
Sample records for heterogeneidad vegetal sobre

  1. Efecto de la heterogeneidad sobre las isotermas de adsorción de carbones activados

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    Karim Sapag


    Full Text Available Los carbones activados (CA son materiales microporosos que poseen gran capacidad de adsorción. La heterogeneidad de cualquier adsorbente, en particular la de los CA, puede ser separada en dos grandes familias: energética (o superficial y estructural. La heterogeneidad estructural es causada por la presencia de poros de diferentes tamaños y formas, y por su posible interconexión; mientras que la heterogeneidad energética se origina por las irregularidades superficiales, así como por la presencia de grupos funcionales y/o impurezas. En este trabajo se discutirán diferentes modelos de heterogeneidad superficial en materiales con poros de geometría, tipo placas paralelas, y su efecto sobre las isotermas de adsorción y en las distribuciones de tamaño de poros. Activated carbons (AC are microporous materials that have high adsorptive capacity. The heterogeneity of any adsorbent, in particular of the AC, can be separated into two large families: energetic and structural. Structural heterogeneity is caused by the presence of pores of different sizes, shapes and how they are interconnected, while the energy heterogeneity is caused by surface irregularities, as well as by the presence of functional groups and / or impurities. In this paper we discuss different models of surface heterogeneity in materials with slit pores and its effect on adsorption isotherms and the pore size distributions (PSD.

  2. A interincompreensão gera polêmica: alteridade e heterogeneidade nos discursos das cantoras Anitta e Pitty sobre comportamento sexual feminino

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    Juliane de Araújo Gonzaga


    Full Text Available Este artigo se propõe a analisar a situação de polêmica entre as cantoras Anitta e Pitty, durante um programa televiso, em torno do comportamento das mulheres no domínio da sexualidade. Os objetivos específicos são: (i verificar como a alteridade e a heterogeneidade delimitam posições discursivas; (ii descrever a situação de polêmica e a mobilização de simulacros no processo de interincompreensão regrada e (iii analisar a situação de polêmica e demonstrar que a alteridade e a heterogeneidade materializam embates legitimados historicamente no campo da sexualidade. Situado na Análise do Discurso francesa, este trabalho utiliza referencial teórico-metodológico baseado nos pressupostos de Authier-Revuz (1990, 1998, acerca da alteridade e da heterogeneidade enunciativa, e nas considerações de Maingueneau (1993, 2005 sobre o primado do interdiscurso e a polêmica como interincompreensão regrada. O método de análise baseia-se na descrição e interpretação de marcas linguísticas (glosas, pronomes, dêiticos, vocabulário que materializam jogos de alteridade, movimentos de já-ditos e regras sobre o dizível e o indizível no discurso. Por fim, a análise conclui que os enunciados são heterogeneamente marcados e que as posições discursivas produzem situação de polêmica, pois são atravessadas por simulacros, estereótipos e embates históricos entre os gêneros no domínio da sexualidade.

  3. Heterogeneidad y desigualdades de género en el sector Salud: entre las estadísticas y las percepciones sobre las condiciones de trabajo

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    Eliana Laura Aspiazu


    Full Text Available La Salud es una actividad que se caracteriza por su heterogeneidad, por tener una gran carga de cuidado en sus tareas y estar compuesta mayormente por mujeres, a la vez que es atravesada por múltiples déficits en las condiciones laborales y profundas desigualdades de género. Este artículo indaga sobre las condiciones laborales en el sector de la salud desde una perspectiva de género, a partir de datos estadísticos disponibles y de entrevistas en profundidad a trabajadores/as y dirigentes sindicales de la Salud. El análisis triangula datos cuantitativos y cualitativos acerca de las desigualdades en la inserción laboral entre varones y mujeres y las percepciones y discursos predominantes en el ámbito sindical al respecto, con el objetivo de identificar avances y limitaciones en la incorporación de un enfoque de género en el sector.

  4. Efectos de la heterogeneidad del paisaje agrícola pampeano sobre el carbono, la biota edáfica y la descomposición de la hojarasca


    D`Acunto, Luciana


    La intensificación de la agricultura es la causa principal de la transformación del paisaje, de la disminución de su heterogeneidad y de la alteración de servicios ecosistémicos como la biodiversidad y el secuestro de carbono. La Región Pampeana no ha escapado a este fenómeno global. Esta tesis buscó comprender cómo la heterogeneidad espacial y temporal de un agroecosistema, dada por la presencia de márgenes no cultivados y por diferentes secuencias de cultivos, respectivamente, afectan el co...

  5. Antioxidantes de origen vegetal. Efecto sobre el envejecimiento


    Descalzo Perea, Virginia


    Este trabajo consiste en una revisión bibliográfica sobre diferentes tipos de antioxidantes de origen vegetal que podemos encontrar en los alimentos, así como sus características y efectos principales. Los radicales libres más frecuentes son los derivados del oxígeno y se producen como consecuencia de las reacciones de oxidación, que constituyen una parte esencial del metabolismo. Cuando la producción de radicales libres excede a la defensa antioxidante se da un desequilibrio y, como consecue...

  6. Letramento, heterogeneidade e alteridade: análise de narrativas orais produzidas por uma mulher não-alfabetizada

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    Leda Verdiani Tfouni


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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar narrativas orais produzidas por uma mulher não-alfabetizada do ponto de vista da instalação da heterogeneidade discursiva. A heterogeneidade é vista e detectada em uma dimensão constitutiva e em uma dimensão mostrada. A discussão baseia-se ainda no conceito de letramento, e, partindo do pressuposto de que existe uma interpenetração do discurso da oralidade e do discurso da escrita, procura detectar como, nas narrativas analisadas, esta alteridade constituída por quem sabe ler e escrever, é indiciada no discurso do não-alfabetizado. As narrativas apresentadas - “As três estrelas de ouro na testa” e “A Branca Flor de Antuninho”- foram produzidas por Madalena de Paula Marques: uma mulher não-alfabetizada e moradora da periferia de Ribeirão Preto-SP-Brasil. A análise procura mostrar que, ao jogar com os dois tipos de heterogeneidade citados, a narradora assegura um fluxo narrativo coerente concorde à função de autoria, conforme propõe a teoria de letramento que embasa o trabalho. Apontamos ainda aqui na direção de afirmar que estas narrativas, mesmo sendo orais, apresentam marcas de escrita constituída pela heterogeneidade.

  7. A heterogeneidade tecnológica da pecuária leiteira em Minas Gerais

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    André Rozemberg Peixoto Simões


    Full Text Available A heterogeneidade dos sistemas de produção de leite de Minas Gerais é uma das causas de instabilidade das relações comerciais da cadeia produtiva e das dificuldades de direcionamento de políticas públicas. Neste sentido, objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar espacialmente a heterogeneidade tecnológica dos sistemas de produção de leite das 66 microrregiões do estado de Minas Gerais. Para isso, estimou-se um modelo fatorial a partir de 15 variáveis de tecnologia e de escala de produção e foi construído um Índice de Modernização da Pecuária Leiteira. A análise cluster realizada com este índice permitiu classificar espacialmente as microrregiões em 4 níveis tecnológicos. Os resultados podem subsidiar estratégias de formulação de políticas públicas regionalizadas e elaboração de planos de atividades privadas.

  8. Social heterogeneity and children's nutrition in the rural environment La heterogeneidad social y la nutrición infantil en el medio rural A heterogeneidade social e a nutrição infantil no meio rural

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    Livia Rocha


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: this study is inserted in an Interdisciplinary Program of Research and aims to learn about the nutritional situation and life context of children under five in the rural environment of Arambaré/RS, Brazil, through an epidemiological cross-sectional descriptive study. METHOD: the data of anthropometrical assessment (Weight/Age, Age/Height, Weight/Height expressed in Z scores, whose reference population is that of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS were analyzed in the Epinut software, and the semi-structured form applied to the child's responsible was analyzed through descriptive statistics in the Epi-Info 6.04. RESULTS: It is evidenced that the nutritional problems vary within the social heterogeneity present in the municipality. There are different levels of vulnerability to illness. CONCLUSION: this study demonstrates the importance of understanding the social dynamics modelling individual behavior that reflects on health.OBJETIVOS: El estudio se inserta en un Programa Interdisciplinar de Investigación y objetiva conocer la situación nutricional y el contexto de vida del universo de niños menores de cinco años del medio rural de Arambaré/RS, Brasil, a través de un estudio epidemiológico del tipo seccional descriptivo. MÉTODOS: Los datos de la evaluación antropométrica (peso/edad, edad/estatura, peso/estatura fueron analizados en el Epinut, y los del formulario semi-estructurado aplicado al responsable del niño fueron analizados vía estatística descriptiva en el Epi-info 6.04. RESULTADOS: Se constata que los problemas nutricionales varían dentro de la heterogeneidad social presente en el municipio, lo que representa diferentes grados de vulnerabilidad al adolecimiento. CONCLUSIONES: Se demostró la importancia de comprender las dinámicas sociales que modulan los comportamientos de los individuos y repercuten sobre su salud.OBJETIVOS: o estudo insere-se num Programa Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa e objetiva

  9. Reflexões sobre a linguagem do ambiente chat no teletandem sob a perspectiva da natureza heterogênea da escrita

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    Suzi Marques Spatti Cavalari


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir as características da linguagem mediada pelo computador em um ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem de língua estrangeira viabilizado pelo uso de recursos de comunicação síncrona na modalidade escrita – chat. O presente estudo se fundamenta em (i princípios teóricos sobre o uso de tecnologias e o ensino/aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras no escopo do Projeto Teletandem Brasil: línguas estrangeiras para todos (TELLES, 2005; (ii estudos sobre as características da linguagem em interações via chat; (iii diferentes perspectivas teóricas a respeito das relações entre o oral e o escrito, enfatizando a perspectiva da heterogeneidade constitutiva da escrita (CORRÊA, 1997, 1998, 2001; e (iv em alguns conceitos pertinentes à área da Fonologia Prosódica (NESPOR; VOGEL, 1986. Toma‑se como material de análise a produção escrita de uma universitária brasileira (formanda em Licenciatura em Letras que interage com um universitário estadunidense (cursando Estudos Religiosos via Windows Live Messenger. Os dados foram coletados em um período de 5 meses, durante os quais os participantes interagiram via chat, totalizando 12 interações em inglês e em português. Na análise, enfocam-se as interações em língua portuguesa, particularmente a fragmentação das mensagens, o uso (ou não de sinais de pontuação e de abreviaturas na produção da participante brasileira, a fim de se discutirem as representações que ela constrói sobre a (sua escrita, sobre seu interlocutor, sobre si mesma e sobre o processo de ensino/aprendizagem de língua estrangeira.Palavras-chave: Língua escrita. Heterogeneidade. Chat. Teletandem.

  10. Especificidades de usuários(as de drogas visando uma assistência baseada na heterogeneidade Especificidades de usuários (as de drogas visando una asistencia basada en la heterogeneidad Drug users' specifics aiming the assistance based in the heterogeneity

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    Jeane Freitas de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O artigo enfoca a heterogeneidade de grupos e de pessoas usuárias de drogas, com ênfase nas especificidades de mulheres. Trata-se de revisão da literatura sobre o fenômeno das drogas e saúde, a partir de textos selecionados que utilizam a variável empírica sexo. Foram identificadas diferenças no consumo de drogas entre homens e mulheres e especificidades entre mulheres tanto em relação a aspectos epidemiológicos quanto aos determinantes sócio-culturais do fenômeno. Identificou-se que a taxa de consumo, tipo da droga, idade, mortalidade e comorbidade foram aspectos responsáveis pelas principais diferenças de gênero. Especificamente em grupos de mulheres, foram identificadas diferenças relacionadas ao tipo de droga versus idade e procura por tratamento versus tipo de atividade desenvolvida pela unidade de saúde. Os dados demonstram que a assistência às pessoas usuárias de drogas deve contemplar especificidades individuais e de grupos.El artículo enfoca la heterogeneidad de grupos y de personas usuarias de drogas, con énfase en las especificidades de mujeres. Se trata de una revisión de la literatura sobre el fenómeno de las drogas y la salud, a partir de textos seleccionados que utilizan la variable empírica sexo. Fueron identificadas diferencias en el consumo de drogas entre hombres y mujeres y especificidades entre mujeres, tanto en relação a aspectos epidemiológicos, cuanto a las determinantes socioculturales del fenómeno. Se identificó que la tasa de consumo, tipo de droga, edad, mortalidad y comorbidad fueron aspectos responsables por las principales diferencias de género. Específicamente en grupos de mujeres, fueron identificadas diferencias relacionadas al tipo de droga versus edad y busca por tratamiento versus tipo de actividad desarrollada por la unidad de salud. Los datos demuestran que la asistencia a las personas usuarias de drogas debe contemplar especificidades individuáis y de grupos.This paper

  11. Relación entre la heterogeneidad del paisaje y la riqueza de especies de flora en cuencas costeras del estado de Veracruz, México

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    Ángel Priego Santander


    Full Text Available La heterogeneidad del paisaje varía en el espacio dependiendo de la proporción entre polígonos y unidades tipológicas. La alta variabilidad del espacio geográfico le confiere una elevada connotación ecológica, lo cual sugiere una estrecha relación con la distribución de la biodiversidad. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer si se puede predecir la riqueza de especies a través de indicadores de variabilidad espacial. Para esclarecer esto, se exploró la relación entre heterogeneidad del paisaje y la riqueza de flora, en tres cuencas costeras del estado de Veracruz. La riqueza, dominancia, abundancia y diversidad de los paisajes resultaron variables explicativas de la riqueza de especies. Los modelos obtenidos explican más de 75% de la relación. Estos resultados indican que la riqueza de especies de flora puede ser pronosticada por valores de heterogeneidad del paisaje. Se sugiere explorar la probable existencia de zonas de elevada biodiversidad en áreas de difícil acceso o poco conocidas, con el uso de sensores remotos.

  12. El efecto de la maternidad sobre los salarios femeninos en Ecuador

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    Héctor Alberto Botello


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analiza el efecto de la maternidad sobre los salarios femeninos del año 2012 en el Ecuador estudiando sobre la tenencia, el número y la estructura de edad de los hijos. La metodología implementa ecuaciones mincerianas sobre los datos del ingreso laboral provenientes de las encuestas de hogares; para posteriormente descomponer el diferencial con el método de Oaxaca Blinder con corrección sobre el sesgo de selección. Los resultados muestran que las madres ganan en promedio 7,56% menos que las no madres, presentándose una alta heterogeneidad entre las provincias analizadas y los niveles educativos. Luego de controlar la edad de los hijos se aprecia que las madres de niños de menos de 5 años ganan un 10% menos, mientras que las madres que tienen niños de más de 5 años, la disminución es de solo el 2%. Por número, si la mujer tiene a su cuidado dos hijos la brecha por maternidad promedio es del 3,7% y si tiene más de dos hijos la rebaja es del 2,26%. No obstante, la mayor parte de la brecha por maternidad en el Ecuador no está causada por el hecho de ser madres sino por sus características socioeconómicas intrínsecas.

  13. Influencia de la heterogeneidad edáfica y de la topografía en la composición de especies vegetales sobre escombreras mineras de carbón del norte de España


    López Marcos, Daphne


    La restauración de escombreras mineras es un reto para los profesionales de este campo y comprender sus limitaciones ecológicas es un requisito para garantizar una restauración exitosa, por ello se plantea evaluar la influencia de la heterogeneidad edáfica y topográfica en la composición de especies vegetales en una ladera de una mina de carbón restaurada, donde se distinguieron dos comunidades vegetales (pastizal-matorral) y se compararon con una comunidad forestal vecina. Se encontraron dif...

  14. Institutos profesionales en Chile. Tendencias actuales y heterogeneidad institucional

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    Pablo Sandoval Vilches


    Full Text Available El artículo desarrolla un diagnóstico de la situación actual de los Institutos Profesionales (IP-s existentes en el país, con énfasis en la heterogeneidad que presentan entre sí. Para ello se realiza un análisis de los indicadores del sistema ÍNDICES del CNED, utilizando técnicas estadísticas de clasiicación multivariante. Los resultados muestran la existencia de importantes diferencias entre los IP-s actualmente vigentes, como son el número de áreas de conocimientos ofertadas, procedencia de la matrícula, infraestructura y la tasa resultado del ejercicio / patrimonio. A partir de éstas, fueron identiicados 4 conglomerados de IP-s en los cuales tiende a coincidir el ámbito de formación que ofrecen con las características institucionales internas. Se concluye que el reconocimiento de esta diversidad puede contribuir a la mejora de los mecanismos de evaluación dispuestos para la acreditación institucional de este tipo de instituciones.


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    María Isabel Gassmann


    Full Text Available La longitud de rugosidad es un parámetro de escala característico de la capa de superficie, utilizado en estudios micrometeorológicos, de contaminación urbana, de potencial eólico o en los modelos dinámicos de pronóstico del tiempo y el clima. Experimentalmente este parámetro se determina a partir de datos observacionales del perfil de viento bajo condiciones neutrales de estabilidad atmosférica. Sin embargo, existen evidencias de una dependencia del mismo con los cambios en la estabilidad. Utilizando datos observados sobre una superficie con cobertura vegetal y bajo las hipótesis de la teoría de la semejanza de Monin-Obukhov, se estudió la variabilidad del parámetro de rugosidad con la estabilidad atmosférica. Se obtuvieron expresiones empíricas que permitieron estimar esa longitud en función de un parámetro de estabilidad. Se encontraron variaciones en su magnitud de hasta dos órdenes bajo condiciones estables, mientras que en condiciones inestables su variabilidad fue pequeña. Por otra parte, se estudió el impacto que producen las parametrizaciones obtenidas al aplicarlas en un preprocesador meteorológico para un modelo de difusión de contaminantes. Los resultados obtenidos tendrían un impacto directo en el campo de velocidades cercano a superficie

  16. Estudio integrado sobre la anemia de Fanconi: aproximación a las bases moleculares del fallo medular y de la microftalmia


    Prieto Remón, Inés


    RESUMEN: La anemia de Fanconi es una enfermedad genética rara. Presenta una gran heterogeneidad de síntomas clínicos, que van desde una aplasia medular precoz (pérdida del conjunto de células hematopoyéticasL pasando por una elevada tendencia a padecer cáncer hasta una gran variedad de anomalías congénitas. En esta tesis se ha realizado un estudio molecular sobre diferentes aspectos de la anemia de Fanconi en tres de los subtipos de la enfermedad (FA-A, FA-C y FA-D2) en un mode...

  17. Pesquisa sobre mortalidade perinatal no Brasil: revisão da metodologia e dos resultados

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    Fonseca Sandra Costa


    Full Text Available A mortalidade perinatal persiste como relevante evento em saúde pública, demandando estudos epidemiológicos, tanto para definir sua magnitude e variações temporais, como para identificar seus determinantes e apontar as intervenções adequadas. Existem ainda questões conceituais e metodológicas controversas, gerando heterogeneidade nos estudos e prováveis vieses. No Brasil, nos últimos anos, desponta uma produção crescente sobre o tema, principalmente no Sudeste e Sul. Foram revistos 24 artigos de 1996 a 2003, focalizando: definições e classificações utilizadas, fontes de dados, desenhos de estudo, formas de aferição das variáveis, modelos de análise estatística e principais resultados. A revisão mostrou a progressiva utilização de bancos de dados informatizados, principalmente o SINASC e o SIM, o pequeno número de estudos sobre natimortalidade, a incorporação ainda incipiente das classificações de causas e a discordância em relação a alguns fatores de risco.

  18. Heterogeneidad regional en las diferencias por género en las tasas de desempleo en Colombia


    Enrique López-Bazo; Juan C. Duque; Gustavo A. García; Paula Herrera-Idágarra


    Este trabajo describe la diversidad regional que presentan las brechas de desempleo entre hombres y mujeres en Colombia y evalúa en qué medida dichas brechas se deben a diferencias en los patrones de demanda laboral de las distintas ciudades. Los resultados muestran que, en efecto, las brechas están relacionadas con factores de demanda, pero esa relación es en parte endógena a la heterogeneidad regional en (las diferencias en) las características de hombres y mujeres, que afectan su propensió...

  19. La perspectiva de las personas mayores sobre el testamento vital Elders´perspective about Advance Directives

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    Inés Mª Barrio Cantalejo


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. La popularización del testamento vital (TV exige conocer la perspectiva que sobre él tienen sus potenciales usuarios. Cualquier intento de generalizar el TV sin evaluar cómo será recibido por las personas mayores está condenado al fracaso. Objetivo: Explorar la perspectiva de los mayores sobre el testamento vital. Diseño: Estudio cualitativo. 40 personas mayores, usuarios de 3 Centros de Salud y 1 Residencia Asistida de Madrid, se reunieron en 5 grupos de discusión en abril de 2004. Participantes: 14 mediadores captaron a 2-3 participantes cada uno. Se consideró que edad y residencia en medio familiar o institucional son las variables que más diferencian la elaboración de los discursos sobre el TV. Se utilizaron, pues, como criterios de segmentación, buscando heterogeneidad entre grupos y homogeneidad y heterogeneidad intragrupal. La saturación se consideró cuando las ideas expresadas resultaron recurrentes. Resultados: 4 ideas se extraen de los datos: 1 los mayores prefieren la planificación anticipada de decisiones al TV. 2 Su opinión sobre el TV se asocia a la vivencia singular de otros eventos en el final de la vida. 3 Conceden un papel relevante a la familia. 4 Desean conducir su propia vida, pero "sin papeles escritos". Conclusiones. La implementación del TV a través de una estrategia educativa e institucional se beneficiará si consideramos la perspectiva de la población mayor española sobre el TV.Background: The introduction of advance directives (AD require to examine the perspective their potential users have about. Any public policy about the implementation of ADs adressed to elders will fall if their perspective is unknown. Objective: To examine the elders' perspective about advance directives. Methods: Qualitative study. 40 elders, users of 3 Primary Health Care Center, and of 1 Nursing Home from Madrid. 5 focus groups were organized in 2004 April. Participants: 14 providers recruited 2

  20. Cubierta vegetal frente a laboreo en dos zonas con distinta disponibilidad hídrica: influencia sobre producción, vigor, calidad y estado hídrico de la vid


    Díez Bueno, Nuria


    El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la influencia de una cubierta vegetal frente al laboreo convencional en dos tipos de suelo con diferente dotación hídrica (suelo de pendiente con riego y suelo de vaguada sin riego) y su influencia sobre el estado hídrico de la planta, la producción, el vigor y la calidad. El presente trabajo final de carrera se realizó en una parcela de viñedo plantado en 1980 de la variedad Tempranillo injertado sobre patrón 41B, de conducción en espaldera, de c...

  1. Influencia de los defecaderos de camélidos sobre el desarrollo vegetal y riqueza de especies en morrenas glaciales, Tierra del Fuego Camelid defecation influences vegetation development and species richnesss on glacial moraines, Tierra del Fuego

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    Full Text Available Los escasos trabajos de interacción planta-herbívoro en ambientes severos han concluido que los herbívoros tienen un rol menor sobre el proceso de colonización en los estados tempranos de la sucesión. Aquí se documentan los efectos de defecaderos de un herbívoro ungulado (Lamma guanicoe sobre los patrones vegetales en una intermorrena glacial reciente. Se evaluó la composición florística, frecuencia y síndrome de dispersión de las especies presentes sobre los defecaderos y sitios control. Parámetros de suelo fueron analizados en ambos substratos. La riqueza y diversidad de especies vasculares fueron significativamente mayores sobre los defecaderos. El síndrome de dispersión dominante es la anemocoría en la vegetación de ambos tipos de substratos. Los defecaderos presentan valores superiores de materia orgánica, nitrógeno y fósforo, indicando condiciones localmente más favorables para el establecimiento de plántulas en este ambiente pobre en nutrientes y materia orgánica. Finalmente, se discute acerca de los posibles mecanismos que originan la mayor riqueza y diversidad de especies sobre los defecaderos de guanaco, concluyendo que constituyen una fuente potencial de propágulos que puede acelerar el proceso de colonización en morrenas glaciaresThe few studies of herbivore-plant interaction in severe environments have concluded that the herbivores have a minor role on the process of colonization in the early states of the succession. This paper describes the effects of camelid (Lamma guanicoe dung heaps on vegetation patterns on a recent glacial moraine. Floristic composition, diversity, abundance and dispersion syndrome spectra of the vegetation growing on dung heaps was compared with that of control sites unaffected by camelid defecation. Soil parameters of both substrates were analyzed. Vascular species riches and diversity were significantly higher on dung heaps. Anemochory was the dominant dispersion syndrome on both

  2. Efeitos da Heterogeneidade de Variância Residual entre Grupos de Contemporâneos na Avaliação Genética de Bovinos de Corte Effects of Heterogeneity of Residual Variance among Contemporary Groups on Genetic Evaluation of Beef Cattle

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    Roberto Carvalheiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar, por meio de dados simulados, o efeito da heterogeneidade de variância residual entre grupos de contemporâneos (GC sobre as avaliações genéticas de bovinos de corte, e comparar o uso de uma avaliação genética ponderada (R¹Isigmae² em relação à avaliação que pressupõe homogeneidade de variância (R=Isigmae². A característica estudada foi ganho de peso pós-desmame corrigido para 345 dias, sendo esta simulada com variância fenotípica de 300 kg² e herdabilidade igual a 0,4. A estrutura de um conjunto real de dados foi utilizada para fornecer os GC e os pais referentes às observações de cada animal. Cinco níveis de heterogeneidade de variância residual foram considerados de forma que os componentes de variância fossem, na média, iguais aos da situação de homogeneidade de variância. Na medida em que níveis mais acentuados de heterogeneidade de variância residual foram considerados, os animais foram selecionados dos GC com maior variabilidade, especialmente com pressão de seleção intensa. Em relação à consistência de predição, os produtos e as vacas tiveram seus valores genéticos preditos mais afetados pela heterogeneidade de variância residual do que os touros. O fator de ponderação utilizado reduziu, mas não eliminou o efeito da heterogeneidade de variância. As avaliações genéticas ponderadas apresentaram resultados iguais ou superiores àqueles obtidos pelas avaliações que assumiram homogeneidade de variância. Mesmo quando não necessário, o uso de avaliações ponderadas produziu resultados não inferiores às avaliações que assumiram homogeneidade de variância.The objective of this study was to investigate, via simulated data, the effect of heterogeneity of residual variance among contemporary groups (CG on genetic evaluation of beef cattle, and to compare a weighted genetic evaluation procedure (R¹Isigmae² with one that assumes homogeneity of

  3. Heterogeneidad clínica de la demencia y severidad de la apraxia en pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer

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    Daniel G. Politis


    Full Text Available La evolución clínica de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer presenta gran heterogeneidad clínica. Se han descripto diferentes subtipos clínicos, entre ellos Mayeux et al. (1985 reportan la existencia de 4, que presentan diferentes niveles de severidad cognitiva y funcional. La diversidad clínica de estos no ha sido claramente investigada.La evolución clínica de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer presenta gran heterogeneidad clínica. Se han descripto diferentes subtipos clínicos, entre ellos Mayeux et al. (1985 reportan la existencia de 4, que presentan diferentes niveles de severidad cognitiva y funcional. La diversidad clínica de estos no ha sido claramente investigada.Objetivos: estudiar la severidad de demencia, la severidad de la apraxia y el deterioro funcional en relación con los subtipos clínicos de Mayeux en pacientes con Demencia tipo Alzheimer (DTA. Se evaluaron 49 pacientes con diagnóstico de DTA. Se encontraron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre la clasificación de Mayeux con la severidad de la demencia, la severidad de la apraxia y el deterioro funcional.La severidad de demencia, de la apraxia y el deterioro funcional parece acompañar los diferentes subtipos clínicos descriptos por Mayeux, por lo cual la evaluación y detección de las mismas podrían contribuir a la clasificación clínica y pronóstico de la DTA.

  4. Heterogeneidad empresarial, dinámica de la productividad y flujos de empleo : cuatro estudios sobre la empresa española


    Ruano Pardo, Sonia


    Esta tesis reúne cuatro estudios realizados a partir de la información que proporciona la Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales (ESEE) relativa a una muestra representativa de empresas manufactureras españolas encuestadas a lo largo del período 1990-98. El primer ensayo cuantifica la contribución de la rotación empresarial y de la evolución de la productividad de las empresas instaladas al crecimiento de la productividad agregada. Este estudio propone una metodología no paramétrica, altern...

  5. Sincronía en la comunicación pedagógica y heterogeneidad de los grupos en el nivel de conocimientos previos: efectos en el aprendizaje en aulas digitales

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    Luis Facundo Maldonado Grandados


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación interesada en evaluar los efectos de la heterogeneidad de los grupos de estudiantes en el nivel de conocimientos previos y la sincronía en la comunicación de los mismos, sobre el aprendizaje de un dominio de conocimiento en un escenario de aula virtual. Se tomaron estudiantes de un curso de lógica matemática y se distribuyeron en dos grupos: uno integrado por estudiantes con conocimientos previos similares, y otro por estudiantes con conocimientos previos heterogéneos, los dos evaluados mediante un pre-test. Cada estudiante fue asignado aleatoriamente a uno de dos subgrupos: uno que usó como mecanismo de comunicación pedagógica el foro y otro que utilizó el chat. Por último, se diseñó un aula virtual siguiendo un Modelo de Reducción de Diferencias. La investigación concluye mostrando el efecto positivo del aprendizaje en contextos heterogéneos y la importancia del trabajo en equipo de los estudiantes. Se prueba que el Modelo de Reducción de Diferencias es un derrotero eficaz para lograr educación de alta calidad en aulas virtuales.

  6. Efectos de la instalación de un gasoducto sobre algunas propiedades del suelo superficial y la cobertura vegetal en el NE de Chubut Gas-pipeline installation effects on superficial soil properties and vegetation cover in Northeastern Chubut

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    Esteban Kowaljow


    Full Text Available En este trabajo describimos el impacto del tendido de un gasoducto y de la reposición parcial del material removido, sobre algunas propiedades físicas y químicas del suelo y sobre la cobertura vegetal en tres sitios ecológicos del nordeste de Chubut. En cada sitio se identificaron 4 zonas diferentes: zona 1, faja desmontada y compactada por el tránsito de maquinaria pesada; zona 2, faja desmontada, con posterior reposición del suelo y la vegetación removidos; y otras dos zonas correspondientes a la estepa adyacente no disturbada: montículos asociados a arbustos y espacios entre montículos. Los mayores valores de densidad aparente se encontraron en los suelos de la zona 1 y en los del entremontículo (1,43 Mg m-3. La resistencia a la penetración fue significativamente mayor en las zonas 1 y 2, ambas zonas presentaron valores de resistencia a la penetración superiores a 1 MPa. La tasa de infiltración fue mucho mayor en el montículo (261 mm h-1 que en el resto de las zonas. La velocidad de infiltración de la zona 2 (85 mm h-1 fue mayor a la de la zona 1 (35 mm h-1 y el entremontículo (50 mm h-1. Los contenidos de carbono orgánico y nitrógeno de los suelos de las zonas 1 y 2 fueron similares a los del entremontículo y significativamente inferiores a los del montículo, excepto en la zona 2 de uno de los sitios ecológicos. La remoción de la vegetación y el suelo superficial, y el posterior tránsito de maquinaria pesada durante la instalación del gasoducto produjeron un fuerte impacto sobre las propiedades físicas del suelo. La mayor limitación de los suelos disturbados fue su baja capacidad para incorporar agua, derivada principalmente de su elevada compactación y baja porosidad, lo que explicaría en parte la lenta recuperación de la cobertura vegetal en la zona 1. En ninguno de los tres sitios estudiados, la reposición del material removido por la actividad del desmonte significó una medida de recuperación eficaz

  7. Gradiente latitudinal de riqueza de espécies de formigas em cerrado: regra de Rapoport e efeitos da produtividade e heterogeneidade


    Ribas, Carla Rodrigues


    O gradiente latitudinal de riqueza de espécies (GLRE) é um padrão bem documentado para diversos grupos de organismos. Apesar de várias hipóteses terem sido levantadas para explicar o gradiente algumas são tidas como mais promissoras, tais como as relacionadas à energia, a heterogeneidade ambiental, ao tempo evolutivo e ao efeito do domínio mediano. O objetivo dessa tese é testar a existência do gradiente latitudinal de riqueza de espécies de formigas arborícolas em cerrado, assim como testar ...

  8. Ideas previas sobre el reino vegetal en niños entre los 7 y 10 años de tercero de primaria de la Escuela Normal Superior Distrital María Montessori (E.N.S.D.M.M.

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    Daniela Gomez


    Full Text Available La presente investigación busca reconocer las ideas previas sobre el reino vegetal en niños entre los 7 y 10 años. Se eligió un grupo de 37 estudiantes de tercero de primaria perteneciente a la E.N.S.D.M.M., con los cuales se implementó un instrumento de caracterización tipo cuestionario conformado por 3 preguntas referentes al reino vegetal. A partir de las respuestas dadas por los niños, se clasificaron sus ideas previas generando categorías de estas, posterior a ello, con la referencia de las 3 fuentes de origen (sensorial, social y analógica siendo la social en la cual se basa este trabajo; se generaron dos sub-categorias (experiencia cotidiana y  experiencia académica y, en esta última  se tuvieron en cuenta los modelos explicativos de nutrición vegetal para lo cual fue necesario analizar conceptos claves como respiración, morfología, metabolismo e interacciones con el medio. Como resultado de la caracterización se determinó que las construcciones mentales sobre el reino vegetal en estos estudiantes son mediadas por la experiencia cotidiana y son frecuentemente nutridas, modificadas o adecuadas por este a pesar de lo adquirido en la escuela, además se estableció que los modelos de nutrición vegetal más comunes en las representaciones de los niños a esta edad son el edáfico y el de transmutación

  9. Revisión sistemática del efecto de las advertencias gráficas impresas en los paquetes de cigarrillos sobre el comportamiento de los fumadores

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    Joel Monárrez-Espino

    Full Text Available Aplicamos un método estructurado para evaluar si los fumadores activos a los que se les mostraban advertencias gráficas en los paquetes de cigarrillos tenían una probabilidad mayor de abandonar el hábito, reducir el consumo de cigarrillos o intentar dejar de fumar por comparación con fumadores no expuestos. Seleccionamos 21 artículos de entre casi 2500 publicados entre 1993 y 2013, dando prioridad a la cobertura sobre la pertinencia o la calidad porque preveíamos encontrar muy pocos estudios con resultados comportamentales. Observamos una heterogeneidad muy grande entre los estudios, una calidad metodológica deficiente o muy deficiente y resultados por lo general nulos o contradictorios con respecto a cualquier desenlace explorado. Los datos científicos a favor o en contra del uso de las advertencias gráficas son insuficientes, lo cual hace sospechar que cualquier efecto de estas sobre el comportamiento sería moderado. La determinación del efecto individual de las advertencias gráficas sobre el comportamiento requiere de estudios con diseños metodológicos sólidos y períodos de seguimiento más largos.

  10. Identidades Culturais e Mobilidade Migratória: Estudo de Caso sobre a Identidade Diaspórica Hindu

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    Mirian Santos Ribeiro de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A complexidade dos processos de construção de identidades culturais – em um contexto de intensificação e diversificação de fluxos migratórios, característico dos processos de globalização contemporâneos – está associada à coexistência de tendências à homogeneidade e à heterogeneidade, bem como à possibilidade de que tais identidades sejam construídas a partir da sociedade de origem ou da sociedade de destino. Este artigo analisa dois aspectos da construção de identidades diaspóricas por meio de um estudo de caso sobre uma identidade diaspórica específica, a “hinduidade” (Hindutva: (1 a relação entre as dimensões nacional e transnacional, em uma concepção de identidade diaspórica elaborada a partir da sociedade de origem; (2 a definição de uma identidade diaspórica em termos religiosos.


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  12. Ideas previas sobre el reino vegetal en niños entre los 7 y 10 años de tercero de primaria de la Escuela Normal Superior Distrital María Montessori (E.N.S.D.M.M.)


    Daniela Gomez; Daniela Velasco


    La presente investigación busca reconocer las ideas previas sobre el reino vegetal en niños entre los 7 y 10 años. Se eligió un grupo de 37 estudiantes de tercero de primaria perteneciente a la E.N.S.D.M.M., con los cuales se implementó un instrumento de caracterización tipo cuestionario conformado por 3 preguntas referentes al reino vegetal. A partir de las respuestas dadas por los niños, se clasificaron sus ideas previas generando categorías de estas, posterior a ello, con la referencia de ...

  13. Arritmias cardiacas generadas por heterogeneidad electrofisiológica: estudio mediante simulación Cardiac arrhythmias generated by electrophysiological heterogeneity: simulation study

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    Oscar Henao


    Full Text Available Las arritmias ventriculares usualmente se presentan como consecuencia de isquemia miocárdica aguda, lo cual causa la mayoría de las muertes súbitas. La heterogeneidad cardiaca tanto funcional (diferente comportamiento eléctrico en los miocitos como bioquímica (diferentes concentraciones iónicas en isquemia, altera el comportamiento eléctrico del ventrículo y genera dispersión en la repolarización del potencial de acción, por lo que se convierte en sustrato funcional para la generación de arritmias fatales. En este trabajo se revisan las técnicas experimentales para el estudio y la detección de arritmias por reentrada, y se valida un modelo geométrico de isquemia, en presencia de heterogeneidad eléctrica en la región transmural de la pared ventricular. Para ello se utilizaron simulaciones bidimensionales de un modelo biofísicamente detallado y se obtuvieron reentradas lobulares en diferentes configuraciones de las células M de la pared ventricular.Ventricular arrhythmias usually appear as consequence of acute myocardial ischemia, responsible for most of sudden deaths. Functional (different electrical behavior of myocytes as well as biochemical (different ionic concentrations during ischemia cardiac heterogeneity alter the ventricle electric performance and generate dispersion in the action potential repolarization that turns into functional substrate for the generation of fatal arrhythmias. In this work the experimental techniques for the study and detection of arrhythmias by re-entry are reviewed and a geometrical model of ischemia is validated in the presence of electrical heterogeneity in the trans-mural region of the ventricular wall. For this purpose, bi-dimensional simulations of a detailed biophysical model were used and lobular re-entries in different configurations of the M cells of the ventricular wall were obtained.


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    Luciana CINGOLANI


    Full Text Available El artículo se propone ofrecer un análisis integral sobre la manera en que ha sido abordada la cuestión de la inestabilidad de las políticas públicas: su impacto en el desarrollo económico de los países, la heterogeneidad de enfoques teóricos que la estudian, las maneras en que ha sido conceptualizada y las posibles causas que la literatura ha delineado explicando el fenómeno. Ofrece asimismo un diagnóstico sobre los niveles de inestabilidad de las políticas en Argentina y Brasil entre los años 1995 y 2006 y discute brevemente algunas previsiones de la teoría a la luz de los resultados observados. Estos resultados arrojan una serie de conclusiones: a hay un nivel sustancialmente más alto de inestabilidad de las políticas en Argentina que en Brasil; b hay una desproporción entre la importancia del concepto como determinante del desarrollo y su sistematización como variable independiente, y c se produce una serie de contradicciones entre diferentes corrientes neoinstitucionales, y entre algunas de estas teorías y la evidencia empírica.

  15. Heterogeneidad del color en formulaciones de merkén elaboradas a partir de ecotipos de ají (Capsicum annuum L.) cv. "Cacho de cabra"


    Leonelli Cantergiani, Gina N; Díaz Becerra, Christian M; Tighe Neira, Ricardo M; Castillo Rubio, Claudia G; Pardo Díaz, Fernando L.; Birlouez-Aragon, Inès


    En el presente trabajo se evaluó la heterogeneidad del color en cinco muestras de merkén formuladas a partir de ecotipos de ají, Capsicum annuum L., cv. "Cacho de cabra" cultivados en la Región de La Araucanía y Región del Maule, Chile. La evaluación se realizó mediante la extracción y cuantificación del contenido de carotenoides. Las variables evaluadas en la cuantificación de carotenoides fueron carotenoides rojos (R) y carotenoides amarillo-naranja (A). Además, se utilizó el sistema de col...

  16. Consensos e dissensos sobre a cidade-dormitório: São Gonçalo (RJ, permanências e avanços na condição periférica

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    Daniel Pereira Rosa


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, debatemos a urbanização brasileira no século XXI e a heterogeneidade da periferia metropolitana fluminense. Utilizando o exemplo da cidade de São Gonçalo (RJ, listamos referências bibliográficas e apontamos elementos que chamam atenção para a necessidade de entender o papel das cidades periféricas que, apesar da primazia metropolitana, apresentam maior integração com a região metropolitana, compondo uma parte do que alguns autores convencionaram como “periferia integrada”. Como periferia integrada, vemos que os indicadores de mobilidade pendular, o aumento das centralidades, a modernização do território e o índice de desenvolvimento nos obrigam a flexionar alguns consensos sobre essa cidade periférica lida ainda, como cidade-dormitório.

  17. Revisão sistemática sobre a epidemiologia das doenças cardiovasculares e respiratórias e suas associações com a poluição do ar em Vitória/ES

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    Sergio Tufik


    Full Text Available Introdução: A poluição do ar é um importante fator ambiental relacionado a doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, como doenças cardiovasculares e respiratórias. Essa relação torna-se importante em cidades com alta atividade industrial, como Vitória/ES. Esta pesquisa utilizou três revisões sistemáticas (RSs distintas para avaliar a epidemiologia das doenças cardiovasculares (RS1, a epidemiologia das doenças respiratórias (RS2 e a associação entre poluição do ar e doenças cardiorrespiratórias (RS3 na cidade de Vitória. Métodos: A busca bibliográfica considerou três bases de dados (PubMed, Scopus e LILACS. Foi estabelecida uma quantidade mínima de três estudos para a condução de metanálises. A heterogeneidade de cada análise foi calculada pelo índice I2 . Resultados: A busca bibliográfica resultou em 1.205 registros, dos quais 27 foram incluídos – 17 na RS1, cinco na RS2 e cinco na RS3. Apenas dois desfechos puderam ser avaliados por meio de metanálises: prevalência de hipertensão e prevalência de asma em crianças. Estima-se uma prevalência de 34% (IC95%: 24-45 de hipertensão e de 12% (IC95%: 1-32 de asma em crianças. Os poluentes mais avaliados foram MP10 e SO2 , para os quais não se pôde realizar metanálises. Todas as análises apresentaram baixo número de registros incluídos e alta heterogeneidade. Conclusão: Há poucos dados disponíveis sobre a associação de doenças cardiorrespiratórias e poluição ambiental em Vitória. A heterogeneidade, a diversidade de desfechos e a baixa quantidade de estudos impediram a condução de análises mais profundas e limitaram o poder de síntese e conclusão dessas revisões, impossibilitando uma avaliação adequada dos objetivos propostos. São necessários mais estudos epidemiológicos com amostras de grande porte e representativas para que se tenha resultados conclusivos sobre a relação entre poluição ambiental e doenças cardiorrespirat

  18. Heterogeneidade espacial da dengue em estudos locais, Niterói, RJ Heterogeneidad espacial del dengue en estudios locales, Niteroi, Sureste de Brasil Spatial heterogeneity of dengue fever in local studies, City of Niterói, Southeastern Brazil

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    Regina Fernandes Flauzino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a ocorrência espacial e temporal da dengue e sua associação com a heterogeneidade de características do ambiente urbano. MÉTODOS: Foram georreferenciados 1.212 casos de dengue registrados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação entre 1998 e 2006, no município de Niterói, RJ, segundo setores censitários. Os setores foram classificados em áreas homogêneas para a ocorrência da doença: favela, estaleiro e urbano. Os casos foram agrupados em cinco períodos: dois interepidêmicos 1998-2000 e 2003-2005; três epidêmicos 2001, 2002 e 2006 e analisados por meio de operações entre camadas em ambiente sistema de informação geográfica. Para identificação de conglomerados com maior intensidade de casos, utilizou-se o método de kernel. O método de varredura espacial de Kulldorff foi usado para confirmação estatística desses clusters. RESULTADOS: Do total de casos, 57% eram do sexo feminino. As faixas etárias com maior concentração de casos foram de 20-29 anos (20,5% e de 30-39 anos (17,7%. O setor favela morro apresentou somente 11% dos domicílios atendidos por serviço de coleta de lixo, o maior percentual de não alfabetizados (8,7% e de chefes de família com rendimentos menores de 1 salário mínimo (29,5%. Os casos permaneceram nos setores denominados favelas. No primeiro ano epidêmico e nos períodos interepidêmicos o maior número de casos estava situado nos setores favelas morro e favela plana; no segundo e terceiro ano de epidemia, situavam-se no setor favela plana. CONCLUSÕES: A parcela economicamente ativa foi a mais atingida na área de estudo. Os setores censitários mostram heterogeneidade espacial em relação às condições de vida e dentro de alguns setores, há diferenciais na distribuição espacial e temporal do risco de ocorrência da dengue.OBJETIVO: Analizar ocurrencia espacial y temporal del dengue y su asociación con la heterogeneidad de características del ambiente


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    Eberto Novelo


    Full Text Available El Valle de Tehuacán-Cuicatlán es una zona semiárida que presenta una flora de algas rica en los cuerpos de agua temporales y permanentes, consta de 357 especies, muchas de ellas no registradas previamente en México: 183 especies de Bacillariophyta representan cerca del 50 % de la flora; 81 especies de Cyanoprokaryota constituyen el 22 % de la misma, 77 especies de Chlorophyta aportan el 20 % de la riqueza; complementan la flora 10 especies de Euglenophyta (2.8 %, 5 especies de Heterokontophyta (1.4 % y una especie de Rhodophyta (0.2 %. Las especies más frecuentes y más ampliamente distribuidas son en su mayoría alcalífilas y eurihalobias. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las especies se distribuyen principalmente en una o dos localidades y en dos tipos de ambientes (canales de riego y charcos. Se discute sobre la heterogeneidad de la composición tomando en cuenta la frecuencia de aparición en las muestras y en las cuatro zonas del Valle y el significado de esa distribución. El análisis de distribución y dominancia de las especies sugiere que las condiciones acuáticas del Valle son muy cambiantes y ello promueve la proliferación de especies de un espectro ecológico amplio, dentro de los límites generales de alcalinidad y salinidad moderadas.

  20. Vegetable oil basestocks for lubricants

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    Garcés, Rafael


    Full Text Available The use of vegetable biodegradable basestocks for lubricant oils present several advantages over the much more extended mineral bases. These advantages refer to biodegradability, a renewable feedstock of local production, lubricant and viscosity index and lower costs than synthetic lubricant bases. Despite these benefits, their use in industry and motor vehicles is not yet extensive due their lower stability and higher pour points. Vegetable oils are esters of fatty acids and glycerol, and their physicochemical properties rely mainly on the composition of their acyl moieties. Thus, to assure the maximum levels of stability while maintaining acceptable behavior at low temperatures, monounsaturated fatty acids are preferred for this purpose. The presence of natural antioxidants also improves the properties of these vegetable based stocks as lubricants. These oils usually require additives to improve their viscosity value, oxidative stability and properties at low temperatures. In the present work, the different sources of vegetable oils appropriate for biolubricant production were reviewed. Their properties and the future improvement of the oil bases, oil based stock production, uses and additives are discussed.

    El uso de bases vegetales biodegradables para aceites lubricantes presenta varias ventajas sobre las mucho más extendidas bases minerales. Estas ventajas se centran sobre todo en su biodegradabilidad, en ser un recurso renovable de producción local, en su lubricidad y en su índice de viscosidad, presentando además costes más bajos que las bases sintéticas. Sin embargo, estas ventajas no han extendido el uso de bases vegetales ni en industria ni en automoción debido a su menor estabilidad y sus mayores puntos críticos de fluidez. Los aceites vegetales son ésteres de ácidos grasos y glicerol y sus propiedades físico-químicas dependen principalmente de su composición acílica. Así, para asegurar los máximos niveles de

  1. Heterogeneidade do solo e de tamanho de amostra antes e após cultivos com abobrinha italiana em estufa plástica Heterogeinity of soil and sample size, before and after italian pumpkin cropping in a greenhouse

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    Sandra Feijó


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o índice de heterogeneidade através das seguintes características químicas do solo: fósforo, potássio, percentagem de matéria orgânica, cálcio, capacidade de troca de cátions efetiva, magnésio, alumínio e pH em água 1:1, em estufa plástica, e determinar o tamanho de amostra para o solo em pousio e após cultivos. O índice de heterogeneidade foi estimado pelo método de Smith. Para todas as variáveis analisadas, o índice de heterogeneidade foi baixo e o respectivo tamanho ótimo de parcela foi igual a uma unidade básica, ou seja, um ponto amostral para as duas condições do solo. Considerando uma semi-amplitude do intervalo de confiança em percentagem da média igual a 20%, em nível 5% de probabilidade de erro, o tamanho de amostra é igual a 11 pontos amostrais, como representativo para todas as variáveis analisadas para o solo em pousio, e de nove pontos após cultivos.This research was aimed at evaluating the heterogeinity index the most important chemical characteristics (phosphorus, effective cation exchange capacity, potassium, organic matter, magnesium, H+Al and pH of a soil inside a plastic greenhouse and to determine the sample size, fallow and immediately after two cropping. The heterogeinity index was estimated through the Smith method. For all vaiables analised the heterogeinity index was low and the optimum sampling size was equal to one basic unit, that is, one sampling point for both cropping systems. Considering a half amplitude of the confidence interval in percentage of the mean equal to 20% and a 5% error confidence level, the sampling size is equal to 11 sampling points as representative for all variables analyzed for a soil both under fallow or after cropping.

  2. EXTRATO DE CHÁ VERDE (Camellia sinensis PROMOVE AÇÃO ANTIMICROBIANA SOBRE Staphylococcus aureus

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    Leandro Wagner Figueira


    Full Text Available É de grande importância ampliar as pesquisas científicas com plantas medicinais sobre micro-organismos. Foi verificado o efeito antimicrobiano do extrato de C. sinensis , sobre cultura planctônica e biofilme de S. aureus. Neste estudo foi verificada ação do extrato entre 50 a 0,09 mg/mL sobre cultura planctônica, para determinação da CIM e CBM. A ação do extrato sobre biofilme foi analisada pela exposição de 5 min ao produto vegetal a 200mg/mL. Foi utilizado o método de MTT para determinar a redução da viabilidade do biofilme. Nos grupos controles foram utilizadas clorexidina (+ e solução salina (-, sendo n = 12/grupo. A redução do biofilme foi analisada por ANOVA e Tukey Test (p ≤ 0,05. Em cultura planctônica as concentrações avaliadas não foram efetivas, contudo, utilizando-se a concentração de 200 mg/mL sobre o biofilme, foi verificada redução significativa. Com isso, concluiu-se que o extrato de chá verde demonstrou ação sobre biofilme de S. aureus provendo redução significativa em sua viabilidade.

  3. Heterogeneidade florística das fitocenoses de restingas nos estados do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo, Brasil

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    Luiz Fernando Silva Magnago


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo comparar florísticamente as formações vegetacionais que compõe o ecossistema Restinga dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo. Para isto foi realizado uma compilação de dados de levantamentos florísticos e fitossociológicos, sendo utilizado para esta análise o índice de similaridade de Jaccard, onde as interpretações se deram pela média de grupo (UPGMA. As 11 formações analisadas apresentaram uma riqueza total de 990 espécies, distribuídas em 141 famílias, sendo Fabaceae (73, Myrtaceae (59, Rubiaceae (48, Orchidaceae (44, Cyperaceae (38, Poaceae (36, Bromeliaceae (35, Euphorbiaceae (30, Asteraceae (30 as de maior riqueza. A similaridade entre as formações foi baixa, sendo o maior valor de 33%. Os resultados obtidos denotam uma alta heterogeneidade florística existente nas formações que compõe o ecossistema Restinga nos dois Estados analisados, sendo esta determinada por diferentes fatores que atuam em cada fitocenose.

  4. Cover crop with Teramnus labialis in a citrus orchard: effects on some physical properties of the soil / Cubierta vegetal con Teramnus labialis en plantaciones citrícolas: efectos sobre algunas propiedades físicas del suelo Cubierta vegetal con Teramnus labialis en plantaciones citrícolas: efectos sobre algunas propiedades físicas del suelo

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    Leydis Castellano Rodríguez


    Full Text Available The use of leguminous cover crops in citrus orchards constitutes a viable alternative for the improvement of soil properties, whenever they are appropriately managed. In Ciego de Avila University, Cuba, it was evaluated the effect of a leguminous cover crop on some properties of an orchard soil. The work was carried out during four years in an orange plantation of Valencia late (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck in a 22 years-old orchard, with a plantation frame of 8 X 4 m, planted on a typical red Ferralitic soil, belonging to the CPA ¨José Martí¨, in Ciego de Avila. It was used a random block design with three treatments: one with covering of Teramnus labialis (T1, one with expontaneous vegetation (T2 and the third with no vegetation (T3. The functional structure properties of the soil were determined, and also the composition of macroaggregates expressed in the structure coefficient and the percentage of stable added in water, soil density, humidity and porosity. The increments in the humidity of the soil, the specific volume of pores and air, the structure coefficient, as well as the percentage of stable added in water, in the soil where the covering of Teramnus labialis was stablished, show the efficiency of cover crops in these citrus orchards.El uso de coberturas vivas de leguminosas en plantaciones citrícolas constituye una alternativa viable para el mejoramiento de las propiedades de los suelos, siempre que ellas se manejan adecuadamente en estas áreas. En la universidad de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba se viene trabajando en la evaluación del efecto de coberturas vivas de leguminosas en plantaciones citrícolas en producción, con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto que ejerce la cobertura de leguminosa sobre algunas propiedades del suelo. El trabajo se realizó durante cuatro años (2001-2005 en una plantación de naranja Valencia Late ( Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck en producción de 22 años, con marco de plantación de 8 X 4 m, plantada sobre un

  5. espacial

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    Carlos Javier Vilalta y Perdomo


    Full Text Available Este artículo muestra un ejercicio cuyo objetivo es enseñar autocorrelación espacial de manera eficaz y eficiente a alumnos universitarios. Se explican los conceptos básicos de dependencia y heterogeneidad espaciales y se incluye información sobre el uso de software libre para el cómputo de coeficientes de autocorrelación espacial.

  6. Efeito da cobertura vegetal sobre a pérola-da-terra (Hemiptera: Margarodidae na cultura da videira = Effect of cover crops on brazilian ground pearl (Hemiptera: Margarodidae in vineyards

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    Marcos Botton


    Full Text Available O uso da cobertura vegetal em vinhedos é uma prática empregada paraminimizar a erosão e melhorar as qualidades químicas e físicas do solo. Neste trabalho, foi avaliado o efeito de coberturas vegetais sobre a população da pérola-da-terra Eurhizococcus brasiliensis (Hemiptera: Margarodidae na cultura da videira. No primeiro experimento, o vinhedo foi mantido sem cobertura vegetal por meio da aplicação trimestral do herbicida glifosato comparado com o uso de vegetação espontânea, durante o ano, de vegetação espontânea, no verão, e de aveia preta no inverno. No segundo experimento foi avaliado o efeito da mucuna-preta (Stizolobium aterrimum cultivada no vinhedo durante o verão comparado com a vegetação espontânea. No primeiro experimento, a população da pérolada-terra nas raízes de plantas de videira foi maior em áreas mantidas sem cobertura vegetal emostrou-se semelhante em áreas onde se manteve a vegetação espontânea, ao longo do ano, e com aveia preta no inverno e vegetação espontânea no verão. A infestação das plantas de videira em áreas onde foi empregada a mucuna-preta durante o verão foi equivalente à da vegetação espontânea. S. aterrimum foi registrada pela primeira vez como hospedeira de E. brasiliensis. The use of cover crops is an important strategy to reduce erosion and improve chemical and physical soil properties. In this work, we evaluate the effect of cover crops to reduce Brazilian ground pearl Eurhizococcus brasiliensis (Hemiptera: Margarodidae infestation in vineyards. In the first experiment, glyphosate was sprayed each three months to avoid cover crops. This treatment was compared with naturally occurring vegetation during the year and the use of Avena sativa in the winter. In a second experiment, Stizolobium aterrimum was cultivated during the summer compared with naturally occurringvegetation. Brazilian ground pearl population was higher in glyphosate sprayed areas than where cover

  7. Determinación de heterogeneidad y anisotropía en aluvión por micro-tomografía sísmica de cross-hole

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    Armando L Imhof


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de analizar el comportamiento sísmico de muestras de suelo a escala de laboratorio; se desarrolló e implementó un sistema tomográfico basado en transmisión de ondas en el rango acústico en dominios bi-dimensionales con escasa cobertura espacial (cross-hole para determinar diferentes propiedades de materiales granulares en general y en la detección de anomalías. El objetivo fué, a partir de la medición de ondas compresionales, detectar variaciones en el grado de compactación del mismo, buscando la determinación de heterogeneidad y anisotropía. Para los ensayos se utilizaron 14 piezocristales de propósito general de 6kHz de frecuencia resonante como emisores (7 y receptores (7 de ondas mecánicas en el rango acústico, montándose en lados opuestos en un marco rígido rectangular de madera blanda. El conjunto marco-sensores se introdujo en un recipiente metálico de forma cilíndrica que se llenó luego con arena clasificada de río. 10ms de repetición; aplicados directamente sobre los transductores. El receptor consistió en un amplificador de bajo ruido de dos canales con filtros pasa-altos de 100Hz a la entrada, con ganancias regulables aproximadamente entre los 40 y 80dB. Se conectó el sistema a un DSO Tektronix TDS 210 con interfase RS232 para almacenamiento de datos a PC. Los resultados posibilitaron detectar tanto heterogeneidad como anisotropía vertical en el material debido al peso de las capas suprayacentes (anisotropía por esfuerzo que produjeron un aumento en la densidad del material y por lo tanto incremento de la velocidad y curvatura de rayos. Con los datos se pudo establecer una ley de incremento de velocidades en función de la profundidad.In order to analyze the seismic behavior of soil samples at laboratory scale, it was developed and implemented a tomographic system based on wave transmission on the acoustic range in bi-dimensional domains with limited spatial coverage (cross-hole, to

  8. Considerações sobre a toxicocinética da Cannabis sativa L. ou maconha, com enfase no homem

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    Luiz Marques de Sá

    Full Text Available O presente artigo consiste em uma análise sobre a origem da Cannabis no Brasil, suas principais substâncias químicas, realçando o Δ9 tetrahidrocanabinol como responsável pelos efeitos farmacológicos. é citado também o fato de existirem duas formas de numeração dos carbonos do ∆THC. Para melhor entender a toxicocinética foram feitas considerações sobre as doses de maconha, que vão variar de acordo com o usuário, e origem do vegetal. Finalmente é feito urn estudo detalhado sobre, absorção, distribuição, armazenamento, biotransformação e eliminação dos diversos componentes químicos da maconha.


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    Mauricio Arango Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available La diversidad de especies vegetales presentes en Colombia y la falta de inventario sobre ellas hace pensar en un proceso que facilite la labor de los investigadores en estas disciplinas. Los sensores remotos satelitales como el LANDSAT ETM+ y las técnicas de inteligencia artificial no supervisadas, como los Self-Organizing Maps - SOM, podrían proveer una alternativa viable para avanzar en la obtención rápida de información que corresponda a zonas con diferentes coberturas vegetales presentes en la geografía nacional. La zona propuesta para el caso en estudio fue clasificada de forma supervisada por el método de máxima similitud en otro trabajo de investigación en ciencias forestales y se discriminaron ocho tipos de coberturas vegetales. Esta información sirvió como patrón de medida para evaluar el desempeño de los clasificadores no supervisados ISODATA y SOM. Sin embargo, la información que proveen las imágenes debió ser depurada previamente de acuerdo a los criterios de uso y calidad de los datos de manera que se utilizara la información adecuada para estos métodos no supervisados. Para esto se recurrió a varios conceptos como las estadísticas de las imágenes, el comportamiento espectral de las comunidades vegetales, las características del sensor y la divergencia promedio que permitieron definir las mejores bandas y sus combinaciones. Sobre éstas se aplicó el concepto de análisis de componentes principales que permitió reducir el número de datos conservando un gran porcentaje de la información. Sobre estos datos depurados se aplicaron las técnicas no supervisadas modificando algunos parámetros que pudieran mostrar una mejor convergencia de los métodos. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con la clasificación supervisada a través de matrices de confusión y se concluye que no hay una buena convergencia de los métodos de clasificación no supervisada con este proceso para el caso de las coberturas vegetales

  10. Repetir a palavra alheia, ou De como refletir sobre esse sintoma na companhia da psicanálise

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    Ruth Palladino

    Full Text Available Repetir a palavra alheia, ao lado do silêncio, é um dos sintomas mais freqüentes nas patologias da linguagem. Tradicionalmente denominada ecolalia, esta repetição é entendida como produção não intencional, inconsciente, que não é representativa de conhecimento objetivo da realidade. É apenas eco: uma fala que para nada serve. Desde uma perspectiva lingüística mais moderna, que toma a palavra como algo da instância discursiva (que aposta na polissemia da palavra e na heterogeneidade do sujeito, a repetição pode ter uma outra interpretação. Do interior do conceito de enunciação advém a idéia de incompletude do sujeito e da linguagem, determinando para a linguagem uma gênese que nada mais é senão o brotamento de um funcionamento do tipo simbólico em que a repetição fica como um acontecimento fundante. Resgatada por esta lingüística, a repetição permanece, entretanto, exigindo análise. A patologia de linguagem mostra uma repetição cujo destino é diferente: longe de notar uma ocorrência fundante, ela revela seu perverso poder, já que tira da palavra sua possibilidade em advir um dizer. Esta ocorrência passa a ter outra natureza e sobre isto a psicanálise tem muito a dizer. A repetição, ocorrência fundante, perde seu caráter original e significa o patológico. Fica exorbitado o lado conservador das pulsões, esfumaçando a heterogeneidade do sujeito, interditando qualquer anarquia no funcionamento pulsional, fonte da diferença necessária. A palavra é uma invenção: pelo seu caráter polissêmico ela é sempre uma solução inédita. Quando a criança repete a palavra do outro é como se ela a fizesse sua, instaurando a diferença. Na patologia, diversamente, a criança não faz sua a palavra alheia e, assim, deixa de ser uma invenção porque fica destituída da possibilidade de instaurar o novo. Acaba a dialética condicional entre invenção/repetição, daí a morte da palavra.

  11. Efecto de la temperatura, el estrés hídrico y luminoso sobre la heterogeneidad del fotosistema II en cuatro variedades de poroto (Phaseolus vulgaris L. Effect of temperature, water and light stress on PSII heterogeneity in four bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris L.

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    Full Text Available Las plantas superiores, requieren de mecanismos que permitan proteger a los centros fotosintéticos de daño oxidativo, particularmente en condiciones ambientales que determinen una absorción luminosa en exceso de su capacidad de utilización fotoquímica, como son las altas intensidades de luz, propiamente tal, restricción de agua y aumentos de temperatura. En el mediano y largo plazo los centros PSII tendrían la capacidad de modificar su localización y estructura, formando los centros PSII del tipo ß y los estados de transición, cuya variación no depende, exclusivamente, de la intensidad luminosa. En el presente estudio se determinó el efecto de distintos estreses ambientales sobre la heterogeneidad del PSII, en cuatro cultivares de poroto: Arroz Tuscola (AT, Orfeo INIA (OI, Bayos Titán (BT y Hallado Dorado (HD. En plantas desarrolladas en cámaras de crecimiento, la proporción de centros PSIIß aumentó hasta en un 100 % en la medida que se incrementó la temperatura. Dicho efecto fue magnificado por el estrés hídrico, en estas plantas. En condiciones de campo, el estrés lumínico impuesto por la fijación de folíolos a la posición horizontal, aumentó aun más el efecto del estrés hídrico sobre la proporción de tales centros, desde un 27 %, en plantas regadas y hoja en posición normal, hasta un 63 % en plantas estresadas y hojas forzadas a la horizontalidad. En cuanto a los estados de transición, se observó, en plantas desarrolladas a 20 ºC en cámaras de crecimiento, un aumento de estos al someter sus hojas a 15 ºC. Así mismo, temperaturas de 25 a 35 ºC indujeron aumentos en los estados de transición. El estrés hídrico, en los cultivares AT y OI, aminoró la magnitud del efecto de la temperatura, al contrario de lo observado en BT. En el cultivar HD, no se distingue un efecto claro del estrés hídrico, sobre la formación de los estados de transición inducidos por cambios en la temperatura. Aún cuando existen

  12. Environmental indicators of intra-urban hetererogeneity Indicadores ambientales para detectar la heterogeneidad intra-urbana Indicadores ambientais para detectar heterogeneidade intraurbana

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    Matildes S. Prado


    Full Text Available A large number of human diseases are related to poor access to water and sewer systems, inadequate solid waste management and deficient storm water drainage. The goal of this study was to formulate environmental sanitation indicators and classify sanitation conditions in specific sewer basins and their respective neighborhoods. The database used contains information on the following sanitation components in these areas: water supply, sewer systems, urban drainage, road pavement, building typology and public cleaning. Data was analyzed using cluster analysis. The key variable of each component was identified, and eight sewer basins and twenty-three neighborhoods were classified into the following categories: good, regular, and poor. The use of environmental sanitation indicators allows decision makers to identify critical areas and define priorities for improving environmental sanitation conditions.Varias enfermedades que afectan a los seres humanos están vinculadas a la deficiencia en el acceso a servicios de agua y alcantarillado, la gestión inadecuada de los residuos sólidos y el deficiente sistema de drenaje de aguas pluviales. Este estudio trata de desarrollar indicadores de salud ambiental y clasificar las áreas dentro de las ciudades. Se utilizó una base de datos que contiene información sobre: limpieza urbana, abastecimiento de agua, alcantarillado, drenaje y calles, pavimentación de las calles y tipología de construcción en diferentes barrios. Se aplicó la técnica de clúster para el análisis de datos. Se identificó la variable que mejor representa cada componente y veintitrés áreas de la ciudad se clasificaron en tres categorías: buena, regular y mala. El uso de indicadores de salud ambiental permitió la identificación de áreas críticas y el establecimiento de prioridades en la inversión para la salud y mejora del medio ambiente.Várias patologias que acometem os seres humanos estão ligadas à deficiência de

  13. Valores sociais: com a palavra a juventude Valores sociales: con la palabra la juventud Social values: in the words of the youth

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    Vilmar Ezequiel dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar os diferentes posicionamentos de jovens estudantes em relação às expressões sobre valores sociais contemporâneos. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo de abordagem quantitativa, utilizou-se uma planilha para assinalar os posicionamentos de 229 estudantes de 15 a 19 anos, participantes de 29 grupos focais realizados em dez escolas de quatro regiões desiguais do município de Santo André, (SP. Os jovens posicionaram-se quanto à concordância - dúvida ou desacordo - sobre um conjunto de expressões valorativas sorteadas e discutidas nos grupos. Estas posições foram analisadas de acordo com suas frequências. RESULTADOS: Por um lado, indicam certo grau de uniformidade de pontos de vista, como consequência da experiência geracional de assimilação dos valores disseminados na sociedade; evidenciam, por outro lado, heterogeneidades que expõem contradições inerentes aos diferentes contextos sociais que cercam esses jovens. CONCLUSÃO: Identificou-se valores que diferem entre jovens pertencentes a distintos grupos sociais enquanto que outros não. Houve mais heterogeneidade do que homogeneidade nas opiniões sobre expressões valorativas utilizadas.OBJETIVO: Identificar los diferentes posicionamientos de jóvenes estudiantes en relación a las expresiones sobre valores sociales contemporáneos. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo de abordaje cuantitativo, en el que se utilizó um formulário para señalar los posicionamentos de 229 estudiantes de 15 a 19 años, participantes de 29 grupos focales realizados en diez escuelas de cuatro regiones desiguales del municipio de Santo André, (SP. Los jóvenes se posicionaron en cuanto a la concordancia - duda o desacuerdo - sobre un conjunto de expresiones valorativas sorteadas y discutidas en los grupos. Estas posiciones fueron analizadas de acuerdo con sus frecuencias. RESULTADOS: Por un lado, indican cierto grado de uniformidad de puntos de vista, como consecuencia de la experiencia


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    Francisco González-García


    Full Text Available Este artículo resume aportes de la tesis doctoral acerca de los conocimientos botánicos de estudiantes de origen mapuche. Se revisaron los problemas sociales del pueblo mapuche, en particular sobre ambiente y educación. Se examinó la taxonomía botánica presente en la lengua mapuche, lo que reveló la importancia de la diversidad vegetal para tradiciones, usos y cosmovisión mapuches. Entre los estudiantes de enseñanza media de origen mapuche se apreció que sus conocimientos de biología vegetal constituyen un rico aporte y que estudiantes que inician estudios universitarios de Ingeniería Forestal y Agronomía tienen un conocimiento muy inferior. La enseñanza formal puede aprovechar este potencial en una educación científica intercultural para la protección de ecosistemas amenazados.

  15. Efectos del consumo de ácidos grasos omega-3 sobre la salud cardiovascular, cerebral y diversas enfermedades del sistema nervioso central

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    Elba Cubero Castillo


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión de los trabajos publicados sobre los efectos del consumo de ácidos grasos omega-3, (ácido alfa-linolénico (AAL, ácido docosahexaenoico (ADH y ácido eicosapentaenoico (AEP sobre la salud de las personas en diferentes periodos de la vida. Se discuten los beneficios obtenidos en el ámbito de la salud sobre los sistemas circulatorio y nervioso. Se mencionan diferentes fuentes alimenticias de origen animal y vegetal en las que se encuentran disponibles los ácidos grasos omega-3, especialmente ADH y AEP. Se encontró que muchos de los tratamientos actuales de trastornos del sistema nervioso y de problemas cognitivos involucran el consumo de ácidos grasos omega-3, dando resultados positivos en diversos cuadros clínicos.

  16. Plant physiological ecology and the global changes Ecofisiologia vegetal e as mudanças globais

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    João Paulo Rodrigues Alves Delfino Barbosa


    Full Text Available The global changes are marked by alteration on the normal patterns of important biochemical and biophysical processes of the Earth. However, the real effects as well as the feedbacks of the global changes over vegetation are still unclear. Part of this uncertainty can be attributed to the inattention of stakeholders and scientists towards vegetation and its complex interrelations with the environment, which drive plant physiological processes in different space-time scales. Notwithstanding, some key subjects of the global changes could be better elucidated with a more plant physiological ecology approach. We discuss some issues related to this topic, going through some limitations of approaching vegetation as a static component of the biosphere as the other sub-systems of the Earth-system change. With this perspective, this review is an initial reflection towards the assessment of the role and place of vegetation structure and function in the global changes context. We reviewed the Earth-system and global changes terminology; attempted to illustrate key plant physiological ecology researches themes in the global changes context; consider approaching plants as complex systems in order to adequately quantify systems characteristics as sensibility, homeostasis, and vulnerability. Moreover, we propose insights that would allow vegetation studies and scaling procedures in the context of the Earth-system. We hope this review will assist researchers on their strategy to identify, understand and anticipate the potential effects of global changes over the most vulnerable vegetation processes from the leaf to the global levels.As mudanças globais englobam importantes alterações nos padrões normais de processos bioquímicos e biofísicos da Terra. Os reais efeitos e retroalimentações das mudanças globais sobre a vegetação ainda são incertos. Parte das incertezas pode ser atribuída à falta de atenção de cientistas e políticos para a vegeta

  17. Caracterización física, química e hidromorfológica de los ríos altoandinos tropicales de Ecuador y Perú

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    Christian Villamarín


    Full Text Available Para comprender la variabilidad física, química e hidromorfológica de los ríos en la zona altoandina tropical (sobre los 2000 msnm se muestrearon 123 ríos de ocho cuencas hidrográficas de Ecuador y Perú, seleccionados según criterios de distribución en latitud y altitud, así como el grado de alteración antrópica. Los muestreos se realizaron entre octubre 2007 y octubre 2008, coincidiendo con la época seca en ambos países. En cada localidad se midieron tanto parámetros físicos y químicos (i.e., temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, conductividad, fosfatos, nitritos, nitratos, amonio, etc. como hidromorfológicos (i.e., altitud, índice de calidad riparia (QBR, calidad y naturalidad de la cubierta vegetal de la ribera, naturalidad del canal fluvial, índice del hábitat fluvial (IHF, frecuencia de rápidos, composición del sustrato. A nivel regional (entre cuencas la mineralización, las características hidromorfológicas y la heterogeneidad del hábitat mostraron ser los factores de mayor importancia para explicar la variabilidad encontrada. La temperatura, oxígeno disuelto y heterogeneidad del hábitat fueron los parámetros relevantes en el gradiente altitudinal, mientras que la mineralización lo fue en el gradiente latitudinal. La significación o importancia de un factor u otro parecen estar determinados en gran medida por el nivel espacial estudiado (localidad, cuenca, región. Sin embargo, se determinó que a nivel regional la altitud y las variables que cambiaron con ella, como temperatura y oxígeno disuelto, son siempre significativas independientemente de la ubicación latitudinal de la cuenca.

  18. Anomalías en los comienzos de la transgénesis vegetal: intereses e interpretaciones en torno a las primeras plantas transgénicas

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    Pablo A. Pellegrini


    Full Text Available Se presentan los orígenes de la transgénesis vegetal, analizando los experimentos que llevaron a la obtención de las primeras plantas transgénicas. Aquí se entrecruzan actores, prácticas e intereses que resultan emblemáticos de la biotecnología. Se trata, además, de un caso donde se pone en juego el consenso sobre el sentido de experimentos fundamentales. Estos sucesos permiten ilustrar parte de los conflictos en los que se involucran los organismos genéticamente modificados, pues en torno a estos primeros experimentos los científicos articularán representaciones distintas sobre la transgénesis vegetal, valorando de un modo distinto las anomalías que presentaban los primeros experimentos. De este modo, se analizan los intereses e interpretaciones en torno a los primeros experimentos con plantas transgénicas.

  19. IX Simposio Ibérico sobre Nutrición Mineral de las Plantas


    Abadía Bayona, Javier


    Del 10 al 13 de Septiembre de 2002 se celebró el IX Simposio Ibérico sobre Nutrición Mineral de las Plantas en el Campus de Aula Dei de Zaragoza. El Simposio se realizó bajo los auspicios de la Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal, el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), el Instituto Agronómico Mediterráneo de Zaragoza-Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos (CIHEAM-IAMZ), la Asociación Internacional para la Optimización de...

  20. Transformaciones sociales y demográficas de las familias latinoamericanas

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    Irma Arriagada


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizan los efectos de los cambios demográficos —específicamente el descenso de la fecundidad— sobre la estructura, organización y funcionamiento de las familias latinoamericanas. Asimismo, se examinan otros fenómenos socioculturales que se asocian con los cambios familiares, en especial, la transformación de los papeles sociales y laborales de las mujeres. Finalmente, se señalan algunos temas emergentes en el análisis de las familias que, en el contexto de la modernidad tardía y de una segunda transición demográfica, advierten sobre el aumento de la heterogeneidad y de la complejidad de las estructuras familiares.

  1. Breve revisión sobre características de la cutícula vegetal y penetración de herbicidas

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    María del C. Lallana


    Full Text Available Se presenta una breve revisión sobre las características de la cutícula de las plantas y su relación con la penetración de los herbicidas, así como los factores que afectan dicha penetración. Se tienen en cuenta aspectos estructurales, como características de las ceras de la cutícula, y ambientales que determinan la correcta absorción de los herbicidas. Se hace referencia a los estudios realizados sobre Eryngium horridum, la presencia de estomas y la penetración diferencial de los herbicidas en el haz y en el envés de las hojas.

  2. Pesquisa sobre mortalidade perinatal no Brasil: revisão da metodologia e dos resultados Perinatal mortality research in Brazil: review of methodology and results

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    Sandra Costa Fonseca


    Full Text Available A mortalidade perinatal persiste como relevante evento em saúde pública, demandando estudos epidemiológicos, tanto para definir sua magnitude e variações temporais, como para identificar seus determinantes e apontar as intervenções adequadas. Existem ainda questões conceituais e metodológicas controversas, gerando heterogeneidade nos estudos e prováveis vieses. No Brasil, nos últimos anos, desponta uma produção crescente sobre o tema, principalmente no Sudeste e Sul. Foram revistos 24 artigos de 1996 a 2003, focalizando: definições e classificações utilizadas, fontes de dados, desenhos de estudo, formas de aferição das variáveis, modelos de análise estatística e principais resultados. A revisão mostrou a progressiva utilização de bancos de dados informatizados, principalmente o SINASC e o SIM, o pequeno número de estudos sobre natimortalidade, a incorporação ainda incipiente das classificações de causas e a discordância em relação a alguns fatores de risco.The perinatal mortality rate remains a public health problem, demanding epidemiological studies to describe its magnitude and time trends, identify risk factors, and define adequate interventions. There are still methodological controversies, resulting in heterogeneous studies and possible biases. In Brazil, there has been a growing scientific output on this theme, mainly in the South and Southeast of the country. Twenty-four articles from 1996 to 2003 were reviewed, focusing on definitions and classifications, data sources, study designs, measurement of variables, statistical analysis, and results. The review showed an increasing utilization of data bases (mainly SINASC and SIM, few studies on stillbirth, the incorporation of classification schemes, and disagreement concerning risk factors.

  3. Arquitectura en tejidos degradados de alta vulnerabilidad: "del caos al orden, de la simplicidad a la complejidad, de la dispersión a la estructuración, de la improbabilidad a la probabilidad y de la ignorancia al conocimiento"


    Moyano Molina, Ana M.


    El abordaje científico, en tiempo real de actuación, de intervenciones sistemáticas en tejidos degradados de alta vulnerabilidad , materializa la heterogeneidad semántica de los registros de la experiencia colectiva, atendiendo una realidad que se despliega sobre un espacio multidimensional donde todo está relacionado con todo, en diferentes grados de intensidad, magnitud y frecuencia: el mundo real tiende realmente al desorden, al caos más que al cosmos. Crear espacios híbridos inclusivos, d...

  4. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis


    Londoño, Fabio


    Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  5. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis

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    Fabio Londoño


    Full Text Available Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  6. Crucibulum laeve (Huds. Kambly in cerrado vegetation of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Iuri Goulart Baseia


    Full Text Available A rare lignicolous gasteroid fungus of the tropics, Crucibulum laeve (Huds. Kambly is recorded for the first time from State of São Paulo and for de second time from Brazil, growing on decaying wood, occasionally on other plant debris, on soil under cerrado vegetation. Macro and microscopic features were described from fresh and dried basidiocarps using the traditional methods for Gasteromycetes. The substrate and the taxonomic characteristics agree closely with the literature consulted.Crucibulum laeve (Huds. Kambly, um raro gasteromicete lignícolo nos tropicos, é registrado pela primeira vez para o Estado de São Paulo e pela segunda vez para o Brasil, crescendo sobre madeira em decomposição e ocasionalmente sobre outros fragmentos de plantas em solo, sob vegetação de cerrado. É dada a descrição das características macro e microscópicas a partir de basidiocarpos frescos e secos, usando a metodologia tradicional para estudos de Gasteromycetes. O substrato e as características taxonômicas concordam com a literatura consultada.


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    Full Text Available The current work examines the main aspects of wetland vegetation mapping, which can be summarized as analysis of the ecological-vegetational (ecotone gradients; vegetation complexes; relationships between vegetation distribution and geomorphology; vegetation of the hydrographic basin lo which the wetland in question belongs; vegetation monitoring with help of four vegetation maps: phytosociological map of the real and potential vegetation, map of vegetation dynamical tendencies, map of vegetation series.

  8. Sustitución de lardo por grasa vegetal en salchichas: incorporación de pasta de aguacate. Efecto de la inhibición del oscurecimiento enzimático sobre el color Substituição do toucinho por gordura vegetal em salsichas: adição da pasta de abacate. Efeito da inibição do escurecimiento enzimatico na cor

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    Ubaldo Rueda-Lugo


    Full Text Available La sustitución de grasa animal es importante para mejorar la calidad nutricional de los alimentos de origen animal. Tradicionalmente, los embutidos contienen cantidades relativamente altas de grasas insaturadas, por lo que se ha buscado la sustitución parcial o total de estas con grasas o aceites de origen vegetal. El aprovechamiento del aguacate como fuente de grasa vegetal es una alternativa para este tipo de productos. La oxidación de este fruto es uno de los principales problemas durante la industrialización. En este trabajo se han añadido dos inhibidores del oscurecimiento enzimático, ácido ascórbico y eritorbato de sodio, para determinar el efecto de éstos sobre el color de salchichas de cerdo. Se han encontrado diferencias en la luminosidad de las muestras con respecto al tratamiento control, además de que este mismo parámetro se ha reducido con el tiempo de almacenamiento. No ha habido efecto significativo de los antioxidantes sobre las otras componentes del color. El uso de eritorbato de sodio en la elaboración de pasta de aguacate ha reducido el oscurecimiento de la pasta durante su congelación, sin afectar mayormente otros parámetros de color del producto terminado. La aceptación del producto por un grupo de consumidores ha sido aceptable.A substituição da gordura animal ou toucinho é importante para melhorar a qualidade nutricional dos alimentos de origem animal. Tradicionalmente, os embutidos contêm quantidades relativamente elevadas de gorduras insaturadas, e a substituição parcial ou total com gordura vegetal ou óleo é desejável. O abacate é fonte de gordura vegetal como uma alternativa para este tipo de produto. A oxidação desta fruta é um dos problemas principais durante a industrialização. Neste trabalho foram adicionados dois inibidores de escurecimento enzimatico, ácido ascórbico e eritorbato do sódio, para determinar o efeito destes na cor das salsichas. As diferenças na luminosidade das

  9. Canopy Modeling of Aquatic Vegetation: Construction of Submerged Vegetation Index (United States)

    Ma, Z.; Zhou, G.


    The unique spectral characteristics of submerged vegetation in wetlands determine that the conventional terrestrial vegetation index cannot be directly employed to species identification and parameter inversion of submerged vegetation. Based on the Aquatic Vegetation Radiative Transfer model (AVRT), this paper attempts to construct an index suitable for submerged vegetation, the model simulated data and a scene of Sentinel-2A image in Taihu Lake, China are utilized for assessing the performance of the newly constructed indices and the existent vegetation indices. The results show that the angle index composed by 525 nm, 555 nm and 670 nm can resist the effects of water columns and is more sensitive to vegetation parameters such as LAI. Furthermore, it makes a well discrimination between submerged vegetation and water bodies in the satellite data. We hope that the new index will provide a theoretical basis for future research.

  10. Variação local na composição da comunidade de aves no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, São Miguel Arcanjo – SP e proposta para o monitoramento do impacto do ecoturismo. Local variation in bird communities composition at Carlos Botelho State Park, São Miguel Arcanjo – SP, Southeastern Brazil and proposals for monitoring the impact of ecotourism.

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    Bruna Gonçalves da SILVA


    Full Text Available Como todas as atividades humanas, o ecoturismo apresenta o potencial de impactar negativamente o meio ambiente, necessitando ser monitorado e manejado. As aves podem ser incluídas em protocolos de monitoramento desse impacto, porém devem ser considerados outros fatores que influenciam a composição das comunidades de aves antes de se propor tais protocolos. Dentre estes se destaca a influência da heterogeneidade estrutural da vegetação sobre a distribuição e a abundância das aves. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: verificar como esse fator atua localmente numa área de Mata Atlântica sob uso público e propor um protocolo de monitoramento de impacto dessa atividade que utilize as aves como indicadores. A avifauna foi amostrada ao longo de duas trilhas, uma na qual o turismo é monitorado e outra sob o sistema autoguiado. A heterogeneidade estrutural ao longo dessas trilhas foi avaliada, e as duas comunidades de aves comparadas em relação à riqueza, composição de espécies, abundância relativa, diversidade e estrutura trófica. Foram utilizados os métodos de pontos de escuta e o de pontos quadrantes. As trilhas diferiram significativamente na maioria dos parâmetros de estrutura da vegetação analisados e na composição de espécies de aves, mas não nos demais parâmetros considerados para a avifauna. Dezessete espécies apresentaram abundância relativa significativamente diferente entre as áreas e, destas, seis relacionadas a parâmetros estruturais da vegetação. Propõe-se a avaliação do impacto do uso público sobre a avifauna em cada uma das trilhas através do monitoramento da abundância relativa das espécies considerando possíveis alterações estruturais na vegetação local e o monitoramento de 15 espécies de fácil detecção e que não diferiram significativamente em abundância relativa entre as trilhas.Like all human activities, ecotourism has the potential to negatively impact the environment and need

  11. La extensión universitaria: una aproximación a su conceptualización desde las universidades del conurbano bonaerense


    Giangiacomo, Graciela; Hernández, Georgina; Sfregola, Carmen


    Trabajar sobre el concepto de extensión presenta ciertas dificultades relacionadas con la heterogeneidad e imprecisión de su alcance. A diferencia de la docencia y la investigación, sujetas a regulaciones y exigencias en cuanto a estándares y calidad, sus características difieren ampliamente de una universidad a otra, tanto en el contenido como en el volumen relativo de sus actividades, no existiendo una tradición arraigada de categorías ni indicadores que permitan un análisis ...

  12. Flexibility, innovation and sustainability in business models as determinants of firm performance heterogeneity.


    Nair, Sujith Krishnan Suchithra


    La comprensión actual de la heterogeneidad de las empresas académico rendimiento en el entorno entra industria necesita un mayor desarrollo. Gestión estratégica y el discurso sobre la literatura empresarial necesita mayor explicación de por qué los modelos de negocio aparentemente similares en el mismo sector actúan de forma diferente. También qué factores del entorno sectorial y operativo determina el surgimiento y funcionamiento de los modelos de negocio sostenibles e innovadoras permanecen...

  13. Panorama de la violencia estatal en las entidades federativas mexicanas


    Pérez Aguirre, Manuel Ernesto


    Resumen: ¿Qué factores inciden en la violencia estatal de las entidades federativas mexicanas en el nivel estatal de gobierno? Desde la perspectiva del modelo maximizador (cálculo costo-beneficio), este artículo analiza la influencia de la democracia electoral y las capacidades estatales sobre la violencia estatal en México, aprovechando la heterogeneidad de las entidades federativas mexicanas. A partir de la estimación de modelos estadísticos con una base original de datos tipo panel, el te...

  14. Plan de mejora ante los resultados del análisis de los hábitos deportivos y el sedentarismo en estudiantes de 12-13 años de los centros escolares Lauro Ikastola, Colegio Miribilla y Txorierri Ikastetxea


    Ibarra Basurto, Eneko


    El presente estudio es una investigación llevada a cabo con chicos y chicas de entre 12 y 13 años sobre los hábitos deportivos y el sedentarismo. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo en 3 centros escolares vizcaínos diferentes: Lauro Ikastola (Loiu), Txorierri ikastetxea (Derio) y Colegio Miribilla (Bilbao) con el fin de abarcar y analizar una mayor heterogeneidad de alumnos. Hoy en día el sedentarismo infantil es un factor de ri esgo muy importante ent...

  15. A symmetrical approach to mammal cancer: heterogeneity, regulation and embodiment Una aproximación simétrica al cáncer de mama: heterogeneidad, regulación y corporización

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    Jorge Leandro Castillo Sepúlveda


    Full Text Available

    Cancer is commonly described as the uncontrolled reproduction of abnormal cells in the body. This definition enacts the disease as a local process, whose temporality is linear. In this article we challenge this approach, from a case study on breast cancer, analysed from the actor-network theory. Starting from the conception of disease as a material-semiotic trajectory, we establish the role of regulation and the processes of pre-symptomatic diagnosis in the materiality of cancer. Echoing the proposal of Alfred North Whitehead, we define cancer as a potential object. Then, we describe how propositions are articulated in biomedical patients, affect their anatomy and establish an authentic embodiment, which acts as a socio-material assemblage. We conclude that it is necessary to think about interventions that consider the heterogeneity of the material aspects that come with cancer, conceived from this perspective.

    El cáncer es comúnmente descrito como la reproducción incontrolada de células anormales en el cuerpo. Esta definición constituye la enfermedad como un proceso local, cuya temporalidad es lineal. En este trabajo ponemos en cuestionamiento tal enfoque a partir de un estudio de caso sobre el cáncer de mama, analizado desde la teoría del actor-red. Iniciando desde la concepción de la enfermedad como una trayectoria semiótico-material, establecemos el papel que juegan la regulación y los procesos de diagnóstico pre-sintomático en la materialidad del cáncer. Haciendo eco de la propuesta de Alfred North Whitehead, definimos el cáncer como un objeto potencial. Luego, describimos cómo las proposiciones biomédicas se articulan en las pacientes, afectan su anatomía y establecen una auténtica corporización que se comporta como un agenciamiento socio-material. Concluimos que se hace necesario pensar en intervenciones que consideren la heterogeneidad de aspectos materiales que conlleva el c

  16. Vegetation dynamics and dynamic vegetation science

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van der Maarel, E


    his contribution presents a review of the development of the study of vegetation dynamics since 1979, in the framework of a jubilee meeting on progress in the study of vegetation. However, an exhaustive review is both impossible and unnecessary. It is impossible within the few pages available

  17. Vegetation survey: a new focus for Applied Vegetation Science

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chytry, M.; Schaminee, J.H.J.; Schwabe, A.


    Vegetation survey is an important research agenda in vegetation science. It defines vegetation types and helps understand differences among them, which is essential for both basic ecological research and applications in biodiversity conservation and environmental monitoring. In this editorial, we

  18. Seed predation in a Mediterranean pasture: can ants modify the floristic composition of soil seed banks? Depredación de semillas en un pastizal mediterráneo: ¿pueden las hormigas modificar la composición florística de los bancos de semillas?

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    Full Text Available Ants may play an important role on vegetation dynamics, especially in arid and semiarid environments, where they can consume a high proportion of the produced seeds. Although some works have analysed the influence of seed predation by ants on the density of vegetation in Mediterranean pastures, there are no studies on the influence of ant activity upon the floristic composition of the vegetation and the soil seed banks in this kind of ecosystem. We have studied the effect of ant exclusion on the floristic composition of the vegetation and the soil seed bank in a Mediterranean pasture of central Spain. We sampled the floristic composition of the pasture during 2002 and 2003 springs and also we collected soil seed bank samples in autumn 2002. Floristic composition of soil seed banks was estimated by means of greenhouse germination. Cerastium semidecandrum seeds were almost four times more abundant in the plots subjected to ant exclusion than in those with ant activity. Due to the high spatial heterogeneity shown by soil seed banks, we have corrected the differences found between the autumn soil seed banks subjected to different ant treatments by using the floristic composition of the pasture community in the previous spring, as it was the primary source of the seeds collected in autumn. We found significant differences between the floristic composition of the soil seed banks subjected to ant exclusion and control treatments. However, no effects where found when the same procedure was used to detect ant effects on the spring adult community, highlighting the necessity of longer time spans for these pastures to manifest changes taking place at the soil seed bank stageLa mirmecofauna juega un papel fundamental sobre la dinámica de la vegetación, especialmente en zonas de carácter árido o semiárido, donde puede llegar a consumir una elevada proporción de las semillas producidas, condicionando la composición florística de la vegetación. Aunque

  19. La lipoxigenasa en el reino vegetal, asignadas. II. Funciones fisiológicas

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    Sánchez, L. C.


    Full Text Available In spite of the large number of publications about lipoxygenase, little definitive information is available concerning physiological roles for plant lipoxygenase. There are three major areas of plant physiology where lipoxygenase has been mainly implicated: 1 growth and development, 2 senescence, and 3 wound response and pest resistance. This section summarizes results from the areas of investigation which are most likely to elucidate the role of lipoxygenase in higher plants.

    A pesar del elevado número de publicaciones que existe sobre lipoxigenasa, muy poca información se puede extraer respecto al papel fisiológico de la lipoxigenasa en el reino vegetal. Existen principalmente tres grandes áreas de la fisiología vegetal donde la lipoxigenasa ha sido implicada: 1 crecimiento y desarrollo, 2 senescencia, y 3 respuesta a daño y resistencia a plagas. Esta parte trata de recoger los datos obtenidos en las áreas de investigación que más probablemente puedan permitir elucidar el papel de la lipoxigenasa en plantas superiores.

  20. Diversidad vegetal: de los mapuches a la enseñanza formal chilena

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    Francisco González-García


    Full Text Available Este artículo resume aportes de la tesis doctoral acerca de los conocimientos botánicos de estudiantes de origen mapuche. Se revisaron los problemas sociales del pueblo mapuche, en particular sobre ambiente y educación. Se examinó la taxo - nomía botánica presente en la lengua mapuche, lo que reveló la importancia de la diversidad vegetal para tradiciones, usos y cosmovisión mapuches. Entre los estudiantes de enseñanza media de origen mapuche se apreció que sus conocimientos de biología vegetal constituyen un rico aporte y que estudian - tes que inician estudios universitarios de Ingeniería Forestal y Agronomía tienen un conocimiento muy inferior. La ense - ñanza formal puede aprovechar este potencial en una educa - ción científica intercultural para la protección de ecosistemas amenazados.Por medio de su inclusión en los contenidos educativos en to - dos los niveles de enseñanza, el conocimiento de la biodiversi - dad vegetal de Chile y de los usos tradicionales de sus plantas puede ser muy útil tanto para una adecuada alfabetización científica, como para promover el respeto por las diferentes culturas que integran su población.

  1. Serving vegetables first: A strategy to increase vegetable consumption in elementary school cafeterias. (United States)

    Elsbernd, S L; Reicks, M M; Mann, T L; Redden, J P; Mykerezi, E; Vickers, Z M


    Vegetable consumption in the United States is low despite the wealth of evidence that vegetables play an important role in reducing risk of various chronic diseases. Because eating patterns developed in childhood continue through adulthood, we need to form healthy eating habits in children. The objective of this study was to determine if offering vegetables before other meal components would increase the overall consumption of vegetables at school lunch. We served kindergarten through fifth-grade students a small portion (26-33 g) of a raw vegetable (red and yellow bell peppers) while they waited in line to receive the rest of their lunch meal. They then had the options to take more of the bell peppers, a different vegetable, or no vegetable from the lunch line. We measured the amount of each vegetable consumed by each child. Serving vegetables first greatly increased the number of students eating vegetables. On intervention days most of the vegetables consumed came from the vegetables-first portions. Total vegetable intake per student eating lunch was low because most students chose to not eat vegetables, but the intervention significantly increased this value. Serving vegetables first is a viable strategy to increase vegetable consumption in elementary schools. Long-term implementation of this strategy may have an important impact on healthy eating habits, vegetable consumption, and the health consequences of vegetable intake. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Anfíbios anuros de serrapilheira do parque Estadual do Rio Doce: resposta à disponibilidade de recursos e aos fatores climáticos


    Rievers, Camila Rabelo


    A herpetofauna associada à serrapilheira apresenta características complexas e particulares quanto ao uso de recursos e estratégias reprodutivas. Ainda há muitas lacunas sobre os padrões de distribuição, abundância, riqueza e diversidade da herpetofauna e os fatores que os influenciam. A presente dissertação teve como objetivo estudar a comunidade de anuros associados à serrapilheira do Parque Estadual do Rio Doce (PERD), e sua relação com a heterogeneidade do habitat, a disponibilidade de al...

  3. A relação entre nāḇî\\' e miṯnabbê na Bíblia Hebraica


    André Oswaldo Valença Ribeiro


    A heterogeneidade do profetismo israelita pode ser abordada de diversas maneiras. Na presente pesquisa, elegemos o binômio nāḇî\\' e miṯnabbê como janela de observação para um estudo interdisciplinar dos fenômenos proféticos na Bíblia Hebraica, utilizando contribuições de diversas disciplinas. Nosso objetivo foi o de discutir uma questão que está sobre a mesa de debates dos pesquisadores, possuindo uma bibliografia que é vasta, porém inconclusiva A dificuldade dos scholar...

  4. Variables asociadas con el fenómeno de la deserción de los estudiantes en la Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz


    Barrero, Johanna; Garzón, Gustavo; Gómez, Óscar


    Los avances investigativos sobre deserción reflejan múltiples variables causales de dicho fenómeno, variables sociales, económicas y académicas, entre otras. No existen perfiles definidos para describir y explicar con precisión la forma en que se comportan cada una de estas variables por la heterogeneidad de población. La presente investigación, cuyo objetivo general fue identificar las variables sociodemográficas, financieras y académicas relacionadas con la deserción de los estudiantes en l...

  5. Una lectura de Polanyi desde la economía social y solidaria en América Latina


    Coraggio, José Luis


    Se presentan elementos del pensamiento social y de conceptos desarrollados por Karl Polanyi, en confrontación con el liberalismo económico, haciendo un paralelo con la lucha actual contra el neoliberalismo. Se plantean diferencias que surgen al hacer una lectura desde América Latina: un sesgo que podría calificarse como eurocéntrico, que excluye consideraciones sobre la co-constitución de AMérica y Europa, la heterogeneidad estructural que nos hace economías de mercado incompleta. A la vez se...

  6. Avaliação das propriedades geotécnicas de uma encosta coluvionar no oleoduto Auraucária-Paranaguá (Olapa)


    Vogt, Vanessa


    Resumo: Encostas coluvionares são comuns ao longo de toda a costa brasileira. Os solos dessas regiões apresentam estratigrafia bastante heterogênea e complexa, além de suscetíveis a movimentos de massa de diversos tipos. Dados discretos sobre solos coluvionares são comumente usados na avaliação de estabilidade de taludes. Nível d'água, estratigrafia, resistência e permeabilidade são normalmente obtidos através de furos de sondagens. Porém, em solos de grande heterogeneidade, como os coluviona...

  7. Algunas cuestiones sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en los estudios de economía y empresariales

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    Juan Manuel Sánchez-Quinzá


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se pretende hacer un estudio de la situación actual de la enseñanza de las matemáticas en los primeros cursos de los estudios de económicas y empresariales. En lugar de darle un enfoque externo y objetivo, comparar lo que se estudia y como se estudia antes de la universidad y en la universidad, se ha optado por entrar en temas cognitivos más próximos a los que estudia la educación matemática. La investigación en educación matemática se desarrolló de modo espectacular a partir de los años 60, pero sólo recientemente, en 1994, comenzó a publicarse Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education enfocada, exclusivamente, a los problemas educativos de las matemáticas relativos a los primeros años de universidad. Un numeroso grupo de investigadores educativos se están dedicando a estudiar problemas psicológicos y pedagógicos que aparecen en los estudios de matemáticas en los primeros cursos universitarios. Las asignaturas de matemáticas para la economía y la empresa han sido motivo de preocupación y reflexión para el profesorado desde hace años. Se ha escrito sobre su necesidad, sobre los modelos matemáticos en economía y las deducciones lógicas que permiten. Se ha señalado la mala preparación inicial de los alumnos, su desconocimiento del lenguaje matemático, su heterogeneidad, su bajo rendimiento escolar, … y se ha propuesto una asignatura inicial Matemáticas 0, hacer hincapié muy pronto en los símbolos lógicos, … (ver Actas IX Jornadas ASEPUMA. Por otra parte los programas de las asignaturas se han normalizado hasta constituir un bagaje que debe adquirir el alumno de los estudios de economía y empresa. ¿Será necesario formar un criterio que permita detectar el tamaño de las dificultades cognitivas y tomar decisiones educativas?. Por supuesto, que esta es una labor ardua y que este trabajo no es más que una reflexión mejor o peor organizada. Es el profesorado convencido el que descubrir

  8. Avaliaçao do efeito do extrato de casca de cajueiro-branco (Anacardium occidentale L. Sobre A infecção por Leishmania (Viannia brasiliensis

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    Flávio França


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta uma avaliação do efeito terapêutico do extrato hidroalcólico da casca de Anacardium occidentale L sobre a Leishmania (Viannia brasiliensis. No modelo in vitro o extrato vegetal mostrou-se ativo contra promastigotas do parasita, contrastando com o modelo in vivo, onde não se observou qualquer atividade curativa.

  9. Desenvolupament d'una tècnica d'empelt de surera ("Quercus suber L.") sobre alzina ("Quercus ilex L.")




    El Trabajo Final de Carrera trata principalmente de buscar la técnica de injerto que más se ajuste para realizar injertos de alcornoque (Quercus suber L.) sobre encina (Quercus ilex L.). Para ello se han probado diferentes técnicas de injerto realizadas en diferentes épocas del año, en condiciones ambientales de exterior y en condiciones de invernadero, utilizando material vegetal de alcornoque adulto y juvenil. Con ello se persigue determinar qué técnica de injerto ofrece mejores resultados ...

  10. A gênese da construção do discurso antipetista: análise da eleição para governador do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul no ano de 1994 = The genesis of the antipetista discourse’s construction: analysis of the election for governor of Rio Grande do Sul in 1994

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    Filomena, César Luciano


    Full Text Available Este artigo investiga as origens do discurso antipetista como uma forma de reação à hegemonia político-social que a articulação discursiva so partido dos trabalhadores exercia sobre a sociedade porto-alegrense no ano de 1994. Reação que paradoxalmente promoveu o surgimento de um cenário de polarização política (de antagonismo numa metrópole, cuja sociedade era caracterizada pela heterogeneidade social. Esta pesquisa tem como fonte a análise das notícias e das opiniões expressas sobre a eleição para o governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul entre os meses de setembro e novembre de 1994 nos dois principais jornais de Porto Alegre

  11. Post-fire vegetation recovery in Portugal based on spot/vegetation data (United States)

    Gouveia, C.; Dacamara, C. C.; Trigo, R. M.


    A procedure is presented that allows identifying large burned scars and the monitoring of vegetation recovery in the years following major fire episodes. The procedure relies on 10-day fields of Maximum Value Composites of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (MVC-NDVI), with a 1 km×1 km spatial resolution obtained from the VEGETATION instrument. The identification of fire scars during the extremely severe 2003 fire season is performed based on cluster analysis of NDVI anomalies that persist during the vegetative cycle of the year following the fire event. Two regions containing very large burned scars were selected, located in Central and Southwestern Portugal, respectively, and time series of MVC-NDVI analysed before the fire events took place and throughout the post-fire period. It is shown that post-fire vegetation dynamics in the two selected regions may be characterised based on maps of recovery rates as estimated by fitting a monoparametric model of vegetation recovery to MVC-NDVI data over each burned scar. Results indicated that the recovery process in the region located in Central Portugal is mostly related to fire damage rather than to vegetation density before 2003, whereas the latter seems to have a more prominent role than vegetation conditions after the fire episode, e.g. in the case of the region in Southwestern Portugal. These differences are consistent with the respective predominant types of vegetation. The burned area located in Central Portugal is dominated by Pinus Pinaster whose natural regeneration crucially depends on the destruction of seeds present on the soil surface during the fire, whereas the burned scar in Southwestern Portugal was populated by Eucalyptus that may quickly re-sprout from buds after fire. Besides its simplicity, the monoparametric model of vegetation recovery has the advantage of being easily adapted to other low-resolution satellite data, as well as to other types of vegetation indices.

  12. As hemerotecas digitais discursivizadas na web: heterogeneidade discursiva e formação imaginária na rede

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    Francis Lampoglia


    Full Text Available Este trabalho estuda o funcionamento discursivo de duas páginas da web, sendo uma do Arquivo Público do Estado, referente à hemeroteca do jornal Última Hora, e outra referente ao site do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, mais precisamente à seção "Especiais", intitulado "Nas páginas do Estadão, a luta contra a censura". Sob a orientação da Análise do Discurso de matriz francesa, fundada por Michel Pêcheux, com o apoio dos estudos sobre o dialogismo de Mikhail Bakhtin e das discussões sobre o virtual de Pierre Lévy, esse trabalho visa compreender o modo como são produzidos efeitos de sentido sobre o entrelaçamento de vozes que compõem as páginas web analisadas, bem como analisar qual a formação imaginária que tais sites constroem de si e de seus leitores através do discurso eletrônico. Inseridos em um ambiente eletrônico, os sites que abrigam acervos de jornais e revistas, além de constituir um arquivo sob uma perspectiva histórica, também tentam construir uma imagem de si e/ou do jornal que abrigam. Entendendo que a rede mundial de computadores é uma realidade, destacamos a importância de se estudar o discurso presente nos sites como forma de romper com a suposta neutralidade da imprensa e da web.

  13. The Impact of the Rise in Vegetable Prices on Vegetable Producer Behavior–Based on the survey of vegetable producers in Jiayu, Hubei Province

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    Liu Pan


    Full Text Available In order to study the impact of the rise in prices of vegetables on vegetable producers, and to increase the revenue of vegetable producers, this paper does a survey by anonymous sampling questionnaire. Results shows that: most vegetable growers think that vegetable prices should rise and would continue to rise, and that vegetable prices would increase their revenue, thus in the coming year they would expand the planting scale of vegetable variety whose increase rate is the largest in this year. But because of the increase of logistics costs and production costs, some farmers benefit very little from the rising trend of vegetable prices. Most farmers expect too much in the trend estimation of the prices of vegetables and also lack of planning and forward-looking in production, thus the planting area of single variety is often decided by the market of previous year. According to analysis of the impact of the rise in vegetable prices on vegetable producer behavior, this paper gives the following suggestions to increase revenue of vegetable producers: change the mode of thinking, improve rural information platform, and increase capital investment for vegetable production base.

  14. Compatibilidad de Trichoderma harzianum Rifai con fungicidas del arroz y su efecto sobre tres fitopatógenos fúngicos


    Manuel Francisco Rodríguez Saldaña; Pausides Milanés Virelles; Ernesto Juniors Pérez Torres; Yurisandra Sierra Reyes


    Resumen La investigación se realizó en el Laboratorio Provincial de Sanidad Vegetal en Camagüey, en la etapa comprendida de septiembre de 2013 a septiembre de 2015, en condiciones in vitro donde se determinó la compatibilidad y capacidad antagónica frente a pesticidas usados en el arroz, de Trichoderma harzianum Rifai cepa A-34 sobre los patógenos del arroz (Bipolaris oryzae Breda de Haan, Saracladium oryzae (Sawada) w. Gams & D.Hawksworth y Magnaporthe grisea (Hebert) Barr). Las ev...

  15. Olhares distintos sobre a noção de estabilidade e mudança no desempenho da coordenação motora grossa Ángulos diferentes sobre el concepto de estabilidad y cambio en el rendimiento de la coordinación motora gruesa Distinct views on the notion of stability and change in the performance of gross motor coordination

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    Luciano Basso


    Full Text Available Estudos sobre coordenação motora grossa (CMG de crianças focam na descrição dos valores normativos em razão da idade e sexo. Poucos analisam a dinâmica da mudança do desempenho de cada criança em relação ao seu grupo ao longo do tempo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi estimar a estabilidade das diferenças interindividuais na mudança intraindividual da CMG ao longo de 18 meses. Participaram do estudo 120 escolares de sete anos de idade da cidade de Muzambinho - MG. Foram realizadas quatro coletas com intervalos de seis meses. A CMG foi avaliada pelas provas do KTK. Os valores médios apresentaram incrementos em todas as provas, diferindo entre gênero apenas para o equilíbrio à retaguarda. Os resultados da correlação entre o desempenho inicial e a mudança ao longo do tempo indicaram uma forte heterogeneidade. Os resultados da estabilidade se mostraram fracos, os quais foram discutidos em relação a diferentes trajetórias do desenvolvimento da CMG.Las investigaciones sobre la coordinación motora gruesa (GMC de niños se centran en la descripción de los valores normativos basados en la edad y en el sexo, y pocos estudios analizan la dinámica de cambio en el desempeño de cada niño en relación a su grupo al largo del tiempo. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la estabilidad de las diferencias interindividuales en el cambio interindividual de la CMG durante dieciocho meses. Participaron de la investigación 120 estudiantes de siete años de edad de la ciudad de Muzambinho - MG. Cuatro muestras fueron tomadas a intervalos de seis meses. La CMG se evaluó mediante las pruebas del KTK. Los valores medios mostraron aumentos en todas las pruebas, defiriendo entre géneros sólo para el equilibrio a la retaguardia. Los resultados de la correlación entre el rendimiento inicial y el cambio a lo largo del tiempo indicaron una fuerte heterogeneidad. Los resultados de la estabilidad se mostraron débiles. Estos resultados se


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    S. S. MELO


    Full Text Available

    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da infusão de erva-mate sobre o perfil metabólico em ratos alimentados com dietas hiperlipídicas. Foram estudados 36 ratos, linhagem Wistar, machos adultos, divididos em seis grupos (n=6: controle água; controle mate; hipercolesterolêmico água + banha; hipercolesterolêmico mate + banha; hipercolesterolêmico água + gordura vegetal hidrogenada e hipercolesterolêmico mate + gordura vegetal hidrogenada. Os animais foram acomodados individualmente em gaiolas metabólicas de aço inoxidável, com temperatura ambiente de 22ºC + 2ºC e fotoperíodo de 12 horas (claro/escuro. Durante as 5 semanas do estudo, os grupos hipercolesterolêmicos receberam 1% de colesterol sintético e 10% de gordura vegetal hidrogenada ou saturada adicionados à dieta controle. Na 3ª semana iniciou-se o tratamento com a infusão de erva mate. Não se observou no presente estudo efeito signifi cativo e abrangente da erva-mate sobre todos os parâmetros avaliados. Entretanto, verifi cou-se tendência de menor ganho de peso e redução dos parâmetros de glicemia, peso de fígado e transaminases, além de aumento de HDL-colesterol na presença de dieta com gordura saturada nos animais tratados com erva mate. Tais resultados são promissores e sugerem que novos estudos investiguem o possível efeito protetor da Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil. sobre o perfil metabólico.

  17. Digital signage sobre IP


    Casademont Filella, Albert


    Projecte que versa sobre el disseny i la implementació d'un sistema de Digital Signage (Cartelleria Digital) sobre IP, creant un gestor que permeti controlar de forma remota tot un conjunt de petits dispositius connectats a pantalles que emeten continguts multimèdia com vídeos, imatges, feeds rss...

  18. Impacto de los cultivos orgánicos sobre la diversidad de insectos una revisión de investigaciones recientes


    Montañez Velásquez, Maria Natalia


    Combinando herramientas de la revisión clásica y del metanálisis, se analizaron los resultados de 35 estudios recientes que comparan la diversidad de insectos en cultivos orgánicos y convencionales para determinar si los primeros posibilitan un mejor espacio de conservación para los insectos. La riqueza de especies y su abundancia es significativamente mayor en cultivos orgánicos. Los estudios registraron una alta heterogeneidad tanto para riqueza de especies como para abundancia. Los cultivo...



    Giovani Taffarel Bergamin


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta de diferentes fontes protéicas de origem vegetal em substituição à farinha de carne suína da dieta, sobre o crescimento, rendimento e qualidade de carcaça, parâmetros sangüíneos e avaliação sensorial dos filés de juvenis de carpa húngara. Foram realizados dois experimentos, utilizando sistema de recirculação de água com 15 unidades experimentais (280L). No experimento 1, foram avaliadas cinco dietas experimentais. Uma dieta controle (FCS) co...

  20. Representações sobre o consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes entre fruticultores de zona rural Representations on fruit and vegetable consumption among fruit growers

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    Hayda Josiane Alves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo foi investigar aspectos subjetivos do consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes entre agricultores. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo sobre o universo simbólico do consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes entre fruticultores da zona rural, do município de Valinhos, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram empregadas técnicas de observação participante e entrevista não estruturada focalizada. Para tratamento de dados foi utilizada a teoria das representações sociais de Moscovici. RESULTADOS: A representação central das falas analisadas é: fruta não é comida, é trabalho, a qual tem função estruturante de outras representações relativas a fruta: 1 não tem função de alimentar; 2 seu consumo não é essencial; 3 garante a sobrevivência do trabalho familiar no campo, representando o sustento familiar. Apesar de cultivadas e consumidas rotineiramente, são consideradas comida somente quando são compradas. Verduras e legumes são classificados como alimentos de importância secundária. Conceitos de alimentação saudável expressos pelo grupo contemplam elementos que vão além do valor nutricional dos alimentos, incluindo: prazer, comensalidade, valores sócio-culturais, memória familiar e celebrações. CONCLUSÃO: O consumo de frutas relaciona-se mais à esfera do trabalho na lavoura do que a elementos que a aproximem ao conceito de comida. As representações sociais relativas a Frutas Verduras e Legumes contribuem com a formulação de conceitos subjetivos de alimentação saudável e estruturam as práticas alimentares dos agricultores.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate subjective aspects in the consumption of fruits and vegetables by fruit growers. METHODS: This is a qualitative study on the symbolic universe of consumption of these food items among fruit growers living in the rural area of Valinhos, a city located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Participant

  1. European Vegetation Archive (EVA): an integrated database of European vegetation plots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chytrý, M; Hennekens, S M; Jiménez-Alfaro, B


    vegetation- plot databases on a single software platform. Data storage in EVA does not affect on-going independent development of the contributing databases, which remain the property of the data contributors. EVA uses a prototype of the database management software TURBOVEG 3 developed for joint management......The European Vegetation Archive (EVA) is a centralized database of European vegetation plots developed by the IAVS Working Group European Vegetation Survey. It has been in development since 2012 and first made available for use in research projects in 2014. It stores copies of national and regional...... data source for large-scale analyses of European vegetation diversity both for fundamental research and nature conservation applications. Updated information on EVA is available online at


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    Full Text Available O controle de pragas da videira no Brasil restringe-se basicamente ao uso de inseticidas, devido à inexistência de trabalhos que visem a complementar o manejo de pragas através de controle biológico. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se verificar o efeito de diferentes coberturas vegetais nas entrelinhas de plantio de videira sobre a abundância e diversidade de potenciais inimigos naturais de pragas da videira no município de Caldas, região Sul do Estado de Minas Gerais. Foram testadas sete diferentes coberturas de solo (aveia-preta, aveia-preta e ervilhaca, ervilhaca, cobertura morta, uso de herbicida, capina mecânica e mato roçado. A cobertura vegetal do solo influenciou tanto a diversidade quanto a abundância de inimigos naturais, sendo o consórcio de aveia-preta e ervilhaca, cultivadas simultaneamente, o tratamento que proporcionou maior diversidade e abundância de inimigos naturais. Assim, a cobertura vegetal do solo pode, potencialmente, ser um componente importante em programas de manejo integrado de pragas na cultura da videira.The control of grapevine pests in Brazil is only based in the use of chemical products. It is due to the whole absence of experimental works developed to test and evaluate alternative control systems, like the biological control. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different types of cover crops, placed between the cultivation lines of grapevine, in the abundance and diversity of natural control arthropods of grapevine pests. The experiment was conduced in the EPAMIG, Caldas Research Farm, located in the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. They Were tested seven different systems of soil covering. The presence of vegetal covering was beneficial to improve the diversity as well as the abundance of biological control agents present on the grapevine crop. The cultivation of black oat and pea together, was the treatment that showed the better result to diversity and abundance. Therefore, the cover

  3. Tendências atuais da pesquisa brasileira em Educação Física. Parte 2: a heterogeneidade epistemológica nos programas de pós-graduação Trends on the Brazilian research in Physical Education. Part 2: a view through the epistemological diversity in graduate programs

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    Suely Rosa


    Full Text Available A fim de contribuir com o debate sobre a heterogeneidade epistemológica da Educação Física (EF e a falta de critérios adequados para avaliar a pesquisa e estudos com enfoques pedagógicos e socioculturais, o presente trabalho se propõe a caracterizar a pesquisa atual em EF que tem origem nos programas de pós-graduação (PGs no Brasil. A pergunta central é qual a principal tendência epistemológica da pesquisa originada nas PGs em EF no Brasil? Partindo desta pergunta, iniciamos uma detalhada análise da produção acadêmica de 11 PGs inseridos na área de avaliação de Educação Física. A análise baseou-se nos relatórios anuais do triênio 2001/2003, disponíveis "on-line" pela CAPES e que apresentavam as produções bibliográficas de cada PG. No total foram analisados 5.628 títulos dos diversos tipos de produção bibliográfica. Os dados sugerem que a pesquisa em EF, gerada pelas PGs, tem visibilidade muito restrita, uma vez que livros e anais, com circulação limitada, constituem-se nos principais veículos para difundir o conhecimento em EF. Os dados também indicam a prevalência de estudos com base biológica e, apoiados principalmente na fisiologia, o que reflete a construção histórica da área de EF. Entretanto, observou-se também um forte influência de outras disciplinas, ou em outras palavras uma grande heterogeneidade epistemológica.In order to contribute to the national debate on the epistemological heterogeneity in the field of Physical Education (PE and to the lack of adequate criteria to evaluate research in PE that emphasizes social and pedagogical aspects, the present study aims to characterize current Brazilian research on PE published by Graduate Programs (GP. The research question is: what is the main epistemological trend of research originated in Brazilian GPs? The data consist of a detailed analysis of the academic production of 11 GPs in PE, based on the GP triennial report (2001-2003 available on

  4. Los procesos de domesticación vegetal y animal : Un aporte a la discusión argentina en los últimos 70 años


    Yacobaccio, Hugo; Korstanje, M. Alejandra


    En este trabajo se pasa revista a los estudios sobre domesticación vegetal y animal en la arqueología argentina, se plantea su estado actual y las perspectivas futuras. Se discuten, asimismo, diversos aspectos teóricos vinculados a la domesticación, incluyendo el concepto mismo, y se evalúa la evidencia disponible hasta hoy en día. Sociedad Argentina de Antropología

  5. Estudo bibliográfico sobre o uso das plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos no Brasil

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    Claudia Sarmento Gadelha


    Full Text Available A utilização da natureza para fins terapêuticos é tão antiga quanto a civilização humana e, por muito tempo, produtos minerais, de plantas e animais foram fundamentais para a área da saúde. Historicamente, as plantas medicinais são importantes como fitoterápicos e na descoberta de novos fármacos, estando no reino vegetal a maior contribuição de medicamentos. É crescente o uso da fitoterapia como prática médica integrativa em diversos países, inclusive no Brasil. A utilização de plantas medicinais tem como facilitadores a grande diversidade vegetal e o baixo custo associado à terapêutica, o que vem despertando a atenção dos programas de assistência à saúde e profissionais. No Brasil, cerca de 82% da população brasileira utiliza produtos à base de plantas medicinais nos seus cuidados com a saúde, seja pelo conhecimento tradicional na medicina tradicional indígena, quilombola, entre outros povos e comunidades tradicionais, seja pelo uso popular na medicina popular, de transmissão oral entre gerações, ou nos sistemas oficiais de saúde, como prática de cunho científico, orientada pelos princípios e diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS. É uma prática que incentiva o desenvolvimento comunitário, a solidariedade e a participação social. O objetivo do trabalho foi fazer um levantamento bibliográfico sobre plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos usados pela população. Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico com o intuito de obter informações de cunho científico sobre o uso de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos. Com o estudo realizado pode-se perceber que é de fundamental importância da formação/qualificação dos profissionais de saúde para que melhor atendam as necessidades da população além de ampliar investimento em pesquisas que melhorem os conhecimentos sobre o tema estudado.

  6. A influência de atributos espaciais na interação entre grupos heterogêneos em ambientes residenciais


    Paula Silva Gambim


    O processo de urbanização acelerada e a segmentação espacial no ambiente urbano no último século aponta para a heterogeneidade dos grupos sociais que coabitam a cidade e destaca os problemas como violência e segregação que surgem da relação entre os grupos. Não existem estudos conclusivos sobre as variáveis que afetam a interação social entre grupos heterogêneos em contato nos ambientem urbanos. Este estudo investiga os efeitos dos atributos espaciais na interação de grupos socioeconômicos di...

  7. Investigar el autismo en clave psicoanalítica


    Piro, María Cristina


    En la psicopatología infantil, la extensión del diagnóstico de autismo ha sufrido en los últimos años un incremento significativo, situación que ha determinado el surgimiento de críticas que cuestionan la heterogeneidad de las presentaciones que se incluyen en las demandas asistenciales. En función de ello, la presente investigación se propone realizar un estudio teórico/empírico, de tipo fenomenológico y estructural, sobre las características del diagnóstico de autismo en las presentaciones ...

  8. Inferencias sobre Grafos


    Sira M. Allende; Carlos N. Bouza


    El estudio de un juego puede ser modelado asumiendo que solo algunas partidas son observadas. Entonces el árbol del juego debe ser estimado utilizando información muestral. Similarmente ocurre al obtener información sobre el comportamiento de las decisiones tomadas por individuos muestreados sobre un árbol de decisión teórico. Al considerar una medida de probabilidad que caracterice el comportamiento de redes aleatorias se puede obtener un estimado del árbol asociado. Este problema es el anal...

  9. Post-fire vegetation recovery in Portugal based ewline on spot/vegetation data

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    C. Gouveia


    Full Text Available A procedure is presented that allows identifying large burned scars and the monitoring of vegetation recovery in the years following major fire episodes. The procedure relies on 10-day fields of Maximum Value Composites of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (MVC-NDVI, with a 1 km×1 km spatial resolution obtained from the VEGETATION instrument. The identification of fire scars during the extremely severe 2003 fire season is performed based on cluster analysis of NDVI anomalies that persist during the vegetative cycle of the year following the fire event. Two regions containing very large burned scars were selected, located in Central and Southwestern Portugal, respectively, and time series of MVC-NDVI analysed before the fire events took place and throughout the post-fire period. It is shown that post-fire vegetation dynamics in the two selected regions may be characterised based on maps of recovery rates as estimated by fitting a monoparametric model of vegetation recovery to MVC-NDVI data over each burned scar. Results indicated that the recovery process in the region located in Central Portugal is mostly related to fire damage rather than to vegetation density before 2003, whereas the latter seems to have a more prominent role than vegetation conditions after the fire episode, e.g. in the case of the region in Southwestern Portugal. These differences are consistent with the respective predominant types of vegetation. The burned area located in Central Portugal is dominated by Pinus Pinaster whose natural regeneration crucially depends on the destruction of seeds present on the soil surface during the fire, whereas the burned scar in Southwestern Portugal was populated by Eucalyptus that may quickly re-sprout from buds after fire. Besides its simplicity, the monoparametric model of vegetation recovery has the advantage of being easily adapted to other low-resolution satellite data, as well as to other types of vegetation

  10. Theoretical and Methodological Contributions of a Multi-Situated Approach and the Analysis of Migration Routes: The Example of Migration between Morocco and Canada

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    Stéphanie Garneau


    Full Text Available Basado en una serie de resultados de investigación sobre la migración marroquí a Canadá, este ensayo busca probar cómo el enfoque sobre las rutas migratorias de un grupo nacional de emigrantes específico y la utilización de un enfoque multi-posicional metodológico, no conduciráa la "etnificación", culturalización o nacionalización de las realidades experimentadas sino al posicionamiento de las acciones dentro de sus contextos estructurales políticos, culturales, sociales y económicos. Al recurrir a un enfoque inductivo, esta perspectiva nos permite identificar fronteras (en un sentido simbólico más allá de las culturales o de pertenencia nacional, recordándonos la heterogeneidad interna del grupo nacional estudiado, permitiéndonos capturar otros factores decisivos sobre la ruta migratoria, y beneficiando nuestra comprensión sobre la pluralidad de las prácticas espaciales y estrategias de integración desarrolladas por ejecutivos sociales al enfrentar las oportunidades y limitaciones concretas que se encuentran durante todo el proceso migratorio.

  11. Camponeses e esquecimento na Antiguidade Tardia: as revoltas dos bagaudas e dos circunceliões

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    Uiran Gebara da Silva


    Full Text Available Esse artigo apresenta alguns dos problemas com os quais eu tive de lidar ao realizar um estudo comparativo entre dois conjuntos de revoltas rurais do Império Romano tardio: as revoltas dos bagaudas na Gália e dos circunceliões na África. O artigo toma como eixo articulador a hipótese lançada por E. A. Thompson sobre o papel do esquecimento na produção dos relatos antigos sobre os bagaudas e a problematiza. Num segundo momento o artigo trata do problema relacionado à compreensão do caráter social de ambos os grupos, levando em consideração os múltiplos relatos presentes nas fontes antigas e as divergentes interpretações modernas sobre eles, enfatizando a necessidade de se reconhecer a tópica da inversão social como um elemento que diferencia os relatos sobre os revoltosos daqueles sobre a bandidagem. Outro elemento importante é o reconhecimento da heterogeneidade dos discursos cristãos com relação às classes subalternas e aos revoltosos, que apontam não para um fortalecimento do patronato rural, mas para o enfraquecimento ou para a crise dessas relações no campo tardo-romano.

  12. Creación de una empresa de recogida selectiva y gestión de aceite vegetal usado


    Iribarren García, Iñigo


    Este proyecto trata sobre la creación de una empresa donde todo va a girar en torno a un producto principal: el aceite vegetal usado. A partir de ahí, en la empresa aparecen cuatro líneas de negocio independientes y a la vez relacionadas, que directa o indirectamente están ligadas con el aceite usado. Las cuatro líneas de trabajo van a ser una parte referente al servicio de recogida del aceite, actuación de la cual derivan otras dos de las cuatro líneas de negocio, como son la venta del aceit...

  13. El desarrollo turístico en Cancún, Quintana Roo y sus consecuencias sobre la cubierta vegetal

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    Graciela Pérez Villegas


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the expansion of tourism complex in Cancún, Mexico, from its creation as a beach resort in the l970´s to the present. The quantitative measurement of the urban growth over natural scenarios is the major contribution of this study, particularly with reference to the disturbance of natural vegetation due to the construction of physical infrastructure for both housing and tourist activities. Moreover, it emphasizes the risk of affecting natural ecosystems surrounding Cancún as a consequence of an excessive tourism development.

  14. Density-dependent reproductive and vegetative allocation in the aquatic plant Pistia stratiotes (Araceae

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    Flávia Freitas Coelho


    Full Text Available Pistia stratiotes is an aquatic macrophyte that grows in temporary-ponds in the southern Pantanal, Brazil. It reproduces both sexually and asexually and is usually observed forming dense mats on the water surface, a condition favored by the plant’s vegetative reproduction coupled with an ability for rapid growth. In this study we examined the effect of densely crowded conditions on the production of reproductive and vegetative structures. In addition, we verified whether there is a trade-off between clonal growth and investment in sexual reproductive structures, and whether there is an allocation pattern with plant size. Individual plant biomass and the number of the rosettes producing sexual reproductive structures and vegetative growth structures both increased with density. Increase in plant size resulted in increased proportional allocation to sexual reproductive structures and vegetative growth structures. Allocation of biomass to reproduction did not occur at the expense of clonal growth. Thus, the density response appears as a increase of rosettes producing sexual reproductive structures and vegetative growth structures. Therefore, long leaves and stolons may be adaptive under densely crowded conditions where competition for light is intense. An important aspect in the study of trade-offs is the size-dependency of the allocation patterns .Usually, larger plants produce more biomass. Therefore, larger plants can allocate more biomass to both vegetative and sexual reproduction than smaller plants and thus show a positive correlation between both traits rather than the expected negative one. Rev. Biol. Trop. 53(3-4: 369-376. Epub 2005 Oct 3.Pistias strariotes es una macrófita acuática que crece en charcas estacionales en el Pantanal sureño de Brasil. Se reproduce tanto sexual como asexualmente y se obsrva generalmente que forma densas parches sobre la superficie del agua, una condicion que favorecida por la reproduccion vegetativa de la

  15. Sobre software libre


    Matellán Olivera, Vicente; González Barahona, Jesús; Heras Quirós, Pedro de las; Robles Martínez, Gregorio


    220 p. "Sobre software libre" reune casi una treintena de ensayos sobre temas de candente actualidad relacionados con el software libre (del cual Linux es su ex- ponente más conocido). Los ensayos que el lector encontrará están divididos en bloques temáticos que van desde la propiedad intelectual o las cuestiones económicas y sociales de este modelo hasta su uso en la educación y las administraciones publicas, pasando por alguno que repasa la historia del software libre en l...

  16. Tributos sobre a folha ou sobre o faturamento? Efeitos quantitativos para o Brasil

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    Tiago V Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Este artigo estuda os impactos alocativos e de bem-estar de uma reforma tributária que substitui os impostos sobre a folha de salários por outro que incide sobre a receita. Para isso, desenvolve-se um modelo neoclássico de crescimento econômico com impostos sobre a receita e sobre a folha de salários. As simulações com parâmetros da economia brasileira mostram que tal reforma tributária tem um efeito negativo no bem-estar, no estoque de capital de longo prazo e consequentemente no produto per capita de longo prazo. Contudo, o emprego aumenta.This paper studies the impacts of a tax reform which substitutes taxes on labor income by taxes on total revenue. In order to accomplish that, we construct and solve a general equilibrium neoclassical growth model with taxes on labor income and total revenue. The numerical simulations with Brazilian parameters show that such tax reforms would negatively affect welfare, the capital stock, and consequently per capita output. However, employment would increase. Such effects are quantitatively important.

  17. Atuação dos aleloquímicos no organismo vegetal e formas de utilização da alelopatia na agronomia

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    Paulo Sérgio Siberti da Silva


    Full Text Available   No reino vegetal, tanto em florestas quanto em agrossistemas, ocorre a alelopatia, que é o efeito benéfico ou maléfico de uma planta sobre a outra, mediante liberação de compostos secundários. O fenômeno é determinante no processo de formação das comunidades vegetais, servindo, também, como importante ferramenta para a agronomia, pois seu uso pode promover o combate de plantas indesejáveis, manter as culturas sadias e solucionar casos de insucessos dos cultivares. Além disso, os bioensaios alelopáticos contribuem para a identificação de possíveis fontes botânicas de compostos com ação biocida para combate de pragas e doenças. Logo esse fenômeno pode proporcionar ao pequeno produtor a mudança na sua maneira de se relacionar com a terra e diminuir ou até mesmo abolir o uso de defensivos químicos em suas propriedades. O atual trabalho se trata de uma revisão de literatura sobre algumas formas de atuação dos aleloquímicos no organismo vegetal e maneiras de utilização da alelopatia no manejo e cultivo de plantas.

  18. Method of producing vegetable puree

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    A process for producing a vegetable puree, comprising the sequential steps of: a)crushing, chopping or slicing the vegetable into pieces of 1 to 30 mm; b) blanching the vegetable pieces at a temperature of 60 to 90°C; c) contacted the blanched vegetable pieces with a macerating enzyme activity; d......) blending the macerated vegetable pieces and obtaining a puree....

  19. Estimating vegetation dryness to optimize fire risk assessment with spot vegetation satellite data in savanna ecosystems (United States)

    Verbesselt, J.; Somers, B.; Lhermitte, S.; van Aardt, J.; Jonckheere, I.; Coppin, P.


    The lack of information on vegetation dryness prior to the use of fire as a management tool often leads to a significant deterioration of the savanna ecosystem. This paper therefore evaluated the capacity of SPOT VEGETATION time-series to monitor the vegetation dryness (i.e., vegetation moisture content per vegetation amount) in order to optimize fire risk assessment in the savanna ecosystem of Kruger National Park in South Africa. The integrated Relative Vegetation Index approach (iRVI) to quantify the amount of herbaceous biomass at the end of the rain season and the Accumulated Relative Normalized Difference vegetation index decrement (ARND) related to vegetation moisture content were selected. The iRVI and ARND related to vegetation amount and moisture content, respectively, were combined in order to monitor vegetation dryness and optimize fire risk assessment in the savanna ecosystems. In situ fire activity data was used to evaluate the significance of the iRVI and ARND to monitor vegetation dryness for fire risk assessment. Results from the binary logistic regression analysis confirmed that the assessment of fire risk was optimized by integration of both the vegetation quantity (iRVI) and vegetation moisture content (ARND) as statistically significant explanatory variables. Consequently, the integrated use of both iRVI and ARND to monitor vegetation dryness provides a more suitable tool for fire management and suppression compared to other traditional satellite-based fire risk assessment methods, only related to vegetation moisture content.


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    Tiffany Sosa Rodriguez


    Full Text Available Hongos formadores de micorrizas arbusculares (HFMA obtenidos a partir de suelos caucheros se multiplicaron en plantas de Lolium sp., con 73% de colonización radical luego de 4 meses. Se obtuvieron 7 morfotipos de HFMA, con los cuales se inocularon dos grupos de plántulas de Hevea brasiliensis: 1 producidas in vivo a partir de semilla; 2 producidas in vitro por rescate de embrión, para determinar efectos sobre mortalidad, crecimiento, micorrización y contenido de fósforo foliar. Los niveles de colonización por HFMA para las plántulas obtenidas in vitro e in vivo fueron de 12,6% y de 44,7 %, respectivamente. La biomasa media total acumulada por las plántulas producidas in vitro fue de 0,41 y de 1,40 g por las procedentes del material in vivo, en comparación con los controles no inoculados, los cuales acumularon 0,37 y 0,40 g, respectivamente. El tratamiento con HFMA disminuyó la mortalidad en las plántulas obtenidas in vitro, aunque no tuvo un efecto significativo sobre el contenido de fósforo foliar. La respuesta del crecimiento de las plántulas inoculadas fue diferente dependiendo del origen del material vegetal y del tipo de inóculo (nativo o no nativo. La simbiosis entre HFMA y H. brasiliensis se desarrolló en condiciones controladas de crecimiento, aunque su avance dependió del estado de desarrollo de la plántula. No obstante, influyó en el crecimiento y en la disminución de la mortalidad de las plántulas, lo que abre la posibilidad de utilizarla como alternativa de inoculación en las fases tempranas de obtención del material vegetal.

  1. La investigación científica sobre dunas costeras de México: origen, evolución y retos


    Jiménez-Orocio, Oscar; Espejel, Ileana; Martínez, María Luisa


    El conocimiento sobre los ecosistemas clave de un país es una prioridad nacional de la investigación científica para plantear una política de ciencia que motive la generación de conocimiento para llenar vacíos en la información. Presentamos los resultados de una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica que exponen la situación actual del conocimiento de las dunas costeras de México. El 47% de la investigación científica se enfoca en el estudio de la ecología vegetal, principalmente en las costas del...

  2. Efecto de cinco Dosis de Heterorhabditis indica Poinat cepa P2M sobre la broca del café (Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari).


    Yander Fernández Cancio; Marcos Tulio García González; Manuel Rodríguez González


    Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de Heterorhaditis indica cepa P2M en el manejo de la broca del café (Hypotenemushampei Ferrari) se realizó la investigación en condiciones controladas en el Laboratorio Provincial de Sanidad Vegetal de Sancti Spíritus con cinco dosis del patógeno: 20, 45, 75, 100 y 200 individuos juveniles infestiles/adulto (iji/adulto). Se diseñaron dos experimentos: variante 1 con aplicaciones directa sobre los adultos del insecto en placas Petri con siete repeticiones y...

  3. Antibacterial activity of vegetal extracts against serovars of Salmonella Atividade antibacteriana de extratos vegetais sobre sorovares de Salmonella

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    Daiane Voss-Rech


    Full Text Available in vitro antibacterial activity of 21 hydroethanolic vegetal extracts was assessed against 20 serovars of Salmonella. Regarding the tested extracts, 85.7% of them presented antibacterial activity. The six active extracts which showed activity on the largest number of serovars and the extract of Eucalyptus sp. were submitted to the determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC. Of these, six extracts showed bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity with MIC and MBC for Punica granatum (pomegranate from 20 and 60mg mL-1, for Eugenia jambolana (rose apple from 40 and 240mg mL-1, Eugenia uniflora (surinam cherry from 80 and 240mg mL-1, Caryophyllus aromaticus (clove from 10 and 60mg mL-1, Psidium araca from 30 and 320mg mL-1 and Eucalyptus sp. from 40 and 160mg mL-1. Achyrocline satureioides (macela presented only bacteriostatic potential and MIC from 160mg mL-1. Caryophyllus aromaticus, Eucalyptus sp., and Psidium araca presented the best results for bactericidal activity, inhibiting, respectively, 84.2%, 42.1%, and 17.6% of Salmonella's serovars. The activity of each extract varied for different serovars; S. London presented resistance to the six extracts in MBC, while S. Pullorum was the most susceptible serovar.A atividade antibacteriana de 21 extratos hidroetanólicos vegetais foi avaliada in vitro frente a 20 sorovares de Salmonella. Dos extratos testados, 85,7% apresentaram atividade antibacteriana. Os seis extratos que evidenciaram atividade sobre o maior número de sorovares e Eucalyptus sp. foram submetidos à determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM e Concentração Bactericida Mínima (CBM. Destes, seis extratos apresentaram atividade bacteriostática e bactericida com MIC para Punica granatum (romã a partir de 20 e 60mg mL-1, Eugenia jambolana (jambolão de 40 e 240mg mL-1, Eugenia uniflora (pitanga de 80 e 240mg mL-1, Caryophyllus aromaticus (cravo de 10 e 60mg mL-1

  4. Evaluation of vegetation cover using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI

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    Gabriela Camargos Lima


    Full Text Available Soil loss by water erosion is the main cause of soil degradation in Brazil. However, erosion can be reduced by the presence of vegetation. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI makes it possible to identify the vegetative vigor of crops or natural vegetation which facilities the identification of areas with vegetation covers. This information is very important in identifying the phenomena which might be occurring in a particular area, especially those related to soil degradation by water erosion. Thus, the aim of this work was to assess the canopy cover by using NDVI, checking the image accuracy using the Coverage Index (CI based on the Stocking method, in the Sub-basin of Posses, which belongs to the Cantareira System, located in the Extrema municipality, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Landsat-5 TM images were used. The sub-basin of Posses was very altered in comparison to the surrounding areas. The NDVI technique proved to be a suitable tool to assess the uses that occur in the sub-basin of Posses, as validated by the Stocking methodology. The map derived from NDVI allowed the geographic distribution of different land uses to be observed and allowed for the identification of critical areas in relation to vegetation cover as well. This finding can be used to optimize efforts to recover and protect soil in areas with bare soil and degraded pasture, in order to reduce environmental degradation. The CI has not exceeded 40% for land use classes that occur in the majority of the sub-basin (91%, except in areas of woody vegetation.

  5. Investigación educativa reciente sobre México


    Núñez-DelaPeña, Francisco J.; Mejía-Arauz, Rebeca


    Se presenta una muestra de la investigación educativa sobre México: 22 disertaciones doctorales aceptadas en universidades norteamericanas entre 1982 y 1984. Dos estudios conciernen a la teoría del capital humano; cinco tratan diversos aspectos relacionados con la administración educativa; uno es sobre la televisión; otro sobre las habilidades fonéticas de los niños; uno más es sobre profesionalización de los médicos; cuatro tocan aspectos de política educativa; tres tratan sobre los maestros...

  6. European Vegetation Archive (EVA)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chytrý, Milan; Hennekens, S.M.; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja; Schaminée, J.H.J.; Haveman, Rense; Janssen, J.A.M.


    The European Vegetation Archive (EVA) is a centralized database of European vegetation plots developed by the IAVS Working Group European Vegetation Survey. It has been in development since 2012 and first made available for use in research projects in 2014. It stores copies of national and

  7. Children and vegetables: strategies to increase children’s liking and intake of vegetables

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wild, de V.W.T.


    Background and aim

    Children’s vegetable intake is far below that recommended. Despite increased awareness of the importance of vegetable consumption for health, it remains challenging to improve children’s vegetable intake. Since food preferences are central to

  8. Formation of banded vegetation patterns resulted from interactions between sediment deposition and vegetation growth. (United States)

    Huang, Tousheng; Zhang, Huayong; Dai, Liming; Cong, Xuebing; Ma, Shengnan


    This research investigates the formation of banded vegetation patterns on hillslopes affected by interactions between sediment deposition and vegetation growth. The following two perspectives in the formation of these patterns are taken into consideration: (a) increased sediment deposition from plant interception, and (b) reduced plant biomass caused by sediment accumulation. A spatial model is proposed to describe how the interactions between sediment deposition and vegetation growth promote self-organization of banded vegetation patterns. Based on theoretical and numerical analyses of the proposed spatial model, vegetation bands can result from a Turing instability mechanism. The banded vegetation patterns obtained in this research resemble patterns reported in the literature. Moreover, measured by sediment dynamics, the variation of hillslope landform can be described. The model predicts how treads on hillslopes evolve with the banded patterns. Thus, we provide a quantitative interpretation for coevolution of vegetation patterns and landforms under effects of sediment redistribution. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  9. Irradiation of dehydrated vegetables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esterhuyse, A; Esterhuizen, T.


    The reason for radurization was to decreased the microbial count of dehydrated vegetables. The average absorbed irradiation dose range between 2kGy and 15kGy. The product catagories include a) Green vegetables b) White vegetables c) Powders of a) and b). The microbiological aspects were: Declining curves for the different products of T.P.C., Coliforms, E. Coli, Stap. areus, Yeast + Mold at different doses. The organoleptical aspects were: change in taste, flavour, texture, colour and moisture. The aim is the marketing of irradiated dehydrated vegetables national and international basis

  10. Curto-Circuito, Falta de Linha ou na Linha? Redes de Enfrentamento à Violência Contra Mulheres em São Paulo

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    Cecília MacDowell Santos


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina as abordagens das/os agentes do Estado sobre violência doméstica e os fatores que condicionam a aplicação da Lei Maria da Penha no que se refere às diretivas para a constituição e expansão de serviços criminais e não criminais a serem integrados em uma “Rede de Enfrentamento à Violência contra Mulheres”. Com base em uma pesquisa de campo realizada na cidade de São Paulo entre 2012 e 2014, o artigo mostra que, além das delegacias da mulher criadas nos anos 1980 e 1990, surgiram, na última década, novos serviços não criminais nas periferias da cidade, contribuindo para a expansão da Rede. No entanto, há várias redes, não apenas uma, as quais ora se cruzam e se alinham numa mesma abordagem sobre violência, ora se acham em conflito, ora funcionam em paralelo. As/os agentes do Estado abraçam diversas abordagens sobre violência doméstica contra mulheres, que variam entre uma perspectiva familista e perspectivas de gênero, feminista e interseccional de gênero, raça e classe social. Esta diversidade ilustra a heterogeneidade da cultura jurídicopolítica do Estado em relação aos direitos das mulheres, um Estado que caracterizo como “bipolar”, regulado, por um lado, pelo regime de gênero/mulher nas políticas para mulheres, e, por outro lado, pelo regime de família na assistência social e na segurança pública. Além do contexto político, três fatores contribuem para a heterogeneidade do Estado: o vínculo institucional dos serviços; o tipo de formação das/os agentes do Estado; a história dos serviços e suas relações com a comunidade local e com os movimentos sociais.

  11. Vegetable Genetic Resources in China

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    Haiping WANG


    Full Text Available China is recognized as an important region for plant biodiversity based on its vast and historical collection of vegetable germplasm. The aim of this review is to describe the exploration status of vegetable genetic resources in China, including their collection, preservation, evaluation, and utilization. China has established a number of national-level vegetable genetic resources preservation units, including the National Mid-term Genebank for Vegetable Germplasm Resources, the National Germplasm Repository for Vegetatively-Propagated Vegetables, and the National Germplasm Repository for Aquatic Vegetables. In 2015, at least 36 000 accessions were collected and preserved in these units. In the past decade, 44 descriptors and data standards for different species have been published, and most accessions have been evaluated for screening the germplasms for specific important traits such as morphological characteristics, disease resistance, pest resistance, and stress tolerance. Moreover, the genetic diversity and evolution of some vegetable germplasms have been evaluated at the molecular level. Recently, more than 1 000 accessions were distributed to researchers and breeders each year by various means for vegetable research and production. However, additional wild-relative and abroad germplasms from other regions need to be collected and preserved in the units to expand genetic diversity. Furthermore, there is a need to utilize advanced techniques to better understand the background and genetic diversity of a wide range of vegetable genetic resources. This review will provide agricultural scientists’ insights into the genetic diversity in China and provide information on the distribution and potential utilization of these valuable genetic resources. Keywords: vegetable, genetic resource, preservation, evaluation, utilization

  12. Efectos del pastoreo sobre el suelo y la vegetación en la Estepa Patagónica Grazing effects on soil and vegetation in the Patagonian Steppe

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    Juan José Gaitán


    Full Text Available La ganadería ovina durante más de 100 años produjo grandes cambios en los ecosistemas y es una de las principales causas de la desertificación en la estepa patagónica. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo evaluar los efectos del pastoreo sobre el suelo y la vegetación mediante la aplicación de una versión modificada de la metodología «Landscape Function Analysis» desarrollada en Australia. El estudio se realizó en siete sitios con distintos niveles de degradación por pastoreo en Pilcaniyeu (noroeste de Río Negro: tres clausurados al pastoreo (CLA, tres bajo pastoreo moderado (PM y uno bajo pastoreo intenso (PI. Se evaluaron indicadores de la composición florística y estructura espacial de la vegetación, del estado de la superficie del suelo en los interparches, los cuales fueron integrados en tres Índices de Función (Estabilidad -EST-, Infiltración -INFy Reciclaje de nutrientes -NUT- y el stock de carbono orgánico (CO. Al incrementarse la intensidad de pastoreo se observó una disminución en la cobertura basal de la vegetación (47,4; 23,2 y 17,4% en CLA, PM y PI, respectivamente, parches vegetados más distanciados entre sí (61,9; 117,9 y 181,7 cm, menor cobertura de gramíneas palatables (26,3; 3,4 y 2,1% y mayor de no palatables (4,4; 15,8 y 17,6%. También se observó una tendencia a disminuir en los Índices de Función del suelo (EST: 43,0; 42,3 y 36,2; INF: 48,3; 41,7 y 36,2; NUT: 33,1; 23,5 y 18,1 y del CO (33,8; 26,5 y 7,9 t/ha al incrementarse la intensidad de pastoreo. Se requieren más estudios para adaptar esta metodología a las condiciones de Patagonia y testear con datos experimentales de que manera los índices reflejan adecuadamente los procesos y funciones de estos ecosistemas.More than 100 years of sheep breeding has caused profound changes to ecosystems and is one of the main causes of desertification in the Patagonian steppe. The aim of this study was to evaluate sheep grazing effects on soils and

  13. Análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia


    Dowd Aguirre, Jessica Alexandra; Tirado Naranjo, Lina María


    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia dado el desarrollo del sector y la importancia de este hidrocarburo como fuente alternativa de generación eléctrica. 73 p. Contenido parcial: Situación actual del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Expectativas del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Mercados de derivados sobre gas natural en Europa y Estados Unidos -- Mercado de gas natural ...

  14. Heavy metals in green vegetables and soils from vegetable gardens ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Edible portions of five varieties of green vegetables, namely amaranth, chinese cabbage, cowpea leaves, leafy cabbage and pumpkin leaves, collected from several areas in Dar es Salaam, were analyzed for lead, cadmium, chromium, zinc, nickel and copper. Except for zinc, the levels of heavy metals in the vegetables ...

  15. La « sociabilidad » y la historia politica  

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    Pilar González Bernaldo de Quirós


    Full Text Available Que el término « sociabilidad » hizo fortuna entre los historiadores latinoamericanistas, ello no cabe duda. Hoy día es corriente encontrarlo en la literatura histórica. Constatamos en general en la diversidad temática una ambigüedad metodológica que proviene en parte de la heterogeneidad de influencias –de la sociologia, de la etnología, de la historia- y de la ausencia de reflexión sobre los alcances y límites de su utilización como categoría de análisis. Ello en parte por la arraigada  ide...

  16. El Estado líquido: discusiones sobre la volatilidad de las políticas públicas y evidencias de Argentina y Brasil (1995-2006

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    Luciana CINGOLANI


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El artículo se propone ofrecer un análisis integral sobre la manera en que ha sido abordada la cuestión de la inestabilidad de las políticas públicas: su impacto en el desarrollo económico de los países, la heterogeneidad de enfoques teóricos que la estudian, las maneras en que ha sido conceptualizada y las posibles causas que la literatura ha delineado explicando el fenómeno. Ofrece asimismo un diagnóstico sobre los niveles de inestabilidad de las políticas en Argentina y Brasil entre los años 1995 y 2006 y discute brevemente algunas previsiones de la teoría a la luz de los resultados observados. Estos resultados arrojan una serie de conclusiones: a hay un nivel sustancialmente más alto de inestabilidad de las políticas en Argentina que en Brasil; b hay una desproporción entre la importancia del concepto como determinante del desarrollo y su sistematización como variable independiente, y c se produce una serie de contradicciones entre diferentes corrientes neoinstitucionales, y entre algunas de estas teorías y la evidencia empírica. ABSTRACT: The article aims to present a comprehensive analysis of different aspects concerning the concept of policy instability: its impacts on economic development, the multiple and hetereogeneus theoretical approaches that address it, the construction of its definition and the possible causes behind it. It also offers a diagnosis of policy instability levels in Argentina and Brazil between 1995 and 2006, and discusses some of the theoretical previsions in light of the evidence found. The general findings suggest that: a there is a significantly higher level of policy instability in Argentina than in Brazil, b there is a mismatch between the importance of policy stability as a determinant of development and its systematization as independent variable, and c a series of contradictions can be found between different rational choice neoinstitutionalist theories, and between some of these

  17. Review of Vegetable Market Development in China

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Chaoping; LUO; Yuandong; NI; Qiong; ZHAI


    This paper has reviewed vegetable market development from vegetable circulation system, the develop history of the liberalize vegetable market and the growth of the vegetable wholesale market in China. From the development of vegetables market in China and its characteristics: the development of vegetable market in China is related to vegetable market system, the change of institution, some technology development and infrastructure. this paper has put forward some related measures to perfect the vegetable market and improve the vegetable circulation efficiency in China.

  18. Inferencias sobre Grafos

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    Sira M. Allende


    Full Text Available El estudio de un juego puede ser modelado asumiendo que solo algunas partidas son observadas. Entonces el árbol del juego debe ser estimado utilizando información muestral. Similarmente ocurre al obtener información sobre el comportamiento de las decisiones tomadas por individuos muestreados sobre un árbol de decisión teórico. Al considerar una medida de probabilidad que caracterice el comportamiento de redes aleatorias se puede obtener un estimado del árbol asociado. Este problema es el analizado en este trabajo. Algunos resultados experimentales obtenidos usando Recocido Simulado ilustran el procedimiento. Su papel en el estudio de modelos económicos y de mercadeo es discutido.

  19. Heterogeneidad en el acceso a la educación media y el trabajo infantil. Disparities in Access to Educational Media and Child Labor

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    Facundo Luis Crosta


    Full Text Available En este documento se presenta una forma novedosa de analizar los efectos del trabajo infantil sobre el acceso al sistema educativo. Los resultados muestran que el análisis integrado del logro en el sistema educativo permite identificar más adecuadamente las heterogeneidades en el acceso al mismo. Para esto se construye un índice de categorías ordenadas que permite dar cuenta de algunos de los diversos matices que puede adoptar la forma en que se relacionan los individuos con el sistema. El análisis se basa en microdatos provenientes de la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida (ECV de 2001 para la Argentina. Se muestra que el trabajo infantil es una variable significativa al momento de explicar porqué algunos individuos no se encuentran en el nivel educativo correspondiente a su edad; además, las interacciones de la condición de ocupación con las variables edad, género y pobreza revelan que este efecto se agrava especialmente a partir de los 15 años entre los hombres pobres. Son las características observables individuales como la edad y el sexo las que marcan diferencias en las probabilidades de acceso a la educación; y por lo tanto, se convierten en instrumentos relevantes para las políticas públicas. Además, este resultado sugiere que una política de transferir la misma cantidad de dinero a todos los estudiantes que asisten al nivel medio, sin considerar su edad y género, no pareciera ser la mejor respuesta para resolver el problema de desempeño en este nivel. Se requiere de un estudio en mayor profundidad para poder evaluar la simultaneidad de las decisiones de trabajo y estudio y la relación de ellas con los recursos monetarios disponibles en el hogar. This paper presents an innovative way of analyzing the effects of child labor on the access to the educational system. The results show that an integrated analysis of achievement in the educational system allows for a more precise identification of the heterogeneities involved in

  20. Monitoring of vegetation dynamics and assessing vegetation response to drought in the Iberian Peninsula

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia-Haro, F. J.; Moreno, A.; Perez-Hoyos, A.; Gilabert, M. A.; Melia, J.; Belda, F.; Poquet, D.; Martinez, B.; Verger, A.


    Monitoring the vegetation activity over long time-scales is necessary to discern ecosystem response to climate variability. Spatial and temporally consistent estimates of the biophysical variables such as fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and leaf area index (LAI) have been obtained in the context of DULCINEA Project. We used long-term monthly climate statistics to build simple climatic indices (SPI, moisture index) at different time scales. From these indices, we estimated that the climatic disturbances affected both the growing season and the total amount of vegetation. This implies that the anomaly of vegetation cover is a good indicator of moisture condition and can be an important data source when used for detecting an monitoring drought in the Iberian Peninsula. The impact of climate variability on the vegetation dynamics has shown not to be the same for every region. We concluded that the relationships between vegetation anomaly and moisture availability are significant for the arid and semiarid areas. (Author) 6 refs.

  1. Monitoring of vegetation dynamics and assessing vegetation response to drought in the Iberian Peninsula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia-Haro, F. J.; Moreno, A.; Perez-Hoyos, A.; Gilabert, M. A.; Melia, J.; Belda, F.; Poquet, D.; Martinez, B.; Verger, A.


    Monitoring the vegetation activity over long time-scales is necessary to discern ecosystem response to climate variability. Spatial and temporally consistent estimates of the biophysical variables such as fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and leaf area index (LAI) have been obtained in the context of DULCINEA Project. We used long-term monthly climate statistics to build simple climatic indices (SPI, moisture index) at different time scales. From these indices, we estimated that the climatic disturbances affected both the growing season and the total amount of vegetation. This implies that the anomaly of vegetation cover is a good indicator of moisture condition and can be an important data source when used for detecting an monitoring drought in the Iberian Peninsula. The impact of climate variability on the vegetation dynamics has shown not to be the same for every region. We concluded that the relationships between vegetation anomaly and moisture availability are significant for the arid and semiarid areas. (Author) 6 refs.

  2. Conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria en pacientes hospitalizados

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    Otto Guillen Lopez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria (IU en pacientes hospitalizados. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo; se entrevistó una muestra por saturación de 325 pacientes hospitalizados de 30 años a más del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH, Lima - Perú, utilizando un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre incontinencia, considerándose como adecuado conocimiento cuando había más de 50% de aciertos en él. Resultados: Solamente 35.7% tuvieron conocimiento adecuado sobre IU. Hasta 90% conocía acerca del éxito del tratamiento y posibilidad de curación de los pacientes incontinentes. Sin embargo, 75% consideraron erróneamente que la IU era consecuencia inevitable del envejecimiento, mientras menos de 50% de pacientes conocía el papel de ciertos medicamentos y ejercicios en la IU. Conclusiones: Se demostró un pobre conocimiento general sobre la IU, siendo necesaria una intervención de los profesionales de la salud en la educación de la población, sobre todo hospitalizada y con factores predisponentes para desarrollar IU, para así poder modificar las ideas erróneas que existen sobre el tema. (Rev Med Hered 2003; 14: 186-194.

  3. Mobbing o acoso laboral. Revisión del tema en Colombia

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    José G. Carvajal Oroz


    Full Text Available El mobbing se reconoce como una línea de trabajo promisoria y de alto impacto sobre el hombre, las organizaciones y la sociedad. En Latinoamérica y en específico en Colombia, se identifica poco desarrollo de la temática, lo que constituye una debilidad frente a las posibilidades de conocer e intervenir sobre ésta, que se acepta como una realidad creciente en el mundo. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados de la revisión y el análisis del tema del mobbing para Colombia. El documento se divide en cuatro partes. En la primera se sintetizan los principales elementos teóricos de la discusión alrededor del mobbing. En la segunda, se revisa la legislación sobre mobbing en Colombia. En la tercera parte, se presenta el análisis de los trabajos que han realizado las comunidades académicas del país sobre el tema. Para terminar, se argumenta sobre el poco desarrollo del tema en Colombia, el predominio de los trabajos teóricos y desde áreas no administrativas. También se encuentra que la heterogeneidad y el bajo número de los trabajos dificulta su comparación, sin embargo, ellos comparten un similar marco de referencia conceptual, empírico y legal

  4. Balkan Vegetation Database

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vassilev, Kiril; Pedashenko, Hristo; Alexandrova, Alexandra; Tashev, Alexandar; Ganeva, Anna; Gavrilova, Anna; Gradevska, Asya; Assenov, Assen; Vitkova, Antonina; Grigorov, Borislav; Gussev, Chavdar; Filipova, Eva; Aneva, Ina; Knollová, Ilona; Nikolov, Ivaylo; Georgiev, Georgi; Gogushev, Georgi; Tinchev, Georgi; Pachedjieva, Kalina; Koev, Koycho; Lyubenova, Mariyana; Dimitrov, Marius; Apostolova-Stoyanova, Nadezhda; Velev, Nikolay; Zhelev, Petar; Glogov, Plamen; Natcheva, Rayna; Tzonev, Rossen; Boch, Steffen; Hennekens, Stephan M.; Georgiev, Stoyan; Stoyanov, Stoyan; Karakiev, Todor; Kalníková, Veronika; Shivarov, Veselin; Russakova, Veska; Vulchev, Vladimir


    The Balkan Vegetation Database (BVD; GIVD ID: EU-00-019; 019) is a regional database that consists of phytosociological relevés from different vegetation types from six countries on the Balkan Peninsula (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montenegro

  5. Aprofitament de residus vegetals per a la concentració i separació d'ions metàl·lics de solucions aquoses


    Fiol Santaló, Núria


    La adsorció sobre carbó actiu és un tractament habitual para a l'eliminació de metalls contaminants d'afluents aquosos. Amb la finalitat de reduir el cost dels tractament actuals s'està estudiant la utilització d'adsorbents de baix cost com a substituts dels sorbents convencionals que s'utilitzen usualment en els tractaments d'aigües. En aquesta tesi s'ha avaluat la possibilitat d'aprofitar diversos residus vegetals procedents de processos agrícoles o residus industrials, com a sorbents per a...


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    Lorena Manzini Marchesi


    Full Text Available El paisaje rural del departamento de Maipú se caracteriza por una heterogeneidad integradora y un dinamismo activo, propio de la actividad productiva agrícola. e ste posee elementos que clarifican su carácter, pero otros que contribuyen a su banalización. En este marco, el presente artículo plantea la reflexión sobre cuál es el límite que existe entre los nuevos elementos en los paisajes rurales producto del proceso evolutivo de adaptación a los cambios económicos, técnicos y sociales de la época y la banalización del paisaje; y también, cómo poder detectar los elementos que están transformando el carácter del paisaje al punto de la banalización en un marco paisajístico dinámico y de heterogeneidad. Ante ello, se sostiene como hipótesis que la dimensión histórica del paisaje permite detectar y enfrentar a la banalización del mismo, ya que la relación conceptual dimensión histórica versus banalización del paisaje puede ser empleada como una herramienta para su análisis.

  7. Microbiological Spoilage of Fruits and Vegetables (United States)

    Barth, Margaret; Hankinson, Thomas R.; Zhuang, Hong; Breidt, Frederick

    Consumption of fruit and vegetable products has dramatically increased in the United States by more than 30% during the past few decades. It is also estimated that about 20% of all fruits and vegetables produced is lost each year due to spoilage. The focus of this chapter is to provide a general background on microbiological spoilage of fruit and vegetable products that are organized in three categories: fresh whole fruits and vegetables, fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, and fermented or acidified vegetable products. This chapter will address characteristics of spoilage microorganisms associated with each of these fruit and vegetable categories including spoilage mechanisms, spoilage defects, prevention and control of spoilage, and methods for detecting spoilage microorganisms.

  8. A biblioteca na página eletrônica do MST: heterogeneidade e memória The library in the electronic site of MST: heterogeneity and memory

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    Lucília Maria Sousa Romão


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho busca, à luz da teoria do discurso, investigar como a heterogeneidade é manifesta em uma biblioteca virtual, a saber, a Biblioteca inscrita dentro do site do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST. Interessa-nos perceber como há uma memória sustentadora dos atos de linguagem e como há uma inscrição histórica dos sentidos no verbal e no imagético, que possibilitam a construção de vários gestos de leitura. Por fim, julgamos ser produtivo analisar a biblioteca como o espaço polifônico em que várias vozes estão inscritas, marcando o movimento dos sujeitos, dos sentidos, enfim, dos discursos.This work searches, at the light of the theory of speech, to investigate as the heterogeneity is obvious in a virtual library, in this case, the library in the site of the Rural Workers Movement (MST. It is interesting to know that there is a supporting memory of the language actions and a historical registration of verbal and no-verbal senses, that allow the construction of several reading gestures. Finally, we considered important to analyze the library as a polyphonic space where several voices are enrolled, marking the movement of the subjects, of the senses, that is, of the speech.

  9. Lake Bathymetric Aquatic Vegetation (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — Aquatic vegetation represented as polygon features, coded with vegetation type (emergent, submergent, etc.) and field survey date. Polygons were digitized from...

  10. Effects of vegetation structure on biomass accumulation in a Balanced Optimality Structure Vegetation Model (BOSVM v1.0

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    Z. Yin


    Full Text Available A myriad of interactions exist between vegetation and local climate for arid and semi-arid regions. Vegetation function, structure and individual behavior have large impacts on carbon–water–energy balances, which consequently influence local climate variability that, in turn, feeds back to the vegetation. In this study, a conceptual vegetation structure scheme is formulated and tested in the new Balanced Optimality Structure Vegetation Model (BOSVM to explore the importance of vegetation structure and vegetation adaptation to water stress on equilibrium biomass states. Surface energy, water and carbon fluxes are simulated for a range of vegetation structures across a precipitation gradient in West Africa and optimal vegetation structures that maximize biomass for each precipitation regime are determined. Two different strategies of vegetation adaptation to water stress are included. Under dry conditions vegetation tries to maximize the water use efficiency and leaf area index as it tries to maximize carbon gain. However, a negative feedback mechanism in the vegetation–soil water system is found as the vegetation also tries to minimize its cover to optimize the surrounding bare ground area from which water can be extracted, thereby forming patches of vertical vegetation. Under larger precipitation, a positive feedback mechanism is found in which vegetation tries to maximize its cover as it then can reduce water loss from bare soil while having maximum carbon gain due to a large leaf area index. The competition between vegetation and bare soil determines a transition between a "survival" state to a "growing" state.

  11. Add More Vegetables to Your Day: 10 Tips to Help You Eat More Vegetables (United States)

    ... sip on some vegetable soup Heat it and eat it. Try tomato, butternut squash, or garden vegetable soup. Look for reduced- or low-sodium soups. Make your own soups with a low-sodium broth and your favorite vegetables. 8 while you’re out If dinner is away from home, no need to worry. ...

  12. Vegetation index anomaly response to varying lengths of drought across vegetation and climatic gradients in Hawaii (United States)

    Lucas, M.; Miura, T.; Trauernicht, C.; Frazier, A. G.


    A drought which results in prolonged and extended deficit in naturally available water supply and creates multiple stresses across ecosystems is classified as an ecological drought. Detecting and understanding the dynamics and response of such droughts in tropical systems, specifically across various vegetation and climatic gradients is fairly undetermined, yet increasingly important for better understandings of the ecological effects of drought. To understanding the link between what lengths and intensities of known meteorological drought triggers detectable ecological vegetation responses, a landscape scale regression analysis evaluating the response (slope) and relationship strength (R-squared) of several cumulative SPI (standard precipitation index) lengths(1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 60 month), to various satellite derived monthly vegetation indices anomalies (NDVI, EVI, EVI2, and LSWI) was performed across a matrix of dominant vegetation covers (grassland, shrubland, and forest) and climatic moisture zones (arid, dry, mesic, and wet). The nine different SPI lags across these climactic and vegetation gradients was suggest that stronger relationships and steeper slopes were found in dryer climates (across all vegetation covers) and finer vegetation types (across all moisture zones). Overall NDVI, EVI and EVI2 showed the best utility in these dryer climatic zones across all vegetation types. Within arid and dry areas "best" fits showed increasing lengths of cumulative SPI were with increasing vegetation coarseness respectively. Overall these findings suggest that rainfall driven drought may have a stronger impact on the ecological condition of vegetation in water limited systems with finer vegetation types ecologically responding more rapidly to meteorological drought events than coarser woody vegetation systems. These results suggest that previously and newly documented trends of decreasing rainfall and increasing drought in Hawaiian drylands may have

  13. Vegetation extraction from high-resolution satellite imagery using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) (United States)

    AlShamsi, Meera R.


    Over the past years, there has been various urban development all over the UAE. Dubai is one of the cities that experienced rapid growth in both development and population. That growth can have a negative effect on the surrounding environment. Hence, there has been a necessity to protect the environment from these fast pace changes. One of the major impacts this growth can have is on vegetation. As technology is evolving day by day, there is a possibility to monitor changes that are happening on different areas in the world using satellite imagery. The data from these imageries can be utilized to identify vegetation in different areas of an image through a process called vegetation detection. Being able to detect and monitor vegetation is very beneficial for municipal planning and management, and environment authorities. Through this, analysts can monitor vegetation growth in various areas and analyze these changes. By utilizing satellite imagery with the necessary data, different types of vegetation can be studied and analyzed, such as parks, farms, and artificial grass in sports fields. In this paper, vegetation features are detected and extracted through SAFIY system (i.e. the Smart Application for Feature extraction and 3D modeling using high resolution satellite ImagerY) by using high-resolution satellite imagery from DubaiSat-2 and DEIMOS-2 satellites, which provide panchromatic images of 1m resolution and spectral bands (red, green, blue and near infrared) of 4m resolution. SAFIY system is a joint collaboration between MBRSC and DEIMOS Space UK. It uses image-processing algorithms to extract different features (roads, water, vegetation, and buildings) to generate vector maps data. The process to extract green areas (vegetation) utilize spectral information (such as, the red and near infrared bands) from the satellite images. These detected vegetation features will be extracted as vector data in SAFIY system and can be updated and edited by end-users, such as

  14. Development of a functional approach in a grassland vegetation sub-model = Desenvolvimento de uma abordagem funcional em um submodelo vegetal campestre

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    Jean-François Soussana


    Full Text Available To improve our understanding of grassland dynamics under different levels of utilization, a functional description of the vegetation was introduced in a deterministic model. The selected traits and their parameterization were based on the results of a longtermexperiment in which temperate grasslands were managed for 12 years with three levels of herbage use: high, medium and low. The integration of functional attributes of the community species within the model’s parameters can be seen as a new step in the study ofthe grassland ecosystem. With this tool, it is possible to decrease the number of interconnections in the system and consequently decrease the complexity. In this work a, functional definition of three different grassland communities was introduced into the subvegetation model. This was done by interchanging the model’s parameters with the functional attributes of the communities. From the conceptual point of view, the subvegetation model works adequately and it seems suitable to simulate the dynamic ofgrassland vegetation described by functional traits. The model fits experimental data well for high levels of utilization, but was poorly adjusted at medium and low levels of herbage use. We believe this is due to a better simulation of green biomass fluxes than forsenescence or reproductive fluxes. Some possible improvements of the model are discussed.Para aumentar a nossa compreensão sobre a dinâmica da vegetação campestre em diferentes níveis de utilização, foi introduzido num modelo determinístico uma descrição funcional da vegetação. Os atributos funcionais escolhidos e suas parametrizações foram baseadosem resultados de experimento de longo prazo, no qual pastagens temperadas foram manejadas por 12 anos com três níveis de utilização: alto, médio e baixo. A integração de atributos funcionais da comunidade vegetal nos parâmetros do modelo pode ser vista como um novo passo no estudo de ecossistemas pastoris

  15. Vegetables and other core food groups

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Poelman, Astrid A.M.; Delahunty, Conor M.; Graaf, de Kees


    Vegetables are the food category least liked by children. This research investigated the sensory properties of vegetables vis-a-vis other core foods that comprise children's diets, to determine to what degree low acceptance of vegetables can be attributed to sensory properties. Vegetables (n =

  16. 18 CFR 1304.203 - Vegetation management. (United States)


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Vegetation management...-Owned Residential Access Shoreland § 1304.203 Vegetation management. No vegetation management shall be approved on TVA-owned Residential Access Shoreland until a Vegetation Management Plan meeting the...

  17. Recall of vegetable eating affects future predicted enjoyment and choice of vegetables in British University undergraduate students. (United States)

    Robinson, Eric; Blissett, Jackie; Higgs, Suzanne


    Predictions about enjoyment of future experiences are influenced by recalling similar past experiences. However, little is known about the relationship between hedonic memories of past eating episodes and future eating behavior. We investigated recall of previous experiences of eating vegetables and the effect of recall on future predicted liking for and consumption of vegetables. British University undergraduate students were asked to retrieve memories of previous occasions when they ate vegetables and were asked to rate how enjoyable those experiences were (Study 1, n=54). The effect of different types of memory recall (including vegetable eating recall) and visualization of someone else eating vegetables (to control for priming effects) on predicted likelihood of choosing vegetables and predicted enjoyment of eating vegetables was examined (Study 2, n=95). Finally, the effect of recalling vegetable eating memories on actual food choice from a buffet was assessed (Study 3, n=63). It is reported that people recall positive memories of past vegetable consumption (Precall of a personal nonfood memory, a nonvegetable food memory, or visualization of someone else enjoying eating vegetables (increase of approximately 70% in vegetable portion size compared to controls). The results suggest that recall of previous eating experiences could be a potential strategy for altering food choices. Copyright © 2011 American Dietetic Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Comparison of vegetation roughness descriptions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Augustijn, Dionysius C.M.; Huthoff, Freek; van Velzen, E.H.; Altinakar, M.S.; Kokpinar, M.A.; Aydin, I.; Cokgor, S.; Kirkgoz, S.


    Vegetation roughness is an important parameter in describing flow through river systems. Vegetation impedes the flow, which affects the stage-discharge curve and may increase flood risks. Roughness is often used as a calibration parameter in river models, however when vegetation is allowed to

  19. docentes de escuelas públicas argentinas

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    Ana Lía Kornblit


    Full Text Available Se analizan los datos de una encuesta a docentes de escuelas públicas de Argentina que realizaron el curso virtual dictado por el Programa de Educación Sexual Integral del Ministerio de Educación. El objetivo fue analizar las opiniones, creencias y actitudes de los docentes sobre temas relacionados a la sexualidad, el derecho al aborto, la diversidad sexual, la equidad de género y el género y la sexualidad. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 585 docentes. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizaron métodos multivariantes. Los resultados muestran que los estereotipos relacionados con el sexismo y la diversidad sexual varían considerablemente en cuanto a su repre- sentación estadística según las regiones del país. Por lo tanto, el mapa de las con- cepciones de los docentes sobre estos temas muestra una marcada heterogeneidad según regiones geográficas.

  20. Vegetable Production System (Veggie) (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Vegetable Production System (Veggie) was developed to be a simple, easily stowed, high growth volume, low resource facility capable of producing fresh vegetables...

  1. Hidden vegetables: an effective strategy to reduce energy intake and increase vegetable intake in adults. (United States)

    Blatt, Alexandria D; Roe, Liane S; Rolls, Barbara J


    The overconsumption of energy-dense foods leads to excessive energy intakes. The substitution of low-energy-dense vegetables for foods higher in energy density can help decrease energy intakes but may be difficult to implement if individuals dislike the taste of vegetables. We investigated whether incorporating puréed vegetables to decrease the energy density of entrées at multiple meals reduced daily energy intakes and increased daily vegetable intakes. In this crossover study, 20 men and 21 women ate ad libitum breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the laboratory once a week for 3 wk. Across conditions, entrées at meals varied in energy density from standard versions (100% condition) to reduced versions (85% and 75% conditions) by the covert incorporation of 3 or 4.5 times the amount of puréed vegetables. Entrées were accompanied by unmanipulated side dishes. Participants rated their hunger and fullness before and after meals. Subjects consumed a consistent weight of foods across conditions of energy density; thus, the daily energy intake significantly decreased by 202 ± 60 kcal in the 85% condition (P kcal in the 75% condition (P Daily vegetable consumption significantly increased from 270 ± 17 g of vegetables in the 100% condition to 487 ± 25 g of vegetables in the 75% condition (P < 0.0001). Despite the decreased energy intake, ratings of hunger and fullness did not significantly differ across conditions. Entrées were rated as similar in palatability across conditions. Large amounts of puréed vegetables can be incorporated into various foods to decrease the energy density. This strategy can lead to substantial reductions in energy intakes and increases in vegetable intakes. This trial was registered at as NCT01165086.

  2. Development of indicators of vegetation recovery based on time series analysis of SPOT Vegetation data (United States)

    Lhermitte, S.; Tips, M.; Verbesselt, J.; Jonckheere, I.; Van Aardt, J.; Coppin, Pol


    Large-scale wild fires have direct impacts on natural ecosystems and play a major role in the vegetation ecology and carbon budget. Accurate methods for describing post-fire development of vegetation are therefore essential for the understanding and monitoring of terrestrial ecosystems. Time series analysis of satellite imagery offers the potential to quantify these parameters with spatial and temporal accuracy. Current research focuses on the potential of time series analysis of SPOT Vegetation S10 data (1999-2001) to quantify the vegetation recovery of large-scale burns detected in the framework of GBA2000. The objective of this study was to provide quantitative estimates of the spatio-temporal variation of vegetation recovery based on remote sensing indicators. Southern Africa was used as a pilot study area, given the availability of ground and satellite data. An automated technique was developed to extract consistent indicators of vegetation recovery from the SPOT-VGT time series. Reference areas were used to quantify the vegetation regrowth by means of Regeneration Indices (RI). Two kinds of recovery indicators (time and value- based) were tested for RI's of NDVI, SR, SAVI, NDWI, and pure band information. The effects of vegetation structure and temporal fire regime features on the recovery indicators were subsequently analyzed. Statistical analyses were conducted to assess whether the recovery indicators were different for different vegetation types and dependent on timing of the burning season. Results highlighted the importance of appropriate reference areas and the importance of correct normalization of the SPOT-VGT data.


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    Sayuri P. Tamura M.


    Full Text Available «Disertación sobre equidad y justicia» es básicamente una respuesta a una inquietud en particular que yo tenía sobre las distintas posiciones que existen sobre estos dos temas y cómo definir cuál es la más acertada. Hice una descripción del punto de vista de Amartya Sen –la violación de los derechos sobre la propiedad privada es justificable si evitan las hambrunas2– frente al de Robert Nozick –la propiedad privada es un derecho fundamental y como tal debe ser respetado3–, sin embargo, aunque ambos enfoques son totalmente contrarios tienen mucho sentido, por lo cual es bastante difícil decidirse por uno en particular. Fue de esta forma, enfrentando sus opiniones, que yo logré desarrollar una posición frente a estas dos perspectivas, y así dar mi opinión al DISERTACIÓN SOBRE JUSTICIA Y EQUIDAD SAYURI P. TAMURA M. Estudiante de Economía y Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad ICESI. respecto. Al final, llegué a una conclusión, que aunque no es la más original y tampoco es la única, tiene mucho sentido y seguramente de ser posible, la situación del país podría cambiar para bien.

  4. Encouraging children to eat vegetables


    Buh, Alenka


    It is important for children to maintain a healthy and balanced diet throughout their childhood and youth. Children tend to skip vegetables in their meals as they are not much liked; the tastes of vegetables are also highly specific and each individual has to get used to them by repeated tasting. The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to analyse how often children eat vegetables, which types of vegetables they like and which they do not, to determine if the executed method of pedagogica...

  5. Special study on vegetative covers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report describes the findings of a special study on the use of vegetative covers to stabilize tailings piles for the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project. The principal rationale for using plants would be to establish a dynamic system for controlling water balance. Specifically, vegetation would be used to intercept and transpire precipitation to the atmosphere, rather than allowing water to drain into the tailings and mobilize contaminants. This would facilitate compliance with groundwater standards proposed for the UMTRA Project by the Environmental Protection Agency. The goals of the study were to evaluate the feasibility of using vegetative covers on UMTRA Project piles, define the advantages and disadvantages of vegetative covers, and develop general guidelines for their use when such use seems reasonable. The principal method for the study was to analyze and apply to the UMTRA Project the results of research programs on vegetative covers at other US Department of Energy (DOE) waste management facilities. The study also relied upon observations made of existing stabilized piles at UMTRA Project sites where natural vegetation is growing on the rock-covered surfaces. Water balance and erosion models were also used to quantify the long-term performance of vegetative covers planned for the topslopes of stabilized piles at Grand Junction and Durango, Colorado, two UMTRA Project sites where the decision was made during the course of this special study to use vegetative covers. Elements in the design and construction of the vegetative covers at these two sites are discussed in the report, with explanations of the differing features that reflect differing environmental conditions. 28 refs., 18 figs., 9 tabs

  6. Consideraciones sobre la produccion de frutas en Venezuela

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    Jesús Aular


    Full Text Available En la presente revisión se presenta información sobre superficie, producción, y rendimiento de los frutales en Venezuela. Además se hacen consideraciones sobre los sistemas de producción, destacando limitaciones, avances y sugerencias. La fruticultura en Venezuela ocupa el 3er. lugar dentro del sector agrícola vegetal. Existen 167.691 Ha de frutales y una producción 2.232.088 TM por año. Se producen comercialmente una docena de rubros frutícolas, siendo los principales: plátano, banano, naranjo y piña. Las áreas de producción van desde zonas bajas y áridas, en donde se obtienen uvas y piñas; hasta zonas altas y húmedas donde se hallan duraznos y fresas. Ha habido reducción de la superficie plantada, con excepción de lechosa, piña y aguacate. El manejo hortícola de los huertos frutícolas es heterogéneo, ya que se observa desde bajo hasta alto nivel de tecnología. La incorrecta aplicación de las prácticas hortícolas origina baja productividad y calidad de fruta. La poscosecha podría mejorarse a través del desarrollo e implementación de normas de clasificación, empaque, embalaje, y cadena de frío. La exportación de frutas venezolanas se ha reducido en los últimos años y se concentra en mango, naranja y lima Tahití. Los principales destinos son Colombia, Europa, Norteamérica y las islas del Caribe. Sólo la naranja se procesa de manera importante en Venezuela. Las perspectivas para la fruticultura venezolana es continuar como una actividad dirigida al mercado interno, no se vislumbra una mayor participación del país en el mercado internacional.

  7. Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables1 (United States)

    Slavin, Joanne L.; Lloyd, Beate


    Fruits and vegetables are universally promoted as healthy. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 recommend you make one-half of your plate fruits and vegetables. also supports that one-half the plate should be fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables include a diverse group of plant foods that vary greatly in content of energy and nutrients. Additionally, fruits and vegetables supply dietary fiber, and fiber intake is linked to lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and obesity. Fruits and vegetables also supply vitamins and minerals to the diet and are sources of phytochemicals that function as antioxidants, phytoestrogens, and antiinflammatory agents and through other protective mechanisms. In this review, we describe the existing dietary guidance on intake of fruits and vegetables. We also review attempts to characterize fruits and vegetables into groups based on similar chemical structures and functions. Differences among fruits and vegetables in nutrient composition are detailed. We summarize the epidemiological and clinical studies on the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. Finally, we discuss the role of fiber in fruits and vegetables in disease prevention. PMID:22797986

  8. Fruits and vegetables (image) (United States)

    A healthy diet includes adding vegetables and fruit every day. Vegetables like broccoli, green beans, leafy greens, zucchini, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, and tomatoes are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. ...

  9. Relishes: The new pickled vegetables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tepić Aleksandra N.


    Full Text Available There have been an increasing interest of consumers for a ide variety of pickled vegetable products worldwide. Regarding the regional vegetable supplies and relatively poor assortment of ready-to-use products, the need to broaden the offer of domestic pickled vegetables at the market came out. In this work recipes for different vegetables, spices and condiments were developed. The best graded samples were analyzed for their main chemical composition (dry matter, proteins, oils and fats, total acidity, total sugars, sucrose, starch, cellulose, pH and energy- values.

  10. Analysis of Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery in the Mediterranean Basin using MODIS Derived Vegetation Indices (United States)

    Hawtree, Daniel; San Miguel, Jesus; Sedano, Fernando; Kempeneers, Pieter


    The Mediterranean basin region is highly susceptible to wildfire, with approximately 60,000 individual fires and half a million ha of natural vegetation burnt per year. Of particular concern in this region is the impact of repeated wildfires on the ability of natural lands to return to a pre-fire state, and of the possibility of desertification of semi-arid areas. Given these concerns, understanding the temporal patterns of vegetation recovery is important for the management of environmental resources in the region. A valuable tool for evaluating these recovery patterns are vegetation indices derived from remote sensing data. Previous research on post-fire vegetation recovery conducted in this region has found significant variability in recovery times across different study sites. It is unclear what the primary variables are affecting the differences in the rates of recovery, and if any geographic patterns of behavior exist across the Mediterranean basin. This research has primarily been conducted using indices derived from Landsat imagery. However, no extensive analysis of vegetation regeneration for large regions has been published, and assessment of vegetation recovery on the basis of medium-spatial resolution imagery such as that of MODIS has not yet been analyzed. This study examines the temporal pattern of vegetation recovery in a number of fire sites in the Mediterranean basin, using data derived from MODIS 16 -day composite vegetation indices. The intent is to develop a more complete picture of the temporal sequence of vegetation recovery, and to evaluate what additional factors impact variations in the recovery sequence. In addition, this study evaluates the utility of using MODIS derived vegetation indices for regeneration studies, and compares the findings to earlier studies which rely on Landsat data. Wildfires occurring between the years 2000 and 2004 were considered as potential study sites for this research. Using the EFFIS dataset, all wildfires

  11. Relação família-escola: práticas educativas utilizadas por pais e professores

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    Luiza Maria de Oliveira Braga Silveira

    Full Text Available Este estudo analisa as continuidades e descontinuidades na relação família-escola frente aos problemas de comportamento da criança, investigando a utilização e as percepções sobre as práticas educativas de pais e professores em ambos os contextos, bem como a existência de ações conjuntas. Participaram do estudo 4 progenitores e 4 professoras de escolas privadas de Porto Alegre, respondendo, cada um deles, a duas entrevistas cujos dados sofreram análise de conteúdo. Os resultados apontaram heterogeneidade das práticas educativas parentais e diferentes níveis de conhecimento entre os participantes acerca das práticas utilizadas, revelando fronteiras rígidas entre a família e a escola. Identificou-se a supremacia do saber das professoras sobre os pais, reforçada pelo fato das atitudes conjuntas enfocarem o caráter curativo e orientador da escola sobre a família. A discussão dos dados propõe alternativas para uma intervenção conjunta família-escola frente aos problemas de comportamento das crianças.

  12. Patrones del paisaje y escenarios de restauración: acercando escalas

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    Dolors Armenteras


    Full Text Available El paisaje, entendido como un mosaico heterogéneo, es una unidad donde interactúan ecosistemas, especies y el hombre con el uso que este último hace del mismo. El paisaje es el resultado de complejas interacciones, no solo producto de dinámicas naturales sino del balance de la oferta y la demanda de la sociedad ante la preferencia por los recursos que este ofrece. Este equilibrio causa impactos ecológicos sobre los ecosistemas y la diversidad de organismos que ocupan los paisajes. El uso y manejo del territorio aumenta la heterogeneidad espacial, en muchos casos a través de la pérdida y  fragmentación de hábitat. Estos procesos traen alteraciones sobre el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas, afectando funciones y procesos ecológicos que dependen del flujo de energía y materiales a través de paisajes. El objetivo de este trabajo es avanzar en la comprensión de los orígenes de la heterogeneidad resultante de estas dinámicas, para mitigar sus efectos y entender cómo planificar y manejar los paisajes. Restaurar,  rehabilitar y recuperar ecosistemas son estrategias para asegurar la conservación, sostenibilidad y en algunos casos la recuperación de servicios ecosistémicos. En ocasiones las escalas de paisaje y aquellas a las cuales se realizan actividades de restauración se encuentran alejadas en la práctica. Este artículo presenta una revisión de conceptos claves en ecología del paisaje y de restauración, acercando escalas intrínsecas de los fenómenos y de toma de decisiones para el desarrollo de escenarios de manejo y restauración en Colombia.

  13. Somos un envase : Discursos sobre el aborto


    Löcher, Jennifer Irene


    No hay persona que no tenga opinión acerca del asunto y, cada vez más, la sociedad argentina debate sobre la pregunta de si se debe legalizar/despenalizar el aborto o no. Nunca antes se habló tanto sobre el tema públicamente: se publican artículos en los diarios, hay manifestaciones a favor y hay manifestaciones en contra de la legalización del aborto. El siguiente trabajo pretende relevar y analizar discursos que circulan socialmente alrededor del debate sobre el aborto. (Párrafo extraíd...

  14. Predicting gender differences in liking for vegetables and preference for a variety of vegetables among 11-year-old children. (United States)

    Lehto, Elviira; Ray, Carola; Haukkala, Ari; Yngve, Agneta; Thorsdottir, Inga; Roos, Eva


    We studied the factors that predict liking for vegetables and preference for a variety of vegetables among schoolchildren. Additionally, we examined if there were gender differences in the predictors that explain the hypothesized higher scores in liking vegetables and preferences among girls. The data from the PRO GREENS project included 424 Finnish children (response rate 77%) aged 11 to 12. The children completed validated measures about social and environmental factors related to their liking for vegetables and preferences both at baseline 2009 and follow-up 2010. The associations were examined with regression and mediation analyses. The strongest predictors of both girls' and boys' liking and preferences were higher levels of eating vegetables together with the family, previous vegetable intake and a lower level of perceived barriers. Liking was additionally predicted by a lower level of parental demand that their child should eat vegetables. Girls reported higher levels of liking and preferences in the follow-up. This gender difference was mainly explained by girls' lower level of perceived barriers related to vegetable intake and girls' higher previous vegetable intake. Interventions that aim to increase the low vegetable intake among boys by increasing their liking for vegetables and preference for a variety of vegetables could benefit from targeting perceived barriers, namely boys' perception and values concerning the consumption of vegetables. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Consumer attitudes towards vegetable attributes: potential buyers of pesticide-free vegetables in Accra and Kumasi, Ghana. (United States)

    Probst, Lorenz; Aigelsperger, Lisa; Hauser, Michael


    Considering the inappropriate use of synthetic pesticides on vegetables in West Africa, the rationale behind this research was to assess the extent to which consumers can function as demanders of risk reduced vegetables and hence act as innovators towards vegetable safety. Using the cases of Kumasi and Accra in Ghana, the study examined possible consumer responses to product certification that communicates freedom from pesticides (e.g., organic certification). Generally, search attributes such as the fresh and healthy appearance of a vegetable were found to be central to consumer choice. While consumers stress the importance of health value, they are mostly unaware of agro-chemical risks related to vegetable consumption.

  16. Microscale vegetation-soil feedback boosts hysteresis in a regional vegetation-climate system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janssen, R.H.H.; Meinders, M.B.J.; Nes, van E.H.; Scheffer, M.


    It has been hypothesized that a positive feedback between vegetation cover and monsoon circulation may lead to the existence of two alternative stable states in the Sahara region: a vegetated state with moderate precipitation and a desert state with low precipitation. This could explain the sudden

  17. Influence of shrub cover vegetal and slope length on soil bulk density; Influencia de la cubierta vegetal arbustiva y la longitud de la ladera sobre la densidad aparente del suelo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bienes, R.; Jimenez, R.; Ruiz, M.; Garcia-Estringana, P.; Marques, M. J.


    In arid and semiarid environments of the Mediterranean climate, the shrub species play an important role in the revegetation of abandoned lands, which enables to control the soil losses, organic material and water. In this article are compared the results obtained under different revegetation in abandoned lands in the central area of Spain. In these revegetation has been used two native shrubs: A triplex halimus (Ah) and Retama sphaerocarpa (Rs), and were analyzed the influence of these revegetation in the contents of organic material of soil and apparent density in 5 years time after planting. As control, have been considered the pieces of ground with spontaneous vegetation abandoned in the same date that the shrubs revegetation. Atriplex halimus gives to the soil a covering capable to intercept a big amount of water drops absorbing a great amount part of the kinetic energy of the rain, while provides a microclimates as a result of be able to soften the wind, the temperature and the evaporation-transpiration, which makes it efficient to control the erosion and the desertification (Le Houerou, 2000). Retama sphaerocarpa was chosen because it is a native shrub very characteristic, and, due to its symbiosis with the Bradyrhizobium, enriches the soil in nitrogen, which is taken by the nitrophilous species enhancing the spontaneous vegetal covering. (Author) 9 refs.

  18. Evaluación del impacto de un ensayo comunitario sobre el consumo de frutas y verduras en Colombia Evaluation of the impact of a community intervention on the consumption of fruits and vegetables in Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria Esperanza Prada


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar el impacto de una intervención alimentaria sobre la frecuencia de consumo de frutas y verduras (FV en el municipio de Girón, Santander, Colombia. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Durante diez meses se realizó un ensayo comunitario donde 66 familias usuarias de 14 hogares comunitarios (HC recibieron una intervención alimentaria basada en estrategias educativas. Setenta y tres familias en doce HC sirvieron como grupo control. La frecuencia del consumo de FV fue evaluada en mediciones repetidas con un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo. La evaluación se realizó en dos niveles, familiar y HC. El Método de Bland y Alman fue utilizado para determinar el impacto intragrupal e intergrupal. Un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple permitió evaluar el efecto de la intervención sobre la frecuencia de consumo de FV ajustado por variables sociodemográficas. RESULTADOS: La frecuencia de consumo de frutas aumentó en promedio 1.3 veces por semana; (IC 0.3-1.8 (p= 0.040. Esto se logró cuando la probabilidad de contar con una licuadora fue mayor de 75% (R² para el modelo 0.33; n= 26. La frecuencia del consumo de verduras no aumentó. CONCLUSIONES: En poblaciones pobres puede lograrse un incremento en el consumo de frutas a través de estrategias de tipo educativo. Sin embargo, el acceso limitado a equipos de transformación y conservación de alimentos es determinante del resultado final.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of an alimentary intervention on the frequency of consumption of fruits and vegetables (FV in the municipality of Girón, Santander, Colombia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A community intervention was carried out over a ten-month period, where 66 families who use fourteen community homes (HC received an alimentary intervention based on educational strategies. Seventy-three families in twelve HC served as a control group. The frequency of FV consumption was evaluated by repeated measurements using a food frequency questionnaire. The

  19. Trayectorias (sobre ruedas): un ensayo visual sobre los carritos de supermercado en la ciudad


    Cruz, Edgar Gómez


    El siguiente trabajo es un breve bosquejo de las posibilidades del concepto de trabajo “trayectoria”. Una trayectoria no es sólo, en el sentido literal del término, el trazo del movimiento sobre un camino, sino que busca establecer una reflexión sobre las posibilidades de recolección de registros visuales/digitales/móviles para la investigación etnográfica desde la aleatoriedad del movimiento por la ciudad. El concepto de trayectoria busca dialogar con el de “flâneur” de De Certeau y Benjamin...

  20. Vegetation Description, Rare Plant Inventory, and Vegetation Monitoring for Craig Mountain, Idaho.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mancuso, Michael; Moseley, Robert


    The Craig Mountain Wildlife Mitigation Area was purchased by Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) as partial mitigation for wildlife losses incurred with the inundation of Dworshak Reservoir on the North Fork Clearwater River. Upon completion of the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) process, it is proposed that title to mitigation lands will be given to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). Craig Mountain is located at the northern end of the Hells Canyon Ecosystem. It encompasses the plateau and steep canyon slopes extending from the confluence of the Snake and Salmon rivers, northward to near Waha, south of Lewiston, Idaho. The forested summit of Craig Mountain is characterized by gently rolling terrain. The highlands dramatically break into the canyons of the Snake and Salmon rivers at approximately the 4,700 foot contour. The highly dissected canyons are dominated by grassland slopes containing a mosaic of shrubfield, riparian, and woodland habitats. During the 1993 and 1994 field seasons, wildlife, habitat/vegetation, timber, and other resources were systematically inventoried at Craig Mountain to provide Fish and Game managers with information needed to draft an ecologically-based management plan. The results of the habitat/vegetation portion of the inventory are contained in this report. The responsibilities for the Craig Mountain project included: (1) vegetation data collection, and vegetation classification, to help produce a GIS-generated Craig Mountain vegetation map, (2) to determine the distribution and abundance of rare plants populations and make recommendations concerning their management, and (3) to establish a vegetation monitoring program to evaluate the effects of Fish and Game management actions, and to assess progress towards meeting habitat mitigation goals.

  1. Vegetation description, rare plant inventory, and vegetation monitoring for Craig Mountain, Idaho

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mancuso, M.; Moseley, R.


    The Craig Mountain Wildlife Mitigation Area was purchased by Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) as partial mitigation for wildlife losses incurred with the inundation of Dworshak Reservoir on the North Fork Clearwater River. Upon completion of the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) process, it is proposed that title to mitigation lands will be given to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). Craig Mountain is located at the northern end of the Hells Canyon Ecosystem. It encompasses the plateau and steep canyon slopes extending from the confluence of the Snake and Salmon rivers, northward to near Waha, south of Lewiston, Idaho. The forested summit of Craig Mountain is characterized by gently rolling terrain. The highlands dramatically break into the canyons of the Snake and Salmon rivers at approximately the 4,700 foot contour. The highly dissected canyons are dominated by grassland slopes containing a mosaic of shrubfield, riparian, and woodland habitats. During the 1993 and 1994 field seasons, wildlife, habitat/vegetation, timber, and other resources were systematically inventoried at Craig Mountain to provide Fish and Game managers with information needed to draft an ecologically-based management plan. The results of the habitat/vegetation portion of the inventory are contained in this report. The responsibilities for the Craig Mountain project included: (1) vegetation data collection, and vegetation classification, to help produce a GIS-generated Craig Mountain vegetation map, (2) to determine the distribution and abundance of rare plants populations and make recommendations concerning their management, and (3) to establish a vegetation monitoring program to evaluate the effects of Fish and Game management actions, and to assess progress towards meeting habitat mitigation goals

  2. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosario Silva Gilli


    Full Text Available Contenido: Las creaciones en la agricultura. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales. El Convenio Internacional para la protección de las obtenciones vegetales (París 1961 y sus revisiones de Ginebra 1972, 1978,1991 Objeto de la protección legal. Condiciones del cultivar. Alcance de la protección. La protección de obtenciones vegetales en el Mercosur. Los Derechos de autor en el Mercosur. El Protocolo de Armonización de normas sobre Propiedad Intelectual en el Mercosur. El Acuerdo de Cooperación y facilitación sobre la protección de las obtenciones vegetales en los Estados Partes del Mercosur.  Alcance de la normativa Mercosur. Los Derechos sobre cultivares en Uruguay. Los Derechos de autor como derechos humanos. ¿Derechos de autor vs. derecho de propiedad intelectual? Reflexión final

  3. Consumer Acceptance Comparison Between Seasoned and Unseasoned Vegetables. (United States)

    Feng, Yiming; Albiol Tapia, Marta; Okada, Kyle; Castaneda Lazo, Nuria Blanca; Chapman-Novakofski, Karen; Phillips, Carter; Lee, Soo-Yeun


    Recent findings show that approximately 87% of the U.S. population fail to meet the vegetable intake recommendations, with unpleasant taste of vegetables being listed as the primary reason for this shortfall. In this study, spice and herb seasoning was used to enhance palatability of vegetables, in order to increase consumer acceptance. In total, 749 panelists were screened and recruited as specific vegetable likers of the vegetable being tested or general vegetable likers. Four sessions were designed to evaluate the effect of seasoning within each type of vegetable, including broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, and green bean. Each panelist was only allowed to participate in one test session to evaluate only one vegetable type, so as to mitigate potential learning effect. Overall, the results showed that seasoned vegetables were significantly preferred over unseasoned vegetables (P trend of seasoned vegetable being preferred remained. The findings from this study demonstrate the effect of seasoning in enhancing consumer liking of vegetables, which may lead to increased consumption to be assessed in future studies. To improve the sensory properties of vegetables, masking the bitter taste of vegetables using spice and herb seasoning are gaining increasing attention. Our findings suggest that the overall liking of vegetables could be improved by incorporating spice and herb seasonings that are specifically formulated for each vegetable. Ultimately, developing and commercializing spice and herb seasonings may aid to increase vegetable consumption, as well as expanding the vegetable seasoning market. © 2018 The Authors Journal of Food Science published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Institute of Food Technologists.

  4. [Differences of vegetation phenology monitoring by remote sensing based on different spectral vegetation indices. (United States)

    Zuo, Lu; Wang, Huan Jiong; Liu, Rong Gao; Liu, Yang; Shang, Rong


    Vegetation phenology is a comprehensive indictor for the responses of terrestrial ecosystem to climatic and environmental changes. Remote sensing spectrum has been widely used in the extraction of vegetation phenology information. However, there are many differences between phenology extracted by remote sensing and site observations, with their physical meaning remaining unclear. We selected one tile of MODIS data in northeastern China (2000-2014) to examine the SOS and EOS differences derived from the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the simple ratio vegetation index (SR) based on both the red and near-infrared bands. The results showed that there were significant differences between NDVI-phenology and SR-phenology. SOS derived from NDVI averaged 18.9 days earlier than that from SR. EOS derived from NDVI averaged 19.0 days later than from SR. NDVI-phenology had a longer growing season. There were significant differences in the inter-annual variation of phenology from NDVI and SR. More than 20% of the pixel SOS and EOS derived from NDVI and SR showed the opposite temporal trend. These results caused by the seasonal curve characteristics and noise resistance differences of NDVI and SR. The observed data source of NDVI and SR were completely consistent, only the mathematical expressions were different, but phenology results were significantly different. Our results indicated that vegetation phenology monitoring by remote sensing is highly dependent on the mathematical expression of vegetation index. How to establish a reliable method for extracting vegetation phenology by remote sensing needs further research.

  5. Handling Procedures of Vegetable Crops (United States)

    Perchonok, Michele; French, Stephen J.


    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is working towards future long duration manned space flights beyond low earth orbit. The duration of these missions may be as long as 2.5 years and will likely include a stay on a lunar or planetary surface. The primary goal of the Advanced Food System in these long duration exploratory missions is to provide the crew with a palatable, nutritious, and safe food system while minimizing volume, mass, and waste. Vegetable crops can provide the crew with added nutrition and variety. These crops do not require any cooking or food processing prior to consumption. The vegetable crops, unlike prepackaged foods, will provide bright colors, textures (crispy), and fresh aromas. Ten vegetable crops have been identified for possible use in long duration missions. They are lettuce, spinach, carrot, tomato, green onion, radish, bell pepper, strawberries, fresh herbs, and cabbage. Whether these crops are grown on a transit vehicle (e.g., International Space Station) or on the lunar or planetary surface, it will be necessary to determine how to safely handle the vegetables while maintaining acceptability. Since hydrogen peroxide degrades into water and oxygen and is generally recognized as safe (GRAS), hydrogen peroxide has been recommended as the sanitizer. The objective of th is research is to determine the required effective concentration of hydrogen peroxide. In addition, it will be determined whether the use of hydrogen peroxide, although a viable sanitizer, adversely affects the quality of the vegetables. Vegetables will be dipped in 1 % hydrogen peroxide, 3% hydrogen peroxide, or 5% hydrogen peroxide. Treated produce and controls will be stored in plastic bags at 5 C for up to 14 days. Sensory, color, texture, and total plate count will be measured. The effect on several vegetables including lettuce, radish, tomato and strawberries has been completed. Although each vegetable reacts to hydrogen peroxide differently, the

  6. The use of a commercial vegetable juice as a practical means to increase vegetable intake: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Shenoy, Sonia F; Kazaks, Alexandra G; Holt, Roberta R; Chen, Hsin Ju; Winters, Barbara L; Khoo, Chor San; Poston, Walker S C; Haddock, C Keith; Reeves, Rebecca S; Foreyt, John P; Gershwin, M Eric; Keen, Carl L


    Recommendations for daily dietary vegetable intake were increased in the 2005 USDA Dietary Guidelines as consumption of a diet rich in vegetables has been associated with lower risk of certain chronic health disorders including cardiovascular disease. However, vegetable consumption in the United States has declined over the past decade; consequently, the gap between dietary recommendations and vegetable intake is widening. The primary aim of this study is to determine if drinking vegetable juice is a practical way to help meet daily dietary recommendations for vegetable intake consistent with the 2005 Dietary Guidelines and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. The secondary aim is to assess the effect of a vegetable juice on measures of cardiovascular health. We conducted a 12-week, randomized, controlled, parallel-arm study consisting of 3 groups of free-living, healthy volunteers who participated in study visits at the Ragle Human Nutrition Research Center at the University of California, Davis. All subjects received education on the DASH diet and 0, 8 or 16 fluid ounces of vegetable juice daily. Assessments were completed of daily vegetable servings before and after incorporation of vegetable juice and cardiovascular health parameters including blood pressure. Without the juice, vegetable intake in all groups was lower than the 2005 Dietary Guidelines and DASH diet recommendations. The consumption of the vegetable juice helped participants reach recommended intake. In general, parameters associated with cardiovascular health did not change over time. However, in the vegetable juice intervention groups, subjects who were pre-hypertensive at the start of the study showed a significant decrease in blood pressure during the 12-week intervention period. Including 1-2 cups of vegetable juice daily was an effective and acceptable way for healthy adults to close the dietary vegetable gap. Increase in daily vegetable intake was associated with a

  7. The use of a commercial vegetable juice as a practical means to increase vegetable intake: a randomized controlled trial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reeves Rebecca S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recommendations for daily dietary vegetable intake were increased in the 2005 USDA Dietary Guidelines as consumption of a diet rich in vegetables has been associated with lower risk of certain chronic health disorders including cardiovascular disease. However, vegetable consumption in the United States has declined over the past decade; consequently, the gap between dietary recommendations and vegetable intake is widening. The primary aim of this study is to determine if drinking vegetable juice is a practical way to help meet daily dietary recommendations for vegetable intake consistent with the 2005 Dietary Guidelines and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH diet. The secondary aim is to assess the effect of a vegetable juice on measures of cardiovascular health. Methods We conducted a 12-week, randomized, controlled, parallel-arm study consisting of 3 groups of free-living, healthy volunteers who participated in study visits at the Ragle Human Nutrition Research Center at the University of California, Davis. All subjects received education on the DASH diet and 0, 8 or 16 fluid ounces of vegetable juice daily. Assessments were completed of daily vegetable servings before and after incorporation of vegetable juice and cardiovascular health parameters including blood pressure. Results Without the juice, vegetable intake in all groups was lower than the 2005 Dietary Guidelines and DASH diet recommendations. The consumption of the vegetable juice helped participants reach recommended intake. In general, parameters associated with cardiovascular health did not change over time. However, in the vegetable juice intervention groups, subjects who were pre-hypertensive at the start of the study showed a significant decrease in blood pressure during the 12-week intervention period. Conclusion Including 1-2 cups of vegetable juice daily was an effective and acceptable way for healthy adults to close the dietary vegetable

  8. Los usuarios de los centros deportivos públicos: una aproximación de segmentación sobre hábitos deportivos y satisfacción


    Elasri Ejjaberi, Amal; Triadó i Ivern, Xavier Ma.; Aparicio Chueca, Ma. del Pilar (María del Pilar)


    La heterogeneidad de los usuarios de centros deportivos ha incrementado en los últimos años. Como consecuencia, estos clientes demandan servicios y un trato por parte del centro muy personalizados. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los diferentes perfiles de usuarios de los centros deportivos públicos de la ciudad de Barcelona. Los datos se recogieron en una encuesta a 791 clientes de centros deportivos públicos. Mediante un análisis clúster y un análisis discriminante se han obtenido c...

  9. Los usuarios de los centros deportivos públicos : una aproximación de segmentación sobre hábitos deportivos y satisfacción


    Elasri Ejjaberi, Amal


    La heterogeneidad de los usuarios de centros deportivos ha incrementado en los últimos años. Como consecuencia, estos clientes demandan servicios y un trato por parte del centro muy personalizados. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los diferentes perfiles de usuarios de los centros deportivos públicos de la ciudad de Barcelona. Los datos se recogieron en una encuesta a 791 clientes de centros deportivos públicos. Mediante un análisis clúster y un análisis discriminante se han obtenido c...

  10. [Correlation analysis on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of different vegetations and climatic factors in Southwest China]. (United States)

    Zhang, Yuan-Dong; Zhang, Xiao-He; Liu, Shi-Rong


    Based on the 1982-2006 NDVI remote sensing data and meteorological data of Southwest China, and by using GIS technology, this paper interpolated and extracted the mean annual temperature, annual precipitation, and drought index in the region, and analyzed the correlations of the annual variation of NDVI in different vegetation types (marsh, shrub, bush, grassland, meadow, coniferous forest, broad-leaved forest, alpine vegetation, and cultural vegetation) with corresponding climatic factors. In 1982-2006, the NDVI, mean annual temperature, and annual precipitation had an overall increasing trend, and the drought index decreased. Particularly, the upward trend of mean annual temperature was statistically significant. Among the nine vegetation types, the NDVI of bush and mash decreased, and the downward trend was significant for bush. The NDVI of the other seven vegetation types increased, and the upward trend was significant for coniferous forest, meadow, and alpine vegetation, and extremely significant for shrub. The mean annual temperature in the areas with all the nine vegetation types increased significantly, while the annual precipitation had no significant change. The drought index in the areas with marsh, bush, and cultural vegetation presented an increasing trend, that in the areas with meadow and alpine vegetation decreased significantly, and this index in the areas with other four vegetation types had an unobvious decreasing trend. The NDVI of shrub and coniferous forest had a significantly positive correlation with mean annual temperature, and that of shrub and meadow had significantly negative correlation with drought index. Under the conditions of the other two climatic factors unchanged, the NDVI of coniferous forest, broad-leaved forest, and alpine vegetation showed the strongest correlation with mean annual temperature, that of grass showed the strongest correlation with annual precipitation, and the NDVI of mash, shrub, grass, meadow, and cultural

  11. Ensaios sobre economia do empreendorismo


    Gabrielito Rauter Menezes


    Esta tese é composta por três ensaios sobre Economia do Empreendedorismo. O primeiro deles trata sobre os determinantes do empreendedorismo no Brasil a partir de modelos de escolha ocupacional, usando os microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra por Domicílios (PNAD) do ano de 2012. A estratégia empírica adotada empregou os modelos de escolha discreta na estimação da escolha ocupacional. Os resultados demonstraram que existem efeitos significativos para as variáveis: anos de estudos iniciai...

  12. Estabilidade monetária e CEPAL: A heterogeneidade do pensamento estruturalista latino-americano

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    Full Text Available RESUMO O artigo verifica a hipótese de homogeneidade estrita do pensamento estruturalista latino-americano em matéria de estabilidade monetária em seus anos iniciais. Em meados da década de 1950, o crescente e contínuo fenômeno inflacionário na região era explicado pela CEPAL como resultante da presença de estrangulamentos nas estruturas reais da economia. Entretanto, o canal de transmissão ao nível de preços é explicado pelos autores de maneiras diversas, gerando-se, por conseguinte, diferentes propostas de estabilização. O artigo sublinha a flexibilidade metodológica e o grau de fragmentação teórica da abordagem cepalina, bem como a controvérsia sobre a inflação constituir parte do processo de desenvolvimento. A análise destes elementos revela uma tensão entre os aspectos keynesianos anglo-saxônicos na abordagem de Prebisch e a original teoria latino-americana proposta por Noyola e Furtado. Avalia-se em que medida este descompasso impediu a constituição de um corpo teórico diferenciado em matéria de estabilização monetária.

  13. Effects of metals on vegetation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Press, N P


    Prospectors have long known that abnormal concentrations of metals in the soil overlying an ore deposit can affect the vegetation rooting in this soil; mineral deposits have even been discovered because of such vegetation changes. Recently, many people have become interested in the possibility of remote sensing such vegetation changes, and perhaps using the results in conjunction with airborne geophysics and photogeological interpretation in integrated prospecting programs.

  14. Vegetation and acidification, Chapter 5 (United States)

    David R. DeWalle; James N. Kochenderfer; Mary Beth Adams; Gary W. Miller


    In this chapter, the impact of watershed acidification treatments on WS3 at the Fernow Experimental Forest (FEF) and at WS9 on vegetation is presented and summarized in a comprehensive way for the first time. WS7 is used as a vegetative reference basin for WS3, while untreated plots within WS9 are used as a vegetative reference for WS9. Bioindicators of acidification...

  15. Implicaciones del filtrado de calidad del índice de vegetación EVI para el seguimiento funcional de ecosistemas

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    A. Reyes-Díez


    Full Text Available El seguimiento de los ecosistemas con imágenes procedentes del sensor MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, espectroradiómetro de imágenes de resolución media está actualmente muy extendido tanto en tareas de investigación como de gestión. Los índices de vegetación NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, índice de vegetación de la diferencia normalizada y EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index, índice de vegetación mejorado son ampliamente usados para la caracterización del funcionamiento ecosistémico. Ambos índices se emplean como estimadores lineales de la fracción de radiación fotosintéticamente activa interceptada por la vegetación (fAPAR, el principal control de la producción primaria. A pesar de sus ventajas, las imágenes de índices de vegetación no están libres de errores. El producto índices de vegetación MOD13Q1 proporciona una capa QA (Quality assessment,evaluación de la calidad que informa sobre la calidad asociada a cada píxel. Esta información representa una gran ventaja para el usuario, al permitir filtrar aquellos datos que puedan inducir a errores al verse alterados por la presencia de aerosoles, nubes, nieve o sombras. Sin embargo, la realización de un filtrado homogéneo a lo largo de una gran región puede ocasionar la pérdida sistemática de información en determinadas zonas o épocas del año, introduciendo así un sesgo espacial o en la serie temporal. Esta situación puede ser especialmente crítica en regiones con alta heterogeneidad ambiental, como el Sureste Ibérico. En este trabajo evaluamos el efecto que el filtrado de calidad tiene sobre la información espacial y temporal de la base de datos del EVI en el periodo 2001-2010. Los esultados, expresados en porcentaje de información perdida (filtrada y como efecto de estas pérdidas sobre los valores del EVI, indican que mientras que las áreas de menor altitud no se ven afectadas por el filtrado, las regiones de alta

  16. Pairing vegetables with a liked food and visually appealing presentation: promising strategies for increasing vegetable consumption among preschoolers. (United States)

    Correia, Danielle C S; O'Connell, Meghan; Irwin, Melinda L; Henderson, Kathryn E


    Vegetable consumption among preschool children is below recommended levels. New evidence-based approaches to increase preschoolers' vegetable intake, particularly in the child care setting, are needed. This study tests the effectiveness of two community-based randomized interventions to increase vegetable consumption and willingness to try vegetables: (1) the pairing of a vegetable with a familiar, well-liked food and (2) enhancing the visual appeal of a vegetable. Fifty-seven preschoolers enrolled in a Child and Adult Care Food Program-participating child care center participated in the study; complete lunch and snack data were collected from 43 and 42 children, respectively. A within-subjects, randomized design was used, with order of condition counterbalanced. For lunch, steamed broccoli was served either on the side of or on top of cheese pizza. For a snack, raw cucumber was served either as semicircles with chive and an olive garnish or arranged in a visually appealing manner (in the shape of a caterpillar). Paired t-tests were used to determine differences in consumption of meal components, and McNemar's test was performed to compare willingness to taste. Neither visual appeal enhancement nor pairing with a liked food increased vegetable consumption. Pairing increased willingness to try the vegetable from 79% to 95% of children (p=0.07). Greater vegetable intake occurred at snack than at lunch. Further research should explore the strategy of pairing vegetables with liked foods. Greater consumption at snack underscores snack time as a critical opportunity for increasing preschool children's vegetable intake.

  17. Toxicología Vegetal


    García Fernández, Antonio Juan


    Presentaciones de clase de los temas de Toxicología Vegetal de la licenciatura de Veterinaria de la Universidad de Murcia del curso 2011/12. Presentaciones de Toxicología Vegetal de la asignatura de Toxicología de la Licenciatura de Veterinaria del curso 2011/12

  18. Variation of strontium stable isotope ratios and origins of strontium in Japanese vegetables and comparison with Chinese vegetables. (United States)

    Aoyama, Keisuke; Nakano, Takanori; Shin, Ki-Cheol; Izawa, Atsunobu; Morita, Sakie


    To evaluate the utility of 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio for determining the geographical provenance of vegetables, we compared 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios and Sr concentrations in five vegetable species grown in Japan and China, and we also examined the relationships between 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios in vegetables, the soil-exchangeable pool, irrigation water, and fertilizer from 20 Japanese agricultural areas. The vegetable 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios in Japan were similar for all species within a given agricultural area, but tended to be low in northeast Japan and high in southwest Japan. The median 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio in Japanese vegetables was similar to that in fertilizer, suggesting that in addition to rock-derived Sr, vegetables contain Sr derived from fertilizers. In most cases, the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios for the Japanese and Chinese vegetables differed by approximately 0.710. Linear discriminant analysis using both 87 Sr/ 86 Sr and the Sr concentration allowed more accurate discrimination between vegetables from the two countries. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Morfología forestal y confort térmico en "ciudades oasis" de zonas áridas

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    Erica Norma Correa

    Full Text Available Usualmente, las ciudades insertas en contextos áridos o semiáridos muestran un modelo de desarrollo urbano basado en la compacidad de formas como estrategia bioclimática para el control de la radiación solar. La ciudad de Mendoza, Argentina; también inserta en un contexto semiárido, presenta un modelo urbano diferente. El mismo está definido por calles anchas y edificios contenidos en una trama en damero rodeada en sus límites por líneas de árboles que conforman túneles verdes. En este modelo, la estrategia de sombra se materializa a través de la estructura vegetal. Para éstas ciudades de zonas áridas, denominadas "oasis", es importante analizar en profundidad el efecto de las diferentes especies forestales y sus configuraciones sobre el balance térmico de los cañones urbanos. En este trabajo se evalúa el comportamiento térmico y el grado de confort alcanzado en canales viales típicos de la trama urbana de baja densidad, forestados con especies de segunda magnitud en condición de homogeneidad y heterogeneidad, durante el verano. Los resultados muestran que los comportamientos térmicos observados y el grado de confort responden claramente a las características de crecimiento y desarrollo de las configuraciones forestales evaluadas y su vinculación con los recursos climáticos y la forma edilicia de la ciudad.

  20. Vegetable communities and degradation patterns and succession in the vegetation of the Western Hills of Chia, Cundinamarca - Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cortes S, Sandra P; Van der Hammen, Thomas; Rangel Ch, J Orlando


    Two physiognomic plant communities were characterized: open vegetation which include the associations Dichondro repentis - Cupheetum serpyllifoliae (meadows), Baccharido rupicolae - Dodonaeetum viscosae (low shrubby vegetation), Andropogono aequatoriensis - Epidendretum elongatae (casmophytic vegetation) and Chaetolepido microphyllae-Espeletiopsietum corymbosae (shrubby vegetation-type with rosette plants). The closed vegetation includes two kinds of forests, Miconio ligustrinae- Weinmannietum tomentosae and Daphnopsio caracasanae - Xylosmetum spiculiferae. According to the floristic composition, depth of the soil, slope climate, relief and the anthropic influence (including degradation and natural succession), two trends in plant succession were defined

  1. Hiding vegetables to reduce energy density: an effective strategy to increase children's vegetable intake and reduce energy intake. (United States)

    Spill, Maureen K; Birch, Leann L; Roe, Liane S; Rolls, Barbara J


    Strategies are needed to increase children's intake of a variety of vegetables, including vegetables that are not well liked. We investigated whether incorporating puréed vegetables into entrées to reduce the energy density (ED; in kcal/g) affected vegetable and energy intake over 1 d in preschool children. In this crossover study, 3- to 5-y-old children (n = 40) were served all meals and snacks 1 d/wk for 3 wk. Across conditions, entrées at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and evening snack were reduced in ED by increasing the proportion of puréed vegetables. The conditions were 100% ED (standard), 85% ED (tripled vegetable content), and 75% ED (quadrupled vegetable content). Entrées were served with unmanipulated side dishes and snacks, and children were instructed to eat as much as they liked. The daily vegetable intake increased significantly by 52 g (50%) in the 85% ED condition and by 73 g (73%) in the 75% ED condition compared with that in the standard condition (both P daily energy intake decreased by 142 kcal (12%) from the 100% to 75% ED conditions (P daily vegetable intake and decrease the energy intake in young children. This trial was registered at as NCT01252433.

  2. Estudio sobre la capacidad de innovación y actividad emprendedora en el ámbito sub-regional: El caso de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco

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    José Luis González Pernía


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende mejorar nuestra comprensión sobre la relación entre la actividad de innovación, la actividad emprendedora y la competitividad, a nivel sub-regional, teniendo para ello en consideración la heterogeneidad comarcal que pueda existir dentro de una región. De los resultados obtenidos en nuestro estudio se desprende que las empresas de rápido crecimiento y mayor tamaño se benefician de economías de aglomeración que propician un tipo de innovación empresarial más incremental (explotación de conocimiento, especialmente sintético desarrolladas en regiones no-metropolitanas, donde las jóvenes empresas se especializan más en la "D" de Desarrollo que en la "I" de Investigación. En cambio, las iniciativas emprendedoras ubicadas en las zonas metropolitanas se basan en mayor medida en la "I" de Investigación cuyo origen fundamentalmente es la universidad o un centro tecnológico y desarrollan un tipo de innovación de un carácter más radical (exploración de conocimiento, especialmente analítico. Una mejora en el nivel de competitividad de una región requeriría el desarrollo equilibrado de ambos tipos de economías de aglomeración y localización geográfica especializada de nuevas iniciativas emprendedoras, teniendo para ello en consideración las características singulares de las sub-regiones.

  3. Estudio sobre la capacidad de innovación y actividad emprendedora en el ámbito sub-regional: El caso de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco

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    Mikel Navarro Arancegui


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende mejorar nuestra comprensión sobre la relación entre la actividad de innovación, la actividad emprendedora y la competitividad, a nivel sub-regional, teniendo para ello en consideración la heterogeneidad comarcal que pueda existir dentro de una región. De los resultados obtenidos en nuestro estudio se desprende que las empresas de rápido crecimiento y mayor tamaño se benefician de economías de aglomeración que propician un tipo de innovación empresarial más incremental (explotación de conocimiento, especialmente sintético desarrolladas en regiones no-metropolitanas, donde las jóvenes empresas se especializan más en la “D” de Desarrollo que en la “I” de Investigación. En cambio, las iniciativas emprendedoras ubicadas en las zonas metropolitanas se basan en mayor medida en la “I” de Investigación cuyo origen fundamentalmente es la universidad o un centro tecnológico y desarrollan un tipo de innovación de un carácter más radical (exploración de conocimiento, especialmente analítico. Una mejora en el nivel de competitividad de una región requeriría el desarrollo equilibrado de ambos tipos de economías de aglomeración y localización geográfica especializada de nuevas iniciativas emprendedoras, teniendo para ello en consideración las características singulares de las sub-regiones.

  4. Vegetation of the Hantam-Tanqua-Roggeveld subregion, South Africa Part 2: Succulent Karoo Biome related vegetation

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    Helga van der Merwe


    Full Text Available The Hantam-Tanqua-Roggeveld subregion lies within the Succulent Karoo Hotspot that stretches along the western side of the Republic of South Africa and Namibia. This project, carried out to document the botanical diversity in the Hantam-Tanqua-Roggeveld subregion, was part of a project identified as a priority during the SKEP (Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme initiative in this Hotspot. Botanical surveys were conducted in an area covering over three million hectares. Satellite images of the area and topocadastral, land type and geology maps were used to stratify the area into relatively homogeneous units. An analysis of the floristic data of 390 sample plots identified two major floristic units, i.e. the Fynbos Biome related vegetation and the Succulent Karoo Biome related vegetation. A description of the vegetation related to the Succulent Karoo Biome is presented in this article. Seven associations, 16 subassociations and several mosaic vegetation units, consisting of more than one vegetation unit, were identified and mapped. Various threats to the vegetation in the region were identified during the survey and are briefly discussed.

  5. Vegetation and soils (United States)

    Burke, M.K.; King, S.L.; Eisenbies, M.H.; Gartner, D.


    Intro paragraph: Characterization of bottomland hardwood vegetation in relatively undisturbed forests can provide critical information for developing effective wetland creation and restoration techniques and for assessing the impacts of management and development. Classification is a useful technique in characterizing vegetation because it summarizes complex data sets, assists in hypothesis generation about factors influencing community variation, and helps refine models of community structure. Hierarchical classification of communities is particularly useful for showing relationships among samples (Gauche 1982).

  6. Phenological characteristics of the main vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau based on vegetation and water indices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, D L; Huang, W J; Zhou, B; Li, C J; Wu, Y P; Yang, X H


    Plant phenology is considered one of the most sensitive and easily observable natural indicators of climate change, though few studies have focused on the heterogeneities of phenology across the different vegetation types. In this study, we tried to find the phenological characteristics of the main vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau. MCD12Q1 images over the Tibetan Plateau from 2001 to 2010 were used to extract the main vegetation types. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), and Land Surface Water Index (LSWI) were calculated using surface reflectance values from the blue, red, near-infrared, short-wave infrared (SWIR) 6 (for LSIW6), and SWIR7 (for LSIW7) bands derived from MOD09A1 and used to explore the phenological characteristics of the main vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau. The results showed that there were eight constant vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau from 2001 to 2010 demonstrating multiple phenological characteristics. Evergreen needleleaf forest, evergreen broadleaf forest, and permanent wetland had the minimum NDVI values during the summer season, while open shrubland and grassland had the maximum NDVI/EVI values during this period. NDVI and EVI of cropland/natural vegetation had two peaks for their seasonal variations. EVI showed a more significant correlation with LSWI6/LSWI7 than NDVI. Compared to LSWI7, larger EVI values occurred in evergreen needleleaf forest, evergreen broadleaf forest, mixed forest, and permanent wetland, while smaller values occurred in shrubland and barren or sparsely vegetated cover, and nearly equal values occurred in grassland and cropland

  7. Recursos y enlaces sobre comunidades de aprendizaje


    Ferrer Esteban, Gerard


    Obras y artículos sobre el proyecto Comunidades de Aprendizaje desarrollado en el Estado español. Tesis doctorales sobre comunidades de aprendizaje. Fundamentación teórica de las comunidades de aprendizaje. Sitios en Internet relacionados con las comunidades de aprendizaje y proyectos afines de desarrollo comunitario en contextos escolares.

  8. Chapter 3: Status and trends of vegetation (United States)

    James M. Guldin; Frank R. Thompson; Lynda L. Richards; Kyra C. Harper


    This chapter provides information about the vegetation cover of the Assessment area. The types and areal extent of vegetation in the Highlands are of interest for many reasons. Vegetation cover largely determines the availability of habitat for terrestrial animals, plants, and other organisms. Vegetation cover strongly influences what uses {e.g., timber, forage,...

  9. Investigation on the Patterns of Global Vegetation Change Using a Satellite-Sensed Vegetation Index

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    Ainong Li


    Full Text Available The pattern of vegetation change in response to global change still remains a controversial issue. A Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI dataset compiled by the Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS was used for analysis. For the period 1982–2006, GIMMS-NDVI analysis indicated that monthly NDVI changes show homogenous trends in middle and high latitude areas in the northern hemisphere and within, or near, the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn; with obvious spatio-temporal heterogeneity on a global scale over the past two decades. The former areas featured increasing vegetation activity during growth seasons, and the latter areas experienced an even greater amplitude in places where precipitation is adequate. The discussion suggests that one should be cautious of using the NDVI time-series to analyze local vegetation dynamics because of its coarse resolution and uncertainties.

  10. Modification of olefinic double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids and other vegetable oil derivatives via epoxidation: A review; Modificación del doble enlace olefínico en ácidos grasos insaturados y en derivados de aceites vegetales via epoxidación: Revisión

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Noor Armylisas, A.H.; Siti Hazirah, M.F.; Yeong, S.K.; Hazimah, A.H.


    The highly strained ring in epoxides makes these compounds very versatile intermediates. Epoxidized vegetable oils are gaining a lot of attention as renewable and environmentally friendly feedstock with various industrial applications such as plasticizers, lubricant base oils, surfactants, etc. Numerous papers have been published on the development of the epoxidation methods and the number is still growing. This review reports the synthetic approaches and applications of epoxidized vegetable oils. [Spanish] La alta tensión del anillo en los epóxidos hace que estos compuestos intermediarios sean muy versátiles. Los aceites vegetales epoxidados están ganando mucha atención como materia prima renovable y respetuosa con el medio ambiente con diversas aplicaciones industriales, tales como plastificantes, aceites base para lubricantes, tensioactivos, etc. Por esta razón, se han publicado numerosos trabajos sobre el desarrollo de métodos de epoxidación y el número todavía es creciente. Esta revisión aporta información sobre enfoques sintéticos y aplicaciones de aceites vegetales epoxidados.

  11. Accumulation and health risk of heavy metals in vegetables from harmless and organic vegetable production systems of China. (United States)

    Chen, Yong; Hu, Wenyou; Huang, Biao; Weindorf, David C; Rajan, Nithya; Liu, Xiaoxiao; Niedermann, Silvana


    Heavy metal accumulation in vegetables is a growing concern for public health. Limited studies have elucidated the heavy metal accumulation characteristics and health risk of different vegetables produced in different facilities such as greenhouses and open-air fields and under different management modes such as harmless and organic. Given the concern over the aforementioned factors related to heavy metal accumulation, this study selected four typical greenhouse vegetable production bases, short-term harmless greenhouse vegetable base (SHGVB), middle-term harmless greenhouse vegetable base (MHGVB), long-term harmless greenhouse vegetable base (LHGVB), and organic greenhouse vegetable base (OGVB), in Nanjing City, China to study heavy metal accumulation in different vegetables and their associated health risks. Results showed that soils and vegetables from SHGVB and OGVB apparently accumulated fewer certain heavy metals than those from other bases, probably due to fewer planting years and special management, respectively. Greenhouse conditions significantly increased certain soil heavy metal concentrations relative to open-air conditions. However, greenhouse conditions did not significantly increase concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, and Zn in leaf vegetables. In fact, under greenhouse conditions, Pb accumulation was effectively reduced. The main source of soil heavy metals was the application of large amounts of low-grade fertilizer. There was larger health risk for producers' children to consume vegetables from the three harmless vegetable bases than those of residents' children. The hazard index (HI) over a large area exceeded 1 for these two kinds of children in the MHGVB and LHGVB. There was also a slight risk in the SHGVB for producers' children solely. However, the HI of the whole area of the OGVB for two kinds of children was below 1, suggesting low risk of heavy metal exposure through the food chain. Notably, the contribution rate of Cu and Zn to the HI were

  12. Mutation breeding in vegetable crops

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamaguchi, Takashi


    Vegetables breed by seeds and vegetative organs. In main vegetables, the differentiation of clopping types, the adoption of monoculture and year-round production and shipment are carried out, adapting to various socio-economic and cultivation conditions. Protected agriculture has advanced mainly for fruit vegetables, and the seeds for sale have become almost hybrid varieties. Reflecting this situation, the demand for breeding is diversified and characteristic. The present status of mutation breeding of vegetables is not yet well under way, but reports of about 40 raised varieties have been published in the world. The characters introduced by induced mutation and irradiation are compact form, harvesting aptitude, the forms and properties of stems and leaves, anti-lodging property, the size, form and uniformity of fruits, male sterility and so on. The radiation sources used were mostly gamma ray or X-ray, but sometimes, combined irradiation was used. Results obtained in Japan include: burdocks as an example to gamma ray irradiation of seeds; tomatoes as an example of inducing compound resistance against disease injury; and lettuce as an example of internal beta irradiation. (Kako, I.).

  13. Review of Alternative Management Options of Vegetable Crop Residues to Reduce Nitrate Leaching in Intensive Vegetable Rotations

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    Laura Agneessens


    Full Text Available Vegetable crop residues take a particular position relative to arable crops due to often large amounts of biomass with a N content up to 200 kg N ha−1 left behind on the field. An important amount of vegetable crops are harvested during late autumn and despite decreasing soil temperatures during autumn, high rates of N mineralization and nitrification still occur. Vegetable crop residues may lead to considerable N losses through leaching during winter and pose a threat to meeting water quality objectives. However, at the same time vegetable crop residues are a vital link in closing the nutrient and organic matter cycle of soils. Appropriate and sustainable management is needed to harness the full potential of vegetable crop residues. Two fundamentally different crop residue management strategies to reduce N losses during winter in intensive vegetable rotations are reviewed, namely (i on-field management options and modifications to crop rotations and (ii removal of crop residues, followed by a useful and profitable application.


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    Agatha POPESCU


    Full Text Available The paper aimed to present the situation of Romania’s vegetable market in the period 2007-2011 based on the statistical data regarding the main vegetables: tomatoes, onion, garlic, cabbage, green peppers and melons. The vegetable production increased by 33.99 from 3,166.8 tons in 2007 to 4,176.3 tons in 2011.This was due to the yield gain as follows: 58.55 % for melons, 27.62 % for green peppers, 27.05 % for tomatoes, 25.99 % for dry garlic, 24.96 % for dry onion, 12.61 % for white cabbage. In 2011, the contribution of various categories of vegetables to production was: 24.55 % white cabbage, 21.81 % tomatoes, 15.45 % melons, 9.44 % onion, 6.06 % green pepper, 1.59 % garlic and 21.1 % other vegetables. The contribution of the micro regions to vegetable production in 2011 was: 19.46 % South Muntenia, 18.95 % South East Romania, 17.30 % South West Oltenia, 15.92 % North East Romania, 10.43 % West Romania, 8.47 % North West Romania, 6.54 % Central Romania, 2.93 % Bucharest Ilfov. Vegetable production per inhabitant is higher in Romania compared to the average production per capita in the EU. The average consumption increased as a postive aspect reflecting the obtained production and import. Vegetable production should increase in order to cover much better the doestic market needs and support export to the EU market.

  15. Dar Sentido à Experiência do Gesto na Classe Técnica: um olhar sobre a prática de quatro professoras no Quebec

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    Johanna Bienaise


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina o ensino da classe técnica contemporânea na formação pré-profissional no Quebec em um contexto de heterogeneidade das práticas coreográficas. Analisa-se mais especificamente o testemunho de quatro artistas professores: Kelly Keenan, Manon Levac, Sandrine Vachon e Jamie Wright. Essa análise destaca suas filosofias de ensino e as escolhas pedagógicas que conduzem essas educadoras a uma abordagem do movimento corporal ao mesmo tempo estruturada e sensível, em uma relação constantemente renovada com seus estudantes.

  16. Bioplaguicidas de origen vegetal en Costa Rica.

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    Jaime García


    Full Text Available El presente artículo cita los nombres, ordenados por su principal acción plaguicida, de poco más de un centenar de plantas con algún tipo de potencial bioplaguicida en Costa Rica. Posteriormente se presenta la situación de la oferta y la demanda actual de estos productos, destacando las principales limitaciones que experimenta su desarrollo comercial, así como el potencial que posee el país en esta materia, basado en su extraordinaria biodiversidad. Además, se hace mención de las entidades involucradas en esta temática. Finalmente se hacen algunas consideraciones adicionales relacionadas con la toxicidad de estos productos y sobre la importancia de los conocimientos etnobotánicos en esta materia. Entre las especies de plantas que más se mencionan en la bibliografía consultada están Allium sativum, Annona reticulata, Azadirachta indica, Capsicum frutescens, Chenopodium Ambrosiodes, Gliricidia sepium, Quassia amara y Ryania speciosa. Se resalta el hecho de que hasta la fecha, tanto su uso artesanal como su desarrollo comercial son mínimos, en relación con el potencial existente en el país. Con excepción de dos productos, los pocos bioplaguicidas de origen vegetal que se comercializan son importados.

  17. Wetland vegetation establishment in L-Lake

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kroeger, S.R.


    Wetland vegetation was transplanted from PAR Pond to L-Lake between January and August, 1987. Approximately 100,000 individual plants representing over 40 species were transplanted along the southern shoreline. Three zones of vegetation were created: (1) submersed/floating-leaved, (2) emergent, (3) upper emergent/shrub. During the summers of 1987, 1988, 1989, the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory sampled the vegetation in 54 permanent transects located in planted (N=32) and unplanted areas (N=22). The 1989 vegetation data from L-Lake were compared to 1985 data from PAR Pond

  18. Cruciferous Vegetables and Cancer Prevention (United States)

    ... case-control studies have found that people who ate greater amounts of cruciferous vegetables had a lower ... Professionals’ Follow-up Study—showed that women who ate more than 5 servings of cruciferous vegetables per ...

  19. Correlações entre as propriedades da madeira e do carvão vegetal de híbridos de eucalipto

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    Vássia Carvalho Soares


    Full Text Available Foram estudadas madeiras de híbridos de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla, em três idades diferentes, com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento da madeira e do carvão vegetal produzido diante do aumento controlado de temperatura, bem como verificar a influência das características da madeira sobre o carvão vegetal. Foram realizadas análises químicas (extrativos totais, lignina, holocelulose, celulose, cinza e análise elementar e térmicas (análise termogravimétrica - TG, análise térmica diferencial - DTA e calorimetria 1,67 ºC min-1 e temperatura final de 450 ºC. No carvão vegetal produzido, foram realizadas análise imediata, elementar e térmica. A densidade básica da madeira correlacionou-se positivamente com a relação carbono/ hidrogênio (C/H e negativamente com os teores de cinza, nitrogênio, oxigênio, enxofre e relação siringil/ guaiacil (S/G. Os teores de cinza, nitrogênio, enxofre e S/G da madeira correlacionaram-se positivamente entre si e negativamente com a variável C/H da madeira. O teor de carbono fixo (TCF, o poder calorífico do carvão vegetal, o teor de carbono elementar e a relação C/H correlacionaram-se positivamente entre si e negativamente com o teor de materiais voláteis (TMV. O teor de lignina correlacionou-se positivamente com o rendimento gravimétrico em carvão (RGC e negativamente com o TCF.

  20. componente vegetal

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    Fabio Moscovich


    Full Text Available In order to determine environmental impact, indicators based on vegetation characteristics that would generate the forestry monoculture with the adjacent native forest, 32 sample unit were installed in an area of LIPSIA private enterprise, Esperanza Department, Misiones with those characteristics. The plots of 100 m2 were distributed systematically every 25 meters. The vegetation was divided in stratum: superior (DBH ≥ 10 cm, middle (1,6 cm ≤ DBH > 10 cm and inferior (DBH< cm. There were installed 10 plots in a logged native forest, 10 plots in a 18 years old Pinus elliottii Engelm. with approximately 400 trees/ha., 6 plots in a 10 – 25 years old Araucaria angustifolia (Bertd. Kuntze limiting area with approximately 900 trees/ha., and 6 plots located in this plantation. In the studied area were identified 150 vegetation species. In the inferior stratum there were found differences as function of various floristic diversity indexes. In all the cases the native forest showed larger diversity than plantations, followed by Pinus elliottii, Araucaria plantation and Araucaria limiting area. All the studied forest fitted to a logarithmical series of species distributions, that would indicate the incidence of a environmental factor in this distribution.

  1. Soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer modeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikonen, J P; Sucksdorff, Y [Finnish Environment Agency, Helsinki (Finland)


    In this study the soil/vegetation/atmosphere-model based on the formulation of Deardorff was refined to hour basis and applied to a field in Vihti. The effect of model parameters on model results (energy fluxes, temperatures) was also studied as well as the effect of atmospheric conditions. The estimation of atmospheric conditions on the soil-vegetation system as well as an estimation of the effect of vegetation parameters on the atmospheric climate was estimated. Areal surface fluxes, temperatures and moistures were also modelled for some river basins in southern Finland. Land-use and soil parameterisation was developed to include properties and yearly variation of all vegetation and soil types. One classification was selected to describe the hydrothermal properties of the soils. Evapotranspiration was verified against the water balance method

  2. Soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer modeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikonen, J.P.; Sucksdorff, Y. [Finnish Environment Agency, Helsinki (Finland)


    In this study the soil/vegetation/atmosphere-model based on the formulation of Deardorff was refined to hour basis and applied to a field in Vihti. The effect of model parameters on model results (energy fluxes, temperatures) was also studied as well as the effect of atmospheric conditions. The estimation of atmospheric conditions on the soil-vegetation system as well as an estimation of the effect of vegetation parameters on the atmospheric climate was estimated. Areal surface fluxes, temperatures and moistures were also modelled for some river basins in southern Finland. Land-use and soil parameterisation was developed to include properties and yearly variation of all vegetation and soil types. One classification was selected to describe the hydrothermal properties of the soils. Evapotranspiration was verified against the water balance method

  3. Use of Different Vegetable Products to Increase Preschool-Aged Children's Preference for and Intake of a Target Vegetable

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wild, de Victoire W.T.; Graaf, de Kees; Jager, Gerry


    Background: Children's low vegetable consumption requires effective strategies to enhance preference for and intake of vegetables. Objective: The study compared three preparation practices for a target vegetable (spinach) on their effectiveness in increasing preschool-aged children's preference

  4. Radiocesium cycling in vegetation and soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dahlman, R.C.; Francis, C.W.; Tamura, T.


    Data on cesium dynamics in vegetation and soils are reviewed. Special emphasis is placed on typical environments in the southeastern United States. Clay minerals of soil, especially micaceous types, effectively fix cesium and remove it from biotic components of ecosystems. Fallout 137 Cs enters food chains principally by direct deposition on vegetation; uptake by the root pathway is usually less than direct contamination of plant foliage. Cesium-137 levels in vegetation of the southeastern U. S. Coastal Plain are estimated on the basis of direct deposition from the atmosphere and root uptake from soil. Estimated concentrations, based on current concepts of 137 Cs dynamics in vegetation and fixation in soil, are in good agreement with observed values of 137 Cs in vegetation collected in 1969 and 1970. Mechanisms of direct deposition and of increased uptake by roots due to the absence of micaceous clays adequately explain the higher levels of 137 Cs in vegetation of the Coastal Plain and thus are responsible for the elevated 137 Cs reported for milk of the Tampa, Fla., milkshed

  5. La ceguera como motivo en Ensayo sobre la ceguera de José Saramago e Informe sobre ciegos de Ernesto Sábato


    Fonseca, Marco Antonio


    El trabajo de investigación, El motivo de la ceguera en el Ensayo sobre la ceguera de José Saramago e Informe sobre ciegos de Ernesto Sábato, analiza desde el área y la metodología de la literatura comparada el uso del motivo literario de la ceguera en los dos textos mencionados, resaltando las similitudes y diferencias del tratamiento del motivo dentro de las dos obras y como éste sostiene una serie de obsesiones e ideas sobre el estado actual del mundo que comparten los autores de las dos n...

  6. [Effects of road construction on regional vegetation types]. (United States)

    Liu, Shi-Liang; Liu, Qi; Wang, Cong; Yang, Jue-Jie; Deng, Li


    As a regional artificial disturbance component, road exerts great effects on vegetation types, and plays a substantial role in defining vegetation distribution to a certain extent. Aiming at the tropical rainforest degradation and artificial forest expansion in Yunnan Province of Southwest China, this paper analyzed the effects of road network extension on regional vegetation types. In the Province, different classes of roads had different effects on the vegetation types, but no obvious regularity was observed in the effects on the patch areas of different vegetation types due to the great variations of road length and affected distance. However, the vegetation patch number was more affected by lower class roads because of their wide distribution. As for different vegetation types, the vegetations on cultivated land were most affected by roads, followed by Castanopsis hystrix and Schima wallichii forests. Road network formation contributed most to the vegetation fragmentation, and there existed significant correlations between the human disturbance factors including village- and road distributions.


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    Carla Letuza Moreira e Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo é um recorte da tese de doutoramento apresentada em 2012, no Programa de Pós-Graduação e Letras e Linguística da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL, em Maceió, sobre os discursos da/sobre a criança e as infâncias, no Brasil. O objetivo central é o de apresentar os efeitos de sentido que demandam dos dizeres oficiais no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA, 1990 em vigor no Brasil, sobre a criança, e que determinam modos de pensar e agir sobre as crianças e a infância na contemporaneidade. As noções de sujeito e formação discursiva da análise do discurso francesa (AD, iniciada em Pêcheux (1997, permeiam as análises e elucidam os papéis históricos e ideológicos que determinam e são determinados nos/pelos dizeres dos discursos da/sobre. Faz-se necessário, portanto, adentrar os discursos da e sobre a criança e a infância para entender as contradições e os confrontos dos discursos entre dizeres e silenciamentos.

  8. The marsh vegetation of Kleinmond Lagoon

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    M. O'Callaghan


    Full Text Available The vegetation of Kleinmond Lagoon suggests that this system is in transition from an estuary to a coastal lake. Two major types of vegetation were recognized, one which is subjected to soil and water conditions of marine origin and the other which is subjected to conditions of terrestrial origin. These vegetation types are discussed and compared to the vegetation of other estuarine systems. Artificial manipulations of the mouth seem to have resulted in sediment deposition and a freshening of the system. These unseasonable manipulations also threaten the continued existence of a number of species in the system.

  9. Vegetable Grafting: The Implications of a Growing Agronomic Imperative for Vegetable Fruit Quality and Nutritive Value

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    Marios C. Kyriacou


    Full Text Available Grafting has become an imperative for intensive vegetable production since chlorofluorocarbon-based soil fumigants were banned from use on grounds of environmental protection. Compelled by this development, research into rootstock–scion interaction has broadened the potential applications of grafting in the vegetable industry beyond aspects of soil phytopathology. Grafting has been increasingly tapped for cultivation under adverse environs posing abiotic and biotic stresses to vegetable crops, thus enabling expansion of commercial production onto otherwise under-exploited land. Vigorous rootstocks have been employed not only in the open field but also under protected cultivation where increase in productivity improves distribution of infrastructural and energy costs. Applications of grafting have expanded mainly in two families: the Cucurbitaceae and the Solanaceae, both of which comprise major vegetable crops. As the main drives behind the expansion of vegetable grafting have been the resistance to soilborne pathogens, tolerance to abiotic stresses and increase in yields, rootstock selection and breeding have accordingly conformed to the prevailing demand for improving productivity, arguably at the expense of fruit quality. It is, however, compelling to assess the qualitative implications of this growing agronomic practice for human nutrition. Problems of impaired vegetable fruit quality have not infrequently been associated with the practice of grafting. Accordingly, the aim of the current review is to reassess how the practice of grafting and the prevalence of particular types of commercial rootstocks influence vegetable fruit quality and, partly, storability. Physical, sensorial and bioactive aspects of quality are examined with respect to grafting for watermelon, melon, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, and pepper. The physiological mechanisms at play which mediate rootstock effects on scion performance are discussed in interpreting the

  10. Soil and vegetation surveillance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Antonio, E.J.


    Soil sampling and analysis evaluates long-term contamination trends and monitors environmental radionuclide inventories. This section of the 1994 Hanford Site Environmental Report summarizes the soil and vegetation surveillance programs which were conducted during 1994. Vegetation surveillance is conducted offsite to monitor atmospheric deposition of radioactive materials in areas not under cultivation and onsite at locations adjacent to potential sources of radioactivity.

  11. Mutation breeding in vegetable crops

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaguchi, Takashi


    Vegetables breed by seeds and vegetative organs. In main vegetables, the differentiation of clopping types, the adoption of monoculture and year-round production and shipment are carried out, adapting to various socio-economic and cultivation conditions. Protected agriculture has advanced mainly for fruit vegetables, and the seeds for sale have become almost hybrid varieties. Reflecting the situation like this, the demand for breeding is diversified and characteristic, and the case of applying mutation breeding seems to be many. The present status of the mutation breeding of vegetables is not yet well under way, but about 40 raised varieties have been published in the world. The characters introduced by induced mutation and irradiation were compact form, harvesting aptitude, the forms and properties of stems and leaves, anti-lodging property, the size, form and uniformity of fruits, male sterility and so on. The radiation sources used were mostly gamma ray or X-ray, but sometimes, combined irradiation was used. As the results obtained in Japan, burdocks as an example of gamma ray irradiation to seeds, tomatoes as an example of inducing the compound resistance against disease injury and lettuces as an example of internal beta irradiation are reported. (Kako, I.)

  12. Variaciones sobre el concepto de ética


    Pérez Oliva, Elizabeth; Velasco, José Armando


    A lo largo de la historia, pensadores han dado ideas y teorías sobre la ética, pero todos concuerdan en que es una arte de la filosofía que trata de los actos morales, normas de conducta sobre el bien y el mal en el ser humano; término desarrollado a través del tiempo.

  13. Heterogeneidade de desempenho das pequenas empresas brasileiras: uma abordagem da Visão Baseada em Recursos (VBR Performance heterogeneity of Brazilian small firms: a resource-based view approach

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    Geraldo Alemandro Leite Filho


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar se as diferenças de desempenho econômico (Taxa de Crescimento das Vendas -TCV de pequenas empresas brasileiras, dentro de um mesmo setor, foram maiores do que as diferenças de desempenho econômico entre os setores. Sugeriu-se que os fatores internos (capacidades e competências organizacionais exerceriam maior influência do que os fatores externos (posicionamento estratégico e localização na heterogeneidade de desempenho econômico das pequenas empresas brasileiras. Os dados foram coletados de uma amostra de 328 pequenas empresas que mais cresceram no Brasil no ano de 2010. Os principais resultados evidenciaram diferenças significativas de desempenho econômico (TCV entre as pequenas empresas brasileiras independentemente do setor de atuação, confirmando o efeito firma na variação de desempenho. O efeito setor foi não significativo, uma vez que os resultados sugeriram não haver diferenças significativas de desempenho econômico (TCV nas pequenas empresas brasileiras a nível setorial. Observou-se ainda que a variância de desempenho econômico (TCV entre os setores de atuação das empresas foi menor do que a variância de desempenho econômico (TCV dentro do setor de atuação das empresas. Reforçou assim, o pressuposto de que os fatores internos, relacionados às empresas de forma individual, exerceram influência mais significativa do que os fatores externos na heterogeneidade de desempenho econômico. Concluiu-se que as capacidades e competências organizacionais foram distribuídas de forma heterogênea entre as firmas, causando influências diversas em seus indicadores de desempenho econômico (TCV, validando os fundamentos teóricos da Visão baseada em recursos.The aim of this study was to verify whether the differences in performance (Sales growth rate -SGR of Brazilian's small firms within the same sector were higher than the differences in economic performance between sectors. It

  14. The Vegetables Turned:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carter, Dale


    in the relationship between creative artists and the Anglo-American popular music industry in the mid-1960s. Finally, and in retrospect, the figure of the vegetable cast into relief the counter-culture's utopian and dystopian dynamics as manifested in these song-writers' personal lives, now rendered as contemporary...... lyricist Van Dyke Parks, the incongruous, semantically complex figure of the vegetable came to illuminate aspects of psychedelic consciousness and - part by design, part by accident - the link between LSD and Anglo-American popular music. It threw light, too, on the scope and limits of changes...

  15. Climatic drivers of vegetation based on wavelet analysis (United States)

    Claessen, Jeroen; Martens, Brecht; Verhoest, Niko E. C.; Molini, Annalisa; Miralles, Diego


    Vegetation dynamics are driven by climate, and at the same time they play a key role in forcing the different bio-geochemical cycles. As climate change leads to an increase in frequency and intensity of hydro-meteorological extremes, vegetation is expected to respond to these changes, and subsequently feed back on their occurrence. This response can be analysed using time series of different vegetation diagnostics observed from space, in the optical (e.g. Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF)) and microwave (Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD)) domains. In this contribution, we compare the climatic drivers of different vegetation diagnostics, based on a monthly global data-cube of 24 years at a 0.25° resolution. To do so, we calculate the wavelet coherence between each vegetation-related observation and observations of air temperature, precipitation and incoming radiation. The use of wavelet coherence allows unveiling the scale-by-scale response and sensitivity of the diverse vegetation indices to their climatic drivers. Our preliminary results show that the wavelet-based statistics prove to be a suitable tool for extracting information from different vegetation indices. Going beyond traditional methods based on linear correlations, the application of wavelet coherence provides information about: (a) the specific periods at which the correspondence between climate and vegetation dynamics is larger, (b) the frequencies at which this correspondence occurs (e.g. monthly or seasonal scales), and (c) the time lag in the response of vegetation to their climate drivers, and vice versa. As expected, areas of high rainfall volumes are characterised by a strong control of radiation and temperature over vegetation. Furthermore, precipitation is the most important driver of vegetation variability over short terms in most regions of the world - which can be explained by the rapid response of leaf development towards available water content

  16. Kuchler Vegetation (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — Digital version of potential natural plant communites as compiled and published on 'Map of the Natural Vegetation of California' by A. W. Kuchler, 1976. Source map...


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    Full Text Available This is a short account on the coastal dune vegetation of the Gulf of Siam in Thailand. Vegetation is mainly composed by succulent creeping plants with herbaceous habit as to Canavalia maritima (Papilionaceae and Iponwea pes-caprae (Convolvulaceae and the robust stoloniferous grass Spinijex littoreus, the last having an important function for the fonnation of coastal dunes.


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    Full Text Available This is a short account on the coastal dune vegetation of the Gulf of Siam in Thailand. Vegetation is mainly composed by succulent creeping plants with herbaceous habit as to Canavalia maritima (Papilionaceae and Iponwea pes-caprae (Convolvulaceae and the robust stoloniferous grass Spinijex littoreus, the last having an important function for the fonnation of coastal dunes.

  19. Oscillations in a simple climate–vegetation model

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    J. Rombouts


    Full Text Available We formulate and analyze a simple dynamical systems model for climate–vegetation interaction. The planet we consider consists of a large ocean and a land surface on which vegetation can grow. The temperature affects vegetation growth on land and the amount of sea ice on the ocean. Conversely, vegetation and sea ice change the albedo of the planet, which in turn changes its energy balance and hence the temperature evolution. Our highly idealized, conceptual model is governed by two nonlinear, coupled ordinary differential equations, one for global temperature, the other for vegetation cover. The model exhibits either bistability between a vegetated and a desert state or oscillatory behavior. The oscillations arise through a Hopf bifurcation off the vegetated state, when the death rate of vegetation is low enough. These oscillations are anharmonic and exhibit a sawtooth shape that is characteristic of relaxation oscillations, as well as suggestive of the sharp deglaciations of the Quaternary. Our model's behavior can be compared, on the one hand, with the bistability of even simpler, Daisyworld-style climate–vegetation models. On the other hand, it can be integrated into the hierarchy of models trying to simulate and explain oscillatory behavior in the climate system. Rigorous mathematical results are obtained that link the nature of the feedbacks with the nature and the stability of the solutions. The relevance of model results to climate variability on various timescales is discussed.

  20. Oscillations in a simple climate-vegetation model (United States)

    Rombouts, J.; Ghil, M.


    We formulate and analyze a simple dynamical systems model for climate-vegetation interaction. The planet we consider consists of a large ocean and a land surface on which vegetation can grow. The temperature affects vegetation growth on land and the amount of sea ice on the ocean. Conversely, vegetation and sea ice change the albedo of the planet, which in turn changes its energy balance and hence the temperature evolution. Our highly idealized, conceptual model is governed by two nonlinear, coupled ordinary differential equations, one for global temperature, the other for vegetation cover. The model exhibits either bistability between a vegetated and a desert state or oscillatory behavior. The oscillations arise through a Hopf bifurcation off the vegetated state, when the death rate of vegetation is low enough. These oscillations are anharmonic and exhibit a sawtooth shape that is characteristic of relaxation oscillations, as well as suggestive of the sharp deglaciations of the Quaternary. Our model's behavior can be compared, on the one hand, with the bistability of even simpler, Daisyworld-style climate-vegetation models. On the other hand, it can be integrated into the hierarchy of models trying to simulate and explain oscillatory behavior in the climate system. Rigorous mathematical results are obtained that link the nature of the feedbacks with the nature and the stability of the solutions. The relevance of model results to climate variability on various timescales is discussed.


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    Full Text Available Se realizaron análisis de heterogeneidad y dependencia espacial (auto-correlación con base en la caracterización y en la distribución de coberturas en diez áreas de páramo en las cordilleras Central y Oriental de Colombia, estas metodologías pertenecen al grupo de análisis exploratorios de datos espaciales (AEDE. De las áreas estudiadas muestran un buen estado de conservación y de conectividad, la alta montaña de la serranía de Perijá, los páramos del Parque Nacional Natural Los Nevados y gran parte del área pertenecientes a los páramos de la jurisdicción de la corporación CORPOGUAVIO. La intervención de origen antrópico, el aumento del cultivo de papa, el cambio en el uso del suelo, principalmente en los páramos de la cordillera Oriental, han afectado la estructura y la distribución natural de los tipos de vegetación y han disminuido sensiblemente la conectividad entre bloques de área con lo cual se hace muy difícil cualquier proceso de re-vegetalización y recuperación. Esta situación se presenta en gran escala en los páramos La Rusia, Belén, Guantiva (hacia la vertiente Oriental, Telecom, Merchán, Tablazo, sector nororiental del páramo de Sumapaz y la vertiente Oriental de los páramos de Carmen de Carupa y sectores aledaños. Para los páramos de Guanacas y Las Delicias (área de influencia del volcán Puracé la problemática está concentrada hacia el sector noroccidental. Los resultados obtenidos, se pueden aplicar y son útiles en los procesos de restauración y conservación, puesto que proporcionan información detallada acerca de la distribución de los bloques de áreas con los tipos de vegetación, la conectividad y además, pueden utilizarse como indicadores de la salud de los ecosistemas

  2. Estimating fractional vegetation cover and the vegetation index of bare soil and highly dense vegetation with a physically based method (United States)

    Song, Wanjuan; Mu, Xihan; Ruan, Gaiyan; Gao, Zhan; Li, Linyuan; Yan, Guangjian


    Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of highly dense vegetation (NDVIv) and bare soil (NDVIs), identified as the key parameters for Fractional Vegetation Cover (FVC) estimation, are usually obtained with empirical statistical methods However, it is often difficult to obtain reasonable values of NDVIv and NDVIs at a coarse resolution (e.g., 1 km), or in arid, semiarid, and evergreen areas. The uncertainty of estimated NDVIs and NDVIv can cause substantial errors in FVC estimations when a simple linear mixture model is used. To address this problem, this paper proposes a physically based method. The leaf area index (LAI) and directional NDVI are introduced in a gap fraction model and a linear mixture model for FVC estimation to calculate NDVIv and NDVIs. The model incorporates the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) model parameters product (MCD43B1) and LAI product, which are convenient to acquire. Two types of evaluation experiments are designed 1) with data simulated by a canopy radiative transfer model and 2) with satellite observations. The root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) for simulated data is less than 0.117, depending on the type of noise added on the data. In the real data experiment, the RMSD for cropland is 0.127, for grassland is 0.075, and for forest is 0.107. The experimental areas respectively lack fully vegetated and non-vegetated pixels at 1 km resolution. Consequently, a relatively large uncertainty is found while using the statistical methods and the RMSD ranges from 0.110 to 0.363 based on the real data. The proposed method is convenient to produce NDVIv and NDVIs maps for FVC estimation on regional and global scales.

  3. Determinantes del Endeudamiento a Corto Plazo y Enlace de Vencimientos

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    Pedro Juan García Teruel


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza el efecto del trade-off rentabilidad-riesgo asociado a la deuda a corto plazo sobre las decisiones de financiación. Para ello, se ha utilizado un panel de empresas no financieras cotizadas en el mercado continuo español en el periodo 1995-2001 para controlar la heterogeneidad inobservable, y variables instrumentales para solucionar problemas de endogeneidad. Los resultados muestran que la solvencia financiera, las oportunidades de crecimiento, el tamaño y el nivel de endeudamiento son factores explicativos del uso de a deuda corto plazo. Además, se aprecia que las empresas más solventes y flexibles, financian los crecimientos del activo cíclico aumentando su deuda a corto plazo en mayor proporción.

  4. Impacts of Vegetation Growth on Reach-scale Flood Hydraulics in a Sand-bed River and the Implications for Vegetation-morphology Coevolution (United States)

    Box, S.; Wilcox, A. C.


    Vegetation alters flood hydraulics and geomorphic response, yet quantifying and predicting such responses across spatial and temporal scales remains challenging. Plant- and patch-scale studies consistently show that vegetation increases local hydraulic variability, yet reach-scale hydrodynamic models often assume vegetation has a spatially homogeneous effect on hydraulics. Using Nays2DH in iRIC (International River Interface Cooperative), we model the effect of spatially heterogeneous vegetation on a series of floods with varying antecedent vegetation conditions in a sand-bed river in western Arizona, taking advantage of over a decade of data on a system that experienced substantial geomorphic, hydrologic, and ecosystem changes. We show that pioneer woody seedlings (Tamarix, Populus, Salix) and cattail (Typha) increase local hydraulic variability, including velocity and bed shear stress, along individual cross sections, predominantly by decreasing velocity in zones of vegetation establishment and growth and increasing velocity in unvegetated areas, with analogous effects on shear stress. This was especially prominent in a study reach where vegetation growth contributed to thalweg incision relative to a vegetated bar. Evaluation of these results in the context of observed geomorphic response to floods elucidates mechanisms by which vegetation and channel morphology coevolve at a reach scale. By quantifying the influence of spatially heterogeneous vegetation on reach-scale hydraulics, we demonstrate that plant- and patch-scale research on vegetation hydraulics is applicable to ecogeomorphology at the reach scale.

  5. Tendencias en la segregación residencial en Chile

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    Alan Garín Contreras


    Full Text Available Los análisis sobre segregación residencial en Chile, están adquiriendo una importancia creciente, dado que sus efectos sociales son cada vez más evidentes. A objeto de identificar las tendencias que sigue este proceso, se hace una revisión de la investigación a nivel nacional y que permita ser un aporte para el avance en este tema. Los resultados indican que la segregación residencial está disminuyendo, los principales mecanismo que operan en este proceso son: el funcionamiento del mercado del suelo, políticas públicas y los movimientos migratorios al interior de la ciudad.Comoefecto, la segregación ha generado un aumento de los problemas sociales como el alcoholismo, delincuencia, jóvenes solteras embarazadas y deserción escolar. También se observa una predominancia de estudios cuantitativos y una significativa heterogeneidad en el uso de indicadores, como un escaso análisis sobre la percepción y autopercepción de los habitantes de barrios segregados.

  6. La educación superior en América latina. Aportes para la construcción de una nueva agenda

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    Norberto Fernández Lamarra


    Full Text Available El desarrollo actual y las perspectivas futuras de la educación -particularmente de la educación superior- afectarán fuertemente el desempeño de la sociedad por veinte o treinta años-. Por ello, la definición de los lineamientos políticos de la educación es un tema que nos incumbe a todos, en tanto favorecerán -o no- un desarrollo en democracia y con justicia social. En este sentido, se hace necesario el debate para la construcción de una nueva agenda, consensuada de la manera más amplia posible con los actores políticos, sociales, comunitarios  y de la educación. En este artículo se propone abordar un breve panorama sobre la evolución, situación, problemas y desafíos de la educación superior en la región; sobre los procesos de internacionalización, transnacionalización y mercantilización -sus perspectivas y peligros- y sobre la necesaria convergencia de la educación superior frente a los graves problemas actuales de fragmentación y de heterogeneidad de los sistemas educativos  latinoamericanos.  

  7. La evaluación integral en la asignatura Sanidad Vegetal en el tercer año de la carrera Ingeniería Agrónoma

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    MSc. Caridad Terry Espinosa


    Full Text Available La didáctica tiene como objeto de estudio la dirección del proceso enseñanza- aprendizaje. Las concepciones sobre evaluación han estado marcadas por las teorías gnoseológicas que sirven de base metodológica a las concepciones pedagógicas, en especial a las teorías de aprendizajes que aportan los elementos esenciales acerca de cómo debe transcurrir el proceso de aprendizaje y en particular su evaluación. La asignatura Sanidad Vegetal, que se imparte en el tercer año, carente de una evaluación integradora. En reuniones de la disciplina se pudo conformar un trabajo que permita la orientación para la evaluación integral de los contenidos como componente del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Por lo que es objetivo de este trabajo Evaluar de forma integrada los contenidos de la asignatura Sanidad Vegetal en el tercer año de la carrera del Ingeniero Agrónomo. Los resultados en la práctica muestran el dominio por parte de los estudiantes del logro de las habilidades de la asignatura Sanidad Vegetal, la producción de materiales digitales e impresos.

  8. Escrito sobre el cuerpo

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    Antonio Malalana Ureña


    Full Text Available El catálogo, en una edición bilingüe español-inglés, es una pequeña guía de la exposición Shirin Neshat. Escrito sobre el cuerpo, muestra que se integra dentro de los actos de PHOTOESPAÑA13, el festival internacional de fotografía y artes visuales. El esquema del libro es sencillo y los textos son extremadamente divulgativos. El primero de ellos, Escrito sobre el cuerpo (pp. 10-15, cuyo autor es Octavio Zaya, comisario de la exposición, resume la trayectoria de esta intelectual, que "interactúa" con la fotografía y los formatos audiovisuales, y nos presenta la argumentación narrativa de los documentos expuestos, contextualizando la obra recopilada.

  9. Assessment of vegetable production practices in Qwaqwa within ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this study, the information such as biographical information of the vegetable farmers, information about the vegetable gardens or farms, the current vegetable farming practices, irrigation practices on the vegetable soil and the farmers' physical and financial records were assessed. The assessment was conducted through ...

  10. Radiation and the vegetable industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roberts, P.B.


    The possible uses of irradiation in the vegetable industry are considered. Interest has been increasing because of possible bans on chemical fumigants and clearance of irradiation as an acceptable process, up to certain dose limits, by Codex Alimentarius and the US FDA. Inhibition of sprouting in potatoes and onions would be one possibility for exploitation. However, the main incentive for vegetable irradiation would be as a quarantine treatment for exported products. The shelf-life of a few vegetables could also be increased by combining radiation with heat treatments. Costs in New Zealand and consumer attitudes are briefly considered

  11. Post Fire Vegetation Recovery in Portugal (United States)

    Gouveia, Celia; Bastos, Ana; DaCamara, Carlos; Trigo, Ricardo M.


    Fires in Portugal, as in the Mediterranean ecosystems, have a complex effect on vegetation regeneration due to the different responses of vegetation to the variety of fire regimes and to the complexity of landscape structures. A thorough evaluation of vegetation recovery after fire events becomes therefore crucial in land management. In 2005, Portugal suffered a strong damage from forest fires that damaged an area of 300 000 ha of forest and shrub. This year are particularly interesting because it is associated the severe drought of 2005. The aim of the present study is to identify large burnt scars in Portugal during the 2005 fire seasons and monitoring vegetation behaviour throughout the pre and the post fire periods. The mono-parametric model developed by Gouveia et al. (2010), based on monthly values of NDVI, at the 1km×1km spatial scale, as obtained from the VEGETATION-SPOT5 instrument, from 1999 to 2009, was used.

  12. Vegetable oil spills : oil properties and behaviour

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fingas, M.; Fieldhouse, B.; Jokuty, P.


    In 1997, the United States Environmental Protection Agency conducted a thorough review of the issue regarding vegetable oil spills. Recent attention has refocused on this issue as a result of an incident where 20 tons of canola oil was spilled in the Vancouver Harbour in 2000. In the past, vegetable oils were suggested to be a useful test material because they were thought to be innocuous. It was even suggested they be used to remove petroleum oil residues from beaches. However, recent studies have shown that spills of vegetable oils can have major environmental consequences, equivalent to those of petroleum oil spills. The spills have devastating effects on birds and intertidal organisms. This paper presented a summary of historical vegetable spills from around the world. In this study, specific behaviour tests were examined for several oils including canola, soy bean, olive, castor and corn oils. Evaporation, water-in-oil emulsification and chemical dispersion were measured and were found to be nearly zero, suggesting that vegetable oil spills are not very soluble in water. The aquatic toxicity of vegetable oil is low, but their fate is quite different from petroleum. Vegetable oils do not evaporate to a significant degree, they do not form water-in-oil emulsions, nor do they disperse in water. The physical properties of vegetable oils were also measured, including density and viscosity. This paper presented the aquatic toxicity of several vegetable oils along with other environmental data including the degradation rates noted in the literature. Most environmental damage reported in the literature is by contact with birds feathers resulting in hypothermia and secondly by smothering of intertidal organisms. The effect of vegetable oil on fish has not been well studied, but it is expected that there will be little destructive effect except where smothering can occur. 35 refs., 3 tabs

  13. Vegetable oil spills : oil properties and behaviour

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fingas, M.; Fieldhouse, B.; Jokuty, P. [Environment Canada, Ottawa, ON (Canada). Emergencies Science Div


    In 1997, the United States Environmental Protection Agency conducted a thorough review of the issue regarding vegetable oil spills. Recent attention has refocused on this issue as a result of an incident where 20 tons of canola oil was spilled in the Vancouver Harbour in 2000. In the past, vegetable oils were suggested to be a useful test material because they were thought to be innocuous. It was even suggested they be used to remove petroleum oil residues from beaches. However, recent studies have shown that spills of vegetable oils can have major environmental consequences, equivalent to those of petroleum oil spills. The spills have devastating effects on birds and intertidal organisms. This paper presented a summary of historical vegetable spills from around the world. In this study, specific behaviour tests were examined for several oils including canola, soy bean, olive, castor and corn oils. Evaporation, water-in-oil emulsification and chemical dispersion were measured and were found to be nearly zero, suggesting that vegetable oil spills are not very soluble in water. The aquatic toxicity of vegetable oil is low, but their fate is quite different from petroleum. Vegetable oils do not evaporate to a significant degree, they do not form water-in-oil emulsions, nor do they disperse in water. The physical properties of vegetable oils were also measured, including density and viscosity. This paper presented the aquatic toxicity of several vegetable oils along with other environmental data including the degradation rates noted in the literature. Most environmental damage reported in the literature is by contact with birds feathers resulting in hypothermia and secondly by smothering of intertidal organisms. The effect of vegetable oil on fish has not been well studied, but it is expected that there will be little destructive effect except where smothering can occur. 35 refs., 3 tabs.

  14. Formalized classification of species-poor vegetation: a proposal of a consistent protocol for aquatic vegetation

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Landucci, F.; Tichý, L.; Šumberová, Kateřina; Chytrý, M.


    Roč. 26, č. 4 (2015), s. 791-803 ISSN 1100-9233 R&D Projects: GA ČR GB14-36079G Institutional support: RVO:67985939 Keywords : vegetation classification * vegetation database * Coctail method Subject RIV: EF - Botanics Impact factor: 3.151, year: 2015

  15. Manejos de cobertura vegetal e velocidades de operação em condições de semeadura e produtividade de milho Management of cover vegetation and speed of operation on conditions of sowing and corn yield

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    Emerson Trogello


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar parâmetros da qualidade de semeadura e o desenvolvimento e rendimento da cultura do milho semeada no sistema plantio direto sobre diferentes manejos de cobertura vegetal e velocidades de operação da semeadora-adubadora na região sudoeste do estado do Paraná. Utilizou-se esquema de parcelas subdivididas, as quais constituíram os manejos de cobertura vegetal da aveia preta (aveia gradeada, rolada, triturada e dessecada e as subparcelas as velocidades de operação (4,5 e 7,0 km h-1 no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Avaliaram-se o espaçamento entre plantas, a uniformidade de distribuição de sementes, a profundidade de semeadura, o índice de velocidade de emergência, o estande de plantas, a área de solo mobilizada e a produtividade média da cultura. Os dados tabulados foram analisados pelo teste F a 0,05 e, apresentando significância, as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 0,05 de probabilidade. Concluiu-se que a melhor distribuição de sementes foi observada na menor velocidade e a produtividade média da cultura não foi influenciada pelos tratamentos. Os manejos de cobertura vegetal não se mostraram eficientes na melhoria das condições de semeadura.The objective of this study was to evaluate quality parameters of sowing and the development and yield of maize sown in no tillage system under different vegetation managements and operating speeds of the seeder in the southwest region of the S tate of Paraná. A split-plot design was used, where the plots were the vegetation management of the oat (oat latticed, rolled, chopped and desiccated and split plot the operation speeds (4.5 and 7.0 km h-1, in a randomized block design with four replications. The spacing between plants, uniformity distribution of seed, sowing depth, rate of emergence, plant stand, soil area mobilized and yield of the crop were evaluated. The tabulated data were analysed by F test at

  16. Generalization of heterogeneous alpine vegetation in air photo-based image classification, Latnjajaure catchment, northern Sweden

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    Lindblad, K. E. M.


    Full Text Available

    Mapping alpine vegetation at a meso-scale (catchment level using remote sensing presents difficulties due to a patchy distribution and heterogeneous spectral appearance of the plant cover. We discuss issues of generalization and accuracy assessment in this case study when using a digital CIR air photo for an automatic classification of the dominant plant communities. Spectral information from an aerial photograph was supplemented by classified plant communities in field and by topographical information derived from a DEM. 150 control points were tracked in the field using a GPS. The outcome from three alternative classifications was analysed by Kappa statistics, user’s and producer’s accuracy. Overall accuracy did not differ between the classifications although producer’s and user’s accuracy for separate classes differed together with total surface (ha and distribution. Manual accuracy assessment when recording the occurrence of the correct class within a radius of 5 meters from the control points generated an improvement of 16 % of the total accuracy. About 10 plant communities could be classified with acceptable accuracy where the chosen classification scheme determined the final outcome. If a high resolution pixel mosaic is generalized to units that match the positional accuracy of simple GPS this generalization may also influence the information content of the image.

    Hemos llevado a cabo la cartografía de la vegetación alpina a escala media (nivel de cuenca experimental mediante interpretación remota. Esta metodología plantea dificultades debido a la distribución en mosaico de la vegetación y a la heterogeneidad del espetro obtenido. Se discuten las posibilidades de generalización de los resultados y el grado de precisión alcanzado en este caso experimental mediante fotografía aérea digital CIR aplicada a una clasificación automática de

  17. Deformaciones faciales y sus influencias sobre el psiquismo

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    Guillermo Nieto Cano


    Full Text Available Creemos haber dejado establecido, en síntesis, que todas las minusvalías físicas repercuten sobre el psiquismo, y que entre éstas las deformaciones faciales, por su ostentosa evidencia, son las que afectan más seriamente al individuo y modifican por eso más radicalmente su conducta, incidiendo así, en forma trascendental, sobre la colectividad. Tales defectos constituyen, por consiguiente, un serio problema humano, cuyo estudio y remedio incumbe no solamente al esteta cirujano, sino que interesa a todos aquellos que puedan influir sobre la estabilidad armónica y la buena marcha de la sociedad en que viven.

  18. Wieslander Vegetation (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — Digital version of the 1945 California Vegetation Type Maps by A. E. Wieslander of the U.S. Forest Service. Source scale of maps are 1:100,000. These compiled maps...

  19. Vegetation - McKenzie Preserve [ds703 (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — The California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Vegetation Program produced a vegetation map and classification for approximately 11,600 acres primarily within Millerton...

  20. Comentarios sobre la Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial Sostenible

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    Arturo J. Yglesias


    Full Text Available La denominada Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial Sostenible, no fue bien recibida en el medio jurídico. Tanto los profesores de las diferentes materias de Derecho de nuestra Facultad como las asociaciones profesionales y otros grupos e juristas de nuestro medio, formularon reservas de diverso calibre sobre el texto de la ley que van desde sus aspectos adjetivos como la terminología y redacción hasta cuestiones sustanciales como lo que ella dice sobre el régimen de la propiedad territorial y otras cuestiones vinculadas.Desde el discurso político vimos lanzar opiniones iracundas y alarmistas sobre las modificaciones que la ley estaría haciendo al régimen de la propiedad privada, sobre su supuesta inconstitucionalidad.Nosotros nos vamos a referir a la ley a sus antecedentes y de las críticas que se le hacían, en la parte que toca a nuestra materia, esto es en lo relativo al régimen de la propiedad y debemos decir, a vía de adelanto, que no vemos en ella nada que afecte el derecho de propiedad consagrado por la Constitución de la República, ni los principios generales que regulan la propiedad territorial conforme al Código Civil, conforme a la vieja ley de Centros Poblados, sus modificativas ni demás normas sobre la materia.

  1. Increasing portion sizes of fruits and vegetables in an elementary school lunch program can increase fruit and vegetable consumption. (United States)

    Miller, Nicole; Reicks, Marla; Redden, Joseph P; Mann, Traci; Mykerezi, Elton; Vickers, Zata


    Increasing portion size can increase children's consumption of food. The goal of this study was to determine whether increasing the portion sizes of fruits and vegetables in an elementary school cafeteria environment would increase children's consumption of them. We measured each child's consumption of the fruit and vegetables served in a cafeteria line on a control day (normal cafeteria procedures) and on two intervention days. When we increased the portion size of 3 of the 4 fruits and vegetables by about 50%, children who took those foods increased their consumption of them. Although this was an effective strategy for increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among students who took those foods, many children chose not to take any fruits or vegetables. Further efforts are needed to increase children's selection and consumption of fruits and vegetables in an environment of competing foods of higher palatability. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. East African Cenozoic vegetation history. (United States)

    Linder, Hans Peter


    The modern vegetation of East Africa is a complex mosaic of rainforest patches; small islands of tropic-alpine vegetation; extensive savannas, ranging from almost pure grassland to wooded savannas; thickets; and montane grassland and forest. Here I trace the evolution of these vegetation types through the Cenozoic. Paleogene East Africa was most likely geomorphologically subdued and, as the few Eocene fossil sites suggest, a woodland in a seasonal climate. Woodland rather than rainforest may well have been the regional vegetation. Mountain building started with the Oligocene trap lava flows in Ethiopia, on which rainforest developed, with little evidence of grass and none of montane forests. The uplift of the East African Plateau took place during the middle Miocene. Fossil sites indicate the presence of rainforest, montane forest and thicket, and wooded grassland, often in close juxtaposition, from 17 to 10 Ma. By 10 Ma, marine deposits indicate extensive grassland in the region and isotope analysis indicates that this was a C 3 grassland. In the later Miocene rifting, first of the western Albertine Rift and then of the eastern Gregory Rift, added to the complexity of the environment. The building of the high strato-volcanos during the later Mio-Pliocene added environments suitable for tropic-alpine vegetation. During this time, the C 3 grassland was replaced by C 4 savannas, although overall the extent of grassland was reduced from the mid-Miocene high to the current low level. Lake-level fluctuations during the Quaternary indicate substantial variation in rainfall, presumably as a result of movements in the intertropical convergence zone and the Congo air boundary, but the impact of these fluctuations on the vegetation is still speculative. I argue that, overall, there was an increase in the complexity of East African vegetation complexity during the Neogene, largely as a result of orogeny. The impact of Quaternary climatic fluctuation is still poorly understood

  3. Internalisation of microbes in vegetables: microbial load of Ghanaian vegetables and the relationship with different water sources of irrigation. (United States)

    Donkor, Eric S; Lanyo, R; Kayang, Boniface B; Quaye, Jonathan; Edoh, Dominic A


    The occurrence of pathogens in the internal parts of vegetables is usually associated with irrigation water or contaminated soil and could pose risk to consumers as the internalised pathogens are unaffected by external washing. This study was carried out to assess the rate of internalisation of microbes in common Ghanaian vegetables. Standard microbiological methods were employed in microbial enumeration of vegetables collected at the market and farm levels, as well as irrigation water and soil samples. The overall mean counts of vegetables were 4.0 x 10(3) cfu g(-1); 8.1 x 10(2) cfu g(-1); 2.0 x 10(2) cfu g(-1); 3.5 x 10(2) cfu g(-1) for total bacteria, coliform counts, faecal coliform counts and yeast counts, respectively. The rate of internalisation of coliforms in vegetables irrigated with stream/well water was 2.7 times higher than those irrigated with pipe water. The mean coliform counts (4.7 x 10(7) cfu g(-1)) and faecal coliform counts (1.8 x 10(6) cfu g(-1)) of soil samples were similar to those of stream water suggesting both sources exerted similar contamination rates on the vegetables. Generally, there were no significant variations between the rates of internalisation of microbes at the market and farm levels at p vegetables mainly occurred at the farm level. The study has shown that microbial contamination of vegetables in Ghana is not limited to the external surface, but internal vegetable parts could harbour high microbial loads and pose risk to consumers. Safety practices associated with the commodity should therefore not be limited to external washing only. There is the additional need of heating vegetables to eliminate microbes both externally and internally before consumption.

  4. Pistas para pensar las significaciones imaginarias sobre la invariancia


    Bilyk, Pablo Andrés


    Este escrito propone un primer esbozo de nominalizaciones sobre las significaciones imaginarias en torno a la idea de invariancia, con el fin de comenzar a mapear categorías para transitar que nos permitan pensar las construcciones fantasmáticas sobre el no-cambio. En definitiva, se trata de avanzar sobre la problematización de los modos de funcionamiento, constitución y reconfiguraciones de las hegemonías en los entramados sociales contemporáneos. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Soc...

  5. Discharge/Stage Relations in Vegetated Danish Streams

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Torben; Frier, Jens-Ole; Vestergaard, Kristian


    This paper describes how the friction in danish streams varies as function of the vegetation. The major species of vegetation are represented. A series of laboratory and field experiments are described, and a hypothesis for the influence of the vegetation on the Manning's n is discussed....

  6. Propriedades químicas de uma Terra Roxa Estruturada influenciadas pela cobertura vegetal de inverno e pela adubação orgânica e mineral


    Andreola,F.; Costa,L. M.; Mendonça,E. S.; Olszevski,N.


    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência da cobertura vegetal de inverno, constituída de uma associação de aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) com nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus L.), da adubação orgânica com esterco de aves e da adubação mineral sobre propriedades químicas de uma Terra Roxa Estruturada do estado de Santa Catarina. As análises foram realizadas em amostras de solo coletadas em agosto de 1994 e janeiro de 1995, nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20 e 20-30 cm, em...

  7. Mapping and characterizing the vegetation types of the Democratic Republic of Congo using SPOT VEGETATION time series (United States)

    Vancutsem, C.; Pekel, J.-F.; Evrard, C.; Malaisse, F.; Defourny, P.


    The need for quantitative and accurate information to characterize the state and evolution of vegetation types at a national scale is widely recognized. This type of information is crucial for the Democratic Republic of Congo, which contains the majority of the tropical forest cover of Central Africa and a large diversity of habitats. In spite of recent progress in earth observation capabilities, vegetation mapping and seasonality analysis in equatorial areas still represent an outstanding challenge owing to high cloud coverage and the extent and limited accessibility of the territory. On one hand, the use of coarse-resolution optical data is constrained by performance in the presence of cloud screening and by noise arising from the compositing process, which limits the spatial consistency of the composite and the temporal resolution. On the other hand, the use of high-resolution data suffers from heterogeneity of acquisition dates, images and interpretation from one scene to another. The objective of the present study was to propose and demonstrate a semi-automatic processing method for vegetation mapping and seasonality characterization based on temporal and spectral information from SPOT VEGETATION time series. A land cover map with 18 vegetation classes was produced using the proposed method that was fed by ecological knowledge gathered from botanists and reference documents. The floristic composition and physiognomy of each vegetation type are described using the Land Cover Classification System developed by the FAO. Moreover, the seasonality of each class is characterized on a monthly basis and the variation in different vegetation indicators is discussed from a phenological point of view. This mapping exercise delivers the first area estimates of seven different forest types, five different savannas characterized by specific seasonality behavior and two aquatic vegetation types. Finally, the result is compared to two recent land cover maps derived from

  8. The Hydromechanics of Vegetation for Slope Stabilization (United States)

    Mulyono, A.; Subardja, A.; Ekasari, I.; Lailati, M.; Sudirja, R.; Ningrum, W.


    Vegetation is one of the alternative technologies in the prevention of shallow landslide prevention that occurs mostly during the rainy season. The application of plant for slope stabilization is known as bioengineering. Knowledge of the vegetative contribution that can be considered in bioengineering was the hydrological and mechanical aspects (hydromechanical). Hydrological effect of the plant on slope stability is to reduce soil water content through transpiration, interception, and evapotranspiration. The mechanical impact of vegetation on slope stability is to stabilize the slope with mechanical reinforcement of soils through roots. Vegetation water consumption varies depending on the age and density, rainfall factors and soil types. Vegetation with high ability to absorb water from the soil and release into the atmosphere through a transpiration process will reduce the pore water stress and increase slope stability, and vegetation with deep root anchoring and strong root binding was potentially more significant to maintain the stability of the slope.

  9. Integración latinoamericana y Educación superior : Reflexión sobre las posibilidades de integración latinoamericana de la educación superior y universitaria


    Brandi, Juan Pedro


    Por medio de presente artículo nos planteamos inquirir las posibilidades de integración en América latina para la Educación Superior y Universitaria (ESU). Repasamos las dimensiones que a nuestro entender “asemejan” a una región caracterizada por la heterogeneidad y la fragmentación. Luego consideramos las variables que actúan como limitantes a la consolidación de un espacio de educación integrado. El “modelo” de los sistemas nacionales de la ESU dista de ser único, predominante u homogéneo. ...

  10. Parasitic Contamination of Raw Vegetables in Shahroud, Semnan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saeid Nazemi


    Full Text Available Background: Given the importance of healthy vegetables, the present study was conducted to determine parasitic infection of vegetable consumed in Shahroud.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study has been conducted on 92 samples of various vegetables collected from 16 vegetable growing farms and 1 vegetable process workshop. Results: Sixty two percent of tested vegetables lacked parasites and the highest amount of parasites observed (34.78% was related to Giardia lamblia. A significant relationship was observed between parasite and having toilets in the farms as well as the extent of farms.Conclusion: safety of fertilizers consumed by farms and healthy fruits can have an effective role in reducing the parasitic infections.

  11. Plantas útiles de la comunidad indígena Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro, Michoacán, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Ángel Bello-González


    Full Text Available La zona boscosa de Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro, Michoacán, México, se localiza entre los 1 900 a los 3 200 m.s.n.m. Se caracteriza por ser una región accidentada, con pendientes que varían del 5 al 80%, predominan los suelos de tipo andosol húmico. El clima dominante es templado húmedo, con abundantes lluvias en verano. Los tipos de vegetación son el bosque de pino, bosque de pino-encino, bosque de pino-oyamel, bosque mesófilo de montaña. La heterogeneidad y la diversidad vegetal ha permitido a esta región de aproximadamente 183.18 km2, vincular la explotación del bosque con sus actividades socioeconómicas, utilizado las plantas del entorno para satisfacer sus necesidades. Teniendo en cuenta el conocimiento que tienen sobre sus recursos forestales y sus usos, es necesario sistematizar el conocimiento tradicional sobre la riqueza de recursos maderables y no maderables, a fin de optimizar su explotación y preservar tales recursos. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo inventariar la flora útil maderable y no maderable, para lo cual se realizaron 37 exploraciones de campo. Se elaboró un listado que incluye 59 familias 135 géneros y 246 especies, las familias más representativas fueron Asteraceae con 67 especies, Leguminosae con 23 especies y Gramineae con 20. De acuerdo al hábito de crecimiento vegetal, las herbáceas son las más utilizadas, seguidas por los arbustos y los árboles. Los usos registrados fueron medicinal, ceremonial, forrajero, maderable, ornamental, comestible, melífero, de uso doméstico, tóxico y de uso veterinario. Las partes de las plantas más utilizadas fueron la parte aérea, el tallo, la flor y la hoja. De las diferentes formas de empleo, la infusión, la planta aplicada directamente en la zona afecta, el macerado y la cataplasma fueron las más importantes de donde se extraen productos medicinales suministrados vía oral, cutánea y local; el aserrío y la planta guisada o consumida en fresco son

  12. Effects of Telecoupling on Global Vegetation Dynamics (United States)

    Viña, A.; Liu, J.


    With the ever increasing trend in telecoupling processes, such as international trade, all countries around the world are becoming more interdependent. However, the effects of this growing interdependence on vegetation (e.g., shifts in the geographic extent and distribution) remain unknown even though vegetation dynamics are crucially important for food production, carbon sequestration, provision of other ecosystem services, and biodiversity conservation. In this study we evaluate the effects of international trade on the spatio-temporal trajectories of vegetation at national and global scales, using vegetation index imagery collected over more than three decades by the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite sensor series together with concurrent national and international data on international trade (and its associated movement of people, goods, services and information). The spatio-temporal trajectories of vegetation are obtained using the scale of fluctuation technique, which is based on the decomposition of the AVHRR image time series to obtain information on its spatial dependence structure over time. Similar to the correlation length, the scale of fluctuation corresponds to the range over which fluctuations in the vegetation index are spatially correlated. Results indicate that global vegetation has changed drastically over the last three decades. These changes are not uniform across space, with hotspots in active trading countries. This study not only has direct implications for understanding global vegetation dynamics, but also sheds important insights on the complexity of human-nature interactions across telecoupled systems.

  13. 9 CFR 319.311 - Chow mein vegetables with meat, and chop suey vegetables with meat. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Chow mein vegetables with meat, and chop suey vegetables with meat. 319.311 Section 319.311 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY...

  14. Perspectiva dos pais sobre educação e castigo físico Perspectiva de los padres sobre educación y castigo físico Parent's perspective on child rearing and corporal punishment

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    Miguir Terezinha Vieccelli Donoso


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a percepção dos pais acerca do castigo físico, considerando-se o significado da educação e punição física, e formas de educar. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Foram abordados 31 familiares, estando 12 sob tutela por denúncia de maus-tratos e 19 não tutelados em unidade básica de saúde e na secretaria de Assistência Social de Belo Horizonte (MG em 2006. Procedeu-se à análise de discurso dos relatos obtidos por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os dados foram organizados em temas e categorias. ANÁLISE DO DISCURSO: Os resultados apontaram a restrição dos discursos dos entrevistados em função das suas condições de produção. Houve diversidade de concepções sobre educação e formas de educar, tendo como pontos comuns o relato da prática da punição física por todos os pais, mesmo entre aqueles que a condenam. Os discursos foram marcados pela heterogeneidade e polifonia, sobressaindo-se o discurso da tradição, o discurso religioso e o discurso científico popularizado. Não foi observada expressão do conceito de interdição legal da prática ou dos seus excessos pelos participantes. CONCLUSÕES: A cultura do castigo físico encontra-se em transição, em que a tradição de permissão se enfraquece e a interdição se inicia lentamente. Reforço ações de repressão legal à prática poderia contribuir para acelerar o processo de interdição do castigo físico.OBJETIVO: Describir la percepción de los padres acerca del castigo físico, considerándose el significado de la educación y punición física, y formas de educar. PROCEDIMIENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Fueron abordados 31 familiares, estando 12 bajo la tutela por denuncia de malos tratos y 19 no tutelados en unidad básica de salud y en la secretaria de Asistencia Social de Belo Horizonte (Sureste de Brasil en 2006. Se procedió al análisis de discurso de los relatos obtenidos por medio de entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Los datos fueron

  15. Molecular heterogeneity of Malassezia pachydermatis through RAPD-PCR = Heterogeneidade molecular da Malassezia pachydermatis através de RAPD-PCR

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    Patrícia da Silva Nascente


    Full Text Available Several methodologies in molecular biology have been used in theinvestigation of Malassezia pachydermatis and its differentiation into subtypes. Recent molecular research of this species includes the use of samples isolated from canine otitis externa and dermatitis, as well as from healthy animals, having in view an epidemiologicalstudy of the yeast. The aim of this study was to identify molecular differences in M. pachydermatis samples isolated from dogs with otitis externa. The M. pachydermatis strains were analyzed by means of the Random Amplification Primer DNA - Polimerase Chain Reaction (RAPD–PCR for molecular heterogeneity research. DNA extraction was carried out with phenol-chloroform and the RAPD technique using the AGAATCCGCC primer. A variation was observed in the number and arrangement of the bands among the 49 studied isolates, grouped into nine patterns. Isolate groupings were not found to be related to animal breed, age or sex. It was concluded that M. pachydermatis has differences in its molecular profile, as shown by the molecular technique (RAPD – PCR, which allows isolates to be classified into nine subtypes.Várias metodologias em biologia molecular têm sido aplicadas para estudar a M. pachydermatis diferenciando-a em subgrupos. Recentemente utiliza-se a investigação molecular desta espécie isolada de otite externa e dermatite, e também de isolados da mesma de animais hígidos, para um estudo epidemiológico da levedura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar diferenças moleculares entre isolados de M. pachydermatis obtidos de casos de otite externa canina. Para isto, amostras da levedura provenientes de cães com esta enfermidade foram estudadas através da técnica de Polimorfismo de DNA Amplificado aoAcaso - Reação da Polimerase em Cadeia (RAPD–PCR para pesquisa de heterogeneidade molecular. A extração de DNA foi realizada no processo fenol-cloroformio e a técnica de RAPD foi estudada com o primer

  16. Ecosystems past: prehistory of California vegetation (United States)

    C.I. Millar; W.B. Woolfenden


    The history of California's vegetation, from origins in the Mesozoic through Quaternary is outlined. Climatic and geologic history and the processes driving changes in vegetation over time are also described. 

  17. Simulating vegetation dynamics in Chile from 21ka BP to present: Effects of climate change on vegetation functions and cover (United States)

    Werner, Christian; Liakka, Johan; Schmid, Manuel; Fuentes, Juan-Pablo; Ehlers, Todd A.; Hickler, Thomas


    Vegetation composition and establishment is strongly dependent on climate conditions but also a result of vegetation dynamics (competition for light, water and nutrients). In addition, vegetation exerts control over the development of landscapes as it mediates the climatic and hydrological forces shaping the terrain via hillslope and fluvial processes. At the same time, topography as well as soil texture and soil depth affect the microclimate, soil water storage and rooting space that is defining the environmental envelope for vegetation development. Within the EarthShape research program ( we evaluate these interactions by simulating the co-evolution of landscape and vegetation with a dynamic vegetation model (LPJ-GUESS) and a landscape evolution model (LandLab). LPJ-GUESS is a mechanistic model driven by daily or monthly weather data and explicitly simulates vegetation physiology, succession, competition and water and nutrient cycling. Here we present the results of first transient vegetation simulations from 21kyr BP to present-day using the TraCE-21ka climate dataset for four focus sites along the coastal cordillera of Chile that are exposed to a substantial meridional climate gradient (ranging from hyper-arid to humid-temperate conditions). We show that the warming occurring in the region from LGM to present, in addition to the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentrations, led to a shift in vegetation composition and surface cover. Future work will show how these changes resonate in the dynamics of hillslope and fluvial erosion and ultimately bi-directional feedback mechanisms of vegetation development and landscape evolution/ soil formation (see also companion presentation by Schmid et al., this session).

  18. Narrativas sobre género y sexualidad en médicos mexicanos. Sus implicaciones sobre las regulaciones corporales, sexuales y reproductivas

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    Itzel A. Sosa-Sánchez

    Full Text Available Resumen A partir de un estudio cualitativo, exploramos los vínculos entre discursos médicos sobre género y sexualidad, y las regulaciones corporales, sexuales y reproductivas en los espacios de salud reproductiva. Entrevistamos a médicos de servicios públicos de salud en México e indagamos sobre las prácticas reproductivas y sexuales de las usuarias, así como sobre las asignaciones sociales y profesionales de cuidado del cuerpo en las relaciones sexuales. Los testimonios revelan cómo los discursos y normatividades sobre género y sexualidad legitiman, en los espacios de salud reproductiva, las desigualdades sociales, especialmente las de género, y la doble moral sexual imperantes en la sociedad mexicana. Las mujeres emergen como saturadas de una sexualidad “desordenada” que debe ser controlada a través de diversas regulaciones corporales, sexuales y reproductivas. Estas regulaciones inciden en el reconocimiento de su autonomía sexual y reproductiva, e impactan negativamente en sus derechos.

  19. Gestão ambiental nas empresas de capital aberto do segmento ‘Novo Mercado’: discutindo a homogeneidade e heterogeneidade de práticas à luz da teoria institucional [doi: 10.5329/RECADM.20121102003

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    Vivianne Pereira Salas Roldan


    Full Text Available O objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar o comportamento das empresas de capital aberto, do segmento ‘Novo Mercado’ da BM&FBovespa, quanto à adoção de práticas de gestão ambiental, à luz da teoria institucional. Em síntese, os objetivos específicos da pesquisa analisam a tendência para a homogeneidade e heterogeneidade de práticas ambientais das empresas, sua relação com a abordagem de gestão ambiental e com as pressões ambientais evidenciadas, dando destaque especial para o setor de Construção. É uma pesquisa descritiva, bibliográfica e documental, de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram obtidos a partir dos websites e relatórios anuais das empresas, de 2009 e 2010. Constatou-se que 66,7% das 123 empresas do Novo Mercado adotam práticas ambientais. Quanto à abordagem de gestão ambiental, 58,5% dessas empresas são proativas, 28% reativas, e 13,4% preventivas. Verificou-se que quanto mais proativa a abordagem de gestão ambiental, mais diversificadas são as pressões ambientais, e maior é a possibilidade de existir isomorfismo entre as empresas quanto à adoção de práticas sustentáveis, assim como heterogeneidade. Na análise do setor de construção, constatou-se essas possibilidades destacadas, sendo as práticas homogêneas e heterogêneas desse campo detalhadas e discutidas no estudo.   Palavras-chave Teoria institucional, Pressões ambientais, Gestão Ambiental.     ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES OF THE SEGMENT 'NEW MARKET': DISCUSSING THE HOMOGENEITY AND HETEROGENEITY OF PRACTICES IN LIGHT OF INSTITUTIONAL THEORY   ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to analyze the behavior of companies of the segment 'New Market' BM&FBovespa, on the adoption of environmental management practices in light of institutional theory. In summary, the specific objectives of the research analyzing the trend toward homogeneity and heterogeneity of environmental practices of firms, their relationship with the approach

  20. Observations on nests of Crocodylus moreletii in San Luis Potosí, Mexico Observaciones sobre nidos de Crocodylus moreletii en San Luis Potosí, México

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    Armando H. Escobedo-Galván


    Full Text Available Nesting ecology of Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii has been documented since 1940. However, only 2 nests constructed on floating vegetation have been recorded. Here, we presented additional information from a mainland population of C. moreletii in the Ciénega de Cabezas wetland, San Luis Potosí, describing 2 nests constructed on floating mats of cattails. The nests were constructed using Typha sp., close to the main channel. One nest was lost due to flooding, and contained 32 eggs. Seven eggs had a mean 72.6 ± 2.63 mm length (range = 70.0 -75.0 mm, 45.0 ± 2.30 mm width (range = 41.0-48.0 mm, and 140.7 ± 2.98 mm diameter (range = 136.0-145.0 mm. We suggest that the use of floating vegetation for nesting by C. moreletii is related to the availability of aquatic vegetation, combined with the lack of adequate nesting sites on land.La ecología de anidación del cocodrilo de pantano (Crocodylus moreletii ha sido documentada desde 1940. Sin embargo, sólo existen 2 registros de nidos construidos sobre vegetación acuática. Presentamos información adicional de 2 nidos (N1 y N2 construidos en este tipo de hábitat en una población ubicada en la Ciénega de Cabezas en el estado de San Luis Potosí. Los nidos fueron construidos sobre Typha sp., cerca del cauce principal de la ciénega. El N2 se perdió por inundación, en su interior encontramos 32 huevos, los promedios (± SD del largo, ancho y diámetro de 7 huevos fueron 72.6 ± 2.63 mm (rango = 70.0 -75.0 mm, 45.0 ± 2.30 mm (rango = 41.0-48.0 mm, 140.7 ± 2.98 mm (rango = 136.0-145.0 mm, respectivamente. Sugerimos que este tipo de sitios para anidar por parte de C. moreletii está relacionado con la disponibilidad de vegetación acuática, combinado con la ausencia de sitios adecuados en tierra firme.

  1. Seasonally asymmetric enhancement of northern vegetation productivity (United States)

    Park, T.; Myneni, R.


    Multiple evidences of widespread greening and increasing terrestrial carbon uptake have been documented. In particular, enhanced gross productivity of northern vegetation has been a critical role leading to observed carbon uptake trend. However, seasonal photosynthetic activity and its contribution to observed annual carbon uptake trend and interannual variability are not well understood. Here, we introduce a multiple-source of datasets including ground, atmospheric and satellite observations, and multiple process-based global vegetation models to understand how seasonal variation of land surface vegetation controls a large-scale carbon exchange. Our analysis clearly shows a seasonally asymmetric enhancement of northern vegetation productivity in growing season during last decades. Particularly, increasing gross productivity in late spring and early summer is obvious and dominant driver explaining observed trend and variability. We observe more asymmetric productivity enhancement in warmer region and this spatially varying asymmetricity in northern vegetation are likely explained by canopy development rate, thermal and light availability. These results imply that continued warming may facilitate amplifying asymmetric vegetation activity and cause these trends to become more pervasive, in turn warming induced regime shift in northern land.


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    Tony Berber Sardinha


    realmente colocações, isto é, quantas eram usadas com frequência suficiente num corpus de referência (o Corpus Brasileiro. Os resultados sugerem que a maioria das combinações de palavras não são livres, mas seguem preferências previamente estabelecidas pelos sujeitos falantes. Com relação à segunda noção - heterogeneidade - as colocações dos textos de jornal foram acompanhadas conforme eram empregadas uma após a outra ao longo dos textos, sendo esse fluxo capturado de forma visual. A inspeção dos diagramas revelou padrões únicos de distribuição de colocações, evidenciando dessa forma a visão da heterogeneidade. Uma análise de agrupamento foi feita sobre as colocações em cada texto, revelando três níveis de colocabilidade. Esses níveis indicaram que a heterogeneidade, apesar de presente e aparente, sofre coerções e tem limites. O artigo conclui que os métodos e técnicas da linguística de corpus atual podem iluminar muitos dos insights valiosos propostos por Saussure. --- Original em inglês.

  3. Vegetation - San Felipe Valley [ds172 (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — This Vegetation Map of the San Felipe Valley Wildlife Area in San Diego County, California is based on vegetation samples collected in the field in 2002 and 2005 and...

  4. Vegetation study in support of the design and optimization of vegetative soil covers, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peace, Gerald (Jerry) L.; Goering, Timothy James (GRAM inc., Albuquerque, NM); Knight, Paul J. (Marron and Associates, Albuquerque, NM); Ashton, Thomas S. (Marron and Associates, Albuquerque, NM)


    A vegetation study was conducted in Technical Area 3 at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2003 to assist in the design and optimization of vegetative soil covers for hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste landfills at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico and Kirtland Air Force Base. The objective of the study was to obtain site-specific, vegetative input parameters for the one-dimensional code UNSAT-H and to identify suitable, diverse native plant species for use on vegetative soil covers that will persist indefinitely as a climax ecological community with little or no maintenance. The identification and selection of appropriate native plant species is critical to the proper design and long-term performance of vegetative soil covers. Major emphasis was placed on the acquisition of representative, site-specific vegetation data. Vegetative input parameters measured in the field during this study include root depth, root length density, and percent bare area. Site-specific leaf area index was not obtained in the area because there was no suitable platform to measure leaf area during the 2003 growing season due to severe drought that has persisted in New Mexico since 1999. Regional LAI data was obtained from two unique desert biomes in New Mexico, Sevilletta Wildlife Refuge and Jornada Research Station.

  5. On the characterization of vegetation recovery after fire disturbance using Fisher-Shannon analysis and SPOT/VEGETATION Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series (United States)

    Lasaponara, Rosa; Lanorte, Antonio; Lovallo, Michele; Telesca, Luciano


    Time series can fruitfully support fire monitoring and management from statistical analysis of fire occurrence (Tuia et al. 2008) to danger estimation (lasaponara 2005), damage evaluation (Lanorte et al 2014) and post fire recovery (Lanorte et al. 2014). In this paper, the time dynamics of SPOT-VEGETATION Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series are analyzed by using the statistical approach of the Fisher-Shannon (FS) information plane to assess and monitor vegetation recovery after fire disturbance. Fisher-Shannon information plane analysis allows us to gain insight into the complex structure of a time series to quantify its degree of organization and order. The analysis was carried out using 10-day Maximum Value Composites of NDVI (MVC-NDVI) with a 1 km × 1 km spatial resolution. The investigation was performed on two test sites located in Galizia (North Spain) and Peloponnese (South Greece), selected for the vast fires which occurred during the summer of 2006 and 2007 and for their different vegetation covers made up mainly of low shrubland in Galizia test site and evergreen forest in Peloponnese. Time series of MVC-NDVI have been analyzed before and after the occurrence of the fire events. Results obtained for both the investigated areas clearly pointed out that the dynamics of the pixel time series before the occurrence of the fire is characterized by a larger degree of disorder and uncertainty; while the pixel time series after the occurrence of the fire are featured by a higher degree of organization and order. In particular, regarding the Peloponneso fire, such discrimination is more evident than in the Galizia fire. This suggests a clear possibility to discriminate the different post-fire behaviors and dynamics exhibited by the different vegetation covers. Reference Lanorte A, R Lasaponara, M Lovallo, L Telesca 2014 Fisher-Shannon information plane analysis of SPOT/VEGETATION Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series to

  6. Exploring vegetation in the fourth dimension. (United States)

    Mitchell, Fraser J G


    Much ecological research focuses on changes in vegetation on spatial scales from stands to landscapes; however, capturing data on vegetation change over relevant timescales remains a challenge. Pollen analysis offers unrivalled access to data with global coverage over long timescales. Robust techniques have now been developed that enable pollen data to be converted into vegetation data in terms of individual taxa, plant communities or biomes, with the possibility of deriving from those data a range of plant attributes and ecological indicators. In this review, I discuss how coupling pollen with macrofossil, charcoal and genetic data opens up the extensive pollen databases to investigation of the drivers of vegetation change over time and also provides extensive data sets for testing hypotheses with wide ecological relevance. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Theory, methods and tools for determining environmental flows for riparian vegetation: Riparian vegetation-flow response guilds (United States)

    Merritt, D.M.; Scott, M.L.; Leroy, Poff N.; Auble, G.T.; Lytle, D.A.


    Riparian vegetation composition, structure and abundance are governed to a large degree by river flow regime and flow-mediated fluvial processes. Streamflow regime exerts selective pressures on riparian vegetation, resulting in adaptations (trait syndromes) to specific flow attributes. Widespread modification of flow regimes by humans has resulted in extensive alteration of riparian vegetation communities. Some of the negative effects of altered flow regimes on vegetation may be reversed by restoring components of the natural flow regime. 2. Models have been developed that quantitatively relate components of the flow regime to attributes of riparian vegetation at the individual, population and community levels. Predictive models range from simple statistical relationships, to more complex stochastic matrix population models and dynamic simulation models. Of the dozens of predictive models reviewed here, most treat one or a few species, have many simplifying assumptions such as stable channel form, and do not specify the time-scale of response. In many cases, these models are very effective in developing alternative streamflow management plans for specific river reaches or segments but are not directly transferable to other rivers or other regions. 3. A primary goal in riparian ecology is to develop general frameworks for prediction of vegetation response to changing environmental conditions. The development of riparian vegetation-flow response guilds offers a framework for transferring information from rivers where flow standards have been developed to maintain desirable vegetation attributes, to rivers with little or no existing information. 4. We propose to organise riparian plants into non-phylogenetic groupings of species with shared traits that are related to components of hydrologic regime: life history, reproductive strategy, morphology, adaptations to fluvial disturbance and adaptations to water availability. Plants from any river or region may be grouped

  8. Heavy Metals Accumulation Characteristics of Vegetables in Hangzhou City, China

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    GU Yan-qing


    Full Text Available A field survey of heavy metal concentrations in soils and vegetables grown in 30 vegetable farmlands of Hangzhou City were carried out. Through calculating the bioconcentration factor(BCFand transfer factor(TFfor different heavy metals(Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr and Pbin 27 kinds of different vegetables which belong to leafy vegetables, root vegetables or eggplant fruit vegetables, assessing their accumulation characteristics of heavy metals according to the differences of the bio-concentration factor, the reasonable proposals were put forward to optimize the planting structure of vegetables in mild and middle-level heavy metal contamination soils. The experimental results were as follows: In soils with mild and middle-level heavy metal contamination, leafy vegetables, such as crown daisy, cabbage, celery and Chinese long cabbage, had relatively low enrichment ability of heavy metals, so as the root and fruit vegetables like white radish, carrot, tomatoes, hence these vegetables could be planted preferentially. In contrast, some kinds of vegetables, including white amaranth, red amaranth, tatsoi, broccoli, gynura, brassica juncea and lettuce of leafy vegetables, lactuca sativa, taro, red radish and cherry radish of rhizome vegetables and sweet pepper of fruit vegetables, had relatively high accumulation ability of heavy metal, which should be avoided to be planted in soils with mild and middle-level heavy metal contamination.

  9. Revisitando uma carta em português sobre Sabbatai Zvi

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    Rodrigues da Silva Tavim, José Alberto


    Full Text Available The present paper deals with the Iberian context of the production-translation of a text in Portuguese language about Shabbatai Zevi, in 1666. We refer the production of similar texts and the information about the adherents in Spain, mostly in Malaga. We reflect on the various messsianic currents that crossed the different social groups in Portugal. We present a text that proves the spreading of news about Shabbatai in Portuguese Lands, and the interest kindled among the Portuguese Conversos. And we place the hypothesis that this text to the movement of Shabbatai, could have different readings, among them one that could be convenient to the conversos.

    Este artículo aborda el contexto de la producción-traducción de un texto en portugués sobre Sabetay Sebí, en 1666. Se alude a la producción de otros textos similares y a la información sobre los adeptos del movimiento en España, sobre todo en Málaga. Se reflexiona sobre las varias corrrientes mesiánicas que cruzaban los diferentes grupos sociales en Portugal. Se presenta un texto que prueba la divulgación de noticias sobre Sabetay, en tierras portuguesas y del interés desperttado entre los medios conversos sobre el movimiento. Y se plantea la hipótesis de que este texto contrario al movimiento de Sabbatai pudiera tener varias lecturas, entre ellas una que debería ser conveniente para los conversos.


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    Ivan Ighour Silva Sá


    Full Text Available Este estudio desarrolla los municipios de Araripina, Bodocó, Ipubi, Ouricuri y Trinidad. Estos distritos forman el eje de Araripe y se encuentran en el extremo oeste de Pernambuco. Esta región sufre intensos cambios en el paisaje mediante la eliminación de la cubierta vegetal para el uso de leña en la calcinación de la región, así como para las prácticas agrícolas tradicionales. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la vegetación de esta región, basado en la clasifi cación no supervisada de NDVI y encuestas sobre el terreno. En la región son las caras Savana facies Estépica en sus bosques y cubierta de árboles que se encuentran en la Unidad de Paisaje Depresión país, las áreas de contacto de tipo de vegetación Savana, Savana Estépica y el bosque de hoja caduca que se encuentran en la Araripe y áreas donde estas caras están en la regeneración y en áreas de la agricultura.

  11. Nigerian women reap benefits from indigenous vegetables | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Jun 6, 2016 ... Demand for fresh indigenous vegetables in Nigeria has increased ... greater returns from indigenous vegetables compared to conventional vegetables. ... In Kolli Hills, Tamil Nadu, monocropping of a single, non-edible variety ...



    Coelho de Britto, Sabrina Maria; de Souza Ramos, Raquel; dos Santos, Érick Igor; da Silva Veloso, Olga; Melo da Silva, Aline; de Aguiar Mariz, Rosângela Guiomar


    Introdução: O presente estudo refere-se a um processo de investigação sobre a representação social dos enfermeiros sobre cuidados paliativos. Objetivos: identificar a estrutura das representações sociais dos enfermeiros sobre cuidados paliativos; discutir as repercussões dessas representações no cotidiano da prática assistencial. Materiais e Métodos: Para a realização deste estudo foram abordados 70 enfermeiros que atuam nas enfermarias do serviço de Clínica Médica. A técnica para coleta de d...

  13. Efeito da adição de óleos ao acaricida cyhexatin sobre o ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis e na retenção de calda por folhas de citros

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    Daniel Júnior de Andrade


    Full Text Available A adição de óleos à calda de pulverização, muitas vezes, é utilizada a campo sem o adequado conhecimento sobre a absorção do produto fitossanitário pelo alvo, retenção de calda e até mesmo sobre a praga e a cultura. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adição de óleos ao acaricida cyhexatin sobre o ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis e na retenção de calda por folhas de citros. Avaliou-se a mortalidade de ácaros, utilizando-se de frutos de laranja com uma arena circundada com cola entomológica para confinar os ácaros. Adotou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial, constituído pelos fatores: duas formulações de cyhexatin (WG e SC, dois tipos de óleo (mineral e vegetal e duas concentrações dos óleos (0,5 e 1,0%, e mais dois tratamentos adicionais (acaricidas não adicionados de óleo e uma testemunha sem aplicação. A aplicação dos produtos foi realizada sobre frutos de laranja até além do ponto de escorrimento. Logo após a aplicação, transferiram-se 10 ácaros B. phoenicis para cada fruto.A contagem dos ácaros vivos, mortos e retidos na barreira adesiva foi realizada um dia após a aplicação. Para a determinação da quantidade de calda retida, utilizaram-se folhas de laranjeira, que foram pulverizadas até além do ponto de escorrimento, adotando-se os mesmos tratamentos e o delineamento estatístico mencionados para a avaliação da mortalidade de ácaros, com exceção da testemunha sem aplicação. Determinou-se a massa de líquido retido após a aplicação dos produtos por folha, com auxílio de balança de precisão. Verificou-se que um dia após a aplicação dos produtos, todos os tratamentos apresentaram mortalidade de B. phoenicis acima de 99%. Dessa forma, a adição de óleo, seja mineral, seja vegetal, ao acaricida cyhexatin não afetou a eficácia biológica deste acaricida nas formulações SC e WG. A maior fuga de B. phoenicis para a barreira de cola foi

  14. Determination of zinc contents in vegetables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salah-ud-Din; Salariya, A.M.; Yasin, M.


    Zinc content of three groups of vegetables (roots and tuber, leaves and fruits) collected from local markets was determined and are reported here. The determination was made by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results obtained show that the zinc content of different vegetables ranged from 6.26-36.80 ppm, 8.80-70-70 ppm and 7.20-35.10 ppm for roots and tubers, fruits of vegetables respectively on dry weight basis. Generally, the values obtained in majority are not above, the maximum permissible limits. (author)

  15. Radionuclide interception and loss processes in vegetation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Proehl, G.; Hoffman, F.O.


    Data available since the Chernobyl accident have strengthened the view that the transfer of radionuclides from air to vegetation is a primary area of uncertainty in the estimation of the contamination of food chains leading to human exposure. The processes affecting the overall transfer from air to vegetation involve wet and dry deposition, interception and initial retention, and post-deposition retention of radioactive substances by vegetation. During the growing season, the time-integrated concentrations of radionuclides on vegetation in the first few months after initial deposition are dominated by the direct foliar interception of deposited material. Chapter 2 contains a review of data for modelling the direct foliar interception and initial retention of radioactivity deposited by dry and wet processes, together with data on the factors affecting post-deposition retention of radioactivity on the vegetation. 82 refs, 9 figs, 11 tabs

  16. Mineral composition of non-conventional leafy vegetables. (United States)

    Barminas, J T; Charles, M; Emmanuel, D


    Six non-conventional leafy vegetables consumed largely by the rural populace of Nigeria were analyzed for mineral composition. Mineral contents appeared to be dependent on the type of vegetables. Amaranthus spinosus and Adansonia digitata leaves contained the highest level of iron (38.4 mg/100 g and 30.6 mg/100 g dw, respectively). These values are low compared to those for common Nigerian vegetables but higher than those for other food sources. All the vegetables contained high levels of calcium compared to common vegetables, thus they could be a rich source of this mineral. Microelement content of the leaves varied appreciably. Zinc content was highest in Moringa oleifera, Adansonia digitata and Cassia tora leaves (25.5 mg/100 g, 22.4 mg/100 g and 20.9 mg/100 g dw, respectively) while the manganese content was comparatively higher in Colocasia esculenta. The concentrations of the mineral elements in the vegetables per serving portion are presented and these values indicate that the local vegetables could be valuable and important contributors in the diets of the rural and urban people of Nigeria. The mean daily intake of P, Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn were lower than their recommended dietary allowances (RDAs). However, the manganese daily intake was found not to differ significantly (p = 0.05) from the RDA value.

  17. Transfer of 137Cs to wild vegetables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Nobuhiko; Natsuhori, Masahiro; Mezawa, Akane; Kawakami, Akira


    For the evaluation of internal radiation dose, it is needed to estimate the amount of radionuclide incorporated to human body using a simulation model. 137 Cesium (Cs) is easily transferred associating with food intake as well as potassium and so, Cs is an important nuclide for evaluation of internal radiation. 137 Cs concentrations in wild vegetables are higher than those of cultured vegetables and milk. Therefore, the transfer coefficients of 137 Cs from soil to wild vegetables were estimated in this study. Wild vegetables and soils of their farms were collected in the Hakkoda Mountain range of Aomori Prefecture. The levels of 137 Cs in wild vegetables were 0.42-18.35 (Bq/kg), whereas those in cabbage and spinach were 0.08 and 0.01 (Bq/kg), respectively, indicating that the Cs level is dozens to several hundreds times higher in wild vegetables than cultured ones. And the transfer coefficient was estimated as 0.003-0.94 for the former and 0.001-0.8 for the latter. On the other hand, 1 37 Cs levels of the soils on which wild vegetables grew was 28.0 Bq/kg and it was 3.9 Bq/kg for the farm soil. Furthermore, the effects of water content and pH of the soil on the transfer coefficient were studied. (M.N.)



    Licet Chávez Suárez; Alexander Álvarez Fonseca; Ramiro Ramírez Fernández


    El estrés abiótico es una de las principales causas de las pérdidas de las producciones agrícolas a nivel mundial. Los reguladores del crecimiento vegetal tales como el ácido abscícico, el etileno, el ácido jasmónico y el ácido salicílico son esenciales en la respuesta de las plantas al estrés abiótico. Se describen las generalidades de estas moléculas así como su función en la respuesta de la planta frente al estrés abiótico.

  19. Vegetation geographical patterns as a key to the past, with emphasis on the dry vegetation types of South Africa

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    M. J. A. Werger


    Full Text Available Southern Africa is characterized by a highly diversified vegetational cover with extremes as contrasting as desert, tropical forest, alpine grassland, or mediterranean type scrub, and many other types in between. This vegetational pattern is strongly correlated to the climatological pattern. It is therefore likely that past changes in climate can still be partly traced in the vegetational pattern, particularly in geographical anomalies, and that study of these patterns provides complementary evidence to palynological research. The following anomalies in the vegetational pattern are briefly discussed: 1. island-wise occurrence of Afro-montane vegetation on mesic, sheltered sites in the southern Sudano- Zambezian Region, in particular in the Highveld grassland/False Karoo transition area; 2. similar westward occurrence of Sudano-Zambezian scrub patches in the Karoo-Namib Region near the Orange/Vaal confluence; 3. scattered occurrence of Sudano-Zambezian woody species in a matrix of Karoo-Namib vegetation in the marginal Karoo-Namib Region; 4. island-wise occurrence of frost-tolerant, dry, karroid dwarf shrub vegetation of predominantly C,-plants on isolated peaks in the winter rainfall area of Namaqualand; 5. peculiar patchy distribution of some succulents in wide areas of climatically rather homogeneous, succulent dwarf shrub vegetation of predominantly CAM-plants in the escarpment area of Namaqualand. a pattern reminiscent of that in many Cape fynbos species. Interpretation of these patterns logically leads to the conclusion that these result from a previously wetter, a previously cooler, or a previously wetter and cooler climate, respectively, over the parts of southern Africa under discussion. This conclusion is compared with published palynological views.

  20. Australian consumer awareness of health benefits associated with vegetable consumption. (United States)

    Rekhy, Reetica; Khan, Aila; Eason, Jocelyn; Mactavish-West, Hazel; Lister, Carolyn; Mcconchie, Robyn


    The present study investigated the perceived health benefits of specific vegetable consumption to guide the use of nutrition and health claims on vegetable marketing collateral. Free elicitation and consumer ranking data were collected through an online survey of 1000 adults from across Australia and analysed for the perceived importance of vegetables in the daily diet, number of serves consumed per day, knowledge about health-related benefits of specific vegetables and perceived health benefits of vegetable consumption. The importance of vegetables in the diet and daily vegetable consumption was higher in people from an English-speaking background, females, people aged 45 years and over and people living in non-metropolitan areas. Digestion was selected as the major health benefit from consumption of specific vegetables. However, understanding of the health benefits of specific vegetable consumption was relatively low among consumers. Half of the respondents were not sure of the health benefits associated with specific vegetables, except for carrots and spinach. Some respondents volunteered nutrient content or other information. There was no clear indication that consumers understand the specific health benefits conferred by consumption of vegetables. Nutrient and health benefit labelling therefore has the capacity to enhance knowledge of vegetable consumers. It is recommended that health benefit labelling be tailored to promote greater consumption of vegetables in those demographic groups where vegetable consumption was lower. The present study assists the Australian vegetable industry in helping consumers make more informed consumption choices. © 2016 Dietitians Association of Australia.

  1. Identification of Distribution Channels to Create Sustainable Vegetable Prices

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    Aflit Nuryulia Praswati


    Full Text Available The price of vegetables has a role as a contributor to the rate of inflation. Currently the number of vegetable production in Boyolali region can no longer meet the needs of local communities. The limited amount of vegetable production and the inhibition of the vegetable distribution channel creates a scarcity of vegetables that result in price increases. This study aims to identify the distribution channel and the formation of vegetable prices derived from Boyolali area. The method used in this research is quantitative and qualitative. Respondents from this study consisted of farmers, wholesalers, small trader and end consumers. The type of distribution channel prevailing in Boyolali area are traditional and modern distribution channels. Intermediate distribution channels play a greater role in determining vegetable prices. If farmers want to improve their economic condition, it needs innovation and creativity in the process of planting, harvesting, packaging and marketing vegetable products.

  2. Effects of repeated exposure to either vegetables or fruits on infant's vegetable and fruit acceptance at the beginning of weaning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barends, C.; Vries, de J.; Mojet, J.; Graaf, de C.


    This study investigated the effects of repeated exposure to either vegetables or fruits on an infant's vegetable and fruit acceptance during the first 18 days of weaning. We hypothesized that repeated exposure to a type of vegetable or fruit, would increase its intake. Furthermore, we expected that

  3. Sobre-educación en el mercado laboral colombiano

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    Jhon James Mora


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la sobre-educación en Colombia con datos de individuos y empresas compilados por el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje de Colombia en 2006, encuentra que la probabilidad de estar sobre-educado es del 14% y que depende de la movilidad entre áreas de desempeño, la experiencia, el género, el tamaño de la empresa y el nivel de educación. Los trabajadores sobre-educados ganan un 2% menos que los trabajadores correctamente educados, conforme al patrón internacional. Los resultados también muestran que la probabilidad de que los profesionales permanezcan en la misma área de desempeño aumenta con la experiencia, que cuanto mayor es la sobre-educación menor es la probabilidad de permanecer en dicha área y que los trabajadores con postgrado tienen menor probabilidad de permanecer en su área de desempeño.

  4. Consideraciones del bioderecho sobre la eutanasia en Colombia

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    José Antonio García Pereáñez


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda de manera reflexiva las incidencias del bioderecho sobre situaciones de eutanasia en Colombia, al interpretar conflictos morales y jurídicos suscitados por las sentencias de la Corte Constitucional C239 de 1997, T970 de 2014 y la Resolución del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social 1216, de 2015. El propósito fundamental es el análisis de las decisiones judiciales sobre el final de la vida humana. Por lo tanto, se realiza una revisión de la construcción histórica y jurídica del concepto de eutanasia y se propone la discusión sobre su manejo jurídico y su influencia en el colectivo moral. Asimismo, se diserta sobre el concepto de dignidad humana y muerte digna, como precedentes para dirimir los conflictos éticos que la eutanasia suscita. Al final, se analiza el caso de don Ovidio González, quien se convirtió en 2015 en el primer colombiano en recibir la eutanasia de manera legal dentro del sistema de salud.

  5. Subpoblaciones neuronales presentes en el ganglio de la raíz dorsal

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    Marlén Martínez


    Full Text Available La función principal de las neuronas del ganglio de la raiz dorsal (GRD es transmitir la información sensorial desde la periferia hasta el sistema nervioso central. Dos clases de células están presentes en el ganglio: las células no neuronales y las neuronales. La heterogeneidad morfológica, fisiológica y bioquimica de la población neuronal permite diferenciarla en subpoblaciones. Morfológicarnente, se distinguen tres tipos neuronales (A, B y C segun el tamaño y las caracteristicas ultraestructurales. Fisiológicamente, hay una relación directa entre el tamaño, el diámetro de las fibras nerviosas y la velocidad con que conducen el impulso nervioso. Finalmente, el uso de marcadores (neuropéptidos, enzimas, receptores, etc. permite realizar una clasificación bioquímica, que es la más utilizada para estudiar la función neuronal. Este articulo revisa la evidencia experimental sobre el tema de la heterogeneidad neuronal del GRD v wresenta una correlación desde el punto de vista bioauimico v fisioló-o ico en los casos en dondé'hay información disponible. El esiudio de subpoblaciones en este ganglio resulta de bastante interés para investigaciones en neurociencias, principalmente en infecciones por virus neurotrópicos, traurnatismos del nervio periférico y el estudio de factores neurotróficos, entre otros.

  6. Heterogeneidad clínica y genética en pacientes con retinosis pigmentaria en Pinar del Río. Importancia del asesoramiento genético

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    Nercy Rodríguez Garcia


    Full Text Available Introducción: la retinosis pigmentaria (RP es una degeneración progresiva, crónica y de carácter hereditario de la retina, que conduce a discapacidad visual o ceguera sin un tratamiento adecuado. Objetivo: determinar la variabilidad de la expresión clínica en la presentación de la retinosis pigmentaria, así como el tipo de herencia con que se transmite en los enfermos y familias de los individuos ingresados en el servicio provincial de la enfermedad en Pinar del Río, lo que permitirá aplicar una estrategia para el asesoramiento genético individual y familiar. Material y Método: se realizó una investigación descriptiva, retrospectiva y transversal, teniendo como universo y muestra a los 259 pacientes con diagnóstico del padecimiento, registrados en el servicio provincial, de enero a septiembre del año 2012. Resultados: predominó el sexo masculino con 154 pacientes y el grupo de edades entre 40 y 59 años de edad con un 46,71 %. De acuerdo a la clasificación cubana, prevalece el debut precoz, el estadio I, la herencia autosómica recesiva y la forma típica de presentación. Resaltan el síndrome de Usher como entidad asociada y en 99 familias se determinó que la enfermedad sigue un patrón de herencia autosómico recesivo, en 38 de las cuales existe consanguinidad. Las limitaciones de estos enfermos obligan a suministrarles una información adecuada y precisa mediante los servicios de asesoramiento genético. Conclusiones: la gran heterogeneidad clínica y genética de la enfermedad ha generado que la estrategia de asesoramiento genético incluya la personalización del proceso de acuerdo a cada paciente y familia y se le brinde mayor importancia a los grupos de apoyo mutuo.

  7. A morphometric analysis of vegetation patterns in dryland ecosystems (United States)

    Mander, Luke; Dekker, Stefan C.; Li, Mao; Mio, Washington; Punyasena, Surangi W.; Lenton, Timothy M.


    Vegetation in dryland ecosystems often forms remarkable spatial patterns. These range from regular bands of vegetation alternating with bare ground, to vegetated spots and labyrinths, to regular gaps of bare ground within an otherwise continuous expanse of vegetation. It has been suggested that spotted vegetation patterns could indicate that collapse into a bare ground state is imminent, and the morphology of spatial vegetation patterns, therefore, represents a potentially valuable source of information on the proximity of regime shifts in dryland ecosystems. In this paper, we have developed quantitative methods to characterize the morphology of spatial patterns in dryland vegetation. Our approach is based on algorithmic techniques that have been used to classify pollen grains on the basis of textural patterning, and involves constructing feature vectors to quantify the shapes formed by vegetation patterns. We have analysed images of patterned vegetation produced by a computational model and a small set of satellite images from South Kordofan (South Sudan), which illustrates that our methods are applicable to both simulated and real-world data. Our approach provides a means of quantifying patterns that are frequently described using qualitative terminology, and could be used to classify vegetation patterns in large-scale satellite surveys of dryland ecosystems.

  8. Parasitic Contamination of Raw Vegetables in Zanjan Markets, Iran

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    Negin Torabi


    Full Text Available Background: Complex surface of vegetables facilitate attachment and transmission of several pathogens. No previous study has been conducted in survey of parasitic contamination of vegetables in Zanjan. This study aimed to detect the parasitic contamination in common raw vegetables in Zanjan markets. Methods: A total of 352 raw vegetable samples, including leek, parsley, basil, mint, radish, cress and dill were collected from grocery stores using cluster sampling in different regions of the city during 2014. The edible parts of vegetables were separated and immersed in normal saline solution. Floating vegetables were removed and the solution was allowed to sediment at room temperature for 24 hours. The pellet was examined following sedimentation and floatation methods. Results:Various Organisms were detected in 54% (190 of the 352 samples, but only 2.8% of samples had pathogenic parasites including; Trichostrongylus eggs (3, Hookworm eggs (2, Eimeria oocysts (2, Sarcocystis oocyst (1, Strongyloides larvae (1, and Fasciola eggs (1. The contamination rate of vegetables was highest (90.4% in the fall (p˂0.05. Conclusion: Vegetable contamination with parasitic organisms in this area was low, maybe due to irrigation of vegetables with sources other than sewage water, but it is still necessary to improve sanitary conditions of vegetables.

  9. Vitamina D y riesgo de preeclampsia: revisión sistemática y metaanálisis. (United States)

    Serrano-Díaz, Norma Cecilia; Gamboa-Delgado, Edna Magaly; Domínguez-Urrego, Clara Lucía; Vesga-Varela, Andrea Liliana; Serrano-Gómez, Sergio Eduardo; Quintero-Lesmes, Doris Cristina


    Introducción. Cada vez son más los hallazgos sobre la relación entre las concentraciones de vitamina D en el ser humano y diversas condiciones clínicas. Hay una gran cantidad de estudios que informan sobre dicha asociación, especialmente con complicaciones obstétricas, incluidas la preeclampsia y la diabetes mellitus de la gestación, entre otras, pero sus resultados todavía no son definitivos, por lo que se requieren estudios de intervención de calidad que confirmen la relación de la vitamina D con dichos resultados.Objetivo. Revisar la información plasmada en estudios en torno al papel de la vitamina D materna y el desarrollo de la preeclampsia.Materiales y métodos. La metodología usada siguió las recomendaciones de la guía Cochrane para la elaboración de revisiones sistemáticas y de la guía del grupo Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) para los metaanálisis. La búsqueda incluyó estudios observacionales y ensayos clínicos controlados.Resultados. Los niveles bajos de vitamina D, medida con el examen de 25-hidroxivitamina D, son comunes en el embarazo. Los resultados de esta revisión sistemática y del metaanálisis sugieren una asociación inversa entre los niveles de vitamina D y el desarrollo de preeclampsia. Hubo heterogeneidad en los estudios en cuanto a su diseño, población y ubicación geográfica, así como a las definiciones de exposición y resultado. Los ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorizados se excluyeron del metaanálisis.Conclusión. Se encontró una asociación inversa que sugiere que, a mayores concentraciones de vitamina D, menor es la probabilidad de desarrollar preclampsia, a pesar de la heterogeneidad de la medida global en este tipo de análisis.

  10. Farming of Vegetables in Space-Limited Environments (United States)

    He, Jie


    Vegetables that contain most of the essential components of human nutrition are perishable and cannot be stocked. To secure vegetable supply in space limited cities such as Singapore, there are different farming methods to produce vegetables. These include low-cost urban community gardening and innovative rooftop and vertical farms integrated with various technologies such as hydroponics, aquaponics and aeroponics. However, for large-scale vegetable production in space-limited Singapore, we need to develop farming systems that not only increase productivity many-fold per unit of land but also produce all types of vegetable, all year-round for today and the future. This could be resolved through integrated vertical aeroponic farming system. Manipulation of root-zone (RZ) environments such as cooling the RZ, modifying mineral nutrients and introducing elevated RZ CO2 using aeroponics can further boost crop productivity beyond what can be achieved from more efficient use of land area. We could also adopt energy saving light emitting diodes (LEDs) for vertical aeroponic farming system to promote uniform growth and to improve the utilisation of limited space via shortening the growth cycle, thus improving vegetable production in a cost-effective manner.

  11. Variation of MODIS reflectance and vegetation indices with viewing geometry and soybean development

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    Fábio M. Breunig


    Full Text Available Directional effects introduce a variability in reflectance and vegetation index determination, especially when large field-of-view sensors are used (e.g., Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer - MODIS. In this study, we evaluated directional effects on MODIS reflectance and four vegetation indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - NDVI; Enhanced Vegetation Index - EVI; Normalized Difference Water Index - NDWI1640 and NDWI2120 with the soybean development in two growing seasons (2004-2005 and 2005-2006. To keep the reproductive stage for a given cultivar as a constant factor while varying viewing geometry, pairs of images obtained in close dates and opposite view angles were analyzed. By using a non-parametric statistics with bootstrapping and by normalizing these indices for angular differences among viewing directions, their sensitivities to directional effects were studied. Results showed that the variation in MODIS reflectance between consecutive phenological stages was generally smaller than that resultant from viewing geometry for closed canopies. The contrary was observed for incomplete canopies. The reflectance of the first seven MODIS bands was higher in the backscattering. Except for the EVI, the other vegetation indices had larger values in the forward scattering direction. Directional effects decreased with canopy closure. The NDVI was lesser affected by directional effects than the other indices, presenting the smallest differences between viewing directions for fixed phenological stages.Efeitos direcionais introduzem variabilidade na reflectância e na determinação de índices de vegetação, especialmente quando sensores de amplo campo de visada são usados (p.ex., Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer - MODIS. Neste estudo, nós avaliamos os efeitos direcionais sobre a reflectância e quatro índices de vegetação (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - NDVI; Enhanced Vegetation Index - EVI; Normalized

  12. Curtimento de peles de peixe com taninos vegetal e sintético = Tanning fish skins using vegetable and synthetic tannins

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    Ariana Martins Vieira


    Full Text Available No presente experimento objetivou-se avaliar a resistência das peles de peixes submetidas ao curtimento com taninos vegetal e sintético. As peles foram distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos aplicados na etapa decurtimento (T1 = 10% tanino vegetal; T2=10% tanino sintético; T3 = 5% tanino vegetal + 5% sintético; T4 = 12% tanino vegetal; T5 = 12% tanino sintético; T6 = 6% tanino vegetal + 6% sintético e dez repetições por tratamento, sendo o couro a unidade experimental.Para os testes de resistência à tração, alongamento e rasgamento, foi utilizado o dinamômetro EMIC. O curtimento com tanino vegetal, sintético e/ou sua combinação, assim como os níveis utilizados dentro de cada técnica de curtimento, interferiu no teste de tração, no entanto não influenciou No teste de alongamento e rasgamento progressivo. Portanto, a técnica de curtimento interfere na resistência dos couros de peixes. As peles de tilápia, quando curtidas e recurtidas apenas com tanino sintético, independentemente da concentração (10 ou 12%, apresentaram pior resistência à tração. Quando comparados com os que receberam 10% de taninos (vegetal e a combinação dos taninos, esses couros não apresentaram diferença na resistência.The objective of the present experiment was to evaluate the resistance of fish skins submitted to tanning using vegetable and synthetic tannins. Skins were distributed in a completelyrandomized design, with six treatments applied in the tanning stage (T1 = 10% vegetable tannin; T2 = 10% synthetic tannin; T3 = 5% vegetable tannin + 5% synthetic tannin; T4 = 12% vegetable tannin; T5 = 12% synthetic tannin; T6 = 6% vegetable tannin + 6% synthetic. Ten repetitions per treatment were conducted, and the leather was theexperimental unit. For the tests of tensile strength, lengthening and progressive tearing resistance, an EMIC dynamometer was used. Tanning with vegetable tannin, synthetic

  13. Nutritional potentials of some tropical vegetable leaf meals ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Three tropical vegetable species (Talium triangulare, Amaranthus cruentus and Telfairia occidentalis) were selected based on their availability and agronomic desirability. The freshly harvested vegetable leaves were subjected to 2 processing techniques (shredding and sundrying) before milling into the vegetable leaf ...

  14. Terrestrial transect study on driving mechanism of vegetation changes

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    In terms of Chinese climate-vegetation model based on the classification of plant functional types, to- gether with climatic data from 1951 to 1980 and two future climatic scenarios (SRES-A2 and SRES-B2) in China from the highest and the lowest emission scenarios of greenhouse gases, the distribution patterns of vegetation types and their changes along the Northeast China Transect (NECT) and the North-South Transect of Eastern China (NSTEC) were simulated in order to understand the driving mechanisms of vegetation changes under climatic change. The results indicated that the vegetation distribution patterns would change significantly under future climate, and the major factors driving the vegetation changes were water and heat. However, the responses of various vegetation types to the changes in water and heat factors were obviously different. The vegetation changes were more sensi- tive to heat factors than to water factors. Thus, in the future climate warming will significantly affect vegetation distribution patterns.

  15. Modelling post-fire vegetation recovery in Portugal (United States)

    Bastos, A.; Gouveia, C. M.; Dacamara, C. C.; Trigo, R. M.


    Wildfires in Mediterranean Europe have been increasing in number and extension over the last decades and constitute one of the major disturbances of these ecosystems. Portugal is the country with more burnt area in the last decade and the years of 2003 and 2005 were particularly devastating, the total burned areas of 425 000 and 338 000 ha being several times higher than the corresponding average. The year of 2005 further coincided with one of the most severe droughts since early 20th century. Due to different responses of vegetation to diverse fire regimes and to the complexity of landscape structures, fires have complex effects on vegetation recovery. Remote sensing has revealed to be a powerful tool in studying vegetation dynamics and in monitoring post-fire vegetation recovery, which is crucial to land-management and to prevent erosion. The main goals of the present work are (i) to assess the accuracy of a vegetation recovery model previously developed by the authors; (ii) to assess the model's performance, namely its sensitivity to initial conditions, to the temporal length of the input dataset and to missing data; (iii) to study vegetation recovery over two selected areas that were affected by two large wildfire events in the fire seasons of 2003 and 2005, respectively. The study relies on monthly values of NDVI over 11 years (1998-2009), at 1 km × 1 km spatial resolution, as obtained by the VEGETATION instrument. According to results from sensitivity analysis, the model is robust and able to provide good estimations of recovery times of vegetation when the regeneration process is regular, even when missing data is present. In respect to the two selected burnt scars, results indicate that fire damage is a determinant factor of regeneration, as less damaged vegetation recovers more rapidly, which is mainly justified by the high coverage of Pinus pinaster over the area, and by the fact that coniferous forests tend to recover slower than transitional woodland

  16. Projected future vegetation changes for the northwest United States and southwest Canada at a fine spatial resolution using a dynamic global vegetation model. (United States)

    Shafer, Sarah; Bartlein, Patrick J.; Gray, Elizabeth M.; Pelltier, Richard T.


    Future climate change may significantly alter the distributions of many plant taxa. The effects of climate change may be particularly large in mountainous regions where climate can vary significantly with elevation. Understanding potential future vegetation changes in these regions requires methods that can resolve vegetation responses to climate change at fine spatial resolutions. We used LPJ, a dynamic global vegetation model, to assess potential future vegetation changes for a large topographically complex area of the northwest United States and southwest Canada (38.0–58.0°N latitude by 136.6–103.0°W longitude). LPJ is a process-based vegetation model that mechanistically simulates the effect of changing climate and atmospheric CO2 concentrations on vegetation. It was developed and has been mostly applied at spatial resolutions of 10-minutes or coarser. In this study, we used LPJ at a 30-second (~1-km) spatial resolution to simulate potential vegetation changes for 2070–2099. LPJ was run using downscaled future climate simulations from five coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (CCSM3, CGCM3.1(T47), GISS-ER, MIROC3.2(medres), UKMO-HadCM3) produced using the A2 greenhouse gases emissions scenario. Under projected future climate and atmospheric CO2 concentrations, the simulated vegetation changes result in the contraction of alpine, shrub-steppe, and xeric shrub vegetation across the study area and the expansion of woodland and forest vegetation. Large areas of maritime cool forest and cold forest are simulated to persist under projected future conditions. The fine spatial-scale vegetation simulations resolve patterns of vegetation change that are not visible at coarser resolutions and these fine-scale patterns are particularly important for understanding potential future vegetation changes in topographically complex areas.

  17. Exploiting differential vegetation phenology for satellite-based mapping of semiarid grass vegetation in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico (United States)

    Dye, Dennis G.; Middleton, Barry R.; Vogel, John M.; Wu, Zhuoting; Velasco, Miguel G.


    We developed and evaluated a methodology for subpixel discrimination and large-area mapping of the perennial warm-season (C4) grass component of vegetation cover in mixed-composition landscapes of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. We describe the methodology within a general, conceptual framework that we identify as the differential vegetation phenology (DVP) paradigm. We introduce a DVP index, the Normalized Difference Phenometric Index (NDPI) that provides vegetation type-specific information at the subpixel scale by exploiting differential patterns of vegetation phenology detectable in time-series spectral vegetation index (VI) data from multispectral land imagers. We used modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI2) data from Landsat to develop the NDPI, and MSAVI2 data from MODIS to compare its performance relative to one alternate DVP metric (difference of spring average MSAVI2 and summer maximum MSAVI2), and two simple, conventional VI metrics (summer average MSAVI2, summer maximum MSAVI2). The NDPI in a scaled form (NDPIs) performed best in predicting variation in perennial C4 grass cover as estimated from landscape photographs at 92 sites (R2 = 0.76, p landscapes of the Southwest, and potentially for monitoring of its response to drought, climate change, grazing and other factors, including land management. With appropriate adjustments, the method could potentially be used for subpixel discrimination and mapping of grass or other vegetation types in other regions where the vegetation components of the landscape exhibit contrasting seasonal patterns of phenology.

  18. Diversidad espacial de la actividad vegetal en campos abandonados del Pirineo Central español: análisis de los procesos de sucesión mediante imágenes Landsat (1984-2001

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    Vicente-Serrano, S. M.


    +, en un sector del Pirineo central español. Se han utilizado tres imágenes de agosto de los años 1984, 1991 y 2001, con una escasa diferencia en días en la toma de las mismas para garantizar la homogeneidad en la fenología de la vegetación. Las imágenes fueron corregidas geométrica y atmosféricamente siguiendo un método mixto basado en un modelo físico y procedimientos estadísticos. A partir de las imágenes de NDVI se han calculado coeficientes de variación móviles en un radio de 150 metros, para analizar la variabilidad espacial en la actividad vegetal. Los cambios en el NDVI han sido poco importantes durante el periodo analizado, existiendo escasas diferencias entre las tres imágenes. Sin embargo, sí se han producido cambios apreciables en la variabilidad espacial de la actividad vegetal, como consecuencia de procesos de homogeneización/heterogeneización. Se ha comprobado que en las áreas de bosques localizadas a mayor altitud se ha producido un proceso de homogeneización de la cubierta vegetal. Por el contrario, en las partes más bajas se ha incrementado la diversidad espacial, reflejando un dominio de procesos de heterogeneización. Ésta ha sido menor en las zonas de bosque que en las áreas cubiertas por vegetación esclerófila y en las de transición matorral/bosque, espacios que se encuentran en fases más tempranas de sucesión tras el abandono agrícola y en las que la sucesión se caracteriza por un aumento de la heterogeneidad espacial

  19. Suppression of vegetation in LANDSAT ETM+ remote sensing images (United States)

    Yu, Le; Porwal, Alok; Holden, Eun-Jung; Dentith, Michael


    Vegetation cover is an impediment to the interpretation of multispectral remote sensing images for geological applications, especially in densely vegetated terrains. In order to enhance the underlying geological information in such terrains, it is desirable to suppress the reflectance component of vegetation. One form of spectral unmixing that has been successfully used for vegetation reflectance suppression in multispectral images is called "forced invariance". It is based on segregating components of the reflectance spectrum that are invariant with respect to a specific spectral index such as the NDVI. The forced invariance method uses algorithms such as software defoliation. However, the outputs of software defoliation are single channel data, which are not amenable to geological interpretations. Crippen and Blom (2001) proposed a new forced invariance algorithm that utilizes band statistics, rather than band ratios. The authors demonstrated the effectiveness of their algorithms on a LANDSAT TM scene from Nevada, USA, especially in open canopy areas in mixed and semi-arid terrains. In this presentation, we report the results of our experimentation with this algorithm on a densely to sparsely vegetated Landsat ETM+ scene. We selected a scene (Path 119, Row 39) acquired on 18th July, 2004. Two study areas located around the city of Hangzhou, eastern China were tested. One of them covers uninhabited hilly terrain characterized by low rugged topography, parts of the hills are densely vegetated; another one covers both inhabited urban areas and uninhabited hilly terrain, which is densely vegetated. Crippen and Blom's algorithm is implemented in the following sequential steps: (1) dark pixel correction; (2) vegetation index calculation; (3) estimation of statistical relationship between vegetation index and digital number (DN) values for each band; (4) calculation of a smooth best-fit curve for the above relationships; and finally, (5) selection of a target average DN

  20. Tundra vegetation effects on pan-Arctic albedo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loranty, Michael M; Goetz, Scott J; Beck, Pieter S A


    Recent field experiments in tundra ecosystems describe how increased shrub cover reduces winter albedo, and how subsequent changes in surface net radiation lead to altered rates of snowmelt. These findings imply that tundra vegetation change will alter regional energy budgets, but to date the effects have not been documented at regional or greater scales. Using satellite observations and a pan-Arctic vegetation map, we examined the effects of shrub vegetation on albedo across the terrestrial Arctic. We included vegetation classes dominated by low shrubs, dwarf shrubs, tussock-dominated graminoid tundra, and non-tussock graminoid tundra. Each class was further stratified by bioclimate subzones. Low-shrub tundra had higher normalized difference vegetation index values and earlier albedo decline in spring than dwarf-shrub tundra, but for tussock tundra, spring albedo declined earlier than for low-shrub tundra. Our results illustrate how relatively small changes in vegetation properties result in differences in albedo dynamics, regardless of shrub growth, that may lead to differences in net radiation upwards of 50 W m -2 at weekly time scales. Further, our findings imply that changes to the terrestrial Arctic energy budget during this important seasonal transition are under way regardless of whether recent satellite observed productivity trends are the result of shrub expansion. We conclude that a better understanding of changes in vegetation productivity and distribution in Arctic tundra is essential for accurately quantifying and predicting carbon and energy fluxes and associated climate feedbacks.

  1. Construcciones en yeso proyectado sobre vegetales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martínez, Hubert


    Full Text Available A construction method developed in early 1981 in Senegal, whose main objective is the evaluation of natural and human sources, specially those of wild vegetables and the phosphogypsum (a waste of chemical industry in Senegal. The introduction of the mechanical projection allows a noticeably growth in work performances and an improvement of the quality. The projection reduces de number of trades intervening in the work, doing away with plasters, watertightness systems and paintings, and simplifying the setting of technical installations and of carpentry. The acquisition of this projecting material is not very expensive, so, it is easy for small and medium enterprises to reach an expertness in gypsum work. Its finantial rentability is assured for a prize of the gypsum of 180% of the prize of the cement.Procedimiento de construcción desarrollado al comienzo de 1981 en el Senegal, teniendo como objetivo la valoración de las fuentes naturales y humanas, especialmente los vegetales en estado silvestre y el fosfoyeso, residuo de la industria química del Senegal. La introducción de la proyección mecánica permite aumentar sensiblemente el rendimiento del trabajo y mejorar la calidad. La proyección reduce el número de oficios que intervienen en la obra por la supresión de enlucidos, sistemas de estanquidad y pinturas sobre la gruesa obra y simplifica la colocación de las instalaciones técnicas y de carpintería. La adquisición del material de proyección, necesitando un capital relativamente modesto, se encuentra al alcance de pequeñas y medianas empresas que deseen especializarse en los trabajos de yeso. La rentabilidad financiera del procedimiento está asegurada para un precio del yeso de hasta el 180% del precio del cemento.

  2. Celulas solares e sensores de filme fino de silicio depositados sobre substratos flexiveis = (United States)

    Pinto, Emilio Sergio Marins Vieira

    Celulas solares flexiveis de filmes finos de silicio sao geralmente fabricadas a baixa temperatura sobre substratos de plastico ou a mais elevadas temperaturas sobre folhas de aco. Esta tese reporta o estudo da deposicao de filmes finos sobre diferentes substratos de plastico, transparentes e coloridos, para celulas solares do tipo sobrestrato e substrato, respectivamente. Como objetivo co-lateral, os filmes dopados depositados sobre plastico foram usados como sensores de deformacao, utilizando as suas propriedades piezo-resistivas. Elevadas taxas de deposicao dos filmes de silicio depositados sobre plastico foram obtidas a baixa temperatura do substrato (150ºC) por rf-PECVD. A influencia de diferentes parametros de deposicao sobre as propriedades e taxa de deposicao dos filmes resultantes foram estudados e correlacionados. Celulas solares de filmes finos de silicio amorfo e microcristalino foram desenvolvidas a baixas temperaturas sobre plasticos. Eficiencias de 5 - 6.5% foram alcancadas para as celulas amorfas e 7.5% para as celulas microcristalinas. Efeitos de aprisionamento da luz foram estudados atraves da texturizacao por ablacao laser de substratos de plastico e corrosao umida de TCO sobre plastico. Filmes finos de silicio microcristalino, depositados por HW-CVD, com fator piezoresistivo de -32.2, foram usados para fabricar sensores de deformacao em uma membrana plastica muito fina (15 μm). Estruturas de teste em textil e a miniaturizacao dos sensores piezoresistivos depositados sobre substratos flexiveis de poliimida foram abordados.

  3. Vegetative buffer strips for reducing herbicide transport in runoff: effects of buffer width, vegetation, and season (United States)

    The effect of vegetative buffer strip (VBS) width, vegetation, and season of the year on herbicide transport in runoff has not been well documented for runoff prone soils. A multi-year replicated plot-scale study was conducted on an eroded claypan soil with the following objectives: 1) assess the ef...

  4. The technology of fish-vegetable feed production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mukatova M. D.


    Full Text Available Perspective direction of the Volga-Caspian basin fisheries is increasing the productivity of aquaculture production which requires the availability of sufficient quantities of feed. The cutting waste of carp and crucian carp, crayfish processing (cephalothorax, wheat bran, soy isolate, freshwater plants – pondweed perfoliate, fish-vegetable ration, produced feeding staffs have been investigated. In researching samples of manufactured pelleted feeds the standard methods adopted in the animal feed industry have been used. The number of nitrogen-free extractives and energy value has been determined by calculation. The composition of fish-vegetable ration has been worked out. Some manufacturing inspection of fish-vegetable feed technology using proofing process has been carried out. The possibility of manufacturing on the basis of crushed fish waste of the company LLC "VES" and dry ingredients of fish-vegetable feed has been determined; the output of feed at water content of not more than 10 % is 43 % of feed mix based on the mass of directed waste equal to 84 %. The pilot batch of dry fish-vegetable feed has been investigated to establish quality indicators. It has been determined that fish-vegetable feed meets the requirements of GOST 10385–2014 "Combined feeding staffs for fishes. General specifications" as for main quality indicators and refers to economic grower for catfish and carp fish weighing more than 50 g. This reveals good palatability of the experimental batch of floating feed by carp fish species and African catfish. Thus, fish-vegetable feed manufacturing technology can be implemented in the production for processing secondary raw materials: waste from butchering fish by grinding, cooking, mixing with selected vegetable fillings which is waste of flour or grain processing industries and freshwater plants mowed annually during the reclamation works on the Volga delta.

  5. Redes de migración y la transnacionalización del capital social: la migración de Cornualles hacia el litoral del Pacífico

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    Sharron Schwartz


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el papel de las contribuciones migratorias regionales a la expansión industrial británica durante el siglo XIX. Se cuestiona la homogeneidad del movimiento de población británica hacia el Litoral Pacífico, destacándose la migración de mineros de Cornualles a través de los registros documentales disponibles. Además, se identificará patrones de migración usando la localidad de Tocopilla (Chile como estudio de caso. Asimismo, se estudiará cómo el “capital social” de los migrantes en la conformación de comunidades y redes sociales contribuyeron a dar heterogeneidad a la migración sobre la región de estudio.

  6. Man-influenced vegetation of North Korea

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kolbek, Jiří; Jarolímek, I.


    Roč. 40, č. 1 (2008), s. 381-404 ISSN 0253-116X R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/05/0119 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60050516 Keywords : vegetation classification * weed communities * man-depending vegetation Subject RIV: EF - Botanics

  7. Natural Vegetation of the Flora area

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sebsebe, Demissew; Friis, Ib


    A review article summarising the recent ideas about the natural vegetation in the area covered by the Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea......A review article summarising the recent ideas about the natural vegetation in the area covered by the Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea...

  8. Serving large portions of vegetable soup at the start of a meal affected children's energy and vegetable intake. (United States)

    Spill, Maureen K; Birch, Leann L; Roe, Liane S; Rolls, Barbara J


    This study tested whether varying the portion of low-energy-dense vegetable soup served at the start of a meal affects meal energy and vegetable intakes in children. Subjects were 3- to 5-year-olds (31 boys and 41 girls) in daycare facilities. Using a crossover design, children were served lunch once a week for four weeks. On three occasions, different portions of tomato soup (150, 225, and 300 g) were served at the start of the meal, and on one occasion no soup was served. Children had 10 min to consume the soup before being served the main course. All foods were consumed ad libitum. The primary outcomes were soup intake as well as energy and vegetable intake at the main course. A mixed linear model tested the effect of soup portion size on intake. Serving any portion of soup reduced entrée energy intake compared with serving no soup, but total meal energy intake was only reduced when 150 g of soup was served. Increasing the portion size increased soup and vegetable intake. Serving low-energy-dense, vegetable soup as a first course is an effective strategy to reduce children's intake of a more energy-dense main entrée and increase vegetable consumption at the meal. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Avaliação de critérios de heterogeneidade baseados em atributos morfológicos para segmentação de imagens por crescimento de regiões

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo da Silva Ferreira

    Full Text Available Avalia-se neste trabalho o impacto de se considerar atributos morfológicos na formulação do critério que governa o crescimento de regiões na segmentação de imagens. Para tanto, uma extensão do algoritmo de segmentação multiresolução proposto por Baatz e Schäpe (2000 foi proposta e implementada, permitindo que se testassem critérios derivados de diferentes atributos morfológicos. O estudo valeu-se de um método supervisionado para medir numericamente a qualidade da segmentação. O resultado ideal da segmentação foi representado por um conjunto de segmentos de referência delineados manualmente para três recortes de imagens Quickbird-2. Para cada critério testado, os valores ótimos para os parâmetros do algoritmo de segmentação foram determinados por um processo estocástico que procurou minimizar a discrepância entre as referências e o resultado de cada segmentação. Uma análise tanto quantitativa quanto qualitativa dos resultados indicou inequivocamente que a inclusão de atributos morfológicos no critério de heterogeneidade, que decide a fusão entre segmentos adjacentes no processo de crescimento de regiões, pode resultar numa substancial melhoria da qualidade da segmentação. O artigo realça ainda a importância de se adotar atributos morfológicos apropriados para cada classe de objetos e tece considerações que orientam a escolha destes atributos.

  10. Forest Vegetation Simulator translocation techniques with the Bureau of Land Management's Forest Vegetation Information system database (United States)

    Timothy A. Bottomley


    The BLM uses a database, called the Forest Vegetation Information System (FORVIS), to store, retrieve, and analyze forest resource information on a majority of their forested lands. FORVIS also has the capability of easily transferring appropriate data electronically into Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) for simulation runs. Only minor additional data inputs or...

  11. Imaginário coletivo de professores sobre o adolescente contemporâneo Imaginario colectivo de profesores sobre el adolescente contemporáneo Teacher’s collective imaginary on contemporary adolescents

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    Aline Vilarinho Montezi


    Full Text Available A partir da compreensão de que os professores podem desempenhar importante função no processo de amadurecimento pessoal de seus alunos, estabelecemos como objetivo de pesquisa investigar seu imaginário coletivo sobre o adolescente contemporâneo. Realizamos uma entrevista grupal, em que participaram seis professores de Ensino Médio, fazendo uso do procedimento Desenhos-Estórias com Tema, que concebemos como recurso mediador-dialógico. Após a entrevista foram redigidas narrativas transferenciais sobre o acontecer clínico que, junto com os desenhos-estórias, foram psicanaliticamente consideradas, permitindo a captação interpretativa dos seguintes campos de sentido afetivo-emocional: “mundo vegetativo”, “separando o joio do trigo” e “criança feliz, adolescente infeliz”. Concluímos que, no grupo abordado, o adolescente é concebido como passivo, infeliz e incapaz de fazer escolhas, necessitando ser guiado em sua vida.Desde la comprensión de que los profesores pueden desempeñar importante función en el proceso de maduración personal de sus alumnos, hemos establecido como objetivo de investigación analizar su imaginário colectivo sobre el adolescente contemporáneo. Se realizó una entrevista de grupo, al que asistieron seis profesores de la escuela secundaria, haciendo uso del procedimiento Dibujos-Historias con Tema, que concebimos como mediador-dialógico. Después de la entrevista, fueron escritas las narraciones de transferencia sobre el acontecer clínico que, juntamente con los dibujos-historias, fueron psicoanalíticamente consideradas, permitiendo la captura de la interpretación de los siguientes campos de sentido afectivo-emocional: “mundo vegetativo”, “separando la paja del trigo” y “niño feliz, adolescente infeliz”. Llegamos a la conclusión de que, en el grupo en cuestión, el adolescente se figura como pasivo, infeliz e incapaz de hacer elecciones, exigiendo ser guiado en su vida

  12. Impuesto sobre las transacciones financieras: Justicia fiscal


    Mariño, José Ramón


    7 p.[Variante del título de la publicación : Boletín electrónico de Hegoa] [ESP] El Impuesto sobre las transacciones financieras se basa en establecer un gravamen sobre las operaciones financieras con el fin de estabilizar los mercados como consecuencia de la disminución de la especulación a corto plazo. Además es una fuente de financiación de inversiones socialmente deseables. Diez países de la Unión Europea han expresado su deseo de introducir el ITF, sin emba...

  13. Plant functional diversity affects climate-vegetation interaction (United States)

    Groner, Vivienne P.; Raddatz, Thomas; Reick, Christian H.; Claussen, Martin


    We present how variations in plant functional diversity affect climate-vegetation interaction towards the end of the African Humid Period (AHP) in coupled land-atmosphere simulations using the Max Planck Institute Earth system model (MPI-ESM). In experiments with AHP boundary conditions, the extent of the green Sahara varies considerably with changes in plant functional diversity. Differences in vegetation cover extent and plant functional type (PFT) composition translate into significantly different land surface parameters, water cycling, and surface energy budgets. These changes have not only regional consequences but considerably alter large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns and the position of the tropical rain belt. Towards the end of the AHP, simulations with the standard PFT set in MPI-ESM depict a gradual decrease of precipitation and vegetation cover over time, while simulations with modified PFT composition show either a sharp decline of both variables or an even slower retreat. Thus, not the quantitative but the qualitative PFT composition determines climate-vegetation interaction and the climate-vegetation system response to external forcing. The sensitivity of simulated system states to changes in PFT composition raises the question how realistically Earth system models can actually represent climate-vegetation interaction, considering the poor representation of plant diversity in the current generation of land surface models.

  14. Fruits, vegetables, 100% juices, and cognitive function. (United States)

    Lamport, Daniel J; Saunders, Caroline; Butler, Laurie T; Spencer, Jeremy Pe


    Although reviews of the association between polyphenol intake and cognition exist, research examining the cognitive effects of fruit, vegetable, and juice consumption across epidemiological and intervention studies has not been previously examined. For the present review, critical inclusion criteria were human participants, a measure of fruit, vegetable, or 100% juice consumption, an objective measure of cognitive function, and a clinical diagnosis of neuropsychological disease. Studies were excluded if consumption of fruits, vegetables, or juice was not assessed in isolation from other food groups, or if there was no statistical control for education or IQ. Seventeen of 19 epidemiological studies and 3 of 6 intervention studies reported significant benefits of fruit, vegetable, or juice consumption for cognitive performance. The data suggest that chronic consumption of fruits, vegetables, and juices is beneficial for cognition in healthy older adults. The limited data from acute interventions indicate that consumption of fruit juices can have immediate benefits for memory function in adults with mild cognitive impairment; however, as of yet, acute benefits have not been observed in healthy adults. Conclusions regarding an optimum dietary intake for fruits, vegetables, and juices are difficult to quantify because of substantial heterogeneity in the categorization of consumption of these foods. © 2014 International Life Sciences Institute.

  15. Fruit and vegetable consumption: benefits and barriers. (United States)

    Maclellan, Debbie L; Gottschall-Pass, Katherine; Larsen, Roberta


    Few people on Prince Edward Island meet the goal of consuming five or more servings of vegetables and fruit a day. The main objective of this qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of the nutritional benefits and barriers to vegetable and fruit intake among adult women in Prince Edward Island. Participants were 40 women aged 20-49, with or without children at home, who were or were not currently meeting the objective of eating five or more fruit and vegetable servings a day. In-home, one-on-one interviews were used for data collection. Thematic analysis was conducted on the transcribed interviews. Data were examined for trustworthiness in the context of credibility, transferability, and dependability. Most participants identified one or more benefits of eating fruit and vegetables; however, comments tended to be non-specific. The main barriers that participants identified were effort, lack of knowledge, sociopsychological and socioenvironmental factors, and availability. Internal influences, life events, and food rules were identified as encouraging women to include vegetables and fruit in their diets. Given the challenges of effecting meaningful dietary change, dietitians must look for broader dietary behavioural interventions that are sensitive to women's perceptions of benefits and barriers to fruit and vegetable intake.

  16. El uso de las cubiertas verdes como reducción de la huella de carbono por absorción vegetal. Caso de Villaverde

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    Jorge Miguel Carretero Monteagudo


    Full Text Available ResumenEl tema de este trabajo es a grandes rasgos la comprobación de la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes en la reducción de la huella de carbono, centrándonos exclusivamente en las capacidades asimilativas del dióxido de carbono de la vegetación contenida sobre estas cubiertas. La presente comprobación de la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes, fue realizada sobre el contexto del distrito de Villaverde en la Periferia Sur de Madrid. Sobre este distrito, se analizaron diferentes factores en relación con la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes. Para a posteriori establecer cuáles podrían ser los casos de zona homogénea dentro del distrito que pudieran dar datos más relevantes acerca de la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes. Considerando paralelamente un análisis de las capacidades de asimilación de los diferentes tipos de cubierta verde (Intensiva y extensiva. Finalmente se establecieron cuatro escenarios de aplicación sobre las zonas más relevantes derivadas de la selección anterior, para comprobar finalmente las aportaciones en la reducción de dióxido de carbono que una cubierta verde puede aportar a un tejido urbano. Se comprobó que la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes en la absorción del dióxido de carbono es muy limitada, siendo más adecuada la regeneración natural del espacio público.Palabras clave  Reducción Dióxido Carbono Tejidos Naturalización CubiertasAbstractThe main issue of this report is the study of the green roofs reliability aimed to carbon footprint reduction, Focusing only in carbon dioxin assimilative capabilities of vegetation placed on. This study was done in the background of Villaverde district placed in the southern outskirts of Madrid. About this district, different facts related to the reliability of green roofs were analyzed, in order to remark the most relevant cases of urban fabrics within the district, whose results could be the most interesting ones about the efficiency of green roofs. In a

  17. Vegetation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Epstein, H.E.; Walker, D.A.; Bhatt, U.S.


    increased 20-26%. • Increasing shrub growth and range extension throughout the Low Arctic are related to winter and early growing season temperature increases. Growth of other tundra plant types, including graminoids and forbs, is increasing, while growth of mosses and lichens is decreasing. • Increases...... in vegetation (including shrub tundra expansion) and thunderstorm activity, each a result of Arctic warming, have created conditions that favor a more active Arctic fire regime....

  18. Assessment of human impacts on landuse and vegetation cover ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper is an assessment of the impact of man's activities on the landuse and vegetation cover of Mubi region. Landsat MSS Landuse/vegetation image of 1978 and Spot XS landuse/vegetation image of 1995 were used to study the landuse/vegetation cover changes of the region between 1978 and 1995 – a period of 17 ...

  19. Notas sobre Matisia longiflora Gleas. (Bombacaceae Notas sobre Matisia longiflora Gleas. (Bombacaceae

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    Fernández Alonso José Luis


    Full Text Available Dentro del grupo de géneros de bombacáceas de hojas simples que componen la tribu Quararibeae (= Matisieae Hutchinson, es Matisia Humb. & Bonpl. el que cuenta con mayor número de especies en Colombia. Al respecto se presentaron recientemente algunas consideraciones preliminares sobre la diversidad de especies en este grupo en Colombia (Fernández Alonso, 1991.

  20. Conveyance estimation in channels with emergent bank vegetation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Emergent vegetation along the banks of a river channel influences its conveyance considerably. The total channel discharge can be estimated as the sum of the discharges of the vegetated and clear channel zones calculated separately. The vegetated zone discharge is often negligible, but can be estimated using ...

  1. Prospecção fitoquímica de Sonchus oleraceus e sua toxicidade sobre o microcrustáceo Artemia salina Phytochemical prospecting of Sonchus oleraceus and its toxicity to Artemia salina


    J.M. Lima; C.A. Silva; M.B. Rosa; J.B. Santos; T.G. Oliveira; M.B. Silva


    A espécie vegetal Sonchus oleraceus é uma planta daninha presente em diversas culturas no Brasil e de utilização na medicina popular. Neste trabalho, realizou-se a prospecção fitoquímica dessa espécie com extratos em etanol, água e diclorometano, bem como testes de toxicidade sobre o microcrustáceo Artemia salina. O extrato aquoso apresentou em sua composição açúcares redutores, compostos fenólicos, taninos, flavonóides e cumarinas. No extrato etanólico, observaram-se os mesmos compostos qual...

  2. Utility of Rice Bran Mixed with Fermentation Extract of Vegetable Waste Unconditioned as Probiotics from Vegetable Market

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    Cahya Setya Utama


    Full Text Available The aimed of the study was to enhance utilization of Lactobacillus Sp. and Saccharomyces sp. as starter for fermentation of waste cabbage and green mustard to enhance the utility of rice bran as an ingredient of poultry feed. The first stage of the study was to characterize the extract of fermented wasted vegetable with difference concentration of glucose and different period of time for incubation. Completely randomized design using 3 x 3 factorial with three replications was used for the first stage of the study. The second stage of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the extract of fermented wasted vegetable to improve the quality and utility of rice bran. Completely randomized design with four treatments and 4 replications. The third stage of the study was to obtain the value of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus retention, as well as metabolic energy of rice bran after fermentation in broiler hatching. The third stage analysis was conducted by t-test analysis. The results of the study showed that the microbial characteristics on the extract of fermented wasted vegetable in two days incubation time and 2% concentration of glucose was able to produce pH of 3.80, log of total lactic acid bacteria 7.38 and types of microbes that grow predominantly were Lactobacillus Sp. and Saccharomyces Sp. The effectiveness of the extract fermented wasted vegetable for the fermentation of rice bran were shown in additional concentration of extract wasted vegetable of 40% with a moisture content of  toluene 65.24%, 13.36% ash, 14.93% protein, 7.61% crude fat, 12.39% crude fiber, nitrogen free extract material (NFE 51.59% and 0.07% biomass. The biological value and the availability of fermented rice bran were higher than unfermented rice bran on the broiler chickens after hatching. The values were justified from nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus retention also metabolic energy. The study concluded that the benefits and utility of rice bran could

  3. Serving large portions of vegetable soup at the start of a meal affected children’s energy and vegetable intake (United States)

    Spill, Maureen K.; Birch, Leann L.; Roe, Liane S.; Rolls, Barbara J.


    This study tested whether varying the portion of low-energy-dense vegetable soup served at the start of a meal affects meal energy and vegetable intakes in children. Subjects were 3- to 5-year-olds (31 boys and 41 girls) in daycare facilities. Using a crossover design, children were served lunch once a week for four weeks. On three occasions, different portions of tomato soup (150, 225, and 300 g) were served at the start of the meal, and on one occasion no soup was served. Children had 10 minutes to consume the soup before being served the main course. All foods were consumed ad libitum. The primary outcomes were soup intake as well as energy and vegetable intake at the main course. A mixed linear model tested the effect of soup portion size on intake. Serving any portion of soup reduced entrée energy intake compared with serving no soup, but total meal energy intake was only reduced when 150 g of soup was served. Increasing the portion size increased soup and vegetable intake. Serving low-energy-dense, vegetable soup as a first course is an effective strategy to reduce children’s intake of a more energy-dense main entrée and increase vegetable consumption at the meal. PMID:21596073

  4. Water quality function of an extensive vegetated roof. (United States)

    Todorov, Dimitar; Driscoll, Charles T; Todorova, Svetoslava; Montesdeoca, Mario


    In this paper we present the results of a four-year study of water quality in runoff from an extensive, sedum covered, vegetated roof on an urban commercial building. Monitoring commenced seven months after the roof was constructed, with the first growing season. Stormwater drainage quality function of the vegetated roof was compared to a conventional (impermeable, high-albedo) membrane roof in addition to paired measurements of wet and bulk depositions at the study site. We present concentrations and fluxes of nutrients and major solutes. We discuss seasonal and year-to-year variation in water quality of drainage from the vegetated roof and how it compares with atmospheric deposition and drainage from the impermeable roof. Drainage waters from the vegetated roof exhibited a high concentration of nutrients compared to atmospheric deposition, particularly during the warm temperature growing season. However, nutrient losses were generally low because of the strong retention of water by the vegetated roof. There was marked variation in the retention of nutrients by season due to variations in concentrations in drainage from the vegetated roof. The vegetated roof was a sink of nitrogen, total phosphorus and chloride, and a source of phosphate and dissolved inorganic and organic carbon. Chloride exhibited elevated inputs and leaching during the winter. The drainage from the vegetated and impermeable roofs met the United States Environmental Protection Agency freshwater standards for all parameters, except for total phosphorus. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Listeria monocytogenes - Danger for health safety vegetable production. (United States)

    Kljujev, Igor; Raicevic, Vera; Jovicic-Petrovic, Jelena; Vujovic, Bojana; Mirkovic, Milica; Rothballer, Michael


    The microbiologically contaminated vegetables represent a risk for consumers, especially vegetables without thermal processing. It is known that human pathogen bacteria, such as Listeria monocytogenes, could exist on fresh vegetables. The fresh vegetables could become Listeria-contaminated if they come in touch with contaminated soil, manure, irrigation water. The aim of this work was to investigate the presence of Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes in different kind of vegetables grown in field and greenhouse condition as well as surface and endophytic colonization plant roots of different vegetables species by L. monocytogenes in laboratory conditions. The detection of Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes in vegetable samples was done using ISO and PCR methods. The investigation of colonization vegetable roots and detection Listeria-cells inside plant root tissue was done using Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The results showed that 25.58% vegetable samples were positive for Listeria spp. and only one sample (carrot) was positive for L. monocytogenes out of 43 samples in total collected from field and greenhouse. The strain L. monocytogenes EGD-E surface and endophytic colonized carrot root in highest degree while strain L. monocytogenes SV4B was the most represented at leafy vegetable plants, such at lettuce (1.68 × 10 6  cells/mm 3 absolutely dry root) and spinach (1.39 × 10 6  cells/mm 3 absolutely dry root) root surface. The cells of L. monocytogenes SV4B were visible as single cells in interior tissue of plant roots (celery and sweet corn roots) as well as in the interior of the plant root cell at sweet corn root. The cells of L. monocytogenes EGD-E bind to the surface of the plant root and they were less commonly found out on root hair. In the inner layers of the root, those bacterial cells were inhabited intercellular spaces mainly as single cells very close to the

  6. 24 GHz cmWave Radio Propagation Through Vegetation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rodriguez, Ignacio; Abreu, Renato Barbosa; Portela Lopes de Almeida, Erika


    This paper presents a measurement-based analysis of cm-wave radio propagation through vegetation at 24 GHz. A set of dedicated directional measurements were performed with horn antennas located close to street level inside a densely-vegetated area illuminated from above. The full azimuth was exam......This paper presents a measurement-based analysis of cm-wave radio propagation through vegetation at 24 GHz. A set of dedicated directional measurements were performed with horn antennas located close to street level inside a densely-vegetated area illuminated from above. The full azimuth...

  7. Investigation of NPK in fertilized and unfertilized vegetables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deeba, F.; Butt, M.T.; Iqubal, K.; Shafiq, T.


    Contents of selected minerals and moisture in Ridge Gourd, Gourd and Brinjal vegetables, collected from house and market of different localities, were determined. In house vegetables from kitchen garden of PCSIR colony the moisture contents were high (90%) as compared to market vegetables of Taj Bagh, Railway workshop Mandy and Singpura Lahore Mandy was 87%, 86.5% and 87.5% respectively. Regarding nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, sodium and potassium was high in market vegetables as compared to house samples due to the accumulation of nutrients in soil and crop. (author)

  8. Ecogeomorphology of Sand Dunes Shaped by Vegetation (United States)

    Tsoar, H.


    Two dune types associated with vegetation are known: Parabolic and Vegetated Linear Dunes (VLDs), the latters are the dominant dune type in the world deserts. Parabolic dunes are formed in humid, sub-humid and semi-arid environments (rather than arid) where vegetation is nearby. VLDs are known today in semiarid and arid lands where the average yearly rainfall is ≥100 mm, enough to support sparse cover of vegetation. These two dune types are formed by unidirectional winds although they demonstrate a different form and have a distinct dynamics. Conceptual and mathematical models of dunes mobility and stability, based on three control parameters: wind power (DP), average annual precipitation (p), and the human impact parameter (μ) show that where human impact is negligible the effect of wind power (DP) on vegetative cover is substantial. The average yearly rainfall of 60-80 mm is the threshold of annual average rainfall for vegetation growth on dune sand. The model is shown to follow a hysteresis path, which explains the bistability of active and stabilized dunes under the same climatic conditions with respect to wind power. We have discerned formation of parabolic dunes from barchans and transverse dunes in the coastal plain of Israel where a decrease in human activity during the second half of the 20th century caused establishment of vegetation on the crest of the dunes, a process that changed the dynamics of these barchans and transverse dunes and led to a change in the shape of the windward slope from convex to concave. These dunes gradually became parabolic. It seems that VLDs in Australia or the Kalahari have always been vegetated to some degree, though the shrubs were sparser in colder periods when the aeolian erosion was sizeable. Those ancient conditions are characterized by higher wind power and lower rainfall that can reduce, but not completely destroy, the vegetation cover, leading to the formation of lee (shadow) dunes behind each shrub. Formation of

  9. Modelling post-fire vegetation recovery in Portugal

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    A. Bastos


    Full Text Available Wildfires in Mediterranean Europe have been increasing in number and extension over the last decades and constitute one of the major disturbances of these ecosystems. Portugal is the country with more burnt area in the last decade and the years of 2003 and 2005 were particularly devastating, the total burned areas of 425 000 and 338 000 ha being several times higher than the corresponding average. The year of 2005 further coincided with one of the most severe droughts since early 20th century. Due to different responses of vegetation to diverse fire regimes and to the complexity of landscape structures, fires have complex effects on vegetation recovery. Remote sensing has revealed to be a powerful tool in studying vegetation dynamics and in monitoring post-fire vegetation recovery, which is crucial to land-management and to prevent erosion.

    The main goals of the present work are (i to assess the accuracy of a vegetation recovery model previously developed by the authors; (ii to assess the model's performance, namely its sensitivity to initial conditions, to the temporal length of the input dataset and to missing data; (iii to study vegetation recovery over two selected areas that were affected by two large wildfire events in the fire seasons of 2003 and 2005, respectively.

    The study relies on monthly values of NDVI over 11 years (1998–2009, at 1 km × 1 km spatial resolution, as obtained by the VEGETATION instrument. According to results from sensitivity analysis, the model is robust and able to provide good estimations of recovery times of vegetation when the regeneration process is regular, even when missing data is present. In respect to the two selected burnt scars, results indicate that fire damage is a determinant factor of regeneration, as less damaged vegetation recovers more rapidly, which is mainly justified by the high coverage of Pinus pinaster over the area, and by the fact that coniferous forests tend to

  10. Semi-Dried Fruits and Vegetables

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    Gamze Uysal Seçkin


    Full Text Available Since ancient times, the preservation of fruit and vegetables is an ancient method of drying. Sun drying method has been used more widely. In general, consumer-ready products are dried fruits, while the dried vegetables are the foods subjected to the rehydration processes such as boiling, heating and baking before consumption. In recent years, new products with high eating quality have been attempted to achieve without losing characteristic of raw material. With the improving of food technology, using developed methods (pH reduction with reducing aw, slight heating, preservatives use etc. as protective agent, and using a combination of a low rate as an alternative to traditional food preservation process, products have been obtained without changing original characteristics of food. ‘Semi-dried 'or 'medium moist 'products with little difference between the taste and texture of the product with a damp have gained importance in recent years in terms of consumer preferences. Vegetables or fruits, which have water activity levels between 0.50 and 0.95 and the moisture content of between 26% and 60%, are called 'medium moist fruit or vegetables'. Two different manufacturing process to obtain a semi-dried or intermediate moisture products are applied. First, fully dried fruits and vegetables to be rehydrated with water are brought to the desired level of their moisture content. Second, in the first drying process, when the product moisture content is reduced to the desired level, the drying process is finished. The semi-dried products are preferred by consumers because they have a softer texture in terms of eating quality and like fresh products texture.

  11. Traslación, transposición, transformación, metábasis,transferencia... : ¿Diferentes términos para un mismo concepto?

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    María José Alba Reina


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} La mayor parte de los estudios gramaticales sobre lenguas históricas han contemplado la existencia de sustantivaciones, adjetivaciones, etc., como mecanismos de transformación de algunas unidades de dichas lenguas y, al mismo tiempo, como procedimientos de creatividad lingüística. Sin embargo, estas transformaciones no siempre se han justificado de la misma forma, de manera que encontramos una gran heterogeneidad tanto en los términos (cuando los ha habido como en los conceptos a los que aludían los términos empleados, Entre los autores que han preferido otorgar una denominación al mecanismo se ha hablado de traslación, transposición, transferencia, metábasis, transformación, etc. Esta manifiesta heterogeneidad terminológica se extiende al ámbito de los conceptos, así como al de los tipos de cambios que se pueden localizar. Centrando nuestro estudio, sobre todo, en las investigaciones dedicadas a la lengua española, comprobaremos que el cambio categorial adolece de una definición y de una aplicación claras y esto, a su vez, nos llevará a reflexionar sobre una cuestión de índole mucho más genérica: la necesidad de

  12. Aprendizaje cooperativo: práctica pedagógica para el desarrollo escolar y cultural ( Cooperative learning: pedagogic practice for school and cultural development

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    Miguel A. Santos -Rego


    Full Text Available ResumenSi alguna coincidencia hay en la literatura sobre desarrollo escolar y cultural en las escuelas de educación primaria y secundaria, es la conveniencia de usar técnicas de aprendizaje cooperativo. Tal consenso ha puesto de relieve la necesidad de una formación del profesorado basada en estrategias de aprendizaje cooperativo. El estudiotrata sobre los efectos de la técnica Jigsaw de Eliot Aronson en un grupo de profesores (N = 6 en aulas con heterogeneidad étnica y cultural. Utilizamos un diseño cuasi-experimental de dos grupos con pretest y postest. Los resultados avalan la utilidad de su incorporación a la formación inicial y continua de los profesores, teniendo en cuenta las ventajas informadas en el curso de la experiencia.AbstractThere is common agreement in the literature on school and cultural development in both primary and secondary education in terms of the use of cooperative learning techniques. This consensus has brought to light another necessity: the teaching staff must receive training based on cooperative learning strategies. This study deals with the effects that Eliot Aronson’s Jigsaw technique has produced in a group of teachers (N = 6 working in heterogeneous ethno-cultural classrooms. We used a quasi-experimental design for two groups, with pretests and postests. What our results show is the need of their systematic incorporation in the initial and continuous training of teachers, taking into account the advantages gathered in the course of the experience.ResumoSe existe algum ponto em comum na literatura sobre o desenvolvimento escolar e cultural nas escolas do Ensino Básico e Secundário, é a vantagem de usar técnicas de aprendizagem cooperativa. Tal consenso revelou a necessidade de uma formação de professores baseada em estratégias de aprendizagem cooperativa. Neste estudo apresentam-se os efeitos da utilização da técnica Jigsaw de Eliot Aronson num grupo de professores (N = 6 em aulas com

  13. Efecto del riego con aguas conteniendo arsénico sobre un cultivo de rúcula (Eruca sativa L.

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    Nadia Castillo


    Full Text Available Amplias zonas de la planicie Chaco-Pampeana poseen acuíferos conteniendo valores elevados de As. El empleo de este tipo de agua en el riego de especies hortícolas, particularmente de consumo fresco, podría tener consecuencias sanitarias directas sobre la población y contaminar el suelo de producción. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron dirigidos a la evaluación del contenido de As en la especie Eruca sativa y en el suelo de cultivo regado con aguas de diferente concentración de As y alcalinidad. Se realizó un ensayo con diseño DBCA y arreglo factorial (tipo de suelo/alcalinidad del agua/nivel As empleando dos suelos texturalmente distintos (franco-arenoso y franco-limoso, con el desarrollo de 20 plantas/maceta. Las macetas se mantuvieron al 90% de la capacidad de campo (riegos diarios con dos aguas de diferente alcalinidad y 3 concentraciones de As (100, 250 y 500 ?g.L-1, empleando las aguas originales como testigo. Las variables evaluadas fueron materia seca vegetal (60 ºC y la concentración de As en planta y suelo. Las condiciones de riego modificaron el tenor de As en planta hasta niveles de toxicidad citados en la literatura, particularmente en el suelo franco-limoso. Si bien se observa una tendencia al aumento de la concentración de As en vegetal a través del riego, no es posible establecer una fehaciente relación entre la concentración de As en vegetal y el rendimiento. Por otra parte, el contenido en suelo aumentó ligeramente con el riego, observando los mayores niveles en el suelo franco-limoso, sin alcanzar límites de peligrosidad en una primera siembra. Si bien la concentración de As en vegetal fresco se encuentra dentro de los límites establecidos por la Legislación, su consumo podría significar un aporte a la ingesta diaria de As, que se sumaría a los perjuicios ocasionados por el agua de bebida.

  14. Vegetation Change in Blue Oak Woodlands in California (United States)

    Barbara A. Holzman; Barbara H. Allen-Diaz


    A preliminary report of a statewide project investigating vegetation change in blue oak (Quercus douglasii) woodlands in California is presented. Vegetation plots taken in the 1930s, as part of a statewide vegetation mapping project, were relocated and surveyed. Species composition, cover and tree stand structure data from the earlier study were...

  15. Terrestrial Water Storage and Vegetation Resilience to Drought (United States)

    Meyer, V.; Reager, J. T., II; Konings, A. G.


    The expected increased occurrences of hydrologic extreme events such as droughts in the coming decades motivates studies to better understand and predict the response of vegetation to such extreme conditions. Previous studies have addressed vegetation resilience to drought, defined as its ability to recover from a perturbation (Hirota et al., 2011; Vicente-Serrano et al., 2012), but appear to only focus on precipitation and a couple of vegetation indices, hence lacking a key element: terrestrial water storage (TWS). In this study, we combine and compare multiple remotely-sensed hydro-ecological datasets providing information on climatic and hydrological conditions (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE)) and indices characterizing the state of the vegetation (vegetation water content using Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD) from SMAP (Soil Moisture Active and Passive), Gross Primary Production (GPP) from FluxCom and Specific Fluorescence Intensity (SFI, from GOSat)) to assess the ability of vegetation to face and recover from droughts across the globe. Our results suggest that GRACE hydrological data bridge the knowledge gap between precipitation deficit and vegetation response. All products are aggregated at a 0.5º spatial resolution and a monthly temporal resolution to match the GRACE Mascon product. Despite these coarse spatiotemporal resolutions, we find that the relationship between existing remotely-sensed eco-hydrologic data varies spatially, both in terms of strength of relationship and time lag, showing the response time of vegetation characteristics to hydrological changes and highlighting the role of water storage. A special attention is given to the Amazon river basin, where two well documented droughts occurred in 2005 and 2010, and where a more recent drought occurred in 2015/2016. References : Hirota, Marina, et al. "Global resilience of tropical forest and savanna to critical transitions." Science


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    M. I. Fedorova


    Full Text Available The main advantage of root vegetables is their unique specificity and high economic importance. The benefits and medicinal properties of root vegetables being highly demanded by the market requirements to the commodity are highlighted in the article. The main directions of breeding program for root vegetable crops, including species of Apiaceae family with carrot, parsnips; Chenopodioideae family with red beet; Brassicaceae family with radish, Daikon, Raphanus sativus L. var. lobo Sazonova & Stank, turnip and rutabaga. Initial breeding accessions of carrot, red beet, radish, Daikon, Raphanus sativus L. var. lobo Sazonova & Stank, turnip and rutabaga have been selected out to be used for breeding program for heterosis. The mf and ms breeding lines were developed, and with the use of them the new gene pool was created. Variety supporting breeding program and methods were also proposed. 

  17. Temporal reflectance changes in vegetables

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dissing, Bjørn Skovlund; Clemmensen, Line Katrine Harder; Ersbøll, Bjarne Kjær


    Quality control in the food industry is often performed by measuring various chemical compounds of the food involved. We propose an imaging concept for acquiring high quality multispectral images to evaluate changes of carrots and celeriac over a period of 14 days. Properties originating...... in the surface chemistry of vegetables may be captured in an integrating sphere illumination which enables the creation of detailed surface chemistry maps with a good combination of spectral and spatial resolutions. Prior to multispectral image recording, the vegetables were prefried and frozen at -30Â......°C for four months. During the 14 days of image recording, the vegetables were kept at +5°C in refrigeration. In this period, surface changes and thereby reflectance properties were very subtle. To describe this small variation we employed advanced statistical techniques to search a large featurespace...


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    S. M. Sirota


    Full Text Available First decade of XXI century is characterized by significant augmentation in vegetable world’s production. Average annual vegetable production has been 346 million tons, and it has exceeded the average annual potato production (318 million tons. It has occurred due to the use of up-to-date technologies for vegetable production and, particularly, in greenhouses. In Russian Federation, the total production of vegetables was 5 275.6 thousand tons in 2015 that was 13.3% more than in 2014. But the total vegetable production in greenhouses was only 722.8 thousand tons, that was 0.7% less than in 2014 (728.1 thousand tons. It can be explained that the old technologies have been used for many greenhouses around Russia. Up-to-date technologies for greenhouses are described in the article. Small-volume hydroponics. Plants are grown in mineral wadding, packed up in the special chutes. Mineral nutrition and water are supplied through special pipe with many branch pipes toward each plant. Advantage: pH and nutrition are maintained, consumption of water and mineral nutrition are optimized, and that improves plants grow control. Expenditures of labor decreased, quality of fruit became better and the yield increased significantly by 45-50 kg/m2 comparing with growing on the soil (25-30 kg/m2. Hydroponics with flowing water (salad production lines. Conveyor for salad and vegetable growing on horizontal moving chutes with flowing water and nutrition was developed. Advantage: high level of automation and mechanization of all processes of growing increased the effectiveness of the use of greenhouse areas (we can place 30% plants more at the same area. Seedling production lines. Production lines for seedlings enable to grow vegetables and leafy vegetables on stationary benches, being furnished with periodical nutrition and water supply at times. Advantage: 700 seedlings additionally on each m2 a year. Future technologies are

  19. Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) Vegetation Volume Index: An assessment tool for marsh habitat focused on the three-dimensional structure at CRMS vegetation monitoring stations (United States)

    Wood, William B.; Visser, Jenneke M.; Piazza, Sarai C.; Sharp, Leigh A.; Hundy, Laura C.; McGinnis, Tommy E.


    A Vegetation Volume (VV) variable and Vegetation Volume Index (VVI) have been developed for the Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS). The VV is a measure of the amount of three-dimensional vegetative structure present at each CRMS site and is based on vegetation data collected annually. The VV uses 10 stations per CRMS site to quantify four vegetation layers: carpet, herbaceous, shrub, and tree. For each layer an overall live vegetation percent cover and height are collected to create a layer volume; the individual layer volumes are then summed to generate a site vegetation volume profile. The VV uses the two-dimensional area of live vegetative cover (in square meters) multiplied by the height (in meters) of each layer to produce a volume (in cubic meters) for each layer present in a 2-meter by 2-meter station. These layers are additive, yielding a total volume for each of the 10 herbaceous vegetation stations and an overall CRMS marsh site average.

  20. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of vegetable pricing in supermarket (United States)

    Miranda, Suci


    The purpose of this study is to analyze the variables affecting the determination of the sale price of vegetable which is constant over time in a supermarket qualitatively and quantitavely. It focuses on the non-organic vegetable with a fixed selling price over time such as spinach, beet, and parsley. In qualitative analysis, the sale price determination is influenced by the vegetable characteristics: (1) vegetable segmentation (low to high daily consumed); (2) vegetable age (how long it can last related to freshness); which both characteristic relates to the inventory management and ultimately to the sale price in supermarket. While quantitatively, the vegetables are divided into two categories: the leaf vegetable group that the leaves are eaten as a vegetable with the aging product (a) = 0 and the shelf life (t) = 0, and the non-leafy vegetable group with the aging group (a) = a+1 and the shelf life (t) = t+1. The vegetable age (a) = 0 means they only last for one day when they are ordered then they have to terminate. Whereas a+1 is that they have a longer life for more than a day such as beet, white radish, and string beans. The shelf life refers to how long it will be placed in a shelf in supermarket in line with the vegetable age. According to the cost plus pricing method using full price costing approach, production costs, non-production costs, and markup are adjusted differently for each category. There is a holding cost added to the sale price of the non-leafy vegetable, yet it is assumed a 0 holding cost for the leafy vegetable category. The amount of expected margin of each category is correlated to the vegetable characteristics.

  1. New options for conversion of vegetable oils to alternative fuels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Demirbas, A.; Kara, H. [Selcuk University, Konya (Turkey). Department of Chemical Engineering


    Biodiesel from transesterification of vegetable oils is an excellent alternative fuel. There is, however, a need to develop a direct process for conversion of vegetable oils into gasoline-competitive biodiesel and other petroleum products. Methyl esters of vegetable oils have several outstanding advantages among other new-renewable and clean engine fuel alternatives. The purpose of the transesterification process is to lower the viscosity of vegetable oil. Compared to No. 2 diesel fuel, all of the vegetable oils are much more viscous, whereas methyl esters of vegetable oils are slightly more viscous. The methyl esters are more volatile than those of the vegetable oils. Conversion of vegetable oils to useful fuels involves the pyrolysis and catalytic cracking of the oils into lower molecular products. Pyrolysis produces more biogasoline than biodiesel fuel. Soap pyrolysis products of vegetable oils can be used as alternative diesel engine fuel. The soaps obtained from the vegetable oils can be pyrolyzed into hydrocarbon-rich products. Zinc chloride catalyst contributed greatly to high amounts of hydrocarbons in the liquid product. The yield of ZnCl2 catalytic conversion of the soybean oil reached the maximum 79.9% at 660 K. (author)

  2. Does urban vegetation mitigate air pollution in northern conditions?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Setälä, Heikki; Viippola, Viljami; Rantalainen, Anna-Lea; Pennanen, Arto; Yli-Pelkonen, Vesa


    It is generally accepted that urban vegetation improves air quality and thereby enhances the well-being of citizens. However, empirical evidence on the potential of urban trees to mitigate air pollution is meager, particularly in northern climates with a short growing season. We studied the ability of urban park/forest vegetation to remove air pollutants (NO 2 , anthropogenic VOCs and particle deposition) using passive samplers in two Finnish cities. Concentrations of each pollutant in August (summer; leaf-period) and March (winter, leaf-free period) were slightly but often insignificantly lower under tree canopies than in adjacent open areas, suggesting that the role of foliage in removing air pollutants is insignificant. Furthermore, vegetation-related environmental variables (canopy closure, number and size of trees, density of understorey vegetation) did not explain the variation in pollution concentrations. Our results suggest that the ability of urban vegetation to remove air pollutants is minor in northern climates. -- Highlights: ► The ability of northern urban vegetation to remove air pollutants is minor. ► Vegetation-related environmental variables had no effect on air pollution levels. ► The ability of vegetation to clean air did not differ between summer and winter. ► Dry deposition passive samplers proved applicable in urban air pollution study. -- The ability of urban vegetation to remove air pollutants seems to be minor in northern climates

  3. Heterogeneidade de variâncias na avaliação genética de búfalas no Brasil Heterogeneity of variances on genetic evaluation of buffaloes in Brazil

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    Antonia Kécya França Moita


    Full Text Available Registros de produção de leite de 754 búfalas da raça Murrah foram utilizados com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da heterogeneidade de variâncias na avaliação genética. Os componentes de covariância foram estimados pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita utilizando-se quatro modelos bicaracterísticos, considerando, como efeitos fixos, estação de parto e rebanho-ano de parto, e idade da vaca como covariável (efeito linear e quadrático. Os quatro modelos utilizados foram: modelo aditivo; modelo de repetibilidade; modelo aditivo com inclusão interação reprodutor x rebanho-ano; modelo de repetibilidade com inclusão da interação reprodutor x rebanho-ano. Os rebanhos foram classificados em duas classes de desvio-padrão fenotípico para produção de leite e análises bicaracterísticas foram realizadas considerando cada classe de desvio-padrão como característica diferente. Foi conduzida também uma análise unicaracterística desconsiderando as classes de desvio-padrão fenotípico, incluindo o efeito da interação reprodutor x rebanho-ano. As estimativas de componentes de variância genética aditiva foram maiores na classe de alto desvio-padrão, comparadas às de baixo desvio-padrão. A maioria dos animais selecionados nos arquivos sem estratificação foi selecionada para alto desvio-padrão. Apesar do aumento nas variâncias aditivas e do erro nas de classes de alto desvio-padrão, suas herdabilidades foram menores, com exceção do modelo 2, cujo herdabilidade foi maior para a classe de alto desvio-padrão. Quando rebanhos são classificados em alto e baixo desvio-padrão fenotípico e a produção de leite nas diferentes classes é avaliada em modelo multicaracterística, a avaliação genética considera a heterogeneidade de variâncias entre rebanhos.Milk yield records of 754 Murrah female buffaloes were used to evaluate the effects of heterogeneity of variance among herds on genetic evaluation. The

  4. Diesel fuel from vegetable oil via transesterification and soap pyrolysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Demirbas, A.


    Transesterifications of 6 vegetable oil samples in supercritical methanol (SC MeOH) were studied without using any catalyst. Methyl esters of vegetable oils have several outstanding advantages among other new-renewable and clean engine fuel alternatives. The variables affecting the methyl ester yielded during the transesterification reaction, such as the molar ratio of alcohol to vegetable oil and reaction temperature, were investigated. Compared to No. 2 diesel fuel, all of the vegetable oils are much more viscous, while methyl esters of vegetable oils are the slightly more viscous. The methyl esters are more volatile than those of the vegetable oils. The soaps obtained from the vegetable oils can be pyrolyzed into hydrocarbon-rich products. (author)

  5. Considerações sobre a prevalência dos tratados internacionais sobre a legislação tributária brasileira: o caso do MERCOSUL

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    Maria de Fátima Ribeiro


    Full Text Available This is a study on the main aspects discussed in the Brazilian doctrine and the jurisprudence concerning the prevalence of international treaties and conventions for internal tax legislation. Considerations are made on the Brazilian federate and sovereignty principles and on the competence constitutionally established for all the political entities of the Brazilian State. Article 151, section III of the Federal Constitution must be pointed out for its purpose on stating that the Union shall not exempt the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities from respective taxes. Article 98 of the National Tax Code is also considered for its disposition concerning legislation from international treaties and agreements on tax norms of the positive system currently in force.Trata-se de estudo sobre os principais aspectos discutidos na doutrina e na jurisprudência brasileira sobre a prevalência dos tratados e convenções internacionais sobre a legislação tributária interna. Necessário se faz apresentar considerações sobre o princípio federativo brasileiro, o princípio da soberania e o da competência constitucionalmente estabelecida para todos os entes políticos do Estado brasileiro. Merece maior destaque o art. 151, inciso III da Constituição Federal ao enaltecer que a União não poderá conceder isenções de tributos de competência dos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios, bem como a análise do art. 98 do Código Tributário Nacional dispondo sobre as introduções legislativas provenientes de tratados e acordos internacionais sobre as normas tributárias do sistema positivo vigente.

  6. Etnografiando travestis: preguntas, tensiones y aprendizajes sobre el "estar ahí"

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    María Soledad Cutuli

    Full Text Available Este artículo interroga la construcción de vínculos etnográficos en dos obras pioneras sobre travestis, con una intención retrospectiva sobre la propia investigación en una agrupación de travestis de Buenos Aires. Se reflexiona sobre la implicancia de los/as antropólogos/as "en campo" -en tanto seres sexuados/as y generizados/as- preguntándose además sobre las formas en que son interpeladas/os durante su labor junto a integrantes de organizaciones sociales -en la que el activismo resulta ser la extensión lógica del compromiso a la reciprocidad que subyace en la práctica antropológica.

  7. Predicting children's fussiness with vegetables:the role of feeding practices


    Holley, Clare E.; Haycraft, Emma; Farrow, Claire


    Vegetables are commonly rejected by children, making it is important to consider factors that are associated with children's fussiness with vegetables. The current study aimed to investigate whether fussiness with vegetables is associated with a number of factors including caregiver and child vegetable consumption; caregivers' general feeding practices; and caregivers' vegetable-specific feeding practices. Caregivers (N = 297) of preschool children completed questionnaire measures of their ch...


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    Suzana da Conceição de Barros


    Full Text Available Na contemporaneidade, os sujeitos vêm se utilizando das diversas tecnologias digitais, para exporem e compartilharem sua intimidade, com intuito de seduzirem e tornarem-se visíveis. Esse fenômeno vem sendo chamado de sexting, e vem sendo aderido por sujeitos de várias faixas etárias. Assim, leitor/a, convido você a pensar sobre o sexting e o que a escola tem a ver com essa prática?

  9. Dynamics of climatic characteristics influencing vegetation in Siberia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shulgina, Tamara M; Genina, Elena Yu; Gordov, Evgeny P


    The spatiotemporal pattern of the dynamics of surface air temperature and precipitation and those bioclimatic indices that are based upon factors which control vegetation cover are investigated. Surface air temperature and precipitation data are retrieved from the ECMWF ERA Interim reanalysis and APHRODITE JMA datasets, respectively, which were found to be the closest to the observational data. We created an archive of bioclimatic indices for further detailed studies of interrelations between local climate and vegetation cover changes, which include carbon uptake changes related to changes of vegetation types and amount, as well as with spatial shifts of vegetation zones. Meanwhile, analysis reveals significant positive trends of the growing season length accompanied by a statistically significant increase of the sums of the growing degree days and precipitation over the south of West Siberia. The trends hint at a tendency for an increase of vegetation ecosystems' productivity across the south of West Siberia (55°–60°N, 59°–84°E) in the past several decades and (if sustained) may lead to a future increase of vegetation productivity in this region.

  10. Simulations of Vegetation Impacts on Arctic Climate (United States)

    Bonfils, C.; Phillips, T. J.; Riley, W. J.; Post, W. M.; Torn, M. S.


    Because global warming disproportionately influences high-latitude climate, changes in arctic vegetation are in progress. These land-cover changes include redistribution of local vegetation types as well as northward migration of lower-latitude species in response to the increasing warming. The resulting displacement of low-lying tundra vegetation by shrubs and trees darkens the surface, thus accelerating regional warming. As participants in the U.S. Department of Energy IMPACTS Project, we are investigating the potential for abrupt arctic climatic change resulting from such variations in vegetation, among other mechanisms. To estimate the relative magnitudes of effects to be expected from changes in high-latitude land cover, we are conducting several numerical experiments with the Community Climate System Model (CCSM). These experiments include: 1) A “present-day-climate” control experiment with current atmospheric greenhouse-gas concentrations and climatological monthly sea surface temperatures and sea ice extents prescribed, and with “standard” CLM plant functional types (PFTs) specified; 2) A “changed-vegetation-type” experiment that is the same as 1), except that the “standard” PFTs are augmented by additional vegetation types (forbs, sedges, shrubs, mosses, and lichens) that are not presently represented in CLM. This experiment will require information on the location, fractional cover, and physiological parameterizations of these new PFTs. 3) A “changed-vegetation-extent experiment” that is the same as 2), except that the spatial extents of selected PFTs (e.g. shrubs or boreal forest PFTs) are shifted northward from their present locations in the CLM. We will report on the atmospheric climate and land-surface feedbacks associated with these vegetation changes, with emphasis on local and regional surface energy and moisture fluxes and near-surface temperature, humidity, and clouds. Acknowledgments This work was performed under the auspices

  11. Biota - 2009 Vegetation Inventory - Lake Ashtabula, ND (United States)

    Army Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, Department of Defense — 2009 Vegetation Classification for Lake Ashtabula, ND Vegetation Project Report, OMBIL Environmental Stewardship - Level 1 Inventory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers...

  12. Biota - 2011 Vegetation Inventory - Marsh Lake, MN (United States)

    Army Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, Department of Defense — 2011 Vegetation Classification for Marsh Lake, MN Vegetation Project Report, OMBIL Environmental Stewardship - Level 1 Inventory. Marsh Lake is located on the...

  13. Marketing African Leafy Vegetables: Challenges and Opportunities ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Marketing African Leafy Vegetables: Challenges and Opportunities in the Kenyan Context. ... The market share of ALVs vis-à-vis other vegetable species, particularly kales, cabbages and ... EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT

  14. Hydraulic and Vegetative Models of Historic Environmental Conditions Isolate the Role of Riparian Vegetation in Inducing Channel Change (United States)

    Manners, R.; Schmidt, J. C.; Wheaton, J. M.


    An enduring question in geomorphology is the role of riparian vegetation in inducing or exacerbating channel narrowing. It is typically difficult to isolate the role of vegetation in causing channel narrowing, because narrowing typically occurs where there are changes in stream flow, sediment supply, the invasion of non-native vegetation, and sometimes climate change. Therefore, linkages between changes in vegetation communities and changes in channel form are often difficult to identify. We took a mechanistic approach to isolate the role of the invasive riparian shrub tamarisk (Tamarix spp) in influencing channel narrowing in the Colorado River basin. Detailed geomorphic reconstructions of two sites on the Yampa and Green Rivers, respectively, in Dinosaur National Monument show that channel narrowing has been progressive and that tamarisk encroachment has also occurred; at the same time, dams have been constructed, diversions increased, and spring snowmelt runoff has been occurring earlier in spring. We simulated hydraulic and sediment transport conditions during the two largest floods of record -- 1984 and 2011. Two-dimensional hydraulic models were built to reflect these conditions and allowed us to perform sensitivity tests to determine the dominant determinants of the observed patterns of erosion and deposition. Channel and floodplain topography were constrained through detailed stratigraphic analysis, including precise dating of deposits based on dating of buried tamarisk plants in a series of floodplain trenches and pits. We also used historical air photos to establish past channel topography. To parameterize the influence of riparian vegetation, we developed a model that links detailed terrestrial laser scan (TLS) measurements of stand structure and its corresponding hydraulic roughness at the patch scale to reach-scale riparian vegetation patterns determined from airborne LiDaR (ALS). This model, in conjunction with maps of the ages and establishment

  15. Perspectivas sobre la China contemporánea en la prensa española sobre Relaciones Internacionales (2000-2012)


    Cocina Díaz, Rodrigo


    Un estudio de las perspectivas sobre los últimos años de la evolución histórica de China desde varias fuentes especializadas en política internacional publicadas en España, entre el año 2000 y el 2012, que incluye un análisis sobre el número de artículos publicados a lo largo del tiempo, donde se refleja la evolución del interés por el tema en dichas fuentes. Se han utilizado las revistas Política Exterior, CIDOB d'afers Internacionals, Le Monde Diplomatique en español, y la web del Observato...

  16. Liberalismo versus republicanismo: notas sobre o conceito de liberdade.

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    Felipe Nunes


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo contrastar as perspectivas liberal e republicana sobre o conceito de liberdade. Através da comparação feita entre os dois modelos tecemos considerações sobre a realidade brasileira tendo como foco o atual estado de crises advindas dos casos de corrupção no país.

  17. How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables?


    Reed, Jane; Frazao, Elizabeth; Itskowitz, Rachel


    Many Americans do not consume the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. Almost half of Americans think eating more fruits and vegetables would make their diets healthier, so why don't they? One argument is that fruits and vegetables are expensive, especially when purchased fresh. According to an ERS study, a consumer can meet the recommendation of three servings of fruits and four servings of vegetables daily for 64 cents.

  18. Self-crafting vegetable snacks: testing the IKEA-effect in children. (United States)

    Raghoebar, Sanne; van Kleef, Ellen; de Vet, Emely


    The purpose of this paper is to test whether the IKEA-effect (Norton et al. , 2012) - better liking for self-crafted products than for identical products crafted by others - can be exploited to increase liking and consumption of vegetable snacks in children. A between-subjects experiment was conducted at an after school care facility. In total, 86 children aged four to six either crafted a peacock with vegetables or with non-food objects following an example. After the task, children ate snack vegetables ad libitum, and rated their liking for the vegetables and pride in crafting the peacock. No significant main effect of the vegetable snack creation on consumption and liking was observed. Also, perceived pride did not mediate the effect of self-crafting vegetable snacks on consumption of and liking for vegetables. Vegetable consumption did not differ between children who were either simply exposed to vegetable snacks while crafting or those who were crafting the vegetable snacks themselves. The equal consumption might suggest that this is caused by simple exposure, but more research is needed comparing self-crafting and exposure to a condition where there is no initial exposure to vegetables. Although the IKEA-effect has been demonstrated in adults, this is one of the first studies evaluating the IKEA-effect in children and as a means to increase liking for a generally disliked product in this target group, i.e. vegetables. The IKEA-effect could not be replicated under these more stringent conditions, where the experimental set-up enabled disentangling exposure and crafting effects.

  19. Intake of Raw Fruits and Vegetables Is Associated With Better Mental Health Than Intake of Processed Fruits and Vegetables (United States)

    Brookie, Kate L.; Best, Georgia I.; Conner, Tamlin S.


    Background: Higher intakes of fruits and vegetables, rich in micronutrients, have been associated with better mental health. However, cooking or processing may reduce the availability of these important micronutrients. This study investigated the differential associations between intake of raw fruits and vegetables, compared to processed (cooked or canned) fruits and vegetables, and mental health in young adults. Methods: In a cross-sectional survey design, 422 young adults ages 18–25 (66.1% female) living in New Zealand and the United States completed an online survey that assessed typical consumption of raw vs. cooked/canned/processed fruits and vegetables, negative and positive mental health (depressive symptoms, anxiety, negative mood, positive mood, life satisfaction, and flourishing), and covariates (including socio-economic status, body mass index, sleep, physical activity, smoking, and alcohol use). Results: Controlling for covariates, raw fruit and vegetable intake (FVI) predicted reduced depressive symptoms and higher positive mood, life satisfaction, and flourishing; processed FVI only predicted higher positive mood. The top 10 raw foods related to better mental health were carrots, bananas, apples, dark leafy greens like spinach, grapefruit, lettuce, citrus fruits, fresh berries, cucumber, and kiwifruit. Conclusions: Raw FVI, but not processed FVI, significantly predicted higher mental health outcomes when controlling for the covariates. Applications include recommending the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables to maximize mental health benefits. PMID:29692750

  20. Intake of Raw Fruits and Vegetables Is Associated With Better Mental Health Than Intake of Processed Fruits and Vegetables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kate L. Brookie


    Full Text Available Background: Higher intakes of fruits and vegetables, rich in micronutrients, have been associated with better mental health. However, cooking or processing may reduce the availability of these important micronutrients. This study investigated the differential associations between intake of raw fruits and vegetables, compared to processed (cooked or canned fruits and vegetables, and mental health in young adults.Methods: In a cross-sectional survey design, 422 young adults ages 18–25 (66.1% female living in New Zealand and the United States completed an online survey that assessed typical consumption of raw vs. cooked/canned/processed fruits and vegetables, negative and positive mental health (depressive symptoms, anxiety, negative mood, positive mood, life satisfaction, and flourishing, and covariates (including socio-economic status, body mass index, sleep, physical activity, smoking, and alcohol use.Results: Controlling for covariates, raw fruit and vegetable intake (FVI predicted reduced depressive symptoms and higher positive mood, life satisfaction, and flourishing; processed FVI only predicted higher positive mood. The top 10 raw foods related to better mental health were carrots, bananas, apples, dark leafy greens like spinach, grapefruit, lettuce, citrus fruits, fresh berries, cucumber, and kiwifruit.Conclusions: Raw FVI, but not processed FVI, significantly predicted higher mental health outcomes when controlling for the covariates. Applications include recommending the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables to maximize mental health benefits.

  1. Seguridad en redes y sistemas : Técnicas y conceptos sobre hacking y pentesting


    Jiménez Jiménez, Cristian


    El siguiente documento trata sobre seguridad informática. Se detallarán técnicas y conceptos sobre seguridad en redes y sistemas, pentesting y auditorías de seguridad. El següent document tracta sobre seguretat informàtica. Es detallaran tècniques i conceptes sobre seguretat en xarxes i sistemes, pentesting i auditories de seguretat. The following document is about computer security. Techniques and network security concepts and systems, pentesting and safety practices will be described....

  2. Is repeated exposure the holy grail for increasing children's vegetable intake? Lessons learned from a Dutch childcare intervention using various vegetable preparations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zeinstra, Gertrude G.; Vrijhof, Milou; Kremer, Stefanie


    Children's failure to eat enough vegetables highlights the need for effective interventions encouraging this behaviour. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of repeated exposure to three a priori unfamiliar vegetables, each prepared in two ways, on children's vegetable acceptance in a

  3. Biological effects of fruit and vegetables. (United States)

    Dragsted, Lars O; Krath, Britta; Ravn-Haren, Gitte; Vogel, Ulla B; Vinggaard, Anne Marie; Bo Jensen, Per; Loft, Steffen; Rasmussen, Salka E; Sandstrom, The late BrittMarie; Pedersen, Anette


    A strong and persistent effect of plant-derived foods on the prevention of lifestyle diseases has emerged from observational studies. Several groups of constituents in plants have been identified as potentially health promoting in animal studies, including cholesterol-lowering factors, antioxidants, enzyme inducers, apoptosis inducers etc. In human intervention studies the dose levels achieved tend to be lower than the levels found to be effective in animals and sampling from target organs is often not possible. A controlled dietary human intervention study was performed with forty-three volunteers, providing 600 g fruit and vegetables/d or in the controls a carbohydrate-rich drink to balance energy intake. Surrogate markers of oxidative damage to DNA, protein and lipids, enzymic defence and lipid metabolism were determined in blood and urine. It was found that a high intake of fruit and vegetables tends to increase the stability of lipids towards oxidative damage. Markers of oxidative enzymes indicate a steady increase in glutathione peroxidase (GPX1) activity in erythrocytes during intervention with fruit and vegetables but there is no effect on GPX1 transcription levels in leucocytes. No change occurs in glutathione-conjugating or -reducing enzyme activities in erythrocytes or plasma, and there are no effects on the transcription of genes involved in phase 2 enzyme induction or DNA repair in leucocytes. Fruit and vegetable intake decreases the level of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, but does not affect sex hormones. In conclusion, it has been shown that total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, markers of peripheral lipid oxidation, and erythrocyte GPX1 activity are affected by high intakes of fruit and vegetables. This finding provides support for a protective role of dietary fruit and vegetables against CVD.

  4. Sensitivity Analysis of a Riparian Vegetation Growth Model

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    Michael Nones


    Full Text Available The paper presents a sensitivity analysis of two main parameters used in a mathematic model able to evaluate the effects of changing hydrology on the growth of riparian vegetation along rivers and its effects on the cross-section width. Due to a lack of data in existing literature, in a past study the schematization proposed here was applied only to two large rivers, assuming steady conditions for the vegetational carrying capacity and coupling the vegetal model with a 1D description of the river morphology. In this paper, the limitation set by steady conditions is overcome, imposing the vegetational evolution dependent upon the initial plant population and the growth rate, which represents the potential growth of the overall vegetation along the watercourse. The sensitivity analysis shows that, regardless of the initial population density, the growth rate can be considered the main parameter defining the development of riparian vegetation, but it results site-specific effects, with significant differences for large and small rivers. Despite the numerous simplifications adopted and the small database analyzed, the comparison between measured and computed river widths shows a quite good capability of the model in representing the typical interactions between riparian vegetation and water flow occurring along watercourses. After a thorough calibration, the relatively simple structure of the code permits further developments and applications to a wide range of alluvial rivers.

  5. Biofilm formation enhances Helicobacter pylori survivability in vegetables. (United States)

    Ng, Chow Goon; Loke, Mun Fai; Goh, Khean Lee; Vadivelu, Jamuna; Ho, Bow


    To date, the exact route and mode of transmission of Helicobacter pylori remains elusive. The detection of H. pylori in food using molecular approaches has led us to postulate that the gastric pathogen may survive in the extragastric environment for an extended period. In this study, we show that H. pylori prolongs its survival by forming biofilm and micro-colonies on vegetables. The biofilm forming capability of H. pylori is both strain and vegetable dependent. H. pylori strains were classified into high and low biofilm formers based on their highest relative biofilm units (BU). High biofilm formers survived longer on vegetables compared to low biofilm formers. The bacteria survived better on cabbage compared to other vegetables tested. In addition, images captured on scanning electron and confocal laser scanning microscopes revealed that the bacteria were able to form biofilm and reside as micro-colonies on vegetable surfaces, strengthening the notion of possible survival of H. pylori on vegetables for an extended period of time. Taken together, the ability of H. pylori to form biofilm on vegetables (a common food source for human) potentially plays an important role in its survival, serving as a mode of transmission of H. pylori in the extragastric environment. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    José Manuel Suárez Riveiro


    Full Text Available El principal propósito de este trabajo fue el de proponer un modelo sobre cómo las estrategias motivacionales relacionadas al componente de afectividad inciden sobre la utilización de las estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas. La muestra utilizada fue de 500 estudiantes de Secundaria. Se asumió que el efecto de las estrategias motivacionales sobre las estrategias cognitivas estaría mediado por el uso de las estrategias metacognitivas. Para estudiar estas estrategias y su relación se realizaron análisis descriptivos y se elaboró un diagrama de senderos. Los resultados mostraron que la estrategia motivacional más utilizada es la de autorrefuerzo y que se establecen relaciones significativas desde algunas estrategias motivacionales, pero no desde todas, con las estrategias cognitivas aunque únicamente la estrategia de autorrefuerzo establece relaciones significativas con la autorregulación metacognitiva.

  7. Understory vegetation (United States)

    Steve Sutherland; Todd F. Hutchinson; Jennifer L. Windus


    This chapter documents patterns of species composition and diversity within the understory vegetation layer and provides a species list for the four study areas in southern Ohio. Within each of 108 plots, we recorded the frequency of all vascular plant species in sixteen 2-m² quadrats. We recorded 297 species, including 187 forbs (176 perennials, 9 annuals, 2...

  8. Advances on Modelling Riparian Vegetation-Hydromorphology Interactions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Solari, L.; Van Oorschot, M.; Belletti, B.; Hendriks, D.; Rinaldi, M.; Vargas-Luna, A.


    Riparian vegetation actively interacts with fluvial systems affecting river hydrodynamics, morphodynamics and groundwater. These interactions can be coupled because both vegetation and hydromorphology (i.e. the combined scientific study of hydrology and fluvial geomorphology) involve dynamic

  9. [Simulation of vegetation indices optimizing under retrieval of vegetation biochemical parameters based on PROSPECT + SAIL model]. (United States)

    Wu, Ling; Liu, Xiang-Nan; Zhou, Bo-Tian; Liu, Chuan-Hao; Li, Lu-Feng


    This study analyzed the sensitivities of three vegetation biochemical parameters [chlorophyll content (Cab), leaf water content (Cw), and leaf area index (LAI)] to the changes of canopy reflectance, with the effects of each parameter on the wavelength regions of canopy reflectance considered, and selected three vegetation indices as the optimization comparison targets of cost function. Then, the Cab, Cw, and LAI were estimated, based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm and PROSPECT + SAIL model. The results showed that retrieval efficiency with vegetation indices as the optimization comparison targets of cost function was better than that with all spectral reflectance. The correlation coefficients (R2) between the measured and estimated values of Cab, Cw, and LAI were 90.8%, 95.7%, and 99.7%, and the root mean square errors of Cab, Cw, and LAI were 4.73 microg x cm(-2), 0.001 g x cm(-2), and 0.08, respectively. It was suggested that to adopt vegetation indices as the optimization comparison targets of cost function could effectively improve the efficiency and precision of the retrieval of biochemical parameters based on PROSPECT + SAIL model.

  10. Intensity of competition in the market of greenhouse vegetables

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    Oleg Ivanovich Botkin


    Full Text Available This paper reviews the competitive environment of the market greenhouse vegetables. Revealed specific features of the industry, determining the level of intensity of competition in the market greenhouse vegetables. Classified factors internal and external environment, identify indicators that affect the state of the market. The factors that determine the intensity of competition in the market greenhouse vegetables.The main competitors on the Russian market of greenhouse production.Identified indicators of the intensity level of competition, in particular: the level of monopolization of the market greenhouse vegetables, the level of concentration of production in the industry, the generalized index of the intensity of the competitive environment.Shows a comparative analysis of competitors’ market greenhouse vegetables in Udmurtia.Revealed competitive advantages which can help local producers to reduce the pressure of competition and intra-industry to occupy a leading position in the Russian market of greenhouse vegetable production.The dynamics of economic performance of Russian producers. Ways of improving the competitiveness of enterprises for the production of greenhouse vegetables

  11. Local vegetables in Cameroon: Corchorus species used as a vegetable.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Westphal-Stevels, J.M.C.


    An agro-botanical study of local vegetables in Cameroon is in preparation, including the taxonomy, identity, morphology, agronomy and nutritional value of about 70 species. Corchorus olitorius L. and other edible species of the genus Corchorus L. (Tiliaceae) are part of this study. The wide

  12. Contabilidad de Costos I. - Problemas sobre contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los materiales


    Morillo Moreno, Marysela C.


    ÍNDICE Introducción Problemas sobre terminología básica Problemas básicos sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilidad de Costos Problemas sobre contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los materiales Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con la mano de obra Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los costos indirectos de fabricación Problemas sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilida...

  13. Economic conditions and birth spacing in Colombia: a semi-parametric approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blanca Zuluaga


    Full Text Available Este documento ofrece evidencia reciente sobre la correlación existente entre las condiciones económicas enfrentadas por los hogares y sus decisiones de fecundidad utilizando modelos de riesgo proporcional de Cox. La contribución de este trabajo es, de un lado, ofrecer evidencia reciente para países latinoamericanos como Colombia y, de otro lado, incluir heterogeneidad local en el desempeño económico usando el crecimiento económico regional como choque externo sobre las decisiones de los hogares. Se encuentra que un mejor desempeño económico está asociado con una reducción en el intervalo de nacimiento entre un hijo y otro. Parece haber evidencia de que la demanda de hijos tiene un comportamiento procíclico, haciendo que predomine el efecto ingreso; sin embargo, cuando se mantienen las condiciones económicas positivas se reduce la búqueda de hijos, dominando el efecto sustitución. Una interpretación alternativa sugiere que el crecimiento económico incrementa la probabilidad de tener hijos, reduciendo así el riesgo posterior al auge económico.

  14. Rendering Future Vegetation Change across Large Regions of the US (United States)

    Sant'Anna Dias, Felipe; Gu, Yuting; Agarwalla, Yashika; Cheng, Yiwei; Patil, Sopan; Stieglitz, Marc; Turk, Greg


    We use two Machine Learning techniques, Decision Trees (DT) and Neural Networks (NN), to provide classified images and photorealistic renderings of future vegetation cover at three large regions in the US. The training data used to generate current vegetation cover include Landsat surface reflectance images, USGS Land Cover maps, 50 years of mean annual temperature and precipitation for the period 1950 - 2000, elevation, aspect and slope data. Present vegetation cover was generated on a 100m grid. Future vegetation cover for the period 2061- 2080 was predicted using the 1 km resolution bias corrected data from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Global Climate Model E simulation. The three test regions encompass a wide range of climatic gradients, topographic variation, and vegetation cover. The central Oregon site covers 19,182 square km and includes the Ochoco and Malheur National Forest. Vegetation cover is 50% evergreen forest and 50% shrubs and scrubland. The northwest Washington site covers 14,182 square km. Vegetation cover is 60% evergreen forest, 14% scrubs, 7% grassland, and 7% barren land. The remainder of the area includes deciduous forest, perennial snow cover, and wetlands. The third site, the Jemez mountain region of north central New Mexico, covers 5,500 square km. Vegetation cover is 47% evergreen forest, 31% shrubs, 13% grasses, and 3% deciduous forest. The remainder of the area includes developed and cultivated areas and wetlands. Using the above mentioned data sets we first trained our DT and NN models to reproduce current vegetation. The land cover classified images were compared directly to the USGS land cover data. The photorealistic generated vegetation images were compared directly to the remotely sensed surface reflectance maps. For all three sites, similarity between generated and observed vegetation cover was quite remarkable. The three trained models were then used to explore what the equilibrium vegetation would look like for

  15. Stages of change to increase fruit and vegetable intake and its relationships with fruit and vegetable intake and related psychosocial factors. (United States)

    Chee Yen, Wong; Mohd Shariff, Zalilah; Kandiah, Mirnalini; Mohd Taib, Mohd Nasir


    Understanding individual's intention, action and maintenance to increase fruit and vegetable intake is an initial step in designing nutrition or health promotion programs. This study aimed to determine stages of change to increase fruit and vegetable intake and its relationships with fruit and vegetable intake, self-efficacy, perceived benefits and perceived barriers. This cross-sectional study was conducted among 348 public university staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia. A pre-tested self-administered questionnaire and two days 24-hour diet recall were used. Half of the respondents (50%) were in preparation stage, followed by 43% in action/maintenance, 7% in pre-contemplation/contemplation stages. Respondents in action/maintenance stages had significantly higher self-efficacy (F = 9.17, P diet high in fruits and vegetables in order to promote healthy changes in having high fruit and vegetable intake.

  16. Quantitative indicators of fruit and vegetable consumption

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dagmar Kozelová


    Full Text Available The quantitative research of the market is often based on surveys and questionnaires which are finding out the behavior of customers in observed areas. Before purchasing process consumers consider where they will buy fruit and vegetables, what kind to choose and in what quantity of goods. Consumers' behavior is affected by the factors as: regional gastronomic traditions, price, product appearance, aroma, place of buying, own experience and knowledge, taste preferences as well as specific health issues of consumers and others. The consumption of fruit and vegetables brings into the human body biological active substances that favorably affect the health of consumers. In the presented research study we were interested in differences of consumers' behavior in the consumption of fruit and vegetables according to the place of residence and gender. In the survey 200 respondents has participated; their place of residence was city or village. The existence of dependences and statistical significance were examined by selected statistical testing methods. Firstly we analyzed the responses via statistical F-test whether observed random samples have the same variance. Then we applied two-sample unpaired t-test with equal variance and χ2-test of statistical independence. The statistical significance was tested by corresponding p values. Correlations were proved by the Cramer's V coefficient. We found that place of residence has no impact on the respondents' consumption of fruit. The gender of respondents does not affect their consumption of fruit. Equally, the gender does not affect the respondents' consumption of vegetables. Only in one observed case the significant differences proved that the place of respondent residence has impact on the consumption of vegetables. Higher consumption of vegetables is due to the fact that the majority of citizens, who live in villages, have a possibility to grow their own vegetables and, thus, the demand for it in village

  17. Study on the air quality near vegetation along the highway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weijers, E.P.; Kos, G.P.A.; Van den Bulk, W.C.M.; Vermeulen, A.T.


    The results of downwind measurements of air quality around vegetation near a motorway are presented and discussed. The study (first ever in the Netherlands) was performed by order of the Innovation Programme Air Quality. At a carefully selected location measurements of PM and NOx were carried out downwind from a motorway in front of and (at various distances) behind a parallel orientated vegetation strip. Results are compared with synchronized data collected at a nearby location without vegetation (the 'reference' situation) and at the same distances from the motorway. Major findings are: Comparing measurements in front of and behind the vegetation strip show that the presence of vegetation tends to lower PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations immediately behind the vegetation. However, no such change is apparent in the concentrations of NO and NO2. The comparison with measurements executed without vegetation ('reference') indicate that concentration levels close to the vegetation strip are similar or somewhat higher. At a larger distance from motorway and vegetation (>30 m) NO and NO2 concentrations tend to be lower than what is observed in the reference situation. This could not be determined for PM [nl

  18. Investigación sobre implementación y gobernanza

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cejudo,, Guillermo M.; May, Peter J.; Sætren, Harald


    . Cejudo, María del Carmen Pardo y Mauricio I. Dussauge Laguna (todos de la División de Ad­ministración Pública del CIDE), cerró con un panel sobre “investigación sobre implementación y gobernanza: direcciones y retos para el futuro”. Lo que sigue es una versión editada de esa discusión de clausura....

  19. Sobre manhãs, humor e atos de fala

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    Joana Plaza PINTO

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este ensaio apresenta uma trajetória de leituras de Frege a Austin, intermediadas pela interpretação independente e ousada de Kanavillil Rajagopalan. Ao argumentar sobre uma gama de aproximações teóricas entre Frege e Austin, este ensaio narra a importância da interpretação de Rajagopalan para o debate sobre Austin no Brasil.

  20. Levels of lead, cadmium and zinc in vegetables

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fuchs, G.; Haegglund, J.; Jorhem, L.


    The concentrations of lead, cadmium and zinc have been determined in 455 samples of fresh fruit, vegetables and mushrooms by dry ashing and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The lead content in all samples was in the range < 0.001-0.288 mg/kg, the mean being 0.02 mg/kg. Leaf vegetables (lettuce and spinach) showed higher values, mean 0.04 mg/kg. The mean values of the cadmium content in fruit, green vegetables, potatoes and root vegetables were 0.003, 0.013, 0.016 and 0.038 mg/kg respectively. The zinc contents were in the ppm range. The ratio Zn/Cd was also determined in some samples. All values concern edible parts and are calculated on wet weight basis. The fruit and vegetables were estimated to constitute about 2 percent and 8 percent respectively of the provisional tolerable weekly intake of these metals recommended by an FAO/WHO Expert Committee.

  1. Orden de no reanimar, consideraciones sobre este problema

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    Dr. G. Luis Cereceda


    Se analizan los principales problemas, comenzando por las dificultades según los diferentes escenarios (servicio de urgencia, pabellón de maternidad, sala de hospitalizados, unidad de intensivo, pabellones quirúrgicos; se analiza la incertidumbre sobre el pronóstico de cada pacientes y sobre quién(es deben tomar las decisiones sobre el fin de la vida. Idealmente debe ser el paciente autónomo quien tome la decisión, pero en otros casos se requieren alternativas, una de ellas es la Orden Unilateral. Otros problemas son la Validez de las órdenes de no-RCP en los diferentes tiempos evolutivos, el problema de la Futilidad y la Validez de las “Directivas Anticipadas”, en este grupo resalta el enfoque POLST (Physician’s Order for Life Sustaining Treatment como más comprehensivo; como complemento ha surgido también el concepto AND (Allow Natural Death, que podría estar destinado a remplazar la orden de no-RCP (DNR.

  2. Sobre el Contenido de los Marcos Conceptuales Contables

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    Leila Di Russo de Hauque


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el análisis de los distintos marcos conceptuales vigentes en diferentes sistemas normativos contables. Paralelamente a las revisiones empíricas que dicho trabajo determina, incluye reflexiones a priori sobre el contenido de dichos marcos conceptuales. El trabajo discurre inicialmente sobre el problema de la naturaleza normativa o doctrinaria de sus contenidos tradicionales sin inclinarse definitivamente por una u otra vertiente. Respecto de los elementos que se incluirán en ellos, se justifica la inclusión de las listas de objetivos y requisitos de la información contable para definir el alcance del concepto de informe de uso externo. Además se define a favor de la inclusión, conjuntamente con las respuestas a las pregunas básicas sobre la labor contable, de contenidos ligados al proceso de obtención y de la exposición de la información contable de uso externo.

  3. Uma Reflexão sobre Autoria Acadêmica

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    Francisco José da Costa


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar elementos para um debate sobre a ética das práticas de autoria no campo científico brasileiro. Os autores utilizam exemplos ilustrativos para explorar as práticas de pseudoautoria, estabelecendo relações entre essas práticas, as coerções oriundas do campo acadêmico e o habitus dos agentes sociais. Foi elaborada uma definição preliminar do que seja autoria a fim de possibilitar a discussão sobre dois problemas centrais, que são: a lógica de “colocar o nome” e o plágio. Uma das principais contribuições deste trabalho repousa na reflexão orientada para a construção de uma prática aperfeiçoada de autoria, possibilitando a crítica e a autocrítica dos agentes do meio acadêmico sobre algumas práticas problemáticas de autoria.

  4. Hegel sobre Tácito y la libertad teutona

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    Valerio Rocco Lozano


    Full Text Available Una investigación sobre la presencia (así como sobre la ausencia de Tácito en Hegel es crucial para entender la posición política y filosófica de este pensador, especialmente en la época de Jena. Tras algunas consideraciones sobre el conocimiento hegeliano de la historia y la cultura romanas, se abordará un análisis de su noción de "libertad teutona": Hegel se opone tanto a la neo-romanidad de los revolucionarios franceses como al esencialismo teutómano de los conservadores alemanes (derivado fundamentalmente de un uso fuertemente ideológico de la "Germania" de Tácito, así como a las caducas instituciones imperiales. Esta doble oposición sitúa a Hegel en medio de dos corrientes políticas (e incluso de dos ejércitos en guerra y se lleva a cabo desde una actitud que puede denominarse como “mediación sin nostalgia”

  5. Mapeamento da antiga cobertura vegetal de várzea do Baixo Amazonas a partir de imagens históricas (1975-1981 do Sensor MSS-Landsat Mapping ancient vegetation cover of the Amazon floodplain using historical MSS/Landsat images (1975-1981

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vivian Fróes Renó


    Full Text Available Este estudo apresenta um mapa da cobertura vegetal da planície de inundação do Rio Amazonas entre as cidades de Parintins (AM e Almeirim (PA, com base em imagens Landsat-MSS adquiridas entre 1975 e 1981. O processamento digital dessas imagens envolveu a transformação para imagens-fração de vegetação, solo e água escura (sombra, seguido da aplicação de técnicas de segmentação e classificação por região. O mapa resultante da classificação foi organizado em quatro classes de cobertura do solo: floresta de várzea, vegetação não-florestal de várzea, solo exposto e água aberta. A precisão do mapa foi estimada a partir de dois tipos de informações coletadas em campo: 1 pontos de descrição: para validação das classes de cobertura não sujeitas a grandes alterações, como é o caso dos corpos d'água permanentes, e identificação de indicadores dos tipos de cobertura original presentes na paisagem na ocasião da obtenção das imagens (72 pontos; 2 entrevistas com moradores antigos para a recuperação da memória sobre a cobertura vegetal existente há 30 anos (44 questionários. Ao todo foram coletadas informações em 116 pontos distribuídos ao longo da área de estudo. Esses pontos foram utilizados para calcular o Índice Kappa de concordância entre os dados de campo e o mapa resultante da classificação automática, cujo valor (0,78 indica a boa qualidade do mapa de cobertura vegetal da várzea. Os resultados mostram que a região possuía uma cobertura florestal de várzea de aproximadamente 8.650 km2 no período de aquisição das imagens.This study presents a vegetation map of the Amazon River floodplain between the towns of Parintins (AM and Almeirim (PA, based on Landsat-MSS scenes from 1975 to 1981. Digital processing involved the transformation of multispectral images into fraction-images of vegetation, soil and dark water (shadow, followed by the application of segmentation and region

  6. Biologically active matters in soy vegetative mass




    Maintenance of row of bioactive matters of phenic nature in particular, isoflavonoids is investigational at to soy-bean cakes to vegetative mass of soy in the phases of vegetation of 8 the most widespread sorts of soy in Ukraine.

  7. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program and Requests for Fruits and Vegetables Outside School Settings. (United States)

    Ohri-Vachaspati, Punam; Dachenhaus, Elizabeth; Gruner, Jessie; Mollner, Kristina; Hekler, Eric B; Todd, Michael


    Consumption of fruits and vegetables (F/V) among elementary school-aged children remains inadequate, especially among low-income children. The US Department of Agriculture's Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) provides F/V as snacks to children during the school day, outside of school meals. School-based initiatives are successful in changing behaviors in school settings; however, their influence on behaviors outside of schools needs investigation. To examine whether FFVP participation is associated with F/V requests at stores, self-efficacy to ask for and choose F/V at home, and F/V consumption. Cross-sectional study. Fourth graders in six classrooms (n=296) from three urban, low-income school districts in Phoenix, AZ, were surveyed during 2015; one FFVP and one non-FFVP school from each district that were similar in school size, percent free/reduced-price meal eligibility, and race/ethnicity of enrolled students were selected. Children's self-reported F/V requests during shopping, their self-efficacy to ask for and choose F/V at home, and F/V consumption on the previous day (non-FFVP school day) were measured using questions adapted from validated surveys. Multivariable mixed-effect regression models, adjusting for clustering of students within classes and classes within schools were explored. In models adjusting for individual-level factors (ie, age and sex) only, several significant positive associations were observed between school FFVP participation and healthier F/V outcomes. After additionally adjusting for school-level factors (ie, total enrollment and % Hispanic/Latino students) significant associations were observed between school FFVP participation and more requests for vegetables during shopping (Pvegetables at home (P=0.004), stronger preferences for vegetables (Pfruit (P=0.006). School FFVP participation was associated with more requests for vegetables during shopping and higher self-efficacy to make healthy choices at home, suggesting the

  8. Estimation of vegetation cover resilience from satellite time series

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    T. Simoniello


    Full Text Available Resilience is a fundamental concept for understanding vegetation as a dynamic component of the climate system. It expresses the ability of ecosystems to tolerate disturbances and to recover their initial state. Recovery times are basic parameters of the vegetation's response to forcing and, therefore, are essential for describing realistic vegetation within dynamical models. Healthy vegetation tends to rapidly recover from shock and to persist in growth and expansion. On the contrary, climatic and anthropic stress can reduce resilience thus favouring persistent decrease in vegetation activity.

    In order to characterize resilience, we analyzed the time series 1982–2003 of 8 km GIMMS AVHRR-NDVI maps of the Italian territory. Persistence probability of negative and positive trends was estimated according to the vegetation cover class, altitude, and climate. Generally, mean recovery times from negative trends were shorter than those estimated for positive trends, as expected for vegetation of healthy status. Some signatures of inefficient resilience were found in high-level mountainous areas and in the Mediterranean sub-tropical ones. This analysis was refined by aggregating pixels according to phenology. This multitemporal clustering synthesized information on vegetation cover, climate, and orography rather well. The consequent persistence estimations confirmed and detailed hints obtained from the previous analyses. Under the same climatic regime, different vegetation resilience levels were found. In particular, within the Mediterranean sub-tropical climate, clustering was able to identify features with different persistence levels in areas that are liable to different levels of anthropic pressure. Moreover, it was capable of enhancing reduced vegetation resilience also in the southern areas under Warm Temperate sub-continental climate. The general consistency of the obtained results showed that, with the help of suited analysis

  9. Sobre historia mundial hoy

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    Vera Weiler


    Full Text Available Los procesos de globalización son una realidad; su enorme impacto sobre la vida humana los ha convertido en un tema recurrente sobre el que se escribe y se comenta a diario también en Colombia. Los libros que de ellos tratan, ante todo los que 10 hacen en tono crítico, baten records en la industria editorial en todo el mundo. Las expectativas que acerca del futuro abrigan cientos de millones de personas se relacionan con 10 que ellas esperan, para bien o para mal, de la globalización. Las posturas que los gobernantes ocupan al respecto en el mundo son, cuando menos de aceptación, generalmente de activa participación en pos de la globalización. Por un lado, crece la preocupación y se multiplican las protestas; por el otro, dominan los razonamientos de los especialistas en materia de maximización de los rendimientos de los capitales que presentan la globalización, al estilo que se viene imponiendo, como el camino ineludible del gobierno universal de la eficiencia. ¿Tienen que decir algo los historiadores frente a todo esto?.

  10. An ergonomic approach for designing indian traditional vegetable cutter. (United States)

    Dhara, Prakash C; De, Sujaya; Sengupta, Piyali; Maity, Payel; Pal, Amitava


    In India varieties of hand tools have been used to cut the vegetables. Traditional vegetable cutter is a commonly used hand tool which has been used for years in the kitchen. The tool may have some design related problems. The present study was undertaken to reduce those problems. The study objective was to evaluate a new design of traditional vegetable cutters for use in the Indian kitchen. One hundred and fifty Indian women who regularly used a vegetable cutter for cooking purposes participated in this study. The design of the vegetable cutter was modified based on the postural preference of the users and other anthropometric factors including the blade angle, length, breadth and width of the sitting area. The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders was assessed by means of a questionnaire for subjects' feedback. New concepts of the design were proposed and a few prototypes were made and were tested by paired comparison using the EMG system. A large number of subjects (61%) used the vegetable cutter while sitting on the floor with folded knees and the prevalence of MSD in most of the body parts was comparatively lower in this posture than that in squatting posture. In the new design, a broad platform was suggested to provide a more comfortable sitting when a subject sits on it with folded knees. For the vegetable cutter, the blade angle was made at 120° with a broad folded wooden base as the final prototype of the cutter. The length, breadth, and thickness of the base were selected based on the results of the anthropometric measurements among the prototypes of the cutters. The selected vegetable cutter showed the least myoelectric activity among the prototypes during cutting vegetables. The modified vegetable cutter appeared to be ergonomically effective, less prone to muscular stress, and compatible for preferred posture of the users.

  11. Monitoring temporal Vegetation changes in Lao tropical forests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phompila, Chittana; Lewis, Megan; Clarke, Kenneth; Ostendorf, Bertram


    Studies on changes in vegetation are essential for understanding the interaction between humans and the environment. These studies provide key information for land use assessment, terrestrial ecosystem monitoring, carbon flux modelling and impacts of global climate change. The primary purpose of this study was to detect temporal vegetation changes in tropical forests in the southern part of Lao PDR from 2001-2012. The study investigated the annual vegetation phenological response of dominant land cover types across the study area and relationships to seasonal precipitation and temperature. Improved understanding of intra-annual patterns of vegetation variation was useful to detect longer term changes in vegetation. The breaks for additive season and trend (BFAST) approach was implemented to detect changes in these land cover types throughout the 2001-2012 period. We used the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) (MOD13Q1 products) and monthly rainfall and temperature data obtained from the Meteorology and Hydrology Department, Ministry of Agriculture-Forestry, published by Lao National Statistical Centre in this research. EVI well documented the annual seasonal growth of vegetation and clearly distinguished the characteristic phenology of four different land use types; native forest, plantation, agriculture and mixed wooded/cleared area. Native forests maintained high EVI throughout the year, while plantations, wooded/cleared areas and agriculture showed greater inter-annual variation, with minimum EVI at the end of the dry season in April and maximum EVI in September-October, around two months after the wet season peak in rainfall. The BFAST analysis detected abrupt temporal changes in vegetation in the tropical forests, especially in a large conversion of mixed wooded/cleared area into plantation. Within the study area from 2001-2012 there has been an overall decreasing trend of vegetation cover for

  12. Post-fire vegetation dynamics in Portugal (United States)

    Gouveia, C.; Dacamara, C. C.; Trigo, R. M.


    The number of fires and the extent of the burned surface in Mediterranean Europe have increased significantly during the last three decades. This may be due either to modifications in land-use (e.g. land abandonment and fuel accumulation) or to climatic changes (e.g. reduction of fuel humidity), both factors leading to an increase of fire risk and fire spread. As in the Mediterranean ecosystems, fires in Portugal have an intricate effect on vegetation regeneration due to the complexity of landscape structures as well as to the different responses of vegetation to the variety of fire regimes. A thorough evaluation of vegetation recovery after fire events becomes therefore crucial in land management. In the above mentioned context remote sensing plays an important role because of its ability to monitor and characterise post-fire vegetation dynamics. A number of fire recovery studies, based on remote sensing, have been conducted in regions characterised by Mediterranean climates and the use of NDVI to monitor plant regeneration after fire events was successfully tested (Díaz-Delgado et al., 1998). In particular, several studies have shown that rapid regeneration occurs within the first 2 years after the fire occurrences, with distinct recovery rates according to the geographical facing of the slopes (Pausas and Vallejo, 1999). In 2003 Portugal was hit by the most devastating sequence of large fires, responsible by a total burnt area of 450 000 ha (including 280 000 ha of forest), representing about 5% of the Portuguese mainland (Trigo et al., 2006). The aim of the present work is to assess and monitor the vegetation behaviour over Portugal following the 2003 fire episodes. For this purpose we have used the regional fields of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as obtained from the VEGETATION-SPOT5 instrument, from 1999 to 2008. We developed a methodology to identify large burnt scars in Portugal for the 2003 fire season. The vegetation dynamics was then

  13. Global vegetation change predicted by the modified Budyko model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Monserud, R.A.; Tchebakova, N.M.; Leemans, R. (US Department of Agriculture, Moscow, ID (United States). Intermountain Research Station, Forest Service)


    A modified Budyko global vegetation model is used to predict changes in global vegetation patterns resulting from climate change (CO[sub 2] doubling). Vegetation patterns are predicted using a model based on a dryness index and potential evaporation determined by solving radiation balance equations. Climate change scenarios are derived from predictions from four General Circulation Models (GCM's) of the atmosphere (GFDL, GISS, OSU, and UKMO). All four GCM scenarios show similar trends in vegetation shifts and in areas that remain stable, although the UKMO scenario predicts greater warming than the others. Climate change maps produced by all four GCM scenarios show good agreement with the current climate vegetation map for the globe as a whole, although over half of the vegetation classes show only poor to fair agreement. The most stable areas are Desert and Ice/Polar Desert. Because most of the predicted warming is concentrated in the Boreal and Temperate zones, vegetation there is predicted to undergo the greatest change. Most vegetation classes in the Subtropics and Tropics are predicted to expand. Any shift in the Tropics favouring either Forest over Savanna, or vice versa, will be determined by the magnitude of the increased precipitation accompanying global warming. Although the model predicts equilibrium conditions to which many plant species cannot adjust (through migration or microevolution) in the 50-100 y needed for CO[sub 2] doubling, it is not clear if projected global warming will result in drastic or benign vegetation change. 72 refs., 3 figs., 3 tabs.

  14. Global changes in dryland vegetation dynamics (1988–2008 assessed by satellite remote sensing: comparing a new passive microwave vegetation density record with reflective greenness data

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    N. Andela


    Full Text Available Drylands, covering nearly 30% of the global land surface, are characterized by high climate variability and sensitivity to land management. Here, two satellite-observed vegetation products were used to study the long-term (1988–2008 vegetation changes of global drylands: the widely used reflective-based Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI and the recently developed passive-microwave-based Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD. The NDVI is sensitive to the chlorophyll concentrations in the canopy and the canopy cover fraction, while the VOD is sensitive to vegetation water content of both leafy and woody components. Therefore it can be expected that using both products helps to better characterize vegetation dynamics, particularly over regions with mixed herbaceous and woody vegetation. Linear regression analysis was performed between antecedent precipitation and observed NDVI and VOD independently to distinguish the contribution of climatic and non-climatic drivers in vegetation variations. Where possible, the contributions of fire, grazing, agriculture and CO2 level to vegetation trends were assessed. The results suggest that NDVI is more sensitive to fluctuations in herbaceous vegetation, which primarily uses shallow soil water, whereas VOD is more sensitive to woody vegetation, which additionally can exploit deeper water stores. Globally, evidence is found for woody encroachment over drylands. In the arid drylands, woody encroachment appears to be at the expense of herbaceous vegetation and a global driver is interpreted. Trends in semi-arid drylands vary widely between regions, suggesting that local rather than global drivers caused most of the vegetation response. In savannas, besides precipitation, fire regime plays an important role in shaping trends. Our results demonstrate that NDVI and VOD provide complementary information and allow new insights into dryland vegetation dynamics.

  15. A method for climate and vegetation reconstruction through the inversion of a dynamic vegetation model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garreta, Vincent; Guiot, Joel; Hely, Christelle [CEREGE, UMR 6635, CNRS, Universite Aix-Marseille, Europole de l' Arbois, Aix-en-Provence (France); Miller, Paul A.; Sykes, Martin T. [Lund University, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystems Analysis, Geobiosphere Science Centre, Lund (Sweden); Brewer, Simon [Universite de Liege, Institut d' Astrophysique et de Geophysique, Liege (Belgium); Litt, Thomas [University of Bonn, Paleontological Institute, Bonn (Germany)


    Climate reconstructions from data sensitive to past climates provide estimates of what these climates were like. Comparing these reconstructions with simulations from climate models allows to validate the models used for future climate prediction. It has been shown that for fossil pollen data, gaining estimates by inverting a vegetation model allows inclusion of past changes in carbon dioxide values. As a new generation of dynamic vegetation model is available we have developed an inversion method for one model, LPJ-GUESS. When this novel method is used with high-resolution sediment it allows us to bypass the classic assumptions of (1) climate and pollen independence between samples and (2) equilibrium between the vegetation, represented as pollen, and climate. Our dynamic inversion method is based on a statistical model to describe the links among climate, simulated vegetation and pollen samples. The inversion is realised thanks to a particle filter algorithm. We perform a validation on 30 modern European sites and then apply the method to the sediment core of Meerfelder Maar (Germany), which covers the Holocene at a temporal resolution of approximately one sample per 30 years. We demonstrate that reconstructed temperatures are constrained. The reconstructed precipitation is less well constrained, due to the dimension considered (one precipitation by season), and the low sensitivity of LPJ-GUESS to precipitation changes. (orig.)

  16. Vegetation carbon sequestration in Chinese forests from 2010 to 2050. (United States)

    He, Nianpeng; Wen, Ding; Zhu, Jianxing; Tang, Xuli; Xu, Li; Zhang, Li; Hu, Huifeng; Huang, Mei; Yu, Guirui


    Forests store a large part of the terrestrial vegetation carbon (C) and have high C sequestration potential. Here, we developed a new forest C sequestration (FCS) model based on the secondary succession theory, to estimate vegetation C sequestration capacity in China's forest vegetation. The model used the field measurement data of 3161 forest plots and three future climate scenarios. The results showed that logistic equations provided a good fit for vegetation biomass with forest age in natural and planted forests. The FCS model has been verified with forest biomass data, and model uncertainty is discussed. The increment of vegetation C storage in China's forest vegetation from 2010 to 2050 was estimated as 13.92 Pg C, while the average vegetation C sequestration rate was 0.34 Pg C yr -1 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.28-0.42 Pg C yr -1 , which differed significantly between forest types. The largest contributor to the increment was deciduous broadleaf forest (37.8%), while the smallest was deciduous needleleaf forest (2.7%). The vegetation C sequestration rate might reach its maximum around 2020, although vegetation C storage increases continually. It is estimated that vegetation C sequestration might offset 6-8% of China's future emissions. Furthermore, there was a significant negative relationship between vegetation C sequestration rate and C emission rate in different provinces of China, suggesting that developed provinces might need to compensate for undeveloped provinces through C trade. Our findings will provide valuable guidelines to policymakers for designing afforestation strategies and forest C trade in China. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. An analysis on vegetation pattern of ecotone in North China

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jia, J.C.; Zhang, H.Y. [North China Electric Power Univ., Beijing (China). Energy and Environmental Research Center


    Vegetation pattern is influenced by several natural factors, including climatic elements, elevation factors and soil conditions. Since soil formation and soil types are influenced by water-temperature conditions, much can be learned about vegetation distribution patterns by studying the relationship between water-temperature conditions and vegetation distribution. This paper presented the results of a study whose purpose was to provide scientific evidence for exploiting natural resources, planting trees, and restoring grassland from cropland. A warmth index (WI ) and humidity index (HI) were used to examine the relation between the distribution of vegetation and the water-temperature condition in North China's ecotone, the transition area between two adjacent but different plant communities, including steppe, bush and forest ecosystems. A vegetation map of the study site was digitized and then converted into a vegetation grid map from which 17 different vegetation types were chosen as the study object. A monthly mean temperature grid map and precipitation grid map of the study site were made based on the method of spatial interpolation, by using 119 meteorological data for 50 years during the period from 1951 to 2000. The thermal distribution curves and humidity distribution curves of 17 vegetation types in North China, determined the whole range and optimum range of WI and HI of 17 vegetation types. The relative proportion of each vegetation type distributed in the optimum range of WI and HI were calculated. The vegetation pattern was analyzed according to the WI and HI standard, and was described by species and their relative amount. 10 refs., 5 tabs., 3 figs.

  18. The role of vegetation in shaping dune morphology (United States)

    Duran Vinent, O.; Moore, L. J.; Young, D.


    Aeolian dunes naturally emerge under strong winds and sufficient sand supply. They represent the most dynamical feature of the arid and/or coastal landscape and their evolution has the potential to either increase desertification or reduce coastal vulnerability to storms. Although large-scale dune morphology mainly depends on the wind regime and sand availability, vegetation plays an important role in semiarid and/or coastal areas. It is well known that under certain conditions vegetation is able to stabilize dunes, driving a morphological transformation from un-vegetated mobile crescent dunes to static vegetated "parabolic" dunes, de facto paralyzing desertification and initiating land recovery. Furthermore, vegetation is also the primary ingredient in the formation of coastal foredunes, which determine vulnerability to storms, as low dunes are prone to storm-induced erosion and overwash. In both cases, the coupling of biological and geomorphic (physical) processes, in particular vegetation growth and sand transport, governs the evolution of morphology. These processes were implemented in a computational model as part of a previous effort. It was shown that, for a migrating dune, this coupling leads to a negative feedback for dune motion, where an ever denser vegetation implies ever lesser sand transport. The model also predicted the existence of a "mobility index", defined by the vegetation growth rate to sand erosion rate ratio, that fully characterizes the morphological outcome: for indices above a certain threshold biological processes are dominant and dune motion slows after being covered by plants; for lower indices, the physical processes are the dominant ones and the dune remains mobile while vegetation is buried or rooted out. Here, we extend this model to better understand the formation of coastal dunes. We include new physical elements such as the shoreline and water table, as well as different grass species and potential competition among them

  19. Assessment of nutritional quality of cooked Swazi leafy vegetables ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Brassica oleracea and Spinacia oleracea were also analysed and compared with other vegetables. Sampled vegetables were divided into two categories. All vegetables in category one were cooked without any additives. In category two Hibiscus escolentus and Corchorius olitorus were cooked with bicarbonate of soda ...

  20. Vegetative regeneration (United States)

    George A. Schier; John R. Jones; Robert P. Winokur


    Aspen is noted for its ability to regenerate vegetatively by adventitious shoots or suckers that arise on its long lateral roots. It also produces sprouts from stumps and root collars; but they are not common. In a survey of regeneration after clearcutting mature aspen in Utah. Baker (1918b) found that 92% of the shoots originated from roots, 7% from root collars, and...

  1. Reflexões sobre biopoder e pos-colonialismo: relendo Fanon e Foucault

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    Cunha Olívia Maria Gomes da


    Full Text Available Autores como Michel Foucault e Franz Fanon têm figurado de forma influente tanto em estudos sobre questões relativas a estratégias de poder e representação em contextos pós-coloniais, quanto em debates e análises de ordem teórica sobre pós-colonialismo. Particularmente, as noções de biopoder e governamentalidade, originárias do pensamento de Foucault, e as reflexões de Fanon sobre a construção de formas de subjetivação racializadas e coloniais, têm ensejado um amplo debate sobre a permanência e circulação de retóricas raciais transnacionais. Através da leitura de David Scott, em Refashioning Futures - Criticism after Postcoloniality (1999, e Paul Gilroy, em Against Race - Imagining Political Culture beyond the Color Line (2000, este ensaio procura identificar a pertinência da combinação de ambos os autores em estudos que, de forma distinta, se debruçam sobre a complexa relação entre corpo e modernidade e suas implicações nos campos político e intelectual contemporâneos.

  2. Pequena monografia sobre o Rio Grande do Sul

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    Ana Maria Pinho


    Full Text Available Pequena monografia desenvolvida por membros do Colégio Sevigne, que versa sobre diversos assuntos a respeito do Rio Grande do Sul, divididos em histórico, fronteiras, organização política administrativa, características geográficas, formação geomorfológica, economia, aspectos históricos e geográficos da capital do Estado, generalidades étnicas, e sobre o gaúcho em si. Grande quantidade de ilustrações e poemas enriquecem o artigo.

  3. Incineration of Low Level Radioactive Vegetation for Waste Volume Reduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malik, N.P.S.; Rucker, G.G.; Looper, M.G.


    The DOE changing mission at Savannah River Site (SRS) are to increase activities for Waste Management and Environmental Restoration. There are a number of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) locations that are contaminated with radioactivity and support dense vegetation, and are targeted for remediation. Two such locations have been studied for non-time critical removal actions under the National Contingency Plan (NCP). Both of these sites support about 23 plant species. Surveys of the vegetation show that radiation emanates mainly from vines, shrubs, and trees and range from 20,000 to 200,000 d/m beta gamma. Planning for removal and disposal of low-level radioactive vegetation was done with two principal goals: to process contaminated vegetation for optimum volume reduction and waste minimization, and for the protection of human health and environment. Four alternatives were identified as candidates for vegetation removal and disposal: chipping the vegetation and packing in carbon steel boxes (lined with synthetic commercial liners) and disposal at the Solid Waste Disposal Facility at SRS; composting the vegetation; burning the vegetation in the field; and incinerating the vegetation. One alternative 'incineration' was considered viable choice for waste minimization, safe handling, and the protection of the environment and human health. Advantages and disadvantages of all four alternatives considered have been evaluated. For waste minimization and ultimate disposal of radioactive vegetation incineration is the preferred option. Advantages of incineration are that volume reduction is achieved and low-level radioactive waste are stabilized. For incineration and final disposal vegetation will be chipped and packed in card board boxes and discharged to the rotary kiln of the incinerator. The slow rotation and longer resident time in the kiln will ensure complete combustion of the vegetative material

  4. Survival, growth, and body residues of hyalella azteca (Saussure) exposed to fipronil contaminated sediments from non-vegetated and vegetated microcosms. (United States)

    Kröger, Robert; Lizotte, Richard E; Moore, Matthew T


    We assessed chronic effects of fipronil and metabolite contaminated sediments from non-vegetated and Thallia dealbata vegetated wetland microcosms on Hyalella azteca during wet and dry exposures. Mean sediment concentrations (ng g(-1)) ranged from 0.72-1.26, 0.01-0.69, 0.07-0.23, and 0.49-7.87 for fipronil, fipronil-sulfide, fipronil-sulfone, and fipronil-desulfinyl, respectively. No significant differences in animal survival or growth were observed between non-vegetated and vegetated microcosms during wet or dry exposures. Mean animal body residue concentrations (ng g(-1)) ranged from 28.4-77.6, 0-30.7, and 8.3-43.8 for fipronil, fipronil-sulfide, and fipronil-sulfone. Fipronil-desulfinyl was not detected in any animal samples.

  5. Climate change and spatial distribution of vegetation in Colombia

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    Juan Carlos Alarcon Hincapie


    Full Text Available Vegetation change under two climate change scenarios in different periods of the 21st Century are modeled for Colombia. Vegetation for the years 1970 to 2000 was reproduced using the Holdridge model with climate data with a spatial resolution of 900 meters. The vegetation types that occupied the most territory were sub-humid tropical forest, tropical dry forest and Andean wet forest. These results were validated by comparing with the Colombian ecosystem map (SINA, 2007, which confirmed a high degree of similarity between the modeled spatial vegetation patterns and modern ecosystem distributions. Future vegetation maps were simulated using data generated by a regional climate model under two scenarios (A2 and B2; IPCC, 2007 for the periods 2011-2040 and 2070-2100. Based on our predictions high altitude vegetation will convert to that of lower altitudes and drier provinces with the most dramatic change occurring in the A2 scenario from 2070-2100. The most affected areas are the páramo and other high Andean vegetation types, which in the timeframe of the explored scenarios will disappear by the middle of the 21st Century.

  6. Snow effects on alpine vegetation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (United States)

    Wang, Kun; Zhang, Li; Qiu, Yubao; Ji, Lei; Tian, Feng; Wang, Cuizhen; Wang, Zhiyong


    Understanding the relationships between snow and vegetation is important for interpretation of the responses of alpine ecosystems to climate changes. The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is regarded as an ideal area due to its undisturbed features with low population and relatively high snow cover. We used 500 m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) datasets during 2001–2010 to examine the snow–vegetation relationships, specifically, (1) the influence of snow melting date on vegetation green-up date and (2) the effects of snow cover duration on vegetation greenness. The results showed that the alpine vegetation responded strongly to snow phenology (i.e., snow melting date and snow cover duration) over large areas of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Snow melting date and vegetation green-up date were significantly correlated (p growth was influenced by different seasonal snow cover durations (SCDs) in different regions. Generally, the December–February and March–May SCDs played a significantly role in vegetation growth, both positively and negatively, depending on different water source regions. Snow's positive impact on vegetation was larger than the negative impact.

  7. Improvement in remote sensing of low vegetation cover in arid regions by correcting vegetation indices for soil ''noise''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Escadafal, R.; Huete, A.


    The variations of near-infrared red reflectance ratios of ten aridic soil samples were correlated with a ''redness index'' computed from red and green spectral bands. These variations have been shown to limit the performances of vegetation indices (NDVI and SAVI) in discriminating low vegetation covers. The redness index is used to adjust for this ''soil noise''. Dala simulated for vegetation densities of 5 to 15% cover showed that the sensitivity of the corrected vegetation indices was significantly improved. Specifically, the ''noise-corrected'' SAVI was able to assess vegetation amounts with an error four times smaller than the uncorrected NDVI. These promising results should lead to a significant improvement in assessing biomass in arid lands from remotely sensed data. (author) [fr

  8. Risk elements in selected types of vegetables

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    Ľuboš Harangozo


    Full Text Available Vegetable has an important role in human nutrition. Various parts of the plants have been part of the human diet since the beginning. Vegetables have a number of properties that make its consumption very healthful. It not only is a good source of vitamins, minerals and fiber but also contains protective components so called phytonutrients, has an antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. Daily intake of vegetables offers many health benefits, helps to improve health for example the function of digestive and immune system, reduces the risk of various diseases and so we should take care to its regular consumption. It is widely used, except that it is the basic raw material for the preparation of foods and is also an important raw material for the processing industry. Nowadays has become environmental pollution by heavy metals as a big problem. The contamination of water, soil as well as air pollution by heavy metals negatively affects agricultural production and production of non-harmful to health, safe and quality food, which may be adverse effects on human health. Therefore, it is important that we devote this issue more attention. The aim of this work was to identify and determine content of heavy metals in selected vegetables. Defined objectives have been achieved by analyzing of selected species samples of root from brassica vegetables: carrot (Daucus carota L. ssp. sativus, parsley (Petroselinum hortesne HOFFM conv. radicosum, kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes, celery (Apium graveolens L. var. rapaceum and beetroot (Beta vulgaris L. var. conditiva ssp. vulgaris. The crops were bought in local market. The obtained results were compared with the results obtained from analyzes of vegetables that were grown in home conditions respectively from markets of local growers. All crops were grown in Slovak Republic. By using Varian AA 240FS and AAS method were analyzed the contents of risk metals in selected vegetables. It was confirmed that

  9. The vegetation of Yucca Mountain: Description and ecology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Vegetation at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, was monitored over a six-year period, from 1989 through 1994. Yucca Mountain is located at the northern limit of the Mojave Desert and is the only location being studied as a potential repository for high-level nuclear waste. Site characterization consists of a series of multidisciplinary, scientific investigations designed to provide detailed information necessary to assess the suitability of the Yucca Mountain Site as a repository. This vegetation description establishes a baseline for determining the ecological impact of site characterization activities; it porvides input for site characterization research and modeling; and it clarifies vegetation community dynamics and relationships to the physical environment. A companion study will describe the impact of site characterization of vegetation. Cover, density, production, and species composition of vascular plants were monitored at 48 Ecological Study Plots (ESPs) stratified in four vegetation associations. Precipitation, soil moisture, and maximum and minimum temperatures also were measured at each study plot.

  10. The vegetation of Yucca Mountain: Description and ecology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Vegetation at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, was monitored over a six-year period, from 1989 through 1994. Yucca Mountain is located at the northern limit of the Mojave Desert and is the only location being studied as a potential repository for high-level nuclear waste. Site characterization consists of a series of multidisciplinary, scientific investigations designed to provide detailed information necessary to assess the suitability of the Yucca Mountain Site as a repository. This vegetation description establishes a baseline for determining the ecological impact of site characterization activities; it porvides input for site characterization research and modeling; and it clarifies vegetation community dynamics and relationships to the physical environment. A companion study will describe the impact of site characterization of vegetation. Cover, density, production, and species composition of vascular plants were monitored at 48 Ecological Study Plots (ESPs) stratified in four vegetation associations. Precipitation, soil moisture, and maximum and minimum temperatures also were measured at each study plot

  11. Effects of aquatic vegetation type on denitrification

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veraart, A.J.; Bruijne, de W.J.J.; Peeters, E.T.H.M.; Klein, de J.J.M.; Scheffer, M.


    In a microcosm 15N enrichment experiment we tested the effect of floating vegetation (Lemna sp.) and submerged vegetation (Elodea nuttallii) on denitrification rates, and compared it to systems without macrophytes. Oxygen concentration, and thus photosynthesis, plays an important role in regulating

  12. Understanding and changing children’s sensory acceptance for vegetables

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Poelman, A.A.M.


    Vegetable intake of children is well below recommendations in Australia and in most other western countries. Vegetables are the food category least liked by children. As acceptance is a key driver of intake, strategies are needed to increase children’s acceptance of vegetables. The present thesis

  13. Heterogeneidade dos componentes de variância na produção de leite e seus efeitos nas estimativas de herdabilidade e repetibilidade Heterogeneity of variance components in milk production and their effects on estimates of heritability and repeatability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elmer Francisco Valencia Tapia


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a heterogeneidade dos componentes de variância e seu efeito nas estimativas de herdabilidade e repetibilidade da produção de leite de bovinos da raça Holandesa. Os rebanhos foram agrupados de acordo com o nível de produção (baixo, médio e alto e avaliados na escala não transformada, raiz quadrada e logarítmica. Os componentes de variância foram estimados pelo método de máxima verossimilhança restrita. O modelo animal incluiu os efeitos fixos de rebanho-ano-estação e das covariáveis duração da lactação (efeito linear e idade da vaca ao parto (efeito linear e quadrático e os efeitos aleatórios genético aditivo direto, de ambiente permanente e residual. Na escala não transformada, todos os componentes de variância foram heterogêneos entre os três níveis de produção. Nesta escala, a variância residual e a fenotípica estavam associadas positivamente com o nível de produção enquanto que na escala logarítmica a associação foi negativa. A heterogeneidade da variância fenotípica e de seus componentes afetou mais as estimativas de herdabilidade que as da repetibilidade. A eficiência do processo de seleção para produção de leite poderá ser afetada pelo nível de produção em que forem estimados os parâmetros genéticos.It was evaluated the heterogeneity of components of phenotypic variance and its effects on the heritability and repeatability estimates for milk yield in Holstein cattle. The herds were grouped according to their level of production (low, medium and high and evaluated in the non-transformed, square-root and logarithmic scale. Variance components were estimated using a restricted maximum likelihood method based on an animal model that included fixed effects of herd-year-season, and as covariates the linear effect of lactation duration and the linear and quadratic effects of cow's age at calving and the random direct additive genetic, permanent environment and residual effects. In the

  14. The contribution of vegetation to riverbed morphology (Invited) (United States)

    Bertoldi, W.; Gurnell, A. M.


    The occurrence, form and species composition of riparian and aquatic vegetation are all strongly affected by the flow energy regime, sediment calibre and dimensions of river systems. In this paper, we build on field examples to conceptualise how interactions between vegetation and fluvial processes may affect river form across a gradient of river types from high-energy gravel-bed braided rivers to lowland single-thread silt-bed rivers. We explore how different vegetation types (e.g. riparian trees, shrubs, emergent macrophytes), and in some cases particular plant species, can produce similar impacts on the bed topography of rivers of different size, because of their effect on sediment transport flux and sediment cohesion, and a resultant positive feedback that increases the bar or bank height. We illustrate these concepts using two case studies representing extremes of river size and energy. Field and remotely sensed data are used to identify and quantify impacts of vegetation density on the bed morphology of the >1km wide, gravel-bed, braided Tagliamento River (Italy). Analysis of airborne LiDAR data is used to compute a highly detailed digital elevation model, along with data on tree height and density. The comparison between reaches with different tree height and density clearly shows the active role of vegetation in determining river pattern and form, with tree growth rate being the main parameter determining the vegetation effect. Analysis of field measurements of flow patterns and mechanical properties of emergent aquatic macrophytes on the <10m wide, silt-bed, single-thread River Blackwater (England) illustrate the close correspondence of the bed topography with vegetation structures, with position along an energy gradient dictating changes in the structure of the vegetation-bed morphology interaction.

  15. Dietary fruits and vegetables and cardiovascular diseases risk. (United States)

    Alissa, Eman M; Ferns, Gordon A


    Diet is likely to be an important determinant of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. In this article, we will review the evidence linking the consumption of fruit and vegetables and CVD risk. The initial evidence that fruit and vegetable consumption has a protective effect against CVD came from observational studies. However, uncertainty remains about the magnitude of the benefit of fruit and vegetable intake on the occurrence of CVD and whether the optimal intake is five portions or greater. Results from randomized controlled trials do not show conclusively that fruit and vegetable intake protects against CVD, in part because the dietary interventions have been of limited intensity to enable optimal analysis of their putative effects. The protective mechanisms of fruit and vegetables may not only include some of the known bioactive nutrient effects dependent on their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and electrolyte properties, but also include their functional properties, such as low glycemic load and energy density. Taken together, the totality of the evidence accumulated so far does appear to support the notion that increased intake of fruits and vegetables may reduce cardiovascular risk. It is clear that fruit and vegetables should be eaten as part of a balanced diet, as a source of vitamins, fiber, minerals, and phytochemicals. The evidence now suggests that a complicated set of several nutrients may interact with genetic factors to influence CVD risk. Therefore, it may be more important to focus on whole foods and dietary patterns rather than individual nutrients to successfully impact on CVD risk reduction. A clearer understanding of the relationship between fruit and vegetable intake and cardiovascular risk would provide health professionals with significant information in terms of public health and clinical practice.

  16. Attribution of trends in global vegetation greenness from 1982 to 2011 (United States)

    Zhu, Z.; Xu, L.; Bi, J.; Myneni, R.; Knyazikhin, Y.


    Time series of remotely sensed vegetation indices data provide evidence of changes in terrestrial vegetation activity over the past decades in the world. However, it is difficult to attribute cause-and-effect to vegetation trends because variations in vegetation productivity are driven by various factors. This study investigated changes in global vegetation productivity first, and then attributed the global natural vegetation with greening trend. Growing season integrated normalized difference vegetation index (GSI NDVI) derived from the new GIMMS NDVI3g dataset (1982-2011was analyzed. A combined time series analysis model, which was developed from simper linear trend model (SLT), autoregressive integrated moving average model (ARIMA) and Vogelsang's t-PST model shows that productivity of all vegetation types except deciduous broadleaf forest predominantly showed increasing trends through the 30-year period. The evolution of changes in productivity in the last decade was also investigated. Area of greening vegetation monotonically increased through the last decade, and both the browning and no change area monotonically decreased. To attribute the predominant increase trend of productivity of global natural vegetation, trends of eight climate time series datasets (three temperature, three precipitation and two radiation datasets) were analyzed. The attribution of trends in global vegetation greenness was summarized as relaxation of climatic constraints, fertilization and other unknown reasons. Result shows that nearly all the productivity increase of global natural vegetation was driven by relaxation of climatic constraints and fertilization, which play equally important role in driving global vegetation greenness.; Area fraction and productivity change fraction of IGBP vegetation land cover classes showing statistically significant (10% level) trend in GSI NDVIt;

  17. Be-7 concentration in garden and wild vegetables in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nobuhiko Ito; Iwao Kunugijama; Yoshinori Furukawa.


    Beryllium-7 is a natural radionuclide produced by cosmic rays. Be-7 is found vividly in the atmosphere, so the concentrations in airborne particles were analyzed by many investigators. It is known that airborne particles with Be-7 in the atmosphere fall slowly to the ground and adhere to plant surface. However, Be-7 concentrations of foods were not measured too much. So we measured Be-7 concentrations of garden vegetables, wild vegetables, grasses, beef and milk, and calculated internal exposure dose from Be-7. Beryllium-7 concentrations of plant samples are shown. Beryllium-7 concentrations of garden vegetables were from 0.2 to 25.3 Bq/kg, and concentrations of wild vegetables were from 0.8 to 23.5 Bq/kg. There is no difference in Be-7 concentrations between garden vegetables and wild vegetables. Leaf vegetables have almost higher concentration of Be-7. Though Matteuccia Struthiopteris and Pteridium aquilinum are ferns, their eatable stages are sprouts. The relationship between surface area and Be-7 concentration in some vegetable leaves gathered simultaneously at the same farm is shown. Beryllium-7 concentrations of leaves correlate significantly with the surface area/weight ratios. What high concentration vegetables have proportionately broad leaves suggests that atmospheric Be-7 particles adhere to surface of leaves. (author)

  18. Effects of Vegetables on Cardiovascular Diseases and Related Mechanisms

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    Guo-Yi Tang


    Full Text Available Epidemiological studies have shown that vegetable consumption is inversely related to the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, research has indicated that many vegetables like potatoes, soybeans, sesame, tomatoes, dioscorea, onions, celery, broccoli, lettuce and asparagus showed great potential in preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases, and vitamins, essential elements, dietary fibers, botanic proteins and phytochemicals were bioactive components. The cardioprotective effects of vegetables might involve antioxidation; anti-inflammation; anti-platelet; regulating blood pressure, blood glucose, and lipid profile; attenuating myocardial damage; and modulating relevant enzyme activities, gene expression, and signaling pathways as well as some other biomarkers associated to cardiovascular diseases. In addition, several vegetables and their bioactive components have been proven to protect against cardiovascular diseases in clinical trials. In this review, we analyze and summarize the effects of vegetables on cardiovascular diseases based on epidemiological studies, experimental research, and clinical trials, which are significant to the application of vegetables in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

  19. Map of mixed prairie grassland vegetation, Rocky Flats, Colorado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clark, S J.V.; Webber, P J; Komarkova, V; Weber, W A


    A color vegetation map at the scale of 1:12,000 of the area surrounding the Rocky Flats, Rockwell International Plant near Boulder, Colorado, provides a permanent record of baseline data which can be used to monitor changes in both vegetation and environment and thus to contribute to future land management and land-use policies. Sixteen mapping units based on species composition were identified, and characterized by two 10-m/sup 2/ vegetation stands each. These were grouped into prairie, pasture, and valley side on the basis of their species composition. Both the mapping units and these major groups were later confirmed by agglomerative clustering analysis of the 32 vegetation stands on the basis of species composition. A modified Bray and Curtis ordination was used to determine the environmental factor complexes controlling the distribution of vegetation at Rocky flats. Recommendations are made for future policies of environmental management and predictions of the response to environmental change of the present vegetation at the Rocky Flats site.

  20. Occurrence and source analysis of typical veterinary antibiotics in manure, soil, vegetables and groundwater from organic vegetable bases, northern China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Xiangang; Zhou Qixing; Luo Yi


    The residue of antibiotics is becoming an intractable environmental problem in many organic vegetable bases. However, their residual levels and distribution are still obscure. This work systematically analyzed the occurrence and migration of typical veterinary antibiotics in organic vegetable bases, northern China. The results showed that there was no obvious geographical difference in antibiotic distribution between soil and manure. A simple migration model can be easy and quick to predict the accumulation of antibiotics in soil. Antibiotics were mainly taken up through water transport and passive absorption in vegetables. The distribution of antibiotics in a plant was in the sequence leaf > stem > root, and performed biological accumulation. The residues of antibiotics in all samples in winter were significantly higher than those in summer. Overall, this work can lay the foundation for understanding ecological risk of antibiotics and their potential adverse effects on human health by food chain. - The residues of typical veterinary antibiotics from manure were detected and migrated in soil, vegetables and groundwater of organic vegetable bases.

  1. Estudos sobre a esporulação de uma amostra de bacillus: IV - Outras evidências sobre a atividade do íon Mn[2+] na esporulação endotrófica Studies on the sporulation of a Bacillus strain: IV - Further evidences of the Mn[2+] ion activity in the endotrophic sporulation

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    Leon Rabinovitch


    Full Text Available Foram feitas experimentações om o intuito de se buscar mais evidências sobre a participação do íon Mn[2+] no mecanismo esporogenético de uma amostra de Bacillus licheniformis. Quando as formas vegetativas desta bactéria eram depositadas em um meio mineral, carente de fonte de carbono utilizável, em conjunto com um agente seqüestrante de metais como EDTA, a esporulação endotrófica deixava de ocorrer. Entretanto, a esporulação pôde ser protegida quando as células eram previamente saturadas com um excesso de Mn[2+] exógeno. As formas esporuladas obtidas nas condições estudadas mostraram termorresistência a 85ºC durante 20 minutos.In the present paper the authors bring out more evidences concerning the influence of Mn[2+] ion on the endotrophic sporulation of Bacillus licheniformis-2390. Vegetative cells of this bacteria could not sporulate if they were submited to a sufficient concentration of EDTA. Otherwise, this sporulatio ocurred when the vegetative forms were first protected by an excess of exogenous Mn[2+] of Zn[2+], Fe[2+] and Mg[2+]. Those spores obtained shown thermoresistence to 85ºC during 20 minutes.

  2. Effects of Warming Hiatuses on Vegetation Growth in the Northern Hemisphere

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    Hong Wei


    Full Text Available There have been hiatuses in global warming since the 1990s, and their potential impacts have attracted extensive attention and discussion. Changes in temperature not only directly affect the greening of vegetation but can also indirectly alter both the growth state and the growth tendency of vegetation by altering other climatic elements. The middle-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere (NH constitute the region that has experienced the most warming in recent decades; therefore, identifying the effects of warming hiatuses on the vegetation greening in that region is of great importance. Using satellite-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI data and climatological observation data from 1982–2013, we investigated hiatuses in warming trends and their impact on vegetation greenness in the NH. Our results show that the regions with warming hiatuses in the NH accounted for 50.1% of the total area and were concentrated in Mongolia, central China, and other areas. Among these regions, 18.8% of the vegetation greenness was inhibited in the warming hiatus areas, but 31.3% of the vegetation grew faster. Because temperature was the main positive climatic factor in central China, the warming hiatuses caused the slow vegetation greening rate. However, precipitation was the main positive climatic factor affecting vegetation greenness in Mongolia; an increase in precipitation accelerated vegetation greening. The regions without a warming hiatus, which were mainly distributed in northern Russia, northern central Asia, and other areas, accounted for 49.9% of the total area. Among these regions, 21.4% of the vegetation grew faster over time, but 28.5% of the vegetation was inhibited. Temperature was the main positive factor affecting vegetation greenness in northern Russia; an increase in temperature promoted vegetation greening. However, radiation was the main positive climatic factor in northern central Asia; reductions in radiation

  3. Impactos da construção do Porto de Suape sobre a comunidade fitoplanctônica no estuário do rio Ipojuca (Pernambuco-Brasil

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    Koening Maria Luise


    Full Text Available A construção do Complexo Industrial Portuário de Suape, entre os anos de 1979/84, modificou as características ecológicas da área, sendo os maiores impactos observados no estuário do rio Ipojuca. Visando avaliar a ação desses impactos sobre a comunidade fitoplanctônica através da comparação com estudos realizados antes na área, foram analisadas amostras de plâncton coletadas em uma estação, durante um ciclo de 24 horas, nos períodos chuvoso (agosto/90 e seco (janeiro/91. As amostras foram coletadas pela técnica do fracionamento e com rede de plâncton de 65mm de abertura de malha. Coletas de parâmetros hidrológicos foram realizadas concomitantemente. Foram identificados 97 táxons, destacando-se como espécies muito freqüentes nos períodos chuvoso e seco: Gyrosigma balticum, Oscillatoria princeps, Chaetoceros lorenzianus, Climacosphenia moniligera e Licmophora abbreviata. A densidade fitoplanctônica variou entre 142.000 cels.l-1 a 1.789.000 cels.l-1 predominando a fração do nanofitoplâncton. O maior florescimento ocorreu no período seco, nos horários de maior insolação e maré enchente. A diversidade específica foi alta (> 3 bits.cel.l-1 explicada pela heterogeneidade ambiental. A comunidade fitoplanctônica apresentou mudanças quali-quantitativas após a implantação do Porto. Agora, predominam espécies marinhas litorais, devido à pequena profundidade e elevado hidrodinamismo na área e um decréscimo de 70% na densidade celular, ao contrário do que ocorria antes da construção do Porto, quando foi detectado a maior ocorrência de espécies marinhas planctônicas e maior número de células/litro.

  4. Abrupt vegetation transitions characterise long-term Amazonian peatland development (United States)

    Roucoux, K. H.; Baker, T. R.; Gosling, W. D.; Honorio Coronado, E.; Jones, T. D.; Lahteenoja, O.; Lawson, I. T.


    Recent investigations of wetlands in western Amazonia have revealed the presence of extensive peatlands with peat deposits of up to 8 m-thick developing under a variety of vegetation types (Lähteenoja et al. 2012). Estimated to cover 150,000 km2 (Schulman et al. 1999), these peatlands make a valuable contribution to landscape and biological diversity and represent globally important carbon stores. In order to understand the processes leading to peat formation, and the sensitivity of these environments to future climatic change, it is necessary to understand their long-term history. The extent to which peatland vegetation changes over time, the stability of particular communities, the controls on transitions between vegetation types and how these factors relate to the accumulation of organic matter are not yet known. We report the first attempt to establish the long-term (millennial scale) vegetation history of a recently-described peatland site: Quistococha, a palm swamp, or aguajal, close to Iquitos in northern Peru. The vegetation is dominated by Mauritia flexuosa and Mauritiella armata and occupies a basin which is thought to be an abandoned channel of the River Amazon. We obtained a 4 m-long peat sequence from the deepest part of the basin. AMS-radiocarbon dating yielded a maximum age of 2,212 cal yr BP for the base of the peat, giving an average accumulation rate of 18 cm per century. Below the peat are 2 m of uniform, largely inorganic pale grey clays of lacustrine origin, which are underlain by an unknown thickness of inorganic sandy-silty clay of fluvial origin. Pollen analysis, carried out at c. 88-year intervals, shows the last 2,212 years to be characterised by the development of at least four distinct vegetation communities, with peat accumulating throughout. The main phases were: (1) Formation of Cyperaceae (sedge) fen coincident with peat initiation; (2) A short-lived phase of local Mauritia/Mauritiella development; (3) Development of mixed wet

  5. Field vegetable production in the Lake Zone of Tanzania

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Everaarts, A.P.; Putter, de H.; Maerere, A.P.; Amon, W.


    In November 2012 and in August 2014 surveys were carried out in field vegetable producing areas in the Lake Zone of Tanzania. The aim of the surveys was to learn the conditions for field vegetable production and marketing in these areas. Recommendations for the development of vegetable production

  6. Altitudinal vegetation belts in the high-Andes of central Chile (33°S Pisos altitudinales de vegetación en los Andes de Chile central (33°S

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    Lohengrin A. Cavieres


    Full Text Available The limits of alpine vegetation belts have been established mainly based on physiognomic criteria. However, a more objective approach for fixing limits of vegetation belts are methods based on species composition and relative abundance of each species. While these methods are more time consuming, they are more detailed and permit the detection of physical factors affecting the limits of vegetation belts. In this paper we: 1 describe the altitudinal changes of vegetation above timberline, 2 compare vegetation belts defined with physiognomy and two floristic methods (a qualitative one based on altitudinal changes in species composition, and a quantitative one based on changes in dominant species; and 3 detect some environmental factors responsible for the altitudinal distribution of alpine vegetation between 2100 and 3700 masl in the Andes of Santiago, central Chile (33°S. There was a complete agreement between the different methods in delimiting the subalpine belt. However, in the lower alpine belt (the cushion's belt floristic methods subdivided it in 2-3 sub-belts. In the floristic methods, elevations 3500-3700 that formed the higher alpine belt segregated in separate ways because they have no species in common. Physiognomic descriptions lose relevant information about species distribution, especially at higher elevations. Mean annual temperature and nitrogen content of soil are the main environmental factors affecting the altitudinal limits of vegetation belts in the central Chilean AndesLa delimitación de los pisos altitudinales de vegetación andina se ha basado principalmente en criterios fisionómicos. Sin embargo, un criterio más objetivo para la delimitación es usar métodos basados en la composición y abundancia relativa de las especies presentes. Mientras estos métodos requieren de un mayor esfuerzo de muestreo, son más detallados y permiten detectar factores físicos involucrados en la delimitación altitudinal de la vegetaci

  7. Golden Gate National Recreation Area Vegetation Inventory Project (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — High resolution vegetation polygons mapped by the National Park Service. The vegetation units of this map were determined through stereoscopic interpretation of...

  8. Health-promoting components of fruits and vegetables in the diet. (United States)

    Liu, Rui Hai


    Regular consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other plant foods has been negatively correlated with the risk of the development of chronic diseases. There is a huge gap between the average consumption of fruits and vegetables in Americans and the amount recommended by the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The key is to encourage consumers to increase the total amount to 9 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables in all forms available. Fresh, processed fruits and vegetables including frozen and canned, cooked, 100% fruit juices and 100% vegetable juices, as well as dry fruits are all considered as servings of fruits and vegetables per day. A wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other plant foods provide a range of nutrients and different bioactive compounds including phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Potatoes serve as one of the low-fat foods with unique nutrients and phytochemical profiles, particularly rich in vitamin C, vitamin B-6, potassium, manganese, and dietary fibers. Potatoes provide 25% of vegetable phenolics in the American diet, the largest contributors among the 27 vegetables commonly consumed in the United States, including flavonoids (quercetin and kaempferol), phenolic acids (chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid), and carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin). More and more evidence suggests that the health benefits of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other plant foods are attributed to the synergy or interactions of bioactive compounds and other nutrients in whole foods. Therefore, consumers should obtain their nutrients, antioxidants, bioactive compounds, and phytochemicals from a balanced diet with a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other plant foods for optimal nutrition, health, and well-being, not from dietary supplements.

  9. Effect of vegetation on rock and soil type discrimination (United States)

    Siegal, B. S.; Goetz, A. F. H.


    The effect of naturally occurring vegetation on the spectral reflectance of earth materials in the wavelength region of 0.45 to 2.4 microns is determined by computer averaging of in situ acquired spectral data. The amount and type of vegetation and the spectral reflectance of the ground are considered. Low albedo materials may be altered beyond recognition with only ten per cent green vegetation cover. Dead or dry vegetation does not greatly alter the shape of the spectral reflectance curve and only changes the albedo with minimum wavelength dependency. With increasing amounts of vegetation the Landsat MSS band ratios 4/6, 4/7, 5/6, and 5/7 are significantly decreased whereas MSS ratios 4/5 and 6/7 remain entirely constant.

  10. Biodiversity of Terrestrial Vegetation during Past Warm Periods (United States)

    Davies-Barnard, T.; Valdes, P. J.; Ridgwell, A.


    Previous modelling studies of vegetation have generally used a small number of plant functional types to understand how the terrestrial biosphere responds to climate changes. Whilst being useful for understanding first order climate feedbacks, this climate-envelope approach makes a lot of assumptions about past vegetation being very similar to modern. A trait-based method has the advantage for paleo modelling in that there are substantially less assumptions made. In a novel use of the trait-based dynamic vegetation model JeDi, forced with output from climate model HadCM3, we explore past biodiversity and vegetation carbon changes. We use JeDi to model an optimal 2000 combinations of fifteen different traits to enable assessment of the overall level of biodiversity as well as individual growth strategies. We assess the vegetation shifts and biodiversity changes in past greenhouse periods to better understand the impact on the terrestrial biosphere. This work provides original insights into the response of vegetation and terrestrial carbon to climate and hydrological changes in high carbon dioxide climates over time, including during the Late Permian and Cretaceous. We evaluate how the location of biodiversity hotspots and species richness in past greenhouse climates is different to the present day.

  11. Food design strategies to increase vegetable intake

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oliviero, Teresa; Fogliano, Vincenzo


    Background: Public campaigns promoting consumption of fruits and vegetables had limited results as consumers habits are difficult to modify. The incorporation of fruits and vegetables into regularly eaten products is a food design strategy that leads to several advantages. Pasta is a staple food

  12. Use of Plastic Mulch for Vegetable Production


    Maughan, Tiffany; Drost, Dan


    Plastic mulches are used commercially for both vegetables and small fruit crops. Vegetable crops well suited for production with plastic mulch are typically high value row crops. This fact sheet describes the advantages, disadvantages, installation, and planting considerations. It includes sources for plastic and equipment.

  13. STOVE: Seed treatments for organic vegetable production

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schmitt, A.; Jahn, M.; Kromphardt, C.; Krauthausen, H.J.; Roberts, S.J.; Wright, S.A.I.; Amein, T.; Forsberg, G.; Tinivella, F.; Gullino, M.L.; Wikström, M.; Wolf, van der J.M.; Groot, S.P.C.; Werner, S.; Koch, E.


    The aim of the EU-financed research project „STOVE“ (Seed Treatments for Organic Vegetable Production) is to evaluate different methods potentially suited for seed treatment of vegetables in organic farming regarding their efficacy, to optimise these methods, and where feasible to combine them with

  14. Analysis of vegetation recovery surrounding a restored wetland using the normalized difference infrared index (NDII) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) (United States)

    Wilson, Natalie R.; Norman, Laura


    Watershed restoration efforts seek to rejuvenate vegetation, biological diversity, and land productivity at Cienega San Bernardino, an important wetland in southeastern Arizona and northern Sonora, Mexico. Rock detention and earthen berm structures were built on the Cienega San Bernardino over the course of four decades, beginning in 1984 and continuing to the present. Previous research findings show that restoration supports and even increases vegetation health despite ongoing drought conditions in this arid watershed. However, the extent of restoration impacts is still unknown despite qualitative observations of improvement in surrounding vegetation amount and vigor. We analyzed spatial and temporal trends in vegetation greenness and soil moisture by applying the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference infrared index (NDII) to one dry summer season Landsat path/row from 1984 to 2016. The study area was divided into zones and spectral data for each zone was analyzed and compared with precipitation record using statistical measures including linear regression, Mann– Kendall test, and linear correlation. NDVI and NDII performed differently due to the presence of continued grazing and the effects of grazing on canopy cover; NDVI was better able to track changes in vegetation in areas without grazing while NDII was better at tracking changes in areas with continued grazing. Restoration impacts display higher greenness and vegetation water content levels, greater increases in greenness and water content through time, and a decoupling of vegetation greenness and water content from spring precipitation when compared to control sites in nearby tributary and upland areas. Our results confirm the potential of erosion control structures to affect areas up to 5 km downstream of restoration sites over time and to affect 1 km upstream of the sites.

  15. ¿Es obligatoria la Declaración sobre Medios?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonard R. Sussman


    Full Text Available Siempre propició Ciespal la información sobre el Nuevo Orden Mundial de la Información y abrió las páginas de Chasqui para el debate de las dos tendencias contrapuestas. Ciespal lideró la tesis del Nuevo Orden pero mantuvo la objetividad enla información y el equilibrio en los espacios dados al debate. Así, en su primer número trató sobre el Informe MacBride y en el segundo y tercero sobre la posición de los Estados Unidos. A propósito del retiro de este país del seno de la UNESCO la controversia ha tomado un sesgo nuevo. El presente artículo, desde una posición alineada con la tesis de los Estados Unidos, ofrece ciertas conciliaciones. El lector tiene la palabra.

  16. Contributions of seed bank and vegetative propagules to vegetation composition on prairie dog colonies in western South Dakota (United States)

    Emily R. Helms; Lan Xu; Jack L. Butler


    Characterizing the contributions of the seed bank and vegetative propagules will enhance our understanding of community resiliency associated with prairie dog disturbances. Our objective was to determine the effects of ecological condition (EC) and distance from burrows on the soil seed bank and vegetative propagules. Based on species composition of the extant...

  17. Influence of seasoning on vegetable selection, liking and intent to purchase. (United States)

    Manero, Joanna; Phillips, Carter; Ellison, Brenna; Lee, Soo-Yeun; Nickols-Richardson, Sharon M; Chapman-Novakofski, Karen M


    Low vegetable intake continues to be a health concern, and strategies to increase vegetable intake have resulted in only small increases. One strategy that has received less attention is the use of seasonings. This study's objective was to determine the impact of seasoning on vegetable selection, liking, and intent to purchase. We conducted a 3-week study in a public café on a university campus. Customers buying a main dish could select a vegetable side (seasoned [SS] or steamed [ST]) at no cost. Based on café data and power analysis (alpha 0.05, 80% power), 2 days per vegetable pair were conducted with carrot, broccoli, and green bean pairs randomized 3 days/week 1 and 3, with normal service week 2. Selection was greater for SS vs ST, n = 335 vs. 143 for all 3 vegetables combined; n = 97 vs 47 for carrots; n = 114 vs. 55 for broccoli; n = 124 vs. 41 for green beans (p purchase the vegetable that they selected. More customers chose the 'somewhat likely' and 'very likely' (n = 353) than the 'not likely' and 'definitely would not' (n = 121) purchase responses. Regression showed that people who did not often consume a vegetable with lunch while dining out were 1.59 times more likely to select the SS vegetables over the ST (p = 0.007). Given a choice, consumers were more likely to select a seasoned vegetable. With low vegetable consumption as a predictor of seasoned vegetable choice, offering seasoned vegetables may increase intake in those with poor vegetable intake in a café setting. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  18. Nutrient Density and the Cost of Vegetables from Elementary School Lunches. (United States)

    Ishdorj, Ariun; Capps, Oral; Murano, Peter S


    Vegetables are the major source of the dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A and C that are crucial in the diets of children. This study assessed the nutrient content of vegetables offered through the National School Lunch Program and examined the relation between the overall nutrient density of vegetable subgroups and the costs of nutrients offered and wasted before and after the changes in school meal standards. Using data collected from 3 elementary schools before and after the changes in school meal standards, we found that vegetable plate waste increased from 52% to 58%. Plate waste for starchy vegetables, exclusive of potatoes, was relatively high compared with other subgroups; however, plate waste for white potatoes was the lowest among any type of vegetable. Energy density; cost per 100 g, per serving, and per 100 kcal; and percentage daily value were calculated and used to estimate nutrient density value and nutrient density per dollar. Cost per 100 kcal was highest for red/orange vegetables followed by dark green vegetables; however, nutrient density for red/orange vegetables was the highest in the group and provided the most nutrients per dollar compared with other subgroups. Given that many vegetables are less energy dense, measuring vegetable costs per 100 g and per serving by accounting for nutrient density perhaps is a better way of calculating the cost of vegetables in school meals. © 2016 American Society for Nutrition.

  19. [Progress in inversion of vegetation nitrogen concentration by hyperspectral remote sensing]. (United States)

    Wang, Li-Wen; Wei, Ya-Xing


    Nitrogen is the necessary element in life activity of vegetation, which takes important function in biosynthesis of protein, nucleic acid, chlorophyll, and enzyme etc, and plays a key role in vegetation photosynthesis. The technology about inversion of vegetation nitrogen concentration by hyperspectral remote sensing has been the research hotspot since the 70s of last century. With the development of hyperspectral remote sensing technology in recent years, the advantage of spectral bands subdivision in a certain spectral region provides the powerful technology measure for correlative spectral characteristic research on vegetation nitrogen. In the present paper, combined with the newest research production about monitoring vegetation nitrogen concentration by hyperspectral remote sensing published in main geography science literature in recent several years, the principle and correlated problem about monitoring vegetation nitrogen concentration by hyperspectral remote sensing were introduced. From four aspects including vegetation nitrogen spectral index, vegetation nitrogen content inversion based on chlorophyll index, regression model, and eliminating influence factors to inversion of vegetation nitrogen concentration, main technology methods about inversion of vegetation nitrogen concentration by hyperspectral remote sensing were detailedly introduced. Correlative research conclusions were summarized and analyzed, and research development trend was discussed.

  20. Quelques réflexions autour de la lecture bakhtinienne de Dostoïevski: Les Frères Karamazov, dialogisme, communauté et hétérogénéité /Reflections on a Bakhtinian Reading of Dostoïevsky, dialogism, community, heterogeneity

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    Frédéric François


    Full Text Available RESUME: On rappelle d'abord quelques grandes lignes de la lecture que fait Bakhtine de Dostoïevski, puis on présente quelques traits spécifiques du dialogisme dans le roman de Dostoïevski. Pourconclure sur la généralité de la notion de « dialogisme » impliquant à la fois un monde commun et l'irréductibilité de nos différences, des hétérogénéités entre nous comme en chacun de nous. ABSTRACT:Starting first with a review of some of the key points of Bakhtin's reading of Dostoïevsky, we then present some specic features of dialogism in Dostoïevsky's novels. This leads to conclusionsabout the generality of the notion of "dialogism" which implies simultaneously a shared world and irreducible differences, heterogeneities both among us and within each of us. RESUMO: Iniciamos o artigo Algumas reflexões sobre a leitura bakhtiniana de Dostoïevski: Os irmãos Karamazov, dialogismo, comunidade e heterogeneidade lembrando as grandes linhas da leitura que Bakhtin faz de Dostoïevski; em seguida, apresentamos alguns traços específicos do dialogismo no romance de Dostoïevski. Concluímos com a generalidade da noção de "dialogismo", implicando, ao mesmo tempo, um mundo comum e a irredutibilidade de nossas diferenças, das heterogeneidades entre nós e em cada um de nós.

  1. SMAP Multi-Temporal Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals in Vegetated Regions Including Higher-Order Soil-Canopy Interactions (United States)

    Feldman, A.; Akbar, R.; Konings, A. G.; Piles, M.; Entekhabi, D.


    The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission utilizes a zeroth order radiative transfer model, known as the tau-omega model, to retrieve soil moisture from microwave brightness temperature observations. This model neglects first order scattering which is significant at L-Band in vegetated regions, or 30% of land cover. Previous higher order algorithms require extensive in-situ measurements and characterization of canopy layer physical properties. We propose a first order retrieval algorithm that approximately characterizes the eight first order emission pathways using rough surface reflectivity, vegetation optical depth (VOD), and scattering albedo terms. The recently developed Multi-Temporal Dual Channel Algorithm (MT-DCA) then retrieves these three parameters in a forward model without ancillary information under the assumption of temporally static albedo and constant vegetation water content between three day SMAP revisits. The approximated scattering terms are determined to be conservative estimates of analytically derived first order scattering terms. In addition, we find the first order algorithm to be more sensitive to surface emission than the tau-omega model. The simultaneously retrieved VOD, previously demonstrated to be proportional to vegetation water content, can provide insight into vegetation dynamics in regions with significant phenology. Specifically, dry tropical forests exhibit an increase in VOD during the dry season in alignment with prior studies that suggest that certain vegetative species green up during the dry season despite limited water availability. VOD retrieved using the first order algorithm and MT-DCA framework can therefore contribute to understanding of tropical forests' role in the carbon, energy, and water cycles, which has yet to be fully explained.

  2. Nosso passado terá um futuro? Reflexões sobre a arqueologia

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    Arno Alvarez Kern


    Full Text Available O homem é uma extraordinária singularidade no mundo dos seres vivos ao se perguntar sobre as suas origens, ao construir discursos míticos ou históricos sobre seu passado e ao escavar o solo e encontrar os arquivos, que contêm os vestígios de seus antecessores. Somos responsáveis por esses milhares de vestígios da cultura material, que nos abrem novas perspectivas através de seu estudo, em busca das respostas que cada geração formula sobre o seu passado e o da humanidade. O artigo evoca reflexões sobre a epistemologia e a função social da arqueologia, destacando a relevância do estudo, a compreensão e a proteção dos testemunhos documentais, para garantir, assim, a sobrevivência do futuro de nosso passado, enquanto humanidade.

  3. A desconstrução do conceito de dislexia: conflito entre verdades

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    Giselle Massi


    Full Text Available Neste artigo discute-se a desconstrução do conceito de dislexia que se situa em dois polos: nas ciências da saúde que apresentam como causas da dislexia fatores orgânicos (funcionamento cerebral, fatores genéticos, dificuldades cognitivas e nas ciências humanas, causas ligadas a fatores sociais (letramento, singularidades, fatores educacionais cujas implicações recaem sobre dificuldades das crianças. Em um polo, há a construção de uma patologia, no outro, sua desconstrução por meio de conceitos como heterogeneidade e diferenças socioculturais. Trata-se de discussão relevante uma vez que os profissionais que trabalham nessas áreas tornam-se “cúmplices” ou “críticos” de uma dessas interpretações da realidade.

  4. La agricultura familiar: su relación con el abastecimiento alimentario a nivel familiar

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    Laura Gabriela Boada Molina


    Full Text Available En la sierra Norte, la estrategia familiar alimentaria para acceder a la alimentación se manifiesta a través de una heterogeneidad de factores. Específicamente en las provincias del Carchi e Imbabura, en donde predominan la actividad agrícola como un  abastecedor de alimentos para el mercado nacional. Las familias campesinas alcanzan la diversificación en su alimentación a través de la estrategia familiar alimentaria conformada por un conjunto de factores en los que destacan la producción para el autoconsumo y la comercialización de los alimentos, pero sobre todo las redes sociales y familiares (capital social. La agricultura familiar como proveedor  central del abastecimiento al mercado nacional, además debe alimentar a la familia que la lleva a cabo.

  5. Desagrarización del campo chiapaneco

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    Julieta Martínez Cuero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizan las transformaciones del campo chiapaneco a nivel regional. El propósito es evaluar las tesis de una nueva ruralidad y heterogeneidad estructural en el sector rural del estado. Para ello, en primer lugar se describen las condiciones estructurales del sector agrario en la entidad, partiendo de: las condiciones ecológicas y geográficas, el tipo de tenencia de la tierra y la composición poblacional dedicada a la producción agrícola. En segundo lugar, se recogen elementos clave que explican el proceso de desagrarización en cada una de las regiones de análisis, considerando el impacto de las políticas de apertura económica sobre el sector y el agotamiento de la frontera agrícola.

  6. Genetic resources of cultivated and volunteer vegetables in Serbia

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    Lazić Branka


    Full Text Available Number of plant species and populations in the diet and agriculture, and knowledge about them, their cultivation and use, represent the biological, cultural and social heritage of the humankind. Due to favourable geographic, soil, and climate conditions, and large diversity of flora in Serbia, there is a rich tradition of vegetable use in the diet, cultivated and volunteer, autochthonous. More than 70 botanical vegetable species that are accepted for long-term preservation are mentioned nowadays in Serbia. Besides that, some plant species that are classified as industrial, medicinal and aromatic plants are being used as vegetables. Vegetables include legumes used as stewing vegetables. Serbia has three vegetable regions: lowlands (along the rivers Danube, Tisa and Sava, Moravian (along three Morava Rivers and their tributaries and mountainous (Eastern, South-eastern and Western areas, Kosovo and Metohija. In these regions, genetic resources of vegetables should be looked for in cultivated and volunteering flora of different domestic and domesticated populations developed due to adaptation to the specific abiotic and biotic factors, including breeders' selection. International and national projects have been organised in the field of preserving genetic resources of vegetables in the past, as well as nowadays in Serbia. Collected samples are stored in Plant Gene Bank of Serbia and in gene banks all over the world. Significant part is located in the collections of national institutes and faculties. Samples are described with passport data, while those in collections even in more detail. However, none of this is sufficient. In the last decades in Serbia, many populations and vegetable species have threatened to disappear. Many villages are disappearing, there are few growers of vegetables, and extinction of numerous valuable genotypes is accelerated by unfavourable weather conditions. Large number of cultivars and vegetable species that were

  7. Nutrición vegetal (III).


    Moyeja Santana, Juan de Jesús


    Editorial. Suniaga Q., José La codorniz fuente proteica para consumo humano. Díaz Cuellar, Doraida R. y González, Diomary Diagnóstico de parásitos gastrointestinales en bovinos y su importancia en la productividad de los sistemas ganaderos. Castillo O., Mayela; Hernández, Javier A.; Betancourt, Arquímedes y Suniaga Q., José Nutrición vegetal (II). Moyeja Santana, Juan de Jesús Nutrición vegetal (III). Moyeja Santana, Juan de Jesús Plagas chupadoras de las cítrica...

  8. Nutrición vegetal (II).


    Moyeja Santana, Juan de Jesús


    Editorial. Suniaga Q., José La codorniz fuente proteica para consumo humano. Díaz Cuellar, Doraida R. y González, Diomary Diagnóstico de parásitos gastrointestinales en bovinos y su importancia en la productividad de los sistemas ganaderos. Castillo O., Mayela; Hernández, Javier A.; Betancourt, Arquímedes y Suniaga Q., José Nutrición vegetal (II). Moyeja Santana, Juan de Jesús Nutrición vegetal (III). Moyeja Santana, Juan de Jesús Plagas chupadoras de las cítrica...

  9. Genetically engineered plants with increased vegetative oil content (United States)

    Benning, Christoph


    The invention relates to genetically modified agricultural plants with increased oil content in vegetative tissues, as well as to expression systems, plant cells, seeds and vegetative tissues related thereto.

  10. Gelation and interfacial behaviour of vegetable proteins

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vliet, T. van; Martin, A.H.; Bos, M.A.


    Recent studies on gelation and interfacial properties of vegetable protiens are reviewed. Attention is focused on legume proteins, mainly soy proteins, and on wheat proteins. The rheological properteis of vegetable protein gels as a function of heating time or temperature is discussed as well as the

  11. Gelation and interfacial behaviour of vegetable proteins

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vliet, van T.; Martin, A.H.; Bos, M.A.


    Recent studies on gelation and interfacial properties of vegetable proteins are reviewed. Attention is focused on legume proteins, mainly soy proteins, and on wheat proteins. The rheological properties of vegetable protein gels as a function of heating time or temperature is discussed as well as the

  12. Technical efficiency of irrigated vegetable production among ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study was carried out to analyse the technical efficiency of irrigated vegetable production among smallholder farmers in the guinea savannah, Nigeria, and determine the cost and returns on irrigated vegetable production. Two-stage sampling technique was used, purposive selection of two states and three Local ...

  13. Spectrophotometric Determination of Nitrate in Vegetables Using ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ABSTRACT: A rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of nitrate in vegetables is described. The method is based on the measurement of the absorbance of yellow sodium nitrophenoxide formed via the reaction of phenol with the vegetable-based nitrate in presence of sulphuric acid.

  14. Role of vegetation on river bank accretion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vargas Luna, A.


    There is rising awareness of the need to include the effects of vegetation in studies dealing with the morphological response of rivers. Vegetation growth on river banks and floodplains alters the river bed topography, reduces the bank erosion rates and enhances the development of new floodplains

  15. Karoo biome: a preliminary synthesis. Part 2 - vegetation and history

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Cowling, RM


    Full Text Available and soil erosion. The focus of this volume is vegetation and its history. Included are chapters on vegetation physiognomy, plant growth, vegetation change, phytogeography, palaeo-ecology, palaeontology and archaeology...

  16. Arsenic uptake and speciation in vegetables grown under greenhouse conditions. (United States)

    Smith, E; Juhasz, A L; Weber, J


    The accumulation of arsenic (As) by vegetables is a potential human exposure pathway. The speciation of As in vegetables is an important consideration due to the varying toxicity of different As species. In this study, common Australian garden vegetables were hydroponically grown with As-contaminated irrigation water to determine the uptake and species of As present in vegetable tissue. The highest concentrations of total As were observed in the roots of all vegetables and declined in the aerial portions of the plants. Total As accumulation in the edible portions of the vegetables decreased in the order radish > mung bean > lettuce = chard. Arsenic was present in the roots of radish, chard, and lettuce as arsenate (As(V)) and comprised between 77 and 92% of the total As present, whereas in mung beans, arsenite (As(III)) comprised 90% of the total As present. In aerial portions of the vegetables, As was distributed equally between both As(V) and As(III) in radish and chard but was present mainly as As(V) in lettuce. The presence of elevated As in vegetable roots suggests that As species may be complexed by phytochelatins, which limits As translocation to aerial portions of the plant.

  17. Bonneville - Hood River Vegetation Management Environmental Assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    To maintain the reliability of its electrical system, BPA, in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, needs to expand the range of vegetation management options used to clear unwanted vegetation on about 20 miles of BPA transmission line right-of-way between Bonneville Dam and Hood River; Oregon, within the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area (NSA). We propose to continue controlling undesirable vegetation using a program of Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) which includes manual, biological and chemical treatment methods. BPA has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) (DOE/EA-1257) evaluating the proposed project. Based on the analysis in the EA, BPA has determined that the proposed action is not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969. Therefore, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required and BPA is issuing this FONSI.

  18. Broad-Scale Environmental Conditions Responsible for Post-Fire Vegetation Dynamics

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    Stuart E. Marsh


    Full Text Available Ecosystem response to disturbance is influenced by environmental conditions at a number of scales. Changes in climate have altered fire regimes across the western United States, and have also likely altered spatio-temporal patterns of post-fire vegetation regeneration. Fire occurrence data and a vegetation index (NDVI derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR were used to monitor post-fire vegetation from 1989 to 2007. We first investigated differences in post-fire rates of vegetation regeneration between ecoregions. We then related precipitation, temperature, and elevation records at four temporal scales to rates of post-fire vegetation regeneration to ascertain the influence of climate on post-fire vegetation dynamics. We found that broad-scale climate factors are an important influence on post-fire vegetation regeneration. Most notably, higher rates of post-fire regeneration occurred with warmer minimum temperatures. Increases in precipitation also resulted in higher rates of post-fire vegetation growth. While explanatory power was slight, multiple statistical approaches provided evidence for real ecological drivers of post-fire regeneration that should be investigated further at finer scales. The sensitivity of post-disturbance vegetation dynamics to climatic drivers has important ramifications for the management of ecosystems under changing climatic conditions. Shifts in temperature and precipitation regimes are likely to result in changes in post-disturbance dynamics, which could represent important feedbacks into the global climate system.

  19. Corrosividade causada por soluções produzidas com creosoto vegetal

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    Paes Juarez Benigno


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a corrosividade de soluções preservativas preparadas com creosoto vegetal. Por destilação do alcatrão vegetal, obteve-se o creosoto vegetal bruto, recuperado à temperatura de 110-255 masculineC. Uma fração deste destilado foi lavada com solução a 9% de bicarbonato de sódio, obtendo-se o creosoto vegetal purificado. Ambas as frações foram enriquecidas com 3% de naftenato de cobre; 3% de naftenato de zinco; 3% de naftenato de cobalto; 2% de TBTO; 2% de tribromofenato de tributil-estanho; 2% de pentaclorofenol; ou 0,4% de trióxido de arsênico. Foram preparadas 16 soluções preservativas, sendo 14 enriquecidas, além do creosoto vegetal bruto e do creosoto vegetal purificado. Placas de aço SAE 1006 foram expostas por 6 horas às temperaturas de 25, 45 e 100 masculineC, à ação corrosiva dessas soluções. A corrosividade das soluções de creosoto vegetal foi comparada à corrosividade causada pelo creosoto mineral. As soluções preparadas com creosoto vegetal purificado foram menos corrosivas que suas similares preparadas com creosoto vegetal bruto, sem, no entanto, atingir a baixa corrosividade do creosoto mineral.

  20. Vegetation (MCV / NVCS) Mapping Projects - California [ds515 (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — This metadata layer shows the footprint of vegetation mapping projects completed in California that have used the Manual California of Vegetation ( MCV 1st edition)...

  1. Vegetation - Anza-Borrego Desert State Park [ds165 (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — The Anza Borrego Desert State Park (ABDSP) Vegetation Map depicts vegetation within the Park and its surrounding environment. The map was prepared by the Department...

  2. Cultura y compromiso afectivo: ¿influyen sobre la transferencia interna del conocimiento?

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    Aurora Irma Máynez Guaderrama


    Full Text Available En la nueva economía el conocimiento se reconoce como un activo estratégico, y su transferencia se destaca como una actividad relevante. Por ello, en este trabajo de investigación se examina la influencia de la cultura or ganizacional y del compromiso afectivo sobre la transferencia interna de conocimiento en la empresa; además, se analiza si la cultura de la organización influye significativamente sobre el compromiso afectivo. P ara ello, se llevó a cabo una investigación transversal en una muestra no probabilística de 342 sujetos que laboran en el sector industrial localizado en la frontera norte de México. El análisis estadístico se realizó a través de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados confirman que la cultura organizacional incide positiva y significativamente sobre la transferencia interna de conocimiento y sobre el compromiso afecti vo. Asimismo, la evidencia empírica apunta que el compromiso afectivo no influye sobre la transferencia interna de conocimiento.

  3. La literatura sobre la industrialización colombiana: Balance y perspectivas

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    Paulo César León Palacios


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una revisión extensa y analítica de la literatura producida sobre el tema de la industria en Colombia, a través de los ámbitos teórico, metodológico y gnoseológico. Es una referencia necesaria tanto para expertos, en tanto propone un debate global y crítico sobre el tema, como para estudiantes o investigadores que deseen tener una visión panorámica del estado del arte sobre la industrialización sin tener que sumergirse más de lo necesario.





    La electroreducción del oxígeno fue investigada a pH = 14 sobre electrodos de calcosita, pirita y galena mediante voltamperometría cíclica y por voltamperometría estacionaria usando una celda electroquímica de flujo de doble canal (CEFDC). La superficie de los electrodos fue caracterizada mediante consideraciones termodinámicas y cinéticas. En todos lo casos la reducción del O2 ocurre con formación de iones HO2-. Sobre calcosita la reacción de reducción del O2 (RRO) ocurre sobre una superfici...

  5. Osmotic dehydration of fruits and vegetables: a review


    Yadav, Ashok Kumar; Singh, Satya Vir


    The main cause of perishability of fruits and vegetables are their high water content. To increase the shelf life of these fruits and vegetables many methods or combination of methods had been tried. Osmotic dehydration is one of the best and suitable method to increase the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. This process is preferred over others due to their vitamin and minerals, color, flavor and taste retention property. In this review different methods, treatments, optimization and effec...

  6. Measurement Of Technical Efficiency In Irrigated Vegetable ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study measured technical efficiency and identified its determinants in irrigated vegetable production in Nasarawa State of Nigeria using a stochastic frontier model. A complete enumeration of 193 NADP-registered vegetable farmers was done. The predicted farm technical efficiency ranges from 25.94 to 96.24 per cent ...

  7. Classification and mapping of rangeland vegetation physiognomic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Plot vegetation species growth form, cover and height data were collected from 450 sampling sites based on eight spectral strata generated using unsupervised image classification. Field data were grouped at four levels of seven, six, three and two vegetation physiognomic classes which were subjected to both ML and ...

  8. Weed Identification and Control in Vegetable Crops. (United States)

    Ferretti, Peter A., Comp.

    This agriculture extension service publication from Pennsylvania State University examines weed control and identification in vegetable crops. Contents include: (1) Types of weeds; (2) Reducing losses caused by weeds, general control methods and home garden weed control; (3) How herbicides are used; (4) Specific weeds in vegetable plantings; and…

  9. Radiation processing of foods: fruits and vegetables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, Paul


    Post-harvest irradiation of fruits and vegetables improves their shelf-life by: (1) delaying ripening and senescence of fruits, (2) controlling fungal diseases, (3) inhibiting sprouting, and (4) disinfestation. Nutritional and quality aspects of irradiated fruits and vegetables are discussed. Commercial prospects are briefly described. (M.G.B.)

  10. Transmission System Vegetation Management Program. Draft Environmental Impact Statement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Bonneville is responsible for maintaining a network of 24,000 kilometers (km) or 15,000 miles (mi.) of electric transmission lines and 350 substations in a region of diverse vegetation. This vegetation can interfere with electric power flow, pose safety problems for Bonneville and the public, and interfere with their ability to maintain these facilities. They need to (1) keep vegetation away from the electric facilities; (2) increase their program efficiency and consistency; (3) review herbicide use (under increased public scrutiny); and (4) maximize the range of tools they can use while minimizing environmental impact (Integrated Vegetation Management). This DEIS establishes Planning Steps for managing vegetation for specific projects (to be tiered to this EIS). In addition to No Action (current practice), alternatives are presented for Rights-of-way, Electric Yards, and Non-electric Facilities (landscaping, work yards). Four vegetation control methods are analyzed: manual, mechanical, herbicide, and biological. Also evaluated are 24 herbicide active ingredients and 4 herbicide application techniques (spot, localized, broadcast, and aerial). For rights-of-way, they consider three sets of alternatives: alternative management approaches (time-driven or establishing low-growing plant communities); alternative method packages; and, if herbicides are in a methods package, alternative vegetation selections (noxious weeds, deciduous, or any vegetation). For electric yards, one herbicide-use alternative is considered. For non-electric facilities, two method package alternatives are considered. For rights-of-way, the environmentally preferred alternative(s) would use manual, mechanical, and biological control methods, as well as spot and localized herbicide applications for noxious and deciduous plant species; the BPA-preferred alternative(s) would add broadcast and aerial herbicide applications, and would use herbicides on any vegetation. Both would favor a management

  11. Vegetation Parameter Extraction Using Dual Baseline Polarimetric SAR Interferometry Data (United States)

    Zhang, H.; Wang, C.; Chen, X.; Tang, Y.


    For vegetation parameter inversion, the single baseline polarimetric SAR interferometry (POLinSAR) technique, such as the three-stage method and the ESPRIT algorithm, is limited by the observed data with the minimum ground to volume amplitude ration, which effects the estimation of the effective phase center for the vegetation canopy or the surface, and thus results in the underestimated vegetation height. In order to remove this effect of the single baseline inversion techniques in some extend, another baseline POLinSAR data is added on vegetation parameter estimation in this paper, and a dual baseline POLinSAR technique for the extraction of the vegetation parameter is investigated and improved to reduce the dynamic bias for the vegetation parameter estimation. Finally, the simulated data and real data are used to validate this dual baseline technique.

  12. Advances in Studies on Natural Preservativesfor Fruits and Vegetables (United States)

    Gao, Haisheng; Shi, Pengbao; Zhao, Yuhua

    The author introduced g eneral research and application situations of natural preservatives for fruits and vegetables all over the world these years, and summarized application of vegetation of Murraya in Rutaceae, Cinnamomum in Lauraceae, Artemisia in Compositae and other families and genera on fruits and vegetables preservation and fresh-keeping. Decoction or extraction of Chinese traditional medicine, such as Alpinia Officinarum, Amarphalus Konjac K., stemona etc, could be used in fresh-keeping for orange, apple, strawberry, edible fungi and so on. Garlic could be used in fresh-keeping for orange. Phytic acid and fresh-keeping agents compounded with Phytic acid could extend storage periods of easily rotting fruits and vegetables, such as strawberry, banana, cantaloup, edible fungi and so on, and better keep original fresh condition. Extraction of Snow Fresh, Semper Fresh, Arthropod shell extraction, and halite also had better effect on preservation and fresh-keeping for fruits and vegetables. Main problems exsited in the application of natural preservatives for fruits and vegetables were showed in this article and the applying prospect were discussed too.

  13. Application of a Coupled Vegetation Competition and Groundwater Simulation Model to Study Effects of Sea Level Rise and Storm Surges on Coastal Vegetation

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    Su Yean Teh


    Full Text Available Global climate change poses challenges to areas such as low-lying coastal zones, where sea level rise (SLR and storm-surge overwash events can have long-term effects on vegetation and on soil and groundwater salinities, posing risks of habitat loss critical to native species. An early warning system is urgently needed to predict and prepare for the consequences of these climate-related impacts on both the short-term dynamics of salinity in the soil and groundwater and the long-term effects on vegetation. For this purpose, the U.S. Geological Survey’s spatially explicit model of vegetation community dynamics along coastal salinity gradients (MANHAM is integrated into the USGS groundwater model (SUTRA to create a coupled hydrology–salinity–vegetation model, MANTRA. In MANTRA, the uptake of water by plants is modeled as a fluid mass sink term. Groundwater salinity, water saturation and vegetation biomass determine the water available for plant transpiration. Formulations and assumptions used in the coupled model are presented. MANTRA is calibrated with salinity data and vegetation pattern for a coastal area of Florida Everglades vulnerable to storm surges. A possible regime shift at that site is investigated by simulating the vegetation responses to climate variability and disturbances, including SLR and storm surges based on empirical information.

  14. Study of microbiological background of herbal ingredients and dairy-vegetable compositions

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    D. V. Kharitonov


    Full Text Available The rates of microbiological safety of powdery vegetables, vegetable-milk compositions, compound desserts have been studied. No pathogenic germs (incl. salmonella, Escherichia coli, yeast, nonspore-forming bacteria B cereus have been detected in powdery vegetable samples. The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms as well as amount of molds does not exceed safety index normalized by the legislation. Proteolytic microorganisms compose the basic microflora of powdery vegetables. Microbiological background of vegetable and milk basis is characterized by the presence of microorganisms differed by different resistance to the medium conditions – рН value, presence of oxygen and high temperatures impact. Enrichment of milk base by vegetable components necessitates to adjust the thermal effect regimes prescribed for milk treatment without additional ingredients. Introduction of vegetable ingredients into milk base is accompanied by polysemantic effect of high temperatures on microorganisms of polycomponent milk – vegetable base. On the one hand introduction of vegetable raw material into milk enhances inhibitory temperature effect on microbial cells due to transition of the medium рН into sour side; on the other hand presence of vegetable raw material particles protects microorganisms against sensitive effect of high temperature. Microflora of vegetable-milk compositions after heat treatment as well as ready-made desserts on their base was presented by spore-forming bacillus the number of which is correlated by their number in the initial raw material. In order to choose the optimal regime of heat treatment all processes running during heat treatment and particularly microbiological and physical-chemical degradation of polysaccharides of vegetables cell structures.

  15. Will European agricultural policy for school fruit and vegetables improve public health? A review of school fruit and vegetable programmes. (United States)

    de Sa, Joia; Lock, Karen


    For the first time, public health, particularly obesity, is being seen as a driver of EU agricultural policy. In 2007, European Ministers of Agriculture were asked to back new proposals for school fruit and vegetable programmes as part of agricultural reforms. In 2008, the European Commission conducted an impact assessment to assess the potential impact of this new proposal on health, agricultural markets, social equality and regional cohesion. A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions to promote fruit and/or vegetable consumption in children in schools, to inform the EC policy development process. School schemes are effective at increasing both intake and knowledge. Of the 30 studies included, 70% increased fruits and vegetables (FV) intake, with none decreasing intake. Twenty-three studies had follow-up periods >1 year and provide some evidence that FV schemes can have long-term impacts on consumption. Only one study led to both increased fruit and vegetable intake and reduction in weight. One study showed that school fruit and vegetable schemes can also help to reduce inequalities in diet. Effective school programmes have used a range of approaches and been organized in ways which vary nationally depending on differences in food supply chain and education systems. EU agriculture policy for school fruits and vegetables schemes should be an effective approach with both public health and agricultural benefits. Aiming to increase FV intake amongst a new generation of consumers, it will support a range of EU policies including obesity and health inequalities.

  16. Substitution or addition? How overweight and obese adults incorporate vegetables into their diet during a randomized controlled vegetable feeding trial (United States)

    Objective: When attempting to eat healthier, individuals may add vegetables to their diet (addition) without changing other eating behaviors. Alternatively, individuals adding vegetables may decrease consumption of other foods (substitution). Distinguishing between the two means of incorporation of ...

  17. Influencia del yeso sobre la velocidad de hidratación del cemento portland

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    Yamaguchi, G.


    Full Text Available Not availablePara esclarecer la Influencia del yeso sobre el fraguado y endurecimiento del cemento, los autores estudiaron el grado de hidratación de los cuatro principales minerales del clínker de cemento Portland y el efecto del yeso sobre ellas. Haciendo uso del análisis cuantitativo de rayos X, se determinó la porción no hidratada. Simultáneamente, se determinaron los tiempos de fraguado y las resistencias. Los ensayos se llevaron a cabo sobre tres clínkeres sintéticos de diferentes composiciones y sobre dos clínkeres de cemento Portland comerciales.

  18. Waste vegetable oil survey report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    MacLeod, R. [Science enterprise Algoma seA, Sault Ste. Marie, ON (Canada)


    This study was conducted to estimate potential sources of feedstock waste oils for biodiesel production in the Sault Ste. Marie region of Ontario. Two feedstocks were investigated over a period of several months, notably cooking oil and waste vegetable oil. The study was conducted to examine oil throughput, collection practices, and to gauge interest in local initiatives. A distribution list of commercial restaurant listings was developed, and surveys were conducted with members of private enterprises, city government, and non-profit stakeholders in the region. Average volumes of waste vegetable oil were presented for different types of restaurants. The various types of oil used in the restaurants were also quantified. Results of the study showed a positive public response to the idea of a local biodiesel initiative. Steak house, fast food, and Italian establishments generated the largest portion of waste vegetable oil amongst survey respondents. However, the highest response rates came from establishments with little or no oil consumption. Many franchise fast food restaurants are already in contracts with waste oil removal companies. 3 tabs., 3 figs.


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    S. Talebi


    Full Text Available This paper presents a theoretical study of derivation Microwave Vegetation Indices (MVIs in different pairs of frequencies using two methods. In the first method calculating MVI in different frequencies based on Matrix Doubling Model (to take in to account multi scattering effects has been done and analyzed in various soil properties. The second method was based on MVI theoretical basis and its independency to underlying soil surface signals. Comparing the results from two methods with vegetation properties (single scattering albedo and optical depth indicated partial correlation between MVI from first method and optical depth, and full correlation between MVI from second method and vegetation properties. The second method to derive MVI can be used widely in global microwave vegetation monitoring.

  20. Análise das modificações da cobertura vegetal da planície fluvial do alto rio Paraná no período entre 1976 e 2007 = Analysis of vegetation changes in the Paraná river floodplain between 1976 and 2007

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    Edivando Vitor Couto


    Full Text Available A vegetação da planície fluvial do rio Paraná sofre a pressão da ocupação antrópica desde a década de 1950. A área próxima a Porto Rico (Paraná tem sido estudada desde os anos 1980, mas não há estudos dirigidos à distribuição espacial da vegetação. Os objetivos deste trabalho são cartografar as unidades vegetais e verificar a evolução temporal de sua distribuição entre 1976 e 2007. Para isso foram utilizadas imagens orbitais de 1976 (LANDSAT MSS-1, 1987 (LANDSAT TM-5, 2000 (LANDSAT ETM+7 e de 2007 (CBERS-2 CCD. Asimagens foram georreferenciadas e classificadas pelo algoritmo Bhattacharya. Foram identificadas três classes de vegetação, corpos de água e áreas de solo exposto. A análise multitemporal demonstrou aumento contínuo da área de solo exposto, aumento da área dos corpos de água, mudança de posição das áreas úmidas no período entre 1976 e 1987 e modificações mais sutis de ambas as classes no período entre 1987 e 2007. As áreas de vegetação arbórea diminuíram em quase todos os anos. Tais dados permitem afirmar que a atuação antrópica sobre a planície vem se ampliando e que as principais cheias modificaram sua morfologia.The removal of vegetation from the Paraná river floodplain has been increasing since the 1950s the until present time, but no study has been made about its spatial distribution. The purpose of this paper is to map and analyze the temporal evolution of vegetation distribution over the Parana river floodplain between 1976 and 2007. Orbital images from 1976 (LANDSAT MSS-1, 1987 (LANDSAT TM-5, 2000 (LANDSAT ETM+7 and 2007 (CBERS-2 CCD were utilized to compare the evolution of the vegetation distribution over that time period. Theimages were georeferenced using SPRING 4.3.3 software and classified by the Bhattacharya algorithm; the maps were produced using the Global Mapper 7.4 software. Three different classes of vegetation, water bodies and exposed soil areas were