
Sample records for hplc-trennungen zum studium

  1. Multimedia CD-Rom on hydrogen and fuel cells. 2. rev. ed.; Die Multimedia CD-Rom zum Thema Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This CD-Rom contains well-presented information with informative illustrations, as well as a large download section with publications, reports, and presentations in.pdf form for in-depth studies. There is also a list of links to selected websites, with short explanations. [German] Die CD zum Thema ''Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen'' bietet sowohl gut gegliederte Informationen mit anschaulichen Bildern fuer die Lektuere am Monitor als auch eine grosse Download-Rubrik, in der zahlreiche Publikationen, Fachberichte, Praesentationen als PDF-Dateien abgelegt sind und fuers Studium bereitstehen. Ausserdem gibt es ein Link-Verzeichnis mit Verweisen und Erlaeuterungen zu ausgewaehlten Internet-Seiten.

  2. Schule forscht Ansätze und Methoden zum forschenden Lernen

    CERN Document Server


    Kinderunis, Science Center, Experimentierlabore – der Markt der außerschulischen Wissenschaftsvermittlung für Kinder und Jugendliche boomt. Doch in den Schulen findet forschendes Lernen noch wenig Beachtung. Dabei fördert die Methode wichtige Fähigkeiten der Schüler und bietet Chancen für eine zukunftsweisende Schulentwicklung. Die Jugendlichen erarbeiten in Forschungsprojekten eigenständig wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen, suchen Lösungswege, dokumentieren und präsentieren ihre Erkenntisse: Sie trainieren so wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Eigenverantwortlichkeit, Teamfähigkeit und Zeitmanagement. Lehrer werden zu Lernbegleitern, Schulen öffnen sich für Kooperationen und entwickeln Alternativen zum 45-minütigen Unterrichtstakt. Die Fachbeiträge von Andreas Müller, Ilka Parchmann, Gerhard Roth u. a. untermauern die Praxisberichte aus lern- und entwicklungspsychologischer Sicht. Die Autoren sind sich einig: Wer bereits in der Schule forscht, ist in Studium und Beruf einen großen Schritt voraus....

  3. Zum Studium der Anthroposophie


    Schlüter, Martin


    Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe und Rudolf Steiner haben beide auf verschiedenen Wegen eine Denkungsart entwickelt, deren Quelle diese Anschauungskraft ist. Eine Denkungsart, die nicht dabei stehenbleibt über die Dinge und Wesen nachzudenken, sondern die sie vielmehr in Gedankenform erstehen und so ihr Wesen unmittelbar erlebbar werden lässt. Goethe wandte sich dabei den Naturreichen zu und gestaltete seine ‚gegenständliche' Denkungsart zu einer naturwissenschaftlichen Methode aus, die er für weit ...

  4. Et studium av samfunnsansvar (CSR) for norske utenlandsetablerte akvakulturselskaper; Marine Harvest og Cermaq Mainstream i Chile


    Sæther, Malin


    Oppgaven er et studium av samfunnsansvar for norsk utenlandsetablert akvakulturnæring. Valg av tema er motivert av interessen for den eksisterende samfunnsdebatten omkring næringen og internasjonale næringsstrukturer med fotfeste i utviklingsland. Norsk tilstedeværelse i Chile eksemplifisert ved Marine Harvest og Cermaq Mainstream er anvendt som case studium. Presentasjon og drøfting av Corporate social responsibility (CSR), oversatt til norsk som Selskapers samfunnsansvar, ...

  5. Vergleich des Studiums der Tiermedizin in München (Deutschland) und in Liège (Belgien)


    Schaller, Christine Birgit Silvia Verena


    Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, durch einen Vergleich des Studiums der Tiermedizin in München und in Liège die Gemeinsamkeiten und die Unterschiede zwischen diesen beiden Fakultäten zu analysieren. In Deutschland kann das Studium der Tiermedizin an fünf Hochschulen, unter anderem in München, absolviert werden. In der Französischen Gemeinschaft Belgiens gibt es vier Universitäten, die den Bachelor-Studiengang der Tiermedizin anbieten, jedoch ist Liège die einzige Universität, in we...

  6. Blended Learning in der Musiklehrerbildung. Erfahrungen und Perspektiven am Beispiel eines Praxisprojekts


    Lutz, Julia


    In der Lehrerbildung zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts wird einem hohen Bezug zum Berufsfeld Schule, phasenübergreifender Zusammenarbeit und lebenslangem Lernen zunehmend Bedeutung geschenkt. Mehr und mehr kommt in Veröffentlichungen und auf den Internetseiten von Lehrerbildungszentren deutscher Universitäten ein umfassendes Verständnis von Lehrerbildung zum Ausdruck, das alle Phasen der Aus- und Fortbildung von Lehrkräften einschließt: Studium, Vorbereitungsdienst („Referendariat“) und Fortbild...

  7. Studium biodegradace polyhydroxyalkanoátů.


    Wurstová, Agáta


    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na studium biodegradace polyhydroxyalkanoátů, konkrétně polymeru polyhydroxybutyrátu. První část práce se zabývá studiem biodegradace polyhydroxybutyrátu ve formě PHB prášku a PHB fólie pomocí vybraných druhů mikroorganismů z řad bakterií, kvasinek a plísní. Jako zástupce bakterií byl vybrán mikroorganismus Delftia acidovorans, z řad kvasinek Aureobasidium pullulans a ze zástupců plísní Aspergillus fumigatus. Aktivita extracelulární PHB depolymerázy byla analyzován...

  8. Vielfalt oder Chaos? 'Musikalische Bildung' und das künstlerisch-wissenschaftliche Studium


    Kremer, Joachim


    Der folgende Beitrag konzentriert sich auf die Hochschule als Raum für gelebte und gelehrte Diversität. Er widmet sich der Diversität im künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen Studium der Schulmusik, diskutiert die Frage, inwieweit die Vielfalt der Studienpläne der Zieldimension 'musikalische Bildung' zuträglich ist und entwirft ein Studien-Szenario, das verstärkt interdisziplinäre Synergien fordert. (DIPF/Orig.)

  9. Handbuch der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf

    CERN Document Server

    Bennewitz, Hedda; Rothland, Martin


    Die große Bedeutung, die dem Lehrerberuf in der Öffentlichkeit, aber auch in den Bildungswissenschaften für die Qualität von Schule und Unterricht zugemessen wird, stand bislang in deutlichem Kontrast zu Umfang und Intensität der Forschung, die auf den Lehrerberuf gerichtet war. Diese immer wieder beklagte Situation hat sich jedoch gewandelt. Seit etwa einem Jahrzehnt ist eine deutliche Intensivierung und allmähliche Verstetigung der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf zu beobachten. Mit dem vorliegenden Handbuch wird erstmalig eine repräsentative Übersicht über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf vermittelt. Unter intensiver Berücksichtigung der internationalen Fachdiskussion informieren die 45 Beiträge des Handbuchs über Forschung zu folgenden Themenfeldern: Geschichte des Lehrerberufs, Charakteristika und Rahmenbedingungen des Lehrerberufs, Konzepte der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf, Berufsbiographien von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, Lehrerbildung, Kognitionen, Emotionen und Kompetenzen von Lehrern...

  10. Raman Spectroelectrochemical Investigations of Immobilized Redox Proteins


    Grochol, Jana


    Das Interesse an auf Elektroden immobilisierten Redoxproteinen ist in den letzten Jahren stark gestiegen. Die oberflächenverstärkte Resonanz-Raman- (SERR) Spektroelektrochemie eignet sich hervorragend zum Studium des heterogenen Elektronentransfers, da sie selektiv das Schwingungsspektrum der Redoxzentren der immobilisierten Spezies abfragt. SERR Spektroskopie kombiniert die Vorteile der Oberflächen- und Resonanz-Verstärkung, indem Hämproteine auf rauen Silberelektroden adsorbiert und in der ...

  11. Sources for the study of the history of the dominican studium generale in Krakow in the modern era. The state of research and research perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wiktor Szymborski


    Full Text Available Main objective of the essay under consideration was investigation and characterized most important source materials stocked at the Archive of the Cracow’s Dominican Province to present the history of their studium generale during the Modern period. Also, the current knowledge of a.m. period of studium generale was screened- out and some searching hypothesis were proposed concerning the history of the Cracow’s Dominican studium generale. The searching time frame have been limited to XVI up to XVII century. Taken into consideration, the current status of research works performed so far, one ought to stated that the Modern Epoch has not been searched out with the same consciousness compare to the Medieval one. As the most important printed source materials, one ought to account the documents issued by the general and provincial chapters of the Convent. The documents of the provincial chapters have been listed and screened by Father Fabian Madura, and were stocked as the typescript formats at the Cracow’s Dominican Convent Library. Based on the searched source materials of General Chapter of Dominican Convent at Cracow, it is possible to present the general overview of the convent education system and its changes in due time. Due to the records found it would be possible to identify – position and name – the Dominicans nominated to the Convent stadium generale. The most important manuscript stocked at the Cracow’s Dominican Convent Archive as the education system is concern, is so called Liber Studii Generalis cracoviensis (rkps 20. This manuscript covers the list of friars who have been nominated to work at stadium generale. A.m. document has to verify and compare with other sources. Taken into consideration above mention facts, it seems to be as most important searching activities to describe the convent society of the Cracow’s Dominicans. At the essay some detailed searching hypothesis were presented, such as searching and reviewing

  12. Ibi et cor tuum: The Twin Perils of Studium and Otium in English Renaissance Intellectual Culture


    Obi, Gertrude


    My dissertation, “Ibi et cor tuum: The Twin Perils of Studium and Otium in English Renaissance Intellectual Culture,” investigates the ways in which the temptations posed by intellectual labor were conceptualized and navigated by English Renaissance humanists. The competition pitting the vita activa against the vita contemplativa, which every age—including ours—must resolve anew, generated a spate of writings engaging with the mixed legacy of classical and medieval Christian attitudes towards...

  13. [Agnieszka Bartoszewicz. Czas w małych miastach. Studium z dziejów kultury umysłowej póznośredniowiecznej Polski] / Raimo Pullat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullat, Raimo, 1935-


    Arvustus: Bartoszewicz, Agnieszka. Czas w małych miastach. Studium z dziejów kultury umysłowej póznośredniowiecznej Polski. Warszawa-Pułtusk, 2003. Poola hiliskeskaja linnadest. Ajaarvestusest, ajakasutuse rütmist ja vormist ning ettekujutusest ajast

  14. Redoxspeziation von endlagerrelevanten Elementen mit Hilfe von Trennmethoden gekoppelt an ein Massenspektrometer mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma


    Graser, Carl-Heinrich


    Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Redoxspeziationsanalysen von Eisen, Neptunium und Plutonium per CE-SF-ICP-MS durchgeführt. Durch Optimierung der Trennparameter konnten Trennungen der Pu Oxidationsstufen III bis VI und Trennungen der Np Oxidationsstufen IV bis VI binnen 15 Minuten mit einer Nachweisgrenze von 10-12 M durchgeführt werden. Die Trennung der Fe Oxidationsstufen II und III gelang in weniger als 5 Minuten mit einer Nachweisgrenze von 5-10-8 M.

  15. Das migrationspolitische Feld der Schweiz: eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse der Vernehmlassung zum Arbenzbericht


    Mahnig, Hans


    Der Bericht, vom Bundesamt für Flüchtlinge (BFF) in Auftrag gegeben, stellt eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse der Vernehmlassung zum Bericht Arbenz vom Mai 1995 dar, welche parallel zur Auswertung durch das BFF selbst unternommen wurde. Er hat zum Ziel, die zentralen Konflikt- und Konsensfelder in der gegenwärtigen migrationspolitischen Auseinandersetzung der Schweiz herauszuarbeiten. Die wichtigsten Resultate der Analyse sind die folgenden: Die Internationale Flüchtlingspolitik und die A...

  16. RANK und RANKL - Vom Knochen zum Mammakarzinom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sigl V


    Full Text Available RANK („Receptor Activator of NF-κB“ und sein Ligand RANKL sind Schlüsselmoleküle im Knochenmetabolismus und spielen eine essenzielle Rolle in der Entstehung von pathologischen Knochenveränderungen. Die Deregulation des RANK/RANKL-Systems ist zum Beispiel ein Hauptgrund für das Auftreten von postmenopausaler Osteoporose bei Frauen. Eine weitere wesentliche Funktion von RANK und RANKL liegt in der Entwicklung von milchsekretierenden Drüsen während der Schwangerschaft. Dabei regulieren Sexualhormone, wie zum Beispiel Progesteron, die Expression von RANKL und induzieren dadurch die Proliferation von epithelialen Zellen der Brust. Seit Längerem war schon bekannt, dass RANK und RANKL in der Metastasenbildung von Brustkrebszellen im Knochengewebe beteiligt sind. Wir konnten nun das RANK/RANKLSystem auch als essenziellen Mechanismus in der Entstehung von hormonellem Brustkrebs identifizieren. In diesem Beitrag werden wir daher den neuesten Erkenntnissen besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenken und diese kritisch in Bezug auf Brustkrebsentwicklung betrachten.

  17. Studium mikroklimatických změn v jeskyních na Paní hoře v Českém krasu.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kolčava, M.; Vodička, Petr; Thinová, L.


    Roč. 41 (2016), s. 20-42 ISSN 1211-1643 Institutional support: RVO:67985858 Keywords : caves * microclima * czech karst Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry

  18. Studienbegleitender und studienvorbereitender Deutschunterricht international (2: Einführung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sabine Ylönen


    Full Text Available Mit dieser zweiten Ausgabe der ZIF zum vorliegenden Themenschwerpunkt ist die Erhebung eines Überblicks über die weltweite Situation des studienvorbereitenden und studienbegleitenden Deutschunterrichts vorläufig abgeschlossen. Im Verlaufe dieses Projekts entstand auch eine dritte thematische Ausgabe in der GFL, in die Beiträge aufgenommen wurden, die sich auf den Deutschunterricht für die Zielgruppe nichtmuttersprachlicher Studierender von Deutsch im Haupt- oder Nebenfach konzentrierte. Da die Deutschkenntnisse von StudienanfängerInnen dieser Fächer häufig niedrig sind und der Deutschunterricht zu einem festen Bestandteil ihres Studiums geworden ist, wurde die Definition des studienvorbereitenden und studienbegleitenden Deutschunterrichts erweitert und auf diese Zielgruppe ausgedehnt.   In die vorliegende thematische Ausgabe wurden zehn Beiträge von AutorInnen aus Australien, Chile, Deutschland, Finnland, Italien, Kolumbien, Lettland, Österreich, Polen, Russland, Serbien und den USA aufgenommen, in denen verschiedene Konzepte und empirische Studien vorgestellt werden. Karmelka Barić & Silvia Serena erörtern ausgehend von dem großangelegten und vom Goethe-Institut unterstützten Projekt „Studienbegleitender Deutschunterricht (SDU“ die Frage: „Wozu und wie kooperative Arbeitsformen im studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht?“, und Ines Paland-Riedmüller, Eliana Fuenzalida Donoso & Christina Kober erläutern am Beispiel des „Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO“-Projekts „Sprachliches Handeln in Studium und Wissenschaft – Vermittlungskonzepte für Blended Learning“ und illustrieren diese Konzepte an zwei Beispielen des Deutschunterrichts in Chile. Sabine Ylönen stellt die „Vorbereitung von Austauschstudierenden auf ein Studium in einem deutschsprachigen Land“ mit Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung mündlicher Fertigkeiten am Beispiel eines textsortenorientierten Blended-Learning-Konzepts vor, in dessen e-Learning-Komponente das

  19. Theoretische Konzepte der Physik (United States)

    Longair, Malcolm S.; Simon, B.; Simon, H.

    "Dies ist kein Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik, auch kein Kompendium der Physikgeschichte ... , vielmehr eine recht anspruchsvolle Sammlung historischer Miniaturen zur Vergangenheit der theoretischen Physik - ihrer "Sternstunden", wenn man so will. Frei vom Zwang, etwas Erschöpfendes vorlegen zu müssen, gelingt dem Autor etwas Seltenes: einen "lebendigen" Zugang zum Ideengebäude der modernen Physik freizulegen, ... zu zeigen, wie Physik in praxi entsteht... Als Vehikel seiner Absichten dienen dem Autor geschichtliche Fallstudien, insgesamt sieben an der Zahl. Aus ihnen extrahiert er das seiner Meinung nach Lehrhafte, dabei bestrebt, mathematische Anachronismen womöglich zu vermeiden... Als Student hätte ich mir diese gescheiten Essays zum Werden unserer heutigen physikalischen Weltsicht gewünscht. Sie sind originell, didaktisch klug und genieren sich auch nicht, von der Faszination zu sprechen, die ... von der Physik ausgeht. Unnötig darauf hinzuweisen, das sie ein gründliches "konventionelles" Studium weder ersetzen wollen noch können, sie vermögen aber, dazu zu ermuntern." #Astronomische Nachrichten (zur englischen Ausgabe)#1

  20. Evaluation von E-Learning: Checklisten, Kriterienkataloge oder Evaluationskonzepte? Zum Stand der Bewertungsverfahren für E-Learning-Arrangements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulf-Daniel Ehlers


    Full Text Available Qualität in Bildungsmaßnahmen - als Legitimation oder aus wissenschaftlichem Interesse - ist ein Thema von hoher Bedeutung, auch - und gerade - im E-Learning. E-Learning, als eine noch relativ junge, nicht völlig etablierte, aber - so stellt sich immer häufiger heraus – kostenintensive Bildungsform, muss sich immer wieder der kritischen Frage nach der Qualität stellen, zumeist assoziiert mit Lernerfolg. Vielfältige Instrumente, um die Qualität zu überprüfen oder zu entwickeln, begleitend oder im Nachhinein, sind bislang konzipiert worden (vgl. Ehlers/Pawlowski/Goertz 2003. Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick zum derzeitigen Stand der Dinge in Bezug auf zwei dieser Verfahrensweisen: zum einen geht es dabei um die Beurteilungen anhand von Kriterienkatalogen bzw. Checklisten und zum anderen um Evaluationsverfahren. Obwohl vielfach bereits umfassendere Managementsysteme zum Einsatz kommen, die die Qualität bei Anbietern kontinuierlich verbessern sollen, haben beide Verfahren eine steigende Bedeutung - da auch Managementverfahren immer wieder auf Kriterien oder Evaluationsverfahren zurückgreifen.

  1. Wie man Elementarteilchen entdeckt vom Zyklotron zum LHC : ein Streifzug durch die Welt der Teilchenbeschleuniger

    CERN Document Server

    Freytag, Carl


    Dieses Buch erklärt die physikalischen Grundlagen und die Technologien der Elementarteilchenforschung und beschreibt allgemeinverständlich Teilchenbeschleuniger und -detektoren sowie ihr Zusammenspiel. An einigen Meilensteinen der Forschung – von der Erzeugung von Transuranen über die Entdeckung exotischer Mesonen bis zum Higgs-Boson – zeigen die Autoren den Weg von der Theorie über das Experiment zum Forschungsergebnis auf. Gravitonen, Higgs-Teilchen, Neutrinos und Quarks – das Interesse an den kleinsten uns bekannten Teilchen ist seit Jahrzehnten ungebrochen und rückt damit auch die Laboratorien in den Blick, die an die Grenzen der Physik vorstoßen: Neben dem größten Experimentierfeld, das wir haben – dem Universum selbst - sind es die gigantischen Maschinen der Elementarteilchenphysik in Großforschungseinrichtungen wie dem CERN und dem DESY. Mit ihnen versuchen Forscher weltweit unter Einsatz extrem hoher Energien Zustände zu simulieren, wie sie zum Beginn unseres Universums kurz nach d...

  2. [Karin Hallas. Das Tallinner Mietshaus. Vom Historismus bis zum Jugendstil] / Paul Kaegbein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaegbein, Paul


    Arvustus: Karin Hallas. Das Tallinner Mietshaus. Vom Historismus bis zum Jugendstil. In: Architektur und bildende Kunst im Baltikum um 1900. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Wien: Lang 1999. S. 173-192.

  3. Simulation, optimization, and heuristic in practical application: requirements, state of the art, and development perspectives; Simulation, Optimierung und Heuristik in der praktischen Anwendung: Anforderungen, Stand und Entwicklungsperspektiven

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toelle, F.J.


    Process Simulation is routine in chemical engineering and process analysis. This article traces the early developments of process simulation of flowsheeting. Dramatically new expectations and visions are emerging for software tools used in chemical process modeling and simulation. Many companies anticipate a rapid migration of process modeling software to an open architecture. The software components exploit object-oriented pragmatics, including abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. We discuss the software architecture of tools supporting process synthesis and operations optimization. (orig.) [Deutsch] Als Simulation bezeichnen wir ein experimentelles Vorgehen, bei dem wir bestimmte Eigenschaften eines tatsaechlichen oder auch gedachten technischen, wirtschaftlichen, biologischen Systems nicht am Original selbst, sondern ersatzweise an einem geeigneten Modell des Originals, dem sogenannten Simulator, untersuchen. Bezogen auf die Prozess- und Verfahrenstechnik sind dies primaer funktionelle und systemdynamische Eigenschaften, wie zum Beispiel ein Kraftwerksblock, den wir moeglichst genau dem Original nachbilden. Dabei werden nur jene Aspekte des realen Verhaltens nachgebildet, die vom Modellierer als notwendig erachtet werden. Ein guter Simulator liefert in der Regel eine bequeme und umfassende, zeit- und kostenguenstige, gelegentlich sogar einzige praktikable Moeglichkeit zum Studium aller Betriebszustaende und Eigenschaften des Originals. (orig.)

  4. Potencjał zastosowania psychodramy we wczesnej interwencji – studium przypadku

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dorota Prysak


    Full Text Available Wczesna interwencja coraz częściej jest przedmiotem interdyscyplinarnych rozważań dotyczących opieki nad dzieckiem już od pierwszych chwil jego życia. Im wcześniej zostaną podjęte działania przeciwko zagrożeniu niepełnosprawnością, tym większe jest prawdopodobieństwo pełnej skuteczności udzielanej pomocy. Jednym z głównych założeń wczesnej interwencji jest możliwie najszybsze wykrycie zagrożeń rozwojowych. W opracowaniu zwrócono uwagę na okoliczności utrudniające prawidłowy rozwój dziecka i przedstawiono je na podstawie studium przypadku. Choć istnieje wiele metod pomocnych w codziennej praktyce pedagoga specjalnego, wykorzystanie metody psychodramy daje możliwość uchwycenia momentu, gdy należałoby podjąć działania profilaktyczne. Wiedza pedagoga specjalnego w połączeniu z psychodramą pozwala na spojrzenie w przyszłość danego dziecka i zaplanowanie takich działań, które będą najlepsze dla jego rozwoju. Tylko bardzo wczesne wsparcie dziecka zagrożonego niepełnosprawnością i jego rodziny, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rodziców, umożliwia prawidłowy rozwój dziecka we wszystkich sferach.

  5. Prokofieff: Kantate zum 20. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution, Op.74, Neeme Järvi / Joachim Salau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salau, Joachim


    Uuest heliplaadist "Prokofieff: Kantate zum 20. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution, Op.74, Auszüge aus Das Märchen von der steinernen Blume. Gennadij Roshdestwenskij (Sprecher), Philharmonia Chorus, Philharmonia Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. Chandos/Koch CD 9095

  6. Kurz zum Klima: Zu viel Salz verdirbt den Boden


    Zimmer, Markus; Lippelt, Jana; Frank, Jonas


    Der zunehmende Einsatz von Anlagen zur Bewässerung sowie mangelnde Erfahrungswerte und Unkenntnis über den richtigen Einsatz der künstlichen Bewässerung haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einer massiven Zunahme der Versalzung des Bodens geführt. Durch diese Bodenversalzung werden weite Flächen für die Landwirtschaft unbrauchbar. Sie sind nur durch hohen Aufwand und Kosten wieder renaturierbar. Der Beitrag in der Reihe »Kurz zum Klima« gibt einen Überblick über die Versalzung in Anbaugebiet...

  7. Pädagogik als Kulturwissenschaft. Programmatische Überlegungen zum Status der Allgemeinen Erziehungswissenschaft


    Wimmer, Michael


    Ausgehend von einer schlaglichtartigen Charakterisierung gegenwärtiger Transformationsprozesse, die nicht nur zu grundlegenden Wandlungen in den gesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen und im kulturellen Selbstverständnis geführt haben, sondern auch die Prämissen ihrer begrifflichen Identifizierbarkeit und einer reflexiven Selbstvergewisserung erschüttern, wird die interne Situation der Erziehungswissenschaft skizziert, die sich ebenfalls dilemmatisch darstellt. Denn zum einen haben neuere Theorieen...

  8. Familiengründung bei Medizinerinnen und Medizinern bereits im Studium? Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie zur Familienfreundlichkeit im Studium der Humanmedizin an der Universität Ulm [Starting a family during medical studies? Results of a pilot study on family friendliness in the study of medicine at the University of Ulm

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    Liebhardt, Hubert


    Full Text Available [english] Objective: The Ulm pilot study aimed to explore factors for a successful combination of medical education and starting a family. The empirical data derived from this study constitutes the foundation for an evidence-based reform of the medical curriculum in Ulm.Methods: In 2009, qualitative interviews with 37 of the 79 medical students with children at University of Ulm were conducted and analyzed using content analysis. The detected problem areas were used to develop a quantitative questionnaire for studying parents and academic teaching members in medical education in Ulm. Results: The parents were older, more often married and more likely to already have obtained a first training. One third of the students thought there was no ideal time to start a family during the years of medical education or specialist training. However, the majority of the students (61% were convinced that parenthood is more compatible with medical studies than with specialist training. The interview data suggests that the end of medical school (4 to 6 year of studies, preferably during semester break, is especially suitable for child birth since it allows students to continue their studies without ‘losing time’.Conclusion: The biography and career of studying parents in medicine have specific characteristics. Universities and teaching hospitals are required to no longer leave the compatibility of family and study responsibilities to the students themselves. Rather, flexible structures need to be implemented that enable students to start a family while continuing their education. This means providing more childcare and greater support regarding academic counselling and career development.[german] Zielsetzung: Die Ulmer Studie zur Familienfreundlichkeit des Medizinstudiums ermittelte Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Kombination von Medizinstudium und Familie. Sie zeigt, inwieweit das Studium als richtiger Zeitpunkt für eine Familiengründung geeignet ist. Die

  9. Practical experience with biodegradable biomass waste bags in several different German composting plants; Praxiserfahrungen zum Abbau kompostierbarer Bioabfallsaecke auf verschiedenen Kompostierungsanlagen in Deutschland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ziermann, Andreas; Schmidt, Bettina [C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V., Straubing (Germany)


    The study intended to find out how fast biodegradable biomass waste bags are degraded in practical conditions in composting and fermentation plants. The plants differ with regard to the processes employed; further, rotting times may be much shorter in practice than the twelve weeks requested by DIN EN 13432 and DIN EN 14995. For the study, plant types were selected that are practically relevant for biomass waste utilisation in Germany. (orig.) [German] Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, herauszufinden, wie schnell kompostierbare Bioabfallsaecke unter Praxisbedingungen in verschiedenen Kompost- und Vergaerungsanlagentypen abgebaut werden. Zum einen bestehen teilweise grosse verfahrenstechnische Unterschiede zwischen den Anlagentypen, zum anderen sind die Rottezeiten in der Praxis zum Teil wesentlich kuerzer, als die in der DIN EN 13432 und DIN EN 14995 geforderten zwoelf Wochen. Fuer die Studie wurden Anlagentypen ausgewaehlt, die fuer die Verwertung von Bioabfaellen in Deutschland praxisrelevant sind. (orig.)

  10. Success in the protection of the ozone layer is at risk. An interview concerning the German view on CFC- and H-CFC-phaseout all over the world; Bisherige Erfolge zum Schutz der Ozonschicht sind gefaehrdet. Ein Fachgespraech ueber die deutsche Meinung zum FCKW- und H-FCKW-Phaseout ueberall in der Welt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kraus, H.W.; Weissenborn, P.


    This article repeats an interview with the commissioner of international measures for the protection of the ozone layer of the Federal Ministry of the Environment which took place in the run-up to the 7th conference of the signatory states of the Montreal Protocol. (BWI) [Deutsch] Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt ein Interview wieder, das mit dem Beauftragten fuer internationale Massnahmen zum Schutz der Ozonschicht beim Bundesumweltministerium im Vorfeld der 7. Konferenz der Vertragsstaaten zum Montrealer Protokoll gefuehrt wurde. (BWI)

  11. E-Portfolios, ‹eine Möglichkeit, viel für sich selbst zu lernen›. Der Einsatz von E-Portfolios als Reflexionsinstrument am Beispiel der Viadrina PeerTutoring-Ausbildung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefanie Vogler-Lipp


    Full Text Available Das Reflektieren und Verstehen des eigenen Lernprozesses gehört zu den studienrelevanten Fertigkeiten, die erlernt und während eines erfolgreichen Studiums vertieft werden sollten. Seit 2012 wird im Rahmen der Viadrina PeerTutoring-Ausbildung an der Europa-Universität Viadrina auf den Ausbau und die Weiterentwicklung der Reflexionskompetenzen sehr viel Wert gelegt. Im Folgenden werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zusammengefasst und erläutert, wie gutes Reflektieren angeleitet wird. Die Studierenden reflektieren ihre Lernprozesse in E-Portfolios. Um das komplexe Zusammenspiel einer guten Anleitung zum Reflektieren, den tatsächlichen Ergebnissen in den E-Portfolios und den Eindrücken der Mitarbeiter/innen am Zentrum für Schlüsselkompetenzen und Forschendes Lernen nachvollziehen zu können, werden am Ende einzelne Auszüge aus den E-Portfolios vorgestellt und für den Einsatz von E-Portfolio als Reflexionsinstrument plädiert.

  12. Genetische Veränderungen an primären Prostatakarzinom-Biopsien in Korrelation zum klinischen Verlauf

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Steiner T


    Full Text Available Die der Entstehung des Prostatakarzinoms zugrundeliegenden bzw. mit einem Progreß vergesellschafteten genetischen Veränderungen sind noch weitgehend unbekannt. Ziel der vorliegenden retrospektiven Untersuchung war die Erfassung genetischer Aberrationen an paraffineigebettetem Material primärer Prostatakarzinom-Biopsien und die Korrelation der Daten zum klinischen Verlauf. In 28 karzinomtragenden primären Prostatabiopsien wurden die Tumorareale gekennzeichnet. Nach Dissektion der Tumorzellen wurden die Proben mittels "comparative genomic hybridization" (CGH analysiert. Daten zum klinischen Verlauf der Patienten wurden erfaßt. Die mittlere Nachbeobachtungszeit betrug 36 Monate, alle Patienten wurden hormonablativ behandelt. 11 Patienten (39 % wiesen unter laufender Therapie einen Tumorprogreß auf. In 25 (88 % der 28 untersuchten Tumorareale konnten genetische Aberrationen detektiert werden, im Mittel fanden wir 4,8 Aberrationen je Tumor. Das Verhältnis Verlust / Zugewinn betrug 1,3 / 1. Folgende chromosomale Veränderungen wurden häufig festgestellt: Verluste von 6q in 40 %; von 8p in 32 %; von 16q in 21 %; von 18q in 21 %; Zugewinne von 8q in 32 %; von 17 in 43 %. In Korrelation zum klinischen Verlauf fand sich ein Zugewinn von 8q signifikant häufiger bei Patienten, welche im Beobachtungszeitraum einen Tumorprogreß entwickelten (64 % vs. 12 %; p = 0,0001. In der primären Tumorbiopsie waren bei progredienten Patienten im Mittel 5,3, bei Patienten ohne Tumorprogreß 3,8 Aberrationen je Tumor nachzuweisen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Veränderungen der Chromosomen 6q, 8, 16q, 17 und 18q regelmäßig beim Prostatakarzinom auftreten. Karzinome mit klinisch ungünstigem Verlauf weisen bereits in der primären Biopsie eine hohe genetische Instabilität auf.

  13. Procedure guideline for radioiodine test. Version; Verfahrensanweisung zum Radioiodtest. Version 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dietlein, M.; Dressler, J.; Leisner, B.; Reiners, C.; Schicha, H. [Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Nuklearmedizin (DGN) (Germany); Eschner, W.; Lassmann, M. [Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Nuklearmedizin (DGN) (Germany); Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizinische Physik (DGMP) (Germany)


    The version 2 of the procedure guideline for radioiodine test is an update of the guideline published in 1999. The following statements were added or modified: The procedure guideline discusses the pros and cons of a single measurement or of repeated measurements of the iodine-131 uptake and their optimal timing. Different formulas are described when one, two or three values of the radioiodine kinetic are available. The probe with a sodium iodide crystal, alternative or additionally the gamma-camera using the ROI-technique are instrumentations for the measurement of iodine-131 uptake. A possible source of error is an inappropriate measurement (sonography) of the target volume. The patients' preparation includes the withdrawal of antithyroid drugs 2-3 days before radioiodine administration. The patient has to avoid iodine-containing medication and the possibility of additives of iodide in vitamin- or electrolyte-supplementation has to be considered. (orig.) [German] Mit der Version 2 der Verfahrensanweisung zum Radioiodtest wird die in 1999 publizierte Verfahrensanweisung aktualisiert. Ergaenzungen und Modifikationen betreffen die notwendige Anzahl und die Zeitintervalle der Iod-131-Uptake-Messungen. Diskutiert werden die Argumente fuer die ein- oder mehrmalige Uptake-Messung. Berechnungsformeln fuer ein, zwei und drei Messpunkte werden angegeben. Als Messgeraete koennen die Uptake-Messsonde, alternativ oder zusaetzlich die Gammakamera mit ROI-Technik zum Einsatz kommen. Fehler bei der Volumetrie (Sonographie) des Zielvolumens gehen unmittelbar in die Berechnung der Therapieaktivitaet ein. Zur Vorbereitung der Patienten wird ein Absetzen der thyreostatischen Medikation 2 bis 3 Tage vor dem Radioiodtest empfohlen. Moeglich Iod(id) zusaetze in Multivitamin- und Spurenelementkombinationen sollten bedacht werden. (orig.)

  14. Acquisition of HPLC-Mass Spectrometer (United States)


    31-Jan-2015 Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited Final Report: Acquisition of HPLC -Mass Spectrometer The views, opinions and/or findings...published in peer-reviewed journals: Final Report: Acquisition of HPLC -Mass Spectrometer Report Title The acquisition of the mass spectrometer has been a

  15. Gerthsen Physik

    CERN Document Server


    Auf mehr als 1000 Seiten findet man von der Kinematik des Massenpunktes über die Quantenchromodynamik, die Fullerene, die Halbleiterlaser, die Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter bis hin zum Chaos im Kochtopf praktisch alles, was Physik heute ausmacht. ... In diesem sehr weit gespannten Bogen nimmt der Gerthsen den Platz eines echten, ja eigentlich des einzigen Kompendiums der Physik ein. Kein Physiker kommt heute noch ohne dieses Werk aus. (Physikalische Blätter) Für die Studierenden der Physik im Haupt- und Nebenfach ist der Gerthsen ein unverzichtbarer und kompetenter Begleiter durch das gesamte Studium, das jetzt in der Neuauflage noch preisgünstiger zu erwerben ist. Nahezu alle Studierenden beginnen mit dem Klassiker Gerthsen. Sämtliche Gebiete der Physik werden ausführlich und gut verständlich dargestellt. Das Buch stellt alle klassischen Themen vor - Mechanik, Wärmelehre, Elektrodynamik, Optik. Darauf aufbauende Themen der klassischen Physik wie die Nichtlineare Dynamik und die Relativitätstheorie sin...

  16. The environmental and radionuclide laboratory at VKTA Rossendorf; Das Labor fuer Umwelt- und Radionuklidanalytik im VKTA Rossendorf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koehler, M.; Knappik, R.; Gleisberg, B.; Schaefer, I.; Boden, W.; Bothe, M. [Verein fuer Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytik Rossendorf e.V. (VKTA), Dresden (Germany)


    The VKTA provides environmental and radionuclide analyses for remediation and waste management tasks at the Rossendorf research site and for commercial clients as well. The analyses, the correlated valuations and calculations were used for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, for the remediation of contaminated mining sites and for environmental investigations. The Laboratory for Environmental and Radionuclide Analytics is able to handle and analyse artificial and natural radionuclides in the range from 10{sup -3} Bq until 10{sup 9} Bq. Besides the used activity measurement techniques ({alpha}-particle and {gamma}-ray spectrometry, {beta}-counting), which were also applied after radiochemical separations, mass-spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma provides analytical results for long-lived radionuclides and isotopic ratios very effective. The capability of the laboratory is demonstrated by selected applications. (orig.) [German] Der VKTA fuehrt im Rahmen seiner Rueckbau- und Entsorgungsaufgaben am Forschungsstandort Rossendorf und fuer externe Auftraggeber Umwelt- und Radionuklidanalysen als komplexe Dienstleistung durch. Die Analysen und die damit in Zusammenhang stehenden Bewertungen und Modellrechnungen finden beim Rueckbau kerntechnischer Anlagen, bei der Sanierung von Uranbergbau-Altlasten und im Umweltbereich Verwendung. Im Labor fuer Umwelt- und Radionuklidanalytik werden Proben mit kuenstlichen und natuerlichen Radionukliden im typischen Aktivitaetsbereich von 10{sup -3} Bq bis 10{sup 9} Bq bearbeitet und analysiert. Neben den Aktivitaetsmessverfahren ({alpha}-, {beta}-, {gamma}-Spektrometrie), die auch nach radiochemischen Trennungen eingesetzt werden, kommen massenspektrometrische Verfahren bei der Analyse langlebiger Radionuklide bzw. Isotopenverhaeltnisse zum Einsatz. Das Leistungsspektrum des Labors wird durch ausgewaehlte Applikationen belegt. (orig.)

  17. Sensitive detectors in HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Detection of sample components in HPLC is difficult for many reasons; the key difficulty is the mobile phase which usually has properties similar to the solute. A variety of detectors have been developed for use in HPLC based on one of the above approaches; however, the search is still continuing for an ideal or universal detector. A universal detector should have the following characteristics: (1) responds to all solutes or has predictable specificity; (2) high detectability and the same predictable response; (3) fast response; (4) wide range of linearity; (5) unaffected by changes in temperature and mobile-phase flow; (6) responds independently of the mobile phase; (7) makes no contribution to extracolumn band broadening; (8) reliable and convenient to use; (9) nondestructive to the solute; (10) provides qualitative information on the detected peak. Unfortunately, no available HPLC detector possesses all these properties. 145 refs

  18. HPLC: Early and Recent Perspectives. (United States)

    Karger, Barry L.


    Provides a perspective on what it was like in the early days of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and several of the key developments. Focuses on the advances in HPLC generally, and more specifically for the biological sciences, that were necessary for the method to reach the preeminent stage of today. Contains 20 references. (JRH)

  19. Comparative HPLC/ESI-MS and HPLC/DAD study of different populations of cultivated, wild and commercial Gentiana lutea L. (United States)

    Mustafa, Ahmed M; Caprioli, Giovanni; Ricciutelli, Massimo; Maggi, Filippo; Marín, Rosa; Vittori, Sauro; Sagratini, Gianni


    The root of Gentiana lutea L., famous for its bitter properties, is often used in alcoholic bitter beverages, food products and traditional medicine to stimulate the appetite and improve digestion. This study presents a new, fast, and accurate HPLC method using HPLC/ESI-MS and HPLC/DAD for simultaneous analysis of iridoids (loganic acid), secoiridoids (gentiopicroside, sweroside, swertiamarin, amarogentin) and xanthones (isogentisin) in different populations of G.lutea L., cultivated in the Monti Sibillini National Park, obtained wild there, or purchased commercially. Comparison of HPLC/ESI-MS and HPLC/DAD indicated that HPLC/ESI-MS is more sensitive, reliable and selective. Analysis of twenty samples showed that gentiopicroside is the most dominant compound (1.85-3.97%), followed by loganic acid (0.11-1.30%), isogentisin (0.03-0.48%), sweroside (0.05-0.35%), swertiamarin (0.08-0.30%), and amarogentin (0.01-0.07%). The results confirmed the high quality of the G.lutea cultivated in the Monti Sibillini National Park. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Zum Erleben von Thrills und anderen starken emotionalen Reaktionen beim Musikhören


    Schönberger, Jörg


    Obwohl unbestritten ist, dass Musik in der Lage ist, starke emotionale Reaktionen auszulösen, hat sich die Musikpsychologie wenig mit den Emotionen beschäftigt, die Menschen beim Musikhören erleben. Zwei mögliche Zugänge zum Erfassen solch starker emotionaler Reaktionen sind die Ansätze von John A. Sloboda und Alf Gabrielsson. Sloboda nutzt für seinen Ansatz das Phänomen der "Thrills" — physiologische Begleiterscheinungen starker emotionaler Reaktionen wie z.B. Gänsehaut, Schauer, die ü...

  1. Zum Entwicklungsstand und zu Entwicklungsproblemen unserer Jugend - 1987 : Forschungsergebnisse - Beobachtungen - Überlegungen in 10 Thesen


    Friedrich, Walter


    Dieser Bericht gibt in zehn Thesen einen Überblick über Forschungsergebnisse, Beobachtungen und Überlegungen zum Entwicklungsstand der DDR-Jugend im Jahre 1987. Diese sei "in ihrer großen Mehrheit durch ein hohes Niveau ihrer sozialistischen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung charakterisiert". Kritisiert wird die Rolle der FDJ, die die Interessenvertretung der Jugend nicht ausreichend wahrnehme. Weiterhin nehme die Rezeption westlicher Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen immer mehr zu, jedoch sei es verbo...

  2. Literatuuronderzoek HPLC-methoden voor vitamine E


    Altena, A.; Hollman, P.C.H.


    Doel van dit onderzoek is: het inventariseren van HPLC-methoden voor vitamine E, eventueel in combinatie met vitamine A, in levensmiddelen. Een overzicht van de in de literatuur beschreven HPLC-methoden vanaf ca. 1977 wordt gegeven.

  3. Re-purification of labelled ferritin antigen with HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Haoyi; Jin Lichun


    Objective: To improve the quality of long-term stored labelled ferritin antigen with HPLC. Methods: The antigen was analyzed and purified with HPLC and again analyzed with RIA afterwards. Results: Ferritin antigen underwent significant polymerization after long-term (aggregation) storage. After re-purification with HPLC, its immuno-activity and labelled specific radioactivity were both significantly improved. Conclusion: Quality of stored ferritin RIA kit could be greatly improved after re-purification with HPLC

  4. HPLC for quality control of polyimides (United States)

    Young, P. R.; Sykes, G. F.


    High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) as a quality control tool for polyimide resins and prepregs are presented. A data base to help establish accept/reject criteria for these materials was developed. This work is intended to supplement, not replace, standard quality control tests normally conducted on incoming resins and prepregs. To help achieve these objectives, the HPLC separation of LARC-160 polyimide precursor resin was characterized. Room temperature resin aging effects were studied. Graphite reinforced composites made from fresh and aged resin were fabricated and tested to determine if changes observed by HPLC were significant.

  5. Kino filmų titrai kaip kalbų mokymosi priemonė. Untertitel als Mittel zum Fremdsprachenerwerb

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alina Baravykaitė


    Full Text Available Das in den letzten Jahren spürbare Bestreben der litauischen Gesetzgeber, Untertitelung von Fernsehfilmen zwecks Fremdsprachenerwerb gesetzlich anzuordnen, löste eine Auseinandersetzung in der Öffentlichkeit aus, die sich in der Presse sowie im Internet widerspiegelt und als Anstoß zum vorliegenden Beitrag dient. Diese Arbeit stellt den Versuch dar, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Untertitelung als eines Mittels zum Fremdsprachenerwerb zu untersuchen. Auf Grund der fehlenden wissenschaftlichen Forschungen in diesem Bereich sollen dabei empirische Betrachtungen und die vergleichende Textanalyse von Original und Übersetzung als Hilfe dienen. Auch wenn die Relevanz der Untertitelung für den Fremdsprachenerwerb nicht bestreitbar ist, ist sie aber zugleich nicht zu überschätzen: Durch die lediglich für diese Form der audiovisuellen Übersetzung charakteristischen Merkmale (kurze Einblendezeit, kondensierte Sprache und begrenzte Übertragungsmöglichkeiten von Realia-Begriffen, Phraseologismen, Intertextualismen, dem Wortspiel etc. bleiben dem Zuschauer oft sprachliche Stilmittel vorenthalten und der in allen Übersetzungsbereichen vorkommende unausweichliche Sinn- und Wirkungsverlust des Originals wird erheblich verstärkt. Anbetracht der erwähnten Aspekte und der häufigen fehlerhaften Übersetzungen sollen Untertitel nur als Hilfsmittel beim Fremdsprachenerwerb angewendet werden, wobei herkömmliche Lehr- und Lernstrategien von Fremdsprachen in den Vordergrund treten müssen.

  6. [Development of Tianma HPLC fingerprint and discriminant analysis]. (United States)

    Xiao, Jia-Jia; Huang, Hong; Lei, You-Cheng; Lin, Ting-Wen; Ma, Yue; Zhang, Jing; Zhang, Xing-Guo; Zhang, Da-Quan; Lv, Guang-Hua


    Tianma(the tuber of Gastrodia eleta) is a widely used and pricy Chinese herb. Its counterfeits are often found in herbal markets, which are the plant materials with similar macroscopic characteristics of Tianma. Moreover, the prices of Winter Tianma(cultivated Tianma) and Spring Tianma(mostly wild Tianma) have significant difference. However, it is difficult to identify the true or false, good or bad quality of Tianma samples. Thus, a total of 48 Tianma samples with different characteristics(including Winter Tianma, Spring Tianma, slice, powder, etc.) and 9 plant species 10 samples of Tianma counterfeits were collected and analyzed by HPLC-DAD-MS techniques. After optimizing the procedure of sample preparation, chromatographic and mass-spectral conditions, the HPLC chromatograms of all those samples were collected and compared. The similarities and Fisher discriminant analysis were further conducted between the HPLC chromatograms of Tianma and counterfeit, Winter Tianma and Spring Tianma. The results showed the HPLC chromatograms of 48 Tianma samples were similar at the correlation coefficient more than 0.848(n=48). Their mean chromatogram was simulated and used as Tianma HPLC fingerprint. There were 11 common peaks on the HPLC chromatograms of Tianma, in which 6 main peaks were chosen as characteristic peaks and identified as gastrodin, p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, parishin A, parishin B, parishin C, parishin E, respectively by comparison of the retention time, UV and MS data with those of standard chemical compounds. All the six chemical compounds are bioactive in Tianma. However, the HPLC chromatograms of the 10 counterfeit samples were significantly different from Tianma fingerprint. The correlation coefficients between HPLC fingerprints of Tianma with the HPLC chromatograms of counterfeits were less than 0.042 and the characteristic peaks were not observed on the HPLC chromatograms of these counterfeit samples. It indicated the true or false Tianma can be

  7. HPLC ‘Multi-Analyte’ Detection Method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dudar, E. [Plant Protection & Soil Conservation Service of Budapest, Budapest (Hungary)


    The application of multi-analyte methods for pesticides carrying chromophoric structures by HPLC is described. Details are given on the materials and methods used. Recorded UV spectra of active substances are presented for allowing the verification of purity and the confirmation of substances eluting from the HPLC column. (author)

  8. Keim, Karl-Dieter, Das Fenster zum Raum : Traktat über die Erforschung sozialräumlicher Transformation / [rezensiert von] Helmut Klüter


    Klüter, Helmut


    Rezensiertes Werk: Keim, Karl-Dieter: Das Fenster zum Raum : Traktat über die Erforschung sozialräumlicher Transformation / Karl-Dieter Keim. - Opladen : Leske + Budrich, 2003. - 171 S. : graph. Darst. - (Lehrtexte : Sozialwissenschaften) ISBN 3-8100-4050-9

  9. Expermental Studies of quantitative evaluation using HPLC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ki Rok Kwon


    Full Text Available Methods : This study was conducted to carry out quantitative evaluation using HPLC Content analysis was done using HPLC Results : According to HPLC analysis, each BVA-1 contained approximately 0.36㎍ melittin, and BVA-2 contained approximately 0.54㎍ melittin. But the volume of coating was so minute, slight difference exists between each needle. Conclusion : Above results indicate that the bee venom acupuncture can complement shortcomings of syringe usage as a part of Oriental medicine treatment, but extensive researches should be done for further verification.

  10. Sensitive measurement of positron emitters eluted from HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takei, Makoto; Kida, Takayo; Suzuki, Kazutoshi


    For sensitive analysis of the radioactive-metabolite in human PET, a radio-HPLC system coupled to a newly designed positron detector was constructed. The detector had the advantages of low noise level (1.7±1.0 cpm) and high sensitivity (32±1%) due to coincidence counting and large BGO crystals. Furthermore, the detector was easy to move, since a pair of the BGO housings coupled to photomultipliers was effectively arranged in parallel and a HPLC cell with different volume could be inserted between the BGO housing. This radio-HPLC system was useful for analyzing samples with low radioactivity. It was applied to the measurement of [ 11 C]FLB457 in plasma, having high affinity and high selectivity with dopamine D2 receptors. Extremely low radioactivity of [ 11 C]FLB457 (2500 dpm) could be analyzed by using the radio-HPLC system. The performance of this detector was compared with those of commercially available systems that had been used as sensitive detectors for HPLC

  11. HPLC-ESR techniques for detection of complex trapped radicals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tu Tiecheng; Dong Jirong; Lin Nianyun; Xie Leidong; Liu Rengzhong


    High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ESR combined examination of radical species is an advanced techniques for separation and identification of complex radical species. At SRCL, Waters 990 HPLC has been used to separate the complex trapped radicals and Varian E-112 ESR spectrometer to record the spectra of single trapped radicals after HPLC separation. The advantages of the combined techniques are described as bellow: HPLC is used to separate the long-lived complex trapped radicals derived from reaction of short-lived radicals with spin trap. ESR spectra from single trapped radicals, obtained following HPLC separation of complex trapped radicals, are recorded one by one and well resolved. The structures of short-lived radicals can be inferred from the ESR spectra of the long-lived trapped radicals

  12. Firewall systems for protection of data communication in power stations; Firewall-Systeme zum Schutz der Datenkommunikation in Kraftwerken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoenfeld, P [Siemens AG KWU (Germany)


    Networking of power plant computer systems is becoming increasingly common. Furthermore, instrumentation and control systems are being connected with general power plant networks to make process information available to administrative personnel. This increases the risk of accidental or intentional access from outside the system (e.g. by hackers). Firewall systems are used to prevent such outside access. A firewall is the sole gateway between two networks which are to be kept separate, and is used to filter and control access to the protected network. Cryptography and personal chip cards are also used to provide additional protection. (orig.) [Deutsch] Rechnersysteme im Kraftwerk werden heute mehr und mehr vernetzt. Auch werden Rechnersysteme zum Messen, Steuern und Regeln (sogenannte Instrumentation and Control Systems) mit allgemeinen Kraftwerksnetzen verbunden, um Prozessinformationen auch in der Verwaltung zugaenglich zu machen. Damit waechst die Gefahr von zufaelligen oder beabsichtigten Eingriffen von aussen (z.B. Hacker). Zum Schutz vor solchen Eingriffen von aussen werden sogenannte Firewall-Systeme eingesetzt. Ein Firewall ist der alleinige Uebergang zwischen zwei zu trennenden Netzen und dient zur Filterung und Kontrolle der Zugriffe auf ein zu schuetzendes Netz. Ergaenzende Schutzmassnahmen sind der Einsatz kryptographischer Verfahren, sowie persoenlicher Chipkarten. (orig.)

  13. Firewall systems for protection of data communication in power stations; Firewall-Systeme zum Schutz der Datenkommunikation in Kraftwerken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoenfeld, P. [Siemens AG KWU (Germany)


    Networking of power plant computer systems is becoming increasingly common. Furthermore, instrumentation and control systems are being connected with general power plant networks to make process information available to administrative personnel. This increases the risk of accidental or intentional access from outside the system (e.g. by hackers). Firewall systems are used to prevent such outside access. A firewall is the sole gateway between two networks which are to be kept separate, and is used to filter and control access to the protected network. Cryptography and personal chip cards are also used to provide additional protection. (orig.) [Deutsch] Rechnersysteme im Kraftwerk werden heute mehr und mehr vernetzt. Auch werden Rechnersysteme zum Messen, Steuern und Regeln (sogenannte Instrumentation and Control Systems) mit allgemeinen Kraftwerksnetzen verbunden, um Prozessinformationen auch in der Verwaltung zugaenglich zu machen. Damit waechst die Gefahr von zufaelligen oder beabsichtigten Eingriffen von aussen (z.B. Hacker). Zum Schutz vor solchen Eingriffen von aussen werden sogenannte Firewall-Systeme eingesetzt. Ein Firewall ist der alleinige Uebergang zwischen zwei zu trennenden Netzen und dient zur Filterung und Kontrolle der Zugriffe auf ein zu schuetzendes Netz. Ergaenzende Schutzmassnahmen sind der Einsatz kryptographischer Verfahren, sowie persoenlicher Chipkarten. (orig.)

  14. Budke, Alexandra; Kanwischer, Detlef; Pott, Andreas (Hg.), Internetgeographien : Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Internet, Raum und Gesellschaft / [rezensiert von] Helmut Klüter


    Klüter, Helmut


    Rezensiertes Werk: Internetgeographien : Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Internet, Raum und Gesellschaft / hrsg. von Alexandra Budke ... - Stuttgart : Steiner, 2004. - 192 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt. - (Erdkundliches Wissen ; 136) ISBN 3-515-08506-8

  15. Chemical fingerprinting and quantitative analysis of a Panax notoginseng preparation using HPLC-UV and HPLC-MS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shao Qing


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Xuesaitong (XST injection, consisting of total saponins from Panax notoginseng, was widely used for the treatment of cardio- and cerebro-vascular diseases in China. This study develops a simple and global quality evaluation method for the quality control of XST. Methods High performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV was used to identify and quantify the chromatographic fingerprints of the XST injection. Characteristic common peaks were identified using HPLC with photo diode array detection/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-PDA/ESI-MSn. Results Representative fingerprints from ten batches of samples showed 27 'common saponins' all of which were identified and quantified using ten reference saponins. Conclusion Chemical fingerprinting and quantitative analysis identified most of the common saponins for the quality control of P. notoginseng products such as the XST injection.

  16. KidSmart - Medienkompetent zum Schulübergang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anita Müller


    Full Text Available In Deutschland zeichnet sich bereits vor Schuleintritt im Bereich der literarischen und medialen Sozialisation eine Bildungsbenachteiligung ab. Vor allem Kinder aus bildungsfernen Milieus und mit Migrationshintergrund sind hiervon betroffen (vgl. Becker/Lauterbach 2004; Diefenbach 2007; Rabe-Kleberg 2010. An dieser Einsicht knüpft das Forschungs- und Interventionsprojekt KidSmart – Medienkompetent zum Schulübergang an. Medienpädagogische Arbeit steht hier im Kontext der Vorbereitung auf den Schulübergang. Durch kreative Medienarbeit soll ein Gegengewicht zur eher passiven Mediennutzung geschaffen werden. Ziel ist es Bildungsunterschiede von Kindern bereits vor Schulbeginn auszugleichen.Already before starting school educational disadvantages in the part of reading and media socialization can be identified within Germany. Generally affected are children of less educated families and children with migration background (Becker/Lauterbach 2004; Diefenbach 2007; Rabe-Kleberg 2010. Therefore, an exceptional intervention and research project KidSmart – media competence by entering school was initiated in the area of early childhood education. Within this project media-pedagogical work is corresponding with preparation of entering school. The intention is to create a counterbalance to passive media use by creative media work. The scope of the project is to fight against early educational disadvantages.

  17. Methods and applications of HPLC-AMS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buchholz, Bruce A.; Dueker, Stephen R.; Lin, Yumei; Clifford, Andrew J.; Vogel, John S.


    Pharmacokinetics of physiologic doses of nutrients, pesticides, and herbicides can easily be traced in humans using a 14 C-labeled compound. Basic kinetics can be monitored in blood or urine by measuring the elevation in the 14 C content above the control predose tissue and converting to equivalents of the parent compound. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is an excellent method for the chemical separation of complex mixtures whose profiles afford estimation of biochemical pathways of metabolism. Compounds elute from the HPLC systems with characteristic retention times and can be collected in fractions that can then be graphitized for AMS measurement. Unknowns are tentatively identified by co-elution with known standards and chemical tests that reveal functional groupings. Metabolites are quantified with the 14 C signal. Thoroughly accounting for the carbon inventory in the LC solvents, ion-pairing agents, samples, and carriers adds some complexity to the analysis. In most cases the total carbon inventory is dominated by carrier. Baseline background and stability need to be carefully monitored. Limits of quantitation near 10 amol of 14 C per HPLC fraction are typically achieved. Baselines are maintained by limiting injected 14 C activity <0.17 Bq (4.5 pCi) on the HPLC column

  18. Landeskundeunterricht zum Nationalsozialismus. Ein Praxisbericht aus der Mongolei

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ralf Heimrath


    Full Text Available In einer Umfrage bei den fortgeschrittenen Studierenden an der Deutschen Abteilung der Nationaluniversität der Mo n- golei wurde festgestellt, dass der Name Hitler sehr bekannt und mit e iner positiven Konnotation verbunden ist. Dagegen gab es keine Kenntnisse über die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland. Mehrere weitere Beobachtungen lassen darüber hinaus in der Mongolei und in anderen Ländern eine bestimmte Hitler - Verehrung erken nen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde im Jahr 2012 an der Deutschen Abteilung der Nationaluniversität der Mongolei eine Unterricht s- sequenz zum Thema Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland durchgeführt. Die wichtigsten Themen sind dabei die Persönlichkeit des Dikt ators, der Werdegang der NSDAP während der Weimarer Republik und das Schicksal der jüdischen Bevölkerung in Deutschland vor und insbesondere nach der Machtergreifung Hitlers. Die Sequenz dient der Relativierung des Hitler - Bildes im Bewusstsein der Studiere nden und der Vermittlung von Kenntnissen zur Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts als Grundlage einer Entwicklung, die zu zwei deutschen Staaten und ihrer späteren Vereinigung führte. Die Sequenz ist auf vergleichbare Unterrichtssituationen in anderen Ländern übertragbar.

  19. Quality Control of Selected Pesticides with HPLC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karasali, H. [Benaki Phytopathological Institute Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Analysis of Pesticides, Ekalis (Greece)


    Laboratory data obtained on two different HPLC separation columns and detection by UV and DAD under repeatability conditions are presented and discussed. The behaviour of pesticides on different HPLC columns under gradient and isocratic conditions is evaluated concerning the applicability of respective methodologies. Representative chromatograms of real formulations and “empty” formlants are given for illustration. (author)

  20. Die Darstellung Rudolf Virchows in der Vossischen Zeitung im Zeitraum vom 1. Januar 1844 bis zum 31. Dezember 1865


    Feddersen, Lars Harald


    DIE DARSTELLUNG RUDOLF VIRCHOWS IN DER VOSSISCHEN ZEITUNG IM ZEITRAUM VOM 1. JANUAR 1844 BIS ZUM 31. DEZEMBER 1865 Rudolf Virchow erforschte u.a. als Pathologe, Hygieniker, Anthropologe, Ethnologe und Prähistoriker bedeutende Grundlagen der modernen Wissenschaft. Diese vielschichtigen Tätigkeitsbereiche zeichnen ihn als einen der bedeutendsten Wissenschaftler v.a. der Medizingeschichte aus. Als Politiker engagierte sich Virchow in erster Linie im sozial- und gesellschaftspolitischen Bereich. ...

  1. Teilchen, Felder, Quanten von der Quantenmechanik zum Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik

    CERN Document Server

    Ecker, Gerhard


    Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen eine Einführung in den aktuellen Stand unseres Wissens über die Struktur der Materie. Gerhard Ecker beschreibt verständlich die Entwicklung der modernen Physik vom Beginn des Quantenzeital­ters bis zum Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik, der umfassenden Theorie der fundamentalen Wechselwir­kungen des Mikrokosmos. Dabei wird der Schwerpunkt auf die wichtigsten Entdeckungen und Entwicklungen, beispielsweise der Quantenfeldtheorie, der Eichtheorien und die Zukunft der Teilchenphysik, gelegt. Besonders hebt der Autor auch das Wechselspiel zwischen Theorie und Experiment hervor, die uns helfen, die tiefsten Rätsel der Natur zu ergründen. Teilchen, Felder, Quanten ist für alle geschrieben, die Freude an der Physik haben. Es bietet Abitu­rienten und Studierenden der Physik in den ersten Semestern einen Ansporn, die Physik tiefer zu verstehen. Lehrer und andere an der Phy­sik Interessierte werden darin nützliche Einblicke in die Welt der Teilchenphysik finden. Für Studierende in ...

  2. [Studies on HPLC-FPS of the saponins from Semen Ziziphi Spinosae]. (United States)

    Wu, He-zhen; Chen, Jing; Liu, Yan-wen


    To establish a method of HPLC-fingerprint spectrum (HPLC-FPS) for the active part in Semen Ziziphi Spinosae (SZS) in order to control the quality of SZS from different places. The gradient elution mode was applied in chromatographic separation, and data were analysed by" Similarity Evaluation software" to compare the HPLC-FPS of SZS from different places. The conditions for HPLC analysis of SZS were established and the FPS of samples from different habitats showed some differences. All components in the spectrum were separated well and the HPLC fingerprint method is repeatable. The method can be used in quality assessment of SZS.

  3. Familienfreundlichkeit im Medizinstudium in Baden-Württemberg. Ergebnisse einer landesweiten Studie [Family-friendliness in Medical Studies in Baden-Württemberg. Results of a State-wide Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niehues, Johanna


    Full Text Available [english] This paper describes the results of the study on “Family-friendliness of the Medical Studies in Baden-Württemberg” carried out in 2009-2011 by the working group “Family, Time policy and E-Learning” of the University Hospital of Ulm, supported by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg. This state-wide survey of the studying conditions and personal circumstances of medical students with children at the five medical schools in Baden-Württemberg aims to describe existing and necessary factors of family-friendliness. A total of 238 students with children participated in the quantitative online survey conducted during the summer semester 2010 which was based on topics from previous qualitative interviews with student parents.The data shows that even though founding a family while at university is usually planned, student parents are faced with significant compatibility issues, demonstrating the need for additional measures to individualise course organisation and to make the curriculum more flexible. At the same time, the need to significantly increase information and advisory services alongside the establishment of additional support services for student parents is discernable.The study contributes to the debate on the family-friendliness of universities and university hospitals and adds practice-oriented approaches to solutions.[german] Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Ergebnisse der im Zeitraum 2009-2011 durch die Arbeitsgruppe ‚Familie, Zeitpolitik und E-Learning’ des Universitätsklinikums Ulm durchgeführten, durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg geförderten Studie zum ‚Familienfreundlichen Studium in der Medizin in Baden-Württemberg’. Die landesweite Erhebung der Studien- und Lebensbedingungen Studierender mit Kind in der Humanmedizin an den fünf Medizinischen Fakultäten in Baden-Württemberg hat zum Ziel, bestehende und notwendige

  4. Applications of HPLC/MS in the analysis of traditional Chinese medicines (United States)

    Li, Miao; Hou, Xiao-Fang; Zhang, Jie; Wang, Si-Cen; Fu, Qiang; He, Lang-Chong


    In China, traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) have been used in clinical applications for thousands of years. The successful hyphenation of high-Performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS) has been applied widely in TCMs and biological samples analysis. Undoubtedly, HPLC/MS technique has facilitated the understanding of the treatment mechanism of TCMs. We reviewed more than 350 published papers within the last 5 years on HPLC/MS in the analysis of TCMs. The present review focused on the applications of HPLC/MS in the component analysis, metabolites analysis, and pharmacokinetics of TCMs etc. 50% of the literature is related to the component analysis of TCMs, which show that this field is the most populär type of research. In the metabolites analysis, HPLC coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry has been demonstrated to be the powerful tool for the characterization of structural features and fragmentation behavior patterns. This paper presented a brief overview of the applications of HPLC/MS in the analysis of TCMs. HPLC/MS in the fingerprint analysis is reviewed elsewhere. PMID:29403684

  5. Vergelijking van HPLC-methoden voor de bepaling van pentachloorfenol in houtmonsters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Goewie; C.E.; Berkhoff; C.J.


    Een vergelijkend onderzoek is verricht naar de bruikbaarheid van verschillende detectiemethoden in combinatie met HPLC voor de analyse van pentachloorfenol in hout. In het onderzoek wordt RP-HPLC met UK en amperometrische detectie beschreven, evenals NP-HPLC met elektroneninvangdetectie. In

  6. Analysis of sesquiterpene lactones, lignans, and flavonoids in wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.) using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-mass spectrometry, reversed phase HPLC, and HPLC-solid phase extraction-nuclear magnetic resonance. (United States)

    Aberham, Anita; Cicek, Serhat Sezai; Schneider, Peter; Stuppner, Hermann


    Today, the medicinal use of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is enjoying a resurgence of popularity. This study presents a specific and validated high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-diode array detection method for the simultaneous determination and quantification of bioactive compounds in wormwood and commercial preparations thereof. Five sesquiterpene lactones, two lignans, and a polymethoxylated flavonoid were baseline separated on RP-18 material, using a solvent gradient consisting of 0.085% (v/v) o-phosphoric acid and acetonitrile. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min, and chromatograms were recorded at 205 nm. The stability of absinthin was tested exposing samples to light, moisture, and different temperatures. Methanolic and aqueous solutions of absinthin were found to be stable for up to 6 months. This was also the case when the solid compound was kept in the refrigerator at -35 °C. In contrast, the colorless needles, when stored at room temperature, turned yellow. Three degradation compounds (anabsin, anabsinthin, and the new dimer 3'-hydroxyanabsinthin) were identified by HPLC-mass spectrometry and HPLC-solid-phase extraction-nuclear magnetic resonance and quantified by the established HPLC method.

  7. On-line radioactivity detector for HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kessler, M.J.


    Over the last ten years the technique of high performance liquid chromotography (HPLC) has become extensively employed for the separation and quantitation of various biological, organic, and inorganic substances. The use of HPLC for the separation of various metabolic compounds has become routine. The major problem of analyzing the metabolism process is that the quantitation is accomplished by the use of radioactive substrates. Until recently the only method to quantitate these radioactive compounds eluting from the HPLC was by collecting fractions at preset times, removing aliquots and quantitating in a liquid scintillation counter. Once the radioactivity present in each fraction was determined, the results were plotted on a graph and the area of each of the radioactive peaks was determined. This entire process required from 3-20 hours. The introduction of the flow through radioactivity detector enable the investigator to directly quantitate the radioactive peaks as they elute from the HPLC in real time and at about one-tenth the original cost of the previous methods. The detection limits of this technique are dependent on the residence time of the sample in the flow cell and the type of flow cell used for the analysis. Using a 2.5 ml liquid flow cell, (mixing with liquid scintillation solution), base line resolution can be obtained for peaks 1.5 minutes apart, and a sensitivity of 70 dpm for tritium and 30 dpm for carbon-14 can be achieved

  8. Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen. Zum vergessenen Beitrag der alten deutschen Frauenbewegung zur Wohn- und Siedlungsreform im frühen 20. Jahrhundert

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Wucherpfennig


    Full Text Available Der Wohnungs- und Städtebau der Moderne gilt weitgehend als eine „Männerdomäne”. In ihrer Schrift Die Wohnungsfrage ist Frauensache! zeigen Ulla Terlinden und Susanna von Oertzen demgegenüber die vielfältigen und einflussreichen Beiträge der alten deutschen Frauenbewegung zur Wohnungsreform des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts und zum Neuen Bauen auf.

  9. Foucault und das Recht: Besprechung von: Christian Schauer, Aufforderung zum Spiel. Foucault und das Recht, Böhlau (Weimar, Köln, Wien 2006, 383 Seiten.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Biebricher


    Full Text Available Der Autor rekonstruiert Foucaults Werk zwischen den Jahren 1961 und 1975 und integriert hierbei Perspektiven anderer Autoren (Derrida, Luhmann und Nietzsche, welche zu verwandten Themenkreisen arbeiten und/oder Foucaults Herangehensweise geprägt haben. Eigentliches Ziel der Arbeit ist es, Foucaults Beitrag zur Rechtsgeschichte und –soziologie zu beleuchten. Diese Thematik ist im deutschen Sprachraum bis jetzt kaum systematisch untersucht worden, und dementsprechend gebührt Schauers Studie besondere Beachtung. Der Autor betont Foucaults Ausführungen zum Verhältnis zwischen Recht und Psychiatrie. Dessen Diagnose hebt die “Kolonisierung” des Rechts durch forensisch psychiatrische Diskurse hervor, und Schauer gelingt es, die problematische Dimension dieser Tendenz mit Hinweis auf die schweizerische Rechtspraxis plausibel zu machen. Fluchtpunkt dieser Entwicklung wäre ein bis zum Extrem “vorbeugendes” Recht, das Gefahrenprävention und Risikoregulierung durch präemptive Verhaltensregulierung den Vorzug vor dem Legalitätsprinzip gewährt.

  10. Direct 13C NMR Detection in HPLC Hyphenation Mode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Johansen, Kenneth; Nyberg, Nils


    Solid phase extraction (SPE) was introduced as a crucial step in the HPLC-SPE-NMR technique to enable online analyte enrichment from which proton-detected NMR experiments on submicrogram amounts from complex mixtures were possible. However, the significance of direct-detected (13)C NMR experiments...... application of HPLC-SPE-NMR analysis using direct-detected (13)C NMR spectra. HPLC column loading, accumulative SPE trappings, and the effect of different elution solvents were evaluated and optimized. A column loading of approximately 600 mug of a prefractionated triterpenoid mixture, six trappings...

  11. HPLC-RID-DAD-MS analysis of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macasek, F.; Buriova, E.; Bruder, P.


    Objective of new method of FDG analysis development is to replace existing tests by more complex assay. In this work, a liquid chromatography/refractive index detector/diode array detector/mass spectrometric detector combination (HPLC/RID/DAD/MSD) was used for development of a complex routine technique. Optimization of the HPLC/MS analysis was performed investigating MSD analytical signal as a function of various eluent composition. HPLC-RID-DAD-MSD analysis has potentiality of a complex quality control of radiopharmaceuticals, FDG in particular, providing information about: isotope composition; chemical composition; biochemical composition; radiation stability; pharmacodynamics. (author)

  12. Hybrid Management in Hospitals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Jespersen, Peter Kragh


    Artiklen indeholder et litteraturbaseret studium af ledelsesformer i sygehuse, hvor sundhedsfaglig ledelse og generel ledelse mikses til hybride ledelsesformer......Artiklen indeholder et litteraturbaseret studium af ledelsesformer i sygehuse, hvor sundhedsfaglig ledelse og generel ledelse mikses til hybride ledelsesformer...

  13. Analysis of brominated and phosphate-based flame retardants in polymer samples by HPLC-UV/MS and online-GPC-HPLC-UV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schlummer, M.; Brandl, F. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung (IVV), Freising (Germany); Maeurer, A.


    Here we present two analytical approaches for the identification and quantification of brominated and phosphate-based flame retardants. The first is an HPLC-UV/MS approach, which allows the separation and unequivocal identification and quantification of at least 15 different technical flame retardants. The second approach was set-up as a screening tool, consisting of a GPC separation coupled to an HPLC-UV device.

  14. 72 - 80_Aminu_HPLC1

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    HPLC, Gymnema sylvestre, carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzymes, lipid a chronic .... Method. Test for Tannins and Flavonoids was by. Trease and Evans (2002). Soluble Starch ... Fenton reaction was quantified using 2- deoxyribose oxidative ...

  15. Retinoid quantification by HPLC/MS(n) (United States)

    McCaffery, Peter; Evans, James; Koul, Omanand; Volpert, Amy; Reid, Kevin; Ullman, M. David


    Retinoic acid (RA) mediates most of the biological effects of vitamin A that are essential for vertebrate survival. It acts through binding to receptors that belong to the nuclear receptor transcription factor superfamily (Mangelsdorf et al. 1994). It is also a highly potent vertebrate teratogen. To determine the function and effects of endogenous and exogenous RA, it is important to have a highly specific, sensitive, accurate, and precise analytical procedure. Current analyses of RA and other retinoids are labor intensive, of poor sensitivity, have limited specificity, or require compatibility with RA reporter cell lines (Chen et al. 1995. BIOCHEM: Pharmacol. 50: 1257-1264; Creech Kraft et al. 1994. BIOCHEM: J. 301: 111-119; Lanvers et al. 1996. J. Chromatogr. B Biomed. Appl. 685: 233-240; Maden et al. 1998. DEVELOPMENT: 125: 4133-4144; Wagner et al. 1992. DEVELOPMENT: 116: 55-66). This paper describes an HPLC/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry product ion scan (HPLC/MS(n)) procedure for the analysis of retinoids that employs atmospheric pressure chemical ionization MS. The retinoids are separated by normal-phase column chromatography with a linear hexane-isopropanol-dioxane gradient. Each retinoid is detected by a unique series of MS(n) functions set at optimal collision-induced dissociation energy (30% to 32%) for all MS(n) steps. The scan events are divided into three segments, based on HPLC elution order, to maximize the mass spectrometer duty cycle. The all-trans, 9-cis, and 13-cis RA isomers are separated, if desired, by an isocratic hexane-dioxane-isopropanol mobile phase. This paper describes an HPLC/MS(n) procedure possessing high sensitivity and specificity for retinoids.

  16. HPLC/MS analysis of glucose and fluorodeoxyglucose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruder, P.; Macasek, F.; Patakyova, A.; Buriova, E.


    Objective of a new method of FDG analysis development is to replace existing tests by a more complex assay. In this work, a liquid chromatography/refractive index detector/ radiometric detector/mass spectrometric detector combination (HPLC/RID/RAD/MSD) was used for development of a complex routine technique. Optimization of HPLC/MS analysis was performed investigating the MSD analytical signal as a function of various eluent composition. Solutions of glucose in methanol/water and acetonitrile/water solutions of various semi-volatile electrolytes (ammonium chloride, formic acid, ammonium formate) were analyzed on the Agilent 1100 HPLC/RID/DAD/MSD system either in the flow injection (FIA) mode of analysis, and after passing the samples through Zorbax C-18 column. The most intensive signals of the ions were obtained in the acetonitrile : 0.25% ammonium formate = 80:20 solutions. This eluent would be also used for the radioactive FDG analysis on the Asahipak NH2P columns. (authors)

  17. HPLC/MS analysis of glucose and fluorodeoxyglucose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bruder, P; Macasek, F; Patakyova, A; Buriova, E [Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, 84215 Bratislava (Slovakia)


    Objective of a new method of FDG analysis development is to replace existing tests by a more complex assay. In this work, a liquid chromatography/refractive index detector/ radiometric detector/mass spectrometric detector combination (HPLC/RID/RAD/MSD) was used for development of a complex routine technique. Optimization of HPLC/MS analysis was performed investigating the MSD analytical signal as a function of various eluent composition. Solutions of glucose in methanol/water and acetonitrile/water solutions of various semi-volatile electrolytes (ammonium chloride, formic acid, ammonium formate) were analyzed on the Agilent 1100 HPLC/RID/DAD/MSD system either in the flow injection (FIA) mode of analysis, and after passing the samples through Zorbax C-18 column. The most intensive signals of the ions were obtained in the acetonitrile : 0.25% ammonium formate = 80:20 solutions. This eluent would be also used for the radioactive FDG analysis on the Asahipak NH2P columns. (authors)

  18. Psychosoziale Ressourcen und Risikomuster für Burnout bei Medizinstudenten: Querschnittstudie und Bedürfnisanalyse Präventiver Curricularer Angebote [Psychosocial resources and burnout risk factors in medical school: A cross-sectional study and analysis of needs for preventive curricular interventions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fischer, Martin R.


    liegt der Anteil bei 30,5%, am Studienende bei 18,3%. Entsprechend finden sich resignative Verhaltensmuster mit Burnout-Tendenzen und Schonungsmuster (Risikomuster B und S zu Beginn des Studiums bei 44,0%, in der Mitte des Studiums bei 55,9% und am Studienende bei 65,2%. Es zeigen sich signifikante Geschlechtsunterschiede: Männliche Studenten zeigen höhere Werte für „Beruflichen Ehrgeiz“ und „Bedeutsamkeit der Arbeit“, eine geringere „Resignationstendenz bei Misserfolg“ und mehr „Innere Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit“. Frauen erleben mehr „Soziale Unterstützung“.Es gibt in der Selbsteinschätzung der Studenten einen hohen Bedarf an präventiven Maßnahmen: So wünschten sich 85% der Studenten Angebote zur Stressbewältigung, 79% zum Thema Zeitmanagement, 77% zur Burnout-Prophylaxe, 75% zum Thema Umgang mit Prüfungsangst und 63% zu Entspannungstechniken.Einschränkungen: Die Rücklaufquote der Fragebögen betrug 90,8% Im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Studien ist die Rücklaufquote hoch, dennoch ist eine Verfälschung der Werte durch den Anteil an Studenten, die nicht geantwortet haben, nicht auszuschließen. Die Daten dieser Arbeit beschreiben nur die Situation an einer Medizinischen Fakultät in Deutschland. Es handelt sich nicht um longitudinale Daten. Eine Verlaufsstudie wurde begonnen.Schlussfolgerungen: Die Daten zeigen ein deutliches resignatives Verhaltensmuster und Burnout-Risikoverhalten bei Medizinstudenten, dass umso ausgeprägter ist, je weiter die Studenten im Studium fortgeschritten sind. Es gibt signifikante Geschlechtsunterschiede in den studienbezogenen Verhaltens- und Erlebensmustern.Studenten wünschen in hohem Maße Angebote zur Prävention. Die Prävention psychosozialer Störungen und Maßnahmen, die die berufliche Motivation der Studenten fördern, sind wichtige Themen und sollten Berücksichtigung bei der Gestaltung des Curriculums der ärztlichen Ausbildung finden. Hierbei sollten geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede ber

  19. Reverse-phase HPLC analysis of human alpha crystallin. (United States)

    Swamy, M S; Abraham, E C


    A rapid and highly sensitive reverse-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) method was used to separate crystallin subunits from human alpha crystallin. Three distinct peaks were separated; by electrophoretic and immunological analyses the first and second peaks were identified as alpha B and alpha A respectively. On the other hand, peak 3 appeared to be a modified form of alpha crystallin. The ratio of alpha A and alpha B proteins was 3:1 in 1 day old lenses which gradually changed to 2:1 in 17 year old lenses and to 1:1 in the 50 and 82 year old whole lenses and 82 year old lens cortex, with a concomitant increase in the modified alpha, suggesting that alpha A subunits are relatively more involved in aggregation. Analysis of the 82 year old lens nucleus also supported this conclusion. The RP-HPLC analysis of the HMW aggregate fraction showed substantial enrichment of the modified alpha. The alpha A and alpha B subunits independently reassociated to form polymeric alpha crystallin whereas the modified alpha reassociated to form HMW aggregates as shown by molecular sieve HPLC. Hence it appears that the HMW aggregate peak was constituted by modified alpha crystallin. Only in the peak 3 material the 280 nm absorbance was about 2-fold higher than what was expected from the actual protein content. The data suggest that the changes induced by post-translational modifications may have some role in the formation of modified alpha. The present RP-HPLC method is useful in separating these modified alpha from the unmodified alpha A and alpha B subunits.

  20. Feinkartierung von Loss of Heterozygosity-Intervallen auf Chromosom 11p und Untersuchungen zum Expressions- und Methylierungsstatus von FANCF beim Ovarialkarzinom


    Schulze, Kathrin


    Um Tumorsuppressorgene beim Ovarialkarzinom zu identifizieren wurde eine Kartierung von LOH-Intervallen der Region 11p15.5 - 11p11.2 mittels 11 Mikrosatellitenmarkern an 47 Ovarialtumorproben vorgenommen. Im Bereich des ST5- und AFM255/KAI1-Locus konnten potentielle Intervalle abgegrenzt werden. Das Fanconi Anämie Gen FANCF wurde für Untersuchungen zum Expressions- und Methylierungsstatus ausgewählt, da dessen Abschaltung mit einem besseren Ansprechen auf Cisplatin bei Ovarialkarzinompatienti...

  1. Optimizing Chromatographic Separation: An Experiment Using an HPLC Simulator (United States)

    Shalliker, R. A.; Kayillo, S.; Dennis, G. R.


    Optimization of a chromatographic separation within the time constraints of a laboratory session is practically impossible. However, by employing a HPLC simulator, experiments can be designed that allow students to develop an appreciation of the complexities involved in optimization procedures. In the present exercise, a HPLC simulator from "JCE…

  2. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Lignan Constituents in Caulis Trachelospermi by HPLC-QTOF-MS and HPLC-UV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiao-Ting Liu


    Full Text Available A high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole tandem time-of-flight mass (HPLC-QTOF-MS and ultraviolet spectrometry (HPLC-UV was established for simultaneous qualitative and quantitative analysis of the major chemical constituents in Caulis Trachelospermi, respectively. The analysis was performed on an Agilent Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18 column (4.6 mm × 150 mm, 5 μm using a binary gradient system of water and methanol, with ultraviolet absorption at 230 nm. Based on high-resolution ESI-MS/MS fragmentation behaviors of the reference standards, the characteristic cleavage patterns of lignano-9, 9'-lactones and lignano-8'-hydroxy-9, 9'-lactones were obtained. The results demonstrated that the characteristic fragmentation patterns are valuable for identifying and differentiating lignano-9,9'-lactones and lignano-8'-hydroxy-9,9'-lactones. As such, a total of 25 compounds in Caulis Trachelospermi were unambiguously or tentatively identified via comparisons with reference standards or literature. In addition, 14 dibenzylbutyrolatone lignans were simultaneously quantified in Caulis Trachelospermi by HPLC-UV method. The method is suitable for the qualitative and quantitative analyses of dibenzylbutyrolatone lignans in Caulis Trachelospermi.

  3. Development of a new rapid HPLC method for the fractionation of histones

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gurley, L.R.; Valdez, J.G.; Prentice, D.A.; Spall, W.D.


    To study histone functions, it is necessary to fractionate the histones into their five classes (H1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4) and then to subfractionate these classes into variants having slightly different primary structures and into different phosphorylated and acetylated forms. With the advent of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), it was hoped that laborious and time-consuming conventional methods could be replaced by a simple, rapid, high-resolving HPLC method for fractionating histones. However, problems of irreversible adsorption of the histones to HPLC column packings discouraged this development. Our laboratory has now determined that the strong adsorption of histones to HPLC columns results from two different forces: (1) polar interactions between the histones and the silanol groups of silica-based HPLC column packing, and (2) hydrophobic interactions between the histones and the bound organic phase of the column packings. By minimizing these forces, we have succeeded in developing an HPLC method suitable for histone studies

  4. Methods and applications of HPLC-AMS (WBio 5)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bucholz, B A; Clifford, A J; Duecker, S R; Lin, Y; Vogel, J S


    Pharmacokinetics of physiologic doses of nutrients, pesticides, and herbicides can easily be traced in humans using a(sup 14)C-labelled compound. Basic kinetics can be monitored in blood or urine by measuring the elevation in the(sup 14)C content above the control predose tissue and converting to equivalents of the parent compound. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is an excellent method for the chemical separation of complex mixtures whose profiles afford estimation of biochemical pathways of metabolism. Compounds elute from the HPLC systems with characteristic retention times and can be collected in fractions that can then be graphitized for AMS measurement. Unknowns are identified by coelution with known standards and chemical tests that reveal functional groupings. Metabolites are quantified with the(sup 14)C signal. Thoroughly accounting for the carbon inventory in the LC solvents, ion-pairing agents, samples, and carriers adds some complexity to the analysis. In most cases the total carbon inventory is dominated by carrier. Baseline background and stability need to be carefully monitored. Limits of quantitation near 10 amol of(sup 14)C per HPLC fraction are typically achieved. Baselines are maintained by limiting injected(sup 14)C activity and lt;0.17 Bq (4.5 pCi) on the HPLC column

  5. Die ILO-Standards zum Schutz von Arbeitnehmerrechten : ein Begründungsversuch mit Hilfe der kantischen Position von Norman E. Bowie


    Bäumlisberger, Damian; Brink, Alexander


    "Der Beitrag ergründet die normativen Grundlagen der Standards zum Schutz der Arbeitnehmerrechte der International Labour Organization. Auf Basis der kantischen Position des US-amerikanischen Wirtschaftsethikers Norman E. Bowie zeigen die Autoren, dass sich Bowies Theorieansatz grundsätzlich dazu eignet, die vier Kernbereiche der ILO-Aktivitäten ethisch zu fundieren. Jedoch stößt Bowies Position bei der Begründung der ILO-Standards auch auf Grenzen, die nur teilweise mittels zusätzlicher, mit...

  6. Identification and evaluation of radiolysis products of irradiated chloramphenicol by HPLC-MS and HPLC-DAD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hong, L; Altorfer, H R [Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich (Switzerland); Horni, A; Hesse, M [Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland)


    The radiolysis products of chloramphenicol under {gamma}-radiation sterilization were investigated systematically in the present study. Eight main radiolysis products were identified and quantified by HPLC-MS and HPLC-DAD, including two compounds that have never been reported. The minor radiolysis products were quantified, which shows that they are at the concentration levels below the threshold for identification. Carbon-carbon rupture reaction and oxidation reaction were proposed as the main radiolysis reactions of chloramphenicol powder. The applicability of {gamma}-sterilization for chloramphenicol products was quantitatively evaluated with qualitative and quantitative data and the data were compared to the threshold requirements of international regulations for identification. It was concluded that toxicities of the radiolysis products of chloramphenicol produced by {gamma}-radiation sterilization can be neglected, the radiolysis products are safe for human health from chemical view. (author)

  7. Identification and evaluation of radiolysis products of irradiated chloramphenicol by HPLC-MS and HPLC-DAD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, L.; Altorfer, H.R.; Horni, A.; Hesse, M.


    The radiolysis products of chloramphenicol under γ-radiation sterilization were investigated systematically in the present study. Eight main radiolysis products were identified and quantified by HPLC-MS and HPLC-DAD, including two compounds that have never been reported. The minor radiolysis products were quantified, which shows that they are at the concentration levels below the threshold for identification. Carbon-carbon rupture reaction and oxidation reaction were proposed as the main radiolysis reactions of chloramphenicol powder. The applicability of γ-sterilization for chloramphenicol products was quantitatively evaluated with qualitative and quantitative data and the data were compared to the threshold requirements of international regulations for identification. It was concluded that toxicities of the radiolysis products of chloramphenicol produced by γ-radiation sterilization can be neglected, the radiolysis products are safe for human health from chemical view. (author)

  8. From traditional locomotive engineers to automated train control; Vom triebfahrzeugfuehrergefuehrten Zug zum Fahrautomaten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hohnecker, E. [Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (Germany). Inst. fuer Strassenbau und Eisenbahnwesen


    Profitability and capacity in public guided transport must be increased. One option is automatic, driverless train control. There are many questions surrounding the legal, technical and operational aspects of automated control which need to be answered. These intrinsic aspects of the system will be presented and discussed. The various options leading to automatic train control as well as the necessary technical measures will also be presented. (orig.) [German] Die Wirtschaftlichkeit und die Leistungsfaehigkeit im oeffentlichen spurgefuehrten Verkehr muessen erhoeht werden. Als Loesung bietet sich zukuenftig auch der automatische und fahrerlose Betrieb an. Das Fahren ohne Triebfahrzeugfuehrer wirft jedoch eine Vielzahl von Fragestellungen auf, die sowohl in juristischer, technischer und betrieblicher Hinsicht beantwortet werden muessen. Diese systemimmanenten Aspekte werden dargestellt und diskutiert. Anschliessend werden die Moeglichkeiten auf dem Weg zum Fahrautomaten aufgezeigt und die technischen Massnahmen zur Umsetzung des automatischen Fahrens erlaeutert. (orig.)

  9. [Study on the fingerprint of Morus alba from different habitats by HPLC]. (United States)

    Chen, Cheng; Li, Hong-Bo; Wang, Liu-Ping; Li, Yun-Rong; Xin, Ning


    To establish HPLC fingerprint of Morus alba from different habitats by HPLC and provide basis for its quality control. HPLC analysis was performed on an Agilent XDB C18 Column (4.6 mm x 250 mm, 5 microm), gradient eluted composed of acetonitrile and 0.3% phosphate acid. The column temperature was set at 35 degrees C and the flow rate was 0.5 mL/min. The detective wavelength was 290 nm. The HPLC fingerprint for 10 batches of Morus alba was studied on their similarity. There were twelve common peaks in the fingerprint. The similarity of 7 batches was above 0.9 and the other batches had low similarity. The HPLC fingerprint can be used for quality control of Morus alba with high characteristics and specificity.

  10. [Dennis Hormuth. Livonia est omnis divisa in partes tres : Studien zum mental mapping der livländischen Chronistik in der Frühen Neuzeit (1558-1721)] / Anti Selart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Selart, Anti, 1973-


    Arvustus: Hormuth, Dennis. Livonia est omnis divisa in partes tres : Studien zum mental mapping der livländischen Chronistik in der Frühen Neuzeit (1558-1721) (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa, 79). Franz Steiner verlag. Stuttgart 2012

  11. Analysis of the radiochemical purity of 18F-FDG by HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Liguang; Tang Anwu; He Shanzhen; Chen Yulong


    The radiochemical purity (RCP) of 18 F-FDG is analyzed by HPLC. Eighty-five percent acetonitrile is used as the eluting solution. Carbon hydrate column is used as separation column. The t R of 18 F - is 6.50 min and 18 F-FDG is 9.00 min. HPLC take less time and has higher sensitivity than TLC for the same sample at the same time. So HPLC excels TLC in analyzing RCP of 18 F-FDG


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lestyo Wulandari


    Full Text Available An accurate and sensitive HPLC method has been developed for the determination of mebhydroline napadisylate in the tablet. The Chromatography was performed on a reversed phase C-18 column, using a mobile phase of acetonitrile : ammonia 25% (80 : 20 v/v at ambient temperature 25±5 °C and UV detection operates at 320 nm in an overall analysis time of about 15 min, based on peak area. This HPLC method is selective, precise, and accurate and can be used for routine analysis of pharmaceutical preparation in industrial quality-control laboratories.   Keywords : HPLC, mebhydroline napadisylate, validation

  13. Quantitation of radiolabeled compounds eluting from the HPLC system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kessler, M.J.


    Three techniques are compared for the quantitation of various radiolabeled compounds eluting in the high performance liquid chromatography system. The first technique requires fraction-collecting the effluent from the HPLC, removing an aliquot to scintillation vials, and counting each fraction in a liquid scintillation counter. The second uses direct interface of the HPLC effluent to a flow-through radioactivity detector. The third involves quantitation of various radiolabeled compounds (proteins, steroids, and nucleotides) by splitting the effluent from the HPLC with an electronic steam splitter, thus diverting a present portion to the fraction collector for further chemical characterization and the remainder to the radioactivity flow detector for direct quantitation. A direct comparison of the chromatograms and the radioactivity counting efficiencies of these three techniques is presented

  14. Mediennutzung und Informationsbeschaffung über Studium- bzw. Berufswahl - Ingenieurberufe in den Medien

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amina Ovcina Cajacob


    Full Text Available Diese Publikation basiert auf der Befragung von 4 125 Jugendlichen (SchülerInnen der Altersgruppe 12 bis 21 Jahre. Dafür wurden im Zeitraum vom 22. Oktober bis 12. November 2013 Jugendliche befragt, um Antworten auf folgenden Fragen zu bekommen: Welches Bild haben die Schüler vom Ingenieurberuf? Wie ist ihr allgemeines Mediennutzungsverhalten und wie beeinflussen Medien das Bild des Ingenieurs? Welche Berufe interessieren Jugendliche und wie informieren sie sich über Studien- bzw. Berufswahl? Welche Einflüsse spielen bei den Jugendlichen bezüglich der eigenen Berufs- und Studienwahl eine Rolle? Die Ergebnisse dieser umfassenden Analyse sind Grundlage für die Konzeption einer crossmedialen Sensibilisierungskampage, die zum Ziel hat, Vorurteile über den Ingenieurberuf abzubauen, Wissen und ein zeitgemässes Berufsbild zu vermitteln sowie Neugier auf ein Ingenieurstudium zu wecken. This publication is based on a survey of 4125 young people (pupils and students aged 12 to 21 years. In the period from October 22 to November 12, 2013 young people were interviewed to obtain answers to the following questions: . What an idea do young people have about an engineer and his profession? . What is their general media usage behavior? . How do media influence the image of the engineer? . Which professions are the most attractive for young people and how do they inform themselves about study or career choices? . Which influences are important for the study and career choice of young people? The results of this comprehensive analysis are the basis for the conception of a cross-media awareness campaign, which aims to reduce prejudices about the engineering profession, to impart knowledge as well as a contemporary professional image of engineer and to arouse interest for an engineering degree.

  15. Theoretische en practische aspecten van het gebruik van micro-HPLC

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Fluiter P; Jansen EHJM


    A practical and theoretical approach for the implementation of micro high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is described. A new simple and rapid test procedure was developed in wich a HPLC system can be validated for its suitability for micro-bore columns. It appeared that the detector

  16. [HPLC characteristic fingerprints of sedi linearis herba and sedi herba]. (United States)

    Lu, Lan-Qing; Mei, Qing; Wan, Ding-Rong; Yang, Xin-Zhou; Qiao, Shu; Zhao, Yu-Dan


    To study HPLC characteristic fingerprint of Sedum lineare from different harvest periods, and to compare with its related species Sedum sarmentosum. The HPLC fingerprints of Sedum lineare from different collecting periods were established and compared with Sedum sarmentosum by the same detection method. Hyperin, isoquercitrin and astragaloside were identified from the HPLC fingerprint of Sedum lineare. The fingerprint of Sedum lineare growing in the same area but different environment were basically identical; while there were remarkable differences of Sedum lineare growing in the same place but from different harvest periods, with the area of most common peaks changing from little to great, and slightly different peak number. The HPLC fingerprint of the two Sedum species had four common peaks, but could be distinguished from each other. The optimal harvest period of these two species should be full-bloom stage. The established method can provide reference for identification and quality analysis of Sedum lineare.

  17. [HPLC fingerprint analysis of flavonoids of phyllanthi fructus from different habitats]. (United States)

    Wang, Fei; Wang, Shuai; Meng, Xian-sheng; Bao, Yong-rui; Zhu, Ying-huan


    To establish the HPLC fingerprint of flavonoids of Phyllanthi Fructus from different habitats. HPLC method was adopted. The flavonoids composition of Phyllanthi Fructus from 10 different habitats was determined on an Agilent C, chromatographic column with 0. 5% formic acid water (A)-acetonitrile (B) as the mobile phase in gradient elution under the wavelength of 254 nm. The HPLC fingerprints of flavonoids composition of Phyllanthi Fructus were established to evaluate the qualitiy of them. The HPLC fingerprints of flavonoids composition of Phyllanthi Fructus from 10 different habitats were established. 18 common peaks were found and the similarities of them were more than 0. 90 except the ones from Guangxi and Guangdong. The method is simple, accurate and repeatable. It can be used for research and quality control of the effective components in Phyllanthi Fructus.

  18. Akupunktur bei Sterilität und zum Schwangerschaftserhalt: Eine Übersicht mit Forschungsidee

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ots T


    Full Text Available Die Unterstützung der weiblichen Fertilität und der Schwangerschaft mittels Akupunktur hat während der vergangenen Dekade viele Anhänger gefunden. Dieser Artikel gibt eine Übersicht über die hierzu veröffentlichten wichtigsten Studien. Die Wirkung der Akupunktur wird als effektiv und effizient beschrieben. In einem zweiten Ansatz stellt der Autor eine vereinfachte Form der Akupunktur auf dem Boden der Segment-Anatomie vor. Dieser kuti-viszeralen, segmentalen Reizung der gynäkologischen Organe könnte innerhalb der gynäkologischen Praxis große Bedeutung zukommen, da sie leicht erlernbar (innerhalb eines Tages und einfach durchführbar ist. Die Zielvorstellung ist ein integratives Vorgehen in der Hand der Gynäkologen. Vorbereitend hierzu ist eine multizentrische randomisierte kontrollierte Studie notwendig, die diese beiden Ansätze innerhalb der Akupunktur als Komplement zum gynäkologischen Prozedere der IVF untersucht.

  19. Electrochemically Pretreated Carbon Microfiber Electrodes as Sensitive HPLC-EC Detectors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zdenka Bartosova


    Full Text Available The paper focuses on the analysis and detection of electroactive compounds using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC combined with electrochemical detection (EC. The fabrication and utilization of electrochemically treated carbon fiber microelectrodes (CFMs as highly sensitive amperometric detectors in HPLC are described. The applied pretreatment procedure is beneficial for analytical characteristics of the sensor as demonstrated by analysis of the model set of phenolic acids. The combination of CFM with separation power of HPLC technique allows for improved detection limits due to unique electrochemical properties of carbon fibers. The CFM proved to be a promising tool for amperometric detection in liquid chromatography.

  20. Online identification of chlorogenic acids, sesquiterpene lactones, and flavonoids in the Brazilian arnica Lychnophora ericoides Mart. (Asteraceae) leaves by HPLC-DAD-MS and HPLC-DAD-MS/MS and a validated HPLC-DAD method for their simultaneous analysis. (United States)

    Gobbo-Neto, Leonardo; Lopes, Norberto P


    Lychnophora ericoides Mart. (Asteraceae, Vernonieae) is a plant, endemic to Brazil, with occurrence restricted to the "cerrado" biome. Traditional medicine employs alcoholic and aqueous-alcoholic preparations of leaves from this species for the treatment of wounds, inflammation, and pain. Furthermore, leaves of L. ericoides are also widely used as flavorings for the Brazilian traditional spirit "cachaça". A method has been developed for the extraction and HPLC-DAD analysis of the secondary metabolites of L. ericoides leaves. This analytical method was validated with 11 secondary metabolites chosen to represent the different classes and polarities of secondary metabolites occurring in L. ericoides leaves, and good responses were obtained for each validation parameter analyzed. The same HPLC analytical method was also employed for online secondary metabolite identification by HPLC-DAD-MS and HPLC-DAD-MS/MS, leading to the identification of di- C-glucosylflavones, coumaroylglucosylflavonols, flavone, flavanones, flavonols, chalcones, goyazensolide, and eremantholide-type sesquiterpene lactones and positional isomeric series of chlorogenic acids possessing caffeic and/or ferulic moieties. Among the 52 chromatographic peaks observed, 36 were fully identified and 8 were attributed to compounds belonging to series of caffeoylferuloylquinic and diferuloylquinic acids that could not be individualized from each other.

  1. [Determination of rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline in Uncaria rhynchophylla by HPLC]. (United States)

    Yang, Xiu-Juan; Hong, Yan-Long; Wu, Fei; Ruan, Ke-Feng; Feng, Yi


    To explore an HPLC method for determination of rhnchophylline and isorhnchophylline in Uncaria rhnchophylla. An HPLC method has been developed for determination of rhnchophylline and isorhnchophylline. The transformation of rhnchophylline and isorhnchophylline after heating was also studied by HPLC-ESI-MS. Good linearities of rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline were 0.064-5.100, 0.064-5.110 mg, respectively. The average recoveries were from 87.51% to 88.83% for rhynchophylline and from 107.9% to 113.9% for isorhynchophylline. The recoveries of rhynchophylline and isorhnchophylline reference solutions after extraction were 12.60% and 40.00% in the reflux extraction procedure, respectively. While in the ultrasonic extraction procedure, the average recoveries of rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline was from 99.48% to 103.2% and from 97.00% to 99.59%, resepectively. The recoveries of rhynchophylline and isorhnchophylline reference solutions after extraction were 47.08% and 51.03%, respectively. The unqualified recovery could be elucidated by HPLC-ESI-MS analysis, indicating that trhynchophylline could be transformed mostly into isorhynchophylline and a little amount of unkown composition, while isorhynchophylline could be transformed into rhynchophylline isocorynoxeine, corynoxeine and 22-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl isocorynoxeinic acid during the extraction procedure. Ultrasonic extraction procedure was more sutble for HPLC determination of the content of rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline in U. rhnchophylla, however, the recovery problems should be paid attention to when it comes to the determination.

  2. Modularer studienbegleitender Deutschunterricht zur Vorbereitung auf Studium und Praktikum in Deutschland am Beispiel der German-Jordanian University in Amman, Jordanien

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael de Jong


    Full Text Available Die German-Jordanian University (GJU ist eine staatliche Hochschule in Amman, Jordanien, die durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF und den Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD gefördert wird. Gegründet im Jahr 2005, ist es noch eine sehr junge Universität. Ihr Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist das verpflichtende vierte Studienjahr in Deutschland, in dem jeder Studierende ein Semester an einer deutschen Partnerhochschule und ein weiteres in einem Praktikum verbringt. In den ersten drei Jahren ihres Studiums müssen alle Studieren­den sechs Stufen Deutsch in einem maßgeschneiderten Programm des German Language Centers absolvieren. Der vorliegende Artikel skizziert die Strukturen des Zentrums, beschreibt den modulbasierten Deutschunterricht und diskutiert die Herausforderungen eines der größten German Language Center weltweit.   The German-Jordanian University (GJU is a public institution of higher education located in Amman, Jordan, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD. Founded in 2005, it is still a very young university. Its unique selling proposition is the compulsory 4th year in Germany, during which every student spends one semester at a partner university and a second semester doing an internship. In the first three years of their studies, all students have to pass six levels of German in a tailor-made program provided by the German Language Center. This article outlines the structure of the center, describes the module-based German language tuition and discusses the challenges faced by one of the biggest German Language Centers in the world.

  3. Determination of anthocyanins from camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) by HPLC-PDA, HPLC-MS, and NMR. (United States)

    Zanatta, Cinthia Fernanda; Cuevas, Elyana; Bobbio, Florinda O; Winterhalter, Peter; Mercadante, Adriana Z


    Camu-camu [Myrciaria dubia (HBK) McVaugh] is a small fruit native to the Amazonian rain forest. Its anthocyanin profile has now been investigated for the first time. Fruits from two different regions of the São Paulo state, Brazil, were analyzed. The major anthocyanins were isolated by high-speed countercurrent chromatography. HPLC-PDA, HPLC-MS/MS, and 1H NMR were used to confirm the identity of the main anthocyanins of camu-camu. Cyanidin-3-glucoside was identified as the major pigment in the fruits from both regions, representing 89.5% in the fruits produced in Iguape and 88.0% in those from Mirandópolis, followed by the delphinidin-3-glucoside, ranging between 4.2 and 5.1%, respectively. Higher total anthocyanin contents were detected in the fruits from Iguape (54.0 +/- 25.9 mg/100 g) compared to those from Mirandópolis (30.3 +/- 6.8 mg/100 g), most likely because of the lower temperatures in the Iguape region.

  4. Selenium speciation analysis of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus selenoprotein by HPLC-ICP-MS and HPLC-ESI-MS/MS (United States)

    Analytical methods for selenium (Se) speciation were developed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to either inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) or electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS). Separations of selenomethionine (Se-Met) and sel...

  5. Transfusion Associated Peak in Hb HPLC Chromatogram – a Case Report (United States)

    Jain, Sonal; Dass, Jasmita; Pati, Hara Prasad


    High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and electrophoresis are commonly used to diagnose various hemoglobinopathies. However, insufficient information about the transfusion history can lead to unexpected and confusing results. We are reporting a case of Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) in which HbHPLC was done to quantify fetal hemoglobin (HbF). The chromatogram showed elevated HbF along with a peak in the HbD window. A transfusion acquired peak was suspected based on the unexpectedly low percentage of HbD and was subsequently confirmed using parental HbHPLC. PMID:22348188

  6. El concepto de ser en Suárez. ?Unívoco o análogo?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Heider, Daniel


    Roč. 20, č. 40 (2017), s. 99-120 ISSN 0329-8930 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Suárez * concept of being * analogy * univocity Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion OBOR OECD: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology

  7. „… höher als die Liebe zur Wissenschaft steht die Treue zum eigenen Vaterland …“: Hallenser Romanisten im Ersten Weltkrieg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Annette Schiller


    Full Text Available Die 1914 verbreitete Kriegsbegeisterung nahm auch die Romanisten nicht aus. Briefe und Tagebuchnotizen aus der Zeit zeigen, wie Lehrende und Studenten unseres Faches, deren gemeinsamer Bezug die Zugehörigkeit zum Romanischen Seminar Halle war, vom „Großen Krieg“ betroffen waren und führen uns die Situation und Geisteshaltung der Professoren und Studenten und die Rückwirkungen des Krieges auf das Fach vor Augen.

  8. Separation, purification and identification of flavonoid glycosides using reversed phase hplc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasan, A.; Khan, M.A.


    Optimal high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation conditions and semi-preparative scale isolation of flavonoid glycosides from three plant species namely Vitex nagunda, Rubus ulmifolious and Malotus philipensis is reported. Identification of purified flavonoid glycoside was achieved using spiking technique in HPLC. (author)

  9. An Investigation Into HPLC Data Quality Problems (United States)

    Hooker, Stanford B.; VanHeukelem, Laurie


    This report summarizes the analyses and results produced by a five-member investigative team of Government, university, and industry experts, established by NASA HQ. The team examined data quality problems associated with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses of pigment concentrations in seawater samples produced by the San Diego State University (SDSU) Center for Hydro-Optics and Remote Sensing (CHORS). This report shows CHORS did not validate the methods used before placing them into service to analyze field samples for NASA principal investigators (PIs), even though the HPLC literature contained easily accessible method validation procedures, and the importance of implementing them, more than a decade ago. In addition, there were so many sources of significant variance in the CHORS methodologies, that the HPLC system rarely operated within performance criteria capable of producing the requisite data quality. It is the recommendation of the investigative team to a) not correct the data, b) make all the data that was temporarily sequestered available for scientific use, and c) label the affected data with an appropriate warning, e.g., "These data are not validated and should not be used as the sole basis for a scientific result, conclusion, or hypothesis--independent corroborating evidence is required."

  10. Discussion of the applicability of overdammed fixed-bed reactors in nitrification processes; Beitrag zum Einsatz von ueberstauten Festbettreaktoren zur Nitrifikation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guenter, H.O.


    The investigation aimed at developing a dimensioning method for overdammed fixed bed nitrification reactors with plug flow which takes account of the reactor height. Further, information was to be obtained for assessing sudden loads and for comparing energy consumption with the data of conventional activated sludge plants. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, fuer ueberstaute, pfropfendurchstroemte Festbettreaktoren zur Nitrifikation einen Bemessungsansatz aufzustellen, welcher den Einfluss der Reaktorhoehe mit beruecksichtigt. Ferner sollten Erkenntnisse zur Beurteilung von Stossbelastungen sowie zum Energiebedarf im Vergleich zu herkoemmlichen Belebungsanlagen gewonnen werden. (orig./SR)

  11. Size exclusion HPLC of proteins for evaluation of durum wheat quality (United States)

    The present research aimed to assess size exclusion HPLC (SE-HPLC) in protein molecular weight distribution determination for quality evaluation of durum semolina. Semolina samples were milled from 13 durum genotypes grown at 7 locations in 2009 and 2010 in ND. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) buffer ...

  12. Chemical Differentiation of Dendrobium officinale and Dendrobium devonianum by Using HPLC Fingerprints, HPLC-ESI-MS, and HPTLC Analyses (United States)

    Ye, Zi; Dai, Jia-Rong; Zhang, Cheng-Gang; Lu, Ye; Wu, Lei-Lei; Gong, Amy G. W.; Wang, Zheng-Tao


    The stems of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo (Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis) have a high medicinal value as a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Because of the limited supply, D. officinale is a high priced TCM, and therefore adulterants are commonly found in the herbal market. The dried stems of a closely related Dendrobium species, Dendrobium devonianum Paxt., are commonly used as the substitute; however, there is no effective method to distinguish the two Dendrobium species. Here, a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was successfully developed and applied to differentiate D. officinale and D. devonianum by comparing the chromatograms according to the characteristic peaks. A HPLC coupled with electrospray ionization multistage mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS) method was further applied for structural elucidation of 15 flavonoids, 5 phenolic acids, and 1 lignan in D. officinale. Among these flavonoids, 4 flavonoid C-glycosides were firstly reported in D. officinale, and violanthin and isoviolanthin were identified to be specific for D. officinale compared with D. devonianum. Then, two representative components were used as chemical markers. A rapid and reliable high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) method was applied in distinguishing D. officinale from D. devonianum. The results of this work have demonstrated that these developed analytical methods can be used to discriminate D. officinale and D. devonianum effectively and conveniently. PMID:28769988

  13. Von der Pionierarbeit zum Nachschlagewerk From Pioneering Work to Reference Work

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sylvia Mieszkowski


    Full Text Available 1995 erschien der von Hadumod Bußmann und Renate Hof herausgegebene Sammelband Genus. Zur Geschlechterdifferenz in den Kulturwissenschaften. Zum 10jährigen Jubiläum haben sich die beiden Herausgeberinnen noch einmal mit dem Kröner Verlag zusammengetan, haben teils dieselben, teils neue Autorinnen um sich geschart und Genus einen neuen Auftritt verschafft. Der aktuelle Untertitel benennt die Erweiterung, die statt einer bloßen Aktualisierung des ersten Bandes vorgenommen wurde: Geschlechterforschung/Gender Studies in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Ein Handbuch.The collected volume Genus. On Gender Difference in Cultural Studies (Genus. Zur Geschlechterdifferenz in den Kulturwissenschaften, edited by Hadumod Bußmann and Renate Hof, was published in 1995. In honor of ten years of publication both editors came together with the publishing house Kröner Verlag once again, bringing with them some of the same as well as some new authors, in order to provide Genus a renewed appearance on the academic stage. Instead of merely revising the original volume, the editors planned its expansion. The subtitle points to the result: Gender Studies in Culture and Social Studies. A Handbook (Geschlechterforschung/Gender Studies in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Ein Handbuch.

  14. Determination of some psychotropic drugs in serum and saliva samples by HPLC-DAD and HPLC MS. (United States)

    Petruczynik, A; Wróblewski, K; Szultka-Młyńska, M; Buszewski, B; Karakuła-Juchnowicz, H; Gajewski, J; Morylowska-Topolska, J; Waksmundzka-Hajnos, M


    A simple, rapid and sensitive HPLC-DAD method has been developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of seven psychotropic drugs (risperidone, citalopram, clozapine,quetiapine, levomepromazine, perazine and aripiprazole) in human serum or saliva samples. The chromatographic analyses were performed on a XSELECT CSH Phenyl-Hexyl column with a mobile phase containing methanol, acetate buffer at pH 3.5 and 0.025mL(-1) diethylamine. The influence of concentration of methanol in injection samples and injection volume on peak symmetry and system efficiency was examined.The full separation of all investigated drugs, good peaks' symmetry and simultaneously high systems efficiency were obtained in applied chromatographic system. The method is suitable for the analysis of investigated drugs in human plasma or saliva for psychiatric patients for control of pharmacotherapy, particularly in combination therapy. HPLC-MS was applied for verification of the presence of drugs and their metabolites in serum and saliva samples from patients. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Status seminar on BMBF-funded research projects in ecotoxicology. Proceedings; Statusseminar zum Foerderschwerpunkt `Oekotoxikologie` des BMBF. Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kirchner, M. [ed.; Bauer, H. [ed.


    Research projects in the field of ecotoxicology are presented, with particular regard to aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology. The report covers pollutant effects on plancton and fish and pollutant monitoring in streams. The effects, distribution and mobility of PAH, PCB and other pollutants in soils and pollutant concentrations in microorganisms are gone into. (SR) [Deutsch] Vorgestellt werden die Forschungsvorhaben zum Thema Oekotoxikologie. Schwerpunkte hierbei sind die aquatische Oekotoxokologie und die terrestrische Oekotoxikologie. Berichtet wird ueber die Wirkung von Fremdstoffen auf Plankton und Fischen, sowie die Bewertung der Belastung von Fliessgewaessern.Ausserdem wird die Wirkung, Verteilung und die Mobilitaet von PAK, PCB und anderen Schadstoffen in Boeden dargestellt, sowie die Belastung von Mikroorganismen mit Schadstoffen. (SR)

  16. Interkulturelle Literatur im Studium der Angewandten Linguistik – Erfahrungen und didaktisch-methodische Reflexionen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Janachowska-Budych


    Full Text Available Migration und ihre gesellschaftlich-kulturellen Folgen, darunter multikulturelle Identitäten, Mehrsprachigkeit und Herausforderungen der Interkulturalität, sind zum alltäglichen Element des Lebens in Deutschland geworden, und Literatur, die diese Erscheinungen thematisiert, gehört inzwischen zu den wichtigsten Genres der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. Unter anderem aus diesem Grund sollten die oben genannten Phänomene in neuphilologischen Studiengängen mit der Unterrichtssprache Deutsch außerhalb der deutschsprachigen Länder selbst behandelt werden. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden Erfahrungen und Arbeitsergebnisse aus dem Seminar „Interkulturelle Literatur“ beschrieben, das Studierenden der Angewandten Linguistik der Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Poznań seit dem Wintersemester 2014/2015 angeboten wird. Es wird vor allem der Frage nachgegangen, welche Problembereiche und Potentiale sich aus der Beschäftigung mit interkultureller Literatur ergeben und welche didaktisch-methodischen Maßnahmen sich in der Arbeit mit Texten interkultureller Literatur bewährt haben. Migration and its social and cultural consequences like multicultural identities, multilingualism and challenges of interculturality became a part of everyday life in Germany and literature that makes these phenomena subject of discussion developed into one of the most important genres in the German literature. That is why, among other things, they should be dealt with in the German studies. The present paper describes experiences and results of work in the seminar “Intercultural Literature” that is offered in the studies of applied linguistics at the Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznań since the winter term 2014/2015. It is primarily looked into what problem areas and potentials are there in the study of intercultural literature and which didactical and methodical approaches were successful in dealing with intercultural literature.

  17. Determination of 5-fluorouracil in plasma with HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Kuilenburg, A. B. P.; van Lenthe, H.; Maring, J. G.; van Gennip, A. H.


    In this article, we describe a fast and specific method to measure 5FU with HPLC tandem-mass spectrometry. Reversed-phase HPLC was combined with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry and detection was performed by multiple-reaction monitoring. Stable-isotope-labeled 5FU (1,3-15N2-5FU) was

  18. Review: Mäder, Maya (2017: Selbsterfahrung in der Psychotherapie (Self experience in Psychotherapy, Die Bedeutung für den Kompetenzerwerb in der Aus- und Weiterbildung zum transaktionalytischen Psychotherapeuten (The significance for getting competence in training of transactional psychotherapy Münster: Waxmann

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Günther Mohr


    Full Text Available Review: Mäder, Maya (2017: Selbsterfahrung in der Psychotherapie (Self experience in Psychotherapy, Die Bedeutung für den Kompetenzerwerb in der Aus- und Weiterbildung zum transaktionalytischen Psychotherapeuten (The significance for getting competence in training of transactional psychotherapy Münster: Waxmann   Citation - APA format: Mohr, G. (2017. Review: Mäder, Maya (2017: Selbsterfahrung in der Psychotherapie (Self experience in Psychotherapy, Die Bedeutung für den Kompetenzerwerb in der Aus- und Weiterbildung zum transaktionalytischen Psychotherapeuten (The significance for getting competence in training of transactional psychotherapy Münster: Waxmann. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 8(2, 49-50.

  19. Multi-Analyte Separation Methods for HPLC Determination of the Active Ingredients of Pesticides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Virtics, I.; Korsós, I.; Homoki, E.; Lantos, J. [Plant Protection and Soil Conservation Service of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, Nyíregyháza (Hungary)


    The practical quality control of selected pesticides, such as carbamates, organophosphorous compounds, phthalimides, pyrethroids, with HPLC is described. Detailed descriptions are given of materials and methods used, including sample preparation and HPLC operating conditions. The relationship between pH value of the HPLC eluent and the logP{sub ow} is discussed, illustrated by chromatograms, graphics and tables. The results are also compared with those elaborated by. E. Dudar and presented above. (author)

  20. Radio-activity detectors in HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kremers, H.D.


    Two different approaches were adopted to put the eluate from the HPLC into contact with the scintillator, i.e. a homogeneous and a heterogeneous system. In the heterogeneous system, the eluate runs directly through a cell filled with a fine-grain solid scintillator. In the homogeneous system, a liquid scintillator is admixed to the eluate or to a proportion of the eluate before flowing through the measurement cell. Both systems are contrasted with the fractionation method according to the criterias of handling, rapidity of analysis and facility cost. On-line detection of radio-activity will be easily settled for when comparing its investment cost with those of materials consumed in fractionation. A device prepared for scintillator admixture contains an integrated scintillator pump and a mixer but is suitable for application of solid scintillator cells, too. Such a system features a wider range of practical applications than a device exclusively designed for the heterogeneous system. A further asset of the detectors in the fact that they are adapted in their performance to up-to-date HPLC facilities in terms of speed and resolution. (orig./HP) [de

  1. Comparison of piracetam measured with HPLC-DAD, HPLC-ESI-MS, DIP-APCI-MS, and a newly developed and optimized DIP-ESI-MS. (United States)

    Lenzen, Claudia; Winterfeld, Gottfried A; Schmitz, Oliver J


    The direct inlet probe-electrospray ionization (DIP-ESI) presented here was based on the direct inlet probe-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (DIP-APCI) developed by our group. It was coupled to an ion trap mass spectrometer (MS) for the detection of more polar compounds such as degradation products from pharmaceuticals. First, the position of the ESI tip, the gas and solvent flow rates, as well as the gas temperature were optimized with the help of the statistic program Minitab® 17 and a caffeine standard. The ability to perform quantitative analyses was also tested by using different concentrations of caffeine and camphor. Calibration curves with a quadratic calibration regression of R (2) = 0.9997 and 0.9998 for caffeine and camphor, respectively, were obtained. The limit of detection of 2.5 and 1.7 ng per injection for caffeine and camphor were determined, respectively. Furthermore, a solution of piracetam was used to compare established analytical methods for this drug and its impurities such as HPLC-diode array detector (DAD) and HPLC-ESI-MS with the DIP-APCI and the developed DIP-ESI. With HPLC-DAD and 10 μg piracetam on column, no impurity could be detected. With HPLC-ESI-MS, two impurities (A and B) were identified with only 4.6 μg piracetam on column, while with DIP-ESI, an amount of 1.6 μg piracetam was sufficient. In the case of the DIP-ESI measurements, all detected impurities could be identified by MS/MS studies. Graphical Abstract Scheme of the DIP-ESI principle.

  2. S2k-Leitlinie zum Gebrauch von Präparationen zur lokalen Anwendung auf der Haut (Topika). (United States)

    Wohlrab, Johannes; Staubach, Petra; Augustin, Matthias; Eisert, Lisa; Hünerbein, Andreas; Nast, Alexander; Reimann, Holger; Strömer, Klaus; Mahler, Vera


    Diese Leitlinie richtet sich an Assistenz- und Fachärzte der Dermatologie sowie an Kostenträger und politische Entscheidungsgremien. Die Leitlinie wurde im formellen Konsensusverfahren (S2k) von Dermatologen unter Einbindung von Apothekern erstellt. Die Leitlinie stellt allgemeine Aspekte der Pharmakokinetik sowie der regulatorischen Begrifflichkeiten dar. Es werden Empfehlungen zur Indikation von Magistralrezepturen sowie deren Qualitätssicherung gegeben. Die Bedeutung der galenischen Grundlagen und die Problematik bei einer Substitution gegeneinander verschiedener Grundlagen werden dargestellt. Die Leitlinie umfasst Kriterien zur Auswahl einer adäquaten Grundlage sowie spezifische Aspekte zur Therapieplanung. Die Leitlinie gibt Empfehlungen zum Management bei Unverträglichkeiten gegenüber Bestandteilen der Grundlagen oder Hilfsstoffe. © 2018 The Authors | Journal compilation © Blackwell Verlag GmbH, Berlin.

  3. Multielemental speciation analysis by advanced hyphenated technique - HPLC/ICP-MS: A review. (United States)

    Marcinkowska, Monika; Barałkiewicz, Danuta


    Speciation analysis has become an invaluable tool in human health risk assessment, environmental monitoring or food quality control. Another step is to develop reliable multielemental speciation methodologies, to reduce costs, waste and time needed for the analysis. Separation and detection of species of several elements in a single analytical run can be accomplished by high performance liquid chromatography hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC/ICP-MS). Our review assembles articles concerning multielemental speciation determination of: As, Se, Cr, Sb, I, Br, Pb, Hg, V, Mo, Te, Tl, Cd and W in environmental, biological, food and clinical samples analyzed with HPLC/ICP-MS. It addresses the procedures in terms of following issues: sample collection and pretreatment, selection of optimal conditions for elements species separation by HPLC and determination using ICP-MS as well as metrological approach. The presented work is the first review article concerning multielemental speciation analysis by advanced hyphenated technique HPLC/ICP-MS. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Martynov AV


    Full Text Available Introduction. Quercetin is a flavone derivatives which known like a substances with vitamin activity, high antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activity and many other types of biological activity. Wide usage of quercetin prevents their polyphenolic nature structure which does not allow a high bioavailability of pure quercetin when administered orally. This is associated with a wide spectrum variety of chemical reactions for the phenolic groups: from interaction with amino acid residues in proteins to reactions with amine heterocyclic alkaloids and polysaccharides. In our days Corvitin – one from the number of quercetin based drugs with sufficiently low levels all types toxicity, allergenic and has no irritating action on intravenous administration. In the same time quercetin cannot be used in full measure because of the limited number of publications with analysis methods, especially HPLC. Determining the stability over time of concentrate quercetin solution, as well as determining the stability of the concentrate to the original autoclave sterilization conditions is a promising direction in creating new drugs. Materials and methods The objective was to research quercetin soluble formulation samples in different conditions: 1 fresh dilute concentrate (0.9% sodium chloride; 2 the original dilute concentrate, which was stored at room temperature for 14 days in light and 3 similar to the first sample dilute concentrate, which went before breeding in autoclaving at 120 0 C for 20 minutes. The objects used in the studies were industrial drug-substance quercetin (Sinkea manufactured (China, the original pharmaceutical composition as the soluble form of quercetin for injection and aerosol applications, glycerol (Sigma, Polysorbat 80 (Merk, ethanol 96 %. For the HPLC – analysis, chromatograph "Milichrom A-02" (SiChrom, Knauer (Econova, Novosibirsk, Russia was used. Results and discussion Quercetin was identified using information on its

  5. Measurements of urinary kinins by HPLC-radioimmunoassay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fejes-Toth, G.; Naray-Fejes-Toth, A.; Froelich, J.C.


    In this paper the authors describe a method for the individual determination of urinary kinins. Extraction from the urine is performed on an Amberlite CG-50 column and kinins are eluted with formic acid. The samples are further purified and kinins are separated by reversed phase HPLC. Bradykinin and lysylbradykinin are quantified by a sensitive radioimmunoassay capable of detecting 0.1 fmol of either peptide. Procedural losses are monitored by measuring the recovery of [ 3 H]bradykinin and [ 3 H]lysylbradykinin. Simple methods for labeling of bradykinin and lysylbradykinin with tritium are also presented. Recoveries of [ 3 H]bradykinin and [ 3 H]lysylbradykinin from biological material ranged between 77 and 91%. The combination of HPLC with radioimmunoassay makes it possible to determine kinin concentrations of biological samples with a higher sensitivity and greater specificity than previous methods. (Auth.)

  6. Recent developments in HPLC analysis of β-blockers in biological samples. (United States)

    Saleem, Kishwar; Ali, Imran; Kulsum, Umma; Aboul-Enein, Hassan Y


    β-Adrenergic blockers represent a very important class of drugs that are used worldwide for treating various cardiac diseases. The present article describes the state-of-the art of analyses of β-adrenergic blockers using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sample preparation techniques such as liquid-liquid extraction, solid-phase extraction and solid-phase microextraction have been discussed, which are essential prior to HPLC analysis. Additionally, applications of liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry are included. HPLC methods have been reported to include 0.6-26 min as the run times and 0.01 ng/mL to 25 µg/mL as detection limits. The most commonly used columns were C18 with various buffers as the mobile phases, along with various organic modifiers. The optimization of HPLC conditions has been discussed. It has been observed that the reported methods are quite satisfactory for the analyses of β-adrenergic blockers in biological samples. Future perspectives in the hyphenation of solid-phase microextraction-nano-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry have also been highlighted to achieve detections at nanogram and picogram levels. The present article is very useful for academicians, scientists, drug and pharmaceutical personnel and government regulatory authorities.

  7. Environmentally evaluated HPLC-ELSD method to monitor enzymatic synthesis of a non-ionic surfactant. (United States)

    Gaber, Yasser; Akerman, Cecilia Orellana; Hatti-Kaul, Rajni


    N-Lauroyl-N-methylglucamide is a biodegradable surfactant derived from renewable resources. In an earlier study, we presented an enzymatic solvent-free method for synthesis of this compound. In the present report, the HPLC method developed to follow the reaction between lauric acid/methyl laurate and N-methyl glucamine (MEG) and its environmental assessment are described. Use of ultraviolet (UV) absorption or refractive index (RI) detectors did not allow the detection of N-methyl glucamine (MEG). With Evaporative light scattering detector ELSD, it was possible to apply a gradient elution, and detect MEG with a limit of detection, LOD = 0.12 μg. A good separation of the peaks: MEG, lauric acid, product (amide) and by-product (amide-ester) was achieved with the gradient program with a run time of 40 min. The setting of ELSD detector was optimized using methyl laurate as the analyte. LC-MS/MS was used to confirm the amide and amide-ester peaks. We evaluated the greenness of the developed method using the freely available software HPLC-Environmental Assessment Tool (HPLC-EAT) and the method got a scoring of 73 HPLC-EAT units, implying that the analytical procedure was more environmentally benign compared to some other methods reported in literature whose HPLC-EAT values scored up to 182. Use of ELSD detector allowed the detection and quantification of the substrates and the reaction products of enzymatic synthesis of the surfactant, N-lauroyl-N-methylglucamide. The developed HPLC method has acceptable environmental profile based on HPLC-EAT evaluation.

  8. Novel assay of antibacterial components in manuka honey using lucigenin-chemiluminescence-HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karasawa, Koji; Haraya, Shiomi; Okubo, Sachie; Arakawa, Hidetoshi


    Five components (hydrogen peroxide, methylglyoxal, dihydroxyacetone, fructose and glucose) of New Zealand manuka honey (Leptospermum scoparium) were analyzed using lucigenin chemiluminescence high-performance liquid chromatography (lucigenin-CL-HPLC). We focused on active oxygen species produced from the components in order to easily detect these five components contained in manuka honey. H_2O_2 and O_2"− generated from these components were identified by lucigenin-CL and electron spin resonance (ESR), and the bactericidal effect of ROS was confirmed using E. coli. The previously reported assays for Manuka honey components have low specificities and require complicated preprocessing methods. As our results, the detection and identification of these components were possible within 30 min in lucigenin-CL-HPLC system, without any special treatment. It is considered that lucigenin-CL-HPLC is useful for the quality control and the analysis of various honey. - Highlights: • Antibacterial components in manuka honey by HPLC with lucigenin-CL. • Five antibacterial compounds measured via generation of reactive oxygen species. • Simple, sensitive and useful for quality control and analysis of antibacterial honey.

  9. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC fingerprints and primary structure identification of corn peptides by HPLC-diode array detection and HPLC-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chi Wang


    Full Text Available Corn peptides (CPs are reported to have many biological functions, such as facilitating alcohol metabolism, antioxidation, antitumor, antihypertension, and hepatoprotection. To develop a method for quality control, the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC system was applied. Twenty-eight common peaks were found in all the CPs of corn samples from Enshi, China, based on which, a fingerprinting chromatogram was established for use in quality control in future research. Subsequently, the major chemical constituents of these common peaks were identified respectively using the HPLC-diode-array detection electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (DAD-ESI-MS/MS system, and 48 peptide fractions were determined ultimately. This was the first time for the majority of these peptides to be reported, and many of them contained amino acids of glutamine (Q, L and A, which might play an important role in the exhibition of the bioactivities of CPs. Many peptides had a similar primary structure to the peptides which had been proven to be bioactive such as facilitating alcohol metabolism, scavenging free radicals, and inhibiting lipid peroxidation. This systematical analysis of the primary structure of CPs facilitated subsequent studies on the relationship between the structures and functions, and could accelerate holistic research on CPs.

  10. A hybrid FIA/HPLC system incorporating monolithic column chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adcock, Jacqui L.; Francis, Paul S.; Agg, Kent M.; Marshall, Graham D.; Barnett, Neil W.


    We have combined the generation of solvent gradients using milliGAT pumps, chromatographic separations with monolithic columns and chemiluminescence detection in an instrument manifold that approaches the automation and separation efficiency of HPLC, whilst maintaining the positive attributes of flow injection analysis (FIA), such as manifold versatility, speed of analysis and portability. As preliminary demonstrations of this hybrid FIA/HPLC system, we have determined six opiate alkaloids (morphine, pseudomorphine, codeine, oripavine, ethylmorphine and thebaine) and four biogenic amines (vanilmandelic acid, serotonin, 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid and homovanillic acid) in human urine, using tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III) and acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence detection

  11. Rapid HPLC-MS method for the simultaneous determination of tea catechins and folates. (United States)

    Araya-Farias, Monica; Gaudreau, Alain; Rozoy, Elodie; Bazinet, Laurent


    An effective and rapid HPLC-MS method for the simultaneous separation of the eight most abundant tea catechins, gallic acid, and caffeine was developed. These compounds were rapidly separated within 9 min by a linear gradient elution using a Zorbax SB-C18 packed with sub 2 μm particles. This methodology did not require preparative and semipreparative HPLC steps. In fact, diluted tea samples can be easily analyzed using HPLC-MS as described in this study. The use of mass spectrometry detection for quantification of catechins ensured a higher specificity of the method. The percent relative standard deviation was generally lower than 4 and 7% for most of the compounds tested in tea drinks and tea extracts, respectively. Furthermore, the method provided excellent resolution for folate determination alone or in combination with catechins. To date, no HPLC method able to discriminate catechins and folates in a quick analysis has been reported in the literature.

  12. Der Weg zum Java-Profi Konzepte und Techniken für die professionelle Java-Entwicklung

    CERN Document Server

    Inden, Michael


    Sie haben bereits Einiges an Erfahrung mit Java und möchten Ihre Entwicklungstätigkeit nun professionalisieren? Oder sind Sie schon auf dem Weg zum Profi, benötigen aber ein Nachschlagewerk, das Ihnen die wichtigen Themen aus der Java-Welt kompakt und kompetent vermittelt? Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die professionelle Entwicklung und vermittelt Ihnen das notwendige Wissen, um stabile und erweiterbare Softwaresysteme auf Java-SE-Basis zu bauen. Praxisnahe Beispiele helfen dabei, das Gelernte rasch umzusetzen. Neben der Praxis wird viel Wert auf das Verständnis zugrunde liegender Konzepte gelegt. Dabei kommen dem Autor Michael Inden seine umfangreichen Schulungs- und Entwicklererfahrungen zugute - und Ihnen als Leser damit ebenso. Diese Neuauflage wurde durchgehend überarbeitet, aktualisiert und erweitert. Natürlich darf das aktuelle Java 8 nicht fehlen. Verschiedene Kapitel sind Java 8 und seinen Neuerungen gewidmet. Dort wird ein fundierter Einstieg in die umfangreichen Erweit...

  13. Criteria for assembly of in vivo measuring systems using high-resolution {gamma}-spectroscopy for evaluation of incorporated radionuclides; Kriterien zum Aufbau von In Vivo Messsystemen zur hochaufloesenden {gamma}-Spektrometrie inkorporierter Radionuklide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wahl, W. [GSF Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Neuherberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Strahlenschutz


    The paper reviews the available, fundamental measuring methods relying on {gamma}-spectroscopy for their possible application in whole-body and partial-body counters for detection of manifold incorporation of radionuclides. Particular emphasis is placed on the response functions of various detectors, the assembly, the differentiated radioactivity distribution in the body, the various components of background activity and the corresponding suppression mechanisms, and possible ways of using the energy dependence for optimised detection of specific {gamma} energies in a given body region. Criteria and relations as well as their advantages and drawbacks are discussed. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Diese Arbeit prueft die zur Verfuegung stehenden grundlegenden, {gamma}-spektroskopischen Messmethoden auf deren moegliche Anwendung im Spektrum der Ganz- und Teilkoerperzaehler zum Nachweis der mannigfach inkorporierten Radionuklide. Insbesondere wird eingegangen auf die Response Funktionen verschiedener Detektoren, die Anordnung, die differenzierte Aktivitaetsverteilung im Koerper, die verschiedenen Untergrundkomponenten und deren Unterdrueckungsmechanismen sowie die Beeinflussung durch die Energieabhaengigkeit zum optimalen Nachweis spezifischer {gamma}-Energien an einem bestimmten Ort am Koerper. Kriterien und Relationen sowie deren Vor- und Nachteile werden diskutiert. (orig.)

  14. Measurement of menadione in urine by HPLC. (United States)

    Al Rajabi, Ala; Peterson, James; Choi, Sang-Woon; Suttie, John; Barakat, Susan; Booth, Sarah L


    Menadione is a metabolite of vitamin K that is excreted in urine. A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method using a C(30) column, post-column zinc reduction and fluorescence detection was developed to measure urinary menadione. The mobile phase was composed of 95% methanol with 0.55% aqueous solution and 5% DI H(2)O. Menaquinone-2 (MK-2) was used as an internal standard. The standard calibration curve was linear with a correlation coefficient (R(2)) of 0.999 for both menadione and MK-2. The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 0.3pmole menadione/mL urine. Sample preparation involved hydrolysis of menadiol conjugates and oxidizing the released menadiol to menadione. Using this method, urinary menadione was shown to increase in response to 3 years of phylloquinone supplementation. This HPLC method is a sensitive and reproducible way to detect menadione in urine. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Development of Reverse-Phase HPLC Method for Simultaneous ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Purpose: To develop a simple, sensitive and rapid reverse phase HPLC method for the simultaneous analysis of metoprolol succinate and hydrochlorothiazide in a solid dosage form. Methods: The .... Extraction was carried out three times with.

  16. Analysis of taxines in Taxus plant material and cell cultures by hplc photodiode array and hplc-electrospray mass spectrometry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Theodoridis, G.; Laskaris, G.; Rozendaal, E.L.M.; Verpoorte, R.


    A semi-purified Taxus baccata needles extract was analysed by RP-HPLC. More than 18 taxines and cinnamates were detected by photodiode array detection and LC-MS, 10 of them being positively identified. Furthermore, 10-deacetyl baccatin III (paclitaxel's main precursor) and other taxanes were also

  17. An Inexpensive Digital Gradient Controller for HPLC. (United States)

    Brady, James E.; Carr, Peter W.


    Use of gradient elution techniques in high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is often essential for direct separation of complex mixtures. Since most commercial controllers have features that are of marginal value for instructional purposes, a low-cost controller capable of illustrating essential features of gradient elution was developed.…

  18. Novel assay of antibacterial components in manuka honey using lucigenin-chemiluminescence-HPLC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karasawa, Koji, E-mail:; Haraya, Shiomi; Okubo, Sachie; Arakawa, Hidetoshi


    Five components (hydrogen peroxide, methylglyoxal, dihydroxyacetone, fructose and glucose) of New Zealand manuka honey (Leptospermum scoparium) were analyzed using lucigenin chemiluminescence high-performance liquid chromatography (lucigenin-CL-HPLC). We focused on active oxygen species produced from the components in order to easily detect these five components contained in manuka honey. H{sub 2}O{sub 2} and O{sub 2}{sup −} generated from these components were identified by lucigenin-CL and electron spin resonance (ESR), and the bactericidal effect of ROS was confirmed using E. coli. The previously reported assays for Manuka honey components have low specificities and require complicated preprocessing methods. As our results, the detection and identification of these components were possible within 30 min in lucigenin-CL-HPLC system, without any special treatment. It is considered that lucigenin-CL-HPLC is useful for the quality control and the analysis of various honey. - Highlights: • Antibacterial components in manuka honey by HPLC with lucigenin-CL. • Five antibacterial compounds measured via generation of reactive oxygen species. • Simple, sensitive and useful for quality control and analysis of antibacterial honey.

  19. Contributions to the workshop `Residual ponds from open pit brown coal mining`; Beitraege zum Workshop ``Braunkohlebergbaurestseen``

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The contributions to the workshop ``Investigations on flooding in residual ponds from open-pit mining`` deal, inter alia, with the hydrochemical development of flushing waters, the stability of the water quality of residual lakes, especially under the impact of land contamination, the influence of brine receipts by flushed residual lakes, and with the microbiological ecology of residual lakes from mining. Furthermore, geophysical studies for demonstrating paths of flow and for calculating the depth and volume of residual lakes from open-pit mining are discussed. (MSK) [Deutsch] Die Beitraege zu dem Workshop `Untersuchungen zu Flutungen in Tagebaurestseen` befassen sich unter anderem mit der hydrochemischen Entwicklung von Flutungsgewaessern, mit der Qualitaetsstabilitaet von Restseewaessern - insbesonders bei Einwirkung von Altlasten - und mit den Einfluessen von Solezufluessen bei Restseeflutung sowie mit Untersuchungen zur mikrobiologischen Oekologie in Bergbaurestseen. Desweiteren werden geophysikalische Untersuchungen zum Nachweis von Fliesswegen und die Tiefen- und Volumenberechnung eines Tagebaurestlochsees erlaeutert. (MSK)

  20. Contributions to the workshop `Residual ponds from open pit brown coal mining`; Beitraege zum Workshop ``Braunkohlebergbaurestseen``

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The contributions to the workshop ``Investigations on flooding in residual ponds from open-pit mining`` deal, inter alia, with the hydrochemical development of flushing waters, the stability of the water quality of residual lakes, especially under the impact of land contamination, the influence of brine receipts by flushed residual lakes, and with the microbiological ecology of residual lakes from mining. Furthermore, geophysical studies for demonstrating paths of flow and for calculating the depth and volume of residual lakes from open-pit mining are discussed. (MSK) [Deutsch] Die Beitraege zu dem Workshop `Untersuchungen zu Flutungen in Tagebaurestseen` befassen sich unter anderem mit der hydrochemischen Entwicklung von Flutungsgewaessern, mit der Qualitaetsstabilitaet von Restseewaessern - insbesonders bei Einwirkung von Altlasten - und mit den Einfluessen von Solezufluessen bei Restseeflutung sowie mit Untersuchungen zur mikrobiologischen Oekologie in Bergbaurestseen. Desweiteren werden geophysikalische Untersuchungen zum Nachweis von Fliesswegen und die Tiefen- und Volumenberechnung eines Tagebaurestlochsees erlaeutert. (MSK)

  1. Ein statistisches Modell zum Einfluß der thermischen Bewegung auf NMR-Festkörperspektren (United States)

    Ploss, W.; Freude, D.; Pfeifer, H.; Schmiedel, H.

    Es wird ein statistisches Modell zum Einfluß der thermischen Bewegung auf die NMR-Linienform vorgestellt, das die Verschmälerung von Festkörper-Spektren bei wachsender Temperatur beschreibt. Das Modell geht von der Annahme aus, daß nach einer Ortsveränderung eines Kerns infolge thermischer Bewegung jede beliebige Kernresonanzfrequenz mit der durch das Festkörperspektrum vorgegebenen Wahrscheinlichkeit angenommen werden kann. Am Beispiel der Festkörper-Gaußlinie wird der Unterschied zu dem bekannten Modell von ANDERSON und WEISS verdeutlicht.Translated AbstractA Statistical Model for the Influence of Thermal Motion on N. M. R. Spectra in SolidsA theory is proposed which allows to describe the narrowing of n. m. r.-line width in the presence of thermal motions of the spins. The model is based on the assumption, that the local resonance frequency of a given spin immediately after the jump is distributed according to the n. m. r.-line shape of the rigid lattice. The difference to the well-known ANDERSON-WEISS-model of spectral narrowing is demonstrated for a gaussian line shape.

  2. Determination of blood cyanide by HPLC-MS. (United States)

    Tracqui, A; Raul, J S; Géraut, A; Berthelon, L; Ludes, B


    An original high-performance liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric (HPLC-MS) procedure was developed for the determination of cyanide (CN) in whole blood. After the addition of K13C15N as internal standard, blood was placed in a microdiffusion device, the inner well of which was filled with a mixture of taurine (50mM in water)/naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA, 10mM in methanol)/methanol/ concentrated (approximately 20%) ammonia solution (25:25:45:5, v/v). Concentrated H2SO4 was added to the blood sample, and the microdiffusion chamber was sealed. After 30 min of gentle agitation, 2 microL of the contents of the inner vial were pipetted and directly injected onto a NovaPak C18 HPLC column. Separation was performed by a gradient of acetonitrile in 2mM NH4COOH, pH 3.0 buffer (35-80% in 10 min). Detection was done with a Perkin-Elmer Sciex API-100 mass analyzer with an ionspray interface, operated in the negative ionization mode. MS data were collected as either TIC or SIM at m/z (299 + 191) and (301 + 193) for the derivatives formed with CN and 13C15N, respectively. Inspired by previous works dealing with the complexation of CN by NDA + taurine to form a 1-cyano [f] benzoisoindole derivative analyzed by HPLC-fluorimetry, this method appears simple, rapid, and extremely specific. Limits of detection and quantitation for blood CN are 5 and 15 ng/mL, respectively. The use of 13C15N as internal standard allows the quantitation of CN with elegance and accuracy in comparison with previously reported methods.

  3. Determination of cadmium and lead species and phytochelatins in pea (Pisum sativum) by HPLC-ICPMS and HPLC-ESIMSn

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baralkiewicz, D.; Magorzata, K.; Piechalak, A.; Tomaszewska, B.


    Full text: Trace elements play an important role in the functioning of life on our planet. Some of them can be highly toxic, whereas others can be essential. These effects are very often related to particular form in which the element is present. Often these different chemical forms of a particular element or its compounds are referred to as 'species'. Cadmium and lead are widespread heavy metal pollutants released into the environment by human activities. The presence of Pb 2+ and Cd 2+ in the environment leads to a numerous disturbances in many metabolic processes in plants. Inhibition of growth is a major symptom. Hyphenated techniques, such as HPLC-ICPMS and HPLC-ESIMSn seem to be the best analytical instruments to study metal speciation in plants. In our study, we used hyphenated techniques to identify compounds engaged in Cd and Pb metabolism and to perform analysis of metal complexes induced in Pisum sativum exposed to cadmium and lead. These identified compounds might be valuable source of information to study metal accumulation mechanism for bioremediation processes. (author)

  4. Screening and Analysis of the Potential Bioactive Components of Poria cocos (Schw. Wolf by HPLC and HPLC-MSn with the Aid of Chemometrics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ling-Fang Wu


    Full Text Available The aim of the present study was to establish a new method based on Similarity Analysis (SA, Cluster Analysis (CA and Principal Component Analysis (PCA to determine the quality of different samples of Poria cocos (Schw. Wolf obtained from Yunnan, Hubei, Guizhou, Fujian, Henan, Guangxi, Anhui and Sichuan in China. For this purpose 15 samples from the different habitats were analyzed by HPLC-PAD and HPLC-MSn. Twenty-three compounds were detected by HPLC-MSn, of which twenty compounds were tentatively identified by comparing their retention times and mass spectrometry data with that of reference compounds and reviewing the literature. The characteristic fragmentations were summarized. 3-epi-Dehydrotumulosic acid (F13, 3-oxo-16α,25-dihydroxylanosta-7,9(11,24(31-trien-21-oic acid (F4, 3-oxo-6,16α-dihydroxylanosta-7,9(11,24(31-trien-21-oic acid (F7 and dehydropachymic acid (F15 were deemed to be suitable marker compounds to distinguish between samples of different quality according to CA and PCA. This study provides helpful chemical information for further anti-tumor activity and active mechanism research on P. cocos. The results proved that fingerprint combined with a chemometric approach is a simple, rapid and effective method for the quality discrimination of P. cocos.

  5. Investigating Pigment Radicals in Black Rice Using HPLC and Multi-EPR. (United States)

    Nakagawa, Kouichi; Maeda, Hayato


    We investigated the location and distribution of paramagnetic species in black and white rice using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), X-band (9 GHz) EPR imaging (EPRI), and HPLC. EPR primarily detected two paramagnetic species in black rice, which were identified as a stable radical and Mn 2+ species, based on the g values and hyperfine components of the EPR signals. The signal from the stable radical appeared at g ≈ 2.00 and was relatively strong and stable. Subsequent noninvasive two-dimensional (2D) EPRI revealed that this stable radical was primarily located in the pigmented region of black rice, while very few radicals were observed in the rice interior. Pigments extracted from black rice were analyzed using HPLC; the major compound was found to be cyanidin-3-glucoside. EPR and HPLC results indicate that the stable radical was only found within the pigmented region of the rice, and that it could either be cyanidin-3-glucoside, or one of its oxidative decomposition products.

  6. A fatal forensic intoxication with fenarimol: analysis by HPLC/DAD/MSD. (United States)

    Proença, P; Pinho Marques, E; Teixeira, H; Castanheira, F; Barroso, M; Avila, S; Vieira, D N


    Fenarimol (Rubigan) is a pyrimidine ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor used as a systemic fungicide. The authors present a fatal fenarimol intoxication case analysed in the Forensic Toxicology Service of the National Institute of Legal Medicine. The results were used to compare two different HPLC techniques, regarding selectivity and sensitivity: an HPLC system with a diode array detector (DAD) and an HPLC system with a DAD and a mass spectrometry detector (MSD) with an electrospray interface. All biological samples were submitted to a solid-phase extraction procedure. The detection and quantification limits of fenarimol, linearity, precision and accuracy were evaluated. The fenarimol concentration levels determined were of 89.0 mg/ml in gastric contents, 1.9 mg/g in liver and 0.4 mg/g in kidney. Blood was not available at autopsy. No published data related to fenarimol self-poisoning were found, so it was not possible to interpret the results obtained by comparison with toxic/lethal levels.

  7. Screening natural antioxidants in peanut shell using DPPH-HPLC-DAD-TOF/MS methods. (United States)

    Qiu, Jiying; Chen, Leilei; Zhu, Qingjun; Wang, Daijie; Wang, Wenliang; Sun, Xin; Liu, Xiaoyong; Du, Fangling


    Peanut shell, a byproduct in oil production, is rich in natural antioxidants. Here, a rapid and efficient method using DPPH-HPLC-DAD-TOF/MS was used for the first time to screen antioxidants in peanut shell. The method is based on the hypothesis that upon reaction with 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), the peak areas of compounds with potential antioxidant activities in the HPLC chromatogram will be significantly reduced or disappeared, and the identity confirmation could be achieved by HPLC-DAD-TOF/MS technique. With this method, three compounds possessing potential antioxidant activities were found abundantly in the methanolic extract of peanut shell. They were identified as 5,7-dihydroxychromone, eriodictyol, and luteolin. The contents of these compounds were 0.59, 0.92, and 2.36 mg/g, respectively, and luteolin possessed the strongest radical scavenging capacity. DPPH-HPLC-DAD-TOF/MS assay facilitated rapid identification and determination of natural antioxidants in peanut shell, which may be helpful for value-added utilization of peanut processing byproducts. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. A systematic approach to the accurate quantification of selenium in serum selenoalbumin by HPLC-ICP-MS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jitaru, Petru; Goenaga-Infante, Heidi; Vaslin-Reimann, Sophie; Fisicaro, Paola


    In this paper, two different methods are for the first time systematically compared for the determination of selenium in human serum selenoalbumin (SeAlb). Firstly, SeAlb was enzymatically hydrolyzed and the resulting selenomethionine (SeMet) was quantified using species-specific isotope dilution (SSID) with reversed phase-HPLC (RP-HPLC) hyphenated to (collision/reaction cell) inductively coupled plasma-quadrupole mass spectrometry (CRC ICP-QMS). In order to assess the enzymatic hydrolysis yield, SeAlb was determined as an intact protein by affinity-HPLC (AF-HPLC) coupled to CRC ICP-QMS. Using this approach, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and selenoprotein P (SelP) (the two selenoproteins present in serum) were also determined within the same chromatographic run. The levels of selenium associated with SeAlb in three serum materials, namely BCR-637, Seronorm level 1 and Seronorm level 2, obtained using both methods were in a good agreement. Verification of the absence of free SeMet, which interferes with the SeAlb determination (down to the amino acid level), in such materials was addressed by analyzing the fraction of GPx, partially purified by AF-HPLC, using RP-HPLC (GPx only) and size exclusion-HPLC (SE-HPLC) coupled to CRC ICP-QMS. The latter methodology was also used for the investigation of the presence of selenium species other than the selenoproteins in the (AF-HPLC) SelP and SeAlb fractions; the same selenium peaks were detected in both control and BCR-637 serum with a difference in age of ca. 12 years. It is also for the first time that the concentrations of selenium associated with SeAlb, GPx and SelP species in such commercially available serums (only certified or having indicative levels of total selenium content) are reported. Such indicative values can be used for reference purposes in future validation of speciation methods for selenium in human serum and/or inter-laboratory comparisons.

  9. A systematic approach to the accurate quantification of selenium in serum selenoalbumin by HPLC-ICP-MS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jitaru, Petru, E-mail: [Laboratoire National de Metrologie et d' Essais (LNE), Department of Biomedical and Inorganic Chemistry, 1 rue Gaston Boissier, 75015 Paris (France); Goenaga-Infante, Heidi [LGC Limited, Queens Road, Teddington, TW11 OLY, Middlesex (United Kingdom); Vaslin-Reimann, Sophie; Fisicaro, Paola [Laboratoire National de Metrologie et d' Essais (LNE), Department of Biomedical and Inorganic Chemistry, 1 rue Gaston Boissier, 75015 Paris (France)


    In this paper, two different methods are for the first time systematically compared for the determination of selenium in human serum selenoalbumin (SeAlb). Firstly, SeAlb was enzymatically hydrolyzed and the resulting selenomethionine (SeMet) was quantified using species-specific isotope dilution (SSID) with reversed phase-HPLC (RP-HPLC) hyphenated to (collision/reaction cell) inductively coupled plasma-quadrupole mass spectrometry (CRC ICP-QMS). In order to assess the enzymatic hydrolysis yield, SeAlb was determined as an intact protein by affinity-HPLC (AF-HPLC) coupled to CRC ICP-QMS. Using this approach, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and selenoprotein P (SelP) (the two selenoproteins present in serum) were also determined within the same chromatographic run. The levels of selenium associated with SeAlb in three serum materials, namely BCR-637, Seronorm level 1 and Seronorm level 2, obtained using both methods were in a good agreement. Verification of the absence of free SeMet, which interferes with the SeAlb determination (down to the amino acid level), in such materials was addressed by analyzing the fraction of GPx, partially purified by AF-HPLC, using RP-HPLC (GPx only) and size exclusion-HPLC (SE-HPLC) coupled to CRC ICP-QMS. The latter methodology was also used for the investigation of the presence of selenium species other than the selenoproteins in the (AF-HPLC) SelP and SeAlb fractions; the same selenium peaks were detected in both control and BCR-637 serum with a difference in age of ca. 12 years. It is also for the first time that the concentrations of selenium associated with SeAlb, GPx and SelP species in such commercially available serums (only certified or having indicative levels of total selenium content) are reported. Such indicative values can be used for reference purposes in future validation of speciation methods for selenium in human serum and/or inter-laboratory comparisons.

  10. HPLC quantification of phenolic content and assessment of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 2, 2016 ... detection (HPLC-DAD) fingerprinting of phenolic content. Furthermore, the .... Briefly, deionised water (0.5 ml) and 125 μl of Folin–Colcalteu reagent were added to ..... to be organ-specific and can leak from a damaged or an.

  11. Laudatio für Herrn Dr. Lars Krogmann : anlässlich der Verleihung des Förderpreises der Ingrid Weiss / Horst Wiehe Stiftung durch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie am 27. Februar 2007 in Innsbruck


    Peters, Ralph


    Lars Krogmann wurde 1976 geboren in Norderstedt bei Hamburg. Schon früh entwickelte er eine Leidenschaft für Insekten, insbesondere für Tagschmetterlinge. Der Legende nach soll er bereits als Heranwachsender stets „Entomologe“ als Berufsziel ausgegeben haben. Folgerichtig begann er nach dem Abitur und Zivildienst im Jahr 1996 ein Studium der Biologie in Hamburg. Im Studium belegte er jeden Kurs, der entomologische Inhalte hatte, und er arbeitete als studentische Hilfskraft in der Entomologisc...

  12. Simultaneous HPLC quantitative analysis of mangostin derivatives in Tetragonula pagdeni propolis extracts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sumet Kongkiatpaiboon


    Full Text Available Propolis has been used as indigenous medicine for curing numerous maladies. The one that is of ethnopharmacological use is stingless bee propolis from Tetragonula pagdeni. A simultaneous high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC investigation was developed and validated to determine the contents of bioactive compounds: 3-isomangostin, gamma-mangostin, beta-mangostin, and alpha-mangostin. HPLC analysis was effectively performed using a Hypersil BDS C18 column, with the gradient elution of methanol–0.2% formic acid and a flow rate of 1 ml/min, at 25 °C and detected at 245 nm. Parameters for the validation included accuracy, precision, linearity, and limits of quantitation and detection. The developed HPLC technique was precise, with lower than 2% relative standard deviation. The recovery values of 3-isomangostin, gamma-mangostin, beta-mangostin, and alpha-mangostin in the extracts were 99.98%, 99.97%, 98.98% and 99.19%, respectively. The average contents of these mixtures in the propolis extracts collected from different seasons were 0.127%, 1.008%, 0.323% and 2.703% (w/w, respectively. The developed HPLC technique was suitable and practical for the simultaneous analysis of these mangostin derivatives in T. pagdeni propolis and would be a valuable guidance for the standardization of its pharmaceutical products.

  13. Brief on -Hyphenated Methods of HPLC for Determining the Presence of Solutes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohamad Taleuzzaman


    Full Text Available HPLC is the tool in liquid chromatography is unique because of particle size, smaller particle in the stationary phase, increase efficiency of a separation. However, if the particles are made smaller, capillary action increases and it becomes more difficult to drain the column under gravity. For quantitative analysis different types of detector is used in conjunction with HPLC which give precise and accurate result and it is apply according to the nature of the substance. Various types of detectors used in HPLC are mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, visible spectroscopy, ultraviolet spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, conductivity measurement, and refractive index measurement. Each detector has its assets, limitations and sample types for which it is most effective. The recent development of the so-called hyphenated techniques has improved the ability to separate and identify multiple entities within a mixture.

  14. Quantitative HPLC determination of [99mTc]-pertechnetate in radiopharmaceuticals and biological samples: Pt. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tianze Zhou; Hirth, W.W.; Heineman, W.R.; Deutsch, Edward


    Techniques have been developed which allow HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) to be used for the quantitative determination of [ 99m Tc]pertechnetate in radiopharmaceuticals and biological samples. An instrumental technique accounts for 99m Tc species which do not elute from the HPLC column, while a chemical technique obviates interferences caused by Sn(II). These two techniques are incorporated into an anion exchange HPLC procedure which is applied to the determination of [ 99m Tc]pertechnetate in 99m Tc-diphosphonate radiopharmaceuticals and biological samples. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available This paper presents a common extraction method for toxicological drug screening by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS and high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD. Liquid-liquid extraction was performed using plasma of 104 samples at the Laboratory of Moroccan Poison Control and Pharmacovigilance Center during a period of 12 months. The results obtained by HPLC-DAD are compared with those determined with GC-MS. 76 cases (73.08 % were found positive for at least by one of these two techniques. HPLC-DAD identified 59.87 % of all positive results, and 10 molecules were identified only by HPLC-DAD. GC/MS identified 40.13 % of all positives, and 4 molecules were identified only by GC/MS. In order to evaluate the performance of this extraction method, an extraction yield was calculated for three classes of drugs. All the analyzed molecules were obtained in satisfactory yields (higher than 50 % except for carbamazepine, amitriptyline and nortriptyline. Overall, the results indicate that the extraction method is well adapted for toxicological drug screening. The use of common extraction simultaneously for the two techniques can reduce workload and costs of screening, while increasing the validity and reliability of the results.

  16. Principles of Developing Multi-Pesticide Methods Based on HPLC Determination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dudar, E. [Plant Protection & Soil Conservation Service of Budapest, Budapest (Hungary)


    Principles for the development of multi-pesticide methods based on HPLC determination are outlined. Flow charts and block diagrams give guidance on how to proceed stepwise in the set-up of respective analytical methods. Detailed information is provided on what to take into consideration for setting up a pesticide formulation analysis method. HPLC variables like the types of column, solvents and their strength, pH value, eluent modifiers, column temperature, etc, and the influence on the separation and resolution of chromatographic peaks are discussed as well as the necessity and benefits of internal standardization. Examples of system suitability testing experiments are given for illustration. (author)

  17. Combined HPLC-CUPRAC (cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity) assay of parsley, celery leaves, and nettle. (United States)

    Yildiz, Leyla; Başkan, Kevser Sözgen; Tütem, Esma; Apak, Reşat


    This study aims to identify the essential antioxidant compounds present in parsley (Petroselinum sativum) and celery (Apium graveolens) leaves belonging to the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) family, and in stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) belonging to Urticaceae family, to measure the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of these compounds with CUPRAC (cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity) and ABTS spectrophotometric methods, and to correlate the TAC with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) findings. The CUPRAC spectrophotometric method of TAC assay using copper(II)-neocuproine (2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline) as the chromogenic oxidant was developed in our laboratories. The individual antioxidant constituents of plant extracts were identified and quantified by HPLC on a C18 column using a modified mobile phase of gradient elution comprised of MeOH-0.2% o-phosphoric acid and UV detection for polyphenols at 280 nm. The TAC values of HPLC-quantified antioxidant constituents were found, and compared for the first time with those found by CUPRAC. The TAC of HPLC-quantified compounds accounted for a relatively high percentage of the observed CUPRAC capacities of plant extracts, namely 81% of nettle, 60-77% of parsley (in different hydrolyzates of extract and solid sample), and 41-57% of celery leaves (in different hydrolyzates). The CUPRAC total capacities of the 70% MeOH extracts of studied plants (in the units of mmol trolox g(-1)plant) were in the order: celery leaves>nettle>parsley. The TAC calculated with the aid of HPLC-spectrophotometry did not compensate for 100% of the CUPRAC total capacities, because all flavonoid glycosides subjected to hydrolysis were either not detectable with HPLC, or not converted to the corresponding aglycons (i.e., easily detectable and quantifiable with HPLC) during the hydrolysis step.

  18. Validated RP-HPLC Method for Quantification of Phenolic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To evaluate the total phenolic content and antioxidant potential of the methanol extracts of aerial parts and roots of Thymus sipyleus Boiss and also to determine some phenolic compounds using a newly developed and validated reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method.

  19. Determination of sulfonamides and trimethoprim using high temperature HPLC with simultaneous temperature and solvent gradient. (United States)

    Giegold, Sascha; Teutenberg, Thorsten; Tuerk, Jochen; Kiffmeyer, Thekla; Wenclawiak, Bernd


    A fast HPLC method for the analysis of eight selected sulfonamides (SA) and trimethoprim has been developed with the use of high temperature HPLC. The separation could be achieved in less than 1.5 min on a 50 mm sub 2 microm column with simultaneous solvent and temperature gradient programming. Due to the lower viscosity of the mobile phase and the increased mass transfer at higher temperatures, the separation could be performed on a conventional HPLC system obtaining peak widths at half height between 0.6 and 1.3 s.

  20. Quality control of radiopharmaceuticals with HPLC using aqueous size exclusion spherogel column

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vallabhajosula, S.; Goldsmith, S.J.; Lipszyc, H.


    The application of HPLC for the analysis and quality control of 99 Tc-radiopharmaceuticals, using a weakly basic anion exchange column, has been reported. This HPLC method for the separation of the components is based on molecular size. 99 Tc-MDP, 99 Tc-HDP and 99 Tc-DTPA were analysed and UV absorption studies carried out on the components. Components of the 99 Tc-MDP separation were injected into rabbits and renal excretion and serial images studied. (U.K.)

  1. HPLC Analysis of nine corticosteroids in “natural creams” for atopic eczema


    Ameti, Agim; Poposka, Zaklina; Memeti, Shaban; Shishovska, Maja; Mustafa, Zana; Starkoska, Katerina; Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica


    Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine whether “natural creams” sold for treatment of childhood atopic eczema illegally contain corticosteroids with a newly developed rapid and simple HPLC analysis with UV detection. Material and Methods: HPLC analysis was performed using a Schimadzu LC-2010 chromatographic system (Schimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) consisting of a LC-20AT Prominence liquid chromatography pump with DGU-20A5 Prominence degasser, a SPD-M20A Prominence Diode Array Detector, and...

  2. [Studies on fingerprinting of Flos Buddleja by RP-HPLC]. (United States)

    Han, Peng; Cui, Ya-jun; Guo, Hong-zhu; Guo, De-an


    To establish fingerprinting of Flos Buddleja by using RP-HPLC for the quality control. The HPLC condition was as follows: Inertsil ODS-3 C18 analytical column (4.6 mm x 250 mm, 5 microm), gredient eluation with MeCN (0.1% TFA)-H2O (0.1%TFA), flow rate 1.0 mL x min(-1), detection wavelength 254 nm. 10 commercial samples were analyzed to establish a fingerprinting. Among the obtained fingerprinting, most of the detected peaks were separated effectively. The accuracy, repeatability and stability of this method were satisfied. The RSDs of relative retention time and area of aimed peaks which existed in all samples wereless than 5%. Theresults were in accordance with the request of fingerprinting. The established fingerprinting can be used for the quality control of Flos Buddleja.

  3. Use of cyanopropyl-bonded hplc column for bioassay-directed fractionation of organic extracts from incinerator emissions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeMarini, D.M.; Williams, R.W.; Brooks, L.R.; Taylor, M.S.


    The present study has shown that cyanopropyl-(CN) bonded silica HPLC columns are applicable for the fractionation of mass and mutagenic activity of organic extracts from some incinerator emissions. Dichloromethane-extractable organics from particles emitted by two different municipal waste incinerators and by a pilot-scale rotary kiln incinerator that was combusting polyethylene were fractionated by HPLC, and the mutagenicity of the fractions was determined by means of a microsuspension mutagenicity assay with Salmonella TA98. The CN-bonded silica columns provided high (80-100 percent) mass and mutagenicity recoveries for most emission extracts, and it fractionated the mutagenic activity. The results suggest that the emissions from municipal waste incinerators contain a high amount of direct-acting (-S9) mutagenic activity that is resolvable by HPLC using CN-bonded silica. Sub-fractionation of selected mutagenic HPLC fractions and subsequent analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy can be used to identify mutagenic species within complex incinerator emissions. The coupling of microsuspension bioassays to HPLC fractionation should be a useful tool for this type of analysis

  4. Competitive Nitration of Benzene-Fluorobenzene and Benzene-Toluene Mixtures: Orientation and Reactivity Studies Using HPLC (United States)

    Blankespoor, Ronald L.; Hogendoorn, Stephanie; Pearson, Andrea


    The reactivity and orientation effects of a substituent are analyzed by using HPLC to determine the competitive nitration of the benzene-toluene and benzene-fluorobenzene mixtures. The results have shown that HPLC is an excellent instrumental method to use in analyzing these mixtures.

  5. 27 January 2012 - Mitglieder des Stiftungsrates Academia Engelberg und Gesellschaft zum Bettag Luzern Schweiz welcomed by Head of International Relations F. Pauss; visiting LHC tunnel at Point 5 and CMS experimental cavern; in the LHC superconducting magnet test hall SM18.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    27 January 2012 - Mitglieder des Stiftungsrates Academia Engelberg und Gesellschaft zum Bettag Luzern Schweiz welcomed by Head of International Relations F. Pauss; visiting LHC tunnel at Point 5 and CMS experimental cavern; in the LHC superconducting magnet test hall SM18.

  6. Gradient Scouting in Reversed-Phase HPLC Revisited (United States)

    Alcazar, A.; Jurado, J. M.; Gonzalez, A. G.


    Gradient scouting is the best way to decide the most suitable elution mode in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). A simple rule for this decision involves the evaluation of the ratio [delta]t/t[subscript G] (where [delta]t is the difference in the retention time between the last and the first peak and t[subscript G] is…

  7. Comparison of UHPLC and HPLC in Benzodiazepines Analysis of Postmortem Samples (United States)

    Behnoush, Behnam; Sheikhazadi, Ardeshir; Bazmi, Elham; Fattahi, Akbar; Sheikhazadi, Elham; Saberi Anary, Seyed Hossein


    Abstract The aim of this study was to compare system efficiency and analysis duration regarding the solvent consumption and system maintenance in high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra high-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC). In a case–control study, standard solutions of 7 benzodiazepines (BZs) and 73 biological samples such as urine, tissue, stomach content, and bile that screened positive for BZs were analyzed by HPLC and UHPLC in laboratory of forensic toxicology during 2012 to 2013. HPLC analysis was performed using a Knauer by 100-5 C-18 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm) and Knauer photodiode array detector (PAD). UHPLC analysis was performed using Knauer PAD detector with cooling autosampler and Eurospher II 100-3 C-18 column (100 mm × 3 mm) and also 2 pumps. The mean retention time, standard deviation, flow rate, and repeatability of analytical results were compared by using 2 methods. Routine runtimes in HPLC and UHPLC took 40 and 15 minutes, respectively. Changes in mobile phase composition of the 2 methods were not required. Flow rate and solvent consumption in UHPLC decreased. Diazepam and flurazepam were detected more frequently in biological samples. In UHPLC, small particle size and short length of column cause effective separation of BZs in a very short time. Reduced flow rate, solvent consumption, and injection volume cause more efficiency and less analysis costs. Thus, in the detection of BZs, UHPLC is an accurate, sensitive, and fast method with less cost of analysis. PMID:25860209

  8. Development and Validation of a Stability-Indicating RP-HPLC ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Development and Validation of a Stability-Indicating RP-HPLC Method for ... of Paracetamol, Tramadol HCl and Domperidone in a Combined Dosage Form. ... testing, as well as for quality control of the combined drugs in pharmaceutical ...

  9. Arsenic-containing fatty acids and hydrocarbons in marine oils - Determination using reversed-phase HPLC-ICP-MS and HPLC-qTOF-MS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sele, Veronika; Sloth, Jens Jørgen; Holmelid, Bjarte


    ; dimethylarsinate (DMA), triphenylarsinoxide (Ph3AsO) and a synthesized arsenic-containing hydrocarbon (AsHC) (dimethylarsinoyl nonadecane; C21H43AsO). The observed variation in signal intensity for arsenic during the gradient elution profile in reversed-phase HPLC was compensated for by determining the time...

  10. Cluster analysis of historical and modern hard red spring wheat cultivars based on parentage and HPLC analysis of gluten forming proteins (United States)

    In this study, 30 hard red spring (HRS) wheat cultivars released between 1910 and 2013 were analyzed to determine how they cluster in terms of parentage and protein data, analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) of gliadins, and size-exclusion HPLC (SE-HPLC) of unreduced proteins. Dwarfing genes in...

  11. [Study on HPLC-FPS of raw and processed fructus polygoni orientalis]. (United States)

    Zhai, Yanjun; Zhao, Min; Zhang, Hui; Chu, Zhengyun; Kang, Tingguo


    To establish the HPLC fingerprint method of Fructus Polygoni Orientalis before and after processed by choosing taxifolin as reference to compare the changes of chemical composition. HPLC method was emplyed with a gradient elution phase in a flow rate of 1 mL x min(-1) and the detection wavelength of 270 nm. Twenty marker peaks were marked out in the raw samples and 33 marker peaks in the processed product. Methodology met was consistent with the requirement, similarity was exceeded 0.9. This method is stationary, precise and feasible, which provide references of quality control for Fructus Polygoni Orientalis.

  12. Validated Reverse Phase HPLC Method for the Determination of Impurities in Etoricoxib

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Venugopal


    Full Text Available This paper describes the development of reverse phase HPLC method for etoricoxib in the presence of impurities and degradation products generated from the forced degradation studies. The drug substance was subjected to stress conditions of hydrolysis, oxidation, photolysis and thermal degradation. The degradation of etoricoxib was observed under base and oxidation environment. The drug was found stable in other stress conditions studied. Successful separation of the drug from the process related impurities and degradation products were achieved on zorbax SB CN (250 x 4.6 mm 5 μm particle size column using reverse phase HPLC method. The isocratic method employed with a mixture of buffer and acetonitrile in a ratio of 60:40 respectively. Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate (0.02 M is used as buffer and pH adjusted to 7.20 with 1 N sodium hydroxide solution. The HPLC method was developed and validated with respect to linearity, accuracy, precision, specificity and ruggedness.

  13. Activity behavior of a HPLC column including α-chymotrypsin immobilized monosized-porous particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bilici, Z.; Camli, S.T.; Unsal, E.; Tuncel, A.


    In this study, a polymer-based, α-chymotrypsin (CT) immobilized HPLC column was prepared as a potential material for affinity-HPLC and chiral separation applications. Monosized-macroporous particles were synthesized as the support material by a relatively new polymerization protocol, the so-called, 'modified seeded polymerization'. The particles were obtained in the form of styrene-glycidyl methacrylate- divinylbenzene terpolymer approximately 11 μm in size. The particles were treated with aqueous ammonia to have primary amine groups on the porous surface. The amine functionalized particles were reacted by glutaraldehyde and the enzyme, CT, was covalently attached. CT carrying monosized-porous particles were slurry packed into the HPLC column 50 mmx4.6 mm in size. Since the activity behavior of immobilized CT played an important role in the enantiomeric separations performed by similar columns, the enzymatic activity behavior of the column produced by our protocol was determined. For this purpose, HPLC column was used as a packed bed reactor and the enzymatic reaction was continuously followed by measuring the absorbance of the output flow by the UV-detector of HPLC. S-shaped absorbance-time curves were obtained by monitoring the reactor output both in dynamic and steady-state periods. The columns with relatively lower immobilized enzyme content were more sensitive to the changes in the operating conditions and responded with more appreciable substrate conversion changes. The maximum reaction rate of the immobilized enzyme was estimated as approximately 25% of the free one by the mathematical model describing the activity behavior of the column. No significant loss was observed in the activity of the immobilized enzyme during the course of the experiments

  14. [Spectrophotometric and HPLC evaluation of ceftazidime stability]. (United States)

    Palade, B; Cioroiu, B; Lazăr, Doina; Corciovă, Andreia; Lazăr, M I


    In this paper we followed up the stability of ceftazidime, raw material used in drug industry. Matherials and methods: We used three spectrophotometric methods based on ceftazidime property to form complexes with p-chloranilic acid (ac. p-CA), 3-methylbenzothiazolin-2-on hydrazone (MBTH) and N-(1-naphtil) etilendiamine (NEDA) and a chromatographic method (HPLC). Our results revealed that the substances analyzed maintained minimum content allowable.

  15. Expermental Studies of quantitative evaluation using HPLC and safety of Sweet Bee Venom


    Ki Rok Kwon; Ching Seng Chu; Hee Soo Park; Min Ki Kim; Bae Chun Cha; Eun Lee


    Objectives : This study was conducted to carry out quantitative evaluation and safety of Sweet Bee Venom. Methods : Content analysis was done using HPLC, measurement of LD50 was conducted intravenous, subcutaneous, and intra-muscular injection to the ICR mice. Results : 1. According to HPLC analysis, removal of the enzymes containing phospholipase A2 was successfully rendered on Sweet Bee Venom. And analyzing melittin content, Sweet Bee Venom contained 12% more melittin than Bee Venom. ...

  16. A Simple HPLC Bioanalytical Method for the Determination of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To develop a simple, accurate, and precise high performance chromatography (HPLC) method with spectrophotometric detection for the determination of doxorubicin hydrochloride in rat plasma. Methods: Doxorubicin hydrochloride and daunorubicin hydrochloride (internal standard, IS) were separated on a C18 ...

  17. Development and Validation of a RP-HPLC Method for the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Development and Validation of a RP-HPLC Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Rifampicin and a Flavonoid Glycoside - A Novel ... range, accuracy, precision, limit of detection, limit of quantification, robustness and specificity.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aman Sentosa Panggabean


    Full Text Available The research about analysis of chlorpyrifos residue in vegetables by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC technique has been done. To obtain the optimal measurement results, the measurement performed several important parameters in the chromatographic system was composition of mobile phase, volume injection sample, flow rate and pH eluent. Optimum measurement conditions obtained was mobile phase composition (water : methanol with 70 : 30, volume injection sample are 5 mL, flow rate are 0.5mL/menit and pH eluent are 7. The analytical performance that obtained is good showed with the reproducibility value as percentage coefficient variance (% CV was 0.0664%, limit of detection (LOD was 0.44 ppm, with a recovery percentage of > 95%. The results obtained showed the HPLC technique can be used for the routine analysis in the determination of chlorpyrifos for the vegetable samples. Keywords: Chlorpyrifos, Vegetables, HPLC.

  19. Pungency Quantitation of Hot Pepper Sauces Using HPLC (United States)

    Betts, Thomas A.


    A class of compounds known as capsaicinoids are responsible for the "heat" of hot peppers. To determine the pungency of a particular pepper or pepper product, one may quantify the capsaicinoids and relate those concentrations to the perceived heat. The format of the laboratory described here allows students to collectively develop an HPLC method for the quantitation of the two predominant capsaicinoids (capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin) in hot-pepper products. Each small group of students investigated one of the following aspects of the method: detector wavelength, mobile-phase composition, extraction of capsaicinoids, calibration, and quantitation. The format of the lab forced students to communicate and cooperate to develop this method. The resulting HPLC method involves extraction with acetonitrile followed by solid-phase extraction clean-up, an isocratic 80:20 methanol-water mobile phase, a 4.6 mm by 25 cm C-18 column, and UV absorbance detection at 284 nm. The method developed by the students was then applied to the quantitation of capsaicinoids in a variety of hot pepper sauces. Editor's Note on Hazards in our April 2000 issue addresses the above.

  20. HPLC assisted Raman spectroscopic studies on bladder cancer (United States)

    Zha, W. L.; Cheng, Y.; Yu, W.; Zhang, X. B.; Shen, A. G.; Hu, J. M.


    We applied confocal Raman spectroscopy to investigate 12 normal bladder tissues and 30 tumor tissues, and then depicted the spectral differences between the normal and the tumor tissues and the potential canceration mechanism with the aid of the high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) technique. Normal tissues were demonstrated to contain higher tryptophan, cholesterol and lipid content, while bladder tumor tissues were rich in nucleic acids, collagen and carotenoids. In particular, β-carotene, one of the major types of carotenoids, was found through HPLC analysis of the extract of bladder tissues. The statistical software SPSS was applied to classify the spectra of the two types of tissues according to their differences. The sensitivity and specificity of 96.7 and 66.7% were obtained, respectively. In addition, different layers of the bladder wall including mucosa (lumps), muscle and adipose bladder tissue were analyzed by Raman mapping technique in response to previous Raman studies of bladder tissues. All of these will play an important role as a directive tool for the future diagnosis of bladder cancer in vivo.

  1. ‹Portale›, die zum Nachdenken anregen. Einblicke in eine Interfaceanalyse des Augmented Reality Spiels Ingress

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    Franco Rau


    Full Text Available Augmented Reality Spiele wie ‹Ingress› und ‹PokémonGo› stellen aktuell neue mediale Phänomene dar. Eine zentrale Differenz zu klassischen Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs ist die Verzahnung von virtuellen und realen Objekten als konstitutive Spielelemente. In Anknüpfung an die Perspektive, digitale Spiele als Kultur- und Bildungsräume zu verstehen, widmet sich der Beitrag der Frage, inwiefern das Ingress-Spielen die Perspektive von Spieler/innen auf den öffentlichen Raum verändern kann. In erster Annäherung an diese Fragestellung wird auf Basis einer Interfaceanalyse gezeigt, wie ‹Portale› – virtueller Repräsentationen realer Objekte im Spiel – potenziell Irritationen und Differenz­erfahrungen ermöglichen. Diese können zum Ausgangspunkt weiterführender Reflexionen werden. Dafür werden exemplarisch ‹Portale› diskutiert, die (1. weiterführende Informationen zu realen Objekte bieten, die (2. Momentaufnahmen nicht mehr existierender kultureller Objekte darstellen und die (3. reale Objekte in ironischer Weise präsentieren.

  2. Recommendations for the use of bioindicators in the frame of Environmetnal Impact Assessment (EIA); Empfehlungen zum Einsatz von Bioindikationsverfahren im Rahmen des Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefungsgesetzes (UVPG)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zimmermann, R.D. [Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) (Germany). Arbeitskreis Bioindikation]|[Fachhochschule Bingen (Germany). Fachbereich Umweltschutz; Debus, R. [Fachhochschule Wiesbaden (Germany). Fachbereich MND - Umwelttechnik; Franzaring, J. [AB-DLO Wageningen (Netherlands); Hoepker, K.A. [Landesanstalt fuer Umweltschutz, Karlsruhe (Germany); Maier, W. [TUEV Ecoplan Umwelt GmbH, Filderstadt (Germany); Reiml, D. [TUEV Ecoplan Umwelt GmbH, Muenchen (Germany); Finck, M. [Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (RdL), Duesseldorf (Germany)


    The paragraph 2 of the German law on Environmental Impact Assessment (law on EIA) requires to determine, to record and to assess the effects which proposed major projects in the areas of industry, local government and transport have on man, animals, plants, soil, water, air, climate, landspace, assets and cultural heritage including the interactions between different media. For this purpose, bioindication is an effective tool. Up to now, the different methods of bioindication were not applied sufficiently although some of the methods have already been standardised in guidelines (VDI, DIN). Users and authorities might feel insecure which bioindication method should be applied when assessing the impacts of a given project. This paper gives recommendations which bioindication method should be applied for the different major projects listed in the law on EIA. A widespread set of data obtained by the use of bioindicators is necessary to meet the demands of paragraph 2. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefungsgesetz (UVPG) verlangt in Paragraph 2 die Ermittlung, Beschreibung und Bewertung der Auswirkungen eines Vorhabens auf Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen, Boden, Wasser, Luft, Klima und Landschaft einschliesslich der jeweiligen Wechselwirkungen sowie auf Kultur- und sonstige Sachgueter. Die Bioindikation kann hier wesentliche Dienste leisten. Bislang kamen die verschiedenen, z.T. in Richtlinien (VDI, DIN) vereinheitlichten Verfahren noch zu selten zum Einsatz. Ein Grund hierfuer duerfte in der Unsicherheit der Anwender sowie der Genehmigungsbehoerden liegen, welches Bioindikationsverfahren fuer welches UVPG-Vorhaben eine geeignete Erfassungs- und Bewertungsmethode erlaubt. Zu diesem Zweck werden fuer ausgewaehlte, gemaess UVPG genehmigungsbeduerftige Vorhaben Empfehlungen zum Einsatz von Bioindikationsverfahren erteilt. Erst durch zahlreiche Untersuchungsergebnisse aus diesen Verfahren koennen die Forderungen nach Paragraph 2 UVPG aussagekraeftig erfuellt

  3. Application of ABTS radical cation for selective on-line detection of radical scavengers in HPLC eluates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koleva, [No Value; Niederlander, HAG; van Beek, TA


    The radical cation 2,2 ' -azinobis-(3 -ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate), (ABTS(.+)) was utilized in an on-line HPLC method for the detection of radical scavengers in complex matrixes. The HPLC-separated analytes react postcolumn with the preformed ABTS(.+), and the induced bleaching is detected as

  4. Particle Reduction Strategies - PAREST. A meteorology comparision for better understanding of different pollutant concentration simulations with different chemistry transport models. Sub-report; Strategien zur Verminderung der Feinstaubbelastung - PAREST. Ein Meteorologievergleich zum besseren Verstaendnis der unterschiedlichen Schadstoffkonzentrationssimulationen mit verschiedenen Chemie-Transport-Modellen. Teilbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kerschbaumer, Andreas [Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Meteorologie, Troposphaerische Umweltforschung


    In this study, input variables for chemical transport models were compared from different meteorological drivers each with other and with the measured friction velocities in one place. Friction velocities are used as a measure of the mechanical turbulence, but are made available neither by numerical weather models nor routinely available observations: so they must either recalculate or estimated. In this study, friction velocities (u{sup *}), which is measured for years by the DWD in Lindenberg near Berlin, averaged over 30 minutes and have been made available to FU Berlin, compared with modeled values. The considered models are firstly the diagnostic interpolation model TRAMPER, on the other the prognostic models of the DWD COSMO-EU and the EZMWF. The boundary layer relevant parameters from the NWM were recalculated from the involved groups, which has been made for the COSMO-EU the one from the FU Berlin, the other from IfT in Leipzig. The boundary layer variables in the EZMWF model, however, were determined by TNO Netherlands. The measurements have shown that u{sup *} in the forest twice as high as above the meadow. [German] In dieser Studie wurden Eingangsvariablen fuer Chemie-Transport-Modelle aus verschiedenen meteorologischen Treibern miteinander und mit an einem Ort gemessenen Schubspannungsgeschwindigkeiten verglichen. Schubspannungsgeschwindigkeiten werden als Mass fuer die mechanische Turbulenz benutzt, werden aber weder von numerischen Wettermodellen noch routinemaessig von Beobachtungen zur Verfuegung gestellt: sie muessen also entweder nachgerechnet oder abgeschaetzt werden. In dieser Arbeit wurden Schubspannungsgeschwindigkeiten (u{sup *}), die vom DWD in Lindenberg bei Berlin ueber Jahre gemessen, gemittelt ueber 30 Minuten, und der FUBerlin zur Verfuegung gestellt worden sind, mit modellierten Werten verglichen. Die beruecksichtigten Modelle sind zum einen das diagnostische Interpolationsmodell TRAMPER, zum anderen die prognostischen Modelle des DWD

  5. Studienbegleitender und studienvorbereitender Deutschunterricht international: Einführung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sabine Ylönen


    Full Text Available Studienbegleitender und studienvorbereitender Deutschunterricht an Universitäten und Hochschulen steht weltweit vor Herausforderungen, sich den Anforderungen des globalen Wissenschaftsbetriebs zu stellen. Zum einen ist die Bedeutung des Deutschen in den letzten Jahren dramatisch gesunken, zum anderen sind innovative didaktische Ansätze für den Deutschunterricht gefragt. In welcher Weise sich studienbegleitender und studienvorbereitender Deutschunterricht diesen Anforderungen im In- und Ausland stellen, wird in diesem Themaheft beleuchtet. An zehn Beiträgen aus unterschiedlichen Ländern wird unter anderem deutlich, wie aktive Sprachenpolitik durch strategische Investitionen einerseits und Engagement von DeutschlektorInnen andererseits die Entwicklung neuer Konzepte für den studienbegleitenden und studienvorbereitenden Deutschunterricht fördern können. Dietmar Röslers Beitrag Studienbegleitender Deutschunterricht in naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Studiengängen an Universitäten außerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums bietet eine Übersicht über die Vielfalt unterschiedlicher Zielgruppen und Lernziele des sowie Einflussfaktoren auf den studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht und die sich daraus ergebenden didaktischen Konsequenzen. Daniela Marks berichtet in ihrem Beitrag Prüfen sprachlicher Kompetenzen internationaler Studienanfänger an deutschen Hochschulen – Was leistet der TestDaF? über eine Studie zu den sprachlichen Anforderungen des TestDaF und macht Vorschläge für inhaltliche Schwerpunkte studienbegleitenden und -vorbereitenden Deutschunterrichts. Michael de Jong stellt in seinem Beitrag Modularer studienbegleitender Deutschunterricht zur Vorbereitung auf Studium und Praktikum in Deutschland am Beispiel der German-Jordanian University in Amman, Jordanien das „Leuchtturmprojekt“ der deutschen Auslandshochschulen vor und diskutiert die Herausforderungen und Bedarfe dieses transnationalen Bildungsprojekts

  6. Comparison of transferrin isoform analysis by capillary electrophoresis and HPLC for screening congenital disorders of glycosylation. (United States)

    Dave, Mihika B; Dherai, Alpa J; Udani, Vrajesh P; Hegde, Anaita U; Desai, Neelu A; Ashavaid, Tester F


    Transferrin, a major glycoprotein has different isoforms depending on the number of sialic acid residues present on its oligosaccharide chain. Genetic variants of transferrin as well as the primary (CDG) & secondary glycosylation defects lead to an altered transferrin pattern. Isoform analysis methods are based on charge/mass variations. We aimed to compare the performance of commercially available capillary electrophoresis CDT kit for diagnosing congenital disorders of glycosylation with our in-house optimized HPLC method for transferrin isoform analysis. The isoform pattern of 30 healthy controls & 50 CDG-suspected patients was determined by CE using a Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin kit. The results were compared with in-house HPLC-based assay for transferrin isoforms. Transferrin isoform pattern for healthy individuals showed a predominant tetrasialo transferrin fraction followed by pentasialo, trisialo, and disialotransferrin. Two of 50 CDG-suspected patients showed the presence of asialylated isoforms. The results were comparable with isoform pattern obtained by HPLC. The commercial controls showed a <20% CV for each isoform. Bland Altman plot showed the difference plot to be within +1.96 with no systemic bias in the test results by HPLC & CE. The CE method is rapid, reproducible and comparable with HPLC and can be used for screening Glycosylation defects. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. HPLC determination of caffeine in coffee beverage (United States)

    Fajara, B. E. P.; Susanti, H.


    Coffee is the second largest beverage which is consumed by people in the world, besides the water. One of the compounds which contained in coffee is caffeine. Caffeine has the pharmacological effect such as stimulating the central nervous system. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of caffeine in coffee beverages with HPLC method. Three branded coffee beverages which include in 3 of Top Brand Index 2016 Phase 2 were used as samples. Qualitative analysis was performed by Parry method, Dragendorff reagent, and comparing the retention time between sample and caffeine standard. Quantitative analysis was done by HPLC method with methanol-water (95:5v/v) as mobile phase and ODS as stationary phasewith flow rate 1 mL/min and UV 272 nm as the detector. The level of caffeine data was statistically analyzed using Anova at 95% confidence level. The Qualitative analysis showed that the three samples contained caffeine. The average of caffeine level in coffee bottles of X, Y, and Z were 138.048 mg/bottle, 109.699 mg/bottle, and 147.669 mg/bottle, respectively. The caffeine content of the three coffee beverage samples are statistically different (pcoffee beverage samples were not meet the requirements set by the Indonesian Standard Agency of 50 mg/serving.

  8. Analysis of D3-,4-,5-phosphorylated phosphoinositides using HPLC. (United States)

    Munnik, Teun


    Detection of polyphosphoinositides (PPIs) is difficult due to their low chemical abundancy. This problem is further complicated by the fact that PPIs are present as various, distinct isomers, which are difficult, if not impossible, to separate by conventional thin layer chromatography (TLC) systems. PPIs in plants include PtdIns3P, PtdIns4P, PtdIns5P, PtdIns(3,5)P 2, and PtdIns(4,5)P 2. Here, a protocol is described analyzing plant PPIs using (32)P-orthophosphorus pre-labeled material. After extraction, lipids are deacylated and the resulting glycerophosphoinositol polyphosphates (GroPInsPs) separated by HPLC using a strong anion-exchange column and a shallow salt gradient. Alternatively, PPIs are first separated by TLC, the lipids reisolated, deacylated, and the GroPInsPs then separated by HPLC.

  9. An Efficient Method for the Preparative Isolation and Purification of Flavonoid Glycosides and Caffeoylquinic Acid Derivatives from Leaves of Lonicera japonica Thunb. Using High Speed Counter-Current Chromatography (HSCCC) and Prep-HPLC Guided by DPPH-HPLC Experiments. (United States)

    Wang, Daijie; Du, Ning; Wen, Lei; Zhu, Heng; Liu, Feng; Wang, Xiao; Du, Jinhua; Li, Shengbo


    In this work, the n-butanol extract from leaves of Lonicera japonica Thunb. (L. japonica) was reacted with DPPH and subjected to a HPLC analysis for the guided screening antioxidants (DPPH-HPLC experiments). Then, nine antioxidants, including flavonoid glycosides and caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, were isolated and purified from leaves of L. japonica using high speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) and prep-HPLC. The n-butanol extract was firstly isolated by HSCCC using methyl tert-butyl ether/n-butanol/acetonitrile/water (0.5% acetic acid) (2:2:1:5, v/v), yielding five fractions F1, F2 (rhoifolin), F3 (luteoloside), F4 and F5 (collected from the column after the separation). The sub-fractions F1, F4 and F5 were successfully separated by prep-HPLC. Finally, nine compounds, including chlorogenic acid (1), lonicerin (2), rutin (3), rhoifolin (4), luteoloside (5), 3,4-Odicaffeoylquinic acid (6), hyperoside (7), 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid (8), and 4,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid (9) were obtained, respectively, with the purities over 94% as determined by HPLC. The structures were identified by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), 1H- and 13C-NMR. Antioxidant activities were tested, and the isolated compounds showed strong antioxidant activities.

  10. [Comparison between colorimetry and HPLC on the stability test of roxithromycin]. (United States)

    Wei, Z P; Mao, S R; Bi, D Z


    To compare the stability of roxithromycin in solutions of different pH. Roxithromycin solutions of different pH were prepared with water, simulate intestinal fluid (SIF) and simulate gastric fluid (SGF) shown to be the stability of these solutions were tested by colorimetry and HPLC. Roxithromycin was stable in water, SGF and SIF determined by colorimetry. However, it was found to be stable only in water and SIF but unstable in SGF as determined by HPLC. Roxithromycin is unstable in acidic medium like SGF. The metabolite of roxithromycin showed unfavorable interference on the assay of roxithromycin when colorimetry was used. Colorimetry can not be used for the determination and assay of roxithromycin in acidic solution like SGF.

  11. Simultaneous detection of water-soluble vitamins using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC - a review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosemond Godbless Dadzie


    Full Text Available The water-soluble vitamins (WSV: ascorbic acid (vitamin C, thiamine (B1, riboflavin (B2, niacin (B3, panthothenic acid (B5, pyridoxine, and pyridoxal (B6, folic acid (B9, biotin(B8 , and B12 are very essential in the diet of humankind. As a result of ever increasing pressures from both consumers and legal enforcers, to specify accurately nutritive compositions of WSV that are present in food materials, many researchers have attempted to fill this niche through the provision of highly sensitive and rapid high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC procedures. In view of the health benefits of WSV, a replete of HPLC methods have been developed for simultaneous determination of their contents in nature and fortified food samples, nutritional supplements, as well as blood plasmas. The rate of losses of these vitamins during food processing and analysis, in addition to their transient dynamics, presents complexities in developing a highly sensitive HPLC procedure for their simultaneous separations and assays. This review critically assesses the different HPLC procedures developed by researchers and available in the open literature for simultaneous determination of water-soluble vitamins (WSV in dried tropical fruits materials. The study revealed that not a single chromatographic run developed by researchers can simultaneously elute all the WSV at a time. However, the HPLC procedures that are capable of determining all the WSV were coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy (ESI-MS, thus making the set-up expensive.

  12. HPLC-DAD determination of imidacloprid in onion


    Mandić Aljoša; Lazić Sanja; Inđić Dušanka


    Imidacloprid is an insecticide most commonly used on vegetables, potato sugar beet, fruit, cereal, maize and rice. Imidacloprid residue has been determined in spiked onion and in onion samples. Sample preparation consisted of dichlormethane extraction of imidacloprid from onion, followed by purification of the obtained extract on a LC-Florisil disposable cartridge. The HPLC-DAD method bas been developed on reversed-phase for separation of imidacloprid with a mixture of 0.01 M phosphate buffer...

  13. Determination of carbonyl compounds in air by HPLC; Determinacion de compuestos carbonilicos en aire por HPLC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia, S; Perez, R M; Campos, A; Gonzalez, D


    A method for the determination of seven carbonyl compounds in air is presented. The procedure involve sampling of air by a Sep-Pak Cartridge impregnated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Elution was done with 3 mL of acetonitrile and the eluate was diluted to 5 mL. The analysis was done by HPLC with UV detection and external standard method quantification. It has been achieved relative standard deviations about 5% and detection limits of 80 ng/cartridge for formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetoacetonitrile. Three different types of samples (rural, urban, petrol emission) were successfully analyzed. (Author) 12 refs.

  14. GlycoExtractor: a web-based interface for high throughput processing of HPLC-glycan data. (United States)

    Artemenko, Natalia V; Campbell, Matthew P; Rudd, Pauline M


    Recently, an automated high-throughput HPLC platform has been developed that can be used to fully sequence and quantify low concentrations of N-linked sugars released from glycoproteins, supported by an experimental database (GlycoBase) and analytical tools (autoGU). However, commercial packages that support the operation of HPLC instruments and data storage lack platforms for the extraction of large volumes of data. The lack of resources and agreed formats in glycomics is now a major limiting factor that restricts the development of bioinformatic tools and automated workflows for high-throughput HPLC data analysis. GlycoExtractor is a web-based tool that interfaces with a commercial HPLC database/software solution to facilitate the extraction of large volumes of processed glycan profile data (peak number, peak areas, and glucose unit values). The tool allows the user to export a series of sample sets to a set of file formats (XML, JSON, and CSV) rather than a collection of disconnected files. This approach not only reduces the amount of manual refinement required to export data into a suitable format for data analysis but also opens the field to new approaches for high-throughput data interpretation and storage, including biomarker discovery and validation and monitoring of online bioprocessing conditions for next generation biotherapeutics.

  15. Ellagitannin composition of blackberry as determined by HPLC-ESI-MS and MALDI-TOF-MS. (United States)

    Hager, Tiffany J; Howard, Luke R; Liyanage, Rohana; Lay, Jackson O; Prior, Ronald L


    Blackberries ( Rubus sp.) were evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) to identify the ellagitannins present in flesh, torus (receptacle tissue), and seeds. Most ellagitannins were present (or detectable) only in seed tissues. Ellagitannins identified by HPLC-ESI-MS in the seeds included pedunculagin, casuarictin/potentillin, castalagin/vescalagin, lambertianin A/sanguiin H-6, lambertianin C, and lambertianin D. For several of the ellagitannins, isomeric separation was also obtained. The MALDI-TOF-MS analysis was primarily utilized to evaluate and identify high molecular mass (>1000 Da) ellagitannins. The MALDI analysis verified the presence of the ellagitannins identified by HPLC-ESI-MS including lambertianin A/sanguiin H-6, lambertianin C, and lambertianin D, but the analysis also indicated the presence of several other compounds that were most likely ellagitannins based on the patterns observed in the masses (i.e., loss or addition of a gallic acid moiety to a known ellagitannin). This study determined the presence of several possible isomeric forms of ellagitannins previously unidentified in fruit and presents a possible analytical HPLC method for the analysis of the major ellagitannins present in the fruit.

  16. A simple method for HPLC retention time prediction: linear calibration using two reference substances. (United States)

    Sun, Lei; Jin, Hong-Yu; Tian, Run-Tao; Wang, Ming-Juan; Liu, Li-Na; Ye, Liu-Ping; Zuo, Tian-Tian; Ma, Shuang-Cheng


    Analysis of related substances in pharmaceutical chemicals and multi-components in traditional Chinese medicines needs bulk of reference substances to identify the chromatographic peaks accurately. But the reference substances are costly. Thus, the relative retention (RR) method has been widely adopted in pharmacopoeias and literatures for characterizing HPLC behaviors of those reference substances unavailable. The problem is it is difficult to reproduce the RR on different columns due to the error between measured retention time (t R ) and predicted t R in some cases. Therefore, it is useful to develop an alternative and simple method for prediction of t R accurately. In the present study, based on the thermodynamic theory of HPLC, a method named linear calibration using two reference substances (LCTRS) was proposed. The method includes three steps, procedure of two points prediction, procedure of validation by multiple points regression and sequential matching. The t R of compounds on a HPLC column can be calculated by standard retention time and linear relationship. The method was validated in two medicines on 30 columns. It was demonstrated that, LCTRS method is simple, but more accurate and more robust on different HPLC columns than RR method. Hence quality standards using LCTRS method are easy to reproduce in different laboratories with lower cost of reference substances.

  17. Simultaneous analysis of 17 diuretics in dietary supplements by HPLC and LC-MS/MS. (United States)

    Woo, H; Kim, J W; Han, K M; Lee, J H; Hwang, I S; Lee, J H; Kim, J; Kweon, S J; Cho, S; Chae, K R; Han, S Y; Kim, J


    In order to test health foods for illegally added diuretics for weight loss, we developed simple, rapid, selective, and sensitive methods using HPLC and LC-MS/MS for the simultaneous analysis of 17 diuretics in dietary supplements. HPLC conditions were set with a Capcell-pak C18, using a mobile phase consisting of gradient conditions, UV detection at 254 nm and validated for linearity (r(2)> 0.999), precision (CV ≤ 3%), recoveries (90.4-102.8%) and reproducibility. Identification and quantification of 17 diuretics were accomplished by ion-spray LC-MS/MS using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The chromatographic separation was carried out under the reversed-phase mechanism on an HSS-T3 column. The LC-MS/MS method was validated for linearity (r(2)> 0.99) and precision (CV Diuretics were not detected in all samples. Extraction recovery was also investigated and the extraction recoveries in different formulations were from 88% to 110% and from 81% to 116% using HPLC and LC-MS/MS, respectively. There was no significant difference in recoveries in the type of dietary supplements. Based on this result, the developed methods to monitor illegal drug adulterations in dietary supplements using HPLC and LC-MS/MS are simple, fast and reliable. Therefore, it is applicable to routine drug-adulteration screening.

  18. Improved method for HPLC analysis of polyamines, agmatine and aromatic monoamines in plant tissue (United States)

    Slocum, R. D.; Flores, H. E.; Galston, A. W.; Weinstein, L. H.


    The high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method of Flores and Galston (1982 Plant Physiol 69: 701) for the separation and quantitation of benzoylated polyamines in plant tissues has been widely adopted by other workers. However, due to previously unrecognized problems associated with the derivatization of agmatine, this important intermediate in plant polyamine metabolism cannot be quantitated using this method. Also, two polyamines, putrescine and diaminopropane, also are not well resolved using this method. A simple modification of the original HPLC procedure greatly improves the separation and quantitation of these amines, and further allows the simulation analysis of phenethylamine and tyramine, which are major monoamine constituents of tobacco and other plant tissues. We have used this modified HPLC method to characterize amine titers in suspension cultured carrot (Daucas carota L.) cells and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaf tissues.

  19. Quantification of furanoheliangolides by HPLC and GC Quantificação dos furanoeliangolidos por HPLC e CG


    Pierre Alexandre dos Santos; Izabel Cristina Casanova Turati; José Carlos Tomaz; Norberto Peporine Lopes


    The development and comparison of two analytical methods (HPLC and GC) for the quantification of the most common furanoheliangolides from Lychnophora is reported in this paper. Both methods are sensitive and suitable for quantification of these metabolites.Neste trabalho são descritos o desenvolvimento e comparação de dois métodos analíticos (CLAE e CG) para quantificação dos furanoeliangolidos mais comuns em Lychnophora.Ambos os métodos são sensíveis e adequados para a quantificação desses m...

  20. [Determination of genkwanin in flos Genkwa by HPLC]. (United States)

    Zhang, B; Yuan, S; Xia, K


    In this paper, the method for determining genkwanin in Flos Genkwa was established by HPLC. Detected at 332nm on a Lichrosorb 5 RP-18 column with a mobile phase of methanol-water-acetic acid (65:35:5), the content of genkwanin in Flos Genkwa was determined to be 0.16%. The recovery rate was 95.46% and RSD 1.15%.

  1. Application of Pattern Recognition Method for Color Assessment of Oriental Tobacco based on HPLC of Polyphenols

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dagnon S


    Full Text Available The color of Oriental tobaccos was organoleptically assayed, and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC of polyphenols was performed. The major tobacco polyphenols (chlorogenic acid, its isomers, and rutin, as well as scopoletin and kaempferol-3-rutinoside were quantified. HPLC polyphenol profiles were processed by pattern recognition method (PRM, and the values of indexes of similarity (Is,% between the cultivars studied were determined. It was shown that data from organoleptic color assessment and from PRM based on HPLC profiles of polyphenols of the cultivars studied are largely compatible. Hence, PRM can be suggested as an additional tool for objective color evaluation and classification of Oriental tobacco.

  2. Ciclosporine A asxay: RIA or HPLC, plasma or total blood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lapalus, P.; Garraffo, R.; Krebs, B.; Lapalus, F.


    The two methods now in force for ciclosporine A assay are radioimmunoassay (RIA) and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) in various biological media (plasma, serum, total blood). The advantages and disadvantages of the two methods are presented [fr

  3. Literature study: State of knowledge on pollutant decomposition and transport in natural soils; Literaturstudie zum Thema: Darstellung und Bewertung des Wissensstandes zum Schadstoffabbau und -transport in natuerlichen Boeden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koch, R. (ed.); Hahn, M.; Koennemann, T.; Mangold, S.; Ouerfelli, I.; Preuss, V.; Schoepke, R.; Sonntag, B.


    The use of natural soils for low-cost removal of precipitated water and slightly polluted waste water has become an issue in legal procedures concerning water management. Although groundwater protection is given high priority, authorities do not have sufficient data on long-term effects and decomposition effects during passage to the soil. The Hydrology Department of Brandenburgische Technische Universitaet Cottbus, on behalf of the Thuringian Environmental Authority, investigated the state of the art of discharge of precipitated water into natural soils. The investigation is the first in a series of which the following effects are expected: Faster results by preliminary assessment of the applicability of the technique envisaged, use of this low-cost technology for waste water treatment in consideration of surface water protection. [German] Die Nutzung natuerlicher Boeden zur kostenguenstigen Beseitigung von Niederschlagswasser aber auch von schwachbelastetem Abwasser ist eine Variante der Abwasserbeseitigung, die zunehmend Antragsgegenstand in wasserrechtlichen Verfahren ist. Der Schutz des Grundwassers ist dabei in besonderem Masse zu beachten. Die Einschaetzung der Eignung dieser Variante ist Behoerden aufgrund unzureichender Aussagen zum Langzeitverhalten und zu Abbaueffekten waehrend der Bodenpassage derzeit nicht moeglich. Durch die THUeRINGER LANDESANSTALT FUeR UMWELT erhielt der Lehrstuhl Wassertechnik der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universitaet Cottbus den Auftrag, im Rahmen einer Literaturstudie, den gegenwaertigen Stand der schadlosen Versickerung von Niederschlagswasser in natuerlichen Boeden aufzuzeigen. Die Literaturrecherche bildet den ersten Schritt einer Untersuchungsreihe, von der folgende Wirkungen erwartet werden: Verfahrensbeschleunigung durch Bewertbarkeit der Eignung der Behandlungsvariante, Nutzung dieser kostenguenstigen Umwelttechnologie zur Behandlung von Abwasser unter Beachtung des Gewaesserschutzes. (orig.)

  4. Proceedings on the seminar on small hydroelectric installations: Practice report and current development; Beitraege zum Seminar Kleinwasserkraft: Praxis und aktuelle Entwicklung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This seminar on small hydroelectric installations informs on aspects of construction and administrative aspects. But above all, questions of machinery are dealt with. The book gives an overview of turbine types, topical recent developments in the sector of small hydroelectric power stations, and modern opportunities for fast and inexpensive design of power station components. Beyond the discussion of technical issues, the seminar wants to further contacts between science, turbine manufacturers, consultants and plant operators. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das Seminar Kleinwasserkraft gibt eine Uebersicht ueber bauliche Gestaltung und behoerdliche Aspekte. Vorallem behandelt es aber maschinenbauliche Problemstellungen. Es zeigt einen Ueberblick ueber Turbinentypen, aktuelle Neuentwicklungen im Kleinwassersektor, sowie moderne Moeglichkeiten zum schnellen und preiswerten Design von Kraftwerkskomponenten. Neben dem technischen Teil dient das Seminar auch der Foerderung des Kontakts zwischen Wissenschaft, Turbinenherstellern, Consultants und Anlagenbetreibern. (orig.)


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    We evaluated the use of an HPLC method for screening hemoglobins in cord blood. We studied the genotype frequencies of the structural hemoglobin variants HbS and HbC and the synthesis variants alpha- and beta+-thalassemia in babies born on Curacao. During three months, 67.2% of all (748) newborns

  6. Use of HPLC with flow-through radiometric detection for low level environmental analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mao, J.; Fackler, P.H.


    High Performance Liquid Chromatography with flow-through radiometric detection (HPLC-RAM) is increasingly becoming a standard analytical technique in pharmaceutical, agricultural and chemical industries for monitoring radiolabeled analytes. This paper focuses on the applications of this flow-through radiochromatographic technique for low level aquatic toxicology and environmental fate testing. Examples include parts per billion water, sediment/soil and fish tissue analyses using reverse phase as well as normal phase HPLC. The applications of both homogeneous (liquid) and heterogeneous (solid) flow cell scintillation counting are addressed. Compounds discussed are primarily pesticides and pharmaceuticals

  7. The use of dihexyldithiocarbamate in reverse-phase HPLC of metal chelates (United States)

    Fatimah, S. S.; Bahti, H. H.; Hastiawan, I.; Permanasari, A.


    Dialkyldithiocarbamates have long been used as chelating agents in reverse-phase HPLC of transition metals. In the previous study, an alkyl homolog of this type of ligand, namely dihexyldithiocarbamate (DHDTC), was synthesized and characterized. The use of this particular ligand in the revese-phase HPLC of some selected transition metal ions is now reported for the first time. The mobile phase comprising of the flow rate and of the detection, in the separation of the metal chelates of Cd (II), Fe (III), Cu (II), and Co (III), were investigated on a C-18 column. The results showed that dihexylditiocarbamate could be used for separating Cd (II), Fe(III), Cu(II), and Co(III). Therefore, it could be used in simultaneous analysis.

  8. A uHPLC-MS mathematical modeling approach to dry powder inhaler single agglomerate analysis. (United States)

    Pennington, Justin; Lena, John; Medendorp, Joseph; Ewing, Gary


    Demonstration of content uniformity (CU) is critical toward the successful development of dry powder inhalers (DPIs). Methods for unit dose CU determination for DPI products are well-established within the field of respiratory science. Recent advances in the area include a uHPLC-MS method for high-throughput uniformity analysis, which allows for a greater understanding of blending operations as the industry transitions to a quality-by-design approach to development. Further enhancements to this uHPLC-MS method now enable it to determine CU and sample weight at the single agglomerate level, which is roughly 50× smaller than a unit dose. When coupled with optical microscopy-based agglomerate sizing, the enhanced uHPLC-MS method can also predict the density and porosity of individual agglomerates. Expanding analytical capabilities to the single agglomerate level provides greater insights and confidence in the DPI manufacturing process.

  9. Determination of Bortezomib in API Samples Using HPLC: Assessment of Enantiomeric and Diastereomeric Impurities. (United States)

    Kamalzadeh, Zahra; Babanezhad, Esmaeil; Ghaffari, Solmaz; Mohseni Ezhiyeh, Alireza; Mohammadnejad, Mahdieh; Naghibfar, Mehdi; Bararjanian, Morteza; Attar, Hossein


    A new, normal phase high performance liquid chromatography (NP-HPLC) method was developed for separation of Bortezomib (BZB) enantiomers and quantitative determination of (1S,2R)-enantiomer of BZB in active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) samples. The developed method was validated based on International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guidelines and it was proved to be accurate, precise and robust. The obtained resolution (RS) between the enantiomers was more than 2. The calibration curve for (1S,2R)-enantiomer was found to be linear in the concentration range of 0.24-5.36 mg/L with regression coefficient (R2) of 0.9998. Additionally, the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.052 and 0.16 mg/L, respectively. Also, in this study, a precise, sensitive and robust gradient reversed-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) method was developed and validated for determination of BZB in API samples. The detector response was linear over the concentration range of 0.26-1110.5 mg/L. The values of R2, LOD and LOQ were 0.9999, 0.084 and 0.25 mg/L, respectively. For both NP-HPLC and RP-HPLC methods, all of the RSD (%) values obtained in the precision study were 2,000 and RS > 2.0. The performance of two common integration methods of valley to valley and drop perpendicular for drawing the baseline between two adjacent peaks were investigated for the determination of diastereomeric impurity (Imp-D) in the BZB-API samples. The results showed that the valley to valley method outperform the drop perpendicular method for calculation of Imp-D peak areas. Therefore, valley to valley method was chosen for peak integration. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  10. Ionisation constants of radiopharmaceuticals by HPLC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stylli, C.G.; Theobald, A.E.

    It has long been recognised that the pKsub(a) of drugs and radiopharmaceuticals is an important determinant of their biological distribution. In this study an HPLC method for pKa measurement has been developed for radiotracers. It has been validated with several amines and used to estimate the pKsub(a) values of some Tc-99m PnAO complexes by observing the change in chromatographic retention with change in mobile phase pH. The pKsub(a) values were estimated from the data by three methods: derivative analysis, quadratic regression, and the Henderson - Hasselbalch equation.

  11. Ionisation constants of radiopharmaceuticals by HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stylli, C.G.; Theobald, A.E.


    It has long been recognised that the pKsub(a) of drugs and radiopharmaceuticals is an important determinant of their biological distribution. In this study an HPLC method for pKa measurement has been developed for radiotracers. It has been validated with several amines and used to estimate the pKsub(a) values of some Tc-99m PnAO complexes by observing the change in chromatographic retention with change in mobile phase pH. The pKsub(a) values were estimated from the data by three methods: derivative analysis, quadratic regression, and the Henderson - Hasselbalch equation. (author)

  12. A novel HPLC method for separation of uranium from thorium using BEHSA modified semi preparative support

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raju, Ch.Siva Kesava; Subramanian, M.S.; Sivaraman, N.; Srinivasan, T.G.; Vasudeva Rao, P.R.


    The determination of uranium and thorium is of great importance with respect to nuclear industry and environmental samples. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has revolutionized as a powerful separation and analytical tool in the field of chemistry, biology, medicine, pharmacy, chemical technology, food science and many more. The major advantages of HPLC are its ability to provide rapid, high performance separations and extending the separations range from laboratory scale to preparative scale purification. HPLC became powerful technique for the separation of uranium and thorium. These methods were widely employed in applications such as separation of uranium from fission products and for the measurement of number of fissions as in the case of burn-up measurements on nuclear reactor fuels

  13. Characterization of polymer monolithic stationary phases for capillary HPLC

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Moravcová, D.; Jandera, P.; Urban, J.; Planeta, Josef


    Roč. 26, č. 11 (2003), s. 1005-1016 ISSN 1615-9306 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/02/0023 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4031919; CEZ:MSM 253100002 Keywords : monolithic column s * capillary HPLC * column testing Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation Impact factor: 2.108, year: 2003

  14. HPLC-MS technique for radiopharmaceuticals research and control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macasek, F.; Bruder, P.; Buriova, E.


    A liquid chromatography/refractive index detector/radiometric detector/ mass spectrometric detector combination (Agilent 1100 HPLC/RAD/DAD/RID/MSD system) is used as a complex technique for quality assessment of radiopharmaceuticals such as 2-deoxy-2-[ 18 F]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG). Optimisation of HPLC/MS analysis was performed investigating the electrospray ionisation (ESI) analytical signal of the mass spectrometer as a function of solvent composition. The anion-exchange eluents applied as specified by the pharmacopoeia are not suitable for ESI detection due to high ion concentrations. Therefore, solutions of glucose in methanol/water and acetonitrile/water solutions of various semi-volatile electrolytes (ammonium chloride, formic acid, ammonium formate) were analysed by flow injection analysis (FIA) and chromatographically. The best analytical response was obtained with acetonitrile : 0.25% ammonium formate = 80:20 solutions. The most intense MSD signals of FDG in ammonium formate were obtained for the following complex ions: (i) positive ions: fdg.NH 4 + , fdg.Na + and (fdg 2 -CH 3 O).Na + (m/z = 200, 205 and 344); (ii) negative ions: fdg.Cl - and fdg.HCOO - (m/z= 217 and 227). The HPLC-MS analysis with Zorbax C-18 and Asahipak-NH2P50 columns gave evidence of admixtures and radiolytic formation of deoxyglucose, deoxychloro-glucose, erythrose, erythritol, gluconic acid, lactose, raffinose, saccharic acid, sorbitol/[ 19 F]FDG, sorbitol/[ 19 F]FDG, xylitol, and other compounds. However, radiometric analysis of expired samples of [ 18 F]FDG gave evidence of a very high radiation stability of its water-ethanol solutions at the point of output of radioactive products. Remarkable is the exceedingly high complexity of the mass spectra of FDG as compared to glucose. Therefore, further research concerns the influence of sodium chloride, linearity of signal response, impurities (mannitol, mannose etc.) interference, and robustness of the MS analysis, with special attention

  15. HPLC-MS technique for radiopharmaceuticals research and control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Macasek, F; Bruder, P [Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava (Slovakia); Buriova, E [Cyclotron Centre of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing, Bratislava (Slovakia)


    A liquid chromatography/refractive index detector/radiometric detector/ mass spectrometric detector combination (Agilent 1100 HPLC/RAD/DAD/RID/MSD system) is used as a complex technique for quality assessment of radiopharmaceuticals such as 2-deoxy-2-[{sup 18}F]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG). Optimisation of HPLC/MS analysis was performed investigating the electrospray ionisation (ESI) analytical signal of the mass spectrometer as a function of solvent composition. The anion-exchange eluents applied as specified by the pharmacopoeia are not suitable for ESI detection due to high ion concentrations. Therefore, solutions of glucose in methanol/water and acetonitrile/water solutions of various semi-volatile electrolytes (ammonium chloride, formic acid, ammonium formate) were analysed by flow injection analysis (FIA) and chromatographically. The best analytical response was obtained with acetonitrile : 0.25% ammonium formate = 80:20 solutions. The most intense MSD signals of FDG in ammonium formate were obtained for the following complex ions: (i) positive ions: fdg.NH{sub 4}{sup +}, fdg.Na{sup +} and (fdg{sub 2}-CH{sub 3}O).Na{sup +} (m/z = 200, 205 and 344); (ii) negative ions: fdg.Cl{sup -} and fdg.HCOO{sup -} (m/z= 217 and 227). The HPLC-MS analysis with Zorbax C-18 and Asahipak-NH2P50 columns gave evidence of admixtures and radiolytic formation of deoxyglucose, deoxychloro-glucose, erythrose, erythritol, gluconic acid, lactose, raffinose, saccharic acid, sorbitol/[{sup 19}F]FDG, sorbitol/[{sup 19}F]FDG, xylitol, and other compounds. However, radiometric analysis of expired samples of [{sup 18}F]FDG gave evidence of a very high radiation stability of its water-ethanol solutions at the point of output of radioactive products. Remarkable is the exceedingly high complexity of the mass spectra of FDG as compared to glucose. Therefore, further research concerns the influence of sodium chloride, linearity of signal response, impurities (mannitol, mannose etc.) interference, and

  16. The integrated quality assessment of Chinese commercial dry red wine based on a method of online HPLC-DAD-CL combined with HPLC-ESI-MS. (United States)

    Yu, Hai-Xiang; Sun, Li-Qiong; Qi, Jin


    To apply an integrated quality assessment strategy to investigate the quality of multiple Chinese commercial dry red wine samples. A comprehensive method was developed by combining a high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector-chemiluminescence (HPLC-DAD-CL) online hyphenated system with an HPLC-ESI-MS technique. Chromatographic and H2O2-scavenging active fingerprints of thirteen batches of different, commercially available Chinese dry red wine samples were obtained and analyzed. Twenty-five compounds, including eighteen antioxidants were identified and evaluated. The dominant and characteristic antioxidants in the samples were identified. The relationships between antioxidant potency and the cultivated variety of grape, producing area, cellaring period, and trade mark are also discussed. The results provide the feasibility for an integrated quality assessment strategy to be efficiently and objectively used in quality (especially antioxidant activity) assessment and identification of dry red wine. Copyright © 2014 China Pharmaceutical University. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Arsenic-containing fatty acids and hydrocarbons in marine oils - determination using reversed-phase HPLC-ICP-MS and HPLC-qTOF-MS. (United States)

    Sele, Veronika; Sloth, Jens J; Holmelid, Bjarte; Valdersnes, Stig; Skov, Kasper; Amlund, Heidi


    Arsenolipids are the major arsenic species present in marine oils. Several structures of arsenolipids have been elucidated the last 5 years, demonstrating the chemical complexity of this trace element in the marine environment. Several commercial fish oils and marine oils, ranging in total arsenic concentrations from 1.6 to 12.5 mg kg(-1) oil, were analyzed for arsenolipids using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS). The arsenolipids were quantified using three different arsenic-containing calibration standards; dimethylarsinate (DMA), triphenylarsinoxide (Ph₃AsO) and a synthesized arsenic-containing hydrocarbon (AsHC) (dimethylarsinoyl nonadecane; C₂₁H₄₃AsO). The observed variation in signal intensity for arsenic during the gradient elution profile in reversed-phase HPLC was compensated for by determining the time-resolved response factors for the arsenolipids. Isotopes of germanium ((74)Ge) and indium ((115)In) were suited as internal standards for arsenic, and were used for verification of the arsenic signal response factors during the gradient elution. Dimethylarsinate was the most suitable calibration standard for the quantification of arsenolipids, with recoveries between 91% and 104% compared to total arsenic measurements in the same extracts. A range of marine oils was investigated, including oils of several fish species, cod liver and seal, as well as three commercial fish oils. The AsHCs - C₁₇H₃₈AsO, C₁₉H₄₂AsO and C₂₃H₃₈AsO - were identified as the major arsenolipids in the extracts of all oils by HPLC coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (qTOF-MS). Minor amounts of two arsenic-containing fatty acids (AsFAs) (C₂₃H₃₈AsO₃ and C₂₄H₃₈AsO₃) were also detected in the oils. The sum of the AsHCs and the AsFAs determined in the present study accounted for 17-42% of the total arsenic in the oils

  18. Quantification of furanoheliangolides by HPLC and GC Quantificação dos furanoeliangolidos por HPLC e CG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pierre Alexandre dos Santos


    Full Text Available The development and comparison of two analytical methods (HPLC and GC for the quantification of the most common furanoheliangolides from Lychnophora is reported in this paper. Both methods are sensitive and suitable for quantification of these metabolites.Neste trabalho são descritos o desenvolvimento e comparação de dois métodos analíticos (CLAE e CG para quantificação dos furanoeliangolidos mais comuns em Lychnophora.Ambos os métodos são sensíveis e adequados para a quantificação desses metabólitos.

  19. Grundbildung Medien als Teil erwachsenenpädagogischer Professionalitätsentwicklung. Überlegungen zur medienpädagogischen Professionalisierung angehender Erwachsenenbildnerinnen und Erwachsenenbildner

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franziska Bellinger


    Full Text Available Der Beitrag nimmt den Umstand zum Ausgangspunkt, dass die Erwachsenenbildung sich sowohl mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert sieht Erwachsenenbildnerinnen und Erwachsenenbildner bei der Aneignung von medienpädagogisch kompetentem Handeln zu unterstützen, als auch zur Vermittlung medienbezogener Kompetenzen zu befähigen (Schmidt-Hertha et al. 2017, 36. Die Ubiquität von (digitalen Medien in menschlichen Lebenswelten bedarf dabei keiner besonderen Betonung mehr. Medien sind Teil der Lebenswelt von Erwachsenen und in der Folge zu einem Verantwortungsbereich der Erwachsenenbildung avanciert. Die Befähigung erwachsener Menschen zur Teilhabe an der digitalen Welt kann als Kernaufgabe unter den Bedingungen von Digitalisierung gesehen werden, was voraussetzt, dass professionell tätige Erwachsenenbildnerinnen und Erwachsenenbildner Veränderungsprozesse, die mit dem Phänomen einhergehen, in den Tätigkeits- und Handlungsfeldern aktiv mitgestalten. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird der professionstheoretische Diskurs in der Erwachsenenbildung als Hintergrundfolie aufgegriffen, um Herausforderungen und Chancen für die medienpädagogische Professionalitätsentwicklung für die Erwachsenenbildung zu skizzieren. Professionalitätsentwicklung wird dabei als lebenslanger Prozess verstanden, der in einem akademischen Studium mit entsprechendem Schwerpunkt angestossen und in der späteren Berufspraxis weiter geformt wird. Es wird ferner ein Vorschlag unterbreitet, der inhaltliche und thematische Dimensionen einer medienpädagogischen Grundbildung für die Erwachsenenbildung skizziert. Deren Integration in Studiengängen der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Teildisziplin erscheint lohnenswert im Hinblick auf die Professionalisierung angehender Erwachsenenbildnerinnen und Erwachsenenbildner.

  20. HPLC characterization of clinically used sup(99m)Tc bone agents. Relative tissue distribution of fractionated components in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srivastava, S.C.; Meinken, G.E.; Richards, P.; Ford, L.A.; Benson, W.R.


    A study was undertaken to separate and characterize the components of clinically used (kit produced) 99m-Tc-Sn-MDP and 99m-Tc-Sn-EHDP preparations by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using radioactivity detection mode. Tissue distribution studies of the HPLC fractionated species were carried out in mice in order to define the in vivo behavior of the individual components. Effect of many variables such as time, oxygen, pH, temperature, etc. on the above two systems was also studied in relation to the composition as determined by HPLC and changes, if any, in the biological behavior. The results demonstrate the unique capabilities of reverse phase HPLC for rapid and high resolution analysis of complex 99mTc radiopharmaceutical mixtures

  1. A Stability Indicating HPLC Method for the Determination of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    stability indicating reverse phase HPLC method for estimating meloxicam (MLX) in bulk ... acetonitrile-water-glacial acetic acid [55:40:5 (% v/v)] at a flow rate of 1ml/min and detection wavelength .... pore and degassed before use. ... determined to assess the effect of small but ... deviation, the standard error of slope, and the.

  2. [Determination method of polysorbates in powdered soup by HPLC]. (United States)

    Takeda, Y; Abe, Y; Ishiwata, H; Yamada, T


    A method for qualitative and quantitative analyses of polysorbates in powdered soup by HPLC was studied. Polysorbates in samples were extracted with acetonitrile after rinsing with n-hexane to remove fats and oils. The extract was cleaned up using a Bond Elut silica gel cartridge (500 mg). The cartridge was washed with ethyl acetate and polysorbates were eluted with a small amount of acetonitrile-methanol (1:2) mixture. The eluate was treated with cobalt thiocyanate solution to form a blue complex with polysorbate. In order to determine polysorbate, the complex was subjected to HPLC with a GPC column, using a mixture of acetonitrile-water (95:5) as a mobile phase, with a detection wavelength of 620 nm. The recoveries of polysorbate 80 added to powdered soups were more than 75% and the determination limit was 0.04 mg/g. When the proposed method was applied to the determination of polysorbates in 16 commercial samples of powdered soup for instant noodles and seasoning consomme, no polysorbates were detected in any sample.

  3. PAH analysis in Leipzig allotment soils; Untersuchungen zum Gefaehrdungspotential polycyclischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) in Leipziger Kleingartenboeden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bittrich, R.; Butze, B.; Mueller, S.; Prawalsky, R.; Stoye, H. [Umwelt-Consult e.V., Leipzig (Germany)


    Soils in 29 allotments were analyzed systematically with a view to the following aspects: Concentration ratios of the 16 components analyzed. Occurrence and classification of so-called PAH patterns. Interdependences between PAH patterns and soil features. PAH concentrations and soil-immanent buffer characteristics (humus concentration, pH, clay concentration, sesquioxide concentrations, exchange capacity). [German] Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung der PAK-Belastung kleingaertnerisch genutzter Boeden. Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse resultieren aus Probjekten von Umwelt-Consult e.V. aus den Jahren 1995 bis 1997 im Auftrag der Stadt Leipzig und dem unter fachlicher Begleitung des Referates Geochemie der Abt. Boden/Geochemie vom LfUG gefoerderten Forschungsvorhaben 'Untersuchungen zum Gefaehrdungspotential polycyclischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) in Boeden der Stadt Leipzig'. Hierbei wurden systematisch Boeden in 29 Kleingartenanlagen untersucht. Folgende Fragestellungen sollten beantwortet werden: Stehen die PAK-Konzentrationen der 16 analysierten Einzelkomponenten in bestimmten Groessenverhaeltnissen zueinander? Sind sogenannte PAK-Muster zu erkennen und lassen sich diese klassifizieren? Welche Beziehungen gibt es zwischen PAK-Mustern und Bodenmerkmalen? Korrespondieren die PAK-Konzentrationen (Gesamt-PAK, Einzelkomponenten) im Boden und deren bodenhorizont-bezogene Abfolge mit der Auspraegung bodenimmanenter Puffermerkmale (Humusgehalt, pH-Wert, Tongehalt, Gehalt an Sesquioxiden, Austauschkapazitaet)? (orig.)

  4. HPLC-based quantification of bacterial housekeeping nucleotides and alarmone messengers ppGpp and pppGpp. (United States)

    Varik, Vallo; Oliveira, Sofia Raquel Alves; Hauryliuk, Vasili; Tenson, Tanel


    Here we describe an HPLC-based method to quantify bacterial housekeeping nucleotides and the signaling messengers ppGpp and pppGpp. We have replicated and tested several previously reported HPLC-based approaches and assembled a method that can process 50 samples in three days, thus making kinetically resolved experiments feasible. The method combines cell harvesting by rapid filtration, followed by acid extraction, freeze-drying with chromatographic separation. We use a combination of C18 IPRP-HPLC (GMP unresolved and co-migrating with IMP; GDP and GTP; AMP, ADP and ATP; CTP; UTP) and SAX-HPLC in isocratic mode (ppGpp and pppGpp) with UV detection. The approach is applicable to bacteria without the requirement of metabolic labelling with 32P-labelled radioactive precursors. We applied our method to quantify nucleotide pools in Escherichia coli BW25113 K12-strain both throughout the growth curve and during acute stringent response induced by mupirocin. While ppGpp and pppGpp levels vary drastically (40- and ≥8-fold, respectively) these changes are decoupled from the quotients of the housekeeping pool and guanosine and adenosine housekeeping nucleotides: NTP/NDP/NMP ratio remains stable at 6/1/0.3 during both normal batch culture growth and upon acute amino acid starvation.

  5. A Decomposition Model for HPLC-DAD Data Set and Its Solution by Particle Swarm Optimization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lizhi Cui


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a separation method, based on the model of Generalized Reference Curve Measurement and the algorithm of Particle Swarm Optimization (GRCM-PSO, for the High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detection (HPLC-DAD data set. Firstly, initial parameters are generated to construct reference curves for the chromatogram peaks of the compounds based on its physical principle. Then, a General Reference Curve Measurement (GRCM model is designed to transform these parameters to scalar values, which indicate the fitness for all parameters. Thirdly, rough solutions are found by searching individual target for every parameter, and reinitialization only around these rough solutions is executed. Then, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO algorithm is adopted to obtain the optimal parameters by minimizing the fitness of these new parameters given by the GRCM model. Finally, spectra for the compounds are estimated based on the optimal parameters and the HPLC-DAD data set. Through simulations and experiments, following conclusions are drawn: (1 the GRCM-PSO method can separate the chromatogram peaks and spectra from the HPLC-DAD data set without knowing the number of the compounds in advance even when severe overlap and white noise exist; (2 the GRCM-PSO method is able to handle the real HPLC-DAD data set.

  6. An introduction of HPLC to check contamination in the adsorption of uranium from sea water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takai, Nobuharu; Senoo, Manabu; Sugasaka, Kazuhiko; Katoh, Shunsaku; Ouchi, Hideyoshi; Itagaki, Takaharu.


    Seawater contains many inorganic ions and many organic substances, and they are adsorbed by adsorbents as well as uranium, and some of which are released into solution when desorbed. An examination was carried out on the substances contained in desorption solution using HPLC to confirm the desorption behavior of contaminants. The instruments used for the test were Hitachi HPLC Model 638 and the prototype spectrophotometer with 32 wave lengths, and the signals from the spectrophotometer are transmitted to a microcomputer through I/O. The test was carried out at National Industrial Institute of Shikoku using the desorption solution obtained from the composite adsorbent of carbon titanium and amidoxime resin by the treatment with acid and alkali. As preliminary test, desorption behavior was detected with the HPLC on the samples of various desorption solutions with a detector of fixed wave length at various wave lengths. Another test was carried out using the prototype with 32 wave lengths to check the function of the system. Desorption solution was tested with the HPLC with the detector of multi-wave lengths. From the experimental results, it was found that the contaminants contained in acid desorption solution were largely different from those contained in sodium carbonate desorption solution. (Yoshitake, I.)

  7. HPLC-NMR revisited: Using time-slice HPLC-SPE-NMR with database assisted dereplication

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Kenneth; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Nyberg, Nils


    Time based trapping of chromatographically separated compounds on to solid-phase extraction cartridges (SPE) and subsequent elution to NMR-tubes was done to emulate the function of HPLC–NMR for dereplication purposes. Sufficient mass sensitivity was obtained by the use of a state-of-the-art HPLC......–SPE–NMR-system with a cryogenically cooled probe head, designed for 1.7 mm NMR-tubes. The resulting 1H NMR spectra (600 MHz) were evaluated against a database of previously acquired and prepared spectra. The in-house developed matching algorithm, based on partitioning of the spectra and allowing for changes in the chemical shifts......, is described and the code included as Supplementary Information. Two mixtures of natural products was used to test the approach; one extract of Carthamus oxyacantha (wild safflower) containing an array of spiro compounds and one extract of the endophytic fungus Penicillum namyslowski containing griseofulvin...

  8. Punica granatum peel extracts: HPLC fractionation and LC MS analysis to quest compounds having activity against multidrug resistant bacteria. (United States)

    Khan, Ilyas; Rahman, Hazir; Abd El-Salam, Nasser M; Tawab, Abdul; Hussain, Anwar; Khan, Taj Ali; Khan, Usman Ali; Qasim, Muhammad; Adnan, Muhammad; Azizullah, Azizullah; Murad, Waheed; Jalal, Abdullah; Muhammad, Noor; Ullah, Riaz


    Medicinal plants are rich source of traditional herbal medicine around the globe. Most of the plant's therapeutic properties are due to the presence of secondary bioactive compounds. The present study analyzed the High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) fractions of Puncia granatum (peel) extracts (aqueous, chloroform, ethanol and hexane) against multidrug resistant bacterial pathogens (Acinetobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus). All the fractions having antibacterial activity was processed for bioactive compounds identification using LC MS/MS analysis. Among total HPLC fractions (n = 30), 4 HPLC fractions of P. granatum (peel) showed potential activity against MDR pathogens. Fraction 1 (F1) and fraction 4 (F4) collected from aqueous extract showed maximum activity against P. aeruginosa. Fraction 2 (F2) of hexane showed antibacterial activity against three pathogens, while ethanol F4 exhibited antibacterial activity against A. baumannii. The active fractions were processed for LC MS/MS analysis to identify bioactive compounds. Valoneic acid dilactone (aqueous F1 and F4), Hexoside (ethanol F4) and Coumaric acid (hexane F2) were identified as bioactive compounds in HPLC fractions. Puncia granatum peel extracts HPLC fractions exhibited potential inhibitory activity against MDR bacterial human pathogens. Several bioactive compounds were identified from the HPLC fractions. Further characterization of these compounds may be helpful to conclude it as therapeutic lead molecules against MDR pathogens.

  9. Exorphin Peptides in Urine with HPLC-MS/MS Detection



    Exorphins have been found in urine from individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders by HPLC techniques. However, several studies, using sophisticated analytical techniques , have reported negative findings. This made it necessary to improve our methods. The sample stability during transport and storage and the pre -analytical treatment of urines was improved by peptidase inhibition and solid ...

  10. Development of HPLC Protocol and Simultaneous Quantification of Four Free Flavonoids from Dracocephalum heterophyllum Benth.


    Numonov, Sodik Rakhmonovich; Qureshi, Muhammad Nasimullah; Aisa, Haji Akber


    Quantification of the four flavonoids, namely, luteolin, kaempferol, diosmetin, and chrysosplenetin, has been performed for the first time in 80% ethanolic extract of Dracocephalum heterophyllum B. through HPLC coupled to UV detector after optimization of extracting solvent and chromatographic conditions. Total flavonoids quantified were 0.324 mg/mL of the extract. HPLC analysis delivered contents of the luteolin, kaempferol, diosmetin, and chrysosplenetin as 0.08%, 0.14%, 0.28%, and 0.79% of...

  11. The determination of minor amounts of rare earth elements in high purity earth oxides by HPLC/IDMS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stijfhoorn, D.E.; Stray, H.; Hjelmseth, H.


    Since the early seventies isotopic dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) has been used at Institutt for energiteknikk, Kjeller, Norway for determination and certification of rare earth elements in high purity Y 2 O 3 . These lanthanides have, during the last few decades, become more widely used in highly specialized technology. High purity, quality 4 N (99.99%) or even 5 N materials are needed for phosphors, lasers, optical fibers, X-ray films, and in contrast fluids for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, in a matrix constisting primarily of a single lanthanide, IDMS alone will not be effective due to isobaric interferences from the main elements or the mono-oxides formed in the ion source. On the other hand, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) may be used, but the detection limit will be in the order of 5 to 10 ppm/W. In this work a combination of HPLC and IDMS has been used to lower the detection limit to 1 ppm/W, where the sample is spiked before separation by HPLC, followed by IDMS analysis of the HPLC- fractions. In some cases the HPLC-process has to be repeated to remove the main element completly. Results are presented for Dy 2 O 3 and Nd 2 O 3 , but similar separating procedures can be applied for other rare earth oxides. 3 refs., 2 figs. 2 tabs

  12. The first use of a HPLC system at a Louisiana Sugarcane Factory: What it can do for you (United States)

    Alma Plantation sugarcane factory established and operated the first High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system in Louisiana in 2015. Although many HPLC systems exist, the factory opted for a ThermoFisherTM ion chromatography (anion exchange) system with integrated pulsed amperometric det...

  13. Spectrum-effect relationship between HPLC fingerprints and hypolipidemic effect of Curcuma aromatica. (United States)

    Liu, Meiqiong; Wu, Youjiao; Huang, Shushi; Liu, Huagang; Feng, Jie


    Curcuma aromatica is used as a traditional Chinese medicine, and it is mainly distributed in Guangxi, China. In this study, 10 batches of C. aromatica were collected from different origins in Guangxi. The fingerprints were established by HPLC technique to investigate the quality stability of C. aromatica. The spectrum-effect relationship between HPLC fingerprints and hypolipidemic effect of C. aromatica was assessed by similarity analysis, gray relational analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. From the results, the similarity values between each batch of C. aromatica and reference fingerprint were >0.880, indicating the good quality stability of the 10 batches of C. aromatica. Twenty common peaks were selected as the fingerprints to evaluate the quality and hypolipidemic effect of C. aromatica. The results of spectrum-effect relationship showed that peaks 10, 18, 13, 15 and 17 in the fingerprints were closely related to hypolipidemic effect. This study successfully established the spectrum-effect relationship between HPLC fingerprints and hypolipidemic effect of C. aromatica, which provided methods for quality control and more effectively studies on bioactive compounds of C. aromatica. It could also provide a new simple and effective method for utilizing the fingerprints to optimize the Chinese prescription and develop traditional Chinese medicine. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  14. Use of small diameter column particles to enhance HPLC determination of histamine and other biogenic amines in seafood

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simat, Vida; Dalgaard, Paw


    Pre-column and post-column HPLC derivatization methods were modified and evaluated for the identification and quantification of nine biogenic amines in seafood Two HPLC methods with column particles of 1 8 mu m or 3 mu m in diameter were modified and compared to classical methods using 5 mu m...... column particles Both pre-column derivatization with dansyl chloride and post-column derivatization with O-phthalaldehyde were studied The HPLC methods were compared with respect to the time of elution eluent consumption backpressure as well as separation sensitivity recovery and repeatability...... for determination of biogenic amines in lean canned tuna and fatty frozen herring The modified methods using smaller column particles of 1 8 mu m or 3 mu m allowed biogenic amines to be separated and quantified faster (23-59%) and with less eluent consumption (59-62%) than classical HPLC methods Backpressures were...

  15. Automated precolumn derivatization procedures in HPLC for biomedical and clinical applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wolf, Johannes Hendrik


    This thesis describes three automated precolumn derivatization procedures for the analysis of carboxylic group-containing compounds. After derivatization with a suitable label, the derivatives are separated on reversed-phashed HPLC and detected by fluorescence. ... Zie: Summary

  16. E-business solutions for utilities, - current state of implementation on the Internet; E-Business-Branchenloesungen - Untersuchung zum Implementierunsstand im Internet. Der Online-Weg zu den Privatkunden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koch, M.; Baier, D. [Brandenburgische Technische Univ. Cottbus (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Marketing und Innovationsmanagement


    In the first part of the contribution the benefit of an e-business system in connection with internet was illustrated by an example. The current state of implementation is the subject of this second part. In an empirical study the websites of 600 utilities were analyzed in detail. The results of this analysis are described in the following. (orig.) [German] In [1] wird der Nutzen eines E-Business-Systems in Verbindung mit dem Internet an einem praktischen Beispiel veranschaulicht. Im Folgenden wird ein Ueberblick zum aktuellen Implementierungsstand in den Enegieversorgungsunternehmen gegeben. In einer empirischen Untersuchung wurden die Webseiten von 600 EVU analysiert, die Ergebnisse der Auswertung werden vorgestellt. (orig.)

  17. CZE/PAD and HPLC-UV/PAD Profile of Flavonoids from Maytenus aquifolium and Maytenus ilicifolia “espinheira santa” Leaves Extracts


    Diagone, Cristina A.; Colombo, Renata; Lanças, Fernando M.; Yariwake, Janete H.


    This paper describes the application of HPLC and CZE to analyze flavonoids in the leaves of Maytenus ilicifolia and Maytenus aquifolium, which are species widely used in Brazilian folk medicine. The two species showed different flavonoid profiles, but acidic hydrolysis of the Maytenus extracts confirmed that all these compounds are quercetin or kaempferol derivatives. A comparison of the CZE and HPLC profiles of Maytenus extracts showed numerous flavonoid peaks using HPLC. However, the advant...

  18. Simultaneous Speciation of Arsenic, Selenium, and Chromium by HPLC-ICP-MS (United States)

    Wolf, Ruth E.; Morman, Suzette A.; Morrison, Jean M.; Lamothe, Paul J.


    An adaptation of an analytical method developed for chromium speciation has been utilized for the simultaneous determination of As(III), As(V), Se(IV), Se(VI), Cr(III), and Cr(VI) species using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation with ICP-MS detection. Reduction of interferences for the determination of As, Se, and Cr by ICP-MS is a major consideration for this method. Toward this end, a Dynamic Reaction Cell (DRC) ICP-MS system was used to detect the species eluted from the chromatographic column. A variety of reaction cell gases and conditions may be utilized, and the advantages and limitations of the gases tested to date will be presented and discussed. The separation and detection of the As, Se, and Cr species of interest can be achieved using the same chromatographic conditions in less than 2 minutes by complexing the Cr(III) with EDTA prior to injection on the HPLC column. Practical aspects of simultaneous speciation analysis will be presented and discussed, including issues with HPLC sample vial contamination, standard and sample contamination, species stability, and considerations regarding sample collection and preservation methods. The results of testing to determine the method's robustness to common concomitant element and anion effects will also be discussed. Finally, results will be presented using the method for the analysis of a variety of environmental and geological samples including waters, soil leachates and simulated bio-fluid leachates.

  19. Quality Evaluation and Chemical Markers Screening of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. (Danshen Based on HPLC Fingerprints and HPLC-MSn Coupled with Chemometrics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wenyi Liang


    Full Text Available Danshen, the dried root of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge., is a widely used commercially available herbal drug, and unstable quality of different samples is a current issue. This study focused on a comprehensive and systematic method combining fingerprints and chemical identification with chemometrics for discrimination and quality assessment of Danshen samples. Twenty-five samples were analyzed by HPLC-PAD and HPLC-MSn. Forty-nine components were identified and characteristic fragmentation regularities were summarized for further interpretation of bioactive components. Chemometric analysis was employed to differentiate samples and clarify the quality differences of Danshen including hierarchical cluster analysis, principal component analysis, and partial least squares discriminant analysis. Consistent results were that the samples were divided into three categories which reflected the difference in quality of Danshen samples. By analyzing the reasons for sample classification, it was revealed that the processing method had a more obvious impact on sample classification than the geographical origin, it induced the different content of bioactive compounds and finally lead to different qualities. Cryptotanshinone, trijuganone B, and 15,16-dihydrotanshinone I were screened out as markers to distinguish samples by different processing methods. The developed strategy could provide a reference for evaluation and discrimination of other traditional herbal medicines.

  20. [Carl Schirren als Gelehrter im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und politischer Publizistik. 13 Beiträge zum 22. Baltischen Seminar 2010 ; Carl Schirren. Vorlesungen über livländische Geschichte. Nachschrift von Johannes Lossius] / Karsten Brügge

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Brüggemann, Karsten, 1965-


    Arvustus: Carl Schirren als Gelehrter im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und politischer Publizistik. 13 Beiträge zum 22. Baltischen Seminar 2010 (Baltische Seminare, 20). Hrsg. von Michael Garleff. Verlag Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft. Lüneburg 2013; Carl Schirren. Vorlesungen über livländische Geschichte. Nachschrift von Johannes Lossius (Baltische Seminare, 20-1). Hrsg. von Carl Schirren und Wilhelm Lenz. Verlag Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft. Lüneburg 2013

  1. HPLC assay for 2-(3-aminopropylamino)ethanethiol (WR-1065) in plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McGovern, E.P.; Swynnerton, N.F.; Steele, P.D.; Mangold, D.J.


    A high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) plasma assay for WR-1065 is described which is both precise and accurate throughout the concentration range from 1 to 500 μg/mL of plasma. The analyte is separated by HPLC and detected with a thiol specific electrochemical transducer cell. The detector response is linear over the ranges 1 to 10 μg/mL, 10 to 100 μg/mL, and 100 to 500 μg/mL. The absolute retention times for WR-1065 and WT-1729 are 9 and 12 minutes, respectively. The assay uses 100 μL of plasma and requires a total chromatography cycle time of 40 minutes. The method has been found suitable for the determination of WR-1065 in plasma from a beagle dog after i.v. administration of S-2-(3-aminopropylamino)ethyl phosphorothioate (WR-2721)

  2. Genetic, epigenetic, and HPLC fingerprint differentiation between natural and ex situ populations of Rhodiola sachalinensis from Changbai Mountain, China. (United States)

    Zhao, Wei; Shi, Xiaozheng; Li, Jiangnan; Guo, Wei; Liu, Chengbai; Chen, Xia


    Rhodiola sachalinensis is an endangered species with important medicinal value. We used inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) markers to analyze genetic and epigenetic differentiation in different populations of R. sachalinensis, including three natural populations and an ex situ population. Chromatographic fingerprint was used to reveal HPLC fingerprint differentiation. According to our results, the ex situ population of R. sachalinensis has higher level genetic diversity and greater HPLC fingerprint variation than natural populations, but shows lower epigenetic diversity. Most genetic variation (54.88%) was found to be distributed within populations, and epigenetic variation was primarily distributed among populations (63.87%). UPGMA cluster analysis of ISSR and MSAP data showed identical results, with individuals from each given population grouping together. The results of UPGMA cluster analysis of HPLC fingerprint patterns was significantly different from results obtained from ISSR and MSAP data. Correlation analysis revealed close relationships among altitude, genetic structure, epigenetic structure, and HPLC fingerprint patterns (R2 = 0.98 for genetic and epigenetic distance; R2 = 0.90 for DNA methylation level and altitude; R2 = -0.95 for HPLC fingerprint and altitude). Taken together, our results indicate that ex situ population of R. sachalinensis show significantly different genetic and epigenetic population structures and HPLC fingerprint patterns. Along with other potential explanations, these findings suggest that the ex situ environmental factors caused by different altitude play an important role in keeping hereditary characteristic of R. sachalinensis.

  3. Determination of boron in uranium and aluminium by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, Radhika M.; Aggarwal, S.K.


    Experiments were conducted for the determination of boron in U 3 O 8 powder and aluminium metal using dynamically modified reversed phase high pressure liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and using precolumn chromogenic agent viz. curcumin for complexing boron. The complex was separated from the excess of reagent and determined by HPLC. The boron curcumin complex (rosocyanin) was formed after extraction of boron with 2-ethyl-1,3-hexane diol (EHD). Linear calibration curves for boron amounts in the range of 0.02 μg to 0.5 μg were developed and used for the determination of boron in aluminium and uranium samples. (author)

  4. Antioxidant, antiinflammatory activities and HPLC analysis of South African Salvia species

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Kamatou, GGP


    Full Text Available -performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to identify various compounds in the extracts. Betulafolientriol oxide and rosmarinic acid were detected in all the species investigated, and rosmarinic acid, carnosic acid, carnosol and oleanolic acid/ursolic acid...

  5. Simultaneous Determination of Lactulose and Lactose in Conserved Milk by HPLC-RID

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Fernandes Silveira


    Full Text Available Heat treatment is applied to dairy products to ensure microbiological quality and increase the shelf life. However, a suitable control of this process is necessary to guarantee nutritional and sensory quality. The aim of this study is to adapt the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC method for determination of lactulose and lactose content in commercial samples of UHT and sweetened condensed milk. The HPLC method used showed a good resolution of the analytes evaluated. The analyzed UHT milk samples presented levels for lactulose in accordance with the limit recommended by the International Dairy Federation. There was no significant variation in lactulose concentration for sweetened condensed milk samples. However, one sweetened condensed milk sample showed lactose level lower than the established values (10–12%.

  6. Isolation and HPLC method development of azafrin from Alectra parasitica var. chitrakutensis. (United States)

    Agrawal, Poonam; Laddha, Kirti; Tiwari, Ashok


    This study was undertaken to isolate and quantify azafrin in Alectra parasitica (Scrophulariaceae) rhizomes. A simple method for the isolation of carotenoid, azafrin, involves solvent extraction of the dried rhizome powder using a single solvent and further purification by recrystallisation. The structure of the compound was elucidated and confirmed by thin-layer chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectral analysis. A specific and rapid reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed for the analysis of azafrin. The method was validated for accuracy, precision, linearity and specificity. Validation revealed that the method is specific, accurate, precise, reliable and reproducible. The proposed HPLC method can be used for the identification and quantitative analysis of azafrin in A. parasitica rhizomes.

  7. Automated injection of a radioactive sample for preparative HPLC with feedback control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwata, Ren; Yamazaki, Shigeki


    The injection of a radioactive reaction mixture into a preparative HPLC column has been automated with computer control for rapid purification of routinely prepared positron emitting radiopharmaceuticals. Using pneumatic valves, a motor-driven pump and a liquid level sensor, two intelligent injection methods for the automation were compared with regard to efficient and rapid sample loading into a 2 mL loop of the 6-way valve. One, a precise but rather slow method, was demonstrated to be suitable for purification of 18 F-radiopharmaceuticals, while the other, due to its rapid operation, was more suitable for 11 C-radiopharmaceuticals. A sample volume of approx 0.5 mL can be injected onto a preparative HPLC column with over 90% efficiency with the present automated system. (author)

  8. Characterization of free radicals in γ-irradiated polycrystalline uridine 5'-monophosphate: a study combining ESR, spin-trapping and HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiraoka, W.; Kuwabara, M.; Sato, F.


    Free radicals generated in γ-irradiated polycrystalline uridine 5'-monophosphate (5'-UMP) were studied by ESR, spin-trapping and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Although HPLC ultimately gave four spin-adducts, one component that was originally present disappeared during HPLC. Spin adducts due to two types of C6 radials were identified. One of these was thought to be formed by electron addition and subsequent protonation at the C6 position, and the other was presumed to be produced by electron addition and subsequent protonation at the O 4 position. The spin adducts derived from the C5 and C5' radicals were also identified. The spin adduct that disappeared during HPLC was thought to correspond to the C4'-centred radical. Computer simulation of ESR spectra was carried out to estimate the hyperfine splitting constants. (author)

  9. Time-resolved SAXS measurements facilitated by online HPLC buffer exchange

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Malene Hillerup; Toft, Katrine Nørgaard; David, Gabriel


    continuous or stopped flow. In this paper a method for obtaining TR-SAXS data from systems where the reaction is triggered by removal of a species is presented. This method is based on fast buffer exchange over a short desalting column facilitated by an online HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography...

  10. Fluorescence detection of flavonols in HPLC by postcolumn chelation with aluminum

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hollman, Peter C H; Van Trijp, J. M P; Buysman, Michel N C P


    Flavonols are dietary antioxidants which may prevent coronary heart disease. To be able to study absorption of flavonols in humans, we developed a postcolumn derivatization with aluminum for HPLC with fluorescence detection. Variables governing postcolumn chelation, such as water content, buffer,

  11. A study of the red clover extract trinovin by ESR HPLC/MS and UVS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Troup, G.; Hutton, D.; Hunter, C.; Hewitt, D.; Mulinacci, N.; Romani, A.; Pinelli, P.; Mancini, P.


    Full text: Trinovin is an extract of red clover, recently released on the dietary supplement market. It is recommended for 'Men's Health', because it contains the phenolics (isoflavones) genistein, biochanin, daidzein and formononetin, said to act as 'phytoestrogens', and is therefore a possible help in prostate gland problems. An Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) study (∼9.1Ghz, room temperature) revealed at least 3 different free radical lines, one with hyperfine structure, consistent with the listed molecules. Accordingly, HPLC/DAD (High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Diode Array Detector) and HPLC/Mass Spectroscopy analyses were performed in order to evaluate the quali-quantitative contents of flavonoidic compounds. The HPLC profile shows two main isoflavones and another three compounds, one of them being a quercetin glycoside. The quercetin glycosides are flavonoidic derivatives abundant in plant materials and present in wine. We can therefore say: even if the phytoestrogen properties claimed for Trinovin turn out to be less than hoped for, the antioxidants contained are very powerful, and so possibly helpful in protection against many diseases, including cancers, atherosclerosis, diabetic retinal bleeding, and non-alcoholic dementia

  12. Historyczność kultury. W poszukiwaniu myślowego fundamentu współczesnej historiografii.


    Werner, Wiktor


    Pracę tę ma można uznać za studium z obszaru intelektualnej historii kultury europejskiej. W tym ujęciu dotyczy ona powstawania, w okresie od początku XVIII wieku do początku XX wieku, ważnych dyskursów opisujących i wyjaśniających świat: filozoficznego empiryzmu, ekonomii politycznej, społecznego darwinizmu i teologii naturalnej. Praca ta także ma charakter studium z historii idei, gdzie badanym zagadnieniem jest historyczność kultury czyli zbiór myślowych kategorii, których obecność w ró...

  13. Monitoring of monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, ethanol and glycerol during wort fermentation by biosensors, HPLC and spectrophotometry. (United States)

    Monošík, Rastislav; Magdolen, Peter; Stredanský, Miroslav; Šturdík, Ernest


    The aim of the present study was to analyze sugar levels (namely maltose, maltotriose, glucose and fructose) and alcohols (ethanol and glycerol) during the fermentation process in wort samples by amperometric enzymatic biosensors developed by our research group for industrial application, HPLC and spectrophotometry, and to compare the suitability of the presented methods for determination of individual analytes. We can conclude that for the specific monitoring of maltose or maltotriose only the HPLC method was suitable. On the other hand, biosensors and spectrophotometry reflected a decrease in total sugar concentration better and were able to detect both glucose and fructose in the later stages of fermentation, while HPLC was not. This can be attributed to the low detection limits and good sensitivity of the proposed methods. For the ethanol and glycerol analysis all methods proved to be suitable. However, concerning the cost expenses and time analysis, biosensors represented the best option. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Direct injection analysis of fatty and resin acids in papermaking process waters by HPLC/MS. (United States)

    Valto, Piia; Knuutinen, Juha; Alén, Raimo


    A novel HPLC-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization/MS (HPLC-APCI/MS) method was developed for the rapid analysis of selected fatty and resin acids typically present in papermaking process waters. A mixture of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolenic, and dehydroabietic acids was separated by a commercial HPLC column (a modified stationary C(18) phase) using gradient elution with methanol/0.15% formic acid (pH 2.5) as a mobile phase. The internal standard (myristic acid) method was used to calculate the correlation coefficients and in the quantitation of the results. In the thorough quality parameters measurement, a mixture of these model acids in aqueous media as well as in six different paper machine process waters was quantitatively determined. The measured quality parameters, such as selectivity, linearity, precision, and accuracy, clearly indicated that, compared with traditional gas chromatographic techniques, the simple method developed provided a faster chromatographic analysis with almost real-time monitoring of these acids. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Assessment of radiochemical purity of [18F]fludeoxyglucose by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lacerda, Aline E.; Silva, Juliana B.; Silveira, Marina B.; Ferreira, Soraya Z.


    The quality control of [ 18 F]fludeoxyglucose ( 18 FDG) has received attention due to its increasing clinical use. Although the quality requirements of 18 FDG are established in various pharmacopoeia, the suitability of all testing methods used should be verified under actual conditions of use and documented. The aim of this study was to develop a high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for radiochemical purity evaluation of 18 FDG, based on pharmacopoeia references, and to verify its suitability for routine quality control in our centre. HPLC analysis was performed with an Agilent HPLC. 18 FDG and impurities were separated on an anion-exchange column by isocratic elution with 0.1 M NaOH as the mobile phase. Detection was accomplished with refractive index and NaI (Tl) scintillation detectors. The flow rate of the mobile phase was set at 0.8 mL/min and the column temperature was kept at 35 deg C. Specificity, linearity, precision and robustness were assessed to verify if the method was adequate for its intended purpose. Retention time of 18 FDG was not affected by the presence of other components of the formulation and a good peak resolution was achieved. The analytical curve of 18 FDG was linear, with a correlation coefficient value of 0.9995. Intraday repeatable precision, reported as the relative standard deviation, was 0.11%. Analytical procedure remained unaffected by small variations in mobile phase flow rate. Results evidenced that HPLC is suitable for radiochemical purity evaluation of 18 FDG, considering operational conditions of our laboratory. (author)

  16. Two-dimensional fingerprinting approach for comparison of complex substances analysed by HPLC-UV and fluorescence detection. (United States)

    Ni, Yongnian; Liu, Ying; Kokot, Serge


    This work is concerned with the research and development of methodology for analysis of complex mixtures such as pharmaceutical or food samples, which contain many analytes. Variously treated samples (swill washed, fried and scorched) of the Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae (RAM) traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as well as the common substitute, Rhizoma atractylodis (RA) TCM were chosen as examples for analysis. A combined data matrix of chromatographic 2-D HPLC-DAD-FLD (two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatography with diode array and fluorescence detectors) fingerprint profiles was constructed with the use of the HPLC-DAD and HPLC-FLD individual data matrices; the purpose was to collect maximum information and to interpret this complex data with the use of various chemometrics methods e.g. the rank-ordering multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) PROMETHEE and GAIA, K-nearest neighbours (KNN), partial least squares (PLS), back propagation-artificial neural networks (BP-ANN) methods. The chemometrics analysis demonstrated that the combined 2-D HPLC-DAD-FLD data matrix does indeed provide more information and facilitates better performing classification/prediction models for the analysis of such complex samples as the RAM and RA ones noted above. It is suggested that this fingerprint approach is suitable for analysis of other complex, multi-analyte substances.

  17. Comparison of calorimetric and HPLC methods in measuring nitrate content of meat products: An economic evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M moradi


    Full Text Available Nitrate is a flavors compound, color stabilizer and growth inhibitor of anaerobic microorganisms in meat products. High concentration of nitrate in food can cause methaemoglobinaemia and is recognized as carcinogenic. Therefore, accurate determination of nitrate is crucial to ensure consumers’ health. Regularly, nitrate is estimated by colorimetric and HPLC methods. In measurement of nitrate, the efficiency, accuracy, speed and amount of material are important from economical point of view. In this study, the cost of initial investment, staff, consumable material and equipments used by the two methods were calculated and finally Net Present Value (NPV was estimated for each of them. The rate of interest was considered from 4 until 30%. According to the results the amount of initial investment, annual cost of staff and consumable materials for colorimetric method were determined as 274000000, 379080000 and 214289130 Rials, respectively. These costs for HPLC method were 342000000, 252720000 and 7633080 Rials, respectively. NPV in minimum and maximum rates of interest (4 and 30% for colorimetric method were 8368344000 and 2242330000 Rials and for HPLC method were estimated at 4035848000 and 1207544000 Rials. As a consequence, HPLC is more economical and could be recommended for the routine measurement of nitrate in of food safety laboratories.

  18. Metabolite profiling with HPLC-ICP-MS as a tool for in vivo characterization of imaging probes. (United States)

    Boros, Eszter; Pinkhasov, Omar R; Caravan, Peter


    Current analytical methods for characterizing pharmacokinetic and metabolic properties of positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) probes are limited. Alternative methods to study tracer metabolism are needed. The study objective was to assess the potential of high performance liquid chromatography - inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) for quantification of molecular probe metabolism and pharmacokinetics using stable isotopes. Two known peptide-DOTA conjugates were chelated with nat Ga and nat In. Limit of detection of HPLC-ICP-MS for 69 Ga and 115 In was determined. Rats were administered 50-150 nmol of Ga- and/or In-labeled probes, blood was serially sampled, and plasma analyzed by HPLC-ICP-MS using both reverse phase and size exclusion chromatography. The limits of detection were 0.16 pmol for 115 In and 0.53 pmol for 69 Ga. Metabolites as low as 0.001 %ID/g could be detected and transchelation products identified. Simultaneous administration of Ga- and In-labeled probes allowed the determination of pharmacokinetics and metabolism of both probes in a single animal. HPLC-ICP-MS is a robust, sensitive and radiation-free technique to characterize the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of imaging probes.

  19. Rapid and Reliable HPLC Method for the Determination of Vitamin ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To develop and validate an accurate, sensitive and reproducible high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the quantitation of vitamin C in pharmaceutical samples. Method: The drug and the standard were eluted from Superspher RP-18 (250 mm x 4.6 mm, 10ìm particle size) at 20 0C.

  20. Separation of complex oligosaccharides from wort and beer using HPLC

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Cabálková, Jana; Bobálová, Janette


    Roč. 102, č. 15 (2008), s608-s609 ISSN 1803-2389. [Meeting on Chemistry and Life /4./. Brno, 09.09.2008-11.09.2008] R&D Projects: GA MŠk 2B06037 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40310501 Keywords : oligosacharides * beer * HPLC Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation

  1. Chiral HPLC and physical characterisation of orthoconic antiferroelectric liquid crystals

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vojtylová, Terézia; Żurowska, M.; Milewska, K.; Hamplová, Věra; Sýkora, D.


    Roč. 43, č. 9 (2016), s. 1244-1250 ISSN 0267-8292 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) LD14007; GA ČR GA15-02843S Institutional support: RVO:68378271 Keywords : liquid crystals * chiral HPLC * orthoconic antiferroelectric LC Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation Impact factor: 2.661, year: 2016

  2. The risk for cancer and genetic abnormalities after radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism; Zum Krebs- und genetischen Risiko nach Radioiodtherapie der Hyperthyreose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reiners, C. [Wuerzburg Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    According to recent studies, the risk for thyroid cancer is not increased after radioiodine treatment in patients with hyperthyroidism. Only the risk of cancer of the stomach seems to be increased slightly in patents treated with I-131 because of functional autonomy. However, the risk for gastric cancer is not increased after higher activities of I-131 because of thyroid cancer. There is no increased risk for genetic abnormalities after radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism. (orig.) [Deutsch] Aktuelle Studien zum Karzinomrisiko nach Radioiodtherapie wegen Hyperthyreose ergeben keinen Anhalt fuer eine erhoehte Inzidenz des Schilddruesenkarzinoms nach therapeutischer Gabe von I-131. Allenfalls scheint die Inzidenz von Magenkarzinomen bei Patienten nach Radioiodtherapie wegen funktioneller Autonomie geringfuegig erhoeht zu sein, obwohl diese Beobachtung bei Patienten nach hochdosierter Radioiodtherapie wegen eines Schilddruesenkarzinoms nicht gemacht wurde. Hinweise fuer ein erhoehtes genetisches Risiko nach Radioiodtherapie der Hyperthyreose ergeben sich nicht. (orig.)

  3. [Determination of aristolochic acid A in Guanxinsuhe preparations by RP-HPLC]. (United States)

    Li, Lin; Gao, Hui-Min; Wang, Zhi-Min; Wang, Wei-Hao


    To establish a determination method of aristolochic acid A in Guanxisuhe preparations by RP-HPLC. The instrument used was Hewlett-Packard 1100 HPLC with a Alltech C18 column (4.6 mm x 250 mm, 5 microm). The mobile phase was methanol-water-acetic acid (68: 32:1) and the flow rate was 1.0 mL x min(-1). The UV detection wavelength was 390 nm and the column temperature was at 35 degrees C. The extracted solvent for the preparations was methanol solution contained 10% formic acid. The calibration curve was linear (r = 0.999 9) within the range of 0.119-1.89 microg for aristolochic acid A. The average recovery 99.0%, RSD 0.63%. The method with good linear relationship was convenient, quick, accurate, and suitable for the quality control of the aristolochic acid A in Guanxinsuhe and other traditional Chinese medicines containing aristolochic acid A.

  4. Pharmacokinetic study of arctigenin in rat plasma and organ tissue by RP-HPLC method. (United States)

    He, Fan; Dou, De-Qiang; Hou, Qiang; Sun, Yu; Kang, Ting-Guo


    A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique was developed for the determination of arctigenin in plasma and various organs of rats after the oral administration of 30, 50 and 70 mgkg(-1) of arctigenin to the Sprague-Dawley rats. Results showed that the validated HPLC method was simple, fast, reproducible and suitable to the determination of arctigenin in rat plasma and organ tissue and one-compartmental model with zero-order absorption process can well describe the changes of arctigenin concentration in the plasma. The concentration of compound was highest in the spleen, less in the liver and the least in the lung.

  5. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)-Based Detection and Quantitation of Cellular c-di-GMP. (United States)

    Petrova, Olga E; Sauer, Karin


    The modulation of c-di-GMP levels plays a vital role in the regulation of various processes in a wide array of bacterial species. Thus, investigation of c-di-GMP regulation requires reliable methods for the assessment of c-di-GMP levels and turnover. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) analysis has become a commonly used approach to accomplish these goals. The following describes the extraction and HPLC-based detection and quantification of c-di-GMP from Pseudomonas aeruginosa samples, a procedure that is amenable to modifications for the analysis of c-di-GMP in other bacterial species.

  6. Determination of patulin in fruit juices using HPLC-DAD and GC-MSD techniques. (United States)

    Moukas, Athanasios; Panagiotopoulou, Vasiliki; Markaki, Panagiota


    A high performance liquid chromatography with a diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD) and a gas chromatography with a mass spectrometer (GC-MSD) are described for the determination of patulin (PAT) in apple juice. The limits of detection (DL) and quantification (QL) for the HPLC-DAD and GC-MSD method were found to be (DL=0.23μgkg(-1) QL=1.2μgkg(-1)) and (DL=5.8μgkg(-1) and QL=13.8μgkg(-1)), respectively. The recovery factors for HPLC-DAD and GC-MSD were found to be 99.5% (RSD%=0.73) and 41% (RSD%=10.03), respectively. The HPLC-DAD method was used to determine the occurrence of PAT in 90 samples of fruit juices. Results revealed the presence of PAT in 100% of the samples examined. The mean values of PAT in concentrated fruit juices and in the commercial fruit juices collected from the Greek market were found to be 10.54μg PAT kg(-1) and 5.57μg PAT kg(-1) juice, respectively. The most contaminated samples were four concentrated juices ranging from 18.10μg PAT kg(-1) to 36.8μg PAT kg(-1) juice. The daily exposure to patulin for the consumers of all ages in Greece, is ranging from 0.008μg PAT kg(-1) bw to 0.1μg PAT kg(-1) bw if the daily intake of fruit juices is from 0.1 to 0.5kg. With the exception to the most contaminated sample, the daily exposure due to the samples examined, is below the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake for PAT (0.4μg PAT kg(-1) bw). Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Genetic, epigenetic, and HPLC fingerprint differentiation between natural and ex situ populations of Rhodiola sachalinensis from Changbai Mountain, China.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Zhao

    Full Text Available Rhodiola sachalinensis is an endangered species with important medicinal value. We used inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR and methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP markers to analyze genetic and epigenetic differentiation in different populations of R. sachalinensis, including three natural populations and an ex situ population. Chromatographic fingerprint was used to reveal HPLC fingerprint differentiation. According to our results, the ex situ population of R. sachalinensis has higher level genetic diversity and greater HPLC fingerprint variation than natural populations, but shows lower epigenetic diversity. Most genetic variation (54.88% was found to be distributed within populations, and epigenetic variation was primarily distributed among populations (63.87%. UPGMA cluster analysis of ISSR and MSAP data showed identical results, with individuals from each given population grouping together. The results of UPGMA cluster analysis of HPLC fingerprint patterns was significantly different from results obtained from ISSR and MSAP data. Correlation analysis revealed close relationships among altitude, genetic structure, epigenetic structure, and HPLC fingerprint patterns (R2 = 0.98 for genetic and epigenetic distance; R2 = 0.90 for DNA methylation level and altitude; R2 = -0.95 for HPLC fingerprint and altitude. Taken together, our results indicate that ex situ population of R. sachalinensis show significantly different genetic and epigenetic population structures and HPLC fingerprint patterns. Along with other potential explanations, these findings suggest that the ex situ environmental factors caused by different altitude play an important role in keeping hereditary characteristic of R. sachalinensis.

  8. Preparative separation and purification of bufadienolides from ChanSu by high-speed counter-current chromatography combined with preparative HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Jialian; Zhang, Yongqing; Lin, Yunliang; Wang, Xiao; Fang, Lei; Geng, Yanling; Zhang, Qinde


    Eight bufadienolides were successfully isolated and purified from ChanSu by high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) combined with preparative HPLC (prep-HPLC). First, a stepwise elution mode of HSCCC with the solvent system composed of petroleum ether–ethyl acetate–methanol–water (4:6:4:6, 4:6:5:5, v/v) was employed and four bufadienolides, two partially purified fractions were obtained from 200 mg of crude extract. The partially purified fractions III and VI were then further separated by prepHPLC, respectively, and another four bufadienolides were recovered. Their structures were confirmed by ESI-MS and 1 H-NMR spectra. (author)

  9. Study of the electrooxidation of ethanol on hydrophobic electrodes by DEMS and HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez Pereira, M.; Davila Jimenez, M.; Elizalde, M.P.; Manzo-Robledo, A.; Alonso-Vante, N.


    The electrochemical oxidation of ethanol in alkaline solution has been studied on Cu-PVC electrode and Ni/Cu-PVC composite electrodes modified by ruthenium nanoparticles. The techniques used were cyclic voltammetry (CV), steady-state potentiostatic method, on line differential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The chemical products: acetaldehyde and acetic acid were detected measuring the proper mass charge (m/z) ratios. These products were also confirmed by HPLC. The surface modification of composite electrodes by ruthenium nanoparticles promotes the formation of acetaldehyde. As shown by DEMS, the surface modification shifts the onset potential for oxygen evolution reaction on the Cu-PVC composite electrode towards more anodic values

  10. Study of the electrooxidation of ethanol on hydrophobic electrodes by DEMS and HPLC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez Pereira, M.; Davila Jimenez, M.; Elizalde, M.P.; Manzo-Robledo, A.; Alonso-Vante, N


    The electrochemical oxidation of ethanol in alkaline solution has been studied on Cu-PVC electrode and Ni/Cu-PVC composite electrodes modified by ruthenium nanoparticles. The techniques used were cyclic voltammetry (CV), steady-state potentiostatic method, on line differential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The chemical products: acetaldehyde and acetic acid were detected measuring the proper mass charge (m/z) ratios. These products were also confirmed by HPLC. The surface modification of composite electrodes by ruthenium nanoparticles promotes the formation of acetaldehyde. As shown by DEMS, the surface modification shifts the onset potential for oxygen evolution reaction on the Cu-PVC composite electrode towards more anodic values.

  11. Discrimination of Black Ball-point Pen Inks by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamed Izzharif Abdul Halim; Norashikin Saim; Rozita Osman; Halila Jasmani; Nurul Nadhirah Zainal Abidin


    In this study, thirteen types of black ball-point pen inks of three major brands were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Separation of the ink components was achieved using Bondapak C-18 column with gradient elution using water, ethanol and ethyl acetate. The chromatographic data obtained at wavelength 254.8 nm was analyzed using agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) and principle component analysis (PCA). AHC was able to group the inks into three clusters. This result was supported by PCA, whereby distinct separation of the three different brands was achieved. Therefore, HPLC in combination with chemometric methods may be a valuable tool for the analysis of black ball-point pen inks for forensic purposes. (author)

  12. Paweł Bąk, Die Metapher in der Übersetzung. Studien zum Transfer der Aphorismen von Stanisław Jerzy Lec und der Gedichte von Wisława Szymborska, Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaft en, Frankfurt am Main u. a. 2007 =...


    Zieliński, Lech


    Paweł Bąk, Die Metapher in der Ubersetzung. Studien zum Transfer der Aphorismen von Stanisław Jerzy Lec und der Gedichte von Wisława Szymborska, Peter Lang Europaischer Verlag der Wissenschaft en, Frankfurt am Main u. a. 2007 = Danziger Beitrage zur Germanistik, Bd. 20 wyd. Andrzej Kątny, 332 strony

  13. Melanin determination by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for K. marxianus (United States)

    Ultraviolet light (UV) mutated K. marxianus was found to turn dark brown during a growth assay. This brown color was hypothesized to be melanin overproduction influenced by the UV exposure. Cell cultures were oxidized and HPLC analyzed to determine melanin concentrations. The resulting melanin con...

  14. An optimized method for automated analysis of algal pigments by HPLC

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Leeuwe, M. A.; Villerius, L. A.; Roggeveld, J.; Visser, R. J. W.; Stefels, J.


    A recent development in algal pigment analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the application of automation. An optimization of a complete sampling and analysis protocol applied specifically in automation has not yet been performed. In this paper we show that automation can only

  15. HPLC-MS technique in radiopharmaceutical research (the quality control of 18F-2-fluorodeoxyglucose as an example)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macasek, F.


    Application of radiopharmaceuticals puts increasing demands on their quality control, considering the short half-times, high specific activities (auto-radiolytic effects), and general quality (chemical purity, apyrogenity and sterility) of pharmacy. Mostly, the radioanalytical control consists of application of several separation and instrumental analytical techniques. In this paper, perspective of the hyphenated HPLC and MS techniques is demonstrated on the example of one of the most spread radiopharmaceutical, 2-[ 18 F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (further as FDG). In this work, a liquid chromatography/refractive index detector/radiometric detector/mass spectrometric detector combination (HPLC/RID/RAD/MSD) was used for development of a complex routine technique. Optimization of HPLC/MS analysis was performed investigating the electrospray ionization (ESI) analytical signal of mass spectrometer as a function of various eluent composition (see this book, p. 39). Some results, illustrating the glucose and FDG ESI-MS, and also composition of FDG after autoradiolysis, which were obtained either by a TOF Mariner (Perkin Elmer) mass-spectrometer and Agilent 1100 HPLC-MS equipment with quadrupole MS detector are discussed. They give evidence of admixtures and radiolytic formation of deoxyglucose, deoxychloroglucose, erythrose, erytritol, gluconic acid, lactose, raffinose, saccharic acid, sorbitol/[ 19 F]FDG, xylitol, and also univalent ions of C 6 H 10 O 7 F.H 2 O and C 6 H 12 O 8 compounds. The results indicate that the emerging demands on radiopharmaceuticals quality control can be fulfilled in-time only by the radio-HPLC technique developed by the help of a tandem mass-spectrometric detector. (authors)

  16. Identification and quantitation of asparagine and citrulline using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). (United States)

    Bai, Cheng; Reilly, Charles C; Wood, Bruce W


    High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis was used for identification of two problematic ureides, asparagine and citrulline. We report here a technique that takes advantage of the predictable delay in retention time of the co-asparagine/citrulline peak to enable both qualitative and quantitative analysis of asparagine and citrulline using the Platinum EPS reverse-phase C18 column (Alltech Associates). Asparagine alone is eluted earlier than citrulline alone, but when both of them are present in biological samples they may co-elute. HPLC retention times for asparagine and citrulline were influenced by other ureides in the mixture. We found that at various asparagines and citrulline ratios [= 3:1, 1:1, and 1:3; corresponding to 75:25, 50:50, and 25:75 (microMol ml(-1)/microMol ml(-1))], the resulting peak exhibited different retention times. Adjustment of ureide ratios as internal standards enables peak identification and quantification. Both chemicals were quantified in xylem sap samples of pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] trees. Analysis revealed that tree nickel nutrition status affects relative concentrations of Urea Cycle intermediates, asparagine and citrulline, present in sap. Consequently, we concluded that the HPLC methods are presented to enable qualitative and quantitative analysis of these metabolically important ureides.

  17. The cytology, isozyme, HPLC fingerprint, and interspecific hybridization studies of genus epimedium (berberidaceae). (United States)

    Wang, Lin-Jiao; Sheng, Mao-Yin


    104 samples from 27 accessions belonging to 12 species of genus Epimedium were studied on the basis of cytology observation, POD (i.e., peroxide) isozyme, high performance liquid chromatography (i.e., HPLC) fingerprint, and interspecific hybridization. The cytology observation showed karyotypes of twelve species studied; all are 2A symmetry type of Stebbins standard and similar to each other, and except for karyotype of E. leptorrhizum which is 2n = 2x = 8m (2SAT) + 4sm, the rest are 2n = 2x = 6m (2SAT) + 6sm. Chromosomes C-banding of barrenwort species varies, with 15 to 22 bands, consisting of centromeric bands, intercalary bands, terminal bands, and middle satellite bands. Results of POD isozyme showed that the zymographs vary greatly and sixteen bands were detected in the eleven species, and each species has its own characteristic bands different from the others. Studies on the HPLC fingerprint showed that the HPLC fingerprint of different species has characteristic peaks, divided into two regions (retention time 10 min). Results of interspecific hybridization showed that crosses of any combination among seven species studied are successful and the rates of grain set vary greatly. Based on these results, the system and phylogeny of this genus were inferred.

  18. Identification and Quantitation of Asparagine and Citrulline Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cheng Bai


    Full Text Available High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC analysis was used for identification of two problematic ureides, asparagine and citrulline. We report here a technique that takes advantage of the predictable delay in retention time of the co-asparagine/citrulline peak to enable both qualitative and quantitative analysis of asparagine and citrulline using the Platinum EPS reverse-phase C18 column (Alltech Associates. Asparagine alone is eluted earlier than citrulline alone, but when both of them are present in biological samples they may co-elute. HPLC retention times for asparagine and citrulline were influenced by other ureides in the mixture. We found that at various asparagines and citrulline ratios [= 3:1, 1:1, and 1:3; corresponding to 75:25, 50:50, and 25:75 (μMol ml–1/μMol ml–1], the resulting peak exhibited different retention times. Adjustment of ureide ratios as internal standards enables peak identification and quantification. Both chemicals were quantified in xylem sap samples of pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh. K. Koch] trees. Analysis revealed that tree nickel nutrition status affects relative concentrations of Urea Cycle intermediates, asparagine and citrulline, present in sap. Consequently, we concluded that the HPLC methods are presented to enable qualitative and quantitative analysis of these metabolically important ureides.

  19. Targeted natural product isolation guided by HPLC-SPE-NMR: constituents of Hubertia species. (United States)

    Sprogøe, Kennett; Staerk, Dan; Jäger, Anna K; Adsersen, Anne; Hansen, Steen Honoré; Witt, Matthias; Landbo, Anne-Katrine R; Meyer, Anne S; Jaroszewski, Jerzy W


    The hyphenated technique, high-performance liquid chromatography-solid-phase extraction-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (HPLC-SPE-NMR), has been applied for rapid identification of novel natural products in crude extracts of Hubertia ambavilla and Hubertia tomentosa. The technique allowed full or partial identification of all major extract constituents and demonstrated the presence of unusual quinic acid derivatives containing the (1-hydroxy-4-oxocyclohexa-2,5-dienyl)acetyl residue that exhibit strongly coupled ABXY patterns, the parameters of which were obtained by spin simulations. Using homo- and heteronuclear 2D NMR data acquired in the HPLC-SPE-NMR mode, complete structure determination of three new natural products, i.e., 3,5-di-O-caffeoyl-4-O-[(1-hydroxy-4-oxocyclohexa-2,5-dienyl)acetyl]quinic acid (1), its 2-hydroxy derivative (2), and 3,5-di-O-caffeoyl-4-O-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetyl]quinic acid (3), was performed. Finally, targeted isolation of 1 was achieved by SPE fractionation and preparative HPLC, followed by evaluation of its antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. In contrast to chlorogenic acid and 3,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid, which act as antioxidants, compound 1 proved at the same conditions to possess prooxidant activity in an assay evaluating the oxidation of human low-density lipoprotein induced by Cu(2+).

  20. The metabolism of 4-bromoaniline in the bile-cannulated rat: application of ICPMS ((79/81)Br), HPLC-ICPMS & HPLC-oaTOFMS. (United States)

    Duckett, Catherine; McCullagh, Michael; Smith, Christopher; Wilson, Ian D


    1. An excretion balance study was performed following i.p. administration of 4-bromoaniline (50 mg kg(-1)) to bile-cannulated rats, using bromine-detected ((79/81)Br) ICPMS for quantification. Approximately 90% of the dose was recovered in urine (68.9 ± 3.6%) and bile (21.4 ± 1.4%) by 48 h post-administration. 2. HPLC-ICPMS ((79/81)Br) was used to selectively detect and profile the major urinary and biliary-excreted metabolites and determined that the 0-12 h urine contained at least 21 brominated metabolites with 19 bromine-containing peaks observed in the 6-12 h bile samples. 3. The urinary and biliary metabolites were subsequently profiled using HPLC-oaTOFMS. By exploiting the distinctive bromine isotope pattern ca. 60 brominated metabolites were detected in the urine in negative electrospray ionisation (ESI) mode while bile contained ca. 21. 4. While a large number of bromine-containing metabolites were detected, the profiles were dominated by a few major components with the bulk of the 4-bromoaniline-related material in urine accounted for by 4-bromoanaline O-sulfate (∼75% of the total by ICPMS, 84% by TOFMS). In bile a hydroxylated N-acetyl compound was the major metabolite detected, forming some ∼65% of the 4-bromoaniline-related material by ICPMS (37% by TOFMS).

  1. Comparison of allelic discrimination by dHPLC, HRM, and TaqMan in the detection of BRAF mutation V600E. (United States)

    Carbonell, Pablo; Turpin, María C; Torres-Moreno, Daniel; Molina-Martínez, Irene; García-Solano, José; Perez-Guillermo, Miguel; Conesa-Zamora, Pablo


    The V600E mutation in the BRAF oncogene is associated with colorectal carcinomas, with mismatch-repair deficiency and, recently, with nonresponse to epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor therapy. The use of reliable techniques for its detection is important. The aim of our study was to compare the performance characteristics in V600E detection of denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC) and high-resolution melting (HRM) with TaqMan allelic discrimination as well as direct-sequencing methods in a series of 195 colorectal paraffin-embedded specimens up to the age of 15 years. The effectiveness for obtaining results on mutation status was best using TaqMan (96.9%), followed by dHPLC (93.3%), HRM (88.7%), and sequencing (88.2%). In general, TaqMan was best for analyzing older tissues, whereas sequencing was the least efficient. Heterozygotic V600E was detected in 11.6%, 9.9%, 11.6%, and 9.9% of tissues using TaqMan, dHPLC, HRM, and sequencing, respectively. Result concordances between dHPLC and TaqMan or sequencing were excellent (κ = 0.9411 and κ = 0.8988, respectively); for HRM, the concordances were good (κ = 0.7973 and κ = 0.7488, respectively). By using DNA dilutions from tumor tissue, a minimum of 10% of V600E harboring cancer content was required for the analysis by dHPLC and HRM. dHPLC could detect four non-V600E mutations, whereas HRM detected one. Our results indicate that dHPLC and HRM are techniques that can be reliably used for the detection of the BRAFV600E mutation in archival paraffin-embedded tissues. Copyright © 2011 American Society for Investigative Pathology and the Association for Molecular Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Screening and Identifying Antioxidative Components in Ginkgo biloba Pollen by DPPH-HPLC-PAD Coupled with HPLC-ESI-MS2 (United States)

    Netrusov, A. I.; Zhou, Qingxin; Guo, Danyang; Liu, Xiaoyong; He, Hailun; Xin, Xue; Wang, Yifen; Chen, Leilei


    The Ginkgo biloba is one of ancient trees that exists from billions of years ago, its leaf and nut are used as herbs and foods in China, while so far its pollen does not have any application except pollination. In order to evaluate the antioxidant activity of Ginkgo biloba pollen, and rapidly screen its antioxidative components, the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging ability, total flavonoid, total phenol, and proanthocyanidin of Ginkgo biloba pollen were determined and compared with those of Ginkgo biloba leaf and nut, and the off-line DPPH-HPLC-PAD and HPLC-ESI-MS2 were applied for screening and identifying the antioxidant flavonoids in Ginkgo biloba pollen. The results showed that the DPPH scavenging ability of Ginkgo biloba pollen was much higher than Ginkgo biloba nut, but lower than Ginkgo biloba leaf, while the total content of flavonoid in Ginkgo biloba pollen was approximately 4.37 times higher than in Ginkgo biloba leaf. Further studies found that the major flavonol aglycone in Ginkgo biloba pollen was kaempferol, which accounted for 96.71% of the total aglycones (includes quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin), and the main flavonoid components in Ginkgo biloba pollen were flavonoid glycosides. Finally, ten antioxidant peaks were screened and identified to be flavonoids (including kaempferol and nine flavonoid glycosides), so flavonoids were likely to be the main antioxidant components in GP, and among them, three novel kaempferol glycosides (peaks 1, 2, and 3) were found in Ginkgo biloba pollen for the first time, which had never been found in Ginkgo biloba. PMID:28095510

  3. Determination of vitamins D2 and D3 in selected food matrices by online high-performance liquid chromatography-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-GC-MS). (United States)

    Nestola, Marco; Thellmann, Andrea


    An online normal-phase liquid chromatography-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-GC-MS) method was developed for the determination of vitamins D2 and D3 in selected food matrices. Transfer of the sample from HPLC to GC was realized by large volume on-column injection; detection was performed with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS). Typical GC problems in the determination of vitamin D such as sample degradation or sensitivity issues, previously reported in the literature, were not observed. Determination of total vitamin D content was done by quantitation of its pyro isomer based on an isotopically labelled internal standard (ISTD). Extracted ion traces of analyte and ISTD showed cross-contribution, but non-linearity of the calibration curve was not determined inside the chosen calibration range by selection of appropriate quantifier ions. Absolute limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) for vitamins D2 and D3 were calculated as approximately 50 and 150 pg, respectively. Repeatability with internal standard correction was below 2 %. Good agreement between quantitative results of an established high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection (HPLC-UV) method and HPLC-GC-MS was found. Sterol-enriched margarine was subjected to HPLC-GC-MS and HPLC-MS/MS for comparison, because HPLC-UV showed strong matrix interferences. HPLC-GC-MS produced comparable results with less manual sample cleanup. In summary, online hyphenation of HPLC and GC allowed a minimization in manual sample preparation with an increase of sample throughput.

  4. Development and Validation of a UV Spectrophotometric and a RP-HPLC Methods for Moexipril Hydrochloride in Pure Form and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mastiholimath, V.S.; Gupte, P.P.; Mannur, V.S.


    A simple and reliable UV spectrophotometric and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods were developed and validated for Moexipril hydrochloride in pure form and pharmaceutical dosage form. The RP-HPLC method was developed on agilant eclipse C 18 , (150 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 μm) with a mobile phase gradient system of 60 % (methanol:acetonitrile (70:30 % v/v)) : 40 % 20 mM ammonium acetate buffer pH 4.5 (v/v) and UV spectrophotometric method was developed in phosphate buffer pH 6.8. The effluent was monitored by SPD-M20A, prominence PDA detector at 210 nm. Calibration curve was linear over the concentration range of 10-35 μg/ml and 1-9 μg/ml for RP-HPLC and UV with a regression coefficient of 0.999. For RP-HPLC method Inter-day and intra-day precision % RSD values were found to be 1.00078 % and 1.49408 % respectively. For UV method 0.73386 % to 1.44111 % for inter day 0.453864 to 1.15542 intra-day precision. Recovery of Moexipril hydrochloride was found to be in the range of 99.8538 % to 101.5614 % and 100.5297586 % to 100.6431587 % for UV and RP-HPLC respectively. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) for HPLC were 0.98969 and 2.99907 μg/ml, respectively. The developed RP-HPLC and UV spectrophotometric method was successfully applied for the quantitative determination of Moexipril hydrochloride in pharmaceutical dosage. (author)

  5. Extraction and Quantitative HPLC Analysis of Coumarin in Hydroalcoholic Extracts of Mikania glomerata Spreng: ("guaco" Leaves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celeghini Renata M. S.


    Full Text Available Methods for preparation of hydroalcoholic extracts of "guaco" (Mikania glomerata Spreng. leaves were compared: maceration, maceration under sonication, infusion and supercritical fluid extraction. Evaluation of these methods showed that maceration under sonication had the best results, when considering the ratio extraction yield/extraction time. A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC procedure for the determination of coumarin in these hydroalcoholic extracts of "guaco" leaves is described. The HPLC method is shown to be sensitive and reproducible.

  6. Surface-enhanced Raman detection of RNA and DNA bases following flow-injection analysis or HPLC separation (United States)

    Cotton, Therese M.; Sheng, Rong-Sheng; Ni, Fan


    The goal of this study is to develop Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection methods for flow injection analysis (FIA) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Nucleic acid bases have been chosen for analysis because of their importance in life processes. The advantages to the use of SERS-based detection include its sensitivity, specificity and versatility. With the development of improved methodology, the detection limits should be comparable to UV spectroscopy. However, the specificity is considerably superior to that obtained with electronic spectroscopy in that the Raman spectrum provides a molecular fingerprint of the individual analytes. Raman spectroscopy is very versatile: aqueous samples, gases and solids can be analyzed with equal facility. The results presented here demonstrate that SERS can be used as a detection method for both FIA and HPLC detection. In the following experiments Ag sols have been used as the active substrate. The effect of various parameters such as temperature, pH, flow rate, and the nature of the interface between the HPLC system and the Raman spectrometer have been examined. One of the most significant findings is that the temperature of the Ag sol/HPLC effluent mixture has a dramatic effect on the SERS intensities. This effect is a result of increased colloid aggregation at higher temperatures. Aggregation is known to produce greater enhancement in SERS and proceeds much more rapidly at elevated temperatures. An increase in the temperature of the Ag sol enables SERS detection under flowing conditions and in real time. This is a substantial improvement over many of the previous attempts to interface SERS detection to FIA or HPLC. In most of the previous studies, it was necessary to stop the flow as the analyte eluted from the chromatogram and measure the SERS spectra under static conditions.

  7. Autorität und Authentizität: Zum Verhältnis von Text und Siegel-Bild am Beispiel des Rechtsgutachtens Giovanni d’Andreas vom 9.5.1329

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruth Wolff


    Full Text Available The analysis of the consilium of the famous canonist Giovanni d’Andrea and three of his Bolognese colleagues from 9th May 1329 reveals that legal consilia in the fourteenth century were usually authenticated both with the signature and signum of the notary drafting the document and with the seals of the jurists. Three of the seal impressions formerly appended to the document illustrate in a strikingly similar fashion a detailed image widely disseminated on seals of jurists in medieval Italy: the doctor sitting enthroned in the cathedra, turned towards the viewer and at the same time concentrated on the open book in his hands. The image is a sympathetic visualisation of the basic scheme of the consultation of the legal doctors, i. e. the transmission of the theoretical legal knowledge of the studium to the world outside the university, which is exemplified in the text of the document in a specific casus. Seals of medieval jurists bear an effigy of the owner of the seal, like other seals of high-ranking persons, such as emperors, kings and bishops. Thereby, and by the insistent repetition of a picture form which can be distinguished clearly by its three dimensionally refined visual idiom from the seals of emperors, kings and bishops, the seals of doctors of law advertise themselves as sigilla authentica which enjoy absolute credibility.

  8. Improved HPLC method for the determination of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin. (United States)

    Jayaprakasha, Guddadarangavvanahally K; Jagan Mohan Rao, Lingamullu; Sakariah, Kunnumpurath K


    Commercially available curcumin, a bright orange-yellow color pigment of turmeric, consists of a mixture of three curcuminoids, namely, curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin. These were isolated by column chromatography and identified by spectroscopic studies. The purity of the curcuminoids was analyzed by an improved HPLC method. HPLC separation was performed on a C(18) column using three solvents, methanol, 2% AcOH, and acetonitrile, with detection at 425 nm. Four different commercially available varieties of turmeric, namely, Salem, Erode, Balasore, and local market samples, were analyzed to detect the percentage of these three curcuminoids. The percentages of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin as estimated using their calibration curves were found to be 1.06 +/- 0.061 to 5.65 +/- 0.040, 0.83 +/- 0.047 to 3.36 +/- 0.040, and 0.42 +/- 0.036 to 2.16 +/- 0.06, respectively, in four different samples. The total percentages of curcuminoids are 2.34 +/- 0.171 to 9.18 +/- 0.232%.

  9. An HPLC method for determination of azadirachtin residues in bovine muscle. (United States)

    Gai, María Nella; Álvarez, Christian; Venegas, Raúl; Morales, Javier


    A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the determination of azadirachtin (A and B) residues in bovine muscle has been developed. Azadirachtin is a neutral triterpene and chemotherapeutic agent effective in controlling some pest flies in horses, stables, horns and fruit. The actual HPLC method uses an isocratic elution and UV detection. Liquid-liquid extraction and solid-phase purification was used for the clean-up of the biological matrix. The chromatographic determination of these components is achieved using a C18 analytical column with water-acetonitrile mixture (27.5:72.5, v/v) as mobile phase, 1 mL/min as flow rate, 45 °C column temperature and UV detector at 215 nm. The azadirachtin peaks are well resolved and free of interference from matrix components. The extraction and analytical method developed in this work allows the quantitation of azadirachtin with precision and accuracy, establishing a lower limit of quantitation of azadirachtin, extracted from the biological matrix.

  10. Anion exchange HPLC isolation of high-density lipoprotein (HDL and on-line estimation of proinflammatory HDL.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiang Ji

    Full Text Available Proinflammatory high-density lipoprotein (p-HDL is a biomarker of cardiovascular disease. Sickle cell disease (SCD is characterized by chronic states of oxidative stress that many consider to play a role in forming p-HDL. To measure p-HDL, apolipoprotein (apo B containing lipoproteins are precipitated. Supernatant HDL is incubated with an oxidant/LDL or an oxidant alone and rates of HDL oxidation monitored with dichlorofluorescein (DCFH. Although apoB precipitation is convenient for isolating HDL, the resulting supernatant matrix likely influences HDL oxidation. To determine effects of supernatants on p-HDL measurements we purified HDL from plasma from SCD subjects by anion exchange (AE chromatography, determined its rate of oxidation relative to supernatant HDL. SCD decreased total cholesterol but not triglycerides or HDL and increased cell-free (cf hemoglobin (Hb and xanthine oxidase (XO. HDL isolated by AE-HPLC had lower p-HDL levels than HDL in supernatants after apoB precipitation. XO+xanthine (X and cf Hb accelerated purified HDL oxidation. Although the plate and AE-HPLC assays both showed p-HDL directly correlated with cf-Hb in SCD plasma, the plate assay yielded p-HDL data that was influenced more by cf-Hb than AE-HPLC generated p-HDL data. The AE-HPLC p-HDL assay reduces the influence of the supernatants and shows that SCD increases p-HDL.

  11. Possible interferences of mercury sulfur compounds with ethylated and methylated mercury species using HPLC-ICP-MS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilken, R.D.; Nitschke, F.; Falter, R.


    The HPLC-ICP-MS coupling technique is able to separate and detect methyl, ethyl and inorganic mercury isotopes specifically. An identification of ethyl mercury(+) is not possible when the widely used sodium tetraethylborate derivatisation method in combination with GC-AFS/AAS or ICP-MS techniques is performed because it contains ethyl groups. An unidentified compound with the same retention time as ethyl mercury was found in the HPLC chromatograms of industrial sewage samples and humic-rich soils of microcosm experiments after applying water vapour distillation. We also observed such unidentified peaks in samples of heavily contaminated sites in Eastern Germany, separated by HPLC fractionation only. In the experiments described, different mercury sulfur adducts were synthesised and tested for their retention times in the HPLC-ICP-MS system. It was found that the compound CH 3 -S-Hg + showed the same retention time as the ethyl mercury standard. It is therefore possible that ethyl mercury detected in chromatography by comparison of the retention time could also be due to an adduct of a sulfur compound and a mercury species. CH 3 -S-Hg + should be tested in other chromatographic mercury speciation methods for this effect. This work can also be regarded as a contribution to the discussion of artificially occurring methyl mercury in sediments during sample preparation. (orig.)

  12. Anion exchange HPLC isolation of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and on-line estimation of proinflammatory HDL. (United States)

    Ji, Xiang; Xu, Hao; Zhang, Hao; Hillery, Cheryl A; Gao, Hai-Qing; Pritchard, Kirkwood A


    Proinflammatory high-density lipoprotein (p-HDL) is a biomarker of cardiovascular disease. Sickle cell disease (SCD) is characterized by chronic states of oxidative stress that many consider to play a role in forming p-HDL. To measure p-HDL, apolipoprotein (apo) B containing lipoproteins are precipitated. Supernatant HDL is incubated with an oxidant/LDL or an oxidant alone and rates of HDL oxidation monitored with dichlorofluorescein (DCFH). Although apoB precipitation is convenient for isolating HDL, the resulting supernatant matrix likely influences HDL oxidation. To determine effects of supernatants on p-HDL measurements we purified HDL from plasma from SCD subjects by anion exchange (AE) chromatography, determined its rate of oxidation relative to supernatant HDL. SCD decreased total cholesterol but not triglycerides or HDL and increased cell-free (cf) hemoglobin (Hb) and xanthine oxidase (XO). HDL isolated by AE-HPLC had lower p-HDL levels than HDL in supernatants after apoB precipitation. XO+xanthine (X) and cf Hb accelerated purified HDL oxidation. Although the plate and AE-HPLC assays both showed p-HDL directly correlated with cf-Hb in SCD plasma, the plate assay yielded p-HDL data that was influenced more by cf-Hb than AE-HPLC generated p-HDL data. The AE-HPLC p-HDL assay reduces the influence of the supernatants and shows that SCD increases p-HDL.

  13. HPLC based activity profiling for 5-lipoxygenase inhibitory activity in Isatis tinctoria leaf extracts. (United States)

    Oberthür, C; Jäggi, R; Hamburger, M


    In the pursuit of the anti-inflammatory constituents in lipophilic woad extracts, the 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) inhibitory activity was investigated by HPLC-based activity profiling. In a low-resolution profiling, two time windows with peaks of activity were found. The first coincided with tryptanthrin, a known dual inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and 5-LOX, whereas the major inhibitory fraction was towards the end of the HPLC run. The active fractions were profiled in a peak-resolved manner, and the compounds analyzed by LC-MS, GC and TLC. The activity in the lipophilic fractions of the Isatis extract could be linked to an unsaturated fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid.

  14. Preparative separation and purification of bufadienolides from ChanSu by high-speed counter-current chromatography combined with preparative HPLC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Jialian; Zhang, Yongqing, E-mail: [College of Pharmacy, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan, Shandong (China); Lin, Yunliang; Wang, Xiao; Fang, Lei; Geng, Yanling [Shandong Analysis and Test Center, Shandong Academy of Sciences, Jinan, Shandong (China); Zhang, Qinde [Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Laiyang, Shandong (China)


    Eight bufadienolides were successfully isolated and purified from ChanSu by high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) combined with preparative HPLC (prep-HPLC). First, a stepwise elution mode of HSCCC with the solvent system composed of petroleum ether-ethyl acetate-methanol-water (4:6:4:6, 4:6:5:5, v/v) was employed and four bufadienolides, two partially purified fractions were obtained from 200 mg of crude extract. The partially purified fractions III and VI were then further separated by prepHPLC, respectively, and another four bufadienolides were recovered. Their structures were confirmed by ESI-MS and {sup 1}H-NMR spectra. (author)

  15. Detection of Free Polyamines in Plants Subjected to Abiotic Stresses by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). (United States)

    Gong, Xiaoqing; Liu, Ji-Hong


    High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a sensitive, rapid, and accurate technique to detect and characterize various metabolites from plants. The metabolites are extracted with different solvents and eluted with appropriate mobile phases in a designed HPLC program. Polyamines are known to accumulate under abiotic stress conditions in various plant species and thought to provide protection against oxidative stress by scavenging reactive oxygen species. Here, we describe a common method to detect the free polyamines in plant tissues both qualitatively and quantitatively.

  16. Dual-mode gradient HPLC procedure for the simultaneous determination of chloroquine and proguanil. (United States)

    Paci, A; Caire-Maurisier, A-M; Rieutord, A; Brion, F; Clair, P


    In order to assay the antipaludic capsule of the Service de Santé des Armées (SSA), that contains two antimalarial drugs, i.e. chloroquine sulfate (CQS, cp1) and proguanil hydrochloride (PGH, cp5), a HPLC procedure was developed. A reversed-phase ion-pair high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with an ultraviolet detection at 254 nm was set up and validated. Elution system includes programming of both organic concentration and flow-rate known as 'dual-mode gradient'. This method allows the simultaneous determination of both active compounds and separation of four process related substances. The method is simple, rapid, selective and accurate, and the precision is good with an inter- and intra-assay of <2%. The sensitivity is particularly suitable for pharmaceutical quality control.

  17. Characterisation of oligosaccharides in vegetables by HPLC and MALDI-TOF MS

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Štikarovská, M.; Chmelík, Josef

    96(S), - (2002), s. S189-S191 ISSN 0009-2770. [Meeting of Chemistry & Life /2./. Brno, 10.09.2002-11.09.2002] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4031919 Keywords : oligosaccharides * HPLC * MALDI-TOF-MS Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation Impact factor: 0.336, year: 2002

  18. A first step towards miniaturized HPLC systems in analytical routine laboratories

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Straten, van M.A.; Vermeer, E.A.; Claessens, H.A.


    This article shows that the first step towards the miniaturization of HPLC systems can be made without any, or only slight, modification to conventional equipment. Minor (less expensive) equipment modifications, particularly the use of micro-detector cells, allow the routine use of 3.2- and 2.1-mm

  19. Evaluation of an unshielded luminescence flow-through radio-HPLC detector for LC quality control and preparation of PET radiopharmaceuticals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thonon, David; Kaisin, Geoffroy; Henrottin, Jean; Aerts, Joël; Van Malderen, Hans; Luxen, André


    Radio-HPLC is an essential method to assess the purity of PET radiopharmaceuticals. The usual NaI scintillator radiodetector requires heavy, costly and cumbersome lead shielding. The luminescence LB 500 fLumo detector has been developed to tackle these drawbacks and achieve high sensitivity. The fLumo uses a photon counting detector combined with a flow-through cell modified with a solid melt-on scintillator only sensitive to the positron. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the fLumo for analysis and purification of PET radiopharmaceuticals. - Highlights: ► We evaluate a novel unshielded luminescence flow-through radio-HPLC detector (fLumo) which is only sensitive to the positron and insensitive to gamma rays for applications in PET radiopharmaceuticals analysis and preparation. ► The fLumo detector exhibits a low limit of detection as activities as low as 4 kBq are detected (HPLC and UPLC radiodetectors). ► The fLumo detector demonstrates excellent linearity (0.2 to 2500 MBq/ml, r 2 >0.995) and reproducibility. ► Thanks to its compactness and absence of shielding, the fLumo has been installed in a production shielded “hot” cell to detect radiocompounds during a semi-preparative HPLC purification. ► This work demonstrates the value of the fLumo luminescence flow-through radio-HPLC detector for applications in PET tracers radiochemistry

  20. HPLC separation of triacylglycerol positional isomers on a polymeric ODS column. (United States)

    Kuroda, Ikuma; Nagai, Toshiharu; Mizobe, Hoyo; Yoshimura, Nobuhito; Gotoh, Naohiro; Wada, Shun


    A polymeric ODS column was applied to the resolution of triacylglycerol positional isomers (TAG-PI), i.e. 1,3-dioleoyl-2-palmitoyl-glycerol (OPO) and 1,2-dioleoyl-3-palmitoyl-rac-glycerol (OOP), with a recycle HPLC system. To investigate the ODS column species and the column temperatures for the resolution of a TAG-PI pair, a mixture of OPO and OOP was subjected to an HPLC system equipped with a non-endcapped polymeric, endcapped monomeric, endcapped intermediate, or non-endcapped monomeric ODS column at three different column temperatures (40, 25, or 10 degrees C). Only the non-endcapped polymeric ODS column achieved the separation of OPO and OOP, and the lowest column temperature (10 degrees C) showed the best resolution for them. The other pair of TAG-PI, a mixture of 1,3-dipalmitoyl-2-oleoyl-glycerol (POP) and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-3-oleoyl-rac-glycerol (PPO) was also subjected to the system equipped with a non-endcapped polymeric or monomeric ODS column at five different column temperatures (40, 32, 25, 17, and 10 degrees C). Thus, POP and PPO were also separated on only the non-endcapped polymeric ODS column at 25 degrees C. However, no clear peak appeared at 10 degrees C. These results would indicate that the polymeric ODS stationary phase has an ability to recognize the structural differences between TAG-PI pairs. Also, the column temperature is a very important factor for separating the TAG-PI pair, and the optimal temperature would relate to the solubility of TAG-PI in the mobile phase. Furthermore, the recycle HPLC system provided measurements for the separation and analysis of TAG-PI pairs.

  1. Analysis of the extracts of Isatis tinctoria by new analytical approaches of HPLC, MS and NMR. (United States)

    Zhou, Jue; Qu, Fan


    The methods of extraction, separation and analysis of alkaloids and indole glucosinolates (GLs) ofIsatis tinctoria were reviewed. Different analytical approaches such as High-pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Liquid Chromatography with Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (LC/ESI/MS), Electrospray Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (ESI-TOF-MS), and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) were used to validate and identity of these constituents. These methods provide rapid separation, identification and quantitative measurements of alkaloids and GLs of Isatis tinctoria. By connection with different detectors to HPLC such as PDA, ELSD, ESI- and APCI-MS in positive and negative ion modes, complicated compounds could be detected with at least two independent detection modes. The molecular formula can be derived in a second step of ESI-TOF-MS data. But for some constituents, UV and MS cannot provide sufficient structure identification. After peak purification, NMR by semi-preparative HPLC can be used as a complementary method.

  2. Computer-aided method for identification of major flavone/flavonol glycosides by high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-MS/MS). (United States)

    Wang, Zhengfang; Lin, Longze; Harnly, James M; Harrington, Peter de B; Chen, Pei


    A new computational tool is proposed here for tentatively identifying major (UV quantifiable) flavone/flavonol glycoside peaks of high performance liquid chromatogram (HPLC)-diode array detection (DAD)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) profiles based on a MATLAB-based script implementing an in-house algorithm. The HPLC-DAD-MS/MS profiles of red onion, Chinese lettuce, carrot leaf, and celery seed extracts were analyzed by the proposed computer-aided screening method for identifying possible flavone/flavonol glycoside peaks from the HPLC-UV and MS total ion current (TIC) chromatograms. The number of identified flavone/flavonol glycoside peaks of the HPLC-UV chromatograms is four, four, six, and nine for red onion, Chinese lettuce, carrot leaf, and celery seed, respectively. These results have been validated by human(s) experts. For the batch processing of nine HPLC-DAD-MS/MS profiles of celery seed extract, the entire script execution time was within 15 s while manual calculation of only one HPLC-DAD-MS/MS profile by a flavonoid expert could take hours. Therefore, this MATLAB-based screening method is able to facilitate the HPLC-DAD-MS/MS analysis of flavone/flavonol glycosides in plants to a large extent.

  3. The metabolism of 4-bromoaniline in the bile-cannulated rat: application of ICPMS (79/81Br), HPLC-ICPMS & HPLC-oaTOFMS


    Duckett, Catherine; McCullagh, Michael; Smith, Christopher; Wilson, Ian D


    ? 2015 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis.1. An excretion balance study was performed following i.p. administration of 4-bromoaniline (50 mg kg-1) to bile-cannulated rats, using bromine-detected (79/81Br) ICPMS for quantification. Approximately 90% of the dose was recovered in urine (68.9 ? 3.6%) and bile (21.4 ? 1.4%) by 48 h post-administration.2. HPLC-ICPMS (79/81Br) was used to selectively detect and profile the major urinary and biliary-excreted metabolites and determined that ...

  4. Comparison of HPLC, UV spectrophotometry and potentiometric titration methods for the determination of lumefantrine in pharmaceutical products. (United States)

    da Costa César, Isabela; Nogueira, Fernando Henrique Andrade; Pianetti, Gérson Antônio


    This paper describes the development and evaluation of a HPLC, UV spectrophotometry and potentiometric titration methods to quantify lumefantrine in raw materials and tablets. HPLC analyses were carried out using a Symmetry C(18) column and a mobile phase composed of methanol and 0.05% trifluoroacetic acid (80:20), with a flow rate of 1.0ml/min and UV detection at 335nm. For the spectrophotometric analyses, methanol was used as solvent and the wavelength of 335nm was selected for the detection. Non-aqueous titration of lumefantrine was carried out using perchloric acid as titrant and glacial acetic acid/acetic anhydride as solvent. The end point was potentiometrically determined. The three evaluated methods showed to be adequate to quantify lumefantrine in raw materials, while HPLC and UV methods presented the most reliable results for the analyses of tablets.

  5. Comparison of UHPLC and HPLC in benzodiazepines analysis of postmortem samples: a case-control study. (United States)

    Behnoush, Behnam; Sheikhazadi, Ardeshir; Bazmi, Elham; Fattahi, Akbar; Sheikhazadi, Elham; Saberi Anary, Seyed Hossein


    The aim of this study was to compare system efficiency and analysis duration regarding the solvent consumption and system maintenance in high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra high-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC). In a case-control study, standard solutions of 7 benzodiazepines (BZs) and 73 biological samples such as urine, tissue, stomach content, and bile that screened positive for BZs were analyzed by HPLC and UHPLC in laboratory of forensic toxicology during 2012 to 2013. HPLC analysis was performed using a Knauer by 100-5 C-18 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm) and Knauer photodiode array detector (PAD). UHPLC analysis was performed using Knauer PAD detector with cooling autosampler and Eurospher II 100-3 C-18 column (100 mm × 3 mm) and also 2 pumps. The mean retention time, standard deviation, flow rate, and repeatability of analytical results were compared by using 2 methods. Routine runtimes in HPLC and UHPLC took 40 and 15 minutes, respectively. Changes in mobile phase composition of the 2 methods were not required. Flow rate and solvent consumption in UHPLC decreased. Diazepam and flurazepam were detected more frequently in biological samples. In UHPLC, small particle size and short length of column cause effective separation of BZs in a very short time. Reduced flow rate, solvent consumption, and injection volume cause more efficiency and less analysis costs. Thus, in the detection of BZs, UHPLC is an accurate, sensitive, and fast method with less cost of analysis.

  6. A novel approach for the quantitation of carbohydrates in mash, wort, and beer with RP-HPLC using 1-naphthylamine for precolumn derivatization. (United States)

    Rakete, Stefan; Glomb, Marcus A


    A novel universal method for the determination of reducing mono-, di-, and oligosaccharides in complex matrices on RP-HPLC using 1-naphthylamine for precolumn derivatization with sodium cyanoborhydride was established to study changes in the carbohydrate profile during beer brewing. Fluorescence and mass spectrometric detection enabled very sensitive analyses of beer-relevant carbohydrates. Mass spectrometry additionally allowed the identification of the molecular weight and thereby the degree of polymerization of unknown carbohydrates. Thus, carbohydrates with up to 16 glucose units were detected. Comparison demonstrated that the novel method was superior to fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis (FACE). The results proved the HPLC method clearly to be more powerful in regard to sensitivity and resolution. Analogous to FACE, this method was designated fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate HPLC (FAC-HPLC).

  7. A thin film degradation study of a fluorinated polyether liquid lubricant using an HPLC method (United States)

    Morales, W.


    A High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) separation method was developed to study and analyze a fluorinated polyether fluid which is promising liquid lubricant for future applications. This HPLC separation method was used in a preliminary study investigating the catalytic effect of various metal, metal alloy, and ceramic engineering materials on the degradation of this fluid in a dry air atmosphere at 345 C. Using a 440 C stainless steel as a reference catalytic material it was found that a titanium alloy and a chromium plated material degraded the fluorinated polyether fluid substantially more than the reference material.

  8. Determination of carbonyl compounds in air by HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia, S.; Perez, R.M.; Campos, A.; Gonzalez, D.


    A method for the determination of seven carbonyl compounds in air is presented. The procedure involve sampling of air by a Sep-Pak cartridge impregnated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Elution was done with 3 mL of acetonitrile and the eluate was diluted to 5 mL. The analysis was done by HPLC with UV detection and external standard method quantification. It has been achieved relative standard deviations about 5% and detection limits of 80 ng/cartridge for formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone+acrolein. Three different types of samples (rural, urban, petrol emission) were successfully analyzed

  9. The metabolism of 4-bromoaniline in the bile-cannulated rat: application of ICPMS (79/81Br), HPLC-ICPMS & HPLC-oaTOFMS (United States)

    Duckett, Catherine; McCullagh, Michael; Smith, Christopher; Wilson, Ian D


    Abstract 1. An excretion balance study was performed following i.p. administration of 4-bromoaniline (50 mg kg−1) to bile-cannulated rats, using bromine-detected (79/81Br) ICPMS for quantification. Approximately 90% of the dose was recovered in urine (68.9 ± 3.6%) and bile (21.4 ± 1.4%) by 48 h post-administration. 2. HPLC-ICPMS (79/81Br) was used to selectively detect and profile the major urinary and biliary-excreted metabolites and determined that the 0–12 h urine contained at least 21 brominated metabolites with 19 bromine-containing peaks observed in the 6–12 h bile samples. 3. The urinary and biliary metabolites were subsequently profiled using HPLC-oaTOFMS. By exploiting the distinctive bromine isotope pattern ca. 60 brominated metabolites were detected in the urine in negative electrospray ionisation (ESI) mode while bile contained ca. 21. 4. While a large number of bromine-containing metabolites were detected, the profiles were dominated by a few major components with the bulk of the 4-bromoaniline-related material in urine accounted for by 4-bromoanaline O-sulfate (∼75% of the total by ICPMS, 84% by TOFMS). In bile a hydroxylated N-acetyl compound was the major metabolite detected, forming some ∼65% of the 4-bromoaniline-related material by ICPMS (37% by TOFMS). PMID:25837688

  10. Determination of the design space of the HPLC analysis of water-soluble vitamins. (United States)

    Wagdy, Hebatallah A; Hanafi, Rasha S; El-Nashar, Rasha M; Aboul-Enein, Hassan Y


    Analysis of water-soluble vitamins has been tremendously approached through the last decades. A multitude of HPLC methods have been reported with a variety of advantages/shortcomings, yet, the design space of HPLC analysis of these vitamins was not defined in any of these reports. As per the food and drug administration (FDA), implementing the quality by design approach for the analysis of commercially available mixtures is hypothesized to enhance the pharmaceutical industry via facilitating the process of analytical method development and approval. This work illustrates a multifactorial optimization of three measured plus seven calculated influential HPLC parameters on the analysis of a mixture containing seven common water-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, C, PABA, and PP). These three measured parameters are gradient time, temperature, and ternary eluent composition (B1/B2) and the seven calculated parameters are flow rate, column length, column internal diameter, dwell volume, extracolumn volume, %B (start), and %B (end). The design is based on 12 experiments in which, examining of the multifactorial effects of these 3 + 7 parameters on the critical resolution and selectivity, was carried out by systematical variation of all these parameters simultaneously. The 12 basic runs were based on two different gradient time each at two different temperatures, repeated at three different ternary eluent compositions (methanol or acetonitrile or a mixture of both). Multidimensional robust regions of high critical R(s) were defined and graphically verified. The optimum method was selected based on the best resolution separation in the shortest run time for a synthetic mixture, followed by application on two pharmaceutical preparations available in the market. The predicted retention times of all peaks were found to be in good match with the virtual ones. In conclusion, the presented report offers an accurate determination of the design space for critical resolution in the

  11. Determination of the sugar content in fruit flavoured drinks by HPLC ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The remaining 3 fruit flavoured drinks indicated the presence of glucose and sucrose only. The sugar content of some of the drinks calls for caution in children's diet especially with the rise in obesity and dental erosion in tooth enamel associated with sugar sweetened beverages or drinks. Keywords: HPLC; Fruit drinks, ...

  12. Development of an HPLC post-column antioxidant assay for Solidago canadensis radical scavengers. (United States)

    Marksa, Mindaugas; Radušienė, Jolita; Jakštas, Valdas; Ivanauskas, Liudas; Marksienė, Rūta


    The aim of this work was to modify and validate the post-column high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-ABTS and DPPH methods for evaluating the antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts of Solidago canadensis (Canadian goldenrod) leaves and flowers. Separation of the analytes was performed via the HPLC-PDA method on a YMC analytical column using a gradient elution program. Three compounds with antioxidant properties - chlorogenic acid, rutin and isoquercitrin - and two unidentified antioxidants were established. The research showed that the coil temperature regimes and loop length combinations influence the optimised post-column assay method for detecting the antioxidant activity of goldenrod radical scavengers. Investigations established that the temperature in the reaction coil was a substantial factor contributing to the signal strength of the analytes after reacting with the DPPH and ABTS radicals.

  13. Separation of Alkyne Enantiomers by Chiral Column HPLC Analysis of Their Cobalt-Complexes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qiaoyun Liu


    Full Text Available Separation of the enantiomers of new chiral alkynes in strategic syntheses and bioorthogonal studies is always problematic. The chiral column high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC method in general could not be directly used to resolve such substrates, since the differentiation of the alkyne segment with the other alkane/alkene segment is not significant in the stationary phase, and the alkyne group is not a good UV chromophore. Usually, a pre-column derivatization reaction with a tedious workup procedure is needed. Making use of easily-prepared stable alkyne-cobalt-complexes, we developed a simple and general method by analyzing the in situ generated cobalt-complex of chiral alkynes using chiral column HPLC. This new method is especially suitable for the alkynes without chromophores and other derivable groups.

  14. Optimalizace HPLC metody pro separaci tetracyklinových antibiotik


    Kučerová, Gabriela


    The aim of this work is to develop and to optimize HPLC method for separation of a set of four tetracycline antibiotics - tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, and doxycycline. Four different reversed octadecyl-silica stationary phases in various mobile phase compositions were examined in isocratic elution. The baseline resolution of all the analytes was obtained by using two columns - Astec C18 and Atlantis C18 I. The optimized separation system consisted of Atlantis C18 I. colum...

  15. Materials science and engineering. An introduction; Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik. Eine Einfuehrung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Callister, William D. Jr. [Utah Univ., Salt Lake City, UT (United States). Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering; Rethwisch, David G. [Utah Univ., UT (United States). Dept. of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering


    William Callister's bestseller ''Materials Science and Engineering'' is THE textbook of materials science. This is the new German language edition, whose contents have been adapted optimally to the requirements of German students. The ''Callister'' covers all aspects of materials science and engineering for studies and preparation of exams. It follows a well-tried didactic concept, favouring understanding over formalism, and supports the students' learning process: 1. Clearly defined learning goals; 2. At regular intervals, questions to check the understanding of the subject matter just learned; 3. Summaries at the end of each chapter comprising subject matter, equations, key words and cross-references to other chapters; 4. Exemplary calculations, questions and answers, problems and solutions; 5. Digressions to industrial applications; 6. Units and materials names adapted to the German language area. [German] William Callisters englischsprachiger Bestseller ''Materials Science and Engineering'' ist das klassische Lehrbuch der Materialwissenschaften. Nun erscheint die deutsche Ausgabe, deren Inhalte optimal auf die Beduerfnisse der hiesigen Studenten angepasst wurden. Der ''Callister'' bietet den gesamten Stoff der Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik fuer Studium und Pruefungsvorbereitung. Das erprobte didaktische Konzept zielt ab auf ''Verstaendnis vor Formalismus'' und unterstuetzt den Lernprozess der Studierenden: 1. ausformulierte Lernziele; 2. regelmaessig eingestreute Verstaendnisfragen zum gerade vermittelten Stoff; 3. Kapitelzusammenfassungen mit Lernstoff, Gleichungen, Schluesselwoertern und Querverweisen auf andere Kapitel; 4. durchgerechnete Beispiele, Fragen und Antworten sowie Aufgaben und Loesungen; 5. Exkurse in die industrielle Anwendung; und 6. an den deutschen Sprachraum angepasste Einheiten und Werkstoffbezeichnungen.

  16. Stability and oxidation products of hydrolysable tannins in basic conditions detected by HPLC/DAD-ESI/QTOF/MS. (United States)

    Tuominen, Anu; Sundman, Terhi


    Hydrolysable tannins occur in plants that are used for food or medicine by humans or herbivores. Basic conditions can alter the structures of tannins, that is, the oxidation of phenolic groups can lead to the formation of toxic quinones. Previously, these labile quinones and other oxidation products have been studied with colorimetric or electron paramagnetic resonance methods, which give limited information about products. To study the stability and oxidation products of hydrolysable tannins in basic conditions using HPLC with a diode-array detector (DAD) combined with electrospray ionisation (ESI) and quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) MS. Three galloyl glucoses, four galloyl derivatives with different polyols and three ellagitannins were purified from plants. The incubation reactions of tannins were monitored by HPLC/DAD at five pH values and in reduced oxygen conditions. Reaction products were identified based on UV spectra and mass spectral fragmentation obtained with the high-resolution HPLC/DAD-ESI/QTOF/MS. The use of a base-resistant HPLC column enabled injections without the sample pre-treatment and thus detection of short-lived products. Hydrolysable tannins were unstable in basic conditions and half-lives were mostly less than 10 min at pH 10. Degradation rates were faster at pH 11 but slower at milder pH. The HPLC analyses revealed that various products were formed and identified to be the result of hydrolysis, deprotonation and oxidation. Interestingly, the main hydrolysis product was ellagic acid; it was also formed from galloyl glucoses that do not contain oxidatively coupled galloyl groups in their initial structures. HPLD/DAD-ESI/QTOF/MS was an efficient method for the identification of polyphenol oxidation products and showed how different pH conditions determine the fate of hydrolysable tannins. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  17. [Determination of triterpenoic acids in fruits of Ziziphus jujuba using HPLC-MS with polymeric ODS column]. (United States)

    Zhang, Yong; Zhou, An; Xie, Xiao-Mei


    A simple and sensitive method has been developed to simultaneously determine betunilic acid, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid in the fruits of Ziziphus jujuba from different regions by HPLC-MS. This HPLC assay was performed on PAH polymeric C18 bonded stationary phase column with mobile phase contained acetonitrile-water (90: 10) and with negative ESI detection mode. The developed approach was characterized by short time consumption for chromatographic separation, high sensitivity and good reliability so as to meet the requirements for rapid analysis of large-batch fruits of Z. jujuba from different habitats.


    Separation of nonionic octylphenol polyether alcohols (OPA) by supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) and HPLC is described. Using a density programming and a 50-μm i.d. capillary column, a total of 18 group oligomers was separated. The effects of the operating parameters, such...

  19. Validation of an HPLC method for determination of chemical purity of [18F]fluoromisonidazole ([18F]FMISO)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nascimento, Natalia C.E.S.; Oliveira, Mércia L.; Lima, Fernando R.A.; Silveira, Marina B.; Ferreira, Soraya Z.; Silva, Juliana B.


    [ 18 F]Fluoromisonidazole ([ 18 F]FMISO) is a nitroimidazole derivative labelled with fluorine-18 that selectively binds to hypoxic cells. It has been shown to be a suitable PET tracer for imaging hypoxia in tumors as well as in noncancerous tissues. [ 18 F]FMISO was prepared using a TRACERlabMX FDG ® module (GE) with cassettes, software sequence and reagents kits from ABX. In this work, we aimed to develop and to validate a new high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for determination of chemical purity of [ 18 F]FMISO. Analyses were performed with an Agilent chromatograph equipped with radioactivity and UV detectors. [ 18 F]FMISO and impurities were separated on a C18 column by gradient elution with water and acetonitrile. Selectivity, linearity, detection limit (DL), quantification limit (LQ), precision, accuracy and robustness were assessed to demonstrate that the HPLC method is adequate for its intended purpose. The HPLC method showed a good precision, as all RSD values were lower than 5%. Robustness was evaluated considering a variation on parameters such mobile phase gradient and flow rate. Results evidenced that the HPLC method is validated and is suitable for radiochemical purity evaluation of [ 18 F]FMISO, considering operational conditions of our laboratory. As an extension of this work, other analytical methods used for [ 18 F]FMISO quality control should be evaluated, in compliance with good manufacture practice. (author)

  20. Investigation of the warm prestress effect by X-ray and microfractographic measurements; Roentgenografische und mikrofraktografische Untersuchungen zum Warmvorbeanspruchungs (WPS) - Effekt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blumenauer, H.; Eichler, B.; Krempe, M.; Ude, J. [Magdeburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstofftechnik und Werkstoffpruefung


    The work reported was to investigate the changes caused at the crack tip of a specimen with incipient crack and to assess their effects with regard to component fracture. The steels selected for testing are the pressure vessel steels 10MnMoNi5-5 and 17MoV8-4, and the experiments were made with CT-25 specimens. The conclusion drawn from the results obtained is that the WPS effect is due to a stronger energy dissipation in the prestressed area ahead of the crack tip, assisted by intrinsic stress-induced crack closing. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die durch eine Vorbeanspruchung angerissener Proben hervorgerufenen Veraenderungen an der Rissspitze und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Bruchverhalten zu untersuchen. Die Untersuchungen wurden an den Druckbehaelterstaehlen 10MnMoNi5-5 und 17MoV8-4 durchgefuehrt. Die Versuche wurden an CT-25-Proben durchgefuehrt. Die Autoren kommen zum Schluss, dass der WPS-Effekt mit einer staerkeren Energiedissipation in der vorgeschaedigten Prozesszone vor der Rissspitze, unterstuetzt durch eigenspannungsbedingtes Rissschliessen, erklaert werden kann. (orig./MM)

  1. Assessment of radiochemical purity of [{sup 18}F]fludeoxyglucose by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lacerda, Aline E.; Silva, Juliana B.; Silveira, Marina B.; Ferreira, Soraya Z., E-mail: radiofarmacoscdtn@cdtn.b [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN/CNEN-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Unidade de Pesquisa e Producao de Radiofarmacos


    The quality control of [{sup 18}F]fludeoxyglucose ({sup 18}FDG) has received attention due to its increasing clinical use. Although the quality requirements of {sup 18}FDG are established in various pharmacopoeia, the suitability of all testing methods used should be verified under actual conditions of use and documented. The aim of this study was to develop a high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for radiochemical purity evaluation of {sup 18}FDG, based on pharmacopoeia references, and to verify its suitability for routine quality control in our centre. HPLC analysis was performed with an Agilent HPLC. {sup 18}FDG and impurities were separated on an anion-exchange column by isocratic elution with 0.1 M NaOH as the mobile phase. Detection was accomplished with refractive index and NaI (Tl) scintillation detectors. The flow rate of the mobile phase was set at 0.8 mL/min and the column temperature was kept at 35 deg C. Specificity, linearity, precision and robustness were assessed to verify if the method was adequate for its intended purpose. Retention time of {sup 18}FDG was not affected by the presence of other components of the formulation and a good peak resolution was achieved. The analytical curve of {sup 18}FDG was linear, with a correlation coefficient value of 0.9995. Intraday repeatable precision, reported as the relative standard deviation, was 0.11%. Analytical procedure remained unaffected by small variations in mobile phase flow rate. Results evidenced that HPLC is suitable for radiochemical purity evaluation of {sup 18}FDG, considering operational conditions of our laboratory. (author)

  2. An HPLC method for the determination of digoxin in dissolution samples

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milenković Miroslav Ž.


    Full Text Available An HPLC method for digoxin quantification in dissolution samples obtained as per the official British Pharmacopeia (BP method is presented in this paper. The chromatography was performed at 20 °C on a Symmetry C18; 3.5 ìm, 75 x 4.6 mm column with water - acetonitrile (72 : 28, v/v, as the mobile phase and UV detection at 220 nm. The method was found to be selective, linear, accurate and precise in the specified ranges. The LOD and LOQ were 0.015 μg mL-1 and 0.050 μg mL-1, respectively. Robustness testing was conducted to evaluate the impact of minor changes in the chromatographic parameters (i.e., acetonitrile fraction, flow rate of the mobile phase, column temperature and column length on the characteristics of the digoxin peak. A. full factorial design (24 was used to investigate the influence of the four variables The presented HPLC method was applied in quality and stability testing of Digoxin tablets 0.25 mg.

  3. Determination of isoniazid concentration in rabbit vertebrae by isotope tracing technique in conjunction with HPLC. (United States)

    Liu, Peng; Fu, Zhaozong; Jiang, Jianming; Yuan, Liang; Lin, Zhen


    Medications compounded with isoniazid (INH) are usually applied to surgical sites at the completion of surgery to locally kill postoperative residual tubercle bacilli. However, the distribution and elimination of INH in the vertebrae in vivo are not known. In this study, isotope tracing was used in conjunction with high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) to address this. INH and technetium-99 m-labeled INH were applied to the vertebrae of rabbits. After 2 and 6 h, osseous tissues containing INH, as determined by radionuclide imaging, were collected for detection with HPLC. The results showed that INH mainly stayed around the vertebrae 6 h after its application and did not permeate widely into the blood or other organs, except for the kidneys. The standard deviations of INH concentrations in the technetium-99 m-INH group were approximately four-fold smaller than those in the INH group. This method of coupling isotope tracing and HPLC can effectively limit experimental error during sample collection, allowing accurate and reliable identification of the concentration levels of INH in osseous tissues in vivo. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  4. [Simultaneous determination of eight kinds of conjunct bile acids in human bile by R-HPLC]. (United States)

    Dai, Z; Tan, G; Qian, K; Chen, X


    A method for the simultaneous determination of eight kinds of conjunct bile acids in human bile was developed by HPLC. They were separated on a YWG-C18 (3 microns) column at 30 degrees C, with methanol/water (65/35, V/V, pH3.0) as mobile phase, and detection wavelength at UV 210 nm. The linear ranges were 50-1,000, the recoveries were 91.2%-108.6%. The biles of 30 cases with cholelithiasis cholecystolithiasis and 20 cases without gallstone were detected by HPLC. The results showed that the constitution of bile acids was different between patients with cholelithiasis cholecystolithiasis and patients without gallstone.

  5. Retinol analysis in dried blood spots by HPLC. (United States)

    Craft, N E; Haitema, T; Brindle, L K; Yamini, S; Humphrey, J H; West, K P


    There are many advantages to measuring vitamin A in dried blood spots (DBS) from a finger prick as compared to plasma collected by venipuncture. The advantages include easier collection, transport and storage; accessibility to younger and more remote populations; and decreased risk of disease transmission. We describe a method for the extraction of retinol from DBS for analysis by HPLC and initial comparison to plasma retinol. The effects of various buffers, detergents, antioxidants and chelators were evaluated to establish the most effective approach to elute the retinol: retinol binding protein (holo-RBP) complex from the blood collection cards. The process involves ultrasonic agitation to elute holo-RBP into a phosphate buffer containing an antioxidant and metal chelator. The holo-RBP complex was denatured by the addition of ethanol containing additional antioxidants permitting the extraction of free retinol into hexane. Following solvent evaporation, the extract was dissolved in methanol for HPLC analysis. The initial measured retinol levels in freshly collected DBS declined for 6-10 d whether stored at 25, 4 or -20 degrees C, but remained consistent thereafter (homeostatic). By incorporating a "recovery/volume adjustment" factor, measured retinol values in homeostatic DBS were adjusted to the equivalent of plasma retinol. For 17 normal adults, the correlation coefficient was 0.90 between plasma retinol and adjusted DBS retinol in samples that had been stored at -70 degrees C for < 9 mo. The use of this new sample matrix for vitamin A assessment will allow access to previously unavailable populations.

  6. Simultaneous Determination of First-Line 4-FDC Antituberculosis Drugs by UHPLC-UV and HPLC-UV: A Comparative Study. (United States)

    Franco, Pedro H C; Chellini, Paula R; Oliveira, Marcone A L; Pianetti, Gerson A


    Tuberculosis is the second most deadly infectious disease, surpassed only by HIV/AIDS, and has resulted in over 1 billion deaths in the last 200 years. The World Health Organization estimates that in 2014, 9.6 million people were infected by this disease and 1.5 million had died. First-choice treatment consists of fixed-dose combination tablets containing rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol hydrochloride (4-FDC). There are pharmacopeial protocols available to test 4-FDC, but they are prolonged, two-step methods. One single-step method in the literature performs the simultaneous determination by HPLC, but requires a long acquisition time. In this context, an ultra-HPLC (UHPLC) method was developed based on the HPLC method with the objective of reducing analysis time. A C18 column (1.9 µm particle size) was used with UV-diode-array detection at 238 and 282 nm. The method was found to be selective, linear, exact, precise, and robust. Samples from two batches were analyzed and the results compared with those obtained by the HPLC method, with no statistically significant differences observed (P > 0.05). This UHPLC method reduced the analysis time from 17 to 4 min, with a more than 90% reduction in sample and reagent consumption and a financial economy of almost 50-fold.

  7. EPR imaging and HPLC characterization of the pigment-based organic free radical in black soybean seeds. (United States)

    Nakagawa, Kouichi; Maeda, Hayato


    We investigated the location and distribution of paramagnetic species in dry black, brown, and yellow (normal) soybean seeds using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), X-band (9 GHz) EPR imaging (EPRI), and HPLC. EPR primarily detected two paramagnetic species in black soybean. These two different radical species were assigned as stable organic radical and Mn 2+  species based on the g values and hyperfine structures. The signal from the stable radical was noted at g ≈ 2.00 and was relatively strong and stable. Subsequent noninvasive two-dimensional (2D) EPRI of the radical present in black soybean revealed that the stable radical was primarily located in the pigmented region of the soybean coat, with very few radicals observed in the soybean cotyledon (interior). Pigments extracted from black soybean were analyzed using HPLC. The major compound was found to be cyanidin-3-glucoside. Multi-EPR and HPLC results indicate that the stable radical was only found within the pigmented region of the soybean coat, and it could be cyanidin-3-glucoside or an oxidative decomposition product.

  8. Study of HPLC/ICP-MS coupling for the As speciation; Estudo de um acoplamento de HPLC/ICP-MS para a especiacao do As

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cortez, Bruna C.G.; Oliveira, Arno Heeren de [Minas Gerais Univ., Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Nuclear]. E-mail:;


    Trace metals in the environment may provide benefit or risk to humans, other life forms, and the environment. More robust and information-rich trace and ultra-trace analyses are needed to all adequate risk/benefit assessments. Further, it is no longer adequate to consider only the total trace metal or metalloid, because the impact of elements on ecological systems or biological organisms is not necessarily given by total element concentrations alone. It is necessary to determine the chemical form (species) of the element, primarily the oxidation state or the organometallic nature, because different species of the same metal can range from essential to innocuous to toxic. The actual toxicity levels from different arsenic compounds vary greatly. Inorganic arsenic is considered the most acutely toxic form; arsenite (As{sup III}) is more toxic than arsenate (As{sup V}). The chronic toxicity of arsenic compounds is currently not well understood and is actively being researched. In this study, the viability of the ICP-MS detector coupled with High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was tested in 21 water samples from the Das Velhas River, Minas Gerais state, in Brazil. The results showed that the low detection limits and the ease coupling HPLC system - which offers a rugged and versatile separation technique - makes ICP-MS a successful detection method for arsenic speciation analysis. (author)

  9. Effective method for the detection of piroxicam in human plasma using HPLC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Maria CALVO


    Full Text Available Abstract Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs are widely used by the general population to alleviate inflammation and pain after oral surgeries. Piroxicam is among the most commonly used NSAIDs and excels in controlling pain, swelling, trismus and other common symptoms of inflammation. This study aimed to evaluate different concentrations of piroxicam and its major metabolite, 5’-hydroxypiroxicam, in human plasma samples over time using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC after liquid-liquid extraction. Briefly, 10 volunteers participated in this study after approval by the Ethics Committee of Bauru School of Dentistry, Universidade de São Paulo – USP, Brazil. Volunteers received a single dose oral of piroxicam (20 mg and had blood collected at various times following an established protocol. The methodology of liquid-liquid extraction was effective for determining concentrations of piroxicam in plasma using HPLC in 10 out of 10 volunteers while 5’-hydroxypiroxicam was only detected in 2 out of 10 volunteers.

  10. Chromatographic characterization of 99mTc-EHDP complexes by HPLC and GPC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Groot, G.J. de.


    Technetium-99m is a radioactive element and can be used in medical diagnostics. There are several technetium-99m complexes all having a specific preference for different organs. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the identification of these complexes by analyzing them by the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the gel permeation chromatography (GPC) separation method. The first method separates with respect to the charge, the second one separates with respect to the size of the complexes. The HPLC method makes it possible to study the changes in the composition of the complex as a function of time. This kind of study is described in this thesis. Another part of this thesis describes the realization of a automated separation system. The advantages of the system compared to commercial available systems is that this system is less expensive and better suitable for measuring radioactive signals with a low intensity. (R.B.). 142 refs.; 30 figs.; 9 tabs

  11. Effective method for the detection of piroxicam in human plasma using HPLC. (United States)

    Calvo, Adriana Maria; Prado, Mariel Tavares de Oliveira; Dionísio, Thiago José; Marques, Maria Paula; Brozoski, Daniel Thomas; Lanchote, Vera Lúcia; Faria, Flávio Augusto Cardoso; Santos, Carlos Ferreira


    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used by the general population to alleviate inflammation and pain after oral surgeries. Piroxicam is among the most commonly used NSAIDs and excels in controlling pain, swelling, trismus and other common symptoms of inflammation. This study aimed to evaluate different concentrations of piroxicam and its major metabolite, 5'-hydroxypiroxicam, in human plasma samples over time using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after liquid-liquid extraction. Briefly, 10 volunteers participated in this study after approval by the Ethics Committee of Bauru School of Dentistry, Universidade de São Paulo - USP, Brazil. Volunteers received a single dose oral of piroxicam (20 mg) and had blood collected at various times following an established protocol. The methodology of liquid-liquid extraction was effective for determining concentrations of piroxicam in plasma using HPLC in 10 out of 10 volunteers while 5'-hydroxypiroxicam was only detected in 2 out of 10 volunteers.

  12. HPLC purification and re-evaluation of chemical identity of two circular bacteriocins, gassericin A and reutericin 6. (United States)

    Arakawa, K; Kawai, Y; Ito, Y; Nakamura, K; Chujo, T; Nishimura, J; Kitazawa, H; Saito, T


    The study aimed for the complete purification and recharacterization of the highly hydrophobic circular bacteriocins, gassericin A and reutericin 6. Gassericin A and reutericin 6 were purified to homogeneity using previously described method and reverse-phase HPLC with an octyl column and eluents of aqueous acetonitrile and 2-propanol. Mass analysis, N-terminal sequencing and bacteriocin assay of the HPLC-purified bacteriocins showed the two bacteriocins had identical seamless circular structures with the same m/z value (5651) of [M + H](+) and both had the same specific activity. D/L-amino acid composition analysis using two distinct methods with the chiral fluorescent derivatization reagents (+)-1-(9-fluorenyl)ethyl chloroformate and O-phthalaldehyde/N-acetyl-L-cystein revealed neither gassericin A nor reutericin 6 contained D-alanine residues contrary to our previous results. Purified gassericin A and reutericin 6 are chemically identical circular molecules containing no D-alanine residues. The HPLC conditions developed in this study will facilitate advanced purification and correct characterization of other highly hydrophobic bacteriocins.

  13. Quantification of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl herbicide in soil and vegetable samples by microwave-assisted solvent extraction and HPLC method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shahzad, F.U.N.; Shah, J.; Jan, M.R.; Muhammad, M.


    A simple HPLC procedure for the determination of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl herbicide in environmental samples is described. The chromatographic analysis was carried out by HPLC, on a C18 packed capillary column (4x4 mm,4.6 X 150 mm, 5mm particle size) with 20 macro l injection volume and UV detector at 280 nm. HPLC-grade acetonitrile and methanol were used as mobile phase with flow rate of 1mL min-1. Samples were spiked with amount between 5 - 20 micro g g-1 of herbicide and were isolated from samples by applying microwave assisted extraction (MASE) at ambient temperature. Percent recoveries were improved by optimizing solvent types, solvent volume, extraction temperature and time. Calibration curve range determined by HPLC was 0.5-16 micro g mL-1. The interaction of different variables for maximum % recovery response was checked by applying factorial design and was found to be in range of 91.22+-0.01-99.32+-0.01 with good precision (< 5% ). Application of this procedure to the analysis of herbicide in ester and acid form showed the effectiveness of the proposed approach. (author)

  14. Characterization of plasma protein binding dissociation with online SPE-HPLC


    Li, Ping; Fan, Yiran; Wang, Yunlong; Lu, Yaxin; Yin, Zheng


    A novel parameter of relative recovery (Rre) was defined and determined by online SPE-HPLC to characterize plasma protein binding (PPB) kinetics of highly plasma binding drugs. The proportional relationship of Rre with koff of PPB has been established with a new SPE model. A rapid, easy to use method could potentially be used to categorize PK properties of the drug candidates in the decision process of drug discovery and development.

  15. Determination of carbonyl compounds in air by HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia, S.; Perez, R.M.; Campos, A.; Gonzalez, D.


    A method for the determination of seven carbonyl compounds in air is presented. The procedure involve sampling of air by a Sep-Pak Cartridge impregnated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Elution was done with 3 mL of acetonitrile and the eluate was diluted to 5 mL. The analysis was done by HPLC with UV detection and external standard method quantification. It has been achieved relative standard deviations about 5% and detection limits of 80 ng/cartridge for formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetoacetonitrile. Three different types of samples (rural, urban, petrol emission) were successfully analyzed. (Author) 12 refs

  16. Estimation of the limit of detection with a bootstrap-derived standard error by a partly non-parametric approach. Application to HPLC drug assays

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Linnet, Kristian


    Bootstrap, HPLC, limit of blank, limit of detection, non-parametric statistics, type I and II errors......Bootstrap, HPLC, limit of blank, limit of detection, non-parametric statistics, type I and II errors...

  17. Mida arvavad Eesti majandusüliõpilased Euroopa Liiduga ühinemisest / Lembo Tanning

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tanning, Lembo


    486 majandusõpilase arvamused ELiga ühinemise kohta. Arvamused ja põhjendused põhinevad Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Kõrgema Majanduskooli ja kõrgkooli I-Studium tudengite vastavasisulistele referaatidele ja esseedele

  18. Molecular characterization and bio-functional property determination using SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC of protein fractions from two Nigella species. (United States)

    Alu'datt, Muhammad H; Rababah, Taha; Alhamad, Mohammad N; Alodat, Moh'd; Al-Mahasneh, Majdi A; Gammoh, Sana; Ereifej, Khalil; Almajwal, Ali; Kubow, Stan


    This study aimed to investigate the molecular and bio-functional properties of protein fractions from Nigella damascena and Nigella arvensis, including the albumin, globulin, glutein-1, glutein-2 and prolamin fractions. Protein subunits were not observed in globulin and prolamin fractions. No peaks appeared in RP-HPLC chromatograms of globulin for either species. Two predominant peaks were observed in the RP-HPLC profiles of all protein fractions. Proteins separated by RP-HPLC have potential inhibitory and antioxidant activities in all fractions. Optimum ACE-inhibitory and antioxidant activities of proteins separated by RP-HPLC were observed in glutein-2 and albumin, respectively, for both species. For pepsin and combined pepsin-trypsin hydrolyses, the highest degree of hydrolysis (DH) was obtained in glutein-2 fraction of Nigella arvensis. Highest ACE-inhibitory activity of hydrolyzed protein fractions was found at 4h via pepsin hydrolysis in globulin fraction of Nigella damascena. Highest antioxidant activities of hydrolyzed protein fractions were found in glutelin-2 for both species. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    A new high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed to analyze, in a single run, most polar and non-polar chlorophylls and carotenoids from marine phytoplankton. The method is based on a reverse-phase amide C16 (RP-amide C16) column and an elution gradient o...

  20. Extraction and Purification of Glucoraphanin by Preparative High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) (United States)

    Lee, Iris; Boyce, Mary C.


    A student activity that focuses on the isolation of glucoraphanin from broccoli using preparative high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is presented here. Glucoraphanin is a glucosinolate, whose byproducts are known to possess anticancer properties. It is present naturally at high levels in broccoli and other "Brassica" vegetables. This…

  1. Using HPLC-Mass Spectrometry to Teach Proteomics Concepts with Problem-Based Techniques (United States)

    Short, Michael; Short, Anne; Vankempen, Rachel; Seymour, Michael; Burnatowska-Hledin, Maria


    Practical instruction of proteomics concepts was provided using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a mass selective detection system (HPLC-MS) for the analysis of simulated protein digests. The samples were prepared from selected dipeptides in order to facilitate the mass spectral identification. As part of the prelaboratory…

  2. Inositol phosphates from barley low-phytate grain mutants analysed by metal-dye detection HPLC and NMR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hatzack, F.; Hübel, F.; Zhang, W.


    Inositolphosphates from barley low-phytate grain mutants and their parent variety were analysed by metal-dye detection HPLC and NMR. Compound assignment was carried out by comparison of retention times using a chemical hydrolysate of phytate [Ins(1,2,3,4,5,6)P(6)] as a reference; Co-inciding rete......Inositolphosphates from barley low-phytate grain mutants and their parent variety were analysed by metal-dye detection HPLC and NMR. Compound assignment was carried out by comparison of retention times using a chemical hydrolysate of phytate [Ins(1,2,3,4,5,6)P(6)] as a reference; Co...

  3. A simple micro-batch ion-exchange resin extraction method coupled with reverse-phase HPLC (MBRE-HPLC) to quantify lactoferrin in raw and heat-treated bovine milk. (United States)

    Pochet, Sylvie; Arnould, Céline; Debournoux, Perrine; Flament, Jocelyne; Rolet-Répécaud, Odile; Beuvier, Eric


    Lactoferrin is an iron-binding cationic glycoprotein (pI = 8.7) beneficial for mammal health, especially udder and milk preservation. A new simple two-step method of quantification was developed. Lactoferrin in 1 mL of bovine skim milk was first adsorbed onto 100 mg of macroporous sulfonated-resin at pH 6.8 by rotary stirring for 90 min at 20-25 °C. After washing the resin, lactoferrin was desorbed using 1 mL of 2 M NaCl containing phenylalanine as a dilution marker, then fully resolved and quantified by RP-HPLC at 220 nm using a wide-bore C4 silica column. This robust, inexpensive and flexible method improves selectivity (no protein interference) and sensitivity compared to previous HPLC methods. In-laboratory validation demonstrated its linearity (25 to 514 µg Lf mL -1 ), accuracy (110 to 98% recovery), and precision (<4%), which were comparable to immuno-based methods. The results for individual raw cow's milk were strongly correlated with results using an ELISA test. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Detection limits in the chromatographic element trace analysis - quantitative TLC, HPLC and GC with the example of beryllium acetylacetonate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwedt, G.


    Chromatographic analyses of beryllium acetylacetonate are carried out in synthetic solutions within the nano- and picogram range of beryllium. For thin-layer chromatography (TLC) normal and silanized silica gel is used, for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) silica gel of 7 μm particles, for gas chromatography (GC) silicone SE-30 as stationary phase. Visual evaluation and remission measurements in TLC, UV-254 nm absorption measurements in HPLC and measurements with a FID in GC are employed for the determination of the calibration curves. A calibration curve through the origin and a detection limit of 150 pg Be determinable form are received by HPLC only. For trace analyses by GC a new definition of a detection limit for the evaluation of substance peaks on a solvent tailing is suggested. (orig.) [de

  5. Immunoassay screening of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and its confirmation by HPLC and fluorescence detection following LSD ImmunElute extraction. (United States)

    Grobosch, T; Lemm-Ahlers, U


    In all, 3872 urine specimens were screened for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) using the CEDIA DAU LSD assay. Forty-eight samples, mainly from psychiatric patients or drug abusers, were found to be LSD positive, but only 13 (27%) of these could be confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) following immunoaffinity extraction (IAE). Additional analysis for LSD using the DPC Coat-a-Count RIA was performed to compare the two immunoassay screening methods. Complete agreement between the DPC RIA assay and HPLC-FLD results was observed at concentrations below a cutoff concentration of 500 pg/mL. Samples that were LSD positive in the CEDIA DAU assay but not confirmed by HPLC-FLD were also investigated for interfering compounds using REMEDI HS drug-profiling system. REMEDI HS analysis identified 15 compounds (parent drugs and metabolites) that are believed to cross-react in the CEDIA DAU LSD assay: ambroxol, prilocaine, pipamperone, diphenhydramine, metoclopramide, amitriptyline, doxepine, atracurium, bupivacaine, doxylamine, lidocaine, mepivacaine, promethazine, ranitidine, and tramadole. The IAE/HPLC-FLD combination is rapid, easy to perform and reliable. It can reduce costs when standard, rather than more advanced, HPLC equipment is used, especially for labs that perform analyses for LSD infrequently. The chromatographic analysis of LSD, nor-LSD, and iso-LSD is not influenced by any of the tested cross-reacting compounds even at a concentration of 100 ng/mL.

  6. Validace HPLC metody stanovení piroxikamu v plasmě s využitím SPME a deproteinace


    Kuželová, Kristýna


    Validation of HPLC evaluatoin of piroxicam in plasma using SPME and precipitation Rigorous Thesis Mgr. Kristýna Kuželová Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug Control, Heyrovského 1203, Hradec Králové The purpose of this thesis was bioanalytical evalution of piroxicam using High Performance Liquid Chromatagraphy (HPLC). Piroxicam was isolated from plasma using SPME and protein precipitacion. Plasma was adjusted to ...

  7. Apparent loss of urinary albumin during long-term frozen storage : HPLC vs immunonephelometry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brinkman, Jacoline W.; De Zeeuw, Dick; Lambers Heerspink, Hiddo J.; Gansevoort, Ronald T.; Kema, Ido P.; de Jong, Paul E.; Bakker, Stephan J. L.

    Background: Urinary albumin detection by immuno-nephelometry is decreased by -30% in samples that have been frozen at -20 degrees C. An HPLC method for assessment of urinary albumin that detects immunoreactive and immunochemically nonreactive albumin has been introduced as an alternative to

  8. HPLC-photodiode array detection analysis of curcuminoids in Curcuma species indigenous to Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bos, Rein; Windono, Tri; Woerdenbag, Herman J.; Boersma, Ykelien L.; Koulman, Albert; Kayser, Oliver

    An optimized HPLC method with photodiode array detection was developed and applied to analyse the curcuminoids curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bis-demethoxycurcumin in rhizomes of Curcuma mangga Val &. v. Zijp, C. heyneana Val. & v. Zijp, C. aeruginosa Roxb. and C. soloensis Val. (Zingiberaceae),

  9. A Validated Stability-Indicating HPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Amoxicillin and Enrofloxacin Combination in an Injectable Suspension

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nidal Batrawi


    Full Text Available The combination of amoxicillin and enrofloxacin is a well-known mixture of veterinary drugs; it is used for the treatment of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. In the scientific literature, there is no high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-UV method for the simultaneous determination of this combination. The objective of this work is to develop and validate an HPLC method for the determination of this combination. In this regard, a new, simple and efficient reversed-phase HPLC method for simultaneous qualitative and quantitative determination of amoxicillin and enrofloxacin, in an injectable preparation with a mixture of inactive excipients, has been developed and validated. The HPLC separation method was performed using a reversed-phase (RP-C18e (250 mm × 4.0 mm, 5 μm column at room temperature, with a gradient mobile phase of acetonitrile and phosphate buffer containing methanol at pH 5.0, a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min and ultraviolet detection at 267 nm. This method was validated in accordance with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA and the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH guidelines and showed excellent linearity, accuracy, precision, specificity, robustness, ruggedness, and system suitability results within the acceptance criteria. A stability-indicating study was also carried out and indicated that this method can also be used for purity and degradation evaluation of these formulations.

  10. Measurement of the modification and interference rate of urinary albumin detected by size-exclusion HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markó, Lajos; Molnár, Gergő Attila; Wagner, Zoltán; Szijártó, István; Mérei, Ákos; Wittmann, István; Böddi, Katalin; Szabó, Zoltán; Matus, Zoltán; Kőszegi, Tamás; Nagy, Géza


    The measurement of the excretion of urinary albumin (albuminuria) is an important and well-established method to assess clinical outcomes. A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method has been introduced to measure albuminuria. Using this method, it was found that commonly used immunological methods do not measure a fraction of urinary albumin. Some authors presumed that the reason of immuno-unreactivity is the modification of urinary albumin; some others presumed that the difference is merely because of interference. In order to decide this question, we established an HPLC method equipped with tandem UV and fluorescent detection to assess the changes in the detectability of albumin with the rate of modification. For this measurement, differently modified forms of albumin were used. Urine samples of diabetic patients were also measured to find a potential connection between the modification rate and clinical parameters. Secondly, we have established a reversed phase HPLC method to assess the interference rate. We conclude that albumin modification does not affect immunoreactivity. The modification rate of urinary albumin in diabetic patients showed a correlation with renal function. The interference rate of the albumin peak was found to be 12.7% on average, which does not explain the difference between the two methods

  11. Analysis of xanthophylls in corn by HPLC. (United States)

    Moros, E E; Darnoko, D; Cheryan, M; Perkins, E G; Jerrell, J


    An HPLC method was developed using the C-30 carotenoid column to separate and identify the major xanthophylls in corn (lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-cryptoxanthin). A photodiode array detector and a mobile phase consisting of methyl tert-butyl ether/methanol/water was used. All three xanthophylls eluted in less than 25 min. Yellow dent corn had a total xanthophyll content of 21.97 microg/g with lutein content of 15.7 microg/g, zeaxanthin content of 5.7 microg/g, and beta-cryptoxanthin of 0.57 microg/g. Commercial corn gluten meal had a 7 times higher concentration of xanthophylls (145 microg/g), and deoiled corn contained 18 microg/g, indicating that the xanthophylls are probably bound to the zein fraction of corn proteins.

  12. Targeted natural product isolation guided by HPLC-SPE-NMR: Constituents of Hubertia species

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sprogoe, K.; Staek, D.; Jager, A.K.


    -hydroxyphenyl)acetyl]quinic acid (3), was performed. Finally, targeted isolation of 1 was achieved by SPE fractionation and preparative HPLC, followed by evaluation of its antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. In contrast to chlorogenic acid and 3,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid, which act as antioxidants...... full or partial identification of all major extract constituents and demonstrated the presence of unusual quinic acid derivatives containing the (1-hydroxy-4-oxocyclohexa-2,5-dienyl)acetyl residue that exhibit strongly coupled ABXY patterns, the parameters of which were obtained by spin simulations....... Using homo- and heteronuclear 2D NMR data acquired in the HPLC-SPE-NMR mode, complete structure determination of three new natural products, i.e., 3,5-di-O-caffeoyl-4-O-[(1-hydroxy-4-oxocyclohexa-2,5-dienyl)acetyl]quini c acid (1), its 2-hydroxy derivative (2), and 3,5-di-O-caffeoyl-4-O-[(4...

  13. Experimental Studies of quantitative evaluation using HPLC and safety of Bee Venom Acupuncture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seong Bong Jang


    Full Text Available Objectives : This study was conducted to carry out quantitative evaluation and safety of Bee Venom Acupuncture. Methods : Content analysis was done using HPLC, measurement of , and histological observations were made on the skin and muscles. Results : 1. According to HPLC analysis, each BVA-1 contained approximately , and BVA-2 contained approximately . But the volume of coating was so minute, slight difference exists between each needle. 2. LD50 of mouse with BVA-1 was 16 counts and this is equivalent to 640 needles/kg, making Bee Venom Acupuncture safe treatment apparatus. 3. Regardless of the number of needles, there was no sign of blood stasis or inflammation detected on the skin and muscle tissues. Conclusion : Above results indicate that the Bee Venom Acupuncture can complement shortcomings of syringe usage as a part of Oriental medicine treatment, but extensive researches should be done for further verification.

  14. Comparison of the BioRad Variant and Primus Ultra2 high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) instruments for the detection of variant hemoglobins. (United States)

    Gosselin, R C; Carlin, A C; Dwyre, D M


    Hemoglobin variants are a result of genetic changes resulting in abnormal or dys-synchronous hemoglobin chain production (thalassemia) or the generation of hemoglobin chain variants such as hemoglobin S. Automated high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems have become the method of choice for the evaluation of patients suspected with hemoglobinopathies. In this study, we evaluated the performance of two HPLC methods used in the detection of common hemoglobin variants: Variant and Ultra2. There were 377 samples tested, 26% (99/377) with HbS, 8.5% (32/377) with HbC, 20.7% (78/377) with other hemoglobin variant or thalassemia, and 2.9% with increased hemoglobin A(1) c. The interpretations of each chromatograph were compared. There were no differences noted for hemoglobins A(0), S, or C. There were significant differences between HPLC methods for hemoglobins F, A(2), and A(1) c. However, there was good concordance between normal and abnormal interpretations (97.9% and 96.2%, respectively). Both Variant and Ultra2 HPLC methods were able to detect most common hemoglobin variants. There was better discrimination for fast hemoglobins, between hemoglobins E and A(2), and between hemoglobins S and F using the Ultra2 HPLC method. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  15. The effect of re-dissolution solvents and HPLC columns on the analysis of mycosporine-like amino acids in the eulittoral macroalgae Prasiola crispa and Porphyra umbilicalis (United States)

    Karsten, Ulf; Escoubeyrou, Karine; Charles, François


    Many macroalgal species that are regularly exposed to high solar radiation such as the eulittoral green alga Prasiola crispa and the red alga Porphyra umbilicalis synthesize and accumulate high concentrations of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) as UV-sunscreen compounds. These substances are typically extracted with a widely used standard protocol following quantification by various high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques. However, further preparation steps prior to HPLC analysis as well as different HPLC column types have not been systematically checked regarding separation quality and reproducibility. Therefore pure methanol, distilled water and HPLC eluent were evaluated as re-dissolution solvent for dried Prasiola and Porphyra extracts, which were subsequently analyzed on three reversed-phase C8 and C18 HPLC columns. The data indicate that distilled water and the HPLC eluent gave almost identical peak patterns and MAA contents on the C8 and C18 columns. In contrast, the application of the widely used methanol led to double peaks or even the loss of specific peaks as well as to a strong decline in total MAA amounts ranging from about 35% of the maximum in P. crispa to 80% of the maximum in P. umbilicalis. Consequently, methanol should be avoided as re-dissolution solvent for the HPLC sample preparation. An improved protocol for the MAA analysis in macroalgae in combination with a reliable C18 column is suggested.

  16. Symposium Ecological construction - from half-timbered- to passive house: living yesterday - today - tomorrow; Symposium Oekologische Bauweisen - vom Umgebinde- zum Passivhaus: Wohnen Gestern - Heute - Morgen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    While the first part of the symposium was dedicated to half-timbered buildings in the traditional style of Lausitz, Bohemia and Silesia, the second part discussed passive buildings. [German] Das Umgebindehaus ist ein weltweit einmaliger Haustyp und zum anderen ist es ein traditionelles Haus unserer Region der Oberlausitz und angrenzender Teile von Boehmen und Schlesien. Das Symposium behandelt das Umgebindehaus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart und will Motivation und Ansaetze geben, dieses wunderschoene Baukulturgut zu erhalten und unter modernen Wohn-, Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen zu nutzen. Der zweite Teil der Tagung ist nicht minder wichtig. Beim Passivhaus geht es im wesentlichen darum, Heizwaermeverluste im Winter so klein zu halten, dass sie von den Gewinnen (Sonnenenergie, inneres Waermeaufkommen u.a.) gedeckt werden koennen. Damit wird der Waermeschutz des Gebaeudes vielleicht bis an die Grenzen getrieben und es entstehen neue Anforderungen an das Energiemanagement und die Qualitaet der technischen Gebaeudeausruestung. (orig.)

  17. Determination of impurities and degradation products from veterinary medicinal products by HPLC method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Gabriela Oltean


    Full Text Available The organic or inorganic impurities in the veterinary medicinal product can derive from starting materials, manufacturing process, incomplete purification, inappropriate storage. The acceptable levels of impurities in pharmaceuticals are estimated by comparison with standard solutions, according to the appropriate monographs. Forced degradation studies determine the stability of the method of dosage for the active compounds and for the entire finished product under excessive accelerated degradation conditions. They also provide information on degradation pathways and selectivity of analytical methods applied. The information provided by the degradation studies on the active compound and finished pharmaceutical product should demonstrate the specificity of the analytical method regarding impurities. Forced degradation studies should demonstrate that the impurities and degradation products generated do not interfere with the active compound. The current forced degradation methods consist of acid hydrolysis, basic hydrolysis, oxidation, exposure of the medicinal product to temperature and light. HPLC methods are an integral analytical instrument for the analysis of the medicinal product. The HPLC method should be able to separate, detect and quantify various specific degradation products that can appear after manufacture or storage of the medicinal product, as well as new elements appearing after synthesis. FDA and ICH guidelines recommend the enclosure of the results, including the chromatograms specific to the forced degradation-subjected medicinal product, in the documentation for marketing authorization. Using HPLC methods in forced degradation studies on medicinal products provides relevant information on the method of determination for the formulation of the medicinal product, synthesis product, packaging methods and storage.

  18. Determination of fructooligosaccharides in burdock using HPLC and microwave-assisted extraction. (United States)

    Li, Jing; Liu, Xiaomei; Zhou, Bin; Zhao, Jing; Li, Shaoping


    The root of burdock ( Arctium lappa L.) is a commonly used vegetable in Asia. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are usually considered as its main bioactive components. Thus, quantitative analysis of these components is very important for the quality control of burdock. In this study, an HPLC-ELSD and microwave-assisted extraction method was developed for the simultaneous determination of seven FOS with degrees of polymerization (DP) between 3 and 9, as well as fructose, glucose, and sucrose in burdock from different regions. The separation was performed on a Waters XBridge Amide column (4.6 × 250 mm i.d., 3.5 μm) with gradient elution. All calibration curves for investigated analytes showed good linear regression (r > 0.9990). Their LODs and LOQs were lower than 3.63 and 24.82 μg/mL, respectively. The recoveries ranged from 99.2 to 102.6%. The developed method was successfully applied to determination of ten sugars in burdock from different locations of Asia. The results showed that the contents of FOS in different samples of burdock collected at appropriate times were similar, and the developed HPLC-ELSD with microwave-assisted extraction method is helpful to control the quality of burdock.

  19. Glycyrrhiza glabra HPLC fractions: identification of Aldehydo Isoophiopogonone and Liquirtigenin having activity against multidrug resistant bacteria. (United States)

    Rahman, Hazir; Khan, Ilyas; Hussain, Anwar; Shahat, Abdelaaty Abdelaziz; Tawab, Abdul; Qasim, Muhammad; Adnan, Muhammad; Al-Said, Mansour S; Ullah, Riaz; Khan, Shahid Niaz


    Medicinal plants have been founded as traditional herbal medicine worldwide. Most of the plant's therapeutic properties are due to the presence of secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, glycosides, tannins and volatile oil. The present investigation analyzed the High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) fractions of Glycyrrhiza glabra (Aqueous, Chloroform, Ethanol and Hexane) against multidrug resistant human bacterial pathogens (Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). All the fractions showed antibacterial activity, were subjected to LC MS/MS analysis for identification of bioactive compounds. Among total HPLC fractions of G. glabra (n = 20), three HPLC fractions showed potential activity against multidrug resistant (MDR) bacterial isolates. Fraction 1 (F1) of aqueous extracts, showed activity against A. baumannii (15 ± 0.5 mm). F4 from hexane extract of G. glabra showed activity against S. aureus (10 ± 0.2 mm). However, F2 from ethanol extract exhibited activity against S. aureus (10 ± 0.3 mm). These active fractions were further processed by LC MS/MS analysis for the identification of compounds. Ellagic acid was identified in the F1 of aqueous extract while 6-aldehydo-isoophiopogonone was present in F4 of hexane extract. Similarly, Liquirtigenin was identified in F2 of ethanol. Glycyrrhiza glabra extracts HPLC fractions showed anti-MDR activity. Three bioactive compounds were identified in the study. 6-aldehydo-isoophiopogonone and Liquirtigenin were for the first time reported in G. glabra. Further characterization of the identified compounds will be helpful for possible therapeutic uses against infectious diseases caused by multidrug resistant bacteria.

  20. Technical and economic aspects of fuel cell applications in space HVAC systems; Technische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte zum Einsatz von Brennstoffzellen in der Gebaeudeversorgung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Handke, J; Handschin, E


    There are two different types of fuel cells for small-scale applications, li.e. polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) and high-termperature fuel cells with ceramic solid electrolytes (SOFC). Both types of fuel cells have different advantages and shortcomings. One of the main problems, however, is the fact that research is still going on and that commercial fuel cell systems for space HVAC applications are still not available. (orig.) [Deutsch] Nach dem heutigen Stand werden zwei unterschiedliche Brennstoffzellen-Typen zum Einsatz in Kleinanlagen entwickelt. Neben der zu Klasse der Niedertemperatur-Brennstoffzellen gehoerenden Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran-Brennstoffzelle (PEMFC) ist dies die Hochtemperatur-Brennstoffzelle auf der Basis eines keramischen Festelektrolyten (SOFC). Beide Brennstoffzellen-Typen haben unterschiedliche Vor- und Nachteile fuer den Einsatz zur Gebaeudeversorgung. Eines der Hauptprobleme, das allerdings beide Zellentypen gemeinsam haben, besteht in der noch nicht abgeschlossenen Entwicklung und - daraus resultierend - der fehlenden kommerziellen Verfuegbarkeit im Bereich der Gebaeudeversorgung. (orig./MM)

  1. [Determination of 10-HDA in honeybee body by HPLC]. (United States)

    Fan, H; He, C; Han, H


    In the present work we found that in the honeybee body there exists an unsaturated fatty acid, trans-10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (10-HDA), which was known only to be present in royal jelly. We established the analytical method of 10-HDA in honeybee body by HPLC and simplified the extraction method of 10-HDA. In the optimum conditions the linear range of detection was 10-1,000 ng, the correlation coefficient was 0.9998, the recovery was 96.5%-99.2% and the detectable limit was 0.53 microgram/g.

  2. Dose management in radiology. Review of the technological status; Dosismanagement in der Radiologie. Ein Ueberblick zum Stand der Technik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Verius, M. [LKH Innsbruck, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie, Innsbruck (Austria)


    The Euratom directive 2013/59 (''EU directive for radiation protection'') has to be implemented into national law by spring 2018 and requires a complete recording of patient dosages and relevant parameters. Additionally, a medical physics expert has to be consulted for each radiological examination above a defined threshold. A complete recording of the dosage administered from all modalities and optimization of the radiological procedures should result in a reduction of the total dosage. This can be achieved by automated systems that incorporate not only the detection of the dose parameters but also the evaluation and analysis of these data. When provided with warning levels such a system should be able to inform or warn the operator when dose thresholds have been exceeded or even better inform the operator about possible excess dosages before an examination. Depending on the information provided by the modality, dose management systems can operate at different levels in the picture archiving and communication system (PACS), radiological and hospital information systems (RIS/HIS) or with the header information of a digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) image and evaluate and analyze this data. A practicable use of such systems is only possible by close cooperation of medical personnel, medical physicists and information technology (IT) administrators. Various systems are available commercially or free but an individual adaptation of these systems is useful and necessary, depending on the requirements of the radiology practice or hospital. (orig.) [German] Die Euratom-Richtlinie 2013/59 (''EU-Richtlinie zum Strahlenschutz'') besagt, dass sie bis zum Fruehjahr 2018 in nationales Recht der Mitgliedstaaten umgesetzt werden muss, d. h. eine lueckenlose Erfassung der Patientendosen zu erfolgen hat. Ausserdem muss zu jeder Modalitaet in einem bestimmten Ausmass ein Medizinphysikexperte hinzugezogen werden. Die

  3. Chiral chromatography studies of chemical behavior of cinacalcet on polysaccharide chiral reversed-phase HPLC stationary phases. (United States)

    Dousa, Michal; Brichác, Jirí


    A rapid HPLC method for the analytical resolution of cinacalcet enantiomers was developed. Four chiral columns (two amylose and two cellulose type) were evaluated in RP systems. Excellent enantioseparation with a resolution of more than 6 was achieved on Chiralpak AY (amylose 5-chloro-2-methylphenylcarbamate chiral stationary phase) using 10 mM triethylamine (pH 8.0)-acetonitrile (40 + 60, v/v) mobile phase. Validation of the HPLC method, including linearity, LOD, LOQ, precision, accuracy, and selectivity, was performed according to the International Conference on Harmonization guidelines. The method was successfully applied for the determination of (S)-cinacalcet in enantiopure active pharmaceutical ingredient (R)-cinacalcet.

  4. Analysis of a Brazilian green propolis from Baccharis dracunculifolia by HPLC-APCI-MS and GC-MS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Chang

    Full Text Available Ethanol and dichloromethane extracts of a Brazilian green propolis from Baccharis dracunculifolia were analyzed by HPLC-APCI-MS and GC-MS, respectively. The HPLC-APCI-MS technique, at the positive mode, furnished a complete and unequivocal chemical composition of the green propolis sample. It serves as fingerprint for different propolis samples. The composition of the ethanol extract consisted mainly of cinnamic acid and derivatives, flavonoids, benzoic acid and a few benzoates, non-hydroxylated aromatics, and aliphatic acids and esters, which are normally not reported in the literature because they do not absorb UV light. The main constituents of the dichloromethane extract were prenylated compounds, alkanes and terpenoids.

  5. Phenolic Profiling of the South American “Baylahuen” Tea (Haplopappus spp., Asteraceae by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo Schmeda-Hirschmann


    Full Text Available The aerial parts of several Haplopappus species (Asteraceae, known under the common name “baylahuen”, are used as herbal teas in Chile and Argentina. In Chile, “baylahuen” comprises H. multifolius, H. taeda, H. baylahuen and H. rigidus. Little is known about the chemical identity of the infusion constituents in spite of widespread consumption. The aim of the present work was the characterization of phenolics occurring in the infusions and methanol extracts of “baylahuen” by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS. A simple HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS method was developed for the fast identification and differentiation of Haplopappus spp. used as a tea source, based on the phenolics from the tea and methanol extracts. Some 27 phenolics were tentatively identified in the infusions and methanol extract, including 10 caffeoyl quinic and feruloyl quinic acid derivatives and 17 flavonoids. The HPLC patterns of the Haplopappus tea and methanol extract allow a clear differentiation at the species level. The occurrence of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives and flavonoids can explain the reputed nutraceutical and health beneficial properties of this herbal tea.

  6. Authentication and Quantitation of Fraud in Extra Virgin Olive Oils Based on HPLC-UV Fingerprinting and Multivariate Calibration (United States)

    Carranco, Núria; Farrés-Cebrián, Mireia; Saurina, Javier


    High performance liquid chromatography method with ultra-violet detection (HPLC-UV) fingerprinting was applied for the analysis and characterization of olive oils, and was performed using a Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C8 reversed-phase column under gradient elution, employing 0.1% formic acid aqueous solution and methanol as mobile phase. More than 130 edible oils, including monovarietal extra-virgin olive oils (EVOOs) and other vegetable oils, were analyzed. Principal component analysis results showed a noticeable discrimination between olive oils and other vegetable oils using raw HPLC-UV chromatographic profiles as data descriptors. However, selected HPLC-UV chromatographic time-window segments were necessary to achieve discrimination among monovarietal EVOOs. Partial least square (PLS) regression was employed to tackle olive oil authentication of Arbequina EVOO adulterated with Picual EVOO, a refined olive oil, and sunflower oil. Highly satisfactory results were obtained after PLS analysis, with overall errors in the quantitation of adulteration in the Arbequina EVOO (minimum 2.5% adulterant) below 2.9%. PMID:29561820

  7. Culture, pouvoir et eglise (Culture, Power, and Church) (United States)

    Vallin, Pierre


    Examines the historical evolution of the terms "culture" and "civilization" in Europe beginning with the medieval concept of the "studium," and focuses on the influence of the church in shaping these concepts. (RL)

  8. Modul 4: Weiterführende Literaturrecherche


    Riedhammer, Theresa


    Skript zu Modul 4 "Weiterführende Literaturrecherche". Dieses Skript ist Bestandteil des Online-Kurses "Fit fürs Studium" der Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg und des Rechenzentrums der Universität Regensburg.

  9. Determination of 9 Carcinogenic Dyes by HPLC-DAD%HPLC-DAD法检测染料产品中9种致癌染料

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    吕双; 季浩; 蒲爱军; 王勇


    本文建立了测定染料产品中9种致癌染料的高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器分析方法(HPLC-DAD).各类染料经溶解或萃取后,通过Symmetry Shield RP-18色谱柱分离后进入DAD检测器,采用外标法对9种致癌染料进行定性和定量分析.

  10. Optimization of high pressure machine decocting process for Dachengqi Tang using HPLC fingerprints combined with the Box–Behnken experimental design


    Xie, Rui-Fang; Shi, Zhi-Na; Li, Zhi-Cheng; Chen, Pei-Pei; Li, Yi-Min; Zhou, Xin


    Using Dachengqi Tang (DCQT) as a model, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fingerprints were applied to optimize machine extracting process with the Box–Behnken experimental design. HPLC fingerprints were carried out to investigate the chemical ingredients of DCQT; synthetic weighing method based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and criteria importance through intercriteria correlation (CRITIC) was performed to calculate synthetic scores of fingerprints; using the mark ingredien...

  11. Isolation and identification of arctiin and arctigenin in leaves of burdock (Arctium lappa L.) by polyamide column chromatography in combination with HPLC-ESI/MS. (United States)

    Liu, Shiming; Chen, Kaoshan; Schliemann, Willibald; Strack, Dieter


    A simple method involving polyamide column chromatography in combination with HPLC-PAD and HPLC-ESI/MS for isolating and identifying two kinds of lignans, arctiin and arctigenin, in the leaves of burdock (Arctium lappa L.) has been established. After extraction of burdock leaves with 80% methanol, the aqueous phase of crude extracts was partitioned between water and chloroform and the aqueous phase was fractionated on a polyamide glass column. The fraction, eluting with 100% methanol, was concentrated and gave a white precipitate at 4 degrees C from which two main compounds were purified by semi-preparative HPLC. In comparison with the UV and ESI-MS spectra and the HPLC retention time of authentic standards, the compounds were determined to be arctiin and arctigenin. The extraction/separation technique was validated using an internal standard method.

  12. Quantification of [18F]FDOPA and [18F]-3-OMFD in pig serum - a new TLC method in comparison with HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pawelke, B.; Fuechtner, F.; Bergmann, R.; Brust, P.


    A novel TLC method for convenient quantification of [ 18 F]FDOPA and [ 18 F]-3-OMFD in routine operation was developed and the results assessed in comparison with an HPLC analysis. The two methods were found to correlate well. [ 18 F]fluoride which resisted determination on HPLC RP-18 columns was also quantified by TLC. (orig.)

  13. Determination of epirubicin and its metabolite epirubicinol in saliva and plasma by HPLC

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dodde, WIW; Maring, JG; Hendriks, G; Wachters, FM; Groen, HJM; de Vries, EGE; Uges, DRA

    We present a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method suitable for the analysis of epirubicin and its metabolite epirubicinol in saliva and plasma. Preparation of saliva and plasma samples was performed by extraction of analytes with a chloroform: 2-propanol mixture (6:1, vol/vol) and

  14. Estimation of color of durum wheat. Comparison of WSB, HPLC, and reflectance colorimeter measurements. (United States)

    Fratianni, Alessandra; Irano, Mario; Panfili, Gianfranco; Acquistucci, Rita


    Color is an important parameter involved in the definition of semolina and pasta quality. This character is mainly due to natural pigments (carotenoids) that are present at different levels in cereals and cereal products, due to botanical origin, growing conditions, distribution in the kernel, and technological processes. In food industries, color measurements are usually performed by means of automatic instruments that are rapid and safe, as alternatives to the chemical extraction methods. In this study, automatic measurements (CIE, color-space system L, a, b), water-saturated butanol (WSB), and HPLC determinations have been applied to evaluate the carotenoid content in whole meals and respective semolina samples produced from wheat cultivated in the years 2001 and 2002. In whole meals, total carotenoids, determined by HPLC, were about 3.0 microg/g (2001) and 3.5 microg/g (2002) calculated on dry weight (dw) and about 3.0 and 3.2 microg/g dw in corresponding semolina samples. The b values for the same period were 19.78 and 15.75, respectively, in raw materials and 20.03-21.67 in semolina. Results have confirmed lutein and beta-carotene as the main components mainly responsible for the yellow color in wheat grains. The ability of the index b to express natural dyeing was dependent on sample characteristics as demonstrated by the relationships found between this index and pigments, although the best correlation resulted between HPLC and WSB.

  15. HPLC for simultaneous quantification of total ceramide, glucosylceramide, and ceramide trihexoside concentrations in plasma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groener, Johanna E. M.; Poorthuis, Ben J. H. M.; Kuiper, Sijmen; Helmond, Mariette T. J.; Hollak, Carla E. M.; Aerts, Johannes M. F. G.


    BACKGROUND: Simple, reproducible assays are needed for the quantification of sphingolipids, ceramide (Cer), and sphingoid bases. We developed an HPLC method for simultaneous quantification of total plasma concentrations of Cer, glucosylceramide (GlcCer), and ceramide trihexoside (CTH). METHODS:

  16. Comparison of a specific HPLC determination of toxic aconite alkaloids in processed Radix aconiti with a titration method of total alkaloids. (United States)

    Csupor, Dezso; Borcsa, Botond; Heydel, Barbara; Hohmann, Judit; Zupkó, István; Ma, Yan; Widowitz, Ute; Bauer, Rudolf


    In traditional Chinese medicine, Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) roots are only applied after processing. Nevertheless, several cases of poisoning by improperly processed aconite roots have been reported. The aim of this study was to develop a reliable analytical method to assess the amount of toxic aconite alkaloids in commercial aconite roots, and to compare this method with the commonly used total alkaloid content determination by titration. The content of mesaconitine, aconitine, and hypaconitine in 16 commercial samples of processed aconite roots was determined by an HPLC method and the total alkaloid content by indirect titration. Five samples were selected for in vivo toxicological investigation. In most of the commercial samples, toxic alkaloids were not detectable, or only traces were found. In four samples, we could detect >0.04% toxic aconite alkaloids, the highest with a content of 0.16%. The results of HPLC analysis were compared with the results obtained by titration, and no correlation was found between the two methods. The in vivo results reassured the validity of the HPLC determination. Samples with mesaconitine, aconitine, and hypaconitine content below the HPLC detection limit still contained up to 0.2% alkaloids determined by titration. Since titration of alkaloids gives no information selectively on the aconitine-type alkaloid content and toxicity of aconite roots this method is not appropriate for safety assessment. The HPLC method developed by us provides a quick and reliable assessment of toxicity and should be considered as a purity test in pharmacopoeia monographs.

  17. Fingerprint analysis of polysaccharides from different Ganoderma by HPLC combined with chemometrics methods. (United States)

    Sun, Xiaomei; Wang, Haohao; Han, Xiaofeng; Chen, Shangwei; Zhu, Song; Dai, Jun


    A fingerprint analysis method has been developed for characterization and discrimination of polysaccharides from different Ganoderma by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with chemometrics means. The polysaccharides were extracted under ultrasonic-assisted condition, and then partly hydrolyzed with trifluoroacetic acid. Monosaccharides and oligosaccharides in the hydrolyzates were subjected to pre-column derivatization with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone and HPLC analysis, which will generate unique fingerprint information related to chemical composition and structure of polysaccharides. The peak data were imported to professional software in order to obtain standard fingerprint profiles and evaluate similarity of different samples. Meanwhile, the data were further processed by hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Polysaccharides from different parts or species of Ganoderma or polysaccharides from the same parts of Ganoderma but from different geographical regions or different strains could be differentiated clearly. This fingerprint analysis method can be applied to identification and quality control of different Ganoderma and their products. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Determination of the carbohydrates from Notopterygium forbesii Boiss by HPLC with fluorescence detection. (United States)

    Zhang, Shijuan; Li, Chunli; Zhou, Guoying; Che, Guodong; You, Jinmao; Suo, Yourui


    A sensitive pre-column derivatization method was developed for analysis of carbohydrates by HPLC with fluorescence detection. The introduction of 2-(12-benzo[b]acridin-5(12H)-yl)-acetohydrazide (BAAH) with excellent fluorescence property into the molecules of monosaccharides greatly enhanced the HPLC sensitivity of the analytes. Meanwhile, derivatization with BAAH also greatly increased the hydrophobicity of the monosaccharides and made them elute at increased retention times. The monosaccharides with similar properties therefore could be completely separated due to the increased interaction between the analytes and the column. Component monosaccharides of the polysaccharides obtained from the roots, stems and leaves of Notopterygium forbesii Boiss (NF) were analyzed by the developed method. The results indicated that the polysaccharides of NF were mainly composed of d-galactose and d-glucose. This is the first systematic study of the sugar composition of the polysaccharides of NF. It will be helpful for the quality control of NF. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Analysis of 2-ethylhexyl-p-methoxycinnamate in sunscreen products by HPLC and Raman spectroscopy. (United States)

    Cheng, J; Li, Y S; L Roberts, R; Walker, G


    The analyses of 2-ethylhexyl-p-methoxycinnamate (EHMC) using HPLC and Raman spectroscopy have been undertaken and compared. EHMC, which is one of the most widely used sunscreen agents in suncare products in the US, exhibits a strong Raman signal. This signal clearly appears in both ethanol solutions of EHMC as well as in commercial sunscreen lotions containing this sun screen agent. A method for the direct detection and analysis of EHMC has been developed using Raman spectroscopy. This was accomplished by correlating the Raman intensities with the HPLC assays for a series of prototype suncare formulations. Based upon this information, it would be possible to employ Raman spectroscopy as an in-process control method in the commercial production of suncare products containing EHMC. The possibility of applying surface-enhanced Raman scattering for trace analysis was discussed.

  20. Separation and identification of beta-carotene and its cis isomers by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC); Separacion e identificacion del beta-caroteno y sus isomeros cis por cromatografia liquida de alta resolucion (HPLC)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carrillo de Padilla, F [Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Facultad de Farmacia, Catedra de Analisis de Alimentos, Caracas (Venezuela)


    The separation and identification by HPLC of the cis isomers of beta-carotene was studied. A 1.26 mg/ml beta-carotene solution previously isomerized with iodine as a catalyst, was eluted with 2% acetone in hexane, from a Ca(OH)2 chromatographic column in three bands. The fractions were identified by spectrophotometry and the retention times of 2.05, 2.4 and 2.8 min for the 13 cis, all-trans, and 9 cis beta-carotene isomers, determined by HPLC, with 1% acetone in hexane as Mobil phase. 22.13 mg % of all-trans beta-carotene were found in a sample of canned carrots. It is recommended the analyses of a greater number of samples, the determination of the method's sensitivity, reproducibility, and the use of a standard of reference of a response factor for calculations.

  1. Uncertainty budget for final assay of a pharmaceutical product based on RP-HPLC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heydorn, Kaj; Anglov, Thomas; Byrialsen, Kirsten


    ). The reported example illustrates the estimation of uncertainty for the final determination of a protein concentration by HPLC using UV detection, using the approach described by EURACHEM/CITAC. The combined standard uncertainty for a protein concentration of 2400 mumol/L was estimated to be 14 mumol/L. All...

  2. New Stability Indicating RP-HPLC Method for the Estimation of Cefpirome Sulphate in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms


    Rao, Kareti Srinivasa; Kumar, Keshar Nargesh; Joydeep, Datta


    A simple stability indicating reversed-phase HPLC method was developed and subsequently validated for estimation of Cefpirome sulphate (CPS) present in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The proposed RP-HPLC method utilizes a LiChroCART-Lichrosphere100, C18 RP column (250 mm ? 4mm ? 5 ?m) in an isocratic separation mode with mobile phase consisting of methanol and water in the proportion of 50:50 % (v/v), at a flow rate 1ml/min, and the effluent was monitored at 270 nm. The retention time of CPS wa...

  3. HPLC-DAD stability indicating determination of nizatidine in bulk and capsules dosage form

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tarek S. Belal


    Full Text Available This work describes the stability-indicating determination of the H2-receptor antagonist nizatidine in its bulk and capsules dosage form using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD. The developed method involved the use of Thermo Hypersil BDS-C8 (4.6 × 250 mm, 5 μm particle size column and a mobile phase composed of 0.05 M phosphoric acid and acetonitrile (50:50, v/v. The mobile phase was pumped at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Quantification of nizatidine was based on measuring its peak area at 320 nm. The retention time for nizatidine was about 3.61 min. The reliability and analytical performance of the proposed HPLC procedure were statistically validated with respect to linearity, range, precision, accuracy, specificity, robustness, detection and quantification limits. Calibration curve of nizatidine was linear in the range of 5–50 μg/mL with correlation coefficient >0.9999. The drug was subjected to forced-degradation conditions of acidic and basic hydrolysis, oxidation, dry heat and UV photolysis where it showed considerable degradation in basic and oxidative conditions. The proposed method proved to be specific and stability-indicating by resolution of the drug from its forced-degradation products. The validated HPLC method was applied to the analysis of nizatidine in capsules dosage form where it was quantified with recoveries not less than 98.2%. Assay results were statistically compared to USP 2011 pharmacopeial method where no significant difference was observed between the proposed and reference methods.

  4. The Second SeaWiFS HPLC Analysis Round-Robin Experiment (SeaHARRE-2) (United States)


    Eight international laboratories specializing in the determination of marine pigment concentrations using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were intercompared using in situ samples and a variety of laboratory standards. The field samples were collected primarily from eutrophic waters, although mesotrophic waters were also sampled to create a dynamic range in chlorophyll concentration spanning approximately two orders of magnitude (0.3 25.8 mg m-3). The intercomparisons were used to establish the following: a) the uncertainties in quantitating individual pigments and higher-order variables (sums, ratios, and indices); b) an evaluation of spectrophotometric versus HPLC uncertainties in the determination of total chlorophyll a; and c) the reduction in uncertainties as a result of applying quality assurance (QA) procedures associated with extraction, separation, injection, degradation, detection, calibration, and reporting (particularly limits of detection and quantitation). In addition, the remote sensing requirements for the in situ determination of total chlorophyll a were investigated to determine whether or not the average uncertainty for this measurement is being satisfied. The culmination of the activity was a validation of the round-robin methodology plus the development of the requirements for validating an individual HPLC method. The validation process includes the measurements required to initially demonstrate a pigment is validated, and the measurements that must be made during sample analysis to confirm a method remains validated. The so-called performance-based metrics developed here describe a set of thresholds for a variety of easily-measured parameters with a corresponding set of performance categories. The aggregate set of performance parameters and categories establish a) the overall performance capability of the method, and b) whether or not the capability is consistent with the required accuracy objectives.

  5. Investigations into the use of bacteria for enhanced recovery of petroleum; Untersuchungen zum Einsatz von Bakterien zur Erhoehung des Entoelungsgrades in Erdoellagerstaetten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amro, M.


    Strains of bacteria were investigated with a view to their applicability and efficiency in enhanced recovery of petroleum. The mechanisms of enhanced recovery with bacteria were to be clarified as well. The experiments were carried out as static autoclave experiments without bedrock and as dynamic flooding experiments in a model pore space (Bentheim sandstone and carbonate rock) under the conditions of North German petroleum deposits. The static experiments carried out preliminary to the more time-consuming dynamic flooding experiments were to help with an optimized design of the injection experiments. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die vorliegende Arbeit hat zum Ziel, entoelungswirksame Bakterienstaemme zu untersuchen und hinsichtlich der durch sie bewirkten Erhoehung des Entoelungsgrades zu bewerten. Gleichzeitig sollen die Mechanismen aufgeklaert werden, die der Entoelungsverbesserung durch Einsatz von Bakterien zugrunde liegen. Die Experimente wurden als statische Autoklavenversuche ohne Lagerstaettengestein sowie als dynamische Flutversuche im Modellporenraum (Bentheimer Sandstein und karbonatisches Gesteinsmaterial) unter Bedingungen norddeutscher Lagerstaetten durchgefuehrt. Die statischen Versuche, die als Auswahltests den aufwendigeren dynamischen Flutversuchen vorgeschaltet waren, sollten dazu beitragen, die Flutversuche gezielt konzipieren zu koennen. (orig./EF)

  6. Comparative determination of sibutramine as an adulterant in natural slimming products by HPLC and HPTLC densitometry. (United States)

    Ariburnu, Etil; Uludag, Mehmet Fazli; Yalcinkaya, Huseyin; Yesilada, Erdem


    A new validated method for the identification and quantification of the sibutramine was developed by HPTLC-densitometry at 225 nm and advantages and disadvantages compared with HPLC-FLD at 225 nm emission and 316 nm excitation. Both methods were applied to the analysis of three natural slimming products in the market for the quantitative analysis of illegally added sibutramine. HPTLC separations were performed on (20 cm × 10 cm) glass HPTLC plates coated with silica gel 60 F(254) using a mobile phase, n-hexane-acetone-ammonia (10:1:0.1, v/v/v). For HPLC analysis, a phenyl column (5.0 μm, 150 mm × 4.6 mm, i.d.) and an isocratic mobile phase of acetonitrile-water-formic acid (pH 3.0; 0.19M) (45:55:0.78, v/v/v) was used. The calibration curve area versus concentration was found to be linear in the range of 250-2000 ng/spot(-1) and 5-200 μg/ml for HPTLC and HPLC, respectively. Both methods were validated for accuracy, precision, linearity, selectivity, recovery and short term stability. As a conclusion, these methods were found to be useful for the routine analysis of illegally added sibutramine in the marketed products. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Relative bioavailability studies on a locally manufactured aspirin tablets using UV spectrophotometry and HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwadzo, Ameko David


    Modern trends in drug analysis require use of less time consuming, efficient, cost effective, fast, reproducible, simple and convenient methods. Two analytical methods were employed for the determination, the UV spectrophotometry and the HPLC. Aspirin, which is rapidly deacetylated to salicylic acid after absorption into the plasma, is excreted in the urine. In determining the salicylic acid concentration in the urine, the absorbance was quantitated by a spectrometer at a wavelength of 540nm. Aspirin formed an amber coloured complex with ferric ions (Trinder’s reagent). The complex, which formed instantaneously at room temperature, was stable. The solution of the complex obeyed Beer’s law at 540nm, the wavelength of maximum absorption of radiation (λmax). Phenol—induced absorbance is quenched by acidifying the reaction mixture with phosphoric acid. An HPLC analytical method was used in determining the free salicylate excreted in the urine. The mobile phase employed is a validated method from the USP- XXII (1990) which consists of water, methanol and glacial acetic acid in the ratio 69: 28: 3 respectively. The chromatographic conditions involved a flow rate of 1.0ml/rnin, wavelength of maximum absorption of 236nrn, stationary phase Spherisorb S5 ODS 1 phase sep column with standard dimensions of 25.0 cm length and 4.6cm diameter and chart recorder speed of 5mm/min. The quality of the reference and the test tablets were assessed by a number of standard tests, which include uniformity of weight, friability, hardness and dissolution that fall within the BP 2000 specification. The observation from the study reveals that the relative bioavailability of aspirin (w.r.t. salicylic acid) were 103.39% and 94.93% for HPLC and UV respectively. The mean cumulative percentage of the drug excreted in both cases were ii .05% and 10.69% for test and reference respectively for HPLC and 76.45% and 80.53% for test and reference respectively for UV analysis. The cumulative amount

  8. Preparation and determination of desethylamiodarone in dog lung by HPLC-MS. (United States)

    Hong, Liu Xue; Ying, Yang Chuan; Lei, Zheng; Chen, Guo Rui


    A novel method was developed for the preparation and determination of desethylamiodarone in dog lung by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with amiodarone as a standard. The selected dog was orally given amiodarone, then executed and the active metabolite desethylamiodirone in lung tissue was isolated, concentrated and purified by Waters C18 column (25 mm x 250 mm, 10 microm) with mobile phase of acetonitrile-100 mmol/L acetic acid containing 15 mmol/L diethylamine (55:45 v/v) at a flow rate of 10.0 mL/min. Hypersil ODS2 column (4.6 mm x 250 mm 5 microm) was used to analyze amiodarone and desethylamiodarone, with the same mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, the detection wavelength was 237.5 nm. Atmosperic pressure electronic spray ionization (AP-ESI) and ion mass spectral (m/z) of 618.1(M + H) were selected to validate desethylamiodarone. The f(i) of desethylamiodarone and amiodarone were 1.04 +/- 0.02 and 1.020 +/- 0.01, respectively. It indicated that desethylamiodarone can be separated and purified by preparational HPLC after Mass Spectrometry (MS) validation and quantified according to f(i) of amiodarone indirectly. The proposed method enables the preparation and determination of desethylamiodarone in dog lung successfully.

  9. HPLC fingerprint analysis combined with chemometrics for pattern recognition of ginger. (United States)

    Feng, Xu; Kong, Weijun; Wei, Jianhe; Ou-Yang, Zhen; Yang, Meihua


    Ginger, the fresh rhizome of Zingiber officinale Rosc. (Zingiberaceae), has been used worldwide; however, for a long time, there has been no standard approbated internationally for its quality control. To establish an efficacious and combinational method and pattern recognition technique for quality control of ginger. A simple, accurate and reliable method based on high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array (HPLC-PDA) detection was developed for establishing the chemical fingerprints of 10 batches of ginger from different markets in China. The method was validated in terms of precision, reproducibility and stability; and the relative standard deviations were all less than 1.57%. On the basis of this method, the fingerprints of 10 batches of ginger samples were obtained, which showed 16 common peaks. Coupled with similarity evaluation software, the similarities between each fingerprint of the sample and the simulative mean chromatogram were in the range of 0.998-1.000. Then, the chemometric techniques, including similarity analysis, hierarchical clustering analysis and principal component analysis were applied to classify the ginger samples. Consistent results were obtained to show that ginger samples could be successfully classified into two groups. This study revealed that HPLC-PDA method was simple, sensitive and reliable for fingerprint analysis, and moreover, for pattern recognition and quality control of ginger.

  10. Quantitative HPLC analysis of some marker compounds of hydroalcoholic extracts of Piper aduncum L

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Laura C.P.; Nunomura, Sergio M. [Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia (INPA), Manaus, AM (Brazil). Coordenacao de Pesquisas em Produtos Naturais]. E-mail:; Mause, Robert [Siema Eco Essencias da Amazonia Ltda., Manaus, AM (Brazil)


    High performance liquid chromatography is one of the major analytical techniques used in the quality control of phytotherapics. This work describes a HPLC method used to determine the major components present in different hydroalcoholic extracts of aerial parts of Piper aduncum. (author)

  11. Quantitative HPLC analysis of some marker compounds of hydroalcoholic extracts of Piper aduncum L

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Laura C.P.; Nunomura, Sergio M.


    High performance liquid chromatography is one of the major analytical techniques used in the quality control of phytotherapics. This work describes a HPLC method used to determine the major components present in different hydroalcoholic extracts of aerial parts of Piper aduncum. (author)

  12. Determination of acetylsalicylic acid and salicylic acid in foods, using HPLC with fluorescence detection.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Venema, D.P.; Hollman, P.C.H.; Janssen, P.L.T.M.K.; Katan, M.B.


    We developed a specific and sensitive HPLC method with fluorescence detection for the determination of free acetylsalicylic acid, free salicylic acid, and free salicylic acid plus salicylic acid after alkaline hydrolysis (free-plus-bound) in foods. Acetylsalicylic acid was detected after postcolumn

  13. Autotoxins Screening from Aqueous Extracts of Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bge. Based on Spectrum-Effect Relationship Between HPLC Fingerprints and Autotoxicity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan, L. H.; Peng, W.; Min, N.; Qian, L.; Qing, Z. Y.


    The spectrum-effect relationships between chromatography fingerprints and efficacy were regarded as a useful key for bioactive compounds screening from complex mixtures. In this study, a new mode for autotoxins exploring based on spectrum-effect relationship between HPLC fingerprints and autotoxicity was established. HPLC method was used to establish five batches fingerprints of Danshen aqueous extracts and eighteen common peaks were picked out by using the similarity evaluation system. Seed germination and seedling growth tests of Danshen were carried out and those observable indicators were comprehensively quantified by principal components analysis to evaluate autotoxicity. Ultimately, grey relational analysis was applied to evaluate the correlation degree of chemical components characterized by common peaks and autotoxicity. According to the magnitude of the correlation degree, ten peaks of the HPLC fingerprints indicating the main active autotoxins chemicals were obtained. This study provides a general model for active components exploring by the combination of chromatography and efficacy. (author)

  14. Determination of Two Sulfonylurea Herbicides Residues in Soil Environment Using HPLC and Phytotoxicity of These Herbicides by Lentil Bioassay. (United States)

    Mehdizadeh, Mohammad; Alebrahim, Mohammad Taghi; Roushani, Mahmoud


    A HPLC-UV detection system was used for determination of sulfosulfuron and tribenuron methyl residues from soils. The soils were fortified with sulfosulfuron and tribenuron methyl at rates of 26 and 15 g a.i. ha -1 respectively and samples were taken randomly on 0 (2 h), 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 40, 60, 90 and 120 days after treatment. The final extracts were prepared for analysis by HPLC. The results showed that degradation of both herbicides in the silty loam soil was faster than sandy loam soil. Half-life of sulfosulfuron was ranged from 5.37 to 10.82 days however this value for tribenuron methyl was ranged from 3.23 to 5.72 days on different soils. The residue of both herbicides at 120 days after application in wheat field had no toxicitic effect on lentil. It was concluded that HPLC analysis procedure was an appropriate method for determination of these herbicides from soils.

  15. Development and validation of a stability-indicating RP–HPLC method for estimation of atazanavir sulfate in bulk

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Dey


    Full Text Available A stability-indicating reverse phase–high performance liquid chromatography (RP–HPLC method was developed and validated for the determination of atazanavir sulfate in tablet dosage forms using C18 column Phenomenix (250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm with a mobile phase consisting of 900 mL of HPLC grade methanol and 100 mL of water of HPLC grade. The pH was adjusted to 3.55 with acetic acid. The mobile phase was sonicated for 10 min and filtered through a 0.45 μm membrane filter at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The detection was carried out at 249 nm and retention time of atazanavir sulfate was found to be 8.323 min. Linearity was observed from 10 to 90 μg/mL (coefficient of determination R2 was 0.999 with equation, y=23.427x+37.732. Atazanavir sulfate was subjected to stress conditions including acidic, alkaline, oxidation, photolysis and thermal degradation, and the results showed that it was more sensitive towards acidic degradation. The method was validated as per ICH guidelines.

  16. Size Exclusion HPLC Detection of Small-Size Impurities as a Complementary Means for Quality Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tao Huang


    Full Text Available For extracellular vesicle research, whether for biomarker discoveries or therapeutic applications, it is critical to have high-quality samples. Both microscopy and NanoSight Tracking Analysis (NTA for size distribution have been used to detect large vesicles. However, there is currently no well-established method that is convenient for routine quality analysis of small-size impurities in vesicle samples. In this paper we report a convenient method, called ‘size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography’ (SE-HPLC, alongside NTA and Microscopy analysis to guide and qualify the isolation and processing of vesicles. First, the SE-HPLC analysis was used to detect impurities of small-size proteins during the ultra-centrifugation process of vesicle isolation; it was then employed to test the changes of vesicles under different pH conditions or integrity after storage. As SE-HPLC is generally accessible in most institutions, it could be used as a routine means to assist researchers in examining the integrity and quality of extracellular vesicles along with other techniques either during isolation/preparation or for further engineering and storage.

  17. HPLC a možnost jejího využití při vzdělávání budoucích učitelů chemie


    Gabriel, Štěpán


    This diploma thesis is focused on theoretical and practical aspects of High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This method is introduced as one of the most frequently used current analytical methods. The theoretical part of thesis is focused on instrumentation of HPLC and particular components of HPLC analytical system. The most often used mobile phases and static phases are described as well. Based on these theoretical aspects, laboratory exercise using HPLC for future teachers is des...

  18. Electrochemical Detectors in HPLC and Ion Chromatography. (United States)

    Horvai, George; Pungor, ErnÕ


    Back in 1952, the renowned Polish electrochemist Wiktor Kemula introduced chromato-polarography, 1 i.e., polaro-graphic detection for liquid chromatography. This technique continued to develop slowly until the early 1970s (for a review see Reference 2) when modem high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) emerged. This new, highly efficient chromatographc method could only be. used with detectors ensuring low dispersion. It was not easy to modify the dropping mercury electrode cells to satisfy this requirement. However, at the same time, electroanalytical chemists, who already had much experience in using carbon-based electrodes for oxidative detection in flow analysis, put forward the idea of oxidative amperometric detection in liquid chromatography. 3,4 In this technique, solid or quasi-solid (paste) electrodes were used and this made possible the construction of miniaturized cells with just a few microliter volume.

  19. CZE separation of strawberry anthocyanins with acidic buffer and comparison with HPLC. (United States)

    Comandini, Patrizia; Blanda, Giampaolo; Cardinali, Andrea; Cerretani, Lorenzo; Bendini, Alessandra; Caboni, Maria Fiorenza


    Anthocyanins, the major colourants of strawberries, are polar pigments that are positively charged at low pH. Herein, we have assessed a new analytical method for the separation of anthocyanins using CZE. Acidic buffer solutions (pH pigments in the cation flavylium form and achieve high molar absorptivity at 510 nm. These spectral properties enabled us to identify strawberry anthocyanins in a preliminary stage by detection in the visible range, although the method was optimised at 280 nm to obtain the best S/N. The effects of buffer composition highlighted the necessity of adding an organic modifier to the running buffer to obtain a suitable separation. The electrophoretic method permitted the separation of the three main anthocyanins of strawberry extracts, namely pelargonidin 3-glucoside (Pg-glu), pelargonidin 3-rutinoside and cyanidin 3-glucoside. The electrophoretic results, expressed as retention time and separation efficiency of the major anthocyanin (Pg-glu), were compared to those achieved in HPLC, the analytical technique traditionally used for the investigation of anthocyanins in vegetable matrix. The content of Pg-glu in strawberries (cv. Camarosa), calculated with HPCE and HPLC methods, resulted respectively in 11.41 mg/L and 11.37 mg/L.

  20. Extraction and Determination of Cyproheptadine in Human Urine by DLLME-HPLC Method. (United States)

    Maham, Mehdi; Kiarostami, Vahid; Waqif-Husain, Syed; Abroomand-Azar, Parviz; Tehrani, Mohammad Saber; Khoeini Sharifabadi, Malihe; Afrouzi, Hossein; Shapouri, Mahmoudreza; Karami-Osboo, Rouhollah


    Novel dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME), coupled with high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection (HPLC-DAD) has been applied for the extraction and determination of cyproheptadine (CPH), an antihistamine, in human urine samples. In this method, 0.6 mL of acetonitrile (disperser solvent) containing 30 μL of carbon tetrachloride (extraction solvent) was rapidly injected by a syringe into 5 mL urine sample. After centrifugation, the sedimented phase containing enriched analyte was dissolved in acetonitrile and an aliquot of this solution injected into the HPLC system for analysis. Development of DLLME procedure includes optimization of some important parameters such as kind and volume of extraction and disperser solvent, pH and salt addition. The proposed method has good linearity in the range of 0.02-4.5 μg mL(-1) and low detection limit (13.1 ng mL(-1)). The repeatability of the method, expressed as relative standard deviation was 4.9% (n = 3). This method has also been applied to the analysis of real urine samples with satisfactory relative recoveries in the range of 91.6-101.0%.

  1. Long-term observations on the influence of groundwater level variations on BTEX concentrations in groundwater; Langzeituntersuchungen zum Einfluss von Grundwasserschwankungen auf die BTEX-Konzentration im Grundwasser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Puettmann, W. [J.W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt a. M., Institut fuer Atmosphaere und Umwelt, AG Umweltanalytik, Frankfurt/Main (Germany); Hettwer, K.; Warrelmann, J. [Universitaet Bremen, Zentrum fuer Umweltforschung und Umwelttechnologie, Bremen (Germany); Gaab, S.


    A long-term study on natural attenuation and remediation in soil and groundwater at the former military base Schaeferhof-Sued (Niedersachsen) was performed at a former gasoline filling station. At this locality, a large residual source of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) and additional petroleum hydrocarbons is present in the soil. BTEX-concentrations in the groundwater and their correlation with groundwater level variations were monitored for three years. Within the monitoring period, a very dry summer was recorded, which caused the groundwater level to drop by 1.7 m and the BTEX concentrations to increase from 240 {mu}g/l to 1300 {mu}g/l at the site of contamination. The microbial degradation of BTEX was documented by data on consumption of electron acceptors (oxygen, nitrate or sulphate) and production of reduced products (Fe(II), methane). The degradation is further supported by the detection of metabolites. Therefore, the increasing BTEX concentrations were not a consequence of limited biological degradation. (orig.) [German] Auf dem frueher militaerisch genutzten Gelaende Schaeferhof-Sued (Niedersachsen) wurden im Bereich einer ehemaligen Abfuellstation fuer Kraftstoffe Langzeituntersuchungen zum natuerlichen Schadstoffabbau und -rueckhalt im Boden und Grundwasser durchgefuehrt. Der Standort weist eine hohe Restkontamination der Verbindungen Benzol, Toluol, Ethylbenzol und Xylole (BTEX), sowie Mineraloelkohlenwasserstoffen (MKW) in der ungesaettigten Bodenzone auf. Ueber einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren wurden die BTEX-Konzentrationen im Grundwasser und deren Abhaengigkeit von einer Aenderung des Grundwasserstandes untersucht und eine negative Korrelation der Schadstoffkonzentrationen mit der Hoehe des Grundwasserstandes festgestellt. Im Beobachtungszeitraum lag das sehr trockene Sommerhalbjahr 2003, was im Vergleich zum vorhergehenden Winterhalbjahr eine Absenkung des Grundwasserspiegels um 1,7 m zur Folge hatte und die BTEX-Konzentrationen am

  2. Quantification of urea in serum by isotope dilution HPLC/MS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Hwa Shim; Park, Sang Ryoul


    Urea in blood has been measured as an effective marker for diagnosis of renal function. Urea which is the end-product of nitrogen containing metabolites such as proteins is filtered through glomeruli of kidneys and then excreted as urine. If the renal function is deteriorated, the urea concentration in blood will be increased, from which the healthiness of renal function is judged. In order to improve the confidence of diagnosis results, the results must keep traceability chain to certified reference materials, which was certified by primary reference method. In this study, we proposed Isotope Dilution-Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (ID-LC/MS) as a candidate primary method, in which 15 N 2 -urea is used as an internal reference material. The developed method is highly accurate in principle and is convenient as it does not require cumbersome derivatization 0.1 mmol/L ammonium chloride was selected as a mobile phase for HPLC because it provide low interference in MS analysis of relatively low molecular weighted urea. HPLC and MS were connected with an ElectroSpry Ionization(ESI) interface of positive mode, which provided high sensitivity and reproducibility. The developed method was validated with internationally recognized reference materials, and we have obtained satisfactory results in an international ring trial. The expanded uncertainty calculated according to ISO guide was 1.8% at 95% confidence interval. The developed method is being used as a primary reference measurement method such as for certification of serum Certified Reference Materials (CRMs)

  3. Validation of an HPLC method for determination of chemical purity of [{sup 18}F]fluoromisonidazole ([{sup 18}F]FMISO)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nascimento, Natalia C.E.S.; Oliveira, Mércia L.; Lima, Fernando R.A., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciências Nucleares do Nordeste (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil); Silveira, Marina B.; Ferreira, Soraya Z.; Silva, Juliana B., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN/CNEN-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    [{sup 18}F]Fluoromisonidazole ([{sup 18}F]FMISO) is a nitroimidazole derivative labelled with fluorine-18 that selectively binds to hypoxic cells. It has been shown to be a suitable PET tracer for imaging hypoxia in tumors as well as in noncancerous tissues. [{sup 18}F]FMISO was prepared using a TRACERlabMX{sub FDG}® module (GE) with cassettes, software sequence and reagents kits from ABX. In this work, we aimed to develop and to validate a new high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for determination of chemical purity of [{sup 18}F]FMISO. Analyses were performed with an Agilent chromatograph equipped with radioactivity and UV detectors. [{sup 18}F]FMISO and impurities were separated on a C18 column by gradient elution with water and acetonitrile. Selectivity, linearity, detection limit (DL), quantification limit (LQ), precision, accuracy and robustness were assessed to demonstrate that the HPLC method is adequate for its intended purpose. The HPLC method showed a good precision, as all RSD values were lower than 5%. Robustness was evaluated considering a variation on parameters such mobile phase gradient and flow rate. Results evidenced that the HPLC method is validated and is suitable for radiochemical purity evaluation of [{sup 18}F]FMISO, considering operational conditions of our laboratory. As an extension of this work, other analytical methods used for [{sup 18}F]FMISO quality control should be evaluated, in compliance with good manufacture practice. (author)

  4. Determination of Dyclonine Hydrochloride by a HPLC Method and Camphor and Menthol by a GC Method in Compound Lotion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suying Ma


    Full Text Available A high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC method with UV detector for the determination of dyclonine hydrochloride and a gas chromatography (GC method with flame ionization detector (FID for the determination of camphor and menthol in lotion were developed. The developed HPLC method involved using a SinoChoom ODS-BP C18 reversed-phase column (5 μm, 4.6 mm × 200 mm and mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile : water : triethylamine in a ratio of 45 : 55 : 1.0; pH was adjusted to 3.5 with glacial acetic acid. The developed GC method for determination of camphor and menthol involved using an Agilent 19091J-413 capillary chromatographic column (30 m × 320 μm × 0.25 μm. The two methods were validated according to official compendia guidelines. The calibration of dyclonine hydrochloride for HPLC method was linear over the range of 20–200 μg/mL. The retention time was found at 6.0 min for dyclonine hydrochloride. The calibration of camphor and menthol of GC method was linear over the range of 10–2000 μg/mL. The retention time was found at 2.9 min for camphor and 3.05 min for menthol. The proposed HPLC and GC methods were proved to be suitable for the determination of dyclonine hydrochloride, camphor, and menthol in lotion.

  5. Metabolite profiling of leek (Allium porrum L) cultivars by (1) H NMR and HPLC-MS. (United States)

    Soininen, Tuula H; Jukarainen, Niko; Soininen, Pasi; Auriola, Seppo O K; Julkunen-Tiitto, Riitta; Oleszek, Wieslaw; Stochmal, Anna; Karjalainen, Reijo O; Vepsäläinen, Jouko J


    Leek (Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum) is consumed as a vegetable throughout the world. However, little is known about the metabolites of leek cultivars, especially those with potentially important beneficial properties for human health. We provide new information for the overall metabolite composition of several leek cultivars grown in Europe by using HPLC-MS and (1) H NMR. The use of a novel CTLS/NMR (constrained total-line-shape nuclear magnetic resonance) approach was found to be capable of reliable quantification, even with overlapping metabolite signals in the (1) H NMR of plant metabolites. Additionally, a new application for leek flavonoids was optimised for HPLC-MS. The total concentration of carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, kestose/nystose and sucrose) and nine amino acids varied by fourfold in leek juice from different cultivars, while the total concentrations of four organic acids were similar in all cultivars. All the quantified flavonols were kaempferol derivatives or quercetin derivatives and threefold differences in flavonol concentrations were detected between cultivars. In this study, various phytochemical profiles were determined for several leek cultivars by (1) H NMR spectroscopy with CTLS combined with HPLC-MS. The wide variation in bioactive compounds among commercial leek cultivars offers promising opportunities for breeders to raise the levels of important biochemical compounds in leek breeding lines, and also provides some objective measure for quality assurance for the leek industry. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  6. UPLC and HPLC of caffeoyl esters in wild and cultivated Arctium lappa L. (United States)

    Haghi, Ghasem; Hatami, Alireza; Mehran, Mehdi


    Analytical methods including ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with photodiode array (PDA) detector were developed for the analysis of caffeoylquinic acid derivatives in seeds, leaves and roots of Arctium lappa L. Separation was performed on C(18) column utilising 5% (v/v) acetic acid in water and acetonitrile at 330 nm. Both methodologies were validated in terms of linearity, precision, and recovery. The results showed that the major advantages of UPLC, over HPLC were the fast analysis, narrow peaks, high sensitivity, and reduction of solvent consumption. Subsequently the methods were applied for the identification and quantification of chlorogenic acid (5-CQA) and 1,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid (1,5-DCQA) as main compounds in samples. The total phenolic content of samples ranged from 3.93 to 14.13 g of 5-CQA equivalent/100g dry weight (DW). There was a significant variability from 89 to 571 mg/100g for 5-CQA and 48 to 486 mg/100g for 1,5-DCQA in dry material. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Establishment of analytical methods for analysis of pesticides and organic chlorides by hplc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghaffar, A.; Mashiatullah, A.; Javed, T.


    Methods for the analysis of organic chlorides and pesticides like dichlorophenol (DCP), DDT, Chlorpyrifos, Cypermethrin, Melathion, Diazinon and Pendimathalin by HPLC equipped with UV detector were established. The methods were optimized by applying different wavelengths and by changing the composition of mobile phase and flow rates. A series of analysis were performed to optimize the solvent composition, flow rate and wave length for analysis. The standard solutions with different concentration were prepared and run on HPLC. The calibration curves constructed from the peak area versus concentrations were linear (r = 0. 99). Efficiency of the developed methods was tested by taking known quantities of compounds in sample media by spiking separate portions of samples and repeating the analysis. The accuracy of the established methods was checked by interference and spiking the samples with the standard solution. The sample was analyzed and spiked with equal volume of standard solution. The calculated and actual analyzed concentrations were compared for the accuracy of method. The recoveries of samples ranged between 96-98 %, which prove the accuracy of the established methods. (orig./A.B.)

  8. Expermental Studies of quantitative evaluation using HPLC and safety of Sweet Bee Venom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ki Rok Kwon


    Full Text Available Objectives : This study was conducted to carry out quantitative evaluation and safety of Sweet Bee Venom. Methods : Content analysis was done using HPLC, measurement of LD50 was conducted intravenous, subcutaneous, and intra-muscular injection to the ICR mice. Results : 1. According to HPLC analysis, removal of the enzymes containing phospholipase A2 was successfully rendered on Sweet Bee Venom. And analyzing melittin content, Sweet Bee Venom contained 12% more melittin than Bee Venom. 2. LD50 of ICR mice with Sweet Bee Venom was more than 20mg/kg in subcutaneous injection and intravenous injection, between 15mg/kg and 20mg/kg in muscular injection. 3. LD50 of ICR mice with Bee Venom was between 6 and 9mg/kg in subcutaneous injection and intravenous injection, and more than 9mg/kg in muscular injection. Conclusion : Above results indicate that Sweet Bee Venom was more safe than Bee Venom and the process of removing enzymes was well rendered in Sweet Bee Venom.

  9. Measurement of cyclosporine concentrations in whole blood: HPLC and radioimmunoassay with a specific monoclonal antibody and 3H- or 125I-labeled ligand compared

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolf, B.A.; Daft, M.C.; Koenig, J.W.; Flye, M.W.; Turk, J.W.; Scott, M.G.


    We compared cyclosporine concentrations in whole blood as measured by HPLC and by RIA with a monoclonal antibody specific for cyclosporine with 3 H- or 125 I-labeled cyclosporine ligand. The 3 H-RIA kit slightly underestimated cyclosporine concentrations (greater than 600 micrograms/L) in comparison with HPLC. Over a wide range of concentrations, cyclosporine measured with the 125 I-RIA kit correlated well with HPLC (slope = 0.99, n = 301, r = 0.98), observed for samples from recipients of kidney, heart, or liver allografts (respective slopes: 1.01, 0.93, and 1.00). The 125 I-RIA standard curve was linear to 1000 micrograms of cyclosporine per liter. Inter- and intra-assay CVs for 125 I-RIA measurements of cyclosporine were less than or equal to 7%. Evidently, the 125 I-RIA kit involving a monoclonal antibody specific for cyclosporine is equivalent to the HPLC assay and can replace it for therapeutic drug monitoring of cyclosporine therapy

  10. Authentication and distinction of Shenmai injection with HPLC fingerprint analysis assisted by pattern recognition techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xue-Feng Lu


    Full Text Available In this paper, the feasibility and advantages of employing high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC fingerprints combined with pattern recognition techniques for quality control of Shenmai injection were investigated and demonstrated. The Similarity Evaluation System was employed to evaluate the similarities of samples of Shenmai injection, and the HPLC generated chromatographic data were analyzed using hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA and soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA. Consistent results were obtained to show that the authentic samples and the blended samples were successfully classified by SIMCA, which could be applied to accurate discrimination and quality control of Shenmai injection. Furthermore, samples could also be grouped in accordance with manufacturers. Our results revealed that the developed method has potential perspective for the original discrimination and quality control of Shenmai injection. Keywords: Shenmai injection, High performance liquid chromatography, Fingerprint, Pattern recognition

  11. Stability Indicating RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Aspirin and Clopidrogel in Dosage Form

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Gousuddin; Sengupta, P.; Tripathi, V.D.; Das, A.


    Stability-indicating High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed for simultaneous Aspirin and Clopidogrel, A Phenomenex Gemini C-18, 5 μm column having 250 mm x 4.6 mm i.d. in isocratic mode, with mobile phase containing buffer solution 0.3 % orthophosphoric acid : acetonitrile (65:35, v/v). The flow rate was 1 ml/ min and effluents were monitored at 266 nm. For linearity seven points calibration curve were obtained in a concentration range from 0.030-0.120 mg/ ml for aspirin and 0.015-0.060 mg/ ml for clopidogrel with correlation coefficient 0.9999. In the present study stability indicating HPLC method for the combination was tested by degrading the drugs together under various stress conditions like acid hydrolysis, base hydrolysis, oxidation, thermal and photolytic stress which is recommended by ICH guideline. (author)

  12. Vitamin D status assessed by a validated HPLC method: within and between variation in subjects supplemented with vitamin D3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Jette; Bysted, Anette; Andersen, Rikke


    Objective. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for assessing vitamin D status as 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 (S-25OHD2) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (S-25OHD3) in serum. Material and methods. We assessed the within- and between-subject variat......Objective. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for assessing vitamin D status as 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 (S-25OHD2) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (S-25OHD3) in serum. Material and methods. We assessed the within- and between......-subject variation of vitamin D status in serum samples from four different dietary intervention studies in which subjects (n=92) were supplemented with different doses of vitamin D3 (5-12 g/day) and for different durations (4-20 months). Results. The HPLC method was applicable for 4.0-200 nmol S-25OHD/L, while...... the within-day and between-days variations were 3.8 % and 5.7 %, respectively. There was a concentration-dependent difference between results obtained by a commercial radioimmunoassay and results from the HPLC method of -5 to 20 nmol 25OHD/L in the range 10-100 nmol 25OHD/L. The between-subject variation...

  13. Veeteelt in ontwikkelingslanden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weerdenburg, J.; Langelaar, M.; Schat, B.; Kuyvenhoven, A.; Heerink, N.B.M.; Vijfhuizen, C.; Jong, R. de; Zwart, Dirk; Haan, C. de; Broerse, J.E.W.; Sande, T.A.M. van de; Rive Box, L. de la

    Voor u ligt het verslag van de lezingenserie Veeteelt in ontwikkelingslanden die, georganiseerd door het Bureau Studium Generale in samenwerking met de Stichting Diergeneeskunde in Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (DIO), aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht werd gehouden in het voorjaar van

  14. [Spectrum-effect Relationship Between Total Antioxidant Activity and HPLC Fingerprint of Arctium lappa Root]. (United States)

    Wang, Xiao-juan; Jiang, Lin


    To explore the spectrum-effect relationship between the HPLC fingerprint of Arctium lappa root methanol extract and the total antioxidant activity. The experiment was carried out with Gemini C18 110A (250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 µm) column using methanol-0.04% phosphoric acid as gradient mobile phase at the flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, detection wavelength of 320 nm. The total antioxidant activity was determined by measuring the absorbance of each sample after being reacted with ammonium molybdate reagent. The spectrum-effect relationship was investigated using canonical correlation analysis (CCA). The spectrum-effect relationship between the HPLC fingerprint of Arctium lappa root methanol extract and the total antioxidant activity were established, the similarity of fingerprint of all samples was above 0.9. Peaks 1, 6, 9, 12 and 14 were principle components of Arctium lappa root for the total antioxidant activity. This method contributes to the fast comprehensive evaluation of quality of Arctium lappa root.

  15. HPLC-Based Method to Evaluate Kinetics of Glucosinolate Hydrolysis by Sinapis alba Myrosinase1 (United States)

    Vastenhout, Kayla J.; Tornberg, Ruthellen H.; Johnson, Amanda L.; Amolins, Michael W.; Mays, Jared R.


    Isothiocyanates (ITCs) are one of several hydrolysis products of glucosinolates, plant secondary metabolites which are substrates for the thioglucohydrolase myrosinase. Recent pursuits toward the development of synthetic, non-natural ITCs have consequently led to an exploration of generating these compounds from non-natural glucosinolate precursors. Evaluation of the myrosinase-dependent conversion of select non-natural glucosinolates to non-natural ITCs cannot be accomplished using established UV-Vis spectroscopic methods. To overcome this limitation, an alternative HPLC-based analytical approach was developed where initial reaction velocities were generated from non-linear reaction progress curves. Validation of this HPLC method was accomplished through parallel evaluation of three glucosinolates with UV-Vis methodology. The results of this study demonstrate that kinetic data is consistent between both analytical methods and that the tested glucosinolates respond similarly to both Michaelis–Menten and specific activity analyses. Consequently, this work resulted in the complete kinetic characterization of three glucosinolates with Sinapis alba myrosinase, with results that were consistent with previous reports. PMID:25068719

  16. Carotenoid determination in recent marine sediments - practical problems during sample preparation and HPLC analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magdalena Krajewska


    Full Text Available An analytical procedure for the analysis of carotenoids in marine sediments rich in organic matter has been developed. Analysis of these compounds is difficult; the application of methods used by other authors required optimization for the samples studied here. The analytical procedure involved multiple ultrasound-assisted extraction with acetone followed by liquid-liquid extraction (acetone extract:benzene:water - 15:1:10 v/v/v and HPLC analysis. The influence of column temperature on pigment separation and the quantification method were investigated – a temperature of 5 °C was selected for the Lichrospher 100 RP-18e column. The pigments in the sediment extract were quantified using a method based on HPLC analysis (at 450 nm and spectrophotometric measurements (at 450 nm, and extinction coefficients were determined for standard solutions at this wavelength. It is very important to use the value of the extinction coefficient appropriate to the wavelength at which the detection of carotenoids was carried out.

  17. Methodology for determination of benzimidazolic fungicides residues in strawberry and lettuce by HPLC-DAD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dangond Araujo, Jose Jairo; Guerrero dallos, Jairo Arturo


    systemic fungicides like benzimidazolic compounds are used to protect several crops of fruits and vegetables. in this work a new method for analysis of Benomyl, carbendazim and thiabendazol in strawberry and lettuce by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) was validated. benomyl residues were determined after its conversion to carbendazim. pesticide residues were extracted from strawberry and lettuce samples with ethyl acetate and these extracts were cleaned up by gel permeation chromatography (GPC). final determination was carried out by HPLC-DAD in reverse phase column. the method is selective, specific, precise and accurate. the calibration curves show linearity over concentration range of 1.24 to 6.19 mg/kg, with detection limits of 0.40 and 0.27 mg/kg and quantification limits of 1.35 and 0.81 mg/kg for carbendazim and thiabendazole respectively. the recovery experiments yielding averages of 90 %. n o residues of these compounds were found in collected samples from specific areas of Cundinamarca, Colombia


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    Full Text Available Abstract: This study was aimed to assess the feasibility of extracting fructo-oligosaccharides (degree of polymerization of 3-6 from jerusalem artichoke tubers by solvent extraction. Together with harvest date, storage time, and peeling of the raw material it was also investigated the influence of some process parameters on final dry matter, degree of polymerization and product profile of the extracts: time (10-60 min, temperature (40-80 °C, amount of solvent (30-50 ml and citric acid concentration (0-39 mmol/L. HPLC analysis showed that the most functional extracts (2.33 were obtained with mid-February harvested, 20 day-stored whole jerusalem artichoke tubers extracted with 40 ml of water containing 26 mmol/L citric acid at 60 °C for 40 min. Under those conditions, syrups with 17g of dry matter and degree of polymerization of 6 were produced. The density, viscosity, darkness and color of the syrups were found as 0.98 g/ml, 1.1 mPa-s, 0.38, and 13.3, respectively. Keywords: Fructo-oligosaccharides, HPLC, inulin, extraction, jerusalem artichoke YER ELMASINDAN ÖZÜTLENEN FRÜKTO-OLİGOSAKKARİT ŞURUPLARININ KARAKTERİSTİK ÖZELLİKLERİNİN HPLC ANALİZİ İLE BELİRLENMESİ Özet: Bu çalışmada, yer elmasından, çözücü özütleme yöntemiyle frükto-oligosakkaritlerin (polimerizasyon derecesi 3-6 özütlenebilirliğinin fizibilitesinin tayini amaçlanmıştır. Hasat zamanı, depolama süresi ve ham maddenin soyulmasının etkilerinin yanı sıra diğer bazı proses parametrelerinin (zaman (10-60 dak, sıcaklık (40-80°C, çözücü miktarı (30-50 ml ve sitrik asit derişimi (0-39 mmol/L de sonuçtaki kuru madde, polimerizasyon derecesi ve özütteki ürün profili üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. HPLC analizleri, en fonksiyonel özütün (2,33 Şubat ayı ortalarında hasat edilmiş, 20 gün depolanmış, soyulmamış yer elması yumrularının, 26 mmol/L sitrik asit içeren 40 ml suyla, 60 °C'de 40 dakika süreyle

  19. Un segno per il primo meridiano d’Italia a Roma

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    Tullio Aebischer


    Full Text Available A sign for Italy's Prime MeridianItaly's Prime Meridian, defined in 1871, is situated in a brick tower at the top of Monte Mario - Rome's highest hill. The Italian Government chose the site to be the point of passage for the Prime Meridian on September 20 1870 the same time the italian army had arrived back in Rome. This meridian remained in use for official italian land maps until 1995 when a new cartography based on the WGS84 reference system was  adopted. For this reason Italy's Prime Meridian can be considered an historical geodetic monument. Studium Urbis began the first demarcation of the meridian in february 2007with a plaque inside the Vatican Gardens. The Studium Urbis is currently continuing the ongoing project of the demarcation of the Italy's Prime Meridian in significant spots in Rome.

  20. Determination of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid for assessing the quality tap water using SPE and HPLC

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    Eduardo Luiz Delmonico


    Full Text Available The use of pesticides in agriculture is one of the current problems that may result in contamination of both ground and surface water and groundwater. Considering the environmental importance and the increasing use of herbicides in Maringá region, in the present work methods for extraction and determination of glyphosate (GLYP and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA using solid phase extraction (SPE and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC were developed. For SPE, anion exchange resin was used and elution was done with hydrochloric acid 50.0 mmol L-1, achieving recovery rates of 82.5-116.2% and 67.1-104.0% for AMPA and GLYP, respectively. For HPLC determination the analytes were derivatized and injected in the HPLC with a C18 column and using mobile phase consisting of phosphate buffer 0.20 mol L-1 at pH 3.0 and acetonitrile (85:15; the monitoring was done at 240 nm. The analysis was performed in 8 min with the same limit of detection and limit of quantification for AMPA and GLYP of 0.09 and 0.20 mg L-1, respectively. The methods were applied to analysis of public water supply samples and concentrations from 2.1 up to 2.9 µg L-1 for AMPA and from 2.3 up to 3.3 µg L-1 for glyphosate were found.

  1. Development and validation of a HPLC method for standardization of herbal and commercial extracts of Myrcia uniflora

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    Andrea N. de L. Batista


    Full Text Available Myrcia uniflora Barb. Rodr., Myrtaceae, popularly known as "pedra-hume-caá" in Brazil, is sold as dry extracts in capsules or as tinctures for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Previous phytochemical studies on this species described the occurrence of the flavonoids mearnsitrin and myricitrin. In the present study, the chromatographic profiles of M. uniflora leaves and commercial extracts were determined using HPLC-PAD. Myricitrin was used as an external standard in the development and validation of the HPLC method. The proposed method is simple, rapid and reliable and can be successfully applied in industry for standardization of herbs and phytomedicines commercialised in Brazil as "pedra-hume-caá".

  2. Development and validation of a HPLC method for standardization of herbal and commercial extracts of Myrcia uniflora

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea N. de L. Batista


    Full Text Available Myrcia uniflora Barb. Rodr., Myrtaceae, popularly known as "pedra-hume-caá" in Brazil, is sold as dry extracts in capsules or as tinctures for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Previous phytochemical studies on this species described the occurrence of the flavonoids mearnsitrin and myricitrin. In the present study, the chromatographic profiles of M. uniflora leaves and commercial extracts were determined using HPLC-PAD. Myricitrin was used as an external standard in the development and validation of the HPLC method. The proposed method is simple, rapid and reliable and can be successfully applied in industry for standardization of herbs and phytomedicines commercialised in Brazil as "pedra-hume-caá".

  3. Determination of Trace Level Triclosan in Water by Online Preconcentration and HPLC-UV Diode Array (United States)

    An online high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the detection and quantification of trace levels of triclosan in water is discussed. Triclosan, an anti-bacterial agent, and related compounds have been shown to reach municipal waste waters through the disposal ...

  4. Reforming University Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Kjeld Bagger; Horst, Sebastian


    Dette kapitel er et case studium af en gennemgribende 'lov'ændring vedrørende grundlaget for uddannelser ved et klassisk forskningstungt universitet. Studiet identificerer virkninger og (manglende) effekter; navnlig vigtigheden af at inddrage det videnskabelige personales opbakning konstateres....

  5. Development and validation of a RP–HPLC method for the quantization studies of metronidazole in tablets and powders dosage forms

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    Elena Gabriela Oltean,


    Full Text Available An isocratic high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC procedure was developed for the quantitative determination of metronidazole in tablets and powders. HPLC separation was carried out by reversed phasechromatography on Kromasil C18 (250 mm x 4.6 mm i.e.; 5 ìm particle size, held in thermostat at 25°C. The mobile phase consisted of methanol/ 0.1% phosphoric acid aq. (20/80v/v, with a flow rate of 1 ml/min and with UV detection at 317 nm. In order to validate the method, the following parameters have been investigated: linearity (r2=0.9999, range, precision, accuracy, specificity, limit of detection and limit of quantification. The described method can be successfully applied for the analysis of the active pharmaceuticalcompound in tablets and powders. This paper aimed to develop and validate an HPLC sensitive applicable method to determine the quantity of metronidazole in tablets and powders, contributing to the quality and safety control of these types of pharmaceutical preparations.

  6. First characterisation of flavonoid- and diarylheptanoid-type antioxidant phenolics in Corylus maxima by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS. (United States)

    Riethmüller, Eszter; Tóth, Gergő; Alberti, Ágnes; Végh, Krisztina; Burlini, Ilaria; Könczöl, Árpád; Balogh, György Tibor; Kéry, Ágnes


    Corylus maxima Mill. (Betulaceae) leaves have been used in traditional medicine both internally and externally, nevertheless phytochemical exploration of the plant remains incomplete. In this study, the in vitro antioxidant activity and polyphenolic composition of the ethyl acetate and methanolic extracts of C. maxima leaves and bark are reported for the first time. The radical scavenging activities of the extracts were investigated by the ABTS and DPPH assays. All the extracts of C. maxima possessed notable antioxidant activity. By mean of a HPLC-DAD-ESI-TOF and a HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS method, altogether twenty-two phenolics were tentatively characterised: one flavan derivative (1), seven flavonol derivatives (4, 6, 12, 13, 16, 20 and 21) and fourteen diarylheptanoids (2, 3, 5, 7-11, 14, 15, 17-19 and 22). The amount of the two main flavonoids - myricetin-3-O-rhamnoside (6) and quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside (13) - and two diarylheptanoids - oregonin (3) and hirsutenone (15) - in the extracts were determined by a validated HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. Our results showed that C. maxima could be considered as a valuable source of pharmacologically important natural products that might contribute to the revaluation of the phytotherapeutical potential of the plant. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Evaluation of phosphorus characterization in broiler ileal digesta, manure, and litter samples: (31)P-NMR vs. HPLC. (United States)

    Leytem, A B; Kwanyuen, P; Plumstead, P W; Maguire, R O; Brake, J


    Using 31-phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((31)P-NMR) to characterize phosphorus (P) in animal manures and litter has become a popular technique in the area of nutrient management. To date, there has been no published work evaluating P quantification in manure/litter samples with (31)P-NMR compared to other accepted methods such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). To evaluate the use of (31)P-NMR to quantify myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (phytate) in ileal digesta, manure, and litter from broilers, we compared results obtained from both (31)P-NMR and a more traditional HPLC method. The quantification of phytate in all samples was very consistent between the two methods, with linear regressions having slopes ranging from 0.94 to 1.07 and r(2) values of 0.84 to 0.98. We compared the concentration of total monoester P determined with (31)P-NMR with the total inositol P content determined with HPLC and found a strong linear relationship between the two measurements having slopes ranging from 0.91 to 1.08 and r(2) values of 0.73 to 0.95. This suggests that (31)P-NMR is a very reliable method for quantifying P compounds in manure/litter samples.

  8. Quantification of Andrographolide Isolated from Andrographis paniculata Nees Obtained from Traditional Market in Yogyakarta Using Validated HPLC

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    Yandi Syukri


    Full Text Available This research was aimed to quantification of andrographolide isolated from A. paniculata Ness found in traditional market in Yogyakarta using validated HPLC to obtain high level content of andrographolide. The extraction of andrographolide from A. paniculata was carried out using ethanol as the solvent. Fractionation and isolation were continued using a non-polar solvent. Next, the extracts were re-crystallized to obtain isolated andrographolide. The identity of the compound was confirmed through an analysis of the melting point, IR spectra, and TLC. The purity of the compound was confirmed by the validated HPLC. The data obtained were then compared using an analytical grade of andrographolide as the standard. The isolated andrographolide confirmed melting point, IR spectra and TLC analysis were similar to the standard andrographolide. The method to determine the content of isolated andrographolide showed an adequate precision, with a relative standard deviation (RSD smaller than 1%. The accuracy showed good recovery values were obtained for all concentrations used. The HPLC method in this study showed specificity and selectivity with linearity in the working range and good precision and accuracy, making it very suitable for the quantification of andrographolide isolated in A. paniculata. When compared to the standard, the purity of the isolated andrographolide was 95.74 ± 0.29%.

  9. Development and validation of an HPLC method for simultaneous determination of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in human plasma. (United States)

    Sayar, Esin; Sahin, Selma; Cevheroglu, Semsettin; Hincal, A Atilla


    The combination of trimethoprim (TMP) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) is used in the treatment of many common infections such as urinary, respiratory and gastrointestinal tract infections. The aim of this study was to determine TMP and SMX simultaneously in human plasma samples by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using antipyrine as the internal standard. Separation of the compounds was achieved on a reverse-phase C8 column packed with 5 microm dimethyl octadecylsilyl bonded amorphous silica (4.6 mm x 250 mm) column using a mobile phase consisted of potassium hydrogen phosphate, acetonitrile, methanol and water adjusted to pH 6.2. The mobile phase was delivered at a flow rate of 1 mL min- and the effluent was monitored using Max plot technique at 25 derees C. Retention times were 5 min for TMP, 7 min for antipyrine and 9 min for SMX. Quantitation limits were 10 ng mL(-1) for TMP and 50 ng mL(-1) for SMX. Our findings indicated that the developed HPLC method was precise, accurate, specific and sensitive for simultaneous determination of TMP and SMX. Proposed HPLC method was successfully applied for the analysis of TMP and SMX in human plasma after oral administration of a co-trimoxazole tablet to human volunteers.

  10. Lack of evidence from HPLC 32P-post-labelling for tamoxifen-DNA adducts in the human endometrium. (United States)

    Carmichael, P L; Sardar, S; Crooks, N; Neven, P; Van Hoof, I; Ugwumadu, A; Bourne, T; Tomas, E; Hellberg, P; Hewer, A J; Phillips, D H


    Tamoxifen is associated with an increased incidence of endometrial cancer in women. It is also a potent carcinogen in rat liver and forms covalent DNA adducts in this tissue. A previous study exploring DNA adducts in human endometria, utilizing thin layer chromatography 32P-postlabelling, found no evidence for adducts in tamoxifen-treated women [Carmichael,P.L., Ugwumadu,A.H.N., Neven,P., Hewer,A.J., Poon,G.K. and Phillips,D.H. (1996) Cancer Res., 56, 1475-1479]. However, subsequent work utilizing HPLC 32P-post-labelling [Hemminki,K., Ranjaniemi,H., Lindahl,B. and Moberger,B. (1996) Cancer Res., 56, 4374-4377] suggested that very low levels could be detected. We have sought to investigate this question further by reproducing the HPLC methodology at two centres, and analysing endometrial DNA from 20 patients treated with 20 mg/day tamoxifen for between 22 and 65 months. Liver DNA isolated from tamoxifen-treated rats was used as a positive control. We found no convincing evidence for tamoxifen-derived DNA adducts in human endometrium. HPLC elution profiles of post-labelled DNA from tamoxifen-treated women were indistinguishable from those obtained with DNA from 14 untreated women and from six women taking toremifene, an analogue of tamoxifen.

  11. HPLC identification and determination of myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol and total flavonoids in herbal drugs

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    Svetlana Kulevanova


    Full Text Available A new and rapid HPLC method for identification and determination of myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol and total flavonoids in ten herbal drugs of Macedonian origin is presented. Preparation of samples (Uvae ursi folim, Pruni spinosae flos, Sambuci flos, Betulae folim, Primulae flos, Herniariae herba, Centaurii herba, Tiliae flos, Robiniae pseudoacaciae flos, Bursae pastoris herba included hydrolysis of glycosides and extraction of total aglycones with ethyl acetate. HPLC analysis with UV-diode array detection was carried out on RP C18 column, using 5% acetic acid and acetonitrile in agradient elution mode and column temperature of 30 o C. The monitoring of the elution is performed in the whole UV-range and the acquisition of data for quantitative analysis at 367 nm. Screening of the extracts showed presence of quercetin in nine, kaempferol in seven and myricetin in only one sample. The quantitative analysis showed that the content of quercetin ranged from 0.026-0.506 % (m/m, while for kaempferol it was from traces to 1.246 %. Uvaeursi folium and Pruni spinosae flos were rich in content of quercetin (0.482 % and 0.506 %, respectively, while Pruni spinosae flos and Robiniae pseudoaccaciae flos contained the highest amounts of kaempferol (1.246 % and 0.892 %, respectively. Myricetin was identified and determined only in Betulae folium (0.102 %. The content of total flavonoids in the investigated samples expressed in terms of quercetin ranged from 0.040 to 1.680 %. The proposed HPLC method is convenient for use in routine analysis of myricetin, quercetin and kaempferol, as well as for estimation of total flavonoids content in herbal drugs.

  12. Characterization of Jamaican agro-industrial wastes. Part II, fatty acid profiling using HPLC: precolumn derivatization with phenacyl bromide. (United States)

    Bailey-Shaw, Y A; Golden, K D; Pearson, A G M; Porter, R B R


    This paper describes the determination of fatty acid composition of coffee, citrus and rum distillery wastes using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Lipid extracts of the waste samples are derivatized with phenacyl bromide and their phenacyl esters are separated on a C8 reversed-phase column by using continuous gradient elution with water and acetonitrile. The presence of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in quantifiable amounts in the examined wastes, as well as the high percentage recoveries, are clear indications that these wastes have potential value as inexpensive sources of lipids. The HPLC procedures described here could be adopted for further analysis of materials of this nature.

  13. 2D-HPLC and MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis of barley proteins glycated during brewing

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Petry-Podgorska, Inga; Žídková, Jitka; Flodrová, Dana; Bobálová, Janette


    Roč. 878, č. 30 (2010), s. 3143-3148 ISSN 1570-0232 R&D Projects: GA MŠk 1M0570 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40310501 Keywords : 2D-HPLC * MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry * barley Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation Impact factor: 2.971, year: 2010

  14. An improved HPLC method for determination of colocynthin in colocynth

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    M. Shekarchi


    Full Text Available Background and objectives: Colocynthin is the major active secondary metabolite of colocynth, Citrullus colocynthis (L. Schrad, which has been used in traditional and ethno medicine of many countries.  It could be considered as an active marker for quality control of colocynth and its herbal products. Analysis and standardization of colocynth and its herbal preparations are a critical issue for their safe applications in phytotherapy and traditional medicine. In the present work, a simple and efficient sample preparation was developed and optimized through combination of matrix solid phase dispersion and ultrasonic assisted extraction. In addition, analytical reversed-phase HPLC method was optimized for analyzing the concentration of colocynthin in colocynth pulp. Methods: Powdered colocynth pulp was grinded with diatomaceous earth to obtain a homogenous mixture. The blend was mixed with methanol and extracted by sonication, followed by centrifugation and filtration. The analytical chromatographic separation was carried out using Luna C18 in isocratic elution with methanol: isopropanol: water: triflouroacetic acid (30:10:60:0.1 v/v. The method was validated as well.  Results: The validation parameters were determines as follows, linear range (r2 = 0.999, 75-500 μg/mL, precision (intra-day < 2.7%, inter-day = 4.4% and accuracy measured via determination of recovery (90-107%. The limit of detection and quantization were calculated 8.5 and 25.7 μg/mL, respectively. Conclusion: Regarding the relatively high content of colocynthin in colocynth pulp, the validated HPLC method could be applied for quality control of colocynth pulp used in Traditional Persian Medicine.

  15. Związki między reumatoidalnym zapaleniem stawów a zakażeniami układu moczowego

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    Ewa Pater


    Full Text Available Ryzyko rozwoju zakażenia układu moczowego (ZUM u chorych nareumatoidalne zapalenie stawów (RZS jest większe niż w podobnejpopulacji osób zdrowych. W pracy na podstawie wybranychdanych z piśmiennictwa przeanalizowano zależności między RZSa ZUM (tab. I. Na wyraźnie częstsze występowanie ZUM u chorychna RZS wpływają zaburzenia immunologiczne wynikające z samejchoroby oraz leczenie modyfikujące przebieg choroby lekami syntetycznymii biologicznymi.Występowanie ZUM w istotny sposób wpływa na zwiększonąumieralność chorych na RZS. W pracy przedstawiono równieżhipotezę łączącą patogenezę RZS z ZUM wywołanym przez Proteusmirabilis. Szybkie rozpoznanie i leczenie ZUM ma u chorychna RZS bardzo istotne znaczenie z uwagi na zwiększone ryzykowpływu przewlekania się procesu chorobowego na rozwój amyloidozyoraz zwiększone ryzyko zgonu z powodu ZUM.

  16. Determination of Trace Elements in Uranium by HPLC-ID-ICP-MS: NTNFC Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manard, Benjamin Thomas [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Wylie, Ernest Miller II [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Xu, Ning [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Tandon, Lav [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    This report covers the FY 16 effort for the HPLC-ID-ICP-MS methodology 1) sub-method validation for the group I&II elements, 2) sub-method stood-up and validation for REE, 3) sub-method development for the transition element, and 4) completion of a comprehensive SOP for three families of elements.

  17. Identification and quantification of bio-actives and metabolites in physiological matrices by automated HPLC-MS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Platerink, C.J.


    Identification and quantification of bio-actives and metabolites in physiological matrices by automated HPLC-MS > Food plays an important role in human health. Nowadays there is an increasing interest in the health effects of so-calles functional foods, e.g. effects on blood pressure, cholesterol

  18. On-line HPLC Analysis System for Metabolism and Inhibition Studies in Precision-Cut Liver Slices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Midwoud, Paul M.; Janssen, Joost; Merema, M.T.; de Graaf, Inge A. M.; Groothuis, Geny M. M.; Verpoorte, Elisabeth


    A novel approach for on-line monitoring of drug metabolism in continuously perifused, precision-cut liver slices (PCLS) in a microfluidic system has been developed using high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection (HPLC-UV). In this approach, PCLS are incubated in a microfluidic device

  19. Discrimination of Polish unifloral honeys using overall PTR-MS and HPLC fingerprints combined with chemometrics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kus, P.M.; Ruth, van S.M.


    A total of 62 honey samples of six floral origins (rapeseed, lime, heather, cornflower, buckwheat and black locust) were analysed by means of proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) and HPLC-DAD. The data were evaluated by principal component analysis and k-nearest neighbours

  20. Heterozygote Hemoglobin G-Coushatta as the Cause of a Falsely Decreased Hemoglobin A1C in an Ion-Exchange HPLC Method

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    Kurtoğlu Ayşegül Uğur


    Full Text Available Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c is used for the assessment of glycemic control in patients with diabetes. The presence of genetic variants of hemoglobin can profoundly affect the accuracy of HbA1c measurement. Here, we report two cases of Hemoglobin G-Coushatta (HBB:c.68A>C variant that interferes in the measurement of HbA1c by a cation-exchange HPLC (CE-HPLC method. HbA1c was measured by a CE-HPLC method in a Tosoh HLC-723 G7 instrument. The HbA1c levels were 2.9% and 4%. These results alerted us to a possible presence of hemoglobinopathy. In the hemoglobin variant analysis, HbA2 levels were detected as 78.3% and 40.7% by HPLC using the short program for the Biorad Variant II. HbA1c levels were measured by an immunoturbidimetric assay in a Siemens Dimension instrument. HbA1c levels were reported as 5.5% and 5.3%. DNA mutation analysis was performed to detect the abnormal hemoglobin variant. Presence of Hemoglobin G-Coushatta variant was detected in the patients. The Hb G-Coushatta variants have an impact on the determination of glycated hemoglobin levels using CEHPLC resulting in a false low value. Therefore, it is necessary to use another measurement method.

  1. Which method for quantifying urinary albumin excretion gives what outcome? A comparison of immunonephelometry with HPLC

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brinkman, JW; Bakker, SJL; Gansevoort, RT; Hillege, HL; Kema, IP; Gans, ROB; De Jong, PE; De Zeeuw, D


    Background. Microalbuminuria has recently been identified as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in the general population. Immunochemical urinary albumin assays only detect immunoreactive intact albumin. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is able to detect both

  2. Quantitative analysis of PMR-15 polyimide resin by HPLC (United States)

    Roberts, Gary D.; Lauver, Richard W.


    The concentration of individual components and of total solids of 50 wt pct PMR-15 resin solutions was determined using reverse-phase HPLC to within + or - 8 percent accuracy. Acid impurities, the major source of impurities in 3,3', 4,4'-benzophenonetetracarboxylic acid (BTDE), were eliminated by recrystallizing the BTDE prior to esterification. Triester formation was not a problem because of the high rate of esterification of the anhydride relative to that of the carboxylic acid. Aging of PMR-15 resin solutions resulted in gradual formation of the mononadimide and bisnadimide of 4,4'-methylenedianiline, with the BTDE concentration remaining constant. Similar chemical reactions occurred at a reduced rate in dried films of PMR-15 resin.

  3. Novel HPLC Analysis of Hydrocortisone in Conventional and Controlled-Release Pharmaceutical Preparations


    Adi-Dako, Ofosua; Oppong Bekoe, Samuel; Ofori-Kwakye, Kwabena; Appiah, Enoch; Peprah, Paul


    An isocratic sensitive and precise reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method was developed and validated for the determination and quantification of hydrocortisone in controlled-release and conventional (tablets and injections) pharmaceutical preparations. Chromatographic separation was achieved on an ODS (C18), 5??m, 4.6 ? 150?mm, with an isocratic elution using a freshly prepared mobile phase of composition methanol?:?water?:?acetic acid (60?:?30?:?10, v/v/v) at ...

  4. Extraction and Determination of Cyproheptadine in Human Urine by DLLME-HPLC Method


    Maham, Mehdi; Kiarostami, Vahid; Waqif-Husain, Syed; Abroomand-Azar, Parviz; Tehrani, Mohammad Saber; Khoeini Sharifabadi, Malihe; Afrouzi, Hossein; Shapouri, MahmoudReza; Karami-Osboo, Rouhollah


    Novel dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME), coupled with high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection (HPLC-DAD) has been applied for the extraction and determination of cyproheptadine (CPH), an antihistamine, in human urine samples. In this method, 0.6 mL of acetonitrile (disperser solvent) containing 30 ?L of carbon tetrachloride (extraction solvent) was rapidly injected by a syringe into 5 mL urine sample. After centrifugation, the sedimented phase con...

  5. Chemometrics-Assisted UV Spectrophotometric and RP-HPLC Methods for the Simultaneous Determination of Tolperisone Hydrochloride and Diclofenac Sodium in their Combined Pharmaceutical Formulation. (United States)

    Gohel, Nikunj Rameshbhai; Patel, Bhavin Kiritbhai; Parmar, Vijaykumar Kunvarji


    Chemometrics-assisted UV spectrophotometric and RP-HPLC methods are presented for the simultaneous determination of tolperisone hydrochloride (TOL) and diclofenac sodium (DIC) from their combined pharmaceutical dosage form. Chemometric methods are based on principal component regression and partial least-square regression models. Two sets of standard mixtures, calibration sets, and validation sets were prepared. Both models were optimized to quantify each drug in the mixture using the information included in the UV absorption spectra of the appropriate solution in the range 241-290 nm with the intervals λ = 1 nm at 50 wavelengths. The optimized models were successfully applied to the simultaneous determination of these drugs in synthetic mixture and pharmaceutical formulation. In addition, an HPLC method was developed using a reversed-phase C18 column at ambient temperature with a mobile phase consisting of methanol:acetonitrile:water (60:30:10 v/v/v), pH-adjusted to 3.0, with UV detection at 275 nm. The methods were validated in terms of linearity, accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, and robustness in the range of 3-30 μg/mL for TOL and 1-10 μg/mL for DIC. The robustness of the HPLC method was tested using an experimental design approach. The developed HPLC method, and the PCR and PLS models were used to determine the amount of TOL and DIC in tablets. The data obtained from the PCR and PLS models were not significantly different from those obtained from the HPLC method at 95% confidence limit.

  6. Chromatographic analyses of fatty acid methyl esters by HPLC-UV and GC-FID

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carvalho, Myller S.; Pinho, David M.M.; Suarez, Paulo A.Z., E-mail: [Laboratorio de Materiais e Combustiveis, Instituto de Quimica, Universidade de Brasilia, DF (Brazil); Mendonca, Marcio A. [Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade de Brasilia, DF (Brazil); Resck, Ines S. [Laboratorio de Ressonancia Magnetica Nuclear, Universidade de Brasilia, DF (Brazil)


    An analytical method using high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection (HPLC-UV) (method A) was used for simultaneous determination of total amounts of triacylglycerides, diacylglycerides, monoacylglycerides and fatty acid methyl esters in alcoholysis of different oil (cotton, canola, sunflower, corn and soybean) samples. Analyses were carried out at 40 deg C for 20 min using a gradient of methanol (MeOH) and 2-propanol-hexane 5:4 (v/v) (PrHex): 100% of MeOH in 0 min, 50% of MeOH and 50% of PrHex in 10 min maintained with isocratic elution for 10 min. Another HPLC-UV method (method B) with acetonitrile isocratic elution for 34 min was used to determine the fatty acid composition of oils analyzing their methyl ester derivatives. Contents were determined with satisfactory repeatability (relative standard deviation, RSD < 3%), linearity (r{sup 2} > 0.99) and sensitivity (limit of quantification). Method B was compared with an official gas chromatographic method with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) from American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS) in the determination of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) in biodiesel real samples. (author)

  7. [Determination of biphenyl ether herbicides in water using HPLC with cloud-point extraction]. (United States)

    He, Cheng-Yan; Li, Yuan-Qian; Wang, Shen-Jiao; Ouyang, Hua-Xue; Zheng, Bo


    To determine residues of multiple biphenyl ether herbicides simultaneously in water using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with cloud-point extraction. The residues of eight biphenyl ether herbicides (including bentazone, fomesafen, acifluorfen, aclonifen, bifenox, fluoroglycofenethy, nitrofen, oxyfluorfen) in water samples were extracted with cloud-point extraction of Triton X-114. The analytes were separated and determined using reverse phase HPLC with ultraviolet detector at 300 nm. Optimized conditions for the pretreatment of water samples and the parameters of chromatographic separation applied. There was a good linear correlation between the concentration and the peak area of the analytes in the range of 0.05-2.00 mg/L (r = 0.9991-0.9998). Except bentazone, the spiked recoveries of the biphenyl ether herbicides in the water samples ranged from 80.1% to 100.9%, with relative standard deviations ranging from 2.70% to 6.40%. The detection limit of the method ranged from 0.10 microg/L to 0.50 microg/L. The proposed method is simple, rapid and sensitive, and can meet the requirements of determination of multiple biphenyl ether herbicides simultaneously in natural waters.

  8. Smart market. From smart grid to the intelligent energy market; Smart Market. Vom Smart Grid zum intelligenten Energiemarkt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aichele, Christian [Hochschule Kaiserslautern, Zweibruecken (Germany). Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaft; Doleski, Oliver D. (ed.)


    Dare more market. - The design of this postulate provides an important contribution to the success of the German energy transition. The Bundesnetzagentur has shown with its highly regarded benchmark paper on smart grids and markets leads the way towards more market in the energy sector. The therein required differentiation in a network and market sphere contributes to greater transparency on the consumer side and enables a gid releaving shift in energy consumption. The book focuses on actors and roles in the modified market circumstances as well as components and products of a future Smart Markets. Finally, to the reader concrete business models are offered. Authors from science and practice give in this book answers on how the interaction of Smart Grid and Smart Market works. [German] Mehr Markt wagen. - Die Ausgestaltung dieses Postulats liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Gelingen der deutschen Energiewende. Die Bundesnetzagentur hat mit ihrem vielbeachteten Eckpunktepapier zu intelligenten Netzen und Maerkten diesen Weg in Richtung mehr Markt in der Energiewirtschaft gewiesen. Die darin geforderte Differenzierung in eine Netz- und Marktsphaere traegt zu mehr Transparenz auf der Verbraucherseite bei und ermoeglicht eine netzentlastende Verlagerung des Energieverbrauchs. Das Buch beleuchtet Akteure und Rollen im geaenderten Marktumfeld ebenso wie Komponenten und Produkte eines zukuenftigen Smart Markets. Schliesslich werden dem Leser konkrete Geschaeftsmodelle angeboten. Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis geben in diesem Buch Antworten darauf, wie das Zusammenspiel von Smart Grid und Smart Market funktioniert.

  9. Actividad cultural de los capitulares de la catedral de Calahorra (1045-1257. De “scriptorium” monástico a “studium” catedralicio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Esta pequeña investigación analiza las realidades culturales en el cabildo catedralicio de Calahorra a partir de la restauración de la Iglesia calagurritana, tras la reconquista de la ciudad en 1045, hasta la definitiva cristalización del organigrama capitular a mediados del siglo XIII. Relacionamos la evolución de las actividades culturales capitulares, desde el scriptorium de carácter monástico al studium característico de un cabildo secularizado, con la dinámica interna de la propia institución capitular, nacida como una comunidad de vida que lentamente evoluciona hacia lo que será el modelo organizativo clásico durante las edades media y moderna. Al mismo tiempo, pretendemos aproximarnos al nivel cultural de la sede, tanto en sus realizaciones como en la formación intelectual adquirida por sus miembros. De este modo, concluimos la interesante vitalidad del scriptorium durante los primeros años, situación que contrasta con el limitado desarrollo del studium y con la modesta preparación intelectual de los capitulares calagurritanos de la primera mitad del siglo XIII.ABSTRACT: The content of this brief research work is the analysis of the cultural activities within the heart of the cathedral chapter of Calahorra from the church restoration in 1045 to the eventual consolidation of its organizational structure by the middle of the 13th century. We connect the development of such cultural activity, from a monastic-like scriptorium to an studium characteristic of the secular background of the cathedrals, with the own internal dynamics of the chapter institution, born as a life community and slowly evolving into a classical related organization chart during the medieval and modern age. At the same time, we also inquire into the level of cultural tasks of the see, both their standard of production as well as the training of its members. This way, we conclude an interesting vitality of the scriptorium in its early years, a

  10. [Separation and identification of beta-carotene and its cis isomers by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)]. (United States)

    Carrillo de Padilla, F


    The separation and identification by HPLC of the cis isomers of beta-carotene was studied. A 1.26 mg/ml beta-carotene solution previously isomerized with iodine as a catalyst, was eluted with 2% acetone in hexane, from a Ca(OH)2 chromatographic column in three bands. The fractions were identified by spectrophotometry and the retention times of 2.05, 2.4 and 2.8 min for the 13 cis, all-trans, and 9 cis beta-carotene isomers, determined by HPLC, with 1% acetone in hexane as movil phase. 22.13 mg % of all-trans beta-carotene were found in a sample of canned carrots. It is recommended the analyses of a greater number of samples, the determination of the method's sensitivity, reproductibility, and the use of a standard of reference of a response factor for calculations.

  11. Separation and identification of beta-carotene and its cis isomers by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carrillo de Padilla, F.


    The separation and identification by HPLC of the cis isomers of beta-carotene was studied. A 1.26 mg/ml beta-carotene solution previously isomerized with iodine as a catalyst, was eluted with 2% acetone in hexane, from a Ca(OH)2 chromatographic column in three bands. The fractions were identified by spectrophotometry and the retention times of 2.05, 2.4 and 2.8 min for the 13 cis, all-trans, and 9 cis beta-carotene isomers, determined by HPLC, with 1% acetone in hexane as Mobil phase. 22.13 mg % of all-trans beta-carotene were found in a sample of canned carrots. It is recommended the analyses of a greater number of samples, the determination of the method's sensitivity, reproducibility, and the use of a standard of reference of a response factor for calculations

  12. Determination and validation of six sunscreen agents in suncare products by UPLC and HPLC. (United States)

    Lee, So-Mi; Jeong, Hye-Jin; Chang, Ih Seop


    Methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethyl butylphenol and bis-ethylhexyloxy phenol methoxyphenyl triazine are sunscreen agents that have hydrophobic behaviors in common. They were not normally assayed with the following four sunscreen agents that have hydrophilic behaviors in a single chromatographic run: ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, isoamyl p-methoxycinnamate, ethylhexyl salicylate, and ethylhexyl triazone. For that reason, methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethyl butylphenol and bis-ethylhexyloxy phenol methoxyphenyl triazine require much time in order to assay products with those materials. A rapid, selective, and reproducible determination method needs to be developed for the simultaneous examination of methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethyl butylphenol and bis-ethylhexyloxy phenol methoxyphenyl triazine with the sunscreen agents, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, isoamyl p-methoxycinnamate, ethylhexyl salicylate, and ethylhexyl triazone. This new technique could reduce time in examining the sunscreen agents and be effective for quality control of suncare products. In this paper, the HPLC and UPLC system is used for developing the determination of the sunscreen agents. Several evaluations of some mixtures of eluents and columns were obtained for the optimal condition of separation. In HPLC, the optimal peak resolution was obtained through ethanol-water gradient elution and a 75-mm C18 column with a 3.5-microm-sized particle on a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. In UPLC, the most distinctive peak resolution was obtained through methanol-water gradient elution and a 50-mm C18 column with a 1.7-microm-sized particle on a flow rate 0.4 ml/min. Both of those chromatographic determination methods could be used in the examination of six types of sunscreen agents without any interference from other product excipients in the agents. The proposed determination methods were validated for specificity, linearity, repeatability, system stability, intermediate precision, and accuracy

  13. Towards multimodal HPLC separations on humic acid-bonded aminopropyl silica: RPLC and HILIC behavior. (United States)

    Gezici, Orhan; Kara, Hüseyin


    The stationary phase characteristics of the material obtained through immobilization of humic acid (HA) to aminopropyl silica (APS) via amide-bond formation were investigated. The material was characterized in terms of elemental analysis, FTIR, thermogravimetric analyses, pH point of zero charge measurements, potentiometric titrations, and contact angle measurements. Amount of HA bonded to APS was determined from the elemental analysis results, and found as 170 mgHA/gAPS. Stability of the material was studied in aqueous media at different pH values, and amount of HA released at pH=8 did not exceed 2% of the total immobilized HA. Stationary phase characteristics of the well-characterized material were investigated in an HPLC system by using some low-molecular weight polar compounds (i.e. some nucleosides and nucleobases) as test solutes. Effect of some experimental variables such as column conditioning, composition of mobile phase, and temperature on the chromatographic behavior of the studied compounds was studied. Role of ammonium solutions at different pH values on retentive properties of the species was also studied. Retention factors (k') versus volume percentage of organic modifier exhibited a U-curve, which was evaluated as an indication for RPLC/HILIC mixed-mode behavior of the stationary phase. Orthogonality between RPLC and HILIC modes was analyzed through geometric approach, and found as 48.5%. Base-line separation for the studied groups of compounds was achieved under each studied mode, and some differentiations were observed in elution order of the compounds depending on the HPLC mode applied. Chromatograms recorded under RPLC and HILIC modes were compared with those recorded on APS under similar conditions, and thus the influence/importance of HA immobilization process was evaluated in detail. In light of the obtained results, immobilized HA is represented as a useful stationary phase for HPLC separations. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights

  14. Determination of organic acids evolution during apple cider fermentation using an improved HPLC analysis method

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhang, H.; Zhou, F.; Ji, B.; Nout, M.J.R.; Fang, Q.; Zhang, Z.


    An efficient method for analyzing ten organic acids in food, namely citric, pyruvic, malic, lactic, succinic, formic, acetic, adipic, propionic and butyric acids, using HPLC was developed. Boric acid was added into the mobile phase to separate lactic and succinic acids, and a post-column buffer

  15. Development and validation of polar RP-HPLC method for screening for ectoine high-yield strains in marine bacteria with green chemistry. (United States)

    Chen, Jun; Chen, Jianwei; Wang, Sijia; Zhou, Guangmin; Chen, Danqing; Zhang, Huawei; Wang, Hong


    A novel, green, rapid, and precise polar RP-HPLC method has been successfully developed and screened for ectoine high-yield strain in marine bacteria. Ectoine is a polar and extremely useful solute which allows microorganisms to survive in extreme environmental salinity. This paper describes a polar-HPLC method employed polar RP-C18 (5 μm, 250 × 4.6 mm) using pure water as the mobile phase and a column temperature of 30 °C, coupled with a flow rate at 1.0 mL/min and detected under a UV detector at wavelength of 210 nm. Our method validation demonstrates excellent linearity (R 2  = 0.9993), accuracy (100.55%), and a limit of detection LOQ and LOD of 0.372 and 0.123 μgmL -1 , respectively. These results clearly indicate that the developed polar RP-HPLC method for the separation and determination of ectoine is superior to earlier protocols.

  16. Simultaneous HPLC determination of caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline in food, drinks, and herbal products. (United States)

    Srdjenovic, Branislava; Djordjevic-Milic, Vukosava; Grujic, Nevena; Injac, Rade; Lepojevic, Zika


    A rapid and selective high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method is developed for the separation and determination of caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline. The chromatography is performed on a Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C8 column (4.6x150 mm i.d., 5-microm particle size) at 25 degrees C, with a mobile phase of water-THF (0.1% THF in water, pH 8)-acetonitrile (90:10, v/v). The flow rate is 0.8 mL/min, and detection is by UV at 273 nm. This method permits the simultaneous determination of caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline in food, drinks, and herbal products with detection limits of 0.07-0.2 mg/L and recoveries of 100.20-100.42%. Correlation coefficients, for the calibration curves in the linear range of 0.2-100 mg/L, are greater than 0.9999 for all compounds. The within- and between-day precision is determined for both retention times and peak area. The data suggests that the proposed HPLC method can be used for routine quality control of food, drinks, and herbal products.

  17. Solicitation of HPLC and HPTLC Techniques for Determination of Rutin from Polyalthia longifolia Thwaites (United States)

    Doshi, Gaurav Mahesh; Zine, Sandeep Prabhakar; Chaskar, Pratip Kashinath; Une, Hemant Devidas


    Background: Polyalthia longifolia Thwaites is an important traditional plant in India. Rutin, an active constituent has been reported to possess good amount of pharmacological as well as therapeutic potential. Objective: The aim of the present study was to find out by analytical techniques how much percentage of rutin is present in the plant leaves’ ethanolic extract by analytical techniques. Materials and Methods: Shade dried leaves of Polyalthia longifolia were subjected to cold ethanolic extraction followed by monitoring the isolated rutin high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) after carrying out preliminary phytochemical screening. Results: Extraction yield was found to be 13.94% w/w. Phytochemical screening of the extract showed the presence of flavonoids, steroids, diterpenoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins and phenolic compounds and mucilage. From the Rf value, the ethanolic extract was found to be having constituent identical to rutin. By HPTLC and HPLC the amount of rutin was found to be 11.60% w/w and 4.03% w/v, respectively. Conclusion: The active constituent isolated was found to be equal to rutin. PMID:25002804

  18. Hydrolyzable tannins with the hexahydroxydiphenoyl unit and the m-depsidic link: HPLC-DAD-MS identification and model synthesis. (United States)

    Arapitsas, Panagiotis; Menichetti, Stefano; Vincieri, Franco F; Romani, Annalisa


    This study was designed to develop efficient analytical tools for the difficult HPLC-DAD-MS identification of hydrolyzable tannins in natural tissue extracts. Throughout the study of the spectroscopic characteristics of properly synthesized stereodefined standards, it was observed that the UV-vis spectra of compounds with the m-depsidic link showed a characteristic shoulder at 300 nm, consistent with the simple glucogalloyl esters, whereas compounds with the hexahydroxydiphenoyl (HHDP) unit gave a diagnostic fragmentation pattern, caused by a spontaneous lactonization in the mass spectrometer. These observations were confirmed by HPLC-DAD-MS analyses of tannic acid and raspberry extracts, which are rich in hydrolyzable tannins with the m-depsidic link and the HHDP unit, respectively.

  19. Application of the Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) in the rare earth elements determination in reference geological materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Figueiredo, Ana M.G.; Moraes, Noemia M.P. de; Shihomatsu, Helena M.


    Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) were applied to the determination of rare earth elements (REE) in the geological reference materials AGV-1, G-2 and GSP-1 (USGS). Results obtained by both techniques showed good agreement with certified values, giving relative errors less than 10%. The La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb and Lu REE elements were determined. All the REE except Dy and Y were determined by HPLC. The reference material G94, employed in the International Proficiency Test for Analytical Geochemistry Laboratories (GeoTP1) was analysed. The results obtained are a contribution to REE contents in this sample. The INAA and HPLC application to the determination of REE in this kind of matrix is also discussed. (author). 10 refs., 1 fig., 5 tabs

  20. [Determination of equilibrium solubility and n-octanol/water partition coefficient of pulchinenosiden D by HPLC]. (United States)

    Rao, Xiao-Yong; Yin, Shan; Zhang, Guo-Song; Luo, Xiao-Jian; Jian, Hui; Feng, Yu-Lin; Yang, Shi-Lin


    To determine the equilibrium solubility of pulchinenosiden D in different solvents and its n-octanol/water partition coefficients. Combining shaking flask method and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to detect the n-octanol/water partition coefficients of pulchinenosiden D, the equilibrium solubility of pulchinenosiden D in six organic solvents and different pH buffer solution were determined by HPLC analysis. n-Octanol/water partition coefficients of pulchinenosiden D in different pH were greater than zero, the equilibrium solubility of pulchinenosiden D was increased with increase the pH of the buffer solution. The maximum equilibrium solubility of pulchinenosiden D was 255.89 g x L(-1) in methanol, and minimum equilibrium solubility of pulchinenosiden D was 0.20 g x L(-1) in acetonitrile. Under gastrointestinal physiological conditions, pulchinenosiden D exists in molecular state and it has good absorption but poor water-solubility, so increasing the dissolution rate of pulchinenosiden D may enhance its bioavailability.

  1. Alternative method to determine Specific Activity of (177)Lu by HPLC. (United States)

    Breeman, Wouter A P; de Zanger, Rory M S; Chan, Ho Sze; de Blois, Erik


    Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) with (177)Lu-DOTA-peptides requires (177)Lu with high specific activity (SA) and values >740 GBq (177)Lu per mg Lu to maximise the atom% of (177)Lu over total Lu. Vendors provide SA values which are based on activity and mass of the target, whereas due to "burn-up" of target, these SA values are not accurate. For a radiochemist the SA of (177)Lu is of interest prior to radiolabeling. An alternative method to determine SA was developed by HPLC, which includes a metal titration of a known amount of DOTA-peptide with a known amount of activity ((177)Lu), and a unknown amount of metal ((177+nat)Lu). Based on an HPLC separation of radiometal-DOTA-peptide and DOTA-peptide, and the concordant ratio of these components the metal content ((177+nat)Lu) can be calculated, and eventually the SA of (177)Lu can be accurately determined. These experimentally determined SA values exceeded the estimated values provided by vendors by 27 ± 16%, (range 6-73 %). The deviation of SA values for samples from the same Lu batch was <2% (n ≥ 10). the SA of (177)Lu is apparently often higher as stated by vendors in comparison to the experimentally determined actual values. For this reason, the SA of (177)Lu-DOTA-TATE and other Lu-DOTA-peptides could be increased accordingly.

  2. Możliwości wykorzystania MSSF 9 do kształtowania wyniku finansowego jednostki gospodarczej

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maciej Frendzel


    Full Text Available Artykuł podejmuje problematykę zastosowania Międzynarodowego Standardu Sprawozdawczości Finan- sowej (MSSF 9 Instrumenty finansowe w kontekście możliwości wykorzystania przewidzianych w nim rozwiązań do uzyskania pożądanych rezultatów w zakresie sprawozdawczości finansowej. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wybranych obszarów rachunkowości instrumentów finansowych, które mogą być wyko- rzystane do kształtowania wyniku finansowego i sytuacji finansowej jednostki gospodarczej w kontek- ście pierwszego zastosowania tej regulacji. W artykule zastosowano metodę krytycznej analizy, wnio- skowania dedukcyjnego oraz studium przypadku. Na potrzeby artykułu i zastosowania studium przypad- ku przeprowadzono dwa wywiady niestrukturyzowane z osobami zajmującymi kierownicze stanowiska w instytucji finansowej w Polsce oraz przeanalizowano przeprowadzone przez nich symulacje.

  3. Optimization of high pressure machine decocting process for Dachengqi Tang using HPLC fingerprints combined with the Box-Behnken experimental design. (United States)

    Xie, Rui-Fang; Shi, Zhi-Na; Li, Zhi-Cheng; Chen, Pei-Pei; Li, Yi-Min; Zhou, Xin


    Using Dachengqi Tang (DCQT) as a model, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fingerprints were applied to optimize machine extracting process with the Box-Behnken experimental design. HPLC fingerprints were carried out to investigate the chemical ingredients of DCQT; synthetic weighing method based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and criteria importance through intercriteria correlation (CRITIC) was performed to calculate synthetic scores of fingerprints; using the mark ingredients contents and synthetic scores as indicators, the Box-Behnken design was carried out to optimize the process parameters of machine decocting process under high pressure for DCQT. Results of optimal process showed that the herb materials were soaked for 45 min and extracted with 9 folds volume of water in the decocting machine under the temperature of 140 °C till the pressure arrived at 0.25 MPa; then hot decoction was excreted to soak Dahuang and Mangxiao for 5 min. Finally, obtained solutions were mixed, filtrated and packed. It concluded that HPLC fingerprints combined with the Box-Behnken experimental design could be used to optimize extracting process of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

  4. HPLC profiling, antioxidant and in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of the ethanol extract of Syzygium jambos available in Bangladesh. (United States)

    Hossain, Hemayet; Rahman, Shaikh Emdadur; Akbar, Proity Nayeeb; Khan, Tanzir Ahmed; Rahman, Md Mahfuzur; Jahan, Ismet Ara


    Syzygium jambos has been used as a traditional medicine for the treatment of inflammatory diseases in Bangladesh. The study investigates the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) profiling of phenolic compounds, and evaluates the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of ethanol extract of S. jambos available in Bangladesh. The extract was subjected to HPLC for the identification and quantification of the major bioactive polyphenols present in S. jambos. Antioxidant activity was determined using 2, 2'-azino bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) radical scavenging, reducing power assay, total antioxidant capacity, total phenolic and flavonoid content. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory effect of the extract in rats for two different test models: carrageenan and histamine-induced paw edema was inspected. High levels of catechin hydrate and rutin hydrate (99.00 and 79.20 mg/100 g extract, respectively) and moderate amounts of ellagic acid and quercetin (59.40 and 69.30 mg/100 g extract, respectively) were quantified in HPLC. Catechin hydrate from this plant extract was determined for the first time through HPLC. For ABTS scavenging assay, the median inhibition concentration (IC50) value of S. jambos was 57.80 µg/ml, which was significant to that of ascorbic acid (12.01 µg/ml). The maximum absorbance for reducing power assay was found to be 0.4934. The total antioxidant capacity, phenolic and flavonoid contents were calculated to be 628.50 mg/g of ascorbic acid, 230.82 mg/g of gallic acid and 11.84 mg/g of quercetin equivalent, respectively. At a dose of 400 mg/kg, a significant acute anti-inflammatory activity (P antioxidant activities of S. jambos.

  5. Identification of ionic chloroacetanilide-herbicide metabolites in surface water and groundwater by HPLC/MS using negative ion spray (United States)

    Ferrer, I.; Thurman, E.M.; Barcelo, D.


    Solid-phase extraction (SPE) was combined with high-performance liquid chromatography/high-flow pneumatically assisted electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC/ESP/MS) for the trace analysis of oxanilic and sulfonic acids of acetochlor, alachlor, and metolachlor. The isolation procedure separated the chloroacetanilide metabolites from the parent herbicides during the elution from C18 cartridges using ethyl acetate for parent compounds, followed by methanol for the anionic metabolites. The metabolites were separated chromatographically using reversed-phase HPLC and analyzed by negative-ion MS using electrospray ionization in selected ion mode. Quantitation limits were 0.01 ??g/L for both the oxanilic and sulfonic acids based on a 100-mL water sample. This combination of methods represents an important advance in environmental analysis of chloroacetanilide-herbicide metabolites in surface water and groundwater for two reasons. First, anionic chloroacetanilide metabolites are a major class of degradation products that are readily leached to groundwater in agricultural areas. Second, anionic metabolites, which are not able to be analyzed by conventional methods such as liquid extraction and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, are effectively analyzed by SPE and high-flow pneumatically assisted electrospray mass spectrometry. This paper reports the first HPLC/MS identification of these metabolites in surface water and groundwater.

  6. Analysis of flavonoids from propolis by on-line HPLC-electrospray mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Volpi, Nicola; Bergonzini, Gianluca


    In this paper, the qualitative and quantitative separation and determination of the polyphenolic component of propolis preparations in the form of ethanolic extract, usually used for commercial pharmaceutical preparations, has been investigated by means of on-line HPLC-ESI/MS technique. Propolis of different origin have been evaluated for their components and a specific fingerprint has been determined potentially useful for the quality control of extracts in pharmaceutical preparations. The ethanolic extracts of propolis from Argentina, Italy and Spain shows approximately the same total ion chromatogram (TIC) profile due to the presence of the same molecular species, identified by the negative ESI-MS. On the contrary, the samples from Azerbaijan, China, Ethiopia and Kenya show a very peculiar TIC profiles. By using many purified flavonoids and calibration curves over a wide concentration range, from 0.05 (5 microg/ml) to 5 microg (500 microg/ml), an accurate assessment of the contents of several bioactive compounds in extract samples was performed. The propolis from Argentina, Italy and Spain show a great amount of pinocembrin (approximately 49%, 48% and 39% of the total identified flavonoids, respectively) and variable but similar percentages of the other species. On the contrary, the propolis from China, Azerbaijan and Ethiopia have a great amount of pinocembrin (approximately 63%, 46% and 62%, respectively) but no presence of genistein, kaempferol, apigenin and chrysin for the sample from China, genistein, kaempferol, acacetin and chrysin for the propolis from Azerbaijan, and no kaempferol and acacetin for the sample from Ethiopia. The ethanolic extract from propolis of Kenya has no identified flavonoid species but just a peak possessing a m/z of 253.0. Finally, an evaluation of the presence of total flavonoids for the various propolis samples was performed, with extracts from Argentina, Italy and Spain more rich in polyphenols than those from Azerbaijan, China

  7. HPLC Separation of Sulforaphane Enantiomers in Broccoli and Its Sprouts by Transformation into Diastereoisomers Using Derivatization with (S)-Leucine. (United States)

    Okada, Makiko; Yamamoto, Atsushi; Aizawa, Sen-Ichi; Taga, Atsushi; Terashima, Hiroyuki; Kodama, Shuji


    Racemic sulforaphane, which was derivatized with (S)-leucine (l-leucine), was resolved by reversed phase HPLC with UV detection. The optimum mobile phase conditions were found to be 10 mM citric acid (pH 2.8) containing 22% methanol at 35 °C using detection at 254 nm. Sulforaphane enantiomers in florets and stems of five brands of broccoli and leaves and stems of three brands of broccoli sprouts were analyzed by the proposed HPLC method. Both sulforaphane enantiomers were detected in all of the samples. The S/R ratios of sulforaphane in broccoli samples were 1.5-2.6/97.4-98.5% for florets and 5.0-12.1/87.9-95.0% for stems. The S/R ratios in broccoli sprout samples were higher than those in broccoli samples and were found to be 8.3-19.7/80.3-91.7% for leaves and 37.0-41.8/58.2-63.0% for stems. (S)-Sulforaphane detected in the broccoli and its sprout samples was positively identified by separately using an HPLC with a chiral column (Chiralpak AD-RH) and mass spectrometry.

  8. Development of a validated HPLC method for the determination of sennoside A and B, two major constituents of Cassia obovata Coll.


    Ghassemi-Dehkordi Nasrollah; Ghanadian Mustafa; Arabha Sajjad


    Introduction: Cassia obovata Coll is the only Senna species which grows wild in Iran. In the present study, an optimised reverse High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) validated method was established for quantification of sennosides A and B, the major constituents of C. obovata with a simple and accurate method. Methods: HPLC analysis was done using Waters 515 pump on a Nova-Pak C18 (3.9 × 150 mm). Millennium software was used for the determination of the sennoside A and B in Cassia s...

  9. Glycoproteins and protein glycations identified in barley grain and malt by 2D-HPLC

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Žídková, Jitka; Petry-Podgorska, Inga; Laštovičková, Markéta; Bobálová, Janette


    Roč. 20, č. 1 (2013), s. 43 ISSN 1211-5894. [Discussion in Structural Molecular Biology /11./. 14.03.2013-16.03.2013, Nové Hrady] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GPP503/12/P395 Institutional support: RVO:68081715 Keywords : barley grain * glycoproteins * 2D-HPLC * MS/MS Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation

  10. Comparison of Peak-area Ratios and Percentage Peak Area Derived from HPLC-evaporative Light Scattering and Refractive Index Detectors for Palm Oil and its Fractions. (United States)

    Ping, Bonnie Tay Yen; Aziz, Haliza Abdul; Idris, Zainab


    High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) methods via evaporative light scattering (ELS) and refractive index (RI) detectors are used by the local palm oil industry to monitor the TAG profiles of palm oil and its fractions. The quantitation method used is based on area normalization of the TAG components and expressed as percentage area. Although not frequently used, peak-area ratios based on TAG profiles are a possible qualitative method for characterizing the TAG of palm oil and its fractions. This paper aims to compare these two detectors in terms of peak-area ratio, percentage peak area composition, and TAG elution profiles. The triacylglycerol (TAG) composition for palm oil and its fractions were analysed under similar HPLC conditions i.e. mobile phase and column. However, different sample concentrations were used for the detectors while remaining within the linearity limits of the detectors. These concentrations also gave a good baseline resolved separation for all the TAGs components. The results of the ELSD method's percentage area composition for the TAGs of palm oil and its fractions differed from those of RID. This indicates an unequal response of TAGs for palm oil and its fractions using the ELSD, also affecting the peak area ratios. They were found not to be equivalent to those obtained using the HPLC-RID. The ELSD method showed a better baseline separation for the TAGs components, with a more stable baseline as compared with the corresponding HPLC-RID. In conclusion, the percentage area compositions and peak-area ratios for palm oil and its fractions as derived from HPLC-ELSD and RID were not equivalent due to different responses of TAG components to the ELSD detector. The HPLC-RID has a better accuracy for percentage area composition and peak-area ratio because the TAG components response equally to the detector.

  11. HPLC-ICP-MS compared with radiochemical detection for metabolite profiling of H-3-bromohexine in rat urine and faeces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, B.P.; Gammelgaard, B.; Hansen, S.H.


    H-3-Bromohexine was dosed to rats as a model compound to allow comparison of HPLC-ICP-MS detection on bromine to radiochemical detection in an in vivo drug metabolism study. Metabolite profiles were obtained in urine and faeces extracts. No influence of the methanol gradient on the bromine response...... was observed in the range of 18 - 75% methanol. The sensitivity obtained by HPLC- ICP-MS was almost two orders of magnitude better than on-line H-3 radiochemical detection. For ICP- MS, the limit of detection was calculated to be 69 nM Br ( injection volume 100 mu l), corresponding to an absolute limit...

  12. HPLC ve Kağıt Kromatografisi Tekniklerinin Kombinasyonu ile Flavonoidlerin Saflaştırılması


    Velioğlu, Sedat; Cemeroğlu, Bekir


    Bu araştırmada, kağıt kromatografisi ve yüksek basınç likit kromatografisi (HPLC) yöntemlerinin birlikte uygulanması ile flavonoidlerin saf olarak elde edilme olanakları incelenmiştir. Whatman 3MM kromatografi kağıdı ve BAW solvent sistemi kullanılarak inen tipte kağıt kromatografisi tekniğiyle 7 band elde edilmiş ve bu bantlar üzerindeki flavonoidler MAW solvent sistemiyle elue edildikten sonra HPLC kolonuna enjekte edilmiştir. Araştırma bulguları, bu yolla 15 adet pikin saf olarak elde edil...

  13. Quality control and identification of steroid saponins in crude extracts from Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright by fingerprint with HPLC-ELSD and HPLC-ESI-Quadrupole/Time-of-fight tandem mass spectrometry (United States)

    Zhang, Xinxin; Liang, Jinru; Liu, Jianli; Zhao, Ye; Gao, Juan; Sun, Wenji; Ito, Yoichiro


    In this study, a fingerprint of steroid saponins, the major bioactive constituents in the crude extracts from Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright (DZW), has been established for the first time by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light scattering detector (HPLC-ELSD) and the simultaneous characterization of the steroid saponins by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry and quadrupole tandem time-of-fight mass analyzers detection (HPLC-ESI-Q/TOF). These HPLC analyses were both carried out on a Welchrom C18 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm) with a mobile phase composed of water and acetonitrile under gradient elution. There were 68 common characteristic peaks in the fingerprints, in which 12 of them were confirmed by comparing their mass spectra and retention times with those of the reference compounds. In order to identify the other unknown peaks, their fragmentation behaviors characteristic for the major groups of steroid saponins from DZW with six types of aglycone skeletons were discussed in detail, and possible MS/MS fragmentation pathways were proposed for aiding the structural identification of these components. According to the summarized fragmentation patterns, these peaks were tentatively assigned by matching their empirical molecular formula with those of the published compounds, or by elucidating their quasi-molecular ions and fragment ions referring to available literature information when the reference standards were unavailable. As a result, 22 steroid saponins were found in DZW for the first time. In addition, the quantitative analysis of the 12 known peaks was accomplished at the same time which indicated that there was a great variability in the amount of these active compounds in different batches in the crude extracts. This approach could demonstrate that the fingerprint could be considered to be a suitable tool to comprehensively improve the quality control

  14. HPLC identification of isoniazid residues in bovine milk

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leite R.M.H.


    Full Text Available The high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC was used for the identification of isoniazid (isonicotinic acid hydrazide in the milk of cattle treated with a dose of 25 mg/kg/day in alternated days. The effect of milk pasteurization on the isoniazid residue concentration was also studied. The drug excretion presented a cyclic variation, with higher levels in the first day after administration (aa, a mean of 1104.48µg/l, and a decrease two days aa, with a mean of 104.12µg/l. Four days after the last administration of the drug it was not possible to identify residues of isoniazid in the milk of treated animals. Body weight and milk yield influenced the amount of the excreted drug, and pasteurization decreased (mean 47.07% the concentration of isoniazid residue in milk.

  15. Comparison of the phenolic composition of fruit juices by single step gradient HPLC analysis of multiple components versus multiple chromatographic runs optimised for individual families. (United States)

    Bremner, P D; Blacklock, C J; Paganga, G; Mullen, W; Rice-Evans, C A; Crozier, A


    After minimal sample preparation, two different HPLC methodologies, one based on a single gradient reversed-phase HPLC step, the other on multiple HPLC runs each optimised for specific components, were used to investigate the composition of flavonoids and phenolic acids in apple and tomato juices. The principal components in apple juice were identified as chlorogenic acid, phloridzin, caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid. Tomato juice was found to contain chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, naringenin and rutin. The quantitative estimates of the levels of these compounds, obtained with the two HPLC procedures, were very similar, demonstrating that either method can be used to analyse accurately the phenolic components of apple and tomato juices. Chlorogenic acid in tomato juice was the only component not fully resolved in the single run study and the multiple run analysis prior to enzyme treatment. The single run system of analysis is recommended for the initial investigation of plant phenolics and the multiple run approach for analyses where chromatographic resolution requires improvement.

  16. Development and validation of a RP- HPLC method for the quantitation studies of bromadiolone in Ratitox F

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Gabriela Oltean


    Full Text Available An isocratic high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC procedure was developed for the quantitative determination of bromadiolone (hydroxycoumarins in Ratitox F product – rodenticide. HPLC separation was carried out by reversed phase chromatography ODS 2 Hypersil C18 (250 mm x 4.6 mm i.e.; 5 ìm particle size, held in thermostat at 25°C. The mobile phase consisted of methanol/0.1% aqueous solution phosphoric acid (90/10v/v, with a flow rate of 1 ml/min and with UV detection at 265 nm. In order to validate the method, the following parameters have been investigated- linearity (r2 = 0.9999, range, precision, accuracy, specificity, limit of detection and limit of quantification. The described method can be successfully applied for the analysis of Ratitox F – rodenticide.

  17. An Overview of Analytical Determination of Diltiazem, Cimetidine, Ranitidine, and Famotidine by UV Spectrophotometry and HPLC Technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nighat Shafi


    Full Text Available This review article recapitulates the analytical methods for the quantitative determinations of diltiazem and three H2 receptor antagonists (cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine by one of the spectroscopic technique (UV spectrophotometery and separation technique such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC. The clinical and pharmaceutical analysis of these drugs requires effective analytical procedures for quality control, pharmaceutical dosage formulations, and biological fluids. An extensive survey of the literature published in various analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry-related journals has been compiled in its review. A synopsis of reported spectrophotometric and high-performance liquid chromatographic methods for individual drug is integrated. This appraisal illustrates that majority of the HPLC methods reviewed are based on the quantitative analysis of drugs in biological fluids, and they are appropriate for therapeutic drug monitoring purpose.

  18. Simultaneous speciation of endogenous and exogenous elements by HPLC/ICP-MS with enriched stable isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, K.T.


    High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)/inductively coupled argon plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was introduced to investigate the distributions of selenium (Se) in biological fluids. The method was to determine both the natural abundance of Se and an enriched stable isotope of Se used as a tracer. The distributions of Se in plasma and in urine specimens were determined in Wistar rats on various Se diets with and without an intravenous injection of 82 Se-selenite. Although the distribution of natural abundance Se (endogenous Se) in the plasma was affected little by the nutritional status of Se, that in the urine gave a Se peak depending on the nutritional status of Se, and the peak was identified as methylselenol. When 82 Se-selenite was injected in excess into rats given three different Se diets (Se-deficient, Se-adequate, Se-excessive), three Se peaks occurred in the HPLC chromatogram of the urine samples, corresponding to selenite, methylselenol and trimethylselenonium ion in the order of elution, and the intensities of the tracer peaks reflected the nutritional status. These results indicate that the HPLC/ICP-MS method is a powerful analytical tool for specifying Se-containing biological constituents, both natural abundance and enriched stable isotopes. Methylselenol in urine is proposed to be a sensitive and Se-specific biological indicator for diagnosing the nutritional status of Se. Furthermore, it was shown that an enriched stable isotope such as 82 Se-selenite was shown to be used for the same purpose, and that 82 Se-methylselenol and 82 Se-trimethylselenonium ion in urine were more sensitive indicators of the Se status of the rats. (author)

  19. Simultaneous quantification of flavonoids and triterpenoids in licorice using HPLC. (United States)

    Wang, Yuan-Chuen; Yang, Yi-Shan


    Numerous bioactive compounds are present in licorice (Glycyrrhizae Radix), including flavonoids and triterpenoids. In this study, a reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for simultaneous quantification of three flavonoids (liquiritin, liquiritigenin and isoliquiritigenin) and four triterpenoids (glycyrrhizin, 18alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid, 18beta-glycyrrhetinic acid and 18beta-glycyrrhetinic acid methyl ester) from licorice was developed, and further, to quantify these 7 compounds from 20 different licorice samples. Specifically, the reverse-phase HPLC was performed with a gradient mobile phase composed of 25 mM phosphate buffer (pH 2.5)-acetonitrile featuring gradient elution steps as follows: 0 min, 100:0; 10 min, 80:20; 50 min, 70:30; 73 min, 50:50; 110 min, 50:50; 125 min, 20:80; 140 min, 20:80, and peaks were detected at 254 nm. By using our technique, a rather good specificity was obtained regarding to the separation of these seven compounds. The regression coefficient for the linear equations for the seven compounds lay between 0.9978 and 0.9992. The limits of detection and quantification lay in the range of 0.044-0.084 and 0.13-0.25 microg/ml, respectively. The relative recovery rates for the seven compounds lay between 96.63+/-2.43 and 103.55+/-2.77%. Coefficient variation for intra-day and inter-day precisions lay in the range of 0.20-1.84 and 0.28-1.86%, respectively. Based upon our validation results, this analytical technique is a convenient method to simultaneous quantify numerous bioactive compounds derived from licorice, featuring good quantification parameters, accuracy and precision.

  20. Quantitative determination of cucurbitane-type triterpenes and triterpene glycosides in dietary supplements containing bitter melon (Momordica charantia) by HPLC-MS/MS. (United States)

    Ma, Jun; Krynitsky, Alexander J; Grundel, Erich; Rader, Jeanne I


    Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae), commonly known as bitter melon, is widely cultivated in many tropical and subtropical areas of the world. It is a common food staple; its fruits, leaves, seeds, stems, and roots also have a long history of use in traditional medicine. In the United States, dietary supplements labeled as containing bitter melon can be purchased over-the-counter and from Internet suppliers. Currently, no quantitative analytical method is available for monitoring the content of cucurbitane-type triterpenes and triterpene glycosides, the major constituents of bitter melon, in such supplements. We investigated the use of HPLC-electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS/MS for the quantitative determination of such compounds in dietary supplements containing bitter melon. Values for each compound obtained from external calibration were compared with those obtained from the method of standard additions to address matrix effects associated with ESI. In addition, the cucurbitane-type triterpene and triterpene glycoside contents of two dietary supplements determined by the HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method with standard additions were compared with those measured by an HPLC method with evaporative light scattering detection, which was recently developed for quantification of such compounds in dried fruits of M. charantia. The contents of five cucurbitane-type triterpenes and triterpene glycosides in 10 dietary supplements were measured using the HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method with standard additions. The total contents of the five compounds ranged from 17 to 3464 microg/serving.

  1. Comparison of high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Griess reagent-spectroscopic methods for the measurement of nitrate in serum from healthy individuals in the Nordic countries. (United States)

    Larsen, Tine Lise; Nilsen, Valentina; Andersen, Dag Olav; Francis, George; Rustad, Pål; Mansoor, Mohammad Azam


    Bioavailability of NO can be estimated by measuring the concentration of nitrate (NO(3)) in serum. However, the methods used for the measurement NO(3) in plasma or serum show a great degree of variation. Therefore, we compared two analytical methods for the measurement of NO(3) in serum. The concentration of NO(3) in 600 serum samples collected from healthy individuals was determined by the HPLC and by the Griess reagent-spectroscopic method. The concentration of NO(3) in the samples was 29.4+/-16.1 micromol/L and 26.2+/-14.0 micromol/L (mean+/-SD) measured by HPLC and Griess reagent-spectroscopic method respectively (pHPLC method.

  2. Stability-Indicating TLC-Densitometric and HPLC Methods for the Simultaneous Determination of Piracetam and Vincamine in the Presence of Their Degradation Products. (United States)

    Ahmed, Amal B; Abdelrahman, Maha M; Abdelwahab, Nada S; Salama, Fathy M


    Newly established TLC-densitometric and RP-HPLC methods were developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of Piracetam (PIR) and Vincamine (VINC) in their pharmaceutical formulation and in the presence of PIR and VINC degradation products, PD and VD, respectively. The proposed TLC-densitometric method is based on the separation and quantitation of the studied components using a developing system that consists of chloroform-methanol-glacial acetic acid-triethylamine (8 + 2 + 0.1 + 0.1, v/v/v/v) on TLC silica gel 60 F254 plates, followed by densitometric scanning at 230 nm. On the other hand, the developed RP-HPLC method is based on the separation of the studied components using an isocratic elution of 0.05 M KH2PO4 (containing 0.1% triethylamine adjusted to pH 3 with orthophosphoric acid)-methanol (95 + 5, v/v) on a C8 column at a flow rate of 1 mL/min with diode-array detection at 230 nm. The developed methods were validated according to International Conference on Harmonization guidelines and demonstrated good accuracy and precision. Moreover, the developed TLC-densitometric and RP-HPLC methods are suitable as stability-indicating assay methods for the simultaneous determination of PD and VD either in bulk powder or pharmaceutical formulation. The results were statistically compared with those obtained by the reported RP-HPLC method using t- and F-tests.

  3. Optimization of high pressure machine decocting process for Dachengqi Tang using HPLC fingerprints combined with the Box–Behnken experimental design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rui-Fang Xie


    Full Text Available Using Dachengqi Tang (DCQT as a model, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC fingerprints were applied to optimize machine extracting process with the Box–Behnken experimental design. HPLC fingerprints were carried out to investigate the chemical ingredients of DCQT; synthetic weighing method based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP and criteria importance through intercriteria correlation (CRITIC was performed to calculate synthetic scores of fingerprints; using the mark ingredients contents and synthetic scores as indicators, the Box–Behnken design was carried out to optimize the process parameters of machine decocting process under high pressure for DCQT. Results of optimal process showed that the herb materials were soaked for 45 min and extracted with 9 folds volume of water in the decocting machine under the temperature of 140 °C till the pressure arrived at 0.25 MPa; then hot decoction was excreted to soak Dahuang and Mangxiao for 5 min. Finally, obtained solutions were mixed, filtrated and packed. It concluded that HPLC fingerprints combined with the Box–Behnken experimental design could be used to optimize extracting process of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM. Keywords: Dachengqi Tang, HPLC fingerprints, Box–Behnken design, Synthetic weighing method

  4. Simultaneous qualification and quantification of baccharane glycosides in Impatientis Semen by HPLC-ESI-MSD and HPLC-ELSD. (United States)

    Li, Hui-Jun; Yu, Jun-Jie; Li, Ping


    This study presents a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrospray ionization mass spectrometric detection (ESI-MSD) and evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) method for the simultaneous qualification and quantification of eight major baccharane glycosides, namely hosenlosides A, B, C, F, G, K, L, and M in Impatientis Semen, a Chinese herbal medicine derived from the seeds of Impatiens balsamina L. In order to achieve optimum performance, several extraction parameters (including extraction solvent, extraction mode, extraction time) were optimized. The baccharane glycosides were separated on a Shim-pack CLC-ODS column with gradient elution of water and methanol. Temperature for the ELSD drift tube was set at 98°C and the nitrogen flow rate was 2.7l/min. The unambiguous identities of the analytes were realized by comparing retention times and mass data with those of reference compounds. The developed method was fully validated in terms of linearity, sensitivity, precision, repeatability, recovery as well as robustness, and subsequently applied to evaluate the quality of 14 batches of Impatientis Semen commercial samples from different collections. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. HPLC Determination of Polyphenols from Calendula officinalis L. Flowers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frum Adina


    Full Text Available Romanian spontaneous flora provides a lot of resources for the determination of different chemical compounds. This study uses flower samples from Calendula officinalis L. extracted through maceration. The chemical compounds determined were: (+-catechin, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, cinnamic acid, ferulic acid, gallic acid, rutin, resveratrol and quercetin. They were analyzed by using an optimized HPLC method. (+-Catechin, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid and quercetin could not be identified in the analyzed samples. The greatest amount of phenolic compound found was rutin and the smallest quantity was determined for ferulic acid. The quantified compounds have proven to have benefits regarding human health, thus they can be used as functional compounds and can be included in food products and food supplements.

  6. [Determination of 5 nucleosides components in culture of Paecilomyces hepialid by HPLC]. (United States)

    Yang, Dan; Ma, Yun-shu; Huang, Ting-ting; Chen, Cheng


    The concentration of 5 nucleosides, uracil, uridine, guanidine, adenine and adenosine in culture of Paecilomyces hepialid was determined by the developed method of HPLC. The HPLC method was performed on a Waters SunFire C18 (4.6 mm x 250 mm, 5 μm) column with methanol-water gradient elution as the mobile phase. The detection wavelength was 260 nm and the colunmn temperature was controlled at 30 °C. The linear range was 10.00-200.00 mg · L(-1) (r = 0.9994) for uracil, 10.10-202.00 mg · L(-1) (r = 0.9992) for uridine, 10.00-200.00 mg · L(-1) (r = 0.9991) for guanidine, 10.30-206.00 mg · L(-1) (r = 0.9992) for adenine and 10.45-209.00 mg · L(-1) (r = 0.9991) for adenosine, respectively. The RSD of precision was 0.032%, 0.035%, 0.039%, 0.049%, 0.00080%, respectively. The average recoveries of uracil, guanidine, adenine, and adenosine were 97.34%, 99.10%, 101.6%, 98.61% and 100.2% with RSD of 1.3%, 2.1%, 0.96%, 0.95%, and 1.3% respectively. The method showed high sensitivity, good selectivity, linearity and repeatability, which was suitable for the content analysis of 5 nucleosides components in P. hepialid and its extracts.

  7. Hyphenation of solid-phase extraction with liquid chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance: application of HPLC-DAD-SPE-NMR to identification of constituents of Kanahia laniflora. (United States)

    Clarkson, Cailean; Staerk, Dan; Hansen, Steen Honoré; Jaroszewski, Jerzy W


    The introduction of on-line solid-phase extraction (SPE) in HPLC-NMR has dramatically enhanced the sensitivity of this technique by concentration of the analytes in a small-volume NMR flow cell and by increasing the amount of the analyte by multiple peak trapping. In this study, the potential of HPLC-DAD-SPE-NMR hyphenation was demonstrated by structure determination of complex constituents of flower, leaf, root, and stem extracts of an African medicinal plant Kanahia laniflora. The technique was shown to allow acquisition of high-quality homo- and heteronuclear 2D NMR data following analytical-scale HPLC separation of extract constituents. Four flavonol glycosides [kaempferol 3-O-(6-O-alpha-l-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-d-glucopyranoside; kaempferol 3-O-(2,6-di-O-alpha-l-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-d-glucopyranoside; quercetin 3-O-(2,6-di-O-alpha-l-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-d-glucopyranoside (rutin); and isorhamnetin, 3-O-(6-O-alpha-l-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-d-glucopyranoside] and three 5alpha-cardenolides [coroglaucigenin 3-O-6-deoxy-beta-d-allopyranoside; coroglaucigenin 3-O-(4-O-beta-d-glucopyranosyl)-6-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranoside; 3'-O-acetyl-3'-epiafroside] were identified, with complete assignments of 1H and 13C resonances based on HSQC and HMBC spectra whenever required. Confirmation of the structures was provided by HPLC-MS data. The HPLC-DAD-SPE-NMR technique therefore speeds up the dereplication of complex mixtures of natural origin significantly, by characterization of individual extract components prior to preparative isolation work.

  8. The potential use of complex derivatization procedures in comprehensive HPLC-MS/MS detection of anabolic steroids. (United States)

    Baranov, Pavel A; Appolonova, Svetlana A; Rodchenkov, Grigory M


    The use of two separate derivatization procedures with the formation of oxime (hydroxyl ammonium pretreatment) and picolinoyl (mixed anhydride method) derivates of anabolic steroids following HPLC-MS/MS analysis was proposed. The main product ions of obtained derivatives for 21 anabolic steroids were evaluated and fragmentation pathways were compared.The analysis of MS/MS spectra for underivatized steroids versus oxime or picolinoyl derivatives showed that in case of analytes containing conjugated double bonds in sterane core all of the observed MS/MS spectra contained abundant product ions of diagnostic value. The implementation of derivatization procedures to such compounds is useful for upgrading sensitivity or selectivity of the evaluated method. On the other hand, MS/MS spectra of underivatized and oxime analytes without conjugated double bonds in sterane core produce spectra with large amounts of low abundant product ions. Picolinoyl derivatives formation leads to highly specific spectra with product ions of diagnostic value coupled with sensitive and selective analysis at the same time. The intra- and inter-group comparison analysis revealed that fragmentation pathways for underivatized steroids and correspondent oxime derivatives are similar.The obtained oxime and picolinoyl derivatives provided 10-15 times higher ESI response in the HPLC-ESI-MS-selected reaction monitoring (SRM) when compared to those of underivatized molecules in positive HPLC-ESI-MS mode.Due to the laborious sample preparation we suggest to use the performed strategy for confirmation analysis purposes, metabolic studies or while the identification of new steroids or steroid-like substances. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  9. HPLC and MS/MS study of polar contaminants in a wetland adjoining a sour-gas plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dickson, L.C.; Headley, J.V.; Peru, K.; Spiegel, K.; Gandrass, J.


    An analytical methodology was developed for target analyses and broad spectrum characterization of polar contaminants such as nitrogenous and organosulfur compounds in wetlands using the complementary techniques of HPLC with electrochemical (EC) detection and tandem MS with probe and electrospray ionization. Tandem MS was well suited for the identification and quantification of mixtures of polar compounds in water samples and soil extracts, while HPLC-EC provided sensitive detection of compounds transparent to MS detection and conventional methods. The usefulness of the methodology is demonstrated by studying the removal of polar contaminants from a wetland in western Canada affected by releases of hydrocarbon-rich condensate and free product from an adjoining sour-gas plant. The concern is that the mobile water-soluble polar contaminants may not be as efficiently attenuated by volatilization or adsorption processes as the more hydrophobic hydrocarbons and that some of the polar toxic compounds may break through to contaminate groundwater and surface waters. Samples of groundwater, surface water, and aqueous soil extracts were analyzed to quantify levels of polar contaminants in the presence of high concentrations of hydrocarbons. The use of water extracts reduced the background interference from hydrocarbons and other non-polar compounds that were present in the soil samples. HPLC-EC was used to quantify the target compounds that included monoethanolamine, diethanolamine and methyldiethanolamine and sulfolane-derived compounds while tandem MS was used to identify related compounds and degradation products. Influent concentrations were in the ppm range and discharge concentrations were in the ppb range

  10. Quantification of whey proteins by reversed phase-HPLC and effectiveness of mid-infrared spectroscopy for their rapid prediction in sweet whey. (United States)

    Sturaro, Alba; De Marchi, Massimo; Masi, Antonio; Cassandro, Martino


    In the dairy industry, membrane filtration is used to reduce the amount of whey waste and, simultaneously, to recover whey proteins (WP). The composition of WP can strongly affect the filtration treatment of whey, and rapid determination of WP fractions would be of interest for dairy producers to monitor WP recovery. This study aimed to develop mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) prediction models for the rapid quantification of protein in sweet whey, using a validated rapid reversed phase (RP)-HPLC as a reference method. Quantified WP included α-lactalbumin (α-LA), β-lactoglobulin (β-LG) A and B, bovine serum albumin, caseinomacropeptides, and proteose peptone. Validation of RP-HPLC was performed by calculating the relative standard deviation (RSD) in repeatability and reproducibility tests for WP retention time and peak areas. Samples of liquid whey (n=187) were analyzed by RP-HPLC and scanned through MIRS to collect spectral information (900 to 4,000 cm(-1)); statistical analysis was carried out through partial least squares regression and random cross-validation procedure. Retention times in RP-HPLC method were stable (RSD between 0.03 and 0.80%), whereas the RSD of peak area (from 0.25 to 8.48%) was affected by WP relative abundance. Higher coefficients of determination in validation for MIRS model were obtained for protein fractions present in whey in large amounts, such as β-LG (0.58), total identified WP (0.58), and α-LA (0.56). Results of this study suggest that MIRS is an easy method for rapid quantification of detail protein in sweet whey, even if better resolution was achieved with the method based on RP-HPLC. The prediction of WP in sweet whey by MIRS might be used for screening and for classifying sweet whey according to its total and individual WP contents. Copyright © 2016 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Residuen van anabolica in toedieningsplaatsen bij slachtdieren. II Specifieke identificatie van anabolica met HPLC-diode array detectie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Blitterswijk H; Jansen EHJM; Stephany RW


    De combinatie hoge druk vloeistofchromatografie (HPLC) met in situ totale ultraviolet (UV) spectrumdetectie via het "diode array principe", wordt nader beschreven en geevalueerd. Een relatief grote hoeveelheid stof (circa 200 nanogram) is benodigd voor spectrum identificatie. Voor

  12. Neutron scattering and HPLC study on L-ascorbic acid and its degradation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellocco, E.; Barreca, D.; Lagana, G.; Leuzzi, U.; Migliardo, F.; Torre, R. La; Galli, G.; Galtieri, A.; Minutoli, L.; Squadrito, F.


    The present paper shows a systematic dynamic and kinetic study on L-ascorbic acid and its degradation at high temperature. The neutron scattering study allows, through the behavior of quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) spectra, to characterize the diffusive dynamics of L-ascorbic acid in water mixtures. Ascorbic acid undergoes degradation process at high temperature, but the presence of trehalose in solution markedly avoids ascorbic acid loss enhancing its t 1/2 (half life time), as determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

  13. Two Validated HPLC Methods for the Quantification of Alizarin and other Anthraquinones in Rubia tinctorum Cultivars

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Derksen, G.C.H.; Lelyveld, G.P.; Beek, van T.A.; Capelle, A.; Groot, de Æ.


    Direct and indirect HPLC-UV methods for the quantitative determination of anthraquinones in dried madder root have been developed, validated and compared. In the direct method, madder root was extracted twice with refluxing ethanol-water. This method allowed the determination of the two major native

  14. A PLS-based extractive spectrophotometric method for simultaneous determination of carbamazepine and carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide in plasma and comparison with HPLC (United States)

    Hemmateenejad, Bahram; Rezaei, Zahra; Khabnadideh, Soghra; Saffari, Maryam


    Carbamazepine (CBZ) undergoes enzyme biotransformation through epoxidation with the formation of its metabolite, carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide (CBZE). A simple chemometrics-assisted spectrophotometric method has been proposed for simultaneous determination of CBZ and CBZE in plasma. A liquid extraction procedure was operated to separate the analytes from plasma, and the UV absorbance spectra of the resultant solutions were subjected to partial least squares (PLS) regression. The optimum number of PLS latent variables was selected according to the PRESS values of leave-one-out cross-validation. A HPLC method was also employed for comparison. The respective mean recoveries for analysis of CBZ and CBZE in synthetic mixtures were 102.57 (±0.25)% and 103.00 (±0.09)% for PLS and 99.40 (±0.15)% and 102.20 (±0.02)%. The concentrations of CBZ and CBZE were also determined in five patients using the PLS and HPLC methods. The results showed that the data obtained by PLS were comparable with those obtained by HPLC method.

  15. [Evaluation of Brodifacoum-induced Toxicity by Metabonomics Approach Based on HPLC-TOF-MS]. (United States)

    Yan, H; Zhuo, X Y; Shen, B H; Xiang, P; Shen, M


    To analyse the metabolic changes in urine of rats with brodifacoum intoxication, and to reveal the molecular mechanism of brodifacoum-induced toxicity on rats. By establishing a brodifacoum poisoning rats model, the urine metabolic profiling data of rats were acquired using high performance liquid chromatography-time of flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-TOF-MS). The orthogonal partial least squares analysis-discrimination analysis (OPLS-DA) was applied for the multivariate statistics and the discovery of differential metabolites closely related to toxicity of brodifacoum. OPLS-DA score plot showed that the urinary metabolic at different time points before and after drug administration had good similarity within time period and presented clustering phenomenon. Comparing the urine samples of rats before drug administration with which after drug administration, twenty-two metabolites related to brodifacoum-induced toxicity were selected. The toxic effect of brodifacoum worked by disturbing the metabolic pathways in rats such as tricarboxylic cycle, glycolysis, sphingolipid metabolism and tryptophan metabolism, and the toxicity of brodifacoum is characterized of accumulation effect. The metabonomic method based on urine HPLC-TOF-MS can provide a novel insight into the study on molecular mechanism of brodifacoum-induced toxicity. Copyright© by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine

  16. Determination of hydroxyurea in human plasma by HPLC-UV using derivatization with xanthydrol. (United States)

    Legrand, Tiphaine; Rakotoson, Marie-Georgine; Galactéros, Frédéric; Bartolucci, Pablo; Hulin, Anne


    A simple and rapid high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method using ultraviolet (UV) detection was developed to determine hydroxyurea (HU) concentration in plasma sample after derivatization with xanthydrol. Two hundred microliters samples were spiked with methylurea (MeU) as internal standard and proteins were precipitated by adding methanol. Derivatization of HU and MeU was immediately performed by adding 0.02M xanthydrol and 1.5M HCl in order to obtain xanthyl-derivatives of HU and MeU that can be further separated using HPLC and quantified using UV detection at 240nm. Separation was achieved using a C18 column with a mobile phase composed of 20mM ammonium acetate and acetonitrile in gradient elution mode at a flow rate of 1mL/min. The total analysis time did not exceed 18min. The method was found linear from 5 to 400μM and all validation parameters fulfilled the international requirements. Between- and within-run accuracy error ranged from -4.7% to 3.2% and precision was lower than 12.8%. This simple method requires small volume samples and can be easily implemented in most clinical laboratories to develop pharmacokinetics studies of HU and to promote its therapeutic monitoring. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Determination of Arctiin and Arctigenin Contents in Arctium Tomentosum Mill. by HPLC Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaoying Zhou


    Full Text Available A simple, precise, rapid and accurate, binary-phase high performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of arctiin and arctigenin contents in the Arctium tomentosumMill. with short run time. Chromatographic separation was achieved by using HPLC system, consisting of a Shimadzu LC-6AD and Kromasil C18 column (250×4.6 mm, 5 μm, with pre-column, the mobile phase consists of methanol and water (55: 45. Detection wavelength was 280 nm. The speed of flow was 1.0 mL/min. The specimen handing quantity was 10 μL. The arctiin’s linearity range was 1.575∼4.725 μg (r=0.9995. The arctigenin’s linearity range was 0.613, 3.063 μg (r = 0.9998 and the linear relationship was accurate. The average recovery (n=5 of arctiin and arctigenin were 101.55% (RSD=2.23% 101.63% (RSD =1.49 % respectively. The contents of arctiin and arctigenin in Arctium tomentosum Mill. were 10.69 mg/g and 0.15 mg/g, respectively. Therefore, the developed HPLC method can be applied to both in vitro studies of arctiin and arctigenin formulations as well as drug estimation in biological samples.

  18. Bacterial Cell Wall Precursor Phosphatase Assays Using Thin-layer Chromatography (TLC) and High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). (United States)

    Pazos, Manuel; Otten, Christian; Vollmer, Waldemar


    Peptidoglycan encases the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane to protect the cell from lysis due to the turgor. The final steps of peptidoglycan synthesis require a membrane-anchored substrate called lipid II, in which the peptidoglycan subunit is linked to the carrier lipid undecaprenol via a pyrophosphate moiety. Lipid II is the target of glycopeptide antibiotics and several antimicrobial peptides, and is degraded by 'attacking' enzymes involved in bacterial competition to induce lysis. Here we describe two protocols using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), respectively, to assay the digestion of lipid II by phosphatases such as Colicin M or the LXG toxin protein TelC from Streptococcus intermedius . The TLC method can also monitor the digestion of undecaprenyl (pyro)phosphate, whereas the HPLC method allows to separate the di-, mono- or unphosphorylated disaccharide pentapeptide products of lipid II.

  19. Thermodynamic analysis of a fuel-cell-system for automotive transportation; Thermodynamische Analyse eines Brennstoffzellensystems zum Antrieb von Kraftfahrzeugen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berger, Oliver


    inclination angle profile of the Grossglockner mountain is followed on the test stand with a speed of 55 km/h without overheating of the cooling system. After optimization of the cooler design and positioning, the new vehicle was able to meet the specifications while the first of the two vehicles only achieved 35 km/h without overheating of the cooling system. Finally, a theoretical investigation identified the measures that should be taken to achieve sufficient cooling in countries with hot climates, e.g. the USA. It was found that it would be sufficient to raise the coolant temperature from 90 C to about 110 C to ensure good performance in these climate zones. (orig.) [German] Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die thermodynamische Analyse und Optimierung eines Brennstoffzellensystems zum Antrieb von Kraftfahrzeugen. Der Fokus ist im Wesentlichen auf die Kuehlung des Brennstoffzellenstapelmoduls gelegt, wobei aufgrund der Vielzahl an Schnittstellen zwischen der Kuehlung und den anderen Teilsystemen (Wasserstoff- und Luftversorgung) auch eine ganzheitlichere Betrachtung erforderlich ist. Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchungen ist ein bestehendes Brennstoffzellenfahrzeug, anhand dessen in einem ersten Schritt experimentelle Untersuchungen auf Systempruefstaenden und im Klimawindkanal durchgefuehrt werden. Die gewonnenen Messdaten dienen zum einen der Darstellung des Ist-Zustands und zur Ermittlung des Grenzbereichs der Waermeabfuhr an die Umgebung ueber das Brennstoffzellen-Kuehlsystem. Zum anderen werden sie zur Validierung eines dynamischen Kuehlsystemsimulationsmodells herangezogen. Mittels dieses Simulationsmodells werden anschliessend im Rahmen von Sensitivitaetsanalysen die wesentlichen Einflussfaktoren zur Steigerung der Waermeabfuhr an die Umgebung ermittelt. Die daraufhin durchgefuehrten Optimierungen betreffen die Verschaltung der Systemkomponenten sowie deren Auslegung und Platzierung im Fahrzeugvorderwagen. Auf Basis dieser und weiterer Erkenntnisse wird ein weiteres

  20. An Efficient Method for the Preparative Isolation and Purification of Flavonoids from Leaves of Crataegus pinnatifida by HSCCC and Pre-HPLC. (United States)

    Wen, Lei; Lin, Yunliang; Lv, Ruimin; Yan, Huijiao; Yu, Jinqian; Zhao, Hengqiang; Wang, Xiao; Wang, Daijie


    In this work, flavonoid fraction from the leaves of Crataegus pinnatifida was separated into its seven main constituents using a combination of HSCCC coupled with pre-HPLC. In the first step, the total flavonoid extract was subjected to HSCCC with a two-solvent system of chloroform/methanol/water/ n -butanol (4:3:2:1.5, v/v ), yielding four pure compounds, namely (-)-epicatechin ( 1 ), quercetin-3- O -(2,6-di-α-l-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-d-galactopyranoside ( 2 ), 4''- O -glucosylvitexin ( 3 ) and 2''- O -rhamnosylvitexin ( 4 ) as well as a mixture of three further flavonoids. An extrusion mode was used to rapidly separate quercetin-3- O -(2,6-di-α-l-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-d-galactopyranoside with a big K D -value. In the second step, the mixture that resulted from HSCCC was separated by pre-HPLC, resulting in three pure compounds including: vitexin ( 5 ), hyperoside ( 6 ) and isoquercitrin ( 7 ). The purities of the isolated compounds were established to be over 98%, as determined by HPLC. The structures of these seven flavonoids were elucidated by ESI-MS and NMR spectroscopic analyses.