
Sample records for gasforbrugende apparater projektrapport

  1. Measuring equipment and regulation of gas consuming appliances. Requirements for measuring equipments and regulation of gas consuming appliances; Maeleudstyr og indregulering af gasforbrugende apparater. Krav til maeleudstyr og indregulering af gasforbrugende apparater. Projektrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andersen, H.


    Regulation of gas consuming appliances has so far been regarded as a banality. However, during recent years a number of misunderstandings have arisen in this area. The load to which a gas consuming appliance should be regulated under practical conditions is often unclear. By way of example may be mentioned that the factory typically set the load using G20 reference gas (pure methane). Under practical Danish conditions the load (with Danish natural gas) is approx. 2% higher than the load set from the factory. This report focuses on the problems with varying gas composition in relation to regulation of gas consuming appliances. Furthermore, a number of unclear points concerning measuring equipment are dealt with. The report aims at offering suggestions for practical solutions. (BA)

  2. Projektrapport Delprojekt Rekruttering og Profilering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenørn, Torben; Morell, Tove Nørgaard


    Denne rapport er udarbejdet som afsluttende projektrapport for delprojektet Rekruttering og profilering (R&P), som i perioden 1.3.2010 til 28.02 2013 har været en del af projektet Energi på havet. Offshore Center Danmark har været projektleder på Energi på havet. Projekt Energi på havet er finans...

  3. OPVent projektrapport – 2015

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Overgaard, Anders; Overgaard, Søren; Frich, Lars Henrik

    Gentofte Hospital. Under mock-up operationer med en patient-dukke undersøgte vi betydningen af ventilationssystemet på operationsstu-en. Således blev der i løbet af 11 forsøgsdage gennemført i alt 2x 16 simulerede hoftealloplastik operationer på stuer med hhv. LAF og TAF ventilation. Halvdelen af forsøgene...

  4. Energy Renovation of a Typical Danish Single-family House

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tommerup, Henrik M.; Svendsen, Svend


    In 2006, new tighter energy performance requirements were introduced in Denmark for both new buildings and renovation, including a new classification system for low energy buildings. These demands are based on the directive on Energy Performance of Buildings, the EPBD (2002/91/EC). In general the...... available on the internet:

  5. Overnatningsbranchen - en analyse af Airbnb, hoteller og vandrerhjem i Danmark


    Ilhan, Mustafa; Saeed, Haider; Keller, Jesper Mikkel; Behrsin, Lasse Alexander


    I denne projektrapport arbejdes der med overnatningsbranchen, med fokus på hoteller og vandrerhjems påvirkning af internet platformen Airbnb, i Danmark. Dette projekt basere sig på to kvantitative undersøgelser, som har til formål at skabe en dybere viden omkring markedet og dets kunder. Dette projekt vil gennem en markedsanalyse, undersøge hvilke faktorer for markedet som spiller til fordel for både overnatningsbranchen og Airbnb. Der vil med udgangspunkt i analyseværktøjerne Porters Five Fo...

  6. Noise as a Public Health Problem: Proceedings of the International Congress (4th) Held at Turin (Italy) on June 21-25, 1983. Volume 1. (United States)


    which it is the constant, albeit unwelcome companion . Rapid, tempestuous industrialisation in Italy, particularly since the war, has quickly raised the...Mandaliev, A., 1973. Issledovanie vlijanija suma na sluhoroi apparat arterialnoe davlenic i nervruja sistema rabocih tekstilnoi promyslennosti

  7. Et casestudie af Dansk Kvindesamfund


    Palvig, Maria Kinch; Petersen, Sisse Charlotte; Nederskov, Sara Alexie Noomi


    Nærværende projektrapport har til formål at analysere organisationen Dansk Kvindesamfund og kortlægge de dertilhørende diskurser fra henholdsvis 1970’erne og 2012. Som et led i diskursanalysen bliver Faircloughs begreber fra Kritisk Diskursanalyse brugt til at kortlægge diskursen fra 1970’erne, som er skitseret i Dahlerups værk Rødstrømperne. Organisationsanalysen tager udgangspunkt i Frankel og Schmidts Organisationsanalyse. Her vil de bærende elementer i analysen være struktur og intern kom...

  8. Visualizing a complete Siphoviridae member by single-particle electron microscopy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bebeacua, Cecilia; Lai, Livia; Vegge, Christina Skovgaard


    Tailed phages are genome delivery machines exhibiting unequaled efficiency acquired over more than 3 billion years of evolution. Siphophages from the P335 and 936 families infect the Gram-positive bacterium Lactococcus lactis using receptor-binding proteins anchored to the host adsorption apparat...

  9. Elforbrug til IKT

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gram-Hanssen, Kirsten; Larsen, Troels Fjordbak; Christensen, Toke Haunstrup

    I denne rapport opstilles to scenarier for elforbruget til informations- og kommunikationsteknologi (TV, DVD,  pillekonsoller, PC, printere, forskellige former for radioer samt alle former for telefoner mv.) i 2015 på baggrund af antagelser om, at såvel bestanden af apparater som brugen af...

  10. Gennem kendskab til venskab:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederichsen, Kim

    En undersøgelse af sovjetisk kulturdiplomati i Danmark med særlig fokus på virksomheden i den dansk-sovjetiske foreningens aktiviteter. Herudover en gennemgang af det sovjetiske apparat for kulturdiplomati og finansieringen af virksomheden. Byggede primært på danske forenings- og privatarkiver....

  11. Duer ikke! Væk!: En undersøgelse af individets fremtoning og adfærd på Tinder.


    Vognsen, Karen Marie Veje; Hansen, Nick Krarup; Sloth, Andreas; Oftebro-Svendsen, Kristoffer; Bannebjerg, Laura Emilie


    Denne projektrapport behandler emnerne 'Individets adfærd og relations-dannelse' på det sociale medie 'Tinder'. Med afsæt i en række udvalgte teoretikere, har vi undersøgt, hvorvidt tinder giver brugerne anledning til en overfladisk adfærd. Derudover har vi set nærmere på Tinders system og opbygning, og undersøgt hvordan disse påvirker brugerne, når de møder hinanden for første gang. Projektet anvender både primær og sekundær data, samlet gennem litteratur, kvalitative og kvantitative metoder...

  12. Extending the Versatility of Chemical Microchips by Improved Integration of Functional Elements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Snakenborg, Detlef


    Ideen bag Lab-on-a-chip systemer er at integrere alle nødvendige funktioner for udførelsen af en komplet biokemisk analyse i et enkelt apparat. Efter næsten to årtiers forskning er antallet af tilgængelige teknologier der kombinerer de forskellige kerne funktioner, såsom mikrofluid håndtering, pr...

  13. Energy efficient maintenance. Project report; Energioptimerende vedligehold. Projektrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bjerg, J. (Center for Drift og Vedligehold, Frederici (Denmark)); Dam Wied, M.; Skjershede Nielsen, P.; Holt, J. (NRGi Raadgivning A/S, Aarhus (Denmark)); Dam, M. (Energi Horsens, Horsens (Denmark)); Holk Lauridsen, V. (Teknologisk Institut, Energieffektivisering og Ventilation, Taastrup (Denmark))


    Together with four case companies, the project developed and tested a model for energy-efficient maintenance. In each of the companies, the model was adjusted through a cooperation process aiming at combining energy optimisation and maintenance as part of specific production optimisation. When correctly planned, energy-efficient maintenance is interesting for all companies. An overall solution was made, which can facilitate major energy savings and production efficiency improvement. (LN)

  14. Filtreringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moos, Henriette; Marstal, Henrik


    Filtreringer er en kulturhistorisk funderet gennemgang af elektronikkens indmarch i musikken i 1900-tallet. Den spænder fra ingeniørernes mærkelige apparater i begyndelsen af århundredet over de klassiske avantgardister og progressive pop-, rock- og funkmusikere til den nyere hip hop, house og te...... The Beatles, mellem John Cage og Brian Eno og mellem techno og en række elektroniske komponister....

  15. Finančná analýza podniku Choceňská mlékárna, s.r.o.


    Zigo, Michal


    The bachelor thesis assesses a financial position of the company Choceňská mlékárna, s.r.o. with the help of financial analysis tools such as horizontal and vertical analyses, parallel and pyramidal system of financial ratios, creditworthy and bankruptcy models, and economic value added in the horizon of five years. Theoretical-methodological part describes the financial analysis as a tool for an assessment of the financial position of the company and it further defines the evaluation apparat...

  16. TYPISK FOODIE : Projektrapport för skapandet av magasinet FOODIE


    Blom, Madeleine; Jernfält, Frida


    This report discusses typography and image connected to the creation of the food magazine FOODIE. Based on the research that is now available on typography we ask questions about why research on readability is overrepresented in this area? We are putting typography in a context of semiotics, denotation and connotation and based on that we put together a magazine that appeal to and influence the specific target group that is discussed in the end the report. The report is dealing with scientifi...

  17. Beacon-teknologi - fremtidens kundebehandling eller en trussel for personvernet?


    Jyrkinen, Anna; Kamås, Kamilla


    Smarttelefoner har blitt en naturlig del av våre liv. Alt man gjør på smarttelefonen, blir lagret som såkalte “big data”. Dette er verdifull informasjon for bedrifter, da de får mer detaljert bilde av hva forbrukere ser, eller holder på med i det virkelige liv. Det kan oppstå et dilemma ved hvor langt selskapene er villige til å strekke seg, for å samle inn informasjon om sine kunder. Beacons er en ny teknologiform og fungerer via små apparater som kommuniserer med kunder gjenn...

  18. Seasonal snow storage for space and process cooling


    Skogsberg, Kjell


    Kylanvändningen i världen har ökat markant de senaste decennierna. Detta beror bl.a. på ökande befolkningsmängd, industrialisering och komfortkrav samt fler elektriska apparater. De senaste decenniernas byggnadsutformning har dessutom i många fall lett till ökade kylbehov. Konventionella kylmaskiner drivs vanligen av el. En alternativ kylteknik är att använda lagrad vinterkyla, t.ex. genom att utnyttja kyla som lagrats i snö- och is. Detta är möjligt i stora delar av världen. Snö/is kan lagra...

  19. Dis-moi quels champignons...


    Lévi-Strauss, Claude


    Nous croyons tous, ou presque, être amateurs de champignons. Paris a donné son nom à la seule espèce européenne cultivée, le champignon figure à nos menus, c’est une « garniture » prescrite de la cuisine d’apparat. Pourtant, interrogez autour de vous, demandez à vos amis le nombre d’espèces connues et consommées par eux : ils vous parleront du champignon de Paris, du cèpe, de la girolle, de la morille, de la truffe. Bien rares ceux qui iront au-delà. Cette attitude timorée envers les champign...

  20. En utvärdering av huvudmonterade displays - En ny uppväckning inom virtuell verklighet


    Ostrow, Alexander


    Tekniken bakom den virtuella verkligheten är nära att komma ut på marknaden igen på ett mer imponerande sätt än förr. Sedan tekniken misslyckades att övertyga publiken på 1990-talet, hade ingen lust att ta det mer på allvar, redan själva termen virtuell verklighet skrämde många och fick därför ett dåligt rykte. År 2012 förändrades allt, när bolaget med namnet Oculus utvecklade en apparat som kallades Oculus Rift. Apparaten var en så kallad huvudmonterad display, som används för att uppleva en...

  1. Therapy by electromagnetic wave of millimeter energy range (EFH-therapy, MRT, IWT). Scientific and practical materials on the use of physical factors in clinical and health resort practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samosyuk, I.Z.; Chukhraev, N.V.; Shimkov, G.E.; Bitson, A.V.


    EHF-therapy method is a principally new method of treatment which is based on the peculiarities in perception by human organism the magnetic radiation of millimeter energy range. Practical use of this method has shown its high therapeutic efficiency at influencing on acupuncture points. This monography is completely devoted to description of EHF-therapy effects on acupuncture points with account of the Chinese reflexotherapy. Apparats of 'MIT' and 'Eleknronika-EHF' series do not provoke any damages in biological structures and refer to the safe class. The proposed scientific and practical materials on the use of physical factors in clinical and health resort practice are edited in addition to the previous monograph under the same title. These materials are of use for physicians of different specializations and listeners of medical advanced courses

  2. Léon Bardalès: Sa vie et son œuvre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilias Taxidis


    Full Text Available Cette étude comprend la présentation et l’édition critique de deux lettres et six poèmes de Léon Bardalès qui fut l’un des dignitaires impériaux byzantins de la fin du XIIIe et du début du XIVe siècle. Pour l’occasion, toutes les données concernant l’auteur et son activité politique et littéraire sont réévaluées conformément aux informations fournies par les lettres que Bardalès a reçues d’épistoliers connus de son époque, comme Maxime Planude, Nicéphore Choumnos et Nicéphore Grégoras. Dans l’édition, les erreurs et fautes d’inattention des éditeurs précédents sont corrigées, et un apparat des sources est ajouté.

  3. Critical Components in Microfluidic Systems for Drug Delivery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bitsch, Lennart


    Formålet med denne afhandling har været at evaluere mulighederne for at anvende mikrofluide systemer til medicinsk behandling. Vi har især fokuseret på sikkerhed i reciprokerende pumper, med henblik på en kontinuer insulin behandling, og har identificeret mikroventiler som værende kritiske......-mikroventil. Sammenlignet med systemer der benytter passive ventiler opnår vi et markant højere sikkerhedsniveau med en drejeventil. Teknologien bygger på konstruktion med bløde inkompressible gummimaterialer, og hårde overflader. Grundlæggende studier af dynamisk friktion mellem gummi og en hård overflade viser...... dreje-mikroventiler med gode pakninsgsegenskaber. De overvejende fordele ved nedskalering af mekaniske systemer er mere kompakte, lavenergi-apparater. Vi har vist muligheden for at lave dreje-mikroventiler med lavt energiforbrug og gode pakningsegenskaber ved konstruktion og test af en demonstrator med...

  4. Appendix report to project report: Coating of pumps; Bilagsrapport til projektrapport 'coating af pumper'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Coating of pumps is a quite new activity. For many years pipes and containers have been coated inside in order to avoid corrosion, but the technology has only been used inside pumps for the last ten years. The technology comes from USA and is originally developed in the space technology industry as an exceptionally durable and corrosion constant coating. The project is a further development of results found in a previous R and D project in which measurements were performed before and after coating two different installations. Both installations showed large efficiency improvements. This project supplements the theory behind losses in pumps with measurements on more pumps. (BA)

  5. Política e Espetáculo: O Papel do Rádio nas Eleições de Uberlândia em 1958

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Regma Maria dos Santos


    Full Text Available On prétend, dans ce text, construire quelques réflexions sur les relations entre les apparats techniques de la modernité, en special la radio, e la formation de personages politiques, comme le candidat à Maire, à la ville de Uberlândia, em 1958, Geraldo Ladeira. Interesse à nous comprendre le discours de ce candidat concilie par la radio et la pratique politique par lui implémentées dans son gouvernement. / Pretendemos, neste texto, construir algumas reflexões sobre a relação entre os aparatos técnicos da modernidade, em especial o rádio, e a formação de personagens políticos, como o candidato a prefeito, na cidade de Uberlândia, em 1958, Geraldo Ladeira. Interessa-nos compreender o discurso desse candidato, mediado pelo rádio e pela prática política por ele implementada em seu governo.

  6. L’adduction d’eau à Dieppe aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles : de l’utile à l’apparat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viviane Manase


    Full Text Available La ville de Dieppe a bénéficié dès le XVIe siècle d’une adduction d’eau particulièrement dense, précoce illustration d’hygiène publique et d’urbanisme. Difficilement mis en place par le fontainier Pierre Toustain, l’aqueduc gravitaire qui sur 6,7 km mena l’eau d’une source abondante jusqu’à la ville subsiste encore en partie. En 1579 il pourvoyait en eau pas moins de seize fontaines publiques soigneusement ornées, brillantes émanations du prestige de la cité. En 1617, une originale fontaine mécanique « en forme de rocher » est édifiée en l’honneur de la venue de Louis XIII. Inspirée par les travaux du célèbre ingénieur dieppois Salomon de Caus, elle charme alors les populations par ses jeux d’eau et ses oiseaux artificiels chantants.From the sixteenth century, the city of Dieppe had an important and well-developed public water system which may be seen as an early illustration of a public health service and as an aspect of town planning. Not without difficulty, a gravitational aqueduct was built by the engineer Pierre Toustain, carrying spring water to the city over a distance of some 6.7 kilometres. Part of this aqueduct still survives. In 1579, the water flowed from no fewer than sixteen decorative fountains, symbols of the city’s prestige. In 1617, an original mechanical fountain ‘in the shape of a rock’ was constructed in honour of a visit to the city by Louis XIII. Inspired by the works of the famous engineer Salomon de Caus of Dieppe, this fountain charmed the population with its dancing waters and artificial singing birds.

  7. Fast, remote read-off for binary scale counters; Lecture rapide a distance d'echelles binaires de comptage; Bystraya peredacha na rasstoyanie pokazanij binarnykh pereschetnykh ustrojstv; Lectura rapida, a distancia, de escalas binarias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brun, J C; Antoine, P; Corbe, G; Schiller, J G; Victor, C [Faculte des Sciences de Paris, Orsay (France)


    The author describes a device for the rapid, remote transfer of the information contained in a 2{sup 20} scaler. Transformation of the parallel number to a series number of one microsecond duration. Application for non-destructive reading of a counter group connected to a scintillation detector with 30 simultaneous channels. (author) [French] L'auteur decrit un dispositif de transfert rapide a distance de l'information contenue dans une echelle de 2{sup 20}. Transformation du nombre parallele en nombre serie d'une microseconde de duree. Application a la lecture non destructive d'un groupe de comptage lie a un ensemble de detection par scintillation a 30 voies simultanees. (author) [Spanish] El autor describe un dispositivo para transferir rapidamente, a distancia, la informacion contenida en una escala de 2{sup 20}. Transformacion de la cifra paralela en cifra serie de un microsegundo de duracion. Aplicacion a la lectura no destructiva de un grupo de contaje unido a un conjunto de deteccion por centelleo de 30 canales simultaneos. (author) [Russian] Opisan apparat bystroj peredachi na rasstoyanie informatsii, soderzhashchejsya v pereschetnoj skheme 2{sup 20}. Prevrashchenie parallel'nogo chisla v serijnoe proiskhodit v techenie mikrosekundy. Primenenie pri normal'noj peredache schetnoj gruppy, svyazannoj s sistemoj detektirovaniya pri pomoshchi stsintillyatsii na 30 odnovremennykh kanalakh. (author)

  8. Magneto-laser-ultrasonic therapy. Scientific materials used in practice. V.4(1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samosyuk, I.Z.; Chukhraev, N.V.; Myasnikov, V.G.; Samosyuk, N.I.


    Contemporary data about the use of magnetotherapy, ultrasound and magnetolaser therapy in resonance energy ranges are presented in this book. Practical methodics of simultaneous and combined use of these physical factors in different branches of clinical medicine (neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology and others) are described. General idea of biological rhythms is given and it is considered as a background of living systems development. Biorhythms are used for determination of 'biological resonance', the optimum correlation between vibrations of the organism and external ones. In such a way the best results of treatment are achieved. Modern principles of the sensitive zone choice, bases of biorhythmic and resonance phenomena are presented. Practical uses of them became more and more important in physiotherapy and acupuncture. Human biological rhythms are taken into consideration during bioresonance treatment. Features of each treatment method are described. Reactions of different organism systems (nervous, hearth and vessel, bone, respiratory systems, internal secretion) on magnetic field influence, obtained treatment effects of magnetotherapy and possible mistakes in treatment are discussed. Special advices on the use of ultrasound therapy and magnetotherapy are given. The most part of magneto-laser-ultrasound therapy uses refers to the new generation of series 'MIT' and 'MIT-11' apparat which combine all three treatment factors

  9. Meniscus and ligament injuries; Meniskus- und Bandlaesionen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Glaser, C.; Trumm, C. [Klinikum Grosshadern der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie (Germany); Scheidler, J.; Heuck, A. [Radiologisches Zentrum Muenchen, Pasing (Germany)


    The knee is one of the major weight-bearing joints and is relatively exposed to trauma. Capsuloligamentous structures are essential to provide joint stability and - in turn - persistent instability bears a risk for osteoarthritis that needs timely and comprehensive diagnosis. Using MRI it may be beneficial to routinely apply (T)SE sequences in all three major planes as a basic protocol and to add additional sequences according to the clinical information available and imaging findings in the basic protocol. Especially fat-suppressed sequences (STIR, T2w/PDw FS TSE) are very useful because they sensitively depict bone marrow edema pattern (BMEP)-like changes. This finding often alerts the reader to - sometimes only discrete - underlying pathologies and may - if found in typical locations - give information about the mechanism of injury and thus lead the radiologist to look for specific concomitant capsuloligamentous, cartilage, and/or meniscal injury. BMEP is quite prominent in contusion injury, whereas often it is but discrete in avulsion lesions. There is extensive literature about the signs, possible pitfalls, and the accuracy of MRI for the diagnosis of specific pathologies such as meniscal tears or cruciate or collateral ligament ruptures. However, combined injuries of more than one structure are frequent and affect the therapeutic approach. Thus, the primary goal of the radiologist is to go beyond the description of any isolated lesion and to give a comprehensive description of (or to reliably exclude) any injury to other structures. A necessary prerequisite to accomplish this is a thorough knowledge of the - in some locations - complex anatomic relationships, pitfalls, and locations where lesions typically occur and where they may be overlooked. (orig.) [German] Das Knie ist vergleichsweise exponiert gegenueber Traumata. Sein Kapsel-Band-Apparat ist ein wesentlicher Faktor fuer die Gelenkstabilitaet. Umgekehrt erhoeht persistierende Instabilitaet das Risiko

  10. Harold J. Berman (1918 ‐ 2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Vesting


    Full Text Available Im 20. Jahrhundert ist eine spezifisch normative Integration der westlichen Zivilisation zusammengebrochen, womit auch die darauf zugeschnittenen Paradigmen ihre Substanz verloren haben. Aus den Symbolen einer großen abendländischen (Rechts-Gemeinschaft wurden flache und abstrakte Nationalismen, aus der Vision einer gerechten Gemeinschaft das Recht von staatsfixierten Sozialingenieuren diesseits und jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs. Zweckmäßigkeit und Praktikabilität, das Herunterbringen des Rechts auf einen Apparat technischer Kunstgriffe, traten an die Stelle grundsätzlicher Rechtsüberzeugungen. A world ends when its metaphor has died. Das sind, leicht zugespitzt, die Kernthesen des Buches, mit dem Harold J. Berman berühmt geworden ist: Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition. In the 20th century, a specifically normative integration of Western civilization collapsed – and in the 20th century all paradigms corresponding to this system lost their meaning. The symbols of a great Western (legal- society regressed into nothing more than shallow and abstract nationalisms; visions of a just community were transformed into the law of nation-focused social engineers on both sides of the iron curtain. Expedience, practicability, and the reduction of law to an apparatus of technical tricks, replaced fundamental legal convictions. A world ends when its metaphor has died. These are the core theories in Harold J. Berman’s book Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition, which made him famous.

  11. Harold J. Berman (1918 ‐ 2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Vesting


    Full Text Available In the 20th century, a specifically normative integration of Western civilization collapsed – and in the 20th century all paradigms corresponding to this system lost their meaning. The symbols of a great Western (legal- society regressed into nothing more than shallow and abstract nationalisms; visions of a just community were transformed into the law of nation-focused social engineers on both sides of the iron curtain. Expedience, practicability, and the reduction of law to an apparatus of technical tricks, replaced fundamental legal convictions. A world ends when its metaphor has died. These are the core theories in Harold J. Berman’s book Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition, which made him famous.Im 20. Jahrhundert ist eine spezifisch normative Integration der westlichen Zivilisation zusammengebrochen, womit auch die darauf zugeschnittenen Paradigmen ihre Substanz verloren haben. Aus den Symbolen einer großen abendländischen (Rechts-Gemeinschaft wurden flache und abstrakte Nationalismen, aus der Vision einer gerechten Gemeinschaft das Recht von staatsfixierten Sozialingenieuren diesseits und jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs. Zweckmäßigkeit und Praktikabilität, das Herunterbringen des Rechts auf einen Apparat technischer Kunstgriffe, traten an die Stelle grundsätzlicher Rechtsüberzeugungen. A world ends when its metaphor has died. Das sind, leicht zugespitzt, die Kernthesen des Buches, mit dem Harold J. Berman berühmt geworden ist: Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition.

  12. Mini/micro cogeneration, basis for installation. Dimensioning, accounting and potential. Project report 1; Mini/mikrokraftvarme, forudsaetninger for installation. Dimensionering, afregningsforhold og potentiale. Projektrapport 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wit, J. de; Iskov, H.


    Cogeneration is quite spread in Denmark. Approx. 50 % of the power supply and 80 % of the district heating supply come from cogeneration. Combined heat and power is produced on both centralized (large) plants and decentralized plants. Decentralized combined heat and power plants (typically based on natural gas) use gas motors or gas turbines for power and heat production. Cogeneration of heat and power saves primary fuels and a directly derived effect from cogeneration is CO{sub 2} emission reduction. If fuels with higher specific CO{sub 2} emission than natural gas (e.g. coal, oil) are substituted, additional CO{sub 2} reduction can be reached. (BA)

  13. Trump's foreign policy: A victory for the deep state

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    Trifković Srđa


    Full Text Available Donald Trump, an outsider who won the Presidency against all odds and predictions, came to the White House apparently determined to chart a new strategic course in foreign affairs. His opponent, Hillary Clinton, was committed to a hegemonistic vision and to specific policies based on the decades-old globalist-liberal orthodoxy. As this paper points out, Trump's 'America First' approach in essence rejected the doctrine of America as a proposition nation, criticized its global engagement, questioned NATO's utility and core mission, advocated rapprochement with Russia, and condemned the regime-change focus of earlier administrations. It further emphasizes that Trump explicitly sought to reaffirm the raison d'état as the guiding principle of foreign policymaking. His biggest problem all along was that the American 'deep state' - key components of the national security apparat, the military-industrial complex, and the bipartisan political duopoly in Washington - rejected any realist criteria in their definition of 'interests' and 'threats.' They were intent on the maintenance of American global primacy, and they proved effective in imposing agenda contrary to Trump's stated positions on all key global issues. At the same time, as this paper documents, Trump himself has been stepping ever farther away from his campaign pledges. It would be incorrect to say that the permanent state has successfully subverted and undermined the chief executive. It would be more accurate, we conclude, to recognize that a mutinous president has tried, and failed, to alter the long-charted global course of the permanent state.

  14. Vietnam: Water Policy Dynamics under a Post-Cold War Communism

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    Adam Fforde


    Full Text Available Vietnam is widely seen as a development success, with rather rapid economic growth and a reported reduced role of the state, yet presents many paradoxes to conventional analytical frameworks. Two of relevance are accounts that stress a combination of a strongly hegemonic regime with weak internal sovereignty in terms of both the internal coherence of the apparat and its interactions with the rest of Vietnamese society, and also associated accounts that deny much role to intentionality in explaining apparent development success. This article will contextualise accounts of political intention and policy development towards water issues in Vietnam through an examination of two main empirics: the evolution of formal policy, understood as documents of the state, as well as of political intention, understood as documents of the ruling Party; and the by now extensive series of 'active' case studies that have examined donor as well as other projects in the sector. It will examine the notion, in the contexts suggested by the Vietnamese experience, that attempts to explain Vietnamese water policy, which have shown a tendency to shift away from assumptions that an analytical framework’s categories may easily and without too much risk be extended across different contexts. Rather, comparisons of Vietnamese experience across contexts will tend, if they are to be persuasive, to shift to the use of languages that reflect ontological fluidity, in that what things mean is expected to change over time, without reference to an imagined transcendental and universal 'real'. In this sense, Vietnamese water policy may be usefully understood as an example of how 'success gives voice to the local'.

  15. Evaluation of the metabolism in rat hearts of two new radioiodinated 3-methyl-branched fatty acid myocardial imaging agents

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    Ambrose, K R; Owen, B A; Goodman, M M; Knapp, Jr, F F


    The biological fate of two new radioiodinated 3-methyl-branched fatty acids has been evaluated in rat hearts following intravenous administration. Methyl-branching was introduced in (15-(p-iodophenyl)-3-R,S-methylpentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) and 15-(p-iodophenyl)-3,3-dimethylpentadecanoic acid (DMIPP) to inhibit ..beta..-oxidation. The goals of these studies were to correlate the effects of methyl-branching on the incorporation of these agents into the various fatty acid pools and subcellular distribution profiles, and to relate these data to the myocardial retention properties. The properties of BMIPP and DMIPP were compared with the 15-(p-iodophenyl)pentadecanoic acid straight-chain analogue (IPP). Differences in the heart retention of the analogues after intravenous administration in rats correlated with differences observed in subcellular distribution patterns. The dimethyl DMIPP analogue showed the longest retention and the highest association with the mitochondrial and microsomal fractions (34%, 38%) 30 min after injection. These data are in contrast to the rapid clearance of the straight-chain IPP analogue which showed much lower relative association with the mitochondria and microsomes (18%, 15%). The distribution patterns of each analogue in the various lipid pools appeared consistent with the expected capacity of the analogues to be metabolized by ..beta..-oxidation. In contrast to the rapid oxidation of the straight-chain IPP analogue, the 3-monomethyl BMIPP analogue appeared to undergo slower oxidation and clearance, whereas the dimethyl-branched DMIPP analogue was apparatently not catabolized by the myocardium. All three analogues showed some incorporation into triglycerides. The metabolism patterns of the branched analogues reported here may provide useful information in the description of the mechanisms by which BMIPP and DMIPP are retained in rat myocardium.

  16. Un système multi-scalaire, ses espaces de référence et ses mondes. L’Atlas Vidal-Lablache

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    Marie-Claire Robic


    Full Text Available À la différence de productions qui lui sont contemporaines, monoscalaires mais ethnocentrées (Levasseur ou cosmopolites (Reclus, ou multiscalaires à emboîtements des niveaux d’échelles (Geddes, l’atlas de Vidal de la Blache a une structure complexe, multiscalaire et polymorphe car il use d’« espaces de référence » différents d’une planche à l’autre. Cette structure est rendue possible par un assemblage iconographique et textuel qui repose sur une unité composite, la planche d’atlas, formant une composition devenue canonique : cartes, cartons, légende. L’étude de l’ensemble du dispositif iconographique et de l’apparat textuel montre que l’ouvrage est multiscalaire à double titre. D’abord parce que, conformément à l’épistémologie vidalienne, chaque région du monde est dotée de ses propres espaces de référence, qui lui donnent sa dimension spécifique. D’autre part parce que la Terre est en principe l’unité de référence ultime, la méta-échelle englobante. Cette méta-échelle recouvre en fait trois « mondes » dissociés, économique, impérial et de la civilisation, formant trois méta-échelles intermédiaires. Au-delà du souci d’universalité, les métropoles de l’un et de l’autre de ces mondes (la France et l’Europe restent centrales dans ce système de représentation.

  17. Autofluorography with an X-Ray Image Amplifier; Autofluorographie a l'Aide d'un Amplificateur d'Images a Rayons X; Avtofl u orografiya s pomoshch'yu usilitelya rentgenovskogo izobrazheniya; Autofluorografia con un Amplificador de Imagen de Rayos X

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ter-Pogossian, M. M.; Eichling, J. O. [Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (United States)


    traitent de l'utilite de ce dispositif pour la visualisation des tumeurs du cerveau, des reins et de la thyroide. (author) [Spanish] La visualizacion de organos que contienen isotopos radiactivos emisores de fotones (rayos X o gamma) de energia comprendida entre 20 y 100 keV aproximadamente, puede lograrse convirtiendo en luz, mediante un amplificador de imagen de rayos X de tipo corriente, la radiacion emitida por el organo. El aparato construido con esta finalidad esta constituido por los siguientes elementos: 1. Un colimador, cuyas caracteristicas vienen determinadas por el poder de resolucion y la distancia a que debe operar. 2. Un amplificador de imagen de rayos X de enfoque electrostatico, que convierte los rayos X o gamma colimados en una imagen optica muy brillante. 3. Un sistema de lentes de gran apertura que proyecta la imagen en la camara mencionada a continuacion. 4. Una camara 'Polaroid' cargada con pelicula rapida (10 000 ASA) de gran contraste. El rendimiento de este aparato para fotones de baja energia es superior al de los exploradores centelleograficos de tipo tradicional. Los autores examinan su utilidad para visualizar tumores cerebrales, renales y tiroideos. (author) [Russian] Vizual'noe nabljudenie organov, soderzhashhih radioaktivnye izotopy, kotorye i z luchajut rentgenovskie kvanty ili gamma-kvanty s jenergijami v predelah ot 20 do 100 kjev, do stiga et sja za schet prevrashhenija radiacii organa v svechenie s pomoshh'ju usilitelja rentgenovskogo izobrazhenija obychnogo tipa. Skonstruirovannyj dlja jetoj celi apparat sostoit iz sledujushhih jelementov: 1 . Kollimatora, harakteristiki kotorogo opredeljajutsja razreshajushhej sposobnost'ju i zh e laemym rabochim rasstojaniem. 2 . Jelektrostaticheskogo fokusirujushhego usilitelja r ent genov skogo izobrazhenija, kotoryj prevrashhaet kollimirovannye rentgenovskie kvanty ili gamma-kvanty v opticheskoe izobrazhenie, imejushhee bol'shuju jarkost'. 3 . Ob{sup e}ktiva s bol'shoj diafragmoj, kotoryj

  18. Study of some properties of bound levels and virtual levels excited with resonance neutrons; Etude de quelques proprietes de niveaux lies et de niveaux virtuels excites a l'aide de neutrons de resonance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alves, R N [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, 91 - Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Many neutron resonance parameters of some nuclei with a spin value I 3/2 ({sup 35}Cl, {sup 37}Cl, {sup 63}Cu, {sup 65}Cu, {sup 197}Au) are determined to find the strength function S{sub 0} with accuracy. For those nuclei, the S{sub 0} value seems not to depend on the spin value J=1 or 2 but could be depend on neutron energy for {sup 197}Au. Total radiative width variation against mass number A and spacing distributions between resonances (for {sup 197}Au) are studied and discussed. Analysis methods of neutron capture experiments are described in detail and level schemes of Cl, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Tm, Hg are presented sometimes with the spin value. Intensities of E{sub 1} and M{sub 1} transitions with direct capture and interference effects are discussed in view of experimental results. (author) [French] On determine les parametres des resonances de quelques noyaux de spin I 3/2 ({sup 35}Cl, {sup 37}Cl, {sup 63}Cu, {sup 65}Cu, {sup 197}Au) en nombre suffisant pour obtenir la fonction densite S{sub 0} avec precision. Cette valeur S{sub 0} apparat pour ces noyaux etre independante de la valeur du spin J=1 ou 2 mais para?t, dans le cas de {sup 197}Au, dependre de l'energie. On etudie et on essaie d'interpreter la variation de la largeur radiative totale {gamma}{sub {gamma}} en fonction du nombre de masse A et les distributions des espacements entre resonances pour {sup 197}Au. On expose en detail les methodes d'analyse des experiences de capture et on presente les schemas des niveaux des noyaux: Cl, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Tm, Hg. Les intensites des transitions de type E{sub 1} et M{sub 1} ainsi que les effets d'interference et de capture directe sont discutes. (auteur)

  19. Influences de la symphonie concertante sur la musique de la Cour parisienne sous l'Empire et la Restauration (1800-1830

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    Dratwicki, Alexandre


    Full Text Available The origins of the very much appreciated "symphonie concertante" can be found in the importance of public concerts given in Paris at the end of the 18th century. The specific repertoire played at the French Court during the years 1800-1830 distinctly shows this vogue for the "symphonie concertante", for it reveals the still unknown importance of virtuosity. Considered as an musical entertainment for the pompous parties at the French Court or as an musical accompaniment for the masses given at the Imperial and Royal Chapel, this "decorative concertant syle" became an essential part of the Regime etiquette during the Napoleonic empire as well as the Restoration period. This music, perfectly incorporated into the official guidelines, will disappear as a consequence of the political events of 1830 and the arrival of a new aesthetic movement, the Romanticism.

    [fr] La vogue du concert public à Paris, à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, fut à l'origine de l'essor phénoménal que connut la symphonie concertante. Le répertoire de la musique de la Cour - entre 1800 et 1830 - est particulièrement représentatif de cette mode : il révèle une place encore insoupçonnée laissée à la virtuosité. Agrémentant les messes de la Chapelle ou les bals donnés lors de fastueuses soirées, ce « style concertant décoratif » devint un élément constitutif de l'apparat gouvernemental sous l'Empire et la Restauration. Une sorte d'académisme officiel que les événements politiques de 1830 et l'essor du romantisme musical feront définitivement disparaître.

  20. Method and apparatus for nuclear logging making use of lithium detectors and equipment for gamma ray stripping; Fremgangsmaate og apparat til nuklear logging med bruk av litiummontasjer og anordning for gammastraalestripping

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perry, C.A.; Daigle, G.A.; Bruck, W.D. [and others


    The patent deals with a borehole logging tool where a pair of spaced-apart lithium detectors is lowered into a borehole traversing a sursurface formation. The formation is irradiated with bursts of neutrons, and the neutrons returning to the borehole are detected by thermal neutron detectors. The dieaway gamma ray spectra provide information on the formation porosity. A MWD system includes a programmable gain amplifier and gamma ray stripping means. 30 figs.

  1. Study of some properties of bound levels and virtual levels excited with resonance neutrons; Etude de quelques proprietes de niveaux lies et de niveaux virtuels excites a l'aide de neutrons de resonance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alves, R.N. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, 91 - Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Many neutron resonance parameters of some nuclei with a spin value I 3/2 ({sup 35}Cl, {sup 37}Cl, {sup 63}Cu, {sup 65}Cu, {sup 197}Au) are determined to find the strength function S{sub 0} with accuracy. For those nuclei, the S{sub 0} value seems not to depend on the spin value J=1 or 2 but could be depend on neutron energy for {sup 197}Au. Total radiative width variation against mass number A and spacing distributions between resonances (for {sup 197}Au) are studied and discussed. Analysis methods of neutron capture experiments are described in detail and level schemes of Cl, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Tm, Hg are presented sometimes with the spin value. Intensities of E{sub 1} and M{sub 1} transitions with direct capture and interference effects are discussed in view of experimental results. (author) [French] On determine les parametres des resonances de quelques noyaux de spin I 3/2 ({sup 35}Cl, {sup 37}Cl, {sup 63}Cu, {sup 65}Cu, {sup 197}Au) en nombre suffisant pour obtenir la fonction densite S{sub 0} avec precision. Cette valeur S{sub 0} apparat pour ces noyaux etre independante de la valeur du spin J=1 ou 2 mais para?t, dans le cas de {sup 197}Au, dependre de l'energie. On etudie et on essaie d'interpreter la variation de la largeur radiative totale {gamma}{sub {gamma}} en fonction du nombre de masse A et les distributions des espacements entre resonances pour {sup 197}Au. On expose en detail les methodes d'analyse des experiences de capture et on presente les schemas des niveaux des noyaux: Cl, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Tm, Hg. Les intensites des transitions de type E{sub 1} et M{sub 1} ainsi que les effets d'interference et de capture directe sont discutes. (auteur)

  2. Willkommen in Panorama Theresienstadt. Kinematographie und Zerstörung in der Stadt namens „Als Ob“ (Lesung H. G. Adlers

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    Irina Sandomirskaja


    fiktiven Werken gelesen wird. Ich werde mich gezielt mit Adlers Auseinandersetzung mit dem Bild und der Bildtechnologie in seinen Romanen Panorama und Eine Reise auseinandersetzen und dabei der Art und Weise, wie er das Verhältnis von Apparat, Erinnerung und Zeugnis ermisst, besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenken.

  3. Development and test of 2 kW natural gas reformers for high and low temperature PEM fuel cells. Project report 2; Udvikling/afproevning af 2 kW naturgasreformere for hoej- og lavtemperatur PEM-braendselsceller. Projektrapport 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wit, J. de [Dansk Gasteknisk Center (Denmark); Bech-Madsen, J. [IRD (Denmark); Bandur, V. [DTU (Denmark); Bartholin, N. [DPS (Denmark)


    The use of fuel cells for combined heat and power generation has advantages as regards technology and usability compared to existing CHP technology. Special characteristics for a fuel cell plant are: 1) It can be constructed in modules over a wide power range, 2) The efficiency is significantly independent of size, 3) It is noiseless, 4) A flexible coupling between power and heat production, 5) As there is no movable parts, long service check intervals can be expected, 6) Low emissions. The fuel for fuel cells is hydrogen and optimal utilization and CO{sub 2} reduction will require a 'hydrogen society'. While waiting for a 'hydrogen society' to arise, it is possible to use central or on-site reformers that convert natural gas to hydrogen. There will be some CO{sub 2} emission connected to energy use. The objective of the present project has been development and test of on-site reformers (fuel processors) for hydrogen supply to respectively high and low temperature PEM fuel cells aiming at use in single family houses. Sulphur cleaning, reformers, and lab-scale coupling with fuel cell KV units have been developed and tested during the project, as well as development and test of periphery equipment. (BA)

  4. Radiant-Heat Spray Calcination Studies; Calcination par Pulverisation et Chauffage Radiant; 0418 0421 0421 041b 0415 0414 041e 0412 0410 041d 0418 042f 041d 0410 041a 0410 041b 042c 0426 0418 041d 0410 0422 041e 0420 0410 0425 0424 041e 0420 0421 0423 041d 041e 0427 041d 041e 0413 041e 0422 0418 041f 0410 0421 041d 0410 0413 0420 0415 0412 0410 041d 0418 0415 041c 0422 0415 041f 041b 041e 0412 042b 041c 0418 0417 041b 0423 0427 0415 041d 0418 0415 041c ; Estudios de Calcinacion por Pulverizacion y Calentamiento Radiante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Allemann, R. T.; Moore, R. L.; Upson, U. L. [Hanford Laboratories General Electric Co., Richland, WA (United States)


    sustitucion de la tobera, calentamiento por induccion del crisol, detectorde radiactividad de] crisol, sistema de tratamiento de los gases de escape (comprendidos el condensador, el depurador y los filtros) tomamuestras de gases de escape, tomamuestras de liquidos, sistema de lavado, instrumentos de precision y metodos de control. Les autores examinan la experiencia adquirida con el funcionamiento de las instalaciones de calcinacion y el equipo auxiliar. Los resultados experimentales expuestos ponen de manifiesto la eficacia de la descontaminacion de los gases de escape, asi como el comportamiento de los principales constituyentes quimicos y de determinados productos de fision. (author) [Russian] Daetsja opisanie processa forsunochnogo kal'cinirovanija s nagrevaniem teplovym izlucheniem dlja otverzhdenija zhidkih othodov, a-takzhe obsuzhdaetsja konstrukcija forsunochnogo kal'cinatora proizvoditel'nost'ju 3,7 l/chas; jetot apparat vkljuchaet nebol'shoj tigel' dlja plavanija, kotoryj mozhet byt' samostojatel'no ispol'zovan v kachestve tigel'noj obzhigatel'noj pechi. Apparat byl skonstruirovan dlja togo, chtoby proverit' vozmozhnost' osushhestvlenija processov kal'cinirovanija na promyshlennoj ustanovke po pererabotke othodov ''Pureks-processa'' so sledujushhih tochek zrenija: osushhestvlenie processa v kachestve edinoj operacii, obrabotka vydeljaemyh gazov, povedenie produktov delenija, harakternye osobennosti kondensata i kal'cinirovannyh othodov. Vsja sistema byla skonstruirovana takim obrazom, chtoby ona pomestilas' v zashhitnuju kameru ploshhad'ju 2,26 h 4,57 m i vysotoj 4,57M', oborudovannuju manipuljatorom. Obsuzhdajutsja sledujushhie voprosy: jelektricheskij nagrevatel' obzhigatel'noj kolonny dlja forsunochnogo kal'cinirovanija; termicheskaja izoljacija kolonny; soplo forsunki; metod zameny sopla; indukcionnyj podogrev plavil'nogo tiglja; detektor radioaktivnosti dlja tiglja; sistema obrabotki vyhodjashhih gazov, vkljuchaja kondensor, skrubber i fil'try; probootbornoe

  5. The Main Technological Characteristics of Apparatus for Industrial Radiochemical Processes, in Particular Ethylene Polymerization; Caracteristique techniques fondamentals des appareils pour l'application industrielle de reactions chimiques sous rayonnement (notamment la polymerisation de l'ethylene ); Osnovnye tekhnologicheskie kharakteristiki apparatov dlya provedeniya radiatsionno-khimi-cheskikh protsessov (v chastnosti, dlya polimerizatsii ehtilena) v promyshlennom masshtabe; Principales caracteristicas tecnologicas de los aparatos para la aplicacion industrial de reacciones radioquimicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Syrkus, N P; Breger, A K; Weinstein, B I [Karpov Physicochemical Institute, Moscow, USSR (Russian Federation)


    , Q {approx} W{sub 0}{sup 0'5}. (author) [Spanish] Se propone un metodo de evaluacion de la efectividad de los aparatos, cualquiera que sea su construccion, comparandola con la productividad de un aparato infinitamente grande que tenga la misma fuente de radiaciones. Se indican las caracteristicas tecnologicas de un aparato destinado a la polimerizacion del etileno mediante radiaciones (a presion de 200 atmosferas y temperatura de 25{sup o} C{sup 4} empleando como fuente principal radiaciones gamma de cobalto-60 a distintas actividades. Se pueden calcular los datos tecnicos de tal aparato segun el valor medio de la intensidad de las dosis, fijado segun la magnitud del coeficiente de rendimiento energetico del aparato. Se indica en el trabajo que, siendo las demas condiciones iguales, la productividad (Q) del aparato es funcion exponencial de la intensidad (W{sub 0}) de las radiaciones gamma del mismo. Para el aparato que se estudia en el trabajo la formula es: Q{approx}W{sub 0}{sup 0'5}. (author) [Russian] V doklade rassmotreny v obshchem vide otdel'nye naibolee vazhnye tekhnologicheskie kharakteristiki apparatov (na primere sfericheskogo apparata) dlya provedeniya radiatsionno-khimicheskikh protsessov v promyshlennom masshtabe. Predlozhen metod otsenki ehffektivnosti apparata lyuboj konstruktsii putem sravneniya s proizvoditel'nost' yu beskonechno bol'shogo apparata, imeyushchego tot zhe istochnik izlucheniya. Priveden raschet tekhnologicheskoj kharakteristiki apparata dlya radiatsionnoj polimerizatsii ehtilena (davlenie 200 atm, temperatura 25{sup o} C{sup 3} so sterzhnevym istochnikom gamma-izlucheni ya Co{sup 60} razlichnoj aktivnosti. Takoj apparat mozhno rasschityvat' po srednim znacheniyam moshchnostej doz, opredelyaemym po velichine ehnergeticheskogo KPD apparata. Pokazano, chto proizvoditel'nost'apparata (Q), pri prochikh ravnykh usloviyakh, yavlyaetsya stepennoj funktsiej moshchnosti (W{sub 0}) gamma-izlucheniya apparata. Dlya rassmotrennogo apparata : Q

  6. At ændre nutiden gennem fortiden – mundtlig historiefortælling i Danmark

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    Lene Andersen


    Full Text Available Mange i dag tænker umiddelbart, at mundtlig fortælling af traditionelle sagn og eventyr mest hører fortiden til. Men inden for de sidste årtier er der opstået en ny interesse for mundtlig historiefortælling i Danmark. De nye fortællere beretter traditionelle sagn og eventyr, men også historier de selv har oplevet eller fundet på, eller historier fra skønlitterære værker. Man får indtryk af, at historiefortælling stadig har en forbindelse til fortiden. De største fortællefestivaler finder sted i historiske omgivelser på museer, og nutidens historiefortællere henviser ofte til fortælletraditionens lange historie, når de taler og skriver om historiefortælling.Hidtil har den nye interesse for historiefortælling ikke været genstand for forskning, men artiklen fremlægger et studie af historiefortælleres syn på fortælling og fortid. Fokus er, hvilke betydninger begreberne nostalgi og autenticitet har for fortællerne. Artiklen bygger primært på interviews med historiefortællere. Fortællerne blev blandt andet bedt om at beskrive, hvordan de umiddelbart forestillede sig, at historiefortælling fandt sted i fortiden. Det er et positivt billede af fortiden, der toner frem, og fortællerne bruger billederne af fortiden som afsæt til at kritisere træk af den moderne levemåde. De kritiserer medierne og de elektriske apparater for at gøre mennesker passive og ødelægge deres nærvær med andre levende mennesker. Ved at genoptage - hvad fortællerne opfatter som - en ældgammel og uddød tradition, ønsker de at skabe nogle oplevelser, som det moderne menneske savner i vore dages samfund. For fortællerne danner fortiden et idealiseret modbillede til nutiden og rummer dermed mulighed for, at fortællerne kan tale om deres idealer og håb for historiefortælling.Changing the Present through the Past - Oral Story-Telling in DenmarkToday, many people spontaneously think that oral transmission of traditional legends and fairy

  7. At ændre nutiden gennem fortiden – mundtlig historiefortælling i Danmark

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    Lene Andersen


    Full Text Available Mange i dag tænker umiddelbart, at mundtlig fortælling af traditionelle sagn og eventyr mest hører fortiden til. Men inden for de sidste årtier er der opstået en ny interesse for mundtlig historiefortælling i Danmark. De nye fortællere beretter traditionelle sagn og eventyr, men også historier de selv har oplevet eller fundet på, eller historier fra skønlitterære værker. Man får indtryk af, at historiefortælling stadig har en forbindelse til fortiden. De største fortællefestivaler finder sted i historiske omgivelser på museer, og nutidens historiefortællere henviser ofte til fortælletraditionens lange historie, når de taler og skriver om historiefortælling.Hidtil har den nye interesse for historiefortælling ikke været genstand for forskning, men artiklen fremlægger et studie af historiefortælleres syn på fortælling og fortid. Fokus er, hvilke betydninger begreberne nostalgi og autenticitet har for fortællerne. Artiklen bygger primært på interviews med historiefortællere. Fortællerne blev blandt andet bedt om at beskrive, hvordan de umiddelbart forestillede sig, at historiefortælling fandt sted i fortiden. Det er et positivt billede af fortiden, der toner frem, og fortællerne bruger billederne af fortiden som afsæt til at kritisere træk af den moderne levemåde. De kritiserer medierne og de elektriske apparater for at gøre mennesker passive og ødelægge deres nærvær med andre levende mennesker. Ved at genoptage - hvad fortællerne opfatter som - en ældgammel og uddød tradition, ønsker de at skabe nogle oplevelser, som det moderne menneske savner i vore dages samfund. For fortællerne danner fortiden et idealiseret modbillede til nutiden og rummer dermed mulighed for, at fortællerne kan tale om deres idealer og håb for historiefortælling. Changing the Present through the Past - Oral Story-Telling in Denmark Today, many people spontaneously think that oral transmission of traditional legends and fairy

  8. Design of a Hot Pilot-Plant Facility for Demonstrating the Pot-Calcination Process; Installation Pilote de Haute Activite pour la Demonstration du Procede De Calcination En Pot; 041a 041e 041d 0421 0422 0420 0423 041a 0426 0418 042f 0413 041e 0420 042f 0427 0415 0419 041e 041f 042b 0422 041d 041e 0419 0423 0421 0422 0410 041d 041e 0412 041a 0418 0414 041b 042f 0414 0415 041c 041e 041d 0421 0422 0420 0410 0426 0418 0418 041f 0420 041e 0426 0415 0421 0421 0410 041a 0410 041b 042c 0426 0418 041d 0418 0420 041e 0412 0410 041d 0418 042f 0412 0422 0418 0413 041b 042f 0425 ; Construccion de una Instalacion Experimental de Evevada Actividad para el Proceso de Calcinacion en Crisol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buckham, J. A. [Phillips Petroleum Company, Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Idaho Falls, ID (United States)


    de temperatura del producto calcinado, el comportamiento de los productos de fision durante la calcinacion,la segregacionen diversas partes del sistema, la descontaminacion de los efluentes liquidos y gaseosos, la necesidad de ventilar los crisoles almacenados, los medios mas adecuados para sellar a distancia los crisoles, y los metodos necesarios para reducir al minimo el volumen de los gases de escape no condensables. En esta instalacion se emplearan crisoles en escala normal de 8 y 12 pulg de diametro y 8 pies de longitud. Se ha ideado un evaporador que podra funcionar con una preparacion continua o intermitente del producto de alimentacion. Se han adoptado las medidas necesarias para impedir las explosiones debidas a sustancias organicas en las soluciones dealimentacion.y para evitar otros riesgos posibles. (author) [Russian] Byla skonstruirovana ustanovka dlja demonstracii processa kal'cinirovanija v tigljah othodov, poluchajushhihsja pri pererabotke topliva s obolochkami iz aljuminievogo splava, othodov ''Dareks-pro-cessa'' i othodov ot jelektroliticheskoj pererabotki topliva s obolochkami iz nerzhavejushhej stali, a takzhe othodov ''Pureks-processa''. Jeta ustanovka daet takzhe vozmozhnost' opredelit' tehnologicheskie priemy, neobhodimye dlja jekonomichnogo proizvodstva maloporistyh, otnositel'no nevyshhelachivae- myh materialov posredstvom dobavlenija k othodam, zagruzhaemym v obzhigatel'nuju pech', podhodjashhih reagentov. Process kal'cinirovanija v chanah, sostojashhij v koncentrirovanii putem uparivanija i termicheskogo razlozhenija v tigljah, kotoroe vmste s tem sluzhat kontejnerom dlja okonchatel'nogo udalenija othodov, byl razrabotan v Okridzhskoj nacional'noj laboratorii s radioaktivnymi othodami v laboratornyh masshtabah i v masshtabe opytnoj ustanovki s neradioaktivnymi othodami. Apparat dlja demonstracii processa pererabotki radioaktivnyh othodov daet vozmozhnost' opredelit' i razreshit' jekspluatacionnye problemy i voprosy upravlenija processom pri

  9. A Depth-Focusing Collimator for the Investigation of the Brain Cortex; Collimateur a Focalisation Profonde pour l'Exploration de la Substance Corticale du Cerveau; Kollimator s glubinnoj fokusirovkoj dlya''issledovaniya kory golovnogo mozga; Colimador de Enfoque Profundo para Estudios de la Corteza Cerebral

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Glasswestern, H. I. [Regional Hospital Board, Glasgow (United Kingdom)


    poverhnosti kollimatora. Chuvstvitel'nost' v vozduhe k tochechnomu istochniku po glavnoj osi kollimatora p adaet do 10% maksimal'noj velichiny na rasstojanii {+-} 0,75 cm ot fok u sa . Chuvstvitel'nost' dal'nego polja znachitel'no luchshe v tkani, chem v vozduhe vvidu bol'shogo oslablenija v tkani potoka mjagkih gamma-luchej. Privodjatsja dannye o chuvstvitel'nosti kollimatora k tochechnomu istochniku vvozd u h e i vnutri ch er ep a . Kollimator ispol'zovalsja dlja izmerenija m estn ogo krovotoka v kore golovnogo m ozga s pomoshh'ju ksenona 133. Odnako jetot apparat pozvoljaet s pomoshh'ju mechennyh jodom-125 preparatov obnaruzhivat' krovoizlijanija i opuholi kory golovnogo mozga . (author)

  10. Optimizing design parameter for light isotopes separation by distillation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmadi, M.


    mentioned rules, pressure decrease, results in separation factor increase, and higher is separation factor in distillation process, lower is theoretical trays needed to do the separation. Therefore choice of optimum pressure (proper vacuum) and method of computing number of theoretical trays needed is very important. Required vacuum in the condenser of distillation apparat ous(including: condenser, tower and re boiler), is determined in such a way that outlet vapour from the tower could be condensed. In the other hand, proper vacuum is set by the temperature of coolant used. Common calculation methods to compute number of theoretical trays needed to separate constituent components of a solution, may be used by doing some modifications for isotopic separation via distillation process. Therefore to generalize common calculation methods for distillation to compute number of theoretical trays needed in a isotopic enrichment process, enrichment in ideal tray and other hydrodynamic specifications, it is first of all necessary to define isotopes as components. For obtaining equilibrium equations between hydrogen isotopes to apply for comp ting number of theoretical trays for isotopic enrichment through distillation process, firstly equilibrium equations between hydrogen isotopes in liquid phase is obtained base on reaction constant coefficient for these isotopes and then equilibrium equations in vapour phase are analysed base on ideal gas laws. By taking into consideration the separation factor, equations obtained for both phases are combined and finally the amount of hydrogen isotopes and separation factor are defined independently considering equilibrium equations in liquid and vapour phases. Therefore using mathematical method for both liquid and vapour phases of isotopes and common distillation method, number of theoretical trays are calculated and then profiting return equations presented, enrichment of isotopes for each theoretical tray may be calculated. To achieve know

  11. Use of Neutron Irradiations in the Brookhaven Mutations Programme; Irradiation Neutronique dans le Cadre du Programme de Mutations Radioinduites de Brookhaven; Primenenie nejtronnogo izlucheniya v brukkhejvenskoj programme po ispol'zovaniyu mutatsij; La Irradiacion Neutronica en el Marco del Programa de Mutaciones Radioinducidas de Brookhaven

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miksche, J. P.; Shapiro, S. [Biology Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States)


    colaboracion con expertos de Australia, Belgica, Costa Rica, Chile, Dinamarca, Ecuador, Formosa, Grecia, Guatemala, India, Irlanda, Italia, japon, Kenia, Mexico, Paises Bajos, Pakistan, Peru, Filipinas, Rumania, Sudafrica, Tailandia, Venezuela, Alemania Occidental y Yugoeslavia. Los autores presentaran una resefla de los proyectos precitados, deteniendose ante todo en el uso de los neutrones para inducir mutaciones. EBR, por ejemplo, la capacidad de restablecimiento y la manifestacion del efecto oxigeno, principalmente para dosis correspondientes a valores reducidos de la TLE. Si bien esta interpretacion debe considerarse provisional, la distribucion de la dosis en funcion de la TLE proporciona una base para la realizacion de nuevos experimentos sobre la relacion existente entre la EBR y la TLE. (author) [Russian] Programma sotrudnichestva po ispol'zovaniju radiomutacij byla razrabotana v Brukhejvenskoj nacional'noj laboratorii primerno desjat' let nazad, chtoby predostavit' vozmozhnost' rastenievodam i agronomam primenjat' metody obluchenija po programme uluchshenija sortov rastenija. V kachestve ustanovki dlja obluchenija po programme ispol'zovalis' teplovaja kolonna v Brukhejvenskom grafitovom jeksperimental'nom reaktore, rentgenovskij apparat (pikovoe naprjazhenie 250 kv) biologicheskogo otdela jadernoj tehniki, gamma-istochnik moshhnost'ju 12 kjuri v teplicah i istochnik Co{sup 60}, raspolozhennyj v pole ploshhad'ju 13 akrov. V jetoj programme sotrudnichestva na dolju Brukhejvenskoj laboratorii prihoditsja razrabotka oborudovanija metodov i teoreticheskih polozhenij, v to vremja kak rastitel'nyj material i semena predostavljajutsja jekspertami po sel'skomu hozjajstvu, o t vetstvennymi za vyrashhivanie obluchennogo materiala i otbor mutacij. Bo le e 150 uchenyh iz 45 shtatov i Pujerto-Riko uchastvujut v vypolnenii programmy. Nachato takzhe vypolnenie proektov s Avstraliej, Bel'giej, Chili, Ko sta'Rika, Daniej, Jekvadorom, Tajvanem, Greciej, G vatem a loj, Indiej