
Sample records for horizonte mg nos

  1. Radioproteção, dose e risco em exames radiográficos nos seios da face de crianças, em hospitais de Belo Horizonte, MG Radioprotection, doses and risks in the radiological assessment of paranasal sinuses in children, in hospitals of Belo Horizonte, MG

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    Marco Aurélio de Sousa Lacerda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a freqüência das incidências radiográficas realizadas nos seios da face de pacientes pediátricos em hospitais de Belo Horizonte, MG, as condições de radioproteção, as técnicas radiográficas empregadas, o kerma no ar de entrada e as doses nos órgãos mais expostos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram coletados os dados dos pacientes e parâmetros de técnica radiográfica empregados em exames de crianças de 1 a 16 anos de idade, em cinco salas de quatro hospitais da cidade, observando, também, aspectos de proteção radiológica. O kerma no ar de entrada foi estimado a partir dos rendimentos dos tubos de raios-x e as doses nos órgãos utilizando o software PCXMC. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios do kerma no ar de entrada para as cinco salas foram, respectivamente, 1.398 µGy, 829 µGy, 877 µGy, 1.168 µGy e 3.886 µGy para pacientes entre 1 e 5 anos de idade. CONCLUSÃO: Foi constatado que as incidências mento-naso e fronto-naso são comumente solicitadas em conjunto, na maioria dos hospitais, o que confere dose significativa para os pacientes. Os riscos para os pacientes podem ser diminuídos mediante a utilização de cilindros de colimação, a não-utilização de grades antiespalhamento, o emprego de altos valores de tensão e baixos valores de tempo.OBJECTIVE: The present study was aimed at evaluating the frequency of radiographic assessment of paranasal sinuses in pediatric patients in hospitals of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Additionally, aspects regarding radiation protection conditions and radiographic parameters were evaluated, and entrance air kerma and organ doses were estimated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients' data and parameters of radiographic technique employed in the assessment of children in the age range between 1 and 16 years were collected in five examination rooms of four hospitals in Belo Horizonte, also taking into consideration the radiation protection aspects. Entrance air kerma calculation was

  2. Levantamento etnobotânico de plantas medicinais nos quintais do Bairro Novo Horizonte, Ituiutaba, MG

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    H.S.N Liporacci


    Full Text Available Apesar da maioria dos estudos etnobotânicos serem focados em populações tradicionais, as populações de áreas urbanas também vêm sendo investigadas. O presente trabalho realizou um levantamento etnobotânico de plantas medicinais nos quintais de um bairro urbano, próximo à zona rural, no município de Ituiutaba, MG, visando resgatar e identificar o conhecimento local a respeito das plantas medicinais. Para isso, 40 residências foram visitadas e os dados coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com os moradores. Foram encontradas 72 espécies de plantas medicinais, distribuídas em 33 famílias botânicas, destacando-se Asteraceae e Lamiaceae pelo número de espécies. As cinco espécies mais citadas pelos moradores foram: Mentha sp., Cymbopogon citratus, Sedum dendroideum, Plectranthus barbatus, e Rosmarinus officinalis. O hábito herbáceo foi predominante, e a parte da planta mais usada foi a folha, enquanto a decocção foi o modo de preparo mais frequente. Por mais que existam particularidades entre os diversos costumes e culturas das comunidades locais no Brasil, foi observada similaridade entre os resultados encontrados neste trabalho com outros levantamentos realizados, reforçando a importância da preservação e divulgação do conhecimento popular.

  3. Prevalência baixa de adenovírus em crianças com diarreia em Belo Horizonte-MG Low prevalence of adenoviruses in children with acute diarrhea in Belo Horizonte-MG

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    Ricardo Jenner Duarte


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Diversos microrganismos são reconhecidos como agentes de diarreia aguda, entre eles, os adenovírus, cuja associação com a doença apresenta variações geográficas e é pouco conhecida no Brasil. OBJETIVOS: Investigar a presença de adenovírus em fezes de crianças com diarreia aguda e sem diarreia, em Belo Horizonte-MG, e estudar os fatores epidemiológicos associados à adenovirose intestinal. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: O teste imunocromatográfico qualitativo (kit VIKIA® Rota-Adeno, bioMérieux foi utilizado para pesquisa de antígenos de adenovírus em amostras fecais obtidas de 268 crianças com diarreia aguda e 124 sem diarreia, em 2005 e 2006, no Hospital Infantil João Paulo II, Belo Horizonte-MG. Dados laboratoriais, clínicos e epidemiológicos foram registrados em banco de dados (SPSS Statistical package, IBM. RESULTADOS: Adenovírus foi detectado nas fezes de 16 crianças (4,1%: 12 (4,5% com diarreia e quatro (3,2% sem diarreia. A virose foi mais comum em meninas e a distribuição etária da infecção foi homogênea. Entre as 16 crianças com infecção pelo vírus, 11 (68,8% tinham até 12 meses de idade. Entretanto, diferença significativa não foi observada para os parâmetros analisados. Distribuição sazonal da infecção por adenovírus não foi detectada. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos dados demonstram que a prevalência da adenovirose é baixa na população pediátrica no nosso meio.INTRODUCTION: Several microorganisms, among them enteric adenovirus, are widely recognized as etiological agents of acute diarrhea. The association between adenovirus and the disease varies among geographical regions and is poorly known in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the presence of adenovirus in stool samples from children with and without diarrhea in Belo Horizonte-MG. To study factors associated with enteric adenovirus infection. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A qualitative immunochromatographic assay (kit VIKIA® Rota-Adeno, bio

  4. Atitudes e motivações em relação ao consumo de alimentos orgânicos em Belo Horizonte - MG Attitudes and motivations towards organic foods consumption in Belo Horizonte, MG

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    Luísa Mol Senna Andrade


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar o mercado consumidor de alimentos orgânicos em Belo Horizonte-MG, incluindo o perfil socioeconômico e o comportamento dos consumidores, sua percepção e seu conhecimento sobre alimentos orgânicos, além das principais motivações e limitações em relação ao consumo desses produtos. Uma pesquisa descritiva direta e estruturada (survey foi realizada com 400 consumidores de alimentos orgânicos, por meio da aplicação de questionários semiestruturados. A maioria dos consumidores era do gênero feminino (76,0%, com idade superior a 30 anos (90,3%, em união estável (81,3%, graduados (81,5% e com renda familiar elevada (acima de 12 S.M.⁄mês (78,7%. A maioria definiu alimento orgânico como um alimento isento de resíduos de agrotóxicos (69,7%. Alimentos orgânicos foram mencionados conter maiores níveis de nutrientes do que os convencionais (82,0%, além de serem isentos de organismos geneticamente modificados (75,0% e produtos químicos sintéticos (86,0%. A maioria mostrou preocupação em manter hábitos de vida saudáveis, sendo que 80,5% exercitavam-se regularmente e 49,2% já haviam feito alguma dieta ou recebido orientações nutricionais. Todos acreditavam nos benefícios à saúde advindos do consumo dos produtos orgânicos e quase a totalidade (98,8% já havia percebido melhorias na saúde em decorrência desse consumo. Somente 16,3% consumiam outros alimentos orgânicos além de frutas e hortaliças. A preocupação com a saúde, assim como o maior conteúdo de nutrientes e o sabor mais pronunciado do que os alimentos convencionais, foram as maiores motivações para o consumo de frutas e hortaliças orgânicas. Grande parte dos consumidores apresentou conhecimento superficial sobre a temática, o que evidenciou a necessidade de maiores esclarecimentos sobre o assunto. Uma demanda reprimida por tais produtos pôde ser observada, pois, apesar do grande interesse por alimentos org



    Ferreira, Claudiney Luís; Faculdade Pitágoras-BH; Faculdade de Minas - FAMINAS-BH; Conselho Regional de Farmácia de Minas Gerais.; Santos, Maria Aparecida Souza dos; Faculdade Pitágoras-BH; Rodrigues, Schirlene Campos; Faculdade Pitágoras-BH


    Medicamento é o produto farmacêutico tecnicamente obtido ou elaborado, com finalidade profilática, curativa, paliativa ou para fins de diagnóstico. O descarte aleatório de medicamentos vencidos pode culminar em impactos ambientais extremamente relevantes. A existência desse tipo de resíduos pode levar a reações adversas em seres aquáticos e terrestres. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o processo de descarte de medicamentos pela população do Município de Belo Horizonte/MG. Foi realizada uma...

  6. Conteúdo básico comum: ensino de arte em escolas públicas estaduais de Belo Horizonte/MG Common basic contents: teaching art in public schools in Belo Horizonte/MG

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    Pedro Pires Bessa


    Full Text Available Procuramos captar como se dá, na prática, a implementação do Conteúdo Básico Comum, o CBC, de Arte - atual Proposta Curricular do Estado - no primeiro ano do Ensino Médio, em duas escolas públicas estaduais localizadas na cidade de Belo Horizonte/MG. Optou-se por pesquisar somente escolas (pólo de Ensino Médio, uma classificada como Escola Referência, a outra, não. Visamos a mostrar as conclusões relativas à proposta pedagógica em Arte das escolas pesquisadas; o planejamento do arteeducador, verificando as possibilidades de um diálogo entre este e o CBC/Arte; a colaboração dos agentes informadores; bem como a perspectiva do alunado quanto aos aspectos conceituais, procedimentais e atitudinais oferecidos nas aulas de Arte. Longe de se querer, a partir da análise de duas escolas, generalizar os resultados, pretende-se que, ao elucidar questões presentes nas escolas pesquisadas, possam elas servir de reflexão e signifiquem uma contribuição a outras escolas, a professores e pesquisadores.We try to capture, as it is happening, the practical implementation of "Common Basic Contents, CBC, of Art - the current Curricular Proposal of the State - in the 1st year of secondary school, in two state public schools, both located in the city of Belo Horizonte/MG. We chose to research only schools (two secondary schools, poles apart in performance levels one classified as a Reference School; the other, not. We aim to draw our conclusions with relation to the pedagogical Art proposal of the school being studied; the art educator's planning process providing the opportunity for exploring what possibilities exist for a dialogue between the school proposal and that of CBC/Art; the cooperation of all agents able to inform (shed light on the process; not least, the perspective of the student body, but equally the conceptual, procedural and attitudinal aspects presented in Art classes. Far from intending to generalize results, having only

  7. Prevalência e fatores associados a lesões em corredores amadores de rua do município de Belo Horizonte, MG

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    Alberto Cantídio Ferreira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A prática da corrida de rua tem aumentado nos últimos anos, tanto por sua facilidade quanto pelo baixo custo envolvido. Essa prática, todavia, envolve risco de lesões musculoesqueléticas. OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência de lesões osteomioarticulares e analisar os fatores associados em corredores de rua amadores de Belo Horizonte, MG. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo observacional do tipo transversal. A seleção da amostra foi por conveniência. Participaram da pesquisa 100 atletas amadores com pelo menos três meses de prática de corrida com frequência mínima de duas vezes por semana. Foram coletados os dados referentes à prevalência de lesões e os fatores associados através de um questionário estruturado. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de lesões entre os atletas foi de 40%. Dentre os fatores associados à lesão destacam-se a distância média diária e a variação no volume do treinamento. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de lesões em corredores amadores é considerável, apesar de ter sido relatada por menos da metade dos participantes. As características do treinamento podem desencadear lesões e devem ser analisadas com cautela para que a corrida seja realizada de forma segura.

  8. Study of the Local Horizon. (Spanish Title: Estudio del Horizonte Local.) Estudo do Horizonte Local (United States)

    Ros, Rosa M.


    The study of the horizon is fundamental to easy the first observations of the students at any education center. A simple model, to be developed in each center, allows to easy the study and comprehension of the rudiments of astronomy. The constructed model is presented in turn as a simple equatorial clock, other models (horizontal and vertical) may be constructed starting from it. El estudio del horizonte es fundamental para poder facilitar las primeras observaciones de los alumnos en un centro educativo. Un simple modelo, que debe realizarse para cada centro, nos permite facilitar el estudio y la comprensión de los primeros rudimentos astronómicos. El modelo construido se presenta a su vez como un sencillo modelo de reloj ecuatorial y a partir de él se pueden construir otros modelos (horizontal y vertical). O estudo do horizonte é fundamental para facilitar as primeiras observações dos alunos num centro educativo. Um modelo simples, que deve ser feito para cada centro, permite facilitar o estudo e a compreensão dos primeiros rudimentos astronômicos. O modelo construído apresenta-se, por sua vez, como um modelo simples de relógio equatorial e a partir dele pode-se construir outros modelos (horizontal e vertical)

  9. Perfil epidemiológico da população idosa de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil Perfíl epidemológico de la población de ancianos de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil Epidemiological profile of the elderly population in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

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    Meire Chucre Tannure


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva utilizando-se dados secundários da secretaria municipal de coordenação de política social de Belo Horizonte, cujo objetivo foi descrever o perfil epidemiológico da população idosa desta cidade. Os idosos de Belo Horizonte em 2000 representam 9,1% do total da população nela residente. Da população de idosos, 60,5% são mulheres e 39,4% são homens; 2,9% dos idosos apresentavam algum tipo de deficiência física, 16,4% alguma deficiência auditiva, 23,5% alguma dificuldade para enxergar, 24,1% alguma dificuldade para caminhar ou subir escadas e que 3,8% apresentavam problemas mentais. Concluiu-se que a parcela de pessoas idosas, fragilizada em Belo Horizonte era inferior à representada por aquela com boas condições de saúde. Envelhecimento não é sinônimo de incapacidade.Este es un estudio descriptivo de la utilización de los datos secundarios de la secretaría municipal para la coordinación de la política social en Belo Horizonte, cuyo propósito fue describir el perfil epidemiológico de la población de ancianos de esta ciudad. Las personas mayores en Belo Horizonte en 2000 representan el 9,1% del total de la población que reside en ella. Población de personas mayores, 60,5% son mujeres y el 39,4% son hombres, el 2,9% de las personas de edad tenían algún tipo de discapacidad física, 16,4% tiene la pérdida de la audición, 23,5% tienen dificultades para ver, 24,1% tienen dificultades para caminar o subir escaleras, y que el 3,8% tenía problemas mentales. Se concluyó que la proporción de personas de edad avanzada, debilitados en Belo Horizonte estuvo representada por menos de uno con una buena salud. El envejecimiento no es sinónimo de incapacidad.This is a descriptive study using the data side of the municipal secretariat for coordination of social policy in Belo Horizonte, whose purpose was to describe the epidemiological profile of elderly population of this city. The elderly in

  10. Fósforo orgânico em horizontes diagnósticos superficiais de diferentes classes de solo

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    Ruthanna Isabelle de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Em solos tropicais, a disponibilidade de fósforo (P pode ser regulada pela decomposição e mineralização da fração lábil de P orgânico (Po, tornando necessários estudos para saber a sua real contribuição no solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o teor de Po total e lábil em horizontes superficiais de diferentes classes de solo e quais as propriedades do solo exercem controle na acumulação dessas frações de P. Foram estudadas amostras de diferentes horizontes diagnósticos superficiais, a saber: H e O hístico; A chernozêmico; e A húmicos, coletados em vários estados do Brasil. Para a determinação das frações totais de P inorgânico (Pi e orgânico (Po, foi usado o método da extração-sequencial ácido-alcalina, e a fração lábil de P foi determinada pela extração com bicarbonato de sódio. A taxa de recuperação de Pi + Po em relação à extração nítrico-perclórica do P total (PT variou de 46 a 99 %. O Po total variou entre 35 e 1077 mg kg-1, com uma média de 298 mg kg-1. Para a fração lábil do Po, os teores variaram entre 7,2 e 99,5 mg kg-1, com uma média de 27,1 mg kg-1. O Po variou, em média, de 36 a 46 % do P total extraído. Em relação ao P lábil, o Po representou mais de 70 % para todos os horizontes diagnósticos. O PT foi o principal atributo controlador da acumulação de Po nos solos pelas análises de correlação e regressão múltipla. Verificou-se que horizontes com baixa capacidade de adsorção de P proporcionaram alta labilidade de Po.

  11. Vai lá, tira a roupa... e... pronto...": o acesso a consultas ginecológicas em Belo Horizonte, MG El acceso a consultas ginecológicas en Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil Access to gynecological consultations in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Maria Eponina de Abreu e Torres


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como foco a consulta ginecológica. Investiga-se o acesso a estas consultas entre mulheres residentes em Belo Horizonte, com idades de 18 a 59 anos, bem como suas percepções sobre este acesso. O estudo foi desenvolvido em duas etapas: uma análise quantitativa por meio do método Grade of Membership (GoM, buscando delinear perfis de mulheres de 18 a 59 anos, que realizaram e não realizaram a consulta ginecológica nos 12 meses anteriores à pesquisa; e uma análise qualitativa, com base em 33 entrevistas semi-estruturadas, buscando captar a percepção que mulheres com características similares aos perfis extremos delineados na primeira etapa tinham sobre a consulta ginecológica. Os dados quantitativos são oriundos da pesquisa SRSR (Saúde Reprodutiva, Sexualidade e Raça/cor, realizada pelo Cedeplar em 2002. Já os dados qualitativos são provenientes da pesquisa "Aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos acerca do acesso à contracepção e ao diagnóstico e tratamento do câncer de colo uterino: uma proposta de análise para o município de Belo Horizonte, MG", ocorrida entre 2005 e 2006. Os resultados quantitativos sugerem que a realização de uma consulta ginecológica está muito relacionada às características socioeconômicas e demográficas das entrevistadas. Nota-se, também, que as mulheres com maior probabilidade de terem ido ao ginecologista, nos últimos 12 meses, são aquelas que tiveram um acompanhamento ginecológico regular e que costumavam procurar este profissional por meio de consultas particulares ou planos de saúde. Os resultados qualitativos reafirmam o desconforto das mulheres diante da consulta, sendo maior entre aquelas com menos escolaridade. Notou-se também que a primeira consulta ginecológica ocorreu em momentos muito diferentes para as mulheres de alta e de baixa escolaridade - para as primeiras está geralmente relacionada ao início da vida sexual e ao uso de contracepção, enquanto para

  12. Eventos Gastronômicos e Estratégias de Marketing: O Festival Comida Di Buteco em Belo Horizonte, MG.Eventos Gastronômicos e Estratégias de Marketing: O Festival Comida Di Buteco, em Belo Horizonte, MG / Gastronomic Events and Marketing Strategies: The Fes

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    Graziela Da Silva Suzuki


    Full Text Available Os eventos são considerados como estratégias de comunicação no composto de marketing. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar o Retorno Sobre Investimento (ROI da participação no festival gastronômico “Comida di Buteco”. Para tanto, utilizam-se teorias do marketing de relacionamento, da comunicação, da retenção e uma adaptação das categorias propostas pela metodologia ROI, de Phillips. Foram realizadas 12 entrevistas com os gestores e proprietários de bares participantes do festival. A técnica de análise dos dados foi a do discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC. Palavras-chave: Gastronomia. Evento Gastronômico. Marketing de relacionamento. Festival Comida di Buteco. Belo Horizonte, MG. Gastronomic Events and Marketing Strategies: The Festival ‘Comida Di Buteco’ - Events are considered as communication strategies in the marketing mix. Thus, this study aims to identify the Return on Investment (ROI participation in the gastronomic festival ‘Comida de Buteco [Food di Buteco]. The methodology uses theories of relationship marketing, communication, retention and the adaptation of the categories proposed by the Phillips ROI methodology. 12 interviews with managers and owners of bars were made. Data analysis technique was that of the CSD. Keywords: Gastronomy. Gastronomic Event. Relationship marketing. Food Festival. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.

  13. Perfil dos cuidadores de idosos nas instituições de longa permanência de Belo Horizonte, MG Profile of caregivers of elderly in long-term care institutions in Belo Horizonte - MG

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    Marco Túlio de Freitas Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou o perfil dos cuidadores de idosos das instituições de longa permanência filantrópicas e privadas de Belo Horizonte - MG. Uma amostra de 181 cuidadores, 98 em filantrópicas e 83 em privadas, foi aleatoriamente selecionada e submetida à entrevista estruturada, após assinatura do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. As variáveis avaliadas foram gênero, faixa etária, escolaridade, estado civil, remuneração mensal (em termos de salários mínimos, condição econômica, tempo de trabalho na instituição e tempo na função de cuidador. A comparação entre as modalidades de instituições foi realizada pelos testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher. Não houve diferença estatística significativa entre as modalidades de instituições quanto ao gênero (p=0,62 e remuneração mensal (0,77 dos cuidadores. Nas instituições filantrópicas, foi observado maior número de cuidadores com mais de 50 anos, com estado civil viúvo, com menos de quatro anos de estudo, de classe econômica D e que trabalhavam nas instituições e atuavam como cuidadores há mais de dois anos (pThe purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the profile of caregivers of elderly in long-term care facilities. The studied population included 181 randomly selected caregivers, 98 from philanthropic and 83 from private institutions in the city of Belo Horizonte. Data were collected applying structured questionnaires. The variables evaluated were sex, age group, educational level, marital status, income, economic condition, time of work in the facility, and professional experience. The data were compared using Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests. There was no statistically significant difference between caregivers from the two facilities with regard to sex (p=0.62 and income (0.77. In the philanthropic facilities we observed more caregivers aged 50 years or more, widowers, with less than 4 years of study, socio-economic level D and

  14. Stress-restress evokes sustained iNOS activity and altered GABA levels and NMDA receptors in rat hippocampus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harvey, Brian H; Oosthuizen, Frasia; Brand, Linda


    . The NOS isoform involved, and the role of stress-mediated corticosterone release in NOS activation, was verified with the administration of selective iNOS and nNOS inhibitors, aminoguanidine (50 mg/kg/day i.p.) and 7-nitroindazole (12.5 mg/kg/day i.p.), and the steroid synthesis inhibitor, ketoconazole...... (24 mg/kg/day i.p.), administered for 21 days prior to and during the stress procedure. RESULTS: Stress evoked a sustained increase in NOS activity, but reduced NMDA receptor density and total GABA levels. Aminoguanidine or ketoconazole, but not 7-nitroindazole or saline, blocked stress-induced NOS...

  15. A saúde no cotidiano de jovens residentes em um bairro popular de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil

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    Natália de Cássia Horta


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objeto a saúde no cotidiano dos jovens considerando que esses não têm suas vivências cotidianas contempladas nas ações de saúde. O objetivo é analisar os modos de vida juvenis apreendendo os significados e sentidos da saúde em seu cotidiano. Trata-se de uma investigação qualitativa, fundamentada na dialética, com base na sociologia da vida cotidiana. Desenvolvida num bairro popular do município de Belo Horizonte, foi estruturada em fase exploratória e interpretativa, tendo como sujeitos dezenove jovens. Por meio da análise hermenêutica e dialética, a tese foi confirmada. As ações de cuidado presentes no cotidiano dos jovens levam em conta os recursos e os aspectos constitutivos da condição juvenil, ainda pouco contemplada nas proposições da área da saúde. No cotidiano dos jovens, tem-se a expressividade dos modos de vida e da condição juvenil na qual a saúde se revela pelo bem-estar e pelas condições básicas para o trilhar da vida. A concepção de saúde prevalente centra-se nos comportamentos e na corporeidade. Para a promoção da saúde juvenil é necessário partir dos modos de vida juvenis e interagir com eles no cotidiano. As ações de cuidado com a saúde têm um espaço de (invisibilidade na vida dos jovens e interagem com suas prioridades na vivência da condição juvenil. Revelou-se a importância da proposição de ações cuidadoras nos microespaços e no território em que se expressa essa condição.

  16. Utilização de fitoterápicos por idosos: resultados de um inquérito domiciliar em Belo Horizonte (MG, Brasil

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    Lucianno D. P. Marliére

    Full Text Available Os fitoterápicos constituem uma modalidade de terapia complementar ou alternativa diante das necessidades de saúde e seu uso tem sido crescente na população idosa de diversos países. Entretanto, apresentam interações medicamentosas e reações adversas importantes e sua utilização não deve ser indiscriminada. Este estudo objetivou caracterizar o perfil de utilização de fitoterápicos por aposentados e pensionistas do INSS, com 60 anos e mais, residentes em Belo Horizonte, MG. A partir do cadastro do INSS, selecionou-se uma amostra aleatória de 881 idosos para entrevista. Investigou-se a prevalência de uso de fitoterápicos e interações medicamentosas potenciais. Um total de 667 (80,3% dos selecionados foi entrevistado. Setenta e um participantes (10,6% utilizaram fitoterápicos nos últimos 15 dias, principalmente aqueles preparados a partir de extratos de ginkgo (41,8%, aesculus (12,3% e isoflavonas de soja (8,2%. Mais de 60% dos fitoterápicos foram adquiridos em farmácias de manipulação. Aproximadamente 45% dos usuários de fitoterápicos estavam expostos a pelo menos uma interação medicamentosa potencial entre eles e medicamentos sintéticos, tais como entre ginkgo e diuréticos tiazídicos (14 e antiagregante plaquetário/anticoagulantes (8. São necessárias estratégias de orientação para o uso racional de fitoterápicos entre idosos, mais vulneráveis aos prejuízos decorrentes da utilização inadequada desses.

  17. nNOS inhibitors attenuate methamphetamine-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity but not hyperthermia in mice. (United States)

    Itzhak, Y; Martin, J L; Ail, S F


    Methamphetamine (METH)-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity is associated with hyperthermia. We investigated the effect of several neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibitors on METH-induced hyperthermia and striatal dopaminergic neurotoxicity. Administration of METH (5 mg/kg; q. 3 h x 3) to Swiss Webster mice produced marked hyperthermia and 50-60% depletion of striatal dopaminergic markers 72 h after METH administration. Pretreatment with the nNOS inhibitors S-methylthiocitrulline (SMTC; 10 mg/kg) or 3-bromo-7-nitroindazole (3-Br-7-NI; 20 mg/kg) before each METH injection did not affect the persistent hyperthermia produced by METH, but afforded protection against the depletion of dopaminergic markers. A low dose (25 mg/kg) of the nNOS inhibitor 7-nitroindazole (7-NI) did not affect METH-induced hyperthermia, but a high dose (50 mg/kg) produced significant hypothermia. These findings indicate that low dose of selective nNOS inhibitors protect against METH-induced neurotoxicity with no effect on body temperature and support the hypothesis that nitric oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite have a major role in METH-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity.

  18. iNOS-dependent increase in colonic mucus thickness in DSS-colitic rats.

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    Olof Schreiber

    Full Text Available AIM: To investigate colonic mucus thickness in vivo in health and during experimental inflammatory bowel disease. METHODS: Colitis was induced with 5% DSS in drinking water for 8 days prior to experiment, when the descending colonic mucosa of anesthetized rats was studied using intravital microscopy. Mucus thickness was measured with micropipettes attached to a micromanipulator. To assess the contributions of NOS and prostaglandins in the regulation of colonic mucus thickness, the non-selective NOS-inhibitor L-NNA (10 mg/kg bolus followed by 3 mg/kg/h, the selective iNOS-inhibitor L-NIL (10 mg/kg bolus followed by 3 mg/kg/h and the non-selective COX-inhibitor diclofenac (5 mg/kg were administered intravenously prior to experiment. To further investigate the role of iNOS in the regulation of colonic mucus thickness, iNOS -/- mice were used. RESULTS: Colitic rats had a thicker firmly adherent mucus layer following 8 days of DSS treatment than untreated rats (88±2 µm vs 76±1 µm. During induction of colitis, the thickness of the colonic mucus layer initially decreased but was from day 3 significantly thicker than in untreated rats. Diclofenac reduced the mucus thickness similarly in colitic and untreated rats (-16±5 µm vs -14±2 µm. While L-NNA had no effect on colonic mucus thickness in DSS or untreated controls (+3±2 µm vs +3±1 µm, L-NIL reduced the mucus thickness significantly more in colitic rats than in controls (-33±4 µm vs -10±3 µm. The importance of iNOS in regulating the colonic mucus thickness was confirmed in iNOS-/- mice, which had thinner colonic mucus than wild-type mice (35±3 µm vs 50±2 µm, respectively. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry revealed increased levels of iNOS in the colonic surface epithelium following DSS treatment. CONCLUSION: Both prostaglandins and nitric oxide regulate basal colonic mucus thickness. During onset of colitis, the thickness of the mucus layer is initially reduced followed by an iNOS

  19. Antimicrobial resistance and serotyping of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from pediatric patients in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil Resistência antimicrobiana e sorotipagem de Streptococcus pneumoniae isolado de pacientes pediátricos em Belo Horizonte, MG

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    Ana Paula Gomes de Oliveira Magalhães


    Full Text Available Thirty one Streptococcus pneumoniae invasive strains were isolated from a pediatric population in Belo Horizonte from June, 1999 to May, 2001. Penicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline and chloramphenicol resistance rates for the isolates were 41.9, 58.1, 25.8 and 3.2%, respectively. Intermediate penicillin resistant (MICs between 0.1 and 1.0 µg/ml and resistant (MICs > 2.0 µg/ml isolates occured at rates of 38.7 and 3.2%, respectively. Resistance to erythromycin, ofloxacin, rifampin or vancomicyn was not detected. Ten S. pneumoniae serotypes (14, 5, 10 A, 6B, 15B, 18C, 6 A, 18 A, 19 A and 19 F were identified. Serotype 14 (12 out of 31 was predominant among the isolates. Penicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance was more common in 14 and 6B serotypes.Trinta e três linhagens invasivas do S. pneumoniae foram isoladas a partir de pacientes pediátricos em Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil, de junho de 1999 a maio de 2001. As taxas de resistência à penicilina, ao trimetoprim-sultametoxazol, tetraciclina e cloranfenicol foram respectivamente, 41, 9; 58,1 e 3,2%. A resistência intermediária à penicilina (MICs entre 0,1 e 1,0 µg/ml e resistência total (MICs>2.0 µg/ml ocorreram, respectivamente, nas porcentagens de 38,7 e 3,2%. Não foi detectada resistência à eritromicina, ofloxacin, rifampina e vancomicina. Foram identificados 9 sorotipos do S. pneumoniae (14, 5, 10 , 6B, 15B, 18C, 6 A, 18 19 A e 19F entre os isolados. O sorotipo 14 (12 de 31 foi predominate entre os isolados. A resistência à penicilina e ao trimetoprim-sulfametoxazol estava sempre associada aos sorotipos 14 e 6B.

  20. Ectoparasitos de roedores da região urbana de Belo Horizonte, MG. I. Interação entre ectoparasitos e hospedeiros Ectoparasites of rodents of the urban region of Belo Horizonte MG I. Interaction between ectoparasites and hosts

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    Pedro Marcos Linardi


    Full Text Available Um levantamento de ectoparasitos de roedores domesticos da região urbana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, foi realizado no período de junho de 1980 a setembro de 1982. As espécies de ectoparasitos capturadas de 950 Rattus norvegicus foram: Xenopsylla cheopis, Ctenocephalides felis felis, Polyplax spinulosa, Laelaps nuttalli, Eschinolaelaps echidninus e Atricholaelaps glasgowi, esta ultima apenas representada por três exemplares intercambiados com roedores silvestres. As espécies P. spinulosa e L. nuttalli, embora cosmopolitas, sao registradas pela primeira vez no Estado de Minas Gerais. A relação entre os sexos dos ectoparasitos bem como a prevalência de pulgas, ácaros e piolho por sexos separados de roedores são apresentadas. 66,9% dos roedores estavam infestados por ácaros, quase duas vezes mais do que as infestações por pulgas e piolho conjuntamente (39%. L. nuttalli foi a espécie mais numerosa e a que apresentou o maior índice de infestação: 55,1%. As infestações simples e associadas se equivaleram numericamente. P. spinulosa, ao contrário de L. nuttalli, raramente ocorreu em infestações simples. Dados sobre a distribuição dos ectoparasitos nos roedores sao também assinalados. A infestação observada em Belo Horizonte e confrontada com aquelas obtidas por outros autores em algumas cidades do mundo.A rodent ectoparasite survey was made in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from June 1980 to September 1982. The species of ectoparasites captured from 950 Rattus norvegicus norvegicus were: Xenopsylla cheopis, Ctenocephalides felis felis, Polyplax spinulosa, Laelaps nuttalli, Echinolaelaps echidninus and Atricholaelaps glasgowi, the last species only represented by three specimens interchanged with wild rodent. P. spinulosa and L. nuttalli, although cosmopolitan, are recorded for the first time in State of Minas Gerais. The sex ratio of the ectoparasites, as well as the prevalence of fleas, mites

  1. Health assessment of raptors in triage in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

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    D de A Andery


    Full Text Available Falconiformes (n=82, Strigiformes (n=84 and Cathartiformes (n=14 at a triage center (CETAS-Belo Horizonte, IBAMA, Brazil were examined between 2008 and 2010 . No bird was reactive at hemagglutination-inhibition (HI for antibodies against Mycoplasma gallisepticum (Mg. Two Caracara plancus (2/68 had HI titers (16-32 against Newcastle disease virus. No Chlamydophila psittaci DNA was detected in the liver (PCR; n=95. Blood smears (Giemsa; n=89 and spleen fragments (PCR; n=82 were 13.5% and 8.5% positive, respectively, for Haemoproteus only. Necropsy of Cathartiformes (n=10, Falconiformes (n=42 and Strigiformes (n=57 showed that trauma injuries were the main cause (63.3% of admission and death, being fractures (38.5% of the thoracic limbs (57.1% the most frequent. Nematode (12.8%, cestode (1.8%, trematode (0.9%, and acanthocephalan (2.7% parasite infections were relevant. Mites (Acari were the most frequent (17.4% external parasites, particularly Ornithonyssus sylviarum in Asio clamator and Amblyomma cajennense in Tyto alba. Chewing lice (10.1% and Pseudolynchia spp. (9.2% were also found. Histomonas spp. (6.4% was found in the ceca of Bubo virginianus, Athene cunicularia, Tyto alba, and Asio clamator, but not in Falconiformes or Cathartiformes. Trichomonas spp. (oral cavity, pharynx and upper esophagus; 9.1% was detected in Falconiformes and Strigiformes, but not in Cathartiformes. Trichomonas spp. were found in A. cunicularia, Asio clamator, Glaucidium brasilianum and Tyto alba (Strigiformes, and in Rupornis magnirostris, Milvago chimachima, Falco femoralis, Falco sparverius and Caracara plancus (Falconiformes. Coccidia (9.1% (Sarcocystis spp., 6.4% and mycosis were observed in most Tyto alba (70%. The evaluated Orders may not pose risks for commercial poultry production. Habitat loss and urban adaptation may be increasingly affecting raptors.

  2. Intoxicação experimental de suínos por fumonisinas

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    Dilkin Paulo


    Full Text Available Os efeitos da exposição oral prolongada (28 dias à fumonisina foram estudados em suínos jovens. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos experimentais e alimentados com ração ad libitum contendo: A 0mg de (controle; B 10mg de; C 30mg de Os suínos foram observados duas vezes por dia; seus pesos e consumo alimentar foram registrados semanalmente. Entre o 20º e 24º dia de intoxicação, os suínos do tratamentos C apresentaram diminuição do consumo de ração e ganho de peso, sinais característicos de edema pulmonar, razão pela qual um animal foi levado a óbito aos 23 dias de intoxicação. Após 28 dias, os animais foram necropsiados e os órgãos submetidos a análises macroscópica, histopatológica e ao estudo da morfologia e histologia intestinal. Nos suínos que apresentaram sinais clínicos de intoxicação, observaram-se lesões pulmonares, hepáticas e diminuição de altura das vilosidades e profundidade das criptas e hiperplasia glandular em segmentos intestinais. Conclui-se, portanto, que substanciais perdas de produtividade podem ser induzidas em suínos alimentados com ração contaminada com baixos níveis de fumonisinas.

  3. Sildenafil Ameliorates Gentamicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats: Role of iNOS and eNOS

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    Mohamed A. Morsy


    Full Text Available Gentamicin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic, is used for the treatment of serious Gram-negative infections. However, its usefulness is limited by its nephrotoxicity. Sildenafil, a selective phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, was reported to prevent or decrease tissue injury. The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential protective effects of sildenafil on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Male Wistar rats were injected with gentamicin (100 mg/kg/day, i.p. for 6 days with and without sildenafil. Sildenafil administration resulted in nephroprotective effect in gentamicin-intoxicated rats as it significantly decreased serum creatinine and urea, urinary albumin, and renal malondialdehyde and nitrite/nitrate levels, with a concomitant increase in renal catalase and superoxide dismutase activities compared to gentamicin-treated rats. Moreover, immunohistochemical examination revealed that sildenafil treatment markedly reduced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS expression, while expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS was markedly enhanced. The protective effects of sildenafil were verified histopathologically. In conclusion, sildenafil protects rats against gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity possibly, in part, through its antioxidant activity, inhibition of iNOS expression, and induction of eNOS production.

  4. Complexidade do regime terapêutico prescrito para idosos Complexity of therapeutic regimens prescribed for elderly retirees, Belo Horizonte/MG, Brazil

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    Francisco de Assis Acurcio


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados à complexidade do esquema terapêutico em prescrições de medicamentos para idosos, em Belo Horizonte (MG. MÉTODOS: Inquérito domiciliar, com idosos selecionados por amostragem aleatória simples, a partir do cadastro do INSS. O Índice de Complexidade Terapêutica (ICT, medida direta das ações necessárias para administrar o medicamento, foi obtido de informações contidas na última prescrição. Foram realizadas análises univariada e bivariada dos dados para identificar fatores associados ao ICT. RESULTADOS: Dos 667 entrevistados, 56,5% apresentaram prescrição que atendia aos critérios de inclusão. A maioria (69,2% era do sexo feminino com idade média de 72,4 anos. 35,5% consideravam seu estado de saúde bom ou muito bom e 37,4% relataram cinco ou mais doenças. Nos 15 dias anteriores à entrevista, foram utilizados 1873 medicamentos (média=5,1, desses, 942 constavam nas prescrições analisadas (média=2,5. Para o mesmo período, 22,3% dos entrevistados deixaram de usar algum medicamento prescrito. O ICT encontrado variou de 1 a 24 (média=6,1. Número de medicamentos prescritos (>2, menor escolaridade, pior percepção de saúde e menor valor do benefício recebido foram associados positivamente à maior complexidade (pOBJECTIVE: To examine factors associated with therapeutic regimen complexity of drug prescriptions for elderly people in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. METHODS: A household survey of elderly people selected by simple random sampling from Brazil's social security register. The medication complexity index (MCI, a direct measurement of actions required to administer medication, was derived from information in the latest prescription. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed to identify factors associated with the MCI. RESULTS: Of the 667 interviewees, 56.5% had prescriptions meeting the inclusion criteria; most (69.2% were females aged 72.4 years (mean; 35

  5. Explorando nuevos horizontes en NASA (United States)

    Villanueva, G. L.

    A pesar de la incesante expansión del Universo iniciada con el Big Bang 14 mil millones de años atrás, nuestro Universo se siente cada día más cercano. La inquebrantable vocación de la humanidad por descubrir nuevos horizontes ha permitido el acercamiento de civilizaciones en nuestro planeta y nos ha permitido conocer nuestro lugar en el Universo como nunca antes. En este artículo presento una breve sinopsis de nuestro trabajo que se relaciona con diversas investigaciones con implicaciones astrobiológicas, desde el origen de los ingredientes de la "sopa de la vida", hasta la evolución y composición de la atmósfera de Marte.

  6. NOS INTRAMUROS DO LICEU: violência escolar em Belo Horizonte.

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    Paulo Tiego Gomes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta dados sobre fenômenos violentos resultantes de questões étnico-raciais no ambiente escolar de Belo Horizonte em 2014 e 2015. Identifica qual grupo étnico-racial figura como vítima mais recorrente de crimes e contravenções em escolas públicas do ensino médio na capital mineira. Observando a dinâmica que se constrói no cenário escolar diante das implicações étnico-raciais resultantes de preconceito e racismo, tem como referencial teórico Charlot, Gomes, Munanga, Soares e Teixeira. Utiliza leis em vigor, dentro dos temas de educação, racismo, preconceito e violência racial. A hipótese é que são os indivíduos de etnia negra (pardos e pretos os mais vitimizados. Utiliza a metodologia quantitativa, através da coleta de boletins de ocorrência policial buscando discutir e refletir sobre a possível naturalização da violência contra grupos étnico-raciais negros dentro do ambiente escolar.

  7. Gallic Acid Enriched Fraction of Phyllanthus emblica Potentiates Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Ulcer Healing via e-NOS-Dependent Pathway

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    Ananya Chatterjee


    Full Text Available The healing activity of gallic acid enriched ethanolic extract (GAE of Phyllanthus emblica fruits (amla against the indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration in mice was investigated. The activity was correlated with the ability of GAE to alter the cyclooxygenase- (COX- dependent healing pathways. Histology of the stomach tissues revealed maximum ulceration on the 3rd day after indomethacin (18 mg/kg, single dose administration that was associated with significant increase in inflammatory factors, namely, mucosal myeloperoxidase (MPO activity and inducible nitric oxide synthase (i-NOS expression. Proangiogenic parameters such as the levels of prostaglandin (PG E2, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, von Willebrand Factor VIII, and endothelial NOS (e-NOS were downregulated by indomethacin. Treatment with GAE (5 mg/kg/day and omeprazole (3 mg/kg/day for 3 days led to effective healing of the acute ulceration, while GAE could reverse the indomethacin-induced proinflammatory changes of the designated biochemical parameters. The ulcer healing activity of GAE was, however, compromised by coadministration of the nonspecific NOS inhibitor, N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, but not the i-NOS-specific inhibitor, L-N6-(1-iminoethyl lysine hydrochloride (L-NIL. Taken together, these results suggested that the GAE treatment accelerates ulcer healing by inducing PGE2 synthesis and augmenting e-NOS/i-NOS ratio.

  8. Determinant factors of toothache in 8- and 9-year-old schoolchildren, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

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    Eliane Paula Reis Barrêtto


    Full Text Available A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the prevalence, severity and impact of toothache among schoolchildren associated with socio-demographic variables (gender, degree of maternal schooling, economic group, and oral health status. Six hundred and one 8- and 9-year-old children were randomly selected from schools in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. After formal authorization was obtained from their parents, the children were interviewed and clinically examined by a single examiner. The Chi squared test was applied and the odds ratio obtained. The prevalence of toothache was 45.9% (276/601, of which 15.6% (94/601 had occurred during the previous month. Among the children who had experienced pain, 39.4% (109/276 classified its severity as intense or very intense. Nearly 35% (96/276 were awoken by the pain, and 63.8% (176/276 were unable to carry out daily tasks as a result. The prevalence of pain was greater among children from less privileged economic groups, in which the mothers' level of schooling was lower (0-7 years of formal study and who showed poorer conditions of oral health, determined by the presence of dental and periodontal pathology (p<0.05. Gender did not influence either the experience of toothache or its severity and impact. The prevalence of toothache found in the age group between 8 and 9 years is very high and associated to social determinants and poorer conditions of oral health.

  9. Estudo do processo de dispersão de emissões veiculares em uma microrregião de Belo Horizonte (MG utilizando simulação numérica Study of the dispersion process of vehicular emissions at a specific site in Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil, using numerical simulation

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    Fernanda Vasconcelos Fonseca Tavares


    Full Text Available O modelo CAL3QHCR (California Line Source for Queuing & Hot Spot Calculations Refined foi utilizado para avaliar a contribuição das emissões de material particulado (MP10 e MP2,5 de origem veicular na qualidade do ar de uma microrregião do centro de Belo Horizonte (MG. Os resultados de concentração obtidos nas simulações foram comparados com dados experimentais de concentração de MP10 e MP2,5, obtidos a partir da amostragem desses poluentes em uma estação de monitoramento da qualidade do ar localizada na área de estudo. Para todos os cenários, os valores de concentração previstos pelo modelo foram menores do que os observados. Uma análise de sensibilidade revelou que o fator de emissão veicular é o parâmetro que mais influencia os resultados das simulações, indicando a necessidade de realização de um maior número de pesquisas sobre o tema no Brasil.The CAL3QHCR (California Line Source for Queuing & Hot Spot Calculations Refined model was used to assess the contribution of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5 from vehicular exhausts to the air quality of a specific site downtown Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil. Concentration results obtained through simulations were compared to the experimental data of concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 which consisted of collected samples of these pollutants from a monitoring station for air quality located in the area of the study. For all scenarios, the concentration values predicted by the model were lower than the experimental concentrations. The sensitivity analysis showed that the vehicular emission factor influenced the simulation results more than the other parameters, which points out to the need of more researches in this area in Brazil.

  10. Espectroscopia de refletância e emissividade de rochas fosfáticas ígneas e sedimentares do centro-oeste do Brasil : estudos de caso nos depósitos de Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG), Rocinha e Lagamar (MG) = Reflectance and emissivity spectroscopy of igneous and sedimentary rocks from Midwest Brazil: case study of the Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG), Rocinha and Lagamar deposits


    Emanuel Amorer Hernández


    Resumo: A pesquisa compreende estudos sobre a assinatura ultraespectral e multiespectral de fosfatos de origem ígnea e sedimentar contidos, respectivamente, nos depósitos de Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG) e Rocinha-Lagamar (MG), centro-oeste do Brasil. Medidas de reflectância e emissividade (focadas na faixa de 8-12µm) foram analisadas em conjunto com dados de Difração de Raios X e Fluorescência de Raios X visando a determinação da mineralogia e quimismo das rochas envolvidas nas áreas de estudo...

  11. Horizonte 2020 excelencia científica para el liderazgo europeo


    Larrabeiti López, David


    La Unión Europea concentra gran parte de sus actividades de investigación e innovación en programas marco. Este año, y hasta 2020, entra en vigor el programa Horizonte 2020, sucesor del 7º Programa Marco. Entre sus objetivos figuran promover el liderazgo industrial europeo y reforzar la excelencia de su base científica. En la entrevista David Larrabeiti nos cuenta cómo se puede beneficiar la universidad y sus investigadores y que debe hacer la universidad para rentabilizar el programa.

  12. Effects of mercury intoxication on the response of horizontal cells of the retina of thraira fish (Hoplias malabaricus

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    C.L. Tanan


    Full Text Available Methyl mercury (MeHg is highly neurotoxic, affecting visual function in addition to other central nervous system functions. The effect of mercury intoxication on the amplitude of horizontal cell responses to light was studied in the retina of the fish Hoplias malabaricus. Intracellular responses were recorded from horizontal cells of fish previously intoxicated with MeHg by intraperitoneal injection (IP group or by trophic exposure (T group. Only one retina per fish was used. The doses of MeHg chloride administered to the IP group were 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, and 6.0 mg/kg. The amplitudes of the horizontal cell responses were lower than control in individuals exposed to 0.01 (N = 4 retinas, 0.05 (N = 2 retinas and 0.1 mg/kg (N = 1 retina, whereas no responses were recorded in the 1.0, 2.0, and 6.0 mg/kg groups. T group individuals were fed young specimens of Astyanax sp previously injected with MeHg corresponding to 0.75 (N = 1 retina, 0.075 (N = 8 retinas or 0.0075 (N = 4 retinas mg/kg fish body weight. After 14 doses, one every 5 days, the amplitude of the horizontal cell response was higher than control in individuals exposed to 0.075 and 0.0075 mg/kg, and lower in individuals exposed to 0.75 mg/kg. We conclude that intoxication with MeHg affects the electrophysiological response of the horizontal cells in the retina, either reducing or increasing its amplitude compared to control, and that these effects are related to the dose and/or to the mode of administration.

  13. Geologic evolution of the SE.23 Sheet - Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pereira, A.D.C.; Fonseca, E.G. da; Braz, E.R.C.


    The aim of this paper is to present a synthesis of the geologic evolution in the Belo Horizonte Sheet comprising an area about 281.210 Km 2 . Rb-Sr and K-Ar isotope dating methods are used for age estimation of geologic deposits. The geologic evolution of the cratonic area is reflected by a stable central nucleus surrounded by marginal orogenic belts. In the central area were recognized greenstone belts structures involved by granite terrains and bordered by a granulitic region. The framework of the Sao Francisco Craton involves events of metamorphism, granitogenesis, sedimentary, volcanism and plutonism developed in the Early to Late Proterozoic. The stratigraphic column is complemented by Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous continental deposits belonging to Parana-Basin. (M.V.M.)

  14. Vasoactive and radioprotective properties of isothiourea derivatives having NOS-inhibitory activity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Filimonova, Marina V.; Shevchenko, Ludmila I.; Ulyanenko, Stepan E.; Makarchuk, Victorya M.; Kuznetsova, Mary N.; Shevchuk, Aza S.; Lushnikova, Galina A.; Chesnakova, Ekaterina A. [Medical Radiological Research Center Health Ministry of Russia, 4, Korolev street, Obninsk, 249036, Kaluga region (Russian Federation)


    We studied vasoactive and radioprotective properties of new original N-acyl, S-alkyl isothiourea derivatives which are potent inhibitors of nitric oxide synthases (preferably eNOS and iNOS). These compounds have a moderate toxicity (LD50 - 400-550 mg/kg), and are stable in aqueous solutions. In hemodynamic studies, these compounds exhibited high vasotropic activity. The use of these compounds in doses of 5-15 mg/kg (0,01-0,03 LD{sub 50}) in the experimental animals in a state of the severe hemorrhagic or endo-toxic shock causes a potent vasopressor effect, accompanied by a significant and continuous rise in blood pressure. The increasing of vascular tone developed over 2-5 min after injection and persisted for at least 60-90 minutes, excelling at least 3-5 times the duration of α1-adreno-mimetic vasopressor action. The rapid increase in vascular tone under the influence of these compounds in normo-tonic animals caused protective baroreflex to prevent high blood pressure. At doses of 10-15 mg/kg the reflex reaction was mild, but at higher doses (30-40 mg/kg) the reaction was fierce and prolonged, and was accompanied by severe bradycardia, decreasing of the cardiac output and a significant weakening of the peripheral blood flow. In all cases, the hemodynamic response was reflexive and easily eliminated by atropine. The ability of these compounds to induce circulatory hypoxia was the basis for the study of their radioprotective properties. The study of radioprotective effect on the survival of animals exposed to lethal doses of γ-radiation (10 Gy) and on the survival of hematopoietic clonogenic cells showed that these compounds in doses of 80-150 mg/kg (0,2-0,3 LD50) have considerable radioprotective action, which is comparable with the protective effect of the maximum tolerated dose of cystamine. The factor of change in dose for γ-radiation, estimated by the LD{sub 50}, was 1,42-1,58. We also investigated the ability of the test compounds, due to their hypoxic

  15. Mapeamento preliminar de solos com horizonte B textural e B nítico na região de Lavras, MG Preliminary mapping of alfisols and ultisols in the region of Lavras, MG

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    Marilusa Pinto Coelho Lacerda


    Full Text Available Estudos de caracterização de solos e estabelecimento de relações entre pedologia, geologia e geomorfologia permitem a elaboração de modelos preditivos da distribuição dos solos na paisagem. Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, estudar estas relações, com a finalidade de representar a distribuição de solos com horizonte B textural e B nítico na paisagem da região de Lavras, MG, por intermédio da geração de mapa preliminar de solos, utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento. Os estudos foram realizados em solos com horizonte B textural e B nítico, uma vez que esses solos apresentam características relacionadas à variação da composição geoquímica das rochas ígneas de origem, refletindo-se em vários atributos dos solos, enfatizando a cor e o teor de Fe2O3. Foram realizadas campanhas de campo com avaliações morfológicas, físicas e químicas de perfis de solos representativos, desenvolvidos a partir de unidades geológicas de composições geoquímicas distintas, estabelecendo as relações pedogeológicas. Verificou-se, também, a distribuição dos solos na paisagem, com o estabelecimento das relações pedogeomorfológicas. Foi constatado que tais solos são desenvolvidos na região em relevo caracterizado por classes de declividade de 12 a 45%, originando diferentes classes de solos com horizonte B textural e B nítico, diretamente relacionados à variação do material de origem. Os critérios estabelecidos nas relações entre pedologia, geologia e geomorfologia permitiram avaliar a distribuição dos solos na paisagem estudada e a geração do mapa preliminar de solos, com individualização de solos com horizonte B textural e B nítico.Studies of characterization of soils and establishment of relationships among pedology, geology and geomorphology allow the elaboration of models of soil distribution in landscaping. This study aimed at studies of this nature, with the purpose of representing the distribution of

  16. iNOS inhibits hair regeneration in obese diabetic (ob/ob) mice. (United States)

    Sasaki, Mari; Shinozaki, Shohei; Morinaga, Hironobu; Kaneki, Masao; Nishimura, Emi; Shimokado, Kentaro


    Previous studies have shown that androgenic alopecia is associated with metabolic syndrome and diabetes. However, the detailed mechanism whereby diabetes causes alopecia still remains unclear. We focused on the inflammatory response that is caused by diabetes or obesity, given that inflammation is a risk factor for hair loss. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is known to be upregulated under conditions of acute or chronic inflammation. To clarify the potential role of iNOS in diabetes-related alopecia, we generated obese diabetic iNOS-deficient (ob/ob; iNOS-KO mice). We observed that ob/ob; iNOS-KO mice were potentiated for the transition from telogen (rest phase) to anagen (growth phase) in the hair cycle compared with iNOS-proficient ob/ob mice. To determine the effect of nitric oxide (NO) on the hair cycle, we administered an iNOS inhibitor intraperitoneally (compound 1400 W, 10 mg/kg) or topically (10% aminoguanidine) in ob/ob mice. We observed that iNOS inhibitors promoted anagen transition in ob/ob mice. Next, we administered an NO donor (S-nitrosoglutathione, GSNO), to test whether NO has the telogen elongation effects. The NO donor was sufficient to induce telogen elongation in wild-type mice. Together, our data indicate that iNOS-derived NO plays a role in telogen elongation under the inflammatory conditions associated with diabetes in mice. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Actividad electromiográfica en el press de banca horizontal en movimientos armónicos y oscilatorios progresivos


    Moras, Gerard; Tous, Julio; Juan Muñoz, César; Padullés, Josep Mª


    La influencia del stiffness del Complejo Músculo Tendinoso sobre el Ciclo Estiramiento Acortamiento nos ha sugerido comparar la Actividad Electromiográfica del Press Banca horizontal Armónico con la realización del Press de Banca horizontal Oscilatorio, ambos a altas velocidades de ejecución y con diferentes cargas. Diecisiete sujetos varones (edad: 22,9 ± 0,8 años, peso: 75,0 ± 9,4 kg, talla: 179 ± 6,5 cm, 1 RM = 110 ± 10,6 kg), todos ellos experimentados, aceptaron participar en este estudi...

  18. Asiatic Acid Alleviates Hemodynamic and Metabolic Alterations via Restoring eNOS/iNOS Expression, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome Rats

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    Poungrat Pakdeechote


    Full Text Available Asiatic acid is a triterpenoid isolated from Centella asiatica. The present study aimed to investigate whether asiatic acid could lessen the metabolic, cardiovascular complications in rats with metabolic syndrome (MS induced by a high-carbohydrate, high-fat (HCHF diet. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with HCHF diet with 15% fructose in drinking water for 12 weeks to induce MS. MS rats were treated with asiatic acid (10 or 20 mg/kg/day or vehicle for a further three weeks. MS rats had an impairment of oral glucose tolerance, increases in fasting blood glucose, serum insulin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and hindlimb vascular resistance; these were related to the augmentation of vascular superoxide anion production, plasma malondialdehyde and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α levels (p < 0.05. Plasma nitrate and nitrite (NOx were markedly high with upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS expression, but dowregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS expression (p < 0.05. Asiatic acid significantly improved insulin sensitivity, lipid profiles, hemodynamic parameters, oxidative stress markers, plasma TNF-α, NOx, and recovered abnormality of eNOS/iNOS expressions in MS rats (p < 0.05. In conclusion, asiatic acid improved metabolic, hemodynamic abnormalities in MS rats that could be associated with its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects and recovering regulation of eNOS/iNOS expression.

  19. Effects of cyclooxygenase inhibitor pretreatment on nitric oxide production, nNOS and iNOS expression in rat cerebellum. (United States)

    Di Girolamo, G; Farina, M; Riberio, M L; Ogando, D; Aisemberg, J; de los Santos, A R; Martí, M L; Franchi, A M


    1. The therapeutic effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is thought to be due mainly to its inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, but there is a growing body of research that now demonstrates a variety of NSAIDs effects on cellular signal transduction pathways other than those involving prostaglandins. 2. Nitric oxide (NO) as a free radical and an agent that gives rise to highly toxic oxidants (peroxynitrile, nitric dioxide, nitron ion), becomes a cause of neuronal damage and death in some brain lesions such as Parkinson and Alzheimer disease, and Huntington's chorea. 3. In the present study, the in vivo effect of three NSAIDs (lysine clonixinate (LC), indomethacine (INDO) and meloxicam (MELO)) on NO production and nitric oxide synthase expression in rat cerebellar slices was analysed. Rats were treated with (a) saline, (b) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (5 mg kg(-1), i.p.), (c) saline in combination with different doses of NSAIDs and (d) LPS in combination with different doses of NSAIDs and then killed 6 h after treatment. 4. NO synthesis, evaluated by Bred and Snyder technique, was increased by LPS. This augmentation was inhibited by coadministration of the three NSAIDs assayed. None of the NSAIDs tested was able to modify control NO synthesis. 5. Expression of iNOS and neural NOS (nNOS) was detected by Western blotting in control and LPS-treated rats. LC and INDO, but not MELO, were able to inhibit the expression of these enzymes. 6. Therefore, reduction of iNOS and nNOS levels in cerebellum may explain, in part, the anti-inflammatory effect of these NSAIDs and may also have importance in the prevention of NO-mediated neuronal injury.

  20. MGE-derived nNOS+ interneurons promote fear acquisition in nNOS-/- mice. (United States)

    Zhang, Lin; Yuan, Hong-Jin; Cao, Bo; Kong, Cheng-Cheng; Yuan, Fang; Li, Jun; Ni, Huan-Yu; Wu, Hai-Yin; Chang, Lei; Liu, Yan; Luo, Chun-Xia


    Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) 1 , mainly responsible for NO release in central nervous system (CNS) 2 , plays a significant role in multiple physiological functions. However, the function of nNOS + interneurons in fear learning has not been much explored. Here we focused on the medial ganglionic eminences (MGE) 3 -derived nNOS + interneurons in fear learning. To determine the origin of nNOS + interneurons, we cultured neurons in vitro from MGE, cortex, lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE) 4 , caudal ganglionic eminences (CGE) 5 and preoptic area (POA) 6 . The results showed that MGE contained the most abundant precursors of nNOS + interneurons. Moreover, donor cells from E12.5 embryos demonstrated the highest positive rate of nNOS + interneurons compared with other embryonic periods (E11.5, E12, E13, E13.5 and E14). Additionally, these cells from E12.5 embryos showed long axonal and abundant dendritic arbors after 10 days culture, indicating the capability to disperse and integrate in host neural circuits after transplantation. To investigate the role of MGE-derived nNOS + interneurons in fear learning, donor MGE cells were transplanted into dentate gyrus (DG) 7 of nNOS knock-out (nNOS -/- ) or wild-type mice. Results showed that the transplantation of MGE cells promoted the acquisition of nNOS -/- but not the wild-type mice, suggesting the importance of nNOS + neurons in fear acquisition. Moreover, we transplanted MGE cells from nNOS -/- mice or wild-type mice into DG of the nNOS -/- mice and found that only MGE cells from wild-type mice but not the nNOS -/- mice rescued the deficit in acquisition of the nNOS -/- mice, further confirming the positive role of nNOS + neurons in fear learning. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Mineralogia da fração argila de solos vermelhos com horizontes superficiais brunados do Planalto de Lages (SC

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    J. A. Almeida


    Full Text Available Em regiões de altitudes elevadas do sul do Brasil, predominam perfis de solos com coloração bruna ou bruno-amarelada, em conseqüência do clima frio e úmido, que favorece a formação e, ou, persistência de óxidos de ferro na forma de goethita, causando o amarelecimento completo dos solos. Entretanto, em alguns locais, constatam-se perfis de solos com horizontes superficiais brunados, mas que, em profundidade, apresentam cores avermelhadas, o que parece constituir relíquia de clima pretérito mais seco e quente que o atual. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a gênese das feições citadas, por meio da avaliação das características estruturais dos óxidos de ferro goethita e hematita nos horizontes brunados e vermelhos. Para tanto, foram descritos e amostrados no Planalto de Lages dois perfis de Nitossolos Vermelhos (Podzólicos Vermelho-Escuros, com horizontes superficiais brunados. Além da caracterização analítica usual, avaliaram-se, através de difratometria de raios X, as características estruturais dos óxidos de ferro de horizontes dos perfis, bem como em crosta laterítica, pedotúbulos e nódulos de gibbsita. Diferenças no padrão da goethita entre os horizontes brunados e vermelhos, bem como similaridade no padrão da hematita ao longo dos perfis, evidenciam que a hematita e, possivelmente, parte da população de goethita com menor substituição de ferro por alumínio tenham sido preferencialmente dissolvidas nos horizontes superficiais. O amarelecimento superficial parece ter sido resultante da persistência da população de goethitas com maior substituição de ferro por alumínio e da neoformação de goethitas, cujas características de maior substituição isomórfica de ferro por alumínio indicam terem sido formadas em condições ambientais diferentes das que prevaleceram na formação dos horizontes subsuperficiais vermelhos.

  2. Influência da competição catiônica nos valores de fator de retardamento e coeficiente de dispersão-difusão de zinco e cobre no solo Effect of the cationic competition on the retarding factor and dispersion-diffusion coefficient of zinc and copper in soil

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    Mauro A. Martinez


    Full Text Available Objetivando-se avaliar os efeitos da competição catiônica nos valores do fator de retardamento (f r e do coeficiente de dispersão-difusão (D realizaram-se ensaios de mobilidade de metais em colunas de lixiviação submetidas a escoamento permanente e saturado. Foram aplicadas soluções de zinco (700 mg L-1, cobre (200 mg L-1 e de zinco mais cobre, nas mesmas concentrações, para obtenção das respectivas curvas de eluição. Os materiais de solo utilizados foram retirados dos horizontes A, B e C de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, álico (LVa e de um Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo, câmbico fase terraço (PVc coletados no município de Viçosa, MG. Nos solos estudados em todos os horizontes, o cobre apresentou maiores valores de fator de retardamento que o zinco, indicando apresentar maior interação com a fração sólida do solo. As baixas velocidades de avanço das soluções proporcionaram a obtenção de baixos valores de coeficiente de dispersão-difusão no solo e a competição catiônica diminuiu a capacidade de retenção dos cátions no solo.The effects of the cationic competition on the retarding factor (fr and the dispersion-diffusion coefficient (D were evaluated with conducting metal mobility trials in leaching columns submitted to a saturated and steady flow. Solutions of zinc (700 mg L-1, copper (200 mg L-1 and zinc plus copper in the same concentrations, were used to obtain elution curves. Soil materials from the A, B and C horizons of Oxisol (LVa and of Ultisol (PVc, collected in Viçosa, MG, were used. In all soil materials used, copper presented higher retarding factor values than zinc, which indicates a higher copper-soil interaction. The low velocities of the solutions resulted in low dispersion-diffusion coefficient values. Cationic competition decreased the soil retention capacity for the cations.

  3. Endogenous angiotensin II modulates nNOS expression in renovascular hypertension

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    T.M.C. Pereira


    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO influences renal blood flow mainly as a result of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS. Nevertheless, it is unclear how nNOS expression is modulated by endogenous angiotensin II, an inhibitor of NO function. We tested the hypothesis that the angiotensin II AT1 receptor and oxidative stress mediated by NADPH oxidase contribute to the modulation of renal nNOS expression in two-kidney, one-clip (2K1C hypertensive rats. Experiments were performed on male Wistar rats (150 to 170 g body weight divided into 2K1C (N = 19 and sham-operated (N = 19 groups. nNOS expression in kidneys of 2K1C hypertensive rats (N = 9 was compared by Western blotting to that of 2K1C rats treated with low doses of the AT1 antagonist losartan (10 mg·kg-1·day-1; N = 5 or the superoxide scavenger tempol (0.2 mmol·kg-1·day-1; N = 5, which still remain hypertensive. After 28 days, nNOS expression was significantly increased by 1.7-fold in the clipped kidneys of 2K1C rats and by 3-fold in the non-clipped kidneys of 2K1C rats compared with sham rats, but was normalized by losartan. With tempol treatment, nNOS expression increased 2-fold in the clipped kidneys and 1.4-fold in the non-clipped kidneys compared with sham rats. The changes in nNOS expression were not followed by changes in the enzyme activity, as measured indirectly by the cGMP method. In conclusion, AT1 receptors and oxidative stress seem to be primary stimuli for increased nNOS expression, but this up-regulation does not result in higher enzyme activity.

  4. Lesões buco-dentais em mulheres em situação de violência: um estudo piloto de casos periciados no IML de Belo Horizonte, MG Mouth-dental injuries in women violence victims: a pilot study of registered cases in the Legal Medical Institute of Belo Horizonte, MG

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    Edson José Carpintero Rezende


    Full Text Available A violência tem mostrado tendência ascendente, nos últimos anos, no Brasil. Nesse cenário, a violência sofrida pela mulher vem-se tornando mais visível à sociedade a partir das denúncias de agressões sofridas. Este estudo se propõe a descrever dados referentes às lesões corporais na região peribucal em mulheres que sofreram agressão. Foram analisados os registros e laudos encaminhados ao setor de Odontologia do IML de Belo Horizonte, referentes ao período de janeiro de 2001 a junho de 2002. Neste período, foram atendidas 108 mulheres. A faixa etária predominante foi a de 20 a 39 anos (70,4%. A maioria dessas mulheres declarou: ser solteira (63,0% e ser natural do interior do Estado (48,1%. Quanto à ocupação encontrou-se: 24% que realizam trabalhos domésticos, 21% que são donas-de-casa e 14% que trabalham no comércio. A proporção de mulheres procedentes das Delegacias Seccionais foi maior do que aquelas encaminhadas pelas Delegacias de Mulheres. A lesão de tecido mole mais freqüente foi a laceração; a de tecidos duros e da polpa foram as fraturas de esmalte e dentina sem complicações; a de tecidos periodontais foi a concussão; e foram observadas duas lesões em tecidos ósseos. O estudo permitiu constatar a necessidade de uma coleta de dados mais cuidadosa nos exames periciais, de modo a disponibilizar informação mais detalhada da violência contra as mulheres; além disso, revelou que as lesões buco-dentais são freqüentes e representam uma grande demanda para os serviços odontológicos de saúde pública que prestam esse atendimento.Violence has been a growing problem in the past years in Brazil. Violence against women has become clearer to society after victims started filing accusations of aggression. This study aims to describe data on lesions in women, victims of aggression in the region of the mouth, sent to the Dental Sector of the Legal Medical Institute in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The

  5. Petroduric and 'petrosepiolitic' horizons in soils of Namaqualand, South Africa Horizontes petrodúricos y "petrosepiolíticos" en suelos de Namaqualand, Suráfrica Horizontes petrodúricos e “petrosepiolíticos” em solos de Namaqualand, África do Sul

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    Michele Louise Francis


    revestimientos crecientes en huecos; una matriz rojiza debida a óxidos de hierro; y revestimientos isotrópicos amorfos translúcidos de sílice en granos y huecos. En los horizontes de “sepiocreta” la sepiolita se encuentra como una matriz de fibras entrelazadas subhorizontales, yuxtapuesta a un material amorfo compuesto principalmente de sílice, con considerables cantidades de aluminio y menos magnesio. Éste último es pardo claro en luz polarizada paralela, no completamente isotrópico y con una menor birrefringencia que la sepiolita. La calcita es normalmente micrítica, aunque aparece también como gránulos sueltos y cristales elongados en una matriz de sepiolita. La presencia de áreas con estructura laminar ricas en Si y Al sugiere que existen propiedades dúricas localizadas, por lo que no se puede descartar un refuerzo mutuo entre la sepiolita y la sílice. A pesar de ello, los horizontes de “sepiocreta” no cumplen los requisitos de colapso de los horizontes petrodúricos (“dorbank” en la región, de los que difieren en aspecto. Contienen más MgO que los horizontes petrodúricos asociados, y no contienen suficiente SiO2 para ser clasificados como silcreta. Si bien la terminología “-creta” es útil para designar la naturaleza cementada de un horizonte, se proponen específicamente los términos “sepiolítico” y “petrosepiolítico” (análogos a “cálcico” y “petrocálcico” para adaptarse a los sistemas de descripción y clasificación de suelos actuales. El término “sepiolítico” podría utilizarse como adjetivo en horizontes petrocálcicos o petrodúricos en que la sepiolita no es el principal agente cementante. Probablemente la génesis de los horizontes petrosepiolíticos es similar a la de los horizontes petrocálcicos y petrodúricos, excepto por las diferencias en la composición química de las soluciones matriz a partir de las que han precipitadosolución del suelo a medida que se evapora.

    Nos Calcisols e Durisols de

  6. Angiotensin II blockade causes acute renal failure in eNOS-deficient mice

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    Jürgen Schnermann


    Full Text Available Compared with wild-type mice, adult endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS knockout mice (eight months of age have increased blood pressure (BP (126±9 mmHg vs. 100±4 mmHg, and an increased renal vascular resistance (155±16 vs. 65±4 mmHg.min/ml. Renal vascular resistance responses to i.v. administration of noradrenaline were markedly enhanced in eNOS knockout mice. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR of anaesthetised eNOS -/- mice was 324±57 µl/min gKW, significantly lower than the GFR of 761±126 µl/min.gKW in wild-type mice. AT1-receptor blockade with i.v. candesartan (1—1.5 mg/kg reduced arterial blood pressure and renal vascular resistance, and increased renal blood flow (RBF to about the same extent in wild-type and eNOS -/- mice. Candesartan did not alter GFR in wild-type mice (761±126 vs. 720±95 µl/min.gKW, but caused a marked decrease in GFR in eNOS -/- mice (324.5±75.2 vs. 77±18 µl/min.gKW. A similar reduction in GFR of eNOS deficient mice was also caused by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE inhibition. Afferent arteriolar granularity, a measure of renal renin expression, was found to be reduced in eNOS -/- compared with wild-type mice. In chronically eNOS-deficient mice, angiotensin II (Ang II is critical for maintaining glomerular filtration pressure and GFR, presumably through its effect on efferent arteriolar tone.

  7. Effect of amorphous lamella on the crack propagation behavior of crystalline Mg/amorphous Mg-Al nanocomposites (United States)

    Hai-Yang, Song; Yu-Long, Li


    The effects of amorphous lamella on the crack propagation behavior in crystalline/amorphous (C/A) Mg/Mg-Al nanocomposites under tensile loading are investigated using the molecular dynamics simulation method. The sample with an initial crack of orientation [0001] is considered here. For the nano-monocrystal Mg, the crack growth exhibits brittle cleavage. However, for the C/A Mg/Mg-Al nanocomposites, the ‘double hump’ behavior can be observed in all the stress-strain curves regardless of the amorphous lamella thickness. The results indicate that the amorphous lamella plays a critical role in the crack deformation, and it can effectively resist the crack propagation. The above mentioned crack deformation behaviors are also disclosed and analyzed in the present work. The results here provide a strategy for designing the high-performance hexagonal-close-packed metal and alloy materials. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11372256 and 11572259), the 111 Project (Grant No. B07050), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. NCET-12-1046), and the Program for New Scientific and Technological Star of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2012KJXX-39).

  8. Valores organizacionais e do trabalho: um estudo com professores de uma escola filantrópica e confessional de Belo Horizonte (MG [doi: 10.5329/RECADM.2014005

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    Kely Cesar Martins Paiva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar como se encontram configurados os valores organizacionais e do trabalho de professores, na percepção deles próprios. O referencial teórico aprofundou nas temáticas, destacando-se as contribuições de Oliveira e Tamayo (2004 e Porto e Tamayo (2003, cujos modelos conceituais foram adotados para fins da pesquisa realizada. Neste artigo, resultante de uma pesquisa descritiva que contou com uma triangulação metodológica, foi apresentada a parte quantitativa do estudo de caso, que contou com 77 professores de uma instituição de ensino filantrópica e confessional, localizada em Belo Horizonte (MG. Os dados do questionário foram trabalhados com estatística uni e bivariada. Quanto aos valores do trabalho, salientem-se os resultados positivos em relação a “realização”, “relações sociais” e “estabilidade”; já o valor “prestígio” foi avaliado mais timidamente pelos pesquisados, o que pode estar refletindo uma precarização do trabalho docente. Quanto aos valores organizacionais, apuraram-se escores positivos no que tange à “autonomia”, “realização”, “conformidade” e “preocupação com a coletividade”. Os testes de comparação apresentaram 6 resultados significativos; já os de correlação somaram 36 resultados significativos (4 entre construtos e dados sociodemográficos; 32 dos construtos entre si. Foram apresentadas as contribuições e limitações do estudo e uma agenda para pesquisas futuras.   Palavras-Chave Valores organizacionais; Valores do trabalho; Professor; Instituição privada.     ORGANIZATIONAL VALUES AND WORK VALUES: A STUDY WITH TEACHERS OF A PHILANTHROPIC AND CONFESSIONAL SCHOLL AT BELO HORIZONTE (MG Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze how organizational values and work values of teachers are configured, in the perception of themselves. The theoretical deepened the themes, highlighting the contributions of Oliveira and Tamayo

  9. Estimativas das componentes da radiação solar incidente em superfícies inclinadas baseadas na radiação global horizontal Estimates of solar radiation components on a tilted surface based on global horizontal radiation

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    Adilson P. Souza


    Full Text Available Foram avaliadas equações estatísticas de estimativas com agrupamentos de dados anuais e mensais e suas respectivas validações, para as componentes global, direta e difusa da radiação solar incidente em superfícies inclinadas a 12,85, 22,85 e 32,85º, com face para o Norte, nas condições climáticas e geográficas de Botucatu, SP. Empregou-se as frações das três componentes da radiação a do topo da atmosfera em correlação com o coeficiente de transmissividade atmosférica do plano horizontal, em uma base de dados de abril/1998 a dezembro/2007, cujas medidas nas três inclinações ocorreram em diferentes períodos, todavia concomitantes ao plano horizontal. O aumento do ângulo de inclinação da superfície propiciou aumento do espalhamento dos valores diários do índice de claridade para superfícies inclinada e horizontal. Nos agrupamentos anuais os piores desempenhos foram verificados na estimativa da radiação difusa diária para superfície inclinada, com valores máximos de espalhamentos iguais a 3,89 MJ m-2 d-1 (43,65% e ajustamento em torno de 62%. Na estimativa das componentes global e direta da radiação solar nos planos inclinados, podem ser aplicadas, tanto as equações anuais como as mensais, com desempenhos dependentes das condições climáticas.Statistics equations and validations with groups of annual and monthly data were evaluated for global, direct and diffuse solar radiation components incident on the tilted surface to 12.85, 22.85 and 32.85° with the face North, in climate and geographical conditions of Botucatu, SP. It was employed the fractions of three components of extraterrestrial radiation in correlation with the coefficient clearness index horizontal plane, in a database of April/1998 to December/2007, whose measures at different periods in three inclinations, however concomitant to the horizontal plane. Increasing the angle of the surface led to increased scattering of the daily values of

  10. (--Epigallocatechin gallate attenuates NADPH-d/nNOS expression in motor neurons of rats following peripheral nerve injury

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    Tseng Chi-Yu


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Oxidative stress and large amounts of nitric oxide (NO have been implicated in the pathophysiology of neuronal injury and neurodegenerative disease. Recent studies have shown that (--epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG, one of the green tea polyphenols, has potent antioxidant effects against free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in ischemia-induced neuronal damage. The purpose of this study was to examine whether EGCG would attenuate neuronal expression of NADPH-d/nNOS in the motor neurons of the lower brainstem following peripheral nerve crush. Thus, young adult rats were treated with EGCG (10, 25, or 50 mg/kg, i.p. 30 min prior to crushing their hypoglossal and vagus nerves for 30 seconds (left side, at the cervical level. The treatment (pre-crush doses of EGCG was continued from day 1 to day 6, and the animals were sacrificed on days 3, 7, 14 and 28. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d histochemistry and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS immunohistochemistry were used to assess neuronal NADPH-d/nNOS expression in the hypoglossal nucleus and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. Results In rats treated with high dosages of EGCG (25 or 50 mg/kg, NADPH-d/nNOS reactivity and cell death of the motor neurons were significantly decreased. Conclusions The present evidence indicated that EGCG can reduce NADPH-d/nNOS reactivity and thus may enhance motor neuron survival time following peripheral nerve injury.

  11. Significado atribuído por trabalhadores da saúde de Belo Horizonte-MG ao princípio da resolutividade nas ações cotidianas

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    Lilian Machado Torres


    Full Text Available Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, fundamentado na sociologia compreensiva, cujo objetivo foi o de compreender o significado atribuído pelos profissionais da rede hierarquizada de saúde de Belo Horizonte-MG, Brasil, ao princípio da resolutividade nas ações cotidianas de saúde. Trinta e dois trabalhadores foram os informantes desta pesquisa. Foi utilizada a entrevista semiestruturada e a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Profissionais descrevem o que é resolutividade e fatores que dificultam sua concretização. Percebem, também, que os pacientes nem sempre saem das Unidades com a resposta que desejam; e que o serviço é resolutivo no que corresponde ao seu nível de atenção, embora para a população e alguns gerentes seja o inverso. Conclui-se que se torna premente a reorganização de aspectos relacionados a este princípio doutrinário do SUS.

  12. Pedogeoquímica em perfis de alteração na região de Lavras (MG. II - elementos menores e elementos das terras raras

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    M. P. C. Lacerda


    Full Text Available Na região de Lavras, MG, analisou-se o comportamento geoquímico dos elementos menores (EM e elementos das terras raras (ETR ao longo da evolução pedogenética em perfis de solos com horizonteB textural, individualizados a partir de rochas de composição ácida, intermediária e básica do substrato. Nos perfis, realizaram-se análises químicas de EM e ETR, avaliando perdas e ganhos pelo balanço químico de massa. O estudo possibilitou o grupamento dos EM em duas classes: (amobilidade moderada a alta: perda da rocha fresca até o sólum; (bmobilidade moderada: enriquecimento relativo e eventualmente real no sólum. O comportamento dos ETR revelou grande mobilidade ao longo da evolução dos perfis de alteração.

  13. Estudo da relação pedomorfogeológica na distribuição de solos com horizontes B textural e B nítico na paisagem de Lavras (MG Study of the relationship pedo-geomorphological in the soil distribution with argillic horizons in the landscape of Lavras (MG, Brazil

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    Marilusa Pinto Coelho Lacerda


    Full Text Available O entendimento das relações entre geologia, geomorfologia e pedologia auxilia nas atividades de classificação dos solos e na avaliação da distribuição pedológica de uma área. Este trabalho foi motivado pela escassez de estudos dessa natureza na região de Lavras (MG, onde ocorrem várias classes de solos, relacionados com a grande variedade petrológica do material de origem e com a ocorrência de domínios geomorfológicos distintos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as relações entre material de origem (relação pedogeológica, classes de relevo (relação pedogeomorfológica e solos com horizontes B textural e B nítico, visando propor um modelo da distribuição desses solos na paisagem de Lavras. Os solos com horizontes B textural e B nítico de ocorrência regional foram selecionados de acordo com o estádio de evolução, que permite preservar características das rochas parentais. Esses solos são desenvolvidos nessa região em relevos ondulados a forte ondulados, originando diferentes classes de solos com horizontes B textural e B nítico relacionados ao material de origem. Para desenvolvimento deste estudo, foram realizadas a interpretação petrológica do substrato rochoso e a individualização do relevo, por meio de classes de declividade. Mediante campanhas de campo, foram selecionados e caracterizados perfis representativos das principais classes dos solos em estudo e foram avaliadas as relações pedogeológicas associadas às relações pedogeomorfológicas, permitindo a proposição de um modelo preditivo de distribuição de solos com horizontes B textural e B nítico na paisagem de Lavras (MG.The understanding of the relationships between geology, geomorphology and pedology underlies activities of soil classification and the evaluation of the pedological distribution of an area. This study was motivated by the lack of reports of this nature for the region of Lavras (MG, where several soil classes occur

  14. Low shear stress induces vascular eNOS uncoupling via autophagy-mediated eNOS phosphorylation. (United States)

    Zhang, Jun-Xia; Qu, Xin-Liang; Chu, Peng; Xie, Du-Jiang; Zhu, Lin-Lin; Chao, Yue-Lin; Li, Li; Zhang, Jun-Jie; Chen, Shao-Liang


    Uncoupled endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) produces O 2 - instead of nitric oxide (NO). Earlier, we reported rapamycin, an autophagy inducer and inhibitor of cellular proliferation, attenuated low shear stress (SS) induced O 2 - production. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether autophagy plays a critical role in the regulation of eNOS uncoupling. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the modulation of autophagy on eNOS uncoupling induced by low SS exposure. We found that low SS induced endothelial O 2 - burst, which was accompanied by reduced NO release. Furthermore, inhibition of eNOS by L-NAME conspicuously attenuated low SS-induced O 2 - releasing, indicating eNOS uncoupling. Autophagy markers such as LC3 II/I ratio, amount of Beclin1, as well as ULK1/Atg1 were increased during low SS exposure, whereas autophagic degradation of p62/SQSTM1 was markedly reduced, implying impaired autophagic flux. Interestingly, low SS-induced NO reduction could be reversed by rapamycin, WYE-354 or ATG5 overexpression vector via restoration of autophagic flux, but not by N-acetylcysteine or apocynin. eNOS uncoupling might be ascribed to autophagic flux blockade because phosphorylation of eNOS Thr495 by low SS or PMA stimulation was also regulated by autophagy. In contrast, eNOS acetylation was not found to be regulated by low SS and autophagy. Notably, although low SS had no influence on eNOS Ser1177 phosphorylation, whereas boosted eNOS Ser1177 phosphorylation by rapamycin were in favor of the eNOS recoupling through restoration of autophagic flux. Taken together, we reported a novel mechanism for regulation of eNOS uncoupling by low SS via autophagy-mediated eNOS phosphorylation, which is implicated in geometrical nature of atherogenesis. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Prevalência de quedas em idosos cadastrados em um Centro de Saúde de Belo Horizonte-MG Prevalencia de caídas en ancianos inscritos en un Centro de Salud de Belo Horizonte-MG Prevalence of falls in older adults enrolled in a Health Center of Belo Horizonte-MG

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    Tânia Couto Machado Chianca


    Full Text Available A queda é utilizada como indicador de qualidade em serviços especializados no cuidado de idosos, sendo também considerado importante indicador de qualidade de vida de idosos em todos os ambientes. Realizou-se um estudo de corte transversal de 108 idosos cadastrados no Programa de Saúde da Família, em um Centro de Saúde de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, com o objetivo de determinar a ocorrência de quedas nessa clientela, associando-as a algumas variáveis. Os dados foram coletados em prontuários e em visitas domiciliares por meio de entrevista estruturada, com instrumento específico. Observou-se que 64 (59,3% dos pacientes idosos já haviam sofrido quedas, havendo relação estatisticamente significativa (p=0,01 entre capacidade cognitiva dos idosos e ocorrência das quedas. Recomenda-se o cuidado de enfermagem na identificação precoce dos idosos com maior chance de sofrerem quedas, especialmente daqueles que, além do risco de queda, apresentam risco aumentado de sofrer lesões graves decorrentes da mesma.La caída se utiliza como indicador de la calidad de los servicios especializados en el cuidado de los ancianos, y también se considera un indicador importante de la calidad de vida de las personas mayores en todos los ambientes. Se realizó un estudio transversal con 108 ancianos inscritos en el Programa Salud de la Familia de un Centro de Salud, en Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, con el fin de determinar la incidencia de caídas en esta clientela, vinculándolas a algunas variables. Los datos se obtuvieron de los registros médicos y visitas a domicilio mediante entrevista estructurada, con uso de un instrumento específico. Se observó que 64 (59,3% de los ancianos ya había sufrido caídas, y una relación estadísticamente significativa (p = 0,01 entre la capacidad cognitiva de los ancianos y las caídas. Se recomienda la identificación temprana de las personas mayores más propensas a sufrir caídas, especialmente aquellas que

  16. Mineralogia e cristalografia da fração argila de horizontes coesos de solos nos tabuleiros costeiros Crystallography and mineralogy of the clay fraction of hardsetting horizons in soils of coastal tablelands in Brazil

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    Neyde Fabíola Balarezo Giarola


    Full Text Available A coesão de horizontes de solos do Brasil vem sendo associada, principalmente, a fatores físicos e químicos inter-relacionados, mas a influência das propriedades mineralógicas e cristalográficas dos minerais da fração argila também foi aventada por alguns pesquisadores. Neste trabalho, testou-se a hipótese de que a fração argila de horizontes coesos de solos do Sedimento Barreiras da faixa dos Tabuleiros Costeiros é dominantemente caulinítica e apresenta elevado grau de cristalinidade e ordenamento, o que pode favorecer o ajuste face a face dos cristais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características mineralógicas e cristalográficas dos minerais da fração argila de horizontes coesos provenientes de solos de sedimentos do Grupo Barreiras e uma possível contribuição para a ocorrência do caráter coeso. Para isso, foram analisados cinco horizontes coesos e um não-coeso de solos distribuídos ao longo da faixa dos Tabuleiros Costeiros. Também foi incluída, como referência, uma caulinita com elevado grau de cristalinidade. Todos os perfis foram analisados para classificação taxonômica e localização dos horizontes de interesse. Nas amostras dos horizontes selecionados, foram removidos a matéria orgânica e os óxidos. Após a dispersão de partículas, a fração argila foi individualizada, tratada e analisada por difração de raios X (DRX para determinar os minerais e o grau de ordem/desordem estrutural, segundo o Método Especialista de Plançon & Zacharie (1990. Todos os horizontes coesos apresentaram caulinitas com grau de ordenamento estrutural similar ao do horizonte não-coeso e inferior à caulinita de referência, o que não permitiu associar o empacotamento da fração argila com a manifestação do caráter coeso nos horizontes estudados, a partir das avalioações obtidas pelo método utilizado.The cohesion of hardsetting horizons of Brazilian soils has been mainly associated to inter

  17. Antibiotics and common antibacterial biocides stimulate horizontal transfer of resistance at low concentrations. (United States)

    Jutkina, J; Marathe, N P; Flach, C-F; Larsson, D G J


    There is a rising concern that antibiotics, and possibly other antimicrobial agents, can promote horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes. For most types of antimicrobials their ability to induce conjugation below minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) is still unknown. Our aim was therefore to explore the potential of commonly used antibiotics and antibacterial biocides to induce horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance. Effects of a wide range of sub-MIC concentrations of the antibiotics cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, erythromycin, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and the antibacterial biocides chlorhexidine digluconate, hexadecyltrimethylammoniumchloride and triclosan were investigated using a previously optimized culture-based assay with a complex bacterial community as a donor of mobile resistance elements and a traceable Escherichia coli strain as a recipient. Chlorhexidine (24.4μg/L), triclosan (0.1mg/L), gentamicin (0.1mg/L) and sulfamethoxazole (1mg/L) significantly increased the frequencies of transfer of antibiotic resistance whereas similar effects were not observed for any other tested antimicrobial compounds. This corresponds to 200 times below the MIC of the recipient for chlorhexidine, 1/20 of the MIC for triclosan, 1/16 of the MIC for sulfamethoxazole and right below the MIC for gentamicin. To our best knowledge, this is the first study showing that triclosan and chlorhexidine could stimulate the horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance. Together with recent research showing that tetracycline is a potent inducer of conjugation, our results indicate that several antimicrobials including both common antibiotics and antibacterial biocides at low concentrations could contribute to antibiotic resistance development by facilitating the spread of antibiotic resistance between bacteria. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Afecções mais freqüentes do aparelho locomotor dos eqüídeos de tração no município de Belo Horizonte Most frequent pathologies of the locomotor system in equids used for wagon traction in Belo Horizonte

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    R.P.A. Maranhão


    Full Text Available Determinaram-se as enfermidades mais comuns do sistema músculo-esquelético dos animais de tração na cidade de Belo Horizonte. Foram utilizados 58 animais (42 eqüinos e 16 muares, sendo 31 machos e 27 fêmeas. O diagnóstico baseou-se no histórico e nos exames físico e radiológico. A freqüência observada para tenossinovite nos membros torácicos e pélvicos foi 55,2%, para tendinite nos membros torácicos, 81,0%, para tendinite nos membros pélvicos, 58,6%, e para desmite do ligamento suspensório nos membros torácicos, 77,6%. Para as lesões osteoarticulares, os resultados foram 13,8%, 12,1%, 27,6% e 12,1% de lesões osteoartríticas para a articulação interfalangeana distal dos membros torácicos e pélvicos e articulação interfalangeana proximal dos membros torácicos e pélvicos, respectivamente. Na articulação metacarpo-falangeana, a incidência foi 41,4% e, nos membros pélvicos, 39,7%. A incidência na articulação cárpica foi 62,1% e, na articulação társica, 96,6%. Os achados dos tecidos moles indicaram sobrecarga nos aparatos flexor e suspensório nesse tipo de atividade. Em ambos os casos, a atividade desenvolvida pelos animais parece ser a principal causa envolvida.The most common conditions of the musculoskeletal system of draft equidae in the city of Belo Horizonte were determined. Fifty-eight animals (42 horses and 16 mules were randomly examined, being 31 males and 27 females. Diagnosis was based on history, clinical and radiological examinations. The frequency observed for tenosynovitis in the fore and hindlimbs was 55.2%, 81.0%, for tendinitis in the forelimbs, 58.6% for tendinitis in the himblimbs, and 77.6% for suspensory ligament desmitis in the forelimbs. The results showed 13.8%, 12.1%, 27.6% and 12.1% of osteoarthritic lesions for distal interphalangeal joint of fore and hindlimbs and proximal interphalangeal joint of fore and hindlimbs, respectively. In the fetlock joints of the forelimbs, the

  19. Heavy crude production from shallow formations: long horizontal wells versus horizontal fractures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valko, P.; Economides, M. J. [Texas A and M Univ., TX (United States)


    The feasibility of producing heavy oil from shallow formations using either horizontal wells or short horizontal wells fractured horizontally is demonstrated. The problem of optimum proppant placement is solved in two steps. In step one, the finite productivity performance is considered in general terms showing that the performance is a function of two dimensionless parameters. Following derivation of optimum conditions, the solution is applied to the horizontal fracture consideration. The limiting factor is that to create an effective finite conductivity fracture, the dimensionless fracture conductivity must be on the order of unity, a fracture that is difficult to realize in higher permeability formations. The best candidates for the suggested configuration are shallow or moderate formations, or formations otherwise proven to accept horizontal fractures, and formations with low permeability/viscosity ratio. 7 refs., 2 tabs., 10 figs., 2 appendices.

  20. Nitric Oxide Synthase Enzymes in the Airways of Mice Exposed to Ovalbumin: NOS2 Expression Is NOS3 Dependent

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    Jennifer M. Bratt


    Full Text Available Objectives and Design. The function of the airway nitric oxide synthase (NOS isoforms and the lung cell types responsible for its production are not fully understood. We hypothesized that NO homeostasis in the airway is important to control inflammation, which requires upregulation, of NOS2 protein expression by an NOS3-dependent mechanism. Materials or Subjects. Mice from a C57BL/6 wild-type, NOS1−/−, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− genotypes were used. All mice strains were systemically sensitized and exposed to filtered air or ovalbumin (OVA aerosol for two weeks to create a subchronic model of allergen-induced airway inflammation. Methods. We measured lung function, lung lavage inflammatory and airway epithelial goblet cell count, exhaled NO, nitrate and nitrite concentration, and airway NOS1, NOS2, and NOS3 protein content. Results. Deletion of NOS1 or NOS3 increases NOS2 protein present in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of air-exposed animals. Exposure to allergen significantly reduced the expression of NOS2 protein in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of the NOS3−/− strain only. This reduction in NOS2 expression was not due to the replacement of epithelial cells with goblet cells as remaining epithelial cells did not express NOS2. NOS1−/− animals had significantly reduced goblet cell metaplasia compared to C57Bl/6 wt, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− allergen-exposed mice. Conclusion. The airway epithelial and smooth muscle cells maintain a stable airway NO concentration under noninflammatory conditions. This “homeostatic” mechanism is unable to distinguish between NOS derived from the different constitutive NOS isoforms. NOS3 is essential for the expression of NOS2 under inflammatory conditions, while NOS1 expression contributes to allergen-induced goblet cell metaplasia.

  1. Nitric Oxide Synthase Enzymes in the Airways of Mice Exposed to Ovalbumin: NOS2 Expression Is NOS3 Dependent (United States)

    Bratt, Jennifer M.; Williams, Keisha; Rabowsky, Michelle F.; Last, Michael S.; Franzi, Lisa M.; Last, Jerold A.; Kenyon, Nicholas J.


    Objectives and Design. The function of the airway nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms and the lung cell types responsible for its production are not fully understood. We hypothesized that NO homeostasis in the airway is important to control inflammation, which requires upregulation, of NOS2 protein expression by an NOS3-dependent mechanism. Materials or Subjects. Mice from a C57BL/6 wild-type, NOS1−/−, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− genotypes were used. All mice strains were systemically sensitized and exposed to filtered air or ovalbumin (OVA) aerosol for two weeks to create a subchronic model of allergen-induced airway inflammation. Methods. We measured lung function, lung lavage inflammatory and airway epithelial goblet cell count, exhaled NO, nitrate and nitrite concentration, and airway NOS1, NOS2, and NOS3 protein content. Results. Deletion of NOS1 or NOS3 increases NOS2 protein present in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of air-exposed animals. Exposure to allergen significantly reduced the expression of NOS2 protein in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of the NOS3−/− strain only. This reduction in NOS2 expression was not due to the replacement of epithelial cells with goblet cells as remaining epithelial cells did not express NOS2. NOS1−/− animals had significantly reduced goblet cell metaplasia compared to C57Bl/6 wt, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− allergen-exposed mice. Conclusion. The airway epithelial and smooth muscle cells maintain a stable airway NO concentration under noninflammatory conditions. This “homeostatic” mechanism is unable to distinguish between NOS derived from the different constitutive NOS isoforms. NOS3 is essential for the expression of NOS2 under inflammatory conditions, while NOS1 expression contributes to allergen-induced goblet cell metaplasia. PMID:20953358

  2. Orthodontic force stimulates eNOS and iNOS in rat osteocytes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tan, S.D.; Xie, R.; Klein Nulend, J.; van Rheden, R.E.; Bronckers, A.L.J.J.; Kuijpers-Jagtman, A.M.; Von den Hoff, J.W.; Maltha, J.C.


    Mechanosensitive osteocytes are essential for bone remodeling. Nitric oxide, an important regulator of bone remodeling, is produced by osteocytes through the activity of constitutive endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) or inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). We hypothesized that these

  3. Orthodontic force stimulates eNOS and iNOS in rat osteocytes.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tan, S.D.; Xie, R.; Klein-Nulend, J.; Rheden, R.E.M. van; Bronckers, A.L.; Kuijpers-Jagtman, A.M.; Hoff, J.W. Von den; Maltha, J.C.


    Mechanosensitive osteocytes are essential for bone remodeling. Nitric oxide, an important regulator of bone remodeling, is produced by osteocytes through the activity of constitutive endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) or inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). We hypothesized that these

  4. Ocorrência de insetos na pitaia no município de Lavras-MG

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    Virna Braga Marques


    Full Text Available Devido às suas características de sabor doce e suave, polpa firme e repleta de sementes com ação laxante, as pitaias têm despertado interesse nos produtores por sua grande aceitação nos mercados consumidores. Diante do exposto, este trabalho visou identificar os visitantes florais, polinizadores e os insetos que causam danos aos cladódios e aos frutos de pitaia (Hylocereus undatus, no município de Lavras, MG. O trabalho foi conduzido em um pomar experimental e na coleção de frutas exóticas. As coletas foram realizadas duas etapas (diurna e noturna. Foi observado que a polinização cruzada de pitaia é realizada por abelha (Apis mellifera durante o dia e os insetos que causam maiores danos são formigas (Atta e Solenopsis e irapuá (Trigona spinipes no município de Lavras, MG.  É necessário que o produtor tenha cautela antes de utilizar medidas de controle, pois alguns insetos são benéficos para a polinização cruzada das plantas de pitaia e outros podem causar sérios danos nos cladódios, flores e frutos.

  5. Horizontal wells in subsurface remediation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Losonsky, G.; Beljin, M.S.


    This paper reports on horizontal wells which offer an effective alternative to vertical wells in various environmental remediation technologies. Hydrogeological advantages of horizontal wells over vertical wells include a larger zone of influence, greater screen length, higher specific capacity and lower groundwater screen entrance velocity. Because of these advantages, horizontal wells can reduce treatment time and costs of groundwater recovery (pump-and-treat), in situ groundwater aeration (sparging) and soil gas extraction (vacuum extraction). Horizontal wells are also more effective than vertical wells in landfill leachate collection (under-drains), bioremediation, and horizontal grout injection

  6. Incidência de ocratoxina A em café torrado e moído e em café solúvel consumido na cidade de Belo Horizonte, MG

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    PRADO Guilherme


    Full Text Available A ocorrência de ocratoxina A foi verificada em amostras de café solúvel e café torrado e moído, comercializados em Belo Horizonte/MG, no período de outubro/1998 a maio/1999. O método usado para a determinação de ocratoxina A foi a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE em combinação com cromatografia de imunoafinidade. Os valores de recuperação e coeficiente de variação de ocratoxina A foram superiores a 73% e inferiores 15%, respectivamente. As amostras de café solúvel e café torrado e moído, continham níveis de ocratoxina A entre 0,31 e 1,78ng/g e 0,99 e 5,87ng/g, respectivamente. Os resultados revelaram que o café não apresenta níveis de contaminação significativos.

  7. Dataset on daytime outdoor thermal comfort for Belo Horizonte, Brazil. (United States)

    Hirashima, Simone Queiroz da Silveira; Assis, Eleonora Sad de; Nikolopoulou, Marialena


    This dataset describe microclimatic parameters of two urban open public spaces in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil; physiological equivalent temperature (PET) index values and the related subjective responses of interviewees regarding thermal sensation perception and preference and thermal comfort evaluation. Individuals and behavioral characteristics of respondents were also presented. Data were collected at daytime, in summer and winter, 2013. Statistical treatment of this data was firstly presented in a PhD Thesis ("Percepção sonora e térmica e avaliação de conforto em espaços urbanos abertos do município de Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil" (Hirashima, 2014) [1]), providing relevant information on thermal conditions in these locations and on thermal comfort assessment. Up to now, this data was also explored in the article "Daytime Thermal Comfort in Urban Spaces: A Field Study in Brazil" (Hirashima et al., in press) [2]. These references are recommended for further interpretation and discussion.

  8. Vertical and horizontal subsidiarity

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    Ivan V. Daniluk


    Full Text Available This article makes an attempt to analyze the principle of subsidiarity in its two main manifestations, namely vertical and horizontal, to outline the principles of relations between the state and regions within the vertical subsidiarity, and features a collaboration of the government and civil society within the horizontal subsidiarity. Scientists identify two types, or two levels of the subsidiarity principle: vertical subsidiarity and horizontal subsidiarity. First, vertical subsidiarity (or territorial concerning relations between the state and other levels of subnational government, such as regions and local authorities; second, horizontal subsidiarity (or functional concerns the relationship between state and citizen (and civil society. Vertical subsidiarity expressed in the context of the distribution of administrative responsibilities to the appropriate higher level lower levels relative to the state structure, ie giving more powers to local government. However, state intervention has subsidiary-lower action against local authorities in cases of insolvency last cope on their own, ie higher organisms intervene only if the duties are less authority is insufficient to achieve the goals. Horizontal subsidiarity is within the relationship between power and freedom, and is based on the assumption that the concern for the common good and the needs of common interest community, able to solve community members (as individuals and citizens’ associations and role of government, in accordance horizontal subsidiarity comes to attracting features subsidiarity assistance, programming, coordination and possibly control.

  9. Evaluation of radioprotection conditions and patient dose in thorax exams carried out in a public children's hospital in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lacerda, Marco A.S.; Silva, Teogenes A. da; Guedes, Elton C.; Khoury, Helen J.; Azevedo, Ana C.P.


    We conducted a survey of the conditions of radiation protection, radiographic techniques, dose and risk for pediatric patients undergoing chest X-rays exams in a children's hospital in Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil. From a total of 125 chest exams (projections AP and PA) were noted the patient data (gender, weight, and age) and parameters of radiographic technique (kV, mAs and distance focus-skin). I was also evaluated the working procedures and the conditions of radiation protection. The values of input air kerma (K a,e ) and effective dose (E) were determined using the DoseCal software developed by Radiological Protection Center of Saint Georges's Hospital in London. With respect to the procedures and conditions for radiation protection, many aspects of Portaria 453 are not considered. The use of radiographic techniques with high values of mAs and low voltage values are not according with the quality criteria adopted by the European Community (EC). The values of Ka for patients aged 1 to 5 years varied between 51 μGy and 64 μGy, below the reference levels proposed by the EC. For patients over 5 years old, the values of Ka were substantially higher than those for other patients. The results allow to conclude that there is a need for optimization of the procedures adopted in order to reduce the dose and the risk to patients

  10. Bubble-assisted film evaporation correlation for saline water at sub-atmospheric pressures in horizontal-tube evaporator

    KAUST Repository

    Shahzad, Muhammad Wakil; Myat, Aung; Chun, Won Gee; Ng, Kim Choon


    film boiling on horizontal tubes, but working at low pressures of 0.93-3.60 kPa (corresponding solution saturation temperatures of 279-300 K) as well as seawater salinity of 15,000 to 90,000 mg/l or ppm. Owing to a dearth of literature on film

  11. Ectoparasitos de roedores da região urbana de Belo Horizonte, MG: III. Indices pulicidianos, anoplurianos e acarianos em Rattus Norvegicus norvegicus Ectoparasites in rodents of the urban region of Belo Horizonte, MG: III. Fleas, anoplura and acari indices in Rattus norvegicus norvegicus

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    Pedro Marcos Linardi


    Full Text Available Indices pulicidianos, anoplurianos e acarianos, globais e específicos foram determinados para os ectoparasitos de Rattus norvegicus norvegicus capturados em zona urbana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, no período de junho de 1980 a setembro de 1982. Tendo-se em vista os valores limites ou críticos atribuídos aos índices pulicidianos, sobretudo ao índice "cheopis" e propostos por diversos autores como medida complementar de vigilância epidemiológica para peste bubônica, a comunidade de Belo Horizonte poderia ter estado exposta a esta infecção, uma vez que os índices globais anuais de 0,3 a 2,4 e a pulga prevalente foi Xenopsylla cheopis (99,2%, com os maiores índices coincidindo com o final da estação seca-fria. Em duas ocasiões, a comunidade poderia ter permanecido altamente exposta à infecção, já que os índices-limites tolerados foram suplantados: 8,8 (outubro 1980 e 6,2 (setembro 1982. Sugere-se que medidas profiláticas como anti-ratização e desinsetização sejam eficazmente aplicadas ao final da estação seca-fria, ou anteriormente à chegada das chuvas, sendo sucedidas pela desratização. Informações sobre índices anoplurianos e acarianos são importantes para que se possa, no exclusivas de roedoresThe total and specific indices of fleas, lice and mites were determined for ectoparasites on Rattus norvegicus norvegicus capture in urban areas of Belo Horizonte, Minas state, Brazil, from June 1980 to September 1982. In view of the limiting or critical values attributed to flea indices above all the [quot ]cheopis[quot ] index, proposed by several authors as a complementary measure for bubonic plague surveillance, the community of Belo Horizonte would have been exposed to this infection. The annual total indices ranged from 0.3 to 2.4 and the prevalent flea was Xenopsylla cheopis (99.2%, with the highest indices coinciding with the late dry-cool season. On two occasions, in this period, the community would

  12. Improved waterflooding efficiency by horizontal wells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Popa, C. G. [Petroleum and Gas Univ., Ploesti (Romania); Clipea, M. [SNP Petrom SA, ICPT Campina (Romania)


    The influence of well pattern involving the use of horizontal wells on the overall efficiency of the waterflooding process was analyzed. Three different scenarios were examined: (1) a pattern of using two parallel horizontal wells, one for injection, the other for production, (2) a pattern of one horizontal well for water injection and several vertical wells for production, and (3) a pattern of using vertical wells for injection and one horizontal well for production. In each case, the waterflooding process was simulated using a two phase two dimensional numerical model. Results showed that the pressure loss along the horizontal section had a large influence on the sweep efficiency whether the horizontal well was used for injection or production. Overall, the most successful combination appeared to be using vertical wells for injection and horizontal wells for production. 4 refs., 1 tab., 15 figs.

  13. Fracionamento de manganês acumulado nos tecidos de mudas de caramboleira

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    Amanda Hernandes


    Full Text Available A caramboleira (Averrhoa carambola tende a acumular grande quantidade de Mn nos seus tecidos, mas são escassas as informações sobre a forma como o excesso desse nutriente permanece na planta. Com o objetivo de contribuir para o esclarecimento desse aspecto, neste trabalho foram cultivadas mudas de caramboleira em solução nutritiva de Furlani (1999 com concentrações crescentes de Mn (0; 0,5; 25; e 50 mg L-1 de Mn, e aos 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias os tecidos de caule, folha e raiz foram colhidos e submetidos a uma sequência de soluções extratoras: água, DTPA (ácido dietilenotriaminopentacético e HCl (ácido clorídrico 1 mol L-1, com posterior determinação da quantidade de Mn nos extratos e nos tecidos remanescentes. Foram encontrados teores crescentes de Mn nos extratos de água, DTPA e HCl 1 mol L-1. A maior parte (cerca de 50 % do Mn permaneceu no tecido vegetal, mesmo após subsequentes extrações com as diferentes soluções extratoras, indicando que essa parte está fortemente ligada aos tecidos. Os maiores teores de Mn foram encontrados nas raízes e, os menores, no caule e nas folhas, sugerindo que a caramboleira tende a fixar o Mn nas raízes, possivelmente como mecanismo para limitar o transporte para a parte área, evitando a intoxicação da planta.

  14. Neuronal NOS inhibitor 1-(2-trifluoromethylphenyl)-imidazole augment the effects of antidepressants acting via serotonergic system in the forced swimming test in rats. (United States)

    Ulak, Güner; Mutlu, Oguz; Akar, Füruzan Yildiz; Komsuoğlu, F Ipek; Tanyeri, Pelin; Erden, B Faruk


    Treatment-resistant depression has necessitated new therapeutic strategies in augmenting the therapeutic actions of currently existing antidepressant drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of synergistic interaction between 1-(2-trifluoromethylphenyl)-imidazole (TRIM), a novel neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibitor and conventional antidepressants of different classes in the forced swimming test (FST) in rats. TRIM decreased the immobility time at 50 mg/kg doses in the FST in rats. Treatment with a behaviourally subeffective dose of TRIM (20 mg/kg) augmented the behavioural effect of tricyclic antidepressant imipramine, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram and fluoxetine or selective serotonin reuptake enhancer tianeptine but failed to augment the antidepressant effect of reboxetine, a noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitor, in this test. Therefore inhibition of NOS augments the effects of antidepressants acting on serotonergic system in the FST. Neither TRIM (10-50 mg/kg) nor other drug treatments affected the locomotor activity of animals. These findings are in agreement with the view that antidepressant effects or augmentation of these effects in the FST may be explained with inhibition of NOS activity and this may be a new approach in offering greater therapeutic efficacy of antidepressants acting via serotonergic system.

  15. Selective inhibition of iNOS attenuates trauma-hemorrhage/resuscitation-induced hepatic injury. (United States)

    Kan, Wen-Hong; Hsu, Jun-Te; Schwacha, Martin G; Choudhry, Mashkoor A; Raju, Raghavan; Bland, Kirby I; Chaudry, Irshad H


    Although trauma-hemorrhage produces tissue hypoxia, systemic inflammatory response and organ dysfunction, the mechanisms responsible for these alterations are not clear. Using a potent selective inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor, N-[3-(aminomethyl) benzyl]acetamidine (1400W), and a nonselective NO synthase inhibitor, N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), we investigated whether inducible NO synthase plays any role in producing hepatic injury, inflammation, and changes of protein expression following trauma-hemorrhage. To investigate this, male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to midline laparotomy and hemorrhagic shock (mean blood pressure 35-40 mmHg for approximately 90 min) followed by fluid resuscitation. Animals were treated with either vehicle (DMSO) or 1400W (10 mg/kg body wt ip), or L-NAME (30 mg/kg iv), 30 min before resuscitation and killed 2 h after resuscitation. Trauma-hemorrhage/resuscitation induced a marked hypotension and increase in markers of hepatic injury (i.e., plasma alpha-glutathione S-transferase, tissue myeloperoxidase activity, and nitrotyrosine formation). Hepatic expression of iNOS, hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha, ICAM-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha, and neutrophil chemoattractant (cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1 and macrophage inflammatory protein-2) protein levels were also markedly increased following trauma-hemorrhage/resuscitation. Administration of the iNOS inhibitor 1400W significantly attenuated hypotension and expression of these mediators of hepatic injury induced by trauma-hemorrhage/resuscitation. However, administration of L-NAME could not attenuate hepatic dysfunction and tissue injury mediated by trauma-hemorrhage, although it improved mean blood pressure as did 1400W. These results indicate that increased expression of iNOS following trauma-hemorrhage plays an important role in the induction of hepatic damage under such conditions.

  16. Surgical treatment of intracranial aneurysms: six-year experience in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil Tratamento cirúrgico dos aneurismas intracranianos: experiência de seis anos em Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil

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    Leodante Batista da Costa Jr


    Full Text Available Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage accounts for 5 to 10 % of all strokes, with a worldwide incidence of 10.5 / 100000 person/year, varying in individual reports from 1.1 to 96 /100000 person/year. Angiographic and autopsy studies suggest that between 0.5% and 5% of the population have intracranial aneurysms. Approximately 30000 people suffer aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in the United States each year, and 60% die or are left permanently disabled. We report our experience in the surgical treatment of intracranial aneurysms in a six year period, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. We reviewed the hospital files, surgical and out-patient notes of all patients operated on for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms from January 1997 to January 2003. Four hundred and seventy-seven patients were submitted to 525 craniotomies for treatment of 630 intracranial aneurysms. The majority of patients were female (72.1% in the fourth or fifth decade of life. Anterior circulation aneurysms were more common (94.4%. The most common location for the aneurysm was the middle cerebral artery bifurcation. The patients were followed by a period from 1 month to 5 years. The outcome was measured by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS. At discharge, 62.1% of the patients were classified as GOS 5, 13.9% as GOS 4, 8.7% as GOS 3, 1.7% as GOS 2 and 14.8% as GOS 1.A hemorragia subaracnóidea espontânea é responsável por cerca de 5 a 10% de todos os acidentes vasculares cerebrais, com uma incidência mundial de 10,5 / 100000 pessoas/ano, variando em estudos individuais de 1,1 a 96 / 100000 pessoas / ano, de acordo com diferenças étnicas e geográficas. Estudos angiográficos e de necropsia sugerem que a presença de aneurismas intracranianos ocorre em 0,5-5% da população mundial. De acordo com estatísticas norte-americanas, ocorrem cerca de 30000 rupturas de aneurisma cerebral por ano naquele país, com conseqüências desastrosas para grande parte dos pacientes

  17. Positron annihilation study on the Fermi surface of Cd-Mg alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koike, Shu-ichi; Hirabayashi, Makoto; Suzuki, Toshiharu; Hasegawa, Masayuki.


    Angular correlation measurements of annihilation photons have been made on single crystals of the Cd-Mg alloys over all compositions. It is found that the Fermi surfaces of the alloys in the Cd-rich region distort considerably from a free-electron sphere; the 3rd band ''stars'' and the 4th band horizontal ''cigars'' around the points L do not exist in Cd, and appear at 10 at % Mg accompanying an appreciable decrease of the energy gap at L. It is proposed that changes in the 4d core states cause the sudden decrease of the energy gap. (author)

  18. Horizontal drilling assessment in Western Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Catania, Peter; Wilson, Malcolm


    The first horizontal well was drilled in Saskatchewan in 1987. Since then, the number of horizontal wells drilled has escalated rapidly, averaging approximately 500 per year since 1993. When combined with horizontal wells drilled in Alberta, the major Canadian oil-producing province, the total number drilled in 1995 was 978. This total exceeds the National Energy Board (NEB) projected maximum of 816 wells per year. The NEB projections were based on a break-even point for the drilling of horizontal wells of a return of CDN $285,000 using a discount rate of 15%. This corresponded to a cumulative production from each individual well of some 11,000 m 3 . The introduction of a royalty-free production volume of 12,000 m 3 per horizontal well in Saskatchewan was instrumental in stimulating the rapid expansion in the use of horizontal wells and helping Canada to exceed the forecasted drilling level. Within Saskatchewan, daily production from 1964 active horizontal wells is in excess of 20,000 m 3 . Comparative analysis indicates that the average daily production per well has increased from approximately by 40% with the advent of horizontal wells. In total production terms, provincial production has increased from 11.7 million cubic metres in 1989 to 20.9 million m 3 in 1996. This represents an increase of almost 79% based primarily on the extensive use of horizontal wells. In 1996, horizontal wells produced 36% of the province's oil from 12% of the active wells. In the southeastern producing areas of Saskatchewan, the Williston Basin, declining oil-production has jumped 100%, with horizontal wells accounting for approximately 50% of total regional production. Pay zones in this areas, as in most of the province, tend to be relatively thin, with net pay frequently less that 5 m. The modest investment of some CDN $5 million in government research funding 10 years ago to stimulate the development of horizontal wells, combined with a favourable royalty structure, has been at

  19. "Eu quero uma casa no campo": a busca do verde em Belo Horizonte, 1966-1976

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    Regina Horta Duarte

    Full Text Available A expansão de condomínios horizontais esteve diretamente relacionada às condições históricas que acarretaram a deterioração e o abandono do centro urbano de Belo Horizonte, entre meados das décadas de 1960 e 1970. Nesse contexto, alguns tiveram o privilégio de escolher o sonho da casa no campo, atraídos por promessas de uma vida renovada, mergulhados nos paradoxos do desenvolvimento e dos dramas sociais, políticos e ambientais em curso no Brasil durante a ditadura civil-militar. Cientistas e técnicos realizavam as primeiras avaliações dos dilemas da poluição ambiental urbana. Entretanto, temas ambientais se configuravam como assunto extemporâneo e distante da política, subestimados por setores brasileiros de direita e esquerda. A perda de qualidade de vida em Belo Horizonte recebeu soluções individuais, por vezes com aspectos comunitários. O caráter simultâneo desses processos na capital mineira esclarece casos históricos similares em outras grandes metrópoles brasileiras e latino-americanas.

  20. Nível socioeconômico, qualidade e eqüidade das escolas de Belo Horizonte Nivel socioeconómico, calidad e imparcialidad en las escuelas de Belo Horizonte Socioeconomic status, quality and equity in the schools of Belo Horizonte

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    Jose Francisco Soares


    Full Text Available Entre os fatores que impactam o desempenho cognitivo dos alunos da educação básica destacam-se sua família, as estruturas da sociedade e a escola que ele estuda. A forma de medir estes fatores sofreu enorme impacto com a popularização de duas novas técnicas estatísticas: a Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI e os modelos de regressão para dados hierárquicos. Nesse trabalho apresentam-se três medidas caracterizadoras de uma escola; sua posição construída com ajuda da TRI a partir de indicadores fornecidos pelos alunos, medidas da qualidade e medidas da eqüidade criadas com ajuda dos modelos hierárquicos. A base de dados utilizada é composta por informações provenientes dos questionários socioeconômicos e pelas medidas de desempenho cognitivo dos estudantes das escolas de Belo Horizonte presentes no SIMAVE 2002 e nos vestibulares da UFMG em 2002, 2003 e 2004. A análise da qualidade das escolas de Belo Horizonte, através de modelo onde a influência do nível socioeconômico no desempenho dos alunos é controlada, mostra uma dimensão otimista da realidade. Algumas escolas, públicas e privadas, pelas suas políticas e práticas pedagógicas conseguem fazer diferença no desempenho de seus alunos mesmo quando eles são socioeconomicamente desfavorecidos. Por outro lado, hoje o sistema de educação básica de Belo Horizonte só consegue produzir qualidade na presença de alta iniqüidade. O acesso está garantido, mas apenas alguns terminam a educação básica com desempenho nos níveis de desempenho adequados.Entre los factores que impactan en el logro cognitivo de los estudiantes de educación básica (que comprende la enseñanza primaria y secundaria se destaca la familia, las estructuras de la sociedad y la escuela donde ellos estudian. La forma de medir estos factores sufrió un impacto enorme con la adopción de nuevas técnicas estadísticas: la Teoría de Respuesta al Item (Item Response Theory - IRT y de los Modelos Jer

  1. Tendências e perspectivas da administração em enfermagem: Um estudo na Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte-MG Tendencias y perspectivas de la administración en enfermería un estudio en la Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte-MG Trends and perspectives of nursing administration: a study in the "Santa Casa" Hospital of Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil

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    Carla Aparecida Spagnol


    Full Text Available A Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte implantou um novo Sistema de Gestão que a caracterizou como uma organização flexível. Partindo desse contexto, delineamos como objetivos deste estudo: analisar a forma da administração em enfermagem, considerando a implantação do SIGESC; descrever como a equipe de enfermagem percebe a comunicação, o processo decisório e as relações interpessoais; identificar possíveis tendências e perspectivas presentes na prática administrativa desenvolvida. Evidenciamos um momento de transição da administração em enfermagem que apresenta traços da gerência clássica e da gerência contemporânea. Entretanto, sinalizamos tendências e perspectivas que poderão contribuir para a reorganização do processo de trabalho da enfermagem na área hospitalar.La Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, implantó un nuevo Sistema de Gestión, caracterizándose como una organización flexible. Partiendo de este contexto, delimitamos como objetivos: analizar la forma de administración en enfermería, considerando la implementación del SIGESC; describir como el equipo de enfermería percibe la comunicación, el proceso de toma de decisiones y las relaciones interpersonales; identificar posibles tendencias y perspectivas presentes en la práctica administrativa desarrollada. Evidenciamos un momento de transición de la administración en enfermería que presenta trazos de la gerencia clásica y de la gerencia contemporánea. Por ahora, señalamos tendencias y perspectivas que podrán contribuir para la reorganización del proceso de trabajo de enfermería en el área hospitalaria.The "Santa Casa" Hospital of Belo Horizonte has implemented a new management system that has characterized it as a flexible organization. Based on this context, the authors of this research defined the following objectives: to analyze nursing administration by considering the implementation of the Management System (SIGESC, to describe how the nursing team

  2. Tu nos aposte protege

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Britta Olrik


    Aspirationen af p, t og k i dansk er stedmoderligt behandlet af den gren af den historiske sprogforskning der bygger på skriftligt kildemateriale. Skrivemåden tu nos aposte protege for tu nos ab hoste protege 'bekyt du os mod fjenden' i en tilskrift fra anden halvdel af 1300-tallet i...

  3. Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Recreational Exercise in TNBS-Induced Colitis in Rats: Role of NOS/HO/MPO System

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    Zita Szalai


    Full Text Available There are opposite views in the available literature: Whether physical exercise has a protective effect or not on the onset of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD. Therefore, we investigated the effects of recreational physical exercise before the induction of colitis. After 6 weeks of voluntary physical activity (running wheel, male Wistar rats were treated with TNBS (10 mg. 72 hrs after trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid (TNBS challenge we measured colonic gene (TNF-α, IL-1β, CXCL1 and IL-10 and protein (TNF-α expressions of various inflammatory mediators and enzyme activities of heme oxygenase (HO, nitric oxide synthase (NOS, and myeloperoxidase (MPO enzymes. Wheel running significantly increased the activities of HO, constitutive NOS (cNOS isoform. Furthermore, 6 weeks of running significantly decreased TNBS-induced inflammatory markers, including extent of lesions, severity of mucosal damage, and gene expression of IL-1β, CXCL1, and MPO activity, while IL-10 gene expression and cNOS activity were increased. iNOS activity decreased and the activity of HO enzyme increased, but not significantly, compared to the sedentary TNBS-treated group. In conclusion, recreational physical exercise can play an anti-inflammatory role by downregulating the gene expression of proinflammatory mediators, inducing anti-inflammatory mediators, and modulating the activities of HO and NOS enzymes in a rat model of colitis.

  4. Distúrbios musculoesqueléticos em trabalhadores do setor saúde de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Musculoskeletal disorders among healthcare workers in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Rose Elizabeth Cabral Barbosa


    Full Text Available Estudo transversal que investigou a prevalência de distúrbios musculoesqueléticos e os fatores associados em uma amostra de 1.808 sujeitos do universo de 13.602 trabalhadores do sistema municipal de saúde de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. A prevalência foi avaliada com base no autorrelato de dor nos membros superiores, membros inferiores e dorso; a magnitude das associações foi estimada por meio da regressão de Poisson, em modelos univariados (p This cross-sectional study investigated the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and associated factors in a sample of 1,808 workers (from a total of 13,602 in the municipal health system in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Prevalence was calculated according to self-reported pain in the upper or lower limbs and/or back, and size of associations was estimated by univariate (p < 0.20 and multivariate Poisson regression (p < 0.05. Musculoskeletal disorders showed a prevalence of 49.9% and were statistically associated with female gender, living with a partner, physical activity less than twice a week, self-reported common mental disorder, certain job positions (dentists, dental technicians, and community health workers, high physical demand, and inadequate working conditions. The results confirm the complexity of musculoskeletal disorders and suggest areas for development of health promotion programs in health services.

  5. Neuronal NOS localises to human airway cilia. (United States)

    Jackson, Claire L; Lucas, Jane S; Walker, Woolf T; Owen, Holly; Premadeva, Irnthu; Lackie, Peter M


    Airway NO synthase (NOS) isoenzymes are responsible for rapid and localised nitric oxide (NO) production and are expressed in airway epithelium. We sought to determine the localisation of neuronal NOS (nNOS) in airway epithelium due to the paucity of evidence. Sections of healthy human bronchial tissue in glycol methacrylate resin and human nasal polyps in paraffin wax were immunohistochemically labelled and reproducibly demonstrated nNOS immunoreactivity, particularly at the proximal portion of cilia; this immunoreactivity was blocked by a specific nNOS peptide fragment. Healthy human epithelial cells differentiated at an air-liquid interface (ALI) confirmed the presence of all three NOS isoenzymes by immunofluorescence labelling. Only nNOS immunoreactivity was specific to the ciliary axonemeand co-localised with the cilia marker β-tubulin in the proximal part of the ciliary axoneme. We report a novel localisation of nNOS at the proximal portion of cilia in airway epithelium and conclude that its independent and local regulation of NO levels is crucial for normal cilia function. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. A estabilização do arranjo corporativo e as eleições municipais de 1936 em Belo Horizonte

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    Carla Maria Junho Anastasia


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta a estabilização do arranjo corporativo, ameaçado pela eficácia política imprevista adquirida pelo movimento sindical mineiro após a edição do decreto 19770, de março de 1931. Com o mesmo argumento de combater o comunismo, o Ministério do Trabalho interveio diretamente nos sindicatos, nomeando juntas governativas, e as forças políticas locais, em especial o Partido Progressista, buscaram arregimentar a massa trabalhadora nas eleições municipais de 1936 em Belo Horizonte.

  7. The effect of diameter on vertical and horizontal flow boiling crisis in a tube cooled by Freon-12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merilo, M.; Ahmad, S.Y.


    The influence of test section orientation and diameter on flow boiling crisis occurring in tubes has been studied experimentally using Freon-12 as a coolant. At low mass flux the critical heat flux (CHF) was lower in horizontal flow than in vertical. As either the liquid or vapour velocity, or both, were increased the vertical and horizontal CHF results converged. Above a mass flux of 4 Mg.m -2 .s -1 the results were essentially identical. The effect of tube diameter on boiling crisis in general depends crucially on the parameters which are maintained constant when the comparison is made. (author)

  8. Variações nos níveis de adiponectina nos pacientes com doença renal crônica: um estudo prospectivo de 12 meses

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    Maria Ayako Kamimura


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As complicações cardiovasculares permanecem como a principal causa de mortalidade nos pacientes portadores de doença renal crônica (DRC. A adiponectina é uma proteína produzida pelo tecido adiposo que apresenta importante propriedade cardioprotetora. O nosso objetivo foi investigar os determinantes dos níveis de adiponectina nos pacientes com DRC. MÉTODOS: Este estudo prospectivo observacional incluiu 98 pacientes [taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG 36,1+-14,4 ml/min; 56,5+-10,4 anos; 63% homens; 31% diabéticos e índice de massa corporal (IMC 27,1+-5,2 kg/m²]. A avaliação da adiponectina (teste imunoenzimático, dos parâmetros laboratoriais, do estado nutricional (avaliação global subjetiva, da gordura corporal total (absortometria de raios-x de dupla energia e da gordura abdominal visceral e subcutânea (tomografia computadorizada foi realizada no início e após 12 meses. RESULTADOS: A adiponectina correlacionou-se com a TFG (r = -0,45; p < 0,001, a proteinúria (r = 0,21; p = 0,04, o IMC (r = -0,33; p < 0,01 e a gordura visceral (r = -0,49; p < 0,001. Na análise de regressão múltipla, os determinantes das concentrações de adiponectina foram o sexo (feminino β = 3,8; p < 0,01, a idade (β = 0,14; p = 0,03, a TFG (β = -0,15; p < 0,01 e a gordura visceral (β = -0,04; p < 0,001 (R² = 0,41. Após 12 meses, a progressão da DRC foi evidenciada pela diminuição da TFG (-1,6+-6,3 ml/min; p = 0,01 e aumento da proteinúria (0,3+-0,8 g/d; p < 0,01. Houve um aumento da gordura visceral de 97+-73 cm² para 111+-82 cm² (p < 0,001 e concomitante redução dos níveis de adiponectina, de 27,6+-7,5 mg/l para 22,2+-11,6 mg/l (p < 0,001. O peso corporal, o IMC, a gordura corporal total e a gordura abdominal subcutânea não se alteraram neste período. Ajustando pelos fatores associados à adiponectina, observamos que somente o acúmulo de gordura visceral ao longo do tempo determinou a redução nos níveis de

  9. The influence of authentic scientific research experiences on teachers' conceptions of the nature of science (NOS) and their NOS teaching practices (United States)

    Moriarty, Meghan A.

    This study explored the influence of teachers' authentic scientific research experiences (ASREs) on teachers' conceptions of the nature of science (NOS) and teachers' NOS instruction. Twelve high school biology teachers participated in this study. Six of the participants had authentic scientific research experience (ASRE) and six had not participated in authentic scientific research. Data included background surveys, modified Views of the Nature of Science (VNOS) questionnaires, interviews, and teaching observations. Data was coded based on the eight NOS understandings outlined in 2013 in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Evidence from this study indicates participating in authentic scientific research as a member of a scientific community has dual benefits of enabling high school science teachers with informed understandings of the NOS and positioning them to teach with the NOS. However, these benefits do not always result from an ASRE. If the nature of the ASRE is limited, then it may limit teachers' NOS understandings and their NOS teaching practices. The results of this study suggest that participation in ASREs may be one way to improve teachers' NOS understandings and teaching practices if the experiences themselves offer a comprehensive view of the NOS. Because ASREs and other science learning experiences do not always offer such experiences, pre-service teacher education and professional development opportunities may engage science teachers in two ways: (1) becoming part of a scientific community may enable them to teach with NOS and (2) being reflective about what being a scientist means may improve teachers' NOS understandings and better position them to teach about NOS.. Keywords: nature of science, authentic scientific research experiences, Next Generation Science Standards, teaching about NOS, teaching with NOS.

  10. Horizontal Accelerator (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Horizontal Accelerator (HA) Facility is a versatile research tool available for use on projects requiring simulation of the crash environment. The HA Facility is...

  11. [Trends and perspectives of nursing administration: a study in the Santa Casa hospital of Belo Horizonte-MG]. (United States)

    Spagnol, Carla Aparecida; Ferraz, Clarice Aparecida


    The "Santa Casa" Hospital of Belo Horizonte has implemented a new management system that has characterized it as a flexible organization. Based on this context, the authors of this research defined the following objectives: to analyze nursing administration by considering the implementation of the Management System (SIGESC), to describe how the nursing team perceives communication, the decision-making process and interpersonal relationships, to identify possible trends and perspectives present in the administrative practice developed. A time of transition in nursing administration that presents characteristics of classical management and contemporaneous management was shown as well as trends and perspectives that will contribute to the reorganization of nursing work in hospitals.

  12. iNOS-dependent sweating and eNOS-dependent cutaneous vasodilation are evident in younger adults, but are diminished in older adults exercising in the heat. (United States)

    Fujii, Naoto; Meade, Robert D; Alexander, Lacy M; Akbari, Pegah; Foudil-Bey, Imane; Louie, Jeffrey C; Boulay, Pierre; Kenny, Glen P


    Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) contributes to sweating and cutaneous vasodilation during exercise in younger adults. We hypothesized that endothelial NOS (eNOS) and neuronal NOS (nNOS) mediate NOS-dependent sweating, whereas eNOS induces NOS-dependent cutaneous vasodilation in younger adults exercising in the heat. Further, aging may upregulate inducible NOS (iNOS), which may attenuate sweating and cutaneous vasodilator responses. We hypothesized that iNOS inhibition would augment sweating and cutaneous vasodilation in exercising older adults. Physically active younger (n = 12, 23 ± 4 yr) and older (n = 12, 60 ± 6 yr) adults performed two 30-min bouts of cycling at a fixed rate of metabolic heat production (400 W) in the heat (35°C). Sweat rate and cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) were evaluated at four intradermal microdialysis sites with: 1) lactated Ringer (control), 2) nNOS inhibitor (nNOS-I, NPLA), 3) iNOS inhibitor (iNOS-I, 1400W), or 4) eNOS inhibitor (eNOS-I, LNAA). In younger adults during both exercise bouts, all inhibitors decreased sweating relative to control, albeit a lower sweat rate was observed at iNOS-I compared with eNOS-I and nNOS-I sites (all P exercise protocol (all P exercise bouts (all P > 0.05). We show that iNOS and eNOS are the main contributors to NOS-dependent sweating and cutaneous vasodilation, respectively, in physically active younger adults exercising in the heat, and that iNOS inhibition does not alter sweating or cutaneous vasodilation in exercising physically active older adults. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  13. Sildenafil promotes eNOS activation and inhibits NADPH oxidase in the transgenic sickle cell mouse penis. (United States)

    Musicki, Biljana; Bivalacqua, Trinity J; Champion, Hunter C; Burnett, Arthur L


    Sickle cell disease (SCD)-associated vasculopathy in the penis is characterized by aberrant nitric oxide and phosphodiesterase (PDE) 5 signaling, and by increased oxidative stress. Preliminary clinical trials show that continuous treatment with PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil unassociated with sexual activity decreases priapic activity in patients with SCD. However, the mechanism of its vasculoprotective effect in the penis remains unclear. We evaluated whether continuous administration of PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil promotes eNOS function at posttranslational levels and decreases superoxide-producing enzyme NADPH oxidase activity in the sickle cell mouse penis. SCD transgenic mice were used as an animal model of SCD. WT mice served as controls. Mice received treatment with the PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil (100 mg/kg/day) or vehicle for 3 weeks. eNOS phosphorylation on Ser-1177 (positive regulatory site), eNOS interactions with heat-shock protein 90 (HSP90) (positive regulator), phosphorylated AKT (upstream mediator of eNOS phosphorylation on Ser-1177), an NADPH oxidase catalytic subunit gp91(phox), and a marker of oxidative stress (4-hydroxy-2-nonenal [HNE]) were measured by Western blot. Effect of continuous sildenafil treatment on eNOS posttranslational activation, NADPH oxidase catalytic subunit, and oxidative stress in the penis of the sickle cell mouse. Continuous treatment with sildenafil reversed (P penis. Sildenafil treatment of WT mice did not affect any of these parameters. Our findings that sildenafil enhances eNOS activation and inhibits NADPH oxidase function in the sickle cell mouse penis offers a vasculoprotective molecular basis for the therapeutic effect of sildenafil in the penis in association with SCD. © 2013 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  14. Avaliação dos dados do cartão de pré-natal e registro da rotina prevista na assistência pré-natal de baixo risco em uma coorte de gestantes em Belo Horizonte


    Juliana Moraes Carrilho


    A adequação da atenção pré-natal é relevante para redução das taxas de mortalidade materna e perinatal, sendo fundamental a integração das informações nos diferentes níveis de atenção à gestante. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar a completude dos dados dos cartões de pré-natal apresentados por uma coorte de gestantes admitidas em dois hospitais universitários de Belo Horizonte, conforme rotina prevista pelo MS e o protocolo da Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Horizonte (PBH), para ...

  15. Horizontal drilling under Lake Erie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meller, R.


    Drilling oil wells under Lake Erie calls for horizontal drilling wells to be drilled from shore out into the pay-zone under the lake. The nature and characteristics of horizontal wells as compared to vertical wells are explored. Considerations that have to be taken into account in drilling horizontal wells are explained (the degree of curvature, drilling fluid quality, geosteering in the pay-zone, steering instrumentation, measurements while drilling (MWD), logging while drilling (LWD)). The concept and reasons for extended reach wells are outlined, along with characteristic features of multilateral wells.

  16. Práticas de segregação e resistência nas organizações: uma análise discursiva sobre os “rolezinhos” na cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG

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    Marco César Ribeiro Nascimento


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo do artigo é compreender como os discursos da mídia eletrônica apresentam reflexos e refrações das práticas de resistência dos jovens nos espaços organizacionais dos shopping centers. Essas práticas são denominadas atualmente “rolezinhos”. Originalidade/lacuna/relevância/implicações: Considerando os espaços urbanos produzidos socialmente e as cidades como palcos práticos e discursivos de dinâmicas simbólicas segregatórias, analisamos os processos de ocupação dos shopping centers – intitulados pela mídia eletrônica de “rolezinhos” – na cidade de Belo Horizonte, em Minas Gerais, por jovens da periferia. Principais aspectos metodológicos: Adotamos a análise de discurso francesa como base metodológica da pesquisa. O corpus de análise é constituído por discursos presentes em 15 portais eletrônicos de notícias sobre a cidade de Belo Horizonte, em Minas Gerais, que produziram, durante o ano de 2013, 18 reportagens sobre a ocupação coletiva de shopping centers por jovens da periferia. Síntese dos principais resultados: As práticas de resistência ampliam as fronteiras dos espaços organizacionais, na medida em que deslocam pontos de controle das ações dos sujeitos e questionam a construção do shopping center como espaço organizacional de segregação avesso a grupos sociais desfavorecidos, enfatizando o potencial de resistência e de ressignificação de grupos marginalizados nessas organizações. Principais considerações/conclusões: Entendemos os “rolezinhos” como questionamento dos limites do espaço organizacional que produziram deslocamentos das fronteiras das organizações. Eles são efeitos de alterações de relações de forças socioeconômicas que estavam na rua e, quando expandidas para espaços organizacionais, provocaram tensões que continuam latentes, pois a rua continua sua dinâmica e novamente questionará essas fronteiras.



    Rodrigo Cavalcanti do Nascimento; Gelze Serrat de Souza Campos Rodrigues


    Devido à implantação de projetos integrados no setor de suínos no Triângulo Mineiro (MG), empresas transnacionais e cooperativas de Uberlândia passaram a utilizar novas tecnologias e técnicas de produção na busca de outros mercados e aumento nos ganhos financeiros. Ao mesmo tempo, a expansão do setor provocou graves impactos ambientais causados pelo acúmulo de dejetos de suínos na água e solo. Com o avanço das discussões ambientais, a instalação dos projetos de biodigestores anaeróbios, basea...

  18. Penetrating particles in horizontal air showers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wohlenberg, J.; Boehm, E.


    Particle density and arrival time of muons has been measured in Horizontal Air Showers. 5,600 showers have been recorded in 7,800 hours. Using stringent selection criteria 155 showers have been found horizontal (zenith angle larger 70 0 ) in the size range 4.1 > lg N > 5.5. The muons observed in these showers can be explained by purely electromagnetic origin of horizontal showers. (orig.) [de

  19. Involvement of PI3K, Akt, and RhoA in oestradiol regulation of cardiac iNOS expression. (United States)

    Zafirovic, Sonja; Sudar-Milovanovic, Emina; Obradovic, Milan; Djordjevic, Jelena; Jasnic, Nebojsa; Borovic, Milica Labudovic; Isenovic, Esma R


    Oestradiol is an important regulatory factor with several positive effects on the cardiovascular (CV) system. We evaluated the molecular mechanism of the in vivo effects of oestradiol on the regulation of cardiac inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase (iNOS) expression and activity. Male Wistar rats were treated with oestradiol (40 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) and after 24 h the animals were sacrificed. The concentrations of NO and L-Arginine (L-Arg) were determined spectrophotometrically. For protein expressions of iNOS, p65 subunit of nuclear factor-κB (NFκB-p65), Ras homolog gene family-member A (RhoA), angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1R), insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1), p85, p110 and protein kinase B (Akt), Western blot method was used. Co-immunoprecipitation was used for measuring the association of IRS-1 with the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K). The expression of iNOS messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) was measured with the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Immunohistochemical analysis of the tissue was used to detect localization and expression of iNOS in heart tissue. Oestradiol treatment reduced L-Arg concentration (pAkt phosphorylation at Thr308 (pregulates cardiac iNOS expression via the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, through attenuation of RhoA and AT1R. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  20. Horizontal violence in Nursing

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    Tsimoulaki Evangelia


    Full Text Available One’s effort to clarify the definition of horizontal labour violence is of great importance, due to the variety of definitions that are mentioned in the worldwide scientific literature. Furthermore, the reference of multiple forms of such violence herein the nurse professional group is challenging, as well. Another fact of great importance is that, any form of professional violence (horizontal violence, horizontal mobbing in the work place environment can be possibly escalated and include even physical abuse (Bullying, besides the psychological and emotional impact for the victim. The definitions of Horizontal violence, Mobbing and Bullying, include a repeated negative behaviour emanating from at least one “predator” towards at least one “victim”, with work status differences and the existence or lack of physical abuse (Bullying. Horizontal violence is a hostile, aggressive and harmful behaviour which is either overt or concealed and is pointed from an individual to another individual of the same working rank and causes intense emotional pain at the victim. The manifestations vary from humiliating tasks assignment or the victim’s efforts undermining to clearly aggressive behaviors (criticism, intimidation, sarcasm etc.. The reason behind this phenomenon is multifactorial extended not only towards the working environment but also to the personal characteristics of the “predator” as well as the possible “victim”. The researchers emphasize the high incidence of the phenomenon, as well as the cost that is induced by the violent behaviors to both the health professionals and the hospital. Finally, they point out the paradox of the presence of violence inside a system that is designed to promote health.

  1. Horizontal steam generator thermal-hydraulics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ubra, O. [SKODA Praha Company, Prague (Czechoslovakia); Doubek, M. [Czech Technical Univ., Prague (Czechoslovakia)


    Horizontal steam generators are typical components of nuclear power plants with pressure water reactor type VVER. Thermal-hydraulic behavior of horizontal steam generators is very different from the vertical U-tube steam generator, which has been extensively studied for several years. To contribute to the understanding of the horizontal steam generator thermal-hydraulics a computer program for 3-D steady state analysis of the PGV-1000 steam generator has been developed. By means of this computer program, a detailed thermal-hydraulic and thermodynamic study of the horizontal steam generator PGV-1000 has been carried out and a set of important steam generator characteristics has been obtained. The 3-D distribution of the void fraction and 3-D level profile as functions of load and secondary side pressure have been investigated and secondary side volumes and masses as functions of load and pressure have been evaluated. Some of the interesting results of calculations are presented in the paper.

  2. Involvement of nitrergic system in anticonvulsant effect of zolpidem in lithium-pilocarpine induced status epilepticus: Evaluation of iNOS and COX-2 genes expression. (United States)

    Eslami, Seyyed Majid; Ghasemi, Maryam; Bahremand, Taraneh; Momeny, Majid; Gholami, Mahdi; Sharifzadeh, Mohammad; Dehpour, Ahmad Reza


    This study aims to investigate the role of zolpidem in lithium-pilocarpine induced status epilepticus (SE) and probable mechanisms involved in seizure threshold alteration. In the present study, lithium chloride (127mg/kg) was administered 20h prior to pilocarpine (60mg/kg) to induce SE in adult male Wistar rats. Different doses of zolpidem (0.1, 1, 2, 5, 10mg/kg) were injected 30min before pilocarpine administration. Furthermore, to find out whether nitric oxide (NO) plays a role in the observed effect, L-arginine and L-NAME were injected 15min before zolpidem. Afterward, we identified the particular NO isoform mediating the effect of zolpidem by injecting aminoguanidine (AG) and 7-Nitroindazole (7-NI) 15min prior to zolpidem. Moreover, in both 6 and 24h after pilocarpine injection, experimental groups underwent hippocampectomy to evaluate cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) genes expression by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR). Pre-treatment with zolpidem significantly prevented the onset of SE in a dose-dependent manner. AG and L-NAME significantly potentiated the anticonvulsant effect of zolpidem while L-arginine inverted this effect. Our qRT-PCR exerted that there was a continuous elevation of iNOS and COX-2 genes expression over 6 and 24h after pilocarpine administration in SE and L-arginine+Zolpidem groups while in AG/L-NAME+Zolpidem and zolpidem groups this upregulation was prevented. Our study indicates that zolpidem prevents the onset of SE through inhibition of iNOS/COX-2 genes upregulation following lithium-pilocarpine administration. Consistent with our results, we suggest that iNOS activation could be probably upstream of COX-2 gene expression. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Microstructure and fatigue properties of Mg-to-steel dissimilar resistance spot welds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, L.; Xiao, L.; Chen, D.L.; Feng, J.C.; Kim, S.; Zhou, Y.


    Highlights: ► Mg/steel dissimilar spot weld had the same fatigue strength as Mg/Mg similar weld. ► Crack propagation path of Mg/Mg and Mg/steel welds was the same. ► Penetration of Zn into the Mg base metal led to crack initiation of Mg/steel weld. ► HAZ weakening and stress concentration led to crack initiation of Mg/Mg weld. -- Abstract: The structural application of lightweight magnesium alloys in the automotive industry inevitably involves dissimilar welding with steels and the related durability issues. This study was aimed at evaluating the microstructural change and fatigue resistance of Mg/steel resistance spot welds, in comparison with Mg/Mg welds. The microstructure of Mg/Mg spot welds can be divided into: base metal, heat affected zone and fusion zone (nugget). However, the microstructure of Mg/steel dissimilar spot welds had three different regions along the joined interface: weld brazing, solid-state joining and soldering. The horizontal and vertical Mg hardness profiles of Mg/steel and Mg/Mg welds were similar. Both Mg/steel and Mg/Mg welds were observed to have an equivalent fatigue resistance due to similar crack propagation characteristics and failure mode. Both Mg/steel and Mg/Mg welds failed through thickness in the magnesium sheet under stress-controlled cyclic loading, but fatigue crack initiation of the two types of welds was different. The crack initiation of Mg/Mg welds was occurred due to a combined effect of stress concentration, grain growth in the heat affected zone (HAZ), and the presence of Al-rich phases at HAZ grain boundaries, while the penetration of small amounts of Zn coating into the Mg base metal stemming from the liquid metal induced embrittlement led to crack initiation in the Mg/steel welds.

  4. Learning curve of sentinel lymph nodes in early breast cancer at the Teaching Hospital 'Hospital das Clinicas' in Belo Horizonte, MG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Homma, L.A.H.; Campos, T.P.R.; Silva, S.Z.C.; Siqueira, C.F.; Lima, C.F.


    The research of the sentinel lymph node in early breast cancer, an already worldwide established method, was standardized at the teaching hospital 'Hospital das Clinicas' in Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil). This standardization was carried out from December 2000 through December 2002, in which 39 patients were included in a learning curve and method validation. The applied methodology is based on the combination of a lymphoscintillography and the blue stain. A periareolar colloid 99m Tc injection was given 24 hours before the surgery. The blue dye was injected in the peritumoral region during the surgery. The sentinel lymph node was identified by the blue color pattern of the lymph node and by the use of a portable gamma probe detector. Radioactive contamination was evaluated before, during and after the surgery. The measurement of the radioactivity of the breast area was taken by using a GM detector and an ionization chamber on a humid piece of gauze (passed on the breast area), from which the radioactivity was recorded as well as the gloves used during the surgery, and the gauzes with contaminated blood. The sentinel lymph node identification rate was found to be 95%, there was a false negative rate of 4,8% and a predictive negative value (PNV) of 94%. The identification figures, the predictive negative value and the false negative rate were similar to the figures found in technical literature. The technique of the biopsy of the sentinel lymph node (BSL) is the method chosen for staging patients with invasive breast cancer and with clinically negative results for the armpit. The combined method using radio-colloid and the stain is the most indicated. There is a minimum radio isotopic contamination and there is scarcely any danger for the patient or the medical staff involved in the procedure. (author)

  5. Differences in immunolocalization of Kim-1, RPA-1, and RPA-2 in kidneys of gentamicin-, cisplatin-, and valproic acid-treated rats: potential role of iNOS and nitrotyrosine. (United States)

    Zhang, Jun; Goering, Peter L; Espandiari, Parvaneh; Shaw, Martin; Bonventre, Joseph V; Vaidya, Vishal S; Brown, Ronald P; Keenan, Joe; Kilty, Cormac G; Sadrieh, Nakissa; Hanig, Joseph P


    The present study compared the immunolocalization of Kim-1, renal papillary antigen (RPA)-1, and RPA-2 with that of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and nitrotyrosine in kidneys of gentamicin sulfate (Gen)- and cisplatin (Cis)-treated rats. The specificity of acute kidney injury (AKI) biomarkers, iNOS, and nitrotyrosine was evaluated by dosing rats with valproic acid (VPA). Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were injected subcutaneously (sc) with 100 mg/kg/day of Gen for six or fourteen days; a single intraperitoneal (ip) dose of 1, 3, or 6 mg/kg of Cis; or 650 mg/kg/day of VPA (ip) for four days. In Gen-treated rats, Kim-1 was expressed in the epithelial cells, mainly in the S1/S2 segments but less so in the S3 segment, and RPA-1 was increased in the epithelial cells of collecting ducts (CD) in the cortex. Spatial expression of iNOS or nitrotyrosine with Kim-1 or RPA-1 was detected. In Cis-treated rats, Kim-1 was expressed only in the S3 segment cells, and RPA-1 and RPA-2 were increased in the epithelial cells of medullary CD or medullary loop of Henle (LH), respectively. Spatial expression of iNOS or nitrotyrosine with RPA-1 or RPA-2 was also identified. These findings suggest that peroxynitrite formation may be involved in the pathogenesis of Gen and Cis nephrotoxicity and that Kim-1, RPA-1, and RPA-2 have the potential to serve as site-specific biomarkers for Gen or Cis AKI.

  6. Práticas musicais como elemento de cultura, civilização e progresso na cidade de Uberlândia-MG (1888-1957)


    Daniela Carrijo Franco Cunha; Lilia Neves Gonçalves


    O presente artigo apresenta uma discussão sobre a música como elemento de cultura, civilização e progresso na cidade de Uberlândia-MG, no período de 1888 a 1957. São abordadas práticas musicais estabelecidas nesse período, como aprender música, tocar um instrumento (como o piano), ouvir música nas praças, nos recitais realizados nos salões locais, nos cinemas, rádios. Práticas que são analisadas à luz dos processos de civilização discutidos por Elias (1994) e de distinção social na perspectiv...

  7. The locations and amounts of endogenous ions and elements in the cap and elongating zone of horizontally oriented roots of Zea mays L.: an electron-probe EDS study (United States)

    Moore, R.; Cameron, I. L.; Hunter, K. E.; Olmos, D.; Smith, N. K.


    We used quantitative electron-probe energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis to localize endogenous Na, Cl, K, P, S, Mg and Ca in cryofixed and freeze-dried cryosections of the cap (i.e. the putative site of graviperception) and elongating zone (i.e. site of gravicurvature) of horizontally oriented roots of Zea mays. Ca, Na, Cl, K and Mg accumulate along the lower side of caps of horizontally oriented roots. The most dramatic asymmetries of these ions occur in the apoplast, especially the mucilage. We could not detect any significant differences in the concentrations of these ions in the central cytoplasm of columella cells along the upper and lower sides of caps of horizontally-oriented roots. However, the increased amounts of Na, Cl, K and Mg in the longitudinal walls of columella cells along the lower side of the cap suggest that these ions may move down through the columella tissue of horizontally-oriented roots. Ca also accumulates (largely in the mucilage) along the lower side of the elongating zone of horizontally-oriented roots, while Na, P, Cl and K tend to accumulate along the upper side of the elongating zone. Of these ions, only K increases in concentration in the cytoplasm and longitudinal walls of cortical cells in the upper vs lower sides of the elongating zone. These results indicate that (1) gravity-induced asymmetries of ions differ significantly in the cap and elongating zone of graviresponding roots, (2) Ca accumulates along the lower side of the cap and elongating zone of graviresponding roots, (3) increased growth of the upper side of the elongating zone of horizontally-oriented roots correlates positively with increased amounts of K in the cytoplasm and longitudinal walls of cortical cells, and (4) the apoplast (especially the mucilage) may be an important component of the pathway via which ions move in graviresponding rots of Zea mays. These results are discussed relative to mechanisms for graviperception and gravicurvature of roots.

  8. Potencialidade de Biomphalaria tenagophila do lago Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, MG, como hospederia do Schistosoma mansoni Potentiality of Biomphalaria tenagophila from Pampulha lake, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, as a host of Schistosoma mansoni

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    Cecília Pereira de Souza


    Full Text Available Caramujos Biomphalaria tenagophila descendentes de exemplares coletados no lago da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, foram expostos a miracídios de quatro cepas de Schistosoma mansoni: LE e HK de origem local, Belo Horizonte, AL do Estado de Alagoas e SJ, de São José dos Campos, SP. As cepas LE, AL e SJ são mantidas em laboratório e HK foi obtida de fezes de paciente que reside próximo à Pampulha. As taxas de infecção experimental foram de 4% (LE, 6% (HK, 30% (SJ e 40% (AL. Esses indícios de infecção foram semelhantes aos obtidos por vários autores para populações de B. tenagophila de Minas Gerais. Caramujos infectados experimentalmente eliminaram número de cercárias comparável ao de B. glabrata do controle e de B. tenagophila capturada no lago, com infecção natural (cerca de 2.000 cercárias/molusco. Devido à alta densidade planorbídica atual em alguns pontos do lago, número de cercárias eliminadas por exemplares naturalmente infectados, afluxo de pessoas para pesca e lazer, contaminação das águas por dejetos humanos, os autores alertam para o risco de crescimento do foco de esquistossomose no local.Biomphalaria tenagophila snails, from a population originally obtained from "Pampulha" lake, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, were exposed to miracidia from four strains of Schistosoma mansoni: "LE" and "HK" from Belo Horizonte, "AL" from alagoas and "SJ" from São José dos Campos, São Paulo. The "LE", "AL" and "SJ" strains are maintained in the laboratory and the "HK" strain was obtained from feces of a patient residing near to "Pampulha" lake. Infection rates were of 4% ("LE" strain, 6% ("HK" strain, 30% ("SJ" strain and 40% ("AL" strain. These infection rates were similar to those obtained by others authors for B. tenagophila from Minas Gerais. Experimentally infected snails when compared to B. glabrata of the control group and B. tenagophila naturally infected in "Pampulha" lake shed similar number

  9. Retrospective study (1998-2001 on canine ehrlichiosis in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil Estudo retrospectivo (1998 a 2001 da erliquiose canina em Belo Horizonte

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    S.M. Moreira


    Full Text Available The present work describes a retrospective study of clinical cases of ehrlichiosis in dogs examined from March 1998 to September 2001. From the clinical records with laboratorial confirmation of Ehrlichia canis or E. platys infections, the following parameters were analyzed: demographic aspects (age, race, sex, period of the year and origin, clinical characteristics (body temperature, exposure to ticks and clinical signs, and hematological characteristics (blood cell counts and type of infected cell. A total of 194 clinical records were analyzed, from which 31 animals were infected with E. canis and 21 animals with E. platys. The number of cases of canine ehrlichiosis increased considerably from the year 2000 onwards, and 24.4% of the cases occurred in 13- to 24-month-old animals, in different urban and per-urban regions of the municipality of Belo Horizonte. The most frequent symptoms were fever, anorexia, apathy, abdominal pain, lymphadenopathy and dispnea. Regarding hematological alterations, 70.3% of the animals presented anemia, 50% presented thrombocytopenia and 30% leukopenia, and most E. canis morulae were seen in monocytes. The results point to the importance of canine ehrlichiosis, as 35.9% of the dogs with suspected hemoparasitic diseases were infected with Ehrlichia canis or E. platys.O presente trabalho descreve um estudo retrospectivo da casuística clínica de erliquiose em cães atendidos entre março de 1998 e setembro de 2001. Foram analisadas 194 fichas clínicas de animais com suspeita de hemoparasitoses, nas quais 31 cães foram diagnosticados com Ehrlichia canis e 21 com Ehrlichia platys, por meio de exame parasitológico direto de esfregaços sangüíneos. Foram considerados alguns aspectos demográficos (idade, raça, sexo, época do ano e região de origem, características clínicas (temperatura corporal, presença e/ou histórico de carrapatos e sinais clínicos e hematológicas (hemograma completo e célula parasitada


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    Nediljka Gaurina-Međimurec


    Full Text Available Main objective of horizontal driling is to place a drain-hole for a long distance within the pay zone to enhance productivity or injectivity. In drilling horizontal wells, more serious problems appear than in drilling vertical wells. These problems are: poor hole cleaning, excessive torque and drag, hole filling, pipe stucking, wellbore instability, loss of circulation, formation damage, poor cement job, and difficulties at logging jobs. From that reason, successful drilling and production of horizontal well depends largely on the fluid used during drilling and completion phases. Several new fluids, that fulfill some or all of required properties (hole cleaning, cutting suspension, good lubrication, and relative low formation damage, are presented in this paper.

  11. Effects of 7-nitroindazole, an NOS inhibitor on methamphetamine-induced dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotoxicity in mice. (United States)

    Ali, S F; Itzhak, Y


    Methamphetamine (METH) is one of the major drugs of abuse that is postulated to cause neurotoxicity by depleting dopamine (DA) and its metabolites, high-affinity DA uptake sites, and the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether the relatively selective, neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor, 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), protects against METH-induced neurotoxicity. Male Swiss Webster mice received the following injections intraperitoneally (i.p.) 3 times (every 3 hr): (i) vehicle/saline, (ii) 7-NI (25 mg/kg)/saline, (iii) vehicle/METH (5 mg/kg), and (iv) 7-NI (25 mg/kg)/METH (5 mg/kg). On the second day, groups (i) and (iii) received two vehicle injections and groups (ii) and (iv) received two 7-NI injections (25 mg/kg each). The administration of vehicle/METH resulted in 68, 44 and 55% decreases in the concentration of DA, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), and homovanillic acid (HVA), respectively, and a 48% decrease in the number of [3H]mazindol binding sites in the striatum compared to control values. The treatment with 7-NI (group iv) provided a full protection against the depletion of DA and its metabolites, and the loss of dopamine transporter binding sites. Multiple injection of METH caused a significant decrease in the concentration of serotonin (5-HT) and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA). Treatment with 7-NI partially blocked the depletion of 5-HT and completely blocked the reduction in 5-HIAA levels. The administration of 7-NI/saline (group ii) affected neither the tissue concentration of DA, 5-HT and their metabolites (DOPAC, HVA and 5-HIAA) nor the binding parameters of [3H]-mazindol compared to control (vehicle/saline) values. 7-NI had no significant effect on the animals' body temperature, and it did not affect METH-induced hyperthermia. These findings indicate a role for nitric oxide in METH-induced neurotoxicity and also suggest that blockage of NOS may be beneficial for the

  12. Effects of 7-Nitroindazole, an NOS Inhibitor on Methamphetamine-Induced Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Neurotoxicity in Micea. (United States)

    Ali, Syed F; Itzhak, Yossef


    Methamphetamine (METH) is one of the major drugs of abuse that is postulated to cause neurotoxicity by depleting dopamine (DA) and its metabolites, high-affinity DA uptake sites, and the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether the relatively selective, neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor, 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), protects against METH-induced neurotoxicity. Male Swiss Webster mice received the following injections intraperitoneally (i.p.) 3 times (every 3 hr): (i) vehicle/saline, (ii) 7-NI (25 mg/kg)/saline, (iii) vehicle/METH (5 mg/kg), and (iv) 7-NI (25 mg/kg)/METH (5 mg/kg). On the second day, groups (i) and (iii) received two vehicle injections and groups (ii) and (iv) received two 7-NI injections (25 mg/kg each). The administration of vehicle/METH resulted in 68, 44 and 55% decreases in the concentration of DA, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), and homovanillic acid (HVA), respectively, and a 48% decrease in the number of [ 3 H]mazindol binding sites in the striatum compared to control values. The treatment with 7-NI (group iv) provided a full protection against the depletion of DA and its metabolites, and the loss of dopamine transporter binding sites. Multiple injection of METH caused a significant decrease in the concentration of serotonin (5-HT) and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA). Treatment with 7-NI partially blocked the depletion of 5-HT and completely blocked the reduction in 5-HIAA levels. The administration of 7-NI/saline (group ii) affected neither the tissue concentration of DA, 5-HT and their metabolites (DOPAC, HVA and 5-HIAA) nor the binding parameters of [ 3 H]-mazindol compared to control (vehicle/saline) values. 7-NI had no significant effect on the animals' body temperature, and it did not affect METH-induced hyperthermia. These findings indicate a role for nitric oxide in METH-induced neurotoxicity and also suggest that blockage of NOS may be beneficial for

  13. Productivity and injectivity of horizontal wells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aziz, Khalid


    One of the key issues addressed was pressure drop in long horizontal wells and its influence on well performance. Very little information is available in the literature on flow in pipes with influx through pipe walls. Virtually all of this work has been in small diameter pipes and with single-phase flow. In order to address this problem new experimental data on flow in horizontal and near horizontal wells have been obtained. Experiments were conducted at an industrial facility on typical 6 1/8 ID, 100 feet long horizontal well model. The new data along with available information in the literature have been used to develop new correlations and mechanistic models. Thus it is now possible to predict, within reasonable accuracy, the effect of influx through the well on pressure drop in the well.

  14. PI3K/Akt-independent NOS/HO activation accounts for the facilitatory effect of nicotine on acetylcholine renal vasodilations: modulation by ovarian hormones.

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    Eman Y Gohar

    Full Text Available We investigated the effect of chronic nicotine on cholinergically-mediated renal vasodilations in female rats and its modulation by the nitric oxide synthase (NOS/heme oxygenase (HO pathways. Dose-vasodilatory response curves of acetylcholine (0.01-2.43 nmol were established in isolated phenylephrine-preconstricted perfused kidneys obtained from rats treated with or without nicotine (0.5-4.0 mg/kg/day, 2 weeks. Acetylcholine vasodilations were potentiated by low nicotine doses (0.5 and 1 mg/kg/day in contrast to no effect for higher doses (2 and 4 mg/kg/day. The facilitatory effect of nicotine was acetylcholine specific because it was not observed with other vasodilators such as 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA, adenosine receptor agonist or papaverine. Increases in NOS and HO-1 activities appear to mediate the nicotine-evoked enhancement of acetylcholine vasodilation because the latter was compromised after pharmacologic inhibition of NOS (L-NAME or HO-1 (zinc protoporphyrin, ZnPP. The renal protein expression of phosphorylated Akt was not affected by nicotine. We also show that the presence of the two ovarian hormones is necessary for the nicotine augmentation of acetylcholine vasodilations to manifest because nicotine facilitation was lost in kidneys of ovariectomized (OVX and restored after combined, but not individual, supplementation with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA and estrogen (E2. Together, the data suggests that chronic nicotine potentiates acetylcholine renal vasodilation in female rats via, at least partly, Akt-independent HO-1 upregulation. The facilitatory effect of nicotine is dose dependent and requires the presence of the two ovarian hormones.

  15. A Propiedade horizontal : a influência do instituto nos dereitos e obrigações do titular da fração


    Carvalho Oliveira Silva, Tiago Nuno Pires de


    [Resumen] INSTITUCIÓN JURÍDICA es una “…entidad jurídica y reglamentada por un conjunto de normas de derecho positivo…”. Es, al final, un conjunto de normas que rige un tipo de relaciones jurídicas agregadas por características determinadas, que las autonomiza en relación con todos los otros tipos de relaciones jurídicas. La Propiedad Horizontal, como forma de proyección jurídica del dominio de una fracción, inserta en un predio, tiene características y normas reglamentares que...

  16. Performance of horizontal versus vertical vapor extraction wells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Birdsell, K.H.; Roseberg, N.D.; Edlund, K.M.


    Vapor extraction wells used for site remediation of volatile organic chemicals in the vadose zone are typically vertical wells. Over the past few years, there has been an increased interest in horizontal wells for environmental remediation. Despite the interest and potential benefits of horizontal wells, there has been little study of the relative performance of horizontal and vertical vapor extraction wells. This study uses numerical simulations to investigate the relative performance of horizontal versus vertical vapor extraction wells under a variety of conditions. The most significant conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that in a homogeneous medium, a single, horizontal vapor extraction well outperforms a single, vertical vapor extraction well (with surface capping) only for long, linear plumes. Guidelines are presented regarding the use of horizontal wells

  17. Implications of Nash Bargaining for Horizontal Industry Integration


    Richard E. Just; Siddhartha Mitra; Sinaia Netanyahu


    This article shows how horizontal industry integration can arise from transferable asymmetry of technologies and endowments. The Nash bargaining solution suggests that greater technological diversity among coordinating parties yields greater gains from horizontal integration. The framework fits the case where a firm with a superior technology franchises the technology by horizontal integration. The results appear to fit hog production where integration has been primarily horizontal and, in pa...

  18. Immunomodulatory effects of royal jelly on aorta CD3, CD68 and eNOS expression in hypercholesterolaemic rats

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    Amal Attia El-Morsy Ibrahim


    RJ administration (300 mg/kg/day with CH, produced a counteractive effect, represented in recompense of biochemical alteration, CD4 and CD8 expression. RJ intake also amended the histological picture. The immunohistochemical picture revealed a decrease in CD3, CD86 and eNOS in the aortic tissue. These findings attributed to the significant immunomodulatory effect of RJ remedy suppress deleterious effects of hypercholesterolaemia.

  19. Diagnóstico das bibliotecas escolares da rede estadual de ensino de Belo HorizonteMG: a situação dos acervos 10.5007/1518-2924.2004v9n17p19

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    Vera Lúcia Furst Gonçalves Abreu


    Full Text Available Apresenta resultados de pesquisa sobre o acervo de bibliotecas escolares da rede estadual de ensino de Belo HorizonteMG, na perspectiva da quantidade de materiais disponíveis para uso dos alunos. Os dados, obtidos por questionário respondido pelos responsáveis por 63 bibliotecas, mostram que a média de itens por aluno é de 3,56. Poucas bibliotecas possuem computadores ligados à Internet, e em apenas uma escola os computadores são utilizados pelos alunos. Na maioria das bibliotecas, os alunos costumam ser encaminhado, quando necessário, para outras bibliotecas: de escolas vizinhas, de universidades e, principalmente, para a biblioteca pública. A maioria dos responsáveis pelas bibliotecas considera seus acervos regulares ou bons, e boa a utilização pelos usuários.

  20. Efeitos da corticoterapia materna nos valores hemogasométricos de cordeiros nascidos a termo e prematuros

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    Francisco Leydson Formiga Feitosa

    Full Text Available RESUMO: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as variáveis hemogasométricas de cordeiros nascidos a termo e prematuros do nascimento às 48 horas de vida. Foram constituídos quatros grupos experimentais: PN (cordeiros nascidos de parto normal, n=15, média de 146 dias de gestação; PNDEX (cordeiros nascidos de parto normal, cujas mães receberam 16 mg de dexametasona aos 141 de gestação, n=8, média de 143 dias de gestação; PRE (cordeiros prematuros nascidos de cesarianas aos 138 dias de gestação, n=10 e PREDEX (cordeiros prematuros nascidos de cesarianas aos 138 dias de gestação, cujas mães receberam 16 mg de dexametasona dois dias antes do parto, n=9. Imediatamente após o nascimento, os cordeiros de todos os grupos apresentaram quadro de acidose respiratória (pH baixo e pCO2 elevada, com maior ênfase nos animais prematuros. A concentração de HCO3 - diminuiu entre 15 e 60 minutos de vida, principalmente nos grupos PRE e PREDEX, com posterior aumento no M24h. Os valores de diferença de base foram menores nos cordeiros prematuros, os quais apresentaram respiração abdominal, intensa dispneia e grande quantidade de líquido pulmonar. A estabilização do equilíbrio ácidobase ocorreu em todos os animais ao longo das primeiras 24 horas de vida. A dexametasona teve influência positiva sobre a condição clínica dos animais prematuros, resultando em adequada ventilação e perfusão tecidual, o que garantiu maior taxa de sobrevivência.

  1. Quantificação dos resíduos potencialmente infectantes presentes nos resíduos sólidos urbanos da regional sul de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Gravimetric characterization of potentially infectious material in urban solid waste in southern Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noil Amorim de Menezes Cussiol


    Full Text Available O objetivo da pesquisa foi o de conhecer a parcela de resíduos potencialmente infectantes ­ aqueles contendo fezes, urina, sangue e fluidos corpóreos ­ de origem domiciliar, presentes nos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Em agosto e setembro de 2002, os resíduos da região Sul de Belo Horizonte foram coletados e levados ao Centro de Tratamento e Disposição Final de Resíduos Sólidos da BR 040, para segregação e quantificação. Os "perfurocortantes" contribuíram com 0,02±0,02% dos resíduos coletados e a presença dos "não-perfurocortantes" foi de 5,47±1,11%. Na categoria "perfurocortante", os aparelhos de barbear predominaram (0,01±0,01%, enquanto que na categoria "não-perfurocortante" as maiores frações foram de papel higiênico (3,00±0,90%, fraldas descartáveis (2,21±1,08% e absorventes higiênicos (0,22±0,12%. Os resíduos infectantes de origem domiciliar corresponderam ao dobro da fração total (infectante e comum dos resíduos de unidades de serviços de saúde. A discussão foi feita sob a égide dos perigos à saúde e segurança dos trabalhadores da coleta formal (garis e informal (catadores de rua e lixões.This study investigated potentially infectious waste (feces, urine, blood, body fluids in the composition of total municipal solid waste. From August to September 2002, solid waste samples from southern Belo Horizonte, capital of the State of Minas Gerais, were collected and sent to the solid waste treatment and disposal site at BR-040 for segregation and quantification. Sharps (objects that can cause cuts or puncture wounds made up 0.02±0.02% of the collected waste, while non-sharps accounted for 5.47±1.11%. In the sharps category, the majority were razor blades (0.01±0.01%, while among non-sharps the most frequent components were toilet paper (3.00±0.90%, diapers (2.21±1.08%, and sanitary napkins (0.22±0.12%. Household infectious waste was twice the total amount of waste (infectious + common from healthcare

  2. Relação entre horizontes pedológicos e propriedades hidráulicas em dois latossolos

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    J. D. Marques


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um estudo comparativo para verificar se as propriedades hidráulicas do solo variam de acordo com os horizontes pedológicos. Dois Latossolos foram descritos morfologicamente e amostras com estrutura indeformada foram coletadas até 1,00 m de profundidade com cinco repetições em cada camada de 0,10 m de espessura, para determinação da condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado (Ko pelo método do permeâmetro de carga decrescente e para elaboração das curvas de retenção (ψm(θ, utilizando as tensões de 1, 2 e 4 kPa (Mesa de Tensão e 10, 30, 50, 100, 500 e 1.500 kPa (Câmara de Pressão de Richards. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que tanto Ko como ψm nem sempre se alteram de acordo com a mudança nos horizontes pedológicos. Em solos com grande homogeneidade morfológica, como os Latossolos, torna-se mais difícil caracterizá-los hidraulicamente, já que alguns parâmetros utilizados pela pedologia não são eficientes para a separação hidráulica.

  3. Imidacloprid exposure cause the histopathological changes, activation of TNF-α, iNOS, 8-OHdG biomarkers, and alteration of caspase 3, iNOS, CYP1A, MT1 gene expression levels in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). (United States)

    Özdemir, Selçuk; Altun, Serdar; Arslan, Harun


    Imidacloprid (IMI) is a neonicotinoid that is widely used for the protection of crops and carnivores from insects and parasites, respectively. It is well known that imidacloprid exposure has a harmful effect on several organisms. However, there is little information about imidacloprid toxicity in aquatic animals, particularly fish. Thus, in the current study, we assessed the histopathological changes; activation of iNOS, 8-OHdG and TNF-α; and expression levels of caspase 3, iNOS, CYP1A and MT1 genes in the common carp exposed to imidacloprid. For this purpose, fish were exposed to either a low dose (140 mg/L) or a high dose (280 mg/L) of imidacloprid for 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 96 h. After IMI exposure, we detected hyperplasia of secondary lamellar cells and mucous cell hyperplasia in the gills, as well as hydropic degeneration in hepatocytes and necrosis in the liver. Moreover, 8-OHdG, iNOS and TNF-α activation was found particularly in the gills and liver but also moderately in the brain. Transcriptional analysis showed that caspase 3 expression was altered low dose and high doses of IMI for 72 h and 96 h exposure ( p   0.05) except with low and high doses of IMI for 96 h ( p <  0.05), and lastly, MT1 gene expression was up-regulated only in the brain with low doses of IMI for 96 h and high doses of IMI for 48 h, 72 h and 96 h exposure ( p <  0.05, p <  0.01). Our results indicated that acute IMI exposure moderately induce apoptosis in the brain but caused severe histopathological lesions, inflammation, and oxidative stress in the gills, liver, and brain of the common carp.

  4. Small horizontal emittance in the TESLA damping ring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Decking, W.


    The present TESLA damping ring is designed for a normalized horizontal emittance of 8x10 -6 m. γ-γ collisions at the TESLA linear collider will benefit from a further decrease of the horizontal emittance. This paper reviews the processes which limit the horizontal emittance in the damping ring. Preliminary estimates on the smallest horizontal emittance for the present TESLA damping ring design as well as an ultimate limit of the emittance reachable with the TESLA damping ring concept will be given

  5. Impacto do Programa Fica Vivo na redução dos homicídios em comunidade de Belo Horizonte Impacto del Programa Permanezca Vivo en la reducción de los homicidios en comunidad de Belo Horizonte, Sureste de Brasil Impact of the Staying Alive Program on the reduction of homicides in a community in Belo Horizonte

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    Andréa Maria Silveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto de programa de prevenção de homicídios. MÉTODOS: Com base nos dados do Programa Fica Vivo, de prevenção de homicídios, foi realizado um estudo quase experimental com análise de séries temporais da ocorrência de homicídios no aglomerado Morro das Pedras, em Belo Horizonte, MG, de 2002 a 2006. Comparou-se o número de homicídios ocorridos nessa localidade com os de outras favelas violentas e não violentas e outros bairros da cidade, em cada uma das fases do Programa. Para testar a hipótese de que a redução dos homicídios resultou das ações implementadas pelo Programa, foi elaborado um modelo estatístico baseado em modelos lineares generalizados. RESULTADOS: Nos primeiros seis meses obteve-se 69% de redução no número médio de homicídios. Nos períodos de refluxo e retomada parcial do Programa, o efeito de redução dos homicídios diminuiu, mas a diferença entre coeficientes com aquele do período inicial não foi estatisticamente significante. Mesmo com a retomada integral do Programa, o efeito continuou similar aos dos períodos anteriores, provavelmente porque o Programa foi implantado em outras favelas violentas da cidade. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados apontam que o modelo do Programa Fica Vivo pode constituir uma importante alternativa para prevenção de homicídios contra jovens em comunidades que apresentem características semelhantes às da experiência piloto no Morro das Pedras.OBJETIVO: Evaluar el impacto del programa de prevención de homicidios. MÉTODOS: Con base en los datos del Programa "Fica Vivo" (Permanezca Vivo, de prevención de homicidios, fue realizado un estudio quasi experimental con análisis de series temporales de la ocurrencia de homicidios en el región urbanizada Morro das Pedras en Belo Horizonte, Sureste de Brasil, de 2002 a 2006. Se comparó el número de homicidios ocurridos en esa localidad con los de otros barrios violentos y no violentos y otras

  6. A NOS3 polymorphism determines endothelial response to folate in children with type 1 diabetes or obesity. (United States)

    Wiltshire, Esko J; Peña, Alexia S; MacKenzie, Karen; Bose-Sundernathan, Tulika; Gent, Roger; Couper, Jennifer J


    To determine the effect of polymorphisms in NOS3 and folate pathway enzymes on vascular function and folate status and endothelial response to folate in children with diabetes or obesity. A total of 244 subjects (age 13.8 ± 2.8 years, 125 males) were studied for NOS3 and/or folate pathway polymorphisms using polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism, including at baseline: 139 with type 1 diabetes; 58 with obesity; and 47 controls. The effect of NOS3 genotype on endothelial response to folate (5 mg) was assessed in 85 subjects with diabetes and 28 obese subjects who received active treatment during intervention trials. Vascular function (flow-mediated dilatation [FMD] and glyceryl trinitrate-mediated dilatation), clinical, and biochemical measurements were assessed at baseline and 8 weeks in folate intervention studies. Folate pathway enzyme and NOS3 polymorphisms did not significantly affect baseline vascular function. The polymorphism in intron 4 of endothelial nitric oxide synthase altered endothelial response to folate significantly: in subjects with diabetes FMD improved by 6.4 ± 5% (insertion carriers) vs 2.3 ± 6.6% (deletion carriers), P = .01; in obese subjects FMD improved by 1.8 ± 5.4% (insertion carriers) and deteriorated by -3.2 ± 7.2% (deletion carriers), P = .05. More subjects carrying the insertion normalized FMD after folate supplementation (insertion 64% vs deletion 28%, χ(2) = 10.14, P = .001). A NOS3 polymorphism predicts endothelial response to folate in children with diabetes or obesity, with implications for vascular risk and folate intervention studies. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Spondylolysis and the sacro-horizontal angle in athletes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swaerd, L.; Hellstroem, M.; Jacobsson, B.; Peterson, L.; Sahlgrenska Sjukhuset, Goeteborg; King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh


    The frequency of spondylolysis and the relationship between spondylolysis and the sacro-horizontal angle in 143 athletes and 30 non-athletes is reported. Athletes had a larger sacro-horizontal angle than non-athletes. The sacro-horizontal angle was larger in athletes with spondylolysis as compared with those without. An increased incidence of spondylolysis with an increased angle was demonstrated. It is suggested that an increased sacro-horizontal angle may predispose to spondylolysis, especially in combination with the high mechanical loads sustained in certain sports. (orig.)

  8. Spondylolysis and the sacro-horizontal angle in athletes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Swaerd, L.; Hellstroem, M.; Jacobsson, B.; Peterson, L. (Oestra Sjukhuset, Goeteborg (Sweden). Dept. of Orthopaedics; Sahlgrenska Sjukhuset, Goeteborg (Sweden). Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology; King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia). Dept. of Radiology)

    The frequency of spondylolysis and the relationship between spondylolysis and the sacro-horizontal angle in 143 athletes and 30 non-athletes is reported. Athletes had a larger sacro-horizontal angle than non-athletes. The sacro-horizontal angle was larger in athletes with spondylolysis as compared with those without. An increased incidence of spondylolysis with an increased angle was demonstrated. It is suggested that an increased sacro-horizontal angle may predispose to spondylolysis, especially in combination with the high mechanical loads sustained in certain sports. (orig.).

  9. Bacopa monnieri Extract (CDRI-08 Modulates the NMDA Receptor Subunits and nNOS-Apoptosis Axis in Cerebellum of Hepatic Encephalopathy Rats

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    Papia Mondal


    Full Text Available Hepatic encephalopathy (HE, characterized by impaired cerebellar functions during chronic liver failure (CLF, involves N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR overactivation in the brain cells. Bacopa monnieri (BM extract is a known neuroprotectant. The present paper evaluates whether BM extract is able to modulate the two NMDAR subunits (NR2A and NR2B and its downstream mediators in cerebellum of rats with chronic liver failure (CLF, induced by administration of 50 mg/kg bw thioacetamide (TAA i.p. for 14 days, and in the TAA group rats orally treated with 200 mg/kg bw BM extract from days 8 to 14. NR2A is known to impart neuroprotection and that of NR2B induces neuronal death during NMDAR activation. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase- (nNOS- apoptosis pathway is known to mediate NMDAR led excitotoxicity. The level of NR2A was found to be significantly reduced with a concomitant increase of NR2B in cerebellum of the CLF rats. This was consistent with significantly enhanced nNOS expression, nitric oxide level, and reduced Bcl2/Bax ratio. Moreover, treatment with BM extract reversed the NR2A/NR2B ratio and also normalized the levels of nNOS-apoptotic factors in cerebellum of those rats. The findings suggest modulation of NR2A and NR2B expression by BM extract to prevent neurochemical alterations associated with HE.

  10. Perfis de mortalidade neonatal precoce: um estudo para uma Maternidade Pública de Belo Horizonte (MG, 2001-2006 Profiles of early neonatal deaths: a study for a Public Maternity Hospital of Belo Horizonte (MG, 2001 - 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heloísa Maria de Assis


    Full Text Available Trata-se de estudo seccional, com base em dados secundários, com o objetivo de traçar o perfil dos óbitos neonatais precoces ocorridos em uma Maternidade Pública de referência no Estado de Minas Gerais (Maternidade Odete Valadares, Belo Horizonte, no período de 2001 a 2006. Foram utilizadas variáveis relacionadas ao recém-nascido (período de ocorrência do óbito, idade ao óbito, sexo, idade gestacional e peso ao nascer, à mãe (tipo de gravidez, tipo de parto, idade, parturição e número de nascidos mortos, bem como causas múltiplas de mortalidade categorizadas. Obtiveram-se três perfis de óbitos neonatais precoces por meio do método Grade of Membership, que possibilitou também encontrar a prevalência destes perfis. O Perfil 1 foi caracterizado por óbitos de difícil redução e teve prevalência de 41,4%; o Perfil 2, pelos óbitos passíveis de redução (prevalência de 28,3%; e o Perfil 3, pelos óbitos redutíveis (prevalência de 30,4%. Estes perfis possibilitaram a compreensão da mortalidade neonatal precoce na Maternidade Odete Valadares e a análise da sua relação com a história reprodutiva e obstétrica materna, bem como com as condições do recém-nascido. Chama a atenção a elevada prevalência de óbitos evitáveis, realidade que deve ser enfrentada pelos profissionais e pela rede pública de saúde.This is a cross-sectional study with the aim of describing the early neonatal deaths that took place at a Public Maternity Hospital, Maternidade Odete Valadares in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 2001 to 2006. It used variables related to the newborn (period the death took place, age at death, gender, gestational age, and birth weight, to the mother (type of pregnancy, type of delivery, age, parity, and number of stillborn children, and to the multiple causes of death. Three profiles of early neonatal death were obtained through the Grade of Membership method (GoM, which also made it possible to find

  11. Horizontal alveolar bone loss: A periodontal orphan (United States)

    Jayakumar, A.; Rohini, S.; Naveen, A.; Haritha, A.; Reddy, Krishnanjeneya


    Background: Attempts to successfully regenerate lost alveolar bone have always been a clinician’s dream. Angular defects, at least, have a fairer chance, but the same cannot be said about horizontal bone loss. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of horizontal alveolar bone loss and vertical bone defects in periodontal patients; and later, to correlate it with the treatment modalities available in the literature for horizontal and vertical bone defects. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in two parts. Part I was the radiographic evaluation of 150 orthopantomographs (OPGs) (of patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis and seeking periodontal care), which were digitized and read using the AutoCAD 2006 software. All the periodontitis-affected teeth were categorized as teeth with vertical defects (if the defect angle was ≤45° and defect depth was ≥3 mm) or as having horizontal bone loss. Part II of the study comprised search of the literature on treatment modalities for horizontal and vertical bone loss in four selected periodontal journals. Results: Out of the 150 OPGs studied, 54 (36%) OPGs showed one or more vertical defects. Totally, 3,371 teeth were studied, out of which horizontal bone loss was found in 3,107 (92.2%) teeth, and vertical defects were found only in 264 (7.8%) of the teeth, which was statistically significant (P<.001). Search of the selected journals revealed 477 papers have addressed the treatment modalities for vertical and horizontal types of bone loss specifically. Out of the 477 papers, 461 (96.3%) have addressed vertical bone loss, and 18 (3.7%) have addressed treatment options for horizontal bone loss. Two papers have addressed both types of bone loss and are included in both categories. Conclusion: Horizontal bone loss is more prevalent than vertical bone loss but has been sidelined by researchers as very few papers have been published on the subject of regenerative treatment modalities for

  12. Prática alimentar nos dois primeiros anos de vida

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    Daniela Braga Lima


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se prática alimentar de crianças menores de dois anos. Estudo transversal desenvolvido em 2004-2005, a partir de dados do Estudo de Consumo Alimentar Populacional de Belo Horizonte/ECAP-BH. A amostra compreendeu 148 crianças menores de dois anos. Realizou-se entrevista em domicílio com mães/responsáveis e levantou-se os alimentos consumidos nas últimas 24 horas, incluindo leite materno e idade de introdução da alimentação complementar. Medianas de aleitamento materno exclusiva e total foram 60 e 150 dias, respectivamente. A introdução de outros tipos de leite e de alimentos não-lácteos ocorreu precocemente. Do ponto de vista nutricional, as dietas eram desbalanceadas e o ferro foi o nutriente mais deficiente no primeiro ano de vida. Os resultados evidenciam a necessidade da implementação de medidas de intervenção nos serviços de saúde do município para a promoção da alimentação complementar saudável.

  13. comparative evaluation of pressure distribution between horizontal

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    This paper presents comparative analysis between the pressure behavior of ... Green and source function were used to evaluate the performance of horizontal well and ..... Superscript. ' derivative. D = dimensionless. h = horizontal. = change.

  14. Multifaceted NOS Instruction: Contextualizing Nature of Science with Documentary Films (United States)

    Bloom, Mark; Binns, Ian C.; Koehler, Catherine


    This research focuses on inservice science teachers' conceptions of nature of science (NOS) before and after a two-week intensive summer professional development (PD). The PD combined traditional explicit NOS instruction, numerous interactive interventions that highlighted NOS aspects, along with documentary films that portrayed NOS in context of…

  15. No effect of NOS inhibition on skeletal muscle glucose uptake during in situ hindlimb contraction in healthy and diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats. (United States)

    Hong, Yet Hoi; Betik, Andrew C; Premilovac, Dino; Dwyer, Renee M; Keske, Michelle A; Rattigan, Stephen; McConell, Glenn K


    Nitric oxide (NO) has been shown to be involved in skeletal muscle glucose uptake during contraction/exercise, especially in individuals with Type 2 diabetes (T2D). To examine the potential mechanisms, we examined the effect of local NO synthase (NOS) inhibition on muscle glucose uptake and muscle capillary blood flow during contraction in healthy and T2D rats. T2D was induced in Sprague-Dawley rats using a combined high-fat diet (23% fat wt/wt for 4 wk) and low-dose streptozotocin injections (35 mg/kg). Anesthetized animals had one hindlimb stimulated to contract in situ for 30 min (2 Hz, 0.1 ms, 35 V) with the contralateral hindlimb rested. After 10 min, the NOS inhibitor, N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME; 5 μM) or saline was continuously infused into the femoral artery of the contracting hindlimb until the end of contraction. Surprisingly, there was no increase in skeletal muscle NOS activity during contraction in either group. Local NOS inhibition had no effect on systemic blood pressure or muscle contraction force, but it did cause a significant attenuation of the increase in femoral artery blood flow in control and T2D rats. However, NOS inhibition did not attenuate the increase in muscle capillary recruitment during contraction in these rats. Muscle glucose uptake during contraction was significantly higher in T2D rats compared with controls but, unlike our previous findings in hooded Wistar rats, NOS inhibition had no effect on glucose uptake during contraction. In conclusion, NOS inhibition did not affect muscle glucose uptake during contraction in control or T2D Sprague-Dawley rats, and this may have been because there was no increase in NOS activity during contraction. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  16. The development of Canadian leadership in horizontal drilling technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hawkins, J R


    Horizontal wells are of increasing interest in the oil and gas industry, as is evident from the increase in the numbers of such wells being drilled. Horizontal well technology is used to improve production rates, notably in low permeability formations; to capture reserves if a reservoir is not economic using non-horizontal wells; to manage breakthrough of sweep fluids and increase sweep efficiency; and to extend the areal reach from a single surface location, especially in offshore production. The types of horizontal wells, differentiated on the basis of how quickly the well becomes horizontal, are briefly outlined and a short history of horizontal wells is presented. Canadian accomplishments in this field are then described, including steerable drilling systems, measurement-while-drilling systems, management of hole drag and torque, and well completion techniques. About 25 horizontal wells are forecast to be drilled in Canada in 1989, indicating the favorable future of this technology. 2 figs., 5 tabs.

  17. Identification of hamster inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) promoter sequences that influence basal and inducible iNOS expression (United States)

    Saldarriaga, Omar A.; Travi, Bruno L.; Choudhury, Goutam Ghosh; Melby, Peter C.


    IFN-γ/LPS-activated hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) macrophages express significantly less iNOS (NOS2) than activated mouse macrophages, which contributes to the hamster's susceptibility to intracellular pathogens. We determined a mechanism responsible for differences in iNOS promoter activity in hamsters and mice. The HtPP (1.2 kb) showed low basal and inducible promoter activity when compared with the mouse, and sequences within a 100-bp region (−233 to −133) of the mouse and hamster promoters influenced this activity. Moreover, within this 100 bp, we identified a smaller region (44 bp) in the mouse promoter, which recovered basal promoter activity when swapped into the hamster promoter. The mouse homolog (100-bp region) contained a cis-element for NF-IL-6 (−153/−142), which was absent in the hamster counterpart. EMSA and supershift assays revealed that the hamster sequence did not support the binding of NF-IL-6. Introduction of a functional NF-IL-6 binding sequence into the hamster promoter or its alteration in the mouse promoter revealed the critical importance of this transcription factor for full iNOS promoter activity. Furthermore, the binding of NF-IL-6 to the iNOS promoter (−153/−142) in vivo was increased in mouse cells but was reduced in hamster cells after IFN-γ/LPS stimulation. Differences in the activity of the iNOS promoters were evident in mouse and hamster cells, so they were not merely a result of species-specific differences in transcription factors. Thus, we have identified unique DNA sequences and a critical transcription factor, NF-IL-6, which contribute to the overall basal and inducible expression of hamster iNOS. PMID:22517919

  18. The horizontal plane appearances of scoliosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Illés, Tamás S.; Burkus, Máté; Somoskeőy, Szabolcs


    Purpose: A posterior-anterior vertebral vector is proposed to facilitate visualization and understanding of scoliosis. The aim of this study was to highlight the interest of using vertebral vectors, especially in the horizontal plane, in clinical practice. Methods: We used an EOS two-/three-dimen......Purpose: A posterior-anterior vertebral vector is proposed to facilitate visualization and understanding of scoliosis. The aim of this study was to highlight the interest of using vertebral vectors, especially in the horizontal plane, in clinical practice. Methods: We used an EOS two...... cases of a normal spine and a thoracic scoliosis are presented. Results: For a normal spine, vector projections in the transverse plane are aligned with the posterior-anterior anatomical axis. For a scoliotic spine, vector projections in the horizontal plane provide information on the lateral...... decompensation of the spine and the lateral displacement of vertebrae. In the horizontal plane view, vertebral rotation and projections of the sagittal curves can also be analyzed simultaneously. Conclusions: The use of posterior-anterior vertebral vector facilitates the understanding of the 3D nature...

  19. Horizontal drilling in Miocene thin sand of Lake Maracaibo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Partidas, C. [PDVSA Exploration and Production (Venezuela)


    Horizontal drilling in the mature Lake Maracaibo field in Venezuela as a means of stimulating production are discussed. The Miocene sand where the horizontal well technology was applied, presented a number of intervals of unconsolidated sand of varied continuity, pay intervals at ten to twenty feet thickness, and reservoir pressures mostly at hydrostatic or below hydrostatic values. This paper evaluates a horizontal drilling program in the Lagunallis Lago Production Unit of Maracaibo, involving 91 wells to date (since 1995). When assessed in economic terms, results indicate that horizontal wells are a better economic alternative than vertical wells. The same results also showed that drainage from thin sand reservoirs resulted in better production with horizontal well technology than production from vertical wells. Payout was less than two years for 50 per cent of the horizontal wells while 40 per cent had payouts of between two and four years. Profit to investment ratio was greater than two in the case of about 70 per cent of the horizontal wells drilled in 1996. 2 tabs., 10 figs.

  20. A method for evaluating horizontal well pumping tests. (United States)

    Langseth, David E; Smyth, Andrew H; May, James


    Predicting the future performance of horizontal wells under varying pumping conditions requires estimates of basic aquifer parameters, notably transmissivity and storativity. For vertical wells, there are well-established methods for estimating these parameters, typically based on either the recovery from induced head changes in a well or from the head response in observation wells to pumping in a test well. Comparable aquifer parameter estimation methods for horizontal wells have not been presented in the ground water literature. Formation parameter estimation methods based on measurements of pressure in horizontal wells have been presented in the petroleum industry literature, but these methods have limited applicability for ground water evaluation and are based on pressure measurements in only the horizontal well borehole, rather than in observation wells. This paper presents a simple and versatile method by which pumping test procedures developed for vertical wells can be applied to horizontal well pumping tests. The method presented here uses the principle of superposition to represent the horizontal well as a series of partially penetrating vertical wells. This concept is used to estimate a distance from an observation well at which a vertical well that has the same total pumping rate as the horizontal well will produce the same drawdown as the horizontal well. This equivalent distance may then be associated with an observation well for use in pumping test algorithms and type curves developed for vertical wells. The method is shown to produce good results for confined aquifers and unconfined aquifers in the absence of delayed yield response. For unconfined aquifers, the presence of delayed yield response increases the method error.

  1. A combination of genistein and magnesium enhances the vasodilatory effect via an eNOS pathway and BK(Ca) current amplification. (United States)

    Sun, Lina; Hou, Yunlong; Zhao, Tingting; Zhou, Shanshan; Wang, Xiaoran; Zhang, Liming; Yu, Guichun


    The phytoestrogen genistein (GST) and magnesium have been independently shown to regulate vascular tone; however, their individual vasodilatory effects are limited. The aim of this study was to examine the combined effects of GST plus magnesium on vascular tone in mesenteric arteries. The effects of pretreatment with GST (0-200 μmol/L), MgCl2 (0-4.8 mmol/L) and GST plus MgCl2 on 10 μmol/L phenylephrine (PE) precontracted mesenteric arteries in rats were assessed by measuring isometric force. BK(Ca) currents were detected by the patch clamp method. GST caused concentration- and partial endothelium-dependent relaxation. Magnesium resulted in dual adjustment of vascular tone. Magnesium-free solution eliminated the vasodilatation of GST in both endothelium-intact and denuded rings. GST (50 μmol/L) plus magnesium (4.8 mmol/L) caused stronger relaxation in both endothelium-intact and denuded rings. Pretreatment with the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor L-N-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 100 μmol/L) significantly inhibited the effects of GST, high magnesium, and the combination of GST and magnesium. BK(Ca) currents were amplified to a greater extent when GST (50 μmol/L) was combined with 4.8 versus 1.2 mmol/L Mg(2+). Our data suggest that GST plus magnesium provides enhanced vasodilatory effects in rat mesenteric arteries compared with that observed when either is used separately, which was related to an eNOS pathway and BK(Ca) current amplification.

  2. Benefits of a horizontal well in sandstone waterflood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hansen, K.L.


    This is a case study which describes the planning and results of a horizontal well in a shallow Wilcox sandstone waterflood unit in central Louisiana. The Tremont H-13-1 was OXY USA Inc.'s first horizontal well. Analysis will include examination of the selection criteria, planning, execution, completion, and production. A variety of well and field data is presented and reviewed to access the value of this information as it applies towards other applications. The Cruse Waterflood Unit is a 2100 ft. Wilcox formation in central Louisiana. Production improvements have been 500% or greater for the horizontal well versus adjacent vertical wells. The horizontal well paid out in less than 4 months Results from this well indicate that not only was this project an economic success, but that other fields will similar conditions can be produced in a more profitable manner with horizontal wells

  3. Avaliação do gerenciamento dos resíduos de serviços de saúde em municípios da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denise Felício Silva


    Full Text Available O gerenciamento impróprio dos resíduos de serviços de saúde (RSS expõe significantes riscos a pacientes, aos trabalhadores da saúde, à comunidade e ao meio ambiente. Um dos fatores que têm contribuído para aumentar a tendência da adoção do modelo diferenciado de gerenciamento de RSS em diversos países é que eles muitas vezes têm como destino final o mesmo local utilizado para descarte dos demais resíduos urbanos. Com o objetivo de avaliar os procedimentos do gerenciamento dos RSS em relação ao prescrito nas normas e nos regulamentos em municípios da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, foram realizadas visitas a campo para observar e descrever formas de gerenciamento dos RSS (desde a coleta até a destinação final utilizadas, visando ao conhecimento da realidade. Como resultado, evidenciaram-se falhas nos abrigos externos, nos procedimentos de coleta, no uso de equipamentos de proteção individual, no acondicionamento dos RSS e no seu transporte.

  4. St36 electroacupuncture activates nNOS, iNOS and ATP-sensitive potassium channels to promote orofacial antinociception in rats. (United States)

    Almeida, R T; Galdino, G; Perez, A C; Silva, G; Romero, T R; Duarte, I D


    Orofacial pain is pain perceived in the face and/or oral cavity, generally caused by diseases or disorders of regional structures, by dysfunction of the nervous system, or through referral from distant sources. Treatment of orofacial pain is mainly pharmacological, but it has increased the number of reports demonstrating great clinical results with the use of non-pharmacological therapies, among them electroacupuncture. However, the mechanisms involved in the electroacupuncture are not well elucidated. Thus, the present study investigate the involvement of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and ATP sensitive K + channels (KATP) in the antinociception induced by electroacupuncture (EA) at acupoint St36. Thermal nociception was applied in the vibrissae region of rats, and latency time for face withdrawal was measured. Electrical stimulation of acupoint St36 for 20 minutes reversed the thermal withdrawal latency and this effect was maintained for 150 min. Intraperitoneal administration of specific inhibitors of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and a KATP channels blocker reversed the antinociception induced by EA. Furthermore, nitrite concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma, increased 4 and 3-fold higher, respectively, after EA. This study suggests that NO participates of antinociception induced by EA by nNOS, iNOS and ATP-sensitive K + channels activation.

  5. Características demográficas e psicossociais associadas à depressão pós-parto em uma amostra de Belo Horizonte Demographic and psychosocial characteristics associated with postpartum depression in a sample from Belo Horizonte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Gomes Figueira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A depressão pós-parto (DPP tem sido alvo de inúmeras investigações científicas devido à sua alta prevalência e gravidade e também por suas repercussões negativas na puérpera e na criança. OBJETIVO:Comparar mulheres com e sem DPP em um grupo de puérperas selecionadas aleatoriamente a partir dos partos ocorridos em uma maternidade de Belo Horizonte (MG. MÉTODOS: Selecionamos 245 mulheres que tiveram parto em uma maternidade de Belo Horizonte. Aplicamos uma entrevista semiestruturada para a obtenção de dados psicossociais e demográficos e uma entrevista estruturada (Mini Neuropsychiatric Interview, MINI-Plus para o diagnóstico de depressão maior segundo critérios do Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV. RESULTADOS:26,9% das mulheres tinham diagnóstico de DPP. Não encontramos diferenças entre as características sociodemográficas das mulheres com (n = 66, 26,9% e sem diagnóstico de DPP (n = 179, 73,1%. Entretanto, diversas variáveis clínicas e psicossociais se mostraram significativamente diferentes entre os dois grupos, tais como história de depressão, vivência de estresse ou presença de sintomas depressivos ou ansiosos durante a gravidez, ocorrência de complicações maternas ou na criança no pós-parto e insuficiência de suporte nos cuidados pós-natais. CONCLUSÃO: A identificação de fatores associados à DPP é importante para a compreensão de sua etiopatogenia e para o estabelecimento de estratégias de prevenção e tratamento precoce dessa grave doença.INTRODUCTION: Postpartum depression has been the object of extensive research both because of its high prevalence and its repercussions on the mother and the infant. OBJECTIVE:To compare women with and without depression in a sample of postpartum women randomly selected at a maternity in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. METHODS: A total of 245 women who gave birth at a private maternity hospital in

  6. The Process of Horizontal Differentiation: Two Models. (United States)

    Daft, Richard L.; Bradshaw, Patricia J.


    Explores the process of horizontal differentiation by examining events leading to the establishment of 30 new departments in five universities. Two types of horizontal differentiation processes--administrative and academic--were observed and each was associated with different organizational conditions. (Author/IRT)

  7. Obesity, inflammation, and exercise training: relative contribution of iNOS and eNOS in the modulation of vascular function in the mouse aorta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josiane Fernandes da Silva


    Full Text Available Background - The understanding of obsesity-related vascular dysfunction remains controversial mainly because of the diseases associated with vascular injury. Exercise training is known to prevent vascular dysfunction. Using an obesity model without comorbidities, we aimed at investigating the underlying mechanism of vascular dysfunction and how exercise interferes with this process.Methods - High-sugar diet was used to induce obesity in mice. Exercise training was performed 5 days/week. Body weight, energy intake, and adipose tissues were assessed; blood metabolic and hormonal parameters were determined; and serum TNFα was measured. Blood pressure and heart rate were assessed by plethysmography. Changes in aortic isometric tension were recorded on myograph. Western blot was used to analyze protein expression. Nitric oxide (NO was evaluated using fluorescence microscopy. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides were used for inducible nitric oxide synthase isoform (iNOS knockdown.Results - Body weight, fat mass, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol fraction, insulin, and leptin were higher in the sedentary obese group (SD than in the sedentary control animals (SS. Exercise training prevented these changes. No difference in glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and heart rate was found. Decreased vascular relaxation and reduced endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS functioning in the SD group were prevented by exercise. Contractile response to phenylephrine was decreased in the aortas of the wild SD mice, compared with that of the SS group; however, no alteration was noted in the SD iNOS-/- animals. The decreased contractility was endothelium-dependent, and was reverted by iNOS inhibition or iNOS silencing. The aortas from the SD group showed increased basal NO production, serum TNFα, TNF receptor-1, and phospho-IκB. Exercise training attenuated iNOS-dependent reduction in contractile response in high-sugar diet


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fábio Liberato de Faria Tavares


    Full Text Available Resenha:Resumo: Neste livro, são apresentados o resultado de pesquisas, que se iniciaram no Arquivo Geral do CEFET, com o levantamento de dados acadêmicos e sociais dos alunos matriculados no curso técnico de Química Industrial da Escola Técnica de Belo Horizonte, desde o ano de 1964, quando ocorreu a sua fundação, até 1978, às vésperas da alteração de nome e perfil da Escola Técnica, com o oferecimento de graduações, como a de engenheiro de operações.Palavras Chave:História Oral, Estudantes Negros, Química CEFET-MGAbstract: In this book, we present the result of research that began in the General CEFET file with the survey of academic and social data of students enrolled in technical school of Industrial Chemistry at the Technical School of Belo Horizonte, from the year 1964 when it was its founding until 1978, on the eve of the change of name and profile Technical School, by offering graduations, as operations engineer.Keywords: Oral History, Black Students, CEFET QuímicaRecebido em: 07/12/2015  – Aceito em 23/06/2016

  9. Zinc regulates iNOS-derived nitric oxide formation in endothelial cells (United States)

    Cortese-Krott, Miriam M.; Kulakov, Larissa; Opländer, Christian; Kolb-Bachofen, Victoria; Kröncke, Klaus-D.; Suschek, Christoph V.


    Aberrant production of nitric oxide (NO) by inducible NO synthase (iNOS) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. Mechanisms responsible for the fine-tuning of iNOS activity in inflammation are still not fully understood. Zinc is an important structural element of NOS enzymes and is known to inhibit its catalytical activity. In this study we aimed to investigate the effects of zinc on iNOS activity and expression in endothelial cells. We found that zinc down-regulated the expression of iNOS (mRNA+protein) and decreased cytokine-mediated activation of the iNOS promoter. Zinc-mediated regulation of iNOS expression was due to inhibition of NF-κB transactivation activity, as determined by a decrease in both NF-κB-driven luciferase reporter activity and expression of NF-κB target genes, including cyclooxygenase 2 and IL-1β. However, zinc did not affect NF-κB translocation into the nucleus, as assessed by Western blot analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. Taken together our results demonstrate that zinc limits iNOS-derived high output NO production in endothelial cells by inhibiting NF-κB-dependent iNOS expression, pointing to a role of zinc as a regulator of iNOS activity in inflammation. PMID:25180171

  10. Variability of the inclination of anatomic horizontal reference planes of the craniofacial complex in relation to the true horizontal line in orthognathic patients. (United States)

    Zebeib, Ameen M; Naini, Farhad B


    The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability of the Frankfort horizontal (FH), sella-nasion horizontal, and optic planes in terms of their variabilities in relation to a true horizontal line in orthognathic surgery patients. Thirty-six consecutive presurgical orthognathic patients (13 male, 23 female; age range, 16-35 years; 30 white, 6 African Caribbean) had lateral cephalometric radiographs taken in natural head position, with a plumb line orientating the true vertical line, and the true horizontal line perpendicular to the true vertical. The inclinations of the anatomic reference planes were compared with the true horizontal. The FH plane was found to be on average closest to the true horizontal, with a mean of -1.6° (SD, 3.4°), whereas the sella-nasion horizontal and the optic plane had means of 2.1° (SD, 5.1°) and 3.2° (SD, 4.7°), respectively. The FH showed the least variability of the 3 anatomic planes. The ranges of variability were high for all anatomic planes: -8° to 8° for the FH, -8° to 15° for the sella-nasion horizontal, and -6° to 13° for the optic plane. No significant differences were found in relation to patients' sex, skeletal patterns, or ethnic backgrounds. The clinically significant variability in the inclinations of anatomic reference planes in relation to the true horizontal plane makes their use unreliable in orthognathic patients. Copyright © 2014 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. High BMI levels associate with reduced mRNA expression of IL10 and increased mRNA expression of iNOS (NOS2) in human frontal cortex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, J K; Olesen, R H; Vendelbo, J


    analysis was performed with BMI as variable on data on IL10, IL1β, IL6, PTGS2 (COX2) and NOS2 (iNOS). Increasing BMI is associated with a decrease in the mRNA expression of IL10 (P=0.014) and an increase in the expression of NOS2 (iNOS; P=0.040). Expressions of IL10 and NOS2 (iNOS) were negatively...... correlated (PIL10 was mostly affected by individuals with BMI ⩾40. Multiple linear regression analyses with BMI, age, sex and race as variables were performed in order to identify potential confounders. In conclusion, increasing BMI could affect the IL10-mediated anti...

  12. Horizontal well impact on heavy oil supply

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bowers, B.; Bielecki, J.; Hu, J.; Wall, B.; Drummond, K.


    Horizontal wells can take advantage of gravity drainage mechanisms, which can be important in conventional heavy oil and bitumen recovery. Horizontal drilling will impact on the development of established conventional heavy oil pools by infill drilling and application of enhanced recovery techniques. There will also be an impact on the development of extensions to established and newly discovered heavy oil pools, as well as a major impact on development of bitumen resources. To assess the impact of horizontal drilling on heavy oil supply, high-impact and low-impact scenarios were evaluated under specified oil-price assumptions for four heavy oil areas in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Horizontal well potential for infill drilling, waterflood projects, and thermal projects was assessed and estimates were made of such developments as reserves additions and heavy oil development wells under the two scenarios. In the low case, projected supply of conventional heavy oil and bitumen stabilizes at a level in the 90,000-94,000 m 3 /d after 1994. In the high case, overall supply continuously grows from 80,000 m 3 /d in 1992 to 140,000 m 3 /d in 2002. Through application of horizontal drilling, reserves additions in western Canada could be improved by ca 100 million m 3 by 2002. 14 figs., 6 tabs

  13. Horizontal bridges in polar dielectric liquids (United States)

    Woisetschläger, Jakob; Wexler, Adam D.; Holler, Gert; Eisenhut, Mathias; Gatterer, Karl; Fuchs, Elmar C.


    When a high-voltage direct-current is applied to two beakers filled with polar liquid dielectrica like water or methanol, a horizontal bridge forms between the two beakers. By repeating a version of Pellat's experiment, it is shown that a horizontal bridge is stable by the action of electrohydrodynamic pressure. Thus, the static and dynamic properties of the phenomenon called a `floating water bridge' can be explained by the gradient of Maxwell pressure, replenishing the liquid within the bridge against any drainage mechanism. It is also shown that a number of liquids can form stable and long horizontal bridges. The stability of such a connection, and the asymmetry in mass flow through such bridges caused by the formation of ion clouds in the vicinity of the electrodes, is also discussed by two further experiments.

  14. Evaluation of image quality versus doses in service of mammography of Belo Horizonte, MG, BR; Avaliacao da qualidade da imagem versus doses em servicos de mamografia de Belo Horizonte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, M.; Nogueira, M.S.; Guedes, E. [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN/CNEN-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Seguranca Nuclear; Andrade, M.C. [Superintendencia Estadual de Vigilancia Sanitaria, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Peixoto, J.E. [Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina. Radiologia; Silva, V.L.S.; Borges, J.C. [Vigilancia Sanitaria da Secretaria Municipal de Saude de Belo horizonte (VISA/PBH), MG (Brazil)


    Cancer is the second cause of death for Brazilian women and breast cancer is the most common neoplasm amongst women. Mammography is an essential tool for diagnosis and early detection of this disease. In order to be effective, the mammography must be of good quality. This study sought to evaluate the radiation protection and quality of 37 services out a total of 82 mammography facilities existing in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Two instruments were used: a proposed evaluation protocol of the Health Surveillance -VISA and a protocol for evaluation of image quality. Of the 37 services who completed the study, none was achieved 100% conformity in image quality. The results of radiation protection requirements according to the VISA protocol bore close relation to final image quality, a central issue for early cancer detection (p>0.05)

  15. Zinc regulates iNOS-derived nitric oxide formation in endothelial cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miriam M. Cortese-Krott


    Full Text Available Aberrant production of nitric oxide (NO by inducible NO synthase (iNOS has been implicated in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. Mechanisms responsible for the fine-tuning of iNOS activity in inflammation are still not fully understood. Zinc is an important structural element of NOS enzymes and is known to inhibit its catalytical activity. In this study we aimed to investigate the effects of zinc on iNOS activity and expression in endothelial cells. We found that zinc down-regulated the expression of iNOS (mRNA+protein and decreased cytokine-mediated activation of the iNOS promoter. Zinc-mediated regulation of iNOS expression was due to inhibition of NF-κB transactivation activity, as determined by a decrease in both NF-κB-driven luciferase reporter activity and expression of NF-κB target genes, including cyclooxygenase 2 and IL-1β. However, zinc did not affect NF-κB translocation into the nucleus, as assessed by Western blot analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. Taken together our results demonstrate that zinc limits iNOS-derived high output NO production in endothelial cells by inhibiting NF-κB-dependent iNOS expression, pointing to a role of zinc as a regulator of iNOS activity in inflammation.

  16. Effects of Mg substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of Co0.5Ni0.5-x Mg x Fe2O4 nanoparticle ferrites (United States)

    R, M. Rosnan; Z, Othaman; R, Hussin; Ali, A. Ati; Alireza, Samavati; Shadab, Dabagh; Samad, Zare


    In this study, nanocrystalline Co-Ni-Mg ferrite powders with composition Co0.5Ni0.5-x Mg x Fe2O4 are successfully synthesized by the co-precipitation method. A systematic investigation on the structural, morphological and magnetic properties of un-doped and Mg-doped Co-Ni ferrite nanoparticles is carried out. The prepared samples are characterized using x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The XRD analyses of the synthesized samples confirm the formation of single-phase cubic spinel structures with crystallite sizes in a range of ˜ 32 nm to ˜ 36 nm. The lattice constant increases with increasing Mg content. FESEM images show that the synthesized samples are homogeneous with a uniformly distributed grain. The results of IR spectroscopy analysis indicate the formation of functional groups of spinel ferrite in the co-precipitation process. By increasing Mg2+ substitution, room temperature magnetic measurement shows that maximum magnetization and coercivity increase from ˜ 57.35 emu/g to ˜ 61.49 emu/g and ˜ 603.26 Oe to ˜ 684.11 Oe (1 Oe = 79.5775 A·m-1), respectively. The higher values of magnetization M s and M r suggest that the optimum composition is Co0.5Ni0.4Mg0.1Fe2O4 that can be applied to high-density recording media and microwave devices. Project supported by the Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Physics Department of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and the Ministry of Education Malaysia (Grant Nos. Q.J130000.2526.04H65).

  17. Alterações físico-químicas e movimentação de íons em Latossolo gibbsítico sob doses de gesso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milson Evaldo Serafim


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de doses de gesso no ponto de carga zero estimado (PCZ, na dinâmica do cálcio, magnésio, potássio e sulfato, e na retenção de água de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico gibbsítico, textura muito argilosa, realizou-se experimento em vasos, em casa de vegetação. Foram estudadas seis doses de gesso agrícola (correspondentes a 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 Mg ha-1 e duas condições de fornecimento de água, "sem veranico" e "com veranico" para a soja cultivada. Na coleta de solo para o experimento foram consideradas as camadas 0-0,2 m e 0,7-0,9 m representando os horizontes A e Bw respectivamente. Foram montados vasos com a sobreposição de dois tubos de PVC de 0,2 m de comprimento e 0,1 m de diâmetro interno, formando duas camadas: a superior, com material do horizonte A, corrigido com calcário dolomítico, e a inferior, com material do horizonte Bw, sem correção do pH; ambas na densidade de 1 kg dm-3. O PCZ foi alterado em função das doses de gesso. Houve aumento dos teores de Ca, também em resposta as doses de gesso. Não houve diferença nos teores de S na camada superficial, mas houve aumento na camada subsuperficial em resposta à dose de gesso. Constatou-se redução nos teores de Mg na camada superficial e elevação na camada subsuperficial, com o aumento das doses de gesso. Não houve variação nos teores de K e na retenção de água para as diferentes doses de gesso e regime de fornecimento de água.

  18. Melanoma NOS1 expression promotes dysfunctional IFN signaling. (United States)

    Liu, Qiuzhen; Tomei, Sara; Ascierto, Maria Libera; De Giorgi, Valeria; Bedognetti, Davide; Dai, Cuilian; Uccellini, Lorenzo; Spivey, Tara; Pos, Zoltan; Thomas, Jaime; Reinboth, Jennifer; Murtas, Daniela; Zhang, Qianbing; Chouchane, Lotfi; Weiss, Geoffrey R; Slingluff, Craig L; Lee, Peter P; Rosenberg, Steven A; Alter, Harvey; Yao, Kaitai; Wang, Ena; Marincola, Francesco M


    In multiple forms of cancer, constitutive activation of type I IFN signaling is a critical consequence of immune surveillance against cancer; however, PBMCs isolated from cancer patients exhibit depressed STAT1 phosphorylation in response to IFN-α, suggesting IFN signaling dysfunction. Here, we demonstrated in a coculture system that melanoma cells differentially impairs the IFN-α response in PBMCs and that the inhibitory potential of a particular melanoma cell correlates with NOS1 expression. Comparison of gene transcription and array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) between melanoma cells from different patients indicated that suppression of IFN-α signaling correlates with an amplification of the NOS1 locus within segment 12q22-24. Evaluation of NOS1 levels in melanomas and IFN responsiveness of purified PBMCs from patients indicated a negative correlation between NOS1 expression in melanomas and the responsiveness of PBMCs to IFN-α. Furthermore, in an explorative study, NOS1 expression in melanoma metastases was negatively associated with patient response to adoptive T cell therapy. This study provides a link between cancer cell phenotype and IFN signal dysfunction in circulating immune cells.

  19. Vertical-horizontal wells for depletion and sweep

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muraikhi, A. J.; Pham, T. R.; Liu, J. S.; Khatib, M. R.; Muhaish, A. S. [Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia)


    A well completion scheme currently in use in a thick, large, elongated carbonate anticline Middle-East oil reservoir is described. This method of well completion calls for a combination of an open hole horizontal section penetrating the top 10 feet of the reservoir and a cased or undisturbed vertical segment through the thick formation. The horizontal section is used for producing and the vertical segment is used for monitoring purposes. Field experience and supported reservoir simulation exercises have shown that the horizontal application is superior to conventional vertical completion both from the economic and from the sweep point of view. 4 refs., 12 figs.

  20. Horizontal bridges in polar dielectric liquids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Woisetschlaeger, Jakob [Graz University of Technology, Experimental Turbomachinery Research and Optical Measurement Group, Institute for Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics, Graz (Austria); Wexler, Adam D.; Fuchs, Elmar C. [Wetsus, Center of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology, Leeuwarden (Netherlands); Holler, Gert [Graz University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Measurement and Measurement Signal Processing, Graz (Austria); Eisenhut, Mathias [Graz University of Technology, Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry, Graz (Austria); Gatterer, Karl [Graz University of Technology, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Graz (Austria)


    When a high-voltage direct-current is applied to two beakers filled with polar liquid dielectrica like water or methanol, a horizontal bridge forms between the two beakers. By repeating a version of Pellat's experiment, it is shown that a horizontal bridge is stable by the action of electrohydrodynamic pressure. Thus, the static and dynamic properties of the phenomenon called a 'floating water bridge' can be explained by the gradient of Maxwell pressure, replenishing the liquid within the bridge against any drainage mechanism. It is also shown that a number of liquids can form stable and long horizontal bridges. The stability of such a connection, and the asymmetry in mass flow through such bridges caused by the formation of ion clouds in the vicinity of the electrodes, is also discussed by two further experiments. (orig.)

  1. Bubble shape in horizontal and near horizontal intermittent flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu, Hanyang; Guo, Liejin


    Highlights: • The bubble shapes in intermittent flows are presented experimentally. • The nose-tail inversion phenomenon appears at a low Froude number in downward pipe. • Transition from plug to slug flow occurs when the bubble tail changes from staircase pattern to hydraulic jump. - Abstract: This paper presents an experimental study of the shape of isolated bubbles in horizontal and near horizontal intermittent flows. It is found that the shapes of the nose and body of bubble depend on the Froude number defined by gas/liquid mixture velocity in a pipe, whereas the shape of the back of bubble region depends on both the Froude number and bubble length. The photographic studies show that the transition from plug to slug flow occurs when the back of the bubble changes from staircase pattern to hydraulic jump with the increase of the Froude number and bubble length. The effect of pipe inclination on characteristics of bubble is significant: The bubble is inversely located in a downwardly inclined pipe when the Froude number is low, and the transition from plug flow to slug flow in an upward inclined pipe is more ready to occur compared with that in a downwardly inclined pipe

  2. Widespread of horizontal gene transfer in the human genome. (United States)

    Huang, Wenze; Tsai, Lillian; Li, Yulong; Hua, Nan; Sun, Chen; Wei, Chaochun


    A fundamental concept in biology is that heritable material is passed from parents to offspring, a process called vertical gene transfer. An alternative mechanism of gene acquisition is through horizontal gene transfer (HGT), which involves movement of genetic materials between different species. Horizontal gene transfer has been found prevalent in prokaryotes but very rare in eukaryote. In this paper, we investigate horizontal gene transfer in the human genome. From the pair-wise alignments between human genome and 53 vertebrate genomes, 1,467 human genome regions (2.6 M bases) from all chromosomes were found to be more conserved with non-mammals than with most mammals. These human genome regions involve 642 known genes, which are enriched with ion binding. Compared to known horizontal gene transfer regions in the human genome, there were few overlapping regions, which indicated horizontal gene transfer is more common than we expected in the human genome. Horizontal gene transfer impacts hundreds of human genes and this study provided insight into potential mechanisms of HGT in the human genome.

  3. Horizontal biases in rats’ use of three-dimensional space (United States)

    Jovalekic, Aleksandar; Hayman, Robin; Becares, Natalia; Reid, Harry; Thomas, George; Wilson, Jonathan; Jeffery, Kate


    Rodent spatial cognition studies allow links to be made between neural and behavioural phenomena, and much is now known about the encoding and use of horizontal space. However, the real world is three dimensional, providing cognitive challenges that have yet to be explored. Motivated by neural findings suggesting weaker encoding of vertical than horizontal space, we examined whether rats show a similar behavioural anisotropy when distributing their time freely between vertical and horizontal movements. We found that in two- or three-dimensional environments with a vertical dimension, rats showed a prioritization of horizontal over vertical movements in both foraging and detour tasks. In the foraging tasks, the animals executed more horizontal than vertical movements and adopted a “layer strategy” in which food was collected from one horizontal level before moving to the next. In the detour tasks, rats preferred the routes that allowed them to execute the horizontal leg first. We suggest three possible reasons for this behavioural bias. First, as suggested by Grobety and Schenk [5], it allows minimisation of energy expenditure, inasmuch as costly vertical movements are minimised. Second, it may be a manifestation of the temporal discounting of effort, in which animals value delayed effort as less costly than immediate effort. Finally, it may be that at the neural level rats encode the vertical dimension less precisely, and thus prefer to bias their movements in the more accurately encoded horizontal dimension. We suggest that all three factors are related, and all play a part. PMID:21419172

  4. Expression of beta-catenin, COX-2 and iNOS in colorectal cancer: relevance of COX-2 adn iNOS inhibitors for treatment in Malaysia. (United States)

    Hong, Seok Kwan; Gul, Yunus A; Ithnin, Hairuszah; Talib, Arni; Seow, Heng Fong


    Promising new pharmacological agents and gene therapy targeting cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) could modulate treatment of colorectal cancer in the future. The aim of this study was to elucidate the expression fo beta-catenin and teh presence of COX-2 and iNOS in colorectal cancer specimens in Malaysia. This is a useful prelude to future studies investigating interventions directed towards COX-2 adn iNOS. A cross-section study using retrospective data over a 2-year period (1999-2000) involved 101 archival, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples of colorectal cancers that were surgically resected in a tertiary referral. COX-2 production was detected in adjacent normal tissue in 34 sample (33.7%) and in tumour tissue in 60 samples (59.4%). More tumours expressed iNOS (82/101, 81.2%) than COX-2. No iNOS expression was detected in adjacent normal tissue. Intense beta-catenin immunoreactivity at the cell-to-cell border. Poorly differentiated tumours had significantly lower total beta-catenin (p = 0.009) and COX-2 scores (p = 0.031). No significant relationships were established between pathological stage and beta-catenin, COX-2 and iNOS scores. the accumulation of beta-catenin does not seem to be sufficient to activate pathways that lead to increased COX-2 and iNOS expression. A high proportion of colorectal cancers were found to express COX-2 and a significant number produced iNOS, suggesting that their inhibitors may be potentially useful as chemotherapeutic agents in the management of colorectal cancer.

  5. Characteristics of Buoyancy Driven Natural Ventilation through Horizontal Openings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Zhigang

    through horizontal openings. Two cases of full-scale measurements of buoyancy driven natural ventilation through horizontal openings are performed: one horizontal opening and one horizontal opening combined with one vertical opening. For the case of one horizontal opening, the measurements are made....... Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are used to study these two air flow cases. The air flow rate and air flow pattern are predicted and compared with the full-scale measurements. The measurement data are used to compare two CFD models: standard k- ε model and large eddy simulation (LES) model. The cases...... transient, unstable and complex, and the air flow rates oscillate with time. Correlations between the Froude number Fr and the opening ratio L/D are obtained, which is reasonable agreement with Epstein's formula derived from brine-water measurements, but the obtained Fr values show considerable deviations...

  6. Effects of IFN-β1a and IFN-β1b treatment on the expression of cytokines, inducible NOS (NOS type II), and myelin proteins in animal model of multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Lubina-Dąbrowska, Natalia; Stepień, Adam; Sulkowski, Grzegorz; Dąbrowska-Bouta, Beata; Langfort, Józef; Chalimoniuk, Małgorzata


    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of interferon (IFN)-β1a and IFN-β1b treatment on inflammatory factors and myelin protein levels in the brain cortex of the Lewis rat experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), animal model of multiple sclerosis. To induce EAE, rat were immunized with inoculums containing spinal cord guinea pig homogenized in phosphate-buffered saline and emulsified in Freund's complete adjuvant containing 110 µg of the appropriate antigen in 100 µl of an emulsion and additionally 4-mg/ml Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Ra). The rats were treated three times per week with subcutaneous applications of 300,000 units IFN-β1a or IFN-β1b. The treatments were started 8 days prior to immunization and continued until day 14 after immunization. The rats were killed on the 14th day of the experiment. EAE induced dramatic increase in interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-concentrations and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression in the brain, which closely corresponded to the course of neurological symptoms and the loss of weight. Both IFN-β1b and IFN-β1a treatments inhibited the pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α and IFN-γ), decreased the activation of astrocytes, increased the myelin protein level in the brain cortex, and improved the neurological status of EAE rats by different mechanisms; IFN-β1a reduced iNOS expression, at least in part, by the enhancement of IL-10, while IFN-β1b diminished IL-10 concentration and did not decrease EAE-induced iNOS expression.

  7. Characteristic Value Method of Well Test Analysis for Horizontal Gas Well

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiao-Ping Li


    Full Text Available This paper presents a study of characteristic value method of well test analysis for horizontal gas well. Owing to the complicated seepage flow mechanism in horizontal gas well and the difficulty in the analysis of transient pressure test data, this paper establishes the mathematical models of well test analysis for horizontal gas well with different inner and outer boundary conditions. On the basis of obtaining the solutions of the mathematical models, several type curves are plotted with Stehfest inversion algorithm. For gas reservoir with closed outer boundary in vertical direction and infinite outer boundary in horizontal direction, while considering the effect of wellbore storage and skin effect, the pseudopressure behavior of the horizontal gas well can manifest four characteristic periods: pure wellbore storage period, early vertical radial flow period, early linear flow period, and late horizontal pseudoradial flow period. For gas reservoir with closed outer boundary both in vertical and horizontal directions, the pseudopressure behavior of the horizontal gas well adds the pseudosteady state flow period which appears after the boundary response. For gas reservoir with closed outer boundary in vertical direction and constant pressure outer boundary in horizontal direction, the pseudopressure behavior of the horizontal gas well adds the steady state flow period which appears after the boundary response. According to the characteristic lines which are manifested by pseudopressure derivative curve of each flow period, formulas are developed to obtain horizontal permeability, vertical permeability, skin factor, reservoir pressure, and pore volume of the gas reservoir, and thus the characteristic value method of well test analysis for horizontal gas well is established. Finally, the example study verifies that the new method is reliable. Characteristic value method of well test analysis for horizontal gas well makes the well test analysis

  8. Horizontal and vertical seismic isolation of a nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikonomou, A.S.


    This paper presents a study for the horizontal and vertical seismic isolation of a nuclear power plant with a base isolation system, developed by the author, called the Alexisismon. This system -- which comprises different schemes for horizontal or vertical or both horizontal and vertical isolation -- is a linear system based on the principle of separation of functions. That is, horizontal and vertical isolation are realized through different components and act independently from each other. As far as horizontal isolation is concerned, the role of transmitting vertical loads is uncoupled from the role of inducing horizontal restoring forces so that both functions can be performed without instability. It is possible either to provide both horizontal and vertical isolation to the whole nuclear plant or to isolate the whole plant horizontally and to provide vertical isolation to sensitive and costly equipment only. When the fundamental period of the plant or equipment is 2 seconds and when the vertical displacements are of the order of + or - 20 inches, the structure or equipment are protected against earthquakes up to 1.10 and 1.30 g for actual and 0.60 and 1.50 g for artificial accelerograms. In both cases all the isolation elements behave elastically up to these acceleration limits as well as the superstructure and equipment

  9. High BMI levels associate with reduced mRNA expression of IL10 and increased mRNA expression of iNOS (NOS2) in human frontal cortex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, J K; Olesen, R H; Vendelbo, J


    unknown. Therefore we aim to examine the relationship between BMI and gene expression of central inflammatory markers in the human frontal cortex. Microarray data of 141 neurologically and psychiatrically healthy individuals were obtained through the BrainCloud database. A simple linear regression...... correlated (Plinear regression analyses with BMI, age, sex and race as variables were performed in order to identify potential confounders. In conclusion, increasing BMI could affect the IL10-mediated anti...... analysis was performed with BMI as variable on data on IL10, IL1β, IL6, PTGS2 (COX2) and NOS2 (iNOS). Increasing BMI is associated with a decrease in the mRNA expression of IL10 (P=0.014) and an increase in the expression of NOS2 (iNOS; P=0.040). Expressions of IL10 and NOS2 (iNOS) were negatively...

  10. Topological properties of the limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph family (United States)

    Wang, Minggang; Vilela, André L. M.; Du, Ruijin; Zhao, Longfeng; Dong, Gaogao; Tian, Lixin; Stanley, H. Eugene


    The limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph algorithm was recently introduced to map time series in complex networks. In this work, we extend this algorithm to create a directed-limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph and an image-limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph. We define two algorithms and provide theoretical results on the topological properties of these graphs associated with different types of real-value series. We perform several numerical simulations to check the accuracy of our theoretical results. Finally, we present an application of the directed-limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph to measure real-value time series irreversibility and an application of the image-limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph that discriminates noise from chaos. We also propose a method to measure the systematic risk using the image-limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph, and the empirical results show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms.

  11. Avaliação de propriedades físicas em solos sob lavoura cafeeira nos municípios de Caratinga e Simonésia – MG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Para avaliar algumas propriedades físicas do solo sob diferentes tratamentos (sistemas de plantio e de produção da cultura de café, nos municípios de Caratinga e Simonésia amostras compostas de Latossolos Vermelho Amarelo (LVA e Vermelho Amarelo Húmico (LVAH, amostras compostas de solo foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0 a 30 cm e de 30 a 60 cm. Os sistemas de manejo estudados foram: adensado convencional, tradicional convencional e adensado orgânico. Amostras de cada solo sob remanescente florestal serviram de testemunha. Os dados foram organizados segundo o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. Análises de variâncias foram realizadas pelo teste F e as médias foram testadas pelo teste Tukey. Nos solos avaliados não houve aumento significativo da densidade do solo nos sistemas cultivados. Os agroecossistemas no LVAH, na profundidade 0 a 30 cm, elevaram sua microporosidade em relação aos solos originais. Os LVAH são mais propensos à percolação de nutrientes que o LVA, em função da maior porosidade total. Mais agregados de maior diâmetro no LVAH é atribuída à maior quantidade de matéria orgânica nesses solos. Os tratamentos orgânicos favoreceram a presença de agregados maiores no solo e melhoraram sua estabilidade estrutural. Os agroecossistemas modificaram as propriedades originais dos solos, sendo, ambientalmente sustentáveis.

  12. Vertical vs. Horizontal Integration: Pre-emptive Merging.


    Colangelo, Giuseppe


    Preemption plays a crucial role in arms merger decisions. The author studies whether and under which circumstances preemptive merging occurs in vertically related industries. He finds that vertical mergers often preempt horizontal mergers and are dominant outcomes. Preempting the threat of a detrimental horizontal integration may be the main reason for vertically integrating. Copyright 1995 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  13. Construction of horizontal stratum landform-like composite foams and their methyl orange adsorption capacity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Jiajia; Shi, Xiaowen; Zhan, Yingfei; Qiu, Xiaodan; Du, Yumin; Deng, Hongbing


    Highlights: • CS/REC/CNTs composite foams were prepared by unidirectional freeze-casting. • Horizontal stratum landform-like structure was successful built up in foam. • The addition of REC and CNTs promoted the mechanical properties of foam. • The introduction of REC and CNTs enhanced the adsorption capacity of foam on dye. - Abstract: Chitosan (CS)/rectorite (REC)/carbon nanotubes (CNTs) composite foams with good mechanical properties were successfully fabricated by unidirectional freeze-casting technique. The morphology of the foam showed the well-ordered porous three-dimensional layers and horizontal stratum landform-like structure. The holes on the layers looked like the wings of butterfly. Additionally, the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy results indicated the successful addition of CNTs and REC. The intercalated REC with CS chains was confirmed by small-angle X-ray diffraction. The surface structure of the foams was also analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. The adsorption experiments showed that when the mass ratio of CS to REC was 10:1 and CNTs content was 20%, the composite foam performed best in adsorbing low concentration methyl orange, and the largest adsorption capacity was 41.65 mg/g.

  14. Construction of horizontal stratum landform-like composite foams and their methyl orange adsorption capacity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Jiajia; Shi, Xiaowen; Zhan, Yingfei; Qiu, Xiaodan; Du, Yumin; Deng, Hongbing, E-mail:


    Highlights: • CS/REC/CNTs composite foams were prepared by unidirectional freeze-casting. • Horizontal stratum landform-like structure was successful built up in foam. • The addition of REC and CNTs promoted the mechanical properties of foam. • The introduction of REC and CNTs enhanced the adsorption capacity of foam on dye. - Abstract: Chitosan (CS)/rectorite (REC)/carbon nanotubes (CNTs) composite foams with good mechanical properties were successfully fabricated by unidirectional freeze-casting technique. The morphology of the foam showed the well-ordered porous three-dimensional layers and horizontal stratum landform-like structure. The holes on the layers looked like the wings of butterfly. Additionally, the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy results indicated the successful addition of CNTs and REC. The intercalated REC with CS chains was confirmed by small-angle X-ray diffraction. The surface structure of the foams was also analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. The adsorption experiments showed that when the mass ratio of CS to REC was 10:1 and CNTs content was 20%, the composite foam performed best in adsorbing low concentration methyl orange, and the largest adsorption capacity was 41.65 mg/g.

  15. Aerobic exercise protects against pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction and hypertrophy via β3-AR-nNOS-NO activation (United States)

    Li, Wenju; Li, Xiaoli; Zheng, Qiangsun; Niu, Xiaolin


    Aerobic exercise confers sustainable protection against cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure (HF). Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and nitric oxide (NO) are known to play an important role in exercise-mediated cardioprotection, but the mechanism of NOS/NO stimulation during exercise remains unclear. The aim of this study is to determine the role of β3-adrenergic receptors (β3-ARs), NOS activation, and NO metabolites (nitrite and nitrosothiols) in the sustained cardioprotective effects of aerobic exercise. An HF model was constructed by transverse aortic constriction (TAC). Animals were treated with either moderate aerobic exercise by swimming for 9 weeks and/or the β3-AR-specific inhibitor SR59230A at 0.1 mg/kg/hour one day after TAC operation. Myocardial fibrosis, myocyte size, plasma catecholamine (CA) level, cardiac function and geometry were assessed using Masson’s trichrome staining, FITC-labeled wheat germ agglutinin staining, enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA) and echocardiography, respectively. Western blot analysis was performed to elucidate the expression of target proteins. The concentration of myocardial NO production was evaluated using the nitrate reductase method. Myocardial oxidative stress was assessed by detecting the concentration of myocardial super oxidative dismutase (SOD), malonyldialdehyde (MDA), and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Aerobic exercise training improved dilated left ventricular function and partially attenuated the degree of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in TAC mice. Moreover, the increased expression of β3-AR, activation of neuronal NOS (nNOS), and production of NO were detected after aerobic exercise training in TAC mice. However, selective inhibition of β3-AR by SR59230A abolished the upregulation and activation of nNOS induced NO production. Furthermore, aerobic exercise training decreased the myocardial ROS and MDA contents and increased myocardial levels of SOD; both effects were partially attenuated by SR

  16. Aerobic exercise protects against pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction and hypertrophy via β3-AR-nNOS-NO activation. (United States)

    Wang, Bin; Xu, Ming; Li, Wenju; Li, Xiaoli; Zheng, Qiangsun; Niu, Xiaolin


    Aerobic exercise confers sustainable protection against cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure (HF). Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and nitric oxide (NO) are known to play an important role in exercise-mediated cardioprotection, but the mechanism of NOS/NO stimulation during exercise remains unclear. The aim of this study is to determine the role of β3-adrenergic receptors (β3-ARs), NOS activation, and NO metabolites (nitrite and nitrosothiols) in the sustained cardioprotective effects of aerobic exercise. An HF model was constructed by transverse aortic constriction (TAC). Animals were treated with either moderate aerobic exercise by swimming for 9 weeks and/or the β3-AR-specific inhibitor SR59230A at 0.1 mg/kg/hour one day after TAC operation. Myocardial fibrosis, myocyte size, plasma catecholamine (CA) level, cardiac function and geometry were assessed using Masson's trichrome staining, FITC-labeled wheat germ agglutinin staining, enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA) and echocardiography, respectively. Western blot analysis was performed to elucidate the expression of target proteins. The concentration of myocardial NO production was evaluated using the nitrate reductase method. Myocardial oxidative stress was assessed by detecting the concentration of myocardial super oxidative dismutase (SOD), malonyldialdehyde (MDA), and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Aerobic exercise training improved dilated left ventricular function and partially attenuated the degree of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in TAC mice. Moreover, the increased expression of β3-AR, activation of neuronal NOS (nNOS), and production of NO were detected after aerobic exercise training in TAC mice. However, selective inhibition of β3-AR by SR59230A abolished the upregulation and activation of nNOS induced NO production. Furthermore, aerobic exercise training decreased the myocardial ROS and MDA contents and increased myocardial levels of SOD; both effects were partially attenuated by SR59230

  17. Perfil de utilização de fitoterápicos em farmácias comunitárias de Belo Horizonte sob a influência da legislação nacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.Q. Ribeiro

    Full Text Available Um panorama do consumo de fitoterápicos em farmácias comunitárias de Belo Horizonte (MG é utilizado neste artigo como instrumento para analisar a influência da legislação nacional sobre este mercado. Para tal, foram entrevistados indivíduos que adquiriram fitoterápicos nos estabelecimentos farmacêuticos visitados. Observa-se que, na mesma nação detentora da maior biodiversidade do planeta e privilegiada por uma cultura popular conhecedora das propriedades terapêuticas das plantas, existe uma tendência de mercado para a utilização de plantas exóticas, oriundas de países desenvolvidos. A influência da legislação brasileira de fitoterápicos, que prima pela qualidade, eficácia e segurança desses medicamentos, mas que, ao mesmo tempo, tende a proscrever as drogas nativas que fazem parte da medicina popular brasileira, é discutida nesse trabalho. Verifica-se, assim, a pertinência de se discutir o perfil de usuário de fitoterápicos à luz das normas de registro desses fármacos no país no campo da saúde pública, tendo em vista que essa legislação repercute nas estratégias e/ou empecilhos para aumentar o acesso a medicamentos pela população.

  18. GABA sensitivity of spectrally classified horizontal cells in goldfish retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verweij, J.; Kamermans, M.; Negishi, K.; Spekreijse, H.


    We studied the GABA sensitivity of horizontal cells in the isolated goldfish retina. After the glutamatergic input to the horizontal cells was blocked with DNQX, GABA depolarized the monophasic and biphasic horizontal cells. The pharmacology of these GABA-induced depolarizations was tested with the

  19. The protein inhibitor of nNOS (PIN/DLC1/LC8) binding does not inhibit the NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, a key step in NO synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parhad, Swapnil S.; Jaiswal, Deepa; Ray, Krishanu; Mazumdar, Shyamalava


    The neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is an essential enzyme involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a potent neurotransmitter. Although previous studies have indicated that the dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) binding to nNOS could inhibit the NO synthesis, the claim is challenged by contradicting reports. Thus, the mechanism of nNOS regulation remained unclear. nNOS has a heme-bearing, Cytochrome P450 core, and the functional enzyme is a dimer. The electron flow from NADPH to Flavin, and finally to the heme of the paired nNOS subunit within a dimer, is facilitated upon calmodulin (CaM) binding. Here, we show that DLC1 binding to nNOS-CaM complex does not affect the electron transport from the reductase to the oxygenase domain. Therefore, it cannot inhibit the rate of NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, which results in L-Arginine oxidation. Also, the NO release activity does not decrease with increasing DLC1 concentration in the reaction mix, which further confirmed that DLC1 does not inhibit nNOS activity. These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell. - Highlights: • The effect of interaction of nNOS with DLC1 has been debatable with contradicting reports in literature. • Purified DLC1 has no effect on electron transport between reductase and oxygenase domain of purified nNOS-CaM. • The NO release activity of nNOS was not altered by DLC1, supporting that DLC1 does not inhibit the enzyme. • These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell.

  20. The protein inhibitor of nNOS (PIN/DLC1/LC8) binding does not inhibit the NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, a key step in NO synthesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parhad, Swapnil S. [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India); Jaiswal, Deepa [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India); TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, 21 Brundavan Colony, Narsingi, Hyderabad 500075 (India); Ray, Krishanu, E-mail: [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India); Mazumdar, Shyamalava, E-mail: [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India)


    The neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is an essential enzyme involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a potent neurotransmitter. Although previous studies have indicated that the dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) binding to nNOS could inhibit the NO synthesis, the claim is challenged by contradicting reports. Thus, the mechanism of nNOS regulation remained unclear. nNOS has a heme-bearing, Cytochrome P450 core, and the functional enzyme is a dimer. The electron flow from NADPH to Flavin, and finally to the heme of the paired nNOS subunit within a dimer, is facilitated upon calmodulin (CaM) binding. Here, we show that DLC1 binding to nNOS-CaM complex does not affect the electron transport from the reductase to the oxygenase domain. Therefore, it cannot inhibit the rate of NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, which results in L-Arginine oxidation. Also, the NO release activity does not decrease with increasing DLC1 concentration in the reaction mix, which further confirmed that DLC1 does not inhibit nNOS activity. These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell. - Highlights: • The effect of interaction of nNOS with DLC1 has been debatable with contradicting reports in literature. • Purified DLC1 has no effect on electron transport between reductase and oxygenase domain of purified nNOS-CaM. • The NO release activity of nNOS was not altered by DLC1, supporting that DLC1 does not inhibit the enzyme. • These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell.

  1. Fatores adicionais de risco cardiovascular associados ao excesso de peso em crianças e adolescentes: o estudo do coração de Belo Horizonte Additional cardiovascular risk factors associated with excess weigth in children and adolescents: the Belo Horizonte heart study

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    Robespierre Q. C. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Examinar a associação de sobrepeso e obesidade com perfis de atividade física, pressão arterial (PA e lípides séricos. MÉTODOS: Inquérito epidemiológico com 1.450 estudantes - seis a dezoito anos, em Belo Horizonte-MG. Dados: peso, altura, PA, espessura de pregas cutâneas, circunferência das cinturas, atividade física, colesterol total (CT, LDL-c, HDL-c, e hábitos alimentares. RESULTADOS:Prevalências de sobrepeso e obesidade foram 8,4% e 3,1%. Em relação aos estudantes situados no quartil inferior (Q1 da distribuição da prega subescapular, os estudantes do quartil superior (Q4 apresentaram um risco (odds ratio 3,7 vezes maior de ter um CT aumentado. Os estudantes com sobrepeso e obesos tiveram 3,6 vezes mais risco de apresentar PA sistólica aumentada, e 2,7 vezes para PA diastólica aumentada, em relação aos estudantes com peso normal. Os estudantes menos ativos, no Q1 da distribuição de MET, apresentaram 3,8 vezes mais riscos de terem CT aumentado comparados com os mais ativos (Q4. CONCLUSÃO: Estudantes com sobrepeso ou obesos ou nos quartis superiores para outras variáveis de adiposidade, assim como os estudantes com baixos níveis de atividade física ou sedentários apresentaram níveis mais elevados de PA e perfil lipídico de risco aumentado para o desenvolvimento de aterosclerose.OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of overweight and obesity with physical activity, blood pressure (BP and serum lipid profiles. METHODS: Epidemiologic investigation of 1,450 students, between the ages of 6 and 18, in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG. Data: weight, height, BP, skinfold thickness, waist circumference, physical activity, total cholesterol (TC, LDL-c, HDL-c, and dietary habits. RESULTS: The prevalence rates for overweight and obesity were 8.4% and 3.1%, respectively. In relation to the students in the lower quartile (Q1 of the distribution of subscapular skinfold, the students in the upper quartile (Q4 presented

  2. Electroluminescence from completely horizontally oriented dye molecules

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Komino, Takeshi [Education Center for Global Leaders in Molecular System for Devices, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Japan Science and Technology Agency, ERATO, Adachi Molecular Exciton Engineering Project, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Sagara, Yuta [Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Tanaka, Hiroyuki [Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601 (Japan); Oki, Yuji [Japan Science and Technology Agency, ERATO, Adachi Molecular Exciton Engineering Project, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Department of Electronics, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Nakamura, Nozomi [Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Fujimoto, Hiroshi [Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Fukuoka i" 3-Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research (i3-OPERA), Fukuoka 819-0388 (Japan); and others


    A complete horizontal molecular orientation of a linear-shaped thermally activated delayed fluorescent guest emitter 2,6-bis(4-(10Hphenoxazin-10-yl)phenyl)benzo[1,2-d:5,4-d′] bis(oxazole) (cis-BOX2) was obtained in a glassy host matrix by vapor deposition. The orientational order of cis-BOX2 depended on the combination of deposition temperature and the type of host matrix. Complete horizontal orientation was obtained when a thin film with cis-BOX2 doped in a 4,4′-bis(N-carbazolyl)-1,1′-biphenyl (CBP) host matrix was fabricated at 200 K. The ultimate orientation of guest molecules originates from not only the kinetic relaxation but also the kinetic stability of the deposited guest molecules on the film surface during film growth. Utilizing the ultimate orientation, a highly efficient organic light-emitting diode with the external quantum efficiency of 33.4 ± 2.0% was realized. The thermal stability of the horizontal orientation of cis-BOX2 was governed by the glass transition temperature (T{sub g}) of the CBP host matrix; the horizontal orientation was stable unless the film was annealed above T{sub g}.

  3. Integração animal em propriedades agroecológicas em Araponga-MG


    Passos, Ginnie Rangel


    Objetivando a melhoria da produção animal em quinze famílias agricultoras agroecológicas do município de Araponga – MG, foram realizadas mudanças nos manejos nutricional, sanitário e reprodutivos dos animais, além do planejamento das instalações e aquisições de bovinos e caprinos pelas famílias. Para alcançar este objetivo, foi necessário um diagnóstico participativo dos sistemas de criação animal, de forma a identificar as potencialidades e limitações da produção animal, principalmente...

  4. Widespread of horizontal gene transfer in the human genome


    Huang, Wenze; Tsai, Lillian; Li, Yulong; Hua, Nan; Sun, Chen; Wei, Chaochun


    Background A fundamental concept in biology is that heritable material is passed from parents to offspring, a process called vertical gene transfer. An alternative mechanism of gene acquisition is through horizontal gene transfer (HGT), which involves movement of genetic materials between different species. Horizontal gene transfer has been found prevalent in prokaryotes but very rare in eukaryote. In this paper, we investigate horizontal gene transfer in the human genome. Results From the pa...

  5. Spatiotemporal alterations of cortical network activity by selective loss of NOS-expressing interneurons .

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    Dan eShlosberg


    Full Text Available Deciphering the role of GABAergic neurons in large neuronal networks such as the neocortex forms a particularly complex task as they comprise a highly diverse population. The neuronal isoform of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (nNOS is expressed in the neocortex by specific subsets of GABAergic neurons. These neurons can be identified in live brain slices by the nitric oxide (NO fluorescent indicator DAF-2DA. However, this indicator was found to be highly toxic to the stained neurons. We used this feature to induce acute phototoxic damage to NO-producing neurons in cortical slices, and measured subsequent alterations in parameters of cellular and network activity.Neocortical slices were briefly incubated in DAF-2DA and then illuminated through the 4X objective. Histochemistry for NADPH diaphorase, a marker for nNOS activity, revealed elimination of staining in the illuminated areas following treatment. Whole cell recordings from several neuronal types before, during and after illumination confirmed the selective damage to non fast-spiking interneurons. Treated slices displayed mild disinhibition. The reversal potential of compound synaptic events on pyramidal neurons became more positive, and their decay time constant was elongated, substantiating the removal of an inhibitory conductance. The horizontal decay of local field potentials (LFPs was significantly reduced at distances of 300-400 m from the stimulation, but not when inhibition was non-selectively weakened with the GABAA blocker picrotoxin. Finally, whereas the depression of LFPs along short trains of 40 Hz stimuli was linearly reduced with distance or initial amplitude in control slices, this ordered relationship was disrupted in DAF-treated slices. These results reveal that NO-producing interneurons in the neocortex convey lateral inhibition to neighboring columns, and shape the spatiotemporal dynamics of the network's activity.

  6. Spatiotemporal alterations of cortical network activity by selective loss of NOS-expressing interneurons. (United States)

    Shlosberg, Dan; Buskila, Yossi; Abu-Ghanem, Yasmin; Amitai, Yael


    Deciphering the role of GABAergic neurons in large neuronal networks such as the neocortex forms a particularly complex task as they comprise a highly diverse population. The neuronal isoform of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is expressed in the neocortex by specific subsets of GABAergic neurons. These neurons can be identified in live brain slices by the nitric oxide (NO) fluorescent indicator diaminofluorescein-2 diacetate (DAF-2DA). However, this indicator was found to be highly toxic to the stained neurons. We used this feature to induce acute phototoxic damage to NO-producing neurons in cortical slices, and measured subsequent alterations in parameters of cellular and network activity. Neocortical slices were briefly incubated in DAF-2DA and then illuminated through the 4× objective. Histochemistry for NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d), a marker for nNOS activity, revealed elimination of staining in the illuminated areas following treatment. Whole cell recordings from several neuronal types before, during, and after illumination confirmed the selective damage to non-fast-spiking (FS) interneurons. Treated slices displayed mild disinhibition. The reversal potential of compound synaptic events on pyramidal neurons became more positive, and their decay time constant was elongated, substantiating the removal of an inhibitory conductance. The horizontal decay of local field potentials (LFPs) was significantly reduced at distances of 300-400 μm from the stimulation, but not when inhibition was non-selectively weakened with the GABA(A) blocker picrotoxin. Finally, whereas the depression of LFPs along short trains of 40 Hz stimuli was linearly reduced with distance or initial amplitude in control slices, this ordered relationship was disrupted in DAF-treated slices. These results reveal that NO-producing interneurons in the neocortex convey lateral inhibition to neighboring columns, and shape the spatiotemporal dynamics of the network's activity.


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    Sérgio Luiz Gadini


    Full Text Available A emergência de TVs comunitárias no Brasil, a partir de meados dos anos 1990, vem ao encontro de uma histórica demanda pela democratização da informação. Com base na legislação da TV a cabo brasileira (Lei 8.977/95, aprovada com o apoio do Fórum Nacional pela Democratização da Comunicação, movimentos, entidades sociais sem fins lucrativos, sindicatos, associações comunitárias e ONGs passaram a instituir associações de usuários dos canais comunitários de TV que surgiram em dezenas de cidades do Brasil. Num país marcado por grandes dificuldades de organização da sociedade civil, tal iniciativa representou, por muitos anos, uma alternativa que parecia indicar um outro horizonte de mobilização social por questões de interesse público (como é o caso das concessões e acesso à mídia. Mas, a eleição de um governo federal teoricamente identificado com demandas e problemas sociais forjados ao longo de séculos de exclusão (como ocorreu com a escolha do presidente Lula, eleito pelo PT acabou por indicar alguns limites nos projetos sociais envolvendo a luta pela democratização da comunicação. Tão logo o governo petista expressou sua política comunicacional, a fragilização da sociedade civil passou a expressar alguns dos limites e desafios para se pensar na execução de projetos de comunicação popular, o que também apresentou reflexos nos canais de TVs comunitárias de diversas regiões do País.

  8. Políticas e práticas de gestão ambiental: uma análise da gestão dos resíduos da construção civil na cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG

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    Paulo José Silva

    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo estudar as práticas de gestão de resíduos da construção civil implementadas pelo poder público municipal na cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG. Para isso, empregou-se o método de estudo de caso articulado com o processo de triangulação das técnicas de coleta de dados. A natureza da problemática estudada exigiu a sistematização de um quadro de referências que inclui algumas reflexões teóricas sobre a relação entre Estado, políticas públicas e gestão ambiental. A análise dos resultados evidencia que o poder público da cidade de Belo Horizonte articulou e implementou um conjunto de políticas e práticas de gestão dos resíduos da construção que deu origem a uma policy network, a qual, além de ser por ele coordenada, envolve a participação de diversos atores sociais públicos e privados. Trata-se de uma configuração institucional com um padrão de relações interdependentes que servem de referência para a concretização das práticas de gestão de resíduos da construção civil. Os resultados deste estudo apontam também os benefícios econômicos, sociais e ambientais, além das dificuldades relativas ao processo de institucionalização das referidas políticas e práticas.

  9. Sidewall containment of liquid metal with horizontal alternating magnetic fields (United States)

    Pareg, Walter F.


    An apparatus for confining molten metal with a horizontal alternating magnetic field. In particular, this invention employs a magnet that can produce a horizontal alternating magnetic field to confine a molten metal at the edges of parallel horizontal rollers as a solid metal sheet is cast by counter-rotation of the rollers.

  10. Óxidos de manganês em solos do quadrilátero ferrífero (MG

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    Amaury de Carvalho Filho


    Full Text Available A mineralogia dos óxidos de Mn é muito variada e complexa, devido ao grande número de minerais e ao conhecimento inexato de algumas de suas estruturas. Devido à escassez de trabalhos que tratam especificamente de óxidos de Mn em solos brasileiros e seu conteúdo muito elevado em alguns solos do Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG, este estudo objetivou caracterizar a química e a mineralogia desses óxidos nos solos dessa região, estratificando-os conforme os materiais de origem e posições na paisagem. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em uma área representativa do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, referente à Área de Proteção Ambiental da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte - APA Sul RMBH, com extensão de 1.625,32 km²; a amostragem foi direcionada para a caracterização de solos com elevado teor de Mn, relacionados a três materiais de origem distintos: itabiritos, dolomitos ferruginosos e serpentinitos, tendo sido incluídos ainda alguns solos provenientes de outros materiais de origem, dentro do Quadrilátero. Alguns solos do Quadrilátero Ferrífero possuem teores de Mn na fração terra fina extraordinariamente elevados, principalmente aqueles relacionados aos dolomitos ferruginosos da Formação Gandarela. Foram identificados diversos minerais de Mn na fração argila dos solos, sem quaisquer pré-tratamentos de concentração, representados por todoroquita, litioforita e, ainda, pirolusita. A influência do material de origem no contexto deste estudo foi superior àquela da posição na paisagem e grau de intemperismo de solos ricos em Mn.

  11. A horizontal well analysis from a view of its productivity

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    Lucia Sciranková


    Full Text Available The 1990s may become known in the oil field as the decade of the horizontal well. Horizontal wells can increase the production rate and the ultimate recovery, and can reduce the number of platforms on wells required to develop a reservoir.An empirical equation to calculate the inflow performance of two-phase flow for a vertical and a horizontal well in regime of dissolved gas presented by Vogel in 1968. His equation was based on the results of reservoir simulation. The created model whore result (output is the ratio of the productivity of a horizontal well to the productivity of a vertical well for a given area expressed by anumber of vertical wells the replaced by one horizontal well. The model is applied for a concrete ideological model.

  12. D-limonene suppresses doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress and inflammation via repression of COX-2, iNOS, and NFκB in kidneys of Wistar rats. (United States)

    Rehman, Muneeb U; Tahir, Mir; Khan, Abdul Quaiyoom; Khan, Rehan; Oday-O-Hamiza; Lateef, Abdul; Hassan, Syed Kazim; Rashid, Sumaya; Ali, Nemat; Zeeshan, Mirza; Sultana, Sarwat


    D-limonene is a naturally occurring monoterpene and has been found to posses numerous therapeutic properties. In this study, we used D-limonene as a protective agent against the nephrotoxic effects of anticancer drug doxorubicin (Dox). Rats were given D-limonene at doses of 5% and 10% mixed with diet for 20 consecutive days. Dox was give at the dose of 20 mg/kg body weight intraperitoneally. The protective effects of D-limonene on Dox-induced oxidative stress and inflammation were investigated by assaying oxidative stress biomarkers, lipid peroxidation, serum toxicity markers, proinflammatory cytokines, and expression of nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB), cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and Nitrite levels. Administration of Dox (20 mg/kg body weight) in rats enhanced renal lipid peroxidation; depleted glutathione content and anti-oxidant enzymes; elevated levels of kidney toxicity markers viz. kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine; enhanced expression of NFκB, COX-2, and iNOS and nitric oxide. Treatment with D-limonene prevented oxidative stress by restoring the levels of antioxidant enzymes, further both doses of 5% and 10% showed significant decrease in inflammatory response. Both the doses of D-limonene significantly decreased the levels of kidney toxicity markers KIM-1, BUN, and creatinine. D-limonene also effectively decreased the Dox induced overexpression of NF-κB, COX-2, and iNOS and nitric oxide. Data from the present study indicate the protective role of D-limonene against Dox-induced renal damage.

  13. Arctigenin Protects against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Pulmonary Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in a Mouse Model via Suppression of MAPK, HO-1, and iNOS Signaling. (United States)

    Zhang, Wen-zhou; Jiang, Zheng-kui; He, Bao-xia; Liu, Xian-ben


    Arctigenin, a bioactive component of Arctium lappa (Nubang), has anti-inflammatory activity. Here, we investigated the effects of arctigenin on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute lung injury. Mice were divided into four groups: control, LPS, LPS + DMSO, and LPS + Arctigenin. Mice in the LPS + Arctigenin group were injected intraperitoneally with 50 mg/kg of arctigenin 1 h before an intratracheal administration of LPS (5 mg/kg). Lung tissues and bronchoalveolar lavage fluids (BALFs) were collected. Histological changes of the lung were analyzed by hematoxylin and eosin staining. Arctigenin decreased LPS-induced acute lung inflammation, infiltration of inflammatory cells into BALF, and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Moreover, arctigenin pretreatment reduced the malondialdehyde level and increased superoxide dismutase and catalase activities and glutathione peroxidase/glutathione disulfide ratio in the lung. Mechanically, arctigenin significantly reduced the production of nitric oxygen and inducible nitric oxygen synthase (iNOS) expression, enhanced the expression of heme oxygenase-1, and decreased the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). Arctigenin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects on LPS-induced acute lung injury, which are associated with modulation of MAPK, HO-1, and iNOS signaling.

  14. Perfil nutricional de praticantes de corrida de rua de um clube esportivo da cidade de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil

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    Janaina Lavalli Goston


    Full Text Available O perfil antropométrico e/ou dietético de corredores de elite tem sido estudado; porém, pouco se conhece sobre estas características em praticantes de corrida de rua "recreacionais". O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar o perfil nutricional de praticantes de corrida de rua de um clube esportivo de Belo Horizonte (BH/MG, encaminhados ao ambulatório de nutrição da clínica-escola de uma faculdade privada da cidade. A amostra foi composta por 19 indivíduos, na faixa etária entre 28 e 53 anos. Para o diagnóstico do estado nutricional foi obtida análise da adequação da ingestão de energia e dos macronutrientes - carboidratos (CHO, lipídios (LIP e proteínas (PTN - por meio do método recordatório de 24 horas (R24h, além da caracterização do perfil antropométrico. Os resultados da avaliação dietética indicaram que, segundo as recomendações propostas pelas DRIs (ingestão dietética de referência, a distribuição energética entre os macronutrientes em ambos os sexos encontra-se adequada sendo de 48,1 ± 9,2% (CHO; 29,6 ± 7,2% (LIP; e 22,3 ± 4,96% (PTN. Entretanto, quando se considera o consumo em g/kg de peso corporal, a ingestão de CHO apresentou-se baixa (3,54 ± 1,45g/kg/d e a de PTN alta (1,7 ± 0,57g/kg/d para esta modalidade esportiva. Quanto ao consumo energético total, 89,5% dos corredores estavam com ingestão energética abaixo dos valores recomendados, resultando em deficiência calórica diária. Em relação às características antropométricas, o percentual de gordura corporal (%GC médio entre homens e mulheres não apresentou diferença estatística e mostrou-se adequado segundo a faixa etária. A circunferência da cintura (CC e razão cintura quadril (RCQ do grupo indicaram valores normais, não representando risco aumentado para doenças cardiovasculares. Concluímos que há indicativos que, apesar de os desportistas avaliados terem realizado distribuição energética em % adequada entre os

  15. The protein inhibitor of nNOS (PIN/DLC1/LC8) binding does not inhibit the NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, a key step in NO synthesis. (United States)

    Parhad, Swapnil S; Jaiswal, Deepa; Ray, Krishanu; Mazumdar, Shyamalava


    The neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is an essential enzyme involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a potent neurotransmitter. Although previous studies have indicated that the dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) binding to nNOS could inhibit the NO synthesis, the claim is challenged by contradicting reports. Thus, the mechanism of nNOS regulation remained unclear. nNOS has a heme-bearing, Cytochrome P450 core, and the functional enzyme is a dimer. The electron flow from NADPH to Flavin, and finally to the heme of the paired nNOS subunit within a dimer, is facilitated upon calmodulin (CaM) binding. Here, we show that DLC1 binding to nNOS-CaM complex does not affect the electron transport from the reductase to the oxygenase domain. Therefore, it cannot inhibit the rate of NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, which results in l-Arginine oxidation. Also, the NO release activity does not decrease with increasing DLC1 concentration in the reaction mix, which further confirmed that DLC1 does not inhibit nNOS activity. These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Horizontal and Vertical Rule Bases Method in Fuzzy Controllers


    Aminifar, Sadegh; bin Marzuki, Arjuna


    Concept of horizontal and vertical rule bases is introduced. Using this method enables the designers to look for main behaviors of system and describes them with greater approximations. The rules which describe the system in first stage are called horizontal rule base. In the second stage, the designer modulates the obtained surface by describing needed changes on first surface for handling real behaviors of system. The rules used in the second stage are called vertical rule base. Horizontal...

  17. Condensation Analysis of Steam/Air Mixtures in Horizontal Tubes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Kwon Yeong; Bae, Sung Won; Kim, Moo Hwan


    Perhaps the most common flow configuration in which a convective condensation occurs is a flow in a horizontal circular tube. This configuration is encountered in air-conditioning and refrigeration condensers as well as condensers in Rankine power cycles. Although a convective condensation is also sometimes contrived to occur in a co-current vertical downward flow, a horizontal flow is often preferred because the flow can be repeatedly passed through the heat exchanger core in a serpentine fashion without trapping liquid or vapor in the return bends. Many researchers have investigated a in-tube condensation for horizontal heat exchangers. However, almost all of them obtained tube section-averaged data without a noncondensable gas. Recently, Wu and Vierow have experimentally studied the condensation of steam in a horizontal heat exchanger with air present. In order to measure the condenser tube inner surface temperatures and to calculate the local heat fluxes, they developed an innovative thermocouple design that allowed for nonintrusive measurements. Here we developed a theoretical model using the heat and mass analogy to analyze a steam condensation with a noncondensable gas in horizontal tubes

  18. Influence of pavement condition on horizontal curve safety. (United States)

    Buddhavarapu, Prasad; Banerjee, Ambarish; Prozzi, Jorge A


    Crash statistics suggest that horizontal curves are the most vulnerable sites for crash occurrence. These crashes are often severe and many involve at least some level of injury due to the nature of the collisions. Ensuring the desired pavement surface condition is one potentially effective strategy to reduce the occurrence of severe accidents on horizontal curves. This study sought to develop crash injury severity models by integrating crash and pavement surface condition databases. It focuses on developing a causal relationship between pavement condition indices and severity level of crashes occurring on two-lane horizontal curves in Texas. In addition, it examines the suitability of the existing Skid Index for safety maintenance of two-lane curves. Significant correlation is evident between pavement condition and crash injury severity on two-lane undivided horizontal curves in Texas. Probability of a crash becoming fatal is appreciably sensitive to certain pavement indices. Data suggested that road facilities providing a smoother and more comfortable ride are vulnerable to severe crashes on horizontal curves. In addition, the study found that longitudinal skid measurement barely correlates with injury severity of crashes occurring on curved portions. The study recommends exploring the option of incorporating lateral friction measurement into Pavement Management System (PMS) databases specifically at curved road segments. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Surgical treatment for paralytic horizontal strabismus

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    Feng Zhou*


    Full Text Available AIM: To observe the effect of surgery for paralytic horizontal strabismus and the paralytic horizontal strabismus performed by Jensen procedure with antagonist muscle of paralytic muscle recession and medial or lateral rectus extra large resection/recession.METHODS: Fifteen cases(17 eyeswith complete or nearly complete paralytic horizontal strabismus from January 2005 to August. 2014 in our hospital were assessed retrospectively,7 eyes of 7 cases with treatment group A were performed Jensen procedure combined antagonist muscle of paralytic muscle recession, 10 eyes of 8 cases with treatment group B were performed medial or lateral rectus extra large resection/recession. seventeen eyes of 15 cases with an average of 21±8.71mo follow-up were observed.RESULTS: All 17 eyes of 15 cases after the operation obtained satisfied effects, 16 eyes of 14 cases obtained ideal long-term effect. One eye of a patient with a 6mo follow-up was undercorrected of 30△. We found a varying degree of postoperative improvement in visual function. There was a significant reduction in the strabismus angle for distance and near(t=28.71, Pt=36.21, Pt=17.96, Pt=9.20,PCONCLUSION: Jensen procedure combined antagonist muscle of paralytic muscle recession and medial or lateral rectus extra large resection/recession is a safe and successful method of treatment in complete or nearly complete paralysis horizontal strabismus. Patients achieve orthophoria, improvement of the motor ability, and larger field of binocular single vision for long time.

  20. ¿Las emociones nos distraen?

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    Antonia Pilar Pacheco-Unguetti


    Full Text Available ¿Leerás este artículo hasta el final sin interrupciones? Puede que, mientras lo intentas, recibas algún mensaje de whatsapp, se abra una ventana emergente en tu ordenador con una oferta de viajes al Caribe o el cartero llame dos veces a tu puerta. También puede ser que simplemente no tengas un buen día y te resulte especialmente difícil concentrarte. Vivimos expuestos a multitud de estímulos distractores externos, algunos tan inesperados o extraños que entorpecen irremediablemente nuestra concentración en una tarea (distracción por novedad. Pero la distracción también puede tener una causa interna y cómo nos sentimos puede influir en cuánto nos distraemos.

  1. Demonstration of a utility industry horizontal drilling system: Horizontal well AMH-5 installation report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Department of Energy's Office of Technology Development initiated an integrated demonstration of innovative technologies and systems for cleanup of VOCs in soils and groundwater at the Savannah River Site (SRS) in 1989. The overall goal of the program is demonstration of multiple technologies and systems in the fields of drilling, characterization, monitoring, and remediation at a single test bed. Innovative technologies are compared to one another and to baseline technologies in terms of technical performance and cost effectiveness. Transfer of successfully demonstrated technologies and systems to DOE environmental restoration organizations, to other government agencies, and to industry is a critical part of the program. Directional drilling has been shown to be a successful technique for enhancing access to the subsurface, thus improving remediation systems, especially remediation systems which perform in situ. Demonstration of an innovative directional drilling system at the Integrated Demonstration Site at the SRS, was initiated in June of 1992. The directional drilling system was designed to install an in situ remediation system. The drilling system is an experimental compaction/dry drilling technique developed by Charles Machine Works (Ditch Witch reg-sign) of Perry, Oklahoma. A horizontal well was installed in the M Area of the SRS below and parallel to an abandoned tile process sewer line. The installation of the horizontal well was a two-part process. Part one consisted of drilling the borehole, and part two was the horizontal well completion

  2. Contribution of the nos-pdt operon to virulence phenotypes in methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    April M Sapp

    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO is emerging as an important regulator of bacterial stress resistance, biofilm development, and virulence. One potential source of endogenous NO production in the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus is its NO-synthase (saNOS enzyme, encoded by the nos gene. Although a role for saNOS in oxidative stress resistance, antibiotic resistance, and virulence has been recently-described, insights into the regulation of nos expression and saNOS enzyme activity remain elusive. To this end, transcriptional analysis of the nos gene in S. aureus strain UAMS-1 was performed, which revealed that nos expression increases during low-oxygen growth and is growth-phase dependent. Furthermore, nos is co-transcribed with a downstream gene, designated pdt, which encodes a prephenate dehydratase (PDT enzyme involved in phenylalanine biosynthesis. Deletion of pdt significantly impaired the ability of UAMS-1 to grow in chemically-defined media lacking phenylalanine, confirming the function of this enzyme. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that the operon organization of nos-pdt appears to be unique to the staphylococci. As described for other S. aureus nos mutants, inactivation of nos in UAMS-1 conferred sensitivity to oxidative stress, while deletion of pdt did not affect this phenotype. The nos mutant also displayed reduced virulence in a murine sepsis infection model, and increased carotenoid pigmentation when cultured on agar plates, both previously-undescribed nos mutant phenotypes. Utilizing the fluorescent stain 4-Amino-5-Methylamino-2',7'-Difluorofluorescein (DAF-FM diacetate, decreased levels of intracellular NO/reactive nitrogen species (RNS were detected in the nos mutant on agar plates. These results reinforce the important role of saNOS in S. aureus physiology and virulence, and have identified an in vitro growth condition under which saNOS activity appears to be upregulated. However, the significance of the operon organization of nos-pdt and

  3. Expression profiles of eNOS, iNOS and microRNA-27b in the corpus cavernosum of rats submitted to chronic alcoholism and Diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Cunha, Joao Paulo da; Lizarte, Fermino Sanches; Novais, Paulo Cezar; Gattas, Daniela; Carvalho, Camila Albuquerque Mello de; Tirapelli, Daniela Pretti da Cunha; Molina, Carlos Augusto Fernandes; Tirapelli, Luis Fernando; Tucci, Silvio


    To evaluate the expression of endothelial and inducible NOS in addition to the miRNA-27b in the corpus cavernosum and peripheral blood of healthy rats, diabetic rats, alcoholic rats and rats with both pathologies. Forty eight Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control (C), alcoholic (A), diabetic (D) and alcoholic-diabetic (AD). Samples of the corpus cavernosum were prepared to study protein expressions of eNOS and iNOS by immunohistochemistry and expression of miRNA-27b in the corpus cavernosum and peripheral blood. Immunohistochemistry for eNOS and iNOS showed an increase in cavernosal smooth muscle cells in the alcoholic, diabetic and alcoholic-diabetic groups when compared with the control group. Similarly, the mRNA levels for eNOS were increased in cavernosal smooth muscle (CSM) in the alcoholic, diabetic and alcoholic-diabetic groups and miRNA-27b were decreased in CSM in the alcoholic, diabetic and alcoholic-diabetic groups. The major new finding of our study was an impairment of relaxation of cavernosal smooth muscle in alcoholic, diabetic, and alcoholic-diabetic rats that involved a decrease in the nitric oxide pathway by endothelium-dependent mechanisms accompanied by a change in the corpus cavernosum contractile sensitivity.

  4. Marketing plan NOS: introducing pay per view


    Pereira, Pedro Azeredo


    NOS, NOS Comunicações S.A., is a private telecommunications company of the portuguese market which is proud of being the “best communications and entertainment company in the market”. The company was born from a fusion between two of the biggest communications corporations in the country: on the fixed service (TV, fixed phone, fixed internet, etc.) from ZON; and on the mobile service (mobile phone, internet, etc.) from Optimus. It is a leader in all the sectors it operates. Bes...

  5. Partial neuroprotection by nNOS inhibition during profound asphyxia in preterm fetal sheep. (United States)

    Drury, Paul P; Davidson, Joanne O; van den Heuij, Lotte G; Tan, Sidhartha; Silverman, Richard B; Ji, Haitao; Blood, Arlin B; Fraser, Mhoyra; Bennet, Laura; Gunn, Alistair Jan


    Preterm brain injury is partly associated with hypoxia-ischemia starting before birth. Excessive nitric oxide production during HI may cause nitrosative stress, leading to cell membrane and mitochondrial damage. We therefore tested the hypothesis that therapy with a new, selective neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibitor, JI-10 (0.022mg/kg bolus, n=8), given 30min before 25min of complete umbilical cord occlusion was protective in preterm fetal sheep at 101-104day gestation (term is 147days), compared to saline (n=8). JI-10 had no effect on fetal blood pressure, heart rate, carotid and femoral blood flow, total EEG power, nuchal activity, temperature or intracerebral oxygenation on near-infrared spectroscopy during or after occlusion. JI-10 was associated with later onset of post-asphyxial seizures compared with saline (p<0.05), and attenuation of the subsequent progressive loss of cytochrome oxidase (p<0.05). After 7days recovery, JI-10 was associated with improved neuronal survival in the caudate nucleus (p<0.05), but not the putamen or hippocampus, and more CNPase positive oligodendrocytes in the periventricular white matter (p<0.05). In conclusion, prophylactic nNOS inhibition before profound asphyxia was associated with delayed onset of seizures, slower decline of cytochrome oxidase and partial white and gray matter protection, consistent with protection of mitochondrial function. © 2013.

  6. Vacuum horizontal drainage for depressurization of uranium tailings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pakalnis, R.; Chedsey, G.; Robertson, A.M.; Follin, S.


    A recent advance in tailings slope depressurization is the application of vacuum assist horizontal drainage. Horizontal drains have been used for several decades to reduce water pressures in slopes in order to improve stability. The benefit from vacuum assist arises from an increased hydraulic gradient caused by induced negative atmospheric pressures. The vacuum assist system has, since its inception in 1982, been successfully employed at two soil and four rock slope projects located in Western Canada. This paper describes the first application of this system in the United States. The technical feasibility of employing vacuum assisted horizontal drains to depressurize a uranium tailings dam near Riverton, Wyoming has been evaluated. Two horizontal drains (300 ft.) were installed and their effect monitored by nine piezometers. The study was conducted over a three-week internal with vacuum being applied for three and four day periods. The drawdowns achieved through vacuum drainage was found to be approximately double that obtained by gravity alone. The volume of water exhausted under vacuum during the seven day interval was approximately double that obtained by gravity alone

  7. Should tsunami simulations include a nonzero initial horizontal velocity? (United States)

    Lotto, Gabriel C.; Nava, Gabriel; Dunham, Eric M.


    Tsunami propagation in the open ocean is most commonly modeled by solving the shallow water wave equations. These equations require initial conditions on sea surface height and depth-averaged horizontal particle velocity or, equivalently, horizontal momentum. While most modelers assume that initial velocity is zero, Y.T. Song and collaborators have argued for nonzero initial velocity, claiming that horizontal displacement of a sloping seafloor imparts significant horizontal momentum to the ocean. They show examples in which this effect increases the resulting tsunami height by a factor of two or more relative to models in which initial velocity is zero. We test this claim with a "full-physics" integrated dynamic rupture and tsunami model that couples the elastic response of the Earth to the linearized acoustic-gravitational response of a compressible ocean with gravity; the model self-consistently accounts for seismic waves in the solid Earth, acoustic waves in the ocean, and tsunamis (with dispersion at short wavelengths). Full-physics simulations of subduction zone megathrust ruptures and tsunamis in geometries with a sloping seafloor confirm that substantial horizontal momentum is imparted to the ocean. However, almost all of that initial momentum is carried away by ocean acoustic waves, with negligible momentum imparted to the tsunami. We also compare tsunami propagation in each simulation to that predicted by an equivalent shallow water wave simulation with varying assumptions regarding initial velocity. We find that the initial horizontal velocity conditions proposed by Song and collaborators consistently overestimate the tsunami amplitude and predict an inconsistent wave profile. Finally, we determine tsunami initial conditions that are rigorously consistent with our full-physics simulations by isolating the tsunami waves from ocean acoustic and seismic waves at some final time, and backpropagating the tsunami waves to their initial state by solving the

  8. Changes of serum NO/iNOS after whole abdominal irradiation in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin Hong; Wu Wei; Zhang Kunhe; Chen Jiang; Wang Yang; Luo Hui; Huang Xiaoqing


    Objective: To observe the changes of serum NO/NOS concentrations in rats after whole abdominal irradiation and their relationships with intestinal radiation injury. Methods: Thirty health rats were randomly divided into three groups: normal control group, irradiation control group, and IgY protection group. The sera of rats were collected and the NO and iNOS were assayed. Results: NO and iNOS levels increased evidently in the irradiation control group in contrast with those of the normal control group (P<0.01). NO and iNOS levels increased slightly in the IgY protection group in contrast with the irradiation control group (P<0.01) and were close to the levels of the normal control group. The changes of NO and NOS concentrations were synchronous. Conclusion: NO and iNOS are good indices for detecting intestinal radiation injury. (authors)

  9. Horizontal Multinational Firms, Vertical Multinational Firms and Domestic Investment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J. Emami Namini (Julian); H.P.G. Pennings (Enrico)


    textabstractWe build a dynamic general equilibrium model with 2 countries, horizontal and vertical multinational activity and endogenous domestic and foreign investment. It is found that horizontal multinational activity always leads to a complementary relationship between domestic and foreign

  10. Expression analysis of NOS family and HSP genes during thermal stress in goat ( Capra hircus) (United States)

    Yadav, Vijay Pratap; Dangi, Satyaveer Singh; Chouhan, Vikrant Singh; Gupta, Mahesh; Dangi, Saroj K.; Singh, Gyanendra; Maurya, Vijay Prakash; Kumar, Puneet; Sarkar, Mihir


    Approximately 50 genes other than heat shock protein (HSP) expression changes during thermal stress. These genes like nitric oxide synthase (NOS) need proper attention and investigation to find out their possible role in the adaptation to thermal stress in animals. So, the present study was undertaken to demonstrate the expressions of inducible form type II NOS (iNOS), endothelial type III NOS (eNOS), constitutively expressed enzyme NOS (cNOS), HSP70, and HSP90 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) during different seasons in Barbari goats. Real-time polymerase chain reaction, western blot, and immunocytochemistry were applied to investigate messenger RNA (mRNA) expression, protein expression, and immunolocalization of examined factors. The mRNA and protein expressions of iNOS, eNOS, cNOS, HSP70, and HSP90 were significantly higher ( P goats.

  11. Effects of horizontal plyometric training volume on soccer players' performance. (United States)

    Yanci, Javier; Los Arcos, Asier; Camara, Jesús; Castillo, Daniel; García, Alberto; Castagna, Carlo


    The aim of this study was to examine the dose response effect of strength and conditioning programmes, involving horizontally oriented plyometric exercises, on relevant soccer performance variables. Sixteen soccer players were randomly allocated to two 6-week plyometric training groups (G1 and G2) differing by imposed (twice a week) training volume. Post-training G1 (4.13%; d = 0.43) and G2 (2.45%; d = 0.53) moderately improved their horizontal countermovement jump performance. Significant between-group differences (p  0.05, d = trivial or small) post-training improvements in sprint, change of direction ability (CODA) and horizontal arm swing countermovement jump were reported in either group. Horizontal plyometric training was effective in promoting improvement in injury prevention variables. Doubling the volume of a horizontal plyometric training protocol was shown to have no additional effect over functional aspects of soccer players' performance.

  12. Evaluation of horizontal magnification on panoramic images

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    Maryam Raoof


    Full Text Available Aims: This study evaluated the horizontal magnification of images taken from adults and pediatrics with PM 2002 CC Planmeca analogue machine. Materials and Methods: A series of 120 panoramic radiographs were obtained of 60 adults and 60 pediatrics. For all patients, negative impressions were used to make positive casts of the teeth. A caliper was used to measure the maximum mesiodistal length of the buccal surface of all teeth except canines on both casts and radiographs. The horizontal magnification factor was calculated for incisor, premolar, and molar regions by dividing the values obtained from the casts by the values obtained from the radiographs. Statistical Analysis: Independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA were used. Results: The results indicated that with regard to adults, maxillary and mandibular incisor regions, unlike the other two sessions, didn′t show significant difference of the mean magnification of horizontal dimension (P = 0.5. In pediatrics, the comparison between mean magnification factors of all subgroups showed significant difference (P < 0.0001. Despite the adults′ radiographs, the results of pediatrics′ radiographs showed significantly higher magnification than the index listed by the manufacturer of the radiographic machine used. Conclusion: The present study results point to the fact that PM 2002 CC Proline panoramic machine makes possible precise measurements on radiographs of adults′ jaws in the horizontal dimension.

  13. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL - Currents (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have currents data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use...

  14. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL - Wind (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have wind data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use only*...

  15. Horizontal-Longitudinal Correlations of Acoustic Field in Deep Water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jun; Li Zheng-Lin; Ren Yun; Li Wen; Zhang Ren-He


    The horizontal-longitudinal correlations of the acoustic field in deep water are investigated based on the experimental data obtained in the South China Sea. It is shown that the horizontal-longitudinal correlation coefficients in the convergence zone are high, and the correlation length is consistent with the convergence zone width, which depends on the receiver depth and range. The horizontal-longitudinal correlation coefficients in the convergence zone also have a division structure for the deeper receiver. The signals from the second part of the convergence zone are still correlated with the reference signal in the first part. The horizontal-longitudinal correlation coefficients in the shadow zone are lower than that in the convergence zone, and the correlation length in the shadow zone is also much shorter than that in the convergence zone. The numerical simulation results by using the normal modes theory are qualitatively consistent with the experimental results. (paper)


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    Sergio Luiz Bragatto Boss

    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, analisa-se a importância educativa do ensino de conteúdos de Física nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental a partir de uma experiência didática com alunos do 5° ano, em que foram utilizados cinco experimentos sobre eletricidade e magnetismo. O referencial teórico utilizado foi a psicologia sócio-histórica, sobretudo os estudos de Vigotski sobre a formação de conceitos. Pode-se afirmar que o ensino de Física e o uso de atividades experimentais nas séries iniciais não podem, a rigor, serem associados simplesmente ao ensino dos conceitos científicos, mas explorados tendo como horizonte o desenvolvimento da criança.

  17. Inteligência Competitiva como Suporte à Estratégia Empresarial em Micro e Pequenas Empresas: Um Estudo na Aerotrópole de Belo Horizonte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frederico Cesar Mafra Pereira


    Full Text Available O contexto competitivo em que se insere uma empresa pode tornar-se ainda mais impactante quando há fatores ambientais que trazem grandes mudanças ao cenário. A implementação de uma Aerotrópole, que é uma estrutura urbana que tem como centro o aeroporto e, ao redor, atividades relacionadas a ele, demanda um posicionamento empreendedor e inovador das empresas, independentemente do seu porte. Com base em tal afirmativa, o foco deste artigo foi analisar como se configura a Inteligência Competitiva nas MPE da Aerotrópole de Belo Horizonte com vistas à elaboração de suas Estratégias Empresariais. Para alcançar o objetivo do estudo, foi realizada pesquisa do tipo descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, via triangulação de fontes de coleta e análise de dados. Informalidade na implementação da Inteligência Competitiva e inabilidade na visualização de possibilidades de crescimento foram as características mais marcantes nos resultados obtidos. Há uma relevante oportunidade de melhoria nos processos de gestão das empresas pesquisadas, mostrando a importância da pesquisa realizada para o desenvolvimento econômico da região.

  18. Ocorrência do vírus da leucemia felina em Felis cattus em Belo Horizonte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F.M. Coelho


    Full Text Available Blood samples from 1,072 domestic cats of nine administrative regions of Belo Horizonte, MG, were collected and tested using PCR nested for the occurrence of feline leukemia virus (FeLV. Overall occurrence was 47.5% (507/1072 being North (68.1% and East (54.4% the most prevalent areas. Epidemiological data showed that FeLV infection was very common among examined cats and breed neither gender nor were predisposing factors for FeLV. The results suggest that the agglomeration of a large number of cats in the same environment can be an important factor for the increase in the rate of transmission of this retrovirus among domestic cats in the studied city.

  19. Comparação das respostas cardiorrespiratórias de um exercício de hidroginástica com e sem deslocamento horizontal nos meios terrestre e aquático Comparisons of cardiorrespiratory responses in a hydrogymnastics exercise with and without horizontal movement on land and in aquatic environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Carolina Kanitz


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi comparar as respostas cardiorrespiratórias de um exercício de hidroginástica (corrida estacionária realizado com e sem deslocamento horizontal no meio terrestre (MT, em piscina funda (PF e em piscina rasa (PR. Seis mulheres jovens realizaram os exercícios durante 4 min numa cadência de 80 bpm. O exercício consistia em flexão e extensão de quadril com os braços simulando um movimento de corrida. A frequência cardíaca (FC e o consumo de oxigênio (VO2 foram coletados no último minuto de exercício e a percepção de esforço (PE foi coletada ao término do exercício. Para a comparação das variáveis utilizou-se ANOVA two-way para medidas repetidas com fatores meio e forma de execução (p The aim of the study was to compare the cardiorespiratory responses during an hydrogymnastics exercise performed with and without horizontal movement on land environment (LE and in a deep (DS and in a shallow swimming pool (SS. Six YOUNG women performed the exercise during four minutes in each environment (LE, DS and SS and situation (with and without horizontal movement in a cadence of 80 bpm. The exercise consisted in a hip flexion/extension while the arms simulating a running movement. The heart rate (HR and oxygen uptake (VO2 were veriefied during the last minute in each exercise and the rate of perceived exertion (RPE was collected in the ending of the exercise. To variables comparisons was used ANOVA two-way for repeated measures with factors environment and situation (p < 0,05. For all cardiorespiratory variables analyzed, SS exercise were lower than that found on LE. Although, no difference was observed in the exercise performed on LE or in DS, except for the HR, that was lower during DS. Acording to the different situations, higher HR value was found during the exercise with horizontal movement when compared with the exercise without horizontal movement in the DS. These findings suggest the possibility to perform

  20. Avaliação do desempenho de sistemas alagados construídos de escoamento horizontal subsuperficial tratando efluente de reator UASB, com base em quatro anos de monitoramento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jocilene Ferreira Costa

    Full Text Available RESUMO Um sistema composto por um reator anaeróbio tipo upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB, seguido de um sistema de alagados construídos (SAC de escoamento horizontal subsuperficial compreendendo duas unidades em paralelo (50 habitantes cada, foi avaliado para o tratamento de águas residuárias geradas na cidade de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Uma unidade foi plantada com Typha latifolia e a outra não foi vegetada. Amostras semanais do efluente do reator UASB e do efluente das unidades do SAC foram avaliadas por um período de quatro anos de operação do sistema. Nas taxas de aplicação praticadas (média de 0,11 m3.m-2.d-1, o efluente final apresentou excelente qualidade em termos de matéria orgânica e sólidos suspensos, mas baixa capacidade de remoção de nitrogênio. Os valores médios de concentração no efluente das unidades plantadas e não plantadas foram, respectivamente, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio: 25 e 23 mg.L-1; demanda química de oxigênio: 50 e 55 mg.L-1; sólidos suspensos totais: 10 e 8 mg.L-1; nitrogênio Kjeldahl total: 30 e 31 mg.L-1; e nitrogênio amoniacal: 27 e 28 mg.L-1. Não se observou diferença significativa entre as concentrações efluentes das unidades plantada e não plantada para a maioria dos constituintes investigados.

  1. Logging while drilling keeps horizontal well on small target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leake, J.; Shray, F.


    This paper reports that the logging-while-drilling (LWD) measurement to two resistivities of different characteristics had led to a new interpretation method for the analysis of horizontal wells. By logging deep and shallow resistivity in real-time, marker beds were identified to help maintain well bore trajectory. The resistivity measurements were split into vertical and horizontal components to provide additional information of formation evaluation. In 1945, Ark Fuel Co. discovered and began developing the Olla field on the crest of the La Salle arch in La Salle Parish, La. Oil production comes from the Wilcox formation from alluvial sand packages that range in thickness from 3 ft to 120 ft. Now operated by Oxy U.S.A. Inc., Olla field was chosen in 1990 for a horizontal well pilot project. It was hoped that a horizontal well could alleviate water coming in one of the field's more productive sand packages- the 40-ft Cruse sand

  2. Effectiveness of Horizontal Rebar on Concrete Block Retaining Wall Strength


    Krishpersad Manohar; Rikhi Ramkissoon


    The effectiveness of including a horizontal rebar compared to only a vertical rebar in concrete filled core interlocking concrete block retaining wall sections was investigated with respect to the horizontal retaining force. Experimental results for three specimens of interlocking blocks with vertical rebar and concrete filled cores showed an average horizontal retaining force of 24546 N ± 5.7% at an average wall deflection of 13.3 mm. Experimental results for three wall specimens of interloc...

  3. iNOS Activity Modulates Inflammation, Angiogenesis, and Tissue Fibrosis in Polyether-Polyurethane Synthetic Implants. (United States)

    Cassini-Vieira, Puebla; Araújo, Fernanda Assis; da Costa Dias, Filipi Leles; Russo, Remo Castro; Andrade, Silvia Passos; Teixeira, Mauro Martins; Barcelos, Luciola Silva


    There is considerable interest in implantation techniques and scaffolds for tissue engineering and, for safety and biocompatibility reasons, inflammation, angiogenesis, and fibrosis need to be determined. The contribution of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the regulation of the foreign body reaction induced by subcutaneous implantation of a synthetic matrix was never investigated. Here, we examined the role of iNOS in angiogenesis, inflammation, and collagen deposition induced by polyether-polyurethane synthetic implants, using mice with targeted disruption of the iNOS gene (iNOS(-/-)) and wild-type (WT) mice. The hemoglobin content and number of vessels were decreased in the implants of iNOS(-/-) mice compared to WT mice 14 days after implantation. VEGF levels were also reduced in the implants of iNOS(-/-) mice. In contrast, the iNOS(-/-) implants exhibited an increased neutrophil and macrophage infiltration. However, no alterations were observed in levels of CXCL1 and CCL2, chemokines related to neutrophil and macrophage migration, respectively. Furthermore, the implants of iNOS(-/-) mice showed boosted collagen deposition. These data suggest that iNOS activity controls inflammation, angiogenesis, and fibrogenesis in polyether-polyurethane synthetic implants and that lack of iNOS expression increases foreign body reaction to implants in mice.

  4. Crataegus Special Extract WS 1442 Effects on eNOS and microRNA 155. (United States)

    Wang, Xinwen; Liang, Yan; Shi, Jian; Zhu, Hao-Jie; Bleske, Barry E


    Increased expression of microRNA 155 (miR-155) results in a decrease in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression and impaired endothelial function. Factors that have been shown to increase expression of miR-155 may be mitigated by WS 1442, an extract of hawthorn leaves and flowers ( Crataegus special extract) that contains a range of pharmacologically active substances including oligomeric proanthocyanidins and flavonoids. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of WS 1442 on the expression of miR-155 and eNOS in the presence of tumor necrosis factor (TNF- α ). Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were studied after the exposure to TNF- α , with or without simvastatin (positive control) and WS 1442. The expression levels of eNOS, phosphorylated eNOS, and miR-155 in the different HUVEC treatment groups were determined by western blot and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, respectively. To evaluate the effect of WS 1442 on the eNOS activity, the medium and intracellular nitrate/nitrite (NO) concentrations were also analyzed using a colorimetric Griess assay kit. The results demonstrated that TNF- α upregulated miR-155 expression and decreased eNOS expression and NO concentrations. WS 1442 also increased miR-155 expression and decreased eNOS expression but, unlike TNF- α , increased phosphorylated eNOS expression and NO concentrations. Surprisingly, WS 1442 increased miR-155 expression; however, WS 1442 mitigated the overall negative effect of miR-155 on decreasing eNOS expression by increasing expression of phosphorylated eNOS and resulting in an increase in NO concentrations. In the setting where miR-155 may be expressed, WS 1442 may offer vascular protection by increasing the expression of phosphorylated eNOS. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  5. eNOS-uncoupling in age-related erectile dysfunction


    Johnson, JM; Bivalacqua, TJ; Lagoda, GA; Burnett, AL; Musicki, B


    Aging is associated with ED. Although age-related ED is attributed largely to increased oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in the penis, the molecular mechanisms underlying this effect are not fully defined. We evaluated whether endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) uncoupling in the aged rat penis is a contributing mechanism. Correlatively, we evaluated the effect of replacement with eNOS cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) on erectile function in the aged rats. Male Fischer 344 ...

  6. Padrão de mortalidade da comunidade judaica de Belo Horizonte no século XX Mortality pattern of jewish community of Belo Horizonte in the XXth century

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    Débora Balabram


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Fatores genéticos e ambientais são conhecidos por sua importância na gênese de grande parte das doenças. É possível estudá-los pela observação da prevalência de agravos nas populações, bem como das causas de mortalidade, buscando-se uma correlação com os hábitos sociais e origens étnicas e familiares dos indivíduos. Nestes estudos, destacam-se as comunidades nas quais podem-se verificar vínculos sociais e genéticos entre seus membros. A comunidade judaica de Belo Horizonte se encaixa nesses critérios. Ela se consolidou na década de 20 do século passado e, atualmente, a Federação Israelita de Minas Gerais (FISEMG tem cadastro de aproximadamente 600 famílias. Este estudo pretende definir o padrão de mortalidade nessa comunidade, e como ele se modificou a partir de sua formação. MÉTODOS: Foram recuperados dados a partir dos arquivos do Instituto Histórico Israelita Mineiro, da FISEMG e dos Cemitérios Israelita e do Bonfim, oriundos de registros históricos e guias de sepultamento, no período de 1926 a 2003. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 601 registros de óbitos, sendo 61,6% de homens e 38,4% de mulheres. As doenças infecto-parasitárias, dentre elas a tuberculose, ocorreram com maior freqüência nas décadas de 30 e 40 e decresceram nas décadas seguintes. As doenças do aparelho circulatório foram as causas de óbito mais prevalentes a partir da década de 40. CONCLUSÃO: Houve mudança nos padrões de mortalidade da população judaica de Belo Horizonte.OBJECTIVE: Genetic and environmental factors are known for their importance in the genesis of the majority of diseases. It is possible to study them through the observation of prevalence of diseases, and also the mortality causes, relating it to social habits and ethnical and familial origins of the individuals. In those studies, communities in which there are social and genetic links stand out. The jewish community of Belo Horizonte fits these criteria

  7. Penser Système : Découvrir nos modèles d'organisation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bryan, B.; Goodman, M.; Schaveling, J.


    Pourquoi le travail s’accumule-t-il sur nos bureaux alors que nous travaillons de plus en plus? Parfois « nos solutions » aggravent nos problèmes. Comment pouvons-nous éviter ces paradoxes ? Penser système donne de nouvelles perspectives dans des situations complexes. Cela vous permettra de

  8. Improving steamflood effectiveness by horizontal producers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leonhardt, B. [Wintershall AG, Barnstorf (Germany)


    The Emlichheim oilfield is located in North-West-Germany on the Dutch-German border being the Southern downdip part of the Schoonebeek anticline. The field was discovered in 1943 and came on production in 1944. Since production startup, Wintershall operates the field as owner of the concession (90% share of interest) in a joint venture with Mobil Erdgas-Erdoel GmbH (10%). For more than 50 years an average crude oil production of 150.000 t/year has been maintained. Starting with huff ''n'' puff and hot water flooding in the late 60's, the first steam flood project was implemented in 1981. Further steamflood projects started in 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1998 in different areas of the field. Until 1997, only vertical production wells were drilled in the field. Wellbore stability seemed to be a major problem for drilling horizontal wells in the unconsolidated sandstone reservoir at that time. In 1999 an innovative steamflood project was started with three newly drilled horizontal producers surrounding a vertical steam injector. First results are showing a significant improvement in the performance as compared to the earlier projects and offer new chances for further development of the field. Today, the field could no longer be operated without the steam projects as roughly 95% of the field production is coming from thermal EOR. This paper gives a brief overview of the field and its production history, the planning and realization of a current steamflood project using horizontal well technology as well as its performance compared to the earlier projects. It also describes the experience of drilling horizontal wells in the unconsolidated sandstone. A brief outlook to the future field development is given. (orig.)

  9. Horizontal Stratification in Access to Danish University Programmes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk, Martin D.; Thomsen, Jens Peter


    a relatively detailed classification of parents’ occupations to determine how students are endowed with different forms of capital, even when their parents would typically be characterised as belonging to the same social group. Second, we distinguish among disciplines and among university institutions...... to explain the dynamics of horizontal stratification in the Danish university system. Using unique and exhaustive register data, including all higher education institutions and the entire 1984 cohort as of the age of 24, we uncover distinct differences in the magnitude and type of horizontal stratification...... in different fields of study and university institutions. Most importantly, we find distinct patterns of horizontal stratification by field of study and parental occupation that would have remained hidden had we used more aggregated classifications for field of study and social origin....

  10. The effect of high protein diet and exercise on irisin, eNOS, and iNOS expressions in kidney. (United States)

    Tastekin, Ebru; Palabiyik, Orkide; Ulucam, Enis; Uzgur, Selda; Karaca, Aziz; Vardar, Selma Arzu; Yilmaz, Ali; Aydogdu, Nurettin


    Long-term effects of high protein diets (HPDs) on kidneys are still not sufficiently studied. Irisin which increases oxygen consumption and thermogenesis in white fat cells was shown in skeletal muscles and many tissues. Nitric oxide synthases (NOS) are a family of enzymes catalyzing the production of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine. We aimed to investigate the effects of HPD, irisin and NO expression in kidney and relation of them with exercise and among themselves. Animals were grouped as control, exercise, HPD and exercise combined with HPD (exercise-HPD). Rats were kept on a HPD for 5 weeks and an exercise program was given them as 5 exercise and 2 rest days per week exercising on a treadmill with increasing speed and angle. In our study, while HPD group had similar total antioxidant capacity (TAC) levels with control group, exercise and exercise-HPD groups had lower levels (p highly selective and quite clear in this study. Effects of exercise and HPD on kidney should be evaluated with different exercise protocols and contents of the diet. İrisin, eNOS, and iNOS staining localizations should be supported with various research studies.

  11. Remediation of a contaminated thin aquifer by horizontal wells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Breh, W.; Suttheimer, J.; Hoetzl, H. [Univ. of Karlsruhe (Germany); Frank, K. [GEO-Service GmbH, Rheinmuenster (Germany)


    At an industrial site in Bruchsal (Germany) a huge trichloroethene contamination was found. After common remedial actions proved to be widely ineffective, new investigations led to a highly contaminated thin aquifer above the main aquifer. The investigation and the beginning of the remediation of the thin aquifer by two horizontal wells is described in this paper. Special attention was given to the dependence between precipitation and the flow direction in the thin aquifer and to hydraulic connections between the thin and the main aquifer. Also a short introduction into a new remedial technique by horizontal wells and first results of the test phase of the horizontal wells are given.

  12. Escolarização inclusiva de alunos com autismo na rede municipal de ensino de Belo Horizonte Inclusive schooling of students with autism in municipal education of Belo Horizonte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Camila Graciella Santos Gomes


    Full Text Available O direito a matrícula de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em escolas regulares no Brasil é garantido por lei desde a Constituição de 1988. Os dados do Censo Escolar do Ministério da Educação indicam aumento no número de matrícula desses alunos no país ao longo dos anos, especialmente em escolas da rede municipal de ensino. Entre os alunos enquadrados na definição de "necessidades especiais" encontram-se aqueles com autismo, caracterizados por apresentarem alterações na interação social, na comunicação e pela presença de padrões estereotipados de comportamento. A prefeitura de Belo Horizonte - MG vem desenvolvendo ações com o intuito de favorecer o acesso de estudantes com autismo a escolas regulares do município, porém dados sobre o andamento deste processo são escassos. O objetivo desse estudo consistiu em caracterizar os alunos com autismo matriculados em escolas municipais regulares de Belo Horizonte, assim como descrever a maneira pela qual essa escolarização vem ocorrendo nas escolas comuns, a partir da perspectiva de seus professores. Participaram do estudo trinta e três professores da rede regular de ensino do município que tinham contato direto e diário com alunos com autismo. Foram utilizados um questionário semi-estruturado e a escala CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale. Os resultados indicaram que as estratégias utilizadas pela prefeitura parecem favorecer a freqüência dos alunos com autismo, porém há evidências de que eles participam pouco das atividades da escola, a interação com os colegas é escassa e a aprendizagem de conteúdos pedagógicos é limitada.The right to enroll students with special needs in regular schools in Brazil is guaranteed by law since the 1988 Constitution. Ministry of Education school census data indicates that the number of students with special needs enrolled in regular schools in the country has increased over the years, especially in the municipal

  13. Phenotyping of nNOS neurons in the postnatal and adult female mouse hypothalamus. (United States)

    Chachlaki, Konstantina; Malone, Samuel A; Qualls-Creekmore, Emily; Hrabovszky, Erik; Münzberg, Heike; Giacobini, Paolo; Ango, Fabrice; Prevot, Vincent


    Neurons expressing nitric oxide (NO) synthase (nNOS) and thus capable of synthesizing NO play major roles in many aspects of brain function. While the heterogeneity of nNOS-expressing neurons has been studied in various brain regions, their phenotype in the hypothalamus remains largely unknown. Here we examined the distribution of cells expressing nNOS in the postnatal and adult female mouse hypothalamus using immunohistochemistry. In both adults and neonates, nNOS was largely restricted to regions of the hypothalamus involved in the control of bodily functions, such as energy balance and reproduction. Labeled cells were found in the paraventricular, ventromedial, and dorsomedial nuclei as well as in the lateral area of the hypothalamus. Intriguingly, nNOS was seen only after the second week of life in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH). The most dense and heavily labeled population of cells was found in the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis (OV) and the median preoptic nucleus (MEPO), where most of the somata of the neuroendocrine neurons releasing GnRH and controlling reproduction are located. A great proportion of nNOS-immunoreactive neurons in the OV/MEPO and ARH were seen to express estrogen receptor (ER) α. Notably, almost all ERα-immunoreactive cells of the OV/MEPO also expressed nNOS. Moreover, the use of EYFP Vglut2 , EYFP Vgat , and GFP Gad67 transgenic mouse lines revealed that, like GnRH neurons, most hypothalamic nNOS neurons have a glutamatergic phenotype, except for nNOS neurons of the ARH, which are GABAergic. Altogether, these observations are consistent with the proposed role of nNOS neurons in physiological processes. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Distribuição vertical e horizontal de temperaturas do ar em ambientes protegidos Vertical and horizontal distribution of air temperature in a plastic greenhouse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel A. Furlan


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, em dois ambientes protegidos construídos no sentido leste-oeste, com área total de 112 m² e coberto com plástico (150 micra, tratado contra raios ultravioleta. Para caracterizar a distribuição espacial da temperatura do ar no ambiente protegido, instalaram-se termopares (cobre-constantã formando malhas, com espaçamento horizontal entre eles de 3,0 m e nas alturas de 0,5, 1,0, 2,0, 3,0 e 4,0 m em relação ao solo. Os dados foram armazenados a cada 15 min por sistemas automáticos de aquisição de dados nos ambientes protegidos. O sistema de nebulização constituiu-se de duas linhas com 70 bocais totais, instalados a uma altura de 3,0 m, utilizando-se uma pressão de trabalho de 200 kPa. A nebulização não afetou o gradiente vertical de temperatura, que manteve a tendência de aumento de temperatura com a altura, em relação ao nível do solo, enquanto o efeito na redução de temperatura pelo sistema de nebulização somente foi eficaz durante a realização da mesma. Para a representação da distribuição espacial de temperatura do ar no ambiente protegido nos diferentes níveis de altura, construiu-se superfícies isotérmicas a partir dos resultados. Verifica-se que a nebulização apresentou maior efeito na homogeneização da distribuição de temperatura no ambiente protegido no nível referente a 2,0 m de altura, em relação ao solo.This work was conducted in the experimental area of the Department of Rural Engineering of "Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz", University of São Paulo, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. Two greenhouses were installed in the east-west direction, with 6.4 m of width, 17.5 m of length and 3.0 m high, with total area of 112 m²; covered by plastic of 150 micra thickness, treated against ultra violet rays. To characterize the

  15. Principal permeability determination from multiple horizontal well tests

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Economides, M. [Texas A and M Univ., TX (United States); Munoz, A.; Ehlig-Economides, C.


    A method for obtaining principal permeability magnitudes and direction that requires only the linear flow regime from transient tests in three horizontal wells oriented in three distinct and arbitrary directions, is described. Well design optimization strategies require knowledge of both the principal permeability orientation as well as the horizontal permeability magnitudes. When the degree of horizontal permeability anisotropy (i.e. permeability in the bedding plane with respect to direction) is significant, the productivity of a long horizontal well will depend greatly on its direction, especially when the well is first brought into production. Productivities have been found to deviate substantially among wells in the same reservoir and this deviation has been attributed to differences in well orientation. In view of this fact, measuring permeability anisotropy becomes a compelling necessity. The success of the proposed method is illustrated by a case study in which the principal permeability magnitudes and direction from three wells were used to predict the productivity of a fourth well within 10 per cent. Use of the computed principal permeabilities from the case study, it was possible to forecast the cumulative production to show the significance of well trajectory optimization on the discounted cash flow and the net present value. 20 refs., 3 figs.

  16. Estimation of network parameters with consideration of the horizontal refraction influence

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    Ján Ježko


    Full Text Available The proposed paper is focused on reviewing the horizontal refraction during measurement in local geodetic networks. Based on elaborated theoretical assumptions the refraction model was arranged in a way that the questions were solved by the identity of the horizontal refraction. The necessary part of the application of the refraction model is the problem of optimizing the geodetic networks and deducting the method of the variance components, which play a major role in the precision of results. The independent acquisition of the thesis lies in the area of modeling the horizontal refraction with a stochastic approach, where the values of the refraction are gained through the measured data of the horizontal direction. In the model, it is necessary to identify the parameters according to the entire measurements and between two points. According to the attained results, I can state that the horizontal refraction was identified mainly on the measurements that were confirmed near the dam in most of the measured experiments. The experimented measurements were confirmed based on the assumptions that are in theoretical capitol, where the assumptions of the effect of the horizontal refraction are measured near the dam, river, shores, and valleys.

  17. Outcome after BCG treatment for urinary bladder cancer may be influenced by polymorphisms in the NOS2 and NOS3 genes. (United States)

    Ryk, Charlotta; Koskela, Lotta Renström; Thiel, Tomas; Wiklund, N Peter; Steineck, Gunnar; Schumacher, Martin C; de Verdier, Petra J


    Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)-treatment is an established treatment for bladder cancer, but its mechanisms of action are not fully understood. High-risk non-muscle invasive bladder-cancer (NMIBC)-patients failing to respond to BCG-treatment have worse prognosis than those undergoing immediate radical cystectomy and identification of patients at risk for BCG-failure is of high priority. Several studies indicate a role for nitric oxide (NO) in the cytotoxic effect that BCG exerts on bladder cancer cells. In this study we investigated whether NO-synthase (NOS)-gene polymorphisms, NOS2-promoter microsatellite (CCTTT)n, and the NOS3-polymorphisms-786T>C (rs2070744) and Glu298Asp (rs1799983), can serve as possible molecular markers for outcome after BCG-treatment for NMIBC. All NMIBC-patients from a well-characterized population based cohort were analyzed (n=88). Polymorphism data were combined with information from 15-years of clinical follow-up. The effect of BCG-treatment on cancer-specific death (CSD), recurrence and progression in patients with varying NOS-genotypes were studied using Cox proportional hazard-models and log rank tests. BCG-treatment resulted in significantly better survival in patients without (Log rank: p=0.006; HR: 0.12, p=0.048), but not in patients with a long version ((CCTTT)n ≧13 repeats) of the NOS2-promoter microsatellite. The NOS3-rs2070744(TT) and rs1799983(GG)-genotypes showed decreased risk for CSD (Log rank(TT): p=0.001; Log rank(GG): p=0.010, HR(GG): 0.16, p=0.030) and progression (Log rank(TT): p<0.001, HR(TT): 0.05, p=0.005; Log rank(GG): p<0.001, HR(GG): 0.10, p=0.003) after BCG-therapy compared to the other genotypes. There was also a reduction in recurrence in BCG-treated patients that was mostly genotype independent. Analysis of combined genotypes identified a subgroup of 30% of the BCG-treated patients that did not benefit from BCG-treatment. Our results suggest that the investigated polymorphisms influence patient response

  18. Demonstration of in situ-constructed horizontal soil containment barrier at Fernald

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pettit, P.J.; Ridenour, D.; Walker, J.; Saugier, K.


    A new design of jet grouting tool that can be guided by horizontal well casings and that operates in the horizontal plane has been used for the in situ placement of grout and construction of a prototype horizontal barrier that is free of windows. Jet grouting techniques have been advanced to permit construction of horizontal barriers underneath contaminated soil without having to excavate or disturb the waste. The paper describes progress on the Fernald Environmental Restoration Management Corporation (FERMCO) In Situ Land Containment Project which is sponsored by the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Technology Development (OTD) for DOE's Fernald Environmental Management Project (FEMP). The Fernald project is to demonstrate a novel, enabling technology for the controlled underground placement of horizontal panels of grout, and the joining of adjacent panels to construct practical, extensive barriers. Construction strategy, equipment mechanics and operating details of this new method are described

  19. Business models for horizontal collaboration : a practical case study with reusable crates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brandi, Teresa


    This project is centered in the topic of horizontal collaboration. The first part focuses on finding business models for horizontal collaboration. The second part is a practical case study at Kuehne + Nagel. Horizontal collaboration consists of two or more independent companies that plan and execute

  20. Distribution of radon concentration in residences and others buildings of Belo Horizonte city, MG, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, Talita de Oliveira


    Human beings are exposed to ionizing radiation from many natural sources. Radon and its progeny have been recognized as the most important contributors to the natural radioactivity dose, accounting for about half of all human exposure to ionizing radiation. Radon is a α-radioactive noble gas derived from the natural series of uranium and thorium, which occurs in a wide concentration range in all geological materials, especially, in rocks, soils and waters. By diffusion and convection, radon migrates from the rocks and soils to atmosphere and through fissures, pipes and holes it may enter the dwellings and other buildings. Another important radon source in dwellings is its emanation from the construction material. The radon progeny concentration in dwellings has been receiving considerable global attention due to its potential effect in causing lung cancer if it deposited in upper respiratory tract when inhaled. This work presents radon concentration distribution in dwellings in Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte - RMBH. The geological settings of the area are Archean rocks of Granitic Gneissic Complex and of metasediments sequences of the great Precambrian unit of the Iron Quadrangle of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Radon concentration measurements were carried out with continuous detector AlphaGUARD PQ200PRO (Genitron), in passive mode and with passive detectors E-PERM Electrets Ion Chamber-EIC. The radon progeny concentration was carried out with a solid state alpha spectroscope, the DOSEman PRO (Sarad). It was found an indoor radon concentration varying in a large range from 4 to 2664,0 Bq.m"-"3, with an average value of 108.0 Bq.m"-"3, median of 70 Bq.m"-"3, geometric mean equal to 76 Bq.m"-"3 and standard deviation of 170 Bq.m"-"3. About 15% of the results are over the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) actions level, which is 148 Bq.m"-"3.The equilibrium factor between radon and its progeny were determined in dwellings, as 0.3 in average

  1. Two-phase flow patterns in horizontal rectangular minichannel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ron’shin Fedor


    Full Text Available The two-phase flow in a short horizontal channel of rectangular cross-section of 1 × 19 mm2 has been studied experimentally. Five conventional two-phase flow patterns have been detected (bubble, churn, stratified, annular and jet and transitions between them have been determined. It is shown that a change in the width of the horizontal channels has a substantial effect on the boundaries between the flow regimes.

  2. Exposure to diesel exhaust up-regulates iNOS expression in ApoE knockout mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai Ni; Kido, Takashi; Kavanagh, Terrance J.; Kaufman, Joel D.; Rosenfeld, Michael E.; Breemen, Cornelis van; Eeden, Stephan F. van


    Traffic related particulate matter air pollution is a risk factor for cardiovascular events; however, the biological mechanisms are unclear. We hypothesize that diesel exhaust (DE) inhalation induces up-regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), which is known to contribute to vascular dysfunction, progression of atherosclerosis and ultimately cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Methods: ApoE knockout mice (30-week) were exposed to DE (at 200 μg/m 3 of particulate matter) or filtered-air (control) for 7 weeks (6 h/day, 5 days/week). iNOS expression in the blood vessels and heart was evaluated by immunohistochemistry and western blotting analysis. To examine iNOS activity, thoracic aortae were mounted in a wire myograph, and vasoconstriction stimulated by phenylephrine (PE) was measured with and without the presence of the specific inhibitor for iNOS (1400 W). NF-κB (p65) activity was examined by ELISA. The mRNA expression of iNOS and NF-κB (p65) was determined by real-time PCR. Results: DE exposure significantly enhanced iNOS expression in the thoracic aorta (4-fold) and heart (1.5 fold). DE exposure significantly attenuated PE-stimulated vasoconstriction by ∼ 20%, which was partly reversed by 1400 W. The mRNA expression of iNOS and NF-κB was significantly augmented after DE exposure. NF-κB activity was enhanced 2-fold after DE inhalation, and the augmented NF-κB activity was positively correlated with iNOS expression (R 2 = 0.5998). Conclusions: We show that exposure to DE increases iNOS expression and activity possibly via NF-κB-mediated pathway. We suspect that DE exposure-caused up-regulation of iNOS contributes to vascular dysfunction and atherogenesis, which could ultimately lead to urban air pollution-associated cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. - Highlights: → Exposed ApoE knockout mice (30-week) to diesel exhaust (DE) for 7 weeks. → Examine iNOS expression and activity in the blood vessels and heart. → DE exposure

  3. Envolvimento nos direitos humanos e sistemas de valores


    Pereira,Cícero; Ribeiro,Ana Raquel Correia; Cardoso,Sandro José


    Com base no modelo da análise quantitativa das representações sociais, o estudo (N = 300) tratou do posicionamento de estudantes universitários em relação aos Direitos Humanos (DHs) e à ancoragem social desse posicionamento nos sistemas de valores dos estudantes. Os resultados mostram que as representações dos estudantes sobre o envolvimento nos DHs envolvem quatro princípios organizadores: pessoal-abstrato; pessoal-concreto; governamental-abstrato; governamental-concreto. Em relação à ancora...

  4. Saúde mental e a continuidade do cuidado em centros de saúde de Belo Horizonte, MG Salud mental y la continuidad del cuidado en centros de salud de una ciudad en Sudeste de Brasil Mental health and continuity of care in healthcare centers in a city of Southeastern Brazil

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    Graziella Lage Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores associados à continuidade do cuidado em saúde mental de pacientes encaminhados a centros de saúde. MÉTODOS: Foi conduzido um estudo de seguimento de 98 pacientes encaminhados a oito centros de saúde com equipe de saúde mental da área de abrangência de um centro de referência à saúde mental, em Belo Horizonte, MG, atendidos entre 2003 e 2004. Variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas e referentes à continuidade foram descritas e em seguida comparadas, utilizando o teste do qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: Após o encaminhamento, 35 pacientes não compareceram para o primeiro atendimento nos centros de saúde. Dos que o fizeram, 38 continuaram em tratamento. Retornar ao centro de referência para nova consulta após o encaminhamento e ter tido mais de dois encaminhamentos foram fatores facilitadores da continuidade do cuidado. Nenhuma característica individual esteve associada à continuidade. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados sugerem haver uma falha na proposta da linha de cuidado. A continuidade do tratamento parece estar mais relacionada a fatores referentes ao serviço do que a características do paciente.OBJETIVO: Analizar los factores asociados a la continuidad del cuidado en salud mental de pacientes encaminados a centros de salud. MÉTODOS: Fue realizado un estudio de seguimiento de 98 pacientes encaminados a ocho centros de salud con equipo de salud mental del área de alcance de un centro de referencia de salud mental, en Belo Horizonte, Sudeste de Brasil, atendidos entre 2003 e 2004. Variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y referentes a la continuidad fueron descritas y en seguida comparadas, utilizando el teste do qui-cuadrado. RESULTADOS: Después del encaminamiento, 35 pacientes no acudieron para la primera atención en centros de salud. De los que hicieron, 38 continuaron en tratamiento. Retornar al centro de referencia para nueva consulta después del encaminamiento haber tenido más de dos

  5. Real-time horizontal position control for Aditya-upgrade tokamak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, Rohit; Ghosh, Joydeep; Tanna, Rakesh L.


    Position of plasma column is required to be controlled in real time for improved operation of any tokamak. A PID based system for real-time horizontal plasma position control has been designed for Aditya Upgrade tokamak. Modelling of transfer functions of actuators, plasma and diagnostic system are carried out for ADITYA-U tokamak. The PID controller is optimized using MATLAB-SIMULINK for horizontal position control. Further feed-forward loop is implemented where disturbance due to density variation is suppressed, which results in improved performance as compared to conventional PID operation. In this paper the detailed design of the whole system for real time control of plasma horizontal position in Aditya Upgrade tokamak is presented. (author)

  6. Heat transfer by natural convection into an horizontal cavity; Transferencia de calor por conveccion natural en una cavidad horizontal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arevalo J, P


    At this thesis it is studied the heat transfer by natural convection in an horizontal cavity, it is involved a boiling`s part that is described the regimes and correlations differences for boiling`s curve. It is designed a horizontal cavity for realize the experimental part and it`s mention from equipment or instrumentation to succeed in a experimentation that permits to realize the analysis of heat transfer, handling as water fluid at atmospheric pressure and where it`s present process from natural convection involving part boiling`s subcooled. The system consists of heater zone submerged in a horizontal cavity with water. Once part finished experimental with information to obtained it`s proceeded to obtain a correlation, realized starting from analysis dimensionless such as: Jakob, Bond and Grasoft (Boiling) besides of knows in natural convection: Prandtl and Nusselt. The mathematical model explains the behavior for natural convection continued part boiling`s subcooled. It is realize analysis graphics too where it`s show comparing with Globe Dropkin and Catton equations by natural convection with bottom heating. (Author)

  7. Heat transfer by natural convection into an horizontal cavity; Transferencia de calor por conveccion natural en una cavidad horizontal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arevalo J, P


    At this thesis it is studied the heat transfer by natural convection in an horizontal cavity, it is involved a boiling`s part that is described the regimes and correlations differences for boiling`s curve. It is designed a horizontal cavity for realize the experimental part and it`s mention from equipment or instrumentation to succeed in a experimentation that permits to realize the analysis of heat transfer, handling as water fluid at atmospheric pressure and where it`s present process from natural convection involving part boiling`s subcooled. The system consists of heater zone submerged in a horizontal cavity with water. Once part finished experimental with information to obtained it`s proceeded to obtain a correlation, realized starting from analysis dimensionless such as: Jakob, Bond and Grasoft (Boiling) besides of knows in natural convection: Prandtl and Nusselt. The mathematical model explains the behavior for natural convection continued part boiling`s subcooled. It is realize analysis graphics too where it`s show comparing with Globe Dropkin and Catton equations by natural convection with bottom heating. (Author)

  8. Alteração estrutural de áreas de florestas exploradas convencionalmente em planos de manejo, nos domínios de floresta Atlântica, Minas Gerais, Brasil Structural changes in conventionally exploited forest areas in management plans, in the Atlantic florest domain, Minas Gerais state, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danilo José da Silva Coelho


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as alterações nas estruturas horizontal, diamétrica e interna em áreas de planos de manejo florestal exploradas convencionalmente. Utilizaram-se indicadores e verificadores, tendo como testemunha a área de reserva legal. Decorrido o tempo de exploração florestal de cada Plano de Manejo Florestal (PMF e comparando as áreas de manejo florestal e áreas de reserva legal, com relação a alterações na estrutura horizontal dos PMFs, o verificador densidade absoluta indicou que as áreas de manejo florestal foram iguais estatisticamente (P>0,05 às áreas de reserva legal nos PMF28, PMF29 e PMF30 e diferentes (P0,05 às áreas de reserva legal nos PMF28, PMF30 e PMF16 e diferentes (P0,05 às áreas de reserva legal nos PMF28, PMF29 e PMF30 e diferentes (P0,05 às áreas de reserva legal nos PMF29, PMF30 e PMF16 e diferente (P0,05 às áreas de reserva legal em todos os PMFs.The objective of the present study was to analyze the changes in the horizontal, diametric and internal structures in conventionally exploited areas of forest management plans. Indicators and verifiers were used having as control the legal reserve area. After the forest harvest period of each FMP and comparing the forest management areas with the legal reserve areas with respect to changes in the horizontal structure of the FMPs, the verifier absolute density indicated that the forest management areas were statistically equal (p>0.05 to legal reserve areas in the FMP28, FMP29 and FMP30 and different (P=0.05 in the FMP16. The verifiers outside absolute dominance and total volume outside bark indicated that the stocks of basal area and total volume of the forest management areas were statistically equal (P>0.05 to legal reserve areas in the FMP28, FMP30 and FMP16, and different (P=0.05 in the FMP29. In relation to changes in the diametric structure of PMFs, the verifiers distribution of absolute density, basal area and outside bark

  9. Fourth international seminar on horizontal steam generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tuomisto, H. [ed.] [IVO Group, Vantaa (Finland); Purhonen, H. [ed.] [VTT, Espoo (Finland); Kouhia, V. [ed.] [Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology (Finland)


    The general objective of the International Seminars of Horizontal Steam Generator Modelling has been the improvement in understanding of realistic thermal hydraulic behaviour of the generators when performing safety analyses for VVER reactors. The main topics presented in the fourth seminar were: thermal hydraulic experiments and analyses, primary collector integrity, feedwater distributor replacement, management of primary-to-secondary leakage accidents and new developments in the VVER safety technology. The number of participants, representing designers and manufacturers of the horizontal steam generators, plant operators, engineering companies, research organizations, universities and regulatory authorities, was 70 from 10 countries.

  10. Fourth international seminar on horizontal steam generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tuomisto, H [ed.; IVO Group, Vantaa (Finland); Purhonen, H [ed.; VTT, Espoo (Finland); Kouhia, V [ed.; Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology (Finland)


    The general objective of the International Seminars of Horizontal Steam Generator Modelling has been the improvement in understanding of realistic thermal hydraulic behaviour of the generators when performing safety analyses for VVER reactors. The main topics presented in the fourth seminar were: thermal hydraulic experiments and analyses, primary collector integrity, feedwater distributor replacement, management of primary-to-secondary leakage accidents and new developments in the VVER safety technology. The number of participants, representing designers and manufacturers of the horizontal steam generators, plant operators, engineering companies, research organizations, universities and regulatory authorities, was 70 from 10 countries.

  11. Fourth international seminar on horizontal steam generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tuomisto, H.; Purhonen, H.; Kouhia, V.


    The general objective of the International Seminars of Horizontal Steam Generator Modelling has been the improvement in understanding of realistic thermal hydraulic behaviour of the generators when performing safety analyses for VVER reactors. The main topics presented in the fourth seminar were: thermal hydraulic experiments and analyses, primary collector integrity, feedwater distributor replacement, management of primary-to-secondary leakage accidents and new developments in the VVER safety technology. The number of participants, representing designers and manufacturers of the horizontal steam generators, plant operators, engineering companies, research organizations, universities and regulatory authorities, was 70 from 10 countries

  12. Potential for horizontal well technology in the U.S

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biglarbigi, K.; Mohan, H.; Ray, R.M.; Meehan, D.N.


    In the past decade, the use of horizontal well technology has increased significantly in the U.S., contributing to the drilling of 600 to 1000 horizontal oil wells annually. A total of 86 per cent of the existing horizontal wells have been drilled in three formations, the Austin chalk in Texas, the Bakken shale in North Dakota, and the Niobrara in Colorado and Wyoming. A unique analytical system has been developed by the United States Department of Energy, National Petroleum Technology Office (USDOE/NPTO) to assess the potential for greater use of horizontal well technology for other oil resources in other geological formations. The analytical system is designed to be used in association with other enhanced recovery methods that make up the DOE's Total Oil Recovery Information System (TORIS). The DOE/NPTO collaborated with industry to identify the target resource for horizontal well technology and to evaluate its future recovery potential under different economic and technological conditions. This paper provides a national summary of the potential for additional production and reserves with more diverse application of horizontal wells in various types of U.S. oil resources, including the rest of the fractured reservoirs in the Austin chalk, other fractured reservoirs in the north and northwestern states, thin-bed reservoirs, and mature waterflood field. The results were presented in terms of production, reserves and national economic benefits with a full cash-flow analysis at oil prices in the range of $16 to $24 U.S. per bbl. It is estimated that 541 million to 1 billion bbls of new reserves are economically producible at these prices. The reserves estimates pertain to future horizontal wells in known fields only and are in addition to the reserves for the existing wells as of 1 January 1998. Potential production is substantial, ranging from 50 million to 85 million bbl per year by 2004 and then declining at a rate of 8 per cent per year in the following years

  13. Characterization of horizontal air–water two-phase flow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kong, Ran; Kim, Seungjin, E-mail:


    Highlights: • A visualization study is performed to develop flow regime map in horizontal flow. • Database in horizontal bubbly flow is extended using a local conductivity probe. • Frictional pressure drop analysis is performed in horizontal bubbly flow. • Drift flux analysis is performed in horizontal bubbly flow. - Abstract: This paper presents experimental studies performed to characterize horizontal air–water two-phase flow in a round pipe with an inner diameter of 3.81 cm. A detailed flow visualization study is performed using a high-speed video camera in a wide range of two-phase flow conditions to verify previous flow regime maps. Two-phase flows are classified into bubbly, plug, slug, stratified, stratified-wavy, and annular flow regimes. While the transition boundaries identified in the present study compare well with the existing ones (Mandhane et al., 1974) in general, some discrepancies are observed for bubbly-to-plug/slug, and plug-to-slug transition boundaries. Based on the new transition boundaries, three additional test conditions are determined in horizontal bubbly flow to extend the database by Talley et al. (2015a). Various local two-phase flow parameters including void fraction, interfacial area concentration, bubble velocity, and bubble Sauter mean diameter are obtained. The effects of increasing gas flow rate on void fraction, bubble Sauter mean diameter, and bubble velocity are discussed. Bubbles begin to coalesce near the gas–liquid layer instead of in the highly packed region when gas flow rate increases. Using all the current experimental data, two-phase frictional pressure loss analysis is performed using the Lockhart–Martinelli method. It is found that the coefficient C = 24 yields the best agreement with the data with the minimum average difference. Moreover, drift flux analysis is performed to predict void-weighted area-averaged bubble velocity and area-averaged void fraction. Based on the current database, functional

  14. A horizontal vane radiometer: experiment, theory and simulation


    Wolfe, David; Lazarra, Andres; Garcia, Alejandro


    The existence of two motive forces on a Crookes radiometer has complicated the investigation of either force independently. The thermal creep shear force in particular has been subject to differing interpretations of the direction in which it acts and its order of magnitude. In this article we provide a horizontal vane radiometer design which isolates the thermal creep shear force. The horizontal vane radiometer is explored through experiment, kinetic theory, and the Direct Simulation Monte C...

  15. Circulating Blood eNOS Contributes to the Regulation of Systemic Blood Pressure and Nitrite Homeostasis (United States)

    Wood, Katherine C.; Cortese-Krott, Miriam M.; Kovacic, Jason C.; Noguchi, Audrey; Liu, Virginia B.; Wang, Xunde; Raghavachari, Nalini; Boehm, Manfred; Kato, Gregory J.; Kelm, Malte; Gladwin, Mark T.


    Objective Mice genetically deficient in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS−/−) are hypertensive with lower circulating nitrite levels, indicating the importance of constitutively produced nitric oxide (NO•) to blood pressure regulation and vascular homeostasis. While the current paradigm holds that this bioactivity derives specifically from expression of eNOS in endothelium, circulating blood cells also express eNOS protein. A functional red cell eNOS that modulates vascular NO• signaling has been proposed. Approach and Results To test the hypothesis that blood cells contribute to mammalian blood pressure regulation via eNOS-dependent NO• generation, we cross-transplanted WT and eNOS−/− mice, producing chimeras competent or deficient for eNOS expression in circulating blood cells. Surprisingly, we observed a significant contribution of both endothelial and circulating blood cell eNOS to blood pressure and systemic nitrite levels, the latter being a major component of the circulating NO• reservoir. These effects were abolished by the NOS inhibitor L-NAME and repristinated by the NOS substrate L-Arginine, and were independent of platelet or leukocyte depletion. Mouse erythrocytes were also found to carry an eNOS protein and convert 14C-Arginine into 14C-Citrulline in a NOS-dependent fashion. Conclusions These are the first studies to definitively establish a role for a blood borne eNOS, using cross transplant chimera models, that contributes to the regulation of blood pressure and nitrite homeostasis. This work provides evidence suggesting that erythrocyte eNOS may mediate this effect. PMID:23702660

  16. Survey of horizontal stresses in coal mines from available measurements and mapping.

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Frith, R


    Full Text Available of work for the project was outlined in the proposal submitted to SIMRAC in mid-2000 and is summarised as follows: (i) to undertake a peer review of available in-situ stress measurements relating to the Witbank and Highveld coalfields in South Africa... OF HORIZONTAL STRESS IN THE WITBANK AND HIGHVELD COALFIELDS 21 4.1 Is Horizontal Stress at Work in Roadway Roof Behaviour? 21 4.2 Summary of Measured Horizontal Stresses 24 4.3 Proposed Model for the Origin of Horizontal Stress Within the Coalfields 27 4...

  17. Discharge behaviour of Mg-Al-Pb and Mg-Al-Pb-In alloys as anodes for Mg-air battery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Naiguang; Wang, Richu; Peng, Chaoqun; Peng, Bing; Feng, Yan; Hu, Chengwang


    Highlights: • We investigate the effect of indium on the discharge behaviour of Mg-Al-Pb alloy. • We evaluate the performance of Mg-air batteries with Mg-Al-Pb and Mg-Al-Pb-In anodes. • We analyze the activation mechanism of Mg-Al-Pb-In alloy in the discharge process. - Abstract: The discharge behaviour of Mg-Al-Pb and Mg-Al-Pb-In alloys in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution is investigated by electrochemical techniques, and compared with that of pure magnesium. The results show that Mg-Al-Pb-In alloy provides a more negative potential and exhibits a higher utilization efficiency in contrast with Mg-Al-Pb alloy and pure magnesium during the half-cell test at a large current density, and gives desirable discharge performance when used as anode for Mg- air battery. The peak power density of the Mg-air battery with Mg-Al-Pb-In anode is 94.5 mW cm −2 , which is comparable with those of Mg-H 2 O 2 semi-fuel batteries. Moreover, the activation mechanism of Mg-Al-Pb-In alloy during the discharge process is also analyzed

  18. Wake of inertial waves of a horizontal cylinder in horizontal translation (United States)

    Machicoane, Nathanaël; Labarre, Vincent; Voisin, Bruno; Moisy, Frédéric; Cortet, Pierre-Philippe


    We analyze theoretically and experimentally the wake behind a horizontal cylinder of diameter d horizontally translated at constant velocity U in a fluid rotating about the vertical axis at a rate Ω . Using particle image velocimetry measurements in the rotating frame, we show that the wake is stabilized by rotation for Reynolds number Re =U d /ν much larger than in a nonrotating fluid. Over the explored range of parameters, the limit of stability is Re ≃(275 ±25 )/Ro , with Ro =U /2 Ω d the Rossby number, indicating that the stabilizing process is governed by the Ekman pumping in the boundary layer. At low Rossby number, the wake takes the form of a stationary pattern of inertial waves, similar to the wake of surface gravity waves behind a ship. We compare this steady wake pattern to a model, originally developed by Johnson [E. R. Johnson, J. Fluid Mech. 120, 359 (1982), 10.1017/S0022112082002808], assuming a free-slip boundary condition and a weak streamwise perturbation. Our measurements show quantitative agreement with this model for Ro ≲0.3 . At larger Rossby number, the phase pattern of the wake is close to the prediction for an infinitely small line object. However, the wake amplitude and phase origin are not correctly described by the weak-streamwise-perturbation model, calling for an alternative model for the boundary condition at moderate rotation rate.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arturo G. Rillo


    Full Text Available En este artículo se abren caminos para la reflexión y la investigación de la pregunta pedagógica como un problema hermenéutico sustentado en la dialéctica de la pregunta y la respuesta. El punto de partida se construyó mediante las coordenadas propuestas por Heidegger (punto de mira, dirección de la mirada y horizonte de la mira y los prejuicios que subyacen en la tradición educativa contemporánea. El análisis se proyecta hacia la identificación de la estructura y el horizonte de la pregunta pedagógica confrontando los aportes de Heidegger, Gadamer y Freire en la elaboración de una pedagogía de la pregunta. La estructura de la pregunta incluye lo puesto en cuestión, lo preguntado y lo interrogado, lo que posibilita construir un horizonte para comprender la pregunta pedagógica desde la aproximación del estudiante a los saberes desde una praxis liberadora. Se concluye que la estructura y el horizonte de la pregunta pedagógica se sustentan en la lógica concreta del trabajo hermenéutico, donde la apertura del estudiante a las experiencias y vivencias desvela la construcción de su conocimiento mediante el arte de pensar que deriva de la praxis transformadora.

  20. Macrophages activate iNOS signaling in adventitial fibroblasts and contribute to adventitia fibrosis. (United States)

    Zhang, Guannan; Li, Xiaodong; Sheng, Chengyu; Chen, Xiaohui; Chen, Yu; Zhu, Dingliang; Gao, Pingjin


    A large amount of NO is generated through the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) pathway from the vascular adventitia in various vascular diseases. However, it is currently not fully understood how the iNOS signaling pathway is activated. In the present study, this question was addressed in the context of adventitial cellular interactions. A rat model of acute hypertension in the contralateral carotid arteries was established through transverse aortic constriction (TAC) surgery. In this model, activated macrophages were found surrounded by a large quantity of iNOS-expressing adventitial fibroblasts (AFs), suggesting a possible causal relationship between macrophages and iNOS activation of the neighboring AFs. In an in vitro model, a macrophage-like cell line RAW 264.7 was first activated by LPS treatment. The supernatant was then harvested and applied to treat primary rat AFs. iNOS in AFs was activated robustly by the supernatant treatment but not by LPS itself. Treating AFs with interleukin-1β (IL-1β) also activated iNOS signaling, suggesting that the IL-1β pathway might be a possible mediator. As a consequence of the iNOS activation, total protein nitration and S-nitrosylation significantly increased in those AFs. Additionally, increased deposition of type I and type III collagens was observed in both in vitro and in vivo models. The collagen deposition was partially restored by an iNOS inhibitor, 1400 W. These findings highlight the importance of iNOS signaling during vascular inflammation, and advance our understanding of its activation through a cellular interaction perspective. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. The effect of the MgO buffer layer thickness on magnetic anisotropy in MgO/Fe/Cr/MgO buffer/MgO(001)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kozioł-Rachwał, Anna, E-mail: [National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Spintronics Research Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568 (Japan); AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków (Poland); Nozaki, Takayuki; Zayets, Vadym; Kubota, Hitoshi; Fukushima, Akio; Yuasa, Shinji [National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Spintronics Research Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568 (Japan); Suzuki, Yoshishige [National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Spintronics Research Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568 (Japan); Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, 1-3 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531 (Japan)


    The relationship between the magnetic properties and MgO buffer layer thickness d was studied in epitaxial MgO/Fe(t)/Cr/MgO(d) layers grown on MgO(001) substrate in which the Fe thickness t ranged from 0.4 nm to 1.1 nm. For 0.4 nm ≤ t ≤ 0.7 nm, a non-monotonic coercivity dependence on the MgO buffer thickness was shown by perpendicular magneto-optic Kerr effect magnetometry. For thicker Fe films, an increase in the buffer layer thickness resulted in a spin reorientation transition from perpendicular to the in-plane magnetization direction. Possible origins of these unusual behaviors were discussed in terms of the suppression of carbon contamination at the Fe surface and changes in the magnetoelastic anisotropy in the system. These results illustrate a method to control magnetic anisotropy in MgO/Fe/Cr/MgO(d) via an appropriate choice of MgO buffer layer thickness d.

  2. Acúmulo e liberação de P, K, Ca e Mg em crotalária e milheto solteiros e consorciados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriano Perin


    Full Text Available As características das leguminosas e gramíneas usadas como plantas de cobertura são bastante conhecidas, mas a velocidade com que os nutrientes associados à biomassa vegetal tornam-se disponíveis às culturas é ainda pouco estudada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o acúmulo e a taxa de liberação de nutrientes de crotalária e milheto solteiros ou consorciados. O delineamento experimental adotado foi blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram crotalária, milheto, crotalária + milheto e vegetação espontânea. O acúmulo de P e Mg foi influenciado pela produção de massa, com valores elevados na crotalária, enquanto o acúmulo de Ca resultou tanto do maior teor quanto da maior produção de massa nos tratamentos com a leguminosa. A liberação de nutrientes dos resíduos apresentou dinâmica semelhante, com duas fases distintas: a primeira com taxas mais elevadas nos primeiros 15 dias e a segunda mais lenta a partir dessa fase. As taxas de liberação de K, Ca e Mg foram semelhantes, independentemente dos tratamentos. Os resíduos da crotalária apresentaram maior liberação de P do que as da vegetação espontânea, com meia vida de 11 dias e a vegetação espontânea de 17 dias. O Ca foi liberado mais lentamente do que os demais nutrientes, e o Mg mais rapidamente. As plantas espontâneas e o milheto apresentam importante potencial na reciclagem de K, e a crotalária se destacou na reciclagem de Ca e Mg.

  3. The interconnection between biofilm formation and horizontal gene transfer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Jonas Stenløkke; Burmølle, Mette; Hansen, Lars H.


    Recent research has revealed that horizontal gene transfer and biofilm formation are connected processes. Although published research investigating this interconnectedness is still limited, we will review this subject in order to highlight the potential of these observations because....... Biofilms, furthermore, promote plasmid stability and may enhance the host range of mobile genetic elements that are transferred horizontally. Plasmids, on the other hand, are very well suited to promote the evolution of social traits such as biofilm formation. This, essentially, transpires because plasmids...... of their believed importance in the understanding of the adaptation and subsequent evolution of social traits in bacteria. Here, we discuss current evidence for such interconnectedness centred on plasmids. Horizontal transfer rates are typically higher in biofilm communities compared with those in planktonic states...

  4. The Interplay of Different Types of Governance in Horizontal Cooperations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raue, Jan Simon; Wieland, Andreas


    Purpose – Over the last decades, horizontal cooperations between logistics service providers (LSPs) have become a well-established organizational form and their use is expected to grow even further in the future. In spite of this increasing importance of horizontal LSP cooperations, little research...

  5. Assessment of the perception of verticality and horizontality with self-paced saccades. (United States)

    Pettorossi, V E; Bambagioni, D; Bronstein, A M; Gresty, M A


    We investigated the ability of human subjects (Ss) to make self-paced saccades in the earth-vertical and horizontal directions (space-referenced task) and in the direction of the head-vertical and horizontal axis (self-referenced task) during whole body tilts of 0 degrees, 22.5 degrees, 45 degrees and 90 degrees in the frontal (roll) plane. Saccades were recorded in the dark with computerised video-oculography. During space-referenced tasks, the saccade vectors did not fully counter-rotate to compensate for larger angles of body tilt. This finding is in agreement with the 'A' effect reported for the visual vertical. The error was significantly larger for saccades intended to be space-horizontal than space-vertical. This vertico-horizontal dissociation implies greater difficulty in defining horizontality than verticality with the non-visual motor task employed. In contrast, normal Ss (and an alabyrinthine subject tested) were accurate in orienting saccades to their own (cranio-centric) vertical and horizontal axes regardless of tilt indicating that cranio-centric perception is robust and apparently not affected by gravitational influences.

  6. Association between nucleotide mutation of eNOS gene and serum ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Various mutation on endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOs) gene cause reduced production of NO, the expansion factor (VEF) and may accelerate the process of atherosclerosis. The study was designed to investigate the frequency of T-786C polymorphism of the gene or nucleotide mutation of eNOS gene in patients ...

  7. Microstructural evolution in Mg-rich Mg-Zn-Y alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biswas, T.; Ranganathan, S.; Nair, S.; Bajargan, G.


    Mg-rich Mg-Zn-Y alloys with nominal compositions Mg 97 Zn 1 Y 2 , Mg 97 Zn 2 Y 1 , Mg 92 Zn 6.5 Y 1.5 and Mg 97-x Zn 1 Y 2 Zr x have been chosen for the present study. These alloys are prepared by using sand casting mold. The sand cast alloys are remelted and subjected to copper mold casting and melt spinning techniques. The effect of cooling rate on microstructures was studied. It is observed that the size of the precipitates decreases with an increase of cooling rate. The formation of nano precipitates results in higher strength of the alloy as compared to the conventional alloys. The microstructures of melt spun ribbons are compared with RS/PM (rapidly solidified power metallurgy) Mg 97 Zn 1 Y 2 alloy, obtained from a different source. (author)

  8. Development of fuel assembly seismic analysis against vertical and horizontal earthquake

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, T.; Akitake, J.; Kobayashi, H.; Azumi, S.; Koike, H.; Takeda, N.; Suzuki, S.


    Vertical vibration with large acceleration was observed in KOBE earthquake in 1995. Concerning PWR fuel assembly, though the vertical response has been calculated by a static analysis, it had better be calculated by a dynamic analysis in detail. Furthermore, mutual effects between horizontal and vertical motions attract our attention. For these reasons, a dynamic analysis method in the vertical direction was developed and linked with the previously developed method in the horizontal direction. This is the method that takes effect of vertical vibration into the horizontal vibration analysis as the change of horizontal stiffness, which is brought by axial compressive force. In this paper, fundamental test results for developing the method are introduced and summary of the advanced method's procedure and analysis results are also described. (authors)

  9. Effects of atorvastatin and T-786C polymorphism of eNOS gene on plasma metabolic lipid parameters. (United States)

    Zago, Vanessa Helena de Souza; Santos, José Eduardo Tanus dos; Danelon, Mirian Regina Gardin; Silva, Roger Marcelo Mesquita da; Panzoldo, Natália Baratella; Parra, Eliane Soler; Alexandre, Fernanda; Virgínio, Vítor Wilson de Moura; Quintão, Eder Carlos Rocha; Faria, Eliana Cotta de


    Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity may be modulated by high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), statins or polymorphisms, such as the T-786C of eNOS. This study aimed at evaluating if the T-786C polymorphism is associated with changes of atorvastatin effects on the lipid profile, on the concentrations of metabolites of nitric oxide (NO) and of high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP). Thirty male volunteers, asymptomatic, aged between 18 and 56 years were genotyped and classified according to absence (TT, n = 15) or presence (CC, n = 15) of the polymorphism. They were randomly selected for the use of placebo or atorvastatin (10 mg/day/14 days). After each treatment lipids, lipoproteins, HDL2 and HDL3 composition, cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity, metabolites of NO and hsCRP were evaluated. The comparisons between genotypes after placebo showed an increase in CETP activity in a polymorphism-dependent way (TT, 12±7; CC, 22±12; p < 0.05). The interaction analyses between treatments indicated that atorvastatin has an effect on cholesterol, LDL, nitrite and lipid-protein ratios (HDL2 and HDL3) (p < 0.001) in both genotypes. Interestingly, we observed genotype/drug interactions on CETP (p < 0.07) and lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) (p < 0.056), leading to a borderline decrease in CETP, but with no effect on Lp(a). HsCRP showed no alteration. These results suggest that statin treatment may be relevant for primary prevention of atherosclerosis in patients with the T-786C polymorphism of eNOS, considering the effects on lipid metabolism.

  10. Electroacupuncture Delays Hypertension Development through Enhancing NO/NOS Activity in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hye Suk Hwang


    Full Text Available Using spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR, this study investigated whether electroacupuncture (EA could reduce early stage hypertension by examining nitric oxide (NO levels in plasma and nitric oxide synthase (NOS levels in the mesenteric resistance artery. EA was applied to the acupuncture point Governor Vessel 20 (GV20 or to a non-acupuncture point in the tail twice weekly for 3 weeks under anesthesia. In conscious SHR and normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY rats, blood pressure was determined the day after EA treatment by the tail-cuff method. We measured plasma NO concentration, and evaluated endothelial NO syntheses (eNOS and neuronal NOS (nNOS protein expression in the mesenteric artery. Systolic blood pressure (SBP and diastolic blood pressure (DBP were lower after 3 weeks of GV20 treatment than EA at non-acupuncture point and no treatment control in SHR. nNOS expression by EA was significantly different between both WKY and no treatment SHR control, and EA at GV20 in SHR. eNOS expression was significantly high in EA at GV 20 compared with no treatment control. In conclusion, EA could attenuate the blood pressure elevation of SHR, along with enhancing NO/NOS activity in the mesenteric artery in SHR.

  11. The model coupling fluid flow in reservoir with flow in horizontal wellbore

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Xiangping; Jiang, Zhixiang [RIPED-TEXACO Horizontal Well Technology Laboratory (United States)


    Three-dimensional pressure distributions of oil flow in a reservoir with horizontal well were derived, and a new formula to calculate pressure drop along the horizontal wellbore was developed based on the principle of conservation of matter and momentum. The formula considers the effect of influx into the horizontal wellbore from the reservoir on pressure drop in the wellbore. A mathematical model to couple fluid flow in the reservoir with flow in the horizontal wellbore is presented. Model results and experimental data showed good correspondence. Results showed the influence of pressure drop on well performance. 13 refs., 2 tabs., 7 figs.

  12. Expression of Beta-catenin, COX-2 and iNOS in Colorectal Cancer: Relevance of COX-2 and iNOS Inhibitors for Treatment in Malaysia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seok Kwan Hong


    Conclusions: The accumulation of β-catenin does not seem to be sufficient to activate pathways that lead to increased COX-2 and iNOS expression. A high proportion of colorectal cancers were found to express COX-2 and a significant number produced iNOS, suggesting that their inhibitors may be potentially useful as chemotherapeutic agents in the management of colorectal cancer.

  13. Condensation of steam in horizontal pipes: model development and validation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szijarto, R.


    This thesis submitted to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH in Zurich presents the development and validation of a model for the condensation of steam in horizontal pipes. Condensation models were introduced and developed particularly for the application in the emergency cooling system of a Gen-III+ boiling water reactor. Such an emergency cooling system consists of slightly inclined horizontal pipes, which are immersed in a cold water tank. The pipes are connected to the reactor pressure vessel. They are responsible for a fast depressurization of the reactor core in the case of accident. Condensation in horizontal pipes was investigated with both one-dimensional system codes (RELAP5) and three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics software (ANSYS FLUENT). The performance of the RELAP5 code was not sufficient for transient condensation processes. Therefore, a mechanistic model was developed and implemented. Four models were tested on the LAOKOON facility, which analysed direct contact condensation in a horizontal duct

  14. A epilepsia nos tumores cerebrais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís Marques-Assis


    Full Text Available De 411 casos de tumores cerebrais foram estudados 86 (19,4% que apresentaram manifestações epilépticas. A epilepsia foi estudada quanto à duração, ao tipo de manifestação e à severidade, em relação à natureza e à localização dos tumores cerebrais. A análise dos resultados permitiu aos autores chegarem às seguintes conclusões: 1 a epilepsia incidiu em 19,4% dos casos; 2 o oligodendroglioma, as metástases carcinomatosas e o glioblastoma multiforme foram, pela ordem, os tumores mais epileptogênicos; 3 as áreas frontal, parietal e temporal foram, nessa ordem, as localizações mais epileptogênicas; 4 os carcinomas metastáticos predominaram nos casos com epilepsia com menos de um ano de evolução, enquanto que os astrocitomas predominaram nos casos com mais de três anos; quanto à topografia, predominou a região frontal no primeiro grupo e a temporal, no segundo; 5 nas formas mais severas de epilepsia predominaram os oligodendrogliomas e os meningeomas, quanto à natureza, e a região frontotemporal e a foice, quanto à localização; 6 os craniofaringeomas e os meduloblastomas foram os tumores que mais freqüentemente determinaram o aparecimento de convulsões puras; nesses casos, a sela túrsica e a fossa posterior foram as sedes mais freqüentes; 7 os carcinomas metastáticos e os meningeomas, quanto à natureza, e as regiões frontoparietal e parietal, quanto à localização, foram os mais freqüentemente encontrados nos casos com crises de tipo bravais-jacksoniano.

  15. A Internet que nos protege

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luana Negrelly Saraiva


    Full Text Available A partir de uma análise das relações interpessoais nos canais de chat, pretende-se mostrar a Internet como um espaço de proteção da mesma sociedade repressora que a criou, abrindo portas para o desenvolvimento e o resgate dos valores humanos.

  16. Ellagic Acid Prevents L-NAME-Induced Hypertension via Restoration of eNOS and p47phox Expression in Rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thewarid Berkban


    Full Text Available The effect of ellagic acid on oxidative stress and hypertension induced by Nω-Nitro-l-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (L-NAME was investigated. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were administrated with L-NAME (40 mg/kg/day for five weeks. L-NAME induced high systolic blood pressure (SBP and increased heart rate (HR, hindlimb vascular resistance (HVR and oxidative stress. Concurrent treatment with ellagic acid (7.5 or 15 mg/kg prevented these alterations. Co-treatment with ellagic acid was associated with up-regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS protein production and alleviation of oxidative stress as indicated by decreased superoxide production in the vascular tissue, reduced plasma malondialdehyde levels, reduced NADPH oxidase subunit p47phox expression and increased plasma nitrate/nitrite levels. Our results indicate that ellagic acid attenuates hypertension by reducing NADPH oxidase subunit p47phox expression, which prevents oxidative stress and restores NO bioavailability.

  17. Stackelberg equilibria and horizontal differentiation


    Lambertini, Luca


    This paper proposes a taxonomy of the Stackelberg equilibria emerging from a standard game of horizontal differentiation à la Hotelling in which the strategy set of the sellers in the location stage is the real axis. Repeated leadership appears the most advantageous position. Furthermore, this endogenously yields vertical differentiation between products at equilibrium.

  18. Horizontally viscous effects in a tidal basin: extending Taylor's problem

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roos, Pieter C.; Schuttelaars, H.M.


    The classical problem of Taylor (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., vol. 20, 1921, pp. 148–181) of Kelvin wave reflection in a semi-enclosed rectangular basin of uniform depth is extended to account for horizontally viscous effects. To this end, we add horizontally viscous terms to the hydrodynamic model

  19. Development of fuel assembly seismic analysis against vertical and horizontal earthquake

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, T.; Akitake, J.; Kobayashi, H. [Nuclear Development Corporation, Ibaraki (Japan); Azumi, S. [Kansai Electric Power co., inc., Osaka (Japan); Koike, H.; Takeda, N.; Suzuki, S. [Kobe Shipyard and Machinery Works, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD., Kobe (Japan)


    Vertical vibration with large acceleration was observed in KOBE earthquake in 1995. Concerning PWR fuel assembly, though the vertical response has been calculated by a static analysis, it had better be calculated by a dynamic analysis in detail. Furthermore, mutual effects between horizontal and vertical motions attract our attention. For these reasons, a dynamic analysis method in the vertical direction was developed and linked with the previously developed method in the horizontal direction. This is the method that takes effect of vertical vibration into the horizontal vibration analysis as the change of horizontal stiffness, which is brought by axial compressive force. In this paper, fundamental test results for developing the method are introduced and summary of the advanced method's procedure and analysis results are also described. (authors)

  20. Effect of the environment on horizontal gene transfer between bacteria and archaea. (United States)

    Fuchsman, Clara A; Collins, Roy Eric; Rocap, Gabrielle; Brazelton, William J


    Horizontal gene transfer, the transfer and incorporation of genetic material between different species of organisms, has an important but poorly quantified role in the adaptation of microbes to their environment. Previous work has shown that genome size and the number of horizontally transferred genes are strongly correlated. Here we consider how genome size confuses the quantification of horizontal gene transfer because the number of genes an organism accumulates over time depends on its evolutionary history and ecological context (e.g., the nutrient regime for which it is adapted). We investigated horizontal gene transfer between archaea and bacteria by first counting reciprocal BLAST hits among 448 bacterial and 57 archaeal genomes to find shared genes. Then we used the DarkHorse algorithm, a probability-based, lineage-weighted method (Podell & Gaasterland, 2007), to identify potential horizontally transferred genes among these shared genes. By removing the effect of genome size in the bacteria, we have identified bacteria with unusually large numbers of shared genes with archaea for their genome size. Interestingly, archaea and bacteria that live in anaerobic and/or high temperature conditions are more likely to share unusually large numbers of genes. However, high salt was not found to significantly affect the numbers of shared genes. Numbers of shared (genome size-corrected, reciprocal BLAST hits) and transferred genes (identified by DarkHorse) were strongly correlated. Thus archaea and bacteria that live in anaerobic and/or high temperature conditions are more likely to share horizontally transferred genes. These horizontally transferred genes are over-represented by genes involved in energy conversion as well as the transport and metabolism of inorganic ions and amino acids. Anaerobic and thermophilic bacteria share unusually large numbers of genes with archaea. This is mainly due to horizontal gene transfer of genes from the archaea to the bacteria. In

  1. Effect of the environment on horizontal gene transfer between bacteria and archaea

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    Clara A. Fuchsman


    Full Text Available Background Horizontal gene transfer, the transfer and incorporation of genetic material between different species of organisms, has an important but poorly quantified role in the adaptation of microbes to their environment. Previous work has shown that genome size and the number of horizontally transferred genes are strongly correlated. Here we consider how genome size confuses the quantification of horizontal gene transfer because the number of genes an organism accumulates over time depends on its evolutionary history and ecological context (e.g., the nutrient regime for which it is adapted. Results We investigated horizontal gene transfer between archaea and bacteria by first counting reciprocal BLAST hits among 448 bacterial and 57 archaeal genomes to find shared genes. Then we used the DarkHorse algorithm, a probability-based, lineage-weighted method (Podell & Gaasterland, 2007, to identify potential horizontally transferred genes among these shared genes. By removing the effect of genome size in the bacteria, we have identified bacteria with unusually large numbers of shared genes with archaea for their genome size. Interestingly, archaea and bacteria that live in anaerobic and/or high temperature conditions are more likely to share unusually large numbers of genes. However, high salt was not found to significantly affect the numbers of shared genes. Numbers of shared (genome size-corrected, reciprocal BLAST hits and transferred genes (identified by DarkHorse were strongly correlated. Thus archaea and bacteria that live in anaerobic and/or high temperature conditions are more likely to share horizontally transferred genes. These horizontally transferred genes are over-represented by genes involved in energy conversion as well as the transport and metabolism of inorganic ions and amino acids. Conclusions Anaerobic and thermophilic bacteria share unusually large numbers of genes with archaea. This is mainly due to horizontal gene transfer of

  2. Selectively placing many fractures in openhole horizontal wells improves production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Love, T. G.; McCarty, R. A. [Chevron USA Inc (United States); Suraatmadja, J. B.; Chambers, R. W.; Grundmann, S. R.


    Result of a simulation of an openhole horizontal well that was treated with hydrajet fracturing, a new fracturing process wherein fractures are placed at different locations in a horizontal well without using sectional isolation techniques, are discussed. The process uses high-pressure jetting to concentrate fracturing energy at a precise fracture location, and data is obtained by means of surface and downhole pressure recorders, flow recorders, and tracers. This technique was used in a substantially depleted horizontal well in New Mexico with good results. The new process is reported to be expensive to implement which prevents widespread application at the present time. 7 refs., 9 figs.

  3. Horizontal Diplopia Following Upper Blepharoplasty

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    Tomás Ortiz-Basso


    Full Text Available Diplopia is an infrequent complication after blepharoplasty. Most of the cases are in its vertical form due to trauma of the extraocular muscles. In this article, we present a case of horizontal diplopia following cosmetic upper blepharoplasty; we review the literature on this unexpected complication and offer some recommendations to avoid it.

  4. Face perception is tuned to horizontal orientation in the N170 time window. (United States)

    Jacques, Corentin; Schiltz, Christine; Goffaux, Valerie


    The specificity of face perception is thought to reside both in its dramatic vulnerability to picture-plane inversion and its strong reliance on horizontally oriented image content. Here we asked when in the visual processing stream face-specific perception is tuned to horizontal information. We measured the behavioral performance and scalp event-related potentials (ERP) when participants viewed upright and inverted images of faces and cars (and natural scenes) that were phase-randomized in a narrow orientation band centered either on vertical or horizontal orientation. For faces, the magnitude of the inversion effect (IE) on behavioral discrimination performance was significantly reduced for horizontally randomized compared to vertically or nonrandomized images, confirming the importance of horizontal information for the recruitment of face-specific processing. Inversion affected the processing of nonrandomized and vertically randomized faces early, in the N170 time window. In contrast, the magnitude of the N170 IE was much smaller for horizontally randomized faces. The present research indicates that the early face-specific neural representations are preferentially tuned to horizontal information and offers new perspectives for a description of the visual information feeding face-specific perception.

  5. Horizontal gene transfer in chromalveolates

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    Bhattacharya Debashish


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Horizontal gene transfer (HGT, the non-genealogical transfer of genetic material between different organisms, is considered a potentially important mechanism of genome evolution in eukaryotes. Using phylogenomic analyses of expressed sequence tag (EST data generated from a clonal cell line of a free living dinoflagellate alga Karenia brevis, we investigated the impact of HGT on genome evolution in unicellular chromalveolate protists. Results We identified 16 proteins that have originated in chromalveolates through ancient HGTs before the divergence of the genera Karenia and Karlodinium and one protein that was derived through a more recent HGT. Detailed analysis of the phylogeny and distribution of identified proteins demonstrates that eight have resulted from independent HGTs in several eukaryotic lineages. Conclusion Recurring intra- and interdomain gene exchange provides an important source of genetic novelty not only in parasitic taxa as previously demonstrated but as we show here, also in free-living protists. Investigating the tempo and mode of evolution of horizontally transferred genes in protists will therefore advance our understanding of mechanisms of adaptation in eukaryotes.

  6. Participação nos Lucros ou Resultados

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    Luiz Felipe Ferreira


    Full Text Available A participação nos lucros ou resultados é uma forma de remuneração variável, pela qual não há incidência de encargos sociais, além de incentivar o aumento da produtividade, podendo assim ser utilizada pelas empresas como estratégia, para enfrentarem os desafios dinâmicos e competitivos em que atuam. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como sendo exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa e tem como objetivo conceituar e explanar as formas pela quais são praticadas a participação nos lucros ou resultados em empresas do setor alimentício em Santa Catarina, que foram escolhidas por meio do critério de acessibilidade e disponibilidade. Dos dados coletados, pode-se verificar que as empresas: COC Alimentos, Moinho Catarinense e Pepsico do Brasil utilizam a participação nos resultados e a Perdigão utiliza a participação mista. A Moinho Catarinense distribui para todos os empregados um salário nominal, como a CDC Alimentos, exceto para os gerentes. A Perdigão beneficia todos os empregados, sendo que 60% da distribuição é pelo lucro líquido e 40% por indicadores de desempenho. A Pepsico do Brasil distribui aos empregados operacionais 50% de um salário nominal e para os empregados da administração central um salário nominal, atrelado ao cumprimento de metas, especificadas no programa de participação nos lucros ou resultados.

  7. Efeito da omissão de macronutrientes no crescimento, nos sintomas de deficiências nutricionais e na composição mineral em gravioleiras (Annona muricata Effect of macronutrient omission in growth, symptoms of nutricional deficiency and mineral composition in soursop plants (Annona muricata

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magnalda Maria Fernandes Batista


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da omissão de macronutrientes no crescimento, nos sintomas de deficiências nutricionais e na composição mineral em gravioleiras, conduziu-se experimento em casa de vegetação, mediante a técnica do elemento faltante. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições e sete tratamentos, sendo completo (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S e micronutrientes e com omissão individual de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. As omissões dos macronutrientes afetaram o crescimento em altura, diâmetro das plantas e produção de matéria seca, quando comparados ao tratamento completo. Com base nos teores em g/kg dos macronutrientes nas folhas, encontraram-se os seguintes valores adequados nos tratamento completo e com omissão: N = 14,70 e 8,82; P = 0,92 e 0,47; K = 12,35 e 2,62; Ca = 14,11 e 3,44; Mg = 3,59 e 1,09; S = 5,32 e 2,30.This work had the objective of evaluating the effect of macronutrient omission in growth, symptoms of nutritional deficiency and mineral composition in soursop plants. It was carried out an experiment in greenhouse conditions, using the missing element technique. It was developed a randomized experiment with four repetition and seven treatments being completed (N, P, K, Ca. Mg, S and micronutrients and with the omission of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S from a complete solution. Omissions related to all macronutrients affected plant growth in height, diameter and dry matter yield compared to the complete treatment. Based on the contents in g/kg found in leaves, the levels to adequate (complete and deficient nutrient were defined as following: N = 14,70 and 8,82; P = 0,92 and 0,47; K = 12,35 and 2,62; Ca = 14,11 and 3,44; Mg = 3,59 and 1,09; S = 5,32 and 2,30, respectively.

  8. Horizontal cooperation in transport and logistics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cruijssen, F.C.A.M.


    This thesis deals with horizontal cooperation in transport and logistics. It contains a comprehensive discussion of the available academic literature on this topic, many practical examples, and an empirical investigation of opportunities and impediments. Furthermore, three enabling concepts for

  9. Religião e patriotismo: o anticomunismo católico nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil nos anos da Guerra Fria

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    Carla Simone Rodeghero


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa e compara o anticomunismo católico no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos no período da Guerra Fria. Depois de situar o campo de estudos constituído no Brasil sobre o tema, discute as relações entre americanismo e anticomunismo, procurando situar o catolicismo norte-americano neste meio. Utiliza-se de uma produção recente sobre cultura da Guerra Fria nos Estados Unidos. Levanta, finalmente, uma série de elementos de comparação sobre a forma que o anticomunismo católico assumiu nos dois países.This article analyses and compares the Catholic anticommunism in the Brazil and in United States during the Cold War years. After showing the recent studies produced in Brazil about the fight against communism, it discusses the relationship between Americanism, anticommunism and Catholicism. This step is based on recent historical research about the Cold War culture in the United States. Finally, it makes comparisons between the forms that anticommunism assumed in each country.

  10. Muon number violation in some horizontal gauge theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shanker, O.


    Horizontal gauge models have been studied which have a mechanism for suppressing flavour changing processes involving only two flavours, i.e., processes like μ→eγ, μ→ ee anti e and the K 0 - anti K 0 transition. It is found that the rates for some muon-number violating processes, in particular for μe conversion and kaon decays, can be close to experimental upper limits. This is in contrast to horizontal gauge models in which the K 0 - anti K 0 transition is not suppressed. (auth)

  11. The 'horizontal direct effect' of EU international agreements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gáspár-Szilágyi, Szilárd


    This article looks at a less discussed topic in European legal scholarship: the horizontal direct effect of EU international agreements and the Court of Justice’s apparent reluctance to expressly confirm it. It is argued that the direct effect of EU international agreements has been confirmed...... in proceedings involving private individuals/professionals against the private regulatory bodies of a profession or a State owned and controlled entity. However, direct effect has not yet been expressly confirmed in cases involving veritable horizontal relationships, between private parties of equal positions...

  12. Role of dopants in LiF:Mg,Cu, LiF:Mg,P and LiF:Mg,Cu,P detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohammadi, Kh.; Moussavi Zarandi, A.; Afarideh, H.; Shahmaleki, S.


    In this study, electronic structure of LiF crystal doped with Mg,Cu,P impurities was studied with WIEN2k code on the basis of FPLAPW+lo method. Results show that in Mg-doped LiF composition, an electronic trap was created with impurity concentration of 1.56% and 3.125%. In this condition, the electronic trap with increasing the percentage of the impurities up to 4.687% is annihilated. It was found, that by doping of Mg and Cu or P simultaneously, a hole-trap is created in valence band. It was realized that in LiF:Mg,Cu, LiF:Mg,P and LiF:Mg,Cu,P, Cu impurity and Li atom, have a key role in creation of levels which lead to create electronic and hole traps. Mg impurity and F atom, only have a role in creation of electronic traps. In addition, P impurity has a main role in creation of the electronic and hole traps in LiF:Mg,Cu,P. The activation energy of electronic and hole trap in LiF:Mg,Cu, LiF:Mg,P and LiF:Mg,Cu,P crystalline lattice were obtained as 0.3 and 5.5 eV, 0.92 and 3.4 eV and 0.75 and 3.1 eV, respectively. - Graphical abstract: Figure (a) and (b) shows changes in electronic structure and band gap energy of LiF crystal due to presence of Mg and Cu, Mg and P ions respectively. - Highlights: • Electronic structure of LiF, LiF:Mg,Cu, LiF:Mg,P and LiF:Mg,Cu,P materials were studied with WIEN2K code. • In LiF:Mg,Cu and LiF:Mg,Cu,P, Li atom and Cu impurity have a key role in creation of levels. • F atom and Mg impurity only have a role in creation of electronic traps. • In LiF:Mg,Cu,P, P impurity has a main role in creation of electronic and hole traps

  13. Inovação, Governança e Desenvolvimento Sustentável em Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes: o caso de Belo Horizonte/MG, Brasil


    Rocco, Daniela; Alvares, Daniela


    O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar iniciativas inovadoras realizadas em consonância com o desenvolvimento sustentável e com estímulo à governança, inseridas no contexto de um potencial destino turístico inteligente (DTI), a saber, Belo Horizonte, localizado no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Esta pesquisa, que foi desenvolvida entre janeiro e maio de 2017, é de natureza exploratória e caráter qualitativo. Foram entrevistados representantes de cinco instituições com as seguintes atuações: ge...

  14. The use of horizontal wells for subsurface soil and aquifer remediation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    May, D.W.


    The use of directionally controlled horizontal drilling for environmental restoration had its genesis in 1988 when two horizontal remediation wells were drilled at the Savannah River Nuclear Facility near Aiken, South Carolina. Since that time, horizontal remediation wells have been drilled at several Department of Energy and Department of Defense sites as well as on several commercial sites across the country. Directional drilling technology applied to ''Near Surface Horizontal Environmental Drilling'' comes from the oil and gas industry, the utility/pipeline river crossing industry and to a lesser extent the mining industry. Rig designs vary from very small track or wheel mounted rigs using 10 feet (3 meters) drill pipe and having less than 2,500 ft. lb. (3,400 N-m) of torque and 15,000 lb. (67 kN) of push/pull force to extremely large trailer mounted rigs with torques exceeding 60,000 ft. lb. (81,400 N-m) and over 500,000 lb. (2,200 kN) of pull. Vertical depths of horizontal wells drilled to-date have exceeded 250 feet (75 m), but the great majority of contaminant plumes are located at depths of less than 50 feet (15 m). Horizontal well displacements have exceeded 1000 feet (300 m) but most of the projects cover less than 400 feet (120 m). Wells can be drilled ''blind'' (terminate in the earth) or exit back up the earth on the other side of the plume from the drill rig

  15. Flooding characteristics of gas-liquid two-phase flow in a horizontal U bend pipe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakaguchi, T.; Hosokawa, S.; Fujii, Y.


    For next-generation nuclear reactors, hybrid safety systems which consist of active and passive safety systems have been planned. Steam generators with horizontal U bend pipelines will be used as one of the passive safety systems. It is required to clarify flow characteristics, especially the onset of flooding, in the horizontal U bend pipelines in order to examine their safety. Flooding in vertical pipes has been studied extensively. However, there is little study on flooding in the horizontal U bend pipelines. It is supposed that the onset of flooding in the horizontal U bend pipelines is different from that in vertical pipes. On the other hand, liquid is generated due to condensation of steam in pipes of the horizontal steam generators at the loss of coolant accident because the steam generators will be used as a condenser of a cooling system of steam from the reactor. It is necessary to simulate this situation by the supply of water at the middle of horizontal pipe. In the present paper, experiments were carried out using a horizontal U bend pipeline with a liquid supply section in the midway of pipeline. The onset of flooding in the horizontal U bend pipeline was measured. Effects of the length of horizontal pipe and the radius of U bend on the onset of flooding were discussed

  16. Flooding characteristics of gas-liquid two-phase flow in a horizontal U bend pipe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakaguchi, T.; Hosokawa, S.; Fujii, Y. [Kobe Univ. (Japan)] [and others


    For next-generation nuclear reactors, hybrid safety systems which consist of active and passive safety systems have been planned. Steam generators with horizontal U bend pipelines will be used as one of the passive safety systems. It is required to clarify flow characteristics, especially the onset of flooding, in the horizontal U bend pipelines in order to examine their safety. Flooding in vertical pipes has been studied extensively. However, there is little study on flooding in the horizontal U bend pipelines. It is supposed that the onset of flooding in the horizontal U bend pipelines is different from that in vertical pipes. On the other hand, liquid is generated due to condensation of steam in pipes of the horizontal steam generators at the loss of coolant accident because the steam generators will be used as a condenser of a cooling system of steam from the reactor. It is necessary to simulate this situation by the supply of water at the middle of horizontal pipe. In the present paper, experiments were carried out using a horizontal U bend pipeline with a liquid supply section in the midway of pipeline. The onset of flooding in the horizontal U bend pipeline was measured. Effects of the length of horizontal pipe and the radius of U bend on the onset of flooding were discussed.

  17. Scattering phase functions of horizontally oriented hexagonal ice crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Guang; Yang Ping; Kattawar, George W.; Mishchenko, Michael I.


    Finite-difference time domain (FDTD) solutions are first compared with the corresponding T-matrix results for light scattering by circular cylinders with specific orientations. The FDTD method is then utilized to study the scattering properties of horizontally oriented hexagonal ice plates at two wavelengths, 0.55 and 12 μm. The phase functions of horizontally oriented ice plates deviate substantially from their counterparts obtained for randomly oriented particles. Furthermore, we compute the phase functions of horizontally oriented ice crystal columns by using the FDTD method along with two schemes for averaging over the particle orientations. It is shown that the phase functions of hexagonal ice columns with horizontal orientations are not sensitive to the rotation about the principal axes of the particles. Moreover, hexagonal ice crystals and circular cylindrical ice particles have similar optical properties, particularly, at a strongly absorbing wavelength, if the two particle geometries have the same length and aspect ratio defined as the ratio of the radius or semi-width of the cross section of a particle to its length. The phase functions for the two particle geometries are slightly different in the case of weakly absorbing plates with large aspect ratios. However, the solutions for circular cylinders agree well with their counterparts for hexagonal columns

  18. A synopsis of environmental horizontal wells at the Savannah River Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Denham, M.E.; Lombard, K.H.


    Seven horizontal wells for environmental remediation were installed at the Savannah River Site as part of an Integrated Demonstration Project sponsored by the Department of Energy's Office of Technology Development. The wells were used to demonstrate innovative remediation systems for the clean up of chlorinated organic solvent contamination in groundwater and the vadose zone. The wells were installed in four demonstrations of different horizontal drilling technologies. A short-radius petroleum industry technology, a modified petroleum industry technology (using a down-hole motor), a utility industry technology, and a river crossing technology were demonstrated. The goals of the demonstrations were to show the utility of horizontal wells in environmental remediation and further development of the technology required to install these wells. From the first demonstration in 1988 to the latest in 1991, there was significant evolution in horizontal drilling technology. The main technical challenges in the first demonstration were directional control during drilling and borehole instability. Through advancement of the technology these problems were overcome and did not affect the last demonstration. Those considering the use of horizontal wells for environmental remediation will benefit from the knowledge gained from these demonstrations

  19. Horizontal information drives the behavioural signatures of face processing

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    Valerie Goffaux


    Full Text Available Recent psychophysical evidence indicates that the vertical arrangement of horizontal information is particularly important for encoding facial identity. In this paper we extend this notion to examine the role that information at different (particularly cardinal orientations might play in a number of established phenomena each a behavioural “signature” of face processing. In particular we consider (a the face inversion effect (FIE, (b the facial identity after-effect, (c face-matching across viewpoint, and (d interactive, so-called holistic, processing of face parts. We report that filtering faces to remove all but the horizontal information largely preserves these effects but conversely, retaining vertical information generally diminishes or abolishes them. We conclude that preferential processing of horizontal information is a central feature of human face processing that supports many of the behavioural signatures of this critical visual operation.

  20. The evolution of a horizontal scale for oscillatory magnetoconvection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Murphy, J O [Monash Univ., Clayton (Australia). Dept. of Mathematics; Lopez, J M [Aeronautical Research Labs., Port Melbourne (Australia). Aerodynamics Div.


    Oscillatory convective motions have been observed in the umbrae of sunspots and, in the past, the linear theory of overstability has been used for sunspot models. Here a non-linear model for oscillatory convection has been used to investigate the possibility of a preferred horizontal cell size for these motions, in the presence of a magnetic field. The integration forward in time, from the conductive state, of the non-linear multimode equations governing magnetoconvection when the magnetic Prandtl number is less than one portrays a complex interaction between the evolving magnetic and vertical velocity horizontal scales. Preferred horizontal scales for the convective cells have been established by identifying the modes that substantially contribute to the overall convective heat transport. All other modes, although initially perturbed, in time essentially decay to zero through self interaction. 8 refs., 5 figs.

  1. O papel de imunoglobulinas na nefropatia da leptospirose em suínos

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    Larissa M.F. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A leptospirose é uma antropozoonose endêmica em todo o mundo, que afeta o homem e várias espécies de animais domésticos e silvestres. No início da infecção há produção de IgM para o controle da infecção e após alguns dias, IgG são produzidas e provocam lise das leptospiras circulantes. Objetivou-se neste estudo identificar depósitos de antígeno de leptospiras e imunoglobulinas no tecido renal, para avaliar o papel de imunoglobulinas na patogênese da nefropatia da leptospirose em suínos. Foram colhidas 139 amostras de sangue e rim de suínos das cidades de Teresina/PI e Timon/MA, que foram avaliadas pela SAM, imunoistoquímica e PCR. Nefrite intersticial, fibrose, vasculite, tumefação do tufo glomerular e hipercelularidade difusa foram as principais alterações histopatológicas encontradas. A imunoistoquímica detectou antígeno de leptospira em 60 suínos. Depósitos de IgG, IgM e IgA foram observados no endotélio de capilares glomerulares, dos capilares intertubulares e na cápsula de Bowman, com marcação focal, difusa, global e segmentar. A deposição de IgM e IgA foi significantemente maior nos suínos infectados. Estranhamente depósitos de IgG foi significantemente maior nos suínos não infectados, onde não havia presença de antígeno de leptospiras e nem lesão túbulo-intersticial. Concluímos que antígeno de leptospiras no rim de suínos está relacionado a depósitos de IgM e IgA mas não a depósitos de IgG.

  2. The horizontal and vertical cervico-ocular reflexes of the rabbit. (United States)

    Barmack, N H; Nastos, M A; Pettorossi, V E


    Horizontal and vertical cervico-ocular reflexes of the rabbit (HCOR, VCOR) were evoked by sinusoidal oscillation of the body about the vertical and longitudinal axes while the head was fixed. These reflexes were studied over a frequency range of 0.005-0.800 Hz and at stimulus amplitudes of +/- 10 degrees. When the body of the rabbit was rotated horizontally clockwise around the fixed head, clockwise conjugate eye movements were evoked. When the body was rotated about the longitudinal axis onto the right side, the right eye rotated down and the left eye rotated up. The mean gain of the HCOR (eye velocity/body velocity) rose from 0.21 and 0.005 Hz to 0.27 at 0.020 Hz and then declined to 0.06 at 0.3Hz. The gain of the VCOR was less than the gain of the HCOR by a factor of 2-3. The HCOR was measured separately and in combination with the horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex (HVOR). These reflexes combine linearly. The relative movements of the first 3 cervical vertebrae during stimulation of the HCOR and VCOR were measured. For the HCOR, the largest angular displacement (74%) occurs between C1 and C2. For the VCOR, the largest relative angular displacement (45%) occurs between C2 and C3. Step horizontal clockwise rotation of the head and body (HVOR) evoked low velocity counterclockwise eye movements followed by fast clockwise (resetting) eye movements. Step horizontal clockwise rotation of the body about the fixed head (HCOR) evoked low velocity clockwise eye movements which were followed by fast clockwise eye movements. Step horizontal clockwise rotation of the head about the fixed body (HCOR + HVOR) evoked low velocity counterclockwise eye movements which were not interrupted by fast clockwise eye movements. These data provide further evidence for a linear combination of independent HCOR and HVOR signals.

  3. Overview of Appalachian Basin high-angle and horizontal air and mud drilling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yost, A.B. III; Javins, B.H.


    The United States Department of Energy's Morgantown Energy Technology Center has been investigating the potential of using high angle and horizontal drilling technology to improve gas production from low permeability reservoirs for more than 20 years. A chronology of 45 high angle and horizontal wells have been identified to show the date, type well, type build curve, location, formation and the type of application. The historical well drilling events that have taken place since the first well are discussed to evaluate the progress in developing the technology. Detailed discussion about how the drilling technology developed in the Appalachian Basin for directional drilling and completion was provided. A discussion of the types of applications for high and horizontal drilling in the Appalachian Basin were identified. A summary of four jointly funded DOE/Industry horizontal wells were discussed to illustrate how the air horizontal drilling technology developed and learning curves for drilling cost and feet per day were provided to illustrate the improvement in the technology and equipment reliability

  4. Exploration of horizontal intrinsic spin resonances with two partial Siberian snakes

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    F. Lin


    Full Text Available Two partial Siberian snakes were used to avoid all the spin imperfection and vertical intrinsic resonances in the alternating gradient synchrotron (AGS at Brookhaven National Laboratory. However, the horizontal betatron motion can cause polarization loss resulting from the nonvertical stable spin direction in the presence of two partial snakes. This type of resonance, called a horizontal intrinsic spin resonance, was observed and systematically studied in the AGS. A simplified analytic model and numerical simulation have been developed to compare with experimental data. Properties of the horizontal intrinsic resonance are discussed.


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    Luiz Antônio Evangelista de Andrade


    Full Text Available Há uma necessidade teórica de se contribuir para o reconhecimento do estatuto da urbanização de Belo Horizonte, pensando-o a partir de suas periferias metropolitanas. Tais periferias se proliferaram na esteira da urbanização transformada em campo de negócios, cujas contradições daí advindas se materializaram nos embates pelas conquistas da urbanização. A não resolução das contradições faz com que outras se explicitem: a atualização das formas institucionalizadas daquilo que vem sendo chamado de bem-estar e realização da vida tem implicado numa insatisfação crescente com o cotidiano. Numa cotidianidade marcada pela abundância material sem precedente similar, floresce o obscurecimento das lentes que permitem pôr em questão essa cotidianidade.

  6. Optimal viewing position in vertically and horizontally presented Japanese words. (United States)

    Kajii, N; Osaka, N


    In the present study, the optimal viewing position (OVP) phenomenon in Japanese Hiragana was investigated, with special reference to a comparison between the vertical and the horizontal meridians in the visual field. In the first experiment, word recognition scores were determined while the eyes were fixating predetermined locations in vertically and horizontally displayed words. Similar to what has been reported for Roman scripts, OVP curves, which were asymmetric with respect to the beginning of words, were observed in both conditions. However, this asymmetry was less pronounced for vertically than for horizontally displayed words. In the second experiment, the visibility of individual characters within strings was examined for the vertical and horizontal meridians. As for Roman characters, letter identification scores were better in the right than in the left visual field. However, identification scores did not differ between the upper and the lower sides of fixation along the vertical meridian. The results showed that the model proposed by Nazir, O'Regan, and Jacobs (1991) cannot entirely account for the OVP phenomenon. A model in which visual and lexical factors are combined is proposed instead.

  7. Vertical and horizontal control dilemmas in public hospitals. (United States)

    Pettersen, Inger Johanne; Solstad, Elsa


    The hospital sector in Norway has been continuously reorganized since 2002 and the reforms have created organizations that are functionally/vertically controlled, whereas the production lines are coordinated on a process or a lateral basis. The purpose of this paper is to focus on both the perceived functional vertical control and horizontal controls within and between the local hospitals and the regional administrative levels. A national survey study, complemented with interviews of some key informants and document studies. The study shows that the functional and vertical lines of management control are perceived to be operating according to the traditional views of management control. The study indicates that the horizontal tasks are not very well implemented, and we did not find interactive and lateral uses of management control systems for managerial purposes. New control problems arise when services are to be coordinated between autonomous units. The paper focuses on the control problems found within the horizontal, flat relationship between production units in hospitals; new organizational structures have emerged where lateral relations are important, but traditional control practices follow functional, vertical lines.

  8. Preparation and Hydrogen Storage Properties of Mg-Rich Mg-Ni Ultrafine Particles

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    Jianxin Zou


    Full Text Available In the present work, Mg-rich Mg-Ni ultrafine powders were prepared through an arc plasma method. The phase components, microstructure, and hydrogen storage properties of the powders were carefully investigated. It is found that Mg2Ni and MgNi2 could be obtained directly from the vapor state reactions between Mg and Ni, depending on the local vapor content in the reaction chamber. A nanostructured MgH2 + Mg2NiH4 hydrogen storage composite could be generated after hydrogenation of the Mg-Ni ultrafine powders. After dehydrogenation, MgH2 and Mg2NiH4 decomposed into nanograined Mg and Mg2Ni, respectively. Thermogravimetry/differential scanning calorimetry (TG/DSC analyses showed that Mg2NiH4 phase may play a catalytic role in the dehydriding process of the hydrogenated Mg ultrafine particles.

  9. Efeitos de um programa de educação infantil em famílias de catadores de papel de Belo Horizonte Efectos de un programa de educación infantil en familias de cartoneros de Belo Horizonte Effect of one program of infantile education in families of catadores of paper of Belo Horizonte

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    Beatriz Graveli de Sousa Barbosa


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os percursos teórico-metodológicos e os resultados de um estudo sobre a avaliação de impacto do Programa Primeira Escola da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Belo Horizonte sobre as famílias das crianças que se encontravam matriculadas na Unidade Municipal de Educação Infantil - UMEI - Carlos Prates - Danielle Mitterrand, no ano de 2004. A pesquisa buscou dados sobre a situação das crianças e suas famílias no ano de 2004, quando a UMEI foi inaugurada, e em 2008, quando foi realizado o trabalho de campo. Os dados empíricos possibilitaram avaliar o impacto da UMEI na renda e no orçamento familiar, nos hábitos de higiene, na saúde e no desenvolvimento cognitivo das crianças.Este artículo presenta la trayectoria teórico-metodológica y los resultados del estudio respecto a la evaluación del impacto del Programa Primera Escuela de la Red Municipal de Enseñanza de Belo Horizonte hacia las familias de los niños que estabam matriculados en la Unidad Municipal de Educación Infantil - UMEI - Carlos prates - Danielle Miterrand, en el año 2004. La investigación buscó datos sobre la situación de los niños y sus famílias en el año 2004, cuando se puso en funcionamiento la UMEI y, también, 2008, cuando fue realizada la investigación de campo. Los datos empíricos posibilitaron que se evaluara el impacto de la UMEI en la renta y en el presupuesto familiar, en los hábitos de higiene, en la salud y en el desarrollo cognitivo de los niños.This paper presents the theoretical-methodological paths and results of the study on assessment of the impact of the First School Program of Belo Horizonte's Municipal Education Network over the families of children that were enrolled in the Unidade Municipal de Educação Infantil [Municipal Unit of Early Childhood Education] - UMEI - Carlos Prates - Danielle Mitterrand in 2004. The survey collected data on the situation of children and their families in 2004, when UMEI was

  10. Flow mapping for ESS horizontal target

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takeda, Y.; Kikura, H.; Taishi, T. [Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland)


    Flow behaviour for ESS horizontal target is studied experimentally using two dimensional water model. A velocity field of stationary flow in reaction zone has been obtained. Three dimensional effect was also studied as a spanwise flow structure. (author) 3 figs., 3 refs.

  11. Prediction of Heat Removal Capacity of Horizontal Condensation Heat Exchanger submerged in Pool

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeon, Seong-Su; Hong, Soon-Joon [FNC Tech., Yongin (Korea, Republic of); Cho, Hyoung-Kyu [Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Park, Goon-Cherl [KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    As representative passive safety systems, there are the passive containment cooling system (PCCS) of ESBWR, the emergency condenser system (ECS) of the SWR-1000, the passive auxiliary feed-water system (PAFS) of the APR+ and etc. During the nuclear power plant accidents, these passive safety systems can cool the nuclear system effectively via the heat transfer through the steam condensation, and then mitigate the accidents. For the optimum design and the safety analysis of the passive safety system, it is essential to predict the heat removal capacity of the heat exchanger well. The heat removal capacity of the horizontal condensation heat exchanger submerged in a pool is determined by a combination of a horizontal in-tube condensation heat transfer and a boiling heat transfer on the horizontal tube. Since most correlations proposed in the previous nuclear engineering field were developed for the vertical tube, there is a certain limit to apply these correlations to the horizontal tube. Therefore, this study developed the heat transfer model for the horizontal Ushaped condensation heat exchanger submerged in a pool to predict well the horizontal in-tube condensation heat transfer, the boiling heat transfer on the horizontal tube and the overall heat removal capacity of the heat exchanger using the best-estimate system analysis code, MARS.

  12. Sprint Acceleration Mechanics: The Major Role of Hamstrings in Horizontal Force Production (United States)

    Morin, Jean-Benoît; Gimenez, Philippe; Edouard, Pascal; Arnal, Pierrick; Jiménez-Reyes, Pedro; Samozino, Pierre; Brughelli, Matt; Mendiguchia, Jurdan


    Recent literature supports the importance of horizontal ground reaction force (GRF) production for sprint acceleration performance. Modeling and clinical studies have shown that the hip extensors are very likely contributors to sprint acceleration performance. We experimentally tested the role of the hip extensors in horizontal GRF production during short, maximal, treadmill sprint accelerations. Torque capabilities of the knee and hip extensors and flexors were assessed using an isokinetic dynamometer in 14 males familiar with sprint running. Then, during 6-s sprints on an instrumented motorized treadmill, horizontal and vertical GRF were synchronized with electromyographic (EMG) activity of the vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, and gluteus maximus averaged over the first half of support, entire support, entire swing and end-of-swing phases. No significant correlations were found between isokinetic or EMG variables and horizontal GRF. Multiple linear regression analysis showed a significant relationship (P = 0.024) between horizontal GRF and the combination of biceps femoris EMG activity during the end of the swing and the knee flexors eccentric peak torque. In conclusion, subjects who produced the greatest amount of horizontal force were both able to highly activate their hamstring muscles just before ground contact and present high eccentric hamstring peak torque capability. PMID:26733889

  13. Sprint acceleration mechanics: the major role of hamstrings in horizontal force production

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    Jean-Benoit eMORIN


    Full Text Available Recent literature supports the importance of horizontal ground reaction force (GRF production for sprint acceleration performance. Modeling and clinical studies have shown that the hip extensors are very likely contributors to sprint acceleration performance. We experimentally tested the role of the hip extensors in horizontal GRF production during short, maximal, treadmill sprint accelerations. Torque capabilities of the knee and hip extensors and flexors were assessed using an isokinetic dynamometer in 14 males familiar with sprint running. Then, during 6-s sprints on an instrumented motorized treadmill, horizontal and vertical GRF were synchronized with electromyographic (EMG activity of the vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, biceps femoris and gluteus maximus averaged over the first half of support, entire support, entire swing and end-of-swing phases. No significant correlations were found between isokinetic or EMG variables and horizontal GRF. Multiple linear regression analysis showed a significant relationship (P = 0.024 between horizontal GRF and the combination of biceps femoris EMG activity during the end of the swing and the knee flexors eccentric peak torque. In conclusion, subjects who produced the greatest amount of horizontal force were both able to highly activate their hamstring muscles just before ground contact and present high eccentric hamstring peak torque capability.


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    Rodrigo Cavalcanti do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Devido à implantação de projetos integrados no setor de suínos no Triângulo Mineiro (MG, empresas transnacionais e cooperativas de Uberlândia passaram a utilizar novas tecnologias e técnicas de produção na busca de outros mercados e aumento nos ganhos financeiros. Ao mesmo tempo, a expansão do setor provocou graves impactos ambientais causados pelo acúmulo de dejetos de suínos na água e solo. Com o avanço das discussões ambientais, a instalação dos projetos de biodigestores anaeróbios, baseados na metodologia do Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL, tem se tornado quase obrigatória entre os produtores rurais. O presente artigo, portanto, procura apresentar as características dos biodigestores anaeróbios utilizados na suinocultura, bem como analisar a sua implantação e o seu papel na minimização dos impactos dessa atividade econômica, em Uberlândia. A partir de dados secundários e trabalhos de campo, verificou-se que o uso de biodigestores anaeróbios mostrou-se bastante eficaz no tratamento de efluentes de suínos. A pesquisa também identificou que das 671 propriedades suinoculturas (2006 existentes no município, apenas 27 encontravam-se regularizadas ambientalmente, em 2010. Tal situação pode resultar em graves consequências ambientais para o município, devido à ausência ou ineficiência do tratamento dos efluentes dos suínos ou da má utilização dos biodigestores e de seus subprodutos.

  15. Aspectos epidemiológicos dateníase-cisticercose na área endêmica de Lagamar, MG


    Silva-Vergara, Mario León; Prata, Aluízio; Vieira, Cláudio de Oliveira; Castro, João Henrique; Micheletti, Luciane Giroto; Otaño, Arturo Santana; Franquini Júnior, João


    Um inquérito epidemiológico sobre teníase-cisticercose foi realizado em Lagamar- MG em 1992. Cadastradas 1109 casas com 3344 habitantes. O inquérito abrangeu 875 (86%) famílias e foi respondido por um informante que, em 80% dos casos, foi o pai. Na cidade havia 100 chiqueiros em 100 (11,4%) casas que albergavam 406 suínos, em condições extremamente precárias. Em 300 (34,2%) casas havia o antecedente de teníase em algum membro da família. O antecedente de convulsão foi relatado por 125 (14,2%)...

  16. A novel multiplex PCR-RFLP method for simultaneous detection of the MTHFR 677 C > T, eNOS +894 G > T and - eNOS -786 T > C variants among Malaysian Malays

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    Loo Keat


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Hyperhomocysteinemia as a consequence of the MTHFR 677 C > T variant is associated with cardiovascular disease and stroke. Another factor that can potentially contribute to these disorders is a depleted nitric oxide level, which can be due to the presence of eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants that make an individual more susceptible to endothelial dysfunction. A number of genotyping methods have been developed to investigate these variants. However, simultaneous detection methods using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP analysis are still lacking. In this study, a novel multiplex PCR-RFLP method for the simultaneous detection of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants was developed. A total of 114 healthy Malay subjects were recruited. The MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants were genotyped using the novel multiplex PCR-RFLP and confirmed by DNA sequencing as well as snpBLAST. Allele frequencies of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C were calculated using the Hardy Weinberg equation. Methods The 114 healthy volunteers were recruited for this study, and their DNA was extracted. Primer pair was designed using Primer 3 Software version 0.4.0 and validated against the BLAST database. The primer specificity, functionality and annealing temperature were tested using uniplex PCR methods that were later combined into a single multiplex PCR. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP was performed in three separate tubes followed by agarose gel electrophoresis. PCR product residual was purified and sent for DNA sequencing. Results The allele frequencies for MTHFR 677 C > T were 0.89 (C allele and 0.11 (T allele; for eNOS +894 G > T, the allele frequencies were 0.58 (G allele and 0.43 (T allele; and for eNOS −786 T > C, the allele

  17. Circulating NOS3 modulates left ventricular remodeling following reperfused myocardial infarction.

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    Simone Gorressen

    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO is constitutively produced and released from the endothelium and several blood cell types by the isoform 3 of the NO synthase (NOS3. We have shown that NO protects against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R injury and that depletion of circulating NOS3 increases within 24 h of ischemia/reperfusion the size of myocardial infarction (MI in chimeric mice devoid of circulating NOS3. In the current study we hypothesized that circulating NOS3 also affects remodeling of the left ventricle following reperfused MI.To analyze the role of circulating NOS3 we transplanted bone marrow of NOS3-/- and wild type (WT mice into WT mice, producing chimerae expressing NOS3 only in vascular endothelium (BC-/EC+ or in both, blood cells and vascular endothelium (BC+/EC+. Both groups underwent 60 min of coronary occlusion in a closed-chest model of reperfused MI. During the 3 weeks post MI, structural and functional LV remodeling was serially assessed (24 h, 4 d, 1 w, 2 w and 3 w by echocardiography. At 72 hours post MI, gene expression of several extracellular matrix (ECM modifying molecules was determined by quantitative RT-PCR analysis. At 3 weeks post MI, hemodynamics were obtained by pressure catheter, scar size and collagen content were quantified post mortem by Gomori's One-step trichrome staining.Three weeks post MI, LV end-systolic (53.2±5.9 μl; ***p≤0.001; n = 5 and end-diastolic volumes (82.7±5.6 μl; *p<0.05; n = 5 were significantly increased in BC-/EC+, along with decreased LV developed pressure (67.5±1.8 mm Hg; n = 18; ***p≤0.001 and increased scar size/left ventricle (19.5±1.5%; n = 13; **p≤0.01 compared to BC+/EC+ (ESV: 35.6±2.2 μl; EDV: 69.1±2.6 μl n = 8; LVDP: 83.2±3.2 mm Hg; n = 24; scar size/LV13.8±0.7%; n = 16. Myocardial scar of BC-/EC+ was characterized by increased total collagen content (20.2±0.8%; n = 13; ***p≤0.001 compared to BC+/EC+ (15.9±0.5; n = 16, and increased collagen type I and III subtypes

  18. Role of iNOS and eNOS expression in a group of Egyptian diabetic and nondiabetic nephropathy patients

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    Mayssa I. Aly


    Conclusion The presence of iNOS is associated with tubular damage resulting in renal failure. The upregulation of NO in diabetes mellitus type 2 may explain the endothelial dysfunction that is associated with almost all diabetic complications.

  19. Oriented cluster perforating technology and its application in horizontal wells

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    Huabin Chen


    Full Text Available An oriented cluster perforating technology, which integrates both advantages of cluster and oriented perforating, will help solve a series of technical complexities in horizontal well drilling. For realizing its better application in oil and gas development, a series of technologies were developed including perforator self-weight eccentricity, matching of the electronic selective module codes with the surface program control, axial centralized contact signal transmission, and post-perforation intercluster sealing insulation. In this way, the following functions could be realized, such as cable-transmission horizontal well perforator self-weight orientation, dynamic signal transmission, reliable addressing & selective perforation and post-perforation intercluster sealing. The combined perforation and bridge plug or the multi-cluster perforation can be fulfilled in one trip of perforation string. As a result, the horizontal-well oriented cluster perforating technology based on cable conveying was developed. This technology was successfully applied in unconventional gas reservoir exploitation, such as shale gas and coalbed methane, with accurate orientation, reliable selective perforation and satisfactory inter-cluster sealing. The horizontal-well oriented cluster perforating technology benefits the orientation of horizontal well drilling with a definite target and direction, which provides a powerful support for the subsequent reservoir stimulation. It also promotes the fracturing fluid to sweep the principal pay zones to the maximum extent. Moreover, it is conductive to the formation of complex fracture networks in the reservoirs, making quality and efficient development of unconventional gas reservoirs possible.

  20. Natural convection in horizontal fluid layers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suo-Antilla, A.J.


    The experimental work includes developing and using a thermal convection cell to obtain measurements of the heat flux and turbulent core temperature of a horizontal layer of fluid heated internally and subject to both stabilizing and destabilizing temperature differences. The ranges of Rayleigh numbers tested were 10 7 equal to or less than R/sub I/ equal to or less than 10 13 and -10 10 equal to or less than R/sub E/ equal to or less than 10 10 . Power integral methods were found to be adequate for interpolating and extrapolating the data. The theoretical work consists of the derivation, solution and use of the mean field equations for study of thermally driven convection in horizontal layers of infinite extent. The equations were derived by a separation of variables technique where the horizontal directions were described by periodic structures and the vertical being some function of z. The derivation resulted in a coupled set of momentum and energy equations. The equations were simplified by using the infinite Prandtl number limit and neglecting direct intermodal interaction. Solutions to these equations are used to predict the existence of multi-wavenumber flows at all supercritical Rayleigh numbers. Subsequent inspection of existing experimental photographs of convecting fluids confirms their existence. The onset of time dependence is found to coincide with the onset of the second convective mode. Each mode is found to consist of two wavenumbers and typically the velocity and temperature fields of the right modal branch are found to be out of phase

  1. Anaerobic horizontal flow reactor with polyethylene terephthalate as support material

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    Marcelo Muñoz


    Full Text Available A pilot anaerobic reactor was installed to remove the organic load of wastewater from dairy industry. It uses a bacterial inoculum previously acclimated to the substrate. It was disposed horizontally and filled with pieces of polyethylene terephthalate (PET, from plastic bottles. The reactor was operated at room temperature, during 100 days, in three phases: 1 the reactor was stabilized with volumetric organic load from 0.013 to 0.500 kg/day.m³; 2 the hydraulic retention time was of 1 day and the volumetric organic load of 3 kg/day.m³; 3 the volumetric organic load was incremented from 4 to 6.6 kg/day.m³ and the hydraulic retention time was 1 day. Organic material removal efficiencies was of 85%, and approximately 75% were obtained in the second and third phase, respectively. The Y value was 0.15, indicating that 0.15 kg of biomass were generated by kg of QDO supplied to the reactor. Finally, the biomass generated inside the reactor was analyzed, obtaining a value of 18868 mg/L, which is a higher value than those of conventional systems.


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    Ilse Maria Beuren


    Full Text Available O estudo objetiva verificar a tendência dos termos ambientais e sociais evidenciados nos relatórios da administração de 1997 a 2006 de empresas familiares brasileiras. Realizou-se pesquisa exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa, por meio de pesquisa documental e da técnica de análise de conteúdo nos RA de 1997 a 2006. No universo das 500 maiores empresas listadas na Revista Exame, edição 2006, identificaram-se 21 empresas familiares de capital aberto e de controle acionário brasileiro, mas dessas somente 16 publicaram seu RA nos dez anos considerados. Os resultados mostram que a oscilação na quantidade de páginas dos RA ao longo dos anos apresenta relação com algum evento ocorrido nas empresas. A evidenciação dos termos ambientais está mais relacionada às medidas tomadas para cuidar e preservar o meio ambiente do que aos passivos ambientais. A evidenciação dos termos sociais foi direcionada de maneira equilibrada ao público interno e externo. Conclui-se que há uma tendência nos termos ambientais e sociais evidenciados nos RA de 1997 a 2006 das empresas pesquisadas, ainda que tenham sido incorporados vários termos novos ao longo do período.

  3. Tendência da mortalidade perinatal em Belo Horizonte, 1984 a 2005 Tendencia de la mortalidad perinatal en Belo Horizonte, 1984 a 2005 Tendency of perinatal mortality in Belo Horizonte, 1984 to 2005

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    Eunice Francisca Martins


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou analisar a tendência da mortalidade perinatal no município de Belo Horizonte no período de 1984 a 2005. A fonte dos dados foi o Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade (SIM. Realizou-se regressão linear simples para estimar a tendência de redução do percentual de informações ignoradas no SIM e das taxas de mortalidade. A melhora da qualidade da informação foi estatisticamente significativa apenas para a escolaridade materna e peso ao nascer. A redução média da mortalidade perinatal no período foi de 57,52%. O decréscimo da mortalidade perinatal nas duas últimas décadas em Belo Horizonte foi significativo, mas esforços devem ser direcionados no sentido de melhorar a completude do SIM para variáveis importantes na elaboração dos indicadores perinatais.El estudio apuntó a analizar la tendencia de la mortalidad perinatal en el distrito municipal de Belo Horizonte en el periodo de 1984 a 2005. La fuente de los datos era el Sistema de Información de Mortalidad. Tuvieron lugar la regresión lineal simple para estimar la tendencia de reducción del percentil de información desconocida en el sistema y de los impuestos de mortalidad. La mejora de la calidad de la información fue los significantes sólo para la educación maternal y peso al nacer. La reducción elemento de la mortalidad perinatal en el periodo era de 57,52%. La disminución de la mortalidad perinatal en las últimas dos décadas en Belo Horizonte era significante, pero deben dirigirse los esfuerzos en el sentido de mejorar el completude del sistema para las variables importantes en la elaboración del perinatais de los indicadores.The study aimed at to analyze the tendency of the mortality perinatal in the municipal district of Belo Horizonte in the period from 1984 to 2005. The source of the data was the System of Information of Mortality. Took place simple lineal regression to esteem the tendency of reduction of the percentile of unknown

  4. Analytical solution of velocity for ammonia-water horizontal falling-film flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Qiang; Gao, Yide


    Highlights: • We built a new falling-film flow model that analyzed the film flow characteristics. • We have obtained a new formula of film thickness over the horizontal tube. • We derived analysis solution to analyze the effect of inertial force to velocity in the entrance region of liquid film. • It described the characters of the ammonia-waterfalling-film film over the horizontal tube. • It is good for falling-film absorption, generation and evaporation to optimizing the design parameters and further improving the capabilities. - Abstract: A new horizontal tube falling film velocity model was built and calculated to analyze the problem of film flow conditions. This model also analyzed the film thickness distribution in horizontal tube falling film flow and considered the effect of the inertial force on velocity. The film thickness and velocity profile can be obtained based on the principle of linear superposition, a method of separation of variables that introduces the effect of variable inertial force on the velocity profile in the process of falling-film absorption. The film flow condition and the film thickness distribution at different fluid Reynolds numbers (Re) and tube diameters were calculated and compared with the results of the Crank–Nicolson numerical solution under the same conditions. The results show that the film flow condition out of a horizontal tube and that the film thickness increases with the fluid Re. At a specific Re and suitable tube diameter, the horizontal tube reaches a more uniform film. Finally, the analysis results have similar trend with the experimental and numerical predicted data in literature.

  5. Buoyancy Driven Natural Ventilation through Horizontal Openings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heiselberg, Per; Li, Zhigang


    An experimental study of the phenomenon of buoyancy driven natural ventilation through single-sided horizontal openings was performed in a full-scale laboratory test rig. The measurements were made for opening ratios L/D ranging from 0.027 to 4.455, where L and D are the length of the opening...... and the diameter of the opening, respectively. The basic nature of airflow through single-sided openings, including airflow rate, air velocity, temperature difference between the rooms and the dimensions of the horizontal openings, were measured. A bi-directional airflow rate was measured using the constant...... quite well with the Epstein's formula but in other cases the measured data show clear deviations from the Epstein's formula. Thus, revised formulas for natural ventilation are proposed....

  6. Conservative management of displaced horizontal root fracture

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    Sanjeev Kunhappan


    Full Text Available Traumatic injuries of teeth are the main cause of emergency treatment in dental practice. Radicular fractures in permanent teeth are uncommon, being only 0.5-7% of the cases. Horizontal root fractures are more frequently observed in the maxillary anterior region of young male patients and vary in severity from enamel fractures to avulsions. Fracture occurs often in the middle-third of the root followed by apical and coronal third. The present case report describes a clinical case of a horizontal root fracture located at the middle third of a maxillary left-central incisor treated endodontically after approximating fracture segment with the help of orthodontic appliance. After 6 months follow-up, the tooth was asymptomatic with normal periodontal health.

  7. Analysis of the physico-chemical quality Enalapril and Simvastatin drugs manipulated in magistral pharmacies from Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil; Analise da qualidade fisico-quimica dos medicamentos Enalapril e Sinvastatina manipulados em farmacias magistrais de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomes, Tatiana Cristina Bomfim


    The increasing expansion of compounding pharmacy associated with several reports on variances in the quality of compounded drugs demonstrates the need for verification of quality, safety and efficacy of these products. In this work, physical and chemical analyzes were performed to evaluate the quality of some capsules manipulated enalapril and simvastatin, acquired in five pharmacies in Belo Horizonte /Brazil. Among the analyzes are pharmacopoeial tests for appearance, identification, determination of weight, content, related compounds and uniformity of dosage units, and was also performed neutron activation analysis for the determination of inorganic impurities in drugs sampled. The results showed that 60% of the samples were unsatisfactory for pharmacopoeial tests. The contents of the capsules sampled for individual testing unit dose uniformity between 0% and 136.2%. This test is important in evaluating the quality, which influences the safety and efficacy of drug treatment, since it allows you to check if the product contains the proper dosage and necessary for successful pharmacotherapy. On the other hand, underdosing can lead to reduced or absent desired therapeutic response, and overdoses can provide an undesirable effects and even toxic. The concentration of inorganic impurities was considered to be relatively small. However, no specific limits for some chemical elements in medicine hamper a better thread. In addition, further studies must be performed to assess chronic exposure to low concentrations of inorganic impurities, since drugs can be continuously used, and other sources of exposure must also be considered in order to evaluate the risk. The problems related to the quality and safety of compounded drugs are still reality in the country and reveal a serious public health problem, especially regarding the lack of uniformity between the unit doses of medications. It is suggested that the competent authorities to sanitary products, propose changes in

  8. Using a Professional Development Program for Enhancing Chilean Biology Teachers' Understanding of Nature of Science (NOS) and Their Perceptions about Using History of Science to Teach NOS (United States)

    Pavez, José M.; Vergara, Claudia A.; Santibañez, David; Cofré, Hernán


    A number of authors have recognized the importance of understanding the nature of science (NOS) for scientific literacy. Different instructional strategies such as decontextualized, hands-on inquiry, and history of science (HOS) activities have been proposed for teaching NOS. This article seeks to understand the contribution of HOS in enhancing…

  9. Re-examining the 26Mg(α ,α')26Mg reaction: Probing astrophysically important states in 26Mg (United States)

    Adsley, P.; Brümmer, J. W.; Li, K. C. W.; Marín-Lámbarri, D. J.; Kheswa, N. Y.; Donaldson, L. M.; Neveling, R.; Papka, P.; Pellegri, L.; Pesudo, V.; Pool, L. C.; Smit, F. D.; van Zyl, J. J.


    Background: The 22Ne(α ,n )25Mg reaction is one of the neutron sources for the s process in massive stars. The properties of levels in 26Mg above the α -particle threshold control the strengths of the 22Ne(α ,n )25Mg and 22Ne(α ,γ )26Mg reactions. The strengths of these reactions as functions of temperature are one of the major uncertainties in the s process. Purpose: Information on the existence, spin, and parity of levels in 26Mg can assist in constraining the strengths of the 22Ne(α ,γ )26Mg and 22Ne(α ,n )25Mg reactions, and therefore in constraining s -process abundances. Methods: Inelastically scattered α particles from a 26Mg target were momentum-analyzed in the K600 magnetic spectrometer at iThemba LABS, South Africa. The differential cross sections of states were deduced from the focal-plane trajectory of the scattered α particles. Based on the differential cross sections, spin and parity assignments to states are made. Results: A newly assigned 0+ state was observed in addition to a number of other states, some of which can be associated with states observed in other experiments. Some of the deduced Jπ values of the states observed in the present study show discrepancies with those assigned in a similar experiment performed at RCNP Osaka. The reassignments and additions of the various states can strongly affect the reaction rate at low temperatures. Conclusion: The number, location, and assignment of levels in 26Mg that may contribute to the 22Ne+α reactions are not clear. Future experimental investigations of 26Mg must have an extremely good energy resolution to separate the contributions from different levels. Coincidence experiments of 26Mg provide a possible route for future investigations.

  10. Caracterização mineralógica, potencial de reserva e sustentabilidade agrícola de alguns sítios florestais de eucalipto da região do Vale do Rio Doce (MG

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    A. Reatto


    Full Text Available Foram estudados alguns solos da região do Vale do Rio Doce (MG em 1991, nos municípios de Ipatinga, Nova Era e Guanhães, provenientes de áreas de reflorestamento de Eucalyptus grandis. Selecionaram-se oito sítios florestais com solos de diferentes classes taxonômicas, e uma detalhada caracterização mineralógica e avaliação do potencial de reserva de nutrientes foram desenvolvidas. Os solos estudados foram mineralogicamente classificados como: caulinítico não-sesquioxídicos (2 e 5; caulinítico-sesquioxídico (1; gibbsítico-sesquioxídicos (4, 6 e 7; hematítico (3 e gibbsítico (8. Os principais argilominerais e óxidos de ferro e alumínio presentes nesses solos são caulinita, gibbsita, hematita, goethita e maghemita. A reserva mineral de médio a longo prazo para potássio é praticamente inexistente, estando presente, embora com baixa magnitude, nos solos 2 e 5, na forma de micas e feldspatos. As relações Ca-trocável/Ca-total e Mg-trocável/Mg-total exprimem baixa capacidade de reposição desses nutrientes nos solos estudados. Sugere-se a adição de nutrientes de acordo com os níveis críticos exigidos na implantação e manutenção do ciclo do eucalipto, em virtude da ausência de sustentabilidade desses sítios florestais em termos de reserva de nutrientes a curto, médio e longo prazos.

  11. Horizontal and Vertical Cultural Differences in the Content of Advertising Appeals. (United States)

    Shavitt, Sharon; Johnson, Timothy P; Zhang, Jing


    The distinction between vertical (emphasizing hierarchy) and horizontal (valuing equality) cultures yields novel predictions regarding the prevalence of advertising appeals. A content analysis of 1211 magazine advertisements in five countries (Denmark, Korea, Poland, Russia, U.S.) revealed differences in ad content that underscore the value of this distinction. Patterns in the degree to which ads emphasized status benefits and uniqueness benefits corresponded to the countries' vertical/horizontal cultural classification. These and other patterns of ad benefits are analyzed and the predictions afforded by the vertical/horizontal distinction versus the broader individualism-collectivism distinction are compared and tested.

  12. Horizontal inequality in education and wealth in Tanzania: A 20-year perspective


    Maliti, Emmanuel


    This study uses five series of demographic and health surveys to answer the question: 'Is horizontal inequality in education and wealth increasing or decreasing in the 20-year interval between 1991 and 2010?'. Horizontal inequality in education attainment has been moving in waves; however, there was an invested U-shaped trend where inequality increased between 2004 and 2007 before a declining trend in recent years. Unlike the fluctuating trends of the overall horizontal inequality in educatio...

  13. Antrodia camphorata Potentiates Neuroprotection against Cerebral Ischemia in Rats via Downregulation of iNOS/HO-1/Bax and Activated Caspase-3 and Inhibition of Hydroxyl Radical Formation

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    Po-Sheng Yang


    Full Text Available Antrodia camphorata (A. camphorata is a fungus generally used in Chinese folk medicine for treatment of viral hepatitis and cancer. Our previous study found A. camphorata has neuroprotective properties and could reduce stroke injury in cerebral ischemia animal models. In this study, we sought to investigate the molecular mechanisms of neuroprotective effects of A. camphorata in middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO rats. A selective occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA with whole blood clots was used to induce ischemic stroke in rats and they were orally treated with A. camphorata (0.25 and 0.75 g/kg/day alone or combined with aspirin (5 mg/kg/day. To provide insight into the functions of A. camphorata mediated neuroprotection, the expression of Bax, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS, haem oxygenase-1 (HO-1, and activated caspase-3 was determined by Western blot assay. Treatment of aspirin alone significantly reduced the expressions of HO-1 (P<0.001, iNOS (P<0.001, and Bax (P<0.01 in ischemic regions. The reduction of these expressions was more potentiated when rats treated by aspirin combined with A. camphorata (0.75 g/kg/day. Combination treatment also reduced apoptosis as measured by a significant reduction in active caspase-3 expression in the ischemic brain compared to MCAO group (P<0.01. Moreover, treatment of A. camphorata significantly (P<0.05 reduced fenton reaction-induced hydroxyl radical (OH• formation at a dose of 40 mg/mL. Taken together, A. camphorata has shown neuroprotective effects in embolic rats, and the molecular mechanisms may correlate with the downregulation of Bax, iNOS, HO-1, and activated caspase-3 and the inhibition of OH• signals.

  14. Performance of a Horizontal Triple Cylinder Type Pulping Machine

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    Sukrisno Widyotomo


    Full Text Available Pulping is one important step in wet coffee processing method. Pulping process usually uses a machine which constructed by wood or metal materials. A horizontal single cylinder type of fresh coffee cherries pulping machine is the most popular machine in coffee processing. One of the weaknesses of a horizontal single cylinder type of fresh coffee cherries pulping machine is higher in broken beans. Broken bean is one of mayor aspects in defect system that contribute to low quality. Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute has designed and tested a horizontal double cylinder type of fresh coffee cherries pulping machine which resulted in 12.6—21.4% of broken beans. To reduce percentage of broken beans, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute has developed and tested a horizontal triple cylinder type of fresh coffee cherries pulping machine. Material tested was fresh mature Robusta coffee cherries, 60—65% (wet basis moisture content; has classified on 3 levels i.e. unsorted, small and medium, and clean from metal and foreign materials. The result showed that the machine produced 6,340 kg/h in optimal capacity for operational conditions, 1400 rpm rotor rotation speed for unsorted coffee cherries with composition 55.5% whole parchment coffee, 3.66% broken beans, and 1% beans in wet skin.Key words : coffee, pulp, pulper, cylinder, quality.

  15. Guided Growth of Horizontal p-Type ZnTe Nanowires (United States)


    A major challenge toward large-scale integration of nanowires is the control over their alignment and position. A possible solution to this challenge is the guided growth process, which enables the synthesis of well-aligned horizontal nanowires that grow according to specific epitaxial or graphoepitaxial relations with the substrate. However, the guided growth of horizontal nanowires was demonstrated for a limited number of materials, most of which exhibit unintentional n-type behavior. Here we demonstrate the vapor–liquid–solid growth of guided horizontal ZnTe nanowires and nanowalls displaying p-type behavior on four different planes of sapphire. The growth directions of the nanowires are determined by epitaxial relations between the nanowires and the substrate or by a graphoepitaxial effect that guides their growth along nanogrooves or nanosteps along the surface. We characterized the crystallographic orientations and elemental composition of the nanowires using transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence. The optoelectronic and electronic properties of the nanowires were studied by fabricating photodetectors and top-gate thin film transistors. These measurements showed that the guided ZnTe nanowires are p-type semiconductors and are photoconductive in the visible range. The guided growth of horizontal p-type nanowires opens up the possibility of parallel nanowire integration into functional systems with a variety of potential applications not available by other means. PMID:27885331

  16. A review on critical heat flux in horizontal tubes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baburajan, P.K.; Gaikwad, Avinash; Prabhu, S.V.


    Coolant channels of PHWR during accident similar to loss of coolant accident (LOCA) may experience different flow transients with low pressure and low flow conditions. In the advanced PHWRs it is desired to have small amount of positive quality at the exit of the coolant channel to increase the thermal efficiency. Investigation on pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient under subcooled boiling condition is important in the design and operation of the PHWRs. Understanding of thermal hydraulic phenomena associated with horizontal flow is also important in the safety and accident management in these reactors. A detailed experimental investigation on the important thermal hydraulic phenomena of horizontal tubes under low pressure and low flow conditions is carried out. The phenomena covered in this work are measurement of diabatic single phase and subcooled boiling pressure drop and local heat transfer coefficients, steady state CHF, effect of upstream flow restrictions on flow transients and CHF, CHF under oscillatory flow and flow decreasing transients. A detailed literature review is carried out on CHF in horizontal channels to take stock of the works being carried out along with current state of the art and to justify the motivation for the experimental study. This paper presents the review of available literature on horizontal CHF with the results of the experimental work. (author)

  17. A estatuária funerária no Brasil: um olhar indagador sobre as imagens de Jesus Cristo nos cemitérios brasileiros

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    Maria Elizia Borges


    Full Text Available O presente artigo se presta a analisar representações artísticas de Jesus Cristo encontradas em um conjunto de cemitérios de cidades brasileiras de pequeno e médio porte, discutindo seu papel como uma iconografia devocional. Cemitérios são espaços de grande elaboração artística, simbólica e religiosa, capazes de expressar muito acerca das sociedades que os produziram. Nossa análise compreende considerações acerca da configuração dos cemitérios secularizados no Brasil, assim como uma discussão sobre as possibilidades temáticas das imagens crísticas no horizonte artístico. A partir dessas considerações, estudamos imagens devocionais de Jesus Cristo nos cemitérios pesquisados, ponderando como estas abordam modelos tradicionais de representação crística.

  18. Color opponency in cone-driven horizontal cells in carp retina. Aspecific pathways between cones and horizontal cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamermans, M.; van Dijk, B. W.; Spekreijse, H.


    The spectral and dynamic properties of cone-driven horizontal cells in carp retina were evaluated with silent substitution stimuli and/or saturating background illumination. The aim of this study was to describe the wiring underlying the spectral sensitivity of these cells. We will present

  19. Serviços de atenção domiciliar na saúde suplementar e a inserção da enfermagem em Belo Horizonte/MG Servicios de atención domiciliaria en la salud suplementaria y la inserción de la enfermería en Belo Horizonte/MG Supplementary home health care services and the inclusion of nursing in Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais (Brazil

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    Kênia Lara Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar modalidades de serviço de atenção domiciliar discutindo a inserção da enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo de caso qualitativo realizado em quatro operadoras de planos de saúde no município de Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais. Os dados foram obtidos de entrevistas e acompanhamento de casos. RESULTADOS: Os serviços de atenção domiciliar são agrupados em três Modalidades: Cuidados prolongados no domicilio; Atenção provisória no domicilio e Uso intenso de tecnologias e de cuidados. Nas modalidades, a enfermagem assume ações assistenciais e de gestão do cuidado e qualifica a atenção por meio do uso apropriado das tecnologias leves. Há uma tendência à terceirização do serviço de enfermagem na atenção domiciliar. CONCLUSÃO: A inclusão do trabalho do enfermeiro nas modalidades de atenção domiciliar representa ao mesmo tempo um componente de redução de custos e contribui para a transição tecnológica pelo estabelecimento de novas formas de cuidado no domicilio.OBJETIVO: Analizar modalidades de servicio de atención domiciliaria discutiendo la inserción de la enfermería. MÉTODOS: Estudio de caso cualitativo realizado en cuatro operadoras de planes de salud en el municipio de Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais. Los datos fueron obtenidos de entrevistas y acompañamiento de casos. Resultados: Los servicios de atención domiciliaria son agrupados en tres MODALIDADES: Cuidados prolongados en el domicilio; Atención provisional en el domicilio y Uso intenso de tecnologías y de cuidados. En las modalidades, la enfermería asume acciones asistenciales y de gestión del cuidado y cualifica la atención por medio del uso apropiado de las tecnologías leves. Hay una tendencia a la tercerización del servicio de enfermería en la atención domiciliaria. CONCLUSIÓN: La inclusión del trabajo del enfermero en las modalidades de atención domiciliaria representa al mismo tiempo un componente de reducción de costos y contribuye

  20. Formation evaluation of a horizontal well

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Najia, W.K.; Habib, K.H.; Asada, J.


    In Upper Zakum Field, the interest in horizontal drilling has continued. A second horizontal well was drilled during the second half of 1989. This necessitated running logging tools for well control and to evaluate the reservoir characteristics. The logging tool selected for this well is that of Sperry-Sun. Tools configuration and tolerance were found to fulfil SADCO's requirements and specifications. This paper reports on the services produced which included Measurement While Drilling (MWD) directional services and RLL (Recorded Lithology Logging). The RLL services cover Dual Gamma Ray (DGR), Electromagnetic Wave Resistivity (EWR) and Compensated Neutron Porosity (CN porosity). All the RLL tools were an integrated part of the Bottom Hole Drilling Assembly. Data acquired while surveying was recorded in a recording sub down-hole and retrieved when the tools were up at the surface. A PC assisted quick look interpretation was carried out using Archie's equation in shale free limestone to calculate: Effective porosity, Water Saturation and, Bulk water volume

  1. Calculation of vapour bubble growth on the lower generatrix of horizontal tubes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chajka, V.D.


    The known models of vapour bubble growth are compared with experimental data. Cinematographic study of vapour formation during water boiling was carried out with elements of horizontal tubes of copper 10, 16, 24, 34 and 70 mm in diameter under the pressure of 100 kPa and specific thermal loadings of 20 and 40 kW/m 2 . According to the experimental data the main volume of vapour phase is occupied by vapour bubbles from the lower part of the horizontal tube. Five stages of vapour bubble growth on the lower generatrix of the horizontal tube: nucleation, growth to the point of breaking off from nucleate centre, the breaking off from the nucleate centre, the tube surface flowing around during floating up, the breaking off from the tube surface, were singled out. The shape of vapour volume varied during the whole period of the bubble growth and it was mainly determined by the horizontal tube diameter. The change of vapour bubble radius in time is the function of the horizontal tube diameter. Comparison of the experimental data with the known models of vapour bubble growth has shown, that every stage of vapour bubble growth on the lower generatrix of the tube is determined by the complex of thermal and hydrodynamic conditions, the effect of which depends on the horizontal tube diameter

  2. Accuracy of Single Periapical Radiography in Diagnosis of Horizontal Root Fracture

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    Fazlolah Soleymani Najafabadi


    Full Text Available Background and Aims: Radiographic examination is a necessary step in diagnosis of horizontal root fracture. The purpose of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of single radiograph for detection of horizontal root fracture. Materials and Methods: In this analytical-descriptive study, 30 human freshly extracted teeth were used. Using a hammer and clamp, the teeth were divided into two sections accidentally and then sections were attached together by cyanoacrylate glue. Two radiographs were taken; with and without a piece of human mandibular bone. Afterward, radiographs were analyzed by three expert dentists using a slide show device. Results: The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of single radiograph for detection of horizontal root fracture without bone was 100%, but in radiographs of teeth with bone was 82.7% and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, in most cases, the horizontal root fractures can be detected by a single periapical radiograph.

  3. Space shuttle orbiter guidance, naviagation and control software functional requirements: Horizontal flight operations (United States)


    The shuttle GN&C software functions for horizontal flight operations are defined. Software functional requirements are grouped into two categories: first horizontal flight requirements and full mission horizontal flight requirements. The document privides the intial step in the shuttle GN&C software design process. It also serves as a management tool to identify analyses which are required to define requirements.

  4. Thermal transient analysis applied to horizontal wells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duong, A.N. [Society of Petroleum Engineers, Canadian Section, Calgary, AB (Canada)]|[ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp., Calgary, AB (Canada)


    Steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) is a thermal recovery process used to recover bitumen and heavy oil. This paper presented a newly developed model to estimate cooling time and formation thermal diffusivity by using a thermal transient analysis along the horizontal wellbore under a steam heating process. This radial conduction heating model provides information on the heat influx distribution along a horizontal wellbore or elongated steam chamber, and is therefore important for determining the effectiveness of the heating process in the start-up phase in SAGD. Net heat flux estimation in the target formation during start-up can be difficult to measure because of uncertainties regarding heat loss in the vertical section; steam quality along the horizontal segment; distribution of steam along the wellbore; operational conditions; and additional effects of convection heating. The newly presented model can be considered analogous to pressure transient analysis of a buildup after a constant pressure drawdown. The model is based on an assumption of an infinite-acting system. This paper also proposed a new concept of a heating ring to measure the heat storage in the heated bitumen at the time of testing. Field observations were used to demonstrate how the model can be used to save heat energy, conserve steam and enhance bitumen recovery. 18 refs., 14 figs., 2 appendices.

  5. Should tsunami models use a nonzero initial condition for horizontal velocity? (United States)

    Nava, G.; Lotto, G. C.; Dunham, E. M.


    Tsunami propagation in the open ocean is most commonly modeled by solving the shallow water wave equations. These equations require two initial conditions: one on sea surface height and another on depth-averaged horizontal particle velocity or, equivalently, horizontal momentum. While most modelers assume that initial velocity is zero, Y.T. Song and collaborators have argued for nonzero initial velocity, claiming that horizontal displacement of a sloping seafloor imparts significant horizontal momentum to the ocean. They show examples in which this effect increases the resulting tsunami height by a factor of two or more relative to models in which initial velocity is zero. We test this claim with a "full-physics" integrated dynamic rupture and tsunami model that couples the elastic response of the Earth to the linearized acoustic-gravitational response of a compressible ocean with gravity; the model self-consistently accounts for seismic waves in the solid Earth, acoustic waves in the ocean, and tsunamis (with dispersion at short wavelengths). We run several full-physics simulations of subduction zone megathrust ruptures and tsunamis in geometries with a sloping seafloor, using both idealized structures and a more realistic Tohoku structure. Substantial horizontal momentum is imparted to the ocean, but almost all momentum is carried away in the form of ocean acoustic waves. We compare tsunami propagation in each full-physics simulation to that predicted by an equivalent shallow water wave simulation with varying assumptions regarding initial conditions. We find that the initial horizontal velocity conditions proposed by Song and collaborators consistently overestimate the tsunami amplitude and predict an inconsistent wave profile. Finally, we determine tsunami initial conditions that are rigorously consistent with our full-physics simulations by isolating the tsunami waves (from ocean acoustic and seismic waves) at some final time, and backpropagating the tsunami

  6. Applying the Helmholtz Illusion to Fashion: Horizontal Stripes Won't Make You Look Fatter

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    Peter Thompson


    Full Text Available A square composed of horizontal lines appears taller and narrower than an identical square made up of vertical lines. Reporting this illusion, Hermann von Helmholtz noted that such illusions, in which filled space seems to be larger than unfilled space, were common in everyday life, adding the observation that ladies' frocks with horizontal stripes make the figure look taller. As this assertion runs counter to modern popular belief, we have investigated whether vertical or horizontal stripes on clothing should make the wearer appear taller or fatter. We find that a rectangle of vertical stripes needs to be extended by 7.1% vertically to match the height of a square of horizontal stripes and that a rectangle of horizontal stripes must be made 4.5% wider than a square of vertical stripes to match its perceived width. This illusion holds when the horizontal or vertical lines are on the dress of a line drawing of a woman. We have examined the claim that these effects apply only for 2-dimensional figures in an experiment with 3-D cylinders and find no support for the notion that horizontal lines would be ‘fattening’ on clothes. Significantly, the illusion persists when the horizontal or vertical lines are on pictures of a real half-body mannequin viewed stereoscopically. All the evidence supports Helmholtz's original assertion.

  7. Variabilidade espacial do pH, Ca, Mg e V% do solo em diferentes formas do relevo sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar Spatial variability of the pH, Ca, Mg and V% of the soil in different forms of the landscape under sugarcane crop

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    Zigomar Menezes de Souza


    Full Text Available Em uma paisagem natural, os solos apresentam uma ampla variação dos atributos químicos, tanto vertical como horizontal, resultante da interação dos diversos fatores de formação envolvidos. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em Guariba-SP, com o objetivo de avaliar a variabilidade espacial do pH, cálcio (Ca, magnésio (Mg e saturação por bases (V% em um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, utilizando-se métodos da estatística clássica, análise geoestatística e técnica de interpolação de dados, com a finalidade de observar padrões de ocorrência destes atributos na paisagem. No terço inferior da encosta, após análise detalhada da variação do gradiente do declive, caracterizaram-se dois compartimentos (I e II, sob os quais os solos foram amostrados nos pontos de cruzamento de uma malha, com intervalos regulares de 50m, perfazendo um total de 206 pontos, nas profundidades de 0,0-0,2m e 0,6-0,8m. Os maiores alcances foram observados na profundidade de 0,0-0,2m para todos os atributos estudados, com exceção do cálcio que apresentou comportamento inverso, refletindo os efeitos do maior grau de intemperismo e do manejo na variabilidade natural dos solos. Pequenas variações, nas formas do relevo, condicionam variabilidade diferenciada para os atributos químicos.In a natural landscape soils present a wide variation of the chemical attributes at vertical and horizontal directions, which is result of the interaction among several soil formation factors. This work was developed in Guariba-SP with the objective of evaluating the spatial variability of pH, calcium (Ca, magnesium (Mg and base saturation (%BS in an oxisol under sugarcane cultivation, being used statistical classic methods, geostatistics analyses and interpolation techniques. After detailed analysis of the variation of the gradient of slope, at the lowest third of the hillside, two compartments (I and II were distinguished under which the

  8. Horizontally viscous effects in a tidal basin : Extending Taylor’s problem

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roos, P.C.; Schuttelaars, H.M.


    The classical problem of Taylor (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., vol. 20, 1921, pp. 148–181) of Kelvin wave reflection in a semi-enclosed rectangular basin of uniform depth is extended to account for horizontally viscous effects. To this end, we add horizontally viscous terms to the hydrodynamic model

  9. Multivariate recurrence network analysis for characterizing horizontal oil-water two-phase flow. (United States)

    Gao, Zhong-Ke; Zhang, Xin-Wang; Jin, Ning-De; Marwan, Norbert; Kurths, Jürgen


    Characterizing complex patterns arising from horizontal oil-water two-phase flows is a contemporary and challenging problem of paramount importance. We design a new multisector conductance sensor and systematically carry out horizontal oil-water two-phase flow experiments for measuring multivariate signals of different flow patterns. We then infer multivariate recurrence networks from these experimental data and investigate local cross-network properties for each constructed network. Our results demonstrate that a cross-clustering coefficient from a multivariate recurrence network is very sensitive to transitions among different flow patterns and recovers quantitative insights into the flow behavior underlying horizontal oil-water flows. These properties render multivariate recurrence networks particularly powerful for investigating a horizontal oil-water two-phase flow system and its complex interacting components from a network perspective.

  10. Experimental Study on Natural Convection Heat Transfer From two Parallel Horizontal Cylinders in Horizontal Cylindrical Enclosure

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    Ahmed T. Ahmed


    Full Text Available  An experimental study on natural convection heat transfer from two parallel horizontal cylinders in horizontal cylindrical enclosure was carried out under condition of constant surfaces temperature for two cylinders and cylindrical enclosure. The study included the effect of Rayleigh number, rotation angle that represent the confined angle between the passing horizontal plane in cylindrical enclosure center and passing line in two cylinders centers, and the spaces between two cylinders on their heat loss ability.39An experimental set-up was used for this purpose which consist watercontainer, test section which is formed of plastic cylinder that represent the cylindrical enclosure, and two heating elements which are formed of two copper cylinders with (19 mm in diameters heated internally by electrical sources that represents transfer and heat loss elements through this set-up.      The experiments were done at the range of Rayleigh number between ( , cylinders rotation angle at ( , and spacing ratio at ( .     The study showed that the ability of heat loss from two cylinders is a function of Rayleigh number, cylinders rotation angle, and the spaces between them. This ability is increased by increasing of Rayleigh number and it was showed that this ability reaches maximum value at the first cylinder ( and minimum value at the second cylinder ( at spacing ratio (S/D=3 and rotation angle ( for the first and ( for the second cylinder respectively.      The effective variables on natural convection heat transfer from the above two cylinders are related by two correlating equations, each one explains dimensionless relation of heat transfer from each cylinder that represented by Nusselt number against Rayleigh number, rotation angle, and the spacing ratio between two cylinders. 

  11. Optical absorption and thermoluminescence in Mg O, Mg O:Ni and Mg O:Li irradiated at room temperature; Absorcion optica y termoluminiscencia en MgO, MgO:Ni y MgO:Li irradiados a temperatura ambiente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delgado, L


    Optical absorption and thermoluminescence (TL) studies in Mg O, Mg O:Ni and Mg O:Li irradiated at room temperature are presented. In pure Mg O the thermal annihilation of Fe3+ by recombination with thermally released electrons at {approx} 90 and 175 degree centigree and the V center annealing by hole release up to 100 degree centigree cause the observed glow peaks at these temperatures. The TL excitation spectrum shows two maxima at 245 nm (electron center) and 288 nm (Fe3+). In Mg O:Ni X irradiation induces Fe{sup 2}+ {yields}- Fe{sup 3}+ and Ni{sup 2}+ {yields} Ni{sup 3}+ oxidations. Two TL emission bands centered at 110 degree centigree (red) and 80 o{sup C} (green) are assigned to electron release and their recombination at Fe{sup 3}+ and Ni{sup 3}+ respectively. In Mg O:Li two TL emission bands, one blue (430 nm) and the other red (730 nm) with excitation maxima at 245 nm (electron center) and 200 nm (hole center) respectively are observed. No V-center formation was detected in both Ni and Li doped samples. (Author) 42 refs.

  12. Stress and nurses' horizontal mobbing: moderating effects of group identity and group support. (United States)

    Topa, Gabriela; Moriano, Juan A


    Horizontal mobbing is a process of systematic and repeated aggression towards a worker by coworkers. Among others, stress has been pointed out as one of the antecedents that favors the onset of horizontal mobbing, whereas group support to the target could act as a buffer. Moreover, the social identity approach emphasizes that group identity is an antecedent of group support. This study explores the interaction of group support and group identity in the explanation of horizontal mobbing in a sample (N = 388) of registered nurses and licensed practical nurses employed at two large hospitals in Madrid and Navarre (Spain). The results show that stress is positively associated to horizontal mobbing, whereas group support and group identity were negative predictors of horizontal mobbing. Furthermore, the combination of low group identity and low group support precipitated HM among nurses. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Detection of Horizontal Gene Transfers from Phylogenetic Comparisons (United States)

    Pylro, Victor Satler; Vespoli, Luciano de Souza; Duarte, Gabriela Frois; Yotoko, Karla Suemy Clemente


    Bacterial phylogenies have become one of the most important challenges for microbial ecology. This field started in the mid-1970s with the aim of using the sequence of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (16S) tool to infer bacterial phylogenies. Phylogenetic hypotheses based on other sequences usually give conflicting topologies that reveal different evolutionary histories, which in some cases may be the result of horizontal gene transfer events. Currently, one of the major goals of molecular biology is to understand the role that horizontal gene transfer plays in species adaptation and evolution. In this work, we compared the phylogenetic tree based on 16S with the tree based on dszC, a gene involved in the cleavage of carbon-sulfur bonds. Bacteria of several genera perform this survival task when living in environments lacking free mineral sulfur. The biochemical pathway of the desulphurization process was extensively studied due to its economic importance, since this step is expensive and indispensable in fuel production. Our results clearly show that horizontal gene transfer events could be detected using common phylogenetic methods with gene sequences obtained from public sequence databases. PMID:22675653

  14. Columnar interactions determine horizontal propagation of recurrent network activity in neocortex (United States)

    Wester, Jason C.; Contreras, Diego


    The cortex is organized in vertical and horizontal circuits that determine the spatiotemporal properties of distributed cortical activity. Despite detailed knowledge of synaptic interactions among individual cells in the neocortex, little is known about the rules governing interactions among local populations. Here we used self-sustained recurrent activity generated in cortex, also known as up-states, in rat thalamocortical slices in vitro to understand interactions among laminar and horizontal circuits. By means of intracellular recordings and fast optical imaging with voltage sensitive dyes, we show that single thalamic inputs activate the cortical column in a preferential L4→L2/3→L5 sequence, followed by horizontal propagation with a leading front in supra and infragranular layers. To understand the laminar and columnar interactions, we used focal injections of TTX to block activity in small local populations, while preserving functional connectivity in the rest of the network. We show that L2/3 alone, without underlying L5, does not generate self-sustained activity and is inefficient propagating activity horizontally. In contrast, L5 sustains activity in the absence of L2/3 and is necessary and sufficient to propagate activity horizontally. However, loss of L2/3 delays horizontal propagation via L5. Finally, L5 amplifies activity in L2/3. Our results show for the first time that columnar interactions between supra and infragranular layers are required for the normal propagation of activity in the neocortex. Our data suggest that supra and infragranular circuits with their specific and complex set of inputs and outputs, work in tandem to determine the patterns of cortical activation observed in vivo. PMID:22514308

  15. Aspectos históricos da visita de Marie Sklodowska Curie a Belo Horizonte

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    Cássius Klay Nascimento


    Full Text Available In the year 2011 it is celebrated the Marie Sklodowska Curie Nobel Prize centenary and the International Year of Chemistry. However, it is not generally known that Marie Sklodowska Curie, one of the greatest scientists of all time, visited Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. She arrived by train at Belo Horizonte city on 16 August 1926, coming from Rio de Janeiro and accompanied by her daughter Irène Joliot-Curie. The scientists visited the Institute of Radium of Belo Horizonte. The approach in this work emphasizes the presence of Marie Sklodowska Curie in Belo Horizonte, exploring the admiration and respect that people had for her.

  16. L'intérêt du forage horizontal pour l'exploitation de gisements d'hydrocarbures Advantages of Horizontal Drilling for Production from Hydrocarbon Fields

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    Giger F.


    Full Text Available Pour les gisements de faible épaisseur, la longueur productive d'un puits horizontal est considérablement plus forte que celle d'un puits vertical. La productivité du puits horizontal croît avec la longueur de celui-ci, quoique plus lentement qu'elle, puisque intervient une loi pression-distance en logarithme. Les calculs analytiques et les simulations sur modèles numériques montrent que le gain de productivité peut atteindre couramment un facteur de 3 à 5. Dans des gisements comprenant des fractures verticales parallèles, un puits horizontal disposé perpendiculairement à elles est susceptible d'en recouper un très grand nombre et d'apporter les gains de productivité beaucoup plus importants. Dans le cas des gisements très hétérogènes en perméabilité, tels que les gisements karstiques, le puits horizontal a de grandes chances de rencontrer des zones très productives (cas de Rospo Mare à gain de productivité de 10 et plus constaté par rapport aux puits verticaux voisins. Une étude menée sur la productivité globale à l'échelle du champ confirme que pour obtenir une même production dans des conditions équivalentes, le remplacement de puits verticaux par des puits horizontaux peut permettre d'en diviser le nombre par un facteur de l'ordre de 4. Pour la lutte contre les venues d'eau (ou de gaz en écoulement polyphasique, le puits horizontal présente deux avantages. II est possible de le placer en haut du gisement de façon à obtenir la garde à l'eau la plus importante. De plus, même avec une production totale supérieure, la. production linéique, ou production par unité de longueur, est plus faible, entraînant localement une sollicitation plus modérée de la surface de séparation huile/eau ou huile/gaz. La forme de cette dernière est donc plus molle et les calculs montrent que le balayage vertical est plus efficace, donc la récupération plus élevée. D'une façon générale, en écoulement polyphasique, les

  17. Determination of Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na and Zn in Brazilian medicinal plants by neutron activation and atomic absorption; Determinacao de Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na e Zn em plantas medicinais brasileiras por ativacao neutronica e absorcao atomica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carvalho, Ricardo P. de; Sabino, Claudia de Vilhena S.; Franco, Milton B.; Amaral, Angela M.; Guedes, Joao B.; Assis, Adilson de C. [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Leite, Simone C.A.L.; Silva, Isabel R. [Pontificia Univ. Catolica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    Medicinal plants are available in the markets in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. The objective of this work is to investigate the Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na e Zn concentrations in two lots of usually known diuretics plants (azeitona do mato, cabelo de milho, cavalinha, cervejinha do campo, chapeu de couro, congonha de bugre, marmelinho do campo and quebra pedra) bought with an interval of time - six months - between the purchases. The elemental concentrations were determined applying k{sub 0} instrumental neutron activation analysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometry analysis. (author)

  18. Expression of leptin and iNOS in oral melanomas in dogs. (United States)

    Greene, V R; Wilson, H; Pfent, C; Roethele, J; Carwile, J; Qin, Y; Grimm, E; Ellerhorst, J A


    Oral melanoma (OM) in dogs is an aggressive malignancy, with clinical behavior resembling cutaneous melanomas in humans. Melanoma in humans is promoted by an inflammatory environment that is contributed to by leptin and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). To determine if the patterns of leptin and iNOS expression are similar in OM in dogs and cutaneous melanomas in humans. Twenty client-owned dogs. Retrospective case study. Immunostaining of the OM tumors from each dog was scored for percentage and intensity of leptin and iNOS expression. Mitotic index was used as an indicator of tumor aggression. Leptin was detected in ≥75% of the tumor cells in specimens from 11 dogs. One tumor expressed leptin in ≤25% of the cells. The intensity of leptin expression was variable with 6, 9, and 5 cases exhibiting low-, moderate-, and high-intensity staining, respectively. OM with the lowest percentage of iNOS positive cells displayed the highest mitotic indices (P = .006, ANOVA). The expression of leptin is a common finding in melanomas in dogs. These data suggest that the possibility of future clinical applications, such as measuring the concentrations of plasma leptin as a screening tool or leptin as a target for therapy. The relevance of iNOS is not as clear in dogs with OM, for which other directed therapeutics might be more appropriate. Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  19. Electron-shading effect on the horizontal aligned growth of carbon nanotubes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chai Yang; Xiao Zhiyong; Chan, Philip C. H.


    Based on the well-accepted electron-shading theory during plasma processing, we designed microstructures to control the local built-in electric-field on the substrate surface. The distortion magnitude of the electric-field is largest near the sidewalls of the microstructures, creating a horizontal electric-field in this region. We showed that the horizontally aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were grown by making use of this built-in electric-field during the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition process, with a tactical choice of geometries and materials of the microstructures on the substrate. This technique opens up a way to selectively and controllably grow horizontally aligned CNTs on the substrate surface

  20. Vasoinhibins Prevent Bradykinin-Stimulated Endothelial Cell Proliferation by Inactivating eNOS via Reduction of both Intracellular Ca2+ Levels and eNOS Phosphorylation at Ser1179

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    Carmen Clapp


    Full Text Available Vasoinhibins, a family of antiangiogenic peptides derived from prolactin proteolysis, inhibit the vascular effects of several proangiogenic factors, including bradykinin (BK. Here, we report that vasoinhibins block the BK-induced proliferation of bovine umbilical vein endothelial cells. This effect is mediated by the inactivation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS, as the NO donor DETA-NONOate reverted vasoinhibin action. It is an experimentally proven fact that the elevation of intracellular Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i upon BK stimulation activates eNOS, and vasoinhibins blocked the BK-mediated activation of phospholipase C and the formation of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate leading to a reduced release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. The [Ca2+]i rise evoked by BK also involves the influx of extracellular Ca2+ via canonical transient receptor potential (TRPC channels. Vasoinhibins likely interfere with TRPC-mediated Ca2+ entry since La3+, which is an enhancer of TRPC4 and TRPC5 channel activity, prevented vasoinhibins from blocking the stimulation by BK of endothelial cell NO production and proliferation, and vasoinhibins reduced the BK-induced increase of TRPC5 mRNA expression. Finally, vasoinhibins prevented the BK-induced phosphorylation of eNOS at Ser1179, a post-translational modification that facilitates Ca2+-calmodulin activation of eNOS. Together, our data show that vasoinhibins, by lowering NO production through the inhibition of both [Ca2+]i mobilization and eNOS phosphorylation, prevent the BK-induced stimulation of endothelial cell proliferation. Thus, vasoinhibins help to regulate BK effects on angiogenesis and vascular homeostasis.

  1. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1902-present, Salinity (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have salinity data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use...

  2. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1902-present, Conductivity (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have conductivity data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use...

  3. Interaction between the soma and the axon terminal of horizontal cells in carp retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamermans, M.; van Dijk, B. W.; Spekreijse, H.


    In teleost retina, the receptive fields of horizontal cell axon terminals have a larger space constant than the receptive fields of the horizontal cell somata. Generally this difference in receptive field size is attributed to the cell coupling which is assumed to be stronger in the horizontal axon

  4. Qualidade do tomate de mesa cultivado nos sistemas convencional e orgânico Quality of tomatoes cultivated in the organic and conventional cropping systems

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    Sila Mary Rodrigues Ferreira


    Full Text Available A presença dos produtos orgânicos nas gôndolas das grandes redes de supermercados indica que existe um potencial de mercado para esses produtos, no entanto poucas são as informações técnico-científicas sobre eles. Em razão disso, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a qualidade do tomate de mesa cultivado nos sistemas convencional (SC e orgânico (SO comercializado na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba. As amostras foram avaliadas pela massa, peso específico, cinzas, sólidos totais, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez titulável total, relação sólidos solúveis totais/acidez titulável total, pH, vitamina C, nitratos, nitritos, multirresíduos, benzimidazóis e ditiocarbamatos. Os resultados da análise físico-química mostraram que somente na umidade os tomates não apresentaram diferença significativa ao nível de 5% quando comparados pelo Teste de Tukey. Em relação à análise toxicológica, não foram detectados multirresíduos e benzimidazóis até os limites de 0,04 e 0,1 de carbendazim, respectivamente. Nos resíduos de pesticidas do grupo químico ditiocarbamatos, foi identificado 0,01 (CS2 nas amostras de SC3 e SC4 do tomate de mesa cultivado no sistema convencional, abaixo do limite máximo recomendado (LMR de 2,0 (CS2 de mancozebe.The presence of organic products in the aisles of big supermarket chains indicates a market potential for these products. However, there is little technical and scientific information. Thus, the objective of this work was to determine the quality of tomatoes grown under conventional (CS and organic (OS systems, on sale in the metropolitan area of Curitiba, Brazil. Samples were evaluated in terms of mass, specific weight, ash, total solids, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity, total soluble solids/total titratable acidity ratio, pH, vitamin C, nitrates, nitrites, multiresidues. There were no significant differences between conventional and

  5. Horizontal oil well applications and oil recovery assessment. Volume 2: Applications overview, Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deskins, W.G.; McDonald, W.J.; Knoll, R.G.; Springer, S.J.


    Horizontal technology has been applied in over 110 formations in the USA. Volume 1 of this study addresses the overall success of horizontal technology, especially in less-publicized formations, i.e., other than the Austin Chalk, Bakken, and Niobrara. Operators in the USA and Canada were surveyed on a formation-by-formation basis by means of a questionnaire. Response data were received describing horizontal well projects in 58 formations in the USA and 88 in Canada. Operators` responses were analyzed for trends in technical and economic success based on lithology (clastics and carbonates) and resource type (light oil, heavy oil, and gas). The potential impact of horizontal technology on reserves was also estimated. A forecast of horizontal drilling activity over the next decade was developed.

  6. Alternativa estructural de refuerzo horizontal en muros de mampostería Structural alternative of horizontal reinforcement in masonry walls

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    Diego Fernando Páez Moreno


    Full Text Available La implementación de refuerzo horizontal en muros de mampostería con ladrillo macizo de arcilla cocida es una técnica empleada en varios países. En este trabajo se propone un análisis para muros de mampostería representativos de la ciudad de Tunja con la implementación de grafiles de acero como alternativa de refuerzo horizontal. Este estudio involucra la definición de los tipos de materiales a emplear, las características de los muros a ensayar y las variables que se deben aplicar, tanto en los muros como en la ejecución del ensayo de compresión diagonal, que define tipos de muros con características propias de refuerzo. Los resultados del proceso de análisis del comportamiento individual y general de los muros de mampostería sometidos al ensayo de compresión diagonal permiten identificar la variación del esfuerzo cortante representativo para cada tipo de muro, en relación con el refuerzo empleado en los diferentes modelos y la tipología de falla.Implementation of horizontal reinforcement in masonry walls with solid cooked clay bricks is a commonly used technique in several countries. This article is intended to analyze masonry walls representatives of Tunja City, with implementation of small steel bars as an alternative of horizontal reinforcement. This study involves definition of types of materials to be used, characteristics of walls to be tested, and variables which should be applied in both walls and during the execution of the diagonal compression test which defines the types of walls with own characteristics of reinforcement. Results from individual and general behavior analysis process of masonry walls subject to diagonal compression tests allow identifying variation of shear stress for each kind of wall, in relation to reinforcement used in several models and failure typology.

  7. Modeling and stabilities of Mg/MgH2 interfaces: A first-principles investigation

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    Jia-Jun Tang


    Full Text Available We have theoretically investigated the modeling and the structural stabilities of various Mg/MgH2 interfaces, i.e. Mg(101¯0/MgH2(210, Mg(0001/MgH2(101 and Mg(101¯0/MgH2(101, and provided illuminating insights into Mg/MgH2 interface. Specifically, the main factors, which impact the interfacial energies, are fully considered, including surface energies of two phases, mutual lattice constants of interface model, and relative position of two phases. The surface energies of Mg and MgH2, on the one hand, are found to be greatly impacting the interfacial energies, reflected by the lowest interfacial energy of Mg(0001/MgH2(101 which is comprised of two lowest energy surfaces. On the other hand, it is demonstrated that the mutual lattice constants and the relative position of two phases lead to variations of interfacial energies, thus influencing the interface stabilities dramatically. Moreover, the Mg-H bonding at interface is found to be the determinant of Mg/MgH2 interface stability. Lastly, interfacial and strain effects on defect formations are also studied, both of which are highly facilitating the defect formations. Our results provide a detailed insight into Mg/MgH2 interface structures and the corresponding stabilities.

  8. Cell-specific cre recombinase expression allows selective ablation of glutamate receptors from mouse horizontal cells.

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    Sebastian Ströh

    Full Text Available In the mouse retina, horizontal cells form an electrically coupled network and provide feedback signals to photoreceptors and feedforward signals to bipolar cells. Thereby, horizontal cells contribute to gain control at the first visual synapse and to the antagonistic organization of bipolar and ganglion cell receptive fields. However, the nature of horizontal cell output remains a matter of debate, just as the exact contribution of horizontal cells to center-surround antagonism. To facilitate studying horizontal cell function, we developed a knockin mouse line which allows ablating genes exclusively in horizontal cells. This knockin line expresses a Cre recombinase under the promoter of connexin57 (Cx57, a gap junction protein only expressed in horizontal cells. Consistently, in Cx57+/Cre mice, Cre recombinase is expressed in almost all horizontal cells (>99% and no other retinal neurons. To test Cre activity, we crossbred Cx57+/Cre mice with a mouse line in which exon 11 of the coding sequence for the ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit GluA4 was flanked by two loxP sites (GluA4fl/fl. In GluA4fl/fl:Cx57+/Cre mice, GluA4 immunoreactivity was significantly reduced (∼ 50% in the outer retina where horizontal cells receive photoreceptor inputs, confirming the functionality of the Cre/loxP system. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from isolated horizontal cell somata showed a reduction of glutamate-induced inward currents by ∼ 75%, suggesting that the GluA4 subunit plays a major role in mediating photoreceptor inputs. The persistent current in GluA4-deficient cells is mostly driven by AMPA and to a very small extent by kainate receptors as revealed by application of the AMPA receptor antagonist GYKI52466 and concanavalin A, a potentiator of kainate receptor-mediated currents. In summary, the Cx57+/Cre mouse line provides a versatile tool for studying horizontal cell function. GluA4fl/fl:Cx57+/Cre mice, in which horizontal cells receive less

  9. Cell-Specific Cre Recombinase Expression Allows Selective Ablation of Glutamate Receptors from Mouse Horizontal Cells (United States)

    Janssen-Bienhold, Ulrike; Schultz, Konrad; Cimiotti, Kerstin; Weiler, Reto; Willecke, Klaus; Dedek, Karin


    In the mouse retina, horizontal cells form an electrically coupled network and provide feedback signals to photoreceptors and feedforward signals to bipolar cells. Thereby, horizontal cells contribute to gain control at the first visual synapse and to the antagonistic organization of bipolar and ganglion cell receptive fields. However, the nature of horizontal cell output remains a matter of debate, just as the exact contribution of horizontal cells to center-surround antagonism. To facilitate studying horizontal cell function, we developed a knockin mouse line which allows ablating genes exclusively in horizontal cells. This knockin line expresses a Cre recombinase under the promoter of connexin57 (Cx57), a gap junction protein only expressed in horizontal cells. Consistently, in Cx57+/Cre mice, Cre recombinase is expressed in almost all horizontal cells (>99%) and no other retinal neurons. To test Cre activity, we crossbred Cx57+/Cre mice with a mouse line in which exon 11 of the coding sequence for the ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit GluA4 was flanked by two loxP sites (GluA4fl/fl). In GluA4fl/fl:Cx57+/Cre mice, GluA4 immunoreactivity was significantly reduced (∼50%) in the outer retina where horizontal cells receive photoreceptor inputs, confirming the functionality of the Cre/loxP system. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from isolated horizontal cell somata showed a reduction of glutamate-induced inward currents by ∼75%, suggesting that the GluA4 subunit plays a major role in mediating photoreceptor inputs. The persistent current in GluA4-deficient cells is mostly driven by AMPA and to a very small extent by kainate receptors as revealed by application of the AMPA receptor antagonist GYKI52466 and concanavalin A, a potentiator of kainate receptor-mediated currents. In summary, the Cx57+/Cre mouse line provides a versatile tool for studying horizontal cell function. GluA4fl/fl:Cx57+/Cre mice, in which horizontal cells receive less excitatory input

  10. Horizonte construido. Transformación del paisaje en la Casa Huarte

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    Pablo Olalquiaga Bescós


    Full Text Available La Casa Huarte (Madrid, 1966 representa, ante todo, una actuación en el paisaje. Sus creadores, José Antonio Corrales y Ramón Vázquez Molezún, invirtieron un método utilizado en proyectos anteriores (Instituto en Herrera de Pisuerga, Residencia en Miraflores, Pabellón de Bruselas donde la edificación se adecuaba al medio y el paisaje donde se insertaba. Mediante una transformación topográfica Corrales y Molezún construyeron un lugar en el que el horizonte, entendido como el paisaje formado por el encuentro de planos donde converge nuestra mirada, fue modificado. Cuando esto ocurre se produce una alteración de la mirada del observador, se “construye” un nuevo horizonte visual que es en definitiva el horizonte de la arquitectura, en el que los límites están definidos por los distintos planos. En esta construcción del nuevo horizonte, en la creación de nuevas experiencias visuales, las esculturas y los árboles, situadas en las plataformas de los patios de la Casa Huarte, se convirtieron en referencias visuales que alteraban los ángulos de visión previamente establecidos por la arquitectura. Estas siluetas incorporan nuevos puntos de referencia en ese horizonte, proporcionando profundidad, perspectiva y una escala intermedia entre la intimidad del observador y la monumentalidad del infinito

  11. Teores de isoflavonas em grãos inteiros e nos componentes dos grãos de diferentes cultivares de soja (Glycine max (L. Merrill Isoflavone contents of whole soybeans and their components, obtained from different cultivars (Glycine max (L. Merrill

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    Carlos Eduardo da Silva


    Full Text Available Devido à maior concentração de isoflavonas nos hipocótilos dos grãos de soja, a indústria de alimentos tem utilizado esse componente do grão como matéria-prima. No presente trabalho, foram quantificados os teores de isoflavonas nas estruturas formadoras do grão de soja (hipocótilo, cotilédones e casca, analisadas por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE. Foram avaliadas quatro cultivares de sojas especiais: BRS 184, BRS 216, BRS 257 e BRS 267, desenvolvidas pela Embrapa Soja. Todas as cultivares apresentaram maior teor de isoflavonas totais no hipocótilo (média de 2029,32 mg.100 g-1. No grão inteiro (267,16 mg.100 g-1 e nos cotilédones (209,16 mg.100 g-1, os teores de isoflavonas foram cerca de dez vezes menores do que nos hipocótilos. A cultivar BRS 216 apresentou o teor maior de isoflavonas totais no hipocótilo (2583,20 mg.100 g-1. Embora a casca da soja não apresente isoflavonas, observou-se que esses compostos estavam presentes nessa parte do grão numa quantidade média de 105,58 mg.100 g-1, devido à presença de resíduos do hipocótilo e dos cotilédones provenientes do processo de descasque. Essa composição residual da casca favorece sua utilização como matéria-prima fonte de fibras, porque também fornece isoflavonas e outros compostos da soja.Due to the higher concentration of isoflavones in the soybean hypocotyls, the food industry has used this component of the bean as a raw material. This paper reports the isoflavone contents found in the different parts of the bean (hypocotyl, cotyledon and hull as analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC. Four special soybean cultivars, BRS 184, BRS 216, BRS 257 and BRS 267, developed by Embrapa Soybean, were evaluated. All the cultivars presented higher contents of total isoflavones in the hypocotyls (average of 2029.32 mg.100 g-1. The isoflavone contents of the whole beans (267.16 mg.100 g-1 and the cotyledons (209.16 mg.100 g-1 were about 10

  12. The Influence of Tetrodotoxin (TTX on the Distribution and Chemical Coding of Caudal Mesenteric Ganglion (CaMG Neurons Supplying the Porcine Urinary Bladder

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    Ewa Lepiarczyk


    Full Text Available The treatment of micturition disorders creates a serious problem for urologists. Recently, new therapeutic agents, such as neurotoxins, are being considered for the therapy of urological patients. The present study investigated the chemical coding of caudal mesenteric ganglion (CaMG neurons supplying the porcine urinary bladder after intravesical instillation of tetrodotoxin (TTX. The CaMG neurons were visualized with retrograde tracer Fast blue (FB and their chemical profile was disclosed with double-labeling immunohistochemistry using antibodies against tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, neuropeptide Y (NPY, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP, somatostatin (SOM, calbindin (CB, galanin (GAL and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS. It was found that in both the control (n = 6 and TTX-treated pigs (n = 6, the vast majority (92.6% ± 3.4% and 88.8% ± 2%, respectively of FB-positive (FB+ nerve cells were TH+. TTX instillation caused a decrease in the number of FB+/TH+ neurons immunopositive to NPY (88.9% ± 5.3% in the control animals vs. 10.6% ± 5.3% in TTX-treated pigs or VIP (1.7% ± 0.6% vs. 0%, and an increase in the number of FB+/TH+ neurons immunoreactive to SOM (8.8% ± 1.6% vs. 39% ± 12.8%, CB (1.8% ± 0.7% vs. 12.6% ± 2.7%, GAL (1.7% ± 0.8% vs. 10.9% ± 2.6% or nNOS (0% vs. 1.1% ± 0.3%. The present study is the first to suggest that TTX modifies the chemical coding of CaMG neurons supplying the porcine urinary bladder.

  13. Anemia entre pre-escolares - um problema de saude publica em Belo Horizonte, Brasil

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    Thais de Souza Chaves de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O artigo tem por objetivo determinar a prevalência de anemia em crianças matriculadas em creches da regional Centro-Sul de Belo Horizonte (MG, identificando fatores biológicos e socioeconômicos associados. Estudo transversal descritivo realizado em 18 creches. Foram avaliadas 373 crianças com base em amostragem estratificada por instituição participante. A hemoglobina (Hb sérica foi determinada por punção capilar e leitura em β-hemoglobinômetro, adotando-se pontos de corte para anemia de Hb < 11,0g/dL para crianças de seis a 60 meses e Hb < 11,5g/dL para aquelas com idade superior, preconizados pela OMS. O estado nutricional foi definido por aferição do peso e altura e confecção dos índices Peso/Idade (P/I, Estatura/Idade (E/I e IMC/Idade (IMC/I. Entre os participantes 54% eram meninas. A média de idade foi de 38,1 ± 6,2 meses. A prevalência global de anemia foi de 38,3%, sendo superior nas crianças com idade inferior ou igual a 24 meses (56,1%. Encontrou-se associação significativa entre anemia e os fatores menor idade da criança, menor idade materna e baixa renda familiar. O estudo mostrou que anemia em crianças de creches de Belo Horizonte constitui relevante problema de saúde pública, sinalizando a necessidade de se implantar ações específicas para mitigação dos riscos por ele apontados.

  14. The role of vertical shear on the horizontal oceanic dispersion


    A. S. Lanotte; R. Corrado; G. Lacorata; L. Palatella; C. Pizzigalli; I. Schipa; R. Santoleri


    The effect of vertical shear on the horizontal dispersion properties of passive tracer particles on the continental shelf of South Mediterranean is investigated by means of observative and model data. In-situ current measurements reveal that vertical velocity gradients in the upper mixed layer decorrelate quite fast (∼ 1 day), whereas basin-scale ocean circulation models tend to overestimate such decorrelation time because of finite resolution effects. Horizontal dispers...

  15. Seismic fragility capacity of equipment--horizontal shaft pump test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iijima, T.; Abe, H.; Suzuki, K.


    The current seismic fragility capacity of horizontal shaft pump is 1.6 x 9.8 m/s 2 (1.6 g), which was decided from previous vibration tests and we believe that it must have sufficient margin. The purpose of fragility capacity test is to obtain realistic seismic fragility capacity of horizontal shaft pump by vibration tests. Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RCW) Pump was tested as a typical horizontal shaft pump, and then bearings and liner rings were tested as important parts to evaluate critical acceleration and dispersion. Regarding RCW pump test, no damage was found, though maximum input acceleration level was 6 x 9.8 m/s 2 (6 g). Some kinds of bearings and liner rings were tested on the element test. Input load was based on seismic motion which was same with the RCW pump test, and maximum load was equivalent to over 20 times of design seismic acceleration. There was not significant damage that caused emergency stop of pump but degradation of surface roughness was found on some kinds of bearings. It would cause reduction of pump life, but such damage on bearings occurred under large seismic load condition that was equivalent to over 10 to 20 g force. Test results show that realistic fragility capacity of horizontal shaft pump would be at least four times as higher as current value which has been used for our seismic PSA. (authors)

  16. Confiança nos relacionamentos em cluster de empresas

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    Roberta de Cássia Macedo


    Full Text Available This study aims to integrate interorganizational relationships (both vertical and horizontal ones through the perception of trust in businesses’ collaborative behavior. We will use as our empirical field the Brazilian furniture industry production clusters situated in the cities of Arapongas, Mirassol, Ubá and Bento Gonçalves. Data were collected through questionnaires which were administered in loco and analyzed using correlation analysis and the Granger causality test. Trust was analyzed in the benevolence dimension and its relationship with commitment. Results demonstrated that there is causality in the horizontal relationship and that there is no causality in relationships between suppliers and clients, nor in relationships between those and competitors. However, there is a strong correlation between trust in clients and horizontal relationships. Therefore, it was verified that the presence of trust in interorganizational relationships is independent and isolated, and not a permanent, routine attitude.

  17. Technical Specifications, South Texas Project, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-498 and 50-499): Appendix ''A'' to License Nos. NPF-76 and NPF-80

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The South Texas Project, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Technical Specifications were prepared by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to set forth the limits, operating conditions, and other requirements applicable to a nuclear reactor facility as set forth in Section 50.36 of 10 CFR Part 50 for the protection of the health and safety of the public

  18. Technical specifications, South Texas Project, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-498 and 50-499): Appendix ''A'' to License Nos. NPF-76 and NPF-78

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The South Texas Project, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Technical Specifications were prepared by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to set forth the limits, operating conditions, and other requirements applicable to a nuclear reactor facility as set forth in Section 50.36 of 10 CFR Part 50 for the protection of the health and safety of the public

  19. Transformation of Mg-bearing amorphous calcium carbonate to Mg-calcite - In situ monitoring (United States)

    Purgstaller, Bettina; Mavromatis, Vasileios; Immenhauser, Adrian; Dietzel, Martin


    The formation of Mg-bearing calcite via an amorphous precursor is a poorly understood process that is of relevance for biogenic and abiogenic carbonate precipitation. In order to gain an improved insight on the controls of Mg incorporation in calcite formed via an Mg-rich amorphous calcium carbonate (Mg-ACC) precursor, the precipitation of Mg-ACC and its transformation to Mg-calcite was monitored by in situ Raman spectroscopy. The experiments were performed at 25.0 ± 0.03 °C and pH 8.3 ± 0.1 and revealed two distinct pathways of Mg-calcite formation: (i) At initial aqueous Mg/Ca molar ratios ⩽ 1:6, Mg-calcite formation occurs via direct precipitation from solution. (ii) Conversely, at higher initial Mg/Ca molar ratios, Mg-calcite forms via an intermediate Mg-rich ACC phase. In the latter case, the final product is a calcite with up to 20 mol% Mg. This Mg content is significant higher than that of the Mg-rich ACC precursor phase. Thus, a strong net uptake of Mg ions from the solution into the crystalline precipitate throughout and also subsequent to ACC transformation is postulated. Moreover, the temporal evolution of the geochemical composition of the reactive solution and the Mg-ACC has no significant effect on the obtained ;solubility product; of Mg-ACC. The enrichment of Mg in calcite throughout and subsequent to Mg-ACC transformation is likely affected by the high aqueous Mg/Ca ratio and carbonate alkalinity concentrations in the reactive solution. The experimental results have a bearing on the formation mechanism of Mg-rich calcites in marine early diagenetic environments, where high carbonate alkalinity concentrations are the rule rather than the exception, and on the insufficiently investigated inorganic component of biomineralisation pathways in many calcite secreting organisms.

  20. Tratamento de dejetos suínos com biorreator UASB

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    Pablo Costa da Silva


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a importância do biodigestor UASB no tratamento de dejetos suínos. A suinocultura possui papel importante quanto ao desenvolvimento econômico do Brasil. No entanto, o aumento de produção vem causando problemas ambientais graves, por conta do grande volume de resíduos sólidos gerados pela atividade. O desenvolvimento de métodos de tratamento de dejetos que agreguem valor à produção e respeitem as leis ambientais é um dos grandes desafios do setor. A biodigestão anaeróbia é um dos métodos mais eficazes para o tratamento de dejetos de suinoculturas. Este método de digestão, denominado UASB, tem como característica principal a produção de biogás e de biofertilizante, produto rico em nutrientes, e livre de patógenos. O método oferece vantagens como a promoção do bem estar animal, o aumento da fertilidade do solo, a diminuição da poluição e da emissão de gases geradores do efeito estufa e a melhoria da qualidade de vida, nos centros produtores de suínos, além de minimizar problemas relacionados ao déficit de energia elétrica. Portanto, a utilização de biodigestores UASB para o tratamento de dejetos de suínos é uma opção interessante, que deve ser avaliada com seriedade.

  1. Tendências recentes nos elementos do clima e suas implicações na evapotranspiração da cultura do milho em Viçosa - MG Recent trends in the weather elements and its implications in the maize crop evapotranspiration in Viçosa-MG, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonidas P. de Alencar


    Full Text Available A mudança nas condições climáticas tem gerado grandes preocupações em nível mundial, sendo que uma das grandes questões, neste contexto, é o aquecimento global. As alterações ocorridas nas condições climáticas podem afetar a demanda de água das plantas, porque a evapotranspiração é afetada por mudanças nos elementos climáticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos das possíveis mudanças dos elementos do clima na evapotranspiração de referência e na evapotranspiração da cultura do milho para a região de Viçosa - MG. Mediante análise de tendência pelo teste de Mann-Kendall e da estatística do teste t da regressão linear, verificou-se o comportamento dos seguintes elementos climáticos: temperaturas máxima e mínima, insolação, velocidade do vento e umidade relativa. Observou-se uma redução na evapotranspiração de referência e da cultura do milho ao longo dos últimos 41 anos, principalmente em razão da redução da insolação e da velocidade do vento. A evapotranspiração de referência apresentou redução da ordem de 4,2 mm por ano.The change in weather conditions has caused great concern in the world and the major issue, in this context, is the global warming. The changes in climate may affect the water demand of plants, because the evapotranspiration is affected by changes in climatic elements. The objective of this study was to examine the possible effects of climatological changes in evapotranspiration and reference evapotranspiration of corn in Viçosa - MG, Brazil. Trend analysis by the Mann-Kendall statistic and student t test of the linear regression were used to study the behavior of the following weather elements: maximum and minimum temperatures, sunshine duration, wind speed and relative humidity. It was observed a reduction in the reference evapotranspiration and maize crop evapotranspiration over the recent past 41 years, mainly because of reduced solar radiation and wind

  2. Growth and Transfer of Monolithic Horizontal ZnO Nanowire Superstructures onto Flexible Substrates

    KAUST Repository

    Xu, Sheng


    A method of fabricating horizontally aligned ZnO nanowire (NW) arrays with full control over the width and length is demonstrated. A cross-sectional view of the NWs by transmission electron microscopy shows a "mushroom-like" structure. Novel monolithic multisegment superstructures are fabricated by making use of the lateral overgrowth. Ultralong horizontal ZnO NWs of an aspect ratio on the order often thousand are also demonstrated. These horizontal NWs are lifted off and transferred onto a flexible polymer substrate, which may have many great applications in horizontal ZnO NW-based nanosensor arrays, light-emitting diodes, optical gratings, integrated circuit interconnects, and high-output-power alternating-current nanogenerators. © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

  3. 78 FR 49305 - Luminant Generation Company LLC, Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2... (United States)


    ... NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket Nos. 50-445 and 50-446; NRC-2013-0182] Luminant Generation Company LLC, Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2; Application for Amendment to Facility... Operating License Nos. NPF-87 and NPF-89 for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2...

  4. Los 'Horizontes poéticos' (1881) de Francisca Sarasate


    Mata-Induráin, C. (Carlos)


    Francisca Sarasate supone una excepción notable en el área de las letras navarras, por la escasez de mujeres en el ámbito literario. Cultivó, entre otros, la novela, el cuento, el teatro y la poesía. Destaca su obra 'Horizontes poéticos'. ------------------ Francisca Sarasate is a notable exception in the area of the letters of Navarra, by the scarcity of women in the literary field. She cultivated the novel, short stories, drama and poetry. She wrote, among others, 'Horizontes poéticos'....

  5. A face detection bias for horizontal orientations develops in middle childhood

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    Benjamin J Balas


    Full Text Available Faces are complex stimuli that can be described via intuitive facial features like the eyes, nose, and mouth, configural features like the distances between facial landmarks, and features that correspond to computations performed in the early visual system (e.g. oriented edges. With regard to this latter category of descriptors, adult face recognition relies disproportionately on information in specific spatial frequency and orientation bands: Many recognition tasks are performed more accurately when adults have access to mid-range spatial frequencies (8-16 cycles/face and horizontal orientations (Dakin & Watt, 2009. In the current study, we examined how this information bias develops in middle childhood. We recruited children between the ages of 5-10 years old to participate in a simple categorization task that required them to label images according to whether they depicted a face or a house. Critically, children were presented with face and house images comprised either of primarily horizontal orientation energy, primarily vertical orientation energy, or both horizontal and vertical orientation energy. We predicted that any bias favoring horizontal information over vertical should be more evident in faces than in houses, and also that older children would be more likely to show such a bias than younger children. We designed our categorization task to be sufficiently easy that children would perform at near-ceiling accuracy levels, but with variation in response times that would reflect how they rely on different orientations as a function of age and object category. We found that horizontal bias for face detection (but not house detection correlated significantly with age, suggesting an emergent category-specific bias for horizontal orientation energy that develops during middle childhood. These results thus suggest that the tuning of high-level recognition to specific low-level visual features takes take place over several years of visual

  6. Avaliação de poluentes aéreos em instalações de creche e terminação de suínos Evaluation of aerial pollutants in nursery and finishing swine housing

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    Carlos Augusto de Paiva Sampaio


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida em duas instalações para suínos nas fases de creche e terminação, em duas salas cada, em granjas localizadas no município de Salto, SP, com os objetivos de avaliar a concentração de amônia e poeira e a presença de fungos, além de estimar os riscos de exposição ocupacional a esses agentes ambientais. As avaliações foram realizadas conforme preceituam as normas NR-15, NIOSH e ACGIH. Os resultados indicaram diferença significativa nas concentrações de amônia em relação aos horários, às instalações e aos períodos do dia. Estes também indicam negligência para a questão da ventilação sanitária nas instalações de creche, com conseqüentes teores mais altos de amônia, e que estes estão vinculados à circulação de ar no interior das instalações, ao manejo dos dejetos e da cortina, à tipologia da construção e às condições de clima local, além da lotação e da densidade de suínos. A concentração de poeira total foi mais alta nos prédios de creche (0,84-9,16mg m-3 do que nos de terminação (0,84-3,34mg m-3, enquanto que a poeira respirável foi mais alta na creche, ficando inferior a 3,67mg m-3 e dentro dos limites de insalubridade para o trabalhador. Foram encontrados fungos do gênero Aspergillus, Penicillium e Neurospora em suspensão no ambiente interno das instalações estudadas.This research was developed in two swine housings in the phases of nursery and finishing: in two pens each, in two farms located at Salto County, SP, with the objective to evaluate ammonia and concentrations, and fungi presence besides estimating the occupational risk of exposure to these environmental agents. The evaluations were done according to recommended by the norms NR-15, NIOSH e ACGIH. Results indicated significant difference in ammonia concentration in relation to the hour, the housing and to the day period. They also indicate negligence to sanitary ventilation matter in nursery

  7. The NF-κB p65 and p50 homodimer cooperate with IRF8 to activate iNOS transcription

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simon, Priscilla S.; Sharman, Sarah K.; Lu, Chunwan; Yang, Dafeng; Paschall, Amy V.; Tulachan, Sidhartha S.; Liu, Kebin


    Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) metabolizes L-arginine to produce nitric oxide (NO) which was originally identified in myeloid cells as a host defense mechanism against pathogens. Recent studies, however, have revealed that iNOS is often induced in tumor cells and myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment. Compelling experimental data have shown that iNOS promotes tumor development in certain cellular context and suppresses tumor development in other cellular conditions. The molecular mechanisms underlying these contrasting functions of iNOS is unknown. Because iNOS is often induced by inflammatory signals, it is therefore likely that these contrasting functions of iNOS could be controlled by the inflammatory signaling pathways, which remains to be determined. iNOS is expressed in colon carcinoma and myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment. Colon carcinoma and myeloid cell lines were used to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying iNOS expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and electrophoretic mobility shift assay were used to determine the IFNγ-activated pSTAT1 and NF-κB association with the chromatin DNA of the nos2 promoter. We show here that iNOS is dramatically up-regulated in inflammed human colon tissues and in human colon carcinoma as compared to normal colon tissue. iNOS is expressed in either the colon carcinoma cells or immune cells within the tumor microenvironment. On the molecular level, the proinflammatory IFNγ and NF-κB signals induce iNOS expression in human colon cancer cells. We further demonstrate that NF-κB directly binds to the NOS2 promoter to regulate iNOS expression. Although neither the IFNγ signaling pathway nor the NF-κB signaling pathway alone is sufficient to induce iNOS expression in myeloid cells, IFNγ and NF-κB synergistically induce iNOS expression in myeloid cells. Furthermore, we determine that IFNγ up-regulates IRF8 expression to augment NF-κB induction of iNOS expression. More interestingly, we


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    Buslov Anatoliy Semenovich


    Full Text Available The supports of a overhead wiring used in transport take up substantial loads both because of wires and constructions holding them and wind, dynamic and other extraordinary impacts. In case of using single-member piles a question about their stability appears. For this reason different sleepers constructions are used. In order to improve the bearing capacity of horizontally loaded single pile supports of the contact systems used in urban, road and rail transport, power lines, etc.., it is recommended to use sleepers as horizontally laid under the ground in the depth of support beams. The calculation methods for different support sleepers of different lengths and cross sections are not well investigated. The proposed calculation method allows determining the carrying capacity of horizontally loaded bearings with soil pieces of different structural dimensions and their location in the soil, which allows choosing the best option for cost and material consumption. The calculations offered by the authors prove the efficiency of sleepers use in order to increase the bearing capacity of horizontally loaded piles and the possibility to chose their size.

  9. Vertical and horizontal seismometric observations of tides (United States)

    Lambotte, S.; Rivera, L.; Hinderer, J.


    Tidal signals have been largely studied with gravimeters, strainmeters and tiltmeters, but can also be retrieved from digital records of the output of long-period seismometers, such as STS-1, particularly if they are properly isolated. Horizontal components are often noisier than the vertical ones, due to sensitivity to tilt at long periods. Hence, horizontal components are often disturbed by local effects such as topography, geology and cavity effects, which imply a strain-tilt coupling. We use series of data (duration larger than 1 month) from several permanent broadband seismological stations to examine these disturbances. We search a minimal set of observable signals (tilts, horizontal and vertical displacements, strains, gravity) necessary to reconstruct the seismological record. Such analysis gives a set of coefficients (per component for each studied station), which are stable over years and then can be used systematically to correct data from these disturbances without needing heavy numerical computation. A special attention is devoted to ocean loading for stations close to oceans (e.g. Matsushiro station in Japon (MAJO)), and to pressure correction when barometric data are available. Interesting observations are made for vertical seismometric components; in particular, we found a pressure admittance between pressure and data 10 times larger than for gravimeters for periods larger than 1 day, while this admittance reaches the usual value of -3.5 nm/s 2/mbar for periods below 3 h. This observation may be due to instrumental noise, but the exact mechanism is not yet understood.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    王静; 赵义; 杨章民; 张进; 李积胜; 司履生; 王一理


    Objective To study the effects of lead on the activity and expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and relationship between the effects of lead on learning-memory and changes of NOS in subfields of hippocampus. Methods Y-maze test was used to study the effects of lead on ability of learning-memory; NADPH-d histochemistry and immunohistochemistry methods were used to investigate the changes of NOS in subfields of hippocampus. Results Compared with the control group, the ability of learning- memory in lead-exposed rats was significantly decreased (P<0.05); the number of NOS positive neurons in CA1 region and dentate gyrus of lead-exposed rats was significantly decreased(P<0.05), but no marked changes in CA3 region; the number of nNOS positive neurons in CA1 of lead-exposed rats was also significantly decreased(P<0.05), but no obvious changes in CA3. Conclusion Lead could damage the ability of learning-memory in rats. Lead could decrease the activity and expression of NOS in hippocampus and had different effects on NOS in different subfields of hippocampus. The changes of NOS in hippocampus induced by lead may be the mechanism of the learning-memory damage by lead.

  11. Volume fracturing of deep shale gas horizontal wells

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    Tingxue Jiang


    Full Text Available Deep shale gas reservoirs buried underground with depth being more than 3500 m are characterized by high in-situ stress, large horizontal stress difference, complex distribution of bedding and natural cracks, and strong rock plasticity. Thus, during hydraulic fracturing, these reservoirs often reveal difficult fracture extension, low fracture complexity, low stimulated reservoir volume (SRV, low conductivity and fast decline, which hinder greatly the economic and effective development of deep shale gas. In this paper, a specific and feasible technique of volume fracturing of deep shale gas horizontal wells is presented. In addition to planar perforation, multi-scale fracturing, full-scale fracture filling, and control over extension of high-angle natural fractures, some supporting techniques are proposed, including multi-stage alternate injection (of acid fluid, slick water and gel and the mixed- and small-grained proppant to be injected with variable viscosity and displacement. These techniques help to increase the effective stimulated reservoir volume (ESRV for deep gas production. Some of the techniques have been successfully used in the fracturing of deep shale gas horizontal wells in Yongchuan, Weiyuan and southern Jiaoshiba blocks in the Sichuan Basin. As a result, Wells YY1HF and WY1HF yielded initially 14.1 × 104 m3/d and 17.5 × 104 m3/d after fracturing. The volume fracturing of deep shale gas horizontal well is meaningful in achieving the productivity of 50 × 108 m3 gas from the interval of 3500–4000 m in Phase II development of Fuling and also in commercial production of huge shale gas resources at a vertical depth of less than 6000 m.

  12. Horizontal antimicrobial resistance transfer drives epidemics of multiple Shigella species. (United States)

    Baker, Kate S; Dallman, Timothy J; Field, Nigel; Childs, Tristan; Mitchell, Holly; Day, Martin; Weill, François-Xavier; Lefèvre, Sophie; Tourdjman, Mathieu; Hughes, Gwenda; Jenkins, Claire; Thomson, Nicholas


    Horizontal gene transfer has played a role in developing the global public health crisis of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). However, the dynamics of AMR transfer through bacterial populations and its direct impact on human disease is poorly elucidated. Here, we study parallel epidemic emergences of multiple Shigella species, a priority AMR organism, in men who have sex with men to gain insight into AMR emergence and spread. Using genomic epidemiology, we show that repeated horizontal transfer of a single AMR plasmid among Shigella enhanced existing and facilitated new epidemics. These epidemic patterns contrasted with slighter, slower increases in disease caused by organisms with vertically inherited (chromosomally encoded) AMR. This demonstrates that horizontal transfer of AMR directly affects epidemiological outcomes of globally important AMR pathogens and highlights the need for integration of genomic analyses into all areas of AMR research, surveillance and management.

  13. Statistical Estimation of Subgrade Reaction Coefficient For Horizontally Loaded Piles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Honjo, Yusuke; Zaika, Yulvi; Pokharel, Gyaneswor


    Appropriate horizontal subgrade reaction (k h ) is required to evaluate stress and displacement in horizontal loading pile. In order to obtain more accurate prediction of pile behavior, statistical analysis is employed. Based on 21 data set gathered on horizontal loading piles, inverse analysis and regression analysis are carried out. The main value and uncertainty are obtained by inverse analysis, could be employed in the regression analysis. The relationship between the lateral resistant constant (k c ) and SPT N value takes into account in correlated and uncorrelated condition. The results are compared with Port and Harbor Technical Research Institute (JPHA, 1999) and Japan Highway Bridge Specification IV (JRA, 1996). The computed values are found to be very close to the JPHA line and within the range of JRA lines in diameter 0.5 m and 2 m

  14. Buoyancy Driven Natural Ventilation through Horizontal Openings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heiselberg, Per


    An experimental study of the phenomenon of buoyancy driven natural ventilation through single-sided horizontal openings was performed in a full-scale laboratory test rig. The measurements were made for opening ratios L/D ranging from 0.027 to 4.455, where L and D are the length of the opening...... and the diameter of the opening, respectively. The basic nature of airflow through single-sided openings, including airflow rate, air velocity, temperature difference between the rooms and the dimensions of the horizontal openings, were measured. A bi-directional airflow rate was measured using the constant...... quite well with the Epstein's formula ratio are presented. In some cases the measured airflow rates fit quite well with the Epstein's formula but in other cases the measured data show clear deviations from the Epstein's formula. Thus, revised formulas for natural ventilation are proposed....

  15. Horizontal modular dry irradiated fuel storage system (United States)

    Fischer, Larry E.; McInnes, Ian D.; Massey, John V.


    A horizontal, modular, dry, irradiated fuel storage system (10) includes a thin-walled canister (12) for containing irradiated fuel assemblies (20), which canister (12) can be positioned in a transfer cask (14) and transported in a horizontal manner from a fuel storage pool (18), to an intermediate-term storage facility. The storage system (10) includes a plurality of dry storage modules (26) which accept the canister (12) from the transfer cask (14) and provide for appropriate shielding about the canister (12). Each module (26) also provides for air cooling of the canister (12) to remove the decay heat of the irradiated fuel assemblies (20). The modules (26) can be interlocked so that each module (26) gains additional shielding from the next adjacent module (26). Hydraulic rams (30) are provided for inserting and removing the canisters (12) from the modules (26).

  16. Activation of eNOS in endothelial cells exposed to ionizing radiation involves components of the DNA damage response pathway

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagane, Masaki; Yasui, Hironobu; Sakai, Yuri; Yamamori, Tohru [Laboratory of Radiation Biology, Department of Environmental Veterinary Sciences, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0818 (Japan); Niwa, Koichi [Laboratory of Biochemistry, Department of Food and Cosmetic Science, Faculty of Bioindustry, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Abashiri 099-2493 (Japan); Hattori, Yuichi [Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, Toyama 930-0194 (Japan); Kondo, Takashi [Department of Radiological Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, Toyama 930-0194 (Japan); Inanami, Osamu, E-mail: [Laboratory of Radiation Biology, Department of Environmental Veterinary Sciences, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0818 (Japan)


    Highlights: • eNOS activity is increased in BAECs exposed to X-rays. • ATM is involved in this increased eNOS activity. • HSP90 modulates the radiation-induced activation of ATM and eNOS. - Abstract: In this study, the involvement of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase and heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activation was investigated in X-irradiated bovine aortic endothelial cells. The activity of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and the phosphorylation of serine 1179 of eNOS (eNOS-Ser1179) were significantly increased in irradiated cells. The radiation-induced increases in NOS activity and eNOS-Ser1179 phosphorylation levels were significantly reduced by treatment with either an ATM inhibitor (Ku-60019) or an HSP90 inhibitor (geldanamycin). Geldanamycin was furthermore found to suppress the radiation-induced phosphorylation of ATM-Ser1181. Our results indicate that the radiation-induced eNOS activation in bovine aortic endothelial cells is regulated by ATM and HSP90.

  17. Dengue em três distritos sanitários de Belo Horizonte, Brasil: inquérito soroepidemiológico de base populacional, 2006 a 2007 Dengue fever in three sanitary districts in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil: a population-based seroepidemiological survey, 2006 to 2007

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    José Eduardo Marques Pessanha


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a soroprevalência para sorotipos virais da dengue em três distritos sanitários de Belo Horizonte e investigar a associação com variáveis de contexto e individuais. MÉTODOS: O inquérito foi conduzido nos distritos sanitários de Venda Nova, Leste e Centro-Oeste entre junho de 2006 e março de 2007. Foram incluídos todos os residentes com idade Ž 1 ano. Os participantes responderam a questionário; foi também coletada uma amostra de sangue (5 mL para determinar a presença de anticorpos contra vírus da dengue dos tipos 1, 2 e 3 por soroneutralização. O questionário abrangeu questões demográficas, posição socioeconômica, características físicas do local de moradia, mobilidade de moradia entre cidades, história pregressa de sinais e sintomas associados à dengue e conhecimento sobre medidas de prevenção da dengue, dentre outros. RESULTADOS: Entre os 709 indivíduos estudados, encontrou-se soroprevalência para dengue de 11,9% (IC95%: 9,7 a 14,6, não associada ao sexo, idade, renda familiar e mudança de município nos últimos 10 anos. Houve associação da soropositividade com tipo de moradia (apartamento ou casa/barracão, sendo apartamento fator de proteção e com índice elevado de vulnerabilidade da saúde do local de moradia. CONCLUSÃO: A soroprevalência neste estudo foi mais baixa do que a encontrada em outros inquéritos realizados em cidades brasileiras de porte grande e médio, sugerindo que Belo Horizonte tem utilizado estratégias eficazes de controle. Entretanto, foi observada uma heterogeneidade intraurbana na transmissão da dengue, em grande parte associada a indicadores contextuais de vulnerabilidade. Permanece ainda elevado o número de suscetíveis, e a dengue como questão de saúde pública de difícil controle.OBJECTIVE: To determine the seroprevalence of dengue fever serotypes in three sanitary districts in the city of Belo Horizonte and investigate the association of

  18. Mg Incorporation Efficiency in Pulsed MOCVD of N-Polar GaN:Mg (United States)

    Marini, Jonathan; Mahaboob, Isra; Hogan, Kasey; Novak, Steve; Bell, L. D.; Shahedipour-Sandvik, F.


    We report on the effect of growth polarity and pulsed or δ -doped growth mode on impurity incorporation in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition-grown GaN. In Ga-polar orientation, up to 12× enhancement in Mg concentration for given Mg flow rate is observed, resulting in enhanced p-type conductivity for these samples. In contrast, this enhancement effect is greatly diminished for N-polar samples, falling off with increasing Mg flow and showing maximum enhancement of 2.7× at 30 nmol/min Mg flow. At higher Mg flow rates, Mg incorporation at normal levels did not correspond to p-type conductivity, which may be due to Mg incorporation at nonacceptor sites. Concentrations of C, O, and Si were also investigated, revealing dependence on Mg flow in N-polar pulsed samples. Carbon incorporation was found to decrease with increasing Mg flow, and oxygen incorporation was found to remain high across varied Mg flow. These effects combine to result in N-polar samples that are not p-type when using the pulsed growth mode.


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    Full Text Available Crucial improvement have taken place in intra-industry trade literature since intra-industry trade phenomenon was empirically determined. Nowadays economists discuss on the necessity of distinguishing between horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade especially relating to product differentiation in each industry. As standard Grubel-Lloyd index does not determine the time when two way trade is taken into consideration, in this paper first of all Two-Way Trade index is used and then horizontal intra-industry trade and low-high quality vertical intra-industry trade are distinguished from each other regarding unit value differential. As a result of the analysis the findings show that low quality vertical intra-industry trade dominate in Turkey's intra-industry trade.

  20. Continuous measurements of discharge from a horizontal acoustic Doppler current profiler in a tidal river

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoitink, A.J.F.; Buschman, F.A.; Vermeulen, B.


    Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) can be mounted horizontally at a river bank, yielding single-depth horizontal array observations of velocity across the river. This paper presents a semideterministic, semistochastic method to obtain continuous measurements of discharge from horizontal ADCP

  1. Synergistic Antihypertensive Effect of Carthamus tinctorius L. Extract and Captopril in l-NAME-Induced Hypertensive Rats via Restoration of eNOS and AT1R Expression

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    Putcharawipa Maneesai


    Full Text Available This study examined the effect of Carthamus tinctorius (CT extract plus captopril treatment on blood pressure, vascular function, nitric oxide (NO bioavailability, oxidative stress and renin-angiotensin system (RAS in Nω-Nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME-induced hypertension. Rats were treated with l-NAME (40 mg/kg/day for five weeks and given CT extract (75 or 150 or 300 or 500 mg/kg/day: captopril (5 mg/kg/day or CT extract (300 mg/kg/day plus captopril (5 mg/kg/day for two consecutive weeks. CT extract reduced blood pressure dose-dependently, and the most effective dose was 300 mg/kg/day. l-NAME-induced hypertensive rats showed abnormalities including high blood pressure, high vascular resistance, impairment of acetylcholine-induced vasorelaxation in isolated aortic rings and mesenteric vascular beds, increased vascular superoxide production and plasma malondialdehyde levels, downregulation of eNOS, low level of plasma nitric oxide metabolites, upregulation of angiotensin II type 1 receptor and increased plasma angiotensin II. These abnormalities were alleviated by treatment with either CT extract or captopril. Combination treatment of CT extract and captopril normalized all the abnormalities found in hypertensive rats except endothelial dysfunction. These data indicate that there are synergistic antihypertensive effects of CT extract and captopril. These effects are likely mediated by their anti-oxidative properties and their inhibition of RAS.

  2. A Linguagem Motion Graphics nos Videoclipes Brasileiros

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    Herom Vargas


    Full Text Available Com o desenvolvimento das tecnologias digitais de edição, animação e pós-produção, a linguagem motion graphics se configurou como ferramenta criativa nas relações entre som e imagem. Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar aspectos inovadores da utilização da linguagem motion graphics nos videoclipes de artistas brasileiros, no período de 1990 a 2010. Por meio de categorias de avaliação relacionadas 1 aos softwares de composição visual, 2 à evolução da linguagem do clipe no período e 3 às relações entre música, vídeo e gráficos utilizados, quatro estágios de aplicação criativa dos recursos dessa linguagem nos videoclipes brasileiros foram estabelecidos.

  3. Carcinoma ductal in situ da mama: critérios para diagnóstico e abordagem em hospitais públicos de Belo Horizonte Approach of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast in three public hospitals in Belo Horizonte

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    Marcio de Almeida Salles


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar os aspectos clínicos, radiológicos, anátomo-patológicos e terapêuticos de uma série de casos de carcinoma ductal in situ (CDIS da mama de pacientes atendidos em três hospitais públicos de Belo Horizonte (MG. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados dos arquivos médicos todos os casos de câncer de mama diagnosticados entre os anos de 1985 e 2000, encontrando-se 179 casos com diagnóstico de CDIS. Fez-se revisão anátomo-patológica das lâminas e obtiveram-se dados clínicos completos, mamografias e informações sobre tratamento em 85 casos. RESULTADOS: a maioria dos casos eram assintomáticos e os diagnósticos foram feitos pela mamografia (68,2%, sendo as microcalcificações a alteração radiológica mais freqüente. Houve aumento progressivo no diagnóstico de CDIS ao longo dos anos simultâneo à introdução do exame periódico mamográfico. Houve concordância entre o diagnóstico inicial e após a revisão histopatológica em 72,9% dos casos. Em três casos, o diagnóstico original de CDIS não foi confirmado pela revisão, tratando-se de hiperplasias com atipias. O achado de microcalcificações radiológicas foi confirmado no estudo histopatológico em 95,6%. A metade dos pacientes foi submetida à mastectomia. Nos casos submetidos à linfadenectomia axilar, todos os linfonodos dissecados foram negativos para metástases. CONCLUSÕES: os dados encontrados estão de acordo com a literatura, que mostra um aumento do diagnóstico do CDIS a partir de 1990. Houve importante variação interobservador entre os diagnósticos anátomo-patológicos iniciais e os da revisão, sendo que os diagnósticos iniciais tendiam para malignidade. Houve grande número de tratamentos mais radicais como a mastectomia e esvaziamentos axilares, que provavelmente, com os conhecimentos atuais, seriam substituídos por tratamentos conservadores e biópsia do linfonodo sentinela.PURPOSE: to evaluate the clinical, radiological therapeutic and

  4. Atmospheric horizontal divergence and diffusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castans, M.


    The action of horizontal divergence on diffusion near the ground is established through.a very simple flow model. The shape of the well-known Pasquill-Gifford-Turner curves, that apparently take account in some way of divergence, is justified. The possibility of explaining the discre--pancies between the conventional straight line model and experimental results, mainly under low-wind-speed satable conditions, is considered. Some hints for further research are made. (auth.)

  5. Plankton bloom controlled by horizontal stirring (United States)

    McKiver, W.; Neufeld, Z.; Scheuring, I.


    Here we show a simple mechanism in which changes in the rate of horizontal stirring by mesoscale ocean eddies can trigger or suppress plankton blooms and can lead to an abrupt change in the average plankton density. We consider a single species phytoplankton model with logistic growth, grazing and a spatially non-uniform carrying capacity. The local dynamics have multiple steady states for some values of the carrying capacity that can lead to localized blooms as fluid moves across the regions with different properties. We show that for this model even small changes in the ratio of biological timescales relative to the flow timescales can greatly enhance or reduce the global plankton productivity. Thus, this may be a possible mechanism in which changes in horizontal mixing can trigger plankton blooms or cause regime shifts in some oceanic regions. Comparison between the spatially distributed model and Lagrangian simulations considering temporal fluctuations along fluid trajectories, demonstrates that small scale transport processes also play an important role in the development of plankton blooms with a significant influence on global biomass.

  6. P1-19: Horizontal Vertical Illusion by Touch

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoshinari Kinoshita


    Full Text Available Revesz (1934 Zeitschrift fur PsychologieBd. 1, Kap 20 and Bean (1938 Journal of Experimental Psychology 22 283–289. reported almost all the geometrical optical illusions existed in a tactual mode. Such a study can examine theories of visual illusions with modality-free theories. A number of articles have been devoted to the theory that repeated judgments decline the magnitude of visual illusion. In the current study, we examine whether repeated judgments decline the magnitude of geometrical haptic illusion. The Fick illusion (i.e., a horizontal vertical illusion was investigated. A graphics Braille display with 32×48 dots was used to present an inverted T haptically without vision. The horizontal line was consistently 49.2 mm long, and the vertical line was varied in each trial. Three subjects with normal sight participated. They judged which line was longer than the other. The point of subjective equality at which the subject perceives the two lines to be the same was measured using the method of constant stimuli. In the first session the mean PSE was about 13%; to compensate for the illusion, the vertical line must be set physically shorter than the horizontal line. We found that repeated judgments produced a reduction in illusion magnitude and dissolved the illusion entirely.

  7. Single and multiple transverse fracture initiation from horizontal wells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crosby, D.G.; Rahman, M.M.; Rahman, M.K.; Rahman, S.S. [School of Petroleum Engineering, The University of New South Wales, 2052 Sydney (Australia)


    The results of an analytical and experimental study of the initiation of transverse fractures from horizontal wells are presented. Analytical criteria for the initiation of single hydraulic fracture are reviewed, and criterion for initiation of multiple hydraulic fractures was developed by modification of the existing Drucker and Prager criterion for single hydraulic fracture initiation. The developed criterion for multiple fracture initiation was validated by comparisons with actual hydraulic fracture initiation pressures, which were obtained from scaled laboratory experiments and numerical results from boundary element analysis. Other criteria are assessed against the experimental results. Experimentally obtained transverse fracture initiation pressures were found close to longitudinal fracture initiation pressures estimated from maximum tensile stress criterion and Hoek and Brown criterion. One possible explanation of this finding is presented. Results from Drucker and Prager criteria for single and multiple fracture initiation were, however, found closer to experimental values. Therefore, these criteria could be useful to engineers involved with hydraulic fracturing for predicting transverse fracture initiation pressures from horizontal wells drilled parallel to the minimum horizontal in-situ stress.

  8. Heat transfer by natural convection into an horizontal cavity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arevalo J, P.


    At this thesis it is studied the heat transfer by natural convection in an horizontal cavity, it is involved a boiling's part that is described the regimes and correlations differences for boiling's curve. It is designed a horizontal cavity for realize the experimental part and it's mention from equipment or instrumentation to succeed in a experimentation that permits to realize the analysis of heat transfer, handling as water fluid at atmospheric pressure and where it's present process from natural convection involving part boiling's subcooled. The system consists of heater zone submerged in a horizontal cavity with water. Once part finished experimental with information to obtained it's proceeded to obtain a correlation, realized starting from analysis dimensionless such as: Jakob, Bond and Grasoft (Boiling) besides of knows in natural convection: Prandtl and Nusselt. The mathematical model explains the behavior for natural convection continued part boiling's subcooled. It is realize analysis graphics too where it's show comparing with Globe Dropkin and Catton equations by natural convection with bottom heating. (Author)

  9. Rectifying Horizontal Inequalities: Lessons from African Conflict

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    and demonstrate the link between horizontal inequalities and conflict. Section two will ... the US race riots in the 1960's and the 2005 Paris riots to the genocides that .... be seen as a combination of ethnic fighting between the black population.

  10. Acoustic multipath arrivals in the horizontal plane due to approaching nonlinear internal waves. (United States)

    Badiey, Mohsen; Katsnelson, Boris G; Lin, Ying-Tsong; Lynch, James F


    Simultaneous measurements of acoustic wave transmissions and a nonlinear internal wave packet approaching an along-shelf acoustic path during the Shallow Water 2006 experiment are reported. The incoming internal wave packet acts as a moving frontal layer reflecting (or refracting) sound in the horizontal plane. Received acoustic signals are filtered into acoustic normal mode arrivals. It is shown that a horizontal multipath interference is produced. This has previously been called a horizontal Lloyd's mirror. The interference between the direct path and the refracted path depends on the mode number and frequency of the acoustic signal. A mechanism for the multipath interference is shown. Preliminary modeling results of this dynamic interaction using vertical modes and horizontal parabolic equation models are in good agreement with the observed data.

  11. Depressed nNOS expression during spine transition in the developing hippocampus of FMR1 KO mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Qin; Zhu, Zhiwei; Xu, Jialu; Gu, Weizhong; Zhao, Zhengyan


    Nitric oxide (NO), synthesized as needed by NO synthase (NOS), is involved in spinogenesis and synaptogenesis. Immature spine morphology is characteristic of fragile X syndrome (FXS). The objective of this research was to investigate and compare changes of postnatal neuronal NOS (nNOS) expression in the hippocampus of male fragile X mental retardation 1 gene knockout mice (FMR1 KO mice, the animal model of FXS) and male wild-type mice (WT) at postnatal day 7 (P7), P14, P21, and P28. nNOS mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR (N = 4-7) and nNOS protein was estimated by Western blot (N = 3) and immunohistochemistry (N = 1). In the PCR assessment, primers 5′-GTGGCCATCGTGTCCTACCATAC-3′ and 5′-GTTTCGAGGCAGGTGGAAGCTA-3′ were used for the detection of nNOS and primers 5′-CCGTTTCTCCTGGCTCAGTTTA-3′ and 5′-CCCCAATACCACATCATCCAT-3′ were used for the detection of β-actin. Compared to the WT group, nNOS mRNA expression was significantly decreased in FMR1 KO mice at P21 (KO: 0.2857 ± 0.0150, WT: 0.5646 ± 0.0657; P < 0.05). Consistently, nNOS immunoreactivity also revealed reduced staining intensity at P21 in the FMR1 KO group. Western blot analysis validated the immunostaining results by demonstrating a significant reduction in nNOS protein levels in the FMR1 KO group compared to the WT group at P21 (KO: 0.3015 ± 0.0897, WT: 1.7542 ± 0.5455; P < 0.05). These results suggest that nNOS was involved in the postnatal development of the hippocampus in FXS and impaired NO production may retard spine maturation in FXS

  12. Depressed nNOS expression during spine transition in the developing hippocampus of FMR1 KO mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Qin; Zhu, Zhiwei; Xu, Jialu [Department of Children' s Health Care, Children' s Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang (China); Gu, Weizhong [Department of Pathology, Children' s Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang (China); Zhao, Zhengyan [Department of Children' s Health Care, Children' s Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang (China)


    Nitric oxide (NO), synthesized as needed by NO synthase (NOS), is involved in spinogenesis and synaptogenesis. Immature spine morphology is characteristic of fragile X syndrome (FXS). The objective of this research was to investigate and compare changes of postnatal neuronal NOS (nNOS) expression in the hippocampus of male fragile X mental retardation 1 gene knockout mice (FMR1 KO mice, the animal model of FXS) and male wild-type mice (WT) at postnatal day 7 (P7), P14, P21, and P28. nNOS mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR (N = 4-7) and nNOS protein was estimated by Western blot (N = 3) and immunohistochemistry (N = 1). In the PCR assessment, primers 5′-GTGGCCATCGTGTCCTACCATAC-3′ and 5′-GTTTCGAGGCAGGTGGAAGCTA-3′ were used for the detection of nNOS and primers 5′-CCGTTTCTCCTGGCTCAGTTTA-3′ and 5′-CCCCAATACCACATCATCCAT-3′ were used for the detection of β-actin. Compared to the WT group, nNOS mRNA expression was significantly decreased in FMR1 KO mice at P21 (KO: 0.2857 ± 0.0150, WT: 0.5646 ± 0.0657; P < 0.05). Consistently, nNOS immunoreactivity also revealed reduced staining intensity at P21 in the FMR1 KO group. Western blot analysis validated the immunostaining results by demonstrating a significant reduction in nNOS protein levels in the FMR1 KO group compared to the WT group at P21 (KO: 0.3015 ± 0.0897, WT: 1.7542 ± 0.5455; P < 0.05). These results suggest that nNOS was involved in the postnatal development of the hippocampus in FXS and impaired NO production may retard spine maturation in FXS.

  13. Depressed nNOS expression during spine transition in the developing hippocampus of FMR1 KO mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qin Xu


    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO, synthesized as needed by NO synthase (NOS, is involved in spinogenesis and synaptogenesis. Immature spine morphology is characteristic of fragile X syndrome (FXS. The objective of this research was to investigate and compare changes of postnatal neuronal NOS (nNOS expression in the hippocampus of male fragile X mental retardation 1 gene knockout mice (FMR1 KO mice, the animal model of FXS and male wild-type mice (WT at postnatal day 7 (P7, P14, P21, and P28. nNOS mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR (N = 4-7 and nNOS protein was estimated by Western blot (N = 3 and immunohistochemistry (N = 1. In the PCR assessment, primers 5’-GTGGCCATCGTGTCCTACCATAC-3’ and 5’-GTTTCGAGGCAGGTGGAAGCTA-3’ were used for the detection of nNOS and primers 5’-CCGTTTCTCCTGGCTCAGTTTA-3’ and 5’-CCCCAATACCACATCATCCAT-3’ were used for the detection of β-actin. Compared to the WT group, nNOS mRNA expression was significantly decreased in FMR1 KO mice at P21 (KO: 0.2857 ± 0.0150, WT: 0.5646 ± 0.0657; P < 0.05. Consistently, nNOS immunoreactivity also revealed reduced staining intensity at P21 in the FMR1 KO group. Western blot analysis validated the immunostaining results by demonstrating a significant reduction in nNOS protein levels in the FMR1 KO group compared to the WT group at P21 (KO: 0.3015 ± 0.0897, WT: 1.7542 ± 0.5455; P < 0.05. These results suggest that nNOS was involved in the postnatal development of the hippocampus in FXS and impaired NO production may retard spine maturation in FXS.

  14. Efficient Storage and Querying of Horizontal Tables Using a PIVOT Operation in Commercial Relational DBMSs (United States)

    Shin, Sung-Hyun; Moon, Yang-Sae; Kim, Jinho; Kim, Sang-Wook

    In recent years, a horizontal table with a large number of attributes is widely used in OLAP or e-business applications to analyze multidimensional data efficiently. For efficient storing and querying of horizontal tables, recent works have tried to transform a horizontal table to a traditional vertical table. Existing works, however, have the drawback of not considering an optimized PIVOT operation provided (or to be provided) in recent commercial RDBMSs. In this paper we propose a formal approach that exploits the optimized PIVOT operation of commercial RDBMSs for storing and querying of horizontal tables. To achieve this goal, we first provide an overall framework that stores and queries a horizontal table using an equivalent vertical table. Under the proposed framework, we then formally define 1) a method that stores a horizontal table in an equivalent vertical table and 2) a PIVOT operation that converts a stored vertical table to an equivalent horizontal view. Next, we propose a novel method that transforms a user-specified query on horizontal tables to an equivalent PIVOT-included query on vertical tables. In particular, by providing transformation rules for all five elementary operations in relational algebra as theorems, we prove our method is theoretically applicable to commercial RDBMSs. Experimental results show that, compared with the earlier work, our method reduces storage space significantly and also improves average performance by several orders of magnitude. These results indicate that our method provides an excellent framework to maximize performance in handling horizontal tables by exploiting the optimized PIVOT operation in commercial RDBMSs.

  15. Horizontal transfer generates genetic variation in an asexual pathogen

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    Xiaoqiu Huang


    Full Text Available There are major gaps in the understanding of how genetic variation is generated in the asexual pathogen Verticillium dahliae. On the one hand, V. dahliae is a haploid organism that reproduces clonally. On the other hand, single-nucleotide polymorphisms and chromosomal rearrangements were found between V. dahliae strains. Lineage-specific (LS regions comprising about 5% of the genome are highly variable between V. dahliae strains. Nonetheless, it is unknown whether horizontal gene transfer plays a major role in generating genetic variation in V. dahliae. Here, we analyzed a previously sequenced V. dahliae population of nine strains from various geographical locations and hosts. We found highly homologous elements in LS regions of each strain; LS regions of V. dahliae strain JR2 are much richer in highly homologous elements than the core genome. In addition, we discovered, in LS regions of JR2, several structural forms of nonhomologous recombination, and two or three homologous sequence types of each form, with almost each sequence type present in an LS region of another strain. A large section of one of the forms is known to be horizontally transferred between V. dahliae strains. We unexpectedly found that 350 kilobases of dynamic LS regions were much more conserved than the core genome between V. dahliae and a closely related species (V. albo-atrum, suggesting that these LS regions were horizontally transferred recently. Our results support the view that genetic variation in LS regions is generated by horizontal transfer between strains, and by chromosomal reshuffling reported previously.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jain, Kiran; Tripathy, S. C.; Hill, F., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [National Solar Observatory, 950 N Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85719 (United States)


    We measure the horizontal subsurface flow in a fast emerging active region (AR; NOAA 11158) using the ring-diagram technique and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager high spatial resolution Dopplergrams. This AR had a complex magnetic structure and displayed significant changes in morphology during its disk passage. Over a period of six days from 2011 February 11 to 16, the temporal variation in the magnitude of the total velocity is found to follow the trend of magnetic field strength. We further analyze regions of individual magnetic polarity within AR 11158 and find that the horizontal velocity components in these sub-regions have significant variation with time and depth. The leading and trailing polarity regions move faster than the mixed-polarity region. Furthermore, both zonal and meridional components have opposite signs for trailing and leading polarity regions at all depths showing divergent flows within the AR. We also find a sharp decrease in the magnitude of total horizontal velocity in deeper layers around major flares. It is suggested that the re-organization of magnetic fields during flares, combined with the sunspot rotation, decreases the magnitude of horizontal flows or that the flow kinetic energy has been converted into the energy released by flares. After the decline in flare activity and sunspot rotation, the flows tend to follow the pattern of magnetic activity. We also observe less variation in the velocity components near the surface but these tend to increase with depth, further demonstrating that the deeper layers are more affected by the topology of ARs.

  17. Horizontal integration in the development strategy of mining companies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Kudełko


    Full Text Available Integration strategy is one option in the development of mining companies and is implemented through a connection of either processes or economic entities which operate or may operate separately. Usually this strategy is carried out by companies that occupy a very strong competitive position. Considering its direction, it may be horizontal or vertical. Horizontal integration strategy stems from a desire to increase market share by an entrepreneur or create a new company based on common know-how and combined operational processes. It can be realized in an external dimension through a merger or takeover, as well as in the internal dimension based on its own resources. The external dimension is based on capital or contractual integration of a company with external economic entities performing related or conglomerate activity. The targets of such integration have a resource, a market effectiveness, or a competence nature. In the case of mining companies, it covers all important activity areas, including geology, mining, processing, environmental protection, and waste management, and is carried out with due diligence. In the internal dimension, the strategy of horizontal integration consists in consolidating the strategic targets of all business units around the company’s (corporation’s targets. The authors focused on two trends most relevant to pursuing a horizontal integration strategy, including increasing the company’s flexibility and undertaking joint activities. Flexibility consists in the potential ability of the company to adapt quickly to changed environment conditions. Joint activity includes co-operation of its respective units in terms of products, markets, and functions.

  18. Lessons learned from installation of an environmental horizontal well

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oakley, D.B.; Nickelson, M.D.


    At Williams Air Force Base near Phoenix, Arizona, a Pilot Study/Demonstration Study is being performed to evaluate the effectiveness of horizontal vs vertical wells in remediating and containing a jet fuel contaminant plume. An early stage of this project included successful installation of the world's longest, deepest environmental horizontal well. The horizontal well was installed using river crossing technology developed for drilling boreholes and installing utility conduits under rivers. Boreholes more than 5,000 ft. long have been successfully installed using river crossing technology. However, these boreholes are typically shallower than 100 ft. below land surface. Installation of the environment horizontal well proved to be extremely challenging because of the depth, the length of the borehole, and the requirements dictated by well installation criteria. Two installation attempts failed before the successful installation. The first installation attempt failed during well material installation. The second attempt resulted in the drill string becoming permanently stuck and abandoned downhole. The history of the two failed and one successful installation attempts demonstrates several lessons learned, including (1) streamline the well materials installation process as much as possible; (2) guar-gum-based drilling muds do not have the gel strength to remove sufficient cuttings from deep boreholes; (3) if sandpack around the well screen is required, a prepack screen should be installed--avoid using tremie pipes for installing a sandpack; (4) drill string location information provided by surface magnetic systems is unreliable at 150 ft. or more bls; and (5) for difficult drilling conditions, 24 hr./day drilling is recommended

  19. Full-scale horizontal cable-tray tests: Fire-propagation characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    At the Fermi National Accelerator Center (Fermilab), as at any high-energy physics laboratory, the experimental program depends on complex arrays of equipment that require years to assemble and place in service. These equipment arrays are typically located in enclosed tunnels or experimental halls and could be destroyed by rapidly propagating, uncontrolled fire. Cable trays, both vertical and horizontal, are an integral and ubiquitous component of these installations. Concurrently, throughout industry and within the professional fire-fighting community, there has been concern over the flammability and fire propagation characteristics of electrical cables in open cable trays. While some information was available concerning fire propagation in vertical cable trays, little was known about fires in horizontal cable trays. In view of the potential for loss of equipment and facilities, not to mention the programmatic impact of a fire, Fermilab initiated a program of full-scale, horizontal cable-tray fire tests to determine the flammability and rate of horizontal fire propagation in cable-tray configurations and cable mixed typical of those existing in underground tunnel enclosures and support buildings as Fermilab. This series of tests addressed the effects of ventilation rates and cable-tray fill, fire-fighting techniques, and the effectiveness and value of automatic sprinklers, smoke detection, and cable-coating fire barriers in detecting, controlling, or extinguishing a cable-tray fire. Detailed descriptions of each fire test, including sketches of cable-tray configuration and contents, instrumentation, ventilation rates, Fermilab Fire Department personnel observations, photographs, and graphs of thermocouple readings are available in a report of these tests prepared by the Fermilab Safety Section

  20. Conformance to Generic Letter 83-28, Items 3.1.3 and 3.2.3, Beaver Valley, Unit No. 1, North Anna, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Surry Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-334, 50-338, 50-339, 50-280, and 50-281)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haroldsen, R.


    This report provides a review of the submittals for Beaver Valley, Unit No. 1, North Anna, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, and Surry, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, for conformance to Generic Letter 83-28, Items 3.1.3 and 3.2.3. The specific plants selected were reviewed as a group because of similarity in type and applicability of review items

  1. Efeito do treinamento aeróbio nos níveis de homocisteína em indivíduos diabéticos do tipo 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre de Souza e Silva


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Os programas de treinamento aeróbio têm demonstrado bons resultados no controle das variáveis de risco cardiovascular em indivíduos diabéticos; no entanto, os efeitos nos níveis de homocisteína não estão claros. Objetivo: Analisar os efeitos do treinamento aeróbio nos níveis plasmáticos de homocisteína e fatores de risco cardiovascular em indivíduos diabéticos do tipo 2.MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 15 mulheres com diabetes do tipo 2 e média de idade 68,86 ± 11,2 anos. Todos os indivíduos da amostra foram submetidos a um teste de avaliação do consumo máximo de oxigénio (VO2máx seguindo o protocolo de Bruce, avaliação da pressão arterial e avaliação antropométrica. Foi também efetuada uma coleta de 10 ml de sangue (veia antecubital em jejum de no mínimo 12 horas. O plasma foi separado e processado para posterior análise da concentração de homocisteína (mmol/l, colesterol total (mg/dl, lipoproteína de muito baixa densidade (VLDL (mg/dl, lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL (mg/dl, lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL (mg/dl, triglicérides (mg/dl e glicemia (mg/dl. Os testes foram feitos antes e após 16 semanas de treinamento aeróbio. O programa foi realizado com 2 sessões de treinamento não consecutivas por semana, com intensidade compreendida entre 60% e 70% da frequência cardíaca máxima e duração de 75 minutos por sessão.RESULTADOS: Os resultados observados revelam que o programa de exercício físico induziu uma diminuição não significativa da concentração plasmática de homocisteína. Foram ainda identificadas melhorias do perfil lipídico e do Consumo Máximo de Oxigênio (VO2máx, diminuição da glicemia, da pressão arterial diastólica, do percentual de gordura e massa gorda.CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que o programa de treinamento aeróbio reduziu o risco cardiovascular em indivíduos diabéticos do tipo 2, embora a alteração da homocisteína não tenha sido significativa.

  2. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Verified, Hourly (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has verified (quality-controlled), hourly, water level (tide) data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)....

  3. Technical Specifications: Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-424 and 50-425): Appendix ''A'' to License Nos. NPF-68 and NPF-79

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Technical Specifications were prepared by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to set forth the limits, operating conditions, and other requirements applicable to a nuclear facility as set forth in Section 50.36 of 10 CFR 50 for the protection of the health and safety of the public

  4. Technical Specifications, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-424 and 50-425): Appendix ''A'' to License Nos. NPF-68 and NPF-81

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Technical Specifications were prepared by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to set forth the limits, operating conditions, and other requirements applicable to a nuclear facility as set forth in Section 50.36 of 10 CFR 50 for the protection of the health and safety of the public

  5. Simulation of Solar Radiation Incident on Horizontal and Inclined Surfaces

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    MA Basunia


    Full Text Available A computer model was developed to simulate the hourly, daily and monthly average of daily solar radiation on horizontal and inclined surfaces. The measured hourly and daily solar radiation was compared with simulated radiation, and favourable agreement was observed for the measured and predicted values on clear days. The measured and simulated monthly averages of total (diffuse and beam daily solar radiation were compared and a reasonable agreement was observed for a number of stations in Japan. The simulation showed that during the rice harvesting season, September to October, there is a daily average of 14.7 MJ/m2 of solar irradiation on a horizontal surface in Matsuyama, Japan. There is a similar amount of solar radiation on a horizontal surface during the major rice harvesting season, November to December, in Bangladesh. This radiation can be effectively utilized for drying rough rice and other farm crops.

  6. Sand control in open horizontal wells - case histories and developments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rovina, P. S. [Petrobras (Brazil); Filho, E. L.


    A number of unconventional sand control completion techniques have been adopted by Petrobras to achieve higher productivity, delay gas/water conning, and to support unconsolidated formations in water injection wells in recently discovered new fields in the Amazon forest and in the deep water offshore Campos Basin. Experiences acquired running screens on 23 horizontal open wells are described. Horizontal wells confirmed the expectations in both locations, i;e. in the Amazon forests water conning was delayed, and in the Marlim field productivity increase to three times that of conventional wells. It was also observed that the API threads used in the screen basepipe for horizontal wells with long radius and short open hole section were adequate, but in the new deep water fields where extended reach wells and long open hole section are likely to be common, it is necessary to use premium threads. 2 refs., 1 tab., 5 figs.

  7. Measurement and Analysis of Horizontal Vibration Response of Pile Foundations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Boominathan


    Full Text Available Pile foundations are frequently used in very loose and weak deposits, in particular soft marine clays deposits to support various industrial structures, power plants, petrochemical complexes, compressor stations and residential multi-storeyed buildings. Under these circumstances, piles are predominantly subjected to horizontal dynamic loads and the pile response to horizontal vibration is very critical due to its low stiffness. Though many analytical methods have been developed to estimate the horizontal vibration response, but they are not well validated with the experimental studies. This paper presents the results of horizontal vibration tests carried out on model aluminium single piles embedded in a simulated Elastic Half Space filled with clay. The influence of various soil and pile parameters such as pile length, modulus of clay, magnitude of dynamic load and frequency of excitation on the horizontal vibration response of single piles was examined. Measurement of various response quantities, such as the load transferred to the pile, pile head displacement and the strain variation along the pile length were done using a Data Acquisition System. It is found that the pile length, modulus of clay and dynamic load, significantly influences the natural frequency and peak amplitude of the soil-pile system. The maximum bending moment occurs at the fundamental frequency of the soil-pile system. The maximum bending moment of long piles is about 2 to 4 times higher than that of short piles and it increases drastically with the increase in the shear modulus of clay for both short and long piles. The active or effective pile length is found to be increasing under dynamic load and empirical equations are proposed to estimate the active pile length under dynamic loads.

  8. Thermal-hydraulic assessment of concrete storage cubicle with horizontal 3013 canisters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    HEARD, F.J.


    The FIDAP computer code was used to perform a series of analyses to assess the thermal-hydraulic performance characteristics of the concrete plutonium storage cubicles, as modified for the horizontal placement of 3013 canisters. Four separate models were developed ranging from a full height model of the storage cubicle to a very detailed standalone model of a horizontal 3013 canister.

  9. Thermal-hydraulic assessment of concrete storage cubicle with horizontal 3013 canisters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heard, F.J.


    The FIDAP computer code was used to perform a series of analyses to assess the thermal-hydraulic performance characteristics of the concrete plutonium storage cubicles, as modified for the horizontal placement of 3013 canisters. Four separate models were developed ranging from a full height model of the storage cubicle to a very detailed standalone model of a horizontal 3013 canister

  10. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the trigeminal vascular system and other brain structures related to pain in rats

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramachandran, Roshni; Ploug, Kenneth Beri; Hay-Schmidt, Anders


    to measure the respective levels of mRNA and protein for nNOS and eNOS in peripheral and central tissues involved in migraine pain: dura mater, pial arteries, trigeminal ganglion (TG) trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC), periaqueductal grey (PAG), thalamus, hypothalamus, cortex, pituitary gland, hippocampus...... and cerebellum. iNOS was excluded from the present study because it was not induced. In the trigeminal vascular system we found the highest expression of nNOS mRNA in pial arteries. However, protein expression of nNOS was maximum in TNC. Among other brain structures, nNOS mRNA and protein expression...... was remarkably higher in the cerebellum than in any other tissues. Regarding eNOS in the trigeminovascular system, the highest mRNA expression was found in pial arteries. In the other brain structures, eNOS mRNA expression was similar but with lowest mRNA concentration in the pituitary gland and the highest...

  11. Pragmatismo e os pragmáticos nos estudos organizacionais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francis Kanashiro Meneghetti

    Full Text Available O objetivo central deste ensaio teórico é avaliar as contribuições do pragmatismo nos Estudos Organizacionais e, os específicos, avaliar se as contribuições teóricas de Charles Peirce e John Dewey possibilitam afirmar o pragmatismo como senso comum, ciência ou teoria do conhecimento; analisar as contribuições - possibilidadese limites - do pragmatismo como conhecimento científico; compreender os percursos do pragmatismo nos Estudos Organizacionais. Chaga-se a conclusão de que ser pragmático é diferente de conceber estudos articulados no campo epistemológico do pragmatismo. O sujeito pragmático vê na sua utilidade e na necessidade deação, o ponto de tensão que coloca em dúvida a veracidade dos pressupostos do pragmatismo como ciência. O que ocorre nos Estudos Organizacionais éa conversão do pragmatismo como conhecimento científico emsubordinação irracional à utilidade e à ação prática, sobretudo, no campo da economia, da política, da ciência, da cultura, da educação, e assim por diante.

  12. Suggesting a NOS Map for Nature of Science for Science Education Instruction (United States)

    Oh, Jun-Young


    The aims of this research are 1) to explore the inter-relationships within the individual elements or tenets of Nature of Science (NOS), based on the dimensions of scientific knowledge in science learning, and 2) to consider Kuhn's concept of how scientific revolution takes place. This study suggests that instruction according to our NOS Flowchart…

  13. Identification and molecular characterization of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) gene in the intertidal copepod Tigriopus japonicus. (United States)

    Jeong, Chang-Bum; Kang, Hye-Min; Seo, Jung Soo; Park, Heum Gi; Rhee, Jae-Sung; Lee, Jae-Seong


    In copepods, no information has been reported on the structure or molecular characterization of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) gene. In the intertidal copepod Tigriopus japonicus, we identified a NOS gene that is involved in immune responses of vertebrates and invertebrates. In silico analyses revealed that nitric oxide (NO) synthase domains, such as the oxygenase and reductase domains, are highly conserved in the T. japonicus NOS gene. The T. japonicus NOS gene was highly transcribed in the nauplii stages, implying that it plays a role in protecting the host during the early developmental stages. To examine the involvement of the T. japonicus NOS gene in the innate immune response, the copepods were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and two Vibrio sp. After exposure to different concentrations of LPS and Vibrio sp., T. japonicus NOS transcription was significantly increased over time in a dose-dependent manner, and the NO/nitrite concentration increased as well. Taken together, our findings suggest that T. japonicus NOS transcription is induced in response to an immune challenge as part of the conserved innate immunity. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Visibility, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Visibility data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not been...

  15. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Conductivity, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Conductivity data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not been...

  16. Role of Scoparia dulcis linn on noise-induced nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression and neurotransmitter assessment on motor function in Wistar albino rats. (United States)

    Wankhar, Wankupar; Srinivasan, Sakthivel; Sundareswaran, Loganathan; Wankhar, Dapkupar; Rajan, Ravindran; Sheeladevi, Rathinasamy


    Noise pollution is one of the most widespread and fast growing environmental and occupational menaces in the modern era. Exposure to noise above 100dB is not adaptable through the brain homeostatic mechanism. Yet, the detrimental effects of noise have often been ignored. Developing reliable animal models to understand the neurobiology of noise stress and advance our research in the field of medicine to impede this growing stressor is needed. In this study experimental animals were divided into four groups, (i) Control and (ii) S. dulcis extract (200mg/kgbw) treated control group. (iii) To mimic the influence of noise, animals in this group were exposed to noise stress (100dB/4h/day) for 15days and finally, (iv) Noise exposed treated with S. dulcis extract (200mg/kgbw) group. Rota-rod and narrow beam performance results showed impaired motor co-ordination in noise exposed group on both 1st and 15th day when compared to controls. This impaired motor function on exposure to noise could be attributed to the altered norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin levels in both the striatum and cerebellum. Moreover, the motor impaired associated changes could also be attributed to upregulated nNOS and iNOS protein expression in the cerebellum resulting in increased nitric oxide radical production. This increased reactive free radicals species can initiate lipid peroxidation mediated changes in the cerebellar Purkinje cells, which is responsible for initiating inhibitory motor response and ultimately leading to impaired motor co-ordination. Treatment with S. dulcis extract (200mg/kgbw) could control motor impairment and regulate neurotransmitter level as that of control groups when compared to noise exposed group. One key aspect of therapeutic efficacy of the plant could have resulted due to attenuated lipid peroxidation mediated damages on the cerebellar Purkinje cells thereby regulating motor impairment. Thus, targeting the antioxidant and free radicals scavenging properties of

  17. Prediction of radiant heat flux from horizontal propane jet fire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, Kuibin; Liu, Jiaoyan; Jiang, Juncheng


    Highlights: • Line source model for the radiant heat flux from horizontal jet fire is proposed. • A review on the difference between horizontal and vertical jet fires is conducted. • Effects of lift-off distance and flame shape are discussed for the line source model. • Line source model gives encouraging results relative to the validity of model system. - Abstract: Jet fires are often reported to occur in process industry with lots of hazardous heat energy released. A line source model describing the flame emissive power and subsequent heat flux radiated from a horizontal propane jet fire is evaluated through a testing against experimental fire data and comparison against other models. By a review on the jet flame behavior, the correlations of the lift-off distance, flame length and radiative fraction are proposed to close the line source model in theory. It is found that the fuel jet direction holds a considerable effect on the flame behavior by comparison between horizontal and vertical jet fires. Results indicate that the lift-off distance and the flame shape influence the model prediction to some extent. Comparison of model predictions against data collected in the near field and predictions from the point source model and multipoint source model gives encouraging results relative to the validity of model system.

  18. Intra-individual comparison of different contrast media concentrations (300 mg, 370 mg and 400 mg iodine) in MDCT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Behrendt, Florian F.; Keil, Sebastian; Plumhans, Cedric; Guenther, Rolf W. [RWTH Aachen University, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital, Aachen (Germany); Pietsch, Hubertus; Jost, Gregor; Sieber, Martin A.; Seidensticker, Peter [Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Berlin (Germany); Mahnken, Andreas H. [RWTH Aachen University, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital, Aachen (Germany); RWTH Aachen University, Applied Medical Engineering, Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Aachen (Germany)


    To compare intra-individual contrast enhancement in multi-detector-row computed tomography (MDCT) using contrast media (CM) containing 300, 370 and 400 mg iodine per ml (mgI/ml). Six pigs underwent repeated chest MDCT using three different CM (iopromide 300, iopromide 370, iomeprol 400). An identical iodine delivery (IDR) rate of 1.5 gI/s and a constant total iodine dose of 300 mg/kg body weight were used. Dynamic CT were acquired at the level of the pulmonary artery, and the ascending and descending aorta. After the time enhancement curves were computed, the pulmonary and aortic peak enhancement, time to peak and plateau time above 300 HU were calculated. Intra-individual peak contrast enhancement was significantly higher for the 300 mgI/ml contrast medium compared with the 370 and 400 mgI/ml media: pulmonary trunk 595 HU vs 516 HU (p = 0.0093) vs 472HU (p = 0.0005), and aorta 505 HU vs 454 HU (p = 0.0008) vs 439 HU (p = 0.0001), respectively. Comparison of time to peaks showed no significant difference. Plateau times were significantly longer for the 300 mgI/ml than for the 370 and 400 mgI/ml CM at all anatomical sites. Given normalised IDR and total iodine burden, the use of CM with a standard concentration with 300 mg iodine/ml provides improved contrast enhancement compared with highly concentrated CM in the chest. (orig.)

  19. Determination of 25 trace impurity elements in U3O8 by horizontal ICP-AES after separation with TBP levextrel resin chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guan Jingsu; Shi Youqing; Gao Binghua; Liu Yingmei


    A method for the determination of Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Cu, Co, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Ru, Sb, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, W and Zn 25 trace elements in U 3 O 8 is reported. The sample is dissolved in HNO 3 or HNO 3 -HCLO 4 -HF and the uranium is separated by TBP Levextrel resin chromatogyaphy. The impurity elements containing in the aquaous phase are determined by horizontal ICp-AES method. With a sample of 300 mg, the detection limit for all the 25 elements is in the range of 0.01∼5ppm, the recovery is in the range of 82∼ 121%, the determination precision (RSD) is less than ±13%. 18 trace elements in reference material of U 3 O 8 prepared in China are determined, the values obtained well with the values of overall median of accepted laboratory means

  20. The Winfrith horizontal impact rig

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barr, P.


    The Horizontal Impact Rig has been designed to allow studies of the impact of radioactive material transport containers and their associated transport vehicles and impact limiters, using large scale models, and to allow physically large missiles to be projected for studying the impact behaviour of metal and concrete structures. It provides an adequately rigid support structure for impact experiments with targets of large dimensions. Details of its design, instrumentation, performance prediction and construction are given. (U.K.)

  1. Morus alba extract modulates blood pressure homeostasis through eNOS signaling. (United States)

    Carrizzo, Albino; Ambrosio, Mariateresa; Damato, Antonio; Madonna, Michele; Storto, Marianna; Capocci, Luca; Campiglia, Pietro; Sommella, Eduardo; Trimarco, Valentina; Rozza, Francesco; Izzo, Raffaele; Puca, Annibale A; Vecchione, Carmine


    Morus alba is a promising phytomedicine cultivated in oriental countries that is extensively used to prevent and treat various cardiovascular problems. To date, despite its beneficial effects, the molecular mechanisms involved remain unclear. Thus, we investigate the vascular and haemodynamic effects of Morus alba extract in an experimental model focusing our attention on the molecular mechanisms involved. Through vascular reactivity studies, we demonstrate that Morus alba extract evokes endothelial vasorelaxation through a nitric oxide-dependent pathway. Our molecular analysis highlights an increase in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation. In vivo administration of Morus alba extract reduces blood pressure levels exclusively in wild-type mice, whereas it fails to evoke any haemodynamic effects in eNOS-deficient mice. Molecular analyses revealed that its beneficial action on vasculature is mediated by the activation of two important proteins that act as stress sensors and chaperones: PERK and heat shock protein 90. Finally, Morus alba extract exerts antihypertensive action in an experimental model of arterial hypertension. Through its action on eNOS signaling, Morus alba extract could act as a food supplement for the regulation of cardiovascular system, mainly in clinical conditions characterized by eNOS dysfunction, such as arterial hypertension. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Coalbed methane recovery from multilateral horizontal wells in Southern Qinshui Basin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shenggui Liu


    Full Text Available Since 2006, more than 80 multilateral horizontal wells have been drilled in Panzhuang block, Southern Qinshui Basin. In this paper, 6 typical wells in a region are selected as an example. The thickness of coal, gas content, reservoir pressure, permeability, burial depth, and reservoir pressure conditions are analyzed. The practice shows that production by multilateral horizontal well declines from 43,111 m3/day per well in the 2nd year to 25,126 m3/day per well in the 4th year. The numerical simulation result shows that the lateral interference forms in Well QNP05 after two years of gas production, and the gas content is reduced to less than 8 m3/t within the controlled region after six years. The area of gas content was less than 8 m3/t after eight years of gas production is about 3.2 km2, which is about 76% of the controlled area of the six multilateral horizontal wells. The results indicate that multilateral horizontal wells contribute to high production rates at potentially profitable levels and can also serve as an effective tool for a high-rank CBM field drainage.

  3. NOS3 Polymorphisms and Chronic Kidney Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Marín Medina


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Chronic kidney disease (CKD is a multifactorial pathophysiologic irreversible process that often leads to a terminal state in which the patient requires renal replacement therapy. Most cases of CKD are due to chronic-degenerative diseases and endothelial dysfunction is one of the factors that contribute to its pathophysiology. One of the most important mechanisms for proper functioning of the endothelium is the regulation of the synthesis of nitric oxide. This compound is synthesized by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase, which has 3 isoforms. Polymorphisms in the NOS3 gene have been implicated as factors that alter the homeostasis of this mechanism. The Glu298Asp polymorphisms 4 b/a and -786T>C of the NOS3 gene have been associated with a more rapid deterioration of kidney function in patients with CKD. These polymorphisms have been evaluated in patients with CKD of determined and undetermined etiology and related to a more rapid deterioration of kidney function.

  4. NOS CO-OPS Active Currents Data, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has surface Active Currents data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These raw data have not...

  5. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Wind, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Wind data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not been subjected...

  6. Quasicrystal-reinforced Mg alloys. (United States)

    Kyun Kim, Young; Tae Kim, Won; Hyang Kim, Do


    The formation of the icosahedral phase (I-phase) as a secondary solidification phase in Mg-Zn-Y and Mg-Zn-Al base systems provides useful advantages in designing high performance wrought magnesium alloys. The strengthening in two-phase composites (I-phase + α -Mg) can be explained by dispersion hardening due to the presence of I-phase particles and by the strong bonding property at the I-phase/matrix interface. The presence of an additional secondary solidification phase can further enhance formability and mechanical properties. In Mg-Zn-Y alloys, the co-presence of I and Ca 2 Mg 6 Zn 3 phases by addition of Ca can significantly enhance formability, while in Mg-Zn-Al alloys, the co-presence of the I-phase and Mg 2 Sn phase leads to the enhancement of mechanical properties. Dynamic and static recrystallization are significantly accelerated by addition of Ca in Mg-Zn-Y alloy, resulting in much smaller grain size and more random texture. The high strength of Mg-Zn-Al-Sn alloys is attributed to the presence of finely distributed Mg 2 Sn and I-phase particles embedded in the α -Mg matrix.

  7. Horizontal gaze palsy with progressive scoliosis: CT and MR findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bomfim, Rodrigo C.; Tavora, Daniel G.F.; Nakayama, Mauro; Gama, Romulo L. [Sarah Network of Rehabilitation Hospitals, Department of Radiology, Ceara (Brazil)


    Horizontal gaze palsy with progressive scoliosis (HGPPS) is a rare congenital disorder characterized by absence of conjugate horizontal eye movements and progressive scoliosis developing in childhood and adolescence. We present a child with clinical and neuroimaging findings typical of HGPPS. CT and MRI of the brain demonstrated pons hypoplasia, absence of the facial colliculi, butterfly configuration of the medulla and a deep midline pontine cleft. We briefly discuss the imaging aspects of this rare entity in light of the current literature. (orig.)

  8. Esquistossomose: nova ocorrência de Biomphalaria straminea em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Schistosomiasis: new occurrence of Biomphalaria straminea in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecília Pereira de Souza


    Full Text Available Em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, a Biomphalaria straminea é encontrada na região da Pampulha. Recentemente, o molusco foi encontrado em valas da antiga Barragem de Santa Lúcia, foco extinto de esquistossomose transmitida por B. glabrata. Os moluscos foram coletados e examinados para verificar se estavam naturalmente infectados com Schistosoma mansoni. Os exemplares negativos foram usados para criação ou infecção com a cepa LE de S. mansoni, mantida no laboratório, e outra cepa VGS, obtida de ovos de fezes de escolar de Belo Horizonte. Dentre 1.890 moluscos capturados em 1994 e 1995, nenhum estava infectado com S. mansoni. Dentre 87 exemplares coletados no criadouro e expostos à cepa LE, nove (10,3% eliminaram cercárias; dentre 83 moluscos da F1, dez (12,0% eliminaram cercárias e dentre 88 exemplares coletados e expostos à cepa VGS, dez (11,3% eliminaram cercárias. Em Belo Horizonte, a esquistossomose é transmitida por B. glabrata e B. tenagophila. Entretanto, atualmente existe o risco de aparecimento de novo foco, no qual a B. straminea poderá vir a ser a transmissora, se medidas profiláticas adequadas não forem tomadas pelas autoridades responsáveis pela construção de um parque e lago no local.In Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, the snail Biomphalaria straminea was found in the Pampulha region. Recently the snail was found in ditches in the old Santa Lúcia Reservoir, a now-extinct focus of schistosomiasis transmission by B. glabrata. The snails were collected and examined to verify whether they were naturally infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Negative specimens were used for breeding or infection with the LE strain of S. mansoni from the laboratory and another strain obtained from eggs found in the feces of a schoolchild (VGS from Belo Horizonte. Among the 1890 snails collected from 1994 to 1995, none were infected with S. mansoni. Among 87 snails collected and exposed to the LE strain, 9 (10.3% shed cercariae

  9. Cues for localization in the horizontal plane

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, Jakob; Møller, Henrik


    manipulated in HRTFs used for binaural synthesis of sound in the horizontal plane. The manipulation of cues resulted in HRTFs with cues ranging from correct combinations of spectral information and ITDs to combinations with severely conflicting cues. Both the ITD and the spectral information seem...

  10. Back Squat Potentiates Both Vertical and Horizontal Jump Performance in Collegiate Ice Hockey Players

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cale Bechtel


    Full Text Available Background: Back squats (BSQ have been shown to transiently improve performance in explosive vertical movements such as the vertical jump (VJ. Still, understanding of this phenomenon, termed post-activation potentiation (PAP, remains nebulous as it relates to explosive horizontal movements. Objective: Therefore, the purpose of the present investigation was to assess whether heavy BSQ can potentiate both VJ and horizontal jump (HJ performance. Method: Nine male ice hockey players from the Long Beach State ice hockey team performed five testing sessions separated by 96-hours. The first testing session consisted of a one repetition maximum (1-RM BSQ to determine subsequent testing loads. The four subsequent testing sessions, which were randomized for order, consisted of five repetitions of BSQ at 87% 1-RM followed by horizontal jump (BSQ-HJ, five repetitions of BSQ at 87% 1-RM followed by vertical jump (BSQ-VJ, horizontal jump only (CT-HJ and vertical jump only (CT-VJ. During the potentiated conditions, rest intervals were set at five minutes between the BSQ and either VJ or HJ. Alpha-level was set a priori at 0.05. Results: The results indicate that both vertical (p=0.017 and horizontal (p=0.003 jump were significantly increased (VJ= +5.51cm, HJ= +11.55cm following a BSQ.  Conclusion: These findings suggest that BSQ may improve both vertical and horizontal jump performance in athletes who participate in sports emphasizing horizontal power, such as ice hockey.

  11. Hydriding and dehydriding rates of Mg, Mg-10TaF5, and Mg-10NbF5 prepared via reactive mechanical grinding (United States)

    Song, Myoung Youp; Kwak, Young Jun; Lee, Seong Ho; Park, Hye Ryoung


    In this work, TaF5 and NbF5 were chosen as additives to enhance the hydriding and dehydriding rates of Mg. Mg, Mg-10TaF5, and Mg-10NbF5 samples were prepared by reactive mechanical grinding. The hydriding and dehydriding properties of the samples were then examined. Mg-10TaF5 had the largest amount of hydrogen absorbed for 30 min and the highest initial dehydriding rate after incubation period, followed in order by Mg-10NbF5, and Mg. At 593 K under 12 bar H2 at the first cycle, Mg-10TaF5 absorbed 3.63 wt% H for 5 min and 4.53 wt% H for 30 min. At 593 K under 1.0 bar H2 at the first cycle, Mg-10TaF5 desorbed 0 wt% H for 2.5 min, 0.59 wt% H for 5 min, 3.42 wt% H for 30 min, and 4.24 wt% H for 60 min. The reactive mechanical grinding of Mg with TaF5 or NbF5 is believed to have facilitated the nucleation and to have decreased the diffusion distances of hydrogen atoms. These two effects are believed to have increased the hydriding and dehydriding rates of Mg. The MgF2 and Ta2H formed in Mg-10TaF5, and the MgF2, NbH2, and NbF3 formed in Mg-10NbF5 are considered to have enhanced both of these effects.

  12. Superconducting properties of MgB2 particle impregnated with Mg-based alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimizu, Yusuke; Matsuda, Kenji; Mizutani, Manabu; Nishimura, Katsuhiko; Kawabata, Tokimasa; Ikeno, Susumu; Hishinuma, Yoshimitsu; Aoyama, Shigeki


    The three-dimensional penetration method combined with semi-solid casting (SS-3DPC) was utilized to prepare magnesium diboride (MgB 2 ) powder composite materials with various host materials of Mg, Mg-3%Al, Mg-3%Al-1%Zn, Mg-9%Al, and Mg-9%Al-1%Zn. X-ray diffraction measurements indicated predominant peak patterns of MgB 2 and a host alloy, implying that the host material tightly bonded MgB 2 grains without melting the MgB 2 powder. This was confirmed by SEM images. Measured electrical resistivity and magnetization versus temperature showed clear signals of superconducting transition temperature of 27-38 K for all the samples cut out from the billets. Magnetic hysteresis loop observed at 5 K enabled us to estimate a critical current density (J c ) based on the extended Bean model. Additions of aluminum and zinc elements to magnesium host-matrix were found to enhance J c and increase residual resistivity (ρ 0 ) suggesting that aluminum and zinc have an effect on pinning magnetic flux flow for J c enhancement, and scattering conduction electrons for increase of ρ 0 . (author)

  13. Optical absorption and thermoluminescence in Mg O, Mg O:Ni and Mg O:Li irradiated at room temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delgado, L.


    Optical absorption and thermoluminescence (TL) studies in Mg O, Mg O:Ni and Mg O:Li irradiated at room temperature are presented. In pure Mg O the thermal annihilation of Fe3+ by recombination with thermally released electrons at ∼ 90 and 175 degree centigree and the V center annealing by hole release up to 100 degree centigree cause the observed glow peaks at these temperatures. The TL excitation spectrum shows two maxima at 245 nm (electron center) and 288 nm (Fe3+). In Mg O:Ni X irradiation induces Fe 2 + →- Fe 3 + and Ni 2 + → Ni 3 + oxidations. Two TL emission bands centered at 110 degree centigree (red) and 80 o C (green) are assigned to electron release and their recombination at Fe 3 + and Ni 3 + respectively. In Mg O:Li two TL emission bands, one blue (430 nm) and the other red (730 nm) with excitation maxima at 245 nm (electron center) and 200 nm (hole center) respectively are observed. No V-center formation was detected in both Ni and Li doped samples. (Author) 42 refs

  14. Concentração de macronutrientes nos ramos frutíferos do caquizeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hideaki Wilson Takahashi


    Full Text Available Os estudos de nutrição mineral do caquizeiro, no Brasil, de forma sistematizada, são inexistentes e bastante escassos, sendo encontrados alguns trabalhos no Japão, Nova Zelândia e Austrália. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a nutrição mineral do caquizeiro cultivar Giombo, focalizando o estudo da variação da concentração de macronutrientes ao longo dos estádios de desenvolvimento nos órgãos que compõem os ramos frutíferos. O experimento foi conduzido em pomar comercial de caqui, cultivar Giombo, localizado no município de Faxina-PR. Os teores foliares de macronutrientes no estádio fenológico recomendado para avaliação do estado nutricional foram semelhantes aos da Austrália e do Japão e continham 20,30; 1,25; 30,55; 23,45; 3,85 e 3,05 g kg-1 de massa seca de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, respectivamente.

  15. 2002–2012: 10 Years of Research Progress in Horizontal-Axis Marine Current Turbines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kai-Wern Ng


    Full Text Available Research in marine current energy, including tidal and ocean currents, has undergone significant growth in the past decade. The horizontal-axis marine current turbine is one of the machines used to harness marine current energy, which appears to be the most technologically and economically viable one at this stage. A number of large-scale marine current turbines rated at more than 1 MW have been deployed around the World. Parallel to the development of industry, academic research on horizontal-axis marine current turbines has also shown positive growth. This paper reviews previous research on horizontal-axis marine current turbines and provides a concise overview for future researchers who might be interested in horizontal-axis marine current turbines. The review covers several main aspects, such as: energy assessment, turbine design, wakes, generators, novel modifications and environmental impact. Future trends for research on horizontal-axis marine current turbines are also discussed.

  16. Research on typical topologies of a tubular horizontal-gap passive magnetic levitation vibration isolator

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhou Yiheng


    Full Text Available Magnetic levitation vibration isolators have attracted more and more attention in the field of high-precision measuring and machining equipment. In this paper, we describe a tubular horizontal-gap passive magnetic levitation vibration isolator. Four typical topologies of the tubular horizontal-gap passive magnetic levitation vibration isolator are proposed. The analytical expression of magnetic force is derived. The relationship between levitation force, force density, force ripple and major structural parameters are analysed by finite element method, which is conductive to the design and optimization of the tubular horizontal-gap passive magnetic levitation vibration isolator. The force characteristics of different topologies of the tubular horizontal-gap passive magnetic levitation vibration isolator are compared and evaluated from the aspect of force density, force ripple and manufacturability. In comparison with conventional passive magnetic levitation vibration isolators, the proposed tubular horizontal-gap passive magnetic levitation vibration isolator shows advantage in higher force density.

  17. Counter-current flow in a vertical to horizontal tube with obstructions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tye, P.; Matuszkiewicz, A.; Teyssedou, A. [Institut de Genie Nucleaire, Quebec (Canada)] [and others


    This paper presents experimental results on counter-current flow and flooding in an elbow between a vertical and a horizontal run. The experimental technique used allowed not only the flooding limit to be determined, but also the entire partial delivery region to be studied as well. The influence that various size orifices placed in the horizontal run have on both the delivered liquid flow rates and on the flooding limits is also examined. It is observed that both the flooding limits and the delivered liquid flow rates decrease with decreasing orifice size. Further, it is also observed that the mechanisms that govern the partial delivery of the liquid are significantly different when an orifice is present in the horizontal leg as compared to the case when no orifice is present.

  18. Changes in Contact Area in Meniscus Horizontal Cleavage Tears Subjected to Repair and Resection. (United States)

    Beamer, Brandon S; Walley, Kempland C; Okajima, Stephen; Manoukian, Ohan S; Perez-Viloria, Miguel; DeAngelis, Joseph P; Ramappa, Arun J; Nazarian, Ara


    To assess the changes in tibiofemoral contact pressure and contact area in human knees with a horizontal cleavage tear before and after treatment. Ten human cadaveric knees were tested. Pressure sensors were placed under the medial meniscus and the knees were loaded at twice the body weight for 20 cycles at 0°, 10°, and 20° of flexion. Contact area and pressure were recorded for the intact meniscus, the meniscus with a horizontal cleavage tear, after meniscal repair, after partial meniscectomy (single leaflet), and after subtotal meniscectomy (double leaflet). The presence of a horizontal cleavage tear significantly increased average peak contact pressure and reduced effective average tibiofemoral contact area at all flexion angles tested compared with the intact state (P contact pressure after creation of the horizontal cleavage tear. Repairing the horizontal cleavage tear restored peak contact pressures and areas to within 15% of baseline, statistically similar to the intact state at all angles tested (P contact pressure and reduced average contact area at all degrees of flexion compared with the intact state (P contact area and a significant elevation in contact pressure. These changes may accelerate joint degeneration. A suture-based repair of these horizontal cleavage tears returns the contact area and contact pressure to nearly normal, whereas both partial and subtotal meniscectomy lead to significant reductions in contact area and significant elevations in contact pressure within the knee. Repairing horizontal cleavage tears may lead to improved clinical outcomes by preserving meniscal tissue and the meniscal function. Understanding contact area and peak contact pressure resulting from differing strategies for treating horizontal cleavage tears will allow the surgeon to evaluate the best strategy for treating his or her patients who present with this meniscal pathology. Copyright © 2016 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier

  19. Horizontal fissure on neonatal plain chest radiographs: clinical implications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konarzewska, J.; Zawadzka-Kepczynska, A.; Bianek-Bodzak, A.; Kawinska-Kilianczyk, A.; Domzalska-Popadiuk, I.


    Regardless of etiology, pleural fluid, even in small amounts, can be visualized on the neonatal chest x-ray picture within pulmonary fissures. It remains unclear whether a marked horizontal fissure unaccompanied by any other radiological symptoms is of diagnostic value or not. Ninety-one consecutive neonatal chest radiographs with marked horizontal fissure were retrospectively analyzed. The images were made between 1999 and 2005 on 69 newborns admitted to the Neonatology Department, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Gdansk. Analysis of the radiographs was conducted independently by three radiologists based on the following criteria: fissure thickness (marked or thickened), bronchovascular markings (increased or normal), size and shape of the heart (normal or abnormal), presence or absence of pulmonary infiltration, atelectasis, and changes related to wet lung syndrome. Due to divergent interpretations, the ultimate interpretation was established by consensus in 25 cases. The radiological findings were compared with clinical data. The compatibility of the three independent interpreters was statistically significant (p<0.0001). Marked transverse fissure was the only radiological finding on 66 x-rays. In 63 cases (69.2%) the children were asymptomatic as well. In 3 cases (3.3%) clinical symptoms of respiratory tract infection occurred. On the other 25 images, horizontal fissure was accompanied by other radiological symptoms. Chest x-ray results corresponded with clinical symptoms in 24 cases (26.4%). One child (1.1%) with radiological evidence of wet lung syndrome did not present any typical clinical symptoms of it. Horizontal fissure noted on a neonatal chest x-ray seems to be of minor diagnostic value if not accompanied by any other radiological symptoms. (author)

  20. Combined horizontal and vertical integration of care: a goal of practice-based commissioning. (United States)

    Thomas, Paul; Meads, Geoffrey; Moustafa, Ahmet; Nazareth, Irwin; Stange, Kurt C; Donnelly Hess, Gertrude


    Practice-based commissioning (PBC) in the UK is intended to improve both the vertical and horizontal integration of health care, in order to avoid escalating costs and enhance population health. Vertical integration involves patient pathways to treat named medical conditions that transcend organisational boundaries and connect community-based generalists with largely hospital-sited specialists, whereas horizontal integration involves peer-based and cross-sectoral collaboration to improve overall health. Effective mechanisms are now needed to permit ongoing dialogue between the vertical and horizontal dimensions to ensure that medical and nonmedical care are both used to their best advantage. This paper proposes three different models for combining vertical and horizontal integration - each is a hybrid of internationally recognised ideal types of primary care organisation. Leaders of PBC should consider a range of models and apply them in ways that are relevant to the local context. General practitioners, policy makers and others whose job it is to facilitate horizontal and vertical integration must learn to lead such combined approaches to integration if the UK is to avoid the mistakes of the USA in over-medicalising health issues.

  1. Research on Horizontal Accuracy Method of High Spatial Resolution Remotely Sensed Orthophoto Image (United States)

    Xu, Y. M.; Zhang, J. X.; Yu, F.; Dong, S.


    At present, in the inspection and acceptance of high spatial resolution remotly sensed orthophoto image, the horizontal accuracy detection is testing and evaluating the accuracy of images, which mostly based on a set of testing points with the same accuracy and reliability. However, it is difficult to get a set of testing points with the same accuracy and reliability in the areas where the field measurement is difficult and the reference data with high accuracy is not enough. So it is difficult to test and evaluate the horizontal accuracy of the orthophoto image. The uncertainty of the horizontal accuracy has become a bottleneck for the application of satellite borne high-resolution remote sensing image and the scope of service expansion. Therefore, this paper proposes a new method to test the horizontal accuracy of orthophoto image. This method using the testing points with different accuracy and reliability. These points' source is high accuracy reference data and field measurement. The new method solves the horizontal accuracy detection of the orthophoto image in the difficult areas and provides the basis for providing reliable orthophoto images to the users.

  2. The chromosomal organization of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria. (United States)

    Oliveira, Pedro H; Touchon, Marie; Cury, Jean; Rocha, Eduardo P C


    Bacterial adaptation is accelerated by the acquisition of novel traits through horizontal gene transfer, but the integration of these genes affects genome organization. We found that transferred genes are concentrated in only ~1% of the chromosomal regions (hotspots) in 80 bacterial species. This concentration increases with genome size and with the rate of transfer. Hotspots diversify by rapid gene turnover; their chromosomal distribution depends on local contexts (neighboring core genes), and content in mobile genetic elements. Hotspots concentrate most changes in gene repertoires, reduce the trade-off between genome diversification and organization, and should be treasure troves of strain-specific adaptive genes. Most mobile genetic elements and antibiotic resistance genes are in hotspots, but many hotspots lack recognizable mobile genetic elements and exhibit frequent homologous recombination at flanking core genes. Overrepresentation of hotspots with fewer mobile genetic elements in naturally transformable bacteria suggests that homologous recombination and horizontal gene transfer are tightly linked in genome evolution.Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is an important mechanism for genome evolution and adaptation in bacteria. Here, Oliveira and colleagues find HGT hotspots comprising  ~ 1% of the chromosomal regions in 80 bacterial species.

  3. Horizontal and Vertical Rule Bases Method in Fuzzy Controllers

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    Sadegh Aminifar


    Full Text Available Concept of horizontal and vertical rule bases is introduced. Using this method enables the designers to look for main behaviors of system and describes them with greater approximations. The rules which describe the system in first stage are called horizontal rule base. In the second stage, the designer modulates the obtained surface by describing needed changes on first surface for handling real behaviors of system. The rules used in the second stage are called vertical rule base. Horizontal and vertical rule bases method has a great roll in easing of extracting the optimum control surface by using too lesser rules than traditional fuzzy systems. This research involves with control of a system with high nonlinearity and in difficulty to model it with classical methods. As a case study for testing proposed method in real condition, the designed controller is applied to steaming room with uncertain data and variable parameters. A comparison between PID and traditional fuzzy counterpart and our proposed system shows that our proposed system outperforms PID and traditional fuzzy systems in point of view of number of valve switching and better surface following. The evaluations have done both with model simulation and DSP implementation.

  4. Third harmonic generation of shear horizontal guided waves propagation in plate-like structures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Wei Bin [School of Aerospace Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen (China); Xu, Chun Guang [School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing (China); Cho, Youn Ho [School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    The use of nonlinear ultrasonics wave has been accepted as a promising tool for monitoring material states related to microstructural changes, as it has improved sensitivity compared to conventional non-destructive testing approaches. In this paper, third harmonic generation of shear horizontal guided waves propagating in an isotropic plate is investigated using the perturbation method and modal analysis approach. An experimental procedure is proposed to detect the third harmonics of shear horizontal guided waves by electromagnetic transducers. The strongly nonlinear response of shear horizontal guided waves is measured. The accumulative growth of relative acoustic nonlinear response with an increase of propagation distance is detected in this investigation. The experimental results agree with the theoretical prediction, and thus providing another indication of the feasibility of using higher harmonic generation of electromagnetic shear horizontal guided waves for material characterization.

  5. Beer elicits vasculoprotective effects through Akt/eNOS activation. (United States)

    Vilahur, Gemma; Casani, Laura; Mendieta, Guiomar; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Estruch, Ramon; Badimon, Lina


    There is controversy regarding the effect of alcohol beverage intake in vascular vasodilatory function in peripheral arteries. The effects of beer intake in coronary vasodilation remain unknown. We investigated whether regular beer intake (alcohol and alcohol-free) protects against hypercholesterolaemia-induced coronary endothelial dysfunction and the mechanisms behind this effect. Pigs were fed 10 days: (i) a Western-type hypercholesterolaemic diet (WD); (ii) WD+low-dose beer (12·5 g alcohol/day); (iii) WD+moderate-dose beer (25 g alcohol/day); or (iv) WD+moderate-dose alcohol-free-beer (0·0 g alcohol/day). Coronary responses to endothelium-dependent vasoactive drugs (acetylcholine: receptor mediated; calcium ionophore-A23189: nonreceptor mediated), endothelium-independent vasoactive drug (SNP) and L-NMMA (NOS-antagonist) were evaluated in the LAD coronary artery by flow Doppler. Coronary Akt/eNOS activation, MCP-1 expression, oxidative DNA damage and superoxide production were assessed. Lipid profile, lipoproteins resistance to oxidation and urinary isoxanthohumol concentration were evaluated. Alcoholic and nonalcoholic beer intake prevented WD-induced impairment of receptor- and non-receptor-operated endothelial-dependent coronary vasodilation. All animals displayed a similar vasodilatory response to SNP and L-NMMA blunted all endothelial-dependent vasorelaxation responses. Haemodynamic parameters remained unchanged. Coronary arteries showed lower DNA damage and increased Akt/eNOS axis activation in beer-fed animals. Animals taking beer showed HDL with higher antioxidant capacity, higher LDL resistance to oxidation and increased isoxanthohumol levels. Weight, lipids levels, liver enzymes and MCP-1 expression were not affected by beer intake. Non-alcoholic-related beer components protect against hyperlipemia-induced coronary endothelial dysfunction by counteracting vascular oxidative damage and preserving the Akt/eNOS pathway. Light-to-moderate beer

  6. Teacher Empowerment, Horizontal and Vertical Organisational Learning, and Positional Mobility in Schools (United States)

    Klein, Joseph


    Purpose: To examine the contribution of horizontal and vertical organisational learning and its timing to the effective integration of teachers in classes they have not previously taught. Three hundred and forty-five teachers from 64 schools, with at least 4 years of teaching experience, completed questionnaires about the extent of horizontal (OL)…

  7. Improving horizontal completions on heterogeneous tight shales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suarez-Rivera, Roberto; Deenadayalu, Chaitanya; Chertov, Maxim; Novalo Hartanto, Ricardo; Gathogo, Patrick [Schlumberger (United States); Kunjir, Rahul [University of Utah (United States)


    Evaluation of the two formation characteristics conducive to economic well production is important when tight shale formation characterization and completion design are being considered. This paper presents the basic understanding required to improve the efficiency of horizontal completions in oil and gas producing shales. Guidelines are defined for effective perforation and fracturing to improve the efficiency and sustainability of horizontal completions using extensive laboratory characterization of mechanical properties on core, core/log integration and continuous mapping of these properties by logging-while-drilling (LWD) methods. The objective is to improve completion design efficiency. This is accomplished by suitable selection of perforation intervals based on an understanding of the relevant physical processes and rock characterization. Conditions at two reservoir regions, the near-wellbore and the far-wellbore, are outlined and are essential to completion design. From the study, it can be concluded that tight shales are strongly anisotropic and cannot be approximated using isotropic models.

  8. Active vibration suppression of helicopter horizontal stabilizers (United States)

    Cinquemani, Simone; Cazzulani, Gabriele; Resta, Ferruccio


    Helicopters are among the most complex machines ever made. While ensuring high performance from the aeronautical point of view, they are not very comfortable due to vibration mainly created by the main rotor and by the interaction with the surrounding air. One of the most solicited structural elements of the vehicle are the horizontal stabilizers. These elements are particularly stressed because of their composite structure which, while guaranteeing lightness and strength, is characterized by a low damping. This work makes a preliminary analysis on the dynamics of the structure and proposes different solutions to actively suppress vibrations. Among them, the best in terms of the relationship between performance and weight / complexity of the system is that based on inertial actuators mounted on the inside of the horizontal stabilizers. The work addresses the issue of the design of the device and its use in the stabilizer from both the numerical and the experimental points of view.

  9. Enhancing eNOS activity with simultaneous inhibition of IKKβ restores vascular function in Ins2(Akita+/-) type-1 diabetic mice. (United States)

    Krishnan, Manickam; Janardhanan, Preethi; Roman, Linda; Reddick, Robert L; Natarajan, Mohan; van Haperen, Rien; Habib, Samy L; de Crom, Rini; Mohan, Sumathy


    The balance of nitric oxide (NO) versus superoxide generation has a major role in the initiation and progression of endothelial dysfunction. Under conditions of high glucose, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) functions as a chief source of superoxide rather than NO. In order to improve NO bioavailability within the vessel wall in type-1 diabetes, we investigated treatment strategies that improve eNOS phosphorylation and NO-dependent vasorelaxation. We evaluated methods to increase the eNOS activity by (1) feeding Ins2(Akita) spontaneously diabetic (type-1) mice with l-arginine in the presence of sepiapterin, a precursor of tetrahydrobiopterin; (2) preventing eNOS/NO deregulation by the inclusion of inhibitor kappa B kinase beta (IKKβ) inhibitor, salsalate, in the diet regimen in combination with l-arginine and sepiapterin; and (3) independently increasing eNOS expression to improve eNOS activity and associated NO production through generating Ins2(Akita) diabetic mice that overexpress human eNOS predominantly in vascular endothelial cells. Our results clearly demonstrated that diet supplementation with l-arginine, sepiapterin along with salsalate improved phosphorylation of eNOS and enhanced vasorelaxation of thoracic/abdominal aorta in type-1 diabetic mice. More interestingly, despite the overexpression of eNOS, the in-house generated transgenic eNOS-GFP (TgeNOS-GFP)-Ins2(Akita) cross mice showed an unanticipated effect of reduced eNOS phosphorylation and enhanced superoxide production. Our results demonstrate that enhancement of endogenous eNOS activity by nutritional modulation is more beneficial than increasing the endogenous expression of eNOS by gene therapy modalities.

  10. Analysis of variationfor horizontal deviation in the primary position after the inferior oblique muscle weakening

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    Ming-Yu Si


    Full Text Available AIM: To analyse the variation of horizontal deviation in the primary position after the inferior oblique muscle weakening, and to explore the effect of the inferior oblique muscle recession on horizontal deviations in primary position.METHODS:, In the study, 30 cases in the Department of ophthalmology of our hospital from January 2014 to September 2014 underwent the inferior oblique muscle recession as the sole without horizontal muscles surgery, who were superior obliquer paralysis and V pattern strabismus with small angle of horizontal strabismus, were analyzed. Of the 30 patients, 25 had unilateral inferior oblique muscle surgery, and then 5 had bilateral surgeries.Followed up for three to six mo, all patients were received full ophthalmologic and orthoptic examinations, including measurement of the deviation in the diagnostic positions of gaze at near 33cm and at distance 6m by prism and alternate cover test, synoptophore, Titmus stereo graph examination, Worth four lighting inspection, eye movement examination, and fundus photography preoperatively and postoperatively. The changes of horizontal deviations in the primary position after procedures were investigated. RESULT:(1The comparison of horizontal deviation showed significant difference pre- and post-operation in the exotropia group(P=0.00. It was postoperative respectively to reduce the original in external oblique average 3.35±2.87△ and 4.37±2.65△.(2The comparison of horizontal deviation showed significant difference pre-and post-operation in the esotropia group(P=0.02, and it decreased postoperatively in average 2.43±1.99△. There was no significant difference for horizontal deviation position between pre- and post-operation(P=0.089. CONCLUSION:The horizontal deviation in primary position, either exotropia or esotropia, will decrease after the Inferior oblique muscle recession. This change can be compensated by the gradually improving and establishing the fusion function.

  11. The Influence of MgH2 on the Assessment of Electrochemical Data to Predict the Degradation Rate of Mg and Mg Alloys

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    Wolf-Dieter Mueller


    Full Text Available Mg and Mg alloys are becoming more and more of interest for several applications. In the case of biomaterial applications, a special interest exists due to the fact that a predictable degradation should be given. Various investigations were made to characterize and predict the corrosion behavior in vitro and in vivo. Mostly, the simple oxidation of Mg to Mg2+ ions connected with adequate hydrogen development is assumed, and the negative difference effect (NDE is attributed to various mechanisms and electrochemical results. The aim of this paper is to compare the different views on the corrosion pathway of Mg or Mg alloys and to present a neglected pathway based on thermodynamic data as a guideline for possible reactions combined with experimental observations of a delay of visible hydrogen evolution during cyclic voltammetry. Various reaction pathways are considered and discussed to explain these results, like the stability of the Mg+ intermediate state, the stability of MgH2 and the role of hydrogen overpotential. Finally, the impact of MgH2 formation is shown as an appropriate base for the prediction of the degradation behavior and calculation of the corrosion rate of Mg and Mg alloys.

  12. Nystagmus responses in a group of normal humans during earth-horizontal axis rotation (United States)

    Wall, Conrad, III; Furman, Joseph M. R.


    Horizontal eye movement responses to earth-horizontal yaw axis rotation were evaluated in 50 normal human subjects who were uniformly distributed in age (20-69 years) and each age group was then divided by gender. Subjects were rotated with eyes open in the dark, using clockwise and counter-clockwise 60 deg velocity trapezoids. The nystagmus slow component velocity is analyzed. It is shown that, despite large intersubject variability, parameters which describe earth-horizontal yaw axis responses are loosely interrelated, and some of them vary significantly with gender and age.

  13. Structural characteristics and corrosion behavior of biodegradable Mg-Zn, Mg-Zn-Gd alloys. (United States)

    Kubásek, J; Vojtěch, D


    In this research, binary Mg-Zn (up to 3 wt% Zn) and ternary Mg-Zn-Gd (up to 3 wt% Gd, 3 wt% Zn) alloys were prepared by induction melting in an argon atmosphere. The structures of these alloys were characterized using light and scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometry, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. In addition, Brinell hardness measurements were taken to supplement these studies. Corrosion behavior was evaluated by immersion tests and potentiodynamic measurements in a physiological solution (9 g/l NaCl). Depending on the composition, structures of the as-cast alloys contained α-Mg dendrites, MgZn, Mg5Gd and Mg3Gd2Zn3 phases. Compared to pure Mg, zinc improved the corrosion resistance of binary Mg-Zn. Gadolinium also improved the corrosion resistance in the case of Mg-1Zn-3Gd alloy. The highest corrosion rate was observed for Mg-3Zn-3Gd alloy. Our results improve the understanding of the relationships between the structure and corrosion behavior of our studied alloy systems.


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    V. A. Kozachyna


    Full Text Available Purpose.Sedimentation by gravity is the most common and extensively applied treatment process for the removal of solids from water and wastewater and it has been used for over one hundred years. Sedimentation tanks are one of the major parts of a treatment plant especially in purification of turbid flows. Horizontal settlers are mainly used for purification of high quantity of water. In these tanks, the low speed turbid water will flow through the length of the tank and suspended particle have enough time to settle. Finding new and useful methods for calculating and increasing hydraulic efficiency of horizontal settlers is the objective of many theoretical, experimental and numerical studies.But currently used models and methods in Ukraine do not allow taking into account geometrical form and various design features. In this paper the numerical model was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of horizontal settler with modified structure. Methodology. Numerical model is based on: 1 equation of viscous fluid dynamics; 2 mass transfer equation. For numerical simulation the finite difference schemes are used. The numerical calculation is carried out on a rectangular grid. For the formation of the computational domain markers are used. Findings.The model allows obtaining the purification process in the settler with different form and different configuration of baffles. Originality. A new approach to investigate the mass transfer process in horizontal settler was proposed. This approach is based on the developed CFD model. The fluid dynamics model was used for the numerical investigation of flows and waste waters purification. To investigate influence of baffles on settler efficiency physical experiment was carried out. Practical value.The developed model has more capacity than the existing models in Ukraine. The developed model allows computing quickly the efficiency of water purification in settlers. The model is not computationally expensive

  15. Coherent interface structures and intergrain Josephson coupling in dense MgO/Mg{sub 2}Si/MgB{sub 2} nanocomposites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ueno, Katsuya; Takahashi, Kazuyuki; Uchino, Takashi, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, Nada, Kobe 657-8501 (Japan); Nagashima, Yukihito [Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd., Konoike, Itami 664-8520 (Japan); Seto, Yusuke [Department of Planetology, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, Nada, Kobe 657-8501 (Japan); Matsumoto, Megumi; Sakurai, Takahiro [Center for Support to Research and Education Activities, Kobe University, Nada, Kobe 657-8501 (Japan); Ohta, Hitoshi [Molecular Photoscience Research Center, Kobe University, Nada, Kobe 657-8501 (Japan)


    Many efforts are under way to control the structure of heterointerfaces in nanostructured composite materials for designing functionality and engineering application. However, the fabrication of high-quality heterointerfaces is challenging because the crystal/crystal interface is usually the most defective part of the nanocomposite materials. In this work, we show that fully dense insulator (MgO)/semiconductor(Mg{sub 2}Si)/superconductor(MgB{sub 2}) nanocomposites with atomically smooth and continuous interfaces, including epitaxial-like MgO/Mg{sub 2}Si interfaces, are obtained by solid phase reaction between metallic magnesium and a borosilicate glass. The resulting nanocomposites exhibit a semiconductor-superconducting transition at 36 K owing to the MgB{sub 2} nanograins surrounded by the MgO/Mg{sub 2}Si matrix. This transition is followed by the intergrain phase-lock transition at ∼24 K due to the construction of Josephson-coupled network, eventually leading to a near-zero resistance state at 17 K. The method not only provides a simple process to fabricate dense nanocomposites with high-quality interfaces, but also enables to investigate the electric and magnetic properties of embedded superconducting nanograins with good intergrain coupling.

  16. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1853-present, Barometric Pressure (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have barometric pressure data. *These services are for testing and...

  17. Produtividade e acúmulo de nitrato nos frutos de abobrinha em função da adubação nitrogenada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mônica Lima Alves Pôrto


    Full Text Available Apesar da importância da abobrinha em termos comerciais e alimentícios, poucos estudos têm sido realizados em relação à adubação nitrogenada da cultura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade e o acúmulo de nitrato nos frutos da abobrinha (cv. Caserta em função da adubação nitrogenada. O experimento foi desenvolvido no delineamento de blocos casualizados, com cinco doses de (0; 50; 100; 200 e 400 kg ha-1, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados: número de frutos por planta, massa média de frutos, produtividade da cultura e acúmulo de nitrato nos frutos. Todas as características avaliadas foram significativamente influenciadas (p<0,01 pelas doses de N. Os valores máximos do número de frutos por planta (7,7 unidades, massa média de frutos (240 g fruto-1 e produtividade de frutos (29,88 t ha-1 foram obtidos com 323, 265 e 331 kg ha-1 de N, respectivamente. A dose de máxima eficiência econômica de N para a cultura da abobrinha foi de 322 kg ha-1, resultando em uma produtividade de frutos de 29,86 t ha-1. O teor de nitrato nos frutos proporcionou incremento linear em função das doses de N verificando-se, com a dose máxima, o teor na matéria fresca de fruto de 162 mg kg-1 de nitrato, valor que não representa risco para saúde humana.

  18. Horizontal Gene Transfers in Mycoplasmas (Mollicutes). (United States)

    Citti, C; Dordet-Frisoni, E; Nouvel, L X; Kuo, C H; Baranowski, E


    The class Mollicutes (trivial name "mycoplasma") is composed of wall-less bacteria with reduced genomes whose evolution was long thought to be only driven by gene losses. Recent evidences of massive horizontal gene transfer (HGT) within and across species provided a new frame to understand the successful adaptation of these minimal bacteria to a broad range of hosts. Mobile genetic elements are being identified in a growing number of mycoplasma species, but integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) are emerging as pivotal in HGT. While sharing common traits with other bacterial ICEs, such as their chromosomal integration and the use of a type IV secretion system to mediate horizontal dissemination, mycoplasma ICEs (MICEs) revealed unique features: their chromosomal integration is totally random and driven by a DDE recombinase related to the Mutator-like superfamily. Mycoplasma conjugation is not restricted to ICE transmission, but also involves the transfer of large chromosomal fragments that generates progenies with mosaic genomes, nearly every position of chromosome being mobile. Mycoplasmas have thus developed efficient ways to gain access to a considerable reservoir of genetic resources distributed among a vast number of species expanding the concept of minimal cell to the broader context of flowing information.

  19. Evolutionary change and phylogenetic relationships in light of horizontal gene transfer. (United States)

    Boto, Luis


    Horizontal gene transfer has, over the past 25 years, become a part of evolutionary thinking. In the present paper I discuss horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in relation to contingency, natural selection, evolutionary change speed and the Tree-of-Life endeavour, with the aim of contributing to the understanding of the role of HGT in evolutionary processes. In addition, the challenges that HGT imposes on the current view of evolution are emphasized.

  20. p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is involved in arginase-II-mediated eNOS-uncoupling in obesity. (United States)

    Yu, Yi; Rajapakse, Angana G; Montani, Jean-Pierre; Yang, Zhihong; Ming, Xiu-Fen


    Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)-uncoupling links obesity-associated insulin resistance and type-II diabetes to the increased incidence of cardiovascular disease. Studies have indicated that increased arginase is involved in eNOS-uncoupling through competing with the substrate L-arginine. Given that arginase-II (Arg-II) exerts some of its biological functions through crosstalk with signal transduction pathways, and that p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38mapk) is involved in eNOS-uncoupling, we investigated here whether p38mapk is involved in Arg-II-mediated eNOS-uncoupling in a high fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity mouse model. Obesity was induced in wild type (WT) and Arg-II-deficient (Arg-II(-/-)) mice on C57BL/6 J background by high-fat diet (HFD, 55% fat) for 14 weeks starting from age of 7 weeks. The entire aortas were isolated and subjected to 1) immunoblotting analysis of the protein level of eNOS, Arg-II and p38mapk activation; 2) arginase activity assay; 3) endothelium-dependent and independent vasomotor responses; 4) en face staining of superoxide anion and NO production with Dihydroethidium and 4,5-Diaminofluorescein Diacetate, respectively, to assess eNOS-uncoupling. To evaluate the role of p38mapk, isolated aortas were treated with p38mapk inhibitor SB203580 (10 μmol/L, 1 h) prior to the analysis. In addition, the role of p38mapk in Arg-II-induced eNOS-uncoupling was investigated in cultured human endothelial cells overexpressing Arg-II in the absence or presence of shRNA against p38mapk. HFD enhanced Arg-II expression/activity and p38mapk activity, which was associated with eNOS-uncoupling as revealed by decreased NO and enhanced L-NAME-inhibitable superoxide in aortas of WT obese mice. In accordance, WT obese mice revealed decreased endothelium-dependent relaxations to acetylcholine despite of higher eNOS protein level, whereas Arg-II(-/-) obese mice were protected from HFD-induced eNOS-uncoupling and endothelial dysfunction, which

  1. The blind faith deep water horizontal pipeline tie-in project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Charalambides, John Nicos [Oceaneering International, Inc., Houston, TX (United States)


    This presentation will concentrate on the design challenges, experience and learning from the SIT and offshore installation of two deepwater pipeline tie-ins using first-of-its-kind subsea technology and installation methodologies on the 'Blind Faith' project. The Blind Faith Subsea Tie-Ins join the Blind Faith oil and gas pipelines with the Canyon Chief gas pipeline and the Mountaineer oil pipeline in 5100 feet of water. Both of the Blind Faith oil and gas pipelines are terminated with conventional PLEMs providing a horizontal connector for the tie-in and a vertical connector for a future tie-in connection point. The connectors are ROV operable/installable clamp style connectors. The method of joining to the Canyon Chief oil and gas pipelines and the type of jumper employed are unique to the tie-in. An ROV operable / installable mechanical pipe end connector connects the bare ends of the Canyon Chief and Mountaineer pipelines. The mechanical pipe end connector is fitted with an integral clamp connector hub and rests on an ROV installed mud mat. After installation of the mechanical connector, metrology was performed to create a neutral state horizontal jumper for joining the mechanical connector hub and the Blind Faith PLEM. The neutral state horizontal jumper is a compliant 'Z-Bend' design. During installation the jumper was elastically pre-deformed using a bowstring system. Pre-deformation of the jumper provided installation clearances and facilitated the neutral stress state after installation. Once landed the jumper bowstring was relaxed, allowing the jumper to expand to fit between the hubs. After expansion and make-up, the clamp connectors were tightened via an ROV operated hydraulic torque wrench. A seal test verified the integrity of the connections. After installation the jumper remains in a minimal residual stress state atypical of most horizontal jumpers. The horizontal jumper was chosen over the vertical jumper because it provides a

  2. Generating a 2.4-W cw Green Laser by Intra-Cavity Frequency Doubling of a Diode-Pumped Nd:GdVO4 Laser with a MgO:PPLN Crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Jun; Liu Yan-Hua; Zhao Gang; Hu Xiao-Peng; Zhu Shi-Ning


    High-power cw green laser radiation is generated by intra-cavity frequency doubling of a diode-pumped Nd:GdVO 4 laser with a MgO-doped periodically-poled LiNbO 3 (MgO:PPLN) crystal at room temperature. An average power of 2.4 W at 0.53 μm is obtained under the pump 15 W at 808 nm, corresponding to an overall optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 16%. The M 2 factor of the green beam is 3.90 and 1.34 for the horizontal and vertical direction, respectively. In addition, the power fluctuation is measured to be about ±5%

  3. Horizontal stratified flow model for the 1-D module of WCOBRA/TRAC-TF2: modeling and validation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liao, J.; Frepoli, C.; Ohkawa, K., E-mail: [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, LOCA Integrated Services I, Cranberry Twp, Pennsylvania (United States)


    For a two-phase flow in a horizontal pipe, the individual phases may separate by gravity. This horizontal stratification significantly impacts the interfacial drag, interfacial heat transfer and wall drag of the two phase flow. For a PWR small break LOCA, the horizontal stratification in cold legs is a highly important phenomenon during loop seal clearance, boiloff and recovery periods. The low interfacial drag in the stratified flow directly controls the time period for the loop clearance and the level of residual water in the loop seal. Horizontal stratification in hot legs also impacts the natural circulation stage of a small break LOCA. In addition, the offtake phenomenon and cold leg condensation phenomenon are also affected by the occurrence of horizontal stratification in the cold legs. In the 1-D module of the WCOBRA/TRAC-TF2 computer code, a horizontal stratification criterion was developed by combining the Taitel-Dukler model and the Wallis-Dobson model, which approximates the viscous Kelvin-Helmholtz neutral stability boundary. The objective of this paper is to present the horizontal stratification model implemented in the code and its assessment against relevant data. The adequacy of the horizontal stratification transition criterion is confirmed by examining the code-predicted flow regime in a horizontal pipe with the measured data in the flow regime map. The void fractions (or liquid level) for the horizontal stratified flow in cold leg or hot leg are predicted with a reasonable accuracy. (author)

  4. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1853-present, Air Temperature (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have air temperature data. *These services are for testing and evaluation...

  5. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1853-present, Water Temperature (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have water temperature data. *These services are for testing and evaluation...

  6. Potential Effects of Horizontal Gene Exchange in the Human Gut. (United States)

    Lerner, Aaron; Matthias, Torsten; Aminov, Rustam


    Many essential functions of the human body are dependent on the symbiotic microbiota, which is present at especially high numbers and diversity in the gut. This intricate host-microbe relationship is a result of the long-term coevolution between the two. While the inheritance of mutational changes in the host evolution is almost exclusively vertical, the main mechanism of bacterial evolution is horizontal gene exchange. The gut conditions, with stable temperature, continuous food supply, constant physicochemical conditions, extremely high concentration of microbial cells and phages, and plenty of opportunities for conjugation on the surfaces of food particles and host tissues, represent one of the most favorable ecological niches for horizontal gene exchange. Thus, the gut microbial system genetically is very dynamic and capable of rapid response, at the genetic level, to selection, for example, by antibiotics. There are many other factors to which the microbiota may dynamically respond including lifestyle, therapy, diet, refined food, food additives, consumption of pre- and probiotics, and many others. The impact of the changing selective pressures on gut microbiota, however, is poorly understood. Presumably, the gut microbiome responds to these changes by genetic restructuring of gut populations, driven mainly via horizontal gene exchange. Thus, our main goal is to reveal the role played by horizontal gene exchange in the changing landscape of the gastrointestinal microbiome and potential effect of these changes on human health in general and autoimmune diseases in particular.

  7. Potential Effects of Horizontal Gene Exchange in the Human Gut

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aaron Lerner


    Full Text Available Many essential functions of the human body are dependent on the symbiotic microbiota, which is present at especially high numbers and diversity in the gut. This intricate host–microbe relationship is a result of the long-term coevolution between the two. While the inheritance of mutational changes in the host evolution is almost exclusively vertical, the main mechanism of bacterial evolution is horizontal gene exchange. The gut conditions, with stable temperature, continuous food supply, constant physicochemical conditions, extremely high concentration of microbial cells and phages, and plenty of opportunities for conjugation on the surfaces of food particles and host tissues, represent one of the most favorable ecological niches for horizontal gene exchange. Thus, the gut microbial system genetically is very dynamic and capable of rapid response, at the genetic level, to selection, for example, by antibiotics. There are many other factors to which the microbiota may dynamically respond including lifestyle, therapy, diet, refined food, food additives, consumption of pre- and probiotics, and many others. The impact of the changing selective pressures on gut microbiota, however, is poorly understood. Presumably, the gut microbiome responds to these changes by genetic restructuring of gut populations, driven mainly via horizontal gene exchange. Thus, our main goal is to reveal the role played by horizontal gene exchange in the changing landscape of the gastrointestinal microbiome and potential effect of these changes on human health in general and autoimmune diseases in particular.

  8. Modelling Nitrogen Transformation in Horizontal Subsurface Flow ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A mathematical model was developed to permit dynamic simulation of nitrogen interaction in a pilot horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland receiving effluents from primary facultative pond. The system was planted with Phragmites mauritianus, which was provided with root zone depth of 75 cm. The root zone was ...

  9. Determinants Of Vertical And Horizontal Export Diversification ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study also reveals domestic investment plays an important role to enhance vertical as well as horizontal export diversification for East Asia, while it only ... resource-based industries and gradually shift production and exports from customary products to more dynamic ones by developing competitive advantage in the ...

  10. Endothelial CaMKII as a regulator of eNOS activity and NO-mediated vasoreactivity.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shubha Murthy

    Full Text Available The multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII is a serine/threonine kinase important in transducing intracellular Ca2+ signals. While in vitro data regarding the role of CaMKII in the regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS are contradictory, its role in endothelial function in vivo remains unknown. Using two novel transgenic models to express CaMKII inhibitor peptides selectively in endothelium, we examined the effect of CaMKII on eNOS activation, NO production, vasomotor tone and blood pressure. Under baseline conditions, CaMKII activation was low in the aortic wall. Consistently, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and plasma NO levels were unaltered by endothelial CaMKII inhibition. Moreover, endothelial CaMKII inhibition had no significant effect on NO-dependent vasodilation. These results were confirmed in studies of aortic rings transduced with adenovirus expressing a CaMKII inhibitor peptide. In cultured endothelial cells, bradykinin treatment produced the anticipated rapid influx of Ca2+ and transient CaMKII and eNOS activation, whereas CaMKII inhibition blocked eNOS phosphorylation on Ser-1179 and dephosphorylation at Thr-497. Ca2+/CaM binding to eNOS and resultant NO production in vitro were decreased under CaMKII inhibition. Our results demonstrate that CaMKII plays an important role in transient bradykinin-driven eNOS activation in vitro, but does not regulate NO production, vasorelaxation or blood pressure in vivo under baseline conditions.

  11. Activation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide (eNOS Occurs through Different Membrane Domains in Endothelial Cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jason Tran

    Full Text Available Endothelial cells respond to a large range of stimuli including circulating lipoproteins, growth factors and changes in haemodynamic mechanical forces to regulate the activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS and maintain blood pressure. While many signalling pathways have been mapped, the identities of membrane domains through which these signals are transmitted are less well characterized. Here, we manipulated bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC with cholesterol and the oxysterol 7-ketocholesterol (7KC. Using a range of microscopy techniques including confocal, 2-photon, super-resolution and electron microscopy, we found that sterol enrichment had differential effects on eNOS and caveolin-1 (Cav1 colocalisation, membrane order of the plasma membrane, caveolae numbers and Cav1 clustering. We found a correlation between cholesterol-induced condensation of the plasma membrane and enhanced high density lipoprotein (HDL-induced eNOS activity and phosphorylation suggesting that cholesterol domains, but not individual caveolae, mediate HDL stimulation of eNOS. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-induced and shear stress-induced eNOS activity was relatively independent of membrane order and may be predominantly controlled by the number of caveolae on the cell surface. Taken together, our data suggest that signals that activate and phosphorylate eNOS are transmitted through distinct membrane domains in endothelial cells.

  12. The estrogen-dependent baroreflex dysfunction caused by nicotine in female rats is mediated via NOS/HO inhibition: Role of sGC/PI3K/MAPK{sub ERK}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fouda, Mohamed A.; El-Gowelli, Hanan M.; El-Gowilly, Sahar M.; El-Mas, Mahmoud M., E-mail:


    We have previously reported that estrogen (E2) exacerbates the depressant effect of chronic nicotine on arterial baroreceptor activity in female rats. Here, we tested the hypothesis that this nicotine effect is modulated by nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and/or heme oxygenase (HO) and their downstream soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC)/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) signaling. We investigated the effects of (i) inhibition or facilitation of NOS or HO on the interaction of nicotine (2 mg/kg/day i.p., 2 weeks) with reflex bradycardic responses to phenylephrine in ovariectomized (OVX) rats treated with E2 or vehicle, and (ii) central pharmacologic inhibition of sGC, PI3K, or MAPKs on the interaction. The data showed that the attenuation by nicotine of reflex bradycardia in OVXE2 rats was abolished after treatment with hemin (HO inducer) or L-arginine (NOS substrate). The hemin or L-arginine effect disappeared after inhibition of NOS (Nω-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride, L-NAME) and HO (zinc protoporphyrin IX, ZnPP), respectively, denoting the interaction between the two enzymatic pathways. E2-receptor blockade (ICI 182,780) reduced baroreflexes in OVXE2 rats but had no effect on baroreflex improvement induced by hemin or L-arginine. Moreover, baroreflex enhancement by hemin was eliminated following intracisternal (i.c.) administration of wortmannin, ODQ, or PD98059 (inhibitors of PI3K, sGC, and extracellular signal-regulated kinases, MAPK{sub ERK}, respectively). In contrast, the hemin effect was preserved after inhibition of MAPK{sub p38} (SB203580) or MAPK{sub JNK} (SP600125). Overall, NOS/HO interruption underlies baroreflex dysfunction caused by nicotine in female rats and the facilitation of NOS/HO-coupled sGC/PI3K/MAPK{sub ERK} signaling might rectify the nicotine effect. - Highlights: • Hemin or L-arginine blunts baroreflex dysfunction caused by nicotine in OVXE2 rats. • NO/CO crosstalk mediates

  13. Synthesis of a Potent Aminopyridine-Based nNOS-Inhibitor by Two Recent No-Carrier-Added $^{18}$F-Labelling Methods


    Drerup, Christian; Ermert, Johannes; Coenen, Heinrich Hubert


    Nitric oxide (NO), an important multifunctional signaling molecule, is produced by three isoforms of NO-synthase (NOS) and has been associated with neurodegenerative disorders. Selective inhibitors of the subtypes iNOS (inducible) or nNOS (neuronal) are of great interest for decoding neurodestructive key factors, and 18F-labelled analogues would allow investigating the NOS-function by molecular imaging with positron emission tomography. Especially, the highly selective nNOS inhibitor 6-((3-((...

  14. Ģimene Mārgaretas Atvudas romānos


    Voitiņa, Laura


    Mūsdienās diskusijas par ģimeni, tās vērtībām, mainīgo uzbūvi un problēmām, kas ietekmē šo institūtu, ir sastopamas ne tikai mutvārdu runā, bet arī rakstos. Dotā pētījuma mērķis bija veikt saturisku analīzi par ģimenes aprakstiem Margaretas Atvudas romānos “Istabenes Stāsts” un “Oriksa un Kreiks”, lai identificētu romānos aprakstītos ģimenes modeļus, vērtības, paražas un notikumus, kas ietekmē šo institūtu. Tika izmantotas gan teorētiskas, gan empīriskas pētījuma metodes. Lai sniegtu teorētis...

  15. Kinetic Analysis of Horizontal Plyometric Exercise Intensity. (United States)

    Kossow, Andrew J; Ebben, William P


    Kossow, AJ, DeChiara, TG, Neahous, SM, and Ebben, WP. Kinetic analysis of horizontal plyometric exercise intensity. J Strength Cond Res 32(5): 1222-1229, 2018-Plyometric exercises are frequently performed as part of a strength and conditioning program. Most studies assessed the kinetics of plyometric exercises primarily performed in the vertical plane. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the multiplanar kinetic characteristics of a variety of plyometric exercises, which have a significant horizontal component. This study also sought to assess sex differences in the intensity progression of these exercises. Ten men and 10 women served as subjects. The subjects performed a variety of plyometric exercises including the double-leg hop, standing long jump, single-leg standing long jump, bounding, skipping, power skipping, cone hops, and 45.72-cm hurdle hops. Subjects also performed the countermovement jump for comparison. All plyometric exercises were evaluated using a force platform. Dependent variables included the landing rate of force development and landing ground reaction forces for each exercise in the vertical, frontal, and sagittal planes. A 2-way mixed analysis of variance with repeated-measures for plyometric exercise type demonstrated main effects for exercise type for all dependent variables (p ≤ 0.001). There was no significant interaction between plyometric exercise type and sex for any of the variable assessed. Bonferroni-adjusted pairwise comparisons identified a number of differences between the plyometric exercises for the dependent variables assessed (p ≤ 0.05). These findings should be used to guide practitioners in the progression of plyometric exercise intensity, and thus program design, for those who require significant horizontal power in their sport.

  16. Benefits of obtaining log data in horizontal wells in the WCSB

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spratt, D. [Reeves Wireline Technologies Ltd., Calgary, AB (Canada)


    A Compact Memory Logging (CML) system developed by Reeves Wireline Technologies was presented. It can be used to obtain log data from horizontal wells to get a better understanding of how to enhance production or completion techniques. The methods that are commonly used to obtain data from horizontal wells include measurement while drilling (MWD), logging while drilling (LWD), wet connect pipe conveyed wireline logging and CML. Each method has its unique benefits that range from information on lithology, rock parameters and fluid interfaces. Reeves has been using wireless pipe conveyed CML over the past two years. The log data includes array induction, dual spaced neutron and photo density porosity, Pe, gamma ray, compensated sonic and hose size caliper. Reeves CML is smaller, easily conveyed and has an unprecedented capability to bend and is considered to be well suited for both newly and previously drilled horizontal wells that require remedial assessment. The tool can be used to determine reservoir quality and boundaries, establish zone structures, or identify fluid interfaces for strategic planning of completions and stimulations. This paper presented examples of logs on some horizontal wells that indicate the value of obtaining log data. Reeves CML is considered to be economically and operationally ideal, particularly since data from the CML includes depth of investigation. 5 figs.

  17. Horizontal Heat Exchanger Design and Analysis for Passive Heat Removal Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vierow, Karen


    This report describes a three-year project to investigate the major factors of horizontal heat exchanger performance in passive containment heat removal from a light water reactor following a design basis accident LOCA (Loss of Coolant Accident). The heat exchanger studied in this work may be used in advanced and innovative reactors, in which passive heat removal systems are adopted to improve safety and reliability The application of horizontal tube-bundle condensers to passive containment heat removal is new. In order to show the feasibility of horizontal heat exchangers for passive containment cooling, the following aspects were investigated: 1. the condensation heat transfer characteristics when the incoming fluid contains noncondensable gases 2. the effectiveness of condensate draining in the horizontal orientation 3. the conditions that may lead to unstable condenser operation or highly degraded performance 4. multi-tube behavior with the associated secondary-side effects This project consisted of two experimental investigations and analytical model development for incorporation into industry safety codes such as TRAC and RELAP. A physical understanding of the flow and heat transfer phenomena was obtained and reflected in the analysis models. Two gradute students (one funded by the program) and seven undergraduate students obtained research experience as a part of this program.

  18. Internal deformation in layered Zechstein-III K-Mg salts. Structures formed by complex deformation and high contrasts in viscosity observed in drill cores. (United States)

    Raith, Alexander; Urai, Janos L.


    During the evaporation of a massive salt body, alternations of interrupted and full evaporation sequences can form a complex layering of different lithologies. Viscosity contrasts of up to five orders of magnitude between these different lithologies are possible in this environment. During the late stage of an evaporation cycle potassium and magnesium (K-Mg) salts are precipitated. These K-Mg salts are of economic interest but also a known drilling hazard due to their very low viscosity. How up to 200m thick layers of these evaporites affect salt deformation at different scales is not well known. A better understanding of salt tectonics with extreme mechanical stratification is needed for better exploration and production of potassium-magnesium salts and to predict the internal structure of potential nuclear waste repositories in salt. To gain a better understanding of the internal deformation of these layers we analyzed K-Mg salt rich drill cores out of the Zechstein III-1b subunit from the Veendam Pillow 10 km southeast of Groningen, near the city Veendam in the NE Netherlands. The study area has a complex geological history with multiple tectonic phases of extension and compression forming internal deformation in the pillow but also conserving most of the original layering. Beside halite the most common minerals in the ZIII-1b are carnallite, kieserite, anhydrite and bischofite alternating in thin layers of simple composition. Seismic interpretation revealed that the internal structure of the Veendam Pillow shows areas, in which the K-Mg salt rich ZIII 1b layer is much thicker than elsewhere, as a result of salt deformation. The internal structure of the ZIII-1b on the other hand, remains unknown. The core analysis shows a strong strain concentration in the weaker Bischofite (MgCl2*6H20) and Carnallite (KMgCl3*6H20) rich layers producing tectonic breccias and highly strained layers completely overprinting the original layering. Layers formed by alternating beds

  19. Composite Coiled Tubing for Extended Reach in Horizontal Oil Wells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Costache, Andrei; Berggreen, Christian


    Conventional steel coiled tubing cannot reach along the entire length of very long horizontal oil wells. A lighter and more buoyant coiled tube is made possible using composite materials. The high stiffness to weight ratio of fiber reinforced polymers, coupled with a lower coefficient of friction......, has the potential of greatly extending the reach in horizontal oil wells. This study shows how to design composite coiled tubing and gives a comprehensive discussion about the most influential parameters. Several solutions, using glass-fiber and carbon are considered. Finite element models are used...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fan, Jianhua; Shah, Louise Jivan; Furbo, Simon


    The objective of this work is to theoretically and experimentally investigate the flow and temperature distribution in a solar collector panel with an absorber consisting of horizontal fins. Fluid flow and heat transfer in the collector panel are studied by means of computational fluid dynamics...... (CFD) calculations. Further, experimental investigations of a 12.5 m² solar collector panel with 16 parallel connected horizontal fins are carried out. The flow distribution through the absorber is evaluated by means of temperature measurements on the backside of the absorber tubes. The measured...