
Sample records for hos patienter med

  1. Frihet & struktur : en kvalitativ studie av skolelivskvalitet hos ungdom med Tourette syndrom


    Siverts, Torstein


    Sammendrag. Tittel: Skolelivskvalitet hos ungdom med Tourette Syndrom Med bakgrunn i egen erfaring fra arbeid med elever med Tourette Syndrom i grunnskolen, og i studier i spesialpedagogisk teori og empiri, etterstrebes det i denne studien å utvikle økt forståelse for hva slags erfaringer fra og perspektiver på sitt skoleliv elever med denne funksjonshemmende lidelsen har. Med grunnlag i analyser av intervjuer med elever om deres erfaringer og perspektiver, har jeg prøvd å b...

  2. Anden-ordens false belief og sproglig rekursion hos børn med Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Polyanskaya, Irina


    En tværfaglig forskningsgruppe fra Roskilde Universitet undersøger forbindelsen mellem udviklingen af sprog og udviklingen af socialkognitive evner hos børn med Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelser. Projektet er støttet af VELUX FONDEN, og bag projektet står psykolog og ph.d.-studerende Irina Polyanskaya...

  3. Strubelammelse hos hund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Miles, James; Eriksen, Thomas


    Strubelammelse (larynxparese) er en dysfunktion af strubehovedet, der medfører en stærkt nedsat eller som oftest helt fraværende evne til at åbne stemmeridsen (rima glottidis) ved inspiration. De lammede stemmebånd står immobile i paramedian stilling, hvilket medfører begrænset og besværet...... og hoste. Strubelammelse er enten medfødt eller erhvervet. Den medfødte form udgør 20-30 procent af patienter, hvor symptomerne debuterer hos unge dyr med kraftig ophobning i racer som Bouvier de Flandre, Siberian husky, Dalmatiner og Bull terrier. Den erhvervede lammelse er den hyppigste form og ses...

  4. Cerebral blood flow autoregulation in patients with acute bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Kirsten


    Ph.d. afhandlingen omhandler sammenhængen mellem hjernens blodtilførsel (CBF) og middelarterietrykket (MAP) hos patienter med akut bakteriel meningitis. Hos raske er CBF uafhængig af MAP, hvilket kaldes CBF autoregulation. Svækket autoregulation antages at øge risikoen for cerebral hypoperfusion og...... iskæmi under episoder med lavt MAP, og for cerebral hyperperfusion og vasogent ødem ved højt MAP. CBF autoregulationen undersøgtes hos tyve voksne patienter med akut bakteriel meningitis i den tidlige sygdomsfase (... meningitis, men retableres ved klinisk restitution. Autoregulationen kan endvidere delvis retableres ved akut hyperventilation. Fundene har potentiel betydning for valg af supportiv terapi hos patienter med meningitis....

  5. Changes in the structural and biochemical composition of the arterial wall in type 2 diabetes patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rørdam Preil, Simone

    Arteriel stivhed er et normalt aldersbetinget fænomen. Hos patienter med type 2 diabetes synes udviklingen af arteriel stivhed accelereret, hvilket kunne være årsagen til den forøgede incidens af kardiovaskulære sygdomme hos disse patienter. Ophobningen af kollagen og/eller nedbrydningen af elastin...... ikke-atherosclerotisk arterievæv fra patienter med og uden type 2 diabetes. Arteriesnittene fra mammaria arterierne blev farvet for makrofager, elastin, kollagen og α smooth muscle actin, hvorefter vi målte området for kollagen og elastin og antallet af celler, der farves for α smooth muscle actin, ved...... laget signifikant lavere hos patienter med diabetes, og kollagen farvningen viste et større farvet område i intima og media lagene hos type 2 diabetes patienter end for patienterne uden diabetes. Ydermere forholder det sig således, at størstedelen af patienter med type 2 diabetes bliver behandlet med...

  6. Ventrikulaere takyarytmier hos patienter med kardiomyopati

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henningsen, Kristoffer; Christensen, Alex Hørby; Svendsen, Jesper Hastrup


    by disease, gender, age, previous cardiac arrest and treatment with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). RESULTS: 993 patients were screened and 128 patients with cardiomyopathy were identified, corresponding to 13% of the screened patients. 58 (45%) of the patients had dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM......), 57 (45%) patients had arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and 13 (10%) had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The average age was 44 years for HCM, 41 years for ARVC and 58 years for DCM. The majority of the patients were male. ICD treatment was used in 95% of the patients...... with ARVC, 70% of the patients with HCM and 59% of the patients with DCM. Only 5 patients had previous cardiac arrest without reversible cause. CONCLUSION: The study shows that cardiomyopathies are relatively frequent causes of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in patients discharged from a specialised...

  7. Måling af stress hos mink

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Malmkvist, Jens


    Sammendrag Stress indgår som et element ved vurdering af dyrevelfærd. Endvidere kan stress mål anvendes i undersøgelser, hvor forskellige typer af avl, burmiljø og pasning af mink sammenlignes. Men hvad er stress egentlig og hvordan måles det? Er unormal adfærd koblet til stress hos mink? På...... temadagen præsenteres nye resultater og metoder til at vurdere stress hos mink. I en metode måles koncentrationen af nedbrydningsprodukter af hormonet cortisol i gødning fra mink. Der er en række fordele ved denne metode, frem for blodprøvetagning. Forsøg viste, at hovedparten af cortisol udskilles i fæces...... (83 %) frem for i urin (17 %), samt at omsætningen af radioaktivt mærket cortisol ikke er forskellig mellem mink med hhv. lav og høj forekomst af stereotypi. Denne viden kan bruges til bedre at forstå koblingen f.eks. unormal adfærd og stress hos mink....

  8. Dömda att leva i skuggan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hälsan hos personer med albinism i Rwanda, utifrån begreppen diskriminering, coping och socialt stöd


    Niyonkuru, Elsie Diane


    Bakgrund: Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) är en ärftlig sjukdom som fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt påverkar de drabbade individerna. Okunskap, fördomar och myter om albinism utgör de största orsakerna till den diskriminering som personer med albinism utsatts för särskilt i vissa länder i Afrika söder om Sahara. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva hälsan hos personer med albinism i Rwanda, utifrån begreppen diskriminering, coping och socialt stöd. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats ligger t...

  9. Implementering af ny standard for forebyggelse af delir i forhold til ældre svagelige patienter > 65 år med hoftefraktur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bagger, Bettan; Rehder, Bente; Pedersen, Niels


    Baggrund: Pro-hip er et inter-regionalt projekt der blandt andet har til formål at evidensbasere den rehabiliterende sygepleje til hoftepatienten i forhold til indsatsområderne; ernæring, urinretention/UVI, delir og tryksår. Delirium er et hyppigt forekommende problem blandt patienter...... standard. Intentionen er således at udvikle en evidensbaseret standard eller instruks, der har til formål at opspore tidlige symptomer på konfusion og dermed forebygge udviklingen af deliriøs tilstand hos patienten med hoftefraktur. Metode: Der er udarbejdet et systematisk review med henblik på...

  10. Omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med en röntgenundersökning : En litteraturstudie


    Mohsen, Nadja; Imsirovic, Amela


    Bakgrund: Att besöka en röntgenavdelning kan vara något nytt och skrämmande för många barn. Den nya miljön kan orsaka rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn. Därför är det viktigt att röntgensjuksköterskan har kunskap om barnets behov för att upplevelsen på röntgenavdelningen ska vara så bra som möjligt. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med röntgenundersökning. Metod: Detta arbete är en litteraturstu...

  11. Pause med trombocytaggregationshaemmere hos kirurgiske patienter med kardiel stent

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Mathias; Afshari, Arash; Kristensen, Billy


    Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel is increasingly used for secondary prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with percutaneous coronary intervention. Anesthesiologists and surgeons are faced with the challenge of managing these patients prior to a surgical procedure. ....... Premature discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy constitutes a substantial risk of stent thrombosis, myocardial infarction and death. Continuing therapy increases the risk of bleeding. We provide the latest evidence on this topic for patients awaiting non-cardiac surgery....

  12. Eosinofil keratitis hos en dansk hest

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Emil; Henriksen, Michala de Linde; Andersen, Pia Haubro


    Eosinofil keratitis (EK) er en relativt sjælden øjenlidelse hos hest, som især ses i tempererede områder. Klinisk er lidelsen karakteriseret ved én eller multiple corneaulcerationer dækket med hvidt eller gelatinøst proliferativt subepithelialt plaque. Denne casereport, som omhandler en 20-årig p...

  13. Pause med trombocytaggregationshaemmere hos kirurgiske patienter med kardiel stent

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Mathias; Afshari, Arash; Kristensen, Billy


    Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel is increasingly used for secondary prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with percutaneous coronary intervention. Anesthesiologists and surgeons are faced with the challenge of managing these patients prior to a surgical procedure...

  14. Immunmedieret perikarditis hos patient med meningokokmeningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fuglsang Hansen, Janne; Johansen, Isik Somuncu


    Extrameningial manifestations in patients with meningococcal meningitis are rare. One of these manifestations is immune-mediated or purulent pericarditis. We present a case where a patient with meningococcal meningitis developed pericarditis on the 11th day after admission. A pericardial puncture...

  15. MBHI hos patienter med kroniske rygsmerter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Erik; Kastberg, S.; Jensen, Hans Henrik


    Studied the predictive validity of the MBHI (T. Millon et al, 1982) and analyzed the differences in personality and attitudes between patients with chronic lower-back pain and patients with acute pain. Human Ss: 26 male and female adults (aged 28–60 yrs) (chronic lower-back pain); 24 male and fem...... of treatment to determine the extent of the success of the therapy. The actual success of the therapy was compared with the predictions for success based on the MBHI results. (English abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)...

  16. Hvordan er det å leve med CRPS?


    Hovind, Thomas


    Hensikten med denne studien er å se på hvordan pasienter med komplekst regionalt smertesyndrom (CRPS) opplever å leve med tilstanden og hvordan disse pasientene har opplevd å bli møtt i helsevesenet. CRPS er en langvarig tilstand med sterke smerter som kan medføre økt smerterespons, redusert funksjon og nedsatt livskvalitet hos pasientene. Studien er en kvalitativ undersøkelse basert på dybdeintervju av fire pasienter med CRPS. Pasientene ble rekruttert fra en smerteavdeling i Nord-Norge og u...

  17. Musikterapi med kontakt- og kommunikationssvage børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Britta Vinkler


    I artiklen beskrives, hvordan musikterapi er med til at støtte en målrettet udviklingsproces hos børn, med diagnoser som Asperger syndrom, autisme, opmærksomhedsforstyrrelser, ADHD o.lign. Musikkens kvaliteter beskrives og illustreres gennem vignetter fra terapiforløb, der alle er foregået i Klinik...

  18. Du er god nok! Litteraturstudie om tilrettelegging av mestring for elever med dysleksi.


    Loktu, Thea Amanda Hansen


    Bacheloroppgave, grunnskolelærerutdanning, 2017. Norsk: Temaet for oppgaven er mestring og dysleksi og omhandler hvorfor og til dels hvordan en særlig skal legge til rette for mestring hos elever med dysleksi. Oppgaven er fundert i både et samfunnsmessigperspektiv og et individperspektiv. Bacheloren søker å finne de momentene som påvirker læring for denne gruppen, med fokus på det helhetlige mennesket. Problemstillingen lyder slik: Hvorfor legge særlig til rette for mestring hos elever ...

  19. Forskning i musikterapi - børn med en Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Der er forskningsmæssig evidens for, at musikterapi med børn med en autisme spektrum forstyrrelse (ASF) har en signifikant effekt. Cochrane reviews påviser, at musikterapi fremmer verbal og navnlig nonverbal kommunikation hos børn med ASF. En RCT-undersøgelse viser endvidere en signifikant effekt...

  20. Fod- og ankeltraume hos patient med diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falborg, Bettina; Ebskov, Lars


    treatment of sprains and fractures with immobilisation and a non-weight bearing period is significantly prolonged, frequently doubled, in diabetic patients. Follow-up includes frequent ambulatory controls including X-rays. If the neuroarthropathy progresses, the period of treatment is adjusted accordingly.......If confronted with a neuropathic patient with an acute foot-ankle trauma, including fracture, this patient is by definition Eichenholtz stage 0. This is of major importance for the treatment. Whereas the surgical handling of fractures does not differ from ordinary fracture treatment, the subsequent...

  1. Fod- og ankeltraume hos patient med diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falborg, Bettina; Ebskov, Lars


    If confronted with a neuropathic patient with an acute foot-ankle trauma, including fracture, this patient is by definition Eichenholtz stage 0. This is of major importance for the treatment. Whereas the surgical handling of fractures does not differ from ordinary fracture treatment, the subsequent...... treatment of sprains and fractures with immobilisation and a non-weight bearing period is significantly prolonged, frequently doubled, in diabetic patients. Follow-up includes frequent ambulatory controls including X-rays. If the neuroarthropathy progresses, the period of treatment is adjusted accordingly...

  2. Fod- og ankeltraume hos patient med diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falborg, Bettina; Ebskov, Lars


    If confronted with a neuropathic patient with an acute foot-ankle trauma, including fracture, this patient is by definition Eichenholtz stage 0. This is of major importance for the treatment. Whereas the surgical handling of fractures does not differ from ordinary fracture treatment, the subsequent...... treatment of sprains and fractures with immobilisation and a non-weight bearing period is significantly prolonged, frequently doubled, in diabetic patients. Follow-up includes frequent ambulatory controls including X-rays. If the neuroarthropathy progresses, the period of treatment is adjusted accordingly....

  3. Intrahepatisk galdesten hos en patient med alkaptonuri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bülow, Charlotte; Rosenberg, Jacob


    Alkaptonuria is a rare inherited disease with enzyme deficiency in the protein metabolism. The patients accumulate homogentisic acid which leads to symptoms from various body tissues. We describe a patient with recurrent intrahepatic gallstones probably due to such accumulation, and the successful...

  4. New-onset atrial fibrillation after acute myocardial infarction in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction recorded by an Implantable Cardiac Monitor - Incidence, prediction and prognosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jøns, Christian


    BAGGRUND OG FORMÅL Forekomsten af atrieflimren (AF) er øget hos patienter med akut myokardieinfarkt og venstre ventrikel dysfunction (defineret som LVEF ≤ 40%), men langtidsforekomst og prognose for nyopstået AF hos denne population er ukendt. Formålet med denne afhandling er, at undersøge foreko...

  5. Drænbehandling af recidiverende otitis media hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lous, Jørgen; Trankjær, Christina Ryborg; Thomsen, Janus Laust


    I et nyligt publiceret Cochrane-review om effekten af indsættelse af trommehindedræn hos børn med recidiverende akut otitis media (RAOM) fandt man kun to studier, som opfyldte inklusionskriterierne. De inkluderede studier påviste en absolut risikoreduktion for at få AOM på 0,34 på seks måneder. Ved...

  6. Tværprofessionelt samarbejde om udsathed hos børn og unge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villumsen, Anne Marie Anker; Jakobsen, Ida Skytte; Lund, Jens Hansen


    begreb og fænomen, som ikke lader sig indfange i en absolut og statisk definition. Potentialet for både praksis og uddannelser ligger derfor i en erkendelse heraf. Samtidig synes der at være potentiale i, at man i hver enkelt samarbejdskonstellation og kontekst operationaliserer og præciserer......, at tværprofessionelt samarbejde er meget udbredt indenfor socialt arbejde med udsathed hos børn og unge, og det er tydeligt, at der er mange måder, hvorpå man kan samarbejde tværprofessionelt. Samtidig er både tværprofessionelt samarbejde såvel som udsathed hos børn og unge begge vanskelige og upræcise begreber og...

  7. The effects of real-time telemedicine video consultations between nurses and patients with severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sorknæs, Anne Dichmann

    Formålet med ph.d. studiet var at undersøge effekten af telekonsultationer som supplement til konventionel behandling sammenlignet med konventionel behandling hos udskrevne patienter med KOL med fokus på genindlæggelser, dødelighed, sundhedsøkonomi, sygeplejerskers og patienters oplevelse af tele...

  8. Collum femoris-fraktur hos en patient med osteopetrose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ghasemi, Habib; Nielsen, Frank Arne Farsø; Lamm, Martin


    Osteopetrosis is a rare hereditary bone disease characterized by increased bone density. Patients with adult osteopetrosis are often diagnosed incidentally by Xray or on the presence of recurrent fractures. Internal fixations of fractures in patients with osteopetrosis are challenging due to the ...

  9. Risikofaktorer for selvmord hos patienter med dissemineret sklerose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stenager, E N; Koch-Henriksen, N J; Stenager, E


    with respect to risk factors comparisons were made for male and female suicides, and for various groups of MS suicides according to disability status. The male suicides were characterized by a tendency to commit suicide in the age interval 40-49 years, the use of a violent method, previous suicidal behaviour......The purpose of the present study was to describe risk factors for suicide in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The study is based on available information about MS-patients identified in the Danish MS Registry with onset of disease in the period 1950-1985. In order to characterize MS suicides......, previous mental disorder, recent deterioration of MS, and moderate disability. For women the characteristics were less distinct. Patients with a severe course of MS had been subjected to more risk factors before the suicide. Careful counselling and good information to MS-patients are advocated....

  10. Progressiv multifokal leukoencefalopati hos en patient med myelomatose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Willert, Cecilie Balslev; Engsig, Frederik Neess; Eskildsen, Helle Wulf


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a rare demyelinating disease in the central nervous system. It is caused by reactivation of John Cunningham-virus and has a grave prognosis. PML occurs most frequently in HIV-patients, but can also be seen in patients with iatrogenic...

  11. Ustabil rygfraktur hos en patient med paranoid skizofreni

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ydemann, Mogens


    The misdiagnosis of somatic illness in the psychiatric population can have grave consequences. Somatic symptoms are easily overseen or misinterpreted and a careful history and examination is essential when approaching this group of patients. We report a case of a patient with a history of paranoid...

  12. Trofiske skift og fysiske faktorer i væksten hos Færøske torsk (Gadus morhua) undersøgt ved brug af stabile isotoper

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk-Nielsen, Jens; Christensen, Jens Tang; Grønkjær, P.

    Projektets formål er at forstå variationen i vækst hos torsk (Gadus Morhua) ved brug af otolither (øresten), og sammenhængen med fysiske faktorer, såsom havstrømme, hav temperatur, osv på den Færøske shelf. Dette undersøges ved hjælp af, 1) en otolith vækst kronologi som dækker mere end 60 år (1948...... en mindre amplitude i variationen af ringbredde end direkte vækst målinger. Over hele vækstkronologien ses en negativ udvikling i væksten hos torsk, dog afbrudt af kortere perioder med positiv vækst. De stabile isotop prøver udtages fra hele otolitter fra 5 år gamle torsk. Fra protein delen af...... omgivelser torsken har oplevet, især den omgivende temperatur. Karbon signalet fra den uorganiske del af otolitten vil blive sammenlignet med værdierne i protein delen. De stabile isotop-værdier, samt vækst data vil blive analyseret for at se sammenhængen mellem klimaet og væksten hos torsk. Både lokalt, med...

  13. Alkohol, medicin og narkotikaforekomst hos alvorligt tilskadekomne bilister

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bernhoft, Inger Marie; Hels, Tove; Simonsen, Kirsten Wiese


    Abstrakt Denne artikel omhandler forekomsten af alkohol, narkotika og medicin hos danske bilister, som er blevet alvorligt skadet i færdselsuheld. Undersøgelsen er baseret på anonyme blodprøver fra 840 førere af person- og varebiler, der blev indbragt til hospitalerne i Odense, Kolding, Vejle...... for undersøgelsen blev der desuden indhentet oplysning om patientens alder og køn, typen af køretøj, uheldsstedet, typen af færdselsuheld, tidspunkt for færdselsuheldet og prøvetagningen samt eventuel medicin, der var blevet givet før udtagning af blodprøven. Alkohol alene eller alkohol sammen med andre stoffer var...... for cannabis (2,3 %) efterfulgt af amfetamin (1,1 %). I alt var 41,6 % af de tilskadekomne i eneuheld positive for stoffer, heraf 30 % for alkohol alene eller alkohol sammen med andre stoffer. For bilister i flerpartsuheld var i alt 19 % positive, heraf knap 9 % for alkohol alene eller alkohol sammen med andre...

  14. Neuromuscular function in patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome and clinical assessment of scapular kinematics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Camilla Marie

    muskeldele.I det andet studie blev evnen til selektiv aktivering af de individuelle skapulære muskeldele undersøgt hos 15patienter med SIS under en session med og uden visuel biofeedback, sammenlignet med denne evne hos 15raske kontroller. Med udgangspunkt i præ-definerede kriterier for selektiv aktivering...... kontrolpersonerne opnåede selektiv aktiveringaf individuelle skapulære muskeldele, når de ikke modtog visuel biofeedback af muskelaktiviteten af deenkelte muskeldele.I det tredje studie blev der udarbejdet et systematisk review af alle tilgængelige kliniske målemetoder tilvurdering af skapulas position og bevægelse...... den neuromuskulære aktivitet blandt SIS patienter ograske kontrolpersoner ikke fundet. Derimod viste undersøgelsen af den neuromuskulære funktion med og udenbrug af visuel biofeedback, at uden brug af biofeedback havde kontrolgruppen en bedre kontrol af deskapulære muskler. Dog præsterede SIS...

  15. Selvstyring af peroral antikoagulationsbehandling hos patienter med kunstige hjerteklapper

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasenkam, J. Michael; Kimose, H H; Grønnesby, H


    of training. No patients experienced major bleeds or thrombo-embolic events. A control group of 20 patients from our department was matched, retrospectively, to the study group. The self-managing patients were within the therapeutic INR range 78% of the study period compared to 54% for the control patients....... All self-managing patients had their median INR-value within the therapeutic range, versus only 14 in the control group. Self-management of oral anticoagulant therapy seems feasible for selected patients. Udgivelsesdato: 1998-Nov-16...

  16. Læring i praksis. Tilrettelegging for å fremme refleksjonskompetanse og læringsutbytte hos studenter i praksis. Erfaringer fra en pilotstudie.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kari Høium


    Full Text Available Studien belyser erfaringer med en tilpasset veiledningsmodell i gruppe, for å styrke profesjonell kompetanse hos vernepleiestudenter i praksis. Intervensjonen er gjennomført i forhold til 32 bachelorstudenter fra tre ulike kull. Den tar utgangspunkt i en obligatorisk veiledningsgruppe som foregår inne på høgskolen, midtveis i en av deres praksisperioder. Hovedmålsettingen var å se i hvilken grad veiledningsmodellen bidro til utbytte og læringseffekt i forhold til målsetting for praksisperioden. Et annet mål med studien har vært å skaffe erfaringer med hvordan refleksjon og kritisk tenkning kan læres gjennom praktisk student veiledning. Resultater fra undersøkelsen viste at den tilpassede veiledningsmodellen som her ble benyttet, bidro til å fremme refleksjonskompetanse og læringsutbytte hos studentene. Dette gir grunnlag for videre optimisme med tanke på å styrke vernepleiestudentenes læring og profesjonelle kompetanse. Betydningen forsterkes ved at refleksjonskompetanse fremheves som en sentral kvalitetsvariabel, både fra myndighetene og fra fagfeltet. En videre utfordring vil være å raffinere modellen ytterligere med tanke på utprøving og tilpasset implementering gjennom ulike praksisperioder i studiet.

  17. Gruppemusikterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse i dagbehandlingsregi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Niels


    Denne artikel er første redegørelse for de erfaringer, som er gjort med gruppemusikterapi (GMT) for patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF) i dagbehandlingsregi på Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus. Artiklen indeholder både konkrete anvisninger til aktiviteter og interventioner, liges...

  18. Standardiserat arbete i produktionssystemet hos Inission Munkfors AB


    Jonas, Arnesson


    Sammanfattning Denna rapport behandlar införandet av standardiserat arbete i produktionssystemet hos företaget Inission Munkfors AB. Arbetet har utförts i kursen Examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i maskinteknik (MSGC17), som ges vid Fakulteten för hälsa, natur & teknikvetenskap på Karlstads universitet.Företaget Inission Munkfors AB har som mål att från år 2012 till år 2017 kunna fördubbla omsättningen och halvera ledtiden, med samma personalstyrka som år 2012 (75st anställda). De...

  19. Behandling af kroniske sygdomme hos patienter med demens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Hanne; Klinkby, Kristian Skikkild; Waldorff, Frans Borch


    , polypharmacy and chronic pain. Ongoing goal setting is important, and advance care planning is recommended. In general, comorbidity must be carefully and holistic assessed and managed according to each patient's general status of health and stage of dementia. As the dementia develops, focus should primarily...

  20. Hvordan håndterer kvinder med reumatoid artrit sygdom, moderskab og arbejdsliv?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feddersen, Helle


    . I Studie 2B blev der fortaget deltagerobservationer og efterfølgende interviews i forbindelse med 10 af kvindernes fremmøde i planlagte ambulante sygeplejekonsultationer. Goffmans begrebsapparat vedrørende sociale roller, identitet, stigma, front- og backstage blev anvendt i en abduktiv fortolkning......Baggrund Reumatoid artrit (RA) er en kronisk, inflammatorisk sygdom, der forekommer 3 gange hyppigere hos kvinder end hos mænd. Sygdommen kan medføre hævede, stive og smertende led samt begrænsninger i forhold til fysisk udfoldelse, deltagelse i det sociale liv og nedsat psykisk velvære. Kvinder...

  1. Karkirurgisk behandling hos patienter med påvirket nyrefunktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hensler, M K; Forrest, M; Lorentzen, Jørgen Ewald


    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of surgery for renal artery stenosis in patients with impaired renal function. The design was a retrospective investigation with follow-up. The material consisted of 42 such patients operated at Rigshospitalet between 1980 and 1990. Renal functi...

  2. Projekt Frit Sind hjælper mennesker med social angst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moutamid, Mina El


    Social angst er en almindelig, men overset lidelse, som ofte er forbundet med isolation. Mange fortæller ikke om den angst, de oplever, til andre og kommer til at leve et liv med begrænsninger, som de kunne være foruden, hvis de fik hjælp. Angsten betyder også, at det kan være svært at komme...... hjemmefra og opsøge hjælp hos SIND eller andre rådgivninger. Frit Sind er et nyt tilbud i København til disse mennesker og har fokus på de specifikke behov, mennesker med social angst har....

  3. Elektrokirurgi hos patienter med pacemaker og implanterbar kardioverter-defibrillator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lønnberg, Ann Sophie Claire; Philberts, Berit Thornvig; Bonde, Christian


    Electrosurgery is a very useful tool and one of the most commonly used techniques. However, the technique can interfere with pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators. This article provides practical recommendations for the use of electrosurgery in these patients.......Electrosurgery is a very useful tool and one of the most commonly used techniques. However, the technique can interfere with pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators. This article provides practical recommendations for the use of electrosurgery in these patients....

  4. Behandling med dopaminagonister og udvikling af hjerteklapsygdom hos patienter med hyperprolaktinæmi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steffensen, Charlotte; Mægbæk, Merete Lund; Laurberg, Peter


    Treatment with dopamin agonists, particularly cabergoline, is the primary and preferred therapy for prolactinomas and symptomatic hyperprolactinaemia due to its effectiveness and tolerability. However, an association has been demonstrated between fibrotic heart valve disease and high-dose dopamin...... agonist use in patients with Parkinson's disease in several echocardiographic studies. Such observations have prompted a number of studies of valvular function in cabergoline-treated hyperprolactinaemia patients. These studies have failed to show an increased prevalence of clinically significant valvular...

  5. Indsats for forældre til børn med ADHD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Neubert, Katja


    Et nyt review, udarbejdet af forskergruppen omkring Morris Zwi, undersøger om interventionsprogrammer til forældre til børn med ADHD er effektive, når det gælder reducering af børnenes ADHD-relaterede adfærd og associerede problemer som eksempelvis indlæringsproblemer. Reviewet peger på, at en...... indsats til forældre til børn med ADHD kan have en gavnlig effekt på børnenes adfærd. Interventionen kan også være med til at sænke stressniveauet hos forældre til disse børn, og forbedre forældrenes selvtillid....

  6. Gruppemusikterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse i dagbehandlingsregi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel er første redegørelse for de erfaringer, som er gjort med gruppemusikterapi (GMT for patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF i dagbehandlingsregi på Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus. Artiklen indeholder både konkrete anvisninger til aktiviteter og interventioner, ligesom den i et teoretisk perspektiv redegør for forskellige processer og reaktioner, der kan iagttages i behandlingen. Artiklen konkluderer, at GMT i sin nuværende form kan bidrage til udvikling af BPF-patienters evne til mentalisering og affektregulering, til opbygning af en gruppefølelse og fremme af interpersonel læring, ligesom GMT kan udvikle alliance til terapi generelt og GMT specifikt.

  7. Praeoperativ funktionel magnetisk resonans-billeddannelse hos patienter med hjernetumor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laustsen, Søren Ravn; Meulengracht Sørensen, Preben; Fründ, Torben


    MRI plus a three-month postoperative assessment. A total of 14 patients complied with these requirements (six men and eight women, the mean age was 39 years). fMRI raw data was collected using a three tesla magnetic resonance scanner (Signa HDx R14M5, GE Healthcare). The distance from the tumour margin...... to fMRI activation was measured using GE-reformat version 4.2 after raw data had been postprocessed using GE BrainwavePA version 1.3.08130. The neurosurgeons valuation of fMRI in the preoperative decision-making process was obtained using a standard questionnaire. RESULTS: There was a trend...... of association between distance from tumour to eloquent functional areas and the patients' postoperative neurological outcome (Fisher's exact test: distance operate or not (42%), when deciding the surgical approach...

  8. Praeoperativ funktionel magnetisk resonans-billeddannelse hos patienter med hjernetumor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laustsen, Søren Ravn; Meulengracht Sørensen, Preben; Fründ, Torben


    INTRODUCTION: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) allows important functions in the brain cortex to be mapped noninvasively. The purpose with this work was to investigate a possible correlation between the distance from the tumour margin to fMRI activity and postoperative neurological...... deficits by means of a standardised method for measurement of distance. A second purpose was to investigate the influence of preoperative fMRI on the neurosurgical decision-making process. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective study of 25 patients. The inclusion criteria were surgery or biopsy after f......MRI plus a three-month postoperative assessment. A total of 14 patients complied with these requirements (six men and eight women, the mean age was 39 years). fMRI raw data was collected using a three tesla magnetic resonance scanner (Signa HDx R14M5, GE Healthcare). The distance from the tumour margin...

  9. Metabolisk kontrol med insulin hos patienter med diabetes mellitus og akut myokardieinfarkt (DIGAMI 2)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gustafsson, Ida; Malmberg, Klas; Rydén, Lars


    Patients with diabetes have an unfavourable prognosis after an acute myocardial infarction. The DIGAMI 2 study investigated the effect of various metabolic treatment strategies in type 2 diabetic patients with acute myocardial infarction: acutely introduced, long-term insulin treatment did...

  10. Udvikling af sklerodermisk krise hos patient med uerkendt sklerodermi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Kristine Lindhard; Hansen, Alastair; Halberg, Poul


    Less than 10% of the patients with systemic scleroderma develop renal crisis, i.e. acute renal failure and severe hypertension in most cases. Kidney biopsy shows hypertensive arteriolar changes. This complication was lethal until treatment with captopril was introduced in 1976. Since that time...

  11. Dyb venetrombose i penis hos patient med malign sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ghasemi, Habib; Ajan, Rullah


    Thrombosis of the deep penile venous system in a patient with a malignant disease Thrombosis of the deep penile venous system is extremely rare and must be clearly distinguished from superficial thrombosis because it may cause serious clinical complications. We present a 76-year-old man with thro...

  12. Forandringslæring med autismediagnoser?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gustafson, Kari Ingrid; Mørck, Line Lerche


    Artiklen drøfter en række aktuelle spørgsmål omkring læring hos børn og unge med autisme-spektrum-forstyrrelses diagnoser. Der introduceres til en social praksisteoretisk forståelse af forandringslæring, der diskuterer forandring ikke kun i relation til en persons identitet, men også aktuelle og...... potentielle forandringer, når det gælder overskridelse af binær logik i autisme versus normalitet, samt i relation til at overskride individualiserede og dualistiske problem-forståelser af fejl og mangler ved det autistiske barn. Det illustreres, hvordan disse former for dualistisk tænkning er forankret i et...... Rasmus’ ændringer i læring, selvforståelse og tilhørsforhold perspektiveres med andre ASF-diagnostiseredes læring udforsket bl.a. gennem gruppeinterviews i regi af Asperger-foreningen. Artiklen byder således på et alternativ i form af at forstå forandringslæring som overskridende læring, med langt større...

  13. Praeoperativ funktionel magnetisk resonans-billeddannelse hos patienter med hjernetumor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laustsen, Søren Ravn; Sørensen, Preben; Fründ, Torben


    MRI plus a three-month postoperative assessment. A total of 14 patients complied with these requirements (six men and eight women, the mean age was 39 years). fMRI raw data was collected using a three tesla magnetic resonance scanner (Signa HDx R14M5, GE Healthcare). The distance from the tumour margin...

  14. Depressive Symptoms and Risk of New Cardiovascular Events or Death in Patients with Myocardial Infarction: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study Examining Health Behaviors and Health Care Interventions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Karen Kjær; Christensen, Bo; Søndergaard, Jens


    Mange mennesker rammes af depression efter en blodprop i hjertet (AMI), og denne kombination er forbundet med en dårligere prognose. Dette studie er det første, der viser, at depression udgør en selv-stændig risikofaktor for tidlig død hos patienter med blodprop i hjertet. Undersøgelsen tyder dog...... bruges til at skærpe opmærksomheden over for denne patientgruppe hos de praktiserende læger, hvor op mod 90 % af alle patienter med depression bliver diagnosticeret og behandlet. Background: Depressive symptoms is associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with myocardial infarction (MI......), but the underlying mechanisms are unclear and it remains unknown whether subgroups of patients are at a particularly high relative risk of adverse outcomes. We examined the risk of new cardiovascular events and/or death in patients with depressive symptoms following first-time MI taking into account other secondary...

  15. Legionella pneumoni hos patienter, der er i behandling med infliximab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vinter, Hanne; Nielsen, Henrik Ib


    Therapy with tumour necrosis factor-alfa inhibitors is widely used in various inflammatory disorders, but adverse events from severe infections with intracellular pathogens may occur. We describe two cases of severe pulmonary legionellosis in patients treated with infliximab for Crohn's disease a...... and psoriasis, respectively. We conclude that legionella infections are probably more frequent in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy with tumour necrosis factor-alfa inhibitors than in the background population. Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Jan-19...

  16. Den filosofiske krimi. Med særligt fokus på Henning Mortensens Sondrup-trilogi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft


    Når man starter en roman med et citat af filosoffen Ludwig Wittgenstein, er tonen allerede slået an. Lader man dernæst en mand finde dolket, bliver det hurtigt tydeligt, hvor vi befinder os: kriminalromanens sprossede skygge. Men hos den danske forfatter Henning Mortensen falder skyggerne på en...

  17. Effekten af Ginkgo biloba-ekstrakt hos patienter med claudicatio intermittens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drabaek, H; Petersen, J R; Wïnberg, N


    Eighteen patients with stable intermittent claudication were randomized in a double blind cross-over study comparing the effects of the Ginkgo biloba extract GB-8 at a dose of 120 mg o.d. with placebo. All patients were treated for three months with the active extract and three months with placebo...... of concentration, and inability to remember. Short-term memory was objectively assessed. We did not find any significant changes in either peripheral blood pressures, walking distances or the severity of leg pain. Systemic blood pressure was reduced both by placebo and GB-8. The impairment of concentration...... and the inability to remember were both reduced, when comparing results during active treatment to placebo. Short-term memory did not change significantly. In conclusion, our study has shown that treatment with the Ginkgo biloba extract GB-8 improves some cognitive functions in elderly patients with moderate...

  18. 15-åringers opplevelser av overvekt hos jevnaldrende, en fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk studie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reidun Rognsaa


    Full Text Available Hensikten med denne studien er å studere hvordan 15-åringer opplever overvekt hos jevnaldrende. Datamaterialet består av dybdeintervju med syv ungdommer. Det er benyttet fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk analyse. Ungdommene opplever å stå i en posisjon mellom makt og avmakt. I denne mellomposisjonen framkommer det at ungdommene distanserer seg ved hjelp av relasjonell makt, men samtidig setter de seg selv i en avmaktssituasjon i forhold til ungdomskulturens spilleregler. Ungdommene moraliserer ved å skape en situasjon hvor de underkjenner overvektige, samtidig mangler de ytterligere sanksjoneringsmuligheter. Rangordninger skapes gjennom at ungdommene degraderer overvektige, men de må selv også innordne seg i egen kultur. Ungdommene fratar overvektige sitt menneskeverd gjennom å redusere menneskelige egenskaper og gjør dem til objekt. Gjennom denne objektiviseringen setter de seg selv utenfor det å få tak i overvektiges refleksjons- og erfaringsgrunnlag.

  19. Transkateter-aortaklapimplantation hos patienter med svær aortaklapstenose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre Thygesen, Julie; Loh, Poay Huan; Franzen, Olaf


    In the late 1980's, Denmark was the birthplace for the concept of transcatheter valve implantation. In 2002, the first successful transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) was performed in humans. TAVI has matured beyond the learning-curve period with a high overall procedural success rate...... and relatively few serious associated complications. TAVI is now an established treatment for severe aortic stenosis in patients who have prohibitive or high surgical risk; and the treatment has proven to yield symptomatic and prognostic benefits. Innovations and advances continue in this field....

  20. Selvmord hos patienter med apopleksi. En epidemiologisk undersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stenager, E N; Madsen, C; Stenager, E


    The purpose of this study was, on the basis of a cohort of patients with a discharge diagnosis of stroke (ICD8 code: 430-438) diagnosed in the period 1.4.1973-31.12.1989 in a representatively selected area of Denmark (County of Funen), to estimate whether or not the risk of suicide in stroke...... of 37,869 stroke patients were included in the study, 140 committed suicide in the study period (80 females and 60 males). Standard Mortality Ratio for suicide was significantly increased for all stroke patients. For women below 49 years and from 50-59 years Standard Mortality Ratios were 1376 and 1378...... respectively. For men below 49 years and from 50-59 years Standard Mortality Ratios were 656 and 580 respectively. The suicides did not occur at any specific time-point after the stroke. The results of this study emphasize the need, concurrently with improvements in prevention and treatment of stroke...

  1. Sæsontilpasninger i stofsikftet reducerer lyskravet hos ålegræs (Zostera marina)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stæhr, Peter A.; Borum, Jens

    temperaturer for respiration og fotosyntese hos sommertilpassede planter (5oC og 2o C højere, respektivt). Ved lave og høje temperaturer var metabolisme raterne dog nedsatte i fht vintertilpassede planter. Respirationen var generelt mere følsom end fotosyntesen over for stigende temperaturer, især...... stigende temperaturer, særligt udtalt for vintertilpassede planter. Modeller af EC som funktion af temperaturen for hele planter, blev sammenholdt med data for daglig lys tilgængelighed. Dette viste at de relativt beskedne sæsonbetingede tilpasninger i stofskiftet hos ålegræs var tilstrækkelige til...... beregnet under forskellige kombinationer af sommer temperaturer og lyssvækkelse i vandsøjlen, viste at en forventet temperaturstigning på 5oC har markant mindre betydning for den maksimale dybdeudbredelse af ålegræs end relativt små forringelser i planternes lystilgængelighed. Kombinationen af varmere...

  2. Udvikling af dialogisk kompetence hos børn med CI

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dammeyer, Jesper Herup; Carstensen, Susanne; Karlshøj, Bente


    Der er relativ god viden om børn med CI’s sproglige udvikling, hvad angår sproglyde og ord. Derimod er der i den internationale forskning kun beskrevet meget lidt om den del af den sproglige udvikling, som ligger ud over sætningsniveauet. Denne artikel beskriver nogle af de resultater, der er...... fremkommet ved et fire år langt følgestudie af tre førskolebørn med CI. Børnenes sproglige udvikling er observeret og analyseret i forhold til dialogiske kompetencer. Resultaterne peger på, at børnene udvikler gode talesproglige kompetencer i løbet af den fireårige periode, men at børnene har brug for støtte...

  3. Behandling af højt blodtryk hos patienter med akut apopleksi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, T S; Jørgensen, H S; Garde, E


    The study was performed to investigate how often reduction of high blood pressure (> or = 220 mmHg systolic and or > or = 120 mmHg diastolic) was attempted in patients with acute stroke or transient ischemic attacks (TIA). Of 1351 consecutive patients with acute stroke or TIA 119 had high blood...... encephalopathy. It is concluded that reduction of high blood pressure in patients with stroke or TIA is attempted too often. As autoregulation is commonly impaired in acute stroke, reduction of systemic blood pressure may enhance ischaemic tissue damage. Reduction of blood pressure in acute stroke should...... pressure on admission. In 15 patients the stroke was so severe that treatment was not considered. In the remaining 104 patients reduction of the blood pressure was attempted in 28 (27%); in 23 patients immediately following admission. None of the patients had symptoms or signs of hypertensive...

  4. Musik og billeddannelse (GIM med PTSD-ramte flygtninge: Introduktion til tre single case-studier

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bolette Daniels Beck


    Full Text Available Mange flygtninge kommer fra kulturer med helt andre forestillinger og begreber om årsager til og forventninger om behandling af psykisk lidelse end man almindeligvis anvender i psykiatrien. F.eks. er psykisk lidelse i mange mellemøstlige kulturer forbundet med skam, og udtrykkes måske derfor snarere i form af fysisk smerte. For at et behandlingsforløb skal lykkes, er der behov for kulturel sensitivitet hos behandleren, når der skal samarbejdes med tolken, skabes et møde på tværs af kulturer samt etableres en fælles forståelse af behandlingens formål og proces.

  5. Diabetisk nefropati. Uaendret forekomst hos patienter med insulinkraevende diabetes mellitus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rossing, P; Rossing, K; Jacobsen, P


    Recently, a dramatic decline in the cumulative incidence of diabetic nephropathy (less than 10% after 25 years of diabetes) has been reported in IDDM patients diagnosed between 1961 and 1980. In a clinic based study we assessed recent trends in the incidence of diabetic nephropathy. All 356...... patients in whom IDDM was diagnosed before the age of 41 years between 1965 and 1979, identified in 1984 were followed to 1991 or to death. The cumulative incidence of diabetic nephropathy (urinary albumin excretion 300 mg/24 hours in two out of three consecutive samples) after 15 years of diabetes...... and in 1991 were (cumulative incidence (SE)): 18 (4)% and 35 (5)% (onset of diabetes 1965-69, n = 113), 20 (4)% and 35 (5)% (onset of diabetes 1970-74, n = 130), and 16 (5)% (onset of diabetes 1975-79, n = 113), respectively (ns). The mean (SE) haemoglobin A1c measured yearly beginning in 1984 was higher...

  6. Relevansen af nyere psykodynamisk teori for det klinisk musikterapeutiske arbejde med psykiatriske patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Niels


    Denne artikel beskriver et rationale for anvendelse af musik i en psykoterapeutisk kontekst. Det eksplicitte og implicitte forandringsniveau i psykoterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF) diskuteres herpå med henvisning til to forskellige syn på terapeutisk forandring:...

  7. Polyglykonat- eller polyglykolsyresutur hos patienter med forventet haemmet sårheling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Osther, P J; Gjøde, P; Mortensen, B B


    A randomized study of abdominal fascial closure using interrupted polyglyconate and polyglycolic acid sutures after laparotomy was carried out in 204 consecutive patients with suspected impaired wound healing. There were no statistically significant differences between the two sutures with regard...... to development of fascial disruption and incisional hernia. Wound infection demanding surgical intervention was found in 7% of patients with polyglyconate sutures and in 16% of those with polyglycolic acid sutures (p = 0.04). Monofilament polyglyconate suture does not reduce the incidence of fascial disruption...... and incisional hernia after laparotomy in patients with suspected impaired wound healing but the incidence of wound infection may be reduced compared with that of multifilament polyglycolic acid suture. Udgivelsesdato: 1997-Feb-17...

  8. Brand management og den refleksive forbruger - med semiotik som hjælpedisciplin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


      Kritisk eftertanke er et væsentligt træk ved den refleksive forbruger - ofte parret med en vis negativitet overfor et brand, en reklame eller forbrugerisme i al almindelighed. Den refleksive forbrugertype kommer til udtryk hos for eksempel en anti-branding guru som Naomi Klein og hendes...... bestseller bog "No Logo" eller i græsrodsbevægelsen Adbusters ( ), der efterhånden i mange år har udsendt et månedsmagasin med kritik af forbrugersamfundet og al dets reklame og branding. Disse anti-forbrugs og anti-branding bevægelser udspringer af, og er identifikationspunkter...... - den refleksive forbruger skal have noget, der kan "brande" ham som anderledes end alle mainstreamforbrugerne. Den refleksive forbruger er med andre ord en Feinschmecker og i lighed med - eller måske rettere i endnu højere grad end - alle andre forbrugere signalerer den refleksive forbruger sin...

  9. Mannanbindende lektin og mortalitet hos patienter med type 2-diabetes--sekundaerpublikation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Troels Krarup; Gall, Mari-Anne; Tarnow, Lise


    We evaluated the relationship between serum mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and mortality and incident albuminuria in 326 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). During 15 years of follow-up, 169 patients died. In a multivariate analysis, MBL was a significant risk factor for death from any...... and the development of albuminuria in T2DM Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Feb-2...

  10. Reduceret cerebralt stofskifte korrelerer med MRI-forandringer og kognitiv dysfunktion hos patienter med dissemineret sklerose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blinkenberg, M; Rune, K; Jensen, C V


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lesion load is widely used in the clinical evaluation of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), but little is known about the associated changes in cortical activation. For this purpose, we studied the association between the corticocerebral metabolic rate of gluc...... of glucose (CMRglc) and the MRI T2-weighted total lesion area (TLA). In addition, we investigated the correlation between cognitive and neurological disability and CMRglc.......Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lesion load is widely used in the clinical evaluation of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), but little is known about the associated changes in cortical activation. For this purpose, we studied the association between the corticocerebral metabolic rate...

  11. Cerebralt aspergillom hos patient med immundefekt og follikulært lymfom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Kristian; Talibi, Monica Nicole; Hansen, Per Boye


    We present a case of central nervous system aspergillosis in an immunocompromised 69-year-old male with a history of chemotherapeutic treatment for follicular lymphoma. The patient presented with aphasia, apraxia and confusion. An MRI of the central nervous system and Aspergillus antigen in the s......We present a case of central nervous system aspergillosis in an immunocompromised 69-year-old male with a history of chemotherapeutic treatment for follicular lymphoma. The patient presented with aphasia, apraxia and confusion. An MRI of the central nervous system and Aspergillus antigen...

  12. Effekten af Ginkgo biloba-ekstrakt hos patienter med claudicatio intermittens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drabaek, H; Petersen, J R; Wïnberg, N


    of concentration, and inability to remember. Short-term memory was objectively assessed. We did not find any significant changes in either peripheral blood pressures, walking distances or the severity of leg pain. Systemic blood pressure was reduced both by placebo and GB-8. The impairment of concentration...... and the inability to remember were both reduced, when comparing results during active treatment to placebo. Short-term memory did not change significantly. In conclusion, our study has shown that treatment with the Ginkgo biloba extract GB-8 improves some cognitive functions in elderly patients with moderate...

  13. Selvmonitorering af blodglukose og sygdomsforståelse hos patienter med insulinbehandlet diabetes. Sammenhaeng med metabolisk regulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wengler, K; Matzen, L E; Sindrup, S


    values and planned reduced activity. No connection was observed between the form of treatment, level of regulation or whether the patients undertook self-monitoring and the number of hospital contacts on account of hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia. Metabolic regulation was not satisfactory despite self......A questionnaire investigation was undertaken to register the extent to which 212 insulin-treated diabetic patients undertook home measurements of blood glucose and the consequences which they drew from these measurements. This was compared with the metabolic regulation estimated by HbA1c....... The average HbA1c-value was 8.0%. Only 13% had HbA1c-values within the reference range for non-diabetic persons. 85% of the patients undertook self-monitoring of blood glucose. In 47.6% insulin was administered once or twice daily, 42.5% were treated with multiple injections and 9.9% employed insulin pumps...

  14. Sikkerhed af magnetisk resonans-skanning hos patienter med pacemaker og implanterbar defibrillator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Al-Sabagh, Kifah Hekmat; Christensen, Britta Ege; Thøgersen, Anna Margrethe


    INTRODUCTION: The presence of a cardiac implantable device is ICD considered an absolute contraindication to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety of performing MRI in patients with cardiac pacemakers and ICDs that had a compelling clinical need...... for MRI examination. MATERIAL AND METHODS: During a period of nine years we have included 65 patients with cardiac devices (60 pacemakers and five ICDs) who underwent a total of 73 MRI examinations at 1.5 T. All pacemakers were reprogrammed before MRI to asynchronous mode to avoid MRI-induced inhibition...... safely in 63 patients. Inhibition of pacemaker output was observed in one patient and induction of ventricular fibrillation was observed in another with ICD. A significant increase in PCT was rare and only detected in 1% of all electrodes. CONCLUSION: MRI can be performed safely in patients...

  15. Mundhulens mikroflora hos patienter med marginal parodontitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Tove; Fiehn, Nils-Erik


    Viden om marginal parodontitis’ mikrobiologi tog for alvor fart for ca. 40 år siden. Den tidlige viden var baseret på mikroskopiske og dyrkningsmæssige undersøgelser af den subgingivale plak. Anvendelsen af de nyere molekylærbiologiske metoder har betydet, at vor viden om de ætiologiske faktorer ...

  16. Diagnostisk udfordring hos patienter med infiltrerende tarmendometriose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sloth, Sigurd Beier; Seyer-Hansen, Mikkel


    A considerable proportion of women with endometriosis have intestinal involvement of the endometriosis. Intestinal endometriosis (IE) often results in abdominal pain and thus mimics the symptoms of other bowel diseases, including colon cancer. As a consequence, some women with IE are initially...

  17. Familjearbetaren hos en ensamförsörjare : en kvalitativ studie om ensamförsörjarens livssituation och hur familjearbetet påverkas


    Sjöblom, Mikaela; Azimi, Diana


    Syftet med vårt lärdomsprov är att redogöra för familjearbetarnas åsikter om familjearbetet har specifika drag i utförandet av det hos familjer med en försörjare. I teoridelen tas det upp om familjepolitiken i Finland, familjearbete samt om hur en ensamförsörjares livssituation kan se ut. I undersökningen använde vi oss av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer. Undersökningspersonerna bestod av åtta familjearbetare från fyra olika kommuner. Intervjuerna gjordes både i grupper och som individue...

  18. Vitamin D fysiologi og forsyning hos malkekvæg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hymøller, Lone; Jensen, Søren Krogh


    Vitamin D, som tilhører gruppen af fedtopløselige vitaminer, har de seneste år været et af de mest omdiskuterede næringsstoffer i både dansk og udenlandsk presse. Dette skyldes, at vitamin D har vist sig at have indflydelse på mange forskellige fysiologiske processer i kroppen lige fra...... kalciumbalance og knoglestyrke til immunforsvarets funktion. Hos malkekvæg betyder dette, at vitamin D potentielt har stor indflydelse på bl.a. risikoen for kælvningsproblemer og mælkefeber hos køer samt dyrenes generelle holdbarhed og sundhed. Gennem de seneste 10 år har forskere på AU Foulum intenst studeret...... vitamin D-forsyningen og -fysiologien hos malkekvæg. Resultaterne af disse undersøgelser har vist, at sommersollys er en meget vigtig kilde til vitamin D hos malkekøer, og der er en lineært stigende effekt på køernes vitamin D-status i blodet, jo længere tid de dagligt opholder sig i sommersolen. Tilskud...

  19. Øget forekomst af depression hos patienter med hepatitis C-infektion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjerrild, Simon; Renvillard, Signe Groth; Leutscher, Peter Derek Christian


    The prevalence of depression is increased in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Several aetiological mechanisms are thought to be involved, e.g. premorbid psychiatric disease, genetic disposition to affective disorders, socio-economic factors, stigmatization and possibly HCV...

  20. Dannelsen af en psykologisk og videnskabelig habitus hos psykologistuderende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feilberg, Casper

    Dannelsen af en psykologisk og videnskabelig habitus hos psykologistuderende, Casper Feilberg Afhandlingen er en empirisk undersøgelse af psykologistuderendes tilegnelse af træk ved en psykologisk og videnskabelig habitus ved psykologistudierne på Roskilde Universitet og Aalborg Universitet. Herved...... bidrager afhandlingen til den overordnede diskussion om, hvad målet med og kvalitet i en universitetsuddannelse skal forstås som. Som udgangspunkt for studiet af psykologistuderendes dannelsesprocesser indføres en analytisk distinktion mellem en psykologisk habitus (fænomen orienteret), og en videnskabelig...... habitus (teoretisk/metodisk). Herved tydeliggøres de studerendes dobbelte opgave der består i, at man må lære at trække på sin egen livsverden på en kvalificeret måde, når man skal forstå andre (psykologisk habitus), men at denne psykologiske sans for problemstillingen også må opkvalificeres via...

  1. Multiple embolier efter DC-konvertering hos en patient forbehandlet med dabigatran

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buch, Torben Nicolai; Holm, Jakob; Munck, Lars Kristian


    A 65-year-old man, who had been treated with dabigatran for 66 days prior to electrical cardioversion, developed extensive intestinal, renal and cerebral thromboembolism five days after cardioversion. There is limited information available on the treatment of thromboembolism in patients being tre...

  2. Psykiatriloven forhindrer ikke alvorlige selvmordsforsøg hos patienter med skizofreni

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Day Poulsen, Henrik


    The Danish Mental Health Act does not prevent serious suicide attempts in patients with severe schizophrenia and a lack of compliance to medication. A case in which outpatient involuntary treatment could have prevented a very serious suicidal attempt is presented. In Denmark, outpatient involuntary...

  3. Karotinaemi hos patient med excessivt betakarotinfødeindtag og dysreguleret diabetes mellitus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Carsten Sauer; Mikkelsen, Dorthe Bisgaard; Lindegaard, Hanne Merete


    -carotene, but normal vitamine A value and liver enzymes. The patient reported an excessive intake of carrots (approximately 1 kg per day). The status of physiological amenorrhoea and dysregulated diabetes mellitus may have deteriorated the yellow discolouration of the skin. Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Jan-26......A case of carotinaemia in a patient with excessive beta-carotene food-intake, diabetes mellitus and physiological amenorrhea is reported. The patient developed yellow discolouration in the palms and the soles of her feet. Blood samples showed a significantly increased lever of serum beta...

  4. Osteoporoseprofylakse hos patienter indlagt med hoftenaere lavenergifrakturer på ortopaedkirurgisk afdeling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brock-Jacobsen, Iben; Wiboe, Linda; Mogensen, Christian B


    The aim of this study was to investigate the following in patients treated for low energy hip fractures: 1) whether they were using osteoporosis preventative therapy before admission to hospital; 2) whether therapy was initiated before discharge from hospital; 3) the therapy used; and 4) whether...

  5. Epstein-Barr-virus-associeret lymfom hos en patient med colitis ulcerosa i behandling med azathioprin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kofoed, Kristian; Kiszka-Kanowitz, Marianne; Albrectsen, Jens Mørch


    A 28 year-old man with ulcerative colitis treated for 10 years with azathioprine (AZA) returned from Central Asia with fever, swollen lymph glands, hepatosplenomegaly, and pancytopenia. He was tested positive for acute Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. Before the final diagnosis of EBV......-associated large B-cell lymphoma was confirmed, he died from multiple organ failure. AZA and 6-mercaptopurine are associated with the development of EBV-positive lymphomas in organ-transplanted patients. This type of lymphoma is a rare complication in inflammatory bowel disease....

  6. Sikkerhed af magnetisk resonans-skanning hos patienter med pacemaker og implanterbar defibrillator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Al-Sabagh, Kifah Hekmat; Christensen, Britta Ege; Thøgersen, Anna Margrethe


    The presence of a cardiac implantable device is ICD considered an absolute contraindication to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety of performing MRI in patients with cardiac pacemakers and ICDs that had a compelling clinical need for MRI examinat......The presence of a cardiac implantable device is ICD considered an absolute contraindication to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety of performing MRI in patients with cardiac pacemakers and ICDs that had a compelling clinical need for MRI...

  7. Epstein-Barr-virus-associeret lymfom hos en patient med colitis ulcerosa i behandling med azathioprin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kofoed, Kristian; Kiszka-Kanowitz, Marianne; Albrectsen, Jens Mørch


    A 28 year-old man with ulcerative colitis treated for 10 years with azathioprine (AZA) returned from Central Asia with fever, swollen lymph glands, hepatosplenomegaly, and pancytopenia. He was tested positive for acute Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. Before the final diagnosis of EBV-associat......A 28 year-old man with ulcerative colitis treated for 10 years with azathioprine (AZA) returned from Central Asia with fever, swollen lymph glands, hepatosplenomegaly, and pancytopenia. He was tested positive for acute Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. Before the final diagnosis of EBV......-associated large B-cell lymphoma was confirmed, he died from multiple organ failure. AZA and 6-mercaptopurine are associated with the development of EBV-positive lymphomas in organ-transplanted patients. This type of lymphoma is a rare complication in inflammatory bowel disease....

  8. Case report - curved femoral osteotomy for management of medial patellar luxation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Allpass, Maja; Miles, James Edward


    Medial patellaluxation kan forårsages af femoral varus hos hund. Førhen har patienter med excessiv femoralvarus været korrigeret ved en lateralt placeret femoral kile-ostektomi. Her præsenteres en case, hvor en buet osteotomi blev anvendt til behandling af medial patellaluxation.......Medial patellaluxation kan forårsages af femoral varus hos hund. Førhen har patienter med excessiv femoralvarus været korrigeret ved en lateralt placeret femoral kile-ostektomi. Her præsenteres en case, hvor en buet osteotomi blev anvendt til behandling af medial patellaluxation....

  9. Antithyroideaantistof hos to patienter med subakut dementiel udvikling, ataksi og myoklonus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kondziella, Daniel; Hansen, Klaus; Gonzalez, Teresa


    Hashimoto encephalitis (HE) is a steroid-responsive autoimmune encephalitis with anti-thyroid antibodies; Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a prion disease. Both disorders can have a similar clinical presentation. Two women, 67 and 63 year-old, with subacute dementia, ataxia, myoclonus...... and positive antithyroid antibodies were given oral steroids. Whereas one progressively declined and had histopathologically proven CJD, the other made a complete recovery and was diagnosed with HE. Anti-thyroid antibodies can occur in CJD, but when present in a patient with subacute dementia, ataxia...

  10. Betydningen af Lawsonia og PCV2 virus for daglig tilvækst hos slagtesvin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Markku; Nielsen, Mai Britt Friis; Dahl, Jan

    Resultaterne af denne undersøgelse viser at: - Grise med store mængder Lawsonia i gødningen (≥106/gram gødning) har større risiko (OR=5,2) for at være en langsomt voksende gris. - Grise med synlige tarmforandringer har større risiko (OR=13,2) for at være en langsomt voksende gris. - Grise med...... diarré har større risiko (OR=10,1) for at være en langsomt voksende gris. Derimod kunne der ikke påvises nogen sammenhæng mellem mængden af PCV2 virus, antistoffer mod PCV2 virus eller påvisning af PCV2 virus ved immunhistokemi i tarmlymfeknude og tilvæksten hos grise. Undersøgelsen er gennemført i 5...... virus og Lawsonia på DTU-Veterinærinstitutet. For hver gris blev den maksimalt målte værdi af Lawsonia og PCV2 virus mængde i gødning og antistoffer mod de to sygdomme brugt som forklarende variabel. Sammenhængen til hurtigt/langsomt voksende grise for de maksimalt målte værdier blev undersøgt ved...

  11. Hälsofrämjande fysisk aktivitet hos personer under adjuvant cancerbehandling relaterad till fatigue, livskvalitet samt self-efficacy


    Zetterlund, Johanna


    Bakgrund Cancerdrabbade lider ofta av cancerrelaterad fatigue (CRF) och försämrad livskvalitet under och efter behandling. Hälsofrämjande fysisk aktivitet (HFA) kan minska risken för dessa negativa konsekvenser. HFA påverkas bl.a. av träningsrelaterad self-efficacy, dvs tilltron till egen förmåga att vara fysisk aktiv. Syfte Att undersöka HFA hos personer under adjuvant cancerbehandling vid diagnos och efter sex månader samt att undersöka om de med en stabil HFA hade lägre CRF, högre livskval...

  12. Langtidsbehandling med spinal cord-stimulation hos en patient med kronisk regionalt smertesyndrom type 1 og fantomsmerter efter amputation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Enggaard, Thomas P.; Scherer, Christian; Nikolajsen, Lone


    The development of stump and phantom pain after limb amputation in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is very frequent. Stump pain is typically recurred CRPS and the possibilities for effective pharmacological pain relief are often limited. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has a well......-documented pain relieving effect in patients with CRPS. This case story summarises the long term effect of SCS in a patient with CRPS after two amputations of the right leg. Pharmacological pain therapies as well as Guanethidine blockade were found to be ineffective. Udgivelsesdato: 2008-Feb-4...

  13. Barns kommunikasjon med ulike typer kart - en progressiv tilnærming til kartlesing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trine Bjerva


    Full Text Available Utgangspunktet for denne studien er en erkjennelse av hvor vanskelig det kan være for barn å samhandle med det symbolske kartet. Hovedmålet for prosjektet var å utvikle sikrere viten om hvordan barn kommuniserer med ulike typer kart. Det er utarbeidet en modell (Bjerva, Græsli, & Sigurjónsson, 2010 som viser hvordan vi kan utvikle ferdigheten kartlesing hos barn. Vi har undersøkt 106 barn i alderen 3 til 12 år om hvordan de mestrer direkte representasjoner (detaljfoto og perspektiv representasjoner (håndtegnet skråkart. Forskningsdesignet har en økologisk tilnærming hvor datainnsamlingen har foregått i terrenget. Resultatene indikerer at selv små barn mestrer antatt kompliserte oppgaver når de blir presentert for enkle hjelpemidler.

  14. Physical Activity Patterns in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sari, Sengül; Bilberg, Randi Marie; Nielsen, Anette Søgaard


    Tværsnitsundersøgelsen beskriver de deltagende alkoholpatienters fysiske aktivitetsniveau ved behandlingsstart. Med denne undersøgelse havde vi til formål at opnå viden om sundhedsadfærden hos behandlingssøgende mennesker med et alkoholmisbrug. Hertil blev det internationale spørgeskema om fysisk...

  15. Intensiveret multifaktoriel intervention hos patienter med type 2-diabetes mellitus og mikroalbuminuri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gaede, P H; Jepsen, P V; Parving, H H


    of behaviour modification, pharmacological therapy targeting hyperglycaemia, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, and microalbuminuria. The primary endpoint was development of nephropathy. Secondary endpoints were incidence or progression of diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy. Patients were followed for 3.8 years...

  16. Europæisk Kerne Kompetenceramme for professionsuddannede der arbejder med ældre inden for social- og sundhedsområdet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    . European Core Competences Framework til brug for professionsuddannede der arbejder med ældre inden for social- og sundhedsområdet er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem 26 universiteter og andre højere læreanstalter som en del af European Later Life Active Network (ELLAN). ELLANs Lifelong Learning Programme er...... mod en bedre kvalitet i de videregående professionsuddannelser, hvor de færdiguddannede kan arbejde med ydelser til ældre mennesker i social- og sundhedssektoren. Hovedresultatet er udarbejdelsen af European Core Competences Framework til brug for professionsuddannede der arbejder med ældre inden...... for hos professionelle, der arbejder med ældre mennesker ved at gennemføre et litteraturstudie, gennemføre kvalitative studier blandt de ældre i seks forskellige lande samt gennemføre kvantitative studier blandt professionelle. Disse forskningsprojekter dannede baggrunden for udvikling af European Core...

  17. Padma-28, et urtepraeparat, øger gangdistancen hos patienter med claudicatio intermittens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drabaek, H; Mehlsen, J; Petersen, J R


    Thirty-six patients with stable intermittent claudication were randomized in a doubleblind study either to treatment with two tablets of Padma-28 twice daily (containing 340 mg dried herbal mixture composed according to an ancient lamaistic prescription) or placebo for four months. Effect...

  18. Betydningen af en række faktorer for døvfødte børn med CI

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bengtsson, Steen; Larsen, Lena Bech


    Formålet med dette notat er ved hjælp af data fra SFI's undersøgelse af levevilkår for døvfødte børn med CI at belyse spørgsmålet om, hvad forskellige faktorer betyder for deres situation. Spørgsmålet er belyst ved at se på syv forhold, som repræsenterer forskellige sider af det resultat, som...... barnet har fået af CI-behandlingen. Vi belyser resultatet af behandlingen med spørgsmål, der giver vurderinger af: 1) barnets handicap, 2) barnets skolepræstationer, 3) barnets emotionelle forstyrrelser, 4) om barnet er en enspænder, 5) omfang af barnets besøg hos kammerater, 6) forældrenes bekymring...

  19. Bisfosfonatassocieret osteonekrose i kaeberne hos patienter med myelomatose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Thomas; Gregersen, Henrik; Vangsted, Annette


    of bisphosphonate therapy and with the potency of the used bisphosphonate. BON usually develops after tooth extraction or other oral surgery, and has proven difficult to treat. Optimal dental hygiene should be ensured prior to treatment initiation where possible, and once bisphosphonate treatment is instituted......, oral surgery should be avoided if possible. Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Jan-5...

  20. Bisfosfonatassocieret osteonekrose i kaeberne hos patienter med myelomatose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Thomas; Gregersen, Henrik; Vangsted, Annette


    of bisphosphonate therapy and with the potency of the used bisphosphonate. BON usually develops after tooth extraction or other oral surgery, and has proven difficult to treat. Optimal dental hygiene should be ensured prior to treatment initiation where possible, and once bisphosphonate treatment is instituted...

  1. Dysfunktionel vejrtrækning hos patienter med astma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasson, Karen Hjerrild; Skou, Søren T; Porsbjerg, Celeste


    Dysfunctional breathing (DB) is a common comorbidity in adults with incomplete asthma control. The few available large-scale, randomized studies suggest efficacy of physiotherapy on symptom burden. In this article we discuss the current evidence including the need for systematic description...

  2. Peritoneal tuberkulose hos patient med formodet dissemineret ovariecancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Lone Wulff; Neumann, Gudrun; Pedersen, Court


    imaging) supported this suspicion. Peritoneal biopsy from laparoscopy showed granulomas with central necrosis. Microscopy, culture and polymerase chain reaction from biopsy samples were negative for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Follow-up with a CT scan after six months of full tuberculosis treatment showed...... normal conditions. Peritoneal tuberculosis is a diagnostic challenge, but should be considered in case of immigrants from high-risk areas....

  3. Ivermektinfølsomhed hos danske Collies og Border Collies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Treschow, Michaela E. C.; Fredholm, Merete


    Anvendelse af ivermektin i terapeutiske doser til hunde medfører i visse tilfælde neurologiske bivirkninger. Der er tale om en idiosynkrasi, der benævnes ivermektinfølsomhed, og som primært er beskrevet hos hyrdehunderacer, herunder især Collies......Anvendelse af ivermektin i terapeutiske doser til hunde medfører i visse tilfælde neurologiske bivirkninger. Der er tale om en idiosynkrasi, der benævnes ivermektinfølsomhed, og som primært er beskrevet hos hyrdehunderacer, herunder især Collies...

  4. Identifiable Data Files - Health Outcomes Survey (HOS) (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (HOS) identifiable data files are comprised of the entire national sample for a given 2-year cohort (including both respondents...

  5. Aclidinium bromid forbedrer lungefunktionen og reducerer dyspnø hos patienter med KOL

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli


    Long-acting bronchodilators are central for treatment of COPD. This short review provides an overview of studies evaluating the efficacy of aclidinium bromide, a long-acting anticholinergic bronchodilator, for the treatment of COPD. Twice-daily dosing of aclidinium leads to clinically important...... improvements in forced expiratory volume in 1 second, health status, use of rescue medication, day-time dyspnoea and exercise tolerance. The available studies also suggest an effect on night-time dyspnoea and exacerbation rate in patients with COPD. Aclidinium seems to have potential for a significant role...

  6. Herpes simplex-virus type 1 påvist hos patient med herpes zoster

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danielsen, Patricia Louise; Schønning, Kristian; Larsen, Helle Kiellberg


    In this case report we present an otherwise healthy 63 year-old male patient with herpes zoster corresponding to the 2nd left branch of the trigeminal nerve. Real time-polymerase chain reaction analyses were positive for both herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and varicella zoster virus (VZV......). The most probable explanation is that this reflects asymptomatic, latent expression of HSV-1 in a herpes zoster patient with no clinical relevance. Another hypothesis is that reactivation of a neurotropic herpes virus can reactivate another neurotropic virus if both types are present in the same ganglion....... If co-infection with HSV/VZV is suspected the treatment regimen for herpes zoster will sufficiently treat a possible HSV infection also....

  7. Antibiotikumprofylakse ved tandbehandling hos patienter med hofte- eller knaeledsalloplastik er sjaeldent nødvendig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Peter Holmberg; Fuursted, Kurt; Holmstrup, Palle


    A review of the literature with respect to whether antibiotic prophylaxis should be recommended in relation to dental treatment of patients with hip or knee joint prosthesis. We find no evidence for such a general recommendation. As neutropenic patients and patients with rheumatoid arthritis are ...... are generally more prone to develop periprosthetic infections it can be considered in these cases to give prophylactic antibiotics before more extensive dental treatments....

  8. Sjuksköterskors upplevelse vid vård av patienter med substansbrukssyndrom


    Hanna, Johansson; Frida, Zetterman


    Bakgrund Tidigare forskning visar att sjuksköterskor har förutfattade meningar om patienter med en stigmatiserande diagnos. Sjuksköterskor stigmatiserar och har negativa attityder som påverkar deras vård av dessa patienter. Individer med substansbrukssyndrom är en grupp som är särskilt utsatt för stigmatisering i samhället. Dessa individer påträffas inom samtliga specialiteter inom vården. Denna studie fokuserar därför på sjuksköterskors upplevelse av patienter med substansbrukssyndrom. Syfte...

  9. Praeoperativt delay hos patienter med perforeret ulcus: en klinisk audit fra Det Nationale Indikatorprojekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Morten Hylander; Nørgård, Bente Mertz; Mehnert, Frank


    was conducted to investigate possible reasons. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All patients (n = 89) surgically treated for peptic ulcer perforation in six university hospitals in Denmark over a period of one year were included. The association between a number of predefined variables related to the internal organisation......INTRODUCTION: Mortality following perforated peptic ulcer in Denmark is nearly 30%. Delayed surgery is a prognostic factor, but only half of the patients are operated within six hours of perforation - a predefined quality of care criterion in The Danish National Indicator Project. A clinical audit...... size, this audit suggests that long preoperative delay in patients with peptic ulcer perforation is associated with factors related to both the internal organisation of the healthcare system, the patient's pathological picture, and the quality of diagnosis and treatment given. Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Nov...

  10. Et Patientperspektivistisk Studie i Brug af Alternativ Behandling hos Danske Patienter med Diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gerbild, Helle Nygaard


    clients, however, are positioned as user of both complementary and alternative medicine and conventional treatments, such as biological, homeopathic, and traditional Chinese medicine. The main factors that drive them to this are the aim, the hope, the belief, and knowledge how to cure diabetes. Conclusion......: The study shows that the decisive difference of how diabetics are positioned as to complementary and alternative self-care is the way in which they have the strength and hope, believe and knowledge of how to cure disease which by people in general is regarded as chronic.......Background and objectives: There have not earlier been studies focusing on experiences of Danish diabetic patients using Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) – considered from the patients’ point of view. The existing studies mostly based on quantitative methods of patients with diabetes...

  11. Direct-access to abdominal ultrasonic investigation from general practice-the role in earlier cancer diagnosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingeman, Mads Lind; Ormstrup, Tina E; Vedsted, Peter


    at diagnosticere kræft i bughulen, fordi de første tegn tit er uspecifikke og svage. Formålet med dette studie var at beskrive de praktiserende læges brug af muligheden for direkte adgang til ultralydsscanning af bughulen og at undersøge udbredelsen af kræft hos de henviste patienter. De deltagende læger havde...... mulighed for enten at henvise patienterne direkte til ultralydsskanning eller via en normal venteliste. Knap 60 % af patienterne blev henvist via den direkte adgang, og 2,7 % af alle henviste patienter fik konstateret kræft i løbet af de første seks måneder efter skanningen. Skanningen gav direkte mistanke...... om kræft hos 57,9 % af kræftpatienterne, og 90 % af disse cancere blev fundet hos patienter, som blev henvist via den direkte adgang. Resultaterne var ikke signifikante, men de tyder dog på, at de praktiserende læger generelt vælger at henvise patienter med en større kræftrisiko til den direkte...

  12. Praeoperativt delay hos patienter med perforeret ulcus: en klinisk audit fra Det Nationale Indikatorprojekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Morten Hylander; Nørgård, Bente Mertz; Mehnert, Frank


    size, this audit suggests that long preoperative delay in patients with peptic ulcer perforation is associated with factors related to both the internal organisation of the healthcare system, the patient's pathological picture, and the quality of diagnosis and treatment given. Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Nov......INTRODUCTION: Mortality following perforated peptic ulcer in Denmark is nearly 30%. Delayed surgery is a prognostic factor, but only half of the patients are operated within six hours of perforation - a predefined quality of care criterion in The Danish National Indicator Project. A clinical audit...

  13. "Det er mit hjerte, det drejer sig om" - Eksistentielle overvejelser hos patienter med atrieflimren

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lien Hansen, Maria; Christiansen, Anette Wendelboe; Kappel, Nanna


    Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart rhythm disturbance, and 50,000 Danes are living with this disease. Studies show reduced quality of life, including increased tendency to anxiety in the patient group. However, there are no studies dealing with anxiety in patients with atrial fibrillati...... hospitalisation. Instead they are alone with their thoughts and anxiety....

  14. Hvordan kan utfordringer føre til økt læring og utvikling hos fremtidige elite fotballspillere og elitesoldater?: et komparativt casestudie mellom Forsvarets Spesialkommando og en fotballklubb i eliteserien


    Nilsen, Kim-André


    Masteroppgave - Norges idrettshøgskole, 2015 I dette prosjektet ønsket jeg å finne ut hvordan motgang og utfordringer kan føre til økt læring og utvikling hos fremtidige elitesoldater og fotballspillere på elitenivå. Dette er en komparativ casestudie mellom en fotballklubb i eliteserien og Forsvarets Spesialkommando (FSK). I denne beskrivende casestudien ble semi-strukturerte intervjuer og dokumentasjonsundersøkelser benyttet i datainnsamlingen. I forbindelse med rekrutterin...

  15. Medieforbrug hos etniske minoriteter I Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Connie Carøe


    Bag spørgsmålet om etniske minoriteters medieforbrug ligger en forventning om et anderledes forbrug end den øvrige befolkning og det bekræftes af forskellige undersøgelser. Der er større spredning på medier hos disse dele af befolkningen, og især tyrkiske familier ser megen tv fra hjemlandet. Men...

  16. Brugerdreven innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dinesen, Birthe; Huniche, Lotte; Madsen, Jacob

    Formålet med denne publikation er at beskrive kreative teknikker til, hvordan du kan spotte nye behov for brug af velfærdsteknologi hos mennesker med kroniske lidelser til at mestre egen sygdom. I forsknings- og innovationsprojektet TELEKAT – Telehomecare, kroniske patienter og det samarbejdende ...

  17. Association of GPs' risk attitudes, level of empathy, and burnout status with PSA testing in primary care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Anette F; Carlsen, Anders H; Vedsted, Peter


    Denne artikel undersøger, om variationen i raten af PSA-tests mellem alment praktiserende læger kan forklares af psykologiske faktorer som f.eks. lægens risikovillighed. Resultaterne viser, at lægens risikovillighed influerer på raten af PSA-tests. Forfatterne finder blandt andet, at patienter, som...... er registreret hos en læge med mange bekymringer for fejlbehandlinger, har større sandsynlighed for at få taget en PSA-test. Patienter, som er registreret hos en læge, som har en høj tolerance for flertydighed i lægearbejdet, har derimod mindre sandsynlighed for at få foretaget en PSA-test. Patienter......, som er registreret hos en læge med høj tolerance for flertydighed eller en tilbøjelighed til risikobetonet adfærd, har en mindre sandsynlighed for at få gentaget en tidligere normal PSA-test. Undersøgelsen bygger på spørgeskemabesvarelser fra 129 alment solo-praktiserende læger i Region Midtjylland...

  18. The Arabidopsis E3 Ubiquitin Ligase HOS1 Negatively Regulates CONSTANS Abundance in the Photoperiodic Control of Flowering[W (United States)

    Lazaro, Ana; Valverde, Federico; Piñeiro, Manuel; Jarillo, Jose A.


    The Arabidopsis thaliana early in short days6 (esd6) mutant was isolated in a screen for mutations that accelerate flowering time. Among other developmental alterations, esd6 displays early flowering in both long- and short-day conditions. Fine mapping of the mutation showed that the esd6 phenotype is caused by a lesion in the HIGH EXPRESSION OF OSMOTICALLY RESPONSIVE GENES1 (HOS1) locus, which encodes a RING finger–containing E3 ubiquitin ligase. The esd6/hos1 mutation causes decreased FLOWERING LOCUS C expression and requires CONSTANS (CO) protein for its early flowering phenotype under long days. Moreover, CO and HOS1 physically interact in vitro and in planta, and HOS1 regulates CO abundance, particularly during the daylight period. Accordingly, hos1 causes a shift in the regular long-day pattern of expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) transcript, starting to rise 4 h after dawn in the mutant. In addition, HOS1 interacts synergistically with CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1, another regulator of CO protein stability, in the regulation of flowering time. Taken together, these results indicate that HOS1 is involved in the control of CO abundance, ensuring that CO activation of FT occurs only when the light period reaches a certain length and preventing precocious flowering in Arabidopsis. PMID:22408073

  19. Praeoperativ funktionel magnetisk resonans-billeddannelse hos patienter med hjernetumor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laustsen, Søren Ravn; Sørensen, Preben; Fründ, Torben


    to fMRI activation was measured using GE-reformat version 4.2 after raw data had been postprocessed using GE BrainwavePA version 1.3.08130. The neurosurgeons valuation of fMRI in the preoperative decision-making process was obtained using a standard questionnaire. RESULTS: There was a trend...

  20. Ny Mycoplasma Hyosynoviae vaccine forebygger ikke halthed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Elisabeth Okholm; Lauritsen, Klara Tølbøll; Jungersen, Gregers

    Vaccination af smågrise mod Mykoplasma-ledbetændelser viste sig ikke at kunne forebyggede halthed hos slagtesvin. Smitte med Mycoplasma hyosynoviae (M. hyosynoviae) er ofte årsag til ledbetændelse hos slagtesvin. Der er ingen kommerciel vaccine til grise, der beskytter mod mykoplasma-ledbetændels......Vaccination af smågrise mod Mykoplasma-ledbetændelser viste sig ikke at kunne forebyggede halthed hos slagtesvin. Smitte med Mycoplasma hyosynoviae (M. hyosynoviae) er ofte årsag til ledbetændelse hos slagtesvin. Der er ingen kommerciel vaccine til grise, der beskytter mod mykoplasma...

  1. Unges motivation i udskolingen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pless, Mette; Katznelson, Noemi; Hjort-Madsen, Peder

    Om hvordan de unge i udskolingen skaber lyst og motivation for læring. Med afsnit om hvad motivation er, hvordan den fremmes hos unge og kombineres med et liv udenfor skolen......Om hvordan de unge i udskolingen skaber lyst og motivation for læring. Med afsnit om hvad motivation er, hvordan den fremmes hos unge og kombineres med et liv udenfor skolen...

  2. Aclidiniumbromid forbedrer lungefunktion og reducerer åndenød hos patienter med KOL

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli


    Long-acting bronchodilators are central for treatment of COPD. This short review provides an overview of studies evaluating the efficacy of aclidinium bromide, a long-acting anticholinergic bronchodilator, for the treatment of COPD. Twice-daily dosing of aclidinium leads to clinically important...... improvements in forced expiratory volume in 1 second, health status, use of rescue medication, day-time dyspnoea and exercise tolerance. The available studies also suggest an effect on night-time dyspnoea and exacerbation rate in patients with COPD. Aclidinium seems to have potential for a significant role...

  3. Årsager til luftvejsinfektioner hos kalve

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sloth, Karen Helle; Fisker, Irene; Larsen, Lars Erik


    Coronavirus gav anledning til flest antistofstigninger hos nyindsatte kalve i tre ud af fire slagtekalvebesætninger i en mindre undersøgelse gennemført i et Dansk Kvæg projekt. I en af besætningerne var der desuden tydelig reaktion mod andre infektioner. Der blev undersøgt for antistoffer mod cor...... coronavirus, BRSV, parainfluenzavirus (P1-2) og Salmonelle dublin....

  4. Selvadministreret ventrikelsondeernaering hos et barn med infantil autisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyrborg, J


    An example of self-administered gastric tube nutrition in a boy aged 15 years with infantile autism is presented. The boy would neither eat nor drink in the normal manner since the age of eight years and has gradually administered tube-feeding himself. This patient does not fulfill the internatio......An example of self-administered gastric tube nutrition in a boy aged 15 years with infantile autism is presented. The boy would neither eat nor drink in the normal manner since the age of eight years and has gradually administered tube-feeding himself. This patient does not fulfill...... the international criteria for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. A possible etiological factor and the education/psychological attitudes to the compulsive symptom are discussed. Udgivelsesdato: 1991-Oct-14...

  5. Humor er en alvorlig sag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søltoft, Pia


    I modsætning til ironi er humor for Kierkegaard fællesskabsgivende – ironikeren hævder sig selv, men humoristen har sympati med den, man ler med. Humor er hos Kierkegaard udtryk for, at humoristen forliger sig med tilværelsen og dens luner, og dermed grænser humoren hos Kierkegaard op til det...

  6. HosA, a MarR Family Transcriptional Regulator, Represses Nonoxidative Hydroxyarylic Acid Decarboxylase Operon and Is Modulated by 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid. (United States)

    Roy, Ajit; Ranjan, Akash


    Members of the Multiple antibiotic resistance Regulator (MarR) family of DNA binding proteins regulate transcription of a wide array of genes required for virulence and pathogenicity of bacteria. The present study reports the molecular characterization of HosA (Homologue of SlyA), a MarR protein, with respect to its target gene, DNA recognition motif, and nature of its ligand. Through a comparative genomics approach, we demonstrate that hosA is in synteny with nonoxidative hydroxyarylic acid decarboxylase (HAD) operon and is present exclusively within the mutS-rpoS polymorphic region in nine different genera of Enterobacteriaceae family. Using molecular biology and biochemical approach, we demonstrate that HosA binds to a palindromic sequence downstream to the transcription start site of divergently transcribed nonoxidative HAD operon and represses its expression. Furthermore, in silico analysis showed that the recognition motif for HosA is highly conserved in the upstream region of divergently transcribed operon in different genera of Enterobacteriaceae family. A systematic chemical search for the physiological ligand revealed that 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (4-HBA) interacts with HosA and derepresses HosA mediated repression of the nonoxidative HAD operon. Based on our study, we propose a model for molecular mechanism underlying the regulation of nonoxidative HAD operon by HosA in Enterobacteriaceae family.

  7. Hvordan kan fosterbarns indre arbeidsmodeller positivt påvirkes i relasjon med nære omsorgspersoner? Knyttet opp mot SIP-modellen (Sosial informasjonsprosesserings-modell)


    Sunde, Gunn Karin


    Master's thesis in Special education Sammendrag Det er stadig flere barn som har behov for å bli omplassert i fosterhjem (Aleris, 2012), grunnet bl.a. omsorgssvikt og utrygg tilknytning (Anke, 2007). Det vil ha innflytelse på fosterbarns indre arbeidsmodeller, som er integrerte mønster hos barnet basert på erfaringer fra samspillet med tilknytningspersonene (Bowlby, 1994). SIP-modellen gir kunnskap om barns mentale prosesser og sosiale tilpasning, og viser mulighet for modifisering av f...

  8. Tværsektorielt samarbejde ved behandling af patienter med type 2-diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munch, Lene; Røder, Michael E; Hansen, Ida H


    Hovedbudskaber • Sundhedsstyrelsen lægger vægt på tværsektorielt samarbejde omkring patienten med type 2-diabetes, men denne tankegang er dog ikke implementeret i det danske sundhedsvæsen • På organisatorisk niveau kan en stratificerings- og forløbsmodel give anvisninger til opgave- og...... udnyttelse af sundhedsvæsenets ressourcer samtidig med, at behandling af høj kvalitet fastholdes og udvikles for patienter med type 2-diabetes...

  9. Praeoperativt delay hos patienter med perforeret ulcus: en klinisk audit fra Det Nationale Indikatorprojekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Morten Hylander; Nørgård, Bente Mertz; Mehnert, Frank


    Mortality following perforated peptic ulcer in Denmark is nearly 30%. Delayed surgery is a prognostic factor, but only half of the patients are operated within six hours of perforation - a predefined quality of care criterion in The Danish National Indicator Project. A clinical audit was conducted...

  10. Immunmodulerende effekt af LongoVital hos patienter med recidiverende aftøs stomatit. 2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, A; Klausen, B; Hougen, H P


    LongoVital (LV) (DK. reg. no. 5178/75) is a herbal-based tablet enriched with recommended doses of vitamins. Peripheral lymphocyte subsets: T-helper/CD4 (OKT4+) and T-suppressor/cytotoxic/CD8 (OKT8+) were studied quantitatively in 31 otherwise healthy patients with minor recurrent aphthous...

  11. The Hos2 Histone Deacetylase Controls Ustilago maydis Virulence through Direct Regulation of Mating-Type Genes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Elías-Villalobos


    Full Text Available Morphological changes are critical for host colonisation in plant pathogenic fungi. These changes occur at specific stages of their pathogenic cycle in response to environmental signals and are mediated by transcription factors, which act as master regulators. Histone deacetylases (HDACs play crucial roles in regulating gene expression, for example by locally modulating the accessibility of chromatin to transcriptional regulators. It has been reported that HDACs play important roles in the virulence of plant fungi. However, the specific environment-sensing pathways that control fungal virulence via HDACs remain poorly characterised. Here we address this question using the maize pathogen Ustilago maydis. We find that the HDAC Hos2 is required for the dimorphic switch and pathogenic development in U. maydis. The deletion of hos2 abolishes the cAMP-dependent expression of mating type genes. Moreover, ChIP experiments detect Hos2 binding to the gene bodies of mating-type genes, which increases in proportion to their expression level following cAMP addition. These observations suggest that Hos2 acts as a downstream component of the cAMP-PKA pathway to control the expression of mating-type genes. Interestingly, we found that Clr3, another HDAC present in U. maydis, also contributes to the cAMP-dependent regulation of mating-type gene expression, demonstrating that Hos2 is not the only HDAC involved in this control system. Overall, our results provide new insights into the role of HDACs in fungal phytopathogenesis.

  12. Nanotubo de carbono-chitosan en células HOS y THP-1 Carbon nanotubes-chitosan in HOS and THP-1 cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Jairo Castillo León


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los nanotubos de carbono (NTC son estructuras nanométricas utilizadas en el tratamiento de enfermedades, principalmente en la entrega de fármacos para terapias en cáncer. Objetivos: Estudiar la internalización de NTC acoplado a quitosan (NTC-Q en células de osteosarcoma humano (HOS y monocitos humanos de leucemia aguda (THP-1. Materiales y métodos: Los NTC solubilizados con quitosan 30% fueron caracterizados espectroscópicamente por UV-Vis, fluorescencia y Raman. Las células HOS y THP-1 fueron tratadas con NTC-Q y se evaluó la internalización por tinción de Giemsa en microscopio de luz y la citotóxicidad utilizando la prueba fluorométrica de Azul de Alamar. Resultados: Los espectros Raman y de fluorescencia mostraron la funcionalización de los NTC con quitosan. Los NTC fueron internalizados por las líneas celulares después de 24 h mostrando una ubicación citoplasmática sin presentar citotóxicidad en ninguna de las células evaluadas. Discusión: Las características presentadas por los NTC-Q les brinda la posibilidad de ser utilizados como transportadores de fármacos. Salud UIS 2011; 43(1: 21-26Introduction: Carbon nanotubes (CNT are nanometer-sized structures used in medicine in the treatment of diseases, mainly in drug delivery in therapies against cancer. Objectives: To Study the internalization of carbon nanotubes modified with chitosan (CNT-CH in human osteosarcom cells (HOS and human monocytes of acute leukemia (THP1. Materials and methods: The CNTs solubilized in chitosan 30% were characterized spectroscopically by UV-Vis, fluorescence and Raman. HOS cells and THP-1 were treated with CNT-CH, the internalization was evaluated by Giemsa staining with light microscopy, and cytotoxicity was determined using Alamar Blue assay. Results: Raman and fluorescence spectra showed the functionalization of the CNT with chitosan. After 24 h the NTC were internalized in the cell lines showing a cytoplasmic location and

  13. Functional characterization of Candida albicans Hos2 histone deacetylase [v3; ref status: indexed,

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G Karthikeyan


    Full Text Available Candida albicans is a mucosal commensal organism capable of causing superficial (oral and vaginal thrush infections in immune normal hosts, but is a major pathogen causing systemic and mucosal infections in immunocompromised individuals. Azoles have been very effective anti-fungal agents and the mainstay in treating opportunistic mold and yeast infections. Azole resistant strains have emerged compromising the utility of this class of drugs. It has been shown that azole resistance can be reversed by the co-administration of a histone deacetylase (HDAC inhibitor, suggesting that resistance is mediated by epigenetic mechanisms possibly involving Hos2, a fungal deacetylase. We report here the cloning and functional characterization of HOS2 (HighOsmolarity Sensitive, a gene coding for fungal histone deacetylase from C. albicans. Inhibition studies showed that Hos2 is susceptible to pan inhibitors such as trichostatin A (TSA and suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA, but is not inhibited by class I inhibitors such as MS-275. This in vitro enzymatic assay, which is amenable to high throughput could be used for screening potent fungal Hos2 inhibitors that could be a potential anti-fungal adjuvant. Purified Hos2 protein consistently deacetylated tubulins, rather than histones from TSA-treated cells. Hos2 has been reported to be a putative NAD+ dependent histone deacetylase, a feature of sirtuins. We assayed for sirtuin activation with resveratrol and purified Hos2 protein and did not find any sirtuin activity.

  14. Evaluering af ordning med psykologbehandling af personer med let til moderat depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fjeldsted, Rita; Christensen, Kaj Sparle

    Herværende rapport evaluerer den pr. 1.4.2008 indførte ordning med mulighed for henvisning til psykologbehandling med 60 % tilskud for patienter med let til moderat depression. Evalueringen har betjent sig af flere gensidigt supplerende metoder: spørgeskemaundersøgelser overfor patienter, psykolo......Herværende rapport evaluerer den pr. 1.4.2008 indførte ordning med mulighed for henvisning til psykologbehandling med 60 % tilskud for patienter med let til moderat depression. Evalueringen har betjent sig af flere gensidigt supplerende metoder: spørgeskemaundersøgelser overfor patienter...... tidligere evaluering af forsøgsordning af psykologbehandling af depression i perioden 2005-06. 18.419 personer i alderen 18-37 år blev henvist til psykolog i den undersøgte ordning i perioden 1.2.2009 – 31.1.2010, svarende til en henvisningshyppighed på 1,6 % af baggrundsbefolkningen i samme aldersgruppe....... Ordningen giver mulighed for én rehenvisning, og 9 % blev rehenvist i perioden. Spørgeskemaresultater viser, at kun 33 % af de henviste falder ind under henvisningskriteriet ” let til moderat depression” på tidspunktet for opstart af psykologbehandling, 39 % har ingen tegn på depression, og 28 % har svær...

  15. Cancer Mortality in People Treated with Antidepressants before Cancer Diagnosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sun, Yuelian; Vedsted, Peter; Fenger-Grøn, Morten


    Depression forekommer ofte efter en kræftdiagnose og forbindes med øget mortalitet. Det er dog uvist, om depression i perioden før en kræftdiagnose også påvirker mortaliteten. Dette studie undersøger mortaliteten hos patienter, som blev behandlet med antidepressiv medicin før en kræftdiagnose...

  16. Crowdsourcing Diagnosis for Patients With Undiagnosed Illnesses: An Evaluation of CrowdMed. (United States)

    Meyer, Ashley N D; Longhurst, Christopher A; Singh, Hardeep


    Despite visits to multiple physicians, many patients remain undiagnosed. A new online program, CrowdMed, aims to leverage the "wisdom of the crowd" by giving patients an opportunity to submit their cases and interact with case solvers to obtain diagnostic possibilities. To describe CrowdMed and provide an independent assessment of its impact. Patients submit their cases online to CrowdMed and case solvers sign up to help diagnose patients. Case solvers attempt to solve patients' diagnostic dilemmas and often have an interactive online discussion with patients, including an exchange of additional diagnostic details. At the end, patients receive detailed reports containing diagnostic suggestions to discuss with their physicians and fill out surveys about their outcomes. We independently analyzed data collected from cases between May 2013 and April 2015 to determine patient and case solver characteristics and case outcomes. During the study period, 397 cases were completed. These patients previously visited a median of 5 physicians, incurred a median of US $10,000 in medical expenses, spent a median of 50 hours researching their illnesses online, and had symptoms for a median of 2.6 years. During this period, 357 active case solvers participated, of which 37.9% (132/348) were male and 58.3% (208/357) worked or studied in the medical industry. About half (50.9%, 202/397) of patients were likely to recommend CrowdMed to a friend, 59.6% (233/391) reported that the process gave insights that led them closer to the correct diagnoses, 57% (52/92) reported estimated decreases in medical expenses, and 38% (29/77) reported estimated improvement in school or work productivity. Some patients with undiagnosed illnesses reported receiving helpful guidance from crowdsourcing their diagnoses during their difficult diagnostic journeys. However, further development and use of crowdsourcing methods to facilitate diagnosis requires long-term evaluation as well as validation to account

  17. Fokus på fremme af livskvalitet og trivsel hos personer med demens gennem læringsmodel med musikterapi og Dementia Care Mapping som det fælles omdrejningspunkt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ottesen, Aase Marie

    . Beskrivelse af den metode som er anvendt Metodisk er projektet tilrettelagt som et casestudie af et musikterapiforløb. I læringsmodellen tages afsæt i Tom Kitwoods teori og værdigrundlag om en personorienteret omsorg. Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) anvendes i læringsforløbet til at belyse de relationelle møder......, der opstår i musikterapien. Samtidig anvendes DCM som pædagogisk metode i feedbackprocessen med omsorgsgiverne, hvor der arbejdes på at give omsorgsgiverne redskaber til at bruge musik aktivt i deres interaktion med personer med demens i forskellige samværssituationer. Projektets teoretiske...

  18. Succesfuld behandling af svær dabigatranoverdosering med idarucizumab hos en patient med nyresvigt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Christina Gjerlev; Bestle, Morten; Boesby, Lene


    In the course of an uncomplicated sigmoidostomy a 63-year-old male who had severe comorbidity developed a critical bleeding due to dabigatran intoxication induced by acute kidney injury. Massive blood transfusions, tranexamic acid, Octaplex and haemodialysis were not effective. Administration...

  19. Forbedret overlevelse hos børn med neuroblastom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schrøder, Henrik; Wacher, Jeanette; Larsson, Heidi


    children below 15 years of age with neuroblastoma or ganglioneuroblastoma who were diagnosed in Denmark between 1981 and 2005. RESULTS: The incidence was 8.68 per million children below 15 years of age (world standard 9.6) and 43.5 per million children below 12 months of age and these incidences have...... three years from diagnosis occurred in only 2% of patients. The median time from relapse to death was three months. CONCLUSION: The survival of children with neuroblastoma in Denmark has increased significantly over the last 25 years. Udgivelsesdato: 2010-Oct-4...

  20. Clinical safety of magnetic resonance imaging in patients with implanted SynchroMed EL infusion pumps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diehn, Felix E.; Wood, Christopher P.; Watson, Robert E.; Hunt, Christopher H.; Mauck, William D.; Burke, Michelle M.


    Patients with implanted SynchroMed spinal infusion pumps (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN) routinely undergo magnetic resonance imaging at our institution. In August 2008, Medtronic issued an urgent medical device correction report regarding several pumps. Because of the rare potential ''for a delay in the return of proper drug infusion'' and ''for a delay in the logging of motor stall events,'' ''a patient's pump must be interrogated after MRI exposure in order to confirm proper pump functionality.'' This is particularly important in patients receiving intrathecal baclofen, for whom a delay in return of proper pump infusion could lead to life-threatening baclofen withdrawal syndrome. The objective of this report is to present our experience and protocol of performing magnetic resonance imaging in patients with implanted SynchroMed EL pumps. We retrospectively reviewed records of 86 patients with implanted SynchroMed EL spinal infusion pumps who underwent 112 examinations on 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging scanners from September 1, 1998 to July 7, 2004. No SynchroMed EL pumps were damaged by magnetic resonance imaging, and the programmable settings remained unchanged in all patients. Our data suggest that SynchroMed EL pump malfunction is indeed rare after routine clinical 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging examinations. However, based on the Medtronic correction report, we perform pump interrogation before and after imaging. (orig.)

  1. Laktatacidose hos en yngre kvinde med status asthmaticus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramazan-Yousif, Lana; Albertsen, Signe; Bergmann, Troels K


    A 24-year-old woman with asthma presented with symptoms of upper airway infection and tachypnoea and wheezes. She had a history of admissions to intensive care units (ICU) due to respiratory insufficiency. The initial lactate concentration was 2.1 mmol/l. The treatment consisted of inhaled...... and intravenous β ² agonists. Hereafter, the lactate concentration rose to 9.8 mmol/l, and the patient was admitted to the ICU due to severe asthma exacerbation. The elevation of lactate concentration cleared after discontinuation of β ² agonist therapy. Although lactic acidosis is a rare side effect to β...

  2. Emerging countries’ multinational companies investing in developed countries: at odds with the HOS paradigm?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreff, Wladimir


    Full Text Available The paper analyses the new trend of outward foreign direct investment (FDI by multinational companies from emerging countries, in particular the BRICs, in developed countries to question the applicability of the traditional HOS theoretical framework to this trend. A literature review shows that labour costs do not play any significant role in the first attempts to provide an analytical explanation of this new trend. A HOS equation, amended in order to encompass FDI, is elaborated in order to explain outward FDI from developed to developing and emerging countries based on differences in labour endowment and therefore in wage rates. Step by step, the equation introduces the technological gap, institutions and government policies. Then it is shown that such equation when reversed to explain outward FDI from emerging to developed countries is at odds with the traditional HOS framework. Turning the HOS theory upside down does not help to explain reverse FDI outflows from emerging to developed countries. An alternative approach is called for, in which a labour cost advantage (a lower wage rate than abroad is a home market advantage for emerging countries to invest abroad. A final section provides some empirical examples that labour matters and a lower home wage rate is a decisive comparative advantage for Indian and Chinese multinationals investing in developed countries. Additional evidence shows that the technological gap and the home country’s institutions and government policy matter as well

  3. Paralyse af nervus peroneus hos patient med Ehlers-Danlos syndrom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Al-Aubaidi, Zaid; Skov, Ole


    Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a hereditary generalized connective tissue disorder characterized by skin hyperextensibility, joint hypermobility and tissue fragility. Peripheral neuropathy is described sporadically. Although the exact mechanism of the neuropathy is not well-known, excessive...

  4. Myopati hos en patient i behandling med simvastatin og fluconazol

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jens Kristian; Lydolph, Magnus Christian; Somnier, Finn


    A 69-year-old female was admitted due to progressive loss of muscle strength following addition of fluconazole to long-term simvastatin treatment. Rhabdomyolysis was suspected and both drugs were discontinued. Forced diuresis was initiated together with a short course of prednisolone. After 21...

  5. Att veta när man ska göra det man vet att man ska göra : om barn med ADHD, uppfattning av tid och att komma ihåg att göra det man har planerat


    Hillertz, Anna


    I den här studien undersöks om det är bristande tidsuppfattning som orsakar sämre prospektivt minne hos barn med diagnos ADHD. Studien syftar även till att utreda vad prospektivt minne har för relation till arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Studien har genomförts genom att två grupper, en grupp barn med diagnos ADHD och en kontrollgrupp, har utfört uppgifter som ger mått på prospektivt minne, tidsuppfattning, arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Barnen i ADHD-gruppen har även deltagit i ...

  6. Sikker brug af bedside_UL-vejledt pleuracentese og ascitesdrændge hos patienter med maligne sygdomme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damstrup, Camilla Vantore


    and investigated the patients' medical files with regard to complications. In 29 pleuracentesises and 43 laparocentesises only one pneumothorax was registered (3.4%). This is comparable to previous studies and may suggest that it is safe to perform these procedures bedside in cancer patients with no complications....

  7. Technology and Learning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guttorm Andersen, Pia; Hansen, Ole

    Teknologier giver adgang til viden - og med viden forøges handlemulighederne. Teknologier nedbryder traditionelle barrierer som tid og sted. Teknologier øger kompetencerne hos den enkelte borger......Teknologier giver adgang til viden - og med viden forøges handlemulighederne. Teknologier nedbryder traditionelle barrierer som tid og sted. Teknologier øger kompetencerne hos den enkelte borger...

  8. Demens: ikke farmakologiske interventioner - en kommenteret udenlandsk medicinsk teknologivurdering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Lisbeth Villemoes

    Fysisk træning som gang, styrketræning og yoga kan hæmme udvikling af demens hos raske ældre og forbedre fysisk funktion hos personer med demens. Det peger en undersøgelse fra Sundhedsstyrelsen på. Undersøgelsen belyser effekten af ikke-medicinske indsatser til personer med og uden demens. Der er...

  9. Demens: ikke farmakologiske interventioner - en kommenteret udenlandsk medicinsk teknologivurdering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Lisbeth Villemoes


    Fysisk træning som gang, styrketræning og yoga kan hæmme udvikling af demens hos raske ældre og forbedre fysisk funktion hos personer med demens. Det peger en undersøgelse fra Sundhedsstyrelsen på. Undersøgelsen belyser effekten af ikke-medicinske indsatser til personer med og uden demens. Der er...

  10. Molekylaere mekanismer bag den immunologiske reaktion mod gluten hos patienter med cøliaki

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Christian; Husby, Steffen; Lillevang, Søren T


    Coeliac disease is a complex inflammatory disorder of the small intestine, induced by dietary gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. Recently, the nature of gluten-derived peptides recognized by gut-derived T cells from patients has been elucidated. It has further been established...... that the binding of such peptides to HLA-DQ2 and DQ8 molecules is enhanced following the modification of the peptides by the ubiquitous enzyme tissue transglutaminase. This knowledge has allowed the establishment of a molecular basis for the well-known association between coeliac disease and the expression...... of these HLA-molecules. This article summarizes the latest progress in coeliac disease molecular biology....

  11. Muskelbiopsier hos patienter med fibromyalgi. En undersøgelse baseret på lys- og elektronmikroskopi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drewes, A M; Andreasen, A; Schrøder, H D


    of muscle disease. Nevertheless, we subjected biopsies from nine of the patients and five other controls for further ultrastructural evaluations and demonstrated pathologic findings e.g. empty sleeves of basement membrane, many lipofuscin bodies and other degenerative changes. We conclude...

  12. Clinical safety of magnetic resonance imaging in patients with implanted SynchroMed EL infusion pumps

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diehn, Felix E.; Wood, Christopher P.; Watson, Robert E.; Hunt, Christopher H. [Mayo Clinic, Department of Radiology, Rochester, MN (United States); Mauck, William D. [Mayo Clinic, Department of Anesthesiology, Rochester, MN (United States); Burke, Michelle M. [Mayo Clinic, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Rochester, MN (United States)


    Patients with implanted SynchroMed spinal infusion pumps (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN) routinely undergo magnetic resonance imaging at our institution. In August 2008, Medtronic issued an urgent medical device correction report regarding several pumps. Because of the rare potential ''for a delay in the return of proper drug infusion'' and ''for a delay in the logging of motor stall events,'' ''a patient's pump must be interrogated after MRI exposure in order to confirm proper pump functionality.'' This is particularly important in patients receiving intrathecal baclofen, for whom a delay in return of proper pump infusion could lead to life-threatening baclofen withdrawal syndrome. The objective of this report is to present our experience and protocol of performing magnetic resonance imaging in patients with implanted SynchroMed EL pumps. We retrospectively reviewed records of 86 patients with implanted SynchroMed EL spinal infusion pumps who underwent 112 examinations on 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging scanners from September 1, 1998 to July 7, 2004. No SynchroMed EL pumps were damaged by magnetic resonance imaging, and the programmable settings remained unchanged in all patients. Our data suggest that SynchroMed EL pump malfunction is indeed rare after routine clinical 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging examinations. However, based on the Medtronic correction report, we perform pump interrogation before and after imaging. (orig.)

  13. Radiojodbehandling af recidiverende hypertyreose hos patienter som tidligere er behandlet for diffus toksisk struma med subtotal strumektomi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, H; Laurberg, P


    patients showed a higher sensitivity to radioiodine, with more cases of early hypothyroidism than non-operated patients. However, after 50 months of follow-up the outcome was identical. The results indicate that frequent assessment is necessary after radioiodine treatment of patients with previous thyroid......Radioiodine therapy is often employed for treatment of patients with relapse of hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease, after previous thyroid surgery. Little is known about the outcome of this treatment compared to patients with no previous surgery. A total of 20 patients, who had received...... surgical treatment for Graves' hyperthyroidism 1-46 years previously and with relapse of hyperthyroidism, and 25 patients with hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease and no previous thyroid surgery were treated with radioiodine, following the same protocol. Early after treatment the previously operated...

  14. Identifying depression among adolescents using three key questions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haugen, Wenche; Haavet, Ole Rikard; Sirpal, Manjit Kaur


    Depression rammer mange voksne mennesker. Dette studie, som er omtalt i BMJ, viser, at et spørgeskema med blot tre spørgsmål ret præcist kan identificere voksne med depression. Undersøgelsen viser også, at de samme spørgsmål med fordel kan stilles verbalt ved diagnosticering af depression hos unge...... mennesker. Studiet ledsages af en redaktionel kommentar, der understreger betydningen af diagnosticering af depression hos mennesker. Mange unge har kun sjældent kontakt med deres praktiserende læge. Derfor kan mange gå i lang tid med depression, uden at det bliver opdaget og behandlet. De tre enkle...... spørgsmål, der kredser om interesse (eller mangel på interesse) for daglige aktiviteter og følelser som nedtrykthed eller håbløshed, kan være et godt pejlemærke for evt. depression hos unge, som ellers let kan blive overset....

  15. Predicting effects and risk of relapse into depression: The Danish ECT/MRI project

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gbyl, Krzysztof; Rosenberg, Raben; Larsson, Henrik Bo Wiberg

    Formål: Vi ønsker at undersøge hjernen hos patienter med svær depression før og efter elektrokonvulsiv terapi (ECT), samt ved en kontrol efter 6 måneder med det formål at: 1. undersøge hjernevævet så en evt. skadelig effekt af ECT-behandling kan udelukkes 2. belyse mekanismerne bag ECT for at fin...

  16. Muskelbiopsier hos patienter med fibromyalgi. En undersøgelse baseret på lys- og elektronmikroskopi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drewes, A M; Andreasen, A; Schrøder, H D


    The value of muscle biopsy in fibromyalgia is still questioned. In this study we obtained 49 quadriceps biopsies from 20 patients and compared them blindly to 15 biopsies from five normal controls. Using light microscopy, histochemical and immunoenzymatic methods we found no definite evidence...... that ultrastructural evaluation cannot yet be used for diagnostic purposes, but the negative findings at light microscopy, including histochemical and immunoenzymatic techniques, might be of importance in evaluating difficult cases....

  17. Epstein-Barr-virus-associeret lymfom hos en patient med colitis ulcerosa i behandling med azathioprin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kofoed, Kristian; Kiszka-Kanowitz, Marianne; Albrectsen, Jens Mørch


    A 28 year-old man with ulcerative colitis treated for 10 years with azathioprine (AZA) returned from Central Asia with fever, swollen lymph glands, hepatosplenomegaly, and pancytopenia. He was tested positive for acute Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. Before the final diagnosis of EBV...

  18. Dansk oversættelse af MiDAS, et redskab til assessment af musikterapi for personer med demens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner; Lykkegaard, Chris; McDermott, Orii


    Music in Dementia Assessment Scales, MiDAS, er udviklet til at vurdere ændringer i trivsel hos borgere med demens som har deltaget i musikterapi. Målingen udføres af 1) personale før og efter musikterapien for at vurdere om der er en indflydelse i hverdagssituationer efterfølgende, eller af 2......) musikterapeuten umiddelbart efter sessionen for at vurdere forandringer i selve sessionen. Der har været stor interesse for at anvende MiDAS i flere Europæiske lande, herunder Danmark. Derfor undersøgte udviklerne af MiDAS hvilke procedurer der anvendes til oversættelse og kulturel tilpasning af...... assessmentredskaber, og anbefalede på den baggrund en ti-trins procedure. Vi anvendte denne procedure til oversættelsen af MiDAS og således udviklingen af den danske MiDAS-DK. Den danske version af MiDAS er afprøvet af mere end 20 fagpersoner på baggrund af 296 udfyldte MiDAS-skemaer. Målet med artiklen er...

  19. Epilepsi og orale manifestationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Pernille Endrup; Haubek, Dorte; Østergaard, John Rosendahl


    Risiko for sygdom I mundhulen hos patienter med epilepsy Epilepsi er en kronisk neurologisk lidelse, der ofte vil kræve medicinsk behandling for at holde patienterne fri for anfald. Lidelsen kan have betydning for patientens psykosociale og kognitive udvikling, der indirekte kan have betydning...

  20. Vold, svensk uro og Henning Mankell

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft

    Paperet undersøger den fiktionelle repræsentation af vold hos Henning Mankell med fokus på Innan frosten fra 2002 og filmatiseringen heraf fra 2005, men med fyldige udblik til såvel andre af Mankells fortællinger og ikke mindst sociologiske og filosofiske diskussioner af volden, voldens forstyrre......Paperet undersøger den fiktionelle repræsentation af vold hos Henning Mankell med fokus på Innan frosten fra 2002 og filmatiseringen heraf fra 2005, men med fyldige udblik til såvel andre af Mankells fortællinger og ikke mindst sociologiske og filosofiske diskussioner af volden, voldens...

  1. Herbert Marcuse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupont, Søren


    Artiklen placerer Herbert Marcuse som en kritisk tværvidenskabelig tænker med linier til både Karl Marx og Sigmund Freud. Den utopiske dimension hos Herbert Marcuse præsenteres og diskuteres.......Artiklen placerer Herbert Marcuse som en kritisk tværvidenskabelig tænker med linier til både Karl Marx og Sigmund Freud. Den utopiske dimension hos Herbert Marcuse præsenteres og diskuteres....

  2. Elaphostrongylus spp. from Scandinavian cervidae - a scanning electron microscope study (SEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margareta Stéen


    Full Text Available Nematodes of the genus Elaphostrongylus collected from moose (Alces alces L., reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L., and red deer (Cervus elaphus L., respectively, were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy. Morphological differences in the ribs of the genital bursa were demonstrated. The Elaphostrongylus species from reindeer and red deer differed from each other in four ribs of the genital bursa. These results agree with the morphological characters of E. cervi and E. rangiferi described by Cameron (1931 and Mitskevitch (1960. The genital bursa of Elaphostrongylus sp. from moose, in accordance with the description of E. alces by Steen et al. (1989 showed characteristics differing from those found in Elaphostrongylus spp. from reindeer and red deer respectively. These results support the hypothesis that there are three separate species of Elaphostrongylus present in Scandinavian Cervidae. Svep-elektroniska studier på Elaphostrongylus spp. hos skandinaviska hjortdjur.Abstract in Swedish / Sammandrag: Rundmaskar inom slaktet Elaphostrongylus funna hos alg (Alces alces L., ren (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L. och kronhjort(Cervus elaphus L. studerades med hjalp av svepelelektronmikroskop. De hanliga bursorna med sin a stodjeribbor uppvisade variationer i utseende, langd och placering mellan dessa rundmaskar. De arter av Elaphostrongylus funna hos ren och kronhjort skilde sig åt avseende fyra stodjeribbor på de hanliga bursorna. Dessa resultat stammer val overens med de karaktarer som tidigare ar beskrivna av Cameron(1931 och av Mitskevich (1960. Den hanliga bursan hos arten Elaphostrongylus funnen hos alg, vilken tidigare ar beskriven av Steen et al. (1989, visade upp ett utseende som skilde sig från bursorna hos de Elaphostrongylus-arter funna hos ren och kronhjort. Dessa resultat stoder hypotesen om tre skilda arter av Elaphostrongylus hos skandinaviska hjortdjur.

  3. Kommunikationssvårigheter inom autismspektrumtillstånd : En fallstudie om användningen av det alternativa kommunikationsverktyget PECS


    Larsson, Beatrice


    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka användningen av det alternativa kommunikationsverktyget PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), som är vanligt förekommande hos personer inom autismspektrumtillstånd (ASD). Hos människor inom ASD är det vanligt med kommunikationssvårigheter samt utpräglade beteendeproblem. Genom intervjuer med skola, habilitering och boende har PECS studerats utifrån olika aspekter. Hur går inlärningen till? Hur används verktyget i det dagliga livet? Vilka för- o...

  4. Sammenligning af sertindols og olanzapins effekt på kognition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, René Ernst

    Der er gennem de senere år kommet tiltagende fokus, både nationalt og internationalt, på de kognitive deficits der ses hos patienter med skizofreni. Det er kendt at den farmakologiske behandling har indflydelse på kognition funktion, men det er endnu ikke fyldestgørende klarlagt hvorledes de enke...... enkelte atypiske antipsykotika påvirker kognitiv funktion. Der vil blive beskrevet studiedesign for SEROLA studiet, som sammenligner sertindol og olanzapin med kognition, målt med CANTAB, som primært outcome....

  5. Novel mutations in the TBX5 gene in patients with Holt-Oram Syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marianna P.R. Porto


    Full Text Available The Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS is an autosomal dominant condition characterized by upper limb and cardiac malformations. Mutations in the TBX5 gene cause HOS and have also been associated with isolated heart and arm defects. Interactions between the TBX5, GATA4 and NKX2.5 proteins have been reported in humans. We screened the TBX5, GATA4, and NKX2.5 genes for mutations, by direct sequencing, in 32 unrelated patients presenting classical (8 or atypical HOS (1, isolated congenital heart defects (16 or isolated upper-limb malformations (7. Pathogenic mutations in the TBX5 gene were found in four HOS patients, including two new mutations (c.374delG; c.678G > T in typical patients, and the hotspot mutation c.835C > T in two patients, one of them with an atypical HOS phenotype involving lower-limb malformations. Two new mutations in the GATA4 gene were found in association with isolated upper-limb malformations, but their clinical significance remains to be established. A previously described possibly pathogenic mutation in the NKX2.5 gene (c.73C > 7 was detected in a patient with isolated heart malformations and also in his clinically normal father.

  6. Antithyroideaantistof hos to patienter med subakut dementiel udvikling, ataksi og myoklonus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kondziella, Daniel; Hansen, Klaus; Gonzalez, Teresa


    Hashimoto encephalitis (HE) is a steroid-responsive autoimmune encephalitis with anti-thyroid antibodies; Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a prion disease. Both disorders can have a similar clinical presentation. Two women, 67 and 63 year-old, with subacute dementia, ataxia, myoclonus and posit......Hashimoto encephalitis (HE) is a steroid-responsive autoimmune encephalitis with anti-thyroid antibodies; Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a prion disease. Both disorders can have a similar clinical presentation. Two women, 67 and 63 year-old, with subacute dementia, ataxia, myoclonus...

  7. Fatal neutropen enterokolitis hos en patient i kemoterapi med kastrationsresistent prostatacancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kongsted, Per; Sheikh, Kiran; Mouritsen, Lene Sonne


    Neutropenic enterocolitis (NE) is a possible life-threatening complication to chemotherapy. The pathogenesis is multi-factorial with mucosal injury and impaired mucosal defence as contributing factors. Histopathological findings are heterogeneous. Clinical presentation includes neutropenia, fever...

  8. Præoperativ funktionel magnetisk resonans-billeddannelse hos patienter med hjernetumor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laustsen, Søren Ravn; Sørensen, Preben; Fründ, Torben


    to fMRI activation was measured using GE-reformat version 4.2 after raw data had been postprocessed using GE BrainwavePA version 1.3.08130. The neurosurgeons valuation of fMRI in the preoperative decision-making process was obtained using a standard questionnaire. RESULTS: There was a trend...

  9. Graviditetskomplikationer hos en patient med systemisk lupus erythematosus og lupus nefritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bisgaard, Helene; Jacobsen, Søren; Tvede, Niels


    A woman with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and lupus nephritis had two pregnancies which both resulted in complications known to be associated with SLE, i.e. late abortion, preterm delivery and pre-eclampsia. We conclude that disease quiescence is important for a successful outcome...

  10. Brystrekonstruktion med m. latissimus dorsi er et godt valg hos kvinder med brystkræft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højvig, Jens B; Bonde, Christian T


    Breast reconstruction using autologous tissue is commonly used in breast cancer patients who have received radiation therapy. The use of a latissimus dorsi flap is a safe and viable alternative to the use of an abdominal flap. The cosmetic results are excellent but there is need for a better unde...

  11. Hip Arthroscopy Outcomes With Respect to Patient Acceptable Symptomatic State and Minimal Clinically Important Difference. (United States)

    Levy, David M; Kuhns, Benjamin D; Chahal, Jaskarndip; Philippon, Marc J; Kelly, Bryan T; Nho, Shane J


    To determine whether the hip arthroscopy literature to date has shown outcomes consistent with published patient acceptable symptomatic state (PASS) and minimal clinically important difference (MCID) estimates. All clinical investigations of hip arthroscopy using modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS) and/or Hip Outcome Score (HOS) outcomes with at least 1 year of follow-up were reviewed. Ninety-one studies (9,746 hips) were included for review. Eighty-one studies (9,317 hips) contained only primary hip arthroscopies and were the primary focus of this review. The remaining studies (429 hips) did not exclude patients with prior surgical history and were thus considered separately. Mean mHHS, HOS-ADL (Activities of Daily Living) and HOS-SS (Sports-Specific) scores were compared with previously published PASS and MCID values. After 31 ± 20 months, 5.8% of study populations required revision arthroscopy and 5.5% total hip arthroplasty. A total of 88%, 25%, and 30% of study populations met PASS for mHHS, HOS-ADL, and HOS-SS, respectively, and 97%, 90%, and 93% met MCID. On bivariate analysis, increasing age was associated with significantly worse postoperative mHHS (P arthroscopy, we have found that more than 90% of study populations meet MCID standards for the most commonly used patient-reported outcomes measures in hip arthroscopy literature, mHHS and HOS. Eighty-eight percent meet PASS standards for the mHHS, but PASS standards are far more difficult to achieve for HOS-ADL (25%) and HOS-SS (30%) subscales. Differences in psychometric properties of the mHHS and HOS likely account for the discrepancies in PASS. Level IV, systematic review of Level I to IV studies. Copyright © 2016 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Hospitalization is less in malnourished patients given intradialytic oral nutritional supplements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Lacson Jr.


    Overall, HOS was lower in the ONS group (N= 7,264 at 2.5 vs. 2.7 episodes/pt‐year for controls (N= 13,853, p<0.001. The unadjusted time to 1st HOS hazard ratio for ONS was 0.92 (0.88, 0.95 and after adjustment for baseline case‐mix, HOS 30‐days prior to study entry, and 5 HD quality indicators was 0.93 (0.90, 0.96. Although limited by the observational design, these results indicate lower HOS associated with ONS use in malnourished chronic HD patients with albumin ≤3.5 g/dL.

  13. Ludwig Wittgenstein

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munch, Anders V.


    Filosoffen Wittgenstein var involveret i et byggeri sammen med arkitekten Paul Engelmann, elev af Adolf Loos. De filosofiske overvejelser om begrebet livsform kan belyse ideerne om den moderne arkitektur hos Loos, mens Loos' stilbegreb omvendt kan belyse sprogfilosofien hos Wittgenstein....

  14. Omfalitis med fatal udgang hos en nyfødt dreng

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Debes, Nanette M M Mol; Dahl, Marianne; Jonsbo, Finn


    Omphalitis is a serious condition with important morbidity and mortality, especially in developing countries. The most commonly involved micro-organisms are Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We describe a Danish patient with cellulitis...

  15. Forskning i musikterapi - Retspsykiatri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Britta Vinkler; Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner; Pedersen, Liselotte


    Et stigende antal undersøgelser peger på en positiv effekt af musikterapi på stemning, tanker og indsigt, sociale kompetencer og udvikling af mestringsstrategier samt regulering af arousal og følelser hos retspsykiatriske patienter. Dog mangler der på nuværende tidpunkt tilstrækkeligt med...

  16. Exercise Training in Stable Heart Transplant recipients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dall, Christian Have

    Afhandlingen består af to forsøg, et randomiseret crossover forsøg der undersøger effekten af træning på hjertetransplanterede, samt et klinisk forsøg der undersøger akut blodtryksstigning ved styrketræning hos hjertetransplanterede, hjertesvigtspatienter, og patienter med iskæmisk hjertesygdom. ...

  17. Fatal Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome in a child with pulmonary embolism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Rie Skovgaard; Hedelund, Lene; Poulsen, Lone H


    Klippel-Trénaunays syndrom (KTS) er en sjælden, medfødt sygdom, der er kendetegnet ved venøse malformationer (VM), kutane kapillære malformationer og overvækst af bløddele og/eller knogler [1]. Forekomst af hyperkoagulabilitet, trombosering og lungeemboli er tidligere beskrevet hos patienter med ...

  18. Physical Exercise and Multiple Sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalgas, Ulrik

    Baggrund: Kun få ikke-kontrollerede studier har undersøgt effekten af progressive styrketræning hos patienter med multipel sklerose (MS).  Formål: Undersøgelsens formål var at teste om progressiv styrketræning (PRT) af benene forbedrer muskelstyrke, muskelmorfologi, funktionel kapacitet, træthed,...

  19. Demens hos personer med Downs syndrom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salem, Lise Cronberg; Jørgensen, Kasper


    In developed countries the population of elderly people with Down syndrome expands resulting in an increasing incidence of age-related diseases, including dementia. The assessment of dementia in individuals with intellectual disability is often complicated due to large intra-individual variability...

  20. Demens hos personer med Downs syndrom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salem, Lise Cronberg; Jørgensen, Kasper


    In developed countries the population of elderly people with Down syndrome expands resulting in an increasing incidence of age-related diseases, including dementia. The assessment of dementia in individuals with intellectual disability is often complicated due to large intra-individual variability...... in cognitive functioning prior to dementia and to lack of standardised measures to detect dementia. Structured observations of symptoms of dementia and assessment techniques tailored for people with intellectual disability are increasingly needed....

  1. Obstetriske komplikationer hos kvinder med endometriose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berlac, Janne Foss; Hartwell, Dorthe; Langhoff-Roos, Jens


    Approximately 5-10% of the women in the reproductive age are afflicted with endometriosis and many become pregnant after fertility treatment. Women with endometriosis seem to have an increased risk of placental complications, bleeding in pregnancy and during labour as well as possible increased...... risk of pre-eclampsia, preterm birth and low birthweight. Large epidemiological studies are needed to clarify the magnitude of these risks in order to define the appropriate level of proactive management of pregnant women with endometriosis....

  2. Obstetriske komplikationer hos kvinder med endometriose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berlac, Janne Foss; Hartwell, Dorthe; Langhoff-Roos, Jens


    Approximately 5-10% of the women in the reproductive age are afflicted with endometriosis and many become pregnant after fertility treatment. Women with endometriosis seem to have an increased risk of placental complications, bleeding in pregnancy and during labour as well as possible increased r...

  3. Brystrekonstruktion med m. latissimus dorsi er et godt valg hos kvinder med brystkræft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højvig, Jens B; Bonde, Christian T


    Breast reconstruction using autologous tissue is commonly used in breast cancer patients who have received radiation therapy. The use of a latissimus dorsi flap is a safe and viable alternative to the use of an abdominal flap. The cosmetic results are excellent but there is need for a better unde...... understanding of the donor-site morbidity in regard to potential loss of shoulder function. We believe that it is possible to improve the procedure through optimized surgical technique in combination with the implementation and the benefits of fast-track surgery....

  4. Medicinudløst hudkløe, sår og blærer hos tre patienter med pseudoporfyri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Þorsteinsdóttir, Sunna; Velander, Marie Juul; Bygum, Anette


    Pseudoporphyria cutanea tarda is a well described bullous skin disorder which resembles porphyria cutanea tarda. However, the levels of porphyrins in plasma, urine and faeces are normal. We present three cases of patients with classical symptoms of pseudoporhyria. Two of the patients developed ps...... pseudoporphyria after the combination of intensive sunbathing and medications well known to cause pseudoporphyria. The third case received haemodialysis and furosemide....

  5. Medicinudløst hudkløe, sår og blærer hos tre patienter med pseudoporfyri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorsteinsdóttir, Sunna; Velander, Marie Juul; Bygum, Anette


    Pseudoporphyria cutanea tarda is a well described bullous skin disorder which resembles porphyria cutanea tarda. However, the levels of porphyrins in plasma, urine and faeces are normal. We present three cases of patients with classical symptoms of pseudoporphyria. Two of the patients developed p...... pseudoporphyria after the combination of intensive sunbathing and medications well known to cause pseudoporphyria. The third case received haemodialysis and furosemide....

  6. Juvenil polypose-syndrom og hereditær hæmoragisk telangiektasi hos en patient med SMAD4-mutation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jelsig, Anne Marie; Tørring, Pernille Mathiesen; Wikman, Friedrik


    Germ line mutations in SMAD4 can cause both juvenile polyposis syndrome and hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia syndrome. In this case we present a 37-year-old man with a frameshift mutation in SMAD4. The patient had multiple polyps in the gastrointestinal tract and was diagnosed with colon ca...... cancer at the age of 21 and gastro-oesophageal junction cancer at the age of 37. Furthermore the patient had telangiectasias and recurrent epistaxis....

  7. Patient-Reported Outcome questionnaires for hip arthroscopy: a systematic review of the psychometric evidence (United States)


    Background Hip arthroscopies are often used in the treatment of intra-articular hip injuries. Patient-reported outcomes (PRO) are an important parameter in evaluating treatment. It is unclear which PRO questionnaires are specifically available for hip arthroscopy patients. The aim of this systematic review was to investigate which PRO questionnaires are valid and reliable in the evaluation of patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. Methods A search was conducted in Pubmed, Medline, CINAHL, the Cochrane Library, Pedro, EMBASE and Web of Science from 1931 to October 2010. Studies assessing the quality of PRO questionnaires in the evaluation of patients undergoing hip arthroscopy were included. The quality of the questionnaires was evaluated by the psychometric properties of the outcome measures. The quality of the articles investigating the questionnaires was assessed by the COSMIN list. Results Five articles identified three questionnaires; the Modified Harris Hip Score (MHHS), the Nonarthritic Hip Score (NAHS) and the Hip Outcome Score (HOS). The NAHS scored best on the content validity, whereas the HOS scored best on agreement, internal consistency, reliability and responsiveness. The quality of the articles describing the HOS scored highest. The NAHS is the best quality questionnaire. The articles describing the HOS are the best quality articles. Conclusions This systematic review shows that there is no conclusive evidence for the use of a single patient-reported outcome questionnaire in the evaluation of patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. Based on available psychometric evidence we recommend using a combination of the NAHS and the HOS for patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. PMID:21619610

  8. Prognostisk vaerdi af N-terminal pro B-type natriuretisk peptid hos patienter med stabil iskaemisk hjertesygdom--sekundaerpublikation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kragelund, Charlotte B; Grønning, Bjørn Aaris; Køber, Lars


    for patients with NT-proBNP levels in the fourth quartile as compared with those in the first quartile was 2.4 (95% CI 1.5-4.0). NT-proBNP provides prognostic information on all-cause mortality independent of conventional cardiovascular risk factors and left ventricular dysfunction. Udgivelsesdato: 2006-Feb-13...

  9. Barn og diabetes type 1


    Ramstad, Marte Elise; Sagbakken, Sina Bekkelund


    Bacheloroppgave sykepleie, 2017 Bakgrunn: Vi har valgt denne problemstillingen fordi diabetes type 1 er svært utbredt hos barn i Norge. Videre har vi lite erfaringer med barn og ønsket å lære mer om denne pasientgruppen. Vi ønsket videre å se på hvordan vi kan undervise og veilede for å gi god og hensiktsmessig sykepleie til barn og deres familier. Hensikt: Finne ut hvordan sykepleier kan fremme egenomsorg hos barn med diabetes gjennom veiledning og undervisning. Dette er noe som sykepl...

  10. Lejringsskader hos rygopererede patienter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sestoft, Bodil; Larsen, Birgit; Erlandsen, Mogens


    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to answer the questions: Which kind of positioning injuries occurred in anaesthetized orthopaedic patients undergoing spine surgery who were prone-positioned for more than two hours? What was the incidence of positioning injuries? Which patients were at par...

  11. Mikrobiologer ser bakterier i kortene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harmsen, Morten; Sternberg, Claus; Haagensen, Janus Anders Juul


    at klumpe sig sammen i slimede biofilm, som især er et stort problem på hospitalerne og hos patienter med kroniske infektioner. For at kunne bekæmpe biofi lm må forskerne vide mere om, hvorfor og hvordan filmen dannes. Ny viden inden for mikrobiologien og udviklingen af nanoteknologiske mikroskoper hjælper...

  12. Patient-Provider Teamwork via Cooperative Note Taking on Tele-Board MED. (United States)

    Perlich, Anja; Meinel, Christoph


    There is significant, unexploited potential to improve the patients' engagement in psychotherapy treatment through technology use. We develop Tele-Board MED (TBM), a digital tool to support documentation and patient-provider collaboration in medical encounters. Our objective is the evaluation of TBM's practical effects on patient-provider relationships and patient empowerment in the domain of talk-based mental health interventions. We tested TBM in individual therapy sessions at a psychiatric ward using action research methods. The qualitative results in form of therapist observations and patient stories show an increased acceptance of diagnoses and patient-therapist bonding. We compare the observed effects to patient-provider relationship and patient empowerment models. We can conclude that the functions of TBM - namely that notes are shared and cooperatively taken with the patient, that diagnostics and treatment procedures are depicted via visuals and in plain language, and that patients get a copy of their file - lead to increased patient engagement and an improved collaboration, communication and integration in consultations.

  13. Præsentation af symptomer i almen praksis hos patienter med cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Tine Nørgaard; Hansen, Rikke Pilegaard; Vedsted, Peter


    and prostate cancer presented diagnosis-specific symptoms (change in bowel habits, cough and bladder dysfunction) as well as more non-specific symptoms (pain, weight loss and fatigue). The GPs interpreted the symptoms as alarm symptoms in 49%, as general symptoms in 24% and as non-cancer specific symptoms...

  14. Associations between sedation, delirium and post-traumatic stress disorder and their impact on quality of life and memories following discharge from an intensive care unit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svenningsen, Helle


    . Sammenhængen mellem sedation, delirium og PTSD er ikke tidligere belyst. Formålet med dette ph.d.-studie var 1) at undersøge hvordan sedation påvirker udviklingen af delirium mens patienten er på intensivafdeling 2) at undersøge hvilken betydning delirium har for udviklingen af PTSD, angst og depression 2 og 6...... % havde PTSD; 6 % vs. 4 % havde angst og depression sås hos 10 %. Delirium havde ingen indflydelse på den efterfølgende psykometri. Erindringerne om vrangforestillinger og følelser hvad derimod statistisk signifikant betydning, modsat faktuelle erindringer. Livskvalitetsmålingerne viste kun differencer...... hos patienter med PTSD, angst og/eller depression, og var således ikke påvirket af evt. delirium eller hvilke erindringer patienterne havde fra intensivopholdet. Konklusionerne bliver således at fluktuationer i sederingsniveau øger forekomsten af delirium, men at det ikke direkte øger risikoen...

  15. Læring og refleksion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wahlgren, B.; Rattleff, Pernille; Høyrup, S.

    State of the art inden for forskning om læring på arbejdspladsen samt gennemgang af læringsteori og refleksionsbegrebet hos Dewey, Dreyfus, Schön, Argyris, Kolb, Jarvis, Mezirow og Brookfield. Afsluttes med diskussion af syntetiseret model for læring på arbejdspladsen.......State of the art inden for forskning om læring på arbejdspladsen samt gennemgang af læringsteori og refleksionsbegrebet hos Dewey, Dreyfus, Schön, Argyris, Kolb, Jarvis, Mezirow og Brookfield. Afsluttes med diskussion af syntetiseret model for læring på arbejdspladsen....

  16. Self-efficacy forventning i forhold til fortsat arbejdsmarkedstilknytning hos kvinder med langvarige graviditetsrelaterede bækkensmerter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Carrinna


    udvikler tilstanden sig til et langvarigt problem efter fødslen. Årsagssam¬men¬¬hæng¬ene er uklare, og man kender endnu ikke i tilstrækkeligt omfang til forebyggende og effektive behandlende indsat-ser. Det er uvist i hvilken udstrækning disse kvinder vender tilbage til arbejdsmarkedet. Formål Afhandlings...... formål var at undersøge, hvorledes man bedst kan støtte kvinder med PGP således at de bevarer deres tilknytning til arbejds¬mar¬ked¬et. Der fokuseredes på kvinder¬nes egne forventninger (efficacy expectation) til at vende til¬ba¬ge til arbejdsmarkedet, samt hvilke faktorer kvinderne vurderede, som...

  17. Skadelig mutation nedsætter frughtbarheden hos de røde racer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sahana, Goutam; Pedersen, Louise Dybdahl


    Igennem flere årtier er mælkeydelsen steget støt hos de danske malkekvægracer, og det er én af årsagerne til, at frugtbarheden fortsat er lav, idet der er en ugunstig sammenhæng mellem mælkeydelse og frugtbarhed (fig. 1). Hidtil har man ment, at den ugunstige sammenhæng skyldtes en negativ energi...

  18. Redefining the MED13L syndrome


    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex conge...

  19. HOS cell adhesion on Ti6Al4V surfaces texturized by laser engraving (United States)

    Sandoval Amador, A.; Carreño Garcia, H.; Escobar Rivero, P.; Peña Ballesteros, D. Y.; Estupiñán Duran, H. A.


    The cell adhesion of the implant is determinate by the chemical composition, topography, wettability, surface energy and biocompatibility of the biomaterial. In this work the interaction between human osteosarcoma HOS cells and textured Ti6Al4V surfaces were evaluated. Ti6Al4V surfaces were textured using a CO2 laser in order to obtain circular spots on the surfaces. Test surfaces were uncoated (C1) used as a control surface, and surfaces with points obtained by laser engraving, with 1mm spacing (C2) and 0.5mm (C3). The HOS cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% antibiotics. No cells toxicity after one month incubation time occurred. The increased cell adhesion and cell spreading was observed after 1, 3 and 5 days without significant differences between the sample surfaces (C2 and C3) and control (uncoated) at the end of the experiment.

  20. HOS cell adhesion on Ti6Al4V surfaces texturized by laser engraving

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sandoval Amador, A; Carreño Garcia, H; Escobar Rivero, P; Peña Ballesteros, D Y; Estupiñán Duran, H A


    The cell adhesion of the implant is determinate by the chemical composition, topography, wettability, surface energy and biocompatibility of the biomaterial. In this work the interaction between human osteosarcoma HOS cells and textured Ti 6 Al 4 V surfaces were evaluated. Ti 6 Al 4 V surfaces were textured using a CO 2 laser in order to obtain circular spots on the surfaces. Test surfaces were uncoated (C1) used as a control surface, and surfaces with points obtained by laser engraving, with 1mm spacing (C2) and 0.5mm (C3). The HOS cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% antibiotics. No cells toxicity after one month incubation time occurred. The increased cell adhesion and cell spreading was observed after 1, 3 and 5 days without significant differences between the sample surfaces (C2 and C3) and control (uncoated) at the end of the experiment. (paper)

  1. Akupunktur til patienten med kvalme og opkastning i forbindelse med kemoterapi - er der evidens for dette?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Birgith; Sørensen, Lene Bundgaard; Stricker, Lisbeth


      Patienter, der får kemoterapi med højemetogene stoffer lider stadig af kvalme og opkastning trods understøttende behandling med moderne antieemtika som 5HT3-antagonister eksempelvis ondansetron. Akupunkturstimulation anvendes for flere lidelser i sundhedsvæsenet og det undersøges om der er evid...

  2. Når troen bliver til sang

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kirsten


    I anmeldelsen fremhæver jeg, at Selander i denne artikelsamling både beskæftiger sig med salmeteksterne og med melodierne. Denne dobbeltkompetence er usædvanlig hos en litteraturforsker. Artiklerne giver et fint indblik i svensk salmetradition samt i komponisternes arbejde med melodierne. Selande...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel introducerer et musikterapeutisk behandlingskoncept kaldet: Procesorienteret Musikterapi (PROM. PROM er et forsøg på at formulere en principiel ramme for musikterapi i psykiatrien, som dels tager udgangspunkt i 17 års klinisk erfaring, dels stiler mod at være ”best practice”. PROM indeholder beskrivelser af manualens unikke, essentielle men ikke unikke, acceptable og ikke acceptable dele. Den unikke del af PROM skal kunne implementeres til alle målgrupper, mens de øvrige dele af manualen rettes til i forhold til en specifik målgruppe. Denne udgave af PROM er specifikt rettet i mod musikterapi for patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelser. Manualen indgår også som en del af et pilotprojekt, der har til formål at udvikle en protokol for et internationalt RCT projekt med samme målgruppe

  4. The Association between Perceived Stress and Mortality among People with Multimorbidity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prior, Anders; Fenger-Grøn, Morten; Larsen, Karen Kjær


    Multimorbiditet er udbredt i den danske befolkning og forbindes med dårligt mentalt helbred og høj mortalitet. Dette studie undersøger betydningen af psykisk velbefindende for prognosen hos personer med flere samtidige kroniske lidelser. Resultaterne viser, at personer med et højt selvrapporteret...

  5. HOS cell adhesion on Ti6Al4V ELI texturized by CO2 laser (United States)

    Sandoval-Amador, A.; Bayona–Alvarez, Y. M.; Carreño Garcia, H.; Escobar-Rivero, P.; Y Peña-Ballesteros, D.


    In this work, the response of HOS cells on Ti6Al4V ELI textured surfaces by a CO2 laser was evaluated. The test surfaces were; smooth Ti6Al4V, used as the control, and four textured surfaces with linear geometry. These four surfaces had different separation distances between textured lines, D1 (1000 microns), D2 (750 microns), D3 (500 microns) and D4 (250 microns). Toxicity of textured surfaces was assessed by MTT and the cellular adhesion test was performed using HOS ATCC CRL 1543 line cells. This test was done after 5 days of culture in a RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% antibiotics. The results showed that the linear textures present 23% toxicity after 30 days of incubation, nevertheless, the adhesion tests results are inconclusive in such conditions and therefore the effect of the line separation on the cell adhesion cannot be determined.

  6. Redefining the MED13L syndrome. (United States)

    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin; Silva, João; Soares, Gabriela; Lopes, Fátima; Najmabadi, Hossein; Kahrizi, Kimia; Cox, Gerald F; Angus, Steven P; Staropoli, John F; Fischer, Ute; Suckow, Vanessa; Bartsch, Oliver; Chess, Andrew; Ropers, Hans-Hilger; Wienker, Thomas F; Hübner, Christoph; Kaindl, Angela M; Kalscheuer, Vera M


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex congenital heart malformations. Rather, they depict a syndromic form of ID characterized by facial dysmorphism, ID, speech impairment, motor developmental delay with muscular hypotonia and behavioral difficulties. We thereby define a novel syndrome and significantly broaden the clinical spectrum associated with MED13L variants. A prominent feature of the MED13L neurocognitive presentation is profound language impairment, often in combination with articulatory deficits.

  7. Redefining the MED13L syndrome (United States)

    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin; Silva, João; Soares, Gabriela; Lopes, Fátima; Najmabadi, Hossein; Kahrizi, Kimia; Cox, Gerald F; Angus, Steven P; Staropoli, John F; Fischer, Ute; Suckow, Vanessa; Bartsch, Oliver; Chess, Andrew; Ropers, Hans-Hilger; Wienker, Thomas F; Hübner, Christoph; Kaindl, Angela M; Kalscheuer, Vera M


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex congenital heart malformations. Rather, they depict a syndromic form of ID characterized by facial dysmorphism, ID, speech impairment, motor developmental delay with muscular hypotonia and behavioral difficulties. We thereby define a novel syndrome and significantly broaden the clinical spectrum associated with MED13L variants. A prominent feature of the MED13L neurocognitive presentation is profound language impairment, often in combination with articulatory deficits. PMID:25758992

  8. Quantitative evaluation of spasticity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Jakob

    opsummerer resultaterne fra fire studier, som havde til formål at kvantificere 1) en spinal mekanisme med relation til spasticitet Post Activation Depression (PAD) som er relevant for udviklingen af hyperrefleksi hos personer med spasticitet 2) forskelle i refleksaktivitet målt klinisk og med en kombineret...

  9. CDKN2A-mutation hos en familie med arveligt malignt melanom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Djursby, Malene; Wadt, Karin; Lorentzen, Henrik


    Malignant melanoma (MM) is a frequent form of cancer with increasing incidence. 6-10% of patients with MM report a family history of MM, and in most populations 2% of unselected cases of MM carry a CDKN2A mutation. tvWe present a family with 24 cases of MM in nine persons from several generations......, caused by a previously undescribed germ-line intronic mutation in CDKN2A. Through genetic counselling and genetic testing high-risk persons in the family are located and offered regular screening for MM....

  10. Kliniske retningslinjer for træning af aerob kapacitet og muskelstyrke til patienter med reumatoid artrit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Birgit Tine; Læssøe, Uffe; Kjær, Thomas

    forstærker denne risiko. Formål: Gennem effektiv og sikker træning at øge RA patienters aerob kapacitet og muskel styrke for dermed atlette patienternes daglige aktiviteter. Patienter: Voksne patienter (> 18 år) med diagnosen reumatoid artrit ifølge ARA eller ACR/EULAR kriterierne,funktionsklasserne I, II og...... III, i primær eller sekundær sektoren. Intervention/er: Kortvarig land- eller vandbaseret højintensitets træning af aerob kapacitet, kortvarig eller længerevarendeland-baseret høj-intensitets træning af aerob kapacitet i kombination med muskelstyrke træning oglængerevarende land-baseret høj......-intensitets styrke træning. Inkluderet studier: Èt systematisk review og to randomiseret klinisk kontrolleret studier (RCT). Outcomes: Aerob kapacitet, maksimal muskelstyrke, selv-rapporteret smerte, funktionsevne, sygdomsaktivitet,radiologisk ledskade og uønskede bivirkninger. Søgestrategi:Følgende databaser blev...

  11. Mestring i morsrollen - En kvalitativ studie av mestringsopplevelser hos nybakte mødre


    Grønlie, Birgitte Vigestad


    Master i sosialt arbeid Å bli forelder kan være en overveldende opplevelse. Forskning på̊ feltet viser at det er ulike faktorer som påvirker hvordan mødre i dag opplever barselperioden, og hva som fører til god eller dårlig psykisk helse hos kvinner i barsel. Denne mastergradsoppgaven omhandler hvordan fem nybakte mødre beskriver mestringsopplevelser...

  12. 76 FR 37876 - Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Renewal of American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) Exemption... (United States)


    ...-28043] Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Renewal of American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) Exemption... announces the renewal of the exemption of specified members of the American Pyrotechnics Association (APA... of this exemption in effect, designated APA-member motor carriers will maintain a level of safety...

  13. 76 FR 30232 - Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Application of American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) for... (United States)


    ...-28043] Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Application of American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) for... American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) has applied for a limited exemption from FMCSA's regulation that... exemption would apply solely to the operation of CMVs by 9 designated APA-member motor carriers in...

  14. Recidiverende tilfælde af spinocellulær karcinom i necrobiosis lipoidica-sår hos en patient med diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolovics, Judit; Mattes, Liuba Penova; Andersen, Klaus Ejner


    The development of squamous cell carcinoma in chronic and/or non-healing ulcers associated with necrobiosis lipoidica (NL) is rare, but should be considered in diabetic patients. NL is a non-infectious granulomatous degenerative skin disease. The prevalence of NL in diabetic patients is estimated...

  15. Forvandling, fortælling og handling med mening

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupont, Søren


    Artiklen fokuserer på en række begreber og udviklinger hos Jerome Bruner og diskuterer de forskellige grundlag, som Jerome Bruner gennem tiderne har haft fokus på uden at noget grundlag på noget tidspunkt entydigt har været bestemmende. Jerome Bruner har bevæget sig fra at være orienteret mod...

  16. The development of PubMed search strategies for patient preferences for treatment outcomes. (United States)

    van Hoorn, Ralph; Kievit, Wietske; Booth, Andrew; Mozygemba, Kati; Lysdahl, Kristin Bakke; Refolo, Pietro; Sacchini, Dario; Gerhardus, Ansgar; van der Wilt, Gert Jan; Tummers, Marcia


    The importance of respecting patients' preferences when making treatment decisions is increasingly recognized. Efficiently retrieving papers from the scientific literature reporting on the presence and nature of such preferences can help to achieve this goal. The objective of this study was to create a search filter for PubMed to help retrieve evidence on patient preferences for treatment outcomes. A total of 27 journals were hand-searched for articles on patient preferences for treatment outcomes published in 2011. Selected articles served as a reference set. To develop optimal search strategies to retrieve this set, all articles in the reference set were randomly split into a development and a validation set. MeSH-terms and keywords retrieved using PubReMiner were tested individually and as combinations in PubMed and evaluated for retrieval performance (e.g. sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp)). Of 8238 articles, 22 were considered to report empirical evidence on patient preferences for specific treatment outcomes. The best search filters reached Se of 100 % [95 % CI 100-100] with Sp of 95 % [94-95 %] and Sp of 97 % [97-98 %] with 75 % Se [74-76 %]. In the validation set these queries reached values of Se of 90 % [89-91 %] with Sp 94 % [93-95 %] and Se of 80 % [79-81 %] with Sp of 97 % [96-96 %], respectively. Narrow and broad search queries were developed which can help in retrieving literature on patient preferences for treatment outcomes. Identifying such evidence may in turn enhance the incorporation of patient preferences in clinical decision making and health technology assessment.

  17. Musik som kommunikationsform med demensramte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner

    I demensomsorgen er der stadig brug for at formulere metoder der beskriver og dokumenterer, hvordan det er muligt at dække psykosociale behov hos svært demensramte. Et forskningsprojekt fra Institut for Musik og Musikterapi, AAU, viser, at sang kan regulere urolig adfærd, skabe struktur omkring e...... samvær, vække erindringer, og være et middel til at udtrykke følelser og møde den demensramte på et personligt plan. Hanne Mette Ochsner Ridder, ph.d., ekstern lektor, Aalborg Universitet. Musikterapeut, Plejehjemmet Caritas...

  18. Selvstyring af peroral antikoagulationsbehandling hos børn med medfødte hjertesygdomme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Thomas Decker; Attermann, Jørn; Hjortdal, Vibeke Elisabeth


    observed over a mean of 547 days (range: 214-953 days). They were within the therapeutic targeted range of the INR for a median of 65.5% of the time (range: 17.6-90.4%. None of the patients experienced thromboembolic or bleeding complications requiring doctoral intervention. All the patients...

  19. A marvel of precision: MedAustron

    CERN Document Server

    Anaïs Schaeffer


    MedAustron, which is currently being built in Austria, will be one of the most advanced centres for ion beam therapy and research in Europe. It is based on the same design as the Italian National Centre for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO), which in turn is based on the CERN-led Proton Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS). MedAustron should welcome its first patient at the end of 2015.   Layout of the MedAustron accelerator complex.  With three ion-sources, a linac, a synchrotron and four irradiation rooms (see picture), MedAustron is a huge accelerator complex. Among other equipment, it comprises 300 magnets of 30 different types, all designed at CERN but produced at different sites: “We are working with five main suppliers from Europe and Russia,” explains Thomas Zickler, leader of the MedAustron magnet group. “All the magnets come to CERN to undergo a series of strict acceptance tests.” From the interfaces, to the electrical insulation, the co...

  20. 77 FR 38378 - Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Revision of Exemption; American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) (United States)


    ...-28043] Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Revision of Exemption; American Pyrotechnics Association (APA... Pyrotechnics Association (APA) that were granted an exemption from FMCSA's prohibition on driving commercial...-July 8, inclusive, in 2011 and 2012. The exemption covered renewal of 53 APA-member motor carriers and...

  1. 76 FR 37880 - Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Granting of Exemption; American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) (United States)


    ...-28043] Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Granting of Exemption; American Pyrotechnics Association (APA... exemption from the American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) on behalf of 9 member motor carriers seeking... such exemption'' (49 U.S.C. 31315(b)(1)). The initial APA application for waiver or exemption relief...

  2. PTSD hos ældre efterladte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    O'Connor, Maja


    Intro: Tab af ægtefælle i alderdommen kan være en traumatisk begivenhed med reaktioner og symptomer på linje med dem, man nogle gange ser efter overfald, ulykker og naturkatastrofer. Det slår en ny undersøgelse fast. Udgivelsesdato: Maj 2009...

  3. Delirium hos kritisk syge patienter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Strøm, Thomas; Pande-Rolfsen, Guri; Hagen, Christine


    Interest in and the quantity of publications on delirium in critically ill patients have grown increasingly over the last decade. Critically ill patients have traditionally been sedated to facilitate mechanical ventilation. This practice impeded the recognition of delirium in the critically ill p...

  4. Varierende sygdomsbilleder hos mindre børn med Influenzavirus type A infektioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, P M; Hornsleth, A; Krasilnikoff, P A


    . Eight patients had febrile convulsions, a girl aged nine years had double vision and vertigo and a female infant aged two months had periodic apnoea and bradycardia. The reasons for hospitalization were febrile convulsions, abdominal pain, lower respiratory tract symptoms and high pyrexia....

  5. Kan adoption hjælpe de glemte børn?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Mogens


    Er adoption bedre end opvækst på en moderne døgninstitution eller hos en plejefamilie? I et velfærdssamfund som det danske med lang tradition for fokus på, hvordan det går de anbragte børn, er dette et centralt spørgsmål.......Er adoption bedre end opvækst på en moderne døgninstitution eller hos en plejefamilie? I et velfærdssamfund som det danske med lang tradition for fokus på, hvordan det går de anbragte børn, er dette et centralt spørgsmål....

  6. Storkarsvaskulitis påvist ved PET/CT hos patient med initialt formodet cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kim Francis; Skøt, Jens; Bülow, Jens


    Large vessel vasculitis, including giant cell arteritis and Takayasu arteritis, is traditionally diagnosed and classified according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria, which do not include findings on imaging modalities. We present a case in which non-invasive imaging with 18F......-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography gave essential information in the diagnostic work-up of large vessel vasculitis in a female presenting with non-specific symptoms. We discuss the role of nuclear medicine imaging in early diagnosis and follow-up of this inflammatory disease, characterized...

  7. Fatal hæmofagocytisk lymfohistiocytose og mononukleose hos en patient med colitis ulcerosa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juul Ingvardsen, Charlotte; Ballegaard, Vibe Cecilie; Homøe, Preben


    We report a case of Epstein-Barr virus primo infection with the development of lethal haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) in a 22 year-old man, who was being treated with azathioprin for colitis ulcerosa. HLH is a rare, life-threatening disease, which is caused by an inappropriate activatio...

  8. Fatal hæmofagocytisk lymfohistiocytose og mononukleose hos en patient med colitis ulcerosa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juul Ingvardsen, Charlotte; Ballegaard, Vibe Cecilie; Homøe, Preben


    We report a case of Epstein-Barr virus primo infection with the development of lethal haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) in a 22 year-old man, who was being treated with azathioprin for colitis ulcerosa. HLH is a rare, life-threatening disease, which is caused by an inappropriate activation...

  9. Storkarsvaskulitis påvist ved PET/CT hos patient med initialt formodet cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kim Francis; Skøt, Jens; Bülow, Jens


    Large vessel vasculitis, including giant cell arteritis and Takayasu arteritis, is traditionally diagnosed and classified according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria, which do not include findings on imaging modalities. We present a case in which non-invasive imaging with 18F...

  10. Endostatin (EntreMed). (United States)

    Grosios, K


    EntreMed has licensed the worldwide rights to the angiogenesis inhibitor Endostatin, a 20 kDa C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, from the Children's Hospital of Boston, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. It is being developed as a potential cancer treatment and may also be useful in certain types of blindness and arthritis [227427]. EntreMed filed an IND for Endostatin in June 1999 [334125] and as of September 1999, phase I trials were underway [341462]. As of April 2000, the company had initiated plans for testing low doses of Endostatin in cancer patients using continuous infusion and sc administration in a further phase I study to be conducted in Europe [361594]. A phase I trial of Endostatin which will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Endostatin at a range of doses in no more than 100 cancer patients has been initiated. The trial will take place at the University of Texas MD Anderson Medical Center and the University of Wisconsin Cancer Center in Madison. The National Cancer Center will be sponsoring the trial, which is expected to be completed in late 2000. As of March 2000, there had been no serious adverse events attributable to Endostatin administration. The first report from this trial is expected in autumn 2000 [341462], [366312]. The mechanism of action for Endostatin remains unclear, although reports from the 91st AACR Meeting in April 2000 showed that recombinant human endostatin bound to a number of tropomyosin cDNAs in a library screen [362039]. In preclinical studies, repeated administration of Endostatin consistently shrank primary tumors and did not produce any drug resistance. In mice, a variety of tumors which had progressed to 1 to 2% of total body weight, regressed to microscopic, dormant lesions following Endostatin treatment [231418], [231470], [270673]. Types of cancers which respond to Endostatin include lung, skin, vascular and fibrosarcomas. Toxicology studies in cynomolgus monkeys showed that bolus injections of

  11. Attendance of routine childcare visits in primary care for children of mothers with depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lyngsøe, Bente Kjær; Vestergaard, Claus Høstrup; Rytter, Dorte


    Børn af mødre med depression kommer sjældnere til børneundersøgelser og bliver sjældnere vaccineret end mange andre børn. Dette studie viser, at risikoen for at udeblive fra mindst 50 pct. af alle forebyggende børneundersøgelser var 16 pct. højere for børn af mødre med depression sammenlignet med...... børn af mødre uden depression. Forskerne fandt, at depression hos moderen øger risikoen for, at barnet ikke deltager i børneundersøgelser og vaccinationer hos den praktiserende læge. Denne sammenhæng ses i flere år, selv når moderen ikke længere kategoriseres som deprimeret. Konsultationer ifm. børne...... kæmpet ─ med depression kræver særlig opmærksomhed, hvis velfærden skal nå alle....

  12. Självkänsla hos daghemsbarn : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur barnträdgårdslärare bekräftar och stärker barnets självkänsla på daghem


    Fant, Sofia


    Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på hur en barnträdgårdslärare kan stärka och bekräfta barnets självkänsla på daghem. Vilken syn och uppfattning finns det om självkänslan på daghem och hur kan man stödja barnen på bästa sätt när det gäller självkänslan? I detta examensarbete har jag genom litteratur tagit fram vad självkänsla är, men även olika definitioner kring självkänslan och hur miljön runt om kan påverka självkänslan hos barnet. I intervjuerna som blev gjorda framkom ...

  13. The development of PubMed search strategies for patient preferences for treatment outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ralph van Hoorn


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The importance of respecting patients’ preferences when making treatment decisions is increasingly recognized. Efficiently retrieving papers from the scientific literature reporting on the presence and nature of such preferences can help to achieve this goal. The objective of this study was to create a search filter for PubMed to help retrieve evidence on patient preferences for treatment outcomes. Methods A total of 27 journals were hand-searched for articles on patient preferences for treatment outcomes published in 2011. Selected articles served as a reference set. To develop optimal search strategies to retrieve this set, all articles in the reference set were randomly split into a development and a validation set. MeSH-terms and keywords retrieved using PubReMiner were tested individually and as combinations in PubMed and evaluated for retrieval performance (e.g. sensitivity (Se and specificity (Sp. Results Of 8238 articles, 22 were considered to report empirical evidence on patient preferences for specific treatment outcomes. The best search filters reached Se of 100 % [95 % CI 100-100] with Sp of 95 % [94–95 %] and Sp of 97 % [97–98 %] with 75 % Se [74–76 %]. In the validation set these queries reached values of Se of 90 % [89–91 %] with Sp 94 % [93–95 %] and Se of 80 % [79–81 %] with Sp of 97 % [96–96 %], respectively. Conclusions Narrow and broad search queries were developed which can help in retrieving literature on patient preferences for treatment outcomes. Identifying such evidence may in turn enhance the incorporation of patient preferences in clinical decision making and health technology assessment.

  14. The significance of comorbid physical conditions on the excess mortality of persons with severe mental illness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ribe, Anette Riisgaard

    Diabetes, brystkræft og infektion kan medvirke til, at personer med svære psykiatriske lidelser i gennemsnit dør 15-20 år før andre. Det er konklusionen i en ny ph.d.-afhandling fra Aarhus Universitet. Overdødeligheden hos mennesker med svære psykiatriske lidelser kan være forbundet med en højere...

  15. The RNA-binding protein HOS5 and serine/arginine-rich proteins RS40 and RS41 participate in miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Tao


    MicroRNAs are a class of small regulatory RNAs that are generated from primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) transcripts with a stem-loop structure. Accuracy of the processing of pri-miRNA into mature miRNA in plants can be enhanced by SERRATE (SE) and HYPONASTIC LEAVES 1 (HYL1). HYL1 activity is regulated by the FIERY2 (FRY2)/RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain phosphatase-like 1 (CPL1). Here, we discover that HIGH OSMOTIC STRESS GENE EXPRESSION 5 (HOS5) and two serine/arginine-rich splicing factors RS40 and RS41, previously shown to be involved in pre-mRNA splicing, affect the biogenesis of a subset of miRNA. These proteins are required for correct miRNA strand selection and the maintenance of miRNA levels. FRY2 dephosphorylates HOS5 whose phosphorylation status affects its subnuclear localization. HOS5 and the RS proteins bind both intronless and intron-containing pri-miRNAs. Importantly, all of these splicing-related factors directly interact with both HYL1 and SE in nuclear splicing speckles. Our results indicate that these splicing factors are directly involved in the biogenesis of a group of miRNA.

  16. Depression og placebo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Kaj Sparle


    Metaanalyser har længe dokumenteret, at effekten af behandling med antidepressive lægemidler er begrænset sammenlignet med effekten af placebobehandling. Antidepressive lægemidler er kun sikkert virksomme hos svært deprimerede personer. Psykoterapi og antidepressive lægemidler er lige effektive h...

  17. Hvordan påvirker brugen af trådløse telefoner kommunikationen og relationen mellem patient og sygeplejerske?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paasch, Bettina Sletten

    Trådløse telefoner anvendes i vid udstrækning i sygehusvæsnet, og mange sygeplejersker bærer i dag en personlig arbejdstelefon. Teknologi er ikke et neutralt redskab, der kan indføres uden at skabe forandring, men bibringer nye måder at kommunikere på, nye typer af relationer, nye muligheder og...... nærværende i sin kontakt med patienten vil det formentlig have betydning for relationen og kommunikationen med patienten. Formålet med nærværende projekt er derfor at undersøge, hvilke forandringer implementeringen af trådløse telefoner hos sygeplejersker har afstedkommet. Formålet søges belyst gennem...... værdifuldt. Viden om hvilke forandringer trådløse telefoner afstedkommer i forhold til kommunikation og relationer, vil gøre det muligt at forholde sig kritisk til sygehusets diskurs, og medvirke til refleksion over hvorvidt dets virkelighed konstitueres i overensstemmelse med dets værdier....

  18. MedBlock: Efficient and Secure Medical Data Sharing Via Blockchain. (United States)

    Fan, Kai; Wang, Shangyang; Ren, Yanhui; Li, Hui; Yang, Yintang


    With the development of electronic information technology, electronic medical records (EMRs) have been a common way to store the patients' data in hospitals. They are stored in different hospitals' databases, even for the same patient. Therefore, it is difficult to construct a summarized EMR for one patient from multiple hospital databases due to the security and privacy concerns. Meanwhile, current EMRs systems lack a standard data management and sharing policy, making it difficult for pharmaceutical scientists to develop precise medicines based on data obtained under different policies. To solve the above problems, we proposed a blockchain-based information management system, MedBlock, to handle patients' information. In this scheme, the distributed ledger of MedBlock allows the efficient EMRs access and EMRs retrieval. The improved consensus mechanism achieves consensus of EMRs without large energy consumption and network congestion. In addition, MedBlock also exhibits high information security combining the customized access control protocols and symmetric cryptography. MedBlock can play an important role in the sensitive medical information sharing.

  19. Tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gehrt, Charlotte Astrid; Christensen, Lisa Bøge; Klinker, Sabine


    Mødet mellem tandlæge og patient med spiseforstyrrelse Introduktion og formål: Det er velkendt, at tandlæger kan spille en rolle i forhold til tidlig identifikation af en spiseforstyrrelse. Der erimidlertid begrænset viden om, hvilke forventninger tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse har...... til mødet med hinanden i klinikken, og hvordan dette opleves. Undersøgelsens formål var derfor at få viden om mødet mellem tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse. Materialer og metoder: Undersøgelsen var en tværsnitsundersøgelse baseret på to spørgeskemaer udarbejdet til henholdsvis tandlæger...... og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse. I alt 1.405 tandlæger deltog, mens 260 personer med en spiseforstyrrelse besvarede spørgeskemaet. Resultater: Tandlægerne havde større selvrapporteret viden om orale komplikationer ved en spiseforstyrrelse end om spiseforstyrrelser generelt. Størstedelen af...

  20. Further confirmation of the MED13L haploinsufficiency syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Haelst, M.M.; Monroe, G.R.; Duran, K.J.; van Binsbergen, E.; Breur, J.M.P.J.; Giltay, J.C.; van Haaften, G.W.

    MED13L haploinsufficiency syndrome has been described in two patients and is characterized by moderate intellectual disability (ID), conotruncal heart defects, facial abnormalities and hypotonia. Missense mutations in MED13L are linked to transposition of the great arteries and non-syndromal

  1. Effekten af perkutan koronar intervention hos kvinder med iskæmisk hjertesygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmvang, Lene; Mickley, Hans


    PCI is effective in reducing symptoms in patients with stable angina pectoris, but it does not improve prognosis. In earlier trials PCI has been related to more procedure-related complications among women, but these gender differences are not as pronounced in recent studies. In acute coronary...... syndromes there is no evidence of gender differences regarding the benefit of primary PCI for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. However, several trials of unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction indicate that compared with men, women do not get the same benefit...

  2. DUB-Projekt Morsø Kommune

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Britta

    Formålet med evalueringen er at dokumentere ændringer, som projektdeltagelsen har medført hos projektdeltagerne, lige som der skal udvikles anbefalinger i forhold til udvikling af god praksis for arbejdet med udsatte børn. De overordnede evalueringsspørgsmål, der bliver styrende for evalueringen,...

  3. Co-Design: Alzheimer og værdighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Eva; Risak, Gudrun; Otterstrøm Nørgaard, Andrea


    ”Alzheimers er ikke en identitet, det er en sygdom!” fortalte en netop Alzheimer diagnosticeret mand. Udtalelsen illustrerer hvordan mange med Alzheimer bliver opfattet og behandlet. De bliver stigmatiserede og konsekvensen er ofte social isolation. Denne artikel rapporterer fra studenterprojekter....... Via en overordnet co-designtilgang har de undersøgt hverdagens udfordringer, forhåbninger og bekymringer hos mennesker, der lever med Alzheimers enten som ramt eller som pårørende. Ved at designe forskellige ’dialogværktøjer’ er de kommet med konkrete bud på, hvordan dialog omkring hverdagsliv med...... Alzheimers kan finde sted. Et værdigt liv og en værdig behandling forudsætter at kendskabet til sygdommens mange ansigter udbredes. Designere kan her bidrage med noget vigtigt. Designere har greb og kompetencer til at kunne etablere og håndtere designprocesser, der involverer patienter, pårørende...

  4. Advancing PubMed?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wildgaard, Lorna Elizabeth; Lund, Haakon


    the efficiency of biomedical literature searches. PubMed remains the primary resource for biomedical literature, and as PubMed makes the Medline data and Entrez PubMed Programming utilities freely available, any developer can produce alternative tools to search the database. The authors question if PubMed still...... provides the superior search interface for systematic searches or if the innovativeness of third-party tools provide alternatives worth considering. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach In all, 76 third-party tools that build on PubMed content were identified in a PubMed...... search and in published studies known to the authors. Only tools that provided free access to the broad PubMed content and designed specifically to enhance the search were included, reducing the set to 16 tools. The functionality of each tool within the scenario of a systematic search was compared across...

  5. Food-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis - Kasuistik med hydrolyseret valleprotein

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Junker Christensen, Morten


    Formål / Introduktion: Patienter med Food-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis (FDEIA) eller løbershock kan udvikle livstruende allergiske reaktioner (anafylaksi), når de kombinere fysisk anstrengelse med samtidig indtagelse af et normalt tolereret fødeemne - oftest hvede. Hydrolysering af prot...

  6. The diagnosis of thymoma and thymic atrophy in patients with myasthenia gravis; Dignostikk av tymom og thymusatrofi hos pasienter med myasthenia gravis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sund, K.K.; Skeie, G.O.; Gilhus, N.E.; Aarli, J.A.; Varhaug, J.E. [Haukeland Sykehus, Bergen (Norway)


    The authors have compared clinical, immunological and radiological data in 20 patients with myasthenia gravis and thymoma and in 21 patients with myasthenia gravis and thymic atrophy. The median age at onset was 54 years in the thymoma group and 63 years in the thymic atrophy group. The severity of the disease was similar in the two groups, and there was no significant difference in the concentration of acetylcholine receptor antibodies. CA antibodies were demonstrated in 17/20 thymoma patients and in 6/21 with thymic atrophy, while 19/20 thymoma patients had antibodies to titin, compared with 9/21 among those with thymic atrophy. The diagnosis and treatment of patients with myasthenia gravis is based upon an evaluation of clinical, immunological and radiological data. 28 refs., 2 tabs.

  7. Emosjonsregulering og motivasjon hos barn med AD/HD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høvik, Marie Farstad; Plessen, Kerstin J


    Impaired cognitive control functions have long been regarded as the main problem in the development of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A more recent model emphasizes the importance of emotional and motivational problems. We have reviewed the evidence for this model, which may have...

  8. Stresshyperglykaemi hos et barn med svaer akut gastroenteritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre, Jesper V.


    A case of a two years and ten months old girl with severe acute gastroenteritis, dehydration, and hyperglycaemia is described. Transient hyperglycaemia is a common clinical finding in children under stress. We discuss the distinction between hyperglycaemia as a prediabetic state and that as a phy......A case of a two years and ten months old girl with severe acute gastroenteritis, dehydration, and hyperglycaemia is described. Transient hyperglycaemia is a common clinical finding in children under stress. We discuss the distinction between hyperglycaemia as a prediabetic state...

  9. Emosjonsregulering og motivasjon hos barn med AD/HD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høvik, Marie Farstad; Plessen, Kerstin J


    Impaired cognitive control functions have long been regarded as the main problem in the development of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A more recent model emphasizes the importance of emotional and motivational problems. We have reviewed the evidence for this model, which may have...... important implications for clinical practice....

  10. Cirkulatorisk kollaps hos bodybuilder i forbindelse med anaestesi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Toke; Afshari, Arash; Nielsen, Jeppe Sylvest


    The use of anabolic steroids is a growing problem in Denmark. The effects and side effects caused by anabolic steroids in relation to anaesthesia are poorly described. This article describes a case of circulatory collapse in a young bodybuilder during anaesthesia. The primary cause of the collapse...

  11. PubMedReco: A Real-Time Recommender System for PubMed Citations. (United States)

    Samuel, Hamman W; Zaïane, Osmar R


    We present a recommender system, PubMedReco, for real-time suggestions of medical articles from PubMed, a database of over 23 million medical citations. PubMedReco can recommend medical article citations while users are conversing in a synchronous communication environment such as a chat room. Normally, users would have to leave their chat interface to open a new web browser window, and formulate an appropriate search query to retrieve relevant results. PubMedReco automatically generates the search query and shows relevant citations within the same integrated user interface. PubMedReco analyzes relevant keywords associated with the conversation and uses them to search for relevant citations using the PubMed E-utilities programming interface. Our contributions include improvements to the user experience for searching PubMed from within health forums and chat rooms, and a machine learning model for identifying relevant keywords. We demonstrate the feasibility of PubMedReco using BMJ's Doc2Doc forum discussions.

  12. Comparison of PubMed and Google Scholar literature searches. (United States)

    Anders, Michael E; Evans, Dennis P


    Literature searches are essential to evidence-based respiratory care. To conduct literature searches, respiratory therapists rely on search engines to retrieve information, but there is a dearth of literature on the comparative efficiencies of search engines for researching clinical questions in respiratory care. To compare PubMed and Google Scholar search results for clinical topics in respiratory care to that of a benchmark. We performed literature searches with PubMed and Google Scholar, on 3 clinical topics. In PubMed we used the Clinical Queries search filter. In Google Scholar we used the search filters in the Advanced Scholar Search option. We used the reference list of a related Cochrane Collaboration evidence-based systematic review as the benchmark for each of the search results. We calculated recall (sensitivity) and precision (positive predictive value) with 2 x 2 contingency tables. We compared the results with the chi-square test of independence and Fisher's exact test. PubMed and Google Scholar had similar recall for both overall search results (71% vs 69%) and full-text results (43% vs 51%). PubMed had better precision than Google Scholar for both overall search results (13% vs 0.07%, P PubMed searches with the Clinical Queries filter are more precise than with the Advanced Scholar Search in Google Scholar for respiratory care topics. PubMed appears to be more practical to conduct efficient, valid searches for informing evidence-based patient-care protocols, for guiding the care of individual patients, and for educational purposes.

  13. PubMed-supported clinical term weighting approach for improving inter-patient similarity measure in diagnosis prediction. (United States)

    Chan, Lawrence Wc; Liu, Ying; Chan, Tao; Law, Helen Kw; Wong, S C Cesar; Yeung, Andy Ph; Lo, K F; Yeung, S W; Kwok, K Y; Chan, William Yl; Lau, Thomas Yh; Shyu, Chi-Ren


    Similarity-based retrieval of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) from large clinical information systems provides physicians the evidence support in making diagnoses or referring examinations for the suspected cases. Clinical Terms in EHRs represent high-level conceptual information and the similarity measure established based on these terms reflects the chance of inter-patient disease co-occurrence. The assumption that clinical terms are equally relevant to a disease is unrealistic, reducing the prediction accuracy. Here we propose a term weighting approach supported by PubMed search engine to address this issue. We collected and studied 112 abdominal computed tomography imaging examination reports from four hospitals in Hong Kong. Clinical terms, which are the image findings related to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), were extracted from the reports. Through two systematic PubMed search methods, the generic and specific term weightings were established by estimating the conditional probabilities of clinical terms given HCC. Each report was characterized by an ontological feature vector and there were totally 6216 vector pairs. We optimized the modified direction cosine (mDC) with respect to a regularization constant embedded into the feature vector. Equal, generic and specific term weighting approaches were applied to measure the similarity of each pair and their performances for predicting inter-patient co-occurrence of HCC diagnoses were compared by using Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis. The Areas under the curves (AUROCs) of similarity scores based on equal, generic and specific term weighting approaches were 0.735, 0.728 and 0.743 respectively (p PubMed. Our findings suggest that the optimized similarity measure with specific term weighting to EHRs can improve significantly the accuracy for predicting the inter-patient co-occurrence of diagnosis when compared with equal and generic term weighting approaches.

  14. Læringsmodstand hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Broström, Stig


    I dette kapitel beskrives dimensioner ved børns læring og med særligt fokus på Illeris’ begreb læringsmodstand. Det tages udgangspunkt i den kulturhistoriske skoles læringsteori med reference til bl.a. Vygotsky og Leontjev. Børn i såvel dagtilbud som skolen vil løbende vise modstand mod læring. D...

  15. Når almenpædagogikken bliver den bedste forbyggelse af angst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hviid, Pernille; Esbjørn, Barbara Hoff; Villadsen, Jakob Waag


    Formålet med artiklen er at invitere til dialog mellem børneklinisk, almen udviklingspsykologisk og almen pædagogisk praksis med henblik på forebyggelse af angst hos børn. Artiklen forsøger at begrebsliggøre og videreudvikle kvaliteter ved den almene pædagogiske praksis i relation til børneklinis...

  16. Djævelen som Guds advokat - Nietzsche, filosofien og Paulus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pallesen, Carsten


    Artiklen tegner et dobbeltportræt af Paulus og Nietzsche ud fra en række nyere diskussioner om Nietzsches syn på Paulus hos aktuelle Nietzscheforskere, men også med udblik til den Paulus-renæssance, som har fundet sted i filosofien. Med det sidste tænkes navnlig på den franske filosof Alain Badious...... tese om Paulus som universalismens tænker. Artiklen fremhæver, hvordan hermeneutiske, kommunikationsteoretiske og semiotiske tilgange i den nyere tyske forskning navnlig hos Werner Stegmaier har ændret synet på forholdet mellem Nietzsches ’tegn’ (Dionysos, Zarathustra, ’anti-krist’) over for Nietzsches...... retfærdiggørelse ved troen. Nietzsches forhold til kristendommen er ikke kun bestemt af negative vurderinger, men tillige af en ambivalent taknemmelighed, som når han i den sene fase af forfatterskabet på en gang identificerer sig med Dionysos og ’den korsfæstede’....

  17. Ambivalente fiktioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft


    repræsentation af vold hos Henning Mankell med fokus på Innan frosten fra 2002 og filmatiseringen heraf fra 2005, men med et fyldigt udblik til Mankells novelle ”Sprickan”, og ikke mindst diskussioner af voldens forstyrrelse af demokrati og velfærdsstat hos Mankell. Således er Mankells krimifortællinger i dette...... tilfælde ligeså vel et springpunkt ind i mere sociologiske diskussioner af det kriminelle, volden og konstitutionen af et demokrati. Artiklen her er derfor såvel en analyse af som en tænkning med primært Mankells Innan frosten. I denne fortælling er det sociale fodfæste og overfladeidyllen nemlig...... kuldkastet af udemokratiske mekanismer i en fundamentalistisk religiøs trosretning. I overvejelsen af denne intrige vender jeg blikket mod ambivalensen inkluderet i både Mankells gennemgående efterforsker Wallander og de demokratiske strukturer, som Mankell diskuterer flere steder....

  18. Atypisk femurfraktur hos en patient uden bisfosfonatbehandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henrik Michael; Jensen, Jens-Erik Beck; Hyldstrup, Lars


    The present case describes an atypical femur fracture in a patient, who had not previously been treated with bisphosphonate. The patient fulfilled the specific characteristics for an atypical fracture that have recently been suggested by an international expert group. For 15 years after her...... menopause the patient had been treated with oestrogen. Prospective studies to determine the frequency and pathogenesis of these fractures in patients treated with bisphosphonate and in bisphosphonate naïve patients are suggested....

  19. Demens Film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anders Møller


    Vi vil skabe film til mennesker med demens – ikke film om demens sygdommen eller beretninger om livet og hverdagen med en kronisk lidelse. Filmene skal medvirke til at frembringe en behagelig stemning omkring og hos mennesker med demens, så hverdagen bliver så tryg som mulig. Filmene skal samtidig...... var at afgrænse og prioritere projektet, samt komme med anbefalinger omkring hvad der er vigtigt, i forbindelse med produktion af film målrettet mennesker med demens. Resultat af ekspertgruppen sammenfattes i denne rapport. Projektet gennemføres som et samarbejde mellem Retrospect Film...

  20. Trosbegrebet hos Slavoj Žižek

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karlsen, Mads Peter


    Hensigten med denne artikel er at give en systematisk fremstilling af Slavoj Žižeks overvejelser over tro for herved at tematisere hans religionsfilosofiske relevans. Der indledes med en kort introduktion til Žižeks grundlæggende filosofiske anliggende og en teologisk kontekstualisering af hans t...

  1. Fire måder at håndtere åndenød på i dagliglivet: et grounded theory studie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bastrup, Lene; Dahl, Ronald; Pedersen, Preben Ulrich


    , primært håndterer deres åndenød i dagligdagen. Vi valgte et multimodalt "grounded theory"-design, der gør det muligt at kombinere kvalitative og kvantitative data med henblik på at indfange og forklare den flerdimensionelle håndteringsadfærd hos mennesker med KOL. I håndtering af åndenøden var patienterne...

  2. Ih, hvor jeg dog savner dig...!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne Maj


    Artiklen debatterer forholdet mellem børns behov for kontakt med forældre og forældres behov for bekræftelse af ders identitet som forældre og kontrol med deres børn, når de ikke er hjemme men fx på koloni eller hos 'den anden' forælder, når disse er skilt....

  3. Er der sammenhæng mellem foderudnyttelse, aktivitet og sundhed?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damgaard, Birthe Marie; Hansen, Steffen W


    Gennem de senere år er minken blevet tungere år efter år, og undersøgelser har vist, at det er muligt at øge foderudnyttelsen gennem avl. Formålet med denne undersøgelse var at belyse aktivitet, kropsvægt og immunstatus hos mink med høj og lav residual foderindtag (RFI) ved restriktiv og ad libit...

  4. Musikterapi med børn med svær autisme - en litteraturgennemgang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulla Holck


    Full Text Available Faglitteratur om musikterapi med børn med autisme er omfattende og indeholder såvel kvalitative case-beskrivelser som kvantitative forskningsundersøgelser. I artiklen gennemgås faglitteraturen systematisk med henblik på at specifi cere musikterapiens effekt og virkemåder i forhold til denne målgruppe. Vægten ligger på børn med svær autisme, men litteratur om voksne højtfungerende personer med autisme inddrages også. Forskningslitteraturen viser, at det især er inden for områderne koncentration, visuel opmærksomhed, respons og initiativ, samt brug af stemme og tur-tagning, at musikterapi har en effekt. Case-litteraturen begrunder denne effekt med musikkens evne til at være redundant, anvendelse af imitation og responsfremmende teknikker (overraskelse etc., fælles opbyggede samspilsformer, samt det temporale-interaktive element i improvisatorisk musikterapi. Ud fra en interaktionsteoretisk indfaldsvinkel sammenkobles effekten endvidere med, at den musikalske interaktion hjælper musikterapeuten til at fastholde et dynamisk udtryk, hvilket er afgørende i forhold til en klientgruppe, der ofte giver ´flad´ eller stærkt afvigende feedback.

  5. Nostalgitrip med Pikachu

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Konzack, Lars


    Sommeren 2016 vil blive husket for den omsiggribende dille, Pokémon Go, med over 100 millioner downloads. Tusindvis af især børn og unge, men også forældre med barnevogne og hele familier, kunne pludselig ses på gader og stræder, i parker og grønne områder med en smartphone i hånden på jagt efter...

  6. Neuro-, Trauma -, or Med/Surg-ICU: Does it matter where polytrauma patients with TBI are admitted? Secondary analysis of AAST-MITC decompressive craniectomy study (United States)

    Scalea, Tom; Sperry, Jason; Coimbra, Raul; Vercruysse, Gary; Jurkovich, Gregory J; Nirula, Ram


    Introduction Patients with non-traumatic acute intracranial pathology benefit from neurointensivist care. Similarly, trauma patients with and without TBI fare better when treated by a dedicated trauma team. No study has yet evaluated the role of specialized neurocritical (NICU) and trauma intensive care units (TICU) in the management of TBI patients, and it remains unclear which TBI patients are best served in NICU, TICU, or general (Med/Surg) ICU. Methods This study is a secondary analysis of The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Multi-Institutional Trials Committee (AAST-MITC) decompressive craniectomy study. Twelve Level 1 trauma centers provided clinical data and head CT scans of patients with Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) ≤13 and CT evidence of TBI. Non-ICU admissions were excluded. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to measure the association between ICU-type and survival and calculate the probability of death for increasing ISS. Polytrauma patients (ISS > 15) with TBI and isolated TBI patients (other AIS polytrauma patients admitted to a TICU had improved survival across increasing ISS (Fig1). Survival for isolated TBI patients was similar between TICU and NICU. Med/Surg ICU carried the greatest probability of death. Conclusion Polytrauma patients with TBI have lower mortality risk when admitted to a Trauma ICU. This survival benefit increases with increasing injury severity. Isolated TBI patients have similar mortality risk when admitted to a Neuro ICU compared to a Trauma ICU. Med/Surg ICU admission carries the highest mortality risk. PMID:28225527

  7. Nursing identity and patient-centredness in scholarly health services research: a computational text analysis of PubMed abstracts 1986-2013. (United States)

    Bell, Erica; Campbell, Steve; Goldberg, Lynette R


    The most important and contested element of nursing identity may be the patient-centredness of nursing, though this concept is not well-treated in the nursing identity literature. More conceptually-based mapping of nursing identity constructs are needed to help nurses shape their identity. The field of computational text analytics offers new opportunities to scrutinise how growing disciplines such as health services research construct nursing identity. This paper maps the conceptual content of scholarly health services research in PubMed as it relates to the patient-centeredness of nursing. Computational text analytics software was used to analyse all health services abstracts in the database PubMed since 1986. Abstracts were treated as indicative of the content of health services research. The database PubMed was searched for all research papers using the term "service" or "services" in the abstract or keywords for the period 01/01/1986 to 30/06/2013. A total of 234,926 abstracts were obtained. Leximancer software was used in 1) mapping of 4,144,458 instances of 107 concepts; 2) analysis of 106 paired concept co-occurrences for the nursing concept; and 3) sentiment analysis of the nursing concept versus patient, family and community concepts, and clinical concepts. Nursing is constructed within quality assurance or service implementation or workforce development concepts. It is relatively disconnected from patient, family or community care concepts. For those who agree that patient-centredness should be a part of nursing identity in practice, this study suggests that there is a need for development of health services research into both the nature of the caring construct in nursing identity and its expression in practice. More fundamentally, the study raises questions about whether health services research cultures even value the politically popular idea of nurses as patient-centred caregivers and whether they should.

  8. Overexpression of an orchid (Dendrobium nobile SOC1/TM3-like ortholog, DnAGL19, in Arabidopsis regulates HOS1-FT expression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiao-ru eLiu


    Full Text Available Flowering in the appropriate season is critical for successful reproduction in angiosperms. The orchid species, Dendrobium nobile, requires vernalization to achieve flowering in the spring, but the underlying regulatory network has not been identified to date. The MADS-box transcription factor DnAGL19 was previously identified in a study of low-temperature treated D. nobile buds and was suggested to regulate vernalization-induced flowering. In this study, phylogenetic analysis of DnAGL9 and the MADS-box containing proteins showed that DnAGL19 is phylogenetically closely related to the SOC1-like protein from orchid Dendrobium Chao Parya Smile, DOSOC1. The orchid clade closed to but is not included into the SOC1-1/TM3 clades associated with either eudicots or monocots, suggesting that DnAGL19 is an SOC1-1/TM3-like ortholog. DnAGL19 was found to be highly expressed in pseudobulbs, leaves, roots and axillary buds but rarely in flowers, and to be substantially upregulated in axillary buds by prolonged low-temperature treatments. Overexpression of DnAGL19 in Arabidopsis thaliana resulted in a small but significantly reduced time to bolting, suggesting that flowering time was slightly accelerated under normal growth conditions. Consistent with this, the A. thaliana APETELA1 (AP1 gene was expressed at an earlier stage in transgenic lines than in wild type plants, while the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT gene was suppressed, suggesting that altered regulations on these transcription factors caused the weak promotion of flowering. HIGH EXPRESSION OF OSMOTICALLY RESPONSIVE GENE 1 (HOS1 was slightly activated under the same conditions, suggesting that the HOS1-FT module may be involved in the DnAGL19-related network. Under vernalization conditions, FT expression was significantly upregulated, whereas HOS1 expression in the transgenic A. thaliana has a level similar to that in wild type. Taken together, these results suggest that DnAGL19 controls the action of the

  9. [Use of PubMed to improve evidence-based medicine in routine urological practice]. (United States)

    Rink, M; Kluth, L A; Shariat, S F; Chun, F K; Fisch, M; Dahm, P


    Applying evidence-based medicine in daily clinical practice is the basis of patient-centered medicine and knowledge of accurate literature acquisition skills is necessary for informed clinical decision-making. PubMed is an easy accessible, free bibliographic database comprising over 21 million citations from the medical field, life-science journals and online books. The article summarizes the effective use of PubMed in routine urological clinical practice based on a common case scenario. This article explains the simple use of PubMed to obtain the best search results with the highest evidence. Accurate knowledge about the use of PubMed in routine clinical practice can improve evidence-based medicine and also patient treatment.

  10. Insekticidresistens hos væggelus i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kilpinen, Ole; Jensen, Karl-Martin Vagn; Kristensen, Michael

    . Organophosfaten chlorpyrifos, var der derimod kun let nedsat følsomhed for og denne viste sig fuldt effektiv når væggelusene blev eksponeret på overflader behandlet med de kommercielle produkter. Da chlorpyrifos næppe bliver gen-registreret, står man tilbage med pyrethroiderne, som ikke længere kan anbefales til...

  11. Interview med børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Interview med børn handler om børneinterview i forbindelse med forskning. Bogen er tænkt som inspiration til og afsæt for metodiske refleksioner i forbindelse med inddragelse af børn som informanter.......Interview med børn handler om børneinterview i forbindelse med forskning. Bogen er tænkt som inspiration til og afsæt for metodiske refleksioner i forbindelse med inddragelse af børn som informanter....

  12. Virtuelt skrivebord med open office

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kurt Gammelgaard


    SDUs erfaringer med projektet Port 22: en virtuel platform med Open Office som kontorpakke til studerende.......SDUs erfaringer med projektet Port 22: en virtuel platform med Open Office som kontorpakke til studerende....

  13. Mediator Complex Subunits MED2, MED5, MED16, and MED23 Genetically Interact in the Regulation of Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis. (United States)

    Dolan, Whitney L; Dilkes, Brian P; Stout, Jake M; Bonawitz, Nicholas D; Chapple, Clint


    The phenylpropanoid pathway is a major global carbon sink and is important for plant fitness and the engineering of bioenergy feedstocks. In Arabidopsis thaliana , disruption of two subunits of the transcriptional regulatory Mediator complex, MED5a and MED5b, results in an increase in phenylpropanoid accumulation. By contrast, the semidominant MED5b mutation reduced epidermal fluorescence4-3 ( ref4-3 ) results in dwarfism and constitutively repressed phenylpropanoid accumulation. Here, we report the results of a forward genetic screen for suppressors of ref4-3. We identified 13 independent lines that restore growth and/or phenylpropanoid accumulation in the ref4-3 background. Two of the suppressors restore growth without restoring soluble phenylpropanoid accumulation, indicating that the growth and metabolic phenotypes of the ref4-3 mutant can be genetically disentangled. Whole-genome sequencing revealed that all but one of the suppressors carry mutations in MED5b or other Mediator subunits. RNA-seq analysis showed that the ref4-3 mutation causes widespread changes in gene expression, including the upregulation of negative regulators of the phenylpropanoid pathway, and that the suppressors reverse many of these changes. Together, our data highlight the interdependence of individual Mediator subunits and provide greater insight into the transcriptional regulation of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis by the Mediator complex. © 2017 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

  14. Højintens intervaltræning inducerer moderat forbedring i cirkulerende diabetes-relaterede inflammatoriske cytokiner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre, Mette; Madsen, Søren Møller; Jeppesen, Per Bendix


    Det er alment kendt, at motion forbedrer den metaboliske tilstand og mindsker risikoen for udvikling af præ-diabetes til type 2-diabetes. En væsentlig gevinst af regelmæssig motion menes at være via systemiske anti-inflammatoriske effekter, der formentlig skyldes en reduktion af fedtvævet. Hver g...... afklaret. Vi ønskede derfor at undersøge påvirkningen af højintens intervaltræning (HIIT) på cirkulerende inflammatoriske cytokiner hos patienter med type 2-diabetes.1-3...

  15. Predictive values of GPs' suspicion of serious disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjertholm, Peter; Moth, Grete; Ingeman, Mads Lind


    Denne artikel undersøger hyppigheden af praktiserende lægers mistanke om kræft eller anden alvorlig sygdom hos patienter i konsultationen. Dertil om mistanken fører til en alvorlig diagnose og patientens brug af det øvrige sundhedsvæsen. Lægen havde mistanke i 5,7 % af alle konsultationer, og en ...... data fra KOS 2008-undersøgelsen (Kontakt- og sygdomsmønsteret i almen praksis), hvor 404 praktiserende læger registrerede 4518 konsultationer med personer over 18 år....

  16. Mænds mobile sundhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levisen, Vinie Diana Hvidbak; Castaño, Francisco Mansilla; Jensen, Camilla Skovbjerg


    Baggrund Mænds mobile sundhed bidrager med viden om, hvordan mobile sundhedsapplikationer påvirker det fysiske aktivitetsniveau hos mænd med kort eller ingen uddannelse samt hyppigheden af, hvor ofte de tænker og gør noget for at fremme egen fysiske sundhed. Mænd med kort eller ingen uddannelse......, har både den laveste middellevetid og længste patient delay, og på nuværende tidspunkt er der ikke gennemført forskning med mobile sundhedsapplikationer som sundhedsfremmende intervention til denne målgruppe. Projektets resultater og viden kan anvendes af både arbejdspladserne, sundhedsvæsnet og...... (N=71): BT, puls, konditest, fordeling af fedt og muskelmasse. Visuel Analog Scale (VAS) af hvor ofte manden tænker på egen sundhed, VAS af hvor ofte manden gør noget for at fremme egen sundhed. Interventionsperioden 6 måneder: Interventionsgruppen anvender mobil applikation, registrering af skridt...

  17. Når alderen indhenter én. Kropslighed, aldring og profession hos gymnasiets idrætslærere. Ph.d. afhandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Mette Krogh

    Når alderen indhenter én – om kropslighed, aldring og profession hos gymnasiets idrætslærere er en ph.d.-afhandling udarbejdet af Mette Krogh Christensen på Institut for Idræt (Afdeling for Historie og Samfundsvidenskab), Københavns Universitet. Afhandlingen handler om, på hvilken måde alder spil...

  18. MedSun Reports (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Medical Product Safety Network (MedSun) is an adverse event reporting program launched in 2002. The primary goal for MedSun is to work collaboratively with the...

  19. Risikonavigation i fremdriftsstormen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sarauw, Laura Louise; Madsen, Simon Ryberg


    I artiklen bruger vi myten om følgerne af Odysseus’ besøg hos vindenes konge som billede på den med fremdriftsreformen (2014) følgende forestilling om, at det er muligt at sætte en på forhånd fastlagt kurs, hvor blot én vind (et økonomisk rationale) driver de studerende med ét bestemt outcome til...

  20. The MedDRA paradox. (United States)

    Merrill, Gary H


    MedDRA (the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology) is a controlled vocabulary widely used as a medical coding scheme. However, MedDRA's characterization of its structural hierarchy exhibits some confusing and paradoxical features. The goal of this paper is to examine these features, determine whether there is a coherent view of the MedDRA hierarchy that emerges, and explore what lessons are to be learned from this for using MedDRA and similar terminologies in a broad medical informatics context that includes relations among multiple disparate terminologies, thesauri, and ontologies.

  1. Fremlæggelse af projekt med Epworth søvnighedsskema, opgørelse af data fra 2009-2014: "Prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness in patients treated with orthognathic surgery"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Linderup, Mette Werner

    Fremlæggelse af projekt med Epworth søvnighedsskema, opgørelse af data fra 2009-2014: "Prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness in patients treated with orthognathic surgery"......Fremlæggelse af projekt med Epworth søvnighedsskema, opgørelse af data fra 2009-2014: "Prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness in patients treated with orthognathic surgery"...

  2. Analysis of PubMed User Sessions Using a Full-Day PubMed Query Log: A Comparison of Experienced and Nonexperienced PubMed Users (United States)


    Background PubMed is the largest biomedical bibliographic information source on the Internet. PubMed has been considered one of the most important and reliable sources of up-to-date health care evidence. Previous studies examined the effects of domain expertise/knowledge on search performance using PubMed. However, very little is known about PubMed users’ knowledge of information retrieval (IR) functions and their usage in query formulation. Objective The purpose of this study was to shed light on how experienced/nonexperienced PubMed users perform their search queries by analyzing a full-day query log. Our hypotheses were that (1) experienced PubMed users who use system functions quickly retrieve relevant documents and (2) nonexperienced PubMed users who do not use them have longer search sessions than experienced users. Methods To test these hypotheses, we analyzed PubMed query log data containing nearly 3 million queries. User sessions were divided into two categories: experienced and nonexperienced. We compared experienced and nonexperienced users per number of sessions, and experienced and nonexperienced user sessions per session length, with a focus on how fast they completed their sessions. Results To test our hypotheses, we measured how successful information retrieval was (at retrieving relevant documents), represented as the decrease rates of experienced and nonexperienced users from a session length of 1 to 2, 3, 4, and 5. The decrease rate (from a session length of 1 to 2) of the experienced users was significantly larger than that of the nonexperienced groups. Conclusions Experienced PubMed users retrieve relevant documents more quickly than nonexperienced PubMed users in terms of session length. PMID:26139516

  3. Association between Risk Factors and Overnight Albumin/Creatinine Ratio - even in its Normal Range

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olivarius, Niels de Fine; Andreasen, A.H.; Mogensen, C.E.


    I denne lille artikel påvises det, at selv en ganske let forøget udskillelse af albumin i urinen forekommer hyppigere hos aldersdiabetikere med (andre) risikofaktorer såsom hypertension, hyperlipidæmi, hyperglykæmi etc. Udgivelsesdato: 1994...

  4. Multipel graviditet hos kvinder med korrigeret Steno-Fallots tetralogi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Lia Mendes; Pedersen, Thais Andreas Bjerregaard; Herskind, Anne Maria


    Tetralogy of Fallot is the most common cyanotic heart disease accounting for 5 to 8% of all cases of congenital heart disease. In a cohort of women with corrected Tetralogy of Fallot, followed concerning fertility and pregnancy outcome, we observed two cases of uncomplicated multiple pregnancies...

  5. Musikterapi til reduktion af agitation hos personer med demens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner; Stige, Brynjulf


    . The concept agitation is used professionally to define and measure disturbing behaviours in people with severe dementia. The causes are multiple and include factors in the psychosocial environment, which suggests that treatment should be holistic and interdisciplinary and not limited to symptom management...... regarding the single individual. A relevant method in an integrated and holistic approach is professional music therapy combined with other staffs’ use of music in daily dementia care....

  6. Perkutan endoskopisk gastrostomisonde hos børn med cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barlaug, Mari; Kruse, Aksel; Schrøder, Henrik


    (n=10). Eight tubes were changed, and eight tubes were removed due to complications. 85% of the inflammations were related to neutropenia. There was a significant (p=0,0006) decrease in the median weight-for-age standard deviation score (SDS) of 0, 70 (-1,12; -0,28) from the time of diagnosis...... during periods of neutropenia. Udgivelsesdato: 2008-Jun-2...

  7. Kontinuerlig glukosemonitorering kan have betydning hos gravide med diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Anne Bjerrum; Secher, Anna L; Damm, Peter


    In this review the use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in pregnancy complicated by type 1 and type 2 diabetes is examined. Fourteen relevant articles were identified. Observational studies demonstrated that CGM was feasible during pregnancy without severe side effects. One randomised contr...

  8. Testosteronsubstitutionsbehandling af hypogonadisme hos mænd med prostatacancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fuglesang Jensen, Christian S.; Fode, Mikkel; Østergren, Peter


    prostatectomy for PCa. Reports on TRT in men on active surveillance are very few. In summary, current evidence does not support an association between TRT and an increased risk of PCa. Nevertheless, sufficiently powered trials with longer follow-up are warranted before making final conclusions....

  9. Hyppige samtaler kan måske hjælpe ved svært nedsat adhærens hos belastede patienter med hiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barfod, Toke Seierøe; Bergstedt, Winnie


    This pilot study investigates the feasibility and effect of an intervention based on coaching and directly observed therapy (DOT), aimed at patients who are HIV-positive and have massive adherence problems and treatment failure. Participants were followed six months with coaching, homework and DOT...

  10. Sammensvorne designere med succes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dickson, Thomas


    Den danske tegnestue Komplot Design har for nylig oplevet den ære, at to af deres stole bliver brugt i cafeerne på det nyindrettede Museum of Modern Art i New York. Men det er ikke kun med møbler, de har succes - tegnestuen kaster sig med iver over mange slags produkter.......Den danske tegnestue Komplot Design har for nylig oplevet den ære, at to af deres stole bliver brugt i cafeerne på det nyindrettede Museum of Modern Art i New York. Men det er ikke kun med møbler, de har succes - tegnestuen kaster sig med iver over mange slags produkter....

  11. Processeringsoptimering med Canons software

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Precht, Helle


    . Muligheder i software optimering blev studeret i relation til optimal billedkvalitet og kontrol optagelser, for at undersøge om det var muligt at acceptere diagnostisk billedkvalitet og derved tage afsæt i ALARA. Metode og materialer Et kvantitativt eksperimentelt studie baseret på forsøg med teknisk og...... humant fantom. CD Rad fantom anvendes som teknisk fantom, hvor billederne blev analyseret med CD Rad software, og resultatet var en objektiv IQF værdi. Det humane fantom var et lamme pelvis med femur, der via NRPB’ er sammenlignelig med absorptionen ved et femårigt barn. De humane forsøgsbilleder blev...

  12. Negative cancer beliefs, recognition of cancer symptoms and anticipated time to help-seeking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Anette Fischer; Forbes, Lindsay; Brain, Kate


    Tidlig diagnostik af kræftsygdomme kræver, at vi ved, hvad der kan anspore eller stå i vejen for lægesøgning hos personer med symptomer på mulig kræft. Denne undersøgelse viser, at personer med godt kendskab til kræftsymptomer og/eller få negative holdninger til kræft angiver, at de ville søge læ...

  13. PubMed-EX: a web browser extension to enhance PubMed search with text mining features. (United States)

    Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Dai, Hong-Jie; Lai, Po-Ting; Huang, Chi-Hsin


    PubMed-EX is a browser extension that marks up PubMed search results with additional text-mining information. PubMed-EX's page mark-up, which includes section categorization and gene/disease and relation mark-up, can help researchers to quickly focus on key terms and provide additional information on them. All text processing is performed server-side, freeing up user resources. PubMed-EX is freely available at and

  14. Ulykke med hækkesaks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leth, Peter Mygind


    Snitsår med blødning fra en overskåret pulsåre på armen forekommer hyppigt ved selvmordsforsøg, men har sjældent et dødeligt forløb. Her gives et eksempel på en isoleret partiel overklipning af a.ulnaris ved en ulykke med en hækkesaks med dødelig forløbende blødning.......Snitsår med blødning fra en overskåret pulsåre på armen forekommer hyppigt ved selvmordsforsøg, men har sjældent et dødeligt forløb. Her gives et eksempel på en isoleret partiel overklipning af a.ulnaris ved en ulykke med en hækkesaks med dødelig forløbende blødning....

  15. Modeller forudsiger klimarespons hos træer og buske

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meilby, Henrik


    Modeller baseret på målinger af træer og buskes årringe afslører, hvilke klimatiske faktorer der lokalt er afgørende for deres vækst. Det kan hjælpe os med at forstå nogle af de ændringer, der sker i vegetationen, for eksempel i Grønland og i alpine områder. Med udgangspunkt i klimafrem- skrivnin......Modeller baseret på målinger af træer og buskes årringe afslører, hvilke klimatiske faktorer der lokalt er afgørende for deres vækst. Det kan hjælpe os med at forstå nogle af de ændringer, der sker i vegetationen, for eksempel i Grønland og i alpine områder. Med udgangspunkt i klimafrem...

  16. Dermatologiske reaktioner hos patienter i antineoplastisk behandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prasad, Sumangali Chandra; Vestergaard, Hanne; Bygum, Anette


    Every year more than 33,000 Danish patients are treated with traditional chemotherapy or targeted therapy against cancer. Cutaneous side effects to these therapies are common and may contribute significantly to the morbidity, but rarely to the mortality of the patients undergoing these treatments....... We present the most classical types of drug rashes associated with antineoplastic therapy. Haematologists, oncologists and dermatologists should be aware of these reactions and early recognition and management is important for providing optimal care....

  17. Reproducibility, validity, and responsiveness of the hip outcome score in patients with end-stage hip osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Naal, Florian D; Impellizzeri, Franco M; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger; Mannion, Anne F; Leunig, Michael


    To evaluate reproducibility, validity, and responsiveness of the Hip Outcome Score (HOS) in patients with end-stage hip osteoarthritis. In a cohort of 157 consecutive patients (mean age 66 years; 79 women) undergoing total hip replacement, the HOS was tested for the following measurement properties: feasibility (percentage of evaluable questionnaires), reproducibility (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] and standard error of measurement [SEM]), construct validity (correlation with the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index [WOMAC], Oxford Hip Score [OHS], Short Form 12 health survey, and University of California, Los Angeles activity scale), internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha), factorial validity (factor analysis), floor and ceiling effects, and internal and external responsiveness at 6 months after surgery (standardized response mean and change score correlations). Missing items occurred frequently. Five percent to 6% of the HOS activities of daily living (ADL) subscales and 20-32% of the sport subscales could not be scored. ICCs were 0.92 for both subscales. SEMs were 1.8 points (ADL subscale) and 2.3 points (sport subscale). Highest correlations were found with the OHS (r = 0.81 for ADL subscale and r = 0.58 for sport subscale) and the WOMAC physical function subscale (r = 0.83 for ADL subscale and r = 0.56 for sport subscale). Cronbach's alpha was 0.93 and 0.88 for the ADL and sport subscales, respectively. Neither unidimensionality of the subscales nor the 2-factor structure was supported by factor analysis. Both subscales showed good internal and external responsiveness. The HOS is reproducible and responsive when assessing patients with end-stage hip osteoarthritis in whom the items are relevant. However, based on the large proportion of missing data and the findings of the factor analysis, we cannot recommend this questionnaire for routine use in this target group. Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Rheumatology.

  18. CDAPubMed: a browser extension to retrieve EHR-based biomedical literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perez-Rey David


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Over the last few decades, the ever-increasing output of scientific publications has led to new challenges to keep up to date with the literature. In the biomedical area, this growth has introduced new requirements for professionals, e.g., physicians, who have to locate the exact papers that they need for their clinical and research work amongst a huge number of publications. Against this backdrop, novel information retrieval methods are even more necessary. While web search engines are widespread in many areas, facilitating access to all kinds of information, additional tools are required to automatically link information retrieved from these engines to specific biomedical applications. In the case of clinical environments, this also means considering aspects such as patient data security and confidentiality or structured contents, e.g., electronic health records (EHRs. In this scenario, we have developed a new tool to facilitate query building to retrieve scientific literature related to EHRs. Results We have developed CDAPubMed, an open-source web browser extension to integrate EHR features in biomedical literature retrieval approaches. Clinical users can use CDAPubMed to: (i load patient clinical documents, i.e., EHRs based on the Health Level 7-Clinical Document Architecture Standard (HL7-CDA, (ii identify relevant terms for scientific literature search in these documents, i.e., Medical Subject Headings (MeSH, automatically driven by the CDAPubMed configuration, which advanced users can optimize to adapt to each specific situation, and (iii generate and launch literature search queries to a major search engine, i.e., PubMed, to retrieve citations related to the EHR under examination. Conclusions CDAPubMed is a platform-independent tool designed to facilitate literature searching using keywords contained in specific EHRs. CDAPubMed is visually integrated, as an extension of a widespread web browser, within the standard

  19. Cochlear implantation with Pulsar Med El: a novel small incision technique. (United States)

    Cuda, D


    Although still widely implanted, Pulsar Med-El is rarely considered for small incision approach. Overall, 30 teen-age and adult patients were operated upon with a novel small incision (4-5 cm). Full insertion of the electrode array was achieved in all cases. No major intra-operative complications occurred. At follow-up, no flap-related complications and no migration of the receiver-stimulator were observed in the "device suture" (14 patients) or "no device suture" groups (16 patients). All patients are full-time users of the device. In conclusion, a small incision for the Pulsar Med-El cochlear implant is feasible, safe and reproducible. Ligature fixation of the device is not critical with this operation. Also with this device, in adult and teen-age patients, it is, therefore, possible to retain several typical advantages of small incision approaches.

  20. Myokarditis med massivt troponin T-udslip forårsaget af varicella zoster-infektion hos teenager

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nystrup, Kristin Brønnum; Stantchev, Hristo


    Chickenpox is a common childhood infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Complications are rare. We report on a 15-year-old boy who developed myocarditis during a varicella-zoster infection. The patient presented with severe chest pain, examinations revealed significant ST-elevations in t...

  1. Bulldog-paradokset

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandøe, Peter


    Hidtil har det været en udbredt opfattelse, at problemer med usunde racehunde alene skyldes kyniske avlere. Resultater fra en dansk undersøgelse peger dog på, at ansvaret for problemet også ligger hos dem, der efterspørger de usunde recahunde....

  2. MedPAC Data Book (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — MedPACs Data Book is the result of discussions with congressional staff members regarding ways that MedPAC can better support them. Some of the information it...

  3. The MEDIATOR genes MED12 and MED13 control Arabidopsis root system configuration influencing sugar and auxin responses. (United States)

    Raya-González, Javier; López-Bucio, Jesús Salvador; Prado-Rodríguez, José Carlos; Ruiz-Herrera, León Francisco; Guevara-García, Ángel Arturo; López-Bucio, José


    Arabidopsis med12 and med13 mutants exhibit shoot and root phenotypes related to an altered auxin homeostasis. Sucrose supplementation reactivates both cell division and elongation in primary roots as well as auxin-responsive and stem cell niche gene expression in these mutants. An analysis of primary root growth of WT, med12, aux1-7 and med12 aux1 single and double mutants in response to sucrose and/or N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) placed MED12 upstream of auxin transport for the sugar modulation of root growth. The MEDIATOR (MED) complex plays diverse functions in plant development, hormone signaling and biotic and abiotic stress tolerance through coordination of transcription. Here, we performed genetic, developmental, molecular and pharmacological analyses to characterize the role of MED12 and MED13 on the configuration of root architecture and its relationship with auxin and sugar responses. Arabidopsis med12 and med13 single mutants exhibit shoot and root phenotypes consistent with altered auxin homeostasis including altered primary root growth, lateral root development, and root hair elongation. MED12 and MED13 were required for activation of cell division and elongation in primary roots, as well as auxin-responsive and stem cell niche gene expression. Remarkably, most of these mutant phenotypes were rescued by supplying sucrose to the growth medium. The growth response of primary roots of WT, med12, aux1-7 and med12 aux1 single and double mutants to sucrose and application of auxin transport inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) revealed the correlation of med12 phenotype with the activity of the auxin intake permease and suggests that MED12 acts upstream of AUX1 in the root growth response to sugar. These data provide compelling evidence that MEDIATOR links sugar sensing to auxin transport and distribution during root morphogenesis.

  4. Leg med vision

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk, Mette; Bertelsen, Katrine


    Bogen henvender sig primært til det pædagogiske personale med målgruppen daginstitutioner. Bogen skal stimulere arbejdet med at gøre bevægelse til en integreret del af kulturen i daginstitutioner - at få det pædagogiske personale til - at sætte ord på og spørgsmålstegn ved deres pædagogiske bevæg...

  5. Lærere arbejder med landskabsdannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Valg af materiale/medie/form: YOUtube videoklip. Valg af arbejdsform: Lærere der er igang med at afprøve praktisk undersøgende arbejde med danske landskabsformer. Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: Ultrakort videoklip valgt så 1) lærerne kan dele med kolleger, 2) øvrige...

  6. Den skrøbelige sandhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Peter Ole


    Artiklen retter fokus mod de seneste års udvikling af den aktivistiske dokumentarfilm. Med analytiske punktnedslag hos instruktørerne Michael Moore, Morgan Spurlock, Dylan Avery, Robert Greenwald og Mauro Andrizzi undersøges de forbindelser der eksisterer mellem udtrykket i de populære spillefilm...

  7. Deriving common comorbidity indices from the MedDRA classification and exploring their performance on key outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (United States)

    Putrik, Polina; Ramiro, Sofia; Lie, Elisabeth; Michaud, Kaleb; Kvamme, Maria K; Keszei, Andras P; Kvien, Tore K; Uhlig, Till; Boonen, Annelies


    To develop algorithms for calculating the Rheumatic Diseases Comorbidity Index (RDCI), Charlson-Deyo Index (CDI) and Functional Comorbidity Index (FCI) from the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA), and to assess how these MedDRA-derived indices predict clinical outcomes, utility and health resource utilization (HRU). Two independent researchers linked the preferred terms of the MedDRA classification into the conditions included in the RDCI, the CDI and the FCI. Next, using data from the Norwegian Register-DMARD study (a register of patients with inflammatory joint diseases treated with DMARDs), the explanatory value of these indices was studied in models adjusted for age, gender and DAS28. Model fit statistics were compared in generalized estimating equation (prediction of outcome over time) models using as outcomes: modified HAQ, HAQ, physical and mental component summary of SF-36, SF6D and non-RA related HRU. Among 4126 patients with RA [72% female, mean (s.d.) age 56 (14) years], median (interquartile range) of RDCI at baseline was 0.0 (1.0) [range 0-6], CDI 0.0 (0.0) [0-7] and FCI 0.0 (1.0) [0-6]. All the comorbidity indices were associated with each outcome, and differences in their performance were moderate. The RDCI and FCI performed better on clinical outcomes: modified HAQ and HAQ, hospitalization, physical and mental component summary, and SF6D. Any non-RA related HRU was best predicted by RDCI followed by CDI. An algorithm is now available to compute three commonly used comorbidity indices from MedDRA classification. Indices performed comparably well in predicting a variety of outcomes, with the CDI performing slightly worse when predicting outcomes reflecting functioning and health. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  8. Med Kingo på dybt vand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arndal, Lars Stubbe


    Tag med digteren Thomas Kingo ud på dybt vand i selskab med lektor og Lars Arndal, der kaster nye perspektiver på Kingos forlisdigt Hierte-Suk. Arndal kommer hermed også med et bud på, hvordan man som lærer kan invitere eleverne med på opdagelse i digtet...

  9. Death, dying and informatics: misrepresenting religion on MedLine. (United States)

    Rodríguez Del Pozo, Pablo; Fins, Joseph J


    The globalization of medical science carries for doctors worldwide a correlative duty to deepen their understanding of patients' cultural contexts and religious backgrounds, in order to satisfy each as a unique individual. To become better informed, practitioners may turn to MedLine, but it is unclear whether the information found there is an accurate representation of culture and religion. To test MedLine's representation of this field, we chose the topic of death and dying in the three major monotheistic religions. We searched MedLine using PubMed in order to retrieve and thematically analyze full-length scholarly journal papers or case reports dealing with religious traditions and end-of-life care. Our search consisted of a string of words that included the most common denominations of the three religions, the standard heading terms used by the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (NRCBL), and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) used by the National Library of Medicine. Eligible articles were limited to English-language papers with an abstract. We found that while a bibliographic search in MedLine on this topic produced instant results and some valuable literature, the aggregate reflected a selection bias. American writers were over-represented given the global prevalence of these religious traditions. Denominationally affiliated authors predominated in representing the Christian traditions. The Islamic tradition was under-represented. MedLine's capability to identify the most current, reliable and accurate information about purely scientific topics should not be assumed to be the same case when considering the interface of religion, culture and end-of-life care.

  10. MED, COMP, multilayered and NEIN: an overview of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lachman, Ralph S. [International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry, UCLA School of Medicine, Radiological Services, Department of Pediatrics, Los Angeles, CA (United States); International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Krakow, Deborah; Cohn, Daniel H.; Rimoin, David L. [International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry, UCLA School of Medicine, Radiological Services, Department of Pediatrics, Los Angeles, CA (United States)


    This overview covers the group of disorders that presents radiographically as multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED). The disorders include ''classic MED'' (Ribbing and Fairbank types): MED that is caused by mutations in the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), type IX collagen, and matrilin 3 genes (MATN3); and MED with multilayered patella, brachydactyly, and clubbed feet resultant from mutations in gene defect diastrophic dysplasia (DTDST). The recently identified gene/molecular abnormalities in these disorders have made more exact identification possible in many cases, although clinical testing is not always available. However, there are specific radiographic findings that allow the accurate diagnosis to be made, thus potentially guiding which molecular defect(s) should be investigated. The modes of inheritance of these distinct MED conditions are not identical. When a specific diagnosis is made, proper genetic counseling as well as prognostication, management issues and complications can be delineated to the patient and family. This review will include the mechanics of diagnostic and molecular triage for these disorders. (orig.)

  11. Den spelifierade arbetsplatsen : ett medarbetarperspektiv på motivation


    Eklund, Max; Harry, Elin


    Denna studie syftar till att bidra med kunskap om hur anställda upplever motivation i samband med användandet av ett spelifieringsprogram. Detta har konkretiserats med hjälp av frågeställningarna ”På vilket sätt påverkar spelifieringen de anställdas motivation?” och ”Vilka konsekvenser upplever anställda att spelifieringen har för deras arbetssituation?” För att behandla frågeställningarna har åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda genomförts hos ett företag som använder sig av ett s...

  12. VISUALISERINGSTAVLA : Visualisering av Kanban boards


    Y. F. Sam, Adam


    Hos många företag används whiteboards för att visualisera arbetsprocessen. En vanlig metodik för detta är så kallade Kanban boards, ett system av tabeller och lappar för att indikera olika avvikelser eller moment i projekt med datum och annan relevant information. Företag kan även välja att använda en mjukvara som simulerar samma metodik, ett exempel på detta är så kallade Elektroniska kanban boards. I detta arbete har båda dessa metoder (whiteboard samt en digital lösning) observerats hos tr...

  13. Måling af lungefunktion hos patienter indlagt med akut forvaerring af kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom eller astma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lange, Peter; Rasmussen, Lisbeth Kappelgaard; Said, Nihaya Mahmoud


    Acute exacerbation of COPD or asthma leads to many acute hospital admissions every year. Even though the pathogenesis of these diseases differs, in both cases the cardinal manifestation is increased airway obstruction, which can be measured using peak expiratory flow measurement (PEF......) or measurement of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)....

  14. Generel populationsscreening af mentalt helbred hos småbørn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ammitzbøll, Janni; Skovgaard, Anne Mette; Kreiner, Svend

    Psykiske vanskeligheder rammer mere end 10 % af børnepopulationen, og udgør de hyppigste årsager til sociale og helbredsmæssige problemer hos børn og unge. De fleste former for psykiske forstyrrelser opstår tidligt i livet, og intervention i førskolealderen vil kunne begrænse udviklingen af...... autismetilstande, adfærdsforstyrrelser og ADHD. Resultater fra det danske forløbsstudie CCC2000 har vist at mentale helbredsproblemer kan opspores ved sundhedsplejerskernes hjemmebesøg. Forudsætningen er, at der foreligger valide screeningsmetoder, hvilket der ikke gør i dag. Der findes således ikke validerede...... hyppighed i normalbefolkningen. Undersøgelsen viser at validiteten er høj og at PUF er egnet til populationsscreening. Analyser af den prædiktive validitet af PUF er i gang, og der er planlagt udvikling af en interventionsmetode, der kan kobles til PUF screeningen. Såfremt tidlig intervention baseret på PUF...

  15. Molecular Methods for Typing of Streptococcus agalactiae with Special Emphasis on the Development and Validation of a Multi-Locus Variable Number of Tandem Repeats Assay (MLVA)


    Radtke, Andreas


    Molekylære metoder for typing av Streptococcus agalactiae med særlig vektlegging av utvikling og validering av et multi-locus variable number of tandem repeats assay (MLVA) Sammendraget: Streptococcus agalactiae eller gruppe B streptokokker (GBS) forårsaker livsfarlige infeksjoner hos nyfødte, gravide eller voksne med kroniske sykdommer. Den forårsaker også jurbetennelse i storfe. Typing av GBS gir innblikk i bakteriens epidemiologi og dens fylogenetiske slektskap. Ulike deler av bakterie...

  16. Panik i rummet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Peter Ole


    Artikel om overvågning og film med fokus på den særlige Home invasion-genre, der er udbredt både i Hollywood-blockbusters, horrorfilm og moderne klassikere. Det psykologiske, statusmæssige og politiske aspekt hos husejeren diskuteres gennem David Finchers 2002-thriller Panic Room....

  17. Vores indtryks udtryk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermann, Jesper


    William James' Principles of Psychology er mit udgangspunkt for at se sammenhængende på vore psykologiske funktioner som vores mentale forankring i verden. Hvordan kan vi, med støtte hos sprogforskeren Otto Jespersen, dernæst undersøge 'vores indtryks udtryk' (sprogpsykologiens genstand) som...

  18. Ave Maria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Imer, Lisbeth


    På nationalmuseerne i Grønland og i Danmark ligger en guldgrube af indskrifter, som giver os en enestående mulighed for at beskrive skriftkulturen hos landbefolkningen i middelalderen. Fra nordbotidens Grønland (ca. 985-1450) stammer omkring 150 genstande med runer og latinske bogstaver, som vise...

  19. Death, dying and informatics: misrepresenting religion on MedLine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fins Joseph J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The globalization of medical science carries for doctors worldwide a correlative duty to deepen their understanding of patients' cultural contexts and religious backgrounds, in order to satisfy each as a unique individual. To become better informed, practitioners may turn to MedLine, but it is unclear whether the information found there is an accurate representation of culture and religion. To test MedLine's representation of this field, we chose the topic of death and dying in the three major monotheistic religions. Methods We searched MedLine using PubMed in order to retrieve and thematically analyze full-length scholarly journal papers or case reports dealing with religious traditions and end-of-life care. Our search consisted of a string of words that included the most common denominations of the three religions, the standard heading terms used by the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (NRCBL, and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH used by the National Library of Medicine. Eligible articles were limited to English-language papers with an abstract. Results We found that while a bibliographic search in MedLine on this topic produced instant results and some valuable literature, the aggregate reflected a selection bias. American writers were over-represented given the global prevalence of these religious traditions. Denominationally affiliated authors predominated in representing the Christian traditions. The Islamic tradition was under-represented. Conclusion MedLine's capability to identify the most current, reliable and accurate information about purely scientific topics should not be assumed to be the same case when considering the interface of religion, culture and end-of-life care.

  20. PubMed had a higher sensitivity than Ovid-MEDLINE in the search for systematic reviews. (United States)

    Katchamart, Wanruchada; Faulkner, Amy; Feldman, Brian; Tomlinson, George; Bombardier, Claire


    To compare the performance of Ovid-MEDLINE vs. PubMed for identifying randomized controlled trials of methotrexate (MTX) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We created search strategies for Ovid-MEDLINE and PubMed for a systematic review of MTX in RA. Their performance was evaluated using sensitivity, precision, and number needed to read (NNR). Comparing searches in Ovid-MEDLINE vs. PubMed, PubMed retrieved more citations overall than Ovid-MEDLINE; however, of the 20 citations that met eligibility criteria for the review, Ovid-MEDLINE retrieved 17 and PubMed 18. The sensitivity was 85% for Ovid-MEDLINE vs. 90% for PubMed, whereas the precision and NNR were comparable (precision: 0.881% for Ovid-MEDLINE vs. 0.884% for PubMed and NNR: 114 for Ovid-MEDLINE vs. 113 for PubMed). In systematic reviews of RA, PubMed has higher sensitivity than Ovid-MEDLINE with comparable precision and NNR. This study highlights the importance of well-designed database-specific search strategies. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. "MedTRIS" (Medical Triage and Registration Informatics System): A Web-based Client Server System for the Registration of Patients Being Treated in First Aid Posts at Public Events and Mass Gatherings. (United States)

    Gogaert, Stefan; Vande Veegaete, Axel; Scholliers, Annelies; Vandekerckhove, Philippe


    First aid (FA) services are provisioned on-site as a preventive measure at most public events. In Flanders, Belgium, the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders (BRCF) is the major provider of these FA services with volunteers being deployed at approximately 10,000 public events annually. The BRCF has systematically registered information on the patients being treated in FA posts at major events and mass gatherings during the last 10 years. This information has been collected in a web-based client server system called "MedTRIS" (Medical Triage and Registration Informatics System). MedTRIS contains data on more than 200,000 patients at 335 mass events. This report describes the MedTRIS architecture, the data collected, and how the system operates in the field. This database consolidates different types of information with regards to FA interventions in a standardized way for a variety of public events. MedTRIS allows close monitoring in "real time" of the situation at mass gatherings and immediate intervention, when necessary; allows more accurate prediction of resources needed; allows to validate conceptual and predictive models for medical resources at (mass) public events; and can contribute to the definition of a standardized minimum data set (MDS) for mass-gathering health research and evaluation. Gogaert S , Vande veegaete A , Scholliers A , Vandekerckhove P . "MedTRIS" (Medical Triage and Registration Informatics System): a web-based client server system for the registration of patients being treated in first aid posts at public events and mass gatherings. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2016;31(5):557-562.

  2. Hvordan dannes en psykologisk og videnskabelig habitus hos psykologistuderende?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feilberg, Casper


    Hvad er målet med en universitetsuddannelse, og mere specifikt, hvad er målet med og kvalitet i et cand.psych.-studieforløb? Dette spørgsmål tager en ph.d.-afhandling fra Institut for Psykologi og Uddannelsesforskning (RUC) fat på, og den er dermed et bidrag til den aktuelle debat inden for profe...

  3. Yrkesforberedelse eller fagopplæring med fagbrev? Med design og håndverk som kontekst

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bjørn Magne Aakre


    Full Text Available Artikkelen drøfter forholdet mellom yrkesforberedelse og fagopplæring med utgangspunkt i den kombinerte studieretningen formgivingsfag som ble innført i Norge i 1994. I 2006 ble den delt i et programfag under studiespesialiserende fag, og et nytt yrkesfaglig program med betegnelse design og håndverk. Hvilke interesser lå til grunn for endringene, hvor dyptgripende ble de og hvilke overveieleser kan en gjøre i ettertid om forholdet mellom yrkesforberedelse og fagopplæring? Artikkelen søker å svare på spørsmålene ut fra relevante dokumenter og to kvantitative undersøkelser med elever og lærere som informanter. Artikkelen konkluderer med at innholdet forble nokså likt, antall elever ble halvert og at frafallet økte. Det konkluderes videre med at mange forhold bidrar til å legitimere et fag og dets innhold som henholdsvis skolefag, vitenskapsfag eller yrkesfag. Legitimeringen preges ofte av motstridende motiver og interesser, og sjelden bare faglige begrunnelser.

  4. Redox regulation of the MED28 and MED32 mediator subunits is important for development and senescence. (United States)

    Shaikhali, Jehad; Davoine, Céline; Björklund, Stefan; Wingsle, Gunnar


    Mediator is a conserved multi-protein complex that acts as a bridge between promoter-bound transcriptional regulators and RNA polymerase II. While redox signaling is important in adjusting plant metabolism and development, the involvement of Mediator in redox homeostasis and regulation only recently started to emerge. Our previous results show that the MED10a, MED28, and MED32 Mediator subunits form various types of covalent oligomers linked by intermolecular disulfide bonds in vitro. To link that with biological significance we have characterized Arabidopsis med32 and med28 mutants and found that they are affected in root development and senescence, phenotypes possibly associated to redox changes.

  5. Unbiased estimates of number and size of rat dorsal root ganglion cells in studies of structure and cell survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lamm, Trine Tandrup

    Neurodegenerative sygdomme er karakteriseret ved tab af nervefibre og nervecellelegemer. Tilstande med fysiske eller toksikologiske beskadigelser af de primære sensoriske nerveceller hos rotten har ofte været anvendt som model for forståelse af de processer, der fører til celledød eller -overleve...

  6. Fagdidaktik i teater og drama

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krøgholt, Ida; Kirk, Hanne; Guldhammer, Astrid

    produkter med gennemslagskraft. ”Attack your competitors with innovation” lyder IKEAs salgsslogan, og hos IKEA bliver kunstfagenes kompetencer derfor brugt som en hård konkurrenceparameter. På den anden side er kunstfagene mere truet end nogensinde før, da deres plads på skoleskemaet løbende er blevet...

  7. Konglomerater i agro- og fødevareindustrien - et overstået kapitel?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    det seneste har også DLG ændret kurs bort fra konglomerat-tankegangen. Konglomerater har indbyggede styrker og svagheder, så det er nødvendigt med en individuel vurdering i hvert enkelt tilfælde. Generelt er konglomerater dog lavt prissat, og deres afkast er mindre end afkastet hos sammenlignelige...

  8. Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia (MED: A Rare Type of Skeletal Dysplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Imnul Islam


    Full Text Available Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED is a congenital disorder of skeletal development that primarily affects the ends of long bones, causing progressive joint and bone inflammation and short stature. Mutations in several genes are responsible for pathogenesis of this disease. We are reporting a case of MED who presented with the complaints of multiple swelling of the joints which was associated with pain during movement for last seven years. The patient had flexion deformity of all the affected joints along with restriction of movement. These were associated with kyphosis, pectus carnitum, knock-knee and short stature. Radiological findings were suggestive of MED. Counseling was done with the parents regarding the etiology, progression and outcome of the disease.DOI: BSMMU J 2012; 5(1:57-60 

  9. DailyMed (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — DailyMed provides high quality information about marketed drugs. This information includes FDA labels (package inserts). This Web site provides health information...

  10. Trombotisk trombocytopenisk purpura hos barn med lavt ADAMTS13 enzymniveau

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spangenberg, Katrine Bredsdorff; Clasen-Linde, Erik; Poulsen, Anja


    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a rare condition, but important to consider in case of thrombocytopenia and haemolysis. It is imperative to proceed with the correct treatment, in order to ensure a satisfactory outcome. TTP is either acquired or idiopathic. This case report shows...

  11. Demyeliniserende sygdom hos børn med akutte neurologiske symptomer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olofsson, Isa Amalie; Skov, Liselotte; Miranda, Maria Jose


    Demyelinating diseases in children is a broad group of illnesses, which affect the central nervous system. Demyelinating diseases can be monophasic or chronic and comprise acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica...

  12. Färgval hos blomkrabbspindeln (Misumena vatia) med och utan konkurrens


    Kangasniemi, Sanna


    The colour choice of spiders and the effects of competition on this phenomenon were examined in the laboratory using the sit-and-wait predator goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia, (Thomisidae)). This species can  be both white and yellow (could also change colour)  and it was here examined whether individuals preferred to sit on flowers which has the same colouration as their bodies. I found that M.vatia showed preference for flowers that matched their own body colour, but when competition ...

  13. Hjertetamponade hos et praematurt barn med perkutant anlagt centralt venekateter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Callesen, Michael T; Nielsen, Peter Ehlert


    We report a case of a premature girl born with a gestational age of 26 weeks who developed cardiac tamponade after displacement of a peripheral inserted central catheter. She recovered completely after an acutely performed pericardiocentesis. The pericardial fluid was consistent with parental...

  14. Toksisk shock syndrom. Et tilfoelde hos et barn med forbroending

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glazowski, M J; Ostergaard, G Z; Arpi, M


    A case of the toxic shock syndrome (TSS) in a burnt (scalded) child is presented. TSS is a condition most frequently associated with menstruating women using tampons. In recent years, however, increased knowledge of the syndrome has led to an increase in the number of reported cases associated...

  15. Demyeliniserende sygdom hos børn med akutte neurologiske symptomer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olofsson, Isa Amalie; Skov, Liselotte; Miranda, Maria Jose


    Demyelinating diseases in children is a broad group of illnesses, which affect the central nervous system. Demyelinating diseases can be monophasic or chronic and comprise acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica. Demye...

  16. Kroniske lungeforandringer hos børn med langvarig produktiv hoste

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Foghsgaard, Jakob; Nir, Marta; Marthin, June K


    A productive (sounding) cough is always abnormal, and suppurative lung disease should be considered. A chronic suppurative cough may be associated with the destruction of the bronchial wall (bronchiectasis). The most commonly identifiable cause of suppurative cough is cystic fibrosis. This article...

  17. Sociale indsatser til mennesker med ADHD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bengtsson, Steen; Alim, Winnie; Holmskov, Henriette

    Igennem de seneste år har flere og flere fået stillet diagnosen ADHD, som er en adfærdsmæssig forstyrrelse. Mennesker med ADHD har meget forskelligt støttebehov, og rapportens formål er at skabe overblik over de eksisterende sociale indsatser og tilbud til børn, unge og voksne med ADHD. Langt de...... ansvar for sociale end for terapeutiske tilbud i forhold til gruppen med ADHD. Mange voksne med ADHD beskriver, at det kræver mange ressourcer at få den fornødne støtte fra kommunen, mens forældre til børn med ADHD oplever det som nemmere at få adgang til de rette støttetilbud. Men begge grupper møder...... mange udfordringer som fx manglende koordinering og hyppige sagsbehandlerskift. Rapporten er udarbejdet i tilknytning til Servicestyrelsens projekt ’Ny og forstærket indsats til børn, unge og voksne med ADHD’ og er finansieret af Socialministeriet....

  18. First Turkish Experience with the MicroMed DeBakey VAD®


    Kucukaksu, Deniz Suha; Sener, Erol; Undar, Akif; Noon, George P.; Tasdemir, Oguz


    Mechanical bridging to cardiac transplantation with a ventricular assist device may be a life-saving procedure for patients with end-stage heart failure. Here we report our 3 cases of patients implanted with the MicroMed DeBakey VA® (ventricular assist device). Three male patients, aged 37, 41, and 40, had end-stage left heart failure due to idiopathic cardiomyopathy and were listed for cardiac transplantation. They had progressive hemodynamic deterioration. Although Patient 1 underwent surge...

  19. Psykiske problemer hos 5-7 årige

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skovgaard, Anne Mette; Elberling, Hanne


    Resultater fra fødselskohorten CCC2000 viser, at en gruppe børn har betydelige problemer i tiden omkring skolestart, som indikerer, at disse børn vil få vanskeligheder i skoletilværelsen. Dette gælder først og fremmest børn med ASD og ADHD problemstillinger, hvis kognitive vanskeligheder kompromi......Resultater fra fødselskohorten CCC2000 viser, at en gruppe børn har betydelige problemer i tiden omkring skolestart, som indikerer, at disse børn vil få vanskeligheder i skoletilværelsen. Dette gælder først og fremmest børn med ASD og ADHD problemstillinger, hvis kognitive vanskeligheder...... et tidspunkt hvor intervention må forventes at kunne bremse en del af sygdomsudviklingen....

  20. Eksperimentel bakteriofagterapi til behandling af kronisk Pseudomonas aeruginosaotitis hos hund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moodley, Arshnee; Mølgaard, Jesper


    Vi beskriver en case med anvendelsen af bakteriofager til behandling af kronisk otitis forårsaget af multiresistente Pseudomonas aeruginosa som en sidste behandlingsmulighed før aflivning. Trods gentagne behandlinger, både topikalt og systemisk, med op til seks forskellige antibiotika over en...

  1. PubMed (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to...

  2. PubMed

    CERN Document Server

    PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's search service that provides access to over 10 million citations in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, and other related databases, with links to participating online journals.

  3. Quality of life in urinary bladder and prostate cancer patients


    Schmidt, Stefanie, 1979-


    The overall objective of this thesis was to describe the evolution of Health-Related Quality of Life in Spanish patients with urologic tumours; and to the examine clinical and treatment-related factors associated with changes in Health-Related Quality of Life during the first year of treatment. The EMPARO project is an observational, multicenter, prospective study on patients diagnosed with bladder cancer (n=326) and prostate cancer (n=472). Consecutive patients were enrolled in 7 Spanish hos...

  4. The SPYRAL HTN Global Clinical Trial Program: Rationale and design for studies of renal denervation in the absence (SPYRAL HTN OFF-MED) and presence (SPYRAL HTN ON-MED) of antihypertensive medications. (United States)

    Kandzari, David E; Kario, Kazuomi; Mahfoud, Felix; Cohen, Sidney A; Pilcher, Garrett; Pocock, Stuart; Townsend, Raymond; Weber, Michael A; Böhm, Michael


    Renal sympathetic activation plays a key role in the pathogenesis of hypertension, as demonstrated by high renal norepinephrine spillover into plasma of patients with essential hypertension. Renal denervation has demonstrated a significant reduction in blood pressure in unblinded studies of hypertensive patients. The SYMPLICITY HTN-3 trial, the first prospective, masked, randomized study of renal denervation versus sham control, failed its primary efficacy end point and raised important questions around potentially confounding factors, such as drug changes and adherence, study population, and procedural methods. The SPYRAL HTN Global Clinical Trial Program is designed to address limitations associated with predicate studies and provide insight into the impact of pharmacotherapy on renal denervation efficacy. The 2 initial trials of the program focus on the effect of renal denervation using the Symplicity Spyral multielectrode renal denervation catheter in hypertensive patients in the absence (SPYRAL HTN OFF-MED) and presence (SPYRAL HTN ON-MED) of antihypertensive medications. The SPYRAL HTN ON-MED study requires patients to be treated with a consistent triple therapy antihypertensive regimen, whereas the SPYRAL HTN OFF-MED study includes a 3- to 4-week drug washout period followed by a 3-month efficacy and safety end point in the absence of antihypertensive medications. The studies will randomize patients with combined systolic-diastolic hypertension to renal denervation or sham procedure. Both studies allow renal denervation treatments in renal artery branches and accessories. These studies will inform the design of the second pivotal phase of the program, which will more definitively analyze the antihypertensive effect of renal denervation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Praktische handleiding PubMed : hét boek om snel en doeltreffend te zoeken in PubMed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Etten-Jamaludin, van F.; Deurenberg, H.W.J.


    Praktische handleidng PubMed is de eerste Nederlandstalige gids die op overzichtelijke wijze op de uitgebreide mogelijkheden van PubMed ingaat. PubMed ( biedt gratis toegang tot MEDLINE en is de meest gebruikte medische zoekmachine. In deze geheel herziene derde editie van Praktisch

  6. Towards PubMed 2.0. (United States)

    Fiorini, Nicolas; Lipman, David J; Lu, Zhiyong


    Staff from the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the US describe recent improvements to the PubMed search engine and outline plans for the future, including a new experimental site called PubMed Labs.

  7. Hjemtagning af dialysebehandling til grønlandske patienter med kronisk nyresvigt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kronborg, Christian; Kjær, Trine; Bech, Mickael

    en periode på 10 år forventes at medføre ekstraomkostninger på ca. 13,9 millioner kroner sammenlignet med at lade patienterne behandle som nu på Rigshospitalet i København. Det vil altså sige en gennemsnitlig ekstraomkostning på ca. 4 millioner kroner om året. Estimatet er dog påvirkeligt at flere...

  8. Attitudes towards people with ADHD : A quantitative study of students’ attitudes towards fictitious persons with and without ADHD diagnosis


    Oscarsson, Sandra


                  Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om det finns några skillnader gällande attityder gentemot personer med eller utan ADHD.  En enkätundersökning genomfördes med scenario som beskrev personer med typiska ADHD-beteenden. Kön på scenariopersonerna manipulerades och även om det var uttalat i scenarierna att personen hade ADHD eller inte. Bakgrundsvariabler som undersöktes var utbildning hos respondenterna och om de eller nära anhörig hade ADHD eller inte.               Result...

  9. Grasping the Existential Experience of Living with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Janni Lisander

    Dette projekt havde til formål at undersøge eksistentielle vilkår hos kvinder med sygdommen, systemisk lupus erythematosus, herunder hvordan disse vilkår blev erfaret gennem et langvarigt sygdomsforløb. Data blev konstrueret gennem 3 konsekutive, personlige interview sessions på dag 0, efter 6 og...

  10. A study of young Parisian speech

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Anita Berit


    Fransk talt i Paris har gennem århundrede udgjort en model for den øvrige franske befolkning. Udtalen er dog på ingen måde fri for variation eller forandring. Artiklen behandler udtalen hos 9 unge parisere (såvel studerende som personer med kort teknisk uddannelse), der tydeligvis deltager i flere...

  11. The MedCLIVAR Network (United States)

    Lionello, Piero; Medclivar sg, The


    The MedCLIVAR initiative was first proposed at the 2003 European Geosciences Union assembly in Nice, France. In 2005, it was endorsed by the International Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) office. Subsequently, the MedCLIVAR Research Network Project was formally approved by the European Science Foundation and launched in May 2006 with the support of funding agencies from 12 countries. Since then, MedCLIVAR has served as a scientific network to promote interaction among different scientific disciplines and to develop a multidisciplinary vision of the evolution of the Mediterranean climate through studies that integrate atmospheric, marine, and terrestrial climate components at time scales ranging from paleoreconstructions to future climate scenarios. Presently, the network continues dealing with scientific issues including past climate variability; connections between the Mediterranean and global climate; the Mediterranean Sea circulation and sea level; feedbacks on the global climate system; and regional responses to greenhouse gas, air pollution, and aerosols. Its present activities include the publication of a newsletter, the organization of the next MedCLIVAR conference in 2014 and the publication of a special issue of Regional Environmental Change devoted to the climate of the Mediterranean region.

  12. Physical Therapy Protocol After Hip Arthroscopy: Clinical Guidelines Supported by 2-Year Outcomes. (United States)

    Domb, Benjamin G; Sgroi, Terrance A; VanDevender, Jeremy C


    Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) was first described by Ganz in 2003 and is a significant cause of decreased function and mobility. Femoroacetabular impingement must be treated in an individualized, goal-oriented, stepwise fashion. This protocol was developed with biomechanical considerations of soft tissue and bony structures surrounding the hip joint. The PubMed database was searched for scientific and review articles from the years 2000 to 2015 utilizing the search terms: hip rehabilitation, femoroacetabular impingement, and arthroscopy. Clinical review. Level 5. Five hundred ninety-five of 738 patients were available for follow-up showing improvement from preoperative to 2-year follow-up of 61.29 to 82.02 for modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS), 62.79 to 83.04 for Hip Outcome Score-Activities of Daily Living (HOS-ADL), 40.96 to 70.07 for Hip Outcome Score-Sport-Specific Subscale (HOS-SSS), and 57.97 to 80.41 for Non-Arthritic Hip Score (NAHS); visual analog scale (VAS) scores decreased from 5.86 preoperatively to 2.94 postoperatively. Following a structured, criteria-based program, appropriate patients undergoing hip arthroscopy may achieve excellent outcomes and return to full independent activities of daily living as well as sport. © 2016 The Author(s).

  13. Usikkert om vægtreducerende kost påvirker risikoen for tidlig død hos patienter med hypertension--en gennemgang af et Cochranereview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Køster-Rasmussen, Rasmus; Simonsen, Mette Kildevæld; de Fine Olivarius, Niels


    The Cochrane review "Long-term effects of weight-reducing diets in hypertensive patients" fails to evaluate the primary outcomes of mortality and morbidity. It is uncertain whether weight loss in general reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and death as the relation between intentional weight...

  14. Kronisk tarmiskæmi hos en yngre patient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Koch; Kammerlander, Heidi; Cecere, Stefano


    A 46 year-old woman presented with classic symptoms. Computed tomography-angiography and duplex ultrasonography showed stenosis of the aa. mesenteria superior et inferior. The patient was moved to a university hospital and a percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with insertion of stents was perfo......A 46 year-old woman presented with classic symptoms. Computed tomography-angiography and duplex ultrasonography showed stenosis of the aa. mesenteria superior et inferior. The patient was moved to a university hospital and a percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with insertion of stents...... was performed. She was discharged shortly after feeling well....

  15. Tang med omtanke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schlundt, Jørgen


    Befolkningen bør kende både mulige positive og negative effekter af fødevarer, før de spiser dem. Det mener Jørgen Schlundt, DTU Fødevareinstituttet, med henvisning til Ole G. Mouritsens kritik af instituttets udmeldinger om tang i det seneste nummer af Aktuel Naturvidenskab.......Befolkningen bør kende både mulige positive og negative effekter af fødevarer, før de spiser dem. Det mener Jørgen Schlundt, DTU Fødevareinstituttet, med henvisning til Ole G. Mouritsens kritik af instituttets udmeldinger om tang i det seneste nummer af Aktuel Naturvidenskab....

  16. Selen og vitamin E til søer og pattegrise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, H. E.; Danielsen, V.; Simesen, M. G.


    Formålet med dette forsøg var at undersøge virkningen af foderets selen- og vitamin E indhold på søernes frugtbarhed og pattegrisenes levedygtighed og vækst. Endvidere at undersøge koncentrationen af selen (Se) og vitamin E i råmælk, somælk og blod i relation til foderet. Der forekom enkelte...... dødsfald blandt grisene, som kunne sættes i forbindelse med enten lavt Se-indhold eller lavt vitamin E indhold i foderet. Der blev desuden konstateret flere brunst- og drægtighedsproblemer hos søer, derfik foder med det lave indhold af vitamin E end hos søer i de andre grupper. En forøgelse af Se......-indholdet fra 30 til 60 µg pr. kg foder gav en fordobling af indholdet i råmælk og i somælk. En forøgelse af vitamin E indholdet i foderet fra ca. 20 mg til ca. 45 mg pr. kg foder gav 4 gange forøgelse i råmælk og somælk. Der blev konstateret tilsvarende virkninger af Se og vitamin E i foderet på indholdet i...

  17. TwiMed: Twitter and PubMed Comparable Corpus of Drugs, Diseases, Symptoms, and Their Relations. (United States)

    Alvaro, Nestor; Miyao, Yusuke; Collier, Nigel


    Work on pharmacovigilance systems using texts from PubMed and Twitter typically target at different elements and use different annotation guidelines resulting in a scenario where there is no comparable set of documents from both Twitter and PubMed annotated in the same manner. This study aimed to provide a comparable corpus of texts from PubMed and Twitter that can be used to study drug reports from these two sources of information, allowing researchers in the area of pharmacovigilance using natural language processing (NLP) to perform experiments to better understand the similarities and differences between drug reports in Twitter and PubMed. We produced a corpus comprising 1000 tweets and 1000 PubMed sentences selected using the same strategy and annotated at entity level by the same experts (pharmacists) using the same set of guidelines. The resulting corpus, annotated by two pharmacists, comprises semantically correct annotations for a set of drugs, diseases, and symptoms. This corpus contains the annotations for 3144 entities, 2749 relations, and 5003 attributes. We present a corpus that is unique in its characteristics as this is the first corpus for pharmacovigilance curated from Twitter messages and PubMed sentences using the same data selection and annotation strategies. We believe this corpus will be of particular interest for researchers willing to compare results from pharmacovigilance systems (eg, classifiers and named entity recognition systems) when using data from Twitter and from PubMed. We hope that given the comprehensive set of drug names and the annotated entities and relations, this corpus becomes a standard resource to compare results from different pharmacovigilance studies in the area of NLP. ©Nestor Alvaro, Yusuke Miyao, Nigel Collier. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (, 03.05.2017.

  18. Employer branding i Statens vegvesen: en studie av hvordan employer branding kan vinkles for å forsterke organisasjonstilknytning


    Sadovic, Una


    Masteroppgave - OLA 4090 Organisasjon, ledelse og arbeid. Universitetet i Oslo. Denne oppgaven vil berøre temaet employer branding. Et sterkt employer brand er med på å øke attraktiviteten til en arbeidsplass og medvirker på hvor lenge arbeidstakere blir værende hos en arbeidsgiver. Arbeid med employer branding kan ofte deles inn i to perspektiver, et internt og eksternt. Ifølge Maxwell og Knox (2009) er de fleste forskere opptatt av hva som gjør en organisasjon attraktiv for potensielle a...

  19. Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av ADHD Rating Scale – IV Hjemmeversjon (ADHD-RS-IV Hjemme)


    Kornør, Hege; Bøe, Tormod


    - Beskrivelse. ADHD-RS-IV Hjemme er et spørreskjema som skal fylles ut av mor, far, verge eller besteforeldre for å fange opp ADHD-symptomer hos barn og ungdom. Spørreskjemaet har 18 ledd med fire svaralternativer. Det tar under 20 minutter å fylle ut. Hovedskalaen og de to delskalaene skåres ved å summere enkeltskårer. Kompetansekrav for bruk av ADHD-RS-IV inkluderer generell opplæring i testbruk, samt yrkesstatus som psykolog, lege, annet helsepersonell med utdanning på ...

  20. Dada som spontaneitetens Gesamtkunstwerk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munch, Anders V.


    dadaseancerne var at skabe en ny umiddelbar sammehæng i kunsten eller ligefrem en spontan forening af kunstarterne. Artiklen undersøger det spørgsmål i en sammenligning med kunstsynet hos Richard Wagner og Friedrich W. Nietzsche. Den er et afsnit fra den endnu upublicerede afhandling, Fra Bayreuth til Bauhaus...

  1. Er du klar på pizza og spil i aften?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ditte Lundsgaard


    I denne artikel kigger vi lidt nærmere på, hvilke erfaringer, der er opstået hos lærerne og pædagogerne. vi tager udgangspunkt i tre forskellige visuelle formidlingsmetoder: tegneserie, infographics og grafisk facilitering. Kunne denne legen med ord og billeder i sproget i børne- og ungekulturen ...

  2. MedWatch, the FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program (United States)

    ... Reporting Program MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it ... approved information that can help patients avoid serious adverse events. Potential Signals of Serious Risks/New Safety ...

  3. PubMed Informer: Monitoring MEDLINE/PubMed through E-mail Alerts, SMS, PDA downloads and RSS feeds (United States)

    Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul; Ackerman, Michael


    Summary PubMed Informer is a Web-based monitoring tool for topics of interest from MEDLINE/PubMed primarily designed for healthcare professionals. Five tracking methods are available: Web access, e-mail, Short Message Service (SMS), PDA downloads and RSS feeds. PubMed Informer delivers focused search updates and specific information to users with varying information-seeking practices. PMID:16779344

  4. Efficacy and Safety of MED2005, a Topical Glyceryl Trinitrate Formulation, in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Randomized Crossover Study. (United States)

    Ralph, David J; Eardley, Ian; Taubel, Jorg; Terrill, Paul; Holland, Tim


    Current treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED) have some limitations. This study evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of MED2005, a 0.2% glyceryl trinitrate topical gel, formulated into an enhanced absorption topical delivery system (DermaSys), administered on demand, in the treatment of ED. This randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase II crossover trial involved 232 men with ED (231 treated, 230 assessed for efficacy) and their partners. After a 4-week run-in period, patients were randomized to 1 of 2 treatment sequences, MED2005-placebo or placebo-MED2005. Each treatment was given for 4 weeks, separated by a 1-week washout interval. Efficacy was assessed by the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), the Sexual Encounter Profile, a Global Assessment Questionnaire (GAQ), and specific questions about the onset and offset of action and treatment preferences (patients and partners). The primary outcome measure was the IIEF erectile function domain (IIEF-EF) score. Other efficacy assessments were secondary outcomes. The mean baseline IIEF-EF score was 17.1 (SD = 5.7), and this increased to 19.6 (SD = 7.5) after MED2005 treatment and 18.5 (SD = 6.7) after placebo (P = .0132). Overall, 23.1% of patients showed a clinically relevant (≥4-point) increase in IIEF-EF scores after treatment with MED2005 only compared with 14.5% who responded after MED2005 and placebo, 14.0% who responded after placebo only, and 48.4% who did not respond after either treatment (P = .0272). MED2005 also was associated with significant improvements compared with placebo in the other IIEF domains, and this was consistent with patients' and partners' responses to the GAQ. For all assessments, significant effects of MED2005 were seen primarily in patients with mild ED. The start of erection was noticed within 5 and 10 minutes in 44.2% and 69.5%, respectively, of all intercourse attempts with MED2005. Patients and partners showed significant preferences for MED2005

  5. Svaer hyperkaliaemi ved gastroenteritis hos kolektomeret patient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lasse Bremholm; Winkel, Rasmus; Hansen, Erik Feldager


    Severe hyperkalemia is a life-threatening condition that causes primarily cardiac and muscular dysfunction with potentially fatal consequences. This case report describes a case of severe hyperkalemia (9,1 mmol/l) caused by acute prerenal failure due to dehydration. The severe dehydration was cau...... was caused by a combination of reduced fluid intake due to gastroenteritis and a hampered capacity for intestinal fluid absorption, due to previous colectomy. The patient developed classic signs of hyperkalemia with electrocardiogram changes and muscular dysfunction....

  6. Velfærdsteknologi og sygepleje

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danbjørg, Dorthe Boe; Thygesen, Marianne Kirstine; Skjøth, Mette Maria

    gravide kvinder om undersøgelserne for Downs syndrom, så et informeret valg kan træffes. Her anvendes en web-løsning med informationer om undersøgelserne for Downs syndrom. Der anvendes tekst, video og grafik for at synliggøre budskabet. Et andet projekt retter sig mod at sikre tryghed hos kvinder, der...... skal udskrives ambulant efter fødsel. I dette projekt er der udviklet en app, som indeholder en vidensbase med informationsmateriale samt en online chat, hvor familierne kan kommunikere med sundhedspersonale. Et tredje projekt har haft fokus på information til kræftpatienter i en ventetid til operation...

  7. Immanuel Kants begreb om kultur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huggler, Jørgen


    Immanuel Kant forstår kultur, ikke som et brud med naturen, men som udviklingen af menneskets særlige natur. Drivkraften heri er menneskets asociale socialitet. Med denne motor udvikles kulturens institutioner, navnlig det politiske retssamfund. Udviklingen medfører ulighed og herredømmeforhold......, hvilket Kant tager med som en nødvendig omkostning i et projekt, der gælder menneskeheden som art. På den anden side udvikles kulturen hos det enkelte menneske i retning af en mulig harmoni mellem tilbøjeligheder og moralen. Det er moralen, der bestemmer mennesket som mål i sig selv, og dermed muliggør en...

  8. Kognitiv profil hos eldre ledere


    Holth, Torill


    Når lederen beveger seg inn i senyrkesfasen ser det ut til at svært mange velger å tre ut av lederstillingen sin. Dette har både personlige og organisasjonsmessige konsekvenser. En liten gruppe ledere over 55 år er studert med hensyn til deres kognitive profil som består av kognitiv kompleksitet, feltuavhengighet, visdom og læringshistorie. De eldste lederne hadde flere av disse egenskapene. Ett felles trekk for samtlige deltakere viste seg å være deres subjektive mestringsforventning. ...

  9. The Arabidopsis mediator complex subunits MED16, MED14, and MED2 regulate mediator and RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes. (United States)

    Hemsley, Piers A; Hurst, Charlotte H; Kaliyadasa, Ewon; Lamb, Rebecca; Knight, Marc R; De Cothi, Elizabeth A; Steele, John F; Knight, Heather


    The Mediator16 (MED16; formerly termed SENSITIVE TO FREEZING6 [SFR6]) subunit of the plant Mediator transcriptional coactivator complex regulates cold-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana, acting downstream of the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) transcription factors to recruit the core Mediator complex to cold-regulated genes. Here, we use loss-of-function mutants to show that RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes requires MED16, MED2, and MED14 subunits. Transcription of genes known to be regulated via CBFs binding to the C-repeat motif/drought-responsive element promoter motif requires all three Mediator subunits, as does cold acclimation-induced freezing tolerance. In addition, these three subunits are required for low temperature-induced expression of some other, but not all, cold-responsive genes, including genes that are not known targets of CBFs. Genes inducible by darkness also required MED16 but required a different combination of Mediator subunits for their expression than the genes induced by cold. Together, our data illustrate that plants control transcription of specific genes through the action of subsets of Mediator subunits; the specific combination defined by the nature of the stimulus but also by the identity of the gene induced.

  10. Brugerinvolvering og programmering for masterplan konkurrence på Bispebjerg Hospital

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fronczek-Munter, Aneta


    at præsentere resultaterne af et casestudie på Bispebjerg Hospital, som jeg gennemførte som en del af mit PhD-projekt om Usability Briefing for hospitaler. PhD-projektet inkluderer studier af metoder og resultater af brugerinvolvering i design samt organisering og gennemførelse af god programmering.......Sundhedsfaciliteter har for nylig fået en masse opmærksomhed i Danmark, fordi der er planlagt 37 hospitalsprojekter de næste 10-15 år (http:// Projekterne er både helt nye hospitaler, nye hospitalsbygninger samt videreudvikling af eksisterende...... hospitaler. Der er også en del fokus på de indledende stadier af designprocesser med brugerinvolvering og konkurrence-programmering, med det formål at opnå moderne og fremragende hospitaler, der understøtter behovene hos fremtidige patienter, sundhedspersonale og samfundet. Denne artikel har til formål...

  11. Normal D-dimer ved dyb venøs trombose i en overekstremitet hos to patienter med pacemaker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Byrne, Christina; Abdulla, Jawdat; Christensen, Jan Kim


    D-dimer, DVT was verified by colour Doppler ultrasound in both cases. The guidelines of American College of Chest Physicians recommend initial evaluation using colour Doppler ultrasound as front-line examination. Accordingly, we suggest a similar revision of Danish guidelines incorporating upper...

  12. Normal D-dimer ved dyb venøs trombose i en overekstremitet hos to patienter med pacemaker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Byrne, Christina; Abdulla, Jawdat; Christensen, Jan Kim


    Danish guidelines recommend the use of D-dimer to exclude deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in the lower extremities. However, guidelines are lacking for DVT in the upper extremities. We describe two young women with transvenous pacemaker electrodes and symptomatic DVT in related veins. Despite a normal...

  13. Knogletab under lavdosis-glukokortikoidbehandling hos patienter med polymyalgia rheumatica. En dobbeltblind, prospektiv sammenligning mellem prednisolon og deflazacort

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogsgaard, M R; Thamsborg, G; Lund, B


    or deflazacort. Bone Mineral Content (BMC) was measured in the lumbar spine (L-BMC) and distal forearm (A-BMC) before treatment and three, six and 12 months after the start of treatment. After three months the decrease in L-BMC was significantly greater in the deflazacort group than in the prednisolone group (p...

  14. A unique TBX5 microdeletion with microinsertion detected in patient with Holt-Oram syndrome. (United States)

    Morine, Mikio; Kohmoto, Tomohiro; Masuda, Kiyoshi; Inagaki, Hidehito; Watanabe, Miki; Naruto, Takuya; Kurahashi, Hiroki; Maeda, Kazuhisa; Imoto, Issei


    Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS) is an autosomal dominant condition characterized by upper limb and congenital heart defects and caused by numerous germline mutations of TBX5 producing preterminal stop codons. Here, we report on a novel and unusual heterozygous TBX5 microdeletion with microinsertion (microindel) mutation (c.627delinsGTGACTCAGGAAACGCTTTCCTGA), which is predicted to synthesize a truncated TBX5 protein, detected in a sporadic patient with clinical features of HOS prenatally diagnosed by ultrasonography. This uncommon and relatively large inserted sequence contains sequences derived from nearby but not adjacent templates on both sense and antisense strands, suggesting two possible models, which require no repeat sequences, causing this complex microindel through the bypass of large DNA adducts via an error-prone DNA polymerase-mediated translesion synthesis. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Mødet med det Andet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marchwinski, Alena


    Da Christen Købke i 1830 malte sitt bilde fra Kunstakademiets avstøpningssamling på Charlottenborg, skildret han en situasjon som vordende danske kunstnere hadde vært fortrolige med i flere generasjoner: en ung mann betrakter en avstøpning av en antikk skulptur. Med utgangspunkt i kombinasjonen a...

  16. Resten i Vesten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moberg, Bergur Rønne

    kontekst med kraftlinjer mellem kontinentale romanklassikere af Thomas Mann og Albert Camus og Atlanterhavserfaringer hos fire færøske romanforfattere: William Heinesen, Jørgen-Frantz Jacobsen, Jens Pauli Heinesen og Gunnar Hoydal. Vægten er lagt på færøsk litteratur, der har skabt en række værker af...

  17. Implementering af accountability - en udfordring for den pædagogiske profession

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørk, Brian


    dagtilbudområdet på. En styring, der kan identificeres som en accountability-politik, hvor det pædagogiske personale ansvarliggøres og stilles til regnskab for deres præstationer i arbejdet med udsatte børn. Fokus rettes blandt andet på de vanskeligheder og konsekvenser, der opstår hos ”gulvpædagoger” i...

  18. Calmettevaccinen tages i brug igen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thybo Pihl, Gitte; Stensballe, Lone Graff; Ammentorp, Jette


    Conflict Scale” og bygger bl.a. på spørgeskemainterview. Historier om enkelte uheldige tilfælde og symptomer, som kædes sammen med en vaccination, kan meget let give usikkerhed og bekymring hos dem, der skal tage stilling til, om deres barn skal vaccineres. Det er derfor vigtigt at undersøge, hvad der...

  19. Fiberarmerede, cementbaserede kompositmaterialers levetid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stoklund Larsen, E.

    I denne SBI-rapport gennemgås en række forhold af betydning for fiberarmerede, cementbundne kompositmaterialers levetid, og der vises resultater fra en række langtidsforsøg gennemført hos SBI. - Endelig gennemgås den væsentligste inden- og udenlandske litteratur på området, og der afsluttes med e...

  20. Achenbachs child behavior checklist CBCL og relaterede instrumenter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nissen, Poul Erik

    Achenbachs empiribaserede assessmentsystem (ASEBA) består af en række spørgeskemaer, som er udviklede med henblik på vurdering af et bredt spektrum af problemfelter og kompetencer hos børn, unge og voksne lige fra 1½ års alderen til 90+.Det er et såkaldt multiinformant system, hvor hovedparten af...

  1. Et felteksperiment med Kærlighed i Kaos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Christiane Præstgaard; Scavenius Sonne-Schmidt, Christoffer

    Som et nyt tilbud til danske forældre med børn med ADHD og ADHD-lignende vanskeligheder har ADHDforeningen udviklet forældretræningsprogrammet Kærlighed i Kaos, hvor frivillige hjælper forældre til børn med ADHD, der står med et særligt vanskeligt opdragelsesarbejde. Denne rapport har til formål......, når forældrene stiller krav til børnene. Resultaterne i denne rapport har interesse for fagpersoner, behandlere, undervisere, beslutningstagere, frivillige organisationer, foreninger og de mange nuværende og kommende familier, som dagligt kæmper med adfærdsvanskeligheder – såsom ADHD. Effektmålingen...

  2. Retrieving clinical evidence: a comparison of PubMed and Google Scholar for quick clinical searches. (United States)

    Shariff, Salimah Z; Bejaimal, Shayna Ad; Sontrop, Jessica M; Iansavichus, Arthur V; Haynes, R Brian; Weir, Matthew A; Garg, Amit X


    Physicians frequently search PubMed for information to guide patient care. More recently, Google Scholar has gained popularity as another freely accessible bibliographic database. To compare the performance of searches in PubMed and Google Scholar. We surveyed nephrologists (kidney specialists) and provided each with a unique clinical question derived from 100 renal therapy systematic reviews. Each physician provided the search terms they would type into a bibliographic database to locate evidence to answer the clinical question. We executed each of these searches in PubMed and Google Scholar and compared results for the first 40 records retrieved (equivalent to 2 default search pages in PubMed). We evaluated the recall (proportion of relevant articles found) and precision (ratio of relevant to nonrelevant articles) of the searches performed in PubMed and Google Scholar. Primary studies included in the systematic reviews served as the reference standard for relevant articles. We further documented whether relevant articles were available as free full-texts. Compared with PubMed, the average search in Google Scholar retrieved twice as many relevant articles (PubMed: 11%; Google Scholar: 22%; PGoogle Scholar: 8%; P=.07). Google Scholar provided significantly greater access to free full-text publications (PubMed: 5%; Google Scholar: 14%; PGoogle Scholar returns twice as many relevant articles as PubMed and provides greater access to free full-text articles.

  3. The Contrasting Role of the Mediator Subunit MED30 in the Progression of Bladder Cancer. (United States)

    Syring, Isabella; Weiten, Richard; Müller, Tim; Schmidt, Doris; Steiner, Susanne; Kristiansen, Glen; Müller, Stefan C; Ellinger, Jörg


    The Mediator complex is a key regulator of gene transcription, and several studies have demonstrated altered expression of particular subunits in diverse human diseases, especially cancer. To date, nothing is known about the role of MED30 in bladder cancer. We, therefore, performed an RNA expression and survival analysis of the subunit MED30 in 537 samples of bladder cancer by using the database cBioPortal. To validate these data on the protein level, we practiced immunohistochemical staining against MED30 on a tissue microarray containing 210 samples of all tumour stages and performed survival analyses. For functional analysis, the siRNA-mediated knockdown of MED30 was performed in the cell lines T24 and TCCSUP followed by proliferation, migration, and invasion assays. On the mRNA and protein levels, higher expression of MED30 is associated with better patient survival. In accordance with this, advanced T- and N-stages showed lower expression of MED30. In contrast, knockdown of MED30 led to reduction of the tumour parameters proliferation, migration, and invasion in the BCa cell lines. MED30 appears to be integrated in the progression of the urothelial tumour in the bladder. Copyright© 2017, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.

  4. Alvorlige bivirkninger ved P-pillebrug hos teenagere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nylander, Malin Chatarina; Clausen, Helle V


    PubMed-search found studies investigating adverse effects of combined oral contraceptive pills (COC) among teenagers. Four studies found a small negative impact of COC on acquisition of bone mineral density. COC is associated with elevated risk of venous thrombotic events (VTE), especially during...

  5. Alvorlige bivirkninger ved p-pillebrug hos teenagere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nylander, Malin Chatarina; Clausen, Helle V


    PubMed-search found studies investigating adverse effects of combined oral contraceptive pills (COC) among teenagers. Four studies found a small negative impact of COC on acquisition of bone mineral density. COC is associated with elevated risk of venous thrombotic events (VTE), especially during...

  6. Med det sociale som designmateriale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Eva; Binder, Thomas


    Samarbejde, samskabelse og social nysgerrighed er i dag en præmis for den nyskabende designer. Det sociale er det nye designmateriale som unge designere giver sig i kast med når f.eks. Emmy Linde samarbejder med plejehjemsbeboere, deres pårørende, plejepersonale og fysioterapeuter for at designe ...

  7. Simulering av muskelaktivitet vid pedalbromsning


    Ejdepalm, Erik; Westerdahl, Walter


    En muskeloskeletal kroppsmodell har undersökts med avseende på maximal muskelbelastning genom biomekanisk simulering i programmet AnyBody. En kroppsmodell har låtits interagera med ett reglage i form av en bromspedal från en Saab 9-3 och muskelbelastningen till följd av att pedalen trampas ned har minimerats. De parametrar hos pedalen som har varierats är initialvinkeln och returfjäderns fjäderkonstant. Den sits på vilken kroppsmodellen sitter har flyttats vertikalt och horisontellt i förhåll...

  8. Tværprofessionelt samarbejde i børnehøjde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villumsen, Anne Marie Anker


    daginstitutioner er arbejdet med opsporing af udsathed hos børn indgangen til det tværprofessionelle samarbejde. Typen og graden af udsathed afgør, hvorvidt det er noget, man selv kan løse inden for daginstitutionens rammer, eller om der skal kaldes på andre professioner uden for institutionen – og hvis dette er...... statisk definition. Baseret på 14 empiriske cases fra daginstitutioner, viser kapitlet centrale potentialer ved at arbejde mere systematisk med opsporing og analyse af udsathed – og betydningen af dette for initieringen af det tværprofessionelle samarbejde....

  9. Family literacy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sehested, Caroline


    I Projekt familielæsning, der er et samarbejde mellem Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning og Hillerød Bibliotek, arbejder vi med at få kontakt til de familier, som biblioteket ellers aldrig ser som brugere og dermed også de børn, der vokser op i familier, for hvem bøger og oplæsningssituationer ikk...... er en selvfølgelig del af barndommen. Det, vi vil undersøge og ønsker at være med til at udvikle hos disse familier, er det, man kan kalde family literacy....

  10. Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av ADHD Rating Scale IV, Skoleversjon (ADHD-RS-IV Skole)


    Kornør, Hege; Bøe, Tormod


    - Beskrivelse. ADHD-RS-IV Skole er et spørreskjema som skal fylles ut av lærere eller førskolelærere for å fange opp ADHD-symptomer hos barn og ungdom. Spørreskjemaet har 18 ledd med fire svaralternativer. Det tar under 20 minutter å fylle ut. Hovedskalaen og de to delskalaene skåres ved å summere enkeltskårer. Kompetansekrav for bruk av ADHD-RS-IV inkluderer generell opplæring i testbruk, samt yrkesstatus som psykolog, lege, annet helsepersonell med utdanning på mastergradsnivå, spesialpe...

  11. Rapport for Center for Vildtsundhed 1. halvår 2012

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chriél, Mariann; Enemark, Heidi L.; Therkildsen, Ole Roland

    for vurderingen af parasitbelastningen hos raske ederfugle. Redemateriale til undersøgelse af Pasteurella multocida, der forårsager udbrud af fjerkrækolera, fortsættes i et specialestudie af de dyrkbare bakterier. Med henblik på kortlægning af rævens dværgbændelorm (Echinococcus multilocularis) hos mårhund og ræv...... Danmark siden 2000, og det er første gang bændelormen er påvist i jyske ræve. Echinococcus multilocularis kan smitte til mennesker, hvor de i larvestadiet angriber leveren, hvilket kan have fatale følger, så det er vigtigt, at folk er opmærksomme på risikoen og tager deres forbehold. Mennesker smittes...

  12. Predicting effects and risk of relapse into depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gbyl, Krzysztof; Rosenberg, Raben; Larsson, Henrik Bo Wiberg

    Formål: Vi ønsker at undersøge hjernen hos patienter med svær depression før og efter elektrokonvulsiv terapi (ECT), samt ved en kontrol efter 6 måneder med det formål at: 1. undersøge hjernevævet så en evt. skadelig effekt af ECT-behandling kan udelukkes 2. belyse mekanismerne bag ECT for at finde...... prædiktorer for gunstige resultater, tidligt tilbagefald og for bivirkninger 3. undersøge omfanget af og baggrunden for påvirkningen af hukommelsesfunktionen Metode: I studiet planlægger vi at undersøge 60 patienter henvist til ECT på Psykiatrisk Center Glostrup, Amager og København pga. svær depression....... Desuden vha. den mest moderne MR-teknik at belyse om ECT kan skade hjernevævet. De nævnte prædiktorer vil muliggøre at behandlingen af de sværeste depressioner vil kunne forbedres og individualiseres i langt højere end i dag, hvorved sygdomsprognosen kan forbedres betydeligt. Vi forventer yderligere...

  13. Human melioidosis reported by ProMED

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katherinn Melissa Nasner-Posso


    Conclusions: Internet-based reporting systems such as ProMED are useful to gather information and synthesize knowledge on emerging infections. Although certain areas need to be improved, ProMED provided good information about melioidosis.

  14. Risikostratificering af patienter med diabetes mellitus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qvist, Peter; Glintborg, Dorte; Andries, Alin


    with diabetes mellitus. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We included patients with diabetes from the catchment areas of four diabetes out-patient clinics in southern Denmark. Patients were risk-stratified to 3 follow-up levels (level 1 - follow-up only by their GP, level 2 - intensified follow-up by GP and/or shared care...... schemes, level 3 - follow-up only in out-patient clinics). The results were subsequently compared with the patients' actual follow-up status. RESULTS: A total of 647 patients (563 type 2 diabetes and 84 type 1 diabetes) were included from 15 GPs. Among these, 139 were stratified to level 1, 409 to level 2...

  15. Musikalsk leg med formgivning, timing og vitalitetsformer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Ifølge de Udviklingsorienterede Social-Pragmatiske Interventionsformer til børn med Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelse er en legende indfaldsvinkel, hvor man følger barnets lead, den mest effektive til at engagere yngre børn med autisme eller børn med svær autisme i et gensidigt samspil. Artiklen...

  16. Med-E-Tel

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lievens, Frank; Jordanova, Malina


    .... The Med-e-Tel 2006 conference program covered over 130 presentations on topics such as homecare and health management, healthcare challenges, tele-education, eHealth in developing countries, telecardiology...

  17. Med-E-Tel

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lievens, Frank; Jordanova, Malina


    ..., and more. The Med-e-Tel 2006 exhibition showcased products and technologies in the areas of medication compliance, home telehealth and vital sign monitoring, clinical software, electronic medical records...

  18. Cortical atrophy rates in Alzheimer's patients and subjects with mild cognitive impairment from the AddNeuroMed data collection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eskildsen, Simon Fristed; Westman, Eric; Gwadry-Sridhar, Femida


    Background: The AddNeuroMed project is a multi-centre European project which aims to identify biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study we measured the rate of cortical atrophy in AD patients, subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and healthy controls (HC) using MRI. Methods...... quality control for both the acquisition and image processing were included in the study. Cortical thickness was measured using FACE (fast accurate cortex extraction) and averaged within main lobes using a stereotaxic atlas. Atrophy rates were calculated as percent decrease in cortical thickness and rate...

  19. Management of data from clinical trials using the ArchiMed system. (United States)

    Duftschmid, Georg; Gall, Walter; Eigenbauer, Ernst; Dorda, Wolfgang


    Clinical trials constitute a key source of medical research and are therefore conducted on a regular basis at university hospitals. The professional execution of trials requires, among other things, a repertoire of tools that support efficient data management. Tasks that are essential for efficient data management in clinical trials include the following: the design of the trial database, the design of electronic case report forms, recruiting patients, collection of data, and statistical analysis. The present article reports the manner in which these tasks are supported by the ArchiMed system at the University of Vienna and Graz Medical Schools. ArchiMed is customized for clinical end users, allowing them to autonomously manage their clinical trials without having to consult computer experts. An evaluation of the ArchiMed system in 12 trials recently conducted at the University of Vienna Medical School shows that the individual system functions can be usefully applied for data management in clinical trials.

  20. At lede med latter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Mette


    "Det sagde hun også i går!" Platte vitser, der lægger op til den karakteristiske 'bodom-tchi'-trommelyd, behøver ikke være lederens eneste forsøg på at udvise humoristisk sans på talerstolen. For humor kan være meget andet og gøre meget mere for lederen end at score billige point med en spontan s...... spøg. Humor kan skabe klarhed over en pointe, skabe lederens image og skabe sammenhold i organisationen. Uden trommelyd, men med mange andre effekter i spil....

  1. Predicting clicks of PubMed articles. (United States)

    Mao, Yuqing; Lu, Zhiyong


    Predicting the popularity or access usage of an article has the potential to improve the quality of PubMed searches. We can model the click trend of each article as its access changes over time by mining the PubMed query logs, which contain the previous access history for all articles. In this article, we examine the access patterns produced by PubMed users in two years (July 2009 to July 2011). We explore the time series of accesses for each article in the query logs, model the trends with regression approaches, and subsequently use the models for prediction. We show that the click trends of PubMed articles are best fitted with a log-normal regression model. This model allows the number of accesses an article receives and the time since it first becomes available in PubMed to be related via quadratic and logistic functions, with the model parameters to be estimated via maximum likelihood. Our experiments predicting the number of accesses for an article based on its past usage demonstrate that the mean absolute error and mean absolute percentage error of our model are 4.0% and 8.1% lower than the power-law regression model, respectively. The log-normal distribution is also shown to perform significantly better than a previous prediction method based on a human memory theory in cognitive science. This work warrants further investigation on the utility of such a log-normal regression approach towards improving information access in PubMed.

  2. Individuell variasjon i utskillelse av 6-sulfatoksymelatonin og døgnrytmetype analysert hos skiftarbeidere

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tore Tynes


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGI denne studien har vi undersøkt om det finnes noen sammenheng mellom målte verdier av urinmetabolitten6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s tatt ut i porsjoner gjennom døgnet og selvrapportert døgnrytme hos engruppe norske skiftarbeidere. Studien omfatter 19 arbeidstakere ved to produksjonsenheter ved HydroPorsgrunn, magnesiumfabrikken og fullgjødselfabrikk 3. Etter å ha deltatt i en studie der urinprøver blesamlet inn, svarte de involverte senere på et spørreskjema om søvn og døgnrytme. Resultatene indikerer ategenrapporterte B-type mennesker har en tendens til høyere midlere timeutskillelse av aMT6s analysert pådøgnbasis første døgn med nattskift, og en signifikant høyere nattutskillelse (8 timer i et kontrolldøgnhjemme. I fremtidige studier av melatoninsekresjon og utskillelse av metabolitt i urin, kan det være avinteresse samtidig å samle inn spørreskjemabaserte opplysninger om døgnrytmetype og utfyllende opplysningerom søvn og søvnmønster i relasjon til eksponeringer som skiftarbeid og andre arbeidsmiljøfaktorersom kan ha effekt på hormonbalansen.Tynes T, Haugsdal B, Tønnessen A, Kleiven M. Individual variations in excretion of6-sulfatoxymelatonin in morning and evening type Norwegian shift workers.Nor J Epidemiol ENGLISH SUMMARYThe aim of this study was to evaluate whether there is an association between measured values of the urinemetabolite 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s in samples collected at selected intervals and self-reported diurnalrhythm in a group of Norwegian shift workers. The study included 19 workers at two production unitsat Hydro Porsgrunn, the magnesium factory and fertiliser factory 3. After submitting the urine samplesused for the study, subjects filled in a questionnaire on sleep and diurnal rhythm at a later date. The resultsindicate that self-reported evening type subjects have a tendency towards a higher mean hourly aMT6ssecretionfirst day on night shift, and a significantly higher night

  3. TeleMed: Wide-area, secure, collaborative object computing with Java and CORBA for healthcare

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forslund, D.W.; George, J.E.; Gavrilov, E.M.


    Distributed computing is becoming commonplace in a variety of industries with healthcare being a particularly important one for society. The authors describe the development and deployment of TeleMed in a few healthcare domains. TeleMed is a 100% Java distributed application build on CORBA and OMG standards enabling the collaboration on the treatment of chronically ill patients in a secure manner over the Internet. These standards enable other systems to work interoperably with TeleMed and provide transparent access to high performance distributed computing to the healthcare domain. The goal of wide scale integration of electronic medical records is a grand-challenge scale problem of global proportions with far-reaching social benefits.

  4. Residualurin hos patienter på en geriatrisk afdeling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Hanne; Nielsen, Jeanne; Juncher, Annie Elena


    Post Void Residual Volume (PVRV) is a known risk factor for urinary infection, incontinence and renal insufficiency. Disposing for the condition is high age, immobility, constipation, neurological and metabolic disease. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and to examine...... risk factors for high PVRV among geriatric patients....

  5. The effects of food and maternal conditions in fetal growth and size in wild reindeer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Terje Skogland


    Full Text Available Fetal growth rates and birth weights were studied in four wild reindeer areas in Southern Norway (Hardangervidda, Hallingskarvet, Knutshø, Forelhogna, representing high and low density populations, with a 5-fold difference in mean lichen winter-food availability. Fetal growth was depressed by 42% in the high-densitv Hardangervidda population, and mean birth weights were 3.7 vs. 6.2 kg, with a 10 days difference in mean birth dates. Fetal size was better correlated with maternal weight, than age. Maternal weights increased until 5 yrs. of age and then decreased in the high-density Hardangervidda population (but not so in the low density Knutshø-Forclhogna populations. 55% of the offspring died before weaning in the Hardangervidda herd, but no significant calf losses were found amont the large-sized does in the food-abundant areas.Effekter av ernæring og simlas kondisjon på vekst og størrelse av foster hos villrein.Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Fostervekst og fødselsvekter ble undersøkt i fire villreinområder i Sør-Norge (Hardangervidda, Hallingskarvet, Knutshø og Forelhogna som representerer høg- og lågtetthetsstammer, med en 5-foldig forskjell i gjennomsnittlig lavbeite-tilgang om vinteren. Fosterveksten ble nedsatt med 42% i høgtetthetsstammen på Hardangervidda og fødselsvektene var i gjennomsnitt 3,7 kg, mot 6,2 kg i det beste området, og med en 10 dagers forsinkelse i midlere fødselsdato. Fosterets størrelse var korrelert med morens vekt, som igjen var avhengig av hennes alder. Hos de minste simlene i det dårligste området økte vektene til 5-års alder, for deretter å avta for hvert gjenlevende år. Hos simlene i det beste området økte vektene til 10-års alder, og var da dobbelt så tunge som fra det dårligste området. 55% av avkommet døde før de var avvent med diing hos Hardangervidda-simlene, mens det ikke var noen statistisk målbar dødelighet hos kalvene i Knutshø-Forelhogna.Ravinnon vaikutus ja

  6. Kun 2 måneder tilbage – fondes krav mod SKAT for manglende fradrag for uddelinger til modtagere i udlandet skal rejses inden 1. januar 2018

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik


    En fond kan have penge til gode hos SKAT, når en fond i fortiden, helt tilbage til indkomståret 2004, ikke har fået fradrag til uddelinger til almindelige (ikke-almennyttige) modtager med bopæl i udlandet. Men kravet skal rejses over for SKAT inden den 1. januar 2018. Kravet er den skat, som fonden...

  7. De internationale markeder for dansk svinekød

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Niels Asger


    En af de parametre, som har størst betydning for, om efterspørgselen efter dansk svinekød kan opretholdes eller øges i de kommende år er, hvordan ønsker og behov hos de endelige forbrugere udvikler sig i fremtiden. Det kan vi af gode grunde ikke vide præcist, men vi kan med udgangspunkt i blandt ...

  8. Fremtidens Biodiesel: Kom fedtaffald i tanken!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Anders Theilgaard; Taarning, Esben; Christensen, Claus Hviid


    Mange tror måske, at det er svært for menigmand at lave biobrændstof. Det er faktisk forkert, fordi biodiesel nemt kan laves af kemikalier, der er ret almindelige i laboratorier og hos købmanden og materialisten. Det kræver blot en såkaldt om-estring af planteolie eller fedt med methanol, samt...

  9. Technical development of PubMed Interact: an improved interface for MEDLINE/PubMed searches


    Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul


    Abstract Background The project aims to create an alternative search interface for MEDLINE/PubMed that may provide assistance to the novice user and added convenience to the advanced user. An earlier version of the project was the 'Slider Interface for MEDLINE/PubMed searches' (SLIM) which provided JavaScript slider bars to control search parameters. In this new version, recent developments in Web-based technologies were implemented. These changes may prove to be even more valuable in enhanci...

  10. What does it offer? (United States)

    Woosley, Raymond L; Black, Kristin; Heise, C William; Romero, Klaus


    Since the 1990s, when numerous non-cardiac drugs were first recognized to have the potential to prolong the QT interval and cause torsades de pointes (TdP), clinicians, drug regulators, drug developers, and clinical investigators have become aware of the complexities of assessing evidence and determining TdP causality for the many drugs being marketed or under development. To facilitate better understanding, the Arizona Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics, known as AZCERT, has developed the website which includes QTdrugs, a listing of over 220 drugs placed in four risk categories based on their association with QT prolongation and TdP. Since the site was launched in 1999, it has become the single and most reliable source of information of its kind for patients, healthcare providers, and research scientists. Over 96,000 registered users rely on the QTdrugs database as their primary resource to inform their medication use, their prescribing or their clinical research into the impact of QT-prolonging drugs and drug-induced arrhythmias. The QTdrugs lists are increasingly used as the basis for clinical decision support systems in healthcare and for metrics of prescribing quality by healthcare insurers. A free smartphone app and an application program interface enable rapid and mobile access to the lists. Also, the CredibleMeds website offers numerous educational resources for patients, educators and healthcare providers that foster the safe use of medications. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Svin som smittekilde til infektioner med methicillinresistente Staphylococcus aureus hos mennesker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ruhlmann, Christina H; Kolmos, Hans Jørn J; Kristiansen, Jette E


    occupational contact with pigs. One infection presented as a severe surgical wound infection, following knee surgery, the other as a superficial ear lobe infection. Both MRSA strains were multiresistant, sequence type 398, Spa-type t034, and Panton-Valentine leukocidin-encoding gene negative. Udgivelsesdato...

  12. Dödsfallsutredningar : med oklar bakgrund och avsikt hos barn och ungdomar


    Sandrehav, Jenny; Björkehed, Johan


    Violence against children and particularly the “Bobby Case” in spring 2006 initiated an unprecedented debate in the Swedish media about child maltreatment and child murder. There are however some children whose death causes never will be solved, and some of these cases are erroneously classified as something else. The present survey is commissioned by the Swedish Rescue Services Agency and the Swedish Centre for Lessons Learned from Incidents & Accidents, and will serve as the basis for a...

  13. KR’PTA. Samtidspoesin och Derrida : Spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg


    Schmidt, Lisa


    Lisa Schmidt, KR’PTA. Samtidspoesin och Derrida. Spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Hel­dén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg. (CR’PT. Contemporary Poetry and Derrida: Traces and Scarring in the Poetry of Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen and Anna Hallberg.) Through the analyses of three contemporary Nordic poets whose work challenges the boun­daries of literature and even the laws of grammar, I draw attention to the term linguistic materialism. I also sketch an historical line between t...

  14. Grateful Med: getting started. (United States)

    Shearer, B; McCann, L; Crump, W J


    When a local medical library is not available, it is often necessary for physicians to discover alternate ways to receive medical information. Rural physicians, particularly, can make use of a computer program called Grateful Med that provides access to the same literature available to physicians in large cities. This program permits the user to perform database searches on the National Library of Medicine database (MEDLINE), corresponding to the primary index to medical literature, Index Medicus. In this article, we give the procedure for procuring a National Library of Medicine password and for making efficient use of the Grateful Med program.

  15. Human melioidosis reported by ProMED. (United States)

    Nasner-Posso, Katherinn Melissa; Cruz-Calderón, Stefania; Montúfar-Andrade, Franco E; Dance, David A B; Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J


    There are limited sources describing the global burden of emerging diseases. A review of human melioidosis reported by ProMED was performed and the reliability of the data retrieved assessed in comparison to published reports. The effectiveness of ProMED was evaluated as a source of epidemiological data by focusing on melioidosis. Using the keyword 'melioidosis' in the ProMED search engine, all of the information from the reports and collected data was reviewed using a structured form, including the year, country, gender, occupation, number of infected individuals, and number of fatal cases. One hundred and twenty-four entries reported between January 1995 and October 2014 were identified. A total of 4630 cases were reported, with death reported in 505 cases, suggesting a misleadingly low overall case fatality rate (CFR) of 11%. Of 20 cases for which the gender was reported, 12 (60%) were male. Most of the cases were reported from Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and Malaysia, with sporadic reports from other countries. Internet-based reporting systems such as ProMED are useful to gather information and synthesize knowledge on emerging infections. Although certain areas need to be improved, ProMED provided good information about melioidosis. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  16. Patientstråldosjämförelse vid konventionell urografi och lågdos CT-urografi


    Gohil, Jignasa; Bertell, Sara


    Röntgensjuksköterskans huvudområde är radiografi som innefattar bland annat användning av joniserande strålning. CT undersökningar av urinvägssystemen och dess funktion ökar. CT ger en högre stråldos till patienter, jämfört med konventionell röntgen, vilket kan medföra olika sorters skador hos den som bestrålats. ALARAprincipen skall användas för att minska joniserande strålning så mycket som möjligt. Studien är utförd på Höglandsjukhuset i Eksjö där de har implementerat lågdosprotokoll på CT...

  17. Impact of early detection and treatment of diabetes on the 6-year prevalence of cardiac autonomic neuropathy in people with screen-detected diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Charles, Morten; Fleischer, J; Witte, Daniel Rinse


    Baggrund: Der er begrænset viden om hvordan tidlig multifaktoriel behandling forbedrer konsekvenser af diabetes. Kardiel autonom neuropati (KAN) hos personer med diabetes indikerer omfattende skade på det autonome nervesystem og er relateret til mortalitet og livskvalitet. I dette studie fra...... ADDITION Danmark undersøgte vi effekten af tidlig opsporing og efterfølgende intensive behandling af type 2 diabetes i almen praksis på hyppigheden af kardiel autonom neuropati 6 år efter diagnose. Resultater: Prævalensen af tidlig KAN var 15,1% i rutine behandlingsgruppen (RG) og 15.5% i intensive...... kardiovaskulære risikofaktorer er således ikke nok til at forebygge at mange diabetes patienter udvikler KAN....

  18. NRDA-processed CTD data from the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico, Cruise 3 Leg 1, collected from 2010-09-09 to 2010-09-27, associated with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill event (NCEI Accession 0130017) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD) measurements were collected aboard the R/V HOS Davis, Cruise 03, to determine physical oceanographic parameters of the water...

  19. NRDA-processed CTD data from the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico, Cruise 1 Leg 1, collected from 2010-08-13 to 2010-08-22, associated with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill event (NCEI Accession 0128072) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD) measurements were collected aboard the R/V HOS Davis, Cruise 01, to determine physical oceanographic parameters of the water...

  20. NRDA-processed CTD data from the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico, Cruise 4 Leg 1, collected from 2010-11-07 to 2010-11-14, associated with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill event (NCEI Accession 0130023) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD) measurements were collected aboard the R/V HOS Davis, Cruise 04, to determine physical oceanographic parameters of the water...

  1. NRDA-processed CTD data from the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico, Cruise 2 Leg 1, collected from 2010-08-26 to 2010-09-02, associated with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill event (NCEI Accession 0128093) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD) measurements were collected aboard the R/V HOS Davis, Cruise 02, to determine physical oceanographic parameters of the water...

  2. MED-SUV Data Life Cycle (United States)

    Sangianantoni, Agata; Puglisi, Giuseppe; Spampinato, Letizia; Tulino, Sabrina


    The MED-SUV project aims to implement a digital e-infrastructure for data access in order to promote the monitoring and study of key volcanic regions prone to volcanic hazards, and thus improve hazard assessment, according to the rationale of Supersite GEO initiative to Vesuvius- Campi Flegrei and Mt Etna, currently identified as Permanent Supersites. The present study focuses on the life cycle of MED-SUV data generated in the first period of the project and highlights the managing approach, as well as the crucial steps to be implemented for ensuring that data will be properly and ethically managed and can be used and accessed from both MED-SUV and the external community. The process is conceived outlining how research data being handled as the project progresses, describing what data are collected, processed or generated and how these data are going to be shared and made available through Open Access. Data cycle begins with their generation and ends with the deposit in the digital infrastructure, its key series of stages through which MED-SUV data passes are Collection, Data citation, Categorization of data, Approval procedure, Registration of datasets, Application of licensing models, and PID assignment. This involves a combination of procedures and practices taking into account the scientific core mission and the priorities of the project as well as the potential legal issues related to the management and protection of the Intellectual Property. We believe that the implementation of this process constitutes a significant encouragement in MED-SUV data sharing and as a consequence a better understanding on the volcanic processes, hazard assessment and a better integration with other Supersites projects.

  3. SafeMed: Using pharmacy technicians in a novel role as community health workers to improve transitions of care. (United States)

    Bailey, James E; Surbhi, Satya; Bell, Paula C; Jones, Angel M; Rashed, Sahar; Ugwueke, Michael O


    To describe the design, implementation, and early experience of the SafeMed program, which uses certified pharmacy technicians in a novel expanded role as community health workers (CPhT-CHWs) to improve transitions of care. A large nonprofit health care system serving the major medically underserved areas and geographic hotspots for readmissions in Memphis, TN. The SafeMed program is a care transitions program with an emphasis on medication management designed to use low-cost health workers to improve transitions of care from hospital to home for superutilizing patients with multiple chronic conditions and polypharmacy. CPhT-CHWs were given primary responsibility for patient outreach after hospital discharge with the use of home visits and telephone follow-up. SafeMed program CPhT-CHWs served as pharmacist extenders, obtaining medication histories, assisting in medication reconciliation and identification of potential drug therapy problems (DTPs), and reinforcing medication education previously provided by the pharmacist per protocol. CPhT-CHW training included patient communication skills, motivational interviewing, medication history taking, teach-back techniques, drug disposal practices, and basic disease management. Some CPhT-CHWs experienced difficulties adjusting to an expanded scope of practice. Nonetheless, once the Tennessee Board of Pharmacy affirmed that envisioned SafeMed CPhT-CHW roles were consistent with Board rules, additional responsibilities were added for CPhT-CHWs to enhance their effectiveness. Patient outreach teams including CPhT-CHWs achieved increases in home visit and telephone follow-up rates and were successful in helping identify potential DTPs. The early experience of the SafeMed program demonstrates that CPhT-CHWs are well suited for novel expanded roles to improve care transitions for superutilizing populations. CPhT-CHWs can identify and report potential DTPs to the pharmacist to help target medication therapy management. Critical

  4. The Arabidopsis Mediator Complex Subunits MED16, MED14, and MED2 Regulate Mediator and RNA Polymerase II Recruitment to CBF-Responsive Cold-Regulated Genes[C][W][OPEN (United States)

    Hemsley, Piers A.; Hurst, Charlotte H.; Kaliyadasa, Ewon; Lamb, Rebecca; Knight, Marc R.; De Cothi, Elizabeth A.; Steele, John F.; Knight, Heather


    The Mediator16 (MED16; formerly termed SENSITIVE TO FREEZING6 [SFR6]) subunit of the plant Mediator transcriptional coactivator complex regulates cold-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana, acting downstream of the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) transcription factors to recruit the core Mediator complex to cold-regulated genes. Here, we use loss-of-function mutants to show that RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes requires MED16, MED2, and MED14 subunits. Transcription of genes known to be regulated via CBFs binding to the C-repeat motif/drought-responsive element promoter motif requires all three Mediator subunits, as does cold acclimation–induced freezing tolerance. In addition, these three subunits are required for low temperature–induced expression of some other, but not all, cold-responsive genes, including genes that are not known targets of CBFs. Genes inducible by darkness also required MED16 but required a different combination of Mediator subunits for their expression than the genes induced by cold. Together, our data illustrate that plants control transcription of specific genes through the action of subsets of Mediator subunits; the specific combination defined by the nature of the stimulus but also by the identity of the gene induced. PMID:24415770

  5. A practical approach to the management of high-output stoma (United States)

    Mountford, Christopher G; Manas, Derek M; Thompson, Nicholas P


    The development of a high-output stoma (HOS) is associated with water, electrolyte and nutritional complications. Prompt, careful assessment and management is required to avoid rapid clinical deterioration in this patient population. A multidisciplinary approach to management ensures the best possible outcome and quality of life for patients who experience HOS. This article outlines the important considerations in the identification and pathophysiology of HOS. A systematic approach to the management of the condition is outlined, considering fluid and electrolyte requirements, nutrient deficiencies and manipulation of gastrointestinal absorption, motility and secretions using medical and surgical therapies. PMID:28839771

  6. Increased utilisation of primary healthcare in persons exposed to severe stress in prenatal life

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Jiong; Yang, Hu; Guldin, Mai-Britt


    Meget tyder på, at stress i graviditeten kan skade det ufødte barn. Dette studie viser, at sorg hos moderen under graviditeten kan betyde, at barnet senere i livet søger læge mere hyppigt sammenlignet med børn, hvor moderen ikke har været i sorg under graviditeten. Det er især, hvis moderen under...... menneskes liv, og at det kan påvirke det ufødte barn, når moderen bliver stresset under graviditeten. Vi ved dog ikke helt, om den øgede lægesøgning hos børnene kun skyldes stress i graviditeten, eller om de også påvirkes af, om moderen fx har mistet sin ægtefælle, og den betydning det kan have for barnets...

  7. Hvad skal vi med Etisk Råd?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ploug, Thomas; Gjerris, Mickey


    Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder.......Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder....

  8. OvidSP Medline-to-PubMed search filter translation: a methodology for extending search filter range to include PubMed's unique content. (United States)

    Damarell, Raechel A; Tieman, Jennifer J; Sladek, Ruth M


    PubMed translations of OvidSP Medline search filters offer searchers improved ease of access. They may also facilitate access to PubMed's unique content, including citations for the most recently published biomedical evidence. Retrieving this content requires a search strategy comprising natural language terms ('textwords'), rather than Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). We describe a reproducible methodology that uses a validated PubMed search filter translation to create a textword-only strategy to extend retrieval to PubMed's unique heart failure literature. We translated an OvidSP Medline heart failure search filter for PubMed and established version equivalence in terms of indexed literature retrieval. The PubMed version was then run within PubMed to identify citations retrieved by the filter's MeSH terms (Heart failure, Left ventricular dysfunction, and Cardiomyopathy). It was then rerun with the same MeSH terms restricted to searching on title and abstract fields (i.e. as 'textwords'). Citations retrieved by the MeSH search but not the textword search were isolated. Frequency analysis of their titles/abstracts identified natural language alternatives for those MeSH terms that performed less effectively as textwords. These terms were tested in combination to determine the best performing search string for reclaiming this 'lost set'. This string, restricted to searching on PubMed's unique content, was then combined with the validated PubMed translation to extend the filter's performance in this database. The PubMed heart failure filter retrieved 6829 citations. Of these, 834 (12%) failed to be retrieved when MeSH terms were converted to textwords. Frequency analysis of the 834 citations identified five high frequency natural language alternatives that could improve retrieval of this set (cardiac failure, cardiac resynchronization, left ventricular systolic dysfunction, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, and LV dysfunction). Together these terms reclaimed

  9. Ti år med formidlingspligt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Gitte


    Jubilæet blev markeret ved et symposium - men hvor var journalisterne, og hvor var forskerne? For få uger siden lagde TV 2 hus til et symposium om videnskab, formidling, journalistik og spin. Danske Videnskabsjournalister og Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber tog med arrangementet et behjertet...... initiativ. De ville gøre status efter ti år med lovfæstet formidlingspligt på universiteterne. Samtidig lagde de op til et kritisk blik på universitetsverdenens kommunikationsafdelinger...

  10. Kan ekologisk och ekonomisk hållbarhet kombineras? : En studie av en neoklassisk jämviktsmodell och dess relation till hållbarhet


    Pettersson, David


    Bakgrunden till examensarbetet är att aktiviteter kopplat till den globala ekonomin samt tillväxt av denna har skapat en situation som i dagsläget inte uppfyller den ekologiska dimensionen av hållbarhet. Lösningar för att minska den miljöpåverkan som sker idag samtidigt som ekonomisk tillväxt sker har kritiserats och istället föreslås ekonomier med låg eller ingen tillväxt. Med bakgrund till detta har forskningsprojektet Bortom BNP-tillväxt startat och examensarbetet genomförs hos ekonomiska ...

  11. Det finnes ingen gangstere i Norge


    Gresaker, Ann Kristin


    Denne oppgaven handler om åtte gutters forhold til rapmusikk. Jeg har intervjuet åtte gutter/unge menn med minoritetsbakgrunn som bor eller har bodd store deler av livet sitt på østkanten i Oslo. Informantene er i alderen mellom 17 og 24 år og alle har et spesielt forhold til rapmusikk. Syv av de åtte rapper selv på ulike nivå og med ulike ambisjoner. Problemstillingen jeg søker å svare på er todelt, og første del lyder: Hvilke dominerende fortellinger om hiphop/rap finner vi hos gutter/unge ...

  12. Bygningsdele med celluloseuld og høruld

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place


    Resume af rapport med eksempler på bygningsdele med papir- eller hørisolering, der overholder bygningsreglementerne, udarbejdet af Dansk Brandteknisk Institut under Energistyrelsens udviklingsprogram "Miljø- og arbejdsmiljøvenlig isolering"...

  13. Silencing MED1 sensitizes breast cancer cells to pure anti-estrogen fulvestrant in vitro and in vivo.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lijiang Zhang

    Full Text Available Pure anti-estrogen fulvestrant has been shown to be a promising ER antagonist for locally advanced and metastatic breast cancer. Unfortunately, a significant proportion of patients developed resistance to this type of endocrine therapy but the molecular mechanisms governing cellular responsiveness to this agent remain poorly understood. Here, we've reported that knockdown of estrogen receptor coactivator MED1 sensitized fulvestrant resistance breast cancer cells to fulvestrant treatment. We found that MED1 knockdown further promoted cell cycle arrest induced by fulvestrant. Using an orthotopic xenograft mouse model, we found that knockdown of MED1 significantly reduced tumor growth in mice. Importantly, knockdown of MED1 further potentiated tumor growth inhibition by fulvestrant. Mechanistic studies indicated that combination of fulvestrant treatment and MED1 knockdown is able to cooperatively inhibit the expression of ER target genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments further supported a role for MED1 in regulating the recruitment of RNA polymerase II and transcriptional corepressor HDAC1 on endogenous ER target gene promoter in the presence of fulvestrant. These results demonstrate a role for MED1 in mediating resistance to the pure anti-estrogen fulvestrant both in vitro and in vivo.

  14. Social indsats til borgere med erfaring fra salg af sex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mehlsen, Line; Amilon, Anna; Henriksen, Theresa Dyrvig


    Formålet med denne guide er at give endnu flere kommuner inspiration og vejledning til, hvordan man kan implementere og arbejde med CTI-forløb over for borgere med prostitutionserfaring. Manglende viden om borgere med prostitutionserfaringer gør det svært for kommunerne at hjælpe borgerne med de ...

  15. Specifik mutation med nålestiksoperation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holme, Inger; Wendt, Toni; Brinch-Pedersen, Henrik


    Mutanter af byg er vigtige i forskningen og benyttes også, når der forædles nye sorter til dyrkning. Hidtil har det kun været muligt at inducere mutationer tilfældige steder i genomet. Med helt ny teknologi benyttes proteiner med betegnelsen TALENs til at inducere mutationer i helt specifikke...

  16. Med sjefen på Facebook: En studie av ledere som er "venner" med sine ansatte


    Jensen, Anita


    MR690 Masteroppgave i organisasjon og ledelse - utdanningsledelse Formålet med studien er å belyse hvordan aktiv bruk av sosiale medier, i dette tilfellet Facebook, påvirker relasjoner mellom mennesker. Hva skjer når en tar i bruk en websjanger som i utgangspunktet er umiddelbar og uformell, til jobbrelatert og mer formell kommunikasjon? Er det sjangeren eller relasjonen som endres? Søkelyset rettes mot ledere som er “venner” med sine medarbeidere, og problemstillingen er...

  17. Administration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogen handler om den praksis, vi kalder administration. Vi er i den offentlige sektor i Danmark hos kontorfolkene med deres sagsmapper, computere, telefoner,, lovsamlinger,, retningslinier og regneark. I bogen udfoldes en mangfoldighed af konkrete historier om det administrative arbejde fra...... forskellige områder i den offentlige sektor. Hensigten er at forstå den praksis og faglighed der knytter sig til det administrative arbejde...

  18. Lourdes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baunvig, Katrine Frøkjær


    Denne artikel skitserer fremvæksten af Lourdes som helligsted fra midten til slutningen af 1800-tallet. Denne skitse tegner blandt andet konturerne af processionspraksissers betydning for helligtstedets etablering. Men artiklens egentlige tyngdepunkt er undersøgelsen af processionsskildringerne i...... overraskende slægtskab med den formative religionsvidenskabs interesse for ‘religiøse kræfter’ som den formuleres fx hos Émile Durkheim....

  19. Geograf med GIS som ledetråd

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Søren Zebitz


    Fra speciale om kortlægning af luft forurening med NO2 i troposfæren målt fra satellit til PhD studerende med fokus på forståelsen af menneskers bevægelsesmønstre i byer. GIS og geodata er den røde tråd der binder de brede interesser indenfor geografi en sammen for denne forskerlærling.......Fra speciale om kortlægning af luft forurening med NO2 i troposfæren målt fra satellit til PhD studerende med fokus på forståelsen af menneskers bevægelsesmønstre i byer. GIS og geodata er den røde tråd der binder de brede interesser indenfor geografi en sammen for denne forskerlærling....

  20. Overset spin-out-fænomen som årsag til kroniske smerter hos patient med totalknæalloplastik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bostadløkken, Ingvild; Tengberg, Peter Toft


    We present a case of a 66-year-old woman who had a total knee arthroplasty. Shortly after surgery a 90° rotation of her polyethylene liner took place. The complication was undiagnosed for 1.5 years. To know this problem and be able to diagnose it is crucial for doctors, who come in contact...

  1. PubMed searches: overview and strategies for clinicians. (United States)

    Lindsey, Wesley T; Olin, Bernie R


    PubMed is a biomedical and life sciences database maintained by a division of the National Library of Medicine known as the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). It is a large resource with more than 5600 journals indexed and greater than 22 million total citations. Searches conducted in PubMed provide references that are more specific for the intended topic compared with other popular search engines. Effective PubMed searches allow the clinician to remain current on the latest clinical trials, systematic reviews, and practice guidelines. PubMed continues to evolve by allowing users to create a customized experience through the My NCBI portal, new arrangements and options in search filters, and supporting scholarly projects through exportation of citations to reference managing software. Prepackaged search options available in the Clinical Queries feature also allow users to efficiently search for clinical literature. PubMed also provides information regarding the source journals themselves through the Journals in NCBI Databases link. This article provides an overview of the PubMed database's structure and features as well as strategies for conducting an effective search.

  2. A study on PubMed search tag usage pattern: association rule mining of a full-day PubMed query log. (United States)

    Mosa, Abu Saleh Mohammad; Yoo, Illhoi


    The practice of evidence-based medicine requires efficient biomedical literature search such as PubMed/MEDLINE. Retrieval performance relies highly on the efficient use of search field tags. The purpose of this study was to analyze PubMed log data in order to understand the usage pattern of search tags by the end user in PubMed/MEDLINE search. A PubMed query log file was obtained from the National Library of Medicine containing anonymous user identification, timestamp, and query text. Inconsistent records were removed from the dataset and the search tags were extracted from the query texts. A total of 2,917,159 queries were selected for this study issued by a total of 613,061 users. The analysis of frequent co-occurrences and usage patterns of the search tags was conducted using an association mining algorithm. The percentage of search tag usage was low (11.38% of the total queries) and only 2.95% of queries contained two or more tags. Three out of four users used no search tag and about two-third of them issued less than four queries. Among the queries containing at least one tagged search term, the average number of search tags was almost half of the number of total search terms. Navigational search tags are more frequently used than informational search tags. While no strong association was observed between informational and navigational tags, six (out of 19) informational tags and six (out of 29) navigational tags showed strong associations in PubMed searches. The low percentage of search tag usage implies that PubMed/MEDLINE users do not utilize the features of PubMed/MEDLINE widely or they are not aware of such features or solely depend on the high recall focused query translation by the PubMed's Automatic Term Mapping. The users need further education and interactive search application for effective use of the search tags in order to fulfill their biomedical information needs from PubMed/MEDLINE.

  3. Brugen af personas hos danske virksomheder - 2012/13

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lene; Nielsen, Kira Storgaard


    Denne rapport er skrevet på baggrund af et projekt initieret og finansieret af InfinIT – Innovationsnetværket for IT. Formålet med projektet er at undersøge hvorledes personas i dag etableres, kommunikeres, anvendes og vedligeholdes i forskellige typer af virksomheder samt etablere et opdateret sæt...... af anbefalinger for deres anvendelse. Virksomheders erfaringer med personas vil blive adresseret fra to forskellige vinkler:. Fokus vil bl.a. være på hvordan personas udvikles og vedligeholdes, om og hvordan de bruges, og hvad de bruges til. Personas er beskrivelser af fiktive brugere og bruges i...... designprocesser. Beskrivelserne er skabt på baggrund af data indsamlet om slutbrugerne. En samling af personas, som regel mellem 2 og 6 beskrivelser, vil i denne rapport benævnes et personasæt. Når personabeskrivelserne indgår i designprocessen bruges de til at få ideer til og beskrive, hvordan brugerne vil...

  4. Identitetskonstruktion hos unge poly-linguale sprogere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stæhr, Andreas


    I denne artikel belyser jeg, hvordan henholdsvis fler- og mindretals unge konstruerer, tilskriver og forhandler identiteter i interaktionen med hinanden. Karakteristisk, for de unge jeg fokuserer på, er, at de i deres identitetsarbejde ikke kun positionerer sig i lokalt i forhold til hinanden, men...... også positionerer sig i forhold til andre aktører eller grupper i samfundet. Eksempelvis viser jeg, hvordan de unges viden om stereotype forestillinger om minoritetsgrupper i det danske samfund kommer til at spille en afgørende rolle for deres identitetsarbejde. Ligeledes viser jeg, hvordan...

  5. Holt Oram syndrome : a registry-based study in Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barisic, Ingeborg; Boban, Ljubica; Greenlees, Ruth; Garne, Ester; Wellesley, Diana; Calzolari, Elisa; Addor, Marie-Claude; Arriola, Larraitz; Bergman, Jorieke E. H.; Braz, Paula; Budd, Judith L. S.; Gatt, Miriam; Haeusler, Martin; Khoshnood, Babak; Klungsoyr, Kari; McDonnell, Bob; Nelen, Vera; Pierini, Anna; Queisser-Wahrendorf, Annette; Rankin, Judith; Rissmann, Anke; Rounding, Catherine; Tucker, David; Verellen-Dumoulin, Christine; Dolk, Helen


    Background: Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by upper limb anomalies and congenital heart defects. We present epidemiological and clinical aspects of HOS patients using data from EUROCAT (European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies) registries. Methods: The

  6. Mars 2020 Entry, Descent and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI2) (United States)

    Bose, Deepak; Wright, Henry; White, Todd; Schoenenberger, Mark; Santos, Jose; Karlgaard, Chris; Kuhl, Chris; Oishi, TOmo; Trombetta, Dominic


    This paper will introduce Mars Entry Descent and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI2) on NASA's Mars2020 mission. Mars2020 is a flagship NASA mission with science and technology objectives to help answer questions about possibility of life on Mars as well as to demonstrate technologies for future human expedition. Mars2020 is scheduled for launch in 2020. MEDLI2 is a suite of instruments embedded in the heatshield and backshell thermal protection systems of Mars2020 entry vehicle. The objectives of MEDLI2 are to gather critical aerodynamics, aerothermodynamics and TPS performance data during EDL phase of the mission. MEDLI2 builds up the success of MEDLI flight instrumentation on Mars Science Laboratory mission in 2012. MEDLI instrumentation suite measured surface pressure and TPS temperature on the heatshield during MSL entry into Mars. MEDLI data has since been used for unprecedented reconstruction of aerodynamic drag, vehicle attitude, in-situ atmospheric density, aerothermal heating, transition to turbulence, in-depth TPS performance and TPS ablation. [1,2] In addition to validating predictive models, MEDLI data has highlighted extra margin available in the MSL forebody TPS, which can potentially be used to reduce vehicle parasitic mass. MEDLI2 expands the scope of instrumentation by focusing on quantities of interest not addressed in MEDLI suite. The type the sensors are expanded and their layout on the TPS modified to meet these new objectives. The paper will provide key motivation and governing requirements that drive the choice and the implementation of the new sensor suite. The implementation considerations of sensor selection, qualification, and demonstration of minimal risk to the host mission will be described. The additional challenges associated with mechanical accommodation, electrical impact, data storage and retrieval for MEDLI2 system, which extends sensors to backshell will also be described.

  7. Med Antony Beevor i Ardennerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Claus Bundgård


    Den storsælgende amerikanske historiker Antony Beevor tager i sin gennemgang af Anden Verdenskrigs slag denne gang læserne med til de sneklædte skove i Ardennerne, hvor tyskerne iværksatte deres sidste store offensiv på Vestfronten.......Den storsælgende amerikanske historiker Antony Beevor tager i sin gennemgang af Anden Verdenskrigs slag denne gang læserne med til de sneklædte skove i Ardennerne, hvor tyskerne iværksatte deres sidste store offensiv på Vestfronten....

  8. Ud at se med Erasmus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Pernille


    Få lidt luft under vingerne, kom ud at møde udenlandske kolleger og se, hvordan man også kan lave uddannelsesbibliotek. Med begejstring fortæller tre bibliotekarer om deres oplevelser i det store udland – alt sammen finansieret af Erasmus.......Få lidt luft under vingerne, kom ud at møde udenlandske kolleger og se, hvordan man også kan lave uddannelsesbibliotek. Med begejstring fortæller tre bibliotekarer om deres oplevelser i det store udland – alt sammen finansieret af Erasmus....

  9. Validation of the Spanish version of the Hip Outcome Score: a multicenter study. (United States)

    Seijas, Roberto; Sallent, Andrea; Ruiz-Ibán, Miguel Angel; Ares, Oscar; Marín-Peña, Oliver; Cuéllar, Ricardo; Muriel, Alfonso


    The Hip Outcome Score (HOS) is a self-reported questionnaire evaluating the outcomes of treatment interventions for hip pathologies, divided in 19 items of activities of daily life (ADL) and 9 sports' items. The aim of the present study is to translate and validate HOS into Spanish. A prospective and multicenter study with 100 patients undergoing hip arthroscopy was performed between June 2012 and January 2013. Crosscultural adaptation was used to translate HOS into Spanish. Patients completed the questionnaire before and after surgery. Feasibility, reliability, internal consistency, construct validity (correlation with Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index), ceiling and floor effects and sensitivity to change were assessed for the present study. Mean age was 45.05 years old. 36 women and 64 men were included. Feasibility: 13% had at least one missing item within the ADL subscale and 17% within the sport subscale. Reliability: the translated version of HOS was highly reproducible with intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.95 for ADL and 0.94 for the sports subscale. Internal consistency was confirmed with Cronbach's alpha >0.90 in both subscales. Construct validity showed statistically significant correlation with WOMAC. Ceiling effect was observed in 6% and 12% for ADL and sports subscale, respectively. Floor effect was found in 3% and 37% ADL and sports subscale, respectively. Large sensitivity to change was shown in both subscales. The translated version of HOS into Spanish has shown to be feasible, reliable and sensible to changes for patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. This validated translation of HOS allows for comparisons between studies involving either Spanish- or English-speaking patients. Prognostic study, Level I.

  10. Ud med Freud, Marx og Lacan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clasen, Mathias


    Det er på høje tid, at humanister løsriver sig fra deres forældede teorier. Freud, Marx og Lacan skal erstattes med evolutionspsykologi, biologi og kognitionsvidenskab.......Det er på høje tid, at humanister løsriver sig fra deres forældede teorier. Freud, Marx og Lacan skal erstattes med evolutionspsykologi, biologi og kognitionsvidenskab....

  11. Til julefrokost med Bjørn & Okay

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith-Sivertsen, Henrik


    I denne artikel vises med udgangspunkt i en beskrivelse af et specifikt arrangement med det danske danseorkester Bjørn & Okay, hvordan man optræder inden for denne særlige musiktradition. Bjørn & Okays performative udgangspunkt er, at de, trods en status som landskendt orkester med mange hits, i ...... the audience and constantly telling them what to do. At the same time he and the other musicians actively bond with the audience, both onstage and offstage, which helps building the spirit of community, which is the clear goal of the musical performance....

  12. Selskabsloven med kommentarer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaumburg-Müller, Peer; Werlauff, Erik

    Selskabsloven med kommentarer er bibelen på området for kapitalselskaber. Den er et juridisk arbejdsredskab for praktikere, rådgivere, forskere og studerende. Bogen indeholder en komplet opdatering af kommentarerne i forhold til de mange ændringer i selskabsloven siden 1.-udgaven, men bygger i øv...

  13. Patient med nedsat leverfunktion fik myoklonier under behandling med selektive serotoningenoptagelseshæmmere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Forsberg-Gillving, Mimmi; Bode, Matthias; Sindrup, Søren Hein


    Side effects such as myoclonus and tremor are rare when treating with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). We present a case where a patient with known liver cirrho-sis and in treatment with citalopram developed myoclonus, tremor and gait difficulties. The symptoms were reduced when t...... the SSRI dose was decreased. In patients with unexplained movement disorders the usage of SSRIs should be considered as a cause. Furthermore, treatment with SSRIs should be carefully assessed in patients with reduced liver function.......Side effects such as myoclonus and tremor are rare when treating with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). We present a case where a patient with known liver cirrho-sis and in treatment with citalopram developed myoclonus, tremor and gait difficulties. The symptoms were reduced when...

  14. Syskonplaceringens relation till personligheten hos vuxna personer


    Lindberg, Charlotta


    Individers placering i syskonskaran och dess relation till beteenden har varit i fokus för otaliga studier. Det finns dock relativt lite forskning kring syskonplaceringens relation till personlighet i Sverige. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka syskonplaceringens relation till personligheten enligt Big Five-Inventory (Zakrisson, 2010). Studien inkluderade vuxna personer (N=1070) som var relaterade till Stockholms universitets databas och svarade elektroniskt på enkäten (BFI). Fyra grup...

  15. Dialysis search filters for PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, and Embase databases. (United States)

    Iansavichus, Arthur V; Haynes, R Brian; Lee, Christopher W C; Wilczynski, Nancy L; McKibbon, Ann; Shariff, Salimah Z; Blake, Peter G; Lindsay, Robert M; Garg, Amit X


    Physicians frequently search bibliographic databases, such as MEDLINE via PubMed, for best evidence for patient care. The objective of this study was to develop and test search filters to help physicians efficiently retrieve literature related to dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) from all other articles indexed in PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, and Embase. A diagnostic test assessment framework was used to develop and test robust dialysis filters. The reference standard was a manual review of the full texts of 22,992 articles from 39 journals to determine whether each article contained dialysis information. Next, 1,623,728 unique search filters were developed, and their ability to retrieve relevant articles was evaluated. The high-performance dialysis filters consisted of up to 65 search terms in combination. These terms included the words "dialy" (truncated), "uremic," "catheters," and "renal transplant wait list." These filters reached peak sensitivities of 98.6% and specificities of 98.5%. The filters' performance remained robust in an independent validation subset of articles. These empirically derived and validated high-performance search filters should enable physicians to effectively retrieve dialysis information from PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, and Embase.

  16. Automation med pneumatiske servodrev - status og fremtid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Paul Haase


    Der er råd for problemer med ulineariteter. Med de nyeste metoder kan der lineære driftsområde udvides. Men pneumatikkomponenter skal være af høj kvalitet, når positionering skal være nøjagtig....

  17. Opfattelser af integration blandt unge med migrantbaggrund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skytte, Marianne; Bryderup, Inge


    I artiklen formidles analyser af otte interview med unge med migrantbaggrund. Der er fokus på de unges oplevelser og opfattelser af integration. Der er tale om komplekse processer og vekselvirkninger i forholdet mellem de samfundsmæssige kategoriseringer og individernes selvopfattelser. De unge o...

  18. Resource allocation and health care needs in diabetes care in Danish GP clinics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Troels; Rose Olsen, Kim; Sortsø, Camilla


    ydelsesbaseret honorering per type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patient, som kan forklares af patienternes co-morbiditetsbyrde og sygdomskarakteristika. Metode og data: Patientmorbiditets-karakteristika som f.eks. diagnostiske markører, co-morbiditets casemix justering og udgifter til ydelsesbaseret honorering per......Titel: Ressourceallokering og behov i diabetes behandlingen i dansk almen praksis Baggrund: I en række lande har myndighederne ændret systemet til allokering af ressourcer i almen praksis fra et demografisk baseret til et morbiditetsbaseret casemix system. I dansk almen praksis er der ikke indført...... et morbiditetsbaseret case mix justeringssystem. Det kan være relevant at undersøge, hvordan den danske ressourceallokering fungerer i forhold til morbiditet og sygdomskarakteristika hos patienter. Formål: Formålet med dette studie er at vurdere hvilken andel af variationen i udgifterne til...

  19. OCD og orofaciale dyskinesier forårsaget af sjælden basalganglielidelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elmgreen, Søren Bruno; Danielsen, Erik Hvid


    Bevægeforstyrrelser hos psykiatriske patienter skyldes sædvanligvis ekstrapyramidale bivirkninger til antipsykotisk medicin. Her beskrives en sjælden årsag til orofaciale dyskinesier, tungedystoni og koreiforme bevægelser hos en 31-årig mand i behandling for obsessiv-kompulsiv lidelse (OCD)....

  20. Personer med handicap

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Brian; Jonassen, Anders Bruun; Høgelund, Jan

    Regeringens Arbejdsmarkedskommission kommmer medio 2009 med forslag til, hvordan den samlede arbejdsindsats varigt kan øges gennem reformer på arbejdsmarkedet. En måde det kan ske på, er ved at begrænse antallet af personer, der står uden for arbejdsmarkedet som følge af helbredsproblemer. Rappor...

  1. Aerobic fitness testing in 6- to 9-year-old children: reliability and validity of a modified Yo–Yo IR1 test and the Andersen test

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahler, Thomas


    Målet med dette studie var at undersøge to indirekte VO2max tests (Yo–Yo IR1 og Andersen test) hos en gruppe 0 og 2. klasses børn mht. reproducerbarhed og mht. validitet i relation til en direkte målt VO2max. 35 skolelever i alderen 6-9 år blev inkluderet i studiet (18 fra 0., og 17 fra 2. klasse...

  2. MedCast: a discussion support system for cooperative work (United States)

    Moreno, Ramon A.; Lima, Vinícius; Lopes, Isidro; Gutierrez, Marco A.


    The availability of low cost Internet connections and specialized hardware, like webcams and headsets, makes possible the development of solutions for remote collaborative work. These solutions can provide advantages compared to presential meetings, such as: availability of experts on remote locations; lower price compared to presential meetings; creation of online didactic material (e.g. video-classes); richer forms of interaction between participants. These technologies are particularly interesting for continent-sized countries where typically there is a short number of skilled people in remote areas. However, the application of these technologies in medical field represents a special challenge due to the more complex requirements of this area, such as: Provide confidentiality (patient de-identification) and integrity of patient data; Guarantee availability of the system; Guarantee authenticity of data and users; Provide simple and effective user interface; Be compliant with medical standards such as DICOM and HL7. In order to satisfy those requirements a prototype called MedCast is under development whose architecture allows the integration of the Hospital Information System (HIS) with a collaborative tool in compliance with the HIPAA rules. Some of the MedCast features are: videoconferencing, chat, recording of the sessions, sharing of documents and reports and still and dynamic images presentation. Its current version allows the remote discussion of clinical cases and the remote ECG evaluation.

  3. Abdominal fedme og fedmerelaterede sygdomme hos patienter i almen praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haugan, Ketil; Rost, Dan; Knudsen, Nils


    Abdominal obesity is associated with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia and hypertension. The prevalence of abdominal obesity and its relationship with these comorbidities have not previously been examined in Danish primary care patients.......Abdominal obesity is associated with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia and hypertension. The prevalence of abdominal obesity and its relationship with these comorbidities have not previously been examined in Danish primary care patients....

  4. strong>Recirkulering af fosfor hos malkekøerstrong>

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Puggaard, Liselotte; Kristensen, Niels Bastian; Sehested, Jakob


    . Fosforindtag og udskillelse med gødning var lavere ved LP, og den tilsyneladende fordøjelighed (foder-fæces forskel) faldt derfor også. Endelig faldt fosforbalancen til 0 på LP. Plasma og vomkoncentrationen var lavere ved LP, men der var ingen forskel på vom pH, ammonium- eller VFA koncentration. Der var ingen...

  5. Juridiske overvejelser i forbindelse med Influence Operationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nissen, Thomas Elkjer


    Kapitel 8: Juridiske overvejelser i forbindelse med influence-operationer Af Thomas Elkjer Nissen Dette kapitel fokuserer ligesom kapitel 9 på de juridiske problemstillinger, som den teknologiske udvikling har bragt med sig til væbnede konflikter; i dette kapitel er der fokus på kommunikation....... Kapitlet ser nærmere på det moderne informationsmiljø, dets betydning i moderne konflikter og den stigende anvendelse af information som magtmiddel. Herefter rettes blikket mod de juridiske overvejelser, der er forbundet med influence-operationer, bl.a. tid og rum, chefansvar, mandat og juridisk grundlag....... Afsnittet behandler desuden bl.a. jus in bello’s grundlæggende princippers indflydelse på influence-operationer....

  6. Ukraine i fokus sammen med Georgien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fledelius, Karsten


    Der er god grund til at sammenligne Ukraine og Georgien, nu fokuslande for Danmark, og der er god grund til at støtte disse to eks-sovjetiske stater med i høj grad parallelle problemer.......Der er god grund til at sammenligne Ukraine og Georgien, nu fokuslande for Danmark, og der er god grund til at støtte disse to eks-sovjetiske stater med i høj grad parallelle problemer....

  7. Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data collected from CTD casts aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-08-26 to 2010-09-03 in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill event (NODC Accession 0069070) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data were collected aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-08-26 to 2010-09-03 in response to the Deepwater...

  8. Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data collected from CTD casts aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-09 to 2010-09-27 in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill event (NODC Accession 0069071) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data were collected aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-09 to 2010-09-27 in response to the Deepwater...

  9. Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data collected from CTD casts aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-08-13 to 2010-08-22 in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill event (NODC Accession 0069069) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data were collected aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-08-13 to 2010-08-22 in response to the Deepwater...

  10. ”På Facebook slipper man vara närvarande” : En studie kring unga vuxnas syn på användande, identitetsskapande och kvarlämnade digitala identiteter på Facebook


    Michael, Carlsson; Lahdensuo, Jonna


    Bakgrund: Facebook är ett socialt onlinenätverk som under sina levnadsår har ökat explosionsartat i popularitet. På Facebook sköter många användare stora delar av sina sociala relationer och delar med sig mycket av sig själva. Det finns inget tidigare socialt nätverk i stil med Facebook som har haft samma genomslagskraft hos internetanvändarna. I användandet skapas en digital identitet som lämnar spår på Facebook, även om en användare är död. Kring dessa kvalämnade digitala identiteter vill v...

  11. Digital visualisering i udbygning af Roskilde Universitetscenter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Nils Lykke

    Rapporten beskriver tre forsøg med 3D-visualisering i forbindelse med konkurrencer vedrørende udbygning af Roskilde Universitetscenter. Første forsøg var en metode til hurtigt at skabe en række digitale modeller i højt abstraktionsniveau. Forsøget resulterede i 15 små animationer, der blev benyttet...... af dommerkomiteen til volumenstudier af bygningskonkurrencens indsendte forslag. Andet forsøg var afprøvning af et modelleringsarbejde i lavere abstraktionsniveau, som resulterede i en animation af vinderprojektet. I sidste forsøg blev de praktiske erfaringer fra de to første forsøg implementeret hos...

  12. Att drabbas av cancer i tonåren : En kvantitativ studie om hälsorelaterad livskvalitet två till fyra år efter diagnos


    Hiding, Markus; Lavemark, Niklas


    Syfte Studiens syfte var att undersöka: självskattad hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos tonåringar som drabbats av cancer två år (T5), tre år (T6) och fyra år (T7) efter diagnos, samt att jämföra deras skattningar med en referensgrupp randomiserad från befolkningen.   Metod Tonåringarna med cancer besvarade SF-36 2 år (N=38), 3 år (N=42) samt 4 år (N=39) efter diagnos. En referensgrupp (N=300) randomiserad av Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) besvarade samma formulär vid ett tillfälle. Samtlig data...

  13. Syntaksens rolle i sprogtilegnelsen hos autistiske børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nyvad, Anne Mette


    I litteraturen om de sproglige karakteristika i autisme-spektrum-forstyrrelser (ASF) har man traditionelt fokuseret på afvigelser i forbindelse med pragmatiske aspekter af kommunikation. Den nyeste forskning tyder dog på, at selv højfunktionelle voksne autister uden konstateret sprogforsinkelse har...

  14. Dr. med. – obsolet? Eine Querschnittserhebung zur Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz der medizinischen Doktorarbeit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heun, Xenia


    Full Text Available [english] Purpose: To obtain the German Medical Degree “” candidates are required to write a scientific thesis which is usually accomplished during Medical school education. This extra work load for the students amongst a lack of standardization and an M.D. awarded upon graduation in other European and Anglo-Saxon countries leads repeatedly to criticism of the German system. However, a systematic survey on the perception and acceptance of the German doctoral thesis among those affected is overdue.Methods: Using an online questionnaire, medical students as well as licensed doctors were asked for the status of their medical degree, their motivation, personal benefit, time and effort, scientific output, its meaningfulness and alternatives concerning their thesis. Patients were asked, how important they value their general practitioner’s title “Dr. med.”. The resulting data were evaluated performing basic statistic analyses.Results and Conclusions: The title “Dr. med.“ does not seem to be obsolete, but there is room for improvement. The scientific output is good and only a mere 15.1% of the candidates do not publish their results at all. Moreover, while at an early stage motivation, appreciation and recognition of personal benefits from the medical degree are considered as independent aspects, they merge to a general view at later stages. The current practice is considered most meaningful by the ones who have already finished their thesis. However, there are discrepancies between the expected and the actual length as well as the type of the thesis indicating that mentoring and educational advertising need improvement. As for the patients, their educational level seems to correlate with the significance attributed to the title “Dr. med.” held by their physician.

  15. Effektivisering av arbetet med rumsbeskrivningar


    Enström, Magnus


    För att ta byggbranschen till nästa steg i utvecklingen är BIM det naturliga steget. Iteorin tycks många av lösningarna som medföljer implementationen av BIM varaenkla att förstå och skapa, i praktiken ligger dock de tekniska lösningarna långt ifrånen full implementation i branschen. I arbetet med olika typer av beskrivningar inomett byggprojekt har utvecklingen med hjälp av BIM stått still länge. Då det inte finnsnågot vedertaget sätt att utnyttja en BIM-modells information för att fylla oli...

  16. Fang CO2 med Aminosyrer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lerche, Benedicte Mai


    Med såkaldte “carbon capture-teknikker” er det muligt at rense røgen fra kulfyrede kraftværker, således at den er næsten helt fri for drivhusgassen CO2. Kunsten er at gøre processen tilstrækkeligt billig. Et lovende fangstredskab i denne proces er aminosyrer.......Med såkaldte “carbon capture-teknikker” er det muligt at rense røgen fra kulfyrede kraftværker, således at den er næsten helt fri for drivhusgassen CO2. Kunsten er at gøre processen tilstrækkeligt billig. Et lovende fangstredskab i denne proces er aminosyrer....

  17. Impact of PubMed search filters on the retrieval of evidence by physicians. (United States)

    Shariff, Salimah Z; Sontrop, Jessica M; Haynes, R Brian; Iansavichus, Arthur V; McKibbon, K Ann; Wilczynski, Nancy L; Weir, Matthew A; Speechley, Mark R; Thind, Amardeep; Garg, Amit X


    Physicians face challenges when searching PubMed for research evidence, and they may miss relevant articles while retrieving too many nonrelevant articles. We investigated whether the use of search filters in PubMed improves searching by physicians. We asked a random sample of Canadian nephrologists to answer unique clinical questions derived from 100 systematic reviews of renal therapy. Physicians provided the search terms that they would type into PubMed to locate articles to answer these questions. We entered the physician-provided search terms into PubMed and applied two types of search filters alone or in combination: a methods-based filter designed to identify high-quality studies about treatment (clinical queries "therapy") and a topic-based filter designed to identify studies with renal content. We evaluated the comprehensiveness (proportion of relevant articles found) and efficiency (ratio of relevant to nonrelevant articles) of the filtered and nonfiltered searches. Primary studies included in the systematic reviews served as the reference standard for relevant articles. The average physician-provided search terms retrieved 46% of the relevant articles, while 6% of the retrieved articles were relevant (corrected) (the ratio of relevant to nonrelevant articles was 1:16). The use of both filters together produced a marked improvement in efficiency, resulting in a ratio of relevant to nonrelevant articles of 1:5 (16 percentage point improvement; 99% confidence interval 9% to 22%; p PubMed search filters improves the efficiency of physician searches. Improved search performance may enhance the transfer of research into practice and improve patient care.

  18. Mindfulness som smertehåndteringsredskab for kvinder med endometriose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Mette Kold; Vedsted-Hansen, Hanne; Hansen, Tia G. B.


    Endometriose er en kronisk underlivssygdom med smerter og en række afledte problemer, som ikke nødvendigvis kan behandles med lægelige tiltag. Artiklen argumenterer for, at en mindfulness-baseret tilgang med fokus på smertehåndtering kan anvendes til denne klientgruppe. I vestlig terapeutisk...... sammenhæng kan mindfulness karakteriseres som nærvær, observation og beskrivelse af sansninger uden vurdering eller reaktion. Mindfulness-træning har effekt mod andre typer stress og kroniske smerter, og artiklen opridser et koncept til anvendelse ved endometriose. Konceptet belyses med en case, hvor...

  19. Procalcitonin til tidlig diagnostik af bakteriaemi hos børn med cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chawes, Bo Lund; Rechnitzer, Catherine; Schmiegelow, Kjeld


    INTRODUCTION: Fever and infections are common complications in children with cancer during chemotherapy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the usefulness of procalcitonin (PCT) in the identification of children with bacteraemia at time of admission with febrile episodes. Furthermore, w...

  20. Morbus Osler diagnosticeret hos 16-årig i forbindelse med en trafikulykke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sivapalan, Pradeesh; Demény, Ann Kathrin; Almind, Merete


    Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by vascular dysplasia and haemorrhage. It is manifested by mucocutaneous telangiec-tases and arteriovenous malformations in organs such as lungs, liver and brain. We present a case of HHT. A 16-year...

  1. Tredjegradsatrioventrikulært blok hos en ung kvinde med kongenit centralt hypoventilationssyndrom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hagelberg, Rikke; Dixen, Ulrik


    Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) is a rare multisystem disorder characterized by autonomic nervous system dysfunction, which often manifests as failure to maintain ventilatory homeostasis during sleep. We present a case with a third degree atrioventricular block in a young woman...

  2. Faktorer som påverkar livskvaliten hos barn med typ 1 diabetes


    Chibli, Marjam


    Background: type 1 diabetes has been increasing among children. New methods for treatment like insulin pump, continuous blood glucose monitor and Insuflon has been used to reduce pain. Quantitative research demonstrated lower quality of life among children with type 1 diabetes in comparison with healthy children. Objective: to describe factors that affect the quality of life among children with type 1 diabetes. Method: A literature review based on 15 qualitative research. Result: ...

  3. Svær intraabdominal blødning hos en kvinde med endometriose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berlac, Janne Foss; Langhoff-Roos, Jens; Lidegaard, Ojvind


    Spontaneous haemoperitoneum in pregnancy has been associated with endometriosis. More women with endometriosis get pregnant due to improved fertility treatment and little is known of their risk of obstetrical complications. We report a case of a pregnant woman with a history of endometriosis who...

  4. Spilleregler i musikterapi med børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Artiklen gennemgår udvalgte eksempler på anvendelse af spilleregler i musikterapi med børneklientgrupper. Efter en kort introduktion af Priestleys syn på analytisk musikterapi med børn, præsenteres læseren således for en række caseeksempler fra faglitteraturen, der giver indblik i udformning og a...

  5. Forsøg med Hi-Con altanelement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Pilegaard

    Denne rapport beskriver forsøg udført på Laboratoriet for Bærende Konstruktioner, Aalborg Universitet med et altanelement leveret af Hi-Con Aps, Hjallerup. Forsøgene er udført i september 2002. Forsøgene omfatter en statisk prøvning, hvor altanelementet blev belastet med sandsække og nedbøjningerne...

  6. Rutsjende dug - breddeopgave 73 med didaktisk kommentar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jens Højgaard


    Mit formål med artikelserien om breddeopgaver er - udover at gøre opmærksom på RUCs fysikuddannelse - dobbelt: Dels udvælger jeg opgaverne, så de kan have interesse som fysikproblemer i egen ret. Dels udvælger jeg dem med henblik på at kunne knytte didaktiske overvejelser til dem af interesse for...

  7. Testning af alment ordforråd hos danske universitetsstuderende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Louise Langhoff; Ravn, Ida Elise; Weed, Ethan


    Artiklen indeholder udviklingen og afprøvningen af en ordforrådstest designet specielt til universi- tetsstuderende. Testen er en elektronisk, revideret version af ’Hvilket billede passer til ordet’ udviklet med udgangspunkt i de billeder og ord, der bruges i Vejledende Læsetest for Voksne (VLV)....

  8. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs. uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til...... følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Undersøgelsen medtager myndighedernes besvarelse af digital post og e-mail, dels for at kunne...... sammenligne de to digitale kanaler og for at kunne sammenligne med en tidligere undersøgelse af digital kommunikation med det offentlige. Herudover er der tidligere gennemført en undersøgelse af e-mail svar og svartider i New Zealand og Australien. De danske resultater fra e-mail undersøgelsen, men ikke...

  9. Potential use of hyperoxygenated solution as a treatment strategy for carbon monoxide poisoning.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xingxing Sun

    Full Text Available AIM: Carbon monoxide (CO poisoning can cause permanent damage in tissues that are sensitive to hypoxia. We explored the feasibility and efficacy of using a hyperoxygenated solution (HOS to treat severe acute CO poisoning in an animal model. METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to CO poisoning. The HOS was administered into the femoral vein of these rats through a catheter (10 ml/kg. Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb and blood gases were used to assess the early damage caused by CO poisoning. S100β was measured to predict the development of late cognitive sequelae of CO. The Morris water maze test was performed to assess cognitive function, and Nissl staining was performed to observe histologic change. RESULTS: The COHb concentrations rapidly decreased at 5 min after the HOS administration; however, the PaO2 and SaO2 in rats treated with HOS increased significantly 5 min after the HOS administration. The S100β concentrations, which increased significantly after CO poisoning, increased at a much slower rate in the rats treated with HOS (HOS group compared with the rats treated with O2 inhalation (O2 group. The escape latency in the place navigation test was shortened after CO poisoning on days 11-15 and days 26-30, and the swimming time in quadrant 4 in the spatial probe test on days 15 and 30 after CO poisoning was prolonged in the rats treated with HOS injection compared with the rats treated with oxygen inhalation or normal saline injection. The neuronal degeneration in the HOS group was alleviated than that in the CO or O2 group. CONCLUSION: HOS efficiently alleviates the brain damage in acute CO-poisoned rats and thus may serve as a new way to treat human patients with CO poisoning in clinical practice.

  10. Washoe Med of Reno shares real patient testimonials to build hospital image. (United States)


    The three-hospital system offers the region's most comprehensive treatment programs for cancer and heart and neurological disorders, as well as pediatric urgent care and the region's only women's heart program. Washoe Med was named one of the country's Top 100 Integrated Healthcare Networks, a Hospital of Choice by the American Alliance of Healthcare Providers, and was recently recognized as one of "Nevada's Best Companies to Work For" by Nevada Business Journal. Its marketing department along with agency Estipona Vialpando Partners created a successful integrated marketing campaign to rebrand the hospital and create external and internal ad campaigns.

  11. Effekten av antioksidanter på aerob kapasitet, lungefunksjon og luftveisinflammasjon hos utrente personer


    Freuchen, Fredrik


    Masteroppgave - Norges idrettshøgskole, 2013 Antioksidanter kan beskytte celler mot alvorlig skade ved å hindre oksidering av cellulære bestanddeler. Likevel er det antydet at store doser antioksidanter kan hemme gunstige treningseffekter. Formålet med studien var å undersøke hvilken effekt antioksidanttilskudd kombinert med 12 ukers utholdenhetstrening har på aerob kapasitet, lungefunksjon og luftveisinflammasjon.

  12. Mellem nyliberalisme og terror - Interview med Chantal Mouffe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Allan Dreyer; Sonnichsen, André


    Interview med Chantal Mouffe om Hegemony and Socalist Strategy, modstandere og fjender en ny multipolær verdensorden og demokrati......Interview med Chantal Mouffe om Hegemony and Socalist Strategy, modstandere og fjender en ny multipolær verdensorden og demokrati...

  13. Effektelektronik - teknologi med energibesparelser og forbedret performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blaabjerg, Frede


    Lige siden transistoren blev opfundet, har det altid været ønskeligt at kunne anvende en sådan til at styre store strømme/spændinger i elektriske systemer. Det er teknologisk også sket, først med tyristorer til styring af store effekter, men siden hen også med den bipolare transistor MOSFET, samt...

  14. Gennemgang af den danske samfundsregulering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falch, Morten

    investeringer hos en bred række af markedsaktører’1. Midlet til at opnå dette mål har været at skabe et regelsæt der gør det lettere for nye virksomheder at komme ind på det nye telemarked, og konkurrere på lige fod med TDC. Herudover, har man hjulpet de nye operatører på vej gennem en såkaldt asymmetrisk...

  15. Cutting og anden form for selvskade

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møhl, Bo; Møhl Schack, Malthe


    Selvskade, en metode til nedregulering eller dæmpning af svære følelser, er desværre et hyppigt fænomen. Aktiviteten er forbundet med skam og vækker også mange følelser hos behandleren, der let kommer til at føle både vrede og magtesløshed. Bliv klogere på, hvad adfærden dækker over, hvordan den ...

  16. A HOS-based blind deconvolution algorithm for the improvement of time resolution of mixed phase low SNR seismic data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hani, Ahmad Fadzil M; Younis, M Shahzad; Halim, M Firdaus M


    A blind deconvolution technique using a modified higher order statistics (HOS)-based eigenvector algorithm (EVA) is presented in this paper. The main purpose of the technique is to enable the processing of low SNR short length seismograms. In our study, the seismogram is assumed to be the output of a mixed phase source wavelet (system) driven by a non-Gaussian input signal (due to earth) with additive Gaussian noise. Techniques based on second-order statistics are shown to fail when processing non-minimum phase seismic signals because they only rely on the autocorrelation function of the observed signal. In contrast, existing HOS-based blind deconvolution techniques are suitable in the processing of a non-minimum (mixed) phase system; however, most of them are unable to converge and show poor performance whenever noise dominates the actual signal, especially in the cases where the observed data are limited (few samples). The developed blind equalization technique is primarily based on the EVA for blind equalization, initially to deal with mixed phase non-Gaussian seismic signals. In order to deal with the dominant noise issue and small number of available samples, certain modifications are incorporated into the EVA. For determining the deconvolution filter, one of the modifications is to use more than one higher order cumulant slice in the EVA. This overcomes the possibility of non-convergence due to a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the observed signal. The other modification conditions the cumulant slice by increasing the power of eigenvalues of the cumulant slice, related to actual signal, and rejects the eigenvalues below the threshold representing the noise. This modification reduces the effect of the availability of a small number of samples and strong additive noise on the cumulant slices. These modifications are found to improve the overall deconvolution performance, with approximately a five-fold reduction in a mean square error (MSE) and a six

  17. Comparative study of MR imaging and X-ray in Med-anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Zhongkui; Long Liling; Song Yingru


    Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of MRI and X-ray and to analyze MRI and X-ray characteristics in Med-anemia. Methods: MRI was performed in thoracic spine, lumbar spine, sacral spine, pelvis, and superior femurs in 15 patients with pathologically proved Med-anemia with T 1 WI and T 2 WI. Seven of them were examined on X-ray. Twenty volunteers were examined on MR as control group. The authors analyzed the manifestations of MRI in the Med-anemia, including abnormality of signal intensity of bone marrow, T 1 value, vertebral alteration of size and shaped, spinal cord compression due to epidural extramedullary haematopoiesis, and compared with the findings of bone on X-ray. Results: In the control group, bone marrow showed an inhomogeneous iso-signal intensity with band-shaped, triangular or motley high signal intensity in the middle or back part of the vertebra, neck of the femur on T 1 WI and a homogeneous iso-signal intensity on T 2 WI in the vertebra, pelvis, and superior femur. All cases with Med-anemia had low homogenous signal intensity in the bone marrow of the vertebra, pelvis and superior femur on T 1 WI but had no alterations on T 2 WI. The spinal cord was constricted resulting from protruding crushed vertebra with bullet-like shape in 4 cases. The soft tissue masses, confirmed as extramedullary haematopoiesis by operation, were demonstrated in 4 cases. Among 7 cases with X-ray examinations, 2 cases showed normal on X-ray but abnormal bone marrow on MRI, another 5 cases demonstrated bone alteration including osteoporosis, widening of striations, enlargement of ribs and vertebras. T 1 value showed (897.4 +- 75.43) ms in the Med- anemia group and (401.5 +- 28.1) ms in the control group with significant statistical difference (P 1 WI; (2) MRI is useful in demonstrating the space occupying lesion due to vertebral deformity, enlargement of ribs and extramedullary haematopoiesis

  18. Ny viden begynder med forhindringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Martin Blok


    Pædagogik og pædagogisk arbejde diskuteres typisk inden for rammerne af det at hjælpe, støtte, simplificere og kompleksitetsreducere. Hvis man ønsker at vide noget om forhindringer, modstand og vanskeligheder som pædagogiske muligheder, så er udbuddet derimod forsvindende småt. Og når sådanne...... begreber endelig tages op, så benævnes de typisk blot, men bliver sjældent defineret. Hvad menes der med modstand, vanskeligheder eller kompleksitet? Med afsæt i en kort gennemgang af eksisterende forskning på området forsøger denne artikel at give et bud på en mulig definition af begrebet forhindring...

  19. Psykomotorisk behandling og wellness til personer med demens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stamp, Anne Schinkel; Frausing, Kristian Park

    Rapporten evaluerer projektet Psykomotorisk behandling af personer med demens gennem fokusgruppeinterviews med deltagende studerende og personale fra deltagende centre. Samlet peges der på gavnligt udbytte for de demente beboere samt både personligt og fagligt udbytte for de deltagende studerende...

  20. Inkludering av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn i NIF-organisert idrett

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mari Kristin Sisjord


    Full Text Available Norges Idrettsforbund og Olympiske og Paralympiske Komité (NIF har en uttalt målsetting om en åpen og inkluderende idrett. Hvordan kommer dette til uttrykk i den praktiske virksomheten? Denne artikkelen, som bygger på data fra en undersøkelse om likestilling og mangfold i den organiserte idretten (NIF, retter søkelyset mot arbeid med inklusjon av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn på ulike organisasjonsnivå i NIF: særforbund, idrettskretser og idrettslag. Datamaterialet er kvalitative intervju med representanter fra ulike organisasjonsnivå. Resultatene viser at NIFs overordnede politikk i varierende grad nedfelles i særforbundenes virksomhet, i idrettskretsene og i idrettslagene. Av særforbundene skiller Fotballforbundet og Klatreforbundet seg ut som aktive pådrivere i arbeidet med inkludering. Mange idrettslag oppfattet slike spørsmål som lite aktuelle i sitt rekrutteringsområde. Representanter for lag som hadde erfaring med inkludering og rekruttering av minoritetsungdom, tilkjennega varierte erfaringer og synspunkter.