi properti komersial seperti hotel, apartemen, perkantoran dan pertokoan. Analisis tersebut menggunakan tinjauan terhadap aspek fisik, legal, finansial dan produktivitas maksimumnya. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan alternatif properti komersial hotel yang memiliki penggunaan tertinggi dan terbaik pada pemanfaatan lahan dengan nilai lahan Rp. 67.069.980,31/ m2.

  16. Elemen Kebangsawanan dalam Pemilihan Pemimpin: Analisis Kontekstual Pemilihan Saidina Abu Bakr, Muawiyyah serta Kesultanan Melayu

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    Mohd Haidhar Kamarzaman


    Full Text Available Pemilihan pemimpin negara dalam Islam merupakan tugas yang berat ini selaras dengan kepentingannya dilihat sebagai pengganti Rasulullah (s.a.w iaitu menyebarkan Islam dan mentadbir kelangsungan Islam. Namun yang menjadi fokus kepada penulisan ini adalah faktor kebangsawanan dalam pelantikan pemimpin dalam Islam. Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada sejarah bagaimana elemen kebangsawanan kaum Quraisy bagi Saidina Abu Bakar r.a menjadi faktor yang berpengaruh dalam pelantikan beliau sebagai khalifah Islam yang pertama, Muawiyyah sebagai pemimpin Bani Umayyah yang pertama dan kebangsawanan dalam pemilihan pemimpin di Tanah Melayu seterusnya merentasi perbahasannya ke Malaysia dari sudut pelantikan kesultanan dan pembesar melayu serta pelantikan Perdana Menteri yang mewakili era moden. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah kajian kepustakaan dengan merujuk segala karya-karya berkaitan perkara yang dibincangkan dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian dalam penulisan ini adalah kebangsawanan merupakan satu faktor yang melengkapkan pemilihan pemimpin walaupun bukan satu syarat yang muktamad dalam Islam. Bahkan istilah kebangsawanan itu juga digunakan mengikut kesesuaian budaya setempat sebagaimana yang ditunjuki dalam dua konteks pemilhan khalifah Islam yang pertama, Muawiyyah dan Tanah Melayu seterusnya Malaysia.


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    Denissa Chika Finira


    Full Text Available Life insurance is one of many ways to anticipate risks in the future. The aim of this research was to analyzevalue due to the priorities scale of its dimension, to analyze information access, and to analyze their influencestowards financial planning in purchasing life insurance in Kebon Pedes Area, Tanah Sareal Subdistrict, BogorCity, West Java Province. The location had prosperous family I, II, and III plus, the most in Tanah SarealSubdistrict. The samples of this research was 84 families that was selected by simple random sampling. Data wasanalyzed by multiple linear regression. The result of this research showed that the respondents gettinginformation was 90,5 percent of the sample and the rest did not. Maximum number of that accepted sources therespondents by were 9 sources. The trusted one was life insurance agent. Moreever, friends/neighbours andfamily were also trusted by each 16,7 and 6,0 percent of the respondent. The dimension of the value havinghighest priority was universalism which was one of the social values. Value was significantly affecting financialplanning on life insurance purchasing.

  18. Opracowanie optymnlnych dawek i form makro- i mikro elementów pożywki hydroponicznej w metodzie wrocławskiej przy równoczesnym działaniu humianoów [Elaboration of optimal doses and forms of macro- and microelements and hiLrnatcs in the nutrient used in hydroponic culture "Wrocław"

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    Z. Gumiński


    Full Text Available The effectiveness of macro- and microelements of modified solution of Hampe was investigated. In general, the original doses and forms of ions were optimal. Nevertheless, a pronounced dependence on external factors was found. In aulumn, changes of magnesium doses were of no importance. A double calcium dose was optimal at that time. During summer copper, boron and molybdenum gave better effects if applied in tenfold doses. Applying of humate in non-optimal conditions was distinctly adventageous.

  19. PENGKLASTERAN EROSI DI SUB DAS NGRANCAH KULONROGO (Soil Erosion Rates Clustering of Ngrancah Sub Watershed, Kulon Progo

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    Ambar Kusumandari


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan di Sub DAS Ngrancah yang merupakan daerah tangkapan air Waduk Sermo. Luas wilayah penelitian ini sekitar 2.200 ha. Mayoritas lahan di Sub DAS Ngrancah tergolong kritis yang ditunjukkan oleh tingginya tingkat erosi. Dengan demikian, wilayah ini sangat mendesak untuk dapat dikelola dengan benar agar degradasi lahan dapat dihambat. Untuk memprediksi erosi, diterapkan Model USLE, dengan rumus: A = RKLSCP. Wilayah studi dapat dipilahkan menjadi 77 unit lahan. Sampel tanah diambil dari seluruh unit lahan, demikian pula pengamatan lereng, vegetasi, dan penerapan konservasi tanah. Untuk menganalisis data digunakan analisis kluster. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat erosi bervariasi dari yang paling rendah sebesar 2,54 ton/ha/th sampai dengan yang tertinggi sebesar 489,30 ton/ha/th. Sekitar 68% wilayah studi termasuk dalam kelas erosi sedang dan sekitar 15% wilayah studi termasuk dalam kelas erosi tinggi. Pengklasteran unit lahan secara statistik menunjukkan bahwa pada jarak klaster terpendek terbentuk 8 klaster tingkat erosi. Uji diskriminan menunjukkan bahwa faktor K (erodibilitas dan P (praktek konservasi tanah dan air merupakan faktor yang paling dominan untuk terbentuknya klaster-klaster tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan bermanfaat dalam merancang teknik konservasi tanah dan air untuk menangani erosi di Sub DAS Ngrancah. ABSTRACT The research was carried out at Ngrancah Sub Watershed which is located at the upper area of Sermo Dam and covers an area of almost 2.200 hectares.  The area is mostly critical showed by the high rates of erosion, so, it is  urgently required to manage properly in order to combat  land degradation. In this research, to study the erosion rates of the area, the USLE method was used, i.e. A = RxKxLSxCxP. The area was devided into 77 land units and the soil samples were taken from each land units as well as the observation of slopes, vegetation and soil conservation practices

  20. Profile in various organic soil depth shrimp pond, Tambak Inti Rakyat, Karawang

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    Yuni Puji Hastuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTOrganic material in the bottom of the pond is part of the land is a complex and dynamic system, which is sourced from the rest of the feed, plants, and or animals found in the soil that continuously change shape, because it is influenced by biology, physics, and chemistry. This study was aimed to see the profile of organic material consisting of C, N, and C/N ratio and phosphate in different depths of pond with different culture systems. Observation were conducted at Tambak Inti Rakyat, Karawang in traditional, semi-intensive and intensive culture systems. Observation at mangrove area was also observed as control. Sediment samples at the inlet and outlet at three different depths (0‒5 cm, 5‒10 cm, and 10‒15 cm was taken every 30 days to measure the content of C, N, C/N ratio, and total phosphate. During the 120 day maintenance period could be known that in all pond systems were used (traditional, semi-intensive, and intensive the concentration of C-organic and organic-N on average was located in the bottom layer which is a layer of 10‒15 cm. The lack of human intervention from ground pond system, the more diverse the type and amount of organic material contained therein.Keywords: organic materials, subgrade, depth, aquaculture systems, long maintenanceABSTRAKBahan organik di dasar tambak merupakan bagian dari tanah yang merupakan suatu sistem kompleks dan dinamis, yang bersumber dari sisa pakan, tanaman, dan atau binatang yang terdapat di dalam tanah yang terus menerus mengalami perubahan bentuk, karena dipengaruhi oleh faktor biologi, fisika, dan kimia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil bahan organik yang terdiri dari C, N, dan C/N rasio serta fosfat pada kedalaman tambak yang berbeda dengan sistem budidaya yang berbeda pula. Pengamatan dilakukan di Tambak Inti Rakyat Karawang pada sistem budidaya tradisional, semi intensif, dan intensif. Pengamatan di daerah mangrove diamati pula sebagai kontrol. Sampel sedimen di


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    Chandramaya Siska Damayanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efek pemberian bisa ular tanah (Calloselasma rhodostoma, ular kobra (Naja naja sputatrix, dan ular welang Bungarus fasciatus pada daya fagositosis makrofag peritoneal mencit terhadap kuman streptokokus grup B. Mencit diberi berbagai dosis bisa ular secara peroral selama 7 hari atau secara intravena sebanyak 3 kali dengan selang waktu penyuntikan 3 hari sekali. Di akhir percobaan

  2. Studi Keberadaan Mineralisasi Uranium Di Daerah Biak Numfor, Provinsi Papua Barat


    Suharji, Suharji; Subiantoro, Lilik; Syaeful, Heri; Widana, Kurnia Setiawan; Prabowo, Hery


    Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan adanya temuan indikasi mineral radioaktif berupa anomali laju dosis radiasi bernilai relatif tinggi. Hipotesis yang mendasari keberadaan laju dosis radiasi tinggi adalah pengendapan uranium yang berasal dari batuan basal Formasi Auwea, pengkayaan uranium yang berasal dari batugamping pada tanah permukaan, dan pengendapan uranium yang berasal dari penggunaan pupuk pertanian. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan dari beber...



    Budi Susetyo Hutomo


    Tujuan dari penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel pendapatan, pendidikan, status pernikahan, kepemilikan tanah, jenis kelamin, dan umursecara parsialterhadap keputusan tenaga kerja asal KabupatenSemarang dalam melakukan migrasi ulang-alik. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan data primer melalui instrumen kuesioner terhadap sampel yaitu sebanyak 100 responden, dan menggunakan data sekunder yaitu data dari instansi terkait serta literatur buku. Penelitian ini dilakukan di terminal Ungaran...

  4. Analisis Manfaat Biaya Biochar di Lahan Pertanian untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Petani di Kabupaten Merauke


    Diana Widiastuti, Maria Magdalena


    Biochar terbukti dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan unsur hara dalam tanah, meningkatkan produktivitas dan menambah pendapatan petani. Biochar dapat dibuat dari limbah kehutanan/pertanian dan tidak membutuhkan teknologi tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Menganalisis rasio manfaat biaya pembuatan biochar dari limbah sekam padi, (2) Membandingkan produktivitas tanaman padi dengan perlakuan biochar, dan (3) Menganalisis USAha tani padi sawah dengan perlakuan biochar. Metode penelitian m...

  5. Aplikasi Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskular (Cma) Dan Bokashi Dalam Meminimalisir Pemberian Pupuk Anorganik Pada Produksi Benih Tanaman Jagung Ketan (Zea Mays Ceratina)


    Ningrum, Dhona Puspita; Muhibuddin, Anton; Sumarni, Titin


    Peningkatan produksi jagung di Indonesia kebanyakan dilakukan dengan meningkatkan dosis pupuk anorganik, akan tetapi hasil yang didapat masih rendah, sehingga perlu diupayakan suatu teknologi ramah lingkungan untuk dapat mengefektifkan pemupukan serta memperbaiki kesuburan tanah melalui pemberian bokashi dan penggunaan mikroba potensial seperti cendawan mikoriza arbuskular (CMA). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi CMA dan bokashi dalam meminimalisir pupuk anorganik pada ...

  6. Transport of 152Eu colloids in a system of fine sand and water containing humic substances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klotz, D.


    The migration of 152 Eu in a system of fine sand and water containing humic substances was investigated in a flow column system under realistic conditions. In this system, the trivalent Eu forms colloids with the water. These Eu humates are transported without retardation at recovery rates significantly below 100 per cent. Recovery is more or less a measure of the physical process of filtration of Eu bonded to particulates. In the range of natural filtering rates, the recovery rates decrease with decreasing filtering rate. (orig.) [de

  7. Preliminary results for complexation of Pu with humic acid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guczi, J.; Szabo, G. [National Research Inst. for Radiobiology and Radiohygi ene, Budapest, H-1775 (Hungary)]. e-mail:; Reiller, P. [CEA, CE Sac lay, Nuclear Energy Division/DPC/SERC, Laboratoire de Speciation des Radionuclei des et des Molecules, F-91191 Gif-sue-Yvette (France); Bulman, R.A. [Radiation Protection Division Division, Health Protection Agency, Chilton, Didcot (United Kingdom); Geckeis, H. [FZK - Inst. fuer Nukleare Entsorgung, Karlsruhe (Germany)


    Interaction of plutonium with humic substances has been investigated by a batch method use of the surface bound humic acid from perchlorate solutions at pH 4-6. By using these novel solid phases, complexing capacities and interaction constants are obtained. The complexing behavior of plutonium is analyzed. Pu(IV)-humate conditional stability constants have been evaluated from data obtained from these experiments by using non-linear regression of binding isotherms. The results have been interpreted in terms of complexes of 1:1 stoichiometry.

  8. Effectiveness of Nutrition Education vs. Non-Nutrition Education Intervention in Improving Awareness Pertaining Iron Deficiency among Anemic Adolescents. (United States)

    Yusoff, Hafzan; Wan Daud, Wan Nudri; Ahmad, Zulkifli


    This study was carried out to compare the effect between nutrition education intervention and non-nutrition education intervention on awareness regarding iron deficiency among schooling adolescents in Tanah Merah, one of rural district in Kelantan, Malaysia. This study which was started in year 2010 involved 280 respondents (223 girls, 57 boys, age: 16 yr) from schools in Tanah Merah. The selection criteria were based on hemoglobin level (Hb = 7 - 11.9 g/dL for girls; Hb = 7 - 12.9 g/dL for boys). They were divided into 2 groups. The first group received nutrition education package (Nutrition education, NE), whereas another group was entitled to receive non-nutrition education intervention (Non-Nutrition Education, NNE) (supplement only). Both interventions were implemented for 3 months. The changes in awareness among respondents of both groups were evaluated using multi-choices questionnaire. Nutrition education receiver group (NE) demonstrated improvement in awareness at post-intervention. No substantial improvement was demonstrated by the counterpart group (NNE). Multimedia nutrition education program conducted at school setting was in fact practical and effective in improving awareness on iron deficiency among anemic adolescents.


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    Karmono Mangunsukardjo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan geomorfologi dalam perencanaan penggunaan lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai Oyo, Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Arahan perencanaan penggunaan lahan didasarkan pada kelas kemampuan lahan dengan satuan medan sebagai satuan evaluasi dan acuan petanya. Satuan medan yang disusun atas satuan bentuklahan, lereng, dan tanah, sedangkan untuk penentuan kelas kemampuan lahannya ditambang dengan factor batu di permukaan, airtanah, dan genangan. Evaluasi kemampuan lahan dilakukan dengan cara matching antara karakteristik lahan dalam setiap satuan medan terhadap persyaratan kelas kemampuan lahan dengan menggunakan system informasi geografis (SIG. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa satuan medan yang disusun berdasarkan kerangka dasar geomorfologi mampu memberikan penilaian kemampuan lahan dan arahan penggunaan lahan. Satuan medan pegunungan structural-denudasional (SP, perbukitan structural-denudasional (SB, mempunyai kelas kemampuan lahan VI, sehingga tidak boleh dimanfaatkan dan seharusnya dijadikan lahan konservasi. Satuan medan lain yang mempunyai kelas kemampuan lahan IV seperti SBk, KD, KDt dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pertanian sangat terbatas. Satuan medan yang berkelas kemampuan lahan III adalah FT, SI, KDa, dan KLb yang memungkinkan untuk lahan pertanian terbatas. Erosi dan sifat tanah merupakan faktor kendala lahan pertanian pada satuan medan dengan kelas kemampuan lahan III.

  10. Penurunan Logam Timbal (Pb pada Limbah Cair TPA Piyungan Yogyakarta dengan Constructed Wetlands Menggunakan Tumbuhan Eceng Gondok (Eichornia Crassipes

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    Eko Siswoyo


    Full Text Available Salah satu permasalahan lingkungan yang ditimbulkan dari adanya lindi di TPA Piyungan yaitu pencemaran pada badan air, sungai dan air tanah. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini salah satunya dengan sistem Constructed Wetlands dengan menggunakan tumbuhah eceng gondok. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat penurunan konsentrasi Timbal (Pb yang terdapat dalam limbah cair TPA Piyungan dengan Constructed Wetlands menggunakan tumbuhan eceng gondok dan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kapasitas serapan tumbuhan eceng gondok terhadap kandungan Timbal (Pb dalam limbah cair TPA Piyungan.Dalam penelitian ini digunakan reaktor yang terbuat dari kayu yang dilapisi plastik dengan ukuran 0,5 m x 1,0 m. Setiap reaktor diberi media tanah 5 cm, dan diberi tumbuhan sebanyak 14 buah. Reaktor tersebut diberi perlakuan dengan konsentrasi limbah yang bervariasi (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, dan 0%, dan waktu pengambilan sampel (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 hari. Dengan menggunakan metode SSA (Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom.Berdasarkan pengujian diperoleh bahwa penurunan logam Pb pada limbah cair TPA Piyungan hari ke- 12, yaitu sebesar 0.0501mg/L pada konsentrasi 100%, 0.0295mg/L pada konsentrasi 75%, 0.0267mg/L pada konsentrasi 50% dan 0.0041 mg/L pada konsentrasi 25%.

  11. Stabilitas Tanah Plastisitas Rendah dengan Semen


    s, Pirmadona '; ', Muhardi '; Kurniawandy, Alex '


    Soil is a material that serves as an support for the basis of a constuction, be it construction of buildings, bridges and roads. Each region has different soil characteristics in other regions, there have bearing capacity is good and some are bad. To overcome this, it is necessary to repair soil with stabilization method. One way of soil stabilization is with cement. In this study, the cement used are OPC cement and PCC cement. This study focuses on the effect of OPC cement content and PCC ag...


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    budi utomo


      Since 2016 the government has accelerated the registration of land systematically complete until in 2025 the whole plot of land in Indonesia registered. In 2018 alone the government is targeting 7 million fields, and 2019 is targeting 9 million. To achieve these targets is required technology that can overcome this. Drone, better known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV or unmanned aircraft technology as a solution for mapping of land with a large target, time and area flexibility desired shooting, and detailed shooting spatial resolution results as well as a relatively cheaper cost than the recording price with satellite. This research uses qualitative method. Data were obtained from the study literature. After the data collected it will be done data analysis with three stages, namely; Reduction, Display, and Conclution. The results of this study shows that the use of drones for the acceleration of land mapping is the right choice because the drone shots have spatial resolution which is so high that it complies with ground mapping rules and the price is cheap.   Keywords: drone, mapping, plot of land

  13. Fitoakumulasi Ion Logam Tembaga(II) Oleh Tanaman Lidah Mertua (Sansevieria trifasciata Prain)


    Ayu Ika Pratiwi, Asmawati, Syarifuddin Liong


    Limbah Cu yang bersumber dari aktivitas industri memiliki sifat toksik bagi makhluk hidup. Pengolahan limbah Cu dapat dilakukan dengan teknik fitoremediasi yaitu teknik pembersihan lingkungan yang tercemar dengan memanfaatkan tanaman hiperakumulator dan telah dikembangkan menjadi metode yang murah dan ramah lingkungan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan tanaman lidah mertua (Sansevieria trifasciata Prain) untuk menarik ion logam berat Cu(II) dari tanah dengan variasi waktu sehingga dapat diketahui...

  14. Keragaman dan Peran Biologi Arthrophoda pada Sawah Irigasi dan Tegalan


    Suwarno, Suwarno


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman arthropoda dan peran biologinya pada tanah sawah irigasi dan tegalan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di daerah persawahan di daerah Sragen pada bulan Maret – Mei 2016. Metode Penelitian dengan menggunakan pitfall trap atau perangkap jebakan yang diletakkan area persawahan dan tegalan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Sampel arthropoda yang diperoleh diidentifikasi dan dianalisis di Laboratorium pendidikan Biologi. ...

  15. “PENGARUH INTENSITAS TERPAAN INFORMASI MELALUI TWITTER TERHADAP TINGKAT KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN” (Studi Eksplanatif tentang Pengaruh Intensitas Terpaan Informasi Melalui Twitter @cinema21 terhadap Tingkat Keputusan Pembelian yang Dikontrol oleh Sikap dan Tingkat Motif Pembelian Tiket Bioskop Pada Followers @cinema21)




    Twitter merupakan salah satu tool masa kini yang marak digunakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan dalam memasarkan produknya. Hal ini merupakan langkah yang ditempuh dalam melakukan kegiatan advertising atau periklanan bagi perusahaan. Twitter menjadi salah satu social media yang paling diminati oleh manusia saat ini karena sangat gampang diakses, simpel, dan aktual. 21 Cineplex Group merupakan perusahaan bioskop terbesar di tanah air, yang memiliki brand Cinema 21, Cinema XXI,...



    Syairuddin Muhidin; Munirah Hasyim; Nurhayati


    ABSTRAK EKOSOSBUDKUM 2010 Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) jumlah kosakata bahasa Melayu dalam bahasa Bugis, bahasa Makassar, bahasa Mandar, dan bahasa Toraja dan (2) menganalisis tahun pisah keempat bahasa tersebut dengan bahasa Melayu dari bahasa induknya. Lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Barru, Kota Makassar, Kabupaten Majene, dan Kabupaten Tanah Toraja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode simak dengan teknik rekam dan penyebaran daftar 200 kata Morris Swadess. Data ...



    Devy, Shalaho Dina; Hendrayana, Heru; Putra, Dony Prakasa Eka; Sugiharto, Eko


    ABSTRAK Dampak penambangan batubara tambang terbuka adalah munculnya Air Asam Tambang (AAT) di sekitar lingkungan penambangan yang mempengaruhi kualitas air tambang, biota air, kualitas air dan tanah. Oleh karena itu, informasi awal untuk mengantisipasi dampak tersebut, yaitu identifikasi batuan yang berpotensi asam dan memodelkan penyebarannya. Kajian geologi dan mineralogi batuan berperan dalam mengetahui penyebaran batuan Potential Acid Forming (PAF) dan Non Acid Forming (NAF). Kawasan...


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    S. Dharma Kesuma


    Full Text Available Weed is one of the important constraints in rice production, and therefore its effective control measure should be considered that the production can be optimized. The application of no tillage by using herbicide is assumed more effective and efficient than conventional one. However, herbicide which is used as contionusly can influence residue in soil, plant and rice. The objectives of the research were to analyze the effect of no tillage and its combination of IPA glyphosate herbicide concentration levels to rice productivity and to analyze IPA glyphosate herbicide residue in soil, straw and rice. The study was conducted in the field by using IPA glyphosate herbicide with five treatments, namely maximum tillage (Gm, no herbicide spraying (G0, glyphosate herbicide doses 1.5 l ha-1(G1, 3 l ha-1 (G2 and 4.5 l ha-1(G3. The analysis of glyphosate residue was done in soil, straw and rice samples by using HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography method. The research results showed that Gm and G1 treatments had highest with rice yield average were 938 g m-2 and 728 g m-2, respectively. Gm treatmen more profitable with R / C ratio of 1.84 with a profit of Rp 13.714 million, but using more labor than G1 treatment. Thereby, no-tillage treatment (G1 could be done by using glyphosate herbicide in doses 1.5 l ha-1, economically. Glyphosate contained in soil samples, straw, and rice proved that using of gyphosate intensively could have negative impacts on soil microbial activity, plant resistance to plant diseases and residue of glyphosate carried by plants. Glyphosate residue concentration was highest found on rice sample in treatments G3 was 0.272 mg kg-1. These glyphosate residual values on rice was highest than maximum residue limit which was decided by Indonesia government (0.1 mg kg-1. Glyphosate residues contained in food is not within safe limits if taken every day and can cause adverse effects to human health. Keywords: glyphosate herbicide, maximum residue limits, paddy field, weed control

  19. Community Structure of Riparian Community of Sematang Borang River of South Sumatera

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    Yetty Hastiana


    Full Text Available Vegetasi riparian adalah sebagai ekoton antara habitat teresterial dengan sistem perairan (sungai. Penyangga riparian berfungsi untuk menjaga kelestarian fungsi sungai dengan cara menahan atau menangkap tanah (lumpur yang tererosi serta unsur hara dan bahan kimia termasuk pestisida yang terbawa dari lahan dibagian kiri kanan sungai agar tidak masuk ke perairan. Sungai Sematang Borang merupakan bagian dari Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS Musi, Sungai Sematang Borang memiliki karaketeristik struktur sungai dengan panjang seitar 5 km, lebar sungai mencapai 70 m dan kedalaman sekitar 10 m. Saat ini sungai ini mulai terancam mengalami penurunan kualitas baik fisik, kimia maupun biologi Selain kehilangan habitat alami ikan yang akan berdampak pada penurunan kelimpahan dan biodiversity, perairan ini juga mengalami abrasi pada sisi kiri kanan tebing sungai. Keberadaan vegetasi riparian menjadi penting, selain untuk mencegah abrasi, juga berperan dalam produksi serasah. Produksi serasah berkontribusi dalam transfer bahan organik vegetasi ke dalam tanah. Unsur hara yang dhasilkan dari proses dekomposisi serasah dalam tanah sangat penting bagi kelangsungan hidup vegetasi dan sebagai sumber detritus bagi ekosistem dalam menyokong kehidupan organisme akuatik. Pentingnya kontribusi vegetasi riparian dalam suatu ekosistem, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian terhadap diversitas dan profil vegetasi. Kajian aspek vegetasi, diperkuat dengan melakukan pengamatan terhadap kondisi fisik kimia perairan Sematang Borang. Parameter fisik kimiaperairan yang diamati meliputi: suhu, kedalaman, kecepatan arus, COD, BOD, DO, pH, dan Salinitas. Penelitian menerapkan metode ekologi deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif, untuk analisis kualitas fisik kimia perairan didukung analisis laboratorium dan survei. Hasil penelitian teridentifikasi 15 species riparian dengan kategori indeks keanekaragaman riparian 0,09-1,03 dan memiliki pola penyebaran cenderung berkelompok

  20. Carbon Stocks in Mangrove Ecosystems of Musi and Banyuasin Estuarine, South Sumatra Province (Stok Karbon Ekosistem Mangrove di Estuarin Musi dan Banyuasin, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Melki Melki


    Full Text Available Hutan mangrove di daerah estuari mampu menghasilkan stok karbon yang sangat besar sebagai daerah perlindungan dan pemulihan yang efektif sebagai strategi mitigasi perubahan iklim yang efektif. Pemilihan ekosistem pesisir dalam strategi mitigasi memerlukan kuantifikasi stok karbon untuk menghitung emisi atau penyerapan berdasarkan waktu. Penelitian ini menghitung stok karbon pada ekosistem Musi Estuari Waters (MEW dan Banyuasin Estuari Water (BEW, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan pada tipe vegetasi yang berbeda dan hubungan variabel lingkungan dengan stok karbon. Di tujuh lokasi dalam MEW dan BEW sampel vegetasi dan tanah. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah nilai yang lebih tinggi dari stok karbon di vegetasi dari lokasi III/MEW (7.600,92 mg.ha-1, stok karbon dalam tanah dari lokasi II/MEW (61.081,87 mg.ha-1 dan stok karbon di ekosistem dari lokasi II (64.548,54 mg.ha-1. Mangrove A. marina merupakan yang paling baik menyimpan stok carbon termasuk antara vegetasi dan tanah karena toleransi salinitas yang rendah. Kata kunci: mangrove, karbon, estuari, Musi, Banyuasin Mangrove forests in estuarines can have exceptionally large carbon stocks and their protection and restoration would constitute an effective mitigation strategy to climate change. Inclusion of coastal ecosystems in mitigation strategies require quantification of carbon stocks in order to calculate emissions or sequestration through time. This study quantified the ecosystem carbon stocks of the Musi Estuarine Waters (MEW and Banyuasin Estuarine Water (BEW, Province of South Sumatra into different vegetation types and examined relationships of environmental variables with carbon stocks. At seven sites within MEW and BEW of vegetation and soil samples. The results that the higher value of carbon stock in vegetation from Site III/MEW (7.600,92 mg.ha-1, the carbon stock in soil from Site II/MEW (61.081,87 mg.ha-1 and carbon stock in ecosystem from Site II (64.548,54 mg.ha-1. Mangrove of A. marina the

  1. NILAI EKONOMI KARBON HUTAN RAWA GAMBUT MERANG KEPAYANG, PROVINSI SUMATERA SELATAN (Economic Value of Carbon of Merang Kepayang Peat Swamp Forest, South Sumatera Province

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    Nur Arifatul Ulya


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Hutan rawa gambut menyimpan cadangan karbon baik di tanah maupun di atas tanah. Hutan Rawa Gambut Merang Kepayang (HRGMK merupakan kawasan hutan yang berada di kubah gambut terbesar di Sumatera Selatan, yaitu Kubah Gambut Merang (KGM, yang didalamnya terdapat gambut dengan ketebalan lebih dari 3 meter. Meskipun menurut aturan KGM seharusnya dikonservasi, pada kenyataannya kawasan HRGMK dihadapkan pada konversi. Konversi HRGMK diduga akan mengakibatkan terganggunya fungsi hutan rawa gambut sebagai cadangan karbon dunia sehingga akan menyebabkan terjadinya emisi karbon ke atmosfer dalam jumlah besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai ekonomi kawasan HRGMK sebagai penyimpan cadangan karbon. Hasil penelitian diharapkan menjadi acuan pelestarian HRGMK sebagai stabilisator iklim dunia. Nilai ekonomi karbon HRGMK ditaksir dengan menggunakan harga bayangan. Harga karbon yang digunakan untuk menaksir nilai ekonomi karbon diperoleh dengan metode benefit transfer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai total karbon HRGMK adalah US$ 1.591.878.378,00 atau Rp.,00. Nilai tersebut sebagian besar berasal dari cadangan karbon di bawah tanah. ABSTRACT Peat swamp forests store aboveground and belowground carbon. Merang Kepayang Peat Swamp Forest (MKPSF is a forest area which is located in Merang Peat Dome (MPD, the largest peat dome in South Sumatra, with peat thickness more than 3 meters. Although the order should be conserved MPD, in fact MKPSF area exposed to the conversion. MKPSF conversion would presumably result in impaired function of peat swamp forest as world's carbon storage that will be caused carbon emissions into the atmosphere in large quantities. This study aimed to determine the economic value of the HRGMK as carbon storage. The results are expected to be justifications for conservation of MKPSF as climate stabilizers. The economic value of carbon HRGMK assessed using shadow pricing method. The carbon price

  2. Exploration of Bernabe Montano complex of uranium deposits, New Mexico, USA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porter, D.A.


    The Bernabe Montano discovery is a significant eastern extension of the Grants Mineral Belt, consisting of two nearly parallel mineralized trends with a combined strike length of about 14.5 km. One deposit with approximately 10 6 lb of uranium oxide has been blocked out and several km of mineralized trend require additional delineation drilling. The mineralization exhibits many similarities to Westwater Canyon Member ore deposits in other parts of the Grants Mineral Belt; one of the most significant is the continuation of the south-easterly trend that has persisted, with some breaks, for a length of over 175 km. As with other Grants Mineral Belt deposits, the mineralization is associated with multilevel humate masses that are roughly parallel to the bedding of the Westwater Canyon Member host sandstone beds. These humate masses and the associated uranium deposits show a marked preference for the margins of the thicker, more laterally continuous, channelways. The discovery of the Bernabe Montano complex of deposits is significant for several reasons. First, it opened up exploration in the distal fan facies where many geologists thought the uranium potential was relatively low. The discovery is potentially more significant in that it demonstrates the ability of detailed subsurface geologic mapping to suggest the location of high potential geologic trends in partially explored but favourable regions where the more traditional surface geologic and radiometric techniques are no longer effective in finding new deposits. (author)

  3. Phytoextraction of potentially toxic elements by Indian mustard, rapeseed, and sunflower from a contaminated riparian soil. (United States)

    Shaheen, Sabry M; Rinklebe, Jörg


    The objective of this study was to quantify the phytoextraction of the potentially toxic elements Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, V, and Zn by Indian mustard, rapeseed, and sunflower from a contaminated riparian soil. To achieve this goal, a greenhouse pot experiment was established using a highly contaminated grassland soil collected at the Wupper River (Germany). The impact of ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid (EDTA), humate (HK), and phosphate potassium (PK) on the mobility and uptake of the elements by rapeseed also was investigated. Indian mustard showed the highest efficiency for phytoextraction of Al, Cr, Mo, Se, and V; sunflower for Cd, Ni, Pb, and Zn, and rapeseed for Cu. The bioconcentration ratios were higher than 1 for the elements (except As and Cu), indicating the suitability of the studied plants for phytoextraction. Application of EDTA to the soil increased significantly the solubility of Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, and Pb and decreased the solubility of Al, As, Se, V, and Mo. Humate potassium decreased significantly the concentrations of Al and As in rapeseed but increased the concentrations of Cu, Se, and Zn. We may conclude that HK can be used for immobilization of Al and As, while it can be used for enhancing the phytoextraction of Cu, Se, and Zn by rapeseed. Phosphate potassium immobilized Al, Cd, Pb, and Zn, but enhanced phytoextraction of As, Cr, Mo, and Se by rapeseed.

  4. About the sorption of C-14 labelled γ-hexachlorcyclohexane (lindane) in the ng/l-range at geogene adsorbers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wirth, H.


    In order to evaluate the environmental behaviour of chlorinated hydrocarbons more precisely, laboratory adsorption experiments under defined conditions taking lindane as a model were carried out. Adsorbents used were Elbe River suspended matter, quartz, kaolinite, illite, bentonite, Na-humate and peat. Organogenic substrates showed the highest adsorption rates. Adsorption was affected by several parameters such as salinity and temperature. High remobility of lindane was found in desorption experiments. These results can be transferred to natural aquatic systems since the concentration ranges used herein are equivalent to those found in the environment. (orig.) [de

  5. Pengaruh Pemberian Berbagai Bentuk Azolla Dan Pupuk N Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Manis (Zea Mays Var. Saccharata)


    Putra, Dwi Firmansyah; Soenaryo, Soenaryo; Tyasmoro, Setyono Yudo


    Jagung manis sangat responsif terhadap pupuk N, agar kebutuhan N terpenuhi dan memberikan nilai tambah dapat menyuburkan tanah tanpa menurunkan produktifitas jagung manis, maka diperlukan penyeimbang berupa pupuk organik yang memiliki kandungan N tinggi. Pupuk organik potensial yang memiliki kandungan N tinggi yaitu Azolla. Azolla dapat ditemukan dalam 3 bentuk yaitu Azolla segar, Azolla kering dan kompos Azolla. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi Azolla segar, Azolla...

  6. Mekanisme Proses Pemanasan Air Di Dalam Boiler Dengan Mempergunakan Heater Tambahan Untuk Efisiensi Pembakaran


    Helmon Sihombing


    Pada proses pemanasan air, air yang berasal dari raw water (air tanah) tidak langsung dibakar didalam boiler. dalam hal ini digunakan peralatan instrumen Deaerator dan economizer yang berfungsi untuk pemanasan awal sebelum dibakar didalam boiler. Fungsi deaerator dan economizer ini adalah sebagai komponen pembantu untuk memanaskan air sebelum dibakar didalam boiler. Apabila pemanasan air langsung dilakukan didalam boiler maka akan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan menggunakan bahan b...

  7. Beberapa Catatan Tentang Bahasa Melayu Dili: Studi Awal Mengenai Bahasa Melayu Di Timor Timur


    Fernandez, Inyo Yos


    Menurul Suparlan (1978:44), ada beragam ras di antara berbagai kelompok etnik yang mendiami Propinsi Timor Timur. Dapat disebutkan antara lain Papua Melenesoid, Veda Austrotoid, Kaukasoid, Mongoloid, dan Melayu. Keberadaan ras Melayu di antara berbagai ras tersebut adalah wajar mengingat penyebaran suku Melayu hampir meliputi seluruh pelosok tanah air, dan telah menjadi Kenyataan sejarah. Di berbagai daerah puak Melayu dan kebudayaannya berbaur dengan kehidupan budaya setempat, salah satu per...

  8. PENGEMBANGAN ENERGI TERBARUKAN MELALUI EVALUASI PROGRAM KONVERSI MINYAK TANAH KE LPG DI PULAU GILI RAJA-SUMENEP (Developing Renewable Energy Through An Evaluation for A Program of Kerosene Conversion to LPG in Gili Raja Island - Sumenep

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    Nian Riawati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengevaluasi program konversi minyak tanah ke Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG pada kelompok sasaran di pulau Gili Raja kabupaten Sumenep Jawa Timur. Kajian sebelumnya terhadap program ini masih bersifat formatif dengan fokus efisiensi dan efektivitas implementasi. Dengan menggunakan metode Minimum Evaluation Procedure (MEP penelitian ini mempertanyakan implementasi program secara runtut, mulai output, outcome sampai impact. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif penelitian ini dapat mendeskripsikan konteks dan setting secara alamiah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pungutan dalam proses distribusi paket program, rendahnya akses atau penggunaan paket program serta tidak adanya dampak program. Selain itu, ditemukan adanya potensi lokal berupa kotoran ternak yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi sumber daya energi terbarukan. Berdasarkan hal itu, disarankan sebuah program dapat dikembangkan secara asimetris sesuai dengan kondisi lokasi dan kelompok sasaran, terjadinya komunikasi intensif antara pelaksana program dengan kelompok sasaran serta stakeholders lainnya. Berdasarkan potensi kelompok sasaran di pulau Gili Raja, hendaknya dikembangkan kebijakan energi alternatif biogas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi masyarakat serta mendukung pencapaian tujuan kebijakan energi nasional.   ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to evaluate the conversion programfrom kerosene to Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG on a target group in Gili Raja island of SumenepMunicipal, East Java. Previous study on this program was quite formative one and focusing on the efficiency and the effectiveness of the program implementation. In addition, by applying Minimum Evaluation Procedure’s (MEP method, this research questioned the implementation of the program consecutively from the output, the outcome as well as the impact. Furthermore, through a qualitative approach, this research will be able to describe context and setting naturally. Result of the research shows

  9. Pengaruh Pemberian Vermikompos dan Biochar Jerami Padi terhadap Sifat Biologi Tanah dan Kapasitas Menyimpan Air pada Tanah Ultisol


    Ramadhan, Azhari


    Soil biology and soil water holding capacity is an important aspect in determining the health of the soil. Giving vermicompost and paddy straw biochar can affect the biological properties of the soil and ultisol soil water holding capacity. This study aimed to determine the effect of vermicompost and paddy straw biochar on biological properties of the soil and the ultisol water holding capacity. The research was conducted in the laboratory. This research used randomized block design with one ...

  10. Relation of peat to oil shale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Linker, S


    Samples of oil shale from the Green River formation and from Elko (Nev.), Brazil, Austria, and South Africa were examined, and several varieties of shale were found. Green River oil shale represents three of the more common types plus one less common type. These were: contorted shale with a velvety appearance, thin paper shale resembling the curled-up leaves of a book, massive black shale resembling a piece of rubber, and a less common type, which showed the bedding planes very clearly. The Elko (Nev.) shale was a light buff color; the shale from Brazil resembled a piece of petrified peat. When the shales were cut very thin, their colors ranged from yellow to reddish-brown. The composition, as seen under the microscope, was of well-preserved plant material such as spores, pollen grains, fragments of cell tissues, algae, fungi, bacteria, macerated organic residue, small pieces of resin, animal fossils, and translucent bodies. Oil shale was produced from organic material that accumulated in peat bogs, marshes, or swamps in fresh or salt waters. The organic matter was decomposed by bacterial action. Certain parts of the plants decayed more readily than others. Before lithification occurred, a chemical action took place that changed the softer tissues of the plant debris into a gel. This collodial matter penetrated and surrounded the more resistant fragments and preserved them from further decay. Certain bog waters contain a high percentage of humic acids in solution or collodial suspension and produce insoluble humates when neutralized. These humates are probably the so-called kerogen bodies.

  11. Urban airborne lead: X-ray absorption spectroscopy establishes soil as dominant source. (United States)

    Pingitore, Nicholas E; Clague, Juan W; Amaya, Maria A; Maciejewska, Beata; Reynoso, Jesús J


    Despite the dramatic decrease in airborne lead over the past three decades, there are calls for regulatory limits on this potent pediatric neurotoxin lower even than the new (2008) US Environmental Protection Agency standard. To achieve further decreases in airborne lead, what sources would need to be decreased and what costs would ensue? Our aim was to identify and, if possible, quantify the major species (compounds) of lead in recent ambient airborne particulate matter collected in El Paso, TX, USA. We used synchrotron-based XAFS (x-ray absorption fine structure) to identify and quantify the major Pb species. XAFS provides molecular-level structural information about a specific element in a bulk sample. Pb-humate is the dominant form of lead in contemporary El Paso air. Pb-humate is a stable, sorbed complex produced exclusively in the humus fraction of Pb-contaminated soils; it also is the major lead species in El Paso soils. Thus such soil must be the dominant source, and its resuspension into the air, the transfer process, providing lead particles to the local air. Current industrial and commercial activity apparently is not a major source of airborne lead in El Paso, and presumably other locales that have eliminated such traditional sources as leaded gasoline. Instead, local contaminated soil, legacy of earlier anthropogenic Pb releases, serves as a long-term reservoir that gradually leaks particulate lead to the atmosphere. Given the difficulty and expense of large-scale soil remediation or removal, fugitive soil likely constrains a lower limit for airborne lead levels in many urban settings.

  12. Stratigraphy and uranium deposits, Lisbon Valley district, San Juan County, Utah

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huber, G.C.


    Uranium occurrences are scattered throughout southeastern Utah in the lower sandstones of the Triassic Chinle Formation. The Lisbon Valley district, however, is the only area with uranium deposits of substantial size. The stratigraphy of the Lisbon Valley district was investigated to determine the nature of the relationship between the mineralized areas and the lower Chinle sandstones. The geochemistry of the Lisbon Valley uranium deposits indicates a possible district-wide zoning. Interpretation of the elemental zoning associated with individual ore bodies suggests that humates overtaken by a geochemical oxidation-reduction interface may have led to formation of the uranium deposits. Refs

  13. Penyisihan Limbah Organik Air Lindi TPA Jatibarang Menggunakan Koagulasi-Flokulasi Kimia

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    Arya Rezagama


    Full Text Available Air lindi yang meresap ke dalam tanah yang berpotensi bercampur dengan air tanah sehingga menimbulkan pencemaran tanah, air tanah dan air permukaan. Komposisi limbah lindi dari berbagai TPA berbeda-beda bergantung pada musim, jenis limbah, umur TPA. Proses dalam TPA menghasilkan molekul organik recalcitrant yang ditunjukkan dengan rendahnya rasio BOD/COD dan tingginya nilai NH3-N. Belum optimalnya pengolahan air lindi di Jatibarang membutuhkan pretreatment sebagai bentuk upaya alternatif dalam proses pengolahan air lindi sebelum masuk ke dalam proses aerated lagun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh koagulan kimia pada penyisihan bahan organik air lindi TPA Jatibarang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April- Agustus 2016. Karaktersitik air lindi TPA Jatibarang termasuk dalam kategori "moderately stable" dan lindi muda. Penyisihan bahan organik dengan menggunakan kuagulan kimia FeCl3 dan Al2SO4 menunjukkan nilai yang cukup signifikan untuk parameter COD, BOD, TSS. Penggunaan dosis optimal terjadi pada 16 g/L FeCl3 serta 16 g/L Al2SO4 dapat menurunkan nilai COD sebesar 51% dan 65%, BOD sebesar 50% dan 56%, dan TSS sebesar 24% dan 21%. Perubahan nilai pH akibat penambahan koagulan berpengaruh positif terhadap tingkat penyisihan, namun memberikan dampak negatif yaitu buih yang cukup banyak. Penurunan beban organik menguntungkan bagi sistem pengolahan lindi eksisting TPA Jatibarang.  [Title: Removal of Lindi Water Organic Waste of TPA Jatibarang using Chemical Coagulation- Floculation] Leachate grounding into the soil that potentially could mix with the groundwater caused contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water. The composition of waste landfill leachate from the various location is depending on the season, the type of waste, and landfill age. Process in the TPA produces recalcitrant organic molecules as indicated by the low ratio of BOD/COD and NH3-N high value. The ineffective treatment of leachate at Jatibarang


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    Urip Santoso


    Full Text Available Management Right holders authorized to use the land for the purpose of implementation of tasks or business, is also authorized to submit portions of land right and management to third parties or to cooperate with the third parties in the form of land use agreements which publishes Right to Build or Right to Use, and in the form of the release of land rights which publishes Right of Property

  15. Profiles of traditional farms: soil texture, total inorganic N and bacteria-producing estate

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    Yuni Puji Hastuti


    Full Text Available Pond traditional system is the pond in still activity with a symple management system.  This activity indicated by low technology and relatively low production level.  Aquaculture activities in traditional pond not loss from nitrification and denitrification prosess, however this process is more low production rather than semiintensive and intensive system. This study aims to observe abundance of bacteria nitrification along with changes soil texture, and N-organic in the soil of traditional pond. Chemical and biological analyses were done using spectroscopy and Most Probable Number methods to determine the amount of nitrite and ammonium production of bacteria.  Based of the result, each stratum traditional ponds have relatively similar abundance in nitrite producing bacteria of 7.08-7.47 Log CFU/g.  Increasing abundance in ammonium producing bacteria was found in all stratum, range from 5.63 Log cfu/g to 8.12 Log cfu/g. From the first day of preparation, traditional ponds have a lot of nitrite and ammonium producing bacteria.Keywords: traditional, pond, nitrification, abundance of bacteri. ABSTRAKTambak sistem tradisional merupakan tambak yang dalam kegiatannya masih menggunakan sistem manajemen sederhana.  Hal ini ditandai dengan penerapan teknologi sederhana, dan tingkat produksi relatif rendah.  Kegiatan budidaya di tambak tradisional tidak akan terlepas dari proses nitrifikasi dan denitrifikasi, namun demikian proses ini relatif lebih rendah aktivitasnya daripada tambak sistem semiintensif dan intensif.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari kelimpahan bakteri penghasil senyawa nitrit, amonium seiring dengan perubahan tekstur tanah, dan N-organik pada tanah tambak tradisional. Media pertumbuhan bakteri dikondisikan bebas oksigen (oxygen free nitrogen/OFN method , sedangkan kelimpahan bakteri dianalisis dengan rumus most porbable number (MPN. Berdasarkan hasil, setiap strata tanah tambak tradisional memiliki jumlah bakteri


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    Beny Harjadi


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to get the distribution of erosion tolerance value (T-value in KedungOmbo Dam Catchment Area. The KedungOmbo Dam Catchment Area is located in Boyolali area as a food granary with the main supply of vegetables and rice producers. This situation requires soil conditions to be maintained and no land degradation or erosion that exceeds the limits of erosion or erosion tolerance allowed. The method used to calculate the T-value is the survey and by the calculation of raster analysis with satellite imagery. The parameter collected in the field includes soil conditions (soil solum and crop conditions (effective root depth. Based on T-value calculation formula with 300 years life resource, this will get the amount of erosion allowed in KedungOmbo Dam Catchment Area. Areas with low T values should be maintained for land conditions because mild erosion will be a serious threat. The erosion tolerance in the KedungOmbo Dam Catchment Area is 59%, which is dominated by high T-values, with an area of 34,092 ha and a very high 24% or an area of 14,136 ha. Keywords: Land degradation; Sheet erosion; Value-T; Land productivity Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan sebarannilai toleransi erosi (nilai-T di Daerah Tangkapan Waduk (DTW Kedung Ombo. Mengingat DTW Kedung Ombo termasuk wilayah Boyolali sebagai lumbung pangan dengan pasokan utama sayuran dan juga produsen padi. Situasi ini membutuhkan kondisi tanah harus dipertahankan dan tidak ada degradasi lahan atau erosi yang melebihi batas toleransi erosi atau erosi diperbolehkan. Metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung nilai-T dengan cara survei dan dibantu dengan perhitungan analisis raster dengan citra satelit. Parameter yang dikumpulkan di lapangan meliputi kondisi tanah (solum tanah dan kondisi tanaman (kedalaman perakaran efektif. Dari rumus perhitungan nilai-T dengan resource life 300 tahun akan mendapatkan besarnya erosi yang diperbolehkan di seluruh DTW Kedung Ombo


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    lianah l


    Full Text Available Kotoran hewan dan sampah organik dapat mencemari di lingkungan air, udara dan  tanah. Penelitian ini bertu- juan untuk membandingkn keefektifan antara pupuk gen- doning dan pupuk bokashi. Proses pengomposan dapat dipercepat dengan bantuan aktifator EM4 (Efektif Mik- roorganisme. Proses pengomposan tersebut juga dapat melibatkan hewan lain yaitu Cacing tanah dan larva kum- bang kelapa (Orcyctes rhinoceros yang disebut dengan nama gendon (bahasa Jawa yang bekerja sama dengan mikroba dalam proses dekomposer. Gendon dalam hal ini memakan bahan organik yang tidak terurai, mencampur bahan organik dan membuat lubang-lubang aerasi. Keha- diran gendon dapat mempercepat penghancuran bahan or- ganik karena mempunyai mulut yang tajam sebagai mesin pencacah sampah organik. Metode penelitian eksperimen sampah organik ditreatmen yaitu dengan menggunakan EM4, dan dengan menggunakan gendon. Peruraian oleh EM4 disebut pupuk Bokashi. Sedang keterlibatan gendon dalam proses pengomposan menghasilkan butir-butir kecil berwarna hitam dinamakan pupuk Gendoning (penemuan pribadi. Dari kedua pupuk tersebut dipraktekan untuk menanam labu air (Lagenaria leucantha. Dari experimen tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa pupuk gendoning ini ter- bukti lebih efektif dan efisien dari pupuk bokashi, karena gendon mampu melakukan dekomposisi lebih sempurna dari EM4. Dekomposisi tersebut dilakukan baik secara me- kanik maupun secara enzimatis. Pupuk gendoning adalah hasil bioteknologi sederhana yang dapat menjadi alternatif dalam mengatasi kelangkaan pupuk, sebagai pupuk organ- ik yang efektif dan efisien serta bernilai ekonomis sebagai.

  18. Effects of humic substances on the migration of radionuclides: Complexation of actinides with humic substances. (6th progress report, project summary). Period covered: January 1994 - July 1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Czerwinski, K.R.; Rhee, D.S.; Scherbaum, F.; Buckau, G.; Kim, J.I.; Moulin, V.; Tits, J.; Laszak, I.; Moulin, C.; Decambox, P.; Ruty, O. de; Marquardt, C.; Franz, C.; Herrmann, G.; Trautmann, N.; Dierckx, A.; Vancluysen, J.; Maes, A.; Bidoglio, G.; Eliet, V.; Grenthe, I.


    The goal of the research project is to examine the complexation behaviour of actinide ions with humic substances and thermodynamically describe the binding based upon a simple complexation model. This program is a continuation of the activities of the colloid and complexation group (COCO) in the second phase of the EC-MIRAGE project. A number of different experimental methods are used to determine speciation. The metal ions examined are the trivalent lanthanides, UO 2 2+ , NpO 2 + , Am 3+ , and Cm 3+ . The project is divided into three tasks: Task 1: complexation reactions of actinide ions with well characterized reference and site-specific humic and fulvic acids, Task 2: complexation reactions with major cations in natural groundwaters; Task 3: validation of the complexation data in natural aquatic systems by comparison of calculation with spectroscopic experiment. Five European community laboratories participated in the program: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique Fontenay-Aux-Roses and Saclay, Universitaet Mainz, Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, and Joint Research Centre, Ispra. The evaluated stability constants are similar for all laboratories when the same humic substance complexation model is applied. Humic acid is shown to reduce NpO 2 + to Np 4+ , while no reduction of UO 2 2+ is observed. Temperature effects are seen on the Np humate complex. Competition is observed between NpO 2 + and Ca 2+ , but not between the trivalent lanthanides and Ca 2+ . No influence of humic acid purification on the evaluated stability constants is seen. Using the evaluated constants, calculations are conducted for natural water systems which indicate the trivalent actinide humate complex to be an important species. (orig.)

  19. Nitrogen mineralization and volatilization from controlled release urea fertilizers in selected malaysian soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, K.J.K.A.; Yusop, M.K.; Oad, F.C.


    Controlled release urea fertilizers are usually used for extended duration in supplying nitrogen. The rate of urea hydrolysis could be efficiently minimized through these fertilizers. Various controlled released fertilizers i.e Uber-10 (30%N), Meister-20 (40%N), Meister-27 (40%N), Humate Coated Urea (45%N), Duration Polymer Coated Urea Type-V (43%N), Gold-N-Sulfur Coated Urea (41%N) and common urea (46%N) were applied to inland soil series of Malaysia. The soil series investigated were: Serdang (Typic Paleudult), Munchong (Typic Hapludox), Segamat (Typic Hapludox), Selangor (Typic Tropaquept), Rengam (Typic Kandiudult) and Holyrood (Typic Kandiudult). The maximum release of ammonium (NH/sub 4/-N) was noted in Gold-N-Sulfur Coated Urea, Humate Coated Urea and common Urea over 8 weeks of incubation. However, the release of NH4-N under the influence of Duration Type-V and Uber-10 took 2nd place. The Meister-20 and Meister-27 had minimum release of NH4-N. Munchong series was efficient in releasing higher NH4-N compared to rest of soils during 8th week of incubation due to higher soil total carbon, low /sub 4/-N and total nitrogen. Ammonia (NH/sub 3/-N) loss progressively increased with unit increase in incubation week and was higher during 6th week of fertilizer application. The higher loss of NH3-N was found in common Urea. However, Meister-20, Meister-27, Duration Polymer Coated Urea Type-V and Uber-10 had lower loss of NH/sub 3/-N due to slow release property and this character could be beneficial for supplying nutrients to next season crop. (author)

  20. Urban airborne lead: X-ray absorption spectroscopy establishes soil as dominant source.

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    Nicholas E Pingitore

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Despite the dramatic decrease in airborne lead over the past three decades, there are calls for regulatory limits on this potent pediatric neurotoxin lower even than the new (2008 US Environmental Protection Agency standard. To achieve further decreases in airborne lead, what sources would need to be decreased and what costs would ensue? Our aim was to identify and, if possible, quantify the major species (compounds of lead in recent ambient airborne particulate matter collected in El Paso, TX, USA. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used synchrotron-based XAFS (x-ray absorption fine structure to identify and quantify the major Pb species. XAFS provides molecular-level structural information about a specific element in a bulk sample. Pb-humate is the dominant form of lead in contemporary El Paso air. Pb-humate is a stable, sorbed complex produced exclusively in the humus fraction of Pb-contaminated soils; it also is the major lead species in El Paso soils. Thus such soil must be the dominant source, and its resuspension into the air, the transfer process, providing lead particles to the local air. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Current industrial and commercial activity apparently is not a major source of airborne lead in El Paso, and presumably other locales that have eliminated such traditional sources as leaded gasoline. Instead, local contaminated soil, legacy of earlier anthropogenic Pb releases, serves as a long-term reservoir that gradually leaks particulate lead to the atmosphere. Given the difficulty and expense of large-scale soil remediation or removal, fugitive soil likely constrains a lower limit for airborne lead levels in many urban settings.



    Lisnani Sukaidawati; Diah Krisnatuti; Ratna Megawangi


    This study aimed to analyze the influence of family characteristics, characteristics of teenager, and self-concept of mother on self-concept of teenager in divorce and intact family. Population of this study was teenager with aged 12-14 years old who lived with their mother. Samples were taken from three secondary schools in the District of West Bogor and three junior high schools in the District of Tanah Sareal, Bogor City. Sampling of teenagers from divorce families was using purposive samp...

  2. Colloid migration in groundwaters: Geochemical interactions of radionuclides with natural colloids. Appendix III

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolf, M.; Geyer, S.; Fritz, P.; Klotz, D.; Lazik, D.


    The results obtained from the 152 Eu migration experiment in various columns packed with fine grained sand and equilibrated with a humic substance rich groundwater are: The retardation of mobile Eu-pseudocolloids (Eu-humate) is negligible, since the recovery is 152 Eu concentration is irreversible sorbed on the column, the degree of filtration expressed by the recovery is strongly dependant on the filtration velocity (flow rate): The recovery increases with increasing flow rates, indicating decreasing filtration, since the humic substances are negatively charged, the migration of the Eu pseudocolloids (humic colloids) is slightly accelerated relative to the migration of the 3 HHO tracer, due to anion repulsion. (orig.)


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    Yayah K. Husaini


    Full Text Available CHANGES OF HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION PATTERN BEFORE AND DURING THE ECONOMIC CRISIS.Background: It is generally agreed that the economic crisis has an impact on food insecurity and malnutrition. People's ability to secure an adequate diet during the crisis in Indonesia would have been declined, however, data are not adequately available.Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the magnitude of the impact of the crisis on household food consumption in three rural areas: Cianjur (West Java, South Lampung (Lampung and Tanah Datar (West Sumatera.Method: The study on food consumption had been conducted in 1993/1994 (before crisis, and a similar study was repeated in 1999 during the peak of the crisis in the same areas. A total of 346 households in the three areas were surveyed. The food consumption was recorded using a 24- hour method; knowledge and attitudes on foods were collected by interview. Information on socio-cultural and tradition surrounding foods use were also gathered. The consumption of foods as part of the five groups (staples, plant and animal protein resources, vegetables, fruits, and milk were examined, and ranked their frequencies of consumption and their contribution to each food groups. This would allow us to make comparison on household consumption patterns in the three different areas at before and during the peak of the crisis.Results: Rice was eaten two or three times a day and there was no significant changes in the frequency of consumption of rice during the crisis. Noodes and flours were eaten less frequent, but com and cassava were increased during the crisis. Although during the crisis there was a decrease in the consumption of meat, but not the case for fresh fish, salted fish, eggs, tofu and tempeh. People's have had switched the consumption pattern more on less expensive foods. People's in Tanah Datar (West Sumatera was apparently better in coping mechanism as the response to the crisis than the other two areas

  4. DESAIN VEGETASI BERNILAI KONSERVASI DAN EKONOMI PADA KAWASAN PENYANGGA SISTEM TATA AIR DAS BOLANGO (Designing of Vegetation which Conservation and Economic Values in the Buffer Area of Water System at the Bolango Watershed

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    Danang Wahyu Purnomo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Perencanaan pembangunan arboretum di DAS Bolango dengan konsep konservasi dan ekonomi perlu dilakukan karena DAS ini memiliki peranan yang penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat sekitar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan rekomendasi tentang komposisi dan struktur vegetasi penyusun hutan pada kawasan arboretum sebagai pemelihara mata air Sungai Bolango. Penelitian dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi sumber mata air, tanah, dan kondisi vegetasi eksisting. Metode wawancara kepada masyarakat setempat dilakukan untuk mendukung data etnobotani. Kajian lahan dilakukan antara lain tata guna, kelas kemampuan, konsep pengelolaan, kesesuaian lahan, dan penentuan vegetasinya. Hasil identifikasi sumber mata air menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 lokasi yang potensial dibangun arboretum, yaitu Desa Meranti Kecamatan Tapa Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Desa Dulamayo Selatan Kecamatan Telaga Kabupaten Gorontalo, dan Desa Mongiilo Kecamatan Bolango Ulu Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Berdasarkan data kualitas tanah, ketiga lokasi memiliki media perakaran yang cukup baik untuk tanaman budi daya. Secara umum, semua jenis tanaman budi daya sesuai untuk ditanam di ketiga lokasi arboretum. Perlu dilakukan pembuatan teras dan penerapan pola tanam konservasi yang mengaplikasikan tanaman penutup tanah (cover crop, tanaman budi daya, dan pohon penyusun hutan. Selain itu, perlu pemberian pupuk organik berupa kompos dan pupuk kandang.   ABSTRACT Arboretum development planning in Bolango Watershed using concept of conservation and economy is conducted because the watershed has an important role in people's lives around. This study aims to provide recommendations about composition and structure of forest vegetation in the arboretum area for conserving of Bolango River’s water springs. The study began by identifying the source of the springs, soil, and the existing vegetation. Interview to local communities was conducted to support the data of ethnobotany. Land observation was studied


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    Abbas J. Al-Taie


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: While more than half the land surface of Iraq consists of deserts covered mainly with sand dunes, little research has taken place to study the characteristics and the behavior of dune soils. This paper directed toward studying the geotechnical properties of dune sands taken from Baiji city (northwest of Iraq. A vast laboratory testing program was carried out to achieve the purpose of this paper. The physical tests, chemical tests, X-ray diffraction analysis, permeability test, compaction characteristics, compressibility and collapsibility tests; and shear strength tests were included in this program. The results indicate that soil of Baiji sand dune exhibits prefer engineering properties according to their state. As such, this soil is considered suitable for use in geotechnical constructions. ABSTRAK: Walaupun lebih separuh daripada bumi Iraq terdiri daripada gurun yang dipenuhi dengan bukit-bukit pasir, tidak banyak penyelidikan dijalankan untuk mengkaji sifat-sifat dan ciri-ciri tanah pasir  tersebut. Kertas kerja ini menyelidik sifat geoteknikal bukit pasir yang diambil dari pekan Baiji (di bahagian barat utara Iraq.  Program penyelidikan makmal yang menyeluruh telah  dijalankan bagi mencapai objektif kajian ini. Ujian fizikal, ujian kimia, analisis belauan sinar-x, ujian kebolehtelapan, ciri pemadatan, faktor ketermampatan, ujian keruntuhan dan ujian kekuatan ricih diambilkira dalam program ini. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa tanih bukit pasir Baiji mengutamakan ciri kejuruteraan berdasarkan keadaannya. Oleh itu, tanah ini dianggap sesuai untuk kegunaan pembinaan geoteknikal.

  6. Teknologi Pengendalian Gulma Alang-alang dengan Tanaman Legum untuk Pertanian Tanaman Pangan

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    Ishak Juarsah


    Full Text Available Di Indonesia, Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv merupakan salah satu gulma terpenting dan termasuk sepuluh gulma bermasalah di dunia.  Melalui biji dan rimpang, alang-alang dapat tumbuh dan menyebar luas pada hampir semua kondisi lahan. Teknologi pengendalian alang-alang telah banyak dikenal namun belum dapat menjamin eradikasi populasi alang-alang secara berkelanjutan tanpa diikuti oleh kultur teknis dan pola budidaya tanaman pangan sepanjang tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa lahan alang-alang dapat dikendalikan/dikelola menjadi lahan produktif setelah direhabilitasi dengan tanaman legume (Mucuna sp. untuk usaha tani tanaman pangan lahan kering berorientasi konservasi tanah. Bahan hijauan tanaman Mucuna dapat meningkatkan kadar C-organik, memperbaiki sifat fisika, kimia tanah dan meningkatkan  produksi tanaman pangan. In Indonesia, Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv is one of important weeds and included to ten most problematic weeds around the world. Through its seeds and roots, alang-alang can grow and expand in nearly all soil conditions. Many technologies for controlling have been known but can not ensure the eradication of weeds population, however the controlling via food crops cropping systems for the whole years is the best method so far to have sustainability of the agriculture land. Research showed that alang-alang area could be controlled/managed became more productive land after rehabilitation with legume (ie Mucuna sp. especially for dry land conservation oriented. Mucuna green materials might increase C-organic content, both soil chemical and physical improvement, furthermore increased foodcrops production.


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    NFN Danu


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan bahan baku  untuk industri pengolahan kayu dan serat dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat, sedangkan pasokan bahan baku dari hutan alam semakin menurun, akibatnya terjadi kelangkaan bahan baku industri pengolahan kayu dan pulp. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pengembangan hutan tanaman yang memadai. Tanaman nyawai (Ficus variegata Blume  merupakan jenis alternatif prioritas dalam pembangunan hutan tanaman penghasil kayu. Salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan pengembangan hutan tanaman nyawai adalah penggunaan bibit bermutu, karena bibit yang berkualitas akan menghasilkan tegakan dengan tingkat produktivitas tinggi. Pengadaan bibit nyawai bermutu dapat melalui teknik perbanyakan generatif maupun vegetatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan kombinasi pemupukan dan mikoriza yang tepat untuk menghasilkan bibit nyawai yang berkualitas. Buah nyawai dikumpulkan dari Kebun Raya Cibodas (Cianjur. Lokasi Penelitian di persemaian Nagrak. Perkecambahan dilakukan dengan menabur benih pada bak kecambah yang berisi media yang telah disterilkan. Media penyapihan menggunakan tanah sub soil ditambah mikoriza: tanpa mikoriza (C0, Glomus sp. (C1, Acaulospora sp. (C2 dan dosis NPK sebanyak : 0,0 g (P0, 0,5 g/polybag (P1, 1,0 g/poybag (P2. Pengadaan bibit nyawai dapat menggunakan campuran media tanah subsoil + 30 % serbuk sabut kelapa (coco peat +10 % arang sekam padi (v/v, CMA Glomus sp dan Acaulospora sp mampu berkolonisasi dengan akar bibit nyawai. Pemberian pupuk NPK 0,5 – 1,0 gram per polybag dapat meningkatkan serapan hara P.


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    Maya Yusida


    Full Text Available Land suitability is the suitability of a plot of land for a particular use. In the determination of appropriate plant recommendations on land, the Banjarbaru Swampland Food Crops Research Institute sets out 8 criteria in its assessment. These criteria include Soil Depth (cm, CEC Soil (cmol, Saturation Bases (%, pH (H2O, C-Organic (%, N Total (%, P2O5 (mg / 100g, K2O (mg / 100g. Making this expert system using Fuzzy Tsukamoto method. The results obtained from this expert system in the form of data on land suitability for rubber and palm oil plantations that are prioritized to be planted in a field based on the growing requirements of a plant. Keywords: Expert System, Land Suitability, Fuzzy Tsukamoto Kesesuaian lahan adalah kecocokan sebidang lahan untuk penggunaan tertentu. Dalam penentuan rekomendasi tanaman yang sesuai terhadap lahan, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Lahan Rawa Banjarbaru menetapkan 8 kriteria dalam penilaiannya. Kriteria tersebut meliputi Kedalaman Tanah (cm, KTK Tanah (cmol, Kejenuhan Basa (%, pH (H2O, C-Organik (%, N Total (%, P2O5 (mg/100g, K2O (mg/100g. Pembuatan sistem pakar ini menggunakan metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto. Hasil yang didapat dari sistem pakar ini berupa data tingkat kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman karet dan kelapa sawit yang lebih diprioritaskan untuk ditanam disuatu lahan berdasarkan syarat tumbuh suatu tanaman. Kata Kunci : Sistem Pakar, Kesesuaian Lahan, Fuzzy Tsukamoto

  9. Evaluasi Lingkungan Air Tanah Di DAS Citarum Hulu


    Indriatmoko, Robertus Haryoto


    The catchment area “Citarum” has been being in a very critical condition relating to extremely environmental problems. River water pollution in this catchment is obviously caused by industrial and domestic waste water. Nowadays the pollution load is already too high and the BOD, COD contents exceed the WHO standard. The activity evaluating groundwater environment in the up steam of the catchment area has the objective wich is to monitor the effect of groundwater pollution brought about by dec...


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    Muhammah Rusli


    mudah mempengaruhi cara berpikir mereka sehingga mau menerima nasehat orang tuanya. Konsekuensi pemmali sangat efektif mempengaruhi cara berpikir dan perilaku anak Bugis sampai dewasa. Sebagai budaya, pemmali syarat akan nilai-nilai luhur yang diwariskan secara turun temurun. Di dalamnya terkandung nilai kehati-hatian bagi anak dalam bertindak, adat sopan santun dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari; penghargaan kepada orang tua, guru, dan sesama manusia; manajemen waktu, membangun kesehatan mental, fisik dan kreatifitas anak, dan lainnya. Kini konsep pemmali menjadi pilihan utama orang tua Bugis dalam mengantisipasi derasnya pengaruh negatif era globalisasi pada anaknya. Ini merupakan ekspresi kearifan lokal sebagai bagian budaya nasional.

  11. Acquired hemophilia as the cause of life-threatening hemorrhage in a 94-year-old man: a case report

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    Blanchard Elizabeth


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Acquired factor VIII deficiency is a rare entity that can lead to severe and life-threatening bleeding. We describe a case of severe bleeding from the tongue secondary to acquired hemophilia and discuss treatment options, including aminocaproic acid and recombinant factor VIII, which have not been widely reported in the literature for the management of such patients. Case presentation A 94-year-old Caucasian man presented to our institution with diffuse bruising and extensive bleeding from the tongue secondary to mechanical trauma. He had no prior history of bleeding and his medical history was unremarkable except for dementia and hypertension. Coagulation studies revealed a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time and a mixing study was consistent with the presence of an inhibitor. Quantitative assays revealed a reduced level of factor VIII activity (1% and the presence of a factor VIII inhibitor, measured at seven Bethesda units, in the serum. Oral prednisone therapy (60mg/day was given. He also received intravenous aminocaproic acid and human concentrate of factor VIII (Humate-P and topical anti-thrombolytic agents (100 units of topical thrombin cream. His hospital course was prolonged because of persistent bleeding and the development of profuse melena. He required eight units of packed red blood cells for transfusion. Hospitalization was also complicated by bradycardia of unclear etiology, which started after infusion of aminocaproic acid. His activated partial thromboplastin time gradually normalized. He was discharged to a rehabilitation facility three weeks later with improving symptoms, stable hematocrit and resolving bruises. Conclusions Clinicians should suspect a diagnosis of acquired hemophilia in older patients with unexplained persistent and profound bleeding from uncommon soft tissues, including the tongue. Use of factor VIII (Humate-P and aminocaproic acid can be useful in this coagulopathy but


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coughlin, D.; Looney, B.; Millings, M.


    In response to proposed Zn limits for the NPDES outfall H-12, a Zn screening Water Effects Ratio (WER) study was conducted to determine if a full site-specific WER is warranted. Using standard assumptions for relating the lab results to the stream, the screening WER data were consistent with the proposed Zn limit and suggest that a full WER would result in a similar limit. Addition of a humate amendment to the outfall water reduced Zn toxicity, but the toxicity reduction was relatively small and unlikely to impact proposed Zn limits. The screening WER data indicated that the time and expense required to perform a full WER for Zn is not warranted.

  13. Carbon humic acids and their use. Ugleguminovyye kisloty i ikh ispol'zovaniye

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    Zabramnyy, D.T.; Pobedonosteva, O.I.; Pobedonostseva, N.I.; Umarov, T.Z.


    This monograph gives the results of research into the molecular structure of humic acids; certain issues are examined of an applied nature; the data from experimental industrial tests are generalized. Data are generalized which involve questions of the use of humic acids in the form of multiple-ton product. In agriculture, they are used for producing final complex fertilizers and plant growth stimulators; in drilling technology, for improving drilling muds; in the cement industry, for lowering the moisture content of cement raw material sludges. Methods of modifying humates by sulfomethylation are described, and a method for producing coal-alkali reagents directly at drilling and cement firms, based on intensifying the process of interaction of coals with alkali solutions.


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    Tarunamulia Tarunamulia


    Full Text Available Upaya peningkatan produksi tambak yang optimal dan berkelanjutan mutlak didukung oleh informasi karakteristik lahan yang rinci dan mudah diinterpretasi oleh berbagai stakeholder. Ketersediaan informasi spasial tambak di berbagai daerah di Indonesia utamanya masih diperuntukkan bagi kebutuhan umum perencanaan tata ruang wilayah pesisir dan pantai tingkat provinsi dan kabupaten. Dengan demikian data tersebut tentunya belum memuat informasi yang berhubungan langsung dengan upaya pengelolaan dan peningkatan produktivitas lahan tambak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan menilai tingkat kesesuaian secara rinci lahan tambak pada salah satu kawasan tambak di Kecamatan Balusu Kabupaten Barru, Sulawesi Selatan melalui analisis spasial. Informasi spasial secara rinci yang meliputi tata letak tambak dan saluran tambak termasuk penggunaan lahan di sekitar tambak diekstrak dari citra satelit resolusi tinggi Quickbird akuisisi tahun 2007. Pengambilan sampel tanah tambak mengikuti metode acak bertingkat (Stratified random sampling pada wilayah pertambakan. Hasil analisis spasial peubah kimia tanah yang secara rinci dikelompokkan menurut peubah yang mewakili tingkat kemasaman dan kesuburan tanah menunjukkan bahwa hamparan tambak eksisting umumnya memiliki karakteristik tanah yang masam dengan tingkat kesuburan yang rendah. Lebih lanjut diketahui bahwa dari total lahan tambak 548,33 ha yang disurvai; 260,6 ha lahan tersebut berkategori kurang layak; 283,3 ha layak; dan hanya sekitar 4,43 ha yang berkategori sangat layak. Namun demikian 52,47% lahan yang berstatus layak hingga sangat layak tersebut juga masih dapat berubah status menjadi kurang layak dengan adanya batasan aspek hidrologis, utamanya tingkat ketersediaan air yang mengandalkan jaringan saluran tambak. The current national plan to increase shrimp production to the optimum and sustainable level must be supported by adequate and accurate information on detailed spatial


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    Budi Susetyo Hutomo


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel pendapatan, pendidikan, status pernikahan, kepemilikan tanah, jenis kelamin, dan umursecara parsialterhadap keputusan tenaga kerja asal KabupatenSemarang dalam melakukan migrasi ulang-alik. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan data primer melalui instrumen kuesioner terhadap sampel yaitu sebanyak 100 responden, dan menggunakan data sekunder yaitu data dari instansi terkait serta literatur buku. Penelitian ini dilakukan di terminal Ungaran, Kabupaten Semarang. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah binary logistic regression. Hasil dari analisis model binary logistic regression dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari enam variabel independen, terdapat dua variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan tenaga kerja melakukan migrasi ulang-alikyaitu variabel pendapatan dan pendidikan. Sedangkan variabel status pernikahan, kepemilikan tanah, jenis kelamin, dan umur tidak berpengaruh terhadap keputusan tenaga kerja melakukan migrasi ulang-alik. The aim of the research was analyze the effect of variable income, education, marital status, land ownership, sex, and age of the decision partially on workers from Semarang regency in commuting migration. In this research, using primary data through a questionnaire on the sample of 100 respondents, and using secondary data is data from relevant agencies and literature books. This research was conducted at terminal Ungaran, Semarang regency. The analysis used in this study is a binary logistic regression. Result of a binary logistic regression model analysis in this research showed that of the six independent variables, there are two variables that significantly influence the labor decision to commuting migration,variable income and education. While the variable marital status, land ownership, sex, and age did not affect the decision of laborcommuting migrate.

  16. Pengaruh Penambahan Kosubstrat pada Biodegradasi Crude Oil

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    Any Juliani


    Full Text Available Kegiatan penambangan minyak bumi tidak hanya dilakukan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan besar, tetapi juga oleh masyarakat secara tradisional. Potensi pencemaran lingkungan yang ditimbulkan oleh kegiatan penambangan rakyat ini menjadi lebih tinggi karena pengelolaannya yang tradisional. Salah satu jenis pencemaran yang ditimbulkannya misalnya adalah tanah atau perairan yang tercemar oleh minyak bumi (crude oil pada saat berlangsungnya kegiatan penambangan. Salah satu upaya untuk dapat mengatasinya adalah dengan bioremediasi. Bioremediasi merupakan teknologi pengolahan pencemar dengan memanfaatkan aktivitas mikroba, terutama dari golongan bakteri. Bioremediasi tersebut harus melibatkan bakteri yang memiliki kapasitas metabolic untuk melakukan biodegradasi terhadap crude oil tersebut. Crude oil sendiri pada dasarnya merupakan senyawa hidrokarbon yang merupakan sumber karbon yang kaya bagi mikroba. Namun demikian, biodegradasi crude oil relative lebih sulit dilakukan karena karakteristiknya yang merupakan senyawa dengan berat molekul dan ukuran yang besar. Oleh karena itu penambahan kosubstrat yang lebih sederhana dapat dilakukan untuk membantu biodegradasi terutama pada tahap awal proses. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan kosubstrat dalam hal ini glukosa terhadap biodegradasi crude oil. Penelitian dilakukan dalam media cair dengan bioaugmentasi melalui penambahan inoculum bakteri yang diisolasi dari tanah yang dikondisikan terhadap crude oil dalam beberapa variasi reactor. Indikasi terjadinya biodegradasi diperiksa melalui pengukuran terhadap parameter Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH dan Total Plate Count (TPC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan kosubstrat glukosa memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap penurunan TPH. Penurunan TPH tertinggi setelah 28 hari adalah sebesar 25,3 % yang diberikan oleh reactor dengan penambahan kosubstrat serta konsentrasi crude oil awal sebesar 8.1 %. Sementara itu reactor tanpa


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    I M. Nuriyasa. Eny Puspani


    Full Text Available The short course of improving broiler performances with more comfortable cage was conducted on September 25th. 2009 in Bolangan village, Tabanan regency. There were 15 local farmers and 18 SMK No1. Katiku Tanah, Sumbawa students as participants of this activity. The teams presented about (1 animal comfort zone, (2 cage modifications, (3 heat transfer between animal and environment and (4 energy protein ration. Based on the limited discussion, it could be seen that participants were very enthusiastic in joining this activity. They used this occasion for making discussion with the concerned team from Udayana University.

  18. Comparison of manual and automated pretreatment methods for AMS radiocarbon dating of plant fossils (United States)

    Bradley, L.A.; Stafford, Thomas W.


    A new automated pretreatment system for the preparation of materials submitted for accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) analysis is less time-consuming and results in a higher sample yield. The new procedure was tested using two groups of plant fossils: one group was pretreated using the traditional method, and the second, using the automated pretreatment apparatus. The time it took to complete the procedure and the amount of sample material remaining were compared. The automated pretreatment apparatus proved to be more than three times faster and, in most cases, produced a higher yield. A darker discoloration of the KOH solutions was observed indicating that the automated system is more thorough in removing humates from the specimen compared to the manual method. -Authors

  19. Kesintasan Undur-Undur pada Media Aklimatisasi

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    Mayang Arundina


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesintasan undur-undur pada media aklimatisasi. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah teduh Jalan Tumpang I/82 Semarang dan Laboratorium Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNNES. Variabel utamanya kesintasan undur-undur, berat dan panjang undur-undur, sedangkan variabel pendukungnya jenis media aklimatisasi, meliputi tanah kering, abu dan serbuk batu bata. Tahap awal, disiapkan media hidup undur-undur, media kemudian dimasukkan kedalam kotak aklimatisasi, diberi cangkup dan dibiarkan selama 10 hari. Undur-undur ditimbang dan diukur panjang tubuhnya kemudian dimasukkan kedalam kotak aklimatisasi, masing-masing kotak diisi15 undur-undur. Kesintasan hidup undur-undur pada masing-masing media diamati selama 45 hari, data diambil seminggu sekali. Undur-undur diberi makan 2 - 3 ekor semut sehari 3 kali. Setelah 45 hari undur-undur ditimbang dan diukur panjang tubuhnya kembali. Data kesintasan hidup undur-undur dianalisis menggunakan Anava Dua jalur. Berat dan panjang undur-undur dianalisis menggunakan t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan undur-undur dapat sintas pada media aklimatisasi, yaitu tanah kering dan abu. Undur-undur mengalami pertambahan berat dan panjang sesudah penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa undur-undurdapat sintas pada media aklimatisasi yaitu tanah kering dan abu. Ukuran berat dan panjang undur-undur mengalami pertambahan sesudah penelitian. This research was aimed to know the survival of gratus at the acclimatization media. The research was held in the shady house at Jalan Tumpang I/82 Semarang and in the Laboratory of Biology Departement of FMIPA UNNES. The main variables were the survival of gratus, the weight and length of gratus, whereas the supporting variable was the acclimatization media, that is the dry sandy soil, the dust and the powder of bricks. Initially, the acclimatization media was prepared for the gratus, then the media was distributed into the boxes of


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    Zainol Arifin


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan karbohidrat dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkat, penyediaan karbihidrat dan karbohidarat serelia saja tidak mencukupi, sehingga peranan tanaman penghasil karbohidratat yang memiliki peranan cukup strategis tidak hanya sebagai sumber bahan pangan.Oleh karena itu tanaman bentul menjadi sangat penting artinya didalam kaitan terhadap penyediaan bahan panga dari umbi-umbian khususnya bentul semakin penting. Tanaman bentul merupakan tanaman karbohidrat non beras, diversifikasi/ penganekaaragaman konsumsi pangan local/budaya local, substitusi gandum/terigu, pengembangan industry pengolahan hsil dan industry I serta komoditi strtegis sebagai pemasok devisa melaui ekspor.. Hasil analisa tanah yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Pamekasan dan Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP Jawa Timur Tahun 2011 berdasarkan data usahatani ubijalar tahun 2010,Vareitas unggul didefinisikan sebagai varietas yang dapat berproduksi di atas rata-rata pada lingkungan spesifik.Benih bermutu sering dikaitkan dengan istilah benih bersertifikat atau benih bermutu. Sertifikat tersebut sebagai jaminan bahwa benih diperoleh dari proses yang standar, memiliki kemampuan tumbuh dengan tingkat keseragaman tinggi, dan terbebas dari penyakit tular benih (seed born diseases.Pemilihan varietas atau klon yang sesuai dengan karakteristik agroekologi lahan akan mengurangi biaya input seperti penggunaan kultivar ganjah, toleran penyakit tertentu. Perakitan vareitas atau klon yang memiliki kemampuan berproduksi tinggi pada lingkungan spesifik seperti tahan terhadap intensitas cahaya yang rendah, tahan kekeringan, tahan terhadap genangan air.Hasil survey tentang bibit yang dipakai dalam budidaya tanaman talas di Kecamatan Pegantenan menunjukkan mereka mengatakan 100% bibit yang dipakai menggunakan bibit turun temurun dari nenek moyang mereka. Bibit mereka menghasilkan produksi sedang yaitu 2 sampai 7 Kg per bibit. Akan tetapi bibit yang mereka tanam mempunyai kelemahan


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    Ahmad Banin


    Full Text Available Banjarbaru has prepared as the capital of South Kalimantan which has a barometer was grown as the center of government, economic, education and services, so it can be a magnet for people who wants to get their opportunity. This situation should become to increase facilities and infrastructure to support the activities and movements of populations. It can make governments gets many tasks. The research aims to know the effectiveness of existence and give a solution or the alternative model to handle the utility of underground network in Banjarbaru, for the future from management and institution mainly. This problem is interesting to study as material for making an integrating model for the utility of underground network continuously. The experiment was conducted by using Qualitative methods. Data was collected by direct observation, interview and questioner to strengthen the data. Then, the data was analyzed by using SWOT analysis. The result showed that the utility of underground network ( existing is perceived by society is not effective because it is usually digging holes in the same place for different installation. So, the management of handling in the utility of underground network should be performed or handle as integrating and professional, not detrimental and stakeholders are leaded by the government in Banjarbaru. The result also provides the solution or alternative model to gain all underground networks such as Telkom, PDAM, drainage, PLN, sanitation and gas. This model can applicate in Banjarbaru area, particularly for the government of South Kalimantan especially at offices because it was designed with environmental sustainable management.

  2. Karakteristik Emisi Akustik untuk Mendeteksi Rayap Tanah pada Kayu

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    Muhammad Achirul Nanda


    Full Text Available Various methods for detecting termites in the wood have been developed, one of those was based on acoustic emission. Eventhough, that method was difficult to distinguish the signal generated by termites or interference noise from the environment. It could be solved through a combination of acoustic emission and behavior of termites. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to analyze the acoustic signal and the moisture content to classify infested and uninfested wood by termites. The wood used in this study were made from Pinus logs, in air dried condition, which measure of 20(l x 9.5(w x 2.5(h cm. Five wood were infested by 220 of C. curvignathus (‘infested wood’, the others were in sound condition (‘uninfested wood’. The acoustic signal was analyzed by FFT (Fast Fourier Transform to transform from the time domain into the frequency domain. The results showed that moisture content of infested wood (11.94±0.792% was higher than uninfested board (10.82±0.525%. Whereas the results of the acoustic signal indicated that the value of zero moment power of infested wood as well as uninfested wood, i.e., 13.405±3.019 and 9.573±2.188 respectively. Finally, the parameters which able to classify infested and uninfested wood by termites significantly were moisture content and the zero moment power.


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    Full Text Available Fungi in the soil plays an important role in maintaining the health and quality ofland, one of several indicators of soil health that is the diversity of soil fungi. This study was done in order to know the soil fungi diversity in the soil of banana plants habitat. The soil samples were collected from three regencies in Bali, i.e. Karangasem, Klungkung and Jembrana which are the main banana growing areas in Bali. Soil sampling was done in two sites in each regency, by collecting 100 grams of soil surrounding the banana plant at the depth of 20 cm, with three replication. Soil microbes population density particularly for bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes were determined based on plate account technique, while the microbes diversity was determined based on Diversity Index of Shannon-Wiener. Diversity index of soil fungi of all soil samples ranged from 0.8785 to 2.1458 (criteria oflow to moderate, with population densities ranging from 1.1 x 104 to 2.8 x 104 cfu / g soil. Evenness index at all sites soil samples obtained ranged from 0.6688 to 0.9766, this means the fungus species found there are no outstanding domination. Similarity index on all soil samples showed less than 0.5, which means one does not have a kinship with each other. Physicochemical factors that affect population density of soil fungi on the banana plant habitats: organic C, total N, available P, available K, soil moisture content (air dry capacity and field capacity, sand and clay. W hile soil physicochemical factors that influence the number of species (diversity of soil fungi namely: C-organic content, total N and the dust has positive influence on the number of species in banana plants habitat, whereas soil sand content negatively affected the number of types of soil fungi.

  4. Reaksi Pemasaman Senyawa Pirit pada Tanah Rawa Pasang Surut

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    Bambang Joko Priatmadi


    Full Text Available Acidity Reaction of Pyrite in Tidal Swampland (B.J. Priatmadi and A. Haris: Most of swamp soils in tidal landare Acid Sulfate Soils. Acid sulfate soils are the common name given to soils containing iron sulfides (pyrite. Thesoils are characterized by very low pH and high amount of soluble S and Fe, resulted from oxidation of pyrite whensoils are drained. This study was aimed to determine acidity pattern, iron and sulfate solubility as the impact of thelength time of oxidized, the effect of inhibitors application to acidity rate of sulfidic materials and top soils. Thematerials are: (1 soils at pyritic layer (sulfidic materials and (2 soils at 0 – 20 cm from soil surface. Soils issampled at Barambai reclaimed area, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan Province. In the laboratory soilstreated with some ameliorants, that are silica, phosphate and lime applied with dosage 2 t ha-1 with 3 replicationstimes. The soils incubated for 2 weeks under submerged condition. After soil incubation, soil exposed to the air for1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks. Parameters of soil analysis include pH, sulfate and iron soluble. Results ofthis study showed that (1 soil acidity rate of sulfidic materials more faster than upper soils when soils and sulfidicmaterials oxidized intensively, (2 at submerged soil condition or high soil water content, the application of ameliorantseffective increasing the soil pH of the upper soils, (3 at further oxidized soil condition or lower soil water content,the application of ameliorants inhibited acidity rate of soils and sulfidic materials, and (4 at further oxidized soilcondition or lower soil water content, the application of ameliorants increased iron solubility of soils and sulfidicmaterials.

  5. Hadirnya Kemasan Syariah dalam Bisnis Perhotelan di Tanah Air

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    Anwar Basalamah


    Full Text Available Lately, the business development based on religion background, Islam, is growing and expanding. Besides banking, insurance, education, and others, the sharia concept also in hotel. Sharia hotel is an interesting phenomenon. On the other side, the appearance of sharia hotels in the nation is having two thumbs up. Sharia hotel brand, as in other sharia products, eventhough the target market is more specific and segmented, but it is possible that the product will have high demand not from Islamic community only. The article uses research method regarding trend analysis and literature review. The result showed that there is challenge towards sharia hotels to present concept, human resources and implementation that represents business figure based on sharia: eastern specialty, barokah, classy, and interesting. 

  6. Penentuan Konsentrasi Tanah dalam Air Sungai Berdasarkan Perbedaan Warna

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    Imam Sofi'i


    Full Text Available Information of soil erosion is very useful related with prevention action and planning in the future. The objective of this research is to determine soil concentration in water river based on colour differences using image processing and artificial neural network (ANN. Soil and water mixture image was taken using a digital camera then was processed by an image processing program. Two ANN Models were developed. The first model had 3 input parameters while the second model had 6 input parameters. Both models had altogether one output parameters of the soil concentration. The accuracy of the first model was 38% while the second one was 36%.

  7. Karakteristik Biologi Dan Kimia Tanah Sawah Akibat Pembakaran Jerami


    Tommy, Annisa; Mukhlis, Mukhlis; Hidayat, Benny


    The aim of this research was to study the biological and chemical characteristics of paddy soilcaused of burning rice straw. This research was conducted in Subdistrict Tanjung Morawa, DistrictDeli Serdang, North Sumatera Province. Sampling was done at the public rice field with strawburning over it and Balai Benih Sari Murni which never burning straw. Soil samples were takenunder the heap of burnt straw in three times, i.e after burning soon (0 week after harvesting), 1 and2 week after harves...


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    Full Text Available Having a piece of land representing a desire all person, but owning a piece of land by people require to it know. Let property so that clear. Having a piece of lands di edge coast which conducted agglomeration by resident of countryside. Kramat district Talanakan Sub—Province Pamekasan need in knowing its status so that its enterpasing becoming clear and as according to legislation going into effect. To clarify status punish domination of land grounds ashore, hence the importance of request permiting to relevant institution last in registering to. Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN, so that its status become clear become property.

  9. Analisis Daya Dukung Tanah Pondasi Dangkal Dengan Beberapa Metode


    Martini, Martini


    This analysis aim to obtain variation of bearing capacity of soil foundation for the same case based on methods is Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Vesic, Hansen and Ohsaki. And gets comparison of bearing capacity value from some the methods.Method Terzaghi and Ohsaki to have bearing capacity value of soil foundation which approximately equal. Method Hansen and Vesic also has value tending to same, only Meyerhof having different value x'self. For incline load, method Hansen, Vesic is tnding to same and ju...

  10. The Conflict Of Interest About Gender Paradigm In West Sumatera

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    Reza Fahmi


    Full Text Available The Minangs are the world's largest matrilineal society; properties such as land and houses are inherited through female lineage. Some scholars argue that this might have caused the diaspora(Minangkabau, "merantau" of Minangkabau males throughout the Maritime Southeast Asia to become scholars or to seek fortune as merchants. However, the native Minangkabaus agreed that this matrilineal culture is indeed the result of (not the reason for diaspora. With their men travelling out of the country for unspecified time (with possibility of some of them not returning home, it is only logical to hand the land and property to those who do not have to leave it: The women. This also ensures the women's (meaning: mothers of the future generations' welfare and hence ensuring their offsprings welfare. Besides, native MinangKabaus argue that "Men can live anywhere and hence they do not need a house like women do". Abstrak: Masyarakat Minangkabau merupakan masyarakat matrilineal terbesar di dunia; di mana kepemilikan seperti tanah dan rumah diwariskan melalui garis keturunan ibu. Beberapa ilmuan masih berdebat dikarenakan diaspora (Minangkabau,  “merantau” dari lelaki Minang ke berbagai daerah di wilayah Asia tenggara sebagai usaha untuk mencari keuntungan melalui kegiatan perdagangan. Walau bagaimanapun, masyarakat asli Minangkabau sependapat bahwa, budaya matrilinial menjadi penyebab utama diaspora tersebut. Dengan bepergiannya para kaum pria untuk merantau dalam jangka waktu yang tidak dapat dipastikan (bahkan terkadang mereka tidak pulang kampung, itu lebih disebakan oleh ketiadaan kepemilikan tanah dan rumah yang telah dijelaskan di atas. Inu juga dapandang sebagai masa depan sebuah generasi. Selanjutnya ada pandangan bahwa, lelaki. dapat hidup atau tinggal di mana saja dan mereka tidak membutuhkan rumah seperti kaum perempuan yang membutuhkannya.

  11. Analisis Pengaruh Parameter Operasional dan Penggunaan Stabilizer terhadap Perilaku Arah Belok Mobil Toyota Fortuner 4.0 V6 SR (AT 4X4

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    Deva Andriansyah


    Full Text Available Salah satu tipe mobil yang diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia yaitu Toyota Fortuner yang termasuk dalam kelas mobil SUV (sport utility vehicle. Dalam pengoperasiannya mobil SUV harus mampu memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi pengendaranya. Salah satu faktor penunjang dari segi keamanan mobil ini yaitu perilaku arah beloknya. Dengan harga jual yang relatif tinggi di Indonesia, diharapkan mobil ini dapat memberikan perilaku arah belok yang baik. Terdapat dua tahapan dalam peneltian ini yaitu tahap analisis dan uji jalan pada radius belok tetap, 10 meter. Pada tahap analisis dilakukan perhitungan berdasarkan analisa slip, skid, dan guling untuk mengetahui perilaku arah belok mobil dengan variasi pada parameter operasionalnya yaitu: jumlah penumpang, kecepatan, sudut belok, kondisi permukaan jalan, dan tekanan ban. Selain itu, analisis pengaruh penggunaaan stabilizer terhadap perilaku arah belok mobil juga dilakukan. Uji jalan dilakukan untuk mengetahui Koefisien Understeer (KUS dari mobil tersebut pada jalan aspal dan tanah dengan kondisi mobil tanpa dan menggunakan stabilizer. Hasil yang didapatkan dari uji jalan akan dibandingkan dengan hasil dari analisis perhitungan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mobil Toyota Fortuner mengalami kondisi belok paling baik ketika dinaiki oleh 2 orang penumpang dengan tekanan ban sebesar 35 Psi dan melintas pada jalan aspal karena kendaraan lebih sedikit mengalami oversteer dan memiliki (KUS positif terkecil serta tidak mudah mengalami skid. Penggunaan stabilizer pada mobil Toyota Fortuner tidak berpengaruh terhadap perilaku arah beloknya karena KUS yang dihasilkan pada uji jalan nilainya hampir sama yaitu 1,8045 dan 1,8115 pada jalan aspal serta 2,151 dan 2,1641 pada jalan tanah. Namun, penggunaan stabilizer bermanfaat untuk memperkecil sudut guling ketika mobil berbelok.

  12. An Analysis of Language Code Used by the Cross- Married Couples, Banjarese- Javanese Ethnics: A Case Study in South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia

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    - Supiani


    Full Text Available This research aims to describe the use of language code applied by the participants and to find out the factors influencing the choice of language codes. This research is qualitative research that describe the use of language code in the cross married couples. The data are taken from the discourses about language code phenomena dealing with the cross- married couples, Banjarese- Javanese ethnics in Tanah Laut regency South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The conversations occur in the family and social life such as between a husband and a wife, a father and his son/daughter, a mother and her son/daughter, a husband and his friends, a wife and her neighbor, and so on. There are 23 data observed and recoded by the researcher based on a certain criteria. Tanah Laut regency is chosen as a purposive sample where this regency has many different ethnics so that they do cross cultural marriage for example between Banjarese- Javanese ethnics. Findings reveal that mostly the cross married couple used code mixing and code switching in their conversation of daily activities. Code mixing is uttered by Javanese father or mother to their children. Mixed codes are used namely Banjarese+Javanese+Indonesian. Meanwhile, code switching occurs when there is another factor or a new participant who join in the discourse. The codes change from Banjarese to Indonesian codes or Javanese to Indonesian codes due to new participant who involve himself/herself in the dialogue. The influential factors are situational factors, the environment (neighborhood, relative status, and ethnicity. Keywords: Language codes, Cross- married couples, Banjarese and Javanese ethics, Dialects

  13. Research in actinide chemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choppin, G.R.


    This research studies the behavior of the actinide elements in aqueous solution. The high radioactivity of the transuranium actinides limits the concentrations which can be studied and, consequently, limits the experimental techniques. However, oxidation state analogs (trivalent lanthanides, tetravalent thorium, and hexavalent uranium) do not suffer from these limitations. Behavior of actinides in the environment are a major USDOE concern, whether in connection with long-term releases from a repository, releases from stored defense wastes or accidental releases in reprocessing, etc. Principal goal of our research was expand the thermodynamic data base on complexation of actinides by natural ligands (e.g., OH - , CO 3 2- , PO 4 3- , humates). The research undertakes fundamental studies of actinide complexes which can increase understanding of the environmental behavior of these elements

  14. Inclusions in bone material as a source of error in radiocarbon dating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, A.A.; Ortner, D.J.


    Electron probe microanalysis, X-ray diffraction and microscopic examination were conducted on bone material from several archaeological sites in order to identify post-burial inclusions which, if present, may affect radiocarbon dating of bone. Two types of inclusions were identified: (1) precipitates from ground water solutions, and (2) solid intrusion. The first type consists of calcite, pyrite, humates and an unknown material. The second type includes quartz grains, hyphae, rootlets, wood and charcoal. Precipitation of calcite in a macro-molecular level in bone may lead to erroneaous dating of bone apatite if such calcite was not removed completely. A special technique, therefore, must be employed to remove calcite comletely. Hyphae and rootlets also are likely to induce errors in radiocarbon dating of bone collagen. These very fine inclusions require more than hand picking. (author)


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    Imam Taufik


    Full Text Available Penggunaan pestisida merupakan salah satu sumber pencemar yang potensial bagi sumberdaya dan lingkungan perairan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pencemaran pestisida pada lahan perikanan budidaya di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Penelitian diawali dengan penentuan lokasi, dilanjutkan dengan pengambilan contoh (air, sedimen, biota air, preparasi, identifikasi, dan analisis data, serta pelaporan. Analisis contoh menggunakan alat Gas Chromatograph (GC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada lahan perikanan air tawar di daerah Sukabumi terdapat residu pestisida dari golongan organoklorin, organofosfat, piretroid, dan karbamat dengan konsentrasi di bawah Batas Maksimal Residu (BMR. Jenis dan konsentrasi residu pestisida tersebut yang terbesar terdapat pada ikan, kemudian di dalam tanah dan yang terakhir adalah dalam air.


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    Nina Queena Hadi Putri


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan novel Api Awan Asap karya Korrie Layun Rampan ditinjau dari (1 protes sosial, (2realisme sosial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode content analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya protes sosial yang ditujukan kepada masyarakat yang tidak mengetahui tradisi berhuma suku Dayak Benuaq;  perusahaan pertambangan, perusahaan perkebunan, HPH, dan HTI; perusahaan kelapa sawit, tebu, dan coklat; kepada “konglomerat”; perusahaan  penambangan emas dan batu bara. Bentuk realisme sosial menggambarkan masyarakat suku dayak Benuaq yang dituduh sebagai perusak alam; kerusakan lingkungan pada wilayah yang didiami oleh suku Dayak Benuaq; ketidaktahuan masyarakat mengenai hukum dan kepemilikan tanah; dan ketidaksiapan mental secara finansial masyarakat.

  17. Effect of humates in diet of dairy cows on the raw milk main components

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    Miroslava Potůčková


    Full Text Available The effect of supplemental humic substances (HS on the main milk components was investigated. A total of 10 dairy cows (Czech pied cattle, crossbred Czech pied cattle ´ Ayrshire and crossbred Czech pied cattle ´ Red Holstein were tested. Animals were randomly divided into 2 groups, control (C and experimental (E. Animals fed the same feed mixture and group E was additionally supplemented with HS (200 of product Humafit prepared from the Sakhalin Leonardite. The experimental period took 3 months. Cows were milked twice a day. The milk composition (lactose, fat, crude protein, pure protein and casein of every cow was monitored on days 0, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 of the experiment. Pure protein content was determined by Kjeldahl method, other components were analysed using an infrared analyserMilkoScan FT 120. It was found that the crude protein, pure protein and casein content in milk of group E significantly (p <0.05 increased from the 56th day of the experimental period. Differences of the protein fraction contents in group C and of the dry matter, non-fat dry matter, lactose and fat content in both groups were non-significant (p <0.05.Higher protein and especially casein content in milk could be very important for the cheesemaking as it could increase the cheese yield. Normal 0 21 false false false CS X-NONE X-NONE

  18. Biodegradation of spilled diesel fuel in agricultural soil: Effect of humates, zeolite, and bioaugmentation

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kuráň, P.; Trögl, J.; Nováková, J.; Pilařová, V.; Dáňová, P.; Pavlorková, J.; Kozler, J.; Novák, František; Popelka, J.

    -, č. 642427 (2014) ISSN 1537-744X Grant - others:GA MPO(CZ) FR-TI1/456 Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : biodegradation * spilled diesel fuel * agricultural soil Subject RIV: DK - Soil Contamination ; De-contamination incl. Pesticides Impact factor: 1.219, year: 2013

  19. Kajian Sifat Kimia Tanah, Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Padi Pada Tanah Sulfat Masam Potensial Akibat Pemberian Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Dan Pupuk Sp-36


    Tambunan, Sri Wahyuni; Fauzi, Fauzi; Purba, Marpaung


    The objective of this research is to study the effect of empty palm oil bunch compost (EPOBC) andthe application of phosphorus fertilizer of SP-36 on chemical characteristic of acid sulphate soils,rice growth and production (Oryza sativa L.). This study used a randomized block design factorial,with 2 factors: factor 1: compost EPOBC treatment (B) which consist of: B0 = 0 ton ha-1 (0g EPOBC/pot) ; B1 = 10 ton ha-1 (40 g EPOBC/pot); B2 = 20 ton ha-1 (80 g EPOBC/pot);B3 = 30 ton ha-1 (120 g EPOB...


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    Wiharyanto Oktiawan


    Full Text Available Limbah Rumah Pemotongan Hewan (RPH Kota Semarang yang didominasi oleh rumen sapi jika tidak diolah dapat menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan pada manusia dan kerusakan lingkungan. Dampak negatif dari limbah adalah proses pembuangan dan pembersihannya memerlukan biaya serta efeknya dapat mencemari lingkungan. Hal ini mendorong adanya inovasi dan pengembangan teknologi pengolahan air limbah yang murah dan mudah operasional dan pemeliharaannya serta biaya yang sedikit. Upaya meningkatkan keuntungan akan keberadaan limbah dilakukan cara mengolah limbah menjadi produk yang bermanfaat dan bernilai jual. Keuntungan yang bisa diperoleh dari proses pengolahan limbah tersebut menjadi biogas, bioenergi, dan pupuk. Pupuk yang mengandung magnesium yang tinggi yang beredar di pasaran biasanya berbentuk granul/ serbuk. Apabila tanaman mengalami kekurangan magnesium maka akan menyebabkan kuningnya daun dan menghambat proses fotosintesis yang terjadi di daun. Penambahan limbah garam pada penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kandungan unsur hara makro C,N,P,K, dan Mg, tidak mencemari lingkungan, tidak merusak struktur tanah, serta mudah dalam pengaplikasiannya. Variasi rasio serat kasar dengan cairan rumen bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan paling optimum,antara lain: 100:0 ,75:25 , 50:50 , 25:75 , 0:100 (serat kasar:cairan rumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan limbah garam tidak mempengaruhi terhadap kandungan unsur hara C-Organik dan Nitrogen, sedangkan pada kandungan Fospor, Kalium, dan Magnesium memiliki pengaruh dari penambahan limbah garam. Kandungan unsur hara makro paling optimum yaitu C-Organik pada fermentor B1 sebesar 1,44%, Ntotal pada fermentor B2 sebesar 0,73%, Fospor (P2O5 pada fermentor B3 sebesar 2,243%, Kalium pada fermentor B3 sebesar 13,05, dan Mg pada fermentor B3 sebesar 26,82%. meskipun demikian, pupuk organik cair ini belum memenuhi persyaratan teknis Permentan No.70/Permentan/SR.140/10/2011 tentang pupuk organik, pupuk

  1. Risiko Kerugian Akibat Longsor di Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat

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    Fathiyya Ulfa


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan provinsi yang memiliki riwayat kejadian longsor tertinggi di Indonesia. Salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang sering terjadi longsor adalah Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur. Pada dua tahun terakhir telah terjadi dua kali pergerakan tanah di daerah yang berbeda di Desa Cibanteng. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi besar risiko kerugian bencana longsor pada masa akan datang sehingga bantuan saat terjadi longsor dapat dioptimalkan. Untuk memprediksi besar risiko kerugian digunakan variabel bahaya, kerentanan dan kapasitas kebencanaan longsor. Masing-masing variabel memiliki beberapa indikator tertentu yakni penggunaan tanah, lereng, dan kepadatan penduduk. Penghitungan risiko kerugian dilakukan menggunakan metode overlay masing-masing variabel. Hasil penelitian adalah berupa prediksi risiko kerugian sebesar Rp. 10,1 milyar. Besar risiko kerugian tersebut didapat dari nilai bangunan, jaringan jalan, jaringan listrik dan produktivitas pertanian. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wilayah risiko bencana longsor mendominasi dibagian selatan Desa Cibanteng.   ABSTRACT West Java Province is a province have a high landslide history in Indonesia. One of the area in West Java Province which often occuring a landslide is Cibanteng Village, Sukaresmi District, Cianjur Regency. In the last two years has been soil movement twice in different areas in the village Cibanteng. This study aims to predict big losses from landslides in future so that assistance can be optimized during a landslide. To predict the risk of loss used hazards variable, vulnerabilities and capacities of landslide disasters. Each variables have some specific indicators namely landuse, slope, and population density. The calculation of losses risk using overlay method in each variable. The results are prediction of losses risk of Rp. 10.1 billion. Great of losses risk can be assessed from value of building , road networks

  2. KAJIAN KOMUNITAS RAYAP AKIBAT ALIH GUNA HUTAN MENJADI AGROFORESTRI DI TAMAN NASIONAL LORE LINDU, SULAWESI TENGAH (Termites Community Impact of Forest Conversion to Agroforestry in Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi

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    Zulkaidhah Zulkaidhah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji komunitas rayap akibat alih guna hutan dan hubungannya dengan faktor lingkungan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Desember 2011 sampai Juni 2013. Dilaksanakan di wilayah Taman Nasional Lore Lindu di sekitar Desa Rahmat, Kecamatan Palolo, Kabupaten Sigi. Pengamatan rayap dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode transek. Parameter yang diamati adalah parameter lingkungan, iklim mikro, sifat fisik dan kimia tanah. Total diversitas rayap yang ditemukan adalah 20 spesies, yang terdiri dari 15 spesies pada hutan primer, 15 spesies pada hutan sekunder dan 8 spesies pada agroforestri. Biomassa pohon tertinggi pada hutan primer (620,91 Mg/ha, nekromas dan jumlah seresah tertinggi pada hutan sekunder yaitu masing-masing 8,22 Mg/ha dan 19 Mg/ha. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa alih guna hutan menjadi agroforestri diikuti oleh perubahan komunitas rayap. Suhu tanah dan suhu udara meningkat setelah alih guna hutan.   ABSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate the termines community impact forest conversion  and its relation with the environmental factors.  It was conducted from December 2011 to June 2013 and implemented in Lore Lindu National Park located in around of Rahmat village, subdistrict of Palolo, district of Sigi.  The observation of termites community was performed using method of transect.  The measured parameters were environmental parameters, microclimate, and physic and chemical characteristics of the soil.  There were 20 species found totally, consisted of 15 species in primary forest, 15 species in secondary forest, and 8 species in agroforestry.  The highest biomass of tree in primary forest was 620.90 Mg/ha, whereas the necromass and highest amount of litter in secondary forest were respectively 8.22 Mg/ha and 19 Mg/ha.  Land use change in TN.Lore Lindu was alearly followed by the change of termites diversity. The soil and water temperatures were increased.


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    I Wayan Artanayasa


    Full Text Available Target utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan dinamika konflik yang terjadi dalam masyarakat tradisional kawasan pantai utara Bali, sebagai potret salah satu masyarakat Bali Kuno berkaitan dengan adanya upaya terprogram untuk memodernisasi agama demi kepentingan industri kepariwisataan berdasarkan tingkat dan jenis konflik yang terjadi di tengah-tengah masyarakat desa adat, serta mengembangkan model penanganan konflik berbasis kearifan nilai-nilai lokal masyarakat desa adat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan (Research & Development. Model pengembangan yang digunakan mengacu pada model pengembangan dari Plomp (1997. Prosedur  pengembangan model, meliputi fase-fase: (1 analisis kebutuhan, (2 pengembangan model, (3 integrasi model, (4 validasi preliminary model, (5 penerapan model. Pada penelitian ini, analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptip-kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1 masyarakat desa adat Bali Utara memandang bahwa konflik adat yang terjadi merupakan imbas dari “ketidaknyamanan” sekelompok orang dalam mengelola diri dan lingkungannya. (2 konflik adat yang terjadi pada desa adat Bali Utarasebagai dampak dari pengembangan industri pariwisata dan diperkuat lagi oleh sengketa masalah konservasi dan kepemilikan tanah adat terpola menjadi dua, yaitu konflik yang bersifat horizontal dan konflik yang bersifat vertikal. (3 pengembangan industri pariwisata di desa adat Bali Utara telah membawa dampak yang sangat tajam pada aspek sosial-ekonomi masyarakat. (4 sistim dan bentuk tata pemerintahan desa adat diantara desa adat Bali Utaramemiliki persamaan yang sangat banyak, karena kedua desa tersebut tergolong ke dalam desa adat kuno yang merupakan desa yang dibangun oleh para pelarian Majapahit gelombang pertama. (5 faktor dominan yang memicu timbulnya konflik adat di kalangan masyarakat desa Bali Utara, yaitu: pengembangan desa adat sebagai kawasan wisata budaya


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    Abdul Basid


    Full Text Available Meningkatnya kebutuhan energi listrik, berkurangnya produksi dan meningkatnya harga minyak, memacu banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada pada minyak dengan cara memanfaatkan energi panas bumi. Dari hasil survey dilaporkan bahwa di Indonesia terdapat 217 prospek panasbumi, yaitu di sepanjang jalur vulkanik mulai dari bagian Barat Sumatera, terus ke Pulau Jawa, Bali, Nusatenggara dan kemudian membelok ke arah utara melalui Maluku dan Sulawesi. Jika dihitung potensi daya yang dihasilkan mencapai ±27.000 MWe. Daya sebesar ini membuat Indonesia merupakan Negara yang memiliki 40% potensi panas bumi dunia, tetapi baru 3%. dari potensi panas bumi tersebut dimanfaatkan. Salah satu penelitian untuk mengetahui potensi sebaran panas bumi dilakukan di Desa Lombang Kecamatan Batang Batang Kabupaten Sumenep dengan menggunakan metode Geolistrik konfigurasi dipole-dipole dan Self Potensial (SP. Hasil penelitian dengan metode Geolistrik konfigurasi dipole-dipole menunjukkan bahwa letak air tanah berada pada kedalaman + 15 dan + 20 m di bawah permukaan tanah. Menurut teori gradient geothermal, semakin ke dalam pusat bumi, maka temperaturnya semakin tinggi pula. Demikian dengan prinsip hidrotermal yang seharusnya semakin ke bawah nilai resistivitas air semakin kecil karena konduktivitas air semakin besar. Dengan metode SP diperoleh sebaran data potensial daerah penelitian dengan nilai tertinggi mencapai 90 mV dan terendah -100 mV serta rata-ratanya 0,47 mV. Berdasarkan peta kontur isopotensial yang diperoleh dapat diinterpretasi bahwa daerah penelitian merupakan zona konduktif, yang diduga berasal dari mineral sulfida dalam fluida panas. Hal ini terindikasi dengan rendahnya nilai potensial yang terukur, yang secara numerik bernilai negatif dan aliran air panas dari reservoir cenderung mengalir dari barat ke timur. Dari kajian geologi, lokasi penelitian sama sekali tidak berhubungan dengan aktivitas geologi vulkanik. Panas bumi yang


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    Anisa Prasetyo


    Full Text Available Industri konsol kapal di Indonesia masih perlu dikembangkan untuk mendukung peningkatan jumlah komponen lokal dalam industri perkapalan. Melihat besarnya peluang dan pasar industri konsol kapal di Indonesia, maka dilakukan penelitian tugas akhir analisa teknis dan ekonomis pengembangan industri pendukung konsol kapal (ship console di Indonesia. Konsol kapal yang dimaksud adalah bridge control console, engine control console, cargo control console, water ballast control console, bridge wing control console. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah melakukan analisa teknis meliputi pemilihan lokasi, proses produksi, pemeriksaan hasil produksi, penentuan kapasitas produksi, peralatan dan mesin yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatannya, serta pembuatan layout dari pabrik dengan luas bangunan 2728 m² dan luas tanah 3886 m² berada pada Desa Karangploso, Kec. Benjeng, Kab. Gresik, Jawa Timur. Analisa ekonomis meliputi analisa kondisi pasar di Indonesia untuk permintaan konsol kapal dalam lima tahun yang akan datang. Biaya investasi pembangunan industri ini kira-kira sebesar Rp,00 yang berupa biaya pembelian tanah, pembangunan, pembelian peralatan dan mesin. Selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan biaya operasional dan pemasukan perusahaan agar dapat melakukan analisa kelayakan investasi dengan menggunakan metode Break Event Point, Net Present Value, dan Internal Rate of Return yang hasilnya digunakan untuk menentukan kelayakan pengembangan dari industri konsol kapal di Indonesia. Berdasarkan analisa yang telah dilakukan Break Event Point terjadi pada 6 tahun 8 bulan dengan keuntungan kira-kira sebesar Rp 1.507.000.000,00. Nilai Net Present Value kira-kira sebesar Rp 4,408,000,000.00. Nilai Internal Rate of Return sebesar 11.38% lebih besar dari bunga bank yang telah ditetapkan yaitu 10.25%. Hal tersebut dikarenakan besarnya potensi pasar di Indonesia dan sedikitnya jumlah kompetitor pada industri konsol kapal.    


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    Said Hamid Hasan


    Full Text Available Character education is an attempt to address the multidimensional crisis that is currently happening. This is done by instilling the values ​​in education. Curriculum Center formulate at least there are 18 values ​​of character education, namely religious, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, the spirit of nationalism, patriotism, recognize excellence, friendship / communicative, love peace, likes to read, care for the environment, social caring, and responsibility. In the history education, these values ​​can be integrated in the learning. History education has a role promote character education because it was strategically to establish character and civilization of the nation's dignity. It also serves to realize nationalism and patriotism. Strengthening the lessons of history as a character education can be applied starting from the goal, the implementation of learning, materials, and media sources up to the assessment.Keywords: character education, learning of history.Pendidikan karakter merupakan satu upaya untuk menangani permasalahan krisis multidimensional yang saat ini terjadi. Hal ini dilakukan dengan penanaman nilai-nilai dalam pendidikan. Pusat Kurikulum merumuskan paling tidak ada 18 nilai pendidikan karakter, yakni religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat/komunikatif, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, dan tanggung jawab. Di dalam pendidikan sejarah, nilai-nilai tersebut dapat diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran. Pendidikan sejarah berperan dalam pendidikan karakter karena pelajaran Sejarah memiliki arti strategis dalam pembentukan watak dan peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat serta dalam pembentukan manusia Indonesia yang memiliki rasa kebangsaan dan cinta tanah air. Penguatan pelajaran

  7. Perilaku Kuat Tekan Tanah Laterit dengan Stabilisasi Kapur dan Semen


    febriani, fitri


    Laterite soil is a soil that looks like rust color because it contains high iron oxidation. This is not good for infrastructure development, so it needs an innovation as a method of land improvement, that is stabilization. The reinforcement of soil is generally used in a construction to increase the bearing capacity, so it can hold the construction load. The method that frequently used is soil stabilization by the addition of limestone and cement. In this research, the stabilization of clay i...


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    I Wayan Werasmana Sancaya


    Full Text Available Nominee Agreement or trustee is an agreement that use authority which is used the name of Indonesian residents name and the Indonesian residents give power of attorney to the foreigner to make them do an legal act towards their land. Nominee agreement often called with representation or borrowed name,depend on the letter of statement or power of attorney that made by both of the side, foreigner borrow names from Indonesian to be written as the land’s owner on the certificate, but then the Indonesian depend on the deed of declaration they have made ignore that the real owner of the land and its authorization do or represented to that foreigner. The validity and power of binding the nominee agreement is can’t be separated from clause 1320 and clause 1338 KUHPerdata. If the nominee agreement already notice ang fulfill the legitimate reguirement of the agreement based on clause 132 KUHPerdata and based on 1338 KUHPerdata, so that nominee agreement already have the binding power to every sides. Based on the principle of Pacta Sund Servanda, the agreement that is made by every sides, include nominee agreement has a binding power such as law for them who have made it.

  9. Pertumbuhan cacing tanah Eisenia fetida sp. Pada kompos limbah fleshing

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    Prayitno Prayitno


    Full Text Available The use of earthworm as a source of income and a means for managing organic solid waste such as fleshing waste has been widely applied. The aim of this research was to find the optimum ratio between fleshing waste and cow dung in the growing medium of Eisenia fetida sp. This research was conducted by growing the E. fetida sp. earthworm in the medium containing fleshing waste mixed with cow dung. The ratio of fleshing waste and cow dung was varied at 0:100; 10:90; 20:80; 30:70; 40:60; and 50:50. In addition, 2 parts of chopped stubbles per part of every sample was added as a carbon source. The prepared media were fermented for three weeks with EM4 as a starter, followed by incubation of the earthworm for six weeks. The weight and the number of earthworm were evaluated every two weeks. The optimum growth of earthworm was achieved at the 2nd week of incubation with 185.48% and 121.10% increase of weight and number of earthworm, respectively, at 40:60 ratio of fleshing waste and cow dung in the growing medium.

  10. Pemetaan Indeks Stabilitas Tanah Menggunakan SINMAP di Sub-DAS Rawatamtu

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    Aulia Nafiza Andalina


    Full Text Available The research shows the application of Soil Stability Index Mapping (SINMAP to predict the potential of landslide hazard. The study was conducted at Rawatamtu sub-Watershed, located at Jember Regency. Input data for this study are: (1 digital elevation model (DEM, (2 physical preperties of soil, (3 rainfall data, and (4 other GIS layers collected from the study area. The DEM was obtained from ASTER GDEM2. SINMAP calculate the soil stability index based on combination effect of: slope stability, soil properties, land use and rainfall intensity. Then, interaction of those four factors are integrated on SINMAP and are classified as soil stability index. About 50 locations were surveyed by GPS and optical camera to interpret the map qualitatively. Result show the stable zone (index value > 1.5 occupied about 64.7 % of the watershed area. Area that classified in the upper and bottom limit of landslide (i.e. potentially subject to landslide hazard are located at both mountain areas (Mount Argopuro and Raung of the sub-watershed.


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    H Joni


    Full Text Available Land procurement is every activity to get land by movement right of land or by transfer of right of land bycompensation to the deserved one. In land procurement process for palm oil garden, first thing to do is to observethe available land, whether is State land, Land of Right or Land Right Management. Oil Palms Corporation is theone who get land is has to observe the land claim rules in which provided by National Land Law, which is thelocation and available land status. In term land procurement, sometimes it will be facing problem. Indigenouspeople is still to release their right of land because they are already emotionally binding with the land. Becausethey are certain that the land has power so it can not be released. Besides of that, all of people activities is centeredon the land, such as farming, gardening, indigenous or religious activity. The point is, land is unseparatable partfrom all daily activities, not only land has emotional bind (religious-magic with the people, but also with waterand forest. Because of that land procurement for oil palm has to observe land rights that already attached to theland that possessed by indigenous people. After land possession is appropriate by the Location Permit, Corporationcan propose Right of Business to National Land Institution with terms applied.


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    Sri Handayani


    Full Text Available  This study aims to examine the characteristics of Ultisol soil and produce a system of naming Ultisol soil according to the USDA Land Taxonomy system in Indrajaya District, Pidie District. This research will be carried out in the villages of Gle Gapui, Tuha Suwiek and Masjid Suwiek Indrajaya sub-districts from June to November 2015. This study uses descriptive-quantitative method, which consists of the following stages: (1 Preparation, ie collecting secondary data such as climate data, maps etc. Then prepare the tools and materials for the field survey and establish the ground pedon (2 Field activities, including observation of soil profile, soil sampling, laboratory analysis. Subsequently classified the land based on the USDA Land Taxonomy SystemProfile Gle Gapui climber determinant (horate Bt textured clay where there is increasing clay so it is included into the horizontal horizon. Content weight value is inversely proportional to permeability and porosity. The soil reaction is directly proportional to the saturation of base which is equally low. The content of C- organic, P is available and N total is low. Moderate Cation Exchange Capacity, exchangeable acids (H and Al are high.The classification of Ultisol soil in the location of the Glealing Glean profile is Typic Hapludult, berliat, blend, isohipertermik.Keywords: characteristic, classification, ultisol soil,

  13. The sources and composition of humus in some soils of West Antarctica (United States)

    Abakumov, E. V.


    Original data on humus-forming substances and their elemental and biochemical compositions in Antarctic soils are discussed. Mosses, lichens, algae, remains of higher vascular plants, and penguin guano of two types differ considerably in their chemical compositions. This leads to significant differences in the formation of humic substances in plant materials themselves in the course of their transformation. However, no significant differences in the composition of humus in the fine earth of soils developing under different humus-forming materials have been revealed, which may be related to the extremely low rates of humification. Significant differences between the soils of Antarctic landscapes proper and the soils of the Subantarctic King George Island are only observed in the humus enrichment with nitrogen. The soils of Antarctica are low-humus soils with the humate-fulvate or fulvate types of humus.

  14. Laboratory studies of plutonium in marine systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morse, J.W.; Choppin, G.R.


    The chemistry of plutonium in natural waters is among the most complex of any element. Much of this complexity is due to the fact that Pu can exist in up to four oxidation states (III, IV, V, VI) at one time under conditions encountered in the marine environment. The chemical properties of Pu in these different oxidation states differ dramatically. Our examination of thermodynamic and environmental data indicates that speciation of Pu in natural waters is primarily governed by kinetic factors, and that interactions with organic compounds, such as humates, are important. Pu is primarily removed from oceanic waters by adsorption on particle surfaces. Adsorption processes are also governed by reaction kinetics. A major aspect of the adsorption chemistry of Pu on metal oxide surfaces is their ability to promote redox reactions which change the oxidation state of the adsorbed Pu. (Auth.)

  15. Wacana Penjarahan Dan Kekerasan Simbolik Terhadap Petani

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    Agus Sudibyo


    Full Text Available Perlawanan kaum petani sudah lama terjadi dalam konteks sejarah hubungan antara si kaya dan si miskin dan antara kaum petani dan negara. Persoralannya selalu bahwa negara, aparat keamanan dan pemilik modal telah mengambil alih secara paksa surplus ekonomi dari petani. Mereka bekerja sama dalam aksi penyerobotan tanah petani, pendirian perkebunan-perkebunan dan dalam menghadapi gerakan protes petani. Negara bukan hanya menghadapi gerakan perlawanan petani dengan represi-represi fisik. Secara sistematis negara juga melakukan propaganda dengan menciptakan gambaran-gambaran yang unfavourable tentang petani pelaku penjarahan dalam berbagai representasi wacana. Dalam batas tertentu, media massa justru memperkuat kecenderungan ini dengan menonjolkan dimensi kekerasan, pemberontakan dan anarkisme dalam mewacanakan aksi-aksi penjarahan petani.


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    NFN Danu


    Full Text Available Pembangunan hutan tanaman jabon merah (Anthocephalus macrophyllus (Roxb. Havil memerlukan bibit yang bermutu. Bibit berkualitas dapat dihasilkan dengan mengoptimalkan proses fisiologis tanaman seperti fotosintesa dan metabolisme yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor luar seperti sinar matahari, air, hara mineral dan kondisi tempat tumbuh. Penambahan inokulan mikoriza dan pupuk sebagai penyedia hara dapat memacu pertumbuhan dan meningkatkan daya hidup bibit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh penggunaan mikoriza dan pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan bibit jabon merah. Penambahan mikoriza 5 gram dan NPK 0,5 - 1,0 gram/polybag media tanah solum B dapat menghasilkan bibit jabon merah dengan tinggi 28,33 – 30,33 cm dan diameter 5,42 – 6,70 mm pada umur 5 bulan.


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    Ainur Rafiq Amrullah


    Full Text Available Mung bean is one of leguminose plants planted in the third  order after soy bean and ground nut.  The presence of weeds on certain growth periode (critical periode and at certain population can cause to reduce the yield of this plant.  This research aimed to study the critical periode of mung bean as the affected by the presence of weeds on different soil tillage.  The study was carried out on horticulture station research, Socah District, Bangkalan Regency with red mediteran (Alfisol soil type. The research was arranged in a randomized block design with two factors. The first factor was the clear away weed consisted of  8 levels and the second factor was soil tillage method consisted two levels.  Result showed that there were significant interaction between the way in clearing away weeds and soil tillage treatment on the plant height, leaf area, leaf number, fresh and dry weight of plant, pod number, and dry weight of seed of plant.  Moreover,  the longer weeds present in assosiation with mung bean plant was the higher the effect of the weeds to reduce the yield. The higher yield was resulted from plant growing on the tilled soil. The critical periode of mung bean plant growing in the competition with weeds on untilled and tilled soil respectivelly was between 2 and 4 weeks after planting and between 6 and 8 weeks after planting.

  18. Effect of N, P and K Humates on Dry Matter of Zea mays and Soil

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Sharjeel Ahmad

    may only be applicable to similar acid soils. The outcome of this study may contribute to the improvement of urea N use efficiency as well as reducing environmental pollution. Key words: Humic acids, fulvic acids, triple superphosphate, muriate of potash, soil exchangeable ammonium, available nitrate, Zea mays, dry matter.

  19. Kinetic speciation of mercury–humate complexes in aqueous solutions by using competing ligand exchange method

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Vudamala, K.; Chakraborty, P.

    with ultrapure water (of resistivity 18.2 MΩ cm-1) acidified to contain 1 % (v/v) ultrapure HNO3 (Merck, Germany). Stock solutions of humic acid (HA) was prepared using HA from Fluka (commercialized by Sigma-Aldrich, cat. No. 53680, Sigma-Aldrich, Inc... river emptying into Cochin backwaters, Indian J. Mar. Sci. 15 (1986) 253–259. (accessed September 4, 2015). [25] P.K. Krishnakumar, V.K. Pillai, Mercury Near a Caustic Soda plant at karwar,India, Mar...

  20. Complex formation of calcium with humic acid and polyacrylic acid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kirishima, A.; Tanaka, K.; Niibori, Y.; Tochiyama, O. [Dept. of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ., Sendai (Japan)


    In order to understand the migration behavior of radionuclides in the underground, it is also important to estimate the effect of the competing cations originally present in the groundwater. In this connection, the complexation of Ca(II) with Aldrich humic acid has been examined. For the study at trace concentrations ({proportional_to} 10{sup -10} M) of Ca(II), the solvent extraction of {sup 45}Ca with TTA and TOPO in cyclohexane has been used. At macro concentrations (10{sup -4} M) of Ca(II), the measurement of the free Ca{sup 2+} ion concentration with a calcium selective electrode has been conducted. To estimate the polyelectrolyte effect of humic acid separately from its heterogeneous composition effect, polyacrylic acid ([-CH{sub 2}CH(COOH)-]{sub n}) has been selected as a representative of the homogeneous polymeric weak acids and its complexation with Ca(II) has also been examined. The values of log {beta}{sub {alpha}} have been obtained at pH 5 {proportional_to} 7 in 0.1, 0.4 and 1.0 M NaCl, where {beta}{sub {alpha}} is the apparent formation constants defined by {beta}{sub {alpha}} = [ML]/([M][R]). In this definition, [ML] and [M] are the concentrations of bound and free Ca{sup 2+} respectively, [R] is the concentration of dissociated proton exchanging sites. log {beta}{sub {alpha}} of humate decreases from 2.19 {proportional_to} 2.92 (depending on pH and ionic strength 1.0 < I < 0.4) at pCa = 10 to 1.98 {proportional_to} 2.44 at pCa = 4, while the variation of pCa has no appreciable influence on the log {beta}{sub {alpha}} of polyacrylate (1.36 {proportional_to} 3.24 for I = 0.1 {proportional_to} 1.0). For both humate and polyacrylate, log {beta}{sub {alpha}} decreases linearly with log[Na{sup +}], where [Na{sup +}] is the bulk concentration of sodium ion. Their dependences of log {beta}{sub {alpha}} on ionic strength are stronger than those of log {beta} of monomeric carboxylates such as oxalate and EDTA, indicating the large electrostatic effect of

  1. Enhanced monitoring of hazardous waste site remediation: Electrical conductivity tomography and citizen monitoring of remediation through the EPA's community advisory group program (United States)

    Hort, Ryan D.

    In situ chemical oxidation using permanganate has become a common method for degrading trichloroethene (TCE) in contaminated aquifers. Its effectiveness, however, is dependent upon contact between the oxidant and contaminant. Monitoring permanganate movement after injection is often hampered by aquifer heterogeneity and insufficient well coverage. Time lapse electrical conductivity tomography increases the spatial extent of monitoring beyond well locations. This technique can create two- or three-dimensional images of the electrical conductivity within the aquifer to monitor aquifer chemistry changes caused by permanganate injection and oxidation reactions. In-phase and quadrature electrical conductivity were measured in homogeneous aqueous and porous media samples to determine the effects of TCE and humate oxidation by permanganate on both measures of conductivity. Further effects of clean sand, 10% kaolinite (v/v), and 10% smectite (v/v) on both types of conductivity were studied as well. Finally, in-phase electrical conductivity was measured over time after injecting permanganate solution into two-dimensional tanks containing artificial groundwater with and without TCE to observe the movement of the permanganate plume and its interaction with TCE and to examine the effectiveness of time-lapse conductivity tomography for monitoring the plume's movement. In-phase electrical conductivity after oxidation reactions involving permanganate, TCE, and humate could be accurately modeled in homogeneous batch samples. Use of forward modeling of in-phase conductivity from permanganate concentrations may be useful for improving recovery of conductivity values during survey inversion, but further work is needed combining the chemistry modeling with solute transport models. Small pH-related quadrature conductivity decreases were observed after TCE oxidation, and large quadrature conductivity increases were observed as a result of sodium ion addition; however, quadrature

  2. Peranan Perfini Dalam Mengembangkan Perfilman Nasional Indonesia 1950-1970

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    Neneng Ridayanti


    Full Text Available Artikel ini menganalisis mengenai peranan Perfini dalam membangun dan mengembangkan identitias perfilman Indonesia pada 1950-1970. Seperti yang telah diketahui, identitas film yang dibuat di tanah air pada masa kolonial hingga pendudukan Jepang, memiliki cerita yang tidak jelas karena dianggap tiruan dari film Cina, Amerika, ataupun India. Pada awal  1950-an rasa nasionalisme rakyat Indonesia bangkit kembali.  Penduduk kota yang mengungsi ke desa-desa akibat perang, mulai kembali dan membutuhkan hiburan.  Hal ini, mendorong maraknya produksi film Indonesia.  Perusahaan film milik Tionghoa mulai bangkit kembali, begitupun dengan kaum pribumi.  Inilah merupakan awal dari pertumbuhan perfilman nasional di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode sejarah diharapkan mampu mengurai dan mengidentifikasi posisi dan peranan organisasi ini dalam dunia perfilman Indonesia.


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    S Pantja Djati


    Full Text Available Membangun sebuah merek sebagai investasi yang cukup panjang dan akan menghasilkan suatu keuntungan besar bagi perusahaan. Pada kenyataannya banyak merek-merek internasional yang sudah berhasil untuk jangka waktu yang panjang sampai saat ini, sebab ia sudah berhasil dalam merencanakan suatu merek. Pada beberapa waktu ternyata nilai suatu merek melebihi dari total asset perusahaan, tanah dan mesin yang dimiliki perusahaan, karena citra merek yang tinggi bisa mendatangkan keuntungan yang besar. Pada beberapa kasus di perusahaan pada dasarnya investasi dengan membeli perusahaan memiliki kecenderungan untuk mempertahankan merek mula-mula, yaitu merek yang sejak awal dibeli yang sudah cukup kuat di benak konsumen. Membuat merek baru lebih beresiko dan perlu biaya mahal. Justru dengan mengakuisisi perusahaan untuk menambah portofolio merek perusahaan.

  4. TEKNIK PENGELOLAAN USAHATANI TANAMAN CABAI BERKELANJUTAN DI DATARAN TINGGI KECAMATAN CIKAJANG KABUPATEN GARUT (Management Technique of Sustainable Red Pepper Crop Farming System in Upland Distric of Cikajang Garut Regency

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    Wa Ode Muliastuty


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam usahatani cabai merah dataran tinggi adalah penurunan produktivitas tanaman akibat ketidaksesuaian agroteknologi dengan karakteristik lahan dan kebutuhan tanaman. Hal ini mempercepat proses erosi dan meningkatkan kehilangan lapisan atas tanah yang lebih subur sehingga menurunkan produktivitas lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar erosi, menganalisis kontribusi pendapatan usahatani terhadap Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (KHL petani, dan mengkaji alternatif teknik Konservasi Tanah dan Air (KTA.Erosi dianalisis menggunakan persamaan USLE. Pendapatan usahatani menggunakan analisis anggaran arus uang tunai. KHL petani dihitung berdasarkan jumlah anggota keluarga petani, didekati dari kebutuhan fisik minimal ditambah kebutuhan hidup tambahan. Teknik konservasi tanah diuji pada percobaan petak erosi berukuran 2 x 20 meter dan dibuat pada kemiringan lereng 40 %. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dua faktor. Pertama adalah pola tanam, yaitu cabai merah monokultur (T1 dan cabai merah tumpangsari dengan kubis (T2. Kedua adalah teknik konservasi tanah, yaitu guludan searah lereng sebagai kontrol (K1, guludan searah lereng + guludan memotong lereng jarak 6,60 meter (K2, guludan memotong lereng (K3, dan guludan memotong lereng miring 20° (K4. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin curam kemiringan lereng maka erosi semakin besar melebihi batasETol dan kontribusi pendapatan usahatani terhadapKHL petani semakin rendah. Pola tanam cabai merah monokultur mempunyai erosi yang lebih besar dan kontribusi pendapatan terhadapKHL lebih kecil daripada tumpangsari. Teknik konservasi T1K3, T2K3, T1K4 dan T2K4 dapat diterapkan pada lahan dataran tinggi karena mampu menurunkan erosi ≤ ETol (30,92 dan meningkatkan pendapatan usahatani ≥ KHL (Rp. 23.920.000, sehingga keberlanjutan lingkungan dan ekonomi dapat tercapai. ABSTRACT The problems encountered in red pepper

  5. Pengaruh Biomassa Azolla Terhadap Status Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) Pada Tanah


    Abror, Muhammad; Sabrina, Teuku; Hidayat, Benny


    Research on title the effect of Pb-Polluted azolla biomass on polluted on lead heavy metal status at polluted and unpolluted soil with Pb aimed to evaluate the potency of Pb-polluted azolla biomass on the availability of Pb in soil. The experiment design was factorial randomized block design with 2 factors and 3 replications. First factor was Pb-polluted azolla biomass with 3 treatments 0 g/kg, 15 g/kg and 30g/kg, second factor was Pb application with 3 treatments 0 ppm/kg, 150 ppm/kg, and 3...

  6. Tinjauan Kemungkinan Sebaran Unsur Tanah Jarang (REE di Lingkungan Panas Bumi

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    Danny Zulkifli Herman


    Full Text Available areas occur mainly in an environment of volcanic/magmatic arc where magma chambers play a role as heat sources. The environment is situated within the convergent plate boundaries. A variety of igneous rocks is associated with this environment ranging from basalt (gabbro to rhyolite (granite but andesite is normally the most abundant igneous rock. The most obvious geothermal indications are exhibited by some surface manifestations comprising hot water seepage, fumaroles, hot spring, geyser, and hydrotermal alteration zones which are being evidences of an active hydrothermal system beneath the surface as a part of volcanism. Despite being a causal factor for alteration of country rocks, most hydrothermal fluids enable to change distribution pattern and content of rare earth elements (REE for instance Ce, Eu, La, Lu, Sm, Nd, and Y particularly during a reaction process. This may have a connection with development of element mobility rates, whilst the characteristics of REE pattern within hydrothermal fluid would have a high variable due to dependency of their original magma source. Considering the important role of hydrothermal fluid in REE mobility development, it is inspired to review the possible relationship of active hydrothermal system and potency of REE distribution pattern in areas of geothermal manifestation.  

  7. Model Dispersi Air Tanah Bebas Pada Lapisan Pasir Di Pulau Karang


    Sultan, Sultan


    This study aims to: (1) analyze the characteristics of unconfined aquifer in sand layers in a coral island; (2) determine to what extent porosity, permeability, tides and rainfall intensity influence unconfined aquifer, and (3) develop a dispersion model of unconfined aquifer in sand layers in a coral island. The research used direct survey in the field, laboratory analysis and secondary data analysis. The results reveal that Satando island is a coral island of 40,837.48 metres2, comp...

  8. Karakteristik Populasi Rayap Tanah Coptotermes spp (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae dan Dampak Serangannya

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    Niken Subekti


    Full Text Available Termite are known to infest building in the tropics, but in their quest for cellulose they may also cause signifi cant damage to crops and trees. They become pest only when their natural habitat is altered in some way by humans. Subterranean termite Coptotermes spp has been known as the most economically important structural pest in Indonesia. Due tomorphological ambiguity, traditional identifi cation of Coptotermes spp. has always been diffi cult and unreliable. In economic point of view, economic loss due to termite attack always increases every year, and in the year 2000 it is estimated to reach 373 million US$. Moreover, the social as well as ecological impact caused by termite attack should also be considered. In the capital city of Jakarta, the subterranean termite attack on home buildings reaches around 55%; while in Surabaya (East Java 36%; and in Semarang (Central Java 41%. Meanwhile, in some other cities, the subterranean termite attack on home buildings reaches on the average of 20%. The presence of termites in a region can depend on various factors, such as soil and vegetation type. Climatic features andwater avaibility play an important part in termite survival. Daily and seasonal changes in these factors also affect termite distribution.Keywords: characteristics, climatic, Coptotermes spp, attack impact.

  9. Kajian Teknik Aplikasi Drainase Bawah Tanah dengan Menggunakan Bahan Baku Lokal

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    Momon Sodik Imanudin


    Full Text Available Problems crop cultivation on rain fed land after rice is still too wet for crops, while for rice crop will experience drought on the generative phase. The technology was required to decrease the moisture content of the soil so that crops can be planted after rice. The study aims to examine the application of the use of the underground drainage system to lower the water logging. Local raw materials were used in order to easily adopted by farmers, because common uses of the pipe is still too expensive. The drainage material was made of a collection of coconut husk and wood twigs. As a test medium performed using texture medium sandy clay loam soil and sand. The test results showed that the ability of the drainage flow on coconut fiber, lower than that of wood sticks consecutive 0.37 and 0.48 liters / sec. And the maximum flow capability was shown in the sandy soil of 0.75 and 1.93 liters / sec. Condition of the land with drainage modulus 10mm / day and the structure of materials was used in the field of wood sticks with inter-channel spacing is 10 m, then there is a 10 in 1 ha pipeline, so the ability to discharge to 69 m3 / h. Therefore, it took time for water discharge at 100/69 = 1.45 This means that the potential of using systematically drainage disposal is fit for use primarily in the light texture such as sandy clay loam.


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    Prihastuti Prihastuti


    Full Text Available Soils are made up of organic and an organic material. The organic soil component contains all the living creatures in the soil and the dead ones in various stages of decomposition. Biological activity in soil helps to recycle nutrients, decompose organic matter making nutrient available for plant uptake, stabilize humus, and form soil particles.The extent of the diversity of microbial in soil is seen to be critical to the maintenance of soil health and quality, as a wide range of microbial is involved in important soil functions. That ecologically managed soils have a greater quantity and diversity of soil microbial. The two main drivers of soil microbial community structure, i.e., plant type and soil type, are thought to exert their function in a complex manner. The fact that in some situations the soil and in others the plant type is the key factor determining soil microbial diversity is related to their complexity of the microbial interactions in soil, including interactions between microbial and soil and microbial and plants.The basic premise of organic soil stewardship is that all plant nutrients are present in the soil by maintaining a biologically active soil environment. The diversity of microbial communities has on ecological function and resilience to disturbances in soil ecosystems. Relationships are often observed between the extent of microbial diversity in soil, soil and plant quality and ecosystem sustainability. Agricultural management can be directed toward maximizing the quality of the soil microbial community in terms of disease suppression, if it is possible to shift soil microbial communities.

  11. Interpretasi Struktur Bawah Tanah pada Sistem Sungai Bribin dengan Metode Geo

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    Khafidh Nur Aziz


    Full Text Available This research was aimed to determine the distribution pattern of magnetic field anomaly and to identify the lithology of underground structure in Bribin Karst using geomagnetic method. Research location was Semanu Sub-district, Gunungkidul Regency at UTM coordinate of 464061 mT-464929 mT and 9111097 mU-9111970 mU. The data were taken using G-5 Proton Precession Magnetometer (PPM by looping method. The result showed that the distribution pattern of the magnetic field anomaly in Karst Bribin has value of 330 nT - 530 nT and anomaly values reflecting the system of Bribin River has value of 400 nT-460 nT. The lithology of underground structure in Karst Bribin has susceptibility value of -0.069 (in SI - 0.0661 (in SI with depth 200 m associated with limestone, tuff, gypsum, rock salt, and minerals calcite and anhydrite and the lithology associated with the system of Bribin River has susceptibility value -0.069 (in SI associated with gypsum, rock salt, and minerals anhydrite.

  12. Kajian Sifat Kimia Tanah, Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi (Oryiza sativa L.) Pada Tanah Sulfat Masam Potensial Akibat Pemberian Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dan Pupuk SP-36


    Tambunan, Sri Wahyuni


    This research aims to compost give effect empty palm bunch studies and fertilizer SP-36 to improve chemistry characteristic, growing and rice production (Oryza sativa L.) in acidic sulfate soil. This research was conducted in greenhouse agricultural departments, universities northern Sumatra, Medan. This study used a randomized block design (RAK) factorial, with 2 factors: factor 1: compost TKS treatment factor (B) are : B0 = 0 ton ha-1 (0 g TKS/pot) ; B1 = 10 ton ha-1 (40 g TKS/pot); B2 = 20...

  13. Effect of gley formation on leaching of radionuclides and toxic metals from soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Legin, E.K.; Trifonov, Yu.I.; Khokhlov, M.L.; Legina, E.E.; Strukov, V.N.; Kuznetsov, Yu.V.


    Radionuclides and toxic metals, entering the soil as a result of technogenic contamination, are not uniformly distributed throughout the soil body, but preferentially fixed on so-called gel films. The gel films represent colloid formations consisting of primarily amorphous iron hydroxides, coordination polymers of mixed Ca,Fe,Al fulvates and humates, and amorphous silica fixed on the muddy aluminosilicate fraction ( 238 U, 239,240 Pu, 152 Eu, 232 Th, 60 Co) and stable elements (Co, Eu) leached from soil samples directly correlates with that of iron, suggesting that under reducing conditions the drainage solution contains a mixture of iron, radionuclides, and microelements of nearly constant composition. This result is consistent with the existing views that radionuclides and microelements in soils are concentrated in the gel films. Furthermore, it reveal that in the investigated system solubilisation of the gel films is accompanied by a combined transfer of radionuclides and stable microelements to the aqueous phase. The most significant effect of leaching was observed for plutonium. (author)

  14. Organic complexing agents in low and medium level radioactive waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allard, B.; Persson, G.


    Low and medium level radioactive wastes will contain various organic agents, such as ion exchange resins (mainly in the operational wastes), plastics and cellulose (mainly in the reprocessing wastes and in the decommissioning wastes) and bitumen (mainly in the reprocessing wastes). The degradation of these organics will lead to the formation of complexing agents that possibly could affect the release of radionuclides from an underground repository and the subsequent transport of these nuclides. The solution chemistry of the actinides may be totally dominated by the presence of such organic degradation products within the repository. However, hydrolysis and formation of carbonates (and possibly humates) will most likely dominate solubility and speciation outside the immediate vicinity of the repository. The minor quantities of strong complexing agents (in the reprocessing waste), notably aminopolycarboxylic acids (EDTA, DTPA) and possibly organic phosphates (DBP) could significantly affect speciation and sorption behaviour of primarily the trivalent actinides even outside the repository. (author)

  15. Microbiological investigation of soil samples of the caprock above the Gorleben salt dome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kutzner, H.J.; Sonnen, H.; Bachmann, F.


    Microorganisms constitute an essential part of the soil structure. Through their activities a large number of processes in the soil are caused: decomposition (mineralization) and conversion (humate formation) of organic substances; formation of biomass (reproduction); oxidation and reduction of various elements or compounds, and thus generation of a geomicrobiological cycle of nitrogen, sulphur, iron, manganese and other elements; and, at the same time, by means of oxidation/reduction processes they cause modifications of the solubility of metals (precipitation or mobility increase). Therefore, an influence exerted by microorganisms, as an integral part of the caprock, on radionuclide migration cannot be excluded. The investigations performed served to look into the question to which extent microorganisms occur in the profile of the caprock above the Gorleben salt dome; which geomicrobiological activities are to be expected there due to their physiological properties, and whether their influence on radionuclide migration seems to be realistic. (orig./DG) [de

  16. In situ precipitation and sorption of arsenic from groundwater: Laboratory and ex situ field tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whang, J.M.; Adu-Wusu, K.; Frampton, W.H.; Staib, J.G.


    Permeable, reactive walls may provide long term, low-maintenance prevention of off-site migration of contaminated groundwater. Laboratory and ex situ field tests conducted on several arsenic-contaminated groundwaters indicate that both precipitation and sorption can remove arsenic to levels of less than 10 ppb. Precipitation has been induced by adjusting pH, adding selected cations, and/or reducing the oxidation-reduction potential. Adjusting pH or adding cations was most effective when there were high levels of other ionic species with which arsenic could coprecipitate. Reducing the oxidation-reduction potential was effective on a variety of groundwaters. Humate was an effective sorbent at low pH; aluminum and iron materials were effective over a large range of conditions. Long term performance of precipitation systems can be limited by formation of precipitate on reactive surfaces. Long term sorption can be reduced by competing ions, such as phosphate. Laboratory and ex situ field tests indicate that reactive walls may have lifetimes of decades or more

  17. Arsenic removal using natural biomaterial-based sorbents. (United States)

    Ansone, Linda; Klavins, Maris; Viksna, Arturs


    Arsenic contamination of water is a major problem worldwide. A possible solution can be approached through developing new sorbents based on cost-effective and environmentally friendly natural biomaterials. We have developed new sorbents based on biomaterial impregnation with iron oxyhydroxide. In this study, raw peat material, iron-modified peat, iron-modified biomass (shingles, straw, sands, cane and moss) as well as iron humate were used for the removal of arsenate from contaminated water. The highest sorption capacity was observed in iron-modified peat, and kinetic studies indicated that the amount of arsenic sorbed on this material exceeds 90 % in 5 h. Arsenate sorption on iron-modified peat is characterised by the pseudo-second-order mechanism. The results of arsenic sorption in the presence of competing substances indicated that sulphate, nitrate, chloride and tartrate anions have practically no influence on As(V) sorption onto Fe-modified peat, whereas the presence of phosphate ions and humic acid significantly lowers the arsenic removal efficiency.

  18. The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. and Verbascum thapsus L. seed germination

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    Dragana Božić


    Full Text Available The effects of several bacterial media [Bacillus licheniformis population 1 (MO1; B. licheniformis population 2 (MO2; B. subtilis (MO3; B. megatherium (MO4; humates (MO5] on seed germination of Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. and Verbascum thapsus L. were tested. Seeds were germinated in Petri dishes containing solutions with different bacterial media. The highest germination percentage in all treatments was recorded for V. thapsus seeds (100.0%. Different treatments had diverse effects (stimulative or inhibitory on seed germination of D. stramonium [from 5% (MO1 to 13.3% (MO3, with 10.0 % in H20], A. theophrasti [from 28.3% (MO3 to 65.0% (MO5, with 43.3 % in H20] and O. acanthium [from 10.0% (MO2 to 13.3% (MO1 and MO3, with 6.7% in H20], depending on the type of media and weed species.

  19. Geology and oil and gas assessment of the Mancos-Menefee Composite Total Petroleum System: Chapter 4 in Total petroleum systems and geologic assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the San Juan Basin Province, exclusive of Paleozoic rocks, New Mexico and Colorado (United States)

    Ridgley, J.L.; Condon, S.M.; Hatch, J.R.


    The Mancos-Menefee Composite Total Petroleum System (TPS) includes all genetically related hydrocarbons generated from organic-rich shales in the Cretaceous Mancos Shale and from carbonaceous shale, coal beds, and humate in the Cretaceous Menefee Formation of the Mesaverde Group. The system is called a composite total petroleum system because the exact source of the hydrocarbons in some of the reservoirs is not known. Reservoir rocks that contain hydrocarbons generated in Mancos and Menefee source beds are found in the Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone, at the base of the composite TPS, through the lower part of the Cliff House Sandstone of the Mesaverde Group, at the top. Source rocks in both the Mancos Shale and Menefee Formation entered the oil generation window in the late Eocene and continued to generate oil or gas into the late Miocene. Near the end of the Miocene in the San Juan Basin, subsidence ceased, hydrocarbon generation ceased, and the basin was uplifted and differentially eroded. Reservoirs are now underpressured.

  20. Exploring the Genome and Proteome of Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB2 for its Protein Complexes Involved in Metal Reduction and Dechlorination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sang-Hoon, Kim; Hardzman, Christina; Davis, John k.; Hutcheson, Rachel; Broderick, Joan B.; Marsh, Terence L.; Tiedje, James M.


    Desulfitobacteria are of interest to DOE mission because of their ability to reduce many electron acceptors including Fe(III), U(VI), Cr(VI), As(V), Mn(IV), Se(VI), NO3- and well as CO2, sulfite, fumarate and humates, their ability to colonize more stressful environments because they form spores, fix nitrogen and they have the more protective Gram positive cell walls. Furthermore at least some of them reductively dechlorinate aromatic and aliphatic pollutants. Importantly, most of the metals and the organochlorine reductions are coupled to ATP production and support growth providing for the organism's natural selection at DOE's contaminant sites. This work was undertaken to gain insight into the genetic and metabolic pathways involved in dissimilatory metal reduction and reductive dechlorination, (ii) to discern the commonalities among these electron-accepting processes, (iii) to identify multi-protein complexes catalyzing these functions and (iv) to elucidate the coordination in expression of these pathways and processes.


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    Rosidah R Radam


    Full Text Available Nipa (Nypa fruticans WURMB classified in Palma family and grow in riptide area. This Research aims to know active Chemical compounds in Nipa root. We Hope that this Research will provide new information about active Chemical compounds in Nipa root, so that we can improve the benefit value of Nipa as One of the medicinal herb. Nipa root samples is taken in Tanah Bumbu District, samples examined in Laboratory of F-MIPA UNLAM. The observed parameters in thus Chemical Test are the active Chemical compounds: alkaloid, steroid, triterpenoid, flavonoid, and tannin. The Content of active Chemical compound is presented in Table and concluded descriptively. The Result of active Chemical compound consist in Nipa’s root shows that Alkaloid, Steroid, Triterpenoid, Flavonoid , and tannin compound is do contains in Nipa root. This active Chemical compound in Nipa root can be Led as the basic Chemical informative to utilize Nipa root as analgesics Medical for such disease. Nipah (nypa fruticans WURMB merupakan tumbuhan yang termasuk famili Palmae dan   tumbuh di daerah  pasang   surut.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  kandungan senyawa-senyawa kimia aktif pada akar nipah. Manfaat dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan informasi baru tentang senyawa aktif yang terdapat pada akar nipah, sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai guna dan manfaat tumbuhan nipah sebagai salah satu tanaman obat. Pengambilan sample akar nipah dilakukan Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu  sedangkan pengujian sample akar nipah dilakukan di Laboratorium F-MIFA UNLAM. Parameter-parameter yang diamati pada pengujian kimia tersebut adalah senyawa-senyawa kimia aktif yaitu alkaloid, steroid, triterpenoid flavonoid, dan tanin. Data hasil uji kandungan senyawa kimia aktif  ditabulasi dan disimpulkan secara diskriptif. Hasil pengujian terhadap senyawa kimia aktif yang terkandung dalam akar Nifah ini menunjukan bahwa senyawa Alkaloid, Steroid, Triterpenoid, Flavonoid , dan tanin memang dikandung


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    Regi Fiji Anggawangsa


    Full Text Available Atraktor cahaya sebagai alat bantu penangkapan banyak digunakan untuk mengumpulkan ikan pada alat tangkap bagan apung. Tiga macam atraktor cahaya, yaitu petromaks minyak tanah (dengan iluminasi maksimal 80 lux, petromaks gas (dengan iluminasi maksimal 60 lux, dan lampu genset (dengan iluminasi maksimal 500 lux digunakan pada bagan apung di Palabuhanratu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan iluminasi cahaya pada ketiga macam sumber cahaya tersebut terhadap hasil tangkapan bagan apung. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen penangkapan ikan dengan menggunakan tiga jenis atraktor cahaya pada bagan apung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan iluminasi atraktor cahaya pada bagan apung berpengaruh terhadap komposisi hasil tangkapan. Hasil tangkapan bagan pada saat menggunakan atraktor cahaya petromaks minyak tanah (80 lux didominasi oleh ikan layur (Trichiurus spp. yang mencapai lebih dari 50%, petromaks gas (60 lux didominasi oleh ikan layur (Trichiurus spp. dan cumi-cumi (Loligo spp. sedangkan untuk atraktor lampu genset (500 lux didominasi oleh layur dan cumi-cumi.   Light attractor has been used as a fishing device to gather fish schooling on lift net. There are three types of light attractors i.e. kerosene pressure lamp, gas pressure lamp and genset lamp used by Palabuhanratu’s lift net. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of those light attractors on the lift net catches. The experimental fishing method was used. The results show that illumination produced by genset lamp was higher (500 lux than the two other light attractors at all observation positions with maximum illumination obtained of 80 lux for kerosene pressure lamp and 60 lux for gas pressure lamp. Catch of lift net when using kerosene pressure lamp attractor (80 lux was dominated by hairtail fish (Trichiurus spp. that reaches more than 50%, gas kerosene lamps attractor (60 lux was dominated by fish Layur (Trichiurus spp. and squid


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    Dwi Ningsih Susilowati


    Full Text Available AbstrakPenambatan nitrogen oleh bakteri rhizosfer dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menyiasati dampak salinitas pada tanah sawah pesisir. Kemampuan tersebut disebabkan oleh aktivitas nitrogenase yang disandikan gen nifH pada komponen II. Penelitian  ini bertujuan  menganalisis aktivitas nitrogenase pada kondisi salin dan mengidentifikasi gen nifH. Sebanyak 50 isolat bakteri rhizosfer asal tanah sawah pesisir daerah Eretan dan Patimban, Jawa Barat telah dianalisis. Lima isolat yang menunjukkan aktivitas nitrogenase pada kondisi salin adalah Er B1 3, Er B1 4, Er B1 9, Er B2 10, dan Ptb B1 4. Gen nifH kelima sampel diidentifikasi menggunakan PCR menghasilkan amplikon berukuran ~360 bp. Aktivitas nitrogenase tertinggi berdasarkan Analisis Reduksi Asetilen (ARA diperoleh pada isolat Er B2 10 yang memiliki kekerabatan terdekat dengan bakteri Providencia sp. Hasil yang diperoleh membuktikan bahwa beberapa bakteri asal sawah pesisir dapat menambat nitrogen pada kondisi salin.AbstractThe ability of nitrogen fixation by rhizosphere bacteria could be used to decrease salinity impact in coastal paddy field, due to nitrogenase capability, encoded by a nifH gene in component II. The objectives of this research are to analyze nitrogenase activity in saline condition and identify the presense of the nifH gene. A total of 50 isolates of the rhizosphere bacteria coastal from wetland areas of Eretan and Patimban, West Java, has been isolated and being analyzed. Among them, five isolates i.e. Er B1 3, ER B1 4, Er B1 9, Er B2 10 and Ptb B1 4, showed the nitrogenase activity under saline condition. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR of the nifH gene from those five samples resulted in the amplicon size of  ~360 bp. The highest activity of nitrogenase assessed by acetylene reduction assay (ARA was shown by Er B2 10 which closely related to bacteria of Providencia sp. The obtained result showed that several bacteria from coastal paddy field were able to conduct nitrogen


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    Tutuk Ningsih


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan; (1 implementasi pendidikan karakter (IPK di SMP Negeri 8 dan SMP Negeri 9 Purwokerto; (2 peran kepala sekolah, guru, dan siswa dalam IPK; dan (3 aktualisasi nilai-nilai karakter dalam IPK. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif-naturalistik.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah pengamatan partisipan, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditarik kesimpulan berikut ini. (1 Implementasi pendidikan karakter yang lakukan melalui pola kegiatan terpadu antara kegiatan intrakurikuler dan ektrakurikuler. (2 Implementasi pendidikan karakter yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah, guru, dan siswa mempunyai peranan yang positif dalam pembentukan kultur sekolah yang berkarakter. Peran kepala sekolah, guru, dan siswa dalam IPK diwujudkan dalam: (a peran kepala sekolah sebagai motivator, pemberi contoh keteladanan, pelindung, penggerak kegiatan, perancang kegiatan, pendorong, dan pembimbing; (b peran guru sebagai pendidik, pengasih, dan pengasuh; dan (c peran siswa sebagai subjek didik dan pelaksana kegiatan di sekolah. (3 Aktualisasi nilai-nilai karakter dalam IPK cenderung mengacu pada prinsip ABITA (Aku Bangga Indonesia Tanah Airku berbasis kebangsaan dan religius yang meliputi 18 nilai karakter, yaitu: (a nilai religius, (b kejujuran, (c demokratis, (d tanggungjawab, (e disiplin, (f peduli lingkungan, (g peduli sosial, (h kerja keras, (i mandiri, (j cinta tanah air, (k semangat kebangsaan, (l rasa ingin tahu, (m gemar membaca, (n menghargai prestasi, (o cinta damai, (p bersahabat/komunikatif, (q toleran, dan (r kreatif. (4 Terdapat persamaan dan perbedaan dalam IPK di kedua SMP tersebut, persamaannya adalah mengacu pada nilai-nilai yang ada pada prinsip ABITA, perbedaannya kalau di SMP Negeri 8 melaksanakan 12 nilai karakter dan kegiatan

  5. Ragam Vegetasi dalam Puisi‐Puisi Palestina

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    Hindun Hindun


    Full Text Available Vegetasi Palestina adalah sekelompok tanaman yang tumbuh di bumi Palestina. Para penyair Palestina, melalui puisinya, mengemukakan beragam vegetasi yang tumbuh di Palestina sehingga menimbulkan permasalahan ragam vegetasi apa saja yang disebut dalam puisi dan apa fungsi penyebutannya? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkap ragam vegetasi asli Palestina dalam puisi karya penyair Palestina. Teori yang dimanfaatkan adalah teori adab al-muqawamah, yang mengatakan bahwa karya sastra merupakan piranti perlawanan terhadap segala penjajah dalam bentuk kata sehingga karya sastra tersebut dapat menggugah semangat pembacanya untuk berjuang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ragam vegetasi Palestina adalah penanda keberadaan wilayah dan bangsa Palestina yang berarti bahwa ada tanah tempat tanaman itu tumbuh dan ada bangsa yang memanfaatkan tanaman itu dalam kehidupan mereka. Penyebutan ragam vegetasi Palestina itu menjadi simbol perlawanan bangsa Palestina terhadap penjajahan Israel yang menduduki tanah Palestina melalui aneksasi dan kolonialisasi. Puisi perlawanan ini merupakan sebuah upaya untuk membangkitkan kesadaran umat manusia di dunia, khususnya bangsa Palestina, untuk melawan segala bentuk penjajahan di muka bumi. Palestine’s vegetation is a group of plants growing in the Palestine’s soil. The Palestinian poets, through their poetries, explained the variety of plants growing in Palestine. Therefore, the research questions are what kinds of native plant growing in Palestine and why the Palestinian poets explain those plants in their poetries? The analysis theory is adab al-muqawamah meaning that literary work is an instrument to fight all forms of occupation and colonialism by using words to inspire the readers to fight. The result is that Palestine’s plant variety is a symbol of the presence of the region and the Palestinians, which means that there is a land where the plants grow and there is a nation that use the plants in their lives

  6. Barley seeds coating with humates-phosphatase complexes in order to improve p uptake and plant growth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pilar, M. C.; Busto, M. D.; Ortega, N.; Perez-Mateos, M.


    Although plants may uptake some forms of organic phosphorus compounds, most of them must be first mineralized to inorganic forms to become available to plants. this hydrolysis is catalyzed by extracellular phosphatases produced by plant roots and microorganisms when plant P availability is limiting P fertilizers added to soil rapidly become unavailable to plants by forming insoluble P compounds. (Author)

  7. Experimental determination and modelling of trace metal-humate interactions: a pragmatic approach for applications in groundwater

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Glaus, M A; Hummel, W; Loon, L.R. van [Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland)


    Complexation of radionuclides by humic substances and the concomitant remobilisation of sorbed radionuclides is a source of uncertainty in performance assessment of radioactive waste repositories. Despite more than 30 years of world-wide intensive research in this field, only very few datasets are available which are relevant for performance assessment. The reason for this unusual situation is found in the poor understanding of chemical structures of humic substances, which is a label for a most complex, heterogeneous mixture of organic molecules. Because of the ignorance of the `real` structures of the complexes formed between radionuclides and humic substances, no binding model was developed up to now, which is firmly based on thermodynamics and which would allow extrapolations outside the chemical parameter space at which it has been calibrated. It is therefore the main purpose of the present work to develop means for performance assessment to conservatively bound the effect of humic substances on radionuclide speciation in solution at relevant chemical conditions. (author) 70 figs., tabs., refs.

  8. Experimental determination and modelling of trace metal-humate interactions: a pragmatic approach for applications in groundwater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glaus, M.A.; Hummel, W.; Loon, L.R. van


    Complexation of radionuclides by humic substances and the concomitant remobilisation of sorbed radionuclides is a source of uncertainty in performance assessment of radioactive waste repositories. Despite more than 30 years of world-wide intensive research in this field, only very few datasets are available which are relevant for performance assessment. The reason for this unusual situation is found in the poor understanding of chemical structures of humic substances, which is a label for a most complex, heterogeneous mixture of organic molecules. Because of the ignorance of the 'real' structures of the complexes formed between radionuclides and humic substances, no binding model was developed up to now, which is firmly based on thermodynamics and which would allow extrapolations outside the chemical parameter space at which it has been calibrated. It is therefore the main purpose of the present work to develop means for performance assessment to conservatively bound the effect of humic substances on radionuclide speciation in solution at relevant chemical conditions. (author) 70 figs., tabs., refs


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    Sri Soewasti Soesanto


    Full Text Available Manusia yang sehat tiap hari membuang tinja yang harus ditampung dan/atau diolah secara saniter. Meskipun Indonesia telah 55 tahun merdeka dan telah memiliki banyak ahli sanitasi/teknik penyehatan baik lulusan dalam maupun luar negeri, namun cara pengelolaan tinja yang ada kebanyakan masih belum memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Tangki septik dianggap sebagai cara penampungan tinja yang terbaik, padahal sebenarnya masih terjadi pencemaran tanah dan air melalui saluran perembesan.Tangki septik (septic tank merupakan salah satu macam sarana pengolahan tinja manusia yang pada garis besarnya terdiri dari sebuah tangki pembusukan lumpur (sludge digester dan saluran perembesan efluen. Tangki pembusukan harus memenuhi syarat mengenai perbandingan panjang dan lebar serta syarat kedalaman maksimum dan minimum, agar pembusukan lumpur dari tinja manusia dapat berjalan sempurna malahan tidak berbau busuk lagi.

  10. BAHASA MADURA SEBAGAI BAHASA RESMI REGIONAL (Sebuah Ikhtiar Alternatif Pemeliharaan Bahasa

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    Mulyadi Mulyadi


    Full Text Available Abstrak:Tulisan ini bertitik tolak dari realitas bahwa sebuah bahasa harus mengalami proses kenaikan status (elitisasi sebagai salah satu usaha alternatif agar bahasa itu tetap bertahan dan terpelihara. Saat ini, kondisi tersebut sedang menggelayuti bahasa Madura yang terancam terasing di tanah kelahiran sendiri. Dengan antisipasi historis, yakni pengalihan bahasa Melayu menjadi bahasa Indonesia yang selanjutnya menjadi bahasa nasional dan bahasa resmi, serta kalkulasi modalitas serta potensi yang dimiliki oleh bahasa Madura, bahasa ini berpotensi untuk menjadi bahasa resmi regional (skala wilayah penutur bahasa Madura. Tentu saja usaha ini tidak untuk merusak tatanan yang sudah dianggap mapan terhadap kenyamanan status bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa resmi satu-satunya di negeri ini, tetapi lebih kepada usaha penguatan wawasan kebangsaan di ranah linguistika belaka.Kata kunci:bahasa nasional, bahasa resmi, perencanaan/rekayasa bahasa

  11. Faktor - Faktor Keberhasilan Proses Virtualisasi Dalam Perspektif E-Commerce Di Indonesia

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    Mohammad Rustam Sandegi


    Full Text Available Perkembangan dunia IT di Indonesia yang semakin pesat sehingga semakin menggantikan berbagai kegiatan yang dilakukan secara tradisional mulai perlahan berpindah ke arah virtual, termasuk salah satunya adalah di bidang perdagangan yang sekarang dikenal dengan e-commerce, perkembangan dan animo masyarakat dalam menggunakan e-commerce bisa dilihat dari mulai banyaknya perusahaan besar baik lokal maupun internasional berusaha masuk dan menguasai pasar online di Indonesia, kucuran dana yang tidak sedikit kerap kali diberitakan oleh media nasional untuk perusahaan-perusahaan e-commerce tanah air. Tentu dengan harapan dapat menguasai atau minimal bertahan di persaingan bisnis e-commerce di Indonesia, untuk itu harus memperhatikan beberapa faktor apa saja mengapa orang memiliki minat untuk melakukan transaksi online. Hasil dari penelitian ini memberikan model keberhasilan proses virtualisasi dilihat dari perspektif e-commerce dengan memperhatikan minat belanja online.


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    Subriyer Nasir


    Full Text Available Pengolahan air asam tambang sintetis dengan memanfaatkan abu terbang batubara, tanah diatom dan abu sekam padi sebagai adsorben yang diikuti dengan pengolahan menggunakan metode sand filtrasi, ultrafiltrasi dan reverse osmosis. air asam tambang sintetik dibuat dengan variasi pH 3; .,5; dan 4. Persentase kenaikan pH karena pemakaian masing-masing adsorben dan penurunan kadar ion besi, mangan dan sulfat juga diteliti. Hasil yang diperoleh coal fly ash merupakan adsorben yang paling efektif dalam menaikkan pH dan menurunkan EC serta ion logam dari air asam tambang sintetik. Persentase kenaikan pH sebesar 97,40%, persentase penurunan EC 96,71%, dan persentase penurunan ion logam mangan, besi, sulfat tertinggi berturut-turut adalah 99,1%, 98,4%, dan 99,7% serta prosentase perolehan air (WRP sebesar 75%. .

  13. Mycorrhizal Inoculum Production Technique for Land Rehabilitation

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    Yadi Setiadi


    Full Text Available Spora cendawan mikoriza arbuskula (CMA telah dikoleksi dan diisolasi dari berbagai jenis tanah masam berfikasi P-tinggi di Indonesia. Lima isolate CMA lokal telah berhasil diperoleh dari spora tunggal dengan teknik “test tube culture” dan dikembangkan-biakan dengan sistem “open pot culture”. Kelima isolate tersebut adalah Acaulospora delicata (EJ-01. Acaulospora tuberculata (INDO-2, Glomus manihotis (INDO-1, Glomus mosseae (PAL-03 dan Entrophospora colombiana (LAM-36. Kelima biakan isolate CMA tersebut, dipelihara dengan tanaman inang Kudzu pada media zeolit yang diperkaya nutrisi. Dengan mempelajari berbagai tipe media, ukuran partikel, pH dan komposisi nutrisi, isolate CMA terpilih telah berhasil dapat diperbanyak dalam skala industri dengan menggunakan inang sorghum. Dengan tehnik pra-inokulasi di persemaiaan maka penggunaan mikoriza dalam skala besar di bidang kehutanan dapat direalisasikan.


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    Hafsah Hafsah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji habitat dan morfologi siput Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis sebagai hewan reservoir dalam penularan shistosomiasis pada manusia dan ternak. Penelitian dilakukan dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Lore Lindu. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan mengukur dan mengambil beberapa sampel tanah pada beberapa jenis habitat. Siput dikoleksi dengan menggunakan metode gelang besi yang disebut ring method. Siput yang dikumpulkan kemudian dibawa ke laboratorium untuk pengamatan bentuk morfologi dan mirasidia baik secara langsung maupun dengan penggunaan mikroskop. Penentuan tingkat prevalensi digunakan metode “ Kato-Kars” yang dimodifikasi. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan data hasil survei di lapangan dan hasil analisis dari laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa habitat siput O.hupensis Lindoensis yang terdapat dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Lore Lindu sebanyak 144 habitat (fokus dan terdistribusi pada empat desa yaitu Tomado (64 fokus, Anca (63 fokus, Puroo (11 fokus dan Langko (6 fokus dengan persebaran 44,44 % ( sawah, 29,86 % ( kebun, 18,06 % ( padang rumput, dan 11 % ( hutan. Karakteristik habitat yaitu tekstur tanah lempung berpasir dengan bahan organik tanah yang relatif rendah (2%. Pada ternak didapatkan tingkat prevalensi yaitu kerbau (39,36%, sapi (39,32%, dan babi (22,5%. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini bahwa habitat siput O. Hupensis lindoensis mempunyai karakteristik dan bentuk yang spesifik. Tingkat prevalensi schistosomiasis pada manusia dan ternak dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Lore Lindu masih cukup tinggi. ABSTRACT The objective of the study was evaluated the habitat characteristics and  morphology of  Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis  as  a  reservoir in transmission of Schistosomiasis on  human and animal in Lore Lindu National Park. The study was conducted in four villages as known as the habitat of the endemic snails. Collections of the snails

  15. ISOLASI DAN KARAKTERISASI JAMUR PENDEGRADASI ZAT PEWARNA TEKSTIL (Isolation and Characterization of dye-degrading Fungi

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    Erni Martani


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Industri tekstil tidak saja menghasilkan sandang yang merupakan kebutuhan primer manusia, tetapi juga mengeluarkan limbah yang berpotensi sebagai penyebab pencemaran lingkungan. Komponen utama limbah industri ini adalah berbagai jenis zat pewarna tekstil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat-isolat jamur yang mampu mendegradasi beberapa jenis zat pewarna tekstil. Isolasi dilakukan menggunakan metode surface plating di atas medium Potato Dextrose Agar, dan seleksi kemampuan degradasi pewarna berdasarkan atas toleransi terhadap konsentrasi zat pewarna, serta besar dan kecepatan dekolorisasi beberapa jenis zat pewarna. Sebagai parameter awal digunakan enam zat pewarna tekstil. Isolat-isolat unggul kemudian diidentifikasi awal berdasar atas morfologi mikroskopis terhadap miseliumnya. Dalam penelitian ini juga digunakan beberapa kultur murni jamur pembusuk putih sebagai pembanding. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan limbah cair dan padat beberapa industri tekstil dan industri pulp & paper, tanah gambut dari Kalimantan Tengah dan Riau, tanah sekitar Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Akhir, serta tanah seresah hutan. Dari berbagai sumber tersebut diperoleh 101 isolat jamur. Uji dekolorisasi kualitatif terhadap 6 zat pewarna menghasilkan 6 isolat unggul yang mampu mendekolorisasi lebih dari tiga jenis pewarna dengan kecepatan relatif tinggi. Masing-masing isolat unggul memiliki spesifikasi dalam daya dekolorisasi terhadap ke 6 jenis pewarna. Identifikasi awal terhadap isolat unggul menunjukkan bahwa mereka berasal dari genus Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Penicillium dan Stachybotrys. Sedangkan uji terhadap kultur jamur pembusuk putih sebagai pembanding menghasilkan 2 kultur unggul, yaitu: Phanerochaete chrysosporium dan Pleurotus ostreatus. Secara umum kemampuan dekolorisasi isolat-isolat jamur kebanyakan masih di bawah kemampuan kedua kultur murni tersebut, namun beberapa isolat justru memiliki kemampuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan kultur pembanding


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    Kasdi Subagyono


    Full Text Available Upaya mitigasi di sektor pertanian menjadi sangat penting karena sektor ini berkontribusi terhadap munculnya emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK, namun demikian kajian terhadap kebutuhan teknologi untuk mitigasi belum dilakukan. Kajian difokuskan pada seleksi teknologi, kendala dan peluang untuk mengatasi masalah. Seleksi teknologi didasarkan pada criteria dan opsi teknologi yang diperlukan. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan dari berbagai lembaga baik badan, pusat dan lembaga-lembaga terkait lainnya serta melalui lokakarya yang melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan. Seleksi teknologi untuk mitigasi mempertimbangkan criteria umum yang meliputi pengurangan emisi GRK dari tanaman dan ternak, konservasi sumberdaya, untuk keberlanjutan keanekaragaman hayati, mengangkat isu energi hijau, keberlanjutan keamanan pangan, dan mengangkat isu energi alternatif; dan spesifik criteria yang meliputi memprioritaskan teknologi lokal untuk mitigasi, keberlanjutan plasma nutfah spesifik lokasi, memprioritaskan teknologi yang murah untuk petani miskin, introduksi varietas tanaman yang rendah emisi, mengganti sebagian pupuk kimia dengan pupuk organik, serta mengurangi emisi gas metana (CH4. Kriteria tersebut diskor kedalam 4 kelas, yaitu nilai tinggi/relevansi tinggi/sangat berdampak (skor 5, nilai sedang/relevan/berdampak sedang (skor: 3; nilai rendah/kurang relevan/kurang berdampak (skor: 1; dan tidak relevan/tidak berdampak (skor: 0. Hasil kjian menunjukkan bahwa prioritas teknologi yang dibutuhkan untuk mitigasi: (a untuk lahan sawah: varietas tanaman dengan emisi rendah, pemupukan yang tepat, tanpa olah tanah/olah tanah minimum, dan irigasi berselang, (b untuk tanaman tahunan: teknologi tebang baker yang tepat dan biofuel, (c untuk peternakan: teknologi pengomposan dan biogas, dan (d untuk lahan gambut: menghindari tebang bakar, menghindari drainasi yang berlebihan dan menjaga kelembaban tanah.   Mitigation action in agriculture sector is crucial since it contributes to


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    Tarunamulia Tarunamulia


    Full Text Available Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs dapat memberikan dampak negatif secara ekologis, ekonomis dan kesehatan.  Kejadian dapat bervariasi menurut faktor lingkungan lokal pemicu serta kemampuan adaptasi spesies.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara karakteristik kualitas lingkungan dengan keberadaan fitoplankton berpotensi HABs pada tambak ekstensif di Kecamatan Losari Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat.  Sebanyak masing-masing 45 contoh air dan tanah diambil pada total luas petakan tambak ±2300 ha dengan metode transek yang dimodifikasi. Peubah kualitas air yang diukur meliputi; Total Amonia Nitrogen (TAN, Nitrit (NO2-N, Nitrat (NO3-N, Fosfat (PO4-P, Bahan Organik Total (BOT dan Plankton.  Sedangkan peubah kualitas tanah tambak meliputi pH, total nitrogen (NTOT, fosfat (PO4-P dan BOT. Analisis keterkaitan kualitas lingkungan dengan keberadaan fitoplankton berpotensi HABs dilakukan dengan BIO-ENV analysis, Cluster analysis, dan analisis spasial dengan software PRIMER 5.0 dan ArcGIS 10.0.  Dari  23 spesies yang diidentifikasi terdapat 5 spesies (21% yang potensial sebagai HABs meliputi Prorocentrum sp, Ceratium sp, Gymnodinium sp, Thalassiosira sp dan Nitzchia sp.   Prorocentrum sp ditemukan pada 21 stasiun  dari total 45 stasiun dengan kepadatan tertinggi (508 ind/L. Hasil analisis selanjutnya menunjukkan bahwa distribusi spasial spesies berkaitan erat dengan distribusi nilai TAN dan BOT air serta nilai N-Total tanah. Jika tidak ada upaya pengelolaan dan mitigasi sehubungan keberadaan HABs tersebut maka dikhawatirkan dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas dan keberlanjutan kegiatan budidaya di lokasi penelitian. Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs can cause serious negative ecological, economical and human health impacts. The occurrence of HABs may vary according to local environmental factors and the adaptability level of the causative species. This study aims to determine the relationship between environmental quality and the presence of

  18. Humic substances in performance assessment of nuclear waste disposal: Actinide and iodine migration in the far-field. First technical progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buckau, G.


    The present project is one in a series of research activities supported by the European Commission on the role of humic substances for the long-term safety of nuclear waste disposal. These activities started in the mid eighties within the MIRAGE project (MIgration of RAdionuclides in the GEosphere) with the most recent project being ''Effects of humic substances on the migration of radionuclides: Complexation and transport of actinides (HUMICS)'' (FI4W-CT96-0028). The HUMICS project was conducted within the fourths framework of the European Commissions research program. It started January 1997 and had a duration of three years. The results of the HUMICS project can be found in three open technical progress reports and a final report [1-4]. In analogy with the HUMICS project, the present project makes use of annual technical progress reports where individual results are published as papers in the form of annexes. By this approach, results rapidly become available to interested parties in a compact form before their publication in various scientific journals and conference proceedings. Furthermore, some of the more preliminary and/or detailed results are not likely to appear in scientific journals and proceedings. The present project is conducted within the fifths framework of the European Commissions research program. It started November 2001 and has a duration of three years. The present report covers the first project year, i.e. November 2001 to September 2002. The project is divided into eight different work packages. These are (i) ''Critical assessment of experimental methods'', (ii) ''Generation and characterization of humic substances'', (iii) ''Radionuclide humate interaction data by designed system investigations'', (iv) ''Characterization of radionuclide humate complexes'', (v) ''Natural chemical analogue studies'', (vi) ''Radionuclide transport experiments'', (vii) ''Model development'', and (viii) ''Performance assessment''. Division of work into


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    Adnyana Adnyana


    Full Text Available The authorization pursuant to Article 1792 of the Civil Code is "an agreement by which a given authority to another person, who received it, for conducting an affair on his behalf". It seems clear on the one hand there is the so-called to give and some are called to receive power, each party both receiver and giver have equal rights and obligations in running the power. In a very rapid growth dynamics can be found in the deed of transfer of power that the land ownership through purchase, clauses can not be withdrawn or disregard of Article 1813 of the Civil Code which is referred to as "Power of Absolute", it means no longer balanced and adverse the power giver if concerned about the rights and obligations of the giver and the receiver of power. In connection with the absolute power of the transformation of property rights to land through purchase, there are some legislation that expressly rohibits: Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 14 of 1982 on the Prohibition of Use of Absolute Powerful As the transfer of Land Rights, Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration, in  Article 39 paragraph (1 letter d., Supreme Court Decision No. 2584 / K / Pdt / 1986 explicitly states that "absolute power of attorney regarding the sale and purchase of land can not be justified because in practice often misused for smuggling and selling land", Decision of the Supreme Court Reg. No. 2817 / K / Pdt / 1994 explicitly states that "buying and selling is done on the basis of absolute power is invalid and void". As a result of the ban, the use of absolute power in the transfer of property rights through the purchase can not be done because it is illegal and null and void.

  20. Respons Agronomi Tiga Varietas Ubi Kayu pada Berbagai Tingkat Kadar Air Tanah

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    Full Text Available Cassava has been cultivated in almost the all region of Indonesia as a raw material of food, feed, and industries. The productivity of cassava was varied among the region due to the variation of varieties used and growth environment, especially rainfall or water availability. Water deficit or drought stress will decrease the growth and yield of cassava. Selecting tolerant variety to drought will be important to get high productivity. An experimental pot in the greenhouse has been conducted to know the growth and yield response to drought. Three varieties of cassava i.e Adira-1, Gajah, and Mangu were planted in the pot at three level of soil moisture content (SMC 4060, 6080, and 80100% of field capacity (FC. The cassava growth traits were influenced by SMC starting at 6 weeks after planting (WAP for a number of leaves, at 8 WAP for stem girth, at 10 WAP for plant height, at 14 WAP for lobus width, and 15 WAP for lobus length. Root, stem, and leaves dry weight in the SMC of 4060% FC were 64.4; 43.98, and 31.19% of the dry weight in 8000% FC. Roots yield in the soil moisture content of 4060% FC decreased by 76.2% and in the SMC of 4060%, FC decreased by 38.4% compared to in the SMC of 80100% FC. The water use efficiency and roots yield of Gajah variety were highest.


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    O.B.A Sompie


    Full Text Available Material models are always required to know the characteristics (physical and mechanical properties of the soil layer at the site by using analysis of geotechnical studies that have been done in the field and in laboratories. Soils such as clay, silty clay and peat show a high degree of compressibility compared to other soils. In oedometer testing, the consolidated clay normally behaves up to ten times softer than the normally consolidated sand. This study aims to determine the soft consolidation behavior of soft clay primers by comparing the results obtained from finite element analysis calculations on Plaxis 2D with analytical calculations and survey measurements. Two different material models were used during finite element calculations, comparing the performance of Soft Soil Model, SSM models to the Mohr-Coulomb Model (MCM model commonly used today. Practical geotechnical analysis of stability of embankment construction is done by using Plaxis 8 computer program, based on Finite Element Method to analyze deformation value and safety factor with construction phase of consolidation.  Keywords: Consolidation, deformation, safety facor, SSM

  2. Pengaturan Tanah Baluwarti sebagai Kawasan Cagar Budaya yang Berbasis Budaya Hukum Jawa

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    Lego Karjoko


    Full Text Available The aim of this research is to describe the regulation of Baluwarti land. As agreement between Surakarta government, Baluwarti society and keraton Surakarta relatives about the meaning of keraton Surakarta and the property of Baluwarti land. This research uses quality method with socio-legal study approach. The data consist if primary and secondary sort. The sources of the first data are keraton Surakarta relatives, the apparatus of Surakarta government and Baluwarti society, while the second are public and personeal data and the legally data. There were two ways to teke the primary data, namely observation and interview. Secondary had been gathered through library study, analysis of document, archives, primary and secondary legal data. Trianggulation method had been used to check the validity of data. The analysist consist of three ways used in the same moment, namely data reduction, data serve and verification. The interpretation had been used to understand the meaning of the information and the relation among it. The composition of the meaning relation depents on the thougt frame of the informant. As result of the discussion of this research is the harmonious opinion between Surakarta gavernment, Baluwarti society and keraton Surakarta reltives thet keraton Surakarta is the adat institution. It is also the guardian of Javanese culture and the tourism destinatiun. Each of them uses legal culture of Javanese as their frame of opinion. The opinion of part of keraton Surakarta relatives that keraton Surakarta is the governance center can’t be received. Such opinion isn’t compatable with the aspiration of Surakarta government and Baluwarti society. It is also able to cause the social violetry. There is a different opinion between keraton Surakarta relatives, government of Surakarta and Baluwarti society about the meaning of property of Baluwarti land. According to Baluwarti society and Surakarta government, Baluwarti land is the state property. On the other side, as for keraton Surakarta relatives, Baluwarti land is Sinuhun property delegated to Parentah Keraton Surakarta. But actually the three sides have the same interest. All of them hope that the existention of keraton Surakarta can give them economic constribution. The same interest is the foudation of the regulation of Baluwarti society as the cultural guardian. The source of Baluwarti land is the nation property, while Surakarta government regulates the relation between Sri Susuhunan and keraton relatives, person and corporation with Baluwarti land. The owner of Baluwarti property is Sri Susuhunan as the chief of keraton Surakarta relatives.

  3. Kajian Biodegradasi Filem Plastik Campuran Polistiren Dengan Poli (3-Hidroksibutirat) Dalam Tanah


    Octaviani, Melzi; Zaini, Erizal; Djamaan, Akmal


    The degradation of a plastic film containing polymer synthetic polystyrene (PS) and biopolymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)] in soil has been carried out based on soil burial test. Result showed that the amount of P(3HB) in plastic film containing PS and P(3HB) influence the degradation rate of plastic film. Rate degradation measured use linear regression equality and parameter is indicated by the slope (k), degradation time 50% (t 50%), and degradation time 95% (t 95%). Degradation plasti...


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    - Mustoyo


    Full Text Available Organic matter is important to soil aggregate stability. The research of effect dosage of goat manure tos oil aggregate in organic farming system was do neon Andisols soil in Permata Hati Farm, CiburialHamlet, North Tugu village, Cisarua sub-district, Bogor district, West Java province. The research was conducted on October 2012 until the end of February 2013. The research purposes are: a Know the goat manure’s dosage influence on soil aggregate in organik farming system, b Determine the dos age of goat manure that can provide the best Mean Weight Diameter (MWD and Aggregate Stability Index (ASIin organik farming system. The research used randomized completely block design (RCBD with 6 treatments and 3 replications. Goat manure dosage were used as treatments are 0 ton ha-1, 5 ton ha-1, 10 ton ha-1, 15 ton ha-1, 20 ton ha-1, and 25 ton ha-1. Data was analyzed by ANOVA and Duncan’sMultiple Range Test (DMRT at 5% level. The research results are showed, with initial number of C-organic >4.5%, goat manure application was significant to change soil aggregate. Goat Manure 5 ton ha-1was enough to increasing Mean Weight Diameter (MWD and ASI (Aggregate Stability Index.


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    Nurhadi Nurhadi


    Full Text Available The research has been done to test the arthropod composition of surface soil at coal mining territory in Talawi district. The arthropod samples were taken by pitfall traps (totally 30 pitfall traps in three different areas. At the first stage, the soil temperature was measured in the field. At the next stage, the soil chemists such as pH, humidity and soil organic, were analyzed in the laboratory. At the area I, the surface soil arthropods collected were from 9 ordo, 26 families, 31 species, and 3609 individuals. Meanwhile at the area II, the arthropods were 12 ordo, 26 families, 31 species, and 2502 individuals. At the last area, the arthropods collected were 12 ordo, 25 families, 28 species and 1272 individuals. Finally, it can be summarized that the arthropod composition on the three surface soils was similar with the similarity index 55.7%. It means the chemical and physical factors of the three areas still optimally supported the surface soil arthropods life cycle. Key words: surface soil, arthropods, composition, coal mining

  6. Karakteristik Beberapa Sifat Fisik, Kimia, dan Biologi Tanah pada Sistem Pertanian Organik


    Margolang, Rizky Dharmawan


    This research was carried out in an organic garden Environmental Education Center (PPLH) Bohorok in the Village District of Bohorok Fight Weigh Langkat. This study was conducted in November 2013 - April 2014. The purpose of the study to determine the characteristics of some of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil in organic farming systems. The study was conducted by survey method by evaluating the nature of the soil in agricultural areas based on time implementation of o...


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    Yuni Ahda


    Full Text Available The research objective is to locate and determine the morphological and biochemical characteristics of the bacteria that could potentially degrade the used lubricant oil in the workshops in Padang. The research was conducted March to October 2016. The bacteria obtained from the workshop is cultured on selective media MSM and transferred to LB medium to obtain pure isolates. Morphological and biochemical characterization indicate three types of bacteria that live in workshop’s soil contaminated used lubricant oil, namely Bacillus sp1, sp2 and Alcaligenes Bacillus sp

  8. Karakteristik Beberapa Sifat Fisik, Kimia, Dan Biologi Tanah Pada Sistem Pertanian Organik


    Rizky Dharmawan Margolang,, Rizky Dharmawan Margolang; Jamilah, Jamila; Sembiring, Mariani


    The purpose of the study to determine the characteristis of some of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil in organic farming systems. The study was held about 6 month from November 2013 to April 2014 in Bioenvironment Education Center of Organic Farming Bahorok in Timbang Lawan village, Bahorok, at Langkat district for observe the characteristic of some physical, chemical, and biological characteristic of soil in organic farming system. This research was conducted with sur...


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    Bambang Yuwono


    The method used in this research is the Water Balance (keseimbangan airmethod. This method is based on any incoming rain water will be equal to the output evapotranspiration and runoff hereinafter this method is applied in the application. Factors affecting groundwater recharge the water balance method is precipitation, evapotranspiration and run off. Information og groundwater recharge is also displayed on the map using Google Map function are related to the database system to produce informative mapsCalculation of groundwater recharge is applied to the daily rainfall data input into the application which then included in the water balance equation method so it can be easy to determine the value of groundwater recharge. Groundwater recharge information can be displayed in the form of mapping, making them easier to understand visually.Based on testing, the highest recharge results of this research on the Kemput station is 1119,5 mm/year with rainfall of 2750 mm/year. Seyegan and Bronggang station is 1026,25 mm/year with rainfall of 2625 mm/year. Angin-angin and Prumpung station is 933 mm/year with rainfall of 2500 mm/year. Beran and Gemawang station is 839.5 mm/year with rainfall of 2375 mm/year. Plataran station is 808.42 mm/year with rainfall of 2333 mm/year. Godean station is 699.5 mm/year with rainfall of 2187 mm/year and the lowest at Tirto Tanjungand Santan stastion 560 mm / year with rainfall of 2000 mm / year.

  10. Vermikompos Sampah Kebun dengan Menggunakan Cacing Tanah Eudrilus eugeneae dan Eisenia fetida

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    Etik Rahmawati


    Full Text Available Durasi yang panjang diperlukan dalam pengomposan konvensional sampah organik yang memerlukan waktu selama 2-3 bulan. Pengurangan waktu pengomposan dapat dilakukan dengan digunakannya cacing sebagai dekomposer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tingkat degradasi sampah kebun menggunakan proses vermikomposting dan menentukan pengaruh jenis cacing Eudrilus eugeneae dan Eisenia fetida. Empat reaktor berukuran 8 L digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Percobaan dilakukan secara duplo selama 60 hari. Parameter yang dianalisis pada penelitian ini adalah ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N, nitrat nitrogen (NO3-N, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN, dan C/N. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat degradasi sampah kebun dengan pengolahan vermikomposting yang dapat dicapai adalah 64,94-72,52%. Produksi kompos yang lebih tinggi dengan penggunaan Eisenia fetida.

  11. Pemanfaatan Limbah Pabrik Tekstil (Sludge) Sebagai Penstabil Tanah Lempung untuk Subgrade Jalan


    Subarkah, Subarkah


    Soil subgrade has an important role in supporting road pavement construction, especially in establishment of the pavement structure. Swelling characteristic and bearing capacity of the clay soil as a subgrade should be carefully considered in the design to fit the specification. In fact, poor soil such as clay, in some cases, should be replaced by another soil from remote location, or by stabilization of this origin soils to overcome the weakness. In other hand, textile industry has a d...


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    Budi Hartono


    Full Text Available Ground Water Filtration by Natural Zeolit to Reduce Iron and Manganese Levels. In rural areas most people use ground water for their daily purposes. Frequently, the water has high levels of Fe dan Mn. To provide a simple, cheap and reliable apparatus to reduce Fe and Mn, a zeolit column has been designed for filtering ground water. The objective of this experiment was to establish the optimal condition of the filtration. Natural zeolit of Bayah origin was crushed and grounded into small particles of approximately 3 mm in diameter. After washed with distilled water and dried in open air, the particles were then packed in a 4 × 50-cm glass column. The zeolit column was installed vertically, watered with distilled water to compact, and dried. Then 500 mL of ground water sample was poured onto the prepared zeolit column. By adjusting the stopcock, the water samples were filtered off at a flowrate of 16 mL/min. Filtrates werecollected with interval of 30 minutes for 2.5 hours and subjected to Fe and Mn analysis. The experiment was repeated for filtration rates of 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, and 2 mL/min. Fe and Mn concentrations, contact times, and flowrates were converted into scattered-plot graphs of contact times versus concentrations. The graphs show that the optimum condition for Fe and Mn removals were 30-minute contact time and 2-mL/minute flowrate. At this, the Bayah zeolit Fe was reduced for 55% but it was only 40% for Mn in ground water containing 3.6 mg/L Fe and 0.7 mg/L Mn. However, at the optimum condition water debit of the zeolit column was only 2.88 L/day. Quantitatively, with filtration rate of 2 mL/minute, up to 2.5 hours contact time the Fe was only reduced to as much 1.12 mg/L (standard: 1.0 mg/L while theMn reduced to nil. It was concluded that the Bayah zeolit was effective to reduce Fe and Mn in ground water, although reducing capacity for Mn was better than for Fe, whereas the column could not be applied for daily purposes due to its low water debit.

  13. Analisis Deformasi Vertikal Dan Horisontal Tanah Lunak Di Bawahpiled-Geogrid Supported Embankment

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    Adhe Noor Patria


    Full Text Available Soft soil was easily founded in Indonesia. it was a low permeability soil. Constructing building such as embankment, roads on this kind of soil often faced problems. They were long term settlement, long term construction time and consolidation. Some method could be good alternative to overcome these problems such the usage of vertical drains, soil reinforcement, orsoil stabilization. This research carried out numerical simulation on piled-geogrid supported embankment. The simulation used Plaxis version 7.2 software to calculate some iterations. Used in this software as soil parameter input was Mohr-Coulomb Soil Model. Plane strain model was used for floating piles and geogrid. The results showed that the usage of floating piles and geogrid could reduce soil deformation. The reduction in horizontal deformation during contructing embankment were 60 to 68 % for rigid embankment and 80 to 60 % for interface embankment. Meanwhile the reduction in vertical deformation during contructing embankment were 60 to 65 % for rigid embankment and 80 to 65 % for interface embankment..

  14. Rancang Bangun Alat Pengupas Kulit Ari Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea Tipe Engkol

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    Agus Sutejo


    Full Text Available One cause of reduced productivity of peanut husk is peeled peeling process is still done manually, using the power of man. To overcome this, a system designed to cuticle peeling peanuts which facilitates mechanical stripping process peanut husk. Peeling epidermis is mechanically done by using two rubber-covered rollers are designed to be able to peel the peanut husk easily. Having conducted research, produced peeler bean husk, which consists of, Hopper, stringer system, the framework, dirt thrower fan / epidermis, and hoppers expenses. From the test results from test 10 times, each repetition is about 100 grams paring the results obtained about 70% whole shelled peanuts. Or can be calculated with engine capacity of about 35 kg / hr with a percentage split of about 35%, it is because the rubber on the roll is less balanced / less flashlight, so the workmanship is required with appropriate accuracy by using a lathe.


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    Anggun Prima Gilang Rupaka


    Full Text Available The frequency of landslides in Tegal regency increasing every year. The distribution area are also more widespread, especially in districts Jatinegara, Bojong and Bumijawa. These regions has a hilly topography profile with a height ranging from 400 - 1200 meters above sea level. The landslide’s factors that use as the parameters in this study are rainfall, slope, soil type, depth of soil solum and land use. Suitability of land use based on the level of vulnerability to landslides associated with the level of capacity and vulnerability, because the area that not conform based on these factors are the residential area. The method used to calculate and analyze the landslide-prone area in this study are with the help of GIS. The software were used to analyze consist of ArcGIS 10, ER Mapper 7.0 and Basemap. Satellite images digitized with ArcGIS to produce maps of land use. Then the land-use maps overlaid with maps of slope, soil type maps, rainfall maps and depth of solum. Predefined values for each parameter were then summed and classified based on assessment standards. The landslide susceptibility map is then used to analyze the suitability of land in landslide-prone areas in Tegal regency. The level of capacity and vulnerability to disasters in areas prone to landslides obtained by interview in the form of a questionnaire. Subdistrict Jatinegara, Bojong and Bumijawa has an area of 25.000 hectares, 37,81% of the area that included in the "Landslide Prone" category, while the 59.82% of the area goes into the "Pretty-Prone Landslide" category. Conversion of forest land into agricultural production into is the one of the factors that aggravate the landslide that happened. Villagers who live in landslide-prone areas do not have the awareness that cutting down trees and intensive agriculture are causing landslides that in their area, in addition to soil type and slope factors that dominant. Vulnerability and capacity to landslides in the region included in the low category. Factors that influence are economic level, education level, living conditions and the condition of the access road.


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    Setyawan Purnama


    Full Text Available ujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persebaran airtanah asin di Kota Surabaya, menganalisis faktor penyebabnya dan mencari kemungkinan ditemukannya airtanah tawar pada akuifer tertekan. Untuk rnencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan pendugaan geolistrik pada tujuh penampang dengan masingmasing penampang terdiri atas dua hingga tiga titik pendugaan. Untuk menganalisis hash pendugaan, data tahanan jenis hash pendugaan lapangan diinterpretasi dengan Program Schlumberger 0 Weil. Hasil interpretasi dapat ditentukan kedalaman dan ketebalan lapisan airtanah beserta sifat-sifatnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Kota Surabaya telah terdeteksi adanya airtanah asin dan airtanah payau, dengan jarak dari garis pantai dan ketebalan lapisan yang beniariasi. Faktor penyebab adanya airtanah asin dan airtanah payau tersebut adalah air fosil (connate water Hasil lain dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa hingga kedalaman 150 meter dari permukaan tanah, tidak ditemukan akuifer tertekan yang mengandung airtanah tawar.

  17. Pemanfaatan Biji Buah Nyamplung (Callophylum Inophylum Sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Biodisel

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    Bayu Biru Chandra


    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan dengan garis pantai terpanjang keempat di dunia. Sepanjang sekitar 95000 Km merupakan habitat penting bagi vegetasi mangrove dan biota nya. Sebuah survei tahun 2007 menunjukkan bahwa 20% dari garis pantai rusak, dan tanah aktif terancam oleh erosi. Reboisasi penanaman vegetasi pantai dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah. Salah satunya adalah Calophyllum Inophyllum. Potensi penggunaan benih C.Inophyllum tidak jelas sampai sekarang. Oleh karena itu, komposisi dan analisia C. Inophyllum dan minyak akan diselidiki. Dari hasil, ditemukan bahwa biji buah C. inophyllum mengandung lemak kasar (63,1%, serat kasar (16,64%, abu (3,22%, protein (3,42%, kelembaban (4,15%, dan ekstrak nitrogen bebas (13.62%. Itu juga memiliki nilai kalori 6092 kal / g. Its lipid asam lemak bebas yang terkandung (8,23%, monogliserida (3,93%, digliserida (3,37%, trigliserida (81.06% dan bioactive (3,4%.

  18. DISTRIBUSI HUTAN BAKAU DI LAGUNA PANTAI SELATAN YOGYAKARTA (Mangrove Distribution at the Lagoons in the Southern Coast of Yogyakarta

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    Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK  Kehadiran sisa hutan bakau di laguna Bogowonto, pantai selatan Yogyakarta menunjukkan bahwa pada masa lalu laguna tersebut didominasi oleh hutan bakau, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari kehadiran vegetasi bakau di laguna-laguna dan muara sungai di pantai selatan tersebut. Ada empat laguna di pantai Selatan Yogyakarta, laguna Bogowonto, Serang, Progo, Opak, dan satu muara sungai, Kali Baron. Laguna tersebut merupakan laguna internitten, artinya pada musim kemarau, mulut sungainya tertutup gumuk pasir dan laguna didominasi oleh perairan tawar dan merupakan ekosistem tergenang. Sebaliknya di musim hujan mulut sungai terbuka, laguna bersifat sebagai ekosistem pasang surut. Data vegetasi dicuplik dengan menggunakan kuadrat plot berukuran 10m x 20m dengan ulangan dua kali. Kuadrat plot ditempatkan pada pusat distribusi mangrovenya, yang dipilih mulai dari rawa burit ke arah muara sungai. Tekstur tanah, hara tanah, salinitas air dan hara air juga dikaji. Kehadiran hutan bakau di laguna dibatasi oleh tekstur tanah. Tekstur pasir, 60-99 %, mendominasi laguna Serang, Progo, Opak dan muara kali Baron. Komunitas bakau hanya ditemukan di laguna Bogowonto, yang tersusun atas 5 jenis bakau, Sonneratia alba, Nypa fruticans, Acanthus ilicifolius, Acrosticum sp., dan Derris heterophylla, dan dua jenis spesies peralihan, Pandanus sp. dan Cynodon dactylon. Pola distribusi komunitasnya mengelompok (clump, mempunyai tipe riverine mangrove,dan tidak membentuk zonasi. Sonneratia hadir mulai dari muara sungai sampai di rawa burit. Ketika air surut salinitas berkisar antara 0-6,5 %. Nypa hanya ditemukan satu kelompok di kaki gumuk. Distribusi Sonneratia tidak ditentukan oleh tinggi genangan, akan tetapi tinggi pneumatophor mengikuti pola tinggi genangan air. Di laguna Bogowonto, spesies bakau tidak mempunyai zonasi dan beradaptasi pada sistem ekologinya.   ABSTRACT  The presence of mangrove remnant at the lagoon of Bogowonto River in the southern

  19. Effect of some environmental ligands and fertilizers on humic acid complexation with strontium. Vol. 4

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Helal, A A; Iman, D M; Khalifa, S M; Aly, H F [Hot Laborities Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, (Egypt)


    Strontium-90 represents one of the main radionuclides produced in fission products. Migration of strontium in the environment in case of accidental release is governed by many factors, besides its interaction with the materials present in the environment. Both humic acid and fertilizers are present on agricultural lands or aqueous streams. Other ligands such as EDTA, citrates, and phosphates are present in the environment. The binding and exchange of cations by the soil organic fractions is of importance in soil fertility because the supply of Na{sup +}, K{sup +}, Ca{sup 2+}, Mg{sup 2+} and certain micro nutrients (Cu{sup 2+}, Mn{sup 2+}, Zn{sup 2+} and Fe{sup 3+}) to plant is strongly dependent on the cation exchange capacity of the soil which may be induced by organic matters. The effect of the presence of certain fertilizers and some environmental ligands on the Sr-humate complex was studied. In general, the fertilizers and the complexing ligands investigated are compared with humic acid in its complexation with strontium. 6 figs.

  20. Kajian Degradasi Lahan Sebagai Dasar Pengendalian Banjir di DAS Juwana

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    Arina Miardini


    Full Text Available Adanya pemanfaatan lahan yang intensif dan ekspolitatif dapat menurunkan daya dukung dan fungsi lingkungan DAS yang menyebabkan lahan menjadi terdegradasi. Tingginya luasan lahan kritis menjadi ancaman terhadap daya dukung DAS yang akan berdampak pada ketidakseimbangan hidrologi dalam DAS. Salah satu akibat ketidakseimbangan hidrologi dalam DAS adalah terjadinya banjir. DAS Juwana merupakan DAS Prioritas I berdasarkan penetapan 108 DAS prioritas. Salah satu indikator untuk menentukan degradasi dalam DAS dapat diketahui berdasarkan nilai koefisien aliran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik fisik DAS yang berpengaruh dalam penentuan koefisien aliran, menghitung koefisien aliran dengan mempertimbangkan parameter karakteristik fisik DAS dan memberikan rekomendasi pengelolaan banjir di DAS Juwana yang potensial banjir dalam mendukung upaya pengelolaan DAS dari hulu sampai hilir. Koefisien aliran dihitung denggan menggunakan metode cook yang memperhitungkan parameter kemiringan lereng, infiltrasi tanah, tutupan vegetasi dan simpanan permukaan. Perumusan pengendalian banjir dilakukan dengan melakukan penatagunaan lahan yang disesuaikan dengan arahan fungsi penggunaan lahan sehingga diharapkan menurunkan nilai koefisien aliran dan debit banjir. Karakteristik fisik DAS Juwana yang mempengaruhi penentuan koefisien aliran berdasarkan metode Cook yaitu Kemiringan lereng dengan rata-rata skor C sebesar 0,178, kerapatan aliran dengan rata-rata skor 0,084, infiltrasi dengan rata-rata skor 0,115 dan tutupan vegetasi dengan rata-rata skor 0,127. Kontribusi masing masing parameter dalam penilaian koefisien aliran yang memiliki pengaruh paling terbesar sampai paling terkecil dalam besarnya koefisien aliran yaitu kemiringan lereng yang memiliki pengaruh sebesar 35,39%, kemudian tutupan vegetasi sebesar 25,25%, infiltrasi sebesar 22,86% dan terakhir adalah kerapatan aliran yang berkontribusi sebesar 16,70%. Nilai koefisien aliran di DAS

  1. KONDISI SOSIAL-MASYARAKAT PADA KARAKTERISTIK FISIK LINGKUNGAN DALAM MEMPENGARUHI RISIKO LONGSOR DI KARANGSAMBUNG-KEBUMEN (Social-Population Condition on The Physical Environment Characteristics in Influence The Risk of Landslide in Karangsambung

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    Puguh Dwi Raharjo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Faktor fisik, sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan memainkan peran kunci kerentanan longsor dalam menentukan risikonya. Kecamatan Karangsambung Kabupaten Kebumen merupakan daerah dengan ragam topografi dan litologi yang memiliki intensitas tanah longsor tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan sosial-masyarakat pada setiap desa di Kecamatan Karangsambung dalam mempengaruhi risiko tanah longsor. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis mengenai faktor fisik lingkungan berupa pembuatan peta ancaman longsor. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP digunakan sebagai metode dalam pembuatan peta ancaman yang diolah dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG. Ancaman longsor dihubungkan dengan kondisi sosial-masyarakat dan lingkungan, sehingga terlihat peranannya dalam mengurangi risiko longsor. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa Desa Totogan, Pujotirto, Wadasmalang, Kaligending, Plumbon, Banioro dan Tlepok memiliki tingkat ancaman longsor yang tinggi. Namun kondisi sosial-masyarakat sangat baik dalam mengatasi dampak dan mitigasi bencana longsor, kecuali pada Banioro. Desa Totogan juga memiliki ancaman longsor akan tetapi kerugian lingkungan apabila terjadi longsor tidak tinggi. Kondisi sosial-masyarakat di setiap desa sangat berpengaruh terhadap risiko longsor pada Kecamatan Karangsambung yang sering terjadi longsor. ABSTRACT Physical, social, economic and environment factors play a role in susceptibility the landslides risk. Subdistricts of Karangsambung - Kebumen is a region with diverse topography and lithology which has a high-intensity landslides. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of socio-community in Karangsambung which influencing the landslides risk. In this study, we analytedevery environmental physical factors to give the landslide hazard map. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP is used as a method to processing landslides maps using Geographic Information System (GIS. The landslides hazard associated


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    Mohamad Shohibuddin


    Full Text Available The long debate on whether rural community in Java is more characterised as egalitarian or differentiated one has underrated the agency of the local people. This paper tries to propose the agency of local people through a comparative account upon history of two communities, namely Ngandagan in Central Java and Wangunwati in West Java. Mobilizing the collective action toward land struggle, both communities involved in a broad spectrum of property relations reform which ranged from struggles over material things, revenue, to political power. As those struggles reflect interventions for “making live” and “not letting die” of the local population, this paper argues that both communities engaged in biopolitics countermovement directed to market and political forces threatening their means of livelihoods and even their life. However, while two communities succeeded in transforming inter-groups property relations within community, their political future would eventually necessitate the broader transformation of property relations between the state and the society.Keywords: history of rural community, agrarian crises, the agency of local people, land struggle, property relations reform, biopolitics, Java, Indonesia.Perdebatan panjang mengenai apakah komunitas pedesaan di Jawa lebih bercorak egalitarian atau terdiferensiasi telah menyebabkan agensi penduduk lokal kurang diperhatikan. Paper ini mencoba mengedepankan agensi komunitas lokal melalui uraian komparatif atas sejarah dua komunitas, yakni Ngandagan di Jawa Tengah dan Wangunwati di Jawa Barat. Memobilisasikan aksi kolektif seputar perjuangan atas tanah, kedua komunitas ini terlibat dalam pembaruan relasi-relasi kepemilikan dalam spektrum yang luas, yang terentang dari perjuangan atas kepemilikan menyangkut benda material, pendapatan, hingga kekuasaan politik. Mengingat perjuangan demikian mencerminkan intervensi untuk “membuat hidup” dan “tidak membiarkan mati” atas penduduk lokal


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    Yopi Ilhamsyah


    Full Text Available Studi simulasi keseimbangan energi permukaan di Jakarta dan daerah sekitarnya menggunakan model numerik Fifth-Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5 telah dilakukan. Empat domain dengan resolusi spasial 9 km yang menggambarkan daerah Jakarta dan sekitarnya disimulasikan selama 5 hari pada tanggal 04-08 Agustus 2004 untuk memperoleh hubungan radiasi dan keseimbangan energi di wilayah tersebut. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keseimbangan energi lebih tinggi pada siang hari terjadi di perkotaan dibandingkan daerah lainnya. Sementara itu, komponen energi seperti fluks bahang terindera dan laten di permukaan masing-masing menunjukkan bahwa wilayah laut dan perkotaan lebih tinggi daripada daerah lainnya. Sebaliknya, fluks bahang tanah menunjukkan daerah rural di bagian timur Jakarta lebih tinggi dibandingkan daerah lainnya. Secara umum, keseimbangan radiasi dan energi pada siang hari lebih tinggi daripada malam hari di seluruh daerah. Rasio Bowen di wilayah kota yang mencerminkan kawasan bangunan dan perkotaan lebih tinggi daripada di daerah rural yang didominasi oleh lahan pertanian beririgasi. Hal ini sesuai dengan perubahan sifat fisik tutupan lahan seperti albedo, kelembaban tanah dan karakteristik bahang.    A study of surface energy balance simulation in Jakarta and surrounding areas by using Fifth-Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5 numerical model was done. Four domains that presented the outermost and the innermost of Jakarta and surrounding areaswere utilized. All domains have spatial resolutions of 9 km. Model was simulated for 5 days on August 4-8, 2004. The relation of radiation and energy balance at the surface were derived from model output. The result showed that energy balance was higher in the city during daytime. Meanwhile, energy component, i.e., surface sensible and latent heat flux showed that sea and city were higher than others, respectively. Moreover, ground flux showed eastern rural areawas higher than others

  4. Pengaruh Fungi Indigenous Toleran Zn terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Jagung di Media Tailing Steril

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    Ratna Santi


    Full Text Available Keberadaan logam Zn dalam jumlah tertentu di tailing pasca tambang akan berdampak pada rendahnya populasi mikroba tanah dan menghambat pertumbuhan tanaman. Aplikasi pemanfaatan fungi indigenus dari lahan tercemar merupakan salah satu usaha dalam memperbaiki sifat tanah untuk pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh inokulasi fungi dan toksisitas Zn terhadap pertumbuhan jagung pada fase VE-V9 di media tailing steril.  Fungi diisolasi dari tailing lahan pasca penambangan timah di Sungailiat  Bangka. Tiga isolat dari 15 isolat dipilih untuk pengujian pengaruh inokulasi fungi terhadap pertumbuhan jagung. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok(RAK dua faktor dengan perlakuan jenis fungi dan konsentrasi Zn. Isolat yang digunakan toleran terhadap Zn pada konsentrasi 0-25 ppm dan mampu menghasilkan fitohormon. Hasil percobaan di rumah kaca menunjukkan bahwa inokulasi fungi nyata memperbaiki pertumbuhan jagung, dibandingkan tanpa inokulan. Serapan tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh isolat R 7J1, namun pertumbuhan jagung terbaik didapatkan dari inokulasi isolat B 2J1. The existence of Zn metal in a certain amount in the post tin mine tailings will result in low soil microbial populations and inhibit plant growth. Application of indigenous fungi utilization on contaminated land is one effort to improve soil properties for plant growth.This study aimed to determine the effect of inoculation of fungi and toxicity of zinc on the growth of corn in the phase of VE-V9 in sterile tailings medium. Fungi were isolated from post tin mining tailings tin lands in Bangka Sungailiat. Three isolates from 15 isolates were selected to test the effect of fungal inoculation on the growth of corn. Experiment used a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD two factors with fungi and Zn concentration treatments.Tolerant isolates used were at a concentration of 0-25 ppm Zn and capable to produce phytohormones. Result of experiment in greenhouse


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    Ainun Nikmah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efisiensi teknis, efisiensi alokatif, efisiensi ekonomis usahatani jagung hibrida dan sumber inefisiensinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Tanah Merah Kecamatan Saronggih Kabupaten Sumenep. Sampel penelitian menggunakan teknik insidential sampling. Data selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan fungsi produksi stochastic frontier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata petani belum efisien secara teknis, alokatif dan ekonomi. Sementara penyebab inefisiensi teknis disebabkan pendidikan dan pengalaman. Abstract The purpose of this study were to analyze the technical efficiency, allocative, economic hybrid corn farm and sources of inefficiency. The study was conducted in Tana Merah Village, Saronggih Subdistrict, in Sumenep Regency. The incidental sampling technique was used to determined sample. Data were analyzed using the stochastic frontier production function. The results showed that the average farmer is not efficient yet on technically, allocative and economic. while the cause of technical inefficiency were education and experience.

  6. Study on Spatial and Temporal Changes of Forest Cover Due to Canal Establishment in Peat Land Area, Central Kalimantan

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    I Nengah Surati Jaya


    Full Text Available Artikel ini membahas tentang dampak dari pembangunan saluran irigasi terhadap distribusi spasial hutan dun lahan terbuka di eks pengembangan lahan gambut, Kalimantan Tengah. Untuk mengetahui kondisi penutupan hutan sebelum dun sesudah pembangunan saluran, digunakan citra Landrat TM rekaman tahun 1996 (sebelum pembangunan, 1998 dun 1999 (sesudah pembangunan. Hipotesis yang digunakan adalah penurunan air tanah sebagai akibat dari pembuatan saluran telah menjadi "driving force" perusakan lahan. Indikator yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahpersentase distribusi lateral dari penutupan hutan serta terbukanya lahan-lahan kosong basah maupun kering di sekitar kanal. Penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang sistematis antara penurunan persentase penutupan hutan dun peningkatan persentase luas lahan terbuka dengan jarak dari saluran-saluran air yang dibangun, khususnya pada areal A. B dan C dimana satuan lahannya didominasi oleh lahan gambut. Penelitian ini sekaligus menggambarkan tentang peranan CIS dalam evaluasi gejala pemicu terjadinya kerusakan lingkungan.

  7. Frequency of endophytic fungi isolated from Dendrobium crumenatum (Pigeon orchid and antimicrobial activity

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    Full Text Available Mangunwardoyo W, Suciatmih, Gandjar I. 2012. Frequency of endophytic fungi isolated from Dendrobium crumenatum (Pigeon orchid and antimicrobial activity. Biodiversitas 13: 34-39. The aims of this research was to isolate and study the frequency of endophytic fungi from roots, bulbous, stems, and leaves of Dendrobium crumenatum Sw. (pigeon orchid collected from Tanah Baru housing area, Bogor Botanical Garden, and Herbarium Bogoriense; and to assess for antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans ATCC 2091, Candida tropicalis LIPIMC 203, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. Twelve species of endophytic fungi were identified from 60 samples obtained from D. crumenatum. Guignardia endophyllicola (anamorph: Phyllosticta capitalensis were the dominant endophytic fungi. Screening of the anti-microorganism activity of the endophytic fungi revealed that Fusarium nivale inhibited C albicans and C. tropicalis. All specimens did not inhibit B. subtilis, E. coli, and S. aureus.


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    Asri Pratiwi A.S.R


    Full Text Available Development around the campus of University of Trunojoyo Madura continues to grow rapidly along with the increasing number of students in each year. It leads to a competition for a piece of land either. The aims of this study are to know the condition of the land uses after the development of life on the campus of UTM, to know the differences of land values in the campus area of UTM and outside campus area (Non UTM, and to know the factors which affect the land values around the campus area. The Analyzing data which used in this study are descriptive analysis, t-Test analysis, and multiple linier regression analysis with dummy. The results of this study show that the land uses around the campus of UTM are for agriculture, residential, boarding house, and business. The highest land value around the campus area is Rp. 2.500.000/ M2, While the highest land value outside campus area (Non UTM is Rp. 850.000/M2. The factors which affect the land values around the campus area are the distance of the land to the main road, the distance of the land to the campus of UTM, legality, topography, and the ground form.


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    Suharyono Suharyono


    ملخص: من الناحية القانونية، والغرض الرئيسي من تسجيل الأراضي هو خلق اليقين القانوني وضمان حماية القانون. ولكن على مستوى تنفيذها، وبعد أن شعر اليقين القانوني لتسجيل الأراضي من قبل المجتمع. وهذا يعني أنه في واقع الأمر على حياتنا لا تزال تعتبر أنه لا يوجد يقين قانوني من وجود تسجيل الأراضي في هذا البلد، لأن الشهادة قد لا يضمن بالكامل حقوق ملكية الأراضي للشخص. يحتاج هذه الحقيقة التي يجب التغلب عليها عن طريق زرع اليقين والحماية القانونية في نظام تسجيل حقوق ملكية الأراضي مع العدالة. يمكن أن يتم ذلك من خلال: زرع شهادة البيروقراطية في نظام تسجيل حقوق ملكية الأراضي وزرع نظام المسؤولية للمسؤولين BPN / دائرة الأراضي.


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    Dian Kristiana


    Full Text Available The aims of this research is to develop WAROG (Wayang Reyog as a learning media of love character of homeland in early childhood. This research is a development research. The research location is in TK Surya Kemuning. The collection of data necessary to support the research, observations and interviews instruments. From the interview data then developed WAROG media, then validated, small group trials and product trials. The data obtained from the observations will be analyzed by recording data and describe descriptively. The development of WAROG media uses Sugiono's development model which is limited to product trial steps. WAROG media development the result show to be worthy of use, from the results of testing it can be seen that the application of WAROG media to instill the character of this education with very good criteria.

  11. Kekerabatan rayap tanah Macrotermes gilvus Hagen (Blattodea: Termitidae dari dua habitat di Bogor

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    Nadzirum Mubin


    Full Text Available Subterranean termites Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen (Blattodea: Termitidae belongs to the subfamily Macrotermitinae they are distributed widely in Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Philippine, Vietnam, and Thailand. Many studies on these termites have been conducted, but the study of relatedness termites from different locations are barely done. The objective of this study was analyze the relatedness between subterranean termites M. gilvus in IPB Dramaga Campus and Yanlappa Nature Reserve, Jasinga-Bogor. The termite relatedness was analyzed with agonistic behavioral approach and molecularly, technique using mitochondrial COI gene. Termites from both locations showed identical molecular relatedness, however behavioral analysis show that they belong from different parental lineages. Agonistic assessment showed that individuals from different habitat showed aggressive behaviour, whereas those that originated from the same nest do not show any aggression. Molecular detection however have failed to show.


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    Sutrisno Sutrisno


    Full Text Available Abstract: The objective of this research is to (1 improve the student’s learning quality in the lecture of Site Mapping, and (2 improve the quality of student’s learning achievement through the Quantum Learning. This research, which is conducted under Teaching Grant Program, uses quantitative and qualitative approaches with Action Research Method. Some strategies used in implementing the Quantum Learning is set out related to classroom arrangement, teacher’s and student’s activities, selected learning methods, and teaching general form. The result reveals that: First, the Quantum Learning has better quality significantly (represented by p < 0.05 than the conventional method. It is indicated by the improvement of student’s learning activity, the coordination within workgroup, the improvement of learning motivation, and the avoidance of being fed up with learning materials. Second, the Quantum Learning gives better learning achievement significantly (represented by p < 0.05. Third, there are some remarks concerning Quantum Learning method that (a the fitness with overall scenario, (b student’s assistantship process regarding learning materials, (c some initial questions raised before lecture, (d inserting applause during lecture and presentation session, and (e sequence of seating.


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    Sugiyanto Sugiyanto


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 This research purposes are (1 to analyze communities perception about land certificate, (2 to analyze determinant factors of communities perception toward systematic land registration, (3 to analyze the impact of systematic land registration toward communities social economic conditions, and (4 to  formulate policy implication which can be improved from execution of systematic land registration and its impact to communities social economic conditions. This research used descriptive statistic and inferensia statistic method through survey approach. Primary data collected using structured interview with questionnaire guidelines from 100 respondent with purposive sampling from Curug Village and Sukatani Village in Cimanggis Subdistrict on Depok Regency. This research used range criteria, ordinal logistic regression, Mann-Whitney Test. The results of this research were: (1 communities perception about land certificates represent that certificate perceived very important for strongest evidence of land ownership, safety, easier sell, higher price. While, land certificate perceived important in credit collateral; (2 factors which significantly influencing communities perception toward systematic land registration were time, cost, and procedure of registering land ownership; (3 the impact of systematic land registration toward community social economics condition were land owner safety, land sell amenity, land price and land tax; (4 The systematic land registration is a  feasible project, but need  improvement in: giving high priority for area with productive agriculture and population with low income, project well planning, optimizing of counselling, prohibiting illegal fee with giving punishment and giving reward for countryside officer which have  the vital role

  14. BUDI DAYA TERPADU Cherax quadricarinatus DAN C. albertisi DENGAN PADI DALAM KOLAM TANAH

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    Taufik Ahmad


    Cherax spp. in Indonesia is not so well known compare to other crustaceans such as penaeids shrimp, the main aquaculture products. Since the 1990’s, the production of cherax post larvae has been intended to supply the hobbyists of ornamental crustaceans.  No data available of how large is the production of cherax in Indonesia, either for food or ornament. To provide evidence that cherax is not a padi eater, an experiment was carried out in an integrated culture with padi in 1 m x 1 m x 0.5 m earthen ponds. The cherax stocked into the ponds are C. quadricarinatus and C. albertisi, at 15 PL-45/m2 of each different pond. The water depth in each pond is maintained at 30—40 cm on the perimeter ditch. The feed, grower penaeids shrimp feed, is given at 3% biomass weight when necessary. The cherax is sampled every 30 days for total and carapace length as well as individual weight. Number and weight of grain produced and numbers of paddy seedling are the variable observed to monitor padi growth. The number of grains and seedling in cherax ponds which is not significantly different (P>0.05 from those in ponds without cherax indicating that cherax is not padi eater. Either C. quadricarinatus or C. albertisi achieved maximum individual weight of 20 g in 90 days rearing period. Both of the cherax are dyke hole maker, but tend to causing seepage. The depth of the hole ranges from 20—80 cm, just enough for the cherax to hide just after moulting. Obviously, cherax culture could be developed as a new source of income for the farmers and would not cherax is not padi eater. Either C. quadricarinatus or C. albertisi achieved maximum individual weight of 20 g in 90 days rearing period. Both of the cherax are dyke hole maker, but tend to causing seepage. The depth of the hole ranges from 20—80 cm, just enough for the cherax to hide just after moulting. Obviously, cherax culture could be developed as a new source of income for the farmers and would not threaten the production rice, the Indonesian staple food.

  15. Uji degradasi selulosa dari jamur tanah hutan bekas terbakar Wanariset-Semboja, Kalimantan Timur

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    Suciatmih Suciatmih


    Full Text Available In order to know the effect of isolation method on the occurrence and capability of soil fungi to degrade cellulose, a study wasconducted in an over-burned forest in Wanariset-Semboja, East Kalimantan. Soil fungi were isolated using three isolation methods:incubation at 45 ° C, treatment with 50% ethanol for 15 minutes, and heat treatment at 70 ° C for 15 minutes. Plates for heat incubationand for other methods were incubated at 45 ° C and 27 ° C for three days, respectively. Cellulose degradation test of isolated fungi wasexamined using Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC media. Results showed that isolation method affected diversity and population of soilfungi. Heat treatment at 70 ° C for 15 minutes appeared to have highest diversity and population of soil fungi. Eupenicillium javanicumvar javanicum (van Veyma Stolk & Scott, Talaromyces byssoclamydoides Stolk & Samson, T. flavus (Klocker Stolk & Samson,T. stipitatus C.R. Benjamin, and Penicillium argillaceum Stolk et al. were dominant in an over-burned forest in Wanariset-Semboja,East Kalimantan. Twenty-one isolated fungi degraded cellulose.


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    Full Text Available Oil and fat as part of lipid are taking an important role in food industry. There are soluble vitamins, like A, D, E and K, in oil and fat. Oil, that is a source of essential acid, is a high energy source. Oil and fat take a role to improve the shape and to give a taste. This experiment have been conducted to investigate the quantity of methyl ester that is produced from transesterification reactions of peanut seed oil with methanol using KOH as a catalyst and to analyze a kind of methyl ester that is produced using GCMS. We got 68% v/v product of transesterification and we knew for kinds of methyl ester those were produced from GCMS. They are methyl palmitic, methyl linoleic, methyl stearic, dan methyl 12-hydroxil-9-octadecaenoic.


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    Arifudin Arifudin


    Full Text Available Problem encountered in the application of biopile technique for bioremediation of clay textured soils contaminated with crude oil is limited rate of air flow through the soil.  It is a challenge to solve the problem by adding the soil with sand. The addition of sand is also indispensable for the well growth and activity of bacteria in the bioremediation process. This study aims to evaluate the addition of sand on bioremediation of a clay textured soil contaminated with crude oil using biopile technique at pilot scale of 2 tons capacity. The results showed a decline of 76% soil TPH concentration, from 4.22% to 1.00%, within 63 days. Total population of bacteria during the bioremediation process ranged from 1.00 x106 to 1.43 x 1011 CFUs.g-1 soil. At the end of the experiment, a loss in the types and content of some easily degrading  hydrocarbon substances was observed.

  18. Hubungan Sifat Kimia Tanah Terhadap Produksi Salak Sidimpuan (Salacca sumatrana) di Tapanuli Selatan


    Siregar, Mastiagom; Rahmawaty; Rauf, Abdul


    Chemical soil correlation for Salacca sumatrana at Tapanuli Selatan district is superior comudity National. This study aimed to correlation of attitude of ground to ward the production of Salacca sumatrana. There were six subdistrict at thirty samples by purposive sampling method.The result of showed that soil chamical of the ground which influence toward the production of Salacca sumatrana in Kdd. The manure element of grund in the result location is lower existed to improve the production o...



    Nono Sukirno; Budi Mulyanto; Dedi Budiman Hakim


    In order to increase service performance of government agencies, the stakeholders have to pay attention to the satisfaction of the public it serves. This study aimed to determine the level of public satisfaction and further willbe analyzed the gap between service performances of the agency and public satisfaction to the service of Land Office of Bekasi City. This research was conducted at the Land Office of Bekasi City; held from March to June 2014. The design used in this study was a cross-s...

  20. Pengaruh Penambahan Kapur terhadap Kekuatan dan Pengembangan (Swelling) pada Tanah Lempung Ekspansif Bojonegoro


    Ranggaesa, Riota Abeng; Zaika, Yulvi; Suroso


    Expansive clay soil has a low bearing capacity on condition that the high water level, the nature and development of shrinkage (swelling) were large and high plasticity. One method of stabilization of the soil used in an attempt to improve the quality of the soil is poor, among others, chemical stabilization. Chemical stabilization is done by adding stabilizing agents on the basis of land that will be upgraded. Stabilizing agents used in this study is lime (lime). In this study, the object be...


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    Nono Sukirno


    Full Text Available In order to increase service performance of government agencies, the stakeholders have to pay attention to the satisfaction of the public it serves. This study aimed to determine the level of public satisfaction and further willbe analyzed the gap between service performances of the agency and public satisfaction to the service of Land Office of Bekasi City. This research was conducted at the Land Office of Bekasi City; held from March to June 2014. The design used in this study was a cross-sectional study. The samples were chosen by convenience sampling technique. Analysis of the gap was measured by Importance Performance Analysis (IPA. The results showed that the quality of land registration services that was provided by the Land Office of Bekasi City had not meet people's satisfaction. This was indicated by the difference between the average score of the service performance (3,22 and an the average score of the expectations (3,77. This finding showed a gap of -0,55 that means the service performance of the agency still lower that public expectation for the services. Moreover, punctuality was indicator that that had high gap score between the service performance and public satisfaction. Therefore, Land Office of Bekasi should have a policy to discipline its employees to be on time in service of land registration.

  2. Uji in Vitro Penghambatan Aktivitas Escherichia coli dengan Tepung Cacing Tanah (Lumbricus rubellus

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    H. Julendra


    Full Text Available This research was conducted to study the inhibition growth of E. coli by using earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus meal. The earthworm meal was used in various concentrations, i.e. 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg of earthworm meal in 100 ml DMSO for 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% (w/v as treatments respectively. Data were analyzed by ANOVA in Randomized Complete Block Design. Duncan’s multiple range test and polynomials orthogonal were used. Inhibition effects were measured through agar well diffusion test. Results showed that earthworm meal contain antibacterial compound which inhibit E. coli activity. There was a significant difference (P0.05 with 75% (w/v. It is concluded that earthworm meal is capable to inhibit E. coli in-vitro at the optimum level of 50% (w/v.


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    Taqwaddin Taqwaddin


    Full Text Available Post-tsunami disaster in Aceh, legal issues on land are regulated by the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2007, which regulates among others on land that does not exist and/or unknown its owners and their heirs. The land is being taken care as  a religious treasure by Baitul Mal  with an order the Syar'iyah Court. This study applies juridical normative and sociological normative methods. From the field research it was found that the Government did not have data of lands with unknown owners and their heirs. It was known from decision of the Syar'iyah Court  of Banda Aceh which revealed that the fact was originated from the construction of the drainage where the land procurement committee did not know where to hand over the land acquisition fund.Key words: tsunami, land, Aceh

  4. Sistem Otomasi Mesin Tempat Parkir Mobil Bawah Tanah dengan Menggunakan Programmable Logic Controller


    Thiang Thiang; Edwin Sugiarta


    Nowadays, number of cars increases more and more. This causes increase in the need of park area for the cars meanwhile there is limited area that can be used as park area for cars. Therefore, this paper describes about design of automatic car parking system, which places underground. This automatic car parking miniature model has 3 levels and each level can store 24 cars. This automatic car parking model is designed by using several actuators like AC motor, stepper motor, pneumatic system and...


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    Melya Riniarti


    Full Text Available Shorea javanica was a high dependent plant to ectomycorrhizal symbiosis, dealing with its growth. In Lampung Province, S.javanica standing stock have been hundreds of years, known as repong damar.  It's threatened by some deforestation, such as forest fire.  This study aimed to analyze the impact of heating on the ability of ectomycorrhizal colonization and analyze the effect of ectomycorrhizal inoculation on the growth of S. javanica.  The experiment arranged by randomized complete design with 5 treatments, which were without inoculum, unheated inoculum, soil inoculums heat to 40oC, 70oC and 100°C for 24 hours. Soil inoculums are taken under S. javanica standing, at Krui, Pesisir Barat District, Lampung Province. The result analyzed by ANOVA and continued with LSD test.  The experiment was conducted for four months.  The results show that colonization ectomycorrhiza still existed up to 100oC and ectomycorrhiza could enhance growth variables, including height, leaves number, leaf area, root length and root dry weight. The best colonization and growth were on 100oC heating. The heat treatments seem killed some fungus.  Only a few fungi could resist and colonize S. javanica roots.  Without any competitors, the resist ectomycorrhizal could develop broadly.

  6. Tanggap Genotipe Kacang Tanah Terhadap Penyakit Bercak Daun Cercospora dan Karat Daun Puccinia

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    Alfi Inayati


    Full Text Available Leaf spot and rust are two important diseases on groundnut. Both diseases are frequently found at the same time that influence the growth and reduce the yield of groundnut. This study was conducted to evaluate thirteen groundnut genotypes resistance to leaf spot and rust disease.  The experiment was conducted using a split plot design and three replications, with inoculated and uninoculated treatment as main plot, and  groundnut genotypes as the sub plot.  Disease assessment was conducted by counting number of pustules per leaf, the number of spots per leaf, rust disease intensity, the intensity of leaf spot disease, and leaf area index. Yield components including stover weight, number of pods per plant, number of empty pods, number of chipo pods, and weight of pods per plant were recorded for both inoculated and uninoculated plants. The result showed that leaf spot disease developed earlier than rust disease. Only one genotype was susceptible to rust and the other 12 genotypes were very susceptible, whereas all genotypes tested were very susceptible to leaf spot. The intensity of rust and leaf spot diseases was negatively correlated with yield (r = - 0.1 – (0.4. Rust and leaf spot diseases reduced the yield components including stover weight (73.2%, number of pods (68%, and weight of pods (72.5%. The number of empty pods and chipo pods were increase to 81% and 56.4% respectively. 

  7. Stabilisasi Tanah Liat Dengan Kapur Pada Konstruksi Badan Jalan Hutan Di Pulau Laut


    Suparto, Rahardjo S; Sutopo, S


    Subgrade construction is an important part in forest road building, Subgrade soils with a high clay content could not be used satisfactorily as forest road construction material unless it is treated to increase its stability. The improvement of the physical characteristics of clay soils related to subgrade construction can be achieved by mixing lime of certain proportion into the soil. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the amount of lime required for s...


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    Roy Andreas


    Full Text Available Congo red is one of dyes-stuff in textile industry wastwater. If it is thrown directly without waste management process, the dyes could pollute environtment, especially soil. Humin has OH phenolic and carboxylic functional group which can interacted with congo red. The aim of this study is recognize humin characteristic from the soil of Baturraden resin forest, determine the adsorption capacity and isotherm adsorption pattern of congo red by humin from the soil of Baturraden resin forest. Humin in this study is isolated from the soil of Baturraden resin forest. soil cleared of gravel and dirt, then it extracted by using NaOH of nitrogen atmosphere and purified to applies mixture HCl:HF. Humin that is obtained is used to be interacted with dyes with various contact time, various of pH and concentration of congo red so that the adsorption capacities and isotherm adsorption pattern can be obtained. Result of the study showed that the humin has water content 34.92 %, dust content 8.64 %, total acidity 475 cmol/Kg, carboxylic rate 272.5 cmol/Kg, and OH Phenolic rate 202.5 cmol/Kg. The optimum contact time of congo red adsorption by humin is 40 minutes, with optimum pH is 7, adsorption capacities 57.14 mg/g and isotherm adsorption pattern of congo red by humin is follow the pattern of Langmuir isotherm adsorption.

  9. Erosi Tanah Akibat Operasi Pemanenan Hutan (Soil Erosion Caused by Forest Harvesting Operations

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    Ujang Suwarna


    Full Text Available Forest harvesting operation has been known as an activity that should be considered as the main cause of soil erosion. Indonesia, the second largest owner of tropical forest, should have a serious consideration to the operation.  Therefore, the study was conducted in logged over area of a natural production forest.  The objectives of the study was to examine level of soil erosion caused by forest harvesting operations and to analyze a strategy to control level of the erosion based on its influencing factors. The study showed that forest harvesting operations caused soil erosion.  Factors that influenced the high level of the erosion were high level of precipitation, lack on planning of forest harvesting operations, no applying treatment of cross drain and cover crop in the new skidding roads, no culture of carefulness in the operations, and low human resource capacity in applying environmentally friendly forest harvesting techniques. Keywords: soil erosion, forest harvesting, logged over area, skidding road

  10. Simultaneous analysis of free and humic acid complexed europium and gadolinium species by CE-ICP-MS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kautenburger, R.; Nowotka, K.; Beck, H.P.


    -system it was possible to quantify metal concentrations from the detection limit up to approximately 1 ppm on a linear scale. This setup was used to separate metal / humic acid-species in a 10 mM acetic acid / 1 mM acetate buffer system. With humic acid as complexing ligand, free metal species could be separated from the metal-humate-complexes on a time resolved scale. The ratios of free metal ions and metal-humate- complexes are change with different experimental conditions like pH values or metal concentrations. This research is financially supported by the 'Bundesministerium fuer Wirtschaft und Arbeit' (BMWA, project 02E9683). (authors)

  11. Investigation of the complexation and the migration of actinides and non-radioactive substances with humic acids under geogenic conditions. Complexation of humic acids with actinides in the ocidation state IV Th, U, Np

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sachs, S.; Schmeide, K.; Brendler, V.; Krepelova, A.; Mibus, J.; Geipel, G.; Heise, K.H.; Bernhard, G.


    Objective of this project was the study of basic interaction and migration processes of actinides in the environment in presence of humic acids (HA). To obtain more basic knowledge on these interaction processes synthetic HA with specific functional properties as well as {sup 14}C-labeled HA were synthesized and applied in comparison to the natural HA Aldrich. One focus of the work was on the synthesis of HA with distinct redox functionalities. The obtained synthetic products that are characterized by significantly higher Fe(III) redox capacities than Aldrich HA were applied to study the redox properties of HA and the redox stability of U(VI) humate complexes. It was confirmed that phenolic OH groups play an important role for the redox properties of HA. However, the results indicate that there are also other processes than the single oxidation of phenolic OH groups and/or other functional groups contributing to the redox behavior of HA. A first direct-spectroscopic proof for the reduction of U(VI) by synthetic HA with distinct redox functionality was obtained. The complexation behavior of synthetic and natural HA with actinides (Th, Np, Pu) was studied. Structural parameters of Pu(III), Th(IV), Np(IV) and Np(V) humates were determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The results show that carboxylate groups dominate the interaction between HA and actinide ions. These are predominant monodentately bound. The influence of phenolic OH groups on the Np(V) complexation by HA was studied with modified HA (blocked phenolic OH groups). The blocking of phenolic OH groups induces a decrease of the number of maximal available complexing sites of HA, whereas complex stability constant and Np(V) near-neighbor surrounding are not affected. The effects of HA on the sorption and migration behavior of actinides was studied in batch and column experiments. Th(IV) sorption onto quartz and Np(V) sorption onto granite and its mineral constituents are affected by the pH value

  12. Usage of humic materials for formulation of stable microbial inoculants (United States)

    Kydralieva, K. A.; Khudaibergenova, B. M.; Elchin, A. A.; Gorbunova, N. V.; Muratov, V. S.; Jorobekova, Sh. J.


    of the product. It is known that humic substances can increase of live organism resistance to stress loads, in particular to chemical stress, low and high temperature. Spray- and fluidized-bed drying and addition of humate-based drying protectants were evaluated for the development of dry formulations of biocontrol and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. The drying protectants - humic acids and sodium humate gave the highest initial survival rates and the most stable formulations, without significant losses of viability after storage for 1 month at 30oC. As a result, the specific plant growth promoting effect is retained. Thus, humic materials have an unfulfilled potential for biotechnology industries based on such applications. Acknowledgement. This research was supported by the grant of ISTC KR-993.2.

  13. Investigation of the complexation and the migration of actinides and non-radioactive substances with humic acids under geogenic conditions. Complexation of humic acids with actinides in the oxidation state IV Th, U, Np

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sachs, S.; Schmeide, K.; Brendler, V.; Krepelova, A.; Mibus, J.; Geipel, G.; Heise, K.H.; Bernhard, G.


    Objective of this project was the study of basic interaction and migration processes of actinides in the environment in presence of humic acids (HA). To obtain more basic knowledge on these interaction processes synthetic HA with specific functional properties as well as 14 C-labeled HA were synthesized and applied in comparison to the natural HA Aldrich. One focus of the work was on the synthesis of HA with distinct redox functionalities. The obtained synthetic products that are characterized by significantly higher Fe(III) redox capacities than Aldrich HA were applied to study the redox properties of HA and the redox stability of U(VI) humate complexes. It was confirmed that phenolic OH groups play an important role for the redox properties of HA. However, the results indicate that there are also other processes than the single oxidation of phenolic OH groups and/or other functional groups contributing to the redox behavior of HA. A first direct-spectroscopic proof for the reduction of U(VI) by synthetic HA with distinct redox functionality was obtained. The complexation behavior of synthetic and natural HA with actinides (Th, Np, Pu) was studied. Structural parameters of Pu(III), Th(IV), Np(IV) and Np(V) humates were determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The results show that carboxylate groups dominate the interaction between HA and actinide ions. These are predominant monodentately bound. The influence of phenolic OH groups on the Np(V) complexation by HA was studied with modified HA (blocked phenolic OH groups). The blocking of phenolic OH groups induces a decrease of the number of maximal available complexing sites of HA, whereas complex stability constant and Np(V) near-neighbor surrounding are not affected. The effects of HA on the sorption and migration behavior of actinides was studied in batch and column experiments. Th(IV) sorption onto quartz and Np(V) sorption onto granite and its mineral constituents are affected by the pH value and the

  14. Effect of K-N-humates on dry matter production and nutrient use efficiency of maize in Sarawak, Malaysia. (United States)

    Petrus, Auldry Chaddy; Ahmed, Osumanu Haruna; Muhamad, Ab Majid Nik; Nasir, Hassan Mohammad; Jiwan, Make


    Agricultural waste, such as sago waste (SW), is one of the sources of pollution to streams and rivers in Sarawak, particularly those situated near sago processing plants. In addition, unbalanced and excessive use of chemical fertilizers can cause soil and water pollution. Humic substances can be used as organic fertilizers, which reduce pollution. The objectives of this study were to produce K- and ammonium-based organic fertilizer from composted SW and to determine the efficiency of the organic-based fertilizer produced. Humic substances were isolated using standard procedures. Liquid fertilizers were formulated except for T2 (NPK fertilizer), which was in solid form. There were six treatments with three replications. Organic fertilizers were applied to soil in pots on the 10th day after sowing (DAS), but on the 28th DAS, only plants of T2 were fertilized. The plant samples were harvested on the 57th DAS during the tassel stage. The dry matter of plant parts (leaves, stems, and roots) were determined and analyzed for N, P, and K using standard procedures. Soil of every treatment was also analyzed for exchangeable K, Ca, Mg, and Na, organic matter, organic carbon, available P, pH, total N, P, nitrate and ammonium contents using standard procedures. Treatments with humin (T5 and T6) showed remarkable results on dry matter production; N, P, and K contents; their uptake; as well as their use efficiency by maize. The inclusion of humin might have loosened the soil and increased the soil porosity, hence the better growth of the plants. Humin plus inorganic fertilizer provided additional nutrients for the plants. The addition of inorganic fertilizer into compost is a combination of quick and slow release sources, which supplies N throughout the crop growth period. Common fertilization by surface application of T2 without any additives (acidic and high CEC materials) causes N and K to be easily lost. High Ca in the soil may have reacted with phosphate from fertilizer to form Ca phosphate, an insoluble compound of phosphate that is generally not available to plants, especially roots. Mixing soil with humin produced from composted SW before application of fertilizers (T5 and T6) significantly increased maize dry matter production and nutrient use efficiency. Additionally, this practice does not only improve N, P, and K use efficiency, but it also helps to reduce the use of N-, P-, and K-based fertilizers by 50%.

  15. Effect of K-N-Humates on Dry Matter Production and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Maize in Sarawak, Malaysia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Auldry Chaddy Petrus


    Full Text Available Agricultural waste, such as sago waste (SW, is one of the sources of pollution to streams and rivers in Sarawak, particularly those situated near sago processing plants. In addition, unbalanced and excessive use of chemical fertilizers can cause soil and water pollution. Humic substances can be used as organic fertilizers, which reduce pollution. The objectives of this study were to produce K- and ammonium-based organic fertilizer from composted SW and to determine the efficiency of the organic-based fertilizer produced. Humic substances were isolated using standard procedures. Liquid fertilizers were formulated except for T2 (NPK fertilizer, which was in solid form. There were six treatments with three replications. Organic fertilizers were applied to soil in pots on the 10th day after sowing (DAS, but on the 28th DAS, only plants of T2 were fertilized. The plant samples were harvested on the 57th DAS during the tassel stage. The dry matter of plant parts (leaves, stems, and roots were determined and analyzed for N, P, and K using standard procedures. Soil of every treatment was also analyzed for exchangeable K, Ca, Mg, and Na, organic matter, organic carbon, available P, pH, total N, P, nitrate and ammonium contents using standard procedures. Treatments with humin (T5 and T6 showed remarkable results on dry matter production; N, P, and K contents; their uptake; as well as their use efficiency by maize. The inclusion of humin might have loosened the soil and increased the soil porosity, hence the better growth of the plants. Humin plus inorganic fertilizer provided additional nutrients for the plants. The addition of inorganic fertilizer into compost is a combination of quick and slow release sources, which supplies N throughout the crop growth period. Common fertilization by surface application of T2 without any additives (acidic and high CEC materials causes N and K to be easily lost. High Ca in the soil may have reacted with phosphate from fertilizer to form Ca phosphate, an insoluble compound of phosphate that is generally not available to plants, especially roots. Mixing soil with humin produced from composted SW before application of fertilizers (T5 and T6 significantly increased maize dry matter production and nutrient use efficiency. Additionally, this practice does not only improve N, P, and K use efficiency, but it also helps to reduce the use of N-, P-, and K-based fertilizers by 50%.

  16. Dynamics of metal-humate complexation equilibria as revealed by isotope exchange studies - a matter of concentration and time (United States)

    Lippold, Holger; Eidner, Sascha; Kumke, Michael U.; Lippmann-Pipke, Johanna


    Complexation with dissolved humic matter can be crucial in controlling the mobility of toxic or radioactive contaminant metals. For speciation and transport modelling, a dynamic equilibrium process is commonly assumed, where association and dissociation run permanently. This is, however, questionable in view of reported observations of a growing resistance to dissociation over time. In this study, the isotope exchange principle was employed to gain direct insight into the dynamics of the complexation equilibrium, including kinetic inertisation phenomena. Terbium(III), an analogue of trivalent actinides, was used as a representative of higher-valent metals. Isotherms of binding to (flocculated) humic acid, determined by means of 160Tb as a radiotracer, were found to be identical regardless of whether the radioisotope was introduced together with the bulk of stable 159Tb or subsequently after pre-equilibration for up to 3 months. Consequently, there is a permanent exchange of free and humic-bound Tb since all available binding sites are occupied in the plateau region of the isotherm. The existence of a dynamic equilibrium was thus evidenced. There was no indication of an inertisation under these experimental conditions. If the small amount of 160Tb was introduced prior to saturation with 159Tb, the expected partial desorption of 160Tb occurred at much lower rates than observed for the equilibration process in the reverse procedure. In addition, the rates decreased with time of pre-equilibration. Inertisation phenomena are thus confined to the stronger sites of humic molecules (occupied at low metal concentrations). Analysing the time-dependent course of isotope exchange according to first-order kinetics indicated that up to 3 years are needed to attain equilibrium. Since, however, metal-humic interaction remains reversible, exchange of metals between humic carriers and mineral surfaces cannot be neglected on the long time scale to be considered in predictive transport models.

  17. Existing Noise Level at Railway Stations in Malaysia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shahidan Shahiron


    Full Text Available Railway transportation known as one of the most environmental friendly transportation mode. However, the significance problems of railway transportation are noise pollution and negatively impact the wellbeing of the whole community. Unfortunately, there has been lack of public awareness about the noise level produce by the railway transportation in Malaysia. This study investigates the noise level produced by railway transportation in Malaysia specifically by Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB. Methods of collecting existing noise level at railway stations in Malaysia are briefly discussed in this study. The finding indicates that the noise level produced by the railway transportation in Malaysia which is by KTMB is considered as dangerous to human being and also exceed the noise limit that has been assigned by Department of Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Malaysia. A better noise barrier and improved material should be developed to mitigate the existing noise level produced by railway transportations in Malaysia.

  18. Analisa Bentuk Profile Dan Jumlah Blade Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Terhadap Putaran Rotor Untuk Menghasilkan Energi Listrik

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    Saiful Saiful Huda


    Full Text Available Turbin angin adalah suatu alat untuk mengkonversi energi angin menjadi energi mekanik yang kemudian dikonversi lagi menjadi energi listrik. Putaran pada poros turbin angin dihubungkan pada generator untuk menghasilkan energi listrik. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan sebelumnya, banyak jenis turbin angin yang ditemukan untuk meningkatkan effisiensi dan torsi yang dihasilkan salah satu contohnya adalah vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT. VAWT merupakan turbin angin dengan sumbu vertical atau tegak lurus terhadap tanah. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh peningkatan panjang chord, jumlah blade, sudut pitch dari blade terhadap torsi dan effisiensi yang dihasilkan oleh VAWT dengan pendekatan CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic. Analisa yang dilakukan untuk melihat efek peningkatan panjang chord, jumlah blade dan sudt pitch dari blade. Setelah analisa berakhir kita membandingkan hasil analisa dalam grafik. Hasil dari analisa tersebut adalah torsi terbesar terdapat pada variasi panjang chord 1.5 m dengan sudut pitch 10o dan jumlah blade 4 buah dengan nilai 134.9452198   Nm.

  19. HASIL AIR PENGGUNAAN LAHAN HUTAN DALAM MENYUMBANG ALIRAN SUNGAI Water yield of Forest Land Use contributing in river stream

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edy Junaidi


    Full Text Available Pemahaman tentang neraca air suatu penggunaan lahan berkaitan dengan hasil air total yang berkontribusi terhadap aliran sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji peranan hidrologi hutan (hutan alam dan hutan tanaman terhadap aliran sungai  ditinjau dari neraca air dengan membandingkan penggunaan lahan hutan dan penggunaan lahan lain. Penelitian yang mengkaji penggunaan lahan hutan dan penggunaan lahan lain (pertanian, pemukiman, kebun campuran dan semak belukar di DAS Cisadane menggunakan model hidrologi Soil and Water Assessment Toll (SWAT dalam mengkaji neraca air penggunaan lahan. Hasil neraca air tahunan untuk penggunaan lahan hutan berupa nilai yang lebih besar untuk evapotranspirasi dan lebih kecil untuk aliran permukaan dibandingkan pengunaan lahan yang lain. Hal ini berpengaruh terhadap kontribusi aliran permukaan lahan hutan pada aliran sungai. Sedangkan nilai perkolasi dan simpanan air tanah berdasarkan perhitungan neraca air yang lebih besar untuk penggunaan lahan hutan. Hal ini juga berpengaruh terhadap kontribusi aliran lateral dan aliran dasar lahan hutan pada aliran sungai. Kata kunci : Neraca air, aliran sungai dan hutan

  20. Perancancangan Jaringan Fiber To The Home (FTTH Menggunakan Teknologi Gigabyte Passive Optical Network (GPON pada Mall Park23 Tuban

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    I Putu Gede Yudha Pratama


    Full Text Available Abstrak-Perancangan jaringan ini berpusat pada sebuah mall baru yang akan dibangun pada daerah Tuban, Bali. Yang dimana mall berada pada pada luas tanah 6,981 m2. Perancangan ini menggunakan sistem IndiHome (100% fiber dengan menggunakan GPON (Gigabyte Passive Optical Network sebagai teknologinya. Perancangan jaringan ini, dimulai dengan perhitungan demand dan menghitung kebutuhan traffik tiap calon tenant yang akan dibagi menjadi 3 kategori jenis tenant. Dilanjutkan dengan proses merancang struktur jaringan yang dimulai dari penyambungan kabel pada closure sebanyak 48 core hingga sampai pada ONT (Optical Network Termination. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan parameter Power Link Budget diperoleh total redaman untuk uplink dan downlink masing-masing sebesar 23,84 dB dan 23,574 dB. Margin Daya didapat sebesar 4,16 dBm. Sedangkan, Rise Time Budget diperoleh sebesar 0,25 ns untuk uplink dan 0,22 ns untuk downlink. Nilai tersebut masih dibawah standard maksimum rise time yaitu sebesar 0,5833 ns.


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    I Nyoman Sudiarta


    Full Text Available This study aimed to determine the effect of perceptions of distributive, procedural and interactional justice on post-service recovery satisfaction and post-service recovery satisfaction effect on the intention to revisit and WOM recommendations of foreign tourists to Bali. The respondents of this study were foreign tourists who visited Bali and ever experienced complaint. The number of eligible samples was 100 respondents. The questionnaire was given to tourists visiting tourist attractions of Tanah Lot, Kintamani and Besakih. Data were analyzed using multivariate statistical analysis, namely structural equation modeling (SEM. The results of this study indicated that the perception of distributive justice, procedural and interactional had a positive and significant effect on the post-service recovery satisfaction of foreign tourists who visited Bali. The study also found a positive and significant effect of post-service recovery satisfaction on the intention to revisit and the intention of recommending positive WOM of foreign tourists who visited Bali.

  2. Soil and Crop management: Lessons from the laboratory biosphere 2002-2004 (United States)

    Silverstone, S.; Nelson, M.; Alling, A.; Allen, J.

    During the years 2002 and 2003, three closed system experiments were carried out in the "Laboratory Biosphere" facility located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The program involved experimentation with "Hoyt" Soy Beans, USU Apogee Wheat and TU-82-155 sweet potato using a 5.37 m2 soil planting bed which was 30 cm deep. The soil texture, 40% clay, 31% sand and 28% silt (a clay loam), was collected from an organic farm in New Mexico to avoid chemical residues. Soil management practices involved minimal tillage, mulching and returning crop residues to the soil after each experiment. Between experiment #2 and #3, the top 15 cm of the soil was amended using a mix of peat moss, green sand, humates and pumice to improve soil texture, lower soil pH and increase nutrient availability. Soil analyses for all three experiments are presented to show how the soils have changed with time and how the changes relate to crop selection and rotation, soil selection and management, water management and pest control. The experience and information gained from these experiments are being applied to the future design of the Mars On Earth facility.

  3. Carrion Beetles Visiting Pig Carcasses during Early Spring in Urban, Forest and Agricultural Biotopes of Western Europe (United States)

    Dekeirsschieter, Jessica; Verheggen, François J.; Haubruge, Eric; Brostaux, Yves


    Carrion beetles are important in terrestrial ecosystems, consuming dead mammals and promoting the recycling of organic matter into ecosystems. Most forensic studies are focused on succession of Diptera while neglecting Coleoptera. So far, little information is available on carrion beetles postmortem colonization and decomposition process in temperate biogeoclimatic countries. These beetles are however part of the entomofaunal colonization of a dead body. Forensic entomologists need databases concerning the distribution, ecology and phenology of necrophagous insects, including silphids. Forensic entomology uses pig carcasses to surrogate human decomposition and to investigate entomofaunal succession. However, few studies have been conducted in Europe on large carcasses. The work reported here monitored the presence of the carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae) on decaying pig carcasses in three selected biotopes (forest, crop field, urban site) at the beginning of spring. Seven species of Silphidae were recorded: Nicrophorus humator (Gleditsch), Nicrophorus vespillo (L.), Nicrophorus vespilloides (Herbst), Necrodes littoralis L., Oiceoptoma thoracica L., Thanatophilus sinuatus (Fabricius), Thanatophilus rugosus (L.). All of these species were caught in the forest biotope, and all but O. thoracica were caught in the agricultural biotope. No silphids were caught in the urban site. PMID:21867439

  4. NURE uranium deposit model studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crew, M.E.


    The National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Program has sponsored uranium deposit model studies by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation (Bendix), the US Geological Survey (USGS), and numerous subcontractors. This paper deals only with models from the following six reports prepared by Samuel S. Adams and Associates: GJBX-1(81) - Geology and Recognition Criteria for Roll-Type Uranium Deposits in Continental Sandstones; GJBX-2(81) - Geology and Recognition Criteria for Uraniferous Humate Deposits, Grants Uranium Region, New Mexico; GJBX-3(81) - Geology and Recognition Criteria for Uranium Deposits of the Quartz-Pebble Conglomerate Type; GJBX-4(81) - Geology and Recognition Criteria for Sandstone Uranium Deposits in Mixed Fluvial-Shallow Marine Sedimentary Sequences, South Texas; GJBX-5(81) - Geology and Recognition Criteria for Veinlike Uranium Deposits of the Lower to Middle Proterozoic Unconformity and Strata-Related Types; GJBX-6(81) - Geology and Recognition Criteria for Sandstone Uranium Deposits of the Salt Wash Type, Colorado Plateau Province. A unique feature of these models is the development of recognition criteria in a systematic fashion, with a method for quantifying the various items. The recognition-criteria networks are used in this paper to illustrate the various types of deposits

  5. Distribution of soil arsenic species, lead and arsenic bound to humic acid molar mass fractions in a contaminated apple orchard

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newton, Kimberly; Amarasiriwardena, Dulasiri; Xing, Baoshan


    Excessive application of lead arsenate pesticides in apple orchards during the early 1900s has led to the accumulation of lead and arsenic in these soils. Lead and arsenic bound to soil humic acids (HA) and soil arsenic species in a western Massachusetts apple orchard was investigated. The metal-humate binding profiles of Pb and As were analyzed with size exclusion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SEC-ICP-MS). It was observed that both Pb and As bind 'tightly' to soil HA molar mass fractions. The surface soils of the apple orchard contained a ratio of about 14:1 of water soluble As (V) to As (III), while mono-methyl (MMA) and di-methyl arsenic (DMA) were not detectable. The control soil contained comparatively very low levels of As (III) and As (V). The analysis of soil core samples demonstrated that As (III) and As (V) species are confined to the top 20 cm of the soil. - The distribution of arsenic species [i.e., As (III), As (V), and methylated arsenic species (DMA, MMA)] on the soil surface and in a depth profile as well as those associated with humic acids is discussed

  6. Interaction of neptunium with humic acid and anaerobic bacteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubota, Takumi; Sasaki, Takayuki; Kudo, Akira


    Humic acid and bacteria play an important role in the migration of radionuclides in groundwaters. The interaction of neptunium with humic acid and anaerobic bacteria has been investigated by liquid/liquid and solid/liquid extraction systems. For liquid/liquid extraction, the apparent complex formation constant, β α was obtained from the distribution between two phases of neptunium. For solid/liquid extraction, the ratio of sorption to bacteria, K d , was measured. K d of humic acid can be evaluated from β α . The large value of β α and K d means strong interaction of neptunium with organisms. In order to examine the effect of the nature of organism on interaction, the interaction with humic acid was compared to that with non-sterilized or sterilized mixed anaerobic bacteria. The value of β α of humate depended on neptunium ion concentration as well as pH, which showed the effect of polyelectrolyte properties and heterogeneous composition of humic acid. The comparison of interaction with humic acid and bacteria indicated that the K d value of humic acid was larger than that of bacteria and more strongly depend on pH. (author)

  7. A systematic overview of the first pasteurised VWF/FVIII medicinal product, Haemate P/ Humate -P: history and clinical performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berntorp, E.; Archey, W.; Auerswald, G.


    of thromboembolic complications does exist while receiving Haemate P, as it does with any FVIII replacement therapy, the incidence of such complications has remained notably low. Given the robust data that have accumulated for the use of Haemate P, dosing recommendations are also described in this review...

  8. ANALISIS DIAZINON SECARA DIFERENSIAL PULSA VOLTAMETRI DIBANDINGKAN DENGAN KROMATOGRAFI (Diazinon Analysis with Differential Pulse Voltametry Compared to Chromatography

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    Pirim Setiarso


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian penentuan diazinon dari sampel tanah pertanian di beberapa kecamatan Kabupaten Nganjuk Jawa Timur menggunakan elektroda kerja tembaga amalgam padat (CuSAE secara diferensial pulsa voltametri (DPV dibandingkan dengan metode kromatografi. 100 g sampel tanah pertanian yang dihaluskan dengan ukuran 100 mesh diekstraksi menggunakan aseton. Ekstraksi dilakukan menggunakan ekstraktror soxhlet dengan 10 kali sirkulasi. Hasil ekstraksi sebagian ditambahkan surfaktan SDS untuk dianalisis secara voltametri menggunakan elektroda CuSAE dan sebagian dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (HPLC. Analisis voltametri dilakukan pada pH 3 dengan elektrolit pendukung CaCl 2 menggunakan standar adisi, sedangkan analisis dengan HPLC menggunakan grafik standar. Berdasarkan data voltamogram dan kromatogram yang telah diolah dengan program origin 7.0 menghasilkan perolehan kembali rata-rata diazinon (97.40 ± 1.02 % pada voltametri dan (100.98 ± 7.10 % pada HPLC. Analisis diazinon kedua metode dibandingkan dengan uji t (t hitung = 0.4785 < t tabel = 2.31 sehingga tidak ada perbedaan hasil antara metode voltametri dan HPLC. ABSTRACT The research has been done for determination of diazinon in agricultural soil samples from several districts n Nganjuk, East Java . Solid copper amalgam (CuSAE used  as a working electrode using differential ulse voltammetry (DPV compared with chromatographic method. Around 100 g sample of agricultural soil ith a size 100 mesh was extracted using 100 ml acetone. The extraction was done using extractor oxhlet with 10 times the circulation. A part of the extraction  yield  was  added SDS surfactant for analysis by DPV,  and another part analyzed  by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC. Voltammetric analysis carried out at pH 3 with CaCl2 as a supporting electrolyte   using standard addition method, while the analysis by HPLC using calibration curve (standard

  9. PEMETAAN FAKTOR C YANG DITURUNKAN DARI BERBAGAI INDEKS VEGETASI DATA PENGINDERAAN JAUH SEBAGAI MASUKAN PEMODELAN EROSI DI DAS MERAWU (C Factor Mapping Derived from Various Vegetation Indeces of Remotely Sensed Data for Erosion Modeling at Merawu Catchment

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    Bambang Sulistyo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji berbagai indeks vegetasi yang diturunkan dari data penginderaan jauh dalam pemetaan faktor C sebagai masukan dalam pemodelan erosi USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menganalisis data penginderaan jauh Landsat 7 ETM + sehingga menghasilkan berbagai indeks vegetasi yang kemudian dilakukan analisis korelasi dengan Faktor C yang diukur di lapangan pada 45 lokasi. Dari analisis ini diperoleh suatu model untuk pemetaan faktor C (C model dari berbagai indeks vegetasi. Peta faktor C yang diperoleh kemudian dilakukan validasi pada 48 lokasi sehingga akan diketahui keakuratan hasil pemodelan. Dalam penelitian ini dikaji 11 (sebelas indeks vegetasi yang diturunkan dari data penginderaan jauh, yaitu ARVI, MSAVI, TVI, VIF, NDVI, TSAVI, SAVI, EVI, RVI, DVI, dan PVI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 11 indeks vegetasi yang dikaji terdapat 8 indeks vegetasi yang menghasilkan peta faktor C dengan ketelitian yang tinggi, yaitu MSAVI, TVI, VIF, NDVI, TSAVI, SAVI, EVI, dan RVI. Indeks vegetasi yang menggunakan rumus yang lebih kompleks menghasilkan koefisien korelasi yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan indeks vegetasi yang menggunakan rumus yang sederhana. Indeks vegetasi yang mempertimbangkan latar belakang tanah (MSAVI dan TSAVI mempunyai koefisien korelasi lebih tinggi dibanding dengan koefisien korelasi yang tidak mempertimbangkan latar belakang tanah. ABSTRACT The research was aim at studying C factor mapping derived from various vegetation indices of remotely-sensed data as input for USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation erosion modeling at Merawu Catchment. Methodology applied was by analyzing remote sensing data of Landsat 7 ETM+ to obtain various vegetation indices for correlation analysis with C Factor measured directly from 45 locations on the field. The analysis resulted models for C factor mapping from various vegetation indices (Cmodel. These


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    Dody Priadi


    Full Text Available This study aimed to use woody plant leaves as organic fertilizer (compost and their effects on vegetables and corn. The compost was made from leaves of Samanea saman, Swietenia macrophylla, Nephelium lappaceum and cow dung (1:3, 2:2 and 3:1 using OrgaDec (0.5% w/w, Decomic (0.1% v/w and Dectro (0.1 v/w as bioactivator. The result showed that compost from Samanea saman leaves and cow dung (1:3 using Decomic (0.1% v/w met the organic fertilizer standard. The compost was applied to Ipomoea reptans, Capsicum annuum and Zea mays on a media from compost and latosol soil (1:3, 2:2 and 3:1 using Completely Randomized Design (CRD with 3 replications. The analyzed data using ANOVA showed no significant difference in the growth parameter of tested plants. The best media for Ipomoea reptans was the mixture of compost and latosol soil (3:1 meanwhile for Zea mays and Capsicum annuum were 1:3 and 2:2, respectively.Keywords: compost, compost application, organic fertilizer, woody plant leavesABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan daun tumbuhan berkayu menjadi pupuk organik (kompos serta pengaruhnya terhadap tanaman sayuran dan jagung. Kompos dibuat dari daun kihujan (Samanea saman, daun mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla daun rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum dan kotoran sapi (1:3, 2:2 dan 3:1 dengan penambahan bioaktivator OrgaDec (0,5% w/w, Decomic (0,1% v/w dan Dectro (0,1 v/w. Hasil analisis kimia menunjukkan bahwa kompos yang dibuat dari daun kihujan dan kotoran sapi (1:3 yang menggunakan bioaktivator Decomic (0,1% v/w adalah perlakuan yang paling sesuai dengan baku mutu pupuk organik berdasarkan Permentan No.70/Permentan/SR.140/10/2011. Kompos hasil penelitian diujicobakan kepada tanaman kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptans, cabe keriting (Capsicum annuum dan jagung manis (Zea mays pada media campuran kompos dan tanah latosol (1:3, 2:2 dan 3:1 menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL dengan 3 ulangan sedangkan data yang diperoleh diolah dengan ANOVA

  11. PENGELOLAAN MATA AIR UNTUK PENYEDIAAN AIR RUMAHTANGGA BERKELANJUTAN DI LERENG SELATAN GUNUNGAPI MERAPI (Springs Management for Sustainability Domestic Water Supply in the South West of Merapi Volcano Slope

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    Sudarmadji Sudarmadji


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Mata air merupakan pemunculan air tanah ke permukaan tanah. Pemanfaatan mata air sangat beragam, antara lain penggunaan untuk keperluan air minum, irigasi, perikanan, untuk obyek wisata. Mata air mempunyai debit terbatas, namun kualitasnya baik, penggunaannya beragam, hal tersebut sering terjadi konflik pemanfaatan. Di saat musim kemarau, beberapa mata air merupakan sumber air satu-satunya di suatu tempat, sehingga pengelolaannya harus dilakukan secara baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengelolaan mata air berbasis teknologi tepat guna dalam penyediaan air rumahtangga di lereng selatan Gunungapi Merapi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan survei dan observasi di lapangan terhadap mata air yang digunakan untuk penyediaan air rumahtangga. Sejumlah responden pengguna mata air dan tokoh masyarakat setempat diwawancarai secara bebas dan terstruktur untuk memperoleh data pengelolaan mata air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi lingkungan dan karakteristik mata air, pengetahuan masyarakat dan budaya lokal yang beragam akan berpengaruh terhadap pengelolaanmata air. Perkembangan teknologi tidak dapat diabaikan dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya air. Hal ini dapat dipadukan dengan budaya masyarakat setempat dalam pengelolaan mata air, sehingga dapat diperoleh manfaat yang optimal dan kesinambungan fungsi dan manfaat mata air tersebut.   ABSTRACT Spring is the groundwater which comes out on ground surface. The use of water from springs is very diverse, varying from water for drinking, irrigation, fisheries, even for tourism. The springs usually have a limited discharge but the water quality from springs is good, therefore they are often facing some conflicts in utilization. In the dry season, in fact the springs are the only source of water supply; therefore the management of the spring should be done properly. This research aims to study the spring management based on appropriate technology in relation to household water supply in the

  12. Efisiensi Penurunan Kadar Kalsium pada Air Laut dengan Metoda Penukar Ion yang Memanfaatkan Tanah


    Kurniati, Roselyn Indah; Elystia, Shinta; Zultiniar, Zultiniar


    Source of water in Bengkalis is difficult. Sea water can be a source of water in there. Once of alternative can be process sea water be clean water use ion exchange with clay. This experiment use coloumn with diameter 2 inchi and high 1,2 meter. Media who used is clay. Ratention time and particle measure used variation of this experiment. Rate of retention time are 60, 120, 180 minute and particle measure are -3+5, -5+10, -10+15 mesh. Concentration Ca before process is 128 mg/l and after proc...

  13. Pengaruh Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan terhadap Sifat Biofisik Tanah dan Kapasitas Infiltrasi di Kota Malang

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    Sugeng Utaya


    Full Text Available Land use management causes the changes of the function of the land in the city. The change of the function of uncultivated land to be cultivated land has a potential to change soil biophysical characteristic, and at the same time, it decreases the absorption of soil water. This research aims: (1 to study the influence of the landuse change towards soil biophysical characteristics, (2 to study the correlation between soil biophysical characteristics and infiltration capacity, and (3 to study the influence of the landuse change towards the infiltration capacity. The landuse change is studied by comparing the ongoing mapping documents. Soil biophysical characteristics consist of root biomass, number of worms, soil organic matter (SOM, and porosity. The root biomass is obtained by root density, the number of worms is identified with monolith and hand sorting method, the SOM is identified with fraction analysis, and the porosity is identified with cylinder and pignometer method. The water absorption is measured with the plot experiment. The influence of the landuse towards soil biophysical traits is analyzed T-test and the influence of landuse change towards infiltration capacity is analyzed correlatively. This research gains the results that: (1 the landuse change causes the change of soil biophysical traits, too, and the soil biophysical traits change causes, furthermore, the declining of the land capability in absorbing water, and (2 the amount of the infiltration capacity is caused by soil biophysical traits, mostly by root biomass, number of worms, and the SOM, and (3 the landuse change causes the declining of infiltration capacity.

  14. Penentuan Unsur Tanah Jarang Kelompok Sedang secara Voltammetri Pindai Linier Menggunakan Elektrode Grafit Pensil

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    Yeni Wahyuni Hartati


    Full Text Available Rare earth elements play an important role in a variety of applications, mostly for high-tech industries. But their presence in mineral jointly separation makes it difficult to determine the content of rare earths because each element has physical and chemical properties are almost identical. The purpose of this study is the use of a linear scan voltammetry method to study the electrochemical characteristics of the medium rare earth element group (Sm, Gd, Eu, Tb, as an alternative method of separation and analysis of rare earth elements. The electrode used is a graphite pencil electrodes without modification, with a variety of supporting electrolyte. The results obtained show some supporting electrolyte provides good reduction peak for gadolinium, compared to the peaks of the reduction potential of the single rare earth ions other. The potential range of the most well using pencil graphite electrode obtained at 0.50 V to -1.00 V. Analysis of single gadolinium provide linear regression equation in a concentration range of 4.0 to 10.0 mg/L by the equation Y = 0.9862 X + 0.828 with R2 = 0.9954. The limit of detection is determined from the linear regression obtained 0.72 mg / L.


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    Didik Srianto


    Full Text Available Data mining adalah proses menganalisa data dari perspektif yang berbeda dan menyimpulkannya menjadi informasi-informasi penting yang dapat dipakai untuk meningkatkan keuntungan, memperkecil biaya pengeluaran, atau bahkan keduanya. Secara teknis, data mining dapat disebut sebagai proses untuk menemukan korelasi atau pola dari ratusan atau ribuan field dari sebuah relasional database yang besar. Pada perum perhutani KPH SEMARANG saat ini masih menggunakan cara manual untuk menentukan jenis tanaman (jati / non jati. K-Nearest Neighbour atau k-NN merupakan algoritma data mining yang dapat digunakan untuk proses klasifikasi dan regresi. Naive bayes Classifier merupakan suatu teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk teknik klasifikasi. Pada penelitian ini k-NN dan Naive Bayes akan digunakan untuk mengklasifikasi data pohon jati dari perum perhutani KPH SEMARANG. Yang mana hasil klasifikasi dari k-NN dan Naive Bayes akan dibandingkan hasilnya. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan software RapidMiner. Setelah dilakukan pengujian k-NN dianggap lebih baik dari Naife Bayes dengan akurasi 96.66% dan 82.63. Kata kunci -k-NN,Klasifikasi,Naive Bayes,Penanaman Pohon Jati

  16. Perception and Motivation Study as a Determinants of Ecotourism Development in Tanah Datar Region


    Adam Rachmatullah; Ricky Avenzora; Tutut Sunarminto


    During the last decade, many countries are paying special concern to develop of tourism and ecotourism industry cause able to accelerate development in a region. This research aims to analyze stakeholder perceptions and motivation determinants, a long with to formulate ecotourism development strategy. The research method used in closed ended questionnaire instrument and then data were analyzed by using one score one criteria scoring system. The result of the study showed that a local communit...


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    Fajar Winarni


    Full Text Available This study is an empirical legal research that uses primary and secondary data. The result of this  study is to be used f or the handling of  E.  coli  contamination where it  is the government ’s role to procure chlorine diffusers and monitor the quality of drinking water. The high level of contamination caused by the E. coli bacteria is due to the poor sanitation system and the close proximity of wells to septic tanks. Meanwhile, other constraints faced by the government include the lackof routine monitoring, lack of sanitation workers, and lack of proper implementation of the standardtechnical guidance on Procedures Planning Septic Tank with Absorption Systems. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris yang menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini adalah dalam rangka penanggulangan pencemaran bakteri E. coli dimana Pemerintahberperan dalam pengadaan alat chlorine diffuser, sosialisasi hidup bersih, pengawasan kualitas air minum, dan sebagainya. Tingginya pencemaran bakteri E. coli dikarenakan sistem sanitasi yang buruk, dan jarakyang dekat antara sumur dengan saluran septic tank. Sementara itu kendala yang dihadapi antara lainPemerintah tidak melakukan pengawasan secara rutin, terbatasnya petugas sanitasi, tidak dilaksanakannyapetunjuk teknis SNI tentang Tata Cara Perencanaan Tangki Septik dengan Sistem Resapan.Kata Kunci: peran pemerintah, pencemaran, bakteri E. coli.


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    Gawil Despriyatmoko


    Full Text Available In order to support bureaucratic reform program in the field of land services, the National Land Registry Agency issued regulations on service standards and decisions about Sapta Land Code. This study aims to analyze the levels of interest and performance of the officials of Land Registry Office in Bogor Regency and to analyze the level of satisfaction of the community on the service of the maintenance of land registry data by the Office. The analytical tool used to determine the satisfaction of the community was the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI. The results showed that there is a gap between the petition of certification and completion of the certificate. The analysis results of IPA based on the dimensions of service quality maintenance of land registry data showed that overall the community is satisfied with the service quality of the Land Registry Office of Bogor Regency. This is demonstrated by the discrepancies between the performance average score of 3,54 and the interest average score of 3,49. Thus, the average score of a positive gap of 0,05 was obtained, and CSI value obtained was 71,14%. Based on the measurement of scale range using the Simamora formula, the CSI analytical results showed that the community is satisfied with the maintenance service of land records in the Land Registry Office of Bogor Regency.Keywords: satisfaction, service quality, maintenance of land registry data, IPA, CSI

  19. Metode Tracer Test untuk Mencari Hubungan Antar Sistem Sungai Bawah Tanah Di Akuifer Karst

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    Harjito Harjito


    Full Text Available Problem yang umum dijumpai di kawasan karst adalah mengenai ketersediaan air, mengingat kondisi hidrologi kawasan karst yang berbeda dengan kawasan lain. Ditinjau dari sisi lain, masyarakat di sekitar kawasan rencana perluasan eksploitasi masih memanfaatkan mata air yang daerah tangkapannya berasal dari perbukitan batu gamping untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air domestik dan irigasi pertanian. Dengan demikian, perlu adanya penelitian hidrologi karst lebih lanjut terutama mengenai keberadaan sistem jaringan yang saling terhubung di dalam kawasan rencana perluasan eksploitasi dan sekitarnya. Studi ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pertimbangan terhadap kebijakan yang akan diambil sebagai upaya untuk dapat melakukan pengelolaan potensi tersebut sebaik-baiknya. Tracer test dilakukan sebagai bentuk follow-up dari survei gua dan sinkhole yang ada di sekitar area tambang. Tracer test dilakukan untuk mengetahui konektivitas aliran pada sistem gua berair dan mata air Cipintu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian potensi debit air di Mata air Cipintu sebesar 18,55 liter/s dan mengindikasikan adanya konektivitas antara gua berair dengan Mata air Cipintu. Kata kunci : karst, hidrologi, tracer test, eksploitasi

  20. Ketahanan Papan Unting (Oriented Strand Board) terhadap Serangan Rayap Tanah dan Rayap Kayu Kering


    Gea, Bud diman


    Oriented strand board is panel of wood raw material from which strand composed of cross and upright structure. In order to oriented strand board can be used for interior and exterior needs, than necessary to be applied various thenology of quality improvement like durabelities and endurance of oriented strand board. For it does found endurance oriented strand board from attack of ground termite and wood dry termite, necessary doing grave yard trial and wood dry termite trial. This research ta...


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    Anung Riapanitra


    Full Text Available Waste containing hazardous and toxic chemical compounds into the environment leads to water pollution, soil and air. These chemical compounds will endanger human life and environment. One type of compound that may pollute the environment is chromium. The metal is commonly found in industrial waste such as from exhaust and industrial wastewater from etal plating company. The purpose of this research is to utilize coconut shell charcoal and soil humus as a low-cost and ready-made alternative material to reduce the concentration chromium (Cr on wastewater. Humus was taken from Baturraden region and was isolated using NaOH extraction and was furthermore purified using mixtures of HF(aq: HCl(aq. Coconut shell charcoal was produced and was mixed with the humus. Adsorption process was carried out by batch method on variations of charcoal: humus composition, pH, and contact time. Humus soil was identified using infrared spectrophotometry (IR. Determination of chromium concentration was performed using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS. The purified humus yielded was 25.92% (w/w, with 34.18% moisture, and ash content of 18.09%. The results showed that the variation of composition ratio of 2:1 charcoal and humus produced the greatest percent reduction of 18.20%, and the optimum pH for the adsorption is 9. For the variation of contacts time, the optimum reaction time is at 180minutes with decreasing concentration of Pb up to 56.07%.


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    Awalul Fatiqin


    Full Text Available Actinomycetes are soil organisms that have traits that are common to bacteria and fungi but also have quite different characteristics that limit into one group which is distinctly different. Study aimed to explore the mangrove actinomycetes from soil and tested the antibacterial potency. Soil samples taken from the mangrove land at Tanjung Api-api mangrove species Sonneratia caseolaris. Activity test antibacterial using a method modified disk a test bacterium Escherichia coli. Identification isolates of actinomycetes by observing the character of macroscopic colonies, microscopic conidia. The results showed that the obtained three different actinomycetes isolates, 1 isolate has the most potential ability to inhibit bacterial growth test with an average value of 1:13 cm in inhibiting the bacteria Escherichia coli.


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    Full Text Available In Indonesia agriculture practice often used the large scale pesticide application such as insecticide, herbicide, and fungicide. The wide use of toxic pesticide has created numerous problem in increasing environtmental hazard to human and to other animals. Many of soil bacteria had important role to degrading chemical compounds into simpler compounds as a bioremediation agent. The aim of this study was to screen the Chlorantraniliprole tolerant bacteria using soil mineral medium with Prevathon pesticide addition, also teo identificate the species of bacteria. This research was conducted at Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University. The research was done in three analysis, (1 bacteria test on Prevathon pesticide addition to mineral medium treatment, (2 characterization of bacteria, (3 Identification of pesticide tolerant bacteria with BD BBL Crystal Enteric/Non FermenterID Kit. The results showed that mineral medium with the addition of pesticides Prevathon treatment able to provide a significant different effect on the enrichment stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 (P<0.05, there was 5 isolates pesticide tolerant bacteria that isolated from Baturiti Tabanan cultivated soil that was BSP 1, BSP 2, BSP 3 known as gram negative bacteria, and BSP 4, BSP 5 known as Gram positive bacteria, pesticide tolerant bacteria identified as Serratia marcescens which is a Gram negative bacteria group and may cause pathogenic.

  4. Analisis Fosfor pada Cacing Tanah (Megascolex sp. dan Fridericia sp.) Secara Spektrofotometri Sinar Tampak


    Safira, Cut Shafa


    Earthworm is natural resource which can be used for medication due to its highly amount of minerals. One of these minerals is phosphorus. The aim of this research are to identify, determine and know the difference content of phosphorus in Megascolex sp. and Fridericia sp. Qualitative analysis shows positive results with addition of ammonium molybdate 4% and BaCl2 5%. Quantitative analysis was done using visible spectrophotometer with ascorbic acid method, measuring blu-colored molybdenum ...

  5. Pelindian Logam Tanah Jarang dari Terak Timah dengan Asam Klorida setelah Proses Fusi Alkali

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    Kurnia Trinopiawan


    Full Text Available Tin slag, a waste product from tin smelting process, has a potency to be utilized further by extracting the valuable metals inside, such as rare earth elements(REE. The objective of this study is to determine the optimum leaching condition of REE from tin slag after alkali fusion. Silica structure in slag is causing the direct leaching uneffective. Therefore, pre-treatment step using alkali fusion is required to break the structure of silica and to increase the porosity of slag. Fusion is conducted in 2 hours at 700 oC, with ratio of natrium hidroxide (NaOH : slag = 2 : 1. Later, frit which is leached by water then leached by chloride acid to dissolve REE. As much as 87,5% of REE is dissolved at 2 M on chloride acid (HCl concentration, in 40o C temperature, -325 mesh particle size, 15g/100ml of S/L, 150 rpm of agitation speed, and 5 minutes of leaching time

  6. Kajian Status Trofik Sebagai Dasar Strategi Penataan Lingkungan di Telaga Merdada

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    Anindya Kusumawati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Telaga Merdada adalah sebuah danau kaldera di dataran tinggi Dieng. Jumlah besar vegetasi antara tanah dan air dihilangkan untuk ekspansi pertanian, terutama untuk pertanian kentang. Aplikasi pupuk di pertanian kentang di telah intensif digunakan. Kegiatan yang berlebihan ini mengekspos ekosistem air tawar di Danau Merdada, yang mengakibatkan eutrofikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari kondisi lingkungan dari Merdada Lake, menentukan negara tropik, dan mengusulkan strategi pengelolaan lingkungan di wilayah Merdada Lake untuk mengontrol negara tropik. Sampel dikumpulkan pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2009. -3rd Lima titik sampling dalam Merdada Lake dikumpulkan di berbagai kedalaman. Pada setiap titik pengambilan sampel, transparansi air, Clorophyll-a, DO, pH, suhu, diukur. Lebih lebih, dinamika hara air dan sedimen yang diamati. Negara tropik ditentukan dengan menggunakan indeks Carlson dan OECD. Parameter kualitas tanah sekitarnya Merdada Lake diamati, termasuk topografi, permeabilitas, tekstur, struktur, dan kedalaman kolom tanah. Negara trofik dari Merdada Lake menurut konsentrasi nutrisi dan air transparansi menunjukkan bahwa Merdada Lake telah di tingkat hipertrofi, namun sehubungan dengan konsentrasi Clorophyll-dalam badan air, Merdada Lake masih dalam tingkat oligotrophic. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa Merdada Lake berada dalam kondisi tidak sehat. Konsentrasi tinggi nutrisi di Merdada Lake dapat menyebabkan ganggang mekar sehubungan dengan peningkatan transparansi air. Strategi yang diusulkan untuk mengurangi nutrisi di Merdada Lake adalah dengan aerasi dan penghapusan sedimen harus dipertimbangkan. Strategi yang diusulkan pengelolaan lingkungan untuk mengontrol eutrofikasi di jangka panjang adalah untuk mengelola wilayah cekungan luar dan danau riparian dengan pendekatan abiotik, biotik dan budaya. Lebih lebih, perencanaan penggunaan lahan, seperti penggunaan lahan zonasi, sehubungan dengan danau daya dukung dan


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    Meivy Arizona


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Daerah penelitian adalah desa Tobati dan Nafri di Jayapura-Papua. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1 mengetahui jenis-jenis mangrove yang telah diubah oleh aktivitas manusia, 2 untuk mengetahui kondisi air dan tanah di daerah yang telah diubah oleh konversi lahan, 3 untuk mengetahui tanggapan masyarakat tentang ekosistem mangrove rusak dan mereka memberikan kontribusi dalam pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove. Metode yang digunakan adalah garis transek plot kuadrat di zona mangrove dan daerah distribusi dengan tiga kali pengulangan. Ukuran plot kuadrat adalah 10m x 20m untuk pohon, 1m x 1m untuk tumbuh-tumbuhan, bibit dan rerumputan. Parameter adalah ukuran kerapatan, frekuensi, daerah basal dan nilai-nilai penting mangrove. Langkah-langkah parameter fisika adalah air yang meliputi pH suhu, salinitas, dan kualitas tanah seperti bahan organik, Savailable Pavailable, Caavailable, Mgavailable, Naavailable, Ntotal, pH, suhu dan tekstur tanah. Analisis parameter fisika menggunakan analisis varian. Sosial parameter yang diukur adalah jumlah populasi, pekerjaan, pendidikan, dan pengetahuan tentang ekosistem mangrove. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi budaya masyarakat desa Tobati adalah survied dan diwawancarai dengan 50 responden. Para responden telah dipisahkan dalam 2 kelompok dari 40 repondents yang diambil dari desa Tobati dan sisanya diambil dari desa Nafri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya tujuh jenis mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora sfylosa, tagal Csriops, Snnneratia alba, Xylocarpus dan hydrophyllacea mollucensis Scyphiphora di desa Tobati. Spesies mangrove yang menunjukkan di desa Nafri yang sembilan jenis, tujuh spesies yang mirip dengan Tobati kecuali Bruguiera gymnorrhiza dan Aegiceras comiculatum tidak menunjukkan di desa Tobati. Keberadaan vegetasi mangrove yang telah diubah oleh konversi lahan di desa Tobati didominasi oleh Rhizophora spp. Di desa Nafri sebagai daerah kontrol


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    Setyawan Wahyu Pratomo


    Full Text Available Dalam Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( UAV jenis Quadcopter, sumber catu daya berupa baterai yang hanya mampu bekerja 10-15 menit di udara merupakan permasalahan tersendiri bagi performa Quadcopter. Sedangkan perfomansi dari Quadcopter pada ketinggian yang susah dijangkau, diharapkan peran operator yang selama ini harus mengkoneksikan secara manual kabel charging ke baterai bisa digantikan oleh sistem secara otomatis ketika baterai akan habis. Untuk itu dalam paper ini membahas suatu perancangan sistem transfer daya nirkabel untuk Quadcopter mengisi ulang baterai tanpa bantuan operator dan tidak harus dilakukan pendaratan di atas tanah. Proses isi ulang ( charging baterai bisa dilakukan di atas gedung maupun di landasan yang telah terpasang transfer daya nirkabel. Tujuannya adalah meningkatkan performansi kerja Quadcopter di udara sesuai dengan kegunaanya. Dari perancangan sistem transfer daya nirkabel untuk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( UAV jenis Quadcopter mengisi ulang ( charging baterai, diperoleh hasil efisiensi transfer daya terbaik sebesar 62,24% dengan jarak efektif 10 cm. Frekuensi sistem transfer daya nirkabel diperoleh dari rangkaian Colpitss Oscillator sebesar 333,1 KHz dengan menerapkan prinsip induksi elektromagnetik.

  9. Integration of geospatial multi-mode transportation Systems in Kuala Lumpur (United States)

    Ismail, M. A.; Said, M. N.


    Public transportation serves people with mobility and accessibility to workplaces, health facilities, community resources, and recreational areas across the country. Development in the application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to transportation problems represents one of the most important areas of GIS-technology today. To show the importance of GIS network analysis, this paper highlights the determination of the optimal path between two or more destinations based on multi-mode concepts. The abstract connector is introduced in this research as an approach to integrate urban public transportation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia including facilities such as Light Rapid Transit (LRT), Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTM) Komuter, Express Rail Link (ERL), KL Monorail, road driving as well as pedestrian modes into a single intelligent data model. To assist such analysis, ArcGIS's Network Analyst functions are used whereby the final output includes the total distance, total travelled time, directional maps produced to find the quickest, shortest paths, and closest facilities based on either time or distance impedance for multi-mode route analysis.

  10. Konflik Pertanian Antara Komunitas di Desa Watu Nggelek Kecamatan Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Flores, Ntt Tahun 1996 – Sekarang

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    Yustinus Suhardi Ruman


    Full Text Available Social conflict among community in Indonesia has often happened. In this research we will show that social conflict among community is not always involving two different community about their social background: Community of Dalong Society and Tanah Dereng. They have familial relationship, living in the same economic stratification and their religion is same also. Based on the community characteristic, we attempt to explain the causing of the conflict with using the social change approach in relation with conception of Max Weber about authority. According to Weber there are three ways in which power is commonly transformed into authority: traditional authority, rational-legal authority and charismatic authority. To explain the community conflict in our case, we used conception about traditional and rational-legal authority. Directing by these conception, we analyzed that the conflict happened in one side because of changing in traditional authority. There were groups of community member has not obedience to chief of traditional community, and the other side the government has not ability to operate the legal rule.  

  11. Integration of geospatial multi-mode transportation Systems in Kuala Lumpur

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ismail, M A; Said, M N


    Public transportation serves people with mobility and accessibility to workplaces, health facilities, community resources, and recreational areas across the country. Development in the application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to transportation problems represents one of the most important areas of GIS-technology today. To show the importance of GIS network analysis, this paper highlights the determination of the optimal path between two or more destinations based on multi-mode concepts. The abstract connector is introduced in this research as an approach to integrate urban public transportation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia including facilities such as Light Rapid Transit (LRT), Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTM) Komuter, Express Rail Link (ERL), KL Monorail, road driving as well as pedestrian modes into a single intelligent data model. To assist such analysis, ArcGIS's Network Analyst functions are used whereby the final output includes the total distance, total travelled time, directional maps produced to find the quickest, shortest paths, and closest facilities based on either time or distance impedance for multi-mode route analysis


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    Wildan Wildan


    Full Text Available This study discusses nationalism that has been portrayed in seven novels written by A. Hasjmy, an Acehnese writer. The novels are Melalui Jalan Raya Dunia (1938, Bermandi Cahaya Bulan (1939, Suara Azan dan Lonceng Gereja (1940, Nona Pressroom (1951, Elly Gadis Nica (1951, Meurah Djohan: Sultan Aceh Pertama (1976, and Tanah Merah: Digul Bumi Pahlawan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (1976. The aim of the study is to analyze doctrine of nationalism in the context of Indonesian politics. The main finding of this study shows that Indonesian nationalism is obviously well represented in the novels. This finding is contrary to the public opinion that most of the Acehnese are supporters of the separatist movement, i.e. Acehnese nationalism. Thus, in portraying the nationalism, A. Hasjmy has exploited certain writing techniques in his novels, such as epistolary, speeches, diary, poems and footnotes to camouflage its doctrines and missions. With these findings, the significance of this study is it could elucidate academically that not every Acehnese agrees with the idea of Aceh separatism.


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    Noor Hasyim


    Full Text Available Demak yang dikenal sebagai kota wali memiliki sejarah panjang sebagai tempat berkumpul para wali penyebar Islam di tanah Jawa yang disebut dengan Wali Songo. Masjid Agung Demak sebagai masjid kesultanan pertama di Jawa didirikan oleh para wali menjadi ciri khas Demak sebagai Kota Wali. Berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa perhatian masyarakat Demak khususnya remaja tentang ciri khas Demak tersebut kurang. Diperlukan media baru yang menarik bagi remaja untuk mengenalkan kembali Masjid Agung Demak yang menjadi ciri khas Demak sebagai Kota Wali, salah satunya melalui perancangan Aplikasi buku digital dengan media komputer tablet berbasis touchscreen. Perancangan aplikasi buku digital tersebut meliputi proses mengumpulkan data, menganalisis data, perancangan aplikasi serta pengujian aplikasi. Proses perancangan aplikasi Masjid Agung Demak disajikan berdasarkan kronologi dan artefak. Hasil perancangan adalah sebuah aplikasi buku digital dengan komputer tablet berbasis touchscreen sebagai media dan Masjid Agung Demak sebagai konten aplikasi. Pengujian yang dilakukan menyatakan bahwa aplikasi buku digital yang dirancang memiliki nilai kebaharuan, komunikasi, kesesuaian dan kesan yang tinggi sehingga secara keseluruhan aplikasi tersebut tergolong dalam aplikasi yang sangat baik. Kata Kunci: buku digital, Demak, perancangan.

  14. Penggunaan Unit Slow Sand Filter, Ozon Generator dan Rapid Sand Filter Skala Rumah Tangga Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Air Sumur Dangkal Menjadi Air Layak Minum (Parameter Zat Organik dan Deterjen

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    Anindya Prawita Sari


    Full Text Available Air sumur merupakan air tanah yang sering kali digunakan masyarakat untuk aktivitas sehari-hari. Air sumur dengan kadar organik dan deterjen tinggi tidak layak dikonsumsi masyarakat karena dapat menyebabkan berbagai macam penyakit. Selain itu, adanya zat organik dan deterjen mempengaruhi warna dan bau air sumur sehingga tidak layak konsumsi. Slow sand filter merupakan unit pengolahan yang mampu meremoval zat organik pada air. Slow sand filter dan rapid sand filter tidak menggunakan bahan kimia dalam proses pengolahan sehingga lebih ekonomis dan efektif. Sedangkan ozon, efektif digunakan untuk meremoval zat organik yang ada dalam air dengan mengubah rantai zat organik menjadi lebih sederhana. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan slow sand filter, ozon generator dan rapid sand filter dalam menyisihkan beban deterjen dan zat organik pada air sumur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi removal pada unit slow sand filter untuk beban organik dan deterjen sebesar 57,6% dan 60,5 %, pada unit ozonasi sebesar 47,4% dan 17,5%, dan pada unit rapid sand filter sebesar 50,0% dan 50,9 %.

  15. Unearthing Nusantara’s Concept of Religious Pluralism: Harmonization and Syncretism in Hindu-Buddhist and Islamic Classical Texts

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    Al Makin


    [Artikel ini mencoba menemukan rumusan pluralisme dengan membaca ulang teks klasik Jawa dengan memilih bagian tertentu dari sastra Hindu-Buddha yang disebut kakawin dan karya Islami yang disebut serat dan babad. Praktik dinamis sinkretisme dan penyelarasan antara tradisi keagamaan lokal dan asing ditemui dalam Sutasoma, Kertagama, Dewa Ruci, Babad Tanah Jawa, dan Centini. Dari hasil bacaan teks-teks di atas, tulisan ini menemukan bahwa sejak masa kuno Singasari dan Majapahit, penyelarasan dan sinkretisme antara banyak tradisi keagamaan telah dipraktikkan sebagai bagian penting dari konsep pluralisme. Hindu-Buddha datang pertama lalu disusul oleh karya Islam yang menambah nuansa sinkretis. Studi ini juga menemukan bahwa tokoh Hindu-Buddha diceritakan ulang dalam karya Islam dengan berbagai modifikasi. Cerita tentang Sunan Kalijaga mencerminkan sumber yang lebih tua seperti Sutasoma, Ken Arok, Bhima, dan tokoh-tokoh lain. Kisah mereka mengajarkan kepada kita tentang relativitas antara kejahatan dan kebaikan; kejahatan tidak dimusnahkan tetapi diubah menjadi kebaikan. Artikel ini merupakan contoh usaha  untuk merumuskan konsep pluralisme berdasarkan kebijakan lokal dengan membaca kembali teks-teks klasik dengan semangat penafsiran ulang ajaran lokal dengan perspektif baru.


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    Leola Dewiyani


    Full Text Available Saat ini Karawang dikenal sebagai daerah industri yang paling berpotensi di wilayah Jawa Barat. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan banyaknya pabrik yang didirikan di tanah Pasundan ini. Dengan banyaknya usaha baik berupa pabrik maupun yang lainnya, Karawang menjanjikan aneka macam peluang di berbagai bidang usaha yang bisa mendatangkan keuntungan. Perusahaan ini tentu membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang cukup banyak, tidak hanya buruh lebih dari itu tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan juga berasal dari level menengah ke atas hingga staf profesional, hal ini yang menjadi daya tarik bagi pengembang untuk membangun bisnis properti di Karawang yaitu RuKost (rumah kos. Akan tetapi Tata Letak interior kamar yang ada di RuKost saat ini berdasarkan penelitian pendahuluan yang dilakukan peneliti belum memenuhi standar dan juga belum memperhatikan kenyamanan, kepuasan, keselamatan dan kesehatan karena desain layout interior yang ada pada kamar RuKost saat ini kurang memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip ergonomik. Berdasarkan kondisi di atas maka akan dilakukan suatu redesign terhadap tata letak interior kamar RuKost. Metode perancangan yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah antropometri dan physiological performance.

  17. In Search for Sustainable Coastal Management: A Case Study of Semarang, Indonesia (United States)

    Hadi, Sudharto P.


    As a coastal town, Semarang is currently facing environmental problems such as flood, tidal flood (locally called rob), coastal abrasion, emerging land, land subsidence and sea water intrusion. These phenomena severely affect to citizen, community and corporate, disrupting day to day activities, threatening people’s health, causing economics’ burden and reducing property value. Government policies in dealing with these problem are focused on its phenomena such as normalizing river for flood and building polder systems for tidal flood. Impacted people have been implementing various initiatives. People in Tanah Mas Estate set up collective efforts to reduce tidal flood by building pumping system project, while people in Kampong Tambaklorok conduct a regular mutual assistance in cleaning of waste and sedimentation, rehabilitating of local drainages and dikes, reconstructing of local streets and also maintaining of pumping system. People in Mangunharjo, the district of Tugu build a coastal belt and cultivate mangrove. Various government and local initiatives have been effective in dealing with flood and tidal flood temporarily. More comprehensive approaches and focused on the sources of problems are required to achieve sustainable coastal management.

  18. Chemical characterization of a chelator-treated soil humate by solution-state multinuclear two-dimensional NMR and FTIR and pyrolysis-GCMS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fan, T.W.M.; Higashi, R.M.; Lane, A.N.


    A California forest soil used for contaminant bioavailability studies was extracted for humic substances (HS) and then treated with 4,5-dihydroxy-1,3-benzene disulfonate (Tiron) to remove exchangeable metal ions. This yielded HS that was readily water-soluble at neutral pH without residual Tiron contamination, and the gel electrophoretic pattern was very similar to an international reference HS. The improved solubility facilitated analysis of HS by solution-state 1-D and 2-D {sup 1}H, {sup 13}C, {sup 31}P, and {sup 13}C-{sup 1}H NMR. The amino acids Gly, Ala, Leu, lle, Val, Asp, Ser, Thr, Glu, and Pro were identified in intact HS as peptidic from scalar coupling in TOCSY and dipolar interactions in NOESY and then confirmed by acid digestion of HS with 2-D {sup 1}H NMR and GCMS analysis. The presence of peptides was also corroborated by FT-IR and pyrolysis-GCMS results. Carbohydrates containing {alpha}- and {beta}-pyranoses, methoxy-phenylpropanyl structures, phosphate mono/diesters, polyphosphates, plus phosphatidic acid esters were also evident. Furthermore, the {sup 1}H NOESY, TOCSY, and HSQC together indicated that the peptidic side chains were mobile, whereas aromatic groups were relatively rigid. Thus the peptidic moieties may be more readily accessible to aqueous contaminants than aromatic groups.

  19. Peranan Mulsa Dalam Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Cabai Melalui Modifikasi Kondisi Fisik Di Dalam Tanah


    Basuki, Joko; Yunus, Ahmad; Purwanto, Edi


    Soil is growing media for plant growth. It preserves water and nutrients for plants. The physical changes in soil affect the life of roots and plant performances. The goal of research was to change physical condition in soil through mulching for increasing pepper plant production. Land for pepper cultivation was mulched using rice straws and plastic sheet (PE). Physical condition such as soil suhue and humidity and content of organic matters in the soil were measured or examined. Also, pr...

  20. Respons Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Kacang Tanah Terhadap Pemberian Kompos Jerami Padi Dan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula


    Bangun, Tua Bastari Prima; Rahmawati, Nini; Meiriani, Meiriani


    Growth Response and Yield of Peanut with Straw Compost and Mycorhiza Vesicular ArbuscularApplication. This research aims to study response in growth and yield of peanut for giving strawcompost and mycorhiza vesicular arbuscular. This research conducted on community land locatedat Pasar 1 Street, Tanjung Sari with altitude ± 25 meters above sea level in June until September2012 using Randomized Block Design (RBD) factorial with two factors , which are straw compostdoses (0, 750, 1500, 2250 g p...