
Sample records for hepatitis reactiva por

  1. Las pruebas VDRL falsas reactivas en el manejo de la sífilis Reacciones Falsas positivas en el embarazo

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    Miguel Guzmán


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre reacciones VDRL falsas reactivas en el embarazo. Se analizan los resultados de las pruebas practicadas a los sueros sanguíneos obtenidos de 4.344 gestantes tomadas al azar sobre un universo restringido de 13.477; 64 muestras fueron VDRL reactivas y FTA-ABS no reactivas, lo cual da 1.5% de falsas reactivas; 25 reacciones fueron VDRL reactivas y FTA-ABS reactivas, para 0.6% de Sífilis. Las reacciones falsas reactivas están más asociadas con el primer embarazo. Las reacciones falsas reactivas lo son a títulos muy bajos de O a dos diluciones. Se encontró una marcada relación entre la ocurrencia de falsas reactivas y el grupo sanguíneo A, Rh(-. No existe relación entre la falsa reactividad y los antecedentes patológicos generales u obstétricos. Igualmente se encontró que no existe una distribución específica por grupos de edad. La falsa reactividad no está asociada con un período especial del embarazo y aparece desde los primeros meses. En el seguimiento durante el post-parto se demostró que las pruebas falsas reactivas se negativizan hasta seis meses después.

  2. Diseño conceptual y simulación de columnas de destilación reactiva implementando termodinámica topológica a condiciones finitas de operación


    Perdomo Hurtado, Felipe Antonio


    Se presenta un trabajo de carácter teórico que está orientado a suplir las dificultades que se generan en la simulación por modelos rigurosos para columnas de destilación reactiva. La metodología desarrollada en este trabajo proporciona estimados iniciales más precisos y objetivos, permitiendo visualizar y diseñar conceptualmente el esquema más apropiado de separación de una mezcla multicomponente por destilación convencional o por destilación reactiva. Para el desarrollo de este objetivo, la...

  3. Aproximación al comportamiento del sistema de administración y comercialización del servicio de energía y potencia reactiva (SACSR) en Colombia


    Pérez Rojas, Efraín Antonio


    Resumen: Se estudia el comportamiento en el tiempo de los beneficios financieros, obtenidos por la producción de potencia y energía activa y reactiva de los generadores mas importantes del Sistema Interconectado Nacional Colombiano. Se analiza el sistema operando según tres políticas diferentes para la administración del servicio de potencia y energía reactiva, a fin de establecer los efectos de las políticas en el comportamiento del sistema.


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    César Augusto Sánchez Correa

    Full Text Available Se presenta en este trabajo un enfoque novedoso para el cálculo de las envolventes reactivas líquido - líquido - vapor (LLV y líquido - líquido (LL. El principal aporte consiste en indicar explícitamente las manipulaciones necesarias para transformar el cálculo de las binodales en uno de homotopía termodinámica. Así, la solución del problema se traslada a la teoría de los métodos de continuación. Esta perspectiva proporciona adicionalmente un procedimiento para localizar el punto crítico de las mezclas reactivas. Se analizaron dos casos de interés industrial: las binodales reactivas LLV a 101,325 kPa para los sistemas ácido acético + 1-pentanol + agua + n-amilacetato y ácido acético + 3-metil-1-butanol + agua + isoamilacetato. Se encontró que ellas son semejantes a las binodales del tipo I en sistemas ternarios no reactivos. Para el caso del n-amilacetato se ejemplifica la utilidad de estas envolventes en el cálculo y análisis gráfico de un rectificador con varios platos heterogéneos.

  5. Nuevos conceptos en artritis reactiva y uso de terapia antibiótica

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    H. Ralph Schumacher Jr.


    La artritis reactiva ha sido definida como una poliartritis inflamatoria estéril que afecta a las personas que tienen el HLA-B27. Sin embargo, son ciertas infecciones entéricas y genitourinarias las que desencadenan la artritis reactiva. Mi trabajo y el de algunos otros grupos sugieren que estas infecciones pueden llegar a la articulación, de manera que puede tratarse, no de un proceso estéril, sino de una infección difícil de cultivar y de tratar; esto es válido para la artritis reactiva y posiblemente también para la artritis reumatoidea.

  6. Suppression of cytochrome P450 reductase (POR) expression in hepatoma cells replicates the hepatic lipidosis observed in hepatic POR-null mice. (United States)

    Porter, Todd D; Banerjee, Subhashis; Stolarczyk, Elzbieta I; Zou, Ling


    Cytochrome P450 reductase (POR) is a microsomal electron transport protein essential to cytochrome P450-mediated drug metabolism and sterol and bile acid synthesis. The conditional deletion of hepatic POR gene expression in mice results in a marked decrease in plasma cholesterol levels counterbalanced by the accumulation of triglycerides in lipid droplets in hepatocytes. To evaluate the role of cholesterol and bile acid synthesis in this hepatic lipidosis, as well as the possible role of lipid transport from peripheral tissues, we developed a stable, small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated cell culture model for the suppression of POR. POR mRNA and protein expression were decreased by greater than 50% in McArdle-RH7777 rat hepatoma cells 10 days after transfection with a POR-siRNA expression plasmid, and POR expression was nearly completely extinguished by day 20. Immunofluorescent analysis revealed a marked accumulation of lipid droplets in cells by day 15, accompanied by a nearly 2-fold increase in cellular triglyceride content, replicating the lipidosis seen in hepatic POR-null mouse liver. In contrast, suppression of CYP51A1 (lanosterol demethylase) did not result in lipid accumulation, indicating that loss of cholesterol synthesis is not the basis for this lipidosis. Indeed, addition of cholesterol to the medium appeared to augment the lipidosis in POR-suppressed cells, whereas removal of lipids from the medium reversed the lipidosis. Oxysterols did not accumulate in POR-suppressed cells, discounting a role for liver X receptor in stimulating triglyceride synthesis, but addition of chenodeoxycholate significantly repressed lipid accumulation, suggesting that the absence of bile acids and loss of farnesoid X receptor stimulation lead to excessive triglyceride synthesis.

  7. Una prueba de captura rápida de antígenos con tiras reactivas para el diagnóstico de malaria por P. falciparum

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    Full Text Available Los avances recientes en el diagnóstico de infecciones causadas por Plasmodium falciparum han permitido considerar la posibilidad de complementar la microscopia óptica con una prueba estandarizada de captura de antígenos con tiras reactivas basada en la detección de una proteína específica del parásito, que es segregada por los estadios sanguíneos asexuados y los gametocitos inmaduros, pero no por otros estadios. Los ensayos de campo indican que esta prueba proporciona resultados replicables con un umbral de detección de parasitemia de P. falciparum similar al obtenido con microscopia habitual de alta calidad para malaria y una especificidad y sensibilidad de alrededor de 90% en comparación con la microscopia habitual con extensión de sangre en capa gruesa. La estabilidad, reproducibilidad y facilidad de uso de la prueba indican claramente sus posibilidades de aplicación en el tratamiento de la malaria, particularmente en el nivel de atención de salud periférico, siempre y cuando se pueda garantizar su precisión y su costo sea módico. También debe considerarse la posibilidad de usarla más ampliamente donde lo justifiquen los requisitos operativos y los recursos y donde las decisiones se basen en una evaluación adecuada de los sistemas de prestación de asistencia de salud existentes.

  8. Compensación de potencia reactiva mediante bancos asimétricos de capacitores; Reactive Power Compensation by Unbalanced Capacitor Banks

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    Ignacio Pérez Abril


    Full Text Available A pesar de que los sistemas de distribución primaria y secundaria son desbalanceados por naturaleza, lacompensación de potencia reactiva en estos sistemas, se realiza comúnmente mediante bancos decondensadores trifásicos balanceados. En este trabajo se presenta la formulación general para el problemade compensación de potencia reactiva en sistemas desbalanceados mediante bancos de condensadoresdesbalanceados. Se presentan cuatro ejemplos de compensación en el secundario de bancos desbalanceadosde transformadores monofásicos. Todos los ejemplos muestran que la compensación por bancosdesbalanceados de capacitores incrementa los beneficios con respecto al uso de bancos balanceados  In spite of the fact that primary and secondary distribution systems are unbalanced by nature, thereactive power compensation on these systems is commonly developed by the use of balanced capacitorbanks. In this paper, the general formulation for the reactive power compensation problem onunbalanced systems with unbalanced capacitor banks is developed. Four examples of reactive powercompensation on the secondary of unbalanced three-phase transformers banks are presented. All theexamples show that the compensation by unbalanced capacitor banks increases the active power lossessaving as well as reduce the transformer’s load and contributes to balance the line currents when the loadis unbalanced.

  9. Especies reactivas del oxígeno y balance redox, parte I: aspectos básicos y principales especies reactivas del oxígeno Oxygen reactive species and redox balance, part I: basic aspects and main oxygen reactive species

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    Gregorio Martínez Sánchez


    Full Text Available El balance redox ha sido reconocido, de forma cada vez más creciente, como un componente crítico del proceso de envejecimiento; la iniciación y desarrollo de enfermedades de notable morbilidad y mortalidad (aterosclerosis, cáncer, enfermedades del sistema nervioso central, enfermedades autoinmunes, daño por isquemia-reperfusión, entre otras y respuestas celulares, inducidas por el estrés oxidativo. Estrechamente vinculado con el estrés oxidativo está la generación de especies reactivas de oxígeno las cuales provocan daño celular directo, además de actuar como segundos mensajeros intracelulares al modular las vías de transducción de señales. En el presente trabajo se recogen los principales antecedentes de las investigaciones relacionadas con este tema y se describen las más importantes características de las especies reactivas del oxígeno.The redox balance has been increasingly recognized as a critical component of the aging process; the onset and development of diseases causing dramatic morbidity and mortality (atherosclerosis, cancer, central nervous system diseases, autoinmune diseases, ischemia-reperfusion damage, among others and oxidative stress-induced cellular responses. Closely related to oxidative stress is the generation of oxygen reactive species, which cause direct cell damage in addition to acting as second intracellular messengers when modulating signal transduction pathways. The present paper presented the main antecedents of pieces of research related to this topic and described the most important characteristics of the oxygen reactive species.

  10. Armónicos: cálculo de la potencia reactiva para la implementación de bancos de condensadores


    Jiménez Molano, Giovanni Oswaldo


    En el contenido de esté documento se presenta una metodología para evaluar el condensador como elemento compensador y seleccionar de manera óptima el dimensionamiento de esté dispositivo en cargas aisladas utilizando dos métodos: el primero que consiste en evaluar los postulados sobre el cálculo de la potencia reactiva analizando y comparando las teorías de mayor trascendencia como han sido las propuestas por Fryze, Budeanu y Czarnecki con respecto a otras existentes utilizadas para el diseño...

  11. Tamizaje de enfermedades infecciosas en bancos de sangre, Colombia, 1995

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    Mauricio Beltrán


    Full Text Available Con el fin de estimar la prevalencia de las enfermedades transmitidas por la sangre, mediante las pruebas de tamizaje en los donantes de sangre de los bancos del país, pertenecientes a la red nacional, se analizó la información enviada por los bancos de sangre en 1995 a la Coordinación Nacional de Bancos de Sangre en el Instituto Nacional de Salud. Se definieron como variables de estudio las siguientes: unidades de sangre obtenidas, unidades de sangre analizadas y unidades de sangre reactivas para anticuetpos contra el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana tipos 1 y 2 (VIH 1/2, el virus de hepatitis C (VHC, el virus linfotrópico humano (HTLV, Treponemapallidum (sífilis y Typanosoma cruzi (enferrnedad de Chagas y reactivas para el antígeno de superficie de hepatitis B (HBsAg; para el análisis, se utilizó el programa Epi-lnfo 5.1. Durante 1995, en Colombia se recolectaron 370.867 unidades de sangre en 172 bancos. En promedio, el porcentaje de sangre analizada por estos bancos fue superior a 99% para marcadores como VIH 112, HBsAg, VHC y Treponema pallidum; para otros marcadores como T: cruziy HTLV 112 fue de 47,9% y 15,1%, respectivamente. Del total de unidades de sangre analizadas por marcador, 0,3% presentó reactividad para VIH-112; para hepatitis B virus, 0,9%; para hepatitis C virus, 1 ,O%; para T cruz;, 1,2%; para 7: pallidum, 1,4% y para HTLV, 1,2%. Estos porcentajes corresponden a los promedios nacionales de unidades de sangre reactiva en los bancos del país. Los bancos de sangre de algunas seccionales informaron valores hasta cuatro veces superiores al promedio nacional para los marcadores anti-T: cruziy HBsAg. La disponibilidad de sangre en el país es de aproximadamente 11 unidades por cada mil habitantes. El tamizaje en las unidades de sangre detectó 6,08% de unidades de sangre reactivas; es decir que previno, por lo menos, la difusión de igual número de infecciones por cada 100 posibles transfusiones. Ei análisis de la

  12. Application of the optimum reactive power dispatch to the cost establishment for the support voltage in a power electrical system for generalized dispatch; Aplicacion del despacho optimo de potencia reactiva al establecimiento del costo por el soporte de voltaje en un sistema electrico de potencia con despacho centralizado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barragan Gomez, Sergio Baruch


    for voltage support of each generator is formed by a fixed and a variable cost. The fixed cost is calculated from the annual recovery factor of the capital invested in the generator. The variable cost depends on the operation conditions and on the cost for loss of opportunity of the generator. To determine the total cost for the voltage support of generators, it is considered that the market of active power has already been solved previously through an economic dispatch of active power. The systems used for the evaluation of the developed program are: a 5 nodes system and the IEEE 30 nodes system. [Spanish] Los cambios en las estructuras de los sistemas electricos de esquemas verticales a esquemas horizontales ha provocado que los sistemas esten formados por cuatro segmentos: generacion, transmision, distribucion y comercializacion. Bajo este esquema el operador del sistema es el encargado de administrar y operar de manera economica y segura al sistema. Una de las tareas principales de esta organizacion junto con la red de transmision es la de realizar el movimiento de potencia desde los centros de generacion hasta los puntos de consumo, no obstante para poder llevar a cabo esta actividad se necesita un conjunto de servicios auxiliares. En un esquema horizontal, el soporte de voltaje por parte de los generadores es considerado como un servicio auxiliar, el cual es necesario para la operacion del sistema. Si bien la compensacion de potencia reactiva en un sistema electrico se debe realizar de manera local a traves de compensacion en derivacion, compensadores estaticos, condensadores sincronos y transformadores con cambiador en derivacion bajo carga, debido a que el transmitir flujos de potencia reactiva desde los generadores provoca un incremento en las perdidas del sistema de transmision; sin embargo aunque la funcion principal de los generadores sincronos es la produccion de potencia activa, de manera implicita estos generan potencia reactiva bajo ciertas condiciones

  13. Infección crónica por el VHB Chronic Hepatitis B Virus infection


    C. Carretero; M. Herráiz


    Existen muchos factores implicados en la patogénesis de la infección crónica por el virus de la hepatitis B (VHB), como por ejemplo características del virus, la ingesta de etanol, la coinfección con otros virus (VHC, VIH, VHD), e intervenciones terapéuticas como el uso de fármacos citotóxicos o inmunosupresores, o agentes antivirales específicos. Las características clínicas, patológicas y serológicas de la hepatitis crónica por VHB, además, son muy heterogéneas. Se puede reconocer la infecc...

  14. Compensación de la potencia reactiva de los pequeños y medianos consumidores

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    Leonardo Casas Fernández


    Full Text Available La compensación de la potencia reactiva que demandan las cargas de pequeño y mediano consumo,básicamente asociadas a las redes de distribución primaria, suele realizarse mediante los capacitores demediano y bajo voltajes situados tanto en las redes primarias como en las instalaciones de los clientes.La empresa distribuidora de energía eléctrica instala en las redes de distribución primaria capacitores demedio voltaje, en tanto que los clientes medianos, presionados por la penalización de bajo factor depotencia, colocan los de bajo voltaje en sus circuitos. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis integral de lascaracterísticas de ambas formas de generar la potencia reactiva y se exponen las ventajas técnicoeconómicasde los capacitores de medio voltaje asociados a los circuitos de distribución primaria.  The compensation of the reactive power that small and medium loads demand, basically associated toprimary distribution networks, is usually carried out by means of medium and low voltage capacitorslocated so much in the primary circuits as in the facilities of the clients. The utility installs in the primarydistribution networks capacitors of medium voltage, as long as the medium clients, pressed by thepenalization of low power factor, place those of low voltage in their circuits. In this work an integralanalysis of the characteristics in both ways of generating the reactive power is carried out, and thetechnician and economic advantages of the medium voltage capacitors associated to the primary distributioncircuits are expose.

  15. Clinical evaluation of drug-induced hepatitis Evaluación clínica de las hepatitis producidas por fármacos

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    L. Martí


    Full Text Available Objective: to ascertain the epidemiological characteristics, clinical symptoms, and evolution of drug-induced hepatitis over the last 22 years. Experimental design and subjects: an observational, retrospective study between 1982 and 1993, and prospective study between 1994 and 2003. All patients in our department diagnosed with having drug-induced hepatitis were studied analyzing epidemiological (age, sex, cases per year, hospitalization and clinical features (previous liver disease, hepatic symptoms, laboratory results, and follow-up (complete recovery or chronicity. Results: a total of 61 patients were diagnosed as having drug-induced hepatitis, 26 men and 35 women (57%, mean age 52.4 years ± 17 years, of which 72.2% were older than 40 years. A total of 43% were admitted to hospital. In 87% of cases, two or more drugs were involved, the most frequent being antituberculosis (19 cases, psychotropic (26 cases, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (45 cases. Evolution showed that 94% of patients recovered after the withdrawal of suspected causal drugs. Conclusions: the incidence of drug-induced hepatitis is higher in patients over 40 years of age, it being more common in females. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, psychotropic, and anti-tuberculosis agents were the main drugs involved. Most patients made a complete recovery after withdrawal of the suspected causal drug.Objetivo: conocer las características epidemiológicas, manifestaciones clínicas y la evolución de las hepatitis producidas por fármacos en los últimos 22 años. Diseño experimental y pacientes: estudio observacional, retrospectivo entre 1982 y 1993 y prospectivo entre 1994 y 2003, donde incluimos todos los pacientes atendidos en nuestro Servicio que fueron diagnosticados de hepatitis por fármacos. Analizamos los factores epidemiológicos -edad, sexo, número de casos por año, ingresos hospitalarios-, clínicos -antecedentes de enfermedad hepática, manifestaciones cl

  16. Anemia hemolítica autoinmune postinfección por virus de la hepatitis A. Informe de caso; Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia associated to hepatitis A. Case report

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    Claudia Lucía Sossa Melo, MD


    Full Text Available La anemia hemolítica autoinmune se asocia con una variedad de virus hepatotrópicos, en particular citomegalovirus (CMV, virus del Epstein-Barr y de la hepatitis B. No es frecuente dentro de la historia natural de la hepatitis A, la aparición de anemia hemolítica, y cuando se presenta, generalmente se asocia a deficiencia de glucosa-6-fosfato deshidrogenasa. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino sin hemólisis previa, con astenia e ictericia de dos meses de evolución y hepatomegalia 14 cm por debajo del reborde costal derecho. Los hallazgos en los exámenes de laboratorios mostraron anemia hemolítica con Coombs directo positivo, anticuerpos tipo inmunoglobulina M contra el virus de la hepatitis A positivos, niveles de bilirrubinas 20 veces y aminotrasferasas cuatro veces por arriba del rango normal; con estos datos el paciente fue diagnosticado como hepatitis A complicada con anemia hemolítica y probable hepatitis autoinmune asociada, por lo que se inició manejo con corticoides, alcanzándose mejoría clínica. Resaltamos la importancia de descartar la infección por el virus de la hepatitis A como posible etiología de anemia hemolítica autoinmune.______________________________________________________________________ Acute auto inmune haemolytic anaemia is associated with a variety of hepatotropic viruses, in particular cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus and hepatitis B. The typical course of hepatitis A is rarely complicated with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Wepresent the case of a man without previous haemolysis, he had been unwell for two months with fatigue and jaundice, the liver edge was palpable and tender 14 cm below the costal margin. Clinical chemistry showed haemolytic anaemia with positive direct coombs test, immunoglobulin M antibodies to hepatitis A virus were detected, the total bilirrubin concentration 20 times the upper and transaminase 4 times upper limit for normal levels; with this

  17. Tiroiditis autoinmune inducida por interferón en pacientes con infección por virus de la hepatitis C. Interferon-induced autoimmune thyroiditis in a patient with hepatitis C virus infection

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    José L. Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un varón de 43 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos de importancia, que acudió por elevación asintomática de la alanino aminotransferasa (ALT. El paciente negó ser bebedor crónico de alcohol. Se hizo el diagnóstico serológico de infección activa por hepatitis C y la biopsia de hígado reveló inflamación crónica activa. Con estos resultados, se inició tratamiento con interferón-alfa y ribavirina. Durante el tratamiento de 48 semanas, el paciente presentó anticuerpos antitiroideos positivos con variaciones en sus niveles de tirotropina (TSH y hormonas tiroideas. En el seguimiento postratamiento, el paciente continuó con hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. La tiroiditis autoinmune es una complicación frecuente del uso de interferón en pacientes con hepatitis C. En algunos casos se presenta como hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. Se debe evaluar la función tiroidea y los anticuerpos antitiroideos antes y durante el tratamiento con interferón.A 43 year old man presented with asymptomatic elevation of alanine aminotransferase (ALT and no relevant past history. The patient denied being a chronic alcohol drinker. Work-up revealed an active hepatitis C, and liver biopsy showed active inflammation. Treatment was started with interferon-alfa and ribavirin. During the 48 weeks of treatment, the patient developed positive thyroid antibodies with varying level of thyrotropin (TSH and thyroid hormones. At follow-up after treatment, the patient continued with hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ disease. Autoimmune thyroiditis is a common complication of using interferon in patients with hepatitis C. In some cases, it is presented as hyperthyroidism because of Graves’ disease. Thyroid function and thyroid antibodies should be evaluated before and during treatment with interferon.

  18. Consecuencias del estrés oxidativo de la piel por radiaciones ultravioleta


    Alvarez Fontanet, Ernesto


    Se ha avanzado en el conocimiento de la participación de las especies reactivas del oxígeno en la fisiopatología de muchas entidades y fenómenos patológicos. La piel es probablemente uno de los órganos que con mayor frecuencia sufre estrés oxidativo. Las radiaciones ultravioleta constituyen el principal factor generador de estrés oxidativo a este nivel. El fotoestrés oxidativo de la piel por radiaciones ultravioleta está mediado por diferentes mecanismos y favorecido por diversas circunstanci...

  19. Bajo impacto de la infección silente por el virus de la hepatitis B en la incidencia de hepatitis postransfusional en Venezuela

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    Gutiérrez Cristina


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Detectar la presencia de ADN del VHB en sueros de donantes de sangre negativos en las pruebas de los marcadores serológicos de hepatitis B empleados en el tamizaje, con el fin de evaluar el impacto de la infección silente por VHB sobre la incidencia de hepatitis B postransfusional en Venezuela. Métodos. Los sueros de 2 075 donantes de sangre negativos en las pruebas de los marcadores serológicos pesquisados en bancos de sangre venezolanos fueron analizados en 53 muestras, compuestas por la mezcla de 25-50 donaciones (0,5-1,0 mL de cada suero. Estas fueron sometidos a ultracentrifugación previa a la extracción del ADN viral por el método de proteinasa K-fenol-cloroformo. Resultados. En estas mezclas de sueros no se detectó ADN del VHB en ninguno de dos ensayos anidados de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, mediante cebadores altamente conservados de las regiones que codifican el antígeno de superficie y de la cápside virales. Se observaron niveles normales de aminotransferasas en 98% de 200 sueros evaluados. Conclusiones. Estos resultados sugieren que el riesgo de adquirir hepatitis B postransfusional en Venezuela es bajo.

  20. Caracterización microestructural de aleaciones base cobre obtenidas mediante molienda reactiva

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    Palma, R.


    Full Text Available The micro and nanostructure of Cu-Al, Cu-V and Cu-Ti alloys produced by reactive milling were analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD and transmission electron microscopy (TEM. Samples with different milling times (t= 0, 10, 20 and 30 h were considered. The grain size, dislocation density and residual microstrain were evaluated form the XRD data using the Williamson-Hall and Klug-Alexander methods. The evolution of texture as a function of milling time was also studied using XRD. It was found, using TEM, that the grain size and dispersoid size were nanometric in all three alloys considered.

    Se analizó la micro y nano estructura de aleaciones Cu-Al, Cu-V y Cu-Ti obtenidas por molienda reactiva, mediante difracción de rayos X (XRD y microscopía electrónica de transmisión (TEM. Se consideraron muestras con distintos tiempos de molienda (t= 0, 10, 20 y 30 h. A partir de los datos XRD, usando los métodos de Williamson- Hall y Klug-Alexander, se evaluaron el tamaño de grano, la densidad de dislocaciones y la microdeformación residual; también se estudió la evolución de la textura de la matriz de cobre en función del tiempo de molienda. En los polvos molidos durante 30 h, de las tres aleaciones consideradas, se encontró, por TEM, que los tamaños de grano y de los dispersoides desarrollados son nanométricos.

  1. Temperamento y crianza como moduladores de la aparición y mantenimiento de las conductas agresivas proactivas y reactivas en población infantil de 0-6 años


    González Peña, Paloma


    Esta investigación indaga en el germen de la agresión reactiva y proactiva para buscar sus predictores en relación al temperamento y las pautas de crianza. La muestra está compuesta por 893 niños (49%niños y 51%niñas) escolarizados en 11 escuelas infantiles de la Comunidad de Madrid. Para evaluar el temperamento se han utilizado los cuestionarios de Rothbart: Infant Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ, Rothbart, 1981) para los niños de 4 a 12 meses; Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire (ECBQ, Rothb...

  2. Laparoscopy hepatic biopsy through cauterization Biópsia hepática laparoscopica por cauterização

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    Alexandra Pinheiro Fantinatti


    Full Text Available Hepatic biopsy was realized through laparoscopy with simultaneous cauterization in the present study, whose principal aim was to evaluate the efficacy of the applied method and to study its effects in the liver of healthy dogs. Furthermore, we tried to verify the main hematological and chemistry profile alterations related to the hepatic function, and to investigate the viability of the fragments collected by histopathology. To attain this objective, 21 clinically healthy dogs, weighing between 10 and 15kg were submitted to hepatic biopsy with forceps connected to the cautery. Cautery was performed by applying radiofrequency energy at 45 watts. Forty-two hepatic biopsies through laparoscopy were conducted in the animals. At group I one hepatic fragment per animal was collected, at group II two hepatic fragments per animal were collected, and at group III three fragments were collected. Hematocrit and alanine-aminotransferase measurements were employed to evaluate the animals at the pre-operative period, at four and six hour post-operative, and at day 30 post-operative. The results revealed that the procedure was safe and effective for hepatic biopsy in dogs. There were no clinical alterations related to the technique. The fragments collected were viable for histopathology. Hepatic biopsy through laparoscopy with simultaneous cauterization is an effective and usefull method in dogs.Este estudo visou avaliar a eficácia do método de biópsia hepática laparoscópica por cauterização e estudar os seus efeitos no fígado de cães sadios. Além disso, procurou-se verificar as principais alterações hematológicas e bioquímicas-séricas relacionadas às funções hepáticas e averiguar a viabilidade dos fragmentos colhidos por exame de histopatologia. Para tanto, 21 cães clinicamente sadios pesando entre 10 e 15kg, foram separados em três grupos de sete animais cada grupo. As amostras foram retiradas da borda no lobo lateral esquerdo

  3. Sistema de Navegación Reactiva Difusa para Giros Suaves de Plataformas Móviles Empleando el Kinect

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    Claudia Cruz Martínez


    Full Text Available La navegación en un robot móvil es la habilidad para desplazarse de un lugar a otro dentro de un entorno evitando los obstáculos que se presenten. La autonomía de un robot móvil se basa en su sistema de navegación. La aplicación de técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial como la lógica difusa y el uso de la visión por computadora son dos herramientas empleadas para cumplir esta tarea. En algunos sistemas de navegación la seguridad y la facilidad de operación son factores muy importantes. En estos casos, la tolerancia a la incertidumbre de información, la reacción ante objetos imprevistos, y la navegación mediante giros suaves son argumentos del diseño de estos sistemas. En este artículo se presenta el desarrollo de un sistema de navegación reactiva difusa que emplea los datos de profundidad del sensor Kinect, algoritmos de visión por computadora, y lógica difusa, para generar ángulos de giro suave para la navegación de un robot móvil. En pruebas realizadas con la plataforma móvil ERA-MOBI se observaron giros suaves con un porcentaje de evasión de obstáculos del 85.7%.

  4. Obtaining additional energy savings from the Filumex project by means of the reactive power compensation; Obtencion de ahorros adicionales del proyecto Filumex mediante la compensacion de la potencia reactiva

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cervantes Jaramillo, Enrique L.; Loredo Gutierrez, Miguel Angel; Hernandez Hernandez, Eduardo [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper presents the proposal for establishing in a parallel way to Flamex project, the compensation in the intermediate tension network for the increment in reactive power supplied to the domestic user. This is due to the following three phenomena that occur in replacing incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent lamps: a) A fluorescent lamp has a power factor of 0.9; consequently it requires the supply of a reactive power of about 50% of its capacity. b) In replacing an incandescent light bulb for a fluorescent lamp, approximately 80% of its capacity is not supplied, this leads to the disappearance of a good deal of the user`s purely resistive load, that will cause that its natural power factor is decreased from 0.91 to 0.86 lagging. c) In decreasing the annual maximum demand in the distribution circuit in a greater proportion than the decrease of the annual consumption, their load factors and the annual losses will be increased and therefore the share of its annual energy losses will be increased in about 18.9%. The above, gives rise to the fact that the compensation of reactive power by means of the installation of capacitor banks in the main leads of the distribution circuit, turns out to be a highly appealing technical-economical solution, with a Benefit/Cost rate of 4, a return time of the investment of 2 years and a net benefit of $4.78/user (Pesos). [Espanol] Se presenta la propuesta para establecer en una forma paralela al proyecto FILUMEX, la compensacion en la red de media tension del incremento de la potencia reactiva suministrada al usuario domestico. Este es debido a los siguientes tres fenomenos que ocurren al sustituir los focos incandescentes por lamparas fluorescentes: a) Una lampara fluorescente tiene un factor de potencia de 0.9, por lo que requiere el suministro de una potencia reactiva de aproximadamente el 50% de su capacidad. b) Al sustituirse un foco incandescente por una lampara fluorescente, se deja de suministrar aproximadamente el 80

  5. Obtaining additional energy savings from the Filumex project by means of the reactive power compensation; Obtencion de ahorros adicionales del proyecto Filumex mediante la compensacion de la potencia reactiva

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cervantes Jaramillo, Enrique L; Loredo Gutierrez, Miguel Angel; Hernandez Hernandez, Eduardo [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper presents the proposal for establishing in a parallel way to Flamex project, the compensation in the intermediate tension network for the increment in reactive power supplied to the domestic user. This is due to the following three phenomena that occur in replacing incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent lamps: a) A fluorescent lamp has a power factor of 0.9; consequently it requires the supply of a reactive power of about 50% of its capacity. b) In replacing an incandescent light bulb for a fluorescent lamp, approximately 80% of its capacity is not supplied, this leads to the disappearance of a good deal of the user`s purely resistive load, that will cause that its natural power factor is decreased from 0.91 to 0.86 lagging. c) In decreasing the annual maximum demand in the distribution circuit in a greater proportion than the decrease of the annual consumption, their load factors and the annual losses will be increased and therefore the share of its annual energy losses will be increased in about 18.9%. The above, gives rise to the fact that the compensation of reactive power by means of the installation of capacitor banks in the main leads of the distribution circuit, turns out to be a highly appealing technical-economical solution, with a Benefit/Cost rate of 4, a return time of the investment of 2 years and a net benefit of $4.78/user (Pesos). [Espanol] Se presenta la propuesta para establecer en una forma paralela al proyecto FILUMEX, la compensacion en la red de media tension del incremento de la potencia reactiva suministrada al usuario domestico. Este es debido a los siguientes tres fenomenos que ocurren al sustituir los focos incandescentes por lamparas fluorescentes: a) Una lampara fluorescente tiene un factor de potencia de 0.9, por lo que requiere el suministro de una potencia reactiva de aproximadamente el 50% de su capacidad. b) Al sustituirse un foco incandescente por una lampara fluorescente, se deja de suministrar aproximadamente el 80

  6. Determinación mediante inmunohistoquímica de infección por virus de la fiebre amarilla y virus de la hepatitis b

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    Cecilia Morón C


    Full Text Available La inmunohistoquímica (IHQ constituye una herramienta para definir la etiología en el síndrome icterohemorrágico. Objetivo: Identificar mediante IHQ la presencia en hígado del antígeno de superficie de la hepatitis B y del virus de la fiebre amarilla. Materiales y métodos: Se incluyeron muestras de tejido hepático procedentes de 55 fallecidos por síndrome icterohemorrágico, remitidos entre enero de 2000 y diciembre de 2001 al Instituto Nacional de Salud, (Lima, Perú. Resultados: La prueba se realizó únicamente en 46 muestras, 33% (15/46 fueron diagnosticados por histopatología como fiebre amarilla, de ellos, 9 casos fueron positivos por IHQ para fiebre amarilla, siendo 2 de ellos también positivos para HBsAg. Histológicamente, se reportaron 6 casos como hepatitis con necrosis submasiva o masiva, que por IHQ fueron sólo 2 casos positivos para fiebre amarilla. En 39% (18/46 no se llegó al diagnóstico etiológico de la hepatitis, y finalmente hubo 2 casos con diagnóstico histopatológico de ádenocarcinoma hepático y sólo se obtuvo positividad por IHQ para HBsAg en uno. Conclusión: La IHQ es una alternativa para la confirmación diagnóstica de hepatitis B y fiebre amarilla.

  7. El estrés por temperatura provoca necrosis en tabaco negro; cuantificación por análisis de imágenes

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    Eduardo Ortega


    de imágenes ImageJ. Este programa es capaz de adquirir, mostrar, editar, resaltar y analizar imágenes. Se demostró que las hojas sometidas a 4 ºC, independientemente del tiempo de exposición, presentaron una mayor área necrosada (35% en comparación con el resto de los tratamientos. Las áreas con acumulación de H2O2 in situ fueron mayores en los tratamientos de estrés por temperaturas altas (45 y 60 oC. La detección y cuantificación de la necrosis producida por temperaturas extremas, combinando el método del azul de tripano con el análisis de imágenes, es una herramienta útil para valorar los daños producidos por estrés de temperaturas y pudiera ser utilizado para valorar los daños celulares provocados por otros tipos de estrés.Palabras clave: variedad-Habana-2000; especies reactivas de oxígeno; H2O2;; Habana-2000-variety; reactive oxygen species.

  8. Análisis armónico de compensadores de energía reactiva


    González Hernández, Jaime


    Desde la implantación de la generación y distribución de la energía eléctrica en corriente alterna, la energía reactiva ha sido un factor clave en el diseño y explotación de los consumos y redes eléctricas. El carácter reactivo (inductivo) que presentan, en general, los consumos y los elementos de las redes eléctricas han hecho aparecer a lo largo del tiempo distintos dispositivos y técnicas que buscan "compensar" ese carácter reactivo.

  9. Evaluación de la dimensión fractal reactiva de los glicinatos de magnesio, manganeso y zinc

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    Julie Fernanda Benavides Arevalo


    Full Text Available Introducción: complejos de glicina con los cationes magnesio, manganeso y zinc podrían ser parte de una formulación de un suplemento nutricional que proporcione una adecuada absorción de los metales en el organismo sin generar molestias gastrointestinales. Objetivo: realizar una aproximación a la solubilidad de los complejos de glicina con los cationes magnesio, manganeso y zinc. Métodos: se efectuaron estudios de disolución y análisis de imagen. Se realizó la síntesis y la verificación de formación de los complejos por espectroscopia infrarroja, calorimetría de barrido diferencial, análisis termogravimétrico y difracción de rayos X de polvos. Resultados: se obtuvieron por análisis de imagen los descriptores: circularidad, diámetro de Feret y dimensión fractal; esta última se relacionó con el proceso de disolución en agua, para obtener dos propiedades relacionadas: la dimensión fractal superficial y la dimensión fractal reactiva. Conclusiones: los resultados muestran que el proceso de disolución de los glicinatos, se realiza a través de los poros o grietas de la superficie de las partículas de estos y que son aptos para su empleo en formulaciones nutricionales como fuentes de magnesio, manganeso y zinc.

  10. Infección por Citomegalovarius con compromiso hepático en adultos inmunocompetentes Cytomegalovirus infection with hepatic involvement in immunocompetent adults

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    Claudia Vujacich


    Full Text Available Evaluamos retrospectivamente a 73 adultos inmunocompetentes que consultaron entre marzo de 1999 y marzo de 2004 a un centro infectológico ambulatorio por fiebre y astenia, con elevación discreta de las transaminasas y serología compatible con infección reciente por citomegalovirus (CMV. Excluimos a pacientes con antecedentes de transfusiones, adicciones e inmunodeficiencias, así como aquellos con alteraciones hepáticas preexistentes o con serología compatible con infección aguda por hepatitis A, B, C (VHA, VHB, VHC o virus Epstein Barr (VEB. El diagnóstico de infección reciente por citomegalovirus se efectuó mediante la detección de IgM específica (ELISA de captura, seroconversión o aumento cuádruple del título de IgG específica, en presencia de un cuadro clínico compatible. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron: fiebre (85% y astenia (83%, cefalea (25%, esplenomegalia (20%, adenomegalia (22%, faringitis (25%, mialgia (25% y hepatomegalia (19 %. Se encontró elevación discreta de transaminasas y linfomonocitosis en todos los pacientes (73/73. La elevación promedio de GPT fue de 6 veces y la de GOT fue de 3.5 veces su valor límite. Las características clínicas que diferencian la infección por CMV de la infección por VEB son la menor frecuencia de poliadenopatías y faringitis en la primera. El diagnóstico diferencial de la infección por CMV con compromiso hepático con las hepatitis A y B agudas se basa en la ausencia de ictericia, la menor elevación de las transaminasas, la linfomonocitosis intensa y la presencia de IgM específica que caracterizan a la infección por CMV. En conclusión, ante un paciente joven, previamente sano, con fiebre, astenia intensa, linfomonocitosis y elevación discreta de transaminasas, es importante investigar infección por citomegalovirus.We retrospectively evaluated 73 immunocompetent adult patients assisted at our Infectious Diseases Clinic between March 1999 and March 2004 who

  11. Proteína C reactiva plasmática en el segundo trimestre para predicción de parto pretérmino

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    I. Suarez-Torres


    Conclusión: Las concentraciones plasmáticas de proteína C reactiva en el segundo trimestre están elevadas en las embarazadas que posteriormente presentan parto pretérmino, pero no son útiles en la predicción de este.

  12. Infección por Hepatitis No A / No B posterior a accidente biológico en personal de enfermería: a propósito de un caso

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    Alexander Finol Muñoz


    Full Text Available Los accidentes por exposición percutánea, suponen aproximadamente un tercio de los accidentes laborales de los trabajadores de salud. Por categorías profesionales, la enfermería presenta la mayor frecuencia. Los agentes más importantes por su frecuencia y perjuicio son: el VHB, VIH y VHC. En la década de los 60 y 70, los científicos desarrollaron análisis de sangre para identificar hepatitis B (1963 y hepatitis A (1973, pero muchas de las muestras de sangre tomadas para detectar enfermedades producidas tras las transfusiones resultaron negativas tanto para hepatitis A como la hepatitis B. Caso Clínico: Mujer, 27 años de edad, profesional de enfermería en área de Medicina Interna, sufre accidente laboral tipo pinchazo con abbocath durante jornada del día 23/11/1989. Se realiza revisión de historia del paciente fuente y las respectivas pruebas confirmatorias, sin encontrarse datos de enfermedades transmisibles. Así mismo las analíticas realizadas en el enfermo y en la trabajadora resultaron negativos los marcadores virales para Hepatitis. 15 días posteriores, presenta clínica sugestiva de hepatitis. Se realiza analítica y seriado de enzimas hepáticas, evidenciándose hipertransaminemia y serología para hepatitis A y B negativos. Se inicia tratamiento médico; con buena evolución clínica y de laboratorio es dada de alta. Posteriormente en 1996, se realiza reconocimiento médico laboral, encontrándose positividad para VHC. En 2004 por antecedentes de accidente biológico, se localiza el paciente fuente, repitiéndose el control serológico, resultando positivo para el mismo virus, pudiendo ahora ser declarado como accidente laboral y enfermedad profesional, por demostrarse la relación entre paciente fuente y la trabajadora.





    La Resistencia Sistémica Adquirida (RSA) protege a la planta de una infección secundaria por patógenos biotróficos, necrotróficos y hemibiotróficos. La inducción de RSA ocurre en dos etapas, en una primera la planta reconoce el patógeno e induce las respuestas locales de defensa a través de cascadas de señalización que conllevan a la acumulación intracelular de Ácido Salicílico (AS). Esta acumulación induce el aumento de los niveles de Especies Reactivas del Oxígeno (ERO) y expresión de genes...

  14. Neutropenia Inmune - Aloinmune neonatal: IgG sérica reactiva y fenotipo específico de los neutrófilos evaluados por citometría de flujo Autoimmune-alloimmune neonatal neutropenia: Serum reactive IgG and neutrophil-specific phenotype detected by flow cytometry

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    Norma E. Riera


    Full Text Available La neutropenia inmune se diagnostica por la presencia de auto o aloanticuerpos reactivos con los neutrófilos. La neutropenia aloinmune neonatal es consecuencia de la sensibilización materna a los antígenos específicos de los neutrófilos paternos que afectan al neonato al atravesar la barrera placentaria. Se presentan 4 casos de niños, 2 de ellos hermanos consanguíneos con doble vínculo. Se estudiaron los sueros de los pacientes y sus padres. Por citometría de flujo se establecen los valores de referencia de la IgG sérica reactiva con los neutrófilos en voluntarios sanos, para 3 diluciones (1/2, 1/5 y 1/20 en reacción autóloga (suero y células de un mismo individuo y heteróloga (suero y células de diferentes individuos. Los resultados se expresan por un índice definido como el cociente entre la mediana de la intensidad de fluorescencia media del suero incógnita y la de un suero utilizado como referencia. Por leucoaglutinación se evaluó la dilución del suero 1/20. Se determinó el nivel de complejos inmunes circulantes. Se determinó el fenotipo, para los epitopes HNA-1a, HNA-1b y HNA-2a. En los 4 niños se encontró IgG reactiva y/o factores aglutinantes; 2/3 sueros maternos fueron reactivos con los neutrófilos del cónyuge y de los hijos. Los complejos inmunes circulantes fueron positivos en 2/4 sueros negativos en 3/3 sueros maternos. Se encontró incompatibilidad materno-infantil en los 4 casos. Las 3 madres tenían igual fenotipo: homocigotos NA1/NA1, NB1+. En síntesis, se presenta el hallazgo de 4 casos con neutropenia inmune: 3/4 auto-inmune, 1/3 se asocia a complejos inmunes circulantes y 1/4 con neutropenia neonatal aloinmune.Auto or alloantibodies reactive with neutrophils define immune neutropenia. Alloimmune neonatal neutropenia is caused by maternal sensitization to paternal neutrophil antigens, resulting in IgG antibodies that are transferred to the fetus through the placenta. We present the studies in 4





    La Resistencia Sistémica Adquirida (RSA) protege a la planta de una infección secundaria por patógenos biotróficos, necrotróficos y hemibiotróficos. La inducción de RSA ocurre en dos etapas, en una primera la planta reconoce el patógeno e induce las respuestas locales de defensa a través de cascadas de señalización que conllevan a la acumulación intracelular de Ácido Salicílico (AS). Esta acumulación induce el aumento de los niveles de Especies Reactivas del Oxígeno (ERO) y expresión de genes...

  16. Gabapentina a dosis de 300 vs. 450 mg como premedicación anestésica para hipertensión reactiva, ansiedad y analgesia. (United States)

    Rascón-Martínez, Dulce María; Guzmán-Sánchez, Joaquín Antonio; Corral-Urdapilleta, Nora Paulina; Arguelles-Uribe, Gema Damaris; Velázquez-Loeza, Jazmín; Soto-Palma, Gustavo; Carrillo-Torres, Orlando


    Observar el comportamiento de la gabapentina para aminorar la hipertensión reactiva secundaria a ansiedad y dolor en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftálmica, así como el consumo de opiáceos entre los grupos. Ensayo clínico controlado aleatorizado y doble ciego que analizó a 125 pacientes divididos en tres grupos: grupo A, gabapentina 300 mg; grupo B, gabapentina 450 mg; grupo C, amaranto en grageas como control 2 horas antes del procedimiento quirúrgico. Se utilizó la prueba de ji al cuadrado para variables sociodemográficas y ANOVA de un factor para variables numéricas continuas. Se consideró como significativo un valor de p consumo de opiáceos en los grupos que usaron gabapentina. La gabapentina por vía oral, 300 o 450 mg, 2 horas antes de la cirugía, reduce el dolor, la ansiedad y el consumo de opiáceos durante el posoperatorio en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftalmológica. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  17. Hepatitis isquémica Ischemic hepatitis

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    Marcos Amuchástegui (h


    Full Text Available La hepatitis isquémica es una complicación sumamente infrecuente de cirugía cardiovascular. Las biopsias muestran necrosis centrolobulillar. El término de "hepatitis" fue propuesto debido al aumento de transaminasas similar a aquellas de origen infeccioso, e "isquémica" por falla en la perfusión hepática. Posteriormente se definió el término de hepatitis isquémica como cuadro de elevación aguda y reversible (dentro de las 72 horas de transaminasas de hasta 20 veces el valor normal, asociado a trastornos en la perfusión hepática, luego de haber excluido otras causas de hepatitis aguda o daño hepatocelular. Se describe el caso de un paciente de 53 años que consulta por dolor epigástrico de 12 h de evolución sin fiebre, náuseas ni vómitos, resistente a la medicación. Tenía antecedentes inmediatos de reemplazo de válvula aórtica, y estaba anticoagulado. Evolucionó con shock y fallo multiorgánico. El examen evidenció marcada ictericia y signos de taponamiento pericárdico, asociado a un aumento considerable de enzimas hepáticas. Un ecocardiograma informó signos de taponamiento cardíaco y ausencia de disección aórtica. Se decidió pericardiocentesis, extrayéndose 970 cc. de líquido sanguinolento, y hemodiálisis, con notable mejoría de su estado hemodinámico. Los valores enzimáticos disminuyeron. Los marcadores virales fueron negativos.Ischemic hepatitis is an uncommon cardiovascular surgery complication. Hepatic biopsies show centrolobulillar necrosis. The term "hepatitis" was proposed because of a raise in hepatic enzymes similar with infectious disease, and "ischemic" because of failure in hepatic perfusion. Ischemic hepatitis was then defined as an acute and reversible elevation of hepatic enzymes (within 72 h, associated with disturbance in hepatic perfusion after excluding other causes of acute hepatitis. A 53 year-old male presented complaining of a 12 h epigastric pain, without nausea or vomiting, resistant

  18. Proteína C reactiva como marcador inflamatorio en la enfermedad periodontal

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    Víctor Martínez-Aguilar


    Full Text Available La Proteína C Reactiva (PCR es una de las proteínas plasmáticas que aparecen en la fase aguda de la inflamación. La periodontitis se relaciona con niveles elevados de PCR en adul tos y con una reducción de la misma después de su tratamiento. La diabetes, por otro lado, es una enfermedad que compromete la respuesta tanto inflamatoria como reparativa del organismo y los tejidos periodontales son particularmente sensibles a su efecto. La PCR por lo tanto, puede ser útil en el diagnóstico y en la determinación de progresión de la enfermedad periodontal (EP. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los niveles de PCR en pacientes con EP y pacientes con EP y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2. Se incluyeron 60 sujetos distribuidos en 3 grupos: 15 pacientes con EP (Grupo 1, 15 pacientes con EP y DM2 (grupo 2 y 30 pacientes sistémicamente sanos (grupo 3. A cada uno de los participantes se les realizaron pruebas bioquímicas: Proteína C Re activa (NycoCard® PCR, HbA1c (NycoCard® y glucosa en sangre. Para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad periodontal se siguieron los parámetros del 5° Taller Europeo de Periodontología. Para evaluar las diferencias entre los grupos se usó la prueba de Kruskal Wallis. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas al comparar la concentración de PCR en los 3 grupos (p<0.01, siendo el grupo de pacientes sanos el que presentaba el menor promedio (4.88±0.08 y los mayores promedios para los grupos de EP (5 .95±2.23 y EP/DM2 (5.21±0.20. Además se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0.01 en los tres grupos con respecto a la concentración hemoglobina, talla, IMC y PI. Los resultados indican que los niveles séricos de PCR se elevan en pacientes con EP y en pacientes con EP y DM2. Aunque se notó esta diferencia, existen diversos factores tanto locales como sistémicos que pueden potencialmente influir en los niveles de PCR y estos representan una limitación y dificultad al momento de

  19. Infección oculta por el virus de la hepatitis B en hijos de madres positivas al HBsAg

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    Marité Bello-Corredor


    Full Text Available La infección oculta por el virus de la hepatitis B (IOB, se caracteriza por la presencia en suero o plasma del genoma viral (ADN-VHB y anticuerpos contra la proteína de la cápside (anti-HBc en ausencia del antígeno de superficie (HBsAg, marcador que tradicionalmente se emplea para identificar la presencia del virus. Con el objetivo de caracterizar la presencia de IOB en hijos de madres positivas al HBsAg, se estudiaron 291 muestras séricas de niños con la condición de ser HBsAg (- y anticuerpos anti-HBsAg (anti-HBs menores de 50 UI/L, conservadas en la seroteca del Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Hepatitis Virales. Se realizaron ensayos para determinar la exposición al virus (anti-HBc, a los sueros anti-HBc (+ se les realizó Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa en Tiempo Real (RCP-TR para determinar y cuantificar el ADN-VHB. La prevalencia de exposición al VHB (anti-HBc fue 16,8% (49/291. El ADN viral se cuantificó en el 14% (6/43 de los casos anti-HBc (+, observándose cargas virales que oscilaban entre 2,15 x 101 hasta 3,42 x 101 UI/mL. La prevalencia de la IOB para el total de los pacientes analizados fue 2,1% (6/291, considerada relativamente baja. No se encontró asociación significativa entre las variables sociodemográficas analizadas tales como: edad, sexo y provincia de procedencia. La IOB está presente en hijos de madres positivas al HBsAg, a pesar de la profilaxis contra la hepatitis B. Por lo tanto, se requiere de pesquisajes adecuados para detectar dicha entidad. Las implicaciones clínicas y epidemiológicas de la misma, requieren de un estrecho monitoreo y atención de estos pacientes. Este estudio se realiza por primera vez en Cuba y aporta conocimientos útiles para el diagnóstico, prevención y control de esta enfermedad en niños.

  20. Factores de riesgo asociados a infección aguda por hepatitis B en población militar destacada al departamento de Amazonas, Perú

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    César Cabezas


    Full Text Available El Perú es considerado un país de endemicidad intermedia-alta para el virus de hepatitis B (VHB, con variaciones entre diferentes regiones. Existen pocos reportes del problema de infección por el VHB en personal militar. Objetivos. Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados con el desarrollo de infección por el VHB en un brote epidémico en personal militar destacado en Ampama, Amazonas, Perú. Material y métodos. Estudio caso-control en personal militar destacado al puesto de Ampama y a la base El Milagro, departamento de Amazonas. Fueron evaluados HBsAg y posibles factores de riesgo asociados a un incremento de riesgo de adquirir el VHB. Resultados. Se estudió a 123 personas, repartidos en 41 sujetos en cada uno de los grupos (casos, control 1 y control 2. 73,2% de los casos tuvo confirmación de infección aguda por el VHB (IgM anti HBc positivo y anti Delta fue positivo en 1/37 (2,7% caso. Ninguno de los factores de riesgo evaluados mostró una asociación significativa con hepatitis B. Algunos factores de riesgo con posible asociación fueron contacto con personal con hepatitis B (OR 2,3; IC95% 0,9 - 5,7 y mordedura de murciélago (OR 1,6; IC95% 0,6 - 4,4. Conclusiones. Los factores de riesgo clásicos asociados con la transmisión del virus de la hepatitis B no fueron significativos. El personal militar es un grupo en riesgo para infectarse con el VHB.

  1. Medición comparativa de la densidad urinaria: tira reactiva, refractómetro y densímetro


    Costa, Christian Elías; Bettendorff, Carolina; Bupo, Sol; Ayuso, Sandra; Vallejo, Graciela


    Introducción. La densidad urinaria se utiliza en la clínica para evaluar la capacidad renal de concentrar y diluir la orina. Se puede medir mediante tres métodos: urodensímetro (UD), refractómetro (RE) y tiras reactivas (TR). Objetivo. Evaluar la exactitud de diferentes métodos de medición de la densidad urinaria. Diseño del estudio. Transversal, comparativo, con recolección prospectiva de datos. Material y métodos. Se analizaron 156 muestras de orina de pacientes pediátricos, durante abril y...


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    Gabriel Oyhantçabal Benelli


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la trayectoria de la lucha por la tierra en Bella Unión, una región característica en Uruguay por la producción de caña de azúcar, a través de los movimientos de clase de sus principales protagonistas: los cortadores de caña sindicalizados en la Unión de Trabajadores Azucareros de Artigas (UTAA. El recorrido histórico hace énfasis en dos períodos históricos diferentes: 1961-1973 y 2005-presente. El primero va desde la fundación del sindicato hasta el golpe militar. Se da en un contexto de auge de la lucha de masas en Uruguay en el cual los trabajadores rurales se organizan en la UTAA levantando, entre otras, la bandera de la Reforma Agraria. El segundo período está marcado por la llegada al gobierno nacional del Frente Amplio, una coalición social-demócrata que reactiva la producción de caña de azúcar en Bella Unión. Este cambio supone una oportunidad para las luchas sociales que la UTAA aprovecha con ocupaciones de tierra favoreciendo un proceso de colonización para los trabajadores rurales. Sin embargo el acceso a la tierra genera nuevas contradicciones, y por tanto nuevos desafíos, por los cambios en la forma de subsunción del trabajo al capital.

  3. Una prueba de captura rápida de antígenos con tiras reactivas para el diagnóstico de malaria por P. falciparum A rapid dipstick antigen capture assay for the diagnosis of falciparum malaria

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    Full Text Available Los avances recientes en el diagnóstico de infecciones causadas por Plasmodium falciparum han permitido considerar la posibilidad de complementar la microscopia óptica con una prueba estandarizada de captura de antígenos con tiras reactivas basada en la detección de una proteína específica del parásito, que es segregada por los estadios sanguíneos asexuados y los gametocitos inmaduros, pero no por otros estadios. Los ensayos de campo indican que esta prueba proporciona resultados replicables con un umbral de detección de parasitemia de P. falciparum similar al obtenido con microscopia habitual de alta calidad para malaria y una especificidad y sensibilidad de alrededor de 90% en comparación con la microscopia habitual con extensión de sangre en capa gruesa. La estabilidad, reproducibilidad y facilidad de uso de la prueba indican claramente sus posibilidades de aplicación en el tratamiento de la malaria, particularmente en el nivel de atención de salud periférico, siempre y cuando se pueda garantizar su precisión y su costo sea módico. También debe considerarse la posibilidad de usarla más ampliamente donde lo justifiquen los requisitos operativos y los recursos y donde las decisiones se basen en una evaluación adecuada de los sistemas de prestación de asistencia de salud existentes.Recent advances in the diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum infections have made it possible to consider supplementing light microscopy with a standardized dipstick antigen capture assay based on the detection of a parasite-specific protein, which is secreted by the asexual blood stages and immature gametocytes but not by the other stages. Field trials indicate that this dipstick assay provides consistently reproducible results, with a threshold of detection of P. falciparum parasitaemia similar to that obtained by high quality routine malaria microscopy and a specificity and sensitivity of around 90% compared with standard thick blood film

  4. Treatment of chronic Hepatitis B virus infection


    Carreño, N.; Moreno, D.; Sangro, B.


    El tratamiento del paciente con hepatitis crónica por virus B (VHB) debe realizarse bajo el conocimiento de que el porcentaje de pacientes infectados por el virus B que desarrollan hepatitis crónica se mantiene entre el 5-10%. De ellos, el 10-30% presentarán infección crónica con replicación viral activa, lesión hepática necroinflamatoria, evolución a cirrosis hepática y riesgo de desarrollar hepatocarcinoma. Por este motivo la meta del tratamiento es lograr la negativización del HBeAg, la se...

  5. Hepatitis A, B y D en Chocó

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    Julio C. Padilla


    Full Text Available Se realiza una recopilación y análisis de la información epidemiológica existente sobre hepatitis A, B y delta en el departamento de Chocó en el período 1976-1993. En un estudio anterior, se informó una prevalencia de anticuerpos contra el virus de la hepatitis A de 85,7 por mil, en una muestra representativa de la población, con evidencia de transmisión en todos los grupos de edad; en la misma muestra, se encontró una prevalencia de antigeno de superficie de hepatitis B de 4,2/1.000. Se han detectado focos de hepatitisfulminante aguda por hepatitis delta en la región de Truandó-Salaquí, en el municipio de Riosucio, donde se encontró una prevalencia de infección por hepatitis B de 915/1.000 y una prevalencia de antígeno de superficie de hepatitis B de 200/1.000, El principal patrón de transmisión es vertical-horizontal. Los principales factores de riesgo de importancia en la transmisión en esa área son el hacinamiento, la promiscuidad, los grupos femeninos de 15 a 24 años y la evidencia de transmisión en algún miembro de la familia. En la zona rural de Quibdó, se han identificado dos focos de hepatitis fulminante aguda en las localidades de Bebaramá y Guarandó, encontrándose prevalencias de infección por hepatitis B de 74 y 85%. En un estudio realizado en personal de salud cuyo objetivo era identificar los grupos con mayor riesgo, se encontraron prevalencias de infección entre 27 y 33%; además, la prevalencia de antígeno de superficie de hepatitis B fue 13,3 a 13,6 %, principalmente en personal de enfermería y laboratorio. Finalmente, se plantean alternativas integrales de solución para hepatitis A y B basadas en actividades de promoción de la salud, medidas de prevención como la vacunación contra hepatitis B, la vigilancia y el control.


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    Álvaro Orjuela


    Full Text Available A partir de la sulfonación de un carbón antracítico de origen colombiano, se prepararon pastillas catalíticas con las cuales se empacó una columna de destilación semi-continua,  a la cual se alimentaron ácido acético y etanol, con el fin de evaluar experimentalmente la factibilidad de la destilación reactiva para la producción de acetato de etilo. El empaque-catalizador  se caracterizó mediante la determinación de la capacidad total de intercambio, titulación potenciométrica, área BET. Se realizaron ensayos con tres relaciones ácido/etanol para obtener los valores de conversión, concentración de destilado y fondos. El empaque de carbón sulfonado demostró capacidad tanto catalítica, con conversiones entre 29 y 45%, como de separación.

  7. Baja prevalencia de la infección por el virus de la hepatitis C en una población de reclusos, Maracaibo, Venezuela

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    Francisca Monsalve


    Conclusiones. La prevalencia de la infección por el virus de la hepatitis C en esta población fue baja, lo que evidencia la baja circulación del virus en el reclusorio. El principal factor de riesgo para la adquisición de la infección, al parecer, es el uso de drogas intravenosas.

  8. Factores de riesgo asociados a infección aguda por hepatitis B en población militar destacada al departamento de Amazonas, Perú


    César Cabezas; J. Jaime Miranda; Giovana Romero; Magna Suáre; Frine Samalvides; Juan Echevarría; Juan D. Valdivia; Walter A. Valdivia


    El Perú es considerado un país de endemicidad intermedia-alta para el virus de hepatitis B (VHB), con variaciones entre diferentes regiones. Existen pocos reportes del problema de infección por el VHB en personal militar. Objetivos. Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados con el desarrollo de infección por el VHB en un brote epidémico en personal militar destacado en Ampama, Amazonas, Perú. Material y métodos. Estudio caso-control en personal militar destacado al puesto de Ampama y a la b...

  9. Algoritmos para la programación reactiva de la producción: Aplicación a la industria cerámica

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    Gómez-Gasquet, Pedro


    Full Text Available In this work a predictive-reactive approach is applied for generating productive schedules and its application is suggested in ceramic companies that, following a traditional static approach, they need to keep this information as a beginning of its decisional process, in order to coordinate material delivering from providers, to carry out a close/fine capacity adjustment, transport planning, etc. but they also need to face unexpected changes adapting the initial schedule. Uncertainty is an aspect few times considered in literature despite of being present in most of manufacturing processes. In order to facilitate companies a new framework that allows tackling uncertainty, a new proposal aligned with a predictivereactive view and which can constitute a useful tool for this kind of companies is presented. Once the framework established, this contribution is focus on methods to deal with reactive phase, which is less developed in the scientific field than predictive. Specific contributions which consider characteristic setups from ceramic industry and others related to different environments are included. Obtained results illustrate a productivity improvement by applying simple methods.En el presente trabajo se aplica el enfoque predictivo-reactivo para la generación de programas productivos y se sugiere su aplicación en las empresas cerámicas que, bajo el tradicional enfoque estático, necesiten mantener esta información como base de su proceso decisional, para coordinar las entregas de materiales por parte de los proveedores, realizar un ajuste fino de la capacidad, planificar el transporte, etc., pero que, a su vez, necesiten hacer frente a los cambios inesperados adaptando el programa en curso. La incertidumbre es un aspecto poco considerado en la literatura a pesar de estar presente en la mayoría de los procesos de fabricación. Con el objetivo de facilitar a las empresas cerámicas un nuevo marco de trabajo que permita abordar la

  10. Detecção da encefalopatia hepática subclínica por espectroscopia cerebral Detection of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy by magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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    Gustavo Justo Schulz


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: A encefalopatia hepática é anormalidade neuropsiquiátrica comum em cirróticos e está associada com alterações típicas de determinados metabólitos cerebrais, como o decréscimo de mio-inositol e colina e o aumento de glutamina-glutamato, observadas na espectroscopia cerebral por ressonância magnética. OBJETIVO: Determinar os níveis dos metabólitos cerebrais em pacientes cirróticos para diagnóstico da encefalopatia hepática em estágios iniciais. MÉTODOS Foram estudados 25 pacientes com cirrose hepática, do Serviço de Transplante Hepático da Universidade Federal do Paraná, através de avaliação clínica (exame neurológico e testes neuropsicométricos e espectroscopia por ressonância magnética cerebral. A área espectral estudada por ressonância magnética envolveu a região occipital (substância branca e cinzenta. Trinta voluntários sadios formaram o grupo controle. RESULTADOS: A encefalopatia hepática subclínica foi diagnosticada em 12 pacientes (48%. Reduções significativas nos índices de MI/Cr foram observadas nos pacientes com encefalopatia quando comparados aos controles (0,49±0,10 vs. 0,83±0,13; P BACKGROUND: Hepatic encephalopathy is a common neuro-psychiatric abnormality in liver cirrhosis associated with typical changes of cerebral metabolite pattern, such as a decrease of myo-inositol and cholina and increase of glutamine-glutamate, observed by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. AIM: To determine cerebral metabolite ratios in liver cirrhosis patients with early stages of hepatic encephalopathy. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with chronic hepatic failure from Liver Transplantation Unit of the Federal University of Paraná were studied with clinical evaluation and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Localized magnetic resonance spectra were acquired in the occipital gray/white matter regions. Thirty healthy volunteers were also subjected to the same evaluations, making up the control group. RESULTS

  11. A cross-sectional investigation of autogenous and reactive obsessions and associated cognitive and symptom correlates in China

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    Li He


    Full Text Available La categorización de las obsesiones clínicas, autógenas o reactivas, modelo que ha sido apoyado por diversos estudios, puede representar un enfoque parsimonioso para caracterizar individuos con trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC. Sin embargo, la mayoría de estos estudios se ha llevado a cabo con participantes de países altamente desarrollados (por ejemplo, Estados Unidos o Australia. Ningún estudio se realizó en países menos desarrollados como China. Se hipotetiza que la naturaleza de las obsesiones autógenas y reactivas, así como sus correlatos, es generalizable a China. Este estudio transversal incluye tres grupos: una muestra de estudiantes universitarios (N = 1.701, una muestra clínica de pacientes con TOC (N = 158 y un grupo control clínico de pacientes con trastornos de ansiedad distintos del TOC (N = 88. El análisis factorial confirmatorio apoyó el modelo autógeno y reactivo de las obsesiones en población china. Las obsesiones autógenas y reactivas mostraron un patrón de asociaciones con correlatos cognitivos (por ejemplo, creencias obsesivas comparables al encontrado en la investigación previa. El presente estudio apoya el modelo de obsesiones autógenas y reactivas del TOC y sus correlatos en China, proporcionando evidencia adicional para la invariancia cultural del modelo. © 2013 Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

  12. A window of opportunity: declining rates of hepatitis B virus infection among injection drug users in Rio de Janeiro, and prospects for targeted hepatitis B vaccination Ventana de oportunidad: reducción de las tasas de infección por el virus de la hepatitis B entre usuarios de drogas inyectadas en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, y planes futuros en torno a la vacunación contra la hepatitis B

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    Sabrina A. N. Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To measure hepatitis B virus (HBV infection rates among injection drug users in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and to report their knowledge of and attitudes toward hepatitis and HBV vaccination. METHODS: 609 injection drug users recruited in Rio de Janeiro between 1999 and 2001 answered a questionnaire and were tested for hepatitis B and other blood-borne infections. Questions covered sociodemographic information, alcohol and illicit drug consumption, drug injection and sexual practices, medical history, and knowledge about HIV, AIDS and viral hepatitis. RESULTS: The prevalence of HBV infection was 27.1% , with 3.4% of the sample positive for HbsAg (active infection and 0.8% positive for anti-HBs (indicating previous HBV vaccination. Most interviewees (81.3% were aware of at least one form of viral hepatitis and received information from many different sources. In agreement with laboratory findings, 96.7% of the interviewees stated they had never been vaccinated against hepatitis B, but almost all unvaccinated interviewees (97.8% said they would volunteer to be vaccinated if HBV vaccination were available. CONCLUSIONS: Few of the injection drug users surveyed had ever been vaccinated against HBV. Although most were aware of the risks posed by viral hepatitis, this awareness seldom translated into consistent behavioral change. The participants' willingness to be vaccinated against HBV suggests that the implementation of vaccination for this population may help decrease rates of hepatitis B infection.OBJETIVOS: Calcular las tasas de infección por el virus de la hepatitis B (VHB en usuarios de drogas inyectadas en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, y dar a conocer sus conocimientos y actitudes en torno a la hepatitis y a la vacunación contra el VHB. MÉTODOS: Seiscientos nueve usuarios de drogas que se reclutaron en Río de Janeiro entre 1999 y 2001 respondieron a un cuestionario y fueron sometidos a pruebas para detectar la presencia de hepatitis B

  13. As bases experimentais da lesão por isquemia e reperfusão do fígado: revisão The experimental basis of hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury: review

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    Luiz Eduardo C. Miranda


    Full Text Available O transplante hepático tornou-se o procedimento de escolha para o tratamento da doença hepática terminal. Não obstante o sucesso da cirurgia, a disfunção pós-operatória do fígado enxertado ainda representa importante causa de morbidade e mortalidade. O restabelecimento do fluxo sangüíneo ao fígado recém transplantado impõe a ele nova agressão, agravando a lesão causada pelo período de isquemia. Este fenômeno pouco compreendido é conhecido como lesão por isquemia e reperfusão e envolve disfunção endotelial, seqüestro de leucócitos e agregação de plaquetas, lesão por radicais livre de oxigênio, e distúrbios da microcirculação hepática. Essa revisão discute os vários aspectos fisiopatológicos que estão envolvidos na lesão por isquemia e reperfusão do fígado.Hepatic transplantation has become the main treatment for patients with terminal hepatic disease. Whatever the success of such surgery, the hepatic dysfunction associated with liver transplantation is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Paradoxically, on restoring the blood supply, the liver is subjected to a further insult, aggravating the injury already caused by ischemia. This complex phenomenon is termed ischemia-reperfusion injury and involves endothelial cell dysfunction, leukocyte entrapment, platelet aggregation, oxidant stress and hepatic microcirculatory perfusion failure. This review discusses the physiopathlogicals mechanisms of liver ischemia-reperfusion injury.

  14. La Proteína C reactiva como predictor de la evolución de la neumopatía aguda comunitaria


    De Los Santos, Ernesto; Quijano, Ana Laura; Castrillón, Carolina; Grille, Sofía; Frugon, Fiorella; Mariño, Nicolás


    La Proteína C reactiva es un biomarcador sensible, específico y buen predictor del fracaso terapéutico de las neumonías. A nivel mundial hay posturas controversiales sobre su utilidad. En nuestro medio no hay estudios reportados al respecto. El propósito de nuestro trabajo fue intentar predecir la evolución de la neumonía aguda comunitaria (NAC). A todos los pacientes con diagnostico de NAC ingresados al Hospital Español durante junio y julio de 2012 se les dosificó los niveles de PcR a las 2...

  15. Prevalencia de las infecciones por virus de las hepatitis B, C, D y E en Bolivia Prevalence of viral hepatitis B, C, D, and E in Bolivia

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    Pilar León


    Full Text Available En Bolivia no se han realizado estudios específicos sobre los virus de la hepatitis, por lo que su prevalencia y patrones de circulación son prácticamente desconocidos. De 1992 a 1996 se realizó un estudio seroepidemiológico con el fin de adquirir una primera visión de conjunto sobre las prevalencias de las infecciones por virus de la hepatitis B (VHB, C (VHC, D (VHD y E (VHE en distintas poblaciones de Bolivia. Sobre la base de los datos obtenidos en otros lugares de América Latina, se prestó atención especial al estudio de las comunidades autóctonas de la región amazónica. En las zonas rurales del altiplano andino, la infección por VHB presentó una prevalencia general que correspondería a una situación de endemia media o baja (11,2% y no se encontró ningún portador de anticuerpos contra VHC o VHD. En dos poblaciones de alto riesgo de la ciudad de Cochabamba (niños sin hogar y trabajadoras del sexo, la prevalencia de infección por VHB fue similar (11,6% y podría considerarse baja en comparación con la de otras poblaciones análogas de núcleos urbanos en América Latina. La correspondiente al VHC (un caso positivo, 0,5% sería parecida a la descrita en esas mismas poblaciones, si bien el escaso número de muestras estudiadas no permite extraer conclusiones más firmes. En concordancia con observaciones anteriores de comunidades similares de zonas tropicales de Suramérica, en las poblaciones autóctonas de la Amazonia boliviana la infección por VHB es sumamente endémica (prevalencia general de 74,0%, pero no se ha detectado la circulación de VHC. Se sabe que la transmisión de VHB es horizontal y tiene lugar desde edades muy tempranas, pero se desconocen los mecanismos de esa actividad. A los 10 años de edad, más de la mitad de la población ya ha experimentado la infección natural que, 10 años más tarde, se habrá difundido a prácticamente toda la población. La tasa muy baja de individuos positivos al HbsAg (1

  16. Proteína C reactiva e gravidade da bronquiolite aguda

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    S. Costa


    Full Text Available Resumo: O diagnóstico de bronquiolite aguda é essencialmente clínico. A utilidade de exames laboratoriais, em particular do doseamento da proteína C reactiva (PCR, não está bem estabelecida.O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a relação entre o valor da PCR e os marcadores indirectos de gravidade em doentes com diagnóstico de bronquiolite.Foram incluídos no estudo todos os doentes admitidos no Serviço de Pediatria do HSJ durante o ano de 2006 e que tiveram como diagnóstico principal bronquiolite, tendo sido feita uma revisão retrospectiva do processo clínico desses doentes.Foram incluídos 176 doentes com idades compreendidas entre zero e 36 meses (mediana de 4 meses; 63,1% eram do sexo masculino. O doseamento da PCR tinha sido efectuado em 94,3% dos doentes, com valores compreendidos entre zero e 256 mg/L e com mediana de 11 mg/L.O valor da PCR, na população estudada, apresentou uma relação estatisticamente significativa com a admissão em unidade de cuidados intensivos (UCI (p=0,008, a duração do internamento hospitalar (p=0,025 e a necessidade de oxigenoterapia (p=0,022.Desta forma, este trabalho coloca a hipótese de o valor de PCR poder ser um marcador de gravidade e ter significado prognóstico em doentes com bronquiolite. Mais estudos são necessários para validar estes resultados e esclarecer se existe uma relação real entre as variáveis estudadas ou se esta é produzida pelo efeito confundidor de outras infecções.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (1: 55-65 Abstract: A diagnosis of bronchiolitis is made clinically and the use of supportive laboratory examinations, including the quantification of C reactive protein (CRP, is not well established.The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between CRP value and indirect markers of disease severity in patients with bronchiolitis.This study included the patients diagnosed with bronchiolitis admitted to the Pediatrics Department of S. João Hospital in 2006. A

  17. Seroprevalencia de infección por virus de la hepatitis B y por virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana en una población de pacientes con múltiples transfusiones en cuatro hospitales, Colombia, Sur América

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    Mauricio Beltrán


    Conclusiones. Este es el primer estudio epidemiológico realizado en Colombia con un número significativo de pacientes con múltiples transfusiones. El hallazgo más relevante es la elevada prevalencia de infección por virus de la hepatitis B y virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana observado en la población de hemofílicos, comparado con los otros cuatro grupos de pacientes con múltiples transfusiones.

  18. Papel de la proteína C reactiva en las enfermedades cardiovasculares

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    Fernando Manzur, MD., FACC


    Full Text Available La proteína C-reactiva (PCR, un marcador sensible de inflamación, es un predictor independiente de enfermedad cardiovascular futura (ECV, que es una de las principales causas de muerte en todo el mundo. El papel de la inflamación en esta entidad ha sido bien documentado en la última década, y se ha demostrado inflamación en todas las fases de la aterosclerosis, desde el inicio y el crecimiento, hasta la ruptura de la placa. La PCR es una proteína de fase aguda, altamente sensible como marcador de inflamación general. En estudios experimentales, se ha determinado la presencia de PCR en arterias que presentan lesiones ateroscleróticas. También se ha demostrado que, en forma directa, la PCR induce la producción de otras células inflamatorias y que disminuye la expresión de la óxido nítrico sintetasa. Es decir, desde el punto de vista biológico, la PCR participa en el proceso aterogénico. En adultos, la PCR, detectada con técnicas ultrasensibles (PCRus, se asocia con los factores de riesgo tradicionales y su concentración predice eventos cardiovasculares.

  19. Tratamiento actual y nuevas terapias contra la infección crónica por el virus de la hepatitis B


    Gallo E, Simón; Caraballo C, Cesar; Orozco M, Mateo; Muñoz, Octavio Germán


    Resumen La infección crónica por el virus de la hepatitis B (VHB) es un grave problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Sus consecuencias llegan a ser mortales y el tratamiento actual no ofrece curación sino control de la enfermedad. Las principales limitantes para una cura son la dificultad para destruir el ADN circular covalente cerrado (ADNccc) del virus en el núcleo celular y la presencia de material genético viral integrado en el ADN de la célula hospedera. No obstante, hay múltiples fr...

  20. Comparison of energy expenditure and closed-loop performance of thermal and reactive distillation sequences coupled for biodiesel production; Comparacion de gasto energetico y desempeno a lazo cerrado de secuencias de destilacion reactiva y termicamente acopladas para produccion de biodiesel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cornejo-Jacob, J.L [Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico); Vazquez-Ojeda, M; Segovia-Hernandez, J.G; Hernandez, S [Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Guanajuato (Mexico); Maya-Yescas, R. [Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    Biodiesel is the common name for fatty acid methyl esters, obtained by esterification (basic catalysis) or trans-esterification (acid catalysis) of vegetable or animal oils with alcohols, and used as liquid fuel. Production involves the reaction, under mild conditions, between the oil and, typically, excess of methanol. Traditional production of biodiesel exhibits some handicaps, such as the shift of equilibrium to fatty acids by using excess of alcohol that must be separated and recycled. As alternative, it is possible to integrate reaction/separation operations into a single intensified unit, a reactive distillation column, followed by a second separation unit. These configurations exhibit several advantages such as shifting equilibrium in the reactive region and, because of the thermal integration with the second unit, energy savings during products separation. In order to design these production sequences taking advantage of steady state knowledge (energy savings) and considering dynamic performance, this work performs a controllability analysis for six possible configurations; open-loop control properties, evaluated by single value decomposition, are probed by implementing PI controllers to the system. The reactive distillation column coupled to a stripper, without reboilers, shows to be the best option in terms of closed-loop performance and energy savings. [Spanish] Biodiesel es el nombre comun dado a metil esteres de acidos grasos obtenidos por esterificacion (catalisis basica) o trans-esterificacion (catalisis acida) de aceites animales o vegetales con alcoholes, y usados como combustibles liquidos. Su produccion involucra la reaccion entre el aceite y, tipicamente, exceso de metanol a condiciones moderadas. La produccion tradicional de biodiesel exhibe algunas desventajas como el desplazamiento del equilibrio hacia acidos grasos debido al exceso de alcohol, que debe ser separado y reciclado. Alternativamente, es posible integrar las operaciones reaccion

  1. Cuidados al binomio madre-hijo en el transcurso de la Hepatitis B.


    Gimeniz Galvão, M.T.; Gonçalves Vasconcelos, S.; Veríssimo Oliveira, M.I.


    La Hepatitis B es una enfermedad infecciosa grave, transmisible, cuya forma crónica es responsable de la cirrosis y carcinoma hepatocelular. La prevalencia de la Hepatitis B en embarazadas varía de acuerdo con las diversas regiones del país. La exposición perinatal puede ocurrir durante el parto, por la exposición del recién nacido a sangre o líquido amniótico, durante el pasaje en el canal del parto, y raramente por el amamantamiento o por vía transplacentaria. En el tran...


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    Héctor Urueta-Cuéllar


    Full Text Available Todos los organismos vivos están expuestos a oxidación debida a radicales libres (ROS, producidos por las células a partir de estímulos de agentes ambientales. En el presente trabajo se identifica, mediante estudios de genómica comparativa, la secuencia de bases de la enzima PTEN (Phosphatase and Tensin homolog ortóloga de maíz (Zea mays L. conocida por su función relevante en el mantenimiento del estado reducido de las células. Se encontró que esta enzima contiene las secuencias características del sitio activo de la enzima PTEN de otros eucariontes. Para corroborar la función de PTEN y su sensibilidad a los ROS, se analizó el efecto del agua oxigenada en el proceso de germinación del maíz y el efecto protector de la adición del extracto metanólico de semillas de tamarindo (EMT, con una concentración conocida de antioxidantes polifenólicos. Se demostró la participación de PTEN de maíz en la vía de transducción de señales PI3K-TOR, la cual es activada por la aplicación de insulina analizando su respuesta a esta hormona. Se encontró que tanto la insulina como el peróxido de hidrógeno estimulan en el maíz la síntesis de novo de las proteínas ribosomales, medida por la cantidad de [35S]-metionina incorporada a estas proteínas, además de tener un efecto mitogénico, como se constató midiendo la incorporación de [3H]-timidina en el ADN. Estos efectos fueron neutralizados por el extracto de tamarindo, dada su capacidad de restaurar la actividad de la fosfatasa PTEN, como se demuestra al determinar la incorporación de [32P]-ortofosfato en los fosfatidilinosítidos PIP3 y PIP2 (fosfoinosítido 3,4,5 trifosfato y fosfoinosítido 4,5 bifosfato. Los resultados indican que la inhibición de la enzima PTEN por agentes oxidantes puede ser revertida por compuestos polifenólicos como los identificados en extractos de tamarindo (EMT. Así mismo, resaltan la posibilidad de identificar por medio de bioensayos en el ma

  3. Anticuerpos anti LKM-1 y crioglobulinemia en hepatitis crónica autoinmune y por virus C de la hepatitis


    Jirón V,M. Isabel; Ardiles S,Adriana; Parra B,M Adriana; Orellana V,Juana


    Background: Anti liver kidney microsome antibodies (LKM-1) have been recently incorporated to the study and classification of chronic autoimmune hepatitis (HC-A1). The presence of anti LKM-1 antibodies and essential cryoglobulinemia is frequent in virus C associated chronic hepatitis (HC-VC). Aim: To study the frequency of anti LKM-1 antibodies and cryoglobulin levels in patients with HC-AI, HC-VC and cryptogenic cirrhosis. Patients and methods: Forty two patients were studied. Nineteen adult...

  4. Respuestas al estrés por calor en los cultivos. I. Aspectos moleculares, bioquímicos y siológicos.

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    Néstor Felipe Chaves-Barrantes


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta revisión fue integrar los mecanismos por los cuales las plantas responden al estrés por calor a lo largo del continuo suelo-planta-atmósfera, desde una perspectiva agronómica. Esta revisión presenta las bases siológicas del estrés por calor, para lo cual se examinaron las temperaturas óptimas y los umbrales de estrés por calor en los cultivos, las metodologías para su estudio, y las respuestas moleculares, bioquímicas y siológicas de las plantas a altas temperaturas. Se describe el efecto de las altas temperaturas sobre la estructura y el metabolismo celular, la respiración y la aclimatación de la Q10, la estabilidad de las membranas, la acumulación de osmolitos compatibles, la producción de pigmentos y metabolitos secundarios, la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS y enzimas antioxidantes, la producción de proteínas de estrés, y el efecto sobre la fotosíntesis y la partición de asimilados. Además, se discuten los cambios hormonales que regulan la respuesta de las plantas en el campo, su señalización y la aclimatación al estrés térmico.

  5. Freshly isolated hepatocyte transplantation in acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity model in rats Transplante de hepatócitos recém-isolados em um modelo de hepatotoxicidade induzida por acetaminofeno em ratos

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    Daniela Rodrigues


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Hepatocyte transplantation is an attractive therapeutic modality for liver disease as an alternative for orthotopic liver transplantation. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study was to investigate the feasibility of freshly isolated rat hepatocyte transplantation in acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity model. METHODS: Hepatocytes were isolated from male Wistar rats and transplanted 24 hours after acetaminophen administration in female recipients. Female rats received either 1x10(7 hepatocytes or phosphate buffered saline through the portal vein or into the spleen and were sacrificed after 48 hours. RESULTS: Alanine aminotransferase levels measured within the experiment did not differ between groups at any time point. Molecular analysis and histology showed presence of hepatocytes in liver of transplanted animals injected either through portal vein or spleen. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of hepatocyte transplantation in the liver or spleen in a mild acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity model.CONTEXTO: O transplante de hepatócitos é uma modalidade terapêutica atrativa para doenças hepáticas como alternativa ao transplante hepático ortotópico. OBJETIVO: Investigar a factibilidade do uso de hepatócitos frescos isolados de ratos em um modelo de hepatotoxicidade induzida por paracetamol. MÉTODOS: Hepatócitos foram isolados de ratos Wistar machos e transplantados 24 horas após a administração de paracetamol em receptores fêmeas. As ratas receberam 1x10(7 hepatócitos ou tampão salina fosfato pela veia porta ou no baço e foram sacrificadas após 48 horas. RESULTADOS: Os níveis de alanina aminotransferase medidos durante o experimento não diferiram entre os grupos em nenhum momento. Análises moleculares e histológicas demonstraram a presença de hepatócitos no fígado dos animais transplantados pelo baço ou pela veia porta. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados indicam a factibilidade e eficácia do

  6. Linking hepatitis C virus infection to pre-1994 blood transfusions in female patients

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    Christian Ramos Flores


    Full Text Available Resumen INTRODUCCIÓN La mayor parte de las transfusiones se llevan a cabo en mujeres. La introducción en los bancos de sangre de las técnicas serológicas disminuyó la incidencia de infección por virus de hepatitis C después de una transfusión. En México, las pacientes que se transfundieron antes de 1994 están en riesgo de presentar una infección por virus de hepatitis C. El objetivo de este estudio fue medir la asociación entre el antecedente transfusional antes de 1994 e infección por virus de hepatitis C en mujeres atendidas en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, México. MÉTODOS Estudio observacional, analítico, de casos y controles, en el que se incluyeron mujeres sanas y mujeres con infección por hepatitis vírica tipo C, en las cuales se determinó el antecedente transfusional antes y después de 1994. El grupo de casos lo conforman 150 mujeres con diagnóstico serológico y confirmatorio de hepatitis C, en tanto el grupo control son 150 mujeres sanas con serología negativa. RESULTADOS Se encontró un odds ratio de 9,07 (intervalo de confianza 95% 5,37 – 15,3; p<0,001, una proporción de casos expuestos de 0,72, de controles expuestos de 0,22, una fracción atribuible poblacional de 0,64 (intervalo de confianza 0,53 – 0,73 y una fracción atribuible en expuestos de 0,88 (intervalo de confianza 0,81 – 0,93. CONCLUSIONES En las mujeres, el haber tenido una transfusión antes de 1994 en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, representa un riesgo 9,07 veces mayor de infección por virus de la hepatitis C que no tener antecedente transfusional en esa fecha.

  7. Seroprevalencia de infección por virus C de la hepatitis en población reclusa del noroeste de España al ingreso en prisión

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    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Las prisiones españolas albergan un elevado número de personas con prácticas de riesgo para la infección por virus de la hepatitis C (VHC. El objeto de este trabajo es conocer la prevalencia de esta infección en la población reclusa del noroeste de España y sus factores asociados. MÉTODOS: Se estudia a las personas ingresadas en siete centros penitenciarios del noroeste español. Se recogieron variables socio-demográficas, penitenciarias y factores de riesgo para la infección por VHC. Se realizó determinación de anticuerpos frente a VHC (EIA e INNO-LIA HCV III, virus de la hepatitis B (VHB (EIA y virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH (EIA y Western-Blott. El análisis de los factores asociados se basó en regresión logística. RESULTADOS: El 47,9% de los estudiados presentaron anticuerpos frente a VHC. Destacó la mayor prevalencia en: UDVP (89,6%, los que compartieron jeringuillas (94%, los infectados por VIH (92,7%, los portadores de antígeno Australia (65,1% y de anticuerpos frente al antígeno del core del VHB (79,8%, aquellos con ingresos previos en prisión (60,9 %, los solteros (54,8 %, los gitanos (52 %, los trabajadores no cualificados (50,4 %, los que no habían obtenido el graduado escolar (50,9 %, los tatuados (66,7 % y aquellos con antecedentes de autolesiones (79,3 %. En el análisis de regresión logística las variables asociadas a la infección por VHC fueron: UDVP (OR=33,3; I.C.95%=25-50, HBcAc (+ (OR=4,1; I.C.95%=2,9-6,3, no graduado escolar (OR=1,6; I.C.95%=1,1-2,5, infección por VIH (OR=2,4; I.C.95%=1,1-5,3, edad (OR=0,98; I.C.95%=0,96-1,00, meses en prisión (OR=1,011;I.C.95%=1,004-1,019 y antecedentes de estancias previas en prisión (OR= 2,3; I.C.95%=1,5-3,6. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de infección por VHC en presos es muy elevada. Se aconseja potenciar las medidas preventivas (programas de reducción del daño y la elaboración de protocolos de seguimiento clínico-analítico de los

  8. Carcinoma hepatocelular, alcoholismo y virus de la hepatitis C Hepatocellular carcinoma, alcoholism and hepatitis C virus infection

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    John Jairo Orrego B.


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 64 años, con el antecedente de consumo excesivo de alcohol, quien consulta por dolor localizado en el cuadrante superior derecho, de varios meses de evolución. En la laparoscopia se aprecian cirrosis macronodular y una masa localizada en el lóbulo Izquierdo del hígado, previamente detectada por ecografía. El estudio histológico demostró un carcinoma hepatocelular. Los estudios metabólicos, Inmunológicos y sexológicos permitieron documentar solamente la asociación con anticuerpos contra el virus de la Hepatitis C.

    We report on the case of a sixty-four year old man who drank alcohol chronically. For several months he had suffered pain in his right upper abdominal quadrant. At laparoscopy macronodular cirrhosis and a mass 10-calized on the left hepatic lobe were observed; the mass had previously been identified by ultrasound examination. Histologic examination of the lesion established the presence of a hepatocellular carcinoma. Metabolic, Immunologic and serologic studies documented only the association with antibodies to hepatitis C virus.

  9. A look to the oxidative stress in the cell


    Zuluaga Vélez, Augusto; Gaviria Arias, Duverney


    La células de nuestro cuerpo son fuente de especies reactivas, las cuales, ayudado por una disfunción de las defensas antioxidantes, pueden atacar moléculas fundamentales, desencadenando desordenes graves como la neurodegeneración. En esta revisión se describen las especies reactivas como el anión radical superóxido, el anión hidroxilo, el peróxido de hidrógeno, el ácido hipocloroso, el óxido nítrico y el peroxinitrito, con fuentes como, la cadena de transporte de electrones y las enzimas mon...

  10. Anormalidades urinarias en pacientes adultos infectados por VIH

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    Luis Estremadoyro S


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de anormalidades urinarias en pacientes adultos infectados con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH y los factores de riesgo asociados. Materiales y métodos: Se examinaron muestras de la primera orina matutina de 61 pacientes seropositivos (Western-Blot atendidos en el consultorio externo del Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt entre noviembre 1993 y diciembre de 1994. Se determinó: osmolidad, pH, examen bioquímico por tira reactiva, proteinuria en 24 horas (para pacientes con albuminuria > o = 1+ y sedimento urinario. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 32,4 ± 8,1 años, 58% eran homosexuales, no hubieron adictos a drogas endovenosas y sólo un paciente era de raza negra. El 84% tenía SIDA al momento del estudio. Se encontró por lo menos una alteración en el 27,9% de los pacientes. El porcentaje de pacientes con incapacidad de concentración urinaria fue de 16,0% y de acidosis tubular renal 13,3%. Ningún paciente presentó proteinuria significativa, 3,3% presentó hematuria glomerular y 4,9% hematuria no glomerular. En ningún paciente se encontró glucosuria y se detectó leucocituria sólo en 3.3% de ellos. No se encontró ningúna relación significativa entre variables clínicas y las alteraciones urinarias. Conclusión: La frecuencia de alteraciones urinarias asociadas a daño túbulo inetersticial fue de 29,7%. La ausencia de proteinuria significativa obedece probablemente al escaso porcentaje de pacientes de raza negra y de adictos endovenosos. (Rev Med Hered 1996; 7: 108-112.

  11. Evaluación de la fibrosis hepática en la hepatitis crónica por virus C mediante la aplicación prospectiva del Sabadell's NIHCED score: Sabadell's Non Invasive, Hepatitis C Related-Cirrhosis Early Detection Score Prospective evaluation of liver fibrosis in chronic viral hepatitis C infection using the Sabadell NIHCED: non-invasive hepatitis C related cirrhosis early detection index

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    G. Bejarano


    Full Text Available Introducción: la hepatitis crónica por VHC cursa de forma asintomática desarrollando cirrosis hepática y sus complicaciones en un 20-40% de los casos. En estudios previos se ha demostrado que la fibrosis avanzada es un factor pronóstico fundamental. El método gold standard para la valoración del grado de fibrosis es la biopsia hepática. Nuestro grupo ha validado un índice predictivo, el NIHCED (Sabadell's Non Invasive, Hepatitis C related-Cirrosis Early Detection Score, basado en datos demográficos, analíticos y ecográficos para determinar la presencia de cirrosis. Objetivo: nuestro objetivo es el de evaluar si el NIHCED predice la presencia de fibrosis avanzada en los pacientes con hepatitis crónica por virus C. Material y métodos: estudio prospectivo donde se incluyeron pacientes con hepatitis crónica por VHC. Se les realizó una biopsia hepática y el NIHCED. El grado de fibrosis se correlacionó con el valor del NIHCED mediante curva de ROC y el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Resultados: se incluyeron un total de 321 pacientes (ratio hombre/mujer 1,27 con una edad media de 48 ± 14 años. La biopsia hepática mostró que 131 (30,5% no tenían fibrosis o era expansión portal, mientras que 190 (69,5% tenían fibrosis avanzada o cirrosis. Para un punto de corte de 6 puntos, la sensibilidad fue del 72%, especificidad del 76,3%, VPP del 81%, VPN del 63,7% y una precisión diagnóstica del 72,5%, con un área bajo la curva fue de 0,787 y un coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de r = 0,65. Conclusiones: el NIHCED predice la presencia de fibrosis avanzada en un elevado porcentaje de pacientes sin necesidad de realizar biopsia hepática.Introduction: liver disease resulting from chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV infection follows an asymptomatic course towards cirrhosis and its complications in 20-40% of cases. Earlier studies demonstrated that advanced fibrosis is a prognostic factor. The "gold standard" for the evaluation

  12. Técnica de biópsia hepática em eqüino por laparoscopia Hepatic biopsy in horses by laparoscopy

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    Luis Cláudio Lopes Correia da Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho experimental objetivou a avaliação do uso da laparoscopia para biópsia hepática em eqüino e o estudo das possíveis alterações clínicas e laboratoriais decorrentes de tal procedimento. Foram utilizados 10 animais, os quais foram submetidos a procedimento cirúrgico em posição quadrupedal, por abordagem pelo flanco direito, no 17º espaço intercostal, após jejum alimentar e hídrico de 36 e 18 horas respectivamente. A avaliação pós-operatória constou de exame físico diário e colheita de amostras de sangue seriadas. O procedimento possibilitou inspeção dos órgãos e estruturas anatômicas localizados dorsalmente à direita da cavidade abdominal, favorecendo a escolha do local de biópsia hepática. Não foram observadas alterações no exame físico dos animais. Os exames hematológicos e de função hepática não apresentaram alterações significativas. Concluiu-se que o emprego da laparoscopia para realização de biópsia hepática em eqüino é simples, eficaz e seguro.The purpose of this research was to evaluate the use of laparoscopy in obtaining hepatic biopsy in horses and to determine a possible clinical and laboratorial changes related to the procedure. Ten animals were submitted to 36 hours of fastening and 18 hours of water deprivation and then operated in the standing position, through a right flank approach at the level of the 17th intercostal space. Post-operative evaluation consisted of daily physical examination and seriated blood sampling. The procedure allowed for wide visualization of the viscera and anatomical structures located on the right side of the abdominal cavity, favouring the choice of the spot for hepatic biopsy collection. No changes were noted in the physical state of the animals and alterations in hemogram and hepatic function tests were not statistically significant. It was concluded that laparoscopy is a simple, effective and safe technique for obtaining hepatic biopsy

  13. Estudio del proceso de sinterización reactiva en sistemas con dolomita mediante termodifractometría de neutrones

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    de Aza, A. H.


    Full Text Available Due to their adequate time-resolution, high temperature Powder Neutron Diffraction applied to reaction-sintering process allows in situ reaction analyses and transient phase identifications, which otherwise cannot be detected by quenching and conventional diffraction methods. Bearing in mind that dolomite MgCa(CO32 is often used as a raw material in the synthesis of different refractory materials, in the present work, neutron diffraction time-resolved experiments were carried out during MgCa(CO32 decomposition and the first steps of the reaction-sintering process of MgCa(CO32-Al2O3 and MgCa(CO32-ZrSiO4 mixtures. The results obtained up to 1300ºC are presented and discussed to understand how these minerals behave during these first steps of the reaction sintering process. The activation energy for dolomite and calcite breakup was calculated from fitting to a contracting sphere model. Additionally, the dolomite mean thermal expansion coefficients were calculated along a and c axes from 25º to 700º C.

    La utilización de la difracción de neutrones a alta temperatura, aplicada a la investigación de procesos de sinterización reactiva, permite el estudio de las reacciones que tienen lugar in situ y, debido a su excelente poder de resolución temporal, la identificación de posibles fases transitorias de corta vida. Este trabajo recoge algunos de los resultados obtenidos durante la descomposición de la dolomita MgCa(CO32 y los primeros estadios (hasta 1300º C de la sinterización reactiva de mezclas de dolomita con alúmina (Al2O3 y dolomita con circón (ZrSiO4. Teniendo en cuenta estos datos se han establecido las secuencias de reacción, así como la formación de distintas fases transitorias en cada uno de los sistemas. Así mismo, se han determinado las energías de activación correspondientes a la descomposición del MgCa(CO32 y del CaCO3 en compactos de MgCa (CO32 puro y en las mezclas estudiadas. Adicionalmente, mediante

  14. Hepatite crônica por vírus C: Parte 1. Considerações gerais Hepatitis C virus: Part 1. General considerations

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    Vinício Paride CONTE


    necessariamente ausência de vírus da hepatite C no fígado. A associação de autoimunidade à hepatite C é questionável. Os marcadores imunes são freqüentemente detectados em baixos níveis. A modulação da resposta imune ao envelope protéico E2, após injeção de plasmídios DNA, tem sido usada para induzir respostas imunes específicas ao vírus da hepatite C. O espectro de tais respostas poderia ser ampliada mediante combinação de plasmídios, vias de administração e outras formas de imunógenos codificados (vacinas a base de peptídios. Tais estratégias podem vir a ser importantes, em breve, no combate aos altamente mutantes vírus da hepatite C. O papel patogênico dos novos vírus G e TT das hepatites está em estudos, porém é de consenso que suas associações com doença hepática ativa é fortuita.Hepatitis C virus was identified in 1989 as the main causative agent of non-A, non-B and was followed by the recognition of a high prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection after transfusion of infected blood or blood products and in association with intravenous drug abuse. The availability of sensitive and reliable techniques to screen blood for hepatitis C virus has reduced the incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis. True healthy carriers of hepatitis C virus did not exist. Aproximately 95% of hepatitis C virus infected individuals can be identified by third generation anti- hepatitis C virus testing. Retrospective studies of iatrogenic hepatitis C virus infection are the main source of the natural history of the disease. The distribution of different hepatitis C virus genotypes varies according to the grographic region. In South America, Europe, The United States and Japan hepatitis C virus genotypes 1, 2 and 3 account for the majority of the infections, being (subtype 1b the most prevalent. Epidemiological parameters (age, risk factors and duration of infection may be associated with hepatitis C virus genotypes (intravenous drug abuse with types 1-a and 3

  15. Veias do sistema porta-hepático em gansos domésticos Veins from hepatic portal vein system in domestic geese

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    Tatiana C. Santos


    Full Text Available A distribuição intraparenquimal das veias porta-hepáticas foi estudada em 30 gansos domésticos. Latex Neoprene corado foi injetado pela veia isquiática e os animais forma fixados por imersão e injeção intramuscular com formol a 10% e dissecados. O fígado esteve composto por um grande lobo hepático direito e por um lobo hepático esquerdo menor, os quais estiveram conectados por uma ponte de parênquima. O lobo direito do fígado teve exclusivamente vasos do sistema porta-hepático formados pela distribuição intraparenquimal da veia porta-hepática direita, enquanto que no lobo esquerdo estes originaram-se da veia porta-hepática direita e de pequenas veias porta-hepáticas esquerdas. A veia porta-hepática direita emitiu o ramo caudal direito, que emitiu um pequeno ramo caudolateral direito e um grande ramo caudomedial direito. Cranialmente esta veia emitiu os ramos craniais direito e ramos lateral direito. A porção transversa da veia porta-hepática direita cruzou para o lobo hepático esquerdo, emitindo de 1 a 6 pequenos ramos craniais e caudais para a região média do fígado. No lobo esquerdo, o ramo esquerdo da veia porta-hepática direita emitiu o ramo cranial esquerdo, o ramo lateral esquerdo e o ramo medial. De 1 a 6 veias porta-hepáticas esquerdas foram identificadas desembocando ou no ramo esquerdo da veia porta-hepática direita ou em sua porção transversa, oriundos do ventrículo gástrico e do pró-ventrículo. Em 40% dos gansos uma veia porta-hepática própria oriunda da confluência de vasos venosos da face esquerda do ventrículo distribuiu-se na extremidade caudal do lobo esquerdo isoladamente.The intraparenchymal distribution of the hepatic portal veins in 30 domestic geese were studied. Stained Neoprene latex was injected into the isquiatic vessels, and the animals were fixed in 10% formaldehyde by immersion and intramuscular injection. The liver of geese was composed of a large right and a smaller left

  16. ¿Es necesario investigar anticuerpos IgM contra el virus de la hepatitis A cuando el enzimograma hepático es normal? Is it necessary to investigate anti-hepatitis A virus (HAV IgM antibodies when the hepatic enzymogram is normal?

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    C. Coitinho


    Full Text Available La hepatitis por virus A (VHA es la más frecuente de las hepatitis virales en el mundo, especialmente en los países subdesarrollados. Donde esta enfermedad es endémica, se suelen realizar un gran número de estudios de laboratorio para confirmarla. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la utilidad de investigar anticuerpos IgM anti hepatitis A (IgM anti-VHA para el diagnóstico de la VHA en pacientes con niveles séricos normales de aspartato y alanina aminotransferasas (AST/ALT. Todos los pacientes que concurrieron al laboratorio con solicitud de enzimograma hepático y anticuerpos IgM anti-VHA durante el período octubre 2005-marzo 2006 fueron evaluados en este estudio. Los datos clínicos más frecuentes fueron presunción de hepatitis e ictericia (27,5 y 12,7%. La determinación de IgM anti-VHA se realizó por ensayo inmunoenzimático de micropartículas (MEIA; la de enzimas hepáticas en un multianalizador. De los 158 pacientes estudiados, 84 tenían valores elevados de AST/ALT; dentro de este grupo, el 82% fue reactivo para IgM anti-VHA. Los 74 pacientes restantes mostraron niveles normales de AST/ALT y solo 7 de ellos, bajo control de evolución por VHA ya confirmada, fueron reactivos para IgM anti-VHA. El 49% de los pacientes IgM anti-VHA reactivos correspondió a menores de 10 años. De acuerdo con estas observaciones, sugerimos que los estudios de laboratorio para confirmar infección aguda por VHA deberían realizarse en forma secuencial, ya que es innecesaria la determinación de anticuerpos IgM anti-VHA cuando las aminotransferasas séricas son normales.Type A viral Hepatitis (HAV is the most frequent viral hepatitis around the world, especially in low income countries. In order to confirm this disease, a lot of laboratory tests are annually carried out where HAV is endemic. Our objective was to establish the utility of investigating anti-hepatitis A virus (HAV IgM antibodies for HAV diagnosis in patients with normal

  17. Evaluación del estres oxidativo en pacientes con malaria

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    Margarita Zuleta


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    El estrés oxidativo se define como un imbalance entre la generación de especies reactivas del oxígeno y la cantidad de enzimas y compuestos antioxidantes.

    En malaria, el estrés oxidativo se presenta con la generación aumentada de especies reactivas del oxígeno como anión superóxido, peróxido de hidrógeno, radical hidroxilo y peroxinitrito; éstas son producidas por el sistema inmune del hospedero con el objetivo de controlar la parasitemia y directamente por el parásito intraeritrocítico, cuando en la vacuola digestiva transforman la hemoglobina en metahemoglobina. La producción de especies reactivas del oxígeno en malaria se ha demostrado por la peroxidación lipídica en eritrocitos infectados con plasmodium durante la fase aguda de la infección, determinada por métodos indirectos como el incremento en los niveles del ácido tiobarbitúrico en eritrocitos infectados o por el incremento en los niveles de malondialdehido en pacientes con malaria cerebral y por la disminución en la cadena de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados en los eritrocitos infectados.

    El estrés oxidativo en malaria también se presenta con la disminución de enzimas y sustancias antioxidantes como la albúmina, el tocoferol plasmático, los niveles de enzimas como catalasa, glutatión peroxidasa y superóxido dismutasa en pacientes con malaria tanto causado por P. vivax como por P. falciparum. El estrés oxidativo en malaria se ha asociado con complicaciones como la malaria cerebral, porque las especies reactivas del oxígeno están involucradas en el daño del endotelio vascular del hospedero y con altas parasitemias en pacientes infectados con P. falciparum.

    Papel de la vía de señalización de la insulina y mTOR en la infección por el virus de la Hepatitis C. Implicación en el desarrollo de carcinoma hepatocelular


    García-Valdecasas Merino, Marta María


    Introducción El virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) promueve resistencia a la insulina (RI) y el desarrollo de esteatosis. Al progresar la enfermedad puede provocar la aparición de fibrosis hepática, cirrosis y carcinoma hepatocelular (HCC). Los mecanismos moleculares por los que el VHC induce la RI no están del todo descritos, por tanto es necesario estudiar como la vía de señalización de la insulina es modificada por la infección. Además, la vía de señalización de la insulina activa la vía de...

  18. Utilización de los donantes añosos en pacientes trasplantados por cirrosis por virus C Old donors in liver transplantation for chronic hepatitis C

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    V. Aguilera


    Full Text Available Introducción: la historia natural de la hepatitis C recurrente tras el trasplante hepático (TH es muy heterogénea, existiendo un porcentaje no despreciable de pacientes con evolución desfavorable. La identificación de factores asociados con peor evolución puede ayudar a mejorar el pronóstico de estos pacientes. La edad del donante se perfila como uno de los factores más importantes, pero es una variable difícilmente modificable. Objetivos: a describir la historia natural de los receptores VHC (+ en función de la edad del donante ( 10%; c relacionados con la cirugía: tiempos isquemia fría y recalentamiento, duración intervención, número de concentrados de hematíes trans-fundidos; y d relacionados con el post-trasplante: inmunosupresión, analítica en el post-TH precoz (Background: the natural history of recurrent hepatitis C after liver transplantation (LT is extremely variable, with progression to allograft failure in a substantial proportion of patients. The identification of factors associated with this poorer outcome may improve results. While donor age has been identified as one of the most important factors, the actual options to modify this variable are limited. Objectives: a to describe the natural history of HCV(+ liver transplant recipients depending on donor age ( 1 during the first year post-LT, development of a cholestatic form of recurrent hepatitis C, and /or graft failure due to HCV during the first five years post-LT. Factors analyzed as potentially associated with recurrent hepatitis C included: a recipient-related: demographics (age, sex, pre-transplantation (hepatocellular carcinoma, Child-Pugh classification, history of alcohol, HBV serological markers, antiviral treatment, nutritional status, biochemical variables; b donor-related: demographics (age, sex, cause of death, grade of steatosis defined as minimal vs. moderate-severe > 10%; c surgery-related: cold preservation and rewarming time, duration of

  19. Programación reactiva en la administración de proyectos: aproximación conceptual y aplicaciones prácticas

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    Alexander Garrido


    Full Text Available Rev.esc.adm.neg La incertidumbre en los proyectos es usualmente un aspecto inevitable. Los gerentes de proyectos se previenen de ella gestionando oportunamente los riesgos conocidos en las fases previas a la ejecución del proyecto. Pese a estos esfuerzos, los riesgos no identificados o incontrolables pueden surgir durante la fase de ejecución del proyecto, lo cual afecta negativamente sus Indicadores Claves de Desempeño (ICD y el objetivo propuesto. Bajo estas circunstancias, el gerente de proyecto es forzado a responder a los riesgos incontrolables o no identificados. Una revisión de la literatura actual sobre administración de proyectos, no proporciona ninguna orientación frente al tema. En este artículo se estudia el enfoque de la programación reactiva a través de un proyecto real, como un modo estructurado de afrontar y medir el efecto de los riesgos incontrolables o no identificados en un proyecto y mantener la consistencia de su línea base.

  1. Infección simultánea por el virus de la hepatitis E y de otras hepatitis virales en Colombia y su caracterización genotípica

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    Dioselina Peláez


    Conclusiones. La mayor seropositividad se registró para las hepatitis A y E. La frecuencia de la infección simultánea con el virus de la hepatitis E y otros virus hepatótropos indica que este patógeno puede ser más frecuente de lo esperado. La circulación del genotipo 3a implica que esta enfermedad puede presentarse en forma de brote y de zoonosis en Colombia.

  2. Prevalencia de hepatitis B, hepatitis C y sífilis en trabajadoras sexuales de Venezuela Prevalence of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis in female sex workers in Venezuela

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    María I Camejo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: En Venezuela las trabajadoras sexuales reciben un control sanitario para la sífilis y el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH. Sin embargo, otras importantes infecciones de transmisión sexual no son evaluadas. Así, se realizó este estudio con el objetivo de determinar el nivel socio-cultural de un grupo de trabajadores sexuales y su relación con la sero-presencia de marcadores de Hepatitis C y Hepatitis B, en adición a la evaluación de rutina. MÉTODOS: Se evaluaron 212 trabajadoras sexuales, que acudieron al control sanitario en el servicio de infecciones de transmisión sexual, de la ciudad de Los Teques, Venezuela. Fueron entrevistadas en cuanto a edad, nivel educativo, uso de anticonceptivos y del condón. Se les tomó una muestra de sangre para determinar sífilis, antígeno de superficie de hepatitis B (HBsAg y la presencia de anticuerpos contra el core de hepatitis B (anti-HBc, virus de hepatitis C (anti-HC y VIH. Los datos fueron evaluados estadísticamente por Chi-cuadrado y correlación de Pearson. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia fue de 2,4% para sífilis, 0,5% para anti-HC, 3,8% para HBsAg y 13,8% para anti-HBc. Un aumento en la prevalencia de marcadores de hepatitis B se correlacionó con un bajo nivel educativo (pOBJECTIVE: In Venezuela, female sex workers are submitted to a preventive control of syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV. However, other very important sexually transmitted infections are not evaluated. A study was carried out to identify the sociocultural background of a group of sex workers and its association with the seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C markers, in addition to routine evaluation. METHOD: A total of 212 female sex workers who attended the control center of sexually transmitted infections (STI in the city of Los Teques, Venezuela, were evaluated. Women were asked their age, educational background, use of contraceptive methods and condoms. Blood was drawn to determine the prevalence

  3. Obtención de mapas de curvas residuales para la síntesis de acetato de butilo

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    Álvaro Orjuela Londoño


    Full Text Available Es este trabajo se adelantó un estudio en la escala de laboratorio de la síntesis acetato de n-butilo en fase líquida (P atm = 560 mmHg, en operación simultánea de reacción y destilación (destilación reactiva batch, utilizando una resina de intercambio catiónico (Lewatit K-2431 como catalizador. Por medio de la construcción experimental de curvas residuales, utilizando diferentes cargas de catalizador, se determinaron las condiciones para las cuales la operación esta limitada por el equilibrio químico de la reacción (régimen de equilibrio y no por efectos cinéticos (régimen cinético. Finalmente, se estableció la factibilidad de implementación del proceso de esterificación a través de un arreglo de reacción-separación simultanea. En dicho proceso se podrIa obtener el acetato de n-butilo puro como producto de fondos de una columna de destilación reactiva, sobrepasando las limitantes de conversión del sistema reactivo.

  4. Hepatocyte growth factor and chronic hepatitis C Factor de crecimiento hepatocitario y hepatitis crónica C

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    E. Marín-Serrano


    Full Text Available Objective: the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF is a pleiotropic cytokine produced by hepatic stellate cells and implicated in liver regeneration and fibrosis. Serum levels of HGF vary in liver diseases, reflecting hepatic damage and hepatocellular dysfunction. In this study, serum levels of HGF and the relationship between HGF and biochemical, histological and virological data, have been analysed in patients suffering from chronic hepatitis C (CHC. Patients and methods: serum HGF concentration was measured by ELISA in sandwich in 45 patients with CHC. Correlation between HGF levels and histological (necroinflammatory activity and fibrosis score and biochemical (transaminases, prothrombin activity, albumin, bilirubin, or virological (hepatitis C virus load parameters was analyzed. Serum HGF concentration was also studied in a subgroup of the original sample treated with interferon and ribavirin. Results: serum HGF concentrations of patients with CHC were significantly higher than those detected in healthy controls. Patients with significant fibrosis (F ≥ 2 had a significantly older age, lower count of platelets and higher values of AST, GGT and HGF, than those patients with a fibrosis score F Objetivo: el factor de crecimiento hepatocitario (HGF es una citocina pleiotrópica producida por las células estrelladas hepáticas, que está implicada en la regeneración y la fibrosis hepática. La concentración sérica del HGF en las enfermedades hepáticas es variable, reflejando daño hepático y disfunción hepatocelular. En este estudio se ha analizado la concentración sérica del HGF en pacientes con hepatitis crónica por virus de la hepatitis C (VHC y su relación con los datos bioquímicos, histológicos y virológicos. Pacientes y métodos: se determinó la concentración sérica de HGF mediante ELISA en sándwich y se analizó la correlación entre los niveles del HGF y los datos histológicos (actividad necroinflamatoria, estadio de

  5. Selección de los parámetros técnicos de los compensadores escalonados de potencia reactiva a nivel global; Selection of the technical parameters for the staggered compensators of reactive power at global level

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    Davel Borges Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available En los sistemas eléctricos industriales es muy frecuente la existencia de cargas variables. La compensacióndel factor de potencia en la mayoría de estos casos, se realiza por medio de dispositivos compensadoresestáticos que proporcionan una potencia reactiva diferente en función de las necesidades de los receptoresdel sistema.  Tales pueden ser: de compensación continua o de compensación discreta o escalonada.Estos últimos han sido ampliamente difundidos por sus ventajas. Sin embargo, los criterios para laselección de los parámetros técnicos del dispositivo, no siempre han sido adecuados. En el trabajo sepresenta un procedimiento a la hora de seleccionar dichos parámetros a nivel global en los mayormenteconocidos como compensadores automáticos del factor de potencia. Paralelamente se discute un ejemploreal de aplicación al sistema eléctrico de un pequeño taller de producción.  TIn the industrial electric systems it is very frequent the existence of variables loads. The power factorcompensation in most of these cases is carried out by means of static compensations devises thatprovide a different reactive power in function of the load demands.  Such they can be: of continuouscompensation or of discreet or staggered compensation. These last ones have been broadly diffused bytheir advantages. However, the approaches for the selection of the technical parameters they have notalways been adapted. A procedure is presented when selecting these parameters at global level in themostly well-known ones as automatic compensators of power factor. At the same time, a real example ofapplication is discusses to the electric system of a small production shop.

  6. Infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C em gestantes em Mato Grosso do Sul, 2005-2007 Infección por el virus de la hepatitis C en gestantes en Mato Grosso do Sul, Centro-Oeste de Brasil, 2005-2007 Hepatitis C virus infection among pregnant women in Central-Western Brazil, 2005-2007

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    Clarice Souza Pinto


    Full Text Available O estudo teve por objetivo estimar a prevalência da infecção e genótipo do vírus da hepatite C (HCV, bem como determinar a subnotificação de casos. O total de 115.386 gestantes atendidas pelo Programa Estadual de Proteção à Gestante de Mato Grosso do Sul foi submetido à coleta de sangue para a detecção de anti-HCV, de 2005 a 2007. A prevalência da infecção pelo HCV foi de 1,07 casos/1.000. As amostras positivas foram submetidas à detecção do HCV-RNA e genotipadas. O genótipo 1 foi encontrado em 73% das amostras, 24,3% pertenciam ao genótipo 3 e 2,7% ao genótipo 2. A subnotificação de casos de hepatite C foi de 35,5%.El estudio tuvo por objetivo estimar la prevalencia de la infección y genotipo del virus de la hepatitis C (HCV, así como determinar la subnotificación de casos. El total de 115.386 gestantes atendidas por el Programa Estatal de Protección a la Gestante de Mato Grosso do Sul (Centro-Oeste de Brasil fueron sometidas a la colecta de sangre para la detección de anti-HCV, de 2005 a 2007. La prevalencia de la infección por el HCV fue de 1,07 casos/1000. Las muestras positivas fueron sometidas a la detección del HCV-RNA y genotipadas. El genotipo 1 fue encontrado en 73% de las muestras, 24,3% pertenecían al genotipo 3 y 2,7% al genotipo 2. La subnotificación de casos de hepatitis C fue de 35,5%.The study was aimed at estimating the prevalence of infection with and the genotype of hepatitis C virus (HCV, and to determine the extent of underreporting of HCV cases. A total of 115,386 pregnant women seen by the Program for Protection of Pregnancy [Programa Estadual de Proteção à Gestante] of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Central-Western Brazil, were tested for anti-HCV antibodies between 2005 and 2007. Prevalence of HCV infection was 1.07 cases per thousand. Positive samples were tested for HCV RNA and genotyped. Genotype 1 was detected in 73% of samples, genotype 3 in 24.3%, and genotype 2 in 2

  7. Prevalencia de hepatitis B, hepatitis C y sífilis en trabajadoras sexuales de Venezuela

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    Camejo María I


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: En Venezuela las trabajadoras sexuales reciben un control sanitario para la sífilis y el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH. Sin embargo, otras importantes infecciones de transmisión sexual no son evaluadas. Así, se realizó este estudio con el objetivo de determinar el nivel socio-cultural de un grupo de trabajadores sexuales y su relación con la sero-presencia de marcadores de Hepatitis C y Hepatitis B, en adición a la evaluación de rutina. MÉTODOS: Se evaluaron 212 trabajadoras sexuales, que acudieron al control sanitario en el servicio de infecciones de transmisión sexual, de la ciudad de Los Teques, Venezuela. Fueron entrevistadas en cuanto a edad, nivel educativo, uso de anticonceptivos y del condón. Se les tomó una muestra de sangre para determinar sífilis, antígeno de superficie de hepatitis B (HBsAg y la presencia de anticuerpos contra el core de hepatitis B (anti-HBc, virus de hepatitis C (anti-HC y VIH. Los datos fueron evaluados estadísticamente por Chi-cuadrado y correlación de Pearson. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia fue de 2,4% para sífilis, 0,5% para anti-HC, 3,8% para HBsAg y 13,8% para anti-HBc. Un aumento en la prevalencia de marcadores de hepatitis B se correlacionó con un bajo nivel educativo (p<0,05 e incremento en la edad (p<0,05. No se encontró ningún caso positivo de VIH. La encuesta reveló que el 38,5% de las trabajadoras sexuales nunca utilizan el condón y un 25,6% de ellas no utiliza ningún tipo de método anticonceptivo. CONCLUSIONES: Es necesario implementar planes de inmunización de hepatitis B en este grupo de mujeres, así como campañas de educación sobre la importancia del uso del condón para disminuir la probabilidad de contraer infecciones de transmisión sexual.

  8. Prevalencia de hepatitis B, hepatitis C y sífilis en trabajadoras sexuales de Venezuela

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    María I Camejo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: En Venezuela las trabajadoras sexuales reciben un control sanitario para la sífilis y el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH. Sin embargo, otras importantes infecciones de transmisión sexual no son evaluadas. Así, se realizó este estudio con el objetivo de determinar el nivel socio-cultural de un grupo de trabajadores sexuales y su relación con la sero-presencia de marcadores de Hepatitis C y Hepatitis B, en adición a la evaluación de rutina. MÉTODOS: Se evaluaron 212 trabajadoras sexuales, que acudieron al control sanitario en el servicio de infecciones de transmisión sexual, de la ciudad de Los Teques, Venezuela. Fueron entrevistadas en cuanto a edad, nivel educativo, uso de anticonceptivos y del condón. Se les tomó una muestra de sangre para determinar sífilis, antígeno de superficie de hepatitis B (HBsAg y la presencia de anticuerpos contra el core de hepatitis B (anti-HBc, virus de hepatitis C (anti-HC y VIH. Los datos fueron evaluados estadísticamente por Chi-cuadrado y correlación de Pearson. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia fue de 2,4% para sífilis, 0,5% para anti-HC, 3,8% para HBsAg y 13,8% para anti-HBc. Un aumento en la prevalencia de marcadores de hepatitis B se correlacionó con un bajo nivel educativo (p<0,05 e incremento en la edad (p<0,05. No se encontró ningún caso positivo de VIH. La encuesta reveló que el 38,5% de las trabajadoras sexuales nunca utilizan el condón y un 25,6% de ellas no utiliza ningún tipo de método anticonceptivo. CONCLUSIONES: Es necesario implementar planes de inmunización de hepatitis B en este grupo de mujeres, así como campañas de educación sobre la importancia del uso del condón para disminuir la probabilidad de contraer infecciones de transmisión sexual.

  9. Counter-attack on viral hepatitis. [Hepatitis A; Hepatitis B

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prozesky, O W [Pretoria Univ. (South Africa). Dept. of Medical Virology; Jupp, P G; Joubert, J J; Taylor, M B; Grabow, W O.K.


    The most highly developed radioimmunoassay test system in medical virology is proving of exceptional value in research aimed at controlling and eventually eradicating the scourge of human hepatitis. The use of radioimmunoassay in detecting hepatitis A (HAV) and hepatitis B (HBV) viruses is discussed. The hepatitis A virus is an enterovirus which infects the gastrointestinal tract and is usually transmitted by contaminated food, milk or water. Hepatitis B spreads mainly by the parenteral rate. Bedbugs and ticks are considered as possible transmitters of HBV. Another important contribution of radioimmunoassay is the ability to monitor the immune response of persons at risk who are vaccinated against hepatitis B.

  10. Biópsia hepática com agulha tru-cut guiada por videolaparoscopia em caprinos Videolaparoscopic guided hepatic biopsy with tru-cut needle in goats

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    A.L.L. Duarte


    Full Text Available Descreve-se a técnica de biópsia hepática com agulha tru-cut guiada por videolaparoscopia em 12 caprinos machos, castrados, hígidos, sem raça definida, distribuídos em dois grupos (G: G1, com cinco animais de 12 meses e G2, com sete de seis meses de idade. O procedimento foi realizado sob anestesia geral intravenosa com o animal em decúbito lateral esquerdo. O pneumoperitônio e a laparoscopia foram procedidos no flanco direito, aproximadamente a 10cm ventral aos processos transversos das vértebras lombares. A agulha tru-cut foi introduzida no 11º espaço intercostal direito, a aproximadamente 12cm ventral à coluna vertebral, para punção e remoção de fragmento do lobo hepático direito. O tempo operatório médio foi de 23 minutos e cinco segundos. A hemorragia causada pela perfuração hepática cessou em dois minutos em 75% dos animais e em três minutos, nos 25% restantes. Nas avaliações clínicas feitas no pré-jejum e às 24, 48 e 72 horas após a biópsia, não foram observadas alterações (P>0,05 da temperatura retal, das frequências cardíaca e respiratória e dos movimentos rumenais nos dois grupos. A biópsia hepática com agulha tru-cut guiada por videolaparoscopia foi considerada eficaz para uso em caprinos, permitindo a obtenção de fragmentos hepáticos suficientes para exame histológico.The videolaparoscopic guided hepatic biopsy with tru-cut needle is described in 12 healthy, no defined breed, castrated male goats. Animals were distributed in two groups: G1 (n=5 12-month-old animals; and G2 (n=7 six-month-old animals. The procedure was performed with the animal in left lateral recumbency and under total intravenous anesthesia. Pneumoperitoneum and laparoscopy were performed in the right flank, approximately 10cm ventral to the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae. The tru-cut needle was inserted into the right eleventh intercostal space, around 12cm ventral to the spinal column, for punching and

  11. Simulación transitoria de una mezcla no reactiva de aire, combustible y gases de recirculación dentro de una precámara de combustión de un motor


    Mendoza Perez, Luis Daniel; Casanova Kindelán, Jesús


    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue predecir, en función del tiempo, los campos de velocidad, presión, temperatura y concentración de especies químicas de una mezcla no reactiva de aire, gases de recirculación y combustible (iso-octano), en una pre-cámara de combustión de un motor CFR, mediante la técnica de la simulación numérica de flujo de fluidos. Para ello se revisó el procedimiento de la solución numérica de las ecuaciones de transporte, aplicadas a la pre-cámara de combustión del moto...

  12. Presencia del antígeno de superficie del virus hepatitis B en donantes de sangre Presence of hepatitis B surface antigen in blood donors

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    Yarelis Prieto Hernández


    Full Text Available Introducción: la hepatitis B es considerada un importante problema de salud pública mundial, por su amplia distribución geográfica y elevado número de portadores crónicos. Objetivo: demostrar la asociación existente entre el virus de la hepatitis B con factores de riesgo como: edad, raza, intervenciones quirúrgicas, conducta sexual, tatuajes y tratamiento estomatológico. Material y método: se realizó un estudio longitudinal, aplicado y prospectivo en los donantes de sangre del municipio Sandino, en el período de septiembre de 2010 a agosto del de 2011; se les aplicó una encuesta epidemiológica y realizó el antígeno de superficie de la hepatitis B. La muestra fue de 1420 donantes. Resultados: se encontraron 18 positivos al antígeno de superficie de la hepatitis B, para un 1,3 %, predominó el grupo etáreo de 18-34 años (45,2 % y la raza blanca (60,2 %, el 80,7% no temían intervenciones quirúrgicas, en cuanto a la conducta sexual el 99,3 % heterosexual y los no tatuados predominaron con un 99,3 %. Respecto al tratamiento estomatológico recibido en el último año fue más representativo el grupo que no había recibido tratamiento para un 67,2 %, encontrándose diferencia estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones: hay una elevada prevalencia del virus de la hepatitis B en donantes de sangre de Sandino, no hay asociación entre la edad, raza, intervenciones quirúrgicas, conducta sexual y tatuajes y la aparición del virus de la hepatitis B. Por el contrario, si hubo relación entre el virus de la hepatitis B y el tratamiento estomatológico.Introduction: hepatitis B is considered an important public health problem all over the world, due to the ample geographic distribution and high number of chronic carriers. Objective: to demonstrate the association of hepatitis B virus with risk factors such as: age, race, surgical interventions, sexual preference, tattoos and dental treatment. Material and method: a longitudinal

  13. Uso de heroína inyectada y el riesgo de hepatitis C en tres ciudades de Colombia

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    Dedsy Yajaira Berbesi-Fernández

    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Introducción: La hepatitis C es uno de los grandes problemas de salud pública en el mundo, especialmente por su alta transmisibilidad por vía inyectada. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de la infección por VHC, y factores asociados en usuarios de drogas psicoactivas inyectables en tres ciudades (Armenia, Bogotá y Cúcuta de Colombia. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal en 668 usuarios de drogas inyectables captados a través de muestreo guiado por el respondiente, a quienes se indagó sobre características demográficas y comportamientos de riesgo. Se utilizó la prueba de Anticuerpos, tomado en papel de filtro y se confirmaron los casos de VHC, con pruebas de carga viral de RNA. Se estimó la prevalencia de VHC y los factores asociados con pruebas estadísticas Chi-cuadrado y se calcularon razones de prevalencia crudas y ajustadas con regresión logística usando RDSAT y SPSS. Resultados: La prevalencia de infección por VHC fue del 17,5% y se encontraron como factores que aumentan la prevalencia de hepatitis: tener VIH, inyectarse con otra persona portadora del virus, utilizar dosis de una jeringa que estaba compartiendo, inyectarse con una jeringa casera y consumir marihuana. Como factor que reduce la prevalencia, el adquirir jeringas en droguerías u otras tiendas. Conclusión: Se evidencia un consumo establecido de drogas por vía inyectada, poniendo de relieve la importancia de generar intervenciones para la reducción de daños y la prevención de hepatitis C en estas tres ciudades del país.

  14. Rat hepatocyte invasion by Listeria monocytogenes and analysis of TNF-alpha role in apoptosis Invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Listeria monocytogenes e análise do papel do TNF-alfa na apoptose

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    Sânia Alves dos Santos


    do hospedeiro e manipulação do citoesqueleto, resultando em morte celular. As interações entre células do hospedeiro e bactérias podem resultar em produção de citocinas como o Fator de Necrose Tumoral alfa (TNF-alfa. Hepatócitos têm potencial de produzir citocinas pro-inflamatórias como TNF-alfa, quando invadidos por bactérias. No presente trabalho demonstramos o comportamento dos hepatócitos invadidos por L. monocytogenes pela análise microscópica, determinação da produção de TNF-alfa por bioensaio e análise da apoptose pela técnica TUNEL. A presença da bactéria, na razão que variou de 5 a 50.000 bactérias por célula, induziu ruptura das monocamadas celulares. Observamos presença de bactérias internalizadas na 1ª hora de incubação por microscopia eletrônica. Os níveis de TNF-alfa aumentaram da 1ª hora de incubação até a 6ª hora, variando de 0 a 3749 pg/mL. Nas 7ª e 8ª horas de incubação, ocorreram quedas não significativas dos níveis de TNF-alfa, indicando possível saturação dos receptores celulares. A quantidade de TNF-alfa produzido por hepatócitos foi dependente do tempo de incubação, assim como da proporção entre bactérias e células. A taxa de apoptose aumentou diretamente com o tempo de incubação (1 h a 8 + 24 h, variando de 0 a 43%, assim como com a razão bactérias : células. Estes resultados mostram a habilidade de L. monocytogenes não-hemolítica em invadir os hepatócitos, e as principais conseqüências deste fenômeno são: liberação de TNF-alfa e indução de apoptose. Assim, podemos especular que hepatócitos usam apoptose induzida por TNF-alfa para liberar bactérias de seu interior, facilitando a destruição destas pelo sistema imune.

  15. Feature Hepatitis: Hepatitis Can Strike Anyone (United States)

    ... Navigation Bar Home Current Issue Past Issues Feature Hepatitis Hepatitis Can Strike Anyone Past Issues / Spring 2009 Table ... from all walks of life are affected by hepatitis, especially hepatitis C, the most common form of ...

  16. Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Disease Type 1 (von Gierke) Hemochromatosis Hepatic Encephalopathy Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy ( ... Disease Type 1 (von Gierke) Hemochromatosis Hepatic Encephalopathy Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy ( ...

  17. Chronic hepatitis C treatment in a cystic fibrosis patient in the pulmonary pre-transplant stage Tratamiento de hepatitis crónica C en un paciente con fibrosis quística en situación de pretrasplante pulmonar

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    L. Adán Merino


    Full Text Available The standard treatment of chronic hepatitis C, pegylated interferon and ribavirin (pegI/R, has many limitations in both effectiveness and secondary effects, which makes it unsuitable or even contraindicated for some patients. In hepatitis C virus-infected cystic fibrosis patients this treatment could increase respiratory infections with subsequent pulmonary function deterioration. On the contrary, hepatitis C virus (HCV infection may make lung transplant (LT unfeasible. We present the case of a cystic fibrosis-young man diagnosed with HCV infection during LT assessment who was treated with pegI/R. In spite of the lung function worsening and respiratory infections, he managed to complete treatment and even sustained virological response (SVR. At present he is on LT waiting list.El tratamiento estándar de la hepatitis crónica C, interferón pegilado (INF-peg y ribavirina (RBV, puede ser inadecuado o incluso estar contraindicado en algunos pacientes debido a sus limitaciones en cuanto a eficacia y efectos adversos. En pacientes con fibrosis quística infectados por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC el tratamiento antiviral podría aumentar las infecciones respiratorias con el consiguiente empeoramiento de la función pulmonar. Por contra, la infección por VHC podría desestimar a estos pacientes para un necesario trasplante pulmonar. Presentamos el caso de un varón con fibrosis quística diagnosticado de infección VHC durante su evaluación previa al trasplante pulmonar. El paciente fue tratado con INF-peg y RBV. A pesar del empeoramiento en la función pulmonar y numerosas infecciones respiratorias intercurrentes, logró completar el tratamiento y obtener respuesta viral sostenida, encontrándose actualmente en lista de espera.

  18. Anti-HBc testing for blood donations in areas with intermediate hepatitis B endemicity Detección de anticuerpos anti-HBc en sangre donada en lugares donde la hepatitis B tiene endemicidad intermedia

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    Celina Maria Turchi Martelli


    Full Text Available En otros estudios se ha evaluado el menor riesgo de infecciones transmitidas por transfusión sanguínea que acarrea el tamizaje de anticuerpos contra los antígenos nucleares de la hepatitis B (anti-HBc, sumado a la prueba detectora de antígenos de superficie (HbsAg. No obstante, la mayoría de estos estudios se basaron en datos procedentes de zonas con baja endemicidad por hepatitis B o de bancos de sangre de países desarrollados, donde la mayoría de la sangre proviene de personas que han donado previamente. A fin de examinar los pros y los contras del tamizaje de anticuerpos anti-HBc en el Brasil, los autores describen los antecedentes y la interpretación de las pruebas de tamizaje para prevenir la hepatitis postransfusión. También presentan los datos sobre el tamizaje de la hepatitis B en todas las regiones del Brasil. No hay pruebas suficientes para suspender el tamizaje de los anticuerpos anti-HBc en el país. Debe darse alta prioridad a comparar el costo-efectividad de un marcador basado en la biología molecular con el de la actual prueba detectora de anticuerpos anti-HBc aplicada comúnmente, a fin de mejorar las medidas de tamizaje que garantizan la inocuidad de la sangre.

  19. Utilidad de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en el diagnóstico de infección congénita por citomegalovirus: a propósito de un caso de meningitis aséptica

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    Yolanda Cifuentes-Cifuentes

    Full Text Available Se informa del caso de un recién nacido que presentó trombocitopenia, hematuria y proteinuria. En el líquido cefalorraquídeo tenía aumento de proteínas y leucocitos, VDRL no reactiva. La madre tenía historia de sífilis gestacional. Las determinaciones de IgM para citomegalovirus, rubéola, Toxoplasma , herpes i y ii fueron negativas por lo que se consideró caso de sífilis congénita con compromiso de sistema nervioso central. Por persistir la trombocitopenia después del tratamiento, se tomó muestra de sangre para PCR para citomegalovirus, encontrándose 181.171 copias/ml. Se dio tratamiento con ganciclovir intravenoso 12 mg/kg de peso durante 21 días y solución al 10% de inmunoglobulina humana hiperinmune para citomegalovirus administrada así: 4 ml/kg de peso los días 0, 4 y 8, seguido de 2 ml/kg de peso los días 12 y 16. La evolución fue satisfactoria. Se evidenció la utilidad de PCR en el diagnóstico de infección congénita por citomegalovirus.

  20. Higiene alimentaria para la prevención de trastornos digestivos infecciosos y por toxinas

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    G. Manuel Moreno, Dr.


    Full Text Available El principal factor que interviene en el origen y prevención de las enfermedades trasmitidas por los alimentos es la higiene alimentaria. Dichas enfermedades son causadas por la ingestión de alimentos o agua contaminados con microorganismos patógenos ocasionando una infección o por la ingestión de alimentos contaminados con toxinas. Los principales agentes involucrados son Escherichia Coli, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Listeria Monocytogenes, Norovirus, virus Hepatitis A, Astrovirus, Rotavirus, y Virus Coxsackie. Toxinas producidas por hongos o por microflora marina y los contaminantes orgánicos persistentes pueden también causar serios problemas de salud. La inocuidad alimentaría ha tomado relevancia debido a una mayor exigencia por consumidores cada día más informados y por las demandas del comercio exterior. Medidas que aseguren una adecuada higiene alimentaría nos permitirá prevenir enfermedades, principalmente digestivas, causadas por variados agentes en los alimentos. Esto se logra por la implementación de las medidas propuestas por la Comisión Internacional conocida como Codex Alimentarius.

  1. Hepatitis C (United States)

    ... Workshops Follow Us Home Health Information Liver Disease Hepatitis (Viral) Hepatitis C Related Topics English English Español Section Navigation Hepatitis (Viral) What Is Viral Hepatitis? Hepatitis A Hepatitis B ...

  2. Determinación del contenido de alúmina reactiva de las adiciones puzolánicas naturales y artificiales, por termogravimetría y por el método de Rietveld


    Trusilewicz, Lidia Natalia


    Tanto el tema de esta investigación, como sus objetivos, fundamentos, materiales seleccionados y parte experimental para alcanzarlos, han sido promovidos por la situación y el estado de las construcciones de hormigón armado que se comenzaron a realizar en España a partir del año 1975, con hormigones y morteros de cemento que contenían cenizas volantes hasta un 20 %, en principio, y hasta un 35 %, más tarde, de su dosificación de cemento Portland (CP), los cuales y en contra de lo esperado, ha...

  3. Hepatic cirrhosis in a red-foot tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria): a case report


    Guedes,R.M.C.; Lavalle,G.E.


    Um jabuti (Geochelone carbonaria) de 30 anos de idade foi encaminhado ao setor de patologia para exame post mortem. À necropsia, foi observada ascite acentuada. O fígado apresentava-se diminuído de volume e com vários nódulos firmes entre 0.3 e 1.0 cm de diâmetro distribuídos por todo o órgão. À microscopia, esses nódulos eram constituídos externamente por espessa camada de tecido conjuntivo fibroso envolvendo hepatócitos dilatados e vacuolizados na sua porção central. A cirrose conseqüente à...

  4. Hepatitis A through E (Viral Hepatitis) (United States)

    ... Treatment Eating, Diet, & Nutrition Clinical Trials Wilson Disease Hepatitis (Viral) View or Print All Sections What is Viral Hepatitis? Viral hepatitis is an infection that causes liver inflammation ...

  5. Hepatitis B reactivation and current clinical impact Reactivación de la hepatitis B y su impacto clínico actual

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    B. Álvarez Suárez


    Full Text Available Hepatitis B virus (HBV reactivation results from increased viral replication in inactive carriers or patients with prior infection with HBV. Reactivation may occur spontaneously or secondary to immunomodulating or immunosuppressive chemotherapy. Reactivation may manifest with no symptoms but on occasion results in acute or even severe acute hepatitis. Prevention is the best management approach, hence HBV screening using serology should be performed for all patients undergoing any immunomodulating, immunosuppressive or chemotherapeutic treatment. Antiviral prophylaxis has proven effective in inactive carriers and in some patients with former infection with HBV undergoing selected immunosuppressive therapies.La reactivación del virus de la hepatitis B se debe a un aumento de la replicación del virus en pacientes portadores inactivos o con infecciones pasadas de VHB. La reactivación puede producirse espontáneamente o de manera secundaria a tratamientos de quimioterapia, inmunomoduladores o inmunosupresores. La reactivación puede manifestarse de manera asintomática pero en algunos casos puede causar hepatitis agudas e incluso hepatitis agudas graves. El mejor tratamiento es la prevención por lo que se debe realizar un cribado del VHB mediante una serología a todos los pacientes que vayan a someterse a cualquier tratamiento inmunomodulador, de quimioterapia o inmunosupresor. El tratamiento profiláctico antiviral ha demostrado ser eficaz en los pacientes portadores inactivos y en algunos pacientes con infecciones pasadas de VHB sometidos a ciertos tratamientos inmunosupresores.

  6. Reactividad y propiedades mecánicas de escoria de alto horno activada por álcalis

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    Escalante-García, J. I.


    observaciones de resistencia mecánica, la reactividad observada por mediciones de agua no evaporable y disolución química selectiva indicaron que la escoria es mas reactiva en presencia de NaOH. Las imágenes por Microscopía electrónica de barrido utilizando electrones retrodispersados confirmaron las diferentes reactividades y las propiedades mecánicas observadas.

  7. Riesgo de infección transfusional de hepatitis C en Colombia

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    Mauricio Beltrán


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    El virus de la hepatitis C posee un RNA de aproximadamente 10,000 nucleótidos y presenta gran heterogeneidad genética como resultado de las mutaciones que ocurren durante la replicación viral, razón por la cual circula en el paciente en forma de quasiespecies, lo que probablemente le permite escapar a los mecanismos de respuesta inmunológica y al tratamiento con agentes antivirales. Se conocen actualmente 6 genotipos del virus y se ha visto que las personas infectadas con el genotipo 1b tienen un nivel de viremia muy alto, enfermedad hepática más severa y una menor respuesta a las terapias antivirales (1. Este virus C es responsable del 90% de las hepatitis postransfusionales de tipo no A no B. (2. Entre 60-80% de los casos de infección por hepatitis C, el principal factor de riesgo hallado es la exposición repetida a sangre contaminada, otros mecanismos como transmisión sexual y vertical madre-hijo son menos probables. Los grupos de mayor riesgo pertenecen a aquellos expuestos frecuentemente a sangre como son; hemofílicos, drogadictos endovenosos y hemodializados. La infección por el virus de la hepatitis C, causa una cronicidad entre 50 y 80% de las personas infectadas y de éstos, cerca de 20% progresan a cirrosis que es la causa principal de transplante hepático. Entre 0.4 y 5% de los casos de cirrosis evolucionan a un carcinoma hepatocelular (3.

    La OMS estima 170.000.000 (3% de infectados en el mundo, pero estos datos son obtenidos de donantes de sangre, por tanto no reflejan la situación real de la infección en la población general. La mayor prevalencia está en Egipto con (17% – 26% (4. La infectividad para virus C en receptores de sangre se estima en 90% y la probabilidad de adquirir el virus vía transfusión, aumenta por

  8. Hepatite E Hepatitis E

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    Raymundo Paraná


    Full Text Available O vírus da hepatite E (VHE é o segundo vírus de transmissão fecal-oral com hepatotropismo confirmado, após o vírus da hepatite A. As grandes epidemias de hepatite das décadas de 50 e 60 na Índia foram causadas pelo VHE. Observaram-se surtos da infecção na África Central, América Latina, Oriente Médio e Repúblicas independentes da ex-União Soviética. O quadro clínico da doença assemelha-se ao de outras hepatites virais. Não há casos descritos de hepatite E crônicas. Cerca de 20% das mulheres que adquirem a doença durante a gravidez desenvolvem formas graves, com insuficiência hepática fulminante. Confirma-se o diagnóstico quando se encontra no soro anticorpos (método de ELISA das classes IgM (fase aguda e/ou IgG (curados. O imunoblot e o PCR-RNA podem ser usados quando necessário. Não há tratamento específico. O uso de imunoglobulina hiperimune tem sido aconselhado por alguns autores. A prevenção se faz pelos cuidados higiênicos e dietéticos habituais. Não há vacina eficaz contra a doença.Hepatitis E virus (HEV is the second most frequent hepatotropic virus transmitted via fecal-oral route, following closely behind hepatitis A virus. The great epidemics of hepatitis described during the 50s and 60s, in India, were caused by this virus. Epidemic bursts have also been described in Central Africa, Latin America, Middle East and in the independent Republics of the ex-Soviet Union. The clinical features of the disease do not differ from those reported for other viral hepatitides. There have been no cases of chronic hepatitis E reported. Around 20% of women infected during pregnancy develop a severe form of hepatitis which courses to liver failure. Diagnosis of hepatitis is confirmed when antibodies (using ELISA of the IgM class (acute phase and/or IgG (infected and cured are found in the serum. Immunoblot and PCR-RNA may be used as necessary. There is no specific treatment for hepatitis E. Hyperimmune serum has

  9. Activación linfocitaria en portadores del virus de la hepatitis B


    Rousseau González, Georgina; Collazo Borrego, Lucas Enrique; Borbolla Busquets, Elvira


    Se sabe que la evolución de las hepatitis virales agudas y crónicas de tipo B está particularmente relacionada con la respuesta inmune celular del huésped. Se caracterizó el estado funcional de los linfocitos T en individuos portadores del virus B y se estudió la activación linfoblástica en 13 portadores asintomáticos y 23 pacientes con hepatitis crónica activa con replicación viral y sin ella, determinada por la presencia del antígeno "e" en la muestra estudiada. Se analizaron las siguientes...

  10. Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Related Liver Disease Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Autoimmune Hepatitis Benign Liver Tumors Biliary Atresia Cirrhosis of the ... Disease Type 1 (von Gierke) Hemochromatosis Hepatic Encephalopathy Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Intrahepatic Cholestasis of ...

  11. Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Hemochromatosis Hepatic Encephalopathy Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) Jaundice In Newborns ... are the common causes of cirrhosis? Hepatitis B & C Alcohol-related Liver Disease Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver ...

  12. Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... 1 (von Gierke) Hemochromatosis Hepatic Encephalopathy Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) Jaundice ... diseases. What are the common causes of cirrhosis? Hepatitis B & C Alcohol-related Liver Disease Non-alcoholic Fatty ...

  13. La hepatitis C como un problema de salud pública en México Hepatitis C as a public health problem in Mexico

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    Full Text Available Se reportan resultados de un seminario multidisciplinario que aborda el reconocimiento y construcción de la hepatitis C como problema de salud en México. La prevalencia es de 1.4%. La incidencia se estima en 19 300 nuevos casos por año. Al disminuir los casos relacionados a transfusión, aumentan en importancia la transmisión nosocomial y uso de drogas vía intravenosa o intranasal. Es necesario construir nuevos contenidos para las representaciones sociales y percepción de riesgo. El tratamiento basado en respuesta por PCR-ARN ha modificado los esquemas de manejo, situación importante al considerar políticas de tratamiento. Jurídicamente existe poca incidencia legislativa en el tema. La distribución de competencias entre el Gobierno Federal y las entidades federativas en materia de salubridad general se encuentra establecida en el artículo 13 de la Ley General de Salud (México. Es necesario definir una estrategia que adquiera el carácter de política pública de alcance nacional.We report the results of a multidisciplinary seminar approaching the recognition and construction of hepatitis C as a health issue in Mexico. Its prevalence is 1.4% and its incidence is estimated in 19 300 new cases per year.As transfusion decreases as a risk factor, the relevance of nosocomial transmision and use of intravenous or intranasal drugs increases. It is necessary to develop new contents for the social representation and risk perception of the disease. Response guided treatment based on PCR-RNA has modified the treatment schemes, a very important issue when considering policies for management. Legislation about hepatitis C in the country is limited. Assignments of the Federal Government and the federative entities in the country regarding health issues are framed in the 13th article of the General Mexican health law. It is necessary to advance towards the development of a public health policy at the national level for hepatitis C.

  14. Prevalence of hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, hepatitis D virus and hepatitis E virus as causes of acute viral hepatitis in North India: a hospital based study. (United States)

    Jain, P; Prakash, S; Gupta, S; Singh, K P; Shrivastava, S; Singh, D D; Singh, J; Jain, A


    Acute viral hepatitis (AVH) is a major public health problem and is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. The aim of the present study is to determine the prevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D virus (HDV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) as causes of AVH in a tertiary care hospital of North India. Blood samples and clinical information was collected from cases of AVH referred to the Grade I viral diagnostic laboratory over a 1-year period. Samples were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen, anti-HCV total antibodies, anti-HAV immunoglobulin M (IgM) and anti-HEV IgM by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. PCR for nucleic acid detection of HBV and HCV was also carried out. Those positive for HBV infection were tested for anti-HDV antibodies. Fisher's exact test was used and a P hepatitis cases, 62 (23.22%) patients presented as acute hepatic failure. HAV (26.96%) was identified as the most common cause of acute hepatitis followed by HEV (17.97%), HBV (16.10%) and HCV (11.98%). Co-infections with more than one virus were present in 34 cases; HAV-HEV co-infection being the most common. HEV was the most important cause of acute hepatic failure followed by co-infection with HAV and HEV. An indication towards epidemiological shift of HAV infection from children to adults with a rise in HAV prevalence was seen. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report indicating epidemiological shift of HAV in Uttar Pradesh.

  15. Intoxicação por Enterolobium contortisiliquum em bovinos na região Nordeste do Brasil

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    Roberio G. Olinda


    Full Text Available Descreve-se um surto de fotossensibilização causada por favas de Enterolobium contortisiliquum em bovinos no Estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. Os sinais clínicos observados foram hiporexia, prostração, perda de peso, edema generalizado, dermatite e icterícia. Havia anemia e atividades séricas de AST, LDH e GGT elevadas. A concentração sérica de ureia encontrava-se levemente aumentada e creatinina, proteínas séricas e albumina estavam em níveis normais. Na necropsia, o fígado estava aumentado de tamanho e difusamente alaranjado e os rins estavam aumentados de volume e apresentavam estriações esbranquiçadas irregulares entremeadas por áreas escuras na superfície subcapsular. Histologicamente, observou-se na pele, dermatite ulcerativa. No fígado havia vacuolização e necrose de hepatócitos da região centrolobular e ocasionalmente necrose individual de hepatócitos em outras regiões. O rim apresentava nefrose tubular tóxica. O diagnóstico diferencial da intoxicação por E. contortisiliquum na região semiárida deve incluir as intoxicações por Brachiaria spp, Panicum dichotomiflorum e Froelichia humboldtiana, que também causam fotossensibilização.

  16. Prevalencia del virus de la hepatitis C en las unidades de hemodiálisis de la región occidental cubana


    Santana Hernández, Rita Rosa; Martínez Córdova, Zuzet; Martínez Echeverría, María Teresa; Mato Luis, Jorge


    La población de hemodiálisis constituye un grupo de alto riesgo en el caso de la infección por el virus de la hepatitis C. Se realizó un análisis multicéntrico de la prevalencia de la infección por el virus de la hepatitis C en las unidades de diálisis de la región occidental aplicando las técnicas serológicas y moleculares, y se observó si existían diferencias significativas en cuanto a la aplicación de ambas técnicas. Se obtuvieron valores elevados de prevalencia de anticuerpos anti-VHC en ...

  17. Failure to incriminate hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and hepatitis E viruses in the aetiology of fulminant non-A non-B hepatitis.


    Mutimer, D; Shaw, J; Neuberger, J; Skidmore, S; Martin, B; Hubscher, S; McMaster, P; Elias, E


    Sporadic non-A, non-B hepatitis is the most common indication for liver transplantation in patients presenting with fulminant and subacute liver failure. This study used serological, histological, and molecular biological techniques to examine specimens from 23 consecutive patients transplanted for sporadic non-A, non-B hepatitis. No evidence was found of hepatitis C virus, hepatitis E virus, or 'cryptic' hepatitis B virus infection.

  18. Hepatitis (United States)

    ... most common types of viral hepatitis. What Is Hepatitis A? For kids, hep A is the most common ... they recover, it does not come back. Can Hepatitis A Be Prevented? The following will help keep people ...

  19. Clinical and virological improvement of hepatitis B virus-related or hepatitis C virus-related chronic hepatitis with concomitant hepatitis A virus infection. (United States)

    Sagnelli, Evangelista; Coppola, Nicola; Pisaturo, Mariantonietta; Pisapia, Raffaella; Onofrio, Mirella; Sagnelli, Caterina; Catuogno, Antonio; Scolastico, Carlo; Piccinino, Felice; Filippini, Pietro


    We evaluated the clinical and virological characteristics of hepatitis A virus infection in persons concomitantly infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). We enrolled 21 patients with acute hepatitis A and chronic hepatitis with no sign of liver cirrhosis, 13 patients who were positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (case B group), 8 patients who were anti-HCV positive (case C group), and 21 patients with acute hepatitis A without a preexisting liver disease (control A group). Two control groups of patients with chronic hepatitis B (control B group) or C (control C group) were also chosen. All control groups were pair-matched by age and sex with the corresponding case group. Fulminant hepatitis A was never observed, and hepatitis A had a severe course in 1 patient in the case B group and in 1 patient in the control A group. Both patients recovered. On admission, HBV DNA was detected in 1 patient in the case B group (7.7%) and in 13 patients (50%) in the control B group; HCV RNA was found in no patient in the case C group and in 16 patients (81.2%) in the control C group. Of 9 patients in the case B group who were followed up for 6 months, 3 became negative for hepatitis B surface antigen and positive for hepatitis B surface antibody, 2 remained positive for hepatitis B surface antigen and negative for HBV DNA, and 4 became positive for HBV DNA with a low viral load [corrected] Of 6 patients in the case C group who were followed up for 6 months, 3 remained negative for HCV RNA, and 3 had persistently low viral loads. Concomitant hepatitis A was always self-limited, associated with a marked inhibition of HBV and HCV genomes, and possibly had a good prognosis for the underlying chronic hepatitis.

  20. Diagnóstico y clasificación molecular del virus BK en receptores de trasplante renal


    Riva, Omar; Cobos, Marisa; Raimondi, J. Clemente


    La infección primaria por virus BK ocurre durante la infancia permaneciendo latente en el tracto urogenital. En individuos que presentan alteraciones en la inmunidad celular, el virus se reactiva haciendo posible su detección en orina y sangre. En receptores de trasplante renal, la nefropatía producida por el virus BK puede llevar a la pérdida de la función del injerto. El virus BK es miembro de la familia Polyomaviridae, presenta un genoma de ADN circular doble cadena unido en forma covalent...

  1. Hepatitis Vaccines


    Ogholikhan, Sina; Schwarz, Kathleen B.


    Viral hepatitis is a serious health problem all over the world. However, the reduction of the morbidity and mortality due to vaccinations against hepatitis A and hepatitis B has been a major component in the overall reduction in vaccine preventable diseases. We will discuss the epidemiology, vaccine development, and post-vaccination effects of the hepatitis A and B virus. In addition, we discuss attempts to provide hepatitis D vaccine for the 350 million individuals infected with hepatitis B ...

  2. Hepatitis Vaccines

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    Sina Ogholikhan


    Full Text Available Viral hepatitis is a serious health problem all over the world. However, the reduction of the morbidity and mortality due to vaccinations against hepatitis A and hepatitis B has been a major component in the overall reduction in vaccine preventable diseases. We will discuss the epidemiology, vaccine development, and post-vaccination effects of the hepatitis A and B virus. In addition, we discuss attempts to provide hepatitis D vaccine for the 350 million individuals infected with hepatitis B globally. Given the lack of a hepatitis C vaccine, the many challenges facing the production of a hepatitis C vaccine will be shown, along with current and former vaccination trials. As there is no current FDA-approved hepatitis E vaccine, we will present vaccination data that is available in the rest of the world. Finally, we will discuss the existing challenges and questions facing future endeavors for each of the hepatitis viruses, with efforts continuing to focus on dramatically reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with these serious infections of the liver.

  3. Hepatitis Vaccines (United States)

    Ogholikhan, Sina; Schwarz, Kathleen B.


    Viral hepatitis is a serious health problem all over the world. However, the reduction of the morbidity and mortality due to vaccinations against hepatitis A and hepatitis B has been a major component in the overall reduction in vaccine preventable diseases. We will discuss the epidemiology, vaccine development, and post-vaccination effects of the hepatitis A and B virus. In addition, we discuss attempts to provide hepatitis D vaccine for the 350 million individuals infected with hepatitis B globally. Given the lack of a hepatitis C vaccine, the many challenges facing the production of a hepatitis C vaccine will be shown, along with current and former vaccination trials. As there is no current FDA-approved hepatitis E vaccine, we will present vaccination data that is available in the rest of the world. Finally, we will discuss the existing challenges and questions facing future endeavors for each of the hepatitis viruses, with efforts continuing to focus on dramatically reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with these serious infections of the liver. PMID:26978406

  4. Primary hepatic artery embolization in pediatric blunt hepatic trauma. (United States)

    Ong, Caroline C P; Toh, Luke; Lo, Richard H G; Yap, Te-Lu; Narasimhan, Kannan


    Non-operative management of isolated blunt hepatic trauma is recommended except when hemodynamic instability requires immediate laparotomy. Hepatic artery angioembolization is increasingly used for hepatic injuries with ongoing bleeding as demonstrated by contrast extravasation on the CT scan. It is used primarily or after laparotomy to control ongoing hemorrhage. Hepatic angioembolization as part of multimodality management of hepatic trauma is reported mainly in adults, with few pediatric case reports. We describe our institution experience with primary pediatric hepatic angioembolization and review the literature with regard to indications and complications. Two cases (3 and 8 years old), with high-grade blunt hepatic injuries with contrast extravasation on the CT scan were successfully managed by emergency primary hepatic angioembolization with minimal morbidity and avoided laparotomy. To date, the only reports of pediatric hepatic angioembolization for trauma are 5 cases for acute bleeding and 15 delayed cases for pseudoaneurysm. The role of hepatic angioembolization in the presence of an arterial blush on CT in adults is accepted, but contested in a pediatric series, despite higher transfusion rate and mortality rate. We propose that hepatic angioembolization should be considered adjunct treatment, in lieu of, or in addition to emergency laparotomy for hemostasis in pediatric blunt hepatic injury. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Feature Hepatitis: Hepatitis Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention (United States)

    ... Navigation Bar Home Current Issue Past Issues Feature Hepatitis Hepatitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention Past Issues / Spring 2009 ... No appetite Fever Headaches Diagnosis To check for hepatitis viruses, your doctor will test your blood. You ...

  6. Viral Hepatitis (United States)

    ... Home A-Z Health Topics Viral hepatitis Viral hepatitis > A-Z Health Topics Viral hepatitis (PDF, 90 ... liver. Source: National Cancer Institute Learn more about hepatitis Watch a video. Learn who is at risk ...

  7. Expresión y purificación del antígeno preS1/2 y su utilidad en el estudio de la patogenia de la infección por el virus de la hepatitis B

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    Masyelly D. Rojas P


    Full Text Available El preS1/2 es parte de las proteínas de envoltura del virus de la hepatitis B (VHB, con funciones importantes en la inmunopatogenia de la enfermedad. Para su estudio es necesario contar con la proteína pura y así dilucidar su participación en el daño generado en el tejido hepático. Para ello se procedió a la expresión del preS1/2 previamente clonado en el vector peT3d, en la cepa de E coli HMS174 (DE3, seguido por su purificación mediante columnas de afinidad hacia residuos de histidina (6xhistidina y finalmente sometidas a liberación de contaminantes mediante el uso de columnas de afinidad hacia endotoxina y filtración por centrifugación, de esta manera utilizarla para evaluar su efecto sobre hepatocitos humanos. El procedimiento utilizado permitió obtener 1,5 mg de proteína pura funcionalmente estable por cada litro de medio de cultivo. En este trabajo se describe un método sencillo de expresión y purificación del preS1/2 recombinante y se evidencia la obtención de un producto intacto, con potencial uso en estudios funcionales y futuros ensayos terapéuticos Expression and purification of preS1/2 antigen and its usefulness in the hepatitis B virus pathogenesis study Abstract The preS1/2 belongs to the envelope proteins of the hepatitis B virus (HBV, and has an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. A pure protein is important for their study, and thus elucidates their involvement in the liver tissue damage observed during the diseases. For this purpose preS1/2 previously cloned into the pET3d was expressed in E. coli strain HMS174 (DE3, subsequent was purified by affinity columns histidine residues (6xhistidine and finally treated to release contaminants by using affinity columns endotoxin and filtration by centrifugation, thereby used it to assess their effect on human hepatocytes. The procedure yielded 1,5 mg pure protein per liter of culture medium, functionally stable. In this paper we describe a simple method

  8. Alteraciones bioquímicas como marcadores predictores de gravedad en pacientes con fiebre por dengue

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    Luis Ángel Villar-Centeno


    Full Text Available Introducción. El dengue es la infección transmitida por mosquitos más importante en el mundo. Existe información de que las alteraciones bioquímicas pueden utilizarse como herramientas predictoras de gravedad del dengue. Objetivo. Evaluar las alteraciones bioquímicas como posibles marcadores predictores de gravedad del dengue. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de casos y controles anidado en una cohorte. Se seleccionaron al azar 125 casos con dengue grave y 120 controles con dengue no grave para evaluar los niveles séricos de lactato-deshidrogenasa (LDH, creatina cinasa (CK, proteína C reactiva(PCR y albúmina, en sueros obtenidos en las primeras horas de la enfermedad. Para evaluar el valor diagnóstico de cada biomarcador, se establecieron puntos de corte con una sensibilidad del 90 % enla detección de casos graves. Resultados. Se observó una asociación entre los niveles de PCR por debajo de 9,8 mg/l (OR=0,04;IC95%=0,02-0,08; p=0,000, de LDH inferiores a 400 U/L (OR=0,49; IC95%=0,24-1,02; p=0,053 y de albúmina menor de 4 mg/dl (OR=3,46; IC95%=1,96-6,12; p=0,000, con la gravedad del dengue. En contraste, los niveles de la CK no mostraron asociación con la gravedad de la enfermedad. Conclusiones. Los hallazgos de nuestro estudio sugieren una asociación de los niveles de PCR, LDH y albúmina con la gravedad del dengue. Estas pruebas bioquímicas podrían ser utilizadas como herramientas predictoras del curso clínico de la infección.   doi:

  9. Hepatitis B (United States)

    ... B Entire Lesson Viral Hepatitis Menu Menu Viral Hepatitis Viral Hepatitis Home For Veterans and the Public Veterans ... in their blood (sometimes referred to as the hepatitis B viral load) and an unusually high level of a ...

  10. Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) Jaundice In Newborns Diseases of the Liver ... A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) Jaundice In Newborns Diseases of the Liver ...

  11. Epidemiology of viruses causing chronic hepatitis among populations from the Amazon Basin and related ecosystems Epidemiología de las hepatitis crónicas con carácter vírico en las comunidades indígenas de la cuenca amazónica y de otros ecosistemas similares

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    José M. Echevarría


    Full Text Available On the last twenty years, viral hepatitis has emerged as a serious problem in almost all the Amerindian communities studied in the Amazon Basin and in other Amazon-related ecological systems from the North and Center of South America. Studies performed on communities from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela have shown a high endemicity of the hepatitis B virus (HBV infection all over the region, which is frequently associated to a high prevalence of infection by hepatitis D virus among the chronic HBV carriers. Circulation of both agents responds mainly to horizontal virus transmission during childhood through mechanisms that are not fully understood. By contrast, infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV, which is present in all the urban areas of South America, is still very uncommon among them. At the moment, there is not data enough to evaluate properly the true incidence that such endemicity may have on the health of the populations affected. Since viral transmission might be operated by mechanisms that could not be acting in other areas of the World, it seems essential to investigate such mechanisms and to prevent the introduction of HCV into these populations, which consequences for health could be very serious.A lo largo de los últimos veinte años, las hepatitis víricas se han revelado como un importante problema para las comunidades indígenas de la cuenca amazónica y de otros ecosistemas similares del norte y centro de Sudamérica. Los estudios realizados en comunidades de Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Perú y Venezuela han demostrado una alta propensión endémica para la infección por el virus de la hepatitis B, que se asocia con frecuencia a una elevada prevalencia de coinfección con el virus de la hepatitis D entre los portadores crónicos. La circulación de ambos agentes responde a su transmisión horizontal durante la infancia, a través de mecanismos aún poco conocidos. Por el contrario, la infección por el virus de la

  12. Oscillations in serum ferritin associated with antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C Oscilaciones de la ferritina sérica asociadas al tratamiento antiviral en la hepatitis crónica por virus C

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    J. M. Ladero


    Full Text Available Background: hyperferritinemia is often found in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC and is predictive of poorer response to antiviral therapy. Objective: to investigate changes in ferritinemia during and after antiviral therapy. Patients and methods: serum ferritin levels were measured in 262 CHC patients (163 males, mean age 48.5 years ± 10.1 before and during antiviral therapy, and six months post-treatment in all 154 patients whit undetectable serum HCV-RNA after therapy completion. Results: baseline serum ferritin was higher in patients with primary therapeutic failure than in those reaching sustained viral response (330 ± 291 ng/mL vs. 211 ± 192 ng/mL, p = 0.002. Serum ferritin transiently increased during therapy from baseline (257 ± 242 ng/mL vs. 875 ± 630 ng/mL, p Antecedentes: la hiperferritinemia es frecuente en los enfermos con hepatitis crónica C (HCC y reduce las probabilidades de respuesta al tratamiento antiviral. Objetivo: investigar las variaciones de la ferritina sérica durante y después del tratamiento y su relación con la respuesta al mismo. Pacientes y métodos: la ferritina sérica se ha medido en 262 enfermos con HCC (163 hombres, edad media 48,5 años ± 10,1 antes y durante el tratamiento antiviral, y a los 6 meses de finalizado en los 154 enfermos con viremia indetectable al final del tratamiento. Resultados: la ferritina sérica basal era más alta en enfermos con fracaso terapéutico primario que en los que consiguieron respuesta viral sostenida (RVS (330 ± 291 ng/ml vs. 211 ± 192 ng/ml, p = 0,002. La ferritina sérica aumentó transitoriamente durante el tratamiento (257 ± 242 ng/ml vs. 875 ± 630 ng/ml, p < 0,001. La ferritina sérica descendió a valores inferiores a los basales seis meses después de finalizado el tratamiento en los pacientes con RVS (117 ± 102 ng/ml vs. 211± 192 ng/ml, p < 0,001 y, en menor grado, en los que sufrieron recidiva viral (217 ± 174 ng/ml vs. 257 ± 221 ng/m, p = 0

  13. Alcohol and Hepatitis (United States)

    ... Home » Living with Hepatitis » Daily Living: Alcohol Viral Hepatitis Menu Menu Viral Hepatitis Viral Hepatitis Home For ... heavy drinking, most heavy drinkers have developed cirrhosis. Hepatitis C and cirrhosis In general, someone with hepatitis ...

  14. Hepatitis C: Treatment (United States)

    ... Public Home » Hepatitis C » Hepatitis C Treatment Viral Hepatitis Menu Menu Viral Hepatitis Viral Hepatitis Home For ... Enter ZIP code here Enter ZIP code here Hepatitis C Treatment for Veterans and the Public Treatment ...

  15. Bacteriemia por Ochrobactrum anthropi en paciente con obstrucción de la vía biliar Bacteraemia by Ochrobactrum anthropi in patient with biliary obstruction

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    Sigifredo Ospina


    Full Text Available Reporte de caso de bacteriemia por Ochrobactrum anthropi con probable hepatitis bacteriana asociada, en un paciente inmunocompetente, el cual ingresa por sospecha de colangitis y obstrucción biliar. O. anthropi es una bacteria emergente en infecciones intrahospitalarias con notable resistencia antimicrobiana, y es un patógeno inusual en humanos.A case report of bacteraemia by Ochrobactrum anthropi probably associated with bacterial hepatitis, in a inmuno competent patient, who was admitted to the hospital with the diagnostic impression of cholangitis and biliary obstruction. O. anthropi is an emerging bacteria in nosocomial infections with remarkable antimicrobial resistance, being an unusual pathogen in humans.

  16. Parámetros inflamatorios en saliva y sangre en niños y adolescentes sanos

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    Ninoska Tahis Viera Sirit


    Full Text Available En la actualidad se ha mostrado interés en el empleo de la saliva para ser utilizada como una alternativa de diagnóstico, predicción y progresión de diversas enfermedades con relación a otros fluidos corporales. Los objetivos trazados para la realización de este trabajo fueron: correlacionar las concentraciones en saliva y sangre de IL-1, IL-6, TNF-a, sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico y O2- de niños y adolescentes sistémicamente sanos. Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en 23 niños y adolescentes sanos, entre 4 y 17 años de edad. Se les realizaron evaluaciones clínicas para determinar las condiciones bucales y estudios inmunológicos con el propósito de identificar los niveles de citosinas, a través del ensayo inmunoenzimático indirecto, el O2- por método citoquímico y las sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico, a través del ensayo colorimétrico. Hubo diferencia significativa entre las muestras de saliva y las de sangre periférica respecto a las citosinas y sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico estudiadas. Los resultados fueron: IL-1 en sangre= 1,646 ± 0,13 pg/mL y de IL-1 en saliva= 552,36 ± 75,7 pg/mL; IL-6 en sangre= 3,506 ± 1,85 pg/mL, e IL-6 en saliva= 26,89 ± 9,97 pg/mL. Al analizar el TNF-a en sangre fue de 12,91 ± 3,05 pg/mL y en saliva= 43,56 ± 6,44 pg/mL, las sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico en sangre= 9,46 ± 3,26 nmol/mL y en saliva= 1,26 ± 0,03 nmol/mL. No se observó correlación estadísticamente significativa entre las muestras de sangre y saliva para los valores de IL-1, IL-6 y sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico. En cuanto al TNF-a se evidenció una correlación significativa, r s= 0,78. No se evidenciaron células positivas para el O2- en las muestras estudiadas. Los resultados del análisis de correlación obtenido entre las muestras salivales y séricas, no aportaron evidencias suficientes para sugerir que la saliva pueda ser utilizada

  17. Occult hepatitis B among Iranian hepatitis C patients

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    Ahmad shavakhi


    Full Text Available

    • BACKGROUND: Occult hepatitis B is defined as presence of HBV DNA in tissue or serum without hepatitis B surface antigen. The aim of this study is to determine frequency of occult hepatitis B among hepatitis C patients in Tehran and compare the route of transmission and liver enzymes between positive and negative HBV DNA patients.
    • METHODS: In a cross sectional study, serum of 103 hepatitis C cases (79.6% men and 20.4% women were analyzed for s, x and core genes via a nested polymerase chain reaction technique.
    • RESULTS: HBV DNA was detectable in serum of 20 patients (19.4%. No significant difference in age, sex and route of transmission were seen in HBV DNA positive and negative patients. In HBV DNA positive and negative groups, mean of AST was 73, 47 (p < 0.05 and mean of ALT was 76 and 36 respectively (p < 0.05.
    • CONCLUSION: Occult hepatitis B was observed in a considerable number of hepatitis C patients in Tehran. It was associated with elevation in liver enzyme but was not related to route of transmission.
    • KEY WORD: Occult hepatitis B, hepatitis C, cirrhosis.

  18. Evaluación de la dimensión fractal reactiva de los glicinatos de magnesio, manganeso y zinc Evaluation of the reactive fractal dimension of magnesium, manganese and zinc glycinates

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    Julie Fernanda Benavides Arevalo


    Full Text Available Introducción: complejos de glicina con los cationes magnesio, manganeso y zinc podrían ser parte de una formulación de un suplemento nutricional que proporcione una adecuada absorción de los metales en el organismo sin generar molestias gastrointestinales. Objetivo: realizar una aproximación a la solubilidad de los complejos de glicina con los cationes magnesio, manganeso y zinc. Métodos: se efectuaron estudios de disolución y análisis de imagen. Se realizó la síntesis y la verificación de formación de los complejos por espectroscopia infrarroja, calorimetría de barrido diferencial, análisis termogravimétrico y difracción de rayos X de polvos. Resultados: se obtuvieron por análisis de imagen los descriptores: circularidad, diámetro de Feret y dimensión fractal; esta última se relacionó con el proceso de disolución en agua, para obtener dos propiedades relacionadas: la dimensión fractal superficial y la dimensión fractal reactiva. Conclusiones: los resultados muestran que el proceso de disolución de los glicinatos, se realiza a través de los poros o grietas de la superficie de las partículas de estos y que son aptos para su empleo en formulaciones nutricionales como fuentes de magnesio, manganeso y zinc.Introduction: Complexes of glycine and cations magnesium, manganese and zinc, could be included in the formulation of a nutritional supplement that provides adequate absorption of these metals into the body without gastrointestinal disturbances. Objective: to study the solubility of complexes of glycine and cations manganese, zinc and magnesium. Methods: dissolution and image analysis studies were performed. The synthesis and verification of the formation of complexes were carried out by infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, thermal gravimetric analysis, and X-ray diffraction of dust. Results: the image analysis showed some descriptors such as circularity, the Ferret diameter and the fractal dimension

  19. Hepatic artery infusion (HAI) for hepatic metastases in combination with hepatic resection and hepatic radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merrick, H.W.; Dobelbower, R.R.; Ringleint, J.F.; Skeel, R.T.


    Renewed interest in hepatic artery infusion has been stimulated by the development of a totally implantable pump which eliminates many of the problems encountered by the external pumps and catheters. As the potential benefit of hepatic artery infusion would be greater if either all gross disease were removed by prior resection, or alternatively, if non-resectable disease were irradiated in conjunction with hepatic artery infusion, the authors initiated a phase I-II trial to evaluate combined modality therapy

  20. Orientación al mercado de la industria colombiana de licores

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    Ever de Jesús López-Aguirre


    Full Text Available En la presente investigación se analiza la importancia de la orientación al mercado (OM, tanto reactiva como proactiva, en las licoreras colombianas activas industrialmente; se asume este tema por su valor en la formulación estratégica de las organizaciones para obtener una ventaja competitiva, pues conduce a una mayor satisfacción del cliente, un mayor compromiso de los empleados y una mayor rentabilidad. El estudio se realiza en seis empresas en las cuales se llevó a cabo una encuesta a 45 empleados entre directivos, profesionales y técnicos. Los resultados muestran que el instrumento resultó válido y confiable para el sector en el contexto nacional y arrojó hallazgos que muestran que la OM, tanto reactiva como proactiva en la industria de licores del país se encuentra en un nivel medio de desarrollo.

  1. HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C in Zambia

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    Kenneth C Kapembwa


    Full Text Available Objectives : Epidemiologic data of HIV and viral hepatitis coinfection are needed in sub-Saharan Africa to guide health policy for hepatitis screening and optimized antiretroviral therapy (ART. Materials and Methods: We screened 323 HIV-infected, ART-eligible adults for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg and hepatitis C antibody (HCV Ab at a tertiary hospital in Lusaka, Zambia. We collected basic demographic, medical, and laboratory data to determine predictors for coinfection. Results: Of 323 enrolled patients, 32 (9.9%; 95% CI=6.7-13.2% were HBsAg positive, while 4 (1.2%; 95% CI=0.03-2.4% were HCV Ab positive. Patients with hepatitis B coinfection were more likely to be 200 IU/L was uncommon and did not differ between the two groups (3.4% vs. 2.3%; P=0.5. We were unable to determine predictors of hepatitis C infection due to the low prevalence of disease. Conclusions: HIV and hepatitis B coinfection was common among patients initiating ART at this tertiary care facility. Routine screening for hepatitis B should be considered for HIV-infected persons in southern Africa.

  2. Hepatitis (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Hepatitis KidsHealth / For Parents / Hepatitis Print en español Hepatitis What Is Hepatitis? Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. The ...

  3. ¿Es necesario investigar anticuerpos IgM contra el virus de la hepatitis A cuando el enzimograma hepático es normal?

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    C. Coitinho

    Full Text Available La hepatitis por virus A (VHA es la más frecuente de las hepatitis virales en el mundo, especialmente en los países subdesarrollados. Donde esta enfermedad es endémica, se suelen realizar un gran número de estudios de laboratorio para confirmarla. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la utilidad de investigar anticuerpos IgM anti hepatitis A (IgM anti-VHA para el diagnóstico de la VHA en pacientes con niveles séricos normales de aspartato y alanina aminotransferasas (AST/ALT. Todos los pacientes que concurrieron al laboratorio con solicitud de enzimograma hepático y anticuerpos IgM anti-VHA durante el período octubre 2005-marzo 2006 fueron evaluados en este estudio. Los datos clínicos más frecuentes fueron presunción de hepatitis e ictericia (27,5 y 12,7%. La determinación de IgM anti-VHA se realizó por ensayo inmunoenzimático de micropartículas (MEIA; la de enzimas hepáticas en un multianalizador. De los 158 pacientes estudiados, 84 tenían valores elevados de AST/ALT; dentro de este grupo, el 82% fue reactivo para IgM anti-VHA. Los 74 pacientes restantes mostraron niveles normales de AST/ALT y solo 7 de ellos, bajo control de evolución por VHA ya confirmada, fueron reactivos para IgM anti-VHA. El 49% de los pacientes IgM anti-VHA reactivos correspondió a menores de 10 años. De acuerdo con estas observaciones, sugerimos que los estudios de laboratorio para confirmar infección aguda por VHA deberían realizarse en forma secuencial, ya que es innecesaria la determinación de anticuerpos IgM anti-VHA cuando las aminotransferasas séricas son normales.

  4. Hepatitis B (HBV) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Hepatitis B KidsHealth / For Teens / Hepatitis B What's in ... Prevented? Print en español Hepatitis B What Is Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is an infection of the ...

  5. Hepatitis A Vaccine (United States)

    Twinrix® (as a combination product containing Hepatitis A Vaccine, Hepatitis B Vaccine) ... Why get vaccinated against hepatitis A?Hepatitis A is a serious liver disease. It is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is spread from ...

  6. Hepatitis C: Managing Pain (United States)

    ... Pain: Entire Lesson Viral Hepatitis Menu Menu Viral Hepatitis Viral Hepatitis Home For Veterans and the Public Veterans and the Public Home Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Home Getting ...

  7. Hypoksisk hepatitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Amadid, Hanan; Schiødt, Frank Vinholt


    Hypoxic hepatitis (HH), also known as ischaemic hepatitis or shock liver, is an acute liver injury caused by hepatic hypoxia. Cardiac failure, respiratory failure and septic shock are the main underlying conditions. In each of these conditions, several haemodynamic mechanisms lead to hepatic...... hypoxia. A shock state is observed in only 50% of cases. Thus, shock liver and ischaemic hepatitis are misnomers. HH can be a diagnostic pitfall but the diagnosis can be established when three criteria are met. Prognosis is poor and prompt identification and treatment of the underlying conditions...

  8. Universal vaccination of children against hepatitis a in Chile: a cost-effectiveness study La vacunación infantil universal contra la hepatitis a en Chile: análisis de la relación costo-efectividad

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    Arnoldo Quezada


    epidemiología cambiante de la hepatitis A en Chile y la aparición de la inmunidad de grupo inducida por la vacuna. El análisis se realizó desde la perspectiva del financiador público y se hizo un estimado desde la perspectiva de la sociedad. Los costos se expresaron en dólares estadounidenses del año 2005. RESULTADOS: La vacunación de los infantes redujo rápidamente la carga de la hepatitis A para los servicios de salud. En la variante de base (cobertura de la vacunación: 95%; horizonte temporal: 100 años; reducción anual de la virulencia de la infección: 1%, el número promedio de casos se redujo anualmente en 76% y el número de muertes asociadas disminuyó en 59,7%. Incluso con una cobertura de vacunación de 50%, el programa redujo notablemente la tasa de infección. La vacunación sistemática de los infantes presentó beneficios económicos y sanitarios y ahorró US$ 4 984,00 por año de vida ganado (en el escenario base. El programa generó ahorros a partir del sexto año y la efectividad general en función del costo por año de vida ganado no se afectó por cambios en los costos relacionados con la enfermedad, la inmunidad de grupo, la cobertura de vacunación o la reducción anual de la virulencia de la infección. CONCLUSIONES: La vacunación sistemática de los infantes reduciría la tasa de hepatitis A sintomática y la mortalidad asociada. A partir del sexto año del programa, los costos de aplicar el esquema evaluado de dos dosis serían menores que los relacionados con la enfermedad si no se aplicara la vacuna. Estos resultados apoyan la implantación de programas de vacunación sistemática de infantes contra la hepatitis A en Chile.

  9. Hepatic encephalopathy associated with hepatic lipidosis in llamas (Lama glama). (United States)

    Pillitteri, C A; Craig, L E


    Hepatic encephalopathy has been listed as a differential for llamas displaying neurologic signs, but it has not been histopathologically described. This report details the neurologic histopathologic findings associated with 3 cases of hepatic lipidosis with concurrent neurologic signs and compares them to 3 cases of hepatic lipidosis in the absence of neurologic signs and 3 cases without hepatic lipidosis. Brain from all 3 llamas displaying neurologic signs contained Alzheimer type II cells, which were not detected in either subset of llamas without neurologic signs. Astrocytic immunohistochemical staining intensity for glial fibrillary acid protein was decreased in llamas with neurologic signs as compared to 2 of 3 llamas with hepatic lipidosis and without neurologic signs and to 2 of 3 llamas without hepatic lipidosis. Immunohistochemical staining for S100 did not vary between groups. These findings suggest that hepatic encephalopathy may be associated with hepatic lipidosis in llamas.

  10. Usefulness of screening ultrasonography for hepatocellular carcinoma detection: chronic hepatitis versus hepatic cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B virus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang, Sam Uel; Choi, Don Gil; Lim, Jae Hoon


    To evaluate the usefulness of screening liver ultrasonography (US) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) detection in patients with chronic hepatitis or hepatic cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV). A retrospective study was performed with 1,189 patients with clinical hepatopathy caused by HBV who underwent screening liver US for HCC detection at least twice. All patients were followed up with liver US examinations (mean, 8.3 times), CT, or MR for at least 3 months (range, 3-102 months; mean, 47 months) for the detection of HCC. The study population was divided into two groups: chronic hepatitis (n=492) and hepatic cirrhosis (n=697), which was further divided into two groups with (n=156) or without (n=541) evident shrinkage. The radiologic examinations that had detected HCC for the first time were analyzed and compared between the groups. Among 20 (4.1%) patients with chronic hepatitis and 132 (18.9%) patients with hepatic cirrhosis diagnosed as HCC, screening US was the modality of detection in 17 (85.0%) of 20 patients with chronic hepatitis and 76 (57.6%) of 132 patients with hepatic cirrhosis (p=0.038, Chi-square test). The detection rate of HCC on screening US between the chronic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis with evident shrinkage (51.4%, 19/37) showed a significant difference (p=0.027, Chi-square test). For chronic liver disease caused by HBV, screening US for HCC detection is more useful in patients with chronic hepatitis than with hepatic cirrhosis with evident shrinkage

  11. Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la hepatitis autoinmune

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    Maycos Leandro Zapata Muñoz


    Full Text Available Autoimmune hepatitis is a chronic, progressive disease, more frequent in women than in men, and of unknown etiology. Histologically, it is characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration in the portal tract, and biochemically by elevation of transaminases, hypergammaglobulinemia, and the presence of liver specific autoantibodies. Response to immunosuppressive treatment is generally good and the resolution of inflammation, both biochemically and histologically, is achieved in 87% of patients in 3 years after immunosuppressive treatment is started. Several studies have shown that in the absence of treatment the disease progresses rapidly to fibrosis, and the mortality rate is higher than 80% in the 5 years following diagnosis in untreated patients. Nevertheless, even if the patient has liver fibrosis, treatment decreases the inflammatory response and the histological progression of fibrosis. Life expectancy of patients who respond to treatment exceeds 90% at 10 years, and is 80% at 20 years; however, 10-15% of patients do not have satisfactory response to medical treatment. Standard treatment and new therapeutic options are reviewed in this article. La hepatitis autoinmune (HAI es una enfermedad crónica, progresiva, más frecuente en mujeres y de etiología desconocida, caracterizada histológicamente por infiltrado de células mononucleares en el tracto portal y bioquímicamente por hipertransaminasemia e hipergamaglobulinemia y por la presencia de autoanticuerpos específicos para el hígado. La respuesta al tratamiento inmunosupresor es generalmente buena y la resolución tanto bioquímica como histológica de la inflamación se logra en el 87% de los pacientes en tres años después de haber iniciado dicho tratamiento. Diversos estudios han demostrado que, en ausencia de tratamiento, la enfermedad lleva rápidamente a fibrosis y la tasa de mortalidad es mayor del 80% a los cinco años del diagnóstico. Por el contrario, si el paciente ya

  12. Perinatal hepatitis B virus detection by hepatitis B virus-DNA analysis.


    De Virgiliis, S; Frau, F; Sanna, G; Turco, M P; Figus, A L; Cornacchia, G; Cao, A


    Maternal transmission of hepatitis B virus infection in relation to the hepatitis B e antigen/antibody system and serum hepatitis B virus-DNA were evaluated. Results indicate that hepatitis B virus-DNA analysis can identify hepatitis B serum antigen positive mothers who may transmit infection to their offspring.

  13. Evaluación de un taller práctico sobre higiene de manos impartido por estudiantes entrenados

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    María Fernández-Prada

    Full Text Available Introducción. La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la higiene de manos en el contexto sanitario es una tarea compleja. La intervención del estudiante como líder de su propia formación está muy poco analizada en la bibliografía. El objetivo principal del trabajo es la evaluación de un taller sobre higiene de manos gestionado, dirigido e impartido, bajo tutela experta, por estudiantes al propio colectivo estudiantil. Sujetos y métodos. Evaluación pre-post de la técnica, los conocimientos y las actitudes de los participantes hacia la higiene de manos. Asistieron 40 estudiantes de ciencias de la salud de la Universidad de Granada. Se realizaron dos evaluaciones del taller: mediante un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc con 12 ítems sobre conocimientos y actitudes, y mediante la observación directa de la técnica de higiene de manos y la calidad del proceso utilizando una lámpara de luz ultravioleta y una solución reactiva. Resultados. Tras la realización del taller se aprecia que disminuye de forma significativa el número de zonas contaminadas de las manos (t = 9,278; p < 0,000 y que mejora significativamente la técnica de higiene de manos para cada uno de los siete pasos establecidos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (p < 0,001. La diferencia entre la media global de las puntuaciones del cuestionario antes y después del taller fue también significativa (t = -4,662; p < 0,000. Conclusiones. El taller impartido mejoró las actitudes, los conocimientos y la técnica de higiene de manos con solución alcohólica entre los participantes.

  14. Noninvasive diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C


    Stauber, Rudolf E; Lackner, Carolin


    Assessment of hepatic fibrosis is important for determining prognosis, guiding management decisions, and monitoring disease. Histological evaluation of liver biopsy specimens is currently considered the reference test for staging hepatic fibrosis. Since liver biopsy carries a small but significant risk, noninvasive tests to assess hepatic fibrosis are desirable. This editorial gives an overview on noninvasive methods currently available to determine hepatic fibrosis and their diagnostic accur...

  15. Hepatitis B Foundation (United States)

    ... worldwide 2 Billion People have been infected with Hepatitis B Worldwide The Hepatitis B Foundation is working ... of people living with hepatitis B. Learn About Hepatitis B in 11 Other Languages . Resource Video See ...

  16. What Is Hepatitis? (United States)

    ... Navigation Alt+1 Content Alt+2 What is hepatitis? Online Q&A Reviewed July 2016 Q: What ... Question and answer archives Submit a question World Hepatitis Day Posters: Eliminate hepatitis World Hepatitis Day 2017 ...

  17. Comparison of two recombinant hepatitis B vaccines and their interchangeability in Argentine infants Comparación de dos vacunas recombinantes contra la hepatitis B y su intercambiabilidad en lactantes argentinos

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    Miguel Tregnaghi


    -B.OBJETIVO: Comparar dos vacunas pediátricas recombinantes contra la hepatitis B -Euvax-B y la vacuna de referencia Engerix-B- en cuanto a su inmunogenicidad y reactogenicidad, e investigar su intercambiabilidad, es decir, si el esquema de vacunación contra la hepatitis B de tres dosis comenzado con una primera dosis de Engerix-B puede completarse con dos dosis de Euvax-B. MÉTODOS: Este estudio se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina, entre marzo de 1999 y febrero de 2000. Se vacunó contra la hepatitis B a tres grupos de 100 lactantes argentinos a los 0, 1 y 6 meses de edad. El grupo A recibió tres dosis de Euvax-B; el grupo B, tres dosis de Engerix-B; y el grupo C, una dosis de Engerix-B seguida de dos dosis de Euvax-B. Para evaluar la reactogenicidad se utilizó la información brindada por los padres acerca de determinados fenómenos locales o sistémicos solicitados por los investigadores que hubieran ocurrido durante los siete días posteriores a la vacunación. Para establecer si eran idénticas clínicamente las vacunas Euvax-B y Engerix-B se utilizaron las tasas de seroprotección -es decir, títulos de anticuerpos contra el antígeno de superficie de hepatitis B (anti-HBsAg > 10 miliunidades internacionales por mililitro (mUI/mL- alcanzados dos meses después de la tercera dosis. RESULTADOS: La reactogenicidad fue baja en los tres grupos de estudio. A los 5 meses de la segunda dosis (es decir, inmediatamente antes de la tercera dosis, las tasas de seroprotección fueron 95,9%, 94,7% y 90,2% en los grupos A, B y C, respectivamente. Dos meses después de la tercera dosis, todos los lactantes se encontraban protegidos, con concentraciones medias geométricas de anti-HBsAg de 2 468,1 mUI/mL en el grupo A, de 1 714,8 mUI/mL en el grupo B y de 2 075,3 mUI/mL en el grupo C. CONCLUSIONES: Las dos vacunas recombinantes contra la hepatitis B estudiadas fueron bien toleradas y altamente inmunogénicas. La vacuna Euvax-B fue clínicamente idéntica (no inferior a la

  18. Modelación de los efectos de la compensación de potencia reactiva en sistemas de suministro eléctrico Modelation of effects on reactive power compensation in secondary power systems

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    Davel Borges Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available Se presentan los inconvenientes de la potencia reactiva y a partir de allí se realiza la modelación matemática de los efectos económicos de ésta, aplicable a sistemas de suministro eléctrico. Los efectos tomados en cuenta son: los costos de inversión de los bancos de capacitores, los gastos de amortización de los bancos, los gastos de pérdidas de energía activa de los bancos, los beneficios por la mejora del factor de potencia, incluida la reducción de pérdidas de energía activa en el sistema, así como los beneficios por la liberación de la capacidad de carga, para el caso de empresas donde este aspecto pueda representar un atractivo económico. Para el análisis de los estados de carga antes y después de la compensación se utilizan algoritmos de flujos de potencia trifásicos, con el empleo de modelos de gráficos de carga ajustados, como aspecto novedoso. Estos efectos, de acuerdo con el sistema de tarifas eléctricas de Cuba, son integrados en una función de análisis económico, en este caso el Valor Actual Neto (VAN, la cual sirve de base para el planteamiento del problema de optimización, que puede derivar en la correcta selección de los dispositivos compensadores.The inconveniences of the reactive power are presented and from this are carried out the mathematical models of its economic effects applicable to secondary power systems. The effects taken into account are: the costs of the capacitors banks, the expenses of paying-off to the banks, the expenses of power losses to the banks, the benefits for the improvement of the power factor, included the reduction of power loss in the system, as well as the benefits for the liberation of the load capacity, to the case of companies where the latest aspect can represent an economic attractiveness. For the analysis after and before compensation, are consider load flow algorithm witch load model adjust. According to electrical tariff structures in Cuba, these effects are

  19. Seguridad de la terapia de interferón alfa 2b recombinante más ribavirina en la hepatitis crónica C Safety of recombinant interferon alpha 2b plus ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoan Antonio Sánchez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la hepatitis crónica C ha adquirido rango de pandemia. El virus de la hepatitis C se ha convertido en la causa principal de hepatitis crónica, cirrosis hepática, hepatocarcinoma, y trasplante de hígado a nivel mundial. OBJETIVO: identificar los efectos adversos asociados a la terapia combinada interferón alfa 2b recombinante más ribavirina durante la evolución del tratamiento y hasta 8 semanas después de finalizado, así como los principales efectos asociados a salidas temporales o definitivas de esta terapia. MÉTODOS: estudio de farmacovigilancia cuya serie estuvo conformada por 122 pacientes con hepatitis crónica C atendidos en el Instituto de Gastroenterología desde mayo de 2001 hasta mayo de 2006. Se utilizó interferón alfa 2b recombinante (3 millones de unidades 3 veces por semana más ribavirina (1 000 o 1 200 mg diarios en dependencia del peso corporal durante 48 semanas. RESULTADOS: el 88,5 % del total de casos presentó efectos adversos; de ellos el 79,5 % correspondió al síndrome seudogripal, seguido de manifestaciones hematológicas, neuropsiquiátricas, gastrointestinales, entre otras menos frecuentes. El 6,6 % de la serie presentó salidas temporales del tratamiento por efecto adverso distinto de la anemia y 4 pacientes, salidas definitivas del estudio, tres por anemia hemolítica severa y uno con hipertiroidismo no controlable. CONCLUSIONES: la terapia combinada interferón alfa 2b recombinante más ribavirina resulta segura, donde el mayor número de casos presentó síndrome seudogripal como efecto adverso más frecuente. Las manifestaciones hematológicas asociadas a las salidas definitivas del estudio permitieron recomendar seguimiento estricto de la hemoglobina y profundizar en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los principales efectos adversos presentes en otros sistemas y asociados a esta terapia.INTRODUCTION: chronic hepatitis C has reached the category of pandemic. The hepatitis C virus is the

  20. Diagnostic value of liver scintigraphy in fulminant hepatitis and severe acute hepatitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiomi, Susumu; Ikeoka, Naoko; Minowa, Takami; Kuroki, Tetsuo; Harihara, Shigeyoshi; Yamamoto, Sukeo; Ochi, Hironobu; Monna, Takeyuki


    Liver scintigraphy was performed in 12 cases with fulminant hepatitis, in 8 cases with severe acute hepatitis and in 44 cases with acute hepatitis. Scintiphotoes of severe hepatitis showed reduction of liver size, marked visualization of the bone marrow and the spleen, so this pattern was useful to differentiate from acute hepatitis. Relative size of the liver calculated by A.L.I. (anterior liver index) showed significant reduction in severe hepatitis compared with that of acute hepatitis. Three of five patients with died of severe hepatitis showed high uptake in the lung and ribs, but none of fifteen patients with severe hepatitis who recovered showed the abnormal accumulation in the lung and in the ribs. (author)

  1. Hepatitis C (United States)

    ... an inflammation of the liver. One type, hepatitis C, is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). It usually spreads through contact with ... childbirth. Most people who are infected with hepatitis C don't have any symptoms for years. If ...

  2. Serum Hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B surface antigenaemia in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Acute hepatitis is common in Nigeria and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been a major aetiological factor. However, the role of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is yet undetermined. Forty-five consecutive Nigerian patients with acute Icteric hepatitis (AIH) attending the Medical Clinic of the University College Hospital, ...

  3. Hepatitis A (United States)

    ... is an inflammation of the liver. One type, hepatitis A, is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The disease spreads through contact with ... suggest medicines to help relieve your symptoms. The hepatitis A vaccine can prevent HAV. Good hygiene can also ...

  4. The functional hepatic volume assessed by 99mTc-GSA hepatic scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Jin; Ishikawa, Nobuyoshi; Takeda, Tohoru; Pan, Xiao-Qing; Sato, Motohiro; Todoroki, Takeshi; Itai, Yuji; Tanaka, Yumiko; Hatakeyama, Rokurou.


    The accuracy of measurement of the functional hepatic volume by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with 99m Tc-galactosyl serum albumin ( 99m Tc-GSA) was evaluated. 99m Tc-GSA planar scintigraphic images were obtained dynamically and the hepatic SPECT imaging was then performed in 25 patients with hepatobiliary tumors. The patients were divided into 4 groups with normal hepatic function, mild, moderate and severe hepatic dysfunction. The functional hepatic volume determined by SPECT was compared with the morphological hepatic volume determined by computed tomography. The ratio of the hepatic volumes obtained by the two methods was calculated. The mean hepatic volume ratio was 96.6±2.3% in the normal hepatic function group and 95.9±2.2% in the mild dysfunction group (n.s.). In both the moderate and severe hepatic dysfunction groups, the hepatic volume ratio was smaller than that in the normal group (87.9±5.2%, p 15 (r=0.83, p 15 (r=0.74, p 15 (r=0.75, p 99m Tc-GSA faithfully reflects the functioning hepatocyte mass. 99m Tc-GSA scintigraphy and hepatic SPECT therefore provide information regarding global and regional reserve hepatic function. (author)

  5. Cost-effectiveness of hepatitis A vaccination for individuals with chronic hepatitis C. (United States)

    Chapko, Michael K; Yee, Helen S; Monto, Alexander; Dominitz, Jason A


    The incidence of hepatitis A infection in the United States has decreased dramatically in recent years because of childhood immunization programs. A decision analysis of the cost-effectiveness of hepatitis A vaccination for adults with hepatitis C was conducted. No vaccination strategy is cost-effective for adults with hepatitis C using the recent lower anticipated hepatitis A incidence, private sector costs, and a cost-effectiveness criterion of $100,000/QALY. Vaccination is cost-effective only for individuals who have cleared the hepatitis C virus when Department of Veterans Affairs costs are used. The recommendation to vaccinate adults with hepatitis C against hepatitis A should be reconsidered. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  6. Hepatitis E virus and fulminant hepatitis--a virus or host-specific pathology? (United States)

    Smith, Donald B; Simmonds, Peter


    Fulminant hepatitis is a rare outcome of infection with hepatitis E virus. Several recent reports suggest that virus variation is an important determinant of disease progression. To critically examine the evidence that virus-specific factors underlie the development of fulminant hepatitis following hepatitis E virus infection. Published sequence information of hepatitis E virus isolates from patients with and without fulminant hepatitis was collected and analysed using statistical tests to identify associations between virus polymorphisms and disease outcome. Fulminant hepatitis has been reported following infection with all four hepatitis E virus genotypes that infect humans comprising multiple phylogenetic lineages within genotypes 1, 3 and 4. Analysis of virus sequences from individuals infected by a common source did not detect any common substitutions associated with progression to fulminant hepatitis. Re-analysis of previously reported associations between virus substitutions and fulminant hepatitis suggests that these were probably the result of sampling biases. Host-specific factors rather than virus genotype, variants or specific substitutions appear to be responsible for the development of fulminant hepatitis. © 2014 The Authors. Liver International Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Blood lipids analysis in patients with hepatitis and hepatic fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Si Jianhong


    Objective: To investigate the correlationship between blood hepatic fibrosis markers and blood lipids levels. Methods: Serum hepatic fibrosis markers (HA, PC III, IV-C, LN) levels were determined with RIA and serum lipids (TG, TCh HDL; LDL, apoA1, apoB) were measured with biochemical methods in 98 patients with hepatitis in various stages and 50 controls. Liver biopsy was done in all the hepatitis patients. Results: Hepatic fibrosis was classified into 5 grades (S0-S4) according to the pathology shown in the biopsy specimen. The serum lipid levels decreased along with the increase of severity of fibrosis from S0 to S4. Levels in S4 patients were significantly lower than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: The serum hepatic fibrosis markers levels increased and lipids levels decreased along with the progress of hepatitis from acute to cirrhosis. (authors)

  8. Hepatic Encephalopathy (United States)

    ... Caregiver Support Caregiver Stories Home › What is Hepatic Encephalopathy? Why Your Liver is Important The Connection Between HE and Liver ... Why it’s Important to Treat HE Symptoms of Liver Failure Glossary of terms ... is Hepatic Encephalopathy? Hepatic Encephalopathy, sometimes referred to as portosystemic encephalopathy ...

  9. Hepatitis B immunisation for newborn infants of hepatitis B surface antigen-positive mothers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lee, C; Gong, Yanzhang; Brok, J


    Hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B immunoglobulin are considered for newborn infants of HBsAg-positive mothers to prevent hepatitis B infection.......Hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B immunoglobulin are considered for newborn infants of HBsAg-positive mothers to prevent hepatitis B infection....

  10. How hepatitis D virus can hinder the control of hepatitis B virus.

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    Maria Xiridou

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Hepatitis D (or hepatitis delta virus is a defective virus that relies on hepatitis B virus (HBV for transmission; infection with hepatitis D can occur only as coinfection with HBV or superinfection of an existing HBV infection. Because of the bond between the two viruses, control measures for HBV may have also affected the spread of hepatitis D, as evidenced by the decline of hepatitis D in recent years. Since the presence of hepatitis D is associated with suppressed HBV replication and possibly infectivity, it is reasonable to speculate that hepatitis D may facilitate the control of HBV. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We introduced a mathematical model for the transmission of HBV and hepatitis D, where individuals with dual HBV and hepatitis D infection transmit both viruses. We calculated the reproduction numbers of single HBV infections and dual HBV and hepatitis D infections and examined the endemic prevalences of the two viruses. The results show that hepatitis D virus modulates not only the severity of the HBV epidemic, but also the impact of interventions for HBV. Surprisingly we find that the presence of hepatitis D virus may hamper the eradication of HBV. Interventions that aim to reduce the basic reproduction number of HBV below one may not be sufficient to eradicate the virus, as control of HBV depends also on the reproduction numbers of dual infections. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: For populations where hepatitis D is endemic, plans for control programs ignoring the presence of hepatitis D may underestimate the HBV epidemic and produce overoptimistic results. The current HBV surveillance should be augmented with monitoring of hepatitis D, in order to improve accuracy of the monitoring and the efficacy of control measures.

  11. Travelers' Health: Hepatitis C (United States)

    ... Chapter 3 - Hepatitis B Chapter 3 - Hepatitis E Hepatitis C Deborah Holtzman INFECTIOUS AGENT Hepatitis C virus ( ... mother to child. Map 3-05. Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection 1 PDF Version (printable) 1 ...

  12. Travelers' Health: Hepatitis A (United States)

    ... 3 - Helminths, Soil-Transmitted Chapter 3 - Hepatitis B Hepatitis A Noele P. Nelson INFECTIOUS AGENT Hepatitis A ... hepatitis/HAV Table 3-02. Vaccines to prevent hepatitis A VACCINE TRADE NAME (MANUFACTURER) AGE (Y) DOSE ...

  13. Travelers' Health: Hepatitis B (United States)

    ... Chapter 3 - Hepatitis A Chapter 3 - Hepatitis C Hepatitis B Francisco Averhoff INFECTIOUS AGENT Hepatitis B virus ( ... progression of disease. Map 3-04. Prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection 1 PDF Version (printable) 1 ...

  14. Changing Epidemiology of Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E Viruses in China, 1990-2014. (United States)

    Ren, Xiang; Wu, Peng; Wang, Liping; Geng, Mengjie; Zeng, Lingjia; Zhang, Jun; Xia, Ningshao; Lai, Shengjie; Dalton, Harry R; Cowling, Benjamin J; Yu, Hongjie


    We compared the epidemiology of hepatitis A and hepatitis E cases in China from 1990-2014 to better inform policy and prevention efforts. The incidence of hepatitis A cases declined dramatically, while hepatitis E incidence increased. During 2004-2014, hepatitis E mortality rates surpassed those of hepatitis A.

  15. Desbalance redox en la infertilidad masculina Lack of Redox balance in male sterility

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    Akel Mallok


    Full Text Available La infertilidad masculina es considerada como uno de los factores que más contribuyen a la infertilidad de la pareja. En conjunción a los factores convencionales que la originan se ha identificado una causa de extraordinaria repercusión: el estrés oxidativo, el cual es el resultado del desequilibrio entre la generación de especies reactivas del oxígeno y los antioxidantes, que puede originar daños o deformidades a los espermatozoides y eventualmente infertilidad masculina. Las especies reactivas del oxígeno se producen por diversos mecanismos en el semen, por espermatozoides inmóviles o con problemas de movilidad, leucocitos y por espermatozoides normales morfológicamente pero funcionalmente anormales. Entre estos daños, se registran la peroxidación lipídica a la membrana espermática y la fragmentación del ADN tanto nuclear como mitocondrial. Los daños que causa el estrés oxidativo sobre el ADN pueden originar trastornos en la descendencia que incluyen cáncer y acondroplastia. La peroxidación lipídica, origina la alteración de la membrana que afecta su estructura y función. La membrana del espermatozoide humano contiene una elevada proporción de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados, por lo tanto su susceptibilidad a la peroxidación lipídica es muy elevada. Las especies reactivas del oxígeno tienen diversos efectos sobre las células espermáticas, constituyendo un tema muy controvertido, por lo que este artículo tuvo como propósito actualizar al lector sobre algunos de los aspectos bioquímicos relacionados con la producción de especies reactivas del oxígeno y los métodos de diagnóstico que se emplean para detectarlo en la infertilidad humana.The male sterility is considered as one of the factors more contributing to couple sterility. Join to conventional factors originate it condition it was possible to identify a cause with a high level of repercussion: the oxidative stress, which is the result of the imbalance

  16. Hepatitis C: Clinical Trials (United States)

    ... and Public Home » Hepatitis C » Treatment Decisions Viral Hepatitis Menu Menu Viral Hepatitis Viral Hepatitis Home For ... can I find out about participating in a hepatitis C clinical trial? Many trials are being conducted ...

  17. Hepatitis C: Mental Health (United States)

    ... the Public Home Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Home Getting Tested Just Diagnosed Treatment Choice Program ... Pain Mental Health Sex and Sexuality (for Hepatitis C) Success Stories FAQs For Health Care Providers Provider ...

  18. Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Caregiver Support Caregiver Stories Home › What is Hepatic Encephalopathy? Why Your Liver is Important The Connection Between HE and Liver ... Why it’s Important to Treat HE Symptoms of Liver Failure Glossary of terms ... is Hepatic Encephalopathy? Hepatic Encephalopathy, sometimes referred to as portosystemic encephalopathy ...

  19. Hepatitis autoinmune en la edad pediátrica Autoimmune hepatitis in pediatric patients

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    R. García Romero


    Full Text Available Introducción: la hepatitis autoinmune es una enfermedad inflamatoria de origen desconocido responsable de una destrucción progresiva del hígado y evolución hacia la cirrosis. Objetivo: el objetivo es evaluar las características de las hepatitis autoinmunes en la población infantil. Material y métodos: estudio retrospectivo de pacientes diagnosticados en nuestro servicio en los últimos 10 años. Las variables analizadas son: edad, sexo, forma de presentación, función hepática, inmunoglobulinas, autoinmunidad, histología, tratamiento, necesidad de trasplante y evolución clínica. Según la positividad de los auto-anticuerpos se clasifican en tipo I (ANA y/o ASMA y tipo II (LKM-1. Resultados: se diagnostica a siete pacientes, 5 mujeres (71,5% y 2 varones (28,5%; tipo I 5 y tipo II dos pacientes. La edad al diagnóstico es 21 meses a 12 años. En el tipo I la presentación clínica es como hepatitis aguda en 3 casos y 2 pacientes con insuficiencia hepática progresiva. Las tipo II se diagnostican tras un hallazgo analítico siendo asintomáticas. La elevación de transaminasas (x10 su valor se observa en el 71,5% e hipergammaglobulinemia en el 85%. El tratamiento instaurado es azatioprina y corticosteroides con un tiempo medio de remisión de 14 meses. Dos pacientes recaen al retirar corticosteroides. Conclusión: las formas de presentación son variadas y puede ser indistinguible a una hepatitis viral. Se debe sospechar ante una elevación de las aminotransferasas y la presencia de hipergammaglobulinemia. Con buenos resultados el tratamiento recomendado sería azatioprina y corticosteroides. Existen altos porcentajes de recaídas al retirar la corticoterapia por lo que algunos pacientes precisarían de dosis mínimas para mantener la remisión.Background: autoimmune hepatitis (AIH is an inflammatory disease of unknown origin that is responsible for progressive liver necrosis and ultimately cirrhosis. Objective: our aim was to evaluate

  20. Fulminant Hepatic Failure Secondary to Primary Hepatic Angiosarcoma

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    Ayokunle T. Abegunde


    Full Text Available Background. Hepatic angiosarcoma is a rare and aggressive tumor that often presents at an advanced stage with nonspecific symptoms. Objective. To report a case of primary hepatic angiosarcoma in an otherwise healthy man with normal liver function tests two months prior to presenting with a short period of jaundice that progressed to fulminant hepatic failure. Methods. Case report and review of literature. Conclusion. This case illustrates the rapidity of progression to death after the onset of symptoms in a patient with hepatic angiosarcoma. Research on early diagnostic strategies and newer therapies are needed to improve prognosis in this rare and poorly understood malignancy with limited treatment options.

  1. Transfusion-associated hepatitis before the screening of blood for hepatitis risk factors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engle, Ronald E; Bukh, Jens; Alter, Harvey J


    %) with HBV alone, and one (3%) with both viruses. Overall, 100% of patients with hepatitis and 39% of those without hepatitis were infected with HBV and/or HCV; one patient was also infected with hepatitis E virus. The donor carrier rate for HBV and/or HCV was estimated to be more than 6%; contemporaneously......%) developed biochemical evidence of hepatitis; of these, 20 (67%) were infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) alone, four (13%) with hepatitis B virus (HBV) alone, and six (20%) with both viruses. Among the 36 patients who did not develop hepatitis, four (11%) were newly infected with HCV alone, nine (25...... prepared pooled normal human plasma was also contaminated with multiple hepatitis viruses. CONCLUSION: TAH virus infections were a larger problem than perceived 50 years ago and HCV was the predominant agent transmitted. All hepatitis cases could be attributed to HCV and/or HBV and hence...

  2. [Viral hepatitis in travellers]. (United States)

    Abreu, Cândida


    Considering the geographical asymmetric distribution of viral hepatitis A, B and E, having a much higher prevalence in the less developed world, travellers from developed countries are exposed to a considerable and often underestimated risk of hepatitis infection. In fact a significant percentage of viral hepatitis occurring in developed countries is travel related. This results from globalization and increased mobility from tourism, international work, humanitarian and religious missions or other travel related activities. Several studies published in Europe and North America shown that more than 50% of reported cases of hepatitis A are travel related. On the other hand frequent outbreaks of hepatitis A and E in specific geographic areas raise the risk of infection in these restricted zones and that should be clearly identified. Selected aspects related with the distribution of hepatitis A, B and E are reviewed, particularly the situation in Portugal according to the published studies, as well as relevant clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis of viral hepatitis. Basic prevention rules considering enteric transmitted hepatitis (hepatitis A and hepatitis E) and parenteral transmitted (hepatitis B) are reviewed as well as hepatitis A and B immunoprophylaxis. Common clinical situations and daily practice "pre travel" advice issues are discussed according to WHO/CDC recommendations and the Portuguese National Vaccination Program. Implications from near future availability of a hepatitis E vaccine, a currently in phase 2 trial, are highlighted. Potential indications for travellers to endemic countries like India, Nepal and some regions of China, where up to 30% of sporadic cases of acute viral hepatitis are caused by hepatitis E virus, are considered. Continued epidemiological surveillance for viral hepatitis is essential to recognize and control possible outbreaks, but also to identify new viral hepatitis agents that may emerge as important global health

  3. Attitudes and Awareness Regarding Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    in many cases hepatitis B and C can lead to permanent liver ... Department of Public Health Dentistry, Gian Sagar Dental College and Hospital, 1Department of Oral Surgery, Gian ... training among HCWs to prevent the spread of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus. ..... primary care physicians following the Department of.

  4. Hepatitis alcohólica severa no respondedora a glucocorticoides:


    Felipe Olivares A.; María José de la Piedra B; Aranzazu Jugo B.; Verónica Vial L; Nicolás Morán C.; Hernán Oyarzún R.; Carolina Wenk


    RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: La hepatitis alcohólica corresponde a un daño inflamatorio agudo sobre un hígado progresivamente dañado por la ingesta excesiva y prolongada de alcohol. Puede presentar ictericia, manifestaciones de alcoholismo crónico e insuficiencia hepática progresiva. PRESENTACIÓN DEL CASO: Varón de 60 años con antecedentes de daño hepático crónico secundario a alcoholismo activo, que presentó cuadro de dos semanas de ictericia progresiva, prurito y bradipsiqu...

  5. Application of Serum Hepatic Fibrosis Indices in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Yanting; Wang Taisong; Gu Xin


    To investigate the significance of combined detection of laminin (LN), collagen type IV (CIV), hyaluronic acid (HA) and precollagen type III (PCIII) in the diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis. The serum levels of LN, CIV, HA and PCIII in 143 patients with hepatic disease and 41 healthy controls were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The results showed that the serum levels of LN, CIV, HA and PCIII in patients with hepatic disease were significantly higher than those of the control group (P<0.01), and the serum levels of those markers were related to the severity of the chronic hepatic disease. The highest serum levels were found in serious chronic hepatitis group and hepatic fibrosis group,and the increase of serum HA and PCIII was most remarkable. Combined detection of LN, CIV, HA and PCIII is a sensitive and reliable method in the diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis, but the four serum indices can not be used in differentiating serious chronic hepatitis and hepatic fibrosis. (authors)

  6. Hepatitis A seroprevalence in patients with chronic viral hepatitis in Konya, Turkey. (United States)

    Özden, Hale T


    Hepatitis A is among the diseases that can be prevented with vaccination in our time. Acute hepatitis A progresses more severely in individuals with a liver disease. Therefore, patients with a chronic liver disease (because of hepatitis B or hepatitis C) are advised vaccination with the hepatitis A vaccine. This study is aimed to determine the seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) antibodies in patients infected with hepatitis C virus or hepatitis B virus in Konya province of Turkey. A total of 537 patients who had chronic viral hepatitis between January 2011 and December 2014 were included in the study. Serum samples were collected from each patient and tested for anti-HAV using the chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay. The overall seroprevalence of total anti-HAV IgG was 94.2%. The overall prevalence of anti-HAV IgG in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infection was 97.5 and 93.6%, respectively. Anti-HAV IgG positivity was 97.4% in cirrhotic patients and 93.9% in noncirrhotic individuals. At the end of the study, being older than 40 years and living in a rural area were found to be independent risk factors for anti-HAV IgG seropositivity. In conclusion, we recommend that patients younger than 40 years and/or those living in cities and having a chronic liver disease should be vaccinated with the hepatitis A vaccine.

  7. Hepatitis A seroprevalence in patients with chronic viral hepatitis in Konya, Turkey (United States)


    Aim Hepatitis A is among the diseases that can be prevented with vaccination in our time. Acute hepatitis A progresses more severely in individuals with a liver disease. Therefore, patients with a chronic liver disease (because of hepatitis B or hepatitis C) are advised vaccination with the hepatitis A vaccine. This study is aimed to determine the seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) antibodies in patients infected with hepatitis C virus or hepatitis B virus in Konya province of Turkey. Methods A total of 537 patients who had chronic viral hepatitis between January 2011 and December 2014 were included in the study. Serum samples were collected from each patient and tested for anti-HAV using the chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay. Results The overall seroprevalence of total anti-HAV IgG was 94.2%. The overall prevalence of anti-HAV IgG in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infection was 97.5 and 93.6%, respectively. Anti-HAV IgG positivity was 97.4% in cirrhotic patients and 93.9% in noncirrhotic individuals. Conclusion At the end of the study, being older than 40 years and living in a rural area were found to be independent risk factors for anti-HAV IgG seropositivity. In conclusion, we recommend that patients younger than 40 years and/or those living in cities and having a chronic liver disease should be vaccinated with the hepatitis A vaccine. PMID:26703930


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Djoko Yuwono


    Full Text Available Virus Hepatitis C dan Hepatitis B merupakan penyebab hepatitis kronik aktif yang dapat berkembang menjadi hepatoselular karsinoma. Untuk mengetahui peranan kedua jenis virus tersebut sebagai penyebab hepatoselular karsinoma, telah dilakukan pemeriksaan HbsAg, anti-VHC dan RNA-VHC pada 17 penderita hepatitis kronis. 19 Pasien hemodialisis dan 198 donor darah PMI. Pemeriksaan HbsAg dilakukan dengan RPHA Cell: pemeriksaan anti-VHC dengan dipstik anti-VHC kit diagnotik produksi NTB Mataram, Lombok. Deteksi RNA-VHC dilakukan dengan teknik RT-PCR, menggunakan primer spesifik untuk daerah 5'NCR. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan bahwa pada penderita hepatitis kronis ditemukan 5 orang (23,5% positif HbsAg dan 1 orang (5,8% anti-VHC. Pada penderita hemodialisis ditemukan 14 orang (73,6% positif anti-VHC, persentase anti-VHC meningkat sesuai dengan meningkatnya frekuensi hemodialisis. Pada donor darah PMI ditemukan 5 orang (2,2% positif HbsAg dan tidak satupun ditemukan anti-VHC positif.

  9. Experimental study of CT perfusion in hepatitis, hepatic fibrosis and early stage of cirrhosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guan Sheng; Zhao Weidong; Zhou Kangrong; Peng Weijun; Mao Jian; Tang Feng; Wang Yong; Cao Guang; Sun Fei


    Objective: To investigate the value of CT perfusion in the early diagnosis of hepatic diffuse disease. Methods: Fourteen male Wistar rats of control group and 14 of test group at stages of hepatitis, hepatic fibrosis, hepatic cirrhosis which were induced with diethylnitrosamine (DEN), were studied with CT perfusion respectively. CT perfusion data of different stages were compared and pathologic analysis were performed. Results: Density-time curves of CT perfusion were satisfactory and all perfusion data could be obtained. During the period of hepatitis developing into early stage of hepatic cirrhosis, hepatic artery flow (HAF) trended to increase in test group, mean transmit time (MTT) prolonged obviously, blood flow (BF) and volume (BV) declined. While in control group, HAF declined slightly, MTT, BV and BF increased. Statistic analysis showed the differences of HAF and MTT at different stages between control and test groups were significant (P<0.05 ); the differences of BV and BF between hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis, hepatic fibrosis and early stage of hepatic cirrhosis in test group were significant (P<0.05), but no significant difference between hepatitis and hepatic fibrosis. The corresponding pathologic changes at stage of hepatitis was swelling of hepatic cells; sinusoids cap illarization and deposition of collagen in the extravascular Disse's spaces were the main changes relating to hepatic blood perfusion at stage of fibrosis and early stage of cirrhosis. Conclusion: The method of CT scan can reflect some changes of hepatic blood perfusion in rats with hepatitis, hepatic fibrosis and early stage of cirrhosis. The data of CT perfusion, especially the changes should be valuable for clinical early diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. (authors)

  10. Hepatitis Risk Assessment (United States)

    ... please visit this page: About . Hepatitis Risk Assessment Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Viral Hepatitis. Are you at risk? Take this 5 minute Hepatitis Risk Assessment developed ...

  11. Yeast-recombinant hepatitis B vaccine: efficacy with hepatitis B immune globulin in prevention of perinatal hepatitis B virus transmission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stevens, C.E.; Taylor, P.E.; Tong, M.J.; Toy, P.T.; Vyas, G.N.; Nair, P.V.; Weissman, J.Y.; Krugman, S.


    A yeast-recombinant hepatitis B vaccine was licensed recently by the Food and Drug administration and is now available. To assess the efficacy of the yeast-recombinant vaccine, the authors administered the vaccine in combination with hepatitis B immune globulin to high-risk newborns. If infants whose mothers were positive for both hepatitis B surface antigen and the e antigen receive no immunoprophylaxis, 70% to 90% become infected with the virus, and almost all become chronic carriers. Among infants in this study who received hepatitis B immune globulin at birth and three 5- + g doses of yeast-recombinant hepatitis B vaccine, only 4.8% became chronic carriers, a better than 90% level of protection and a rate that is comparable with that seen with immune globulin and plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine. Hepatitis surface antigen and antibodies were detected by radioimmunoassay. These data suggest that, in this high-risk setting, the yeast-recombinant vaccine is as effective as the plasma-derived vaccine in preventing hepatitis B virus infection and the chronic carrier state

  12. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatic cirrhosis: Comparison with viral hepatitis-associated steatosis. (United States)

    Haga, Yuki; Kanda, Tatsuo; Sasaki, Reina; Nakamura, Masato; Nakamoto, Shingo; Yokosuka, Osamu


    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) including nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is globally increasing and has become a world-wide health problem. Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus (HCV) is associated with hepatic steatosis. Viral hepatitis-associated hepatic steatosis is often caused by metabolic syndrome including obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and/or dyslipidemia. It has been reported that HCV genotype 3 exerts direct metabolic effects that lead to hepatic steatosis. In this review, the differences between NAFLD/NASH and viral hepatitis-associated steatosis are discussed.

  13. Liver Cancer and Hepatitis B (United States)

    ... Clinical Trials Physician Directory HBV Meeting What Is Hepatitis B? What Is Hepatitis B? The ABCs of Viral Hepatitis Liver Cancer and Hepatitis B Hepatitis Delta Coinfection Hepatitis C Coinfection HIV/AIDS ...

  14. Normal variation of hepatic artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Inn; Nam, Myung Hyun; Rhim, Hyun Chul; Koh, Byung Hee; Seo, Heung Suk; Kim, Soon Yong


    This study was an analyses of blood supply of the liver in 125 patients who received hepatic arteriography and abdominal aortography from Jan. 1984 to Dec. 1986 at the Department of Radiology of Hanyang University Hospital. A. Variations in extrahepatic arteries: 1. The normal extrahepatic artery pattern occurred in 106 of 125 cases (84.8%) ; Right hepatic and left hepatic arteries arising from the hepatic artery proper and hepatic artery proper arising from the common hepatic artery. 2. The most common type of variation of extrahepatic artery was replaced right hepatic artery from superior mesenteric artery: 6 of 125 cases (4.8%). B. Variations in intrahepatic arteries: 1. The normal intrahepatic artery pattern occurred in 83 of 125 cases (66.4%). Right hepatic and left hepatic arteries arising from the hepatic artery proper and middle hepatic artery arising from lower portion of the umbilical point of left hepatic artery. 2. The most common variation of intrahepatic arteries was middle hepatic artery. 3. Among the variation of middle hepatic artery; Right, middle and left hepatic arteries arising from the same location at the hepatic artery proper was the most common type; 17 of 125 cases (13.6%)

  15. Histórico das hepatites virais History of viral hepatitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Carlos Ferraz da Fonseca


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A história das hepatites virais remonta milhares de anos e é fascinante. Quando o ser humano sofreu pela primeira vez a invasão do seu organismo por tais agentes, iniciou-se um ciclo natural e repetitivo capaz de infectar bilhões de seres humanos, dizimar e sequelar milhares de vida. MÉTODOS: Este artigo rever informações científicas disponíveis sobre o histórico das hepatites virais. Todas as informações foram obtidas através de extensa revisão bibliográfica, compreendendo artigos originais e de revisão e consultas na rede internet. RESULTADOS: Existem relatos de surtos de icterícia epidêmica na China há mais de 5.000 anos e na Babilônia, há mais de 2.500 anos. A história catastrófica das grandes epidemias ou pandemias ictéricas são conhecidas e geralmente estão associadas às grandes guerras. Na guerra da Secessão Americana, 40 mil casos ocorreram entre militares da União. Em 1885, um surto de icterícia catarral acometeu 191 trabalhadores do estaleiro de Bremen (Alemanha após vacinação contra varíola. Em 1942, 28.585 soldados contraíram hepatite após inoculação da vacina contra a febre amarela. O número de casos de hepatite durante a Segunda Grande Guerra foi estimado em 16 milhões. Somente no século XX, foram identificados os principais agentes causadores das hepatites virais. O vírus da hepatite B foi o primeiro a ser descoberto. CONCLUSÕES: Neste artigo, a revisão da história das grandes epidemias ocasionadas pelos vírus das hepatites e a descoberta desses agentes revelam singulares peculiaridades, citando como exemplo, a descoberta acidental ou por acaso dos vírus da hepatite B e D.INTRODUCTION: The history of viral hepatitis goes back thousands of years and is a fascinating one. When humans were first infected by such agents, a natural repetitive cycle began, with the capacity to infect billions of humans, thus decimating the population and causing sequelae in thousands of lives

  16. Peritonitis tuberculosa en pacientes infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana Tuberculous peritonitis in HIV-infected patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Cecchini


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de describir aspectos clínicos y de laboratorio de la peritonitis por Mycobacterium tuberculosis en pacientes VIH (+, se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de historias clínicas de pacientes VIH+ con aislamiento de M. tuberculosis de líquido ascítico (LA atendidos en el período 1996-2005 en el Hospital Muñiz, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se incluyeron 21 pacientes con una mediana de edad de 34 años; el 52% era de sexo masculino. La mediana del valor de linfocitos T CD4+ en sangre periférica fue de 85/mm³; la tasa de pacientes con tuberculosis previa alcanzó el 40%; mientras que la proporción de sujetos con cuadro clínico compatible con cirrosis, con enolismo y con serología reactiva al virus de la hepatitis C (VHC fue del 65%, 45% y 85%, respectivamente. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron la distensión abdominal (71%, la fiebre (62% y el dolor abdominal (19%. Las características químicas (medianas del LA fueron las siguientes: recuento de leucocitos: 751/mm³ (predominio mononuclear: 79%; proteínas: 3,1 g/dl; LDH: 351 UI/l. Se obtuvo baciloscopía positiva en el LA del 14% de los enfermos y se comprobó infección por M. tuberculosis multirresistente (TBC-MR en el 20%. Se aisló M. tuberculosis de otras muestras en el 71% de los casos. Quince pacientes recibieron tratamiento antituberculoso; en el 30% el tratamiento empírico inicial no se adecuó a la sensibilidad de la cepa. La mortalidad global fue del 66,4%, lo que se considera un valor elevado. Esto sería atribuible a la alta frecuencia de TBC-MR, al grado de inmunosupresión y a la prevalencia de cirrosis secundaria a enolismo y de coinfección por el VHC.In order to describe the clinical and laboratory findings of Mycobacterium tuberculosis peritonitis M. tuberculosis in HIV+ patients, we conducted a retrospective analysis of the medical records of HIV+ patients with isolation of M. tuberculosis from ascitic fluid (AF, assisted at Hospital Muñiz, Buenos

  17. Seguridad de la terapia de interferón alfa 2b recombinante más ribavirina en la hepatitis crónica C

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoan Antonio Sánchez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la hepatitis crónica C ha adquirido rango de pandemia. El virus de la hepatitis C se ha convertido en la causa principal de hepatitis crónica, cirrosis hepática, hepatocarcinoma, y trasplante de hígado a nivel mundial. OBJETIVO: identificar los efectos adversos asociados a la terapia combinada interferón alfa 2b recombinante más ribavirina durante la evolución del tratamiento y hasta 8 semanas después de finalizado, así como los principales efectos asociados a salidas temporales o definitivas de esta terapia. MÉTODOS: estudio de farmacovigilancia cuya serie estuvo conformada por 122 pacientes con hepatitis crónica C atendidos en el Instituto de Gastroenterología desde mayo de 2001 hasta mayo de 2006. Se utilizó interferón alfa 2b recombinante (3 millones de unidades 3 veces por semana más ribavirina (1 000 o 1 200 mg diarios en dependencia del peso corporal durante 48 semanas. RESULTADOS: el 88,5 % del total de casos presentó efectos adversos; de ellos el 79,5 % correspondió al síndrome seudogripal, seguido de manifestaciones hematológicas, neuropsiquiátricas, gastrointestinales, entre otras menos frecuentes. El 6,6 % de la serie presentó salidas temporales del tratamiento por efecto adverso distinto de la anemia y 4 pacientes, salidas definitivas del estudio, tres por anemia hemolítica severa y uno con hipertiroidismo no controlable. CONCLUSIONES: la terapia combinada interferón alfa 2b recombinante más ribavirina resulta segura, donde el mayor número de casos presentó síndrome seudogripal como efecto adverso más frecuente. Las manifestaciones hematológicas asociadas a las salidas definitivas del estudio permitieron recomendar seguimiento estricto de la hemoglobina y profundizar en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los principales efectos adversos presentes en otros sistemas y asociados a esta terapia.

  18. Hepatitis B & C and HIV (United States)

    ... Find Services HIV SERVICES LOCATOR Locator Search Search Hepatitis B & C Topics Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hepatitis ... Infections Sexually Transmitted Diseases Smoking Women's Health Issues Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Infection People ...

  19. Hepatitis C: Sex and Sexuality (United States)

    ... with Hepatitis » Sex and Sexuality: Entire Lesson Viral Hepatitis Menu Menu Viral Hepatitis Viral Hepatitis Home For ... hepatitis C virus through sex. Can you pass hepatitis C to a sex partner? Yes, but it ...

  20. Hepatitis C: Diet and Nutrition (United States)

    ... with Hepatitis » Daily Living: Diet and Nutrition Viral Hepatitis Menu Menu Viral Hepatitis Viral Hepatitis Home For ... have high cholesterol and have fatty liver. How hepatitis C affects diet If you have hepatitis, you ...

  1. Does chronic hepatitis B infection affect the clinical course of acute hepatitis A? (United States)

    Shin, Su Rin; Moh, In Ho; Jung, Sung Won; Kim, Jin Bae; Park, Sang Hoon; Kim, Hyoung Su; Jang, Myung Kuk; Lee, Myung Seok


    The impact of chronic hepatitis B on the clinical outcome of acute hepatitis A remains controversial. The aim of present study was to evaluate the clinical characteristics of acute hepatitis A in cases with underlying chronic hepatitis B compared to cases of acute hepatitis A alone. Data on 758 patients with acute hepatitis A admitted at two university-affiliated hospitals were reviewed. Patients were classified into three groups: group A, patients with both acute hepatitis A and underlying chronic hepatitis B (n = 27); group B, patients infected by acute hepatitis A alone whose sexes and ages were matched with patients in group A (n  = 54); and group C, patients with acute hepatitis A alone (n = 731). None of the demographic features of group A were significantly different from those of group B or C, except for the proportion of males and body weight, which differed from group C. When comparing to group B, clinical symptoms were more frequent, and higher total bilirubin and lower albumin levels were observed in group A. When comparing to group C, the albumin levels were lower in group A. There were no differences in the duration of hospital stay, occurrence of acute kidney injury, acute liver failure, prolonged cholestasis, or relapsing hepatitis. This study revealed that clinical symptoms and laboratory findings were less favorable for patients with acute hepatitis A and chronic hepatitis B compared to those with acute hepatitis A alone. However, there were no differences in fatal outcomes or serious complications. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. How Hepatitis D Virus Can Hinder the Control of Hepatitis B Virus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Xiridiou, M.; Borkent-Raven, B.; Hulshof, J.; Wallinga, J.


    Background: Hepatitis D (or hepatitis delta) virus is a defective virus that relies on hepatitis B virus (HBV) for transmission; infection with hepatitis D can occur only as coinfection with HBV or superinfection of an existing HBV infection. Because of the bond between the two viruses, control

  3. Microbiological diagnostics of viral hepatitis


    HASDEMİR, Ufuk


    Viral hepatitis is an infection that primarily affects the liverbut may also have systemic clinical manifestations. The vastmajority of viral hepatitis are caused by one of five hepatotropicviruses: hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV),hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D (delta) virus (HDV), andhepatitis E virus (HEV) (Table I) [1]. HBV, HCV, and HDValso cause chronic hepatitis, whereas HAV does not. HEVcauses acute hepatitis in normal hosts but can cause protractedand chronic he...

  4. Hepatitis fulminante en la Sierra Nevada: Una forma de superinfección del virus delta con el virus de la hepatitis B.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvaro Villanueva


    Full Text Available Durante septiembre de 1980 a octubre de 1983, se realizó un estudio seroepidemiológico para hepatitis A y B, en 258 personas en una ciudad (Santa Marta población de 250.000 y tres pequeños municipios (Santa Rosalía, Julio Zawady y Aracataca, poblaciones de 768, 800 y 5.000 habitantes respectivamente. La presencia de hepatitis A se encontró en un 77 a 93% (IgG Hepatitis A. Hbs Ag o Anti-Hbs Ag en 30.5% de la población en dos municipios (Santa Rosalía y Julio Zawady, en 2.5% en el municipio de Aracataca y 48.5% en la ciudad de Santa Marta. La presencia del Agente Delta (Anti-delta en el suero se determinó también en estas mismas poblaciones, encontrándose ausente en la ciudad y uno de los municipios (Aracataca, en contraste con una prevalencia de 13.7% y 22% en Julio Zawady y Santa Rosalía (P: 0.0001. Se excluyeron por historia clínica, antecedentes de drogadicción, transfusiones, o prácticas homosexuales, como mecanismos de transmisión de los virus B y delta. En veinte pacientes con diagnóstico histopalógico de hepatitis fulminante y en quienes se descartaron otras etiologías se demostró la presencia serológica de los virus de la hepatitis By Delta. De estos veinte, diez provenían de Julio Zawady y los otros diez de Santa Rosalía. La evolución clínica de esta enfermedad fue indistinguible de otras causas de falla hepática aguda. La mortalidad de estas formas fulminantes de hepatitis alcanzaron hasta un 65%. Los corticoides no modificaron el curso de esta enfermedad. La población joven mostró mayor compromiso y peor diagnóstico (P:0.033. La hepatitis fulminante de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta es el resultado de la superinfección con el virus Delta sobre la infección virus B. La aparición simultánea de casos intrafamiliares sugiere una relación importante entre los grupos comprometidos, aunque la forma exacta de transmisión permanece aún desconocida.

  5. Feature Hepatitis: The Dangers of Hepatitis: What you should know from A to E (United States)

    ... Navigation Bar Home Current Issue Past Issues Feature Hepatitis The Dangers of Hepatitis: What you should know from A to E ... drugs. In some cases, hepatitis lasts a lifetime. Hepatitis: Acute or Chronic? Acute hepatitis is the initial ...

  6. Hepatitis C virus core protein induces hepatic steatosis via Sirt1-dependent pathway. (United States)

    Zhang, Chuanhai; Wang, Jingjing; Zhang, Hanlin; Liu, Shunai; Lee, Hyuek Jong; Jin, Wanzhu; Cheng, Jun


    Hepatic steatosis is a common feature of patients with chronic hepatitis C. Previous reports have shown that the overexpression of hepatitis C virus core-encoding sequences (hepatitis C virus genotypes 3a and 1b) significantly induces intracellular triglyceride accumulation. However, the underlying mechanism has not yet been revealed. To investigate whether Sirt1 is involved in hepatitis C virus-mediated hepatic steatosis, the overexpression of hepatitis C virus core 1b protein and Sirt1 and the knockdown of Sirt1 in HepG2 cells were performed. To confirm the results of the cellular experiment liver-specific Sirt1 KO mice with lentivirus-mediated hepatitis C virus core 1b overexpression were studied. Our results show that hepatitis C virus core 1b protein overexpression led to the accumulation of triglycerides in HepG2 cells. Notably the expression of PPARγ2 was dramatically increased at both the mRNA and protein levels by hepatitis C virus core 1b overexpression. The protein expression of Sirt1 is an upstream regulator of PPARγ2 and was also significantly increased after core 1b overexpression. In addition, the overexpression or knockdown of Sirt1 expression alone was sufficient to modulate p300-mediated PPARγ2 deacetylation. In vivo studies showed that hepatitis C virus core protein 1b-induced hepatic steatosis was attenuated in liver-specific Sirt1 KO mice by downregulation of PPARγ2 expression. Sirt1 mediates hepatitis C virus core protein 1b-induced hepatic steatosis by regulation of PPARγ2 expression. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Hepatitis B Test (United States)

    ... Links Patient Resources For Health Professionals Subscribe Search Hepatitis B Testing Send Us Your Feedback Choose Topic At ... Known As HBV Tests Hep B anti-HBs Hepatitis B Surface Antibody HBsAg Hepatitis B Surface Antigen HBeAg ...

  8. Aberrant hepatic artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konstam, M.A.; Novelline, R.A.; Athanasoulis, C.A.


    In a patient undergoing selective hepatic arteriography for suspected liver trauma, a nonopacified area of the liver, initially thought to represent a hepatic hematoma, was later discovered to be due to the presence of an accessory right hepatic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery. This case illustrates the need for a search for aberrant vasculature whenever a liver hematoma is suspected on the basis of a selective hepatic arteriogram. (orig.) [de

  9. Surgery for hepatic hidatidosis. Risk factors and variables associated with postoperative morbidity. Overview of the existing evidence. (United States)

    Manterola, Carlos; Otzen, Tamara; Muñoz, Gloria; Alanis, Martín; Kruuse, Eileen; Figueroa, Gustavo


    There are few publications related to postoperative morbidity in hepatic hydatidosis and these have mixed results. The aim of this study was to determine risk and protective factors of postoperative morbidity in patients operated on for hepatic hydatidosis. A comprehensive review was made of the evidence, based on systematic reviews, clinical analyses and observational studies, obtained from the Trip Database, BVS, SciELO, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, WoS, MEDLINE, EMBASE, SCOPUS, EBSCOhost, IBECS, ePORTUGUESe, LILACS and WHOLIS. 1,087 related articles were identified; 69 fulfilled the selection criteria (2 systematic reviews, 3 clinical trials and 64 observational studies). Age, history of previous surgery for hepatic hydatidosis, location in the hepatic center, existence of biliary communications and evolutionary complications of the cyst were identified as risk factors, and radical surgical techniques as protective factors. Risk and protective factors were identified; however, the studies are few and the quality moderate to low. Copyright © 2017 AEC. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. Seroprevalence and risk factors of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Undertaking blood transfusion, tattooing and sharing of needles were associated with hepatitis C infection (P=0.001). HBV was not associated with any of the risk factors (P>0.05). Conclusion: Our findings suggest a high prevalence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C among pregnant women; blood transfusion, tattooing and ...

  11. Prácticas sexuales y seroprevalencia de infección por VIH, HTLV-1 sífilis en meretrices clandestinas de Lima

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Trujillo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Investigar la prevalencia de prácticas sexuales de riesgo para infección por Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual (ETS y la seroprevalencia de infección por VIH-1, HTLV-1 y Treponema pallidum en meretrices de los burdeles clandestinos de Lima. Material y métodos: Estudio de diseño transversal, descriptivo y no probabilístico. Se realizó una encuesta anónima por entrevista directa sobre prácticas sexuales y antecedentes de ETS y se tomó una muestra de sangre para análisis serológico de anticuerpos contra VIH-1, HTLV-1 y T. Pallidum de 158 meretrices voluntarias en 15 burdeles clandestinos de Lima Metropolitana entre marzo y junio de 1994. Resultados: Todas las muestras de suero fueron negativas para VIH-1 (IC 95%, 0.0 - 1.8 pero dos resultaron indeterminadas (ELISA positivo y WB banda p24 presente. Seis (3.8% positivas para HTLV-1 (IC 95%, 1.4 - 8.1. Cinco (3.2% fueron VDRL reactivas (IC 95%, 1.0 - 7.3. El uso consistente de condón con los clientes fue 75% (119/158. Sólo 3% (4/137 lo usan con su pareja sexual estable. Las prácticas sexuales de riesgo encontradas fueron: coito anal 7.6%, relaciones sexuales durante la menstruación 37%, felación 93%, relaciones sexuales con clientes portadores de úlceras genitales 19%; pero refirieron un mayor uso del condón en las mismas. El 25% tuvo antecedentes de alguna ETS en los últimos 5 años, siendo gonorrea, la más frecuente (22%. Conclusiones: La población de meretrices de los burdeles clandestinos de Lima tiene un elevado uso consistente del condón con clientes, y la prevalencia de infección retroviral y de sífilis es baja. (Rev Med Hered 1996; 7: 162-171.

  12. Lower doses venlafaxine-associated toxic hepatitis in a patient with chronic hepatitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sencan, I.; Sahin, I.; Ozcetin, A.


    Toxic hepatitis is observed with high doses of Venlafaxine. But toxic hepatitis has not been yet reported at lower doses of Venlafaxine such as 37.5 mg per day. In this case report, a case of Venlafaxine associated toxic hepatitis with lower doses in patient with history of chronic hepatitis is presented. We suggest that liver function should be regularly monitored in patients with history of chronic hepatitis receiving Venlafaxine even at lower doses and even when their liver enzymes are normal. (author)

  13. Estudo morfológico do tecido hepático de Leporinus macrocephalus = Morphological study of the hepatic tissue of Leporinus macrocephalus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Terezinha Siqueira Bombonato


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou análise macroscópica e histológica do fígado de Leporinus macrocephalus para avaliar a estrutura do tecido hepático. Os peixes provenientes de um pesqueiro da região de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo, foram anestesiados, mortos, e os fígados foram retirados e encaminhados à rotina histológica, com inclusão em paraplast. A macroscopia mostrou um figado de estrutura homogênea, de coloração marron-avermelhada, localizado na região medial do corpo, caudalmente ao coração e posterior às brânquias, apresentando três lóbos de forma piramidal, sendo um central e dois laterais direito eesquerdo. A análise histológica revelou o tecido hepático constituído por cordões duplos de hepatócitos circundados por sinusóides, denominado de “muralha dupla”. Revelou, ainda, um sistema biliar disperso pelo parênquima hepático mostrando ductos com epitélio cúbicosimples, circundado por fibras musculares e tecido conjuntivo. Células do tecido pancreático exócrino foram observadas, margeando vasos sangüíneos, organizando-se em ácinos apresentando grânulos de zimogênio. Além disso, existem centros melanomacrófagos distribuídos ao longo de todo parênquima, preferencialmente próximos aos vasos sanguíneos, formados por células que acumulam materiais como melanina e lipofucsina, podendo sua presença estar relacionada com o estado nutricional do peixe.The objective of this work was to analyze the liver of Leporinus macrocephalus at the macroscopic and histologic level by evaluating the characteristics of the hepatic tissue. The fishes from a fishery in Bauru, S.P., were collected and sacrificed by destroying the spinalcord; afterwards the collected hepatic tissue was fixed and followed by histological routine. Macroscopic analysis of L. macrocephalus liver showed an organ of homogeneous structure, with red-brown color, located in the medial region of the body, caudal to heart and after the gills. It

  14. Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Donate Today Enroll in 123 What is Hepatic Encephalopathy? Hepatic Encephalopathy, sometimes referred to as portosystemic encephalopathy or PSE, is a condition that causes temporary ...

  15. Hepatitis A Virus and Hepatitis E Virus: Emerging and Re-Emerging Enterically Transmitted Hepatitis Viruses. (United States)

    Lemon, Stanley M; Walker, Christopher M


    Over the past two decades, progress in understanding human infections with hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) has been eclipsed by the priority of combating persistent hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. During that time, the global burden of liver disease caused by enteric hepatitis viruses has not abated. Because of vaccines, hepatitis A has become increasingly a disease of adults instead of early childhood in many regions of the world, resulting in an age-related shift toward more severe disease. HEV has remained endemic in many developing countries, and in well-developed, economically advanced countries it is now recognized as a cause of chronic, progressive liver disease in individuals with compromised immunity. The goal of this collection of articles is to review recent progress and to shine a bright light on gaps in our understanding of how these viruses replicate, cause disease, interact with the liver and host immune system, and are transmitted, along with prospects for improved control in human populations. Renewed efforts to study and compare HAV and HEV biology in humans and animal models have high potential to enhance our understanding of host-pathogen balance in the liver, and may contribute ultimately to the control of other infectious diseases of the liver. Copyright © 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  16. The hepatic bridge. (United States)

    Sugarbaker, Paul H


    The hepatic bridge forms a tunnel of liver parenchyma that may obscure peritoneal metastases associated with the round ligament. Visualization and then resection of nodules associated with this structure is necessary. The incidence of a hepatic bridge and the extent that it covered the round ligament was determined in consecutive patients. Extent of coverage of the round ligament by the hepatic bridge was determined: Class 1 indicates up to one-third of the round ligament obscured, Class 2 up to two-thirds and Class 3 more than two-thirds. In 102 patients in whom the round ligament of the liver could be completely visualized, 50 had a hepatic bridge. Class 1 was 22 (44%) of the bridges, Class 2 was 16 (32%) and Class 3 was 12 (24%). A hepatic bridge was more frequently present in 28 of 45 male patients (62%) vs. 22 of 57 female patients (38%). Approximately one-half of our patients having cytoreductive surgery for peritoneal metastases were observed to have a hepatic bridge. Up to 56% of these patients have Class 2 or 3 hepatic bridge and may require division of the hepatic bridge to completely visualize the contents of the tunnel created by this structure. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd, BASO ~ The Association for Cancer Surgery, and the European Society of Surgical Oncology. All rights reserved.

  17. Accessory hepatic vein: MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Chang Hee; Rho, Tack Soo; Cha, Sang Hoon; Park, Cheol Min; Cha, In Ho


    To evaluate the MR appearance of the accessory hepatic veins. The study included 87 consecutive patients for whom abdominal MR images were obtained. The subjects who had liver lesion or hepatic vascular abnormalities were excluded. Couinaud classified accessory hepatic veins into inferior and middle right hepatic veins. Our major interests were evaluation of the incidence, morphology, and location of the accessory hepatic vein. Inferior right hepatic vein was demonstrated in 43 out of 87 patients (49%). The morphology was linear in 35 patients (80.5%), and V-shaped in 8 patients (19.5%). In 40 patients (93%), the inferior right hepatic vein was located in the posteroinferior aspect of the right lobe. Middle right hepatic vein was demonstrated in 7 out of 87 patients (8%). All were single linear in morphology, combined with the inferior right hepatic vein, and located between the right hepatic vein and inferior right hepatic vein. The accessory hepatic vein was demonstrated in 49% among the Korean adult population, and was located in posteroinferior portion of the liver, in 93%

  18. Features of Hepatitis in Hepatitis-associated Aplastic Anemia: Clinical and Histopathologic Study. (United States)

    Patel, Kalyani R; Bertuch, Alison; Sasa, Ghadir S; Himes, Ryan W; Wu, Hao


    Hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia (HAA) is a rare variant of aplastic anemia in which patients present with severe pancytopenia after an episode of acute hepatitis. The marrow failure is often rapid, severe, and usually fatal if untreated. The preceding hepatitis is largely under-studied. Retrospective study of the clinical and histopathologic features of hepatitis in pediatric patients who subsequently developed aplastic anemia and comparison with consecutive cases of acute liver failure and random cases of autoimmune hepatitis during the same time frame. All 7 patients of HAA had significant elevations in aminotransferases and conjugated hyperbilirubinemia at initial presentation. Echoing liver function indices, cholestatic hepatitis with sinusoidal obstruction-type endothelial injury was seen histomorphologically. Autoimmune hepatitis serology such as anti-F-actin, anti-liver/kidney microsome, and hypergammaglobulinemia was negative in all patients. Five of 7 patients (71.4%) had, however, elevated antinuclear antibody, all with a speckled pattern. Hepatitis virus serology was negative in all patients. By immunohistochemical staining, the lobular CD8/CD4 lymphocyte ratio was markedly elevated in all of the initial samples with significant reduction in this ratio (P = 0.03) in 3 patients post treatment (ursodiol, antibiotics, and/or immunosuppressive therapy). Hepatitis preceding HAA is characterized by marked elevation of aminotransferases, conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, elevated antinuclear antibody with a speckled pattern, cholestatic hepatitis with sinusoidal obstruction morphology, and CD8 dominant lobular infiltrates. The present study suggests HAA may result from cytotoxic T-cell-mediated sinusoidal endothelial and hepatocytic injury.

  19. HIV infection and related risk behaviors in a community of recyclable waste collectors of Santos, Brazil Infección por HIV y comportamiento de riesgo relacionados con colectores de basura de Santos, Brasil Infecção por HIV e comportamentos de risco relacionados em coletores de lixo de Santos, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauro Abrahão Rozman


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To estimate the seroprevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and C and syphilis and to describe risk behaviors associated to their transmission among recyclable waste collectors. METHODS: A seroepidemiological survey was carried out in the city of Santos, Southeastern Brazil, in 2005. A total of 315 individuals were enrolled in the survey, of which 253 subjects underwent serological testing HIV, hepatitis B and C and syphilis. Statistical analysis consisted of univariate and bivariate analyses (cross-tabulation and odds ratio and multivariate analysis (by logistic regression, relating HIV infection with established risk behaviors and seropositivity. RESULTS: Overall seroprevalences were: HIV, 8.9%; hepatitis B, 34.4%; hepatitis C, 12.4%; and syphilis, 18.4%. Subjects were characterized by a predominance of males with low educational and economic levels, subjected to parenteral and sexual exposures to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Multivariate analysis results indicated that risk factors for both sexually and parenterally related exposure were significantly associated with HIV in this community. CONCLUSIONS: Seroprevalences found in the study were approximately 10 to 12 times higher than the national average. These communities are socially marginalized and generally not recognized by national programs as potentially endangered populations.OBJETIVO: Estimar la seroprevalencia de HIV, Hepatitis B y C y sífilis y describir los comportamientos de riesgo asociados a la transmisión entre colectores autónomos de basura. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una investigación seroepidemiológica en la ciudad de Santos (Sudeste de Brasil, en 2005. Se realizaron análisis serológicas para HIV, Hepatitis B y C y sífilis a 253 individuos, de un total de 315 incluidos en el estudio. Los análisis estadísticos consistieron de pruebas uni y bivariadas (tabulación cruzada y odds ratio y análisis multivariada (por regresión logística, relacionando la

  20. Identification of acute self-limited hepatitis B among patients presenting with hepatitis B virus-related acute hepatitis: a hospital-based epidemiological and clinical study. (United States)

    Han, Y-N


    This study aimed to identify acute self-limited hepatitis B (ASL-HB) among patients presenting with hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related acute hepatitis. Data were available for 220 patients diagnosed with HBV-related acute hepatitis, of whom 164 had acute hepatitis B (AHB). Of these, 160 were confirmed as ASL-HB: three (1.9%) evolved to chronic hepatitis B and one (0.6%) developed fulminant hepatitis and died. Comparisons were also made between AHB and acute infections with hepatitis A (HA) and hepatitis E (HE) viruses. During the study period, the number of patients with AHB exceeded the sum of those with acute HA and acute HE infections. There was no distinct seasonal peak for AHB infection, whereas both acute HA and acute HE infections occurred more frequently in the spring. Clinical symptoms and physical signs were similar for all three types of hepatitis, but significant differences were seen in some biochemical parameters. In conclusion, this study suggests that symptomatic AHB is not rare in China but it seldom evolves to chronic hepatitis B.

  1. HIV and Viral Hepatitis (United States)

    ... common causes of viral hepatitis are hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV). HBV and HCV are common ... gov/ mmwr/ preview/ mmwrhtml/ rr5516a1. htm? s_ cid= rr5516a1_ e. The Numbers • • Of people with HIV in the ...

  2. Recurrent paratyphoid fever A co-infected with hepatitis A reactivated chronic hepatitis B. (United States)

    Liu, Yanling; Xiong, Yujiao; Huang, Wenxiang; Jia, Bei


    We report here a case of recurrent paratyphoid fever A with hepatitis A co-infection in a patient with chronic hepatitis B. A 26-year-old male patient, who was a hepatitis B virus carrier, was co-infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi A and hepatitis A virus. The recurrence of the paratyphoid fever may be ascribed to the coexistence of hepatitis B, a course of ceftriaxone plus levofloxacin that was too short and the insensitivity of paratyphoid fever A to levofloxacin. We find that an adequate course and dose of ceftriaxone is a better strategy for treating paratyphoid fever. Furthermore, the co-infection of paratyphoid fever with hepatitis A may stimulate cellular immunity and break immunotolerance. Thus, the administration of the anti-viral agent entecavir may greatly improve the prognosis of this patient with chronic hepatitis B, and the episodes of paratyphoid fever and hepatitis A infection prompt the use of timely antiviral therapy.

  3. Diseño de un vector no viral basado en nanopartículas lipídicas para el tratamiento de la hepatitis C mediante ARN de interferencia


    Torrecilla Alzola, Josune


    199 p. La hepatitis C sigue siendo hoy en día un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Se estima que hay 170 millones de personas infectadas por el virus de la hepatitis C (HCV, del inglés hepatitis C virus) en el mundo, con 3-4 millones de nuevas infecciones cada año. Sólo una fracción de las personas infectadas responden al tratamiento estándar consistente en una triple terapia compuesta de interferón-¿ (INT-¿) o interferón-¿ pegilado (PEG-INT-¿), ribavirina e inhibidores de la prot...

  4. Detection of occult hepatitis B virus among chronic hepatitis C patients

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Concurrent infections with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are increasingly recognized in patients with chronic hepatitis. In Egypt, the last decade showed a remarkable decline in HBV infection associated with remarkable rise in HCV infection. The probable impact of occult HBV in patients ...

  5. Hepatitis viruses overview

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Hepatitis is major cause of morbidity or mortality worldwide, particularly in the developing world. The major causes of infective hepatitis are hepatitis viruses. A, B, C, D or E. In the acute phase, there are no clinical features that can reliably differentiate between these viruses. Infection may be asymptomatic or can present as.

  6. Hepatitis B Foundation Newsletter: B Informed (United States)

    ... Clinical Trials Physician Directory HBV Meeting What Is Hepatitis B? What Is Hepatitis B? The ABCs of Viral Hepatitis Liver Cancer and Hepatitis B Hepatitis Delta Coinfection Hepatitis C Coinfection HIV/AIDS ...

  7. Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Your Story Spread the Word Give While You Shop Contact Us Donate Now Hepatic Encephalopathy Back Hepatic ... Your Story Spread the Word Give While You Shop Contact Us Donate Now Help ALF Improve This ...

  8. Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Now Hepatic Encephalopathy Back Hepatic Encephalopathy is a brain disorder that develops in some individuals with liver ... is a condition that causes temporary worsening of brain function in people with advanced liver disease. When ...

  9. Primary hepatic lymphoma presenting as fulminant hepatic failure with hyperferritinemia: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haider Fyeza S


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Primary hepatic lymphoma is an unusual form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that usually presents with constitutional symptoms, hepatomegaly and signs of cholestatic jaundice. Diffuse hepatic infiltration is uncommon and presentation with acute hepatic failure even more rare. The presence of markedly elevated ferritin levels can complicate the evaluation process and suggest alternative diagnoses. We present the case of a middle-aged woman exhibiting pancytopenia, hyperferritinemia and rapidly deteriorating to develop acute hepatic failure. Her initial clinical picture led to a working diagnosis of adult onset Still's disease with probable hemophagocytic syndrome before her worsening liver function necessitated a percutaneous liver biopsy and establishment of the final diagnosis of primary hepatic lymphoma. Conclusion Primary hepatic lymphoma is an uncommon malignancy and its manifestation as progressive hepatitis or acute fulminant hepatic failure can be difficult to diagnose. The presence of constitutional symptoms, pancytopenia and high ferritin levels can complicate the evaluation process. A liver biopsy early in the course of liver dysfunction may establish the diagnosis without a higher risk of bleeding complications seen once liver failure sets in.

  10. Seroprevalencia de marcadores de infecciones transmisibles por vía transfusional en banco de sangre de Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jair Alberto Patiño Bedoya


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la seroprevalencia de marcadores de infecciones transmisibles por vía transfusional. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con fuente de información secundaria, basada en los resultados de pruebas biológicas en los donantes de un banco de sangre de Medellín, Colombia, de 2007 a 2010. Se determinó la seroprevalencia de los marcadores de infección y se compararon según sexo y tipo de donante a través de análisis de frecuencias, chi cuadrado, Fisher y razones de prevalencia. RESULTADOS: La población de base estuvo conformada por 65.535 donantes de los cuales, 3,3% presentaran al menos una prueba biológica positiva. El marcador más prevalente en las pruebas del banco de sangre fue sífilis (1,2%, seguido de tripanosomiasis (1,0%, virus de la hepatitis C (VHC (0,6%, virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH (0,5% y virus de la hepatitis B (VHB (0,2%. Con base en el laboratorio de referencia se halló una prevalencia de 0,6% para sífilis, 0,1% para VHB y 0% para VHC, VIH y Chagas. Se hallaron diferencias estadísticas en la prevalencia de VHB y sífilis según sexo y tipo de donante. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados son coherentes con las prevalencias dadas por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS y se pueden correlacionar con la prevalencia mundial de las infecciones transmisibles por via transfusional. Los resultados hallados en las pruebas del banco de sangre posibilitan la disminución del riesgo transfusional pero limitan la optimización de recursos al excluir donantes clasificados como falsos positivos.

  11. Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... friend, spouse, life partner, parent, sibling or other family member. What is HE? Hepatic Encephalopathy, sometimes referred ... disease is. It’s important for you and your family to become familiar with the signs of Hepatic ...

  12. Application of an evolutionary algorithm in the reactive compensation of transmission networks of electrical energy planning; Aplicacion de un algoritmo evolutivo en la planificacion de la compensacion reactiva de redes de transmision de energia electrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez Galicia, Julio A.; Nieva Gomez, Rolando [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    In the present work it is considered the mathematical formulation of the problem of the reactive compensation planning, The solution technique based on evolutionary programming is described and the results of compensation in the Northwest subsystem of the Mexican electrical system are shown. A technique of optimization based on the Evolutionary Programming is proposed to solve the problem of the Planning of the Reactive Compensation in transmission of electrical energy networks. The problem consists in determining how much compensation to add and where to locate it in such a way that the investment cost of the compensation equipment is diminished, plus the operation costs associated to the transmission losses, plus a penalty function associated to the violations of the operative limits of voltage. The compensation that is determined must allow that the network operates in normal conditions before any contingency of a pre-established assembly. The problem considered is non-linear and whole compound. Tests made to a representative system of the Northwest area of the Mexican electrical system of 171 nodes and 284 branches are reported. [Spanish] En el presente trabajo se plantea la formulacion matematica del problema de planificacion de la compensacion reactiva, se describe la tecnica de solucion basada en programacion evolutiva y se muestra resultados de compensacion en el subsistema Noroeste del sistema electrico mexicano. Se propone una tecnica de optimizacion basada en la Programacion Evolutiva para resolver el problema de la Planificacion de la Compensacion Reactiva en redes de transmision de energia electrica. El problema consiste en determinar cuanta compensacion agregar y donde ubicarla de tal manera que se minimice el costo de inversion del equipo de compensacion, mas los costos de operacion asociados a las perdidas de transmision, mas una funcion de penalizacion asociada a la violaciones de los limites operativos de voltaje. La compensacion que se determine

  13. Results of steroid-based therapy for the hepatitis C-autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome. (United States)

    Schiano, T D; Te, H S; Thomas, R M; Hussain, H; Bond, K; Black, M


    Overlap syndromes in which persons manifest clinical, histological, or immunological features of both hepatitis C infection and autoimmune hepatitis are well described. The discordant forms of treatment for hepatitis C and autoimmune hepatitis have made medical management of these patients difficult. We report our experience in using corticosteroids as first line therapy for the hepatitis C-autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome. Seven patients with this overlap syndrome (diagnosis based on the presence of serum hepatitis C antibody by RIBA and serum hepatitis C RNA by polymerase chain reaction, and serum hypergammaglobulinemia, elevated ANA or ASMA titers, or histological findings consistent with autoimmune hepatitis) were treated with prednisone with or without azathioprine or cyclosporine, and followed for a median duration of 44.5 months. Five patients (71%) showed improvement of median serum ALT level from 162 U/L to 38 U/L (p = 0.04) and median serum gamma-globulin from 2.1 g/dl to 1.4 g/dl (p = 0.04) by 6 months of therapy. The mean modified histological activity index score also decreased from 11.4 +/- 2.5 to 6.6 +/- 2.6 (p = 0.04) by at least 1 yr of therapy. One patient discontinued prednisone while taking azathioprine and experienced a rebound elevation of serum ALT that did not respond to retreatment with prednisone. Antiviral therapy was subsequently administered and resulted in biochemical and virologic response. Hepatitis C virus RNA remained detectable in all other patients. Corticosteroids are beneficial as a first line therapy for some patients with the hepatitis C-autoimmune overlap syndrome, resulting in appreciable biochemical and histological response but without viral eradication.

  14. Hepatitis A virus antibody

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novak, J.; Kselikova, M.; Urbankova, J.


    A description is presented of a radioimmunoassay designed to prove the presence of the antibody against the hepatitis A virus (HA Ab, anti-Ha) using an Abbott HAVAB set. This proof as well as the proof of the antibody against the nucleus of the hepatitis B virus is based on competition between a normal antibody against hepatitis A virus and a 125 I-labelled antibody for the binding sites of a specific antigen spread all over the surface of a tiny ball; this is then indirect proof of the antibody under investigation. The method is described of reading the results from the number of impulses per 60 seconds: the higher the titre of the antibody against the hepatitis A virus in the serum examined, the lower the activity of the specimen concerned. The rate is reported of incidence of the antibody against the hepatitis A virus in a total of 68 convalescents after hepatitis A; the antibody was found in 94.1%. The immunoglobulin made from the convalescents' plasma showed the presence of antibodies in dilutions as high as 1:250 000 while the comparable ratio for normal immunoglobulin Norga was only 1:2500. Differences are discussed in the time incidence of the antibodies against the hepatitis A virus, the antibodies against the surface antigen of hepatitis B, and the antibody against the nucleus of the hepatitis V virus. (author)

  15. Immunoglobulins for preventing hepatitis A

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Jian Ping; Nikolova, Dimitrinka; Fei, Yutong


    Hepatitis A (infectious hepatitis) is a common epidemic disease. Immunoglobulins for passive immunisation are used as prevention.......Hepatitis A (infectious hepatitis) is a common epidemic disease. Immunoglobulins for passive immunisation are used as prevention....

  16. Coinfection of hepatitis E virus and other hepatitis virus in Colombia and its genotypic characterization. (United States)

    Peláez, Dioselina; Martínez-Vargas, Daniel; Escalante-Mora, Martha; Palacios-Vivero, Mariel; Contreras-Gómez, Lady


    Hepatitis E virus has emerged as a public health problem, particularly in developing countries. The four genotypes identified in mammals include the G3 found in indigenous hepatitis in countries and regions with high porcine population, and the G1, associated with maternal deaths.  To determine coinfection by hepatitis E virus and the circulating genotypes in Colombia in 1,097 samples using serological markers for hepatitis A, B and C.  Serum samples of 1,097 patients from different regions of Colombia stored at the Laboratorio de Virología of the Instituto Nacional de Salud were selected to detect IgG and IgM anti-hepatitis E virus antibodies. The viral genomes of positive samples were amplified by RT-PCR, and the products were sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed by comparing ORF2 sequences deposited in the GenBank.  IgG anti-hepatitis E virus antibodies were found in 278 samples, IgM in 62, and both markers in 64. Hepatitis E virus and hepatitis A virus coinfection determined by IgG anti-hepatitis E virus was 33.6% and 16.1% by IgM; hepatitis E virus and hepatitis B virus coinfection was 23.4% and 8.1%, and hepatitis E virus and hepatitis C virus coinfection was 35.4% and 5.83%, respectively. Among the 52 positive samples by PCR nine were sequenced and grouped within genotype 3A of the American porcine strain.  The highest seropositivity was observed for hepatitis A and E. The incidence of hepatitis E virus coinfection with other hepatotropic viruses indicated that this pathogen is more frequent than expected. The circulation of genotype 3A implies that this disease may occur in outbreaks and as zoonosis in Colombia.

  17. Hepatitis Information for the Public (United States)

    ... Hepatitis Contact Us Anonymous Feedback Quick Links to Hepatitis … A | B | C | D | E Viral Hepatitis Home ... Local Partners & Grantees Policy and Programs Resource Center Hepatitis Information for the Public Recommend on Facebook Tweet ...

  18. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis A Virus Antibodies among the Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B in Turkey. (United States)

    Tulek, Necla; Ozsoy, Metin; Moroglu, Cigdem; Cagla Sonmezer, Meliha; Temocin, Fatih; Tuncer Ertem, Gunay; Sebnem Erdinc, Fatma


    Hepatitis A virus (HAV) can cause significant pathology in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV), however, HAV can be prevented by vaccination. The aim of this study was to determine the implication of vaccination against HAV vaccine in patients with chronic hepatitis B. The seroprevalence of anti-HAV IgG antibodies was investigated in the patients with chronic hepatitis B. Anti-HAV IgG antibodies were detected by commercially available ELISA kit. A total of 673 patients (354 males, 319 females with age range of 17-78 years) with chronic hepatitis B were included the study. Hepatitis A virus seropositivity rate was 34% in the patients younger than 20 years, 79% in the age group of 20 to 29 years, and 100% after 35 years of age. Hepatitis A virus vaccination may be recommended for young adult patients with chronic hepatitis B in Turkey. Tulek N, Ozsoy M, Moroglu C, Sonmezer MC, Temocin F, Ertem GT, Erdinc FS. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis A Virus Antibodies among the Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B in Turkey. Euroasian J Hepato-Gastroenterol 2015;5(2):95-97.

  19. Diabetes and Hepatitis B Vaccination (United States)

    Diabetes and Hepatitis B Vaccination Information for Diabetes Educators What is hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is a contagious liver disease that results from infection with the hepatitis B virus. When first infected, a person can develop ...

  20. Alcoholic Hepatitis (United States)

    ... yellow color. Confusion, drowsiness and slurred speech (hepatic encephalopathy). A damaged liver has trouble removing toxins from your body. The ... of toxins can damage your brain. Severe hepatic encephalopathy can result in ... of the liver frequently leads to liver failure. Kidney failure. A ...

  1. Syncytial giant-cell hepatitis due to autoimmune hepatitis type II (LKM1+) presenting as subfulminant hepatitis. (United States)

    Ben-Ari, Z; Broida, E; Monselise, Y; Kazatsker, A; Baruch, J; Pappo, O; Skappa, E; Tur-Kaspa, R


    Giant cell hepatitis (GCH) in adults is a rare event. The diagnosis of GCH is based on findings of syncytial giant hepatocytes. It is commonly associated with either viral infection or autoimmune hepatitis type I. A patient with GCH due to autoimmune hepatitis type II (LKM1+) is described, a combination that has not been previously reported. Corticosteroid therapy was effective in decreasing serum liver enzymes; however, the patient deteriorated rapidly and developed subfulminant hepatic failure. Although an emergency orthotopic liver transplantation was performed, the patient died because of reperfusion injury. Interestingly, only a few giant hepatocytes were noted in the explanted liver. This case stresses the association of GCH with autoimmune disorders, the possible immune mechanism involved in the formation of giant cell hepatocytes, and illustrates the rapidly progressive course and unfavorable prognosis that these patients can develop.

  2. Hepatitis B virus (image) (United States)

    Hepatitis B is also known as serum hepatitis and is spread through blood and sexual contact. It is ... population. This photograph is an electronmicroscopic image of hepatitis B virus particles. (Image courtesy of the Centers for ...

  3. Nitazoxanide for chronic hepatitis C

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nikolova, Kristiana; Gluud, Christian; Grevstad, Berit


    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C infection is a disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus. The estimated number of chronically infected people with hepatitis C virus worldwide is about 150 million people. Every year, another three to four million people acquire the infection. Chronic hepatitis C......) and ribavirin was the approved standard treatment for chronic hepatitis C. In 2011, first-generation direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) have been licensed, for use in combination with peginterferon and ribavirin for treating hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection. Nitazoxanide is another antiviral drug with broad...... antiviral activity and may have potential as an effective alternative, or an addition to standard treatment for the treatment of the hepatitis C virus. OBJECTIVES: To assess the benefits and harms of nitazoxanide in people with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. SEARCH METHODS: We searched The Cochrane...

  4. Hepatic (Liver) Function Panel (United States)

    ... Educators Search English Español Blood Test: Hepatic (Liver) Function Panel KidsHealth / For Parents / Blood Test: Hepatic (Liver) ... kidneys ) is working. What Is a Hepatic (Liver) Function Panel? A liver function panel is a blood ...

  5. Hepatitis B Vaccine (United States)

    ... a combination product containing Haemophilus influenzae type b, Hepatitis B Vaccine) ... combination product containing Diphtheria, Tetanus Toxoids, Acellular Pertussis, Hepatitis B, Polio Vaccine)

  6. Plasmacitosis reactiva severa y agranulocitosis debido a metimazol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruíz Gil


    Full Text Available El presente reporte muestra un efecto tóxico inusual asociado al uso de metimazol en el tratamiento del hipertiroidismo. Una niña de 14 años se presentó con fiebre, compromiso general y una tumoración eritematosa en el muslo izquierdo. Dos meses antes había sido diagnosticada de hipertiroidismo e iniciado metimazol a razón de 30 mg/d. El laboratorio mostró: leucocitos en 1 200 /mm³ con 25 % de neutrófilos, hematocrito en 31 % y plaquetas en 350 000/ mm³. Se inició antibióticos y filgastrim y se debridó el abceso. Nueve días después los leucocitos estaban en 9 200 /mm³ con 55 % de neutrófilos. La MO mostró una celularidad baja pero representada en un 80 % por células plasmáticas, muchas de ellas atípicas. En resumen una mujer con enfermedad de Graves estando con metimazol desarrolló una severa agranulocitosis con plasmacitosis medular que simula mieloma múltiple y que mejoró con tratamiento.(Rev Med Hered 2005;16:157-161.

  7. Hiperostosis asociada a prostaglandinas. Reporte de tres casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franco L. Ruales, MD., MSc


    Full Text Available Se expone una serie de casos de pacientes con hiperostosis reactiva secundaria a la utilización prolongada de prostaglandinas en el contexto de cardiopatías congénitas complejas, que por su condición hemodinámica requirieron mantener el cortocircuito vascular de izquierda a derecha para su supervivencia. Se muestran las características imaginológicas típicas en radiografía convencional y se analizan los detalles fisiopatológicos y los diagnósticos diferenciales.

  8. Pathogenesis of Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irena Ciećko-Michalska


    Full Text Available Hepatic encephalopathy can be a serious complication of acute liver failure and chronic liver diseases, predominantly liver cirrhosis. Hyperammonemia plays the most important role in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy. The brain-blood barrier disturbances, changes in neurotransmission, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, GABA-ergic or benzodiazepine pathway abnormalities, manganese neurotoxicity, brain energetic disturbances, and brain blood flow abnormalities are considered to be involved in the development of hepatic encephalopathy. The influence of small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO on the induction of minimal hepatic encephalopathy is recently emphasized. The aim of this paper is to present the current views on the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy.

  9. Pathogenesis of Hepatic Encephalopathy (United States)

    Ciećko-Michalska, Irena; Szczepanek, Małgorzata; Słowik, Agnieszka; Mach, Tomasz


    Hepatic encephalopathy can be a serious complication of acute liver failure and chronic liver diseases, predominantly liver cirrhosis. Hyperammonemia plays the most important role in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy. The brain-blood barrier disturbances, changes in neurotransmission, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, GABA-ergic or benzodiazepine pathway abnormalities, manganese neurotoxicity, brain energetic disturbances, and brain blood flow abnormalities are considered to be involved in the development of hepatic encephalopathy. The influence of small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) on the induction of minimal hepatic encephalopathy is recently emphasized. The aim of this paper is to present the current views on the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy. PMID:23316223

  10. Comparison of autochthonous and imported cases of hepatitis A or hepatitis E. (United States)

    Hartl, J; Kreuels, B; Polywka, S; Addo, M; Luethgehetmann, M; Dandri, M; Dammermann, W; Sterneck, M; Lohse, A W; Pischke, S


    Hepatitis A and hepatitis E are not limited to tropical countries but are also present in industrialized countries. Both infections share similar clinical features. There is no comparative study evaluating the clinical parameters of autochthonous and imported hepatitis A virus and hepatitis E virus infections. The aim of this study was to determine differences between autochthonous and imported hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) infections. Medical charts of all patients at our center with acute HAV and HEV infections were analyzed retrospectively (n = 50, study period 01/2009 - 08/2013). Peak bilirubin (median 8.6 vs. 4.4 mg/dL, p = 0.008) and ALT levels (median 2998 vs. 1666 IU/mL, p = 0.04) were higher in patients with hepatitis A compared to hepatitis E. In comparison to autochthones hepatitis E cases, patients with imported infections had significantly higher peak values for AST, ALT, bilirubin and INR (p = 0.009, p = 0.002, p = 0.04 and p = 0.049, respectively). In HAV infection, AST levels tended to be higher in imported infections (p = 0.08). (i) It is not possible to differentiate certainly between acute HAV and HEV infections by clinical or biochemical parameters, however, HAV infections might be associated with more cholestasis and higher ALT values. (ii) Imported HEV infections are associated with higher transaminases, INR and bilirubin levels compared to autochthonous cases and (iii) imported HAV infections tend to be associated with higher transaminases in comparison to autochthonous cases. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  11. Relation between laboratory test results and histological hepatitis activity in individuals positive for hepatitis B surface antigen and antibodies to hepatitis B e antigen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    ter Borg, F.; ten Kate, F. J.; Cuypers, H. T.; Leentvaar-Kuijpers, A.; Oosting, J.; Wertheim-van Dillen, P. M.; Honkoop, P.; Rasch, M. C.; de Man, R. A.; van Hattum, J.; Chamuleau, R. A.; Reesink, H. W.; Jones, E. A.


    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and antibodies to hepatitis B e antigen (anti-HBe) commonly coexist, and laboratory tests are often requested to assess histological hepatitis activity. An optimum panel of tests has not been found and the usefulness of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA

  12. Severity of depression in hepatitis B and hepatitis C patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qureshi, M.O.; Khokhar, N.; Shafqat, F.


    Objective: To assess and compare the severity of depression in chronic hepatitis B (CHB), chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and healthy subjects. Study Design: Comparative study. Place and Duration of Study: Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad from July 2011 to February 2012. Methodology:A total of 206 subjects were divided in three groups. Group-I (chronic hepatitis C, n = 95), group-II (chronic hepatitis B, n = 29) and group-III (healthy subjects, n = 82). They were matched for age, gender and socioeconomic status and were compared for frequency and severity of depression as measured by Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Results: Some degree of depression was noted in all groups. Frequency of depression was 72.6% in group-I, 58.6% in group-II and 37.8% in group-III (p value < 0.001). Conclusion: Both CHC and CHB had high frequency of some degree of depression. Hepatitis C patients had more depressive features than CHB. It is worthwhile to do more close mental health observation in them. A multidisciplinary team including a psychiatric specialist can help in this approach. (author)

  13. Detection of hepatitis G virus-RNA (HGV-RNA) in serum of patients with HBV hepatitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Jingfei; Hang Shangrong; Chen Min; Pu Xiangke; Wang Yongzhong; Zhou Guoping


    Objective: To investigate the incidence of HGV infection in patients with HBV hepatitis and any possible adverse effect of the superinfection. Methods: Serum HGV-RNA expression was examined with PCR in 1104 patients with HBV hepatitis and 251 controls. Results: The positive rate of HGV-RNA in HBV hepatitis patients was not significantly different from that in controls (3.17% vs 2.79%, P>0.05). Among the patients with HBV hepatitis, HGV-RNA positive rate in patients with chronic hepatitis was significantly higher than that in patients with acute hepatitis (4.78% vs 0.96, P<0.05). Conclusion: HGV infection might be presented as non-symptomatic carriers or other mild form of hepatitis. The incidence of HGV infection was not especially high in HBV hepatitis patients, however, concomitant HGV and HBV infection might predispose to development of chronicity. (authors)

  14. El factor inducible por la hipoxia y la actividad física hypoxia-inducible factor and physical activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Camilo Calderón Vélez


    Full Text Available Los animales superiores dependen de un adecuado flujo de oxígeno. Los mecanismos involucrados en los procesos de percibir la hipoxia y responder a ella se han ido aclarando, desde hace unos 15 años, con el descubrimiento de las subunidades α y β del factor inducible por la hipoxia (HIF, por su sigla en inglés y de las hidroxilasas involucradas en su regulación. Las especies reactivas de oxígeno (ERO, al parecer, también participan en el proceso de percibir y responder a la hipoxia. Las células musculares podrían ser un modelo útil para estudiar la interrelación hipoxia-ERO-HIF- respuesta celular, con importantes implicaciones básico-clínicas. Sin embargo, apenas comienza el estudio de esta relación en el músculo esquelético. Se revisan en este artículo algunos aspectos interesantes de la investigación en el músculo esquelético y se plantean algunas preguntas e hipótesis que podrían ser evaluadas en este tipo de células. Higher animals depend on an adequate oxygen flux. Mechanisms involved in the process of sensing and responding to hypoxia have become clearer in the last 15 years with the discovery of the y hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF subunits and hydroxylases involved in their regulation. Reactive oxygen species seem to play some role in the process of sensing and responding to hypoxia. Skeletal muscle cells seem to be a suitable model for studying the hypoxia-reactive oxygen species-HIF-cellular response relationship. Its study has important basic and clinic implications. However, the study of this relationship just begins. Some interesting aspects regarding skeletal muscle research are reviewed in this article, and some questions and hypotheses suitable for being evaluated with muscle cells are discussed.

  15. Hepatic Diacylglycerol-Associated Protein Kinase Cε Translocation Links Hepatic Steatosis to Hepatic Insulin Resistance in Humans

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    ter Horst, Kasper W.; Gilijamse, Pim W.; Versteeg, Ruth I.; Ackermans, Mariette T.; Nederveen, Aart J.; la Fleur, Susanne E.; Romijn, Johannes A.; Nieuwdorp, Max; Zhang, Dongyan; Samuel, Varman T.; Vatner, Daniel F.; Petersen, Kitt F.; Shulman, Gerald I.; Serlie, Mireille J.


    Hepatic lipid accumulation has been implicated in the development of insulin resistance, but translational evidence in humans is limited. We investigated the relationship between liver fat and tissue-specific insulin sensitivity in 133 obese subjects. Although the presence of hepatic steatosis in

  16. Canine Copper-Associated Hepatitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dirksen, Karen; Fieten, Hille


    Copper-associated hepatitis is recognized with increasing frequency in dogs. The disease is characterized by centrolobular hepatic copper accumulation, leading to hepatitis and eventually cirrhosis. The only way to establish the diagnosis is by histologic assessment of copper distribution and copper

  17. Hepatitis C and Incarceration (United States)

    ... Hepatitis Cdo to take care of their liver? People with Hepatitis C should not use alcohol or street drugs, as these can hurt the liver. Some other products can also hurt people with Hepatitis C, even if they appear to ...

  18. Primary hepatic pheochromocytoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rimmelin, A.; Hartheiser, M.; Gangi, A.; Welsch, M.; Jeung, M.Y.; Jaeck, D.; Tongio, J.; Dietemann, J.L.


    Pheochromocytomas are uncommon tumors that represent a potentially curable cause of hypertension. They are usually located in the adrenal glands, but 10% arise from extra-adrenal sites, located along the paravertebral sympathetic chains. We report a case of primary hepatic pheochromocytoma responsible for a severe hypertension in a 24-year-old man. Echotomography showed a lightly heterogeneous mass located in the segment 8 of the liver. Iodine 131 -metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy showed a large hepatic concentration of the tracer and no other localization. This tumor appeared highly vascularized on enhanced CT scan and on aortic angiography. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a hepatic tumor with a high signal intensity on T2-weighted images and with a signal isointense to the liver on T1-weighted images. The hepatic venous sampling contained the highest catecholamine level, whereas the adrenal venous samping was normal. After surgical resection of the hepatic tumor, the tension level and catecholamines plasmatic level normalized. No recurrent symptoms appeared during a 3-year follow-up. (orig.)

  19. Hepatitis in pregnancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ain, F.U.; Amin, A.; Yasmin, F.


    To determine the frequency of viral hepatitis in general, spectrum of hepatitis E in particular, and to study the maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality associated with it. In this prospective study, total number of pregnant women was 4723, sera of 35 pregnant women having clinical jaundice in pregnancy were analyzed for markers of hepatitis A , B, C and E viruses. Of the 35 pregnant women with jaundice HEV IgM were 60%,HA V IgM20%, Anti HCV 8.75%,Hbs Ag 5.71%, unexplained 5.71%. Amongst HEV 23.80% had hepatic encephalopathy DIC in 42.85%, PPH in 23.80%, renal failure in 9.52% an- maternal mortality in 4.76%. Approximately two third of pregnant women with HEV infection had preterm deliveries (76.19) % and perinatal mortality of 42.8%. Hepatitis E was the commonest etiological agent in those who had fulminant disease during pregnancy and was associated with high morbidity and mortality. (author)

  20. Severe atrophy of right hepatic lobe simulating right hepatic lobectomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yeh, C.W.; Strashun, A.; Goldsmith, S.J.


    Absence of the right hepatic lobe following blunt abdominal trauma without surgical resection is reported. The usual site of the right hepatic lobe is demonstrated to be occupied by bowel by hepatobiliary imaging

  1. Capacidad antiteratogénica del resveratrol en diabetes inducida por estreptozotocina en ratas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ninna Leslie Trejo-González

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Evaluar la capacidad antihiperglucémica y antiteratogénica del resveratrol en ratas inducidas a diabetes por estreptozotocina. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de tipo experimental. Se tuvieron tres grupos, de cinco ratas Wistar preñadas cada uno, dos de los cuales fueron tratados el cuarto día de gestación con una dosis de estreptozotocina de 50 mg/kg, disuelta en tampón de citratos, y el otro fue considerado como control, y solo se le administró el tampón de citratos. A uno de los grupos inducidos con estreptozotocina se le administró resveratrol a dosis de 100 mg/kg durante los días 8 al 12 de gestación, cuando sucede la neurulación. Los fetos se obtuvieron el día 19 de gestación y se les realizó un análisis morfológico, y en el hígado fetal se determinó la actividad de las enzimas depuradoras de especies reactivas catalasa, superóxido dismutasa y glutatión peroxidasa. Resultados. La administración de resveratrol (DM+R revierte los parámetros a valores similares a los del grupo control. Las actividades de catalasa y de glutatión peroxidasa, se vieron incrementadas en el grupo tratado con resveratrol con respecto al grupo diabético, en cuanto a la frecuencia de malformaciones en el grupo control y en el grupo tratado con resveratrol no presentaron malformaciones, mientras que en las ratas con diabetes inducida, se encontró una elevada frecuencia de malformaciones. Conclusiones. El resveratrol muestra propiedades antiteratogénicas a través de la disminución del estrés oxidativo que se presenta a causa de la hiperglucemia materna

  2. Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus and Human Immunodeficiency ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: The epidemiology of viral hepatitis and Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) during pregnancy is of great importance for health planners and program managers. However, few published data on viral hepatitis and HIV are available in Sudan especially during pregnancy. Objectives: The current study was ...

  3. Hepatic manifestations of celiac disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugh James Freeman


    Full Text Available Hugh James FreemanDepartment of Medicine (Gastroenterology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaAbstract: Different hepatic and biliary tract disorders may occur with celiac disease. Some have been hypothesized to share genetic or immunopathogenetic factors, such as primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and autoimmune hepatitis. Other hepatic changes in celiac disease may occur with malnutrition resulting from impaired nutrient absorption, including hepatic steatosis. In addition, celiac disease may be associated with rare hepatic complications, such as hepatic T-cell lymphoma.Keywords: celiac disease, autoimmune liver disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, fatty liver, gluten-free diet

  4. Variation of hepatic artery on arteriogram and its clinical significance in interventional therapy for hepatic cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xiaodong; Yang Renjie


    Objective: To investigate the variations of hepatic artery and its extrahepatic arteries on hepatic arteriogram and to provide benefit for transhepatic arterical chemoemblization. Methods: The hepatic arteriograms of 200 cases with unresectable hepatic malignant tumor before interventional therapy were analysed. Two interventional radiologists in common reviewed the incidences of various types according to Michels' classification, the absence of proper hepatic artery, and the variations of extrahepatic arteries originating from hepatic artery. Results: The most common hepatic artery variation was Michels type III(n=17,8.5%), followed by type II(n=10,5.0%) and V(n=9,4.5%). Proper hepatic absence was found in 25 cases and appeared as 5 subtypes. 5 kinds of extrahepatic arteries were found. The most common extrahepatic artery was the right gastric artery (n=156,78.0%), followed by cystic artery (n=126,63.0%), accessory left gastric artery (n=19,9.5%), the hepatic falciform artery (n=5,2.5%), and accessory left inferior phrenic artery (n=4,2.0%). Conclusion: There are some other variations of hepatic artery beside Michels' classification,and there are many variations of extrahepatic arteries originating from hepatic artery, it is important to assure interventional therapy effect for hepatic cancer and prevent complication. (authors)

  5. Prevalence of hepatitis viruses in patients with acute hepatitis and characterization of the detected genotype 4 hepatitis E virus sequences in Mongolia. (United States)

    Tsatsralt-Od, Bira; Baasanjav, Nachin; Nyamkhuu, Dulmaa; Ohnishi, Hiroshi; Takahashi, Masaharu; Okamoto, Hiroaki


    Hepatitis E is considered to be a worldwide public health problem. Although the prevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) antibodies in healthy individuals is noted to be 11%, no patients with acute hepatitis E have previously been identified in Mongolia. Three hundred two consecutive patients (183 males and 119 females; median age of 22.0 [Interquartile range: 18.3-25.0] years) who were clinically diagnosed with sporadic acute hepatitis during 2012-2013 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, were studied. By serological and/or molecular approaches, 77 (25.5%), 93 (30.8%), 19 (6.3%), 48 (15.9%), and 12 (4.0%) of the patients were diagnosed with acute hepatitis of types A, B, C, D (superinfection of hepatitis delta virus on a background of chronic hepatitis B virus infection) and E, respectively, while the cause of hepatitis was unknown in the remaining 53 patients (17.5%). The 12 hepatitis E patients had no history of travel abroad in the 3 months before the onset of disease, and lived separately in fixed or movable houses with water supplied via pipe, tank or well, denying transmission from a common water supply. The 12 HEV isolates obtained from the patients showed high nucleotide identities of 99.7-100%, and a representative HEV isolate, MNE13-227, was closest to the Chinese isolates of genotype 4, with the highest identity of 97.3% in the 304-nt ORF2 sequence and 92.1% over the entire genome. The present study revealed the occurrence of autochthonous acute hepatitis E in Mongolia, caused by a monophyletic genotype 4 HEV strain. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Hepatic encephalopathy. Imaging Findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carrillo, Maria Claudia; Bermudez Munoz, Sonia; J Morillo, Anibal


    Hepatic encephalopathy occurs in patients with chronic hepatic insufficiency and can produce abnormalities in the central nervous system, which can be observed in MRI studies. Traditionally, these imaging findings include symmetrical hyper intensities in T1-weighted sequences in the basal ganglia (mainly globus pallidus), involving also the substantia nigra, mesencephalic tegmentum, frontal and occipital cortex. These areas appear of normal intensity in T2-weighted imaging sequences. Other entities that can lead to similar findings include manganese intoxication and type-1 neurofibromatosis. Currently, with the advent of MR spectroscopy, abnormalities in patients with clinical and subclinical hepatic encephalopathy have been described. After hepatic transplantation, hyper intensities of the basal ganglia and the MR spectroscopic findings may disappear within 3 months to 1 year, suggesting a functional, more than a structural damage. This article will demonstrate the MR findings of patients with hepatic encephalopathy due to chronic hepatic insufficiency.

  7. [Latest Treatment of Viral Hepatitis--Overcoming Hepatitis C and Reactivation of Hepatitis B]. (United States)

    Tanaka, Yasuhito


    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), discovered as causative viruses of post-transfusion hepatitis, become persistent infections, leading to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). For HCV, recent IFN-free direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapies have increased sustained virological response (SVR) rates and reduced adverse events. IFN-based therapies, still the standard of care in Asian countries, are influenced by IL28B genetic variants and the liver fibrosis stage, but the DAA combinations obscure the influence of these factors. These new therapies can eradicate HCV and prevent HCC development. On the other hand, it is difficult to eradicate HBV completely. Although HBV infection can be prevented by vaccination, reactivation of HBV following anti-cancer chemotherapy and immunosuppressive therapy is a well-known complication. HBV reactivation has been reported to be associated with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody rituximab-containing chemotherapy and TNF-α inhibitor-containing immunosuppressive therapy in HBV-resolved patients. Our prospective observational study revealed that monthly monitoring of HBV DNA was useful for preventing HBV reactivation-related hepatitis among B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients with resolved HBV infection following rituximab-steroid-chemo, suggesting that preemptive therapy guided by serial HBV DNA monitoring should be recommended. Recently, highly sensitive HBsAg detection by Lumipulse HBsAg-HQ may be useful for several clinical applications. The sensitivity of this assay (5 mIU/mL) was approximately 10-fold higher than Abbott ARCHITECT, but still lower than HBV-DNA assays. The convenient HBsAg-HQ may be useful for detecting occult HBV infection and HBV reactivation in relatively low-risk groups except for those receiving rituximab-steroid-chemo. [

  8. Analysis of branching patterns of middle hepatic artery using A-P and oblique view hepatic angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Kun Soo; Chang, Jae Chun; Park, Bok Hwan


    A study on branching patterns of middle hepatic artery was performed in 109 patients with A-P and oblique view hepatic angiogram, which refereed to size and location of quadrate lobe in CT and SMA photography. We could analyze the branching patterns of middle hepatic artery (MHA) in 100 among 109 patients. MHA arising as a first branch of left hepatic artery was the most common pattern (50%), and MHA arising from proper hepatic artery separately on from left hepatic artery was the next common pattern (35%). MHA originating from left gastric artery, or from anterior or posterior of the right hepatic artery was not seen. MHA was not found as an accessory or replaced artery except as replaced common hepatic artery

  9. Hepatic cirrhosis in a red-foot tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria: a case report Cirrose hepática em jabuti (Geochelone carbonaria: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.M.C. Guedes


    Full Text Available Um jabuti (Geochelone carbonaria de 30 anos de idade foi encaminhado ao setor de patologia para exame post mortem. À necropsia, foi observada ascite acentuada. O fígado apresentava-se diminuído de volume e com vários nódulos firmes entre 0.3 e 1.0 cm de diâmetro distribuídos por todo o órgão. À microscopia, esses nódulos eram constituídos externamente por espessa camada de tecido conjuntivo fibroso envolvendo hepatócitos dilatados e vacuolizados na sua porção central. A cirrose conseqüente à lipidose hepática foi provavelmente causada por níveis baixos de proteína na dieta.

  10. Epidemiology of hepatitis B and hepatitis C in Lebanon. (United States)

    Abou Rached, Antoine; Abou Kheir, Selim; Saba, Jowana; Ammar, Walid


    Hepatitis B and C are two potentially life threatening liver infections. Lebanon is ranked as a zone of moderate endemicity. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of hepatitis B and C in Lebanon and their distribution according to age, region and sex. This national prospective cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2011 till December 2012 in the six Lebanese Governorates in collaboration with municipalities, the Ministry of Public Health, Health Centres and dispensaries. An upcoming screening for hepatitis B and C was announced? in different districts of each Governorate. All individuals presenting to local laboratory, not known to have chronic hepatitis, were asked for a blood sample and answered a questionnaire addressing sex, age, place of birth and residence. Screening tests were "Abbots" for hepatitis B and "Human Hexagon" for hepatitis C. PCR testing was used to confirm the positivity of the previous tests. Of 31147 individuals screened, 542 had a rapid test positive for HBV (prevalence 1.74%, 95% CI 1.6-1.89) with a male to female ratio of 1.08. This prevalence was higher in the South and Nabatieh (1.9%) compared to Beirut (0.73%). Of 31,147 individuals screened, 64 had a rapid test positive for HCV (prevalence 0.21%, 95% CI 0.16-0.27) with a male to female ratio of 0.85. This prevalence was higher in Nabatieh (0.61%) compared to Mount Lebanon (0.08%). The prevalence of HBV and HCV in Lebanon is 1.74% and 0.21%, respectively with a higher prevalence in South and Nabatieh districts. These data rank Lebanon amongst countries with low endemicity for both viruses. Decrease in the prevalence of HBV is due to awareness campaign as well as success of the MOPH National Hepatitis Program in vaccinating all new born since 1998 and in screening and vaccinating high risk groups. Copyright © 2016 Arab Journal of Gastroenterology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Biopsia hepática por aspiración con la aguja de Menghini

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Albornoz Plata


    Full Text Available Se hace una descripción de la técnica para obtener la biopsia hepática por aspiración utilizando la aguja de menghini y se explica qué es la aguja de menghini. Se presentan 10 casos en que se hizo la biopsia, casos comprendidos entre 4 y 63 años; 4 M. y 6 F.; se encontró en esos casos: hígado normal, 2 casos; cirrosis portal, 1 caso; cirrosis biliar, 2 casos; Tb. hepática, 1 caso; Hepatitis, 2 casos; Sífilis hepática, 1 caso; Ictericia extrahepática, 1 caso. Consideremos la punción biopsia hepática por aspiración por medio de la aguja menghini como el método más sencillo, inofensivo y práctico; en nuestra opinión la aguja de meghini es muy superior a la de Vim-Silverman, y en el futuro el método de menghini desplazará el método de Vim-Silverman, como ha ocurrido en el Hospital Mount Sinai de New York.

  12. Counter-attack on virol hepatitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prozesky, O.W.; Jupp, P.G.; Joubert, J.J.; Taylor, M.B.; Grabow, W.O.K.


    The most highly developed radioimmunoassay test system in medical virology is proving of exceptional value in research aimed at controlling and eventually eradicating the scourge of human hepatitis. The use of radioimmunoassay in detecting hepatitis A (HAV) and hepatitis B (HBV) viruses is discussed. The hepatitis A virus is an enterovirus which infects the gastrointestinal tract and is usually transmitted by contaminated food, milk or water. Hepatitis B spreads mainly by the parenteral rate. Bedbugs and ticks are considered as possible transmitters of HBV. Another important contribution of radioimmunoassay is the ability to monitor the immune response of persons at risk who are vaccinated against hepatitis B

  13. Dopaminergic agonists for hepatic encephalopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Als-Nielsen, B; Gluud, L L; Gluud, C


    Hepatic encephalopathy may be associated with an impairment of the dopaminergic neurotransmission. Dopaminergic agonists may therefore have a beneficial effect on patients with hepatic encephalopathy.......Hepatic encephalopathy may be associated with an impairment of the dopaminergic neurotransmission. Dopaminergic agonists may therefore have a beneficial effect on patients with hepatic encephalopathy....

  14. Glucocorticosteroids for viral hepatitis C

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brok, J; Mellerup, M T; Krogsgaard, K


    Hepatitis C virus may cause liver inflammation and fibrosis. It is not known whether glucocorticosteroids are beneficial or harmful for patients with hepatitis C infection.......Hepatitis C virus may cause liver inflammation and fibrosis. It is not known whether glucocorticosteroids are beneficial or harmful for patients with hepatitis C infection....

  15. Drug-induced hepatic injury

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Henrik; Andreasen, P B


    The Danish Committee on Adverse Drug Reactions received 1100 reports of suspected drug-induced hepatic injury during the decade 1978-1987. The causal relationship between drug and hepatic injury was classified as definite in 57 (5.2%) reports, probable in 989 (89.9%) reports, possible in 50 (4.......5%) reports and unclassifiable in four (0.4%) reports. Hepatic injuries accounted for 5.9% of all adverse drug reactions reported, and 14.7% of the lethal adverse drug reactions. A total of 47.2% were classified as acute cytotoxic, 16.2% as acute cholestatic and 26.9% as abnormal hepatic function. In 52 (4.......7%) cases the hepatic injury was lethal; only 14 (1.3%) cases were chronic. Halothane accounted for 25% of the cases. The incidence of halothane-induced hepatic injury is decreasing, and only one lethal case has been reported since 1981. Next to halothane, sulfasalazine was the drug most often suspected...

  16. Prevalence of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background. Hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HIV are common blood-borne infections unevenly distributed across regions in Nigeria. Few population-based prevalence studies have been done in Nigeria. Objective. To determine the prevalence of HBV, HCV and HIV and risk factors for infection with ...

  17. The role of hepatic lipids in hepatic insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perry, Rachel J; Samuel, Varman T.; Petersen, Kitt Mia Falck


    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its downstream sequelae, hepatic insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, are rapidly growing epidemics, which lead to increased morbidity and mortality rates, and soaring health-care costs. Developing interventions requires a comprehensive understanding...... of the mechanisms by which excess hepatic lipid develops and causes hepatic insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Proposed mechanisms implicate various lipid species, inflammatory signalling and other cellular modifications. Studies in mice and humans have elucidated a key role for hepatic diacylglycerol...... activation of protein kinase Cε in triggering hepatic insulin resistance. Therapeutic approaches based on this mechanism could alleviate the related epidemics of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes....

  18. General seroprevalence of hepatitis and hepatitis B virus infections in population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khokar, N.; Gill, M.L.; Malik, G.J.


    Objective: To determine the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection by detection of anti-HCV and hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) in general population of Pakistan. Materials and Methods: Sera of healthy adult individuals who presented for medical evaluation as a pre-employment criteria in the Gulf region were examined for presence of hepatitis B surface antigen and anti-HCV antibody. Alanine aminotransferase levels were also determined. Results: A total of 47,538 individuals were examined. Out of these, 2528 (5.31%) were positive for anti-HCV and 1221 (2.56%) individuals had positive HBsAg. Hepatitis B surface antigen and anti-HCV both were found in 92 (0.19%) individuals. Mean age of subjects, positive for HCV antibody was 44 years and 40.5 years for HBV. Ninety-four percent individuals were males and 6% were females. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) was normal in 56% of subjects with positive HCV and 84% of individuals with HBV. Conclusion: This study which evaluated predominantly a healthy male population, showed a high seroprevalence of anti-HCV and average seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus infection. A large majority of these patients was young and had normal ALT. (author)

  19. Hepatitis B - children (United States)

    ... B children; HBV children; Pregnancy - hepatitis B children; Maternal transmission - hepatitis B children ... growth and development. Regular monitoring plays an important role in managing the disease in children. You should ...

  20. Pentoxifylline for alcoholic hepatitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Whitfield, Kate; Rambaldi, Andrea; Wetterslev, Jørn


    BACKGROUND: Alcoholic hepatitis is a life-threatening disease, with an average mortality of approximately 40%. There is no widely accepted, effective treatment for alcoholic hepatitis. Pentoxifylline is used to treat alcoholic hepatitis, but there has been no systematic review to assess its effects....... OBJECTIVES: To assess the benefits and harms of pentoxifylline in alcoholic hepatitis. SEARCH STRATEGY: The Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group Controlled Trials Register, The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Science Citation Index Expanded, LILACS......,, and full text searches were conducted until August 2009. Manufacturers and authors were contacted. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised clinical trials of pentoxifylline in participants with alcoholic hepatitis compared to control were selected for inclusion. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two...


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    Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available

    Hemangiomas primários do fígado são neoplasias benignas que podem comprometer a sobrevivência do animal, em virtude da compressão de vasos, ductos e hepatócitos adjacentes, especialmente pela possibilidade de rupturas e morte por hipovolemia. Por serem raros em felinos, objetiva-se relatar o caso de uma gata Persa, com 10 anos de idade, cujos sinais clínicos eram: aumento de volume abdominal, vômitos intermitentes, apatia e anorexia, além de cios irregulares. No exame radiográfico se observou massa tecidual radiopaca no fígado. Na ultra-sonografia hepática, percebiam-se contornos irregulares, parênquima heterogêneo, hiperecogênico, com áreas cavitárias, sugestivo de neoplasia e cistos. No exame macroscópico, visibilizaram-se ascite sanguinolenta, esteatose hepática e massa neoplásica única com 12 cm de comprimento por 8 cm de largura e diversos cistos. Os ovários e rins se apresentavam policísticos e havia hiperplasia endometrial cística. Microscopicamente foram diagnosticadas no fígado formações císticas limitadas por endotélio e delgada cápsula de tecido conjuntivo, esteatose e hepatite periportal mononuclear-linfocitária com proliferação de ductos bilíferos. A massa tumoral originava-se a partir do tecido conjuntivo da cápsula hepática e se caracterizava pela presença de brotos vasculares oriundos de células endoteliais, com dilatação e anastomose de vasos nas áreas mais superficiais. Os achados observados são compatíveis com o diagnóstico de hemangioma hepático primário do tipo capilar-cavernoso. Nos ovários, no útero, nos rins e fígado, constatou-se doença policística.


    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Fígado, gato, neoplasia vascular.

    Primaries hepatics hemangiomas are benign tumors that may compel limitations to animal survival owing to the compression of blood vessels, ducts and contiguous hepatocytes, especially due a

  2. Expressions of renin, angiotensin II and aldosterone in patients with viral hepatitis or hepatic cirrhosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huo Ying; Zhu Yalin; Liu Yun


    Objective: To explore the changes of renin, angiotensin and aldosterone system in patients with hepatic disorders. Methods: Plasma renin activity (PRA), AT-II and Ald levels were measured with RIA in 31 patients with viral hepatitis, 35 patients with hepatic cirrhosis and 38 controls. Results: The levels of PRA, AT-II and Ald in patients with viral hepatitis were slightly but non-significantly higher than those in controls (P>0.05). The levels of PRA, AT-II and Ald in patients with cirrhosis were significantly higher than those in controls (P<0.01). Conclusion: RAAS was activated during progression of hepatic disorders and participated in the development of hepatic fibrosis. (authors)

  3. Hepatic blood flow with colloidal 198Au in the diagnosis of chronic hepatitis in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marian, L.; Szantay, V.


    Tracer quantities of colloidal 198 Au were used to estimate the hepatic blood flow in normal children and in children with active or progressive chronic hepatitis and also to obtain scintigrams of the liver. In active chronic hepatitis a significant decrease in HBF values was observed, suggesting that the method may be used as a diagnostic criterion which is superior to hepatic scintigraphy. In progressive chronic hepatitis HBF values even lower than those in active hepatitis were observed. Together with more characteristic clinical findings and abnormal results of biochemical function tests, they underline the value of the method in estimating the severity and the evolution of the disease. (orig.) [de

  4. Hepatic falciform artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaques, Paul F.; Mauro, Matthew A.; Sandhu, Jeet


    The hepatic falciform artery is an occasional terminal branch of the left or middle hepatic artery, and may provide an uncommon but important collateral route when the principal visceral arteries are occluded


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Masotti


    Full Text Available Since the first description of feline hepatic lipidosis occurred in 1977, it becames the most diagnosed liver disease in cats. Several factors have been proposed as causes of disease, and obesity being a predisposing factor. The disease can be considered primary or idiopathic when its underlying cause is unknown, or secondary when there is another concomitant disease lipidosis. Cats with hepatic lipidosis have anorexia usually ranging from several days to weeks and weight loss, followed by jaundice and varying degrees of dehydration, diarrhea and vomiting episodes may occur. A worsening of the disease shows signs of hepatic encephalopathy, drooling and retroflexion of the neck. In clinical examination can be observed depression, lethargy and hepatomegaly. The definitive diagnosis of the disease can be performed by fine needle aspiration biopsy guided by ultrasound and cytology or biopsy. The treatment of hepatic lipidosis is based on stabilizing the patient by supplying water and electrolyte losses and provide adequate nutritional support. The diet is usually provided through feeding tubes for a period ranging from 4 to 6 weeks may occur depending on the patient's condition. The prognosis for cats with hepatic lipidosis is favored in cases of identification followed by intensive treatment of underlying causes and for patients receiving therapy necessary in cases of idiopathic hepatic lipidosis.

  6. Surveillance for Viral Hepatitis - United States, 2014 (United States)

    ... Resource Center Anonymous Feedback Viral Hepatitis Surveillance for Viral Hepatitis – United States, 2014 Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share ... Cases Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Discussion Hepatitis A virus Index PAGE DESCRIPTION Table 2.1 Reported ...

  7. Hepatitis virus panel (United States)

    ... page: // Hepatitis virus panel To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. The hepatitis virus panel is a series of blood tests used ...

  8. Hepatitis A -- children (United States)

    ... this page: // Hepatitis A - children To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Hepatitis A in children is swelling and inflamed tissue of ...

  9. Transient diffuse hepatic uptake of 99mTc-MDP after hepatitis B vaccination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyun Jin; Park, Young Ha; Hwang, Seong Su; Chung, Soo Kyo; Kim, Sang Heum


    A 38-year-old female with arthralgia in right elbow joint for 6 months was referred for a bone scan which showed diffuse uptakes of 99m Tc-MDP in the liver and spleen without hepatosplenomegaly. She had a history of hepatitis B vaccination 3 days ago. These uptakes were disappeared on the follow-up bone scan after 4 months. We suggest this transient diffuse hepatic uptake after vaccination of hepatitis B might be due to aluminum component within the hepatitis B vaccine as adjuvant

  10. Aborto por Leptospira en una yegua en Salta, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La leptospirosis en equinos es generalmente asintomática, aunque existen regiones donde la enfermedad constituye un problema. Aquí se describe un caso de aborto en yegua debido a la infección por este agente. Se efectuó la necropsia completa de un feto a término donde se colectaron muestras para inmunofluorescencia directa (IFD, histopatología y microbiología. Además, se efectuó un estudio serológico de la tropilla y se evaluó seroconversión en la yegua abortada. El feto evidenció hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia e ictericia. Microscópicamente se apreció hepatitis mononuclear con disociación de los hepatocitos, esplenitis aguda y glomérulo-nefritis. Aunque el microrganismo no pudo ser aislado, la enfermedad se confirmó por la seroconversión observada en la yegua abortada, y debido a la identificación del agente mediante IFD en la impronta renal. Este caso demuestra la presencia del agente localmente y evidencia que la enfermedad puede ser un problema para la producción ecuestre. SUMMARY. Abortion caused by Leptospira in a mare from Salta Province, Argentina. Leptospirosis in horses is usually asymptomatic, although there are regions where the disease is a problem. Here, a case of abortion caused by the agent in a mare is described. Full autopsy of a fetus at term was performed; samples for direct immunofluorescence (DIF, histopathology and microbiology were collected. Additionally, a serological study of the herd was conducted, as well as seroconversion in the aborted mare. The fetus evidenced hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and jaundice. Microscopically, mononuclear hepatitis with hepatocyte dissociation, acute splenitis and glomerulonephritis, were appreciated. Although the microorganism couldn’t be quite properly, the disease was confirmed by the seroconversion present in the aborted mare. Another factor was the identification of the agent through the renal imprint DIF. This case demonstrates the presence of the agent mentioned

  11. Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Transmission ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections in hemodialysis (HD) patients are associated with adverse outcomes, especially after kidney transplantation. Review: In the HD setting, cross-contamination to patients via environmental surfaces, supplies, equipment, multiple-dose medication vials ...

  12. Hepatitis E virus is the leading cause of acute viral hepatitis in Lothian, Scotland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. Kokki


    Full Text Available Acute viral hepatitis affects all ages worldwide. Hepatitis E virus (HEV is increasingly recognized as a major cause of acute hepatitis in Europe. Because knowledge of its characteristics is limited, we conducted a retrospective study to outline demographic and clinical features of acute HEV in comparison to hepatitis A, B and C in Lothian over 28 months (January 2012 to April 2014. A total of 3204 blood samples from patients with suspected acute hepatitis were screened for hepatitis A, B and C virus; 913 of these samples were also screened for HEV. Demographic and clinical information on patients with positive samples was gathered from electronic patient records. Confirmed HEV samples were genotyped. Of 82 patients with confirmed viral hepatitis, 48 (59% had acute HEV. These patients were older than those infected by hepatitis A, B or C viruses, were more often male and typically presented with jaundice, nausea, vomiting and/or malaise. Most HEV cases (70% had eaten pork or game meat in the few months before infection, and 14 HEV patients (29% had a recent history of foreign travel. The majority of samples were HEV genotype 3 (27/30, 90%; three were genotype 1. Acute HEV infection is currently the predominant cause of acute viral hepatitis in Lothian and presents clinically in older men. Most of these infections are autochthonous, and further studies confirming the sources of infection (i.e. food or blood transfusion are required.

  13. Reducción de percloroetileno y cromo hexavalente mediante FE(0) y bioestimulación de microorganismos anaerobios




    En este trabajo se estudiaron las interacciones Fe-microorganismos simulando el entorno de una barrera reactiva permeable (BRP), para la reducción de percloroetileno (PCE) y cromo hexavalente en acuíferos contaminados. La bioestimulación de los microorganismos se llevó a cabo mediante la adición de un cosustrato para el desarrollo de las comunidades microbianas presentes de manera natural en el suelo. Se empleó un compuesto comercial que libera hidrógeno (HRC, por sus siglas en inglés) a tasa...

  14. La immigración desde el Magreb. Un reto para la Unión Europea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria Inés Ospina


    Full Text Available Para la Unión Europea, los flujos de emigración irregular procedentes del Mediterráneo han sido una de las piedras donde han tropezado toda la serie de directivas que respecto al tema migratorio y el espacio Schengen se han emitido desde Bruselas a lo largo de los últimos 13 años. El artículo analiza el crecimiento de los flujos migratorios dirigidos hacia la UE tras las revoluciones árabes, las debilidades del acuerdo Schengen y las medidas reactivas adoptadas por la UE, proponiendo algunas recomendaciones.

  15. Actividad antioxidante de plantas empleadas en la medicina tradicional Navarra


    Lopez, V. (Víctor); Akerreta, S. (Silvia); Cavero, R.Y. (Rita Yolanda); Calvo, M.I. (María Isabel)


    Numerosos estudios han puesto de manifiesto últimamente la relación existente entre el estrés oxidativo, el envejecimiento celular y algunas enfermedades. El estilo de vida actual está favoreciendo la acumulación de radicales libres y especies reactivas del oxígeno en nuestro organismo y como consecuencia de ello un aumento del estrés oxidativo a nivel fisiológico. Por esto es recomendable el aporte de antioxidantes de carácter exógeno. Debido al interés que están adquiriendo este grupo de co...

  16. Obtención de mapas de curvas residuales para la síntesis de acetato de butilo


    Orjuela Londoño, Álvaro; Leiva Lenis, Fernando; Boyacá Mendivelso, Luis Alejandro; Rodríguez Niño, Gerardo; Carballo Suárez, Luis María


    Es este trabajo se adelantó un estudio en la escala de laboratorio de la síntesis acetato de n-butilo en fase líquida (P atm = 560 mmHg), en operación simultánea de reacción y destilación (destilación reactiva batch), utilizando una resina de intercambio catiónico (Lewatit K-2431) como catalizador. Por medio de la construcción experimental de curvas residuales, utilizando diferentes cargas de catalizador, se determinaron las condiciones para las cuales la operación esta limita...

  17. Estrés oxidativo, diabetes mellitus y enfermedad periodontal. Una revisión sistemática


    Araceli Grizel Valdez Penagos; Víctor Manuel Mendoza Núñez


    La enfermedad periodontal humana (EPH) es una alteración inflamatoria que incrementa el daño y pérdida de tejido, como resultado de complejas interacciones entre bacterias patogénicas y la respuesta inmune del huésped. Al mismo tiempo, ha sido señalado que la diabetes mellitus (DM) incrementa la incidencia de EPH. Al respecto, las especies reactivas de oxígeno (EROs) han sido implicadas en la patogénesis de ambas enfermedades. Por lo tanto, se ha hipotetizado que la mayor incidencia ...

  18. Acute Pancreatitis in acute viral hepatitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S K.C.


    Full Text Available Introduction: The association of acute viral hepatitis and acute pancreatitis is well described. This study was conducted to find out the frequency of pancreatic involvement in acute viral hepatitis in the Nepalese population. Methods: Consecutive patients of acute viral hepatitis presenting with severe abdominal pain between January 2005 and April 2010 were studied. Patients with history of significant alcohol consumption and gall stones were excluded. Acute viral hepatitis was diagnosed by clinical examination, liver function test, ultrasound examination and confirmed by viral serology. Pancreatitis was diagnosed by clinical presentation, biochemistry, ultrasound examination and CT scan. Results: Severe abdominal pain was present in 38 of 382 serologically-confirmed acute viral hepatitis patients. Twenty five patients were diagnosed to have acute pancreatitis. The pancreatitis was mild in 14 and severe in 11 patients. The etiology of pancreatitis was hepatitis E virus in 18 and hepatitis A virus in 7 patients. Two patients died of complications secondary to shock. The remaining patients recovered from both pancreatitis and hepatitis on conservative treatment. Conclusions: Acute pancreatitis occurred in 6.5 % of patients with acute viral hepatitis. Cholelithiasis and gastric ulcers are the other causes of severe abdominal pain. The majority of the patients recover with conservative management. Keywords: acute viral hepatitis, acute pancreatitis, pain abdomen, hepatitis E, hepatitis A, endemic zone

  19. Tuberculosis, hepatitis C and hepatitis B co-infections in patients with HIV in the Great Tehran Prison, Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Behnam Farhoudi


    Full Text Available We conducted a study to evaluate tuberculosis (TB, hepatitis C and hepatitis B co-infections in male patients with HIV in the Great Tehran Prison from October 2013 to May 2014. Among 85 HIV positive patients, five persons (5.9% had TB. Also, 56 new HIV-infected patients were checked for hepatitis B surface antigen and hepatitis C virus antibody. There were three hepatitis B surface antigen (5.4% and 50 hepatitis C virus antibody (89.3% results. This study suggests that it is necessary to investigate TB, hepatitis C and hepatitis B in HIV positive prisoners in Iran.

  20. Prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis C and Human ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus, and hepatitis C viruses (HCV) are major causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. They are also among the commonest transfusiontransmissible infectious agents. Students of higher institutions are often used as voluntary unpaid donors by many ...

  1. [History of viral hepatitis]. (United States)

    Fonseca, José Carlos Ferraz da


    The history of viral hepatitis goes back thousands of years and is a fascinating one. When humans were first infected by such agents, a natural repetitive cycle began, with the capacity to infect billions of humans, thus decimating the population and causing sequelae in thousands of lives. This article reviews the available scientific information on the history of viral hepatitis. All the information was obtained through extensive bibliographic review, including original and review articles and consultations on the internet. There are reports on outbreaks of jaundice epidemics in China 5,000 years ago and in Babylon more than 2,500 years ago. The catastrophic history of great jaundice epidemics and pandemics is well known and generally associated with major wars. In the American Civil War, 40,000 cases occurred among Union troops. In 1885, an outbreak of catarrhal jaundice affected 191 workers at the Bremen shipyard (Germany) after vaccination against smallpox. In 1942, 28,585 soldiers became infected with hepatitis after inoculation with the yellow fever vaccine. The number of cases of hepatitis during the Second World War was estimated to be 16 million. Only in the twentieth century were the main agents causing viral hepatitis identified. The hepatitis B virus was the first to be discovered. In this paper, through reviewing the history of major epidemics caused by hepatitis viruses and the history of discovery of these agents, singular peculiarities were revealed. Examples of this include the accidental or chance discovery of the hepatitis B and D viruses.

  2. Hepatic Lipodystrophy in Galloway Calves. (United States)

    Wieland, M; Mann, S; Hafner-Marx, A; Ignatius, A; Metzner, M


    Hepatic lipodystrophy in Galloway calves is a fatal liver disease affecting a small proportion of the Galloway breed described in different parts of Europe and North America during the past decades. The clinical findings include a diversity of neurological signs. Clinical pathology findings frequently indicate hepatobiliary disease. Postmortem examination reveals an enlarged, pale yellow, and firm liver. Histologic lesions include hepatic fibrosis, hepatic lipidosis, and bile duct hyperplasia. To date, the etiopathogenesis remains obscure. Infectious causes, intoxications, and a hereditary origin have been considered. We describe hepatic lipodystrophy in Galloway calves from an extensively farmed cow-calf operation in southern Germany. Main clinical findings in 6 calves were consistent with hepatic encephalopathy. Clinical pathology findings in 5 of 6 tested animals revealed increased concentration of total bilirubin (maximum value [MV], 54 μmol/l; reference range [RR], 250 U/g Hb). Postmortem examination in 6 calves revealed a firm, diffusely enlarged yellow liver with a finely nodular surface. Histologic lesions included hepatic fibrosis, hepatic lipidosis, and bile duct hyperplasia. Our findings add to the existing data on hepatic lipodystrophy in the Galloway breed and outline a protocol to aid in the diagnosis of this disorder.

  3. Hepatitis C FAQs for the Public (United States)

    ... Hepatitis Contact Us Anonymous Feedback Quick Links to Hepatitis … A | B | C | D | E Viral Hepatitis Home ... Local Partners & Grantees Policy and Programs Resource Center Hepatitis C FAQs for the Public Recommend on Facebook ...

  4. Hepatitis B FAQs for the Public (United States)

    ... Professional Resources Patient Education Resources Quick Links to Hepatitis … A | B | C | D | E Viral Hepatitis Home ... Grantees Policy and Programs Resource Center Viral Hepatitis Hepatitis B Questions and Answers for the Public Recommend ...

  5. Natural history and treatment of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus coinfection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keeffe Emmet B


    Full Text Available Abstract Hepatitis B virus (HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV coinfection is not uncommon as a result of similar routes of infection. Patients who are coinfected represent a unique group with diverse serologic profiles. Combined chronic hepatitis B and C leads to more severe liver disease and an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. Furthermore, coinfected patients represent a treatment challenge. No standard recommendations exist for treatment of viral hepatitis due to dual HBV/HCV infection, and therefore treatment must be individualized based on patient variables such as serologic and virologic profiles, patient's prior exposure to antiviral treatment, and the presence of other parenterally transmitted viruses such as hepatitis D virus and human immunodeficiency virus. The natural history and treatment of patients with HBV and HCV coinfection is reviewed.

  6. Factores asociados a los accidentes por exposición percutánea en personal de enfermería en un hospital de tercer nivel

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    Gallardo López Mª Teresa


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Los accidentes por exposición percutánea suponen aproximadamente un tercio de los accidentes laborales del personal sanitario hospitalario. Su importancia estriba en las enfermedades causadas por patógenos transmisibles por esta vía (hepatitis B, hepatitis C, infección VIH. Objetivos: describir los accidentes de este tipo notificados en un hospital de tercer nivel; identificar factores asociados a estos accidentes en personal de enfermería; construir un modelo predictivo del riesgo individual de accidentarse. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo de una cohorte retrospectiva compuesta por todas las personas que notificaron un accidente entre el 1-1-93 y el 30-6-96. Estudio de casos y controles en el personal de enfermería durante el período 1-1-95 al 30-6-96, analizado mediante regresión logística múltiple. RESULTADOS: La incidencia acumulada de accidentes en un año fue de 0,078 para las/-os enfermeras/-os. En el 57,3% de los casos estuvieron implicadas agujas de jeringas desechables o precargadas. La incidencia acumulada en un año fue mayor para las agujas de cateterismo intravenoso (8,5 por 100.000. El riesgo de accidentabilidad, ajustado por variables confundentes, fue mayor para las/-os enfermeras/-os (OR=3,22; I.C.95%=1,96-5,27, para los trabajadores de la Unidad de Hemodiálisis (OR=35,21; I.C.95%=3,74-331,16 y para aquéllos con contrato eventual (OR=4,50; I.C.95%=2,24-9,04. CONCLUSIONES: Los accidentes por exposición percutánea en este hospital son más frecuentes entre el personal de enfermería y se producen, fundamentalmente, con algún tipo de aguja hueca. Se han identificado factores asociados a estos accidentes, lo que permite dirigir programas preventivos específicos sobre trabajadores con más riesgo. El modelo obtenido es válido para estimar el grado de accidentabilidad individual en los sujetos estudiados.

  7. Hepatitis A Test (United States)

    ... Links Patient Resources For Health Professionals Subscribe Search Hepatitis A Testing Send Us Your Feedback Choose Topic At ... IgG HAV-Ab total Anti-HAV Formal Name Viral Hepatitis A Antibody This article was last reviewed on ...

  8. El papel del estrés oxidativo en la disfunción endotelial de la aterosclerosis

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    Angélica Jiménez Rosales


    Full Text Available La enfermedad cardiovascular es una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo. Resulta de la oclusión trombótica de las arterias como consecuencia de la rotura de una placa de ateroma, misma que se genera por disfunción endotelial e inflamación crónica, que a su vez son producidas por un estado de estrés oxidativo del organismo, a causa de un desbalance en la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno y la eficiencia de los sistemas antioxidantes. Se sabe que la progresión de la placa de ateroma genera también por sí misma inflamación y estrés oxidativo. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar los mecanismos por los cuales el estrés oxidativo es causa y consecuencia de la ateroesclerosis, llevando a un daño continuo del endotelio.

  9. El papel del estrés oxidativo en la disfunción endotelial de la aterosclerosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angélica Jiménez-Rosales


    Full Text Available La enfermedad cardiovascular es una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo. Resulta de la oclusión trombótica de las arterias como consecuencia de la rotura de una placa de ateroma, misma que se genera por disfunción endotelial e inflamación crónica, que a su vez son producidas por un estado de estrés oxidativo del organismo, a causa de un desbalance en la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno y la eficiencia de los sistemas antioxidantes. Se sabe que la progresión de la placa de ateroma genera también por sí misma inflamación y estrés oxidativo. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar los mecanismos por los cuales el estrés oxidativo es causa y consecuencia de la ateroesclerosis, llevando a un daño continuo del endotelio.

  10. Preventing hepatitis B or C (United States)

    ... page: // Preventing hepatitis B or C To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections cause irritation and ...

  11. Primary isolated hepatic tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheikh, A.S.F.; Qureshi, I.H.; Saba, K.; Bukhari, M.H.


    Isolated hepatic tuberculosis without pulmonary or bowel involvement is a diagnostic challenge and can cause considerable morbidity. A young lady from Lahore presented with fever, pain in right hypochondria, nausea and weight loss. CT scan of abdomen showed multiple small hypodense non-enhancing lesions and a heterogeneous texture of liver. Biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of hepatic tuberculosis. It was concluded a case of isolated hepatic tuberculosis without evidence of other primary sites involvement. It is important to consider tuberculosis in the differential diagnosis when suspecting lymphoproliferative or metastatic diseases in a patient with vague symptoms and abnormal hepatic texture on CT. (author)

  12. Hepatitis in the United States

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    In this podcast, Dr. John Ward, Director of CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis, discusses the different types of viral hepatitis and how they can be prevented. He also describes how hepatitis is transmitted and treated.  Created: 5/18/2010 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).   Date Released: 5/18/2010.

  13. Access to direct-acting antivirals for the treatment of hepatitis C in a country with limited resources. (United States)

    Marciano, S; Haddad, L; Borzi, S M; D'Amico, C; Gaite, L A; Aubone, M V; Sirotinsky, M E; Ratusnu, N; Frola, M S; Aparicio, M C; Ríos, B; Anselmo, M N; Hansen, R; De Filippi, S; Dans, C García; de Labra, L; Peche, M A; Strella, T M; Ibáñez Duran, M; García Rosales, M B; Dirchwolf, M; Galdame, O A; Gadano, A C


    To estimate the proportion of patients who access to direct-acting antivirals agents (DAAs) for the treatment of hepatitisC in Argentina and to evaluate factors associated with failure to access to treatment. We performed a cross-sectional study of DAAs prescriptions written by centers participating in the telemedicine project ECHO TM -Hospital Italiano of Buenos Aires between January 2016 and February 2017. A total of 143 consecutive prescriptions were evaluated; the global access was 70% (95% CI: 62%-77%). The only factor independently associated with failure to access to treatment was belonging to the public healthcare system [OR 4.98 (95% CI: 2.05- 12.09)] in comparison to belonging to private insurance or HMOs. Patients with hepatitisC who belong to the public healthcare system are 4 times more likely to fail to access to treatment of hepatitisC than patients with private insurance or other kind of insurance. Copyright © 2018 Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  14. The epidemiology of viral hepatitis in Qatar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bener Abdulbari


    Full Text Available Viral hepatitis is a major public health problem in many countries all over the world and especially in Middle East, Asia, East-Europe, and Africa. The aim of our study was to assess the incidence of viral hepatitis A, B and C in Qatar and compare it with other countries. This is a retrospective cohort study, which was conducted at Hamad General Hospital, State of Qatar from 2002-2006. Patients who were screened and diagnosed with viral hepatitis were included in this study. The diagnostic classification of definite viral hepatitis was made in accordance with criteria based on the International Classification of Disease tenth revision (ICD-10. A total of 527 cases of hepatitis C, 396 cases of hepatitis B, 162 cases of hepatitis A and 108 cases of unspecified were reported during the year 2006. Reported incidence rate per 10,000 populations during the year 2006 for hepatitis A was 1.9, hepatitis B 4.7, and Hepatitis C 6.3. The proportion of hepatitis B and C was significantly higher in male population than females across the years (2002-2006. Hepatitis A was more prevalent in children below 15 years (72.3%, hepatitis B in adults aged above 15 years, and hepatitis C in the population above 35 years of age. The incidence of hepatitis A has been declining in Qataris and increasing in expatriates. There was a significant relationship in gender and age group of the patients with hepatitis A, B and C. We conclude that hepatitis has become a national health issue in Qatar. The incidence rate of hepatitis in Qatar is comparable to its neighboring countries, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. There is a need for further research on hepatitis and the associated risk factors.

  15. Viral kinetics of the Hepatitis C virus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    F.C. Bekkering (Frank)


    textabstractHepatitis A virus and hepatitis B virus were identified as the cause of infectious hepatitis and serum hepatitis respectively in the beginning of the seventies. After introduction of screening tests for hepatitis A and B 4 only 25% of the cases of post transfusion hepatitis were found to

  16. Hepatitis E Virus

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Before the discovery of hepatitis E virus (HEV), many epidemics of hepatitis in ... HEV was discovered in 1983 in the ... HEV infection is increased by HIV infection in pregnancy. (Caron et al. .... immunosuppressive therapy on the natural history.

  17. Computed tomography in hepatic trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moon, K.L. Jr.; Federle, M.P.


    Twenty-five patients with hepatic injury from blunt upper abdominal trauma were examined by computed tomography (CT). The spectrum of CT findings was recorded, and the size of the hepatic laceration and the associated hemoperitoneum were correlated with the mode of therapy used in each case (operative vs nonoperative). While the need for surgery correlated roughly with the size of the hepatic laceration, the size of the associated hemoperitoneum was an important modifying factor. Fifteen patients with hepatic lacerations but little or no hemoperitoneum were managed nonoperatively. CT seems to have significant advantages over hepatic scintigraphy, angiography, and diagnostic peritoneal lavage. By combining inforamtion on the clinical state of the patient and CT findings, therapy of hepatic injury can be individualized and the incidence of nontherapeutic laparotomies decreased

  18. Modulation of hepatic stellate cells and reversibility of hepatic fibrosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang, Yu, E-mail: [Faculty of Graduate Studies of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanning 530001, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (China); Deng, Xin, E-mail: [Ruikang Hospital Affiliated to Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, 10 East China Road, Nanning 530011, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (China); Liang, Jian, E-mail: [Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanning 530001, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (China)


    Hepatic fibrosis (HF) is the pathological component of a variety of chronic liver diseases. Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) are the main collagen-producing cells in the liver and their activation promotes HF. If HSC activation and proliferation can be inhibited, HF occurrence and development can theoretically be reduced and even reversed. Over the past ten years, a number of studies have addressed this process, and here we present a review of HSC modulation and HF reversal. - Highlights: • We present a review of the modulation of hepatic stellate cells (HSC) and reversibility of hepatic fibrosis (HF). • HSC are the foci of HF occurrence and development, HF could be prevented and treated by modulating HSC. • If HSC activation and proliferation can be inhibited, HF could theoretically be inhibited and even reversed. • Prevention or reversal of HSC activation, or promotion of HSC apoptosis, immune elimination, and senescence may prevent, inhibit or reverse HF.

  19. Clinical And Epidemiological Aspects Of Hepatitis B Virus And Hepatitis C Virus In Fortaleza-Ceara

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gizelly Castelo Branco Brito


    Full Text Available Introduction: Viral hepatitis is among the main problems that affect public health globally. The knowledge of the clinical and epidemiological situation of hepatitis B and hepatitis C is necessary for the establishment of prevention and control strategies together with individuals and communities in vulnerable situations. Objective: To investigate the clinical and epidemiological aspects of the population affected by hepatitis B and hepatitis C from 2007 to 2014, in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. Methodology: Descriptive, retrospective study involving data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System, with analysis of gender, age, race, illicit drug use, sex partnerships, tattoo/piercing, transfusion, dialysis and transplantation. Chi-squared tests were used for statistical analysis of the variables. Results: It was reported 779 cases of hepatitis B and 756 of hepatitis C. Regarding the HBV, 69.7% were male, 77.5% of brown color, and a median age of 36 years. Regarding risk factors, there was highlight for sexual practice and number of sex partners (p = 0.001, blood transfusion (p = 0.011 and use of tattoo/piercing (p = 0.011. As for HCV, 57.7% were male and the mean age was 46 years. As for risk factors, the injecting drug use (p = 0.001, the presence of three or more partners (p = 0.001 and the use of tattoo/piercing (p = 0.021 stood out. Regardless of gender, age or race and drug use, transfusions and age over 40 years increased the risk for hepatitis. There were still high percentages of missing data in several variables. Conclusion: This study contributes to alert the Brazilian health authorities on the importance of these infections and the need to expand and strengthen current health policies, and allows reflection on control strategies for hepatitis. Keywords: Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C; Risk factors.

  20. [Prevention of virus hepatitis A to E]. (United States)

    Cornberg, M; Manns, M P


    Infection with hepatitis viruses can lead to acute hepatitis with the risk of developing liver failure. Chronic viral hepatitis may evolve into liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Thus, prevention of viral hepatitis and its sequels is essential. Vaccination against hepatitis A is successful in almost all individuals. Protective antibodies maintain for at least 20 years. Booster vaccinations are not necessary. Since the introduction of hepatitis A vaccines, the incidence of new HAV-infections has declined significantly. Hepatitis B vaccines are safe and highly effective. Special populations such as dialysis patients or immunocompromised patients require special vaccine schedules. New vaccines with improved adjuvants are currently being tested in clinical trials. So far there is no hepatitis C vaccine on the horizon. Prophylaxis of HCV-infections relies primarily on hygiene measures. Early therapy of acute hepatitis C can prevent chronic hepatitis C. HDV-infection can only be established if HBsAg is present. Thus, prevention of hepatitis B or elimination of HBsAg means prevention of hepatitis delta. Hepatitis E vaccines have been evaluated in phase III studies. The development of HEV vaccines becomes more relevant since chronic HEV infections have been reported in immunosuppressed individuals.

  1. Hepatic glucose utilization in hepatic steatosis and obesity


    Keramida, Georgia; Hunter, James; Peters, Adrien?Michael


    Hepatic steatosis is associated with obesity and insulin resistance. Whether hepatic glucose utilization rate (glucose phosphorylation rate; MRglu) is increased in steatosis and/or obesity is uncertain. Our aim was to determine the separate relationships of steatosis and obesity with MRglu. Sixty patients referred for routine PET/CT had dynamic PET imaging over the abdomen for 30?min post-injection of F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), followed by Patlak?Rutland graphical analysis of the liver us...

  2. Hepatitis A virus infection suppresses hepatitis C virus replication and may lead to clearance of HCV. (United States)

    Deterding, Katja; Tegtmeyer, Björn; Cornberg, Markus; Hadem, Johannes; Potthoff, Andrej; Böker, Klaus H W; Tillmann, Hans L; Manns, Michael P; Wedemeyer, Heiner


    The significance of hepatitis A virus (HAV) super-infection in patients with chronic hepatitis C had been a matter of debate. While some studies suggested an incidence of fulminant hepatitis A of up to 35%, this could not be confirmed by others. We identified 17 anti-HCV-positive patients with acute hepatitis A from a cohort of 3170 anti-HCV-positive patients recruited at a single center over a period of 12 years. Importantly, none of the anti-HCV-positive patients had a fulminant course of hepatitis A. HCV-RNA was detected by PCR in 84% of the anti-HCV-positive/anti-HAV-IgM-negative patients but only in 65% of anti-HCV-positive patients with acute hepatitis A (p=0.03), indicating suppression of HCV replication during hepatitis A. Previous HAV infection had no effect on HCV replication. After recovery from hepatitis A, an increased HCV replication could be demonstrated for 6 out of 9 patients with serial quantitative HCV-RNA values available while 2 patients remained HCV-RNA negative after clearance of HAV throughout follow-up of at least 2 years. HAV super-infection is associated with decreased HCV-RNA replication which may lead to recovery from HCV in some individuals. Fulminant hepatitis A is not frequent in patients with chronic hepatitis C recruited at a tertiary referral center.

  3. Hepatitis A and B immunity and vaccination in chronic hepatitis B and C patients in a large United States cohort. (United States)

    Henkle, Emily; Lu, Mei; Rupp, Lora B; Boscarino, Joseph A; Vijayadeva, Vinutha; Schmidt, Mark A; Gordon, Stuart C


    Hepatitis A and B vaccines are effective in preventing superinfection and sequelae in patients with chronic hepatitis B or C. We describe immunity and vaccination against hepatitis A and B in chronic hepatitis patients from the US Chronic Hepatitis Cohort Study. We identified chronic hepatitis B and C patients with healthcare utilization during 2006-2008 and 12 months of enrollment. We used electronic laboratory records to determine immunity and medical and billing records for vaccination history. Immunity against hepatitis A was defined by positive hepatitis A antibody or documented vaccination. Immunity against hepatitis B was defined as hepatitis B surface antibody level ≥10 mIU/mL or core antibody positive, or by documented vaccination. Among 1635 chronic hepatitis B patients, 978 (59.8%) were immune or vaccinated against hepatitis A, 122 (7.5%) had negative hepatitis A antibody tests, and 535 (32.7%) had no testing or vaccination record. Among 5328 chronic hepatitis C patients, 2998 (56.3%) were immune or vaccinated against hepatitis A, 659 (12.4%) had negative hepatitis A antibody tests, and 1671 (31.4%) had no testing or vaccination record. Additionally, 3150 (59.1%) chronic hepatitis C patients were immune or vaccinated against hepatitis B, 1003 (18.8%) had a negative test result, and 1175 (22.1%) were neither tested for nor vaccinated against hepatitis B. Approximately 40% of chronic hepatitis B and C patients are susceptible to or have no documented immunity or vaccination against hepatitis A or hepatitis B. Clinicians should consider antibody testing and vaccination for this vulnerable population. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  4. Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus in pregnant Sudanese women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karsany Mubarak S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The epidemiology of viral hepatitis during pregnancy is essential for health planners and programme managers. While much data exist concerning viral hepatitis during pregnancy in many African countries, no proper published data are available in Sudan. Aim The study aimed to investigate the sero-prevalance and the possible risk factors for hepatitis B virus (HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV among antenatal care attendants in central Sudan. Methods During 3 months from March–June 2006, sera were collected from pregnant women at Umdurman Maternity Hospital in Sudan, and they were tested for markers of hepatitis B virus (HBVsAg and HCV. Results HBVsAg was detected in 41 (5.6% out 728 women, Anti-HCV was detected in 3 (0.6% out of 423 women, all of them were not aware of their condition. Age, parity, gestational age, residence, history of blood transfusion, dental manipulations, tattooing and circumcision did not contribute significantly to increased HBVsAg sero-positivity. Conclusion Thus 5.6% of pregnant women were positive for HBVsAg irrespective of their age, parity and socio-demographic characteristics. There was low prevalence of Anti-HCV.

  5. Hepatitis B immunisation in persons not previously exposed to hepatitis B or with unknown exposure status

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathew, Joseph L; El Dib, Regina; Mathew, Preethy J


    The benefits and harms of hepatitis B vaccination in persons not previously exposed to hepatitis B infection or with unknown exposure status have not been established.......The benefits and harms of hepatitis B vaccination in persons not previously exposed to hepatitis B infection or with unknown exposure status have not been established....

  6. Hepatitis in the United States

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    In this podcast, Dr. John Ward, Director of CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis, discusses the different types of viral hepatitis and how they can be prevented. He also describes how hepatitis is transmitted and treated.

  7. Comparison of association of diabetes mellitus in hepatitis C virus infection and hepatitis B virus infection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, I.A.; Bukhari, M.H.; Khokhar, M.S.


    Background: While patients with liver disease are known to have a higher prevalence of glucose intolerance, preliminary studies suggest that hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection may be an additional risk factor for the development of diabetes mellitus (DM). Objective: The presented study was aimed to study and determine a relationship between the relative proportions of Diabetes Mellitus in patients suffering from HCV infection. Study Design: This cross sectional study. Study Settings: Patients were registered from outdoor as well as indoor departments of different teaching hospitals (Services hospital Lahore and medical departments in Jinnah hospital, Mayo hospital, Sir Ganga Ram hospital) in Lahore, Pakistan. Methods: This cross sectional study was comprised of age and sex matched 258 patients of viral hepatitis B infection and viral hepatitis C infection, conducted at Hepatitis Clinic Services Hospital, affiliated with Post Graduate Medical Institute, Lahore. Diagnosis of HBV was made with evidence of hepatitis B surface antigen, HCV infection was diagnosed if patient was sero positive for anti HCV (ELISA methods) and HCV - RNA (By PCR). Diabetes Mellitus was diagnosed after fulfilling the American Diabetic Association Criteria, from November, 2000 to September, 2002. Results: A total of 318 patients were registered, out of which 258 cases fulfilled the inclusion criteria, 164 hepatitis C infected and 94 hepatitis B infected cases, 16.46% hepatitis C infected cases were diagnosed as diabetics while 4.25% hepatitis B infected cases were diagnosed as diabetics. Conclusion: This study concludes that there is high Association and relationship of Diabetes Mellitus with Hepatitis C virus infection as compared with Hepatitis B virus infection. (author)

  8. Auto-immune hepatitis following delivery. (United States)

    Saini, Vandana; Gupta, Mamta; Mishra, S K


    Auto-immune hepatitis first presenting in the early postpartum period is rare. Immunosuppressive effects of pregnancy result in delayed manifestation of auto-immune hepatitis, and in established cases, the spontaneous improvements are there. Auto-immune hepatitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of liver dysfunction first presenting in the early postpartum period. A case of postpartum hepatitis of auto-immune aetiology is being presented here. It is disease of unknown aetiology, characterised by inflammation of liver (as evidenced by raised serum transaminases, presence of interface hepatitis on histological examination), hypergammaglobulinaemia (> 1.5 times normal), presence of auto-antibodies [(antinuclear antibodies (ANA)], smooth muscle antibody (SMA) and antibody to liver-kidney microsome type 1 (LKM1) in the absence of viral markers ie, hepatitis B (HBsAg) and C (AntiHCV) and excellent response to corticosteroid therapy.

  9. Espectroscopia cerebral em candidatos a transplante hepático Cerebral magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients with hepatic encephalopathy: analysis before and after liver transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Justo Schulz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar os níveis dos metabólitos (mio-inositol [MI], colina [Cho], glutamina [Glx], creatina [Cr] e N-acetilaspartato [NAA] por meio da espectroscopia por ressonância magnética em portadores de hepatopatia crônica, antes e após o transplante hepático, correlacionando com a avaliação clínica. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados prospectivamente 25 pacientes portadores de hepatopatia crônica do Serviço de Transplante Hepático da Universidade Federal do Paraná por meio de avaliação clínica e espectroscópica. Trinta voluntários sadios formaram o grupo controle, sendo submetidos às mesmas avaliações. Dezesseis dos 25 pacientes também foram avaliados após o transplante. RESULTADOS: Antes do transplante hepático reduções significativas nos índices de MI/Cr e Cho/Cr e aumento significativo no índice de Glx/Cr foram observadas nos pacientes portadores de encefalopatia hepática comparados ao grupo controle. Os critérios quantitativos de Ross para diagnóstico espectroscópico da encefalopatia hepática (MI/Cr e Cho/Cr OBJECTIVES: To determine the metabolite levels (myo-inositol [MI], choline [Cho], glutamate [Glx], creatine [Cr] and N-acetylaspartate [NAA] visible on magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients with chronic hepatic failure, before and after liver transplantation and to correlate these data with results of neuropsychiatric tests and clinical findings. METHODS: Twenty five patients with chronic hepatic failure from the Liver Transplantation Unit of the Federal University of Parana were prospectively studied. Patients were submitted to clinical evaluation and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Thirty healthy volunteers also submitted to the same evaluations. Sixteen of the 25 patients were evaluated after liver transplantation. RESULTS: Before liver transplantation, significant reductions in MI/Cr and Cho/Cr and a significant increase in Glx/Cr were observed in patients with hepatic encephalopathy compared

  10. epidemiology of hepatitis b and hepatitis c virus infections among hiv

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infection are common in Nigeria; where they are a major cause of both acute and chronic .... for HIV counseling and testing on a daily basis. .... The Genetic and Molecular ... Among Patients with Hemophilia in.

  11. A comparative study of hepatitis caused by scrub typhus and viral hepatitis A in South Korea. (United States)

    Lee, Jun; Kim, Dong-Min; Yun, Na Ra; Byeon, Yu Mi; Kim, Young Dae; Park, Chan Guk; Kim, Man Woo; Han, Mi Ah


    We compared clinical features and laboratory findings of 104 patients with hepatitis A and 197 patients with scrub typhus. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, hepatomegaly, and jaundice were common in patient with hepatitis A, and fever and headache were significantly more common in patients with scrub typhus. At presentation, an alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level ≥ 500 U/L was observed in 1% of scrub typhus patients and in 87.5% of hepatitis A patients (P hepatitis A patients. The ALT:lactate dehydrogenase ratio was ≤ 5 in 97.4% of the patients with scrub typhus and > 5 in 95.2% of those with hepatitis A (P 5, and hepatomegaly are indications of viral hepatitis A.

  12. A Comparative Study of Hepatitis Caused by Scrub Typhus and Viral Hepatitis A in South Korea (United States)

    Lee, Jun; Kim, Dong-Min; Yun, Na Ra; Byeon, Yu Mi; Kim, Young Dae; Park, Chan Guk; Kim, Man Woo; Han, Mi Ah


    We compared clinical features and laboratory findings of 104 patients with hepatitis A and 197 patients with scrub typhus. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, hepatomegaly, and jaundice were common in patient with hepatitis A, and fever and headache were significantly more common in patients with scrub typhus. At presentation, an alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level ≥ 500 U/L was observed in 1% of scrub typhus patients and in 87.5% of hepatitis A patients (P hepatitis A patients. The ALT:lactate dehydrogenase ratio was ≤ 5 in 97.4% of the patients with scrub typhus and > 5 in 95.2% of those with hepatitis A (P 5, and hepatomegaly are indications of viral hepatitis A. PMID:22049041

  13. Reactivation of hepatitis B in patients of chronic hepatitis C with hepatitis B virus infection treated with direct acting antivirals. (United States)

    Yeh, Ming-Lun; Huang, Chung-Feng; Hsieh, Meng-Hsuan; Ko, Yu-Min; Chen, Kuan-Yu; Liu, Ta-Wei; Lin, Yi-Hung; Liang, Po-Cheng; Hsieh, Ming-Yen; Lin, Zu-Yau; Chen, Shinn-Cherng; Huang, Ching-I; Huang, Jee-Fu; Kuo, Po-Lin; Dai, Chia-Yen; Yu, Ming-Lung; Chuang, Wan-Long


    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) may reactivate when treating chronic hepatitis C (CHC) with direct acting antivirals (DAA). We aim to investigate the risk of HBV reactivation during DAA therapy. Chronic hepatitis C patients receiving pan-oral DAA therapy from December 2013 to August 2016 were evaluated. Fifty-seven patients that had a past HBV infection (negative hepatitis B surface antigen [HBsAg] and positive hepatitis B core antibody) and seven patients that had a current HBV infection (positive HBsAg) were enrolled. Serum HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) markers were regularly measured. The endpoints were the HCV sustained virological response (SVR) and the HBV virological/clinical reactivation. The overall SVR 12 rate was 96.9%, and two patients, one with positive HBsAg, had a relapse of HCV. No episodes of HBV virological reactivation were observed among the patients with a past HBV infection. For the seven patients with a current HBV infection, HBV virological reactivation was found in four (57.1%) of the seven patients. Clinical reactivation of HBV was observed in one patient with pretreatment detectable HBV DNA and recovered after entecavir administration. For the other three patients with HBV virological reactivation, the reappearance of low level HBV DNA without clinical reactivation was observed. HBsAg levels demonstrated only small fluctuations in all the patients. There was a minimal impact of hepatitis B core antibody seropositivity on HCV efficacy and safety. For CHC patients with current HBV infection, the risk of HBV reactivation was present, and monitoring the HBV DNA level during therapy is warranted. © 2017 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  14. Seroprevalencia de la hepatitis C en adultos de México: ¿un problema de salud pública emergente? Seroprevalence of hepatitis C among Mexican adults: an emerging public health problem?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Valdespino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: La infección por virus de la hepatitis (VHC evoluciona hacia la cronicidad en 60 a 85% de los sujetos que la sufren y ocasiona cirrosis hepática y cáncer primario de hígado. El objetivo de este estudio fue notificar la seroprevalencia de infección por VHC en una muestra probabilística de la población en el plano nacional. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 21 271 sueros seleccionados de manera aleatoria de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2000, para anti-VHC y RNA de VHC. El estudio se realizó en el Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública en el año 2005. RESULTADOS: La seroprevalencia de los anticuerpos VHC fue de 1.4% (IC95% 1.1-1.6 y 35.7% tenía infección activa. Los factores de riesgo de infección de VHC detectados son el antecedente de consumo de heroína (RM=9.8, IC: 2.1-41.4, estar separado (RM=2.6, IC: 1.1-5.9 o ser viudo (RM=2.2, IC: 1.1-4.3 y residir en la región norte del país (RM=1.9, IC: 1.1-3.2. CONCLUSIONES: Los datos indican que la hepatitis C es un problema de salud pública emergente en México. Los factores de riesgo de infección indican que la transmisión más frecuente de los infectados ocurre en receptores de sangre y hemoderivados (antes de 1996 y, de manera secundaria, por drogadicción intravenosa y de tipo sexual.OBJECTIVE: Hepatitis C Virus (HCV infection is becoming a chronic disease in 60-85% of individuals and is a cause of hepatic cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The objective of this study was to report the seroprevalence of HCV infection in a probabilistic sample of the Mexican population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study is based on information obtained from the National Health Survey conducted in 2000. A total of 21 271 sera randomly selected for anti-HCV and RNA of HCV was studied. It was performed at the National Institute of Public Health in 2005. RESULTS: Seroprevalence of HCV antibodies was 1.4% (IC95% 1.1%-1.6%, of which 35.7% had active infection. Risk factors for infection were

  15. [Hepatitis E virus infection in patients with clinical diagnosis of viral hepatitis in Colombia]. (United States)

    Peláez, Dioselina; Hoyos, María Cristina; Rendón, Julio César; Mantilla, Carolina; Ospina, Martha Cecilia; Cortés-Mancera, Fabián; Pérez, Olga Lucía; Contreras, Lady; Estepa, Yaneth; Arbeláez, María Patricia; Navas, María Cristina


    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an emergent virus of global importance; it is the etiological agent of sporadic cases and outbreaks of hepatitis. The epidemiology of this infection in Colombia is unknown. To determine the seropositivity for hepatitis E virus in Colombia in cases with clinical diagnosis of viral hepatitis. Serum samples from patients that were sent to the Instituto Nacional de Salud during the period 2005-2010 (group 1) and samples sent to the Laboratorio Departamental de Salud Pública de Antioquia during the 2008-2009 period were included in this study (group 2). Serum samples were analyzed by immunoassay with commercial kits. From the 344 analyzed samples, 8.7% were positive for anti-HEV; the frequency of anti-HEV IgM was 1.74% (6/344) and the frequency of anti-HEV IgG was 7.5% (26/344). A difference in frequency of anti-HEV between group 1 (6.3%) and group 2 (1.3%) was observed. The cases were identified in nine departments of Colombia. This is the first study of hepatitis E virus infection in patients with diagnosis of hepatitis in Colombia. The frequency of anti-HEV described in this population of patients in Colombia is similar to that described in other Latin American countries like Brazil, Perú and Uruguay. Considering the results of this study, it could be necessary to include hepatitis E virus infection serological markers in the differential diagnosis of viral hepatitis in Colombia.

  16. Influence of transcatheter hepatic artery embolization using iodized oil on radiofrequency ablation of hepatic neoplasms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Xilin; Ma Qingjiu; Wang Yiqing; Wang Zhimin; Zhang Hongxin


    Objective: To observe the effect of iodized oil on radiofrequency thermal ablation (RFA) of hepatic neoplasms by using a cluster array of ten separate electrodes. Methods: The patients were divided into 2 groups, group A with transcatheter hepatic artery embolization, group B without transcatheter hepatic artery embolization. All patients were undergone radiofrequency ablation of hepatic neoplasms. Results: The time of RFA for group A was (9 ± 2.1) minutes, showing the diameter of necrosis of (5.3 ± 1.4) cm. The time of RFA for group B was (16 ± 4. 6) minutes demonstrating the diameter of necrosis of (3.5 ± 1.8) cm (P<0.01). Conclusions: These findings suggest that radiofrequency thermal ablation of hepatic neoplasms with transcatheter hepatic artery embolization using iodized oil might improve the safety and synergic effect

  17. Hepatitis C virus infection can mimic type 1 (antinuclear antibody positive) autoimmune chronic active hepatitis. (United States)

    Pawlotsky, J M; Deforges, L; Bretagne, S; André, C; Métreau, J M; Thiers, V; Zafrani, E S; Goossens, M; Duval, J; Mavier, J P


    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been shown to induce anti-liver-kidney microsomal-1 (LKM1) antibody positive chronic active hepatitis, simulating type 2 autoimmune chronic active hepatitis. The cases of five patients presenting with features of type 1 (antinuclear antibody positive) autoimmune chronic active hepatitis and extrahepatic autoimmune manifestations, in whom immunosuppressive treatment had no effect on liver disease are presented. In these patients, HCV infection could be shown by the presence in serum of anti-HCV antibodies and HCV-RNA detected by polymerase chain reaction. These cases suggest the following: (a) chronic HCV infection can mimic type 1, as well as type 2, autoimmune chronic active hepatitis; (b) HCV infection might be systematically sought in patients presenting with features of type 1 autoimmune chronic active hepatitis, with special care in patients who are unresponsive to immunosuppressive treatment. Images Figure PMID:7686122

  18. Radioimmunoassay for hepatitis B core antigen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sagnelli, E.; Pereira, C.; Triolo, G.; Vernace, S.; Paronetto, F.


    Serum hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) is an important marker of hepatitis B virus replication. We describe an easy, sensitive radioimmunoassay for determination of HBcAg in detergent-treated serum pellets containing Dane particles. Components of a commercial kit for anticore determination are used, and HBcAG is measured by competitive inhibition of binding of 125 I-labeled antibodies to HBcAg with HBcAg-coated beads. We assayed for HBcAG in the sera of 49 patients with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive chronic hepatitis, 50 patients with HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis, and 30 healthy volunteers. HBcAg was detected in 41% of patients with HBsAg-positive chronic hepatitis but not in patients with HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis. Hepatitis Be antigen (an antigen closely associated with the core of Dane particles) determined in the same sera by radioimmunoassay, was not detected in 50% of HBcAg-positive sera

  19. Hepatitis C Test (United States)

    ... and Prevention. Recommendations for the Identification of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection Among Persons Born During 1945–1965. Prepared by ... Disease Control and Prevention. Vital Signs: Evaluation of Hepatitis C Virus Infection Testing and Reporting — Eight U.S. Sites, 2005–2011. ...

  20. Hepatitis A: Questions and Answers (United States)

    ... fluids enter another person’s bloodstream. • Hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infections can cause chronic liver problems. Infection with hepa- ... there is no vaccine to protect people from hepatitis C virus infection. • There are medications that are approved by the ...

  1. Avaliação lectino-histoquímica de fígado e rim de ovinos com fotossensibilização causada por Brachiaria decumbens

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    Samay Z.R. Costa


    Full Text Available Embora sejam as forrageiras mais importantes para a pecuária de corte (bovinocultura de corte no Brasil, em certas épocas ou condições, Brachiaria spp. podem ser tóxicas e causar surtos de fotossensibilização hepatógena que determinam significativas perdas econômicas. Animais que se alimentam em pastos de Brachiaria spp. comumente apresentam macrófagos espumosos isolados ou agrupados, além de cristais no interior de ductos biliares. Saponinas esteroidais têm sido identificadas nestes cristais e são responsabilizadas por lesar o fígado levando ao acúmulo de filoeritrina. Por vezes, imagens negativas desses cristais podem estar presentes no citoplasma de macrófagos espumosos. A patogênese de formação e o tipo de material armazenado nas células espumosas ainda são desconhecidos. A técnica de lectino-histoquímica visa auxiliar na detecção desses macrófagos e, consequentemente, no diagnóstico, além de identificar quais os resíduos de açúcares específicos que estão presentes no citoplasma das células espumosas. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar quais lectinas são mais indicadas na detecção de saponinas esteroidais no fígado e rim de ovinos com fotossensibilização causada por Brachiaria decumbens. Fragmentos de fígado e rim de quinze ovinos, de ambos os sexos e idade variável, oriundos de Conceição do Mato Dentro, Minas Gerais, e um ovino mantido em pastagem livre de Brachiaria spp. foram avaliados pela técnica de lectino-histoquímica. Quatorze lectinas foram utilizadas (Con-A, DBA, SBA, PNA, SJA, RCA-I, UEA-I, WGA, SWGA, GSL, PSA, PHA-L, PHA-E e LCA. Verificou-se que, no fígado de ovinos com fotossensibilização provocada pela ingestão de Brachiaria decumbens, a lectina PNA apresentou especificidade e acentuada reatividade aos macrófagos espumosos, bem como especificidade e leve reatividade aos hepatócitos; a lectina WGA teve especificidade e moderada reatividade aos macr

  2. Infection with hepatitis A, B, C, and delta viruses among patients with acute hepatitis in Mongolia. (United States)

    Tsatsralt-Od, Bira; Takahashi, Masaharu; Endo, Kazunori; Buyankhuu, Osorjin; Baatarkhuu, Oidov; Nishizawa, Tsutomu; Okamoto, Hiroaki


    One hundred ten consecutive patients (60 males and 50 females; age, mean +/- standard deviation [SD], 22.6 +/- 6.4 years; range 16-48 years) who were clinically diagnosed with sporadic acute hepatitis between December 2004 and January 2005 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, were studied. IgM antibodies to hepatitis A virus were detected in 18 patients (16.4%), IgM antibodies to hepatitis B core (anti-HBc IgM) in 38 patients (34.5%) including two patients with concurrent hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection, and hepatitis C virus RNA in nine patients (8.2%). There were 30 hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers who had detectable hepatitis B surface antigen and antibodies to HDV but were negative for anti-HBc IgM, suggesting that they acquired type D acute hepatitis due to superinfection of HDV on a background of chronic HBV infection. None had IgM antibodies to hepatitis E virus (HEV). Consequently, 16.4, 32.7, 6.4, 1.8, and 27.3% of the patients were diagnosed as having acute hepatitis of type A, B, C, type B + D (HBV/HDV coinfection), and type D (superinfection of HDV), respectively. The cause of hepatitis was not known in the remaining 17 patients (15.5%). All 18 HAV isolates were genotyped as IA, all 9 HCV isolates were genotyped as 1b, and all 32 HDV isolates were classified into genotype I. The distribution of HBV genotypes among the 67 HBV isolates was A (1.5%, n = 1) and D (98.5%, n = 66). The present study indicates that de novo infections of HAV, HBV, HCV, and HDV are prevalent among young adults in Mongolia. Copyright 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  3. Hepatitis C pada Anak

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    Yusri Dianne Jurnalis


    Full Text Available AbstrakInfeksi virus hepatitis C saat ini masih merupakan persoalan yang serius. Penularan infeksi HCV pada anak yang utama adalah melalui transfusi darah atau produk darah yang saat ini bertanggung jawab menyebabkan kasus hepatitis C kronis. Selain itu infeksi HCV pada anak dapat disebabkan oleh transmisi perinatal (vertikal. Infeksi HCV akut dapat berakhir dengan sirosis dan karsinoma hepatoselular setelah dekade ketiga (sekitar 20%, karena progresivitas infeksi HCV lebih lambat dari infeksi hepatitis B virus. Pada umumnya infeksi HCV bersifat asimptomatik termasuk pada anak. Karena tidak ada gejala yang jelas pada infeksi HCV tersebut maka diagnosis infeksi HCV hanya dapat ditegakkan dengan pemeriksaan awal laboratorium dan uji serologi, dan bila perlu dengan uji molekuler pada pasien dengan risiko tinggi. Kebijakan kuratif khusus terhadap HCV adalah terapi antivirus berupa interferon dan ribavirin yang diberikan bila diagnosis HCV sudah ditegakkanKata kunci: Hepatitis C, diagnosis and management problem, childrenAbstractHepatitis C virus infection is still a serious problem. Transmission of HCV infection in children is a major blood transfusion or blood products that are currently responsible for causing chronic hepatitis C cases. Additionally HCV infection in children can be caused by perinatal transmission (vertical. Acute HCV infection may end up with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma after the third decade (around 20%, due to a slower progression of HCV infection of hepatitis B virus infection. In most cases of HCV infection are asymptomatic, including in children. Since there are no obvious symptoms in the diagnosis of HCV infection HCV infection can only be confirmed by laboratory examinations and serologic testing early, and if necessary with molecular testing in patients at high risk. Curative policy is specific to HCV antiviral therapy such as interferon and ribavirin are given when the diagnosis of HCV has been establishedKeywords:Hepatitis

  4. Imaging of hepatic infections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doyle, D.J.; Hanbidge, A.E.; O'Malley, M.E.


    Imaging plays a significant role in the detection, characterization and treatment of hepatic infections. Infectious diseases of the liver include pyogenic and amoebic abscesses and parasitic, fungal, viral and granulomatous infections. With increases in worldwide travel, immunosuppression and changing population demographics, identification of cases of hepatic infection is becoming more common in daily practice. Knowledge of the imaging features seen with hepatic infections can assist in early diagnosis and timely initiation of appropriate therapy. This review presents the imaging appearances of hepatic infections, emphasizing specific features that may contribute to the diagnosis. Examples of the imaging findings seen with pyogenic and amoebic abscesses, infection with Echinococcus granulosus (Hydatid), schistosomiasis, candidiasis and tuberculosis (TB) are presented

  5. Imaging of hepatic infections

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Doyle, D.J. [Department of Medical Imaging, University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. (Canada)]. E-mail:; Hanbidge, A.E. [Department of Medical Imaging, University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. (Canada); O' Malley, M.E. [Department of Medical Imaging, University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. (Canada)


    Imaging plays a significant role in the detection, characterization and treatment of hepatic infections. Infectious diseases of the liver include pyogenic and amoebic abscesses and parasitic, fungal, viral and granulomatous infections. With increases in worldwide travel, immunosuppression and changing population demographics, identification of cases of hepatic infection is becoming more common in daily practice. Knowledge of the imaging features seen with hepatic infections can assist in early diagnosis and timely initiation of appropriate therapy. This review presents the imaging appearances of hepatic infections, emphasizing specific features that may contribute to the diagnosis. Examples of the imaging findings seen with pyogenic and amoebic abscesses, infection with Echinococcus granulosus (Hydatid), schistosomiasis, candidiasis and tuberculosis (TB) are presented.

  6. 77 FR 45895 - World Hepatitis Day, 2012 (United States)


    ... Proclamation Worldwide, one in twelve people is living with viral hepatitis--a disease that threatens the... ourselves to the fight against viral hepatitis. Hepatitis prevention and control begins with awareness. Though all types of viral hepatitis are associated with serious health issues, hepatitis B and C can...

  7. Alcohol Use and Hepatitis C


    Peters, Marion G.; Terrault, Norah A.


    Excess alcohol consumption can worsen the course and outcome of chronic hepatitis C. It is important to distinguish between alcohol abuse, which must be treated on its own merits, and the effect of alcohol use on progression, severity, and treatment of hepatitis C. Most studies on the effects of alcohol on hepatitis C have focused on patients, with high levels of daily alcohol intake. Indeed, the adverse effects of light and moderate amounts of alcohol intake on hepatitis C virus (HCV) infect...

  8. Detección de un brote de hepatitis A en Ceuta a través del sistema de información microbiológica Detection of a hepatitis A outbreak in Ceuta [Spain] through a microbiological surveillance system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Teresa Ortega-Maján


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: El Servicio de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Ceuta comunicó al Centro Nacional de Epidemiología un aumento de casos de hepatitis A, detectado por el sistema de información microbiológica (SIM. Se investigó la posible existencia de un brote y se instauraron las medidas de control oportunas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y otro de casos y controles. La información sociodemográfica, clínica y sobre factores de riesgo se obtuvo mediante un cuestionario cumplimentado por vía telefónica. Resultados: Se identificaron 19 casos. En el estudio univariante se encontró una asociación entre enfermar y el consumo de verduras crudas (odds ratio [OR] = 9,3; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%: 1,5-57,6 y de navajas (OR = 55; IC del 95%: 4,3-703,4. En el análisis multivariante sólo se mantuvo la asociación con el consumo de navajas (OR = 36,1; IC del 95%: 2,4-530,4. Ninguno de los 3 restaurantes inspeccionados disponía de control de facturas ni albaranes. Conclusiones: Se confirmó un brote de hepatitis A asociado al consumo de navajas en domicilios y restaurantes. El SIM fue la herramienta fundamental para su detección.Background: The Public Health Department of Ceuta informed the Spanish National Epidemiology Center of an increase in hepatitis A cases detected by the microbiological surveillance system. We conducted a study to confirm the outbreak and to initiate control measures. Methods: A descriptive study and a case-control study were performed. A standardized telephone questionnaire was used to collect information on demographic characteristics, symptoms, and risk factors. Results: Nineteen cases of hepatitis A were identified. Univariate analysis revealed an association between infection and eating raw vegetables (OR = 9.3; 95%CI: 1.5-57.6 or razor-shell (OR = 55; 95%CI: 4.3-703.4. In the logistic regression model, only razor-shell consumption remained a significant risk factor (OR = 36.1; 95%CI: 2

  9. The fatal risk in hepatic artery embolization for hemostasis after pancreatic and hepatic surgery: importance of collateral arterial pathways. (United States)

    Sato, Akihiro; Yamada, Takayuki; Takase, Kei; Matsuhashi, Toshio; Higano, Shuichi; Kaneda, Tomohiro; Egawa, Shinichi; Takeda, Kazunori; Ishibashi, Tadashi; Takahashi, Shoki


    To assess retrospectively the cause of hepatic failure related to hepatic arterial embolization (HAE) for hemostasis after pancreaticoduodenectomy or hepatic lobectomy. Between June 1993 and March 2006, Twenty HAEs in 17 patients (15 men, two women; mean age, 64 years) were performed. Angiographic findings, including portal vein stenosis, collateral arterial pathways after HAE, and the difference of embolic materials, were recorded. The morbidity (hepatic failure and abscess) and mortality were detailed according to collateral arterial pathways, portal vein stenosis, and embolic material used. Bleeding was controlled in all patients, although two patients required repeat embolization. Hepatic failure (n = 8) and abscess (n = 2) arose in nine of 20 HAEs. Death occurred after six of eight HAEs complicated by hepatic failure. The morbidity and mortality rates of HAE were 45% and 30%, respectively. Hepatic complication was eight times more likely to occur (P = .005) in cases with no hepatic collaterals involving hepatic, replaced, or accessory hepatic arteries. Death was observed only in the cases without hepatic collaterals (P = .011). The correlation between the embolization outcome and the presence of portal vein stenosis or the difference of embolic materials was not significant (P > .61). HAE can be used to successfully control bleeding secondary to hepatic arterial rupture. In the absence of hepatic collaterals, collateral circulation distal to the occlusion from nonhepatic sources may be inadequate and lead to hepatic failure after HAE. Copyright © 2011 SIR. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. A small solitary non-parasitic hepatic cyst causing an intra-hepatic bile duct stricture: a case report

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    Hong Taeho


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction We report an unusual presentation of a small hepatic cyst causing cholangitis. Case presentation A 70-year-old Asian man was hospitalized for aggravated chronic pain in the right upper portion of his abdomen. Fever developed after admission. Laboratory tests revealed elevated hepatobiliary enzymes, inflammatory markers and carbohydrate antigen 19-9 without hyperbilirubinemia. Ultrasound and computed tomography demonstrated dilatation of the left intra-hepatic bile ducts. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography showed that the right intra-hepatic bile ducts were normally filled with contrast medium, but the left intra-hepatic bile ducts were not seen in the confluence. A left hepatectomy was performed because a hidden malignancy could not be excluded. The surgical findings showed no tumor around the bile duct but rather a 2 cm cyst in segment four of Couinaud's category of the liver around the hilum. The pathology report was a solitary non-parasitic hepatic cyst compressing the bile duct. Conclusion A very small solitary hepatic cyst might cause hepatic duct stricture if it is located near the hepatic hilum, and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a hepatic duct stricture.

  11. Determination of hepatic fractional clearance of radioactive gold colloids for a measure of effective hepatic blood flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujii, Masahiro


    For a measure of effective blood flow, a hepatic fractional clearance of 198 Au-colloids was determined, which was obtained from the disappearance rate multiplied by the fraction of injected dose taken up by the liver. The hepatic uptake was determined with a gamma camera. The counts over the liver was corrected for body weight and height. The method was considered sufficiently simple for routine use. 198 Au-colloids were obtained from Dainabot Lab. and CIS. The former gave 64% higher values of disappearance rate than the latter, without any change in the organ distribution. A quality control tests were applied over a six-year period to the disappearance rates. Reproducibility within 95 to confidence limits was found for both groups. In 28 normal control subjects, hepatic fractional clearance of the colloids from Dainabot Lab. was 18.5 +- 3.4%/min. In patients with progressed hepatic disease, both hepatic fractional clearance and final hepatic uptake were decreased, showing that the determination of hepatic uptake is necessary in measuring effective hepatic blood flow by the colloidal clearance method. The influence of splenic uptake is discussed in relation to hepatic blood flow measurement. (author)

  12. Human hepatic lipase overexpression in mice induces hepatic steatosis and obesity through promoting hepatic lipogenesis and white adipose tissue lipolysis and fatty acid uptake.

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    Lídia Cedó

    Full Text Available Human hepatic lipase (hHL is mainly localized on the hepatocyte cell surface where it hydrolyzes lipids from remnant lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins and promotes their hepatic selective uptake. Furthermore, hepatic lipase (HL is closely associated with obesity in multiple studies. Therefore, HL may play a key role on lipid homeostasis in liver and white adipose tissue (WAT. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of hHL expression on hepatic and white adipose triglyceride metabolism in vivo. Experiments were carried out in hHL transgenic and wild-type mice fed a Western-type diet. Triglyceride metabolism studies included β-oxidation and de novo lipogenesis in liver and WAT, hepatic triglyceride secretion, and adipose lipoprotein lipase (LPL-mediated free fatty acid (FFA lipolysis and influx. The expression of hHL promoted hepatic triglyceride accumulation and de novo lipogenesis without affecting triglyceride secretion, and this was associated with an upregulation of Srebf1 as well as the main genes controlling the synthesis of fatty acids. Transgenic mice also exhibited more adiposity and an increased LPL-mediated FFA influx into the WAT without affecting glucose tolerance. Our results demonstrate that hHL promoted hepatic steatosis in mice mainly by upregulating de novo lipogenesis. HL also upregulated WAT LPL and promoted triglyceride-rich lipoprotein hydrolysis and adipose FFA uptake. These data support the important role of hHL in regulating hepatic lipid homeostasis and confirm the broad cardiometabolic role of HL.

  13. Human hepatic lipase overexpression in mice induces hepatic steatosis and obesity through promoting hepatic lipogenesis and white adipose tissue lipolysis and fatty acid uptake. (United States)

    Cedó, Lídia; Santos, David; Roglans, Núria; Julve, Josep; Pallarès, Victor; Rivas-Urbina, Andrea; Llorente-Cortes, Vicenta; Laguna, Joan Carles; Blanco-Vaca, Francisco; Escolà-Gil, Joan Carles


    Human hepatic lipase (hHL) is mainly localized on the hepatocyte cell surface where it hydrolyzes lipids from remnant lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins and promotes their hepatic selective uptake. Furthermore, hepatic lipase (HL) is closely associated with obesity in multiple studies. Therefore, HL may play a key role on lipid homeostasis in liver and white adipose tissue (WAT). In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of hHL expression on hepatic and white adipose triglyceride metabolism in vivo. Experiments were carried out in hHL transgenic and wild-type mice fed a Western-type diet. Triglyceride metabolism studies included β-oxidation and de novo lipogenesis in liver and WAT, hepatic triglyceride secretion, and adipose lipoprotein lipase (LPL)-mediated free fatty acid (FFA) lipolysis and influx. The expression of hHL promoted hepatic triglyceride accumulation and de novo lipogenesis without affecting triglyceride secretion, and this was associated with an upregulation of Srebf1 as well as the main genes controlling the synthesis of fatty acids. Transgenic mice also exhibited more adiposity and an increased LPL-mediated FFA influx into the WAT without affecting glucose tolerance. Our results demonstrate that hHL promoted hepatic steatosis in mice mainly by upregulating de novo lipogenesis. HL also upregulated WAT LPL and promoted triglyceride-rich lipoprotein hydrolysis and adipose FFA uptake. These data support the important role of hHL in regulating hepatic lipid homeostasis and confirm the broad cardiometabolic role of HL.

  14. Recent advances in hepatic encephalopathy (United States)

    DeMorrow, Sharon


    Hepatic encephalopathy describes the array of neurological alterations that occur during acute liver failure or chronic liver injury. While key players in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy, such as increases in brain ammonia, alterations in neurosteroid levels, and neuroinflammation, have been identified, there is still a paucity in our knowledge of the precise pathogenic mechanism. This review gives a brief overview of our understanding of the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy and then summarizes the significant recent advances made in clinical and basic research contributing to our understanding, diagnosis, and possible treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. A literature search using the PubMed database was conducted in May 2017 using “hepatic encephalopathy” as a keyword, and selected manuscripts were limited to those research articles published since May 2014. While the authors acknowledge that many significant advances have been made in the understanding of hepatic encephalopathy prior to May 2014, we have limited the scope of this review to the previous three years only. PMID:29026534

  15. Clinical features and predictors of outcome in acute hepatitis A and hepatitis E virus hepatitis on cirrhosis. (United States)

    Radha Krishna, Yellapu; Saraswat, Vivek Anand; Das, Khaunish; Himanshu, Goel; Yachha, Surender Kumar; Aggarwal, Rakesh; Choudhuri, Gour


    Acute hepatitis A and E are recognized triggers of hepatic decompensation in patients with cirrhosis, particularly from the Indian subcontinent. However, the resulting acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) has not been well characterized and no large studies are available. Our study aimed to evaluate the clinical profile and predictors of 3-month mortality in patients with this distinctive form of liver failure. ACLF was diagnosed in patients with acute hepatitis A or E [abrupt rise in serum bilirubin and/or alanine aminotransferase with positive immunoglobulin M anti-hepatitis A virus (HAV)/anti-hepatitis E virus (HEV)] presenting with clinical evidence of liver failure (significant ascites and/or hepatic encephalopathy) and clinical, biochemical, endoscopic (oesophageal varices at least grade II in size), ultrasonographical (presence of nodular irregular liver with porto-systemic collaterals) or histological evidence of cirrhosis. Clinical and laboratory profile were evaluated, predictors of 3-month mortality were determined using univariate and multivariate logistic regression and a prognostic model was constructed. Receiver-operating curves were plotted to measure performance of the present prognostic model, model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score and Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) score. ACLF occurred in 121 (3.75%) of 3220 patients (mean age 36.3+/-18.0 years; M:F 85:36) with liver cirrhosis admitted from January 2000 to June 2006. It was due to HEV in 80 (61.1%), HAV in 33 (27.2%) and both in 8 (6.1%). The underlying liver cirrhosis was due to HBV (37), alcohol (17), Wilson's disease (8), HCV (5), autoimmune (6), Budd-Chiari syndrome (2), haemochromatosis (2) and was cryptogenic in the rest (42). Common presentations were jaundice (100%), ascites (78%) and hepatic encephalopathy (55%). Mean (SD) CTP score was 11.4+/-1.6 and mean MELD score was 28.6+/-9.06. Three-month mortality was 54 (44.6%). Complications seen were sepsis in 42 (31.8%), renal failure in

  16. Dengue fever with hepatitis E and hepatitis A infection. (United States)

    Yakoob, Javed; Jafri, Wasim; Siddiqui, Shaheer; Riaz, Mehmood


    Infection with dengue viruses produces a spectrum of clinical illness ranging from a nonspecific viral syndrome to severe and fatal haemorrhagic disease. Important risk factors include the strain and serotype of the infecting virus, as well as the age, immune status, and genetic predisposition of the patient. The teaching point in this case study was Dengue fever which occurred concomitantly with Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E virus infection.

  17. Marcadores serológicos de sífilis, hepatitis B y VIH en donantes de sangre en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, Lima-Perú

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    Rafael De La Cruz Del Solar


    Full Text Available El rápido incremento de las tasas de SIDA en el mundo a incrementado el interés de los investigadores en las enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Una forma alternativa de transmisión son las transfusiones, de ahí la importancia de conocer acerca de métodos destinados a evitar dicha transmisión. Objetivos: Determinar la seroprevalencia de sífilis, hepatitis B y VIH en donantes de sangre e, identificar características distintivas entre seropositivos y seronegativos que identifiquen donantes de riesgo. Material y métodos: Se elaboró un estudio retrospectivo tipo descriptivo en su primera parte y caso-control en la segunda. Fueron 12700 donantes los incluidos en el estudio sobre prevalencia y 111 casos seropositivos con 691 controles seronegativos en el estudio comparativo. Resultados: Se encontró una prevalencia de 1.06% de casos VDRL positivos (135/12700, 0.81% de HBsAg positivos (103/12700 y 0.11% de casos VIH positivos (13/12700. El 15.3% (14/91 de seropositivos y el 12.45% (86/691 de seronegativos tuvo al menos uno de los siguientes antecedentes: receptor de transfusiones en los 6 meses previos, extracción dental, acupuntura o relaciones sexuales con prostitutas; 427 controles (63.3% y 47 seropositivos (51.6% manifestaron donar por primera vez (p<0.05. Conclusiones: Las pruebas serológicas para descartar sífilis han sido cuestionadas, pero su uso en nuestro medio esta justificado por que permite identificar donantes de riesgo. Las cifras encontradas, no son las reales de sífilis por carencia de una prueba confirmatoria, y son compatibles con otros reportes. Por otro lado, hepatitis B constituye un porcentaje menor de casos de hepatitis viral post transfusional existiendo amplia literatura al respecto; los valores encontrados en nuestro estudio son compatibles con reportes previos. El VIH se ha incorporado hace relativamente poco al riesgo de infección por transfusiones. Los valores que reportamos son semejantes a estudios

  18. Establishment of a hepatic cirrhosis and portal hypertension model by hepatic arterial perfusion with 80% alcohol. (United States)

    Wang, Lei; He, Fu-Liang; Liu, Fu-Quan; Yue, Zhen-Dong; Zhao, Hong-Wei


    To determine the feasibility and safety of establishing a porcine hepatic cirrhosis and portal hypertension model by hepatic arterial perfusion with 80% alcohol. Twenty-one healthy Guizhou miniature pigs were randomly divided into three experimental groups and three control groups. The pigs in the three experimental groups were subjected to hepatic arterial perfusion with 7, 12 and 17 mL of 80% alcohol, respectively, while those in the three control groups underwent hepatic arterial perfusion with 7, 12 and 17 mL of saline, respectively. Hepatic arteriography and direct portal phlebography were performed on all animals before and after perfusion, and the portal venous pressure and diameter were measured before perfusion, immediately after perfusion, and at 2, 4 and 6 wk after perfusion. The following procedures were performed at different time points: routine blood sampling, blood biochemistry, blood coagulation and blood ammonia tests before surgery, and at 2, 4 and 6 wk after surgery; hepatic biopsy before surgery, within 6 h after surgery, and at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 wk after surgery; abdominal enhanced computed tomography examination before surgery and at 6 wk after surgery; autopsy and multi-point sampling of various liver lobes for histological examination at 6 wk after surgery. In experimental group 1, different degrees of hepatic fibrosis were observed, and one pig developed hepatic cirrhosis. In experimental group 2, there were cases of hepatic cirrhosis, different degrees of increased portal venous pressure, and intrahepatic portal venous bypass, but neither extrahepatic portal-systemic bypass circulation nor death occurred. In experimental group 3, two animals died and three animals developed hepatic cirrhosis, and different degrees of increased portal venous pressure and intrahepatic portal venous bypass were also observed, but there was no extrahepatic portal-systemic bypass circulation. It is feasible to establish an animal model of hepatic cirrhosis and

  19. Hepatitis E is a cause of unexplained hepatitis in The Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Waar, K; Herremans, MMPT; Vennema, H; Koopmans, MPG; Benne, CA

    Background: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the major etiologic agent of enterically transmitted viral hepatitis in much of the developing world. Evidence provided in recent years shows that HEV is also prevalent in very low numbers in non-endemic countries. Recently, a cluster of three patients with

  20. Type B Hepatitis in Iran

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    M. Tabarestani


    Full Text Available Hepatitis B surface antigen CHBsAg was found in 1% of controls, 2.1% of professional blood donors, 2.0% of leprosy patients and 76.1% of acute hepatitis in Tehran and Mashhad, Iran. All HBsAg positive samples also possessed antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen and all were subtype ayw. Type B hepatitis and the HBsAg state aloe frequent in Iran, but most must be accounted for by u nonparenter- al" or "rnapparent'' parenteral exposure.

  1. Liver scintigraphy of fulminant hepatitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamaki, Nagara; Ishihara, Takashi; Mori, Toru


    The liver scintigraphies of five patients with fulminant hepatitis were examined. Scintiphotos using sup(99m)Tc-phytate were taken within two weeks after the onset. Scintiphotos of 12 normal subjects, 11 cases with acute hepatitis, 17 cases with liver cirrhosis were served as control. Their scintiphotos showed reduction of the size, well-maintained uptake, mostly homogenous RI distribution, and no left lobe enlargement, which could differentiate them from the chronic liver dysfunction. In one of the cases chronological changes in liver scintigraphy were observed. The size of the liver was reduced progressively until the 16th day and re-enlarged at the 30th day and thereafter. Three indices [S/W, (R + L)/W, and L/R] were calculated. S: area of liver, R or L: longitudinal length of the right or left lobe, W: body width. Relative size of the liver expressed by S/W or (R + L)/W showed significant reduction in fulminant hepatitis compared with acute hepatitis. However, they were not different significantly from those of normal subjects. Except for liver cirrhosis, L/R (left lobe swelling index) did not show significant differences among fulminant hepatitis, normal subjects, and acute hepatitis. These indices were also useful in follow-up study of the liver scintigraphy. The liver scintigraphy in the early phase of fulminant hepatitis seems to reflect the degree of massive hepatic necrosis. It is also useful to differentiate chronic hepatic failure. Apparant reduction in scintigraphical liver size seems to suggest poor prognosis, however, it should also kept in mind that the size of the liver in this condition might change quite rapidly and greatly. (author)

  2. Feline Hepatic Lipidosis. (United States)

    Valtolina, Chiara; Favier, Robert P


    Feline hepatic lipidosis (FHL) is a common and potentially fatal liver disorder. Although the pathophysiologic mechanisms of FHL remain elusive, there is an imbalance between the influx of fatty acids from peripheral fat stores into the liver, de novo liposynthesis, and the rate of hepatic oxidation and dispersal of hepatic TAG via excretion of very-low density lipoproteins. The diagnosis of FHL is based on anamnestic, clinical, and clinicopathologic findings, associated with diagnostic imaging of the liver, and cytology, or histological examination of liver biopsies. Fluid therapy, electrolyte correction and adequate early nutrition are essential components of the therapy for FHL. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Iron overload and genotype 3 are associated with liver steatosis in chronic hepatitis C Sobrecarga de hierro y genotipo 3 se asocian a la presencia de esteatosis en la hepatitis C

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. I. Fernández Salazar


    excluyeron pacientes con otros virus. Se revisaron las biopsias hepáticas de forma protocolizada. Se obtuvieron los datos epidemiológicos, analíticos y virológicos. La talla y el peso de los pacientes se recogieron en el momento de la biopsia hepática. Se estudió la asociación estadística de las variables cualitativas y cuantitativas con la presencia de esteatosis y se realizó un análisis multivariante. Resultados: se identificó esteatosis en el 52% de las biopsias. No hubo asociación estadísticamente significativa con edad, sexo, vía de contagio, tiempo de evolución, ingesta de alcohol, presencia de enfermedades asociadas, índice de masa corporal, glucosa, triglicéridos, colesterol, AST, ALT, GGT, FA, bilirrubina, carga viral. Se asoció a mayor sideremia, IST y ferritina. Se demostró asociación con el genotipo 3. La esteatosis se asoció a necrosis piecemeal, degeneración hepatocelular, hiperplasia de células de Kupffer, hierro hepático y fibrosis portal. El hierro hepático, la hiperplasia de las células de Kupffer y el genotipo 3 se asociaron de manera independiente a la esteatosis hepática. Conclusiones: la esteatosis en la hepatitis C se asocia a la infección por genotipo 3, a la hiperplasia de las células de Kupffer y a sobrecarga de hierro. También se asocia a mayor inflamación y fibrosis por lo que debe ser considerada factor agravante.

  4. Management of adult blunt hepatic trauma. (United States)

    Kozar, Rosemary A; McNutt, Michelle K


    To review the nonoperative and operative management of blunt hepatic injury in the adult trauma population. Although liver injury scale does not predict need for surgical intervention, a high-grade complex liver injury should alert the physician to a patient at increased risk of hepatic complications following nonoperative management. Blunt hepatic injury remains a frequent intraabdominal injury in the adult trauma population. The management of blunt hepatic injury has undergone a major paradigm shift from mandatory operative exploration to nonoperative management. Hemodynamic instability with a positive focused abdominal sonography for trauma and peritonitis are indications for emergent operative intervention. Although surgical intervention for blunt hepatic trauma is not as common as in years past, it is imperative that the current trauma surgeon be familiar with the surgical skill set to manage complex hepatic injuries. This study represents a review of both nonoperative and operative management of blunt hepatic injury.

  5. Hepatitis Awareness Month PSA (:30)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    May is National Hepatitis Awareness Month. This 30 second PSA discusses hepatitis and encourages listners to talk to their health care professional about getting tested.  Created: 5/11/2011 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.   Date Released: 5/11/2011.

  6. Obesity-induced hepatic hypoperfusion primes for hepatic dysfunction after resuscitated hemorrhagic shock. (United States)

    Matheson, Paul J; Hurt, Ryan T; Franklin, Glen A; McClain, Craig J; Garrison, R Neal


    Obese patients (BMI>35) after blunt trauma are at increased risk compared to non-obese for organ dysfunction, prolonged hospital stay, infection, prolonged mechanical ventilation, and mortality. Obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) produce a low grade systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) with compromised hepatic blood flow, which increases with body mass index. We hypothesized that obesity further aggravates liver dysfunction by reduced hepatic perfusion following resuscitated hemorrhagic shock (HEM). Age-matched Zucker rats (Obese, 314-519 g & Lean, 211-280 g) were randomly assigned to 4 groups (n = 10-12/group): (1) Lean-Sham; (2) Lean, HEM, and resuscitation (HEM/RES); (3) Obese-Sham; and (4) Obese-HEM/RES. HEM was 40% of mean arterial pressure (MAP) for 60 min; RES was return of shed blood/5 min and 2 volumes of saline/25 min. Hepatic blood flow (HBF) using galactose clearance, liver enzymes and complete metabolic panel were measured over 4 h after completion of RES. Obese rats had increased MAP, heart rate, and fasting blood glucose and BUN concentrations compared to lean controls, required less blood withdrawal (mL/g) to maintain 40% MAP, and RES did not restore BL MAP. Obese rats had decreased HBF at BL and during HEM/RES, which persisted 4 h post RES. ALT and BUN were increased compared to Lean-HEM/RES at 4 h post-RES. These data suggest that obesity significantly contributes to trauma outcomes through compromised vascular control or through fat-induced sinusoidal compression to impair hepatic blood flow after HEM/RES resulting in a greater hepatic injury. The pro-inflammatory state of NAFLD seen in obesity appears to prime the liver for hepatic ischemia after resuscitated hemorrhagic shock, perhaps intensified by insidious and ongoing hepatic hypoperfusion established prior to the traumatic injury or shock.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Oviedo


    identificados por la metodología scan se produjeron en el período prevacunal (1992-1998 y sólo uno en el periodo postvacunal (1999-2007. En las 10 primeras cuadrisemanas del periodo postvacunal (1999-2005 hubo un descenso significativo en de incidencia de hepatitis A en Cataluña respecto al periodo prevacunal (1992-1998 (p<0,01. Conclusiones. El estadístico I de Moran no mostró ningún patrón de dependencia espacial global, y sí fue útil para detectar los clústers a nivel local. Estos resultados corroboran resultados previos que atribuían la mayor parte del descenso en la incidencia de hepatitis A en Cataluña debido al efecto de la vacunación.

  8. The angiographic demonstration of hepatic vein obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zu Maoheng; Xu Hao; Li Guojun; Gu Yuming; Wei Ning; Wang Cheng; Xu Wei


    Objective: To evaluate the angiographic feature of hepatic vein obstruction. Methods Forty-five patients (male 23, female 22, age 9-54 years) suffered from hepatic vein obstruction. The inferior vena cavography and the hepatic venography were performed in all cases. Results: IVC was free in 37 patients with hepatic vein obstruction, both IVC and HV were obstructed in 8 patients. The local or long stenosis of IVC was found in 31 inferior vena cavography. The diameter of IVC was normal in 12 patients. The sign of membranous dome was found in hepatic vein orifice in 5 cases and in accessory hepatic vein orifice in 4 cases. Intrahepatic venous collaterals were found in 45 cases. Conclusion: Hepatic vein obstruction can be reproached primarily in inferior vena cavography, the membranous dome is a direct sign of membranous obstruction of HV and AHV in inferior vena cavography. The selected hepatic venography can provide reliable evidence to diagnose hepatic vein obstruction

  9. Diagnostic value of CT on hepatic tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Fan; Zhang Xuelin; Qiu Shijun; Zhang Yuzhong; Wen Ge; Zhong Qun


    Objective: To assess CT manifestations and diagnostic value in patients with hepatic tuberculosis. Methods: Ten cases of hepatic tuberculosis proved by hepatic biopsy or surgical specimens were analyzed retrospectively. Results: This group of hepatic tuberculosis included three types. (1) Five cases of miliary hepatic tuberculosis demonstrated that the liver swelled diffusely associated with multiple miliary low attenuations, and showed no enhancement after contrast agents administration. (2) Three cases of tubercle hepatic tuberculosis depicted multiple hypodensity areas or mixed density regions in the liver. The extension of lesions reduced in arterial phase, and a ring-like enhancement was displayed in the portal phase. (3) One case of hepatic tuberculoma illustrated solitary space occupying lesion accompanied with central necrosis. The envelope was thin and smooth which enhanced slightly after injecting Gd-DTPA. Another one was hepatic abscess and depicted fluid-fluid level inside the lesion. Conclusions: The CT manifestations of miliary hepatic tuberculosis lack of characteristics, it is hard to make the diagnosis clear-cut unless integrating the medical history and lab test. The 'powder calcification' findings of tubercle hepatic tuberculosis is propitious to draw a qualitative diagnosis. And the feature of hepatic tuberculomas with fluid- fluid level is in favor of making a differential diagnosis against parallel tumors. (authors)

  10. Simulation of an active filter for compensation of reactive power and suppression of harmonic currents in the phases and in the neuter of an unbalanced three-phase system of 4 wires; Simulacion de un filtro activo para compensacion de potencia reactiva y supresion de corrientes armonicas en las fases y en el neutro de un sistema trifasico de 4 kilos desbalanceado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mino Aguilar, Gerardo


    conocimiento en filtros activos de potencia usados en los puntos de acoplamiento comun entre las fuentes de C.A. y las cargas no lineales formadas por convertidores estaticos de CA/CD, para la supresion de corrientes armonicas y compensacion instantanea de la potencia reactiva. Partiendo de los filtros activos que solo afectan las tres corrientes balanceadas de los sistemas trifasicos de 3 hilos, se llega al tema de esta tesis, cuyo objetivo es resolver el problema de la compensacion reactiva y supresion de corrientes armonicas tanto en las tres fases como tambien en el neutro de los sistemas trifasicos de 4 hilos. La contribucion principal de esta tesis es el diseno, analisis y simulacion de un filtro activo que ademas de suprimir corrientes armonicas y compensacion del factor de potencia en las tres fases de un sistema trifasico desbalanceado, tambien tiene la capacidad para remover la corriente que circula en el neutro, debido al desbalance de las corrientes de fase. Este diseno se basa en la extension de la teoria de la potencia reactiva instantanea que incluye la existencia de los componentes de secuencia cero en las corrientes de fase. Se propone en la tesis un novedoso filtro basado en un inversor trifasico de 4 ramas, 3 ramas de fase y una rama de neutro, que hasta el mejor conocimiento del autor no ha sido reportado en la literatura. Se hace uso de un numero extenso de resultados de simulacion para probar la validez de este filtro, cuyo comportamiento es superior a los filtros para supresion de corrientes en el neutro existentes en la literatura, de los cuales tambien se presenta un estudio comparativo. La tesis tambien incluye un analisis matematico y grafico de los componentes simetricos en sistemas balanceados y desbalanceados a efecto de conocer la naturaleza de las corrientes armonicas de secuencia cero. Se incluye un apartado sobre causas y efectos del problema de la contaminacion armonica.

  11. Delta agent (Hepatitis D) (United States)

    ... this page: // Hepatitis D (Delta agent) To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Hepatitis D is a viral infection caused by the ...

  12. [Spontaneous hepatic hematoma in twin pregnancy]. (United States)

    Quesnel, Carlos; Weber, Alejandro; Mendoza, Dalila; Garteiz, Denzil


    The hepatic hematoma or rupture appear in 1 of every 100,000 pregnancies. The most common causes of hepatic hematoma in pregnancy are severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome; some predisposing factors are seizures, vomiting, labor, preexistent hepatic disease and trauma. A 33 year old primigravid with a normal 33 week twin pregnancy presented abdominal pain and hypovolemic shock due to spontaneous subcapsular hepatic hematoma; laparoscopy was performed to evaluate the possibility of rupture, which was not found, later emergency cesarean section was carried out followed by hepatic hematoma drainage and abdominal packaging by laparoscopy. After surgery the flow through drainage was too high additionally hemodynamic instability and consumption coagulopathy. Abdominal panangiography was performed without identifying bleeding areas. Intesive care was given to the patient evolving satisfactorily, was discharged 19 days after the event. Seven months later she had laparoscopic cholecystectomy due to acute litiasic colecistitis. We found 5 cases in literatura about hepatic hematoma during pregnancy no related to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy; these were related to hepatoma, amebian hepatic abscess, falciform cell anemia, cocaine consumption and molar pregnancy. Hepatics hematomas have high morbidity and mortality so is significant early diagnosis and multidisciplinary approach.

  13. Inmunogenicidad de la vacuna frente al virus de la hepatitis B en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal


    Olsen Rodríguez, Renée


    La colitis ulcerosa (CU) y la enfermedad de Crohn (EC) son patologías que se denominan conjuntamente enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII). Su patogenia es poco conocida, pero si se sabe que hay una respuesta inmune frente a estructuras del tubo digestivo. El tratamiento se basa es disminuir esta inmunogenicidad administrando corticoides, inmunosupresores o terapias biológicas. Todas estas circunstancias favorecen las infecciones y reactivaciones por el virus de la hepatitis B (VHB). La pr...

  14. Alternative and Complementary Therapies for Hepatitis C (United States)

    ... and Complementary Therapies Viral Hepatitis Menu Menu Viral Hepatitis Viral Hepatitis Home For Veterans and the Public Veterans ... treatments which have been proven to reduce the hepatitis C viral load. Just because something is "natural" (an herb, ...

  15. Viral Hepatitis: A through E and Beyond (United States)

    ... National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse What is viral hepatitis? Viral hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by ... and serious. Drugs are available to treat chronic hepatitis. 4 Viral Hepatitis: A through E and Beyond What else ...

  16. Viral and host factors related with histopathologyc activity in patients with chronic hepatitis B and moderate or intermittently elevated alanine aminotransferase levels Influencia de factores virales y del huésped en la actividad histológica en pacientes con hepatitis crónica por virus de la hepatitis B y elevación moderada o intermitente de alanina aminotransferasa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Molina Pérez


    Full Text Available Objective: viral and host factors are related with progression of pathological lesion in chronic hepatitis B. We analyzed these factors in patients with moderate or intermittently elevated ALT levels, and its threshold that determinate significant histological activity. Patients and methods: retrospective analyses of viral and host parameters in 89 consecutive chronic hepatitis B patients biopsied because of moderate or intermittently elevated ALT levels [1-2 x ULN (ULN = 39 IU/mL] and/or DNA-HBV > 2 x 10³ IU/mL in AntiHBe+ patients. It was analyzed age, gender, ALT levels, HBeAg, viral load and genotype. It was considered advanced histological lesion a Knodell Score (KS > 7 and histological lesion indicating treatment, lobular inflammation ≥ 2 or fibrosis ≥ 2 according to Scheuer Classification. Results: KS > 7 and histological lesion indicating treatment was found in 47.8 and 60.7% respectively. It was observed relationship between age, male gender, ALT levels and viral load with histological damage (p ULN (69.1 vs. 47.1%, p = 0.04. There were not significant upper frequencies of advanced lesion when a cut-off of 40 years or DNA-HBV > 2 x 10³ IU/mL viral load or serological status HBeAg was considerate. Histological activity was lesser in genotype D patients than those infected with others genotypes (p Objetivo: analizar factores virales y del huésped relacionados con actividad histológica en un subgrupo de pacientes con hepatitis crónica B y elevación intermitente o moderada de alanina aminotransferasa (ALT, y el umbral que determine daño histológico indicativo de tratamiento. Pacientes y métodos: análisis retrospectivo de parámetros virales y del huésped en 89 pacientes con hepatitis crónica B biopsiados consecutivamente por elevación intermitente o moderada de ALT [1-2 x USN (USN = 39 UI/mL]. Fueron analizados edad, sexo, ALT, HBeAg, carga viral y genotipo. Se consideró como lesion histologica avanzada un Índice de

  17. FastStats: Viral Hepatitis (United States)

    ... Submit What's this? Submit Button NCHS Home Viral Hepatitis Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Data are for the U.S. Morbidity Number of new hepatitis A cases: 1,239 (2014) Number of new ...

  18. Estudo morfológico do tecido hepático de Leporinus macrocephalus - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i1.157 Morphological study of the hepatic tissue of Leporinus macrocephalus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irene Bastos Franceschini Vicentini


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou análise macroscópica e histológica do fígado de Leporinus macrocephalus para avaliar a estrutura do tecido hepático. Os peixes provenientes de um pesqueiro da região de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo, foram anestesiados, mortos, e os fígados foram retirados e encaminhados à rotina histológica, com inclusão em paraplast. A macroscopia mostrou um figado de estrutura homogênea, de coloração marron-avermelhada, localizado na região medial do corpo, caudalmente ao coração e posterior às brânquias, apresentando três lóbos de forma piramidal, sendo um central e dois laterais direito e esquerdo. A análise histológica revelou o tecido hepático constituído por cordões duplos de hepatócitos circundados por sinusóides, denominado de “muralha dupla”. Revelou, ainda, um sistema biliar disperso pelo parênquima hepático mostrando ductos com epitélio cúbico simples, circundado por fibras musculares e tecido conjuntivo. Células do tecido pancreático exócrino foram observadas, margeando vasos sangüíneos, organizando-se em ácinos apresentando grânulos de zimogênio. Além disso, existem centros melanomacrófagos distribuídos ao longo de todo parênquima, preferencialmente próximos aos vasos sanguíneos, formados por células que acumulam materiais como melanina e lipofucsina, podendo sua presença estar relacionada com o estado nutricional do peixeThe objective of this work was to analyze the liver of Leporinus macrocephalus at the macroscopic and histologic level by evaluating the characteristics of the hepatic tissue. The fishes from a fishery in Bauru, S.P., were collected and sacrificed by destroying the spinal cord; afterwards the collected hepatic tissue was fixed and followed by histological routine. Macroscopic analysis of L. macrocephalus liver showed an organ of homogeneous structure, with red-brown color, located in the medial region of the body, caudal to heart and after the gills

  19. Frequency of hepatitis B and hepatitis C in multi - transfused beta thalassemia major patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iqbal, M.M.; Hassan, S.; Aziz, S.


    To determine the frequency of hepatitis B and C virus infection among children with beta thalassemia major registered at Military Hospital Rawalpindi. Children attending Thalassemia Centre Military Hospital Rawalpindi for regular blood transfusion were registered. They belonged to different ethnic groups and came from different parts of the country. Their demographic data was recorded, detailed history taken and physical examination was carried out. Their serum samples were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen and anti HCV antibody assay with third generation commercial ELISA method. During the study; 141 patients of beta thalassemia major were screened. Out of them 50 patients (35.5% ,95% confidence interval 27.8-43.5)w ere found hepatitis C virus antibody positive and 1 patient (0.7 %) hepatitis B surface antigen positive. One patient (0.7%) had both hepatitis B and C virus infection. Mean age of hepatitis C infected patients was 10.4+3.85y ears (range 2-16 years). Mean age of uninfected patients was 6.1 + 3.59 years. (p value 0.000) In addition, the results indicate that higher prevalence of anti-HCV was significantly associated with longer duration of transfusion (p value <0.003). In spite of the fact that screened blood is used for transfusions, still a large number of patients have been found infected with hepatitis C. Therefore more accurate techniques are required for screening of blood to prevent transfusion associated transmission. (author)

  20. Normal hepatic vein patterns on ultrasound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hae Jin; Chae, Yoo Soon; Park, Hea Yeoung; Park, Bok Hwan; Kim, Yang Sook


    Understanding of the anatomy of the hepatic vein is important in manipulation for transplantation of the liver, hepatectomy and the treatment of hepatic trauma with avulsion of the hepatic vein. Demonstrated of the inferior right hepatic vein (IRHV) is also important; in some cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, thrombus can be seen in the IRHV; in primary Budd-Chiari syndrome, the IRHV is main draining vein; during hepatectomy, the postero-inferior segment of the right lobe and draining IRHV can be preserved. For some 10 months ultrasound examination was done in a total of 124 patients with normal liver function with special emphasis on the hepatic vein, their branches, and the IRHV, and analysed in terms of branching pattern and relative size of the hepatic vein and the detection rate of the IRHV.

  1. Transcatheter hepatic arterial thermo-chemotherapy and thermo-lipiodol embolization for the treatment of hepatic metastases from colorectal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xuan; Chen Xiaofei


    Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of transcatheter hepatic arterial thermo-chemotherapy and thermo-lipiodol embolization in the treatment of hepatic metastases from colorectal carcinoma. Methods: Sixty-eight cases with hepatic metastases from colorectal carcinoma were equally and randomly divided into two groups. The patients in study group were treated with transcatheter hepatic arterial thermo-chemotherapy and thermo-lipiodol embolization, while the patients in control group were treated with conventional (normal temperature) transcatheter hepatic arterial chemotherapy lipiodol embolization. Results: The effective rate of study group and control group was 65%(22/34) and 32%(11/34) respectively, the difference between two groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). No significant difference in the postoperative changes of hepatic function tests was found between the two groups. The survival rate at 6,12,18 and 24 months after the treatment was 100%, 82%, 44% and 18% respectively in study group, while it was 91%, 47%, 15% and 6% respectively in control group. Conclusion: Transcatheter hepatic arterial thermo-chemotherapy and thermo-lipiodol embolization is an effective and safe treatment for the hepatic metastases from colorectal carcinoma and has no obvious damage to the hepatic function. (authors)

  2. Hepatic steatosis is associated with increased hepatic FDG uptake

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keramida, Georgia, E-mail: [Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre, Brighton Sussex Medical School, Brighton (United Kingdom); Department of Nuclear Medicine, Brighton Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Brighton (United Kingdom); Potts, Jon [Department of Medicine, Brighton Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Brighton (United Kingdom); Bush, Janice [Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre, Brighton Sussex Medical School, Brighton (United Kingdom); Dizdarevic, Sabina; Peters, A. Michael [Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre, Brighton Sussex Medical School, Brighton (United Kingdom); Department of Nuclear Medicine, Brighton Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Brighton (United Kingdom)


    Objective: The use of liver as a reference tissue for semi-quantification of tumour FDG uptake may not be valid in hepatic steatosis (HS). Previous studies on the relation between liver FDG uptake and HS have been contradictory probably because they ignored blood glucose (BG). Because hepatocyte and blood FDG concentrations equalize, liver FDG uptake parallels BG, which must therefore be considered when studying hepatic FDG uptake. We therefore re-examined the relation between HS and liver uptake taking BG into account. Methods: This was a retrospective study of 304 patients undergoing routine PET/CT with imaging 60 min post-FDG. Average standard uptake value (SUV{sub ave}), maximum SUV (SUV{sub max}) and CT density (index of HS) were measured in a liver ROI. Blood pool SUV was based on the left ventricular cavity (SUV{sub LV}). Correlations were assessed using least squares fitting of continuous data. Patients were also divided into BG subgroups (<4, 4–5, 5–6, 6–8, 8–10 and 10+ mmol/l). Results: SUV{sub ave}, SUV{sub max} and SUV{sub LV} displayed similar relations with BG. SUV{sub max}/SUV{sub LV}, but not SUV{sub ave}/SUV{sub LV}, correlated significantly with BG. SUV{sub max}, but not SUV{sub ave}, correlated inversely with CT density before and after adjusting for BG. SUV{sub max}/SUV{sub ave} correlated more strongly with CT density than SUV{sub max}. CT density correlated inversely with SUV{sub max}/SUV{sub LV} but positively with SUV{sub ave}/SUV{sub LV}. Conclusions: Hepatic SUV is more influenced by BG than by HS. Its relation with BG renders it unsuitable as a reference tissue. Nevertheless, hepatic fat does correlate positively with liver SUV, although this is seen only with SUV{sub max} because SUV{sub ave} is ‘diluted’ by hepatic fat.

  3. Changes in waveform on hepatic venous doppler in patients with chronic hepatic B: Correlation with histologic findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ko, Joon Seok; Kim, Hak Soo; Chung, Dong Hae


    To evaluate changes of the waveform of the hepatic vein on doppler ultrasound (US) in patients with chronic hepatic B and to correlate them with histologic findings. Thirty three patients with chronic hepatic B were prospectively examined with doppler US, and liver biopsy was done at the same time. The right hepatic vein was examined on doppler US, and a liver biopsy was performed in the right lobe of the liver. Doppler waveform was considered abnormal if it showed either reduction in the amplitude of phasic oscillation without the reversed flow phase or the presence of completely flow. Specimens obtained from the biopsy were classified according to the predetermined histologic scoring criteria. It was technically possible to performed Doppler US of the right hepatic vein and liver biopsy simultaneously in all thirty three patients. Waveforms of the right hepatic vein were abnormal in fourteen (42.4%), biphasic in 12 (36.4%) and flat in two (6.0%) patients. Only the steatosis exhibited statistically significant correlation between changes of doppler waveform (p,0.05) of the normal and abnormal groups. Doppler US patterns of the hepatic vein in chronic hepatitis B were different from those of the normal group. The abnormal flow pattern on hepatic venous doppler appeared to be mainly influenced by the intrahepatic fat deposition rather than the degree of fibrosis.

  4. Correlations of Hepatic Hemodynamics, Liver Function, and Fibrosis Markers in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Comparison with Chronic Hepatitis Related to Hepatitis C Virus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ryuta Shigefuku


    Full Text Available The progression of chronic liver disease differs by etiology. The aim of this study was to elucidate the difference in disease progression between chronic hepatitis C (CHC and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD by means of fibrosis markers, liver function, and hepatic tissue blood flow (TBF. Xenon computed tomography (Xe-CT was performed in 139 patients with NAFLD and 152 patients with CHC (including liver cirrhosis (LC. The cutoff values for fibrosis markers were compared between NAFLD and CHC, and correlations between hepatic TBF and liver function tests were examined at each fibrosis stage. The cutoff values for detection of the advanced fibrosis stage were lower in NAFLD than in CHC. Although portal venous TBF (PVTBF correlated with liver function tests, PVTBF in initial LC caused by nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH-LC was significantly lower than that in hepatitis C virus (C-LC (p = 0.014. Conversely, the liver function tests in NASH-LC were higher than those in C-LC (p < 0.05. It is important to recognize the difference between NAFLD and CHC. We concluded that changes in hepatic blood flow occurred during the earliest stage of hepatic fibrosis in patients with NAFLD; therefore, patients with NAFLD need to be followed carefully.

  5. Benzodiazepine receptor antagonists for hepatic encephalopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Als-Nielsen, B; Gluud, L L; Gluud, C


    Hepatic encephalopathy may be associated with accumulation of substances that bind to a receptor-complex in the brain resulting in neural inhibition. Benzodiazepine receptor antagonists may have a beneficial effect on patients with hepatic encephalopathy.......Hepatic encephalopathy may be associated with accumulation of substances that bind to a receptor-complex in the brain resulting in neural inhibition. Benzodiazepine receptor antagonists may have a beneficial effect on patients with hepatic encephalopathy....

  6. An experimental study on combined transcatheter hepatic arterial embolization and retrograde hepatic venous embolization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Maoqiang; Zhang Jinshan; Xing Zhanhai


    The experimental study is aimed at achieving the effect of hepatic tumor and tumor-bearing lobar or segmental resection by using combined transcatheter hepatic arterial embolization and retrograde hepatic venous embolization (THAE-RHVE) in experimental study. THAE-RHVE was carried out in 8 mongrel dogs. Hepatic arterial embolization was performed by injecting lipiodol followed by gelatin sponge particles, following complete occlusion of the hepatic vein with balloon catheter. Retrograde hepatic venous embolization (RHVE) was then performed by injecting a mixture of absolute ethanol and meglumini diatrizoatis (MD) via the inflated balloon catheter. Ethanol and MD were combined with a ratio of 1:1. RHVE alone was performed in 4 dogs as control. The animals were followed up for 1∼8 weeks with liver function test, CT, gross and microscopic examinations. There was no technical failure or procedural complications. Transient elevation of AST and ALT levels was seen immediately in both groups after the procedure. Follow-up CT after 3 weeks showed dense lipiodol accumulation in the embolized lobe or segment and the corresponding portal branches in the THAE-RHVE animals. At 1 week after THAE-RHVE, complete coagulation necrosis was seen at histologic examination in the embolized lobe. The hepatic vein and portal branches of the embolized area had thickened walls and were filled with thrombus. At 2 weeks, granulomatous tissue and inflammatory cell infiltration surrounding the necrotic area could be seen. At 4∼8 weeks, marked atrophy of the embolized lobe was found, and the necrotic area was progressively reducing in size and being replaced by fibrosis. In the control group, incomplete segmental coagulated necrosis was seen and the necrosis area wa smaller than that of THAE-REVE. Hepatic lobectomy or segmentectomy can be achieved with THAE-RHVE. This new method is safe and easy, and may be useful in the treatment of HCC

  7. Hepatitis B viral factors and treatment responses in chronic hepatitis B

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chih-Lin Lin


    Full Text Available Baseline and on-treatment hepatitis B viral factors are reported to affect treatment responses. A lower baseline hepatitis B virus (HBV DNA level is a strong predictor of the response to antiviral therapy. HBV genotype A/B patients have better responses to interferon-based therapy than those with genotypes C/D. Regarding the association of HBV mutants with responses to antiviral therapy, current evidence is limited. On-treatment viral suppression is the most important predictor of response to nucleoside analogs. On-treatment hepatitis B surface antigen decline is significantly associated with response to pegylated interferon. In the future, individualized therapy should be based on treatment efficacy, adverse effects, baseline and on-treatment predictors of antiviral therapy.

  8. Comparative Pathology of Hepatitis A Virus and Hepatitis E Virus Infection. (United States)

    Cullen, John M; Lemon, Stanley M


    Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) cause acute, self-limiting hepatic infections that are usually spread by the fecal-oral route in humans. Naturally occurring and experimental infections are possible in a variety of nonhuman primates and, in the case of HEV, a number of other species. Many advances in understanding the pathogenesis of these viruses have come from studies in experimental animals. In general, animals infected with these viruses recapitulate the histologic lesions seen in infected humans, but typically with less severe clinical and histopathological manifestations. This review describes the histopathologic changes associated with HAV and HEV infection in humans and experimental animals. Copyright © 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  9. Influencia de la terapia periodontal no quirúrgica en nivel de pH salival y líquido crevicular gingival en pacientes con enfermedad periodontal atendidos en la Clínica Especializada de la FO-USMP


    Villaverde Moscol, Lizeth Rosario


    Determina la influencia de la terapia periodontal no quirúrgica en el nivel de pH salival y el pH líquido crevicular gingival en los pacientes con enfermedad periodontal atendidos en la Clínica Especializada de FO-USMP. La muestra fue conformada por 64 pacientes. Se utilizó tiras reactivas para la recolección del pH salival y pH del líquido crevicular gingival antes y después (07 días) de realizado el terapia periodontal no quirúgica en los pacientes diagnosticados con dos de los tipos de enf...





    La exposición de humanos y animales a la hipoxia intermitente crónica (CIH) produce hipertensión. La hipertensión inducida por la exposición a CIH ha sido relacionada a la estimulación cíclica de los cuerpos carotídeos. Se ha propuesto que las especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS) contribuiría a la potenciación de los quimiorreflejos carotídeos. Sin embargo, per se las ROS no inducen aumentos en la actividad quimiosensorial. Recientemente, se encontró que el cuerpo carotídeo de rata expre...





    La exposición de humanos y animales a la hipoxia intermitente crónica (CIH) produce hipertensión. La hipertensión inducida por la exposición a CIH ha sido relacionada a la estimulación cíclica de los cuerpos carotídeos. Se ha propuesto que las especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS) contribuiría a la potenciación de los quimiorreflejos carotídeos. Sin embargo, per se las ROS no inducen aumentos en la actividad quimiosensorial. Recientemente, se encontró que el cuerpo carotídeo de rata expre...

  12. Diabetes mellitus, estrés oxidativo y embarazo


    Clapés Hernández, Sonia


    El estrés oxidativo es un estado que se caracteriza por un desequilibrio entre la producción de especies reactivas del oxígeno y la capacidad antioxidante de las células. La implicación del estrés oxidativo en diversas patologías, ha sido demostrada; entre ellas se encuentran la diabetes mellitus y el embarazo, aunque este último no es un estado patológico sino de adaptación metabólica. En el embarazo se producen modificaciones en el metabolismo de las biomoléculas celulares, en particular en...

  13. Filtro activo paralelo para compensación de factor de potencia y distorsión armónica en aplicaciones industriales / Shunt active filter for power factor and harmonic distortion compensation on industrial application


    López Santos, Oswaldo


    Los filtros activos de potencia, son hoy en día, la solución más atractiva para la reducción de las problemáticas de armónicos y energía reactiva en las redes eléctricas, debido a la gran cantidad de convertidores electrónicos contaminantes instalados en las décadas anteriores. Por esta razón y con especial interés en la necesidad del aprovechamiento eficiente y responsable de los recursos, es trabajo pertinente y necesario el estudio de los filtros activos de potencia. El mencionado estudio ...

  14. Fine-needle aspirate cytology suggesting hepatic lipidosis in four cats with infiltrative hepatic disease. (United States)

    Willard, M D; Weeks, B R; Johnson, M


    Four cats are reported in which cytology smears obtained by ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of the liver were interpreted as indicative of hepatic lipidosis. However, histopathology of hepatic tissue samples obtained with Tru-Cut-like needles or wedge biopsy revealed that the cats had inflammatory or neoplastic hepatic disease causing their clinical signs. Fine needle aspiration and cytology may not detect infiltrative lesions, particularly those that are nodular, multifocal, or localised around the portal regions. Fine needle aspirate cytology is a useful diagnostic procedure with many advantages, but care must be taken to avoid diagnosing hepatic lipidosis as the cause of illness when an infiltrative lesion is responsible. Copyright 1999 European Society of Feline Medicine.

  15. Hepatitis Associated Aplastic Anemia: A review (United States)


    Hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia (HAAA) is an uncommon but distinct variant of aplastic anemia in which pancytopenia appears two to three months after an acute attack of hepatitis. HAAA occurs most frequently in young male children and is lethal if leave untreated. The etiology of this syndrome is proposed to be attributed to various hepatitis and non hepatitis viruses. Several hepatitis viruses such as HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV and HGV have been associated with this set of symptoms. Viruses other than the hepatitis viruses such as parvovirus B19, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein bar virus, Transfusion Transmitted virus (TTV) and non-A-E hepatitis virus (unknown viruses) has also been documented to develop the syndrome. Considerable evidences including the clinical features, severe imbalance of the T cell immune system and effective response to immunosuppressive therapy strongly present HAAA as an immune mediated mechanism. However, no association of HAAA has been found with blood transfusions, drugs and toxins. Besides hepatitis and non hepatitis viruses and immunopathogenesis phenomenon as causative agents of the disorder, telomerase mutation, a genetic factor has also been predisposed for the development of aplastic anemia. Diagnosis includes clinical manifestations, blood profiling, viral serological markers testing, immune functioning and bone marrow hypocellularity examination. Patients presenting the features of HAAA have been mostly treated with bone marrow or hematopoietic cell transplantation from HLA matched donor, and if not available then by immunosuppressive therapy. New therapeutic approaches involve the administration of steroids especially the glucocorticoids to augment the immunosuppressive therapy response. Pancytopenia following an episode of acute hepatitis response better to hematopoietic cell transplantation than immunosuppressive therapy. PMID:21352606

  16. Prevention of hepatitis B

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Estera Kowalska


    Full Text Available Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B is a hepatitis B virus (HBV -based liver disease. This virus has an affinity for liver cells, it can cause both acute and chronic viral infections of varying severity. The consequences of chronic HBV infection can be cirrhosis and liver cancer. In Poland in 1989 a preventive program was implemented to reduce HBV infection. Universal vaccinations have been introduced to reduce the prevalence of Type B hepatitis B from 40.3 / 100,000 in 1989 to 7/100 in 2000. In the last 20 years in Poland there has been huge progress in the prevention and suppression of HBV infections. Decrease in the incidence of hepatitis B is mainly the result of the introduction of compulsory vaccination and improving hygiene procedures and improve sanitation aimed at aborting the pathways of the virus. However, still a large part of society is not immune on HBV infection acting potential group of the risk of infection. In addition, in the era of a growing group of followers. movements of the anti vaccine it is necessary to continue to promote knowledge of HBV and the efficacy and safety of vaccination.

  17. Autoantibodies in Autoimmune Hepatitis. (United States)

    Muratori, Luigi; Deleonardi, Gaia; Lalanne, Claudine; Barbato, Erica; Tovoli, Alessandra; Libra, Alessia; Lenzi, Marco; Cassani, Fabio; Muratori, Paolo


    The detection of diagnostic autoantibodies such as antinuclear antibodies (ANA), anti-smooth muscle antibodies (SMA), anti-liver/kidney microsomal type 1 (anti-LKM1), anti-liver cytosol type 1 (anti-LC1) and anti-soluble liver antigen (anti-SLA) is historically associated with the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis. When autoimmune hepatitis is suspected, the detection of one or any combination of diagnostic autoantibodies, by indirect immunofluorescence or immuno-enzymatic techniques with recombinant antigens, is a pivotal step to reach a diagnostic score of probable or definite autoimmune hepatitis. Diagnostic autoantibodies (ANA, SMA, anti-LKM1, anti-LC1, anti-SLA) are a cornerstone in the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis. Other ancillary autoantibodies, associated with peculiar clinical correlations, appear to be assay-dependent and institution-specific, and validation studies are needed. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  18. A preliminary discussion of angiographic anatomy and variations of rabbit hepatic vessels and catheterization methods of hepatic artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Diaodong; Yang Renjie; Zhang Hongzhi; Sun Hongliang


    Objective: To study the normal angiographic anatomy and variations of rabbit hepatic vessels, and explore the optimal method for hepatic artery catheterization. Methods: 30 rabbits were divided into two groups randomly. Modified surgical method and interventional method were used to catheterize hepatic artery respectively, and followed by angiography to demonstrate the normal anatomy and variations of rabbit celiac artery, hepatic artery and portal vein. Results: The route and distribution of rabbit celiac artery and hepatic artery were very different from human's. The commonly seen variation showed the differences in branching bifurcation of hepatic-gastric artery, with the incidence of 13.3%. The rates of successfully hepatic artery catheterization with surgical and interventional methods were 86.6%(13/15) and 80%(12/15) respectively (P>0.05). The surgical method will not be successful, whenever there's variation. Conclusion: The normal anatomy and variation of rabbit celiac artery and hepatic artery are quite different from human's. Both surgical and interventional catheterizations could be rather successful but possessing advantages and disadvantages of each its own. (authors)

  19. Hepatic resection and regeneration. Past and present

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hatsuse, Kazuo


    Hepatic surgery has been performed on condition that the liver regenerates after hepatic resection, and the development of liver anatomy due to Glisson, Rex, and Couinaud has thrown light on hepatic surgery Understanding of feeding and drainage vessels became feasible for systemic hepatic resection; however, it seems to have been the most important problem to control the bleeding during hepatic resection. New types of devices such as cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator (CUSA) and Microwave coagulation were exploited to control blood loss during hepatic surgery. Pringle maneuver for exclusion feeding vessels of the liver and the decrease of central venous pressure during anesthesia enabled further decrease of blood loss. Nowadays, 3D-CT imaging may depict feeding and drainage vessels in relation to liver mass, and surgeons can simulate hepatic surgery in virtual reality before surgery, allowing hepatectomy to be performed without blood transfusion. Thus, hepatic resection has been a safe procedure, but there's been a significant research on how much of the liver can be resected without hepatic failure. A prediction scoring system based on ICGR15, resection rates, and age is mostly reliable in some criteria. Even if hepatectomy is performed with a good prediction score, the massive bleeding and associated infection may induce postoperative hepatic failure, while the criteria of postoperative hepatic failure have not yet established. Hepatic failure is supposed to be induced by the apoptosis of mature hepatocytes and necrosis originated from microcirculation disturbance of the liver. Prostaglandin E1 for the improvement of microcirculation, steroid for the inhibition of cytokines inducing apoptosis, and blood purification to exclude cytokines have been tried separately or concomitantly. New therapeutic approaches, especially hepatic regeneration from the stem cell, are expected. (author)

  20. Estandarización de la PCR para el diagnóstico del virus de la Hepatitis B en el Perú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G Hijar


    Full Text Available La detección del ADN del virus de la Hepatitis B, (VHB es el marcador más sensible para determinar la replicación activa e infectividad del virus circulante. Por esta razón la Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR fue aplicada satisfactoriamente usando primers específicos para gen del antígeno de superficie (HBsAg. Un fragmento de 260 bp fue amplificado in vitro a partir de 200 µl. de sueros de pacientes aplicando PCR. La tecnología de PCR está siendo aplicada en el diagnóstico de pacientes infectados con el virus de la Hepatitis B pertenecientes a diferentes zonas geográficas.

  1. Asthenia in Children with Chronic Viral Hepatitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I.S. Lembryk


    Full Text Available In the article results of own researches concerning peculiarities of the course of asthenic syndrome in school-aged children with chronic hepatitis B, C and mixed forms are provided. It is established that chronic hepatitis C as well as a mixed hepatitis are accompanied by more evident symptoms of deadaptation and somatogenic asthenia than hepatitis B in which psychogenic manifestations prevailed. The degree of endogenous intoxication was also higher at hepatitis C.

  2. 78 FR 46247 - World Hepatitis Day, 2013 (United States)


    ... Hepatitis Day to bring attention to a disease that afflicts one in twelve people worldwide. Viral hepatitis... American deaths every year. Outcomes can significantly improve with treatment, but because viral hepatitis..., we raise awareness about preventing and treating viral hepatitis, and we renew our commitment to...

  3. Hepatic Complications of Anorexia Nervosa. (United States)

    Rosen, Elissa; Bakshi, Neeru; Watters, Ashlie; Rosen, Hugo R; Mehler, Philip S


    Anorexia nervosa (AN) has the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric illnesses due to the widespread organ dysfunction caused by the underlying severe malnutrition. Starvation causes hepatocyte injury and death leading to a rise in aminotransferases. Malnutrition-induced hepatitis is common among individuals with AN especially as body mass index decreases. Acute liver failure associated with coagulopathy and encephalopathy can rarely occur. Liver enzymes may also less commonly increase as part of the refeeding process due to hepatic steatosis and can be distinguished from starvation hepatitis by the finding of a fatty liver on ultrasonography. Individuals with AN and starvation-induced hepatitis are at increased risk of hypoglycemia due to depleted glycogen stores and impaired gluconeogenesis. Gastroenterology and hepatology consultations are often requested when patients with AN and signs of hepatitis are hospitalized. It should be noted that additional laboratory testing, imaging, or liver biopsy all have low diagnostic yield, are costly, and potentially invasive, therefore, not generally recommended for diagnostic purposes. While the hepatitis of AN can reach severe levels, a supervised increase in caloric intake and a return to a healthy body weight often quickly lead to normalization of elevated aminotransferases caused by starvation.

  4. Hepatic dimple sign on CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Kunihiko; Nakajima, Teiichi; Ishikawa, Nobuyoshi; Ebihara, Reiko; Saida, Yukihisa


    The ''Dimple sign'' has been coined by Baltaxe et al. in 1974 and was said to be useful angiographic sign of avascular tumor. Similar dimple can be seen in the margin of the liver on CT examination of the hepatic tumors. We called this hepatic dimple sign and its clinical usefulness on CT examination was studied with 133 cases of hepatic tumors. Among 133 cases, there were 68 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, 57 cases of metastatic liver tumor, 5 cases of hemangioma of the liver and 3 cases of hepatoblastoma. Hepatic dimple sign was recognized on 2 cases of metastatic liver tumor, 1 case of hemangioma, and 1 case of carcinoma of the gallbladder with hepatic infiltration. Cases experienced in the affiliated hospitals were also studied. A case of hepatocellular carcinoma and a case of metastatic liver tumor were evaluated. These tumors were relativly large measuring over 5cm in the greatest diameter and low density areas were apparent on plain CT. Therefore, dimples in the hepatic margin seen in CT scan did not contribute to the diagnostic accuracy of the liver tumor in these cases. (author)

  5. Hepatic dimple sign on CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsumoto, Kunihiko; Nakajima, Teiichi; Ishikawa, Nobuyoshi; Ebihara, Reiko; Saida, Yukihisa


    The ''Dimple sign'' has been coined by Baltaxe et al. in 1974 and was said to be useful angiographic sign of avascular tumor. Similar dimple can be seen in the margin of the liver on CT examination of the hepatic tumors. We called this hepatic dimple sign and its clinical usefulness on CT examination was studied with 133 cases of hepatic tumors. Among 133 cases, there were 68 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, 57 cases of metastatic liver tumor, 5 cases of hemangioma of the liver and 3 cases of hepatoblastoma. Hepatic dimple sign was recognized on 2 cases of metastatic liver tumor, 1 case of hemangioma, and 1 case of carcinoma of the gallbladder with hepatic infiltration. Cases experienced in the affiliated hospitals were also studied. A case of hepatocellular carcinoma and a case of metastatic liver tumor were evaluated. These tumors were relativly large measuring over 5cm in the greatest diameter and low density areas were apparent on plain CT. Therefore, dimples in the hepatic margin seen in CT scan did not contribute to the diagnostic accuracy of the liver tumor in these cases. (author).

  6. Acute hepatitis B in a patient with OLT during treatment with peg-interferon and ribavirin for hepatitis C recurrence. (United States)

    Biliotti, Elisa; Zacharia, Sabu; Grieco, Stefania; Spaziante, Martina; Giusto, Michela; Merli, Manuela; Gallinaro, Valentina; Taliani, Gloria


    The course and outcome of acute viral hepatitis in liver transplanted patients with hepatitis C recurrence are unknown. Here we describe a patient who presented with acute hepatitis B infection while on treatment with peg-interferon and ribavirin for hepatitis C recurrence after liver transplantation. A nucleoside analogue was added (entecavir) and the patient cleared hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and seroconverted to anti-HBs. In this case, the acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection might have contributed to the clearance of HCV, the concomitant immunosuppression might have lead to the slow clearance of HBV infection, and the combined antiviral therapy has helped in the resolution of both infections. Hepatitis B vaccination should be recommended in susceptible patients waiting for liver transplantation.

  7. Prevalence of hepatic steatosis and associated factors in Iranian patients with chronic hepatitis C


    Poortahmasebi, Vahdat; Emami Aleagha, Mohammad Sajad; Amiri, Mehdi; Qorbani, Mostafa; Farahmand, Mohammad; Asayesh, Hamid; Alavian, Seyed Moayed


    Background: Hepatic steatosis is commonly observed in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Many studies indicate a relationship between steatosis and fibrosis progression. The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of hepatic steatosis and related factors in Iranian CHC patients. Methods: One hundred and fifteen consecutive patients with CHC were enrolled which were treatment- na?ve. The patients were divided into groups with and without steatosis according to the result of liver...

  8. Frequent hepatitis B virus rebound among HIV-hepatitis B virus-coinfected patients following antiretroviral therapy interruption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dore, Gregory J; Soriano, Vicente; Rockstroh, Jürgen


    .0002), nondetectable HBV DNA at baseline (P = 0.007), and black race (P = 0.03). Time to ART reinitiation was shorter (7.5, 15.6, and 17.8 months; P hepatitis C virus-positive and non-HBV/hepatitis...... C virus participants in the drug conservation arm. No hepatic decompensation events occurred among HBV-positive participants in either arm. CONCLUSION: HBV DNA rebound following ART interruption is common and may be associated with accelerated immune deficiency in HIV-HBV-coinfected patients.......BACKGROUND: The impact of antiretroviral therapy (ART) interruption in HIV-hepatitis B virus (HBV)-coinfected patients was examined in the Strategic Management of AntiRetroviral Therapy (SMART) study. METHODS: Plasma HBV DNA was measured in all hepatitis B surface antigen-positive (HBV...

  9. Hepatic Falciform Ligament Artery in Patients with Chronic Liver Diseases: Detection on Computed Tomography Hepatic Arteriography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tajima, T.; Yoshimitsu, K.; Irie, H.; Nishie, A.; Hirakawa, M.; Ishigami, K.; Ushijima, Y.; Okamoto, D.; Honda, H.


    Background: The detection rate of hepatic falciform ligament artery (FLA) has been reported as ranging from 2-25%. The rate of FLA on laparotomy, however, is reported to be higher, at 68%. Purpose: To compare the detection rate of FLA on computed tomography hepatic arteriography (CTHA) with that on angiography and dynamic CT, and to clarify the clinical significance of FLA in patients with chronic liver disease. Material and Methods: 126 consecutive patients underwent CTHA angiography and dynamic CT to evaluate suspected liver tumors. Liver function was classified as follows: normal, n=5; Child-Pugh class A, n=94; B, n=21; and C, n=6. All CT images were obtained using multidetector (MDCT) scanners (Aquilion; Toshiba, Tokyo (JP)). For CTHA, CT images were obtained during contrast material injection through the left hepatic, proper, or common hepatic artery. On CT, FLAs were retrospectively identified within the hepatic falciform ligament and the hepatic round ligament by the paging method on a workstation (TWS-5000; Toshiba, Tokyo (JP)). The detection rates were compared among the three modalities (hepatic arterial phase of dynamic CT, CTHA, and angiography). The calibers of FLA were also correlated with the hepatic function of the patients. Results: The detection rates of FLA by angiography, dynamic CT, and CTHA were 37% (47/126), 10% (13/126), and 77% (97/126), respectively. The calibers of FLA increased as the hepatic function deteriorated (P=0.001). Conclusion: The detection rates of FLA with CTHA are far higher than those with angiography and dynamic CT. Careful interpretation with recognition of FLA on CTHA images is important, as inadvertent embolization or chemotherapeutic infusion of the FLA may result in supraumbilical skin rash

  10. The ultrasonographic changes of gallbladder wall and the corresponding hepatic pathology in patients with chronic viral hepatitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Haiying; Meng Fankun; Ding Huiguo


    Objective: To investigate the relationship between the ultrasonographic changes of gallbladder wall and the hepatic inflammation grading as well as fibrostic staging using ultrasound examination in patients with chronic viral hepatitis, and to survey the diagnostic standard for viral related cholecystitis. Methods: Five hundreds and nineteen chronic viral hepatitis patients and 104 normal control subjects were enrolled in the study. Ultrasound guided liver biopsy was performed in all patients with chronic viral hepatitis, in which the hepatic fibrostic stages(S) were divided into SI (n=148), S2(n=170), S3-4(n 201 ); and hepatic inflammation grades (G) were divided into G1 (n=124 ), G2 (n=204), G3 (n=191). The ultrasound scan was performed within 7 days after liver biopsy. The relationship between ultrasonographic changes of gallbladder and the hepatic inflammation grades and fibrostic stages were analyzed using statistic soft ware SPSS 11.5 for windows. Results: The percentage of the thickened gallbladder wall were 55%, 87%, 96% in S1, S2, S3-4, respectively, and were 45%, 82%, 95% in G1, G2, G3-4, respectively. Significant difference was revealed between G1 and G2, as well as between G2 and G3-4, with P < 0.05. Conclusion: A significant, positive correlative relationship exists between the ultrasonographic changes of gall-bladder wall and the hepatic inflammation grading and fibrostic staging in patients with chronic viral hepatitis. (authors)

  11. Hepatic arterial embolization in the management of blunt hepatic trauma: indications and complications. (United States)

    Letoublon, Christian; Morra, Irene; Chen, Yao; Monnin, Valerie; Voirin, David; Arvieux, Catherine


    The objective was to clarify the role of hepatic arterial embolization (AE) in the management of blunt hepatic trauma. Retrospective observational study of 183 patients with blunt hepatic trauma admitted to a trauma referral center over a 9-year period. The charts of 29 patients (16%) who underwent hepatic angiography were reviewed for demographics, injury specific data, management strategy, angiographic indication, efficacy and complications of embolization, and outcome. AE was performed in 23 (79%) of the patients requiring angiography. Thirteen patients managed conservatively underwent emergency embolization after preliminary computed tomography scan. Six had postoperative embolization after damage control laparotomy and four had delayed embolization. Arterial bleeding was controlled in all the cases. Sixteen patients (70%) had one or more liver-related complications; temporary biliary leak (n=11), intra-abdominal hypertension (n=14), inflammatory peritonitis (n=3), hepatic necrosis (n=3), gallbladder infarction (n=2), and compressive subcapsular hematoma (n=1). Unrecognized hepatic necrosis could have contributed to the late posttraumatic death of one patient. AE is a key element in modern management of high-grade liver injuries. Two principal indications exist in the acute postinjury phase: primary hemostatic control in hemodynamically stable or stabilized patients with radiologic computed tomography evidence of active arterial bleeding and adjunctive hemostatic control in patients with uncontrolled suspected arterial bleeding despite emergency laparotomy. Successful management of injuries of grade III upward often entails a combined angiographic and surgical approach. Awareness of the ischemic complications due to angioembolization is important.

  12. Intoxicação natural por Trema micrantha em caprinos Spontaneosu poisoning by Trema micrantha in goats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Davi Traverso


    Full Text Available Dois caprinos confinados, que recebiam ração e pasto no cocho, morreram uma semana após serem alimentados com arbustos de plantas de diferentes espécies, entre os quais encontrava-se Trema micrantha. Apenas um animal foi necropsiado. Achados macroscópicos incluíram palidez generalizada da carcaça, hemorragias subcutâneas na região do esterno e escápula, fígado amarelado, friável e com lobulação evidente. Na superfície de corte, o fígado apresentou áreas vermelhas deprimidas entremeadas por áreas claras, deixando na faca, restos de conteúdo amarelado de aspecto gorduroso. Histologicamente, observou-se necrose hepática centrolobular com hemorragia, associada à vacuolização de hepatócitos da região periportal. No encéfalo, havia vacuolização, degeneração e necrose de neurônios do córtex e hipocampo. Os indícios de ingestão da planta associado às lesões hepáticas descritas são compatíveis com intoxicação por Trema micrantha.Two goats which were housed and fed forages and commercial concentrate, died one week after being fed a mixture of plants. Amongst these plant was identified Trema micrantha. Only one animal was necropsied, and paleness of the carcass, subcutaneous haemorrhages in the region of chest and scapula, a yellowish and pliable liver with enhanced lobular pattern were the principal macroscopic findings. Additionally, in the cut surface from the liver, there were reddened and depressed areas mixed with withish ones. The most important histologic findings were hepatic centrilobular necrosis and haemorrhages associated with vacuolization of the periportal hepatocytes. In the encephalic tissue, there were vacuolisation, degeneration and necrosis of the neurones from cortex and hipocampus. The evidences of consumption of the plant and the hepatic lesions here described are consistent findings with the diagnosis of spontaneous poisoning by Trema micrantha.

  13. Custo-efetividade dos análogos de nucleosídeos/nucleotídeos para hepatite crônica B Costo-efectividad de los análogos de nucleósidos/nucleótidos para hepatitis crónica B Cost-effectiveness of nucleoside/nucleotide analogues in chronic hepatitis B

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandra Maciel Almeida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conduzir uma análise de custo-efetividade das alternativas medicamentosas com terapia de resgate na recaída por resistência viral para tratamento de pacientes com hepatite crônica B (HCB. MÉTODOS: Coorte hipotética de pacientes com HCB, HBeAg negativo, sem evidência clínica ou histológica de cirrose, DNA do VHB detectável, diagnóstico histológico da doença, HBsAg positivo no soro por mais de seis meses, elevados níveis de alanina transferase (ALT (duas vezes maior que o limite superior da normalidade [LSN] e média de idade de 40 anos. Modelo de Markov foi desenvolvido para a hepatite crônica B (antígeno HBeAg negativo com horizonte temporal de 40 anos. Custos e benefícios foram descontados em 5%. As taxas anuais de progressão, custos devido a complicações e a eficácia dos medicamentos foram obtidos da literatura. As incertezas foram avaliadas por análises de sensibilidade unidirecional e probabilística. RESULTADOS: Iniciar o tratamento com entecavir resultou em 0,35 ano de vida ganho em relação à lamivudina. A razão de custo-efetividade incremental foi de R$ 16.416,08 por anos de vida ganhos. Na análise de sensibilidade a razão de custo-efetividade incremental foi mais sensível à variação na probabilidade de transição de hepatite crônica B para cirrose compensada, taxa de desconto e preço dos medicamentos (± 10%. Na análise de sensibilidade probabilística, a curva de aceitabilidade mostrou que iniciar com entecavir foi a alternativa mais custo-efetiva na comparação ao uso de lamivudina. CONCLUSÕES: A disponibilidade do entecavir é economicamente atrativa como parte do tratamento precoce para pacientes com hepatite crônica B sem coinfecção com o HIV.OBJETIVO: Analizar la tasa costo/efectividad de las alternativas medicamentosas con terapia de rescate en la recaída por resistencia viral en el tratamiento de pacientes con hepatitis crónica B (HCB. MÉTODOS: Cohorte hipotética de pacientes

  14. Treatment of hepatic neoplasm through extrahepatic collaterals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soo, C.S.; Chuang, V.P.; Wallace, S.; Charnsangavej, C.; Carrasco, H.


    Twenty-nine patients with hepatic artery occlusion were treated with additional hepatic infusion or embolization through extrahepatic collaterals. Seventeen courses of hepatic infusion were performed in 13 patients through the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, left gastric artery, or right gastric artery. Twenty-five hepatic embolization procedures were performed in 16 patients through the right and left phrenic arteries, left and right gastric arteries, pancreaticoduodenal artery, gastroduodenal artery, or omentoepiploic artery. In one patient gastric ulcers developed following left gastric artery infusion. No complication related to the embolization procedure was observed in the embolization group. The extrahepatic collaterals are important alternative routes for continuous transcatheter management of hepatic neoplasms following hepatic artery occlusion.

  15. Treatment of hepatic neoplasm through extrahepatic collaterals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soo, C.S.; Chuang, V.P.; Wallace, S.; Charnsangavej, C.; Carrasco, H.


    Twenty-nine patients with hepatic artery occlusion were treated with additional hepatic infusion or embolization through extrahepatic collaterals. Seventeen courses of hepatic infusion were performed in 13 patients through the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, left gastric artery, or right gastric artery. Twenty-five hepatic embolization procedures were performed in 16 patients through the right and left phrenic arteries, left and right gastric arteries, pancreaticoduodenal artery, gastroduodenal artery, or omentoepiploic artery. In one patient gastric ulcers developed following left gastric artery infusion. No complication related to the embolization procedure was observed in the embolization group. The extrahepatic collaterals are important alternative routes for continuous transcatheter management of hepatic neoplasms following hepatic artery occlusion

  16. [Other viral food poisoning (hepatitis A and E)]. (United States)

    Yano, Kunio


    Hepatitis A and E viruses are spread via the fecal-oral route. In the endemic area, restaurant and school outbreaks due to contaminated water or food have been reported. The clinical signs and symptoms in patients with typical hepatitis A and E are similar to those seen with other forms of acute viral hepatitis. Hepatitis A tends to be more severe when acquired at older ages. Hepatitis E appears to be relatively severe compared with hepatitis A. Although both hepatitis are self-limited illness, severe hepatits are rarely observed. Hepatitis A and E can be prevented by improved sanitary conditions, handwashing, heating foods appropriately. Avoidance of water and foods from endemic areas is also effective.

  17. Hepatitis C: Information on Testing and Diagnosis (United States)

    ... is a serious liver disease that results from infection with the Hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C has been called a silent disease ... know it. Some people who get infected with Hepatitis C are able to clear, or get rid ... or lifelong, infection. Over time, chronic Hepatitis C can cause serious ...

  18. Evaluation of hepatic atrophy after transcatheter arterial embolization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Hwan Hoon; Lee, Mee Ran; Oh, Min Cheol; Park, Chul Min; Seol, Hae Young; Cha, In Ho


    Hepatic atrophy has been recognized as a complication of hepatic and biliary disease but we have often found it in follow up CT after transcatheter arterial embolization (TACE). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the characteristics of hepatic atrophy after TACE. Of 53 patients who had TACE. We evaluated the relationship between the incidence of hepatic atrophy and the number of TACE, and also evaluated the average number of TACE in patients with hepatic atrophy. Of 20 patients who had received more than average number of TACE for development of hepatic atrophy (2 times with portal vein obstruction, 2.7 times without portal vein obstruction in this study), we evaluated the relationship between the lipiodol uptake pattern of tumor and the incidence of hepatic atrophy. There were 8 cases of hepatic atrophy (3 with portal vein obstruction, 5 without portal vein obstruction), average number for development of hepatic atrophy were 2.5 times. As the number of TACE were increased, the incidence of hepatic atrophy were also increased. Of 20 patients who received more than average number of TACE for development of hepatic atrophy, we noted 6 cases of hepatic atrophy in 11 patients with dense homogenous lipiodol uptake pattern of tumor and noted only 1 case of hepatic atrophy in 9 patient with inhomogenous lipiodol uptake pattern. Hepatic atrophy was one of the CT findings after TACE even without portal vein obstruction. Average number of TACE was 2.5 times and risk factors for development of hepatic atrophy were portal vein obstruction, increased number of TACE, and dense homogenous lipiodol uptake pattern of tumor

  19. Hepatitis E: A Newcomer to the Hepatitis Alphabet – Case Report and Review of the Literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karl Weiss


    Full Text Available The first Canadian case of hepatitis E is described in a patient who travelled to Asia for a six-month period and spent most of his time in India. Hepatitis E shares some similarities with hepatitis A, notably the mode of transmission and the absence of chronic course. However, a few important differences have been noted, including a higher mortality rate and a high fatality rate in pregnant women. Hepatitis E is very common in developing countries and should be suspected more often in individuals with gastrointestinal complaints returning from endemic areas.

  20. Hepatitis E og graviditet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mannheimer, Ebba Elisabeth; Harritshøj, Lene Holm; Katzenstein, Terese Lea


    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection among pregnant women is severe, often leading to fulminant hepatic failure and death, with mortality rates up to 15-25%. Studies suggest that differences in genotypes/subgenotypes, hormonal and immunological changes during pregnancy may contribute to the severe...

  1. Hepatic drug clearance following traumatic injury. (United States)

    Slaughter, R L; Hassett, J M


    Trauma is a complex disease state associated with physiologic changes that have the potential to alter hepatic drug clearance mechanisms. These responses include alterations in hepatic blood flow, reduction in hepatic microsomal activity, reduction in hepatic excretion processes, and changes in protein binding. Hepatic blood flow is influenced by sympathomimetic activity. Both animal and human studies demonstrate an initial reduction and subsequent increase in hepatic blood flow, which coincides with an observed increase and subsequent return to normal in serum catecholamine concentrations. Unfortunately, there are no human studies that address the importance these findings may have to the clearance processes of high intrinsic clearance compounds. Animal studies of trauma indicate that hepatic microsomal activity is depressed during the post-traumatic period. Reduction in the hepatic clearance of antipyrine, a model low intrinsic compound, has also been demonstrated in animal models of trauma. In addition to these effects, hepatic excretion of substances such as indocyanine green and bilirubin have been demonstrated to be impaired in both traumatized animals and humans. Finally, substantial increases in the serum concentration of the binding protein alpha 1-acid glycoprotein occur in trauma patients. This has been reported to be associated with subsequent decreases in the free fraction of lidocaine and quinidine. In addition to changing serum drug concentration/response relationships, the pharmacokinetic behavior of drugs bound to alpha 1-acid glycoprotein should also change. Preliminary observations in our laboratory in a dog model of surgically-induced trauma have shown a reduction in the total clearance of lidocaine and reduction in free lidocaine concentration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  2. Cytokine Signatures Discriminate Highly Frequent Acute Hepatitis a Virus and Hepatitis E Virus Coinfections from Monoinfections in Mexican Pediatric Patients. (United States)

    Realpe-Quintero, Mauricio; Copado-Villagrana, Edgar Daniel; Trujillo-Ochoa, Jorge Luis; Alvarez, Angel Hilario; Panduro, Arturo; Fierro, Nora Alma


    The frequency of hepatitis A virus and hepatitis E virus infections and their cytokine profiles were analyzed in Mexican pediatric patients with acute hepatitis. A high frequency of coinfections was found. Significant overexpression of interleukin (IL)-4, IL-12, IL-13 and interferon-gamma during hepatitis A virus monoinfections and limited secretion of cytokines in hepatitis E virus infections were observed.

  3. One Family's Struggles with Hepatitis B

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... immunizations about immunizations current news Flu's Gonna Lose hepatitis a & b vaccines im/sq how to do kids ... cme Immunizations Hepatitis B One family's struggles with hepatitis B We provide this video in a variety of formats and lengths for use by ...

  4. /sup 131/I-Bromsulphalein in the evaluation of hepatic function during reconvalescence after viral hepatitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chernysheva, N N; Pal' tseva, T F; Nonikova, T B; Aleshkovich, T V; Kuandykova, S Zh; Rumyantseva, L A; Kal' nitskaya, E F [Tsentral' nyj Inst. Usovershenstvovaniya Vrachej, Moscow (USSR)


    The combined use of biochemical and radionuclide tests (the clearance of /sup 131/I-bromsulphalein) made it possible to reveal significant differences in 53 patients in the time of complete reparation of hepatic function and the period of reconvalescence after hepatitis A and B. The period of reconvalescence in patients with hepatitis B was more prolonged. Dynamic observation and appropriate treatment is recommended for these patients.

  5. 76 FR 46181 - World Hepatitis Day, 2011 (United States)


    ... Proclamation Across our Nation, millions of Americans are living with viral hepatitis. As many as three-fourths... save lives and prevent the spread of viral hepatitis. Viral hepatitis is inflammation of the liver, and.... While we have come far, work still needs to be done to prevent and treat this disease. Viral hepatitis...

  6. Prácticas sexuales de riesgo y seroprevalencia de infección por VIH-1. HTLV-1, sífilis y hepatitis B en varones drogadictos no endovenosos de Lima.

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    Dany MUÑOZ


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Investigar la prevalencia de prácticas sexuales de riesgo para infección por Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual (ETS y la seroprevalencia de infección por VIH-1, HTLV-1, Hepatitis B y Sífilis en varones Drogadictos no Endovenosos (DNEV de Lima e identificar si ellos podrían ser considerados como grupo de alto riesgo de infección para HIV. Material y métodos: Encuesta anónima por entrevista directa sobre practicas sexuales y antecedentes de ETS, y análisis serológico para anticuerpos contra VIH, HTLV-1, HBc y T pallidum de 298 DNEV voluntarios del Instituto de Salud Mental "Honorio Delgado - Hideyo Noguchi" y de 10 Organizaciones No Gubernamentales ("Comunidades Terapéuticas" de Lima Metropolitana entre Abril y Agosto de 1996. Resultados: Cinco (1.7% muestras fueron positivas para VIH y una resultó indeterminada (ELISA positivo y WB banda gp 160 presente. Siete (2.3% positivas para HTLV- 1, treinta y cuatro (11.4% positivas para Ab Anti-HBc; y una (0.3% fue RPR y FTA-Abs positiva. El promedio de edad fué 28.8 ± 8.1 años. El promedio de tiempo de consumo de drogas más frecuente fue 6.9 ± 6.2 años con el 80% más de un año. Durante la etapa de consumo: el promedio del número de parejas sexuales fue 53.9 ± 243 con una mediana de 15. De los DNEV mantuvieron relaciones sexuales con Parejas Sexuales Estables el 79%, con Encuentros Casuales el 82%, con Meretrices el 62.4% y con Homosexuales el 60%; el uso consistente de condón es bajo con todos los tipos de parejas sexuales y en todos los tipos de relaciones sexuales pero aumenta significativamente en las relaciones sexuales con meretrices. Con el uso de drogas existe un aumento en el número de parejas sexuales y mayor frecuencia de algunas prácticas sexuales de riesgo tal como el coito anal con todos los tipos de parejas sexuales, así mismo un elevado porcentaje (75% mantienen relaciones sexuales estando drogados, y el 32.9% intercambian drogas por sexo. El 43

  7. Current topics in autoimmune hepatitis. (United States)

    Muratori, Luigi; Muratori, Paolo; Granito, Alessandro; Pappas, Giorgios; Cassani, Fabio; Lenzi, Marco


    Autoimmune hepatitis is a chronic liver disease of unknown aetiology characterized by interface hepatitis, hypergammaglobulinaemia and circulating autoantibodies. In the last decade a number of advancements have been made in the field of clinical and basic research: the simplified diagnostic criteria, the complete response defined as normalization of transaminase levels, the molecular identification of the antigenic targets of anti-liver cytosol antibody type 1 and anti-soluble liver antigen, the detection of anti-actin antibodies, the description of de novo autoimmune hepatitis after liver transplantation for non-autoimmune liver diseases, the characterization of autoimmune hepatitis with overlapping features of primary biliary cirrhosis or primary sclerosing cholangitis, the preliminary experience with novel treatment strategies based on cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil and budesonide, the role played by "impaired" regulatory T cells and the development of novel animal models of autoimmune hepatitis. Copyright © 2010 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. [Hepatitis: a longstanding companion in human history]. (United States)

    Craxi, Lucia


    Hepatitis has gone along with human history since its origins, due to its prompt identifiability linked to jaundice as a symptom. Written evidence of outbreaks of epidemic jaundice can be tracked back a few millenniums before Christ. Unavoidable confusion arises due to the overlap of different sources possibly linked to different aetiologies, identified over time as epidemic jaundice (HAV or HEV hepatitis?) and serum hepatitis (HBV or HCV hepatitis?). The journey that brought to recognize viruses as the main cause of jaundice was long and started midway during the last century, when the infectious hypothesis, which had taken place step by step, was finally confirmed by epidemiological investigations of an outbreak occurring in the US army in 1942, after a yellow fever immunization campaign. Further research identified two clinically different types of hepatitis, called for the first time hepatitis A and hepatitis B.


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    Diana Vasco Mora


    Full Text Available La generación de ROS fue medida por citometría de flujo en muestras espermáticas descongeladas incubadas sin (niveles basales o con (niveles inducidos un inductor de ROS (1 mM de tert-butyl hidroperóxido por 30 min a 39 °C y 5% de CO2. Además, fueron simultáneamente teñidas con 2’, 7’-diacetato de diclorodihidrofluoresceína, acetil ester (1 mM, CM-H2DCFDA, para estimar la producción de ROS e, ioduro de propidio (1.5 mM para excluir la población espermática muerta. Los eyaculados de nueve verracos fueron congelados con 3% de glicerol y descongelados a ≈1200 ó ≈1800 ºC min-1. La producción de ROS fue medida a los 0, 60, 120, 240 y 360 min en muestras mantenidas a 21-23 °C (no incubadas, o a 39 ºC y 5% de CO2 (incubadas. La velocidad de descongelación no registró influencia (P>0.05 sobre la producción de ROS. La generación de ROS fue constante (P>0.05 en el tiempo en las muestras no incubadas, pero mostró un incremento progresivo en las muestras incubadas, siendo significativa (P<0.05 desde los 120 min en niveles basales ó 60 min de incubación en niveles inducidos. Además, una significativa variabilidad eyaculado/verraco fue evidente, tanto en niveles basales como inducidos en las muestras incubadas. La producción de ROS basal e inducida estuvo significativamente (P<0.01 correlacionada con la calidad espermática. La técnica utilizada es de gran utilidad para evaluar capacidad funcional en espermatozoides congelados-descongelados; sin embargo, se requieren estudios adicionales para estandarizar la misma y establecer umbrales indicativos de pérdida de calidad espermática.

  10. Crioglobulinemia y hepatitis


    Rousseau González, Georgina


    Se describieron las manifestaciones principales de la crioglobulinemia mixta esencial su clasificación inmunoquímica, su asociación con los distintos virus de la hepatitis, las distintas alteraciones inmunológicas asociadas y los principales tratamientos utilizados. The main manifestations of essential mixed cryoglobulinemia were described: its immunochemical classification, its association with different hepatitis virus, the different associated immunological alterations, and the main tre...

  11. Cirugía de control de daños: alternativa quirúrgica eficaz para el trauma hepático grave Damage control surgery: efficacious surgical alternative for severe hepatic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darwin Aníbal Iñaguazo Sánchez


    Full Text Available El trauma hepático se halla con mayor frecuencia en un individuo politraumatizado con alteraciones hemodinámicas y contusiones intraabdominales. Corresponden a lesiones penetrantes 80 % y 20 %, a trauma cerrado. Aproximadamente 3 % de estos pacientes acuden a los servicios de emergencias en shock hipovolémico grave. La mortalidad por trauma hepático ha disminuido considerablemente, lo que refleja no solo los avances en la atención médica prehospitalaria, sino también la adquisición de nuevas habilidades y técnicas quirúrgicas por parte de los cirujanos. La cirugía de control de daños es una alternativa quirúrgica que se utiliza actualmente en el paciente traumatizado grave. Presentamos una revisión actualizada de la literatura y hacemos énfasis en la actitud y los procedimientos quirúrgicos empleados en el manejo del trauma hepático grave, con descripción específica del taponamiento hepático (packing. El éxito de este tratamiento guarda relación con la decisión rápida y oportuna de su ejecución por el cirujano de traumaHepatic trauma is more frequently found in multitrauma individuals with hemodynamics disorders and abdominal contusions. It is present in 80% of penetrating injures and 20% of closed trauma. Approximately 3% of these patients are seen at emergency room services when they are in serious hypovolemic shock. Hepatic trauma mortality rate has substantially lowered, which shows not only the advances in pre-hospital medical care but also the learning of new abilities and surgical techniques by surgeons. Damage control surgery is a surgical choice that is being used at present to manage the severely traumatized patient. We presented an updated literature review, making emphasis on attitudes and surgical procedures in the management of severe hepatic trauma and giving a specific description of hepatic packing. The sucess of this treatment is linked to a quick and prompt decision by trauma surgeon to perform this

  12. Hepatic enzymes have a role in the diagnosis of hepatic injury after blunt abdominal trauma. (United States)

    Tan, Ker-Kan; Bang, Shieh-Ling; Vijayan, Appasamy; Chiu, Ming-Terk


    Delayed diagnosis of patients with severe liver injuries is associated with an adverse outcome. As computed tomographic (CT) scan is not always available in the management of blunt abdominal trauma worldwide, the present study was undertaken to determine the accuracy of selected haematological markers in predicting the presence of hepatic injury and its severity after blunt abdominal trauma. A retrospective review of all patients with blunt abdominal trauma presented to our institution over a 3-year period was performed. Patients were excluded if they suffered penetrating injuries, died in the emergency department or if the required blood tests were not performed within 24h of the accident. The grading of the hepatic injury was verified using CT scans or surgical findings. Ninety-nine patients with blunt abdominal trauma had the required blood tests performed and were included in the study. The median injury severity score was 24 (range 4-75). Fifty-five patients had hepatic injuries, of which 47.3% were minor (Grades I and II) while 52.7% had major hepatic injuries (Grades III-V). There were no patients with Grade VI injuries. A raised ALT was strongly associated with presence of hepatic injuries (OR, 109.8; 95% CI, 25.81-466.9). This relation was also seen in patients with raised AST>2 times (OR, 21.33; 95% CI, 7.27-62.65). This difference was not seen in both bilirubin and ALP. ALT>2 times normal was associated with major hepatic injuries (OR, 7.15; 95% CI, 1.38-37.14; p=0.012) while patients with simultaneous raised AST>2 times and ALT>2 times had a stronger association for major hepatic injuries (OR, 8.44; 95% CI, 1.64-43.47). Abnormal transaminases levels are associated with hepatic injuries after blunt abdominal trauma. Patients with ALT and AST>2 times normal should be assumed to possess major hepatic trauma and managed accordingly. Patients with normal ALT, AST and LDH are unlikely to have major liver injuries.

  13. Doppler waveform of hepatic vein in patients with chronic hepatitis B; Correlation with histologic grade and stage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eom, Kyeong Tae; Namkung, Sook; Bae, Sang Hoon; Choi, Young Hee


    To evaluate the relationship between the waveform of the right hepatic vein and the histological grade and stage in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Eighty-seven patients with chronic hepatitis B were examined prospectively by one sonographer. In each patient, Doppler waveform of the right hepatic vein was obtained. Doppler waveform was classified into 3 type, type 0; normal triphasic pattern, type 1; reduced amplitude of phasic oscillation and no reverse flow phase, and type 2; completely flat flow pattern. In the same session, an ultrasound guided liver biopsy was performed and submitted to one pathologist for grading and staging. Duplex doppler ultrasonography of the right hepatic vein was also performed in 12 control subjects with no evidence of liver or heart disease. The doppler waveform was compared with the histologic severity and a statistical analysis was performed. In the control group, all cases had type 0 waveform. In the hepatitis group, there were type 0 waveform in 61 cases (70.1%), type 1 waveform in 22 cases (25.3%) and type 2 waveform in 4 cases (4.6%). The frequency of abnormal waveform is significantly higher in patients with grade 3-4 and stage 3-4 than grade and stage 1-2 (p>0.005). In the hepatitis group, the venous pulsatility index (VPI) was 0.17-0.69 (mean 0.41), and decreased in the highest and mean values when increasing the histologic scores. However, it was nor significant statistically (p>0.05). The frequency of abnormal waveform was correlated with the histologic severity in patients with chronic hepatitis B. The highest and mean values of the VPI were also correlated. However 70.1% of the patients with chronic hepatitis B showed normal waveform. So doppler ultrasonogram of the hepatic vein may be useful for the diagnosis and the differential diagnosis from cirrhosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B by combination of doppler waveform and venous pulsatility index.

  14. Hepatic amebiasis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salles José Maria


    Full Text Available Amebiasis can be considered the most aggressive disease of the human intestine, responsible in its invasive form for clinical syndromes, ranging from the classic dysentery of acute colitis to extra-intestinal disease, with emphasis on hepatic amebiasis, unsuitably named amebic liver abscess. Found worldwide, with a high incidence in India, tropical regions of Africa, Mexico and other areas of Central America, it has been frequently reported in Amazonia. The trophozoite reaches the liver through the portal system, provoking enzymatic focal necrosis of hepatocytes and multiple micro-abscesses that coalesce to develop a single lesion whose central cavity contains a homogeneous thick liquid, with typically reddish brown and yellow color similar to "anchovy paste". Right upper quadrant pain, fever and hepatomegaly are the predominant symptoms of hepatic amebiasis. Jaundice is reported in cases with multiple lesions or a very large abscess, and it affects the prognosis adversely. Besides chest radiography, ultrasonography and computerized tomography have brought remarkable contributions to the diagnosis of hepatic abscesses. The conclusive diagnosis is made however by the finding of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites in the pus and by the detection of serum antibodies to the amoeba. During the evolution of hepatic amebiasis, in spite of the availability of highly effective drugs, some important complications may occur with regularity and are a result of local perforation with extension into the pleural and pericardium cavities, causing pulmonary abscesses and purulent pericarditis, respectively The ruptures into the abdominal cavity may lead to subphrenic abscesses and peritonitis. The treatment of hepatic amebiasis is made by medical therapy, with metronidazole as the initial drug, followed by a luminal amebicide. In patients with large abscesses, showing signs of imminent rupture, and especially those who do not respond to medical treatment, a

  15. Hepatic amebiasis

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    José Maria Salles

    Full Text Available Amebiasis can be considered the most aggressive disease of the human intestine, responsible in its invasive form for clinical syndromes, ranging from the classic dysentery of acute colitis to extra-intestinal disease, with emphasis on hepatic amebiasis, unsuitably named amebic liver abscess. Found worldwide, with a high incidence in India, tropical regions of Africa, Mexico and other areas of Central America, it has been frequently reported in Amazonia. The trophozoite reaches the liver through the portal system, provoking enzymatic focal necrosis of hepatocytes and multiple micro-abscesses that coalesce to develop a single lesion whose central cavity contains a homogeneous thick liquid, with typically reddish brown and yellow color similar to "anchovy paste". Right upper quadrant pain, fever and hepatomegaly are the predominant symptoms of hepatic amebiasis. Jaundice is reported in cases with multiple lesions or a very large abscess, and it affects the prognosis adversely. Besides chest radiography, ultrasonography and computerized tomography have brought remarkable contributions to the diagnosis of hepatic abscesses. The conclusive diagnosis is made however by the finding of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites in the pus and by the detection of serum antibodies to the amoeba. During the evolution of hepatic amebiasis, in spite of the availability of highly effective drugs, some important complications may occur with regularity and are a result of local perforation with extension into the pleural and pericardium cavities, causing pulmonary abscesses and purulent pericarditis, respectively The ruptures into the abdominal cavity may lead to subphrenic abscesses and peritonitis. The treatment of hepatic amebiasis is made by medical therapy, with metronidazole as the initial drug, followed by a luminal amebicide. In patients with large abscesses, showing signs of imminent rupture, and especially those who do not respond to medical treatment, a

  16. Liberación de endotelina-1 por angiotensina ll en miocitos cardíacos aislados Angiotensin II-induced endothelin-1 release in cardiac myocytes

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    María C. Villa-Abrille


    Full Text Available Muchos de los efectos de la angiotensina II (Ang II son mediados en realidad por la acción de endotelina (ET endógena liberada y/o producida en respuesta a la Ang II. En este trabajo evaluamos la interacción Ang II/ET-1, sus consecuencias en la contractilidad cardíaca y el papel de las especies reactivas del oxígeno (EROs. Se usaron cardiomiocitos aislados de gato. La Ang II, 1 nM, produjo un efecto inotrópico positivo (EIP de 31.8±3.8% que fue cancelado por inhibición de los receptores AT1, de los receptores de ET, del intercambiador Na+/H+ (NHE, del modo inverso del intercambiador Na+/Ca2+ (NCX o por el secuestro de EROs. La Ang II, 100 nM, produjo un EIP de 70.5±7.6% que fue cancelado por inhibición de los receptores AT1 y bloqueado en parte por inhibición de los receptores de ET, del NHE, del modo inverso del NCX o por el secuestro de EROs. La Ang II, 1 nM, incrementó el ARNm de la preproET-1 lo cual fue anulado por el bloqueo de los receptores AT1. Los resultados permiten concluir que el EIP de la Ang II es debido a la acción de la ET-1 endógena liberada/formada por la Ang II. La ET-1 produce: estimulación del NHE, activación del modo inverso del NCX y un consecuente EIP. Dentro de esta cascada también participarían los EROs.Many of the effects thought to be due to angiotensin II (Ang II are due to the release/formation of endothelin (ET. We tested whether Ang II elicits its positive inotropic effect (PIE by the action of endogenous ET-1 and the role played by the reactive oxygen species (ROS in this mechanism. Experiments were performed in cat isolated ventricular myocytes in which sarcomere shortening (SS was measured to asses contractility after pharmacological interventions and the effect of Ang II on inotropism were analyzed. Ang II 1 nM increased SS by 31.8±3.8% (p<0.05. This PIE was cancelled by AT1 receptor blockade, by ET-1 receptors blockade, by Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE inhibition, by reverse mode Na+/Ca2

  17. Resolution of Hepatic Encephalopathy Following Hepatic Artery Embolization in a Patient with Well-Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumor Metastatic to the Liver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erinjeri, Joseph P.; Deodhar, Ajita; Thornton, Raymond H.; Allen, Peter J.; Getrajdman, George I.; Brown, Karen T.; Sofocleous, Constantinos T.; Reidy, Diane L.


    Hepatic encephalopathy is considered a contraindication to hepatic artery embolization. We describe a patient with a well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor metastatic to the liver with refractory hepatic encephalopathy and normal liver function tests. The encephalopathy was refractory to standard medical therapy with lactulose. The patient's mental status returned to baseline after three hepatic artery embolization procedures. Arteriography and ultrasound imaging before and after embolization suggest that the encephalopathy was due to arterioportal shunting causing hepatofugal portal venous flow and portosystemic shunting. In patients with a primary or metastatic well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor whose refractory hepatic encephalopathy is due to portosystemic shunting (rather than global hepatic dysfunction secondary to tumor burden), hepatic artery embolization can be performed safely and effectively.

  18. Hepatectomia regrada por videolaparoscopia

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    Antonio Nocchi Kalil

    Full Text Available With the improvement of laparoscopic techniques, endoscopic liver surgery has become feasible. While laparoscopic wedge liver resection are performed more frequently, laparoscopic (anatomical or nonanatomical liver resection are still at an early stage of development and are somewhat controversial. We reporte laparoscopic hepatic resection without use of sophisticated laparoscopic instruments. A 47-year-old woman underwent radical mastectomy for adenocarcinoma in 1995. 1n the postoperative follow-up presented, a lesion in the left hepatic lobe and, after laparoscopic approach, left lateral segmentectomy was performed. The hepatic resection elapsed without complications. The surgical time was 4 hours and the blood loss was minimal, without transfusion being necessary.The abdominal drain was removed in 24 hours and the patient was discharged in the second postoperative day. Compared to the classic approach by laparotomy, this method was less traumatic, required a shorter hospital stay, and followed by faster recovery.

  19. [HOMA-IR in patients with chronic hepatitis C]. (United States)

    Botshorishvili, T; Vashakidze, E


    The aim of investigation was to study the frequency of IR in type of viral hepatitis C, correlation with the degree of hepatic lesion and liver cirrhosis. 130 patients were investigated: 20 with acute hepatitis C; 38 with chronic hepatitis C; 72 with cirrhosis: among them 10 with Stage A, 14 with Stage B and 48 with Stage C. Also we used 30 healthy people as the controls. The study demonstrates significant changes of insulin, glucose, HOMA-IR type of viral hepatitis C, correlation with the degree of hepatic lesion and liver cirrhosis. In patients with liver cirrhosis levels of HOMA-IR is higher than in patients with chronic hepatitis C. In patients with acute hepatitis C levels of HOMA-IR was normal as in the control group. The results showed that various types of chronic viral hepatitis C and stages of cirrhosis set to increase HOMA-IR versus the controls., which were the most prominent in cases of severe hepatic lesion, which indicates that insulin resistance is a frequent companion of CHC.

  20. Hepatitis E in liver biopsies from patients with acute hepatitis of clinically unexplained origin.

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    Uta eDrebber


    Full Text Available Hepatitis E virus (HEV is a small RNA virus and the infectious agent of hepatitis E that occurs worldwide either as epidemics in Asia caused by genotype 1 and 2 or as sporadic disease in industrialized countries induced by genotype 3 and 4. The frequency might be underestimated in central Europe as a cause of acute hepatitis. Therefore, we analyzed on liver biopsies, if cases of acute hepatitis with clinically unknown or obscure diagnosis were actually caused by the infection with HEV.We included 221 liver biopsies retrieved from the files of the institute of pathology during the years 2000 till 2010 that were taken from patients with acute hepatitis of obscure or doubtful diagnosis. From all biopsies RNA was extracted, prepared, and subjected to RT-PCR with specific primers. Amplified RNA was detected in 7 patients, sequenced and the genotype 3 could be determined in four of the seven of positive specimens from 221 samples. Histopathology of the biopsies revealed a classic acute hepatitis with cholestatic features and in some cases confluent necrosis in zone 3. Histology in a cohort of matched patients was less severe and showed more eosinophils. The analysis of the immune response by subtyping of liver infiltrating lymphocytes showed circumstantial evidence of adaptive immune reaction with CD 8 positive CTLs being the dominant lymphocyte population.In conclusion, in doubtful cases of acute hepatitis of unknown origine hepatitis E virus infection should be considered as etiology in central Europe. We demonstrate for the first time that the diagnosis can be made in paraffin-embedded liver biopsies reliably when no serum is available and also the genotype can be determined. The analysis of the immune response by subtyping of liver infiltrating lymphocytes indicates an adaptive mechanism suggesting in analogy with HAV, HBV and HCV that the virus itself is not cytopathic but liver damage is due to immune reaction.


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    Hernán Mauricio Romero


    Full Text Available La pudrición del cogollo (PC es la principal enfermedad de la palma en Colombia. En las zonas palmeras Central (ZC y Oriental (ZE, las palmas enfermas pueden recuperarse naturalmente. En la Zona Occidental (ZW el proceso de recuperación no es evidente. La recuperación de palmas está ligada a gran actividad meristemática que podría involucrar la acción inductora de metabolitos como las poliaminas (PA. Este trabajo muestra la relación entre poliaminas del meristemo y la capacidad de recuperación de palmas con PC, en dos zonas agroclimáticas diferentes. Poliaminas extraídas del meristemo de palmas sembradas en ZC y ZW, fueron analizadas por HPLC. En ZC, donde existe recuperación espontánea, los niveles más altos de PA se presentan en palmas sanas y en recuperación y a medida que avanza la enfermedad la concentración desciende hasta un mínimo en el estado de PC inicial (PCI. Luego la concentración de PA aumenta hasta el estado de Buena Recuperación (BR donde los valores de poliaminas son más altos que los de palmas sanas. En la ZW, con la enfermedad el contenido de PA aumenta llegando al máximo en plantas sin recuperación y el mínimo se presenta en plantas sanas. Las diferencias entre zonas pueden explicarse por diferentes roles de las poliaminas en plantas. En la ZC la cantidad elevada de PA en palmas sanas o en recuperación funcionaría en la inducción de actividad meristemática, para la recuperación espontánea. En la ZW el aumento en el contenido de PA con la enfermedad induciría la generación de especies reactivas de oxígeno para defensa secundaria de la planta ante la imposibilidad de, a través de incrementos en la actividad meristemática producir rápidamente estructuras sanas que no sean reinfectadas.


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    Sajeevan K. C


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Regular monitoring of serum iron parameters is helpful for assessing the severity of alcoholic liver disease. Assessment of serum iron parameters are used for screening hereditary haemochromatosis in chronic liver disease. Serum iron parameters in chronic liver disease have not been clearly described in most of the studies. The aim of this study was to assess the serum iron, Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC, transferrin saturation and ferritin levels in common chronic liver disease like alcoholic cirrhosis, cryptogenic cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis C and chronic hepatitis B. MATERIALS AND METHODS 110 consecutive patients with chronic liver disease admitted to the Gastroenterology Department, Government Medical College, Kozhikode were selected for the study. The categories of chronic liver disease included in our study were alcoholic cirrhosis (Group I, n = 40, cryptogenic cirrhosis (Group II, n = 30, chronic hepatitis C (Group III, n = 20 and chronic hepatitis B (Group IV, n = 20. Serum iron, ferritin, total iron binding capacity and transferrin saturation were estimated in the fasting sample. Statistical Analysis- Analysis was performed using nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Bonferroni test to assess statistical significance of difference of continuous variables among and between groups, respectively. The results were considered statistically significant at the level of p <0.05. RESULTS The serum iron level was normal and total iron binding capacity was low in all the four groups of chronic liver disease. Serum ferritin and transferrin saturation were significantly higher in alcoholic cirrhosis in comparison with cryptogenic cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis B, but was not statistically significant in comparison with chronic hepatitis C. CONCLUSION We observed irregularities in iron status in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, cryptogenic cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis C and chronic hepatitis B.

  3. Spontaneous Hepatic Rupture Associated with Preeclampsia: Treatment with Hepatic Artery Embolization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Seung Boo; Goo, Dong Erk; Chang, Yun Woo; Kim, Yong Jae; Hwang, In Cheol; Han, Hyo Sang; Yoon, Jong Hyun; Lee, Tae Il [Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Gumi (Korea, Republic of)


    Spontaneous rupture of the liver due to preeclampsia is a rare condition of pregnant women, and it can be very dangerous if not treated. We report here on a case of successfully treating spontaneous liver rupture associated with preeclampsia by performing transcatheter hepatic arterial embolization. A 41-year-old woman with spontaneous rupture of the liver associated with preeclampsia was treated by hepatic arterial embolization

  4. Spontaneous Hepatic Rupture Associated with Preeclampsia: Treatment with Hepatic Artery Embolization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Seung Boo; Goo, Dong Erk; Chang, Yun Woo; Kim, Yong Jae; Hwang, In Cheol; Han, Hyo Sang; Yoon, Jong Hyun; Lee, Tae Il


    Spontaneous rupture of the liver due to preeclampsia is a rare condition of pregnant women, and it can be very dangerous if not treated. We report here on a case of successfully treating spontaneous liver rupture associated with preeclampsia by performing transcatheter hepatic arterial embolization. A 41-year-old woman with spontaneous rupture of the liver associated with preeclampsia was treated by hepatic arterial embolization

  5. Glucocorticosteroids for people with alcoholic hepatitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pavlov, Chavdar S; Varganova, Daria L; Casazza, Giovanni


    BACKGROUND: Alcoholic hepatitis is a form of alcoholic liver disease, characterised by steatosis, necroinflammation, fibrosis, and potential complications to the liver disease. Typically, alcoholic hepatitis presents in people between 40 and 50 years of age. Alcoholic hepatitis can be resolved...... if people abstain from drinking, but the risk of death will depend on the severity of the liver damage and abstinence from alcohol. Glucocorticosteroids are used as anti-inflammatory drugs for people with alcoholic hepatitis. Glucocorticosteroids have been studied extensively in randomised clinical trials...... in order to assess their benefits and harms. However, the results have been contradictory. OBJECTIVES: To assess the benefits and harms of glucocorticosteroids in people with alcoholic hepatitis. SEARCH METHODS: We identified trials through electronic searches in Cochrane Hepato-Biliary's (CHB) Controlled...

  6. [IgM class antibodies against hepatitis A viruses in the differentiation of viral hepatitis]. (United States)

    Zivanović-Marinković, V; Stanković, D; Parabucki, S; Lazarov, A; Marinković, V; Krstić, L; Letica, Z


    The sera of 64 patients with acute viral hepatitis which were previously HbsAG negative by rPHA were tested by RIA methods for the presence of HBsAG and anti-HBc, by EIA method for HBc and anti-HBc and also by RIA method for the presence of IgM antibodies against hepatitis A virus. The pairs of sera were tested also for the presence of antibodies against cytomegalovirus and EB viruses. Of the total of 64 patients, markers of fresh HB viral infection were proved in 5 patients, sera positive to IgM antibodies to hepatitis A virus were found in 51 and no positive tests to any of the tested viruses were found in 8. The authors consider that they belonged to "non-A, non-B" viral hepatitis.

  7. Rifaximin in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iadevaia MD


    Full Text Available Maddalena Diana Iadevaia, Anna Del Prete, Claudia Cesaro, Laura Gaeta, Claudio Zulli, Carmelina LoguercioDepartment of Internistica Clinica e Sperimentale, F Magrassi e A Lanzara, Hepatogastroenterology Unit, Second University of Naples, Naples, ItalyAbstract: Hepatic encephalopathy is a challenging complication in patients with advanced liver disease. It can be defined as a neuropsychiatric syndrome caused by portosystemic venous shunting, ranging from minimal to overt hepatic encephalopathy or coma. Its pathophysiology is still unclear, although increased levels of ammonia play a key role. Diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy is currently based on specific tests evaluating the neuropsychiatric state of patients and their quality of life; the severity of hepatic encephalopathy is measured by the West Haven criteria. Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy consists of pharmacological and corrective measures, as well as nutritional interventions. Rifaximin received approval for the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy in 2010 because of its few side effects and pharmacological benefits. The aim of this work is to review the use and efficacy of rifaximin both in acute and long-term management of hepatic encephalopathy. Treatment of overt hepatic encephalopathy involves management of the acute episode as well as maintenance of remission in those patients who have previously experienced an episode, in order to improve their quality of life. The positive effect of rifaximin in reducing health care costs is also discussed.Keywords: acute hepatic encephalopathy, recurrent hepatic encephalopathy, rifaximin, lactulose, cost, health-related quality of life

  8. Angiohepatogram in diffuse hepatic disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aburano, Tamio; Suzuki, Yutaka; Hisada, Kinichi; Matsudaira, Masamichi.


    A region of interest angiohepatogram was obtained with intravenous injection of 10mCi of sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid and a data processing system. Furthermore, the ratio of hepatic arterial blood flow volume to total hepatic blood flow volume was calculated according to Ueda's method, and the correlation of this calculated ratio and the degree of extrahepatic distribution of sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid (spleen to liver, and bone marrow to liver activity ratio) was examined. Most cases of liver cirrhosis and Banti's syndrome showed the increased hepatic arterial blood flow ratio (liver cirrhosis: 43.5+-9.5%, Banti's syndrome 48.8+-4.9%) in contrast with 18.1+-4.6% in normal cases, and its ratio showed much higher values in the presence of portal hypertension manifestations (esophageal varix and ascites). The hepatic arterial blood flow ratio showed increased values in the case of markedly increased extrahepatic activity, e.g. liver cirrhosis, and the correlation of the ratio and extrahepatic activity degree of sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid was significant statistically. From these results, a region of interest angiohepatogram was supposed to be useful for the prediction of the hemodynamic change, as well as, the improvement of diagnostic accuracy with radioisotope in diffuse hepatic disease, especially liver cirrhosis. Moreover, the hemodynamic change of liver, especially the reduction of the effective hepatic blood flow volume via the portal vein was considered to be closely concerned in the mechanism of increased extrahepatic activity of RI colloid in diffuse hepatic disease. (auth.)

  9. Hepatectomia direita por videolaparoscopia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcel Autran C. Machado

    Full Text Available The first application of laparoscopic liver surgery consisted of wedge liver biopsies or resection of peripheral lesions, mostly benign. More recently, reports of anatomic left and right hepatectomy have been seen in the literature. Expertise in some centers has evolved to such an extent that even living related donor hepatectomy has been performed. The aim of this paper is to report a laparoscopic right hepatectomy and describe in detail the surgical technique employed. To our knowledge this is the first case performed in Brazil totally laparoscopically. The surgery followed four distinct phases: complete mobilization of the liver; hilum dissection with encircling of right portal vein and right hepatic artery, caval dissection using linear vascular stapler to divide right hepatic vein and parenchymal transection with harmonic shears and firings of linear staplers are used to divide segmental 5 and 8 branches of middle hepatic vein. The liver specimen was removed by Pfannenstiel incision. Intraoperative blood loss was estimated in 120 ml with no need for blood transfusion. Hospital stay was 5 days. Laparoscopic right hepatectomy is feasible, technically demanding but can be safely accomplished by surgeons who have experience in advanced laparoscopic procedures and open hepatic surgery. In Brazil laparoscopic liver surgery is still in its first years and there is a lack of technical description of this complex procedure.

  10. HIV/hepatitis coinfection in eastern Europe and new pan-European approaches to hepatitis prevention and management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lazarus, Jeff; Shete, Priya B; Eramova, Irina


    ISSUES: HIV/hepatitis coinfection in Europe; WHO European clinical protocols on the management of people coinfected with HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B or C (HBV or HCV); stakeholder recommendations for better HCV services. INTRODUCTION: The increasing availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy...... in countries where the HIV epidemic is driven by injecting drug use. Access to hepatitis treatment for PLWHA and IDUs is still very limited in Europe due to a lack of clear clinical management guidelines for HIV/hepatitis coinfections, high costs and a national failure to recognise hepatitis as a critical...... health issue. DESCRIPTION: In October 2006, the WHO Regional Office for Europe issued protocols for the clinical management of HIV/HCV and HIV/HBV coinfections. They include diagnostic algorithms adjusted for resource availability, and guidelines for the management of patients who do not yet need...

  11. Treatment for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection - Danish national guidelines 2011

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Peer Brehm; Clausen, Mette Rye; Krarup, Henrik Bygum


    is not common in Denmark. The prevalence has not been determined by national surveys, but it is estimated that 10,000-15,000 patients are chronically infected with hepatitis B and 15,000-20,000 with chronic hepatitis C. The majority of patients with HBV infection in Denmark are emigrants from high endemic......The Danish Society of Infectious Diseases and Danish Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology set up a committee in 2007 to produce national guidelines for treatment of viral hepatitis B and C. The 2011 version of the guidelines have been endorsed by the scientific societies and are presented...... for their chronic viral hepatitis. CLINICAL CARE: According to the Danish National Board of Health, patients with chronic viral hepatitis should be followed with regular intervals, at clinics specialized in either infectious diseases or gastroenterology/hepatology. The primary aim is to identify patients...

  12. Fetomaternal Outcome in Acute Hepatitis E

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sultana, R.; Humayun, S.


    Objective: To determine fetomaternal outcome in pregnant women with acute hepatitis E in terms of pregnancy outcome and perinatal mortality. Study Design: Case series. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore, from July 2012 to March 2013. Methodology: Serum samples of 38 patients who presented with jaundice in pregnancy were collected to detect hepatitis E IgM antibodies. Demographics, pregnancy outcome and perinatal mortality was noted in hepatitis E positive cases with cause of complications. Cases with jaundice due solely to any other cause were excluded. Results: Twenty five patients had acute hepatitis E with coexistent acute hepatitis A in 1(4%) patient. Their mean age was 25 years and mean gravidity was 2. Among them, 10 (40%) patients were primigravida followed by gravida two in 7 (28%) cases. Twenty four (96%) patients presented in third trimester of pregnancy and in 1 (4%) pregnancy ended in second trimester missed miscarriage. The mean gestational age was 32 weeks. Twenty one (84%) babies were born alive, among them 18 (86%) were preterm. Perinatal mortality was 26%; contributed by intrauterine deaths and early neonatal deaths in 3 (14%) cases each. Total maternal deaths were 5 (20%), 4 (80%) in postpartum period and 1 (20%) in antepartum period due to fulminant hepatic failure in all cases. Conclusion: Prematurity in newborns and fulminant hepatic failure in mothers are major cause of poor fetomaternal outcome in acute hepatitis E in pregnancy. (author)

  13. Glicinato de cobre: una aproximación a su solubilidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria Elena Tobón Zapata


    Full Text Available Se estudian los isómeros cis y trans del glicinato de cobre, como parte de un proyecto que pretende elaborar un suplemento nutricional con oligoelementos esenciales, considerando los factores que afectan la disolución y por lo tanto, la biodisponibilidad de los complejos. Con el fin de encontrar, en una etapa temprana de la formulación, una relación entre el proceso de disolución y algún parámetro de medida independiente del tamaño de partícula, se evalúan los descriptores: circularidad, diámetro de feret, área, perímetro y dimensión fractal. Los que menor variación presentan son: circularidad y dimensión fractal, esta última puede relacionarse con el proceso de disolución calculando 2 propiedades relacionadas: la dimensión fractal superficial y la dimensión fractal reactiva. Este trabajo demuestra que en los complejos de glicinato de cobre a mayor tamaño de partícula la velocidad de disolución es mayor si existen grietas en la superficie, lo que se evidencia en una dimensión fractal reactiva mayor que .una dimensión fractal superficial.

  14. Correlations of Hepatic Hemodynamics, Liver Function, and Fibrosis Markers in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Comparison with Chronic Hepatitis Related to Hepatitis C Virus. (United States)

    Shigefuku, Ryuta; Takahashi, Hideaki; Nakano, Hiroyasu; Watanabe, Tsunamasa; Matsunaga, Kotaro; Matsumoto, Nobuyuki; Kato, Masaki; Morita, Ryo; Michikawa, Yousuke; Tamura, Tomohiro; Hiraishi, Tetsuya; Hattori, Nobuhiro; Noguchi, Yohei; Nakahara, Kazunari; Ikeda, Hiroki; Ishii, Toshiya; Okuse, Chiaki; Sase, Shigeru; Itoh, Fumio; Suzuki, Michihiro


    The progression of chronic liver disease differs by etiology. The aim of this study was to elucidate the difference in disease progression between chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) by means of fibrosis markers, liver function, and hepatic tissue blood flow (TBF). Xenon computed tomography (Xe-CT) was performed in 139 patients with NAFLD and 152 patients with CHC (including liver cirrhosis (LC)). The cutoff values for fibrosis markers were compared between NAFLD and CHC, and correlations between hepatic TBF and liver function tests were examined at each fibrosis stage. The cutoff values for detection of the advanced fibrosis stage were lower in NAFLD than in CHC. Although portal venous TBF (PVTBF) correlated with liver function tests, PVTBF in initial LC caused by nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH-LC) was significantly lower than that in hepatitis C virus (C-LC) (p = 0.014). Conversely, the liver function tests in NASH-LC were higher than those in C-LC (p blood flow occurred during the earliest stage of hepatic fibrosis in patients with NAFLD; therefore, patients with NAFLD need to be followed carefully.

  15. Genetic determinants of hepatic steatosis in man (United States)

    Hooper, Amanda J.; Adams, Leon A.; Burnett, John R.


    Hepatic steatosis is one of the most common liver disorders in the general population. The main cause of hepatic steatosis is nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), representing the hepatic component of the metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by type 2 diabetes, obesity, and dyslipidemia. Insulin resistance and excess adiposity are considered to play key roles in the pathogenesis of NAFLD. Although the risk factors for NAFLD are well established, the genetic basis of hepatic steatosis is largely unknown. Here we review recent progress on genomic variants and their association with hepatic steatosis and discuss the potential impact of these genetic studies on clinical practice. Identifying the genetic determinants of hepatic steatosis will lead to a better understanding of the pathogenesis and progression of NAFLD. PMID:21245030

  16. Hepatic hypervitaminosis A: a familial observation. (United States)

    Sarles, J; Scheiner, C; Sarran, M; Giraud, F


    Four siblings with hepatic fibrosis are described. The liver damage in these patients was secondary to chronic ingestion of massive doses of vitamin A for congenital ichthyosis. Although the extrahepatic manifestations were helpful in the diagnosis of hypervitaminosis A, the distinctive features of hepatic histopathology were confirmatory. The plasma concentrations of vitamin A and retinol-binding protein were misleading. The recovery from the liver damage in these patients was slow despite a complete withdrawal of the vitamin A intake. These cases show the importance of hepatic vitamin A assessment in the diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis.

  17. Congenital syphylitic hepatitis: a case report with multiple imaging modalities (syphilitic hepatitis)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heyman, S; Rosenberg, H K; Mandell, G A; Golden, D A


    A case of syphilitic hepatitis is described with no evidence of mass effect on the ultrasonic and computerized tomographic study, but with discrete areas of decreased uptake on liver scan suggestive of space-occupying lesion. This is the second instance in the literature of the incongruence of the liver scan and the other imaging modalities in syphilitic hepatitis.

  18. Congenital syphylitic hepatitis: a case report with multiple imaging modalities (syphilitic hepatitis)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heyman, S.; Rosenberg, H.K.; Mandell, G.A.; Golden, D.A.


    A case of syphilitic hepatitis is described with no evidence of mass effect on the ultrasonic and computerized tomographic study, but discrete areas of decreased uptake on liver scan suggestive of space-occupying lesion. This is the second instance in the literature of the incongruence of the liver scan and the other imaging modalities in syphilitic hepatitis. (orig.)

  19. Representações sociais sobre cirrose hepática alcoólica elaboradas por seus portadores Representaciones sociales sobre cirrosis hepática alcohólica elaboradas por sus portadores Social representations on alcoholic liver cirrhosis elaborated by its carriers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edilma Gomes Rocha


    Full Text Available O abuso do álcool pode levar à cirrose hepática alcoólica, problema de saúde pública e de alto custo social. Objetivou-se apreender as representações sobre cirrose hepática alcoólica elaboradas por seus portadores. Metodologia: estudo descritivo, exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa desenvolvido em duas instituições públicas no município de Fortaleza-CE. Participaram quinze sujeitos com diagnóstico de cirrose hepática alcoólica. Aplicou-se entrevista semi-estruturada, e foi utilizada técnica de análise de conteúdo temática. Resultados : Emergiram cinco categorias, porém apresentaremos três: Concepções sobre cirrose, Percepções sobre cirrose e Conseqüências da cirrose, que evidenciaram a cirrose representada como doença que destrói e causa morte. A vivência é permeada por dificuldades, principalmente sócio-econômicas e emocionais. Conclusões: Faz-se necessária uma mudança de atitude do profissional de saúde, para humanizar o cuidado e assim minimizar o sofrimento destes pacientes.El abuso del alcohol puede llevar a cirrosis hepática alcohólica, problema de salud pública y de alto costo social. Intentó aprehender las representaciones sobre cirrosis hepática alcohólica elaboradas por sus portadores. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, con abordaje cualitativo desarrollado en dos instituciones públicas en el municipio de Fortaleza-CE (Brasil. Participaron quince sujetos con diagnóstico de cirrosis hepática alcohólica. Aplicó entrevista semiestructurada y fue utilizada la técnica de análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: Se construyeron cinco categorías, pero presentaremos tres: Concepciones sobre cirrosis, Percepciones sobre cirrosis y Consecuencias de la cirrosis, que evidenciaron la cirrosis representada como una enfermedad que destruye y causa la muerte. La vivencia es traspasada por dificultades, sobre todo, socioeconómicas y emocionales. Conclusiones: Es necesario un

  20. Hepatitis C in haemorrhagic obstetrical emergencies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khaskheli, M.; Baloch, S.


    Objective: To determine the maternal health and fetal outcome in hepatitis C with obstetrical haemorrhagic emergencies. Study Design: An observational study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit-I, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences Hospital, Hyderabad, Sindh, from January 2009 to December 2010. Methodology: All the women admitted during the study period with different obstetrical haemorrhagic emergencies were included. On virology screening, hepatitis C screening was done on all. The women with non-haemorrhagic obstetrical emergencies were excluded. Studied variables included demographic characteristics, the nature of obstetrical emergency, haemorrhagic conditions and maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. The data was analyzed on SPSS version 20. Results: More frequent obstetrical haemorrhagic emergencies were observed with hepatitis C positive in comparison with hepatitis C negative cases including post-partum haemorrhage in 292 (80.88%) and ante-partum haemorrhage in 69 (19.11%) cases. Associated morbidities seen were disseminated intravascular coagulation in 43 (11.91%) and shock in 29 (8.03%) cases with hepatitis C positive. Fetal still birth rate was 37 (10.24%) in hepatitis C positive cases. Conclusion: Frequency of maternal morbidity and mortality and perinatal mortality was high in obstetrical haemorrhagic emergencies with hepatitis C positive cases. (author)

  1. Hepatic venous pressure gradients measured by duplex ultrasound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tasu, J.-P.; Rocher, L.; Peletier, G.; Kuoch, V.; Kulh, E.; Miquel, A.; Buffet, C.; Biery, M.


    AIMS: The hepatic venous pressure gradient is a major prognostic factor in portal hypertension but its measurement is complex and requires invasive angiography. This study investigated the relationship between the hepatic venous pressure gradient and a number of Doppler measurements, including the arterial acceleration index. METHOD: We measured the hepatic venous pressure gradient in 50 fasting patients at hepatic venography. Immediately afterwards, a duplex sonographic examination of the liver was performed at which multiple measurements and indices of the venous and arterial hepatic vasculature were made. RESULTS: Hepatic arterial acceleration was correlated directly with the hepatic venous pressure gradient (r = 0.83, P -2 provided a positive predictive value of 95%, a sensitivity of 65% and a specificity of 95% for detecting patients with severe portal hypertension (hepatic venous pressure gradient > 12 mmHg). A correlation between the hepatic venous pressure gradient and the congestion index of the portal vein velocity (r = 0.45,P = 0.01) and portal vein velocity (r = 0.40,P = 0.044), was also noted. CONCLUSION: Measuring the hepatic arterial acceleration index may help in the non-invasive evaluation of portal hypertension. Tasu, J.-P. et al. (2002)

  2. [Autoimmune hepatitis]. (United States)

    Färkkilä, Martti


    Autoimmune hepatitis is chronic liver disease with two subtypes, type 1 with anti nuclear or smooth muscle antibodies and type 2 with LKM1 or LC1 antibodies, and both with hypergammaglobulinemia and typical histology. Prevalence of AIH is between 10 to 17 per 100000 in Europe. Up to 20-40 % of cases present with acute hepatitis. Budesonide can be used as a first line induction therapy in non-cirrhotic patients, and tiopurines, mercaptopurine or mycophenolic acid as maintenance therapies. Patients not responding to conventional therapy can be treated with ciclosporin, tacrolimus or rituximab or finally with liver transplantation.

  3. Differential effect of gender on hepatic fat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gilsanz, Vicente [Children' s Hospital Los Angeles, USC, Keck School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, MS 81, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Children' s Hospital Los Angeles, USC, Keck School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Chung, Sandra A. [Children' s Hospital Los Angeles, USC, Keck School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, MS 81, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Kaplowitz, Neil [USC, Keck School of Medicine, USC Research Center for Liver Disease, Los Angeles, CA (United States)


    There are discrepant data on whether men or women have a higher risk for hepatic steatosis. To examine the influence of gender on hepatic adiposity in teenagers and young adults. We measured subcutaneous abdominal fat (SAF), intra-abdominal fat (IAF) and hepatic tissue density (a surrogate measure of hepatic fat) using CT in 505 healthy teenagers and young adults (254 males, 251 females; ages 15-22.9 years). Overall, compared to men, women had higher values of SAF (P < 0.0001) but similar measures of IAF and liver tissue density (P = 0.09 and 0.92, respectively). However, when compared to overweight/obese men, overweight/obese women had strikingly similar IAF values (P = 0.85) but lower hepatic fat (P = 0.009). Multiple regression analyses indicated that, after adjusting for age and SAF, IAF independently predicted hepatic density in males (P < 0.0001) but not in females (P = 0.36). Hepatic fat increased with body mass in males from lean to overweight and obese (P < 0.0001) but not in females (P > 0.05). When compared to overweight and obese young women, overweight and obese young men are at greater risk for hepatic steatosis, independent of IAF. (orig.)

  4. "Hepatitis" - Prevention and management in dental practice. (United States)

    Dahiya, Parveen; Kamal, Reet; Sharma, Varun; Kaur, Saravpreet


    Today, viral hepatitis has become a silent epidemic worldwide. It is the major cause of liver cirrhosis and liver carcinoma. In a dental office, infections can be expedited through several routes, including direct or indirect contact with blood, oral fluids, droplet splatter, aerosols, etc. The aim of the present review is to increase the awareness among dental practitioners, so as to reduce the burden of hepatitis in their community. Electronic databases like PubMed, Medline, ProQuest, etc. were searched using the keywords hepatitis, dentist, liver disease, and infection control. Manual search of various journals and books was also carried out. Only highly relevant articles from English literature were considered for the present review. The results revealed that the dentists were among the high-risk groups for hepatitis, and they have little information on the factors associated with adherence to hepatitis B vaccination. A dentist can play a major role in the prevention of hepatitis by considering each and every patient as a potential carrier of hepatitis. Proper infection control, sterilization, and prophylactic vaccination protocols should be followed in order to reduce the risk of hepatitis.

  5. Portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, POR-006 SKID D storage plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, O.D.; Keller, G.M.


    This document provides a storage plan for portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, AND POR-006 SKID D. The exhausters will be stored until they are needed by the TWRS (Tank Waste Remediation Systems) Saltwell Pumping Program. The storage plan provides criteria for portable exhauster storage, periodic inspections during storage, and retrieval from storage

  6. Hepatitis C performance measure on hepatitis A and B vaccination: missed opportunities? (United States)

    Hernandez, Bridget; Hasson, Noelle K; Cheung, Ramsey


    Prevention of hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) through vaccination is endorsed by all major professional societies. This study was conducted to determine adherence to the recently adopted physician performance measure on HAV and HBV vaccination. This was a retrospective study. Hepatitis A and B serology data and immunization records between 2000 and 2007 from CHC patients with detectable hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA were analyzed. A total of 2,968 CHC patients were included in the study. Of these, 2,143 patients (72%) were tested for susceptibility to HAV, of which 53% had immunity. Of the non-immune patients, 746 (74%) were vaccinated as well as an additional 218 without prior testing. For HBV, 2,303 patients (78%) were tested for immunity and 782 (34%) were immune. Of the susceptible patients, 1,086 (71%) were vaccinated as well as an additional 197 patients without prior testing. The overall vaccination performance measure adherence rate was 71% for HAV, 70% for HBV, and 62% for both HAV and HBV. Random review of 176 charts found the major reasons for non-adherence were missed opportunity (41%), change of health care system (31%), and documented vaccination outside our health care system (22%). Our study found a high and improved adherence to the recommendations, but missed opportunity was still the main reason of non-adherence. This study also supported the strategy of selective vaccination in the veteran population.

  7. Institute of Medicine's Report on Viral Hepatitis

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    In this podcast, Dr. John Ward, Director of CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis, discusses the 2010 report, Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C, from the Institute of Medicine.  Created: 5/18/2010 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).   Date Released: 5/18/2010.

  8. Beleid bij acute hepatitis C en bij prikaccidenten met hepatitis-C-viruspositief bloed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cooreman, M. P.; Weegink, C.; Reesink, H. W.


    Acute hepatitis C is rarely diagnosed, in part because of its usually subclinical course. Infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) has a high chronicity rate, 70-90%. The risk of infection after a needlestick accident with HCV positive blood is 3-10%. There are no efficacious preventive measures

  9. Hepatitis Panel: MedlinePlus Lab Test Information (United States)

    ... this page: Hepatitis Panel To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. What is a Hepatitis Panel? Hepatitis is a type of liver disease. ...

  10. 18F-FAC PET selectively images hepatic infiltrating CD4 and CD8 T cells in a mouse model of autoimmune hepatitis. (United States)

    Salas, Jessica R; Chen, Bao Ying; Wong, Alicia; Cheng, Donghui; Van Arnam, John S; Witte, Owen N; Clark, Peter M


    Immune cell-mediated attack on the liver is a defining feature of autoimmune hepatitis and hepatic allograft rejection. Despite an assortment of diagnostic tools, invasive biopsies remain the only method for identifying immune cells in the liver. We evaluated whether PET imaging with radiotracers that quantify immune activation ( 18 F-FDG and 18 F-FAC) and hepatocyte biology ( 18 F-DFA) can visualize and quantify hepatic infiltrating immune cells and hepatocyte inflammation, respectively, in a preclinical model of autoimmune hepatitis. Methods: Mice treated with Concanavalin A (ConA) to induce a model of autoimmune hepatitis or vehicle were imaged with 18 F-FDG, 18 F-FAC, and 18 F-DFA PET. Immunohistochemistry, digital autoradiography, and ex vivo accumulation assays were used to localize areas of altered radiotracer accumulation in the liver. For comparison, mice treated with an adenovirus to induce a viral hepatitis or vehicle were imaged with 18 F-FDG, 18 F-FAC, and 18 F-DFA PET. 18 F-FAC PET was performed on mice treated with ConA, and vehicle or dexamethasone. Biopsy samples of patients suffering from autoimmune hepatitis were immunostained for deoxycytidine kinase (dCK). Results: Hepatic accumulation of 18 F-FDG and 18 F-FAC was 173% and 61% higher, respectively, and hepatic accumulation of 18 F-DFA was 41% lower in a mouse model of autoimmune hepatitis compared to control mice. Increased hepatic 18 F-FDG accumulation was localized to infiltrating leukocytes and inflamed sinusoidal endothelial cells, increased hepatic 18 F-FAC accumulation was concentrated in infiltrating CD4 and CD8 cells, and decreased hepatic 18 F-DFA accumulation was apparent in hepatocytes throughout the liver. In contrast, viral hepatitis increased hepatic 18 F-FDG accumulation by 109% and decreased hepatic 18 F-DFA accumulation by 20% but had no effect on hepatic 18 F-FAC accumulation (non-significant 2% decrease). 18 F-FAC PET provided a non-invasive biomarker of the efficacy of

  11. Soroprevalência da hepatite B e avaliação da resposta imunológica à vacinação contra a hepatite B por via intramuscular e intradérmica em profissionais de um laboratório de saúde pública Hepatitis B seroprevalence and evaluation of immune response to hepatitis B vaccination using intramuscular and intradermal routes in public health laboratory employees

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Regina Célia Moreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar a prevalência dos marcadores da hepatite B (HBsAg e anti-HBs e avaliar a resposta à vacinação contra hepatite B por via intradérmica (ID em profissionais de saúde que não responderam à vacinação por via intramuscular (IM. MÉTODO: Todos os funcionários do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL foram convidados a participar do estudo. Amostras de soro foram colhidas no momento da administração da primeira dose de vacina (Engerix® B e o HBsAg e o anti-HBs foram pesquisados, utilizando-se kits comerciais (Laboratórios Abbott®. Aos funcionários que não responderam à vacinação convencional (três doses por via IM foram oferecidas doses de 5µg da mesma vacina por via ID. RESULTADOS: Foram envolvidos nesse estudo 404 funcionários do IAL, dos quais dois (0,5% eram HBsAg e 42 (10,5%, anti-HBs reagentes. Dos 360 voluntários com sorologia negativa, 316 (87,8% receberam três doses de vacina (IM e, desses, 259 colheram soros para avaliação pós-vacinal. Do total, 242 (93,4% apresentaram anticorpos acima de 10 UI/L após completarem o esquema inicial. Foram administradas duas doses de reforço, porém sete funcionários permaneceram sem resposta imunológica. A vacinação intradérmica foi realizada em cinco voluntários, e todos produziram anticorpos após a utilização dessa via de administração. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência da hepatite B não foi maior nessa população do que na população geral. A vacinação por via intradérmica pode ser uma boa alternativa na imunização de pessoas que não respondem ao esquema convencional.OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of HBsAg and anti-HBs and to evaluate the response of intradermal hepatitis vaccination in healthcare workers non-responsive to previous repeated intramuscular vaccination. MATERIAL AND METHOD: All of the employees from Instituto Adolfo Lutz were invited to participate on this study. Serum samples were obtained and HBsAg and anti-HBs were detected

  12. Concentraciones plasmáticas de proteína c reactiva en mujeres obesas y no obesas con síndrome de ovarios poliquísticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorly Mejia Montilla


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar las concentraciones plasmáticas proteína C reactiva ultrasensible (PCRus en mujeres obesas y no obesas con diagnóstico de síndrome de ovarios poliquísticos (SOPQ. Se seleccionaron mujeres obesas con SOPQ (índice de masa corporal (IMC > 30 Kg/m2; grupo A, n = 34 y no obesas (IMC 30 Kg/m2; group A, n = 34 and non-obese (BMI < 25 Kg/m2; group B, n = 13 with PCOS were selected. Control group (group C, n = 47 consisted of women with similar age, regular menstruation and normal ultrasonographic ovaries. Concentrations of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, androstenedione, testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, serum glucose, insulin and HsCRP were measured. Obese and non obese women with PCOS had higher luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, androstenedione, testosterone, and insulin levels as compared to women in the control group (p < 0.05. Women in group A had significantly higher levels of HsCRP (4.3 +/- 0.6 mg/L compared with than women in group B (3.9 +/- 0.5 mg/L and group C (3.8 +/- 0.6 mg/L; p < 0.05. There were not significant correlation between HsCRP and values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (r = -0.024 y r = -0.030, respectively; p = ns. However, there was observed significant correlation with values of body mass index (r = 0.314; p < 0.05. It is concluded that there are significant differences exist in plasma HsCRP levels between obese women with PCOS compared non-obese women with PCOS and controls

  13. Effect of Hepatitis B Vaccination in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khokhar, N; Niazi, T. K.; Qureshi, M. O.


    Objective: To assess the effects of hepatitis B vaccination on the antibody titer in patients with chronic hepatitis C and to compare it with response in normal healthy subjects. Study Design: Interventional study. Place and Duration of Study: Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad, Pakistan, from January 2007 to January 2012. Methodology: Hepatitis vaccination (Heberbiovac-HB 20) was given intramuscularly to the patients of chronic hepatitis C (HCV group) and normal healthy subjects (control group) at 0, 1 and 6 months intervals. Anti-HBs titer was determined after second and third injection to assess the antibody response. Results: There were 46 patients in the HCV group and 45 patients in the control group. Mean age was 40.9 A +- 9.8 years in the HCV group and 33.18 A +- 8.35 years in the control group. Weight was 67.04 A +- 13.5 kg in the HCV group and 71.78 A +- 14.63 kg in the control group. Height was 162.45 A +- 9.06 cm in the HCV group and 167.03 A +- 7.83 cm in the control group. Anti-HBs antibody levels after the second injection were 253.89 A +- 76.76 mlU/mL in the HCV group and 245.81 A +- 72.65 mlU/mL in the control group (p=0.172). After third injection, the antibody levels were slightly higher in both groups. Conclusion: In patients with chronic hepatitis C and normal healthy subjects, Heberbiovac HB in standard dosage gave sero-protective levels in both groups and antibody titers were not significantly different in control and HCV group. (author)

  14. Detection and characterization of the hepatitis C virus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    L-J. van Doorn (Leendert-Jan)


    textabstractThe term hepatitis literally means 'inflammation of the liver', Hepatitis can be caused by toxic substances. metabolic disorders or viral infections. Most clinical hepatitis cases have a viral etiology. Viral hepatitis appears to be an ancient disease (Deinhardt, 1991) and has

  15. Viral Hepatitis: Information for Gay and Bisexual Men (United States)

    VIRAL HEPATITIS Information for Gay and Bisexual Men What is viral hepatitis? Viral hepatitis is an infection of the liver caused by one of several ... each virus is spread in different ways. Are gay and bisexual men at risk for viral hepatitis? ...

  16. Prevalencia en México de la infección y el estado de portador de la hepatitis B en adultos Prevalence of hepatitis B infection and carrier status among adults in Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Valdespino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Calcular la prevalencia de infección y estado de portador crónico de la hepatitis B en México. Analizar la frecuencia y distribución de estos marcadores en relación con variables poblacionales y geográficas e identificar los factores de riesgo. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 12 014 sueros seleccionados de forma aleatoria para anti-VHBc y Ag VHBs de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2000. Los sueros se recolectaron entre noviembre de 1999 y junio de 2000 a nivel nacional. RESULTADOS: Las seroprevalencias de anti-HBc y Ag VHBs fueron de 3.3% (IC95% 2.8-3.9 y 0.21% (0.11-0.37. Las RM ajustadas por edad para anti-VHBc son: 15.3 para sujetos de 50 a 59 años en comparación con adultos menores de 29 años; 2.6 para los habitantes del sur del país respecto de los del centro; 4.6 en peones en comparación con patrones; 2.1 en mujeres con antecedente de hijos nacidos muertos; 1.7 en adultos con inicio de relaciones sexuales antes de los 25 años. CONCLUSIONES: El patrón epidemiológico de la hepatitis B en México es bajo según las cifras mundiales. Sin embargo, es preocupante que 1.7 millones de mexicanos han sufrido la infección por este virus y 107 000 padecen del estado de portador crónico.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of chronic hepatitis B infection and carrier status in Mexico; to analyze the frequency and distribution of hepatitis B markers in relation to the demographic and geographic variables and to identify risk factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 12 014 sera samples from the 2000 National Health Survey that were randomly selected for Anti-HBc and HBsAg were studied. The sera were collected between November 1999 and June 2000 on a national level. RESULTS: Seroprevalence for anti-HBc and HBsAg were 3.3% (CI 95%: 2.8-3.9 and 0.21% (0.11-0.37, respectively. Odds ratios adjusted by age for anti-HBc were: 15.3 for subjects 50 to 59 years old as compared with adults less than 29 years of age; 2.6 for residents

  17. Cytomegalovirus Hepatitis During Pregnancy

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    Ying Chan


    Full Text Available Background: Although cytomegalovirus (CMV is an uncommon cause of viral hepatitis during pregnancy, a definitive diagnosis is important because of the potential for congenital CMV. In the case reported here, a diagnosis of hepatitis caused by CMV was made after the more common viral pathogens had been ruled out.

  18. Hepatitis aguda por mononucleosis infecciosa en un varón de 21 años


    Modesto Dos Santos,Vitorino; Da Costa Arruda Jr,Zilcem; De Farias Polcheira,Maira; Da Silva De Souza,Diogo Wagner; Rodrigues Oliveira Santos,Alessandra Maria; Santos Corrêa Da Costa,Marcela


    Un paciente varón de 21 años, fue hospitalizado por fiebre, astenia, cefalea, faringitis, dolor abdominal, pérdida del apetito, vómitos y orina oscura desde tres días antes. El paciente negó uso reciente de medicamentos y cualquier otra droga. Su examen físico reveló ictericia, hepato-esplenomegalia, amigdalitis, adenopatías cervicales anteriores y posteriores, asociadas con edema facial y cervical. Los exámenes de laboratorio mostraron elevación sérica de bilirrubina y enzimas hepáticas (bil...

  19. Prevention of Post Transfusion Hepatitis Employing Sensitive Assay for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Screening(Topics in Transfusion Medicine 1990 : Autologous Transfusion and Post-Transfusion Hepatitis)


    小島, 秀男; 大竹, 幸子; 富樫, 和枝; 石口, 重子; 山田, 恵子; 品田, 章二; Kojima, Hideo; Ohtake, Sachiko; Togashi, Kazue; Ishiguchi, Shigeko; Yamada, Keiko; Shinada, Shoji


    Post transfusion Hepatitis (PTH) is one of serious side effects and some times lead to fulminant hepatic failure in case transfused blood contain very low level (under the sensitivity of usual screening method) of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Redcross blood center and blood transfusion devision of our hospital have been employed reverse passive hemmaglutination method (RPHA) for HBsAg screening. Authors employed EIA for sensitive HBsAg test system and compared with RPHA method. Of 2,255 sera from...

  20. Hepatic angiosarcoma: Presentation of two cases Angiosarcoma hepático: Presentación de dos casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Egea Valenzuela


    Full Text Available Hepatic angiosarcoma is a rare primary tumor of the liver with a mesenchymal origin. Diagnosis is difficult because clinical manifestations and imaging studies are inconclusive. In many cases a diagnosis is obtained during necropsy, not being apparent during the course of disease. It is associated with several risk factors, but these contribute to explaining only a few of all reported cases. When clinical manifestations begin progression is often fast, and possibilities for curative treatment are limited. We report two cases of hepatic angiosarcoma. In the first one, our patient had an insidious initial course, and then suddenly presented with hepatic failure followed by acute respiratory distress. A diagnosis was reached during necropsy. In the second case, we initiated the study of a chronic liver disease using fine-needle aspiration biopsy, which showed findings suggestive of hepatic angiosarcoma. In the following weeks the patient started on a torpid clinic course, and died from multiple organ failure.El angiosarcoma hepático es una neoplasia de estirpe mesenquimal de baja frecuencia y difícil diagnóstico por su forma inespecífica de manifestarse clínica y radiológicamente. Tanto es así que muchos diagnósticos se obtienen mediante necropsia, no siendo posible poner de manifiesto la enfermedad durante su curso. Se asocia a diferentes agentes etiológicos, pero en la mayoría de los casos no es posible establecer una exposición concreta a ninguno de ellos. Cuando comienza a manifestarse, la evolución suele ser rápida y las opciones de tratamiento curativo son escasas. Presentamos en nuestro trabajo dos casos de angiosarcoma hepático. En el primero, el paciente sufre en principio una evolución insidiosa, presentando al fin, y de forma abrupta, un cuadro de insuficiencia hepática seguido de distrés respiratorio, falleciendo por este motivo. El diagnóstico se alcanza en la necropsia. En el segundo caso se inicia un estudio de

  1. Branched-chain amino acids for hepatic encephalopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Als-Nielsen, B; Koretz, R L; Kjaergard, L L


    Hepatic encephalopathy may be caused by a decreased plasma ratio of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) to aromatic amino acids. Treatment with BCAA may therefore have a beneficial effect on patients with hepatic encephalopathy.......Hepatic encephalopathy may be caused by a decreased plasma ratio of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) to aromatic amino acids. Treatment with BCAA may therefore have a beneficial effect on patients with hepatic encephalopathy....

  2. Nonhuman Primate Models of Hepatitis A Virus and Hepatitis E Virus Infections. (United States)

    Lanford, Robert E; Walker, Christopher M; Lemon, Stanley M


    Although phylogenetically unrelated, human hepatitis viruses share an exclusive or near exclusive tropism for replication in differentiated hepatocytes. This narrow tissue tropism may contribute to the restriction of the host ranges of these viruses to relatively few host species, mostly nonhuman primates. Nonhuman primate models thus figure prominently in our current understanding of the replication and pathogenesis of these viruses, including the enterically transmitted hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV), and have also played major roles in vaccine development. This review draws comparisons of HAV and HEV infection from studies conducted in nonhuman primates, and describes how such studies have contributed to our current understanding of the biology of these viruses. Copyright © 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  3. Dopamine agents for hepatic encephalopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Junker, Anders Ellekær; Als-Nielsen, Bodil; Gluud, Christian


    BACKGROUND: Patients with hepatic encephalopathy may present with extrapyramidal symptoms and changes in basal ganglia. These changes are similar to those seen in patients with Parkinson's disease. Dopamine agents (such as bromocriptine and levodopa, used for patients with Parkinson's disease) have...... therefore been assessed as a potential treatment for patients with hepatic encephalopathy. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the beneficial and harmful effects of dopamine agents versus placebo or no intervention for patients with hepatic encephalopathy. SEARCH METHODS: Trials were identified through the Cochrane...... hepatic encephalopathy that were published during 1979 to 1982 were included. Three trials assessed levodopa, and two trials assessed bromocriptine. The mean daily dose was 4 grams for levodopa and 15 grams for bromocriptine. The median duration of treatment was 14 days (range seven to 56 days). None...

  4. Viral hepatitis vaccination during pregnancy. (United States)

    Zhao, Yueyuan; Jin, Hui; Zhang, Xuefeng; Wang, Bei; Liu, Pei


    Viral hepatitis is a serious global public health problem. It is also a common cause of jaundice and gestational complications in pregnant women. Moreover, infected mothers can transmit the virus to their fetus or neonate, which may increase disease burden and decrease quality of life. To date, commercial vaccines have been developed for hepatitis A, B, and E and are available to the general population. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices currently accepts emergency vaccination against hepatitis A and B during pregnancy due to benefits that overweight the potential risks. While there are limited data from trials with limited numbers of samples that suggest the efficacy or safety of hepatitis B and E vaccines in pregnant women, additional data are necessary to provide evidence of vaccination during pregnancy.

  5. Papel de la proteína c reactiva en las enfermedades cardiovasculares Role of C-reactive protein in cardiovascular diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Manzur


    Full Text Available La proteína C-reactiva (PCR, un marcador sensible de inflamación, es un predictor independiente de enfermedad cardiovascular futura (ECV, que es una de las principales causas de muerte en todo el mundo. El papel de la inflamación en esta entidad ha sido bien documentado en la última década, y se ha demostrado inflamación en todas las fases de la aterosclerosis, desde el inicio y el crecimiento, hasta la ruptura de la placa. La PCR es una proteína de fase aguda, altamente sensible como marcador de inflamación general. En estudios experimentales, se ha determinado la presencia de PCR en arterias que presentan lesiones ateroscleróticas. También se ha demostrado que, en forma directa, la PCR induce la producción de otras células inflamatorias y que disminuye la expresión de la óxido nítrico sintetasa. Es decir, desde el punto de vista biológico, la PCR participa en el proceso aterogénico. En adultos, la PCR, detectada con técnicas ultrasensibles (PCRus, se asocia con los factores de riesgo tradicionales y su concentración predice eventos cardiovasculares.C-reactive protein (CRP, a sensitive marker of inflammation is an independent predictor of future cardiovascular disease (CVD, which is one of the main causes of death worldwide. The role of inflammation in cardiovascular disease has been well documented in the last decade, and inflammation has been demonstrated in all stages of atherosclerosis, from its beginning and growth to the plaque rupture. CRP is an acute phase protein, highly sensitive as a marker of general inflammation. The presence of CRP has been determined in experimental studies in arteries with atherosclerotic lesions. It has been demonstrated as well that CRP induces directly the production of other inflammatory cells and decreases the expression of nitric oxide synthase. This means that from the biological standpoint CRP takes part in the atherogenic process. In adults, CRP detected through high sensitive CRP



    C. Masotti; M. O. Lima; A. M. Cruz; G. D. Cruz


    Since the first description of feline hepatic lipidosis occurred in 1977, it becames the most diagnosed liver disease in cats. Several factors have been proposed as causes of disease, and obesity being a predisposing factor. The disease can be considered primary or idiopathic when its underlying cause is unknown, or secondary when there is another concomitant disease lipidosis. Cats with hepatic lipidosis have anorexia usually ranging from several days to weeks and weight loss, followed by ja...

  7. Imaging of hepatic steatosis and fatty sparing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karcaaltincaba, Musturay [Department of Radiology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara 06100 (Turkey)]. E-mail:; Akhan, Okan [Department of Radiology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara 06100 (Turkey)


    Radiology has gained importance in the non-invasive diagnosis of hepatic steatosis. Ultrasonography is usually the first imaging modality for the evaluation of hepatic steatosis. Unenhanced CT with or without dual kVp measurement and MRI with in and out of phase sequence can allow objective evaluation of hepatic steatosis. However, none of the imaging modalities can differentiate non-alcoholic steatohepatitis/fatty liver disease from simple steatosis. Evaluation of hepatic steatosis is important in donor evaluation before orthotopic liver transplantation and hepatic surgery. Recently, one-stop shop evaluation of potential liver donors has become possible by CT and MRI integrating vascular, parenchymal, volume and steatosis evaluation. Moreover hepatic steatosis (diffuse, multinodular, focal, subcortical, perilesional, intralesional, periportal and perivenular), hypersteatosis and sparing (geographic, nodular and perilesional or peritumoral) can cause diagnostic problems as a pseudotumor particularly in the evaluation of oncology patients. Liver MRI is used as a problem-solving tool in these patients. In this review, we discuss the current role of radiology in diagnosing, quantifying hepatic steatosis and solutions for diagnostic problems associated with fatty infiltration and sparing.

  8. Imaging of hepatic steatosis and fatty sparing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karcaaltincaba, Musturay; Akhan, Okan


    Radiology has gained importance in the non-invasive diagnosis of hepatic steatosis. Ultrasonography is usually the first imaging modality for the evaluation of hepatic steatosis. Unenhanced CT with or without dual kVp measurement and MRI with in and out of phase sequence can allow objective evaluation of hepatic steatosis. However, none of the imaging modalities can differentiate non-alcoholic steatohepatitis/fatty liver disease from simple steatosis. Evaluation of hepatic steatosis is important in donor evaluation before orthotopic liver transplantation and hepatic surgery. Recently, one-stop shop evaluation of potential liver donors has become possible by CT and MRI integrating vascular, parenchymal, volume and steatosis evaluation. Moreover hepatic steatosis (diffuse, multinodular, focal, subcortical, perilesional, intralesional, periportal and perivenular), hypersteatosis and sparing (geographic, nodular and perilesional or peritumoral) can cause diagnostic problems as a pseudotumor particularly in the evaluation of oncology patients. Liver MRI is used as a problem-solving tool in these patients. In this review, we discuss the current role of radiology in diagnosing, quantifying hepatic steatosis and solutions for diagnostic problems associated with fatty infiltration and sparing

  9. Experimental induction of hepatic lipidosis in cats. (United States)

    Biourge, V C; Groff, J M; Munn, R J; Kirk, C A; Nyland, T G; Madeiros, V A; Morris, J G; Rogers, Q R


    The effect of long-term voluntary fasting on hematologic variables, biochemical profiles, and liver histologic findings was assessed in 15 obese cats (> 40% overweight). Clinical signs and laboratory results consistent with hepatic lipidosis were observed in 12 of 15 cats after 5 to 7 weeks of fasting, and were associated with 30 to 35% reduction of initial body weight. Histologic examination of successive liver biopsy specimens revealed that obesity was not associated with liver parenchymal lipid accumulation, but that fasting resulted in lipidosis in all 15 cats. The long-term fast was associated with an early (after 2 to 4 weeks of fasting) and significant (P hepatic-associated enzyme activities and in total and direct serum bilirubin concentrations. Significant (P hepatic lipidosis, cats appeared to tolerate the fast without other adverse effect. This study confirmed that long-term fasting may induce clinical hepatic lipidosis in obese cats. Fasting appears to induce a syndrome of hepatic lipidosis that is indistinguishable from feline idiopathic hepatic lipidosis and may be an appropriate model to study the pathophysiologic features and treatment of hepatic lipidosis.

  10. Incidencia del virus C de la hepatitis en pacientes en hemodiálisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reinaldo Pedro Rodríguez Beyris


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 107 pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica terminal, tratados periódicamente con hemodiálisis en el Servicio de Hemodiálisis del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, de enero a junio del 2012, quienes habían recibido al menos 3 transfusiones sanguíneas y además presentaban el virus de la hepatitis C -- confirmado por el método inmunoenzimático de ELISA --, a fin de caracterizarles y determinar en ellos la morbilidad de dicho virus. En la investigación se obtuvo una preponderancia del sexo masculino (53,0 %, el grupo etario de 45-54 años (30,0 % y la nefropatía hipertensiva como causa de insuficiencia renal crónica (50,5 %; además, se realizaron menos de 3 transfusiones en 48 pacientes (51,0 %. El virus de la hepatitis C mantenía una alta morbilidad en los pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica terminal que recibieron tratamiento hemodialítico en este Servicio de Hemodiálisis.

  11. Three Cases of Radiation-Induced Hepatitis B Virus Reactivation after Hepatic Tomotherapy: Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kong, Moon Kyoo; Hong, Seong Eon; Kim, Byung Ho; Choi, Jin Hyun [Kyung Hee University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Radiation-induced liver disease (RILD) has been characterized as a veno-occlusive disease with anicteric elevation of alkaline phosphatase (ALP). However, some RILD patients present with elevated transaminase levels rather than with anicteric elevation of ALP, and these findings are common in the Asia-Pacific region where hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is associated with 70-90% of hepatocelluar carcinoma (HCC) cases. In addition, the development of RILD is more common in patients with hepatitis B virus-related HCC. These findings indicate that susceptibility to RILD might be different in HBV carriers and non-carriers, and moreover, RILD in patients with HBV-related HCC might be associated with another unique pathogenesis such as HBV reactivation. However, HBV reactivation after hepatic irradiation has been reported in only a few studies. This study reports three cases of HBV reactivation after hepatic tomotherapy for management of HCC.

  12. Three Cases of Radiation-Induced Hepatitis B Virus Reactivation after Hepatic Tomotherapy: Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kong, Moon Kyoo; Hong, Seong Eon; Kim, Byung Ho; Choi, Jin Hyun


    Radiation-induced liver disease (RILD) has been characterized as a veno-occlusive disease with anicteric elevation of alkaline phosphatase (ALP). However, some RILD patients present with elevated transaminase levels rather than with anicteric elevation of ALP, and these findings are common in the Asia-Pacific region where hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is associated with 70-90% of hepatocelluar carcinoma (HCC) cases. In addition, the development of RILD is more common in patients with hepatitis B virus-related HCC. These findings indicate that susceptibility to RILD might be different in HBV carriers and non-carriers, and moreover, RILD in patients with HBV-related HCC might be associated with another unique pathogenesis such as HBV reactivation. However, HBV reactivation after hepatic irradiation has been reported in only a few studies. This study reports three cases of HBV reactivation after hepatic tomotherapy for management of HCC.

  13. Differential effect of gender on hepatic fat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gilsanz, Vicente; Chung, Sandra A.; Kaplowitz, Neil


    There are discrepant data on whether men or women have a higher risk for hepatic steatosis. To examine the influence of gender on hepatic adiposity in teenagers and young adults. We measured subcutaneous abdominal fat (SAF), intra-abdominal fat (IAF) and hepatic tissue density (a surrogate measure of hepatic fat) using CT in 505 healthy teenagers and young adults (254 males, 251 females; ages 15-22.9 years). Overall, compared to men, women had higher values of SAF (P 0.05). When compared to overweight and obese young women, overweight and obese young men are at greater risk for hepatic steatosis, independent of IAF. (orig.)


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    Full Text Available La Resistencia Sistémica Adquirida (RSA protege a la planta de una infección secundaria por patógenos biotróficos, necrotróficos y hemibiotróficos. La inducción de RSA ocurre en dos etapas, en una primera la planta reconoce el patógeno e induce las respuestas locales de defensa a través de cascadas de señalización que conllevan a la acumulación intracelular de Ácido Salicílico (AS. Esta acumulación induce el aumento de los niveles de Especies Reactivas del Oxígeno (ERO y expresión de genes relacionados a la patogenicidad (rp. Esta respuesta local promueve la segunda etapa de RSA: inducción de resistencia en el tejido sistémico alejado del punto de infección. Se cree que el Salicilato de Metilo (SaMe, algunas Quinasas Activadas por Mitógenos (QAM y el Oxido Nítrico (ON, entre otros, pueden tener un papel relevante como señales inductoras de la resistencia sistémica. En la RSA hay una estrecha relación entre el AS, el Ácido Jasmónico (AJ, las auxinas, el etileno y las proteínas RP1 y NPR1. La presente revisión describe los avances en el entendimiento de la señalización molecular para la inducción de la RSA mediada por el AS.Resistência Sistêmica Adquirida (RSA confere uma proteção duradoura contra infecções secundárias causadas por patógenos biotróficos, necrotróficos e hemibiotróficos. RSA é induzida em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa, a planta reconhece o patógeno e induz uma resposta local através de uma cascata de sinais que termina com a acumulação intracelular de Ácido Salicílico (AS. O acúmulo de AS induz um aumento das Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio (ERO e a expressão de genes relacionados a patogênese (rp. Na segunda etapa, esta resposta local induz uma resistência a longa distância contra patógenos, em tecidos não infectados. Tem sido proposto que moléculas como o Salicilato de Metila (SaMe, algumas Quinases Ativadas por Mitógenos (QAM e o Óxido Nítrico (ON, entre outros

  15. Design and implementation of an Inverse Neural Network Controller applied To VSC Converter for active and reactive Power Flow, based on regions of work

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Guillermo Guarnizo Marin


    Full Text Available Los Convertidores de Fuente de Tensión (VSC son usualmente usados con inversores o convertidores en sistemas de transmisión de Alta Tensión de Corriente Continua (HVDC. Una característica fundamental de los sistemas VSC es que permiten de manera independiente el control del flujo de potencia activa y reactiva por medio de diferentes técnicas de control. Los VSC presentan comportamientos no lineales y son sistemas de múltiples entradas y múltiples salidas, por lo que controladores no lineares pueden ser usados para obtener una respuesta de control adecuada. El Control Neuronal Inverso es una alternativa de control inteligente, donde no es necesario tener un modelo matemático del sistema a controlar, y a su vez es capaz de identificar incertidumbres y comportamientos no lineales, típicos en un sistema VSC. En este artículo, se presenta el diseño, simulación y posterior implementación de un Control Neuronal Inverso aplicado al control de la potencia activa y reactiva de un sistema VSC. Inicialmente, es presentado el control en simulación, donde es evaluado el comportamiento del sistema usando un controlador MIMO para el control de los dos parámetros al mismo tiempo. Posteriormente, se realiza la implementación del controlador en el sistema real y se presentan los problemas observados en la implementación. Esto conduce a la implementa un Controlador Modular Neuronal Inverso, cuyos módulos se entrenan y activan dependiendo de la región de trabajo del VSC.

  16. Genetic determinants of hepatic steatosis in man


    Hooper, Amanda J.; Adams, Leon A.; Burnett, John R.


    Hepatic steatosis is one of the most common liver disorders in the general population. The main cause of hepatic steatosis is nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), representing the hepatic component of the metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by type 2 diabetes, obesity, and dyslipidemia. Insulin resistance and excess adiposity are considered to play key roles in the pathogenesis of NAFLD. Although the risk factors for NAFLD are well established, the genetic basis of hepatic steatos...

  17. Institute of Medicine's Report on Viral Hepatitis

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    In this podcast, Dr. John Ward, Director of CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis, discusses the 2010 report, Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C, from the Institute of Medicine.

  18. Diabetes and hepatitis C : A two-way association

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara Salehi Hammerstad


    Full Text Available Diabetes and hepatitis C infection are both prevalent diseases worldwide, and are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Most studies, but not all, have shown that patients with chronic hepatitis C are more prone to develop type 2 diabetes compared to healthy controls, as well as when compared to patients with other liver diseases including hepatitis B. Furthermore, epidemiological studies have revealed that patients with type 2 diabetes may also be at higher risk for worse outcomes of their hepatitis C infection, including reduced rate of sustained virologic response, progression to fibrosis and cirrhosis, and higher risk for development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Moreover, hepatitis C infection and mainly its treatment, interferon α, can trigger the development of type 1 diabetes. In this review we discuss the existing data on this two-way association between diabetes and hepatitis C infection with emphasis on possible mechanisms. It remains to be determined whether the new curative therapies for chronic hepatitis C will improve outcomes in diabetic hepatitis C patients, and conversely whether treatment with Metformin will reduce complications from HCV infection. We propose an algorithm for diabetes screening and follow-up in hepatitis C patients.

  19. Response to hepatitis A and B vaccination in patients with chronic hepatitis C: 8-year follow-up. (United States)

    Kalyoncu, Derya; Urganci, Nafiye


    In patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC), superinfection with hepatitis A (HAV) or B (HAB) viruses is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. The seroconversion rate of these patients following vaccination is considered to be lower than in healthy subjects. To evaluate the response to HAV and HBV vaccination in children with CHC. Thirty patients with CHC aged from 7.3 to 18 years were compared with 50 healthy age-, gender- and body-mass-index-matched controls. Post-vaccination serological evaluation was performed 1 month after the last dose of primary vaccination, 1 month after the booster dose and once a year during follow-up. Twenty-two patients received hepatitis A vaccine and response rate was 95.4%. Thirty patients received hepatitis B vaccine and 80% responded (hepatitis Bs titres ≥10 mIU/ml). Thirty-five controls received hepatitis A vaccine and protective anti-HAV antibodies developed in all. All of the controls were vaccinated against hepatitis B virus and 90% responded. After the whole vaccination series, overall seroprotection rates were 86% in patients and 96% in controls. No significant reduction in antibody response was observed in patients or controls during 8-years follow-up. The rate of seroconversion to the HBV vaccine is lower in patients with CHC than in healthy controls but response to HAV is adequate.

  20. Regulatory mechanisms of viral hepatitis B and C

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. Of all the hepatitis viruses, only the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) cause chronic hepatitis, which can progress to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In this review, we discuss how these two biologically diverse viruses use common pathways to induce oxidative stress and activation of key ...