
Sample records for forbedrer danske banks

  1. Danske Bank - Imagekrise


    Agerlin, Anne; Holmqvist, Maja


    This report examines and analyses the difference between Danske Bank's perception of themselves and the world's perception of the bank. The difference is illustrated, because tendency shows that boundaries have an effect on Danske Bank's image. We search through collected articles in a social constructivist perspective to handle both Danske Bank’s perception and the world’s perception. The empirical foundation has made it possible to process and interpret the stated problems. The adaptation i...

  2. Danske Bank vildleder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Ib


    EN VIDEO på Danske Banks hjemmeside fremstiller banker som neutrale formidlere af penge. Den giver et misvisende indtryk af passivitet og harmløshed og strider stærkt mod de fleste menneskers oplevelse af banker som særdeles aktive, næsten aggressive I årene op til finanskrisen 2008, og stærktmed......EN VIDEO på Danske Banks hjemmeside fremstiller banker som neutrale formidlere af penge. Den giver et misvisende indtryk af passivitet og harmløshed og strider stærkt mod de fleste menneskers oplevelse af banker som særdeles aktive, næsten aggressive I årene op til finanskrisen 2008, og...

  3. Tid til eftertanke i Danske Bank

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iversen, Martin


    Det er tankevækkende, at Danske Bank aldrig har taget initiativ til en åben, viden- skabelig analyse af bankens historie.......Det er tankevækkende, at Danske Bank aldrig har taget initiativ til en åben, viden- skabelig analyse af bankens historie....

  4. Danske Banks kommunikation gennem finanskrisen - et forsøg på imagegenoprettelse


    Jørgensen, Steffie Hede


    Abstract The thesis in hand regards Danske Bank’s communication through the crisis. The crisis impacted Danske Bank at September the 15th 2008, which induced loss of liquidity. The bank was subsequently accused of composing inferior credit ratings and to be a greedy and harsh bank. It resulted in a historic decline of Danske Bank’s image. Consequently, this thesis seeks to answer following research question: How did Danske Bank communicate through the crisis and how suitable is their strategy...

  5. Danske erfaringer i Afghanistan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Thomas Galasz


    Der er høstet mange forskellige danske erfaringer i Afghanistan gennem det civile og militære engagement fra 2001 til 2014, men det er muligt at samle dem i tre områder, hvor der er mulighed for at forbedre fremtidige indsatser: Prioritet til integrerede indsatser, lokal sikkerhedsskabelse og...

  6. Dansk Taxi Råd har brug for et sprogkursus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riis, Helle Bach


    16.10. afviser formanden for Dansk Taxi Råd, John Lindbom, at det nyindførte pointsystem har til hensigt at holde indvandrere fra at blive vognmænd. I stedet siger han, at det handler om at højne fagets status og serviceniveau. Dansk Taxi Råd kan komme langt ved at forbedre sin interkulturelle...

  7. Et stort offer er nødvendigt i Danske Bank

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørholst, Henrik


    Når skandalerne rammer, kan det være nødvendigt at ofre en topchef for at komme videre. Danske Banks uheldige eventyr i Estland afventer to undersøgelser, før et ansvar bliver placeret. VW, Mærsk og SAS reagerede hurtigere, da de blev ramt.......Når skandalerne rammer, kan det være nødvendigt at ofre en topchef for at komme videre. Danske Banks uheldige eventyr i Estland afventer to undersøgelser, før et ansvar bliver placeret. VW, Mærsk og SAS reagerede hurtigere, da de blev ramt....

  8. Danske virksomheders effektivitet og investering i forskning og udvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dilling-Hansen, Mogens; Madsen, Erik Strøjer; Smith, Valdemar


    Et af virksomhedernes motiver til at investere i forskning og udviklinger er at forbedre produktiviteten. Denne velkendte sammenhæng er tidligere undersøgt på danske data, se Smith, Dilling-Hansen m.fl. (2000). Investeringer i forskning og udvikling opbygger en ikke-materiel kapital i virksomhede...

  9. Revisortilsynets og FSR - danske revisorers syn på

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartmann, Stig; Haraszuk, Anni


    Artiklen er baseret på interview med følgende: Christel Maria Thousing og Mette Banke-Eriksen, chefkonsulenterne i sekretariatet for Revisortilsynet samt Anders Bisgaard, medlem af FSR - danske revisorers Revisionstekniske udvalg....

  10. Innovation processes in the energy sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bulathsinhala, Nadika A.

    Denne afhandling handler om, hvordan innovationsprocesser i den danske energisektor kan forbedres. Hvert år bliver der tildelt mange økonomiske midler til energiforskning som skal bidrage til at forbedre nuværende energiteknologier og skabe nye energiteknologier. Afhandlingen tager udgangspunkt i...

  11. Regnskabsordbogen dansk-engelsk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Sandro; Mourier, Lise; Bergenholtz, Henning

    af danske og engelske regnskabstekster, korrektur af danske og engelske regnskabstekster, og reception af danske og engelske regnskabstekster. Ordbogen indeholder 4200 opslagsord med definitioner og oversættelser til britisk, amerikansk og IAS/IFRS-engelsk, 15.400 ordforbindelser på dansk med...

  12. Danske snyltere frikendt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buchmann, Kurt


    Den danske form af Gyrodactylus salaris, som forekommer i danske dambrug har vist sig at være ufarlig for laks. Udgivelsesdato: 24. november......Den danske form af Gyrodactylus salaris, som forekommer i danske dambrug har vist sig at være ufarlig for laks. Udgivelsesdato: 24. november...

  13. DanskOrdbogen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergenholtz, Henning; Vrang, Vibeke; Almind, Richard

    DanskOrdbogen er en helt nyudviklet ordbog for alle, som vil skrive på dansk. Med 105.000 opslagsord og 1175 sider mættet med informationer er det også Danmarks største ordbog. Ordbogen er udviklet efter nye principper, som gør den mere brugervenlig end traditionelle ordbøger. Bl.a. har DanskOrdb...

  14. Medicinsk ordbog : Dansk-engelsk, engelsk-dansk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pilegaard, Morten; Baden, Helge

    Indhold: Forord og brugervejledning. Dansk-engelsk del med ca. 10.000 opslagsord og mulige engelske oversættelser, hvis betydning og brug beskrives i en faglig forklaring og illustreres gennem eksempler og oversættelse af ca. 9.000 faglige ordforbindelser. Engelsk-dansk del på ca. 10.500 opslagsord...

  15. Bliver man en bedre leder af at være på lederuddannelse?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Peter


    Det globale marked for uddannelser og kurser til offentlige og private ledere er en milliardforretning. Men på trods af de meget store investeringer ved både danske og internationale forskere ganske lidt om, hvordan de mange kurser og uddannelser egentlig påvirker de ledere, der går på uddannelse...... eller kursus. Artiklen formidler resultatet af en undersøgelse i fem danske kommuner. Konklusionen på undersøgelsen er, at man på de kommunale arbejdspladser forholdsvis nemt kan forbedre vilkårene for, at ledere under uddannelse kan forbedre vilkårene for at anvende ny viden i praksis....

  16. Dansk-engelsk CISG-ordbog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Sandro

    Flere og flere danske jurister er blevet internationalt orinterede og har behov for at kunne udtrykke sig på engelsk, og CISG-ordbogen er med til at hjælpe juristerne med at kommunikere på engelsk. Kernen i Dansk-engelsk CISG-ordbog er den danske og engelske version af FN's Konvention om aftaler om...... internationale køb af løsøre (CISG), men ordbogen indeholder også ord og vendinger, der generelt er relevante for oversættelse af danske tekster, der omhandler CISG. Målgruppen for ordbogen er danske jurister. Ordbogen indeholder danske termer, faste ordforbindelser og fraser, og disse er alle oversat til...

  17. Framing a Bank

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmgreen, Lise-Lotte


    Danish bank, Danske Bank, during the 2008 financial crisis and hence in shaping its image projected to the public. Through the study of a number of semantic frames adopted by the Danish print press and those adopted by the Bank, this article will argue for the constructions of the press putting...... considerable strain on the Bank and its image, leading it to reconsider its previous strategy of denial of responsibility...

  18. The Bank-Sovereign Nexus: Evidence from a non-Bailout Episode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Caporin, Massimiliano; Natvik, Gisle J.; Ravazzolo, Francesco

    We explore the interplay between sovereign and bank credit risk in a setting where Danish authorities first let two Danish banks default rather than bail them out and then left the country's largest bank, Danske Bank, to recapitalize privately. We find that the correlation between bank...... and sovereign credit default swap (CDS) rates changed with these events, indicating that the non-bailout decisions and recapitalization helped to curb the feedback loop between bank and sovereign risk. Following the non-bailout events, the sensitivity to external shocks declined both for Danske Bank...... and private bank debt indicates that the non-bailout policies succeeded in breaking the vicious circle generated by the risks on the bank and sovereign debts. Our results are reinforced by the use of an indirect testing approach and by focusing on CDS-quantiles....

  19. Forbedring af GIS data til trafikmodeller

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Stephen; Landex, Alex; Nielsen, Otto Anker


    indbyggere og arbejdspladser er meget inhomogen. Dette er især tilfældet for zonerne i Frederiksborg og Roskilde Amter. For at opnå mere detaljerede resultater er det nødvendigt at opdele disse zoner. I artiklen præsenteres forskellige GIS-baserede metoder, der er blevet benyttet til at forbedre og kombinere...... eksisterende GIS-baserede datakilder, så der er opnået en hidtil uset nøjagtighed i trafikmodellernes geografiske data. Herefter beskrives, hvordan der med udgangspunkt i disse forbedrede data er foretaget analyser af zonerne i modellen, og hvordan zoner som ikke lever op til den ønske detaljegrad, er splittet...

  20. Den Danske Netordbog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergenholtz, Henning; Vrang, Vibeke; Almind, Richard

    Denne danske ordbog er primært tænkt som hjælpeværktøj i forbindelse med tvivl og usikkerhed, når man skriver en dansk tekst. Den Danske Netordbog er en yderst omfattende ordbog med mere end 110.000 forskellige opslagsord og en lang række oplysninger, herunder grammatik, betydning, synonym (ord m...... samme betydning), antonym (ord med modsat betydning), orddannelse (i hvilke andre ord det pågældende ord er en del af), kollokationer (ordforbindelser), idiomer (fast udtryk med en særlig betydning) og ordsprog og citater....

  1. Dansk LED - Museumsbelysning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Peter Behrensdorff; Dam-Hansen, Carsten; Thorseth, Anders

    Projektet har til formål at anvende dansk forskning inden for optik og lys til at realisere innovative energieffektive LED lyssystemer til museumsbranchen.......Projektet har til formål at anvende dansk forskning inden for optik og lys til at realisere innovative energieffektive LED lyssystemer til museumsbranchen....

  2. Ledelsesmodeller i danske virksomheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Kai; Eskildsen, Jacob Kjær; Juhl, Hans Jørn


    I de seneste årtier er der opstået flere og flere ledelsesmodeller (kvalitetsprismodeller, ISO 9000, Balanced Scorecard etc.) som virksomheder kan anvende til at opnå en konkurrencemæssig fordel gennem forbedring af forretningsgangene. Rationalet bag de fleste af modellerne er, at der er en...

  3. Den danske astronaut

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Lars Sejersgård


    Undervisningsmateriale til mellemtrinnet om raketter, astronauter og rummet lavet for Planetariet i anledning af opsendelsen af den første danske astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, til Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS) i sensommeren 2015......Undervisningsmateriale til mellemtrinnet om raketter, astronauter og rummet lavet for Planetariet i anledning af opsendelsen af den første danske astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, til Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS) i sensommeren 2015...

  4. Den danske astronaut

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Lars Sejersgård


    Undervisningsmateriale til udskolingen om raketter, astronauter og rummet lavet for Planetariet i anledning af opsendelsen af den første danske astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, til Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS) i sensommeren 2015......Undervisningsmateriale til udskolingen om raketter, astronauter og rummet lavet for Planetariet i anledning af opsendelsen af den første danske astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, til Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS) i sensommeren 2015...

  5. Dansk retspleje

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik; Petersen, Lars Lindencrone

    Bogen giver et samlet billede af dansk procesret (retspleje), både for så vidt angår domstolssystemets opbygning, instansfølgen, retssystemets personel (dommere, advokater, lægdommere, anklagere etc.), civile retssager, straffesager, skiftesager og fogedsager. Den inddrager i vidt omfang europare......Bogen giver et samlet billede af dansk procesret (retspleje), både for så vidt angår domstolssystemets opbygning, instansfølgen, retssystemets personel (dommere, advokater, lægdommere, anklagere etc.), civile retssager, straffesager, skiftesager og fogedsager. Den inddrager i vidt omfang...

  6. Dansk skepsis mod "functional foods"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech-Larsen, Tino


    MAPP Centret har undersøgt danske, finske og amerikanske forbrugeres holdninger til functional foods og til genmodificerede fødevarer. Undersøgelsen er baseret på personlige interviews med 1500 danske, finske og nordamerikanske forbrugere. På trods af den store udbredelse af functional foods i USA......, viste undersøgelsen, at finnerne faktisk var mere positive over for functional foods end amerikanerne. De danske forbrugere var klart de mest skeptiske....

  7. Passivhuse i dansk kontekst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ellehauge, Klaus; Thomsen, Kirsten Engelund; Jensen, Ole Michael

    Rapporten redegør for forskelle og ligheder melllem et passivhus, jævnfør passivhuskonceptet fra Passivhaus Institut i Darmstadt, Tyskland og et dansk lavenergihus jævnfør det danske bygningsreglement, ligesom der redegøres for de beregningsprincipper, der ligger til grund. Rapporten redegør endv...

  8. Den danske ROSE-undersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Annemarie Møller; Allerup, Peter; Arnvig, Birgitte

    ROSE (Relevance of Science Education) er en international komparativ undersøgelse af 15-åriges holdninger til og interesse for naturfagsundervisning, naturvidenskab og teknologi med deltagelse af ca. 40. lande. Dataindsamlingen til den danske del af ROSE-undersøgelsen blev gennemført i 2003....... Antologien giver et overblik over  og forskellige perspektiver på de danske 15-åriges besvarelser af de ca. 280 spørgsmål i det danske ROSE-skema....

  9. Digitale modeller af danske arkitekturværker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villaume, René; Rude Ørstrup, Finn


    Digitale modeller af dansk arkitektur åbner op for helt nye muligheder og faciliteter, fordi den enkelte bruger får et nyt redskab til at tilegne sig viden om dansk arkitektur med modeller, der kan anvendes til at iagtage og analysere både opførte og skitserede danske bygningsværker. Internettet ...... arbejder fra analyseopgaver i studiet. Der er store ressourcer og muligheder for opbygning af en samling, der systematisk kan udbygges og udvikles år for år. En helt ny dimension når man ønsker at indhente viden om dansk arkitektur og arkitekter....

  10. Social innovation og Muhammad Yunus i en dansk kontekst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Hvorfor er social innovation og Muhammad Yunus' arbejde relevant i en dansk kontekst? Kan social innovation være med til at skabe fremtidens danske velfærdssamfund?......Hvorfor er social innovation og Muhammad Yunus' arbejde relevant i en dansk kontekst? Kan social innovation være med til at skabe fremtidens danske velfærdssamfund?...

  11. Nye kulturer i danske boliger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Suenson, Phillippa

    Når man taler om integration af indvandrere og flygtninge, må man også se på de muligheder, indvandrerfamilierne har for at indrette og anvende deres hjem i danske boliger, der er tegnet og udformet ud fra danske forestillinger om et typisk familieliv. Gennem mange fotos og få ord, viser rapporte...

  12. Morfologisk og molekylær karakterisering af en eimeriaart fra danske mink

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Heidi Huus; Chriél, Mariann; Hansen, Mette Sif


    I perioden april til oktober 2016, blev fæces fra mink (Neovison vison) på 30 danske minkgårde undersøgt med henblik på at fastlægge forekomsten og arterne af Eimeria hos danske mink (Neovison vison). På basis af morfologisk undersøgelse af sporulerede oocyster, blev oocyster som lignede tidligere...... beskrevet art, kaldet E. vison identificeret. Den fundne art var dog en smule mindre end E. vison. Efterfølgende blev oocysterne forsøgt identificeret molekylært og sammenlignet med sekvenser i Genbank. Desværre var der ikke tilgængelige mink sekvenser i GenBank, og den nyligt fundne Eimeria art kaldes...... derfor for Eimeria vison-like. I alt fandtes 2,6% (108/4.141) af de underøgte fæcesprøver positive for E. vison-like oocyster ved mikroskopi, svarende til at 23,9% (78 mink) af minkene udskilte E. vison-like oocyster mindst én gang i undersøgelsesperioden....

  13. 'Den danske model' som tema

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Caraker, Emmett; Juul, Ida; Klindt, Mads Peter


    Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv vol. 14, nr. 2, 5-8. Tema: 'Den danske model'. Redigeret af Emmett Caraker, Ida Juul, Mads peter Klindt & Jens Lind. 2011. København. 128 s.......Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv vol. 14, nr. 2, 5-8. Tema: 'Den danske model'. Redigeret af Emmett Caraker, Ida Juul, Mads peter Klindt & Jens Lind. 2011. København. 128 s....

  14. Den Dansk-Engelske Regnskabsordbog/Danish-English Dictionary of Accounting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Sandro; Mourier, Lise; Bergenholtz, Henning

    Den Dansk-Engelske Regnskabsordbog. Hver af ordbøgerne har 4.100 opslagsord og ca. 15.000 ordforbindelser. Ordbøgerne bygger primært på den gældende danske årsregnskabslov, danske regnskabsvejledninger og internationale regnskabsstandarder (IAS/IFRS)....

  15. Den danske fødevaresektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bosselmann, Aske Skovmand; Gylling, Morten


    Den danske fødevaresektor har et højt niveau for så vidt angår miljø og bæredygtighed. Der kan være et potentiale for vækst og beskæftigelse i at bruge dette relativt høje niveau til at give danske virksomheder adgang til attraktive eksportmarkeder, hvor fødevarer, der er dokumenteret bæredygtige...

  16. Dansk Design

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dickson, Thomas

    Indhold: Hvad er design?; Hvor kommer dansk design fra?; Produktdesign; Tekstil- og tøjdesign; Design af møbler og boligindretning; Bygningen og design; Arbejdets design; Transportdesign; Offentligt design; Grafisk design; Nye tider og en ny slags design...

  17. Holdninger til dansk med accent

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirilova, Marta; Ritzau, Ursula


    Link til fuld tekst (pdf): til fuld tekst (pdf):

  18. Danske hæmatologer er foran de amerikanske.

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hokland, Peter


    Amerikanske hæmatologer og hæmatopatologer har udarbejdet en ny guideline, der skal forbedre diagnosticeringen og dermed behandlingen af akut anæmi, De er på linje med, hvad de hæmatologiske afdelinger allerede gør i Danmark, hvor man arbejder tæt sammen og følger samme protokol. Og kvaliteten er...

  19. Dansk selskabsret 3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis Hansen, Søren; Krenchel, Jens Valdemar

    virksomheder, fra partnerskaber i liberale erhverv til store entreprenørfællesskaber og samarbejder mellem store virksomheder samt joint ventures. Bind 3 af Dansk selskabsret – Interessentskaber – behandler: •Interessentskabets stiftelse •Forholdet mellem interessenterne •Misligholdelse af...

  20. En Ung bank


    Lind, Maria Benedicte; Rice, Harrie Emily; Andersen, Lærke Maria; Elfort, Amanda Josefine; Pedersen, Sophie Espe; Sahibzada, Qamar Un Nisa


    The purpose of this project is to examine the campaign Øhhkonomi from Danske Bank. The project is based on examining which assumptions the campaign, and further actions surrounding the campaign, expresses about the audience. The campaign audience is specifically 18-27 years old and addresses problems regarding their personal finance skills and understanding thereof. Starting from a communication point of view, the project examines the campaign and the sender in itself. The purpose hereof is t...

  1. Hvorfor er danske fødevarer dyre?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    De danske fødevarepriser er generelt høje set i forhold til resten af EU og også i forhold til lande uden for EU. Overordnet set er der en række forklaringer på internationale prisforskelle, og der er også flere mulige årsager til de høje danske fødevarepriser. Forskelle i moms, kvalitet...

  2. Kortlægning af naturtyper i et landsdækkende dansk arealinformationssystem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mielby, S.; Groom, G.; Platou, S. W.


    Dansk Akademi for Stedsbestemt Information, Dansk Kartografisk Selskab, Dansk Selskab for Fotogrammetri og Landmåling, AM/FM Nordic Region Øverst på paper står også: AM/FM-GIS Nordic Conference...

  3. 'The American Connection' i ny dansk poesi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Peter Stein


    Artiklen fokuserer på lyriktrafikken fra USA til Danmark. Der ses på to litterære bølger, som har haft indflydelse på dansk digtning, nemlig dels 50’ernes beatdigtning eller Oral Poetry, der får stor betydning for en række danske poeter fra 1960’erne og fremefter, dels 80’ernes og 90’ernes flerst...

  4. Køn i danske medieinstitutioner og danske tv-medier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreassen, Rikke


    Artiklen redegør for de danske resultater af undersøgelsen Women and Media Industries in Europe under European Institute of Gender Equality (EIGE) fra 2012-13. Undersøgelsen består både af analyser af kønssammensætningen i medieinstitutioner såvel som analyser af kønssammensætningen i tv...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villadsen, Lisa Storm


    Bør det officielle Danmark undskylde for sin rolle i slavehandel og slavehold i den tidligere koloni Dansk Vestindien? Det har været diskuteret i en årrække både i dansk politik og den bredere offentlighed. Danske regeringer har med forskellige begrundelser hidtil afvist at give en officiel undsk...

  6. Vildsvin uønsket i den danske natur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Camilla Brasch; Bald, Caroline; Uttenthal, Åse


    Vildsvin ønskes fortsat ikke etableret i den danske natur, da de udgør en smitterisiko for husdyr og mennesker. det er helt essentielt for bekæmpelsen, at lodsejere og jægere deltager aktivt. de skal lokalisere de vildsvin, der allerede findes i den danske natur, og nedlægge dem....

  7. Cool Moderne - Art Deco i dansk Billedkunst 1910-40

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gether, Vibeke Petersen


    , der har trukket de store overskrifter op igennem det 20. århundrede herhjemme. Gl. Holtegaard efterprøver nu art deco-begrebet på dansk billedkunst i en udstillingskontekst. Fokus er først og fremmest på maleri og skulptur. Der inddrages i mindre målestok andre visuelle medier som arkitekturtegninger......Udstillingen er udover Victoria & Albert Museum også inspireret af Designmuseum Danmarks udstilling i 1997-98 med titlen Dansk Design 1910-45. Art Déco & Funktionalisme. Selvom udstillingen viste fine eksempler på art deco i dansk design og arkitektur, er det dog først og fremmest funktionalismen......, film, illustrationer, plakater og kunsthåndværk. Med udstillingen vil vi gerne synliggøre de forskellige æstetiske udtryk, som vi mener meget bedre dækkes af betegnelsen art deco i dansk kunst i perioden 1910–1940....

  8. Højintens intervaltræning inducerer moderat forbedring i cirkulerende diabetes-relaterede inflammatoriske cytokiner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre, Mette; Madsen, Søren Møller; Jeppesen, Per Bendix


    Det er alment kendt, at motion forbedrer den metaboliske tilstand og mindsker risikoen for udvikling af præ-diabetes til type 2-diabetes. En væsentlig gevinst af regelmæssig motion menes at være via systemiske anti-inflammatoriske effekter, der formentlig skyldes en reduktion af fedtvævet. Hver g...... afklaret. Vi ønskede derfor at undersøge påvirkningen af højintens intervaltræning (HIIT) på cirkulerende inflammatoriske cytokiner hos patienter med type 2-diabetes.1-3...

  9. Dansk landbrugs strukturudvikling siden 1950 - i internationalt perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    Dansk landbrug har gennemgået en meget omfattende strukturudvikling siden 1950’erne. Spørgsmålene er, hvad der grundlæggende har drevet denne histori­ske udvikling, om der er tale om et unikt dansk forløb, eller om der mere eller mindre er tale om et internationalt udviklingsforløb. I denne artik...

  10. Dansk design - English edition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dickson, Thomas

    Indhold: Hvad er design?; Hvor kommer dansk design fra?; Produktdesign; Tekstil- og tøjdesign; Design af møbler og boligindretning; Bygningen og design; Arbejdets design; Transportdesign; Offentligt design; Grafisk design; Nye tider og en ny slags design...

  11. Miljøledelse i danske virksomheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Henning; Ulhøi, John Parm


    vil indgå som en del af forskningsprocessen omkring temaet miljøledelse, med det formål at bidrage til udviklingen af dette nye ledelsesområde, såvel på nationalt som internationalt plan, samt danne basis for en målrettet tilpasning og formidling heraf til kommende ledere i det danske erhvervsliv. I...... den forbindelse blev der i efteråret 1995 gennemført en stikprøvebaseret spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt danske erhvervsvirksomheder. I de følgende afsnit vil der kort blive redegjort for undersøgelsens omfang og resultater....

  12. Nye arbejdsorganisationsformer i de største danske virksomheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Foss, Nicolai Juul

    Baseret på et sample af de 1000 største danske virksomheder undersøgesforekomsten af nye arbejdsorganiseringsformer i dansk erhvervsliv. Endvidereundersøges det, hvilke virksomheder der typisk implementerer de nye måder atorganisere arbejdet på. Det vises at det primært er virksomheder ikonkurren...

  13. Dansk Almenmedicinsk Forskningsdag - DAF 2015

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geyti, Christine Ladegaard


    Den 18. marts blev Dansk Almenmedicinsk Forskningsdag (DAF) afholdt i København. Arrangementet foregik i Domus Medicas flotte adelspalæ med prægtige lysekroner og hyggelige opholdsrum med bløde lænestole og gamle bøger op og ned ad væggene. Der blev nu ikke megen tid til at slænge sig, for progra......Den 18. marts blev Dansk Almenmedicinsk Forskningsdag (DAF) afholdt i København. Arrangementet foregik i Domus Medicas flotte adelspalæ med prægtige lysekroner og hyggelige opholdsrum med bløde lænestole og gamle bøger op og ned ad væggene. Der blev nu ikke megen tid til at slænge sig...

  14. Fagfællebedømte papers i Dansk Vejtidsskrift

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bolet, Lars


    Dansk Vejtidsskrift tilbyder fremover at gennemføre fagfællebedømmelse af videnskabelige vej- og trafikartikler, der optages i bladet. Baggrunden for tilbudet er de skærpede krav om bedømmelse af forskning. Tilbudet giver danske og andre skandinaviske forskere mulighed for fortsat at få merit for...

  15. Effektfulde indsatser i boligområder til at forbedre børns skolegang og uddannelse og forældres arbejdsmarkedsparathed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjer, Mikkel Giver; Holger Jørgensen, Rune Christian; Mehlsen, Line

    SFI har samlet internationale studier, der viser positive effekter af indsatser, der skal forbedre børns skolegang og uddannelse og voksnes arbejdsmarkedsparathed i udsatte boligområder. Formålet med rapporten er at bidrage med inspiration til det boligsociale arbejde i Danmark og bringe større f...

  16. Hvad snakker de om - hvad taler vi om? Danske soaps i genreanalytisk perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    From, Unni


    Afhandlingen har den danske soap som genstandsfelt og undersøger gennem en række tekstanalyser genrens konstituerende træk. I en empirisk publikumsundersøgelse sætter afhandlingen fokus på serien "Taxas" modtagelse i en dansk og en svensk kontekst.......Afhandlingen har den danske soap som genstandsfelt og undersøger gennem en række tekstanalyser genrens konstituerende træk. I en empirisk publikumsundersøgelse sætter afhandlingen fokus på serien "Taxas" modtagelse i en dansk og en svensk kontekst....

  17. Kanon i dansk 9

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thurah, Thomas; Møller, Lene

    Litterær læsning er elevens arbejdsbog til tekstsamlingen Kanon i Dansk 9. den indeholder en grundig introduktion til alle antologiens forfatterskaber, dels baggrundsstof om forfatterne, teksterne og tiden, dels en række opgaver til de enkelte tekster. Bogen er rigt illustreret med billedkunst, som...

  18. "To be or not to be" - Hamlets monolog i danske oversættelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Onsberg, Merete


    Tolv danske oversættelser af Hamlets monolog To be or not to be fra 1807 til i dag undersøges metrisk for at give et signalement af blankverset på dansk. Der argumenteres for at opfatte det danske blankvers som bisyllabiske femslagsrækker med fire slag og trisyllabler som variationer, hvorimod...

  19. Et dansk regime for overgang fra uddannelse til arbejde?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Christian Helms


    I dette kapitel vil jeg først gennemgå en række forskningstilgange som på forskellig måde kan begribe de særlige træk ved unges overgang i Danmark i det man kan kalde et dansk 'regime for overgang' (transition regime). Dernæst følger en mere beskrivende gennemgang af det danske uddannelsessystem ...

  20. Projekt skal undersøge MRSA i danske mink

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fertner, Mette Ely; Hansen, Julie Elvekjær; Larsen, Gitte


    MRSA blev for første gang isoleret fra to danske mink, som var indsendt til undersøgelse på DTU Veterinærinstituttet, i 2013. I løbet af 2017 gennemfører DTU Veterinærinstituttet et projekt, som har til formål at klarlægge MRSA-forekomsten og smitteoverførslen på danske minkgårde....

  1. Effektfulde indsatser i boligområder til at øge børns trivsel og forbedre forældres kompetencer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mehlsen, Line; Holger Jørgensen, Rune Christian; Kjer, Mikkel Giver

    SFI har samlet internationale studier, der viser positive effekter af indsatser, der skal øge børns trivsel og forbedre forældrenes kompetencer i udsatte boligområder. Formålet med rapporten er at bidrage med inspiration til det boligsociale arbejde i Danmark og bringe større fokus på at arbejde ...

  2. Hvad brugere mener om danske net-steder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Molich, Rolf; Gram, Christian


    Netsteder (også kaldet "web-sites") er flotte og har mange smarte detaljer, men det kniber gevaldigt for typiske brugere at finde ud af dem. Det er den hårde konklusion på den første systematiske test af brugervenligheden af nogle store, interaktive danske netsteder. Godt 120 civilingeniørstudere......Netsteder (også kaldet "web-sites") er flotte og har mange smarte detaljer, men det kniber gevaldigt for typiske brugere at finde ud af dem. Det er den hårde konklusion på den første systematiske test af brugervenligheden af nogle store, interaktive danske netsteder. Godt 120...

  3. Dansk fodboldøkonomi er i fortsat vækst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Rasmus K.


    Slutningen af 1990'erne og begyndelsen af det 21. århundrede var kendetegnet af underskud i langt størstedelen af klubberne i den danske superliga. I de senere år har dansk fodbolds mange underskudforretninger imidlertid bevæget sig i positiv retning. Balance på driften eller mindre overskud har ...

  4. Kompetencer i dansk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bundsgaard, Jeppe; Christiansen, Eva Terese; Flamant, Sanne Harder

    udvikler nogle af de væsentligste kompetencer i det senmoderne samfund. Kompetencetilgangen stiller en logik og en metode til rådighed for valg af undervisningsindhold og -metoder og danner desuden grundlag for refleksion i og over undervisningen. Kompetencer i dansk behandler bl.a. emner som litteratur......, kommunikation, sociale netværk, læringsspil, gruppearbejde, evaluering og interkulturelle kompetencer. Til bogen er knyttet hjemmesiden

  5. Formandskabet - danske fingeraftryk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adler-Nissen, Rebecca


    Danske fingeraftryk skal være med til at løfte en fælles dagsorden og styrke det europæiske samarbejde. Danmark er mere end nogensinde afhængig af andre kræfter, særligt Van Rompuy og Ashton, for at få det til at lykkes. Dertil kommer, at euroen eri krise og vil tage meget af opmærksomheden. Et v...

  6. Hovedstrømninger i dansk film- og medieforskning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ib Bondebjerg


    Full Text Available Medieforskningen er i dansk sammenhæng endnu ung som institutionali- seret videnskab. Ikke desto mindre kan fagets videnskabsteoretiske grundlag periodiseres ved hjælp af en række markante bølger. Semiolo- gien og tysk inspireret kulturkritik og offentlighedsteori i 1970'erne, en re- ceptionsanalytisk modstrømning 1980'erne, samt nyere sociologisk teori og kognitionsforskning i 1990'erne. På baggrund af disse hovedstrøm- ninger skitserer Ib Bondebjerg kontroverserne og den teoretiske udvikling i dansk medievidenskab. Fremstillingen af disse brydninger hviler dog på denne pointe: at der bag de markante forskelle ligger en udbredt konsen- sus, som udgør selve sammenhængen i dansk medieforskning. Fælles for de forskellige teoretiske perspektiver er nemlig, at de på hver deres måde sætter institution/samfund, tekst/æstetik og modtager i forhold til hinanden. Det er imidlertid betoningen af tyngdepunktet i denne relation, der er forskellig.

  7. "Serious game" i dansk sundhedsvæsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knoke, Elke; Mortensen, Karen Rask


    Inspirationen til dette projekt kommer fra dansk sygehuspraksis. Formålet er at finde, vurdere og redesigne et fagligt relevant læringsspil (“serious game”) indenfor akutmedicin. Med udgangspunkt i det hollandske abcdeSIM er det formålet at undersøge, om og hvordan det kan bruges til uddannelse og...... økonomiske fordele i form af kvalitetssikring og effektivisering af uddannelsen ved at implementere et “serious game” i en akutafdeling. abcdeSIM kan reducere ressourcerne, som skal bruges til træning af personalet og til at øge og vedligeholde vidensniveauet i det danske sundhedsvæsen, og det kan dermed i...

  8. Europæisk offentlighed i danske medier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørsten, Mark


    Nyere forskning viser, at en europæisk offentlighed er under udviklingen. Graden af europæisering er dog forskellig fra land til land. Men en ting er undersøgelserne enige om: Danske medier ligger i front, når det gælder europæisering. Udgivelsesdato: efterår......Nyere forskning viser, at en europæisk offentlighed er under udviklingen. Graden af europæisering er dog forskellig fra land til land. Men en ting er undersøgelserne enige om: Danske medier ligger i front, når det gælder europæisering. Udgivelsesdato: efterår...

  9. Frafald i de danske ungdomsuddannelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Christian Helms


    Artiklen analyserer på baggrund af et review af forskningen på området årsager til frafald i de danske ungdomsuddannelser - gymnasieuddannelser og erhvervsuddannelser, samt vurderer en række af de tiltag som er iværksat for at reducere frafaldet....

  10. Dansk akvakultur – vækstmuligheder og barrierer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Rasmus


    Akvakultur (produktionen af fisk, skaldyr og tang) er verdens hurtigst voksende fødevareerhverv. I et dansk perspektiv er værditilvæksten per fuldtidsbeskæftiget højere end i alle landbrugets driftsgrene. Men der er barrierer; den mest betydende er de miljømæssige rammer.......Akvakultur (produktionen af fisk, skaldyr og tang) er verdens hurtigst voksende fødevareerhverv. I et dansk perspektiv er værditilvæksten per fuldtidsbeskæftiget højere end i alle landbrugets driftsgrene. Men der er barrierer; den mest betydende er de miljømæssige rammer....

  11. Dansk klubfodbold under økonomisk pres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Rasmus K.


    De danske Superligaklubber har forbedret resultatet siden sidste år, men det skyldes primært, at FCK præsterer et markant forbedret driftsresultat. Der er fortsat underskud i alle klubber på nær to....

  12. Den danske independent film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft


    at producere film, og derved er filmproduktion potentielt gjort tilgængelig for en større gruppe personer som både afsender og modtager. For det fjerde implicerer diskussionen af de to film også genre- og stilmæssige spørgsmål om dansk filmkultur, fordi indiefilmen både i film og uden for filmene italesætter...

  13. Kronik i Information: Handel og klima er mere end eksport af danske vindmøller

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Laura


    Danmark spinder guld på den øgede klimabevågenhed. Danske politikere og diplomater kan med kampen imod klimaforandringerne i den ene hånd gå ud i verden og skabe behov for dansk klimateknologi og med den anden åbne døren for danske virksomheder, der står klar i kulissen med kontrakterne i hånden...

  14. Effekter af koordineret hjerneskaderehabilitering. Et systematisk litteraturreview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glintborg, Chalotte; Hansen, Tia G. B.

    beskrevet. Der er ingen klar dansk definition af koordination. Begrebet bliver ofte brugt inkonsistent, og koordination er meget forskelligt tilrettelagt. Derfor kan man ikke generelt dokumentere, om koordinatorfunktioner er en sikker vej til forbedring af komplekse rehabiliteringsforløb. Sundhedsstyrelsen......Forskningsprojekt udvikler ny definition af begrebet koordination Som et led i forskningsprojektet ”Bio-psyko-sociale effekter af koordineret hjerneskaderehabilitering” er der udviklet en ny definition af koordinationsbegrebet. Forskningsprojektet ”Bio-psyko-sociale effekter af koordineret...... senhjerneskadeområdet – initiativer, der skal fremme en sammenhængende og helhedsorienteret rehabiliteringsindsats. Men hvad dækker begrebet koordination egentlig over? Det har et nyt forskningsprojekt set på og kommer med et bud på en ny definition. Dansk definition mangler Indholdet i koordination har været upræcist...

  15. Staten, folkekirken og dansk sekularisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dabelsteen, Hans Boas


    Dette kapitel bringer et forsøg på at begrebsliggøre grænsedragningen mellem religion og politik, med det formål at tydeliggøre de værdier, rationaler og magtformer, der ligger i dansk kirke- og religionspolitik. Hovedargumentet er, at politisk diskussion blandt ledende politikere ikke tager udga...

  16. Universitet: Danske medier har et problem - persondata ender hos ukendte, eksotiske firmaer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Jannick Kirk; Kosta, Sokol


    Mange danske medier er ikke et meget bedre end Facebook og Cambridge Analytice: Mediebrugeres søgehistorik, adresse, interesser, shopping-vaner og profilering, høstet ved brug af mange danske medier, havner nemlig i hænderne på annoncører, statistikfirmaer og andre ukendte virksomheder, hvor de...

  17. Sprogforståelse og hukommelse i danske surveyundersøgelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Henning

    Afhandlingen sætter fokus på interviewpersoners sprogforståelse og hukommelse som årsag til måleproblemer – dvs. gyldigheds- og pålidelighedsproblemer – i danske samfundsvidenskabelige surveyundersøgelser. Undersøgelsen er opdelt i tre faser, hvoraf de to første afrapporteres i bind I. Ved...... tekstanalyse af spørgeskemaer fra op imod 50 danske surveyundersøgelser udvikles kvalitative og kvantitative hypoteser om sprogforståelse og hukommelse. I anden fase testes ti kvalitative hypoteser ved anvendelse af en særlig interview- og analysemetode omfat-tende laboratorieinterview med 32 informanter. De...... kvalitative hypotesetest efterfølges af en tredje fase afrapporteret i bind II, hvor fire hypoteser om udbredelsen af sprogsensitivitet blandt danske interview-personer afprøves. Hypoteserne testes ved gennemførelse af et split sample-eksperiment blandt 20-79-årige danskere, der har besvaret to moderat...

  18. Flexicurity og de danske arbejdsmarkedsrelationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Carsten Strøby


    Danmark har de senere år været genstand for en betydelig international opmærksomhed knyttet til forhold på det danske arbejdsmarked. Dette har ikke mindst været tilfældet i lyset af den såkaldte flexicuritymodel. Karakteristisk ved flexicuritymodellen er den – i hvert fald i teorien – særlige rel...

  19. "Orange Juice" - amerikansk agent og dansk patriot?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Peer Henrik


    Umiddelbart efter anden verdenskrig indledte den amerikanske efterretningstjeneste Office of Strategic Service (OSS) samarbejde med en række danske politikere og modstands- og efterretningsfolk. En af dem var Svend Truelsen, en af modstandskampens store helte...

  20. Har dansk handyrsproduktion en fremtid?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Johnny Michael


    Lønsomheden i den danske handyrproduktion var lav i 2011. Nettooverskuddet pr. produceret handyr var således negativt for samtlige størrelsesgrupper. Der var dog et positivt dækningsbidrag for de fleste grupper, som indikerer, at det er hensigtsmæssigt at opretholde produktionen på kort sigt, men....... producerede handyr forbliver dog negativt for samtlige størrelsesgrupper....

  1. Dansk udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitisk aktivisme i en stadig mere multipolær verdensorden. Danmarks håndtering af den nye stormagt Kina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Camilla T. N.


    Dansk udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik med dets fokus på at fremme dansk sikkerhed, danske interesser og danske værdier står over for nye betingelser. Det centrale spørgsmål er, hvordan dansk udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitisk aktivisme skal operere i en stadig mere multipolær verdensorden. I artiklen...... anvendes en neoklassisk realistisk analyseramme, som muliggør analyse af, hvordan igangværende udviklinger i systemiske og indenrigspolitiske betingelser påvirker dansk udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik. Analysen viser, hvordan handlerummet for den danske værdipolitiske udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitiske...... afhænger af stærke og stabile relationer til nye økonomiske og politiske magtcentre, som ikke deler værdier med Danmark. Den ændrede linje i dansk udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitisk aktivisme viser sig tydeligst i forhold til Danmarks håndtering af den nye stormagt Kina, hvor 1990ernes danske megafondiplomati...

  2. Dansk pensionsbeskatning i EU-retlig belysning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik; Rønfeldt, Thomas


    Artiklen analyserer den danske pensionsbeskatning i fællesskabsretlig belysning, særligt i relation til EF-domstolens praksis om tjenesteydelsernes frie bevægelighed, og særligt i relation til sagerne C-150/04, Kommissionen mod Danmark, og C-522/04, Kommissionen mod Belgien. I artiklen analyseres...

  3. Det danske realkreditsystem og SDO-lovgivningen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grosen, Anders; Jakobsen, Svend


    De senere års store succes for rentetilpasningslån og afdragsfrie lån har betydet, at det danske realkreditsystem er blevet mere eksponeret over for rentestigninger og faldende priser på ejerboliger. På denne baggrund er det overraskende, at Realkreditrådet og Danmarks Nationalbank i aktuelle ana...

  4. Dansk tv-dramas internationale succes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agger, Gunhild


    Det er altid smigrende, når man i udlandet ikke blot importerer danske kulturfænomener, men tilsyneladende også værdsætter dem. Endnu bedre er det, når de giver anledning til debat. Og der har faktisk udfoldet sig en seriøs diskussion bl.a. på netaviser i den engelsk-talende verden – ikke kun om,...

  5. Pædagogisk brug af test

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordenbo, Sven Erik; Allerup, Peter; Andersen, Hanne Leth

    Publikationen er resultatet af et systematisk review foretaget i regi af Dansk Clearinghouse for Uddannelsesforskning. Reviewets grundspørgsmål er: Hvordan kan grundskolelæreres individ- og klassecentrerede brug af data fra test forbedre læreres didaktiske og/eller fagdidaktiske tiltag i klasser...... med almindelige elever? Spørgsmålet vedrører alene testtyper, som indgår i nationale test i de nordiske lande. Og hvordan indvirker indførelsen af testning på læreres didaktiske beslutninger og elevers læringsadfærd? Vi fandt frem til at grundskolelæreres individ- og klassecentrerede brug af testdata...... i klasser med almindelige elever forbedres, når de didaktiske og/eller fagdidaktiske tiltag bygger på test, som lærerne oplever et medejerskab for. Vi fandt fremtil, at introduktion af test fra instanser over klasseniveau med det formål at indvirke på undervisning og elevers læringsadfærd har...

  6. Levekår i dansk landbrug

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andrade, Stefan Bastholm

    Denne rapport analyserer sammenhængen mellem alvorlige dyreværnssager og risikofaktorer i dansk landbrug. Rapporten undersøger de sociale konsekvenser af udviklingen i landbruget over en længere historisk periode. Formålet er at identificere og forklare, hvilke landmænd der er i stand til at tilp...

  7. Krisen overskygger et velsmurt dansk EU-formandskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adler-Nissen, Rebecca


    Danmark fremlagde sine formandskabsprioriteter for Europa-Parlamentet i januar 2012. Dermed kunne et travlt halvt år for den danske regering og embedsmænd tage sin begyndelse. Statsministeren understregede de fire hovedprioriteter for formandskabet i overskriftform: ”Et ansvarligt Europa, et dyna...

  8. En 'dansk' immigrationspakke til EU - uden Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adler-Nissen, Rebecca


    og den franske immigrationspagt i Danmark, skyldes, som så ofte før, at vi her i landet har en Europadebat, der er vendt på hovedet i forhold til den, der føres i de andre EU-lande. Mens danske politikere hen over sensommeren har diskuteret, hvordan man kan minimere EU's indflydelse på dansk......I dag præsenterer Kommissionen en ambitiøs pakke om lovlig og ulovlig indvandring og integration. Målet er, at den skal vedtages sammen med det franske formandskabs immigrationspagt af EU's stats- og regeringschefer den 15.-16. oktober 2008. At der ikke har været mere debat om Kommissionens pakke...... indvandringspolitik og særligt familiesammenføringsreglerne, har resten af EU diskuteret, hvordan man fortsat kan styrke EU's rolle i indvandrings- og immigrationspolitikken og skabe en højere grad af solidaritet mellem medlemslandene. Udgivelsesdato: 8. oktober...

  9. Dansk landbrugs strukturudvikling siden 2. verdenskrig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kærgård, Niels; Dalgaard, Tommy


    Dansk landbrug og landbokultur har forandret sig drastisk over de seneste par generationer. Omkring Anden Verdenskrig oplevedes en ligevægtstilstand med mere end 200.000 selvstændige og forholdsvis små brug, og med en landbefolkning der i afgørende grad prægede samfundet både politisk og økonomis...

  10. Danske erfaringer med værdiforringelsestest

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogholt Hansen, Carsten; Petersen, Christian Vriborg; Plenborg, Thomas


    (impairment of assets) og IFRS 3 (business combinations) har således haft ganske store regnskabsmæssige konsekvenser for de netop aflagte årsrapporter for 2005.I denne artikel undersøger vi via en spørgeskemaundersøgelse, hvorledes danske børsnoterede virksomheder, der har indregnet goodwill, gennemfører...

  11. Dansk økonomi trues af et skrantende svensk boligmarked

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østrup, Finn


    Der har været skrevet meget om truslerne i verdensøkonomien og Donald Trumps økonomiske politik. Men måske ligger den største trussel for dansk økonomi lige på den anden side af Sundet: Hvad sker der, hvis - eller måske når - det svenske boligmarked krakker?......Der har været skrevet meget om truslerne i verdensøkonomien og Donald Trumps økonomiske politik. Men måske ligger den største trussel for dansk økonomi lige på den anden side af Sundet: Hvad sker der, hvis - eller måske når - det svenske boligmarked krakker?...

  12. Medlemsvandringer og krise i den danske aftalemodel?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høgedahl, Laust


    det gælder nytteorienterede og normative betonede motiver for et fagligt medlemskab pga. af disse forbunds fagforeningstype. Sidst i artiklen gives et bud på, hvilke konsekvenser denne udvikling vil få for reguleringen af det danske arbejdsmarked i fremtiden, hvis denne udvikling fortsætter....

  13. Danske Markets: Läti valuutarisk suureneb / Mikk Salu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salu, Mikk, 1975-


    Läti parlament hääletas vastu seaduseelnõule, mis oli osa Läti ja IMF-i vahelisest kokkuleppest. Danske Marketsi hinnangul on vähemalt Lätile laenajate vaatenurgast tegemist Läti-poolse lepingumurdmisega

  14. Dansk turisme savner en samlet plan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lyck, Lise; Jensen, Sune K.


    Turisterhvervet er internationalt set et væksterhverv. I 1950 holdt 25 mio. turister ferie i udlandet, i 2012 1.035 mio., og i 2030 forventes 1,8 mia. at rejse udenlands. Det var derfor rigtigt set af regeringen at nedsætte et vækstteam på området, for dansk turisme har potentialet til at skabe v...

  15. Media literacy i en dansk kontekst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stald, Gitte Bang; Hjelholt, Morten; Nielsen, Laura Høvsgaard

    handler om”. Det vil sige, at undersøgelsen ikke blot består af viden fra forskere og myndigheder, men har haft fokus på at inddrage den danske befolkning. Desuden har studiet haft et bredt sigte, således at fokus ikke afgrænser sig til en bestemt gruppe, som eksempelvis børn eller ældre, men inkluderer...

  16. Danske deltagere udvalgt til euspen Challenge 2015

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Lisbeth


    Kim da Costa Carneiro og Hans Nørgaard Hansen fra DTU Mekanik har udpeget Hüsnü Aslan fra iNano på Aarhus Universitet og Maximilian Marhöfer fra DTU Mekanik, Sektionen for Proces- og Produktionsteknologi som de to danske deltagere i konkurrencen. Begge deltagere blev valgt på baggrund af deres...

  17. "Aarøes Strejfkorps - en dansk specialenhed i 1864"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Papousek, Simon


    Boganmeldelse af genudgivelse af to artikler tidligere bragt i Militært Tidsskrift i slutningen af 1800-tallet, omhandlende oprettelsen, operationerne og historien om den danske specialenhed "Aarøes Strejfkorps" under Anden Slesvgiske Krig...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fjorback, Lone


    I foråret 2014 mødtes en gruppe på 12 danske veteraner en gang om ugen i 9 uger for at deltage i programmet Mindfulness Baseret Stress Reduktion (MBSR). Deltagerne havde meldt sig frivilligt, og gruppen var blandet mht. alder, køn, antal udsendelser og diagnoser. Det, de havde til fælles, var...

  19. 1909 - et vigtigt år i dansk bibliotekshistorie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahlkild, Nan


    En undersøgelse af betydningen for dansk bibliotekshistorie af mønsterbiblioteket og forsamlingsbygningen på Landsudstillingen i Århus i 1909. 1:1 udstillingsbiblioteket og den efterfølgende indretning af biblioteket i Vejen markerede biblioteksbevægelsens og dermed biblioteksbyggeriets og biblio...

  20. Digital innovation af folkeskolernes åbenhed og sammenlignelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kim Normann; Henriksen, Helle Zinner; Agger Nielsen, Jeppe


    Denne artikel præsenterer en normativ model (Public Sector Process Rebuilding, PPR), som kan indfange, hvor innovativt offentlige organisationer anvender digitale løsninger. Optag af digital innovation anskues ofte i litteraturen binært – enten er innovationen anskaffet eller ikke anskaffet. Vores...... argument er imidlertid, at optag af digitale innovationer kan gradbøjes. Vores sigte er derfor at få fokus væk fra anskaffelse og mere i retning af udnyttelse af digitaliseringen med henblik på at skabe forbedring af kerneydelserne og gavne slutbrugerne. Med empirisk afsæt i danske folkeskolers tolkning af...

  1. Aktiv løn i danske virksomheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheuer, Steen

    Formålet med artiklen er at belyse udbredelsen af årsbonus som incitamentløn blandt danske lønmodtagere i den private sektor samt især at belyse nogle effekter af årsbonus på oplevet fairness, på tilfredshed med løn og job og på selvrapporteret arbejdstid. Som forskningsdesign er valgt en stor kv...

  2. Relationelle adjektiver på dansk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorup Horn, Nynne; McGhee, Heidi; Rijkhoff, Jan


    English abstract : Due to their special properties, relational adjectives (in particular when serving as classifying modifiers) have been the subject of detailed investigations in many languages, including Russian, French, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch and German, but they are not mentioned in Danish...... reference grammars. The main goal of this article is to show that Danish also has a class of relational adjectives and to argue that they should be given their rightful place in future grammatical descriptions of the Danish language. Dansk resumé : På grund af deres særlige egenskaber har relationelle...

  3. Et casestudie af Dansk Kvindesamfund


    Palvig, Maria Kinch; Petersen, Sisse Charlotte; Nederskov, Sara Alexie Noomi


    Nærværende projektrapport har til formål at analysere organisationen Dansk Kvindesamfund og kortlægge de dertilhørende diskurser fra henholdsvis 1970’erne og 2012. Som et led i diskursanalysen bliver Faircloughs begreber fra Kritisk Diskursanalyse brugt til at kortlægge diskursen fra 1970’erne, som er skitseret i Dahlerups værk Rødstrømperne. Organisationsanalysen tager udgangspunkt i Frankel og Schmidts Organisationsanalyse. Her vil de bærende elementer i analysen være struktur og intern kom...

  4. From Monolithic to Microservices An Experience Report from the Banking Domain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bucchiarone, Antonio; Dragoni, Nicola; Dustdar, Schahram


    Microservices have seen their popularity blossoming with an explosion of concrete applications in real-life software. Several companies are currently involved in a major refactoring of their back-end systems in order to improve scalability. This article presents an experience report of a real......-world case study, from the banking domain, in order to demonstrate how scalability is positively affected by reimplementing a monolithic architecture into microservices. The case study is based on the FX Core system for converting from one currency to another. FX Core is a mission-critical system of Danske...

  5. Kronik: Lad fondene løfte dansk erhvervsliv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feldthusen, Rasmus Kristian


    , at virksomhedsejere kunne overdrage sin virksomhed til en fond med sa°kaldt “skattemæssig succession. ”Vi befinder os fortsat i en turbu- lent periode med efterdønningerne fra finanskrisen og der er mere end nogensinde før behov for, at vi sikrer at danske virksomheder forbliver i Danmark under et professionelt og ta...

  6. Danske domstoles anvendelse af udenlandsk retspraksis, som i sager om mangler i internationale køb reguleret af CISG

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henschel, Rene Franz


    Danske domstole er blevet kritiseret for ikke at inddrage fremmed retspraksis og for ikke at redegøre for deres konklusioner i sager om internationale køb reguleret af CISG. På baggrund af en analyse af en nyere utrykt landsretsafgørelse påvises det, at denne kritik stadig er berettiget, idet en...... principiel tysk højesteretsafgørelse tilsyneladende er overset eller anvendt forkert. Det konkluderes, at retspraksis og teori med fordel kan inddrages i langt større omfang i danske sager om CISG, og at den danske begrundelsestradition skaber mere tvivl end klarhed. I modsat fald får dansk retspraksis om...... CISG næppe den store værdi i andre lande, idet der kan stilles spørgsmålstegn ved afgørelsernes grundlag og rigtighed....

  7. Fremtiden for dansk forskning og højere uddannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prebensen, Henrik


    Danske universiteter har en tradition for en institutionskultur der bygger på selvstyre, på dynamisk sammenhæng mellem forskning og uddannelse, på forestillingen om erkendelsens og videnskabens enhed og på troen på forskningens og uddannelsernes egenværdi i et dannelsesperspektiv. Denne kultur er...

  8. Den danske FN-aktivismes storhed og fald 1945-2016

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Peter Viggo; Kjærsgaard, Kristine


    Traktat Organisation (NATO) og amerikansk-ledede koalitioner. De store skift i den danske FN aktivisme i perioden 1945-2016 analyseres i tre domæner: diplomati, økonomi og militær ved hjælp af fire indikatorer: frivillighed, initiativrigdom, risikovillighed og ressourceforbrug. FN’s aktivismens storhed og...

  9. De internationale markeder for dansk svinekød

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Niels Asger


    En af de parametre, som har størst betydning for, om efterspørgselen efter dansk svinekød kan opretholdes eller øges i de kommende år er, hvordan ønsker og behov hos de endelige forbrugere udvikler sig i fremtiden. Det kan vi af gode grunde ikke vide præcist, men vi kan med udgangspunkt i blandt ...

  10. Danske dagblade. 10 års økonomisk analyse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans Degn


    Full Text Available Den danske dagbladsbranche er præget af uro med fusioner, samar- bejdsaftaler, opkøb og lukninger. Hans Degn, lektor ved Den Grafiske Højskole, tager i artiklen temperaturen på branchens økonomi i perioden 1980-89. Han tegner herigennem omridset af en diagnose for branchen og dokumenterer balndt andet, at de økonomiske vilkår for henholdsvis provins-, regional- og landsaviser er meget forskellige; derfor hverken foreskriver eller anbefaler han nogen bestemt kur. Men hans redegø- relse og omfattende talmateriale, der omhandler udviklingen i avissalget, redaktionsudgifter, annonceindtægter, produktionsudgifter m.m., giver et sjældent indblik i dansk dagbladsøkonomi, som kan give en bedre for- ståelse for de strukturelle ændringer, som dagspressen nødvendigvis må gennemføre i de kommende år. Vi beklager, at det i nogle af figurerne kan være vanskeligt at skelne de enkelte kurver præcist; sammenholdt med den ledsagende tekst har de dog en vis illustrativ værdi. Af hensyn til læsningen er figurerne anbragt samlet efter artiklen.

  11. Humor i dansk TV-reklame. Et middel på tværs af livsstil?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stigel, Jørgen


    Udgangspunktet for denne artikel er, at humor spiller en relativt dominerende  rolle i dansk tv-reklame, og at der dermed er tale om en stilart, som i høj grad søger at vinde tilslutning og sympati igennem en inkluderende henvendelsesmodus. Man kunne fristes til at antage, at dette skulle hænge...... sammen med en særlig dansk mentalitet, og at humor er mere eller mindre uomgængelig, hvis man vil have danske forbrugere i tale. Dette forhold kontrasteres med den tænkning i livsstile, som er blevet dominerende, dvs. en tænkning, der grundlæggende søger at udskille bestemte forbrugertyper eller -grupper...... og altså grundlæggende skiller eller ekskluderer i segmenter, målgrupper og værdifællesskaber og dermed i princippet også dikterer en udformning af kommunikationen, der sætter skel. Artiklens pointe er, at humor i flere henseender kan være en pragmatisk måde at omgå en række af de problemer, som...

  12. Den danske samfundsudvikling 1848-2012 og marxistisk, neoklassisk, keynesiansk, monetaristisk og nykeynesiansk teori

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Poul Thøis

    Efter i adskillige år at have undervist ud fra andres bøger og efter mange tilløb besluttede forfatteren sig for at skrive sin egen forskningsbaserede bog til Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fællessemester, som dækker fem lektioner om den politiske økonomis historie og den danske økonomiske udvikling........ Ambitionen har været at udarbejde en kort appetitvækker, der gør, at studerende får et overblik og forstår nogle basale sammenhænge og får lyst til at vide mere om økonomisk teori, dansk og international økonomi og ikke mindst debatterne herom....

  13. Forårets konflikter godt for den danske model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheuer, Steen


    Den store vinder ved forårets konflikter var den danske model for aftaler på arbejdsmarkedet. De offentlige fagforeninger fik sig en lærestreg, da regeringen og Folketinget til de flestes overraskelse lod de lovlige konflikter løbe i ugevis. For hermed tvang man parterne, og især forbundene, til...

  14. Om jazz og race i dansk jazzkritik: nogle eksempler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Christen Kold


    'Race' bliver i dansk jazzkritik, især fra 50erne og frem, ignoreret som et ydre 'sociologisk' faktum, i modsætning til kulturradiklisternes idealisering før 2. verdenskrig af musikernes 'race' . Men faktisk fortsætter begrebet med at spille en uerkendt rolle, ofte som kvalitets- og stilmarkør i ...

  15. Forhandlinger af mangfoldighed i danske kommunernes kostpolitikker for dagtilbud

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damgaard Warrer, Sarah; Leer, Jonatan


    Artiklen præsenterer en diskurs analytisk undersøgelse af danske kommuners kostpolitikker. Formålet med studiet er at kortlægge kommunernes forhandling af mangfoldighed og den måltidspædagogiske opgave, hvilket udgør et arbejdsredskab for pædagogerne i kommunale dagtilbud. Studiet er baseret på e...

  16. Supply Chain Management i danske virksomheder: En empirisk analyse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Anne; Arlbjørn, Jan Stentoft; Haas, Henning de

    Formålet med denne undersøgelse er at tage temperaturen på supply chain management-praksis i danske virksomheder. Specifikt søges praksis afdækket inden for følgende fem områder: (1) Supply chain-strategi og -organisation, (2) Outsourcing, (3) Integration med kunder, (4) Sourcing og (5) It....

  17. Ordbog over Dansk Tegnsprog i fare for at lukke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bakken Jepsen, Julie


    Projektet ‘Ordbog over Dansk Tegnsprog’ blev iværksat i 2003. I 2008 blev den første udgave af ordbogen lanceret. Ordbogen er rettet mod en bred brugergruppe, som spænder over døve, hørende forældre med døve børn, døvblevne, tolke/tolkestuderende og lingvister/lingvistikstuderende....

  18. ESCO i danske kommuner: En opsamling af motiver, overvejelser og foreløbige erfaringer med ESCO i kommunale bygninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jesper Ole; Nielsen, Susanne Balslev; Hansen, Jesper Rohr

    Rapporten har til formål at give overblik over de hidtidige erfaringer med brug af ESCO i danske kommuner. ESCO er i dansk sammenhæng en ny samarbejdsform, som i de seneste år er blevet aktualiseret af ønsket om energioptimering af eksisterende bygninger. ESCO, som den benyttes herhjemme, adskill...

  19. Danske politibetjentes perspektiver på peberspray som magtmiddel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Anne Juul; Nielsen, Josefine; Kammersgaard, Tobias


    Peberspray blev introduceret i dansk politi i 2008 med henblik på at reducere skader på borgere og betjente. Siden da er politiets brug af stav og skydevåben mindsket, men den samlede brug af magtmidler er tredoblet. Vi analyserer dette misforhold mellem hensigt og virkning ved at undersøge, hvor...... (1957) teknikker til neutralisering af normoverskridende handlinger. Keywords: use of force, pepper spray, OC spray, neutralization...

  20. Stadig skuldersår i strong>danske sobesætningerstrong>sobesætninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Marianne


    Ny undersøgelse viser, at 17,2 procent af 3.831 diegivende søer i 98 forskellige, danske besætninger havde skuldersår. Hovedparten af skuldersårene var overfladiske, men dybe skuldersår (grad 3-4) blev fundet i næsten hver tredje besætning. Udgivelsesdato: 15. februar 2009......Ny undersøgelse viser, at 17,2 procent af 3.831 diegivende søer i 98 forskellige, danske besætninger havde skuldersår. Hovedparten af skuldersårene var overfladiske, men dybe skuldersår (grad 3-4) blev fundet i næsten hver tredje besætning. Udgivelsesdato: 15. februar 2009...

  1. Hviler Dansk Økonomi på en Cobb-Douglas teknologi?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harck, Søren H.

    Prisdannelsen og faktorefterspørgslen i Det økonomiske Råds sekretariats SMEC-model af dansk økonomi har siden 1998 været teoretisk begrundet i en underliggende Cobb-Douglas teknologi (i kombination med en antagelse om omkostningsminimering). I SMEC-forgængeren SMEC 94 var det derimod markup...

  2. Jyske banker til kaffe hos Lizette

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørholst, Henrik


    En fusion mellem Sydbank, Jyske Bank og Spar Nord vil kunne skabe et stærkt alternativ til Danske Bank og Nordea, men det er næppe realistisk. Her kunne bankerne lære noget af LO og FTF.......En fusion mellem Sydbank, Jyske Bank og Spar Nord vil kunne skabe et stærkt alternativ til Danske Bank og Nordea, men det er næppe realistisk. Her kunne bankerne lære noget af LO og FTF....

  3. Den danske stat og det naturlige fædreland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glenthøj, Rasmus


    forsøgte på engang at være loyale over for både det statsborgerlige fædreland, der inkluderede hele den danske stat, og deres naturlige fædreland Norge, som de følte sig forbundet til gennem deres nationalitet og opvækst. Danskerne opererede med den samme dualistiske fædrelandsopfattelse, hvor de både...

  4. Tradition og håb for dansk animationsfilm med brod

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kasper Østerholdt


    FEATURE. Fra Bennys satirisk samfundskritiske badekar til Morgenthalers konfronterende Princess. Dansk animationsfilm har siden 1960’erne, hvor ikoner som Jannik Hastrup og Flemming Quist Møller satte kursen med de første små kortfilm, markeret sig ved at ville mere end blot være kulørt og blød...

  5. KU & Dansk Erhverv: Humanister og erhvervsliv i fælles front

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sommerlund, Julie; Riisgaard, Louise


    Humanister besidder relevant viden, som ofte først bliver anvendt i slutningen af virksomhedernes udviklingsproces, men den tilbøjelighed skal et nyt samarbejde gøre op med, skriver Julie Sommerlund, prodekan på Københavns Universitet, og Louise Riisgaard, chefkonsulent i Dansk Erhverv....

  6. Kvinden, diakonissen og sygeplejersken i Den danske Diakonissestiftelses etableringsfase 1863-1873

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritzen, Jette

    and nurse in the establishing phase of `Den danske Diakonissestiftelse`, from 1863 to 1873, was partially culturally unacceptable and not culturally recognisable for the bourgeoisie. This meant that the deaconesses had to fight on all fronts to gain recognition and the possibility to further the cause...

  7. Kvinden, diakonissen og sygeplejersken i Den danske Diakonissestiftelses etableringsfase 1863-1873

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritzen, Jette


    and nurse in the establishing phase of `Den danske Diakonissestiftelse`, from 1863 to 1873, was partially culturally unacceptable and not culturally recognisable for the bourgeoisie. This meant that the deaconesses had to fight on all fronts to gain recognition and the possibility to further the cause...

  8. Fusion og koncentration i den danske svineslagterisektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    Strukturudviklingen i den danske slagterisektor er gået hurtig i de seneste ti-år. Koncentrationen steg kraftigt efter midten af 1980‘erne, men i de sidste 10-15 år er udviklingen i et vist omfang stagneret eller endog vendt, og koncentrationen har været faldende. En evt. fusion mellem Danish Crown...... og Tican vil sandsynligvis ikke opveje dette fald i koncentration. De historiske erfaringer fra sektoren viser endvidere, at virksomheder efter en fusion ofte taber markedsandele. Markedet for svinekød er blevet langt mere internationaliseret i de senere år, og dette alene vil øge konkurrencen....

  9. Den Danske Idiomordbog. Design: Richard Almind

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vrang, Vibeke; Bergenholt, Henning; Lund, Lena

    mere. I sidste tilfælde drejer det sig dels om en indlæringsfunktion, dels om en underholdningsfunktion. I fagsproget taler vi om lexicotainment (ordbogsunderholdning). Hvor mange idiomer findes der overhovedet på dansk? Hertil kan vi sige, at denne ordbog indeholder ca. 7.500 idiomer. Dette tal kan...... dog, alt efter, hvordan man tæller, gøres betydeligt større. Hvis vi fx tager et idiom fra idiomordbogen: gå/være (helt) ad Pommern til, tæller det som et og kun et idiom med betydningen 'gå/være meget dårligt', selv om det i praksis dækker fire varianter....

  10. Udviklingen på afsætningsmarkederne for dansk svinekød

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, Lisbeth Fruensgaard; Bredahl, Lone; Fjord, Thomas Ahle

    Danmark er verdens niende største producent af svinekød. Ca. 85% af den danske produktion afsættes i udlandet fordelt på ganske få hovedmarkeder. I Europa er de primære aftagere Tyskland, Storbritanien, Frankrig, Italien, mens Japan er det vigtigste marked uden for Europa, efterfulgt af Rusland...

  11. Aktuelle perspektiver på menneskers forhold til dyr – en dansk introduktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Tia Gitte Bondesen; Thodberg, Karen


    Artiklen introducerer det tværdisciplinære felt, der internationalt kaldes “human-animal studies” eller “anthrozoology” og foreslår “antropozoologi” som dansk fællesbetegnelse. Feltets baggrund og bredde skitseres, og dyreassisteret psykoterapi beskrives mere detaljeret. To små undersøgelser indg...

  12. Outsourcings økonomiske indflydelse på det danske samfund


    Øhrgaard, Amalie; Stisen, Josefine Linding; Svarrer, Olivia Lutz; Crillesen, Rasmus Grevit; Condrup, Mette Grube; Nielsen, Sebbe Hodal


    Dette projekt har til formål at belyse virksomhederne Novo Nordisk og Lundbecks motiver for outsourcing og hvilke konsekvenser det har for den danske samfundsøkonomi. Virksomhedernes forretningsmodeller analyseres ud fra Business Canvas modellen, for at kunne give indsigt i de bagvedliggende strategier, der er med til, at øge virksomhedernes vækst og konkurrenceevne. Med afsæt i analyserne af virksomhederne, udføres en Cost-benefit analyse, hvor Business Canvas modellens output sammenholdes m...

  13. Danske 4. klasseelever er bedre end gennemsnittet til matematik og natur/teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Middelboe, Vibe Abildtrup


    En ny undersøgelse af 4. klasseelevers præstationer i fagene matematik og natur/teknologi viser, at danske elever klarer sig godt internationalt set, og at vi i Danmark har mange elever, der er meget dygtige til matematik. Men den negative sociale arv er fortsat stærk, og lærerne oplever mere stø...

  14. Udbredelse og anvendelse af markedsanalyser i større danske virksomheder 2007

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Carsten Stig


     For femte gang offentliggøres undersøgelsen af, hvor udbredt og anvendt markedsanalyse er blandt 'større' danske virksomheder, afgrænset ved omsætning og antal ansatte. Som ved de foregående undersøgelser er der en betydelig stabilitet over tid i udbredelsen af brugen af de undersøgte analysetyp...

  15. Dansk biomedicin under mikroskopet: Positive og negative feedback mekanismer i forskningens belønningssystem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kladakis, Alexander; Aagaard, Kaare


    Et nyt dansk studie zoomer ind på de lokale konsekvenser af et ekstremt kompetitivt biomedicinsk forskningsklima, hvor adgang til eksterne midler efterhånden er et uomgængeligt overlevelseskrav. Studiet illustrerer, hvordan store bevillinger ikke blot starter en opadgående spiral for bevillingsmo...

  16. Reklamen som pastiche. Om Dansk Sygeplejeråds annoncekampagne efteråret 1986

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gunhild Agger


    Full Text Available Der er flere og flere medieproducenter, der anser modtagerne for at besidde en vis tekstuel intelligens. Fra detektivpasticher som Dick Spanner og Batman over den konstant genreparodierende "Moon- lighting" (De heldige helte til Poul og Nulles respektløse faktion "I sandhedens Tjeneste" leges der med betydningsdannelsen. Seerne/læserne indbydes til selv at spille ping-pong med billeder og tekst. Gunhild Agger analyserer her denne tendens, sådan som den kom- mer til udtryk inden for reklamen: Anker Jørgensen som James Bond, og kondomer til Prinsessen på Ærten! Mest indgående beskæftiger hun sig med Dansk Sygeplejeråds brug af myten om sygeplejersken i en annoncekampagne op mod overenskomstforhandlingerne i 1987. Gunhild Agger nøjes ikke med en indholdsanalyse af annoncerne, men beskriver hele kampagnen: Dansk Sygeplejeråds hensigter med frem- stødet, kampagnens lancering over for den tre-dobbelte målgruppe, læsernes formodede reception, og kampagnens politiske og holdnings- mæssige effekter.

  17. Danske retningsadverbier og rumlig orientering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hovmark, Henrik

    Denne ph.d.-afhandling rummer en undersøgelse af brugen af de danske ret­nings­adverbier (= RA) (ud, ind, op, ned, hen, over, om samt hjem og tilbage) som udtryk for rumlig orientering set ud fra en kognitiv-semantisk synsvinkel (Talmy, Langacker) og med fokus på forholdet mellem sprog, kultur og...... eventuelle sammenhænge mellem sproglig konceptualisering og kul­turel kontekst i brugen af RA. Afhandlingens undersøgelse falder i to hoveddele: 1) En beskrivelse af RAs kernesemantik på basis af undersøgelser i Ømålsordbogens samlinger, Korpus 2000 og Google. 2) En undersøgelse af variationen i brugen af RA......, primært på basis af en række interview med dialekttalende i et sydvestfynsk lokalområde (Helnæs). Afhandlingens analyse af RAs kernesemantik fokuserer på følgende: 1) en be­skrivelse af hvordan RA kan indkode en talers (eller protago­nists) synspunkt og dermed et deiktisk centrum i ytringen, 2) RAs rolle...

  18. Udvikling af arbejdet i callcentre - sådan gik det

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wiegman, Inger-Marie; Møller, Niels

    Et treårigt projekt om arbejdet i callcentre blev afsluttet i 2006. Projektet startede i 2003 og gennemførte udvikling af arbejdet, organisationen og kompetencerne i tre store danske virksomheder. Det var Nykredit, Danske Bank og TDC, som har deres egne callcentre. 700 medarbejdere og ledere deltog...

  19. Drivsel - drift og trivsel i callcentre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Niels; Wiegman, Inger-Marie; Pedersen, Jens Voxtrup

    Bogen fortæller om resultaterne af et treårigt projekt om arbejdet i callcentre som blev afsluttet i 2006. Projektet ”Callcentre – udvikling af arbejdet” gennemførte udvikling af arbejdet, arbejdsorganiseringen og kompetencerne i tre store danske virksomheder Nykredit, Danske Bank og TDC, som har...

  20. Dansk udlevering efter den europæiske arrestordre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elholm, Thomas; Bang Fuglsang Madsen Sørensen, Henning


    Den europæiske arrestordre, der blev vedtaget af EU i 2002, har haft stor betydning for retsudviklingen vedrørende udlevering af personer til strafforfølgning eller strafafsoning i EU. Danmark er - trods retsforbeholdet - fuldt ud med i ordningen om arrestordren, og mange danske domstole har...... efterhånden haft sådanne sager. Det har givet anledning til en række vanskelige juridiske spørgsmål. I den sidste tid har det især drejet sig om, hvorvidt udlevering kan afslås med henvisning til urimelige fængselsforhold i andre lande. EU-domstolen har den 5. april 2016 afsagt en vigtig dom om spørgsmålet...

  1. Frede P. Jensen og den danske indkredsning af Vasatidens Sverige 40 år efter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Dan H.


    Artiklen er en analyse af receptionen af Frede P. Jensens kritik af den svenske historiker Arthur Stilles indflydelsesrige teori fra 1918 om årsagerne den svenske stormagts opståen. Stilles teori så den svenske politik som et grundlæggende defensivt og eksistentielt svar på en dansk indkredsning af...

  2. Betaler det sig? Fleksibilitet og løn i den danske flexicurity-model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ibsen, Flemming


    Indkomstsikkerhed er at bevæge sig fra et job til at andet og få en højere løn, men er det tilfældet i dan danske flexicurity-model, betaler det sig at være fleksibel? Belønnes numerisk ekstern fleksibiblitet højrere end intern funktionel fleksibilbitet? Artiklen viser, at det bedst kan betale si...

  3. Udbredelsen af den invasive børsteorm, Marenzelleria viridis, langs danske kyster – tegn på økologiske konsekvenser?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Banta, Gary Thomas; Christoffersen, Kenn

    ud af de 6 resterende stationer vi undersøgte. Antallet af M. viridis på disse stationer var dog beskeden (... tæthed af M. viridis og en række sediment og abiotiske parametre, hvilket bekræfter artens store tolerance overfor det omskiftelige brakvands miljø og sediment karakteristika, der kendetegner de danske kyster. Disse abiotiske parametre understøtter dog forekomsten af lige netop M. viridis frem for de...... andre søskendearter, da sidstnævnte fortrækker enten lavere salinitet eller lavere temperatur end typisk for de danske kyster. Der blev observerede nogle svage negative sammenhæng mellem Marenzelleria viridis og de naturligt forekommende arter, såsom Hediste (Nereis) diversicolor, Corophium spp. og...

  4. Læremiddeltjek af Fandange - dansk for 5. klasse af Trine May og Susanne Arne-Hansen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Mette Vedsgaard


    Fandango 5 er skrevet af Trine May og Susanne Arne-Hansen og er første gang udgivet i 2009. Systemet er siden kommet i flere oplag. Fandango – dansk for 5. klasse består af en grundbog (264 sider) Arbejdsbog A (64 sider) Arbejdsbog B (64 sider), en lærervejledning (ca. 220 sider) og en hjemmeside...

  5. Svingdøre og blindgyder på det danske arbejdsmarked

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Flemming; Bredgaard, Thomas

    Det er et grundliggende paradoks på det danske arbejdsmarked, at dem på arbejdsmarkedet løber stærkere og stærkere med stress-relaterede sygdomsproblemer, forringet livskvalitet og eksklusion til følge, mens en tilsyneladende næsten uforandret gruppe af mennesker står mere eller mindre permanent......, hvordan disse paradoksproblemer på nutidens arbejdsmarked kan forstås, samtidig med at der gives et muligt bud på løsningsforslag. Det gøres ud fra begrebet om transitionelle arbejdsmarkeder (Transitional Labour Market - TLM), som er lanceret af den tyske professor i økonomisk politik Günther Schmid...

  6. At finde sin stemme på dansk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Karen-Margrete


    At finde sin stemme på dansk/ Finding your voice in Danish It is a general experience of foreigners in Denmark that Danes and other speakers of Danish tend to switch into English when the foreigners try to use and practice their Danish. In this article, I focus on foreign knowledge workers working...... at Danish universities and their experiences with finding their voice in Danish in an environment where English is frequently used. At CIP, Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use, we are developing a format for Danish courses aimed at foreign knowledge workers. Central to the development...... of the course is how to make it possible for the participants to practice their Danish and have a voice in Danish outside the classroom. In this article, I discuss different reasons why people switch into English when speaking with learners of Danish and the implications it may have, both for the learners...

  7. De største danske virksomheder er meget informative i rapporteringen til offentligheden om deres procedure til bekæmpelse af korruption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartmann, Stig


    I undersøgelser gennemført af Transparency International Danmark i 2014 og 2016 af de største danske børsnoterede og ikke børsnoterede virksomheder viser det sig, at disse virksomheder er meget informative omkring deres procedure for at undgå korruption og bestikkelse samt i deres information om...... ejerforhold. Til gengæld er de store virksomhederne ikke særligt informative om deres omsætning og skattebetaling mv. fordelt på lande. Over tid viser de to undersøgelser, at de største danske virksomheder er blevet mere informative og sammenlignet med tilsvarende undersøgelser udført af Transparency...

  8. En analyse af de danske familiers gældsætning og finansielle sårbarhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lunde, Jens


    . De egentlige risici ved den høje gæld blandet danske boligejere opsummeres afslutningsvis. Det drejer sig om risiko for 1) yderligere boligprisfald, 2) yderligere tilbageslag i økonomien, 3) rentestigninger. Hertil kommer, at mange låntagere med afdragsfrie realkreditlån får mindst en fordobling af...

  9. Dansk oversættelse af MiDAS, et redskab til assessment af musikterapi for personer med demens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner; Lykkegaard, Chris; McDermott, Orii


    DAS explored which procedures is used for outcome measure translation and cultural adaptation, and based on this recommended a ten-step procedure. We applied this procedure in order to translate MiDAS and hereby develop the Danish MiDAS-DK. The Danish MiDAS version has been tested by more than 20 professionals......) musikterapeuten umiddelbart efter sessionen for at vurdere forandringer i selve sessionen. Der har været stor interesse for at anvende MiDAS i flere Europæiske lande, herunder Danmark. Derfor undersøgte udviklerne af MiDAS hvilke procedurer der anvendes til oversættelse og kulturel tilpasning af...... assessmentredskaber, og anbefalede på den baggrund en ti-trins procedure. Vi anvendte denne procedure til oversættelsen af MiDAS og således udviklingen af den danske MiDAS-DK. Den danske version af MiDAS er afprøvet af mere end 20 fagpersoner på baggrund af 296 udfyldte MiDAS-skemaer. Målet med artiklen er...

  10. Højpris- og højkvalitetsprodukter og den danske eksport af landbrugs- og fødevarer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte; Elleby, Christian; Gylling, Morten


    enkelte varegrupper inden for gruppen af landbrugs- og fødevarer. Der er en relativt stor andel højværdivarer i den danske landbrugseksport i forhold til de øvrige EU-landes tilsvarende eksport. Ud fra seks konkrete eksempler (minkskind, modificeret stivelse, rajgræs, smør, blåskimmelost og svinekød...

  11. 2001 – 2010 Dansk Design Reference Year Supplerende datasæt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grunnet Wang, Peter; Scharling, Mikael; Wittchen, Kim Bjarne

    Det danske Design Reference Year (DRY) datasæt blev præsenteret i 2012 [1], specielt med henblik på teknisk dimensionering indenfor solenergi-sektoren. I nærværende rapport præsenteres et supplerende datasæt for parametrene atmosfæretryk, vindretning, skydække, vandtemperatur samt jordtemperatur....... tillæg til det supplerende datasæt er der præsenteret et separat datasæt til byggesagsbehandling, se afsnit 6. Dette datasæt indeholder data fra blot én station pr. parameter, der er blevet udvalgt som værende repræsentativ for hele Danmark....

  12. Dansk oversættelse af MiDAS, et redskab til assessment af musikterapi for personer med demens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner; Lykkegaard, Chris; McDermott, Orii


    Music in Dementia Assessment Scales, MiDAS, er udviklet til at vurdere ændringer i trivsel hos borgere med demens som har deltaget i musikterapi. Målingen udføres af 1) personale før og efter musikterapien for at vurdere om der er en indflydelse i hverdagssituationer efterfølgende, eller af 2......) musikterapeuten umiddelbart efter sessionen for at vurdere forandringer i selve sessionen. Der har været stor interesse for at anvende MiDAS i flere Europæiske lande, herunder Danmark. Derfor undersøgte udviklerne af MiDAS hvilke procedurer der anvendes til oversættelse og kulturel tilpasning af...... assessmentredskaber, og anbefalede på den baggrund en ti-trins procedure. Vi anvendte denne procedure til oversættelsen af MiDAS og således udviklingen af den danske MiDAS-DK. Den danske version af MiDAS er afprøvet af mere end 20 fagpersoner på baggrund af 296 udfyldte MiDAS-skemaer. Målet med artiklen er...

  13. Business Process Re-engineering- Neotaylorisme, Konsulenthyldevare eller styrkelse af lønmodtagerne ?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koch, Christian


    -konceptet identificeres. BPRs betydning for arbejdslivet dækkes via udenlandske bidrag. Der er elementer i strategien som vender næsen henimod tayloristiske tankegange: arbejdet skal kortlægges og kan omlægges, som om det er fuldt logisk strukturerbart. Men der tales der også om målstyring fremfor regelstyring......, procesorientering og teams. Elementer, der kan føre til forbedring af arbejdet. Der er store forskelle på centrale punkter imellem danske promoteres forståelse af BPR. Forskelle, der antyder, at der kan komme frugtbare resultater ud af at kende de sociale formningsmekanismer: Det er ikke ligegyldigt for fremtidens...... arbejdsliv hvilke visioner og forståelser, der indgår i koncepterne. Og koncepterne kan ændres. Dermed åbnes en vej for nye alliancer i strategier for at udvikle arbejdet. Logikken bag de nye koncepter må tages alvorligt. En hel sektor -rådgiverne- lever af at produktudvikle nye koncepter, og koncepterne vil...

  14. IT Project Portfolio Management: Vertical and Horizontal Work Design Problems in a Public Organization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Kristian

    dansk kommune, der arbejder på at forbedre dens IT PPM praksisser. Undersøgelsen anvender Work Design Teori til at analysere kommunens IT PPM praksisser på tværs af hierarkiske niveauer og organisatoriske enheder i bestræbelsen på, at besvare følgende tre forskningsspørgsmål:(1) Hvordan udfører en...... at trække på Sinha and Van De Ven’s (2005) Work Design Teori, der sondrer mellem vertikal- og horisontal arbejdsdeling. Vertikal deling af arbejde bliver betragtet som fordelingen af autoritet, viden og resurser, hvilket undersøgelsen finder værende delt ud på fire hierarkiske niveauer: (1) det politiske...... kommunens IT projektgrupper. I besvarelsen af det andet forskningsspørgsmål anvendes Work Design Teori til at identificere problemer indenfor tre relaterede problemområder: hierarkiske dekompositions problemer, modularitets problemer og komplekse netværks problemer. De identificerede problemer er...

  15. Indsatser for tosprogede elever

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Dines; Jakobsen, Vibeke; Jensen, Vibeke Myrup

    Fagligt set klarer tosprogede elever sig dårligere i skolen og det videre uddannelsessystem end ’danske’ elever. Kommuner og folkeskoler har derfor sat en række tiltag i værk, som sigter mod at forbedre de tosprogede elevers skole- og uddannelsessituation. Rapporten kortlægger og analyserer...... af klasseundervisningen. Analysen viser, at de elever, der bliver taget ud af klassen for at få ekstra undervisning i dansk som andetsprog, klarer sig dårligere end elever, der modtager ekstraundervisningen i klassen eller uden for skoletid. Undersøgelsen er baseret på spørgeskemaundersøgelser blandt...... kommunale forvaltningschefer, skoleledere, lærere og forældre til børn i 2. klasse samt lærere til og elever i 9. klasse, SFI’s forløbsundersøgelse af årgang 1995 og registerdata. Undersøgelsen er via Ministeriet for Børn og Undervisning betalt med midler fra satspuljeaftalen 2009 om integration....

  16. Internationale kommunikationseffekter ved fremsendelse af danske vidensregnskaber på engelsk til kunder i Storbritannien og Tyskland: Forskningsbaggrund og -design

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skaates, Maria Anne


    Formålet med dette Working Paper er at fastlægge en metodologi for et kommende studium af de internationale kommunikationseffekter ved fremsendelse af danske vidensregnskaber på engelsk til kunder i Storbritannien og Tyskland. I det følgende afsnit vil der derfor blive redegjort generelt for, hvad...

  17. Mobil læring på danske universiteter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inger-Marie Christensen


    Full Text Available Tallene for 2012 taler for sig selv. Ca. 60 % af den voksne, danske befolkning ejer en smartphone og hele 75 % af de 15-34 årige (FDB Analyse, 2012. Andelen af befolkningen, der anvender en mobiltelefon til at gå på nettet er mere end fordoblet i løbet af 2 år (fra 23 % i 2010 til 55 % i 2012, ligesom de mobile aktiviteter har ændret sig mod en mere intensiv anvendelse af apps, sociale netværk, e-bøger og andre former for interaktive multimedier (Danmarks Statistik, 2012; Pew Internet, 2012; GSMA, 2011. 20 % af befolkningen ejer nu også en tablet-pc og denne andel er i kraftig vækst (FDB Analyse, 2012. Både på danske gymnasier og i universitetssammenhæng ser man ligeledes en stigende interesse for den mobile teknologi og dens anvendelse i undervisningen. Uddannelsesinstitutionerne ønsker bl.a. at tilbyde fleksibel adgang til undervisningsmaterialer samt at understøtte aktiv og studenter-centreret læring (Odder Gymnasium, 2012; Johnson et al., 2012; Johnson et al., 2013, og de studerende ønsker at gøre brug af de devices, der allerede er en naturlig del af deres andre gøremål og uformelle læringsaktiviteter (Uys, 2012; Johnson et al., 2013; GSMA, 2011[1]. Alt dette giver helt nye udfordringer og muligheder for universitetsundervisningen, for selvom teknologien er flittigt brugt til fx underholdning, kommunikation og informationssøgning, er det ikke altid klart, hvorledes den bedst kan benyttes til undervisningsaktiviteter. Det er derfor med fornøjelse, at vi i dette nummer af LOM kan præsentere en samling af artikler med dugfriske erfaringer om brugen af mobil teknologi i undervisningen. Artiklerne beretter om gode erfaringer ved brug af mobile teknologier såvel som udfordringer og barrierer. Du kan finde konkrete eksempler på, hvordan teknologien er blevet anvendt til forskellige undervisningsaktiviteter så som forelæsninger, til vejledning, i forbindelse med eksamen og i laboratorieundervisning, ligesom flere af

  18. An Experiment on Creating Enterprise Specific BPM Languages and Tools

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brahe, Steen

    Many enterprises use their own domain concepts in modeling business process and use technology in specialized ways when they implement them in a Business Process Management (BPM) system.In contrast, BPM tools used for modeling and implementing business processes often provide a standard modeling...... and automation to BPM tools through a tool experiment in Danske Bank, a large financial institute; We develop business process modeling languages, tools and transformations that capture Danske Banks specific modeling concepts and use of technology, and which automate the generation of code. An empirical...... language, a standard implementation technology and a fixed transformation that may generate the implementation from the model. This makes the tools inflexible and difficult to use.This paper presents another approach. It applies the basic model driven development principles of direct representation...

  19. På vej mod en dansk krondyrforvaltning (Cervus elaphus): Hvad mangler vi at vide, og hvad mangler vi at gøre?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sunde, Peter; Haugaard, Lars


    Krondyret adskiller sig fra andre jagtbare danske pattedyr ved at færdes over væsentligt større arealer end den gennemsnitlige privatejede jagtrevirstørrelse. Dette fører til ”tragedy of commons”-syndromet, hvor alle konkurrerer om at udnytte en fælles ressource uden overordnet plan eller reguler...

  20. Methods of Payment to Banks: e-Banking. Comparative Study on Three Banks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miranda Petronella VLAD


    Full Text Available E-banking website, majority offers the banks. At first it was electronic-banking, Internet-banking followed, followed by mobile-banking service. These services offer the same facilities, Customer Bank just that varies the channel used for communication with the Bank. The services offered by banks through E-banking, approves: compilation of orders; scheduled payments; orders for payment of wages; internal transfers; pay rates on internal or external; currency exchanges; view balances of accounts at any time; information about foreign exchange rates; view and print account statements; the definition of beneficiaries of direct payments by the client.





    In the world of banking, the development of IT has a huge effect on development of more flexible payments methods and more user-friendly banking services. Recently, modern electronic banking services, internet and mobile banking, have rejuvenated banking transactions. Electronic banking over the Internet is one of the newest e-banking services with several benefits both for banks and for customers. The paper aims to provide an overview of online banking services highlighting various aspect...

  2. 12 CFR 619.9140 - Farm Credit bank(s). (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Farm Credit bank(s). 619.9140 Section 619.9140 Banks and Banking FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION FARM CREDIT SYSTEM DEFINITIONS § 619.9140 Farm Credit bank(s). Except as otherwise defined, the term Farm Credit bank(s) includes Farm Credit Banks...


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    Full Text Available In the world of banking, the development of IT has a huge effect on development of more flexible payments methods and more user-friendly banking services. Recently, modern electronic banking services, internet and mobile banking, have rejuvenated banking transactions. Electronic banking over the Internet is one of the newest e-banking services with several benefits both for banks and for customers. The paper aims to provide an overview of online banking services highlighting various aspects globally as well as in the Romanian banking system. Even if there already are several studies on web banking, this topic still remains a resourceful area for academic research in the next decade.

  4. Banking system trust, bank trust, and bank loyalty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Esterik-Plasmeijer, P.; van Raaij, W.F.


    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to test a model of banking system trust as an antecedent of bank trust and bank loyalty. Six determinants of trust and loyalty are included: competence, stability, integrity, customer orientation, transparency, and value congruence. The study provides insights

  5. Relationship Banking in Labor Bank


    三村, 聡


    As Labor bank is seemed as business partner of labor union, it contributes each community activities. For example, Labor bank helps retired employee, laborer and inhabitants. In addition, after the amendment of Money Lending Business Act of 2010, labor bank became clearly community based bank by consulting for heavily-indebted people and their education. This paper analyzes the new role of labor bank such as community contribution and enhancing financing service by collecting of the opinion o...

  6. Bank, Banking System, Macroprudential Supervision, Stability of Banking System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tetiana Vasilyeva


    Full Text Available Intensification of financial development during last decade causes transformation of banking sector functioning. In particular, among the most significant changes over this period should be noted the next ones: convergence of financial market segments and appearance of cross-sector financial products, an increase of prevailing of financial sector in comparison with real economy and level of their interdependent, an intensification of crisis processes in financial and especially banking sector and a significant increase of the scale of the crisis consequences etc. thus, in such vulnerable conditions it is become very urgent to identify the relevant factors that can influence on the stability of banking sector, because its maintenance seems to be one of the most important preconditions of the stability of the national economy as a whole. Purpose of the article is to analyze key performance indicators of the Ukrainian banking system, clarify its main problems, identify relevant factors of the stability of the Ukrainian banking system and the character of their influence on the dependent variable. Realization of the mentioned above tasks was ensured by regression analysis (OLS regression. Analysis of key indicators that characterize current situation in the Ukrainian banking system found out the existence of numerous endogenous and exogenous problems, which, in turn, cause worsening most of analyzed indicators during 2013-2015. Unfavorable situation in Ukrainian banking system determined the necessity of identification of relevant factors of banking system stability to avoid transmission of financial shocks. According to the results of regression analysis on the stability of banking sector positively influence such factors as increase of interest margin to gross income ratio, reserves to assets ratio, number of branches, ratio of non-performing loans to total loans. Meanwhile, negative impact on stability of banking system has an increase of liquid

  7. Danske duehøges populationsøkologi og forvaltning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drachmann, J.; Nielsen, J. T.

    Efter at duehøgen blev helårsfredet i 1967 gik antallet af duehøge frem i Danmark igennem 1970erne og 1980erne, men i løbet af 1990erne er populationen atter gået tilbage flere steder i Danmark. I Vendsyssel gik duehøgepo-pu-la-tio-nen således frem fra 31 ynglepar i 1977 til 72 par i 1994...... seneste års tilbagegang i den danske duehøgepo-pu-la-tion. Duehøgs reproduktion Duehøgens ungeproduktion kunne relateres til hunnens alder i 951 yngleforsøg, og til hannens alder i 561 yngleforsøg. Den aldersspecifikke ungeproduktion steg med såvel han- som hunalder, men kun den aldersafhængige...... duehøgens byt-te steg signifikant fra midten af 1990erne bå-de i og uden for yngletiden, og stigningen hang sammen med en stigende mængde fasaner i Vendsyssel i løbet af 1990erne da interessen for at udsætte fasaner til jagt i undersøgelsesområdet nemlig steg markant efter 1993. Stigningen i antallet af...

  8. The Response of Performance to Merger Strategy in Indonesian Banking Industry: Analyses on Bank Mandiri, Bank Danamon, and Bank Permata

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    Murti Lestari


    Full Text Available This study analyzes the responses of performances of BankMandiri, Bank Danamon, and Bank Permata to merger strategy.This paper harnesses the quantitative approach with structuralbreak analysis method and impulse response function. Theplausible findings indicate that the merger of Bank Permataproduces a better performance response in comparison to theconsolidation of Bank Mandiri and the merger of Bank Danamon.The merger of Bank Permata does not result in performanceshocks, and the structural break does not prevail either. On theother hand, the consolidation of Bank Mandiri and the mergerof Bank Danamon result in structural breaks, particularly in thespread performance. In order to return to the stable position, themergers of Bank Mandiri and Bank Danamon require a longertime than does the merger of Bank Permata. This researchindicates that for large banks, the mergers and acquisitions(retaining one existing bank will deliver a better performanceresponse than will the consolidations (no existing bank. Keywords: impulse response function; merger; structural break


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    Yuliya Onyshchenko


    Full Text Available The purpose of the paper is to work out and characterize bank business models that are formed in Ukraine. Methodology. Our research we will spend among banks that are functioning on the Ukrainian financial market and are not on the stage of liquidation, so the sample under study in our work is comprised of 131 banks which are different in their ownership structure and size. The core of the methodology is a statistical clustering algorithm that allows identifying the groups of banks (clusters with similar business models as banks with similar business model strategies have made similar choices regarding the composition of their assets and liabilities. The cluster analyses were taken on the base of seven chosen indicators: bank loans, bank liabilities, enterprise loans, enterprise liabilities, household loans, household liabilities and trading assets. Results. The traditional business model of bank is worked out. The bank business models that are functioning in Ukraine are identified on the base of cluster analyses using balance sheet characteristics of 131 Ukrainian banks. We find that in Ukraine were formed three types of bank business models: “Focused retail”, “Diversified retail” and “Corporative retail”. The description of each model is given. Practical implications. More detailed research of distinguished models allows not only to find out the main advantages and disadvantages of each bank model, but also the main problems that follow the development of Ukrainian banking sector. Identifying of bank models and their studying simplifies searching and elaboration of regulatory instruments as there is a two-way causation between regulation and bank business models. This implies a symbiotic relationship between regulation and bank business models: business models respond to regulation which in turn responds to the evolution of new business models. Value/originality. Such survey is conducted at the first time among Ukrainian banks. The



    PAKSOY, H. Mustafa; ABAROSS, Nour


    This study deals with the nature of Islamic banks and their features, and requirements of these features in terms of control tools and methods appropriate with the particularity of their business and their relation with the traditional central bank. At the same time aims to view the relationship between Islamic bank and central bank. To explain this relation the researcher started to explain what is the central bank, objectives of central bank, and characteristics, what is Islamic bank and ob...

  11. Electric Co'Co' bi-voltage locomotive class EG 3100 of DSB; Co'Co'-Zweifrequenzlokomotive EG 3100 fuer Danske Statsbaner

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedersen, B.O. [DSB Materiel Technik, Copenhagen (Denmark); Joergensen, O.A. [Siemens AG, Erlangen (Germany). Abt. VT 62; Proell, J. [Siemens AG, Muenchen (Germany). Abt. VT 68


    DSB has purchased a series of heavy electric locomotives for hauling transit freight trains between Central Europe and Scandinavia. Demands, basic features and technical components are described in detail. (orig.) [German] Fuer den Transitgueterverkehr zwischen Mitteleuropa und Skandinavien hat Danske Statsbaner eine Serie schwerer elektrischer Lokomotiven beschafft. Die Anforderungen, das Grundkonzept und die technischen Komponenten werden ausfuehrlich beschrieben. (orig.)

  12. Electric Co'Co' bi-voltage locomotive class EG 3100 of DSB; Co'Co'-Zweifrequenzlokomotive EG 3100 fuer Danske Statsbaner

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedersen, B.O. [DSB Materiel Technik, Copenhagen (Denmark); Joergensen, O.A. [Siemens AG, Erlangen (Germany). Abt. VT 62; Proell, G. [Siemens AG, Muenchen (Germany). Abt. VT 68


    DSB has purchased a series of heavy electric locomotives for hauling transit freight trains between Central Europe and Scandinavia. Demands, basic features and technical components are described in detail. (orig.) [German] Fuer den Transitgueterverkehr zwischen Mitteleuropa und Skandinavien hat Danske Statsbaner eine Serie schwerer elektrischer Lokomotiven beschafft. Die Anforderungen, das Grundkonzept und die technischen Komponenten werden ausfuehrlich beschrieben. (orig.)

  13. Is shadow banking really banking?


    Bryan J. Noeth; Rajdeep Sengupta


    To those who don't know, the term "shadow banking" probably has a negative connotation. This primer draws parallels between what has been termed the shadow banking sector and the traditional banking sector—showing that they are similar in many ways.


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    Rahmatina A. Kasri


    Full Text Available Bank run is an important economic phenomenon which increasingly occurred in in modern banking system and potentially threatened banking stability as it could trigger a banking crisis. However, most studies related to bank run focus on the occurrence of bank run in conventional banking system. Very few of them discuss the bank run phenomenon under Islamic banking system or dual banking system where Islamic banks jointly operating with conventional banks. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the determinants of bank run in the Indonesian Islamic banking industry by employing primary data from 256 customers of Indonesia Islamic banks in 2015 and by utilizing factor analysis and descriptive statistics. In theory, Islamic banks tend to be more resilient towards any macroeconomic or financial shocks as compared to conventional banks due to the nature of its asset-based and risk-sharing arrangement. However, the result exhibits that both psychological and fundamental factors (i.e. macroeconomics and bank fundamentals strongly influence the behaviors of Islamic banking depositors to withdraw their funds, which might trigger the occurrence of bank runs in the country. Insider information, macroeconomic condition and bank fundamental factors are also shown to have the highest impacts among all variables. Hence, in the context of banking stability, the finding implies that Islamic banks are not completely immune to the impacts of macroeconomic shocks or financial crisis. As a country with a dual banking system, Indonesia had experienced several bank runs since 1990s. Therefore, the findings of the study should provide the policy makers important insight into research based-policy in order to attain financial stability as one of the main economic goals of the country. Keywords: Bank run, Islamic bank, Factor analysis, Indonesia JEL Classification: C83, G21, G28

  15. Simulating Retail Banking for Banking Students (United States)

    Supramaniam, Mahadevan; Shanmugam, Bala


    The purpose of this study was to examine the implementation flow and development of retail bank management simulation based training system which could provide a comprehensive knowledge about the operations and management of banks for the banking students. The prototype of a Retail banking simulation based training system was developed based on…

  16. Bank Diversification Effects on Bank Performance and Risk Profile of Bank in Indonesia

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    Anthony Lukmawijaya


    Full Text Available We investigate the relationship of Indonesian bank diversification towards its long term performance and risk profile with Indonesian bank data from 2009 to 2013. Non-interest income to total operating income of the bank measures its bank diversification level. Bank value is measured by the adjusted Tobin's Q and risk profile which is broken down into total risk, idiosyncratic risk, and systematic risk. The result shows that bank non-interest income diversification has a positive influence on its franchise value. There is, however, no strong evidence that diversification can lower a bank's risk profile.

  17. Denying Foreign Bank Entry: Implications For Bank Interest Margins


    Ross Levine


    This paper examines the impact of restricting foreign bank entry on bank net interest margins while controlling for (a) impediments to domestic bank entry, (b) the degree of foreign bank ownership of the domestic banking industry, (c) an array of bank-specific characteristics, (c) banking sectorconcentration, and (d) various country traits. Using data on almost 1200 banks across 47 countries, the results suggest that restricting foreign bank entry boosts bank net interest margins. Also, restr...


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    Full Text Available E-banking is the first of those banking services that really economize time, because it allows to the user to accomplish from behind the computer many operations in the bank account, represents the computational solution that allows to the holder to have

  19. Internet Banking integration within the banking system

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    Constantin Marian MATEI


    Full Text Available Internet Banking developed due to increasing demand of online banking transactions. The biggest advantages of Internet Banking consist of complex banking solutions, 24 hours availability, quick and secure access to the back-end application through Internet. These advantages are due to the use of SOA (service-oriented architecture. SOA appeared as a necessity of companies to integrate big and independent portions of applications, in order to obtain an homogeneous functionality of the system. For the Internet Banking applications, SOA proved to be the optimal architectural solution, for a smoth integration between banking services from the front-end to the back-end.This paper intend to offer an insite analyse of the Internet Banking applications architecture integrated with other banking systems. A SOA oriented analyse will establish the scope of the integration architecture.

  20. Interest Free Banking in Nigeria - Welcome Islamic Banking ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Interest Free Banking in Nigeria - Welcome Islamic Banking; Welcome Christian Banking. ... banks pay interest on deposits, and charge interest on loans and advances, ... However, the literature on interest rates, in relation to Commercial Bank ...

  1. Impact of E-Banking on Traditional Banking Services


    Vyas, Shilpan Dineshkumar


    Internet banking is changing the banking industry, having the major effects on banking relationships. Banking is now no longer confined to the branches were one has to approach the branch in person, to withdraw cash or deposit a cheque or request a statement of accounts. In true Internet banking, any inquiry or transaction is processed online without any reference to the branch (anywhere banking) at any time. Providing Internet banking is increasingly becoming a "need to have" than a "nice to...

  2. Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Mobile Banking (M-Banking Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah di Indonesia [Effect of Mobile Banking (M-Banking Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Indonesia

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    Aditya Wardhana


    Full Text Available The research aim was to assess the influence of the service quality of mobile banking (m-banking against customer satisfaction at the greatest banks in Indonesia. Elements of the quality of mobile banking services (m-banking were speed, security, accuracy, and trust. The population of this study was bank customers from eight of the greatest bank in Indonesia -- Bank Mandiri, Bank BRI, Bank BCA, Bank BNI, Bank CIMB Niaga, Bank Danamon, Bank Permata, and Bank Panin -- who used mobile banking which totaled 19.9 million customers with the size of the sample being 400 respondents. The sampling method used nonprobability sampling by incidental sampling. The results by using a structural equation modeling (SEM found significant influences between service quality of mobile banking (m-banking partially and simultaneously to customer satisfaction.

  3. Role of Foreign Banks in Integration of Banking Industry

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    Roman Šubić


    Full Text Available Dynamic development of financial industry in some last ten years that, considering the kind of financial agents, remained bank-oriented represents a suficient reason to investigate the causes that brought to the present structure of banking system. After having presented theoretical bases of the integration forms and banks connection, the paper analyzes the influence of foreign banks on the development of Croatian bank system. Thus, beside the knowledge of quantitative changes in the banking system, the paper researched the motivations of the banks regarding integration that, among other things, brought to creating the effects of scale and scope economies. However, the concentrations among banks can lead to creation of negative externalities that later become potential dangers for the banking. Pre-cognitions on development of banking system are used to create projection of future banking development while the data basis of the countries from the region enabled the comparative analysis of banks integration in these countries. The conclusion is that the foreign banks have been the largest promoters of bank integration in the Republic of Croatia contributing also to qualitative development of banking market and to deepening of financial market spectrum.

  4. Analisis Perbandingan Bank Umum Konvensional Dan Bank Umum Syariah


    Nuryati; Gendis Gumilar, Amethysa


    This study analyzes and compares the financial risk of the two types of commercial banks, namely conventional commercial bank and Islamic commercial bank. Analysis tools used in this study is to use financial ratios and dicriminant values (Z values). Analysis showed that the ratio of liquidity and solvability ratios higher islamic commercial bank than conventional commercial bank. Z values higher islamic commercial bank than conventional commercial bank. The commercial banks are in a state of...

  5. Vidensbaseret beslutningstagning i HR-funktionen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Anders; Hansen, Thomas Bech; Frederiksen, Niels


    Employees are a company's most important asset. Hence it is essential that companies use the information available about their employees optimally to learn about employee behavior and to optimize their use of human resources. In this article we present a job separation study using Danske Bank...

  6. Danmarks nye erhvervsikoner venter i kulissen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørholst, Henrik


    Ikonerne brænder ud. Falck, A.P. Møller - Mærsk, LEGO, Novo Nordisk og Danske Bank har ikke længere en status som urørlige. Nu er de kommet ned på jorden, og står alle med en stribe udfordringer....

  7. Is banking supervision central to central banking?


    Joe Peek; Eric S. Rosengren; Geoffrey M. B. Tootell


    Whether central banks should play an active role in bank supervision and regulation is being debated both in the United States and abroad. While the Bank of England has recently been stripped of its supervisory responsibilities and several proposals in the United States have advocated removing bank supervision from the Federal Reserve System, other countries are considering enhancing central bank involvement in this area. Many of the arguments for and against these proposals hinge on the effe...

  8. Regional Banks in the Russian Banking System

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    Mikhail Vitalyevich Leonov


    Full Text Available Despite the lack of a uniform definition of «a regional bank», problems of their activities are widely discussed in the context of increasing regulation of the banking sector and creation of conditions for accelerated development of certain regions. The author analyses the Russian-language scientific literature in order to define «a regional bank» and systematize its key differences from other commercial banks. The researcher shows that the allocation of regional banks in a separate group should be related to specific features of the environment and not by endogenous factors associated with the selection of activities and balance sheet structure. The low level of financial market development and concentration of specific undiversified risks are the principal qualifiers differentiating between regional banks and other credit institutions in Russia. As classification criteria the author uses following: spatial representation (the bank does not have structural subdivisions in Moscow and the ownership structure (among the bank’s owners there are no national and international financial groups that have a direct impact on the operations of the bank

  9. Mobile banking: New trend in the contemporary banking sector

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    Sanader Dušica


    Full Text Available In the late 1990s and early 2000s, banking has undergone and is still undergoing some considerable changes, adjusting itself to the new circumstances and challenges in its environment. Modern information technologies have granted an opportunity to banks to expand their operations and adjust their offer of products and services, placing them through the new communication channels. The increasing reliance on mobile devices, especially the so-called smart phones, has facilitated the development of a new form of banking, known as mobile banking. Mobile banking is a specific channel of electronic banking, enabling clients to communicate with the bank via mobile devices. The bank's products and services are, thus, available to the clients at any time and at any place, and the banking sector is expected to perfectly understand the needs of today's clients, before implementing mobile banking. The research in this paper focuses on mobile banking, as a segment of electronic banking, which has developed under the influence of modern information technologies. The paper elaborates on the main characteristics of mobile banking, its advantages, but also its drawbacks that the banks and their clients are facing in the process of its utilization (or its implementation in practice. Moreover, the paper presents the trends of using mobile banking in the world and in Serbia, along with the tendencies for developing new services.

  10. Midtvejsrapport – Udvikling, test og validering af QTI-spørgsmål i en dansk gymnasiekontekst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Lea; Lund, Rolf Lyneborg

    Rapporten omhandler specifikt udviklingen af en dansk version af spørgsmålene i ’Questionnaire on Teachers Interaction’ (QTI), som er et element af projektet ”Relationskompetence og Klasseledelse i gymnasiet” (ROK). QTI er et empirisk velafprøvet og udbredt spørgeskema til elever, som giver et blik...... Utrecht Universitet til stadighed ændrer på begrebsbetegnelserne i deres modeller for MITB (The Model for Interpersonal Teacher Behavior), som er grundlaget for QTI. Det er vores håb med denne rapports gennemsigtighed omkring spørgsmålsudviklingen og fremlæggelsen af alle data og den endeligt statistisk...



    Maria Klimikova


    Understanding the reasons of the present financial problems lies In understanding the substance of fractional reserve banking. The substance of fractional banking is in lending more money than the bankers have. Banking of partial reserves is an alternative form which links deposit banking and credit banking. Fractional banking is causing many unfavorable economic impacts in the worldwide system, specifically an inflation.

  12. Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Pada Bank Nasional, Bank Campuran, Dan Bank Asing Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia


    Angel, Christania Graciella


    Bank performance appraisal is based on bank financial report itself. The financial report can be form balance report which give information about the financial position to the outside of bank that can be used of eksternal to assess the level of risk exist in a bank. Based on ownership consist of national bank, mixture bank and foreign bank. These banks has tight compete to show a good performance to the public. This research aimed to analyze the financial performance difference of national ba...



    Inder Pal Singh S/o Roop singh*, Dr. Payal Bassi


    E- Banking is about using the infrastructure for digital age to create opportunities, both local & global. IT enables the dramatic lowering of transaction cost and the creation of new types of banking opportunities that address the barriers of time and distance. Banking opportunities are local, global and immediate in e-banking. Internet banking has many advantages over other traditional banking delivery methods. Internet banking provides banks with an increased customer base, cost savings, m...

  14. Electronic Banking And Bank Performance In Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mar 1, 2013 ... deploying information Technology in banks therefore can ... profitability indices and other control of financial ..... impact of e-banking on bank profitability ..... [13] Nikolai L. and Bazlay J.D (1997) Intermediate Accounting, South-.

  15. 75 FR 20848 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies (United States)


    ... Carolina, Seneca National Bank, Seneca, South Carolina, and The Peoples National Bank, Easley, South... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C...

  16. Electronic Banking And Bank Performance In Nigeria | Abaenewe ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study investigated the profitability performance of Nigerian banks following the full adoption of electronic banking system. The study became necessary as a result of increased penetration of electronic banking which has redefined the banking operations in Nigeria and around the world. Judgmental sampling method ...

  17. 12 CFR 211.22 - Interstate banking operations of foreign banking organizations. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Interstate banking operations of foreign banking organizations. 211.22 Section 211.22 Banks and Banking FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTERNATIONAL BANKING OPERATIONS (REGULATION K) Foreign Banking...

  18. 75 FR 49493 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies (United States)


    ... Peoples Bank and Trust Company, both of North Carrollton, Mississippi. B. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C...





    The paper examines the features of private banking business focusing on the substantial growth in private banking over the last decade as commercial banks have targeted upmarket high net worth individuals. The accumulation of wealth has prompted the development of private banking services for high net worth individuals, offering special relationships and investment services. Private banking is about much more than traditional banking services of deposits and loans. It's about providing a one-...

  20. Banking contracts


    Durčáková, Klára


    Resumé - Bank Contracts Bank Contracts are an integral part of our everyday lives. Citizen and bussines entities used bank contracts very often. Despite this fact we can't find legal definition in the Czech law. Banking contracts understand contracts that are signed by banks in their business activities and obligations under these contracts arise. While the banking contracts have been widely used, in Czech law there is not too much literature and judgements abou this issue. Lack of legislatio...

  1. Humor i dansk tv-reklame. Et middel på tværs af livsstil?

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    Jørgen Stigel


    Full Text Available Udgangspunktet for denne artikel er, at humor spiller en relativt dominerende rolle i dansk tv-reklame, og at der dermed er tale om en stilart, som i høj grad søger at vinde tilslutning og sympati igennem en inkluderende henvendelsesmodus. Man kunne fristes til at antage, at dette skulle hænge sammen med en særlig dansk mentalitet, og at humor er mere eller mindre uomgængelig, hvis man vil have danske forbrugere i tale. Dette forhold kontrasteres med den tænkning i livsstile, som er blevet dominerende, dvs. en tænkning, der grundlæggende søger at udskille bestemte forbrugertyper eller -grupper og altså grundlæggende skiller eller ekskluderer i segmenter, målgrupper og værdifællesskaber og dermed i princippet også dikterer en udformning af kommunikationen, der sætter skel. Artiklens pointe er, at humor i flere henseender kan være en pragmatisk måde at omgå en række af de problemer, som såvel tænkning i livsstilssegmenter som i unikke mærkevarer sætter vis-a-vis et forholdsvist lille markedsområde, hvor kontakt via tv-reklame kan være relativt dyr. Og at humor bl.a. kan gøre det i kraft af, at dens særlige tvetydige modus forrykker kommunikationens realitetsreference til et andet plan og/eller til andre mere eller mindre groteske og derealiserede universer og figurer/figurkonstellationer. Det markeret forrykte kan dermed udgøre et fælles ’neutralt’ felt, som uanset skillelinjer i livsstile mv. kan appellere bredt og fungere inkluderende. Humour in Danish TV advertising. A means of transcending lifestyle barriers? The point of departure for the article is the fact that approximately 40% of Danish TV advertising in the 1990s had some humorous content and that fictional formats such as drama (and comedy play an increasing role (cf. Stigel 2006 and 2001. Both small scale and large scale humour play a great role in Danish TV-ads and you might presume that this is due to some kind of special Danish mentality that one

  2. Humor i dansk tv-reklame. Et middel på tværs af livsstil?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jørgen Stigel


    Full Text Available Udgangspunktet for denne artikel er, at humor spiller en relativt dominerende rolle i dansk tv-reklame, og at der dermed er tale om en stilart, som i høj grad søger at vinde tilslutning og sympati igennem en inkluderende henvendelsesmodus. Man kunne fristes til at antage, at dette skulle hænge sammen med en særlig dansk mentalitet, og at humor er mere eller mindre uomgængelig, hvis man vil have danske forbrugere i tale. Dette forhold kontrasteres med den tænkning i livsstile, som er blevet dominerende, dvs. en tænkning, der grundlæggende søger at udskille bestemte forbrugertyper eller -grupper og altså grundlæggende skiller eller ekskluderer i segmenter, målgrupper og værdifællesskaber og dermed i princippet også dikterer en udformning af kommunikationen, der sætter skel. Artiklens pointe er, at humor i flere henseender kan være en pragmatisk måde at omgå en række af de problemer, som såvel tænkning i livsstilssegmenter som i unikke mærkevarer sætter vis-a-vis et forholdsvist lille markedsområde, hvor kontakt via tv-reklame kan være relativt dyr. Og at humor bl.a. kan gøre det i kraft af, at dens særlige tvetydige modus forrykker kommunikationens realitetsreference til et andet plan og/eller til andre mere eller mindre groteske og derealiserede universer og figurer/figurkonstellationer. Det markeret forrykte kan dermed udgøre et fælles ’neutralt’ felt, som uanset skillelinjer i livsstile mv. kan appellere bredt og fungere inkluderende. Humour in Danish TV advertising. A means of transcending lifestyle barriers? The point of departure for the article is the fact that approximately 40% of Danish TV advertising in the 1990s had some humorous content and that fictional formats such as drama (and comedy play an increasing role (cf. Stigel 2006 and 2001. Both small scale and large scale humour play a great role in Danish TV-ads and you might presume that this is due to some kind of special Danish mentality that one

  3. Stabilitas Bank, Tingkat Persaingan Antar Bank dan Diversifikasi Sumber Pendapatan: Analisis Per Kelompok Bank di Indonesia

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    Buddi Wibowo


    Full Text Available Abstract. The"Competition-fragility" view and The "Competition-stability" view has a contrary logical flow in predicting the relationship between bank stability and competition among banks. According to Berger et al (2009, these two views differ on credit risk aspect of loan portfolio, but on the risks faced by the bank as a whole, these two views have the same prediction. In the credit market which is dominated by few banks with substantial market power, the risk of bank credit portfolio increases as predicted by the view "competition-fragility", but the bank's overall risk does not always go up with the jump in credit portfolio risk. The paper shows that empirical test of the Indonesian banking system support this hypothesis, except in foreign bank group that has its own business model. The relationship of competition and the credit risk of banks in Indonesia also have a U -shape pattern that increasing competition in the early stages can reduce credit risk, which is due to increasing income diversification and diversification of bank credit type, but at a certain point the increasing competition has worsened the quality of bank credit portfolio. Key word: banking competition, risk, stability, fragility, diversification

  4. Lærende møder og konferencer i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Ib; Elsborg, S.

    ? Frokost der skaber kontakter ? Plukke det bedste i plenum ? To gratis konsulenter Bogen er baseret på resultater fra forsknings- og udviklingsprojektet ?Det lærende møde?. Det blev gennemført af Learning Lab Denmark ved Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet i samarbejde med Danske Bank, Rezidor SAS Hospitality...

  5. Internet Banking integration within the banking system


    Constantin Marian MATEI; Catalin Ionut SILVESTRU; Dragos Stefan SILVESTRU


    Internet Banking developed due to increasing demand of online banking transactions. The biggest advantages of Internet Banking consist of complex banking solutions, 24 hours availability, quick and secure access to the back-end application through Internet. These advantages are due to the use of SOA (service-oriented architecture). SOA appeared as a necessity of companies to integrate big and independent portions of applications, in order to obtain an homogeneous functionality of the system....

  6. 75 FR 5322 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. [thinsp]225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire a bank or bank...

  7. 75 FR 3904 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. [thinsp]225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire a bank or bank...

  8. 75 FR 9414 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. [thinsp]225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire a bank or bank...

  9. Central bank capital, financial strength, and the Bank of Japan


    Thomas F. Cargill


    This Economic Letter addresses central bank capital and financial strength in the context of Bank of Japan policy (Cargill 2005). Specifically, it reviews general considerations about central bank capital and financial strength, discusses recent Bank of Japan policy in the context of capital structure, evaluates the Bank of Japan's concern in the context of the broader issue of central bank independence, and draws some lessons from recent Bank of Japan policy.

  10. Islamic banking


    Pak, Viktoriya


    The thesis is focused on introduction of Islamic banking system. Morover part of the work is devoted to a detailed description of the history of Islamic banking, on explanation of the principles on which the banking system is based. Also are analyzed in detail the basic Islamic banking products. And at the end are presented the advantages and disadvantages of the Islamic banking system.

  11. Kvalitet i danske masteruddannelser – Et spørgsmål om kompetenceudvikling eller…?

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    Nikolaj Wittrup Møller Stegeager


    Full Text Available Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med de danske masteruddannelser. Med udgangs-punkt i en undersøgelse fortaget i forbindelse med forfatterens ph.d.- projekt (afsluttet i sommeren 2014 vil artiklen på baggrund af en verserende debat om masteruddannelsernes kvalitet og relevans diskutere kvalitet i dansk akademisk videreuddannelse. Den kvalitative undersøgelse, der ligger til grund for artiklen, anskueliggør, at selvom de studerende oplever, at de gennem deres toårige studie har tilegnet sig en række konkrete og brugbare kompetencer, peger de på andre og mere transformative læringskvaliteter, når man beder dem om at beskrive det vigtigste udkomme af deres uddannelsesforløb. Artiklen argumenterer for, at denne læring, der i højere grad kan siges at knytte sig til personen i form af en etisk-eksistentiel dannelse frem for en specifik kunnen, har nær sammenhæng med det at befinde sig i et akademisk, videnskabeligt miljø. På dette grundlag søger artiklen at problematisere aktuelle forslag om at slække på kravet til masteruddannelsernes videnskabelige fundament for i stedet at fokusere på mere instrumentelle, erhvervsrettede kompetencer og færdigheder. Based on findings from the author’s PhD project, the article discusses quality in Denmark’s continuing education system. The qualitative study underlying the article focuses on a newly established Master’s programme in Organizational Coaching and Learning. The aim of the research was to study what the students attending the Master’s programme learn and how they apply their learning in their daily practice. When evaluating their learning experience the students report that they have acquired a number of practical and useful skills throughout their two-year study. Even so, they point to other, more generic learning qualities as the most important outcome of their education. The article argues that the transformational learning qualities, reported by the students, are closely

  12. Skandinaviens placering i det europæiske lærde netværk - en tentativ undersøgelse af de anglo-danske forbindelser c. 1000-1150

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Münster-Swendsen, Mia


    skandinaviske (i særlig grad danske) navne i den del af Durham Liber Vitae der stammer fra perioden. Det frustrerende ved disse kilder er dog, at alt hvad vi får er netop dét: navne, i klynger eller enkeltstående, og udover hvad der kan opstilles af hypoteser på baggrund af palæografiske studier, ikke meget...

  13. 76 FR 59396 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... control of Bank of Odessa, both in Odessa, Missouri, Commercial Bank of Oak Grove, Oak Grove, Missouri... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C...

  14. Measuring the Competitiveness of Islamic Banking in Indonesian Dual Banking System

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    Ir Ascarya


    Full Text Available Islamic banks in many countries have emerged as important component of financial system that contributes to the growth and development of the country’s economy. They have proven to be a viable and competitive component of the overall financial system. In the dual banking system, Islamic banks have to be competitive to survive. One of the key to competitiveness is efficiency. This study will measure and compare the efficiency of Islamic and conventional banks in Indonesia using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA methodology. DEA is a non-parametric, deterministic methodology for determining the relative efficiency and managerial performance, based on the empirical data on chosen inputs and outputs of a number of decision making units. DEA allows us to compare the relative efficiency of banks by determining the efficient banks as benchmarks and by measuring the inefficiencies in input combinations (slack variables in other banks relative to the benchmark. Intermediation approach will be applied. This study will identify the sources and level of inefficiency for each of the inputs and outputs of Islamic banks and conventional banks in Indonesia. The result shows that in overall, Islamic banking is relatively more efficient than conventional banking. This means that Islamic banks are competitive enough to compete with conventional banks. Islamic banking is technically more efficient, but less scale efficient than conventional banking. Internal inefficiency is the main source of disintermediation of conventional banking in Indonesia. Furthermore, accelerated expansion, organically and inorganically, is needed to improve scale and overall efficiencies of Islamic banking in Indonesia.Keywords: Banking, Islamic Banking, Efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis


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    Dwi Umardani


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study aims to compare the financial performance of Islamic banks with conventional banks in Indonesia using financial ratios: CAR, NPL / NPF, ROA, ROE, LDR / FDR, REO / BOPO. The data used are the financial statements published by Bank Indonesia (BI, the annual reports released by banking companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX, the annual reports issued by companies of Islamic banking that are not listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX, and the Indonesian banking supervision reports contained in Bank Indonesia (BI for the years 2005-2012. The analytical method used to compare the financial performance of Islamic banks with conventional banks is statistical test independent t-test. The fact shows that for each financial ratio of Islamic banks and conventional banks in Indonesia: CAR, ROA, ROE, LDR / FDR, and BOPO there are significant differences, while NPL / NPF there is not significant difference. Keywords: Financial performance, Islamic banks, conventional banks

  16. 75 FR 31788 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies (United States)


    ... voting shares of Chino Commercial Bank, N.A., both of Chino, California. Board of Governors of the... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C...

  17. GenBank


    Benson, Dennis A.; Karsch-Mizrachi, Ilene; Lipman, David J.; Ostell, James; Rapp, Barbara A.; Wheeler, David L.


    The GenBank sequence database incorporates publicly available DNA sequences of more than 105 000 different organisms, primarily through direct submission of sequence data from individual laboratories and large-scale sequencing projects. Most submissions are made using the BankIt (web) or Sequin programs and accession numbers are assigned by GenBank staff upon receipt. Data exchange with the EMBL Data Library and the DNA Data Bank of Japan helps ensure comprehensive worldwide coverage. GenBank...

  18. 77 FR 3475 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or bank...

  19. 12 CFR 614.4070 - Loans and chartered territory-Farm Credit Banks, agricultural credit banks, Federal land bank... (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Loans and chartered territory-Farm Credit Banks..., provided such loans are authorized by the policies of the bank and/or association involved, do not constitute a significant shift in loan volume away from the bank or association's assigned territory, and are...

  20. The influence of bank employees on bank customer relationship management

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    C. Rootman


    Full Text Available Purpose: Despite extensive research in services marketing, much is still unknown to specific service providers on the influence of their employees on their services. This paper attempts to address this limitation and investigates the influence of employees on the customer relationship management (CRM of banks. The primary objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of selected independent variables, namely attitude and knowledgeability, on the CRM of banks. Design/Methodology/Approach: An empirical investigation was conducted with a structured questionnaire with items that related to banks' CRM in terms of attitude and knowledgeability. The sample consisted of 290 banking clients in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan area and the response rate was 91.03%. Findings: Significant positive relationships exist between both the knowledgeability, and attitude of bank employees and a bank's CRM. These relationships imply that more extensive knowledgeability and more positive attitudes of bank employees lead to improved, maintained relationships between a bank and its clients. Employees play an important role in banks’ client relationships. Implications: Banks should focus on increasing their employees' knowledgeability and improving their attitude to ensure higher levels of CRM. This paper provides strategies for banks and could create greater awareness among South African banks of the advantages of CRM, how their employees influence their CRM, and ways to adapt to these influences. Originality/Value: No study has focused exclusively on CRM within banks in South Africa. Prior research focused on customer service and service quality; both possible results of superior CRM. However, this research differs, as it identifies the variables influencing CRM in banks in South Africa. It is proposed that this paper will be beneficial for South African banks, as the recommendations may be used to ensure higher levels of CRM in banks.


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    Dumitru-Cristian OANEA


    Full Text Available Commercial banks and co-operative banks are credit institutions, but there are some differences between the main operations proceeded by each of them. Based on these specific characteristics, we want to identify the manner in which financial crisis affected their activity. As we all know, the financial crisis had a major impact in the United States, the “natal” country of the crisis, because great banks such as Lehman Brothers or Merrill Lynch have bankrupted. Even if the Romanian banking system was not affected by such catastrophic situations, surely the financial crisis had a significant impact on it. This topic is worth to be analysed, because we would be able to identify the risk differences between these two types of business: commercial banks versus co-operative banks.

  2. 'Hvis vi bare ku' få fred til at passe vores arbejde...'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsén, Peter


    Artiklen handler om mening og meningsskabelse i arbejdet - som forudsætning for de ansattes deltagelse og engagement i at forandre og forbedre deres arbejde. Resultater fra forskningsprojektet VISS præsenteres. 14 virksomheder arbejdede med at forbedre deres psykiske arbejdsmiljø, men mange misly...

  3. About Banking. (United States)

    Pieslak, Raymond F.

    The student manual for high school level special needs students was prepared to provide deaf students with the basic fundamentals of banking. Five units are presented covering the topics of banks and banking services, checking accounts, other services of banks, savings accounts, and other investments. Each lesson was carefully written for easy…

  4. Bank Resolution in the European Banking Union

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gordon, Jeffrey N.; Ringe, Georg


    The project of creating a Banking Union is designed to overcome the fatal link between sovereigns and their banks in the Eurozone. As part of this project, political agreement for a common supervision framework and a common resolution scheme has been reached with difficulty. However, the resolution...... mechanism deployable at the discretion of the resolution authority must be available to supply liquidity to a reorganizing bank. On these conditions, a viable and realistic Banking Union would be within reach--and the resolution of global financial institutions would be greatly facilitated, not least...... framework is weak, underfunded and exhibits some serious flaws. Further, Member States' disagreements appear to rule out a federalized deposit insurance scheme, commonly regarded as the necessary third pillar of a successful Banking Union. This paper argues for an organizational and capital structure...

  5. Bank Insolvency Procedures and Market Discipline in European Banking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Angkinand, Apanard; Wihlborg, Clas


    for pre-determined bank insolvency procedures that could enable banks to expand cross-border in branches. In the empirical part we show that credibility of non-insurance is maximized with a partial deposit insurance scheme, and that the coverage can be decreased if effective rule-based distress resolution......Predetermined, operational procedures for dealing with banks in distress are conspicuously absent across the world with very few exceptions. Instead governments and regulatory authorities intervene when banks approach failure. Bail-outs of important creditors, sometimes including shareholders......, and blanket guarantees for creditors become the norm. We argue that efficient incentives of banks' creditors, as well as of shareholders and managers, require predetermined rules for dealing with banks in distress, and a group of creditors that are credibly non-insured. Cross-border banking increases the need...


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    Aji Damanuri


    Aji Damanuri   Abstract: Shari>’ah banking, for the last ten years, has increased in prosperity not only at the quantity of conventional banks but also at the count of assets and customers. This economical opportunity drives amount of conventional banks both to convert their institutions to be shari>’ah banks and to open officially shari>’ah platform units with their own assets. This system takes a significant question, is the conversion effected by both banker ideological factor and capitalists or pure economical rational calculation? Is a religious consideration linked to economical rationality? This paper is to elaborate the conversion using not only ‘choice theory’ (teori pilihan but also ‘rational action’ (tindakan rasional to seek religious action possibility in a reasonable way of shari>’ah banking.   Keywords: shari>’ah bank, conversion, rational action, religiosity.

  7. Islamic banks and profitability: an empirical analysis of Indonesian banking


    Jordan, Sarah


    This paper provides an empirical analysis of the factors that determine the profitability of Indonesian banks between the years 2006-2012. In particular, it investigates whether there are any significant differences in terms of profitability between Islamic banks and commercial banks. The results, obtained by applying the system-GMM estimator to the panel of 54 banks, indicate that the high bank profitability during these years were determined mainly by the size of the banks, the market share...

  8. 78 FR 37541 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ..., North Dakota, as trustees/administrators, to retain voting shares of the Commercial Bank of Mott Employee Stock Ownership Plan, and thereby indirectly retain voting shares of Commercial Bank of Mott, both... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank...

  9. 1 küsimus noorele juhile : Kuidas peab keskjuht otsused töötajateni viima? / Andrus Soodla, Mairi Jüriska, Terje Pihl... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Danske Bank AS-i kliendisuhete juht Andrus Soodla, SA Terve Eesti juht Mairi Jüriska, reklaamiagentuuri Tank töötaja Terje Pihl, audiitor- ja konsultatsioonifirma KPMG siseauditi teenusliini juht Karin Rätsep, konsultatsiooni- ja audiitorfirma Ernst & Young ärikonsultatsioonide osakonna juhataja Tarmo Toiger ning Andrese Klaasi ja Dekoori tegevjuht Gerd Veelma

  10. Thomas Borgen er (også) bange for Trump

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fuglsang, Niels


    Da Danske Banks direktør for nylig advarede mod at sænke topskatten, var argumentet, at økonomisk politik ikke kan vurderes ud fra en snæver økonomisk logik alene. Man bliver nødt til at forstå de bredere politiske konsekvenser af økonomien. Og de kan blive grimme....

  11. Bank Resolution in the European Banking Union

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gordon, Jeffrey N.; Ringe, Wolf-Georg

    The project of creating a Banking Union is designed to overcome the fatal link between sovereigns and their banks in the Eurozone. As part of this project, political agreement for a common supervision framework and a common resolution scheme has been reached with difficulty. However, the resolution...... at the discretion of the resolution authority must be available to supply liquidity to a reorganizing bank. On these conditions, a viable and realistic Banking Union would be within reach — and the resolution of global financial institutions would be greatly facilitated, not least in a transatlantic perspective....... framework is weak, underfunded and exhibits some serious flaws. Further, Member States’ disagreements appear to rule out a federalized deposit insurance scheme, commonly regarded as the necessary third pillar of a successful Banking Union. This paper argues for an organizational and capital structure...

  12. Does taxation on banks mean taxation on bank-dependent borrowers?


    Masami Imai; Peter Hull


    We investigate the economic impacts of bank levies on bank-dependent borrowers, exploiting the surprise announcement of a bank tax by the Tokyo metropolitan government on February 7th, 2000. We find that the tax announcement had negative effects on the abnormal return of firms which depended on soon-to-be taxed banks for external funds. Moreover, the adverse economic effects of the bank tax were larger for smaller and more financially distressed firms, suggesting that bank levies are likely t...

  13. The main directions of banking products promotion in the banking marketing system in Russian commercial banks

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    Markova O.M.


    Full Text Available the article is devoted to the research of directions of client-oriented approach application during bank products promotion in Russian banks. Attention is paid to the development of electronic banking, social networks through which consumers receive the necessary information about beneficial offers and special conditions for providing banking services.

  14. 78 FR 300 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... Bancshares, Inc., and thereby acquire control of First Commercial Bank, both of Edmond, Oklahoma. Board of... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C...

  15. 77 FR 60996 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... shares of Anchor Commercial Bank, Juno Beach, Florida. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C...

  16. 77 FR 50689 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  17. 78 FR 43883 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  18. 78 FR 38978 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  19. 77 FR 54917 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  20. 78 FR 35271 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  1. 78 FR 49268 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  2. 77 FR 68121 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  3. 78 FR 13877 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  4. 77 FR 58141 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  5. 78 FR 61352 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  6. 77 FR 4323 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  7. 77 FR 66463 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  8. 78 FR 41929 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  9. 77 FR 37406 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  10. 78 FR 51726 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  11. 77 FR 31612 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  12. 77 FR 9250 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  13. 78 FR 62301 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  14. 78 FR 25084 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  15. 78 FR 76834 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  16. 77 FR 60702 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  17. 77 FR 16839 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  18. 78 FR 53457 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  19. 78 FR 45535 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  20. 77 FR 73031 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  1. 77 FR 2293 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  2. 77 FR 64801 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  3. 77 FR 34385 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  4. 77 FR 58379 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  5. 77 FR 33459 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  6. 77 FR 43824 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  7. 78 FR 39729 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  8. 78 FR 24747 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  9. 77 FR 72864 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  10. 78 FR 97 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  11. 78 FR 27389 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  12. 77 FR 63314 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  13. 77 FR 19665 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  14. 78 FR 76305 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  15. 78 FR 49753 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  16. 78 FR 3425 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  17. 77 FR 27458 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank [[Page...

  18. 77 FR 39244 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  19. 78 FR 3897 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or...

  20. Cross-Border Banking


    Jonathan Eaton


    The banking systems of some countries export intermediation services to the rest of the world, while many other countries are net exporters of deposits to banks abroad and net importers of loans from banks abroad. Banking center countries typically have lower inflation, deeper financial systems, earn less government revenue from seigniorage, and have lower reserve money relative to bank assets than nonbanking-center countries. This paper develops a stylized model of regulated bank intermediat...

  1. BAGI HASIL DAN BANK SYARI’AH (Solusi terhadap Bunga Bank

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    Rudy Haryanto Rudy Haryanto


    Full Text Available Abstract: To save money in terms of investation is one of bank’s functions. Interest and production sharing are kinds of investation in banking system. Interest is a marketable entry in conventional banking, however production sharing is known in syari’ah banking system. Some people argue that interest cannot be seperated from the banking activity, in fact Islam recommends the followers to avoid it; hence it could be substituted with term of production sharing. It matches the priciple of musyarakah and mudharabah as being taught by Rasûlullâh SAW. Bank interest is considered ribâ (excessive interest and it is forbidden in Islam. Moreover, production sharing is more useful and beneficial for people. Unfortunately, the value of production sharing (syarî’ah banking product is lower than the value of banking interest (conventional banking product due to the fact that the ralationship established by syari’ah banking and its customer is based on the principle of gotong royong (mutual coorporation and production sharing partnership. Key Words: ribâ, musyarakah, mudharabah, dan bagi-hasil  

  2. Outsourcing central banking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khoury, Sarkis Joseph; Wihlborg, Clas


    The literature on Currency Boards (CB) stops at the water edge in terms of dealing with the totality of the functions of a central bank. Monetary policy, and banking supervisioncan be "outsourced" in an open economy with substantial foreign direct investment (FDI)in the banking sector if political...... nationalism does not trump economic rationality. An orthodox CB renders the central banking function redundant in terms of interest rate and exchange rate determination. FDI in banking could perform the same role for the supervisory function of central banks. We use the case of Estonia to illustrate...... the feasibility of, and constraints on, outsourcing of central bank functions. A brief discussion of the Argentinian experience is used for contrast.Key words: Currency Board, Foreign Banks, Supervision, Regional Integration,outsourcing....

  3. The security concern on internet banking adoption among Malaysian banking customers. (United States)

    Sudha, Raju; Thiagarajan, A S; Seetharaman, A


    The existing literatures highlights that the security is the primary factor which determines the adoption of Internet banking technology. The secondary information on Internet banking development in Malaysia shows a very slow growth rate. Hence, this study aims to study the banking customers perception towards security concern and Internet banking adoption through the information collected from 150 sample respondents. The data analysis reveals that the customers have much concern about security and privacy issue in adoption of Internet banking, whether the customers are adopted Internet banking or not. Hence, it infers that to popularize Internet banking system there is a need for improvement in security and privacy issue among the banking customers.

  4. The effects of shadow banking on the traditional banking system in Zimbabwe

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    Virimai Mugobo


    Full Text Available The growth of shadow banks changed the face of banking in Zimbabwe. Their inconsistent product nature and complexity of form has been a cause for concern to regulatory authorities. The interrelationship between their financial intermediary role and that of formal banks has made them good substitutes to formal banking. This study conducts a statistical analysis of the country’s monetary aggregates and the total formal bank loan-to-deposits balances. The findings of this analysis show that the shadow banking system has always been a critical element of the formal banking sector which resulted from market needs and it completes the banking system. The shadow banking system does not pose direct threat to the formal banking system but it was a result of failure to attract savers who found shadow banks as a good alternative.

  5. Contribution of Internet Banking toward Profitability of Banking in India

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    Majid Karimzadeh


    Full Text Available The adoption of the Internet in the banking industry on the one hand is closely related to a change in the structure of the organization and nature of operations in banking industry itself, and on the other hand, to the emergence of computer as a significant organizational tool. Banks have always been starving to introduce new technologies to reduce operational costs and expand their businesses. This study is an attempt to investigate the contribution of Internet banking on the performance of the banking system in India. Return on Assets (ROA and Return on Equity (ROE ratios are used to test this effect. The regression analysis showed that there is a significant effect of Internet banking services on the profitability of banks in terms of ROA and ROE in India.

  6. Bank Insolvency Procedures and Market Discipline in European Banking


    Angkinand, Apanard; Wihlborg, Clas


    Market discipline in banking requires that explicit and implicit insurance schemes for financial sector firms are limited, and that the lack of insurance of important stakeholders is credible. This credibility cannot be achieved without transparent, predictable procedures for distress resolution for banks, including explicit rules for the liquidation of insolvent banks. We find that very few European countries have explicit procedures for dealing with problem banks. The propositions tested in...

  7. Islamic Banking and Green Banking for Sustainable Development: Evidence from Bangladesh

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    Mohammad Nazim Uddin


    Full Text Available Green banking is an integral part of Islamic banking that makes a basis of environmental protection. This study attempts to examine the relationship between Islamic banking and green banking that contribute to sustainable development. The study has used the primary data through a structural questionnaire that includes various dimensions on green banking of Islamic banking in Bangladesh. The investigation revealed that Islamic banks had made a significant contribution to green banking that improves the environment as means of cost and energy savings, preservation of natural resources and the need to respect all living things. The study seems to carry an enormous academic value since a few studies have undertaken in this areaDOI: 10.15408/aiq.v10i1.4563


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    Florin Alexandru LUCA


    Full Text Available The financial crisis has highlighted the importance of liquidity risk for the banking system. Therefore, this study focuses on identifing the determinants of liquidity of Romanian banks. The data cover the period from 2006 to 2013 and take into account only bank-specific factors. The empirical study was applied on 16 Romanian banks and based on previous studies and uses different liquidity ratios, encompassing different points of view on liquidity. Regarding the explanatory variables considered in this analysis, they include various items of internal character concerning: capital adequacy, asset quality, profitability, efficiency of financial intermediation and the size of the banks. The results of our regression analysis indicate that bank liquidity is positively related to capital adequacy of banks and bank profitability and negatively related to the rate of non-performing loans, net interest margin and the size of the bank.


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    Nani Hartati


    Full Text Available This research is intended to assess and analyze the financial health of Foreign Exchange Bank and Non-Foreign Exchange Bank. Assessment is done by looking at the financial ratios from 2011 to 2015, the results of each financial ratios performed comparison and analysis. The financial statements were obtained from the Indonesian Stock Exchange website. The conclusions of the analysis were compared with the indicators of Bank Indonesia's financial performance assessment released by Indonesia Bank. There is a significant difference between foreign exchange bank and non-foreign exchange bank. The ratio of financial ratios in the analysis includes NPL, CAR, ROA, LDR, and BOPO.

  10. GenBank


    Benson, Dennis A.; Karsch-Mizrachi, Ilene; Lipman, David J.; Ostell, James; Wheeler, David L.


    GenBank (R) is a comprehensive database that contains publicly available nucleotide sequences for more than 240 000 named organisms, obtained primarily through submissions from individual laboratories and batch submissions from large-scale sequencing projects. Most submissions are made using the web-based BankIt or standalone Sequin programs and accession numbers are assigned by GenBank staff upon receipt. Daily data exchange with the EMBL Data Library in Europe and the DNA Data Bank of Japan...

  11. Strategic positioning in banking industry: Evidence from banking industry

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    Hedieh Mashoof


    Full Text Available Strategic positioning has always been a key tool for managers to analyze the position of the firm in different attributes in comparison with competitors. With regard to fierce competition in banking industry, the aim of this study is to analyze the position of Bank Melli Iran with 5 public and private rivals in 6 attributes. The sample of this study was 387 Bank Melli Iran customers. The results of this study were in 14 perceptual maps in which the positions of Bank Melli Iran attributes have been shown compared with bank’s key competitors. The results showed that Bank Melli Iran had strong position and came to the first place in attributes like price, physical equipment and location and security. Moreover, Bank Melli Iran has to improve its position in attributes with no better position.


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    Chian-Son Yu


    Full Text Available Through investigating factors that influence consumers to make a transition from online to mobile banking, this empirical study shows that relative attitude and relative subjective norm positively motivated respondents to switch from Internet to mobile banking while relative perceived behavior control deterred respondents from transitioning. Empirical results also demonstrated that Internet banking is superior to mobile banking in terms of consumer relative compatibility, self-efficacy, resource facilitating conditions, and technology facilitating conditions. Meanwhile, mobile banking emerged as superior to Internet banking for other constructs. By adding a comparative concept into an extended decomposed theory of planned behavior (DTPB model, this study may expand the applicable domain of current social psychology theories from the adoption of single products or services to the choice between competing products or services that achieve similar purposes and functions.

  13. 12 CFR 209.2 - Banks desiring to become member banks. (United States)


    ... Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1821(n)) should not apply until in the process of issuing stock pursuant... ISSUE AND CANCELLATION OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CAPITAL STOCK (REGULATION I) § 209.2 Banks desiring to become member banks. (a) Application for stock or deposit. Each national bank in process of organization...



    Dr. S. Anthony Rahul Golden


    Banking transactions that takes place in a virtual ambience on the website of a banking company or a financial institution is termed as ‘Internet Banking’. The essence of Internet banking lies in on-line access by customers of banking and financial services. This is the right time to discuss about the customer prefer whether traditional banking or online banking. What are reasons are beyond that for their preference has been analysed here. Finally, it is concluded that as people are very clos...


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    Yaser Taufik Syamlan


    Full Text Available Objectives – this research is aimed to compare those epistemological bases to the mindset of Islamic Bank and try to drive the philosophy in practical operation whether based on the Fractional Reserve Banking Sytem (RBS or 100% RBS and analyze the challenges in deploying the 100%RBS. Methods - This research will be conducted based on an extensive literature review.Results - Based on the epistemological analysis of money and the business cycle as well as the views of Islamic scholars, 100%RBS should be the best for Islamic Bank. There are four types of 100% RBS namely Pure Commodity Money, Sovereign Money, Narrow Banking, and Limited Purpose Banking. To deploy it into the economic system, another philosophical work should be done to choose one of the types and strengthen it so that the theory of 100%RBS can be implemented for the goodness of Islamic Bank.  Conclusion - In Conclusions, Based on the epistemology defined by Islamic Scholars, FractRBS has more mafsadah if we compare to the maslahah. Therefore, 100% RBS should be better for the Islamic Bank.

  16. Bank regulation and financial fragility in developing countries: Does bank structure matter?

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    Jeroen Klomp


    Full Text Available Using data for 1238 banks located in 94 developing and emerging countries, we explore whether the impact of bank regulation and supervision on banking risk (measured by the banks’ Z-scores depends on bank structure. Our findings suggest that stricter regulation and supervision increases the banks’ Z-scores. Notably capital requirements and supervisory control diminish banking risk. However, the effectiveness of other dimensions of regulation and supervision depends on the organizational structure of banks. Notably activity restrictions reduce risk of large and foreign owned banks, while liquidity restrictions have most effect on the Z-scores of unlisted and commercial banks.

  17. Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Bank Sebelum Dan Sesudah Diakuisisi Oleh Investor Asing: Studi Empiris Pada Bank Central Asia Dan Bank Niaga

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    Yen Sun


    Full Text Available Banking industry is one of the most influence factors in the economy growth of one country. However, during 1997-1998 Indonesia banking industry went through hard times because of economic crisis. After that years, many banks were liquidated and restructured. The interesting part is through the restructuring process, several bank acquired by foreign investor and became the foreign-domestic bank. In 2010, some of those banks were in the 10 biggest banks in Indonesia based on asset. Hence, the writer interesting to compare the bank’s financial performance before and after being acquired using two banks as samples of empirical study. Data is based on financial statements published by the companies and Central Bank of Indonesia in 1995-1996, and 2003-2004. Two sample of banks have been selected based on several criteria, they are BCA and Bank Niaga. To analyse their financial performance, several analysis tools will be using, specifically CAMELS (CAR, NPL, NIM, BOPO, LDR minus mangement and sensitivity. The result of the study observed that after being acquired, financial performance of BCA and Niaga Bank is getting better in CAR, NIM, BOPO, but NPL and LDR is less favorable for BCA and so NPL is less favorable for Niaga Bank. Moreover, in terms of profitability analysis, both banks shows better performance. While, the result of credit analysis indicates that the credit risk for both banks is in the stable range at CCC.


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    Muhammad Shakil AHMAD


    Full Text Available This paper has covered the operational issues related to e-banking as well as customer’s perception on usage of e-banking a case study of Askari Bank, Pakistan. 40 staff members and four customers are selected as sample for this study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used to present the results. Descriptive statistics is applied to describe the demographic variables while for operational problems correlation was used. Finally cross case analysis present customers’ perception about e-banking practices. Analysis shows that customer is not ready to adopt new technology that why their satisfaction level with e-banking is low. Internet speed and government policies are not supportive for e-banking in Pakistan. Due to lack of trust on technology and low computer literacy rate, customer hesitates to adopt new technology. : In order to promote IT culture in Pakistan, government has to reduce the internet rate. to promote the benefits of e-banking on media so that more user get facilitated from e-banking services.

  19. A study on relationship between electronic banking and liquidity management on Iranian banks

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    Hassan Ghodrati


    Full Text Available E-banking has been extensively developed in recent decades and most banks need to have such services in their daily activities. Therefore, it is necessary that banks do a better management on banks’ liquidity risks. Electronic banking and the expansion of its scale from POSs and ATMs to telephone banking, mobile banking and internet banking have increased banking transactions, significantly. The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the relationship between the development of e-banking and liquidity management using liquidity ratios. The focus of this investigation has been on the amounts of transaction of ATM machines, POSs and PIN PADs as the most important means of electronic banking. In this respect, the data obtained from 14 private and public bank representatives of banking system over the period 2007-2012 are considered. Our survey indicates that the characteristics of electronic banking significantly influence on liquidity.

  20. Essays on banking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tumer-Alkan, G.


    The banking literature documents various roles for banks in financial systems. Banks are both ‘liquidity providers’ and ‘information producers’. Banks are especially important for small and medium-size enterprises and represent these firms' principal source of external finance. Hence, the banks’


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    Full Text Available Involved in the competition to attract and turn the clientele faithful, banks develop a series of activities that could increase their popularity, trust, and acknowledgement. Thus, creating a distance banking service is an opportunity that must be put into value. The present tendency at international level is the significant decrease of the importance of distribution channels through the classic banking network. In this context, active banks in Romania cannot be dissociated from the existing tendencies, and the spectacular dynamics of distance banking services in the last years has shown that, in a future closer than expected, clients might abandon the services of a bank with bad quality e-banking.

  2. The Impact of Internet Banking on Bank Performance and Risk: The Indian Experience

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    Pooja MALHOTRA


    Full Text Available The paper describes the current state of Internet banking in India and discusses its implications for the Indian banking industry. Particularly, it seeks to examine the impact of Internet banking on banks’ performance and risk. Using information drawn from the survey of 85 scheduled commercial bank’s websites, during the period of June 2007, the results show that nearly 57 percent of the Indian commercial banks are providing transactional Internet banking services. The univariate analysis indicates that Internet banks are larger banks and have better operating efficiency ratios and profitability as compared to non-Internet banks. Internet banks rely more heavily on core deposits for funding than non-Internet banks do. However, the multiple regression results reveal that the profitability and offering of Internet banking does not have any significant association, on the other hand, Internet banking has a significant and negative association with risk profile of the bank

  3. Tanggung Jawab Bank terhadap Nasabah yang Mengalami Kerugian dalam Penggunaan Elektronik Banking

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    Selly Maulina


    ABSTRACT. The strong development economy requires a bank as a financial institution that is safe for undertaking various financial activities.The positive impact of developments on financial services is the use of e-bankingis also known as internet banking is the bank services that enable customers to obtain information, communicate and conduct banking transactions through the internet, quickly, can be done anywhere and anytime. Internet banking transactions can also pose some risk, Article 1, paragraph (2 of Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 5/8/PBI/2003 on the Application of Risk Management for Commercial Bank said that the risk is the potential for the occurrence of an event  that can cause harm. Risks experienced by customers of PT. BNIS and PT. BCA. According to the Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 10/10/PBI/2008 on the Settlement of customer complaints,customers who suffered the financial  losses can lodge a complaint by means of submitting a complaint to the bank. The protection from a legal perspective rule has no detail rules yet about internet banking so bank makes initiave on internet banking terms and condition.The agreement prioritize customer client obligations rather than rights.

  4. E-Banking: Risk Management Practices of the Estonian Banks


    Dmitri Sokolov


    During the last years the development of e-banking in Estonia has been very significant. According to the report of the World Economic Forum, the Estonian IT-development has been substantial. The success of e-banking in Estonia can be compared to the corresponding success of the Nordic countries. According to the Deutsche Bank Research, around 70-80% of the Internet users in Estonia use Internet banking and in this respect, Estonia could be compared to Finland, Norway and Iceland. Despite of ...

  5. Bank Ethics:An Empirical Investigation of the Banking in China

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    刘春红; 宋玮


    Business ethics is considered critical for the reputation and competitive power of banks, especially in China after WTO Entry. This study applied the theory and research on ethical practices of successful managers and ethics control mechanisms to identify the ethical climates that result in ethical behaviors in the banking. 141 employees from different banks in Shanghai, China, completed measures of all scales in the survey. The results support the theorizing of the value of well-formed business ethics in the banking in China. The correlation and structural equation analysis suggests that ethical practices of successful managers and ethics control mechanisms of banks reinforce three ethical climates of 'service', 'law and rules' and 'caring' that promote the ethical level of employees, and the independence and instrumental climate on the contrary. This study also found that there are three ethics control mechanisms most commonly used in the banking and ethics-focused reward system is believed to be a mostly effective one by the employees of banking in China.

  6. Dividend Payout Policy of Conventional Banking and Islamic Banking in Pakistan

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    Farhan Ahmed


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the difference between the dividend payout policy of Islamic banks and conventional banks in Pakistan for a period from 2012 to 2016 analyzing the data through regression using Least Square Method (OLS. Specifically, the study aims to study the impact of the profitability, liquidity, revenue growth and financial leverage on the dividend payout policy of the Islamic Banks and conventional banks of Pakistan and how Islamic banks dividend policy differs from conventional banks. This study concludes that the factors like liquidity and financial leverage should be considered and addressed accordingly, because these are key indicators to help policymakers and investors in assessing the performance of the Islamic Banking Industry. DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v10i1.6103

  7. The Banks Rating Analysis The Differences Between The Regional Development Banks And Non-Foreign Exchange Commercial Banks In Indonesia

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    Dr. Irwan Ch


    Full Text Available This study aimed to analyze the bank rating in terms of differences the financial performance between the Regional Development Banks and Non-Foreign Exchange Commercial Banks. It is consist of capital adequacy asset quality profitability Return On Asset ROA Return on Equity ROE Net Interest Margin NIM and Liquidity Loan to Deposit Ratio. The fulfillment of capital adequacy and asset quality of the bank groups did not differed significantly while in terms of profitability and liquidity there are significant differences. The earning difference is more likely due to the Regional Development Banks sources of funds for the implementation of the Local Government Cash Holder function as the Provincial Government and District City. The difference of liquidity are showed by the performance of Regional Development Banks and the Non-Foreign Exchange Commercial Banks in lendingfinancing whereas the two groups of banks on average are still relatively low in lending.

  8. Evolution of central banking? De Nederlandsche Bank 1814-1852

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Uittenbogaard, R.A.


    Nowadays the role of central bank is unquestioned and nearly ubiquitous. But was this always the case? This thesis analyses how De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) developed into a central bank during the first four decades of its existence. Its establishment in 1814 was the result of a combination of both

  9. Bank Stability and Competition: Evidence from Albanian Banking Market

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    Gerti SHIJAKU


    Full Text Available This paper analyses the inter-temporal competition – stability nexus after the global financial crises. For this reason, the empirical estimation approach follows a five – step procedure. First, we utilise quarterly macroeconomic and balance sheet and income statement data for 16 banks operating in the Albanian banking sector over the period 2008 – 2015. Second, we calculate a new composite index as a measure of bank stability conditions, which includes a wide set of information rather than focusing only on one aspect of risk. Then, we construct a proxy for bank competition such as the Boone indicator. Empirical estimations are based on the General Method of Moments approach. A set of robustness checks include also the use of other alternative proxy of competition such as the Lerner index and the efficientadjusted Lerner index, profit elasticity and the Herfindahl index. Empirical results strongly support the “competition – stability” view after the global financial crises - that higher degree of competition boosts further bank stability conditions. Results further indicate that greater concentration has also a negative impact on bank stability. Results imply also that bank stability is positively linked with macroeconomic conditions and capital ratio and inverse with operational efficiency. Finally, we do not find a non-linear relationship between competition and stability.

  10. An empirical analysis of macroeconomic and bank-specific factors affecting liquidity of Indian banks

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    Anamika Singh


    Full Text Available This paper investigates bank-specific and macroeconomic factors that determine the liquidity of Indian banks. To explore the association, we perform OLS, fixed effect and random effect estimates on a data set of 59 banks from 2000 to 2013. Studied bank-specific factors include bank size, profitability, cost of funding, capital adequacy and deposits. GDP, inflation and unemployment are the macroeconomic factors considered. We also perform liquidity trend analysis of Indian banks based on ownership. Findings reveal that bank ownership affects liquidity of banks. Based on panel data analysis, we suggest that bank-specific (except cost of funding and macroeconomic (except unemployment factors significantly affect bank liquidity. These include bank size, deposits, profitability, capital adequacy, GDP and inflation. Further, bank size and GDP were found to have a negative effect on bank liquidity. On the other hand, deposits, profitability, capital adequacy and inflation showed a positive effect on bank liquidity. Cost of funding and unemployment showed an insignificant effect on bank liquidity. Our paper highlights new facts for enhanced understanding of liquidity in emerging economies like India.

  11. The Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission in A Dual Banking System

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    Mansor H. Ibrahim


    Full Text Available This paper examines the impact of monetary policy on bank lending in a dual banking system, i.e. Malaysia. Making use of an unbalanced panel data set of 38 Islamic and conventional banks covering mostly 2001-2014, we find evidence that variations in monetary policy affect lending growth of Islamic banks and, to some extent, conventional banks. The results further reveal that, in conformity with studies using aggregate Islamic financing data, the Islamic financing growth reacts more strongly to monetary policy changes. Moreover, we find no marked difference between full-fledged Islamic banks and Islamic bank subsidiaries in their responses to monetary policy. While we also document some evidence indicating the significant relations between bank-specific variables and lending growth, the bank-specific variables do not seem to have any role in impacting the potency of the bank lending channel. Finally, we find that lending growth is directly related to economic growth, suggesting procyclicality of bank lending/financing in Malaysia. These results have important implications for effective implementation of monetary policy and further development of Islamic banks in Malaysia.



    Haryono, Carissa Amelia


    Bank is the main actor in a country's economic. however, bank has a high dependency on their customers, which that means bank cannot operate without the people, in this case the customers who use their services. To maintain its bond with the customers, bank have to at least fulfill three principles, and one of those principles is principle of confidentiality. With the principle of confidentiality, bank have to keep well their customers privacy, but there are some affiliated party ...

  13. An analysis of river bank slope and unsaturated flow effects on bank storage. (United States)

    Doble, Rebecca; Brunner, Philip; McCallum, James; Cook, Peter G


    Recognizing the underlying mechanisms of bank storage and return flow is important for understanding streamflow hydrographs. Analytical models have been widely used to estimate the impacts of bank storage, but are often based on assumptions of conditions that are rarely found in the field, such as vertical river banks and saturated flow. Numerical simulations of bank storage and return flow in river-aquifer cross sections with vertical and sloping banks were undertaken using a fully-coupled, surface-subsurface flow model. Sloping river banks were found to increase the bank infiltration rates by 98% and storage volume by 40% for a bank slope of 3.4° from horizontal, and for a slope of 8.5°, delay bank return flow by more than four times compared with vertical river banks and saturated flow. The results suggested that conventional analytical approximations cannot adequately be used to quantify bank storage when bank slope is less than 60° from horizontal. Additionally, in the unconfined aquifers modeled, the analytical solutions did not accurately model bank storage and return flow even in rivers with vertical banks due to a violation of the dupuit assumption. Bank storage and return flow were also modeled for more realistic cross sections and river hydrograph from the Fitzroy River, Western Australia, to indicate the importance of accurately modeling sloping river banks at a field scale. Following a single wet season flood event of 12 m, results showed that it may take over 3.5 years for 50% of the bank storage volume to return to the river. © 2011, The Author(s). Ground Water © 2011, National Ground Water Association.

  14. Foreign bank entry impacted domestic-owned banks in Ghana from 1975 to 2008

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    Nsiah K. Acheampong


    Full Text Available This article empirically examines the effects of foreign bank entry on the financial performance of Merchant Bank Ghana Limited and Ghana Commercial Banks Limited in Ghana from 1975 to 2008. The main result of the pooled regression was that foreign bank entry relatively increased domestic banks’ return on assets for the period 1992-2008; a period with a high influx of foreign banks into Ghana. This result supported the studies by Beck, Demirguc-Kunt, and Levine (2006 and Boldrin and Levine (2009 that found that foreign bank entry enhanced domestic banks profitability margins. The presence of foreign-owned banks was not detrimental to the financial performance of the domestic-owned banks in Ghana.

  15. Capital Adequacy in Banks: Reflections on Selected Banks in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In principle, bank capital serves two functions. First, it represents the value of shareholder's equity, and secondly, it is the value of the buffer stock available to absorb unexpected losses. Because of this second function, it is argued that a bank's capital must be adequate. Adequate capital is the foundation of any banking ...

  16. Bank Control and the Number of Bank Relations of Japanese Firms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sterken, Elmer; Ogawa, Kazuo; Tokutsu, Ichiro


    We explore the determinants of the number of long-term bank relations of listed Japanese firms using a unique data set covering the period 1982-1999. Having a relation with a top-equity holding bank reduces the number of bank relations, while debt-rich and cash-poor firms have more bank relations.

  17. Efficiency and Competition in the Malaysian Banking Market: Foreign versus Domestic Banks

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    Rossazana Ab-Rahim


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to investigate efficiency performance of Malaysian banking market using data envelopment analysis approach in the context of the increasing presence of foreign banks. Specifically, two measures of efficiency are constructed, cost and profit efficiency by utilizing bank-level data of Malaysian commercial banks, over the period 2003 to 2014. The results obtained show the domestic banks are more efficient than the foreign banks counterparts for both measures of efficiency. Next, the Lerner Index approach is employed to measure competition and finally, Granger causality tests are undertaken to answer the question, does competition foster efficiency? The results of causality tests support a positive effect of competition on cost and profit efficiency of Malaysian banks. With regard to the financial liberalization, the findings imply that higher competitive pressure may be offset the market power of individual banks; however, eventually it will results in efficiency gains of Malaysian banks.

  18. Does Concentration Matter for Bank Stability? Evidence from the Albanian Banking Sector

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    Shijaku Gerti


    Full Text Available Motivated by the debate on the concentration-stability nexus, this paper studies the impact of bank concentration on the likelihood of a country suffering systemic bank fragility. For this reason, we followed a new approach using on-site bank balance sheet information to construct our proxy that represents each bank stability condition and uses a variety of internal and external factors to estimate a balance panel dynamic two-step General Method of Moments (GMM approach for the period 2008 - 2015. First, results provide supportive evidence consistent with the concentration-fragility view. Second, macroeconomic variables seem to have a significant effect on bank stability, which is not found for the sovereignty primary risk. By contrast, the bank-specific variables have also a significant effect on bank stability conditions. Finally, non-systemic banks are found to be more sensitive to macroeconomic condition and market concentration, while the better capitalised banks are less sensitive to fragility at the expense of lower operation efficiency.

  19. Pricing linkage between Islamic banking and conventional banking: The case of Bangladesh

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    Sarwar Uddin Ahmed


    Full Text Available Islamic banking is based on profit and loss mechanism where the use of interest is prohibited.  Unlike conventional banks, these banks do not charge a specific rate of interest, rather provides financing in exchange for profit sharing.  However, there are studies claiming that, in practice, Islamic banking is same as conventional banking with regard to the use of interest. It is also claimed that, Islamic deposits are not interest-free, but are closely attached to conventional deposits.   On this background, the objective of this study is to examine the relationship between pricing in Islamic banks vis-à-vis conventional banks by taking the case of Bangladesh. We have used monthly data during the period of 2009-2013. The findings of the study showed that, there is no statistically significant difference between the monthly average lending rates of Islamic banks and conventional banks. However, there is significant difference between deposit rates. The existence of causal relationship was inconclusive, and requires further analysis.

  20. BLC Bank - Lebanon : Leading in Banking on Women


    International Finance Corporation


    The overall objective of this study is to learn about the impact of International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Banking on Women (BoW) Program in the Europe and Central Asia and the Middle East and North Africa (EMENA) through BLC Bank of Lebanon. The objective of this specific case study is to understand the success of the BoW program for BLC Bank in Lebanon in terms of the program’s contri...

  1. Banking governance: New Approaches

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    Victor Mihăiţă Duţă


    Full Text Available Banks are companies like any other. However, banks are distinguished by certain intrinsic characteristics of companies that have a different impact on the motivation of stakeholders. Among these features, we mention:partnership and shareholders governance agreements; banks are heavily regulated companies; banking assets is the main source of haze banking and information asymmetry; between the bank and depositors there is a problem of moral hazard.


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    Jana Ilieva


    Full Text Available In recent years, there has been increased global awareness of Islamic finance. This topic is mainly opened with respect to the great financial crisis that mostly hit the banking system and the financial markets and caused many bank bankruptcies and state interventions. This paper analyzes the basic principles of Islamic banking. The absolute prohibition of receiving and giving interest (Riba and profit-and-loss sharing (PLS paradigms are elaborated in detail; they are primarily based on mudarabah (profit-sharing and musyarakah (joint venture concepts which nowadays are becoming an accepted way of doing business in several Western multinational banks. An overall comparison of the advantages of Islamic vs. conventional banking is also given. Islamic finance technology solutions have matured and they will face various challenges in the following decades, due to conventional banks offering, increasingly, Islamic products. The need for a more comprehensive environment and regulatory framework is emphasized, so that Islamic banking development can be ensured.

  3. Bank development; bank development efficiency; bank management; bank.


    Самородов, Б. В.


    In the paper the theoretical research of determination of the essence of “management of bank financial development” is realized. The analysis is performed on the basis of substantial considering and comparing the philosophy and economical definitions of the components of its definition.

  4. Retten til privathed i det danske sundhedsvæsen

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    Hanne Pihl Bjerre


    Full Text Available Formålet med nærværende oversigtsartikel er at undersøge den stigende digitalisering og deling af personlige informationer i sundhedsvæsenet, samt hvilke etiske udfordringer denne udvikling har for den enkelte borger. Mere præcis vil vi rammesætte denne diskussion i en dansk kontekst eksemplificeret ved Det Fælles Medicinkort. Det Fælles Medicinkort er en obligatorisk database for danske borgere indeholdende informationer om patienters medicinske historie to år tilbage. Denne database kan tilgås af en bred vifte af sundhedsprofessionelle i Danmark (Bekendtgørelse om Lægemiddelstyrelsens elektroniske registrering af de enkelte borgeres medicinoplysninger 2011.På trods af lovede sundhedsmæssige fordele, såsom en højere grad af sikkerhed i forbindelse med medicinering, en øget effektivisering af sundhedsvæsenet og dermed besparelser på de offentlige budgetter, plæderer vi i artiklen for, at implementeringen af Det Fælles Medicinkort kompromitterer den enkeltes privathed. Den enkelte borger er ikke i tilstrækkelig grad informeret om brugen af Det Fælles Medicinkort. Ydermere finder vi ikke, at borgerens autonomi i forhold til indholdet af personlige oplysninger i Det Fælles Medicinkort er opretholdt på en tilfredsstillende måde.Artiklens primære perspektiv er deontologisk, men for at nuancere vores diskussion inddrages lejlighedsvist også utilitaristiske argumenter. Endvidere inddrages i artiklen Helen Nissenbaum, Tom L. Beauchamp og James F. Childress samt John Rawls. I artiklen vil tre konkrete problemstillinger blive diskuteret i relation til Det Fælles Medicinkort: (1 Deler vi relevante og passende data? (2 Er distributionen af disse data til en så bred vifte af sundhedsprofessionelle på sin plads? Og slutteligt: (3 Er den enkelte borgers beslutningsdygtighed, og dermed mulighed for autonomi i forhold til personrelaterede informationer, tilstrækkelig.Nøgleord: digitalisering, privathed, Danmark, sundhedsv


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    Sundas Rauf


    Full Text Available The impact of electronic banking on the profitability of commercial banks has been measured by developing the integrated model based on Return on Equity for the period of 2002 to 2012. Three major banks named as National Bank of Pakistan, Habib Metropolitan Bank, and Askari Bank Limited have been incorporated into the sample of this study, by applying the Ordinary Least Square (OLS , it has been concluded that services of E-Banking have significant impact on the profitability of recent adopters in terms of Return on Equity.

  6. Legal and actual central bank independence : A case study of Bank of Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Artha, I.K.D.S.; de Haan, J.


    Indicators of central bank independence (CBI) based on the interpretation central bank laws in place may not capture the actual independence of the central bank. This paper develops an indicator of actual independence of the Bank Indonesia (BI), the central bank of Indonesia, for the period

  7. Small finance banks: Challenges

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    Jayadev M


    Full Text Available A recent innovation in the Indian banking structure has been the formation of a new banking institution—small finance banks (SFBs. These banks are expected to penetrate into financial inclusion by providing basic banking and credit services with a differentiated banking model to the larger population. In this context the new SFBs have multiple challenges in coming out with a new, differentiated business model. The challenges include building low cost liability portfolio, technology management, and balancing the regulatory compliances. This paper also presents the top of mind views of three senior executives of new small finance banks.

  8. Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja pada Bank Nasional dan Bank Asing dengan Menggunakan Analisis Rasio Keuangan


    Angel, Christania Graciella; Pusung, Rudy


    Bank performance appraisal is based on bank financial report itself. The financial report can be form balance report which give information about the financial position to the outside of bank that can be used of eksternal to assess the level of risk exist in a bank. Based on ownership consist of national bank, mixture bank and foreign bank. These banks has tight compete to show a good performance to the public. This research aimed to analyze the financial performance difference of national ba...

  9. Pengelolaan Likuiditas Bank Syariah

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    Nurul Ichsan


    Full Text Available Islamic Banking Liquidity Management. This article is about management of liquidity which discuss about the position of cash money in the company and its ability to fulfill the obligation (pay the debt on time. Management of liquidity is one of the essential function which is done by banking institution and inside its efficient management, is needed instrument and finance market which is taking not only short term but also long term, and not only conventional banking but also syariat. Through that natural necessity (placement and fulfillment of short term need, for Islamic banking in Indonesia has been availabled some instruments such as (IMA certificate of Mudhorobah Investment between bank, (PUAS market banking regulations between syariat bank, (SWBI Bank of Indonesia Wadiah certificate, (FPJPS provision about short term cost facility for Islamic banks  DOI:10.15408/aiq.v6i1.1371

  10. 12 CFR 583.3 - Bank. (United States)


    ... OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY DEFINITIONS FOR REGULATIONS AFFECTING SAVINGS AND LOAN HOLDING COMPANIES § 583.3 Bank. The term bank means any national bank, state bank, state-chartered savings bank, cooperative bank, or industrial bank, the deposits of which are insured by the...


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    Rohmawati Kusumaningtias


    Full Text Available At the time of financial crisis, one of the influential institutions in society is banking. Banking sector provide soft loans to create productive employment for the community. On the other hand, customers also need the liquidity from bank-ing. These stakeholders' needs can be met by looking at the performance of bank-ing. This study aims to determine differences in the performance of sharia banking and conventional banking during economic crisis. This study uses t-test to analyze the data. From the research, it was found that in general, the performance of conventional banking is better than sharia banking in the economic crisis. Keywords: shariah banking, conventional banking, performance.

  12. GenBank


    Benson, Dennis A.; Cavanaugh, Mark; Clark, Karen; Karsch-Mizrachi, Ilene; Lipman, David J.; Ostell, James; Sayers, Eric W.


    GenBank? ( is a comprehensive database that contains publicly available nucleotide sequences for almost 260 000 formally described species. These sequences are obtained primarily through submissions from individual laboratories and batch submissions from large-scale sequencing projects, including whole-genome shotgun (WGS) and environmental sampling projects. Most submissions are made using the web-based BankIt or standalone Sequin programs, and GenBank staff assig...

  13. Indvandrerkvinders helbred, tradition og tro

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyhr, Lise


    Interview sammen med Læge Sajida Fazal og jordemoder Hanne Gylche om erfaringer og løsningsforslag til at forbedre mødet med indvandrerkvinder i Danmark. Udgivelsesdato: 2000/11/6......Interview sammen med Læge Sajida Fazal og jordemoder Hanne Gylche om erfaringer og løsningsforslag til at forbedre mødet med indvandrerkvinder i Danmark. Udgivelsesdato: 2000/11/6...

  14. Integrated Marketing Communication to Enhance Active User of Internet Banking Service: Case Study Bank XYZ


    Prawitasari, Larasati; Hudrasyah, Herry


    Internet banking is a form of self-service technology. In the global banking business, Internet banking has a big role for doing the business. In developing country, Internet banking received relatively little attention although has been deployed for years. Only 3% of customer Bank XYZ in Indonesia using Internet banking service actively, although has been 9 years Bank XYZ introduced Internet banking service. This study addressed what factor that drives and influences Internet banking accepta...

  15. Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Nasabah Bank Pengguna Internet Banking Dari Ancaman Cybercrime


    Astrini, Dwi Ayu


    Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peratuan Perundang-undangan yang melindungi nasabah bank pengguna internet banking dari ancaman cybercrime, dan bagaimana mekanisme perlindungan dan tanggungjawab yang diberikan pihak bank terhadap nasabah yang mengalami masalah dalam pengguna internet banking. Berdasarkan penelitian normatif disimpulkan bahwa; 1. Sumber hukum formal mengenai bidang perbankan, adalah UUD 1945 (Pasal 1 ayat 3), Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1992 ...


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    Full Text Available Most transactions or financial commitments have implications for a bank liquidity. Transactions are particularly vulnerable to liquidity problems at a specific institution. Therefore, one can deduce the importance of the correct calculation and liquidity indicator, not only for the bank concerned, but especially for NBR uses that bank risk management tool. That is why the authors took into consideration a sample of banks in Romania to show to what extent the banking crisis has influenced the development banks.

  17. Bank Ownership, Board Characteristics and Performance: Evidence from Commercial Banks in India

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    Jayati Sarkar


    Full Text Available We study the effect of board governance in state-owned and private banks by undertaking a study of commercial banks in India that has both bank groups. Covering a ten-year period from 2003 to 2012 that witnessed a large number of governance reforms in India, the results of our empirical analysis provide evidence of strong ownership effects with board independence exhibiting a significant positive correlation with the performance of private banks and a significant but negative correlation with the performance of state-owned banks. The effect of CEO duality is negative in state-owned banks where incidence of CEO duality is high. We find that a longer CEO tenure has significant positive effects on bank outcomes with these effects strengthening in the later years of CEO tenure. Our results have governance implications for strengthening the composition of board of directors and CEO tenure especially in state-owned banks.

  18. The banking union and the financial and banking system reform in EU

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    Alina Ligia Dumitrescu


    Full Text Available Coordination among supervisors in financial and banking system is vital, but the financial crisis has shown that is not enough, and especially in the context of a single currency would require more common actions in EU. Therefore, the European Commission proposed “the creation of a banking union”, in order to place the banking sector on a more solid base and to restore confidence in the single currency, as part of a longer-term vision for the promotion of the economic and fiscal integration. Therefore, the new direction of the reform of the financial sector is "the creation of a banking union", that will help: to strengthen banks supervision, to ensure better deposits security, to recapitalize banks and last but not least to achieve the centralized management of the banking crises.

  19. Comparing Conventional Bank Credit Vis A Vis Shariah Bank Musharakah: Experimental Economic Approach

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    Muhamad Abduh


    Full Text Available Central Bank of Indonesia with dual banking system – i.e Shariah and Conventional Bank – keep on developing system that considered as an answer to generate the national economic growth. One of the banking activities that emphasized by the Central Bank of Indonesia is fund distribution through either conventional bank credit or shariah bank fi nancing. Having the Experimental Economic Approach based on Induced Value Theory and employing ANOVA, this paper found that shariah bank musharakah fi nancing system would come up with higher profi t opportunity compare to conventional credit system. One main reason is that musharakah fi nancing in shariah bank applies profi t and lost sharing (PLS scheme so that will not be a burden to the customer when he fi nd low profi t.Keywords: Credit Loan, Musharakah Financing, Induced Value Theory, Experimental Economic Approach, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA.


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    Gatot Nazir Ahmad


    Full Text Available Comparative analysis of performance bank devisa BUMN and bank devisa Swasta. Thesis, Jakarta: Finance Concentration Management, Program Management, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Jakarta. Researchers aimed to determine the performance bank devisa BUMN and bank devisa Swasta by using the ratio Capital Asset Management (CAR, Return On Asset (ROA, Retrun On Equity (ROE, and Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR. The samples used were four banks devisa BUMN and four banks devisa Swasta status go public. The data used in this study were obtained from the Annual Banking Financial report. The method of analysis used in this study is a descriptive analysis, test Outliers, and Normality Test Data Test different using paired sample t-test. The results of the analysis using a paired sample t-test between the results obtained bank devisa BUMN and bank devisa Swasta generally have a difference except for Capital Asset Ratio (CAR. The results of this study there was no difference between banks devisa BUMN and bank devisa Swasta. This study also shows that bank devisa Swasta have CAR greater than CAR bank devisa BUMN.

  1. Customers’ adoption of electronic banking: An investigation on the commercial banking industry in Zimbabwe.


    Makosana, Musa


    The advent of electronic banking offers banking firms a new frontier of opportunities and challenges. This study investigates how social factors, awareness, consumer perceptions and attitudes towards electronic banking influence the adoption of electronic banking in Zimbabwe. In Zimbabwe little is known and understood about the emergence of electronic banking, this is because electronic banking is new, and so consumer acceptance and use of electronic banking is still limited. This study has r...

  2. 76 FR 44914 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ..., and Logan County Bank, Lincoln, Illinois. C. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (Jacqueline G. King, Community Affairs Officer) 90 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55480-0291: 1. Stephen L. Grobel, Tabb... thereby indirectly acquire voting shares of First Community Bank, Glasgow, Montana. In addition, Stephen L...

  3. Effects of e-banking on growth of customer base in kenyan banks


    Okibo, Bichanga Walter; Wario, Ali Yattani


    The study highlights the effects of E-banking services on growth of customer base in Kenyan banks for over the last five years. It addresses issues that affect effective utilization of E-banking facilities by customers. The study generally investigates how lack of technological know-how, illiteracy, unreliability, and transaction limits has hindered growth of on-line customer base in Kenyan banks. E-banking provides enormous benefits to consumers in terms of time saving and cost of transactio...

  4. Banking beyond banks and money a guide to banking services in the twenty-first century

    CERN Document Server

    Aste, Tomaso; Pelizzon, Loriana; Perony, Nicolas


    Do you know how banking and money will look like in the new digital age? This book collects the voices of leading scholars, entrepreneurs, policy makers and consultants who, through their expertise and keen analytical skills, are best positioned to picture from various angles the ongoing technological revolution in banking and finance. You will learn how lending and borrowing can exist without banks; how new forms of money can compete to better serve different society needs; how new technologies are banking the unbanked communities in the poorest parts of the world, and how ideas and small projects can be financed by the crowds without the need to rely upon banks. You will learn how, in the new digital age, we will interact with new self-organised and autonomous companies that operate without any human involvement, based on a set of programmed and incorruptible rules. You will learn that new business models will emerge thanks to technology-enabled platforms, upon which one can build new forms of non-hierarchi...

  5. Pengaruh Pengumuman Likuidasi Bank Terhadap Minat Menarik Uang Dari Bank


    Haribowo, Ignatius Novianto


    This study aims to examine the factors that influence a person to withdraw all or part of the money from the bank in liquidation of large banks case in Indonesia. This study uses the theory of Lewin to uncover factors that may influence a person to withdraw part or all of the money from the bank if there is a big bank liquidation. Based on Lewin's theory, there are two factors that can influence a person's decision, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors in this study ...

  6. GenBank


    Benson, Dennis A.; Karsch-Mizrachi, Ilene; Lipman, David J.; Ostell, James; Sayers, Eric W.


    GenBank? is a comprehensive database that contains publicly available nucleotide sequences for more than 300 000 organisms named at the genus level or lower, obtained primarily through submissions from individual laboratories and batch submissions from large-scale sequencing projects. Most submissions are made using the web-based BankIt or standalone Sequin programs, and accession numbers are assigned by GenBank? staff upon receipt. Daily data exchange with the European Molecular Biology Labo...





    2014 ABSTRAK Evaluasi Penerapan Pengukuran Kinerja Bank Dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard Pada Bank Papua (Persero). Evaluation of the Implementation of Bank Performance Measurement Balanced Scorecard Approach To Bank of Papua ( Persero ) . Talha Tri Rejeki Yulianus Sampe M. Christian Mangiwa Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kinerja Bank Papua Persero), Tbk dengan pendekatan balanced scorecard dari segi ...

  8. The Consolidation on Banking Supervision in the Context of a Pan European Banking System

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    Teodora Barbu


    Full Text Available The diversity of national banking systems in the European banking system and the absence of consolidated supervision creates the premises for a series of interrogations whose essence is the same: Is it possible to discuss about a Pan European Banking System? The starting point in answering this question was the efforts to create a single banking market, which took place in 1973-1999, and the impact of integration on the European Banking Industry. Among the most representative aspects, it must be emphasized the necessity of consolidating banking supervision at an European level, considering that the International Banking Community studies the problematic of banking regulations at a global level. The two dimensions of the prudential and European bank supervision device – the geographic and the institutional – demand the creation of a structural reform in order to ensure the functioning of a Pan European system of banking supervision and regulations. The considerations on the Consolidation of European Banking Supervision draws into discussion the Financial Supervision Authority which has generalized as an applicable model in numerous European countries and has been mentioned as an alternative of Pan European banking supervision. In the process of the integration of the banking sector, the Basel II Accord represents an opportunity in reaching a convergence of national regulations and practices in matters of risk management, considering that these actions are in line with the preoccupations of realizing a Pan European banking system. Thus, the creation of Pan European banking system involves actions in more directions: legal, institutional, operational meant to ensure the consolidation of banking supervision.


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    Coroiu Sorina Ioana


    Full Text Available The financial crisis showed that banks were not able to face the loss, because there is no framework for a resolution, so that it intervened with money from taxpayers. So, it has been highlighted the need to update the regulations applicable to the banking sector. Creating a single supervisory mechanism in the fall of 2014 was a time reference point to achieve a banking union in Europe. Banking Union is one of the four foundations for a genuine Economic and Monetary Union. The paper’s purpose is to analyze the Banking Union structure, based on three pillars: (i The Single Supervisory Mechanism - the transfer of the main responsibility regarding banking supervision from national to European level, (ii The Single Resolution Mechanism - introduction of common provisions to ensure legal support required to manage bank failures problem, (iii The Deposit Guarantee Schemes - harmonization of deposit guarantee rules. These measures were adopted at European Union level to ensure the stability of the European banking system and to prevent future crises. Because countries that are not part of the euro area are not required to join the Banking Union, the dilemma of these countries lies in the decision to join the Banking Union quickly or to wait. It is the case of Romania, also, so, this paper analyze the opportunity of Romania's accession to the Banking Union before adopting the euro. There are analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of Romania's participation in the Banking Union, showing that, in the context of single currency introduction, Romania's participation is required. So far, there are reduced debates regarding the need, advantages and disadvantages of Romania's participation in the European Banking Union, the top representatives of the National Bank of Romania being among the few who expressed their views in public and published papers on the subject.

  10. Bank Liquidity and Financial Performance: Evidence from Moroccan Banking Industry

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    El Mehdi Ferrouhi


    Full Text Available This paper aims to analyze the relationship between liquidity risk and financial performance of Moroccan banks and to define the determinants of bank’s performance in Morocco during the period 2001–2012. We first evaluate Moroccan banks’ liquidity positions through different liquidity and performance ratios then we apply a panel date regression to identify determinants of Moroccan banks performance. We use 4 bank’s performance ratios, 6 liquidity ratios and we analyze 5 specific determinants and 5 macroeconomic determinants of bank performance. Results show that Moroccan bank’s performance is mainly determined by 7 determinants: liquidity ratio, size of banks, logarithm of the total assets squared, external funding to total liabilities, share of own bank’s capital of the bank’s total assets, foreign direct investments, unemployment rate and the realization of the financial crisis variable. Banks’ performance depends positively on size of banks, on foreign direct investments and on the realization of the financial crisis and negatively on external funding to total liabilities, on share of own bank’s capital of the bank’s total assets and on unemployment rate while the dependence between bank performance and liquidity ratios and bank performance and logarithm of the total assets squared depend on the model used.

  11. Risk Management Practices in Islamic Bank: A Case Study of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited


    Uddin, Md Akther


    Islamic banking industry has been growing rapidly for last three decades. As risk is inherent in banking business it is necessary to develop a comprehensive risk management framework and process. In this paper, a humble attempt has been made to study and analyze risk management practices of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL), one of the leading Islamic banks in Bangaladesh. Annual reports of IBBL and 7 other full-fledged Islamic banks, Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh, publi...

  12. The Effects of Foreign Bank Participation on the Turkish Banking System and Crisis

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    Suleyman Degirmen


    Full Text Available There is an assertion that the participation of foreign banks in emerging markets is often thought to improve overall bank soundness. Therefore, if the share of foreign banks in a national banking system is large, the system will quickly overcome both financial or currency crises, and quickly recover itself. Since Turkey has been experienced mentioned crises, the aim of this study is to reveal if the assertion is valid for Turkey. Our expectation from the study using VAR method is to reach a conclusion that countries with large market share of foreign banks have safely passed the crises by virtue of foreign banks’ best management policies. The test results indicate that foreign banks have more positive effect for helping TBS capital structure; foreign bank participation did not cause any decline in loans and last one, after crisis, existence of foreign banks worsens TBS’ liquidity in interest and exchange rate shocks.

  13. International Islamic Banking


    saleem, shahid


    The purpose of this exploratory and to some extent descriptive analysis is to highlight the Islamic banking & finance theory, and to explain the practical disparity all over the Muslim Umma along with commonalities of Islamic banking in them. Islamic banking has been now become a value proposition which transcends cultures and will do speedily in next decades despite of cutting throat competition expected in global banking scenario. The size of Islamic Financial Industry has now reached size ...

  14. Islamic Banking in the West : the Need for Islamic Banking in the Uk


    Alowd, Jehad; Wodie, Astede


    The Islamic banking system has gained momentum worldwide. The last two decades have witnessed the emergence of Islamic banking as a viable banking system. This study is designed to investigate the awareness, needs, and motives of Muslims towards Islamic Banking in the UK. The objectives of the study are as follow; to find out the motives and needs of Muslims in the UK towards Islamic banking, to test Muslim's attitudes towards some of the principles of Islamic banking, and to find out the lev...

  15. Challenges Faced by Sudanese Banks in Implementing Online Banking: Bankers’ Perception


    Nafis Alam; Ibrahim Hussien Musa Magboul; Murali Raman


    Innovations in Information technology have changed the way financial transactions are done in banking industry globally. Online banking uses today’s computer technology to give user the ability to manage their finances more quickly and efficiently, from anywhere around the world, and with just a click of the mouse. Banks perceive online banking as a powerful ‘value-added’ tool to attract and retain new customers while helping to eliminate costly paper handling and tell...


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    Muchlis Yahya


    Full Text Available banking. Shariah banking customers were divided into Moslem customers that only saved money at shariahbank (n1, Moslem customers that saved money both in shariah and conventional banks (n2, non-Moslemcustomers (n3. This study used primary data through questionnaires distributed to 400 people gotten from295.498 customers of shariah bank in Central Java. Then the customer data was analyzed by using logit model.For groups of customers’ n2 and n3, the interest rate had a significant negative effect on the commitment toinvest in shariah banks. However, for n1, the interest rate did not affect anything. n1 customers developedrelationship with shariah bank because of religion ideology motive. The result showed that n2, n3 customershad rational-economic mindset, whereas n1 customers had emotional-ideology mindset. This result showedthat shariah banking customers were dominated by customers that had rational-economic character. The openingof disagreement about the bank interest which was not usury and which was supported by only some socioreligiousorganizations like NU and Muhammadiyah could be an important factor the growth of Islamicbanking.

  17. Banking in Africa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beck, T.H.L.; Cull, R.; Berger, A.; Molyneux, P.; Wilson, J.


    This paper takes stock of the current state of banking systems across Sub-Saharan Africa and discusses recent developments including innovations that might help Africa leapfrog more traditional banking models. Using an array of different data, the paper documents that African banking systems are

  18. Banks on Notice

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Regulators issue policies to guide China’s banks as massive loans compromise the banking sector’s ability to contain future risks R egulatory departments are strengthening their supervision over financial institutions to prevent an incomprehensible financial scenario from unfolding: the failure of the Chinese banking

  19. Banks and Banking Business in Russia in the Face of International Sanctions

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    Galina S. Panova


    Full Text Available The article provides an analysis of the present condition and prospects of development of banks and the banking business in the face of international sanctions. It identifies current trends, problems and the risks of banks and banking in Russia and in the world. Special attention is paid to the analysis of sectoral international sanctions against the Russian banks and the need to minimize negative impact of sanctions on the banking business, both nationally and internationally. Great value in these conditions has the state monetary policy. Anti-crisis policy pursued by the Bank of Russia, in a context of stagnating economy, leads to a reduction in the Russian share in the world economy and increases in the standard of living gap with the developed countries. The article argues that Russia's economic growth opportunities in 2016 are limited by restriction level of bank interest, the high volatility of the exchange rate of the national currency, insufficient development of credit relations, tough, high-budget (at the level of developed Europe tax burden, increasing administrative costs, dramatically increasing the concentration of risks of subjective decisions at the present stage of the electoral cycle. In a situation of uncertainty of predictions regarding the scope and duration of the application of sanctions, the Russian Government and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation had rightly seek to use a combination of anti-sanctions measures of austerity measures on introduction of contra-sanctions to create more comfortable conditions for doing business in Russia and her allies from member countries of Eurasian Economic Union, SCO, BRICS. The article examines the strategic aspects of development banks and banking business in Russia under the new circumstances. Given the practical recommendations on improvement of the development strategy of banks in Russia. The necessity to improve the theoretical, conceptual, methodological, her reasoning


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    Yusnaini -


    Full Text Available Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji mutu internet banking terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Pesertanya sebanyak 145 pelanggan yang biasanya menggunakan internet banking dalam melakukan transaksi pada 5 perbankan di Palembang. Regresi ganda dan sederhana digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kualitas internet banking bisa mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan. Dimension of tangible, responsiveness and empathy mempunyai dampak yang signifikan, tetapi tidak berlaku untuk dimension of reliability and assurance.  Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa kepuasan pelanggan berdampak signifikan terhadap kesetiaan pelanggan bank. AbstractThis study examines the effects of internet banking quality to the customer satisfaction. A number of 145 customers that use internet banking for their transactions in 5 banks located in Palembang are selected as the data. Multiple and simple regressions are used to investigate hypothesis.The result shows that internet banking quality can influence the customer satisfaction. Dimensions of tangible, responsiveness and empathy have significant effects, but dimension of reliability and assurance are unsignificant. This study also finds that the customer satisfaction has significant effect to the bank customer loyalty. Keywords: internet banking; service quality; customer satisfaction

  1. An Evaluation of Banks' Liability in Robbery Incidents at Banks ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The spate of armed robbery attack on banks in the last decade has been alarming. It is hoped with the current Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) cashless policy there will be a drastic drop in such incidents. However, the issue of armed robbery attack at the bank premises brings to the fore two issues which are of paramount ...

  2. Bank Syariah Sebagai Alternatif

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    Adang Sudjana


    Full Text Available The principle of not allowing interest practices (riba has saved the Syariah Bank and their customers from the effects of monetary crisis. In view of Islamic Principles, interest is forbidden. Therefore, all transactions of syariah banking are based on sale-purchase pattern. Besides, all good banking aspects as applied in conventional banking such as, 5 Cs (capital, collateral, capacity, character, and condition are also applied properly in the line of ukhrawi aspects in managing fund of syariah banking.  The practice of “mark-up” in project funded by syariah bank seems to be very difficult.

  3. Nuclear fuel banks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In december 2010 IAEA gave its agreement for the creation of a nuclear fuel bank. This bank will allow IAEA to help member countries that renounce to their own uranium enrichment capacities. This bank located on one or several member countries will belong to IAEA and will be managed by IAEA and its reserve of low enriched uranium will be sufficient to fabricate the fuel for the first load of a 1000 MW PWR. Fund raising has been successful and the running of the bank will have no financial impact on the regular budget of the IAEA. Russia has announced the creation of the first nuclear fuel bank. This bank will be located on the Angarsk site (Siberia) and will be managed by IAEA and will own 120 tonnes of low-enriched uranium fuel (between 2 and 4.95%), this kind of fuel is used in most Russian nuclear power plants. (A.C.)

  4. Excellency in banking services - A new road map for banks in the emerging new competition

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    R. K. Uppal


    Full Text Available The widening gap between desirability and availability is becoming a major cause of dissatisfaction in the banking industry. The bridging of this gap is one of the solutions to make the customers delight. The present study analyzes the widening gap between desirability and availabilityregarding reliability, accuracy, confidentiality, flexibility, e-channels, high attention to customers, low service charges and overall satisfaction of customers in three bank groups i.e. public sector banks, Indian private sector banks and foreign banks. The survey was conducted in Chandigarh in the month of October, 2008. Three banks have been selected one each from three bank groups; PNB from public sector banks, HDFC bank from Indian Private Sector banks and Amro bank from foreign banks have been taken for consideration. On the basis of five point Likert type scale, survey concludes that desirability regarding all the parameters is very high as compared to availability of banking servicesand on the basis of this empirical survey, study recommends some measures to bridge this gap between the D/A of service quality parameters in the banking sector in the emerging competition.

  5. Analysis on Corporate Governance Influences toward Banking Efficiency with Bank Category as Moderator Variable

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    Lidiyawati Lidiyawati


    Full Text Available Corporate governance system of Sharia financial institution that based on Islamic law may result more  variables principles then conventional owns. The restriction of usury are highly speculative transaction, embedded prohibited matter are main features in Sharia business institution. Sharia Supervisory Board, as board that supervises banking practices conforms to Sharia stipulations, hold strong important role within Islamic banking. Both important points above had direct effects on efficiency which attained by Islamic banking compared with conventional banking. This study examines the influence of corporate governance implementation toward efficiency banking sector with bank category as moderator variable. This study hypothesize that corporate governance has significant influences toward bank’s efficiencies, the influence of corporate governance toward Islamic bank efficiencies is higher than conventional bank, and level of Islamicbank efficiencies is higher than conventional bank. Measurement of efficiencies is using Stochastic Frontier Approach program, and then using SPSS in procces hypothetical model. The results of the study do not support the hypothesis. Examined result shows that statically corporate governance is not influenced by bank efficiency achievement. Corporate governance influences over Islamic bank has not show higher significance than conventional and Islamic bank efficiencies remain steady. Data limitations, complexity of the efficiency measures and the complexity of the operation of Islamic banks may explain the finding.

  6. 78 FR 34384 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... Holding Company The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C... bank holding company. The factors that are considered in acting on the notices are set forth in... Johnson Bank as trustee, both of Racine, Wisconsin; to join the existing Johnson Family Control Group and...

  7. What is shadow banking?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Claessens, S.; Ratnovski, L.


    There is much confusion about what shadow banking is. Some equate it with securitization, others with non-traditional bank activities, and yet others with non-bank lending. Regardless, most think of shadow banking as activities that can create systemic risk. This paper proposes to describe shadow


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    Full Text Available The banking union has been seen as "a panacea" for solving the system risks of the EU banking system. This paper objectives are to find out if is the banking union, with is strong and week sides, will be right answer to solve the actual issues that EU banking system has as: the fragmentation in the EU single market, the deterioration in asset quality, the need for recapitalization and the quality of banks’ loan portfolios. According with most of the experts the banking union will strength the process of economic integration. On the other side, the non-euro area member states are questioning about "equal rights and obligations for all Member States" inside the banking union. But, with all pros and cons of the banking union, the ECB's making decisions and tasks can be questioned, although its role of supervisor can not be disputed. The most important thing is that the banking union breaks the vicious circle between banks and sovereign debts, and ends "to big to fail"

  9. Macroeconomic and Bank Specific Determinants of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs in the Indian Banking Sector

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    Memdani Laila


    Full Text Available The main objective of the paper is to find out the determinants of NPAs in the Indian Banking sector and to study if these determinants vary across the three different ownership structures viz., public sector banks (PSBs, private banks (PBs and foreign banks (FBs, of banks in India. The panel data for all the banks from 2005 to 2014 is collected from the official website of Reserve Bank of India (RBI, the Central Bank of the country. The econometric technique of Fixed Effects model and Random Effects model is used for the purpose. The results reveal that Macro economic factors, like log of percapita income (LPCY and Inflation (INFN, are significantly affecting NPLs in Public Sector Banks (PSBs. In case of private banks (PBs LPCY is highly significant while bank specific variables like size and total loans to total loans of the banking sector (TLTLBS are significant at 10% level. For FBs none of the variables were significant.

  10. 12 CFR 615.5144 - Banks for cooperatives and agricultural credit banks. (United States)


    ... such activities constitute a materially important line of business to its members. Also, investments... banks. 615.5144 Section 615.5144 Banks and Banking FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION FARM CREDIT SYSTEM FUNDING AND FISCAL AFFAIRS, LOAN POLICIES AND OPERATIONS, AND FUNDING OPERATIONS Investment Management § 615...

  11. Bank Financing for SMEs : Evidence Across Countries and Bank-Ownership Types

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beck, T.H.L.; Demirgüc-Kunt, A.; Martinez Peria, M.


    Using data for 91 large banks from 45 countries, this paper finds few differences in the extent, type, and pricing of SME loans across foreign, private, and government-owned banks, even though different bank ownership types apply different lending technologies and have different organizational

  12. GenBank (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — GenBank is the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences. GenBank is designed to provide and encourage access...


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    Full Text Available To meet customer’s expectations and needs, electronic banking services have allowed financial transactions to simplify and have increased their attractiveness. Over the past few year, in order to increase customer comfort and maintain profitability, banks around the world have adopted innovative banking technologies and modern e-banking services, such as internet and mobile banking. As a matter of fact, banking over mobile phones is the newest e-banking service with several benefits for both customers and banks. The paper aims to provide an overview of the latest electronic financial channel, underlining various aspects of mobile banking as it represents a key distribution channel for a growing number of customers.

  14. Banking and Trading

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boot, A.W.A.; Ratnovski, L.


    We study the interaction between relationship banking and short-term arm’s length activities of banks, called trading. We show that a bank can use the franchise value of its relationships to expand the scale of trading, but may allocate too much capital to trading ex post , compromising its ability

  15. The effect of quality of electronic banking services on agility of a bank

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    Hooman Pourmohammad


    Full Text Available Studies have shown that in service organizations, quality can have a growth in customer satisfaction as its consequence, and when it regards the banking services, factors are brought up with regard to the quality of banking services, which include the speed in responding, providing products proportionate to the customer needs, and gaining competence. These concepts are shared by the issue of organizational agility; hence, the qualities as well as the bank's agility of the banking system embrace these concepts in common. Therefore, the study aims at studying the effect of the quality of electronic banking services on the bank's agility, and assesses the role of two mediator variables of the quality of service system and personnel behavior quality. Using a questionnaire comprised of 76 items about the above components and asking the line personnel in Bank Saderat Iran (BSI in the branches both inside and outside of Iran, the research data was collected, and stratified random sampling was used. To analyze the data, the Structural Equation Model (SEM was used and the PLS software was employed to perform the computations. Results indicated that the model of the study has a high Goodness of Fit, and the quality of the electronic banking services had a significant effect on the bank's agility. In addition, the quality of electronic banking services affects the service system quality. The system service quality, also affects the employees' behavior. Therefore, it can be said that the electronic services quality and the bank's agility affect the personnel behavior quality through the mediated effect of the service system quality. The results of the present study can help the bank's executives to promote their bank's agility and the personnel behavior quality.

  16. Are EU Banks Safe?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R.J. Theissen (Roel)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ What exactly are the rules banks are subject to, and are they fit for purpose? These are the two questions addressed in this book ‘Are EU banks safe?’ and its descriptive companion book ‘EU banking supervision’. The full rulebook on banks is difficult to find



    Ade Sofyan Mulazid


    The Implementation of Sharia Compliance at Islamic Bank (Case Study on Mandiri Syariah Bank, Jakarta). This study is aimed at finding out the controlling system and the implementation of supervision of compliance of Bank Indonesia (BI) and Sharia Supervisory Board toward the Mandiri Syariah Bank; how is the implementation and its internal audit, what are the roles and responsibilities of the director of compliance for all stakeholders of compliance unit of Bank Syariah Mandiri. Th...

  18. The anatomy of bank performance during transition: A separate efficient frontier analysis of Ukrainian banks

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    Ihsan Isik


    Full Text Available By drawing on Ukrainian experience, this paper analyzes the anatomy of bank efficiency in a transitional economy. Acknowledging the vast disparities in the business technology of different size banks, in this comprehensive study, we innovatively estimate group-specific (distinct frontiers for small, medium, and large size banks. The results from separate frontiers reveal that Ukrainian banks record 38% technical inefficiency, 26% pure technical inefficiency, and 17% scale inefficiency on average. Apparently, banks in transition waste about the two fifths of their factor inputs during the production of financial services. The cardinal source of sub-performance in transitional banks seems to be managerial inefficiencies. We also found that banks operating in areas with more political influence and more developed infrastructure outperform the banks operating in politically and economically weaker regions. The results also indicate that larger banks, enjoying public trust in a risky business climate, dominate smaller banks in all forms of efficiency. However, such bias for size causes large banks to suffer from decreasing returns to scale and small banks from idle capacity. Consequently, the policies promoting consolidation between small and large banks may alleviate the excess (idle capacity for large (small banks in a transitional economy.

  19. Elements of banking intermediation in the Algerian Banking system and the means to activate it

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    Habbar Abderezak, Dr.


    Banking intermediation raises several interrelated issues for banks, the central bank and the Treasury. It is linked to the gross domestic product, money supply and bank liquidity, etc. These elements will be examined in this article to learn the elements of bank intermediation in the Algerian banking system and ways of strengthening it.

  20. Developing Modernization Strategy for CORE Banking Systems among Iran’s Commercial Banks (Case Study: One of the Commercial Banks of Iran

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    Ali Rezaeian


    Full Text Available After more than two decades of the emergence of CORE banking systems in Iran, their inefficiency and lack of accountability to the needs of the banks have become evident. Hence, modernization of CORE banking systems is one of the most serious concerns of the banks' managers. All the customers of the banks can access the services of these systems through online and 7*24 channels such as ATMs, PoS and / or Internet. Even the slightest interruption in the provision of these services can because banks face serious crises; therefore, choosing the right strategy for modernization is of utmost importance. The researcher could identify internal and external factors affecting modernization by distributing a questionnaire among banks' senior managers and experts. Afterwards, we used another questionnaire to identify internal and external factors affecting the target bank. Having formed the matrixes of IFE and EFE and completed the questionnaire, the related strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were identified. Strategies were explained based on SWOT method, then the selected strategies were ranked by weighting of the indices with the help of AHP method using QSPM method. Finally, the strategy with the highest rank was determined as the most appropriate strategy for modernization in the target bank.



    Vasile NEME


    The present study propose the analyse of the irrevocable commitment of a bank entity towards a determined person, through which guarantees a certain legal conduct of its client, and, in case of breach, assumes the payment obligation of a determined amount of money. This kind of legal technique it is called bank guarantee and in the usual business language it is called “Letter of Bank Guarantee”. The determined reason to choose this scientific initiative it is the frequency of this kind of fin...

  2. Adopting Internet Banking in Ghana


    G.O. Ofori-Dwumfuo; Betty A. Dankwah


    This study looks at the benefits, challenges and barriers in adopting Internet banking at a major bank in Ghana. The development of the Internet is changing the way financial services are provided in Ghana. The Internet banking facility has resulted in new ways of delivering banking services. The research is a case study based on the staffs that has worked with the bank for more than three years. In evaluating benefits, challenges and barriers to the bank in adopting Internet banking, intervi...

  3. Commercial Activity or Banking Competition?

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    Rose-Marie Pușcaciu


    Full Text Available The study analyzes the competition on the banking market and proposes an overview of debt collection companies through the economic crisis which has profoundly affected the banking sector. Article scroll through the main features of competition on the banking market as well as the domain weaknesses that negatively influenced the banking system performance. Even if there is not a sufficiently transparent and functional legal framework and debt recovery market is not supervised enough, it is among the few markets that increase from year to year. Increasing competition from adjacent companies that compete with banks, namely, a non-banking entity, it is stimulating the banking system which will thus become more constructive. It is estimated, that in terms of customers, there will be no differentiation between the banking industry and non-banking entities that will reshape the Romanian banking system soon. Also, the study aims to highlight the existence of debt collection companies, implicitly, the specific markets, it is only a consequence of excessive, unnecessary and dangerous borrowing from previous years. Avoiding bad loans from banks, a fair competition from banks and from non-banking institutions, in the long term, it will generate a balance in the market and it will support economic growth of Romania.

  4. The role of bank collapse on tidal creek ontogeny: A novel process-based model for bank retreat (United States)

    Gong, Zheng; Zhao, Kun; Zhang, Changkuan; Dai, Weiqi; Coco, Giovanni; Zhou, Zeng


    Bank retreat in coastal tidal flats plays a primary role on the planimetric shape of tidal creeks and is commonly driven by both flow-induced bank erosion and gravity-induced bank collapse. However, existing modelling studies largely focus on bank erosion and overlook bank collapse. We build a bank retreat model coupling hydrodynamics, bank erosion and bank collapse. To simulate the process of bank collapse, a stress-deformation model is utilized to calculate the stress variation of bank soil after bank erosion, and the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is then applied to evaluate the stability of the tidal creek bank. Results show that the bank failure process can be categorized into three stages, i.e., shear failure at the bank toe (stage I), tensile failure on the bank top (stage II), and sectional cracking from the bank top to the toe (stage III). With only bank erosion, the planimetric shapes of tidal creeks are funneled due to the gradually seaward increasing discharge. In contrast to bank erosion, bank collapse is discontinuous, and the contribution of bank collapse to bank retreat can reach 85%, highlighting that the expansion of tidal creeks can be dominated by bank collapse process. The planimetric shapes of tidal creeks are funneled with a much faster expansion rate when bank collapse is considered. Overall, this study makes a further step toward more physical and realistic simulation of bank retreat in estuarine and coastal settings and the developed bank collapse module can be readily included in other morphodynamic models.

  5. Are Foreign Conventional Banks Capable of Adopting Islamic Banking: A Study to Investigate the Issues and Challenges Faced Foreign Islamic Banks in Malaysia.


    Muhamed Saeed Baashar, Yahya Abd Elwahab


    Malaysia has witnessed a remarkable growth of Islamic banking industry in the last four decades. It has established its first full-fledged Islamic bank, Bank Islam Malaysia, in 1983. Accordingly, Malaysia is one of the first Islamic countries that place a profound focus on the industry of Islamic banking. The world‟s Islamic banking experiment begun in modern era Egypt - in Mit Ghamr – through the establishment of the Savings Bank first in the 1960s by Dr. Ahmed Al-Najjar. Consequently, the I...

  6. Role of Islamic Banking and Conventional Against Poverty with The Dual Banking System

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    Iwan Setiawan


    Full Text Available Islamic banking in Indonesia is present in a dual banking system. Islamic banking is expected to contribute more in the process of economic development and improving people’s welfare. The  main  objective of  this  study is  to  analyze the  role  of  financing Islamic banking and conventional banking credit to the improvement of people’s welfare as measured by reductions in poverty. The study was conducted using  the explanatory method, applying the  panel  regression estimation techniques simultaneously with the  Two Stage Least Square  method (TSLS  using  data from the period 1992-2012. Results  of the study reveals that the increased of  financing Islamic banking and conventional banking credit assign roles  to poverty reduction in Indonesia. The role of Islamic banking financing is lower  than conventional bank  credit role  in reducing poverty. In addition to improve financing and credit, changes should be applied in the value  of the instruments of monetary policy, economic growth, unequal distribution  of income and  the depreciation  of the local  currency that contribute towards poverty conditions.

  7. Evolution in banking supervision


    Edward J. Stevens


    Banking supervision must keep pace with technical innovations in the banking industry. The international Basel Committee on Banking Supervision currently is reviewing public comments on its proposed new method for judging whether a bank maintains enough capital to absorb unexpected losses. This Economic Commentary explains how existing standards became obsolete and describes the new plan.

  8. Perceptions Towards On-line Banking Security: An Empirical Investigation of a Developing Country`s Banking Sector, how secure is On-line Banking


    Bongani Ngwenya; Khanyisa Malufu


    The increase in computer crime has led to scepticism about themove made by the banks to introduce on-line banking. Someview this as a noble move which has made the banking systemmore efficient, reliable and secure, while others view it as arisky and insecure way of banking. The aim of this study wasto assess whether on-line banking in the developing countriesis secure or not. The researcher chose a descriptive-quantitativeresearch design. Data was collected using a self constructedquestionnai...

  9. Essays on banking and regulation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Todorov, R.I.


    This thesis consists of three chapters that explore issues related to bank capital, multinational bank supervision, and bank lending in a developing country. The first chapter explores the impact of peer banks on bank capital adjustments. The second chapter evaluates the extent to which distortions


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    Evi Sistiyarini


    Full Text Available The increase of banking products and services which is more complex will increase the risk to the banks. Therefore, to anticipate the rise of financial difficulties in a bank, the early warning system. This study aimed to find the influence RBBR (Risk Based Bank Rating ratio’s to predict bankruptcy of conventional Banks in Indonesia. Ratio of RBBR consisted of risk profile, Good Corporate Governance, profitability and capital. Independent variables used were NPL, PDN, LDR, GCG, ROA and NIM, and CAR. Dependent variable was bank bankruptcy using dummy variable. The population of this study was all of the conventional banks in Indonesia. The data was a secondary data taken form financial report of conventional bank 2011-2015. Technical sampling used was a purposive sampling method with some criteria. The analysis of this study used logistic regression.The result of the study showed that NPL, PDN, LDR, GCG, ROA and NIM, and CARhad no significant influence to bankruptcy of the bank.

  11. Operational Efficiency of Bank Loans and Deposits: A Case Study of Vietnamese Banking System

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    Tram Nguyen


    Full Text Available This paper examines whether there is a causal relationship between bank loans and deposits in the Vietnamese banking system and the efficiency of the use of loans and deposits by the Vietnamese banks. In a country such as Vietnam, where inter-bank money markets are relatively underdeveloped, one would expect a reasonably strong relationship between deposits and loans. A pooled cross-sectional sample of financial ratios is collected from annual reports of 44 Vietnamese banks covering the period 2008–2015. The explanatory power of instrumental variables in relation to the endogenous variables is tested. A deterministic frontier model based on corrected ordinary least squares, estimated by three-stage least squares on a simultaneous equations model, is employed to derive the frontiers for the sampled banks as well as to estimate the causality between bank loans and deposits. Our findings suggest that, in an underdeveloped banking system such as Vietnam, bank deposits have a positive and significant impact on bank loans, but the reverse relationship is not significant. It is further suggested that in deposit-taking and loan-creating activities, Vietnamese banks performed moderately well over the period examined; however, in the near future, they should start to focus more on deposit-taking activities.

  12. 12 CFR 7.1003 - Money lent at banking offices or at other than banking offices. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Money lent at banking offices or at other than banking offices. 7.1003 Section 7.1003 Banks and Banking COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, DEPARTMENT OF THE... without violating 12 U.S.C. 36, 12 U.S.C. 81 and 12 CFR 5.30, provided that a third party is used to...

  13. Effects of Ecohydraulic Bank Stabilization Structures on Bank Stability and Macroinvertebrate Community in Surabaya River

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    Daru Setyo Rini


    Full Text Available There were 18 accelerated erosion sites identified along 7 km of Surabaya River Fishery Sanctuary Area. A model of ecohydraulic bank stabilization was applied to reduce bank erosion in Surabaya River at Gresik Regency Indonesia. The model is combination of reprofiled and revegetated bank with rock toe reinforcement and  addition of log groynes. Various native plant species were planted and naturally grown to establish multi-strata littoral vegetation structure. This study assessed effects of ecohydraulic bank stabilization on bank morphology, near bank velocity and littoral macroinvertebrate community during September 2014 to August 2016. The study found that rock toe enforcement, log groynes and reprofiled bank slope could stabilized the eroded bank, and littoral vegetation formation reduced near bank velocity at restored sites. There were 31 families of macroinvertebrate found in Surabaya River with high abundance of moderately pollution sensitive taxa Atyidae and pollution tolerant taxa Corixidae, Chironomidae and Tubificidae. The taxa richness, diversity index and abundance of sensitive and moderately sensitive macroinvertebrate group were increased after application of ecohydraulic bank stabilization at restored area. The results shown that ecohydraulic bank stabilization structure provides multi-benefits in improving bank stabilization against erosion and providing new micro-habitats for biotic community. Keywords:  ecohydraulic bank stabilization, macroinvertebrates, riparian restoration

  14. 12 CFR 987.7 - Liability of Banks, Finance Board, Office of Finance and Federal Reserve Banks. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Liability of Banks, Finance Board, Office of Finance and Federal Reserve Banks. 987.7 Section 987.7 Banks and Banking FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE BOARD OFFICE OF FINANCE BOOK-ENTRY PROCEDURE FOR CONSOLIDATED OBLIGATIONS § 987.7 Liability of Banks, Finance Board, Office of Finance and Federal Reserve...

  15. Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Risiko (Risk-Based Bank Rating

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    Masnawati .


    Full Text Available This  study  aimed  to  analyze  techniques  of  the  bank’s  health  assessment  and determine  which  strategies  should  be  done  in  order  to  improve  the  health  of the bank. The method used is the approach of Risk (Risk Based-Bank Rating in accordance with Bank Indonesia Regulation on Rating Bank that PBI Number: 13/1/PBI/2011  which  entered  into  force  on  January  1,  2012.  Bank  health assessment  performed  using  four  (4  factors:  Risk  Profile,  Good  Corporate Governance (GCG, Earning, and Capital. Object  of  this  study  is  PT.  Bank  Pembangunan  Daerah  Kalimantan  Selatan period  2012.  The  results  showed  that  the  health  of  banks  in  PT.  Bank Pembangunan  Daerah  Kalimantan  Selatan  getting  ranked  2,  meaning  can be  categorized  good.  Strategies  to  improve  the  health  value  of  a  bank  is  to improve aspects of Earnings and Capital. Strategis Steps that must to increase credit expansion, improve the quality and quantity of human resources, product innovation, and increase fee-based income. Keywords: Healthy  banks,  Risk  Profile,  Good  Corporate  Governance  (GCG,  Earnings, Capital

  16. Monetary policy, bank size and bank lending: evidence from Australia(new version)


    liu, luke


    This study explores how monetary policy changes flow through the banking sector in Australia. Drawing on data between 2004 and 2010, we divide banks into three groups according to their size, and examine the impact of cash rate change on lending of different types of loans. We found the response of bank lending after a monetary policy change varies with the size of the bank as well as the types of loan.

  17. Croatian banking sector research: relationship between ownership structure, concentration, owners’ type and bank performance

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    Igor Tomičić


    Full Text Available Banks are important financial intermediaries of any national economy, and corporate governance has an important role in banking sector; especially due to processes of the globalization and the internationalization, and also because of the sensitivity of the activities between the interest groups. The objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between ownership structure, concentration, owners’ type and bank performance. The authors made a research of banks' ownership structure using publicly available data. Using statistical tools authors discovered relationships between bank ownership structure and bank performance indicators (average asset, total asset, average equity, profit (loss before taxes, profit (loss after taxes, ROAA, ROAE. Further they discuss the relationships between ownership structure and a number of consequences for the bank performance. The authors discovered significant correlation between bank ownership structure and performance indicators variables that are described in the paper.


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    Magdalena, RADULESCU


    Full Text Available Deep financial crisis which started in 2007 proved to be extremely contagious affecting the financial and banking EU system. Achieving an integrated banking market is the main component of the European policy in the financial-banking services area. The latest developments underlined that the difficulties faced by the banks can negatively impact on the entire financial stability of the member states. That's why, the European Central Bank will be entitled to supervise any bank of the euro area, especially the ones that benefit of public support. Reforming the financial and banking system must be shaped in the frame of insuring some durable national finances, of an urgent recapitalizing of the banks that need that and of elaborating some common fiscal and financial and banking regulations effective in the eurozone.

  19. 40 CFR 91.205 - Banking. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Banking. 91.205 Section 91.205... EMISSIONS FROM MARINE SPARK-IGNITION ENGINES Averaging, Banking, and Trading Provisions § 91.205 Banking. (a... banking. (i) For outboard engines in model year (MY) 1997, a manufacturer may bank positive emission...

  20. Greece and the Missing Banking Union

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    N. Gordon, Jeffery; Ringe, Georg


    The Greek Crisis is a crisis rather than a problem due to the vulnerability of Greek banks. While the banks have deep problems, this column argues that these would have been mitigated if a fully operational banking union were in place. A full banking union requires joint banking supervision, join...... bank resolution, and joint deposit insurance. The EZ only has the first so far. Completing the banking union must be part of any long-term solution.......The Greek Crisis is a crisis rather than a problem due to the vulnerability of Greek banks. While the banks have deep problems, this column argues that these would have been mitigated if a fully operational banking union were in place. A full banking union requires joint banking supervision, joint...

  1. Universal banking and the Nigerian banking sector | Osamwonyi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this study we propose that there is a positive relationship between the variables (growth, effective customer service, size of a bank) and universal banking in Nigeria. In support of this proposition, we employed empirical evidence in the investigation. From the result, it was discovered that the size (net assets and market ...

  2. Industries and the bank lending effects of bank credit demand and monetary policy in Germany

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Raabe, K.; Arnold, I.J.M.; Kool, C.J.M.


    This paper presents evidence on the industry effects of bank lending in Germany and asks whether bank lending to single industries depends on industry-specific bank credit demand or on monetary policy as determinant of bank credit supply. To this end, we estimate individual bank lending functions

  3. Financial performance after the Spanish banking reforms: A comparative study of 19 commercial banks

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    Pison F. Irene


    Full Text Available A diagnostic review of the Spanish financial system during the 2008 financial crisis reveals the emergency need for banking reform in the sector. In an attempt to evaluate the impact of the Spanish reform, the present study examines the bank´s performance before/after the reform was adopted, using data of 19 Spanish commercial banks extracted from the Global Vantage research database (Standard and Poor’s over the period 2006 to 2013. This study uses multivariable regression method to investigate the impact of the CAMELS rating system: capital adequacy, asset quality, management quality, liquidity and sensitivity to market risks on the bank´s performance such as earnings efficiency. The time-line of the study is essential because it helps us to determine the financial performance of Spanish commercial banks before the banking reforms during the financial crisis and an important set in terms of mergers and acquisition in the banking industry. The empirical results have found strong and positive evidence that Capital Adequacy, Management Capacity, Liquidity and Sensitivity to Market Risk are useful predictors of banks performance (earnings efficiency, thus, any reform pilot toward this banking indicators will eventually have a positive impact on banking performance. Base on the present study, the Spanish reform was so vital for better banking performance. Therefore, this study serves not only to academics but also to policy makers

  4. Perbandingan NPL, LDR, CAR, ROA, dan BOPO Antara Bank BNI Dan Bank BUMN Lain

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    Tri Wahyuningsih


    Full Text Available This study aims to analyze the differences in financial performance of Bank BNI and other BUMN Banks by the measuring the ratio of Non Performing Loan (NPL, Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR, Adecuacy Capital Ratio (CAR, Return on Assets (ROA and BOPO. The study was conducted by using descriptive analysis method. The results of this study explained that the performance NPL, LDR, and Bank BNI's CAR on average during the past eight semesters was still better than BUMN Banks on average, while the performance of ROA and BOPO remained below the average Revenues and Operating Expenses of Operational Income of  Bank BUMN. The results also showed that all BUMN banks still showed good and healthy performance and in accordance with the provisions set by Bank Indonesia. This study also presented the strategy undertaken by Bank BNI to improve its financial performance, that is, the business synergy of all units unit, growth in good-quality assets, optimization of the customer engagement, strengthening the network and develop alliances, optimization of existing resources and simplification of processes, and enhancing customer experiences through improving processes and business models to  digital banking. Keywords: Non-Performing Loans, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Return on Assets, Revenues and Operating Expenses of Operational Income, Bank BNI, Bank BUMN.



    Lavinia Mihaela GUȚU; Vasile ILIE


    The need for prudential supervision imposed to banks by law arises from the action that banking market’s basic factors have. Therefore, it is about banks’ role in economy. The normal functioning of banks in all their important duties maintains the stability of banking system. Further, the stability of the entire economy depends on the stability of the banking system. Under conditions of imbalance regarding treasury or liquidity, banks are faced with unmanageable crisis and the consequences ca...

  6. Modern bank's credit risk

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    Šabović Šerif


    Full Text Available Credit risk is the most important risk banks have to face with. It occurs due to an obligation created because of debtors' capital and interest rate nonpayment. Debtors obligations non-fulfilment may lead to great losses and insolvency in bank's business. Credit risk is the crucial reason of bank's insolvency. Over 80% of bank's balance sheet is exposed to credit risk.

  7. NEA data bank

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This paper is an introduction to the NEA data bank. The essential programs and data for nuclear energy calculations are available from the Data Bank. The Data Bank's role, in co-operation with other centers, is to protect the technological capital represented by the programs and data in its collection, which is unique in covering nearly the whole field of reactor physics at a single center (Saclay). The compilation and exchange of experimental and evaluated neutron and other nuclear data is carried out through a world-wide information network. The tasks now assigned to the Data Bank are in the areas of computer program packaging, neutron data compilation, assembly and benchmark testing of the Joint Evaluated File (JEF) of neutron cross-section data, and servicing the NEA scientific committees, as well as providing a computer service to the main NEA secretariat. In all areas the emphasis is on developing a ''value added'' element to the incoming data or computer codes, by validation documentation and presentation of information in a convenient standard form. The services offered by the Data Bank and the computers used by the Data Bank are presented

  8. Performance Based Islamic Performance Index (Study on the Bank Muamalat Indonesia and Bank Syariah Mandiri

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    Siti Aisjah


    Full Text Available The development of Islamic base banks in Indonesia in recent years show rapid growth. The main challenge for Islamic base banks is how to raise belief from the stakeholders. Stakeholder expectations of the Islamic banks is different from a conventional bank. Since, Islamic banks are built on basic principles of Islamic economics. Therefore, we need a tool to evaluate and measure the performance of Islamic base banks. Islamicity Performance Index is a method which can evaluate the performance of Islamic base banks not only their financial but also justice principles, halal (lawfulness, and tazkiyah (sanctification. There are six financial ratios which are measured from Islamicity Performance Index:profit sharing ratio, zakat performance ratio, equitable distribution ratio, directors-employees welfare ratio, Islamic investment versus non-Islamic investment ratio, Islamic income versus non-Islamic income. This research is intended to figure out the performance of Islamic base Bank in Indonesia based on Islamicity Performance Index. The samples are the Bank Muamalat Indonesia and Bank Syariah Mandiri. Sources of data are the financial reports of Bank Muamalat Indonesia and Bank Syariah Mandiri in 2009–2010 period.The results show that the financial performance of Islamic Base Bank in Indonesia during 2009-2010 period have ”quite satisfactory level of  valuation. However, there are two unsatisfactory ratios. They are zakat performance ratio and director-employee welfare contrast ratio. It shows that zakat issued by the Islamic base bank in Indonesia is still low and the contrast of the director-employee welfare is still huge.

  9. Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan Bank Swasta Nasional Dan Bank Pemerintah Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bei

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    Sri Hastuti


    Full Text Available Performance or performance of bank is the image of reached achievement in banking operational in all aspect, covering monetary management of bank and ability of bank’s assets had to yield profit efficiently, so bank can stay and compete in the middle of inflation distortion and policy of Bank Indonesia, hence the bank had to have up to standard performance or performance - condition health of bank determined by Bank Indonesia. This research aim to analyse and prove the difference flattens which isn't it in monetary performance Private National Bank and State Bank pursuant to ratioes of CAMEL. Sampel the used to amount to 12 banks, consist of 9 Private National Bank and 3 taken State Bank pursuant to Purposive Sampling with criterion enlist in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI, routine deliver financial statement, period of year 2005-2007.


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    Titon Adrinanto


    Full Text Available The background of this research was m­banking users in Indonesia is still low despite the mobile phone users in developed and developing countries in the world has increased rapidly since 21st century. Some bank companies in Indonesia has been offering m­banking service but the use of m­banking for financial transaction is still low and limited. The objectives of this research was to analyze the antecedents of attitude towards m­banking and its impact on behavioral intention to adopt m­banking. The design of this research applies hypothesis testing. 200 samples selected from prospective user of 3 government bank. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with cross­sectional study. Data analysis used in this research was collected by questionnaire technique with item of statements for each variable. In order to obtain valid and reliable instrument tool, validity and reliability test has been done. The result of this research conclude that there is positive effect perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived competence, perceived communication, perceived privacy and security, society influence, and facilitating condition on attitude towards m­banking. This study supports that there is positive influence on attitude towards m­banking on behavioral intention to adopt m­banking.

  11. Bank and sovereign debt risk


    Darracq Paries, Matthieu; Faia, Ester; Rodriguez-Palenzuela, Diego


    Euro area data show a positive connection between sovereign and bank risk, which increases with banks' and sovereign long run fragility. We build a macro model with banks subject to incentive problems and liquidity risk (in the form of liquidity based banks' runs) which provides a link between endogenous bank capital and macro and policy risk. Our banks also invest in risky government bonds used as capital buffer to self-insure against liquidity risk. The model can replicate the positive conn...

  12. Banking towards development: Evidence from the Spanish banking expansion plan


    Pere Arqué-Castells; Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal


    During the period 1965-1987 Spain was an emerging market in full transition from developing to developed status. During the same period the Spanish banking system underwent an unprecedented episode of expansion growing from 5,000 to over 30,000 bank branches. We examine whether the latter process partly caused the former by focusing on the relationship between branch expansion and entrepreneurship in the wholesale and retail trade industries. To address the non-random allocation of bank branc...



    Muhammad Shakil AHMAD; Shahid RASHID; Muhammad Tahir MASOOD; Ehtesham UL MUJEEB


    This paper has covered the operational issues related to e-banking as well as customer’s perception on usage of e-banking a case study of Askari Bank, Pakistan. 40 staff members and four customers are selected as sample for this study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used to present the results. Descriptive statistics is applied to describe the demographic variables while for operational problems correlation was used. Finally cross case analysis present customers’ perception abo...

  14. Bank of China Becomes Banking Partner of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    @@ Beijing Olympic Committee announced recently that Bank of China become a partner of 2008 Olympic Games. Bank of China will provide abundant fund, banking financial products and related services for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and Paralympic Games, Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and China Olympic Committee and China Sports team to participate in 2006 Winter Olympic Games and 2008 Olympic Games.

  15. The Determinants of Banking Performance: Empirical evidence from Tunisian Listed Banks

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    Khalfaoui Hamdi


    Full Text Available This paper aims to identify the determinants of performance of the Tunisian banking sector. The results found, following an empirical study using panel data of Tunisian banks listed on the stock market over the period 2000-2013, show that credit risk, liquidity, total assets and disclosure of information relating to credit are the main determinants of banking performance.

  16. 31 CFR 103.187 - Special measures against Myanmar Mayflower Bank and Asia Wealth Bank. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Special measures against Myanmar... measures against Myanmar Mayflower Bank and Asia Wealth Bank. (a) Definitions. For purposes of this section...) Myanmar Mayflower Bank means all headquarters, branches, and offices of Myanmar Mayflower Bank operating...

  17. Nothing special about banks : Competition and bank lending in Britain 1885-1925

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Braggion, Fabio; Dwarkasing, Narly; Moore, Lyndon


    We investigate the impact of increasing bank concentration on bank loan contracts in a lightly regulated environment. This environment allows us to abstract from possible confounding effects of regulation to focus on the “pure” effects of competition on bank lending. We study over 30,000 British

  18. Branch of bank, change of its status and its value in contemporary Czech banking system.


    Čížek, Martin


    This study concerns view of contemporary branch of bank. It shortly deals with history of bank branch in Czech environment after 1989. Further the study analyses its importance, advantages and disadvantages comparing direct banking - online banking in particular. The key point of the study is to answer the question if there is a future of branch of bank. Whether it will cooperate successfully with internet online channels of communication or it will be superseded by online banking at all.

  19. 78 FR 20643 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... (Jacqueline G. King, Community Affairs Officer) 90 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55480-0291: 1... voting shares of Northview Bank, Sandstone, Minnesota, and First Independent Bank, Russell, Minnesota...

  20. Domestic Systemically Important Banks: A Quantitative Analysis for the Chinese Banking System

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    Yibing Chen


    Full Text Available This paper serves as a response to the official assessment approach proposed by Basel Committee to identify domestic systemically important banks (D-SIBs in China. Our analysis presents not only current levels of domestic systemic importance of individual banks but also the changes. We also consider the systemic risk of the whole banking system, by investigating how D-SIBs and non-D-SIBs are correlated before and after the recent financial crises using Copula. We find that the systemic importance of major banks is decreasing, while some banks becoming more systemically important should require tight regulations. D-SIBs as a whole subsystem display stronger correlation with non-D-SIBs than the individual D-SIBs, which alerts the regulatory to pay attention to “too-many-to-fail” problems. Contagion effects between D-SIBs and non-D-SIBs exist during the subprime crisis, but did not exist during the European debt crisis. This yields good signal of a more balanced banking system in China.


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    Dragan (Santamarian Oana Raluca


    Full Text Available This paper describes one of the major challenges of the future: the sustainable development of the society. Sustainability is now increasingly recognized as central to the growth of emerging market economies. For the banking sector, this represents both a demand for greater social and environmental responsibility as well as a new landscape of business opportunity. Several years ago, the main part of the banks did not consider the social and environmental problems relevant for their operations. Recently, the banks began to realize the major impact of the sustainable development over the way of ulterior development of the society and, implicitly over the way of creating of the banking value in the future. In this context, the development of a banking management system, based on sustainable principles represents one of the provocations of these days.Starting from literature in the sustainable banking management field in this paper are presented several relevant issues related to risk management in the context of sustainable banking financing: the need to implement the sustainable management principles in financial and banking industry; the role of banks in sustainable development of society; social and environmental risk management policies, events that have shaped the role of the banking sector in sustainable development; international standards regarding sustainable banking management such us: Equator Principles for sustainable investment projects’ financing or GRI principles for sustainable reporting. Furthermore, we developed a practical case study related to the implementation of sustainable banking management at Bank of America.

  2. Customer loyalty in Internet banking


    Eriksson, M.; Schuster, C.


    In the recent years the way to do banking has changed. Internet banking has grown and a lot of niche banks working mainly with the Internet as a medium has entered the Swedish bank market. How to keep the customer loyal online in a very competitive environment has become a main question for the banks. The aim of this dissertation is to test what factors impact bank customer loyalty in an online environment. A positivistic research philosophy, a deductive research approach, an explanatory pur...

  3. Measuring brand equity in banking industry: A case study of Mellat Bank

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    Maryam Nadernezhad


    Full Text Available This study examines the influencing factors on brand equity in banking industry. The proposed study designs a questionnaire consists of 16 questions for measuring brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand compatibility and perceived quality in one of Iranian banks named Mellat Bank. Using a descriptive and non-experimental study, the proposed study gathers data and analyze them using t-student test. The results indicate that three components including brand loyalty, brand awareness and brand equity compatibility on brand equity of Mellat bank branches in Mazandaran province are in desirable level but the effect of perceived quality indicator on brand equity of Mellat Bank is not desirable. The study provides necessary suggestions to improve the quality of services for the proposed case study.


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    Iwan Fakhruddin


    Full Text Available The research was aimed to analyze the effect of risk base bank ratio to the financial performance of syariah bank listed in Central Bank of Indonesia. The population covered all syariah Bank and the sample was 11 syariah Bank. Then, the data analyze through double regression. The research showed that Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR, Non Performing Ratio (NPF, Operational efficiency Ratio (OER, Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR, Quality of Productive Active (KAP effected simultaneously to Return of Asset (ROA. CAR variable had positive and significant effects to ROA. NPF contributed negative and significant effects to ROA. OER comprised negative and significant effect to ROA. FDR had positive and significant effect to ROA. KAP got negative and significant effect to ROA.

  5. Banks, regions and development

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    Pietro Alessandrini


    Full Text Available From the 1980s onwards the banking sectors in all the industrialised countries have been experiencing intense restructuring, aggregation and consolidation, radically changing their ownership structures and geography. Whatever the reasons behind such restructuring processes, the globalisation of the credit markets, the consolidation of banking structures, the removal of barriers to the free location of banks and their penetration of peripheral markets pose two main questions. Will integration of the banking systems lead to a narrowing or a widening of the development gap between regions? What relations will there be between financial centres and the periphery, and how will financial labour be divided between national (international banks and local (regional banks? The aim of this paper is to address such questions in the light of recent developments in the theoretical and empirical literature on financial integration.

  6. Bank of China Becomes Banking Partner of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


      Beijing Olympic Committee announced recently that Bank of China become a partner of 2008 Olympic Games. Bank of China will provide abundant fund, banking financial products and related services for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and Paralympic Games, Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and China Olympic Committee and China Sports team to participate in 2006 Winter Olympic Games and 2008 Olympic Games.……

  7. Credit Risk Management in Banking Institutions: Comparison between Chinese Banks and UK Banks


    YU, LIN


    The recent international financial market turmoil has a great effect on the banking industry; accordingly it is very necessary to investigate the topic of the credit risk management. This paper mainly discusses the importance, current situation, ways and guidelines of the credit risk management for the banking industry. A large number of literatures are integrated in order to illustrate and explain recent developments in both methods and principles of credit risk management. Meanwhile, some e...

  8. An experimental comparison of conventional two-bank and novel four-bank dynamic MLC tracking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davies, G A; Clowes, P; McQuaid, D; Evans, P M; Webb, S; Poludniowski, G


    The AccuLeaf mMLC featuring four multileaf-collimator (MLC) banks has been used for the first time for an experimental comparison of conventional two-bank with novel four-bank dynamic MLC tracking of a two-dimensional sinusoidal respiratory motion. This comparison was performed for a square aperture, and for three conformal treatment apertures from clinical radiotherapy lung cancer patients. The system latency of this prototype tracking system was evaluated and found to be 1.0 s and the frequency at which MLC positions could be updated, 1 Hz, and therefore accurate MLC tracking of irregular patient motion would be difficult with the system in its current form. The MLC leaf velocity required for two-bank-MLC and four-bank-MLC tracking was evaluated for the apertures studied and a substantial decrease was found in the maximum MLC velocity required when four-banks were used for tracking rather than two. A dosimetric comparison of the two techniques was also performed and minimal difference was found between two-bank-MLC and four-bank-MLC tracking. The use of four MLC banks for dynamic MLC tracking is shown to be potentially advantageous for increasing the delivery efficiency compared with two-bank-MLC tracking where difficulties are encountered if large leaf shifts are required to track motion perpendicular to the direction of leaf travel. (paper)

  9. Banking crises : A review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laeven, L.


    This review surveys the theoretical and empirical literature on the causes and consequences of banking crises, and summarizes the lessons learned from policy interventions to resolve banking crises. Despite their different origins, banking crises display similar patterns. Their causes lie in

  10. 78 FR 20919 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... the Citizens Bank and Trust, both in Jackson, Kentucky, and Farmers Deposit Bank, Middleburg, Kentucky.... Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, April 3, 2013. Michael J. Lewandowski, Assistant...

  11. Transgene teknikker erstatter problematisk avl

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alstrup, Aage Kristian Olsen; Hansen, Axel Kornerup


    Dyremodeller har ofte været baseret på avl, der ud fra et alment velfærdsmæssigt synspunkt var problematisk. Transgene teknikker kan ofte forbedre dyrevelfærden ved at erstatte disse traditionelle avlsmetoder.......Dyremodeller har ofte været baseret på avl, der ud fra et alment velfærdsmæssigt synspunkt var problematisk. Transgene teknikker kan ofte forbedre dyrevelfærden ved at erstatte disse traditionelle avlsmetoder....

  12. The Consolidation on Banking Supervision in the Context of a Pan European Banking System


    Teodora Barbu; Georgeta Vintila


    The diversity of national banking systems in the European banking system and the absence of consolidated supervision creates the premises for a series of interrogations whose essence is the same: Is it possible to discuss about a Pan European Banking System? The starting point in answering this question was the efforts to create a single banking market, which took place in 1973-1999, and the impact of integration on the European Banking Industry. Among the most representative aspects, it must...

  13. The impact of the recent banking crisis on customer loyalty in the banking sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skowron, Lukasz; Kristensen, Kai


    . The second part of the paper demonstrates statistical analysis of the obtained data from the Polish and European banking sector. The authors also present socio-demographic characteristic of the research samples and the character of the bank-client relations, comparative analysis of customer satisfaction...... and loyalty levels than clients of banks in Western Europe. Second, the recent banking crisis has affected the level of customer satisfaction much more strongly in developing European countries than in developed ones. Third, the recent banking crisis has changed the character of the process of building...... customer satisfaction and loyalty in Poland by strengthening the influence of the image area. Originality/value – Hardly anyone has tried to measure the influence of the banking crises at the level of customers’ satisfaction and the structure of the process of building long-term relations between banks...

  14. Stress Testing of the Montenegrin Banking System with Aggregated and Bank-Specific Data

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    Vuković Sanja


    Full Text Available There are many different approaches to the process of stress testing and two of them will be investigated in this paper. The first one is a stress test performed on aggregated data i.e. the banking system as a whole. The variable of interest in both exercises is the Loan Loss Provision ratio (hereinafter: the LLP. The main goal of the thesis is to find an answer to the following question: what are the macroeconomic variables that influence LLP the most and how will LLP, as a variable of interest, behave in a situation when all these variables were to experience negative performance at the same time? The resilience of the banking system to such scenario will be tested through the capital adequacy ratio. In order to find out more about the management practices of banks, microlevel data on banks were also used in the analysis. The focus was to see which of the variables are able to explain the LLP ratio for each bank individually and how is this information helpful for possible improvements in the banking sector. The relations between these variables will be able to explain some of the banks’ losses and some of the banks’ practices regarding credit activities. The analysis there will provide for some recommendations for the banks but also for the Central Bank and its way to influence the practices in the banking sector.

  15. 77 FR 35680 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ..., New York, New York 10045-0001: 1. Muhammad Habib, Zurich, Switzerland; to retain a controlling... of Habib American Bank, New York, New York. B. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (Chapelle Davis...

  16. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Among Internet Banking Users of Philippine National Bank in Batangas City

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    Full Text Available One of the most vital challenges of the Internet as a service delivery channel is providing and maintaining service quality. This study aimed to describe the profile of the respondents with regards to socio-demographic and bank-related variables; to identify the effects of internet banking among its clients in Batangas City; to determine the level of customer’s satisfaction in terms of speed and accuracy, accessibility and convenience, and security features; to determine the respondents level of loyalty; to test the relationship between effects of internet banking service and customer satisfaction and loyalty variables; and lastly, to propose effective measures on how to enhance the quality of internet banking service offered by PNB in Batangas City. The descriptive-correlation method was utilized in the conduct of the study. The respondents of the study are the top 100 or 30% of the three hundred thirty four active users of internet banking service of Philippine National Bank in Batangas City during the period of October 2012 as generated by the bank’s system. The study revealed that the respondents are generally satisfied with the speed and accuracy, accessibility and convenience, and security features of the internet banking service facility. It was also found out that only speed and accuracy showed significant relationship on the effect of internet banking. Internet banking users are still considering the speed and accuracy of the banks service to make them satisfied despite that internet banking provides lower cost delivery channel, gives customers to almost any type of banking transactions and gives breadth and depth customer service. However, customers’ level of loyalty is not affected by the effects of internet banking services. This proves that as long as the customers are being provided with an excellent service, customer loyalty/retention could still be possibly attained by the bank


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    Hamka Siregar


    Full Text Available The momentum of the development of Sharia banking has been noticed since the 1970s, which generally had two patterns: first, establishing the Islamic bank side by side with conventional one (dual-banking system as practiced in Egypt, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Bangladesh; and second, restructuring the banking system as a whole in accordance with Islamic Sharia (full-fledged Islamic financial system as applied in Sudan, Iran and Pakistan. The development of the Sharia-based banks which have been established across the world since the 1970s, became the motivation of the Indonesian ulemas to draft law on Sharia banking, so that Sharia banking could also be developed. As a result, these last few years, the banking world in Indonesia has witnessed the establishment of the public Sharia banks and Sharia business units, like Bank Muamalat and Bank Syariah Mandiri to mention a few. Using historical and contemporary jurisprudence perspective, this paper provides discussion on the future of Sharia banking.

  18. Mobile banking in Asia


    Anne Ho


    Technology has transformed the banking industry with the introduction of mobile banking services that offer unprecedented convenience and accessibility to customers. This Asia Focus report describes the various approaches to mobile banking in Asia, and examines how particular countries have addressed regulatory issues.

  19. Using Banks: Teaching Banking Skills to Low-Income Consumers. (United States)

    Shurtz, Mary Ann; LeFlore, Ann Becker

    This module, one of six on teaching consumer matters to low-income adults, discusses banking skills. Topics include banking services (savings accounts, safety deposit boxes, Christmas clubs, loans, etc.), checking accounts (deposits, checkwriting, check registers, opening an account), how to use the check register (cancelled checks, deposits),…


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    Lavinia Mihaela GUȚU


    Full Text Available The need for prudential supervision imposed to banks by law arises from the action that banking market’s basic factors have. Therefore, it is about banks’ role in economy. The normal functioning of banks in all their important duties maintains the stability of banking system. Further, the stability of the entire economy depends on the stability of the banking system. Under conditions of imbalance regarding treasury or liquidity, banks are faced with unmanageable crisis and the consequences can be fatal. To ensure long-term stability of the banking system, supervisory regulations were constituted in order to prevent banks focusing on achieving rapidly high profits and protect the interests of depositors. Starting from this point, this paper will carry out a study on existing models of supervision in the European Union’s Member States. A comparison between them will support identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.


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    Batrancea Ioan


    Full Text Available Banks in Romania offers its customers a wide range of products but which involves both risk taking. Therefore researchers seek to build rating models to help managers of banks to risk of non-recovery of loans and interest. In the following we highlight rating Raiffeisen Bank, BCR-ERSTE Bank and Transilvania Bank, based on the models CAAMPL and Stickney making a comparative analysis of the two rating models.

  2. Bank equity connections, intellectual property protection and enterprise innovation – A bank ownership perspective

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    Xing Liu


    Full Text Available This study investigates the effects of bank equity connections and intellectual property protection on enterprises’ innovation behavior, and the regulating effect of intellectual property protection on the relationship between bank equity connections and innovation. In general, bank equity connections and intellectual property protection not only significantly increase innovation input, but also improve innovation performance. However, the efficiency of bank equity connections is influenced by the heterogeneity of enterprises and the value orientation of the subjects. Bank equity connections have a more significantly positive effect on innovation in private and central enterprises, whereas the principal-agent problem and government intervention may weaken the marginal contribution of bank equity connections to the innovation of local state-owned enterprises. Bank equity connections and intellectual property protection are complementary in promoting enterprise innovation. Not only are the combined effects of bank equity connections and intellectual property protection greater than the individual effects, but when the latter is relatively weak, the former’s positive effect on innovation is obviously weakened and may even crowd out innovation.

  3. The Impacts of Liquidity on Profitability in Banking Sectors of Iraq: A Case of Iraqi Commercial Banks.


    Sardar Shaker Ibrahim


    This study examines the influence of liquidity on the profitability of Iraqi commercial banks. Five banks based in Iraq namely: North bank, Iraqi Islamic bank, Sumer bank, Dar Es-Salam bank and Babylon bank randomly selected and analyzed for the current study over the period 2005 to 2013. Moreover,  annual reports of these banks have studied and the main ratios of profitability and liquidity were calculated. These reports are available at Iraqi Stock Exchange site. The variables that were ide...

  4. Can taxes tame the banks?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Devereux, Michael P.; Johannesen, Niels; Vella, John

    In the wake of the financial crisis, a number of countries have introduced levies on bank borrowing with the aim of reducing risk in the financial sector. This paper studies the behavioral responses to the bank levies and evaluates the policy. We find that the levies induced banks to borrow less...... but also to hold more risky assets. The reduction in funding risk clearly dominates for banks with high capital ratios but is exactly offset by the increase in portfolio risk for banks with low capital ratios. This suggests that while the levies have reduced the total risk of relatively safe banks......, they have done nothing to curb the risk of relatively risky banks, which presumably pose the greatest threat to financial stability...

  5. 76 FR 11781 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    ... Bank, both of Hazel Green, Alabama. 3. P. Byron DeFoor, Ooltewah, Tennessee, and Winston A. Porter... indirectly acquire voting shares of Northside Bank, both of Adairsville, Georgia. 4. Michael Hull Erdman...

  6. E-banking services impact and customer satisfaction in selected bank branches in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo state, Nigeria

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    Haadi Babatunde Asiyanbi


    Full Text Available This study perused the impact of E-banking services on customer satisfaction of selected bank customers in bank branches located in Challenge, Dugbe, Agbeni, Gbagi, Ojoo, and Secretariat districts in Ibadan metropolis. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design and convenience sampling technique. One hundred (100 bank customers were surveyed through a self-report questionnaire. Four research questions and two hypotheses were tested using Pearson correlation analysis and, t-test for independence at p≤ 0.05. The results revealed high utilization of electronic banking products (ATM (98%, internet banking (85%, electronic transfer (97%. Constraints experienced include internet network failure, bank fraud and business loss due to failed e-transactions. Customers were satisfied with e-banking due to its cashless nature, cash accessibility, saves time from bank visitation and seamless transactions. The study exhibited that customers used and were glad with e-banking products. Customers’ segmentation and more investment in e-banking infrastructure were advised for promoting electronic banking services.

  7. Improving Soil Seed Bank Management. (United States)

    Haring, Steven C; Flessner, Michael L


    Problems associated with simplified weed management motivate efforts for diversification. Integrated weed management uses fundamentals of weed biology and applied ecology to provide a framework for diversified weed management programs; the soil seed bank comprises a necessary part of this framework. By targeting seeds, growers can inhibit the propagule pressure on which annual weeds depend for agricultural invasion. Some current management practices affect weed seed banks, such as crop rotation and tillage, but these tools are often used without specific intention to manage weed seeds. Difficulties quantifying the weed seed bank, understanding seed bank phenology, and linking seed banks to emerged weed communities challenge existing soil seed bank management practices. Improved seed bank quantification methods could include DNA profiling of the soil seed bank, mark and recapture, or 3D LIDAR mapping. Successful and sustainable soil seed bank management must constrain functionally diverse and changing weed communities. Harvest weed seed controls represent a step forward, but over-reliance on this singular technique could make it short-lived. Researchers must explore tools inspired by other pest management disciplines, such as gene drives or habitat modification for predatory organisms. Future weed seed bank management will combine multiple complementary practices that enhance diverse agroecosystems. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  8. Banking Competition Measurement and Banking Sector Performance: Analysis of 4 ASEAN Countries

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    Buddi Wibowo


    Full Text Available Many believe concentrated  banking industry which is dominated by few  big banks creates lower  competition, high profitability, and low efficiency. The main issue in empirical testing of this hypothesis is how to measure banking competition level. Traditional measures of competition are  concentration ratio and Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. This study uses three measures of banking level competition which are widely used in recent  financial literature: Boone Indicator, Lerner Index and H-Panzar-Rosse  statistics.  Lerner Index and H-Panzar-Rosse statistics resulted a similar competition level conclusion, while Boone Indicator produced slightly different output. Industry concentration produced opposing results with those three level of industry competition measurement methods. The results show  banking competition tend to be a monopolistic competition in ASEAN countries, especially in Indonesia which banks’ strategy basically were non-pricing strategy. Competition significantly caused lower profitability, while banking efficiency was not significantly affected by level of competition.DOI:  10.15408/sjie.v6i1.4547

  9. 12 CFR 225.115 - Applicability of Bank Service Corporation Act in certain bank holding company situations. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Applicability of Bank Service Corporation Act... Applicability of Bank Service Corporation Act in certain bank holding company situations. (a) Questions have... Service Corporation Act (Pub. L. 87-856, approved October 23, 1962) in cases involving service...

  10. What's in a frame?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmgreen, Lise-Lotte

    Metaphor Analysis. Houndmills: Palgrave. Coombs, Timothy W. 1995. Choosing the right words: The development of guidelines for the selection of the “appropriate” crisis-response strategies. Management Communication Quarterly 8 (4): 447-476. Fillmore, Charles. 1975. An alternative to checklist theories...... from excellent to appalling within a number of months without it being able to benefit from its history of impeccable business conduct as the crisis hit (cf. Coombs 1995). In answering this question, I will argue that organisations are not operating in a social vacuum, but need to consider......In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, many large international banks received heavy criticism for their business conduct, which involved investments in dubious loans and business projects. For Denmark’s largest bank, Danske Bank, the situation was no different; it went from being considered...

  11. Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB): data bank and website design. (United States)

    Whitmore, Lee; Janes, Robert W; Wallace, B A


    The Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB) is a new deposition data bank for validated circular dichroism spectra of biomacromolecules. Its aim is to be a resource for the structural biology and bioinformatics communities, providing open access and archiving facilities for circular dichroism and synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectra. It is named in parallel with the Protein Data Bank (PDB), a long-existing valuable reference data bank for protein crystal and NMR structures. In this article, we discuss the design of the data bank structure and the deposition website located at Our aim is to produce a flexible and comprehensive archive, which enables user-friendly spectral deposition and searching. In the case of a protein whose crystal structure and sequence are known, the PCDDB entry will be linked to the appropriate PDB and sequence data bank files, respectively. It is anticipated that the PCDDB will provide a readily accessible biophysical catalogue of information on folded proteins that may be of value in structural genomics programs, for quality control and archiving in industrial and academic labs, as a resource for programs developing spectroscopic structural analysis methods, and in bioinformatics studies. Copyright 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  12. Comparison of the Performance of SOEs Banks and Private Banks and its Influece to the Stock Prices

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    Husnul Insan


    Full Text Available Banking industry is one of the industries which show the presence of tight competition. The competition itself can be seen from the number of banks which operates in Indonesia in 2014, that is 119 banks. The aim of doing this research is to analyze the different financial performances between Significant effect on the level of 5% and Private banks, and also to analyze the variable influence of bank finance performances to the stock price. The analyzing method which will be used on this research is radar and regression analyzing graphic illustration techniques. The result of this research shows that financial performances of SEOs Banks is better than Private Banks according to the profitability, productivity, and growth potential aspect, while on the aspect of liquidity, private banks has a better performance than SOEs banks. In terms of solvability, both banks have the same financial performances. According to the regression analysis, it is known that the bank financial performance on CAS and NIM variable has a positive and significant influence to the stock prices, while on LDR, CRR, CAR, DRR, and ROA variables they have a negative and significant influence to the stock prices. This shows that the investors have made those variables as a benchmark in their investing policies and they tend to pursue the stocks from SOEs banks rather than private banks, because generally SOEs banks have a better financial performance than private banks.Keywords: regression analysis, bank, stock prices, financial performances, radar method

  13. Supervision in banking industry


    Šmída, David


    The aim of submitted thesis Supervision in banking is to define the nature and the importance of banking supervision, to justify its existence and to analyze the applicable mechanisms while the system of banking regulation and supervision in this thesis is primarily examined in the European context, with a focus on the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into five main chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the financial system and the importance of banks in this system, it defines the c...

  14. Banking services for everyone? Barriers to bank access and use around the world

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beck, T.H.L.; Demirgüc-Kunt, A.; Martinez Peria, M.


    Using information from 209 banks in 62 countries, we develop new indicators of barriers to banking services around the world, show their correlation with existing measures of outreach, and explore their association with other bank and country characteristics suggested by theory as potential

  15. 12 CFR 996.2 - Bank employees. (United States)


    ... RESOLUTION FUNDING CORPORATION § 996.2 Bank employees. Upon the request of the Directorate of the Resolution..., employees, or agents of the Banks are authorized to act for and on behalf of the Resolution Funding... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Bank employees. 996.2 Section 996.2 Banks and...


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    Full Text Available Banking ethics is a specialized set of ethical standards and rules that should be followed in the activities of financial institutions and employees of the banking sector. But despite the simplicity of the definition, in the modern world, this concept becomes complex and ambiguous. The importance of studying this subject is defined by the fact that the ethical behavior of the bank and bank employees promotes banking. At present there are several conceptions of banking ethics: general ethics, regulated ethics and ethical bank. The most common practice is to regulate internal and external relations of banks and bank workers with ethical codes. At the same time, studies show the existence of problems in the banking standards of ethics, which negatively affects the financial institution. This article is intended to reflect main tendencies and problems of banking ethics at international level and experience of Republic of Moldova in this field.

  17. Impact of Foreign Banks´ Profitability on Domestic Banks´ Earnings in BRIC


    Arshad, Rizwan


    The current study aimed at investigating the impact of foreign banks on domestic banks in (Brazil, Russia, India and China) BRIC group of countries during 2001-2011. The importance of this topic is due to instability of financial industry and continuously changing financial markets. Financial liberalization did not only give boom to banking industry but also made it more competitive and unstable. To stay in competition, banks follow risky practices that do not only create problems within fina...



    Hsueh-Ying Wu; Chun-Chun Lin; Cheng-Lung Li; Hsing-Hui Lin


    As information technology rapidly changes the fabrics of industries in recent years, the trade of online banking has become more diversified. Specializing in unlimited, speedy and convenient services, online banking has transformed traditional banking in many countries. The managements’ ability to anticipate and respond to such changes in the financial marketplace, thus, has a decisive influence on the success or failure of many retail banks. The present study, exploratory in nature, was in...

  19. Digital Banking 2025


    Gasser, Urs; Gassmann, Oliver; Hens, Thorsten; Leifer, Larry; Puschmann, Thomas; Zhao, Leon


    As time-to-market for digital banking products becomes shorter and shorter, thousands of Financial Technology (FinTech) startups and other non-banks are rising to the occasion by developing new products, services, and business models for all areas of banking in payments,investments, and financing along the entire value chain, touching all areas from front to back office, as client adoption of these new services accelerates. The lighting Company Osram, for example, recently had to reduce its w...

  20. Tissue banking in australia. (United States)

    Ireland, Lynette; McKelvie, Helen


    The legal structure for the regulation of tissue banking has existed for many years. In Australia, the donation of human tissue is regulated by legislation in each of the eight States and Territories. These substantially uniform Acts were passed in the late 1970's and early 1980's, based on model legislation and underpinned by the concept of consensual giving. However, it was not until the early 1990's that tissue banking came under the notice of regulatory authorities. Since then the Australian Government has moved quickly to oversee the tissue banking sector in Australia. Banked human tissue has been deemed to be a therapeutic good under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989, and tissue banks are required to be licensed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and are audited for compliance with the Code of Good Manufacturing Practice- Human Blood and Tissues. In addition, tissue banks must comply with a myriad of other standards, guidelines and recommendations.

  1. Ownership concentration and bank profitability

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    Peterson Kitakogelu Ozili


    Full Text Available We investigate whether ownership concentration influences bank profitability in a developing country context. We focus on bank ownership concentration measured as the amount of direct equity held by a majority shareholder categorised into: high ownership concentration, moderate ownership concentration and disperse ownership. We find that banks with high ownership concentration have higher return on assets, higher net interest margin and higher recurring earning power while banks with dispersed ownership have lower return on assets but have higher return on equity. Also, higher cost efficiency improves the return on assets of widely-held banks and the return on equity of banks with moderate ownership. The findings have implications. JEL: Code: G3, G34, G31, Keywords: Corporate governance, Ownership structure, Agency theory, Profitability, Firm performance, Banks, Return on asset, Return on equity

  2. Online Banking on E-Commerce in India


    Navpreet Kaur; Dr. Ashutosh Pathak


    Online Banking is becoming an important aspect of worldwide commerce. Online Banking is also known as ebanking, cyber banking, virtual banking, net banking, and internet banking. Online banking includes various banking activities conducted from home business, instead of at a physical bank location Customer relationship management worked as a tool increased use of e-commerce makes CRM. Online banking is based on internet or web- based interaction to create a high volatile relations...

  3. The effectiveness of banking supervision


    Davis, EP; Obasi, U


    Banking supervision is an essential aspect of modern financial systems, seeking crucially to monitor risk-taking by banks so as to protect depositors, the government safety net and the economy as a whole against systemic bank failure and its consequences. In this context, this paper seeks to explore the relationship between risk indicators for individual banks and the different approaches to banking supervision adopted around the world. This is the first work to make use of the currently avai...

  4. Ownership concentration and bank risk (A study on banking sectors in Indonesia

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    Etikah Karyani


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to test empirically the relationship between ownership concentration and risk taking by banks which are proxied by the CAR and LDR (li-quidity ratio. The study was motivated by the limited previous studies that analyze the structure of ownership in financial institutions and the weaknesses in sampling. Our analysis focused on Indonesia because this country has implemented the Basel Accord II standards successfully. This regulatory compliance is expected can control banking risk. Using data from 2009 until 2013 and panel data. We found that the ownership concentration become important determinants of bank liquidity. These findings are expected to provide policy guidance for regulators, especially relating to the ownership structure of the bank. However, the ownership concentration proved to be involved in the management decision to risk taking in banks.

  5. Actual versus Perceived Central Bank Transparency : The Case of the European Central Bank

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Cruijsen, C.A.B.; Eijffinger, S.C.W.


    Central banks have become more and more transparent about their monetary policy making process. In the central bank transparency lit- erature the distinction between actual and perceived central bank trans- parency is often lacking. However, as perceptions are crucial for the ac- tions of economic

  6. Banking Integration in European Context

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    Roxana Bădîrcea


    Full Text Available The integration of different states in a already existing union or in a new one represents a long-lasting process involving harmonisations on various fields – political, economic, legislative, social, cultural, technological, informational, etc. Besides the integration of the states and of the different authorities in a common mechanist, the business organizations also have to comply with certain standards and to align to certain procedures. The banking system is not an exception being probably one of the pillars of the economic and financial integration of a state in a union. Banking integration may be considered the process leading to a convergence towards a single market for all products, processes, procedures, standards, transactions from the banking field. All sets of standards, mechanisms and procedures should be observed both by banks, regulation and control bodies, but also by customers. Only in this way one can create the premises for the most favourable banking transactions. The integration of the banking system in a union is determined, conditioned and influenced by a series of factors. Based on the data published by the Bank for International Settlements, the authors carry out a close and pertinent empirical analysis of the banking assets flows between the Eurozone countries in the period 2000-2014. The paper also deals with the commitments that the recent economic-financial crisis created on the banking assets flows. The authors resort to regression equations in order to demonstrate the connection between the effects of banking integration and various factors involved (the relative dimension of the country, the significance of the banks in the financial system, the Herfindhal index, the degree of concentration or dispersion of the property on banks, the degree of independence, the tradition of law. In order to measure the level of banking integration of the national bank systems, the indices we used are the degree of openness

  7. Banking Fees in Australia


    Reserve Bank of Australia


    The Reserve Bank has conducted a survey on bank fees each year since 1997. In 2009 growth in fee income increased slightly from recent years though it was again slower than growth in banks’ balance sheets. Growth in fee income was higher for businesses than for households. Banks reacted to the financial crisis by competing more aggressively for deposit funding which resulted in total fee income from deposit accounts falling, and repricing loan products which contributed to an increase in fe...

  8. The Solar Bank concept

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eckhart, M.T.


    The Solar Bank is proposed to be established as a multinational wholesale lending institution supporting the adoption of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems by as much as 40% of the world's population. It would supply capital resources to local lending institutions such as banks, credit unions, cooperatives, and rural lending organizations in the developing countries, and to financial institutions in the developed countries. The Solar Bank is intended to be global in scope, with operations in the major countries. The Solar Bank will bring a degree of standardization to the process of making small loans to many people for the purchase of PV systems, and it will provide technical support and training to its participating financial institutions. 'Solar Bank International' is likely to be headquartered in Europe. (orig.)

  9. Global Banking System Regulatory Environment

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    Oleh Mozhovyi


    Full Text Available The international and domestic experience shows that the main factors of financial destabilization during the financial crises are in the banking sector. The article reveals that the vulnerability of the financial system is connected with functions, deposit and credit transactions, risks distribution and ensuring liquidity; banks act as a major factor in stabilisation measures in the current context of globalization processes, since the economic stability of banking activities relates directly to all the entities and only stable banking system can withstand the crisis phenomena. Therefore, as a result of the analysis, it is proved that not only reduction of risks of banks is needed, but also introduction of the effective supervision system over implementation of the requirements and standards to prevent these risks. According to modern international approaches, banks use the so-called prudential supervision, which is based on the risk management assessment policy on the part of the Bank’s management, and regulatory bodies contribute to implementation of such policy. The authors have concluded that not only modern specificity of banks, but also the impact of supervision systems and regulation of modern trends in development of the banking should be analysed. Application of the general regulatory principles and banking risks methodology is required. The task of supervision is distribution of reliable risk management practices in the banking system, taking into account national peculiarities of development.

  10. Online Banking Customers: Insights from Germany


    Sven Christian Berger; Sonja Gensler


    Online banking is wide spread among German banking customers. But what really characterizes those customers? Using data from a nation-wide survey of about 20,000 retail banking customers, the authors analyze the profile of online banking customers and their banking behavior.

  11. Understanding Indonesian People Borrowing Money from Banks and Non-Banking Institutions

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    Roro Hindun


    Full Text Available People’s borrowing behaviours are influenced by the need to fulfil their basic needs which always change in maintaining their lifestyles. This thesis analyzes the tendency of Indonesians to borrowing money, either from banks or non-banking institutions. This research was carried out using quantitative data analysis with secondary data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey panel data versions 3 and 4. The data was analyzed using STATA 12.0 software. The results of the study show that the significant factors that affect people’s behaviour in borrowing from either banks or non-banking institutions are amount of debt, assets, income, and location; while the insignificant factors are age, religion, and number of householders.   Keywords: money borrowing, borrowing behaviour, debt, IFLS, STATA

  12. Banks, markets, and financial stability


    Eder, Armin; Fecht, Falko; Pausch, Thilo


    In a theoretical model of the Diamond-Dybvig style, in which deposit-taking banks and financial markets coexist, bank behavior is analyzed taking into account a positive ex-ante probability of a future financial crisis. We focus on the role of the interaction of market liquidity and banks' funding liquidity in the propagation of shocks in the financial system. Our findings suggest that in particular bank-dominated financial systems are prone to contagious bank runs due to asset price deterior...

  13. Commercial Banking Industry Survey. (United States)

    Bright Horizons Children's Centers, Cambridge, MA.

    Work and family programs are becoming increasingly important in the commercial banking industry. The objective of this survey was to collect information and prepare a commercial banking industry profile on work and family programs. Fifty-nine top American commercial banks from the Fortune 500 list were invited to participate. Twenty-two…

  14. Organization of eye bank

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reddy, S.C.


    Comeal transplantation is the only method of combating the blindness due to corneal opacity caused by infections, malnutrition, trauma and hereditary diseases. Comeal blindness is more prevalent in the developing countries. The availability of the donor cornea, trained ophthalmic surgeons and microsurgery facilities are the key factors in restoring vision in-patients with comeal blindness. The eye bank organization is somewhat similar to that of blood bank. The eye bank should be located in a hospital or a medical centre in which a laboratory may be established for the evaluation and storage of donor tissue. The medical director (Ophthalmologist), technician, secretary and public relation officer are the persons who play an important role in the successful organization of eye bank. The function of the eye bank are procurement, assessment, processing, distribution of donor eyes/corneas, training of technicians/doctors, and conducting research related to storage of donor tissue and corneal transplantation. The necessary infrastructure required for the organization of an eye bank include separate accommodation area for the personnel and the laboratory, telephone, computer, refrigerator, laminar air flow hood. Slitlamp, specular microscope, storage media and equipment, instrument for enucleation of donor eyes, and a motor vehicle. The details of responsibilities of the staff of eye bank, source of donor eyes, suitability of donor material, procurement of the donor cornea, tissue assessment, storage and preservation, distribution of donor tissue, and limitation of eye bank will be discussed at the time of presentation

  15. 12 CFR 619.9145 - Farm Credit Bank. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Farm Credit Bank. 619.9145 Section 619.9145 Banks and Banking FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION FARM CREDIT SYSTEM DEFINITIONS § 619.9145 Farm Credit Bank. The term Farm Credit Bank refers to a bank resulting from the mandatory merger of the Federal land...

  16. Banking efficiency under corporate social responsibilities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ohene-Asare, Kwaku; Asmild, Mette


    This paper expands the banking efficiency literature by developing a banking intermediation model that captures both profit-maximizing and Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) of banks. Using a data set of 21 banks for each year 2006-2008, we evaluate the relative efficiency of Ghanaian banks...

  17. Cultural Integration of Migrant Citizens:strong> strong>

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Singla, Rashmi; Akora, Lydia; Panesar, Jasbir


    Artiklen handler om prakisforskning baseret på et transnationalt EU-projekt, der sigter på at forbedre "adult migrant learners" kompetencer for aktiv deltagelse i samfundet. Projektets formål var forbedring af de voksnes forståelse af socialt ansvar på forskellige niveauer ved at gøre dem bevidst...... konferencer førte til øget empowerment og forbedret socialt ansvar ikke kun blandt kursisterne, men også blandt de professionelle. Udgivelsesdato: december...

  18. Transformation of the Polish Banking Sector

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    Marek Stefański


    Full Text Available In the post-war period the banking system in Poland underwent two important system transitions: after 1946 and after 1989. The third transformation began after May 1, 2004, but it did not have a systemic character. The Polish banking sector started to operate on the Single European Market. The first part of the paper is devoted to the problems of the banks transformations after 1989 with a special focus on the quantitative development of banks in 19892008, and on subsequent privatisation and consolidation processes. The former intensified in 19891999, and the latter in 19992002. The consolidation process was very noticeable in the sector of cooperative banks after 1994. The second part of the paper includes an economic and financial analysis of the banks. A lot of attention was paid to the liquidity of the banking sector. It was assessed as good, which was confirmed by a short-term rating of Moodys and by the Financial Stability Report 2009, published by the National Bank of Poland in June 2009. The comparison of the net profit of the banking sector in 19972008 shows its dependence on the economic situation and policy. The number of banks with capital adequacy ratio well above the minimum required by the banking supervision is rising. The financial power ratings are not favorable for the domestic banks. The third part of the paper focuses on the development directions of the Polish banking sector. It may be concluded on the basis of the analysis that privatisation and consolidation processes will be continued. They will concentrate on the capital of foreign banks already operating in Poland. As compared with individual foreign banks, the potential of the Polish banking sector is week. The fourth part of the paper focuses on the presentation Polish banking sector in the context of European Union banking sector. The paper finishes with conclusions. Generally, Polish banks have to implement a strategy to enable them to compete on the Single

  19. Bank Resolution in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    N. Gordon, Jeffery; Ringe, Georg


    Bank resolution is a key pillar of the European Banking Union. This column argues that the current structure of large EU banks is not conducive to an effective and unbiased resolution procedure. The authors would require systemically important banks to reorganise into a ‘holding company’ structure......, where the parent company holds unsecured term debt sufficient to cover losses at its operating financial subsidiaries. This would facilitate a ‘single point of entry’ resolution procedure, minimising the risk of creditor runs and destructive ring-fencing by national regulators....

  20. 26 CFR 1.581-2 - Mutual savings banks, building and loan associations, and cooperative banks. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 7 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Mutual savings banks, building and loan... § 1.581-2 Mutual savings banks, building and loan associations, and cooperative banks. (a) While the... deduction provided in section 172, any taxable year for which a mutual savings bank, building and loan...

  1. Bank Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance And Company Values in Banking Companies Go Public in Indonesia

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    Susi Retna Cahyaningtyas


    Full Text Available The latest Bank Indonesia Regulation No.14/18/PBI/2012 requires bank to have minimum capital of 8%-14% depends on the risk profile of each bank. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to assess whether the total of inherent risk profile of each bank meets the terms of this regulation. In addition, this study aims to examine the impact of inherent risk profile and GCG on the banking company value. The sample in this study is determined by purposive sampling method and resulted in 24 banks or 72 observations during 2011-2013. The results showed that 23 banks had low risk and low to moderate risk, and only one bank had moderate risk. The results also showed that inherent risk profile rating is equivalent to capital adequacy. In other words, inherent risk profile of these banks have complied with Bank Indonesia Regulation No.14/18/PBI/2012. Furthermore, this study indicated that GCG has significant and positive influence on the company value, while the inherent risk has no influence on the company value. Overall, this study suggest that go public banks in Indonesia are one of good alternative means of investment for its soundness as reflected by the fulfillment of minimum capital ratio required by the regulator.


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    Dario Kovačević


    Full Text Available Nowadays, modern banking cannot function without information and communications technology; hence banks heavily invest in the implementation of technology currently present on the market. Every aspect of the banking business includes information and communications technology, which points to the necessity of building an infrastructure for modern banking. Investing in development and implementation of new technologies simplifies everyday business activities and security, in addition to creating a competitive edge over rival businesses. It ensures fast and efficient customer service delivery by providing support to the distribution channels, as well as supporting bankers with making crucial decisions. The aim of this paper is to analyse trends in the use of information and communications technologies in the banking system, using publicly available business data, documentation and online bank information, as well as previously published findings of other researchers. Using the example of one of the largest banks in the Republic of Croatia, the possibilities provided by information and communications technology in the banking business sector are illustrated. Additionally, better economic efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the means of contemporary bank functioning are presented. Special attention is devoted to the security of ICT systems used in Internet Banking and the protection of banking service users’ data.

  3. Recent trends in cross-border banking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Haas, Ralph; van Horen, Neeltje; Beck, Thorsten; Casu, Barbara


    This chapter identifies a number of recent trends in European cross-border banking. The authors first distinguish between two main modes of international banking: cross-border versus multinational banking. Cross-border banking occurs when a bank in country A lends directly to a borrower in country

  4. Banking on the Internet. (United States)

    Internet Research, 1996


    Electronic ground was broken in 1995 with the development of the completely Internet-based bank Security First Network Bank. This article discusses the need for developing online services, outlines the reasons for the formation of an Internet-based bank and argues that to remain competitive financial services providers must provide easier customer…

  5. Implementasi Fatwa DSN-MUI Terhadap Praktik Pembiayaan Murabahah Bank Syariah Mandiri dan Bank Muamalat KCP Ponorogo

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    Abdul Latif


    Full Text Available Abstract: Mura>bah}ah is the flagship product of Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Ponorogo and Bank Muamalat Indonesia Branch Office Ponorogo. Currently, the percentage of mura>bah}ah financing at Bank Syariah Mandiri and Bank Muamalat almost reaches an average of 60% -70% of the total financing. Mura>bah}ah helps customers to finance certain needs. This study examines the financing mechanism of mura>bah}ah at Bank Syariah Mandiri and Bank Muamalat Ponorogo, and how the implementation of the fatwa of the National Sharia Board of Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI on the practice of mura>bah}ah financing. The study concluded that the mura>bah}ah financing at Bank Syariah Mandiri and Bank Muamalat Ponorogo practices the finance of mura>bah{ah bi al-waka>lah or mura>bah{ah by proxy. Therefore, the identity of this transaction becomes unclear and ambiguous between sale and loans. That is because the products offered by the bank are not goods to purchase, but financing limit. As the result, the mura>bah{ah financing in Bank Syariah Mandiri Ponorogo and Bank Muamalat Indonesia Ponorogo are not fully in accordance with the fatwa  of DSN-MUI on mura>bah}ah. Abstrak: Akad mura>bah{ah menjadi produk unggulan di Bank Syariah Mandiri dan Bank Muamalat KCP Ponorogo. Saat ini prosentase pembiayaan mura>bah{ah di BSM dan Bank Muamalat hampir rata-rata mencapai 60%-70% dari pembiayaan lainnya. Pembiayaan mura>bah{ah ini umumnya bertujuan untuk membantu pembeli dalam pengadaan objek tertentu di mana pembeli tidak memiliki kemampuan keuangan yang cukup untuk melakukan pembiayaan secara tunai. Penelitian ini mengkaji mekanisme pembiayaan mura>bah{ahdi BSM dan BMI KCP Ponorogo, dan bagaimana implementasi fatwa DSN-MUI terhadapa praktik pembiayaan mura>bah}ah. Temuan dalam penelitian ini bahwa, praktik pembiayaan mura>bah{ah di Bank Syariah Mandiri dan Bank Muamalat KCP Ponorogo menggunakan pembiayaan mura>bah{ah bil wakalah{ atau dengan mura>bah{ah yang

  6. European bank for reconstruction and development

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    Kastratović Radovan


    Full Text Available European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - EBRD was established in the year 1991 and commenced operations in 1991. The objective of the Bank was to instigate market oriented approach to business in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This comprises support offered to structural reforms, privatisation, and development of entrepreneurship and legal system through financing of project conducive to the achievement of the aimed targets. The Bank approves loans both to the nation states and to the private sector. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development often appears in the role of investor. In addition, the Bank has also its consultative function. Owners of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are the developed countries and those that participate in the distribution of the Bank's profit. The Bank invests in the countries of Central, Eastern and South-East Europe, but also in those of Central Asia and Southern Mediterranean. The importance that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has for our country is best illustrated by the fact that this Bank is our largest institutional investor, with investments exceeding 3.5 billion EUR. This work begins with presentation of general information on the work of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, its objectives, activities, background history, ownership and organisational structure. It proceeds by giving relevant data on the Bank's business operations - the manner of project financing, the Bank's funds distribution per geographic criteria and activities, and the operative and financial results of the Bank's business activities. Brief description is also offered of the cooperation that the European Bank has with other international financial institutions. Finally, data is given bearing witness on the importance that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has for Serbia.

  7. Bank regulatory Capital Buffer and Liquidity: Evidence from US and European Publicly Traded Banks


    Distinguin , Isabelle; Roulet , Caroline; Tarazi , Amine


    The theory of financial intermediation highlights various channels through which capital and liquidity are interrelated. Using a simultaneous equations framework, we investigate the relationship between bank regulatory capital buffer and liquidity for European and U.S. publicly traded commercial banks. Previous research studying the determinants of bank capital buffer has neglected the role of liquidity. On the whole, we find that banks do not strengthen their regulatory capital buffer when t...

  8. The Bank of Canada's Monetary Policy Framework; Have Recent Changes Enhanced Central Bank Credibility?


    Takatoshi Ito; Brenda Gonzalez-Hermosillo


    In recent years the Bank of Canada has made important changes in the way it conducts monetary policy. In particular, the bank has adopted explicit inflation targets and introduced significant changes to its operational framework designed to increase transparency and reduce market uncertainty. This paper examines the key issues associated with the recent changes in the Bank of Canada’s monetary policy framework and analyzes various indicators of central bank credibility.

  9. Jordan Banks Financial Soundness Indicators

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    Imad Kutum


    Full Text Available The aim of this research paper is to examine the Jordanian banks using financial soundness indicators. This is to establish if Jordanian banks were affected because of the 2007/2008 financial crisis and determine the underlying reasons. The research paper was conducted on 25 banks in Jordan listed in the countries securities exchange. The research methodology used consisted of examining the banks financial records in order to derive four crucial Basel III ratio such as the capital adequacy ratio, the leverage ratio, the liquidity ratio and finally the Total Provisions (As % Of Non-Performing Loans %. The results revealed that out of the four hypotheses under examination Jordan Banks do not meet Basel financial Indicators for Capital Adequacy Ratio, Jordan Banks does not meet Basel financial Indicators for Liquidity Ratio , Jordan Banks do not meet Basel financial Indicators for Leverage Ratio and Jordan Banks do not meet Basel financial Indicators for Total Provisions (As % Of Non-Performing Loans ratio. Only one hypothesis was accepted based on the research outcomes. The rest of the hypothesis was rejected since the average trend line did not go below the Basel III required ratio level. The general outcome of the research revealed that Jordanian banks were not affected significantly by the financial crisis.

  10. Innovative Secure Mobile Banking Services

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    Mousa T AL-Akhras


    Full Text Available Due to the widespread use of computer technologies in almost all aspects of life, organisations that are connected to the Internet started extending their services to their customers to include new applications and services that satisfy their customers’ desires to make better businesses. One of these emerging applications is mobile banking. The term mobile banking (or m-banking describes the banking services that the user can perform via a mobile device ubiquitously at anytime and from anywhere. In order for users to access their accounts, they need a mobile device and network connectivity. Therefore, sitting in front of a computer is not a requirement anymore; accessing accounts can occur while users are waiting their turn at the dentist clinic or relaxing at the beach! This paper explores the opportunities of using mobile technology in the electronic banking (e-banking sector to enhance existing banking services by moving toward m-banking using mobile devices and wireless media that can provide opportunities for ubiquitous access to the banking services as mobile technologies can be used at anytime and from anywhere. The technical problems encountered while using the mobile devices presents some technical difficulties and challenges for the m-banking. In this paper we introduce a mobile system that demonstrates the flexibility gained out of this technology and covers the major aspects of such kind of applications. The proposed system covers two parts: the customer services (user interface and the security aspects. In the user interface part, banking facility is provided to the user through the mobile device to implement banking transactions. The model provides customers with the services: billing payments, transferring of funds, viewing of customer’s accounts and transactions, allowing the user to change his/her password and request a cheque book. The application takes into consideration security aspects, it satisfies the following


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    Dumitrascu Mihaela


    Full Text Available The paper investigates the green banking in Romania, a new approach of conducting the banking business through considering the corporate social responsibility and environmental aspects. Nowadays, it is difficult to face the globalization and competition in order to asssure the implementation of the green banking practices. The aim of the present study is to identify corporations that have sustainability concerns. To achieve this objective, we set some hypothesis and after this we showed that the corporations are more likely to be included in the list of top banks in the world. Our study is relevant for future research in this area, because of the importance of such aspects in corporations nowadays.The conclusions of our study is that green banking practices in Romania is in an incipient stage

  12. Alternative banking: theory and evidence from Europe

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    Kurt Von Mettenheim


    Full Text Available Since financial liberalization in the 1980s, non-profit maximizing, stakeholder-oriented banks have outperformed private banks in Europe. This article draws on empirical research, banking theory and theories of the firm to explain this apparent anomaly for neo-liberal policy and contemporary market-based banking theory. The realization of competitive advantages by alternative banks (savings banks, cooperative banks and development banks has significant implications for conceptions of bank change, regulation and political economy.

  13. Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Pengungkapan Sosial Dalam Laporan Tahunan Bank Konvensional Dan Bank Syariah Di Indonesia

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    Erna Agustin Roziani


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui beberapa faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial bank-bank di Indonesia yang meliputi bank konvensional dan bank syariah periode 2004- 2007. Sebanyak 17 bank telah dianalisis sebagai sampel bank konvensional dan 3 bank sebagai sampel bank syariah. Penelitian ini mengamati dua kategori dari tiga kategori pengungkapan social perusahaan yang didasarkan pada Global Reporting Initiative versi 3.0. Kategori tersebut mencakup kinerja ekonomi dan kinerja sosial. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi empat faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pengungkapan social bank, yaitu ukuran perusahaan, rasio likuiditas, rasio leverage, dan net profit margin. Hasil pengujian berdasarkan tes individu menunjukkan bahwa hanya ukuran perusahaan yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengungkapan social bank konvensional. Sementara itu, hasil pengujian individu pada bank syariah menunjukkan bahwa ukuran perusahaan, likuiditas, dan leverage berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengungkapan sosial. Uji simultan (F-Statistik antara bank konvensional dan bank syariah menunjukkan bahwa ukuran perusahaan, likuiditas, leverage, dan net profit margin berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengungkapan sosial bank.JEL Classifications : G20, G21, M14Keywords : Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Company Size,Liquidity, Leverage, Net Profit Margin, Global Reporting Initiative 3.0.

  14. Operational risk and e-banking

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    Şerbu, R.


    Full Text Available Banking involves a variety of risks. Under Basel II, the main risks are the monitored credit risk, market risk and operational risk. Frequently, operational risks are underestimated, considering that they would not affect the optimal activity of a bank. However, past experience of some credit institutions have shown that operational risk is an important cause of financial losses in the banking sector. Operational risk is generated by a complex of factors that manifests primarily as a result of direct customer interaction with the credit institution. In this context, the provision of e-banking services reduces direct contact with bank customers and thus reduces potential losses arising from operational risk. In sum, we consider it necessary to be aware of the link between operational risk and e-banking services promoted by banks and of the importance of this connection especially in a financial environment affected by the financial crisis.

  15. The NEA Data Bank

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coddens, G.


    The NEA Data Bank provides the nuclear data and computer programs necessary for reactor design and other calculations over a wide range of nuclear energy applications. The role which the Data Bank plays in international cooperation efforts, and the procedures to follow to obtain data and programs from the Data Bank are described. (Auth.)


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    Ellen Theresia Sihotang


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to analyze internet banking�s users based on their experiences. It can be used to set marketing program of internet banking that appropriate with customers needs, in order to anticipate tight competition. This research methods starts with focus group discussion and clustering analysis to classify 312 respondents of internet banking users based on demographic, benefit and behavioral segmentation. The sampling method uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling. K-Means Clustering method�s produces four optimal clusters. The benefit orientation of the first cluster in on time saving. Second cluster, concern on the ease of getting and operating internet banking so this cluster does not need auxiliary features such as video guide to use internet banking. The third cluster�s orientation is on the modern lifestyle and the ease of getting and operating internet banking service with detailed daily mutation transaction The fourth cluster, concerns on the detailed daily mutation transaction but they are not sure with the security of personal data via internet banking. �

  17. Growth of Non-bank Trade Finance


    Satinder Bhatia


    The rise of non-bank trade finance has been especially noticeable in the last decade. Many commodity and e-commerce companies are rapidly entering this arena as sovereign guarantees and collaterals take a backseat making it harder for banks to apply traditional models while lending to businesses. Non-banks which are more nimble occupy space vacated by banks. Increasingly, though, banks have begun to collaborate with non-banks, particularly fintech companies for rapid processi...

  18. Critical Financial Analysis of Islamic Bank in the Philippines: Case Study of Amanah Islamic Bank

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    Hasmiene Diocolano Ibrahim


    Full Text Available The inspiration to delve into the contemporary status of Islamic banking and finance in the Philippines has led this study to analyze the financial condition of Amanah Islamic Bank (AIB and recommend improvements in its financial performance. This secondary databased study utilizes library research and content analysis, particularly using the capital, asset, management, earnings, and liquidity parameters. AIB is the rebranded version of Al-Amanah Islamic Investment Bank of the Philippines. At present, AIB has nine branches and is the only authorized bank in the Philippines to offer Islamic banking products and services. Presidential Decree No. 542, which was signed in 1974, directed the AIB to implement an Islamic model of banking and financing, particularly following the “no interest principle” and partnership mechanisms. However, this order was not completely implemented because “conventional banking” dominated the AIB’s operation. This study contributes to the continuing effort to convert AIB into a full-fledged Islamic bank and simultaneously contend with the emerging growth of the banking industry.

  19. Sharing China's Bank Restructuring Bill

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Guonan Ma


    This paper addresses the questions related to the cost of China's bank restructuring and how it has been financed. We first propose a framework for recognizing losses. Then, we examine the recent major moves by the Chinese Government to repair the country's bank balance sheets. Finally, we explore the implications of the Chinese Government's methods of funding bank restructuring. We find that the Chinese Government has been decisive in confronting the costly task of bank restructuring. So far, Chinese taxpayers have paid most of the bill for bank restructuring.

  20. Impact Assessment of Bank Consolidation on the Performance of Commercial Banks in Nigeria

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    Edirin Jeroh


    Full Text Available This study focuses on an impact assessment of the consolidation exercise on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria. While prior studies focused on the financial performance of banks (with emphasis on profitability, the main thrust of this study was on how the consolidation exercise had affected different areas of commercial banks in Nigeria other than profitability. Secondary data were sourced from the annual accounts and statistical bulletins of the CBN and SEC respectively for the relevant years. The data obtained were analysed by means of sensitivity analysis, in addition to the correlation and regression analyses. The results obtained show that the consolidation exercise had positive impact on the selected variables (Non Performing Loans, Liquidity Ratio, Bank Credit to Private Sector and Bank Capital To Asset Ratio for this study. Based on the above findings, we recommend among others that while efforts are made by the CBN to sustain the increased capital base of banks, a very sound corporate governance framework and effective risk management systems must be put in place to check the level of non-performing loans which seem to be predominant in the industry. The quality of bank credit to private sector and their recovery procedures should also be improved upon.