
Sample records for fisica del higgs

  1. A caccia del bosone di Higgs magneti, governi, scienziati e particelle nell'impresa scientifica del secolo

    CERN Document Server

    Maiani, Luciano


    Nel luglio 2012 veniva confermata sperimentalmente, presso i laboratori del CERN di Ginevra, l'esistenza del "bosone di Higgs", la più piccola di tutte le particelle subatomiche fino ad ora scoperte, teorizzata da Peter Higgs fin dal lontano 1964 e divulgata al mondo come "la particella di Dio". Una scoperta che costituisce un fondamentale passo avanti nella fisica delle particelle e nella conferma del modello standard dell'universo, in direzione di quella Teoria del Tutto, la teoria unificata delle forze, che la fisica insegue da decenni. Per giungere alla prima conferma sperimentale sono stati necessari quasi 50 anni di ricerche teoriche e la costruzione della macchina più grande del mondo, l'LHC, Large Hadron Collider, un anello lungo 27 chilometri situato a 100 metri di profondità nel territorio di Ginevra. Una sfida sul cui successo, all'inizio, pochi avrebbero scommesso e che si accompagna alla storia stessa del CERN, il Consiglio Europeo per la Ricerca Nucleare di cui Luciano Maiani è stato diretto...

  2. L'ordine del mondo le simmetrie in fisica da Aristotele a Higgs

    CERN Document Server

    Barone, Vincenzo


    Il mondo ci appare come una lunga serie di contingenze locali: ogni fatto accade per ragioni sue e quindi ogni previsione relativa al fatto successivo sembra azzardata. C'è però un altro modo di guardare il mondo, ed è quello fondato sulle regolarità intrinseche, sulle trame ordinate della sua tessitura sottile. In fisica il discorso sulla struttura del mondo giunge a noi addirittura da Anassimandro, ma è con Einstein che si fa strada prepotentemente l'idea di necessità, o di inevitabilità, nel mondo fisico. È con la relatività ristretta, nel 1905, che per la prima volta entra a far parte della fisica il concetto di simmetria come elemento fondamentale della spiegazione del mondo. Da Einstein in poi, il mondo apparirà dotato di una sua struttura intrinseca, che permette lo sviluppo di certe regolarità, mentre ne nega altre, proprio come avviene nel "Castello dei destini incrociati" di Italo Calvino, dove il gioco di incroci tra le storie raccontate dai tarocchi permette alcuni sviluppi narrativi e ...

  3. Fisica atomica

    CERN Document Server

    Spolskij, Eduard Vladimirovic


    Volume I : questo è il primo dei due volumi del corso di fisica atomica scritto da E. V. Spolskij. Quest'opera fondamentale è, per il suo carattere, un'enciclopedia di fisica atomica. Il primo volume, in linea di principio, tratta il basi sperimentali della fisica del micromondo.

  4. Fisica atomica

    CERN Document Server

    Born, Max


    Nato sotto forma di una corso di fisica atomica e successivamente ampliato per tener conto dei più recenti progressi nel campo della fisica, il libro di Max Born costituisce una tappa obbligata nella formazione culturale di ogni studente o ricercatore. L'autore, del quale è sufficiente ricordare che è stato una delle massime personalità scientifiche del nostro secolo, ha mirato soprattutto, sviluppando i capitoli fondamentali della fisica nucleare e della fisica quantistica, a delineare con la massima chiarezza i princìpi fisici. Il lettore non è mai distratto da complesse dimostrazioni matematiche; queste sono date in apposite appendici in fondo al volume, e in tal modo sono accresciute la leggibilità del libro e la sua utilità come valida opera di studio e di consultazione.

  5. Fisica solare

    CERN Document Server

    Degl’Innocenti, Egidio Landi


    Il volume è un'introduzione alla Fisica Solare che si propone lo scopo di illustrare alla persona che intende avvicinarsi a questa disciplina (studenti, dottori di ricerca, ricercatori) i meccanismi fisici che stanno alla base della complessa fenomenologia osservata sulla stella a noi più vicina. Il volume non ha la pretesa di essere esauriente (basta pensare che la fisica solare spazia su un gran numero di discipline, quali la Fisica Nucleare, la Termodinamica, L'Elettrodinamica, la Fisica Atomica e Molecolare, la Spettoscopia in tutte le bande dello spettro elettromagnetico, la Magnetoidrodinamica, la Fisica del Plasma, lo sviluppo di nuova strumentazione, l'Ottica, ecc.). Piuttosto, sono stati scelti un numero di argomenti di rilevanza fondamentale nello studio presente del Sole (soprattutto nei riguardi delle osservazioni da terra con grandi telescopi) e su tali argomenti si è cercato di dare una panoramica generale, inclusiva dell'evoluzione storica, senza scendere in soverchi dettagli. Siccome la Fis...

  6. Elementi di fisica teorica

    CERN Document Server

    Cini, Michele


    Le idee e le tecniche della Fisica Teorica del XX secolo (meccanica analitica, meccanica statistica, relatività e meccanica quantistica non relativistica) non sono più appannaggio esclusivo dei fisici. Ormai, specialmente con la recente introduzione di nuovi corsi di laurea, le conoscenze di base rientrano nel bagaglio culturale comune ai laureati in materie scientifiche e tecnologiche affini alla Fisica e alle sue applicazioni. Un laureato in queste materie non può non conoscere l’equazione E=mc2 e la media di Gibbs; inoltre deve avere i concetti e i metodi fondamentali della meccanica quantistica che ha cambiato la concezione del mondo ed è alla base della rivoluzione tecnologica in corso. Eppure quelle idee rimangono distanti dal comune modo di pensare e richiedono molto studio e un insegnamento ben mirato. La trattazione in questo libro, è meno formale rispetto ai tradizionali corsi di Istituzioni di Fisica Teorica. Lo scopo è comunque quello di raggiungere una reale comprensione dei concetti fisi...

  7. La macchina che cerca Dio. Nasce LHC forse scoprira' Higgs elusiva particella della creazione

    CERN Multimedia

    Bianucci, P


    "LEON Lederman, premio Nobel per la fisica, l'ha misticamente definita la particella di Dio perche' sarebbe il pilastro sul quale si appoggia tutta la materia dell'universo che conosciamo. Piu' tecnicamente, e' la "particella di Higgs", un bosone previsto dal Modello Standard del microcosmo la cui esistenza sarebbe necessaria per giustificare, anche quantitativamente, la massa di tutte le particelle" (1/2 page).

  8. La fisica del Novecento per un bilancio critico

    CERN Document Server

    Selleri, Franco


    Ma chi ha detto che la fine della fisica è vicina? Che tutto quello che c'era da scoprire è già stato scoperto? E che le generazioni future potranno solo precisare e raffinare, e mai negare o arricchire le attuali teorie? Questo libro si contrappone a pensatori come Heisenberg, Feyman e Hawking che hanno predetto la morte della fisica. L'autore sostiene che grandi progressi sono possibili, ma che il prezzo da pagare per realizzarli è una modifica radicale delle basi della fisica moderna, in particolare abbandonando l'indeterminismo, la non località (paradosso di Einstein, Podolsky e Rosen) e lo stesso principio di relatività.

  9. Diavolo di una particella perchè il bosone di Higgs cambierà la nostra vita

    CERN Document Server

    Menasce, Dario


    Lo scienziato del Cern Dario Menasce ha partecipato direttamente agli esperimenti che hanno condotto alla scoperta del Bosone di Higgs, ma , prima di condurre il lettore all'interno dell'LHC e dei suoi misteri, con coinvolgimento e grande serietà guida il lettore attraverso i momenti più importanti delle ricerche della fisica tramite l'intervento dei grandi scienziati del passato e del presente, che hanno infine permesso di arrivare a definire il Modello Standard delle particelle, il primo passo verso l'ipotetica Teoria del Tutto. Un testo molto utile per chi vuole sondare il mondo dell'ultrasottile, che riprendo in più occasioni anche come manuale di consultazione e approfondimento.

  10. Introduzione alla fisica matematica

    CERN Document Server

    Persico, Enrico


    Cinematica dei mezzi continui, campi scalari e vettoriali ; funzioni armoniche, rappresentazioni confomi ; teoria dell'elasticità ; elettromagnetismo ; conduzione del calore (e diffusione) ; le equazioni a derivate parziali della fisica matematica ; cenni sulla teoria della relatività (ristretta).

  11. Problemi di Fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Fazio, Michelangelo


    L’introduzione delle lauree triennali ha in molti casi costretto i docenti a ridurre drasticamente il numero di ore di insegnamento e quindi l’estensione dei programmi dei corsi di Fisica. In questo volumetto l'autore si è proposto di esporre sinteticamente ma con il massimo rigore possibile il corso di Fisica Generale I evitando le dimostrazioni delle leggi fisiche, ma dando la priorità alle applicazioni di tali leggi e allo svolgimento di esercizi che in genere viene trascurato in molti corsi. Ha cercato pertanto di presentare i fenomeni fisici sottolineando, dove possibile, la loro presenza nella vita quotidiana e le loro più semplici e immediate applicazioni, consentendo in tal modo agli studenti di vedere la Fisica non più come una interminabile serie di formule ma come un nuovo modo di interpretare e di capire i fenomeni naturali inanimati (del resto non dobbiamo dimenticare che il termine greco da cui deriva il suo nome è fisis, fisis, ovvero natura). Il contenuto è completo, comprendendo anc...

  12. Astronomia e fisica a Firenze dalla Specola ad Arcetri

    CERN Document Server

    Bianchi, Simone; Casalbuoni, Roberto; Dominici, Daniele; Mazzoni, Massimo; Pelosi, Giuseppe


    La Mostra "Astronomia e Fisica a Firenze" illustra l'evoluzione delle due discipline dal XVIII secolo fino ai primi decenni del Novecento. Teatro cittadino di questo processo, anzi di tutte le scienze, fu l'Imperiale e Reale Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale, dove adesso ha sede la Mostra. Nell'arco di tempo esaminato tutti gli aspetti dell'indagine della natura erano ugualmente pertinenti ad un'unica figura di studioso, ma verso l'inizio del XX secolo alcuni indirizzi subirono una profonda trasformazione e al prevalente approccio tassonomico e fenomenologico subentrò, soprattutto per Astronomia e Fisica, un'indagine specialistica che finì per differenziare le varie ricerche. Protagonista di questa fase fu lo sviluppo dell'analisi spettroscopica. La Mostra, aperta da dicembre 2016 a marzo 2017, è organizzata dall'Università di Firenze (Museo di Storia Naturale; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia) e dall'Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, in collaborazione con la Sezione di Firenze dell'INFN, il Museo G...

  13. La nuova fisica delle particelle e i segreti dell'universo un dialogo fra filosofia, scienza e religione

    CERN Document Server

    Bodei, Remo


    La Scuola della Cattedrale, presieduta da Monsignor Gianantonio Borgonovo, prosegue il suo ciclo di incontri con un evento culturale nel segno della fisica che esplora il mondo delle particelle. Guido Tonelli, fisico e professore ordinario dell’Università di Pisa, tratta degli eventi che hanno portato alla scoperta del bosone di Higgs al Cern di Ginevra dove è stato realizzato Lhc, l’acceleratore di particelle più potente del mondo, con un’analisi di materia e antimateria, energia e universo, per capire come tutto è cominciato e come forse andrà a finire. Dove potrà arrivare l’uomo con queste nuove visioni? Quali cambiamenti e traguardi sono ipotizzabili? Come leggere da un punto di vista religioso e filosofico questi nuovi scenari che la scienza prospetta? L’evento ha visto gli interventi di Monsignor Borgonovo e del filosofo Remo Bodei, professore emerito di Filosofia all’Università di Pisa.

  14. Il rumore elettrico Dalla fisica alla progettazione

    CERN Document Server

    Pallottino, Giovanni Vittorio


    L’opera fornisce una trattazione chiara, agile ed essenziale, ma completa, del rumore elettrico, argomento considerato generalmente oscuro e specialistico. Molto più breve (circa 275mila battute) dei testi attualmente disponibili. Il contenuto copre gli aspetti essenziali della matematica e della fisica del rumore (termico, shot. 1/f, …), e della sua rappresentazione nei circuiti. Discute quindi il rumore nei dispositivi passivi e attivi, e introduce i criteri di progettazione a basso rumore. Affronta infine brevemente questioni quali l’estrazione del segnale dal rumore e gli impieghi utili del rumore. L’attenzione è generalmente rivolta alla strumentazione fisica a bassa frequenza, in relazione alla pluridecennale esperienza specifica dell’autore. Si tratta di una estensione delle dispense, utilizzate per anni, di un corso universitario. Pertanto la trattazione è fortemente didattica, con particolare attenzione a rimuovere ambiguità e incertezze, discutendo il materiale in termini fisici intuit...

  15. L'evoluzione della fisica sviluppo delle idee dai concetti iniziali alla relatività e ai quanti

    CERN Document Server

    Einstein, Albert


    Pubblicato in inglese alla vigilia della Seconda guerra mondiale e subito proposto in traduzione, L’evoluzione della fisica dovette aspettare la fine del conflitto per vedere la sua pubblicazione in Italia. Da allora (1948) questo testo non ha più smesso di rappresentare un punto di riferimento obbligato per il concetto stesso di divulgazione scientifica e per la fisica in particolare. Scritto dai protagonisti assoluti della rivoluzione della fisica relativistica e quantistica, ma destinato a un pubblico di non specialisti, il libro che avete tra le mani è il testo fondativo della moderna divulgazione delle idee, la pietra di paragone di ogni altro libro di fisica, che permette di intuire la straordinaria importanza e il valore rivoluzionario della svolta della fisica del Novecento.

  16. Ricerca del bosone di Higgs in produzione associata col bosone vettore W, nello stato finale $WH ->(\\mu\

    CERN Document Server

    Grippo, Maria Teresa

    Il Modello Standard (MS) è la teoria scientifica più dibattuta degli ultimi anni nel mondo della fisica delle alte energie. Essa racchiude i fondamenti della materia e descrive le interazioni che regolano l'universo. Il MS è stato confermato in numerosi esperimenti, quali LEP e Tevatron, ma presenta ancora un ultimo interrogativo relativo all'origine della massa delle particelle. Il MS cerca di spiegare ciò tramite il meccanismo di Higgs, proposto da Peter Higgs nel 1964 \\cite{Higgs}: viene introdotta una nuova particella, chiamata \\emph{bosone di Higgs}, che ha lo scopo tramite il suddetto meccanismo di fornire massa alle particelle. Di tale particella non si conosce la massa, che viene infatti assunta come parametro libero della teoria. Scopo di tale lavoro di tesi è stato quello di studiare presso l'esperimento CMS (\\emph{Compact Muon Solenoid}) a LHC (\\emph{Large Hadron Collider}) il canale di produzione associata WH, nell'intervallo di massa 115 GeV/$c^{2} \\leq m_H \\leq $ 135 GeV/$c^{2}$, negli stat...

  17. La teoria della radiazione termica dalla fisica classica alla fisica quantistica

    CERN Document Server

    Planck, Max


    La venuta alla luce, nella scienza fisica dei primi anni del Novecento, di elementi assolutamente nuovi prefiguranti il futuro mondo quantistico, è concordemente attribuita all'opera prevalente di Planck e di Einstein, secondo due linee di ricerca profondamente diverse, anche se non lontane risultano le loro concezioni del mondo fisico. Tuttavia, mentre del secondo è facilmente accessibile e sufficientemente nota la produzione scientifica, del primo risulta ancora scarsamente sconosciuta l'ingente produzione di quegli anni, anche perché reperibile, per la maggior parte, solo in lingua originale. Se si tiene presente, inoltre, la comparsa in tempi recenti, della ricostruzione storiografica non tradizionale di T. Kuhn, che ritiene di cogliere, negli scritti di Planck, la permanenza di una struttura integralmente classica fino ad anni successivi al 1906, data di pubblicazione delle Lezioni, risulta naturale convenire sull'opportunità di rendere più agevole l'accesso alle fonti planckiane di quegli anni. ...

  18. Oltre lo spazio e il tempo la nuova fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Lachièze-Rey, Marc


    Oggi la fisica si fonda, allo stesso tempo, sulla meccanica quantistica e sulla relatività generale. Ma, in quanto veri e propri sistemi di pensiero, queste due teorie suggeriscono due distinte visioni del mondo, non conciliabili nel quadro di una descrizione unificata. Se dunque la fisica attuale si rivela inadeguata, occorre costruirne una nuova, percorrendo fino in fondo la via geometrica. Supersimmetria, stringhe e superstringhe, gravità e cosmologia quantistiche, geometria non commutativa: nuove audaci ipotesi al servizio di nuove teorie che rinnovano la nostra concezione dello spazio, del tempo, della materia e dell'Universo, e che trovano nel volume una presentazione chiara e accessibile anche a un pubblico di non specialisti.

  19. Fisica e conoscenza

    CERN Document Server

    Pauli, Wolfgang


    Questo libro, curato da Pauli poco prima della morte, raccoglie un insieme di saggi che ben testimoniano la consapevolezza, che egli sempre ebbe vivissima, del significato più generale di ogni ricerca scientifica, valida non solo per il risultato singolo ma per il contributo più ampio al sapere. I saggi, percorsi dal tema comune del valore e dei limiti della conoscenza umana, possono essere distinti in due categorie: la prima puntualizza i personali apporti dell'autore e di altri grandi fisici alla scienza contemporanea; la seconda è dedicata a riflessioni sul potere del pensiero e alla validità di alcuni concetti fondamentali della teoria dell'evoluzione biologica e della psicologia dell'inconscio. Lo stile asciutto e rigoroso è animato dal ricordo personale di uomini ed episodi che fanno oggi parte della leggenda della fisica e, più in generale, della conoscenza umana.

  20. Fisica Virgo, cosi' raccontera' origine universo

    CERN Multimedia

    Battifogloia, E


    "Permettera' di avvicinarsi all'attimo del Big Bang con una precisione senza precedenti, l'antenna Virgo per le onde gravitazionali inaugurata oggi a Cascina, vicino Pisa, e nata da un progetto italo-francese coordinato dall'Istituto nazionale di Fisica Nucleare e dal Centro francese per le Ricerche Scientifiche" (1 page)

  1. La fisica dell'immortalità Dio, la cosmologia e la resurrezione dei morti

    CERN Document Server

    Tipler, Frank J


    “Questo libro descrive la teoria del Punto Omega: la teoria fisica e sperimentale di un Dio onnipresente onniscente e onnipotente, che in un giorno del futuro remoto farà risorgere ciascuno di noi alla vita eterna in una dimora che per ogni aspetto fondamentale è il paradiso della tradizione ebraico-cristiana. I singoli termini delle teoria – per esempio i concetti di onnipresenza, onniscienza, onnipotenza, corpo (spirituale) risuscitato, paradiso – saranno presentati come principi della fisica pura. In questo libro non farò mai appello alla rivelazione; mi appellerò, invece, ai risultati concreti della scienza moderna e alla ragione del lettore. Descriverò il meccanismo fisico della risurrezione universale. Mostrerò con estrema precisione come la fisica consenta la risurrezione alla vita eterna di tutti coloro che sono vissuti, che vivano o che vivranno. E mostrerò anche perché, nel futuro remoto, tale facoltà di risuscitare esisterà davvero e perché sarà effettivamente usata. A chi ha perd...

  2. Dai buchi neri all’adroterapia un viaggio nella fisica moderna

    CERN Document Server

    Curceanu, Catalina Oana


    Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere sulla fisica moderna ma non avevate nessuno a cui chiederlo! Questo libro vi conduce in un viaggio affascinante attraverso i misteri della fisica moderna e delle sue tantissime ricadute nella società, presentando anche le ricerche attualissime, le strade che si aprono davanti a noi: a volte ampi viali illuminati a giorno, altre volte sentieri appena accennati. Dove ci porteranno? La grande forza della scienza, nonché il suo motore, è la curiosità che ci ha spinto a guardare in alto, in profondità ma anche dentro noi stessi. Indagando abbiamo trovato veri tesori. La fisica ci spiega cosa succede nell’atomo ma anche nell’Universo, un mondo che va dal miliardesimo di miliardesimo di metro a una decina di miliardi di anni luce! Abbiamo una spiegazione razionale non soltanto a domande del tipo “di cosa è fatto il mondo?”, ma anche a domande molto più difficili: “come è nato l’Universo e come potrebbe evolversi?”. La fisica fondamentale ha anche enormi ri...

  3. Fisica e filosofia come la scienza contemporanea ha modificato il pensiero dell'uomo

    CERN Document Server

    Heisenberg, Werner


    Nel corso del Novecento le scoperte della fisica – dalla meccanica quantistica alla teoria della relatività, dalle ricerche sul cosmo all’energia nucleare – hanno travolto le precedenti nozioni di spazio e tempo e rivoluzionato la percezione che l’uomo aveva di sé, investendolo inoltre della responsabilità di una possibile autodistruzione. Figura geniale e controversa, Werner Heisenberg è stato un protagonista assoluto dell’epopea scientifica del secolo scorso, insieme a Bohr e Fermi, Einstein e Planck. Fisica e filosofia esplora la complessità di quello snodo offrendo risposte chiare a domande che non hanno mai perso la loro centralità. Cosa affermano le teorie della fisica contemporanea? In che modo investono la concezione che l’uomo ha di sé? Quali sono i limiti etici delle loro applicazioni tecnologiche? E quale sarà l’influenza politica della scienza su scala planetaria? Affrontando quesiti di portata universale, Heisenberg si dimostra consapevole della necessità di ristabilire la ...

  4. I grandi della fisica da Platone a Heisenberg

    CERN Document Server

    Von Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich


    Parmenide ; Platone ; Aristotele ; Copernico, Keplero, Galilei ; Galileo Galilei ; Cartesio ; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ; Cartesio, Newton, Leibniz, Kant ; Immanuel Kant ; Johann Wolfgang Goethe ; Robert Meyer ; Albert Einstein ; Niels Bohr ; Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac ; Niels Bohr e Werner Heisenberg, un ricordo del 1932 ; Werner Heisenberg ; Heisenberg, fisico e filosofo ; l'interpretazione filosofica della fisica moderna.

  5. Il mondo secondo la fisica quantistica segreti e meraviglie della scienza che sta cambiando la nostra vita

    CERN Document Server

    Fracas, Fabio


    Questo libro è un'avventura esclusiva e affascinante. Un viaggio, anche nel tempo, alla scoperta di qualcosa di nuovo e di straordinario: la Fisica Quantistica, nelle sue logiche, nelle sue potenzialità, nelle sue applicazioni e nei suoi possibili sviluppi. All'interno del volume vengono ricostruiti passo dopo passo i momenti fondamentali del pensiero quantistico, le questioni su cui si sono interrogati i più grandi scienziati degli ultimi decenni, e i diversi contesti nei quali si sono evoluti i principali modelli della Meccanica Quantistica. Sullo sfondo delle ricerche più attuali - come per esempio quella sulle onde gravitazionali che ha portato al Nobel per la Fisica 2017 -, vengono indagati anche i rapporti esistenti fra Fisica Quantistica, Relatività Einsteiniana e Teoria delle Stringhe. Inoltre, fra i tanti temi trattati nelle sue pagine, trovano spazio persino le incredibili ricadute che gli studi sulla Fisica Quantistica stanno avendo negli ambiti della medicina e delle ricerche sul cervello e s...

  6. Fisica y vida cotidiana

    CERN Multimedia

    Méndez, R


    "Estaba harto de escuchar lo dificil que es ensenar fisica, interesar a los alumnos en gases, tiros parabolicos y campos magneticos. Por eso el profesor de Fisica de la Universidad de Murcia Rafael Garcia Molina decidio hace cinco anos dejar sin argumentos a sus colegas. Comenzo la busqueda de juguetes, regalos y objetos cotidianos para explicar la fisica" (1 page).

  7. Neanche sbagliata il fallimento della teoria delle stringhe e la corsa all'unificazione delle leggi della fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Woit, Peter


    La teoria delle stringhe, "eterna promessa" della fisica teorica, sembra oggi giunta alla resa dei conti, e molti studiosi si stanno da tempo interrogando sulla sua reale validità. Un certo malcontento già serpeggiava nei corridoi delle università e in alcuni scritti quasi clandestini ma ora giunge dagli Stati Uniti la voce di Peter Woit, ferma e decisa nel lanciare un messaggio chiaro: questa presunta "teoria del tutto" che pretendeva di unificare le leggi della fisica, si è rivelata alla fine una "teoria del niente", incapace di dimostrare anche uno solo dei suoi enunciati. Dopo una dettagliata panoramica sugli sviluppi della fisica che hanno portato, nella metà degli anni Settanta, alla nascita e al successo del Modello standard, Woit giunge quindi al cuore del suo libro. L'accusa è pesante: non solo i teorici delle stringhe non fanno scienza, ma hanno goduto di un predominio eccessivo per vent'anni, monopolizzando il reperimento dei fondi economici pubblici e privati e impedendo di fatto un sano pro...

  8. Search for Charged Higgs in CDF (United States)

    CDF Collaboration


    We present results of a search for charged Higgs production from pbarp collisions at √s=1.8 TeV at Fermilab's Tevatron collider using the CDF detector. An expanded Higgs sector containing charged Higgs bosons is a persistent feature of candidate theories to replace the Standard Model. The minimal supersymmetric extention of the Standard Model, for example, predicts that the dominant decay mode of the top quark is tarrow H+barrow τ+ν b for large values of tanβ. We use the hadronic decays of the tau lepton in this channel to set a new limit on charged Higgs production. *We thank the Fermilab staff and the technical staffs of the participating institutions for their vital contributions. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and National Science Foundation; the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare; the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan; the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; the National Science Council of the Republic of China; and the A. P. Sloan Foundation. Supported by U.S. NSF NSF-94-17820.

  9. L’indisponibilità del diritto all’integrità fisica della persona umana in ambito sportivo e i limiti al rischio consentito

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cimmino


    Full Text Available Lo sport, espressione di valori come la lealtà e la correttezza, il rispetto delle regole, l’integrazione, la democrazia, è una forma di manifestazione della personalità umana, finalizzata, anche attraverso il tempo libero, al miglioramento del benessere psicofisico del singolo e della collettività. Tuttavia e paradossalmente talvolta esso può risolversi nell’uso della violenza e/o in un contrasto fisico tra gli atleti, contemplato in alcuni casi dai regolamenti sportivi. Come si giunge a valutare meritevoli le attività sportive nel quadro dei diritti fondamentali della persona costituzionalmente garantiti? Il lavoro si propone di analizzare i rapporti tra diritto allo sport e diritto all’integrità fisica attraverso una rilettura della teoria giurisprudenziale del rischio consentito, giungendo alla conclusione che nel bilanciamento di interessi di pari rango costituzionale, l’organizzatore di competizioni sportive rivesta una fondamentale posizione di garanzia e che occorre modulare l’applicazione della clausola del rischio consentito in ragione delle circostanze del caso concreto e della qualità del soggetto e del carattere amatoriale od agonistico dell’attività.

  10. La fisica dell'universo iniziale

    CERN Document Server

    Maiani, Luciano


    1. Introduzione ; 2. Strutture ; 3. Il moto di Hubble e la connessione cosmica ; 4. Solo tre neutrini ; 5. Materia oscura ; 6. Le fluttuazioni del fondo cosmico ; 7. La rottura della simmetria e il bosone di Higgs ; 8. Il progetto LHC ; 9. Ancora sulla rottura della simmetria ; 10. Conclusioni.

  11. Attivitá fisica extra-scolastica negli adolescenti: il ruolo dello stato socio-economico delle famiglie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Capelli


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: l’associazione fra stato socio-economico (SES ed attività fisica è poco indagata. Obiettivo del presente studio è quello di valutare la relazione tra attività fisica extra-scolastica di adolescenti scolarizzati e lo SES della famiglia di provenienza.

    Metodi: l’indagine ha previsto la somministrazione nel corso dell’anno scolastico 2002-2003 di un apposito questionario anonimo autocompilato, già validato in uno studio pilota, ad un campione di studenti delle scuole medie inferiori del Lazio (province di Roma, Frosinone e Latina.

    Risultati: hanno partecipato allo studio 1486 studenti di cui 756 maschi (50.9% e 730 femmine (49.1%. L’età dei partecipanti varia fra gli 11 ed i 15 anni (età mediana 12 anni. Il 72.7% degli studenti dichiara di svolgere attività fisica al di fuori della scuola. Il livello di istruzione dei genitori e la loro attività lavorativa sembrano avere un peso notevole sui determinanti dell’attività fisica negli studenti. Infatti, svolgono prevalentemente attività fisica extra-scolastica i figli di genitori manager/libero professionisti (OR = 3.29 e con un elevato livello educativo (OR = 10.38 per i figli di genitori laureati.

    Conclusioni: i risultati confermano quanto la situazione socio-economica delle famiglie sia in netta relazione con l’attività fisico-sportiva dei giovani. Tali risultati potranno essere utili per gli operatori scolastici e gli amministratori nell’ispirare e realizzare azioni volte a diminuire il divario esistente fra i giovani che hanno le possibilità economiche e svolgono attività sportiva extra-scolastica e quelli che, invece, appartenendo a famiglie svantaggiate, hanno minore accesso a tali attività.

  12. Lo sfondo filosofico della fisica moderna

    CERN Document Server

    Heisenberg, Werner


    Questa raccolta di saggi, inedita nella sua composizione e nuova in senso assoluto per l'Italia, presenta il pensiero di Heisenberg in tutta la sua articolazione e completezza: le riflessioni filosofiche fondamentali, le originali considerazioni epistemologiche, il credo etico-religioso, la visione della realtà e le due memorie scientifiche nelle quali venne elaborata la meccanica delle matrici, che fissò la nascita della cosiddetta «seconda quantistica», determinando la crisi della fisica classica e delineando l'orizzonte di senso da cui è derivato il successivo principio di indeterminazione. Emerge un pensatore che ha fornito contributi essenziali sia alla storia del pensiero filosofico che a quello scientifico del Novecento, e che ha rappresentato un vero e proprio «punto di svolta» della cultura contemporanea. Un punto di svolta che ha condotto il «metodo» della scienza dal gretto riduzionismo dell'epoca classica a una sua più concreta elaborazione in senso storicistico e complesso. Werner Heise...

  13. Metodi matematici della fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Cicogna, Giampaolo


    Questo libro trae la sua origine dagli appunti preparati per le lezioni di Metodi Matematici della Fisica tenute al Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università di Pisa, e via via sistemati, raffinati e aggiornati nel corso di molti anni di insegnamento. L'intento generale è di fornire una presentazione per quanto possibile semplice e diretta dei metodi matematici basilari e rilevanti per la Fisica. Anche allo scopo di mantenere questo testo entro i limiti di un manuale di dimensioni contenute e di agevole consultazione, sono stati spesso sacrificati i dettagli tecnici delle dimostrazioni matematiche (o anzi le dimostrazioni per intero) e anche i formalismi eccessivi, che tendono a nascondere la vera natura dei problemi. Al contrario, si è cercato di evidenziare – per quanto possibile – le idee sottostanti e le motivazioni che conducono ai diversi procedimenti. L'obiettivo principale e quello di mettere in condizione chi ha letto questo libro di acquisire gli strumenti adatti e le conoscenze di base che gli ...

  14. Filosofia della fisica

    CERN Document Server


    Un libro che mancava : attraverso i contributi dei maggiori specialisti italiani, la definizione rigorosa di una disciplina, la filosofia della fisica, che si pone nel punto d'incontro tra la cultura scientifica e quella umanistica.

  15. Il Bosone di Higgs

    CERN Multimedia

    Hemmer, Sabine


    Poster di ATLAS sul bosone di Higgs indirizzato al pubblico generico, che spiega il meccanismo di Brout-Englert-Higgs e la sua importanza. Spiega anche il ruolo del Bosone di Higgs, come viene cercato, il percorso della sua scoperta e cosa viene dopo la scoperta. Disponibile anche in Francese ( e Inglese ( Non esitate a utilizzarlo nelle sedi dei vostri Istituti e negli eventi divulgativi! Il poster è in formato A0. Cliccate sull'immagine per scaricare il .pdf ad alta qualità e stamparlo dove preferite. Per qualisasi domanda o commento potete contattare

  16. Fisica atomica e quantistica introduzione ai fondamenti sperimentali e teorici

    CERN Document Server

    Haken, Hermann


    Per un laurea in Fisica, ma anche per la formazione moderna e aggiornata di un chimico o di un ingegnere, una conoscenza approfondita della fisica degli atomi e dei quanti è diventata ormai indispensabile....

  17. The great discoveries in physics of the late nineteenth century; Los grandes descubrimientos en Fisica a fines del siglo XIX

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galles, Carlos D., E-mail: [UNR Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Santa Fe (Argentina); UTN Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (Argentina)


    An overview is given of the principal lines of research into Physics during the end of the nineteenth century. At that time, a long series of successful theories which appeared to be final and conclusive had strengthened a conservative epistemological dogma which held that in the future research would consist merely of ever-more precise measurements, in the absence of any revolutionary innovations. However, it turned out that Nature was to reveal some of her mysterious and unexpected secrets to certain bright minds working in laboratories. (author) [Spanish] Se presentan las principales lineas de investigacion en Fisica en las ultimas decadas del siglo XIX. Una larga serie de exitosas teorias aparentemente finales y conclusivas habian fortalecido por entonces un dogma epistemologico conservador que presagiaba solo se continuaria acumulando mediciones mas y mas precisas sin innovaciones revolucionarias. La naturaleza reservaba sin embargo revelar en los laboratorios, a las mentes agiles, algunos de sus misteriosos e insospechados secretos. (autor)

  18. Fisica del nucleo stelle di neutroni

    CERN Document Server

    Bernardini, Carlo


    Studio sistematico delle masse nucleari ; energia di legame ; raggi nucleari dai nuclei speculari ; il nucleo in approssimazione di Thomas-Fermi ; introduzione allo scattering : caratterizzazione cinematica degli urti ; la sezione d'urto ; il fattore di forma dei nuclei ; gli atomi u-mesici ; proprieta elettromagnetiche statiche dei nuclei (momenti di multipolo) ; momento di quadrupolo elettrico dei nuclei ; momento d dipolo magnetico dei nuclei ; metodo delle risonanze magnetiche nucleari (NMR) ; misura del fattore giromagnetico e del momento di quadrupolo ; modelli nucleari a particelle indipendenti, il modello a shell ; l'interazione spin-orbita ; il modello a shell e le linee di Schmidt per il momento magnetico dei nuclei con "A" dispari ; nuclei non sferici (deformati) ; stelle di neutroni.

  19. Mercenario della ricerca evoluzione dello studioso di fisica tra il 1900 e il 2000

    CERN Document Server

    Sironi, Giorgio


    In meno di un secolo la percezione della ricerca da parte del grande pubblico e il modo di praticarla sono profondamente cambiati. Il ricercatore, non più isolato e parte di una élite ristretta, oggi è quasi sempre inserito in gruppi strutturati, spesso numerosi. Questa impostazione, particolamente evidente in Fisica e Astrofisica, ha prodotto grandi progressi scientifici. In Italia però questi progressi rischiano di essere vanificati dalla perdurante mancanza di politiche organiche dedicate alla ricerca, sia pubblica che privata. Per un giovane dotato vale ancora la pena di puntare a fare ricerca?

  20. Fisica per poeti lo scienziato come uomo e artista : storia della fisica da Galileo ai giorni nostri

    CERN Document Server

    March, Robert H


    Un'intensa lezione di oggettività scientifica attraverso i secoli, alla ricerca delle verità ultime della natura. Da Galileo ad oggi, intuizioni, errori, grandi scoperte dei massimi protagonisti della fisica classica e moderna: la scienza vissuta come un'appassionante avventura.

  1. Esercizi di fisica meccanica e termodinamica

    CERN Document Server

    Dalba, G


    La risoluzione di esercizi rappresenta uno strumento indispensabile per raggiungere una comprensione sicura e approfondita dei concetti di Fisica appresi dai corsi e dai testi di teoria. Frutto di una lunga esperienza didattica dei due autori nell'insegnamento universitario della meccanica e della termodinamica, questa raccolta contiene 188 esercizi, di cui 91 completamente risolti ed accompagnati da un ampio corredo di figure. Il peimo capitolo presenta un'introduzione ai sistemi di unità di misura, al calcolo dimensionale, all'uso corretto delle cifre significative e degli arrotondamenti, ai grafici. Gli altri capitoli contengono gli esercizi, suddivisi per argomento e preceduti da una serie di paragrafi riassuntivi dei concetti fondamentali. Criterio ispiratore di questo lavoro è l'adozione di una metodologia per la soluzione degli esercizi basata sempre sull'analisi accurata dei dati a disposizione e sul riferimento ai principi e alle leggi della Fisica, mai alla sola intuizione.

  2. Batendo à porta do céu o bóson de Higgs e como a física modern ilumina o universo

    CERN Document Server

    Randall, Lisa


    Nesta obra a autora conduz seu mais novo trabalho, seduzindo o leitor pelas descobertas e teorias mais recentes da fisica, conforme realiza uma apaixonada - e necessaria - defesa da importancia da ciencia em nossas vidas. Na veia de autores como Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Brian Greene e Carl Sagan, Randall explora seculos de conhecimento cientifico para tracar uma rica e esclarecedora historia do nosso Universo - do seu nascimento ate a inevitavel morte. Explica tambem o funcionamento do LHC, o maior acelerador de particulas do mundo, uma estrutura gigantesca construida na Suica que vem ajudando cientistas de todo o mundo a solucionar os misterios da materia e da origem da vida. Num capitulo feito especialmente apos a descoberta do boson de Higgs, a chamada 'particula de Deus', Randall elucida as consequencias deste que e um dos mais importantes avancos da historia da fisica. Valendo-se de uma prosa agil e explicativa, e travando um dialogo com profissionais de diversas areas, como roteiristas de cinema, c...

  3. Le avventure di Mr. Tompkins viaggio "scientificamente fantastico" nel mondo della fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Gamow, George


    Questo classico della divulgazione scientifica offre al lettore una grande quantità di informazioni e una spiegazione dei concetti fondamentali della fisica moderna: la struttura dell'atomo, la relatività e la teoria quantistica, la fusione e la fissione. La prefazione di Roger Penrose presenta Mr. Tompkins ad una nuova generazione di lettori e rivisita le sue avventure alla luce degli attuali sviluppi della fisica moderna.

  4. Il libro di fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Asimov, Isaac


    Isaac Asimov, illustre studioso e brillante divulgatore scientifico, ma anche grandissimo scrittore di science fiction, ha costruito questa volta una vera e propria «biografia delle scienze fisiche». Il presente volume, che nel mondo anglosassone è diventato una «bibbia della fisica», ci introduce, in forma semplice ma rigorosa, ai segreti dei quasar e dei buchi neri, dei quark e degli acceleratori di particelle, dell'intelligenza artificiale e delle fonti di energia, sia essa quella «sporca» sia quella «pulita». Un vero, completo manuale, ma anche un «romanzo» affascinante sia per il profano sia per l'uomo di scienza.

  5. Topological Higgs mechanism with ordinary Higgs mechanism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oda Ichiro; Yahikozawa Shigeaki.


    Topological Higgs mechanism in higher dimensions is analyzed when ordinary Higgs potential exists. It is shown that if one-form B-field becomes massive by the ordinary Higgs mechanism, another D-2 form C-field also becomes massive through topological term in addition to the topological mass generation by the topological Higgs mechanism. Moreover we investigate this mechanism in three dimensional theories, that is to say, Chern-Simons theory and more general theory. (author). 10 refs

  6. Higgs mass in the gauge-Higgs unification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haba, Naoyuki; Takenaga, Kazunori; Yamashita, Toshifumi


    The gauge-Higgs unification theory identifies the zero mode of the extra-dimensional component of the gauge field as the usual Higgs doublet. Since this degree of freedom is the Wilson line phase, the Higgs does not have the mass term nor quartic coupling at the tree level. Through quantum corrections, the Higgs can take a vacuum expectation value, and its mass is induced. The radiatively induced mass tends to be small, although it can be lifted to O(100) GeV by introducing the O(10) numbers of bulk fields. Perturbation theory becomes unreliable when a large number of bulk fields are introduced. We reanalyze the Higgs mass based on useful expansion formulae for the effective potential and find that even a small number of bulk field can have the suitable heavy Higgs mass. We show that a small (large) number of bulk fields are enough (needed) when the SUSY breaking mass is large (small). We also study the case of introducing the soft SUSY breaking scalar masses in addition to the Scherk-Schwarz SUSY breaking and obtain the heavy Higgs mass due to the effect of the scalar mass

  7. Learning from Higgs physics at future Higgs factories

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gu, Jiayin [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (China). Center for Future High Energy Physics; Li, Honglei [Jinan Univ., Shandong (China). School of Physics and Technology; Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ (United States). Dept. of Physics; Liu, Zhen [Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL (United States). Theoretical Physics Dept.; Su, Shufang [Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ (United States). Dept. of Physics; Su, Wei [Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ (United States). Dept. of Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (China). Inst. of Theoretical Physics; Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (China). School of Physics


    Future Higgs factories can reach impressive precision on Higgs property measurements. In this paper, instead of conventional focus of Higgs precision in certain interaction bases, we explored its sensitivity to new physics models at the electron-positron colliders. In particular, we studied two categories of new physics models, Standard Model (SM) with a real scalar singlet extension, and Two Higgs Double Model (2HDM) as examples of weakly-interacting models, Minimal Composite Higgs Model (MCHM) and three typical patterns of the more general operator counting for strong interacting models as examples of strong dynamics. We performed a global fit to various Higgs search channels to obtain the 95% C.L. constraints on the model parameter space. In the SM with a singlet extension, we obtained the limits on the singlet-doublet mixing angle sinθ, as well as the more general Wilson coefficients of the induced higher dimensional operators. In the 2HDM, we analyzed tree level effects in tanβ vs. cos(β-α) plane, as well as the one-loop contributions from the heavy Higgs bosons in the alignment limit to obtain the constraints on heavy Higgs masses for different types of 2HDM. In strong dynamics models, we obtained lower limits on the strong dynamics scale. In addition, once deviations of Higgs couplings are observed, they can be used to distinguish different models. We also compared the sensitivity of various future Higgs factories, namely Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), Future Circular Collider (FCC)-ee and International Linear Collider (ILC).

  8. Learning from Higgs physics at future Higgs factories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu, Jiayin; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; Li, Honglei; Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ; Liu, Zhen; Su, Shufang; Su, Wei; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing


    Future Higgs factories can reach impressive precision on Higgs property measurements. In this paper, instead of conventional focus of Higgs precision in certain interaction bases, we explored its sensitivity to new physics models at the electron-positron colliders. In particular, we studied two categories of new physics models, Standard Model (SM) with a real scalar singlet extension, and Two Higgs Double Model (2HDM) as examples of weakly-interacting models, Minimal Composite Higgs Model (MCHM) and three typical patterns of the more general operator counting for strong interacting models as examples of strong dynamics. We performed a global fit to various Higgs search channels to obtain the 95% C.L. constraints on the model parameter space. In the SM with a singlet extension, we obtained the limits on the singlet-doublet mixing angle sinθ, as well as the more general Wilson coefficients of the induced higher dimensional operators. In the 2HDM, we analyzed tree level effects in tanβ vs. cos(β-α) plane, as well as the one-loop contributions from the heavy Higgs bosons in the alignment limit to obtain the constraints on heavy Higgs masses for different types of 2HDM. In strong dynamics models, we obtained lower limits on the strong dynamics scale. In addition, once deviations of Higgs couplings are observed, they can be used to distinguish different models. We also compared the sensitivity of various future Higgs factories, namely Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), Future Circular Collider (FCC)-ee and International Linear Collider (ILC).

  9. Vector Higgs-portal dark matter and the invisible Higgs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebedev, Oleg; Lee, Hyun Min; Mambrini, Yann


    The Higgs sector of the Standard Model offers a unique probe of the hidden sector. In this work, we explore the possibility of renormalizable Higgs couplings to the hidden sector vector fields which can constitute dark matter (DM). Abelian gauge sectors with minimal field content, necessary to render the gauge fields massive, have a natural Z 2 parity. This symmetry ensures stability of the vector fields making them viable dark matter candidates, while evading the usual electroweak constraints. We illustrate this idea with the Stueckelberg and Higgs mechanisms. Vector DM is consistent with the WMAP, XENON100, and LHC constraints, while it can affect significantly the invisible Higgs decay. Due to the enhanced branching ratio for the Higgs decay into the longitudinal components of the vector field, the vector Higgs portal provides an efficient way to hide the Higgs at the LHC. This could be the reason why the latest combined ATLAS/CMS data did not bring evidence for the existence of the Higgs boson. (orig.)

  10. Vector Higgs portal dark matter and the invisible Higgs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebedev, Oleg; Lee, Hyun Min; Mambrini, Yann


    The Higgs sector of the Standard Model offers a unique probe of the hidden sector. In this work, we explore the possibility of renormalizable Higgs couplings to the hidden sector vector fields which can constitute dark matter (DM). Abelian gauge sectors with minimal field content, necessary to render the gauge fields massive, have a natural Z 2 parity. This symmetry ensures stability of the vector fields making them viable dark matter candidates, while evading the usual electroweak constraints. We illustrate this idea with the Stückelberg and Higgs mechanisms. Vector DM is consistent with the WMAP, XENON100, and LHC constraints, while it can affect significantly the invisible Higgs decay. Due to the enhanced branching ratio for the Higgs decay into the longitudinal components of the vector field, the vector Higgs portal provides an efficient way to hide the Higgs at the LHC. This could be the reason why the latest combined ATLAS/CMS data did not bring evidence for the existence of the Higgs boson.

  11. Vector Higgs-portal dark matter and the invisible Higgs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lebedev, Oleg [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Lee, Hyun Min [European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland); Mambrini, Yann [Paris-Sud Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de Physique Theorique


    The Higgs sector of the Standard Model offers a unique probe of the hidden sector. In this work, we explore the possibility of renormalizable Higgs couplings to the hidden sector vector fields which can constitute dark matter (DM). Abelian gauge sectors with minimal field content, necessary to render the gauge fields massive, have a natural Z{sub 2} parity. This symmetry ensures stability of the vector fields making them viable dark matter candidates, while evading the usual electroweak constraints. We illustrate this idea with the Stueckelberg and Higgs mechanisms. Vector DM is consistent with the WMAP, XENON100, and LHC constraints, while it can affect significantly the invisible Higgs decay. Due to the enhanced branching ratio for the Higgs decay into the longitudinal components of the vector field, the vector Higgs portal provides an efficient way to hide the Higgs at the LHC. This could be the reason why the latest combined ATLAS/CMS data did not bring evidence for the existence of the Higgs boson. (orig.)

  12. Recent developments in HiggsBounds and a preview of HiggsSignals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bechtle, Philip; Stefaniak, Tim; Williams, Karina [Bonn Univ. (Germany). Physikalisches Inst.; Heinemeyer, Sven [Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Santander (Spain); Staal, Oscar [Stockholm Univ. (Sweden). Dept. of Physics; Weiglein, Georg [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Brein, Oliver


    We report on recent developments in the public computer code HiggsBounds, which confronts arbitrary Higgs sector predictions with 95% C.L. exclusion limits from Higgs searches at the LEP, Tevatron and LHC experiments. We discuss in detail the performance of the Standard Model (SM) likeness test as implemented in the latest version HiggsBounds-3.8.0, whose outcome decides whether a search for a SM Higgs boson can be applied to a model beyond the SM. Furthermore, we give a preview of features in the upcoming version HiggsBounds-4.0.0 and the new program HiggsSignals, which performs a {chi}{sup 2} test of Higgs sector predictions against the signal rate and mass measurements from Higgs boson analyses at the Tevatron and LHC. This is illustrated with an example where the heavier CP-even Higgs boson of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is considered as an explanation of the LHC Higgs signal at {approx_equal} 126 GeV.

  13. The limit of the Yang-Mills-Higgs flow on Higgs bundles


    Li, Jiayu; Zhang, Xi


    In this paper, we consider the gradient flow of the Yang-Mills-Higgs functional for Higgs pairs on a Hermitian vector bundle $(E, H_{0})$ over a compact K\\"ahler manifold $(M, \\omega )$. We study the asymptotic behavior of the Yang-Mills-Higgs flow for Higgs pairs at infinity, and show that the limiting Higgs sheaf is isomorphic to the double dual of the graded Higgs sheaves associated to the Harder-Narasimhan-Seshadri filtration of the initial Higgs bundle.

  14. Early Universe Higgs dynamics in the presence of the Higgs-inflaton and non-minimal Higgs-gravity couplings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ema, Yohei [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan); Karčiauskas, Mindaugas [University of Jyväskylä, Department of Physics, P.O. Box 35 (YFL), FI-40014, Jyväskylä (Finland); Lebedev, Oleg; Zatta, Marco, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [University of Helsinki and Helsinki Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 64, FI-00014, Helsinki (Finland)


    Apparent metastability of the electroweak vacuum poses a number of cosmological questions. These concern evolution of the Higgs field to the current vacuum, and its stability during and after inflation. Higgs-inflaton and non-minimal Higgs-gravity interactions can make a crucial impact on these considerations potentially solving the problems. In this work, we allow for these couplings to be present simultaneously and study their interplay. We find that different combinations of the Higgs-inflaton and non-minimal Higgs-gravity couplings induce effective Higgs mass during and after inflation. This crucially affects the Higgs stability considerations during preheating. In particular, a wide range of the couplings leading to stable solutions becomes allowed.

  15. La Preparacion Fisica en el entrenamiento tecnico-tactico del Baloncesto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Freyre Vázquez


    Full Text Available Se adaptó e introdujo todos los conceptos relacionados con la preparación física en el proceso general del entrenamiento de un equipo de baloncesto. Las propias características del juego, su complejidad en cuanto a las variables que influyen en el resultado, hizo necesario un planteamiento integrado del entrenamiento donde los ejercicios utilizados tuvieron un carácter complejo y afectando a todos los sistemas implicados en el entrenamiento (físico, técnico, táctico,¿, es decir, se expuso cómo utilizar todos los conceptos relacionados con la preparación física en el entrenamiento día a día y cómo ir introduciendo los diferentes sistemas, medios, métodos así como las diferentes cualidades físicas necesarias en las sesiones diarias de entrenamiento y en las diferentes fases de competición.

  16. Advances and applications of rock physics for hydrocarbon exploration; Avances y aplicaciones en fisica de rocas para exploracion de hidrocarburos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vargas-Meleza, L.; Valle-Molina, C. [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo (Mexico)]. E-mails:;


    Integration of the geological and geophysical information with different scale and features is the key point to establish relationships between petrophysical and elastic characteristics of the rocks in the reservoir. It is very important to present the fundamentals and current methodologies of the rock physics analyses applied to hydrocarbons exploration among engineers and Mexican students. This work represents an effort to capacitate personnel of oil exploration through the revision of the subjects of rock physics. The main aim is to show updated improvements and applications of rock physics into seismology for exploration. Most of the methodologies presented in this document are related to the study the physical and geological mechanisms that impact on the elastic properties of the rock reservoirs based on rock specimens characterization and geophysical borehole information. Predictions of the rock properties (lithology, porosity, fluid in the voids) can be performed using 3D seismic data that shall be properly calibrated with experimental measurements in rock cores and seismic well log data. [Spanish] Se discuten los fundamentos de fisica de rocas y las implicaciones analiticas para interpretacion sismica de yacimientos. Se considera conveniente difundir, entre los ingenieros y estudiantes mexicanos, los fundamentos y metodologias actuales sobre el analisis de la fisica de rocas en exploracion de hidrocarburos. Este trabajo representa un esfuerzo de capacitacion profesional en exploracion petrolera en el que se difunde la relevancia de la fisica de rocas. El interes principal es exponer los avances tecnologicos y aplicaciones actuales sobre fisica de rocas en el campo de sismologia de exploracion. La mayoria de las metodologias estudia los mecanismos fisicos y geologicos que controlan las propiedades elasticas de los yacimientos de hidrocarburos, a partir de nucleos de roca y registros geofisicos de pozo. Este conocimiento se usa para predecir propiedades de la

  17. Higgs pair production in the CP-violating two-Higgs-doublet model (United States)

    Bian, Ligong; Chen, Ning; Jiang, Yun


    The SM-like Higgs pair production is discussed in the framework of the general CP-violating two-Higgs-doublet model, where we find that the CP-violating mixing angles can be related to the Higgs self-couplings. Therefore, the future experimental searches for Higgs boson pairs can be constrained by the improved precision of the electric dipole moment measurements. Based on a series of constraints of the SM-like Higgs boson signal fits, the perturbative unitarity and stability bounds to the Higgs potential, and the most recent LHC searches for heavy Higgs bosons, we suggest a set of benchmark models for the future high-energy collider searches for Higgs pair production. The e+e- colliders operating at s = (500GeV,1 TeV) are capable of measuring the Higgs cubic self-couplings of the benchmark models directly. We also estimate the cross sections of the resonance contributions to the Higgs pair productions for the benchmark models at the future LHC and SppC/FCC-hh runs.

  18. Electroweak Higgs production with HiggsPO at NLO QCD (United States)

    Greljo, Admir; Isidori, Gino; Lindert, Jonas M.; Marzocca, David; Zhang, Hantian


    We present the HiggsPO UFO model for Monte Carlo event generation of electroweak VH and VBF Higgs production processes at NLO in QCD in the formalism of Higgs pseudo-observables (PO). We illustrate the use of this tool by studying the QCD corrections, matched to a parton shower, for several benchmark points in the Higgs PO parameter space. We find that, while being sizable and thus important to be considered in realistic experimental analyses, the QCD higher-order corrections largely factorize. As an additional finding, based on the NLO results, we advocate to consider 2D distributions of the two-jet azimuthal-angle difference and the leading jet p_T for new physics searches in VBF Higgs production. The HiggsPO UFO model is publicly available.

  19. Electroweak Higgs production with HiggsPO at NLO QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greljo, Admir; Isidori, Gino; Zhang, Hantian; Lindert, Jonas M.; Marzocca, David


    We present the HiggsPO UFO model for Monte Carlo event generation of electroweak VH and VBF Higgs production processes at NLO in QCD in the formalism of Higgs pseudo-observables (PO). We illustrate the use of this tool by studying the QCD corrections, matched to a parton shower, for several benchmark points in the Higgs PO parameter space. We find that, while being sizable and thus important to be considered in realistic experimental analyses, the QCD higher-order corrections largely factorize. As an additional finding, based on the NLO results, we advocate to consider 2D distributions of the two-jet azimuthal-angle difference and the leading jet p T for new physics searches in VBF Higgs production. The HiggsPO UFO model is publicly available. (orig.)

  20. Electroweak Higgs production with HiggsPO at NLO QCD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Greljo, Admir [Universitaet Zuerich, Physik-Institut, Zurich (Switzerland); Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz, PRISMA Cluster of Excellence and Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Mainz (Germany); University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science, Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Isidori, Gino; Zhang, Hantian [Universitaet Zuerich, Physik-Institut, Zurich (Switzerland); Lindert, Jonas M. [Durham University, Department of Physics, Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham (United Kingdom); Marzocca, David [Universitaet Zuerich, Physik-Institut, Zurich (Switzerland); INFN, Sezione di Trieste(Italy); SISSA, Trieste (Italy)


    We present the HiggsPO UFO model for Monte Carlo event generation of electroweak VH and VBF Higgs production processes at NLO in QCD in the formalism of Higgs pseudo-observables (PO). We illustrate the use of this tool by studying the QCD corrections, matched to a parton shower, for several benchmark points in the Higgs PO parameter space. We find that, while being sizable and thus important to be considered in realistic experimental analyses, the QCD higher-order corrections largely factorize. As an additional finding, based on the NLO results, we advocate to consider 2D distributions of the two-jet azimuthal-angle difference and the leading jet p{sub T} for new physics searches in VBF Higgs production. The HiggsPO UFO model is publicly available. (orig.)

  1. The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material; Proteccion Fisica Delos Materiales Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Physical protection against the theft or unauthorized diversion of nuclear materials and against the sabotage of nuclear facilities by individuals or groups has long been a matter of national and international concern. Although responsibility for establishing and operating a comprehensive physical protection system for nuclear materials and facilities within a State rests entirely with the Government of that State, it is not a matter of indifference to other States whether and to what extent that responsibility is fulfilled. Physical protection has therefore become a matter of international concern and co-operation. The need for international cooperation becomes evident in situations where the effectiveness of physical protection in one State depends on the taking by other States also of adequate measures to deter or defeat hostile actions against nuclear facilities and materials, particularly when such materials are transported across national frontiers [French] La proteccion fisica contra el robo o la desviacion no autorizada de materiales nucleares y contra el sabotaje de las instalaciones nucleares por parte de individuos o de grupos ha sido durante largo tiempo motivo de preocupacion nacional e internacional. Aunque la obligacion de crear y hacer funcionar un sistema completo de proteccion fisica para las instalaciones y materiales nucleares en el territorio de un Estado determinado incumbe enteramente al Gobierno de dicho Estado, el que esa obligacion se cumpla o no, y si se cumple, en que medida o hasta que punto, es cosa que no deja indiferentes a los demas Estados. De aqui que la proteccion fisica se haya convertido en motivo de interes y cooperacion internacional. La necesidad de cooperacion internacional se hace evidente en los casos en que la eficacia de la proteccion fisica en el territorio de un Estado depende de que otros Estados tomen tambien medidas apropiadas para evitar o hacer fracasar los actos hostiles dirigidos contra instalaciones y

  2. SM Higgs decay branching ratios and total Higgs width

    CERN Multimedia

    Daniel Denegri


    Upper: Higgs decay ratios as a function of Higgs mass. The largest branching ratio is not necessarily the most usefull one. The most usefull ones are gamma gamma bbar ZZ and WW as in those modes latter signal to background ratios can be achieved. Lower: Total Higgs decay width versus Higgs mass. At low masses the natural width is extremely small, thus observability depends on instrumental resolution primarily.

  3. Invisible Higgs decays from Higgs-graviscalar mixing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dominici, Daniele; Gunion, John F.


    We recompute the invisible Higgs decay width arising from Higgs-graviscalar mixing in the Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali model, comparing the original derivation in the nondiagonal mass basis to that in a diagonal mass basis. The results obtained are identical (and differ by a factor of 2 from the original calculation) but the diagonal-basis derivation is pedagogically useful for clarifying the physics of the invisible width from mixing. We emphasize that both derivations make it clear that a direct scan in energy for a process such as WW→WW mediated by Higgs plus graviscalar intermediate resonances would follow a single Breit-Wigner form with total width given by Γ tot =Γ h SM +Γ invisible . We also compute the additional contributions to the invisible width due to direct Higgs to graviscalar-pair decays. We find that the invisible width due to the latter is relatively small, unless the Higgs mass is comparable to or larger than the effective extra-dimensional Planck mass.

  4. Can the 125 GeV Higgs be the Little Higgs?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reuter, J.; Tonini, M


    After the discovery of the Higgs-like boson by the LHC 2012 it is the most important task to check whether this new particle is the Standard Model Higgs boson or something else. In this paper, we study whether the 125 GeV boson could be the pseudo- Goldstone boson of Little Higgs models. We derive limits on the parameter space of several Little Higgs models (simple group and product group models, with and without T-parity), both from the experimental data from ATLAS and CMS about the different Higgs discovery channel and the electroweak precision observables. We perform a fit of several Little Higgs models to all electroweak parameters from measurements of SLC, LEP, Tevatron, and LHC. For the Higgs searches, we include all available data from the summer conferences 2012 as well as the update from December 2012.

  5. Sperimentare e simulare la fisica attraverso la manipolazione e l’uso di tecnologie didattiche

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eugenia Lucia Bossio


    Full Text Available Nell'ambito di una ricerca volta a investigare la possibilità di presentare la teoria del caos, un tema della fisica assai ostico per i non specialisti, a studenti di scuole medie e superiori, sono stati sviluppati e raccolti una serie di materiali didattici. Il presente lavoro descrive gli strumenti utilizzati per le sperimentazioni nelle scuole descritte in un altro articolo1 contenuto in questo stesso numero della rivista. Le tematiche scientifiche sono state poste sotto una veste accattivante al fine di suscitare curiosità. Si è provveduto, inoltre, a strutturare i materiali didattici in maniera da proporre dei percorsi formativi poliedrici e diversificati anche tramite l'uso delle tecnologie informatiche. Lo sviluppo e la raccolta di applicativi multimediali, facilmente reperibili in rete, ha contribuito alla realizzazione di un pacchetto di strumenti che, nel suo insieme, consente un’applicazione didattica efficace realizzata più volte nel corso delle sperimentazioni compiute presso le scuole. Nel seguito saranno descritti gli elementi elettrici ed elettronici per la costruzione di un circuito elettronico che mostra un comportamento caotico e le varie operazioni necessarie per realizzarlo, gli strumenti informatici utili per la visualizzazione, su di un calcolatore, del segnale di tensione prodotto dal circuito, infine, i diversi software attraverso cui è possibile realizzare la simulazione del circuito elettronico e la visualizzazione delle traiettorie caotiche. Sono presentati, infine, i test di verifica e alcuni altri materiali didattici utilizzati durante le sperimentazioni già realizzate.

  6. Trilinear Higgs couplings in the two Higgs doublet model with CP violation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osland, Per; Pandita, P. N.; Selbuz, Levent


    We carry out a detailed analysis of the general two Higgs doublet model with CP violation. We describe two different parametrizations of this model, and then study the Higgs boson masses and the trilinear Higgs couplings for these two parametrizations. Within a rather general model, we find that the trilinear Higgs couplings have a significant dependence on the details of the model, even when the lightest Higgs boson mass is taken to be a fixed parameter. We include radiative corrections in the one-loop effective potential approximation in our analysis of the Higgs boson masses and the Higgs trilinear couplings. The one-loop corrections to the trilinear couplings of the two Higgs doublet model also depend significantly on the details of the model, and can be rather large. We study quantitatively the trilinear Higgs couplings, and show that these couplings are typically several times larger than the corresponding standard model trilinear Higgs coupling in some regions of the parameter space. We also briefly discuss the decoupling limit of the two Higgs doublet model.

  7. Status of the charged Higgs boson in two Higgs doublet models (United States)

    Arbey, A.; Mahmoudi, F.; Stål, O.; Stefaniak, T.


    The existence of charged Higgs boson(s) is inevitable in models with two (or more) Higgs doublets. Hence, their discovery would constitute unambiguous evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). Taking into account all relevant results from direct charged and neutral Higgs boson searches at LEP and the LHC, as well as the most recent constraints from flavour physics, we present a detailed analysis of the current phenomenological status of the charged Higgs sector in a variety of well-motivated two Higgs doublet models (2HDMs). We find that charged Higgs bosons as light as 75 GeV can still be compatible with the combined data, although this implies severely suppressed charged Higgs couplings to all fermions. In more popular models, e.g. the 2HDM of Type II, we find that flavour physics observables impose a combined lower limit on the charged Higgs mass of M_{H^± } ≳ 600 GeV - independent of tan β - which increases to M_{H^± } ≳ 650 GeV for tan β < 1. We furthermore find that in certain scenarios, the signature of a charged Higgs boson decaying into a lighter neutral Higgs boson and a W boson provides a promising experimental avenue that would greatly complement the existing LHC search programme for charged Higgs boson(s).

  8. Status of the charged Higgs boson in two Higgs doublet models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arbey, A.; Mahmoudi, F.; Stefaniak, T.; Staal, O.


    The existence of charged Higgs boson(s) is inevitable in models with two (or more) Higgs doublets. Hence, their discovery would constitute unambiguous evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). Taking into account all relevant results from direct charged and neutral Higgs boson searches at LEP and the LHC, as well as the most recent constraints from flavour physics, we present a detailed analysis of the current phenomenological status of the charged Higgs sector in a variety of well-motivated two Higgs doublet models (2HDMs). We find that charged Higgs bosons as light as 75 GeV can still be compatible with the combined data, although this implies severely suppressed charged Higgs couplings to all fermions. In more popular models, e.g. the 2HDM of Type II, we find that flavour physics observables impose a combined lower limit on the charged Higgs mass of M H ± > or similar 600 GeV - independent of tan β - which increases to M H ± > or similar 650 GeV for tan β < 1. We furthermore find that in certain scenarios, the signature of a charged Higgs boson decaying into a lighter neutral Higgs boson and a W boson provides a promising experimental avenue that would greatly complement the existing LHC search programme for charged Higgs boson(s). (orig.)

  9. ILC Higgs White Paper

    CERN Document Server

    Asner, D.M.; Calancha, C.; Fujii, K.; Graf, N.; Haber, H.E.; Ishikawa, A.; Kanemura, S.; Kawada, S.; Kurata, M.; Miyamoto, A.; Neal, H.; Ono, H.; Potter, C.; Strube, J.; Suehara, T.; Tanabe, T.; Tian, J.; Tsumura, J.; Watanuki, S.; Weiglein, G.; Yagyu, K.; Yokoya, H.


    The ILC Higgs White Paper is a review of Higgs Boson theory and experiment at the International Linear Collider (ILC). Theory topics include the Standard Model Higgs, the two-Higgs doublet model, alternative approaches to electroweak symmetry breaking, and precision goals for Higgs boson experiments. Experimental topics include the measurement of the Higgs cross section times branching ratio for various Higgs decay modes at ILC center of mass energies of 250, 500, and 1000 GeV, and the extraction of Higgs couplings and the total Higgs width from these measurements. Luminosity scenarios based on the ILC TDR machine design are used throughout. The gamma-gamma collider option at the ILC is also discussed.

  10. Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs Properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heinemeyer, S; et al.


    This Report summarizes the results of the activities in 2012 and the first half of 2013 of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group. The main goal of the working group was to present the state of the art of Higgs Physics at the LHC, integrating all new results that have appeared in the last few years. This report follows the first working group report Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 1. Inclusive Observables (CERN-2011-002) and the second working group report Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 2. Differential Distributions (CERN-2012-002). After the discovery of a Higgs boson at the LHC in mid-2012 this report focuses on refined prediction of Standard Model (SM) Higgs phenomenology around the experimentally observed value of 125-126 GeV, refined predictions for heavy SM-like Higgs bosons as well as predictions in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and first steps to go beyond these models. The other main focus is on the extraction of the characteristics and properties of the newly discovered particle such as couplings to SM particles, spin and CP-quantum numbers etc.

  11. Introduzione al laboratorio di fisica misure e teoria delle incertezze

    CERN Document Server

    Ciullo, Giuseppe


    Frutto dell'esperienza decennale come supporto per la didattica di laboratori di fisica sia a livello di corsi triennali che di corsi di laurea magistrale, il libro si è concretizzato nella "responsabilità" di tali corsi di laboratorio per fornire un opera di utilizzo dei vari strumenti, che un approccio sperimentale alla fisica richiede. Si parte dalla descrizione delle problematiche delle incertezze in modo operativo e si introducono i concetti fondamentali per l'analisi dei dati e la misura. Invece di una serie dispersiva di testi, con approcci, convenzioni e simbolismi differenti, poco fruibili per l'applicazione diretta ad un laboratorio dei primi anni, il libro fornisce le indicazioni utili per affrontare lo studio dei fenomeni fisici in modo immediato, fornendo anche indicazioni rigorose e giustificazioni teoriche. Lo stimolo teorico-pratico, che uno sperimentale-scienziato deve percepire, non esula dal comprendere problematiche di maggiore approfondimento. L'opera rende fruibili concetti e strumenti...

  12. Higgs CAT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Passarino, Giampiero [Universita di Torino, Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica, Turin (Italy); INFN, Sezione di Torino, Turin (Italy)


    Higgs Computed Axial Tomography, an excerpt. The Higgs boson lineshape (..and the devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape, Hamlet, Act II, scene 2) is analyzed for the gg → ZZ process, with special emphasis on the off-shell tail which shows up for large values of the Higgs virtuality. The effect of including background and interference is also discussed. The main focus of this work is on residual theoretical uncertainties, discussing how much-improved constraint on the Higgs intrinsic width can be revealed by an improved approach to analysis. (orig.)

  13. Higgs CAT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Passarino, Giampiero


    Higgs Computed Axial Tomography, an excerpt. The Higgs boson lineshape (..and the devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape, Hamlet, Act II, scene 2) is analyzed for the gg → ZZ process, with special emphasis on the off-shell tail which shows up for large values of the Higgs virtuality. The effect of including background and interference is also discussed. The main focus of this work is on residual theoretical uncertainties, discussing how much-improved constraint on the Higgs intrinsic width can be revealed by an improved approach to analysis. (orig.)

  14. Espana entra en un programa de fisica rechazado por los cientificos

    CERN Multimedia

    Rivera, A


    "El Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia (MCyT) anuncio ayer la aprobacion de un acuerdo de colaboracion con el Laboratorio Europeo de Fisica de Particulas (CERN), junto a Ginebra, para un programa de investigacion de neutrinos (CNGS)" (1 page).

  15. Un modelo didáctico para comprender el bosón de Higgs como parte del modelo estándar de partículas elementales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jonás Valencia Carrillo


    Full Text Available Se explica de forma didáctica, accesible para profesores que imparten los cursos de física moderna básica, el mecanismo del rompimiento espontáneo de la sime - tría con la presencia de un campo de Higgs. Para conseguir este objetivo, se desarrolla un modelo matemático basado en el comportamiento de resortes que obedecen a las leyes del oscilador armónico simple y con la presencia de cargas que oscilan junto con éstos. Como resultado, se obtiene que la luz emitida por las cargas oscilantes, los fotones, duplican su masa cuando los resortes se deforman más allá de su límite elástico debido a la presencia de una fuerza externa que rompe la simetría inicial del sistema.

  16. Higgs physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rindani, Saurabh D.


    Higgs physics is at present poised at an interesting juncture, when a light Higgs boson of the standard model (henceforth to be referred to as SM), a spin-zero particle which would signal spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking in the simplest form, has not been seen until the conclusion of experiments at LEP and LEP2 electron-positron collider at CERN, Geneva. From a theoretical point of view, the developments until the present time are complex and interesting. While some of the basic principles underlying spontaneous symmetry breaking of gauge symmetry and the Higgs mechanism are now commonly known, the actual realization of this mechanism in nature is still a subject of investigation. The mass of the SM Higgs boson is an unknown parameter and the phenomenology is sensitively dependent on the mass. Thus the properties and discovery strategies for the Higgs vary greatly depending on the supposed mass, and the phenomenology rapidly gets complex as the range of the Higgs mass is increased. Branching rations for various channels and the total decay width are shown as a function of the Higgs mass. We can get the total width of the Higgs by adding up all the decay channels. Up to masses of about 140 GeV, the Higgs is very narrow, Γ(H) H ∼ 200 GeV. The width cannot be measured directly in the intermediate mass region at LHC or e + e - colliders. However, it could be measured at μ + μ - colliders. Above a mass of about 250 GeV, the state is wide enough to be observable, in general. Above the two-vector-boson threshold, the width is Γ(H) ∼ 1/2m H 3 (TeV). For m H ∼ 1 TeV, Γ H ∼ 1/2 TeV. (author)

  17. HiggsSignals. Confronting arbitrary Higgs sectors with measurements at the Tevatron and the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bechtle, Philip [Bonn Univ. (Germany). Physikalisches Inst.; Heinemeyer, Sven [Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Santander (Spain); Staal, Oscar [Stockholm Univ. (Sweden). The Oskar Klein Centre; Stefaniak, Tim [Bonn Univ. (Germany). Physikalisches Inst.; Bonn Univ. (Germany). Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics; Weiglein, Georg [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany)


    HiggsSignals is a Fortran90 computer code that allows to test the compatibility of Higgs sector predictions against Higgs rates and masses measured at the LHC or the Tevatron. Arbitrary models with any number of Higgs bosons can be investigated using a model-independent input scheme based on HiggsBounds. The test is based on the calculation of a {chi}{sup 2} measure from the predictions and the measured Higgs rates and masses, with the ability of fully taking into account systematics and correlations for the signal rate predictions, luminosity and Higgs mass predictions. It features two complementary methods for the test. First, the peak-centered method, in which each observable is defined by a Higgs signal rate measured at a specific hypothetical Higgs mass, corresponding to a tentative Higgs signal. Second, the mass-centered method, where the test is evaluated by comparing the signal rate measurement to the theory prediction at the Higgs mass predicted by the model. The program allows for the simultaneous use of both methods, which is useful in testing models with multiple Higgs bosons. The code automatically combines the signal rates of multiple Higgs bosons if their signals cannot be resolved by the experimental analysis. We compare results obtained with HiggsSignals to official ATLAS and CMS results for various examples of Higgs property determinations and find very good agreement. A few examples of HiggsSignals applications are provided, going beyond the scenarios investigated by the LHC collaborations. For models with more than one Higgs boson we recommend to use HiggsSignals and HiggsBounds in parallel to exploit the full constraining power of Higgs search exclusion limits and the measurements of the signal seen at m{sub H} {approx} 125.5 GeV.

  18. Phenomenology of Higgs particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarlskog, C.; Stockholm Univ.


    These lecture notes are organized as follows: 1. Introduction, 2. Interactions and decay modes of the Standard Higgs phisub(O), 3. Nonstandard Higgs multiplets, 4. Upper limits on the Higgs mass, 5. Lower limits on the Higgs mass, 6. Production mechanisms for the Standard Higgs, 7. Outlook. (orig.)

  19. A tale of twin Higgs: natural twin two Higgs doublet models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Jiang-Hao


    In original twin Higgs model, vacuum misalignment between electroweak and new physics scales is realized by adding explicit ℤ 2 breaking term. Introducing additional twin Higgs could accommodate spontaneous ℤ 2 breaking, which explains origin of this misalignment. We introduce a class of twin two Higgs doublet models with most general scalar potential, and discuss general conditions which trigger electroweak and ℤ 2 symmetry breaking. Various scenarios on realising the vacuum misalignment are systematically discussed in a natural composite two Higgs double model framework: explicit ℤ 2 breaking, radiative ℤ 2 breaking, tadpole-induced ℤ 2 breaking, and quartic-induced ℤ 2 breaking. We investigate the Higgs mass spectra and Higgs phenomenology in these scenarios.

  20. The Higgs-strahlung and double Higgs-strahlung production in the left-right twin Higgs model at the ILC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yao-Bei, Liu; Hong-Mei, Han; Xue-Lei, Wang


    The Higgs-strahlung process e + e - → ZH and the double Higgs-strahlung process e + e - → ZHH are very important for studying Higgs boson properties and the Higgs self-coupling in the high-energy e + e - collider (ILC). We calculate the contributions of the left-right twin Higgs (LRTH) model to these processes and find that, in the favorable parameter spaces, the LRTH model can generate significant corrections to the production cross-section of these processes. We expect that the possible signals of the LRTH model can be detected via these processes in the future ILC experiments. (authors)

  1. Distinguishing a SM-like MSSM Higgs boson from SM Higgs boson ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    We explore the possibility of distinguishing the SM-like MSSM Higgs boson from the SM Higgs boson via Higgs boson pair production at future muon collider. We study the behavior of the production cross-section in SM and MSSM with Higgs boson mass for various MSSM parameters tan and A. We observe that at fixed ...

  2. Unitarizing Higgs Inflation

    CERN Document Server

    Giudice, Gian F


    We consider a simple extension of the Standard Model Higgs inflation with one new real scalar field which preserves unitarity up to the Planck scale. The new scalar field (called sigma) completes in the ultraviolet the theory of Higgs inflation by linearizing the Higgs kinetic term in the Einstein frame, just as the non-linear sigma model is unitarized into its linear version. The unitarity cutoff of the effective theory, obtained by integrating out the sigma field, varies with the background value of the Higgs field. In our setup, both the Higgs field and the sigma field participate in the inflationary dynamics, following the flat direction of the potential. We obtain the same slow-roll parameters and spectral index as in the original Higgs inflation but we find that the Hubble rate during inflation depends not only on the Higgs self-coupling, but also on the unknown couplings of the sigma field.

  3. Unitarizing Higgs inflation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giudice, Gian F.; Lee, Hyun Min


    We consider a simple extension of the Standard Model Higgs inflation with one new real scalar field which preserves unitarity up to the Planck scale. The new scalar field (called sigma) completes in the ultraviolet the theory of Higgs inflation by linearizing the Higgs kinetic term in the Einstein frame, just as the non-linear sigma model is unitarized into its linear version. The unitarity cutoff of the effective theory, obtained by integrating out the sigma field, varies with the background value of the Higgs field. In our setup, both the Higgs field and the sigma field participate in the inflationary dynamics, following the flat direction of the potential. We obtain the same slow-roll parameters and spectral index as in the original Higgs inflation but we find that the Hubble rate during inflation depends not only on the Higgs self-coupling, but also on the unknown couplings of the sigma field.

  4. A tale of twin Higgs: natural twin two Higgs doublet models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Jiang-Hao [Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions, Department of Physics,University of Massachusetts Amherst,710 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA 01002 (United States)


    In original twin Higgs model, vacuum misalignment between electroweak and new physics scales is realized by adding explicit ℤ{sub 2} breaking term. Introducing additional twin Higgs could accommodate spontaneous ℤ{sub 2} breaking, which explains origin of this misalignment. We introduce a class of twin two Higgs doublet models with most general scalar potential, and discuss general conditions which trigger electroweak and ℤ{sub 2} symmetry breaking. Various scenarios on realising the vacuum misalignment are systematically discussed in a natural composite two Higgs double model framework: explicit ℤ{sub 2} breaking, radiative ℤ{sub 2} breaking, tadpole-induced ℤ{sub 2} breaking, and quartic-induced ℤ{sub 2} breaking. We investigate the Higgs mass spectra and Higgs phenomenology in these scenarios.

  5. 125 GeV Higgs boson mass from 5D gauge-Higgs unification (United States)

    Carson, Jason; Okada, Nobuchika


    In the context of a simple gauge-Higgs unification (GHU) scenario based on the gauge group SU(3)×U(1)^' in a 5D flat space-time, we investigate the possibility of reproducing the observed Higgs boson mass of around 125 GeV. We introduce bulk fermion multiplets with a bulk mass and a (half-)periodic boundary condition. In our analysis, we adopt a low-energy effective theoretical approach of the GHU scenario, where the running Higgs quartic coupling is required to vanish at the compactification scale. Under this "gauge-Higgs condition," we investigate the renormalization group evolution of the Higgs quartic coupling and find a relation between the bulk mass and the compactification scale so as to reproduce the 125 GeV Higgs boson mass. Through quantum corrections at the one-loop level, the bulk fermions contribute to the Higgs boson production and decay processes and deviate the Higgs boson signal strengths at the Large Hadron Collider experiments from the Standard Model (SM) predictions. Employing the current experimental data that show that the Higgs boson signal strengths for a variety of Higgs decay modes are consistent with the SM predictions, we obtain lower mass bounds on the lightest mode of the bulk fermions to be around 1 TeV.

  6. Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs Properties Report of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group

    CERN Document Server

    Heinemeyer, S; Passarino, G; Tanaka, R; Andersen, J R; Artoisenet, P; Bagnaschi, E A; Banfi, A; Becher, T; Bernlochner, F U; Bolognesi, S; Bolzoni, P; Boughezal, R; Buarque, D; Campbell, J; Caola, F; Carena, M; Cascioli, F; Chanon, N; Cheng, T; Choi, S Y; David, A; de Aquino, P; Degrassi, G; Del Re, D; Denner, A; van Deurzen, H; Diglio, S; Di Micco, B; Di Nardo, R; Dittmaier, S; Dührssen, M; Ellis, R K; Ferrera, G; Fidanza, N; Flechl, M; de Florian, D; Forte, S; Frederix, R; Frixione, S; Gangal, S; Gao, Y; Garzelli, M V; Gillberg, D; Govoni, P; Grazzini, M; Greiner, N; Griffiths, J; Gritsan, A V; Grojean, C; Hall, D C; Hays, C; Harlander, R; Hernandez-Pinto, R; Höche, S; Huston, J; Jubb, T; Kadastik, M; Kallweit, S; Kardos, A; Kashif, L; Kauer, N; Kim, H; Klees, R; Krämer, M; Krauss, F; Laureys, A; Laurila, S; Lehti, S; Li, Q; Liebler, S; Liu, X; Logan, E; Luisoni, G; Malberti, M; Maltoni, F; Mawatari, K; Maierhoefer, F; Mantler, H; Martin, S; Mastrolia, P; Mattelaer, O; Mazzitelli, J; Mellado, B; Melnikov, K; Meridiani, P; Miller, D J; Mirabella, E; Moch, S O; Monni, P; Moretti, N; Mück, A; Mühlleitner, M; Musella, P; Nason, P; Neu, C; Neubert, M; Oleari, C; Olsen, J; Ossola, G; Peraro, T; Peters, K; Petriello, F; Piacquadio, G; Potter, C T; Pozzorini, S; Prokofiev, K; Puljak, I; Rauch, M; Rebuzzi, D; Reina, L; Rietkerk, R; Rizzi, A; Rotstein-Habarnau, Y; Salam, G P; Sborlini, G; Schissler, F; Schönherr, M; Schulze, M; Schumacher, M; Siegert, F; Slavich, P; Smillie, J M; Stål, O; von Soden-Fraunhofen, J F; Spira, M; Stewart, I W; Tackmann, F J; Taylor, P T E; Tommasini, D; Thompson, J; Thorne, R S; Torrielli, P; Tramontano, F; Tran, N V; Trócsányi, Z; Ubiali, M; Vazquez Acosta, M; Vickey, T; Vicini, A; Waalewijn, W J; Wackeroth, D; Wagner, C; Walsh, J R; Wang, J; Weiglein, G; Whitbeck, A; Williams, C; Yu, J; Zanderighi, G; Zanetti, M; Zaro, M; Zerwas, P M; Zhang, C; Zirke, T J E; Zuberi, S


    This Report summarizes the results of the activities in 2012 and the first half of 2013 of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group. The main goal of the working group was to present the state of the art of Higgs Physics at the LHC, integrating all new results that have appeared in the last few years. This report follows the first working group report Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 1. Inclusive Observables (CERN-2011-002) and the second working group report Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 2. Differential Distributions (CERN-2012-002). After the discovery of a Higgs boson at the LHC in mid-2012 this report focuses on refined prediction of Standard Model (SM) Higgs phenomenology around the experimentally observed value of 125-126 GeV, refined predictions for heavy SM-like Higgs bosons as well as predictions in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and first steps to go beyond these models. The other main focus is on the extraction of the characteristics and properties of the newly discovered p...

  7. Higgs boson production and decay in little Higgs models with T-parity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, C.-R.; Tobe, Kazuhiro; Yuan, C.-P.


    We study Higgs boson production and decay in a certain class of little Higgs models with T-parity in which some T-parity partners of the Standard Model (SM) fermions gain their masses through Yukawa-type couplings. We find that the Higgs boson production cross section of a 120 GeV Higgs boson at the CERN LHC via gg fusion process at one-loop level could be reduced by about 45%, 35% and 20%, as compared to its SM prediction, for a relatively low new particle mass scale f=600, 700 and 1000 GeV, respectively. On the other hand, the weak boson fusion cross section is close to the SM value. Furthermore, the Higgs boson decay branching ratio into di-photon mode can be enhanced by about 35% in small Higgs mass region in certain case, for the total decay width of Higgs boson in the little Higgs model is always smaller than that in the SM

  8. Higgs mass bounds from a chirally invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model with overlap fermions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerhold, Philipp; Kallarackal, Jim


    We study the parameter dependence of the Higgs mass in a chirally invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model emulating the same Higgs-fermion coupling structure as in the Higgs sector of the electroweak Standard Model. Eventually, the aim is to establish upper and lower Higgs mass bounds. Here we present our preliminary results on the lower Higgs mass bound at several selected values for the cutoff and give a brief outlook towards the upper Higgs mass bound. (orig.)

  9. Higgs results from ATLAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Xin


    The updated Higgs measurements in various search channels with ATLAS Run 1 data are reviewed. Both the Standard Model (SM) Higgs results, such as H → γγ, ZZ, WW, ττ, μμ, bb-bar, and Beyond Standard Model (BSM) results, such as the charged Higgs, Higgs invisible decay and tensor couplings, are summarized. Prospects for future Higgs searches are briefly discussed

  10. The Higgs Boson. (United States)

    Veltman, Martinus J. G.


    Reports recent findings related to the particle Higgs boson and examines its possible contribution to the standard mode of elementary processes. Critically explores the strengths and uncertainties of the Higgs boson and proposed Higgs field. (ML)

  11. Corrections to di-Higgs boson production with light stops and modified Higgs couplings (United States)

    Huang, Peisi; Joglekar, Aniket; Li, Min; Wagner, Carlos E. M.


    The Higgs pair production in gluon fusion is a sensitive probe of beyond-standard model (BSM) phenomena and its detection is a major goal for the LHC and higher energy hadron collider experiments. In this work we reanalyze the possible modifications of the Higgs pair production cross section within low energy supersymmetry models. We show that the supersymmetric contributions to the Higgs pair production cross section are strongly correlated with the ones of the single Higgs production in the gluon fusion channel. Motivated by the analysis of ATLAS and CMS Higgs production data, we show that the scalar superpartners' contributions may lead to significant modification of the di-Higgs production rate and invariant mass distribution with respect to the SM predictions. We also analyze the combined effects on the di-Higgs production rate of a modification of the Higgs trilinear and top-quark Yukawa couplings in the presence of light stops. In particular, we show that due to the destructive interference of the triangle and box amplitude contributions to the di-Higgs production cross section, even a small modification of the top-quark Yukawa coupling can lead to a significant increase of the di-Higgs production rate.

  12. Higgs pair production at NLO QCD for CP-violating Higgs sectors (United States)

    Gröber, R.; Mühlleitner, M.; Spira, M.


    Higgs pair production through gluon fusion is an important process at the LHC to test the dynamics underlying electroweak symmetry breaking. Higgs sectors beyond the Standard Model (SM) can substantially modify this cross section through novel couplings not present in the SM or the on-shell production of new heavy Higgs bosons that subsequently decay into Higgs pairs. CP violation in the Higgs sector is important for the explanation of the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry through electroweak baryogenesis. In this work we compute the next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD corrections in the heavy top quark limit, including the effects of CP violation in the Higgs sector. We choose the effective theory (EFT) approach, which provides a rather model-independent way to explore New Physics (NP) effects by adding dimension-6 operators, both CP-conserving and CP-violating ones, to the SM Lagrangian. Furthermore, we perform the computation within a specific UV-complete model and choose as benchmark model the general 2-Higgs-Doublet Model with CP violation, the C2HDM. Depending on the dimension-6 coefficients, the relative NLO QCD corrections are affected by several per cent through the new CP-violating operators. This is also the case for SM-like Higgs pair production in the C2HDM, while the relative QCD corrections in the production of heavier C2HDM Higgs boson pairs deviate more strongly from the SM case. The absolute cross sections both in the EFT and the C2HDM can be modified by more than an order of magnitude. In particular, in the C2HDM the resonant production of Higgs pairs can by far exceed the SM cross section.

  13. Searching for additional Higgs bosons via Higgs cascades (United States)

    Gao, Christina; Luty, Markus A.; Mulhearn, Michael; Neill, Nicolás A.; Wang, Zhangqier


    The discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider strongly motivates direct searches for additional Higgs bosons. In a type I two Higgs doublet model there is a large region of parameter space at tan β ≳5 that is currently unconstrained experimentally. We show that the process g g →H →A Z →Z Z h can probe this region, and can be the discovery mode for an extended Higgs sector at the LHC. We analyze 9 promising decay modes for the Z Z h state, and we find that the most sensitive final states are ℓℓℓℓb b , ℓℓj j b b , ℓℓν ν γ γ and ℓℓℓℓ+ missing energy.

  14. Higgs and confinement phases in the fundamental SU(2) Higgs model: Mean field analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Damgaard, P.H.; Heller, U.M.


    The phase diagram of the four-dimensional SU(2) gauge-Higgs model with Higgs field in the fundamental representation is derived by mean field techniques. When the Higgs field is allowed to fluctuate in. Magnitude, the analytic connection between Higgs and confinement phases breaks down for sufficiently small values of the quark Higgs coupling, indicating that the Higgs and confinement phases for these couplings are strictly distinct phases. (orig.)

  15. Higgs properties and decays, searches for high mass Higgs boson and di-Higgs production

    CERN Document Server

    Cadamuro, Luca


    The study of the scalar sector of the standard model of particle physics is one of the main goals of the LHC physics programme.A precise characterisation of the Higgs boson, searches for extensions of the scalar sector, and the study of Higgs boson pair production are complementary in this exploration.This document describes the status of Higgs boson physics analyses performed by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations, focusing on the latest results from pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV recorded in 2016, for an integrated luminosity of about 36 fb-1.

  16. Higgs Boson Pizza Day

    CERN Document Server

    Stefania Pandolfi


    CERN celebrated the fourth anniversary of the historical Higgs boson announcement with special pizzas.    400 pizzas were served on Higgs pizza day in Restaurant 1 at CERN to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the announcement of the discovery of the Higgs Boson (Image: Maximilien Brice/ CERN) What do the Higgs boson and a pizza have in common? Pierluigi Paolucci, INFN and CMS collaboration member, together with INFN president Fernando Ferroni found out the answer one day in Naples: the pizza in front of them looked exactly like a Higgs boson event display. A special recipe was then created in collaboration with the chef of the historic “Ettore” pizzeria in the St. Lucia area of Naples, and two pizzas were designed to resemble two Higgs boson decay channel event displays. The “Higgs Boson Pizza Day” was held on Monday, 4 July 2016, on the fourth anniversary of the announcement of the discovery of the Higgs boso...

  17. Distinguishing a SM-like MSSM Higgs boson from SM Higgs boson ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The Higgs sector of the MSSM contains two scalar doublet fields leading to five ... At tree level, the masses and couplings of the MSSM Higgs bosons ..... J F Gunion, H E Haber, G Kane and S Dawson, The Higgs Hunters Guide (Addison-.

  18. Higgs physics at LHC


    Unal, G


    This is a review of Higgs physics at LHC. The topics covered are the search of the Standard Model Higgs boson (with emphasis on the low mass region), the measurements of the Higgs boson properties (mass, width, spin, CP and couplings) and the Higgs sector of the MSSM.

  19. Higgs pair production at NLO QCD for CP-violating Higgs sectors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Gröber


    Full Text Available Higgs pair production through gluon fusion is an important process at the LHC to test the dynamics underlying electroweak symmetry breaking. Higgs sectors beyond the Standard Model (SM can substantially modify this cross section through novel couplings not present in the SM or the on-shell production of new heavy Higgs bosons that subsequently decay into Higgs pairs. CP violation in the Higgs sector is important for the explanation of the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry through electroweak baryogenesis. In this work we compute the next-to-leading order (NLO QCD corrections in the heavy top quark limit, including the effects of CP violation in the Higgs sector. We choose the effective theory (EFT approach, which provides a rather model-independent way to explore New Physics (NP effects by adding dimension-6 operators, both CP-conserving and CP-violating ones, to the SM Lagrangian. Furthermore, we perform the computation within a specific UV-complete model and choose as benchmark model the general 2-Higgs-Doublet Model with CP violation, the C2HDM. Depending on the dimension-6 coefficients, the relative NLO QCD corrections are affected by several per cent through the new CP-violating operators. This is also the case for SM-like Higgs pair production in the C2HDM, while the relative QCD corrections in the production of heavier C2HDM Higgs boson pairs deviate more strongly from the SM case. The absolute cross sections both in the EFT and the C2HDM can be modified by more than an order of magnitude. In particular, in the C2HDM the resonant production of Higgs pairs can by far exceed the SM cross section.

  20. Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 4. Deciphering the Nature of the Higgs Sector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    de Florian, D. [National Univ. of San Martin, Buenos Aires (Argentina); et al.


    This Report summarizes the results of the activities of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group in the period 2014-2016. The main goal of the working group was to present the state-of-the-art of Higgs physics at the LHC, integrating all new results that have appeared in the last few years. The first part compiles the most up-to-date predictions of Higgs boson production cross sections and decay branching ratios, parton distribution functions, and off-shell Higgs boson production and interference effects. The second part discusses the recent progress in Higgs effective field theory predictions, followed by the third part on pseudo-observables, simplified template cross section and fiducial cross section measurements, which give the baseline framework for Higgs boson property measurements. The fourth part deals with the beyond the Standard Model predictions of various benchmark scenarios of Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, extended scalar sector, Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and exotic Higgs boson decays. This report follows three previous working-group reports: Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 1. Inclusive Observables (CERN-2011-002), Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 2. Differential Distributions (CERN-2012-002), and Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs properties (CERN-2013-004). The current report serves as the baseline reference for Higgs physics in LHC Run 2 and beyond.

  1. Generalized Higgs inflation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamada, Kohei [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Kobayashi, Tsutomu [Kyoto Univ. (Japan). Hakubi Center; Kyoto Univ. (Japan). Dept. of Physics; Takahashi, Tomo [Saga Univ. (Japan). Dept. of Physics; Yamaguchi, Masahide [Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan). Dept. of Physics; Yokoyama, Jun' ichi [Tokyo Univ. (JP). Research Center for the Early Universe (RESCEU); Tokyo Univ., Chiba (JP). Inst. for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU)


    We study Higgs inflation in the context of generalized G-inflation, i.e., the most general single-field inflation model with second-order field equations. The four variants of Higgs inflation proposed so far in the literature can be accommodated at one time in our framework. We also propose yet another class of Higgs inflation, the running Einstein inflation model, that can naturally arise from the generalized G-inflation framework. As a result, five Higgs inflation models in all should be discussed on an equal footing. Concise formulas for primordial fluctuations in these generalized Higgs inflation models are provided, which will be helpful to determine which model is favored from the future experiments and observations such as the Large Hadron Collider and the Planck satellite.

  2. The universal Higgs fit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Giardino, P. P.; Kannike, K.; Masina, I.


    We perform a state-of-the-art global fit to all Higgs data. We synthesise them into a 'universal' form, which allows to easily test any desired model. We apply the proposed methodology to extract from data the Higgs branching ratios, production cross sections, couplings and to analyse composite...... Higgs models, models with extra Higgs doublets, supersymmetry, extra particles in the loops, anomalous top couplings, and invisible Higgs decays into Dark Matter. Best fit regions lie around the Standard Model predictions and are well approximated by our 'universal' fit. Latest data exclude the dilaton...... as an alternative to the Higgs, and disfavour fits with negative Yukawa couplings. We derive for the first time the SM Higgs boson mass from the measured rates, rather than from the peak positions, obtaining M-h = 124.4 +/- 1.6 GeV....

  3. Higgs boson hunting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dawson, S.; Haber, H.E.; Rindani, S.D.


    This is the summary report of the Higgs Boson Working Group. We discuss a variety of search techniques for a Higgs boson which is lighter than the Z. The processes K → πH, η prime → ηH,Υ → Hγ and e + e - → ZH are examined with particular attention paid to theoretical uncertainties in the calculations. We also briefly examine new features of Higgs phenomenology in a model which contains Higgs triplets as well as the usual doublet of scalar fields. 33 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab

  4. Distinguishing a SM-like MSSM Higgs boson from SM Higgs boson at muon collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singhal, Jai Kumar; Singh, Sardar; Nagawat, Ashok K.


    We explore the possibility of distinguishing the SM-like MSSM Higgs boson from the SM Higgs boson via Higgs boson pair production at future muon collider. We study the behavior of the production cross-section in SM and MSSM with Higgs boson mass for various MSSM parameters tanβ and m A . We observe that at fixed CM energy, in the SM, the total cross-section increases with the increase in Higgs boson mass whereas this trend is reversed for the MSSM. The changes that occur for the MSSM in comparison to the SM predictions are quantified in terms of the relative percentage deviation in cross-section. The observed deviations in cross-section for different choices of Higgs boson masses suggest that the measurements of the cross-section could possibly distinguish the SM-like MSSM Higgs boson from the SM Higgs boson. (author)

  5. Can we distinguish an MSSM Higgs from a SM Higgs at a linear collider?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Logan, Heather E.


    We study the prospects for distinguishing the CP-even Higgs boson of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) from the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson by measuring its branching ratios at an e + e - linear collider. The regions of the M A -tan β plane in which an MSSM Higgs boson can be distinguished from the SM Higgs boson depend strongly upon the supersymmetric parameters that enter the radiative corrections to the Higgs mass matrix and the Higgs couplings to fermions. In some regions of parameter space it is possible to extract the supersymmetric correction to the relation between the b quark mass and its Yukawa coupling from Higgs branching ratio measurements

  6. Higgs Discovery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sannino, Francesco


    has been challenged by the discovery of a not-so-heavy Higgs-like state. I will therefore review the recent discovery \\cite{Foadi:2012bb} that the standard model top-induced radiative corrections naturally reduce the intrinsic non-perturbative mass of the composite Higgs state towards the desired...... via first principle lattice simulations with encouraging results. The new findings show that the recent naive claims made about new strong dynamics at the electroweak scale being disfavoured by the discovery of a not-so-heavy composite Higgs are unwarranted. I will then introduce the more speculative......I discuss the impact of the discovery of a Higgs-like state on composite dynamics starting by critically examining the reasons in favour of either an elementary or composite nature of this state. Accepting the standard model interpretation I re-address the standard model vacuum stability within...

  7. Probing the Higgs self coupling via single Higgs production at the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Degrassi, G. [Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università di Roma Tre andINFN, sezione di Roma Tre,Via della Vasca Navale 84, I-00146 Rome (Italy); Giardino, P.P. [Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory,20 Pennsylvania St., Upton NY 11742 (United States); Maltoni, F.; Pagani, D. [Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3),Université Catholique de Louvain,B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)


    We propose a method to determine the trilinear Higgs self coupling that is alternative to the direct measurement of Higgs pair production total cross sections and differential distributions. The method relies on the effects that electroweak loops featuring an anomalous trilinear coupling would imprint on single Higgs production at the LHC. We first calculate these contributions to all the phenomenologically relevant Higgs production (ggF, VBF, WH, ZH, tt̄H) and decay (γγ, WW{sup ∗}/ZZ{sup ∗}→4f, bb̄, ττ) modes at the LHC and then estimate the sensitivity to the trilinear coupling via a one-parameter fit to the single Higgs measurements at the LHC 8 TeV. We find that the bounds on the self coupling are already competitive with those from Higgs pair production and will be further improved in the current and next LHC runs.

  8. Holographic twin Higgs model. (United States)

    Geller, Michael; Telem, Ofri


    We present the first realization of a "twin Higgs" model as a holographic composite Higgs model. Uniquely among composite Higgs models, the Higgs potential is protected by a new standard model (SM) singlet elementary "mirror" sector at the sigma model scale f and not by the composite states at m_{KK}, naturally allowing for m_{KK} beyond the LHC reach. As a result, naturalness in our model cannot be constrained by the LHC, but may be probed by precision Higgs measurements at future lepton colliders, and by direct searches for Kaluza-Klein excitations at a 100 TeV collider.

  9. Holographic Twin Higgs Model (United States)

    Geller, Michael; Telem, Ofri


    We present the first realization of a "twin Higgs" model as a holographic composite Higgs model. Uniquely among composite Higgs models, the Higgs potential is protected by a new standard model (SM) singlet elementary "mirror" sector at the sigma model scale f and not by the composite states at mKK , naturally allowing for mKK beyond the LHC reach. As a result, naturalness in our model cannot be constrained by the LHC, but may be probed by precision Higgs measurements at future lepton colliders, and by direct searches for Kaluza-Klein excitations at a 100 TeV collider.

  10. Radiative corrections to the triple Higgs coupling in the inert Higgs doublet model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arhrib, Abdesslam; Benbrik, Rachid; Falaki, Jaouad El; Jueid, Adil


    We investigate the implication of the recent discovery of a Higgs-like particle in the first phase of the LHC Run 1 on the Inert Higgs Doublet Model (IHDM). The determination of the Higgs couplings to SM particles and its intrinsic properties will get improved during the new LHC Run 2 starting this year. The new LHC Run 2 would also shade some light on the triple Higgs coupling. Such measurement is very important in order to establish the details of the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism. Given the importance of the Higgs couplings both at the LHC and e + e − Linear Collider machines, accurate theoretical predictions are required. We study the radiative corrections to the triple Higgs coupling hhh and to hZZ, hWW couplings in the context of the IHDM. By combining several theoretical and experimental constraints on parameter space, we show that extra particles might modify the triple Higgs coupling near threshold regions. Finally, we discuss the effect of these corrections on the double Higgs production signal at the e + e − LC and show that they can be rather important.

  11. Future ATLAS Higgs Studies

    CERN Document Server

    Smart, Ben; The ATLAS collaboration


    The High-Luminosity LHC will prove a challenging environment to work in, with for example $=200$ expected. It will however also provide great opportunities for advancing studies of the Higgs boson. The ATLAS detector will be upgraded, and Higgs prospects analyses have been performed to assess the reach of ATLAS Higgs studies in the HL-LHC era. These analyses are presented, as are Run-2 ATLAS di-Higgs analyses for comparison.

  12. A Higgs-bozon

    CERN Document Server

    Dezso, Horvath


    A részecskefizika általánosan elfogadott és az elmúlt 40 év alatt sokszorosan igazolt elmélete, a standard modell valamennyi alkatrészét sikerült megfigyelni és tanulmányozni a Higgs-bozon kivételével. A CERN nagy hadronütköztetője (LHC), a világ legnagyobb részecskegyorsítója is elsősorban a Higgs-részecske kimutatására épült. 2012 közepére az LHC két óriási mérőberendezése, a sok ezer fizikus részvételével épült CMS és ATLAS megfigyelt egy - a Higgs-bozon elméletileg megjósolt tulajdonságaival rendelkező - új részecskét. A könyv áttekinti a standard modell elméletét és a Higgs-részecske feltételezett tulajdonságait, majd összefoglalja az LHC Higgs-keresési eredményeit és a hozzájuk vezető utat. Függelékben ismerteti a könyvben előforduló fizikusok életrajzát és bizonyos fizikai fogalmak részletesebb leírását. A 2013-as fizikai Nobel-díjat Peter Higgs és François Englert kapták megosztva a Higgs-mechanizmus és a Higgs-bozon elmé...

  13. Boosted Higgs shapes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schlaffer, Matthias; Spannowsky, Michael; Wymant, Chris


    The inclusive Higgs production rate through gluon fusion has been measured to be in agreement with the Standard Model (SM). We show that even if the inclusive Higgs production rate is very SM-like, a precise determination of the boosted Higgs transverse momentum shape offers the opportunity to see effects of natural new physics. These measurements are generically motivated by effective field theory arguments and specifically in extensions of the SM with a natural weak scale, like composite Higgs models and natural supersymmetry. We show in detail how a measurement at high transverse momentum of H→2l+p T via H→ττ and H→WW * could be performed and demonstrate that it offers a compelling alternative to the t anti tH channel. We discuss the sensitivity to new physics in the most challenging scenario of an exactly SM-like inclusive Higgs cross-section.

  14. Working Group Report: Higgs Boson

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dawson, Sally; Gritsan, Andrei; Logan, Heather; Qian, Jianming; Tully, Chris; Van Kooten, Rick [et al.


    This report summarizes the work of the Energy Frontier Higgs Boson working group of the 2013 Community Summer Study (Snowmass). We identify the key elements of a precision Higgs physics program and document the physics potential of future experimental facilities as elucidated during the Snowmass study. We study Higgs couplings to gauge boson and fermion pairs, double Higgs production for the Higgs self-coupling, its quantum numbers and $CP$-mixing in Higgs couplings, the Higgs mass and total width, and prospects for direct searches for additional Higgs bosons in extensions of the Standard Model. Our report includes projections of measurement capabilities from detailed studies of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), a Gamma-Gamma Collider, the International Linear Collider (ILC), the Large Hadron Collider High-Luminosity Upgrade (HL-LHC), Very Large Hadron Colliders up to 100 TeV (VLHC), a Muon Collider, and a Triple-Large Electron Positron Collider (TLEP).

  15. Higgs physics at CMS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holzner, André G., E-mail: [University of California at San Diego (United States); Collaboration: on behalf of the CMS collaboration


    This article reviews recent measurements of the properties of the standard model (SM) Higgs boson using data recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC: its mass, width and couplings to other SM particles. We also summarise highlights from searches for new physical phenomena in the Higgs sector as they are proposed in many extensions of the SM: flavour violating and invisible decay modes, resonances decaying into Higgs bosons and searches for additional Higgs bosons.

  16. Effect of multiple Higgs fields on the phase structure of the SU(2)-Higgs model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wurtz, Mark; Steele, T. G.; Lewis, Randy


    The SU(2)-Higgs model, with a single Higgs field in the fundamental representation and a quartic self-interaction, has a Higgs region and a confinement region which are analytically connected in the parameter space of the theory; these regions thus represent a single phase. The effect of multiple Higgs fields on this phase structure is examined via Monte Carlo lattice simulations. For the case of N≥2 identical Higgs fields, there is no remaining analytic connection between the Higgs and confinement regions, at least when Lagrangian terms that directly couple different Higgs flavors are omitted. An explanation of this result in terms of enhancement from overlapping phase transitions is explored for N=2 by introducing an asymmetry in the hopping parameters of the Higgs fields. It is found that an enhancement of the phase transitions can still occur for a moderate (10%) asymmetry in the resulting hopping parameters.

  17. The Higgs hunter's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Gunion, John F; Haber, Howard E; Kane, Gordon L


    The Higgs Hunter's Guide is a definitive and comprehensive guide to the physics of Higgs bosons. In particular, it discusses the extended Higgs sectors required by those recent theoretical approaches that go beyond the Standard Model, including supersymmetry and superstring-inspired models.

  18. Analisi del decadimento $W -> \\tau \

    CERN Document Server

    Coscetti, Simone

    Questo lavoro di tesi si e' svolto nell'ambito dell'esperimento CMS a LHC, ed in particolare verte sullo studio delle strategie di identificazione off-line del leptone tau, atteso tra i prodotti di decadimento del bosone di Higgs, cosi' come di altre particelle previste in altri modelli teorici. Il canale utilizzato per testare la procedura di identificazione del tau e' il decadimento semileptonico del bosone vettore W. Infine, sulla base dei risultati ottenuti viene presentata una stima quantitativa della sezione d'urto di produzione pp-> W + X

  19. Higgs portal inflation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lebedev, Oleg [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Lee, Hyun Min [European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland)


    The Higgs sector of the Standard Model offers a unique opportunity to probe the hidden sector. The Higgs squared operator is the only dimension two operator which is Lorentz and gauge invariant. It can therefore couple both to scalar curvature and the hidden sector at the dim-4 level. We consider the possibility that a combination of the Higgs and a singlet from the hidden sector plays the role of inflaton, due to their large couplings to gravity. This implies that the quartic couplings satisfy certain constraints which leads to distinct low energy phenomenology, including Higgs signals at the LHC. We also address the unitarity issues and show that our analysis survives the unitarization procedure. (orig.)

  20. Higgs Portal Inflation

    CERN Document Server

    Lebedev, Oleg


    The Higgs sector of the Standard Model offers a unique opportunity to probe the hidden sector. The Higgs squared operator is the only dimension two operator which is Lorentz and gauge invariant. It can therefore couple both to scalar curvature and the hidden sector at the dim--4 level. We consider the possibility that a combination of the Higgs and a singlet from the hidden sector plays the role of inflaton, due to their large couplings to gravity. This implies that the quartic couplings satisfy certain constraints which leads to distinct low energy phenomenology, including Higgs signals at the LHC. We also address the unitarity issues and show that our analysis survives the unitarization procedure.

  1. Introduzione ai frattali in fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Ratti, Sergio Peppino


    La geometria frattale permette di caratterizzare le strutture complesse e irregolari che godono della proprietà di invarianza di scala. Introdotta da Mandelbrot nel 1975, spiega in modo convincente che la natura ci pone di fronte a molti esempi di strutture complesse che godono di proprietà peculiari: è un fatto che in natura l’irregolarità sia molto comune, come dimostrano le strutture di piante, montagne, nuvole e fulmini. Il volume nasce dall’esperienza didattica sviluppata dall’autore in oltre un decennio di insegnamento di Istituzioni di Fisica Superiore presso l’Università di Pavia e intende colmare la lacuna nel panorama italiano di testi didattici su tematiche frattali. Parte dalla definizione di oggetti e di funzioni frattali, introducendo la dimensione “non intera” e la “codimensione” di un insieme, di una figura geometrica e la sua estensione a una funzione matematica irregolare. Segue l’introduzione dei frattali stocastici che tengono conto della natura parzialmente caotica ...

  2. Two Higgs Doublet Model and Model Independent Interpretation of Neutral Higgs Boson Searches

    CERN Document Server

    Abbiendi, G.; Ainsley, C.; Akesson, P.F.; Alexander, G.; Allison, John; Anderson, K.J.; Arcelli, S.; Asai, S.; Ashby, S.F.; Axen, D.; Azuelos, G.; Bailey, I.; Ball, A.H.; Barberio, E.; Barlow, Roger J.; Baumann, S.; Behnke, T.; Bell, Kenneth Watson; Bella, G.; Bellerive, A.; Benelli, G.; Bentvelsen, S.; Bethke, S.; Biebel, O.; Bloodworth, I.J.; Boeriu, O.; Bock, P.; Bohme, J.; Bonacorsi, D.; Boutemeur, M.; Braibant, S.; Bright-Thomas, P.; Brigliadori, L.; Brown, Robert M.; Burckhart, H.J.; Cammin, J.; Capiluppi, P.; Carnegie, R.K.; Carter, A.A.; Carter, J.R.; Chang, C.Y.; Charlton, David G.; Clarke, P.E.L.; Clay, E.; Cohen, I.; Cooke, O.C.; Couchman, J.; Couyoumtzelis, C.; Coxe, R.L.; Csilling, A.; Cuffiani, M.; Dado, S.; Dallavalle, G.Marco; Dallison, S.; de Roeck, A.; de Wolf, E.; Dervan, P.; Desch, K.; Dienes, B.; Dixit, M.S.; Donkers, M.; Dubbert, J.; Duchovni, E.; Duckeck, G.; Duerdoth, I.P.; Estabrooks, P.G.; Etzion, E.; Fabbri, F.; Fanti, M.; Feld, L.; Ferrari, P.; Fiedler, F.; Fleck, I.; Ford, M.; Frey, A.; Furtjes, A.; Futyan, D.I.; Gagnon, P.; Gary, J.W.; Gaycken, G.; Geich-Gimbel, C.; Giacomelli, G.; Giacomelli, P.; Glenzinski, D.; Goldberg, J.; Grandi, C.; Graham, K.; Gross, E.; Grunhaus, J.; Gruwe, M.; Gunther, P.O.; Hajdu, C.; Hanson, G.G.; Hansroul, M.; Hapke, M.; Harder, K.; Harel, A.; Harin-Dirac, M.; Hauke, A.; Hauschild, M.; Hawkes, C.M.; Hawkings, R.; Hemingway, R.J.; Hensel, C.; Herten, G.; Heuer, R.D.; Hill, J.C.; Hocker, James Andrew; Hoffman, Kara Dion; Homer, R.J.; Honma, A.K.; Horvath, D.; Hossain, K.R.; Howard, R.; Huntemeyer, P.; Igo-Kemenes, P.; Ishii, K.; Jacob, F.R.; Jawahery, A.; Jeremie, H.; Jones, C.R.; Jovanovic, P.; Junk, T.R.; Kanaya, N.; Kanzaki, J.; Karapetian, G.; Karlen, D.; Kartvelishvili, V.; Kawagoe, K.; Kawamoto, T.; Keeler, R.K.; Kellogg, R.G.; Kennedy, B.W.; Kim, D.H.; Klein, K.; Klier, A.; Kluth, S.; Kobayashi, T.; Kobel, M.; Kokott, T.P.; Komamiya, S.; Kowalewski, Robert V.; Kress, T.; Krieger, P.; von Krogh, J.; Kuhl, T.; Kupper, M.; Kyberd, P.; Lafferty, G.D.; Landsman, H.; Lanske, D.; Lawson, I.; Layter, J.G.; Leins, A.; Lellouch, D.; Letts, J.; Levinson, L.; Liebisch, R.; Lillich, J.; List, B.; Littlewood, C.; Lloyd, A.W.; Lloyd, S.L.; Loebinger, F.K.; Long, G.D.; Losty, M.J.; Lu, J.; Ludwig, J.; Macchiolo, A.; Macpherson, A.; Mader, W.; Marcellini, S.; Marchant, T.E.; Martin, A.J.; Martin, J.P.; Martinez, G.; Mashimo, T.; Mattig, Peter; McDonald, W.John; McKenna, J.; McMahon, T.J.; McPherson, R.A.; Meijers, F.; Mendez-Lorenzo, P.; Menges, W.; Merritt, F.S.; Mes, H.; Michelini, A.; Mihara, S.; Mikenberg, G.; Miller, D.J.; Mohr, W.; Montanari, A.; Mori, T.; Nagai, K.; Nakamura, I.; Neal, H.A.; Nisius, R.; O'Neale, S.W.; Oakham, F.G.; Odorici, F.; Ogren, H.O.; Oh, A.; Okpara, A.; Oreglia, M.J.; Orito, S.; Pasztor, G.; Pater, J.R.; Patrick, G.N.; Patt, J.; Pfeifenschneider, P.; Pilcher, J.E.; Pinfold, J.; Plane, David E.; Poli, B.; Polok, J.; Pooth, O.; Przybycien, M.; Quadt, A.; Rembser, C.; Renkel, P.; Rick, H.; Rodning, N.; Roney, J.M.; Rosati, S.; Roscoe, K.; Rossi, A.M.; Rozen, Y.; Runge, K.; Runolfsson, O.; Rust, D.R.; Sachs, K.; Saeki, T.; Sahr, O.; Sarkisyan, E.K.G.; Sbarra, C.; Schaile, A.D.; Schaile, O.; Scharff-Hansen, P.; Schroder, Matthias; Schumacher, M.; Schwick, C.; Scott, W.G.; Seuster, R.; Shears, T.G.; Shen, B.C.; Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H.; Sherwood, P.; Siroli, G.P.; Skuja, A.; Smith, A.M.; Snow, G.A.; Sobie, R.; Soldner-Rembold, S.; Spagnolo, S.; Sproston, M.; Stahl, A.; Stephens, K.; Stoll, K.; Strom, David M.; Strohmer, R.; Stumpf, L.; Surrow, B.; Talbot, S.D.; Tarem, S.; Taylor, R.J.; Teuscher, R.; Thiergen, M.; Thomas, J.; Thomson, M.A.; Torrence, E.; Towers, S.; Toya, D.; Trefzger, T.; Trigger, I.; Trocsanyi, Z.; Tsur, E.; Turner-Watson, M.F.; Ueda, I.; Vachon, B.; Vannerem, P.; Verzocchi, M.; Voss, H.; Vossebeld, J.; Waller, D.; Ward, C.P.; Ward, D.R.; Watkins, P.M.; Watson, A.T.; Watson, N.K.; Wells, P.S.; Wengler, T.; Wermes, N.; Wetterling, D.; White, J.S.; Wilson, G.W.; Wilson, J.A.; Wyatt, T.R.; Yamashita, S.; Zacek, V.; Zer-Zion, D.


    Searches for the neutral Higgs bosons h0 and A0, are used to obtain limits on the Type II Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM(II)) with no CP-violation in the Higgs sector and no additional particles besides the five Higgs bosons. The analysis combines approximately 170 pb-1 of data collected with the OPAL detector at sqrt{s} ~ 189 GeV with previous runs at sqrt{s} ~ mZ and sqrt{s} ~ 183 GeV. The searches are sensitive to the h0, A0 -> qq, gg, tau+tau- and h0 -> A0A0 decay modes of the Higgs bosons. For the first time, the 2HDM(II) parameter space is explored in a detailed scan, and new flavour independent analyses are applied to examine regions in which the neutral Higgs bosons decay predominantly into light quarks or gluons. Model-independent limits are also given.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    DAWSON, S.; ET AL.


    This working group has investigated Higgs boson searches at the Tevatron and the LHC. Once Higgs bosons are found their properties have to be determined. The prospects of Higgs coupling measurements at the LHC and a high-energy linear e{sup +}e{sup -} collider are discussed in detail within the Standard Model and its minimal supersymmetric extension (MSSM). Recent improvements in the theoretical knowledge of the signal and background processes are presented and taken into account. The residual uncertainties are analyzed in detail. Theoretical progress is discussed in particular for the gluon-fusion processes gg {yields} H(+j), Higgs-bremsstrahlung off bottom quarks and the weak vector-boson-fusion (VBF) processes. Following the list of open questions of the last Les Houches workshop in 2001 several background processes have been calculated at next-to-leading order, resulting in a significant reduction of the theoretical uncertainties. Further improvements have been achieved for the Higgs sectors of the MSSM and NMSSM. This report summarizes our work performed before and after the workshop in Les Houches. Part A describes the theoretical developments for signal and background processes. Part B presents recent progress in Higgs boson searches at the Tevatron collider. Part C addresses the determination of Higgs boson couplings, part D the measurement of tan {beta} and part E Higgs boson searches in the VBF processes at the LHC. Part F summarizes Higgs searches in supersymmetric Higgs decays, part G photonic Higgs decays in Higgs-strahlung processes at the LHC, while part H concentrates on MSSM Higgs bosons in the intense-coupling regime at the LHC. Part I presents progress in charged Higgs studies and part J the Higgs discovery potential in the NMSSM at the LHC. The last part K describes Higgs coupling measurements at a 1 TeV linear e{sup +}e{sup -} collider.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DAWSON, S.


    This working group has investigated Higgs boson searches at the Tevatron and the LHC. Once Higgs bosons are found their properties have to be determined. The prospects of Higgs coupling measurements at the LHC and a high-energy linear e + e - collider are discussed in detail within the Standard Model and its minimal supersymmetric extension (MSSM). Recent improvements in the theoretical knowledge of the signal and background processes are presented and taken into account. The residual uncertainties are analyzed in detail. Theoretical progress is discussed in particular for the gluon-fusion processes gg → H(+j), Higgs-bremsstrahlung off bottom quarks and the weak vector-boson-fusion (VBF) processes. Following the list of open questions of the last Les Houches workshop in 2001 several background processes have been calculated at next-to-leading order, resulting in a significant reduction of the theoretical uncertainties. Further improvements have been achieved for the Higgs sectors of the MSSM and NMSSM. This report summarizes our work performed before and after the workshop in Les Houches. Part A describes the theoretical developments for signal and background processes. Part B presents recent progress in Higgs boson searches at the Tevatron collider. Part C addresses the determination of Higgs boson couplings, part D the measurement of tan β and part E Higgs boson searches in the VBF processes at the LHC. Part F summarizes Higgs searches in supersymmetric Higgs decays, part G photonic Higgs decays in Higgs-strahlung processes at the LHC, while part H concentrates on MSSM Higgs bosons in the intense-coupling regime at the LHC. Part I presents progress in charged Higgs studies and part J the Higgs discovery potential in the NMSSM at the LHC. The last part K describes Higgs coupling measurements at a 1 TeV linear e + e - collider

  5. Higgs-Palatini inflation and unitarity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bauer, Florian; Demir, Durmus A.


    In the Higgs inflation scenario the Higgs field is strongly coupled to the Ricci scalar in order to drive primordial inflation. However, in its original form in pure metric formulation of gravity, the ultraviolet (UV) cutoff of the Higgs interactions and the Hubble rate are of the same magnitude, and this makes the whole inflationary evolution dependent of the unknown UV completion of the Higgs sector. This problem, the unitarity violation, plagues the Higgs inflation scenario. In this Letter we show that, in the Palatini formulation of gravitation, Higgs inflation does not suffer from unitarity violation since the UV cutoff lies parametrically much higher than the Hubble rate so that unknown UV physics does not disrupt the inflationary dynamics. Higgs-Palatini inflation, as we call it, is, therefore, UV-safe, minimal and endowed with predictive power.

  6. Un'estrema solitudine la vita e l'opera di Werner Heisenberg

    CERN Document Server

    Cassidy, David C


    Il genio di Werner Heisenberg attraversa l'orizzonte della fisica del nostro secolo come una meteora. Testimoniano della fecondità e dell'originalità del suo pensiero non solo il Nobel che gli fu assegnato a soli 32 anni, ma soprattutto i decisivi impulsi da lui dati alla fisica quantistica, alla teoria delle particelle elementari, alla teoria del nucleo. Si deve a Heisenberg quel "principio di indeterminazione" che ha rivoluzionato non solo il corso della fisica ma il modo di concepire la posizione dell'uomo nell'universo. L'interesse del libro, però, vuole andare oltre la fisica, giacché il curriculum del "ragazzo di campagna dei biondi capelli" rispecchia in forma emblematica l'ambiguo rapporto della scienza col potere.

  7. Higher-order corrected Higgs bosons in FeynHiggs2.4

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    treatment of loop-corrected Higgs-boson mass eigenstates as external (on-shell) or internal .... This gives rise to finite wave function normalization factors. [22]. .... The elements of Un can be interpreted as effective couplings of internal Higgs.

  8. Higgs inflation as a mirage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barbón, J.L.F.; Casas, J.A. [IFT-UAM/CSIC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,C/Nicolás Cabrera 13, 28049 Madrid (Spain); Elias-Miró, J. [Departament de Física/IFAE, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,Edifici Cn, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona (Spain); Espinosa, J.R. [ICREA/IFAE, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,Edifici Cn, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona (Spain)


    We discuss a simple unitarization of Higgs inflation that is genuinely weakly coupled up to Planckian energies. A large non-minimal coupling between the Higgs and the Ricci curvature is induced dynamically at intermediate energies, as a simple ratio of mass scales. Despite not being dominated by the Higgs field, inflationary dynamics simulates the ‘Higgs inflation’ one would get by blind extrapolation of the low-energy effective Lagrangian, at least qualitatively. Hence, Higgs inflation arises as an approximate ‘mirage’ picture of the true dynamics. We further speculate on the generality of this phenomenon and show that, if Higgs-inflation arises as an effective description, the details of the UV completion are necessary to extract robust quantitative predictions.

  9. Higgs inflation as a mirage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barbón, J.L.F.; Casas, J.A.; Elias-Miró, J.; Espinosa, J.R.


    We discuss a simple unitarization of Higgs inflation that is genuinely weakly coupled up to Planckian energies. A large non-minimal coupling between the Higgs and the Ricci curvature is induced dynamically at intermediate energies, as a simple ratio of mass scales. Despite not being dominated by the Higgs field, inflationary dynamics simulates the ‘Higgs inflation’ one would get by blind extrapolation of the low-energy effective Lagrangian, at least qualitatively. Hence, Higgs inflation arises as an approximate ‘mirage’ picture of the true dynamics. We further speculate on the generality of this phenomenon and show that, if Higgs-inflation arises as an effective description, the details of the UV completion are necessary to extract robust quantitative predictions.

  10. Higgs physics

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The theoretical aspects of the physics of Higgs bosons are reviewed focussing on the elements that are relevant for the production and detection at present hadron colliders. After briefly summarizing the basics of electroweak symmetry breaking in the Standard Model, the Higgs production at the LHC and at the Tevatron is ...

  11. Interference contributions to gluon initiated heavy Higgs production in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greiner, Nicolas


    We discuss the production of a heavy neutral Higgs boson of a CP-conserving Two-Higgs-Doublet Model in gluon fusion and its decay into a four-fermion final state, gg(→VV)→e + e - π + π - /e + e - ν l anti ν l . We investigate the interference contributions to invariant mass distributions of the four-fermion final state and other relevant kinematical observables. The relative importance of the different contributions is quantified for the process in the on-shell approximation, gg→ZZ. We show that interferences of the heavy Higgs with the light Higgs boson and background contributions are essential for a correct description of the differential cross section. Even though they contribute below O(10%) to those heavy Higgs signal cross sections, to which the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider were sensitive in its first run, we find that they are sizeable in certain regions of the parameter space that are relevant for future heavy Higgs boson searches. In fact, the interference contributions can significantly enhance the experimental sensitivity to the heavy Higgs boson.

  12. Strongly interacting Higgs bosons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Appelquist, T.; Bernard, C.


    The sensitivity of present-energy weak interactions to a strongly interacting heavy-Higgs-boson sector is discussed. The gauged nonlinear sigma model, which is the limit of the linear model as the Higgs-boson mass goes to infinity, is used to organize and catalogue all possible heavy-Higgs-boson effects. As long as the SU(2)/sub L/ x SU(2)/sub R/ symmetry of the Higgs sector is preserved, these effects are found to be small, of the order of the square of the gauge coupling times logarithms (but not powers) of the Higgs-boson mass divided by the W mass. We work in the context of a simplified model with gauge group SU(2)/sub L/; the extension to SU(2)/sub L/ x U(1) is briefly discussed

  13. Heavy Higgs searches. Flavour matters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gori, Stefania; Paul, Ayan


    We point out that the stringent lower bounds on the masses of additional electrically neutral and charged Higgs bosons crucially depend on the flavour structure of their Yukawa interactions. We show that these bounds can easily be evaded by the introduction of flavour-changing neutral currents in the Higgs sector. As an illustration, we study the phenomenology of a two Higgs doublet model with a Yukawa texture singling out the third family of quarks and leptons. We combine constraints from low-energy flavour physics measurements, LHC measurements of the 125 GeV Higgs boson rates, and LHC searches for new heavy Higgs bosons. We propose novel LHC searches that could be performed in the coming years to unravel the existence of these new Higgs bosons.

  14. Heavy Higgs searches. Flavour matters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gori, Stefania [Cincinnati Univ., OH (United States). Dept. of Physics; Grojean, Christophe [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Physik; Juste, Aurelio [Institut de Fisica d' Altes Energies (IFAE), Barcelona (Spain); Institucio Catalanade Recerca i Estudis Avancats (ICREA), Barcelona (Spain); Paul, Ayan [INFN, Sezione di Roma (Italy)


    We point out that the stringent lower bounds on the masses of additional electrically neutral and charged Higgs bosons crucially depend on the flavour structure of their Yukawa interactions. We show that these bounds can easily be evaded by the introduction of flavour-changing neutral currents in the Higgs sector. As an illustration, we study the phenomenology of a two Higgs doublet model with a Yukawa texture singling out the third family of quarks and leptons. We combine constraints from low-energy flavour physics measurements, LHC measurements of the 125 GeV Higgs boson rates, and LHC searches for new heavy Higgs bosons. We propose novel LHC searches that could be performed in the coming years to unravel the existence of these new Higgs bosons.

  15. Higgs cosmology (United States)

    Rajantie, Arttu


    The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 and other results from the Large Hadron Collider have confirmed the standard model of particle physics as the correct theory of elementary particles and their interactions up to energies of several TeV. Remarkably, the theory may even remain valid all the way to the Planck scale of quantum gravity, and therefore it provides a solid theoretical basis for describing the early Universe. Furthermore, the Higgs field itself has unique properties that may have allowed it to play a central role in the evolution of the Universe, from inflation to cosmological phase transitions and the origin of both baryonic and dark matter, and possibly to determine its ultimate fate through the electroweak vacuum instability. These connections between particle physics and cosmology have given rise to a new and growing field of Higgs cosmology, which promises to shed new light on some of the most puzzling questions about the Universe as new data from particle physics experiments and cosmological observations become available. This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue `Higgs cosmology'.

  16. Upper Higgs boson mass bounds from a chirally invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa Model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerhold, P. [Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Physik; John von Neumann-Institut fuer Computing NIC/DESY, Zeuthen (Germany); Jansen, K. [John von Neumann-Institut fuer Computing NIC/DESY, Zeuthen (Germany)


    We establish the cutoff-dependent upper Higgs boson mass bound by means of direct lattice computations in the framework of a chirally invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model emulating the same chiral Yukawa coupling structure as in the Higgs-fermion sector of the Standard Model. As expected from the triviality picture of the Higgs sector, we observe the upper mass bound to decrease with rising cutoff parameter {lambda}. Moreover, the strength of the fermionic contribution to the upper mass bound is explored by comparing to the corresponding analysis in the pure {phi}{sup 4}-theory. (orig.)

  17. Misura dell’efficienza e dell’allineamento spaziale del rivelatore di muoni dell’esperimento $LHCb$

    CERN Document Server

    Falabella, A; Vecchi, S


    Il C.E.R.N. (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) è il più grande laboratorio al mondo per la fisica delle particelle. È situato sul confine tra Svizzera e Francia e nasce nel 1954 da una collaborazione di 12 paesi. Attualmente i paesi che ne fanno parte sono 20. Lo scopo principale del C.E.R.N. è di fornire strumenti per esperimenti di fisica delle alte energie attraverso l’impiego di acceleratori di particelle. Negli acceleratori vengono prodotti ed accelerati fasci di particelle ad elevata energia che possono essere fatti collidere con un bersaglio fisso ($target$) o con un altro fascio in direzione opposta. In entrambi i casi vengono prodotte particelle che vengono studiate per mezzo di apposti rivelatori. Il sistema di acceleratori del C.E.R.N. è un sistema di macchine ad energia crescente. Gli elementi fondamentali di questo sistema di acceleratori sono, com’è possibile vedere dalla figura 2 PS, SPS, LHC. PS ($Proton$ $Synchrotron$) è un acceleratore di protoni, che accelera proton...

  18. The Higgs boson resonance from a chiral Higgs-Yukawa model on the lattice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kallarackal, Jim


    Despite the fact that the standard model of particle physics has been confirmed in many high energy experiments, the existence of the Higgs boson is not assured. The Higgs boson is a central part of the electroweak theory and is crucial to generate masses for fermions and the weak gauge bosons. The goal of this work is to set limits on the mass and the decay width of the Higgs boson. The basis to compute the physical quantities is the path integral which is here evaluated by means of Monte Carlo simulations thus allowing for fully non perturbative calculations. A polynomial hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm is used to incorporate dynamical fermions. The chiral symmetry of the electroweak model is incorporated by using the Neuberger overlap operator. Here, the standard model is considered in the limit of a Higgs-Yukawa sector which does not contain the weak gauge bosons and only a degenerate doublet of top- and bottom quarks are incorporated. Results from lattice perturbation theory up to one loop of the Higgs boson propagator are compared with those obtained from Monte Carlo simulations at three different values of the Yukawa coupling. At all values of the investigated couplings, the perturbative results agree very well with the Monte Carlo data. A main focus of this work is the investigation of the resonance parameters of the Higgs boson. The resonance width and the resonance mass are investigated at weak and at large quartic couplings. The parameters of the model are chosen such that the Higgs boson can decay into any even number of Goldstone bosons. Thus, the Higgs boson does not appear as an asymptotic stable state but as a resonance. In all considered cases the Higgs boson resonance width lies below 10% of the resonance mass. The obtained resonance mass is compared with the mass obtained from the Higgs boson propagator. The results agree perfectly at all values of the quartic coupling considered. Finally, the effect of a heavy fourth generation of fermions on the

  19. The Higgs boson resonance from a chiral Higgs-Yukawa model on the lattice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kallarackal, Jim


    Despite the fact that the standard model of particle physics has been confirmed in many high energy experiments, the existence of the Higgs boson is not assured. The Higgs boson is a central part of the electroweak theory and is crucial to generate masses for fermions and the weak gauge bosons. The goal of this work is to set limits on the mass and the decay width of the Higgs boson. The basis to compute the physical quantities is the path integral which is here evaluated by means of Monte Carlo simulations thus allowing for fully non perturbative calculations. A polynomial hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm is used to incorporate dynamical fermions. The chiral symmetry of the electroweak model is incorporated by using the Neuberger overlap operator. Here, the standard model is considered in the limit of a Higgs-Yukawa sector which does not contain the weak gauge bosons and only a degenerate doublet of top- and bottom quarks are incorporated. Results from lattice perturbation theory up to one loop of the Higgs boson propagator are compared with those obtained from Monte Carlo simulations at three different values of the Yukawa coupling. At all values of the investigated couplings, the perturbative results agree very well with the Monte Carlo data. A main focus of this work is the investigation of the resonance parameters of the Higgs boson. The resonance width and the resonance mass are investigated at weak and at large quartic couplings. The parameters of the model are chosen such that the Higgs boson can decay into any even number of Goldstone bosons. Thus, the Higgs boson does not appear as an asymptotic stable state but as a resonance. In all considered cases the Higgs boson resonance width lies below 10% of the resonance mass. The obtained resonance mass is compared with the mass obtained from the Higgs boson propagator. The results agree perfectly at all values of the quartic coupling considered. Finally, the effect of a heavy fourth generation of fermions on the

  20. Trent'anni che sconvolsero la fisica la storia della teoria dei quanti

    CERN Document Server

    Gamow, George


    Gli anni dal 1900 al 1930 hanno portato un profondo mutamento nella visione che l'uomo aveva dell'universo: tra la prima idea di Max Planck dei quanti di luce nel 1900, e la previsione dell'esistenza delle antiparticelle formulata da P. A. M. Dirac nel 1929, corre un periodo di emozionanti progressi nel campo della fisica teorica.

  1. Oscillazioni del mesone D^0

    CERN Document Server

    Schiraldi, Vito; Morello, Michael Joseph

    In fisica delle particelle, con il termine di "oscillazione" si indica la trasformazione di una particella neutra nella sua antiparticella e viceversa, fenomeno dovuto al fatto che gli autostati di flavor non sono autostati della matrice di massa. Il Modello Standard delle interazioni fondamentali predice che l'oscillazione del mesone D^0 avvenga su tempi molto maggiori di una vita media, e appaia perciò come un effetto piccolo, inferiore al percento, in contrasto con il caso dei mesoni B^0 e B^0_s che oscillano con molta maggiore rapidità. Sperimentalmente, l'oscillazione dei mesoni D^0 è rimasta inosservata fino a tempi recenti: la prima evidenza sperimentale dell'esistenza di un effetto di oscillazione è stata ottenuta soltanto nella primavera del 2007 dagli esperimenti BaBar (SLAC, USA) e Belle (KEKB, Japan). Nell'agosto 2007 anche l’esperimento CDF (Fermilab, USA) ha presentato una evidenza simile, basata sull'analisi di una parte del campione di dati disponibile. La tesi descrive gli aspetti speri...

  2. Finite-Temperature Higgs Potentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dolgopolov, M.V.; Gurskaya, A.V.; Rykova, E.N.


    In the present article we consider the short description of the “Finite-Temperature Higgs Potentials” program for calculating loop integrals at vanishing external momenta and applications for extended Higgs potentials reconstructions. Here we collect the analytic forms of the relevant loop integrals for our work in reconstruction of the effective Higgs potential parameters in extended models (MSSM, NMSSM and etc.)

  3. Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs/whatever

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chanowitz, M.S.


    In these two lectures the author discusses electroweak symmetry breaking from a general perspective, stressing properties that are model independent and follow just from the assumption that the electroweak interactions are described by a spontaneously broken gauge theory. This means he assumes the Higgs mechanism though not necessarily the existence of Higgs bosons. The first lecture presents the general framework of a spontaneously broken gauge theory: (1) the Higgs mechanism sui generis, with or without Higgs boson(s) and (2) the implications of symmetry and unitarity for the mass scale and interaction strength of the new physics that the Higgs mechanism requires. In addition he reviews a softer theoretical argument based on the naturalness problem which leads to a prejudice against Higgs bosons unless they are supersymmetric. This is a prejudice, not a theorem, and it could be overturned in the future by a clever new idea. In the second lecture he illustrates the general framework by reviewing some specific models: (1) the Weinberg-Salam model of the Higgs sector; (2) the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Weinberg-Salam model; and (3) technicolor as an example of the Higgs mechanism without Higgs bosons. He concludes the second lecture with a discussion of strong WW scattering that must occur if L SB lives above 1 TeV. In particular he describes some of the experimental signals and backgrounds at the SSC. 57 refs., 12 figs

  4. Higgs Inflation as a Mirage

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    After reviewing the nice properties of Higgs inflation and some of its problems, I will discuss a simple unitarization of the scenario that is genuinely weakly coupled up to Planckian energies. A large non-minimal coupling between the Higgs and the Ricci curvature is induced dynamically at intermediate energies, as a simple ratio of mass scales. Inflationary dynamics is not dominated by the Higgs field, but 'Higgs inflation' arises as an approximate 'mirage' picture of the true dynamics. I will speculate on the generality of this phenomenon and show that, if Higgs-inflation arises as an effective description, the details of the UV completion are necessary to extract robust quantitative predictions.

  5. Higgs Physics at CLIC

    CERN Document Server



    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is an attractive option for a future multi-TeV linear electron-positron collider, offering the potential for a rich precision physics programme, combined with sensitivity to a wide range of new phenomena. The physics reach of CLIC has been studied in the context of three distinct centre-of-mass energies, √s = 350 GeV, 1.4 TeV and 3.0 TeV. This staged scenario provides an excellent environment for precise studies of the properties of the 126 GeV Higgs boson. Operation at √s = 350 GeV allows, on the one hand, for a determination of the couplings and width of the Higgs boson in a model-independent manner through the study of the Higgsstrahlung process, and on the other hand, for a study of Higgs bosons produced in W+W− fusion for the most common Higgs decay modes. Operation at higher centre-of-mass energies, √s = 1.4 TeV and 3 TeV, provides high statistics W+W− fusion samples allowing for high precision measurements of many Higgs couplings and a study of rare Higgs de...

  6. Hunting the dark Higgs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duerr, Michael; Grohsjean, Alexander; Kahlhoefer, Felix; Schmidt-Hoberg, Kai; Schwanenberger, Christian [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Penning, Bjoern [Bristol Univ. (United Kingdom). H.H. Wills Physics Lab.


    We discuss a novel signature of dark matter production at the LHC resulting from the emission of an additional Higgs boson in the dark sector. The presence of such a dark Higgs boson is motivated simultaneously by the need to generate the masses of the particles in the dark sector and the possibility to relax constraints from the dark matter relic abundance by opening up a new annihilation channel. If the dark Higgs boson decays into Standard Model states via a small mixing with the Standard Model Higgs boson, one obtains characteristic large-radius jets in association with missing transverse momentum that can be used to efficiently discriminate signal from backgrounds. We present the sensitivities achievable in LHC searches for dark Higgs bosons with already collected data and demonstrate that such searches can probe large regions of parameter space that are inaccessible to conventional mono-jet or di-jet searches.

  7. Hunting the dark Higgs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duerr, Michael; Grohsjean, Alexander; Kahlhoefer, Felix; Schmidt-Hoberg, Kai; Schwanenberger, Christian; Penning, Bjoern


    We discuss a novel signature of dark matter production at the LHC resulting from the emission of an additional Higgs boson in the dark sector. The presence of such a dark Higgs boson is motivated simultaneously by the need to generate the masses of the particles in the dark sector and the possibility to relax constraints from the dark matter relic abundance by opening up a new annihilation channel. If the dark Higgs boson decays into Standard Model states via a small mixing with the Standard Model Higgs boson, one obtains characteristic large-radius jets in association with missing transverse momentum that can be used to efficiently discriminate signal from backgrounds. We present the sensitivities achievable in LHC searches for dark Higgs bosons with already collected data and demonstrate that such searches can probe large regions of parameter space that are inaccessible to conventional mono-jet or di-jet searches.

  8. Three-body decays of Higgs bosons at LEP2 and application to a hidden fermiophobic Higgs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akeroyd, A.G.


    We study the decays of Higgs bosons to a lighter Higgs boson and a virtual gauge boson in the context of the non-supersymmetric two-Higgs doublet model (2HDM). We consider the phenomenological impact at LEP2 and find that such decays, when open, may be dominant in regions of parameter space and thus affect current Higgs boson search techniques. Three-body decays would be a way of producing light neutral Higgs bosons which have so far escaped detection at LEP due to suppressed couplings to the Z, and are of particular importance in the 2HDM (Model I) which allows both a light fermiophobic Higgs and a light charged scalar

  9. Higgs cosmology. (United States)

    Rajantie, Arttu


    The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 and other results from the Large Hadron Collider have confirmed the standard model of particle physics as the correct theory of elementary particles and their interactions up to energies of several TeV. Remarkably, the theory may even remain valid all the way to the Planck scale of quantum gravity, and therefore it provides a solid theoretical basis for describing the early Universe. Furthermore, the Higgs field itself has unique properties that may have allowed it to play a central role in the evolution of the Universe, from inflation to cosmological phase transitions and the origin of both baryonic and dark matter, and possibly to determine its ultimate fate through the electroweak vacuum instability. These connections between particle physics and cosmology have given rise to a new and growing field of Higgs cosmology, which promises to shed new light on some of the most puzzling questions about the Universe as new data from particle physics experiments and cosmological observations become available.This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Higgs cosmology'. © 2018 The Author(s).

  10. Future prospects of Higgs Physics at CMS


    Marono, Miguel Vidal


    The Higgs boson physics reach of the CMS detector with 300(0) fb-1 of proton-proton collisions at sqrt{s} = 14 TeV is presented. Precision measurements of the Higgs boson properties, Higgs boson pair production and self-coupling, rare Higgs boson decays, and the potential for additional Higgs bosons are discussed. The Higgs boson physics reach of the CMS detector with 300(0) fb-1 of proton-proton collisions at sqrt{s} = 14 TeV is presented. Precision measurements of the Higgs boson propert...

  11. Beyond the standard Higgs after the 125 GeV Higgs discovery. (United States)

    Grojean, C


    An elementary weakly coupled and solitary Higgs boson allows one to extend the validity of the Standard Model up to very high energy, maybe as high as the Planck scale. Nonetheless, this scenario fails to fill the universe with dark matter and does not explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry. However, amending the Standard Model tends to destabilize the weak scale by large quantum corrections to the Higgs potential. New degrees of freedom, new forces, new organizing principles are required to provide a consistent and natural description of physics beyond the standard Higgs.

  12. Bases para la elaboracion de unidades didacticas de calidad en el area de ciencias (Fisica y Quimica 3 deg ESO) (United States)

    Maccioni, Elena Lucia

    Este Trabajo Fin de Master tiene como objeto, el estudio previo de la educacion de la ciencia en la actualidad y mas destacable, del diseno de las unidades didacticas segun las metodologias mas frecuentes aplicadas por los diferentes sistemas educativos en el area de las Ciencias teniendo en cuenta la importancia y el efecto de la psicologia del alumnado y todo ello como no puede ser de otro modo bajo el corse de la Legislacion aplicable, Estatal, Autonomica y europea. Con estos antecedentes, se extrae cuales son las preguntas que deben contestarse en la elaboracion de una unidad didactica de calidad en el contexto, generacional (edad y sexo), del Proyecto Educativo de Centro, y de la Programacion del Departamento, discutiendo y justificando cada uno de los apartados en que estructuradamente dividiremos dicha Unidad, con un formato manejable, util, y dinamico en el tiempo que sea un verdadero instrumento educativo de aula. Teniendo en cuenta estas premisas, se procede a hacer una recopilacion de una misma unidad didactica publicada por diferentes editoriales, elegidas no al azar, sino en funcion de su penetracion editorial en nuestros centros de ESO, siendo las elegidas (SM y Oxford). Las diferentes unidades seleccionadas son analizadas de forma critica, atendiendo a los criterios generales de calidad bajo parametros cientificos y normativos, concluyendo con la aportacion final que es la redaccion de unas pautas cientifico-pedagogicas, para redactar unidades didacticas de calidad en el area de la Ciencias, en concreto en la Asignatura de Fisica y Quimica de 3º de ESO.

  13. Are Higgs particles strongly interacting(question mark)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shanker, O.


    The order of magnitude of Yukawa couplings in some theories with flavour violating Higgs particles is estimated. Based on these couplings, mass bounds for flavour violating Higgs particles are derived from the Ksub(L)-Ksub(S) mass difference. The Higgs particles have to be very heavy, implying that the Higgs sector quartic couplings are very large. Thus, these theories seem to require a strongly interacting Higgs sector unless one adjusts to the Higgs-fermion Yukawa couplings to within two orders of magnitude, so as to suppress the coupling of Higgs particles to the flavour-violating anti sd current. Most models with flavour violating Higgs particles have the same general features, so the conclusions are likely to hold for a wide class of models with flavour violating Higgs particles

  14. Toponium and two-Higgs models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franzini, P.J.


    Bounds from B 0 - anti B 0 mixing on charged-Higgs-boson masses and couplings in two-Higgs-doublet models are presented. These bounds are comparable to those obtained, with additional assumptions, from the neutral-K-system. The effects of the neutral Higgs bosons of these models on the spectrum and wave function of toponium are discussed. These effects could, in the future, lead to limits on, or the discovery of, these Higgs bosons. 8 refs., 3 figs

  15. The Higgs portal above threshold

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Craig, Nathaniel [Department of Physics, University of California,Santa Barbara, CA 93106 (United States); Lou, Hou Keong [Department of Physics, Princeton University,Princeton, NJ 08540 (United States); McCullough, Matthew [Theory Division, CERN,1211 Geneva 23 (Switzerland); Thalapillil, Arun [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University,Piscataway, NJ 08854 (United States)


    The discovery of the Higgs boson opens the door to new physics interacting via the Higgs Portal, including motivated scenarios relating to baryogenesis, dark matter, and electroweak naturalness. We systematically explore the collider signatures of singlet scalars produced via the Higgs Portal at the 14 TeV LHC and a prospective 100 TeV hadron collider. We focus on the challenging regime where the scalars are too heavy to be produced in the decays of an on-shell Higgs boson, and instead are produced primarily via an off-shell Higgs. Assuming these scalars escape the detector, promising channels include missing energy in association with vector boson fusion, monojets, and top pairs. We forecast the sensitivity of searches in these channels at √s=14 & 100 TeV and compare collider reach to the motivated parameter space of singlet-assisted electroweak baryogenesis, Higgs Portal dark matter, and neutral naturalness.

  16. The Higgs portal above threshold

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Craig, Nathaniel; Lou, Hou Keong; McCullough, Matthew; Thalapillil, Arun


    The discovery of the Higgs boson opens the door to new physics interacting via the Higgs Portal, including motivated scenarios relating to baryogenesis, dark matter, and electroweak naturalness. We systematically explore the collider signatures of singlet scalars produced via the Higgs Portal at the 14 TeV LHC and a prospective 100 TeV hadron collider. We focus on the challenging regime where the scalars are too heavy to be produced in the decays of an on-shell Higgs boson, and instead are produced primarily via an off-shell Higgs. Assuming these scalars escape the detector, promising channels include missing energy in association with vector boson fusion, monojets, and top pairs. We forecast the sensitivity of searches in these channels at √s=14 & 100 TeV and compare collider reach to the motivated parameter space of singlet-assisted electroweak baryogenesis, Higgs Portal dark matter, and neutral naturalness.

  17. More on Higgs bosons in SU(5)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hueffel, H.


    In the framework of the minimal SU(5) model of Georgi and Glashow the explicit couplings between the various mass eigenstate Higgs bosons and the gauge fields as well as the Higgs boson self couplings are presented. As an application bounds for the parameters of the Higgs potential and for the Higgs boson masses are derived by applying partial wave unitarity to the tree graphs of Higgs-Higgs scattering. (Auth.)

  18. Predictions of the Higgs mass and the weak mixing angle in the 6D gauge-Higgs unification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasegawa, Kouhei; Lim, Chong-Sa; Maru, Nobuhito


    In the gauge-Higgs unification with multiple extra spaces, the Higgs self-coupling is on the order of g 2 and the Higgs boson is predicted to be light, being consistent with the LHC results. When the gauge group is simple, the weak mixing angle is also predictable. We address a question on whether there exists a model of gauge-Higgs unification in six-dimensional space-time, which successfully predicts the mass ratios of the Higgs boson and weak gauge bosons. First, using a useful formula, we give a general argument on the condition for obtaining a realistic prediction of the weak mixing angle sin 2 θ W = 1/4, and find that triplet and sextet representations of the minimal SU(3) gauge group lead to the realistic prediction. Concerning the Higgs mass, we notice that, in the models with one Higgs doublet, the predicted Higgs mass is always the same: M H = 2M W . However, by extending our discussion to the models with two Higgs doublets, the situation changes: we obtain an interesting prediction M H ≤ 2M W at the leading order of the perturbation. Thus, it is possible to recover the observed Higgs mass, 125 GeV, for a suitable choice of the parameter. The situation is in clear contrast to the case of the minimal supersymmetric standard model, where M H ≤ M Z at the classical level and the predicted Higgs mass cannot recover the observed value. (author)

  19. Higgs boson search at ATLAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanninger, Guilherme Nunes


    Full text: The Standard Model of particle physics (SM) has been extremely successful describing the elementary particles and their interactions. It also features a theory describing the origin of particle masses: the 'Higgs mechanism', which postulates the existence of a new particle called the 'Higgs boson'. In 2011 and 2012, tantalising hints of the Higgs boson were reported by the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The results of the search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at 7 and 8 TeV center-of-mass energies are presented. A large number of the Higgs Boson decay channels, such as photon, tau, W and Z pairs, as well as for combined channels in the mass range from 110 GeV to 600 GeV are reviewed and discussed. The combined upper limits on the production cross section as a function of the Higgs Boson mass are derived. Practical methods to estimate the backgrounds using control samples in real data are discussed. Validation of some of the data driven background estimation methods using the early 7 TeV ATLAS data at the LHC is also presented. In addition, searches for Higgs Bosons in scenarios beyond the Standard Model (BSM) lead to improved constraints on the Higgs sector of BSM theories such as Supersymmetry. (author)

  20. Exploring extended scalar sectors with di-Higgs signals: a Higgs EFT perspective (United States)

    Corbett, Tyler; Joglekar, Aniket; Li, Hao-Lin; Yu, Jiang-Hao


    We consider extended scalar sectors of the Standard Model as ultraviolet complete motivations for studying the effective Higgs self-interaction operators of the Standard Model effective field theory. We investigate all motivated heavy scalar models which generate the dimension-six effective operator, | H|6, at tree level and proceed to identify the full set of tree-level dimension-six operators by integrating out the heavy scalars. Of seven models which generate | H|6 at tree level only two, quadruplets of hypercharge Y = 3 Y H and Y = Y H , generate only this operator. Next we perform global fits to constrain relevant Wilson coefficients from the LHC single Higgs measurements as well as the electroweak oblique parameters S and T. We find that the T parameter puts very strong constraints on the Wilson coefficient of the | H|6 operator in the triplet and quadruplet models, while the singlet and doublet models could still have Higgs self-couplings which deviate significantly from the standard model prediction. To determine the extent to which the | H|6 operator could be constrained, we study the di-Higgs signatures at the future 100 TeV collider and explore future sensitivity of this operator. Projected onto the Higgs potential parameters of the extended scalar sectors, with 30 ab-1 luminosity data we will be able to explore the Higgs potential parameters in all seven models.

  1. Smoking-gun signatures for little Higgs models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Tao


    The little Higgs idea is a new way to solve the 'little hierarchy' problem by protecting the Higgs mass from quadratically divergent one-loop corrections. After a general introduction, I first describe the Littlest Higgs model to illustrate the little Higgs idea. I then present certain phenomenological signatures of two classes of little Higgs theories for future colliders. I emphasize to test the cancellation mechanism and how to distinguish different little Higgs models. (author)

  2. Manuale di Relatività Ristretta Per la Laurea Triennale in Fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Gasperini, Maurizio


    Una moderna presentazione della teoria della Relatività Ristretta, specificatamente progettata per i nuovi corsi della Laurea Triennale in Fisica. Un testo essenziale ma autosufficiente, che adotta lo stile e il linguaggio delle lezioni svolte in aula, e che introduce alle trasformazioni di Lorentz, alla formulazione covariante dell'elettromagnetismo e alle basi della cinematica e dinamica relativistiche. Include una discussione della cinematica dei processi d'urto e una derivazione dettagliata dell'effetto Cherenkov.

  3. Higgs searches and prospects at CDF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pavel A Murat


    The Standard model of electroweak interactions (SM) has been extremely successful in describing interactions of elementary particles over the last decades. The Higgs scalar boson is one of the key elements of the SM: Higgs interactions with the other particles generate the particle masses and allow to keep the theory renormalizable at electroweak scale. All the particles predicted by the SM but the Higgs boson have already been observed experimentally and therefore search for the Higgs is one of the most important scientific goals for high energy physics. The current lower limit on the SM Higgs mass M H > 114.4 GeV at 95% CL has been established by LEP experiments. In this paper we review CDF Run I results on Higgs searches including the Higgs bosons predicted by the minimal supersymmetric extention of the Standard Model (MSSM) and discuss the Run II prospects

  4. Higgs friends and counterfeits at hadron colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fox, Patrick J.; Tucker-Smith, David; Weiner, Neal


    We consider the possibility of 'Higgs counterfeits' - scalars that can be produced with cross sections comparable to the SM Higgs, and which decay with identical relative observable branching ratios, but which are nonetheless not responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking. We also consider a related scenario involving 'Higgs friends,' fields similarly produced through gg fusion processes, which would be discovered through diboson channels WW,ZZ,γγ, or even γZ, potentially with larger cross sections times branching ratios than for the Higgs. The discovery of either a Higgs friend or a Higgs counterfeit, rather than directly pointing towards the origin of the weak scale, would indicate the presence of new colored fields necessary for the sizable production cross section (and possibly new colorless but electroweakly charged states as well, in the case of the diboson decays of a Higgs friend). These particles could easily be confused for an ordinary Higgs, perhaps with an additional generation to explain the different cross section, and we emphasize the importance of vector boson fusion as a channel to distinguish a Higgs counterfeit from a true Higgs. Such fields would naturally be expected in scenarios with 'effective Z's,' where heavy states charged under the SM produce effective charges for SM fields under a new gauge force. We discuss the prospects for discovery of Higgs counterfeits, Higgs friends, and associated charged fields at the LHC.

  5. MSSM Higgs boson searches at the LHC: benchmark scenarios after the discovery of a Higgs-like particle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carena, M.; Heinemeyer, S.; Staal, O.; Wagner, C.E.M.; Weiglein, G.


    A Higgs-like particle with a mass of about 125.5 GeV has been discovered at the LHC. Within the current experimental uncertainties, this new state is compatible with both the predictions for the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson and with the Higgs sector in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We propose new low-energy MSSM benchmark scenarios that, over a wide parameter range, are compatible with the mass and production rates of the observed signal. These scenarios also exhibit interesting phenomenology for the MSSM Higgs sector. We propose a slightly updated version of the well-known m h max scenario, and a modified scenario (m h mod ), where the light CP-even Higgs boson can be interpreted as the LHC signal in large parts of the M A -tan β plane. Furthermore, we define a light stop scenario that leads to a suppression of the lightest CP-even Higgs gluon fusion rate, and a light stau scenario with an enhanced decay rate of h→γγ at large tan β. We also suggest a τ-phobic Higgs scenario in which the lightest Higgs can have suppressed couplings to down-type fermions. We propose to supplement the specified value of the μ parameter in some of these scenarios with additional values of both signs. This has a significant impact on the interpretation of searches for the non-SM-like MSSM Higgs bosons. We also discuss the sensitivity of the searches to heavy Higgs decays into light charginos and neutralinos, and to decays of the form H→hh. Finally, in addition to all the other scenarios where the lightest CP-even Higgs is interpreted as the LHC signal, we propose a low-M H scenario, where instead the heavy CP-even Higgs boson corresponds to the new state around 125.5 GeV. (orig.)

  6. VII Workshop Italiano sulla fisica pp a LHC (United States)

    LHCpp2016 è la settima edizione dell'incontro nazionale sulla fisica p-p a LHC. Questa serie di incontri è nata a Pisa nel 2003 con lo scopo di stimolare lo scambio di idee tra le comunità sperimentali di ATLAS, CMS e LHCB e la comunità teorica. Caratteristica fondamentale di questi incontri è la preparazione di larga parte dei talk in collaborazione tra i vari esperimenti e la comunità teorica. Largo spazio nella preparazione e presentazione dei talk viene dato ai giovani ricercatori. In questa settima edizione, che si tiene di nuovo a Pisa, vogliamo concentrare l'attenzione sulle potenzialità di scoperta offerte dai dati raccolti durante il runII di LHC.

  7. Gauge boson/Higgs boson unification: The Higgs bosons as superpartners of massive gauge bosons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fayet, P.


    We show how one can use massive gauge superfields to describe, simultaneously, gauge bosons (Wsup(+-), Z, ...) and Higgs bosons (wsup(+-), z, ...) together with their spin-1/2 partners (pairs of winos, zinos, ...), despite their different electroweak properties. This provides a manifestly supersymmetric formulation of spontaneously broken supersymmetric gauge theories, and makes explicit the relations between massive gauge bosons and Higgs bosons. It raises, however, the following question: if the gauge bosons Wsup(+-) and Z and the Higgs bosons wsup(+-) and z are related by supersymmetry, how it is possible that the former couple to leptons and quarks proportionately to g or g', and the latter proportionately to gsub(F)sup(1/2) m (fermions). The paradox is solved as follows: when the Higgs bosons are described by massive gauge superfields, the lagrangian density is non-polynomial and field redefinitions have to be performed, in particular: lepton or quark field -> lepton or quark field + (approx.= Gsub(F)sup(1/2) Higgs field) (lepton or quark field). They automatically regenerate, from the lepton and quark supersymmetric mass terms, the correct Yukawa couplings of Higgs bosons proportional to fermion masses. We also apply this method to the case in which an extra U(1) group is gauged, the standard Higgs boson h 0 being then the superpartner of the new neutral gauge boson U. (orig.)

  8. Fisica. I progressi nello studio delle particelle piu' abbondanti ma piu mistriose

    CERN Multimedia

    Bilenky, Samoil Mikhelevich


    "Caccia ai neutrino conferme all'inutizione di Pontecorvo: hanno una masa (sia pure minima) e i loro 3 tipi si mutano l'uno nell'altro fisica i progressi nello studio delle particelle piu' abbondanti ma piu' misteriose". [The hunt for the neutrinos. Pontecorvo's theory has been confirmed: the neutrino has a mass (though minimal). It switches from one of the 3 types into the others].

  9. Higgs Production and Decay in Models of a Warped Extra Dimension with a Bulk Higgs


    Archer, Paul R.; Carena, Marcela; Carmona, Adrian; Neubert, Matthias


    Warped extra-dimension models in which the Higgs boson is allowed to propagate in the bulk of a compact AdS$_5$ space are conjectured to be dual to models featuring a partially composite Higgs boson. They offer a framework with which to investigate the implications of changing the scaling dimension of the Higgs operator, which can be used to reduce the constraints from electroweak precision data. In the context of such models, we calculate the cross section for Higgs production in gluon fusio...

  10. Bound states via Higgs exchanging and heavy resonant di-Higgs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhaofeng Kang


    Full Text Available The existence of Higgs boson h predicted by the standard model (SM was established and hunting for clues to new physics (NP hidden in h has become the top priority in particle physics. In this paper we explore an intriguing phenomenon that prevails in NP associated with h, bound state (Bh, referring to the ground state only of relatively heavy particles ϕ out of NP via interchanging h. This is well-motivated due to the intrinsic properties of h: It has zero spin and light mass, capable of mediating Yukawa interactions; moreover, it may be strongly coupled to ϕ in several important contexts, from addressing the naturalness problem by compositeness/supersymmetry (SUSY/classical scale invariance to understanding neutrino mass origin radiatively and matter asymmetry by electroweak baryogensis. The new resonance Bh, being a neutral scalar boson, has important implications to the large hadron collider (LHC di-Higgs search because it yields a clear resonant di-Higgs signature at the high mass region (≳1 TeV. In other words, searching for Bh offers a new avenue to probe the hidden sector with a Higgs-portal. For illustration in this paper we concentrate on two examples, the stop sector in SUSY and an inert Higgs doublet from a radiative neutrino model. In particular, h-mediation opens a new and wide window to probe the conventional stoponium and the current date begins to have sensitivity to stoponium around TeV.

  11. Bound states via Higgs exchanging and heavy resonant di-Higgs (United States)

    Kang, Zhaofeng


    The existence of Higgs boson h predicted by the standard model (SM) was established and hunting for clues to new physics (NP) hidden in h has become the top priority in particle physics. In this paper we explore an intriguing phenomenon that prevails in NP associated with h, bound state (Bh, referring to the ground state only) of relatively heavy particles ϕ out of NP via interchanging h. This is well-motivated due to the intrinsic properties of h: It has zero spin and light mass, capable of mediating Yukawa interactions; moreover, it may be strongly coupled to ϕ in several important contexts, from addressing the naturalness problem by compositeness/supersymmetry (SUSY)/classical scale invariance to understanding neutrino mass origin radiatively and matter asymmetry by electroweak baryogensis. The new resonance Bh, being a neutral scalar boson, has important implications to the large hadron collider (LHC) di-Higgs search because it yields a clear resonant di-Higgs signature at the high mass region (≳ 1 TeV). In other words, searching for Bh offers a new avenue to probe the hidden sector with a Higgs-portal. For illustration in this paper we concentrate on two examples, the stop sector in SUSY and an inert Higgs doublet from a radiative neutrino model. In particular, h-mediation opens a new and wide window to probe the conventional stoponium and the current date begins to have sensitivity to stoponium around TeV.

  12. The Higgs boson

    CERN Multimedia

    Brunet, S


    ATLAS Higgs poster targeted to general public, explaining the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism and why it is important. It also explains the role of the Higgs Boson, how we look for it, the journey of the discovery and what comes after the discovery. Also available in French ( Don’t hesitate to use it in your institute’s corridors and in your outreach events! The poster is in A0 format. You can click on the image to download the high-quality .pdf version and print it at your favorite printshop. For any questions or comments you can contact

  13. Dark side of the Higgs boson

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Low, I.; Schwaller, P.; Shaughnessy, G.; Wagner, C.E.M.


    Current limits from the Large Hadron Collider exclude a standard model-like Higgs mass above 150 GeV, by placing an upper bound on the Higgs production rate. We emphasize that, alternatively, the limit could be interpreted as a lower bound on the total decay width of the Higgs boson. If the invisible decay width of the Higgs is of the same order as the visible decay width, a heavy Higgs boson could be consistent with null results from current searches. We propose a method to infer the invisible decay of the Higgs by using the width of the measured h → ZZ → 4 (ell) line shape, and study the effect on the width extraction due to a reduced signal strength. Assuming the invisible decay product is the dark matter, we show that minimal models are tightly constrained by limits from Higgs searches at the LHC and direct detection experiments of dark matter, unless the relic density constraint is relaxed.

  14. Qui attrapera le Higgs?

    CERN Multimedia

    Colas, Paul


    The Higgs boson was theoretically created about 40 years ago by a Scott Peter Higgs who wanted to explain why some particles get a mass. Since then the Higgs boson has taken consistency and has become an important point of the standard model theory. Its experimental discovery would be a milestone of modern physics. The search for the Higgs boson is an international challenge that takes place around 2 huge machines: the Tevatron near Chicago and the LHC (large hadron collider) that is being built in CERN. The Tevatron is in fact the upgrading of an old particle accelerator, it is a proton collider and its narrow range of energy is compensated by a low background noise. On the other hand the LHC will begin operating only in 2007 and its full power will be reached a few years later, the energy available to create particles will be then 7 times higher than for the Tevatron. Both machines have chance of succeeding by being the first to detect the Higgs boson. Time plays in favor of the Tevatron but in any case if ...

  15. The Higgs particle and higher-dimensional theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, C. S.


    In spite of the great success of LHC experiments, we do not know whether the discovered “standard model-like” Higgs particle is really what the standard model predicts, or a particle that some new physics has in its low-energy effective theory. Also, the long-standing problems concerning the property of the Higgs and its interactions are still there, and we still do not have any conclusive argument on the origin of the Higgs itself. In this article we focus on higher-dimensional theories as new physics. First we give a brief review of their representative scenarios and closely related 4D scenarios. Among them, we mainly discuss two interesting possibilities of the origin of the Higgs: the Higgs as a gauge boson and the Higgs as a (pseudo) Nambu–Goldstone boson. Next, we argue that theories of new physics are divided into two categories, i.e., theories with normal Higgs interactions and those with anomalous Higgs interactions. Interestingly, both the candidates for the origin of the Higgs mentioned above predict characteristic “anomalous” Higgs interactions, such as the deviation of the Yukawa couplings from the standard model predictions. Such deviations can hopefully be investigated by precision tests of Higgs interactions at the planned ILC experiment. Also discussed is the main decay mode of the Higgs, H→γγ. Again, theories belonging to different categories are known to predict remarkably different new physics contributions to this important process

  16. A comparison of the Higgs sectors of the CMSSM and NMSSM for a 126 GeV Higgs boson

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beskidt, C.; Boer, W. de; Kazakov, D.I.


    The recent discovery of a Higgs-like boson at the LHC with a mass of 126 GeV has revived the interest in supersymmetric models, which predicted a Higgs boson mass below 130 GeV long before its discovery. We compare systematically the allowed parameter space in the constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (CMSSM) and the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Model (NMSSM) by minimizing the χ 2 function with respect to all known constraints from accelerators and cosmology using GUT scale parameters. For the CMSSM the Higgs boson mass at tree level is below the Z 0 boson mass and large radiative corrections are needed to obtain a Higgs boson mass of 126 GeV, which requires stop squark masses in the multi-TeV range. In contrast, for the NMSSM light stop quarks are allowed, since in the NMSSM at tree level the Higgs boson mass can be above the Z 0 boson mass from mixing with the additional singlet Higgs boson. Predictions for the scalar boson masses are given in both models with emphasis on the unique signatures of the NMSSM, where the heaviest scalar Higgs boson decays in the two lighter scalar Higgs bosons with a significant branching ratio, in which case one should observe double Higgs boson production at the LHC. Such a signal is strongly suppressed in the CMSSM. In addition, since the LSP is higgsino-like, Higgs boson decays into LSPs can be appreciable, thus leading to invisible Higgs decays

  17. Searches for BSM Higgs Bosons with ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Navarro, Gabriela; The ATLAS collaboration


    The discovery of a Higgs-like boson with a mass of about 125GeV has prompted the question of whether or not this particle is part of a much larger and more complex Higgs sector than that envisioned in the Standard Model. In this talk, the current results from the ATLAS Experiment regarding Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) Higgs hypothesis tests are outlined. Searches for additional Higgs bosons are presented and interpreted in well-motivated BSM Higgs frameworks, such as two-Higgs-doublet Models and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.

  18. Lattice Higgs models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jersak, J.


    This year has brought a sudden interest in lattice Higgs models. After five years of only modest activity we now have many new results obtained both by analytic and Monte Carlo methods. This talk is a review of the present state of lattice Higgs models with particular emphasis on the recent development

  19. Higgs inflation and the cosmological constant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jegerlehner, Fred [Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Physik; Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany)


    The Higgs not only induces the masses of all SM particles, the Higgs, given its special mass value, is the natural candidate for the inflaton and in fact is ruling the evolution of the early universe, by providing the necessary dark energy which remains the dominant energy density. SM running couplings not only allow us to extrapolate SM physics up to the Planck scale, but equally important they are triggering the Higgs mechanism. This is possible by the fact that the bare mass term in the Higgs potential changes sign at about μ{sub 0}≅1.40 x 10{sup 16} GeV and in the symmetric phase is enhanced by quadratic terms in the Planck mass. Such a huge Higgs mass term is able to play a key role in triggering inflation in the early universe. In this article we extend our previous investigation by working out the details of a Higgs inflation scenario. We show how different terms contributing to the Higgs Lagrangian are affecting inflation. Given the SM and its extrapolation to scales μ>μ{sub 0} we find a calculable cosmological constant V(0) which is weakly scale dependent and actually remains large during inflation. This is different to the Higgs fluctuation field dependent ΔV(φ), which decays exponentially during inflation, and actually would not provide a sufficient amount of inflation. The fluctuation field has a different effective mass which shifts the bare Higgs transition point to a lower value μ'{sub 0} ≅7.7 x 10{sup 14} GeV. The vacuum energy V(0) being proportional to M{sub Pl}{sup 4} has a coefficient which vanishes near the Higgs transition point, such that the bare and the renormalized cosmological constant match at this point. The role of the Higgs in reheating and baryogenesis is emphasized.

  20. Search for a lighter Higgs boson in Two Higgs Doublet Models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cacciapaglia, Giacomo; Deandrea, Aldo; Gascon-Shotkin, Suzanne; Corre, Solène Le; Lethuillier, Morgan [University Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS/IN2P3, UMR5822 IPNL,4, rue E. Fermi, Villeurbanne, F-69622 (France); Tao, Junquan [Institute High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,P.O. Box 918, Beijing, 100049 (China)


    We consider present constraints on Two Higgs Doublet Models, both from the LHC at Run 1 and from other sources in order to explore the possibility of constraining a neutral scalar or pseudo-scalar particle lighter than the 125 GeV Higgs boson. Such a lighter particle is not yet completely excluded by present data. We show with a simplified analysis that some new constraints could be obtained at the LHC if such a search is performed by the experimental collaborations, which we therefore encourage to continue carrying out light diphoton resonance searches at √s=13 TeV in the context of Two Higgs Doublet Models.

  1. Upper and lower Higgs boson mass bounds from a chirally invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerhold, Philipp Frederik Clemens


    Motivated by the advent of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) the aim of the present work is the non-perturbative determination of the cutoff-dependent upper and lower mass bounds of the Standard Model Higgs boson based on first principle calculations, in particular not relying on additional information such as the triviality property of the Higgs- Yukawa sector or indirect arguments like vacuum stability considerations. For that purpose the lattice approach is employed to allow for a non-perturbative investigation of a chirally invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model, serving here as a reasonable simplification of the full Standard Model, containing only those fields and interactions which are most essential for the intended Higgs boson mass determination. These are the complex Higgs doublet as well as the top and bottom quark fields and their mutual interactions. To maintain the chiral character of the Standard Model Higgs-fermion coupling also on the lattice, the latter model is constructed on the basis of the Neuberger overlap operator, obeying then an exact global lattice chiral symmetry. Respecting the fermionic degrees of freedom in a fully dynamical manner by virtue of a PHMC algorithm appropriately adapted to the here intended lattice calculations, such mass bounds can indeed be established with the aforementioned approach. Supported by analytical calculations performed in the framework of the constraint effective potential, the lower bound is found to be approximately m low H (Λ)=80 GeV at a cutoff of Λ=1000 GeV. The emergence of a lower Higgs boson mass bound is thus a manifest property of the pure Higgs-Yukawa sector that evolves directly from the Higgs-fermion interaction for a given set of Yukawa coupling constants. Its quantitative size, however, turns out to be non-universal in the sense, that it depends on the specific form, for instance, of the Higgs boson self-interaction. The upper Higgs boson mass bound is then established in the strong coupling

  2. John Ellis discusses the Higgs, the lack of the Higgs, and extra dimensions

    CERN Multimedia

    Katarina Anthony


    On 13 September, CERN will be hosting a colloquium to mark John Ellis' 65th birthday. The colloquium comes as John ends his long career as a distinguished CERN staff member and makes a transition to Clerk Maxwell Professor of Theoretical Physics at King’s College London. The Bulletin took the opportunity to ask John to share his expectations from the LHC during this long-awaited data-taking phase...   John Ellis  in his office (July 2011). So, let’s start from the Higgs boson: does it exist and where is it? The million-dollar question… Sometime in the next few months, I think we will finally get clarity on the Higgs boson. While it has been with us as a hypothesis since 1964, I think we are finally closing in on it now. However, in every possible discovery scenario, clarity on the Higgs will lead to new physics. Let me explain... Experiments have left only three possible mass ranges where the Higgs – or a Higgs-like particl...

  3. Where is the Higgs boson?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aranda, A.; Balazs, C.; Diaz-Cruz, J.L.


    Electroweak precision measurements indicate that the standard model Higgs boson is light and that it could have already been discovered at LEP 2, or might be found at the Tevatron run 2. In the context of a TeV -1 size extra-dimensional model, we argue that the Higgs boson production rates at LEP and the Tevatron are suppressed, while they might be enhanced at the LHC or at CLIC. This is due to the possible mixing between brane and bulk components of the Higgs boson, that is, the non-trivial brane-bulk 'location' of the lightest Higgs. To parametrize this mixing, we consider two Higgs doublets, one confined to the usual space dimensions and the other propagating in the bulk. Calculating the production and decay rates for the lightest Higgs boson, we find that compared to the standard model (SM), the cross section receives a suppression well below but an enhancement close to and above the compactification scale M c . This impacts the discovery of the lightest (SM like) Higgs boson at colliders. To find a Higgs signal in this model at the Tevatron run 2 or at the LC with √s=1.5 TeV, a higher luminosity would be required than in the SM case. Meanwhile, at the LHC or at CLIC with √s∼3-5 TeV one might find highly enhanced production rates. This will enable the latter experiments to distinguish between the extra-dimensional and the SM for M c up to about 6 TeV

  4. Evaluacion de Mediciones Fisicas y de Ultrasonido para Estimaciones del Peso de la Pechuga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melo JE


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la utilización de distintas mediciones como predictores del peso de la pechuga. En la experiencia 1 se utilizaron 32 pollos Anak y 32 pollos Ross, muestreados al azar de dos lotes de 400 animales de cada genotipo. A los 53 dias de edad se realizó la faena y una disección de cortes comerciales. Se tomaron los siguientes pesos: peso vivo (PV, de la canal (PC y de la pechuga (Pch. Se calculó para el análisis la proporción de cada uno sobre el peso vivo (%PC y %Pch. También se midieron el largo y el ancho de la pechuga con calibre. Se observaron diferencias entre genotipos para PV, PC, %PC, Pch y %Pch (p <0,05. Los animales de la línea Ross resultaron más pesados que los Anak, así coma su carcasa, pechuga y proporciones resultaron mayores. La Pch se correlacionó alta y positivamente con el PV. Ninguna de las mediciones con calibre in vivo significó un aumento de consideración en la precisión de la predicción de Pch. En la experiencia 2 se utilizaron 60 pollos INTA-Camperos, muestreados al azar de un lote de 100 animales. A los 69 días de edad se realizaron mediciones in vivo del largo y ancho de la pechuga con calibre, y de la profundidad por ultrasonido previo a la faena, midiéndose los mismos parámetros que en la anterior experiencia. La correlación entre PV y la Pch fue alta y positiva, pero media a baja con las mediciones con calibre. Se obtuvo una buena predicción de Pch (R²=0,75 a partir del peso vivo, del largo y de la profundidad de pechuga. La eliminación de la medición ecográfica no redujo el ajuste del modelo de manera significativa (R²=0,725.

  5. Smoking-gun signatures of little Higgs models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han Tao [Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (United States); Institute of Theoretical Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing 100080 (China); Logan, Heather E. [Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (United States); Wang, L.-T. [Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (United States); Jefferson Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 (United States)


    Little Higgs models predict new gauge bosons, fermions and scalars at the TeV scale that stabilize the Higgs mass against quadratically divergent one-loop radiative corrections. We categorize the many little Higgs models into two classes based on the structure of the extended electroweak gauge group and examine the experimental signatures that identify the little Higgs mechanism in addition to those that identify the particular little Higgs model. We find that by examining the properties of the new heavy fermion(s) at the LHC, one can distinguish the structure of the top quark mass generation mechanism and test the little Higgs mechanism in the top sector. Similarly, by studying the couplings of the new gauge bosons to the light Higgs boson and to the Standard Model fermions, one can confirm the little Higgs mechanism and determine the structure of the extended electroweak gauge group.

  6. Light Higgs bosons at LEP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ekspong, G.


    Among possible production reactions for neutral Higgs bosons it is known that e + e - →Z 0 +H 0 offers advantages of relatively high production cross section and low background from other reactions. With Z 0 decaying to two electrons, which are measured, the existence of a Higgs candidate will be seen as a peak in the missing mass spectrum. It is shown that a sufficiently good mass resolution is obtainable to make a search for Higgs feasible at LEP. In its first phase, the energy of LEP limits the search to Higgs bosons of mass around 10 GeV. (Auth.)

  7. 14 Nobel, preocupados por el CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Rivera, A


    "E l presidente del Consejo del CERN (Laboratorio Europeo de Fisica de Particulas, junto a Ginebra), Maurice Bourquin, ha recibido una carta firmada por un grupo de cientificos muy especiales: 14 premios Nobel de Fisica" (1 page).

  8. MSSM Higgs boson searches at the LHC. Benchmark scenarios after the discovery of a Higgs-like particle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carena, M. [Fermilab, Batavia, IL (United States). Theoretical Physics Dept.; Chicago Univ., IL (United States). Enrico Fermi Inst.; Chicago Univ., IL (United States). Kavli Inst. for Cosmological Physics; Heinemeyer, S. [Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Santander (Spain); Staal, O. [Stockholm Univ. (Sweden). Dept. of Physics; Wagner, C.E.M. [Chicago Univ., IL (United States). Enrico Fermi Inst.; Chicago Univ., IL (United States). Kavli Inst. for Cosmological Physics; Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States). HEP Division; Weiglein, G. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany)


    A Higgs-like particle with a mass of about 125.5 GeV has been discovered at the LHC. Within the current experimental uncertainties, this new state is compatible with both the predictions for the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson and with the Higgs sector in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We propose new low- energy MSSM benchmark scenarios that, over a wide parameter range, are compatible with the mass and production rates of the observed signal. These scenarios also exhibit interesting phenomenology for the MSSM Higgs sector. We propose a slightly updated version of the well-known m{sup max}{sub h} scenario, and a modified scenario (m{sup mod}{sub h}), where the light CP-even Higgs boson can be interpreted as the LHC signal in large parts of the M{sub A}-tan {beta} plane. Furthermore, we define a light stop scenario that leads to a suppression of the lightest CP-even Higgs gluon fusion rate, and a light stau scenario with an enhanced decay rate of h{yields}{gamma}{gamma} at large tan {beta}. We also suggest a {tau}-phobic Higgs scenario in which the lightest Higgs can have suppressed couplings to down-type fermions. We propose to supplement the specified value of the {mu} parameter in some of these scenarios with additional values of both signs. This has a significant impact on the interpretation of searches for the non SM-like MSSM Higgs bosons. We also discuss the sensitivity of the searches to heavy Higgs decays into light charginos and neutralinos, and to decays of the form H{yields}{gamma}{gamma}. Finally, in addition to all the other scenarios where the lightest CP-even Higgs is interpreted as the LHC signal, we propose a low-M{sub H} scenario, where instead the heavy CP-even Higgs boson corresponds to the new state around 125.5 GeV.

  9. Quantum Critical Higgs (United States)

    Bellazzini, Brando; Csáki, Csaba; Hubisz, Jay; Lee, Seung J.; Serra, Javi; Terning, John


    The appearance of the light Higgs boson at the LHC is difficult to explain, particularly in light of naturalness arguments in quantum field theory. However, light scalars can appear in condensed matter systems when parameters (like the amount of doping) are tuned to a critical point. At zero temperature these quantum critical points are directly analogous to the finely tuned standard model. In this paper, we explore a class of models with a Higgs near a quantum critical point that exhibits non-mean-field behavior. We discuss the parametrization of the effects of a Higgs emerging from such a critical point in terms of form factors, and present two simple realistic scenarios based on either generalized free fields or a 5D dual in anti-de Sitter space. For both of these models, we consider the processes g g →Z Z and g g →h h , which can be used to gain information about the Higgs scaling dimension and IR transition scale from the experimental data.

  10. Off-Shell Higgs Probe of Naturalness (United States)

    Gonçalves, Dorival; Han, Tao; Mukhopadhyay, Satyanarayan


    Examining the Higgs sector at high energy scales through off-shell Higgs production can potentially shed light on the naturalness problem of the Higgs boson mass. We propose such a study at the LHC by utilizing a representative model with a new scalar field (S ) coupled to the standard model Higgs doublet (H ) in a form |S |2|H |2. In the process p p →h*→Z Z , the dominant momentum-dependent part of the one-loop scalar singlet corrections, especially above the new threshold at 2 mS, leads to a measurable deviation in the differential distribution of the Z -pair invariant mass, in accordance with the quadratic divergence cancellation to the Higgs mass. We find that it is conceivable to probe such new physics at the 5 σ level at the high-luminosity LHC, improving further with the upgraded 27 TeV LHC, without requiring the precise measurement of the Higgs boson total width. The discovery of such a Higgs portal could also have important implications for thermal dark matter as well as for electroweak baryogenesis.

  11. La trama del cosmo spazio, tempo, realtà

    CERN Document Server

    Greene, Brian


    Dal regno immutabile di Newton, dove lo spazio e il tempo sono assoluti, alla concezione fluida dello spazio-tempo di Einstein, alle tesi della meccanica quantistica, il fisico americano mostra come il mondo sia molto diverso da quello che l'esperienza comune potrebbe far pensare. Concentrandosi sull'enigma del tempo, Greene stabilisce che nessuna regola fisica conferma l'idea che esso scorra in una particolare direzione. Attraverso l'analisi della teoria del big bang, dimostra quanto le recenti teorie delle superstringhe e la M-teoria possano conciliare ogni cosa, dalla più piccola particella al più grande buco nero. Una visione che culmina in un "multiverso" dove spazio e tempo possono dissolversi in entità più sottili e fondamentali.

  12. Graceful exit from Higgs G-inflation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamada, Kohei [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Kobayashi, Tsutomu [Rikkyo Univ., Tokyo (Japan). Dept. of Physics; Kunimitsu, Taro [Tokyo Univ. (Japan). Dept. of Physics; Tokyo Univ. (Japan). Research Center for the Early Universe (RESCEU); Yamaguchi, Masahide [Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan). Dept. of Physics; Yokoyama, Jun' ichi [Tokyo Univ. (Japan). Research Center for the Early Universe (RESCEU); Tokyo Univ., Chiba (Japan). Kavli Inst. for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU)


    Higgs G-inflation is a Higgs inflation model with a generalized Galileon term added to the standard model Higgs field, which realizes inflation compatible with observations. Recently, it was claimed that the generalized Galileon term induces instabilities during the oscillation phase, and that the simplest Higgs G-inflation model inevitably suffers from this problem. In this paper, we extend the original Higgs G-inflation Lagrangian to a more general form, namely introducing a higher-order kinetic term and generalizing the form of the Galileon term, so that the Higgs field can oscillate after inflation without encountering instabilities. Moreover, it accommodates a large region of the n{sub s}-r plane, most of which is consistent with current observations, leading us to expect the detection of B-mode polarization in the cosmic microwave background in the near future.

  13. Search for rare and exotic Higgs Boson decay modes and Higgs Boson pair production with the ATLAS detector

    CERN Document Server

    Tong, Baojia; The ATLAS collaboration


    An enhanced production of double Higgs bosons or exotic decays of the Higgs boson would be two clear signs of beyond Standard Model physics. A search is performed for resonant and non-resonant Higgs boson pair production, where the two Higgs bosons decay to four bottom quarks. Another search is conducted for a Higgs boson decay to XX to four leptons. Both analyses use up to 36 ifb of p-p collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at 13 TeV. No significant excess is found. The observed 95% confidence level upper limit on the non-resonant Higgs boson pair production is 13 times the Standard Model prediction.

  14. HiggsBounds-4. Improved tests of extended Higgs sectors against exclusion bounds from LEP, the Tevatron and the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bechtle, Philip [Bonn Univ. (Germany). Physikalisches Inst.; Heinemeyer, Sven [Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Santander (Spain); Staal, Oscar [Stockholm Univ. (Sweden). Dept. of Physics; Stefaniak, Tim; Williams, Karina E. [Bonn Univ. (Germany). Physikalisches Inst.; Bonn Univ. (Germany). Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics; Weiglein, Georg [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Brein, Oliver


    We describe the new developments in version 4 of the public computer code HiggsBounds. HiggsBounds is a tool to test models with arbitrary Higgs sectors, containing both neutral and charged Higgs bosons, against the published exclusion bounds from Higgs searches at the LEP, Tevatron and LHC experiments. From the model predictions for the Higgs masses, branching ratios, production cross sections and total decay widths - which are specified by the user in the input for the program - the code calculates the predicted signal rates for the search channels considered in the experimental data. The signal rates are compared to the expected and observed cross section limits from the Higgs searches to determine whether a point in the model parameter space is excluded at 95% confidence level. In this paper we present a modification of the HiggsBounds main algorithm that extends the exclusion test in order to ensure that it provides useful results in the presence of one or more significant excesses in the data, corresponding to potential Higgs signals. We also describe a new method to test whether the limits from an experimental search performed under certain model assumptions can be applied to a different theoretical model. Further developments discussed here include a framework to take into account theoretical uncertainties on the Higgs mass predictions, and the possibility to obtain the {chi}{sup 2} likelihood of Higgs exclusion limits from LEP. Extensions to the user subroutines from earlier versions of HiggsBounds are described. The new features are demonstrated by additional example programs.

  15. HiggsBounds-4. Improved tests of extended Higgs sectors against exclusion bounds from LEP, the Tevatron and the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bechtle, Philip; Staal, Oscar; Brein, Oliver


    We describe the new developments in version 4 of the public computer code HiggsBounds. HiggsBounds is a tool to test models with arbitrary Higgs sectors, containing both neutral and charged Higgs bosons, against the published exclusion bounds from Higgs searches at the LEP, Tevatron and LHC experiments. From the model predictions for the Higgs masses, branching ratios, production cross sections and total decay widths - which are specified by the user in the input for the program - the code calculates the predicted signal rates for the search channels considered in the experimental data. The signal rates are compared to the expected and observed cross section limits from the Higgs searches to determine whether a point in the model parameter space is excluded at 95% confidence level. In this paper we present a modification of the HiggsBounds main algorithm that extends the exclusion test in order to ensure that it provides useful results in the presence of one or more significant excesses in the data, corresponding to potential Higgs signals. We also describe a new method to test whether the limits from an experimental search performed under certain model assumptions can be applied to a different theoretical model. Further developments discussed here include a framework to take into account theoretical uncertainties on the Higgs mass predictions, and the possibility to obtain the χ 2 likelihood of Higgs exclusion limits from LEP. Extensions to the user subroutines from earlier versions of HiggsBounds are described. The new features are demonstrated by additional example programs.

  16. Il mondo dei quanti la fisica quantistica per tutti

    CERN Document Server

    Ford, Kenneth W


    L'autore spiega come le leggi che governano l'enormemente piccolo e l'enormemente rapido sfidino il senso comune e mettano alla prova l'intelletto al limite delle sue possibilità. Ford introduce alle grandi idee di una teoria - la fisica quantistica - che continua a rimanere misteriosa nonostante i numerosi successi: la granularità (la materia e alcune sue proprietà, come l'energia, sono "grumose"), il dualismo onda-particella, il principio di indeterminazione, la natura dei bosoni e dei fermioni, il principio di sovrapposizione e la non separabilità (il fatto che un atomo possa trovarsi simultaneamente in due o più stati di moto diversi).

  17. LEP Higgs boson searches beyond the standard model

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    These include the searches for charged Higgs bosons, models with two Higgs field doublets, searches for 'fermiophobic' Higgs decay, invisible Higgs boson decays, decay-mode independent searches, and limits on Yukawa and anomalous Higgs couplings. I review the searches done by the four LEP experiments and ...

  18. Fenomeni radioattivi dai nuclei alle stelle

    CERN Document Server

    Bendiscioli, Giorgio


    Questo volume raccoglie le lezioni del Corso di Radioattività impartite, inizialmente dall’autore e successivamente da suoi collaboratori, agli studenti di Fisica presso l’Università di Pavia. I temi trattati costituiscono un’introduzione ai fenomeni radioattivi in senso stretto con escursioni, aventi come base di partenza e filo conduttore il decadimento beta, nel campo della fisica delle particelle elementari, in particolare dei neutrini, e dell’astrofisica. Alcuni argomenti sono tradizionali, altri riguardano la fisica di frontiera così che al lettore sono offerti particolari itinerari dalla fisica consolidata alla fisica in evoluzione. Ovviamente, per quanto riguarda quest’ultima, i risultati sperimentali riportati e i relativi commenti hanno carattere di provvisorietà. Per questa ragione, in questa edizione del testo, è stata rivolta particolare attenzione all’aggiornamento dei risultati relativi allo studio dei neutrini nell’ambito del doppio decadimento beta e delle oscillazioni di n...

  19. Higgs into the heart of imagination

    CERN Document Server

    Van den Bergh, Hannie


    Higgs is the documentary about the quest for the Higgs particle, also known as "The God Particle". It is considered the missing link in particle physics. Higgs is a film about the curiosity, the passion, and the imaginative power of silence.

  20. Partially composite Higgs models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alanne, Tommi; Buarque Franzosi, Diogo; Frandsen, Mads T.


    We study the phenomenology of partially composite-Higgs models where electroweak symmetry breaking is dynamically induced, and the Higgs is a mixture of a composite and an elementary state. The models considered have explicit realizations in terms of gauge-Yukawa theories with new strongly...... interacting fermions coupled to elementary scalars and allow for a very SM-like Higgs state. We study constraints on their parameter spaces from vacuum stability and perturbativity as well as from LHC results and find that requiring vacuum stability up to the compositeness scale already imposes relevant...... constraints. A small part of parameter space around the classically conformal limit is stable up to the Planck scale. This is however already strongly disfavored by LHC results. in different limits, the models realize both (partially) composite-Higgs and (bosonic) technicolor models and a dynamical extension...

  1. Toponium Tests Of Top-Quark Higgs Bags


    Macpherson, Alick L.; Campbell, Bruce A.


    Recently it has been suggested that top quarks, or very massive fourth generation quarks, might surround themselves with a Higgs "bag" of deformation of the Higgs expectation value from its vacuum magnitude. In this paper we address the question of whether such nonlinear Higgs-top interaction effects are subject to experimental test. We first note that if top quarks were necessarily accompanied by Higgs "bags", then top quark weak decay would involve the sudden disruption of the Higgs "bag", ...

  2. Studying Higgs pair production in the process γγ→H0H0 in the two-Higgs-doublet model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    La-Zhen, S.; Yao-Yang, L.


    In the two-Higgs-doublet model the complete nonstandard Higgs boson helicity amplitudes for the Higgs boson pair production process γγ→H 0 H 0 is calculated and explicit formulas for nonstandard Higgs boson contributions to the helicity amplitudes are given. It is shown that the cross section is in the range of 0.03 endash 30 pb at √s=1 TeV, for Higgs boson masses of 350 H 0 <490 GeV in monochromatic γγ collisions. The angular distribution for Higgs pair production is strongly peaked in the forward and backward directions. In particular the angular dependence for Higgs pair production is due to the nonstandard Higgs boson getting larger where the box diagrams constitute the dominant part of the differential cross section. For studying heavy Higgs pair production the use of circularly polarized photon beams with equal helicities is advantageous. copyright 1996 The American Physical Society

  3. Higgs Searches at DØ (United States)

    Owen, Mark


    The Higgs boson is essential to achieve electroweak symmetry breaking in the Standard Model. Results on searches for the Higgs boson using data collected in pbar p collisions at √ s = 1.96 {TeV} with the DØ detector at the Fermilab Teva-tron collider are presented. The data, corresponding to integrated luminosities between 1 fb-1 and 2 fb-1 show no excess above the expected backgrounds and as such upper limits on the production cross section of Higgs bosons are set at the 95% confidence level.

  4. Vacuum stability in neutrinophilic Higgs doublet model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haba, Naoyuki; Horita, Tomohiro


    A neutrinophilic Higgs model has tiny vacuum expectation value (VEV), which can naturally explain tiny masses of neutrinos. There is a large energy scale hierarchy between a VEV of the neutrinophilic Higgs doublet and that of usual standard model-like Higgs doublet. In this Letter we at first analyze vacuum structures of Higgs potential in both supersymmetry (SUSY) and non-SUSY neutrinophilic Higgs models, and next investigate a stability of this VEV hierarchy against radiative corrections. We will show that the VEV hierarchy is stable against radiative corrections in both Dirac neutrino and Majorana neutrino scenarios in both SUSY and non-SUSY neutrinophilic Higgs doublet models.

  5. Light Higgs from pole attractor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsedonskyi, Oleksii; Montull, Marc


    We propose a new way of explaining the observed Higgs mass, within the cosmological relaxation framework. The key feature distinguishing it from other scanning scenarios is that the scanning field has a non-canonical kinetic term, whose role is to terminate the scan around the desired Higgs mass value. We propose a concrete realisation of this idea with two new singlet fields, one that scans the Higgs mass, and another that limits the time window in which the scan is possible. Within the provided time period, the scanning field does not significantly evolve after the Higgs field gets close to the Standard Model value, due to particle production friction.

  6. Tools for charged Higgs bosons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Staal, Oscar


    We review the status of publicly available software tools applicable to charged Higgs physics. A selection of codes are highlighted in more detail, focusing on new developments that have taken place since the previous charged Higgs workshop in 2008. We conclude that phenomenologists now have the tools ready to face the LHC data. A new web page collecting charged Higgs resources is presented. (orig.)

  7. Higgs Particle: The Origin of Mass


    Okada, Yasuhiro


    The Higgs particle is a new elementary particle predicted in the Standard Model of the elementary particle physics. It plays a special role in the theory of mass generation of quarks, leptons, and gauge bosons. In this article, theoretical issues on the Higgs mechanism are first discussed, and then experimental prospects on the Higgs particle study at the future collider experiments, LHC and ILC, are reviewed. The Higgs coupling determination is an essential step to establish the mass generat...

  8. Beyond the standard Higgs at the LHC. Present constraints on little Higgs models and future prospects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tonini, Marco


    This thesis discusses the consistency of different Little Higgs models with the collected collider data as of the summer of 2013. Moreover, future prospects for possible discoveries and mass measurement methods of new physics signals at the foreseen LHC run II with increased center-of-mass energy are presented. Little Higgs models belong to a class of extensions of the Standard Higgs model, predicting a strong interaction regime at a compositeness scale Λ=4πf approximate global symmetry spontaneously broken at the scale f. A natural hierarchy between the compositeness and the electroweak scale is introduced by the Collective Symmetry Breaking mechanism: one-loop diagrams generating the Higgs mass term are forced to be at most logarithmically sensitive to Λ. A naturally light Higgs boson can thus be accommodated, consistently with a perturbative theory until a scale of order 10 TeV. We have probed the parameter space of three prominent examples of Little Higgs models, namely the Simplest Little Higgs model, the Littlest Higgs model, and the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity, against electroweak precision observables and the collected LHC data concerning both Higgs properties and direct searches for new particles, with √(s)=7,8 TeV and up to 25 fb -1 of integrated luminosity. Lower bounds on the scale f are set, within a certain degree of confidence level, which allow to draw conclusions on the ''naturalness'' of the different models. Optimisations of the existing direct searches setups, assuming a Little Higgs signal, as well as dedicated mass measurement methods designed for the foreseen LHC runs with √(s)=13,14 TeV are thoroughly discussed and proposed in this thesis. Special attention will be dedicated to final states including either a large or negligible fraction of missing transverse momentum. In particular, we will propose a dedicated collider search tailored for the discovery and mass measurement of a top partner, exploiting jet

  9. Higgs mixing in the NMSSM and light higgsinos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Kwang Sik; Shoji, Yutaro; Yamaguchi, Masahiro


    We explore the effects of Higgs mixing in the general next-to-minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM). Extended to include a gauge singlet, the Higgs sector can naturally explain the observed Higgs boson mass in TeV scale supersymmetry without invoking large stop mixing. This is particularly the case when the singlet scalar is light so that singlet-doublet mixing increases the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson. In such a case the Higgs mixing has interesting implications following from the fact that the higgsino mass parameter and the singlet coupling to Higgs bilinear crucially depend on the Higgs boson masses and mixing angles. For the mixing compatible with the current LHC data on the Higgs signal rates, the higgsinos are required to be relatively light, around or below a few hundred GeV, as long as the heavy doublet Higgs boson has a mass smaller than about 250√(tanβ) GeV and the singlet-like Higgs boson is consistent with the LEP constraint. In addition, the Higgs coupling to photons can receive a sizable contribution of either sign from the charged-higgsino loops combined with singlet-doublet mixing.

  10. Difficult scenarios for NMSSM Higgs discovery at the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellwanger, Ulrich; Gunion, John F.; Hugonie, Cyril


    We identify scenarios not ruled out by LEP data in which NMSSM Higgs detection at the LHC will be particularly challenging. We first review the 'no-lose' theorem for Higgs discovery at the LHC that applies if Higgs bosons do not decay to other Higgs bosons - namely, with L = 300 fb -1 , there is always one or more 'standard' Higgs detection channel with at least a 5σ signal. However, we provide examples of no-Higgs-to-Higgs cases for which all the standard signals are no larger than 7σ implying that if the available L is smaller or the simulations performed by ATLAS and CMS turn out to be overly optimistic, all standard Higgs signals could fall below 5σ even in the no-Higgs-to-Higgs part of NMSSM parameter space. In the vast bulk of NMSSM parameter space, there will be Higgs-to-Higgs decays. We show that when such decays are present it is possible for all the standard detection channels to have very small significance. In most such cases, the only strongly produced Higgs boson is one with fairly SM-like couplings that decays to two lighter Higgs bosons (either a pair of the lightest CP-even Higgs bosons, or, in the largest part of parameter space, a pair of the lightest CP-odd Higgs bosons). A number of representative bench-mark scenarios of this type are delineated in detail and implications for Higgs discovery at various colliders are discussed

  11. Modelling Ferroelectric Nanoparticles in Nematic Liquid Crystals (FERNANO) (United States)



  12. Higgs Physics

    CERN Document Server

    Pomarol, Alex


    With the discovery of the Higgs, we have access to a plethora of new physical processes that allow us to further test the SM and beyond. We show a convenient way to parametrize these physics using an effective theory for Higgs couplings, discussing the importance of the basis selection, predictions from a SM effective field theory, and possible ways to measure these couplings with special attention to the high-energy regime. Predictions from the MSSM and MCHM, with the comparison with data, are also provided.

  13. Higgs boson decays and production via gluon fusion at LHC in littlest Higgs models with T parity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Lei; Yang Jinmin


    We study the Higgs boson decays and production via gluon fusion at the LHC as a probe of two typical littlest Higgs models which introduce a top quark partner with different (even and odd) T parity to cancel the Higgs mass quadratic divergence contributed by the top quark. For each model, we consider two different choices for the down-type quark Yukawa couplings. We first examine the branching ratios of the Higgs boson decays and then study the production via gluon fusion followed by the decay into two photons or two weak gauge bosons. We find that the predictions can be quite different for different models or different choices of down-type quark Yukawa couplings, and all these predictions can sizably deviate from the standard model predictions. So the Higgs boson processes at the LHC can be a sensitive probe for these littlest Higgs models.

  14. Putting a Stop to di-Higgs Modifications

    CERN Document Server

    Batell, Brian; Stolarski, Daniel; Verhaaren, Christopher B


    Pair production of Higgs bosons at hadron colliders is an enticing channel to search for new physics. New colored particles that couple strongly to the Higgs, such as those most often called upon to address the hierarchy problem, provide well motivated examples in which large enhancements of the di-Higgs rate are possible, at least in principle. However, in such scenarios the di-Higgs production rate is tightly correlated with the single Higgs production rate and, since the latter is observed to be SM-like, one generally expects that only modest enhancements in di-Higgs production are allowed by the LHC Run 1 data. We examine the contribution of top squarks (stops) in a simplified supersymmetry model to di-Higgs production and find that this general expectation is indeed borne out. In particular, the allowed deviations are typically small, but there are tuned regions of parameter space where expectations based on EFT arguments break down in which order 100% enhancements to the di-Higgs production rate are pos...

  15. Effective Field Theory with Two Higgs Doublets

    CERN Document Server

    Crivellin, Andreas; Procura, Massimiliano


    In this article we extend the effective field theory framework describing new physics effects to the case where the underlying low-energy theory is a Two-Higgs-Doublet model. We derive a complete set of independent operators up to dimension six assuming a $Z_2$-invariant CP-conserving Higgs potential. The effects on Higgs and gauge boson masses, mixing angles in the Higgs sector as well as couplings to fermions and gauge bosons are computed. At variance with the case of a single Higgs doublet, we find that pair production of SM-like Higgses, arising through dimension-six operators, is not fixed by fermion-fermion-Higgs couplings and can therefore be sizable.

  16. Cosmological perturbations in the new Higgs inflation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Germani, Cristiano [Arnold Sommerfeld Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Theresienstr, 37 80333 Muenchen (Germany); Kehagias, Alex, E-mail:, E-mail: [Physics Division, National Technical University of Athens, 15780 Zografou Campus, Athens (Greece)


    We study the cosmological perturbations created during the New Higgs inflationary phase. In the New Higgs Inflation, the Higgs boson is kinetically coupled to the Einstein tensor and only three perturbative degrees of freedom, a scalar and two tensorial (gravitational waves), propagate during Inflation. Scalar perturbations are found to match the latest WMAP-7yrs data within Standard Model Higgs parameters. Primordial gravitational waves also, although propagating with superluminal speed, are consistent with present data. Finally, we estimate the values of the parameter of the New Higgs Inflation in relation to the Higgs mass, the spectral index and amplitude of the primordial scalar perturbations showing that the unitarity bound of the theory is not violated.

  17. Searches for non-Standard Model Higgs bosons

    CERN Document Server

    Dumitriu, Ana Elena; The ATLAS collaboration


    This presentation focuses on the Searches for non-Standard Model Higgs bosons using 36.1 fb of data collected by the ATLAS experiment. There are several theoretical models with an extended Higgs sector considered: 2 Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM), Supersymmetry (SUSY), which brings along super-partners of the SM particles (+ The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), whose Higgs sector is equivalent to the one of a constrained 2HDM of type II and the next-to MSSM (NMSSM)), General searches and Invisible decaying Higgs boson.

  18. Maximal CP violation via Higgs-boson exchange

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lavoura, L.


    The unitarity of the mixing matrix of the charged Higgs bosons, and the orthogonality of the mixing matrix of the neutral Higgs bosons, are used to derive upper bounds on the values of general CP-violating expressions. The bounds are independent of the total number of Higgs fields in any specific model. They allow is to relax the usual assumption of only one Higgs boson being light. It is natural that the CP violation in the exchange of neutral Higgs bosons between bottom quarks be particularly large

  19. The U(1)-Higgs model: critical behaviour in the confining-Higgs region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alonso, J.L.; Azcoiti, V.; Campos, I.; Ciria, J.C.; Cruz, A.; Iniguez, D.; Lesmes, F.; Piedrafita, C.; Rivero, A.; Tarancon, A.; Badoni, D.; Fernandez, L.A.; Munoz Sudupe, A.; Ruiz-Lorenzo, J.J.; Gonzalez-Arroyo, A.; Martinez, P.; Pech, J.; Tellez, P.


    We study numerically the critical properties of the U(1)-Higgs lattice model, with fixed Higgs modulus, in the region of small gauge coupling where the Higgs and confining phases merge. We find evidence for a first-order transition line that ends in a second-order point. By means of a rotation in parameter space we introduce thermodynamic magnitudes and critical exponents in close resemblance with simple models that show analogous critical behaviour. The measured data allow us to fit the critical exponents finding values in agreement with the mean-field prediction. The location of the critical point and the slope of the first-order line are accurately measured. (orig.)

  20. Machine Learning wins the Higgs Challenge

    CERN Multimedia

    Abha Eli Phoboo


    The winner of the four-month-long Higgs Machine Learning Challenge, launched on 12 May, is Gábor Melis from Hungary, followed closely by Tim Salimans from the Netherlands and Pierre Courtiol from France. The challenge explored the potential of advanced machine learning methods to improve the significance of the Higgs discovery.   Winners of the Higgs Machine Learning Challenge: Gábor Melis and Tim Salimans (top row), Tianqi Chen and Tong He (bottom row). Participants in the Higgs Machine Learning Challenge were tasked with developing an algorithm to improve the detection of Higgs boson signal events decaying into two tau particles in a sample of simulated ATLAS data* that contains few signal and a majority of non-Higgs boson “background” events. No knowledge of particle physics was required for the challenge but skills in machine learning - the training of computers to recognise patterns in data – were essential. The Challenge, hosted by Ka...

  1. Collider signatures of flavorful Higgs bosons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Altmannshofer, Wolfgang; Eby, Joshua; Gori, Stefania; Lotito, Matteo


    Motivated by our limited knowledge of the Higgs couplings to the first two generation fermions, we analyze the collider phenomenology of a class of two Higgs doublet models (2HDMs) with a nonstandard Yukawa sector. One Higgs doublet is mainly responsible for the masses of the weak gauge bosons and the third-generation fermions, while the second Higgs doublet provides mass for the lighter fermion generations. The characteristic collider signatures of this setup differ significantly from well-studied 2HDMs with natural flavor conservation, flavor alignment, or minimal flavor violation. New production mechanisms for the heavy scalar, pseudoscalar, and charged Higgs involving second-generation quarks can become dominant. The most interesting decay modes include H/A → cc,tc,μμ,τμ and H"± → cb,cs,μν. As a result, searches for low-mass dimuon resonances are currently among the best probes of the heavy Higgs bosons in this setup.

  2. Minkowski space structure of the Higgs potential in the two-Higgs-doublet model. II. Minima, symmetries, and topology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, I. P.


    We continue to explore the consequences of the recently discovered Minkowski space structure of the Higgs potential in the two-Higgs-doublet model. Here, we focus on the vacuum properties. The search for extrema of the Higgs potential is reformulated in terms of 3-quadrics in the 3+1-dimensional Minkowski space. We prove that 2HDM cannot have more than two local minima in the orbit space and that a twice-degenerate minimum can arise only via spontaneous violation of a discrete symmetry of the Higgs potential. Investigating topology of the 3-quadrics, we give concise criteria for existence of noncontractible paths in the Higgs orbit space. We also study explicit symmetries of the Higgs potential/Lagrangian and their spontaneous violation from a wider perspective than usual

  3. Composite Higgs-mediated flavor-changing neutral current

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agashe, Kaustubh; Contino, Roberto


    We discuss how, in the presence of higher-dimensional operators, the standard model fermion masses can be misaligned in flavor space with the Yukawa couplings to the Higgs boson, even with only one Higgs doublet. Such misalignment results in flavor-violating couplings to the Higgs and hence flavor-changing neutral current processes from tree-level Higgs exchange. We perform a model-independent analysis of such an effect. Specializing to the framework of a composite Higgs with partially composite standard model gauge and fermion fields, we show that the constraints on the compositeness scale implied by ε K can be generically as strong as those from the exchange of heavy spin-1 resonances if the Higgs is light and strongly coupled to the new states. In the special and well-motivated case of a composite pseudo-Goldstone Higgs, we find that the shift symmetry acting on the Higgs forces an alignment of the fermion mass terms with their Yukawa couplings at leading order in the fermions' degree of compositeness, thus implying much milder bounds. As a consequence of the flavor-violating Higgs couplings, we estimate BR(t→ch)∼10 -4 and BR(h→tc)∼5x10 -3 both for a pseudo-Goldstone (if t R is fully composite) and for a generic composite Higgs. By virtue of the AdS/CFT correspondence, our results directly apply to 5-dimensional Randall-Sundrum compactifications.

  4. Upper and lower Higgs boson mass bounds from a lattice Higgs-Yukawa model with dynamical overlap fermions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerhold, Philipp; Jansen, Karl


    We study a lattice Higgs-Yukawa model emulating the same Higgs-fermion coupling structure as in the Higgs sector of the electroweak Standard Model, in particular, obeying a Ginsparg- Wilson version of the underlying SU(2) L x U(1) Y symmetry, being a global symmetry here due to the neglection of gauge fields in this model. In this paper we present our results on the cutoffdependent upper Higgs boson mass bound at several selected values of the cutoff parameter Λ. (orig.)

  5. Co-Higgs bundles on P^1


    Rayan, Steven


    Co-Higgs bundles are Higgs bundles in the sense of Simpson, but with Higgs fields that take values in the tangent bundle instead of the cotangent bundle. Given a vector bundle on P^1, we find necessary and sufficient conditions on its Grothendieck splitting for it to admit a stable Higgs field. We characterize the rank-2, odd-degree moduli space as a universal elliptic curve with a globally-defined equation. For ranks r=2,3,4, we explicitly verify the conjectural Betti numbers emerging from t...

  6. Strongly interacting Higgs sector without technicolor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Chuan; Kuti, J.


    Simulation results are presented on Higgs mass calculations in the spontaneously broken phase of the Higgs sector in the minimal Standard Model with a higher derviative regulator. A heavy Higgs particle is found in the TeV mass range in the presence of a complex conjugate ghost pair at higher energies. The ghost pair evades easy experimental detection. As a finite and unitary theory in the continuum, this model serves as an explicit and simple example of a strong interacting Higgs sector without technicolor. (orig.)

  7. Higgs triplets in the standard model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gunion, J.F.; Vega, R.; Wudka, J.


    Even though the standard model of the strong and electroweak interactions has proven enormously successful, it need not be the case that a single Higgs-doublet field is responsible for giving masses to the weakly interacting vector bosons and the fermions. In this paper we explore the phenomenology of a Higgs sector for the standard model which contains both doublet and triplet fields [under SU(2) L ]. The resulting Higgs bosons have many exotic features and surprising experimental signatures. Since a critical task of future accelerators will be to either discover or establish the nonexistence of Higgs bosons with mass below the TeV scale, it will be important to keep in mind the alternative possibilities characteristic of this and other nonminimal Higgs sectors

  8. CP Studies and Non-Standard Higgs Physics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kraml, S.; Accomando, E.; G. Akeroyd, A.


    There are many possibilities for new physics beyond the Standard Model that feature non-standard Higgs sectors. These may introduce new sources of CP violation, and there may be mixing between multiple Higgs bosons or other new scalar bosons. Alternatively, the Higgs may be a composite state......, or there may even be no Higgs at all. These non-standard Higgs scenarios have important implications for collider physics as well as for cosmology, and understanding their phenomenology is essential for a full comprehension of electroweak symmetry breaking. This report discusses the most relevant theories...

  9. Difficult Scenarios for NMSSM Higgs Discovery at the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Ellwanger, U; Hugonie, C; Ellwanger, Ulrich; Gunion, John F.; Hugonie, Cyril


    We identify scenarios not ruled out by LEP data in which NMSSM Higgs detection at the LHC will be particularly challenging. We first review the `no-lose' theorem for Higgs discovery at the LHC that applies if Higgs bosons do not decay to other Higgs bosons - namely, with L=300 fb^-1, there is always one or more `standard' Higgs detection channel with at least a 5 sigma signal. However, we provide examples of no-Higgs-to-Higgs cases for which all the standard signals are no larger than 7 sigma implying that if the available L is smaller or the simulations performed by ATLAS and CMS turn out to be overly optimistic, all standard Higgs signals could fall below 5 sigma even in the no-Higgs-to-Higgs part of NMSSM parameter space. In the vast bulk of NMSSM parameter space, there will be Higgs-to-Higgs decays. We show that when such decays are present it is possible for all the standard detection channels to have very small significance. In most such cases, the only strongly produced Higgs boson is one with fairly S...

  10. HiggsBounds 2.0.0. Confronting neutral and charged Higgs sector predictions with exclusion bounds from LEP and the Tevatron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bechtle, P.; Weiglein, G. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Brein, O. [Freiburg Univ. (Germany). Physikalisches Inst.; Heinemeyer, S. [Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Santander (Spain); Williams, K.E. [Bonn Univ. (Germany). Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics


    HiggsBounds 2.0.0 is a computer code which tests both neutral and charged Higgs sectors of arbitrary models against the current exclusion bounds from the Higgs searches at LEP and the Tevatron. As input, it requires a selection of model predictions, such as Higgs masses, branching ratios, effective couplings and total decay widths. HiggsBounds 2.0.0 then uses the expected and observed topological cross section limits from the Higgs searches to determine whether a given parameter scenario of a model is excluded at the 95% C.L. by those searches. Version 2.0.0 represents a significant extension of the code since its first release (1.0.0). It includes now 28/53 LEP/Tevatron Higgs search analyses, compared to the 11/22 in the first release, of which many of the ones from the Tevatron are replaced by updates. As a major extension, the code allows now the predictions for (singly) charged Higgs bosons to be confronted with LEP and Tevatron searches. Furthermore, the newly included analyses contain LEP searches for neutral Higgs bosons (H) decaying invisibly or into (non flavour tagged) hadrons as well as decay-mode independent searches for neutral Higgs bosons, LEP searches via the production modes {tau}{sup +}{tau}{sup -}H and b anti bH, and Tevatron searches via t anti tH. Also, all Tevatron results presented at the ICHEP'10 are included in version 2.0.0. As physics applications of HiggsBounds 2.0.0 we study the allowed Higgs mass range for model scenarios with invisible Higgs decays and we obtain exclusion results for the scalar sector of the Randall-Sundrum model using up-to-date LEP and Tevatron direct search results. (orig.)

  11. Higgs physics at a future e+e- linear collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schumacher, M.


    This letter reviews the potential of a high luminosity e + e - linear collider (LC) in the precision study of the Higgs boson profile. The complementarity with the large hadron collider (LHC) Higgs physics program is briefly discussed. At the LC the Higgs mass can be best measured exploiting the kinematics in the Higgs-strahlung process: e + e - → Z → ZH. Spin, parity and charge-conjugation quantum numbers of the Higgs boson can be determined in a model-independent way. At the LC the Higgs boson production and decay rates can be used to measure the Higgs couplings to gauge bosons and fermions. Several extensions of the SM model introduce additional Higgs doublets and singlets. A no loose theorem guarantees that in a general supersymmetric model embedded in a GUT scenario at least one Higgs boson will be observable at √s = 500 GeV with L = 500 fb -1 . At the LHC the SM Higgs boson or at least one Higgs boson in the MSSM will be observed. Beyond its discovery a limited number of measurements of Higgs boson properties can be carried out at the LHC (mass, total width for a heavy Higgs boson, some ratios of couplings). The complementary of LC over LHC concerning the Higgs sector is threefold: first the accuracy of these measurements will be increased, secondly the absolute measurements of all the relevant Higgs boson couplings, including the Higgs self coupling, will be possible only at LC, and finally extended Higgs sector scenarios can be observed at LC closing the loopholes of a possible non-discovery at the LHC

  12. The Higgs boson resonance width from a chiral Higgs-Yukawa model on the lattice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerhold, Philipp; Kallarackal, Jim; Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin; Jansen, Karl


    The Higgs boson is a central part of the electroweak theory and is crucial to generate masses for quarks, leptons and the weak gauge bosons. We use a 4-dimensional Euclidean lattice formulation of the Higgs-Yukawa sector of the electroweak model to compute physical quantities in the path integral approach which is evaluated by means of Monte Carlo simulations thus allowing for fully non perturbative calculations. The chiral symmetry of the model is incorporated by using the Neuberger overlap Dirac operator. The here considered Higgs-Yukawa model does not involve the weak gauge bosons and furthermore, only a degenerate doublet of top- and bottom quarks are incorporated. The goal of this work is to study the resonance properties of the Higgs boson and its sensitivity to the strength of the quartic self coupling. (orig.)

  13. Finding the Higgs boson: A status report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dawson, S.


    The search for the Higgs boson of the minimal Standard Model has been a major focus of experimental high energy physics for some years now. Here, the authors review the current experimental limits and discuss the prospects for finding the Higgs boson at future accelerators, such as LEPII and the LHC. They consider only the Standard Model Higgs boson. Since a null result which definitively excluded a Higgs boson below some mass scale would be extremely important, they emphasize the case where the Higgs boson is much heavier than the relevant collider energy (or where there is no Higgs boson at all). Many of the results given here are a summary of those obtained by the DPF Committee on Long Term Planning

  14. The Nobel Prize winner in physics 2013--Peter Higgs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jinyan


    Peter Higgs is a famous English physicist who was known for his works on Higgs mechanism and Higgs particle. He won the 2013 Noble Prize in physics. This paper briefly outlines his life, the proposition of Higgs mechanism and the origin of the name of Higgs particle. The discovery of Higgs particle is also given here. (author)

  15. Disentangling Higgs-Top Couplings in Associated Production

    CERN Document Server

    Ellis, John; Sakurai, Kazuki; Takeuchi, Michihisa


    In the presence of CP violation, the Higgs-top coupling may have both scalar and pseudoscalar components, $\\kappa_t$ and ${\\tilde \\kappa_t}$, which are bounded indirectly but only weakly by the present experimental constraints on the Higgs-gluon-gluon and Higgs-$\\gamma$-$\\gamma$ couplings, whereas upper limits on electric dipole moments provide strong additional indirect constraints on ${\\tilde \\kappa_t}$, if the Higgs-electron coupling is similar to that in the Standard Model and there are no cancellations with other contributions. We discuss methods to measure directly the scalar and pseudoscalar Higgs-top couplings by measurements of Higgs production in association with ${\\bar t} t$, single $t$ and single ${\\bar t}$ at the LHC. Measurements of the total cross sections are very sensitive to variations in the Higgs-top couplings that are consistent with the present indirect constraints, as are invariant mass distributions in ${\\bar t} t H$, $tH$ and ${\\bar t} H$ final states. We also investigate the addition...

  16. CP Violation in Heavy MSSM Higgs Scenarios

    CERN Document Server

    Carena, M; Lee, J S; Pilaftsis, A; Wagner, C E M


    We introduce and explore new heavy Higgs scenarios in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with explicit CP violation, which have important phenomenological implications that may be testable at the LHC. For soft supersymmetry-breaking scales M_S above a few TeV and a charged Higgs boson mass M_H+ above a few hundred GeV, new physics effects including those from explicit CP violation decouple from the light Higgs boson sector. However, such effects can significantly alter the phenomenology of the heavy Higgs bosons while still being consistent with constraints from low-energy observables, for instance electric dipole moments. To consider scenarios with a charged Higgs boson much heavier than the Standard Model (SM) particles but much lighter than the supersymmetric particles, we revisit previous calculations of the MSSM Higgs sector. We compute the Higgs boson masses in the presence of CP violating phases, implementing improved matching and renormalization group (RG) effects, as well as two-loop RG...

  17. Probing baryogenesis through the Higgs boson self-coupling (United States)

    Reichert, M.; Eichhorn, A.; Gies, H.; Pawlowski, J. M.; Plehn, T.; Scherer, M. M.


    The link between a modified Higgs self-coupling and the strong first-order phase transition necessary for baryogenesis is well explored for polynomial extensions of the Higgs potential. We broaden this argument beyond leading polynomial expansions of the Higgs potential to higher polynomial terms and to nonpolynomial Higgs potentials. For our quantitative analysis we resort to the functional renormalization group, which allows us to evolve the full Higgs potential to higher scales and finite temperature. In all cases we find that a strong first-order phase transition manifests itself in an enhancement of the Higgs self-coupling by at least 50%, implying that such modified Higgs potentials should be accessible at the LHC.

  18. APS Quantum Critical Higgs

    CERN Document Server

    Bellazzini, Brando; Hubisz, Jay; Lee, Seung J.; Serra, Javi; Terning, John


    The appearance of the light Higgs boson at the LHC is difficult to explain, particularly in light of naturalness arguments in quantum field theory. However light scalars can appear in condensed matter systems when parameters (like the amount of doping) are tuned to a critical point. At zero temperature these quantum critical points are directly analogous to the finely tuned standard model. In this paper we explore a class of models with a Higgs near a quantum critical point that exhibits non-mean-field behavior. We discuss the parametrization of the effects of a Higgs emerging from such a critical point in terms of form factors, and present two simple realistic scenarios based on either generalized free fields or a 5D dual in AdS space. For both of these models we consider the processes $gg\\to ZZ$ and $gg\\to hh$, which can be used to gain information about the Higgs scaling dimension and IR transition scale from the experimental data.

  19. Higgs Particle: The Origin of Mass (United States)

    Okada, Yasuhiro


    The Higgs particle is a new elementary particle predicted in the Standard Model of the elementary particle physics. It plays a special role in the theory of mass generation of quarks, leptons, and gauge bosons. In this article, theoretical issues on the Higgs mechanism are first discussed, and then experimental prospects on the Higgs particle study at the future collider experiments, LHC and ILC, are reviewed. The Higgs coupling determination is an essential step to establish the mass generation mechanism, which could lead to a deeper understanding of particle physics.

  20. Higgs particle. The origin of mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okada, Yasuhiro


    The Higgs particle is a new elementary particle predicted in the Standard Model of the elementary particle physics. It plays a special role in the theory of mass generation of quarks, leptons, and gauge bosons. In this article, theoretical issues on the Higgs mechanism are first discussed, and then experimental prospects on the Higgs particle study at the future collider experiments. LHC and ILC, are reviewed. The Higgs coupling determination is an essential step to establish the mass generation mechanism, which could lead to a deeper understanding of particle physics. (author)

  1. Higgs decays and brane gravi-vectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clark, T. E.; Liu Boyang; Love, S. T.; Xiong, C.; Veldhuis, T. ter


    Higgs boson decays in flexible brane world models with stable, massive gravi-vectors are considered. Such vectors couple bilinearly to the standard model fields through either the standard model energy-momentum tensor, the weak hypercharge field strength, or the Higgs scalar. The role of the coupling involving the extrinsic curvature is highlighted. It is found that within the presently allowed parameter space, the decay rate of the Higgs into two gravi-vectors (which would appear as an invisible Higgs decay) can be comparable to the rate for any of the standard model decay modes.

  2. The hunt for the Higgs particle

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    With the advent of the LHC, the hunt for the Higgs boson enters its crucial phase. These three lectures will review: the Higgs mechanism; its implementation in the minimal Standard Model; possible alternatives with and without elementary scalar fields; the presently available information on electroweak gauge symmetry breaking and the Higgs particle; the properties of the Higgs boson(s) in the Standard Model and its supersymmetric extensions; the strategies for direct searches at colliders, with emphasis on the LHC, and comments on the possible scenarios that may emerge.

  3. New Physics and novel Higgs signals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diaz-Cruz, J. Lorenzo


    We review some of the results of our recent work dealing with the novel type of Higgs signals that arise when one considers extensions of the standard model. We discuss first possible deviations on the Higgs couplings due to heavy particles, in the context of the MSSM and with large extra-dimensions. Then, we present several models where it is possible to induce flavor violating Higgs couplings, and probe them at future hadron colliders through the LFV Higgs decay h → τμ or with rare top decays

  4. Bounding the Higgs boson width through interferometry. (United States)

    Dixon, Lance J; Li, Ye


    We study the change in the diphoton-invariant-mass distribution for Higgs boson decays to two photons, due to interference between the Higgs resonance in gluon fusion and the continuum background amplitude for gg→γγ. Previously, the apparent Higgs mass was found to shift by around 100 MeV in the standard model in the leading-order approximation, which may potentially be experimentally observable. We compute the next-to-leading-order QCD corrections to the apparent mass shift, which reduce it by about 40%. The apparent mass shift may provide a way to measure, or at least bound, the Higgs boson width at the Large Hadron Collider through "interferometry." We investigate how the shift depends on the Higgs width, in a model that maintains constant Higgs boson signal yields. At Higgs widths above 30 MeV, the mass shift is over 200 MeV and increases with the square root of the width. The apparent mass shift could be measured by comparing with the ZZ* channel, where the shift is much smaller. It might be possible to measure the shift more accurately by exploiting its strong dependence on the Higgs transverse momentum.

  5. Higgs as a holographic pseudo-Goldstone boson

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Contino, Roberto; Nomura, Yasunori; Pomarol, Alex


    The AdS/CFT correspondence allows one to relate 4D strongly coupled theories to weakly coupled theories in 5D AdS. We use this correspondence to study a scenario in which the Higgs appears as a composite pseudo-Goldstone boson (PGB) of a strongly coupled theory. We show how a non-linearly realized global symmetry protects the Higgs mass and guarantees the absence of quadratic divergences at any loop order. The gauge and Yukawa interactions for the PGB Higgs are simple to introduce in the 5D AdS theory, and their one-loop contributions to the Higgs potential are calculated using perturbation theory. These contributions are finite, giving a squared-mass to the Higgs which is one-loop smaller than the mass of the first Kaluza-Klein state. We also show that if the symmetry breaking is caused by boundary conditions in the extra dimension, the PGB Higgs corresponds to the fifth component of the bulk gauge boson. To make the model fully realistic, a tree-level Higgs quartic coupling must be induced. We present a possible mechanism to generate it and discuss the conditions under which an unwanted large Higgs mass term is avoided

  6. Who will catch the Higgs boson?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colas, P.; Tuchming, B.


    The Higgs boson was theoretically created about 40 years ago by a Scott Peter Higgs who wanted to explain why some particles get a mass. Since then the Higgs boson has taken consistency and has become an important point of the standard model theory. Its experimental discovery would be a milestone of modern physics. The search for the Higgs boson is an international challenge that takes place around 2 huge machines: the Tevatron near Chicago and the LHC (large hadron collider) that is being built in CERN. The Tevatron is in fact the upgrading of an old particle accelerator, it is a proton collider and its narrow range of energy is compensated by a low background noise. On the other hand the LHC will begin operating only in 2007 and its full power will be reached a few years later, the energy available to create particles will be then 7 times higher than for the Tevatron. Both machines have chance of succeeding by being the first to detect the Higgs boson. Time plays in favor of the Tevatron but in any case if the Higgs boson exists it will be detected at LHC because this equipment covers completely the energy range in which the Higgs boson is suspected to exist. (A.C.)

  7. New physics searches with Higgs-photon associated production at the Higgs factory (United States)

    Ren, Hong-Yu


    A future Higgs factory is being designed for precise measurement of Higgs characteristics and to search for new physics. In this paper we propose that the Higgs-photon associated production process, e+ e- →γh could be a useful channel for new physics. We express new physics model-independently in the effective Lagrangian approach, and find that the new physics effects of γh have only two degrees of freedom, much fewer than the Higgsstrahlung process. This point could be used to reduce the degeneracies of Wilson coefficients. We also calculate for the first time the 95% confidence level(CL) bounds of γh at the Higgs factory, and prove that γh is more sensitive to some dimension-6 operators than the current experimental data. In the optimistic scenario new physics effects may be observed at the CEPC or FCC-ee after the first couple of years of their run. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11275102) and Tsinghua Scholarship for Overseas Graduate Studies

  8. Where Is Higgs Boson?

    CERN Multimedia


    Quantum physicists think they know the answer. Probabilistic calculations reveal than the data provided by previous experiments has been miscalculated and that the Higgs boson has in fact been discovered. Weird! The Higgs boson is the only particle predicted by the Standard Model that hasn't been discovered yet.

  9. Maximally Symmetric Composite Higgs Models. (United States)

    Csáki, Csaba; Ma, Teng; Shu, Jing


    Maximal symmetry is a novel tool for composite pseudo Goldstone boson Higgs models: it is a remnant of an enhanced global symmetry of the composite fermion sector involving a twisting with the Higgs field. Maximal symmetry has far-reaching consequences: it ensures that the Higgs potential is finite and fully calculable, and also minimizes the tuning. We present a detailed analysis of the maximally symmetric SO(5)/SO(4) model and comment on its observational consequences.

  10. Higgs bosons in supersymmetric models. Pt. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gunion, J.F.


    We describe the properties of Higgs bosons in a class of supersymmetric theories. We consider models in which the low-energy sector contains two weak complex doublets and perhaps one complex gauge-singlet Higgs field. Supersymmetry is assumed to be either softly or spontaneously broken, thereby imposing a number of restrictions on the Higgs boson parameters. We elucidate the Higgs boson masses and present Feynman rules for their couplings to the gauge bosons, fermions and scalars of the theory. We also present Feynman rules for vertices which are related by supersymmetry to the above couplings. Exact analytic expressions are given in two useful limits - one corresponding to the absence of the gauge-singlet Higgs field and the other corresponding to the absence of a supersymmetric Higgs mass term. (orig.)

  11. Pauline Gagnon's blog post: I’m a Higgs gatherer, not a Higgs hunter!

    CERN Multimedia

    Pauline Gagnon


    Ever since four theorists published their “Higgs hunter’s guide” in 1990, people have been referring to the Higgs hunt, as if we were a bunch of bloodthirsty physicists out for a kill. I’d say, if the search for the Higgs is a safari, at most it’s going to be a photo safari!   The way it works is purely based on statistics. With the ATLAS and CMS detectors, we collect millions of “events” every day, each event being a snapshot of what happened after two protons collided in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). All sorts of particles are created out of the highly concentrated energy coming from these head-on collisions, some more often than others. Whatever happens often, we know very well by now, having had plenty of opportunities to study them in the past. What’s left now is everything that is hard to do, like catching rare events such as those containing Higgs bosons. And for ...

  12. Higgs Tasting Workshop 2016: Higgs and flavor in the LHC Run 2 era

    CERN Document Server


    The discovery of a Higgs particle by the LHC experiments has launched the exploration of electroweak symmetry breaking and potentially opened a new window into beyond Standard Model physics. Measurements of Higgs boson properties during Run 1 of the LHC are broadly consistent with the Standard Model predictions, although they leave significant room for New Physics contributions. At the same time, a number of exciting anomalies in low-energy precision flavor observables have cumulated over the years, whose potential implications are yet to be fully gauged. One of the most pressing questions in high energy physics is the origin of flavor and it is undeniably linked in an intimate way to the physics of the Higgs boson. The Standard Model comes with definite predictions for the structure of the couplings between the Higgs boson and the fermions. Probing this structure or observing any deviation will have long-reaching implications on our understanding on how Nature works at its most fundamental level, including c...

  13. Direct and indirect constraints on CP-violating Higgs-quark and Higgs-gluon interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chien, Y.T.; Cirigliano, V.; Dekens, W.; Vries, J. de; Mereghetti, E.


    We investigate direct and indirect constraints on the complete set of anomalous CP-violating Higgs couplings to quarks and gluons originating from dimension-6 operators, by studying their signatures at the LHC and in electric dipole moments (EDMs). We show that existing uncertainties in hadronic and nuclear matrix elements have a significant impact on the interpretation of EDM experiments, and we quantify the improvements needed to fully exploit the power of EDM searches. Currently, the best bounds on the anomalous CP-violating Higgs interactions come from a combination of EDM measurements and the data from LHC Run 1. We argue that Higgs production cross section and branching ratios measurements at the LHC Run 2 will not improve the constraints significantly. On the other hand, the bounds on the couplings scale roughly linearly with EDM limits, so that future theoretical and experimental EDM developments can have a major impact in pinning down interactions of the Higgs.

  14. Probing hidden sector photons through the Higgs window

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahlers, M.


    We investigate the possibility that a (light) hidden sector extra photon receives its mass via spontaneous symmetry breaking of a hidden sector Higgs boson, the so-called hidden-Higgs. The hidden-photon can mix with the ordinary photon via a gauge kinetic mixing term. The hidden-Higgs can couple to the Standard Model Higgs via a renormalizable quartic term - sometimes called the Higgs Portal. We discuss the implications of this light hidden-Higgs in the context of laser polarization and light-shining-through-the-wall experiments as well as cosmological, astrophysical, and non-Newtonian force measurements. For hidden-photons receiving their mass from a hidden-Higgs we find in the small mass regime significantly stronger bounds than the bounds on massive hidden sector photons alone. (orig.)

  15. Probing hidden sector photons through the Higgs window

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahlers, Markus; Jaeckel, Joerg; Redondo, Javier; Ringwald, Andreas


    We investigate the possibility that a (light) hidden sector extra photon receives its mass via spontaneous symmetry breaking of a hidden sector Higgs boson, the so-called hidden-Higgs. The hidden-photon can mix with the ordinary photon via a gauge kinetic mixing term. The hidden-Higgs can couple to the standard model Higgs via a renormalizable quartic term - sometimes called the Higgs portal. We discuss the implications of this light hidden-Higgs in the context of laser polarization and light-shining-through-the-wall experiments as well as cosmological, astrophysical, and non-Newtonian force measurements. For hidden-photons receiving their mass from a hidden-Higgs, we find in the small mass regime significantly stronger bounds than the bounds on massive hidden sector photons alone.

  16. Higgs boson transverse momentum distribution

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    I will review  the recent progress in understanding Higgs boson transverse momentum distribution focusing on effects that go beyond the point-like approximation for the Higgs-glue interaction vertex.

  17. The Higgs vacuum uplifted. Revisiting the electroweak phase transition with a second Higgs doublet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dorsch, G.C. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Huber, S.J. [Sussex Univ., Brighton (United Kingdom). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy; Mimasu, K. [Sussex Univ., Brighton (United Kingdom). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy; Louvain Univ. Catholique, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). Center for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology; No, J.M. [King' s College, London (United Kingdom). Dept. of Physics; Sussex Univ., Brighton (United Kingdom). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy


    The existence of a second Higgs doublet in Nature could lead to a cosmological first order electroweak phase transition and explain the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. We explore the parameter space of such a two-Higgs-doublet-model and show that a first order electroweak phase transition strongly correlates with a significant uplifting of the Higgs vacuum w.r.t. its Standard Model value. We then obtain the spectrum and properties of the new scalars H{sub 0}, A{sub 0} and H{sup ±} that signal such a phase transition, showing that the decay A{sub 0}→H{sub 0}Z at the LHC and a sizable deviation in the Higgs self-coupling λ{sub hhh} from its SM value are sensitive indicators of a strongly first order electroweak phase transition in the 2HDM.

  18. A global view on the Higgs self-coupling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Vita, S.; Grojean, C.; Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin; Panico, G.; Riembau, M.; Vantalon, T.; Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Bellaterra


    The Higgs self-coupling is notoriously intangible at the LHC. It was recently proposed to probe the trilinear Higgs interaction through its radiative corrections to single-Higgs processes. This approach however requires to disentangle these effects from those associated to deviations of other Higgs-couplings to fermions and gauge bosons. We show that a global fit exploiting only single-Higgs inclusive data suffers from degeneracies that prevent one from extracting robust bounds on each individual coupling. We show how the inclusion of double-Higgs production via gluon fusion, and the use of differential measurements in the associated single-Higgs production channels WH, ZH and t anti tH, can help to overcome the deficiencies of a global Higgs-couplings fit. In particular, we bound the variations of the Higgs trilinear self-coupling relative to its SM value to the interval [0.1, 2.3] at 68% confidence level at the high-luminosity LHC, and we discuss the robustness of our results against various assumptions on the experimental uncertainties and the underlying new physics dynamics. We also study how to obtain a parametrically enhanced deviation of the Higgs self-couplings and we estimate how large this deviation can be in a self-consistent effective field theory framework.

  19. A global view on the Higgs self-coupling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Di Vita, S. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Grojean, C. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Physik; Panico, G. [Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Bellaterra (Spain). IFAE; Riembau, M.; Vantalon, T. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Bellaterra (Spain). IFAE


    The Higgs self-coupling is notoriously intangible at the LHC. It was recently proposed to probe the trilinear Higgs interaction through its radiative corrections to single-Higgs processes. This approach however requires to disentangle these effects from those associated to deviations of other Higgs-couplings to fermions and gauge bosons. We show that a global fit exploiting only single-Higgs inclusive data suffers from degeneracies that prevent one from extracting robust bounds on each individual coupling. We show how the inclusion of double-Higgs production via gluon fusion, and the use of differential measurements in the associated single-Higgs production channels WH, ZH and t anti tH, can help to overcome the deficiencies of a global Higgs-couplings fit. In particular, we bound the variations of the Higgs trilinear self-coupling relative to its SM value to the interval [0.1, 2.3] at 68% confidence level at the high-luminosity LHC, and we discuss the robustness of our results against various assumptions on the experimental uncertainties and the underlying new physics dynamics. We also study how to obtain a parametrically enhanced deviation of the Higgs self-couplings and we estimate how large this deviation can be in a self-consistent effective field theory framework.

  20. Higgs Physics

    CERN Document Server

    Grojean, C.


    The cause of the screening of the weak interactions at long distances puzzled the high-energy community for more nearly half a century. With the discovery of the Higgs boson a new era started with direct experimental information on the physics behind the breaking of the electroweak symmetry. This breaking plays a fundamental role in our understanding of particle physics and sits at the high-energy frontier beyond which we expect new physics that supersedes the Standard Model. The Higgs boson (inclusive and differential) production and decay rates offer a new way to probe this frontier.

  1. arXiv The Hyperbolic Higgs

    CERN Document Server

    Cohen, Timothy; Giudice, Gian F.; Mccullough, Matthew


    We introduce the Hyperbolic Higgs, a novel solution to the little hierarchy problem that features Standard Model neutral scalar top partners. At one-loop order, the protection from ultraviolet sensitivity is due to an accidental non-compact symmetry of the Higgs potential that emerges in the infrared. Once the general features of the effective description are detailed, a completion that relies on a five dimensional supersymmetric framework is provided. Novel phenomenology is compared and contrasted with the Twin Higgs scenario.

  2. The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities; Proteccion Fisica De Los Materiales Y Las Instalaciones Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Physical protection against the theft or unauthorized diversion of nuclear materials and against the sabotage of nuclear facilities by individuals or groups has long been a matter of national and international concern. Although responsibility for establishing and operating a comprehensive physical protection system for nuclear materials and facilities within a State rests entirely with the Government of that State, it is not a matter of indifference to other States whether and to what extent that responsibility is fulfilled. Physical protection has therefore become a matter of international concern and co-operation. The need for international co-operation becomes evident in situations where the effectiveness of physical protection in one State depends on the taking by other States also of adequate measures to deter or defeat hostile actions against nuclear facilities and nuclear materials, particularly when such materials are transported across national frontiers [Spanish] La proteccion fisica contra el robo o la desviacion no autorizada de materiales nucleares y contra el sabotaje de las instalaciones nucleares por parte de individuos o grupos es motivo de preocupacion nacional e internacional desde hace mucho tiempo. Aunque la obligacion de crear y hacer funcionar un sistema completo de proteccion fisica de las instalaciones y materiales nucleares en el territorio de un Estado determinado incumbe exclusivamente al Gobierno de dicho Estado, el que esa obligacion se cumpla o no, y si se cumple, en que medida o hasta que punto, son cosas que no dejan indiferentes a los demas Estados. Por ello, la proteccion fisica se ha convertido en motivo de interes y cooperacion internacional. La necesidad de la cooperacion internacional se hace evidente en los casos en que la eficacia de la proteccion fisica en el territorio de un Estado depende de que otros Estados tomen tambien medidas apropiadas para evitar o hacer fracasar los actos hostiles dirigidos contra instalaciones y

  3. A theoretical limit on the Higgs mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Temiraliev, A.T.


    Full text: The standard model of particle physics, which describes masses through the Higgs mechanism, contains parameters - such as particle masses - whose origins are still unknown and which cannot be exactly predicted, but whose values are constrained through their interactions. In particular, the masses of the top quark and W boson constrain the mass of the long-hypothesized, but thus far not observed, Higgs boson. Several more or less precise arguments can set the upper limit for a standard model Higgs particle. All of them follows the line that the standard model breaks down of the Higgs mass is pushed too far upwards. The theoretical bounds will be reviewed. With gauge-top quark Yukawa coupling unification the standard model Higgs boson mass is estimated to be about 135 GeV. In the article will be consider an approximation of 4-fermion interactions. And as a result, the most likely Higgs mass is 150 GeV. The upper limit on the Higgs mass at the 90 % confidence level is about 250 GeV

  4. Higgs physics as a proble of new physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC has opened the door to clarifying the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking and the origin of particle masses. The Higgs sector in the SM is the simplest possible one but is not based on a fundamental theoretical principle, so that there is also the possibility of non-minimal Higgs sectors. While the standard model is not in contradiction with current LHC data within the errors, many extended Higgs sectors can also reproduce these data. An extended Higgs sector often appears in new physics models beyond the standard model, so that this allows to determine new physics from the Higgs sector. In this talk, we discuss various aspects of extended Higgs sectors, in particular their phenomenological properties and testability at future experiments, as the International Linear Collider.

  5. Stable Higgs Bosons - new candidate for cold dark matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosotani, Yutaka


    The Higgs boson is in the backbone of the standard model of electroweak interactions. It must exist in some form for achieving unification of interactions. In the gauge-Higgs unification scenario the Higgs boson becomes a part of the extra-dimensional component of gauge fields. The Higgs boson becomes absolutely stable in a class of the gauge-Higgs unification models, serving as a promising candidate for cold dark matter in the universe. The observed relic abundance of cold dark matter is obtained with the Higgs mass around 70 GeV. The Higgs-nucleon scattering cross section is found to be close to the recent CDMS II XENON10 bounds in the direct detection of dark matter. In collider experiments stable Higgs bosons are produced in a pair, appearing as missing energies momenta so that the way of detecting Higgs bosons must be altered.

  6. The HiggsTools handbook: a beginners guide to decoding the Higgs sector (United States)

    Boggia, M.; Cruz-Martinez, J. M.; Frellesvig, H.; Glover, N.; Gomez-Ambrosio, R.; Gonella, G.; Haddad, Y.; Ilnicka, A.; Jones, S.; Kassabov, Z.; Krauss, F.; Megy, T.; Melini, D.; Napoletano, D.; Passarino, G.; Patel, S.; Rodriguez-Vazquez, M.; Wolf, T.


    This report summarises some of the activities of the HiggsTools initial training network working group in the period 2015–2017. The main goal of this working group was to produce a document discussing various aspects of state-of-the-art Higgs physics at the large hadron collider (LHC) in a pedagogic manner. The first part of the report is devoted to a description of phenomenological searches for new physics (NP) at the LHC. All of the available studies of the couplings of the new resonance discovered in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS experiments (Aad et al (ATLAS Collaboration) 2012 Phys. Lett. B 716 1–29 Chatrchyan et al (CMS Collaboration) 2012 Phys. Lett. B 716 30–61) conclude that it is compatible with the Higgs boson of the standard model (SM) within present precision. So far the LHC experiments have given no direct evidence for any physical phenomena that cannot be described by the SM. As the experimental measurements become more and more precise, there is a pressing need for a consistent framework in which deviations from the SM predictions can be computed precisely. Such a framework should be applicable to measurements in all sectors of particle physics, not only LHC Higgs measurements but also electroweak precision data, etc. We critically review the use of the κ-framework, fiducial and simplified template cross sections, effective field theories, pseudoobservables and phenomenological Lagrangians. Some of the concepts presented here are well known and were used already at the time of the large electron–positron collider (LEP) experiment. However, after years of theoretical and experimental development, these techniques have been refined, and we describe new tools that have been introduced in order to improve the comparison between theory and experimental data. In the second part of the report, we propose {φ }η * as a new and complementary observable for studying Higgs boson production at large transverse momentum in the case where the Higgs boson

  7. La nascita imperfetta delle cose la grande corsa alla particella di Dio e la nuova fisica che cambierà il mondo

    CERN Document Server



    In quel preciso momento, un centesimo di miliardesimo di secondo dopo il Big Bang, si è deciso il nostro destino. In un universo in cui materia e antimateria si equivalevano, e che quindi avrebbe potuto, in ogni istante, tornare a essere pura energia, può essere bastata una leggerissima preferenza del bosone di Higgs per la materia anziché per l'antimateria ed ecco che si è prodotto il mondo che abbiamo sotto gli occhi. "Ecco qua il minuscolo difetto, la sottile imperfezione da cui è nato tutto. Un'anomalia che dà origine a un universo che può evolvere per miliardi di anni." Se tutto nasce da lì, dobbiamo capire in ogni dettaglio quel momento cruciale, ricostruirlo fotogramma per fotogramma, al rallentatore e da diverse angolature. Per questo al Cern di Ginevra è stato realizzato Lhc, l'acceleratore di particelle più potente del mondo, il posto più simile al primo istante di vita dell'universo che l'uomo sia stato in grado di costruire. Per questo da anni i migliori fisici del mondo lavorano giorno...

  8. The Higgs Portal and Cosmology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Assamagan, Ketevi [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Chen, Chien-Yi [Perimeter Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, ON (Canada); Univ. of Victoria, BC (Canada); Chou, John Paul [Rutgers Univ., Piscataway, NJ (United States); Curtin, David [Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD (United States); Fedderke, Michael A. [Univ. of Chicago, IL (United States); Gershtein, Yuri [Rutgers Univ., Piscataway, NJ (United States); He, Xiao-Gang [Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (China); Klute, Markus [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States); Kozaczuk, Jonathon [TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC (Canada); Kotwal, Ashutosh [Duke Univ., Durham, NC (United States); Lowette, Steven [Vrije Univ., Brussels (Belgium); No, Jose Miguel [Univ. of Sussex, Brighton (United Kingdom); Plehn, Tilman [Heidelberg Univ. (Germany); Qian, Jianming [Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); Ramsey-Musolf, Michael [Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA (United States); Safonov, Alexei [Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX (United States); Shelton, Jessie [Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL (United States); Spannowsky, Michael [Durham Univ. (United Kingdom); Su, Shufang [Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (United States); Walker, Devin G. E. [Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States); Willocq, Stephane [Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA (United States); Winslow, Peter [Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA (United States)


    Higgs portal interactions provide a simple mechanism for addressing two open problems in cosmology: dark matter and the baryon asymmetry. In the latter instance, Higgs portal interactions may contain the ingredients for a strong first-order electroweak phase transition as well as new CP-violating interactions as needed for electroweak baryogenesis. These interactions may also allow for a viable dark matter candidate. We survey the opportunities for probing the Higgs portal as it relates to these questions in cosmology at the LHC and possible future colliders.

  9. Finding the CP-violating Higgs bosons at e+e- colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grzadkowski, B.; Gunion, J.F.; Kalinowski, J.


    We discuss a general two-Higgs-doublet model with CP violation in the Higgs sector. In general, the three neutral Higgs fields of the model all mix and the resulting physical Higgs bosons have no definite CP properties. We derive a new sum rule relating Yukawa and Higgs-Z couplings which implies that a neutral Higgs boson cannot escape detection at an e + e - collider if it is kinematically accessible in Z+Higgs boson, b bar b+Higgs boson and t bar t+Higgs boson production, irrespective of the mixing angles and the masses of the other neutral Higgs bosons. We also discuss modifications of the sum rules and their phenomenological consequences in the case when the two-doublet Higgs sector is extended by adding one or more singlets. A brief discussion of the implications of the sum rules for Higgs boson discovery at the Fermilab Tevatron and CERN LHC is given. copyright 1999 The American Physical Society

  10. Minimal mirror twin Higgs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barbieri, Riccardo [Institute of Theoretical Studies, ETH Zurich,CH-8092 Zurich (Switzerland); Scuola Normale Superiore,Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, 56126 Pisa (Italy); Hall, Lawrence J.; Harigaya, Keisuke [Department of Physics, University of California,Berkeley, California 94720 (United States); Theoretical Physics Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,Berkeley, California 94720 (United States)


    In a Mirror Twin World with a maximally symmetric Higgs sector the little hierarchy of the Standard Model can be significantly mitigated, perhaps displacing the cutoff scale above the LHC reach. We show that consistency with observations requires that the Z{sub 2} parity exchanging the Standard Model with its mirror be broken in the Yukawa couplings. A minimal such effective field theory, with this sole Z{sub 2} breaking, can generate the Z{sub 2} breaking in the Higgs sector necessary for the Twin Higgs mechanism. The theory has constrained and correlated signals in Higgs decays, direct Dark Matter Detection and Dark Radiation, all within reach of foreseen experiments, over a region of parameter space where the fine-tuning for the electroweak scale is 10-50%. For dark matter, both mirror neutrons and a variety of self-interacting mirror atoms are considered. Neutrino mass signals and the effects of a possible additional Z{sub 2} breaking from the vacuum expectation values of B−L breaking fields are also discussed.

  11. Higgs searches with CMS

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    The excellent performances of the LHC in the 2011 run are setting the grounds for the final chase of the Higgs boson. The CMS experiment is recording high quality data that are being thoroughly scrutinized. Several decay channels are investigated to probe the entire possible Higgs mass spectrum, from 110 to 600 GeV/c^2. The study of the first 1.5/fb of collected data places already tight limits and excludes large fractions of the Higgs mass range, leaving however still open the search in the theoretically favored low mass region. In this seminar we will report on the diverse CMS analyses that yield to such results describing the experimental challenges that each had to meet.

  12. Some decays of neutral Higgs bosons in the NMSSM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cuong, Nguyen Chinh; Trang, Do Thi Thu; Thuy, Nguyen Thi Phuong


    To solve the μ problem of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), a single field S is added to build the Next Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM). Vacuum enlarged with non-zero vevs of the neutral-even CP is the combination of H u , H d and S. In the NMSSM, the higgs sector is increased to 7 higgs (compared with 5 higgs in the MSSM), including three higgs which are even-CP h 1,2,3 (m h1 < m h2 < m h3 ), two higgs which are odd-CP a 1,2 (m a1 < m a2 ) and a couple of charged higgs H ± . The decays higgs into higgs is one of the remarkable new points of the NMSSM. In this paper we study some decays of neutral Higgs bosons. The numerical results are also presented together with evaluations.

  13. Higgs particles in the standard model and supersymmetric theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muehlleitner, M.M.


    This thesis presents a theoretical analysis of the properties of the Higgs bosons in the standard model (SM) and the minimal supersymmetric extension (MSSM), which can be investigated at the LHC and e + e - linear colliders. The final goal is the reconstruction of the Higgs potential and thus the verification of the Higgs mechanism. MSSM Higgs boson production processes at future γγ colliders are calculated in several decay channels. Heavy scalar and pseudoscalar Higgs bosons can be discovered in the bb final state in the investigated mass range 200 to 800 GeV for moderate and large values of tanβ. The τ + τ - channel provides a heavy Higgs boson discovery potential for large values of tanβ. Several mechanisms that can be exploited at e + e - linear colliders for the measurement of the lifetime of a SM Higgs boson in the intermediate mass range are analysed. In the WW mode, the lifetime of Higgs scalars with masses below ∝160 GeV can be determined with an error less than 10%. The reconstruction of the Higgs potential requires the measurement of the Higgs self-couplings. The SM and MSSM trilinear Higgs self-couplings are accessible in double and triple Higgs production. A theoretical analysis is presented in the relevant channels at the LHC and e + e - linear colliders. For high luminosities, the SM trilinear Higgs self-coupling can be measured with an accuracy of 20% at a 500 GeV e + e - linear collider. The MSSM coupling among three light Higgs bosons has to be extracted from continuum production. The other trilinear Higgs couplings are measurable in a restricted range of the MSSM parameter space. At the LHC, the Hhh coupling can be probed in resonant decays. (orig.)

  14. Initial conditions for critical Higgs inflation (United States)

    Salvio, Alberto


    It has been pointed out that a large non-minimal coupling ξ between the Higgs and the Ricci scalar can source higher derivative operators, which may change the predictions of Higgs inflation. A variant, called critical Higgs inflation, employs the near-criticality of the top mass to introduce an inflection point in the potential and lower drastically the value of ξ. We here study whether critical Higgs inflation can occur even if the pre-inflationary initial conditions do not satisfy the slow-roll behavior (retaining translation and rotation symmetries). A positive answer is found: inflation turns out to be an attractor and therefore no fine-tuning of the initial conditions is necessary. A very large initial Higgs time-derivative (as compared to the potential energy density) is compensated by a moderate increase in the initial field value. These conclusions are reached by solving the exact Higgs equation without using the slow-roll approximation. This also allows us to consistently treat the inflection point, where the standard slow-roll approximation breaks down. Here we make use of an approach that is independent of the UV completion of gravity, by taking initial conditions that always involve sub-planckian energies.

  15. Extended Higgs sectors in radiative neutrino models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oleg Antipin


    Full Text Available Testable Higgs partners may be sought within the extensions of the SM Higgs sector aimed at generating neutrino masses at the loop level. We study a viability of extended Higgs sectors for two selected models of radiative neutrino masses: a one-loop mass model, providing the Higgs partner within a real triplet scalar representation, and a three-loop mass model, providing it within its two-Higgs-doublet sector. The Higgs sector in the one-loop model may remain stable and perturbative up to the Planck scale, whereas the three-loop model calls for a UV completion around 106 GeV. Additional vector-like lepton and exotic scalar fields, which are required to close one- and three-loop neutrino-mass diagrams, play a decisive role for the testability of the respective models. We constrain the parameter space of these models using LHC bounds on diboson resonances.

  16. Light Higgs bosons in phenomenological NMSSM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahmoudi, F.; Rathsman, J.; Zeune, L.; Goettingen Univ.


    We consider scenarios in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric model (NMSSM) where the CP-odd and charged Higgs bosons are very light. As we demonstrate, these can be obtained as simple deformations of existing phenomenological MSSM benchmarks scenarios with parameters defined at the weak scale. This offers a direct and meaningful comparison to the MSSM case. Applying a wide set of up-to-date constraints from both high-energy collider and flavour physics, the Higgs boson masses and couplings are studied in viable parts of parameter space. The LHC phenomenology of the light Higgs scenario for neutral and charged Higgs boson searches is discussed. (orig.)

  17. Light Higgs bosons in phenomenological NMSSM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mahmoudi, F. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Clermont Univ., CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand (France); Rathsman, J. [Uppsala Univ. (Sweden). High-Energy Physics; Lund Univ. (Sweden). Theoretical High Energy Physics; Staal, O. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Zeune, L. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Goettingen Univ. (Germany). II. Physikalisches Inst.


    We consider scenarios in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric model (NMSSM) where the CP-odd and charged Higgs bosons are very light. As we demonstrate, these can be obtained as simple deformations of existing phenomenological MSSM benchmarks scenarios with parameters defined at the weak scale. This offers a direct and meaningful comparison to the MSSM case. Applying a wide set of up-to-date constraints from both high-energy collider and flavour physics, the Higgs boson masses and couplings are studied in viable parts of parameter space. The LHC phenomenology of the light Higgs scenario for neutral and charged Higgs boson searches is discussed. (orig.)

  18. Phenomenological comparison of models with extended Higgs sectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muehlleitner, Margarete


    Beyond the Standard Model (SM) extensions usually include extended Higgs sectors. Models with singlet or doublet fields are the simplest ones that are compatible with the ρ parameter constraint. The discovery of new non-SM Higgs bosons and the identification of the underlying model requires dedicated Higgs properties analyses. In this paper, we compare several Higgs sectors featuring 3 CP-even neutral Higgs bosons that are also motivated by their simplicity and their capability to solve some of the flaws of the SM. They are: the SM extended by a complex singlet field (C x SM), the singlet extension of the 2-Higgs-Doublet Model (N2HDM), and the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric SM extension (NMSSM). In addition, we analyse the CP-violating 2-Higgs-Doublet Model (C2HDM), which provides 3 neutral Higgs bosons with a pseudoscalar admixture. This allows us to compare the effects of singlet and pseudoscalar admixtures. Through dedicated scans of the allowed parameter space of the models, we analyse the phenomenologically viable scenarios from the view point of the SM-like Higgs boson and of the signal rates of the non-SM-like Higgs bosons to be found. In particular, we analyse the effect of singlet/pseudoscalar admixture, and the potential to differentiate these models in the near future. This is supported by a study of couplings sums of the Higgs bosons to massive gauge bosons and to fermions, where we identify features that allow us to distinguish the models, in particular when only part of the Higgs spectrum is discovered. Our results can be taken as guidelines for future LHC data analyses, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments, to identify specific benchmark points aimed at revealing the underlying model.

  19. Phenomenological comparison of models with extended Higgs sectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muehlleitner, Margarete [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe (Germany). Inst. for Theoretical Physics; Sampaio, Marco O.P. [Aveiro Univ. e CIDMA (Portugal). Dept. de Fisica; Santos, Rui [Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa (Portugal). ISEL - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa; Lisboa Univ. (Portugal). Centro de Fisica Teorica e Computacional; Univ. do Minho, Braga (Portugal). LIP, Dept. de Fisica; Wittbrodt, Jonas [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe (Germany). Inst. for Theoretical Physics; Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany)


    Beyond the Standard Model (SM) extensions usually include extended Higgs sectors. Models with singlet or doublet fields are the simplest ones that are compatible with the ρ parameter constraint. The discovery of new non-SM Higgs bosons and the identification of the underlying model requires dedicated Higgs properties analyses. In this paper, we compare several Higgs sectors featuring 3 CP-even neutral Higgs bosons that are also motivated by their simplicity and their capability to solve some of the flaws of the SM. They are: the SM extended by a complex singlet field (C x SM), the singlet extension of the 2-Higgs-Doublet Model (N2HDM), and the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric SM extension (NMSSM). In addition, we analyse the CP-violating 2-Higgs-Doublet Model (C2HDM), which provides 3 neutral Higgs bosons with a pseudoscalar admixture. This allows us to compare the effects of singlet and pseudoscalar admixtures. Through dedicated scans of the allowed parameter space of the models, we analyse the phenomenologically viable scenarios from the view point of the SM-like Higgs boson and of the signal rates of the non-SM-like Higgs bosons to be found. In particular, we analyse the effect of singlet/pseudoscalar admixture, and the potential to differentiate these models in the near future. This is supported by a study of couplings sums of the Higgs bosons to massive gauge bosons and to fermions, where we identify features that allow us to distinguish the models, in particular when only part of the Higgs spectrum is discovered. Our results can be taken as guidelines for future LHC data analyses, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments, to identify specific benchmark points aimed at revealing the underlying model.

  20. L'universo prima del Big Bang cosmologia e teoria delle stringhe

    CERN Document Server

    Gasperini, Maurizio


    Termini come "universo in espansione", "big bang", "singolarità iniziale" sono ormai entrati a far parte del linguaggio comune. L'idea che l'universo che oggi osserviamo abbia avuto origine da una grossa esplosione (big bang) è ormai ampiamente diffusa e accettata nella moderna cultura popolare, a tutti i libelli. Ma cosa c'era prima del big bang? E ha senso porsi questo interrogativo in un contesto scientifico? I recenti progressi della fisica teoria, e in particolare della cosiddetta teoria delle stringhe, suggeriscono una risposta a questa domanda, fornendo degli strumenti matematici capaci, in linea di principio, di ricostruire la storia dell'universo spingendosi anche oltre l'istante del big bang. Ne emerge un possibile scenario cosmologico nel quale l'universo, anzichè essere "appena nato" al momento del big bang, era piuttosto nel punto di mezzo della sua evoluzione, di durata probabilmente infinita. In questo libro si cerca di illustrare tale scenario usando un linguaggio non troppo tecnico, rivolt...

  1. The problem with false vacuum Higgs inflation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fairbairn, Malcolm; Grothaus, Philipp; Hogan, Robert


    We investigate the possibility of using the only known fundamental scalar, the Higgs, as an inflaton with minimal coupling to gravity. The peculiar appearance of a plateau or a false vacuum in the renormalised effective scalar potential suggests that the Higgs might drive inflation. For the case of a false vacuum we use an additional singlet scalar field, motivated by the strong CP problem, and its coupling to the Higgs to lift the barrier allowing for a graceful exit from inflation by mimicking hybrid inflation. We find that this scenario is incompatible with current measurements of the Higgs mass and the QCD coupling constant and conclude that the Higgs can only be the inflaton in more complicated scenarios

  2. Supersymmetric Higgs bosons and beyond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carena, Marcela; Kong, Kyoungchul; Ponton, Eduardo; Zurita, Jose


    We consider supersymmetric models that include particles beyond the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) with masses in the TeV range, and that couple significantly to the MSSM Higgs sector. We perform a model-independent analysis of the spectrum and couplings of the MSSM Higgs fields, based on an effective theory of the MSSM degrees of freedom. The tree-level mass of the lightest CP-even state can easily be above the LEP bound of 114 GeV, thus allowing for a relatively light spectrum of superpartners, restricted only by direct searches. The Higgs spectrum and couplings can be significantly modified compared to the MSSM ones, often allowing for interesting new decay modes. We also observe that the gluon fusion production cross section of the SM-like Higgs can be enhanced with respect to both the standard model and the MSSM.

  3. Higgs Boson Properties and Search for Additional Resonances

    CERN Document Server


    The Higgs boson was predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics and jointly discovered by the CMS and ATLAS experiments at LHC, in 2012. Following its discovery, the property measurements of the Higgs boson and the search for additional resonances become important research goals. The Standard Model is not the complete theory and leaves many questions unanswered, therefore it is important to search for any evidence of new physics beyond the SM. This thesis will briefly introduce the theoretical motivation for the Higgs boson, the production and decay mechanisms of the Higgs boson, and the methods used for analysis of the Higgs boson properties. The spin-1 and spin-2 Higgs hypotheses are tested in H->ZZ->4l channel, using the data recorded by CMS in Run1 of LHC. The exotic spin models were excluded and the Higgs boson is shown to agree with the Standard Model prediction of spin-0. The search for high-mass Higgs-like resonance is performed in H->ZZ->4l and H->ZZ->2l2q channels, using data recorded by CMS...

  4. Associated central exclusive production of charged Higgs bosons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Enberg, Rikard; Pasechnik, Roman


    We propose central exclusive production of a charged Higgs boson in association with a W boson as a possible signature of certain types of extended Higgs sectors. We calculate the cross section and find that the rate at the LHC could be large enough to allow observation in some models with two-Higgs doublets, where the charged Higgs and at least one of the neutral scalars can be light enough. We use the two-Higgs doublet model as a prototype and consider two distinct regions of parameter space, but we also briefly discuss the prospects for the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model, where the charged Higgs may very well be quite light.

  5. Non-SM Exotic Higgs: Beyond SM and MSSM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lacaprara Stefano


    Full Text Available A review of the searches for exotic Higgs boson beyond standard model and minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM, from experiments at the Tevatron and LHC, is presented. Several different models have been considered, including extensions to standard model with fourth generation of fermions, fermiophobic Higgs, next-to-MSSM models, seesaw type-II, and rare decay of Higgs boson to hidden sector. For next-to- MSSM models several final states have been considered, including light pseudo-scalar Higgs decay into taus, muons, and photons, as well as charged Higgs boson. The searches has been performed with re-interpretation of results from standard model Higgs search as well as on new signatures.

  6. Doubling down on naturalness with a supersymmetric twin Higgs (United States)

    Craig, Nathaniel; Howe, Kiel


    We show that naturalness of the weak scale can be comfortably reconciled with both LHC null results and observed Higgs properties provided the double protection of supersymmetry and the twin Higgs mechanism. This double protection radically alters conventional signs of naturalness at the LHC while respecting gauge coupling unification and precision electroweak limits. We find the measured Higgs mass, couplings, and percent-level naturalness of the weak scale are compatible with stops at ~ 3.5 TeV and higgsinos at ~ 1 TeV. The primary signs of naturalness in this scenario include modifications of Higgs couplings, a modest invisible Higgs width, resonant Higgs pair production, and an invisibly-decaying heavy Higgs.

  7. NMSSM interpretations of the observed Higgs signal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Domingo, Florian; Weiglein, Georg


    While the properties of the signal that was discovered in the Higgs searches at the LHC are consistent so far with the Higgs boson of the Standard Model (SM), it is crucial to investigate to what extent other interpretations that may correspond to very different underlying physics are compatible with the current results. We use the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) as a well-motivated theoretical framework with a sufficiently rich Higgs phenomenology to address this question, making use of the public tools HiggsBounds and HiggsSignals in order to take into account comprehensive experimental information on both the observed signal and on the existing limits from Higgs searches at LEP, the TeVatron and the LHC. We find that besides the decoupling limit resulting in a single light state with SM-like properties, several other configurations involving states lighter or quasi-degenerate with the one at about 125 GeV turn out to give a competitive fit to the Higgs data and other existing constraints. We discuss the phenomenology and possible future experimental tests of those scenarios, and compare the features of specific scenarios chosen as examples with those arising from a more global fit.

  8. Disentangling Higgs-top couplings in associated production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellis, John; Hwang, Dae Sung; Sakurai, Kazuki; Takeuchi, Michihisa


    In the presence of CP violation, the Higgs-top coupling may have both scalar and pseudoscalar components, κ t and κ-tilde t , which are bounded indirectly but only weakly by the present experimental constraints on the Higgs-gluon-gluon and Higgs-γ-γ couplings, whereas upper limits on electric dipole moments provide strong additional indirect constraints on κ-tilde t , if the Higgs-electron coupling is similar to that in the Standard Model and there are no cancellations with other contributions. We discuss methods to measure directly the scalar and pseudoscalar Higgs-top couplings by measurements of Higgs production in association with t-macront, single t and single t-macron at the LHC. Measurements of the total cross sections are very sensitive to variations in the Higgs-top couplings that are consistent with the present indirect constraints, as are invariant mass distributions in t-macrontH, tH and t-macronH final states. We also investigate the additional information on κ t and κ-tilde t that could be obtained from measurements of the longitudinal and transverse t polarization in the different associated production channels, and the t-macront spin correlation in t-macrontH events

  9. Detection of Higgs bosons decaying to bottom quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gilman, F.J.; Price, L.E.


    Several developments affecting the possibility of Higgs detection are discussed. These include the level of certainty about the t quark mass, Monte Carlo programs to generate both signal and background events, and separation and/or enhancement of heavy quark jets from jets due to light quarks or gluons, and the possibility that the neutral Higgs decay into bottom quarks might be the decay mode of choice for detecting the intermediate mass Higgs. Possible means of detection of an intermediate mass Higgs at the SSC, particularly if a prominent decay mode is to bottom quarks, are examined, using the PYTHIA Monte Carlo program to generate both signal and background events. For the signal, events were generated in which Higgs bosons are created in proton-proton collisions, with the Higgs decaying into bottom quarks. The presence of W or Z bosons, created in the same proton-proton collision, is used to enhance the likelihood of Higgs production and to reduce the potentially enormous background. It is found that the Higgs decay to bottom quarks, if important, would be more favorable for detection of the Higgs than decay to top quarks was found to be because of the smaller background. 3 refs., 4 figs

  10. Pseudo-Goldstone Higgs Doublets from Non-Vectorlike Grand Unified Higgs Sector

    CERN Document Server

    Hernández, A E Cárcamo


    We present a novel way of realizing the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson mechanism for the doublet-triplet splitting in supersymmetric grand unified theories. The global symmetries of the Higgs sector are attributed to a non-vectorlike Higgs content, which is consistent with unbroken supersymmetry in a scenario with flat extra dimensions and branes. We also show how in such a model one can naturally obtain a realistic pattern for the Standard Model fermion masses and mixings.

  11. Higgs production and decay in models of a warped extra dimension with a bulk Higgs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Archer, Paul R.; Carena, Marcela; Carmona, Adrian; Neubert, Matthias


    Warped extra-dimension models in which the Higgs boson is allowed to propagate in the bulk of a compact AdS 5 space are conjectured to be dual to models featuring a partially composite Higgs boson. They offer a framework with which to investigate the implications of changing the scaling dimension of the Higgs operator, which can be used to reduce the constraints from electroweak precision data. In the context of such models, we calculate the cross section for Higgs production in gluon fusion and the H → γγ decay rate and show that they are finite (at one-loop order) as a consequence of gauge invariance. The extended scalar sector comprising the Kaluza-Klein excitations of the Standard Model scalars is constructed in detail. The largest effects are due to virtual KK fermions, whose contributions to the cross section and decay rate introduce a quadratic sensitivity to the maximum allowed value y * of the random complex entries of the 5D anarchic Yukawa matrices. We find an enhancement of the gluon-fusion cross section and a reduction of the H → γγ rate as well as of the tree-level Higgs couplings to fermions and electroweak gauge bosons. As a result, we perform a detailed study of the correlated signal strengths for different production mechanisms and decay channels as functions of y * , the mass scale of Kaluza-Klein resonances and the scaling dimension of the composite Higgs operator

  12. A Historical Profile of the Higgs Boson

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ellis, John; Gaillard, Mary K.; Nanopoulos, Dimitri V.


    The Higgs boson was postulated in 1964, and phenomenological studies of its possible production and decays started in the early 1970s, followed by studies of its possible productionin e{sup +} e{sup -}, {anti p}p and pp collisions, in particular. Until recently, the most sensitive searches for the Higgs boson were at LEP between 1989 and 2000, which have been complemented bysearches at the Fermilab Tevatron. The LHC has recently entered the hunt, excluding a Higgs boson over a large range of masses and revealing a tantalizing hint in the range 119 to125 GeV, and there are good prospects that the existence or otherwise of the Higgs boson will soon be established. One of the most attractive possibilities is that the Higgs bosonis accompanied by supersymmetry, though composite options have yet to be excluded. This article reviews some of the key historical developments in Higgs physics over the past half-century.

  13. Search for the Higgs Boson in the Channel H{>=}ZZ{>=}2l2 on the CMS Experiment of LHC; Busqueda del Boson de Higgs en el Canal H{>=}ZZ{>=}2l2b en el Experimento CMS del LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Navarro, E.; Garcia, P.; Hernandez, J. M.


    This work presents the search for a Higgs boson-like particle, responsible for the spontaneous breaking of the electroweak symmetry of the Standard Model of particle physics. Proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment of LHC during the year 2011 have been used. The work is focused on the final state with two leptons and two bottom quarks coming from a pair of Z bosons. The analysis of the data tries to isolate a signal from the contribution of known processes, using the characteristic kinematic of the signal. The results allowed to establish limits to the production cross section of a Higgs boson with masses between 200 and 600 GeV. (Author) 22 refs.

  14. Higgs portal valleys, stability and inflation

    CERN Document Server

    Ballesteros, Guillermo


    The measured values of the Higgs and top quark masses imply that the Standard Model potential is very likely to be unstable at large Higgs values. This is particularly problematic during inflation, which sources large perturbations of the Higgs. The instability could be cured by a threshold effect induced by a scalar with a large vacuum expectation value and directly connected to the Standard Model through a Higgs portal coupling. However, we find that in a minimal model in which the scalar generates inflation, this mechanism does not stabilize the potential because the mass required for inflation is beyond the instability scale. This conclusion does not change if the Higgs has a direct weak coupling to the scalar curvature. On the other hand, if the potential is absolutely stable, successful inflation in agreement with current CMB data can occur along a valley of the potential with a Mexican hat profile. We revisit the stability conditions, independently of inflation, and clarify that the threshold effect ca...

  15. Character Profile of the Higgs boson

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00386479; Bentvelsen, Stan; Ferrari, Pamela

    Elementary particle physics describes and measures the properties of the smallest, most fundamental particles that make up the universe. The Standard Model of elementary particle physics provides a fundamental description of particles, their dynamics and interactions. The particles embedded into the theory are, a priori, massless, while observed particles have mass. In order to explain the origin of the elementary particle masses, the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism is introduced. The mechanism introduces the existence of one real scalar field, with the Higgs boson as excitation, however it does not predict its mass. To verify that the Higgs mechanism is the origin of elementary particle masses is one of the main goals of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) programs at CERN. Higgs physics at the ATLAS detector has reached an exciting new phase of precision measurements, but the analyses are still mostly set up for conducting searches. The research shown in this thesis has provided measurements in the Higgs sector, ...

  16. Natural Higgs mass in supersymmetry from nondecoupling effects. (United States)

    Lu, Xiaochuan; Murayama, Hitoshi; Ruderman, Joshua T; Tobioka, Kohsaku


    The Higgs mass implies fine-tuning for minimal theories of weak-scale supersymmetry (SUSY). Nondecoupling effects can boost the Higgs mass when new states interact with the Higgs boson, but new sources of SUSY breaking that accompany such extensions threaten naturalness. We show that two singlets with a Dirac mass can increase the Higgs mass while maintaining naturalness in the presence of large SUSY breaking in the singlet sector. We explore the modified Higgs phenomenology of this scenario, which we call the "Dirac next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model."

  17. Higgs enhancement for the dark matter relic density (United States)

    Harz, Julia; Petraki, Kalliopi


    We consider the long-range effect of the Higgs on the density of thermal-relic dark matter. While the electroweak gauge boson and gluon exchange have been previously studied, the Higgs is typically thought to mediate only contact interactions. We show that the Sommerfeld enhancement due to a 125 GeV Higgs can deplete TeV-scale dark matter significantly and describe how the interplay between the Higgs and other mediators influences this effect. We discuss the importance of the Higgs enhancement in the minimal supersymmetric standard model and its implications for experiments.

  18. Higgs boson pair production at the photon linear collider in the two Higgs doublet model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asakawa, Eri; Harada, Daisuke; Okada, Yasuhiro; Kanemura, Shinya; Tsumura, Koji


    We calculate the cross section of the lightest Higgs boson pair production at the Photon Linear Collider in the two Higgs doublet model. We focus on the scenario in which the lightest Higgs boson has the standard model like couplings to gauge bosons. We take into account the one-loop correction to the hhh coupling as well as additional one-loop diagrams due to charged bosons to the γγ → hh helicity amplitudes. We discuss the impact of these corrections on the hhh coupling measurement at the Photon Linear Collider. (author)

  19. Goldstone bosons and a dynamical Higgs field

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mooij, S.; Postma, M.


    Higgs inflation uses the gauge variant Higgs field as the inflaton. During inflation the Higgs field is displaced from its minimum, which results in associated Goldstone bosons that are apparently massive. Working in a minimally coupled U(1) toy model, we use the closed-time-path formalism to show

  20. Identification of spectral units on Phoebe


    Coradini , A.; Tosi , F.; Gavrishin , A.I.; Capaccioni , F.; Cerroni , P.; Filacchione , G.; Adriani , A.; Brown , R.H.; Bellucci , G.; Formisano , V.; D'Aversa , E.; Lunine , J.I.; Baines , K.H.; Bibring , J.-P.; Buratti , B.J.


    Identification of spectral units on Phoebe (Coradini, A.) INAF-IFSI--> , Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario--> , Area Ricerca Tor Vergata--> , Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100--> , I-00133 Roma--> - ITALY (Coradini, A.) INAF-IFSI--> , Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario--> , Area Ricerca Tor Vergata--> , Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100--> , I-00133 Roma--> ...

  1. Doubling down on naturalness with a supersymmetric twin Higgs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Craig, Nathaniel; Howe, Kiel


    We show that naturalness of the weak scale can be comfortably reconciled with both LHC null results and observed Higgs properties provided the double protection of supersymmetry and the twin Higgs mechanism. This double protection radically alters conventional signs of naturalness at the LHC while respecting gauge coupling unification and precision electroweak limits. We find the measured Higgs mass, couplings, and percent-level naturalness of the weak scale are compatible with stops at ∼3.5 TeV and higgsinos at ∼1 TeV. The primary signs of naturalness in this scenario include modifications of Higgs couplings, a modest invisible Higgs width, resonant Higgs pair production, and an invisibly-decaying heavy Higgs

  2. Higgs decays to dark matter: Beyond the minimal model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pospelov, Maxim; Ritz, Adam


    We examine the interplay between Higgs mediation of dark-matter annihilation and scattering on one hand and the invisible Higgs decay width on the other, in a generic class of models utilizing the Higgs portal. We find that, while the invisible width of the Higgs to dark matter is now constrained for a minimal singlet scalar dark matter particle by experiments such as XENON100, this conclusion is not robust within more generic examples of Higgs mediation. We present a survey of simple dark matter scenarios with m DM h /2 and Higgs portal mediation, where direct-detection signatures are suppressed, while the Higgs width is still dominated by decays to dark matter.

  3. Origins of inert Higgs doublets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas W. Kephart


    Full Text Available We consider beyond the standard model embedding of inert Higgs doublet fields. We argue that inert Higgs doublets can arise naturally in grand unified theories where the necessary associated Z2 symmetry can occur automatically. Several examples are discussed.

  4. Partially composite Goldstone Higgs boson

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alanne, Tommi; Franzosi, Diogo Buarque; Frandsen, Mads T.


    We consider a model of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking with a partially composite Goldstone Higgs boson. The model is based on a strongly interacting fermionic sector coupled to a fundamental scalar sector via Yukawa interactions. The SU(4)×SU(4) global symmetry of these two sectors...... is broken to a single SU(4) via Yukawa interactions. Electroweak symmetry breaking is dynamically induced by condensation due to the strong interactions in the new fermionic sector which further breaks the global symmetry SU(4)→Sp(4). The Higgs boson arises as a partially composite state which is an exact...... Goldstone boson in the limit where SM interactions are turned off. Terms breaking the SU(4) global symmetry explicitly generate a mass for the Goldstone Higgs boson. The model realizes in different limits both (partially) composite Higgs and (bosonic) technicolor models, thereby providing a convenient...

  5. The Higgs of the Higgs and the diphoton channel

    CERN Document Server

    Kannike, Kristjan


    LHC results do not confirm conventional natural solutions to the Higgs mass hierarchy problem, motivating alternative interpretations where a hierarchically small weak scale is generated from a dimension-less quantum dynamics. We propose weakly and strongly-coupled models where the field that breaks classical scale invariance giving mass to itself and to the Higgs is identified with a possible new resonance within the LHC reach. As an example, we identify such resonance with the 750 GeV diphoton excess recently reported by ATLAS and CMS. Such models can be extrapolated up to the Planck scale, provide Dark Matter candidates and eliminate the SM vacuum instability.

  6. Higgs detectability in the extended supersymmetric standard model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamoshita, Jun-ichi


    Higgs detectability at a future linear collider are discussed in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) and a supersymmetric standard model with a gauge singlet Higgs field (NMSSM). First, in the MSSM at least one of the neutral scalar Higgs is shown to be detectable irrespective of parameters of the model in a future e + e - linear collider at √s = 300-500 GeV. Next the Higgs sector of the NMSSM is considered, since the lightest Higgs boson can be singlet dominated and therefore decouple from Z 0 boson it is important to consider the production of heavier Higgses. It is shown that also in this case at least one of the neutral scalar Higgs will be detectable in a future linear collider. We extend the analysis and show that the same is true even if three singlets are included. Thus the detectability of these Higgs bosons of these models is guaranteed. (author)

  7. Large Higgs energy region in Higgs associated top pair production at the Linear Collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farrell, Cailin; Hoang, Andre H.


    The process e + e - →ttH is considered in the kinematic end point region where the Higgs energy is close to its maximal energy. In perturbative QCD, using the loop expansion, the amplitudes are plagued by Coulomb singularities that need to be resummed. We show that the QCD dynamics in this end point region is governed by nonrelativistic heavy quarkonium dynamics, and we use a nonrelativistic effective theory to compute the Higgs energy distribution at leading and next-to-leading-logarithmic approximation in the nonrelativistic expansion. Updated numbers for the total cross section including the summations in the Higgs energy end point region are presented

  8. Very light dilaton and naturally light Higgs boson (United States)

    Hong, Deog Ki


    We study very light dilaton, arising from a scale-invariant ultraviolet theory of the Higgs sector in the standard model of particle physics. Imposing the scale symmetry below the ultraviolet scale of the Higgs sector, we alleviate the fine-tuning problem associated with the Higgs mass. When the electroweak symmetry is spontaneously broken radiatively à la Coleman-Weinberg, the dilaton develops a vacuum expectation value away from the origin to give an extra contribution to the Higgs potential so that the Higgs mass becomes naturally around the electroweak scale. The ultraviolet scale of the Higgs sector can be therefore much higher than the electroweak scale, as the dilaton drives the Higgs mass to the electroweak scale. We also show that the light dilaton in this scenario is a good candidate for dark matter of mass m D ˜ 1 eV - 10 keV, if the ultraviolet scale is about 10-100 TeV. Finally we propose a dilaton-assisted composite Higgs model to realize our scenario. In addition to the light dilaton the model predicts a heavy U(1) axial vector boson and two massive, oppositely charged, pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons, which might be accessible at LHC.

  9. Higgs constraints from vector boson fusion and scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, John M.; Ellis, R. Keith


    We present results on 4-lepton + 2-jet production, the partonic processes most commonly described as vector boson pair production in the Vector Boson Fusion (VBF) mode. That final state contains diagrams that are mediated by Higgs boson exchange. We focus particularly on the high-mass behaviour of the Higgs boson mediated diagrams, which unlike on-shell production, gives information about the Higgs couplings without assumptions on the Higgs boson total width. We assess the sensitivity of the high-mass region to Higgs coupling strengths, considering all vector boson pair channels, W - W + , W ± W ± , W ± Z and ZZ. Because of the small background, the most promising mode is W + W + which has sensitivity to Higgs couplings because of Higgs boson exchange in the t-channel. Furthermore, using the Caola-Melnikov (CM) method, the off-shell couplings can be interpreted as bounds on the Higgs boson total width. We estimate the bound that can be obtained with current data, as well as the bounds that could be obtained at √s=13 TeV in the VBF channel for data samples of 100 and 300 fb -1 . The CM method has already been successfully applied in the gluon fusion (GGF) production channel. The VBF production channel gives important complementary information, because both production and decay of the Higgs boson occur already at tree graph level

  10. LHC Higgs physics beyond the Standard Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spannowsky, M.


    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will be able to perform proton collisions at a much higher center-of-mass energy and luminosity than any other collider. Its main purpose is to detect the Higgs boson, the last unobserved particle of the Standard Model, explaining the riddle of the origin of mass. Studies have shown, that for the whole allowed region of the Higgs mass processes exist to detect the Higgs at the LHC. However, the Standard Model cannot be a theory of everything and is not able to provide a complete understanding of physics. It is at most an effective theory up to a presently unknown energy scale. Hence, extensions of the Standard Model are necessary which can affect the Higgs-boson signals. We discuss these effects in two popular extensions of the Standard Model: the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and the Standard Model with four generations (SM4G). Constraints on these models come predominantly from flavor physics and electroweak precision measurements. We show, that the SM4G is still viable and that a fourth generation has strong impact on decay and production processes of the Higgs boson. Furthermore, we study the charged Higgs boson in the MSSM, yielding a clear signal for physics beyond the Standard Model. For small tan β in minimal flavor violation (MFV) no processes for the detection of a charged Higgs boson do exist at the LHC. However, MFV is just motivated by the experimental agreement of results from flavor physics with Standard Model predictions, but not by any basic theoretical consideration. In this thesis, we calculate charged Higgs boson production cross sections beyond the assumption of MFV, where a large number of free parameters is present in the MSSM. We find that the soft-breaking parameters which enhance the charged-Higgs boson production most are just bound to large values, e.g. by rare B-meson decays. Although the charged-Higgs boson cross sections beyond MFV turn out to be sizeable, only a detailed

  11. LHC Higgs physics beyond the Standard Model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spannowsky, M.


    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will be able to perform proton collisions at a much higher center-of-mass energy and luminosity than any other collider. Its main purpose is to detect the Higgs boson, the last unobserved particle of the Standard Model, explaining the riddle of the origin of mass. Studies have shown, that for the whole allowed region of the Higgs mass processes exist to detect the Higgs at the LHC. However, the Standard Model cannot be a theory of everything and is not able to provide a complete understanding of physics. It is at most an effective theory up to a presently unknown energy scale. Hence, extensions of the Standard Model are necessary which can affect the Higgs-boson signals. We discuss these effects in two popular extensions of the Standard Model: the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and the Standard Model with four generations (SM4G). Constraints on these models come predominantly from flavor physics and electroweak precision measurements. We show, that the SM4G is still viable and that a fourth generation has strong impact on decay and production processes of the Higgs boson. Furthermore, we study the charged Higgs boson in the MSSM, yielding a clear signal for physics beyond the Standard Model. For small tan {beta} in minimal flavor violation (MFV) no processes for the detection of a charged Higgs boson do exist at the LHC. However, MFV is just motivated by the experimental agreement of results from flavor physics with Standard Model predictions, but not by any basic theoretical consideration. In this thesis, we calculate charged Higgs boson production cross sections beyond the assumption of MFV, where a large number of free parameters is present in the MSSM. We find that the soft-breaking parameters which enhance the charged-Higgs boson production most are just bound to large values, e.g. by rare B-meson decays. Although the charged-Higgs boson cross sections beyond MFV turn out to be sizeable, only a detailed

  12. Constraints on the Lee-Wick Higgs sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carone, Christopher D.; Primulando, Reinard


    Lee-Wick partners to the standard model Higgs doublet may appear at a mass scale that is significantly lower than that of the remaining Lee-Wick partner states. The relevant effective theory is a two-Higgs doublet model in which one doublet has wrong-sign kinetic and mass terms. We determine bounds on this effective theory, including those from neutral B-meson mixing, b→X s γ, and Z→bb. The results differ from those of conventional two-Higgs doublet models and lead to meaningful constraints on the Lee-Wick Higgs sector.

  13. Disentangling Higgs-top couplings in associated production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ellis, John [Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology Group, Physics Department, King’s College London,London WC2R 2LS (United Kingdom); TH Division, Physics Department, CERN,CH-1211 Geneva 23 (Switzerland); Hwang, Dae Sung [Department of Physics, Sejong University,Seoul 143-747 (Korea, Republic of); Sakurai, Kazuki; Takeuchi, Michihisa [Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology Group, Physics Department, King’s College London,London WC2R 2LS (United Kingdom)


    In the presence of CP violation, the Higgs-top coupling may have both scalar and pseudoscalar components, κ{sub t} and κ-tilde{sub t}, which are bounded indirectly but only weakly by the present experimental constraints on the Higgs-gluon-gluon and Higgs-γ-γ couplings, whereas upper limits on electric dipole moments provide strong additional indirect constraints on κ-tilde{sub t}, if the Higgs-electron coupling is similar to that in the Standard Model and there are no cancellations with other contributions. We discuss methods to measure directly the scalar and pseudoscalar Higgs-top couplings by measurements of Higgs production in association with t-macront, single t and single t-macron at the LHC. Measurements of the total cross sections are very sensitive to variations in the Higgs-top couplings that are consistent with the present indirect constraints, as are invariant mass distributions in t-macrontH, tH and t-macronH final states. We also investigate the additional information on κ{sub t} and κ-tilde{sub t} that could be obtained from measurements of the longitudinal and transverse t polarization in the different associated production channels, and the t-macront spin correlation in t-macrontH events.

  14. Discovering Higgs Bosons of the MSSM using Jet Substructure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kribs, Graham D.; Martin, Adam; Roy, Tuhin S.; Spannowsky, Michael


    We present a qualitatively new approach to discover Higgs bosons of the MSSM at the LHC using jet substructure techniques applied to boosted Higgs decays. These techniques are ideally suited to the MSSM, since the lightest Higgs boson overwhelmingly decays to b(bar b) throughout the entire parameter space, while the heavier neutral Higgs bosons, if light enough to be produced in a cascade, also predominantly decay to b(bar b). The Higgs production we consider arises from superpartner production where superpartners cascade decay into Higgs bosons. We study this mode of Higgs production for several superpartner hierarchies: m # tilde q#,m # tilde g# > m # tilde W#, # tilde B# > m h + μ; m(tilde q);m # tilde q#,m # tilde g# > m # tilde W#, # tilde B# > m h,H,A + μ; and m # tilde q#,m # tilde g# > m # tilde W# > m h + μ with m # tilde B# ∼ μ. In these cascades, the Higgs bosons are boosted, with pT > 200 GeV a large fraction of the time. Since Higgs bosons appear in cascades originating from squarks and/or gluinos, the cross section for events with at least one Higgs boson can be the same order as squark/gluino production. Given 10 fb -1 of 14 TeV LHC data, with m # tilde q# ∼< 1 TeV, and one of the above superpartner mass hierarchies, our estimate of S√ B of the Higgs signal is sufficiently high that the b(bar b) mode can become the discovery mode of the lightest Higgs boson of the MSSM.

  15. Search for Higgs bosons beyond the Standard Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mankel Rainer


    Full Text Available While the existence of a Higgs boson with a mass near 125 GeV has been clearly established, the detailed structure of the entire Higgs sector is yet unclear. Beyond the standard model interpretation, various scenarios for extended Higgs sectors are being considered. Such options include the minimal and next-to-minimal supersymmetric extensions (MSSM and NMSSM of the standard model, more generic Two-Higgs Doublet models (2HDM, as well as truly exotic Higgs bosons decaying e.g. into totally invisible final states. This article presents recent results from the CMS experiment.

  16. Ruling out a strongly interacting standard Higgs model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riesselmann, K.; Willenbrock, S.


    Previous work has suggested that perturbation theory is unreliable for Higgs- and Goldstone-boson scattering, at energies above the Higgs-boson mass, for relatively small values of the Higgs quartic coupling λ(μ). By performing a summation of nonlogarithmic terms, we show that perturbation theory is in fact reliable up to relatively large coupling. This eliminates the possibility of a strongly interacting standard Higgs model at energies above the Higgs-boson mass, complementing earlier studies which excluded strong interactions at energies near the Higgs-boson mass. The summation can be formulated in terms of an appropriate scale in the running coupling, μ=√(s)/e∼√(s)/2.7, so it can be incorporated easily in renormalization-group-improved tree-level amplitudes as well as higher-order calculations. copyright 1996 The American Physical Society

  17. Limits from LEP Data on CP-Violating Nonminimal Higgs Sectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gunion, J.F.; Grzadkowski, B.; Kalinowski, J.; Haber, H.E.; Kalinowski, J.


    We derive a sum rule which shows how to extend limits from LEP data on the masses of the lightest CP-even and CP-odd Higgs bosons of a CP-conserving two-Higgs doublet model to any two Higgs bosons of a general CP-violating two-Higgs-doublet model. We generalize the analysis to a Higgs sector consisting of an arbitrary number of Higgs doublets and singlets, giving explicit limits for the CP-conserving and CP-violating two-doublet plus one-singlet Higgs sectors. copyright 1997 The American Physical Society

  18. Higgs physics at the Large Hadron Collider

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Higgs boson; Large Hadron Collider; electroweak symmetry; spin and CP of the Higgs boson ... I shall then give a short description of the pre-LHC constraints on the Higgs mass and the theoretical predictions for the LHC along with a discussion of the current experimental results, ending with prospects in the near future at ...

  19. Very boosted Higgs in gluon fusion

    CERN Document Server

    Grojean, Christophe; Schlaffer, Matthias; Weiler, Andreas


    The Higgs production and decay rates offer a new way to probe new physics beyond the Standard Model. While dynamics aiming at alleviating the hierarchy problem generically predict deviations in the Higgs rates, the current experimental analyses cannot resolve the long- and short-distance contributions to the gluon fusion process and thus cannot access directly the coupling between the Higgs and the top quark. We investigate the production of a boosted Higgs in association with a high-transverse momentum jet as an alternative to the $t\\bar{t}h$ channel to pin down this crucial coupling. Presented first in the context of an effective field theory, our analysis is then applied to models of partial compositeness at the TeV scale and of natural supersymmetry.

  20. Very boosted Higgs in gluon fusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grojean, C. [Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra (Spain). ICREA at IFAE; Salvioni, E. [California Univ., Davis, CA (United States). Dept. of Physics; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland); Padova Univ. (Italy). Dipt. di Fisica e Astronomica; INFN, Sezione di Padova (Italy); Schlaffer, M. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Weiler, A. [European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland); Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany)


    The Higgs production and decay rates offer a new way to probe new physics beyond the Standard Model. While dynamics aiming at alleviating the hierarchy problem generically predict deviations in the Higgs rates, the current experimental analyses cannot resolve the long- and short-distance contributions to the gluon fusion process and thus cannot access directly the coupling between the Higgs and the top quark. We investigate the production of a boosted Higgs in association with a high-transverse momentum jet as an alternative to the t anti th channel to pin down this crucial coupling. Presented rst in the context of an effective field theory, our analysis is then applied to models of partial compositeness at the TeV scale and of natural supersymmetry.

  1. Higgs boson phenomenology at the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirchner, Sebastian


    The outstanding performance of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) led to the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. The paramount endeavour after this discovery is the examination of the Higgs-boson properties, amongst others the determination of its CP quantum number and total decay width. The experimental analysis of both properties requires precise theoretical input within the Standard Model of particle physics. Theoretical methods and predictions at next-to-leading-order (NLO) in perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), addressing the CP nature and decay width of the Higgs boson, are presented in this thesis. The thesis is split in two parts: The first part addresses the Caola-Melnikov method, which is utilised to constrain the Higgs width that is experimentally not directly measurable. The method relies on cross section measurements on and far off the Higgs boson peak. Two-loop corrections via a heavy top quark to the gluon-gluon initialised Z boson pair-production are examined as an expansion about the heavy-top limit combined with a conformal mapping and Pade approximants. The impact of the full NLO QCD corrections to the signal and background cross sections, relevant for bounding the Higgs width, is investigated. The second part of this thesis examines how precisely the CP nature of the Higgs boson can be unravelled in its decay to tau lepton pairs. All subsequent major charged-prong decays of the tau leptons are included.The impact parameter method is utilised and allows to extract the CP-mixing angle of the Higgs boson from the distribution of a signed angle. NLO QCD predictions for the signal process as well as the Drell-Yan background, including a Monte Carlo simulation of measurement uncertainties, are computed. Energy and angular correlations of the charged prongs are analysed and used to suppress the Drell-Yan background contribution. In a second step, the sensitivity to the CP-mixing angle is increased by combining the impact parameter method with the

  2. Baryonic Higgs at the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duerr, Michael [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Fileviez Perez, Pavel [Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH (United States). CERCA, Physics Dept.; Smirnov, Juri [INFN, Sezione di Firenze (Italy); Florence Univ., Sesto Fiorentino (Italy). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy


    We investigate the possible collider signatures of a new Higgs in simple extensions of the Standard Model where baryon number is a local symmetry spontaneously broken at the low scale. We refer to this new Higgs as ''Baryonic Higgs''. This Higgs has peculiar properties since it can decay into all Standard Model particles, the leptophobic gauge boson, and the vector-like quarks present in these theories to ensure anomaly cancellation. We investigate in detail the constraints from the γγ, Zγ, ZZ, and WW searches at the Large Hadron Collider, needed to find a lower bound on the scale at which baryon number is spontaneously broken. The di-photon channel turns out to be a very sensitive probe in the case of small scalar mixing and can severely constrain the baryonic scale. We also study the properties of the leptophobic gauge boson in order to understand the testability of these theories at the LHC.

  3. Higgs mass determination in supersymmetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vega, Javier Pardo [Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Strada Costiera 11, 34151, Trieste (Italy); SISSA International School for Advanced Studies and INFN Trieste, Via Bonomea 265, 34136, Trieste (Italy); Villadoro, Giovanni [Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Strada Costiera 11, 34151, Trieste (Italy)


    We present the state-of-the-art of the effective field theory computation of the MSSM Higgs mass, improving the existing ones by including extra threshold corrections. We show that, with this approach, the theoretical uncertainty is within 1 GeV in most of the relevant parameter space. We confirm the smaller value of the Higgs mass found in the EFT computations, which implies a slightly heavier SUSY scale. We study the large tan β region, finding that sbottom thresholds might relax the upper bound on the scale of SUSY. We present SUSYHD, a fast computer code that computes the Higgs mass and its uncertainty for any SUSY scale, from the TeV to the Planck scale, even in Split SUSY, both in the (DR)-bar and in the on-shell schemes. Finally, we apply our results to derive bounds on some well motivated SUSY models, in particular we show how the value of the Higgs mass allows to determine the complete spectrum in minimal gauge mediation.

  4. Frequently Asked Questions: The Higgs!

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    Why have we tried so hard to find the Higgs particle? How does the Higgs mechanism work? What is the difference in physics between strong evidence and a discovery? Why do physicists speak in terms of "sigmas"? Find out here!   Why have we tried so hard to find the Higgs particle? Because it could be the answer to the question: how does Nature decide whether or not to assign mass to particles? All the fundamental particles making up matter – the electron, the quarks, etc. – have masses. Moreover, quantum physics requires that forces are also carried by particles. The W and Z particles that carry the weak force responsible for radioactivity must also have masses, whereas the photon, the carrier of the electromagnetic force, has no mass at all. This is the root of the “Higgs problem”: how to give masses to the fundamental particles and break the symmetry between the massive W and Z and the massless photon? Just assigning masses by hand...

  5. Impersonating the Standard Model Higgs boson: alignment without decoupling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carena, Marcela; Low, Ian; Shah, Nausheen R.; Wagner, Carlos E.M.


    In models with an extended Higgs sector there exists an alignment limit, in which the lightest CP-even Higgs boson mimics the Standard Model Higgs. The alignment limit is commonly associated with the decoupling limit, where all non-standard scalars are significantly heavier than the Z boson. However, alignment can occur irrespective of the mass scale of the rest of the Higgs sector. In this work we discuss the general conditions that lead to “alignment without decoupling”, therefore allowing for the existence of additional non-standard Higgs bosons at the weak scale. The values of tan β for which this happens are derived in terms of the effective Higgs quartic couplings in general two-Higgs-doublet models as well as in supersymmetric theories, including the MSSM and the NMSSM. Moreover, we study the information encoded in the variations of the SM Higgs-fermion couplings to explore regions in the m A −tan β parameter space

  6. Workshop on CP Studies and Non-Standard Higgs Physics

    CERN Document Server

    Accomando, E.; Akhmetzyanova, E.; Albert, J.; Alves, A.; Amapane, N.; Aoki, M.; Azuelos, G.; Baffioni, S.; Ballestrero, A.; Barger, V.; Bartl, A.; Bechtle, P.; Blanger, G.; Belhouari, A.; Bellan, R.; Belyaev, A.; Benes, Petr; Benslama, K.; Bernreuther, W.; Besanon, M.; Bevilacqua, G.; Beyer, M.; Bluj, M.; Bolognesi, S.; Boonekamp, M.; Borzumati, Francesca; Boudjema, F.; Brandenburg, A.; Brauner, Tomas; Buszello, C.P.; Butterworth, J.M.; Carena, Marcela; Cavalli, D.; Cerminara, G.; Choi, S.Y.; Clerbaux, B.; Collard, C.; Conley, John A.; Deandrea, A.; De Curtis, S.; Dermisek, R.; De Roeck, A.; Dewhirst, G.; Diaz, M.A.; Diaz-Cruz, J.L.; Dietrich, D.D.; Dolgopolov, M.; Dominici, D.; Dubinin, M.; Eboli, O.; Ellis, John R.; Evans, N.; Fano, L.; Ferland, J.; Ferrag, S.; Fitzgerald, S.P.; Fraas, H.; Franke, F.; Gennai, S.; Ginzburg, I.F.; Godbole, R.M.; Gregoire, T.; Grenier, Gerald Jean; Grojean, C.; Gudnason, S.B.; Gunion, J.F.; Haber, H.E.; Hahn, T.; Han, T.; Hankele, V.; Hays, Christopher Paul; Heinemeyer, S.; Hesselbach, S.; Hewett, J.L.; Hidaka, K.; Hirsch, M.; Hollik, W.; Hooper, D.; Hosek, J.; Hubisz, J.; Hugonie, C.; Kalinowski, J.; Kanemura, S.; Kashkan, V.; Kernreiter, T.; Khater, W.; Khoze, V.A.; Kilian, W.; King, S.F.; Kittel, O.; Klamke, G.; Kneur, J.L.; Kouvaris, C.; Kraml, S.; Krawczyk, M.; Krstonoic, P.; Kyriakis, A.; Langacker, P.; Le, M.P.; Lee, H.-S.; Lee, J.S.; Lemaire, M.C.; Liao, Y.; Lillie, B.; Litvine, Vladimir A.; Logan, H.E.; McElrath, Bob; Mahmoud, T.; Maina, E.; Mariotti, C.; Marquard, P.; Martin, A.D.; Mazumdar, K.; Miller, D.J.; Min, P.; Monig, Klaus; Moortgat-Pick, G.; Moretti, S.; Muhlleitner, M.M.; Munir, S.; Nevzorov, R.; Newman, H.; Niezurawski, P.; Nikitenko, A.; Noriega-Papaqui, R.; Okada, Y.; Osland, P.; Pilaftsis, A.; Porod, W.; Przysiezniak, H.; Pukhov, A.; Rainwater, D.; Raspereza, A.; Reuter, J.; Riemann, S.; Rindani, S.; Rizzo, T.G.; Ros, E.; Rosado, A.; Rousseau, D.; Roy, D.P.; Ryskin, M.G.; Rzehak, H.; Sannino, F.; Schmidt, E.; Schrder, H.; Schumacher, M.; Semenov, A.; Senaha, E.; Shaughnessy, G.; Singh, R.K.; Terning, J.; Vacavant, L.; Velasco, M.; Villanova del Moral, Albert; von der Pahlen, F.; Weiglein, G.; Williams, J.; Williams, K.E.; Zarnecki, A.F.; Zeppenfeld, D.; Zerwas, D.; Zerwas, P.M.; Zerwekh, A.R.; Ziethe, J.; 2nd Workshop on CP Studies and Non-standard Higgs Physics; 3rd Workshop on CP Studies and Non-standard Higgs Physics; 4th Workshop on CP Studies and Non-standard Higgs Physics; CPNSH; Workshop on CP Studies and Non-standard Higgs Physics; CP Studies and Non-Standard Higgs Physics


    There are many possibilities for new physics beyond the Standard Model that feature non-standard Higgs sectors. These may introduce new sources of CP violation, and there may be mixing between multiple Higgs bosons or other new scalar bosons. Alternatively, the Higgs may be a composite state, or there may even be no Higgs at all. These non-standard Higgs scenarios have important implications for collider physics as well as for cosmology, and understanding their phenomenology is essential for a full comprehension of electroweak symmetry breaking. This report discusses the most relevant theories which go beyond the Standard Model and its minimal, CP-conserving supersymmetric extension: two-Higgs-doublet models and minimal supersymmetric models with CP violation, supersymmetric models with an extra singlet, models with extra gauge groups or Higgs triplets, Little Higgs models, models in extra dimensions, and models with technicolour or other new strong dynamics. For each of these scenarios, this report presents ...

  7. A Study Of Observability Of Higgs Boson Decay In Higgs Boson Decays To Two Z Mesons Decays To Four Leptons At Cms

    CERN Document Server

    Liang, G


    The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics has been the most successful theory about fundamental particles and how they interact. In SM, the originally massless fundamental particles acquire masses in a process called the Higgs mechanism. This mechanism involves an additional particle, called the Higgs boson, whose responsibility is to break the electroweak symmetry and help those massless particles acquire masses. With the discovery of the top quark at Tevatron in 1995, the Higgs boson remains to be the only unfound fundamental particle in the Standard Model. The discovery of the Higgs boson would greatly increase our understanding of the origin of the mass. One of the most important objectives of the LHC experiment is to discover the Higgs boson. At LHC, the CMS experiment is optimized for the search of the Higgs boson over a mass range up to 1 TeV. Among all Higgs decay channels, H → ZZ → 4l is one of the most promising channels to search the SM Higgs boson at CMS. This study concentrat...

  8. Signatures of Higgs dilaton and critical Higgs inflation. (United States)

    García-Bellido, Juan


    We test the Higgs dilaton inflation model (HDM) using the latest cosmological datasets, including the cosmic microwave background temperature, polarization and lensing data from the Planck satellite (2015), the BICEP and Keck Array experiments, the type Ia supernovae from the JLA catalogue, the baryon acoustic oscillations from CMASS, LOWZ and 6dF, the weak lensing data from the CFHTLenS survey and the matter power spectrum measurements from the latest SDSS data release. We find that the values of all cosmological parameters allowed by the HDM are well within the Planck satellite (2015) constraints. In particular, we determine [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] (at 95.5% c.l.). We also place new stringent constraints on the couplings of the HDM, ξ χ Higgs inflation model, taking into account the running of both the self-coupling λ( μ ) and the non-minimal coupling to gravity ξ ( μ ). We find peaks in the curvature power spectrum at scales corresponding to the critical value μ that re-enter during the radiation era and collapse to form a broad distribution of clustered primordial black holes, which could constitute today the main component of dark matter.This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Higgs cosmology'. © 2018 The Author(s).

  9. Introduction to the physics of Higgs bosons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dawson, S.


    A basic introduction to the physics of the Standard Model Higgs boson is given. We discuss Higgs boson production in e + e - and hadronic collisions and survey search techniques at future accelerators. The Higgs bosons of the minimal SUSY model are briefly considered. Indirect limits from triviality arguments, vacuum stability and precision measurements at LEP are also presented

  10. Gaugephobic Higgs Signals at the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Galloway, Jamison; McRaven, John; Terning, John


    The Gaugephobic Higgs model provides an interpolation between three different models of electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgsless models, Randall-Sundrum models, and the Standard Model. At parameter points between the extremes, Standard Model Higgs signals are present at reduced rates, and Higgsless Kaluza-Klein excitations are present with shifted masses and couplings, as well as signals from exotic quarks necessary to protect the Zbb coupling. Using a new implementation of the model in SHERPA, we show the LHC signals which differentiate the generic Gaugephobic Higgs model from its limiting cases. These are all signals involving a Higgs coupling to a Kaluza-Klein gauge boson or quark. We identify the clean signal $p p \\to W^(i) \\to W H$ mediated by a Kaluza-Klein W, which can be present at large rates and is enhanced for even Kaluza-Klein numbers. Due to the very hard lepton coming from the W decay, this signature has little background, and provides a better discovery channel for the Higgs than any of the Sta...

  11. Sulla realità dei quanti un dialogo galileiano

    CERN Document Server

    Jauch, J M


    Che cosa succederebbe se Simplicio, Salviati e Sagredo, i tre protagonisti del "Dialogo" di Galileo, si incontrassero oggi e parlassero di fisica? Come reagirebbero all'ancora insuperato scandalo del comportamento quantistico della materia? Un grande fisico contemporaneo, Jauch, ha avuto l'idea di mettere in scena questo gioco, sulle rive del lago di Ginevra. E così ha scritto una guida illuminante e leggibile ai temi cruciali della fisica contemporanea.

  12. Are there hidden scalars in LHC Higgs results?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arhrib, A.; Ferreira, P.M.; Santos, Rui


    The Higgs boson recently discovered at the Large Hadron Collider has shown to have couplings to the remaining particles well within what is predicted by the Standard Model. The search for other new heavy scalar states has so far revealed to be fruitless, imposing constraints on the existence of new scalar particles. However, it is still possible that any existing heavy scalars would preferentially decay to final states involving the light Higgs boson thus evading the current LHC bounds on heavy scalar states. Moreover, decays of the heavy scalars could increase the number of light Higgs bosons being produced. Since the number of light Higgs bosons decaying to Standard Model particles is within the predicted range, this could mean that part of the light Higgs bosons could have their origin in heavy scalar decays. This situation would occur if the light Higgs couplings to Standard Model particles were reduced by a concomitant amount. Using a very simple extension of the SM — the two-Higgs doublet model — we show that in fact we could already be observing the effect of the heavy scalar states even if all results related to the Higgs are in excellent agreement with the Standard Model predictions

  13. Phenomenology of the Higgs effective Lagrangian via FEYNRULES

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alloul, Adam; Fuks, Benjamin; Sanz, Verónica


    The Higgs discovery and the lack of any other hint for new physics favor a description of non-standard Higgs physics in terms of an effective field theory. We present an implementation of a general Higgs effective Lagrangian containing operators up to dimension six in the framework of FEYNRULES and provide details on the translation between the mass and interaction bases, in particular for three- and four-point interaction vertices involving Higgs and gauge bosons. We illustrate the strengths of this implementation by using the UFO interface of FEYNRULES capable to generate model files that can be understood by the MADGRAPH 5 event generator and that have the specificity to contain all interaction vertices, without any restriction on the number of external legs or on the complexity of the Lorentz structures. We then investigate several new physics effects in total rates and differential distributions for different Higgs production modes, including gluon fusion, associated production with a gauge boson and di-Higgs production. We finally study contact interactions of gauge and Higgs bosons to fermions

  14. Phenomenology of the Higgs effective Lagrangian via FEYNRULES

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alloul, Adam [Groupe de Recherche de Physique des Hautes Énergies (GRPHE), Université de Haute-Alsace, IUT Colmar, 34 rue du Grillenbreit BP 50568, 68008 Colmar Cedex (France); Fuks, Benjamin [Theory Division, Physics Department, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23 (Switzerland); Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien/Département Recherches Subatomiques,Université de Strasbourg/CNRS-IN2P3, 23 rue du Loess, F-67037 Strasbourg (France); Sanz, Verónica [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QH (United Kingdom)


    The Higgs discovery and the lack of any other hint for new physics favor a description of non-standard Higgs physics in terms of an effective field theory. We present an implementation of a general Higgs effective Lagrangian containing operators up to dimension six in the framework of FEYNRULES and provide details on the translation between the mass and interaction bases, in particular for three- and four-point interaction vertices involving Higgs and gauge bosons. We illustrate the strengths of this implementation by using the UFO interface of FEYNRULES capable to generate model files that can be understood by the MADGRAPH 5 event generator and that have the specificity to contain all interaction vertices, without any restriction on the number of external legs or on the complexity of the Lorentz structures. We then investigate several new physics effects in total rates and differential distributions for different Higgs production modes, including gluon fusion, associated production with a gauge boson and di-Higgs production. We finally study contact interactions of gauge and Higgs bosons to fermions.

  15. Higgs Boson Searches at Hadron Colliders (1/4)

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    In these Academic Training lectures, the phenomenology of Higgs bosons and search strategies at hadron colliders are discussed. After a brief introduction on Higgs bosons in the Standard Model and a discussion of present direct and indirect constraints on its mass the status of the theoretical cross section calculations for Higgs boson production at hadron colliders is reviewed. In the following lectures important experimental issues relevant for Higgs boson searches (trigger, measurements of leptons, jets and missing transverse energy) are presented. This is followed by a detailed discussion of the discovery potential for the Standard Model Higgs boson for both the Tevatron and the LHC experiments. In addition, various scenarios beyond the Standard Model, primarily the MSSM, are considered. Finally, the potential and strategies to measured Higgs boson parameters and the investigation of alternative symmetry breaking scenarios are addressed.

  16. Higgs Mass Textures in Flipped SU(5)

    CERN Document Server

    Ellis, Jonathan Richard; Rizos, J; Ellis, John


    We analyze the Higgs doublet-triplet mass splitting problem in the version of flipped SU(5) derived from string theory. Analyzing non-renormalizable terms up to tenth order in the superpotential, we identify a pattern of field vev's that keeps one pair of electroweak Higgs doublets light, while all other Higgs doublets and all Higgs triplets are kept heavy, with the aid of the economical missing-doublet mechanism found in the field-theoretical version of flipped SU(5). The solution predicts that second-generation charge -1/3 quarks and charged leptons are much lighter than those in the third generation.

  17. Standard model Higgs boson-inflaton and dark matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clark, T. E.; Liu Boyang; Love, S. T.; Veldhuis, T. ter


    The standard model Higgs boson can serve as the inflaton field of slow roll inflationary models provided it exhibits a large nonminimal coupling with the gravitational scalar curvature. The Higgs boson self interactions and its couplings with a standard model singlet scalar serving as the source of dark matter are then subject to cosmological constraints. These bounds, which can be more stringent than those arising from vacuum stability and perturbative triviality alone, still allow values for the Higgs boson mass which should be accessible at the LHC. As the Higgs boson coupling to the dark matter strengthens, lower values of the Higgs boson mass consistent with the cosmological data are allowed.

  18. Higgs-Mediated Electric Dipole Moments in the MSSM An Application to Baryogenesis and Higgs Searches

    CERN Document Server

    Pilaftsis, Apostolos


    We perform a comprehensive study of the dominant two- and higher-loop contributions to the Tl(205), neutron and muon electric dipole moments induced by Higgs bosons, third-generation quarks and squarks, charginos and gluinos in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We find that strong correlations exist among the contributing CP-violating operators, for large stop, gluino and chargino phases, and for a wide range of values of \\tan\\beta and charged Higgs-boson masses, giving rise to large suppressions of the Tl(205) and neutron electric dipole moments below their present experimental limits. Based on this observation, we discuss the constraints that the nonobservation of electric dipole moments imposes on the radiatively-generated CP-violating Higgs sector and on the mechanism of electroweak baryogenesis in the MSSM. We improve previously suggested benchmark scenarios of maximal CP violation for analyzing direct searches of CP-violating MSSM Higgs-bosons at high-energy colliders, and stress the imp...

  19. Flavor with a light dynamical "Higgs particle"

    CERN Document Server

    Alonso, R.; Merlo, L.; Rigolin, S.; Yepes, J.


    The Higgs-fermion couplings are sensitive probes of possible new physics behind a stable light Higgs particle. It is then essential to identify the flavour pattern of those interactions. We consider the case in which a strong dynamics lies behind a light Higgs, and explore the implications within the Minimal Flavour Violation ansatz. The dominant effects on flavour-changing Higgs-fermion couplings stem in this context from operators with mass dimension <6, and we analyze all relevant chiral operators up to that order, including loop-corrections induced by 4-dimensional ones. Bounds on the operator coefficients are derived from a plethora of low-energy flavour transitions, providing a guideline on which flavour-changing Higgs interactions may be open to experimental scrutiny. In particular, the coefficient of a genuinely CP-odd operator is only softly constrained and therefore its impact is potentially interesting.

  20. Higgs bosons in the left-right model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyarkina, G.G.; Boyarkin, O.M.


    The model with the SU(2) L x SU(2) R x U(1) B-L gauge group, containing one bidoublet and two triplets in the Higgs sector, is considered. The link between the constants determining the physical Higgs boson interactions and the neutrino oscillation parameters is found. It is shown that the observation of the ultrahigh-energy neutrinos with the help of the processes e - ν e →W - Z, e - ν e →μ - ν μ , gives us information on the singly charged Higgs bosons. The processes of the doubly charged Higgs boson production, e - μ - →Δ (--) 1 γ, e - μ - →Δ (--) 1 Z, are investigated. From the point of view of detecting the neutral Higgs bosons the process of the electron-muon recharge e - μ + →e + μ - is studied. (orig.)

  1. Too big for Higgs

    CERN Multimedia

    Hawkes, N


    A conference in the US has suggested that the mass of the Higgs boson may not be as large as previously thought. It may be within the reach of the Tevatron at Fermilab if it operates for longer than the planned two years. If so, the LHC designed specifically to find the Higgs boson may be beaten to the discovery before it is even built (1/2 page).

  2. Studies of the SM Higgs boson and searches for BSM Higgs bosons with the ATLAS Detector

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00182253; The ATLAS collaboration


    The ATLAS collaboration has searched for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the first LHC Run-2 data using 3.2 $fb^{-1}$ at 13 TeV. Results are presented in terms of central value and limits on the total cross-section in the 4l and $\\gamma\\gamma$ channels. Several "Beyond Standard Model" theories predict the existence of additional heavy Higgs particles or di-Higgs resonances. Searches are conducted using the $\\gamma\\gamma$, ZZ, WW and fermionic decay channels, and cover a large range of masses for the hypothetical resonances.

  3. Search for the Higgs Boson in the H{yields} ZZ{sup (*)}{yields}4{mu} Channel in CMS Using a Multivariate Analysis; Busqueda del Boson de Higgs en el Canal H{yields} ZZ{sup (*)}{yields}4{mu} en CMS Empleando un Metodo de Analisis Multivariado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alonso Diaz, A.


    This note presents a Higgs boson search analysis in the CMS detector of the LHC accelerator (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) in the H{yields} ZZ{sup (*)}{yields}4{mu} channel, using a multivariate method. This analysis, based in a Higgs boson mass dependent likelihood, constructed from discriminant variables, provides a significant improvement of the Higgs boson discovery potential in a wide mass range with respect to the official analysis published by CMS, based in orthogonal cuts independent of the Higgs boson mass. (Author) 8 refs.

  4. A very light Higgs at LEP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, N.


    If the standard Higgs particle is very light (≤50 MeV) then it will be sufficiently long lived that it could decay outside the detectors at LEP. This could give a signal of two final state leptons which are not back-to-back, with missing transverse momentum. We show that with suitable cuts this Higgs signal can be distinguished from backgrounds with a large enough rate that such a light Higgs will either be discovered or completely ruled out. (author)

  5. The hunt for the Higgs particle

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    This series of lectures will cover experimental search strategies for the Higgs boson from LEP to LHC/Tevatron and to a possible e+e- linear collider (NLC). The emphasis will be on specific benchmark decay channels, e.g. H->bb, H->ZZ->4 leptons, H->WW->lvjj, in terms of signal reconstruction and background rejection, on Higgs boson searches in supersymmetric models, and on precise measurements of the Higgs boson properties if it were to be discovered at one of the future machines.

  6. A Brief Survey of Higgs Bundles


    Zúñiga-Rojas, Ronald Alberto


    Considering a compact Riemann surface of genus greater than two, a Higgs~bundle is a pair composed of a holomorphic bundle over the Riemann surface, joint with an auxiliar vector field, so-called Higgs field. This theory started around thirty years ago, with Hitchin's work, when he reduced the self-duality equations from dimension four to dimension two, and so, studied those equations over Riemann surfaces. Hitchin baptized those fields as "Higgs fields" beacuse in the context of physics and ...

  7. Limits on light Higgs bosons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dawson, S.


    Experimental limits on light Higgs bosons (M/sub H/ < 5 GeV) are examined. Particular attention is paid to the process K → πH. It is shown that there may be an allowed window for light Higgs bosons between about 100 and 210 MeV. 13 refs., 2 figs

  8. Sasakian and Parabolic Higgs Bundles (United States)

    Biswas, Indranil; Mj, Mahan


    Let M be a quasi-regular compact connected Sasakian manifold, and let N = M/ S 1 be the base projective variety. We establish an equivalence between the class of Sasakian G-Higgs bundles over M and the class of parabolic (or equivalently, ramified) G-Higgs bundles over the base N.

  9. Discovering Higgs bosons of the MSSM using jet substructure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kribs, Graham D.; Roy, Tuhin S.; Spannowsky, Michael; Martin, Adam


    We present a qualitatively new approach to discover Higgs bosons of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) at the LHC using jet substructure techniques applied to boosted Higgs decays. These techniques are ideally suited to the MSSM, since the lightest Higgs boson overwhelmingly decays to bb throughout the entire parameter space, while the heavier neutral Higgs bosons, if light enough to be produced in a cascade, also predominantly decay to bb. The Higgs production we consider arises from superpartner production where superpartners cascade decay into Higgs bosons. We study this mode of Higgs production for several superpartner hierarchies: m q -tilde, m g -tilde>m W -tilde ,B -tilde>m h +μ; m q -tilde, m g -tilde>m W -tilde ,B -tilde>m h,H,A +μ; and m q -tilde, m g -tilde>m W -tilde>m h +μ with m B -tilde≅μ. In these cascades, the Higgs bosons are boosted, with p T >200 GeV a large fraction of the time. Since Higgses appear in cascades originating from squarks and/or gluinos, the cross section for events with at least one Higgs can be the same order as squark/gluino production. Given 10 fb -1 of 14 TeV LHC data, with m q -tilde < or approx. 1 TeV, and one of the above superpartner mass hierarchies, our estimate of S/√(B) of the Higgs signal is sufficiently high that the bb mode can become the discovery mode of the lightest Higgs boson of the MSSM.

  10. Systematic study of Higgs masses in the MSSM

    CERN Document Server

    Ghosh, B


    The Higgs masses in the minimal supersymmetric standard model at extremely high energies relevant to LEP2 and LHC have been studied. The results of systematic studies on Higgs masses for the possible ranges of all the parameters in the case of 1-loop radiative correction to the Higgs boson masses have been given. On the basis of detailed analyses we come to interesting constraints on the Higgs masses in the minimal supersymmetric standard model. (11 refs).

  11. Disentangling a dynamical Higgs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brivio, I.; Corbett, T.; Éboli, O.J.P.; Gavela, M.B.; Gonzalez-Fraile, J.; Gonzalez-Garcia, M.C.; Merlo, L.; Rigolin, S.


    The pattern of deviations from Standard Model predictions and couplings is different for theories of new physics based on a non-linear realization of the SU(2) L ×U(1) Y gauge symmetry breaking and those assuming a linear realization. We clarify this issue in a model-independent way via its effective Lagrangian formulation in the presence of a light Higgs particle, up to first order in the expansions: dimension-six operators for the linear expansion and four derivatives for the non-linear one. Complete sets of gauge and gauge-Higgs operators are considered, implementing the renormalization procedure and deriving the Feynman rules for the non-linear expansion. We establish the theoretical relation and the differences in physics impact between the two expansions. Promising discriminating signals include the decorrelation in the non-linear case of signals correlated in the linear one: some pure gauge versus gauge-Higgs couplings and also between couplings with the same number of Higgs legs. Furthermore, anomalous signals expected at first order in the non-linear realization may appear only at higher orders of the linear one, and vice versa. We analyze in detail the impact of both type of discriminating signals on LHC physics

  12. Disentangling a dynamical Higgs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brivio, I. [Departamento de Física Teórica and Instituto de Física Teórica, IFT-UAM/CSIC,Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, 28049, Madrid (Spain); Corbett, T. [C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics and Department of Physics and Astronomy,SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3840 (United States); Éboli, O.J.P. [Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo,C.P. 66318, 05315-970, São Paulo SP (Brazil); Gavela, M.B. [Departamento de Física Teórica and Instituto de Física Teórica, IFT-UAM/CSIC,Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, 28049, Madrid (Spain); Gonzalez-Fraile, J. [Departament d’Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria and ICC-UB, Universitat de Barcelona,647 Diagonal, E-08028 Barcelona (Spain); Gonzalez-Garcia, M.C. [Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA),Passeig Lluís Companys, 23, E-08010 Barcelona (Spain); Departament d’Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria and ICC-UB, Universitat de Barcelona,647 Diagonal, E-08028 Barcelona (Spain); C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics and Department of Physics and Astronomy,SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3840 (United States); Merlo, L. [Departamento de Física Teórica and Instituto de Física Teórica, IFT-UAM/CSIC,Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, 28049, Madrid (Spain); Rigolin, S. [Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “G. Galilei”, Università di Padova and INFN, Sezione di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, I-35131 Padua (Italy)


    The pattern of deviations from Standard Model predictions and couplings is different for theories of new physics based on a non-linear realization of the SU(2){sub L}×U(1){sub Y} gauge symmetry breaking and those assuming a linear realization. We clarify this issue in a model-independent way via its effective Lagrangian formulation in the presence of a light Higgs particle, up to first order in the expansions: dimension-six operators for the linear expansion and four derivatives for the non-linear one. Complete sets of gauge and gauge-Higgs operators are considered, implementing the renormalization procedure and deriving the Feynman rules for the non-linear expansion. We establish the theoretical relation and the differences in physics impact between the two expansions. Promising discriminating signals include the decorrelation in the non-linear case of signals correlated in the linear one: some pure gauge versus gauge-Higgs couplings and also between couplings with the same number of Higgs legs. Furthermore, anomalous signals expected at first order in the non-linear realization may appear only at higher orders of the linear one, and vice versa. We analyze in detail the impact of both type of discriminating signals on LHC physics.

  13. Search for BSM Higgs bosons in fermion decay modes with ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Straessner, Arno; The ATLAS collaboration


    Many physics models beyond the Standard Model (BSM) predict an extension of the Higgs sector, like the general 2-Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) or supersymmetric models. In case of one additional Higgs doublet, there are five physical Higgs bosons: two CP neutral states (h,H), one CP odd state (A) and two charged Higgs bosons (H±). Typically, the already observed Higgs boson is identified with the h Higgs boson, while the others are assumed to be heavy. This presentation is reporting on recent results of direct searches for heavy neutral and charged Higgs bosons by the ATLAS Collaboration, in particular analyzing direct Higgs boson decays to fermions, like $H^\\pm \\to \\tau\

  14. Higgs bosons and sleptons in an alternative left-right model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roszkowski, L.


    The phenomenological structure of the combined Higgs-boson--slepton sector of the alternative left-right-supersymmetric model introduced by Ma is explored. Constraints upon and relations between Higgs-boson and slepton masses are derived and a tightly constrained mass spectrum is found. In general, one neutral Higgs boson is never heavier than 98 GeV, one neutral Higgs boson is always nearly degenerate in mass with the extra neutral gauge boson Z 2 0 , and the charged Higgs boson can in principle be as light as 22 GeV. Further constraints require large ratios of Higgs vacuum expectation values, strongly favor the W R mass above ∼423 GeV, predict one Higgs-boson mass to be always very close to 98 GeV, and masses of the other Higgs bosons and the sleptons to be bounded from above and preferably not much above the Z mass. In addition, the possibility of detecting light Higgs bosons at CERN LEP and the SLAC Linear Collider is briefly discussed

  15. Stiefel-Skyrem-Higgs models, their classical static solutions and Yang-Mills-Higgs monopoles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dobrev, V.K.


    A new series of models is introduced by adding Higgs fields to the earlier proposed euclidean four-dimensional Skyrme-like models with Yang-Mills composite fields constructed from Stiefel manifold-valued fields. The classical static versions of these models are discussed. The connection with the monopole solutions of the Yang-Mills-Higgs models in the Prasad-Sommerfield limit is pointed out and the BPS monopole is reobtained as an example. (author)

  16. Higgs and new physics at high energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solans, C.A.


    The observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson at the LHC, reported by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, is a milestone in the quest to understand electroweak symmetry breaking. The evidence at the level of 5*σ for a Higgs boson-like particle has been published by both experiments after a preliminary analysis of the data from the LHC Run-I. Precision measurements of the new particle are of critical importance. ATLAS and CMS discovered a Higgs like particle with a mass close to 125.5 GeV, and measured the spin, parity and signal strength to be compatible with the one from the SM Higgs boson [J P = 0 + , μ(VBF+VH)=μ(ggH+ttH)=1]. In a coupling scale factors analysis, compatibility with the SM is found in all the tests performed, with probabilities ranging from 7% to 21%. Consequently, the Higgs physics potential of the LHC Run-I is almost exploited. Run-II and beyond will give the possibility to measure the couplings more precisely, to constrain rare decays further, and to determine a possible CP admixture of the Higgs boson

  17. Alchemical inflation: inflaton turns into Higgs (United States)

    Nakayama, Kazunori; Takahashi, Fuminobu


    We propose a new inflation model in which a gauge singlet inflaton turns into the Higgs condensate after inflation. The inflationary path is characterized by a moduli space of supersymmetric vacua spanned by the inflaton and Higgs field. The inflation energy scale is related to the soft supersymmetry breaking, and the Hubble parameter during inflation is smaller than the gravitino mass. The initial condition for the successful inflation is naturally realized by the pre-inflation in which the Higgs plays a role of the waterfall field.

  18. Alchemical inflation: inflaton turns into Higgs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakayama, Kazunori; Takahashi, Fuminobu


    We propose a new inflation model in which a gauge singlet inflaton turns into the Higgs condensate after inflation. The inflationary path is characterized by a moduli space of supersymmetric vacua spanned by the inflaton and Higgs field. The inflation energy scale is related to the soft supersymmetry breaking, and the Hubble parameter during inflation is smaller than the gravitino mass. The initial condition for the successful inflation is naturally realized by the pre-inflation in which the Higgs plays a role of the waterfall field

  19. Measuring the Higgs mass at TESLA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia-Abia, P.; Lohmann, W.; Raspereza, A.


    We report on the accuracy of the measurement of the Higgs boson mass that would be achieved in a linear collider operating at a center-of-mass energy of 350 GeV, assuming an integrated luminosity of 500 fb-1. For that we have exploited the exclusive Higgs decays into b quarks and W bosons. The Higgs mass is determined with an accuracy of about 40 MeV for m H =120 GeV and 80 MeV for m H =180 GeV

  20. Probing the non-minimal Higgs sector at the SSC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gunion, J.F.; Haber, H.E.; Komamiya, S.; Yamamoto, H.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.


    Non-minimal Higgs sectors occur in the Standard Model with more than one Higgs doublet, as well as in theories that go beyond the Standard Model. In this report, we discuss how Higgs search strategies must be altered, with respect to the Standard Model approaches, in order to probe the non-minimal Higgs sectors at the SSC

  1. CMS presents new boundary of Higgs width

    CERN Multimedia

    Katarina Anthony


    At last year's Moriond conference, CERN physicists announced the retirement of the "Higgs-like" particle and the arrival of "boson, Higgs boson". Now, one year later, at the same session in the same conference, physicists are back with more exciting news about the famed particle. This time: the best constraint yet of the Higgs Boson “width”, a parameter that determines the particle’s lifetime.   Rencontres de Moriond 2014. As a key indicator for new physics, the Higgs “width” has long been on the LHC "to-do" list. Now less than two years post-discovery, the CMS experiment has gotten the closest yet to pinning it down, constraining the parameter to < 17 MeV with 95% confidence. This result is some two orders of magnitude better than previous limits: stronger evidence that this boson looks like the Standard Model Higgs boson. "It's been exciting to see how wel...

  2. 1051 Ergs: The Evolution of Shell Supernova Remnants (United States)


    Gloria Dubner Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio , Buenos Aires, Argentina Dale A. Frail National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, NM...Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio , Argentina Dwarkadas, Vikram V.* University of Washington Dyer, Kristy K.* North Carolina State University...Carolina State University Yusef-Zadeh, Farhad* Northwestern University Zhang, X.* Beijing Astronomical Observatory, China Zheng, Y . Beijing

  3. Phenomenology of a nonstandard Higgs boson in WLWL scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koulovassilopoulos, V.; Chivukula, R.S.


    In this paper we consider the phenomenology of a nonstandard Higgs boson in longitudinal gauge boson scattering. First, we present a composite Higgs model [based on an SU(4)/Sp(4) chiral-symmetry breaking pattern] in which there is a nonstandard Higgs boson. Then we explore, in a model-independent way, the phenomenology of such a nonstandard Higgs boson by calculating the leading one-loop logarithmic corrections to longitudinal gauge boson scattering. This calculation is done using the equivalence theorem and the Higgs boson is treated as a scalar-isoscalar resonance coupled to the Goldstone bosons of the SU(2) L xSu(2) R /SU(2) V chiral symmetry breaking. We show that the most important deviation from the one-Higgs-doublet standard model is parametrized by one unknown coefficient which is related to the Higgs-boson width. The implications for future hadron colliders are discussed

  4. Higgs boson production in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity at the ILC (United States)

    Han, Jinzhong; Yang, Guang; Meng, Ming; Wang, Weijian; Li, Jingyun


    We investigate the Higgs boson production processes e+e‑→ ZH, e+e‑→ νν¯H, e+e‑→ tt¯H, e+e‑→ ZHH and e+e‑→ νν¯HH in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity (LHT) at the International Linear Collider (ILC). We calculate the LHT model predictions on the production rate of these processes at the ILC in the case of (un)polarized beams and the signal strengths of the production processes ZH and νν¯H with Higgs decaying to bb¯(gg,γγ). In the allowed parameter space, we find that the signal strengths μgg is most likely approach to the expected precision of the ILC.

  5. A primer on Higgs boson low-energy theorems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dawson, S.; Haber, H.E.; California Univ., Santa Cruz, CA


    We give a pedagogical review of Higgs boson low-energy theorems and their applications in the study of light Higgs boson interactions with mesons and baryons. In particular, it is shown how to combine the chiral Lagrangian method with the Higgs low-energy theorems to obtain predictions for the interaction of Higgs bosons and pseudoscalar mesons. Finally, we discuss the relation between the low-energy theorems and a technique which makes use of the trace of the QCD energy-momentum tensor. 35 refs

  6. Higgs Signals in a Type I 2HDM or with a Sister Higgs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alves, Daniele S.M. [Fermilab; Fox, Patrick J. [Fermilab; Weiner, Neal J. [New York U.


    In models where an additional SU(2)-doublet that does not have couplings to fermions participates in electroweak symmetry breaking, the properties of the Higgs boson are changed. At tree level, in the neighborhood of the SM-like range of parameter space, it is natural to have the coupling to vectors, cV, approximately constant, while the coupling to fermions, cf, is suppressed. This leads to enhanced VBF signals of gamma gamma while keeping other signals of Higgses approximately constant (such as WW* and ZZ*), and suppressing higgs to tau tau. Sizable tree-level effects are often accompanied by light charged Higgs states, which lead to important constraints from b to s gamma and top to b H+, but also often to similarly sizable contributions to the inclusive h to gamma gamma signal from radiative effects. In the simplest model, this is described by a Type I 2HDM, and in supersymmetry is naturally realized with 'sister Higgs' fields. In such a scenario, additional light charged states can contribute further with fewer constraints from heavy flavor decays. With supersymmetry, Grand Unification motivates the inclusion of colored partner fields. These G-quarks may provide additional evidence for such a model.

  7. Higgs Pair Production as a Signal of Enhanced Yukawa Couplings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bauer, Martin [Heidelberg U.; Carena, Marcela [Chicago U., KICP; Carmona, Adrián [U. Mainz, PRISMA


    We present a non-trivial correlation between the enhancement of the Higgs-fermion couplings and the Higgs pair production cross section in two Higgs doublet models with a flavour symmetry. This symmetry suppresses flavour-changing neutral couplings of the Higgs boson and allows for a partial explanation of the hierarchy in the Yukawa sector. After taking into account the constraints from electroweak precision measurements, Higgs coupling strength measurements, and unitarity and perturbativity bounds, we identify an interesting region of parameter space leading to enhanced Yukawa couplings as well as enhanced di-Higgs gluon fusion production at the LHC reach. This effect is visible in both the resonant and non-resonant contributions to the Higgs pair production cross section. We encourage dedicated searches based on differential distributions as a novel way to indirectly probe enhanced Higgs couplings to light fermions.

  8. Towards a unified picture for gauge and Higgs fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mecklenburg, W.


    A scheme for a geometrical unification of gauge and Higgs fields, previously given for SU 2 , is generalized to include arbitrary semisimple gauge groups. Gauge and physical Higgs fields appear as different components of the same tensor in a high dimensional manifold, the higher dimensions being comprised by the group coordinates. Their respective inhomogeneous transformation behaviour is derived from the same principle. The number of Higgs fields is restricted. The form of the Higgs potential is fixed and the mass of the Higgs particle is predicted in terms of the vector boson mass. (author)

  9. 90 - GeV Higgs boson in supersymmetric models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grzadkowski, B.; Kalinowski, J.; Pokorski, S.


    We discuss supersymmetric models with a hierarchy of vacuum expectation values of Higgs fields. These models predict one of the physical neutral Higgs bosons to have its mass very close to the Z-boson mass. Properties of such a 90-GeV Higgs boson are discussed. (author)

  10. 7th Higgs Hunting 2016

    CERN Document Server


    A subject of major importance in fundamental physics is the investigation of the origin of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking. The mechanism of mass generation through the spontaneous breaking of a gauge symmetry is called the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism and is associated with the appearance of a physical scalar boson. The discovery announced at CERN on 4th July 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations of a boson at a mass close to 125 GeV/c2, compatible with this scalar boson of the Standard Model, the so-called Higgs boson, mainly in γγ, ZZ and WW decay modes, with compatible evidence also found at Fermilab in the bb mode, changed the landscape. This important discovery was acknowledged as decisive for the attribution of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded jointly to François Englert and Peter Higgs . This 7th workshop of the "Higgs Hunting" series organized in Paris on August 31 - September 2, 2016 will discuss the developments of LHC run 2 analyses, detailed studies of the new boson and possible de...

  11. Beyond-the-Standard Model Higgs Physics using the ATLAS Experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Madsen, Alexander; The ATLAS collaboration


    The discovery of a Higgs boson with a mass of about 125 GeV has prompted the question of whether or not this particle is part of a larger and more complex Higgs sector than that envisioned in the Standard Model. In this talk, the latest results from the ATLAS experiment on Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) Higgs searches are outlined. Searches for additional Higgs bosons are presented and interpreted in well-motivated BSM Higgs frameworks, such as two-Higgs-doublet Models and the Minimal and Next to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.

  12. Beyond-the-Standard Model Higgs Physics using the ATLAS Experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Vanadia, Marco; The ATLAS collaboration


    The discovery of a Higgs boson with a mass of about 125 GeV has prompted the question of whether or not this particle is part of a larger and more complex Higgs sector than that envisioned in the Standard Model. In this talk, the latest Run 1 results from the ATLAS Experiment on Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) Higgs searches are outlined. Searches for additional Higgs bosons are presented and interpreted in wellmotivated BSM Higgs frameworks, including the two-Higgs-doublet Models and the Minimal and Next to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.

  13. Beyond-the-Standard Model Higgs Physics using the ATLAS Experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Scutti, Federico; The ATLAS collaboration


    The discovery of a Higgs boson with a mass of about 125 GeV has prompted the question of whether or not this particle is part of a larger and more complex Higgs sector than that envisioned in the Standard Model. In this talk, the current results from the ATLAS experiment on Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) Higgs searches are summarized. Searches for additional Higgs bosons are presented and interpreted in well-motivated BSM Higgs frameworks, such as two-Higgs-doublet Models and the Minimal and Next to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.

  14. Beyond-the-Standard Model Higgs Physics using the ATLAS Experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Nagata, Kazuki; The ATLAS collaboration


    The discovery of a Higgs boson with a mass of about 125 GeV has prompted the question of whether or not this particle is part of a larger and more complex Higgs sector than that envisioned in the Standard Model. In this talk, the current results from the ATLAS experiment on Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) Higgs searches are outlined. Searches for additional Higgs bosons are presented and interpreted in well-motivated BSM Higgs frameworks, such as two-Higgs-doublet Models and the Minimal and Next to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.

  15. Beyond-the-Standard Model Higgs physics using the ATLAS experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Ernis, G; The ATLAS collaboration


    The discovery of a Higgs boson with a mass of about 125 GeV has prompted the question of whether or not this particle is part of a larger and more complex Higgs sector than that envisioned in the Standard Model. In this talk, the current results from the ATLAS experiment on Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) Higgs searches are outlined. Searches for additional Higgs bosons are presented and interpreted in well-motivated BSM Higgs frameworks, such as two-Higgs-doublet Models and the Minimal and Next to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.

  16. Trilinear Higgs coupling determination via single-Higgs differential measurements at the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maltoni, Fabio; Shivaji, Ambresh; Zhao, Xiaoran [Universite Catholique de Louvain, Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3), Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium); Pagani, Davide [Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Garching (Germany)


    We study one-loop effects induced by an anomalous Higgs trilinear coupling on total and differential rates for the H → 4l decay and some of the main single-Higgs production channels at the LHC, namely, VBF, VH, t anti tH and tHj. Our results are based on a public code that calculates these effects by simply reweighting samples of Standard-Model-like events for a given production channel. For VH and t anti tH production, where differential effects are particularly relevant, we include Standard Model electroweak corrections, which have similar sizes but different kinematic dependences. Finally, we study the sensitivity of future LHC runs to determine the trilinear coupling via inclusive and differential measurements, considering also the case where the Higgs couplings to vector bosons and the top quark is affected by new physics. We find that the constraints on the couplings and the relevance of differential distributions critically depend on the expected experimental and theoretical uncertainties. (orig.)

  17. Trilinear Higgs coupling determination via single-Higgs differential measurements at the LHC (United States)

    Maltoni, Fabio; Pagani, Davide; Shivaji, Ambresh; Zhao, Xiaoran


    We study one-loop effects induced by an anomalous Higgs trilinear coupling on total and differential rates for the H→ 4ℓ decay and some of the main single-Higgs production channels at the LHC, namely, VBF, VH, t{\\bar{t}}H and tHj. Our results are based on a public code that calculates these effects by simply reweighting samples of Standard-Model-like events for a given production channel. For VH and t{\\bar{t}}H production, where differential effects are particularly relevant, we include Standard Model electroweak corrections, which have similar sizes but different kinematic dependences. Finally, we study the sensitivity of future LHC runs to determine the trilinear coupling via inclusive and differential measurements, considering also the case where the Higgs couplings to vector bosons and the top quark is affected by new physics. We find that the constraints on the couplings and the relevance of differential distributions critically depend on the expected experimental and theoretical uncertainties.

  18. arXiv Initial Conditions for Critical Higgs Inflation

    CERN Document Server

    Salvio, Alberto


    It has been pointed out that a large non-minimal coupling ξ between the Higgs and the Ricci scalar can source higher derivative operators, which may change the predictions of Higgs inflation. A variant, called critical Higgs inflation, employs the near-criticality of the top mass to introduce an inflection point in the potential and lower drastically the value of ξ . We here study whether critical Higgs inflation can occur even if the pre-inflationary initial conditions do not satisfy the slow-roll behavior (retaining translation and rotation symmetries). A positive answer is found: inflation turns out to be an attractor and therefore no fine-tuning of the initial conditions is necessary. A very large initial Higgs time-derivative (as compared to the potential energy density) is compensated by a moderate increase in the initial field value. These conclusions are reached by solving the exact Higgs equation without using the slow-roll approximation. This also allows us to consistently treat the inflection poi...

  19. "El programa del CERN está diseñado para que no se nos escape el Higgs"

    CERN Multimedia

    Rivera, Alicia


    Luciano Maiani, italian physicst assumes the direction of CERN. The aim in CERN is now to find the Higgs boson, and a week ago, some indications that could be interpretaded as signs have been discovered (2 pages)

  20. Higgs Production in a Warped Extra Dimension

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carena, Marcela [Chicago U., EFI; Casagrande, Sandro [Munich, Tech. U., Universe; Goertz, Florian [Zurich, ETH; Haisch, Ulrich [Oxford U., Theor. Phys.; Neubert, Matthias [Mainz U., Inst. Phys.


    Measurements of the Higgs-boson production cross section at the LHC are an important tool for studying electroweak symmetry breaking at the quantum level, since the main production mechanism gg-->h is loop-suppressed in the Standard Model (SM). Higgs production in extra-dimensional extensions of the SM is sensitive to the Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations of the quarks, which can be exchanged as virtual particles in the loop. In the context of the minimal Randall-Sundrum (RS) model with bulk fields and a brane-localized Higgs sector, we derive closed analytical expressions for the gluon-gluon fusion process, finding that the effect of the infinite tower of virtual KK states can be described in terms of a simple function of the fundamental (5D) Yukawa matrices. Given a specific RS model, this will allow one to easily constrain the parameter space, once a Higgs signal has been established. We explain that discrepancies between existing calculations of Higgs production in RS models are related to the non-commutativity of two limits: taking the number of KK states to infinity and removing the regulator on the Higgs-boson profile, which is required in an intermediate step to make the relevant overlap integrals well defined. Even though the one-loop gg-->h amplitude is finite in RS scenarios with a brane-localized Higgs sector, it is important to introduce a consistent ultraviolet regulator in order to obtain the correct result.

  1. Pseudo-Observables in Higgs decays

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    In view of future high-statistics data, it is useful to define a framework for precise determinations of the properties of the Higgs particle valid in generic extensions of the Standard Model. For Higgs decays, this goal can be achieved with a limited set of "Pseudo-Observables" (PO). The PO provides a systematic generalization of the "kappa-framework" so far adopted by the LHC experiments and provide a useful bridge between data and theory predictions. I discuss how the PO are defined, with particular attention to the h->4f decays, and how they can be used to test various dynamical and symmetry hypotheses about the Higgs sector. The relation between PO and EFT couplings is also discussed.

  2. Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs/whatever

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chanowitz, M.S.


    In the first of these two lectures the Higgs mechanism is reviewed in its most general form, which does not necessarily require the existence of Higgs bosons. The general consequences of the hypothesis that electroweak symmetry breaking is due to the Higgs mechanism are deduced just from gauge invariance and unitarity. In the second lecture the general properties are illustrated with three specific models: the Weinberg-Salam model, its minimal supersymmetric extension, and technicolor. The second lecture concludes with a discussion of the experiment signals for strong WW scattering, whose presence or absence will allow us to determine whether the symmetry breaking sector lies above or below 1 TeV. 57 refs

  3. Lepton flavor violating Higgs couplings and single production of the Higgs boson via eγ collision

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yue, Chong-Xing; Pang, Cong; Guo, Yu-Chen


    Taking into account the constraints on the lepton flavor violation (LFV) couplings of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson H with leptons from low energy experiments and the recent Compact Muon Solenoid experiment results, we investigate production of the SM Higgs boson associated with a lepton τ via eγ collision at the International Linear Collider (ILC) and Large Hadron Electron Collider experiments. The production cross sections are calculated and the LFV signals and the relevant SM backgrounds are examined. The LFV signals of the SM Higgs boson might be observed via eγ collision in future ILC experiments. (paper)

  4. Search for Charged Higgs Bosons with the ATLAS Detector

    CERN Document Server

    Barak, L; The ATLAS collaboration


    Several non-minimal Higgs scenarios, e.g. Two Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM), predict the existence of charged Higgs bosons. This talk describes searches for charged Higgs bosons produced in top quark decays, in association with a top quark, or decaying to a tau lepton and a neutrino using the Run I data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC.

  5. Il bosone di Higgs l'invenzione e la scoperta della "particella di Dio"

    CERN Document Server

    Baggott, Jim


    Tra i tanti oggetti pervasivi ed elusivi che affollano la dimensione invisibile del mondo subatomico, il "bosone di Higgs" è stato il più pervasivo ed elusivo: quella particella era l'elemento cruciale che mancava a completare il puzzle del Modello Standard, perché conferiva massa a tutte le altre particelle elementari, un enigma rimasto altrimenti insoluto. Quando finalmente il 4 luglio 2012 il CERN ne ha annunciato la verifica sperimentale, la "particella di Dio" (come un fisico l'ha temerariamente denominata) ha attirato su di sé i riflettori dell'attenzione mediatica mondiale. Affrontando l'intera questione con un rigore che ne acuisce la densità intellettuale e la vertigine tecnologica, Jim Baggott segue due percorsi paralleli. Non solo, infatti, ne ricostruisce la genesi teorica, ma ripercorre tutte le stazioni di avvicinamento all'eclatante risultato di Ginevra: il legame tra i primi acceleratori degli anni Venti e le collisioni di particelle nei raggi cosmici; la messa a punto del ciclotrone da p...

  6. Fundamental Composite (Goldstone) Higgs Dynamics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cacciapaglia, G.; Sannino, Francesco


    We provide a unified description, both at the effective and fundamental Lagrangian level, of models of composite Higgs dynamics where the Higgs itself can emerge, depending on the way the electroweak symmetry is embedded, either as a pseudo-Goldstone boson or as a massive excitation of the conden...... searches of new physics at the Large Hadron Collider....

  7. Higgs particle searches at LEP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, J.P.


    Results on searches for the Higgs particle performed by the four LEP experiments are received in the framework of the Standard Model, Two Doublet Model, and Minimal Supersymmetric Model. The combined mass lower limit for the standard Higgs boson is 66 GeV/c 2 at 95 % CL for a statistics of 14.6 Million hadronic Z decays. (authors)

  8. Higgs Portal into Hidden Sectors

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Several attractive theoretical ideas suggest the existence of one or more 'hidden sectors' consisting of standard model singlet fields, some of which may not be too heavy. There is a profound reason to think that the Higgs sector might provide the first access to these hidden sectors. This scenario could affect Higgs phenomenology in drastic ways.

  9. Beyond the Standard Model Higgs searches at the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Meridiani, P


    The Run I at the LHC marks the birth of the "Higgs physics", a path which will be followed at its full extent in the future runs of the LHC. Indeed there are two complementary paths to be followed to new physics in the Higgs sector: precision measurements of the Higgs properties (couplings, mass, spin and parity), where new physics can manifest as deviation from the Standard Model, or direct search for processes not foreseen in the Standard Model (Higgs decays not foreseen in the Standard Model, additional scalars which would indicate an extended Higgs sector). The current status of these studies at the LHC is presented, focussing in particular on the direct searches for rare or invisible Higgs decays or for an extended Higgs sector. The results are based on the analysis of the proton-proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV center-of-mass energy at the LHC by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations.

  10. ATLAS Higgs Physics Prospects at the High Luminosity LHC

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00218105; The ATLAS collaboration


    The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider will provide an unprecedented opportunity to study the properties of the Higgs boson and eventually probe for new physics beyond the Standard Model. The large anticipated data sample will allow for more precise investigations of topics already studied with earlier data samples, as well as for studies of processes that are accessible only with the much larger statistics. Rates and signal strengths will be measured for a variety of Higgs-boson production and decay modes, allowing extraction of the Higgs boson couplings. Particular final states will allow differential cross-sections to be measured for all production modes, and for studies of the Higgs width and CP properties, as well as the tensor structure of its coupling to bosons. An important part of the High-Luminosity LHC experimental program will be investigations of the Higgs self-coupling, which is accessible via studies of di-Higgs production. In this note the projections of the ATLAS physics reach in the Higgs...

  11. Academic training: The Hunt for the Higgs Particle

    CERN Multimedia


    2006-2007 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES 27, 28 February, 1st March, from 11:00 to 12:00 Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 The Hunt for the Higgs Particle F. ZWIRNER, University and INFN, Padova, Italy With the advent of the LHC, the hunt for the Higgs boson is entering its crucial phase. These three lectures will review: the Higgs mechanism; its implementation in the minimal Standard Model; possible alternatives with and without elementary scalar fields; the presently available information on electroweak gauge symmetry breaking and the Higgs particle; the properties of the Higgs boson(s) in the Standard Model and its supersymmetric extensions; the strategies for direct searches at colliders, with emphasis on the LHC, and comments on the possible scenarios that may emerge.

  12. Minimal composite Higgs models at the LHC (United States)

    Carena, Marcela; Da Rold, Leandro; Pontón, Eduardo


    We consider composite Higgs models where the Higgs is a pseudo-Nambu Goldstone boson arising from the spontaneous breaking of an approximate global symmetry by some underlying strong dynamics. We focus on the SO(5) → SO(4) symmetry breaking pattern, assuming the "partial compositeness" paradigm. We study the consequences on Higgs physics of the fermionic representations produced by the strong dynamics, that mix with the Standard Model (SM) degrees of freedom. We consider models based on the lowest-dimensional representations of SO(5) that allow for the custodial protection of the coupling, i.e. the 5, 10 and 14. We find a generic suppression of the gluon fusion process, while the Higgs branching fractions can be enhanced or suppressed compared to the SM. Interestingly, a precise measurement of the Higgs boson couplings can distinguish between different realizations in the fermionic sector, thus providing crucial information about the nature of the UV dynamics.

  13. Seeking heavy Higgs bosons through cascade decays (United States)

    Coleppa, Baradhwaj; Fuks, Benjamin; Poulose, P.; Sahoo, Shibananda


    We investigate the LHC discovery prospects for a heavy Higgs boson decaying into the standard model Higgs boson and additional weak bosons. We consider a generic model-independent new physics configuration where this decay proceeds via a cascade involving other intermediate scalar bosons and focus on an LHC final-state signature comprised either of four b -jets and two charged leptons or of four charged leptons and two b -jets. We design two analyses of the corresponding signals, and demonstrate that a 5 σ discovery at the 14 TeV LHC is possible for various combinations of the parent and daughter Higgs-boson masses. We moreover find that the standard model backgrounds can be sufficiently rejected to guarantee the reconstruction of the parent Higgs boson mass. We apply our analyses to the Type-II two-Higgs-doublet model and identify the regions of the parameter space to which the LHC is sensitive.

  14. Minimal composite Higgs models at the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carena, Marcela; Rold, Leandro Da; Pontón, Eduardo


    We consider composite Higgs models where the Higgs is a pseudo-Nambu Goldstone boson arising from the spontaneous breaking of an approximate global symmetry by some underlying strong dynamics. We focus on the SO(5)→SO(4) symmetry breaking pattern, assuming the “partial compositeness" paradigm. We study the consequences on Higgs physics of the fermionic representations produced by the strong dynamics, that mix with the Standard Model (SM) degrees of freedom. We consider models based on the lowest-dimensional representations of SO(5) that allow for the custodial protection of the Zb-barb coupling, i.e. the 5, 10 and 14. We find a generic suppression of the gluon fusion process, while the Higgs branching fractions can be enhanced or suppressed compared to the SM. Interestingly, a precise measurement of the Higgs boson couplings can distinguish between different realizations in the fermionic sector, thus providing crucial information about the nature of the UV dynamics.

  15. Higgs versus matter in the heterotic landscape

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buchmueller, W.; Schmidt, J.


    In supersymmetric extensions of the standard model there is no basic difference between Higgs and matter fields, which leads to the well-known problem of potentially large baryon and lepton number violating interactions. Although these unwanted couplings can be forbidden by continuous or discrete global symmetries, a theoretical guiding principle for their choice is missing. We examine this problem for a class of vacua of the heterotic string compactified on an orbifold. As expected, in general there is no difference between Higgs and matter. However, certain vacua happen to possess unbroken matter parity and discrete R-symmetries which single out Higgs fields in the low energy effective field theory. We present a method how to identify maximal vacua in which the perturbative contribution to the μ-term and the expectation value of the superpotential vanish. Two vacua are studied in detail, one with two pairs of Higgs doublets and one with partial gauge-Higgs unification

  16. W+W- interactions and the search for the Higgs boson

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levi, M.E.


    Since the original paper by Peter Higgs in 1964, which was only a page and a half long, the number of publications on the topic of the Higgs particle has grown year by year and threatens to overwhelm us. If only for this reason it has become imperative that we find the Higgs. In this lecture series we will begin with a general review of the standard model Higgs and a summary of existing experimental limits on Higgs masses. We will then discuss Higgs searches at e + e - machines which are just coming on line, e.g. SLC and LEP, and proceed to work our way up to TLC, CLIC, and the SSC, where we will introduce the topic of W + W - interactions. The range of Higgs masses we cover will span six orders of magnitude from MeV to TeV. Non-minimal Higgs searches will not be dealt with in this lecture series; instead see the excellent theoretical reviews of both minimal and non-minimal model Higgs. 55 refs., 51 figs., 20 tabs

  17. Higgs physics at the CLIC electron-positron linear collider. (United States)

    Abramowicz, H; Abusleme, A; Afanaciev, K; Alipour Tehrani, N; Balázs, C; Benhammou, Y; Benoit, M; Bilki, B; Blaising, J-J; Boland, M J; Boronat, M; Borysov, O; Božović-Jelisavčić, I; Buckland, M; Bugiel, S; Burrows, P N; Charles, T K; Daniluk, W; Dannheim, D; Dasgupta, R; Demarteau, M; Díaz Gutierrez, M A; Eigen, G; Elsener, K; Felzmann, U; Firlej, M; Firu, E; Fiutowski, T; Fuster, J; Gabriel, M; Gaede, F; García, I; Ghenescu, V; Goldstein, J; Green, S; Grefe, C; Hauschild, M; Hawkes, C; Hynds, D; Idzik, M; Kačarević, G; Kalinowski, J; Kananov, S; Klempt, W; Kopec, M; Krawczyk, M; Krupa, B; Kucharczyk, M; Kulis, S; Laštovička, T; Lesiak, T; Levy, A; Levy, I; Linssen, L; Lukić, S; Maier, A A; Makarenko, V; Marshall, J S; Martin, V J; Mei, K; Milutinović-Dumbelović, G; Moroń, J; Moszczyński, A; Moya, D; Münker, R M; Münnich, A; Neagu, A T; Nikiforou, N; Nikolopoulos, K; Nürnberg, A; Pandurović, M; Pawlik, B; Perez Codina, E; Peric, I; Petric, M; Pitters, F; Poss, S G; Preda, T; Protopopescu, D; Rassool, R; Redford, S; Repond, J; Robson, A; Roloff, P; Ros, E; Rosenblat, O; Ruiz-Jimeno, A; Sailer, A; Schlatter, D; Schulte, D; Shumeiko, N; Sicking, E; Simon, F; Simoniello, R; Sopicki, P; Stapnes, S; Ström, R; Strube, J; Świentek, K P; Szalay, M; Tesař, M; Thomson, M A; Trenado, J; Uggerhøj, U I; van der Kolk, N; van der Kraaij, E; Vicente Barreto Pinto, M; Vila, I; Vogel Gonzalez, M; Vos, M; Vossebeld, J; Watson, M; Watson, N; Weber, M A; Weerts, H; Wells, J D; Weuste, L; Winter, A; Wojtoń, T; Xia, L; Xu, B; Żarnecki, A F; Zawiejski, L; Zgura, I-S


    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is an option for a future [Formula: see text] collider operating at centre-of-mass energies up to [Formula: see text], providing sensitivity to a wide range of new physics phenomena and precision physics measurements at the energy frontier. This paper is the first comprehensive presentation of the Higgs physics reach of CLIC operating at three energy stages: [Formula: see text], 1.4 and [Formula: see text]. The initial stage of operation allows the study of Higgs boson production in Higgsstrahlung ([Formula: see text]) and [Formula: see text]-fusion ([Formula: see text]), resulting in precise measurements of the production cross sections, the Higgs total decay width [Formula: see text], and model-independent determinations of the Higgs couplings. Operation at [Formula: see text] provides high-statistics samples of Higgs bosons produced through [Formula: see text]-fusion, enabling tight constraints on the Higgs boson couplings. Studies of the rarer processes [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] allow measurements of the top Yukawa coupling and the Higgs boson self-coupling. This paper presents detailed studies of the precision achievable with Higgs measurements at CLIC and describes the interpretation of these measurements in a global fit.

  18. New fat Higgs: Increasing the MSSM Higgs mass with natural gauge unification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang, Spencer; Kilic, Can; Mahbubani, Rakhi


    In this paper we increase the minimal supersymmetric standard model tree level Higgs mass bound to a value that is naturally larger than the LEP-II search constraint by adding to the superpotential a λSH u H d term, as in the next to minimal supersymmetric standard model, and UV completing with new strong dynamics before λ becomes nonperturbative. Unlike other models of this type, the Higgs fields remain elementary, alleviating the supersymmetric fine-tuning problem while maintaining unification in a natural way

  19. Higgs bosons in extra dimensions (United States)

    Quiros, Mariano


    In this paper, motivated by the recent discovery of a Higgs-like boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) with a mass mH≃125 GeV, we review different models where the hierarchy problem is solved by means of a warped extra dimension. In the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model electroweak observables provide very strong bounds on the mass of KK modes which motivates extensions to overcome this problem. Two extensions are briefly discussed. One particular extension is based on the deformation of the metric such that it strongly departs from the AdS5 structure in the IR region while it goes asymptotically to AdS5 in the UV brane. This model has the IR brane close to a naked metric singularity (which is outside the physical interval) characteristic of soft-walls constructions. The proximity of the singularity provides a strong wave function renormalization for the Higgs field which suppresses the T and S parameters. The second class of considered extensions are based on the introduction of an extra gauge group in the bulk such that the custodial SU(2)R symmetry is gauged and protects the T parameter. By further enlarging the bulk gauge symmetry one can find models where the Higgs is identified with the fifth component of gauge fields and for which the Higgs potential along with the Higgs mass can be dynamically determined by the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism.

  20. Appunti di meccanica relativistica

    CERN Document Server

    Cattaneo, Carlo


    Gli assiomi della fisica classica ; esame di alcuni esperimenti ottici alla luce dei principi della fisica classica ; i fondamenti generali della relatività ; conferme sperimentali della cinematica relativistica ; dinamica del punto materiale.

  1. On stability of the electroweak vacuum and the Higgs portal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebedev, Oleg


    In the Standard Model (SM), the Higgs mass around 125 GeV implies that the electroweak vacuum is metastable since the quartic Higgs coupling turns negative at high energies. I point out that an arbitrarily small mixing of the Higgs with a heavy singlet can make the electroweak vacuum completely stable. This is due to a tree level correction to the Higgs mass, which survives in the zero--mixing/heavy--singlet limit. Such a situation is experimentally indistinguishable from the SM, unless the Higgs self--coupling can be measured. As a result, Higgs inflation and its variants can still be viable.

  2. SUSY and BSM Higgs boson searches with ATLAS and CMS

    CERN Document Server

    Dasu, S


    Results of searches for super-symmetric and other beyond the Standard Model Higgs boson searches from ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC arc presented. Some Standard Model (SM) higgs searches are reinterpreted in SM with four quark generations and fermio­ phobic models. Stringent limits) covering a large portion of the allowed parameter space in (MA, tan/3) plane are set for MSSM neutral higgs bosons decaying to T-lepton pairs, and charged higgs boson decaying to TV. Limits are set on a light NMSSM neutral higgs boson and on doubly charged higgs bosons predicted in some models are also set.

  3. Beyond-the-Standard Model Higgs Physics using the ATLAS Experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Vanadia, Marco; The ATLAS collaboration


    The discovery of a Higgs boson with a mass of about 125 GeV/$\\rm{c^2}$ has prompted the question of whether or not this particle is part of a larger and more complex Higgs sector than that envisioned in the Standard Model. In this report, the latest Run 1 results from the ATLAS Experiment on Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) Higgs searches are outlined. Searches for additional Higgs bosons are presented and interpreted in well motivated BSM Higgs frameworks, including the two-Higgs-doublet Models and the Minimal and Next to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.

  4. On stability of the electroweak vacuum and the Higgs portal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lebedev, Oleg


    In the Standard Model (SM), the Higgs mass around 125 GeV implies that the electroweak vacuum is metastable since the quartic Higgs coupling turns negative at high energies. I point out that an arbitrarily small mixing of the Higgs with a heavy singlet can make the electroweak vacuum completely stable. This is due to a tree level correction to the Higgs mass, which survives in the zero--mixing/heavy--singlet limit. Such a situation is experimentally indistinguishable from the SM, unless the Higgs self--coupling can be measured. As a result, Higgs inflation and its variants can still be viable.

  5. Search for B-decay to Higgs bosons for Higgs boson masses between 50 and 210 MeV/c2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snyder, A.; Murray, W.N.; Blockus, D.; Brabson, B.; Brom, J.M.; Ogren, H.; Rust, D.R.; Abrams, G.; Amidei, D.; Baden, A.R.; Boyer, J.; Butler, F.; Drell, P.S.; Gidal, G.; Gold, M.S.; Goldhaber, G.; Haggerty, J.; Harr, R.; Herrup, D.; Jaffre, M.; Juricic, I.; Kadyk, J.A.; Levi, M.E.; Rowson, P.C.; Schellman, H.; Schmidke, W.B.; Sheldon, P.D.; Trilling, G.H.; Wood, D.R.; Akerlof, C.; Bonvicini, G.; Chapman, J.; Frey, R.; Koska, W.; Meyer, D.I.; Nitz, D.; Petradza, M.; Thun, R.; Tschirhart, R.; Veltman, H.; Alexander, J.P.; Barklow, T.; Bartelt, J.; Boyarski, A.; Bulos, F.; Burke, D.L.; Cords, D.; Coupal, D.P.; Destaebler, H.C.; Dorfan, J.M.; Feldman, G.J.; Field, R.C.; Fordham, C.; Fujino, D.; Gan, K.K.; Gladney, L.; Glanzman, T.; Grosse-Wiesmann, P.; Hanson, G.; Hayes, K.; Himel, T.; Hollebeek, R.J.; Hutchinson, D.; Innes, W.R.; Jaros, J.A.; Karlen, D.; Klein, S.R.; Kozanecki, W.; Lankford, A.J.; Larsen, R.R.; Leclaire, B.W.; Lockyer, N.S.; Lueth, V.; Moffeit, K.C.; Mueller, L.; Nash, J.; Ong, R.A.; O'Shaughnessy, K.F.; Perl, M.L.; Petersen, A.; Richter, B.; Riles, K.; Van Kooten, R.; Voruganti, P.; Yelton, J.M.; Alvarez, M.; Calvino, F.; Fernandez, E.; Ford, W.T.; Rankin, P.; Smith, J.G.; Wagner, S.R.; Weber, P.; White, S.L.; Barish, B.C.; Hawkes, C.M.; Milliken, B.D.; Nelson, M.E.; Peck, C.; Porter, F.C.; Soderstrom, E.; Stroynowski, R.; Wicklund, E.; Weir, A.J.; Wu, D.Y.; Barnett, B.A.; Hylen, J.; Matthews, J.A.J.; Stoker, D.P.; Breakstone, A.; Cence, R.J.; Parker, S.I.; Schaad, T.


    We use data from the Mark II experiment at PEP to search for the process B→h 0 X for m h0 between 50 and 210 MeV/c 2 . No evidence for the Higgs boson is seen in this mass range. The limit obtained rules out the standard Higgs boson for masses between 70 and 210 MeV/c 2 and significantly constrains extensions of the Higgs sector. (orig.)

  6. Search for Higgs portal DM at the ILC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ko, P. [School of Physics, KIAS,Seoul 02455 (Korea, Republic of); Quantum Universe Center, KIAS,Seoul 02455 (Korea, Republic of); Yokoya, Hiroshi [Quantum Universe Center, KIAS,Seoul 02455 (Korea, Republic of)


    Higgs portal dark matter (DM) models are simple interesting and viable DM models. There are three types of the models depending on the DM spin: scalar, fermion and vector DM models. In this paper, we consider renormalizable, unitary and gauge invariant Higgs portal DM models, and study how large parameter regions can be surveyed at the International Linear Collider (ILC) experiment at √s=500 GeV. For the Higgs portal singlet fermion and vector DM cases, the force mediator involves two scalar propagators, the SM-like Higgs boson and the dark Higgs boson. We show that their interference generates interesting and important patterns in the mono-Z plus missing E{sub T} signatures at the ILC, and the results are completely different from those obtained from the Higgs portal DM models within the effective field theories. In addition, we show that it would be possible to distinguish the spin of DM in the Higgs portal scenarios, if the shape of the recoil-mass distribution is observed. We emphasize that the interplay between these collider observations and those in the direct detection experiments has to be performed in the model with renomalizability and unitarity to combine the model analyses in different scales.

  7. Partially natural Two Higgs Doublet Models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Draper, Patrick [Department of Physics, University of California,Broida Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 (United States); Haber, Howard E. [Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California,1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 (United States); Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California,Kohn Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 (United States); Ruderman, Joshua T. [Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, Department of Physics, New York University,4 Washington Pl. New York, NY 10003 (United States)


    It is possible that the electroweak scale is low due to the fine-tuning of microscopic parameters, which can result from selection effects. The experimental discovery of new light fundamental scalars other than the Standard Model Higgs boson would seem to disfavor this possibility, since generically such states imply parametrically worse fine-tuning with no compelling connection to selection effects. We discuss counterexamples where the Higgs boson is light because of fine-tuning, and a second scalar doublet is light because a discrete symmetry relates its mass to the mass of the Standard Model Higgs boson. Our examples require new vectorlike fermions at the electroweak scale, and the models possess a rich electroweak vacuum structure. The mechanism that we discuss does not protect a small CP-odd Higgs mass in split or high-scale supersymmetry-breaking scenarios of the MSSM due to an incompatibility between the discrete symmetries and holomorphy.

  8. Off-the-Wall Higgs in the universal Randall-Sundrum model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davoudiasl, Hooman; Lillie, Ben; Rizzo, Thomas G.


    We outline a consistent Randall-Sundrum (RS) framework in which a fundamental 5-dimensional Higgs doublet induces electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB). In this framework of a warped Universal Extra Dimension, the lightest Kaluza-Klein (KK) mode of the bulk Higgs is tachyonic leading to a vacuum expectation value (vev) at the TeV scale. The consistency of this picture imposes a set of constraints on the parameters in the Higgs sector. A novel feature of our scenario is the emergence of an adjustable bulk profile for the Higgs vev. We also find a tower of non-tachyonic Higgs KK modes at the weak scale. We consider an interesting implementation of this 'Off-the-Wall Higgs' mechanism where the 5-dimensional curvature-scalar coupling alone generates the tachyonic mode responsible for EWSB. In this case, additional relations among the parameters of the Higgs and gravitational sectors are established. We discuss the experimental signatures of the bulk Higgs in general, and those of the 'Gravity-Induced' EWSB in particular

  9. Little Higgs model limits from LHC - Input for Snowmass 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reuter, Juergen; Tonini, Marco; Vries, Maikel de


    The status of the most prominent model implementations of the Little Higgs paradigm, the Littlest Higgs with and without discrete T parity as well as the Simplest Little Higgs are reviewed. For this, we are taking into account a fit to 21 electroweak precision observables from LEP, SLC, Tevatron together with the full 25 fb -1 of Higgs data reported from ATLAS and CMS at Moriond 2013. We also - focusing on the Littlest Higgs with T parity - include an outlook on corresponding direct searches at the 8 TeV LHC and their competitiveness with the EW and Higgs data regarding their exclusion potential. This contribution to the Snowmass procedure serves as a guideline which regions in parameter space of Little Higgs models are still compatible for the upcoming LHC runs and future experiments at the energy frontier. For this we propose two different benchmark scenarios for the Littlest Higgs with T parity, one with heavy mirror quarks, one with light ones.

  10. Little Higgs model limits from LHC - Input for Snowmass 2013

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reuter, Juergen; Tonini, Marco; Vries, Maikel. de


    The status of the most prominent model implementations of the Little Higgs paradigm, the Littlest Higgs with and without discrete T parity as well as the Simplest Little Higgs are reviewed. For this, we are taking into account a fit to 21 electroweak precision observables from LEP, SLC, Tevatron together with the full 25 fb{sup -1} of Higgs data reported from ATLAS and CMS at Moriond 2013. We also - focusing on the Littlest Higgs with T parity - include an outlook on corresponding direct searches at the 8 TeV LHC and their competitiveness with the EW and Higgs data regarding their exclusion potential. This contribution to the Snowmass procedure serves as a guideline which regions in parameter space of Little Higgs models are still compatible for the upcoming LHC runs and future experiments at the energy frontier. For this we propose two different benchmark scenarios for the Littlest Higgs with T parity, one with heavy mirror quarks, one with light ones.

  11. Improved formalism for precision Higgs coupling fits (United States)

    Barklow, Tim; Fujii, Keisuke; Jung, Sunghoon; Karl, Robert; List, Jenny; Ogawa, Tomohisa; Peskin, Michael E.; Tian, Junping


    Future e+e- colliders give the promise of model-independent determinations of the couplings of the Higgs boson. In this paper, we present an improved formalism for extracting Higgs boson couplings from e+e- data, based on the effective field theory description of corrections to the Standard Model. We apply this formalism to give projections of Higgs coupling accuracies for stages of the International Linear Collider and for other proposed e+e- colliders.

  12. Improved formalism for precision Higgs coupling fits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barklow, Tim; Peskin, Michael E.; Jung, Sunghoon; Tian, Junping


    Future e + e - colliders give the promise of model-independent determinations of the couplings of the Higgs boson. In this paper, we present an improved formalism for extracting Higgs boson couplings from e + e - data, based on the Effective Field Theory description of corrections to the Standard Model. We apply this formalism to give projections of Higgs coupling accuracies for stages of the International Linear Collider and for other proposed e + e - colliders.

  13. Higgs physics at the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Mariotti, Chiara


    The first measurements of the mass, the width, and the couplings of the newly discovered Higgs boson at LHC at 7 and 8 TeV center of mass energy will be reviewed. Recent results at 13 TeV center of mass energy will be presented. Finally, searches for additional Higgs bosons in models beyond the standard model will be summarised.

  14. Standard model without Higgs particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovalenko, S.G.


    A modification of the standard model of electroweak interactions with the nonlocal Higgs sector is proposed. Proper form of nonlocality makes Higgs particles unobservable after the electroweak symmetry breaking. They appear only as a virtual state because their propagator is an entire function. We discuss some specific consequences of this approach comparing it with the conventional standard model. (author). 12 refs

  15. Hybrid Higgs inflation: The use of disformal transformation (United States)

    Sato, Seiga; Maeda, Kei-ichi


    We propose a hybrid type of the conventional Higgs inflation and new Higgs inflation models. We perform a disformal transformation into the Einstein frame and analyze the background dynamics and the cosmological perturbations in the truncated model, in which we ignore the higher-derivative terms of the Higgs field. From the observed power spectrum of the density perturbations, we obtain the constraint on the nonminimal coupling constant ξ and the mass parameter M in the derivative coupling. Although the primordial tilt ns in the hybrid model barely changes, the tensor-to-scalar ratio r moves from the value in the new Higgs inflationary model to that in the conventional Higgs inflationary model as |ξ | increases. We confirm our results by numerical analysis by ADM formalism of the full theory in the Jordan frame.

  16. String tension in the three-dimensional Abelian Higgs model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farakos, K.; Koutsoumbas, G.; Sarantakos, S.


    We measure the expectation values of the Wilson loops for the radially active Abelian Higgs model in three dimensions with Higgs charge q = 1 and q = 2. We observe a drastic fall-off of the area term as we pass to the Higgs phase, as well as a peak of the perimetric term at the phase transition. Implications of our results for other Higgs models are also discussed. (orig.)

  17. Higgs and supersymmetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buchmueller, O. [Imperial College, London (United Kingdom). High Energy Physics Group; Cavanaugh, R. [Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL (United States); Illinois Univ, Chicago, IL (United States). Physics Dept.; Roeck, A. de [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Antwerp Univ., Wilrijk (BE)] (and others)


    Global frequentist fits to the CMSSM and NUHM1 using the MasterCode framework predicted M{sub h}{approx_equal}119 GeV in fits incorporating the (g-2){mu} constraint and {approx_equal}126 GeV without it. Recent results by ATLAS and CMS could be compatible with a Standard Model-like Higgs boson around M{sub h}{approx_equal}125 GeV. We use the previous MasterCode analysis to calculate the likelihood for a measurement of any nominal Higgs mass within the range of 115 to 130 GeV. Assuming a Higgs mass measurement at M{sub h}{approx_equal}125 GeV, we display updated global likelihood contours in the (m{sub 0},m{sub 1/2}) and other parameter planes of the CMSSM and NUHM1, and present updated likelihood functions for m{sub g}, m{sub q{sub R}}, BR(B{sub s} {yields} {mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -}) and the spin-independent dark matter cross section {sigma}{sup SI}{sub p}. The implications of dropping (g-2){sub {mu}} from the fits are also discussed. We furthermore comment on a hypothetical measurement of M{sub h}{approx_equal}119 GeV. (orig.)

  18. Searches for neutral Higgs bosons in extended models

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abdallah, J.; Blom, M.R.; Drees, J.; Palacios, J.; van der Pol, M.; Siebel, M.; van Dam, P.A.; Zupan, M.


    Searches for neutral Higgs bosons produced at LEP in association with Z bosons, in pairs and in the Yukawa process are presented in this paper. Higgs boson decays into b quarks, τ leptons, or other Higgs bosons are considered, giving rise to four-b, four-b+jets, six-b and four-τ final states, as

  19. Neutral Naturalness from Orbifold Higgs Models (United States)

    Craig, Nathaniel; Knapen, Simon; Longhi, Pietro


    We present a general class of natural theories in which the Higgs boson is a pseudo-Goldstone boson in an orbifolded gauge theory. The symmetry protecting the Higgs boson at low energies is an accidental global symmetry of the quadratic action, rather than a full continuous symmetry. The lightest degrees of freedom protecting the weak scale carry no standard model (SM) quantum numbers and interact with visible matter principally through the Higgs portal. This opens the door to the systematic study of "neutral naturalness": natural theories with SM-neutral states that are as yet untested by the LHC.

  20. New ideas for effective Higgs measurements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brehmer, Johann


    An effective field theory provides a model-independent and phenomenologically powerful parametrisation of new physics in the Higgs sector. We analyse two aspects of this framework that are relevant for measurements of the Higgs properties during Run 2 of the LHC. First, the limited precision of the LHC analyses cannot guarantee a clear hierarchy between the experimental momentum transfer and the probed new physics scales, casting doubt on the validity of the effective model. By comparing a range of new physics scenarios to their dimension-six approximation, we analyse if an effective description of the Higgs sector is useful, where it breaks down, and how its validity can be improved. Second, we use information geometry to understand and optimise Higgs measurements at the LHC. Our novel approach is based on the Fisher information, which encodes the maximum precision with which theory parameters can be measured in an experiment. We develop an algorithm to calculate the Fisher information in LHC processes and compute the information on dimension-six operators in different Higgs signatures. We demonstrate how information geometry lets us improve event selections, determine the most powerful observables, and compare the power of modern multivariate techniques to that of traditional histogram-based analyses.

  1. New ideas for effective Higgs measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brehmer, Johann


    An effective field theory provides a model-independent and phenomenologically powerful parametrisation of new physics in the Higgs sector. We analyse two aspects of this framework that are relevant for measurements of the Higgs properties during Run 2 of the LHC. First, the limited precision of the LHC analyses cannot guarantee a clear hierarchy between the experimental momentum transfer and the probed new physics scales, casting doubt on the validity of the effective model. By comparing a range of new physics scenarios to their dimension-six approximation, we analyse if an effective description of the Higgs sector is useful, where it breaks down, and how its validity can be improved. Second, we use information geometry to understand and optimise Higgs measurements at the LHC. Our novel approach is based on the Fisher information, which encodes the maximum precision with which theory parameters can be measured in an experiment. We develop an algorithm to calculate the Fisher information in LHC processes and compute the information on dimension-six operators in different Higgs signatures. We demonstrate how information geometry lets us improve event selections, determine the most powerful observables, and compare the power of modern multivariate techniques to that of traditional histogram-based analyses.

  2. Invisible Higgs boson decay with B→Kνν constraint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, C. S.; Park, Seong Chan; Wang Kai; Zhu Guohuai


    If the Higgs boson were the only particle within the LHC accessible range, precision measurement of the Higgs's properties would play a unique role in studying electroweak symmetry breaking as well as possible new physics. We try to use low energy experiments such as rare B decay to constrain a challenging decay mode of Higgs, in which a Higgs decays to a pair of light (≅1∼2 GeV) SM singlet S and becomes invisible. By using the current experimental bound of rare decay B→Kνν and computing the contribution of B→KSS to (the) B→K+Ee, we obtain an upper bound on the Higgs coupling to such light singlet. It is interesting that the partial width of the invisible decay mode h→SS by taking the upper bound value of coupling is at a comparable level with h→WW/ZZ or WW ( * ) decay modes, making the Higgs identifiable but with a different predicted decay branching ratio from [the] standard model Higgs decay. It will then have an impact on precision measurement of the Higgs's properties. We also study the implication for cosmology from such a light singlet and propose a solution to the potential problem.

  3. Inhomogeneity driven by Higgs instability in a gapless superconductor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giannakis, Ioannis; Hou Defu; Huang Mei; Ren Haicang


    The fluctuations of the Higgs and pseudo Nambu-Goldstone fields in the 2-flavor color superconductivity (2SC) phase with mismatched pairing are described in the nonlinear realization framework of the gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. In the gapless 2SC phase, not only Nambu-Goldstone currents can be spontaneously generated, but also the Higgs field exhibits instablity. The Nambu-Goldstone currents generation indicates the formation of the single plane wave Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrel state and breaks rotation symmetry, while the Higgs instability favors spatial inhomogeneity and breaks translation invariance. In this paper, we focus on the Higgs instability which has not drawn much attention yet. The Higgs instability cannot be removed without a long range force, thus it persists in the gapless superfluidity and induces phase separation. In the case of gapless 2-flavor color superconductivity state, the Higgs instability can only be partially removed by the electric Coulomb energy. However, it is not excluded that the Higgs instability might be completely removed in the charge neutral gapless color-flavor locked phase by the color Coulomb energy

  4. Higgs potential and spinor connection within Weinberg-Salam model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trostel, R.


    We arrive at a theory of the Higgs potential by extending the usual concept of the covariant derivative containing the gauge fields to one which also contains the Higgs fields, by using a spinor connection compatible under local gauge transformations. Not only the Yukawa couplings are geometrized by this procedure but also the nonlinear Higgs potential naturally appears within the curvature of the corresponding spinor connection. Taking the gauge group to be SU(2) x U(1), we arrive for the leptonic Weinberg Salam model at a Weinberg angle prediction of sin 2 θ=1/4 and at a Higgs mass of about 263-270 GeV without using any supersymmetry argument. Taking the gauge group to be SU(3) C x SU(2) x U(1) the above leptonic result is obtained only if e 2 /g S 2 is sufficiently small, which is approximately true. Working with two independent Higgs doublets we arrive at a Higgs mass sum rule, where two Higgs must have a mass of about 188 GeV. (author)

  5. Warped Dipole Completed, with a Tower of Higgs Bosons

    CERN Document Server

    Agashe, Kaustubh; Cui, Yanou; Randall, Lisa; Son, Minho


    In the context of warped extra-dimensional models which address both the Planck-weak- and flavor-hierarchies of the Standard Model (SM), it has been argued that certain observables can be calculated within the 5D effective field theory only with the Higgs field propagating in the bulk of the extra dimension, just like other SM fields. The related studies also suggested an interesting form of decoupling of the heavy Kaluza-Klein (KK) fermion states in the warped 5D SM in the limit where the profile of the SM Higgs approaches the IR brane. We demonstrate that a similar phenomenon occurs when we include the mandatory KK excitations of the SM Higgs in loop diagrams giving dipole operators for SM fermions, where the earlier work only considered the SM Higgs (zero mode). In particular, in the limit of a quasi IR-localized SM Higgs, the effect from summing over KK Higgs modes is unsuppressed (yet finite), in contrast to the naive expectation that KK Higgs modes decouple as their masses become large. In this case, a ...

  6. The correction of the littlest Higgs model to the Higgs production process e+e-→e+e-H at the ILC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Xuelei; Liu, Yaobei; Chen, Jihong; Yang, Hua


    The littlest Higgs model is the most economical one among various little Higgs models. In the context of the littlest Higgs model, we study the process e + e - →e + e - H at the ILC and calculate the correction of the littlest Higgs model to the cross section of this process. The results show that, in the favorable parameter spaces preferred by the electroweak precision data, the value of the relative correction is in the range from a few percent to tens percent. In most cases, the correction is large enough to reach the measurement precision of the ILC. Therefore, the correction of the littlest Higgs model to the process e + e - →e + e - H might be detected at the ILC, which will give an ideal way to test the model. (orig.)

  7. Flavour Independent $h^{0}A^{0}$ Search and Two Higgs Doublet Model Interpretation of Neutral Higgs Boson Searches at LEP

    CERN Document Server

    Abbiendi, G.; Akesson, P.F.; Alexander, G.; Allison, John; Amaral, P.; Anagnostou, G.; Anderson, K.J.; Asai, S.; Axen, D.; Bailey, I.; Barberio, E.; Barillari, T.; Barlow, R.J.; Batley, R.J.; Bechtle, P.; Behnke, T.; Bell, Kenneth Watson; Bell, P.J.; Bella, G.; Bellerive, A.; Benelli, G.; Bethke, S.; Biebel, O.; Boeriu, O.; Bock, P.; Boutemeur, M.; Braibant, S.; Brown, Robert M.; Burckhart, H.J.; Campana, S.; Capiluppi, P.; Carnegie, R.K.; Carter, A.A.; Carter, J.R.; Chang, C.Y.; Charlton, D.G.; Ciocca, C.; Csilling, A.; Cuffiani, M.; Dado, S.; De Roeck, A.; De Wolf, E.A.; Desch, K.; Dienes, B.; Donkers, M.; Dubbert, J.; Duchovni, E.; Duckeck, G.; Duerdoth, I.P.; Etzion, E.; Fabbri, F.; Ferrari, P.; Fiedler, F.; Fleck, I.; Ford, M.; Frey, A.; Gagnon, P.; Gary, John William; Geich-Gimbel, C.; Giacomelli, G.; Giacomelli, P.; Giunta, Marina; Goldberg, J.; Gross, E.; Grunhaus, J.; Gruwe, M.; Gunther, P.O.; Gupta, A.; Hajdu, C.; Hamann, M.; Hanson, G.G.; Harel, A.; Hauschild, M.; Hawkes, C.M.; Hawkings, R.; Hemingway, R.J.; Herten, G.; Heuer, R.D.; Hill, J.C.; Hoffman, Kara Dion; Horvath, D.; Igo-Kemenes, P.; Ishii, K.; Jeremie, H.; Jovanovic, P.; Junk, T.R.; Kanzaki, J.; Karlen, D.; Kawagoe, K.; Kawamoto, T.; Keeler, R.K.; Kellogg, R.G.; Kennedy, B.W.; Kluth, S.; Kobayashi, T.; Kobel, M.; Komamiya, S.; Kramer, T.; Krieger, P.; von Krogh, J.; Kuhl, T.; Kupper, M.; Lafferty, G.D.; Landsman, H.; Lanske, D.; Lellouch, D.; Lettso, J.; Levinson, L.; Lillich, J.; Lloyd, S.L.; Loebinger, F.K.; Lu, J.; Ludwig, A.; Ludwig, J.; Mader, W.; Marcellini, S.; Martin, A.J.; Masetti, G.; Mashimo, T.; Mattig, Peter; McKenna, J.; McPherson, R.A.; Meijers, F.; Menges, W.; Merritt, F.S.; Mes, H.; Meyer, Niels T.; Michelini, A.; Mihara, S.; Mikenberg, G.; Miller, D.J.; Mohr, W.; Mori, T.; Mutter, A.; Nagai, K.; Nakamura, I.; Nanjo, H.; Neal, H.A.; Nisius, R.; O'Neale, S.W.; Oh, A.; Oreglia, M.J.; Orito, S.; Pahl, C.; Pasztor, G.; Pater, J.R.; Pilcher, J.E.; Pinfold, J.; Plane, David E.; Pooth, O.; Przybycien, M.; Quadt, A.; Rabbertz, K.; Rembser, C.; Renkel, P.; Roney, J.M.; Rossi, A.M.; Rozen, Y.; Runge, K.; Sachs, K.; Saeki, T.; Sarkisyan, E.K.G.; Schaile, A.D.; Schaile, O.; Scharff-Hansen, P.; Schieck, J.; Schorner-Sadenius, T.; Schroder, Matthias; Schumacher, M.; Seuster, R.; Shears, T.G.; Shen, B.C.; Sherwood, P.; Skuja, A.; Smith, A.M.; Sobie, R.; Soldner-Rembold, S.; Spano, F.; Stahl, A.; Strom, David M.; Strohmer, R.; Tarem, S.; Tasevsky, M.; Teuscher, R.; Thomson, M.A.; Torrence, E.; Toya, D.; Tran, P.; Trigger, I.; Trocsanyi, Z.; Tsur, E.; Turner-Watson, M.F.; Ueda, I.; Ujvari, B.; Vollmer, C.F.; Vannerem, P.; Vertesi, R.; Verzocchi, M.; Voss, H.; Vossebeld, J.; Ward, C.P.; Ward, D.R.; Watkins, P.M.; Watson, A.T.; Watson, N.K.; Wells, P.S.; Wengler, T.; Wermes, N.; Wilson, G.W.; Wilson, J.A.; Wolf, G.; Wyatt, T.R.; Yamashita, S.; Zer-Zion, D.; Zivkovic, Lidija


    Upper limits on the cross-section of the pair-production process e+e- -> h0A0 assuming 100% decays into hadrons, are derived from a new search for the h0A0 -> hadrons topology, independent of the hadronic flavour of the decay products. Searches for the neutral Higgs bosons h0 and A0, are used to obtain constraints on the Type II Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM(11)) with no CP violation in the Higgs sector and no additional non Standard Model particles besides the five Higgs bosons. The analysis combines LEP1 and LEP2 data collected with the OPAL detctor up to the highest available centre-of-mass energies. The searches are sensitive to the h0, A0 -> qq, gg,tau+tau- and h0 -> A0A0 decay modes of the Higgs bosons. The 2HDM(II) parameter space is explored in a detailed scan. Large regions of the 2HDM(II) parameter space are excluded at the 95% CL in the (mh, mA), (mh, tanb) and (mA, tanb) planes, using both direct neutral Higgs boson searches and indirect limits derived from Standard Model high precision measuremen...

  8. Flavour Independent Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons at LEP

    CERN Document Server

    Achard, P; Aguilar-Benítez, M; Alcaraz, J; Alemanni, G; Allaby, James V; Aloisio, A; Alviggi, M G; Anderhub, H; Andreev, V P; Anselmo, F; Arefev, A; Azemoon, T; Aziz, T; Bagnaia, P; Bajo, A; Baksay, G; Baksay, L; Baldew, S V; Banerjee, S; Banerjee, Sw; Barczyk, A; Barillère, R; Bartalini, P; Basile, M; Batalova, N; Battiston, R; Bay, A; Becattini, F; Becker, U; Behner, F; Bellucci, L; Berbeco, R; Berdugo, J; Berges, P; Bertucci, B; Betev, B L; Biasini, M; Biglietti, M; Biland, A; Blaising, J J; Blyth, S C; Bobbink, Gerjan J; Böhm, A; Boldizsar, L; Borgia, B; Bottai, S; Bourilkov, D; Bourquin, Maurice; Braccini, S; Branson, J G; Brochu, F; Burger, J D; Burger, W J; Cai, X D; Capell, M; Cara Romeo, G; Carlino, G; Cartacci, A M; Casaus, J; Cavallari, F; Cavallo, N; Cecchi, C; Cerrada, M; Chamizo-Llatas, M; Chang, Y H; Chemarin, M; Chen, A; Chen, G; Chen, G M; Chen, H F; Chen, H S; Chiefari, G; Cifarelli, Luisa; Cindolo, F; Clare, I; Clare, R; Coignet, G; Colino, N; Costantini, S; de la Cruz, B; Cucciarelli, S; van Dalen, J A; De Asmundis, R; Déglon, P L; Debreczeni, J; Degré, A; Dehmelt, K; Deiters, K; Della Volpe, D; Delmeire, E; Denes, P; De Notaristefani, F; De Salvo, A; Diemoz, M; Dierckxsens, M; Dionisi, C; Dittmar, M; Doria, A; Dova, M T; Duchesneau, D; Duda, M; Echenard, B; Eline, A; El-Hage, A; El-Mamouni, H; Engler, A; Eppling, F J; Extermann, P; Falagán, M A; Falciano, S; Favara, A; Fay, J; Fedin, O; Felcini, M; Ferguson, T; Fesefeldt, H S; Fiandrini, E; Field, J H; Filthaut, F; Fisher, P H; Fisher, W; Fisk, I; Forconi, G; Freudenreich, Klaus; Furetta, C; Galaktionov, Yu; Ganguli, S N; García-Abia, P; Gataullin, M; Gentile, S; Giagu, S; Gong, Z F; Grenier, G; Grimm, O; Grünewald, M W; Guida, M; van Gulik, R; Gupta, V K; Gurtu, A; Gutay, L J; Haas, D; Hatzifotiadou, D; Hebbeker, T; Hervé, A; Hirschfelder, J; Hofer, H; Hohlmann, M; Holzner, G; Hou, S R; Hu, Y; Jin, B N; Jones, L W; de Jong, P; Josa-Mutuberria, I; Käfer, D; Kaur, M; Kienzle-Focacci, M N; Kim, J K; Kirkby, Jasper; Kittel, E W; Klimentov, A; König, A C; Kopal, M; Koutsenko, V F; Kräber, M H; Krämer, R W; Krüger, A; Kunin, A; Ladrón de Guevara, P; Laktineh, I; Landi, G; Lebeau, M; Lebedev, A; Lebrun, P; Lecomte, P; Lecoq, P; Le Coultre, P; Le Goff, J M; Leiste, R; Levtchenko, M; Levchenko, P M; Li, C; Likhoded, S; Lin, C H; Lin, W T; Linde, Frank L; Lista, L; Liu, Z A; Lohmann, W; Longo, E; Lü, Y S; Luci, C; Luminari, L; Lustermann, W; Ma Wen Gan; Malgeri, L; Malinin, A; Maña, C; Mans, J; Martin, J P; Marzano, F; Mazumdar, K; McNeil, R R; Mele, S; Merola, L; Meschini, M; Metzger, W J; Mihul, A; Milcent, H; Mirabelli, G; Mnich, J; Mohanty, G B; Muanza, G S; Muijs, A J M; Musicar, B; Musy, M; Nagy, S; Natale, S; Napolitano, M; Nessi-Tedaldi, F; Newman, H; Nisati, A; Novák, T; Nowak, H; Ofierzynski, R A; Organtini, G; Pal, I; Palomares, C; Paolucci, P; Paramatti, R; Passaleva, G; Patricelli, S; Paul, T; Pauluzzi, M; Paus, C; Pauss, Felicitas; Pedace, M; Pensotti, S; Perret-Gallix, D; Petersen, B; Piccolo, D; Pierella, F; Pioppi, M; Piroué, P A; Pistolesi, E; Plyaskin, V; Pohl, M; Pozhidaev, V; Pothier, J; Prokofev, D; Prokofiev, D O; Quartieri, J; Rahal-Callot, G; Rahaman, M A; Raics, P; Raja, N; Ramelli, R; Rancoita, P G; Ranieri, R; Raspereza, A V; Razis, P A; Ren, D; Rescigno, M; Reucroft, S; Riemann, S; Riles, K; Roe, B P; Romero, L; Rosca, A; Rosenbleck, C; Rosier-Lees, S; Roth, S; Rubio, J A; Ruggiero, G; Rykaczewski, H; Sakharov, A; Saremi, S; Sarkar, S; Salicio, J; Sánchez, E; Schäfer, C; Shchegelskii, V; Schopper, Herwig Franz; Schotanus, D J; Sciacca, C; Servoli, L; Shevchenko, S; Shivarov, N; Shoutko, V; Shumilov, E; Shvorob, A V; Son, D; Souga, C; Spillantini, P; Steuer, M; Stickland, D P; Stoyanov, B; Strässner, A; Sudhakar, K; Sultanov, G G; Sun, L Z; Sushkov, S; Suter, H; Swain, J D; Szillási, Z; Tang, X W; Tarjan, P; Tauscher, Ludwig; Taylor, L; Tellili, B; Teyssier, D; Timmermans, C; Ting, Samuel C C; Ting, S M; Tonwar, S C; Tóth, J; Tully, C; Tung, K L; Ulbricht, J; Valente, E; Van de Walle, R T; Vásquez, R; Veszpremi, V; Vesztergombi, G; Vetlitskii, I; Vicinanza, D; Viertel, Gert M; Villa, S; Vivargent, M; Vlachos, S; Vodopyanov, I; Vogel, H; Vogt, H; Vorobev, I; Vorobyov, A A; Wadhwa, M; Wang, Q; Wang, X L; Wang, Z M; Weber, M; Wienemann, P; Wilkens, H; Wynhoff, S; Xia, L; Xu, Z Z; Yamamoto, J; Yang, B Z; Yang, C G; Yang, H J; Yang, M; Yeh, S C; Zalite, A; Zalite, Yu; Zhang, Z P; Zhao, J; Zhu, G Y; Zhu, R Y; Zhuang, H L; Zichichi, A; Zimmermann, B; Zöller, M


    A flavour independent search for the CP-even and CP-odd neutral Higgs bosons h and A is performed in 624/pb of data collected with the L3 detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies between 189 and 209GeV. Higgs boson production through the e^+e^- -> Z h and the e^+e^- ->h A processes is considered and decays of the Higgs bosons into hadrons are studied. No significant signal is observed and 95% confidence level limits on the hZZ and hAZ couplings are derived as a function of the Higgs boson masses. Assuming the Standard Model cross section for the Higgs-strahlung process and a 100% branching fraction into hadrons, a 95% confidence level lower limit on the mass of the Higgs boson is set at 110.3GeV.

  9. Search for doubly charged Higgs scalars in Z decay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swartz, M.; Abrams, G.S.; Adolphsen, C.E.; Averill, D.; Ballam, J.; Barish, B.C.; Barklow, T.; Barnett, B.A.; Bartelt, J.; Bethke, S.; Blockus, D.; Bonvicini, G.; Boyarski, A.; Brabson, B.; Breakstone, A.; Bulos, F.; Burchat, P.R.; Burke, D.L.; Cence, R.J.; Chapman, J.; Chmeissani, M.; Cords, D.; Coupal, D.P.; Dauncey, P.; DeStaebler, H.C.; Dorfan, D.E.; Dorfan, J.M.; Drewer, D.C.; Elia, R.; Feldman, G.J.; Fernandes, D.; Field, R.C.; Ford, W.T.; Fordham, C.; Frey, R.; Fujino, D.; Gan, K.K.; Gatto, C.; Gero, E.; Gidal, G.; Glanzman, T.; Goldhaber, G.; Gomez Cadenas, J.J.; Gratta, G.; Grindhammer, G.; Grosse-Wiesmann, P.; Hanson, G.; Harr, R.; Harral, B.; Harris, F.A.; Hawkes, C.M.; Hayes, K.; Hearty, C.; Heusch, C.A.; Hildreth, M.D.; Himel, T.; Hinshaw, D.A.; Hong, S.J.; Hutchinson, D.; Hylen, J.; Innes, W.R.; Jacobsen, R.G.; Jaros, J.A.; Jung, C.K.; Kadyk, J.A.; Kent, J.; King, M.; Klein, S.R.; Koetke, D.S.; Komamiya, S.; Koska, W.; Kowalski, L.A.; Kozanecki, W.; Kral, J.F.; Kuhlen, M.; Labarga, L.; Lankford, A.J.; Larsen, R.R.; Le Diberder, F.; Levi, M.E.; Litke, A.M.; Lou, X.C.; Lueth, V.; McKenna, J.A.; Matthews, J.A.J.; Mattison, T.; Milliken, B.D.; Moffeit, K.C.; Munger, C.T.; Murray, W.N.; Nash, J.; Ogren, H.; O'Shaughnessy, K.F.; Parker, S.I.; Peck, C.; Perl, M.L.; Perrier, F.; Petradza, M.; Pitthan, R.; Porter, F.C.; Rankin, P.; Riles, K.; Rouse, F.R.; Rust, D.R.; Sadrozinski, H.F.W.; Schaad, M.W.; Schumm, B.A.; Seiden, A.; Smith, J.G.; Snyder, A.; Soderstrom, E.; Stoker, D.P.; Stroynowski, R.; Thun, R.; Trilling, G.H.; Van Kooten, R.; Voruganti, P.; Wagner, S.R.; Watson, S.; Weber, P.; Weigend, A.; Weinstein, A.J.; Weir, A.J.; Wicklund, E.; Woods, M.; Wu, D.Y.; Yurko, M.; Zaccardelli, C.; von Zanthier, C.


    We describe a search for the decay of the Z boson into pairs of doubly charged Higgs bosons with the Mark II detector operating at the SLAC Linear Collider. Each Higgs boson is assumed to decay into a same-sign leptonic pair. No event candidates are found in a sample of 528 Z decays. At the 95% confidence level, this result excludes the region of leptonic coupling g ll >3x10 -7 and Higgs-boson mass 6.5 H 2 for isotriplet (left-handed) Higgs bosons. Isosinglet (right-handed) Higgs bosons are excluded in the same g ll interval and in the mass interval 7.3 H 2

  10. The correlation matrix of Higgs rates at the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Arbey, Alexandre; Mahmoudi, Farvah; Moreau, Grégory


    The imperfect knowledge of the Higgs boson LHC cross sections and decay rates constitutes a critical systematic uncertainty in the study of the Higgs boson properties. We show that the full covariance matrix between the Higgs rates can be determined from the most elementary sources of uncertainty by a direct application of probability theory. We evaluate the error magnitudes and full correlation matrix on the set of Higgs cross sections and partial decay widths at $\\sqrt{s}=7$, $8$, $13$ and $14$~TeV, which are provided in ancillary files. The impact of this correlation matrix on the global fits is illustrated with the latest $7$+$8$ TeV Higgs dataset.

  11. Perspectives of SM Higgs measurements at the LHC

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... where significant signals can be expected from the LHC experiments. The most sensitive LHC Higgs signatures are reviewed and the discovery year is estimated as a function of the Higgs mass. Finally, we give some ideas about: 'What might be known about the production and decays of a SM Higgs boson' after 10 years ...

  12. Implementacion de modulos constructivistas que atiendan "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales en temas de la fisica en estudiantes universitarios (United States)

    Santacruz Sarmiento, Neida M.

    Este estudio se enfoco en los "misconception" y lagunas conceptuales en temas fundamentales de Fisica como son Equilibrio Termodinamico y Estatica de fluidos. En primer lugar se trabajo con la identificacion de "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales y se analizo en detalle la forma en que los estudiantes construyen sus propias teorias de fenomenos relacionados con los temas. Debido a la complejidad en la que los estudiantes asimilan los conceptos fisicos, se utilizo el metodo de investigacion mixto de tipo secuencial explicativo en dos etapas, una cuantitativa y otra cualitativa. La primera etapa comprendio cuatro fases: (1) Aplicacion de una prueba diagnostica para identificar el conocimiento previo y lagunas conceptuales. (2) Identificacion de "misconceptions" y lagunas del concepto a partir del conocimiento previo. (3) Implementacion de la intervencion por medio de modulos en el topico de Equilibrio Termodinamico y Estatica de Fluidos. (4) Y la realizacion de la pos prueba para analizar el impacto y la efectividad de la intervencion constructivista. En la segunda etapa se utilizo el metodo de investigacion cualitativo, por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada que partio de la elaboracion de un mapa conceptual y se finalizo con un analisis de datos conjuntamente. El desarrollo de este estudio permitio encontrar "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales a partir del conocimiento previo de los estudiantes participantes en los temas trabajados, que fueron atendidos en el desarrollo de las distintas actividades inquisitivas que se presentaron en el modulo constructivista. Se encontro marcadas diferencias entre la pre y pos prueba en los temas, esto se debio al requerimiento de habilidades abstractas para el tema de Estatica de Fluidos y al desarrollo intuitivo para el tema de Equilibrio Termodinamico, teniendo mejores respuestas en el segundo. Los participantes demostraron una marcada evolucion y/o cambio en sus estructuras de pensamiento, las pruebas estadisticas

  13. Improved formalism for precision Higgs coupling fits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barklow, Tim; Peskin, Michael E. [Stanford Univ., Menlo Park, CA (United States). Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; Fujii, Keisuke; Ogawa, Tomohisa [High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Jung, Sunghoon [Stanford Univ., Menlo Park, CA (United States). Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; Seoul National Univ. (Korea, Republic of). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy; Karl, Robert; List, Jenny [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Tian, Junping [Tokyo Univ. (Japan). International Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP)


    Future e{sup +}e{sup -} colliders give the promise of model-independent determinations of the couplings of the Higgs boson. In this paper, we present an improved formalism for extracting Higgs boson couplings from e{sup +}e{sup -} data, based on the Effective Field Theory description of corrections to the Standard Model. We apply this formalism to give projections of Higgs coupling accuracies for stages of the International Linear Collider and for other proposed e{sup +}e{sup -} colliders.

  14. Stability of infinite derivative Abelian Higgs models (United States)

    Ghoshal, Anish; Mazumdar, Anupam; Okada, Nobuchika; Villalba, Desmond


    Motivated by the stringy effects by modifying the local kinetic term of an Abelian Higgs field by the Gaussian kinetic term, we show that the Higgs field does not possess any instability; the Yukawa coupling between the scalar and the fermion, the gauge coupling, and the self interaction of the Higgs yields exponentially suppressed running at high energies, showing that such class of theory never suffers from vacuum instability. We briefly discuss its implications for the early Universe cosmology.

  15. Spontaneous parity violation and minimal Higgs models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chavez, H.; Martins Simoes, J.A.


    In this paper we present a model for the spontaneous breaking of parity with two Higgs doublets and two neutral Higgs singlets which are even and odd under D-parity. The condition υ R >>υ L can be satisfied without introducing bidoublets, and it is induced by the breaking of D-parity through the vacuum expectation value of the odd Higgs singlet. Examples of left-right symmetric and mirror fermions models in grand unified theories are presented. (orig.)

  16. Composite Higgs Dynamics on the Lattice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pica, Claudio; Drach, Vincent; Hansen, Martin Rasmus Lundquist


    from composite (Goldstone) Higgs models to intriguing types of dark matter candidates, such as the SIMPs. Here we will focus on the composite Goldstone Higgs paradigm, for which this model provides a minimal UV complete realization in terms of a new strong sector with fermionic matter. After...

  17. Signatures of Higgs dilaton and critical Higgs inflation (United States)

    García-Bellido, Juan


    We test the Higgs dilaton inflation model (HDM) using the latest cosmological datasets, including the cosmic microwave background temperature, polarization and lensing data from the Planck satellite (2015), the BICEP and Keck Array experiments, the type Ia supernovae from the JLA catalogue, the baryon acoustic oscillations from CMASS, LOWZ and 6dF, the weak lensing data from the CFHTLenS survey and the matter power spectrum measurements from the latest SDSS data release. We find that the values of all cosmological parameters allowed by the HDM are well within the Planck satellite (2015) constraints. In particular, we determine , , , and (at 95.5% c.l.). We also place new stringent constraints on the couplings of the HDM, ξχ (at 95.5% c.l.). We find that the HDM is only slightly better than the w0waCDM model, with . Given that the HDM has two fewer parameters, we find Bayesian evidence favouring the HDM over the w0waCDM model. We also study the critical Higgs inflation model, taking into account the running of both the self-coupling λ(μ) and the non-minimal coupling to gravity ξ(μ). We find peaks in the curvature power spectrum at scales corresponding to the critical value μ that re-enter during the radiation era and collapse to form a broad distribution of clustered primordial black holes, which could constitute today the main component of dark matter. This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue `Higgs cosmology'.

  18. Baryogenesis and Dark Matter through a Higgs Asymmetry

    CERN Document Server

    Servant, Geraldine


    In addition to explaining the masses of elementary particles, the Higgs boson may have far-reaching implications for the generation of the matter content in the Universe. For instance, the Higgs plays a key role in two main theories of baryogenesis, namely electroweak baryogenesis and leptogenesis. In this letter, we propose a new cosmological scenario where the Higgs chemical potential mediates asymmetries between visible and dark matter sectors, either generating a baryon asymmetry from a dark matter asymmetry or vice-versa. We illustrate this mechanism with a simple model with two new fermions coupled to the Higgs and discuss associated signatures.

  19. Rhenium-186 direct labelling HIgG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lungu, V.; Mihailescu, G.; Dumitrescu, G.


    The aim of this study is to develop and improve existing radiolabelling techniques of peptides and monoclonal antibodies with 186 Re for achievement of potential agents for cancer targeted radiotherapy. There were selected methods and techniques for the direct labelling of intact HIgG by studding chemical and radiochemical processes of -S-S- bridges prereduction, reduction of 186 ReO 4 - and coupling reaction of rhenium with HIgG. The -S-S- bridges prereduction of HIgG to sulfhydryls was effected using different reducing agents: ascorbic acid, 2,3 dimercaptopropanol, cysteine, active hydrogen. The prereduction reactions are controlled by masic ratios of HIgG/reduction agent, pH, temperature and time of incubation. A pH=4.5 and a 24 hours incubation time are in the advantage of the prereduction yield. The labelling with 186 Re of prereduced HIgG with ascorbic acid or active hydrogen and 37 deg. C incubation in 22 hours releases 92% radiochemical purity. (author)

  20. Updated Global Analysis of Higgs Couplings

    CERN Document Server

    Ellis, John


    There are many indirect and direct experimental indications that the new particle H discovered by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations has spin zero and (mostly) positive parity, and that its couplings to other particles are correlated with their masses. Beyond any reasonable doubt, it is a Higgs boson, and here we examine the extent to which its couplings resemble those of the single Higgs boson of the Standard Model. Our global analysis of its couplings to fermions and massive bosons determines that they have the same relative sign as in the Standard Model. We also show directly that these couplings are highly consistent with a dependence on particle masses that is linear to within a few %, and scaled by the conventional electroweak symmetry-breaking scale to within 10%. We also give constraints on loop-induced couplings, on the total Higgs decay width, and on possible invisible decays of the Higgs boson under various assumptions.

  1. The ATLAS Higgs machine learning challenge

    CERN Document Server

    Davey, W; The ATLAS collaboration; Rousseau, D; Cowan, G; Kegl, B; Germain-Renaud, C; Guyon, I


    High Energy Physics has been using Machine Learning techniques (commonly known as Multivariate Analysis) since the 90's with Artificial Neural Net for example, more recently with Boosted Decision Trees, Random Forest etc... Meanwhile, Machine Learning has become a full blown field of computer science. With the emergence of Big Data, Data Scientists are developing new Machine Learning algorithms to extract sense from large heterogeneous data. HEP has exciting and difficult problems like the extraction of the Higgs boson signal, data scientists have advanced algorithms: the goal of the HiggsML project is to bring the two together by a “challenge”: participants from all over the world and any scientific background can compete online ( ) to obtain the best Higgs to tau tau signal significance on a set of ATLAS full simulated Monte Carlo signal and background. Winners with the best scores will receive money prizes ; authors of the best method (most usable) will be invited t...

  2. The Higgs Boson Search and Discovery

    CERN Document Server

    Bernardi, Gregorio


    We present a brief account of the search for the Higgs boson at the three major colliders that have operated over the last three decades: LEP, the Tevatron, and the LHC. The experimental challenges encountered stemmed from the distinct event phenomenology as determined by the colliders energy and the possible values for the Higgs boson mass, and from the capability of these colliders to deliver as much collision data as possible to fully explore the mass spectrum within their reach. Focusing more on the hadron collider searches during the last decade, we discuss how the search for the Higgs boson was advanced through mastering the experimental signatures of standard theory backgrounds, through the comprehensive utilization of the features of the detectors involved in the searches, and by means of advanced data analysis techniques. The search culminated in 2012 with the discovery, by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, of a Higgs-like particle with mass close to 125 GeV, confirmed more recently to have propertie...

  3. Higgs EFT for 2HDM and beyond. (United States)

    Bélusca-Maïto, Hermès; Falkowski, Adam; Fontes, Duarte; Romão, Jorge C; Silva, João P


    We discuss the validity of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SM EFT) as the low-energy effective theory for the two-Higgs-doublet Model (2HDM). Using the up-to-date Higgs signal strength measurements at the LHC, one can obtain a likelihood function for the Wilson coefficients of dimension-6 operators in the EFT Lagrangian. Given the matching between the 2HDM and the EFT, the constraints on the Wilson coefficients can be translated into constraints on the parameters of the 2HDM Lagrangian. We discuss under which conditions such a procedure correctly reproduces the true limits on the 2HDM. Finally, we employ the SM EFT to identify the pattern of the Higgs boson couplings that are needed to improve the fit to the current Higgs data. To this end, one needs, simultaneously, to increase the top Yukawa coupling, decrease the bottom Yukawa coupling, and induce a new contact interaction of the Higgs boson with gluons. We comment on how these modifications can be realized in the 2HDM extended by new colored particles.

  4. Unitarity and predictiveness in new Higgs inflation (United States)

    Fumagalli, Jacopo; Mooij, Sander; Postma, Marieke


    In new Higgs inflation the Higgs kinetic terms are non-minimally coupled to the Einstein tensor, allowing the Higgs field to play the role of the inflaton. The new interaction is non-renormalizable, and the model only describes physics below some cutoff scale. Even if the unknown UV physics does not affect the tree level inflaton potential significantly, it may still enter at loop level and modify the running of the Standard Model (SM) parameters. This is analogous to what happens in the original model for Higgs inflation. A key difference, though, is that in new Higgs inflation the inflationary predictions are sensitive to this running. Thus the boundary conditions at the EW scale as well as the unknown UV completion may leave a signature on the inflationary parameters. However, this dependence can be evaded if the kinetic terms of the SM fermions and gauge fields are non-minimally coupled to gravity as well. Our approach to determine the model's UV dependence and the connection between low and high scale physics can be used in any particle physics model of inflation.

  5. Higgs EFT for 2HDM and beyond

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belusca-Maito, Hermes; Falkowski, Adam [CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Universite Paris-Saclay, Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, Orsay (France); Fontes, Duarte; Romao, Jorge C.; Silva, Joao P. [Universidade de Lisboa, CFTP, Departamento de Fisica, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon (Portugal)


    We discuss the validity of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SM EFT) as the low-energy effective theory for the two-Higgs-doublet Model (2HDM). Using the up-to-date Higgs signal strength measurements at the LHC, one can obtain a likelihood function for the Wilson coefficients of dimension-6 operators in the EFT Lagrangian. Given the matching between the 2HDM and the EFT, the constraints on the Wilson coefficients can be translated into constraints on the parameters of the 2HDM Lagrangian. We discuss under which conditions such a procedure correctly reproduces the true limits on the 2HDM. Finally, we employ the SM EFT to identify the pattern of the Higgs boson couplings that are needed to improve the fit to the current Higgs data. To this end, one needs, simultaneously, to increase the top Yukawa coupling, decrease the bottom Yukawa coupling, and induce a new contact interaction of the Higgs boson with gluons. We comment on how these modifications can be realized in the 2HDM extended by new colored particles. (orig.)

  6. Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons at LEP

    CERN Document Server

    Schael, S.; Bruneliere, R.; De Bonis, I.; Decamp, D.; Goy, C.; Jezequel, S.; Lees, J.P.; Martin, F.; Merle, E.; Minard, M.N.; Pietrzyk, B.; Trocme, B.; Bravo, S.; Casado, M.P.; Chmeissani, M.; Crespo, J.M.; Fernandez, E.; Fernandez-Bosman, M.; Garrido, L.; Martinez, M.; Pacheco, A.; Ruiz, H.; Colaleo, A.; Creanza, D.; De Filippis, N.; de Palma, M.; Iaselli, G.; Maggi, G.; Maggi, M.; Nuzzo, S.; Ranieri, A.; Raso, G.; Ruggieri, F.; Selvaggi, G.; Silvestris, L.; Tempesta, P.; Tricomi, A.; Zito, G.; Huang, X.; Lin, J.; Ouyang, Q.; Wang, T.; Xie, Y.; Xu, R.; Xue, S.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhao, W.; Abbaneo, D.; Barklow, T.; Buchmuller, O.; Cattaneo, M.; Clerbaux, B.; Drevermann, H.; Forty, R.W.; Frank, M.; Gianotti, F.; Hansen, J.B.; Harvey, J.; Hutchcroft, D.E.; Janot, P.; Jost, B.; Kado, M.; Mato, P.; Moutoussi, A.; Ranjard, F.; Rolandi, L.; Schlatter, D.; Teubert, F.; Valassi, A.; Videau, I.; Badaud, F.; Dessagne, S.; Falvard, A.; Fayolle, D.; Gay, P.; Jousset, J.; Michel, B.; Monteil, S.; Pallin, D.; Pascolo, J.M.; Perret, P.; Hansen, J.D.; Hansen, J.R.; Hansen, P.H.; Kraan, A.C.; Nilsson, B.S.; Kyriakis, A.; Markou, C.; Simopoulou, E.; Vayaki, A.; Zachariadou, K.; Blondel, A.; Brient, J.C.; Machefert, F.; Rouge, A.; Videau, H.; Ciulli, V.; Focardi, E.; Parrini, G.; Antonelli, A.; Antonelli, M.; Bencivenni, G.; Bossi, F.; Capon, G.; Cerutti, F.; Chiarella, V.; Mannocchi, G.; Laurelli, P.; Mannocchi, G.; Murtas, G.P.; Passalacqua, L.; Kennedy, J.; Lynch, J.G.; Negus, P.; O'Shea, V.; Thompson, A.S.; Wasserbaech, S.; Cavanaugh, R.; Dhamotharan, S.; Geweniger, C.; Hanke, P.; Hepp, V.; Kluge, E.E.; Putzer, A.; Stenzel, H.; Tittel, K.; Wunsch, M.; Beuselinck, R.; Cameron, W.; Davies, G.; Dornan, P.J.; Girone, M.; Marinelli, N.; Nowell, J.; Rutherford, S.A.; Sedgbeer, J.K.; Thompson, J.C.; White, R.; Ghete, V.M.; Girtler, P.; Kneringer, E.; Kuhn, D.; Rudolph, G.; Bouhova-Thacker, E.; Bowdery, C.K.; Clarke, D.P.; Ellis, G.; Finch, A.J.; Foster, F.; Hughes, G.; Jones, R.W.L.; Pearson, M.R.; Robertson, N.A.; Smizanska, M.; van der Aa, O.; Delaere, C.; Leibenguth, G.; Lemaitre, V.; Blumenschein, U.; Holldorfer, F.; Jakobs, K.; Kayser, F.; Muller, A.S.; Renk, B.; Sander, H.G.; Schmeling, S.; Wachsmuth, H.; Zeitnitz, C.; Ziegler, T.; Bonissent, A.; Coyle, P.; Curtil, C.; Ealet, A.; Fouchez, D.; Payre, P.; Tilquin, A.; Ragusa, F.; David, A.; Dietl, H.; Ganis, G.; Huttmann, K.; Lutjens, G.; Manner, W.; Moser, H.G.; Settles, R.; Villegas, M.; Wolf, G.; Boucrot, J.; Callot, O.; Davier, M.; Duflot, L.; Grivaz, J.F.; Heusse, P.; Jacholkowska, A.; Serin, L.; Veillet, J.J.; Azzurri, P.; Bagliesi, G.; Boccali, T.; Foa, L.; Giammanco, A.; Giassi, A.; Ligabue, F.; Messineo, A.; Palla, F.; Sanguinetti, G.; Sciaba, A.; Sguazzoni, G.; Spagnolo, P.; Tenchini, R.; Venturi, A.; Verdini, P.G.; Awunor, O.; Blair, G.A.; Cowan, G.; Garcia-Bellido, A.; Green, M.G.; Medcalf, T.; Misiejuk, A.; Strong, J.A.; Teixeira-Dias, P.; Clifft, R.W.; Edgecock, T.R.; Norton, P.R.; Tomalin, I.R.; Ward, J.J.; Bloch-Devaux, B.; Boumediene, D.; Colas, P.; Fabbro, B.; Lancon, E.; Lemaire, M.C.; Locci, E.; Perez, P.; Rander, J.; Tuchming, B.; Vallage, B.; Litke, A.M.; Taylor, G.; Booth, C.N.; Cartwright, S.; Combley, F.; Hodgson, P.N.; Lehto, M.; Thompson, L.F.; Bohrer, A.; Brandt, S.; Grupen, C.; Hess, J.; Ngac, A.; Prange, G.; Borean, C.; Giannini, G.; He, H.; Putz, J.; Rothberg, J.; Armstrong, S.R.; Berkelman, K.; Cranmer, K.; Ferguson, D.P.S.; Gao, Y.; Gonzalez, S.; Hayes, O.J.; Hu, H.; Jin, S.; Kile, J.; McNamara, P.A.; Nielsen, J.; Pan, Y.B.; von Wimmersperg-Toeller, J.H.; Wiedenmann, W.; Wu, J.; Wu, S.L.; Wu, X.; Zobernig, G.; Dissertori, G.; Abdallah, J.; Abreu, P.; Adam, W.; Adzic, P.; Albrecht, T.; Alderweireld, T.; Alemany-Fernandez, R.; Allmendinger, T.; Allport, P.P.; Amaldi, U.; Amapane, N.; Amato, S.; Anashkin, E.; Andreazza, A.; Andringa, S.; Anjos, N.; Antilogus, P.; Apel, W.D.; Arnoud, Y.; Ask, S.; Asman, B.; Augustin, J.E.; Augustinus, A.; Baillon, P.; Ballestrero, A.; Bambade, P.; Barbier, R.; Bardin, D.; Barker, G.J.; Baroncelli, A.; Battaglia, M.; Baubillier, M.; Becks, K.H.; Begalli, M.; Behrmann, A.; Ben-Haim, E.; Benekos, N.; Benvenuti, A.; Berat, C.; Berggren, M.; Berntzon, L.; Bertrand, D.; Besancon, M.; Besson, N.; Bloch, D.; Blom, M.; Bluj, M.; Bonesini, M.; Boonekamp, M.; Booth, P.S.L.; Borisov, G.; Botner, O.; Bouquet, B.; Bowcock, T.J.V.; Boyko, I.; Bracko, M.; Brenner, R.; Brodet, E.; Bruckman, P.; Brunet, J.M.; Buschbeck, B.; Buschmann, P.; Calvi, M.; Camporesi, T.; Canale, V.; Carena, F.; Castro, N.; Cavallo, F.; Chapkin, M.; Charpentier, P.; Checchia, P.; Chierici, R.; Chliapnikov, P.; Chudoba, J.; Chung, S.U.; Cieslik, K.; Collins, P.; Contri, R.; Cosme, G.; Cossutti, F.; Costa, M.J.; Crennell, D.; Cuevas, J.; D'Hondt, J.; Dalmau, J.; da Silva, T.; Da Silva, W.; Della Ricca, G.; De Angelis, A.; De Boer, W.; De Clercq, C.; De Lotto, B.; De Maria, N.; De Min, A.; de Paula, L.; Di Ciaccio, L.; Di Simone, A.; Doroba, K.; Drees, J.; Eigen, G.; Ekelof, T.; Ellert, M.; Elsing, M.; Espirito Santo, M.C.; Fanourakis, G.; Fassouliotis, D.; Feindt, M.; Fernandez, J.; Ferrer, A.; Ferro, F.; Flagmeyer, U.; Foeth, H.; Fokitis, E.; Fulda-Quenzer, F.; Fuster, J.; Gandelman, M.; Garcia, C.; Gavillet, P.; Gazis, E.; Gokieli, R.; Golob, B.; Gomez-Ceballos, G.; Goncalves, P.; Graziani, E.; Grosdidier, G.; Grzelak, K.; Guy, J.; Haag, C.; Hallgren, A.; Hamacher, K.; Hamilton, K.; Haug, S.; Hauler, F.; Hedberg, V.; Hennecke, M.; Herr, H.; Hoffman, J.; Holmgren, S.O.; Holt, P.J.; Houlden, M.A.; Hultqvist, K.; Jackson, J.N.; Jarlskog, G.; Jarry, P.; Jeans, D.; Johansson, E.K.; Johansson, P.D.; Jonsson, P.; Joram, C.; Jungermann, L.; Kapusta, F.; Katsanevas, S.; Katsoufis, E.; Kernel, G.; Kersevan, B.P.; Kerzel, U.; King, B.T.; Kjaer, N.J.; Kluit, P.; Kokkinias, P.; Kourkoumelis, C.; Kouznetsov, O.; Krumstein, Z.; Kucharczyk, M.; Lamsa, J.; Leder, G.; Ledroit, F.; Leinonen, L.; Leitner, R.; Lemonne, J.; Lepeltier, V.; Lesiak, T.; Liebig, W.; Liko, D.; Lipniacka, A.; Lopes, J.H.; Lopez, J.M.; Loukas, D.; Lutz, P.; Lyons, L.; MacNaughton, J.; Malek, A.; Maltezos, S.; Mandl, F.; Marco, J.; Marco, R.; Marechal, B.; Margoni, M.; Marin, J.C.; Mariotti, C.; Markou, A.; Martinez-Rivero, C.; Masik, J.; Mastroyiannopoulos, N.; Matorras, F.; Matteuzzi, C.; Mazzucato, F.; Mazzucato, M.; Mc Nulty, R.; Meroni, C.; Migliore, E.; Mitaroff, W.; Mjoernmark, U.; Moa, T.; Moch, M.; Monig, Klaus; Monge, R.; Montenegro, J.; Moraes, D.; Moreno, S.; Morettini, P.; Mueller, U.; Muenich, K.; Mulders, M.; Mundim, L.; Murray, W.; Muryn, B.; Myatt, G.; Myklebust, T.; Nassiakou, M.; Navarria, F.; Nawrocki, K.; Nicolaidou, R.; Nikolenko, M.; Oblakowska-Mucha, A.; Obraztsov, V.; Olshevski, A.; Onofre, A.; Orava, R.; Osterberg, K.; Ouraou, A.; Oyanguren, A.; Paganoni, M.; Paiano, S.; Palacios, J.P.; Palka, H.; Papadopoulou, T.D.; Pape, L.; Parkes, C.; Parodi, F.; Parzefall, U.; Passeri, A.; Passon, O.; Peralta, L.; Perepelitsa, V.; Perrotta, A.; Petrolini, A.; Piedra, J.; Pieri, L.; Pierre, F.; Pimenta, M.; Piotto, E.; Podobnik, T.; Poireau, V.; Pol, M.E.; Polok, G.; Pozdniakov, V.; Pukhaeva, N.; Pullia, A.; Rames, J.; Read, A.; Rebecchi, P.; Rehn, J.; Reid, D.; Reinhardt, R.; Renton, P.; Richard, F.; Ridky, J.; Rivero, M.; Rodriguez, D.; Romero, A.; Ronchese, P.; Roudeau, P.; Rovelli, T.; Ruhlmann-Kleider, V.; Ryabtchikov, D.; Sadovsky, A.; Salmi, L.; Salt, J.; Sander, C.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Schwickerath, U.; Segar, A.; Sekulin, R.; Siebel, M.; Sisakian, A.; Smadja, G.; Smirnova, O.; Sokolov, A.; Sopczak, A.; Sosnowski, R.; Spassov, T.; Stanitzki, M.; Stocchi, A.; Strauss, J.; Stugu, B.; Szczekowski, M.; Szeptycka, M.; Szumlak, T.; Tabarelli, T.; Taffard, A.C.; Tegenfeldt, F.; Timmermans, J.; Tkatchev, L.; Tobin, M.; Todorovova, S.; Tome, B.; Tonazzo, A.; Tortosa, P.; Travnicek, P.; Treille, D.; Tristram, G.; Trochimczuk, M.; Troncon, C.; Turluer, M.L.; Tyapkin, I.A.; Tyapkin, P.; Tzamarias, S.; Uvarov, V.; Valenti, G.; Van Dam, P.; Van Eldik, J.; van Remortel, N.; Van Vulpen, I.; Vegni, G.; Veloso, F.; Venus, W.; Verdier, P.; Verzi, V.; Vilanova, D.; Vitale, L.; Vrba, V.; Wahlen, H.; Washbrook, A.J.; Weiser, C.; Wicke, D.; Wickens, J.; Wilkinson, G.; Winter, M.; Witek, M.; Yushchenko, O.; Zalewska, A.; Zalewski, P.; Zavrtanik, D.; Zhuravlov, V.; Zimine, N.I.; Zintchenko, A.; Achard, P.; Zupan, M.; Adriani, O.; Aguilar-Benitez, M.; Alcaraz, J.; Alemanni, G.; Allaby, J.; Aloisio, A.; Alviggi, M.G.; Anderhub, H.; Andreev, V.P.; Anselmo, F.; Arefiev, A.; Azemoon, T.; Aziz, T.; Bagnaia, P.; Bajo, A.; Baksay, G.; Baksay, L.; Baldew, S.V.; Banerjee, S.; Banerjee, Sw.; Barczyk, A.; Barillere, R.; Bartalini, P.; Basile, M.; Batalova, N.; Battiston, R.; Bay, A.; Becattini, F.; Becker, U.; Behner, F.; Bellucci, L.; Berbeco, R.; Berdugo, J.; Berges, P.; Bertucci, B.; Betev, B.L.; Biasini, M.; Biglietti, M.; Biland, A.; Blaising, J.J.; Blyth, S.C.; Bobbink, G.J.; Bohm, A.; Boldizsar, L.; Borgia, B.; Bottai, S.; Bourilkov, D.; Bourquin, M.; Braccini, S.; Branson, J.G.; Brochu, F.; Burger, J.D.; Burger, W.J.; Cai, X.D.; Capell, M.; Cara Romeo, G.; Carlino, G.; Cartacci, A.; Casaus, J.; Cavallari, F.; Cavallo, N.; Cecchi, C.; Cerrada, M.; Chamizo, M.; Chang, Y.H.; Chemarin, M.; Chen, A.; Chen, G.; Chen, G.M.; Chen, H.F.; Chen, H.S.; Chiefari, G.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Clare, I.; Clare, R.; Coignet, G.; Colino, N.; Costantini, S.; de la Cruz, B.; Cucciarelli, S.; de Asmundis, R.; Deglon, P.; Debreczeni, J.; Degre, A.; Dehmelt, K.; Deiters, K.; della Volpe, D.; Delmeire, E.; Denes, P.; DeNotaristefani, F.; De Salvo, A.; Diemoz, M.; Dierckxsens, M.; Dionisi, C.; Dittmar, M.; Doria, A.; Dova, M.T.; Duchesneau, D.; Duda, M.; Echenard, B.; Eline, A.; El Hage, A.; El Mamouni, H.; Engler, A.; Eppling, F.J.; Extermann, P.; Falagan, M.A.; Falciano, S.; Favara, A.; Fay, J.; Fedin, O.; Felcini, M.; Ferguson, T.; Fesefeldt, H.; Fiandrini, E.; Field, J.H.; Filthaut, F.; Fisher, P.H.; Fisher, W.; Forconi, G.; Freudenreich, K.; Furetta, C.; Galaktionov, Yu.; Ganguli, S.N.; Garcia-Abia, P.; Gataullin, M.; Gentile, S.; Giagu, S.; Gong, Z.F.; Grenier, G.; Grimm, O.; Gruenewald, M.W.; Guida, M.; Gupta, V.K.; Gurtu, A.; Gutay, L.J.; Haas, D.; Hatzifotiadou, D.; Hebbeker, T.; Herve, A.; Hirschfelder, J.; Hofer, H.; Hohlmann, M.; Holzner, G.; Hou, S.R.; Hu, J.; Jin, B.N.; Jindal, P.; Jones, L.W.; de Jong, P.; Josa-Mutuberra, I.; Kaur, M.; Kienzle-Focacci, M.N.; Kim, J.K.; Kirkby, J.; Kittel, W.; Klimentov, A.; Konig, A.C.; Kopal, M.; Koutsenko, V.; Kraber, M.; Kraemer, R.W.; Kruger, A.; Kunin, A.; Ladron de Guevara, P.; Laktineh, I.; Landi, G.; Lebeau, M.; Lebedev, A.; Lebrun, P.; Lecomte, P.; Lecoq, P.; Le Coultre, P.; Le Goff, J.M.; Leiste, R.; Levtchenko, M.; Levtchenko, P.; Li, C.; Likhoded, S.; Lin, C.H.; Lin, W.T.; Linde, F.L.; Lista, L.; Liu, Z.A.; Lohmann, W.; Longo, E.; Lu, Y.S.; Luci, C.; Luminari, L.; Lustermann, W.; Ma, W.G.; Malgeri, L.; Malinin, A.; Mana, C.; Mans, J.; Martin, J.P.; Marzano, F.; Mazumdar, K.; McNeil, R.R.; Mele, S.; Merola, L.; Meschini, M.; Metzger, W.J.; Mihul, A.; Milcent, H.; Mirabelli, G.; Mnich, J.; Mohanty, G.B.; Muanza, G.S.; Muijs, A.J.M.; Musicar, B.; Musy, M.; Nagy, S.; Natale, S.; Napolitano, M.; Nessi-Tedaldi, F.; Newman, H.; Nisati, A.; Novak, T.; Nowak, H.; Ofierzynski, R.; Organtini, G.; Pal, I.; Palomares, C.; Paolucci, P.; Paramatti, R.; Passaleva, G.; Patricelli, S.; Paul, T.; Pauluzzi, M.; Paus, C.; Pauss, F.; Pedace, M.; Pensotti, S.; Perret-Gallix, D.; Piccolo, D.; Pierella, F.; Pieri, M.; Pioppi, M.; Piroue, P.A.; Pistolesi, E.; Plyaskin, V.; Pohl, M.; Pojidaev, V.; Pothier, J.; Prokofiev, D.; Rahal-Callot, G.; Rahaman, M.A.; Raics, P.; Raja, N.; Ramelli, R.; Rancoita, P.G.; Ranieri, R.; Raspereza, A.; Razis, P.; Rembeczki, S.; Ren, D.; Rescigno, M.; Reucroft, S.; Riemann, S.; Riles, Keith; Roe, B.P.; Romero, L.; Rosca, A.; Rosemann, C.; Rosenbleck, C.; Rosier-Lees, S.; Roth, S.; Rubio, J.A.; Ruggiero, G.; Rykaczewski, H.; Sakharov, A.; Saremi, S.; Sarkar, S.; Salicio, J.; Sanchez, E.; Schafer, C.; Schegelsky, V.; Schopper, H.; Schotanus, D.J.; Sciacca, C.; Servoli, L.; Shevchenko, S.; Shivarov, N.; Shoutko, V.; Shumilov, E.; Shvorob, A.; Son, D.; Souga, C.; Spillantini, P.; Steuer, M.; Stickland, D.P.; Stoyanov, B.; Straessner, A.; Sudhakar, K.; Sultanov, G.; Sun, L.Z.; Sushkov, S.; Suter, H.; Swain, J.D.; Szillasi, Z.; Tang, X.W.; Tarjan, P.; Tauscher, L.; Taylor, L.; Tellili, B.; Teyssier, D.; Timmermans, C.; Ting, S.C.C.; Ting, S.M.; Tonwar, S.C.; Toth, J.; Tully, C.; Tung, K.L.; Ulbricht, J.; Valente, E.; Van de Walle, R.T.; Vasquez, R.; Vesztergombi, G.; Vetlitsky, I.; Viertel, G.; Vivargent, M.; Vlachos, S.; Vodopianov, I.; Vogel, H.; Vogt, H.; Vorobiev, I.; Vorobyov, A.A.; Wadhwa, M.; Wang, Q.; Wang, X.L.; Wang, Z.M.; Weber, M.; Wynhoff, S.; Xia, L.; Xu, Z.Z.; Yamamoto, J.; Yang, B.Z.; Yang, C.G.; Yang, H.J.; Yang, M.; Yeh, S.C.; Zalite, An.; Zalite, Yu.; Zhang, Z.P.; Zhao, J.; Zhu, G.Y.; Zhu, R.Y.; Zhuang, H.L.; Zichichi, A.; Zimmermann, B.; Zoller, M.; Abbiendi, G.; Ainsley, C.; Akesson, P.F.; Alexander, G.; Allison, J.; Amaral, P.; Anagnostou, G.; Anderson, K.J.; Asai, S.; Axen, D.; Azuelos, G.; Bailey, I.; Barberio, E.; Barillari, T.; Barlow, R.J.; Batley, R.J.; Bechtle, P.; Behnke, T.; Bell, K.W.; Bell, P.J.; Bella, G.; Bellerive, A.; Benelli, G.; Bethke, S.; Biebel, O.; Boeriu, O.; Bock, P.; Boutemeur, M.; Braibant, S.; Brigliadori, L.; Brown, R.M.; Buesser, K.; Burckhart, H.J.; Campana, S.; Carnegie, R.K.; Carter, A.A.; Carter, J.R.; Chang, C.Y.; Charlton, D.G.; Ciocca, C.; Csilling, A.; Cuffiani, M.; Dado, S.; de Jong, S.; De Roeck, A.; De Wolf, E.A.; Desch, K.; Dienes, B.; Donkers, M.; Dubbert, J.; Duchovni, E.; Duckeck, G.; Duerdoth, I.P.; Etzion, E.; Fabbri, F.; Feld, L.; Ferrari, P.; Fiedler, F.; Fleck, I.; Ford, M.; Frey, A.; Gagnon, P.; Gary, J.W.; Gascon-Shotkin, S.M.; Gaycken, G.; Geich-Gimbel, C.; Giacomelli, G.; Giacomelli, P.; Giunta, M.; Goldberg, J.; Gross, E.; Grunhaus, J.; Gruwe, M.; Gunther, P.O.; Gupta, A.; Hajdu, C.; Hamann, M.; Hanson, G.G.; Harel, A.; Hauschild, M.; Hawkes, C.M.; Hawkings, R.; Hemingway, R.J.; Herten, G.; Heuer, R.D.; Hill, J.C.; Hoffman, K.; Horvath, D.; Igo-Kemenes, P.; Ishii, K.; Jeremie, H.; Jost, U.; Jovanovic, P.; Junk, T.R.; Kanaya, N.; Kanzaki, J.; Karlen, D.; Kawagoe, K.; Kawamoto, T.; Keeler, R.K.; Kellogg, R.G.; Kennedy, B.W.; Kluth, S.; Kobayashi, T.; Kobel, M.; Komamiya, S.; Kramer, T.; Krieger, P.; von Krogh, J.; Kruger, K.; Kuhl, T.; Kupper, M.; Lafferty, G.D.; Landsman, H.; Lanske, D.; Layter, J.G.; Lellouch, D.; Letts, J.; Levinson, L.; Lillich, J.; Lloyd, S.L.; Loebinger, F.K.; Lu, J.; Ludwig, A.; Ludwig, J.; Mader, W.; Marcellini, S.; Martin, A.J.; Masetti, G.; Mashimo, T.; Mattig, P.; McKenna, J.; McPherson, R.A.; Meijers, F.; Menges, W.; Merritt, F.S.; Mes, H.; Meyer, N.; Michelini, A.; Mihara, S.; Mikenberg, G.; Miller, D.J.; Moed, S.; Mohr, W.; Mori, T.; Mutter, A.; Nagai, K.; Nakamura, I.; Nanjo, H.; Neal, H.A.; Nisius, R.; O'Neale, S.W.; Oh, A.; Oreglia, M.J.; Orito, S.; Pahl, C.; Pasztor, G.; Pater, J.R.; Pilcher, J.E.; Pinfold, J.; Plane, D.E.; Poli, B.; Pooth, O.; Przybycien, M.; Quadt, A.; Rabbertz, K.; Rembser, C.; Renkel, P.; Roney, J.M.; Rozen, Y.; Runge, K.; Sachs, K.; Saeki, T.; Sarkisyan, E.K.G.; Schaile, A.D.; Schaile, O.; Scharff-Hansen, P.; Schieck, J.; Schorner-Sadenius, T.; Schroder, M.; Schumacher, M.; Scott, W.G.; Seuster, R.; Shears, T.G.; Shen, B.C.; Sherwood, P.; Skuja, A.; Smith, A.M.; Sobie, R.; Soldner-Rembold, S.; Spano, F.; Stahl, A.; Strom, D.; Strohmer, R.; Tarem, S.; Tasevsky, M.; Teuscher, R.; Thomson, M.A.; Torrence, E.; Toya, D.; Tran, P.; Trigger, I.; Trocsanyi, Z.; Tsur, E.; Turner-Watson, M.F.; Ueda, I.; Ujvari, B.; Vollmer, C.F.; Vannerem, P.; Vertesi, R.; Verzocchi, M.; Voss, H.; Vossebeld, J.; Ward, C.P.; Ward, D.R.; Watkins, P.M.; Watson, A.T.; Watson, N.K.; Wells, P.S.; Wengler, T.; Wermes, N.; Wilson, G.W.; Wilson, J.A.; Wolf, G.; Wyatt, T.R.; Yamashita, S.; Zer-Zion, D.; Zivkovic, L.; Heinemeyer, S.; Pilaftsis, A.; Weiglein, G.


    The four LEP collaborations, ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL, have searched for the neutral Higgs bosons which are predicted by the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The data of the four collaborations are statistically combined and examined for their consistency with the background hypothesis and with a possible Higgs boson signal. The combined LEP data show no significant excess of events which would indicate the production of Higgs bosons. The search results are used to set upper bounds on the cross-sections of various Higgs-like event topologies. The results are interpreted within the MSSM in a number of ``benchmark" models, including CP-conserving and CP-violating scenarios. These interpretations lead in all cases to large exclusions in the MSSM parameter space. Absolute limits are set on the parameter tanb and, in some scenarios, on the masses of neutral Higgs bosons.

  7. Search for Doubly-Charged Higgs Bosons at LEP

    CERN Document Server

    Achard, P.; Aguilar-Benitez, M.; Alcaraz, J.; Alemanni, G.; Allaby, J.; Aloisio, A.; Alviggi, M.G.; Anderhub, H.; Andreev, Valery P.; Anselmo, F.; Arefev, A.; Azemoon, T.; Aziz, T.; Bagnaia, P.; Bajo, A.; Baksay, G.; Baksay, L.; Baldew, S.V.; Banerjee, S.; Barczyk, A.; Barillere, R.; Bartalini, P.; Basile, M.; Batalova, N.; Battiston, R.; Bay, A.; Becattini, F.; Becker, U.; Behner, F.; Bellucci, L.; Berbeco, R.; Berdugo, J.; Berges, P.; Bertucci, B.; Betev, B.L.; Biasini, M.; Biglietti, M.; Biland, A.; Blaising, J.J.; Blyth, S.C.; Bobbink, G.J.; Bohm, A.; Boldizsar, L.; Borgia, B.; Bottai, S.; Bourilkov, D.; Bourquin, M.; Braccini, S.; Branson, J.G.; Brochu, F.; Burger, J.D.; Burger, W.J.; Cai, X.D.; Capell, M.; Cara Romeo, G.; Carlino, G.; Cartacci, A.; Casaus, J.; Cavallari, F.; Cavallo, N.; Cecchi, C.; Cerrada, M.; Chamizo, M.; Chang, Y.H.; Chemarin, M.; Chen, A.; Chen, G.; Chen, G.M.; Chen, H.F.; Chen, H.S.; Chiefari, G.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Clare, I.; Clare, R.; Coignet, G.; Colino, N.; Costantini, S.; de la Cruz, B.; Cucciarelli, S.; van Dalen, J.A.; de Asmundis, R.; Deglon, P.; Debreczeni, J.; Degre, A.; Dehmelt, K.; Deiters, K.; della Volpe, D.; Delmeire, E.; Denes, P.; DeNotaristefani, F.; De Salvo, A.; Diemoz, M.; Dierckxsens, M.; Dionisi, C.; Dittmar, M.; Doria, A.; Dova, M.T.; Duchesneau, D.; Duda, M.; Echenard, B.; Eline, A.; El Hage, A.; El Mamouni, H.; Engler, A.; Eppling, F.J.; Extermann, P.; Falagan, M.A.; Falciano, S.; Favara, A.; Fay, J.; Fedin, O.; Felcini, M.; Ferguson, T.; Fesefeldt, H.; Fiandrini, E.; Field, J.H.; Filthaut, F.; Fisher, P.H.; Fisher, W.; Fisk, I.; Forconi, G.; Freudenreich, K.; Furetta, C.; Galaktionov, Iouri; Ganguli, S.N.; Garcia-Abia, Pablo; Gataullin, M.; Gentile, S.; Giagu, S.; Gong, Z.F.; Grenier, Gerald Jean; Grimm, O.; Gruenewald, M.W.; Guida, M.; van Gulik, R.; Gupta, V.K.; Gurtu, A.; Gutay, L.J.; Haas, D.; Hatzifotiadou, D.; Hebbeker, T.; Herve, Alain; Hirschfelder, J.; Hofer, H.; Hohlmann, M.; Holzner, G.; Hou, S.R.; Hu, Y.; Jin, B.N.; Jones, Lawrence W.; de Jong, P.; Josa-Mutuberria, I.; Kafer, D.; Kaur, M.; Kienzle-Focacci, M.N.; Kim, J.K.; Kirkby, Jasper; Kittel, W.; Klimentov, A.; Konig, A.C.; Kopal, M.; Koutsenko, V.; Kraber, M.; Kraemer, R.W.; Kruger, A.; Kunin, A.; Ladron de Guevara, P.; Laktineh, I.; Landi, G.; Lebeau, M.; Lebedev, A.; Lebrun, P.; Lecomte, P.; Lecoq, P.; Le Coultre, P.; Le Goff, J.M.; Leiste, R.; Levtchenko, M.; Levtchenko, P.; Li, C.; Likhoded, S.; Lin, C.H.; Lin, W.T.; Linde, F.L.; Lista, L.; Liu, Z.A.; Lohmann, W.; Longo, E.; Lu, Y.S.; Luci, C.; Luminari, L.; Lustermann, W.; Ma, W.G.; Malgeri, L.; Malinin, A.; Mana, C.; Mans, J.; Martin, J.P.; Marzano, F.; Mazumdar, K.; McNeil, R.R.; Mele, S.; Merola, L.; Meschini, M.; Metzger, W.J.; Mihul, A.; Milcent, H.; Mirabelli, G.; Mnich, J.; Mohanty, G.B.; Muanza, G.S.; Muijs, A.J.M.; Musicar, B.; Musy, M.; Nagy, S.; Natale, S.; Napolitano, M.; Nessi-Tedaldi, F.; Newman, H.; Nisati, A.; Novak, T.; Kluge, Hannelies; Ofierzynski, R.; Organtini, G.; Pal, I.; Palomares, C.; Paolucci, P.; Paramatti, R.; Passaleva, G.; Patricelli, S.; Paul, Thomas Cantzon; Pauluzzi, M.; Paus, C.; Pauss, F.; Pedace, M.; Pensotti, S.; Perret-Gallix, D.; Petersen, B.; Piccolo, D.; Pierella, F.; Pioppi, M.; Piroue, P.A.; Pistolesi, E.; Plyaskin, V.; Pohl, M.; Pojidaev, V.; Pothier, J.; Prokofev, D.; Quartieri, J.; Rahal-Callot, G.; Rahaman, Mohammad Azizur; Raics, P.; Raja, N.; Ramelli, R.; Rancoita, P.G.; Ranieri, R.; Raspereza, A.; Razis, P.; Ren, D.; Rescigno, M.; Reucroft, S.; Riemann, S.; Riles, Keith; Roe, B.P.; Romero, L.; Rosca, A.; Rosier-Lees, S.; Roth, Stefan; Rosenbleck, C.; Roux, B.; Rubio, J.A.; Ruggiero, G.; Rykaczewski, H.; Sakharov, A.; Saremi, S.; Sarkar, S.; Salicio, J.; Sanchez, E.; Schafer, C.; Schegelsky, V.; Schopper, H.; Schotanus, D.J.; Sciacca, C.; Servoli, L.; Shevchenko, S.; Shivarov, N.; Shoutko, V.; Shumilov, E.; Shvorob, A.; Son, D.; Souga, C.; Spillantini, P.; Steuer, M.; Stickland, D.P.; Stoyanov, B.; Straessner, A.; Sudhakar, K.; Sultanov, G.; Sun, L.Z.; Sushkov, S.; Suter, H.; Swain, J.D.; Szillasi, Z.; Tang, X.W.; Tarjan, P.; Tauscher, L.; Taylor, L.; Tellili, B.; Teyssier, D.; Timmermans, Charles; Ting, Samuel C.C.; Ting, S.M.; Tonwar, S.C.; Toth, J.; Tully, C.; Tung, K.L.; Ulbricht, J.; Valente, E.; Van de Walle, R.T.; Vasquez, R.; Veszpremi, V.; Vesztergombi, G.; Vetlitsky, I.; Vicinanza, D.; Viertel, G.; Villa, S.; Vivargent, M.; Vlachos, S.; Vodopianov, I.; Vogel, H.; Vogt, H.; Vorobev, I.; Vorobyov, A.A.; Wadhwa, M.; Wang, Q.; Wang, X.L.; Wang, Z.M.; Weber, M.; Wienemann, P.; Wilkens, H.; Wynhoff, S.; Xia, L.; Xu, Z.Z.; Yamamoto, J.; Yang, B.Z.; Yang, C.G.; Yang, H.J.; Yang, M.; Yeh, S.C.; Zalite, A.; Zalite, Yu.; Zhang, Z.P.; Zhao, J.; Zhu, G.Y.; Zhu, R.Y.; Zhuang, H.L.; Zichichi, A.; Zimmermann, B.; Zoller, M.


    Doubly-charged Higgs bosons are searched for in e^+e^- collision data collected with the L3 detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV. Final states with four leptons are analysed to tag the pair-production of doubly charged Higgs bosons. No significant excess is found and lower limits at 95% confidence level on the doubly-charged Higgs boson mass are derived. They vary from 95.5 GeV to 100.2 GeV, depending on the decay mode. Doubly-charged Higgs bosons which couple to electrons would modify the cross section and forward-backward asymmetry of the e^+e^- -> e^+e^- process. The measurements of these quantities do not deviate from the Standard Model expectations and doubly-charged Higgs bosons with masses up to the order of a TeV are excluded.

  8. The search for associated Higgs boson production with Higgs decaying to bb in CMS

    CERN Document Server

    De Gruttola, Michele


    Results are presented on the study of a Higgs boson at 125 GeV decaying into final states consisting of b anti-b quark pair, based on the full statistics of about 25 fb$^{-1}$, collected in 2011 and 2012 at 7 and 8 TeV, respectively, with the CMS experiment. The $b \\bar{b}$ decay channel is studied in associated production with W/Z bosons and in the vector boson fusion process. The combination of the latest CMS $\\mathrm{H}\\rightarrow b \\bar{b}$ search for a mass of 125 GeV is an excess of observed events of 2.1 standard deviations, and is consistent with the standard model prediction for Higgs boson production. The observed signal strength corresponding to this excess is $1.0\\pm0.5$ relative to the standard model Higgs boson.

  9. Search for Higgs bosons predicted in two-Higgs-doublet models via decays to tau lepton pairs in 1.96 TeV pp collisions. (United States)

    Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Akimoto, T; Alvarez González, B; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; Antos, J; Apollinari, G; Apresyan, A; Arisawa, T; Artikov, A; Ashmanskas, W; Attal, A; Aurisano, A; Azfar, F; Badgett, W; Barbaro-Galtieri, A; Barnes, V E; Barnett, B A; Barria, P; Bartos, P; Bartsch, V; Bauer, G; Beauchemin, P-H; Bedeschi, F; Beecher, D; Behari, S; Bellettini, G; Bellinger, J; Benjamin, D; Beretvas, A; Beringer, J; Bhatti, A; Binkley, M; Bisello, D; Bizjak, I; Blair, R E; Blocker, C; Blumenfeld, B; Bocci, A; Bodek, A; Boisvert, V; Bolla, G; Bortoletto, D; Boudreau, J; Boveia, A; Brau, B; Bridgeman, A; Brigliadori, L; Bromberg, C; Brubaker, E; Budagov, J; Budd, H S; Budd, S; Burke, S; Burkett, K; Busetto, G; Bussey, P; Buzatu, A; Byrum, K L; Cabrera, S; Calancha, C; Campanelli, M; Campbell, M; Canelli, F; Canepa, A; Carls, B; Carlsmith, D; Carosi, R; Carrillo, S; Carron, S; Casal, B; Casarsa, M; Castro, A; Catastini, P; Cauz, D; Cavaliere, V; Cavalli-Sforza, M; Cerri, A; Cerrito, L; Chang, S H; Chen, Y C; Chertok, M; Chiarelli, G; Chlachidze, G; Chlebana, F; Cho, K; Chokheli, D; Chou, J P; Choudalakis, G; Chuang, S H; Chung, K; Chung, W H; Chung, Y S; Chwalek, T; Ciobanu, C I; Ciocci, M A; Clark, A; Clark, D; Compostella, G; Convery, M E; Conway, J; Cordelli, M; Cortiana, G; Cox, C A; Cox, D J; Crescioli, F; Cuenca Almenar, C; Cuevas, J; Culbertson, R; Cully, J C; Dagenhart, D; Datta, M; Davies, T; de Barbaro, P; De Cecco, S; Deisher, A; De Lorenzo, G; Dell'Orso, M; Deluca, C; Demortier, L; Deng, J; Deninno, M; Derwent, P F; Di Canto, A; di Giovanni, G P; Dionisi, C; Di Ruzza, B; Dittmann, J R; D'Onofrio, M; Donati, S; Dong, P; Donini, J; Dorigo, T; Dube, S; Efron, J; Elagin, A; Erbacher, R; Errede, D; Errede, S; Eusebi, R; Fang, H C; Farrington, S; Fedorko, W T; Feild, R G; Feindt, M; Fernandez, J P; Ferrazza, C; Field, R; Flanagan, G; Forrest, R; Frank, M J; Franklin, M; Freeman, J C; Furic, I; Gallinaro, M; Galyardt, J; Garberson, F; Garcia, J E; Garfinkel, A F; Garosi, P; Genser, K; Gerberich, H; Gerdes, D; Gessler, A; Giagu, S; Giakoumopoulou, V; Giannetti, P; Gibson, K; Gimmell, J L; Ginsburg, C M; Giokaris, N; Giordani, M; Giromini, P; Giunta, M; Giurgiu, G; Glagolev, V; Glenzinski, D; Gold, M; Goldschmidt, N; Golossanov, A; Gomez, G; Gomez-Ceballos, G; Goncharov, M; González, O; Gorelov, I; Goshaw, A T; Goulianos, K; Gresele, A; Grinstein, S; Grosso-Pilcher, C; Group, R C; Grundler, U; Guimaraes da Costa, J; Gunay-Unalan, Z; Haber, C; Hahn, K; Hahn, S R; Halkiadakis, E; Han, B-Y; Han, J Y; Happacher, F; Hara, K; Hare, D; Hare, M; Harper, S; Harr, R F; Harris, R M; Hartz, M; Hatakeyama, K; Hays, C; Heck, M; Heijboer, A; Heinrich, J; Henderson, C; Herndon, M; Heuser, J; Hewamanage, S; Hidas, D; Hill, C S; Hirschbuehl, D; Hocker, A; Hou, S; Houlden, M; Hsu, S-C; Huffman, B T; Hughes, R E; Husemann, U; Hussein, M; Huston, J; Incandela, J; Introzzi, G; Iori, M; Ivanov, A; James, E; Jang, D; Jayatilaka, B; Jeon, E J; Jha, M K; Jindariani, S; Johnson, W; Jones, M; Joo, K K; Jun, S Y; Jung, J E; Junk, T R; Kamon, T; Kar, D; Karchin, P E; Kato, Y; Kephart, R; Ketchum, W; Keung, J; Khotilovich, V; Kilminster, B; Kim, D H; Kim, H S; Kim, H W; Kim, J E; Kim, M J; Kim, S B; Kim, S H; Kim, Y K; Kimura, N; Kirsch, L; Klimenko, S; Knuteson, B; Ko, B R; Kondo, K; Kong, D J; Konigsberg, J; Korytov, A; Kotwal, A V; Kreps, M; Kroll, J; Krop, D; Krumnack, N; Kruse, M; Krutelyov, V; Kubo, T; Kuhr, T; Kulkarni, N P; Kurata, M; Kwang, S; Laasanen, A T; Lami, S; Lammel, S; Lancaster, M; Lander, R L; Lannon, K; Lath, A; Latino, G; Lazzizzera, I; LeCompte, T; Lee, E; Lee, H S; Lee, S W; Leone, S; Lewis, J D; Lin, C-S; Linacre, J; Lindgren, M; Lipeles, E; Lister, A; Litvintsev, D O; Liu, C; Liu, T; Lockyer, N S; Loginov, A; Loreti, M; Lovas, L; Lucchesi, D; Luci, C; Lueck, J; Lujan, P; Lukens, P; Lungu, G; Lyons, L; Lys, J; Lysak, R; MacQueen, D; Madrak, R; Maeshima, K; Makhoul, K; Maki, T; Maksimovic, P; Malde, S; Malik, S; Manca, G; Manousakis-Katsikakis, A; Margaroli, F; Marino, C; Marino, C P; Martin, A; Martin, V; Martínez, M; Martínez-Ballarín, R; Maruyama, T; Mastrandrea, P; Masubuchi, T; Mathis, M; Mattson, M E; Mazzanti, P; McFarland, K S; McIntyre, P; McNulty, R; Mehta, A; Mehtala, P; Menzione, A; Merkel, P; Mesropian, C; Miao, T; Miladinovic, N; Miller, R; Mills, C; Milnik, M; Mitra, A; Mitselmakher, G; Miyake, H; Moggi, N; Mondragon, M N; Moon, C S; Moore, R; Morello, M J; Morlock, J; Movilla Fernandez, P; Mülmenstädt, J; Mukherjee, A; Muller, Th; Mumford, R; Murat, P; Mussini, M; Nachtman, J; Nagai, Y; Nagano, A; Naganoma, J; Nakamura, K; Nakano, I; Napier, A; Necula, V; Nett, J; Neu, C; Neubauer, M S; Neubauer, S; Nielsen, J; Nodulman, L; Norman, M; Norniella, O; Nurse, E; Oakes, L; Oh, S H; Oh, Y D; Oksuzian, I; Okusawa, T; Orava, R; Osterberg, K; Pagan Griso, S; Pagliarone, C; Palencia, E; Papadimitriou, V; Papaikonomou, A; Paramonov, A A; Parks, B; Pashapour, S; Patrick, J; Pauletta, G; Paulini, M; Paus, C; Peiffer, T; Pellett, D E; Penzo, A; Phillips, T J; Piacentino, G; Pianori, E; Pinera, L; Pitts, K; Plager, C; Pondrom, L; Poukhov, O; Pounder, N; Prakoshyn, F; Pronko, A; Proudfoot, J; Ptohos, F; Pueschel, E; Punzi, G; Pursley, J; Rademacker, J; Rahaman, A; Ramakrishnan, V; Ranjan, N; Redondo, I; Renton, P; Renz, M; Rescigno, M; Richter, S; Rimondi, F; Ristori, L; Robson, A; Rodrigo, T; Rodriguez, T; Rogers, E; Rolli, S; Roser, R; Rossi, M; Rossin, R; Roy, P; Ruiz, A; Russ, J; Rusu, V; Rutherford, B; Saarikko, H; Safonov, A; Sakumoto, W K; Saltó, O; Santi, L; Sarkar, S; Sartori, L; Sato, K; Savoy-Navarro, A; Schlabach, P; Schmidt, A; Schmidt, E E; Schmidt, M A; Schmidt, M P; Schmitt, M; Schwarz, T; Scodellaro, L; Scribano, A; Scuri, F; Sedov, A; Seidel, S; Seiya, Y; Semenov, A; Sexton-Kennedy, L; Sforza, F; Sfyrla, A; Shalhout, S Z; Shears, T; Shepard, P F; Shimojima, M; Shiraishi, S; Shochet, M; Shon, Y; Shreyber, I; Sinervo, P; Sisakyan, A; Slaughter, A J; Slaunwhite, J; Sliwa, K; Smith, J R; Snider, F D; Snihur, R; Soha, A; Somalwar, S; Sorin, V; Spreitzer, T; Squillacioti, P; Stanitzki, M; St Denis, R; Stelzer, B; Stelzer-Chilton, O; Stentz, D; Strologas, J; Strycker, G L; Suh, J S; Sukhanov, A; Suslov, I; Suzuki, T; Taffard, A; Takashima, R; Takeuchi, Y; Tanaka, R; Tecchio, M; Teng, P K; Terashi, K; Thom, J; Thompson, A S; Thompson, G A; Thomson, E; Tipton, P; Ttito-Guzmán, P; Tkaczyk, S; Toback, D; Tokar, S; Tollefson, K; Tomura, T; Tonelli, D; Torre, S; Torretta, D; Totaro, P; Tourneur, S; Trovato, M; Tsai, S-Y; Tu, Y; Turini, N; Ukegawa, F; Vallecorsa, S; van Remortel, N; Varganov, A; Vataga, E; Vázquez, F; Velev, G; Vellidis, C; Vidal, M; Vidal, R; Vila, I; Vilar, R; Vine, T; Vogel, M; Volobouev, I; Volpi, G; Wagner, P; Wagner, R G; Wagner, R L; Wagner, W; Wagner-Kuhr, J; Wakisaka, T; Wallny, R; Wang, S M; Warburton, A; Waters, D; Weinberger, M; Weinelt, J; Wester, W C; Whitehouse, B; Whiteson, D; Wicklund, A B; Wicklund, E; Wilbur, S; Williams, G; Williams, H H; Wilson, P; Winer, B L; Wittich, P; Wolbers, S; Wolfe, C; Wright, T; Wu, X; Würthwein, F; Xie, S; Yagil, A; Yamamoto, K; Yamaoka, J; Yang, U K; Yang, Y C; Yao, W M; Yeh, G P; Yi, K; Yoh, J; Yorita, K; Yoshida, T; Yu, G B; Yu, I; Yu, S S; Yun, J C; Zanello, L; Zanetti, A; Zhang, X; Zheng, Y; Zucchelli, S


    We present the results of a search for Higgs bosons predicted in two-Higgs-doublet models, in the case where the Higgs bosons decay to tau lepton pairs, using 1.8 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity of pp collisions recorded by the CDF II experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron. Studying the mass distribution in events where one or both tau leptons decay leptonically, no evidence for a Higgs boson signal is observed. The result is used to infer exclusion limits in the two-dimensional space of tanbeta versus m(A) (the ratio of the vacuum expectation values of the two Higgs doublets and the mass of the pseudoscalar boson, respectively).

  10. Multi-Higgs doublet models: physical parametrization, sum rules and unitarity bounds (United States)

    Bento, Miguel P.; Haber, Howard E.; Romão, J. C.; Silva, João P.


    If the scalar sector of the Standard Model is non-minimal, one might expect multiple generations of the hypercharge-1/2 scalar doublet analogous to the generational structure of the fermions. In this work, we examine the structure of a Higgs sector consisting of N Higgs doublets (where N ≥ 2). It is particularly convenient to work in the so-called charged Higgs basis, in which the neutral Higgs vacuum expectation value resides entirely in the first Higgs doublet, and the charged components of remaining N - 1 Higgs doublets are mass-eigenstate fields. We elucidate the interactions of the gauge bosons with the physical Higgs scalars and the Goldstone bosons and show that they are determined by an N × 2 N matrix. This matrix depends on ( N - 1)(2 N - 1) real parameters that are associated with the mixing of the neutral Higgs fields in the charged Higgs basis. Among these parameters, N - 1 are unphysical (and can be removed by rephasing the physical charged Higgs fields), and the remaining 2( N - 1)2 parameters are physical. We also demonstrate a particularly simple form for the cubic interaction and some of the quartic interactions of the Goldstone bosons with the physical Higgs scalars. These results are applied in the derivation of Higgs coupling sum rules and tree-level unitarity bounds that restrict the size of the quartic scalar couplings. In particular, new applications to three Higgs doublet models with an order-4 CP symmetry and with a Z_3 symmetry, respectively, are presented.

  11. Higgs bosons and other mechanisms of mass generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konopleva, N. P.


    There are two problems under discuss here: 1) are Higgs bosons really necessary for the gauge field mass generation or not, and 2) why are Higgs bosons invisible in the elementary particles experiments? It is shown that in the frame of the classical Lagrangian gauge fields theory the transition from the usual variational problem to isoperimetric one permits us to conserve the local gauge invariance on the solutions of the massive gauge field theory equations. Hence in the massive gauge field theory we can have on the field equation solutions not only the conservation laws corresponding with the first Noether's theorem but Noether's identities corresponding with the second Noether's theorem also. Therefore the alternative renormalization procedure can exist which does not demand of Higgs bosons appearance in the massive gauge field theory for its renormalizability. The interpretation of Higgs mechanism as the phase transition mechanism is discussed. From this point of view the inexplicable absence of the individual Higgs bosons could be the result of the fact that the massive gauge field is the complex system of the massless gauge fields interacting with the condensate of Higgs bosons and quantum vortices in it. In this case the gauge field obtains the mass when the phase transition happens and after that the individual Higgs bosons can not be eliminated from the complex system

  12. Pseudoscalar boson and standard model-like Higgs boson productions at the LHC in the simplest little Higgs model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Lei; Han Xiaofang


    In the framework of the simplest little Higgs model, we perform a comprehensive study for the pair productions of the pseudoscalar boson η and standard model-like Higgs boson h at LHC, namely gg(bb)→ηη, gg(qq)→ηh, and gg(bb)→hh. These production processes provide a way to probe the couplings between Higgs bosons. We find that the cross section of gg→ηη always dominates over that of bb→ηη. When the Higgs boson h which mediates these two processes is on-shell, their cross sections can reach several thousand fb and several hundred fb, respectively. When the intermediate state h is off-shell, those two cross sections are reduced by 2 orders of magnitude, respectively. The cross sections of gg→ηh and qq→ηh are about in the same order of magnitude, which can reach O(10 2 fb) for a light η boson. Besides, compared with the standard model prediction, the cross section of a pair of standard model-like Higgs bosons production at LHC can be enhanced sizably. Finally, we briefly discuss the observable signatures of ηη, ηh, and hh at the LHC.

  13. Higgs Discovery in the Presence of Light CP-Odd Scalars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lisanti, Mariangela; Wacker, Jay G.; /SLAC /Stanford U., Phys. Dept.


    Many models of electroweak symmetry breaking have an additional light pseudoscalar. If the Higgs boson can decay to a new pseudoscalar, LEP searches for the Higgs can be significantly altered and the Higgs can be as light as 86 GeV. Discovering the Higgs boson in these models is challenging when the pseudoscalar is lighter than 10 GeV because it decays dominantly into tau leptons. In this paper, we discuss discovering the Higgs in a subdominant decay mode where one of the pseudoscalars decays to a pair of muons. This search allows for potential discovery of a cascade-decaying Higgs boson with the complete Tevatron data set or early data at the LHC.

  14. ATLAS Higgs Physics Prospects at the High Luminosity LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Varol, Tulin; The ATLAS collaboration


    The Higgs physics prospects at the high-luminosity LHC are presented, assuming an energy of $\\sqrt s = 14$ TeV and a data sample of 3000-4000 fb$^{-1}$. In particular, the ultimate precision attainable on the couplings measurements of the 125 GeV Higgs boson with SM fermions and bosons is discussed, as well as perspectives on the search for the Standard Model di-Higgs production, which could lead to the measurement of the Higgs boson self-coupling.

  15. Measurements of the Top-Higgs Coupling with the CMS Experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Mildner, Hannes

    The top-Higgs coupling is constrained using data measured with the CMS experiment in LHC Run 1 and 2. Constraints on anomalous top-Higgs couplings are derived by re-analyzing CMS Run 1 measurements. Furthermore, a search for Higgs production in association with a top-quark pair and Higgs-boson decays into b-quarks in Run 2 data is presented. Upper limits on ttH production are calculated and it is demonstrated that the analysis can also be used to constrain anomalous top-Higgs couplings.

  16. Interpreting the LHC Higgs search results in the MSSM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heinemeyer, S. [Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Santander (Spain); Staal, O.; Weiglein, G. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany)


    Recent results reported by the ATLAS and CMS experiments on the search for a SM-like Higgs boson both show an excess for a Higgs mass near 125 GeV, which is mainly driven by the {gamma}{gamma} and ZZ{sup *} decay channels, but also receives some support from channels with a lower mass resolution. We discuss the implications of this possible signal within the context of the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), taking into account previous limits from Higgs searches at LEP, the Tevatron and the LHC. The consequences for the remaining MSSM parameter space are investigated. Under the assumption of a Higgs signal we derive new lower bounds on the tree-level parameters of the MSSM Higgs sector. We also discuss briefly an alternative interpretation of the excess in terms of the heavy CP-even Higgs boson, a scenario which is found to be still viable. (orig.)

  17. Semialigned two Higgs doublet model (United States)

    Haba, Naoyuki; Umeeda, Hiroyuki; Yamada, Toshifumi


    In the left-right symmetric model based on S U (2 )L×S U (2 )R×U (1 )B -L gauge symmetry, there appear heavy neutral scalar particles mediating quark flavor changing neutral currents (FCNCs) at tree level. We consider a situation where such FCNCs give the only sign of the left-right model while WR gauge boson is decoupled, and name it "semialigned two Higgs doublet model" because the model resembles a two Higgs doublet model with mildly aligned Yukawa couplings to quarks. We predict a correlation among processes induced by quark FCNCs in the model, and argue that future precise calculation of meson-antimeson mixings and C P violation therein may hint at the semialigned two Higgs doublet model and the left-right model behind it.

  18. CP violation in supersymmetry, Higgs sector and the large hadron ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    I would then point out some interesting aspects of the phenomenology of a moderately light charged Higgs boson, consistent with the LEP constraints, in this scenario. Decay of such a charged Higgs boson would also allow a probe of a light (≲ 50 GeV), CP-violating (CPV) Higgs boson. Such a light neutral Higgs boson ...

  19. Rare decays of the Higgs boson with the CMS detector


    Marini, Andrea Carlo


    The CMS collaboration reports the latest update on the searches of invisible and rare decays of the Higgs boson. The searches for the standard model Higgs boson decaying into two muons, for the standard model Higgs boson decaying into $\\ell\\ell\\gamma$, and for invisible decay of the Higgs boson in the vector boson fusion production channel are presented.

  20. Radiative corrections to the Higgs couplings in the triplet model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The feature of extended Higgs models can appear in the pattern of deviations from the Standard Model (SM) predictions in coupling constants of the SM-like Higgs boson (h). We can thus discriminate extended Higgs models by precisely measuring the pattern of deviations in the coupling constants of h, even when extra bosons are not found directly. In order to compare the theoretical predictions to the future precision data at the ILC, we must evaluate the theoretical predictions with radiative corrections in various extended Higgs models. In this paper, we give our comprehensive study for radiative corrections to various Higgs boson couplings of h in the minimal Higgs triplet model (HTM). First, we define renormalization conditions in the model, and we calculate the Higgs coupling; gγγ, hWW, hZZ and hhh at the one loop level. We then evaluate deviations in coupling constants of the SM-like Higgs boson from the predictions in the SM. We find that one-loop contributions to these couplings are substantial as compared to their expected measurement accuracies at the ILC. Therefore the HTM has a possibility to be distinguished from the other models by comparing the pattern of deviations in the Higgs boson couplings.

  1. Higgs boson mass and new physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bezrukov, Fedor; Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY; Kalmykov, Mikhail Yu.; Kniehl, Bernd A.; Shaposhnikov, Mikhail


    We discuss the lower Higgs boson mass bounds which come from the absolute stability of the Standard Model (SM) vacuum and from the Higgs inflation, as well as the prediction of the Higgs boson mass coming from asymptotic safety of the SM. We account for the 3-loop renormalization group evolution of the couplings of the Standard Model and for a part of two-loop corrections that involve the QCD coupling α s to initial conditions for their running. This is one step above the current state of the art procedure (''one-loop matching-two-loop running''). This results in reduction of the theoretical uncertainties in the Higgs boson mass bounds and predictions, associated with the Standard Model physics, to 1-2 GeV. We find that with the account of existing experimental uncertainties in the mass of the top quark and α s (taken at 2σ level) the bound reads M H ≥ M min (equality corresponds to the asymptotic safety prediction), where M min =129±6 GeV. We argue that the discovery of the SM Higgs boson in this range would be in agreement with the hypothesis of the absence of new energy scales between the Fermi and Planck scales, whereas the coincidence of M H with M min would suggest that the electroweak scale is determined by Planck physics. In order to clarify the relation between the Fermi and Planck scale a construction of an electron-positron or muon collider with a center of mass energy ∝200+200 GeV (Higgs and t-quark factory) would be needed.

  2. Higgs boson mass and new physics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bezrukov, Fedor [Connecticut Univ., Storrs, CT (United States). Dept. of Physics; Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). RIKEN-BNL Research Center; Kalmykov, Mikhail Yu.; Kniehl, Bernd A. [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). 2. Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik; Shaposhnikov, Mikhail [Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland). Inst. de Theorie des Phenomenes Physiques


    We discuss the lower Higgs boson mass bounds which come from the absolute stability of the Standard Model (SM) vacuum and from the Higgs inflation, as well as the prediction of the Higgs boson mass coming from asymptotic safety of the SM. We account for the 3-loop renormalization group evolution of the couplings of the Standard Model and for a part of two-loop corrections that involve the QCD coupling {alpha}{sub s} to initial conditions for their running. This is one step above the current state of the art procedure (''one-loop matching-two-loop running''). This results in reduction of the theoretical uncertainties in the Higgs boson mass bounds and predictions, associated with the Standard Model physics, to 1-2 GeV. We find that with the account of existing experimental uncertainties in the mass of the top quark and {alpha}{sub s} (taken at 2{sigma} level) the bound reads M{sub H} {>=} M{sub min} (equality corresponds to the asymptotic safety prediction), where M{sub min}=129{+-}6 GeV. We argue that the discovery of the SM Higgs boson in this range would be in agreement with the hypothesis of the absence of new energy scales between the Fermi and Planck scales, whereas the coincidence of M{sub H} with M{sub min} would suggest that the electroweak scale is determined by Planck physics. In order to clarify the relation between the Fermi and Planck scale a construction of an electron-positron or muon collider with a center of mass energy {proportional_to}200+200 GeV (Higgs and t-quark factory) would be needed.

  3. Constructing co-Higgs bundles on CP^2


    Rayan, Steven


    On a complex manifold, a co-Higgs bundle is a holomorphic vector bundle with an endomorphism twisted by the tangent bundle. The notion of generalized holomorphic bundle in Hitchin's generalized geometry coincides with that of co-Higgs bundle when the generalized complex manifold is ordinary complex. Schwarzenberger's rank-2 vector bundle on the projective plane, constructed from a line bundle on the double cover CP^1 \\times CP^1 \\to CP^2, is naturally a co-Higgs bundle, with the twisted endom...

  4. Discovering uncolored naturalness in exotic Higgs decays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Curtin, David; Verhaaren, Christopher B.


    Solutions to the hierarchy problem usually require top partners. In standard SUSY or composite Higgs theories, the partners carry SM color and are becoming increasingly constrained by LHC searches. However, theories like Folded SUSY (FS), Twin Higgs (TH) and Quirky Little Higgs (QLH) introduce uncolored top partners, which can be SM singlets or carry electroweak charge. Their small production cross section left doubt as to whether the LHC can effectively probe such scenarios. Typically, these partners are charged under their own mirror color gauge group. In FS and QLH, the absence of light mirror matter allows glueballs to form at the bottom of the mirror spectrum. This is also the case in some TH realizations. The Higgs can decay to these mirror glueballs, with the glueballs decaying into SM particles with potentially observable lifetimes. We undertake the first detailed study of this glueball signature and quantitatively demonstrate the discovery potential of uncolored naturalness via exotic Higgs decays at the LHC and a potential future 100 TeV collider. Our findings indicate that mirror glueballs are the smoking gun signature of natural FS and QLH type theories, in analogy to tree-level Higgs coupling shifts for the TH. We show that glueball masses in the ∼10–60 GeV mass range are theoretically preferred. Careful treatment of lifetime, mirror-hadronization and nonperturbative uncertainties is required to perform meaningful collider studies. We outline several new search strategies for exotic Higgs decays of the form h→XX→4f at the LHC, with X having lifetimes in the 10μm to km range. We find that FS stops can be probed with masses up to 600 (1100) GeV at the LHC with 300 (3000) fb −1 of data, and TH top partners could be accessible with masses up to 900 (1500) GeV. This makes exotic Higgs decays the prime discovery channel for uncolored naturalness at the LHC.

  5. Signals of non-minimal Higgs sectors at future colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akeroyd, A.G.


    This thesis concerns study of extended Higgs sectors at future colliders. Such studies are well motivated since enlarged Higgs models are a necessity in many extensions of the Standard Model (SM), although these structures may be considered purely in the context of the SM, to be called the 'non-minimal SM'. The continuous theme of the thesis is the task of distinguishing between the (many) theoretically sound non-minimal Higgs sectors at forthcoming colliders. If a Higgs boson is found it is imperative to know from which model it originates. In particular, the possible differences between the Higgs sectors of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and the non-minimal SM are highlighted. (author)

  6. The correlation matrix of Higgs rates at the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arbey, Alexandre [Univ Lyon, Univ Lyon 1, ENS de Lyon, CNRS,Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon UMR5574,F-69230 Saint-Genis-Laval (France); Theoretical Physics Department, CERN,CH-1211 Geneva 23 (Switzerland); Fichet, Sylvain [ICTP-SAIFR & IFT-UNESP,Rua Dr. Bento Teobaldo Ferraz 271, Sao Paulo (Brazil); Mahmoudi, Farvah [Univ Lyon, Univ Lyon 1, ENS de Lyon, CNRS,Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon UMR5574,F-69230 Saint-Genis-Laval (France); Theoretical Physics Department, CERN,CH-1211 Geneva 23 (Switzerland); Moreau, Grégory [Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud 11, Bât. 210, F-91405 Orsay Cedex (France)


    The imperfect knowledge of the Higgs boson decay rates and cross sections at the LHC constitutes a critical systematic uncertainty in the study of the Higgs boson properties. We show that the full covariance matrix between the Higgs rates can be determined from the most elementary sources of uncertainty by a direct application of probability theory. We evaluate the error magnitudes and full correlation matrix on the set of Higgs cross sections and branching ratios at √s=7, 8, 13 and 14 TeV, which are provided in ancillary files. The impact of this correlation matrix on the global fits is illustrated with the latest 7+8 TeV Higgs dataset.

  7. Renormalization group flow of the Higgs potential. (United States)

    Gies, Holger; Sondenheimer, René


    We summarize results for local and global properties of the effective potential for the Higgs boson obtained from the functional renormalization group, which allows one to describe the effective potential as a function of both scalar field amplitude and renormalization group scale. This sheds light onto the limitations of standard estimates which rely on the identification of the two scales and helps in clarifying the origin of a possible property of meta-stability of the Higgs potential. We demonstrate that the inclusion of higher-dimensional operators induced by an underlying theory at a high scale (GUT or Planck scale) can relax the conventional lower bound on the Higgs mass derived from the criterion of absolute stability.This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Higgs cosmology'. © 2018 The Author(s).

  8. Higgs-photon resonances

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dobrescu, Bogdan A.; Fox, Patrick J.; Kearney, John [Fermilab, Theoretical Physics Department, Batavia, IL (United States)


    We study models that produce a Higgs boson plus photon (h{sup 0}γ) resonance at the LHC. When the resonance is a Z{sup '} boson, decays to h{sup 0}γ occur at one loop. If the Z{sup '} boson couples at tree level to quarks, then the h{sup 0}γ branching fraction is typically of order 10{sup -5} or smaller. Nevertheless, there are models that would allow the observation of Z{sup '} → h{sup 0}γ at √(s) = 13 TeV with a cross section times branching fraction larger than 1 fb for a Z{sup '} mass in the 200-450 GeV range, and larger than 0.1 fb for a mass up to 800 GeV. The one-loop decay of the Z{sup '} into lepton pairs competes with h{sup 0}γ, even if the Z{sup '} couplings to leptons vanish at tree level. We also present a model in which a Z{sup '} boson decays into a Higgs boson and a pair of collimated photons, mimicking an h{sup 0}γ resonance. In this model, the h{sup 0}γ resonance search would be the discovery mode for a Z{sup '} as heavy as 2 TeV. When the resonance is a scalar, although decay to h{sup 0}γ is forbidden by angular momentum conservation, the h{sup 0} plus collimated photons channel is allowed. We comment on prospects of observing an h{sup 0}γ resonance through different Higgs decays, on constraints from related searches, and on models where h{sup 0} is replaced by a nonstandard Higgs boson. (orig.)

  9. Higgs physics at the CLIC electron-positron linear collider

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abramowicz, H.; Benhammou, Y.; Borysov, O.; Kananov, S.; Levy, A.; Levy, I.; Rosenblat, O. [Tel Aviv University, Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv (Israel); Abusleme, A.; Diaz Gutierrez, M.A.; Vogel Gonzalez, M. [Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago (Chile); Afanaciev, K.; Makarenko, V.; Shumeiko, N. [Belarusian State University, National Scientific and Educational Centre of Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk (Belarus); Alipour Tehrani, N.; Dannheim, D.; Elsener, K.; Grefe, C.; Hauschild, M.; Hynds, D.; Klempt, W.; Kulis, S.; Linssen, L.; Maier, A.A.; Muenker, R.M.; Muennich, A.; Nikiforou, N.; Nuernberg, A.; Perez Codina, E.; Petric, M.; Pitters, F.; Poss, S.G.; Redford, S.; Roloff, P.; Sailer, A.; Schlatter, D.; Schulte, D.; Sicking, E.; Simoniello, R.; Stapnes, S.; Stroem, R.; Strube, J.; Weber, M.A. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Balazs, C.; Charles, T.K. [Monash University, Melbourne (Australia); Benoit, M.; Vicente Barreto Pinto, M. [Universite de Geneve, Departement de Physique Nucleaire et Corpusculaire (DPNC), Geneva (Switzerland); Bilki, B.; Demarteau, M.; Repond, J.; Weerts, H.; Xia, L. [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States); Blaising, J.J. [Laboratoire d' Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules, Annecy-le-Vieux (France); Boland, M.J.; Felzmann, U.; Rassool, R. [University of Melbourne, Melbourne (Australia); Boronat, M.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, I.; Ros, E.; Vos, M. [CSIC-University of Valencia, IFIC, Valencia (Spain); Bozovic-Jelisavcic, I.; Kacarevic, G.; Lukic, S.; Milutinovic-Dumbelovic, G.; Pandurovic, M. [University of Belgrade, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade (Serbia); Buckland, M.; Vossebeld, J. [University of Liverpool, Liverpool (United Kingdom); Bugiel, S.; Dasgupta, R.; Firlej, M.; Fiutowski, T.; Idzik, M.; Kopec, M.; Moron, J.; Swientek, K.P. [AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Crakow (Poland); Burrows, P.N. [Oxford University, Oxford (United Kingdom); Daniluk, W.; Krupa, B.; Kucharczyk, M.; Lesiak, T.; Moszczynski, A.; Pawlik, B.; Sopicki, P.; Wojton, T.; Zawiejski, L. [The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Crakow (Poland); Eigen, G.; Kraaij, E. van der [University of Bergen, Department of Physics and Technology, Bergen (Norway); Firu, E.; Ghenescu, V.; Neagu, A.T.; Preda, T.; Zgura, I.S. [Institute of Space Science, Bucharest (Romania); Gabriel, M.; Simon, F.; Szalay, M.; Tesar, M.; Kolk, N. van der; Weuste, L. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Munich (Germany); Gaede, F. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); DESY, Hamburg (Germany); Goldstein, J. [University of Bristol, Bristol (United Kingdom); Green, S.; Marshall, J.S.; Mei, K.; Thomson, M.A.; Xu, B. [University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge (United Kingdom); Hawkes, C.; Nikolopoulos, K.; Watson, M.; Watson, N.; Winter, A. [University of Birmingham, School of Physics and Astronomy, Birmingham (United Kingdom); Kalinowski, J.; Krawczyk, M.; Zarnecki, A.F. [University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw (Poland); Lastovicka, T. [Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague (Czech Republic); Martin, V.J. [University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (United Kingdom); Moya, D.; Ruiz-Jimeno, A.; Vila, I. [CSIC-University of Cantabria, IFCA, Santander (Spain); Peric, I. [Institut fuer Prozessdatenverarbeitung und Elektronik (IPE), Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe (Germany); Protopopescu, D.; Robson, A. [University of Glasgow, Glasgow (United Kingdom); Trenado, J. [University of Barcelona, Barcelona (ES); Uggerhoej, U.I. [Aarhus University, Aarhus (DK); Wells, J.D. [University of Michigan, Physics Department, Ann Arbor, MI (US)


    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is an option for a future e{sup +}e{sup -} collider operating at centre-of-mass energies up to 3 TeV, providing sensitivity to a wide range of new physics phenomena and precision physics measurements at the energy frontier. This paper is the first comprehensive presentation of the Higgs physics reach of CLIC operating at three energy stages: √(s) = 350 GeV, 1.4 and 3 TeV. The initial stage of operation allows the study of Higgs boson production in Higgsstrahlung (e{sup +}e{sup -} → ZH) and WW-fusion (e{sup +}e{sup -} → Hν{sub e} anti ν{sub e}), resulting in precise measurements of the production cross sections, the Higgs total decay width Γ{sub H}, and model-independent determinations of the Higgs couplings. Operation at √(s) > 1 TeV provides high-statistics samples of Higgs bosons produced through WW-fusion, enabling tight constraints on the Higgs boson couplings. Studies of the rarer processes e{sup +}e{sup -} → t anti tH and e{sup +}e{sup -} → HHν{sub e} anti ν{sub e} allow measurements of the top Yukawa coupling and the Higgs boson self-coupling. This paper presents detailed studies of the precision achievable with Higgs measurements at CLIC and describes the interpretation of these measurements in a global fit. (orig.)

  10. Recherche d'un Higgs doublement chargé à l'aide du détecteur ATLAS dans le cadre d'un Modèle de Symétrie Gauche-Droite

    CERN Document Server

    Ferland, Jonathan

    To be able to explain the fact that, in the Standard Mo del weak interactions only a ect left handed particles, it is possible to dev elop left - righ t symmetric mo dels, where the symmetry is brok en to explain the low energy spectrum. Some of these mo dels predict the existence of a doubly charged Higgs. With the future startup of the LHC, it would be possible to disco ver suc h a particle. The mo del we will discuss in this documen t uses two Higgs triplets to break the left - righ t symmetry . Those triplets imply the existence of ++ L and ++ R . We then study single pro duction by vector boson fusion and pair pro duction by a Drell-Y an pro cess for ++ L;R and their deca y in the ATLAS detector at LHC. Disco very poten tial of those particles will be tak en into accoun t for several deca y channels. We will concen trate on leptonic channels, because they pro vide clear signatures in a detector. Other mo des exist, but they are suppressed by kinematics. We nd that for vector boson fusion, the doubly ...

  11. Standard model Higgs physics at colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosca, A.


    In this report we briefly review the experimental status and prospects to verify the Higgs mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking. The focus is on the most relevant aspects of the phenomenology of the Standard Model Higgs boson at current (Tevatron) and future (Large Hadron Collider, LHC and International Linear Collider, ILC) particle colliders. We review the Standard Model searches: searches at the Tevatron, the program planned at the LHC and prospects at the ILC. Emphasis is put on what follows after a candidate discovery at the LHC: the various measurements which are necessary to precisely determine what the properties of this Higgs candidate are. (author)

  12. A correction to the width of heavy Higgs bosons: An addendum to radiative decay of heavy Higgs bosons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dicus, D.A.; Willenbrock, S.D.; Imbo, T.D.; Keung, W.Y.; Rizzo, T.G.


    We determine the width for radiative decay of heavy Higgs bosons H → W + W - γ for hard photons as a function of the Higgs boson mass and the photon-energy cutoff, and correct the result of a previous calculation

  13. Triple Higgs boson production in the linear collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferrera, Giancarlo; Guasch, Jaume; Lopez-Val, David; Sola, Joan


    Triple Higgs boson production (3H) may provide essential information to reconstruct the Higgs potential. We consider 3H-production in the International Linear Collider (ILC) both in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and in the general Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM). We compute the total cross-section for the various 3H final states, such as H + H - h 0 , H 0 A 0 h 0 , etc., and compare with the more traditional double Higgs (2H) boson production processes. While the cross-sections for the 2H final states lie within the same order of magnitude in both the MSSM and 2HDM, we find that for the 3H states the maximum 2HDM cross-sections, being of order 0.1 pb, are much larger than the MSSM ones which, in most cases, are of order 10 -6 pb or less. Actually, the 3H processes could be the dominant mechanism for Higgs boson production in the 2HDM. Ultimately, the origin of the remarkable enhancement of the 3H channels in the 2HDM case (for both type I and type II models) originates in the structure of the trilinear Higgs boson couplings. The extremely clean environment of the ILC should allow a relatively comfortable tagging of the three Higgs boson events. In view of the fact that the MSSM contribution is negligible, these events should manifest themselves mainly in the form of 6 heavy-quark jet final states. Some of these signatures could be spectacular, and in case of being detected would constitute strong evidence of an extended Higgs sector of non-supersymmetric origin

  14. Dal mondo del pressappoco all'universo della precisione

    CERN Document Server

    Koyré, Alexandre


    I temi affrontati in questo libro da uno dei più autorevoli storici della scienza, Alexandre Koyré, sono oggetto di un vivace interesse da parte della nostra cultura. Koyré discute qui l'origine, la natura e la valutazione delle macchine e degli strumenti scientifici, considerati nei loro riflessi umani e sociali, più ancora che nelle loro caratteristiche tecniche. La sua analisi chiarisce i termini di alcune questioni fondamentali per la storia della tecnologia e della scienza, e del loro rapporto storico; perché ad esempio la scienza greca, scopritrice di fondamentali principi poi applicati trionfalmente dalla fisica moderna, non abbia cercato di tradurli in innovazioni tecniche; perché i notevolissimi ritrovati tecnici delle civiltà orientali e del Medioevo abbiano fallito a questo scopo; perché la rivoluzione scientifica dell'età moderna ci abbia dato col suo concetto dell'esperienza gli strumenti che sono alla base della civiltà industriale; quale sia infine il rapporto tra tecnica e scienza pu...

  15. Higgs-Like Particle due to Revised Quantum Electrodynamics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lehnert B.


    Full Text Available A Higgs-like particle having zero net electric charge, zero spin, and a nonzero rest mass can be deduced from an earlier elaborated revised quantum electrodynamical theory which is based on linear symmetry breaking through a nonzero electric field divergence in the vacuum state. This special particle is obtained from a composite longitudinal solution based on a zero magnetic field strength and on a nonzero divergence but a vanishing curl of the electric field strength. The present theory further differs from that of the nonlinear spontaneously broken symmetry by Higgs, in which elementary particles obtain their masses through an interaction with the Higgs field. An experimental proof of the basic features of a Higgs-like particle thus supports the present theory, but does not for certain confirm the process which would generate massive particles through a Higgs field

  16. Higgs for the masses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The unified theory of electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force, crowned with the discovery at CERN in 1983 of the W and Z bosons which carry the weak nuclear force, is one of the great triumphs of modern physics. But the picture is not yet complete. An essential but still elusive ingredient is the so-called 'Higgs boson' (after Edinburgh theorist Peter Higgs), responsible for the vital symmetry breaking in the theory. This gives the carriers of the weak force mass, while the photon, the carrier of electromagnetism, is massless.

  17. Implications of a Light Higgs in Composite Models

    CERN Document Server

    Redi, Michele


    We study the Higgs mass in composite Higgs models with partial compositeness, extending the results of Ref. [1] to different representations of the composite sector for SO(5)/SO(4) and to the coset SO(6)/SO(5). For a given tuning we find in general a strong correlation between the mass of the top partners and the Higgs mass, akin to the one in supersymmetry. If the theory is natural a Higgs mass of 125 GeV typically requires fermionic partners below TeV which might be within the reach of the present run of LHC. A discussion of CP properties of both cosets is also presented.

  18. Baryogenesis and dark matter through a Higgs asymmetry. (United States)

    Servant, Géraldine; Tulin, Sean


    In addition to explaining the masses of elementary particles, the Higgs boson may have far-reaching implications for the generation of the matter content in the Universe. For instance, the Higgs boson plays a key role in two main theories of baryogenesis, namely, electroweak baryogenesis and leptogenesis. In this Letter, we propose a new cosmological scenario where the Higgs chemical potential mediates asymmetries between visible and dark matter sectors, either generating a baryon asymmetry from a dark matter asymmetry or vice versa. We illustrate this mechanism with a simple model with two new fermions coupled to the Higgs boson and discuss the associated signatures.

  19. The search for a heavy Higgs boson

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dawson, S.


    Theoretical limits on the mass of the Higgs boson from vacuum stability and perturbative unitarity are examined. Search techniques for heavy Higgs bosons, M/sub H/ > 200 GeV, are also reviewed. 8 refs., 5 figs

  20. Higgs bosons in the two-doublet model with CP violation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhmetzyanova, E.; Dolgopolov, M.; Dubinin, M.


    We consider the effective two-Higgs-doublet potential with complex parameters, when the CP invariance is broken both explicitly and spontaneously. The diagonal mass term in the local minimum of the potential is constructed for the physical basis of Higgs fields, keeping explicitly the limiting case of CP conservation, if the parameters are taken real. For the special case of the two-doublet Higgs sector of the minimal supersymmetric model, when CP invariance is violated by the Higgs bosons interaction with scalar quarks of the third generation, we calculate by means of the effective potential method the Higgs boson masses and evaluate the two-fermion Higgs boson decay widths and the widths of rare one-loop-mediated decays H→γγ, H→gg

  1. Academic Training Lecture: Higgs Boson Searches at Hadron Colliders

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Regular Programme 21, 22, 23 & 24 June 2010 from 11:00 to 12:00 - Main Auditorium, Bldg. 500-1-001 Higgs Boson Searches at Hadron Colliders by Dr. Karl Jakobs (University of Freiburg) In these Academic Training lectures, the phenomenology of Higgs bosons and search strategies at hadron colliders are discussed. After a brief introduction on Higgs bosons in the Standard Model and a discussion of present direct and indirect constraints on its mass the status of the theoretical cross section calculations for Higgs boson production at hadron colliders is reviewed. In the following lectures important experimental issues relevant for Higgs boson searches (trigger, measurements of leptons, jets and missing transverse energy) are presented. This is followed by a detailed discussion of the discovery potential for the Standard Model Higgs boson for both the Tevatron and the LHC experiments. In addition, various scenarios beyond the Standard Model, primarily the MSSM, are considered. Finally, the potential and ...

  2. Dirichlet Higgs in Extra-Dimension Consistent with Electroweak Data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naoyuki Habay; Kin-ya Odaz; Ryo Takahashi


    We propose a simple five-dimensional extension of the Standard Model (SM) without any Higgs potential nor any extra fields. A Higgs doublet lives in the bulk of a flat line segment and its boundary condition is Dirichlet at the ends of the line, which causes the electroweak symmetry breaking without Higgs potential. The vacuum expectation value of the Higgs is induced from the Dirichlet boundary condition which is generally allowed in higher dimensional theories. The lightest physical Higgs has non-flat profile in the extra dimension even though the vacuum expectation value is flat. As a consequence, we predict a maximal top Yukawa deviation (no coupling between top and Higgs) for the brane-localized fermion and a small deviation, a multiplication of 2√2/π ≅ 0.9 to the Yukawa coupling, for the bulk fermion. The latter is consistent with the electroweak precision data within 90% C.L. for 430 GeV ≤ m KK ≤ 500 GeV. (authors)

  3. Search for doubly-charged Higgs boson production at HERA (United States)

    H1 Collaboration; Aktas, A.; Andreev, V.; Anthonis, T.; Antunovic, B.; Aplin, S.; Asmone, A.; Astvatsatourov, A.; Babaev, A.; Backovic, S.; Baghdasaryan, A.; Baranov, P.; Barrelet, E.; Bartel, W.; Baudrand, S.; Baumgartner, S.; Becker, J.; Beckingham, M.; Behnke, O.; Behrendt, O.; Belousov, A.; Berger, N.; Bizot, J. C.; Boenig, M.-O.; Boudry, V.; Bracinik, J.; Brandt, G.; Brisson, V.; Bruncko, D.; Büsser, F. W.; Bunyatyan, A.; Buschhorn, G.; Bystritskaya, L.; Campbell, A. J.; Cassol-Brunner, F.; Cerny, K.; Cerny, V.; Chekelian, V.; Contreras, J. G.; Coughlan, J. A.; Cox, B. E.; Cozzika, G.; Cvach, J.; Dainton, J. B.; Dau, W. D.; Daum, K.; de Boer, Y.; Delcourt, B.; Del Degan, M.; de Roeck, A.; de Wolf, E. A.; Diaconu, C.; Dodonov, V.; Dubak, A.; Eckerlin, G.; Efremenko, V.; Egli, S.; Eichler, R.; Eisele, F.; Eliseev, A.; Elsen, E.; Essenov, S.; Falkewicz, A.; Faulkner, P. J. W.; Favart, L.; Fedotov, A.; Felst, R.; Feltesse, J.; Ferencei, J.; Finke, L.; Fleischer, M.; Flucke, G.; Fomenko, A.; Franke, G.; Frisson, T.; Gabathuler, E.; Garutti, E.; Gayler, J.; Gerlich, C.; Ghazaryan, S.; Ginzburgskaya, S.; Glazov, A.; Glushkov, I.; Goerlich, L.; Goettlich, M.; Gogitidze, N.; Gorbounov, S.; Grab, C.; Greenshaw, T.; Gregori, M.; Grell, B. R.; Grindhammer, G.; Gwilliam, C.; Haidt, D.; Hajduk, L.; Hansson, M.; Heinzelmann, G.; Henderson, R. C. W.; Henschel, H.; Herrera, G.; Hildebrandt, M.; Hiller, K. H.; Hoffmann, D.; Horisberger, R.; Hovhannisyan, A.; Hreus, T.; Hussain, S.; Ibbotson, M.; Ismail, M.; Jacquet, M.; Janauschek, L.; Janssen, X.; Jemanov, V.; Jönsson, L.; Johnson, D. P.; Jung, A. W.; Jung, H.; Kapichine, M.; Katzy, J.; Kenyon, I. R.; Kiesling, C.; Klein, M.; Kleinwort, C.; Klimkovich, T.; Kluge, T.; Knies, G.; Knutsson, A.; Korbel, V.; Kostka, P.; Krastev, K.; Kretzschmar, J.; Kropivnitskaya, A.; Krüger, K.; Landon, M. P. J.; Lange, W.; Laštovička-Medin, G.; Laycock, P.; Lebedev, A.; Leibenguth, G.; Lendermann, V.; Levonian, S.; Lindfeld, L.; Lipka, K.; Liptaj, A.; List, B.; List, J.; Lobodzinska, E.; Loktionova, N.; Lopez-Fernandez, R.; Lubimov, V.; Lucaci-Timoce, A.-I.; Lueders, H.; Lüke, D.; Lux, T.; Lytkin, L.; Makankine, A.; Malden, N.; Malinovski, E.; Mangano, S.; Marage, P.; Marshall, R.; Marti, L.; Martisikova, M.; Martyn, H.-U.; Maxfield, S. J.; Mehta, A.; Meier, K.; Meyer, A. B.; Meyer, H.; Meyer, J.; Michels, V.; Mikocki, S.; Milcewicz-Mika, I.; Milstead, D.; Mladenov, D.; Mohamed, A.; Moreau, F.; Morozov, A.; Morris, J. V.; Mozer, M. U.; Müller, K.; Murín, P.; Nankov, K.; Naroska, B.; Naumann, Th.; Newman, P. R.; Niebuhr, C.; Nikiforov, A.; Nowak, G.; Nowak, K.; Nozicka, M.; Oganezov, R.; Olivier, B.; Olsson, J. E.; Osman, S.; Ozerov, D.; Palichik, V.; Panagoulias, I.; Papadopoulou, T.; Pascaud, C.; Patel, G. D.; Peng, H.; Perez, E.; Perez-Astudillo, D.; Perieanu, A.; Petrukhin, A.; Pitzl, D.; Plačakytė, R.; Portheault, B.; Povh, B.; Prideaux, P.; Rahmat, A. J.; Raicevic, N.; Reimer, P.; Rimmer, A.; Risler, C.; Rizvi, E.; Robmann, P.; Roland, B.; Roosen, R.; Rostovtsev, A.; Rurikova, Z.; Rusakov, S.; Salvaire, F.; Sankey, D. P. C.; Sauvan, E.; Schätzel, S.; Schmidt, S.; Schmitt, S.; Schmitz, C.; Schoeffel, L.; Schöning, A.; Schultz-Coulon, H.-C.; Sefkow, F.; Shaw-West, R. N.; Sheviakov, I.; Shtarkov, L. N.; Sirois, Y.; Sloan, T.; Smirnov, P.; Soloviev, Y.; South, D.; Spaskov, V.; Specka, A.; Steder, M.; Stella, B.; Stiewe, J.; Stoilov, A.; Straumann, U.; Sunar, D.; Tchoulakov, V.; Thompson, G.; Thompson, P. D.; Toll, T.; Tomasz, F.; Traynor, D.; Truöl, P.; Tsakov, I.; Tsipolitis, G.; Tsurin, I.; Turnau, J.; Tzamariudaki, E.; Urban, K.; Urban, M.; Usik, A.; Utkin, D.; Valkárová, A.; Vallée, C.; van Mechelen, P.; Vargas Trevino, A.; Vazdik, Y.; Veelken, C.; Vinokurova, S.; Volchinski, V.; Wacker, K.; Weber, G.; Weber, R.; Wegener, D.; Werner, C.; Wessels, M.; Wessling, B.; Wissing, Ch.; Wolf, R.; Wünsch, E.; Xella, S.; Yan, W.; Yeganov, V.; Žáček, J.; Zálešák, J.; Zhang, Z.; Zhelezov, A.; Zhokin, A.; Zhu, Y. C.; Zimmermann, J.; Zimmermann, T.; Zohrabyan, H.; Zomer, F.


    A search for the single production of doubly-charged Higgs bosons H in ep collisions is presented. The signal is searched for via the Higgs decays into a high mass pair of same charge leptons, one of them being an electron. The analysis uses up to 118 pb-1 of ep data collected by the H1 experiment at HERA. No evidence for doubly-charged Higgs production is observed and mass dependent upper limits are derived on the Yukawa couplings h of the Higgs boson to an electron lepton pair. Assuming that the doubly-charged Higgs only decays into an electron and a muon via a coupling of electromagnetic strength h=4πα≃0.3, a lower limit of 141 GeV on the H mass is obtained at the 95% confidence level. For a doubly-charged Higgs decaying only into an electron and a tau and a coupling h≃0.3, masses below 112 GeV are ruled out.

  4. Higgs bosons in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model at the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellwanger, Ulrich


    We review possible properties of Higgs bosons in the NMSSM, which allow to discriminate this model from the MSSM: masses of mostly standard-model-like Higgs bosons at or above 140 GeV, or enhanced branching fractions into two photons, or Higgs-to-Higgs decays. In the case of a standard-model-like Higgs boson above 140 GeV, it is necessarily accompanied by a lighter state with a large gauge singlet component. Examples for such scenarios are presented. Available studies on Higgs-to-Higgs decays are discussed according to the various Higgs production modes, light Higgs masses and decay channels. (orig.)

  5. Higgs Working Group Report of the Snowmass 2013 Community Planning Study

    CERN Document Server

    Dawson, S; Logan, H; Qian, J; Tully, C; Van Kooten, R; Ajaib, A; Anastassov, A; Anderson, I; Bake, O; Barger, V; Barklow, T; Batell, B; Battaglia, M; Berge, S; Blondel, A; Bolognesi, S; Brau, J; Brownson, E; Cahill-Rowley, M; Calancha-Paredes, C; Chen, C -Y; Chou, W; Clare, R; Cline, D; Craig, N; Cranmer, K; de Gruttola, M; Elagin, A; Essig, R; Everett, L; Feng, E; Fujii, K; Gainer, J; Gao, Y; Gogoladze, I; Gori, S; Goncalo, R; Graf, N; Grojean, C; Guindon, S; Han, T; Hanson, G; Harnik, R; Heinemann, B; Heinemeyer, S; Heintz, U; Hewett, J; Ilchenko, Y; Ismail, A; Jain, V; Janot, P; Kawada, S; Kehoe, R; Klute, M; Kotwal, A; Krueger, K; Kukartsev, G; Kumar, K; Kunkle, J; Lewis, I; Li, Y; Linssen, L; Lipeles, E; Lipton, R; Liss, T; List, J; Liu, T; Liu, Z; Low, I; Ma, T; Mackenzie, P; Mellado, B; Melnikov, K; Moortgat-Pick, G; Mourou, G; Narain, M; Nielsen, J; Okada, N; Okawa, H; Olsen, J; Onyisi, P; Parashar, N; Peskin, M; Petriello, F; Plehn, T; Pollard, C; Potter, C; Prokofiev, K; Rauch, M; Rizzo, T; Robens, T; Rodriguez, V; Roloff, P; Ruiz, R; Sanz, V; Sayre, J; Shafi, Q; Shaughnessy, G; Sher, M; Simon, F; Solyak, N; Stupak, J; Su, S; Tanabe, T; Tajima, T; Telnov, V; Tian, J; Thomas, S; Thomson, M; Un, C; Velasco, M; Wagner, C; Wang, S; Whitbeck, A; Yao, W; Yokoya, H; Zenz, S; Zerwas, D; Zhang, Y; Zhou, Y


    This report summarizes the work of the Energy Frontier Higgs Boson working group of the 2013 Community Summer Study (Snowmass). We identify the key elements of a precision Higgs physics program and document the physics potential of future experimental facilities as elucidated during the Snowmass study. We study Higgs couplings to gauge boson and fermion pairs, double Higgs production for the Higgs self-coupling, its quantum numbers and $C\\!P$-mixing in Higgs couplings, the Higgs mass and total width, and prospects for direct searches for additional Higgs bosons in extensions of the Standard Model. Our report includes projections of measurement capabilities from detailed studies of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), a Gamma-Gamma Collider, the International Linear Collider (ILC), the Large Hadron Collider High-Luminosity Upgrade (HL-LHC), Very Large Hadron Colliders up to 100 TeV (VLHC), a Muon Collider, and a Triple-Large Electron Positron Collider (TLEP).

  6. Improved Limits for Higgs-Portal Dark Matter from LHC Searches. (United States)

    Hoferichter, Martin; Klos, Philipp; Menéndez, Javier; Schwenk, Achim


    Searches for invisible Higgs decays at the Large Hadron Collider constrain dark matter Higgs-portal models, where dark matter interacts with the standard model fields via the Higgs boson. While these searches complement dark matter direct-detection experiments, a comparison of the two limits depends on the coupling of the Higgs boson to the nucleons forming the direct-detection nuclear target, typically parametrized in a single quantity f_{N}. We evaluate f_{N} using recent phenomenological and lattice-QCD calculations, and include for the first time the coupling of the Higgs boson to two nucleons via pion-exchange currents. We observe a partial cancellation for Higgs-portal models that makes the two-nucleon contribution anomalously small. Our results, summarized as f_{N}=0.308(18), show that the uncertainty of the Higgs-nucleon coupling has been vastly overestimated in the past. The improved limits highlight that state-of-the-art nuclear physics input is key to fully exploiting experimental searches.

  7. Looking for New Naturally Aligned Higgs Doublets at the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Pilaftsis, Apostolos


    Since the current LHC Higgs data suggest the couplings of the observed 125 GeV Higgs boson to be close to the Standard Model (SM) expectations, any extended Higgs sector must lead to the so-called SM alignment limit, where one of the Higgs bosons behaves exactly like that of the SM. In the context of the Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM), this alignment is often associated with either decoupling of the heavy Higgs sector or accidental cancellations in the 2HDM potential. We present a novel symmetry justification for 'natural' alignment without necessarily decoupling or fine-tuning. We show that there exist only three different symmetry realizations of the natural alignment scenario in 2HDM. We analyze new collider signals for the heavy Higgs sector in the natural alignment limit, which dominantly lead to third-generation quarks in the final state and can serve as a useful observational tool during the Run-II phase of the LHC.

  8. Atomic quantum simulation of the lattice gauge-Higgs model: Higgs couplings and emergence of exact local gauge symmetry. (United States)

    Kasamatsu, Kenichi; Ichinose, Ikuo; Matsui, Tetsuo


    Recently, the possibility of quantum simulation of dynamical gauge fields was pointed out by using a system of cold atoms trapped on each link in an optical lattice. However, to implement exact local gauge invariance, fine-tuning the interaction parameters among atoms is necessary. In the present Letter, we study the effect of violation of the U(1) local gauge invariance by relaxing the fine-tuning of the parameters and showing that a wide variety of cold atoms is still a faithful quantum simulator for a U(1) gauge-Higgs model containing a Higgs field sitting on sites. The clarification of the dynamics of this gauge-Higgs model sheds some light upon various unsolved problems, including the inflation process of the early Universe. We study the phase structure of this model by Monte Carlo simulation and also discuss the atomic characteristics of the Higgs phase in each simulator.

  9. Very light Higgs bosons in extended models at the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belyaev, Alexander; Guedes, Renato; Santos, Rui; Moretti, Stefano


    The Large Electron-Positron (LEP) collider experiments have constrained the mass of the standard model (SM) Higgs boson to be above 114.4 GeV. This bound applies to all extensions of the SM where the coupling of a Higgs boson to the Z boson and also the Higgs decay profile do not differ much from the SM one. However, in scenarios with extended Higgs sectors, this coupling can be made very small by a suitable choice of the parameters of the model. In such cases, the lightest CP-even Higgs boson mass can in turn be made very small. Such a very light Higgs state, with a mass of the order of the Z boson one or even smaller, could have escaped detection at LEP. In this work we perform a detailed parton level study on the feasibility of the detection of such a very light Higgs particle at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the production process pp→hj→τ + τ - j, where j is a resolved jet. We conclude that there are several models where such a Higgs state could be detected at the LHC with early data.

  10. Review of Physics Results from the Tevatron: Higgs Boson Physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Junk, Thomas R.; Juste, Aurelio


    We review the techniques and results of the searches for the Higgs boson performed by the two Tevatron collaborations, CDF and DO. The Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model was sought in the mass range 90 GeVHiggs boson with a mass in the range 115 GeVHiggs boson mass of m H =125 GeV, studies of Higgs boson properties were performed, including measurements of the product of the cross section times branching the ratio in various production and decay modes, constraints on Higgs boson couplings to fermions and vector bosons, and tests of spin and parity. We also summarize the results of searches for supersymmetric Higgs bosons, and Higgs bosons in other extensions of the Standard Model

  11. Higgs mass upper bound in the O(4) approximation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, L.


    In this paper the theoretical breakdown of the minimal standard model in four dimension is investigated when the mass of the Higgs particle is larger than the weak interaction scale. The triviality arguement for an upper bound on the Higgs mass is made quantitative on the lattice in large scale simulations of the spontaneously broken Higgs sector. The authors obtain an upper bound m H ≅640 GeV on the Higgs mass at a dimensionless correlation length ξ = 2 in lattice units.units

  12. Abelian versus non-abelian Higgs model in three dimensions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buchmueller, W.; Philipsen, O.


    We study the phase structure of the abelian Higgs model in three dimensions based on perturbation theory and a set of gauge independent gap equations for Higgs boson and vector boson masses. Contrary to the non-abelian Higgs model, the vector boson mass vanishes in the symmetric phase. In the Higgs phase the gap equations yield masses consistent with perturbation theory. The phase transition is first-order for small values of the scalar self-coupling λ, where the employed loop expansion is applicable. (orig.)

  13. Tadpole-induced electroweak symmetry breaking and pNGB Higgs models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harnik, Roni; Howe, Kiel; Kearney, John [Theoretical Physics Department, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510 (United States)


    We investigate induced electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) in models in which the Higgs is a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson (pNGB). In pNGB Higgs models, Higgs properties and precision electroweak measurements imply a hierarchy between the EWSB and global symmetry-breaking scales, v{sub H}≪f{sub H}. When the pNGB potential is generated radiatively, this hierarchy requires fine-tuning to a degree of at least ∼v{sub H}{sup 2}/f{sub H}{sup 2}. We show that if Higgs EWSB is induced by a tadpole arising from an auxiliary sector at scale f{sub Σ}≪v{sub H}, this tuning is significantly ameliorated or can even be removed. We present explicit examples both in Composite Higgs models based on SO(5)/SO(4) and in Twin Higgs models. For the Twin case, the result is a fully natural model with f{sub H}∼1 TeV and the lightest colored top partners at 2 TeV. These models also have an appealing mechanism to generate the scales of the auxiliary sector and Higgs EWSB directly from the scale f{sub H}, with a natural hierarchy f{sub Σ}≪v{sub H}≪f{sub H}∼TeV. The framework predicts modified Higgs coupling as well as new Higgs and vector states at LHC13.

  14. Prospects for Higgs physics at energies up to 100 TeV. (United States)

    Baglio, Julien; Djouadi, Abdelhak; Quevillon, Jérémie


    We summarize the prospects for Higgs boson physics at future proton-proton colliders with centre of mass (c.m.) energies up to 100 TeV. We first provide the production cross sections for the Higgs boson of the Standard Model from 13 TeV to 100 TeV, in the main production mechanisms and in subleading but important ones such as double Higgs production, triple production and associated production with two gauge bosons or with a single top quark. We then discuss the production of Higgs particles in beyond the Standard Model scenarios, starting with the one in the continuum of a pair of scalar, fermionic and vector dark matter particles in Higgs-portal models in various channels with virtual Higgs exchange. The cross sections for the production of the heavier CP-even and CP-odd neutral Higgs states and the charged Higgs states in two-Higgs doublet models, with a specific study of the case of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, are then given. The sensitivity of a 100 TeV proton machine to probe the new Higgs states is discussed and compared to that of the LHC with a c.m. energy of 14 TeV and at high luminosity.

  15. New signatures of flavor violating Higgs couplings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buschmann, Malte; Kopp, Joachim; Liu, Jia; Wang, Xiao-Ping [PRISMA Cluster of Excellence and Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics,Johannes Gutenberg University, 55099 Mainz (Germany)


    We explore several novel LHC signatures arising from quark or lepton flavor violating couplings in the Higgs sector, and we constrain such couplings using LHC data. Since the largest signals are possible in channels involving top quarks or tau leptons, we consider in particular the following flavor violating processes: (1) pp→thh (top plus di-Higgs final state) arising from a dimension six coupling of up-type quarks to three insertions of the Higgs field. We develop a search strategy for this final state and demonstrate that detection is possible at the high luminosity LHC if flavor violating top-up-Higgs couplings are not too far below the current limit. (2) pp→tH{sup 0}, where H{sup 0} is the heavy neutral CP-even Higgs boson in a two Higgs doublet model (2HDM). We consider the decay channels H{sup 0}→tu,WW,ZZ,hh and use existing LHC data to constrain the first three of them. For the fourth, we adapt our search for the thh final state, and we demonstrate that in large regions of the parameter space, it is superior to other searches, including searches for flavor violating top quark decays (t→hq). (3) H{sup 0}→τμ, again in the context of a 2HDM. This channel is particularly well motivated by the recent CMS excess in h→τμ, and we use the data from this search to constrain the properties of H{sup 0}.

  16. Light Higgs production at the Compton Collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jikia, G.; Soeldner-Rembold, S.


    We have studied the production of a light Higgs boson with a mass of 120 GeV in photon-photon collisions at a Compton collider. The event generator for the backgrounds to a Higgs signal due to b-barb and c-barc heavy quark pair production in polarized γγ collisions is based on a complete next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative QCD calculation. For J z = 0 the large double-logarithmic corrections up to four loops are also included. It is shown that the two-photon width of the Higgs boson can be measured with high statistical accuracy of about 2% for integrated γγ luminosity in the hard part of the spectrum of 40 fb -1 . As a result the total Higgs boson width can be calculated in a model independent way to an accuracy of about 14%

  17. Light Higgs production at a photon collider

    CERN Document Server

    Söldner-Rembold, S


    We present a preliminary study of the production of a light Higgs boson with a mass between 120 and 160 GeV in photon-photon collisions at a Compton collider. The event generator for the backgrounds to a Higgs signal due to b-barb and c-barc heavy quark pair production in polarized gamma gamma collisions is based on a complete next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative QCD calculation. For J sub z =0 the large double-logarithmic corrections up to four loops are also included. It is shown that the two-photon width of the Higgs boson can be measured with high statistical accuracy of about 2-10% for integrated gamma gamma luminosity in the hard part of the spectrum of 43 fb sup - sup 1. From this result the total Higgs boson width can be derived in a model independent way.

  18. Axionic landscape for Higgs coupling near-criticality (United States)

    Cline, James M.; Espinosa, José R.


    The measured value of the Higgs quartic coupling λ is peculiarly close to the critical value above which the Higgs potential becomes unstable, when extrapolated to high scales by renormalization group running. It is tempting to speculate that there is an anthropic reason behind this near-criticality. We show how an axionic field can provide a landscape of vacuum states in which λ scans. These states are populated during inflation to create a multiverse with different quartic couplings, with a probability distribution P that can be computed. If P is peaked in the anthropically forbidden region of Higgs instability, then the most probable universe compatible with observers would be close to the boundary, as observed. We discuss three scenarios depending on the Higgs vacuum selection mechanism: decay by quantum tunneling, by thermal fluctuations, or by inflationary fluctuations.

  19. Higgs-Stoponium Mixing Near the Stop-Antistop Threshold

    CERN Document Server

    Bodwin, Geoffrey T; Wagner, Carlos E M


    Supersymmetric extensions of the standard model contain additional heavy neutral Higgs bosons that are coupled to heavy scalar top quarks (stops). This system exhibits interesting field theoretic phenomena when the Higgs mass is close to the stop-antistop production threshold. Existing work in the literature has examined the digluon-to-diphoton cross section near threshold and has focused on enhancements in the cross section that might arise either from the perturbative contributions to the Higgs-to-digluon and Higgs-to-diphoton form factors or from mixing of the Higgs boson with stoponium states. Near threshold, enhancements in the relevant amplitudes that go as inverse powers of the stop-antistop relative velocity require resummations of perturbation theory and/or nonperturbative treatments. We present a complete formulation of threshold effects at leading order in the stop-antistop relative velocity in terms of nonrelativistic effective field theory. We give detailed numerical calculations for the case in ...

  20. Higgs measurements in the diboson final state

    CERN Document Server

    Nomidis, Ioannis; The ATLAS collaboration


    This article summarises recent measurements of the Higgs boson properties using its diboson final states performed with 36.1 fb$^{−1}$ of data collected with the ATLAS detector in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC. Two most recent results are highlighted: the measurement of the Higgs production cross-section from gluon-gluon fusion and vector-boson-fusion modes with the $H \\to WW^*$ decay and also a measurement of the Higgs boson production combining the differential cross-sections of $H \\to ZZ^∗$ and $H \\to \\gamma\\gamma$ decay channels.