
Sample records for especies vegetales nicotiana

  1. Tolerancia experimental de las especies vegetales Nicotiana glauca, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Tecoma stans, Medicago sativa y Spinacea oleracea al boro, en Argentina

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    Marta L. de Viana


    Full Text Available La actividad de las industrias borateras constituye una fuente puntual y difusa de contaminación del aire, suelo y aguas superficiales y profundas. Por lo tanto, el estudio y experimentación acerca de las posibles formas de contrarrestar este impacto constituye una prioridad. Una técnica relativamente nueva para descontaminar suelos es la fitorremediación, que emplea plantas y microorganismos asociados. El primer paso es detectar las especies vegetales tolerantes, lo que constituye el objetivo de este trabajo. Se realizó un experimento en laboratorio para evaluar la germinación, la supervivencia y el crecimiento de distintas especies en diferentes concentraciones de boro. Al comienzo y al final del experimento se determinó la concentración de boro en el sustrato para cada tratamiento y para sustratos con y sin vegetación. Se encontraron diferencias significativas debidas al tratamiento, la especie y la interacción especie *tratamiento. M. sativa, N. glauca y J. mimosifolia fueron las especies de mayor tolerancia al boro. Las otras especies presentaron una disminución en todas las variables-respuesta en función de la concentración del contaminante. Todas presentaron una baja supervivencia en la máxima concentración. La disminución de boro fue máxima en el tratamiento de 30 ppm de boro con M. sativa y la menor se registró en los tratamiento de 20 ppm de boro con J. mimosifolia y de 30 ppm de boro con T. stans y S. oleraceae. Se concluye que N. glauca, M. sativa y J. mimosifolia podrían considerarse como prometedoras en remediación.Experimental tolerance to boron of the plant species Nicotiana glauca, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Tecoma stans, Medicago sativa y Spinacea oleracea in Argentina. The activity of boron industries is a punctual and diffuse source of air, soil and water pollution. Therefore, it is a priority to study possible ways of reducing this impact. A relatively new technology for reducing soil pollution is

  2. El uso de especies vegetales exóticas como una estrategia de restauración ecológica


    Maglianesi Sandoz, Maria Alejandra


    El presente artículo describe el desarrollo de programas de reforestación en Costa Rica y el uso de especies vegetales exóticas para la recuperación de tierras degradadas en los trópicos. Se lleva a cabo un análisis de las ventajas y desventajas del uso de estas especies en programas de restauración ecológica.

  3. La problemática de las especies vegetales invasoras en las Antillas: el caso de Martinica

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    Jospeh Philippe


    Full Text Available La introducción de plantas es un fenómeno antiguo y consustancial a la historia de la humanidad. Los viajes y las conquistas de nuevas tierras permitieron la diseminación de las especies a partir de su lugar de domesticación. La migración de algunos pueblos está estrechamente ligada a la de los vegetales que son necesarios para su supervivencia. La epopeya amerindia en la cuenca del Caribe que originó la introducción de numerosas especies vegetales útiles, es un ejemplo elocuente. En las Antillas Menores, desde el inicio de la colonización hasta nuestros días, a las especies exógenas se les agregaron diversos taxos pantropicales. Las introducciones sucesivas se debieron al aumento de los intercambios sobre todo agrícolas, a los intereses económicos crecientes relacionados con las producciones hortícolas, y a la recrudescencia de las colecciones de vegetales en los jardines botánicos así como en los conservatorios botánicos y en otros espacios verdes o paisajísticos. Al contrario de lo que sucede en algunas islas tropicales, donde las plantas introducidas ocasionan un verdadero desastre ecológico, las Antillas Menores, a pesar de una fuerte antropización y de importaciones de vegetales exógenos, parecen estar protegidas contra las invasiones florísticas. Pocas especies se lanzan a la aventura en el medio natural. Los motivos de esa aparente resistencia ecosistémica son desconocidos hoy en día. Por ser transitoria esta situación, resulta necesario considerar el riesgo ecológico acarreado por este proceso de invasión vegetal en esos espacios insulares exiguos. En este artículo, intentaremos echar las primeras bases para una comprensión de las relaciones existentes entre las especies introducidas, de las cuales algunas son potencialmente invasoras, y la vegetación natural.For many human communities, their migratory process depends heavily on food plants edible for the daily diet. The history of the Indians of America

  4. Evaluación de especies vegetales para el manejo de la acidez en suelos sulfatados ácidos de Paipa, Boyacá


    Bernal Figueroa, Andrea Angélica; Forero Ulloa, Fabio Emilio


    Los suelos sulfatados ácidos se caracterizan por contener altas cantidades de hierro y azufre, que en presencia de aire se oxidan y forman horizontes sulfúricos extremadamente ácidos, los cuales generan alteraciones ambientales que van desde la contaminación hídrica hasta problemas asociados con su fertilidad y producción de cultivos, entre otros. Esta investigación se realizó con el fin de identificar especies vegetales adecuadas para el manejo de la acidez de estos suelos en el municipio de...

  5. Aceites vegetales de uso frecuente en Sudamérica: características y propiedades


    Durán Agüero, Samuel; Torres García, Jairo; Sanhueza Catalán, Julio


    El consumo de aceites vegetales se ha incrementado en las últimas décadas en nuestra sociedad y son parte importante de la dieta en todo el mundo. Sudamérica es un gran productor de diferentes aceites vegetales. La composición de los aceites vegetales no es estándar, ya que varía considerablemente en el aporte de ácidos grasos saturados, monoinsaturados y poliinsaturados, y particularmente en el aporte de ácidos grasos omega-6 y omega-3, asociado a la fuente de origen, ya sea especie vegetal,...

  6. Influencia de la heterogeneidad edáfica y de la topografía en la composición de especies vegetales sobre escombreras mineras de carbón del norte de España


    López Marcos, Daphne


    La restauración de escombreras mineras es un reto para los profesionales de este campo y comprender sus limitaciones ecológicas es un requisito para garantizar una restauración exitosa, por ello se plantea evaluar la influencia de la heterogeneidad edáfica y topográfica en la composición de especies vegetales en una ladera de una mina de carbón restaurada, donde se distinguieron dos comunidades vegetales (pastizal-matorral) y se compararon con una comunidad forestal vecina. Se encontraron dif...

  7. Especies vegetales empleadas en la insalivación de hojas de “coca” (Erythroxylum coca var. Coca, Erythroxylaceae

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    Norma I. Hilgert


    Full Text Available Hilgert, N. I. 2000. Especies vegetales empleadas en la insalivación de hojas de “coca”(Erythroxylum coca var. coca, Erythroxylaceae. Darwiniana 38(3-4: 241-252.El estudio se desarrolló en comunidades campesinas de la selva nublada, en la alta cuenca del ríoBermejo, Provincia de Salta, Argentina con el objeto de documentar el uso de plantas involucradas en laelaboración de “yista”. “Yista” es el nombre asignado a las sustancias alcalinas utilizadas durante lainsalivación de hojas de coca (Erythroxylum coca Lam. var. coca. Para la obtención de la “yista” lasplantas seleccionadas deben ser incineradas. Se registraron veintisiete especies nativas y cinco exóticasempleadas, en el presente o en el pasado, para preparar “yista”. Se mencionan los nombres científicos yvulgares y las porciones de la planta utilizadas, y la comunidad donde se registró el uso. Se describe eilustra el modo de preparar “yista”

  8. Una aproximación al proceso de domesticación de Vegetales con referencia especial a los frutales En la amazonia colombiana

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    Quevedo Enrique


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    Se analiza la importancia de la Amazonía como reservaría de recursos genéticos vegetales, particularmente desde el punto de vista agroforestal. Se enumeran especies nativas potencialmente útiles como frutas, nueces, fuentes de aceite o de madera, con base en el conocimiento generado por los indígenas.


  9. Experimental tolerance to boron of the plant species Nicotiana glauca, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Tecoma stans, Medicago sativa y Spinacea oleracea in Argentina; Tolerancia experimental de las especies vegetales Nicotiana glauca, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Tecoma stans, Medicago sativa y Spinacea oleracea al boro, en Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viana, Marta L. de; Albarracin Franco, Silvia [Univ. Nacional de Salta, Inst. de Ecologia y Ambiente Humano, CIUNSa, Buenos Aires No. 177, 4400, Salta (Argentina)], E-mail:


    The activity of the borate deposits industries constitutes a point source and diffuse pollution of air, soil and water. Therefore, the study and experimentation on possible ways to offset this impact is a priority. A relatively new technique to decontaminate soils is phytoremediation, which uses plants and associated microorganisms. The first step is to identify tolerant plant species, which is the focus of this work. An experiment was conducted in the laboratory to evaluate the germination, survival and growth of different species in different concentrations of boron. At the beginning and end of the experiment was determined concentration of boron in the substrate for each treatment and for substrates with and without vegetation. Significant differences due to treatment, the species and species-treatment interaction. M. sativa, N. glauca and J. mimosifolia were the species most tolerant to boron. The other species showed a decrease in all variables-response function of the concentration of the contaminant. All had low survival in the highest concentration. The decrease of boron was highest in the treatment of 30 ppm of boron with M. sativa and the lowest was recorded in the treatment of 20 ppm of boron with J. mimosifolia and 30 ppm of boron with T. stans and S. oleracea. It is concluded that N. glauca, M. sativa and J. mimosifolia could be considered as promising remediation. (author) [Spanish] La actividad de las industrias borateras constituye una fuente puntual y difusa de contaminacion del aire, suelo y aguas superficiales y profundas. Por lo tanto, el estudio y experimentacion acerca de las posibles formas de contrarrestar este impacto constituye una prioridad. Una tecnica relativamente nueva para descontaminar suelos es la fitorremediacion, que emplea plantas y microorganismos asociados. El primer paso es detectar las especies vegetales tolerantes, lo que constituye el objetivo de este trabajo. Se realizo un experimento en laboratorio para evaluar la

  10. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales

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    Rosario Silva Gilli


    Full Text Available Contenido: Las creaciones en la agricultura. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales. El Convenio Internacional para la protección de las obtenciones vegetales (París 1961 y sus revisiones de Ginebra 1972, 1978,1991 Objeto de la protección legal. Condiciones del cultivar. Alcance de la protección. La protección de obtenciones vegetales en el Mercosur. Los Derechos de autor en el Mercosur. El Protocolo de Armonización de normas sobre Propiedad Intelectual en el Mercosur. El Acuerdo de Cooperación y facilitación sobre la protección de las obtenciones vegetales en los Estados Partes del Mercosur.  Alcance de la normativa Mercosur. Los Derechos sobre cultivares en Uruguay. Los Derechos de autor como derechos humanos. ¿Derechos de autor vs. derecho de propiedad intelectual? Reflexión final

  11. Tres lustros de investigaciones en la Estación Biológica Archbold (Florida, Estados Unidos) sobre demografía y conservación de especies vegetales endémicas de Florida


    Menges, Eric S.; Quintana Ascencio, Pedro Francisco


    El laboratorio de Ecología Vegetal en la Estación Biológica Archbold incide en el estudio demográfico a largo plazo, la ecología del fuego y la biología de la conservación en el Matorral de Florida, una comunidad rica en especies endémicas. El fuego es el disturbio natural dominante, y hemos documentado las respuestas de las comunidades vegetales, las estrategias de vida y los patrones demográficos de varias especies en relación con el fuego. Hemos estudiado la ecología de poblaci...

  12. Factor de la reflectancia bi-cónica en especies vegetales contrastantes: modelación de los ángulos cenitales

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    Alejandro Cano González


    Full Text Available La información multi-angular de las reflectancias de las clases de la vegetación natural ha sido planteada, para su discriminación, bajo diferentes enfoques de caracterización. Aunque en apariencia este enfoque permite definir en forma confiable firmas espectrales multi-angulares típicas, su uso generalizado no ha sido analizado. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de los efectos del ángulo cenital de visión e iluminación en las reflectancias y se valida en un conjunto de experimentos de ocho especies vegetales con arquetipos contrastantes más suelo desnudo, bajo condiciones de iluminación-visión bi-cónicas. Los resultados muestran que el modelo propuesto es robusto y confiable, por lo que puede usarse en forma operacional. Los análisis realizados para el efecto del suelo y la densidad de plantas muestran que hay importantes zonas de confusión (traslape de información entre las especies, al considerar efectos combinados para diferentes ángulos acimutales. Estos resultados ponen en duda el uso en forma generalizada de la información espectral multi-angular y solo justifican este enfoque de clasificación si se dejan fijos el fondo de la vegetación y la densidad de plantas (cantidad de follaje.

  13. Formaciones Vegetales del Departamento de Antioquia

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    Espinal Luis Sigifredo


    Full Text Available Se presenta en este trabajo un estudio del Departamento de Antioquia, de acuerdo con el sistema de Holdridge para la clasificación de las formaciones vegetales. La formación, según Holdrige es la división más grande de vegetación, está determinada por la interacción de la precipitación y la biotemperatura y se caracteriza por su fisonomía. Las doce formaciones vegetales que se encuentran en Antioquia se identificaron en el campo por la fisionomía de la vegetación natural. Para esto fue necesario viajar por todo el Departamento, interpretar los cambios producidos en la vegetación por la interferencia humana y las relaciones con las diferentes condiciones edáticas y atmosféricas, considerándose también los distintos registros de lluvia y temperatura disponibles. Durante los viajes se identificó y coleccionó parte de la vegetación dominante para presentar aquí la lista de las principales especies que crecen en cada formación y la caracterización. Además se tomaron varias medidas de los distintos bosques naturales correspondientes a cada formación las cuales sirvieron para dibujar los perfiles que aparecen en el presente estudio. Además de la descripción de cada formación y de su localización geográfica e importancia económica, el trabajo comprende su representación cartográfica en un mapa de escala 1.500.000.

  14. Evaluación parasitológica de cuatro especies de vegetales utilizados en establecimientos de “comida rápida” en Coro, Falcón, Venezuela

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    Dalmiro Cazorla Perfetti


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, existe un incremento del consumo de comida fuera del núcleo familiar. Sin embargo, los vegetales que se consumen crudos en los establecimientos de “comida rápida” son un vehículo potencial para adquirir parásitos intestinales de interés médico-zoonótico. Entre enero y mayo de 2009, se evaluaron parasitológicamente mediante lavado con agua destilada estéril + Tween® 20 al 20 %, sedimentación espontánea por 24 horas, centrifugación y la observación microscópica de tinciones de lugol y Kinyoun, 45 muestras de vegetales correspondientes a 3 especies (tomate, lechuga, repollo y una mezcla (repollo + zanahoria de hortalizas, las cuales se obtuvieron al azar en 34 establecimientos de “comida rápida” de la ciudad de Coro, Estado Falcón, Venezuela. Se detectó una prevalencia global del 77,78 % (35/45, siendo el repollo (100 % y la lechuga (80 % las hortalizas que presentaron mayores porcentajes de contaminación parasitaria. Los parásitos intestinales más frecuentemente observados fueron: Entamoeba histolytica/dispar/moshkovskii (22,22 %, Blastocystis sp. (22,22 %, Giardia sp. (20,00 % y los Ancylostomídeos (13,33 %. No se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa y directa entre los porcentajes de contaminación y las variables epidemiológicas evaluadas (p > 0,05, sugiriendo que otros factores, tanto abióticos como bióticos, incluyendo los sinantrópicos, podrían estar influenciando en la contaminación de las hortalizas. Se recomienda implementar un plan sanitario más estricto en los establecimientos de “comida rápida”, y programas de educación para la salud de la población a mayor riesgo de adquirir las parasitosis intestinales.

  15. Evaluación parasitológica de cuatro especies de vegetales utilizados en establecimientos de “comida rápida” en Coro, Falcón, Venezuela

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    Dalmiro Cazorla Perfetti


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, existe un incremento del consumo de comida fuera del núcleo familiar. Sin embargo, los vegetales que se consumen crudos en los establecimientos de “comida rápida” son un vehículo potencial para adquirir parásitos intestinales de interés médico-zoonótico. Entre enero y mayo de 2009, se evaluaron parasitológicamente mediante lavado con agua destilada estéril + Tween® 20 al 20 %, sedimentación espontánea por 24 horas, centrifugación y la observación microscópica de tinciones de lugol y Kinyoun, 45 muestras de vegetales correspondientes a 3 especies (tomate, lechuga, repollo y una mezcla (repollo + zanahoria de hortalizas, las cuales se obtuvieron al azar en 34 establecimientos de “comida rápida” de la ciudad de Coro, Estado Falcón, Venezuela. Se detectó una prevalencia global del 77,78 % (35/45, siendo el repollo (100 % y la lechuga (80 % las hortalizas que presentaron mayores porcentajes de contaminación parasitaria. Los parásitos intestinales más frecuentemente observados fueron: Entamoeba histolytica/dispar/moshkovskii (22,22 %, Blastocystis sp. (22,22 %, Giardia sp. (20,00 % y los Ancylostomídeos (13,33 %. No se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa y directa entre los porcentajes de contaminación y las variables epidemiológicas evaluadas (p > 0,05, sugiriendo que otros factores, tanto abióticos como bióticos, incluyendo los sinantrópicos, podrían estar influenciando en la contaminación de las hortalizas. Se recomienda implementar un plan sanitario más estricto en los establecimientos de “comida rápida”, y programas de educación para la salud de la población a mayor riesgo de adquirir las parasitosis intestinales.

  16. Vendas textiles terapéuticas con extractos vegetales ecuatorianos: una revisión

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    Carlos Santillán De La Torre


    Full Text Available Las vendas textiles se emplean usualmente en terapias de compresión; son de especial interés las dosificadoras porque administran percutáneamente un fármaco, permitiendo al principio activo llegar más rápido a la sangre en comparación a la vía oral, y con menos riesgos de infección en comparación a la intravenosa. No existen artículos de revisión que recopilen los avances tecnológicos con respecto a las vendas terapéuticas, tampoco se han reportado vendas dosificadoras de principios activos vegetales. El objetivo de ésta revisión es describir los avances tecnológicos de las vendas terapéuticas dosificadoras y el potencial del empleo de los extractos vegetales ecuatorianos en ellas, de tal forma que se pueda identificar los problemas tecnológicos que no han permitido dar solución al escaso aprovechamiento de la biodiversidad nacional. Se realizó una amplia búsqueda bibliográfica en bases de datos científicas de reconocido prestigio, y se encontró que existen 3 118 especies de plantas medicinales en el Ecuador, agrupadas en 24 categorías de acuerdo al uso terapéutico; las cuáles coinciden con los usos de las vendas terapéuticas, lo que implica la viabilidad de su empleo en conjunto para mitigar el problema de acceso a la salud convencional por parte de las personas con bajo poder adquisitivo y rescatar los conocimientos ancestrales.

  17. Técnicas de aislamiento y concentración de volátiles de aceites vegetales

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    Morales, M. T.


    Full Text Available One of the methods for food flavor evaluation is the analysis of volatile components. First step in this kind of analysis Is the isolation and concentration of volatiles. A review is carried out about different techniques applied in foods and especially in vegetable oils. Very different methods have been used, an explication of each one with its different cases are presented. Likewise the applications carried out in vegetable oils during last years are discussed.

    Uno de los métodos de evaluación del flavor de los alimentos consiste en la determinación de sus componentes volátiles. La primera etapa necesaria para realizar este tipo de análisis es el aislamiento y concentración de los mismos. Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica sobre las diferentes técnicas utilizadas para este fin en diferentes alimentos y especialmente en aceites vegetales. Los métodos utilizados son muy diversos, se ofrece una explicación de cada uno de ellos considerando las diferentes variantes existentes. Asimismo se detallan las aplicaciones realizadas en aceites vegetales durante los últimos años.

  18. Vitamina E y aceites vegetales

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    Morales, M. T.


    Full Text Available An interest in vitamin E has increased in recent years due to its potent antioxidant properties and its role in preventing age-related diseases, cardiovascular diseases or Alzheimer. This work describes the biogenesis, bioavailability, nutritional requirements, activity and properties of vitamin E. Vegetable oils constitute one of the main sources of vitamin E dietary intake and an extensive bibliographic revision of this vitamin in vegetable oils is carried out from four points of view: antioxidant properties, health benefits, effects of external agents and effects of processing on vitamin E content and analytical techniques used for its analysis.El interés por la vitamina E ha aumentado en los últimos años debido a su potente poder antioxidante y a su papel frente a enfermedades relacionadas con la edad, trastornos cardiovasculares o Alzheimer. En este trabajo se detallan la biogénesis, biodisponibilidad, requerimientos nutricionales, actividad y propiedades de la vitamina E. Los aceites vegetales constituyen una de las fuentes principales de aporte de vitamina E a través de la dieta, por lo que se lleva a cabo una amplia revisión bibliográfica desde cuatro puntos de vista: vitamina E y propiedades antioxidantes, beneficios para la salud debidos a la ingestión de aceites vegetales, efecto de agentes externos y procesado sobre el contenido de vitamina E y técnicas analíticas utilizadas para su análisis.


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    Jaime Morante Carriel


    Full Text Available Las polifenol oxidasas (PPOs son enzimas ubicuas que catalizan la reacción dependiente de oxígeno que transforma o-difenoles en o-quinonas. Estas quinonas son reactivas y capaces de modificar covalentemente un amplio abanico de especies nucleófilas, del interior de las células, que conduce a la formación de polímeros marrones, conocido como pardeamiento enzimático. El fenómeno de pardeamiento durante el crecimiento, recogida, almacenamiento y procesado de frutos y vegetales, es un problema de primera magnitud en la industria agroalimentaria y se reconoce como una de las principales causas de pérdidas de calidad y valor comercial. Produce cambios importantes tanto en la apariencia como en las propiedades organolépticas de frutos y vegetales comestibles, además suele ir asociado al desprendimiento de olores y efectos negativos sobre el valor nutricional. Aunque las PPOs se han descrito en diversos tejidos de plantas como raíces, semillas, hojas y frutos, el control de este fenómeno requiere un conocimiento bioquímico del tipo de sustratos fenólicos presentes en cada planta, el nivel de compuestos reductores, el nivel de accesibilidad del O2, de la naturaleza de los diferentes compuestos oxidables y de la polimerización y degradación de las o-quinonas. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión del efecto bioquímico, distribución, localización y posibles inhibidores de las PPOs en frutos y vegetales usados como alimento.

  20. Promoción positiva de vegetales en preescolares costarricenses empleando el Kamishibai


    Chacón-Villalobos, Alejandro; Molina Angulo, Ruth; Ruíz-González, María José


    Este artículo presenta la evaluación de la promoción positiva de los vegetales chayóte (Sechium edule) y brócoli (Brassica olerácea L), al emplear la estrategia de animación a la lectura conocida como Kamishibai. Durante el año 2012 en San José, se estudió la actitud infantil hacia los vegetales (positiva, negativa o neutra), y el agrado sensorial que manifestaba esta población antes de la exposición al Kamishibai y posterior a la misma. Se trabajó con 213 infantes preescolares entre los 4 y ...

  1. Consumo de frutos secos y aceites vegetales en personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 1


    Ferrer-García, Juan Carlos; Granell Vidal, Lina; Muñoz Izquierdo, Amparo; Sánchez Juan, Carlos


    Introducción: estudios recientes han demostrado los beneficios cardiovasculares de la dieta mediterránea enriquecida con aceite de oliva y frutos secos. Las personas con diabetes, que tienen un mayor riesgo de complicaciones cardiovasculares, podrían beneficiarse en gran medida de seguir ese tipo de patrón alimentario. Objetivos: análisis de la ingesta de grasas vegetales procedentes de frutos secos y aceites vegetales en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1). Métodos: estudio transver...

  2. Caracterización ecológica de las lombrices (Pontoscolex corethrurus como bioindicadoras de suelos compactados bajo condiciones de alta humedad del suelo con diferentes coberturas vegetales (Zipacón, Cundinamarca

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    Martha Cecilia Gutierrez Sarmiento


    Full Text Available Este artículo reporta los resultados de un estudio con lombrices de tierra de la especie Pontoscolex corethrurus presentes en la finca La Libertad del municipio de Zipacón (Cundinamarca como bioindicadoras de suelos compactados por actividad ganadera con tres coberturas vegetales. P. corethrurus fue encontrada en tres estados de desarrollo (huevos, juveniles y adultas en las tres coberturas vegetales, distinguiendo tres características físicas e hidrológicas del suelo: densidad aparente en seco, compactación e infiltración básica. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas a 1 % en todas las fuentes de variación, prevaleciendo el efecto de P. corethrurus en cada una de las etapas de su desarrollo, asociado al efecto de las coberturas vegetales, con la condición hidrológica (infiltración básica como efecto de mayor incidencia seguido por la compactación y la densidad aparente.

  3. Productos vegetales utilizados en Madrid entre los siglos XIV y XIX

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    Menéndez de Luarca, Luis Ramón-Laca


    Full Text Available In an attempt to describe the plant culture of Madrid of the Middle Ages and Modern Age, this paper provides a list of some 300 vegetal products cited in various documents referring to the city dated to the fourteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The identity of the 170 plants mentioned in these documents is discussed.

    Con la intención de esbozar una historia de la cultura madrileña de las plantas a lo largo de la Edad Media y la Edad Moderna, presentamos aquí una lista de aproximadamente 300 productos vegetales citados en diversos documentos de los siglos XIV, XVI, XVII, XVIII y XIX referentes a la ciudad de Madrid, incluyendo una hipótesis de identificación de las 170 especies correspondientes a dichos productos.

  4. Situación actual en el control de Fusarium spp. y evaluación de la actividad antifúngica de extractos vegetales

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    Alejandra Villa-Martínez


    Full Text Available Ante la incesante búsqueda de alternativas más confiables y benéficas para el control de plagas y enfermedades en cultivos, se ha abierto un amplio panorama de investigación en torno al uso de extractos vegetales, aceites esenciales y metabolitos secundarios presentes en plantas, que constituyen hoy en día una alternativa promisoria para contrarrestar el efecto negativo de algunos microorganismos fitopatógenos, por su bajo costo, por ser amables con el medioambiente y la salud en general. En el presente documento se discuten y presentan algunos de los muchos estudios realizados alrededor del mundo con las evidencias pertinentes sobre la efectividad biológica de diversas especies vegetales para el control de Fusarium spp., ya que ha sido uno de los géneros de hongos fitopatógenos más incidentes y devastadores de cultivos en el planeta en los últimos años.


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    Jorge O. Sánchez


    Full Text Available El registro de microfósiles biosilíceos posee un alto grado de preservación en distintos contextos naturales y culturales. Por esta razón, el estudio de los fitolitos y otros microrrestos biosilíceos puede contribuir a determinar las condiciones ambientales de las comunidades vegetales que rodearon un sitio arqueológico, así como también identificar especies vegetales domesticadas. En esta contribución se rea- lizó el análisis de fitolitos en el marco de otros bioindicadores de los depósitos superiores de la secuencia sedimentaria antrópica del sitio Los Tres Cerros 1 (LTC1, isla Las Moras, Departamento Victoria, Entre Ríos, Argentina. Los análisis desarrollados permitieron identificar morfotipos silíceos relacionados con la presencia de vegetales silvestres que caracterizan a la unidad fitogeográfica actual del área de em- plazamiento, y morfotipos silíceos asignables a recursos vegetales de interés cultural, pertenecientes a las familias Arecaceae, Cucurbitaceae, y Poaceae (subfamilias Maideae y Oryzoideae. El registro de microfósiles biosilíceos del perfil del sitio LTC1 tiene un cambio neto que puede ser correlacionado con diferentes actividades culturales desempeñadas durante el proceso de construcción del montículo, que tuvo lugar durante ca.1000 - 500 años 14C AP.


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    Laura Caruso


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron las modalidades de aprovechamiento de las plantas entre los Selknam de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina y se presentan aquí los resultados obtenidos a partir del análisis de los restos de madera carbonizada y sin carbonizar del sitito Ewan, ocupado a principios del siglo XX para la realización de un ritual de iniciación. Los resultados permitieron una mejor comprensión de las estrategias de aprovechamiento de las plantas entre las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras. La identificación de las especies empleadas y el registro de las principales características morfométricas permitió documentar el aprovechamiento del "ñire" (Nothofagus antarctica. Esta especie, dominante en el entorno, fue utilizada para la construcción de la vivienda y como combustible. En ambos casos se seleccionaron troncos de forma y tamaño adecuados. Los resultados del trabajo arqueobotánico y su confrontación con los datos etnográficos evidenciaron la importancia de los recursos vegetales dentro de la dinámica socioeconómica de este grupo humano. Los recursos vegetales, más allá de su rol alimentario, fueron relevantes en otros aspectos tales como la tecnología, la construcción, el combustible y debieron constituir una ventaja considerable en el ámbito de los bosques de la zona central de Tierra del Fuego.

  7. Especies vegetales dendroenergéticas utilizadas por los pobladores del Encino, Santander, Colombia

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    Ruth E. Ocaña Figueroa


    de combustible, cuya distancia a la vivienda puede variar desde menos de 0,1 a 2 km. En el 56% de los casos su recolección es realizada por todos los miembros de la familia, esta labor por lo general se realiza diariamente, empleando un promedio de dos horas al día. Se encontraron 27especies de árboles y arbustos útiles como combustible, siendo el roble la especie más importante contribuyendo con 73% del total de leña que consume una familia. Se halló que el consumo anual de leña en una familia corresponde a 6,2 t. Consumo que es determinado tanto por las condiciones ecológicas, como por aspectos culturales y socioeconómicos. En esta región el consumo no sigue ningún proceso de planeación, ni dirección de extracción y se rige por la disponibilidad del recurso. Sin embargo, existe un conocimiento sobre las especies de leña y sus características durante el proceso de la combustión.

  8. Crecimiento anual de cuatro especies arbóreas con yemas desnudas nativas de los bosques templados húmedos de Patagonia


    Sosa, Claudia M; Puntieri, Javier G


    Las especies vegetales que habitan en regiones con bajo nivel de estacionalidad en el clima suelen presentar rasgos morfo-arquitecturales que ocurren con menor frecuencia en especies de regiones con clima estacional. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el crecimiento primario en vivero de cuatro especies leñosas típicas de los bosques templados húmedos de Patagonia, conocidos como selva valdiviana, donde el grado de estacionalidad es menos marcado que en otros bosques patagónicos. Las esp...

  9. Potencial para el uso directo de los aceites vegetales en los motores de combustión


    Ortiz Laurel, Hipólito; Rössel Kipping, Dietmar; Schümann, Ulrike


    Los combustibles fósiles son aquellos que provienen de restos orgánicos vegetales y animales y se extraen de la naturaleza. Estos combustibles son contaminantes del medio ambiente a través de los gases que salen de los motores de combustión. El biodiesel es un combustible de origen vegetal obtenido a partir de los aceites vegetales de semillas, plantas y algas oleaginosas. El biodiesel es menos contaminante que los combustibles fósiles. Este trabajo presenta una revisión de las propiedades en...

  10. Recursos vegetales: uso, consumo y producción en la Puna meridional argentina (5000-1500 AP)


    Aguirre, María Gabriela


    Esta investigación es una contribución al conocimiento sobre los recursos vegetales empleados en el pasado en la microrregión de Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina). Se aborda la gestión de los recursos vegetales en un lapso que se extiende entre aproximadamente los 5.000 a 1.500 años antes del presente. Se optó por un enfoque que permitiera contemplar las diferentes formas de relación entre los grupos humanos y las plantas y además que proporcionara una representación d...

  11. Manduca sexta recognition and resistance among allopolyploid Nicotiana host plants


    Lou, Yonggen; Baldwin, Ian T.


    Allopolyploid speciation occurs instantly when the genomes of different species combine to produce self-fertile offspring and has played a central role in the evolution of higher plants, but its consequences for adaptive responses are unknown. We compare herbivore-recognition and -resistance responses of the diploid species and putative ancestral parent Nicotiana attenuata with those of the two derived allopolyploid species Nicotiana clevelandii and Nicotiana bigelovii. Manduca sexta larvae a...


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    Héctor Chamorro


    Full Text Available Este artículo Desarrolla una propuesta para minimizar el impacto ambiental producido por los vertidos de los aceites vegetales usados (AVU a las redes de aguas de desecho municipales, vertederos, rellenos sanitarios, cuerpos de aguas naturales. . Se determinó y cuantificó el universo de potenciales suplidores de aceites vegetales usados en la ciudad de Puerto Ordaz, Con los AVU se producirá un combustible ecológico, a través de la transesterificación de esteres. Se diseño y construyo una planta piloto para estudiar las reacciones químicas involucradas en el proceso y la producción del combustible ecológico (BIODIESEL, que podrá ser utilizado en cualquier motor Diesel.

  13. Diversidad de especies vegetales en fincas de la agricultura suburbana en Santiago de Cuba

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    Belyani Vargas Batis


    Full Text Available Resumen La investigación tuvo lugar con el objetivo evaluar el comportamiento de la diversidad de especies arvenses y arbóreas y arbustivas en cuatro fincas de la agricultura suburbana de Santiago de Cuba. Se delimitaron parcelas de 100 m2 para el conteo de las especies presentes en el área. Identificadas las especies se elaboró un listado florístico y se calcularon los indicadores de diversidad Alfa Riqueza de especies (S, Dominancia (Simpson D y Diversidad general (Shannon H´. En el caso de la diversidad Beta se tuvieron en cuenta los índices de Jaccard (Ij, Morisita-Horn (IM-H y Subordinación Ecológica (SE. Se registraron62 509 individuos pertenecientes a 65 familias, 154 géneros y 183 especies. Para ambos grupos de especies los indicadores de diversidad Alfa mostraron una tendencia al aumento de un período al otro con valores dentro del rango establecido para cada indicador, excepto para la finca La Caballería donde el índice de Shannon H´ no estuvo dentro del establecido para una correcta diversidad y abundancia en la época poco lluviosa. Los indicadores de la diversidad Beta arrojaron disimilitud entre las muestras que se comparan lo que evidencia la presencia de especies específicas adaptadas a las condiciones ambientales del lugar. Plant diversity on farm of sub urban agriculture in Santiago de Cuba. ABSTRACT The research was carried out to evaluate the performance of the diversity of weeds and tree and shrub species in four farms of suburban agriculture Santiago de Cuba. Plots of 100 m2 were sampled for counting the species. Identified plant species list was developed and diversity indicators were calculated alfa (α species richness (S, Dominance (Simpson D and General Diversity (Shannon H'. In the case of the beta (β diversity indices Jaccard (Ij, Morisita-Horn (IM-H and Subordination Environment (SE were taken into account. 62 509 individuals belonging to 65 families, 154 genera and 183 species were recorded. For

  14. Genomes and virulence difference between two physiological races of Phytophthora nicotianae. (United States)

    Liu, Hui; Ma, Xiao; Yu, Haiqin; Fang, Dunhuang; Li, Yongping; Wang, Xiao; Wang, Wen; Dong, Yang; Xiao, Bingguang


    Black shank is a severe plant disease caused by the soil-borne pathogen Phytophthora nicotianae. Two physiological races of P. nicotianae, races 0 and 1, are predominantly observed in cultivated tobacco fields around the world. Race 0 has been reported to be more aggressive, having a shorter incubation period, and causing worse root rot symptoms, while race 1 causes more severe necrosis. The molecular mechanisms underlying the difference in virulence between race 0 and 1 remain elusive. We assembled and annotated the genomes of P. nicotianae races 0 and 1, which were obtained by a combination of PacBio single-molecular real-time sequencing and second-generation sequencing (both HiSeq and MiSeq platforms). Gene family analysis revealed a highly expanded ATP-binding cassette transporter gene family in P. nicotianae. Specifically, more RxLR effector genes were found in the genome of race 0 than in that of race 1. In addition, RxLR effector genes were found to be mainly distributed in gene-sparse, repeat-rich regions of the P. nicotianae genome. These results provide not only high quality reference genomes of P. nicotianae, but also insights into the infection mechanisms of P. nicotianae and its co-evolution with the host plant. They also reveal insights into the difference in virulence between the two physiological races.

  15. Promoción positiva de vegetales en preescolares costarricenses empleando el Kamishibai

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    Alejandro Chacón-Villalobos


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la evaluación de la promoción positiva de los vegetales chayote (Sechium edule y brócoli (Brassica oleracea L, al emplear la estrategia de animación a la lectura conocida como Kamishibai. Durante el año 2012 en San José, se estudió la actitud infantil hacia los vegetales (positiva, negativa o neutra, y el agrado sensorial que manifestaba esta población antes de la exposición al Kamishibai y posterior a la misma. Se trabajó con 213 infantes preescolares entre los 4 y 6 años de edad. Las evaluaciones de actitud se efectuaron por medio de una entrevista, mientras que el agrado se estudió por medio de un panel sensorial. La exposición al Kamishibai consistió en 10 intervenciones en la forma de sesiones de cuentos, donde se dividieron los infantes en cuatro grupos según género del menor y género del personaje del cuento que promocionó el vegetal. Todas las actividades se llevaron a cabo en un espacio de juego acondicionado para tal efecto en el salón de clases. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, puede argumentarse que el uso del Kamishibai como técnica de animación a la lectura incrementó significativamente la opinión positiva y el agrado inicial hacia los vegetales en los menores (p<0,05, indiferentemente de su género y del género de las figuras que efectuaron la promoción.

  16. Promoción positiva de vegetales en preescolares costarricenses empleando el Kamishibai

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    Alejandro Chacón-Villalobos


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la evaluación de la promoción positiva de los vegetales chayote (Sechium edule y brócoli (Brassica oleracea L, al emplear la estrategia de animación a la lectura conocida como Kamishibai. Durante el año 2012 en San José, se estudió la actitud infantil hacia los vegetales (positiva, negativa o neutra, y el agrado sensorial que sentía esta población antes de la exposición al Kamishibai y, posterior a la misma; se trabajó conn 213 infantes preescolares entre los 4 y 6 años de edad. Las evaluaciones de actitud se efectuaron por medio de una entrevista, mientras que el agrado se estudió por medio de un panel sensorial. La exposición al Kamishibai consistió en 10 intervenciones en la forma de sesiones de cuentos, donde se dividieron los infantes en cuatro grupos según género del menor y género del personaje del cuento que promocionó el vegetal. Todas las actividades se llevaron a cabo en un espacio de juego acondicionado para tal efecto en el salón de clases. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, puede argumentarse que el uso de la técnica del Kamishibai como técnica de animación a la lectura incrementó significativamente la opinión positiva y el agrado inicial hacia los vegetales en estas personas menores (p<0,05, indiferentemente de su género y del género de las figuras que efectuaron la promoción.

  17. Potencial antifúngico de extractos de cuatro especies vegetales sobre el crecimiento de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides en papaya (Carica papaya en poscosecha

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    Nadia Landero Valenzuela


    Full Text Available El manejo de antracnosis por Colletotrichum gloeosporioides es el problema más importante en poscosecha de frutos tropicales. La actividad antifúngica de diferentes extractos vegetales fue evaluada in vitro e in vivo para controlar la antracnosis poscosecha en papaya. Extractos de ajo (Allium sativum (10 y 15 % y canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum (0,0050; 0,0100; 0,0150 % mostraron efecto fungicida en contra de C. gloeosporioides para supresión de crecimiento micelial (100 %, inhibición de germinación (100 % y esporulación del hongo (100 %, considerándose estos extractos como los más promisorios para inhibir el desarrollo del hongo in vitro. Estudios in vivo también revelaron que los extracto de ajo (11,74 % y canela a dosis de 0,0054 % aplicada antes y al mismo tiempo de la inoculación con C. gloeosporioides, fueron las dosis óptimas para el control (severidad de la antracnosis en frutos de papaya artificialmente inoculados, mientras que a mayores dosis la severidad aumentó. La variable fitotoxicidad arrojó resultados consistentes con lo anterior, comprobándose que al aumentar las dosis de extracto de canela se presentó cambio de color en los frutos. Los resultados sugieren la posibilidad de usar estos extractos a dosis adecuadas como biofungicidas para controlar antracnosis en papaya en poscosecha.

  18. Potencial antifúngico de extractos de cuatro especies vegetales sobre el crecimiento de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides en papaya (Carica papaya en poscosecha

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    Nadia Landero Valenzuela


    Full Text Available El manejo de antracnosis por Colletotrichum gloeosporioides es el problema más importante en poscosecha de frutos tropicales. La actividad antifúngica de diferentes extractos vegetales fue evaluada in vitro e in vivo para controlar la antracnosis poscosecha en papaya. Extractos de ajo (Allium sativum (10 y 15 % y canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum (0,0050; 0,0100; 0,0150 % mostraron efecto fungicida en contra de C. gloeosporioides para supresión de crecimiento micelial (100 %, inhibición de germinación (100 % y esporulación del hongo (100 %, considerándose estos extractos como los más promisorios para inhibir el desarrollo del hongo in vitro. Estudios in vivo también revelaron que los extracto de ajo (11,74 % y canela a dosis de 0,0054 % aplicada antes y al mismo tiempo de la inoculación con C. gloeosporioides, fueron las dosis óptimas para el control (severidad de la antracnosis en frutos de papaya artificialmente inoculados, mientras que a mayores dosis la severidad aumentó. La variable fitotoxicidad arrojó resultados consistentes con lo anterior, comprobándose que al aumentar las dosis de extracto de canela se presentó cambio de color en los frutos. Los resultados sugieren la posibilidad de usar estos extractos a dosis adecuadas como biofungicidas para controlar antracnosis en papaya en poscosecha.

  19. Phylogenetic fragrance patterns in Nicotiana sections Alatae and Suaveolentes. (United States)

    Raguso, Robert A; Schlumpberger, Boris O; Kaczorowski, Rainee L; Holtsford, Timothy P


    We analyzed floral volatiles from eight tobacco species (Nicotiana; Solanaceae) including newly discovered Brazilian taxa (Nicotiana mutabilis and "Rastroensis") in section Alatae. Eighty-four compounds were found, including mono- and sesquiterpenoids, nitrogenous compounds, benzenoid and aliphatic alcohols, aldehydes and esters. Floral scent from recent accessions of Nicotiana alata, Nicotiana bonariensis and Nicotiana langsdorffii differed from previously published data, suggesting intraspecific variation in scent composition at the level of biosynthetic class. Newly discovered taxa in Alatae, like their relatives, emit large amounts of 1,8-cineole and smaller amounts of monoterpenes on a nocturnal rhythm, constituting a chemical synapomorphy for this lineage. Fragrance data from three species of Nicotiana sect. Suaveolentes, the sister group of Alatae, (two Australian species: N. cavicola, N. ingulba; one African species: N. africana), were compared to previously reported data from their close relative, N. suaveolens. Like N. suaveolens, N. cavicola and N. ingulba emit fragrances dominated by benzenoids and phenylpropanoids, whereas the flowers of N. africana lacked a distinct floral scent and instead emitted only small amounts of an aliphatic methyl ester from foliage. Interestingly, this ester also is emitted from foliage of N. longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia (both in section Alatae s.l.), which share a common ancestor with N. africana. This result, combined with the synapomorphic pattern of 1,8 cineole emission in Alatae s.s., suggests that phylogenetic signal explains a major component of fragrance composition among tobacco species in sections Alatae and Suaveolentes. At the intraspecific level, interpopulational scent variation is widespread in sect. Alatae, and may reflect edaphic specialization, introgression, local pollinator shifts, genetic drift or artificial selection in cultivation. Further studies with genetically and geographically well

  20. Evaluación de extractos de ocho especies vegetales en el control de mildeo velloso (Peronospora destructor Berk en cebolla de bulbo (Allium cepa L.

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    Pedro Enrique Cubides-Hernández


    Full Text Available Extractos de ocho especies vegetales: eucalipto (Eucalytus globulus, cola de caballo (Equisetum bogotense, ortiga (Urtica urens, manzanilla (Matricaria chamomilla, caléndula (Calendula officinalis, yerbabuena (Menta viridis, ajo (Allium sativum y clavo (Syzygum aromaticum, preparados por el método de decocción (100 g/l, fueron evaluados en cuanto a su eficiencia en el control de P. destructor en cebolla de bulbo. Se utilizó el diseño experimental de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones y siete aplicaciones (52, 60, 68, 76,84, 92 y 100 días después del trasplante, incluyendo un testigo químico Ridomil (metalaxil + mancozeb (2 g/l y el testigo absoluto; se evaluaron la incidencia y severidad de P. destructor, y el número y el peso de bulbos cosechados. El ANOVA mostró que de las siete aplicaciones realizadas, la última presentó efectos estadísticos en el control de la incidencia y severidad de P. destructor. El extracto de manzanilla superó al Ridomil en el control de la incidencia y severidad de P. destructor sin diferencias estadísticas entre sí, y fue significativamente mejor al observado con los extractos de eucalipto, cola de caballo, caléndula y el testigo; el extracto de manzanilla superó al testigo químico en el número y peso de bulbos de cebolla sin presentar diferencias estadísticas, y fue significativamente mejor al obtenido con los extractos de eucalipto, cola de caballo, ortiga, caléndula, yerbabuena, clavo y el testigo absoluto. El extracto de manzanilla es una alternativa ecológica que se debe tener en cuenta en el manejo integrado de P. destructor en cebolla de bulbo.

  1. Usurpación de derechos de propiedad industrial y derechos de obtentores de variedades vegetales

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    Bibiana Cala Moya


    Full Text Available La propiedad intelectual, específicamente la propiedad industrial, debe ser protegida cuando los derechos por ella otorgados son usurpados de manera ilícita. Por lo anterior, el Derecho penal se erige como una herramienta de coerción que busca proteger las nuevas creaciones y los signos distintivos. En este artículo se explica de manera clara y sencilla tanto los elementos objetivos del tipo penal de usurpación de derechos de propiedad industrial y derechos de obtentor de variedades vegetales existente en la legislación colombiana, así como los aspectos procesales relacionados con el mismo. Esto se logra a partir de un estudio analítico y descriptivo del tipo penal y su interpretación sistemática en relación con la normatividad especial en el campo de la propiedad industrial y la legislación procesal.

  2. Sincronización de Células de Tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) NT-1 Synchronization of tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum) NT-1


    León F Ruiz; Ana E Higareda; Marco A Pardo


    Se ha evaluado la capacidad sincronizante de afidicolina e hidroxiurea en cultivos de células de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) NT-1. Los cultivos sincronizados son poderosas herramientas en estudios moleculares y bioquímicos relacionados al ciclo celular y comúnmente se utilizan químicos para bloquear el ciclo celular. La línea celular de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) NT-1 proviene de la línea celular TBY-2, caracterizándose NT-1 por su menor velocidad de crecimiento y tamaño celular heterogéneo. L...

  3. Transformaciones bioquímicas durante la fermentación de productos vegetales

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    Montano, A.


    Full Text Available Different topics dealing with vegetable products fermentation, from manufacturing to microorganisms, and their growth factors, are reviewed. The main pathways for sugar metabolism and degradation reactions of organic and amino acids are described, as well as their influence on sensorial characteristics of the final product. A thorough research on several areas is considered mandatory, in order to increase the value of fermented vegetable foods.

    Se revisan los diferentes aspectos relacionados con la fermentación de productos vegetales, desde los procesos de elaboración a los microorganismos responsables y los factores que afectan a su desarrollo. Se presentan, asimismo, las principales reacciones metabólicas de degradación de azúcares y ácidos orgánicos que tienen lugar en los medios de fermentación, así como la influencia de éstas y otras reacciones sobre las características sensoriales del producto elaborado. Finalmente, se citan algunas de las áreas de investigación en las que se considera habría que profundizar para una mayor valoración de los alimentos vegetales fermentados.

  4. Fruit and vegetable intake of schoolchildren in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Consumo de frutas y vegetales en escolares de Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

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    Gabriela Montenegro-Bethancourt


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To determine if fruit and vegetable consumption among high- and low-socio economic status (HSES-LSES urban schoolchildren in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, was ad equate according to World Health Organization (WHO recommendations. METHODS: Cross-sectional data from 449 third- and fourth-grade girls and boys from 12 el ementary schools were collected, analyzed, and presented by socioeconomic status and gender. Public schoolchildren were classified as LSES (n = 219 and private schoolchildren were clas sified as HSES (n = 230. Dietary fruit/vegetable intake of each student was determined based on a 24-hour recall pictorial record and personal interview. All food items containing fruits or vegetables (including beverages were classified and tabulated. Frequency of fruit/vegetable intake was calculated based on "mentions" (number of times a fruit or vegetable item was reportedly consumed, and nutritional adequacy was assessed for each group by mean and median values and compared to WHO daily recommended fruit/vegetable intake (400 g. Based on World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF exclusion guidelines, the fruit/vegetable con tribution to total energy was estimated. RESULTS: Of the 247 different food items identified, 93 (37.7% contained a fruit or veg etable. Total food mentions (n = 6 512 included 637 fruit items and 701 vegetable items. Al though mean fruit/vegetable intake in grams was 461.3 (standard deviation, ± 332.5, more than half (56.3% of the subjects fell below the 400-g recommended daily level. Estimated fruit/vegetable contribution to total energy was 21.2% for HSES and 19.1% for LSES. CONCLUSION: This study revealed inadequate fruit/vegetable intake among the study sample. For compliance with global recommendations, interventions promoting fruit/vegetable intake are needed.OBJETIVO: Determinar si el consumo de frutas y vegetales en escolares de ingresos altos y bajos de zonas urbanas de Quetzaltenango es el adecuado según las

  5. Genetic analysis of Phytophthora nicotianae populations from different hosts using microsatellite markers (United States)

    Two hundred thirty-one isolates of P. nicotianae representing 14 populations from different host genera, including agricultural crops (Citrus, Nicotiana, and Lycopersicon), potted ornamental species in nurseries (Lavandula, Convolvulus, Myrtus, Correa and Ruta) and other plant genera of lesser econo...


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    M. Teresa Planella


    Full Text Available La presencia frecuente de pipas para fumar en sitios arqueológicos del Período Alfarero Temprano deChile central y las evidencias en relación con la costumbre de fumar especies de Nicotiana halladas en sitios prehispánicos de otros lugares de las Américas, muestran la necesidad de contar con una metodología para identificar las especies de este género usadas en Chile. En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio morfométrico en semillas de especies de Nicotiana que sirve de referencia para comparaciones con semillas de origen arqueológico. La forma y tamaño de la semilla, el patrón de ornamentación dado por las células epidérmicas y la ubicación del hilum resultaron ser caracteres relevantes para identificaciones confiables. Utilizando estos caracteres, se determinaron como N. corymbosa a las semillas recuperadas en el sitio arqueológico Las Morrenas 1, ubicado en Chile central.

  7. Geografía Ecológica del Departamento de Antioquia (Zonas de Vida (Formaciones Vegetales del Departamento de Antioquia

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    Espinal T. Luis Sigifredo


    Full Text Available Se presenta en este trabajo un estudio del Departamento de Antioquia, de acuerdo con el sistema Hildridge para la clasificación de las formaciones vegetales. La formación, según Holdridge, es la división más grande de vegetación, está determinada por la interacción de la precipitación y la biotemperatura y se caracteriza por su fisonomía. Las formaciones vegetales que se encuentran en Antioquia se identificaron en el campo por la fisonomía de la vegetación natural. Para esto fue necesario viajar por todo el Departamento, interpretar los cambios producidos en la vegetación por la interferencia humana y las relaciones con las diferentes condiciones edáficas y atmosféricas, considerándose también los registros de lluvia y temperatura disponibles. Durante los viajes se identificó y coleccionó parte de la vegetación dominante para presentar aquí la lista de las principales especies que crecen en cada formación y la caracterización. Se tomaron varias medidas de los distintos bosques naturales correspondientes a algunas formaciones, las cuales sirvieron para dibujar los perfiles que aparecen en el presente estudio. Además de la descripción de cada formación y de su localización geográfica e importancia económica, el trabajo comprende su representación cartográfica en un mapa de escala 1:1.500.000

  8. Simulación CFD de la transferencia de calor en un reactor de hidrotratamiento de aceites vegetales de segunda generación


    Mendoza Sépulveda, César Camilo


    Resumen: Se desarrolló un modelo CFD que permite representar la transferencia de calor en un reactor de hidrotratamiento de aceites vegetales. Este modelo permitió evaluar la transferencia de calor para distintas configuraciones del reactor. En el proceso de hidrotratamiento de aceites vegetales se transforma el aceite en un líquido con cero contenido de azufre y excelentes propiedades como combustible diesel. El proceso se basa en la adición de hidrógeno a alta presión en un reactor de lecho...

  9. Características del consumo de vegetales en los estratos socioeconómicos medio y alto de Bogotá

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    Parrado Álvaro


    Full Text Available

    En el segundo semestre de 2005 se realizaron 384 encuestas a personas de los estratos socioeconómicos medio y alto de Bogotá, con el objeto de identificar características del consumo de vegetales relacionadas con preferencias, frecuencia y lugares de compra (acceso a canales. Esta investigación constituye una segunda fase de la realizada por Montoya et al. (2004, incluyendo como nuevos temas el consumo de vegetales orgánicos y los paquetes de productos que las personas estarían interesadas en adquirir. Se estimó una elasticidad de 0,55 para la inversión de las familias en vegetales. Las mujeres son generalmente las que toman la decisión de compra. El supermercado es el lugar predilecto para comprar los vegetales. Los productos con mayor frecuencia de compra son el tomate, la cebolla cabezona, la naranja y la zanahoria. Los de menor consumo fueron la col de bruselas, la berenjena y el rábano; estos últimos son adquiridos principalmente por personas de estratos 4, 5 y 6. Los consumidores potenciales manifestaron un interés del 62% por adquirir los productos a domicilio; las personas de mayores ingresos muestran el mayor interés por este canal de comercialización. A pesar de que el 41% dijo no saber qué son los productos orgánicos y a que sólo el 20% los consume frecuentemente, más de la mitad de la población estaría interesada en adquirir estos productos (59%, lo cual indica que hay un potencial de mercado superior a al consumo actual.

  10. El régimen de protección jurídica de las obtenciones vegetales en México: propuestas para una mejor adaptación al sistema CUPOV

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    Carlos Ernesto Arcudia Hernández


    Full Text Available El sistema de protección de propiedad industrial en variedades vegetales se encuentra regulado a nivel internacional en el Convenio Internacional para la Protección de Obtenciones Vegetales (CUPOV. Como parte de las obligaciones contraídas por México con la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio para América del Norte (TLCAN se encuentra la de dar protección a todas las variedades vegetales según el Acta del cupov de 1978 o la de 1991. Esta obligación se cumplió con la promulgación de la Ley Federal de Variedades Vegetales (LFVV en 1996. El artículo analiza, en un primer momento, las disposiciones del régimen de protección jurídica de variedades vegetales del cupov en torno al concepto de variedad vegetal; la prohibición de la doble protección; los requisitos para obtener un título de obtención vegetal, así como el contenido de la protección jurídica de la variedad vegetal. En un segundo momento se analiza la trasposición de la normativa del CUPOV a la LFVV con el objeto de sugerir propuestas de mejora a la regulación mexicana más acorde con los intereses nacionales.

  11. Evaluación de siete tipos de vegetales herbáceas cultivadas en acuaponia usando el efluente del cultivo de tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x O. aureous) en condiciones salobres.


    Campos Pulido, Rosa


    Los objetivos de este estudio fueron caracterizar fisicoquímicamente un efluente salobre de cultivo de tilapia en producción comercial, evaluar el crecimiento de siete especies vegetales herbáceas en acuaponia y conocer criterios para seleccionar plantas de acuerdo a las características del efluente. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva y análisis de varianza. Para comparar las medias de los parámetros evaluados se realizó ...

  12. C3HC4-type RING finger protein NbZFP1 is involved in growth and fruit development in Nicotiana benthamiana.

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    Wenxian Wu

    Full Text Available C3HC4-type RING finger proteins constitute a large family in the plant kingdom and play important roles in various physiological processes of plant life. In this study, a C3HC4-type zinc finger gene was isolated from Nicotiana benthamiana. Sequence analysis indicated that the gene encodes a 24-kDa protein with 191 amino acids containing one typical C3HC4-type zinc finger domain; this gene was named NbZFP1. Transient expression of pGDG-NbZFP1 demonstrated that NbZFP1 was localized to the chloroplast, especially in the chloroplasts of cells surrounding leaf stomata. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS analysis indicated that silencing of NbZFP1 hampered fruit development, although the height of the plants was normal. An overexpression construct was then designed and transferred into Nicotiana benthamiana, and PCR and Southern blot showed that the NbZFP1 gene was successfully integrated into the Nicotiana benthamiana genome. The transgenic lines showed typical compactness, with a short internode length and sturdy stems. This is the first report describing the function of a C3HC4-type RING finger protein in tobacco.

  13. Nicotiana glauca poisoning in ostriches (Struthio camelus)

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Botha, CJ


    Full Text Available Putative Nicotiana glauca (wild tobacco) poisoning was diagnosed in a flock of ostriches near Oudtshoorn, South Africa. Post mortem examinations (n = 7) were performed on ostriches (Struthio camelus) that had died. Suspicious leaf remnants (weighing...

  14. Effect of gamma-radiation on callus initiation and oraganogenesis in the tissue culture of Nicotiana tabaccum L

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, S. H.; Kim, J. G.; Song, H. S.


    It is generally agreed that ionizing radiations stimulate cell division, growth and development in various organisms including animals and plants. Differentiating tissues are the most sensitive to radiation. The present experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of ionizing radiation on callus initiation and organogenesis from the stem in the culture of Nicotiana tabaccum L. cv. When the stem segments were cultured on a Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 2 mg/L kinetin, with 1 mg/L 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), with 2 mg/L kinetin and 1 mg/L 2,4-D, the shoots and callus were differentiated 14 days after cultivation. Callus was especially formed on the MS medium with 2,4-D and/or kinetin and the formation was promoted by 1 Gy and 5 Gy of gamma radiation. The formation of the shoot clusters on the MS medium with 2 mg/L kinetin were prominent in the 5 Gy-irradiated groups. It is concluded that that gamma radiation enhanced the callus initiation and organogenesis in the tissue culture of Nicotiana tabaccum L

  15. Aplicación de marcadores genéticos en la conservación de taxones vegetales insulares amenazados: géneros "Crambe" L. (sect. "Dendrocrambe" DC.) y "Ruta" L.


    Soto Medina, Moisés E.


    Programa de doctorado: Ecología y gestión de los recursos vivos marinos. En port.: Jardín Botánico Canario "Viera y Clavijo" En esta tesis doctoral se ha estudiado la variabilidad genética y su estructuración mediante el análisis de 12 loci isoenzimáticos en las especies vegetales endémicas de Gran Canaria del género Crambe (C. pritzelii y C. tamadabensis), y las relaciones resultantes del análisis filogenético y filogeográfico de las secuencias de 4 regiones del ADN plastidial en las e...

  16. Factor de la reflectancia bi-cónica en especies vegetales contrastantes: modelación global

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    Fernando Paz


    Full Text Available La clasificación de la vegetación usando información espectral multi-angular ha sido aproximada con esquemas de modelación restringidos o con hipótesis de homogeneidad o estacionariedad. En este trabajo se presenta un esquema de modelación global de los ángulos cenitales y acimutales en la reflectancia de la vegetación, extendiendo los desarrollos al caso de los efectos de cambios en las propiedades ópticas del fondo de la vegetación (suelos y de la densidad de plantas (follaje. Esta síntesis se realiza en un espacio superior de compactación que depende esencialmente de dos parámetros y engloba todas las variaciones analizadas. El esquema de modelación global desarrollado se aplicó al caso de arreglos de plantas, diferentes densidades de ocho especies con arquetipos contrastantes y suelos desnudos. La modelación se aplicó a las mediciones de factores de reflectancia bi-cónicos, donde los ajustes resultaron óptimos (generalmente con R2 ≥ 0.99 y errores relativos medios menores al 7%. El análisis de los resultados mostró que la información espectral multi-angular para clasificación de especies, bajo condiciones generalizadas, mantiene todavía problemas de confusión en la discriminación de especies. Esto puede explicarse por la síntesis de análisis realizada de las variaciones asociadas a la discriminación.

  17. Avances de investigación en biotecnología de especies ornamentales

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    Angarita Zerda Antonio


    Full Text Available Una de las reflexiones más importantes que debe hacerse un investigador cuando inicia un programa en biotecnologla debe ser la de definir la prioridad de esa investigación. En efecto, la Biotecnología ofrece una gran gama de posibilidades de su utilización en múltiples especies ornamentales. En especial, el cultivo de tejidos vegetales ofrece aplicaciones prácticas a corto plazo en problemas específicos de limpieza de virus o la multiplicación masiva de clones con características agronómicas superiores o libres de patógenos vasculares o sistémicos, como en proyectos a mediano plazo de mejoramiento genético, cuando otros métodos  convencionales son lentos o no han permitido la obtención de los resultados esperados. Tal es el caso de la búsqueda de resistencia genética a patógenos en flores. Teniendo en cuenta los elevados costos de la biotecnologla, hemos definido algunos problemas prioritarios en las principales especies ornamentales, como son clavel, pompón, rosas y gypsophila. Sin embargo y considerando que estas especies presentan, en los últimos años, precios internacionales y márgenes de rentabilidad reducidos, se han iniciado algunos trabajos de investigación en la propagación masiva de especies tropicales, como las que pertenecen a los géneros Heliconia y Strelitzia (Musaceae.

  18. Búsqueda de especies vegetales productoras de follaje útiles en la elaboración de arreglos florales

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    Astrid Johanna Sabogal Rico


    micropropagación de aráceas útiles en el sector floricultor. Para cada una de las especies propagadas se tuvo en cuenta su porcentaje de enraizamiento, el tiempo de enraizamiento y el tiempo que tardaron en producir tallos con los parámetros de calidad previamente establecidos. Los tallos fueron sometidos a las evaluaciones de cuarto frío, viaje simulado y evaluación en florero.

  19. Sincronización de Células de Tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) NT-1


    Ruiz, León F; Higareda, Ana E; Pardo, Marco A


    Se ha evaluado la capacidad sincronizante de afidicolina e hidroxiurea en cultivos de células de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) NT-1. Los cultivos sincronizados son poderosas herramientas en estudios moleculares y bioquímicos relacionados al ciclo celular y comúnmente se utilizan químicos para bloquear el ciclo celular. La línea celular de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) NT-1 proviene de la línea celular TBY-2, caracterizándose NT-1 por su menor velocidad de crecimiento y tamaño celular heterogéneo. L...

  20. Stomatal Closure and SA-, JA/ET-Signaling Pathways Are Essential for Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 to Restrict Leaf Disease Caused by Phytophthora nicotianae in Nicotiana benthamiana

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    Liming Wu


    Full Text Available Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 is a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium that induces resistance to a broad spectrum of pathogens. This study analyzed the mechanism by which FZB42 restricts leaf disease caused by Phytophthora nicotianae in Nicotiana benthamiana. The oomycete foliar pathogen P. nicotianae is able to reopen stomata which had been closed by the plant innate immune response to initiate penetration and infection. Here, we showed that root colonization by B. amyloliquefaciens FZB42 restricted pathogen-mediated stomatal reopening in N. benthamiana. Abscisic acid (ABA and salicylic acid (SA-regulated pathways mediated FZB42-induced stomatal closure after pathogen infection. Moreover, the defense-related genes PR-1a, LOX, and ERF1, involved in the SA and jasmonic acid (JA/ethylene (ET signaling pathways, respectively, were overexpressed, and levels of the hormones SA, JA, and ET increased in the leaves of B. amyloliquefaciens FZB42-treated wild type plants. Disruption of one of these three pathways in N. benthamiana plants increased susceptibility to the pathogen. These suggest that SA- and JA/ET-dependent signaling pathways were important in plant defenses against the pathogen. Our data thus explain a biocontrol mechanism of soil rhizobacteria in a plant.

  1. Interacciones entre plantas y microorganismos del suelo: Consecuencias para la dinámica de comunidades vegetales


    Lozano Bernal, Yudi M.


    En esta tesis doctoral pretendemos aclarar aspectos fundamentales relacionados con la interacción entre plantas y microorganismos del suelo y sus consecuencias para la dinámica de las comunidades vegetales. Pretendemos comprobar si las comunidades microbianas están determinando interacciones negativas y/o positivas entre plantas; si tras el abandono de tierras dedicadas al cultivo, las plantas y los microorganismos del suelo siguen patrones sucesionales, y si los microorganismo...

  2. Effect of Radiation Dosage on Efficiency of Chloroplast Transfer by Protoplast Fusion in Nicotiana


    Menczel, László; Galiba, Gábor; Nagy, Ferenc; Maliga, Pál


    Chloroplasts of Nicotiana tabacum SR1 were transferred into Nicotiana plumbaginifolia by protoplast fusion. The protoplasts of the organelle donor were irradiated with different lethal doses using a 60Co source, to facilitate the elimination of their nuclei from the fusion products. After fusion induction, clones derived from fusion products and containing streptomycin-resistant N. tabacum SR1 chloroplasts were selected by their ability to green on a selective medium. When N. tabacum protopla...

  3. Especies promisorias para el ecoturismo en “Campo Aventura Roca Madre”, Toluviejo-Sucre, Colombia

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    Alcides Sampedro-M


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar las especies de flora y fauna más importantes para el desarrollo del ecoturismo, en una localidad del departamento de Sucre, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un listado de las especies de flora y fauna observadas en el sendero ecológico de un centro de ecoturismo en Toluviejo, Sucre y se calculó su abundancia, importancia económica, estado de conservación y adaptaciones, que fueron evaluadas mediante un índice de importancia potencial para el ecoturismo, que suma los valores que se asignan a las variables consideradas de interés. Resultados. Se detectaron 18 especies promisorias de fauna, de 91 especies observadas y 16 especies vegetales de 53 observadas. Los animales de mayor potencial ecoturístico resultantes, fueron: Dendrobates truncatus y Saguinus oedipus, especies endémicas de Colombia, seguidas por Basiliscus basiliscus, Atta sp., Morpho peleides, Lycorea halia y Ara ararauna; todas estas con una alta abundancia y fácil detección. Dentro de las plantas, Anacardium excelsum obtuvo el mayor índice de importancia, como resultado de su endemismo y sus adaptaciones. Las especies Piper auritum, Matayba escrobiculata, Tabernaemontana cymosa y la comúnmente conocida como jazmín de monte, fueron fácilmente detectables y abundantes, además Brownea ariza y Tabebuia rosea resultaron las más representativas por la belleza de sus flores. Conclusiones. Se determinaron las especies que pueden ser de interés para los ecoturistas y esto hace posible mejorar el producto que se oferta a partir de profundizar en su conocimiento.

  4. Characterization of Phytophthora nicotianae isolates in southeast Spain and their detection and quantification through a real-time TaqMan PCR. (United States)

    Blaya, Josefa; Lacasa, Carmen; Lacasa, Alfredo; Martínez, Victoriano; Santísima-Trinidad, Ana B; Pascual, Jose A; Ros, Margarita


    The soil-borne pathogens Phytophthora nicotianae and P. capsici are the causal agents of root and stem rot of many plant species. Although P. capsici was considered the causal agent in one of the main pepper production areas of Spain to date, evidence of the presence of P. nicotianae was found. We aimed to survey the presence of P. nicotianae and study the variability in its populations in this area in order to improve the management of Tristeza disease. A new specific primer and a TaqMan probe were designed based on the internal transcribed spacer regions of ribosomal DNA to detect and quantify P. nicotianae. Both morphological and molecular analysis showed its presence and confirmed it to be the causal agent of the Phytophthora disease symptoms in the studied area. The genetic characterization among P. nicotianae populations showed a low variability of genetic diversity among the isolates. Only isolates of the A2 mating type were detected. Not only is a specific and early detection of P. nicotianae essential but also the study of genetic variability among isolates for the appropriate management of the disease, above all, in producing areas with favorable conditions for the advance of the disease. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry.

  5. Ecological Roles and Biological Activities of Specialized Metabolites from the Genus Nicotiana. (United States)

    Jassbi, Amir Reza; Zare, Somayeh; Asadollahi, Mojtaba; Schuman, Meredith C


    Species of Nicotiana grow naturally in different parts of the world and have long been used both medicinally and recreationally by human societies. More recently in our history, Nicotiana tabacum has attracted interest as one of the most economically important industrial crops. Nicotiana species are frequently investigated for their bioactive natural products, and the ecological role of their specialized metabolites in responses to abiotic stress or biotic stress factors like pathogens and herbivores. The interest of tobacco companies in genetic information as well as the success of a few wild tobacco species as experimental model organisms have resulted in growing knowledge about the molecular biology and ecology of these plants and functional studies of the plant's natural products. Although a large number of reviews and books on biologically active natural products already exists, mostly from N. tabacum, we focus our attention on the ecological roles and biological activity of natural products, versus products from cured and processed material, in this Review. The studied compounds include alkaloids, aromatic compounds, flavonoids, volatiles, sesquiterpenoids, diterpenes alcohols, and sugar esters from trichomes of the plants, and recently characterized acyclic hydroxygeranyllinalool diterpene glycosides (HGL-DTGs). In this Review (1800s-2017), we describe the above-mentioned classes of natural products, emphasizing their biological activities and functions as they have been determined either in bioassay-guided purification approaches or in bioassays with plants in which the expression of specific biosynthetic genes has been genetically manipulated. Additionally, a review on the history, taxonomy, ecology, and medicinal application of different Nicotiana species growing around the globe presented in this Review may be of interest for pharmacognosists, natural products, and ecological chemists.

  6. La identificación de especies y la nomenclatura científica a través del bodegón barroco

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    Román Belmonte Andújar


    Full Text Available Utilizando como referencia una relación de obras pictóricas enmarcadas dentro del género del bodegón o naturaleza muerta, y entre las que destacan numerosas obras del barroco español y flamenco, la presente experiencia educativa referida a la materia de Biología y Geología del primer curso de Bachillerato, pretende la identificación de especies vegetales y animales, el estudio de la nomenclatura científica y la simbología que algunos elementos naturales tienen en el Arte, a través de la metodología de proyectos.

  7. Los recursos vegetales en el mundo romano: estudio de los macrorrestos botánicos del yacimiento Calle Santiago de Irún (Guipúzcoa

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    Peña-Chocarro, Leonor


    Full Text Available The results of the archaeobotanical analysis of three samples from the Roman site CSI (Irún, Basque Country, I - III A.D. are presented. They correspond to a port zone where material from different proveniences has met: estuarine and river-close areas, urban waste and altered places. The human population of the Roman Oiasso had access to a wide range of plant foods, wild as well as domestic ones. Economically interesting species which have been imported or introduced at this time have been identified.Se exponen los resultados del análisis arqueobotánico de tres muestras procedentes del yacimiento romano CSI (Irún, s. I - III d.C. Corresponden a una zona portuaria en la que confluye material botánico de origen vario: vegetación estuarina y de ribera, desechos urbanos de diverso origen y especies características de un medio alterado. La población de la Oiasso romana tuvo acceso a una amplia gama de recursos vegetales tanto silvestres como cultivados. Se han identificado especies de interés económico importadas e introducidas en la zona en esta época.

  8. Acute toxicity of tobacco ( Nicotiana tobaccum ) leaf dust on ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Experiments were conducted using dry tobacco (Nicotiana tobaccum) leaves aqueous extract to determine the acute toxicity and sub lethal effects on some haematological indices of Oreochromis niloticus using static renewable bioassay method. The extract was found to be toxic with a 48-h LC50 value of 109.6 mg/l.

  9. Simultaneous detection and quantification of Phytophthora nicotianae and P. cactorum, and distribution analyses in strawberry greenhouses by duplex real-time PCR. (United States)

    Li, Mingzhu; Inada, Minoru; Watanabe, Hideki; Suga, Haruhisa; Kageyama, Koji


    Phytophthora nicotianae and P. cactorum cause Phytophthora rot of strawberry. A duplex real-time PCR technique for simultaneous detection and quantification of the two pathogens was developed. Species-specific primers for P. nicotianae and P. cactorum were designed based on the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS) of rDNA and the ras-related protein gene Ypt1, respectively. TaqMan probes were labeled with FAM for P. nicotianae and HEX for P. cactorum. Specificities were demonstrated using 52 isolates, including various soil-borne pathogens. Sensitivities for P. nicotianae and P. cactorum DNAs were 10 fg and 1 pg, respectively. The technique was applied to naturally infested soil and root samples; the two pathogens were detected and the target DNA concentrations were quantified. Significant correlations of DNA quantities in roots and the surrounding soils were found. The minimum soil DNA concentration predicting the development of disease symptoms was estimated as 20 pg (g soil)(-1). In three strawberry greenhouses examined, the target DNA concentrations ranged from 1 to 1,655 pg (g soil)(-1) for P. nicotianae and from 13 to 233 pg (g soil)(-1) for P. cactorum. The method proved fast and reliable, and provides a useful tool to monitor P. nicotianae and P. cactorum in plants or soils.

  10. Manduca sexta recognition and resistance among allopolyploid Nicotiana host plants (United States)

    Lou, Yonggen; Baldwin, Ian T.


    Allopolyploid speciation occurs instantly when the genomes of different species combine to produce self-fertile offspring and has played a central role in the evolution of higher plants, but its consequences for adaptive responses are unknown. We compare herbivore-recognition and -resistance responses of the diploid species and putative ancestral parent Nicotiana attenuata with those of the two derived allopolyploid species Nicotiana clevelandii and Nicotiana bigelovii. Manduca sexta larvae attack all three species, and in N. attenuata attack is recognized when larval oral secretions are introduced to wounds during feeding, resulting in a jasmonate burst, a systemic amplification of trypsin inhibitor accumulation, and a release of volatile organic compounds, which function as a coordinated defense response that slows caterpillar growth and increases the probability of their being attacked. Most aspects of this recognition response are retained with modifications in one allotetraploid (N. bigelovii) but lost in the other (N. clevelandii). Differences between diploid and tetraploid species were apparent in delays (maximum 1 and 0.5 h, respectively) in the jasmonate burst, the elicitation of trypsin inhibitors and release of volatile organic compounds, and the constitutive levels of nicotine, trypsin inhibitors, diterpene glycosides, rutin, and caffeoylputrescine in the leaves. Resistance to M. sexta larvae attack was most strongly associated with diterpene glycosides, which were higher in the diploid than in the two allotetraploid species. Because M. sexta elicitors differentially regulate a large proportion of the N. attenuata transcriptome, we propose that these species are suited for the study of the evolution of adaptive responses requiring trans-activation mechanisms. PMID:14530394

  11. Differences in the Detoxification Metabolism between Two clonal Lineages of the Aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer (Hemiptera: Aphididae Reared on Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. Diferencias en el Metabolismo de Detoxificación entre dos Linajes Clonales del Áfido Myzus persicae (Sulzer (Hemiptera: Aphididae creados sobre tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum L.

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    Marco A Cabrera-Brandt


    Full Text Available Myzus persicae (Sulzer is a highly polyphagous aphid species, with a subspecies (M. persicae nicotianae well adapted to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.. We evaluated the effect of this host plant on the aphid performance and detoxification enzymes, in order to test the participation of xenobiotic metabolism on the ability of this aphid to overcome the tobacco chemical defences. Two genotypes, one corresponding to the only M. persicae nicotianae genotype reported in Chile on tobacco, and one genotype belonging to M. persicae sensu stricto were reared on tobacco and pepper (Capsicum annuum L., respectively. M. persicae nicotianae showed a significantly higher intrinsic rate of increase (r m on pepper than on tobacco, and M. persicae s.s. performed similarly, but with no reproduction at all on tobacco. In order to evaluate the effect of tobacco on detoxification enzymes, esterases, glutathione S-transferases (GST and cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases (MO were determined in both selected aphid genotypes after 12, 24, 36, 48 and 72 h of rearing on tobacco and pepper. M. persicae nicotianae exhibited the higher total esterase activities when reared on tobacco than on pepper after 48 h of rearing, while the activities of GST and MO did not show any significant difference between host-plants and duration of treatment. For M. persicae s.s., no significant differences were observed among host-plants for the studied enzymes. These results suggest a participation of the esterases, on the ability of this M. persicae nicotianae to overcome the tobacco defences.Myzus persicae (Sulzer es un áfido polífago que incluye a Myzus persicae nicotianae, una subespecie altamente adaptada sobre tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum L.. Evaluamos el efecto del tabaco sobre el desempeño biológico y sobre determinadas enzimas de detoxificación en áfidos, para estudiar su participación en la capacidad de M. persicae nicotianae de superar las defensas químicas del tabaco. Dos

  12. Some physiological aspects of nitrate reductase-deficient Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saux, C.; Morot-Gaudry, J.F.; Lemoine, Y.; Caboche, M.


    Chlorate-resistant Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (cv. Viviani) mutants were found to be defective in the nitrate reductase apoprotein (NR - nia). Because they could not grow with nitrate as sole nitrogen source, they were cultivated as graftings on wild type Nicotiana tabacum. The grafts of NR - plants were found to contain less malate but more amino acids, sugars and starch than the wild type. Moreover they were chlorotic, with a slight increase of the proportion of LH Chl a/b protein complexes and they exhibited a lowering of the efficiency of energy transfer between the light-harvesting complexes and the active centers. After 14 CO 2 pulse and chase experiments. The total 14 C incorporation of the mutant leaves was approximately 20% of that of the control. The NR - leaves mainly accumulated 14 C in the whole intermediates of the Calvin-cycle and in sucrose. In the most deficient NR leaves, chloroplasts were stuffed with large starch inclusions disorganizing the lamellar system

  13. Some physiological aspects of nitrate reductase-deficient Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saux, C.; Morot-Gaudry, J.F.; Lemoine, Y.; Caboche, M.


    Chlorate-resistant Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (cv. Viviani) mutants were found to be defective in the nitrate reductase apoprotein (NR/sup -/ nia). Because they could not grow with nitrate as sole nitrogen source, they were cultivated as graftings on wild type Nicotiana tabacum. The grafts of NR/sup -/ plants were found to contain less malate but more amino acids, sugars and starch than the wild type. Moreover they were chlorotic, with a slight increase of the proportion of LH Chl a/b protein complexes and they exhibited a lowering of the efficiency of energy transfer between the light-harvesting complexes and the active centers. After /sup 14/CO/sub 2/ pulse and chase experiments. The total /sup 14/C incorporation of the mutant leaves was approximately 20% of that of the control. The NR/sup -/ leaves mainly accumulated /sup 14/C in the whole intermediates of the Calvin-cycle and in sucrose. In the most deficient NR leaves, chloroplasts were stuffed with large starch inclusions disorganizing the lamellar system.

  14. Abundancia y diversidad de las comunidades de Streptomyces en seis coberturas vegetales de la franja cafetera del Quindío

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    Pilar Corredor


    Full Text Available Se seleccionaron seis coberturas vegetales de la franja cafetera del Quindío para un estudio comparativa de la estructura comunitaria del genero Streptomyces. Mediante recuento en placa se estimó la abundancia y diversidad morfotípica, y a partir de un análisis de PCR-RFLP del marcador rRNA 16S se estimó la diversidad genética de la comunidad aislada por cultivo y de la fracción complementaria no cultivable obtenida par extracción directa de DNA. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la abundancia de Streptomyces entre las 6 coberturas vegetales, obteniendo no obstante valores de diversidad morfotípica sirnilares entre las coberturas. En el análisis genético cultivo-independiente se observo un patrón específico para cada cobertura, presentándose la diversidad genética más alta en la comunidad de los bosques. Los resultados demuestran que la estructura de la comunidad de Streptomyces es dependiente de la cobertura vegetal, en cuanto a los parámetros de diversidad y abundancia estudiados. (Para mayor información consulte Vol. 5 No.1, 2000.

  15. Molecular characterization of natural hybrids of Phytophthora nicotianae and P. cactorum

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bonants, P.J.M.; Hagenaar-de Weerdt, M.; Man in 't Veld, W.A.; Baayen, R.P.


    Hybrid isolates of Phytophthora nicotianae x P. cactorum from five different hosts (Cyclamen, Lavandula, Lewisia, Primula, and Spathiphyllum spp.) were identified by their atypical morphology and their well-defined heterozygous isozyme patterns. The hybrid nature of these isolates was tested by


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    William B. Batista


    Full Text Available El Parque Nacional El Palmar, Entre Ríos, preserva desde 1965 el mayor remanente de la sabana de Butia yatay , un ecosistema rico en especies amenazado por la actividad humana. Para estudiar el funcio - namiento de este ecosistema y gestionar su preservación, es necesario contar con una adecuada carac - terización de la heterogeneidad de su vegetación. En este trabajo presentamos una clasificación fitoso - ciológica de las comunidades vegetales de la sabana del Parque, describimos su estructura, composición y diversidad florística y detallamos su distribución en el paisaje. Con el fin de estratificar la obtención de datos, delimitamos primero las principales unidades geomorfológicas del paisaje. En la primavera de 1999 y en el verano siguiente, realizamos censos florísticos completos en 73 “stands” de sabana con diferentes historias de incendio, distribuidos en las diferentes unidades geomorfológicas. Utilizamos técnicas de análisis multivariado y clasificación numérica para agrupar los censos en comunidades y las especies en grupos florísticos. Finalmente, resumimos las diferencias entre las comunidades en un esca - lamiento multidimensional métrico. Obtuvimos 7 comunidades, descriptas por 20 grupos florísticos. El patrón de similitudes entre estas comunidades sugiere que la heterogeneidad florística se ordena según dos componentes, uno asociado con diferencias en la textura del suelo y el otro con diferencias en el régimen de humedad del suelo. Tres de las comunidades, afines entre sí, se distribuyen en las terrazas altas e interfluvios que conforman la matriz del paisaje, en correspondencia con diferencias graduales de topografía y suelos. Estas comunidades cambian sucesionalmente por el avance de la lignificación des - encadenada por la exclusión del ganado y mantenida por la escasez de incendios naturales. Las restantes cuatro comunidades aparecen estrictamente asociadas con afloramientos rocosos, dep

  17. Utilización de especies nativas del bosque seco para la recuperación del paisaje en el proceso de cierre del botadero a cielo abierto del distrito Las Lomas-Piura


    Montoro Negrón, Barbara Elizabeth; Montoro Negrón, Barbara Elizabeth; Montoro Negrón, Barbara Elizabeth


    La presente investigación estudia la fragmentación del paisaje del distrito de Las Lomas en Piura, afectado por la existencia de un botadero a cielo abierto, y la posible restauración del paisaje durante el proceso de clausura. Para lo cual se estudiaron las especies vegetales nativas del bosque seco piurano seleccionando las más resistentes y útiles en el proceso de recuperación, las mismas que fueron colocadas paisajísticamente sobre la cobertura final. Este proceso denominado Fitorremediac...

  18. Efecto de la temperatura y de la luz sobre la germinación de Nicotiana longiflora Cavaniles y Oenothera indecora Camb. Effect of temperature and the light on germination of Nicotiana longiflora Cavaniles and Oenothera indecora Camb.

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    D. Faccini


    Full Text Available Nicotiana longiflora y Oenothera indecora son especies de reciente difusión en lotes agrícolas de la región pampeana argentina y se desconocen los factores ambientales que afectan su germinación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la influencia de la temperatura y de la luz sobre la germinación de ambas especies. Con temperaturas constantes la germinación fue mayor con luz entre los 20 y 35 °C para N. longiflora y entre 10 y 20 °C para O. indecora. Con temperaturas alternadas, N. longiflora presentó mayor germinación en un rango amplio rango con luz, y en oscuridad fue mayor sólo con 10-20 °C. O. indecora germinó sólo con luz en un amplio rango de temperaturas alternadas. La temperatura base en luz y en oscuridad fue de aproximadamente 14 °C para N. longiflora y de aproximadamente 6 °C para O. indecora. A partir de la temperatura base se puede inferir que N. longiflora es una especie con un ciclo de crecimiento primavero-estival y O. indecora otoño-primavero-estival.Nicotiana longiflora and Oenothera indecora are species of recent appearance in croplands in the Argentine humid pampa zone and there is a lack of knowledge about the environmental factors affecting their germination. The temperature and light requirements for germination and the base temperature of both species were determined. Under constant temperatures, germination was higher between 20 and 35 °C for N. longiflora and between 10 and 20 °C for O. indecora. Under fluctuating temperatures, N. longiflora showed higher germination rates in a wide range of temperatures with light. In darkness, germination was higher only between 10-20 °C for N. longiflora, whereas O. indecora germinated only with light, within a wide range of fluctuating temperatures. Base temperature under light and darkness conditions was approximately 14 °C for N. longiflora and approximately 6 °C for O. indecora. Base temperature indicates that N. longiflora is a species with a spring

  19. An Examination of the Plastid DNA of Hypohaploid Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Plants (United States)

    Cannon, Gordon C.; Van, K. Tran Thanh; Heinhorst, Sabine; Trinh, T. H.; Weissbach, Arthur


    DNA was extracted from different morphological types of hypohaploid Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants. The cellular levels of chloroplast DNA (expressed as percent of total DNA) were found to be approximately two- to threefold higher in two albino hypohaploids than in a green hypohaploid. The level of chloroplast DNA in the green hypohaploid was not significantly different from either in vitro or in vivo grown haploid N. plumbaginifolia plants. Molecular hybridization with DNA probes for the large subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase from spinach and with Pvull fragments representing the entire Nicotiana tabacum chloroplast genome revealed no gross qualitative differences in the chloroplast DNAs of hypohaploid plants. Based on these observations we have concluded that the lack of chloroplast function observed in the albino forms of hypohaploid N. plumbaginifolia plants is not due to changes in the chloroplast genome. Images Figure 1 Figure 2 PMID:16666781

  20. SolCyc: a database hub at the Sol Genomics Network (SGN) for the manual curation of metabolic networks in Solanum and Nicotiana specific databases (United States)

    Foerster, Hartmut; Bombarely, Aureliano; Battey, James N D; Sierro, Nicolas; Ivanov, Nikolai V; Mueller, Lukas A


    Abstract SolCyc is the entry portal to pathway/genome databases (PGDBs) for major species of the Solanaceae family hosted at the Sol Genomics Network. Currently, SolCyc comprises six organism-specific PGDBs for tomato, potato, pepper, petunia, tobacco and one Rubiaceae, coffee. The metabolic networks of those PGDBs have been computationally predicted by the pathologic component of the pathway tools software using the manually curated multi-domain database MetaCyc ( as reference. SolCyc has been recently extended by taxon-specific databases, i.e. the family-specific SolanaCyc database, containing only curated data pertinent to species of the nightshade family, and NicotianaCyc, a genus-specific database that stores all relevant metabolic data of the Nicotiana genus. Through manual curation of the published literature, new metabolic pathways have been created in those databases, which are complemented by the continuously updated, relevant species-specific pathways from MetaCyc. At present, SolanaCyc comprises 199 pathways and 29 superpathways and NicotianaCyc accounts for 72 pathways and 13 superpathways. Curator-maintained, taxon-specific databases such as SolanaCyc and NicotianaCyc are characterized by an enrichment of data specific to these taxa and free of falsely predicted pathways. Both databases have been used to update recently created Nicotiana-specific databases for Nicotiana tabacum, Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana sylvestris and Nicotiana tomentosiformis by propagating verifiable data into those PGDBs. In addition, in-depth curation of the pathways in N.tabacum has been carried out which resulted in the elimination of 156 pathways from the 569 pathways predicted by pathway tools. Together, in-depth curation of the predicted pathway network and the supplementation with curated data from taxon-specific databases has substantially improved the curation status of the species–specific N.tabacum PGDB. The implementation of this

  1. Effect of lethal and sub-lethal concentrations of tobacco (Nicotiana ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Lethal and sub-lethal bioassays on Clarias gariepinus were conducted to evaluate the toxicity of tobacco (Nicotiana tobaccum) leaf dust on weight gain and haematological indices of Clarias gariepinus (mean weight 10.5±0.70g) in glass aquaria with aeration system. The concentrations used during the lethal exposure are: ...

  2. Omzettingen van koolhydraten in het blad van Nicotiana tabacum L.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tollenaar, D.


    Nicotiana tabacum L. was chosen as an experimental plant for several practical reasons. The plants were grown in large pots in a glasshouse at 22 °C and great humidity in February-March and September-October until 4 normal leaves were present. Each day at 16.00 h the plants were brought into

  3. Methylammonium-resistant mutants of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia are affected in nitrate transport. (United States)

    Godon, C; Krapp, A; Leydecker, M T; Daniel-Vedele, F; Caboche, M


    This work reports the isolation and preliminary characterization of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mutants resistant to methylammonium. Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants cannot grow on low levels of nitrate in the presence of methylammonium. Methylammonium is not used as a nitrogen source, although it can be efficiently taken up by Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cells and converted into methylglutamine, an analog of glutamine. Glutamine is known to repress the expression of the enzymes that mediate the first two steps in the nitrate assimilatory pathway, nitrate reductase (NR) and nitrite reductase (NiR). Methylammonium has therefore been used, in combination with low concentrations of nitrate, as a selective agent in order to screen for mutants in which the nitrate pathway is de-repressed. Eleven semi-dominant mutants, all belonging to the same complementation group, were identified. The mutant showing the highest resistance to methylammonium was not affected either in the utilization of ammonium, accumulation of methylammonium or in glutamine synthase activity. A series of experiments showed that utilization of nitrite by the wild-type and the mutant was comparable, in the presence or the absence of methylammonium, thus suggesting that the mutation specifically affected nitrate transport or reduction. Although NR mRNA levels were less repressed by methylammonium treatment of the wild-type than the mutant, NR activities of the mutant remained comparable with or without methylammonium, leading to the hypothesis that modified expression of NR is probably not responsible for resistance to methylammonium. Methylammonium inhibited nitrate uptake in the wild-type but had only a limited effect in the mutant. The implications of these results are discussed.

  4. Aceites vegetales sobre ácidos grasos y producción de metano in vitro en vacas lecheras.

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    Esperanza Prieto-Manrique


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la adición de aceites vegetales en dietas representativas de vacas lecheras bajo pastoreo, sobre los ácidos grasos, fermentación ruminal y producción de metano in vitro. La investigación se desarrolló en el laboratorio NUTRILAB–GRICA, perteneciente a la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, en agosto del 2013. Se utilizó la técnica de producción de gas in vitro. En cuatro dietas (dos de monocultivo en Cynodon plectostachyus y dos de sistema silvopastoril intensivo con Leucaena leucocephala, se evaluó la adición de tres aceites vegetales (girasol, lino y palma a nivel del 2 y 4% de la MS, en un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial de 4x3x2. En todas las dietas, la suplementación con aceite de girasol aumentó el contenido de ácido linoleico (C18:2 c9,12, ácido linoleico conjugado (ALC-c9t11 y ácido transvaccénico (ATV, C18:1 t11 después de la fermentación (p0,05. Ningún aceite afectó la cinética de fermentación, pH, total de ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV, proporción de AGV, ni la producción de metano.

  5. Estudio etnobotánico de las especies vegetales utilizadas como leña en San José de Suaita (Suaita, Santander, Colombia

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    Edison de Jesús Valderrama Ramírez


    son las de mayor recolección y consumo de leña coincidiendo con las de labranza y cosecha de los productos agrícolas especialmente café. Se identificaron tres formas de recolección por parte del campesino, que varían en la frecuencia y nivel de extracción. El consumo estimado fue de 4,9 kg per capita. Se encontraron un total de 52 especies utilizadas como leña, siendo las especies pertenecientes a la familia Melastomataceae las más numerosas. Del total de especies utilizadas el 94% provienen de los agroecosistemas y el 6% del bosque natural. Según las categorías de intensidad de uso, se muestran 11 especies como las más importantes. Según el IVI las especies más consumidas tienen valores de importancia intermedios y bajos, por lo que se asume que hay un criterio de calidad más no de abundancia para la selección de leña.

  6. The stylar 120 kDa glycoprotein is required for S-specific pollen rejection in Nicotiana. (United States)

    Hancock, C Nathan; Kent, Lia; McClure, Bruce A


    S-RNase participates in at least three mechanisms of pollen rejection. It functions in S-specific pollen rejection (self-incompatibility) and in at least two distinct interspecific mechanisms of pollen rejection in Nicotiana. S-specific pollen rejection and rejection of pollen from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia also require additional stylar proteins. Transmitting-tract-specific (TTS) protein, 120 kDa glycoprotein (120K) and pistil extensin-like protein III (PELP III) are stylar glycoproteins that bind S-RNase in vitro and are also known to interact with pollen. Here we tested whether these glycoproteins have a direct role in pollen rejection. 120K shows the most polymorphism in size between Nicotiana species. Larger 120K-like proteins are often correlated with S-specific pollen rejection. Sequencing results suggest that the polymorphism primarily reflects differences in glycosylation, although indels also occur in the predicted polypeptides. Using RNA interference (RNAi), we suppressed expression of 120K to determine if it is required for S-specific pollen rejection. Transgenic SC N. plumbaginifolia x SI Nicotiana alata (S105S105 or SC10SC10) hybrids with no detectable 120K were unable to perform S-specific pollen rejection. Thus, 120K has a direct role in S-specific pollen rejection. However, suppression of 120K had no effect on rejection of N. plumbaginifolia pollen. In contrast, suppression of HT-B, a factor previously implicated in S-specific pollen rejection, disrupts rejection of N. plumbaginifolia pollen. Thus, S-specific pollen rejection and rejection of N. plumbaginifolia pollen are mechanistically distinct, because they require different non-S-RNase factors.

  7. [A hydroponic cultivation system for rapid high-yield transient protein expression in Nicotiana plants under laboratory conditions]. (United States)

    Mo, Qianzhen; Mai, Rongjia; Yang, Zhixiao; Chen, Minfang; Yang, Tiezhao; Lai, Huafang; Yang, Peiliang; Chen, Qiang; Zhou, Xiaohong


    To develop a hydroponic Nicotiana cultivation system for rapid and high-yield transient expression of recombinant proteins under laboratory conditions. To establish the hydroponic cultivation system, several parameters were examined to define the optimal conditions for the expression of recombinant proteins in plants. We used the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the geminiviral plant transient expression vector as the model protein/expression vector. We examined the impact of Nicotiana species, the density and time of Agrobacterium infiltration, and the post-infiltration growth period on the accumulation of GFP. The expression levels of GFP in Nicotiana leaves were then examined by Western blotting and ELISA. Our data indicated that a hydroponic Nicotiana cultivation system with a light intensity of 9000 LX/layer, a light cycle of 16 h day/8 h night, a temperature regime of 28 degrees celsius; day/21 degrees celsius; night, and a relative humidity of 80% could support the optimal plant growth and protein expression. After agroinfiltration with pBYGFPDsRed.R/LBA4404, high levels of GFP expression were observed in both N. benthamiana and N. tobaccum (cv. Yuyan No.5) plants cultured with this hydroponic cultivation system. An optimal GFP expression was achieved in both Nicotiana species leaves 4 days after infiltration by Agrobacterium with an OD(600) of 0.8. At a given time point, the average biomass of N. tobaccum (cv. Yuyan No.5) was significantly higher than that of N. benthamiana. The leaves from 6-week-old N. benthamiana plants and 5-week-old N. tobaccum (cv. Yuyan No.5) plants could be the optimal material for agroinfiltration. We have established a hydroponic cultivation system that allows robust growth of N. benthamiana and N. tobaccum (cv. Yuyan No.5) plants and the optimal GFP expression in the artificial climate box.

  8. Antinuclear human autoantibodies as markers in Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes

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    C. Poggialini


    Full Text Available In the present paper we report on the use of antinuclear human autoantibodies as specific markers in Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes. The antibodies have been tested by fluorescence techniques using a confocal laser scanning microscope. All the antibodies showed specifc labelling pattern and the results, although preliminary in nature, could open new perspectives of research.

  9. Construcciones en yeso proyectado sobre vegetales

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    Martínez, Hubert


    Full Text Available A construction method developed in early 1981 in Senegal, whose main objective is the evaluation of natural and human sources, specially those of wild vegetables and the phosphogypsum (a waste of chemical industry in Senegal. The introduction of the mechanical projection allows a noticeably growth in work performances and an improvement of the quality. The projection reduces de number of trades intervening in the work, doing away with plasters, watertightness systems and paintings, and simplifying the setting of technical installations and of carpentry. The acquisition of this projecting material is not very expensive, so, it is easy for small and medium enterprises to reach an expertness in gypsum work. Its finantial rentability is assured for a prize of the gypsum of 180% of the prize of the cement.Procedimiento de construcción desarrollado al comienzo de 1981 en el Senegal, teniendo como objetivo la valoración de las fuentes naturales y humanas, especialmente los vegetales en estado silvestre y el fosfoyeso, residuo de la industria química del Senegal. La introducción de la proyección mecánica permite aumentar sensiblemente el rendimiento del trabajo y mejorar la calidad. La proyección reduce el número de oficios que intervienen en la obra por la supresión de enlucidos, sistemas de estanquidad y pinturas sobre la gruesa obra y simplifica la colocación de las instalaciones técnicas y de carpintería. La adquisición del material de proyección, necesitando un capital relativamente modesto, se encuentra al alcance de pequeñas y medianas empresas que deseen especializarse en los trabajos de yeso. La rentabilidad financiera del procedimiento está asegurada para un precio del yeso de hasta el 180% del precio del cemento.

  10. Nectar Sugar Modulation and Cell Wall Invertases in the Nectaries of Day- and Night- Flowering Nicotiana. (United States)

    Tiedge, Kira; Lohaus, Gertrud


    Nectar composition varies between species, depending on flowering time and pollinator type, among others. Various models of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms underlying nectar production and secretion have been proposed. To gain insights into these mechanisms, day- and night-flowering tobacco ( Nicotiana ) species with high or low proportions of hexoses in the nectar were analyzed. Nectar and nectaries were simultaneously collected, throughout the day and night. Soluble sugars and starch were determined and the activity and expression level of cell wall invertase (CW-INVs) were measured in nectaries. Nectaries and nectar of the five Nicotiana species contained different amounts of sucrose, glucose, and fructose. CW-INV activity was detected in the nectaries of all Nicotiana species and is probably involved in the hydrolysis of sucrose in the nectary tissue and during nectar secretion. The larger differences in the sucrose-to-hexose-ratio between nectaries and nectar in diurnal species compared to nocturnal species can be explained by higher sucrose cleavage within the nectaries in night-flowering species, and during secretion in day-flowering species. However, cell wall invertase alone cannot be responsible for the differences in sugar concentrations. Within the nectaries of the Nicotiana species, a portion of the sugars is transiently stored as starch. In general, night-flowering species showed higher starch contents in the nectaries compared to day-flowering species. Moreover, in night flowering species, the starch content decreased during the first half of the dark period, when nectar production peaks. The sucrose concentrations in the cytoplasm of nectarial cells were extrapolated from nectary sucrose contents. In day-flowering species, the sucrose concentration in the nectary cytoplasm was about twice as high as in nectar, whereas in night-flowering species the situation was the opposite, which implies different secretion mechanisms. The secreted nectar

  11. Efecto de extractos vegetales de polygonum hydropiperoides, solanum nigrum y calliandra pittieri sobre el gusano cogollero (spodoptera frugiperda)


    Lizarazo H., Karol; Mendoza F., Cristina; Carrero S., Rocío


    El gusano cogollero Spodoptera frugiperda es una de las plagas que más afectan los cultivos en la región de Sumapaz (Cundinamarca, Colombia). En la actualidad se controla principalmente aplicando productos de síntesis química, sin embargo la aplicación de extractos vegetales surge como una alternativa de menor impacto sobre el ambiente. Este control se emplea debido a que las plantas contienen metabolitos secundarios que pueden inhibir el desarrollo de los insectos. Por tal motivo, la present...


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    María Cecilia Montani


    Full Text Available Se identifican las especies vegetales y sus partes empleadas en las prácticas alimentarias de los indígenas tapiete del noreste de la provincia de Salta, Argentina, así como sus formas de recolección, elaboración, consumo y almacenamiento. La finalidad última de este trabajo es contribuir a la apreciación y registro de los conocimientos del pueblo tapiete sobre estos aspectos de su cultura. Se efectuaron cinco campañas al Chaco semiárido norte y a la ciudad de Tartagal, donde se obtuvieron los datos etnobotánicos a partir de 75 entrevistas realizadas a un total de 32 colaboradores tapiete calificados y ocasionales. Cada una de las plantas alimenticias indicadas fue colectada e identificada por los autores y depositadas en el Herbario Ruiz Leal (MERL. Se registra un total de 54 plantas nativas, pertenecientes a 23 familias botánicas, empleadas como alimento por los tapiete en 106 preparaciones culinarias o formas de consumo y 13 formas de conservación. Las principales especies en su alimentación son Anisocapparis speciosa, Prosopis aff. elata y Prosopis alba con seis usos cada una y Ziziphus mistol, Geoffroea decorticans y Funastrum clausum con cuatro aplicaciones. La mayoría de estos usos (55%; 59 no incluyen preparación alguna -se consumen crudos-, el 21 % (22 se consumen cocidos (hervidos o asados, mientras que sus usos en bebidas, condimentos y harinas representan una minoría de las aplicaciones (24%; 25. Se registra por vez primera el consumo alimenticio de las hojas de Passiflora mooreana y de P. cincinatta por etnias del Gran Chaco.

  13. Efecto de extractos vegetales de Polygonum hydropiperoides, Solanum nigrum y Calliandra pittieri sobre el gusano cogollero (Spodoptera frugiperda

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    Lizarazo H. Karol


    Full Text Available

    El gusano cogollero Spodoptera frugiperda es una de las plagas que más afectan los cultivos en la región de Sumapaz (Cundinamarca, Colombia. En la actualidad se controla principalmente aplicando productos de síntesis química, sin embargo la aplicación de extractos vegetales surge como una alternativa de menor impacto sobre el ambiente. Este control se emplea debido a que las plantas contienen metabolitos secundarios que pueden inhibir el desarrollo de los insectos. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación evaluó el efecto insecticida y antialimentario de extractos vegetales de barbasco Polygonum hydropiperoides (Polygonaceae, carbonero Calliandra pittieri (Mimosaceae y hierba mora Solanum nigrum (Solanaceae sobre larvas de S. frugiperda biotipo maíz. Se estableció una cría masiva del insecto en el laboratorio utilizando una dieta natural con hojas de maíz. Posteriormente se obtuvieron extractos vegetales utilizando solventes de alta polaridad (agua y etanol y media polaridad (diclorometano los cuales se aplicaron sobre las larvas de segundo instar. Los resultados más destacados se presentaron con extractos de P. hydropiperoides, obtenidos con diclorometano en sus diferentes dosis, con los cuales se alcanzó una mortalidad de 100% 12 días después de la aplicación y un efecto antialimentario representado por un consumo de follaje de maíz inferior al 4%, efectos similares a los del testigo comercial (Clorpiriphos.

  14. Evaluación de especies arbóreas para sistemas silvopastoriles

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    G. Febles


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo hace particular hincapié en la evaluación de especies, y en este sentido, profundiza en los conceptos, extensión e importancia respecto del estudio de los árboles y arbustos. Se incursiona en la literatura nacional e internacional. Igualmente, se cita un grupo importante de instituciones nacionales que desarrollan investigaciones brindando informaciones relevantes de algunas de ellas. Se valora la esencia de la evaluación y de su ubicación no absoluta en la cadena productiva de los árboles y arbustos. Aporta información acerca de aquellas características que deben presentar los árboles para ser evaluados para los sistemas silvopastoriles. Manifiesta un grupo de indicadores indispensables por los que debe comenzar el proceso de valoración de especies vegetales arbóreas y arbustivas; como la supervivencia, el crecimiento, ataque de plagas y la aceptación por los animales como medidas relevantes. A partir de estos criterios es posible inferir la resistencia de estas plantas al estrés ambiental y la facilidad para adaptarse a la presión ambiental. Un grupo de resultados hacen posible conocer que algunos taxones tienen mayor plasticidad genotípica, por lo que muestran variabilidad y posibilidades de constituir opciones que aumenten la diversidad y el uso de estas plantas. Se informa también acerca del uso de los árboles para diferentes propósitos productivos dentro de la ganadería tropical

  15. Population structure and genetic diversity of Phytophthora nicotianae from tobacco in Georgia (United States)

    Black shank caused by Phytophthora nicotianae occurs worldwide and is responsible for significant yield loss in tobacco production in Georgia. Management of the disease has primarily relied on utilization of tobacco cultivars with resistance to race 0 of the pathogen and application of the fungicide...

  16. Desarrollo de nuevos sistemas separativos para la determinación de biomoléculas en matrices vegetales


    Vergara Barberán, María


    La presente memoria se enmarca dentro de las líneas de investigación del grupo de investigación, entre las que se encuentran: i) el desarrollo de materiales poliméricos con fines separativos, y ii) la puesta a punto de metodologías analíticas rápidas y fiables para el control de calidad en la industria de aceites vegetales y otros productos de interés agroalimentario. En consecuencia, los objetivos principales de esta Tesis Doctoral son: i) el diseño y optimización de soportes poliméricos mod...


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    María Isabel Cornejo Plaza


    Full Text Available Recientemente ha sido aprobada por la Cámara de Diputados en Chile la tramitación de la Ley de Obtentores Vegetales (Ley Monsanto. Esta investigación pretende un análisis analítico, crítico e interpretativo de un proyecto de ley que debiera seguir ciertos parámetros éticos. Los derechos de obtentores vegetales son un sistema de propiedad intelectual para la protección específica de nuevas variedades de plantas. Para que una variedad pueda ser protegida, debe ser nueva, distinta, uniforme y estable. Los derechos de obtentor se rigen bajo la Unión Internacional para la Protección de las Obtenciones Vegetales (UPOV. Chile ha adherido a UPOV en acta 1978 en 1996, y lo implementa mediante la Ley de Obtentores de Nuevas Variedades Vegetales, No. 19.342 de 1994. Sin embargo, Chile firmó un acuerdo de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos, donde se compromete a incorporarse a la versión de UPOV 1991. Esta iniciativa ha causado gran resquemor en la sociedad civil chilena y en el mundo político. Grandes son también las aristas éticas en torno a esta iniciativa, desde que la normativa privatizaría las semillas y concentraría la propiedad de estas en pocas empresas, entre las cuales se presumen intereses económicos de Monsanto. Además, el proyecto de ley estaría violando el convenio 169 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT sobre biodiversidad. Por otro lado, en Chile no existe un catastro de recursos "fitogenéticos" adecuado. Respeto a la discusión bioética, esta normativa no considera reflexiones en torno a los principios de precaución, solidaridad, multiculturalidad, responsabilidad y sustentabilidad con el medio ambiente en el contexto global. Consideramos que una adecuada legislación en torno a los transgénicos puede sin duda ayudar al progreso con equidad.

  18. Ontwikkeling en demonstratie van een geintegreerd bestrijdingssysteem voor de rode luis Myzus nicotianae

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijken, van M.J.


    De geïntegreerde plaagbestrijding van de paprikateelt onder glas, wordt sinds 1993 verstoord door de opkomst van de rode luis, Myzus nicotianae. Deze luis is namelijk resistent tegen het selectieve chemische correctiemiddel pirimicarb en een effectieve biologische bestrijding was onvoldoende

  19. Inter Simple Sequence Repeat DNA (ISSR) Polymorphism Utility in Haploid Nicotiana Alata Irradiated Plants for Finding Markers Associated with Gamma Irradiation and Salinity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Fiki, A.; Adly, M.; El-Metabteb, G.


    Nicotiana alata is an ornamental plant. It is a member of family Solanasea. Tobacco (Nicotiana spp.) is one of the most important commercial crops in the world. Wild Nicotiana species, as a store house of genes for several diseases and pests, in addition to genes for several important phytochemicals and quality traits which are not present in cultivated varieties. Inter simple sequence repeat DNA (ISSR) analysis was used to determine the degree of genetic variation in treated haploid Nicotiana alata plants. Total genomic DNAs from different treated haploid plant lets were amplified using five specific primers. All primers were polymorphic. A total of 209 bands were amplified of which 135 (59.47%) polymorphic across the radiation treatments. Whilst, the level of polymorphism among the salinity treatments were 181 (85.6 %). Whereas, the polymorphism among the combined effects between gamma radiation doses and salinity concentrations were 283 ( 73.95% ). Treatments relationships were estimated through cluster analysis (UPGMA) based on ISSR data


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    Mauricio Arango Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available La diversidad de especies vegetales presentes en Colombia y la falta de inventario sobre ellas hace pensar en un proceso que facilite la labor de los investigadores en estas disciplinas. Los sensores remotos satelitales como el LANDSAT ETM+ y las técnicas de inteligencia artificial no supervisadas, como los Self-Organizing Maps - SOM, podrían proveer una alternativa viable para avanzar en la obtención rápida de información que corresponda a zonas con diferentes coberturas vegetales presentes en la geografía nacional. La zona propuesta para el caso en estudio fue clasificada de forma supervisada por el método de máxima similitud en otro trabajo de investigación en ciencias forestales y se discriminaron ocho tipos de coberturas vegetales. Esta información sirvió como patrón de medida para evaluar el desempeño de los clasificadores no supervisados ISODATA y SOM. Sin embargo, la información que proveen las imágenes debió ser depurada previamente de acuerdo a los criterios de uso y calidad de los datos de manera que se utilizara la información adecuada para estos métodos no supervisados. Para esto se recurrió a varios conceptos como las estadísticas de las imágenes, el comportamiento espectral de las comunidades vegetales, las características del sensor y la divergencia promedio que permitieron definir las mejores bandas y sus combinaciones. Sobre éstas se aplicó el concepto de análisis de componentes principales que permitió reducir el número de datos conservando un gran porcentaje de la información. Sobre estos datos depurados se aplicaron las técnicas no supervisadas modificando algunos parámetros que pudieran mostrar una mejor convergencia de los métodos. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con la clasificación supervisada a través de matrices de confusión y se concluye que no hay una buena convergencia de los métodos de clasificación no supervisada con este proceso para el caso de las coberturas vegetales

  1. Wheat bran soil inoculant of sumateran nematode-trapping fungi as biocontrol agents of the root-knot nematode meloidogyne incognita on deli tobacco (nicotiana tabaccum l) cv. deli 4 (United States)

    Dwi Sri Hastuti, Liana; Faull, Jane


    A pot experiment was carried out to test the effectiveness of nematode-trapping fungi (NTF) isolated from Sumatera for controlling infection by the root-knot nematode (RKN) on Deli tobacco plant. Wheat bran soil containing 109 conidia of Arthrobotrys. oligospora, Candellabrella musiformis and Dactylella eudermata was added to the soil as a dry inoculum. Carbofuran was also applied as chemical agent and comparison treatment. Seedling tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cv. Deli 4 was inoculated with root knot (Meloidogyne incognita Chitwood.) seven days after the plant were transplanted to the pots. A. oligospora, C. musiformis and D. eudermata were found to be reliable as biocontrol agents, reducing the number of vermiform nematodes, swollen root, sausage shaped and galls in tobacco plant after 7, 15 and 30 days of infection with M. incognita. Treatment with NTF produced results that were comparable with Carbofuran® as a control agent in the reduction of the number of infections in tobacco plant caused by M. incognita in Nicotiana tabacum var. Deli 4. They also optimize the growth of the tobacco plants especially up to 15 days after infection.

  2. Highly Oxygenated Flavonoids from the Leaves of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (Solanaceae)


    Md. Shafiullah Shajib; Bidyut Kanti Datta; Md. Hossain Sohrab; Mohammad Abdur Rashid; Lutfun Nahar; Satyajit Dey Sarker


    Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. is an annual herb of the family Solanaceae, which grows abundantly in the weedy lands of Bangladesh . This plant possesses analgesic, antibacterial, anti-anxiety and hepatoprotective properties, and produces various phenolic compounds including flavonoids. The present study afforded determination of total phenolic and flavonoid contents, and for the first time, the isolation and characterization of highly oxygenated flavonoids, e.g., 3,3' ,5,6,7,8-hexamethoxy- 4...

  3. Zoospore exudates from Phytophthora nicotianae affect immune responses in Arabidopsis. (United States)

    Kong, Ping; McDowell, John M; Hong, Chuanxue


    Zoospore exudates play important roles in promoting zoospore communication, homing and germination during plant infection by Phytophthora. However, it is not clear whether exudates affect plant immunity. Zoospore-free fluid (ZFF) and zoospores of P. nicotianae were investigated comparatively for effects on resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 and mutants that affect signaling mediated by salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA): eds16 (enhanced disease susceptibility16), pad4 (phytoalexin deficient4), and npr1 (nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related genes1). Col-0 attracted more zoospores and had severe tissue damage when flooded with a zoospore suspension in ZFF. Mutants treated with ZFF alone developed disease symptoms similar to those inoculated with zoospores and requirements of EDS16 and PAD4 for plant responses to zoospores and the exudates was apparent. Zoospore and ZFFs also induced expression of the PR1 and PDF1.2 marker genes for defense regulated by SA and JA, respectively. However, ZFF affected more JA defense signaling, down regulating PR1 when SA signaling or synthesis is deficient, which may be responsible for Arabidopsis mutant plants more susceptible to infection by high concentration of P. nicotianae zoospores. These results suggest that zoospore exudates can function as virulence factors and inducers of plant immune responses during plant infection by Phytophthora.

  4. Anaerobic soil disinfestation reduces survival and infectivity of Phytophthora nicotianae chlamydospores in pepper (United States)

    Phytophthora nicotianae is the principal causal agent of root and crown rot disease of pepper plants in Extremadura (western Spain), a spring-summer crop in this region. Preplant soil treatment by anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) may effectively control plant pathogens in many crop production sys...

  5. Ecological costs and benefits correlated with trypsin protease inhibitor production in Nicotiana attenuata

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Glawe, G.A.; Zavala, J.A.; Kessler, A.; Van Dam, N.M.; Baldwin, I.T.


    Genotypes of the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata from different geographic regions in North America vary considerably in the level of constitutive and inducible trypsin protease inhibitors (TrypPIs), a potent direct defense, as well as in the production of herbivore-induced volatiles that function

  6. Chlorogenic acid in a Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cell suspension. (United States)

    Gillet; Mesnard; Fliniaux; Monti; Fliniaux


    A phenylpropanoid compound has been characterized in a Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cell suspension. This compound has been isolated and purified by semi-preparative reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography. Its structure has been identified by NMR spectroscopy as 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid, which is chlorogenic acid (CA). The influence of culture conditions on the accumulation of this metabolite by N. plumbaginifolia cell suspensions has been studied. Darkness strongly inhibits the CA accumulation. Moreover, it has been shown that feeding experiments with caffeic acid had a deleterious effect upon the CA content. This one was not influenced by a supplementation with quinic acid.

  7. Management of chili pepper root rot and wilt (caused by Phytophthora nicotianae by grafting onto resistant rootstock

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    Mourad SAADOUN


    Full Text Available Root rot and plant wilting caused by Phytophthora nicotianae is a severe disease of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L. in open fields and under greenhouse production in Tunisia. Chili pepper grafting for disease manage- ment is attracting increased interest in recent years. Using the tube grafting technique, different compatible scion/rootstock combinations were obtained with the wild-type pepper SCM334 and the local chili pepper cultivars ‘Beldi’ and ‘Baker’. SCM334 was resistant to P. nicotianae, while the cultivars Beldi and Baker were susceptible. Plant inoculations were performed with P. nicotianae zoospores, and severity of root rot was rated 30 days post- inoculation using a 0 (healthy plant to 5 (dead plant severity score. On SCM334 rootstock and with ‘Beldi’ or ‘Baker’ scions, the intensity of root rot was very low (mean score 0.1–0.2 and plants were healthy. However, with Baker or Beldi rootstocks and SCM334 scions, root rot was severe (mean score 3.1–4.6, leading to high numbers of wilting and dead plants. This severe root rot was similar to that observed on non-grafted plants of ‘Baker’ and ‘Beldi’ inoculated with the pathogen. Under greenhouse conditions, measurements of agronomic characters indicated non-consistent improvement of these features on the scion cultivar when SCM334 was the rootstock. Since plant foliage is not attacked by this pathogen, these results show that susceptible chili pepper scions grafted onto SCM334 rootstocks could be used for root rot management and improvement of pepper yields in P. nicotianae infested soils.

  8. Genome reorganization in Nicotiana asymmetric somatic hybrids analysed by in situ hybridization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parokonny, A.S.; Kenton, A.Y.; Gleba, Y.Y.; Bennett, M.D.


    In situ hybridization was used to examine genome reorganization in asymmetric somatic hybrids between Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Nicotiana sylvestris obtained by fusion of gamma-irradiated protoplasts from one of the parents (donor) with non-irradiated protoplasts from the other (recipient). Probing with biotinylated total genomic DNA from either the donor or the recipient species unequivocally identified genetic material from both parents in 31 regenerant plants, each originating from a different nuclear hybrid colony. This method, termed genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), allowed intergenomic translocations containing chromosome segments from both species to be recognized in four regenerants. A probe homologous to the consensus sequence of the Arabidopsis thaliana telomeric repeat (5'-TTTAGGG-3')n, identified telomeres on all chromosomes, including 'mini-chromosomes' originating from the irradiated donor genome. Genomic in situ hybridization to plant chromosomes provides a rapid and reliable means of screening for recombinant genotypes in asymmetric somatic hybrids. Used in combination with other DNA probes, it also contributes to a greater understanding of the events responsible for genomic recovery and restabilization following genetic manipulation in vitro

  9. Effect of Pollen from Different Plant Species on Development of Typhlodromus pyri (Sheuten (Acari: Phytoseiidae Efecto del Polen de Diferentes Especies Vegetales sobre el Desarrollo de Typhlodromus pyri (Sheuten (Acari: Phytoseiidae

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    Paulina Bermúdez


    Full Text Available Typhlodromus pyri (Sheuten (Acari: Phytoseiidae is a phytoseiid mite with a high potential in controlling the false Chilean mite (Brevipalpus chilensis Baker; Acari: Tenuipalpidae. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different plant species pollen as a complementary food in the development of T. pyri when its prey is in low levels of availability. Mites were individually placed on black plastic boxes with pollen and maintained at a temperature of 26 ± 2 °C, 70 ± 5% relative humidity (RH, and a photoperiod of 16:8 h (L:D. Postembryonic development of T. pyri was studied in 11 pollen species, as well as in a mixed diet of Hirschfeldia incana (L. and B. chilensis. Results show that H. incana was the only pollen in which there was no mortality (P > 0.05 along with the control (Oxalis pes-caprae L.. Mean duration from egg to adult with H. incana was 8.70 ± 1.66 d, protonymph 3.27 ± 0.21 d, and deutonymph 2.90 ± 1.45 d (P > 0.05. The mix feeding of T. pyri did not show any significant differences neither in the mean time from egg to adult, nor in mortality by feeding only with B. chilensis. Survival curves of T. pyri fed only with H. incana pollen, combined with B. chilensis, and only with B. chilensis are higher in the first 14 d of life. The sex ratio was not significantly affected by being fed only with H. incana pollen, B. chilensis, or by a combination of both.Typhlodromus pyri (Sheuten (Acari: Phytoseiidae es un ácaro que presenta un alto potencial de uso para el control de la falsa arañita roja de la vid (Brevipalpus chilensis Baker; Acari: Tenuipalpidae. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto del polen de diferentes especies vegetales como alimento complementario para T. pyri cuando escasea su presa. Los parámetros post-embrionarios de T. pyri se estudiaron en 11 especies de polen, en una dieta mixta de polen de Hirschfeldia incana (L. y B. chilensis. Los ácaros se colocaron individualmente sobre

  10. The role of Nicotiana gluca Graham (paraguayan herbs) as an adjuvant in immunomodulation of Newcastle disease vaccine for broilers Estudo da ação de Nicotiana glauca Graham (erva paraguaia) como coadjuvante em vacina contra a doença de Newcastle em frangos de corte


    Fabiane Pereira Gentilini; Telmo Vidor; Rogério Freitag; Marcos Antônio Anciuti; Caren Gularte Quincozes; Marlete Brum Cleff; Geferson Fischer; Carlos Eduardo Nogueira


    The Nicotiana glauca is a native plant species from Argentina, but found all over South América, being used against headaches, rheumatism, injuries, ulcers, and so on. Researchers have considered it as having immunomodulation effect. This study was conducted to investigate the use of a aqueous extract of Nicotiana glauca Graham as an immunomodulator (adjuvant) of a Newcastle disease vaccine.. A total of 56 broilers were distributed into 4 ...

  11. Formación de un banco de adn en la especie cucurbita moschata (duchesne ex lam.) duchesne ex poir y evaluación de ocho marcadores moleculares como código de barras para su autenticación


    Cañar Serna, Dubert Yamil; Vallejo Cabrera, Franco Alirio; Muñoz Florez, Jaime Eduardo


    En Colombia, Cucurbita moschata es la especie domesticada de mayor importancia por su área de siembra, producción, versatilidad y consumo directo (Vallejo y Estrada, 2004). Como método de conservación, los bancos de ADN en plantas son el equivalente a las bibliotecas que contienen colecciones de alícuotas vegetales viables, con el propósito de mantener vivo este material y preservar sus características para el beneficio futuro de la humanidad y el medio ambiente (Painting et al., 1995). Actua...

  12. Evaluación de la infestación de cinco especies de solanáceas al parasitismo del nemátodo del nudo de la raíz Meloidogyne incognita y el contenido de alcaloides en frutos de tomate de árbol y naranjilla injertados en estas especies


    Navarrete Bastidas, Ximena Elianet


    Existe una alta incidencia del nemátodo Meloidogyne incognita en Solanáceas de importancia económica. Este patógeno ocasiona daños en la planta, llegando a producir hasta la muerte y ocasionando pérdidas para el agricultor. En la presente investigación, se evaluó la respuesta de infestación de cinco especies de Solanáceas silvestres (Solanum auriculatum, S.hirtum, S.hispidum, S.arboreum y Nicotiana glauca) al parasitismo de M. incognita. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar c...

  13. Abundancia y diversidad de las comunidades de Streptomyces en seis coberturas vegetales de la franja cafetera del Quindío


    Flórez Camilo; Duque Myriam; Tohme Joseph; Andrade Eugenio; Corredor Pilar


    Se seleccionaron seis coberturas vegetales de la franja cafetera del Quindío para un estudio comparativa de la estructura comunitaria del genero Streptomyces. Mediante recuento en placa se estimó la abundancia y diversidad morfotípica, y a partir de un análisis de PCR-RFLP del marcador rRNA 16S se estimó la diversidad genética de la comunidad aislada por cultivo y de la fracción complementaria no cultivable obtenida par e...

  14. Impacto de los ultrasonidos de potencia en la calidad de vegetales y frutas durante el proceso de deshidratación


    Gamboa Santos, Juliana


    [ES]: En la presente Tesis se ha estudiado la influencia de los ultrasonidos (US) de potencia en el proceso de deshidratación de vegetales y frutas, tanto en el pre-tratamiento como en el secado, empleándose diversos parámetros de calidad. Los indicadores químicos seleccionados han sido las enzimas peroxidasa y pectinmetilesterasa, la vitamina C, los carbohidratos, las proteínas, los polifenoles y los 2-furoilmetil aminoácidos (indicadores de las etapas iniciales de la reacción de Maillard); ...

  15. Zoospore exudates from Phytophthora nicotianae affect immune responses in Arabidopsis.

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    Ping Kong

    Full Text Available Zoospore exudates play important roles in promoting zoospore communication, homing and germination during plant infection by Phytophthora. However, it is not clear whether exudates affect plant immunity. Zoospore-free fluid (ZFF and zoospores of P. nicotianae were investigated comparatively for effects on resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 and mutants that affect signaling mediated by salicylic acid (SA and jasmonic acid (JA: eds16 (enhanced disease susceptibility16, pad4 (phytoalexin deficient4, and npr1 (nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related genes1. Col-0 attracted more zoospores and had severe tissue damage when flooded with a zoospore suspension in ZFF. Mutants treated with ZFF alone developed disease symptoms similar to those inoculated with zoospores and requirements of EDS16 and PAD4 for plant responses to zoospores and the exudates was apparent. Zoospore and ZFFs also induced expression of the PR1 and PDF1.2 marker genes for defense regulated by SA and JA, respectively. However, ZFF affected more JA defense signaling, down regulating PR1 when SA signaling or synthesis is deficient, which may be responsible for Arabidopsis mutant plants more susceptible to infection by high concentration of P. nicotianae zoospores. These results suggest that zoospore exudates can function as virulence factors and inducers of plant immune responses during plant infection by Phytophthora.

  16. Synthesis of 'cineole cassette' monoterpenes in Nicotiana section Alatae: gene isolation, expression, functional characterization and phylogenetic analysis. (United States)

    Fähnrich, Anke; Brosemann, Anne; Teske, Laura; Neumann, Madeleine; Piechulla, Birgit


    The scent bouquets of flowers of Nicotiana species, particularly those of section Alatae, are rich in monoterpenes, including 1,8-cineole, limonene, β-myrcene, α- and β-pinene, sabinene, and α-terpineol. New terpene synthase genes were isolated from flowers of Nicotiana bonariensis, N. forgetiana, N. longiflora, and N. mutabilis. The recombinant enzymes synthesize simultaneously the characteristic 'cineole cassette' monoterpenes with 1,8-cineole as the dominant volatile product. Interestingly, amino acid sequence comparison and phylogenetic tree construction clustered the newly isolated cineole synthases (CIN) of section Alatae together with the catalytically similar CIN of N. suaveolens of section Suaveolentes, thus suggesting a common ancestor. These CIN genes of N. bonariensis, N. forgetiana, N. longiflora, and N. mutabilis are distinct from the terpineol synthases (TERs) of the taxonomically related N. alata and N. langsdorfii (both Alatae), thus indicating gene diversification of monoterpene synthases in section Alatae. Furthermore, the presence of CINs in species of the American section Alatae supports the hypothesis that one parent of the Australian section Suaveolentes was a member of the present section Alatae. Amino acid sequences of the Nicotiana CINs and TERs were compared to identify relevant amino acids of the cyclization reaction from α-terpineol to 1,8-cineole.

  17. [Molecular and structural-biological analysis of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mutants for identification of the site of beta-tubulins interaction with dinitroanilines and phosphorotioamidates]. (United States)

    Emets, A I; Baiard, U V; Nyporko, A Iu; Swire-Clark, G A; Blium, Ia B


    The identification of point mutation locations on beta-tubulin molecules of amiprophosmethyl- and trifluralin-resistant Nicotiana plumbaginifolia lines have described in the work. It was shown that in the first case this mutation is connected with the substitution ofserine residue on proline in position 248; in the second case--with the substitution of phenilalanine on serine in position 317 of beta-tubulin amino acid sequence. Three-dimensional models of beta-tubulin molecule from Chlamydomonas with well-known location of mutations conferring dinitroaniline- and phosphorotioamidate resistance (substitution of lysine residue to methionine on position 350), and beta-tubulin from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia have been reconstructed. On the basis of analysis of site of interaction with dinitroanilines and phosphorotioamides on Chlamydomonas beta-tubulin molecule it was concluded that the revealed mutations on Nicotiana plumbaginifolia beta-tubulin affect amino acid residues participating in formation of this site.

  18. Metodología para la evaluación del potencial insecticida de especies forestales.

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    Morales Soto León


    Full Text Available La diversidad florística de Colombia plantea enormes retos de investigación, con miras a una utilización racional e integral de sus recursos forestales. Las plantas con efectos biocidas utilizables en el control de plagas o enfermedades revisten una singular importancia. El objetivo de este trabajo es plantear una metodología de fácil aplicación, bajo costo y rápidos resultados, que permita acopiar la información necesaria sobre el mayor número de especies con potencial en este sentido. La metodología plantea la siguiente secuencia: selección de las especies vegetales de interés, apoyada en los reportes bibliográficos, conocimiento ancestral y observaciones personales; recolección del material en el campo; preparación del extracto total a partir del material seco; pruebas iniciales con Artemia salina Lech. para detectar actividad biológica, a través de la determinación de la LC50 (las especies con LC50 menores de 1000 ppm se consideran promisorias y ameritan procesos posteriores de fraccionamiento químico, bioensayos con las sustancias más promisorias sobre algún organismo de interés particular y determinación final de los compuestos activos en la planta. La metodología descrita fue empleada en la evaluación del potencial de acción biocida de 5 especies arbóreas o arbustivas, Guarea guidonia (L. Sleumer y Trichia hirta L. (Meliaceae, Machaerium moritzianum Benth. (Fabaceae, Swinglea glutinosa Merrill. (Rutaceae y Mammea americana L. (Clusiaceae. Se utilizó para los bioensayos iniciales el microcrustáceo Artemia salina Leach como indicador del potencial biocida con el fin de seleccionar las dos especies más promisorias a partir de las LC50 obtenidas. Con las dos se realizaron los bioensayos para evaluar la acción fagoinhibidora en la hormiga arriera Atta cephalotes (L., y el posible control de Alconeura sp. (Homoptera: Cicadellidae, insecto chupador que afecta la ceiba verde Pseudobombax septenatum (Jacq. Dugand

  19. Metabolic engineering to simultaneously activate anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthetic pathways in Nicotiana spp.

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    Sandra Fresquet-Corrales

    Full Text Available Proanthocyanidins (PAs, or condensed tannins, are powerful antioxidants that remove harmful free oxygen radicals from cells. To engineer the anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthetic pathways to de novo produce PAs in two Nicotiana species, we incorporated four transgenes to the plant chassis. We opted to perform a simultaneous transformation of the genes linked in a multigenic construct rather than classical breeding or retransformation approaches. We generated a GoldenBraid 2.0 multigenic construct containing two Antirrhinum majus transcription factors (AmRosea1 and AmDelila to upregulate the anthocyanin pathway in combination with two Medicago truncatula genes (MtLAR and MtANR to produce the enzymes that will derivate the biosynthetic pathway to PAs production. Transient and stable transformation of Nicotiana benthamiana and Nicotiana tabacum with the multigenic construct were respectively performed. Transient expression experiments in N. benthamiana showed the activation of the anthocyanin pathway producing a purple color in the agroinfiltrated leaves and also the effective production of 208.5 nmol (- catechin/g FW and 228.5 nmol (- epicatechin/g FW measured by the p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMACA method. The integration capacity of the four transgenes, their respective expression levels and their heritability in the second generation were analyzed in stably transformed N. tabacum plants. DMACA and phoroglucinolysis/HPLC-MS analyses corroborated the activation of both pathways and the effective production of PAs in T0 and T1 transgenic tobacco plants up to a maximum of 3.48 mg/g DW. The possible biotechnological applications of the GB2.0 multigenic approach in forage legumes to produce "bloat-safe" plants and to improve the efficiency of conversion of plant protein into animal protein (ruminal protein bypass are discussed.

  20. Suitability of Nicotiana tabacum 'Bel W3' for biomonitoring ozone in Sao Paulo, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sant'Anna, Silvia M.R.; Esposito, Marisia P.; Domingos, Marisa; Souza, Silvia R.


    Nicotiana tabacum 'Bel W3' is a widely used sensitive bioindicator for ambient ozone, but it is rarely used in tropical countries. Our goal was to determine the suitability of this plant for biomonitoring ozone in the city of Sao Paulo by evaluating the relationships between leaf necroses and ozone under field conditions and measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence and antioxidants in plants exposed to different concentrations of ozone in closed chambers. While a weak linear relationship between leaf injury and ozone concentrations (R 2 = 0.10) was determined in the field, a strong linear relationship was observed in the chamber experiments. Maximum leaf injury was observed in plants submitted to 40 ppb, which coincided with a significant decrease in fluorescence and total ascorbic acid. The relationship between leaf damage observed in the field and ozone was improved when the concentrations were limited to 40 ppb (R 2 = 0.28). - Nicotiana tabacum 'Bel W3' is suitable for indicating low ozone levels in Brazil

  1. Almidón modificado de yuca como sustituto económico del agente solidificante para medios de cultivo de tejidos vegetales


    Romay, Gustavo; Matehus, Juan; Gerstl, Armando; Rueda, Rodrigo; Santana, María A


    Con una historia de más de cinco décadas, los beneficios del cultivo de tejidos vegetales (CTV) no han llegado a los agricultores de las regiones más necesitadas. El problema radica en la complejidad y costo de aplicación de la técnica. En Venezuela, la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) es cultivada en suelos marginales por agricultores de escasos recursos. Las limitaciones del cultivo son la carencia de semilla sana y los bajos niveles de rendimiento. Esta situación puede superarse mediante el...

  2. Perfeccionamiento del sistema técnico-productivo de la Unidad Empresarial de Base Conservas de Vegetales de Camagüey, Cuba


    Barrios-Rodríguez, Misel; Rodriguez-Gregorich, Alicia; Ojeda-Armaignac, Elaine; González-Amador, Roxana


    Este trabajo se enmarca en las investigaciones de desarrollo de las agroindustrias del territorio, con la finalidad de perfeccionar la estructura de producción de la Unidad Empresarial de Base (UEB) de Conservas de Vegetales Camagüey, mediante la aplicación de herramientas de mercadotecnia e ingeniería de procesos, para la diversificación de productos y asimilación de nuevas tecnologías factibles, en las dimensiones técnica, económica y ambiental. La determinación de productos lideres o repre...


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    María F. Laborde


    Full Text Available E n este trabajo se presenta la aplicación de redes de intercambio de calor (RIC a la esterificación de aceites vegetales usados (AVUs con catálisis ácida para la producción de biodiesel. Se aplican distintos métodos para obtener las cantidades mínimas de calor y la RIC para una capacidad de procesamiento de 0,19 kg/s de AVUs. Se considera una diferencia de temperatura mínima (∆Tmin de 10°C y los requerimientos mínimos de calentamiento y enfriamiento, resultan ser de 4629,87 W y de 10066,30 W, respectivamente. Al aplicar la red de intercambio calórico disminuye en un 78,92% el servicio de vapor requerido en el proceso y en un 62,48% el servicio de agua de enfriamiento, lo que demuestra que la integración reduce los requerimientos energéticos respecto al proceso no integrado.

  4. Tissue-specific expression of telomerase reverse transcriptase gene variants in Nicotiana tabacum

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jurečková, J.; Sýkorová, Eva; Hafidh, Said; Honys, David; Fajkus, Jiří; Fojtová, M.


    Roč. 245, č. 3 (2017), s. 549-561 ISSN 0032-0935 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-06943S; GA MŠk(CZ) LQ1601 Institutional support: RVO:68081707 ; RVO:61389030 Keywords : male gametophyte development * tobacco male gametophyte * allotetraploid nicotiana Subject RIV: EF - Botanics; EF - Botanics (UEB-Q) OBOR OECD: Plant sciences, botany; Plant sciences, botany (UEB-Q) Impact factor: 3.361, year: 2016

  5. Coniferyl alcohol hinders the growth of tobacco BY-2 cells and Nicotiana benthamiana seedlings. (United States)

    Väisänen, Enni E; Smeds, Annika I; Fagerstedt, Kurt V; Teeri, Teemu H; Willför, Stefan M; Kärkönen, Anna


    Externally added coniferyl alcohol at high concentrations reduces the growth of Nicotiana cells and seedlings. Coniferyl alcohol is metabolized by BY-2 cells to several compounds. Coniferyl alcohol (CA) is a common monolignol and a building block of lignin. The toxicity of monolignol alcohols has been stated in the literature, but there are only few studies suggesting that this is true. We investigated the physiological effects of CA on living plant cells in more detail. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright yellow-2 cells (BY-2) and Nicotiana benthamiana seedlings both showed concentration-dependent growth retardation in response to 0.5-5 mM CA treatment. In some cases, CA addition caused cell death in BY-2 cultures, but this response was dependent on the growth stage of the cells. Based on LC-MS/MS analysis, BY-2 cells did not accumulate the externally supplemented CA, but metabolized it to ferulic acid, ferulic acid glycoside, coniferin, and to some other phenolic compounds. In addition to growth inhibition, CA caused the formation of a lignin-like compound detected by phloroglucinol staining in N. benthamiana roots and occasionally in BY-2 cells. To prevent this, we added potassium iodide (KI, at 5 mM) to overcome the peroxidase-mediated CA polymerization to lignin. KI had, however, toxic effects on its own: in N. benthamiana seedlings, it caused reduction in growth; in BY-2 cells, reduction in growth and cell viability. Surprisingly, CA restored the growth of KI-treated BY-2 cells and N. benthamiana seedlings. Our results suggest that CA at high concentrations is toxic to plant cells.

  6. Molecular identification of catalases from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (L.). (United States)

    Willekens, H; Villarroel, R; Van Montagu, M; Inzé, D; Van Camp, W


    We have isolated three different catalase cDNAs from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (cat1, cat2, and cat3) and a partial sequence of a fourth catalase gene (cat4) that shows no discernible expression based on Northern analysis. The catalase sequences were used to determine the similarity with other plant catalases and to study the transcriptional response to paraquat, 3-aminotriazole, and salicylic acid. 3-Aminotriazole induces mRNA levels of cat1, cat2 and cat3, indicating that a reduction in catalase activity positively affects catalase mRNA abundance. Salicylic acid that binds catalase in vitro, had no effect on catalase transcript levels at physiological concentrations. Paraquat resulted in the induction of cat1.

  7. Nicotiana small RNA sequences support a host genome origin of cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA.

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    Kiran Zahid


    Full Text Available Satellite RNAs (satRNAs are small noncoding subviral RNA pathogens in plants that depend on helper viruses for replication and spread. Despite many decades of research, the origin of satRNAs remains unknown. In this study we show that a β-glucuronidase (GUS transgene fused with a Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV Y satellite RNA (Y-Sat sequence (35S-GUS:Sat was transcriptionally repressed in N. tabacum in comparison to a 35S-GUS transgene that did not contain the Y-Sat sequence. This repression was not due to DNA methylation at the 35S promoter, but was associated with specific DNA methylation at the Y-Sat sequence. Both northern blot hybridization and small RNA deep sequencing detected 24-nt siRNAs in wild-type Nicotiana plants with sequence homology to Y-Sat, suggesting that the N. tabacum genome contains Y-Sat-like sequences that give rise to 24-nt sRNAs capable of guiding RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM to the Y-Sat sequence in the 35S-GUS:Sat transgene. Consistent with this, Southern blot hybridization detected multiple DNA bands in Nicotiana plants that had sequence homology to Y-Sat, suggesting that Y-Sat-like sequences exist in the Nicotiana genome as repetitive DNA, a DNA feature associated with 24-nt sRNAs. Our results point to a host genome origin for CMV satRNAs, and suggest novel approach of using small RNA sequences for finding the origin of other satRNAs.

  8. Búsqueda de actividad inhibitoria de tripsina y elastasa en extractos de vegetales autóctonos

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    Ana Laura Macció Betancurt


    Full Text Available Se estudió la capacidad inhibitoria para tripsina y elastasa de extractos de vegetales autóctonos: flores de Achyrocline satureioidehojas (marcela, hojas de Baccharis trimera (carqueja, frutos de Eugenia uniflora (pitanga y frutos Schinus molle (anacahuita. Los extractos, que presentaron diferentes propiedades, se obtuvieron utilizando agua o etanol como solventes en distintas condiciones de tiempo y temperatura. La acción inhibitoria para elastasa fue baja (< 30% o casi nula en los extractos ensayados. Para la tripsina, todos los extractos presentaron acción inhibitoria, observándose para un mismo material vegetal importantes diferencias según el solvente utilizado, independientemente de la temperatura de extracción. Los extractos de S. molle fueron los de mayor actividad inhibitoria para tripsina. Al extracto acuoso de este vegetal, obtenido a 100 °C, se le determinó IC50 y tipo de inhibición. 

  9. The activity and isoforms of NADP-malic enzyme in Nicotiana benthamiana plants under biotic stress

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Doubnerová, V.; Jirásková, A.; Janošková, M.; Müller, Karel; Baťková, Petra; Synková, Helena; Čeřovská, Noemi; Ryšlavá, H.


    Roč. 26, č. 4 (2007), s. 281-289 ISSN 0231-5882 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50380511 Keywords : NADP * malic enzyme isoforms * Nicotiana benthamiana Subject RIV: EF - Botanics Impact factor: 1.286, year: 2007

  10. Biología reproductiva de cinco especies ornitófilas en un fragmento de bosque caducifolio secundario en Venezuela

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    C Grases


    Full Text Available La biología floral, biología de polinización y sistema de apareamiento fueron estudiados en dos especies nativas y tres especies introducidas presentes en un fragmento de bosque caducifolio secundario en Venezuela. Todas las especies estudiadas presentaron corolas tubulares, largas y estrechas; predominando los colores rojos. La antesis de todas las especies fue diurna, entre las 04:00 y las 11:00. La producción de néctar fue alta, excepto para Salvia coccinea (Lamiaceae (nativa. Nicotiana glauca (Solanaceae (nativa y Erythrina mitis (Fabaceae (introducida compartían sus polinizadores Chlorostilbon mellisugus y Amazilia tobaci (Apodiformes, Throchilidae. S. coccinea recibió visitas legítimas de Heliconius erato (Lepidóptera. Kalanchöe daigremontiana y K. pinnata (Crassulaceae (exóticas no recibieron ninguna visita legítima. Todas las especies fueron hermafroditas. K. daigremontiana y K. pinnata resultaron xenógamas obligadas; mientras S. coccinea, N. glauca y E. mitis resultaron parcialmente autocompatibles no autógamas. Las cinco especies mostraron una alta a-signación de biomasa total con respecto a otros sistemas de polinización. La a-signación de biomasa reproductiva fue siempre menor a las asignaciones de biomasa de atracción y de biomasa vegetativa floral. La asignación de biomasa masculina fue mayor que la femenina para N. glauca, S. coccinea y E. mitis, y menor para K. daigremontiana y K. pinnata. Las especies introducidas no parecen afectar notoriamente las eficiencias reproductivas de las especies nativas. Las eficiencias reproductivas de las especies nativas fueron superiores a las de las especies introducidas. Las eficiencias reproductivas de las especies introducidas resultaron bajas, debido a que se encuentran afectadas por la ausencia de sus polinizadores naturales.The floral biology, the pollination biology and the mating system were studied in two native and three introduced species of an arboretum in

  11. Presencia de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA en especies representativas del bosque seco tropical del litoral ecuatoriano

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    Ivette Chiquito Noboa


    Full Text Available Los hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA son microorganismos que mantienen una relación simbiótica mutualista con las raíces de las plantas. El bosque seco tropical contiene abundantes especies de interés silvícola, sin embargo, en Ecuador se desconoce las relaciones simbióticas de los HMA con los árboles que representan el bosque seco. El propósito de este estudio fue aislar e identificar la presencia de HMA en determinadas especies vegetales de este nicho ecológico del Ecuador. Las muestras de suelo y raíces se recolectaron en la época húmeda entre los meses de marzo y abril del 2017. Los porcentajes de micorrización encontrados fueron los siguientes: Cochlospermun vitifolium (Bototillo 80.8%, Triplaris cumingiana (Fernán Sánchez 71.7%, Albizia multiflora (Compoño 70.0%, Tecoma castanifolia (Moyuyo de montaña 68.6%, Bursera graveolens (Palo Santo 68.3%, Sapindus saponaria (Jaboncillo 67.5%, Croton wagneri (Purga 65.0%, Ceiba trichistandra (Ceibo 62.2%. Todas las plantas muestreadas presentaron una densidad media de esporas por 100 gr de suelo, pero Triplaris cumingiana (Fernán Sánchez obtuvo una mayor esporulación a pesar de presentar la misma densidad media.

  12. The ups and downs of genome size evolution in polyploid species of Nicotiana (Solanaceae)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Leitch, I.J.; Hanson, L.; Lim, K.Y.; Kovařík, Aleš; Chase, M.W.; Clarkson, J.J.; Leitch, A.R.


    Roč. 101, č. 6 (2008), s. 805-814 ISSN 0305-7364 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/07/0116 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50040507; CEZ:AV0Z50040702 Keywords : genome size * allopolyploidy * evolution-Nicotiana Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics Impact factor: 2.755, year: 2008

  13. Evaluación in vitro de la actividad inhibitoria de extractos vegetales sobre aislados de Colletotrichum spp

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    Rojas Sierra2 Johanna


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la actividad inhibitoria in vitro de extractos de hojas de Melissa officinalis, Origanum vulgare,Jatropha gossypilia, Eucalyptus sp., Melia azederach y Mascagnia concinna sobre aislados de hongo delgénero Colletotrichum, causante de la enfermedad antracnosis en el cultivo del ñame (Dioscorea alata, D.rotundata en el departamento de Sucre, Colombia. Para la obtención de extractos etanólicos de hojasde M. officinalis y O. vulgare, se utilizó el método de percolación y para las otras especies vegetales, elmétodo de Soxhlet. Una vez preparados los extractos de hojas, se evaluó su actividad inhibitoria sobreseis aislados de hongo del género Colletotrichum (BVC 279a, BVC 279b, BVC 853, BVC 040, BVC 342 yBVC 507. Para la prueba inhibitoria se utilizó el método de siembra directa sobre la superficie del mediopapa-dextrosa-agar. Sobre las diferentes cepas se adicionaron 250 μl de cada extracto por separado. Seutilizó un control positivo con nistatina (4 mg/ml y un testigo absoluto sin ningún tipo de tratamiento.La prueba se evaluó midiendo el crecimiento radial de cada cepa con los diferentes tratamientos a 96y 168 h. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar con tres repeticiones, para probardiferencias significativas entre tratamientos, cepas (aislados y tiempo de inhibición. Los resultadosexpresados en porcentaje de inhibición, mostraron una alta actividad de los extractos obtenidos de lashojas de las plantas de M. azederach y M. concinna, sobre los hongos evaluados y su acción fue similaral control positivo

  14. Cultivo de células vegetales en biorreactores:un sistema potencial para la producción de metabolitos secundarios.

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    Orozco Sánches Fernando


    Full Text Available Los cultivos de células vegetales en biorreactores ofrecen un gran potencial para la producción de metabolitos secundarios, con importantes aplicaciones en la industria química, farmacéutica o alimenticia. Estos sistemas permiten controlar mejor la producción, a diferencia de los métodos tradicionales con plantaciones, los cuales presentan variaciones en la calidad y cantidad del producto debido a cambios climatológicos, estacionales, problemas geopolíticos o tenencia del suelo. Esta revisión presenta algunos grupos de metabolitos secundarios de plantas, su utilidad y ejemplos de sustancias con un potencial de producción al nivel comercial en cultivos celulares. Además, se presentan tres tipos de reactores (células en suspensión, células inmovilizadas y biopelículas de células, los problemas asociados con el cultivo de células vegetales y los factores que afectan la producción de los metabolitos secundarios. Los anteriores factores involucran la composición del medio de cultivo (sales inorgánicas, vitaminas, fuente de carbono, hormonas y reguladores de crecimiento, la composición del gas suministrado (oxígeno, bióxido de carbono, etileno, la temperatura, el pH, la radiación luminosa, las características de mezclado, la fase del crecimiento celular, el grado de diferenciación celular y la elicitación (biótica o abiótica. El estudio y la manipulación de los anteriores factores (variables operación constituyen una etapa determinante para el diseño de un proceso que utilice esta tecnología como método de producción.

  15. Proteínas de defensa como potenciales panalergenos vegetales Quitinasas de clase I y proteínas de transferencia de lípidos


    Díaz Perales, Araceli


    La alergia a alimentos vegetales ha aumentado en los años. Para poder solucionar este problema, es necesario la identificación y caracterización de los agentes responsables de ello. En este trabajo, se han caracterizado a las quitinasas de clase I como los panalergenos responsables de las reacciones cruzadas entre el latex y algunos alimentos. La base de dichas reacciones radica en la homología entre el dominio aminoterminal de las enzimas mencionadas y el alergeno mayoritario del latex, la h...

  16. Mecanismos de repartición de recursos entre dos especies de colibríes (Coeligena prunellei - Doryfera ludoviciae en la reserva biológica Cachalú, Santander, colombia

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    Cristian Camilo Sandoval Parra


    uso de los tres estratos del bosque. Se hallaron diferencias significativas entre las medidas morfométricas del culmen expuesto, la longitud de la cuerda alar, la cola y el peso; mientras que no se encontraron diferencias entre las medidas de culmen total comisura y tarso. Los recursos florales estuvieron concentrados en el interior del bosque, con seis especies vegetales (Palicourea sp., Tillandsia sp., Guzmania sp. y Gesneriaceae entre otras, mientras que en el rastrojo solo encontramos tres (Macleania sp., Cavendishia sp., y Centropogon sp.. En las cargas de polen contamos 4.890 granos, entre los que identifique seis palinomorfos que correspondieron a Ericaceas, Campanulaceas, Onagraceas y Bromeliaceas. Los granos de polen fueron transportados en orden de proporción en la frente, en la garganta y en el pico.

  17. Opportunities for saving energy by means of cogeneration in Vegetales's Cannery of Sancti Spiritus.

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    Arturo Alberto Clemente Corujo


    Full Text Available This work analyzes the viability to install a system of cogeneration and to save energy at Vegetales's Cannery. The type of more convenient arrangement according to the conditions of the industry was defined. The magnitude of necessary investment, the equipment required, and also the additional quantity of diesel were determined for the correct operation of the project. It was considered the steam production and the consumptions of combustible oil and the electricity in the year 2008. As a primary motor was each engine Volvo of 3 existent generating sets. A minimal time of 4 daily hours during 300 days was calculated to work annually and they analyzed the necessary investments for expected benefits. The economic evaluation has as possitive results: a VAN of $192 646,89's and 36 %'s TIR. The cogeneration scheme more convenient is with Topping cycle. The necessary investment is about $144 000 and for having profitability it is necessary to work the same amount of hours from 6 to 10 p.m. that in the rest of a day.

  18. Micropropagación de plantas de mentha piperita y evaluación de sus constituyentes volátiles


    Zapata, Jorge Ignacio; Fernández, Gloria Azucena


    La aplicación de técnicas de cultivo de tejidos vegetales in vitro en especies aromáticas y medicinales puede constituirse en un renglón importante para la economía de pequeños agricultores, debido a su alto potencial de comercialización y producción. Se pretende en este trabajo demostrar una vía de aplicación semiindustrial para cultivar masivamente especies vegetales de Mentha piperita, debido a la aceptación y consumo mundial de su aceite esencial. Se estudiaron diferentes variedades de M...

  19. Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants silenced for the ATP-binding cassette transporter gene NpPDR1 show increased susceptibility to a group of fungal and oomycete pathogens. (United States)

    Bultreys, Alain; Trombik, Tomasz; Drozak, Anna; Boutry, Marc


    SUMMARY The behaviour of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants silenced for the ATP-binding cassette transporter gene NpPDR1 was investigated in response to fungal and oomycete infections. The importance of NpPDR1 in plant defence was demonstrated for two organs in which NpPDR1 is constitutively expressed: the roots and the petal epidermis. The roots of the plantlets of two lines silenced for NpPDR1 expression were clearly more sensitive than those of controls to the fungal pathogens Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum sp., F. oxysporum f. sp. nicotianae, F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis and Rhizoctonia solani, as well as to the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora nicotianae race 0. The Ph gene-linked resistance of N. plumbaginifolia to P. nicotianae race 0 was totally ineffective in NpPDR1-silenced lines. In addition, the petals of the NpPDR1-silenced lines were spotted 15%-20% more rapidly by B. cinerea than were the controls. The rapid induction (after 2-4 days) of NpPDR1 expression in N. plumbaginifolia and N. tabacum mature leaves in response to pathogen presence was demonstrated for the first time with fungi and one oomycete: R. solani, F. oxysporum and P. nicotianae. With B. cinerea, such rapid expression was not observed in healthy mature leaves. NpPDR1 expression was not observed during latent infections of B. cinerea in N. plumbaginifolia and N. tabacum, but was induced when conditions facilitated B. cinerea development in leaves, such as leaf ageing or an initial root infection. This work demonstrates the increased sensitivity of NpPDR1-silenced N. plumbaginifolia plants to all of the fungal and oomycete pathogens investigated.

  20. Fall and rise of satellite repeats in allopolyploids of Nicotiana over c. 5 million years

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Koukalová, Blažena; Moraes, A.P.; Renny-Byfield, S.; Matyášek, Roman; Leitch, A.R.; Kovařík, Aleš


    Roč. 186, č. 1 (2010), s. 148-160 ISSN 0028-646X R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/07/0116 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50040507; CEZ:AV0Z50040702 Keywords : concerted evolution * interlocus homogenization * Nicotiana Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics Impact factor: 6.516, year: 2010

  1. Gene conversion of ribosomal DNA in Nicotiana tabacum is associated with undermethylated, decondensed and probably active gene units. (United States)

    Lim, K Y; Kovarik, A; Matýăsek, R; Bezdĕk, M; Lichtenstein, C P; Leitch, A R


    We examined the structure, intranuclear distribution and activity of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) in Nicotiana sylvestris (2n = 2x = 24) and N. tomentosiformis (2n = 2x = 24) and compared these with patterns in N. tabacum (tobacco, 2n = 4x = 48). We also examined a long-established N. tabacum culture, TBY-2. Nicotiana tabacum is an allotetraploid thought to be derived from ancestors of N. sylvestris (S-genome donor) and N. tomentosiformis (T-genome donor). Nicotiana sylvestris has three rDNA loci, one locus each on chromosomes 10, 11, and 12. In root-tip meristematic interphase cells, the site on chromosome 12 remains condensed and inactive, while the sites on chromosomes 10 and 11 show activity at the proximal end of the locus only. Nicotiana tomentosiformis has one major locus on chromosome 3 showing activity and a minor, inactive locus on chromosome 11. In N. tabacum cv. 095-55, there are four rDNA loci on T3, S10, S11/t and S12 (S11/t carries a small T-genome translocation). The locus on S12 remains condensed and inactive in root-tip meristematic cells while the others show activity, including decondensation at interphase and secondary constrictions at metaphase. Nicotiana tabacum DNA digested with methylcytosine-sensitive enzymes revealed a hybridisation pattern for rDNA that resembled that of N. tomentosiformis and not N. sylvestris. The data indicate that active, undermethylated genes are of the N. tomentosiformis type. Since S-genome chromosomes of N. tabacum show rDNA expression, the result indicates rDNA gene conversion of the active rDNA units on these chromosomes. Gene conversion in N. tabacum is consistent with the results of previous work. However, using primers specific for the S-genome rDNA intergenic sequences (IGS) in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) show that rDNA gene conversion has not gone to completion in N. tabacum. Furthermore, using methylation-insensitive restriction enzymes we demonstrate that about 8% of the rDNA units remain of the N

  2. UV irradiation as a tool for obtaining asymmetric somatic hybrids between Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Lycopersicon esculentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vlahova, M.; Hinnisdaels, S.; Frulleux, F.; Claeys, M.; Atanassov, A.; Jacobs, M.


    UV-irradiated kanamycin-resistant Lycopersicon esculentum leaf protoplasts were fused with wild-type Nicotiana plumbaginifolia leaf protoplasts. Hybrid calli were recovered after selection in kanamycin-containing medium and subsequently regenerated. Cytological analysis of these regenerants showed that several (2–4) tomato chromosomes, or chromosome fragments, were present in addition to a polyploid Nicotiana genome complement. All lines tested had neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII) activity and the presence of the kanamycin gene was shown by Southern blotting. In two cases a different hybridization profile for the kanamycin gene, compared to the tomato donor partner, was observed, suggesting the occurence of intergenomic recombination events. The hybrid nature of the regenerants was further confirmed by Southernblotting experiments using either a ribosomal DNA sequence or a tomato-specific repeat as probes. The hybrids were partially fertile and some progeny could be obtained. Our results demonstrate that UV irradiation is a valuable alternative for asymmetric cell-hybridization experiments. (author)

  3. Aprovechamiento de las oleinas residuales procedentes del proceso de refinado de los aceites vegetales comestibles, para la fabricación de biodiesel


    Pereda Marín, Juan; Barriga Mateos, F.; Álvarez-Mateos, María Paloma


    Se estudia un procedimiento para la obtención de Biodiesel a partir de las “Oleínas”. Biodiesel es un producto capaz de sustituir al combustible Diesel ordinario que se obtiene del petróleo y que consiste en una mezcla de ésteres metílicos de ácidos grasos. Las oleínas son unos residuos que resultan del proceso de refina- do de aceites vegetales para su uso alimentario y se componen de una mezcla de triglicéridos y ácidos grasos libres, con un con- tenido de estos últimos...

  4. NaStEP: a proteinase inhibitor essential to self-incompatibility and a positive regulator of HT-B stability in Nicotiana alata pollen tubes. (United States)

    Jiménez-Durán, Karina; McClure, Bruce; García-Campusano, Florencia; Rodríguez-Sotres, Rogelio; Cisneros, Jesús; Busot, Grethel; Cruz-García, Felipe


    In Solanaceae, the self-incompatibility S-RNase and S-locus F-box interactions define self-pollen recognition and rejection in an S-specific manner. This interaction triggers a cascade of events involving other gene products unlinked to the S-locus that are crucial to the self-incompatibility response. To date, two essential pistil-modifier genes, 120K and High Top-Band (HT-B), have been identified in Nicotiana species. However, biochemistry and genetics indicate that additional modifier genes are required. We recently reported a Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitor, named NaStEP (for Nicotiana alata Stigma-Expressed Protein), that is highly expressed in the stigmas of self-incompatible Nicotiana species. Here, we report the proteinase inhibitor activity of NaStEP. NaStEP is taken up by both compatible and incompatible pollen tubes, but its suppression in Nicotiana spp. transgenic plants disrupts S-specific pollen rejection; therefore, NaStEP is a novel pistil-modifier gene. Furthermore, HT-B levels within the pollen tubes are reduced when NaStEP-suppressed pistils are pollinated with either compatible or incompatible pollen. In wild-type self-incompatible N. alata, in contrast, HT-B degradation occurs preferentially in compatible pollinations. Taken together, these data show that the presence of NaStEP is required for the stability of HT-B inside pollen tubes during the rejection response, but the underlying mechanism is currently unknown.

  5. A jasmonate ZIM-domain protein NaJAZd regulates floral jasmonic acid levels and counteracts flower abscission in Nicotiana attenuata plants.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Youngjoo Oh

    Full Text Available Jasmonic acid is an important regulator of plant growth, development and defense. The jasmonate-ZIM domain (JAZ proteins are key regulators in jasmonate signaling ubiquitously present in flowering plants but their functional annotation remains largely incomplete. Recently, we identified 12 putative JAZ proteins in native tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata, and initiated systematic functional characterization of these proteins by reverse genetic approaches. In this report, Nicotiana attenuata plants silenced in the expression of NaJAZd (irJAZd by RNA interference were used to characterize NaJAZd function. Although NaJAZd transcripts were strongly and transiently up-regulated in the rosette leaves by simulated herbivory treatment, we did not observe strong defense-related phenotypes, such as altered herbivore performance or the constitutive accumulation of defense-related secondary metabolites in irJAZd plants compared to wild type plants, both in the glasshouse and the native habitat of Nicotiana attenuata in the Great Basin Desert, Utah, USA. Interestingly, irJAZd plants produced fewer seed capsules than did wild type plants as a result of increased flower abscission in later stages of flower development. The early- and mid-developmental stages of irJAZd flowers had reduced levels of jasmonic acid and jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine, while fully open flowers had normal levels, but these were impaired in NaMYB305 transcript accumulations. Previously, NaMYB305-silenced plants were shown to have strong flower abscission phenotypes and contained lower NECTARIN 1 transcript levels, phenotypes which are copied in irJAZd plants. We propose that the NaJAZd protein is required to counteract flower abscission, possibly by regulating jasmonic acid and jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine levels and/or expression of NaMYB305 gene in Nicotiana attenuata flowers. This novel insight into the function of JAZ proteins in flower and seed development highlights the diversity of functions

  6. Identification of a Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase gene expressed in the pollen tube. (United States)

    Lefebvre, Benoit; Arango, Miguel; Oufattole, Mohammed; Crouzet, Jérôme; Purnelle, Bénédicte; Boutry, Marc


    In Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, plasma membrane H(+)-ATPases (PMAs) are encoded by a gene family of nine members. Here, we report on the characterization of a new isogene, NpPMA5 (belonging to subfamily IV), and the determination of its expression pattern using the beta-glucuronidase (gusA) reporter gene. pNpPMA5-gusA was expressed in cotyledons, in vascular tissues of the stem (mainly in nodal zones), and in the flower and fruit. In the flower, high expression was found in the pollen tube after in vitro or in vivo germination. Northern blotting analysis confirmed that NpPMA5 was expressed in the pollen tube contrary to NpPMA2 (subfamily I) or NpPMA4 (subfamily II), two genes highly expressed in other tissues. The subcellular localization of PM H(+)-ATPase in the pollen tube was analyzed by immunocytodecoration. As expected, this enzyme was localized to the plasma membrane. However, neither the tip nor the base of the pollen tube was labeled, showing an asymmetrical distribution of this enzyme. This observation supports the hypothesis that the PM H(+)-ATPase is involved in creating the pH gradient that is observed along the pollen tube and is implicated in cell elongation. Compared to other plant PM H(+)-ATPases, the C-terminal region of NpPMA5 is shorter by 26 amino acid residues and is modified in the last 6 residues, due to a sequence rearrangement, which was also found in the orthologous gene of Nicotiana glutinosa, a Nicotiana species distant from N. plumbaginifolia and Petunia hybrida and Lycopersicon esculentum, other Solanacae species. This modification alters part of the PM H(+)-ATPase regulatory domain and raises the question whether this isoform is still regulated.

  7. Isolation and characterization of two cDNA clones encoding for glutamate dehydrogenase in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Ficarelli, A; Tassi, F; Restivo, F M


    We have isolated two full length cDNA clones encoding Nicotiana plumbaginifolia NADH-glutamate dehydrogenase. Both clones share amino acid boxes of homology corresponding to conserved GDH catalytic domains and putative mitochondrial targeting sequence. One clone shows a putative EF-hand loop. The level of the two transcripts is affected differently by carbon source.

  8. Evaluación in vitro de la actividad inhibitoria de extractos vegetales sobre aislados de Colletotrichum spp

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander Pérez Cordero


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la actividad inhibitoria in vitro de extractos de hojas de Melissa officinalis, Origanum vulgare, Jatropha gossypilia, Eucalyptus sp., Melia azederach y Mascagnia concinna sobre aislados de hongo del género Colletotrichum, causante de la enfermedad antracnosis en el cultivo del ñame (Dioscorea alata, D. rotundata en el departamento de Sucre, Colombia. Para la obtención de extractos etanólicos de hojas de M. officinalis y O. vulgare, se utilizó el método de percolación y para las otras especies vegetales, el método de Soxhlet. Una vez preparados los extractos de hojas, se evaluó su actividad inhibitoria sobre seis aislados de hongo del género Colletotrichum (BVC 279a, BVC 279b, BVC 853, BVC 040, BVC 342 y BVC 507. Para la prueba inhibitoria se utilizó el método de siembra directa sobre la superficie del medio papa-dextrosa-agar. Sobre las diferentes cepas se adicionaron 250 µl de cada extracto por separado. Se utilizó un control positivo con nistatina (4 mg/ml y un testigo absoluto sin ningún tipo de tratamiento. La prueba se evaluó midiendo el crecimiento radial de cada cepa con los diferentes tratamientos a 96 y 168 h. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar con tres repeticiones, para probar diferencias significativas entre tratamientos, cepas (aislados y tiempo de inhibición. Los resultados expresados en porcentaje de inhibición, mostraron una alta actividad de los extractos obtenidos de las hojas de las plantas de M. azederach y M. concinna, sobre los hongos evaluados y su acción fue similar al control positivo.

  9. Desarrollo de material didáctico multimedia del cultivo de tejidos vegetales con aplicaciones agrarias y ambientales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Agudelo Varela


    Full Text Available Las aplicaciones pedagógicas tradicionales se fundamentan en el desarrollo de la clase con marcador y tablero, y con leves avances en el manejo de diapositivas; sin embargo, las tecnologías digitales presentan una serie de novedades que complementan el trabajo de la enseñanza con aprendizaje autónomo, que puede desarrollar el educando en áreas agrarias y ambientales. El desarrollo de material didáctico multimedia MDM complementa las actividades curriculares de los cursos, particularmente, los que tienen laboratorio, y por otro lado, generan en el estudiante habilidades para el aprendizaje autónomo. Se desarrolló un MDM para el aprendizaje de las prácticas realizadas en el laboratorio de cultivos vegetales, con arquitectura cliente/ servidor, usando tecnologías actuales en el desarrollo de software, con características de tiempo real y bajo el paradigma de desarrollo de aplicaciones isomórficas. Con base al MDM, se realizó evaluación cualitativa por parte de estudiantes de Licenciatura en Producción Agropecuaria, la cual reporto un 86% de aprobación del material. Se encontró que las herramientas digitales para el aprendizaje, facilitan y mejoran en cierta medida el aprendizaje de los educandos. El uso de tecnologías nuevas como React, permite mejorar el renderizado de las páginas y optimiza la carga del servidor en las peticiones necesarias por parte del aprendiz, y hace más eficiente el engranaje de enseñanza-aprendizaje. De esta manera, el MDM permitirá fundamentar el desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas en la producción agraria y en el manejo de especies de ecosistemas con ambientes naturales.

  10. Efectos del área, edad y cobertura de la vegetación sobre la riqueza de especies de aves reproductoras en los parques urbanos de Vitoria-Gasteiz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    De la Hera, I., Unanue, A., Aguirre, I.


    Full Text Available La rápida expansión urbana y el incremento de la población humana que vive en las ciudades dificultan el acceso de los ciudadanos a la naturaleza. Entre los múltiples beneficios de las áreas verdes urbanas, se encuentra su contribución a paliar este alejamiento. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto del área total del parque, de su edad y de la cobertura de diversos estratos vegetales (cobertura de césped, arbustos y árboles sobre la riqueza total de especies de aves en 20 parques urbanos de la ciudad de Vitoria-Gasteiz. El área total del parque y la cobertura arborea, que se correlacionó positivamente con la edad del parque, explicaron gran parte de la variación en la riqueza de especies en estos parques. Conocer como afectan las características de los parques a la riqueza de especies de aves en la áreas verdes de las ciudades, puede ser especialmente útil para los gestores urbanos a la hora de diseñar parques en los que se potencien, no sólo sus servicios sociales de esparcimiento, sino tambien sus valores naturales.

  11. Assessing the bioconfinement potential of a Nicotiana hybrid platform for use in plant molecular farming applications. (United States)

    Rice, J Hollis; Mundell, Richard E; Millwood, Reginald J; Chambers, Orlando D; Stewart, C Neal; Davies, H Maelor


    The introduction of pharmaceutical traits in tobacco for commercial production could benefit from the utilization of a transgene bioconfinement system. It has been observed that interspecific F1Nicotiana hybrids (Nicotiana tabacum × Nicotiana glauca) are sterile and thus proposed that hybrids could be suitable bioconfined hosts for biomanufacturing. We genetically tagged hybrids with green fluorescent protein (GFP), which was used as a visual marker to enable gene flow tracking and quantification for field and greenhouse studies. GFP was used as a useful proxy for pharmaceutical transgenes. Analysis of DNA content revealed significant genomic downsizing of the hybrid relative to that of N. tabacum. Hybrid pollen was capable of germination in vitro, albeit with a very low frequency and with significant differences between plants. In two field experiments, one each in Tennessee and Kentucky, we detected outcrossing at only one location (Tennessee) at 1.4%. Additionally, from 50 hybrid plants at each field site, formation of 84 and 16 seed was observed, respectively. Similar conclusions about hybrid fertility were drawn from greenhouse crosses. In terms of above-ground biomass, the hybrid yield was not significantly different than that of N. tabacum in the field. N. tabacum × N. glauca hybrids show potential to contribute to a bioconfinement- and biomanufacturing host system. Hybrids exhibit extremely low fertility with no difference of green biomass yields relative to N. tabacum. In addition, hybrids are morphologically distinguishable from tobacco allowing for identity preservation. This hybrid system for biomanufacturing would optimally be used where N. glauca is not present and in physical isolation of N. tabacum production to provide total bioconfinement.

  12. Optimization and utilization of Agrobacterium-mediated transient protein production in Nicotiana. (United States)

    Shamloul, Moneim; Trusa, Jason; Mett, Vadim; Yusibov, Vidadi


    Agrobacterium-mediated transient protein production in plants is a promising approach to produce vaccine antigens and therapeutic proteins within a short period of time. However, this technology is only just beginning to be applied to large-scale production as many technological obstacles to scale up are now being overcome. Here, we demonstrate a simple and reproducible method for industrial-scale transient protein production based on vacuum infiltration of Nicotiana plants with Agrobacteria carrying launch vectors. Optimization of Agrobacterium cultivation in AB medium allows direct dilution of the bacterial culture in Milli-Q water, simplifying the infiltration process. Among three tested species of Nicotiana, N. excelsiana (N. benthamiana × N. excelsior) was selected as the most promising host due to the ease of infiltration, high level of reporter protein production, and about two-fold higher biomass production under controlled environmental conditions. Induction of Agrobacterium harboring pBID4-GFP (Tobacco mosaic virus-based) using chemicals such as acetosyringone and monosaccharide had no effect on the protein production level. Infiltrating plant under 50 to 100 mbar for 30 or 60 sec resulted in about 95% infiltration of plant leaf tissues. Infiltration with Agrobacterium laboratory strain GV3101 showed the highest protein production compared to Agrobacteria laboratory strains LBA4404 and C58C1 and wild-type Agrobacteria strains at6, at10, at77 and A4. Co-expression of a viral RNA silencing suppressor, p23 or p19, in N. benthamiana resulted in earlier accumulation and increased production (15-25%) of target protein (influenza virus hemagglutinin).

  13. Plant oxidosqualene metabolism: cycloartenol synthase-dependent sterol biosynthesis in Nicotiana benthamiana. (United States)

    Gas-Pascual, Elisabet; Berna, Anne; Bach, Thomas J; Schaller, Hubert


    The plant sterol pathway exhibits a major biosynthetic difference as compared with that of metazoans. The committed sterol precursor is the pentacyclic cycloartenol (9β,19-cyclolanost-24-en-3β-ol) and not lanosterol (lanosta-8,24-dien-3β-ol), as it was shown in the late sixties. However, plant genome mining over the last years revealed the general presence of lanosterol synthases encoding sequences (LAS1) in the oxidosqualene cyclase repertoire, in addition to cycloartenol synthases (CAS1) and to non-steroidal triterpene synthases that contribute to the metabolic diversity of C30H50O compounds on earth. Furthermore, plant LAS1 proteins have been unambiguously identified by peptidic signatures and by their capacity to complement the yeast lanosterol synthase deficiency. A dual pathway for the synthesis of sterols through lanosterol and cycloartenol was reported in the model Arabidopsis thaliana, though the contribution of a lanosterol pathway to the production of 24-alkyl-Δ(5)-sterols was quite marginal (Ohyama et al. (2009) PNAS 106, 725). To investigate further the physiological relevance of CAS1 and LAS1 genes in plants, we have silenced their expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. We used virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) based on gene specific sequences from a Nicotiana tabacum CAS1 or derived from the solgenomics initiative ( to challenge the respective roles of CAS1 and LAS1. In this report, we show a CAS1-specific functional sterol pathway in engineered yeast, and a strict dependence on CAS1 of tobacco sterol biosynthesis.

  14. Evolution of rDNA in Nicotiana allopolyploids: A potential link between rDNa homogenization and epigenetics

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kovařík, Aleš; Nešpor Dadejová, Martina; Lim, Y.K.; Chase, M.W.; Clarkson, J.J.; Knapp, S.; Leitch, A.R.


    Roč. 101, č. 6 (2008), s. 815-823 ISSN 0305-7364 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/07/0116 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50040507; CEZ:AV0Z50040702 Keywords : rDNA * allopolyploidy * evolution-Nicotiana Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics Impact factor: 2.755, year: 2008

  15. Conservación del bosque y fauna del Colegio Liceo Nacional como estrategia de educación ambiental en Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia

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    Marcela Cubillos


    más de 70 especies vegetales (excluyendo arbustos y herbáceas, y 25 especies animales entre aves, mamíferos y reptiles, destacándose la presencia del tití gris (Saguinus leucopus. Además, se llevaron a cabo cuatro talleres teóricoprácticos donde las alumnas conocieron las especies vegetales y animales que existen en el colegio, así como algunas nociones de taxonomía de aves, anfibios y reptiles presentes en el departamento del Tolima, Colombia. Con estas actividades se logró incentivar el sentido de pertenencia, conciencia ecológica y conservacionista en las alumnas y docentes por el bosque y fauna del colegio Liceo Nacional.

  16. Purification of nitrate reductase from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia by affinity chromatography using 5'AMP-sepharose and monoclonal antibodies. (United States)

    Moureaux, T; Leydecker, M T; Meyer, C


    Nitrate reductase was purified from leaves of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia using either 5'AMP-Sepharose chromatography or two steps of immunoaffinity chromatography involving monoclonal antibodies directed against nitrate reductase from maize and against ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase from N. plumbaginifolia. Nitrate reductase obtained by the first method was purified 1000-fold to a specific activity of 9 units/mg protein. The second method produced an homogenous enzyme, purified 21,000-fold to a specific activity of 80 units/mg protein. SDS/PAGE of nitrate reductase always resulted in two bands of 107 and 99.5 kDa. The 107-kDa band was the nitrate reductase subunit of N. plumbaginifolia; the smaller one of 99.5 kDa is thought, as commonly reported, to result from proteolysis of the larger protein. The molecular mass of 107 kDa is close to the values calculated from the coding sequences of the two nitrate reductase genes recently cloned from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv Xanthi).

  17. Diseño de un reactor de transesterificación para la obtención de biodiesel a partir de aceites vegetales




    [ES] En este proyecto se pretende que el alumno realice el diseño, montaje y puesta a punto un reactor de transesterificación de laboratorio para la obtención de biodiesel a partir de aceites vegetales, utilizando catálisis básica homogénea. Paralelamente se definirán las técnicas analíticas a emplear para el control de la calidad de los aceites de partida y el seguimiento de los productos de reacción. A partir de los resultados experimentales se realizará el diseño y estimación económica...

  18. De invloed van auxine, tryptofaan en enige anorganische zouten op de infectie van Nicotiana glutinosa met tabaksmozaiekvirus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liem, A.S.N.


    The number of necrotic spots arising on leaves of Nicotiana glutinosa after inoculation with tobacco mosaic virus was less than in controls without additives, if the water in which the leaves floated hadβ-indoleacetic acid (IAA),α-naphthylacetic acid (NAA) or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)

  19. In vitro and in vivo activities of eugenol against tobacco black shank caused by Phytophthora nicotianae. (United States)

    Jing, Changliang; Gou, Jianyu; Han, Xiaobin; Wu, Qian; Zhang, Chengsheng


    Phytophthora nicotianae causes serious black shank disease in tobacco. Syringa oblata essential oil and its main components were evaluated to develop an effective and environmentally friendly biocontrol agent. Eugenol, which exhibited the strongest activity, was intensively investigated in vitro and in vivo. The mycelial growth of P. nicotianae was inhibited by eugenol at a minimum inhibitory concentration of 200μgmL -1 , and inhibition occurred in a dose-dependent manner. Extracellular pH and extracellular conductivity results indicated that eugenol increased membrane permeability. Flow cytometry and fluorescent staining results further showed that eugenol disrupted mycelial membranes but did not affect spore membrane integrity. The in vivo results confirmed that treatment of tobacco with various concentrations of eugenol formulations reduced disease incidence and better controlled against the disease. Our results suggested that the ability of eugenol to control tobacco black shank depended on its ability to damage mycelial membranes and that eugenol formulations have potential as an eco-friendly antifungal agent for controlling tobacco blank shank. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Suitability of Nicotiana tabacum 'Bel W3' for biomonitoring ozone in Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sant' Anna, Silvia M.R.; Esposito, Marisia P.; Domingos, Marisa [Instituto de Botanica, Secao de Ecologia, Caixa Postal 3005, 01061-970 Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Souza, Silvia R. [Instituto de Botanica, Secao de Ecologia, Caixa Postal 3005, 01061-970 Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)], E-mail:


    Nicotiana tabacum 'Bel W3' is a widely used sensitive bioindicator for ambient ozone, but it is rarely used in tropical countries. Our goal was to determine the suitability of this plant for biomonitoring ozone in the city of Sao Paulo by evaluating the relationships between leaf necroses and ozone under field conditions and measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence and antioxidants in plants exposed to different concentrations of ozone in closed chambers. While a weak linear relationship between leaf injury and ozone concentrations (R{sup 2} = 0.10) was determined in the field, a strong linear relationship was observed in the chamber experiments. Maximum leaf injury was observed in plants submitted to 40 ppb, which coincided with a significant decrease in fluorescence and total ascorbic acid. The relationship between leaf damage observed in the field and ozone was improved when the concentrations were limited to 40 ppb (R{sup 2} = 0.28). - Nicotiana tabacum 'Bel W3' is suitable for indicating low ozone levels in Brazil.

  1. An arabinoxyloglucan isolated from the midrib of the leaves of Nicotiana tabacum

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eda, S; Kato, K


    The structure of an arabinoxyloglucan, separated from the hemicellulosic polysaccharides of the midrib of the leaves of Nicotiana tabacum, was investigated by methylation analyses before and after mild acid hydrolysis, acetolysis and cellulase-degradation. The arabinoxyloglucan consists of L-arabinose, D-xylose and D-glucose in a molar ratio of 13:33:54, and has a backbone of ..beta..-(1..-->..4)-linked D-glucopyranosyl residues. Some of the glucopyranosyl residues are attached at the 6 position by single ..cap alpha..-D-xylopyranosyl and ..cap alpha..-L-arabinofuranosyl-(1..-->..2)-..cap alpha..-D-xylopyranosyl side chains.

  2. Consequence of absence of nitrate reductase activity on photosynthesis in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saux, C.; Lemoine, Y.; Marion-Poll, A.; Valadier, M.H.; Deng, M.; Morot-Gaudry, J.F.


    Chlorate-resistant Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (cv Viviani) mutants were found to be deficient in the nitrate reductase apoprotein (NR - nia). Because they could not grow with nitrate as sole nitrogen source, they were cultivated as graftings on wild-type Nicotiana tabacum plants. The grafts of mutant plants were chlorotic compared to the grafts of wild type. Mutant leaves did not accumulate nitrogen but contained less malate and more glutamine than wild leaves. They exhibited a slight increase of the proportion of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complexes and a lowering of the efficiency of energy transfer between these complexes and the active centers. After a 3 second 14 CO 2 pulse, the total 14 C incorporation of the mutant leaves was approximately 20 5 of that of the control. The 14 C was essentially recovered in ribulose bisphosphate in these plants. It was consistent with a decline of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity observed in the mutant. After a 3 second 14 CO 2 pulse followed by a 60 second chase with normal CO 2 , 14 C was mainly accumulated in starch which was labeled more in the mutant than in the wild type. These results confirm the observation that in the nitrate reductase deficient leaves, chloroplasts were loaded with large starch inclusions preceding disorganization of the photosynthetic apparatus

  3. Consequence of absence of nitrate reductase activity on photosynthesis in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saux, C.; Lemoine, Y.; Marion-Poll, A.; Valadier, M.H.; Deng, M.; Morot-Gaudry, J.F.


    Chlorate-resistant Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (cv Viviani) mutants were found to be deficient in the nitrate reductase apoprotein (NR/sup -/ nia). Because they could not grow with nitrate as sole nitrogen source, they were cultivated as graftings on wild-type Nicotiana tabacum plants. The grafts of mutant plants were chlorotic compared to the grafts of wild type. Mutant leaves did not accumulate nitrogen but contained less malate and more glutamine than wild leaves. They exhibited a slight increase of the proportion of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complexes and a lowering of the efficiency of energy transfer between these complexes and the active centers. After a 3 second /sup 14/CO/sub 2/ pulse, the total /sup 14/C incorporation of the mutant leaves was approximately 20/sup 5/ of that of the control. The /sup 14/C was essentially recovered in ribulose bisphosphate in these plants. It was consistent with a decline of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity observed in the mutant. After a 3 second /sup 14/CO/sub 2/ pulse followed by a 60 second chase with normal CO/sub 2/, /sup 14/C was mainly accumulated in starch which was labeled more in the mutant than in the wild type. These results confirm the observation that in the nitrate reductase deficient leaves, chloroplasts were loaded with large starch inclusions preceding disorganization of the photosynthetic apparatus.

  4. Alteraciones bioquímicas de los lípidos en los alimentos vegetales. I. Formación de los hidroperóxidos lipídicos

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    Zamora, R.


    Full Text Available The enzymes of the lipoxygenase pathway in plant foods are reviewed. This part analyzes the enzymes related to the formation of the lipidic hydroperoxides. Lipases and lipoxygenases in plant foods are described.

    En este trabajo se hace una revisión de los enzimas responsables de la degradación enzimática de los Iípidos en los alimentos vegetales. Esta primera parte describe la formación de los hidroperóxidos lipídicos producida por la acción secuencial de lipasas y lipoxigenasas.

  5. Anti-sense expression of putrescine N-methyltransferase confirms defensive role of nicotine in Nicotiana sylvestris against Manduca sexta

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voelckel, C.; Krugel, T.; Gase, K.; Heidrich, N.; Van Dam, N.M.; Winz, R.; Baldwin, I.T.


    Several lines of evidence support the defensive function of nicotine production in the Nicotiana genus against a range of herbivores, but the evidence is largely correlative. To suppress nicotine production in planta and to test its defensive function, we expressed DNA of putrescine N-methyl

  6. Expression of a cucumber class III chitinase and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia class I glucanase genes in transgenic potato plants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moravcikova, J.; Matusikova, I.; Libantova, J.; Bauer, M.; Mlynarova, L.


    The genes encoding for a cucumber class III chitinase and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia class I glucanase were co-introduced into Slovak potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) breeding line 116/86 using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. For both transgenes the number of integrated copies and level of RNA expression

  7. Spontaneous and induced loss of chromosomes in slow-growing somatic hybrid calli of Solanum tuberosum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tempelaar, MJ; Drenth - Diephuis, L.J.; SAAT, TAWM; Jacobsen, E.

    Rate and extent of spontaneous and induced chromosome loss have been determined at the callus level of somatic hybrids of mutants of Solanum tuberosum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. AEC (amino ethyl cystein) resistance in potato and Nitrate-Reductase deficiency in N. plumbaginifolia have been used

  8. Lupines, poison-hemlock and Nicotiana spp: toxicity and teratogenicity in livestock. (United States)

    Panter, K E; James, L F; Gardner, D R


    Many species of lupines contain quinolizidine or piperidine alkaloids known to be toxic or teratogenic to livestock. Poison-hemlock (Conium maculatum) and Nicotiana spp. including N. tabacum and N. glauca contain toxic and teratogenic piperidine alkaloids. The toxic and teratogenic effects from these plant species have distinct similarities including maternal muscular weakness and ataxia and fetal contracture-type skeletal defects and cleft palate. It is believed that the mechanism of action of the piperidine and quinolizidine alkaloid-induced teratogenesis is the same; however, there are some differences in incidence, susceptible gestational periods, and severity between livestock species. Wildlife species have also been poisoned after eating poison-hemlock but no terata have been reported. The most widespread problem for livestock producers in recent times has been lupine-induced "crooked calf disease." Crooked calf disease is characterized as skeletal contracture-type malformations and occasional cleft palate in calves after maternal ingestion of lupines containing the quinolizidine alkaloid anagyrine during gestation days 40-100. Similar malformations have been induced in cattle and goats with lupines containing the piperidine alkaloids ammodendrine, N-methyl ammodendrine, and N-acetyl hystrine and in cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs with poison-hemlock containing predominantly coniine or gamma-coniceine and N. glauca containing anabasine. Toxic and teratogenic effects have been linked to structural aspects of these alkaloids, and the mechanism of action is believed to be associated with an alkaloid-induced inhibition of fetal movement during specific gestational periods. This review presents a historical perspective, description and distribution of lupines, poison-hemlock and Nicotiana spp., toxic and teratogenic effects and management information to reduce losses.

  9. NaStEP: A Proteinase Inhibitor Essential to Self-Incompatibility and a Positive Regulator of HT-B Stability in Nicotiana alata Pollen Tubes1[W][OA (United States)

    Jiménez-Durán, Karina; McClure, Bruce; García-Campusano, Florencia; Rodríguez-Sotres, Rogelio; Cisneros, Jesús; Busot, Grethel; Cruz-García, Felipe


    In Solanaceae, the self-incompatibility S-RNase and S-locus F-box interactions define self-pollen recognition and rejection in an S-specific manner. This interaction triggers a cascade of events involving other gene products unlinked to the S-locus that are crucial to the self-incompatibility response. To date, two essential pistil-modifier genes, 120K and High Top-Band (HT-B), have been identified in Nicotiana species. However, biochemistry and genetics indicate that additional modifier genes are required. We recently reported a Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitor, named NaStEP (for Nicotiana alata Stigma-Expressed Protein), that is highly expressed in the stigmas of self-incompatible Nicotiana species. Here, we report the proteinase inhibitor activity of NaStEP. NaStEP is taken up by both compatible and incompatible pollen tubes, but its suppression in Nicotiana spp. transgenic plants disrupts S-specific pollen rejection; therefore, NaStEP is a novel pistil-modifier gene. Furthermore, HT-B levels within the pollen tubes are reduced when NaStEP-suppressed pistils are pollinated with either compatible or incompatible pollen. In wild-type self-incompatible N. alata, in contrast, HT-B degradation occurs preferentially in compatible pollinations. Taken together, these data show that the presence of NaStEP is required for the stability of HT-B inside pollen tubes during the rejection response, but the underlying mechanism is currently unknown. PMID:23150644

  10. Mutability of the self-incompatibility locus and identification of the S-bearing chromosome in Nicotiana alata

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gastel, A.J.G. van.


    γ rays, X rays, fast neutrons and ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) were used for inducing mutations at the self-incompatibility locus of Nicotiana alata. Chronic gamma irradiation and EMS treatment neither induced self-compatability mutations nor led to changes from one S allele to another. X rays and fast neutrons induced many self-compatibility mutations, but did not generate new self-incompatibility alleles. (Auth.)

  11. The role of Nicotiana gluca Graham (paraguayan herbs as an adjuvant in immunomodulation of Newcastle disease vaccine for broilers Estudo da ação de Nicotiana glauca Graham (erva paraguaia como coadjuvante em vacina contra a doença de Newcastle em frangos de corte

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    Fabiane Pereira Gentilini


    Full Text Available The Nicotiana glauca is a native plant species from Argentina, but found all over South América, being used against headaches, rheumatism, injuries, ulcers, and so on. Researchers have considered it as having immunomodulation effect. This study was conducted to investigate the use of a aqueous extract of Nicotiana glauca Graham as an immunomodulator (adjuvant of a Newcastle disease vaccine.. A total of 56 broilers were distributed into 4 experimental groups. Each one of them received 3 dosages of this vaccine with or without the addition of different concentrations of the extract Using hemmoaglutination inhibition techniques , the results have shown differences (P<0.05 in the third sera collection. An increase in the antibody titer with the inclusion of 5 mg/dosage of the extract (Treatment 3 as compared to 1 mg/dosage (Treatment 2 and 10 mg/dosage of the extract (Treatment 4 was observed, However, birds from Treatment 3 did not differ (P> 0.05 from Treatment 1. These results indicated that further investigations are required, including the use of cytotoxicity tests in vitro, to evaluate the immunomodulation effect of this extract.


    KEY WORDS: Immunomodulation effect, Nicotiana glauca Graham, vaccine.

    A Nicotiana glauca Graham é uma espécie nativa da Argentina, bem distribuída na América do Sul, sendo empregada, popularmente, contra dores de cabeça, dores reumáticas, cicatrização de feridas e úlceras, entre outros. Pesquisas têm avaliado a sua ação na potencialização da resposta imune. Assim, com este estudo, buscou-se avaliar a ação de um extrato aquoso de Nicotiana glauca Graham como coadjuvante imunológico em uma vacina contra a doença de Newcastle (DNC. Utilizaram-se 56 frangos de corte, distribuídos em quatro grupos experimentais, que receberam tr

  12. Ozone, sulfur dioxide, and ultraviolet B have similar effects on mRNA accumulation of antioxidant genes in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia L.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Willekens, H.; Van Camp, W.; Van Montagu, M.; Inze, D. [Laboratoire Associe de l`Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (France); Langebartels, C.; Sandermann, H. Jr. [Universiteit Gent (Belgium)]|[Institut fuer Biochemische Pflanzenpathologie, Oberschleissheim (Germany)


    We have studied the expression of antioxidant genes in response to near ambient conditions of O{sub 3}, SO{sub 2}, and ultraviolet B (UV-B) in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia L. The genes analyzed encode four different superoxide dismutases (SODs), three catalases (Cat1, Cat2, and Cat3), the cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (cyt APx), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). The experimental setup for each treatment was essentially the same and caused no visible damage, thus allowing direct comparison of the different stress responses. Our data showed that the effects of O{sub 3}, SO{sub 2}, and UV-B on the antioxidant genes are very similar, although the response to SO{sub 2} is generally less pronounced and delayed. The effects of the different stresses are characterized by a decline in Cat1, a moderate increase in Cat3, and a strong increase in Cat2 and GPx. Remarkably, SODs and cyt APx were not affected. Analysis of SOD and APx expression in the ozone-sensitive Nicotiana tabacum L. cv PBD6 revealed that induction of the cytosolic copper/zinc SOD and cyt APx occurs only with the onset of visible damage. It is proposed that alterations in mRNA levels of catalases and GPx, but not of SODs and cyt APx, form part of the initial antioxidant response to O{sub 3}, SO{sub 2}, and UV-B in Nicotiana. 57 refs., 4 figs.

  13. Evolutionary time-scale of the begomoviruses: evidence from integrated sequences in the Nicotiana genome.

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    Pierre Lefeuvre

    Full Text Available Despite having single stranded DNA genomes that are replicated by host DNA polymerases, viruses in the family Geminiviridae are apparently evolving as rapidly as some RNA viruses. The observed substitution rates of geminiviruses in the genera Begomovirus and Mastrevirus are so high that the entire family could conceivably have originated less than a million years ago (MYA. However, the existence of geminivirus related DNA (GRD integrated within the genomes of various Nicotiana species suggests that the geminiviruses probably originated >10 MYA. Some have even suggested that a distinct New-World (NW lineage of begomoviruses may have arisen following the separation by continental drift of African and American proto-begomoviruses ∼110 MYA. We evaluate these various geminivirus origin hypotheses using Bayesian coalescent-based approaches to date firstly the Nicotiana GRD integration events, and then the divergence of the NW and Old-World (OW begomoviruses. Besides rejecting the possibility of a<2 MYA OW-NW begomovirus split, we could also discount that it may have occurred concomitantly with the breakup of Gondwanaland 110 MYA. Although we could only confidently narrow the date of the split down to between 2 and 80 MYA, the most plausible (and best supported date for the split is between 20 and 30 MYA--a time when global cooling ended the dispersal of temperate species between Asia and North America via the Beringian land bridge.

  14. Cloning the bacterial bphC gene into Nicotiana tabacum to improve the efficiency of phytoremediation of polychlorinated biphenyls

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Nováková, Martina; Macková, M.; Antošová, Z.; Viktorová, J.; Szekeres, M.; Demnerová, K.; Macek, Tomáš


    Roč. 1, č. 6 (2010), s. 419-423 ISSN 1949-1018 R&D Projects: GA MŠk 1M06030 Grant - others:GA MŠk(CZ) ME09024 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40550506 Keywords : phytoremediation * transgenic plant * Nicotiana tabacum * bphC Subject RIV: EI - Biotechnology ; Bionics

  15. Cytosolic calcium rises and related events in ergosterol-treated Nicotiana cells. (United States)

    Vatsa, Parul; Chiltz, Annick; Luini, Estelle; Vandelle, Elodie; Pugin, Alain; Roblin, Gabriel


    The typical fungal membrane component ergosterol was previously shown to trigger defence responses and protect plants against pathogens. Most of the elicitors mobilize the second messenger calcium, to trigger plant defences. We checked the involvement of calcium in response to ergosterol using Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Nicotiana tabacum cv Xanthi cells expressing apoaequorin in the cytosol. First, it was verified if ergosterol was efficient in these cells inducing modifications of proton fluxes and increased expression of defence-related genes. Then, it was shown that ergosterol induced a rapid and transient biphasic increase of free [Ca²⁺](cyt) which intensity depends on ergosterol concentration in the range 0.002-10 μM. Among sterols, this calcium mobilization was specific for ergosterol and, ergosterol-induced pH and [Ca²⁺](cyt) changes were specifically desensitized after two subsequent applications of ergosterol. Specific modulators allowed elucidating some events in the signalling pathway triggered by ergosterol. The action of BAPTA, LaCl₃, nifedipine, verapamil, neomycin, U73122 and ruthenium red suggested that the first phase was linked to calcium influx from external medium which subsequently triggered the second phase linked to calcium release from internal stores. The calcium influx and the [Ca²⁺](cyt) increase depended on upstream protein phosphorylation. The extracellular alkalinization and ROS production depended on calcium influx but, the ergosterol-induced MAPK activation was calcium-independent. ROS were not involved in cytosolic calcium rise as described in other models, indicating that ROS do not systematically participate in the amplification of calcium signalling. Interestingly, ergosterol-induced ROS production is not linked to cell death and ergosterol does not induce any calcium elevation in the nucleus. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  16. Relación entre el consumo de frutas, vegetales y alimentos altos en grasa, con el nivel de actividad física, en niñas y niños costarricenses en edad escolar, pertenecientes la provincia de San José


    Moreno Morales, Rosa María Imelda


    Texto texto completo Relación entre el consumo de frutas, vegetales y alimentos altos en grasa, con el nivel de actividad física, en niñas y niños costarricenses en edad escolar, pertenecientes la provincia de San José

  17. Changes in cytokinins are sufficient to alter developmental patterns of defense metabolites in Nicotiana attenuata

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bruetting, C.; Schaefer, N.; Vaňková, Radomíra; Gase, K.; Baldwin, I.T.; Meldau, S.


    Roč. 89, č. 1 (2017), s. 15-30 ISSN 0960-7412 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LD14120 Institutional support: RVO:61389030 Keywords : proteinase-inhibitor production * plant defense * arabidopsis-thaliana * leaf senescence * insect interactions * tobacco plants * jasmonic acid * manduca-sexta * cis-zeatin * responses * cytokinins * optimal defense * herbivores * inducible defense * Nicotiana attenuata * Manduca sexta * plant development * immunosenescence * phytohormones Subject RIV: ED - Physiology OBOR OECD: Plant sciences, botany Impact factor: 5.901, year: 2016

  18. Caracterización bromatológica de especies y subproductos vegetales en el trópico húmedo de Colombia

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    Dissa Enith Mosquera Perea


    Full Text Available Se determinó el potencial nutritivo para especies pecuarias de recursos locales existentes en el municipio de Quibdó, departamento del Chocó (Colombia, teniendo en cuenta la composición bromatológica y digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS en hojas de árbol del pan (Arthocarpus altilis Z., pacó (Gustavia superba Kunth. y achín (Colocasia esculenta Linn, cáscaras del fruto de chontaduro (Bractris gasipaess Kunth. y de plátano (Musa paradisiaca L.. El análisis bromatológico incluyó materia seca (MS, proteína bruta (PB, ceniza (Cen, fibra detergente ácida (FDA, fibra detergente neutra (FDN, lignina detergente ácida (LDA y energía bruta (EB. Las hojas de achín y de árbol del pan presentaron los contenidos más altos de PB (27.78 y 19.38% y de EB (3911 y 3981 cal/g, respectivamente. Los valores de DIVMS más altos se presentaron en cáscaras de chontaduro (78.9% y hojas de achín (68.6%. En general, los recursos en estudio presentan valor nutritivo similar al de forrajes cultivados, por tanto, son una alternativa posible para la sustitución parcial de materias primas costosas en dietas para animales de granja.

  19. Differential expression of catalase genes in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (L.). (United States)

    Willekens, H; Langebartels, C; Tiré, C; Van Montagu, M; Inzé, D; Van Camp, W


    We have analyzed the expression of three catalase (Cat; EC genes from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia by means of RNA blot and in situ hybridizations. Our data demonstrate that the expression of each catalase is associated with a particular H2O2-producing process. Cat1 appears to be specifically involved in the scavenging of photorespiratory H2O2 and is under control of a circadian rhythm, Cat2 is uniformly expressed in different organs with a cellular preference for vascular tissues, and the expression profile of Cat3 points to a role in glyoxysomal processes. Differential expression of these catalases is also manifested in response to temperature changes. DNA sequence comparison with other dicotyledonous catalases led to the identification of at least three distinct classes, which indicates that the functional organization of catalases is generally conserved in dicotyledonous plants.

  20. Propiedades mecánicas de bandejas elaboradas con almidón de especies vegetales nativas y fibras de residuos agroindustriales

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    Miguel Espina


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de las fibras naturales obtenidas de residuos agroindustriales en la densidad, el gramaje y las propiedades mecánicas de las espumas termoprensadas elaboradas de almidón de especies nativas, como lo son el camote, la oca y la arracacha. El proceso de termoformado se llevó a cabo a una temperatura de 145 °C y una presión de 60 bar. El tiempo de horneado fue de 10 - 15 min dependiendo del contenido de agua en la mezcla. Las bandejas fueron caracterizadas por su densidad, gramaje, ensayo de impacto, ensayos de deflexión, colorimetría y sus valores de dureza y fracturabilidad. Las bandejas elaboradas por termopresión a base de almidón de camote - fibra de bagazo de caña de azúcar al 15%, y de almidón de arracacha- fibra peladilla de espárrago al 30% presentaron mayores valores en resistencia a la flexión frente a las elaboradas con otros tipos de almidones y fibras, incluyendo a pruebas en blanco. De manera general, la dureza de las bandejas se ve favorecida con el increme nto de fibra, sin embargo, la fracturabilidad decrece o no mejora la integridad de la matriz polimérica. Los resultados mostrados en esta investigación permitirán la elaboración de bandejas biodegradables para distintas aplicaciones industriales.

  1. A small asparagine-rich protein required for S-allele-specific pollen rejection in Nicotiana. (United States)

    McClure, B; Mou, B; Canevascini, S; Bernatzky, R


    Although S-locus RNases (S-RNases) determine the specificity of pollen rejection in self-incompatible (SI) solanaceous plants, they alone are not sufficient to cause S-allele-specific pollen rejection. To identify non-S-RNase sequences that are required for pollen rejection, a Nicotiana alata cDNA library was screened by differential hybridization. One clone, designated HT, hybridized strongly to RNA from N. alata styles but not to RNA from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, a species known to lack one or more factors necessary for S-allele-specific pollen rejection. Sequence analysis revealed a 101-residue ORF including a putative secretion signal and an asparagine-rich domain near the C terminus. RNA blot analysis showed that the HT-transcript accumulates in the stigma and style before anthesis. The timing of HT-expression lags slightly behind S(C10)-RNase in SI N. alata S(C10)S(C10) and is well correlated with the onset of S-allele-specific pollen rejection in the style. An antisense-HT construct was prepared to test for a role in pollen rejection. Transformed (N. plumbaginifolia x SI N. alata S(C10)S(C10)) hybrids with reduced levels of HT-protein continued to express S(C10)-RNase but failed to reject S(C10)-pollen. Control hybrids expressing both S(C10)-RNase and HT-protein showed a normal S-allele-specific pollen rejection response. We conclude that HT-protein is directly implicated in pollen rejection.

  2. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, NADP-malic enzyme, and pyruvate, phosphate dikinase are involved in the acclimation of Nicotiana tabacum L. to drought stress

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Doubnerová-Hýsková, V.; Miedzińska, L.; Dobrá, Jana; Vaňková, Radomíra; Ryšlavá, H.


    Roč. 171, č. 5 (2014), s. 19-25 ISSN 0176-1617 R&D Projects: GA MŠk 1M0505 Institutional support: RVO:61389030 Keywords : Drought * NADP-malic enzyme * Nicotiana tabacum L. Subject RIV: EI - Biotechnology ; Bionics Impact factor: 2.557, year: 2014

  3. Medida de la evapotranspiración real en coberturas vegetales semiáridas (Cuenca de Mula, Murcia), según las varicaciones de humedad del suelo medidas mediante el procedimiento (TDR)


    Belmonte Serrato, Francisco; Romero Díaz, María Asunción


    En este trabajo se presenta un método de medida directa de la Evapotranspiración Real (ETR) bajo distintas coberturas vegetales, basado en las diferencias de humedad en el suelo medidas mediante el procedimiento TDR, en un intervalo temporal de 15 días y su comparación con los valores calculados mediante el método de Thornthwaite, que usa la temperatura media como parámetro fundamental. Los resultados demuestran la validez del método utilizado, habiendo obtenido valores de E...

  4. Back-transmission of a virus associated with apple stem pitting and pear vein yellows from Nicotiana occidentalis to apple and pear indicators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leone, G.; Lindner, J.L.; Jongedijk, G.; Meer, van der F.


    The successful back-transmission of the mechanically transmissible virus associated with apple stem pitting and pear vein yellows, from Nicotiana occidentalis to apple seedlings "Golden Delicious" under greenhouse conditions is reported. This result enabled a field experiment where isolates of apple

  5. Aplicación de Tecnología de Barreras para la Conservación de Mezclas de Vegetales Mínimamente Procesados / Application of Barrier Technology for the Conservation of Minimally Processed Vegetables Mixtures

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    Alejandro Escobar Hernández


    Full Text Available Los vegetales son componentes esenciales de la dietahumana y su procesamiento trae como consecuencia el rápido deterioro ocasionado por el aumento de las reacciones metabólicas, esto hace necesario que se utilicen tecnologías emergentes de conservación. En este trabajo se estudió el efecto de la tecnología de barreras (desinfección, tratamiento térmico, recubrimiento comestible, atmósfera modificada y refrigeración sobre la vida útil de una mezcla de vegetales mínimamente procesados compuesta por brócoli (Brassica oleracea var. itálica, coliflor (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis, zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L., chayote (Sechium edule, apio (Apium graveolens y zanahoria (Daucus carota. Las barreras fueron aplicadas a las hortalizas para luego ser envasadas en dos tipos de bandejas (empaque en atmósfera modificada y empaque en bandeja sello plus. Los vegetales se almacenaron durante 12 días en refrigeración (4 °C y 95% HR, se llevaron a cabo análisis microbiológicos, físicoquímicos y sensoriales, y un estudio de vida útil. Los resultados mostraron que el proceso de desinfección con NaClO 100 ppm y el tratamiento térmico de 60 °C durante 2 min, tuvieron efecto en la reducción de la población microbiana para el día cero de evaluación. La calidad general se conservó para los 12 días dealmacenamiento, en la zanahoria, chayote, coliflor y apio. Laevaluación fisicoquímica presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas de los parámetros evaluados con respecto al tiempo de almacenamiento. El estudio de vida útil arrojó tiempos de 7 y 5 días para la mezcla de vegetales empacada en bandeja sello plus en atmósfera modificada, respectivamente. La combinación debarreras se muestra como alternativa viable en la conservación de mezclas de vegetales mínimamente procesados. /  Vegetables are essential components of the human diet. However, rapid deterioration of vegetables occurs after

  6. The Cotton WRKY Gene GhWRKY41 Positively Regulates Salt and Drought Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana.

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    Xiaoqian Chu

    Full Text Available WRKY transcription factors constitute a very large family of proteins in plants and participate in modulating plant biological processes, such as growth, development and stress responses. However, the exact roles of WRKY proteins are unclear, particularly in non-model plants. In this study, Gossypium hirsutum WRKY41 (GhWRKY41 was isolated and transformed into Nicotiana benthamiana. Our results showed that overexpression of GhWRKY41 enhanced the drought and salt stress tolerance of transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana. The transgenic plants exhibited lower malondialdehyde content and higher antioxidant enzyme activity, and the expression of antioxidant genes was upregulated in transgenic plants exposed to osmotic stress. A β-glucuronidase (GUS staining assay showed that GhWRKY41 was highly expressed in the stomata when plants were exposed to osmotic stress, and plants overexpressing GhWRKY41 exhibited enhanced stomatal closure when they were exposed to osmotic stress. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that GhWRKY41 may enhance plant tolerance to stress by functioning as a positive regulator of stoma closure and by regulating reactive oxygen species (ROS scavenging and the expression of antioxidant genes.

  7. High-efficiency Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of heat inducible sHSP18.2-GUS in Nicotiana tabacum. (United States)

    Chen, Shih-Cheng; Liu, Hui-Wen; Lee, Kung-Ta; Yamakawa, Takashi


    The chimerical gene, Arabidopsis thaliana sHSP18.2 promoter fused to E. coli gusA gene, was Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformed into Nicotiana tabacum as a heat-regulatable model, and the thermo-inducible expression of GUS activity in N. tabacum transgenic hairy roots was profiled. An activation of A. rhizogenes with acetosyringone (AS) before cocultured with tobacco's leaf disc strongly promoted transgenic hairy roots formation. Transgenic hairy roots formation efficiency of A. rhizogenes precultured with 200 microM AS supplementation was 3.1-fold and 7.5-fold, respectively, compared to the formation efficiency obtained with and without AS supplementation in coculture. Transgenic hairy roots transformed with different AS concentration exhibited a similar pattern of thermo-inducibility after 10 min to 3 h heat treatments detected by GUS expression. The peak of expressed GUS specific activity, 399,530 pmol MUG per mg total protein per min, of the transgenic hairy roots was observed at 48 h after 3 h of 42 degrees C heat treatment, and the expressed GUS specific activity was 7-26 times more than that reported in A. thaliana, tobacco BY-2 cells and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Interference caused by AS supplementation on the growth of transgenic hairy roots, time-course of GUS expression and its expression level were not observed.

  8. Improved phytoaccumulation of cadmium by genetically modified tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Physiological and biochemical response of the transformants to cadmium toxicity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorinova, N.; Nedkovska, M.; Todorovska, E.; Simova-Stoilova, L.; Stoyanova, Z.; Georgieva, K.; Demirevska-Kepova, K.; Atanassov, A.; Herzig, R.


    The response of tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.)-non-transformed and transformed with a metallothionein gene MThis from Silene vulgaris L. - to increase cadmium supply in the nutrient solution was compared. The transgenic plants accumulated significantly more Cd both in the roots and the leaves. Visual toxicity symptoms and disturbance in water balance were correlated with Cd tissue content. Treatment with 300 μM CdCl 2 resulted in inhibition of photosynthesis and mobilization of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle. Treatment with 500 μM CdCl 2 led to irreversible damage of photosynthesis and oxidative stress. An appearance of a new peroxidase isoform and changes in the leaf polypeptide pattern were observed at the highest Cd concentration. The level of non-protein thiols gradually increased following the Cd treatment both in transgenic and non-transformed plants. - Genetic transformation of Nicotiana tabacum L. by metallothionein gene improved phytoaccumulation of cadmium

  9. Plantas hospederas de Aphis gossypii (Aphididae, vector de virus del melón Cucumis melo (Cucurbitaceae en Costa Rica

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    M.V. Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se identificaron las especies hospederas naturales de Aphis gossypii Glover (Aphididae: Homoptera en plantaciones comerciales de melón para la exportación en Costa Rica. El estudio se realizó en dos fincas, ubicadas una en la provincia de Guanacaste y la otra en la provincia de Puntarenas, correspondientes a dos zonas de vida vegetal diferentes. Se identificaron como especies hospederas del áfido todas aquellas especies vegetales en las que se observó la presencia del áfido en su forma áptera. En ambas fincas el estudio se realizó en los alrededores y dentro del cultivo de melón. En la finca A en cinco diferentes comunidades vegetales (cultivo, canal de drenaje, charral, potrero mejorado y semi-bosque previamente seleccionadas y en la finca B en cuatro comunidades vegetales (cultivo, charral, pastizal natural y semi-bosque. Especímenes de las plantas colonizadas por áfidos y los áfidos colonizadores de cada especie fueron recolectadas para su identificación. Los áfidos se preservaron en alcohol al 70% v/v e identificaron utilizando las claves taxonómicas para áfidos, confirmándose como especie dominante a A. gossypii. La diversidad, cobertura y época de aparición de las especies de plantas hospederas fue monitoreada durante un año calendario en las diferentes comunidades vegetales presentes en ambas fincas, observándose diferencias entre las dos fincas estudiadas. En la finca A se observaron 86 diferentes especies vegetales, pertenecientes a 49 familias, asociadas al cultivo del melón, mientras que en la finca B se identificaron 72 especies de 40 familias. En conjunto para ambas fincas, un de 24 especies de plantas (16 familias estaban colonizadas por el áfido A. gossypii. De éstas, 16 especies de 10 familias, son reportes nuevos de plantas hospederas para este áfido: Justicia comata, Tetramerium nervosum, Alternanthera pubiflora, Cassia massoni, C. reticulata, Cleome viscosa, C. spinosa, Croton argenteus, Caperonia

  10. Mechanisms of nitric-oxide-induced increase of free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cells. (United States)

    Lamotte, Olivier; Courtois, Cécile; Dobrowolska, Grazyna; Besson, Angélique; Pugin, Alain; Wendehenne, David


    In this study, we investigated a role for nitric oxide (NO) in mediating the elevation of the free cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](cyt)) in plants using Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cells expressing the Ca(2+) reporter apoaequorin. Hyperosmotic stress induced a fast increase of [Ca(2+)](cyt) which was strongly reduced by pretreating cell suspensions with the NO scavenger carboxy PTIO, indicating that NO mediates [Ca(2+)](cyt) changes in plant cells challenged by abiotic stress. Accordingly, treatment of transgenic N. plumbaginifolia cells with the NO donor diethylamine NONOate was followed by a transient increase of [Ca(2+)](cyt) sensitive to plasma membrane Ca(2+) channel inhibitors and antagonist of cyclic ADP ribose. We provided evidence that NO might activate plasma membrane Ca(2+) channels by inducing a rapid and transient plasma membrane depolarization. Furthermore, NO-induced elevation of [Ca(2+)](cyt) was suppressed by the kinase inhibitor staurosporine, suggesting that NO enhances [Ca(2+)](cyt) by promoting phosphorylation-dependent events. This result was further supported by the demonstration that the NO donor induced the activation of a 42-kDa protein kinase which belongs to SnRK2 families and corresponds to Nicotiana tabacum osmotic-stress-activated protein kinase (NtOSAK). Interestingly, NtOSAK was activated in response to hyperosmotic stress through a NO-dependent process, supporting the hypothesis that NO also promotes protein kinase activation during physiological processes.

  11. Pollination ecology of the invasive tree tobacco Nicotiana glauca: comparisons across native and non-native ranges

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    Jeff Ollerton


    Full Text Available Interactions with pollinators are thought to play a significant role in determining whether plant species become invasive, and ecologically generalised species are predicted to be more likely to invade than more specialised species. Using published and unpublished data we assessed the floral biology and pollination ecology of the South American native Nicotiana glauca (Solanaceae which has become a significant invasive of semi-arid parts of the world. In regions where specialised bird pollinators are available, for example hummingbirds in California and sunbirds in South Africa and Israel, N. glauca interacts with these local pollinators and sets seed by both out-crossing and selfing. In areas where there are no such birds, such as the Canary Islands and Greece, abundant viable seed is set by selfing, facilitated by the shorter stigma-anther distance compared to plants in native populations. Surprisingly, in these areas without pollinating birds, the considerable nectar resources are only rarely exploited by other flower visitors such as bees or butterflies, either legitimately or by nectar robbing. We conclude that Nicotiana glauca is a successful invasive species outside of its native range, despite its functionally specialised hummingbird pollination system, because it has evolved to become more frequently self pollinating in areas where it is introduced. Its invasion success is not predictable from what is known of its interactions with pollinators in its home range.

  12. Propuesta de medio de cultivo para el estudio de Phytophthora Nicotianae Breda de Haan


    Vaillant Flores, Daymara I; González García, Marleny; Ramírez Ochoa, Rebeca


    El género Phytophthora representa un grupo difícil de aislar y conservar. Por lo que se han desarrollado varios medios de cultivo para su estudio. Se propone al medio Agar-tabaco como alternativa para el crecimiento y desarrollo de P. nicotianae. Para realizar este trabajo se emplearon dos cepas: Pp1 y Pp6 aislados de tabaco y piña respectivamente. Ambas se sembraron en discos en agar-tabaco, y se comparó con agar tomate y agar harina de maíz. Se determinó el crecimiento lineal del hongo, las...

  13. Lípidos en el anfípodo Talorchestia margaritae (Amphipoda: Talitridae y su relación con la ecología de la especie

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    Sandra López


    Full Text Available T. margaritae cumple un papel importante en la descomposición de restos vegetales y animales en las costas venezolanas. El objetivo fue determinar las diferencias en la composición lipídica entre sexos y talla de la especie. Para esto, especímenes de T. margaritae fueron recolectados en la zona supralitoral de dos playas arenosas: Mangle Quemao y las Mercedes de Paparo. Posteriormente se separaron por talla y sexo determinándoles su peso, densidad, biomasa y perfil lipídico. Todas las categorías presentaron tallas similares entre localidades. Los pesos fueron superiores en los organismos de Mangle Quemao. Los lípidos totales presentaron proporciones similares entre sexos, talla y localidad (3-5%, al igual que los fosfololípidos (20-30%, glicolípidos (<1% y esteroles (4%, exceptuando los triglicéridos (TAG, siendo estos superiores en Mangle Quemao. Esto último pudiendo estar relacionado con la diferencia de pesos entre localidades. Los ácidos grasos más abundantes en ambas localidades fueron 16:0 y 18:1(n-9. Se identificaron otros 9 marcadores con variaciones en su distribución. Con base en los biomarcadores se puede catalogar a T. margaritae como una especie carnívora- generalista, siendo sus poblaciones influenciadas por la disponibilidad de alimento que a su vez, podría inducir diferencias de peso, TAG y biomarcadores.

  14. Biotechnological Reduction of Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum L. Toxicity

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    Samane Sattar


    Full Text Available Background: Nicotiana tobacco contains large amounts of alkaloid nicotine. Tobacco plant is used for smoking and causes many health problems since it is high in nicotine which is one of the widely-recognized toxic compounds with serious side effects for different body organs. Reducing nicotine content of this plant is a way to reduce its health hazards in cigarette smokers. Utilizing the new methods of genetic engineering can modify nicotine levels in the plant. In this study, through transferring the blocking gene, the pathway of nicotine biosynthesis was blocked to produce transgenic tobacco with low levels of nicotine. Methods: Transgenic plants carrying T DNA, and non-transgenic plants were grown on MS medium. Then their leaves were dried and powdered. The plants were extracted with alkali solution. Eventually, the nicotine content of the extract were analyzed using GC. Results: The analysis of extracts showed a reduction in the nicotine content of the transgenic plant (contain T-DNA in comparison with non-transgenic plants. Conclusion: Tobacco with lower nicotine reduction can reduce the toxic effects of smoking on smokers and can facilitate withdrawal from it.

  15. La citogenética molecular y su aplicación en el estudio de los genomas vegetales

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    Herrera Juan Carlos


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    La citogenética es la disciplina que estudia las implicaciones genéticas de la estructura y el comportamiento de los cromosomas. Durante las últimas dos décadas los estudios citogenéticos avanzaron gracias a la información generada por métodos clásicos, los cuales permitieron establecer los primeros modelos citogenéticos en especies como tomate, trigo y arroz. Al final del siglo pasado los estudios citogenéticos mostraron un avance significativo gracias a la implementación de nuevas técnicas destinadas al análisis de cromosomas, tanto mitóticos como meióticos, entre las cuales se destacan el bandeo de cromosomas y la hibridación in situ sobre cromosomas. Actualmente, la mayoría de las técnicas de citogénetica molecular se basan en la tecnología de la hibridación in situ fluorescente o FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization. Esta tecnología abrió la posibilidad de estudiar regiones específicas de la cromatina directamente sobre los cromosomas, gracias a la información derivada de la secuencia misma del ADN, y no solamente por simples características morfológicas. Como consecuencia, la citogenética molecular ha adquirido una importancia cada vez mayor en los diferentes proyectos de mapeo genético que se adelantan actualmente. En la presente revisión se hace una descripción breve de la progresión que han tenido las técnicas de citogenética, desde la llamada ‘citogenética clásica’ hasta las técnicas actuales de alta resolución. Esta descripción histórica es seguida de varios ejemplos concretos que ilustran la utilización de la FISH, no sólo en el mejoramiento genético de los cultivos, sino también en el estudio estructural y funcional de los genomas vegetales.

  16. Domacios y nectarios extraflorales en Bignoniáceas: componentes vegetales de una interacción mutualística Domatia and extrafloral nectaries in Bignoniaceae: two components of a mutualistic interaction

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    Ana M Gonzalez


    Full Text Available Las plantas presentan relaciones mutualísticas con insectos a cambio del control de sus herbívoros u hongos patógenos; por medio de los domacios les ofrecen albergue y mediante la secreción de néctar de nectarios extraflorales les brindan alimento. Se examinó la anatomía foliar en 52 especies de Bignoniaceae con microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido, con el objetivo de describir los domacios y los nectarios extraflorales. Los domacios presentes son de dos tipos: mechones de pelos y bolsillos, siendo un carácter taxonómico útil en varias especies. Los nectarios extraflorales se encuentran en todas las especies, ubicándose en diversas posiciones: a lo largo de la vena media, asociados a los domacios o agrupados en campos glandulares, que pueden ser foliares o interpeciolares. Las Bignoniaceae presentan simultáneamente domacios y nectarios extraflorales en sus hojas, los cuales se describen como componentes vegetales de un probable mecanismo de defensa indirecta.Plants have mutualistic relationships with insects in two ways: through domatia provide housing of predators, and extrafloral nectaries secreting nectar and provide food in exchange for control of herbivores or fungal pathogens. The foliar anatomy of 52 species of Bignoniaceae was examined by light and scanning electron microscopy, in order to describe the different types of domatia and extrafloral nectaries. Two types of domatia were observed: small hair-tufts and pockets; the presence and type of domatia represents important taxonomic characters in Bignoniaceae. Extrafloral nectaries are found in all studied species. They are located in different positions: along the midvein, associated with domatia, or grouped in glandular fields, either in leaf or interpetiolar. The Bignoniaceae have simultaneously domatia and extrafloral nectaries on their leaves, these features are described as plant components in a probable mechanism of indirect defense.

  17. Tamizaje de la actividad antifúngica de extractos de especies de la flora de Entre Ríos Screening of antifungal activity of extracts present in Entre Ríos flora species

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    Eduardo P Vivot Lupi


    Full Text Available Las plantas medicinales constituyen un recurso invalorable por su potencialidad farmacológica que hace necesario estudiarlas ante la demanda de nuevos fármacos, especialmente con actividad antifúngica. La flora de Entre Ríos (Argentina posee numerosas especies con antecedentes etnobotánicos de uso como antisépticos en heridas. Los extractos de 6 especies vegetales seleccionadas fueron evaluadas en su actividad antifúngica mediante el método de microdilución en caldo, contra cepas tipificadas de Aspergillus niger y Trichophyton rubrum. Con excepción de Castela tweedii, las demás especies ensayadas, Baccharis articulata, Blepharocalyx salicifolius, Eichhornia azurea, Ludwigia peploides y Schinus fasciculatus, mostraron actividad in vitro en alguno de sus extractos, lo que auspicia la continuidad de los estudios.Medicinal plants are a valuable resource due to its pharmacological potentiality ant its study is necessary in the face of the demand of new drugs specially those having antifungal activity. The Entre Ríos (Argentina has many species with ethnobotanical backgrounds used as antiseptic agent for wounds. Extracts from 6 selected vegetal species were assessed for its antifungal activity by broth microdilution to typified strains of Aspergillus nigery Trichophyton rubrum. Except for Castela tweedii, the other assayed species, Baccharis articulate, Blepharocalyx salicifolius, Eichhornia azurea, Ludwigia peploides and Schinus fasciculatus showed in vitro activity in some extracts, being necessary a continuing study.


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    Elena Lianes


    Full Text Available Este trabajo contribuye al incremento del conocimiento sobre las relaciones cobertura vegetal y erosión hídrica. Se determina la capacidad de uso de la tierra según MAG y MIRENEM, y el factor C de RUSLE. La capacidad de uso de la tierra de las parcelas es de las Clases V y VI, en una pendiente de 21% y 79%, respectivamente. Sólo el 21% de las parcelas presenta un uso adecuado, correspondiendo con las parcelas de arbolado, pasto de corta y potrero en pastoreo normal. El factor C calculado, como es esperable, varía de forma considerable entre las cubiertas agrícolas C=(0,3-0,4, y el resto de cubiertas vegetales C=(0,002-0,04. Los factores C agrícolas presentan valores menores que los tabulados para la región, empleados en otros estudios, lo cual parece indicar que se ha corregido parte de la sobreestimación de las pérdidas de suelo de tierras agrícolas señalada en estudios previos. Para corregir el conflicto de uso de la tierra y disminuir la erosión se recomienda aplicar planes de manejo integrado que implementen prácticas para la conservación de suelos y aguas, considerando las propuestas de cubiertas vegetales que ofrecen mejor protección al suelo según los resultados de este trabajo.

  19. Fibras vegetales colombianas como refuerzo en compuestos de matriz polimérica

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    José Luis Suárez Castañeda


    Full Text Available Contexto: Se realizó una búsqueda local de tejidos de fibras vegetales para determinar la composición de los grupos funcionales y morfología de su superficie antes y después de un tratamiento alcalino con miras a su empleo como refuerzo en compuestos de matriz polimérica. Método: La búsqueda se desarrolló dentro del área metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Colombia. Las fibras se trataron por inmersión en NaOH disuelto al 6 % w/v por 48 horas, seguida por una neutralización en ácido acético al 1 % v/v por una hora. Posteriormente fueron secadas a 60 °C por 24 horas. Las técnicas empleadas para los análisis fueron la espectroscopía infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FTIR y la microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM. Resultados: Se seleccionaron tejidos de fique, yute, corteza de coco, lino y algodón. Los análisis FTIR muestran una tendencia a la disminución de ácidos grasos, hemicelulosas, ligninas y enlaces β en la superficie de las fibras, mientras que las imágenes SEM demuestran la remoción de impurezas, la exposición de rugosidades y la creación de espacios interfibrales. Conclusiones: El tratamiento alcalino podría favorecer el mecanismo de anclaje del polímero termofijo a la superficie de las fibras y la creación de enlaces entre las moléculas polares de las fibras y el polímero termofijo, disminuyendo el deslizamiento relativo entre matriz y refuerzo durante la aplicación de cargas.

  20. Highly Oxygenated Flavonoids from the Leaves of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (Solanaceae

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    Md. Shafiullah Shajib


    Full Text Available Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. is an annual herb of the family Solanaceae, which grows abundantly in the weedy lands of Bangladesh . This plant possesses analgesic, antibacterial, anti-anxiety and hepatoprotective properties, and produces various phenolic compounds including flavonoids. The present study afforded determination of total phenolic and flavonoid contents, and for the first time, the isolation and characterization of highly oxygenated flavonoids, e.g., 3,3' ,5,6,7,8-hexamethoxy- 4',5'-methylenedioxyflavone (1, 3,3' ,4' ,5',5,6,7,8-octamethoxyflavone (2, exoticin, 6,7,4',5'-dimethylenedioxy-3,5,3'-trimethoxyflavone (3 and ( 3,3' ,4',5,5',8-hexamethoxy-6,7-methylenedioxyflavone (4 from the leaves of N. plumbaginifolia . All these flavonoids are rather rare natural products, and only found in a few genera, e.g.,Polygonum and Murraya. The structures of the isolated flavonoids were elucidated by comprehensive spectroscopic analyses, e.g., UV, 1H, 13C NMR, DEPT, HSQC, HMBC and MS.

  1. Genetic and Biochemical Analysis of Intragenic Complementation Events among Nitrate Reductase Apoenzyme-Deficient Mutants of Nicotiana Plumbaginifolia


    Pelsy, F.; Gonneau, M.


    Intragenic complementation has been observed between apoenzyme nitrate reductase-deficient mutants (nia) of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. In vivo as in vitro, the NADH-nitrate reductase (NR) activity in plants heterozygous for two different nia alleles was lower than in the wild type plant, but the plants were able to grow on nitrate as a sole nitrogen source. NR activity, absent in extracts of homozygous nia mutants was restored by mixing extracts from two complementing nia mutants. These obser...

  2. Estudios ecológicos en el Páramo de Cruz Verde, Colombia. IV. La actividad biológica del suelo en diferentes asociaciones vegetales Estudios ecológicos en el Páramo de Cruz Verde, Colombia. IV. La actividad biológica del suelo en diferentes asociaciones vegetales

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    Schnetter Marie-Luise


    Full Text Available Se determinaron la respiración y la actividad de celulosólisis del suelo en las asociaciones vegetales de Diplostephium revolutum degradada, de Calamagrostis effusa, Espeletia grandiflora y Geranium santanderiense, de Calamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata y de un bosque bajo de páramo en el Páramo de Cruz Verde (Cundinamarca. La mayoría de los promedios de la respiración del suelo se situaba entre 120 y 190 mg CO2/m2h. Valores menores se determinaron dos veces en la asociación degradada de Diplostephium revolutum (82,4 mg CO2/m2h, 72,5 mg CO2/m2h, valores mayores una vez en la asociación de Colamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata (220,2 mg CO2/m2h y en el bosque bajo de páramo (245,1 mg CO2/m2h.   La actividad de celulosólisis en el bosque bajo de páramo superaba notablemente la de las otras asociaciones vegetales mencionadas, en contraste en la asociación degradada de Diplostephium revolutum no se notó alguna descomposición de celulosa. In vier Pflanzengesellschaften des Páramo de Cruz Verde (Cundinamarca, nämlich der degradierten Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft, der Calamagrostis effusa • Espeletia grandiflora - Geranium santanderiense - Gesellschaft, der Calamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata - Gesellschaft und einer Gesellschaft des Páramo - Buschwaldes wurden Bodenatmung und zellulolytische Aktivität bestimmt.  Die Mehrzahl der bei den Bodenatmungsbestimmungen gefundenen Mittelwerte lag zwischen 120 und 190 mg CO2/m2h.  In der degradierten Diplostephium revolutum. - Gesellschaft wurde zweimal ein niedrigerer (82,4 mg CO2/m2h, 72,5 mg CO2/m2h, in der Calamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata -Gesellschaft (220,2 mg CO2/m2h und im Páramo -Buschwald (245,1 mg CO2/m2h jeweils einmal ein höherer Wert bestimmt.  Die zellulolytische Aktivität war im Päramo - Buschwald um ein Vielfaches höher als in den drei anderen Pflanzengesellschaften, wo in der degradierten Diplostephium. revolutum

  3. Propiedades antifúngicas diferenciadas de extractos vegetales como estrategia potencial para la prevención, manejo y control del "moho verde" (Trichoderma spp.). En el cultivo de los hongos comestibles (Lentinula, Pleurotus).


    Reyes Quintanar, Claudia Katia


    En la actualidad, se utilizan agroquímicos como el benomil para el control de Trichoderma en el cultivo de hongos comestibles; sin embargo, su uso es cada vez más restringido por la sociedad debido a su potencial toxicidad y persistencia en el ambiente. Los alimentos producidos con productos naturales son cada vez más demandados, debido a esto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue el obtener extractos vegetales con propiedades antifúngicas diferenciadas para el control del “moho verde” (Trich...

  4. Assessment of 210Pb concentration in Nicotiana tabacum L., burley variety, cultivated in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rocha, Rique J.F.X.; Silva, Carolina F.; Frujuele, Jonatan V.; Bovolini, Raquel R.; Damatto, Sandra R.


    Tobacco products are extensively used throughout the world and the most consumed are cigarettes, cigars and narghile. The damaging effects that these products cause to human health are discussed worldwide and many researches are performed with the aim of relating the use of these products with various diseases. Brazil is the largest exporter and second largest producer of tobacco worldwide, according to the crop year 2009/2010 production. The tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is used to manufacture all derivatives and the chemical composition of the resulting tobacco varies with the type of tobacco leaves, how they are grown, the region where they are cultivated, the characteristics of preparation and the temperature variations resulting from the tobacco incomplete combustion. There is lack of information about the chemical and radiological characterization of the tobacco plant both in international and Brazilian literature. Thus a project was established with the objectives of characterizing chemically and radiologically the three varieties most cultivated in Brazil of Nicotiana tobacum L., Virginia, Burley and Common; this paper presents the preliminary results of 210 Pb concentrations for the Burley variety. Plants from this variety were cultivated in pots with organic substrate and fertilizer and in a small farm in natural conditions. The entire plant was analyzed, the organic substrates, the fertilizers and the soil. The results obtained presented higher values for 210 Pb in leaves when compared with the other parts of the plant. Comparing the three study areas the highest results of 210 Pb concentration were obtained in the plants cultivated in the urban area probably due to its atmospheric deposition. (author)

  5. Comparative genomics and repetitive sequence divergence in the species of diploid Nicotiana section Alatae. (United States)

    Lim, K Yoong; Kovarik, Ales; Matyasek, Roman; Chase, Mark W; Knapp, Sandra; McCarthy, Elizabeth; Clarkson, James J; Leitch, Andrew R


    Combining phylogenetic reconstructions of species relationships with comparative genomic approaches is a powerful way to decipher evolutionary events associated with genome divergence. Here, we reconstruct the history of karyotype and tandem repeat evolution in species of diploid Nicotiana section Alatae. By analysis of plastid DNA, we resolved two clades with high bootstrap support, one containing N. alata, N. langsdorffii, N. forgetiana and N. bonariensis (called the n = 9 group) and another containing N. plumbaginifolia and N. longiflora (called the n = 10 group). Despite little plastid DNA sequence divergence, we observed, via fluorescent in situ hybridization, substantial chromosomal repatterning, including altered chromosome numbers, structure and distribution of repeats. Effort was focussed on 35S and 5S nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and the HRS60 satellite family of tandem repeats comprising the elements HRS60, NP3R and NP4R. We compared divergence of these repeats in diploids and polyploids of Nicotiana. There are dramatic shifts in the distribution of the satellite repeats and complete replacement of intergenic spacers (IGSs) of 35S rDNA associated with divergence of the species in section Alatae. We suggest that sequence homogenization has replaced HRS60 family repeats at sub-telomeric regions, but that this process may not occur, or occurs more slowly, when the repeats are found at intercalary locations. Sequence homogenization acts more rapidly (at least two orders of magnitude) on 35S rDNA than 5S rDNA and sub-telomeric satellite sequences. This rapid rate of divergence is analogous to that found in polyploid species, and is therefore, in plants, not only associated with polyploidy.

  6. Wild Nicotiana Species as a Source of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Nicotianatabacum

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    Nikova V


    Full Text Available The results of our experiments executed to obtain tobacco male sterile lines through interspecific hybridization are summarized. Ten wild species from the genus Nicotiana: N. excelsior (exc, N. amplexicaulis (amp, N. rustica (rus, Nicotianaglauca (gla, N. velutina (vel, N. benthamiana (ben, N. maritima (mar, N. paniculata (pan, N. longiflora (lon and N. africana (afr were used as cytoplasmic donors and N. tabacum, cv. HarmanliiskaBasma (HB as a donor of the nucleus. Genetic effects of cytoplasmic-nuclear interaction of the studied species are discussed. Our results suggested that cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS was expressed when the cytoplasms of the above mentioned wild Nicotiana species were combined with the nucleus of N. tabacum. The 10 sources of CMS obtained in tobacco were characterized by altered flower phenotypes. Flowers are classified into types according the stamen, pistil and corolla modification. All these CMS sources were backcrossed to Oriental tobaccos, cvs. Tekne, Nevrokop B-12, Kroumovgrad 90 and Djebel 576, to develop corresponding CMS lines. The investigated cytoplasms produced compete male sterility in all those cultivars. The CMS lines preserved flower types, specific for every “sterile” cytoplasm. The extent of male organ modifications varied from apparently normal (but pollenless stamens in CMS (pan, (afr, some plants of (vel (mar through different degrees of malformations (shriveled anther on shortened filaments (lon, pinnate-like anthers on filaments of normal length (amp, petal - (ben, pistil- or stigma-like structures (rus, (gla to lack of male reproductive organs in (exc and in some plants of (vel, (mar, (rus and (gla. Most of the above mentioned cytoplasms had normal female gametophyte and good seed productivity. Alterations of the pistils were observed in CMS (rus, (exc and (ben causing reduction of the seed set. Electrophoresis of seed proteins of the tobacco cultivars and their CMS lines also suggested that

  7. Evolution of rDNA in Nicotiana Allopolyploids: A Potential Link between rDNA Homogenization and Epigenetics (United States)

    Kovarik, Ales; Dadejova, Martina; Lim, Yoong K.; Chase, Mark W.; Clarkson, James J.; Knapp, Sandra; Leitch, Andrew R.


    Background The evolution and biology of rDNA have interested biologists for many years, in part, because of two intriguing processes: (1) nucleolar dominance and (2) sequence homogenization. We review patterns of evolution in rDNA in the angiosperm genus Nicotiana to determine consequences of allopolyploidy on these processes. Scope Allopolyploid species of Nicotiana are ideal for studying rDNA evolution because phylogenetic reconstruction of DNA sequences has revealed patterns of species divergence and their parents. From these studies we also know that polyploids formed over widely different timeframes (thousands to millions of years), enabling comparative and temporal studies of rDNA structure, activity and chromosomal distribution. In addition studies on synthetic polyploids enable the consequences of de novo polyploidy on rDNA activity to be determined. Conclusions We propose that rDNA epigenetic expression patterns established even in F1 hybrids have a material influence on the likely patterns of divergence of rDNA. It is the active rDNA units that are vulnerable to homogenization, which probably acts to reduce mutational load across the active array. Those rDNA units that are epigenetically silenced may be less vulnerable to sequence homogenization. Selection cannot act on these silenced genes, and they are likely to accumulate mutations and eventually be eliminated from the genome. It is likely that whole silenced arrays will be deleted in polyploids of 1 million years of age and older. PMID:18310159

  8. 210Pb and 210Po concentrations determined in Nicotiana tabacum L., Burley variety, cultivated in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Damatto, Sandra R.; Rocha, Rique J.; Da Silva, Carolina F.; Frujuele, Jonatan V.


    Tobacco products are extensively used throughout the world and the most consumed are cigarettes cigars and narghile. The damaging effects that these products cause to human health are discussed worldwide and many researches are performed with the aim of relating the use of these products with various illnesses. Brazil is the largest exporter and second largest producer of tobacco worldwide, according to the crop year 2009/2010 production. The tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is used to manufacture all derivatives and the chemical composition of the resulting tobacco varies with the type of tobacco leaves, how they are grown, the region where they are cultivated, the characteristics of preparation (compression, filter and paper) and the temperature variation resulting from the incomplete combustion of tobacco. There is lack of information about the chemical and radiological characterization of the tobacco plant both in international and Brazilian literature. Thus a project was established with the objectives of characterizing chemically and radiologically the three varieties most cultivate in Brazil of Nicotiana tabacum L.; this paper presents the preliminary results of 210 Pb and 210 Po concentration for the Burley variety. Plants from this variety cultivated in open air, both in pots with special soil and fertilizer; and in small farms in natural conditions. The whole plant was analyzed; root, steam, leaves and flowers. The results obtained presented higher values for 210 Pb in leaves when compared with the other parts of the plant. (author)

  9. Estudio de la composición química de la especie Commelia erecta L., procedente de Ecuador


    Migdalia Miranda; Margarita Hall


    En el presente trabajo se realizó el estudio de algunos parámetros físico-químicos y químicos  de las hojas de Cornmelina erecta L. que incluyó el estudio como droga cruda, el control de calidad del extracto y su composición química. Se comprobó las características físico-químicas de la droga cruda (humedad residual 6,64% y cenizas totales de 15,99%) que se encontraban dentro del rango informado por la OMS para drogas y vegetales, aunque este último se considera algo elevado ya que posee una ...

  10. Nicotiana benthamiana MAPK-WRKY pathway confers resistance to a necrotrophic pathogen Botrytis cinerea. (United States)

    Adachi, Hiroaki; Ishihama, Nobuaki; Nakano, Takaaki; Yoshioka, Miki; Yoshioka, Hirofumi


    MEK2-SIPK/WIPK cascade, a Nicotiana benthamiana mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade, is an essential signaling pathway for plant immunity and involved in hypersensitive response (HR) accompanied by cell death. WRKY transcription factors as substrates of SIPK and WIPK have been isolated and implicated in HR cell death. Here, we show virus-induced gene silencing of WRKY genes compromised constitutively active MEK2-triggered cell death in N. benthamiana leaves. In general, HR cell death enhances susceptibility to necrotrophic pathogens such as Botrytis cinerea. However, the WRKY gene silencing elevated susceptibility to B. cinerea. These findings suggest that downstream WRKYs of MEK2-SIPK/WIPK cascade are required for cell death-dependent and -independent immunities in N. benthamiana.

  11. Maternal synthesis of abscisic acid controls seed development and yield in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Frey, Anne; Godin, Béatrice; Bonnet, Magda; Sotta, Bruno; Marion-Poll, Annie


    The role of maternally derived abscisic acid (ABA) during seed development has been studied using ABA-deficient mutants of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viviani. ABA deficiency induced seed abortion, resulting in reduced seed yield, and delayed growth of the remaining embryos. Mutant grafting onto wild-type stocks and reciprocal crosses indicated that maternal ABA, synthesized in maternal vegetative tissues and translocated to the seed, promoted early seed development and growth. Moreover ABA deficiency delayed both seed coat pigmentation and capsule dehiscence. Mutant grafting did not restore these phenotypes, indicating that ABA synthesized in the seed coat and capsule envelope may have a positive effect on capsule and testa maturation. Together these results shed light on the positive role of maternal ABA during N. plumbaginifolia seed development.

  12. Modification of olefinic double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids and other vegetable oil derivatives via epoxidation: A review; Modificación del doble enlace olefínico en ácidos grasos insaturados y en derivados de aceites vegetales via epoxidación: Revisión

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Noor Armylisas, A.H.; Siti Hazirah, M.F.; Yeong, S.K.; Hazimah, A.H.


    The highly strained ring in epoxides makes these compounds very versatile intermediates. Epoxidized vegetable oils are gaining a lot of attention as renewable and environmentally friendly feedstock with various industrial applications such as plasticizers, lubricant base oils, surfactants, etc. Numerous papers have been published on the development of the epoxidation methods and the number is still growing. This review reports the synthetic approaches and applications of epoxidized vegetable oils. [Spanish] La alta tensión del anillo en los epóxidos hace que estos compuestos intermediarios sean muy versátiles. Los aceites vegetales epoxidados están ganando mucha atención como materia prima renovable y respetuosa con el medio ambiente con diversas aplicaciones industriales, tales como plastificantes, aceites base para lubricantes, tensioactivos, etc. Por esta razón, se han publicado numerosos trabajos sobre el desarrollo de métodos de epoxidación y el número todavía es creciente. Esta revisión aporta información sobre enfoques sintéticos y aplicaciones de aceites vegetales epoxidados.

  13. Pengaruh Pemberian Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskular (Fma) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Beberapa Varietas Tembakau (Nicotiana Tabaccum L.) Di Lapangan


    Sinaga, Parulian; Purba, Edison; Ginting, Jonis


    The growth and yield of a selected tobacco varieties (Nicotiana tabaccum L) treated withmycorhiza fungi arbuskular were evaluated in a field experiment. The aimed of the research was todetermine the effect of mycorhiza fungi on the growth and yield of several varieties of tobacco. Theresearch was conducted outdoor in the field at Balai Benih Penelitian Tembakau Deli Medan withaltitude of about 25 meters above sea level at the beginning of February until May 2012, with twotreatment factors. Th...

  14. Assessment of {sup 210}Pb concentration in Nicotiana tabacum L., burley variety, cultivated in Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rocha, Rique J.F.X.; Silva, Carolina F.; Frujuele, Jonatan V.; Bovolini, Raquel R.; Damatto, Sandra R., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Lab. de Radiometria Ambiental


    Tobacco products are extensively used throughout the world and the most consumed are cigarettes, cigars and narghile. The damaging effects that these products cause to human health are discussed worldwide and many researches are performed with the aim of relating the use of these products with various diseases. Brazil is the largest exporter and second largest producer of tobacco worldwide, according to the crop year 2009/2010 production. The tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is used to manufacture all derivatives and the chemical composition of the resulting tobacco varies with the type of tobacco leaves, how they are grown, the region where they are cultivated, the characteristics of preparation and the temperature variations resulting from the tobacco incomplete combustion. There is lack of information about the chemical and radiological characterization of the tobacco plant both in international and Brazilian literature. Thus a project was established with the objectives of characterizing chemically and radiologically the three varieties most cultivated in Brazil of Nicotiana tobacum L., Virginia, Burley and Common; this paper presents the preliminary results of {sup 210}Pb concentrations for the Burley variety. Plants from this variety were cultivated in pots with organic substrate and fertilizer and in a small farm in natural conditions. The entire plant was analyzed, the organic substrates, the fertilizers and the soil. The results obtained presented higher values for {sup 210}Pb in leaves when compared with the other parts of the plant. Comparing the three study areas the highest results of {sup 210}Pb concentration were obtained in the plants cultivated in the urban area probably due to its atmospheric deposition. (author)

  15. Agallas de insectos de la región Rioplatense, Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicolás KUZMANICH


    Full Text Available Las agallas son estructuras anormales que se desarrollan en las plantas como respuesta a la acción de un agente inductor. La fauna de insectos cecidógenos de la región Neotropical es poco conocida en comparación a otras regiones, y en la Argentina, los registros son particularmente incompletos. Con el objetivo de identificar y caracterizar los insectos cecidógenos presentes en la región Rioplatense, se realizaron relevamientos a campo y revisión bibliográfica. En La Plata, Punta Lara, Punta Indio, isla Paulino, Bernal, isla Martín García e isla Oyarvide se recorrieron transectas al azar de una hora por visita. Las agallas se recolectaron para obtención de adultos, que luego se identificaron empleando claves taxonómicas y material de referencia. Se listaron 33 morfoespecies de insectos cecidógenos sobre 26 especies vegetales, de las cuales 8 son interacciones registradas por primera vez de la Argentina y en 3 especies vegetales se registra por primera vez la presencia de agallas. La mayoría de los insectos inductores pertenecieron al Orden Hemiptera y entre ellos, el grupo más frecuente fue Psylloidea. Las familias vegetales Asteraceae y Anacardiaceae concentraron la mayor riqueza de especies cecidógenas. El 55% de las agallas fueron foliares, y el 33% fueron clasificadas morfológicamente como globoides. Se destaca la necesidad de continuar estos estudios en la Argentina.

  16. Cloning of the Lycopene β-cyclase Gene in Nicotiana tabacum and Its Overexpression Confers Salt and Drought Tolerance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanmei Shi


    Full Text Available Carotenoids are important pigments in plants that play crucial roles in plant growth and in plant responses to environmental stress. Lycopene β cyclase (β-LCY functions at the branch point of the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway, catalyzing the cyclization of lycopene. Here, a β-LCY gene from Nicotiana tabacum, designated as Ntβ-LCY1, was cloned and functionally characterized. Robust expression of Ntβ-LCY1 was found in leaves, and Ntβ-LCY1 expression was obviously induced by salt, drought, and exogenous abscisic acid treatments. Strong accumulation of carotenoids and expression of carotenoid biosynthesis genes resulted from Ntβ-LCY1 overexpression. Additionally, compared to wild-type plants, transgenic plants with overexpression showed enhanced tolerance to salt and drought stress with higher abscisic acid levels and lower levels of malondialdehyde and reactive oxygen species. Conversely, transgenic RNA interference plants had a clear albino phenotype in leaves, and some plants did not survive beyond the early developmental stages. The suppression of Ntβ-LCY1 expression led to lower expression levels of genes in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway and to reduced accumulation of carotenoids, chlorophyll, and abscisic acid. These results indicate that Ntβ-LCY1 is not only a likely cyclization enzyme involved in carotenoid accumulation but also confers salt and drought stress tolerance in Nicotiana tabacum.

  17. Isolation and molecular characterization of dTnp1, a mobile and defective transposable element of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Meyer, C; Pouteau, S; Rouzé, P; Caboche, M


    By Northern blot analysis of nitrate reductase-deficient mutants of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, we identified a mutant (mutant D65), obtained after gamma-ray irradiation of protoplasts, which contained an insertion sequence in the nitrate reductase (NR) mRNA. This insertion sequence was localized by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the first exon of NR and was also shown to be present in the NR gene. The mutant gene contained a 565 bp insertion sequence that exhibits the sequence characteristics of a transposable element, which was thus named dTnp1. The dTnp1 element has 14 bp terminal inverted repeats and is flanked by an 8-bp target site duplication generated upon transposition. These inverted repeats have significant sequence homology with those of other transposable elements. Judging by its size and the absence of a long open reading frame, dTnp1 appears to represent a defective, although mobile, transposable element. The octamer motif TTTAGGCC was found several times in direct orientation near the 5' and 3' ends of dTnp1 together with a perfect palindrome located after the 5' inverted repeat. Southern blot analysis using an internal probe of dTnp1 suggested that this element occurs as a single copy in the genome of N. plumbaginifolia. It is also present in N. tabacum, but absent in tomato or petunia. The dTnp1 element is therefore of potential use for gene tagging in Nicotiana species.

  18. Radiosensitivity of Nicotiana protoplasts. Action on cell; cycle effects of low dose and fractionated irradiations; biological repair

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magnien, E.


    Leaf protoplasts of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Nicotiana sylvestris demonstrate five main qualities: they can be maintained as haploid lines; they constitute starting populations with a remarkable cytological homogeneity; they show a transient initial lag-phase; they yield very high plating efficiencies and retain permanently a complete differentiation capacity; being derived of a cell wall, they appear well adapted for fusion experiments or enzymatic dosages. The resumption of mitotic activity was followed by cytophotometric measurements, labelling experiments, nuclear sizing and enzymatic assays. The action of 5 Gy gamma-ray irradiations delayed entrance in the S-phase, provoked an otherwise not verified dependency between transcription, translation and protein synthesis, increased nuclear volumes in the G2-phase, and slightly stimulated the activity of a repair enzyme. The plating efficiency was a sensitive end-point which allowed the evaluation of the biological effectiveness of low to medium radiation-doses after gamma-ray and fast neutron irradiations. The neutron dose-RBE relationship increased from 3 to 25 when the dose decreased from 5 Gy to 5 mGy. When fractionated into low single doses only, a neutron dose of 300 mGy markedly increased its biological effectiveness: this phenomenon could not be explained by cell progression, and necessitated additional hypotheses involving other mechanisms in the specific action of low radiation doses. Radiation-induced UDS was measured in presence of aphidicolin. A beta-like DNA-polymerase was shown to be definitely involved in nuclear repair synthesis [fr

  19. Changes induced by the Pepper mild mottle tobamovirus on the chloroplast proteome of Nicotiana benthamiana. (United States)

    Pineda, M; Sajnani, C; Barón, M


    We have analyzed the chloroplast proteome of Nicotiana benthamiana using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry followed by a database search. In order to improve the resolution of the two-dimensional electrophoresis gels, we have made separate maps for the low and the high pH range. At least 200 spots were detected. We identified 72 polypeptides, some being isoforms of different multiprotein families. In addition, changes in this chloroplast proteome induced by the infection with the Spanish strain of the Pepper mild mottle virus were investigated. Viral infection induced the down-regulation of several chloroplastidic proteins involved in both the photosynthetic electron-transport chain and the Benson-Calvin cycle.

  20. Contribution to the studies on the mineral content of plant material through radioactivation analysis; Contribution a l'etude de la composition minerale des matieres vegetales au moyen de l'analyse par radioactivation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fourcy, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Radioactivation analysis is by its great sensibility or its rapidity quite helpful in plant biology and agronomy. Specific composition of plants and results to obtain in biological experimentation have needed a practical research on analytical methods for plant materials, using for radioactivation swimming-pool reactor neutrons and 14 MeV neutrons from a generator. Dosage process for 25 elements is exposed, taking account of the interest of the analysis for each element, the average amount occurring in plants and the result obtained. Many applications are developed, concerning nutrition physiology, genetics, parasitology, toxicology, control of manufactured agricultural and pharmaceutical products industrial and pesticides residues, ecology, radioecology and biochemistry. (author) [French] L'analyse par radioactivation, par sa grande sensibilite ou sa rapidite, est susceptible de rendre de nombreux services en biologie vegetale et en agronomie. La composition particuliere des plantes et les buts recherches dans l'experimentation ont exige une etude concrete des methodes d'analyse propres a la matiere vegetale en utilisant, pour la radioactivation, soit un reacteur de type piscine a eau legere, soit un accelerateur generateur de neutrons de 14 MeV. Le mode de dosage de 25 elements est expose en tenant compte de l'interet de l'analyse de chaque element, des teneurs moyennes rencontrees dans les plantes, et du resultat atteint. De nombreuses applications sont developpees qui touchent a la physiologie de la nutrition, la genetique, la parasitologie, la toxicologie, le controle des fabrications, les pollutions industrielles, l'ecologie, la radioecologie et la biochimie. (auteur)

  1. Evaluación de barreras vegetales en el manejo integrado de la mancha anular del papayo (PRSV-P en Michoacán, México Evaluation of plant barriers in an integrated management of papayo ringspot in Michoacan, Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Rivas-Valencia


    Full Text Available El efecto de barreras vegetales como componente de un programa de manejo integrado (MI, se validó y adaptó en 1999 en Michoacán, México, para controlar la Mancha Anular del Papayo, enfermedad causada por el Papaya ringspot potyvirus type-P (PRSV-P. Se estableció un experimento en parcelas divididas con dos factores experimentales: barreras vegetales (Hibiscus sabdariffa, y componentes de MI: MI sin aspersión de citrolina (1.5% (MI-A, MI sin eliminación de plantas con síntomas iniciales de virosis antes de floración (MI-D y MI. Las barreras vegetales sembradas 20 días antes del trasplante del papayo y el desplante retrasaron en 19 días el inicio del progreso de epidemias en el MI lo que resultó en una mayor producción (14.2% que el resto de tratamientos, aunque fue superado por MI-A en vigor (4% en diámetro de tallo. La citrolina fue fitotóxica, disminuyó el vigor de plantas (5.3% y no limitó significativamente el desarrollo de la enfermedad ya que la intensidad de las epidemias (X0 = 47días, Yf = 84% y ABCPE = 3220% días fue similar al testigo. El uso de barreras vegetales por si sola aparentemente no es suficiente para la reducción de la incidencia y dispersión de la enfermedad. Los áfidos más abundantes, con reconocida capacidad transmisora del PRSV-P, fueron Aphis gossypii, A. nerii, A. spiraecola y Macrosiphum euphorbiae, los cuales representaron aproximadamente el 13% del total de áfidos capturados.The effect of plant barriers as a component of an integrated management program (IM was validated and adapted in 1999, in Michoacan, Mexico, to control papaya ringspot, caused by papaya ringspot potyvirus type-P (PRSV-P. A split-plot design was established with two experimental factors: plant barriers and components of IM: IM without oil sprinkling (IM-O, IM without plant rouging (IM-R, and complete IM. Plant barriers (Hibiscus sabdariffa, sowed 20 days before papaya transplanting, and plant rouging delayed the epidemics

  2. Root-specific expression of opine genes and opine accumulation in some cultivars of the naturally occurring genetically modified organism Nicotiana tabacum. (United States)

    Chen, Ke; de Borne, François Dorlhac; Julio, Emilie; Obszynski, Julie; Pale, Patrick; Otten, Léon


    Previous studies have shown that Nicotiana tabacum contains three Agrobacterium-derived T-DNA sequences inherited from its paternal ancestor Nicotiana tomentosiformis. Among these, the TB locus carries an intact mannopine synthase 2' gene (TB-mas2'). This gene is similar to the Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4-mas2' gene that encodes the synthesis of the Amadori compound deoxyfructosyl-glutamine (DFG or santhopine). In this study we show that TB-mas2' is expressed at very low levels in N. tomentosiformis and in most N. tabacum cultivars; however, some cultivars show high TB-mas2' expression levels. The TB-mas2' promoter sequences of low- and high-expressing cultivars are identical. The low/high level of expression segregates as a single Mendelian factor in a cross between a low- and a high-expression cultivar. pTB-mas2'-GUS and pA4-mas2'-GUS reporter genes were stably introduced in N. benthamiana. Both were mainly expressed in the root expansion zone and leaf vasculature. Roots of tobacco cultivars with high TB-mas2' expression contain detectable levels of DFG. © 2016 The Authors The Plant Journal © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Symptoms on apple and pear indicators after back-transmission from Nicotiana occidentalis confirm the identity of apple stem pitting virus with pear vein yellows virus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leone, G.; Lindner, J.L.; Meer, van der F.A.; Schoen, C.D.; Jongedijk, G.


    Isolates of apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) from diseased apple trees were maintained in Nicotiana occidentalis then back-transmitted mechanically from the herbaceous host to apple seedlings and indexed by double budding on apple and pear indicators for the following syndromes: apple stem pitting,

  4. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of tobacco virus 2, a polerovirus from Nicotiana tabacum. (United States)

    Zhou, Benguo; Wang, Fang; Zhang, Xuesong; Zhang, Lina; Lin, Huafeng


    The complete genome sequence of a new virus, provisionally named tobacco virus 2 (TV2), was determined and identified from leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) exhibiting leaf mosaic, yellowing, and deformity, in Anhui Province, China. The genome sequence of TV2 comprises 5,979 nucleotides, with 87% nucleotide sequence identity to potato leafroll virus (PLRV). Its genome organization is similar to that of PLRV, containing six open reading frames (ORFs) that potentially encode proteins with putative functions in cell-to-cell movement and suppression of RNA silencing. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequence placed TV2 alongside members of the genus Polerovirus in the family Luteoviridae. To the best our knowledge, this study is the first report of a complete genome sequence of a new polerovirus identified in tobacco.

  5. Vegetal waste degradation by microbial strains inoculation Degradación de residuos vegetales mediante inoculación con cepas microbianas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nubia Grijalva Vallejos


    Full Text Available (Received: 2013/03/31 - Accepted: 2013/06/02Vegetal waste treatment product of urban, agricultural and industrial processes has severaltechnical problems and constitutes a significant environmental concern. Among them are thepersistence of crop protection products in high concentrations in plant material and the lack ofmicroorganisms that can tolerate such compounds and efficiently decompose the substrate.Bacteria and mainly white rot fungi are the main decomposers of lignin because of their ability tosynthesize extracellular hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes in large quantities. Trichodermareesei, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium sp. and Phanerochaete chrysosporium strains are modelstrains whose hight degradation efficiency with lignocellulose materials even in the presence ofpollutants has been proven. Several studies such as directed mutagenesis, co-culturing andheterologous expression have been done in order to improve the content of some enzymes(cellulase, xylanase, and β-glucosidase in model strains, additionally it has been done newgenetic searches to find other microorganisms with this potential. Its main applications are theindustrial production of ethanol and some seconday metabolites under controlled conditions infermentation processes. This review provides an overview about strategies and methodologiescurrently used for vegetal waste utilization by inoculation of microbial strains.(Recibido: 2013/03/31 - Aceptado: 2013/06/02El tratamiento de los residuos vegetales producto de desechos urbanos, procesos agrícolas eindustriales enfrenta varios problemas técnicos y constituye una preocupación ambientalimportante. Entre ellos se destacan la permanencia de productos fitosanitarios en altasconcentraciones en el material vegetal unido a la carencia de microorganismos que puedantolerar dichos compuestos y logren descomponer eficientemente el sustrato. Las bacterias yprincipalmente los hongos de la podredumbre blanca son los mejores

  6. Management of chili pepper root rot and wilt (caused by Phytophthora nicotianae) by grafting onto resistant rootstock


    Mourad SAADOUN; Mohamed Bechir ALLAGUI


    Root rot and plant wilting caused by Phytophthora nicotianae is a severe disease of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in open fields and under greenhouse production in Tunisia. Chili pepper grafting for disease manage- ment is attracting increased interest in recent years. Using the tube grafting technique, different compatible scion/rootstock combinations were obtained with the wild-type pepper SCM334 and the local chili pepper cultivars ‘Beldi’ and ‘Baker’. SCM334 was resistant to P. nicoti...

  7. Alteraciones bioquímicas de los lípidos en los alimentos vegetales. II. Metabolismo de los hidroperóxidos lipídicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zamora, R.


    Full Text Available The enzymes of the lipoxygenase pathway in plant foods are reviewed. This part analyzes the enzymes related to the descomposition or transformation of the lipidic hydroperoxides. Lipoxygenase, hydroperoxide lyase, enal isomerase, alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, hydroperoxide dehydrase, alene oxide ciclase and 12-Oxo-phytodienoic acid reductase in plants are described. Posible control mechanisms of the lipoxygenase pathway are also considered.

    Los enzimas responsables de la degradación enzimática de los lípidos en los alimentos vegetales son examinados en este trabajo. Esta parte describe la descomposición o transformación de los hidroperóxidos lipídicos producida por la lipoxigenasa, hidroperóxido liasa, enal isomerasa, alcohol deshidrogenasa, aldehído deshidrogenasa, hidroperóxido dehidrasa, óxido de aleño ciclasa y ácido 12-Oxofitodienoico reductasa, así como los distintos mecanismos de control de la ruta.

  8. Two tandemly repeated telomere-associated sequences in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Chen, C M; Wang, C T; Wang, C J; Ho, C H; Kao, Y Y; Chen, C C


    Two tandemly repeated telomere-associated sequences, NP3R and NP4R, have been isolated from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. The length of a repeating unit for NP3R and NP4R is 165 and 180 nucleotides respectively. The abundance of NP3R, NP4R and telomeric repeats is, respectively, 8.4 x 10(4), 6 x 10(3) and 1.5 x 10(6) copies per haploid genome of N. plumbaginifolia. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that NP3R is located at the ends and/or in interstitial regions of all 10 chromosomes and NP4R on the terminal regions of three chromosomes in the haploid genome of N. plumbaginifolia. Sequence homology search revealed that not only are NP3R and NP4R homologous to HRS60 and GRS, respectively, two tandem repeats isolated from N. tabacum, but that NP3R and NP4R are also related to each other, suggesting that they originated from a common ancestral sequence. The role of these repeated sequences in chromosome healing is discussed based on the observation that two to three copies of a telomere-similar sequence were present in each repeating unit of NP3R and NP4R.

  9. Expressing foreign genes in the pistil: a comparison of S-RNase constructs in different Nicotiana backgrounds. (United States)

    Murfett, J; McClure, B A


    Transgenic plant experiments have great potential for extending our understanding of the role of specific genes in controlling pollination. Often, the intent of such experiments is to over-express a gene and test for effects on pollination. We have examined the efficiency of six different S-RNase constructs in Nicotiana species and hybrids. Each construct contained the coding region, intron, and downstream sequences from the Nicotiana alata S(A2)-RNase gene. Among the six expression constructs, two utilized the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter with duplicated enhancer, and four utilized promoters from genes expressed primarily in pistils. The latter included promoters from the tomato Chi2;1 and 9612 genes, a promoter from the N. alata S(A2)-RNase gene, and a promoter from the Brassica SLG-13 gene. Some or all of the constructs were tested in N. tabacum, N. plumbaginifolia, N. plumbaginifolia x SI N. alata S(C10)S(c10) hybrids, N. langsdorffii, and N. langsdorffii x SC N. alata hybrids. Stylar specific RNase activities and S(A2)-RNase transcript levels were determined in transformed plants. Constructs including the tomato Chi2;1 gene promoter or the Brassica SLG-13 promoter provided the highest levels of S(A2)-RNase expression. Transgene expression patterns were tightly regulated, the highest level of expression was observed in post-anthesis styles. Expression levels of the S(A2)-RNase transgenes was dependent on the genetic background of the host. Higher levels of S(A2)-RNase expression were observed in N. plumbaginifolia x SC N. alata hybrids than in N. plumbaginifolia.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Arias Zabala


    Full Text Available El cultivo de células vegetales ha surgido como una alternativa para la obtención de metabolitos de alto valor agregado, producidos en las plantas en bajas concentraciones y para los cuales, no existen procesos de síntesis química conocidos; sin embargo, para la implementación de esta tecnología es necesario el desarrollo de estrategias que permitan incrementar la productividad de los cultivos in vitro. En este trabajo se discuten diferentes alternativas planteadas para lograr este objetivo: en la primera parte se presentan las formas para obtener líneas celulares sobreproductoras, abordando las estrategias clásicas de selección y la ingeniería genética; posteriormente se discuten los efectos que sobre el crecimiento y la producción de metabolitos secundarios pueden tener la composición química del medio de cultivo y las condiciones físicas en las que se conduce el proceso; finalmente, se presenta la elicitación como alternativa para inducir la síntesis de metabolitos secundarios en cultivos de células vegetales.The strategy of plant cell culture has become an alternative for the production of high value metabolites that are normally produced in low levels in plants and for which there is not chemical synthesis processes known. However, for the implementation of this technology it is necessary to develop strategies that let us improve the productivity of the in vitro cultures. In this work, different alternatives in order to fulfill that objective are presented: in the first part, the strategies to obtain overproducer cell lines are discussed, showing the clasic strategies for cell line selection and genetic engineering as alternatives; after that, the efect over the growth and secondary metabolite productition of the chemical medium composition and physical conditions of the process are reviewed; finally, the elicitation is presented as an alternative to induce the synthesis of secondary metabolites in plant cell cultures.

  11. In vitro growth response of Phytophthora cactorum, P. nicotianae and P. × pelgrandis to antibiotics and fungicides. (United States)

    Pánek, M; Tomšovský, M


    The reactions of isolates of Phytophthora cactorum, P. nicotianae and P. × pelgrandis to metalaxyl, mancozeb, dimethomorph, streptomycin and chloramphenicol were tested to obtain information about the variability of resistance in these pathogens. Distinct genetic groups showed significant differences in resistance to all tested substances except streptomycin. In response to streptomycin, the growth inhibition rates of distinct groups did not differ significantly. The most remarkable differences were detected in the reactions to chloramphenicol and metalaxyl. Discriminant analysis evaluating the effect of all substances confirmed the differences among the groups, which are in agreement with the differences revealed by earlier DNA analyses.

  12. Production of human interferon alfa 2b in plants of Nicotiana excelsior by Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression. (United States)

    Sindarovska, Y R; Gerasymenko, I M; Sheludko, Y V; Olevinskaya, Z M; Spivak, N Y; Kuchuk, N V


    Human interferon alpha2b gene was transiently expressed in Nicotiana excelsior plants. Fusion with N. plumbaginifolia calreticulin signal peptide for improved apoplast targeting and carrying out the expression under optimized conditions resulted in maximal interferon activity of 3.2 x 10(3) IU/g fresh weight (FW) with an average of 2.1 +/- 0.8 x 10(3) IU/g FW. It proves that N. excelsior is a suitable host for Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of genes encoding physiologically active human proteins. The transient expression conditions optimized for GFP marker protein were confirmed to be preferable for hIFN alpha2b.

  13. Contribution to the studies on the mineral content of plant material through radioactivation analysis; Contribution a l'etude de la composition minerale des matieres vegetales au moyen de l'analyse par radioactivation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fourcy, A. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Radioactivation analysis is by its great sensibility or its rapidity quite helpful in plant biology and agronomy. Specific composition of plants and results to obtain in biological experimentation have needed a practical research on analytical methods for plant materials, using for radioactivation swimming-pool reactor neutrons and 14 MeV neutrons from a generator. Dosage process for 25 elements is exposed, taking account of the interest of the analysis for each element, the average amount occurring in plants and the result obtained. Many applications are developed, concerning nutrition physiology, genetics, parasitology, toxicology, control of manufactured agricultural and pharmaceutical products industrial and pesticides residues, ecology, radioecology and biochemistry. (author) [French] L'analyse par radioactivation, par sa grande sensibilite ou sa rapidite, est susceptible de rendre de nombreux services en biologie vegetale et en agronomie. La composition particuliere des plantes et les buts recherches dans l'experimentation ont exige une etude concrete des methodes d'analyse propres a la matiere vegetale en utilisant, pour la radioactivation, soit un reacteur de type piscine a eau legere, soit un accelerateur generateur de neutrons de 14 MeV. Le mode de dosage de 25 elements est expose en tenant compte de l'interet de l'analyse de chaque element, des teneurs moyennes rencontrees dans les plantes, et du resultat atteint. De nombreuses applications sont developpees qui touchent a la physiologie de la nutrition, la genetique, la parasitologie, la toxicologie, le controle des fabrications, les pollutions industrielles, l'ecologie, la radioecologie et la biochimie. (auteur)

  14. Etnobotánica del "coro" (Nicotiana paa, Solanaceae: Un tabaco silvestre poco conocido del extremo sur de Sudamérica

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    Gustavo F. Scarpa


    Full Text Available El "coro" es un tabaco silvestre de Argentina y Chile cuyas raíces son empleadas como fumatorio y mascatorio desde tiempos inmemoriales por grupos indígenas. Si bien existen noticias sobre su empleo desde la época colonial, en la actualidad no hay consenso sobre su identidad botánica a la par que sus modalidades de obtención, procesado y consumo han sido escasamente descriptas. Se efectuaron campañas etnobotánicas al sudoeste de la provincia del Chaco donde se colectaron ejemplares que responden a dicho nombre vernáculo en compañía de indígenas y se analizaron fuentes bibliográficas históricas disponibles. Se comprobó in situ que los mocovíes actualmente fuman sus raíces mezcladas con tabaco tanto en contextos ceremoniales como extra-ceremoniales. Como resultado del análisis bibliográfico se infiere que también lo emplearon en el pasado de manera homóloga indígenas vilelas, qom (tobas; wichi y abipones. Se descarta la correspondencia del "coro" con especies de Trichocline por la inexistencia de registros etnobotánicos al respecto. Se confirma que este fumatorio corresponde a Nicotiana paa Mart. rov. y se presentan y discuten nuevos datos sobre su obtención, procesamiento y consumo.

  15. Polymethoxyflavones from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (Solanaceae) Exert Antinociceptive and Neuropharmacological Effects in Mice. (United States)

    Shajib, Md Shafiullah; Rashid, Ridwan B; Ming, Long C; Islam, Shanta; Sarker, Md Moklesur R; Nahar, Lutfun; Sarker, Satyajit D; Datta, Bidyut K; Rashid, Mohammad A


    Polymethoxylavones (PMFs) are known to exhibit significant anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. Nicotiana plumbaginifolia , an annual Bangladeshi herb, is rich in polymethoxyflavones that possess significant analgesic and anxiolytic activities. The present study aimed to determine the antinociceptive and neuropharmacological activities of polyoxygenated flavonoids namely- 3,3',5,6,7,8-hexamethoxy-4',5'-methylenedioxyflavone ( 1 ), 3,3',4',5',5,6,7,8-octamethoxyflavone (exoticin) ( 2 ), 6,7,4',5'-dimethylenedioxy-3,5,3'-trimethoxyflavone ( 3 ), and 3,3',4',5,5',8-hexamethoxy-6,7-methylenedioxyflavone ( 4 ), isolated and identified from N. plumbaginifolia . Antinociceptive activity was assessed using the acetic-acid induced writhing, hot plate, tail immersion, formalin and carrageenan-induced paw edema tests, whereas neuropharmacological effects were evaluated in the hole cross, open field and elevated plus maze test. Oral treatment of compounds 1 , 3 , and 4 (12.5-25 mg/kg b.w.) exhibited dose-dependent and significant ( p Plumbaginifolia could be considered as suitable candidates for the development of analgesic and anxiolytic agents.

  16. Deciphering the complex leaf transcriptome of the allotetraploid species Nicotiana tabacum: a phylogenomic perspective

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    Bombarely Aureliano


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Polyploidization is an important mechanism in plant evolution. By analyzing the leaf transcriptomes taken from the allotetraploid Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco and parental genome donors, N. sylvesteris (S-Genome and N. tomentosiformis (T-Genome, a phylogenomic approach was taken to map the fate of homeologous gene pairs in this plant. Results A comparison between the genes present in the leaf transcriptomes of N. tabacum and modern day representatives of its progenitor species demonstrated that only 33% of assembled transcripts could be distinguished based on their sequences. A large majority of the genes (83.6% of the non parent distinguishable and 87.2% of the phylogenetic topology analyzed clusters expressed above background level (more than 5 reads showed similar overall expression levels. Homeologous sequences could be identified for 968 gene clusters, and 90% (6% of all genes of the set maintained expression of only one of the tobacco homeologs. When both homeologs were expressed, only 15% (0.5% of the total showed evidence of differential expression, providing limited evidence of subfunctionalization. Comparing the rate of synonymous nucleotide substitution (Ks and non-synonymous nucleotide substitution (Kn provided limited evidence for positive selection during the evolution of tobacco since the polyploidization event took place. Conclusions Polyploidization is a powerful mechanism for plant speciation that can occur during one generation; however millions of generations may be necessary for duplicate genes to acquire a new function. Analysis of the tobacco leaf transcriptome reveals that polyploidization, even in a young tetraploid such as tobacco, can lead to complex changes in gene expression. Gene loss and gene silencing, or subfunctionalization may explain why both homeologs are not expressed by the associated genes. With Whole Genome Duplication (WGD events, polyploid genomes usually maintain a high percentage of

  17. Jasmonate mediates salt-induced nicotine biosynthesis in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.

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    Xiaodong Chen


    Full Text Available Jasmonate (JA, as an important signal, plays a key role in multiple processes of plant growth, development and stress response. Nicotine and related pyridine alkaloids in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. are essential secondary metabolites. Whether environmental factors control nicotine biosynthesis and the underlying mechanism remains previously unreported. Here, we applied physiological and biochemical approaches to investigate how salt stress affects nicotine biosynthesis in tobacco. We found that salt stress induced the biosynthesis of JA, which subsequently triggered the activation of JA-responsive gene expression and, ultimately, nicotine synthesis. Bioinformatics analysis revealed the existence of many NtMYC2a-recognized G-box motifs in the promoter regions of NtLOX, NtAOS, NtAOC and NtOPR genes. Applying exogenous JA increased nicotine content, while suppressing JA biosynthesis reduced nicotine biosynthesis. Salt treatment could not efficiently induce nicotine biosynthesis in transgenic anti-COI1 tobacco plants. These results demonstrate that JA acts as the essential signal which triggers nicotine biosynthesis in tobacco after salt stress.

  18. Materiali acustici fonoisolanti e fonoassorbenti di origine vegetale - Acoustic materials of vegetable origin for sound absorption and sound insulation

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    Francesco Asdrubali


    Full Text Available I materiali acustici di origine vegetale possono rappresentare delle valide alternative sia dal punto di vista prestazionale che ambientale ai materiali sintetici e minerali, ma al momento attuale un esiguo numero di essi è già pronto da essere commercializzato. La presente memoria propone uno stato dell’arte su questa famiglia di materiali, fornendo le caratteristiche di fonoisolamento/assorbimento a partire dai materiali più diffusi fino a quelli meno convenzionali. Tali prodotti sono realizzati dagli scarti delle coltivazioni e delle aziende di trasformazione: ciò comporta un impatto ambientale basso se i materiali sono disponibili localmente e non in conflitto con colture alimentari. ------ Acoustic materials of vegetable origin can be a good alternative to traditional ones both from the technical and environmental point of view but very few of them are technologically mature enough to be commercialized. The present paper reports a state of the art of this family of materials, providing the acoustic characteristics starting from the most widespread and promising products to the unconventional ones. These products are realized using the residuals of the cultivation process or of the processing industry so their environmental impact is very low, if the raw materials are local and are not in contrast with food crops.

  19. Complementation of a threonine dehydratase-deficient Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mutant after Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transfer of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ILV1 gene.


    Colau, D; Negrutiu, I; Van Montagu, M; Hernalsteens, J P


    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae ILV1 gene, encoding threonine dehydratase (EC was fused to the transferred DNA nopaline synthase promoter and the 3' noncoding region of the octopine synthase gene. It was introduced, by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer, into an isoleucine-requiring Nicotiana plumbaginifolia auxotroph deficient in threonine dehydratase. Functional complementation by the ILV1 gene product was demonstrated by the selection of several transformed lines on a ...

  20. Comparacion experimental de la tasa de descomposicion foliar de especies vegetales del centro-oeste de Argentina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Perez Harguindeguy, N.; Diaz, S.; Cornelissen, J. H C; Cabido, M.


    Litter decomposition in the soil is one of the main processes in ecosystem functioning. Besides chemical environmental conditions and species composition of soil communities, litter quality of different species has a strong influence on this process. The aim of this study was to experimentally

  1. Factor de la reflectancia bi-cónica en especies vegetales contrastantes: modelación global


    Fernando Paz; Alejandro Cano; Martín Bolaños; José Chávez; Ma. Isabel Marin; Enrique Romero


    La clasificación de la vegetación usando información espectral multi-angular ha sido aproximada con esquemas de modelación restringidos o con hipótesis de homogeneidad o estacionariedad. En este trabajo se presenta un esquema de modelación global de los ángulos cenitales y acimutales en la reflectancia de la vegetación, extendiendo los desarrollos al caso de los efectos de cambios en las propiedades ópticas del fondo de la vegetación (suelos) y de la densidad de plantas (follaje). Esta síntes...

  2. Effect of virus infection on symplastic transport of fluorescent tracers in Nicotiana clevelandii leaf epidermis. (United States)

    Derrick, P M; Barker, H; Oparka, K J


    The molecular weight exclusion limit of plasmodesmata in subveinal epidermal cells of Nicotiana clevelandii (Gray) leaves was estimated by microinjection and fluorescence microscopy using fluorescein isothiocyanate-peptide conjugates, carboxyfluorescein and Lucifer Yellow CH. The largest fluorochrome which moved symplastically between cells had a molecular weight of 749, although movement did not appear to depend purely on molecular weight parameters. Systemic infection of plants by tobacco rattle tobravirus, tomato black ring nepovirus or potato Y potyvirus did not alter the limits of plasmodesmatal conductance of the fluorochromes. However, carrot mottle umbravirus and groundnut rosette umbravirus diminished the symplastic mobility of some fluorescent tracers. These results imply that intercellular movement of these viruses does not involve a long-lasting increase in the plasmodesmatal molecular size exclusion limit.


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    Luz García Cruzatty


    Full Text Available El estudio se realizó en la Cuenca Media del Río Guayas, Ecuador, en el área correspondiente a los cantones Mocache y Palenque. El inventario de las especies se obtuvo mediante recorridos participativos. Las especies se clasificaron de acuerdo al Sistema Filogenético de Cronquist. Los datos sobre el uso de las especies se obtuvieron mediante charlas y entrevistas no formales. Se determinó que los agricultores de la Cuenca Media del Río Guayas conocen y utilizan 262 especies vegetales que pertenecen a 67 familias y 164 géneros. Las familias vegetales más comunes fueron: Anacardiaceae, Papilonaceae, Solanaceae, Rutaceae, Musaceae y Lamiaceae, con más de diez especies cada una. Se documentaron 21 tipos de usos, de los cuales los más importantes son: alimenticio, medicinal y construcción, lo que demuestra la preocupación de las familias por satisfacer sus necesidades básicas. La mayoría de las especies utilizadas son árboles, seguido por hierbas y arbustos. Entre las especies de mayor importancia por los múltiples usos y productos que se obtienen están: Persea americana Mill. (aguacate, Artocarpus altilis Fosberg (fruta de pan, Musa sp. (plátano, Manguifera sp. (mango, Phythelephas aequatoriales Spruce (cade, Inga edulis Matius (guaba de bejuco, entre otros.

  4. Gene transfer in Nicotiana rustica by means of irradiated pollen II. Cytogenetical consequences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Werner, C.P.; Dunkin, I.M.; Cornish, M.A.; Jones, G.H.


    Pollen from Nicotiana paniculata and the V12 variety of N. rustica was irradiated with a range of high doses of gamma-rays up to 100 Krads. Both kinds of pollen were used to pollinate the V27 variety of N. rustica. Radiation treatments above 30 Krads gave no viable seed. A cytological examination of the M 1 progeny from the 20 Krad treatments of both crosses revealed conventional radiation damage in the form of losses of whole chromosomes and parts of chromosomes, and rearrangements. The plants possessed hybrid or aberrantly hybrid phenotypes. It was concluded that they were the products of a conventional fertilisation mechanism rather than the gene transfer mechanism proposed by Pandey (1980). The expression of mutational damage can probably account for most of the maternal trends observed in the intervarietal M 2 of N. rustica examined previously, although post-meiotic selection may also play a role. (author)

  5. Effet comparé des poudres de Nicotiana tabacum L, Cymbopogon citratus (D.C. Stapf et de l'huile de Ricinus communis L sur la conservation des graines de Vigna unguiculata (L Walp

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    Gakuru, S.


    Full Text Available Compared Effect of Nicotiana tabacum L, Cymbopogon citratus (D.C. Stapf Powders and Castor Oil Ricinus communis L. on Conservation of Cowpea Vigna Unguiculata (L. Walp Grains. The effect of powder of tobacco Nicotiana tabacum L. and citronella grass Cymbopogon citratus (D.C. Stapf and castor oil Ricinus communis L. on conservation of cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L. Walp. grains was investigated in Kisangani, Zaire. After 5 months of conservation, infestation rates by bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus Say were 72.5 %, 74.5 %, 49.5 % and 5 % respectively for the check, the samples treated by 1 % of citronella grass and tobacco powder and 1 % of castor oil. The powder dose of 7.5 % did not give more interesting results.

  6. Estudio de la composición química y de las propiedades antioxidantes de la especie Plukenetia volubilis, Linneo

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    Migdalia Miranda Martínez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se realizó el estudio de algunos parámetros fisico-químicos y químicos de las semillas de Plukenetia volubilis L. (Sacha inchi o maní del inca, que incluyó el estudio como droga cruda, la extracción y análisis por cromatografia gaseosa-espectrometria de masas del aceite fijo, así como la evaluación de su poder antioxidante. Se comprobó que las características fisico químicas de la droga cruda (humedad residual 11,87 ± 0,02%, cenizas totales de 5,26 ± 0,02%, cenizas insolubles en ácido clorhídrico 0,85 ± 0,03% se encontraban dentro del rango informado por la OMS para drogas vegetales. El rendimiento de aceite de las semillas fue del 32%y en su composición pudo corroborarse la presencia de: ácido dodecanoico; ácido tetradecanoico; octadeceno; ácido hexadecanoico; eicosano; ácido heptadecanoico; ácido 9,12 octadecadienoico; ácido 9,12,15 octadecatrienoico; ácido 16-metil heptadecanoico; tricosano; tetracosano; pentacosano; hexacosano; heptacosano; octacosano; nonacosano. En la evaluación antioxidante de las semillas, realizada por la técnica de FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power, se pudo apreciar que la especie mostró valores de potencial de reducciones superiores a los de la Vitamina e reconocido compuesto con capacidad reductora y considerado un potente agente antioxidante.

  7. Estudios ecológicos en la Cordillera Oriental – II: Las comunidades vegetales de los alrededores de la laguna de Chingaza (Cundinamarca Estudios ecológicos en la Cordillera Oriental – II: Las comunidades vegetales de los alrededores de la laguna de Chingaza (Cundinamarca

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    Franco R. Pilar


    Full Text Available The plant communities present along an altitudinal transect between 3.000-3.600 m above sea level around Chingaza lake, Cundinamarca, Colombia, are described following the Zurich-Montpellier System. The zonal plant communities (WALTER. 1964 belong to the life zones refered to as "Paramo" and "Andean" by CUATRECASAS (1934, 1958 and RANGEL et al., (1982.  The azonal plant communities (marsh communities are briefly studied.  New information about synecological aspects and geographic distribution is provided together with a provisional sintaxonomic classification of the vegetation of the area. Mediante la utilización de los lineamientos metodológicos de la Escuela, Zurich-Montpellier, se tipifican y describen las comunidades vegetales de los alrededores de la Laguna de Chingaza (Cundinamarca entre 3.000 y 3.600 m.  Las comunidades zonales (WALTER, 1964 se pueden ubicar según los esquemas propuestos por CUATRECASAS (1934, 1958  y por RANGEL et al., (1982 en las zonas de vida Paramuna y Andina (franja alto-andina; la vegetación azonal (de pantano también se reseña.  Igualmente se presenta información adicional que incluye aspectos sinecológicos y corológicos y se propone un arreglo sintaxonómico provisional de la vegetación estudiada.

  8. Paisaje y gestión de los recursos vegetales en el yacimiento romano de Gabia (Granada a través de la Arqueobotánica

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    Oliva Rodríguez-Ariza, M.ª


    Full Text Available Anthracological and carpological findings are presented for the Roman villa of Gabia, which gives us important knowledge concerning the exploitation of the environment and the diverse use of plant resources. The results confirm the existence of a strongly humanized landscape, with relatively open vegetation where shrubby and thicket species have great importance, with the Holm oak and the Aleppo pine being the representatives of the tree stratum. Crops would predominate the setting, where cereals, i.e. barley and glumeless wheat, occupying land reclaimed from the forest, while legumes such as chick-peas, lentils, grass peas, sweet peas, and fava beans were also cultivated. The fuel for fireplaces came from wood gathered from the forest as well as the remains from pruning cultivated trees. For the construction of posts and beams, large trees were used, these offering long, straight logs in the case of pines and elms, and branches of great strength such as walnut and Holm oak. For the construction of roofs, shrub species were used: common junipers, legumes, broom, and rosemary.Se presentan los resultados obtenidos por la antracología y la carpología en la villa romana de Gabia, que nos dan un importante conocimiento sobre la explotación del medio y del uso de los recursos vegetales utilizados con diversas finalidades. Estos resultados confirman la existencia de un paisaje fuertemente antropizado, con una vegetación relativamente abierta donde tienen una gran importancia las especies arbustivas y de matorral, quedando sólo la encina y el pino carrasco como representantes del estrato arbóreo. Los cultivos predominarían en el entorno, siendo los cereales, con el trigo desnudo y la cebada vestida, los que ocuparían parte de las tierras ganadas al bosque, desarrollándose también leguminosas como garbanzos, lentejas, guijas, guisantes y habas. El combustible para los hogares provenía tanto de leña recogida en el bosque, como de los deshechos

  9. Análisis de la relación vegetación-lluvia de polen actual de las comunidades vegetales en el noroeste de la península de Yucatán, México

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    Diana del Socorro Escarraga Paredes


    Full Text Available La Reserva de la Biosfera Los Petenes (RBLP conforma una unidad ecológica de gran valor, por ello la importancia de generar mayor conocimiento biogeográfico del sitio. El análisis palinológico es una herramienta útil para la interpretación de la dinámica vegetal y el análisis de patrones biológicos de distribución. Con el objetivo de analizar la relación lluvia de polen-vegetación en el gradiente de comunidades vegetales del Noroeste de la Península de Yucatán se establecieron 30 parcelas de vegetación y se examinó el espectro polínico en muestras superfi ciales de sedimento dentro de la RBLP. Para identificar el grado de relación entre la vegetación y la lluvia de polen, los datos fueron analizados con métodos de asociación, ordenación y modelación estadística. De los 50 taxones identificados en la lluvia polínica, 13 muestran algún grado de asociación, de las cuales, las especies con mayor grado de asociación para manglar fueron:Rhizophora mangle,Avicennia germinansyConocarpus erectus. La mayoría de las especies de selva muestran altos valores de sobrerepresentación y subrepresentación,Bursera simaruba, Euphorbiaceae y Fabaceae mostraron asociación. De los 20 taxones utilizados para la correlación,Avicennia germinansyConocarpus erectusmostraron correlación para las diferentes comunidades de manglar, la vegetación de peten de selva no mostró especies correlacionadas. La ordenación indica una agrupación definida por el gradiente hidrológico, factor importante que determinó la estructura de la vegetación y su capacidad de dispersión. El análisis de la relación de la lluvia de polen y la vegetación actual de RBLP, constituye una herramienta fundamental para obtener información sobre la dinámica ecológica actual e integra una fuente de información para los estudios paleoecológicos.


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    Zoraida Cañas Ángel


    Full Text Available Durante los últimos años se ha incrementado el interés de la industria, los especialistas y del público en general, hacia los posibles usos y beneficios de la fibra dietaria (FD. Este ingrediente funcional, ha sido reportado especialmente por favorecer el funcionamiento digestivo, controlando el tránsito intestinal de los alimentos, el estreñimiento, las hemorroides, la absorción de glucosa, el colesterol, la sensación de saciedad, entre otros. En este artículo se hace una revisión de literatura publicada principalmente de la última década de la fibra dietaria como componente con actividad fisiológica (ingrediente funcional, haciendo énfasis en las fuentes vegetales, sus propiedades funcionales y aplicabilidad. El resultado del repaso, identifica que son muchas las fuentes de fibra dietaria actualmente subutilizadas y que representan una alternativa viable y de bajo costo para mejorar la nutrición de la población.During the last years there has been an increasing interest from industry, professionals and the general public about possible uses and benefits of dietary fiber (DF. These functional ingredients have been reported especially by promoting gastrointestinal operation, controlling the intestinal transit of food, constipation, hemorrhoids, the absorption of glucose, cholesterol, satiety, among others. This article is a review of literature published primarily in the last decade as a component of dietary fiber with physiological activity (functional ingredient, with emphasis on plant sources, its functional properties and applicability. The results of the review, identified that there are many sources of dietary fiber currently underutilized and represent a viable alternative to improve the nutrition of the population at low cost.

  11. Development of SCAR markers and PCR assays for single or simultaneous species-specific detection of Phytophthora nicotianae and Pythium helicoides in ebb-and-flow irrigated kalanchoe. (United States)

    Ahonsi, Monday O; Ling, Yin; Kageyama, Koji


    Phytophthora nicotianae and Pythium helicoides are important water-borne oomycete pathogens of irrigated ornamentals particularly ebb-and-flow irrigated kalanchoe in Japan. We developed novel PCR-based sequence characterized amplified region markers and assays for rapid identification and species-specific detection of both pathogens in separate PCR reactions or simultaneously in a duplex PCR.

  12. Natural variation in floral nectar proteins of two Nicotiana attenuata accessions. (United States)

    Seo, Pil Joon; Wielsch, Natalie; Kessler, Danny; Svatos, Ales; Park, Chung-Mo; Baldwin, Ian T; Kim, Sang-Gyu


    Floral nectar (FN) contains not only energy-rich compounds to attract pollinators, but also defense chemicals and several proteins. However, proteomic analysis of FN has been hampered by the lack of publically available sequence information from nectar-producing plants. Here we used next-generation sequencing and advanced proteomics to profile FN proteins in the opportunistic outcrossing wild tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata. We constructed a transcriptome database of N. attenuata and characterized its nectar proteome using LC-MS/MS. The FN proteins of N. attenuata included nectarins, sugar-cleaving enzymes (glucosidase, galactosidase, and xylosidase), RNases, pathogen-related proteins, and lipid transfer proteins. Natural variation in FN proteins of eleven N. attenuata accessions revealed a negative relationship between the accumulation of two abundant proteins, nectarin1b and nectarin5. In addition, microarray analysis of nectary tissues revealed that protein accumulation in FN is not simply correlated with the accumulation of transcripts encoding FN proteins and identified a group of genes that were specifically expressed in the nectary. Natural variation of identified FN proteins in the ecological model plant N. attenuata suggests that nectar chemistry may have a complex function in plant-pollinator-microbe interactions.

  13. Desarrollo de un horno solar para el secado de plantas y vegetales usando control difuso

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    Oscar G. Ibarra Manzano


    Full Text Available Recientemente, el aprovechamiento de la energía solar en el deshidratado de productos agrícolas se ha vuelto cada día más común debido a los altos rendimientos en los productos post-cosecha. La inversión en tecnologías propias para contribuir con los productores del sector agroalimentario es un factor importante para el desarrollo de las cadenas produc­tivas de nuestro país. En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un horno solar para el secado de plantas y vegetales utilizando control difuso. Este es un sistema térmicamente controlado que permite disminuir el tiempo de secado de varios días a unas horas. Se reali­zaron pruebas de secado usando flor de jamaica, en las cuales se pudo disminuir el tiempo de secado de cuatro días a aproximadamente 5 h. Se presentan tanto la parte de diseño conceptual, como resultados experimentales del mismo. Los resultados obtenidos permiten ver la viabilidad del diseño propuesto.Recently, the use of solar energy in the dehydration of agricultural products is becomingmore common as high yields in the post-harvest products. Investment in technologies forcontributing to the producers of food products is an important factor for the development ofthe productive chains of our country. This paper presents the development of a solar oven fordrying plants and vegetables using fuzzy control. This is a heat-controlled system that allowsdecreasing the drying time from several days to hours. Drying tests were conducted usingjamaica flower, which could decrease the drying time from four days to about 5 h. We presentboth the conceptual design of the experimental results. The results obtained allow us to seethe feasibility of the proposed design.

  14. Pollination with heavily irradiated pollen in Nicotiana: induced parthenogenesis and embryological study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Musial, K.; Przywara, L.


    Nicotiana crosses were pollinated in situ and in vitro with heavily irradiated pollen (500, 700, 1000 Gy) to induce parthenogenesis and to study the development of embryo and endosperm. Haploids were obtained after in situ pollination only; however, parthenogenetic proembryos occurred also after in vitro pollination. It was demonstrated that ovule culture following pollination offers a better chance to produce haploids than undisturbed pollination does. Pollination with irradiated pollen (PwIP) stron gly decreased the number of endosperm cells and the size of embryo sacs, and it affected the development of embryos; no significant differences between applied irradiation doses were found. Ovules with endosperm only, embryo only, and with both embryo and endosperm were observed. The most frequent were the ovules with endosperm only, the rarest with embryo only. A small amount of storage products occurred in the endosperm cells. The diploid chromosome number counted in the endosperm produced after PwIP points to their origin without fertilization. An interesting phenomenon observed after PwIP was vigorous growth of endothelium. (author)

  15. Microspores irradiation in anther culture: testing a new technique to obtain mutations immediatly detected and fixed (Application to Nicotiana tabacum)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mondeil, Fanja


    In order to consider the effects of microspores irradiation on embryo development, and in order to observe the morphological responses of haploid plantlets derived from androgenetic anthers to ionizing irradiation, 1000, 1500 and 2000r of gamma rays were delivered on anthers of Nicotiana tabacum (DL 50 range calculated: 1500r). The cytological studies of embryo development revealed an apparent increase in irradiated microspores: cell division is stimulated but followed by an early mortality. A sharp rise in lethality effects was observed when gamma rays were applied beyond the seventh day of culture, when the proembryo contains an average of 4 cells. Morphological aberrations and colour changes in the Mo progeny derived from irradiated microspores are diverse. But after chromosome doubling and mutation checking out, all the plants were not recorded to have transmitted their aberrant characters. Thus, heritable character 'mutations) and not heritable character (variations) were obtained. The variations characters include dwarfing, excessive branching, fasciation and dichotomy of the stems, altered flower form, especially of petals. As to the leaves, they usually show induced changes in their colour (chlorotic areas, mosaic-colour changes, or an over-all colour changes), in their form (irregularity in outline) and in their texture (thickening, hairless leaf). Among the mutants, a monster tobacco, with excrescences on the leaves and the flowers is certainly the most conspicuous. But mutants also include altered leaf colour (over-all pale green) and altered flower colour, (dark red, clear pink, white) [fr

  16. Phosphorus acquisition by citrate- and phytase-exuding Nicotiana tabacum plant mixtures depends on soil phosphorus availability and root intermingling. (United States)

    Giles, Courtney D; Richardson, Alan E; Cade-Menun, Barbara J; Mezeli, Malika M; Brown, Lawrie K; Menezes-Blackburn, Daniel; Darch, Tegan; Blackwell, Martin Sa; Shand, Charles A; Stutter, Marc I; Wendler, Renate; Cooper, Patricia; Lumsdon, David G; Wearing, Catherine; Zhang, Hao; Haygarth, Philip M; George, Timothy S


    Citrate and phytase root exudates contribute to improved phosphorus (P) acquisition efficiency in Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) when both exudates are produced in a P deficient soil. To test the importance of root intermingling in the interaction of citrate and phytase exudates, Nicotiana tabacum plant-lines with constitutive expression of heterologous citrate (Cit) or fungal phytase (Phy) exudation traits were grown under two root treatments (roots separated or intermingled) and in two soils with contrasting soil P availability. Complementarity of plant mixtures varying in citrate efflux rate and mobility of the expressed phytase in soil was determined based on plant biomass and P accumulation. Soil P composition was evaluated using solution 31 P NMR spectroscopy. In the soil with limited available P, positive complementarity occurred in Cit+Phy mixtures with roots intermingled. Root separation eliminated positive interactions in mixtures expressing the less mobile phytase (Aspergillus niger PhyA) whereas positive complementarity persisted in mixtures that expressed the more mobile phytase (Peniophora lycii PhyA). Soils from Cit+Phy mixtures contained less inorganic P and more organic P compared to monocultures. Exudate-specific strategies for the acquisition of soil P were most effective in P-limited soil and depended on citrate efflux rate and the relative mobility of the expressed phytase in soil. Plant growth and soil P utilization in plant systems with complementary exudation strategies are expected to be greatest where exudates persist in soil and are expressed synchronously in space and time. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  17. Hábitos alimentarios en el consumo de vegetales en un grupo poblacional Food habits in the consumption of vegetables in a population group

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    Anai Medina Valdés


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo está dirigido a estudiar los hábitos alimentarios en el consumo de vegetales en un grupo poblacional, su relación con el hábito de fumar y la posibilidad de sufrir riesgo de estrés oxidativo. Se realizó un trabajo descriptivo, y se aplicó una encuesta sobre hábitos alimentarios y estilo de vida a 84 pacientes con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y los 73 años, pertenecientes al Consultorio Médico no. 23, del área de salud de Calabazar (58 del sexo femenino y 26 del masculino, y los resultados se procesaron a través del programa estadístico para Windows. Los vegetales de mayor preferencia para la población fueron: el tomate, la lechuga, la col y el pepino; y los de menor aceptación, la espinaca, la berenjena y el rábano. Se apreció que para todos los grupos de edades, específicamente para la población fumadora, las frecuencias de consumo son de 1 a 2 veces a la semana, por lo que no se cumplen las recomendaciones de agencias internacionales en este sentido. Las bajas frecuencias de consumo pueden estar asociadas con las enfermedades cardiovasculares, que resultaron ser las que más afectaron a nuestra población, por lo que se evidencia la posibilidad de que esta se encuentre bajo riesgo de estrés oxidativo.This paper is aimed at studying the food habits in the consumption of vegetables in a population group, its relation to smoking and the possibility of suffering oxidative stress risk. A descriptive study was carried out and a survey was done on food habits and life style among 84 patients aged 15-73 from the family physician's office no. 23 of the Calabazar health area (58 females and 26 males. The results were processed by the statistical program for Windows. The preferred vegetables were tomato, lettuce, cabbage and cucumber. Spinach, eggplant and raddish were the less accepted. It was observed that for all the age groups, particularly for the smoking population, the consumption frequencies are once or

  18. REVISIÓN DE Ceratocystis sensu stricto CON ESPECIAL REFERENCIA A LOS COMPLEJOS DE LAS ESPECIES C. coerulescens Y C. fimbriata A REVIEW OF Ceratocystis sensu stricto WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SPECIES COMPLEXES C. coerulescens AND C. fimbriata

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    Mauricio Marín Montoya


    Full Text Available El género Ceratocystis sensu stricto incluye un alto número de hongos fitopatógenos de plantas angiospermas y gimnospermas en diversas regiones del mundo. Entre las principales enfermedades causadas por estos hongos se destacan los marchitamientos vasculares, manchado de maderas, chancros y pudriciones radiculares, de tallos y frutos. Muchas especies producen metabolitos volátiles con olores que atraen una amplia variedad de insectos a los tejidos vegetales infectados, sin embargo, el grado de asociación entre los insectos y las diferentes especies de Ceratocystis es altamente variable, presentandose asociaciones mutualistas tales como aquellas entre C. polonica, C. laricicola y C. rufipenni e insectos escolítidos, así como también relaciones no específicas como en los casos de C. paradoxa, C. fagacearum y C. fimbriata con nitidúlidos, moscas y diversos coleópteros. El alto grado de similitud morfológica encontrada entre estos hongos hace difícil la definición de los límites entre las especies de Ceratocystis. Durante la pasada década, la utilización de estudios filogenéticos basados en comparaciones de DNA ha contribuido sustancialmente a clarificar la taxonomía de este grupo de hongos, así por ejemplo, dichos estudios han permitido concluir que algunas especies de Ceratocystis realmente representan complejos de especies crípticas. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo principal proveer una introducción a los estudios experimentales desarrollados para las especies de Ceratocystis sensu stricto y brevemente discutir aspectos relacionados con los denominados hongos ophiostomatoides.The genus Ceratocystis sensu stricto Ellis & Halst. includes many economically important plant pathogens of both angiosperms and gymnosperms, worldwide. Diseases caused by these fungi include vascular wilts, sap stains on logs and lumber, stem cankers and rots of roots, stems and fruits. Most Ceratocystis species are well adapted to dispersal by

  19. Especial Skills in Experienced Archers. (United States)

    Nabavinik, Mahdi; Abaszadeh, Ali; Mehranmanesh, Mehrab; Rosenbaum, David A


    Especial skills are skills that are distinctive by virtue of massive practice within the narrow contexts in which they are expressed. In the first demonstration of especial skills, Keetch, Schmidt, Lee, and Young (2005) showed that experienced basketball players are better at shooting baskets from the foul line, where they had massive amounts of practice, than would expected from their success at other locations closer to or farther from the basket. Similar results were obtained for baseball throwing. The authors asked whether especial skills hold in archery, a sport requiring less movement. If the emergence of especial skills depends on large-scale movement, one would expect archery to escape so-called especialism. But if the emergence of especial skills reflects a more general tendency for highly specific learning, experienced archers should show especial skills. The authors obtained evidence consistent with the latter prediction. The expert archers did much better at their most highly practiced distance than would be expected by looking at the overall function relating shooting score to distance. We offer a mathematical model to account for this result. The findings attest to the generality of the especial skills phenomenon.

  20. Characterization of cDNA for PMT: a Partial Nicotine Biosynthesis-Related Gene Isolated from Indonesian Local Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Sindoro1

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    Full Text Available Nicotine is the major alkaloid compound in cultivated tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum that could potentially be converted into carcinogenic compound (nor-nicotine. The PMT gene encoding putrescine N-methyltransferase (PMT is one of the two key genes that play a prominent role in nicotine biosynthesis. The aimed of this study was to isolate and characterize the cDNA sequence originated from Indonesian local tobacco cv. Sindoro1 (Ntpmt_Sindoro1. The results showed that the Ntpmt_Sindoro1 was 1124 bp in length. This cDNA fragment encodes for 374 amino acid residues. The predicted polypeptide from the cDNA is a hidrophilic protein, and has a predicted molecular weight of 40.95 kDa. The predicted amino acids sequence also showed high similarity to the PMT gene product Nicotiana sp. available in the GenBank data base. The amino acid sequences also exert conserved residues specifically exhibited only by PMT gene originated from N. tabacum. Clustering analysis revealed that Ntpmt_Sindoro1 belongs to the same clade as the PMT3 gene, a member of the N. tabacum PMT gene family. The Ntpmt_Sindoro1 cDNA sequence covering exon1-exon8 of the PMT gene fragment has been registered in the GenBank data base, under the accession number JX978277.

  1. Nicotiana plumbaginifolia: A Rich Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ajaib, M.; Perveen, S.


    Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of plant Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. Were carried out using various techniques. The petroleum ether, chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts of the N. plumbaginifolia were obtained by maceration technique. The maximum antibacterial potential was exhibited by chloroform leaves extract (76.3 ± 0.3 mm), methanolic root extract (69 ± 0.8 mm) and petroleum ether root extract (67 ± 1.7 mm) against P. aureginosa. Methanolic root extract possessed 64 ± 2.3 mm zone of inhibition against E. coli, whereas chloroform root extract displayed 49 ± 0.8 mm against B. subtilis. Chloroform root extract showed 48 ±1.2 against S. aureus. The maximum zone of inhibition of antifungal potential was displayed by methanolic extracts of leaves against A. niger (43 ± 0.8 mm) and F. solani (43 ± 1.6 mm). The MIC assay was determine for further analysis which showed the MIC value of methanolic root extract (0.04 ± 0.1 mg/mL) against E. coli and the MIC value was noticed (0.108 ± 0.04 mg/mL) against A. niger by methanolic root extract. Antioxidant potential was determined using four methods i.e. (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) scavenging activity, total antioxidant activity (TAA), total phenolic contents (TPC) and metal chelating activity. The highest value of percent DPPH was observed 90.56 at 1000 microL concentration in petroleum ether extract. The maximum values of TAA, TPC, FRAP and FTC were 1.352 ± 0.01, 1.683 ± 0.09 and 80.66 ± 0.08, respectively. (author)

  2. Estudios ecológicos en el Páramo de Cruz Verde, Colombia II. Las comunidades vegetales Estudios ecológicos en el Páramo de Cruz Verde, Colombia II. Las comunidades vegetales

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    Lozano Contreras Gustavo


    Full Text Available Im Páramo de Cruz Verde, Cundinamarca, Kolumbien (3.400m Höhe werden auf Grund pflanzensoziologischer Untersuchungen mehrere Pflanzengemeinschaften unterschieden. Am verbreitetsten sind solche, die ihre Existenz anthropogenen Einflüssen verdanken und sich unter diesen stabilisiert haben; sie werden als Subklimax-Gesellschaften aufgefaΒt und zeichnen sich durch ihre geringe Empfindlichkeit gegen gelegentliche Brände aus. Hierzu sind zu rechnen: eine Calamagrostis effusa - Espeletia grandiflora - Geranium santanderiense - Gesellschaft, eine Calamagrostis effusa - Espeletia grandiflora - Geranium multiceps - Gesellschaft, eine Calamagrostis effusa - Spiranthes vaginata - Gesellschaft, eine Calamagrostis effusa «Espeletia corymbosa - Gesellschaft und eine Calamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata - Gesellschaft.In Gebieten, deren Vegetation durch natürliche (z. B. Erdrutsche oder anthropogene Einflüsse (z, B. vorübergehender Ackerbau zerstört wurde, stellen sich Pionier-Gesellschaften mit Espeletia argentea ein.  Da in allen unterschiedenen Subklimax-Gesellschaften Baum - undBusch-Arten vorkommen, die für kleinere Busch waldbestände typisch sind, werden letztere als Reste einer Klimax-Vegetation angesehen, die nur an ständig sumpfigen Stellen durch eine Diplostephium revolutum Gesell-schaft ersetzt wird. Letztere ist noch heute an vielen Stellen erhalten; sie wird wenigstens teilweise als Endstadium einer Sukzessionsreihe angesehen,die während der Verlandung von kleinen Seen (meist glazialer Herkunft auftrat.  Als wesentliche Ursachen der räumlichen Verteilung der heute dominierenden Subklimax-Gesellschaften werden die örtlich unterschiedlich stark schwankenden Bodenwassergehalte diskutiert.En el Páramo de Cruz Verde, Cundinamarca, Colombia (3.400 m de altura se distinguen varias comunidades vegetales con base en estudios fitosociológicos. Distribución más amplia tienen aquellas que deben su existencia a las influencias

  3. Ectopic expression of class 1 KNOX genes induce and adventitious shoot regeneration and alter growth and development of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L) and European plum (Prunus domestica L) (United States)

    Transgenic plants of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L) and plum (Prunus domestica L) were produced by transforming with apple class 1 KNOX genes (MdKN1 and MdKN2) or corn KN1 gene. Transgenic tobacco plants were regenerated in vitro from transformed leaf discs cultured in a tissue medium lacking cytoki...

  4. Nectar sugars and amino acids in day- and night-flowering Nicotiana species are more strongly shaped by pollinators' preferences than organic acids and inorganic ions. (United States)

    Tiedge, Kira; Lohaus, Gertrud


    Floral nectar contains mainly sugars but also amino acids, organic acids, inorganic ions and secondary compounds to attract pollinators. The genus Nicotiana exhibits great diversity among species in floral morphology, flowering time, nectar compositions, and predominant pollinators. We studied nectar samples of 20 Nicotiana species, composed equally of day- and night-flowering plants and attracting different groups of pollinators (e.g. hummingbirds, moths or bats) to investigate whether sugars, amino acids, organic acids and inorganic ions are influenced by pollinator preferences. Glucose, fructose and sucrose were the only sugars found in the nectar of all examined species. Sugar concentration of the nectar of day-flowering species was 20% higher and amino acid concentration was 2-3-fold higher compared to the nectar of night-flowering species. The sucrose-to-hexose ratio was significantly higher in night-flowering species and the relative share of sucrose based on the total sugar correlated with the flower tube length in the nocturnal species. Flowers of different tobacco species contained varying volumes of nectar which led to about 150-fold higher amounts of total sugar per flower in bat- or sunbird-pollinated species than in bee-pollinated or autogamous species. This difference was even higher for total amino acids per flower (up to 1000-fold). As a consequence, some Nicotiana species invest large amounts of organic nitrogen for certain pollinators. Higher concentrations of inorganic ions, predominantly anions, were found in nectar of night-flowering species. Therefore, higher anion concentrations were also associated with pollinator types active at night. Malate, the main organic acid, was present in all nectar samples but the concentration was not correlated with pollinator type. In conclusion, statistical analyses revealed that pollinator types have a stronger effect on nectar composition than phylogenetic relations. In this context, nectar sugars and amino

  5. Nectar sugars and amino acids in day- and night-flowering Nicotiana species are more strongly shaped by pollinators’ preferences than organic acids and inorganic ions (United States)

    Tiedge, Kira; Lohaus, Gertrud


    Floral nectar contains mainly sugars but also amino acids, organic acids, inorganic ions and secondary compounds to attract pollinators. The genus Nicotiana exhibits great diversity among species in floral morphology, flowering time, nectar compositions, and predominant pollinators. We studied nectar samples of 20 Nicotiana species, composed equally of day- and night-flowering plants and attracting different groups of pollinators (e.g. hummingbirds, moths or bats) to investigate whether sugars, amino acids, organic acids and inorganic ions are influenced by pollinator preferences. Glucose, fructose and sucrose were the only sugars found in the nectar of all examined species. Sugar concentration of the nectar of day-flowering species was 20% higher and amino acid concentration was 2-3-fold higher compared to the nectar of night-flowering species. The sucrose-to-hexose ratio was significantly higher in night-flowering species and the relative share of sucrose based on the total sugar correlated with the flower tube length in the nocturnal species. Flowers of different tobacco species contained varying volumes of nectar which led to about 150-fold higher amounts of total sugar per flower in bat- or sunbird-pollinated species than in bee-pollinated or autogamous species. This difference was even higher for total amino acids per flower (up to 1000-fold). As a consequence, some Nicotiana species invest large amounts of organic nitrogen for certain pollinators. Higher concentrations of inorganic ions, predominantly anions, were found in nectar of night-flowering species. Therefore, higher anion concentrations were also associated with pollinator types active at night. Malate, the main organic acid, was present in all nectar samples but the concentration was not correlated with pollinator type. In conclusion, statistical analyses revealed that pollinator types have a stronger effect on nectar composition than phylogenetic relations. In this context, nectar sugars and amino

  6. Nectar sugars and amino acids in day- and night-flowering Nicotiana species are more strongly shaped by pollinators' preferences than organic acids and inorganic ions.

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    Kira Tiedge

    Full Text Available Floral nectar contains mainly sugars but also amino acids, organic acids, inorganic ions and secondary compounds to attract pollinators. The genus Nicotiana exhibits great diversity among species in floral morphology, flowering time, nectar compositions, and predominant pollinators. We studied nectar samples of 20 Nicotiana species, composed equally of day- and night-flowering plants and attracting different groups of pollinators (e.g. hummingbirds, moths or bats to investigate whether sugars, amino acids, organic acids and inorganic ions are influenced by pollinator preferences. Glucose, fructose and sucrose were the only sugars found in the nectar of all examined species. Sugar concentration of the nectar of day-flowering species was 20% higher and amino acid concentration was 2-3-fold higher compared to the nectar of night-flowering species. The sucrose-to-hexose ratio was significantly higher in night-flowering species and the relative share of sucrose based on the total sugar correlated with the flower tube length in the nocturnal species. Flowers of different tobacco species contained varying volumes of nectar which led to about 150-fold higher amounts of total sugar per flower in bat- or sunbird-pollinated species than in bee-pollinated or autogamous species. This difference was even higher for total amino acids per flower (up to 1000-fold. As a consequence, some Nicotiana species invest large amounts of organic nitrogen for certain pollinators. Higher concentrations of inorganic ions, predominantly anions, were found in nectar of night-flowering species. Therefore, higher anion concentrations were also associated with pollinator types active at night. Malate, the main organic acid, was present in all nectar samples but the concentration was not correlated with pollinator type. In conclusion, statistical analyses revealed that pollinator types have a stronger effect on nectar composition than phylogenetic relations. In this context

  7. Expression studies of the zeaxanthin epoxidase gene in nicotiana plumbaginifolia (United States)

    Audran; Borel; Frey; Sotta; Meyer; Simonneau; Marion-Poll


    Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone involved in the control of a wide range of physiological processes, including adaptation to environmental stress and seed development. In higher plants ABA is a breakdown product of xanthophyll carotenoids (C40) via the C15 intermediate xanthoxin. The ABA2 gene of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia encodes zeaxanthin epoxidase, which catalyzes the conversion of zeaxanthin to violaxanthin. In this study we analyzed steady-state levels of ABA2 mRNA in N. plumbaginifolia. The ABA2 mRNA accumulated in all plant organs, but transcript levels were found to be higher in aerial parts (stems and leaves) than in roots and seeds. In leaves ABA2 mRNA accumulation displayed a day/night cycle; however, the ABA2 protein level remained constant. In roots no diurnal fluctuation in mRNA levels was observed. In seeds the ABA2 mRNA level peaked around the middle of development, when ABA content has been shown to increase in many species. In conditions of drought stress, ABA levels increased in both leaves and roots. A concomitant accumulation of ABA2 mRNA was observed in roots but not in leaves. These results are discussed in relation to the role of zeaxanthin epoxidase both in the xanthophyll cycle and in the synthesis of ABA precursors.

  8. Composición química y precursores de ácidos vaccénico y ruménico en especies forrajeras en Baja California Sur, México

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    Eduardo Alberto Toyes-Vargas


    Full Text Available Los rumiantes pequeños que pastorean la vegetación nativa seleccionan su dieta a partir de una amplia variedad de especies vegetales, que difieren en su contenido y disponibilidad de nutrientes durante el año, y son fuente importante de nutrientes. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar y comparar la composición bioquímica de especies forrajeras asociadas al agostadero de Baja California Sur. Las especies evaluadas fueron huizache, mezquite, palo fierro, palo verde y vinorama, así como alfalfa henificada. Se cuantificó el contenido de materia seca, proteína cruda, lípidos totales, fibra cruda, cenizas, extracto libre de nitrógeno y energía bruta, así como la concentración de ácido linoléico, ácido -linolénico y ácidos grasos poliinsaturados ARA, EPA y DHA. Los resultados muestran que el palo verde y el mezquite presentaron un contenido mayor de proteína cruda. El huizache mostró la concentración mayor de lípidos totales, seguido de palo verde y mezquite. Huizache y alfalfa henificada presentaron las concentraciones mayores de ácido linoleico; mientras que palo verde alcanzó los niveles más altos de ácido alfa linolénico, seguido por palo fierro y alfalfa henificada. Palo verde, palo fierro y alfalfa henificada obtuvieron concentraciones mayores de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados. El uso de los forrajes de agostadero en la alimentación de los rumiantes es una alternativa que podrá modificar las proporciones de los ácidos grasos de la leche dado el contenido del ácido oleico, linoléico y linolénico, precursores del ácido vaccénico y ruménico y ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de la serie omega 3 como el EPA y el DHA.

  9. Plantas hospederas de Aphis gossypii (Aphididae), vector de virus del melón Cucumis melo (Cucurbitaceae) en Costa Rica


    Sánchez, M.V.; Agüero, R.; Rivera, C.


    Se identificaron las especies hospederas naturales de Aphis gossypii Glover (Aphididae: Homoptera) en plantaciones comerciales de melón para la exportación en Costa Rica. El estudio se realizó en dos fincas, ubicadas una en la provincia de Guanacaste y la otra en la provincia de Puntarenas, correspondientes a dos zonas de vida vegetal diferentes. Se identificaron como especies hospederas del áfido todas aquellas especies vegetales en las que se observó la presencia del áfido en su forma ápter...

  10. Expression of a constitutively activated plasma membrane H+-ATPase in Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 cells results in cell expansion. (United States)

    Niczyj, Marta; Champagne, Antoine; Alam, Iftekhar; Nader, Joseph; Boutry, Marc


    Increased acidification of the external medium by an activated H + -ATPase results in cell expansion, in the absence of upstream activating signaling. The plasma membrane H + -ATPase couples ATP hydrolysis with proton transport outside the cell, and thus creates an electrochemical gradient, which energizes secondary transporters. According to the acid growth theory, this enzyme is also proposed to play a major role in cell expansion, by acidifying the external medium and so activating enzymes that are involved in cell wall-loosening. However, this theory is still debated. To challenge it, we made use of a plasma membrane H + -ATPase isoform from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia truncated from its C-terminal auto-inhibitory domain (ΔCPMA4), and thus constitutively activated. This protein was expressed in Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 suspension cells using a heat shock inducible promoter. The characterization of several independent transgenic lines showed that the expression of activated ΔCPMA4 resulted in a reduced external pH by 0.3-1.2 units, as well as in an increased H + -ATPase activity by 77-155 % (ATP hydrolysis), or 70-306 % (proton pumping) of isolated plasma membranes. In addition, ΔCPMA4-expressing cells were 17-57 % larger than the wild-type cells and displayed abnormal shapes. A proteomic comparison of plasma membranes isolated from ΔCPMA4-expressing and wild-type cells revealed the altered abundance of several proteins involved in cell wall synthesis, transport, and signal transduction. In conclusion, the data obtained in this work showed that H + -ATPase activation is sufficient to induce cell expansion and identified possible actors which intervene in this process.

  11. Stereoselectivity of the demethylation of nicotine piperidine homologues by Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cell suspension cultures. (United States)

    Bartholomeusz, Trixie Ann; Molinié, Roland; Roscher, Albrecht; Felpin, François-Xavier; Gillet, Françoise; Lebreton, Jacques; Mesnard, François; Robins, Richard J


    The metabolism of (R,S)-N-methylanabasine and (R,S)-N-methylanatabine has been studied in a cell suspension culture of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Both substrates are effectively demethylated, anabasine or anatabine, respectively, accumulating in the medium. Similarly, there is strong stereoselectivity for the (R)-isomers of both substrates. The kinetics of metabolism of (R,S)-N-methylanabasine differ significantly from those of nicotine in that no further degradation of the initial demethylation product occurs. (R,S)-N-Methylanatabine, however, shows kinetics closer to those of nicotine, with loss of alkaloid from the system. Further more, (R,S)-N-methylanabasine does not diminish (S)-nicotine demethylation, indicating a lack of competition. However, the metabolism of (S)-nicotine is affected by the presence of (R,S)-N-methylanabasine. Hence, the demethylation of the piperidine homologues of nicotine is seen to be similar but not identical to that of the pyridine analogues. The implications of these different metabolic profiles in relation to the demethylation activity are discussed.

  12. Constitutive expression of nitrate reductase allows normal growth and development of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants. (United States)

    Vincentz, M; Caboche, M


    A nitrate reductase (NR) deficient mutant of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia totally impaired in the production of NR transcript and protein was restored for NR activity by transformation with a chimaeric NR gene. This gene was composed of a full-length tobacco NR cDNA fused to the CaMV 35S promoter and to termination signals from the tobacco NR gene. The transgenic plants we obtained were viable and fertile and expressed from one-fifth to three times the wild-type NR activity in their leaves. The analysis of chimeric NR gene expression in these plants showed, by comparison with wild-type plants, that the regulation of NR gene expression by light, nitrate and circadian rhythm takes place at the transcriptional level. However, unlike nitrate, light was required for the accumulation of NR protein in transgenic plants, suggesting that NR expression is also controlled at the translational and/or post-translational level. Images PMID:2022181

  13. Especies vegetales que habitan en los derechos de vía de las carreteras principales de Nicaragua

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    J. Jiménez


    Full Text Available The current article presents information about species of trees growing on the road easements on the highways of Nicaragua. Inventories of trees and bushes were carried out on two representative highways within the national roadway system to assess the most prevalent species of plants. The criteria for the selection of the highways under analysis were established by taking into account the relevant information on a precise and satisfactory level. The parameters analyzed were: proliferation, value of the species, degree of coverage, density, plant species composition and vitality. In conclusion, the tree species identified on the road easement areas were typically those of indigenous plants or the remains of riparian forests. The species most frequently found were Tabebuia rosea (Bignoniaceae, Gliricidia sepium (Fabaceae, Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae, Guazuma ulmifolia (Sterculiaceae, Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae, Senna siamea (Caesalpiniaceae, y Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Mimosaceae.

  14. Transient Expression and Purification of Horseradish Peroxidase C in Nicotiana benthamiana. (United States)

    Huddy, Suzanne M; Hitzeroth, Inga I; Meyers, Ann E; Weber, Brandon; Rybicki, Edward P


    Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is a commercially important reagent enzyme used in molecular biology and in the diagnostic product industry. It is typically purified from the roots of the horseradish ( Armoracia rusticana ); however, this crop is only available seasonally, yields are variable and often low, and the product is a mixture of isoenzymes. Engineering high-level expression in transiently transformed tobacco may offer a solution to these problems. In this study, a synthetic Nicotiana benthamiana codon-adapted full-length HRP isoenzyme gene as well as C-terminally truncated and both N- and C-terminally truncated versions of the HRP C gene were synthesized, and their expression in N. benthamiana was evaluated using an Agrobacterium tumefaciens -mediated transient expression system. The influence on HRP C expression levels of co-infiltration with a silencing suppressor (NSs) construct was also evaluated. Highest HRP C levels were consistently obtained using either the full length or C-terminally truncated HRP C constructs. HRP C purification by ion exchange chromatography gave an overall yield of 54% with a Reinheitszahl value of >3 and a specific activity of 458 U/mg. The high level of HRP C production in N. benthamiana in just five days offers an alternative, viable, and scalable system for production of this commercially significant enzyme.

  15. Silencing Nicotiana attenuata LHY and ZTL alters circadian rhythms in flowers. (United States)

    Yon, Felipe; Joo, Youngsung; Cortés Llorca, Lucas; Rothe, Eva; Baldwin, Ian T; Kim, Sang-Gyu


    The rhythmic opening/closing and volatile emissions of flowers are known to attract pollinators at specific times. That these rhythms are maintained under constant light or dark conditions suggests a circadian clock involvement. Although a forward and reverse genetic approach has led to the identification of core circadian clock components in Arabidopsis thaliana, the involvement of these clock components in floral rhythms has remained untested, probably because of the weak diurnal rhythms in A. thaliana flowers. Here, we addressed the role of these core clock components in the flowers of the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata, whose flowers open at night, emit benzyl acetone (BA) scents and move vertically through a 140° arc. We first measured N. attenuata floral rhythms under constant light conditions. The results suggest that the circadian clock controls flower opening, BA emission and pedicel movement, but not flower closing. We generated transgenic N. attenuata lines silenced in the homologous genes of Arabidopsis LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY) and ZEITLUPE (ZTL), which are known to be core clock components. Silencing NaLHY and NaZTL strongly altered floral rhythms in different ways, indicating that conserved clock components in N. attenuata coordinate these floral rhythms. © 2015 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2015 New Phytologist Trust.

  16. Congenital skeletal malformations and cleft palate induced in goats by ingestion of Lupinus, Conium and Nicotiana species. (United States)

    Panter, K E; Keeler, R F; Bunch, T D; Callan, R J


    Three piperidine alkaloid containing plants, Conium maculatum (poison-hemlock), Nicotiana glauca (tree tobacco) and Lupinus formosus (lunara lupine), induced multiple congenital contractures (MCC) and palatoschisis in goat kids when their dams were gavaged with the plant during gestation days 30-60. The skeletal abnormalities included fixed extension or flexure of the carpal, tarsal, and fetlock joints, scoliosis, lordosis, torticollis and rib cage abnormalities. Clinical signs of toxicity included those reported in sheep, cattle and pigs--ataxia, incoordination, muscular weakness, prostration and death. One quinolizidine alkaloid containing plant, Lupinus caudatus (tailcup lupine), on the other hand, which is also known to cause MCC in cows, caused only slight signs of toxicity in pregnant goats and no teratogenic effects in their offspring.

  17. Analysis of the function of the photoreceptors phytochrome B and phytochrome D in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana. (United States)

    Fernández, Aurora Piñas; Gil, Patricia; Valkai, Ildiko; Nagy, Ferenc; Schäfer, Eberhard


    To investigate the mechanism of phytochrome action in vivo, NtPHYB, AtPHYB and phyD:green fluorescent protein (GFP) were overexpressed in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana. The expression of 35S:NtPHYB:GFP and 35S:AtPHYB:GFP complemented the tobacco hgl2 and Arabidopsis phyB-9 mutations, whereas the 35S:AtPHYD:GFP only rescued the hgl2 mutant. All three fusion proteins are transported into the nucleus in all genetic backgrounds. These data indicate that AtPHYD:GFP is biologically active and functions as the main red light receptor in transgenic tobacco, and establish an experimental system for the functional analysis of this elusive photoreceptor in vivo.

  18. DNA-A of a highly pathogenic Indian cassava mosaic virus isolated from Jatropha curcas causes symptoms in Nicotiana benthamiana. (United States)

    Wang, Gang; Sun, Yanwei; Xu, Ruirui; Qu, Jing; Tee, Chuansia; Jiang, Xiyuan; Ye, Jian


    Jatropha curcas mosaic disease (JcMD) is a newly emerging disease that has been reported in Africa and India. Here, we report the complete nucleotide sequence of a new Indian cassava mosaic virus isolate (ICMV-SG) from Singapore. Infection of ICMV-SG showed more severe JcMD in Jatropha curcas and Nicotiana benthamiana than the other ICMV isolates reported previously, though ICMV-SG shares high sequence identity with the other ICMV isolates. Agroinfectious DNA-A alone sufficiently induced systemic symptoms in N. benthamiana, but not in J. curcas. Results from agroinfection assays showed that systemic infection of ICMV-SG in J. curcas required both DNA-A and DNA-B components.

  19. Differentially expressed genes in healthy and plum pox virus-infected Nicotiana benthamiana plants. (United States)

    Vozárová, Z; Žilová, M; Šubr, Z


    Viruses use both material and energy sources of their hosts and redirect the production of disposable compounds in order to make viral replication more efficient. Metabolism of infected organisms is modified by these enhanced requirements as well by their own defense response. Resulting complex story consists of many regulation events on various gene expression levels. Elucidating these processes may contribute to the knowledge on virus-host interactions and to evolving new antiviral strategies. In our work we applied a subtractive cloning technique to compare the transcriptomes of healthy and plum pox virus (PPV)-infected Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Several genes were found to be induced or repressed by the PPV infection. The induced genes were mainly related to general stress response or photosynthesis, several repressed genes could be connected with growth defects evoked by the infection. Interestingly, some genes usually up-regulated by fungal or bacterial infection were found repressed in PPV-infected plants. Potential involvement of particular differently expressed genes in the process of PPV infection is discussed.

  20. Uridine 5'-Monophosphate Synthase Is Transcriptionally Regulated by Pyrimidine Levels in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (United States)

    Santoso; Thornburg


    To understand the regulation and expression of pyrimidine biosynthesis in plants, we have examined the effect of the metabolic inhibitor 5-fluoroorotic acid (FOA) on uridine-5'-monophosphate synthase (UMPSase) expression in cell cultures of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. UMPSase is the rate-limiting step of pyrimidine biosynthesis in plants. Addition of FOA causes an up-regulation of UMPSase enzyme activity in cell cultures after a lag phase of several days. Western-blot analysis demonstrated that the up-regulation in enzyme activity was caused by increased expression of the UMPSase protein. Northern-blot analysis demonstrated a higher level of UMPSase mRNA in the FOA-induced tissues than in control tissues. Run-on transcriptional assays showed that the UMPSase gene was transcriptionally activated after FOA treatment. The mechanism of toxicity of FOA is through thymine starvation. We found that addition of thymine abrogated the FOA-mediated up-regulation of UMPSase. In addition, methotrexate and aminopterin, which affect thymine levels by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase, also up-regulate UMPSase in N. plumbaginifolia cells.

  1. Retrotransposons of the Tnt1B family are mobile in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and can induce alternative splicing of the host gene upon insertion. (United States)

    Leprinc, A S; Grandbastien, M A; Christian, M


    Active retrotransposons have been identified in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia by their ability to disrupt the nitrate reductase gene in chlorate-resistant mutants selected from protoplast-derived cultures. In mutants E23 and F97, two independent insertions of Tnp2, a new retrotransposon closely related to the tobacco Tnt1 elements, were detected in the nitrate reductase gene. These two Tnp2 elements are members of the Tnt1B subfamily which shows that Tnt1B elements can be active and mutagenic in the N. plumbaginifolia genome. Furthermore, these results suggest that Tnt1B is the most active family of Tntl elements in N. plumbaginifolia, whereas in tobacco only members of the Tnt1A subfamily were found inserted in the nitrate reductase gene. The transcriptional regulations of Tnp2 and Tnt1A elements are most probably different due to non-conserved U3 regions. Our results thus support the hypothesis that different Nicotiana species contain different active Tntl subfamilies and that only one active Tntl subfamily might be maintained in each of these species. The Tnp2 insertion found in the F97 mutant was found to be spliced out of the nitrate reductase mRNA by activation of cryptic donor and acceptor sites in the nitrate reductase and the Tnp2 sequences respectively.

  2. The effect of intermittent dosing of Nicotiana glauca on teratogenesis in goats. (United States)

    Welch, K D; Panter, K E; Lee, S T; Gardner, D R


    Sustained inhibition of fetal movement in livestock species, induced by several poisonous plants, can result in numerous skeletal-contracture malformations. Lupines are responsible for a condition in cattle referred to as "crooked calf syndrome" that occurs when pregnant cattle graze teratogenic lupines. Similar malformations are also seen in animals poisoned by Conium maculatum (coniine) and Nicotiana glauca (anabasine). A proposed management strategy to limit these types of birth defects includes utilizing an intermittent grazing schedule to allow short durations of grazing lupine-infested areas interrupted by movement to a lupine-free pasture. The objective of this study was to use a goat model to determine if an intermittent schedule of five continuous days on treatment followed by two days off treatment would be sufficient to decrease, or prevent, the incidence of anabasine-induced malformations. The data from this study suggest that, for N. glauca in goats, the intermittent grazing program of five days exposure with two days of non-exposure is insufficient to prevent significant skeletal malformations from occurring. However, this study did demonstrate an inverse relationship between the amount of serum anabasine in the dam and the extent of fetal movement. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  3. Nicotine demethylation in Nicotiana cell suspension cultures: N'-formylnornicotine is not involved. (United States)

    Bartholomeusz, Trixie Ann; Bhogal, Ramneek K; Molinié, Roland; Felpin, François-Xavier; Mathé-Allainmat, Monique; Meier, Anna-Carolin; Dräger, Birgit; Lebreton, Jacques; Roscher, Albrecht; Robins, Richard J; Mesnard, François


    Nicotine or nornicotine enriched with stable isotopes in either the N'-methyl group or the pyrrolidine-N were fed to Nicotiana plumbaginifolia suspension cell cultures that do not form endogenous nicotine. The metabolism of these compounds was investigated by analysing the incorporation of isotope into other alkaloids using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). Nicotine metabolism primarily resulted in the accumulation of nornicotine, the N'-demethylation product. In addition, six minor metabolites appeared during the course of nicotine metabolism, four of which were identified as cotinine, myosmine, N'-formylnornicotine and N'-carboethoxynornicotine. While cotinine was formed from [(13)C,(2)H(3)-methyl]nicotine without dilution of label, N'-formylnornicotine was labelled at only about 6% of the level of nicotine and N'-carboethoxynornicotine was unlabelled. Feeding with [1'-(15)N]nornicotine resulted in incorporation without dilution of label into both N'-formylnornicotine and N'-carboethoxynornicotine. This pattern strongly indicates that, while nornicotine and cotinine are derived directly from nicotine, N'-formylnornicotine and N'-carboethoxynornicotine are metabolites of nornicotine. Thus, it is directly demonstrated that N'-formylnornicotine is not an intermediate in nicotine demethylation.

  4. Secondary metabolites induction in Mammillaria huitzilopochtli ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 18, 2009 ... 4Laboratorio de Cultivo de Tejidos Vegetales, Jardín Botánico Exterior del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional. Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, México, D.F., 04510. ..... huitzilopochtli Hunt DR, especie amenazada de extinción. Tesis de. Licenciatura, Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad ...

  5. A plant genetically modified that accumulates Pb is especially promising for phytoremediation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gisbert, Carmina; Ros, Roc; Haro, Antonio de; Walker, David J.; Pilar Bernal, M.; Serrano, Ramon; Navarro-Avino, Juan


    From a number of wild plant species growing on soils highly contaminated by heavy metals in Eastern Spain, Nicotiana glauca R. Graham (shrub tobacco) was selected for biotechnological modification, because it showed the most appropriate properties for phytoremediation. This plant has a wide geographic distribution, is fast-growing with a high biomass, and is repulsive to herbivores. Following Agrobacterium mediated transformation, the induction and overexpression of a wheat gene encoding phytochelatin synthase (TaPCS1) in this particular plant greatly increased its tolerance to metals such as Pb and Cd, developing seedling roots 160% longer than wild type plants. In addition, seedlings of transformed plants grown in mining soils containing high levels of Pb (1572 ppm) accumulated double concentration of this heavy metal than wild type. These results indicate that the transformed N. glauca represents a highly promising new tool for use in phytoremediation efforts

  6. Diversidad y origen geográfico del recurso vegetal en los huertos familiares de Quintana Roo, México

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    Jesus Kantún-Balam


    Full Text Available El huerto familiar (HF es un sistema agrícola que funciona como fuente de recursos naturales y sitio para el manejo y conservación de especies vegetales nativas e introducidas. Un ejemplo de su importancia se presenta en el área maya de la península de Yucatán, México. La conquista española es un aspecto fundamental en el desarrollo y evolución del HF, evento que favoreció la introducción de especies vegetales, lo que contribuyó a enriquecer y diversificar la flora del HF de la región. Actualmente, esta introducción es un proceso favorecido por la globalización comercial, fenómeno que ha generado cambios en el HF debido al abandono de las actividades del campo y a la búsqueda de recursos económicos fuera de éste. En la península de Yucatán se observa con mayor claridad en el estado de Quintana Roo, en donde el desarrollo socioeconómico ha favorecido que muchos campesinos mayas emigren de sus comunidades para buscar trabajo en las zonas turísticas. Para conocer el estado actual del recurso vegetal, se estudió la diversidad y origen geográfico de las especies vegetales presentes en el HF de Quintana Roo. Se caracterizaron 120 HF en tres regiones del estado: norte, maya y sur. Se registraron 449 especies correspondientes a 93 familias y 329 géneros. La familia mejor representada fue la Fabaceae con el 9.35% y el género mejor representado fueCitruscon el 2.0%. La región con mayor diversidad fue el norte (H’= 5,684. Las especies introducidas fueron principalmente de origen americano (65,8%. Recientemente, la globalización ha favorecido la introducción de especies de origen asiático, como el nim (Azadirachta indica y el rambután (Nephelium lappaceum. Esto muestra la importancia de este fenómeno en la riqueza y diversidad actual de los huertos familiares de Quintana Roo.

  7. Recovery of underutilized varieties of fruit trees and wild edible plantsfor their use in modern nutrition


    Romojaro Casado, Ana


    [SPA] En la actualidad, el sector agroalimentario está sufriendo cambios a muchos niveles, tanto en el ámbito de su rentabilidad, como de naturaleza sociológica y ecológica. Es necesario reforzar el paradigma de la diversidad en todos sus componentes, biodiversidad, agrodiversidad o diversidad cultural y alimentaria. Ante esta realidad, con la presente tesis se pretende apoyar la recuperación de antiguas especies y variedades vegetales hoy infrautilizadas u olvidadas. Muchas de estas especies...

  8. Real-Time PCR Detection and QUantification of Soilborne Fungal Pathogens : the Case of Rosellinia necatrix, Phytophthora nicotianae, P. citrophthora and Verticillium dahliae

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    L. Schena


    Full Text Available Conventional and Scorpion primers were designed from the ITS regions to identify Rosellinia necatrix, Phytophthora nicotianae, and P. citrophthora and from the IGS regions to identify Verticillium dahliae and V. alboatrum. Specificity of primers and probes was assessed using genomic DNA from a large number of fungi from several hosts and by means of BLAST analyses, to exclude the presence of similar sequences in other micro-organisms among available DNA databases (GenBank. Simple and rapid procedures for DNA extraction from naturally infected matrices (soils, roots, bark, and/or woody tissues were utilised to yield DNA of a purity and quality suitable for PCR assays. Combining these protocols with a double amplification (nested Scorpion-PCR, the real-time detection of these pathogens was possible from naturally infested soils and from infected citrus roots (P. nicotianae and P. citrophthora, from the roots and bark of stone fruits and olive (R. necatrix and from olive branches (V. dahliae. For target pathogens, the limit of detection was 1 pg µl-1 in Scorpion-PCR and 1 fg µl-1 in nested Scorpion-PCR. High and significant correlations between pathogen propagule concentrations and real-time PCR cycle thresholds (Ct were obtained. Moreover, specific tests with R. necatrix seem to indicate that its DNA is quite rapidly degraded in the soil, excluding the risk of false positives due to the presence of dead cells.

  9. Morfología polínica de especies del género Senna (Fabaceae del Sureste del Iberá, Corrientes, Argentina

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    Lionel Fernandez-Pacella


    morfología polínica de 17 especies del género Senna, del sureste del sistema Iberá, reconociéndose dos grupos teniendo en cuenta endoaperturas: lalongadas y circulares. El listado de especies pertenecientes al género Senna presentado en este trabajo debe ser considerado en las actividades de restauración y recuperación de los diferentes tipos de vegetación. Una limitación importante para la correcta interpretación del impacto de las variaciones ambientales en la vegetación, ya sean climáticas y/o antropogénicas, es el conocimiento de la morfología polínica de las especies tropicales, por lo tanto, se debe contar con una base de datos palinológica a nivel morfológico que ayude a la interpretación y determinación de especies vegetales.

  10. Two widely expressed plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase isoforms of Nicotiana tabacum are differentially regulated by phosphorylation of their penultimate threonine. (United States)

    Bobik, Krzysztof; Duby, Geoffrey; Nizet, Yannick; Vandermeeren, Caroline; Stiernet, Patrick; Kanczewska, Justyna; Boutry, Marc


    The plasma membrane H(+)-ATPases PMA2 and PMA4 are the most widely expressed in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, and belong to two different subfamilies. Both are activated by phosphorylation of a Thr at the penultimate position and the subsequent binding of 14-3-3 proteins. Their expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed functional and regulatory differences. To determine whether different regulatory properties between PMA2 and PMA4 exist in plants, we generated two monoclonal antibodies able to detect phosphorylation of the penultimate Thr of either PMA2 or PMA4 in a total protein extract. We also raised Nicotiana tabacum transgenic plants expressing 6-His-tagged PMA2 or PMA4, enabling their individual purification. Using these tools we showed that phosphorylation of the penultimate Thr of both PMAs was high during the early exponential growth phase of an N. tabacum cell culture, and then progressively declined. This decline correlated with decreased 14-3-3 binding and decreased plasma membrane ATPase activity. However, the rate and extent of the decrease differed between the two isoforms. Cold stress of culture cells or leaf tissues reduced the Thr phosphorylation of PMA2, whereas no significant changes in Thr phosphorylation of PMA4 were seen. These results strongly suggest that PMA2 and PMA4 are differentially regulated by phosphorylation. Analysis of the H(+)-ATPase phosphorylation status in leaf tissues indicated that no more than 44% (PMA2) or 32% (PMA4) was in the activated state under normal growth conditions. Purification of either isoform showed that, when activated, the two isoforms did not form hetero-oligomers, which is further support for these two H(+)-ATPase subfamilies having different properties.

  11. Determinación de trazas metálicas en aceites vegetales de España y Marruecos mediante espectroscopía de absorción con cámara de grafito después de la digestión en horno de microondas

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    Ramos Martos, N.


    Full Text Available A simple, rapid analytical method for determining traces of Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn and Pb in in various types of vegetable oils is proposed. Samples are digested in a microwave oven and then analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy with electrothermal atomization. The proposed method exhibits good linearity and sensitivity to the five metals, which it can determine with detection limits over the range 0.06-2.15 Ìg/kg. Its precision, as relative standard deviation, ranges from 2.6 to 4.2%. Its accuracy was assessed by using it to analyze a reference material consisting of Used Oil HU-1, which contains certified metal concentrations, and was found to be quite acceptable. The proposed method was applied to the determination of the five metals in virgin olive, olive, sunflower, maize and pomace olive oils from Spain and Morocco. Based on the results, the metal contents varied among oil types and, for olive oil, also with the country of origin; the oil samples from Morocco contained especially high levels of lead.En el presente trabajo se propone un método simple y rápido de análisis para la determinación de trazas metálicas (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, y Pb en diferentes tipos de aceites vegetales. El procedimiento consiste en el tratamiento previo de la muestra mediante digestión con horno de microondas y en el análisis mediante espectroscopía de absorción atómica con atomización electrotérmica. El método ofrece una buena linealidad y sensibilidad para los cinco metales determinados, con límites de detección comprendidos entre 0,06- 2,15 μg/kg. La precisión del método expresada como desviación estándar relativa oscila entre 2,6 y 4,2 %. Para el estudio de la exactitud se analizó un aceite de referencia (Used Oil HU-1 con las concentraciones de metales certificadas, obteniéndose unos resultados satisfactorios. La metodología desarrollada se aplicó a la determinación de metales en diferentes tipos de aceite vegetales (oliva virgen, oliva

  12. Identifying Growth Conditions for Nicotiana benthimiana Resulting in Predictable Gene Expression of Promoter-Gus Fusion (United States)

    Sandoval, V.; Barton, K.; Longhurst, A.


    Revoluta (Rev) is a transcription factor that establishes leaf polarity inArabidopsis thaliana. Through previous work in Dr. Barton's Lab, it is known that Revoluta binds to the ZPR3 promoter, thus activating the ZPR3 gene product inArabidopsis thaliana. Using this knowledge, two separate DNA constructs were made, one carrying revgene and in the other, the ZPR3 promoter fussed with the GUS gene. When inoculated in Nicotiana benthimiana (tobacco), the pMDC32 plasmid produces the Rev protein. Rev binds to the ZPR3 promoter thereby activating the transcription of the GUS gene, which can only be expressed in the presence of Rev. When GUS protein comes in contact with X-Gluc it produce the blue stain seen (See Figure 1). In the past, variability has been seen of GUS expression on tobacco therefore we hypothesized that changing the growing conditions and leaf age might improve how well it's expressed.

  13. Tracking the potyviral P1 protein in Nicotiana benthamiana plants during plum pox virus infection. (United States)

    Vozárová, Z; Glasa, M; Šubr, Z W

    The P1 protein is derived from the N terminus of potyvirus-coded polyprotein. In addition to the proteolytic activity essential for its maturation, it probably participates in suppression of host defense and/or in virus replication. Clear validation of the P1 in vivo function(s), however, is not yet available. We applied an infectious cDNA clone of plum pox virus (PPV), where the P1 was N-fused with a hexahistidine tag, to trace this protein in Nicotiana benthamiana plants during the PPV infection. Immunoblot analysis with the anti-his antibody showed a diffuse band corresponding to the molecular weight about 70-80 kDa (about twice larger than expected) in the root samples from early stage of infection. This signal culminated on the sixth day post inoculation, later it rapidly disappeared. Sample denaturation by boiling in SDS before centrifugal clarification was essential, indicating strong affinity of P1-his to some plant compound sedimenting with the tissue and cell debris.

  14. Control of seed dormancy in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia: post-imbibition abscisic acid synthesis imposes dormancy maintenance. (United States)

    Grappin, P; Bouinot, D; Sotta, B; Miginiac, E; Jullien, M


    The physiological characteristics of seed dormancy in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. are described. The level of seed dormancy is defined by the delay in seed germination (i.e the time required prior to germination) under favourable environmental conditions. A wild-type line shows a clear primary dormancy, which is suppressed by afterripening, whereas an abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient mutant shows a non-dormant phenotype. We have investigated the role of ABA and gibberellic acid (GA(3)) in the control of dormancy maintenance or breakage during imbibition in suitable conditions. It was found that fluridone, a carotenoid biosynthesis inhibitor, is almost as efficient as GA(3) in breaking dormancy. Dry dormant seeds contained more ABA than dry afterripened seeds and, during early imbibition, there was an accumulation of ABA in dormant seeds, but not in afterripened seeds. In addition, fluridone and exogenous GA(3) inhibited the accumulation of ABA in imbibed dormant seeds. This reveals an important role for ABA synthesis in dormancy maintenance in imbibed seeds.

  15. Regulation of carotenoid and ABA accumulation during the development and germination of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia seeds. (United States)

    Frey, Anne; Boutin, Jean-Pierre; Sotta, Bruno; Mercier, Raphaël; Marion-Poll, Annie


    Abscisic acid (ABA) is derived from epoxycarotenoid cleavage and regulates seed development and maturation. A detailed carotenoid analysis was undertaken to study the contribution of epoxycarotenoid synthesis to the regulation of ABA accumulation in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia developing seeds. Maximal accumulation of xanthophylls occurred at mid-development in wild type seeds, when total ABA levels also peaked. In contrast, in ABA-deficient mutants xanthophyll synthesis was delayed, in agreement with the retardation in seed maturation. Seed dormancy was restored in mutants impaired in the conversion of zeaxanthin into violaxanthin by zeaxanthin epoxidase (ZEP), by the introduction of the Arabidopsis AtZEP gene under the control of promoters inducing expression during later stages of seed development compared to wild type NpZEP, and in dry and imbibed seeds. Alterations in the timing and level of ZEP expression did not highly affect the temporal regulation of ABA accumulation in transgenic seeds, despite notable perturbations in xanthophyll accumulation. Therefore, major regulatory control of ABA accumulation might occur downstream of epoxycarotenoid synthesis.

  16. The Subcellular Localization and Functional Analysis of Fibrillarin2, a Nucleolar Protein in Nicotiana benthamiana

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    Luping Zheng


    Full Text Available Nucleolar proteins play important roles in plant cytology, growth, and development. Fibrillarin2 is a nucleolar protein of Nicotiana benthamiana (N. benthamiana. Its cDNA was amplified by RT-PCR and inserted into expression vector pEarley101 labeled with yellow fluorescent protein (YFP. The fusion protein was localized in the nucleolus and Cajal body of leaf epidermal cells of N. benthamiana. The N. benthamiana fibrillarin2 (NbFib2 protein has three functional domains (i.e., glycine and arginine rich domain, RNA-binding domain, and α-helical domain and a nuclear localization signal (NLS in C-terminal. The protein 3D structure analysis predicted that NbFib2 is an α/β protein. In addition, the virus induced gene silencing (VIGS approach was used to determine the function of NbFib2. Our results showed that symptoms including growth retardation, organ deformation, chlorosis, and necrosis appeared in NbFib2-silenced N. benthamiana.

  17. Expression of ACC oxidase promoter-GUS fusions in tomato and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia regulated by developmental and environmental stimuli. (United States)

    Blume, B; Grierson, D


    The enzyme ACC oxidase, catalysing the last step in the biosynthesis of the plant hormone ethylene, is encoded by a small multigene family in tomato, comprising three members, LEACO1, LEACO2 and LEACO3. LEACO1 is the major gene expressed during ripening, leaf senescence, and wounding (Barry et al., 1996). To investigate the transcriptional regulation of ACC oxidase gene expression, chimeric fusions between the beta-glucuronidase reporter gene and 97 bp of 5' UTR plus 124, 396 and 1825 bp, respectively, of 5' untranscribed LEACO1 sequence were constructed and introduced into Lycopersicon esculentum (Mill cv. Ailsa Craig) and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Analysis of transgenic tomatoes indicated that the region containing nucleotides -124 to +97 of the LEACO1 gene is sufficient to confer a marked increase in GUS activity during fruit ripening, albeit at very low levels. Fusion of 396 and 1825 bp of LEACO1 upstream sequence resulted in strong and specific induction of GUS expression in situations known to be accompanied by enhanced ethylene production. Reporter gene expression was similar to that of the endogenous LEACO1 gene, with major increases especially during fruit ripening, senescence and abscission of leaves and, to a lesser extent, of flowers. Analysis of transgenic N. plumbaginifolia plants confirmed the pattern of LEACO1 promoter activity detected in tomato leaves and flowers. Reporter gene expression was also induced following wounding, treatment with ethylene, and pathogen infection. Histochemical analysis illustrated localized GUS activity in the pericarp of ripening fruit, abscission zones of senescent petioles and unfertilized flowers, and at wound sites. These results demonstrate that ACC oxidase is regulated at the transcriptional level in a wide range of cell types at different developmental stages and in response to several external stimuli.

  18. Heterologous Expression of Moss Light-harvesting Complex Stress-related 1 (LHCSR1), the Chlorophyll a-Xanthophyll Pigment-protein Complex Catalyzing Non-photochemical Quenching, in Nicotiana sp.* (United States)

    Pinnola, Alberta; Ghin, Leonardo; Gecchele, Elisa; Merlin, Matilde; Alboresi, Alessandro; Avesani, Linda; Pezzotti, Mario; Capaldi, Stefano; Cazzaniga, Stefano; Bassi, Roberto


    Oxygenic photosynthetic organisms evolved mechanisms for thermal dissipation of energy absorbed in excess to prevent formation of reactive oxygen species. The major and fastest component, called non-photochemical quenching, occurs within the photosystem II antenna system by the action of two essential light-harvesting complex (LHC)-like proteins, photosystem II subunit S (PSBS) in plants and light-harvesting complex stress-related (LHCSR) in green algae and diatoms. In the evolutionary intermediate Physcomitrella patens, a moss, both gene products are active. These proteins, which are present in low amounts, are difficult to purify, preventing structural and functional analysis. Here, we report on the overexpression of the LHCSR1 protein from P. patens in the heterologous systems Nicotiana benthamiana and Nicotiana tabacum using transient and stable nuclear transformation. We show that the protein accumulated in both heterologous systems is in its mature form, localizes in the chloroplast thylakoid membranes, and is correctly folded with chlorophyll a and xanthophylls but without chlorophyll b, an essential chromophore for plants and algal LHC proteins. Finally, we show that recombinant LHCSR1 is active in quenching in vivo, implying that the recombinant protein obtained is a good material for future structural and functional studies. PMID:26260788

  19. Flora vascular y vegetación del humedal de Santa Rosa (Chancay, Lima

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    Dámaso W. Ramirez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo muestra los resultados de un estudio de la flora y vegetación del humedal de Santa Rosa (Chancay, Lima realizado entre los años 2007 y 2009. La flora vascular estuvo conformada por 66 especies agrupadas en 57 géneros y 26 familias. Las Poaceae (16, Cyperaceae (6 y Asteraceae (6 fueron las familias más diversas y constituyeron el 42% de la flora total. En comparación con los principales humedales de Lima, Santa Rosa presenta un mayor número de especies (Pantanos de Villa (65, Paraíso (26 y Medio Mundo (16. El análisis de similitud florística muestra que Santa Rosa es más semejante a Los Pantanos de Villa (Lima. El Análisis de Correspondencia (AC determinó tres comunidades vegetales predominantes: a Comunidad de acuáticas flotantes, b Totoral y asociadas y c Vega Mixta. Se considera que los cambios en la estructura de las comunidades vegetales y el número de especies introducidas son indicadores del impacto antrópico al que está sometido este ecosistema. Se identifican las fuentes de impacto humano y se considera a la agricultura como la principal amenaza del humedal.

  20. Expression Studies of the Zeaxanthin Epoxidase Gene in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia1 (United States)

    Audran, Corinne; Borel, Charlotte; Frey, Anne; Sotta, Bruno; Meyer, Christian; Simonneau, Thierry; Marion-Poll, Annie


    Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone involved in the control of a wide range of physiological processes, including adaptation to environmental stress and seed development. In higher plants ABA is a breakdown product of xanthophyll carotenoids (C40) via the C15 intermediate xanthoxin. The ABA2 gene of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia encodes zeaxanthin epoxidase, which catalyzes the conversion of zeaxanthin to violaxanthin. In this study we analyzed steady-state levels of ABA2 mRNA in N. plumbaginifolia. The ABA2 mRNA accumulated in all plant organs, but transcript levels were found to be higher in aerial parts (stems and leaves) than in roots and seeds. In leaves ABA2 mRNA accumulation displayed a day/night cycle; however, the ABA2 protein level remained constant. In roots no diurnal fluctuation in mRNA levels was observed. In seeds the ABA2 mRNA level peaked around the middle of development, when ABA content has been shown to increase in many species. In conditions of drought stress, ABA levels increased in both leaves and roots. A concomitant accumulation of ABA2 mRNA was observed in roots but not in leaves. These results are discussed in relation to the role of zeaxanthin epoxidase both in the xanthophyll cycle and in the synthesis of ABA precursors. PMID:9808747


    Nicotiana , no manifestations of the mould were observed on the species of N. debneyi and N. exigua. Very weak symptoms appeared in N. paniculata and N... plumbaginifolia . In the group of cigarette-tobacco varieties only the Hicks Resistant and Hicks fixed A2 (varieties of Australian origin, obtained by

  2. Non-host Plant Resistance against Phytophthora capsici Is Mediated in Part by Members of the I2 R Gene Family in Nicotiana spp. (United States)

    Vega-Arreguín, Julio C; Shimada-Beltrán, Harumi; Sevillano-Serrano, Jacobo; Moffett, Peter


    The identification of host genes associated with resistance to Phytophthora capsici is crucial to developing strategies of control against this oomycete pathogen. Since there are few sources of resistance to P. capsici in crop plants, non-host plants represent a promising source of resistance genes as well as excellent models to study P. capsici - plant interactions. We have previously shown that non-host resistance to P. capsici in Nicotiana spp. is mediated by the recognition of a specific P. capsici effector protein, PcAvr3a1 in a manner that suggests the involvement of a cognate disease resistance (R) genes. Here, we have used virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) and transgenic tobacco plants expressing dsRNA in Nicotiana spp. to identify candidate R genes that mediate non-host resistance to P. capsici . Silencing of members of the I2 multigene family in the partially resistant plant N. edwardsonii and in the resistant N. tabacum resulted in compromised resistance to P. capsici . VIGS of two other components required for R gene-mediated resistance, EDS1 and SGT1 , also enhanced susceptibility to P. capsici in N. edwardsonii , as well as in the susceptible plants N. benthamiana and N. clevelandii . The silencing of I2 family members in N. tabacum also compromised the recognition of PcAvr3a1. These results indicate that in this case, non-host resistance is mediated by the same components normally associated with race-specific resistance.

  3. Perfil fitoquímico, actividad anti-Leishmania, hemolítica y toxicológica de Cordia dentata Poir. y Heliotropium indicum L.


    Espitia-Baena, Jorge Eliecer; Robledo-Restrepo, Sara María; Soraya Cuadrado-Cano, Bernarda; Duran-Sandoval, Harriette del Rosario; Gómez-Estrada, Harold Alberto


    Introducción: la leishmaniasis constituye un grave problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. En Colombia, la forma clínica cutánea tiene la mayor incidencia y es causada principalmente por especies de Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis. Dado que los tratamientos disponibles para esta enfermedad resultan ineficaces, es necesaria la búsqueda de nuevos agentes terapéuticos en especies vegetales utilizadas por la medicina popular. Objetivo: evaluar el perfil fitoquímico, la actividad hemolítica, ci...

  4. Structural characterisation of galactoglucomannan secreted by suspension-cultured cells of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Sims, I M; Craik, D J; Bacic, A


    Galactoglucomannan (GGM) from cultures of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia has Man:Glc:Gal:Ara:Xyl in 1.0:1.1:1.0:0.1:0.04 ratio. Linkage analysis contained 4- and 4,6-Manp, 4-Glcp, terminal Galp and 2-Galp, small amounts and terminal Arap and terminal Xylp, and approximately 0.03 mol acetyl per mol of glucosyl residue. Treatment with alpha- and beta-D-galactosidases showed that the majority of the side-chains were either single Galp-alpha-(1-->residues or the disaccharide Galp-beta-(1-->2)-Galp-alpha-(1-->linked to O-6 of the 4-Manp residues of the glucomannan backbone. Analysis of the oligosaccharides generated by endo-(1-->4)-beta-mannanase digestion confirmed that the GGM comprises a backbone of predominantly alternating-->4)-D-Manp-beta-(1-->and-->4)-D-Glcp-beta-(1-->branch ed at O-6 of 65% of the 4-Manp residues. The major oligosaccharide identified was D-Glcp-beta-(1-->4)-[D-Galp-beta-(1-->2)-D-Galp-alpha-(1-->6)]-D-Man p-beta-(1-->4)-D-Glcp-beta-(1-->4)-[D-Galp-alpha-(1-->6)]-D-Manp -beta-(1-->(27%), and most of the other oligosaccharides produced in significant quantities were based on this structure.

  5. Cloning and characterization of a 9-lipoxygenase gene induced by pathogen attack from Nicotiana benthamiana for biotechnological application

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    Schwab Wilfried


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Plant lipoxygenases (LOXs have been proposed to form biologically active compounds both during normal developmental stages such as germination or growth as well as during responses to environmental stress such as wounding or pathogen attack. In our previous study, we found that enzyme activity of endogenous 9-LOX in Nicotiana benthamiana was highly induced by agroinfiltration using a tobacco mosaic virus (TMV based vector system. Results A LOX gene which is expressed after treatment of the viral vectors was isolated from Nicotiana benthamiana. As the encoded LOX has a high amino acid identity to other 9-LOX proteins, the gene was named as Nb-9-LOX. It was heterologously expressed in yeast cells and its enzymatic activity was characterized. The yeast cells expressed large quantities of stable 9-LOX (0.9 U ml-1 cell cultures which can oxygenate linoleic acid resulting in high yields (18 μmol ml-1 cell cultures of hydroperoxy fatty acid. The product specificity of Nb-9-LOX was examined by incubation of linoleic acid and Nb-9-LOX in combination with a 13-hydroperoxide lyase from watermelon (Cl-13-HPL or a 9/13-hydroperoxide lyase from melon (Cm-9/13-HPL and by LC-MS analysis. The result showed that Nb-9-LOX possesses both 9- and 13-LOX specificity, with high predominance for the 9-LOX function. The combination of recombinant Nb-9-LOX and recombinant Cm-9/13-HPL produced large amounts of C9-aldehydes (3.3 μmol mg-1 crude protein. The yield of C9-aldehydes from linoleic acid was 64%. Conclusion The yeast expressed Nb-9-LOX can be used to produce C9-aldehydes on a large scale in combination with a HPL gene with 9-HPL function, or to effectively produce 9-hydroxy-10(E,12(Z-octadecadienoic acid in a biocatalytic process in combination with cysteine as a mild reducing agent.

  6. Una nueva especie de Aragoa

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    Romero Castañeda Rafael


    Full Text Available Especie bien caracterizada, fácilmente distinguible de las hasta ahora conocidas, por sus hojas verticiladas de a tres, espatuladas y el tallo completamente glabro lo mismo que las ramas.  Por sus hojas carinadas y el tallo glabro se acerca a Aragoa occidentalis, siendo distinta en lo demás; por las hojas carinadas es afín de A. cupressina. pero presenta con ésta y las restantes especies, notable diferencia.  Especie dedicada al doctor Armando Dugand Gnecco, botánico colombiano cuyos estudios sobre la flora nacional son de gran importancia.

  7. Antimicrobial Activity of Bacteriophage Endolysin Produced in Nicotiana benthamiana Plants. (United States)

    Kovalskaya, Natalia; Foster-Frey, Juli; Donovan, David M; Bauchan, Gary; Hammond, Rosemarie W


    The increasing spread of antibiotic-resistant pathogens has raised the interest in alternative antimicrobial treatments. In our study, the functionally active gram-negative bacterium bacteriophage CP933 endolysin was produced in Nicotiana benthamiana plants by a combination of transient expression and vacuole targeting strategies, and its antimicrobial activity was investigated. Expression of the cp933 gene in E. coli led to growth inhibition and lysis of the host cells or production of trace amounts of CP933. Cytoplasmic expression of the cp933 gene in plants using Potato virus X-based transient expression vectors (pP2C2S and pGR107) resulted in death of the apical portion of experimental plants. To protect plants against the toxic effects of the CP933 protein, the cp933 coding region was fused at its Nterminus to an N-terminal signal peptide from the potato proteinase inhibitor I to direct CP933 to the delta-type vacuoles. Plants producing the CP933 fusion protein did not exhibit the severe toxic effects seen with the unfused protein and the level of expression was 0.16 mg/g of plant tissue. Antimicrobial assays revealed that, in contrast to gram-negative bacterium E. coli (BL21(DE3)), the gram-positive plant pathogenic bacterium Clavibacter michiganensis was more susceptible to the plant-produced CP933, showing 18% growth inhibition. The results of our experiments demonstrate that the combination of transient expression and protein targeting to the delta vacuoles is a promising approach to produce functionally active proteins that exhibit toxicity when expressed in plant cells.

  8. Alamethicin permeabilizes the plasma membrane and mitochondria but not the tonoplast in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Bright Yellow) suspension cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Matic, S.; Geisler, D.A.; Møller, I.M.


    remained intact, as indicated by an unaffected tonoplast proton gradient. Low-flux permeabilization of plasma membranes and mitochondria at moderate AlaM concentrations was reversible and did not affect cell vigour. Higher AlaM concentrations induced cell death. After the addition of catalase that removes...... concentrations. Possible uses and limitations of this method for plant cell research are discussed.......The ion channel-forming peptide AlaM (alamethicin) is known to permeabilize isolated mitochondria as well as animal cells. When intact tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Bright Yellow-2 cells were treated with AlaM, the cells became permeable for low-molecular-mass molecules as shown by induced leakage...

  9. Uso del agua y productividad de los bosques nativos e implantados en el NO de la Patagonia: aproximaciones desde la ecohidrología y la ecofisiología


    Gyenge, Javier E; Fernández, M Elena; Licata, Julián; Weigandt, Mariana; Bond, Barbara J; Schlichter, Tomás M


    Existe preocupación por el posible uso excesivo de agua de las forestaciones con especies exóticas de rápido crecimiento en comparación con las especies nativas a las cuales reemplazan en la región NO de la Patagonia. Debido a ello, se han realizado estudios de productividad, consumo y eficiencia en el uso del agua tanto en plantaciones de especies exóticas como en sistemas vegetales naturales en zonas con distintos niveles de déficit hídrico. Esto se llevó a cabo mediante aproximaciones ecoh...

  10. Changes in polyphenol and sugar concentrations in wild type and genetically modified Nicotiana langsdorffii Weinmann in response to water and heat stress. (United States)

    Ancillotti, Claudia; Bogani, Patrizia; Biricolti, Stefano; Calistri, Elisa; Checchini, Leonardo; Ciofi, Lorenzo; Gonnelli, Cristina; Del Bubba, Massimo


    In this study wild type Nicotiana langsdorffii plants were genetically transformed by the insertion of the rat gene (gr) encoding the glucocorticoid receptor or the rolC gene and exposed to water and heat stress. Water stress was induced for 15 days by adding 20% PEG 6000 in the growth medium, whereas the heat treatment was performed at 50 °C for 2 h, after that a re-growing capability study was carried out. The plant response to stress was investigated by determining electrolyte leakage, dry weight biomass production and water content. These data were evaluated in relation to antiradical activity and concentrations of total polyphenols, selected phenolic compounds and some soluble sugars, as biochemical indicators of metabolic changes due to gene insertion and/or stress treatments. As regards the water stress, the measured physiological parameters evidenced an increasing stress level in the order rolC < gr < WT plants (e.g. about 100% and 50% electrolyte leakage increase in WT and gr samples, respectively) and complied with the biochemical pattern, which consisted in a general decrease of antiradical activity and phenolics, together with an increase in sugars. As regard heat stress, electrolyte leakage data were only in partial agreement with the re-growing capability study. In fact, according to this latter evaluation, gr was the genotype less affected by the heat shock. In this regard, sugars and especially phenolic compounds are informative of the long-term effects due to heat shock treatment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. Clasificación, estructura y diversidad del matorral submontano adyacente a la planicie costera del Golfo Norte en el Noreste de México


    Estrada-Castillón, Eduardo; Villarreal-Quintanilla, José A.; Jurado-Ybarra, Enrique; Cantú-Ayala, César; García-Aranda, Mario Alberto; Sánchez-Salas, Jaime; Jiménez-Pérez, Javier; Pando-Moreno, Marisela


    Se estudió el matorral submontano adyacente a la Llanura Costera del Golfo en el estado de Nuevo León. Se registraron los valores de cobertura, densidad, altura, frecuencia y valor de importancia de todas las arbustivas presentes en los 39 sitios de muestreo. Se registraron 233 taxa, que incluyen 55 familias, 150 géneros y 228 especies de plantas vasculares. Del total de especies, 39 de ellas definen cerca del 95% de las diferentes asociaciones vegetales del matorral submontano. Se registran ...

  12. Informe científico de investigador: Villata, Laura Sofía (2012-2013)


    Villata, Laura Sofía


    En el presente período se estudiaron las reacciones entre compuestos polifenólicos y especies radicalarias. Se trabajó con flavonas (Apigenina) y flavanonas (Naringenina, Hesperetina)[1,2]. Estas sustancias presentes principalmente en cítricos, naranja, limón mandarina y pomelo, también en orégano, tomillo y otras especies vegetales que se utilizan tanto como condimentos aromáticos así también para preparar infusiones presentan de conocida acción antioxidante [3-5]. Se realizaron es...

  13. Peonías de Venezuela utilizadas en la confección de artesanías


    Rondón Rangel, José Armando


    Se presenta información sobre las especies vegetales que producen las semillas conocidas como Peonías o Pionías, caracterizadas por sus colores rojo, rojo y negro, con la cubierta o testa dura que permite sean utilizadas en la confección artesanal de adornos corporales ornamentales. Se encontraron 34 especies distribuidas en los géneros Abrus (1), Dussia (3), Erythrina (7), Ormosia (20) y Rynchosia (2) de la familia Fabaceae (Papilionaceae), y del género Adenanthera (1) de la familia Mimosace...

  14. Identification, isolation, and N-terminal sequencing of style glycoproteins associated with self-incompatibility in Nicotiana alata. (United States)

    Jahnen, W; Batterham, M P; Clarke, A E; Moritz, R L; Simpson, R J


    S-Gene-associated glycoproteins (S-glycoproteins) from styles of Nicotiana alata, identified by non-equilibrium two-dimensional electrophoresis, were purified by cation exchange fast protein liquid chromatography with yields of 0.5 to 8 micrograms of protein per style, depending on the S-genotype of the plant. The method relies on the highly basic nature of the S-glycoproteins. The elution profiles of the different S-glycoproteins from the fast protein liquid chromatography column were characteristic of each S-glycoprotein, and could be used to establish the S-genotype of plants in outbreeding populations. In all cases, the S-genotype predicted from the style protein profile corresponded to that predicted from DNA gel blot analysis using S-allele-specific DNA probes and to that established by conventional breeding tests. Amino-terminal sequences of five purified S-glycoproteins showed a high degree of homology with the previously published sequences of N. alata and Lycopersicon esculentum S-glycoproteins.

  15. Methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism-based genome-wide analysis of cytosine methylation profiles in Nicotiana tabacum cultivars. (United States)

    Jiao, J; Wu, J; Lv, Z; Sun, C; Gao, L; Yan, X; Cui, L; Tang, Z; Yan, B; Jia, Y


    This study aimed to investigate cytosine methylation profiles in different tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cultivars grown in China. Methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism was used to analyze genome-wide global methylation profiles in four tobacco cultivars (Yunyan 85, NC89, K326, and Yunyan 87). Amplicons with methylated C motifs were cloned by reamplified polymerase chain reaction, sequenced, and analyzed. The results show that geographical location had a greater effect on methylation patterns in the tobacco genome than did sampling time. Analysis of the CG dinucleotide distribution in methylation-sensitive polymorphic restriction fragments suggested that a CpG dinucleotide cluster-enriched area is a possible site of cytosine methylation in the tobacco genome. The sequence alignments of the Nia1 gene (that encodes nitrate reductase) in Yunyan 87 in different regions indicate that a C-T transition might be responsible for the tobacco phenotype. T-C nucleotide replacement might also be responsible for the tobacco phenotype and may be influenced by geographical location.

  16. Unpredictability of nectar nicotine promotes outcrossing by hummingbirds in Nicotiana attenuata. (United States)

    Kessler, Danny; Bhattacharya, Samik; Diezel, Celia; Rothe, Eva; Gase, Klaus; Schöttner, Matthias; Baldwin, Ian T


    Many plants use sophisticated strategies to maximize their reproductive success via outcrossing. Nicotiana attenuata flowers produce nectar with nicotine at concentrations that are repellent to hummingbirds, increasing the number of flowers visited per plant. In choice tests using native hummingbirds, we show that these important pollinators learn to tolerate high-nicotine nectar but prefer low-nicotine nectar, and show no signs of nicotine addiction. Nectar nicotine concentrations, unlike those of other vegetative tissues, are unpredictably variable among flowers, not only among populations, but also within populations, and even among flowers within an inflorescence. To evaluate whether variations in nectar nicotine concentrations increase outcrossing, polymorphic microsatellite markers, optimized to evaluate paternity in native N. attenuata populations, were used to compare outcrossing in plants silenced for expression of a biosynthetic gene for nicotine production (Napmt1/2) and in control empty vector plants, which were antherectomized and transplanted into native populations. When only exposed to hummingbird pollinators, seeds produced by flowers with nicotine in their nectar had a greater number of genetically different sires, compared to seeds from nicotine-free flowers. As the variation in nectar nicotine levels among flowers in an inflorescence decreased in N. attenuata plants silenced in various combinations of three Dicer-like (DCL) proteins, small RNAs are probably involved in the unpredictable variation in nectar nicotine levels within a plant. © 2012 The Authors. The Plant Journal © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  17. Efecto del suplemento de aceites vegetales sobre el perfil lipídico en ratas wistar.

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    Elpidia Poveda


    Full Text Available Introducción. Se informan efectos sobre el perfil lipídico por acción de los tocoferoles, tocotrienoles y ácidos grasos saturados, monoinsaturados y poliinsaturados. Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto del consumo de aceites vegetales de alta utilización en Colombia (palma, soya, maíz, girasol y canola sobre las concentraciones sanguíneas de triglicéridos, colesterol total y colesterol-HDL en ratas Wistar. Metodología. Se cuantificaron tocoferoles, tocotrienoles y ácidos grasos de los aceites por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución. A los animales se les suministró un suplemento de 0,2 ml/día de aceite durante 4 semanas; se sacrificó un gru o de cada tratamiento (grupos tratados con aceite de palma, aceite de soya, aceite de maíz, aceite de girasol y aceite de canola para obtener muestras de sangre y cuantificar triglicéridos, colesterol total y colesterol- HDL. Los datos se analizaron según media, desviación estándar, análisis de varianza y Bonferroni. Resultados. No se presentaron diferencias en los triglicéridos a excepción del grupo control versus soya en la tercera semana de tratamiento; se observó también una tendencia a la disminución en el grupo de palma y al aumento en los de girasol y canola. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en colesterol total en ninguna de las semanas de intervención. Se presentaron diferencias en las concentraciones de colesterol HDL en las semanas de tratamiento (p=0,005, una tendencia a la disminución en el grupo de palma y al aumento en el grupo de girasol y maíz. Conclusión. Los aceites modifican el perfil lipídico; el bajo contenido de ácidos grasos saturados, el contenido de tocoferoles y tocotrienoles son favorables para el aumento del colesterol HDL; los tocotrienoles probablemente disminuyen los troglicéridos y atenúan las respuestas desfavorables de los ácidos grasos saturados.

  18. Biodiversidad de la flora del flanco oriental del Cordón del Plata (Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Catálogo florístico Biodiversity of the flora of the eastern slope of the Cordón del Plata (Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina

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    Eduardo Méndez


    Full Text Available La biodiversidad de la flora de la vertiente oriental del Cordón del Plata, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina se analizó a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal, entre los 1200 y 4500 m s.n.m. Para ello se utilizó la lista florística de las especies de 89 comunidades vegetales distribuidas en 14 unidades de vegetación, 5 pisos de vegetación y 3 unidades fitogeográficas. Para cada especie se consideró su distribución en los grupos de comunidades vegetales, ubicación fitogeográfica, formas de vida, origen y registro de colección. La flora examinada contiene 667 especies vegetales que se corresponden con 338 géneros y 82 familias. Las familias están representadas por 8 Pteridophyta, 1 Gymnospermae y 73 Angiospermae, con 12 Monocotyledoneae y 61 Dicotyledoneae. Las familias mejor representadas son Asteraceae y Poaceae que tienen en conjunto 110 géneros y 249 especies. Los géneros Senecio, Baccharis y Adesmia son los más ricos en especies. Aproximadamente el 20 % de las especies son endémicas de Argentina. La flora del área se la compara con la del país, la provincia y la de otras áreas.Floristic catalogue. The floristic biodiversity of the eastern slope of the Cordón del Plata, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, was studied along an altitudinal gradient, between 1200 and 4500 m a.s.l. For this we used a floristic list of 89 plant communities, distributed in 14 vegetation types, 5 vegetation belts and 3 phytogeographic units. For each of the species, its distribution in the groups of plant communities, phytogeographic position, life form, biogeographical origin, and registration of each collection was considered. The studied flora has 667 species, corresponding to 338 genera and 82 families. There are 8 Pteridophyta, 1 Gymnospermae, and 73 Angiospermae, of which 12 are Monocotyledons and 61 Dicotyledons. The most represented families are Asteraceae and Poaceae, which in total have 110 genera and 249 species. The most species

  19. Soft material-based microculture system having air permeable cover sheet for the protoplast culture of Nicotiana tabacum. (United States)

    Ju, Jong Il; Ko, Jung-Moon; Kim, So Hyeon; Baek, Ju Yeoul; Cha, Hyeon-Cheol; Lee, Sang Hoon


    In plant cell culture, the delivery of nutrition and gas (mainly oxygen) to the cells is the most important factor for viability. In this paper, we propose a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based microculture system that is designed to have good aeration. PDMS is known to have excellent air permeability, and through the experimental method, we investigated the relation between the degree of air delivery and the thickness of the PDMS sheet covering the culture chamber. We determined the proper thickness of the cover sheet, and cultured protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum in a culture chamber covered with a PDMS sheet having thickness of 400 microm. The cells were successfully divided, and lived well inside the culture chamber for 10 days. In addition, protoplasts were cultured inside the culture chambers covered with the cover glass and the PDMS sheet, respectively, and the microcolonies were formed well inside the PDMS covered chamber after 10 days.

  20. Uridine 5′-Monophosphate Synthase Is Transcriptionally Regulated by Pyrimidine Levels in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia1 (United States)

    Santoso, Djoko; Thornburg, Robert


    To understand the regulation and expression of pyrimidine biosynthesis in plants, we have examined the effect of the metabolic inhibitor 5-fluoroorotic acid (FOA) on uridine-5′-monophosphate synthase (UMPSase) expression in cell cultures of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. UMPSase is the rate-limiting step of pyrimidine biosynthesis in plants. Addition of FOA causes an up-regulation of UMPSase enzyme activity in cell cultures after a lag phase of several days. Western-blot analysis demonstrated that the up-regulation in enzyme activity was caused by increased expression of the UMPSase protein. Northern-blot analysis demonstrated a higher level of UMPSase mRNA in the FOA-induced tissues than in control tissues. Run-on transcriptional assays showed that the UMPSase gene was transcriptionally activated after FOA treatment. The mechanism of toxicity of FOA is through thymine starvation. We found that addition of thymine abrogated the FOA-mediated up-regulation of UMPSase. In addition, methotrexate and aminopterin, which affect thymine levels by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase, also up-regulate UMPSase in N. plumbaginifolia cells. PMID:9490773

  1. Growth of nicotiana in response to atmospheric CO sub 2 enrichment and various light regimes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pope, S.; Thomas, J.F. (North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh (USA))


    Nicotiana tabacum NCTG-22, N. tabacum Petite Havana and N. plumbaginifolia were grown in chambers (24 C, 12-h light) under daytime atmospheric CO{sub 2} levels of 340 ppm (ambient) or 1000 ppm (enriched). All 3 types of tobacco grew faster and had open flowers sooner under CO2 enrichment, but patterns of dry weight distribution varied with type of tobacco. In N. plumbaginifolia significant proportions of dry weight were allocated to stems and branches, while in tabacum types, less was allocated to stems and more to leaves and roots. Increases in dry weight due to CO2 enrichment were accompanied by increases in leaf area and thickness. Plants given a far-red low intensity night break exhibited few differences from controls except having thinner leaves under ambient CO2; but under enriched CO2, had greater total dry weight and thicker leaves containing a higher proportion of spongy mesophyll than controls. A 50% reduction in light intensity led to a comparable reduction in dry weight and leaf area across treatments.

  2. Valoración Biogeográfica de los Paisajes Vegetales de Las Bardenas Reales de Navarra a través de la Metodología LANBIOEVA

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    Pedro José Lozano-Valencia


    Full Text Available El territorio de las Bardenas de Navarra configura uno de los paisajes más originales e infrecuentes de Europa. El relieve tabular estructural del Terciario ha sido modelado mayoritariamente en forma de badlands en un contexto climático de precipitaciones escasas y concentradas, temperaturas rigurosas tanto en invierno como en verano y vientos persistentes. Este contexto ambiental configura un paisaje vegetal de carácter estepario y con ciertas reminiscencias de zonas áridas o semiáridas. Es precisamente este interés el que nos lleva a caracterizar y valorar sus agrupaciones vegetales a través de la metodología LANBIOEVA. El método se aplica de forma sistemática de manera que las evaluaciones para cada uno de los criterios y subcriterios puedan ser comparadas con las obtenidas durante más de 25 años en otros ámbitos y formaciones a escala global. Destacan con valoraciones altas el pinar de Pinus halepensis y, sobre todo, el carrascal de Quercus ilex ssp. rotundifolia. Por su parte, las puntuaciones más bajas se registran para el coscojar de Quercus coccifera.

  3. Forest species in the recovery of soils contaminated with copper due to mining activities

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    Roberto Pizarro


    Full Text Available La minería es la actividad económica más importante de Chile, la cual causa degradación significativa en las regiones áridas. Los suelos de la Región de Coquimbo han sufrido contaminación metales pesados provenientes de la minería, particularmente cobre. La implementación de medidas, que ayuden a minimizar el impacto ambiental de los relaves mineros, requiere conocer la capacidad de adaptación de especies vegetales ante la degradación de suelos contaminados. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar y comparar la capacidad de fitoestabilización de especies vegetales nativas y exóticas en áreas degradadas por la actividad minera en la Región de Coquimbo. Las tasas de supervivencia, crecimiento y desarrollo del dosel de 20 especies fueron evaluadas en dos ensayos experimentales. La concentración de Cu se evaluó en tallos y hojas de los árboles y en diferentes profundidades del suelo. Los resultados indicaron que Acacia saligna tiene la mejor capacidad de acumulación de metales pesados (34.8 ppm en hojas y 12.3 ppm en tallos, ambos en suelos sin fertilizar, con tasas de supervivencia mayores de 80 %. Se concluye que A. saligna es la mejor especie para actividades de fitoestabilización en relaves mineros de la Región de Coquimbo.

  4. Some tree species of ecological importance in Mexico: A documentary review

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    Marín Pompa-García


    Full Text Available Introducción: El reconocimiento de la diversidad florística que México posee a nivel mundial ha propiciado un creciente interés por documentar la importancia ecológica de sus especies. Objetivo: En este trabajo se presenta una compilación de la literatura científica en la cual se estudian especies forestales mexicanas por su valoración de importancia, dominancia y abundancia. M ateriales y métodos: Se recopilaron 161 estudios publicados desde 1980 hasta 2015, mediante buscadores especializados como ISI Web of Science, Science Direct, Google Scholar , Latindex, SciELO y a través de palabras clave predefinidas. Se analizan las tendencias y se sugieren perspectivas de investigación para mejorar el estado actual del conocimiento sobre las comunidades vegetales. Resultados y discusión: De acuerdo con el an álisis de los estudios , el número de publicaciones incrementó 46 % en los últimos cinco años. Las revistas mexicanas reportan la mayor cantidad de contribuciones (69 % enfocadas principalmente en la selva baja caducifolia (19 %. Las especies predominantes corresponden a los géneros Quercus (Fagaceae, Pinus (Pinaceae, Acacia (Fabaceae y Bursera (Burseraceae. Conclusion: El incremento de las publicaciones durante los últimos años es evidencia del interés creciente en este ámbito; sin embargo, los trabajos realizados para especies o comundades vegetales con alguna categoría de riesgo tienen baja frecuencia en la literatura.

  5. Genetic Diversity in Haploid Nicotiana alata Induced by Gamma Irradiation, Salt Tolerance and Detection of These Differences by RAPD

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    Ayman EL-FIKI


    Full Text Available Haploid plants of Nicotiana alata were cultured in vitro on MS medium with IAA + KIN. The resulting plantlets were irradiated using gamma radiation doses of 10, 15, 20 and 25 Gy. Single node pieces were cut and transferred onto fresh MS medium. Gamma radiation doses caused the death of 9% and up to 28% of explants. NaCl concentrations caused the death of 8% up to 36% of explants, while the combined effect between gamma radiation doses and salinity had an impact suffused on the percentage of survival. The combined effect of gamma radiation doses 20 Gy and 25 Gy on NaCl concentrations of 100, 150 and 200 mM were deadly. Even more, the combined effect of gamma radiation doses and salinity had a severe negative impact on both the proline content and total soluble protein. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD analysis was used to determine the degree of genetic variation in treated haploid Nicotiana alata plants. Total genomic DNAs from different haploid plantlets treated were amplified using five arbitrary primers. Two hundred and seventy bands were detected from plantlets irradiated with doses of 15, 20 and 25 Gy, with polymorphic band number 226 (83.7%. The total number of bands resulted from plant grew on 150 mM and 200 mM NaCl were 260 bands with polymorphic bands 185 (85.6%. However, the total number of bands produced from combined effects between gamma rays and salinity (20 Gy X 50 mM NaCl, 20 Gy X 100 mM NaCl and 25 Gy X 50 mM NaCl were 270, with polymorphic band number 231 (85.5%. High similarity between treatments was revealed. Treatments relationships were estimated through cluster analysis (UPGMA based on RAPD data.

  6. Ionome changes in Xylella fastidiosa-infected Nicotiana tabacum correlate with virulence and discriminate between subspecies of bacterial isolates. (United States)

    Oliver, J E; Sefick, S A; Parker, J K; Arnold, T; Cobine, P A; De La Fuente, L


    Characterization of ionomes has been used to uncover the basis of nutrient utilization and environmental adaptation of plants. Here, ionomic profiles were used to understand the phenotypic response of a plant to infection by genetically diverse isolates of Xylella fastidiosa, a gram-negative, xylem-limited bacterial plant pathogen. In this study, X. fastidiosa isolates were used to infect a common model host (Nicotiana tabacum 'SR1'), and leaf and sap concentrations of eleven elements together with plant colonization and symptoms were assessed. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed that changes in the ionome were significantly correlated with symptom severity and bacterial populations in host petioles. Moreover, plant ionome modification by infection could be used to differentiate the X. fastidiosa subspecies with which the plant was infected. This report establishes host ionome modification as a phenotypic response to infection.

  7. [Induced expression of Serratia marcescens ribonuclease III gene in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. SR1 tobacco plants]. (United States)

    Zhirnov, I V; Trifonova, E A; Romanova, A V; Filipenko, E A; Sapotsky, M V; Malinovsky, V I; Kochetov, A V; Shumny, V K


    Transgenic Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. SR1 plants, characterized by an increase in the level of dsRNA-specific hydrolytic activity after induction by wounding, were obtained. The Solanum lycopersicum anionic peroxidase gene promoter (new for plant genetic engineering) was for the first time used for the induced expression of the target Serratia marcescens RNase III gene. Upon infection with the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), the transgenic plants of the obtained lines did not differ significantly from the control group in the level of TMV capsid protein accumulation. In general, no delay in the development of the infection symptoms was observed in transgenic plants as compared with the control group. The obtained transgenic plants represent a new model for the study of the biological role of endoribonucleases from the RNase III family, including in molecular mechanisms of resistance to pathogens.

  8. Transcriptome analysis of Nicotiana tabacum infected by Cucumber mosaic virus during systemic symptom development.

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    Jie Lu

    Full Text Available Virus infection of plants may induce a variety of disease symptoms. However, little is known about the molecular mechanism of systemic symptom development in infected plants. Here we performed the first next-generation sequencing study to identify gene expression changes associated with disease development in tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi nc induced by infection with the M strain of Cucumber mosaic virus (M-CMV. Analysis of the tobacco transcriptome by RNA-Seq identified 95,916 unigenes, 34,408 of which were new transcripts by database searches. Deep sequencing was subsequently used to compare the digital gene expression (DGE profiles of the healthy plants with the infected plants at six sequential disease development stages, including vein clearing, mosaic, severe chlorosis, partial and complete recovery, and secondary mosaic. Thousands of differentially expressed genes were identified, and KEGG pathway analysis of these genes suggested that many biological processes, such as photosynthesis, pigment metabolism and plant-pathogen interaction, were involved in systemic symptom development. Our systematic analysis provides comprehensive transcriptomic information regarding systemic symptom development in virus-infected plants. This information will help further our understanding of the detailed mechanisms of plant responses to viral infection.

  9. Large-scale development of PIP and SSR markers and their complementary applied in Nicotiana. (United States)

    Huang, L; Cao, H; Yang, L; Yu, Yu; Wang, Yu


    PIP (Potential Intron Polymorphism) and SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) were used in many species, but large-scale development and combined use of these two markers have not been reported in tobacco. In this study, a total of 12,388 PIP and 76,848 SSR markers were designed and uploaded to a web-accessible database ( E-PCR analysis showed that PIP and SSR rarely overlapped and were strongly complementary in the tobacco genome. The density was 3.07 PIP and 1.72 SSR markers per 10 kb of the known sequences. A total of 153 and 166 alleles were detectedby 22 PIP and 22 SSR markers in 64 Nicotiana accessions. SSR produced higher PIC (polymorphism information content) values and identified more alleles than PIP, whereas PIP could identify larger numbers of rare alleles. Mantel testing demonstrated a high correlation coefficient (r = 0.949, P SSR. The UPGMA dendrogram created from the combined PIP and SSR markers was clearer and more reliable than the individual PIP or SSR dendrograms. It suggested that PIP and SSR can make up the deficiency of molecular markers not only in tobacco but other plant.

  10. Sequence of the non-phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and phylogenetic origin of the gene family. (United States)

    Habenicht, A; Quesada, A; Cerff, R


    A cDNA-library has been constructed from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia seedlings, and the non-phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GapN, EC was isolated by plaque hybridization using the cDNA from pea as a heterologous probe. The cDNA comprises the entire GapN coding region. A putative polyadenylation signal is identified. Phylogenetic analysis based on the deduced amino acid sequences revealed that the GapN gene family represents a separate ancient branch within the aldehyde dehydrogenase superfamily. It can be shown that the GapN gene family and other distinct branches of the superfamily have its phylogenetic origin before the separation of primary life-forms. This further demonstrates that already very early in evolution, a broad diversification of the aldehyde dehydrogenases led to the formation of the superfamily.

  11. Estudio químico de los compuestos lipídicos de las hojas, tallos y flores de Vernonanthura patens (Kunth) H. Rob. (Asteraceae)


    Manzano Santana, Patricia; Miranda Martínez, Migdalia; Montes de Oca Porto, Rodney; Orellana León, Tulio; Abreu Payrol, Juan; Peralta García, Esther L


    Introducción: Vernonanthura patens (Kunth) H. Rob. es una especie que crece silvestre en el Ecuador, para la cual existen escasos antecedentes de estudios químicos y biológicos, y en ninguno de estos se aborda el estudio de fracciones lipídicas. Objetivos: estudiar las fracciones de compuestos lipídicos presentes en las hojas, tallos y flores de la especie. Métodos: la planta se recolectó en estado adulto, en época de floración, los órganos vegetales fueron secados en estufa por separado, se ...

  12. Nuevos registros de hongos marinos en el litoral sur de Guantánamo, Cuba


    Samón Legrá, E.; Enríquez Lavandera, D.


    Por primera vez se realizó la identificación de hongos marinos filamentosos aislados en cuatro playas del litoral sur de la provincia de Guantánamo, Cuba. Para el aislamiento de los hongos se empleó el método indirecto de incubación de sustratos vegetales en cámara húmeda. Se describieron 25 especies de hongos marinos: 18 ascomicetes, seis hongos mitospóricos y un basidiomiceto. De las especies descritas, seis constituyen nuevos registros para el país. Con estos resultados, el número total de...

  13. Fitorremediación en la recuperación de suelos: una visión general

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    Andrea Angélica Bernal Figueroa


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se revisan aspectos fundamentales de la fitorremediación como técnica en la recuperación de suelos, la cual se emplea para eliminar o disminuir la contaminación o degradación de los mismos, por medio de la utilización de especies vegetales. Se encontró que técnicas tales como la fitoextracción, rizofiltración, fitoestabilización, fitodegradación, rizodegradación y fitovolatilización, están determinadas principalmente por el tipo de contaminante, diversidad microbiana y propiedades del suelo. Se mencionan algunos  spectos en cuanto a la nutrición mineral y la tolerancia de las plantas, las principales ventajas y desventajas que ofrece esta técnica, algunas especies empleadas para su implementación y unos estudios de caso. Se concluye que el conocimiento de los procesos fisiológicos en la planta y los compuestos tóxicos, permite que se puedan seleccionar especies vegetales con mayores niveles de tolerancia hacia contaminantes específicos; y adicionalmente, por medio de modificaciones genéticas se puede incrementar la biomasa vegetal, su morfología, densidad radicular o penetración en profundidad, así como favorecer la existencia de asociaciones específicas entre microorganismos y raíces.

  14. Synthesis of viral DNA forms in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplasts inoculated with cassava latent virus (CLV); evidence for the independent replication of one component of the CLV genome.


    Townsend, R; Watts, J; Stanley, J


    Totipotent leaf mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, Viviani were inoculated with cassava latent virus (CLV) or with full length copies of CLV genomic DNAs 1 and 2 excised from replicative forms of M13 clones. Virus specific DNAs began to appear 48-72h after inoculation with virus or cloned DNAs, coincident with the onset of host cell division. Infected cells accumulated supercoiled forms of DNAs 1 and 2 as well as progeny single-stranded (ss) virion (+) sense DNAs representing...

  15. Importance de la terre arable dans la recolonisation vegetale des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Natural resources' mining, especially quarrying contributes to the soil degradation and biodiversity loss. ... that the authorities responsible for the management of quarries and the local authorities must work for the improvement of management plans of quarries with a particular emphasis on the restoration of removed soils.

  16. Gestación y evolución de los paisajes vegetales del ámbito territorial del Jardín Canario. Barranco de Guiniguada. Gran Canaria

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    Antonio Javier Domínguez Medina


    Full Text Available La evolución del paisaje del barranco Guiniguada se aborda a partir de dos vías complementarias. En Ia primera se analizan las variables geomorfológica y climática: dc la interacción entre ellas resulta el paisaje natural original. En la segunda, tras la aparición humana, el análisis se centra en la interrelación hombre-medio natural desde el periodo prehispánico hasta el final del siglo XX. La clave argumental se fundamenta en las variaciones experimentadas por los paisaje vegetales, al tratarse de un factor, de evidente dinamismo, que refleja con nitidez las transformaciones experimentadas por el territorio objeto de estudio.The analysis of the evolution of the Bº Guiniguada landscape is based on two complementary factors. Firstly, the geomorphological and climatic variables are analysed, since the original natural landscape is the outcome of their interaction. Secondly, after humans appeared, the analysis has focused on the relation between huan and natural environment, from the time of the prehispanic population to the end of the 20th century. The arguments for all this are baced on the variations suffered by the vegetation landscape. This factor, which presents an obvious dynamism, clearly reflects the changes undergone by the target site.


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    Hernández Juliana


    Full Text Available Con base en los lineamientos metodológicos de la escuela sigmatista-Zurich-Montpellier, se diferenciaron 14 comunidades vegetales que se distribuyen en losdiferentes ambientes que incluye una serie ecológica hídrica en el humedal deJaboque, Bogotá, Colombia. En la vegetación de ribera predominan los juncalesde Schoenoplectus californicus, de Juncus effusus y el totoral de Typha latifolia.En ambientes pantanosos ya sea en las orillas o en zonas que se han terrizado alinterior de la cubeta, arraigan los herbazales de Polypogon elongatum, de Rumexconglomeratus y el cortaderal de Carex luridiformis. En las zonas de transiciónentre los ambientes acuáticos y continentales, se ubican los camalotales, vegetaciónsemiarraigada dominada por Bidens laevis, que se asocia con Ludwigia peploides,Hydrocotyle ranunculoides y Polygonum punctatum. En los reducidos espejos deagua, se establecen las comunidades fl otantes de Eichhornia crassipes, Limnobiumlaevigatum y Lemna gibba. En general la diversidad fl orística de especies y decomunidades es mayor en la parte más amplia y en mejor estado de conservación delhumedal, en cercanías al Parque de La Florida, donde se encuentran representadascasi todas las comunidades vegetales reseñadas en esta contribución. En la zonade mayor transformación (área canalizada, se establecen pocas comunidades,predominan el camalotal de Bidens laevis, el herbazal de Polygonum punctatum(barbasco y los pastizales con Pennisetum clandestinum (kikuyo y Polypogonelongatus. La mayoría de las comunidades vegetales registradas en Jaboque tienendistribución amplia en lagos, lagunas y pantanos andinos, con especial signifi canciaen la sabana de Bogotá y en el altiplano cundi-boyacense.

  18. Transient expression of hemagglutinin antigen from low pathogenic avian influenza A (H7N7 in Nicotiana benthamiana.

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    Selvaraju Kanagarajan

    Full Text Available The influenza A virus is of global concern for the poultry industry, especially the H5 and H7 subtypes as they have the potential to become highly pathogenic for poultry. In this study, the hemagglutinin (HA of a low pathogenic avian influenza virus of the H7N7 subtype isolated from a Swedish mallard Anas platyrhynchos was sequenced, characterized and transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana. Recently, plant expression systems have gained interest as an alternative for the production of vaccine antigens. To examine the possibility of expressing the HA protein in N. benthamiana, a cDNA fragment encoding the HA gene was synthesized de novo, modified with a Kozak sequence, a PR1a signal peptide, a C-terminal hexahistidine (6×His tag, and an endoplasmic retention signal (SEKDEL. The construct was cloned into a Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV-based vector (pEAQ-HT and the resulting pEAQ-HT-HA plasmid, along with a vector (pJL3:p19 containing the viral gene-silencing suppressor p19 from Tomato bushy stunt virus, was agro-infiltrated into N. benthamiana. The highest gene expression of recombinant plant-produced, uncleaved HA (rHA0, as measured by quantitative real-time PCR was detected at 6 days post infiltration (dpi. Guided by the gene expression profile, rHA0 protein was extracted at 6 dpi and subsequently purified utilizing the 6×His tag and immobilized metal ion adsorption chromatography. The yield was 0.2 g purified protein per kg fresh weight of leaves. Further molecular characterizations showed that the purified rHA0 protein was N-glycosylated and its identity confirmed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. In addition, the purified rHA0 exhibited hemagglutination and hemagglutination inhibition activity indicating that the rHA0 shares structural and functional properties with native HA protein of H7 influenza virus. Our results indicate that rHA0 maintained its native antigenicity and specificity, providing a good source of

  19. Nueva especie del genero Buenoa Kirkaldy (Hemiptera, notonectidae con clave para especies y notas ecológicas

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    Padilla Gil Dora N.


    Full Text Available Se incluyen las especies del género Buenoa encontradas en el Departamento de Cundinamarca con un rango altitudinal entre
    los 1728 y 3000 m.s.n.m. y descipción de la especie Buenoa cucunubensis n. sp., además clave para determinar especies y algunos datos ecológicos.Four species of genus Buenoa are recorded from Cundinamarca province in Colombia, Buenos cucunubensis nov. spec. is
    described. Also included are key to males, data on distribution and ecological information.

  20. Production of complex multiantennary N-glycans in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. (United States)

    Nagels, Bieke; Van Damme, Els J M; Pabst, Martin; Callewaert, Nico; Weterings, Koen


    In recent years, plants have been developed as an alternative expression system to mammalian hosts for the production of therapeutic proteins. Many modifications to the plant glycosylation machinery have been made to render it more human because of the importance of glycosylation for functionality, serum half-life, and the safety profile of the expressed proteins. These modifications include removal of plant-specific β1,2-xylose and core α1,3-fucose, and addition of bisecting N-acetylglucosamine, β1,4-galactoses, and sialic acid residues. Another glycosylation step that is essential for the production of complex human-type glycans is the synthesis of multiantennary structures, which are frequently found on human N-glycans but are not generated by wild-type plants. Here, we report both the magnICON-based transient as well as stable introduction of the α1,3-mannosyl-β1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT-IV isozymes a and b) and α1,6-mannosyl-β1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT-V) in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. The enzymes were targeted to the Golgi apparatus by fusing their catalytic domains to the plant-specific localization signals of xylosyltransferase and fucosyltransferase. The GnT-IV and -V modifications were tested in the wild-type background, but were also combined with the RNA interference-mediated knockdown of β1,2-xylosyltransferase and α1,3-fucosyltransferase. Results showed that triantennary Gn[GnGn] and [GnGn]Gn N-glycans could be produced according to the expected activities of the respective enzymes. Combination of the two enzymes by crossing stably transformed GnT-IV and GnT-V plants showed that up to 10% tetraantennary [GnGn][GnGn], 25% triantennary, and 35% biantennary N-glycans were synthesized. All transgenic plants were viable and showed no aberrant phenotype under standard growth conditions.

  1. Expression of an immunogenic Ebola immune complex in Nicotiana benthamiana. (United States)

    Phoolcharoen, Waranyoo; Bhoo, Seong H; Lai, Huafang; Ma, Julian; Arntzen, Charles J; Chen, Qiang; Mason, Hugh S


    Filoviruses (Ebola and Marburg viruses) cause severe and often fatal haemorrhagic fever in humans and non-human primates. The US Centers for Disease Control identifies Ebola and Marburg viruses as 'category A' pathogens (defined as posing a risk to national security as bioterrorism agents), which has lead to a search for vaccines that could prevent the disease. Because the use of such vaccines would be in the service of public health, the cost of production is an important component of their development. The use of plant biotechnology is one possible way to cost-effectively produce subunit vaccines. In this work, a geminiviral replicon system was used to produce an Ebola immune complex (EIC) in Nicotiana benthamiana. Ebola glycoprotein (GP1) was fused at the C-terminus of the heavy chain of humanized 6D8 IgG monoclonal antibody, which specifically binds to a linear epitope on GP1. Co-expression of the GP1-heavy chain fusion and the 6D8 light chain using a geminiviral vector in leaves of N. benthamiana produced assembled immunoglobulin, which was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation and protein G affinity chromatography. Immune complex formation was confirmed by assays to show that the recombinant protein bound the complement factor C1q. Size measurements of purified recombinant protein by dynamic light scattering and size-exclusion chromatography also indicated complex formation. Subcutaneous immunization of BALB/C mice with purified EIC resulted in anti-Ebola virus antibody production at levels comparable to those obtained with a GP1 virus-like particle. These results show excellent potential for a plant-expressed EIC as a human vaccine. © 2011 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal © 2011 Society for Experimental Biology, Association of Applied Biologists and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  2. El alcance del derecho del obtentor

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    Pablo Felipe Robledo del Castillo


    Full Text Available En esta conferencia se analiza lo relacionado con la protección de los derechos de obtentor de variedades vegetales en Colombia, para determinar su marco conceptual y normativo vigente. Inicialmente se aborda lo relativo al concepto de obtentor, la Autoridad Nacional Competente, es decir el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario ICA y el registro nacional de Variedades vegetales protegidas en Colombia. Analizados estos aspectos, se examina el alcance de los derechos de los obtentores de variedades vegetales los cuales se proyectan en determinar el contenido de sus derechos, la extensión, las limitaciones y el agotamiento de los derechos de obtentor de variedades vegetales.

  3. Structural characterisation of xyloglucan secreted by suspension-cultured cells of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Sims, I M; Munro, S L; Currie, G; Craik, D; Bacic, A


    Linkage analysis of a xyloglucan from the extracellular medium of suspension cultures of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia showed mostly 4-Glcp and 4,6-Glcp, terminal Xylp and 2-Xylp, and terminal Araf, along with approximately 10% (w/w) O-acetyl groups, equivalent to approximately 0.28 mol acetyl per mol of glycosyl residue. Methylation with methyl trifluoromethanesulfonate under neutral conditions, followed by re-methylation with CD3I under basic conditions, and conversion into partially methylated alditol acetates showed that O-acetyl groups were primarily attached to C-6 of approximately 44% of the 4-Glcp backbone not substituted with Xylp residues and to C-5 of approximately 15% of the terminal Araf residues. These positions of the O-acetyl groups were confirmed by 1H-NMR. Oligosaccharides generated by digestion of native xyloglucan with endo-(1-->4)-beta-glucanase were separated by a combination of gel-filtration chromatography and anion-exchange HPLC, and analysed by glycosyl linkage analysis and by electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The major oligosaccharide subunits were Glc4Xyl2 and Glc5Xyl2, of which 50-60% are substituted with one terminal Araf residue attached to O-2 of a Xylp residue, and a further 20-25% are substituted with two terminal Araf residues attached to O-2 of the Xylp residues. ESI-MS showed that many of the oligosaccharide subunits carried one, two, and, occasionally three O-acetyl groups.

  4. Analysis and effects of cytosolic free calcium increases in response to elicitors in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cells. (United States)

    Lecourieux, David; Mazars, Christian; Pauly, Nicolas; Ranjeva, Raoul; Pugin, Alain


    Cell suspensions obtained from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants stably expressing the apoaequorin gene were used to analyze changes in cytosolic free calcium concentrations ([Ca(2+)](cyt)) in response to elicitors of plant defenses, particularly cryptogein and oligogalacturonides. The calcium signatures differ in lag time, peak time, intensity, and duration. The intensities of both signatures depend on elicitor concentration and extracellular calcium concentration. Cryptogein signature is characterized by a long-sustained [Ca(2+)](cyt) increase that should be responsible for sustained mitogen-activated protein kinase activation, microtubule depolymerization, defense gene activation, and cell death. The [Ca(2+)](cyt) increase in elicitor-treated cells first results from a calcium influx, which in turns leads to calcium release from internal stores and additional Ca(2+) influx. H(2)O(2) resulting from the calcium-dependent activation of the NADPH oxidase also participates in [Ca(2+)](cyt) increase and may activate calcium channels from the plasma membrane. Competition assays with different elicitins demonstrate that [Ca(2+)](cyt) increase is mediated by cryptogein-receptor interaction.

  5. Seedling lethality in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia conferred by Ds transposable element insertion into a plant-specific gene. (United States)

    Majira, Amel; Domin, Monique; Grandjean, Olivier; Gofron, Krystyna; Houba-Hérin, Nicole


    A seedling lethal mutant of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (sdl-1) was isolated by transposon tagging using a maize Dissociation (Ds) element. The insertion mutation was produced by direct co-transformation of protoplasts with two plasmids: one containing Ds and a second with an Ac transposase gene. sdl-1 seedlings exhibit several phenotypes: swollen organs, short hypocotyls in light and dark conditions, and enlarged and multinucleated cells, that altogether suggest cell growth defects. Mutant cells are able to proliferate under in vitro culture conditions. Genomic DNA sequences bordering the transposon were used to recover cDNA from the normal allele. Complementation of the mutant phenotype with the cDNA confirmed that the transposon had caused the mutation. The Ds element was inserted into the first exon of the open reading frame and the homozygous mutant lacked detectable transcript. Phenocopies of the mutant were obtained by an antisense approach. SDL-1 encodes a novel protein found in several plant genomes but apparently missingfrom animal and fungal genomes; the protein is highly conserved and has a potential plastid targeting motif.

  6. Synthesis of C-Glucosylated Octaketide Anthraquinones in Nicotiana benthamiana by Using a Multispecies-Based Biosynthetic Pathway. (United States)

    Andersen-Ranberg, Johan; Kongstad, Kenneth Thermann; Nafisi, Majse; Staerk, Dan; Okkels, Finn Thyge; Mortensen, Uffe Hasbro; Lindberg Møller, Birger; Frandsen, Rasmus John Normand; Kannangara, Rubini


    Carminic acid is a C-glucosylated octaketide anthraquinone and the main constituent of the natural dye carmine (E120), possessing unique coloring, stability, and solubility properties. Despite being used since ancient times, longstanding efforts to elucidate its route of biosynthesis have been unsuccessful. Herein, a novel combination of enzymes derived from a plant (Aloe arborescens, Aa), a bacterium (Streptomyces sp. R1128, St), and an insect (Dactylopius coccus, Dc) that allows for the biosynthesis of the C-glucosylated anthraquinone, dcII, a precursor for carminic acid, is reported. The pathway, which consists of AaOKS, StZhuI, StZhuJ, and DcUGT2, presents an alternative biosynthetic approach for the production of polyketides by using a type III polyketide synthase (PKS) and tailoring enzymes originating from a type II PKS system. The current study showcases the power of using transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana for efficient and rapid identification of functional biosynthetic pathways, including both soluble and membrane-bound enzymes. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Micropropagación de Ilex kunthiana Triana & Planchon (Aquifoliaceae, una especie de gran importancia en programas de revegetalización

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    Jaime Alonso Pedroza–Manrique


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se evalúo el cultivo de tejidos vegetales in vitro como una alternativa en la propagación y preservación de Ilex kunthiana, especie endémica de gran interés en programas de revegetalización. Se determinó que el efecto del Benlate® a 0,5% durante 12 horas y el hipoclorito de sodio al 0,5% por 1 min., como agentes desinfectantes de las semillas, permiten obtener el 100% de explantes adaptados a condiciones in vitro. Las semillas son cultivadas en medio MS con Ácido Giberélico (AG3 (0,0, 0,5, 1,0 mg/L. Cuando las plántulas germinaron, se aislaron los nudos con yemas axilares y se cultivaron en medio MS enriquecido con la Auxina Ácido Indol Butírico (AIB (0,0, 0,5, 1,0 mg/L y la citoquinina 6-bencilaminopurina (BAP (0,0, 0,5, 1,0 mg/L. A fin de inducir su enraizamiento, posteriormente los brotes regenerados se cultivaron con las Auxinas Ácido Indol Butírico (AIB (0,0, 0,5, 1,0 mg/L y Ácido Naftalén Acético (ANA (0,0; 0,5; 1,0 mg/L. Se estableció que 0,5 mg/L de AG3 favoreció la 100% de germinación de las semillas que fueron la fuente de los nudos. El mejor índice de formación de brotes se logró cuando los nudos se cultivaron con 0,5 mg/L del BAP y 0,5 mg/L del AIB que posteriormente fueron exitosamente enraizados con 0,5 mg/L de AIB, estableciendo las condiciones mas adecuadas para la propagación in vitro de Ilex kunthiana. Palabras clave: Ilex kunthiana; micropropagación; plantas en vías de extinción; AIB; BAP; micropropagatio; endangered plant.

  8. GhWRKY68 reduces resistance to salt and drought in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana.

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    Haihong Jia

    Full Text Available The WRKY transcription factors modulate numerous physiological processes, including plant growth, development and responses to various environmental stresses. Currently, our understanding of the functions of the majority of the WRKY family members and their possible roles in signalling crosstalk is limited. In particular, very few WRKYs have been identified and characterised from an economically important crop, cotton. In this study, we characterised a novel group IIc WRKY gene, GhWRKY68, which is induced by different abiotic stresses and multiple defence-related signalling molecules. The β-glucuronidase activity driven by the GhWRKY68 promoter was enhanced after exposure to drought, salt, abscisic acid (ABA and H2O2. The overexpression of GhWRKY68 in Nicotiana benthamiana reduced resistance to drought and salt and affected several physiological indices. GhWRKY68 may mediate salt and drought responses by modulating ABA content and enhancing the transcript levels of ABA-responsive genes. GhWRKY68-overexpressing plants exhibited reduced tolerance to oxidative stress after drought and salt stress treatments, which correlated with the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS, reduced enzyme activities, elevated malondialdehyde (MDA content and altered ROS-related gene expression. These results indicate that GhWRKY68 is a transcription factor that responds to drought and salt stresses by regulating ABA signalling and modulating cellular ROS.

  9. NMR solution structure of the mitochondrial F1beta presequence from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Moberg, Per; Nilsson, Stefan; Ståhl, Annelie; Eriksson, Anna-Carin; Glaser, Elzbieta; Mäler, Lena


    We have isolated, characterized and determined the three-dimensional NMR solution structure of the presequence of ATPsynthase F1beta subunit from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. A general method for purification of presequences is presented. The method is based on overexpression of a mutant precursor containing a methionine residue introduced at the processing site, followed by CNBr-cleavage and purification of the presequence on a cation-exchange column. The F1beta presequence, 53 amino acid residues long, retained its native properties as evidenced by inhibition of in vitro mitochondrial import and processing at micromolar concentrations. CD spectroscopy revealed that the F1beta presequence formed an alpha-helical structure in membrane mimetic environments such as SDS and DPC micelles (approximately 50% alpha-helix), and in acidic phospholipid bicelles (approximately 60% alpha-helix). The NMR solution structure of the F1beta presequence in SDS micelles was determined on the basis of 518 distance and 21 torsion angle constraints. The structure was found to contain two helices, an N-terminal amphipathic alpha-helix (residues 4-15) and a C-terminal alpha-helix (residues 43-53), separated by a largely unstructured 27 residue long internal domain. The N-terminal amphipathic alpha-helix forms the putative Tom20 receptor binding site, whereas the C-terminal alpha-helix is located upstream of the mitochondrial processing peptidase cleavage site.

  10. Physiological and biochemical aspects of flower development and senescence in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv.

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    Nisar Shaziya


    Full Text Available Healthy buds of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia growing in the Kashmir University Botanic Garden were selected for the present study. Flower development and senescence was divided into seven stages, viz., tight bud stage (I, mature bud stage (II, pencil stage (III, partially open stage (IV, open stage (V, partially senescent stage (VI and senescent stage (VII. Various physiological and biochemical changes were recorded at each stage of flower development and senescence. Floral diameter, fresh mass, dry mass and water content showed an increase up to flower opening (stage V and thereafter a significant decrease was recorded as the flower development progressed towards senescence through stages VI and VII. An increase in α-amino acids, total phenols and sugars was registered towards anthesis (stage V and a decrease in these parameters was recorded with senescence. Protease activity showed a significant increase towards senescence with a concomitant decrease in soluble proteins. Based on the quantitative analysis of various biochemical parameters, the flower opening in N. plumbaginifolia seems to be accompanied by an increase in the water content, soluble proteins, α‑amino acids and phenols. A decrease in these parameters, besides an increase in protease activity induces senescence in the beautiful flowers of N. plumbaginifolia. Understanding flower senescence may help in improving the postharvest performance of this beautiful ornamental flower to make it a potential material for the floriculture industry.

  11. Larval Helicoverpa zea Transcriptional, Growth and Behavioral Responses to Nicotine and Nicotiana tabacum

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    Linus Gog


    Full Text Available The polyphagous feeding habits of the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie, underscore its status as a major agricultural pest with a wide geographic distribution and host plant repertoire. To study the transcriptomic response to toxins in diet, we conducted a microarray analysis of H. zea caterpillars feeding on artificial diet, diet laced with nicotine and Nicotiana tabacum (L. plants. We supplemented our analysis with growth and aversion bioassays. The transcriptome reflects an abundant expression of proteases, chitin, cytochrome P450 and immune-related genes, many of which are shared between the two experimental treatments. However, the tobacco treatment tended to elicit stronger transcriptional responses than nicotine-laced diet. The salivary factor glucose oxidase, known to suppress nicotine induction in the plant, was upregulated by H. zea in response to tobacco but not to nicotine-laced diet. Reduced caterpillar growth rates accompanied the broad regulation of genes associated with growth, such as juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase. The differential expression of chemosensory proteins, such as odorant binding-protein-2 precursor, as well as the neurotransmitter nicotinic-acetylcholine-receptor subunit 9, highlights candidate genes regulating aversive behavior towards nicotine. We suggest that an observed coincidental rise in cannibalistic behavior and regulation of proteases and protease inhibitors in H. zea larvae signify a compensatory response to induced plant defenses.

  12. Properties of purified cytosolic isoenzyme I of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia leaves. (United States)

    Ragusa, S; Cambria, M T; Scarpa, M; Di Paolo, M L; Falconi, M; Rigo, A; Cambria, A


    The isoenzyme I of cytosolic Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (tobacco) leaves has been purified to apparent homogeneity. The relative molecular mass of the native isoenzyme, determined by gel filtration chromatography, is about 33.2 kDa. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that the enzyme is composed of two equal subunits of 16.6 kDa The isolectric point, assayed by isoelectric focusing, in the pH range of 3.5-6.5, is 4.3. The enzyme stability was tested at different temperatures, pH, and concentration of inhibitors (KCN and H(2)O(2)). The catalytic constant (k(cat)) was 1.17 +/- 0.14 x 10(9) M(-1) s(-1) at pH 9.9 and 0.1 M ionic strength. The activation energy of the thermal denaturation process is 263 kJ mol(-1). The electrostatic surface potential of the modeled tobacco Cu,Zn-SOD I was calculated showing that the functional spatial network of charges on the protein surface has been maintained, independently of the amino acid substitution around the active sites. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.

  13. Comparative expression profiling of Nicotiana benthamiana leaves systemically infected with three fruit tree viruses. (United States)

    Dardick, Christopher


    Plant viruses cause a wide array of disease symptoms and cytopathic effects. Although some of these changes are virus specific, many appear to be common even among diverse viruses. Currently, little is known about the underlying molecular determinants. To identify gene expression changes that are concomitant with virus symptoms, we performed comparative expression profiling experiments on Nicotiana benthamiana leaves infected with one of three different fruit tree viruses that produce distinct symptoms: Plum pox potyvirus (PPV; leaf distortion and mosaic), Tomato ringspot nepovirus (ToRSV; tissue necrosis and general chlorosis), and Prunus necrotic ringspot ilarvirus (PNRSV; subtle chlorotic mottling). The numbers of statistically significant genes identified were consistent with the severity of the observed symptoms: 1,082 (ToRSV), 744 (PPV), and 89 (PNRSV). In all, 56% of the gene expression changes found in PPV-infected leaves also were altered by ToRSV, 87% of which changed in the same direction. Both PPV- and ToRSV-infected leaves showed widespread repression of genes associated with plastid functions. PPV uniquely induced the expression of large numbers of cytosolic ribosomal genes whereas ToRSV repressed the expression of plastidic ribosomal genes. How these and other observed expression changes might be associated with symptom development are discussed.

  14. LAM-1 and FAT Genes Control Development of the Leaf Blade in Nicotiana sylvestris. (United States)

    McHale, NA


    Leaf primordia of the lam-1 mutant of Nicotiana sylvestris grow normally in length but remain bladeless throughout development. The blade initiation site is established at the normal time and position in lam-1 primordia. Anticlinal divisions proceed normally in the outer L1 and L2 layers, but the inner L3 cells fail to establish the periclinal divisions that normally generate the middle mesophyll core. The lam-1 mutation also blocks formation of blade mesophyll from distal L2 cells. This suggests that LAM-1 controls a common step in initiation of blade tissue from the L2 and L3 lineage of the primordium. Another recessive mutation (fat) was isolated in N. sylvestris that induces abnormal periclinal divisions in the mesophyll during blade initiation and expansion. This generates a blade approximately twice its normal thickness by doubling the number of mesophyll cell layers from four to approximately eight. Presumably, the fat mutation defines a negative regulator involved in repression of periclinal divisions in the blade. The lam-1 fat double mutant shows radial proliferation of mesophyll cells at the blade initiation site. This produces a highly disorganized, club-shaped blade that appears to represent an additive effect of the lam-1 and fat mutations on blade founder cells. PMID:12271096

  15. Recovery of Nicotiana benthamiana plants from a necrotic response induced by a nepovirus is associated with RNA silencing but not with reduced virus titer. (United States)

    Jovel, Juan; Walker, Melanie; Sanfaçon, Hélène


    Recovery of plants from virus-induced symptoms is often described as a consequence of RNA silencing, an antiviral defense mechanism. For example, recovery of Nicotiana clevelandii from a nepovirus (tomato black ring virus) is associated with a decreased viral RNA concentration and sequence-specific resistance to further virus infection. In this study, we have characterized the interaction of another nepovirus, tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV), with host defense responses during symptom induction and subsequent recovery. Early in infection, ToRSV induced a necrotic phenotype in Nicotiana benthamiana that showed characteristics typical of a hypersensitive response. RNA silencing was also activated during ToRSV infection, as evidenced by the presence of ToRSV-derived small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that could direct degradation of ToRSV sequences introduced into sensor constructs. Surprisingly, disappearance of symptoms was not accompanied by a commensurate reduction in viral RNA levels. The stability of ToRSV RNA after recovery was also observed in N. clevelandii and Cucumis sativus and in N. benthamiana plants carrying a functional RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 1 ortholog from Medicago truncatula. In experiments with a reporter transgene (green fluorescent protein), ToRSV did not suppress the initiation or maintenance of transgene silencing, although the movement of the silencing signal was partially hindered. Our results demonstrate that although RNA silencing is active during recovery, reduction of virus titer is not required for the initiation of this phenotype. This scenario adds an unforeseen layer of complexity to the interaction of nepoviruses with the host RNA silencing machinery. The possibility that viral proteins, viral RNAs, and/or virus-derived siRNAs inactivate host defense responses is discussed.

  16. Revegetación de áreas degradadas con especies nativas Revegetation of degraded areas with native species

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    Antonio Daniel Dalmasso


    nivel de diversidad superior y próxima a la del monte. Se concluye que la selección de especies nativas en el marco teórico de la geosinfitosociología resulta efectiva para recuperar áreas degradadas; el establecimiento asistido de especies vegetales nativas en estas áreas reduce el tiempo de recuperación de la cobertura y estructura de la vegetación; la plantación de las especies en el terreno genera condiciones adecuadas para la instalación espontánea de otras especies de las comunidades de contacto.The area of work is located in the South of Malargüe, Mendoza. The climate is arid, mean annual rainfall is 134 mm, and mean annual temperature 13.3°C. An assessment is made of the results of revegetation with native species in lands degraded by oil production, aimed at achieving higher stability in disturbed ecosystems for them to revert to conditions prior to the impact. A geomorphological and vegetation survey was conducted, and dynamic hypotheses were established regarding vegetation. Through a geosynphytosociological approach, and according to plant dynamics, a total of 10 species were selected, reproduced in greenhouse and established in three oil well areas, in both autumn and spring. The experimental design consisted of random plots with 10 species and 20 repetitions in each oil well area. The soil was plowed and the plants established in all three trial areas. After four years of records, a statistical analysis was performed of the temporal evolution of the variables height, canopy diameter and percentage of survival per species. For these same variables, the average behaviours of the different species were compared using ANOVA and Fisher's LSD test (a= 5%. Plant populations used in the trial were fitted to a normal distribution with nonhomogeneous variances (Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Bartlett. On the fourth year after plant establishment, the degree of plant cover in oil well areas was assessed, as compared to the natural Monte. Analyses showed

  17. "Orobanche ballotae" A. Pujadas ("Oronbanchaceae"), especie nueva


    Pujadas Salvá, Antonio J.


    Orobanche ballotae A. Pujadas (Orobanchaceae), especie. Se describe para el S de la Península Ibérica una especie nueva del género Orobanche L., de la sección Orobanche, Grex Minores G. Beck. Se destacan sus caracteres morfológicos que permiten diferenciarlo claramente de O. minor Sm., especie con la que presenta ciertas semejanzas.

  18. Heterologous expression of the isopimaric acid pathway in Nicotiana benthamiana and the effect of N-terminal modifications of the involved cytochrome P450 enzyme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gnanasekaran, Thiyagarajan; Vavitsas, Konstantinos; Andersen-Ranberg, Johan


    in the infiltrated leaves. Furthermore, we demonstrated that a modified membrane anchor is a prerequisite for a functional CYP720B4 enzyme when the chloroplast targeting peptide is added. We report the accumulation of 45-55 μg/g plant dry weight of isopimaric acid four days after the infiltration with the modified...... in the chloroplast and subsequently oxidized by a cytochrome P450, CYP720B4. RESULTS: We transiently expressed the isopimaric acid pathway in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves and enhanced its productivity by the expression of two rate-limiting steps in the pathway (providing the general precursor of diterpenes). This co...

  19. Consecuencias de la ruptura de mutualismos planta-animal para la distribución de especies vegetales en las Islas Baleares Consequences of the disruption of plant-animal mutualisms for the distribution of plant species in the Balearic Islands

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    Full Text Available Una modificación del hábitat como puede ser la introducción de especies animales exóticas que desplazan a las nativas, reduciendo sus poblaciones o conduciéndolas a la extinción, puede resultar en la ruptura de interacciones entre especies, las cuales pueden haber evolucionado durante millones de años. Los sistemas insulares son especialmente vulnerables a dichas perturbaciones, al ser normalmente menos complejos y poseer un menor número de especies que los continentales. En el presente trabajo se documentan las consecuencias que ha tenido la desaparición de la interacción planta-dispersor, después de la introducción de mamíferos carnívoros en las Islas Baleares, para las poblaciones de dos arbustos: Cneorum tricoccon L., con una distribución microareal en el Mediterráneo Occidental, y Daphne rodriguezii Texidor, endémico de la isla de Menorca. Mientras que para el primero, los carnívoros han "reemplazado" a los dispersores (lagartijas nativos, modificando notablemente la distribución de esta especie -especialmente en Mallorca-, la ruptura del mutualismo planta-lagartija parece haber sido dramática para el segundo, reduciendo drásticamente sus poblaciones excepto en un islote donde las lagartijas aún persistenThe alteration of a habitat such as that caused by the introduction of exotic animal species that displace the native ones, reducing their populations or leading them to extinction, can result in the disruption of species interactions which may have evolved during millions of years. The insular ecosystems are especially vulnerable to such disturbances, as they are usually less complex and have a lower number of species than the continental ones. In the present work I document the consequences of the disruption of plant-disperser interactions, caused by the introduction of carnivorous mammals in the Balearic Islands, for the populations of two shrub species: Cneorum tricoccon L., with a distribution restricted to the

  20. Transposition of a Ds element from a plasmid into the plant genome in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplast-derived cells. (United States)

    Houba-Hérin, N; Domin, M; Pédron, J


    Nicotiana plumbaginifolia haploid protoplasts were co-transformed with two plasmids, one with a NPT-II/Ds element and one with a gene encoding an amino-terminal truncated Ac transposase. It is shown that Ds can efficiently transpose from extrachromosomal DNA to N. plumbaginifolia chromosomes when the Ac transposase gene is present in trans. Ds has been shown to have transposed into the plant genome in a limited number of copies (1.9 copies per genome), for 21/32 transgenic lines tested. The flanking sequences present in the original plasmid are missing in these 21 plants. In only two of 21 plants was part of the transposase construct integrated. By segregation analysis of transgenic progeny, Ds was shown to be present in the heterozygous state in 10 lines even though haploid protoplasts had been originally transformed. This observation could indicate that integration occurred after or during DNA replication that leads to protoplast diploidization.

  1. Informe científico de investigador: Villata, Laura Sofía (2010-2011) 


    Villata, Laura Sofía


    En el presente período se continuaron los estudios de la capacidad antioxidante de sustancias presentes en diferentes productos naturales: flavonas (Apigenina) y flavanonas (Naringenina, Hesperidina, Hesperitina)[1,2]. Estas sustancias se encuentran presentes principalmente en cítricos, naranja, limón, mandarina y pomelo y también en orégano, tomillo y otras especies vegetales que se utilizan tanto como condimentos aromáticos así también...

  2. Historia del café

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    Fernando Serpa Flórez


    Full Text Available "Adorne la ladera el cafetal… Andrés Bello. "La Agricultura de la Zona Tórrida". Saber la época en que la humanidad adquirió para su acervo alimenticio una especie animal o vegetal cualquiera, no deja de prestar dificultades. Fijar tan solo cuándo el hombre de carnívoro pasó a ingerir alimentos vegetales (y saber si fue primero carnívoro que vegetariano.

  3. Bioindicadores de la calidad del suelo: herramienta metodológica para la evaluación de la eficacia de un proceso fitorremediador


    Garbisu Crespo, Carlos; Becerril Soto, José María; Epelde, Lur; Alkorta Calvo, Itziar


    La fitorremediación es una tecnología emergente que utiliza plantas y microorganismos asociados para descontaminar suelos, aire, sedimentos, y aguas. Esta fitotecnología se basa en la capacidad de algunas especies vegetales para tolerar, absorber, acumular y degradar compuestos contaminantes. El objetivo último de un proceso fitorremediador de suelos contaminados no debe ser solamente eliminar el contaminante sino sobre todo recuperar la calidad del suelo, entendida ésta como la capa...

  4. Diversidad de frutos que consumen tres especies de murciélagos (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae en la selva lacandona, Chiapas, México Diversity of fruits consumed by three species of bats (Chiroptera:Phyllostomidae in the Lacandona rainforest, Chiapas, Mexico

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    Alinka Olea-Wagner


    Full Text Available Este estudio amplía el conocimiento de los hábitos alimentarios de 3 especies de murciélagos frugívoros como dispersores de semillas en 2 localidades de la selva alta perennifolia en la zona sur de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Montes Azules (REBIMA, y dentro del Ejido Playón de la Gloria (PDLG. Se estimó la abundancia relativa de Artibeus lituratus, Carollia perspicillata y Sturnira lilium, así como la diversidad y categoría sucesional de los frutos que consumen estas 3 especies en ambas localidades, mediante la identificación de semillas en las excretas. La división de especies vegetales por categoría sucesional mostró que A. lituratus y C. perspicillata consumen frutos tanto de especies pioneras como de especies persistentes, mientras que S. lilium únicamente se alimenta de especies pioneras. Durante la época seca A. lituratus y C. perspicillata presentaron una mayor diversidad y riqueza de especies consumidas dentro de la REBIMA, en tanto que en la época de lluvia mostraron mayor diversidad y riqueza dentro de PDLG; es decir, la diversidad de semillas colectadas por ambos dispersores responde a la época anual. S. lilium presentó mayor riqueza y diversidad dentro de PDLG a lo largo del muestreo indicando preferencia por frutos establecidos en estadios tempranos en la sucesión vegetal.This study examined the feeding habits of three species of frugivorous bats in relation to their role as seed dispersers in two localities, one in a Neotropical rainforest area in the southern part of the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve (REBIMA, and the other in Ejido Playón de la Gloria (PDLG. We estimated the relative abundance of Artibeus lituratus, Carollia perspicillata and Sturnira lilium. We determined the diversity and the successional category of fruits consumed by these species in both localities through the identification of seeds in their feces. The plant species diversity based on successional category showed that A. lituratus and C

  5. Developmental and environmental regulation of the Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cytosolic Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase promoter in transgenic tobacco. (United States)

    Hérouart, D; Van Montagu, M; Inzé, D


    Superoxide dismutases (SODs) play a key role in the cellular defense against reactive oxygen species. To study the transcriptional regulation at the cellular level, the promoter of the Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cytosolic gene encoding Cu/ZnSOD (SODCc) was fused to the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene (gusA) and analyzed in transgenic tobacco plants. The promoter was highly active in vascular bundles of leaves and stems, where it is confined to phloem cells. In flowers, GUS activity was detected in ovules and pollen grains, in pigmented tissues of petals, and in vascular tissue of ovaries and anthers. In response to treatment with the superoxide-generating herbicide paraquat, very strong GUS staining was observed in photosynthetically active cells of leaves and in some epidermal root cells of seedlings. The expression of the SODCc-gusA was also induced in seedlings after heat shock and chilling and after treatment with sulfhydryl antioxidants such as reduced glutathione and cysteine. It is postulated that SODCc expression is directly linked to a cell-specific production of excess superoxide radicals in the cytosol.

  6. Una nueva especie de Burmeistera (Campanulaceae de Colombia

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    Lozano C. Gustavo


    Full Text Available Esta nueva especie se puede separar fácilmente de las demás especies del género Burmeistera por tener sus hojas profunda y repetidamente pinnatisectas característica nunca antes registrada en este grupo de plantas. Aparte de la especie aquí descrita, la única especie de Burmeistera que presenta la lámina foliar pinnatisecta (laciniada, es B. pteridioides,  Mc Vaugh, descrita de la Cordillera Oriental en Colombia (Mc VAUGH, 1965; sin embargo, las hojas de B. pteridioides tienen divisiones sólo de primer orden (simplemente pinnatisectas, mientras que las hojas de B. multipinnatisecta tienen divisiones hasta de quinto orden (pentapinnatisectas. Aún dentro de la familia Campanulaceae, el presentar la lámina foliar pinnatisecta es una característica  de escasa ocurrencia; en lo que respecta a las especies americanas, este carácter se presenta en las especies ya  mencionadas, B. multipinnatisecta  y B. pteridiodes y en Centropogon dissectus Wimm., una especie endémica del Ecuador (JEPPESEN, 1981.

  7. Identification and expression analyses of two genes encoding putative low-affinity nitrate transporters from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Fraisier, V; Dorbe, M F; Daniel-Vedele, F


    Higher plants have both high- and low-affinity nitrate uptake systems (HATS and LATS respectively). Here we report the isolation and characterization of two genes, NpNRT1.1 and NpNRT1.2, from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia whose structural features suggest that they both belong to the NRT1 gene family, which is involved in the LATS. Amino acid sequence alignment showed that the N. plumbaginifolia proteins have greater similarity to their corresponding tomato homologues than to each other. Genomic Southern blot analysis indicates that there are probably more than two members of this family in N. plumbaginifolia. Northern blot analysis shows that NpNRT1.2 expression is restricted strictly to roots, whereas NpNRT1.1, in addition to roots, is expressed at a basal level in all other plant organs. Likewise, differential expression in response to external treatments with various N sources was observed for these two genes: NpNRT1.1 can be considered as a constitutively expressed gene whereas NpNRT1.2 expression is dependent strictly on high nitrate concentrations. Finally, over-expression of a gene involved in the HATS does not lead to any modification of LATS gene expression.

  8. Extreme heterogeneity of polyadenylation sites in mRNAs encoding chloroplast RNA-binding proteins in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Klahre, U; Hemmings-Mieszczak, M; Filipowicz, W


    We have previously characterized nuclear cDNA clones encoding two RNA binding proteins, CP-RBP30 and CP-RBP-31, which are targeted to chloroplasts in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. In this report we describe the analysis of the 3'-untranslated regions (3'-UTRs) in 22 CP-RBP30 and 8 CP-RBP31 clones which reveals that mRNAs encoding both proteins have a very complex polyadenylation pattern. Fourteen distinct poly(A) sites were identified among CP-RBP30 clones and four sites among the CP-RBP31 clones. The authenticity of the sites was confirmed by RNase A/T1 mapping of N. plumbaginifolia RNA. CP-RBP30 provides an extreme example of the heterogeneity known to be a feature of mRNA polyadenylation in higher plants. Using PCR we have demonstrated that CP-RBP genes in N. plumbaginifolia and N. sylvestris, in addition to the previously described introns interrupting the coding region, contain an intron located in the 3' non-coding part of the gene. In the case of the CP-RBP31, we have identified one polyadenylation event occurring in this intron.

  9. Hepatoprotective role of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Linn. against carbon tetrachloride-induced injuries. (United States)

    Shah, Abdus Saboor; Khan, Rahmat Ali; Ahmed, Mushtaq; Muhammad, Nawshad


    Nicotiana plumbignifolia (Linn) is used as folk medicine in the treatment of liver dysfunction in Pakistan. The present study was designed to investigate the hepatoprotective role of N. plumbignifolia methanolice extract (NPME) against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced oxidative damage in liver of chicks. Methanolic extract of N. plumbignifolia was obtained and was further evaluated as a hepatoprotective agent against CCl4-induced oxidative damage in liver of chicks. For this study, 60-day-old 50 male chicks were divided into five groups. Chicks of group 1 (control) had free access to food and water. Group II received 1 mL/kg of CCl4 (30% in olive oil v/v) via the intraperitoneal route thrice a week for 4 weeks. Group III received 100 mg/kg body weight (b.w.) of silymarin via gavage after 48 h of CCl4 treatment, whereas group IV were given 200 mg/kg b.w. NPME after 48 h of CCl4 treatment. Hepatoprotective activity was assessed by measuring the activities of the antioxidant enzymes: catalase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)). Serum was analyzed for various biochemical parameters. The results revealed that CCl4 induced oxidative stress as evidenced by the significant decrease in the activity levels of antioxidant enzymes, while an increase in the levels of TBARS in liver samples is compared with the control group. Serum levels lactate dehydrogenase, triglycerides, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein was elevated while reducing high-density lipoprotein compared to controls. Cotreatment of NPME treatment reversed these alterations, which seems likely that NPME can protect the liver tissues against CCl4-mediated oxidative damage. © The Author(s) 2013.

  10. Characterization of secretory phospholipase A₂ with phospholipase A₁ activity in tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum (L.). (United States)

    Fujikawa, Yukichi; Fujikawa, Ritsuko; Iijima, Noriaki; Esaka, Muneharu


    A cDNA encoding protein with homology to plant secretory phospholipase A₂ (sPLA₂), denoted as Nt1 PLA₂, was isolated from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). The cDNA encodes a mature protein of 118 amino acid residues with a putative signal peptide of 29 residues. The mature form of Nt1 PLA₂ has 12 cysteines, Ca²⁺ binding loop and catalytic site domain that are commonly conserved in plant sPLA₂s. The recombinant Nt1 PLA₂ was expressed as a fusion protein with thioredoxin in E. coli BL21 cells and was purified by an ion exchange chromatography after digestion of the fusion proteins by Factor Xa protease to obtain the mature form. Interestingly, Nt1 PLA₂ could hydrolyze the ester bond at the sn-1 position of glycerophospholipids as well as at the sn-2 position, when the activities were determined using mixed-micellar phospholipids with sodium cholate. Both activities for the sn-1 and -2 positions of glycerophospholipids required Ca²⁺ essentially, and maximal activities were found in an alkaline region when phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol or phosphatidylethanolamine was used as a substrate. The level of Nt1 PLA₂ mRNA was detected at a higher level in tobacco flowers than stem, leaves and roots, and was induced by salicylic acid.

  11. Especially for Teens: You and Your Sexuality (United States)

    ... QUESTIONS FAQ042 ESPECIALLY FOR TEENS You and Your Sexuality (Especially for Teens) • What happens during puberty? • What ... feelings expressed? There are many ways to express sexuality. Sexual intercourse is one way. Others include masturbation , ...

  12. Volumen y dimensiones como predictores del peso de semilla en especies herbáceas del centro de la Península Ibérica

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    Sánchez, Ana M.


    Full Text Available Although seed weight is a key factor in understanding the reproductive biology of plant species, its value is unknown for a large proportion of the herbaceous species in the Mediterranean basin. This paper presents data on seed weight, dimensions and volume for 1 18 herbaceous species in acidic Mediterranean scrub and grassland in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula. This information is used to design predictive models of seed weight using multiple regression models. taking into account the phylogenetic effect. Five groups of models were designed: one using Trifolium species. three. using the families represented by the largest number of species (Catyophyllaceae, Asteraceae and Poaceae; and finally a general model using one species from each of the families present in the sample. The models are rated according to the absorbed variante, their significance in relation to the previous in complexity and the effort required to obtain the data for each one. We also test the validity of seed dimension data taken from literature sources to predict seed weight. The 1-0 seed dimensions are excellent weight predictors in the case of Trifolium (Weight = - 24.55 + 0.10D1 + 3.38D2, r2 = 0.94 and Asteraceae (Weight = - 20.90 + 1.19D1 + 1.67D2, r2 = 0.91 and are quite satisfactory in the case of the general model (Weight = - 16.01 +0.56D1 + 1.6002, r2 = 0.69.El peso de las semillas es un carácter clave para entender la biología reproductiva de las especies vegetales, pero se desconoce su valor para gran parte de las especies herbáceas de la cuenca mediterránea. En este trabajo se exponen datos de peso, dimensiones y volumen de las semillas de 118 especies herbáceas características del matorral y pastizal acidófilos mediterráneos del centro de la Península Ibérica. Esta información es empleada para elaborar modelos predictivos del peso a partir de las dimensiones mediante el uso de modelos de regresión lineal múltiple, teniendo en cuenta el efecto

  13. A hyper-thermostable α-amylase from Pyrococcus furiosus accumulates in Nicotiana tabacum as functional aggregates. (United States)

    Zhu, Hong; Reynolds, L Bruce; Menassa, Rima


    Alpha amylase hydrolyzes α-bonds of polysaccharides such as starch and produces malto-oligosaccharides. Its starch saccharification applications make it an essential enzyme in the textile, food and brewing industries. Commercially available α-amylase is mostly produced from Bacillus or Aspergillus. A hyper-thermostable and Ca 2++ independent α-amylase from Pyrococcus furiosus (PFA) expressed in E.coli forms insoluble inclusion bodies and thus is not feasible for industrial applications. We expressed PFA in Nicotiana tabacum and found that plant-produced PFA forms functional aggregates with an accumulation level up to 3.4 g/kg FW (fresh weight) in field conditions. The aggregates are functional without requiring refolding and therefore have potential to be applied as homogenized plant tissue without extraction or purification. PFA can also be extracted from plant tissue upon dissolution in a mild reducing buffer containing SDS. Like the enzyme produced in P. furiosus and in E. coli, plant produced PFA preserves hyper-thermophilicity and hyper-thermostability and has a long shelf life when stored in lyophilized leaf tissue. With tobacco's large biomass and high yield, hyper-thermostable α-amylase was produced at a scale of 42 kg per hectare. Tobacco may be a suitable bioreactor for industrial production of active hyperthermostable alpha amylase.

  14. Tissue-specific and pathogen-induced regulation of a Nicotiana plumbaginifolia beta-1,3-glucanase gene. (United States)

    Castresana, C; de Carvalho, F; Gheysen, G; Habets, M; Inzé, D; Van Montagu, M


    The Nicotiana plumbaginifolia gn1 gene encoding a beta-1,3-glucanase isoform has been characterized. The gn1 product represents an isoform distinct from the previously identified tobacco beta-1,3-glucanases. By expressing gn1 in Escherichia coli, we have determined directly that the encoded protein does, indeed, correspond to a beta-1,3-glucanase. In N. plumbaginifolia, gn1 was found to be expressed in roots and older leaves. Transgenic tobacco plants containing the 5'-noncoding region of gn1 fused to the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene also showed maximum levels of GUS activity in roots and older leaves. No detectable activity was present in the upper part of the transgenic plants with the exception of stem cells at the bases of emerging shoots. The expression conferred by the gn1 promoter was differentially induced in response to specific plant stress treatments. Studies of three plant-bacteria interactions showed high levels of GUS activity when infection resulted in a hypersensitive reaction. Increased gene expression was confined to cells surrounding the necrotic lesions. The observed expression pattern suggests that the characterized beta-1,3-glucanase plays a role both in plant development and in the defense response against pathogen infection. PMID:2152158

  15. Molecular characterization of two sweepoviruses from China and evaluation of the infectivity of cloned SPLCV-JS in Nicotiana benthamiana. (United States)

    Bi, Huiping; Zhang, Peng


    Sweepoviruses are important begomoviruses that infect Ipomoea plants worldwide and cause sweet potato yield losses and cultivar decline. Two sweepoviruses, sweet potato leaf curl virus-Jiangsu (SPLCV-JS) and sweet potato leaf curl China virus-Zhejiang (SPLCCNV-ZJ), were cloned from diseased sweet potato plants collected in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces of China. Sequence characterization and phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that both are typical monopartite begomoviruses and have close relationships to several reported SPLCV and SPLCCNV isolates, respectively, from Asian countries. Analysis of the protein alignments and subcellular localizations of the six SPLCV-JS proteins was also conducted to verify their putative functions. In Nicotiana benthamiana, an infectivity assay of the infectious SPLCV-JS clone resulted in mild symptoms and weak viral DNA accumulation. Interestingly, SPLCV-JS, together with a heterologous betasatellite DNA (tomato yellow leaf curl China virus isolate Y10 [TYLCCNV-Y10] DNA-β), showed a synergistic effect on enhanced symptom severity and viral DNA accumulation. This is the first reported infectious SPLCV clone.

  16. Transient GFP expression in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia suspension cells: the role of gene silencing, cell death and T-DNA loss. (United States)

    Weld, R; Heinemann, J; Eady, C


    The transient nature of T-DNA expression was studied with a gfp reporter gene transferred to Nicotiana plumbaginifolia suspension cells from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Individual GFP-expressing protoplasts were isolated after 4 days' co-cultivation. The protoplasts were cultured without selection and 4 weeks later the surviving proto-calluses were again screened for GFP expression. Of the proto-calluses initially expressing GFP, 50% had lost detectable GFP activity during the first 4 weeks of culture. Multiple T-DNA copies of the gfp gene were detected in 10 of 17 proto-calluses lacking visible GFP activity. The remaining 7 cell lines contained no gfp sequences. Our results confirm that transiently expressed T-DNAs can be lost during growth of somatic cells and demonstrate that transiently expressing cells frequently integrate multiple T-DNAs that become silenced. In cells competent for DNA uptake, cell death and gene silencing were more important barriers to the recovery of stably expressing transformants than lack of T-DNA integration.

  17. Karyological and cytological effects of gamma rays on pollen ontogenesis and viability and on the tapetum of Nicotiana tabacum L. var. xanthi Dulieu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muhanna, S.; Souvre, A.; Albertini, L. (Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique, 31 - Toulouse (France). Lab. de Cytologie et de Pathologie Vegetales)


    Gamma irradiation of seeds (100 to 1000 Gy) or inflorescences (3000 Gy) of Nicotiana tabacum L. var. xanthi Dulieu mainly induced chromatoclastic effects affecting the microspore mother cells (MMCs) during meiosis: chromosome fragmentation, chromosome stickiness promoting the formation of chiasmas even between non-homologous chromosomes, single or multiple chromosomal bridges during anaphases and telophases I and II and irregular chromosomal disjunction. In plants raised from irradiated seeds, the frequency of abnormal meiotic figures and the rate of pollen sterility were directly related to the gamma ray dose. Gamma irradiation also induced the early dysfunction of the tapetum (tapetal degeneration was already visible at pachytene) with nuclear pycnosis or an expanded and sticky chromatin network and this no doubt contributed to pollen sterility. (author).

  18. Expression dynamics and ultrastructural localization of epitope-tagged Abutilon mosaic virus nuclear shuttle and movement proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kleinow, Tatjana; Tanwir, Fariha; Kocher, Cornelia; Krenz, Bjoern; Wege, Christina; Jeske, Holger


    The geminivirus Abutilon mosaic virus (AbMV) encodes two proteins which are essential for viral spread within plants. The nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) transfers viral DNA between the nucleus and cytoplasm, whereas the movement protein (MP) facilitates transport between cells through plasmodesmata and long-distance via phloem. An inducible overexpression system for epitope-tagged NSP and MP in plants yielded unprecedented amounts of both proteins. Western blots revealed extensive posttranslational modification and truncation for MP, but not for NSP. Ultrastructural examination of Nicotiana benthamiana tissues showed characteristic nucleopathic alterations, including fibrillar rings, when epitope-tagged NSP and MP were simultaneously expressed in leaves locally infected with an AbMV DNA A in which the coat protein gene was replaced by a green fluorescent protein encoding gene. Immunogold labelling localized NSP in the nucleoplasm and in the fibrillar rings. MP appeared at the cell periphery, probably the plasma membrane, and plasmodesmata.

  19. Pest and disease resistance enhanced by heterologous suppression of a Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cytochrome P450 gene CYP72A2. (United States)

    Smigocki, Ann C; Wilson, Dennis


    The functional role of the Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cytochrome P450 gene CYP72A2 was investigated in transgenic plants. N. tabacum plants transformed with a sense or antisense CYP72A2 construct exhibited diminished heights, branched stems, smaller leaves and deformed flowers. Western blot analysis revealed reduced levels of a 58 kDa protein corresponding to CYP72A2, suggesting that the CYP72A2 homolog was suppressed in the sense and antisense plants. Transgenic plants had increased resistance to Manduca sexta larvae that consumed about 35 to 90 less of transgenic versus control leaves. A virulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci induced a disease-limiting response followed by a delayed and decreased development of disease symptoms in the transgenics. CYP72A2 gene mediated resistance suggests that the plant-pest or -pathogen interactions may have been modified by changes in bioactive metabolite pools.

  20. Metallophytes in Latin America: a remarkable biological and genetic resource scarcely known and studied in the region Metalófitas en América Latina: un recurso biológico y genético único poco conocido y estudiado en la región

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    Full Text Available In Latin America, metallic ores are abundant and diverse. However, few metal-tolerant and metal hyperaccumulator plants have been reported in the region in comparison with other areas of the world. This may be largely explained by the scarcity of scientific studies of the native vegetation growing on natural mineralized or metal-contaminated areas and the unfrequent use of biogeochemical prospecting techniques by the local mining industry, rather than the proven absence of these plants. Latin America is, however, an area where metal-tolerant and hyperaccumulator plants (metallophytes should be found, not only because of the wealth of ore deposits and associated metal polluted areas, but also due to its high and unique plant diversity. If plant formations developed over natural mineral outcrops are not evaluated before ore extraction, we can loose key metal tolerant species and/or genotypes (ecotypes forever which may be useful for the mitigation of environmental problems generated by the mining industry itself (e.g., phytoextraction, phytostabilization, and phytominingAmérica Latina posee una gran abundancia y diversidad de yacimientos minerales metálicos. Sin embargo, se han descrito pocas especies tolerantes e hiperacumuladoras de metales en comparación con otras regiones del mundo. Esto podría deberse tanto a la escasez de estudios científicos sobre la vegetación nativa que se ha desarrollado sobre mineralizaciones superficiales o en suelos enriquecidos antrópicamente con metales como a la falta de métodos biogeoquímicos para la prospección de minerales, más bien que a la ausencia real de este tipo de especies vegetales en la región. Latinoamérica es, sin embargo, un área con gran potencial para la presencia de este tipo de especies vegetales, no solo por el gran número de mineralizaciones y áreas contaminadas con metales presentes, sino que por su variada y única diversidad vegetal. Si las comunidades vegetales presentes

  1. Bioindicadores de la calidad del suelo: herramienta metodológica para la evaluación de la eficacia de un proceso fitorremediador


    C. Garbisu; J.M. Becerril; L. Epelde; I. Alkorta


    La fitorremediación es una tecnología emergente que utiliza plantas y microorganismos asociados para descontaminar suelos, aire, sedimentos, y aguas. Esta fitotecnología se basa en la capacidad de algunas especies vegetales para tolerar, absorber, acumular y degradar compuestos contaminantes. El objetivo último de un proceso fitorremediador de suelos contaminados no debe ser solamente eliminar el contaminante sino sobre todo recuperar la calidad del suelo, entendida ésta como la capacidad de ...

  2. La especie de los Pulpos

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    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de éste trabajo es introducir la especie Oct de los pulpos. Demostraremos además la validez de ciertas ecuaciones combinatorias sugeridas por F. Bergeron y otros.

  3. Purification and biochemical characterization of NpABCG5/NpPDR5, a plant pleiotropic drug resistance transporter expressed in Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 suspension cells. (United States)

    Toussaint, Frédéric; Pierman, Baptiste; Bertin, Aurélie; Lévy, Daniel; Boutry, Marc


    Pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) transporters belong to the ABCG subfamily of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters and are involved in the transport of various molecules across plasma membranes. During evolution, PDR genes appeared independently in fungi and in plants from a duplication of a half-size ABC gene. The enzymatic properties of purified PDR transporters from yeast have been characterized. This is not the case for any plant PDR transporter, or, incidentally, for any purified plant ABC transporter. Yet, plant PDR transporters play important roles in plant physiology such as hormone signaling or resistance to pathogens or herbivores. Here, we describe the expression, purification, enzymatic characterization and 2D analysis by electron microscopy of NpABCG5/NpPDR5 from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia , which has been shown to be involved in the plant defense against herbivores. We constitutively expressed NpABCG5/NpPDR5, provided with a His-tag in a homologous system: suspension cells from Nicotiana tabacum (Bright Yellow 2 line). NpABCG5/NpPDR5 was targeted to the plasma membrane and was solubilized by dodecyl maltoside and purified by Ni-affinity chromatography. The ATP-hydrolyzing specific activity (27 nmol min -1  mg -1 ) was stimulated seven-fold in the presence of 0.1% asolectin. Electron microscopy analysis indicated that NpABCG5/NpPDR5 is monomeric and with dimensions shorter than those of known ABC transporters. Enzymatic data (optimal pH and sensitivity to inhibitors) confirmed that plant and fungal PDR transporters have different properties. These data also show that N. tabacum suspension cells are a convenient host for the purification and biochemical characterization of ABC transporters. © 2017 The Author(s); published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society.

  4. La especie de los pulpos

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    Eddy Pariguan


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este trabajo es introducir la especie de los pulpos en combinatoria enumerativa. Demostraremos además la validez de ciertas ecuaciones combinatorias sugeridas por Bergeron et al. en [3].

  5. Especies del Fitoplancton Presentes en el Lago Tonatiahua, Morelos, México Especies del Fitoplancton Presentes en el Lago Tonatiahua, Morelos, México

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    Roberto Trejo Albarrán


    Full Text Available Se llevó a cabo un reconocimiento de las especies del fitoplancton del Lago Tonatiahua, Morelos, México, registrándose un total de 24 especies, incluidas en las siguientes clases: Chlorophyceae con 4 especies, Chlamydophyceae con 3 especies, Cyanophyceae con 3 especies, Euglenophyceae con 2 especies, Dinophyceae con 1 especie y Bacillariophyceae con 11, se da una descripción de cada una de ellas y la distribución que presentaron en la columna de agua durante el estudio. An examination of the phytoplankton species from the Tonatiahua lake of Morelos, Mexico was carried out. 24species were examinated. They were included in the following classification: Chlorophyceae with 4species, Chlamydophyceae with 3species, Cyanophyceae with 3 species, Euglenophyceae with 2 species, Dinophyceae with 1 species, Bacillariophyceae with 11 species, a description of each are and its distribution in a water column during the test are presented in this paper.


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    Raúl Martínez Crovetto


    Full Text Available El autor estudia las especies del género Sicyos que viven dentro del territorio de la República Argentina; señalando que hasta el presente se han hallado seis. Luego de una diagnosis del género, suministra una clave, descripciones y figuras de cada una de ellas, a fin de facilitar su reconocimiento. Las especies estudiadas son S. malvifolius Griseb., S. polyacanthus Cogn., S. Odanellii Mart.-Crov., S. Kunthii Cogn. (nuevo habitante para la flora argentina, S. Warmingii Cogn, S. Warmingii Cogn. var. longispina Mart.-Crov. (nueva variedad y S. ignarus Mart.-Crov. (especie nueva para la ciencia.

  7. Cuantificación del área de pajonal de las microcuencas de Gocta y Chinata y su potencial como reserva de carbono

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    Manuel Oliva


    Full Text Available Se realizó la cuantificación de las áreas con presencia de pajonales y la cantidad de carbono retenida por las mismas. La cuantificación de áreas se realizó mediante la manipulación e interpretación de imágenes satelitales. Para el cálculo de biomasa de los pajonales, se establecieron parcelas de corte (Harvest method, teniendo en cuenta dos cuadrantes de 1 m por 1 m por cada hectárea. Posteriormente, se cortó toda la vegetación cuyas raíces partían del interior del cuadrante, se registró el peso fresco total por metro cuadrado y se colectó una submuestra para su posterior obtención de biomasa seca y su respectiva identificación botánica. Además de ello, se realizó la identificación de las especies vegetales asociadas. Como resultado se generaron mapas de distribución de los pajonales en la zona alta de las microcuencas de las cataratas de Gocta y Chinata. El área de pajonales tiene 46,30 km2 , distribuidos entre las microcuencas de Gocta y Chinata, donde predominan las especies vegetales de la familia de las Poaceae, con un porcentaje del 79% de área con cobertura vegetal. Se obtuvieron 10,1 t/ha de carbono.

  8. Post-pollination mechanisms in Nicotiana longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia: pollen tube growth rate, offspring paternity and hybridization. (United States)

    Figueroa-Castro, Dulce M; Holtsford, Timothy P


    In natural populations where interfertile species coexist, conspecific and heterospecific pollen can be delivered to the stigmas. Post-pollination mechanisms might determine the seed siring success of different pollen donors within species as well as the chances for hybridization between species. Nicotiana longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia occur in sympatry in Northwest Argentina, where they have overlapping flowering seasons and share floral visitors. We explored (1) pollen tube growth rates for outcross versus self pollen in single-donor pollinations; (2) siring success of self versus outcross pollen donors in competitive pollinations, and (3) possibilities for hybridization by performing two- (outcross conspecific vs. heterospecific) and three-pollen donor (self vs. outcross vs. heterospecific) crosses. In N. longiflora, both pollen tube growth rate and siring success favored outcross pollen over self pollen and strong rejection of heterospecific pollen. In N. plumbaginifolia, pollen tube growth rate was similar for self and outcross pollen, self pollen sired similar numbers of offspring than outcross pollen and heterospecific pollen sired roughly the same number of progeny than self pollen. Results suggest that in natural sympatric populations, interspecific crosses would likely lead to unidirectional hybridization with N. plumbaginifolia as the seed parent.

  9. Transfer of the cytochrome P450-dependent dhurrin pathway from Sorghum bicolor into Nicotiana tabacum chloroplasts for light-driven synthesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gnanasekaran, Thiyagarajan; Karcher, Daniel; Nielsen, Agnieszka Janina Zygadlo


    . For this purpose, we stably engineered the dhurrin pathway from Sorghum bicolor into the chloroplasts of Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco). Dhurrin is a cyanogenic glucoside and its synthesis from the amino acid tyrosine is catalysed by two membrane-bound cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP79A1 and CYP71E1) and a soluble...... glucosyltransferase (UGT85B1), and is dependent on electron transfer from a P450 oxidoreductase. The entire pathway was introduced into the chloroplast by integrating CYP79A1, CYP71E1, and UGT85B1 into a neutral site of the N. tabacum chloroplast genome. The two P450s and the UGT85B1 were functional when expressed...... compared to 6% in sorghum. The results obtained pave the way for plant P450s involved in the synthesis of economically important compounds to be engineered into the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts, and demonstrate that their full catalytic cycle can be driven directly by photosynthesis-derived electrons....

  10. Cloning and functional expression of the small subunit of acetolactate synthase from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Hershey, H P; Schwartz, L J; Gale, J P; Abell, L M


    Acetolactate synthase (ALS) is the first committed step of branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis in plants and bacteria. The bacterial holoenzyme has been well characterized and is a tetramer of two identical large subunits (LSUs) of 60 kDa and two identical small subunits (SSUs) ranging in molecular mass from 9 to 17 kDa depending on the isozyme. The enzyme from plants is much less well characterized. Attempts to purify the protein have yielded an enzyme which appears to be an oligomer of LSUs, with the potential existence of a SSU for the plant enzyme remaining a matter of considerable speculation. We report here the discovery of a cDNA clone that encodes a SSU of plant ALS based upon the homology of the encoded peptide with various bacterial ALS SSUs. The plant ALS SSU is more than twice as large as any of its prokaryotic homologues and contains two domains that each encode a full-length copy of the prokaryotic SSU polypeptide. The cDNA clone was used to express Nicotiana plumbaginifolia SSU in Escherichia coli. Mixing a partially purified preparation of this SSU with the LSU of ALS from either N. plumbaginifolia or Arabidopsis thaliana results in both increased specific activity and increased stability of the enzymic activity. These results are consistent with those observed for the bacterial enzyme in similar experiments and represent the first functional demonstration of the existence of a SSU for plant ALS.

  11. Single-molecule diffusometry reveals the nucleotide-dependent oligomerization pathways of Nicotiana tabacum Rubisco activase (United States)

    Wang, Quan; Serban, Andrew J.; Wachter, Rebekka M.; Moerner, W. E.


    Oligomerization plays an important role in the function of many proteins, but a quantitative picture of the oligomer distribution has been difficult to obtain using existing techniques. Here we describe a method that combines sub-stoichiometric labeling and recently developed single-molecule diffusometry to measure the size distribution of oligomers under equilibrium conditions in solution, one molecule at a time. We use this technique to characterize the oligomerization behavior of Nicotiana tabacum (Nt) Rubisco activase (Nt-Rca), a chaperone-like AAA-plus ATPase essential in regulating carbon fixation during photosynthesis. We directly observed monomers, dimers, and a tetramer/hexamer mixture and extracted their fractional abundance as a function of protein concentration. We show that the oligomerization pathway of Nt-Rca is nucleotide dependent: ATPγS binding strongly promotes tetramer/hexamer formation from dimers and results in a preferred tetramer/hexamer population for concentrations in the 1-10 μM range. Furthermore, we directly observed dynamic assembly and disassembly processes of single complexes in real time and from there estimated the rate of subunit exchange to be ˜0.1 s-1 with ATPγS. On the other hand, ADP binding destabilizes Rca complexes by enhancing the rate of subunit exchange by >2 fold. These observations provide a quantitative starting point to elucidate the structure-function relations of Nt-Rca complexes. We envision the method to fill a critical gap in defining and quantifying protein assembly pathways in the small-oligomer regime.

  12. Characterization of a pollen-specific cDNA clone from Nicotiana tabacum expressed during microgametogenesis and germination. (United States)

    Weterings, K; Reijnen, W; van Aarssen, R; Kortstee, A; Spijkers, J; van Herpen, M; Schrauwen, J; Wullems, G


    This report describes the isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone representing a gene specifically expressed in pollen. A cDNA library was constructed against mRNA from mature pollen of Nicotiana tabacum. It was screened differentially against cDNA from mRNA of leaf and of pollen. One clone, NTPc303, was further characterized. On northern blot this clone hybridizes to a transcript 2100 nucleotides in length. NTPc303 is abundant in pollen. Expression of the corresponding gene is restricted to pollen, because no other generative or vegetative tissue contains transcripts hybridizing to NTPc303. Expression of NTP303 is evolutionarily conserved: homologous transcripts are present in pollen from various plant species. The first NTP303 transcripts are detectable on northern blot at the early bi-nucleate stage and accumulate until the pollen has reached maturity. During germination and pollen tube growth in vitro new NTP303 transcripts appear. This transcription has been proved by northern blots as well as by pulse labelling experiments. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that NTPc303 has an open reading frame coding for a predicted protein of 62 kDa. This protein shares homology to ascorbate oxidase and other members of the blue copper oxidase family. A possible function for this clone during pollen germination is discussed.

  13. Root jasmonic acid synthesis and perception regulate folivore-induced shoot metabolites and increase Nicotiana attenuata resistance. (United States)

    Fragoso, Variluska; Rothe, Eva; Baldwin, Ian T; Kim, Sang-Gyu


    While jasmonic acid (JA) signaling is widely accepted as mediating plant resistance to herbivores, and the importance of the roots in plant defenses is recently being recognized, the role of root JA in the defense of above-ground parts remains unstudied. To restrict JA impairment to the roots, we micrografted wildtype Nicotiana attenuata shoots to the roots of transgenic plants impaired in JA signaling and evaluated ecologically relevant traits in the glasshouse and in nature. Root JA synthesis and perception are involved in regulating nicotine production in roots. Strikingly, systemic root JA regulated local leaf JA and abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations, which were associated with differences in nicotine transport from roots to leaves via the transpiration stream. Root JA signaling also regulated the accumulation of other shoot metabolites; together these account for differences in resistance against a generalist, Spodoptera littoralis, and a specialist herbivore, Manduca sexta. In N. attenuata's native habitat, silencing root JA synthesis increased the shoot damage inflicted by Empoasca leafhoppers, which are able to select natural jasmonate mutants. Silencing JA perception in roots also increased damage by Tupiocoris notatus. We conclude that attack from above-ground herbivores recruits root JA signaling to launch the full complement of plant defense responses. © 2014 Max Planck Society. New Phytologist © 2014 New Phytologist Trust.

  14. Dos especies nuevas de Ouratea Aublet (Ochnaceae de Colombia Dos especies nuevas de Ouratea Aublet (Ochnaceae de Colombia

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    Sastre C.


    Full Text Available Two new colombian species of Ouratea Aublet (Ochnaceae are described. Relationships are established with O. gigantophylla (Erhard Engler and O. macrophylla van Tieghem.   Entre el material de Ouratea Aublet (Ochnaceae recolectado recientemente en Colombia, no he podido referir tres especímenes a las especies ya descritas.  Estas plantas pertenecen a dos especies nuevas, sistemáticamente cercanas a O. gigantophylla (Erhard Engler y a O. macrophylla van Tieghem.

  15. Organization of cytoskeleton controls the changes in cytosolic calcium of cold-shocked Nicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplasts. (United States)

    Mazars, C; Thion, L; Thuleau, P; Graziana, A; Knight, M R; Moreau, M; Ranjeva, R


    Using Nicotiana plumbaginifolia constitutively expressing the recombinant bioluminescent calcium indicator, aequorin, it has been previously demonstrated that plant cells react to cold-shock by an immediate rise in cytosolic calcium. Such an opportune system has been exploited to address the regulatory pathway involved in the calcium response. For this purpose, we have used protoplasts derived from N. plumbaginifolia leaves that behave as the whole plant but with a better reproducibility. By both immunodetecting cytoskeletal components on membrane ghosts and measuring the relative change in cytosolic calcium, we demonstrate that the organization of the cytoskeleton has profound influences on the calcium response. The disruption of the microtubule meshwork by various active drugs, such as colchicin, oryzalin and vinblastin, leads to an important increase in the cytosolic calcium (up to 400 nM) in cold-shocked protoplasts over control. beta-Lumicolchicin, an inactive analogue of colchicin, is ineffective either on cytoplasmic calcium increase or on microtubule organization. A microfilament disrupting drug, cytochalasin D, exerts a slight stimulatory effect, whereas the simultaneous disruption of microtubule and microfilament meshworks results in a dramatic increase in the calcium response to cold-shock. The results described in the present paper illustrate the role of the intracellular organization and, more specifically, the role of cytoskeleton in controlling the intensity of calcium response to an extracellular stimulus.

  16. Seguimiento a patógenos presentes en biosólido empleado como enmienda para revegetalizar un talud


    López Sánchez, Idalia Jacqueline; Acevedo Cifuentes, Diana Rocío; Ordóñez Ante, Carlos Andrés


    Con el fin de evaluar la factibilidad del uso del biosólido como enmienda orgánica para el establecimiento de vegetación y el control de procesos erosivos superficiales activos, se seleccionó un corte de carretera ubicado sobrela Variante a Caldas (Antioquia). Para darle amarre y cobertura al suelo, se sembraron dos especies vegetales tipo pasto Brachiaria Decumbens y Kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum), utilizando biosólido proveniente de la PTAR San Fernando, mezclado con suelo de la zon...

  17. Algunas especies colombianas de Pleurothallis

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    Schneider Martín


    Full Text Available Uno de los géneros más interesantes entre las orquídeas americanas es Pleurothallis. Su área de extensión alcanza desde el sur de EE. UU. (Florida: 1 especie y las Antillas hasta Bolivia y la Argentina. Dentro de esta área inmensa, el género ha desarrollado naturalmente un número altísimo de formas distintas, y con aproximadamente mil especies figura entre los géneros más ricos. Del hecho de que se encuentran desde el nivel del mar hasta las cumbres de las montañas y los limites de los páramos resulta que es un género muy polimorfo.  Se deja, sin embargo, subdividir en varias grandes secciones naturales.  La literatura acerca de Pleurothallis es muy abundante, pero falta todavía una amplia monografía que reúna los datos dispersos.

  18. The effect of synchrotron radiation on nicotiana tabacum-roots in oxygen atmosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avakyan, Ts.M.; Karagezyan, A.S.; Danielyan, A.Kh.


    The question of mutual action of sVnchrotron radiation (SR) and living objects and the influence of powerful radiations on the peculiarities of their functioning is a major problem in all fields where SR in applied, as well as in medicobiological aspects of space flights. The present report summarizes new experimental findings concerning the action of magnetic-inhibiting radiation on Nicotiana tabacum - roots in oxygen and helium atmosphere. Comparative studies have been carried out on ''oxygen effect'' of SR and X-ray radiation by traditional radiobiological equipment. The experiments have been performed on the 2 synchrotron channel of Yerevan Physical Institute Electron Accelerator. The circular current of the accelerator equals 1 ma at a maximal energy of electrons in the ring 4.5 GeV. Nonmonochromatized SR coming out from the beryllium window of the current conductor entered a special maylar chamber which was filled with oxygen and helium. 4-day old roots of tobacco seeds were radiated in the chamber. The radiation dose in X-ray, as well as in SR equals 500 rad/min. X-ray radiation was carried out with the use of a RUP-200/20 equipment at a regime of J=15 ma, E=183 kV. In applying 500, 00 and 2500 rad in oxygen atmosphere a marked maximum of chromosome aberration frequency was noted at 2500 rad. Comparative investigations have shown that in radiating the roots by X-ray in oxygen atmosphere, the percentage of chromosome aberrations constitutes 4.5 at 2500 rad, while in SR it equals 24. The ''oxygen effect'' has been demonstrated, and the protective effect in helium atmosphere. The question of dosimetry is discussed, and basing on modern views a working hypothesis is presented which explains the marked damaging effect of SR action in oxygen atmosphere

  19. Molecular cloning of a catalase cDNA from Nicotiana glutinosa L. and its repression by tobacco mosaic virus infection. (United States)

    Yi, S Y; Yu, S H; Choi, D


    Recent reports revealed that catalase has a role in the plant defense mechanism against a broad range of pathogens through being inhibited by salicylic acid (SA). During an effort to clone disease resistance-responsive genes, a cDNA encoding catalase (Ngcat1; Nicotiana glutinosa cat1) was isolated from a tobacco cDNA library. In N. glutinosa, catalase is encoded by a small gene family. The deduced amino acid sequence of the Ngcat1 cDNA has 98% homology with the cat1 gene of N. plumbaginifolia. The Ngcat1 expression is controlled by the circadian clock, and its mRNA level is the most abundant in leaves. Both the expression of Ngcat1 mRNA and its enzyme activity in the tobacco plant undergoing a hypersensitive response (HR) to TMV infection were repressed. The repression of the mRNA level was also observed following treatment with SA. These results imply that SA may act as an inhibitor of catalase transcription during the HR of tobacco. Cloning and expression of the Ngcat1 in tobacco following pathogen infection and SA treatment are presented.

  20. Gene Inactivation by CRISPR-Cas9 in Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 Suspension Cells. (United States)

    Mercx, Sébastien; Tollet, Jérémie; Magy, Bertrand; Navarre, Catherine; Boutry, Marc


    Plant suspension cells are interesting hosts for the heterologous production of pharmacological proteins such as antibodies. They have the advantage to facilitate the containment and the application of good manufacturing practices. Furthermore, antibodies can be secreted to the extracellular medium, which makes the purification steps much simpler. However, improvements are still to be made regarding the quality and the production yield. For instance, the inactivation of proteases and the humanization of glycosylation are both important targets which require either gene silencing or gene inactivation. To this purpose, CRISPR-Cas9 is a very promising technique which has been used recently in a series of plant species, but not yet in plant suspension cells. Here, we sought to use the CRISPR-Cas9 system for gene inactivation in Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 suspension cells. We transformed a transgenic line expressing a red fluorescent protein (mCherry) with a binary vector containing genes coding for Cas9 and three guide RNAs targeting mCherry restriction sites, as well as a bialaphos-resistant (bar) gene for selection. To demonstrate gene inactivation in the transgenic lines, the mCherry gene was PCR-amplified and analyzed by electrophoresis. Seven out of 20 transformants displayed a shortened fragment, indicating that a deletion occurred between two target sites. We also analyzed the transformants by restriction fragment length polymorphism and observed that the three targeted restriction sites were hit. DNA sequencing of the PCR fragments confirmed either deletion between two target sites or single nucleotide deletion. We therefore conclude that CRISPR-Cas9 can be used in N. tabacum BY2 cells.

  1. Non-destructive analysis of major components in plant materials by mean of 14-MeV neutrons; Analyse ''non destructrice'' des principaux constituants de la matiere vegetale apres irradiation aux neutrons de 14 MeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garrec, J P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Although reactors are an important source of neutrons for activation analysis, it is sometimes convenient to have recourse to other, less expensive neutron sources. The Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires at Grenoble has small electrostatic accelerators which generate fast neutrons of 14 MeV energy. These SAMES-type generators are used for directing a deuton beam at 150 kV onto a tritiated target, the resulting flux of monoenergetic neutrons attaining 5 x 10{sup 11} ns{sup -1} in 4 {pi} geometry by the {sup 3}H(d,n){sup 4}He reaction. Numerous elements found in plant material can be activated in this flux, mainly by (n,p), (n,{alpha}) and (n,2n) reactions. Current research is directed towards making use of the entire gamma spectrum of activated plant matter. A computer is used to break down the spectrum into seven main spectral regions by the least-squares method. As a first approximation, these regions are those obtained from aluminium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and chlorine standards in standard activation and radioactive decay conditions. The wanted advantage of this way of analysis is not acute sensibility, but great fastness. Therefore radioactivation with 14 MeV neutrons is particularly well adapted to quick and simultaneous dosages of useful elements in agronomy. (author) [French] Bien que les reacteurs constituent une source de neutrons importante en analyse par activation, il est parfois commode de recourir a d'autres sources neutronigenes exigeant un investissement moindre. Le Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble dispose de petits accelerateurs electrostatiques generateurs de neutrons rapides de 14 MeV. Ces generateurs, de type SAMES, accelerent un faisceau de deutons sous 150 kV vers une cible tritiee. Celle-ci fournit un flux de neutrons mono-energetiques atteignant 5 x 10{sup 11} n/s/4 {pi} par la reaction {sup 3}H(d,n){sup 4}He. De nombreux elements composant les matieres vegetales s'activent dans ce flux principalement par reactions

  2. Trophic ecology of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Chile




    Documentamos la dieta del jabalí silvestre en el centro-sur de Chile basados en el examen de 20 estómagos colectados en los faldeos de volcán Mocho-Choshuenco (39°54' S, 72°02' O) y en el Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales (41°03' S, 71°54' O). La dieta está representada por animales, vegetales y hongos. Entre los vegetales y hongos son consumidas tanto las partes epígeas como hipógeas, lo mismo que frutos y semillas. Hongos y rizomas de Gunnera tinctoria constituyen ítemes vegetales cuant...

  3. Una nueva especie amazónica de Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae Una nueva especie amazónica de Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae

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    González Favio


    Full Text Available Mediante el estudio de colecciones provenientes de la Amazonia ecuatoriana (Napo y peruana (Huánuco y Loreto, es descrita Aristolochia schunkeana como especie nueva de Aristolochia ser. Thyrsicae; adicionalmente, se presenta una clave ilustrada para diferenciar las especies de la Amazonia noroccidental afines al nuevo taxon. Aristolochia schunkeana, from Ecuador (Napa and Peru (Huánuco and Loreto, is described as a new species of Aristolochia ser. Thyrsicae; in addition, a key and some drawings of the new taxon and their relatives from northwest Amazonia are provided.


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    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sistemático, macro y micromorfológico de las especies colombianas del género Digitaria. Se analizan diversos aspectos relativos a la clasificación, la nomenclatura, las afinidades genéricas y la variación macro y micromorfológica de los caracteres, así como algunos aspectos anatómicos de la espiguilla y el antecio superior. El género Digitaria está representado en Colombia por 18 especies distribuidas en cinco secciones: Digitaria sect. Calvulae (una especie, Digitaria sect. Digitaria (siete especies, Digitaria sect. Ischaemum (tres especies, Digitaria sect. Ternatae (cuatro especies y Digitaria sect. Trichachne (tres especies. Dos especies son endémicas de Colombia (Digitaria cardenasiana y Digitaria andicola. Las especies Digitaria argillacea, Digitaria neesiana y Digitaria fragilis se excluyen de la flora de Colombia. Se presentan las claves para reconocer las secciones y las especies presentes en Colombia, así como también las descripciones de éstas, la iconografía, los usos, los nombres vulgares, la distribución geográfica y se comentan algunas observaciones morfológicas y ecológicas. Se documenta la presencia de espiguillas trifloras en el género Digitaria, situación observada en las especies Digitaria dioica y Digitaria nuda.


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    Full Text Available Se caracterizó la fauna de anuros sobre un gradiente altitudinal de 2200 a 3200 mabarcando tres formaciones vegetales, Selva Andina, Bosque Altoandino ySubpáramo, sobre la cordillera Oriental colombiana. Se realizaron 43 sesiones detrabajo entre Agosto de 2000 y Febrero de 2002 aplicando búsqueda libre porinspección visual y transectos. Se registraron doce de las especies conocidas de lazona y una más indescrita que constituye un nuevo registro y se suma a las dosespecies indescritas previamente registradas. Las abundancias absolutas fuerondiferentes entre las 3 formaciones vegetales y entre las épocas de muestreo.Contrariamente, no hubo diferencias entre el número de individuos obtenidos enlos meses secos contrastados con los meses lluviosos. La mayoría de especies eindividuos utilizaron el estrato herbáceo y parece no haber un uso diferencial delestrato vertical. E. prolixodiscus mostró preferencia por las bromelias como sustrato.Las curvas de acumulación de especies mostraron que el inventario está casicompleto en la Selva Andina y está en sus inicios en el Bosque Altoandino y elSubpáramo. Se observó una diversidad â baja entre los sitios evaluados.Eleutherodactylus anolirex, E. prolixodiscus y Eleutherodactylus sp. 1 sedistribuyen de forma continua en el gradiente, mientras que E. douglasi, E. lutitus,E. merostictus y Eleutherodactylus sp. 3 llegan hasta su parte media. E. douglasiy E. prolixodiscus aumentaron sus cotas altitudinales superiores (en 350 y 710 mrespectivamente. La disminución de la riqueza a lo largo del gradiente (quince,siete y tres especies es reflejo de una tendencia conocida, acentuada por elsubmuestreo de las partes media y alta de El Rasgón.

  6. Effects of insect and decapod exclusion and leaf litter species identity on breakdown rates in a tropical headwater stream

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    José Rincón


    Full Text Available La gran variedad de especies vegetales junto a los ríos tropicales afecta la diversidad de detritos orgánicos que llegan a los arroyos, creando variaciones temporales en cantidad y calidad de hojarasca. Examinamos la influencia de las especies vegetales y de la exclusión de macroinvertebrados sobre la descomposición de hojarasca en la parte alta de un arroyo en las montañas Luquillo de Puerto Rico. Incubamos hojarasca de Dacryodes excelsa (Burseraceae, Guarea guidonia (Meliaceae, Cecropia scheberiana (Moraceae, Manilkara bidentata (Sapotaceae y Prestoea acuminata (Palmae en bolsas descomposición que colocamos en una poza de Quebrada Prieta. Usamos bolsas de malla fina para excluir los macroinvertebrados y de malla gruesa para permitir la entrada a crustáceos decápodos (camarones y cangrejos jóvenes e insectos acuáticos (principalmente efemerópteros, quironómidos y tricópteros. D. excelsa y G. guidonia (en ambos tipos de malla tuvieron tasas de descomposición más altas que C. scheberiana, M. bidentata y P. acuminata. La descomposición fue más rápida para todas las especies de hoja con la malla gruesa, resaltando el papel de los descomponedores en este hábitat. Tras 42 días de esta incubación, las densidades totales de invertebrados, efemerópteros y tricópteros fueron mayores en las bolsas con hojas de D. excelsa y G. guidonia, e inferiores en P. acuminata, C. scheberiana y M. bidentata. A mayor densidad de insectos hubo mayor tasa de descomposición. Nuestros resultados indican la importancia de la especie de las hojas y de la presencia de macroinvertebrados en el proceso de descomposición de hojarasca en partes altas de arroyos tropicales.

  7. Hábitos alimentarios del venado cola blanca Odocoileus virginianus (Artiodactyla: Cervidae en el Parque Natural Sierra Nanchititla, Estado de México

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    Ulises Aguilera-Reyes


    Full Text Available El venado cola blanca es una especie con una gran plasticidad conductual y de adaptación en diferentes hábitat. En el Parque Sierra Nanchititla en el Estado de México se realizó un estudio para determinar los hábitos alimentarios en el bosque mesófilo de montaña (BMM y bosque de pino-encino (BPE. De junio 1990 a mayo 1992 se recolectaron 104 muestras de excremento de venado en las dos zonas de estudio. Aplicamos el índice de Morisita y la correlación de Spearman para determinar la preferencia alimentaria. Se utilizó el análisis histológico de heces fecales para herbívoros las cuales se compararon con muestras de tejidos vegetales de plantas de la zona de estudio. Los resultados muestran que consume el 79.44% de especies vegetales del BMM y 20.56% del BPE. Existe cierta tendencia en la selectividad de 12 de las 14 especies de plantas localizadas en el BMM, mientras que para el BPE no se aprecia tal tendencia. Las especies clave que for- man parte de la alimentación elemental del venado fueron: Acalypha setosa, Smilax pringlei, Psidium sartorianum y Dendropanax arborea. El consumo de plantas no varió sig- nificativamente entre la época seca y lluviosa en función de la forma biológica (X2=12, p=0.21. Sin embargo, durante la época seca existe cierta tendencia a consumir árboles y a finales de la época de lluvia a consumir hierbas (Z=1.61, p=0.95. Los datos indican que el venado puede ser selecti- vo con plantas del BMM, mientras que para el BPE tiende a ser oportunista.

  8. Palmas de Colombia: clave diagnostica de los géneros y nómina de las especies conocidas

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    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available Después del Brasil, Colombia posee mayor número de palmas que cualquiera otro país del globo.  Débese la razón de esta primacía a la favorable situación geográfica de nuestro territorio, en cuyo ámbito concurren condiciones fitoecológicas muy variadas: por el sur y por el suroeste Colombia ocupa una porción muy amplia de la inmensa Hylæa amazónica*, verdadero Edén del reino vegetal, como llamó a esta región el botánico Kerchove de Denterghem; por el noroeste, las selvas húmedas del Darién, del Atrato y del Chocó son la continuación en este continente de las ricas asociaciones vegetales centro-americanas; hacia el nordeste, las fronteras de nuestro país atraviesan una parte considerable de las grandes selvas vírgenes que cubren la región meridional de la cuenca de Maracaibo y que penetran a Colombia por el Catatumbo, en tanto que por los lados del occidente y del suroeste toda la Costa del Pacifico, desde el Chocó hasta el Ecuador, esta vestida de magnas florestas primitivas sujetas a uno de los regímenes pluviales más abundantes de la tierra.

  9. Introgression of a Tombusvirus Resistance Locus from Nicotiana edwardsonii var. Columbia to N. clevelandii. (United States)

    Schoelz, James E; Wiggins, B Elizabeth; Wintermantel, William M; Ross, Kathleen


    ABSTRACT A new variety of Nicotiana, N. edwardsonii var. Columbia, was evaluated for its capacity to serve as a new source for virus resistance genes. Columbia was developed from a hybridization between N. glutinosa and N. clevelandii, the same parents used for the formation of the original N. edwardsonii. However, in contrast to the original N. edwardsonii, crosses between Columbia and either of its parents are fertile. Thus, the inheritance of virus resistance genes present in N. glutinosa could be characterized by using Columbia as a bridge plant in crosses with the susceptible parent, N. clevelandii. To determine how virus resistance genes would segregate in interspecific crosses between Columbia and N. clevelandii, we followed the fate of the N gene, a single dominant gene that specifies resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Our genetic evidence indicated that the entire chromosome containing the N gene was introgressed into N. clevelandii to create an addition line, designated N. clevelandii line 19. Although line 19 was homozygous for resistance to TMV, it remained susceptible to Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV) and Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) strain W260, indicating that resistance to these viruses must reside on other N. glutinosa chromosomes. We also developed a second addition line, N. clevelandii line 36, which was homozygous for resistance to TBSV. Line 36 was susceptible to TMV and CaMV strain W260, but was resistant to other tombusviruses, including Cucumber necrosis virus, Cymbidium ringspot virus, Lettuce necrotic stunt virus, and Carnation Italian ringspot virus.

  10. Uptake and translocation of 109Cd and stable Cd within tobacco plants (Nicotiana sylvestris)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosén, K.; Eriksson, J.; Vinichuk, M.


    The availability, uptake, and translocation of recently added ( 109 Cd) and naturally occurring (stable) soil Cd within tobacco plants were compared. 109 Cd was added to soil in two treatments, A (0.25 MBq kg soil −1 DW) and B (eight-fold dose): stable Cd was measured in both treatments. Both the added and the stable Cd were higher in leaves and reproductive structures of the plant than in stalks and roots. The uptake of 109 Cd was 5.3 kBq plant −1 for treatment A and 36.7 kBq plant −1 for treatment B, and about 26 μg plant −1 for stable Cd. Leaves of the tobacco plants accumulated 40–45% of the total 109 Cd and about 50% of total stable Cd taken up by the plant. Cadmium concentration in the plant was three times higher than in roots and two times higher than the concentration in soil: the concentration in roots was lower than in the soil. - Capsule: The availability, uptake, and translocation of recently added ( 109 Cd) and naturally occurring (stable) soil Cd within tobacco plants (Nicotiana sylvestris) were investigated. - Highlights: ► We compared uptake recently added and naturally occurring soil Cd by tobacco plant. ► Both added and stable Cd display similar uptake and translocation within the plant. ► Leaves of tobacco plants accumulate half of the total Cd taken up by the plant. ► Recently added 109 Cd to soil is more available than naturally occurring cadmium.

  11. Host-Pathogen Interactions : XXXII. A Fungal Glucan Preparation Protects Nicotianae against Infection by Viruses. (United States)

    Kopp, M; Rouster, J; Fritig, B; Darvill, A; Albersheim, P


    A glucan preparation obtained from the mycelial walls of the fungus Phytophthora megasperma f.sp. glycinea and known as an elicitor of phytoalexins in soybean was shown to be a very efficient inducer of resistance against viruses in tobacco. The glucan preparation protected against mechanically transmitted viral infections on the upper and lower leaf surfaces. Whether the glucan preparation was applied by injection, inoculation, or spraying, it protected the plants if applied before, at the same time as, or not later than 8 hours after virus inoculation. At concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10 micrograms per milliliter, the glucan preparation induced protection ranging from 50 to 100% against both symptom production (necrotic local lesions, necrotic rings, or systemic mosaic) and virus accumulation in all Nicotiana-virus combinations examined. However, no significant protection against some of the same viruses was observed in bean or turnip. The host plants successfully protected included N. tabacum (9 different cultivars), N. sylvestris, N. glutinosa, and N. clevelandii. The viruses belonged to several taxonomic groups including tobacco mosaic virus, alfalfa mosaic virus, and tomato black ring virus. The glucan preparation did not act directly on the virus and did not interfere with virus disassembly; rather, it appeared to induce changes in the host plant that prevented infections from being initiated or recently established infections from enlarging. The induced resistance does not depend on induction of pathogenesis-related proteins, the phenylpropanoid pathway, lignin-like substances, or callose-like materials. We believe the induced resistance results from a mechanism that has yet to be described.

  12. Aspectos jurídico internacionales del acceso a los recursos genéticos que componen la diversidad biológica


    Rodrigues Bertoldi, Márcia


    Actualmente nos encontramos en un momento de profunda transformación en la historia de la humanidad y de las leyes de la naturaleza caracterizada, entre otras cosas, por un desarrollo expansivo de la industria biotecnológica. La biotecnología tiene como materia prima los recursos genéticos y, también, los extractos bioquímicos de las especies vegetales, animales y microbianas que componen la diversidad biológica, la cual permite un sin fin de posibilidades alimenticias, medicinales, energétic...

  13. Influencia de los bioplaguicidas en los parámetros de calidad de Calendula officinalis L. y Matricaria recutita L.


    Sánchez Govín, Ester; Rivera Amita, María Magdalena; Carballo Guerra, Caridad


    INTRODUCCIÓN: Calendula officinalis L. y Matricaria recutita L. son dos especies medicinales de gran importancia económica y social en Cuba, su cultivo con frecuencia anual se ha visto afectado por la aparición de plagas y enfermedades, con el deterioro del rendimiento de masa vegetal y en su calidad. OBJETIVOS: determinar la influencia de los bioplaguicidas en los parámetros de calidad de Calendula officinalis L. y Matricaria recutita L. MÉTODOS: las drogas vegetales, fueron sometidas a trat...

  14. Diseño piloto del sistema de tratamiento pasivo de infiltraciones provenientes del depósito de material inadecuado de Minera La Zanja, Perú


    Jurado Garayar, Dante Danilo


    El presente estudio denominado “Diseño piloto del sistema de tratamiento pasivo de infiltraciones provenientes del depósito de material inadecuado de Minera La Zanja, Perú” tiene como objetivo evaluar y seleccionar un piloto de sistema de tratamiento pasivo, para ello se identificará la zona de estudio, los materiales y especies vegetales con potencial para la implementación de este sistema de tratamiento. El método de investigación utilizado es el cualitativo y descriptivo (He...

  15. Identification of a cluster IV pleiotropic drug resistance transporter gene expressed in the style of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Trombik, Tomasz; Jasinski, Michal; Crouzet, Jérome; Boutry, Marc


    ATP-binding cassette transporters of the pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) subfamily are composed of five clusters. We have cloned a gene, NpPDR2, belonging to the still uncharacterized cluster IV from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. NpPDR2 transcripts were found in the roots and mature flowers. In the latter, NpPDR2 expression was restricted to the style and only after pollination. A 1.5-kb genomic sequence containing the putative NpPDR2 transcription promoter was fused to the beta-glucuronidase reporter gene. The GUS expression pattern confirmed the RT-PCR results that NpPDR2 was expressed in roots and the flower style and showed that it was localized around the conductive tissues. Unlike other PDR genes, NpPDR2 expression was not induced in leaf tissues by none of the hormones typically involved in biotic and abiotic stress response. Moreover, unlike NpPDR1 known to be involved in biotic stress response, NpPDR2 expression was not induced in the style upon Botrytis cinerea infection. In N. plumbaginifolia plants in which NpPDR2 expression was prevented by RNA interference, no unusual phenotype was observed, including at the flowering stage, which suggests that NpPDR2 is not essential in the reproductive process under the tested conditions.

  16. Molecular characterization and expression study of a histidine auxotrophic mutant (his1-) of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    El Malki, F; Jacobs, M


    The histidine auxotroph mutant his 1(-) isolated from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia haploid protoplasts was first characterized to be deficient for the enzyme histidinol phosphate aminotransferase that is responsible for one of the last steps of histidine biosynthesis. Expression of the mutated gene at the RNA level was assessed by northern analysis of various tissues. Transcriptional activity was unimpaired by the mutation and, in contrast, a higher level of expression was obtained when compared to the wild-type. The cDNA sequence encoding the mutated gene was isolated by RT-PCR and compared to the wild-type gene. A single point mutation corresponding to the substitution of a G nucleotide by A was identified at position 1212 starting from the translation site. The alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences from the mutated and wild-type gene showed that this mutation resulted in the substitution of an Arg by a His residue at position 381. This Arg residue is a conserved amino acid for histidinol phosphate aminotransferase of many species. These results indicate that the identified mutation results in an altered histidinol phosphate aminotransferase enzyme that is unable to convert the substrate imidazole acetol phosphate to histidinol phosphate and thereby leads to the blockage of histidine biosynthesis. Possible consequences of this blockage on the expression of other amino acid biosynthesis genes were evaluated by analysing the expression of the dhdps gene encoding dihydrodipicolinate synthase, the first key enzyme of the lysine pathway.

  17. RNaseI from Escherichia coli cannot substitute for S-RNase in rejection of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia pollen. (United States)

    Beecher, B; Murfett, J; McClure, B A


    Unilateral incompatibility often occurs between self-incompatible (SI) species and their self-compatible (SC) relatives. For example, SI Nicotiana alata rejects pollen from SC N. plumbaginifolia, but the reciprocal pollination is compatible. This interspecific pollen rejection system closely resembles intraspecific S-allele-specific pollen rejection. However, the two systems differ in degree of specificity. In SI, rejection is S-allele-specific, meaning that only a single S-RNase causes rejection of pollen with a specific S genotype. Rejection of N. plumbaginifolia pollen is less specific, occurring in response to almost any S-RNase. Here, we have tested whether a non-S-RNase can cause rejection of N. plumbaginifolia pollen. The Escherichia coli rna gene encoding RNAseI was engineered for expression in transgenic (N. plumbaginifolia x SC N. alata) hybrids. Expression levels and pollination behavior of hybrids expressing E. coli RNaseI were compared to controls expressing SA2-RNase from N. alata. Immunoblot analysis and RNase activity assays showed that RNaseI and SA2-RNase were expressed at comparable levels. However, expression of SA2-RNase caused rejection of N. plumbaginifolia pollen, whereas expression of RNaseI did not. Thus, in this system, RNase activity alone is not sufficient for rejection of N. plumbaginifolia pollen. The results suggest that S-RNases may be specially adapted to function in pollen rejection.

  18. The grapevine VvWRKY2 gene enhances salt and osmotic stress tolerance in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum. (United States)

    Mzid, Rim; Zorrig, Walid; Ben Ayed, Rayda; Ben Hamed, Karim; Ayadi, Mariem; Damak, Yosra; Lauvergeat, Virginie; Hanana, Mohsen


    Our study aims to assess the implication of WRKY transcription factor in the molecular mechanisms of grapevine adaptation to salt and water stresses. In this respect, a full-length VvWRKY2 cDNA, isolated from a Vitis vinifera grape berry cDNA library, was constitutively over-expressed in Nicotiana tabacum seedlings. Our results showed that transgenic tobacco plants exhibited higher seed germination rates and better growth, under both salt and osmotic stress treatments, when compared to wild type plants. Furthermore, our analyses demonstrated that, under stress conditions, transgenic plants accumulated more osmolytes, such as soluble sugars and free proline, while no changes were observed regarding electrolyte leakage, H 2 O 2 , and malondialdehyde contents. The improvement of osmotic adjustment may be an important mechanism underlying the role of VvWRKY 2 in promoting tolerance and adaptation to abiotic stresses. Principal component analysis of our results highlighted a clear partition of plant response to stress. On the other hand, we observed a significant adaptation behaviour response for transgenic lines under stress. Taken together, all our findings suggest that over-expression of VvWRKY2 gene has a compelling role in abiotic stress tolerance and, therefore, would provide a useful strategy to promote abiotic stress tolerance in grape via molecular-assisted breeding and/or new biotechnology tools.

  19. Fluoroorotic acid-selected Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cell lines with a stable thymine starvation phenotype have lost the thymine-regulated transcriptional program. (United States)

    Santoso, D; Thornburg, R


    We have selected 143 independent Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cell lines that survive in the presence of 5-fluoroorotic acid. These lines show several diverse phenotypes. The majority of these cell lines showed reduced levels of UMP synthase. However, one particular phenotype, which represents 14% of the total independent lines (20 cell lines), showed an unexpected, high level of UMP synthase and was therefore analyzed in detail. The selected cell lines showed no differences with wild-type cells with respect to uptake of orotic acid, affinity of UMP synthase for its substrates, or UMP synthase gene-copy number. Alternative detoxification mechanisms were also excluded. The elevated enzyme activity was correlated with elevated UMP synthase protein levels as well as elevated UMP synthase mRNA levels. In contrast to wild-type cell lines, the fluoroorotic acid-selected cell lines did not respond to thymine or to other biochemicals that affect thymine levels. In addition, there was also a concomitant up-regulation of aspartate transcarbamoylase, however, dihydroorotase and dihydroorotate dehydrogenase are not up-regulated in these cell lines.

  20. Nicotiana tabacum as model for ozone - plant surface reactions (United States)

    Jud, Werner; Fischer, Lukas; Wohlfahrt, Georg; Tissier, Alain; Canaval, Eva; Hansel, Armin


    Elevated tropospheric ozone concentrations are considered a toxic threat to plants, responsible for global crop losses with associated economic costs of several billion dollars per year. The ensuing injuries have been related to the uptake of ozone through the stomatal pores and oxidative effects damaging the internal leaf tissue. A striking question of current research is the environment and plant specific partitioning of ozone loss between gas phase, stomatal or plant surface sink terms. Here we show results from ozone fumigation experiments using various Nicotiana Tabacum varieties, whose surfaces are covered with different amounts of unsaturated diterpenoids exuded by their glandular trichomes. Exposure to elevated ozone levels (50 to 150 ppbv) for 5 to 15 hours in an exceptionally clean cuvette system did neither result in a reduction of photosynthesis nor caused any visible leaf damage. Both these ozone induced stress effects have been observed previously in ozone fumigation experiments with the ozone sensitive tobacco line Bel-W3. In our case ozone fumigation was accompanied by a continuous release of oxygenated volatile organic compounds, which could be clearly associated to their condensed phase precursors for the first time. Gas phase reactions of ozone were avoided by choosing a high enough gas exchange rate of the plant cuvette system. In the case of the Ambalema variety, that is known to exude only the diterpenoid cis-abienol, ozone fumigation experiments yield the volatiles formaldehyde and methyl vinyl ketone (MVK). The latter could be unequivocally separated from isomeric methacrolein (MACR) by the aid of a Selective Reagent Ion Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (SRI-ToF-MS), which was switched every six minutes from H3O+ to NO+ primary ion mode and vice versa. Consistent with the picture of an ozone protection mechanism caused by reactive diterpenoids at the leaf surface are the results from dark-light experiments. The ozone loss obtained from the

  1. Biodiversidad del complejo de artrópodos asociados al follaje de la vegetación del norte de Chile, II región Biodiversity of the canopy arthropods associated to vegetation of the north of Chile, II region

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    establece el siguiente gradiente decreciente: DL, TM, TA y DI, concordante con la riqueza de especies vegetales. Como grupo, Homoptera es el que se distribuye sobre una mayor diversidad de especies vegetales en las zonas analizadas. Secundariamente puede considerarse a Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, Psocoptera y Thysanoptera. Dentro del contexto total de especies vegetales muestreadas, destacan por la riqueza específica de artrópodos: Nolana divaricata, Baccharis petiolata, Heliotropium taltalense, Nicotiana solanifolia, Atriplex atacamensis, Fabiana densa, Baccharis incarum, Nolana crassulifolia, Haplopappus rigidus, Cortaderia atacamensis, Eremocharis fruticosa, Atriplex leuca. En cuanto a daño por fitofagia se encontró un total de 25 especies afectadas por defoliación, minado o formación de cecidias, siendo la más relevante esta última. La fitofagia por succión, la más importante del conjunto se infirió por la alta presencia y abundancia de insectos que funcionalmente corresponden a esta categoría (Homoptera, Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, los que están presentes en todas las zonas ecológicas y en especial en DL y TMThe complex formed by phytophagous insects, their host plants and their predators is one of the most important component of ecosystems biodiversity. In this work the role of this complex on the biodiversity of the arid region of Chile was studied. It is postulated that a higher biodiversiyty of phytophagous insects would be associated to more favorable climatic conditions, higher host plant diversity, and higher nitrogen, ash and water content of the vegetation. Also, a higher biodiversity of predators and parasitoids will be sustained by a higher phytophagous insect biodiversity. The study was conducted in the II Region of Chile through an altitudinal transect crossing the following bioclimatic zones from the coast (0 m of altitude to the Andes (4,000 m of altitude: Coastal Desert (or Desierto Litoral, DL, Continental Desert (or Desierto Interior, DI, Pre


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    Viviana G. Solis Neffa


    Full Text Available Se han estudiado los cromosomas mitóticos de quince especies de Serjania Mill., con 2n = 24, de América del Sur. Los resultados incluyen los primeros recuentos de S. paludosa Cambess. y S. setigera Radlk. Fueron analizados los cariotipos de todas las especies, trece de ellos se describen por primera vez. Aunque no ha habido ningún cambio en el número de cromosomas durante la evolución de Serjania y los cariotipos muestran un moderado grado de asimetría, hay una considerable variabilidad en tamaño de los cromosomas entre las especies. El análisis comparativo de las especies de la misma sección muestra diferencias en la longitud de los cromosomas y la constitución cariotípica. Esto fue también evidente en las dos accesiones de S. laruotteana Cambess. y S. meridionalis Cambess. La variabilidad cariotípica observada en Serjania sería el resultado de reordenamientos cromosómicos estructurales y/o la adición de material genético.

  3. Gene expression analysis by cDNA-AFLP highlights a set of new signaling networks and translational control during seed dormancy breaking in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Bove, Jérôme; Lucas, Philippe; Godin, Béatrice; Ogé, Laurent; Jullien, Marc; Grappin, Philippe


    Seed dormancy in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia is characterized by an abscisic acid accumulation linked to a pronounced germination delay. Dormancy can be released by 1 year after-ripening treatment. Using a cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) approach we compared the gene expression patterns of dormant and after-ripened seeds, air-dry or during one day imbibition and analyzed 15,000 cDNA fragments. Among them 1020 were found to be differentially regulated by dormancy. Of 412 sequenced cDNA fragments, 83 were assigned to a known function by search similarities to public databases. The functional categories of the identified dormancy maintenance and breaking responsive genes, give evidence that after-ripening turns in the air-dry seed to a new developmental program that modulates, at the RNA level, components of translational control, signaling networks, transcriptional control and regulated proteolysis.

  4. The chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA type are correlated with the nuclear composition of somatic hybrid calli of Solanum tuberosum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Wolters, A M; Koornneef, M; Gilissen, L J


    This paper describes the analysis of chloroplast (cp) DNA and mitochondrial (mt) DNA in 21 somatic hybrid calli of Solanum tuberosum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia by means of Southern-blot hybridization. Each of these calli contained only one type of cpDNA; 14 had the N. plumbaginifolia (Np) type and seven the S. tuberosum (St) type. N. plumbaginifolia cpDNA was present in hybrids previously shown to contain predominantly N. plumbaginifolia chromosomes whereas hybrids in which S. tuberosum chromosomes predominated possessed cpDNA from potato. We have analyzed the mtDNA of these 21 somatic hybrid calli using four restriction enzyme/probe combinations. Most fusion products had only, or mostly, mtDNA fragments from the parent that predominated in the nucleus. The hybrids containing mtDNA fragments from only one parent (and new fragments) also possessed chloroplasts from the same species. The results suggest the existence of a strong nucleo-cytoplasmic incongruity which affects the genome composition of somatic hybrids between distantly related species.

  5. Structural and functional similarities between osmotin from Nicotiana tabacum seeds and human adiponectin. (United States)

    Miele, Marco; Costantini, Susan; Colonna, Giovanni


    Osmotin, a plant protein, specifically binds a seven transmembrane domain receptor-like protein to exert its biological activity via a RAS2/cAMP signaling pathway. The receptor protein is encoded in the gene ORE20/PHO36 and the mammalian homolog of PHO36 is a receptor for the human hormone adiponectin (ADIPOR1). Moreover it is known that the osmotin domain I can be overlapped to the β-barrel domain of adiponectin. Therefore, these observations and some already existing structural and biological data open a window on a possible use of the osmotin or of its derivative as adiponectin agonist. We have modelled the three-dimensional structure of the adiponectin trimer (ADIPOQ), and two ADIPOR1 and PHO36 receptors. Moreover, we have also modelled the following complexes: ADIPOQ/ADIPOR1, osmotin/PHO36 and osmotin/ADIPOR1. We have then shown the structural determinants of these interactions and their physico-chemical features and analyzed the related interaction residues involved in the formation of the complexes. The stability of the modelled structures and their complexes was always evaluated and controlled by molecular dynamics. On the basis of these results a 9 residues osmotin peptide was selected and its interaction with ADIPOR1 and PHO36 was modelled and analysed in term of energetic stability by molecular dynamics. To confirm in vivo the molecular modelling data, osmotin has been purified from nicotiana tabacum seeds and its nine residues peptide synthesized. We have used cultured human synovial fibroblasts that respond to adiponectin by increasing the expression of IL-6, TNF-alpha and IL-1beta via ADIPOR1. The biological effect on fibroblasts of osmotin and its peptide derivative has been found similar to that of adiponectin confirming the results found in silico.

  6. Production of Complex Multiantennary N-Glycans in Nicotiana benthamiana Plants1[W][OA (United States)

    Nagels, Bieke; Van Damme, Els J.M.; Pabst, Martin; Callewaert, Nico; Weterings, Koen


    In recent years, plants have been developed as an alternative expression system to mammalian hosts for the production of therapeutic proteins. Many modifications to the plant glycosylation machinery have been made to render it more human because of the importance of glycosylation for functionality, serum half-life, and the safety profile of the expressed proteins. These modifications include removal of plant-specific β1,2-xylose and core α1,3-fucose, and addition of bisecting N-acetylglucosamine, β1,4-galactoses, and sialic acid residues. Another glycosylation step that is essential for the production of complex human-type glycans is the synthesis of multiantennary structures, which are frequently found on human N-glycans but are not generated by wild-type plants. Here, we report both the magnICON-based transient as well as stable introduction of the α1,3-mannosyl-β1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT-IV isozymes a and b) and α1,6-mannosyl-β1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT-V) in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. The enzymes were targeted to the Golgi apparatus by fusing their catalytic domains to the plant-specific localization signals of xylosyltransferase and fucosyltransferase. The GnT-IV and -V modifications were tested in the wild-type background, but were also combined with the RNA interference-mediated knockdown of β1,2-xylosyltransferase and α1,3-fucosyltransferase. Results showed that triantennary Gn[GnGn] and [GnGn]Gn N-glycans could be produced according to the expected activities of the respective enzymes. Combination of the two enzymes by crossing stably transformed GnT-IV and GnT-V plants showed that up to 10% tetraantennary [GnGn][GnGn], 25% triantennary, and 35% biantennary N-glycans were synthesized. All transgenic plants were viable and showed no aberrant phenotype under standard growth conditions. PMID:21233332

  7. Biologically active, magnICON®-expressed EPO-Fc from stably transformed Nicotiana benthamiana plants presenting tetra-antennary N-glycan structures. (United States)

    Nagels, Bieke; Van Damme, Els J M; Callewaert, Nico; Zabeau, Lennart; Tavernier, Jan; Delanghe, Joris R; Boets, Annemie; Castilho, Alexandra; Weterings, Koen


    In the past two decades plants have emerged as a valuable alternative for the production of pharmaceutical proteins. Since N-glycosylation influences functionality and stability of therapeutic proteins, the plant N-glycosylation pathway should be humanized. Here, we report the transient magnICON(®) expression of the erythropoietin fusion protein (EPO-Fc) in Nicotiana benthamiana plants that produce multi-antennary N-glycans without the plant-specific β1,2-xylose and α1,3-fucose residues in a stable manner (Nagels et al., 2011). The EPO-Fc fusion protein consists of EPO with a C-terminal-linked IgG-Fc domain and is used for pulmonary delivery of recombinant EPO to patients (Bitonti et al., 2004). Plant expressed EPO-Fc was quantified using a paramagnetic-particle chemiluminescent immunoassay and shown to be active in vitro via receptor binding experiments in HEK293T cells. Mass spectrometry-based N-glycan analysis confirmed the presence of multi-antennary N-glycans on plant-expressed EPO-Fc. The described research is the next step towards the development of a production platform for pharmaceutical proteins in plants. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Esencialismo, valores epistémicos y conceptos de especie

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    Julio Torres


    Full Text Available En el actual contexto científico que forma la concepción darwiniana de las especies aún persisten las interpretaciones esencialistas de los conceptos de especie. ¿Se trata aquí sólo de la ignorancia de la teoría biológica? O, más bien, ¿es posible comprender la persistencia de los enfoques esencialistas sobre la base de la potencialidad de estos enfoques para explicar el logro de ciertos valores epistémicos de los actuales conceptos de especie? Me propongo responder afirmativamente a esta última pregunta y también evaluar en qué medida las intuiciones esencialistas coinciden con las estrategias explicativas de los proponentes de los modernos conceptos de especie.

  9. Octadecanoides como reguladores de la defensa de las plantas


    G. Camarena Gutiérrez


    En años recientes muchas moléculas lipoides muy potentes han sido identificadas, comprenden compuestos lipofílicos no derivados de lípidos como los brasinoesteroides triterpenoides, otros que parcialmente son de origen lipídico como los lipo-oligosacáridos, factores de nodulación de especies de Rhizobium que pueden tener parientes endógenos en las plantas, y un tercer grupo, los octadecanoides, cuyas estructuras son derivadas de ácidos grasos vegetales. Las señales mediadas por lípid...

  10. Regulación de los pasos iniciales de la degradación de clorofila durante la senescencia foliar


    Gomez, Facundo Martin


    La clorofila es uno de los compuestos químicos más importantes de la biósfera. Todos los organismos fotosíntéticos, entre los cuales destacamos naturalmente a las plantas, dependen casi exclusivamente de la clorofila como compuesto especializado en la captación y transformación de la energía lumínica en energía química. En las especies vegetales, las reacciones fotosintéticas ocurren principalmente en las células de las hojas, dentro de organelas especializadas denominadas cloroplastos, y por...

  11. info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion


    Leyton Donoso, Fabiola


    La crisis medio ambiental por la que atraviesa el planeta no es noticia nueva. Menos aún cuando esta crisis asume un carácter y unas consecuencias multiformes y globales que nos preocupan a todos: la explosión demográfica, el calentamiento global producto del efecto invernadero, la depredación de los llamados "recursos naturales", la contaminación de aguas, aire y tierra; la acelerada extinción de especies animales y vegetales, la sostenida deforestación y desertificación,etc. Este diagnóstic...

  12. Estudio de las principales plagas de insectos chupadores en áreas verdes urbanas de la ciudad de València




    [ES] Las plagas de insectos chupadores que provocan más daños a las especies vegetales empleadas en áreas verdes urbanas en Valencia son los pulgones (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea) y las psilas (Hemiptera, Psylloidea). Estos insectos provocan daños directos e indirectos en las plantas. Los daños directos son debidos a las picaduras nutricionales que realizan para succionar savia de la planta de la que se alimenta, que provocan un debilitamiento general del árbol afectado. Los daños indirectos se de...

  13. Fitoesteroles y fitoestanoles: Propiedades saludables


    Muñoz Jáuregui, Ana María; Alvarado-Ortíz Ureta, Carlos; Encina Zelada, Christian


    Los fitoesteroles   y los fitoestanoles,  son moléculas que  tienen estructura idéntica, con la diferencia que los segundos son saturados (sin dobles enlaces en su estructura base). Se encuentran en todos los alimentos vegetales, en especial en los aceites. Los estanoles,  son menos abundantes, se pueden obtener químicamente por hidrogenación de los esteroles. Son moléculas estructuralmente  parecidas al colesterol y se ha demostrado que su ingesta da una serie de beneficios al organismo: inh...

  14. Secuencias y consecuencias de algunos procesos de neolitización en los Andes




    Se describen los principales procesos constitutivos de la "neolitización" andina. El Area Central Andina constituye la primera de Sudamérica donde se ha observado una sedentarización de los grupos humanos previamente a la adopción (o invención) de la agricultura. Desde el 6000 AP existen instalaciones permanentes en el litoral de Perú, orientadas a una explotación óptima de los recursos marinos. En cambio, los más antiguos indicios de especies vegetales manipuladas provienen de cuencas intera...

  15. Análisis y caracterización de genes de Botrytis cinerea cuya expresión se induce in planta en la interacción B.cinerea-tomate


    Benito Pescador, David


    [ES] Botrytis cinerea es un hongo fitopatógeno causante de la podredumbre gris y considerado como uno de los principales microosganismos responsables del deterioro de frutas y hortalizas durante su cultivo y en postcosecha y, por tanto, responsable de grandes pérdidas económicas. Es un patógeno generalista que puede atacar especies de la mayoría de las familias de dicotiledóneas. B. cinerea es un hongo necrotrofo que requiere la muerte de las células vegetales para poder alimentarse y desarro...

  16. Desarrollo de modelos conceptuales en restauración ecológica: el caso del bosque ripario del río Guadiamar


    Domínguez, María Teresa; Marañón, Teodoro; Murillo Carpio, José Manuel


    2 páginas, 5 referencias.-- Proyecto de cooperación Andalucía-Marruecos AM50/04, Consejería de Presidencia, Junta de Andalucía, “Conservación de especies y comunidades vegetales amenazadas de Marruecos” Entidades participantes: Grupo de Investigación “Ecología, Evolución y Conservación de Plantas Mediterráneas” RNM-210 Universidad de Sevilla, Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Institucionales, Relaciones Internacionales y Extensión Cultural, Universidad Abdelmalek Essaadi de Tetuán, Consejo Superio...

  17. 'Ética medio ambiental: una revisión de la ética biocentrista'


    Leyton, Fabiola


    La ética aplicada a pensar la relación del hombre con la naturaleza es la conocida como ética ambiental. En ella existen diferentes maneras de concebir la relación moral que establece el hombre con la naturaleza y sus seres vivos (animales, vegetales, especies, paisajes, etc.). Una de estas respuestas es la articulada por la ética antropocéntrica (revisada en un artículo anterior), y otra respuesta es la dada por la ética biocéntrica, que se caracteriza por dar relevancia moral a la naturalez...

  18. Ética medio ambiental: una revisión de la ética biocentrista


    Leyton, Fabiola


    La ética aplicada a pensar la relación del hombre con la naturaleza es la conocida como ética ambiental. En ella existen diferentes maneras de concebir la relación moral que establece el hombre con la naturaleza y sus seres vivos (animales, vegetales, especies, paisajes, etc.). Una de estas respuestas es la articulada por la ética antropocéntrica (revisada en un artículo anterior), y otra respuesta es la dada por la ética biocéntrica, que se caracteriza por dar relevancia moral a la naturalez...

  19. Caracterización nutricional y agronómica, análisis de la actividad biológica y selección de crucíferas para uso alimentario


    Villatoro Pulido, Myriam Magdalena


    La necesidad de valor añadido en la agricultura andaluza unida a la casi inexistente Mejora Genética en algunos géneros de hortícolas de hoja como la rúcula (Eruca), el alto precio de mercado de estos vegetales que lo elevan a un producto gourmet, y los beneficios nutricionales de las crucíferas en la salud humana, hacen de la rúcula un producto clave para un programa de Mejora. En este trabajo se han caracterizado de forma multidisciplinar, entradas pertenecientes a distintas especies y sube...



    Yoania Ríos; B. Dibut


    Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, bacteria descubierta recientemente, se asocia a especies vegetales con altos contenidos de azúcares. Ello permite el incremento del nitrógeno disponible para la planta a partir del proceso de fijación biológica. El microorganismo libera al medio de hasta el 50 % de este elemento químico transformado. Además, posibilita el incremento de los rendimientos por la producción de sustancias fisiológicamente activas. A pesar de las diversas teorías en cuanto a la dis...

  1. Estudio etnobotánico de las plantas medicinales de San José de Suaita, Suaita (Santander, Colombia)


    Édgar Moreno Castillo; Édgar Leonardo Linares Castillo


    Se presenta un inventario de las especies vegetales utilizadas con fines medicinales, los componentes culturales en torno al uso medicinal de las plantas registradas y una aproximación al conocimiento de la transmisión de saberes entre generaciones; realizados entre mayo y octubre de 2004 en la Inspección de Policía de San José de Suaita, ubicada en el municipio de Suaita, departamento de Santander, Colombia entre 1.100 y 1.700 m de altitud. Como resultados se registró información para 118...

  2. Estudio etnobotánico de las plantas medicinales de san josé de suaita, suaita (santander, colombia)


    Moreno Castillo, Édgar; Linares Castillo, Édgar Leonardo


    Se presenta un inventario de las especies vegetales utilizadas con fines medicinales, los componentes culturales en torno al uso medicinal de las plantas registradas y una aproximación al
    conocimiento de la transmisión de saberes entre generaciones; realizados entre mayo y octubre de 2004 en la Inspección de Policía de San José de Suaita, ubicada en el municipio de Suaita, departamento de Santander, Colombia entre 1.100 y 1.700 m de altitud. Como resultados se registró información ...

  3. Polymethoxyflavones from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (Solanaceae Exert Antinociceptive and Neuropharmacological Effects in Mice

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    Md. Shafiullah Shajib


    Full Text Available Polymethoxylavones (PMFs are known to exhibit significant anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, an annual Bangladeshi herb, is rich in polymethoxyflavones that possess significant analgesic and anxiolytic activities. The present study aimed to determine the antinociceptive and neuropharmacological activities of polyoxygenated flavonoids namely- 3,3′,5,6,7,8-hexamethoxy-4′,5′-methylenedioxyflavone (1, 3,3′,4′,5′,5,6,7,8-octamethoxyflavone (exoticin (2, 6,7,4′,5′-dimethylenedioxy-3,5,3′-trimethoxyflavone (3, and 3,3′,4′,5,5′,8-hexamethoxy-6,7-methylenedioxyflavone (4, isolated and identified from N. plumbaginifolia. Antinociceptive activity was assessed using the acetic-acid induced writhing, hot plate, tail immersion, formalin and carrageenan-induced paw edema tests, whereas neuropharmacological effects were evaluated in the hole cross, open field and elevated plus maze test. Oral treatment of compounds 1, 3, and 4 (12.5–25 mg/kg b.w. exhibited dose-dependent and significant (p < 0.01 antinociceptive activity in the acetic-acid, formalin, carrageenan, and thermal (hot plate-induced pain models. The association of ATP-sensitive K+ channel and opioid systems in their antinociceptive effect was obvious from the antagonist effect of glibenclamide and naloxone, respectively. These findings suggested central and peripheral antinociceptive activities of the compounds. Compound 1, 3, and 4 (12.5 mg/kg b.w. demonstrated significant (p < 0.05 anxiolytic-like activity in the elevated plus-maze test, while the involvement of GABAA receptor in the action of compound 3 and 4 was evident from the reversal effects of flumazenil. In addition, compounds 1 and 4 (12.5–25 mg/kg b.w exhibited anxiolytic activity without altering the locomotor responses. The present study suggested that the polymethoxyflavones (1–4 from N. Plumbaginifolia could be considered as suitable candidates for the development

  4. Lista de las especies de Flebotomos (Diptera: psychodidae, phlebotominae de Colombia

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    Cristina Ferro


    Full Text Available Se presenta una lista de 133 especies de Phlebotominae encontradas hasta ahora en Colombia S.A. pertenecientes a los géneros Warileya (2 especies, Brumptomyia (6 especies y Lutzomyia (125 especies.

  5. Pea early-browning virus -mediated genome editing via the CRISPR/Cas9 system in Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Ali, Zahir; Eid, Ayman; Ali, Shawkat; Mahfouz, Magdy M.


    The clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated (Cas9) system has enabled efficient genome engineering in diverse plant species. However, delivery of genome engineering reagents, such as the single guide RNA (sgRNA), into plant cells remains challenging. Here, we report the engineering of Tobacco rattle virus (TRV) and Pea early browning virus (PEBV) to deliver one or multiple sgRNAs into Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) plants that overexpress a nuclear localization signal containing Cas9. Our data showed that TRV and PEBV can deliver sgRNAs into inoculated and systemic leaves, and this resulted in mutagenesis of the targeted genomic loci. Moreover, in N. benthamiana, PEBV-based sgRNA delivery resulted in more targeted mutations than TRV-based delivery. Our data indicate that TRV and PEBV can facilitate plant genome engineering and can be used to produce targeted mutations for functional analysis and other biotechnological applications across diverse plant species.Key message: Delivery of genome engineering reagents into plant cells is challenging and inefficient and this limit the applications of this technology in many plant species. RNA viruses such as TRV and PEBV provide an efficient tool to systemically deliver sgRNAs for targeted genome modification.

  6. Pea early-browning virus -mediated genome editing via the CRISPR/Cas9 system in Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Ali, Zahir


    The clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated (Cas9) system has enabled efficient genome engineering in diverse plant species. However, delivery of genome engineering reagents, such as the single guide RNA (sgRNA), into plant cells remains challenging. Here, we report the engineering of Tobacco rattle virus (TRV) and Pea early browning virus (PEBV) to deliver one or multiple sgRNAs into Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) plants that overexpress a nuclear localization signal containing Cas9. Our data showed that TRV and PEBV can deliver sgRNAs into inoculated and systemic leaves, and this resulted in mutagenesis of the targeted genomic loci. Moreover, in N. benthamiana, PEBV-based sgRNA delivery resulted in more targeted mutations than TRV-based delivery. Our data indicate that TRV and PEBV can facilitate plant genome engineering and can be used to produce targeted mutations for functional analysis and other biotechnological applications across diverse plant species.Key message: Delivery of genome engineering reagents into plant cells is challenging and inefficient and this limit the applications of this technology in many plant species. RNA viruses such as TRV and PEBV provide an efficient tool to systemically deliver sgRNAs for targeted genome modification.


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    M. Gabriela Fernández Pepi


    Full Text Available El complejo Poa resinulosa incluye un grupo de especies conformado por P. calchaquiensis, P. pedersenii y P. resinulosa, de difícil delimitación debido a que las entidades son afines en cuanto a su morfología, aunque presentan distribución disyunta. Para evaluar y analizar a las especies del complejo Poa resinulosa y especies afines al mismo complejo, se midieron 40 caracteres morfológicos y anatómicos en ejemplares de Poa calchaquiensis, P. lanigera, P. pilcomayensis y P. resinulosa. Esos datos se incorporaron a la matriz del conjunto de especies de Poa sección Dioicopoa confeccionada por Giussani (2000, incluyendo también a P. nubensis una nueva especie afín a P. calchaquiensis. Mediante el análisis de componentes principales y pruebas estadísticas, se circunscribió a las especies del complejo Poa resinulosa. Se describió a P. resinulosa como una variedad de P. ligularis, de la que se diferencia por poseer lígula corta, hojas y cañas de menor longitud, menor ancho de la lámina y estomas de menor tamaño. Se presenta una clave para la identificación de Poa ligularis var. resinulosa y taxones afines, y un mapa con la distribución geográfica de ambas variedades de P. ligularis.

  8. Una especie nueva del género Trichomanes Una especie nueva del género Trichomanes

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    Murillo Pulido María Teresa


    Full Text Available Se describe una especie nueva del género Trichomanes L., familia Hymenophyllaceae, T.lozanii Murillo coleccionada en la Isla Gorgona, Municipio de Guapí, Departamento del Cauca. A new specie of Trichomanes L. (Hymenophyllaceae, T. lozanii Murillo, is described; it was collected in Isla Gorgona, Municipio de Guapí, Departamento del Cauca.

  9. Fluoroorotic Acid-Selected Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Cell Lines with a Stable Thymine Starvation Phenotype Have Lost the Thymine-Regulated Transcriptional Program1 (United States)

    Santoso, Djoko; Thornburg, Robert


    We have selected 143 independent Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cell lines that survive in the presence of 5-fluoroorotic acid. These lines show several diverse phenotypes. The majority of these cell lines showed reduced levels of UMP synthase. However, one particular phenotype, which represents 14% of the total independent lines (20 cell lines), showed an unexpected, high level of UMP synthase and was therefore analyzed in detail. The selected cell lines showed no differences with wild-type cells with respect to uptake of orotic acid, affinity of UMP synthase for its substrates, or UMP synthase gene-copy number. Alternative detoxification mechanisms were also excluded. The elevated enzyme activity was correlated with elevated UMP synthase protein levels as well as elevated UMP synthase mRNA levels. In contrast to wild-type cell lines, the fluoroorotic acid-selected cell lines did not respond to thymine or to other biochemicals that affect thymine levels. In addition, there was also a concomitant up-regulation of aspartate transcarbamoylase, however, dihydroorotase and dihydroorotate dehydrogenase are not up-regulated in these cell lines. PMID:10938367

  10. Plum pox virus accumulates mutations in different genome parts during a long-term maintenance in Prunus host plants and passage in Nicotiana benthamiana. (United States)

    Vozárová, Z; Kamencayová, M; Glasa, M; Subr, Z


    Plum pox virus (PPV) isolates of the strain PPV-M prevalently infect peaches under natural conditions in Middle Europe. Comparison of complete genome sequences obtained from subisolates of a PPV-M isolate maintained experimentally over a 6-year period in different Prunus host species and passaged in Nicotiana benthamiana was performed with the aim to highlight the mutations potentially connected with the virus-host adaptation. The results showed that the lowest number of non-silent mutations was accumulated in PPV-M maintained in peach (original host species), approximately two times higher diversity was recorded in plum, apricot and N. benthamiana, indicating the genetic determination of the PPV host preference. The sequence variability of Prunus subisolates was distributed more or less evenly along the PPV genome and no amino acid motif could be outlined as responsible for the host adaptation. In N. benthamiana the mutations were accumulated notably in the P1 and P3 genes indicating their non-essentiality in the infection of this experimental host plant.

  11. Immunity to potato mop-top virus in Nicotiana benthamiana plants expressing the coat protein gene is effective against fungal inoculation of the virus. (United States)

    Reavy, B; Arif, M; Kashiwazaki, S; Webster, K D; Barker, H


    Nicotiana benthamiana stem tissue was transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens harboring a binary vector containing the potato mop-top virus (PMTV) coat protein (CP) gene. PMTV CP was expressed in large amounts in some of the primary transformants. The five transgenic lines which produced the most CP were selected for resistance testing. Flowers on transformed plants were allowed to self-fertilize. Transgenic seedlings selected from the T1 seed were mechanically inoculated with two strains of PMTV. Virus multiplication, assayed by infectivity, was detected in only one transgenic plant of 98 inoculated. T1 plants were also highly resistant to graft inoculation; PMTV multiplied in only one plant of 45 inoculated. Transgenic T1 seedlings were challenged in a bait test in which they were grown in soil containing viruliferous spores of the vector fungus Spongospora subterranea. In these tests only two plants out of 99 became infected. Of the five transgenic lines tested, plants of three lines were immune to infection following manual, graft, or fungal inoculation.

  12. Influencia de los defecaderos de camélidos sobre el desarrollo vegetal y riqueza de especies en morrenas glaciales, Tierra del Fuego Camelid defecation influences vegetation development and species richnesss on glacial moraines, Tierra del Fuego

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    Full Text Available Los escasos trabajos de interacción planta-herbívoro en ambientes severos han concluido que los herbívoros tienen un rol menor sobre el proceso de colonización en los estados tempranos de la sucesión. Aquí se documentan los efectos de defecaderos de un herbívoro ungulado (Lamma guanicoe sobre los patrones vegetales en una intermorrena glacial reciente. Se evaluó la composición florística, frecuencia y síndrome de dispersión de las especies presentes sobre los defecaderos y sitios control. Parámetros de suelo fueron analizados en ambos substratos. La riqueza y diversidad de especies vasculares fueron significativamente mayores sobre los defecaderos. El síndrome de dispersión dominante es la anemocoría en la vegetación de ambos tipos de substratos. Los defecaderos presentan valores superiores de materia orgánica, nitrógeno y fósforo, indicando condiciones localmente más favorables para el establecimiento de plántulas en este ambiente pobre en nutrientes y materia orgánica. Finalmente, se discute acerca de los posibles mecanismos que originan la mayor riqueza y diversidad de especies sobre los defecaderos de guanaco, concluyendo que constituyen una fuente potencial de propágulos que puede acelerar el proceso de colonización en morrenas glaciaresThe few studies of herbivore-plant interaction in severe environments have concluded that the herbivores have a minor role on the process of colonization in the early states of the succession. This paper describes the effects of camelid (Lamma guanicoe dung heaps on vegetation patterns on a recent glacial moraine. Floristic composition, diversity, abundance and dispersion syndrome spectra of the vegetation growing on dung heaps was compared with that of control sites unaffected by camelid defecation. Soil parameters of both substrates were analyzed. Vascular species riches and diversity were significantly higher on dung heaps. Anemochory was the dominant dispersion syndrome on both

  13. Effects of plant density on recombinant hemagglutinin yields in an Agrobacterium-mediated transient gene expression system using Nicotiana benthamiana plants. (United States)

    Fujiuchi, Naomichi; Matsuda, Ryo; Matoba, Nobuyuki; Fujiwara, Kazuhiro


    Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression systems enable plants to rapidly produce a wide range of recombinant proteins. To achieve economically feasible upstream production and downstream processing, it is beneficial to obtain high levels of two yield-related quantities of upstream production: recombinant protein content per fresh mass of harvested biomass (g gFM -1 ) and recombinant protein productivity per unit area-time (g m -2 /month). Here, we report that the density of Nicotiana benthamiana plants during upstream production had significant impacts on the yield-related quantities of recombinant hemagglutinin (HA). The two quantities were smaller at a high plant density of 400 plants m -2 than at a low plant density of 100 plants m -2 . The smaller quantities at the high plant density were attributed to: (i) a lower HA content in young leaves, which usually have high HA accumulation potentials; (ii) a lower biomass allocation to the young leaves; and (iii) a high area-time requirement for plants. Thus, plant density is a key factor for improving upstream production in Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression systems. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 1762-1770. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Targeting of a Nicotiana plumbaginifolia H+ -ATPase to the plasma membrane is not by default and requires cytosolic structural determinants. (United States)

    Lefebvre, Benoit; Batoko, Henri; Duby, Geoffrey; Boutry, Marc


    The structural determinants involved in the targeting of multitransmembrane-span proteins to the plasma membrane (PM) remain poorly understood. The plasma membrane H+ -ATPase (PMA) from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, a well-characterized 10 transmembrane-span enzyme, was used as a model to identify structural elements essential for targeting to the PM. When PMA2 and PMA4, representatives of the two main PMA subfamilies, were fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP), the chimeras were shown to be still functional and to be correctly and rapidly targeted to the PM in transgenic tobacco. By contrast, chimeric proteins containing various combinations of PMA transmembrane spanning domains accumulated in the Golgi apparatus and not in the PM and displayed slow traffic properties through the secretory pathway. Individual deletion of three of the four cytosolic domains did not prevent PM targeting, but deletion of the large loop or of its nucleotide binding domain resulted in GFP fluorescence accumulating exclusively in the endoplasmic reticulum. The results show that, at least for this polytopic protein, the PM is not the default pathway and that, in contrast with single-pass membrane proteins, cytosolic structural determinants are required for correct targeting.

  15. Effects of a petunia scaffold/matrix attachment region on copy number dependency and stability of transgene expression in Nicotiana tabacum. (United States)

    Dietz-Pfeilstetter, Antje; Arndt, Nicola; Manske, Ulrike


    Transgenes in genetically modified plants are often not reliably expressed during development or in subsequent generations. Transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) as well as post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) have been shown to occur in transgenic plants depending on integration pattern, copy number and integration site. In an effort to reduce position effects, to prevent read-through transcription and to provide a more accessible chromatin structure, a P35S-ß-glucuronidase (P35S-gus) transgene flanked by a scaffold/matrix attachment region from petunia (Petun-SAR), was introduced in Nicotiana tabacum plants by Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation. It was found that Petun-SAR mediates enhanced expression and copy number dependency up to 2 gene copies, but did not prevent gene silencing in transformants with multiple and rearranged gene copies. However, in contrast to the non-SAR transformants where silencing was irreversible and proceeded during long-term vegetative propagation and in progeny plants, gus expression in Petun-SAR plants was re-established in the course of development. Gene silencing was not necessarily accompanied by DNA methylation, while the gus transgene could still be expressed despite considerable CG methylation within the coding region.

  16. Comunidade virtual de educação especial


    Rodrigues, Manuel Jorge


    A Comunidade Virtual de Educação Especial (CVEE) pretende ser uma Comunidade de Prática Online para todos os profissionais da educação que, directa ou indirectamente, estão ligados à Educação Especial. É um projecto desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado “As TIC na Educação e Formação”, da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.

  17. [Effect of metalaxyl on the synthesis of RNA, DNA and protein in Phytophthora nicotianae]. (United States)

    Wollgiehn, R; Bräutigam, E; Schumann, B; Erge, D


    Metalaxyl is used to control diseases caused by fungi of the order of the Perenosporales. We investigated the action of this fungicid eon nucleic acid and protein synthesis in liquid cultures of Phytophthora nicotianae. The uptake of 32P, 3H-uridine, 3H-thymidine and 14C-leucine as precursors of nuclei acid and protein synthesis by the mycelium was not inhibited by metalaxyl. RNA synthesis as indicated by 3H-uridine incorporation was strongly inhibited (about 80%) by 0.5 micrograms/ml of metalaxyl. The inhibition was visible already few minutes after addition of the toxicant. Since the inhibition of incorporation of 3H-thymidine into DNA and of 14C-leucine into protein became significant 2-3 hours later, we conclude that metalaxyl primarily interfers with RNA synthesis. Synthesis of ribosomal RNA is more affected (more than 90%) than that of tRNA (about 55%) and poly(A)-containing RNA. Since in the presence of actinomycin, in contrast to metalaxyl, protein synthesis is inhibited immediately as a consequence of complete inhibition of RNA synthesis and of the short life-time of mRNA, it is also evident that mRNA synthesis is less strongly inhibited, at least during the early period of metalaxyl action. The molecular mechanism of metalaxyl inhibition of the transcription process remains open. The fungicide did not inhibit the activity of a partially purified RNA polymerase isolated from the fungus. On the other hand, the RNA synthesis (14C-UTP-incorporation) by a cell homogenate and by isolated nuclear fractions was inhibited significantly. Possibilities of the molecular action of metalaxyl are discussed. The RNA synthesis of some plant systems (cell cultures of Lycopersicon peruvianum, isolated nuclei from the same cell cultures, purified RNA polymerase from Spinacia oleracea chloroplasts) was not inhibited by metalaxyl, not even at high concentrations.

  18. Comparación de la calidad del humus de material vegetal con el de residuos orgánicos domésticos, resultado del compostaje mediante el sistema de pilas

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    Juan Pablo Rodriguez Miranda


    Full Text Available La investigación se fundamentó en el compostaje del material vegetal de humedales artificiales, puestos en marcha en un proyecto piloto de tratamiento de aguas residuales para la Quebrada Mi Padre de Jesús ubicada a los alrededores de la Facultad de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, realizado en el año 2010. Teniendo en cuenta que estos residuos vegetales, terminan su vida útil en los humedales y no tienen algún uso específico, se generó una alternativa de aprovechamiento de estos residuos, en la producción de compost o abono orgánico. Surge entonces la necesidad de encontrar un método que haga posible su notable reducción, transformación y aprovechamiento de tal manera que se genere un impacto positivo en el ámbito ambiental, económico, social y sanitario. En este caso el compostaje se empleó como técnica para la biodegradación de los residuos vegetales de las especies Buchón de Agua (Eichhornia crassipes, Buchón Cucharita (Limnobium laevigatum. y Junco (Schoenoplectus californicus, transformándolos en un abono orgánico; de igual forma se biodegradaron residuos vegetales de plaza de mercado, que fueron recolectados de la Plaza de mercado de Paloquemao ubicada en la ciudad de Bogotá, empleando la misma técnica con el propósito de tener un punto comparativo en la calidad final de los abonos, con respecto a lo estipulado en la norma NTC 5167 cuarta actualización, referente a parámetros químicos, físicos, microbiológicos con los que deben cumplir los abonos generados a partir de residuos orgánicos de origen animal y vegetal.

  19. Some applications of neutron activation analysis in plant biology and agronomy; Quelques applications de l'analyse par radioactivation neutronique en biologie vegetale et en agronomie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fourcy, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Plants materials are not so commonly analysed by radioactivation than biological extracts of medical importance. With help of concrete examples, applications of neutrons activation analysis to the determination of some metals (Mn, Cu, Co, Fe, Zn, and K) in plant materials, are proposed. Samples are activated in a swimming-pool reactor at the thermal flux of 5.10{sup 12}{sup -2}s{sup -1} for a time varying between few minutes and several days according to the element being analysed. The induced radioactivity is measured by spectrometry, with radiochemical separation ( Cu, Co, Fe, Zn and K) or without separation in best cases (Mn,Cu, K). Described dosages are related to: manganese in a graminaceous plant, copper in vine treatments, cobalt, iron and zinc in animal feeding, potassium in a radiological experiment. (author) [French] Les produits vegetaux sont beaucoup moins souvent soumis a l'analyse par activation que les extraits biologiques d'interet medical. En s'appuyant sur des cas concrets, nous proposons des applications de l'analyse par activation neutronique au dosage de differents metaux (Mn, Cu, Co, Fe, Zn, et K) dans la matiere vegetale. Les echantillons sont actives en pile piscine au flux thermique de 5.10{sup 12}{sup -2} s{sup -1} pendant des temps variant de quelques minutes a plusieurs jours selon les elements a analyser. le comptage de la radioactivite induite est effectue par spectrometrie gamma apres separation radiochimique (Cu, Co, Fe, Zn, et K) ou sans separation dans les cas favorables (Mn, Cu, K). Les dosages decrits concernent: le manganese dans une graminee, le cuivre en viticulture, le cobalt, le fer, et le zinc dans un aliment du betail, le potassium dans une experience de radioecologie. (auteur)

  20. Transient expression of the influenza A virus PB1-F2 protein using a plum pox virus-based vector in Nicotiana benthamiana. (United States)

    Kamencayová, M; Košík, I; Hunková, J; Subr, Z W


    PB1-F2 protein of influenza A virus (IAV) was cloned in a plum pox virus (PPV) genome-based vector and attempts to express it in biolistically transfected Nicotiana benthamiana plants were performed. The vector-insert construct replicated in infected plants properly and was stable during repeated passage by mechanical inoculation, as demonstrated by disease symptoms and immunoblot detection of PPV capsid protein, while PB1-F2-specific band was more faint. We showed that it was due its low solubility. Modification of sample preparation (denaturation/solubilization preceding the centrifugation of cell debris) led to substantial signal enhancement. Maximal level of PB1-F2 expression in plants was observed 12 days post inoculation (dpi). Only 1% SDS properly solubilized the protein, other detergents were much less efficient. Solubilization with 8M urea released approximately 50% of PB1-F2 from the plant tissues, thus the treatment with this removable chaotropic agent may be a good starting point for the purification of the protein for eventual functional studies in the future.

  1. Truncated presequences of mitochondrial F1-ATPase beta subunit from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia transport CAT and GUS proteins into mitochondria of transgenic tobacco. (United States)

    Chaumont, F; Silva Filho, M de C; Thomas, D; Leterme, S; Boutry, M


    The mitochondrial F1-ATPase beta subunit (ATPase-beta) of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia is nucleus-encoded as a precursor containing an NH2-terminal extension. By sequencing the mature N. tabacum ATPase-beta, we determined the length of the presequence, viz. 54 residues. To define the essential regions of this presequence, we produced a series of 3' deletions in the sequence coding for the 90 NH2-terminal residues of ATPase-beta. The truncated sequences were fused with the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (cat) and beta-glucuronidase (gus) genes and introduced into tobacco plants. From the observed distribution of CAT and GUS activity in the plant cells, we conclude that the first 23 amino-acid residues of ATPase-beta remain capable of specifically targeting reporter proteins into mitochondria. Immunodetection in transgenic plants and in vitro import experiments with various CAT fusion proteins show that the precursors are processed at the expected cleavage site but also at a cryptic site located in the linker region between the presequence and the first methionine of native CAT.

  2. Transient Expression of Lumbrokinase (PI239 in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum Using a Geminivirus-Based Single Replicon System Dissolves Fibrin and Blood Clots

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    Alexia Dickey


    Full Text Available Lumbrokinases, a group of fibrinolytic enzymes extracted from earthworm, have been widely used to prevent and treat various cardiovascular diseases. They specifically target fibrin to effectively degrade thrombi without major side effects. Plant expression systems are becoming potential alternative expression platforms for producing pharmaceutical proteins. In this work, a lumbrokinase (PI239 was produced from a plant system. Both wild-type (WT and plant codon-optimized (OP PI239 gene sequences were synthesized and cloned into a geminivirus-based single-vector DNA replicon system. Both vectors were independently expressed in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum leaves transiently by agroinfiltration. Overexpressed PI239 resulted in sudden tissue necrosis 3 days after infiltration. Remaining proteins were purified through His-tag affinity chromatography and analyzed with SDS-PAGE and Western blot methods. Purified PI239 successfully degraded artificial fibrin with relative activity of 13,400 U/mg when compared with commercial lumbrokinase product. In vitro tests demonstrated that plant-derived PI239 dissolved human blood clots and that the plant expression system is capable of producing functional PI239.

  3. [The role of Cd-binding proteins and phytochelatins in the formation of cadmium resistance in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cell lines]. (United States)

    Fenik, S I; Solodushko, V G; Kaliniak, T B; Blium, Ia B


    Nicotiana plumbaginifolia callus lines with the equal resistance to cadmium have been produced under different selective conditions--either without inhibition of the phytochelatin synthesis (line Cd-R) or in the presence of the inhibitor butionine sulfoximine (line Cd-Ri). The level of phytochelatin synthesis in the line Cd-R five-fold exceeded the control value and in the line Cd-Ri it was twice as much as in the control. It was shown that in the control line mainly three cadmium-binding proteins are expressed of the molecular weihgts 41, 34 and 19 kD. The common feature of the both resistant lines is the expression of the cadmium-binding proteins of 40, 37 and 19 kD. The resistant lines differ with respect to the synthesis of relatively low-molecular cadmium-binding proteins. The proteins of the molecular weights 12.5, 11.5 and 9 kD are expressed in the line Cd-R, while the proteins of 13 and 10 kD are expressed in the line Cd-Ri. It was supposed that both the phytochelatins and the Cd-binding proteins contribute to the resisitance of N. plumbaginifolia callus lines to cadmium and the lack of the phytochelatins can be equilibrated by the changes in the low-molecular Cd-binding protein synthesis.


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    Full Text Available Se describen tres Phyllophaga (s. str.: Phyllophaga velezangeli, nueva especie del grupo “schizorhina” recolectada en una localidad montañosa del departamento de Boyacá, ubicada a 1 989 m de altitud; y P. citarae, nueva especie del grupo “rorulenta” que habita en el bosque tropical perennifolio establecido a 70 m snm en Tutunendo, departamento de Chocó y P. densata chocoana, nueva subespecie del grupo “rugipennis” localizada en bosques tropicales perennifolios de Chocó y Risaralda. Phyllophaga densata densata (Moser se registra por primera ocasión para Colombia. Se incluyen ilustraciones de los caracteres diagnósticos, habitus y comentarios sobre sus diferencias con otras especies de los grupos citados.

  5. MICRORRESTOS VEGETALES EN CAMPOS DE CULTIVO DEL PRIMER MILENIO DE LA ERA EN EL VALLE DE TAFÍ (PROV. DE TUCUMÁN, REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA (Plant Micro-remains in Crops of the First Millennium AD in the Tafi Valley, Tucuman Province, Argentina

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    Valeria Franco Salvi


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal contribuir a la discusión acerca de la producción de alimentos durante el primer milenio de la Era en el valle de Tafí a través de la identificación de microrrestos presentes en sedimentos asociados a campos de cultivo. Los resultados obtenidos se integran con las características arquitectónicas y de emplazamiento de las estructuras agrícolas. La combinación de múltiples líneas de evidencia permitió reconocer la funcionalidad de las instalaciones y los recursos vegetales cultivados. ENGLISH: This paper focuses on the study of plant resource use during the first millennium AD in the northern sector of the Tafi Valley through the identification of micro-remains in the archaeological sediments. The results are integrated with the architectural features and location of agricultural structures. The combination of multiple lines of evidence allows for the recognition of the function of these structures and cultivated plant resources.

  6. Lípidos en el anfípodo Talorchestia margaritae (Amphipoda: Talitridae y su relación con la ecología de la especie

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    Sandra López


    Full Text Available T. margaritae cumple un papel importante en la descomposición de restos vegetales y animales en las costas venezolanas. El objetivo fue determinar las diferencias en la composición lipídica entre sexos y talla de la especie. Para esto, especímenes de T. margaritae fueron recolectados en la zona supralitoral de dos playas arenosas: Mangle Quemao y las Mercedes de Paparo. Posteriormente se separaron por talla y sexo determinándoles su peso, densidad, biomasa y perfil lipídico. Todas las categorías presentaron tallas similares entre localidades. Los pesos fueron superiores en los organismos de Mangle Quemao. Los lípidos totales presentaron proporciones similares entre sexos, talla y localidad (3-5%, al igual que los fosfololípidos (20-30%, glicolípidos (Lipids in the amphipod Talorchestia margaritae (Amphipoda: Talitridae and its relationship with the ecology of the species. T. margaritae, an endemic species inhabiting Venezuelan coasts, plays an important ecological role in plant and animal decomposition. To understand this issue in some animal groups, especially small ones, lipid composition analysis has been an interesting tool to describe their trophic relationships and food preferences. In order to assess this and visualize the components of their diet, we determined the lipid composition differences between males and females and among age classes in this species. Two sandy beaches were selected: Mangle Quemao and Las Mercedes de Paparo, from which sand samples of known volume were collected at the supralittoral area in 2007. Organisms were separated by age and sex classes, and their size, weight, density, biomass, total lipids (TL, lipid classes and fatty acid markers present in their tissues were determined. The sizes were similar for all age classes between the two locations, while the weights were higher for Mangle Quemao. The TL and lipid classes showed similar proportions between sexes, age classes and locations (TL: 3

  7. In Vitro Assay of Ethanolic Heat Reflux Extract of Nicotiana tabacum L. var Virginia Against Nosocomial Bacteria Pathogen (United States)

    Pramono, Andri; Fauzantoro, Ahmad; Rizki Hidayati, Irma; Hygea, Arina; Puspita, Oktaviani Sandra; Muktamiroh, Hikmah; Simanjuntak, Kristina; Gozan, Misri


    Tobacco plays an important role in international trade as one of the export commodities. Indonesia is one of the good quality export contributors of tobacco leaves in the world. Nevertheless, tobacco is used only as a raw material for the cigarette industries, and the rise on anti-cigarette regulations prompted the exploration of alternative product from tobacco plants. The content of alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids and steroids in tobacco leaves were reported in literatures as antibacterial. Therefore, this study proposed in vitro assay of the ethanolic heat reflux extract (EHRE) of Nicotiana tabacum var. Virginia against nosocomial bacteria pathogen ((Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), Eschericia coli (ATCC 25922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212)). Kirby-bauer diffusion method was used for this assay. The concentration of the EHRE for Kirby-bauer assay were 20; 40; 60; 80; and 100%. The presence of clear zones on Kirby-bauer test, against the growth of each nosocomial bacteria pathogen show that tobacco extract has antibacterial effect. Statistical analysis result showed that each extract concentration had significant difference value (p steroids) of tobacco leaf extracts (N. tabacum) has potential as antibacterial against nosocomial bacteria pathogen. Nevertheless, optimization of tobacco leaf extract to obtain maximum active ingredient still needs to be done. This study is important for further development of the tobacco leaf extract as antibacterial

  8. Temporal and spatial resolution of activated plant defense responses in leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana infected with Dickeya dadantii

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    María Luisa ePérez-Bueno


    Full Text Available The necrotrophic bacteria Dickeya dadantii is the causal agent of soft-rot disease in a broad range of hosts. The model plant Nicotiana benthamiana, commonly used as experimental host for a very broad range of plant pathogens, is susceptible to infection by D. dadantii. The inoculation with D. dadantii at high dose seems to overcome the plant defense capacity, inducing maceration and death of the tissue, although restricted to the infiltrated area. By contrast, the output of the defense response to low dose inoculation is inhibition of maceration and limitation in the growth, or even eradication, of bacteria. Responses of tissue invaded by bacteria (neighbouring the infiltrated areas after 2-3 days post-inoculation included: i inhibition of photosynthesis in terms of photosystem II efficiency; ii activation of energy dissipation as non-photochemical quenching in photosystem II, which is related to the activation of plant defense mechanisms; and iii accumulation of secondary metabolites in cell walls of the epidermis (lignins and the apoplast of the mesophyll (phytoalexins. Infiltrated tissues showed an increase in the content of the main hormones regulating stress responses, including abscisic acid (ABA, jasmonic acid (JA and salicylic acid (SA. We propose a mechanism involving the three hormones by which N. benthamiana could activate an efficient defense response against D. dadantii.

  9. Spicing Up the N Gene: F. O. Holmes and Tobacco mosaic virus Resistance in Capsicum and Nicotiana Plants. (United States)

    Scholthof, Karen-Beth G


    One of the seminal events in plant pathology was the discovery by Francis O. Holmes that necrotic local lesions induced on certain species of Nicotiana following rub-inoculation of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was due to a specific interaction involving a dominant host gene (N). From this, Holmes had an idea that if the N gene from N. glutinosa was introgressed into susceptible tobacco, the greatly reduced titer of TMV would, by extension, prevent subsequent infection of tomato and pepper plants by field workers whose hands were contaminated with TMV from their use of chewing and smoking tobacco. The ultimate outcome has many surprising twists and turns, including Holmes' failure to obtain fertile crosses of N. glutinosa × N. tabacum after 3 years of intensive work. Progress was made with N. digluta, a rare amphidiploid that was readily crossed with N. tabacum. And, importantly, the first demonstration by Holmes of the utility of interspecies hybridization for virus resistance was made with Capsicum (pepper) species with the identification of the L gene in Tabasco pepper, that he introgressed into commercial bell pepper varieties. Holmes' findings are important as they predate Flor's gene-for-gene hypothesis, show the use of interspecies hybridization for control of plant pathogens, and the use of the local lesion as a bioassay to monitor resistance events in crop plants.

  10. Induction of resistance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. against Ascochyta rabiei by applying chemicals and plant extracts Inducción de resistencia en garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L. contra Ascochyta rabiei por la aplicación de productos químicos y extractos vegetales

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    M Usman Ghazanfar


    Full Text Available Since new fungicides are scarce in the market and because of environmental problems, researchers are now emphasizing other alternatives, such as the genetic potential of plants, resistance against pathogens, and the use of biotic and abiotic agents to develop induced or acquired resistance. We investigated the role of resistance-inducing substances (chemicals and plant extracts in three chickpea cvs. C-44, Pb-91, and Bittle-98 in field experiments against Ascochyta blight disease. These cultivars were selected on the basis of better yield potential shown in previous experiments. Aqueous solution of salicylic acid (SA at 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mM; acibenzolar-S-methyl (Bion®, ASM at 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 mM; and KOH at 25, 50, and 75 mM were applied, whereas Azadirachta indica A. Juss., Datura metel L., and Allium sativum L. plant extracts were applied at 5, 10, and 15%. Disease reduction data was recorded at different intervals from 4 to 14 d after being induced and inoculated with the pathogen. Overall results revealed that significant disease reduction (79.3% was provided by ASM in the cv. C-44 at 1.2 mM compared with SA, whereas the least significant was KOH. Maximum disease reduction (43.5% against disease in the plant extracts was observed by applying A. indica leaf extract, but D. metel and A. sativum extracts were not effective. Our findings suggest that enhancing resistance before infecting chickpea plants could be an innovative control method for Ascochyta blight of chickpea.Debido a la escasez de nuevos fungicidas en el mercado y problemas ambientales, los investigadores están ahora enfatizando otras alternativas, tales como potencial genético de las plantas, resistencia contra patógenos y uso de agentes bióticos y abióticos para el desarrollo de resistencia inducida y adquirida. Investigamos el rol de sustancias inductoras de resistencia (químicos y extractos vegetales en tres cultivares de garbanzo ‘C-44’, ‘Pb-91’,

  11. Plant community variation across a puna landscape in the Chilean Andes Variación en la comunidad vegetal de un paisaje de puna en los Andes chilenos

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    Full Text Available We describe patterns of plant species and growth form abundance in the puna vegetation of Parque Nacional Lauca, Chile. At more than 4,300 m, the extreme habitat of the study site supported relatively few species. These few species, however, represented a diverse array of growth forms that were organized with respect to distinct environmental gradients. Both species richness and growth form diversity increased with the degree of habitat rockiness and on more xeric north and east facing slopes. These xeric, rocky sites supported the greatest overall abundance of cushion forms. Less rocky sites with more soil development supported a greater abundance of tussock grass and shrub forms. Congeneric species occupied distinct microhabitats and were often markedly divergent in growth form. These patterns suggest that water and thermal stress are critical forces shaping functional form as well as community organization in the high Andean punaDescribimos los patrones de abundancia de las especies vegetales y las formas de vida en la vegetación de puna en el Parque Nacional Lauca, Chile. A una altitud que excede los 4.300 m de altitud, el hábitat extremo de nuestro sitio de estudio presenta relativamente pocas especies. Dichas especies, sin embargo, representan un arreglo diverso de formas de vida organizadas con respecto a distintos gradientes ambientales. Tanto la riqueza de especies como el hábito de crecimiento aumentaron en los suelos más rocosos y en las pendientes expuestas al norte y al este, cuya vegetación es más xerófila. Dichos sitios presentaron la mayor abundancia en formas de cojines. Los sitios menos rocosos con un suelo más desarrollado presentaron una mayor abundancia de pastos y arbustos. Distintos microhábitats fueron ocupados por especies congénericas que con frecuencia divergieron en su hábito de crecimiento. Los patrones observados sugieren que el agua y el estrés térmico son fuerzas críticas que moldean la forma

  12. Silencing of a Germin-Like Gene in Nicotiana attenuata Improves Performance of Native Herbivores1[W (United States)

    Lou, Yonggen; Baldwin, Ian T.


    Germins and germin-like proteins (GLPs) are known to function in pathogen resistance, but their involvement in defense against insect herbivores is poorly understood. In the native tobacco Nicotiana attenuata, attack from the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta or elicitation by adding larval oral secretions (OS) to wounds up-regulates transcripts of a GLP. To understand the function of this gene, which occurs as a single copy, we cloned the full-length NaGLP and silenced its expression in N. attenuata by expressing a 250-bp fragment in an antisense orientation with an Agrobacterium-based transformation system and by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS). Homozygous lines harboring a single insert and VIGS plants had significantly reduced constitutive (measured in roots) and elicited NaGLP transcript levels (in leaves). Silencing NaGLP improved M. sexta larval performance and Tupiocoris notatus preference, two native herbivores of N. attenuata. Silencing NaGLP also attenuated the OS-induced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), diterpene glycosides, and trypsin proteinase inhibitor responses, which may explain the observed susceptibility of antisense or VIGS plants to herbivore attack and increased nicotine contents, but did not influence the OS-elicited jasmonate and salicylate bursts, or the release of the volatile organic compounds (limonene, cis-α-bergamotene, and germacrene-A) that function as an indirect defense. This suggests that NaGLP is involved in H2O2 production and might also be related to ethylene production and/or perception, which in turn influences the defense responses of N. attenuata via H2O2 and ethylene-signaling pathways. PMID:16461381

  13. Both positive and negative regulatory elements mediate expression of a photoregulated CAB gene from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Castresana, C; Garcia-Luque, I; Alonso, E; Malik, V S; Cashmore, A R


    We have analyzed promoter regulatory elements from a photoregulated CAB gene (Cab-E) isolated from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. These studies have been performed by introducing chimeric gene constructs into tobacco cells via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Expression studies on the regenerated transgenic plants have allowed us to characterize three positive and one negative cis-acting elements that influence photoregulated expression of the Cab-E gene. Within the upstream sequences we have identified two positive regulatory elements (PRE1 and PRE2) which confer maximum levels of photoregulated expression. These sequences contain multiple repeated elements related to the sequence-ACCGGCCCACTT-. We have also identified within the upstream region a negative regulatory element (NRE) extremely rich in AT sequences, which reduces the level of gene expression in the light. We have defined a light regulatory element (LRE) within the promoter region extending from -396 to -186 bp which confers photoregulated expression when fused to a constitutive nopaline synthase ('nos') promoter. Within this region there is a 132-bp element, extending from -368 to -234 bp, which on deletion from the Cab-E promoter reduces gene expression from high levels to undetectable levels. Finally, we have demonstrated for a full length Cab-E promoter conferring high levels of photoregulated expression, that sequences proximal to the Cab-E TATA box are not replaceable by corresponding sequences from a 'nos' promoter. This contrasts with the apparent equivalence of these Cab-E and 'nos' TATA box-proximal sequences in truncated promoters conferring low levels of photoregulated expression. Images PMID:2901343

  14. Mitochondrial respiratory pathways modulate nitrate sensing and nitrogen-dependent regulation of plant architecture in Nicotiana sylvestris. (United States)

    Pellny, Till K; Van Aken, Olivier; Dutilleul, Christelle; Wolff, Tonja; Groten, Karin; Bor, Melike; De Paepe, Rosine; Reyss, Agnès; Van Breusegem, Frank; Noctor, Graham; Foyer, Christine H


    Mitochondrial electron transport pathways exert effects on carbon-nitrogen (C/N) relationships. To examine whether mitochondria-N interactions also influence plant growth and development, we explored the responses of roots and shoots to external N supply in wild-type (WT) Nicotiana sylvestris and the cytoplasmic male sterile II (CMSII) mutant, which has a N-rich phenotype. Root architecture in N. sylvestris seedlings showed classic responses to nitrate and sucrose availability. In contrast, CMSII showed an altered 'nitrate-sensing' phenotype with decreased sensitivity to C and N metabolites. The WT growth phenotype was restored in CMSII seedling roots by high nitrate plus sugars and in shoots by gibberellic acid (GA). Genome-wide cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of leaves from mature plants revealed that only a small subset of transcripts was altered in CMSII. Tissue abscisic acid content was similar in CMSII and WT roots and shoots, and growth responses to zeatin were comparable. However, the abundance of key transcripts associated with GA synthesis was modified both by the availability of N and by the CMSII mutation. The CMSII mutant maintained a much higher shoot/root ratio at low N than WT, whereas no difference was observed at high N. Shoot/root ratios were strikingly correlated with root amines/nitrate ratios, values of <1 being characteristic of high N status. We propose a model in which the amine/nitrate ratio interacts with GA signalling and respiratory pathways to regulate the partitioning of biomass between shoots and roots.


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    Peterson Paul


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio taxonómico de las especies nativas argentinas del géneroMuhlenbergia, basado en el análisis de los especímenes depositados en 48 herbarios.Se analizan diversos aspectos relativos a la clasifi cación, la nomenclatura y lavariación morfológica de los caracteres. Muhlenbergia está representado enArgentina por 18 especies nativas. Se proporcionan claves para reconocer lasespecies presentes en el país, así como también descripciones de éstas, sinónimos,ilustraciones, distribución geográfica y algunos comentarios morfológicos yecológicos. Muhlenbergia breviaristata (Hack. Parodi y Muhlenbergia holwayorumHitchc., se reducen como sinónimos del híbrido Muhlenbergia angustata (J. PreslKunth × M. rigida (Kunth Kunth. Muhlenbergia diversiglumis Trin. se cita porprimera vez para la Argentina. Por otra parte, las especies Muhlenbergia tenella(Kunth Trin. y Muhlenbergia tenuissima (J. Presl Kunth se excluyen de la fl orade Argentina.

  16. Evidence for the involvement of tetrahydrofolate in the demethylation of nicotine by Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cell-suspension cultures. (United States)

    Mesnard, François; Roscher, Albrecht; Garlick, Andrew P; Girard, Sandrine; Baguet, Evelyne; Arroo, Randolf R J; Lebreton, Jacques; Robins, Richard J; Ratcliffe, GeorgeR


    The conversion of nicotine to nornicotine by Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. cells was investigated by analysing the redistribution of label during feeding experiments with (R,S)-[2H- methyl]nicotine, (R,S)-[13C- methyl]nicotine and (R,S)-[14C- methyl]nicotine, and the results show that the N-methyl group of nicotine can be recycled into primary metabolism. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis of ethanolic extracts of cells grown in the presence of (R,S)-[13C- methyl]nicotine, using 1H-13C correlation spectroscopy (HMQC, HMBC), revealed the presence of [3-13C]serine and [13C- methyl]methionine. Label was also identified in a cysteinyl derivative and in several methoxylated compounds, but no evidence was obtained with either NMR or ion-trap mass spectrometry for the presence of any intermediate between nicotine and nornicotine. However, experiments with (R,S)-[14C- methyl]nicotine indicated that 70-75% of the metabolised label was released as carbon dioxide. These results are consistent with a pathway in which the oxidative hydrolysis of the nicotine methyl produces an unstable intermediate, N'-hydroxymethylnornicotine, that breaks down spontaneously to nornicotine and formaldehyde, with the formaldehyde being metabolised either directly to formate and carbon dioxide, or through the tetrahydrofolate-mediated pathways of one-carbon metabolism. However since the key intermediate, N-hydroxymethylnornicotine, could not be detected, the possibility of a direct methyl group transfer to tetrahydrofolate cannot be excluded.



    Torregroza Fuentes, Edilbert; Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia).; Llamas Chávez, Jorge; Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia).; Borja Barrera, Francisco; Universidad de Huelva (España).


    La percepción y las actitudes de los actores sociales presentes en un determinado territorio son vitales para su adecuada gestión. Tales aspectos fueron evaluados para el caso cuenca de la Ciénaga de la Virgen (Cartagena de Indias, Colombia), en relación a doce especies vegetales presentes en el territorio, considerando la cuenca desde un enfoque socioecosistémico, desde el que se recalca la interacción y adaptación entre los sistemas sociales y ecológicos. El estudio aborda aspectos como el ...

  18. Resistencia a heladas en plantas frutales


    J. E. Chaar


    El daño por congelación en los tejidos vegetales es considerado un estrés abiótico principal en los cultivos frutales. Sin embargo, las plantas han desarrollado mecanismos de resistencia al frío. Para una especie y órgano en particular, dicha resistencia es variable a lo largo del año, en función (principalmente) de la temperatura ambiental. Las temperaturas bajas, sin llegar a ser de congelación, también afectan las etapas reproductivas mediante la disminución de la actividad de los agentes ...

  19. Fitorremediación en la recuperación de suelos: una visión general


    Andrea Angélica Bernal Figueroa


    En esta investigación se revisan aspectos fundamentales de la fitorremediación como técnica en la recuperación de suelos, la cual se emplea para eliminar o disminuir la contaminación o degradación de los mismos, por medio de la utilización de especies vegetales. Se encontró que técnicas tales como la fitoextracción, rizofiltración, fitoestabilización, fitodegradación, rizodegradación y fitovolatilización, están determinadas principalmente por el tipo de contaminante, diversidad microbiana y p...

  20. Flora medicinal en San Nicolás, municipio de Malinalco, Estado de México


    White-Olascoaga, Laura; Juan-Pérez, José Isabel; Chávez-Mejía, Cristina; Gutiérrez-Cedillo, Jesús Gastón


    Se determinaron aspectos sobre el hábitat, uso y función de los recursos vegetales utilizados en la medicina tradicional, en la comunidad de San Nicolás, municipio de Malinalco, ubicada al sur del Estado de México. De enero de 2010 a enero de 2011 se aplicaron entrevistas a 30 hombres y mujeres, de entre 20 y 60 años de edad. La observación directa y participativa permitió verificar la función y manejo de las plantas. Se registraron 165 especies correspondientes a 147 géneros y 70 familias de...

  1. Producción de ácido indol-3-acético por Pseudomonas veronii R4 y formación de raíces en hojas de vid “Thompson seedless” in vitro


    Maria Peñafiel Jaramillo; Alexandra Elizabeth Barrera Álvarez; Emma Danielly Torres Navarrete; Hayron Fabricio Canchignia Martínez; Humberto Prieto-Encalada; Jaime Morante Carriel


    Rizobacterias con actividad antagonista son empleadas a problemas patológicos y promueven el desarrollo de tejido radicular de especies vegetales El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la capacidad en síntesis de ácido indol-3-acetico (AIA) y la formación de raíces en hojas de vid “Thompson Seedless”, por el empleo de Pseudomonas veronii R4 in vitro. La bacteria, fue incubada en medio mínimo M9 y se verificó la producción de AIA a 24, 48 y 72 h de muestreo, los sobrenadantes fueron analizandos p...

  2. Determinación de parámetros fisicoquímicos, estado eutrófico y metales pesados de la laguna de Tecocomulco, Hidalgo; identificación de compuestos quelantes de Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L. f.


    Delgadillo López, Angélica Evelin


    Actualmente se reconoce que las fitotecnologías son alternativas prometedoras a las técnicas clásicas de limpieza de medios contaminados con metales pesados. Sin embargo, su avance requiere la realización de estudios biogeoquímicos, de la determinación de la calidad del medio y del estado eutrófico de los cuerpos del agua, la búsqueda de nuevas especies vegetales adecuadas para este propósito y la identificación de aquellas sustancias orgánicas responsables de los procesos de acumulación de m...

  3. Aceptación y apreciación de hongos comestibles Pleurotus djamor por expertos de cocina internacional y su perspectiva de comercialización en restaurantes de hoteles de Panamá. Año 2010


    Alvarez, Marta; Vega Ríos, Aracelly


    El hongo comestible Pleutorus djamor (P. djamor) tiene alto valor nutritivo comparado con los hongos Crimini y Shiitake, posee macro y micronutrientes, vitaminas B9 y C en mayor cantidad que esas dos especies. Además, puede aportar al organismo más proteínas que otros vegetales y un 100 % de vitamina C más que las necesarias para el cuerpo humano. En otras culturas es común el consumo de hongos comestibles en la dieta diaria, sin embargo, es casi nula en la cultura de los hogares panameños. L...



    Pauro R., Juan J.; Universidad Nacional del Altiplano (Perú).; Gonzáles M., Florencio; Universidad Nacional del Altiplano (Perú).; Gamarra C., Brenda M.; Universidad Nacional de San Agustín (Perú).; Pauro R., Joissy R.; Universidad Nacional del Altiplano (Perú).; Mamani M., Fredy; Universidad Nacional del Altiplano (Perú).; B. Huerta, Ricardo; Universidad Nacional del Altiplano (Perú).


    Este trabajo de investigación fue desarrollado durante noviembre y diciembre de 2004 y entre enero y marzo de 2005, en las comunidades de Muñani (Región natural Suni) y Suatía (Región natural Puna) de la provincia de Lampa, Región Puno. El objetivo fue determinar las especies vegetales y el uso alimenticio, medicinal y biocida en ambas comunidades. Para determinar la riqueza se aplicaron cuadrantes de 1 m2 al azar y para determinar su uso, se realizó entrevistas a los pobladores de mayor de e...

  5. The Development of DNA Based Methods for the Reliable and Efficient Identification of Nicotiana tabacum in Tobacco and Its Derived Products

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    Sukumar Biswas


    Full Text Available Reliable methods are needed to detect the presence of tobacco components in tobacco products to effectively control smuggling and classify tariff and excise in tobacco industry to control illegal tobacco trade. In this study, two sensitive and specific DNA based methods, one quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR assay and the other loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP assay, were developed for the reliable and efficient detection of the presence of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum in various tobacco samples and commodities. Both assays targeted the same sequence of the uridine 5′-monophosphate synthase (UMPS, and their specificities and sensitivities were determined with various plant materials. Both qPCR and LAMP methods were reliable and accurate in the rapid detection of tobacco components in various practical samples, including customs samples, reconstituted tobacco samples, and locally purchased cigarettes, showing high potential for their application in tobacco identification, particularly in the special cases where the morphology or chemical compositions of tobacco have been disrupted. Therefore, combining both methods would facilitate not only the detection of tobacco smuggling control, but also the detection of tariff classification and of excise.

  6. Silencing ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase expression does not disrupt nitrogen allocation to defense after simulated herbivory in Nicotiana attenuata. (United States)

    Stanton, Mariana A; Ullmann-Zeunert, Lynn; Wielsch, Natalie; Bartram, Stefan; Svatoš, Aleš; Baldwin, Ian T; Groten, Karin


    Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase (RuBisCO) is the most abundant protein on the planet and in addition to its central role in photosynthesis it is thought to function as a nitrogen (N)-storage protein and a potential source of N for defense biosynthesis in plants. In a recent study in the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata, we showed that the decrease in absolute N invested in soluble proteins and RuBisCO elicited by simulated herbivory was much larger than the N-requirements of nicotine and phenolamide biosynthesis; (15)N flux studies revealed that N for defensive phenolamide synthesis originates from recently assimilated N rather than from RuBisCO turnover. Here we show that a transgenic line of N. attenuata silenced in the expression of RuBisCO (asRUB) invests similar or even larger amounts of N into phenolamide biosynthesis compared with wild type plants, consistent with our previous conclusion that recently assimilated N is channeled into phenolamide synthesis after elicitation. We suggest that the decrease in leaf proteins after simulated herbivory is a tolerance mechanism, rather than a consequence of N-demand for defense biosynthesis.


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    Luis Enrique Castillo


    Full Text Available Debido a los problemas que ocasionan los insecticidas sintéticos tanto en el ambiente como en la salud humana existe un resurgimiento en investigaciones sobre los extractos de origen vegetal para el control de insectos. Se presenta una revisión de literatura especializada de los trabajos publicados de los diferentes extractos vegetales obtenidos de las familias Annonaceae, Meliaceae y Solanaceae, describiendo los compuestos o mezcla de compuestos obtenidos, así como sus mecanismos de acción que presentan sobre insectos. Las especies vegetales de las tres familias presentan compuestos muy polares. La familia Meliaceae es la más estudiada, con la azadiractina como el compuesto activo más importante. Las acetogeninas, squamocin y annonacin de la familia Annonacea, son las de mayor impacto, mientras que en la familia Solanaceae son los alcaloides y glicósidos esteroidales los principios con mayor bioactividad. La actividad biológica de los metabolitos secundarios ha sido mayor cuando se prueban los extractos, que son mezclas complejas de compuestos secundarios. La mayoría de las investigaciones revisadas han sido bioensayos in vitro para la actividad insecticida, por lo que se desconoce la efectividad de los extractos en campo.

  8. Nitrite reductase expression is regulated at the post-transcriptional level by the nitrogen source in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana. (United States)

    Crété, P; Caboche, M; Meyer, C


    Higher plant nitrite reductase (NiR) is a monomeric chloroplastic protein catalysing the reduction of nitrite, the product of nitrate reduction, to ammonium. The expression of this enzyme is controlled at the transcriptional level by light and by the nitrogen source. In order to study the post-transcriptional regulation of NiR, Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana were transformed with a chimaeric NiR construct containing the tobacco leaf NiR1 coding sequence driven by the CaMV 35S RNA promoter. Transformed plants did not show any phenotypic difference when compared with the wild-type, although they overexpressed NiR activity in the leaves. When these plants were grown in vitro on media containing either nitrate or ammonium as sole nitrogen source, NiR mRNA derived from transgene expression was constitutively expressed, whereas NiR activity and protein level were strongly reduced on ammonium-containing medium. These results suggest that, together with transcriptional control, post-transcriptional regulation by the nitrogen source is operating on NiR expression. This post-transcriptional regulation of tobacco leaf NiR1 expression was observed not only in the closely related species N. plumbaginifolia but also in the more distant species A. thaliana.

  9. Rapid Transient Production of a Monoclonal Antibody Neutralizing the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) in Nicotiana benthamiana and Lactuca sativa. (United States)

    Rattanapisit, Kaewta; Srijangwad, Anchalee; Chuanasa, Taksina; Sukrong, Suchada; Tantituvanont, Angkana; Mason, Hugh S; Nilubol, Dachrit; Phoolcharoen, Waranyoo


    Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) causes acute diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, weight loss, and high mortality rate in neonatal piglets. Porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) has been reported in Europe, America, and Asia including Thailand. The disease causes substantial losses to the swine industry in many countries. Presently, there is no effective PEDV vaccine available. In this study, we developed a plant-produced monoclonal antibody (mAb) 2C10 as a prophylactic candidate to prevent the PEDV infection. Recently, plant expression systems have gained interest as an alternative for the production of antibodies because of many advantages, such as low production cost, lack of human and animal pathogen, large scalability, etc. The 2C10 mAb was transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana and lettuce using geminiviral vector. After purification by protein A affinity chromatography, the antibody was tested for the binding and neutralizing activity against PEDV. Our result showed that the plant produced 2C10 mAb can bind to the virus and also inhibit PEDV infection in vitro . These results show excellent potential for a plant-expressed 2C10 as a PEDV prophylaxis and a diagnostic for PEDV infection. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  10. SGS3 Cooperates with RDR6 in Triggering Geminivirus-Induced Gene Silencing and in Suppressing Geminivirus Infection in Nicotiana Benthamiana

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    Fangfang Li


    Full Text Available RNA silencing has an important role in defending against virus infection in plants. Plants with the deficiency of RNA silencing components often show enhanced susceptibility to viral infections. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRs mediated-antiviral defense has a pivotal role in resistance to many plant viruses. In RDR6-mediated defense against viral infection, a plant-specific RNA binding protein, Suppressor of Gene Silencing 3 (SGS3, was also found to fight against some viruses in Arabidopsis. In this study, we showed that SGS3 from Nicotiana benthamiana (NbSGS3 is required for sense-RNA induced post-transcriptional gene silencing (S-PTGS and initiating sense-RNA-triggered systemic silencing. Further, the deficiency of NbSGS3 inhibited geminivirus-induced endogenous gene silencing (GIEGS and promoted geminivirus infection. During TRV-mediated NbSGS3 or N. benthamiana RDR6 (NbRDR6 silencing process, we found that their expression can be effectively fine-tuned. Plants with the knock-down of both NbSGS3 and NbRDR6 almost totally blocked GIEGS, and were more susceptible to geminivirus infection. These data suggest that NbSGS3 cooperates with NbRDR6 against GIEGS and geminivirus infection in N. benthamiana, which provides valuable information for breeding geminivirus-resistant plants.

  11. Expression of Aspergillus nidulans phy Gene in Nicotiana benthamiana Produces Active Phytase with Broad Specificities

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    Tae-Kyun Oh


    Full Text Available A full-length phytase gene (phy of Aspergillus nidulans was amplified from the cDNA library by polymerase chain reaction (PCR, and it was introduced into a bacterial expression vector, pET-28a. The recombinant protein (rPhy-E, 56 kDa was overexpressed in the insoluble fraction of Escherichia coli culture, purified by Ni-NTA resin under denaturing conditions and injected into rats as an immunogen. To express A. nidulans phytase in a plant, the full-length of phy was cloned into a plant expression binary vector, pPZP212. The resultant construct was tested for its transient expression by Agrobacterium-infiltration into Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Compared with a control, the agro-infiltrated leaf tissues showed the presence of phy mRNA and its high expression level in N. benthamiana. The recombinant phytase (rPhy-P, 62 kDa was strongly reacted with the polyclonal antibody against the nonglycosylated rPhy-E. The rPhy-P showed glycosylation, two pH optima (pH 4.5 and pH 5.5, an optimum temperature at 45~55 °C, thermostability and broad substrate specificities. After deglycosylation by peptide-N-glycosidase F (PNGase-F, the rPhy-P significantly lost the phytase activity and retained 1/9 of the original activity after 10 min of incubation at 45 °C. Therefore, the deglycosylation caused a significant reduction in enzyme thermostability. In animal experiments, oral administration of the rPhy-P at 1500 U/kg body weight/day for seven days caused a significant reduction of phosphorus excretion by 16% in rat feces. Besides, the rPhy-P did not result in any toxicological changes and clinical signs.

  12. Expression of Aspergillus nidulans phy Gene in Nicotiana benthamiana Produces Active Phytase with Broad Specificities (United States)

    Oh, Tae-Kyun; Oh, Sung; Kim, Seongdae; Park, Jae Sung; Vinod, Nagarajan; Jang, Kyung Min; Kim, Sei Chang; Choi, Chang Won; Ko, Suk-Min; Jeong, Dong Kee; Udayakumar, Rajangam


    A full-length phytase gene (phy) of Aspergillus nidulans was amplified from the cDNA library by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and it was introduced into a bacterial expression vector, pET-28a. The recombinant protein (rPhy-E, 56 kDa) was overexpressed in the insoluble fraction of Escherichia coli culture, purified by Ni-NTA resin under denaturing conditions and injected into rats as an immunogen. To express A. nidulans phytase in a plant, the full-length of phy was cloned into a plant expression binary vector, pPZP212. The resultant construct was tested for its transient expression by Agrobacterium-infiltration into Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Compared with a control, the agro-infiltrated leaf tissues showed the presence of phy mRNA and its high expression level in N. benthamiana. The recombinant phytase (rPhy-P, 62 kDa) was strongly reacted with the polyclonal antibody against the nonglycosylated rPhy-E. The rPhy-P showed glycosylation, two pH optima (pH 4.5 and pH 5.5), an optimum temperature at 45~55 °C, thermostability and broad substrate specificities. After deglycosylation by peptide-N-glycosidase F (PNGase-F), the rPhy-P significantly lost the phytase activity and retained 1/9 of the original activity after 10 min of incubation at 45 °C. Therefore, the deglycosylation caused a significant reduction in enzyme thermostability. In animal experiments, oral administration of the rPhy-P at 1500 U/kg body weight/day for seven days caused a significant reduction of phosphorus excretion by 16% in rat feces. Besides, the rPhy-P did not result in any toxicological changes and clinical signs. PMID:25192284

  13. Immediate effects of nectar robbing by Palestine sunbirds (Nectarinia osea) on nectar alkaloid concentrations in tree tobacco (Nicotiana glauca). (United States)

    Kaczorowski, Rainee L; Koplovich, Avi; Sporer, Frank; Wink, Michael; Markman, Shai


    Plant secondary metabolites (PSMs), such as alkaloids, are often found in many parts of a plant, including flowers, providing protection to the plant from various types of herbivores or microbes. PSMs are also present in the floral nectar of many species, but typically at lower concentrations than in other parts of the plant. Nectar robbers often damage floral tissue to access the nectar. By doing so, these nectar robbers may initiate an increase of PSMs in the floral nectar. It is often assumed that it takes at least a few hours before the plant demonstrates an increase in PSMs. Here, we addressed the question of whether PSMs in the floral tissue are immediately being released into the floral nectar following nectar robbing. To address this research question, we investigated whether there was an immediate effect of nectar robbing by the Palestine Sunbird (Nectarinia osea) on the concentration of nectar alkaloids, nicotine and anabasine, in Tree Tobacco (Nicotiana glauca). We found that the concentration of anabasine, but not nicotine, significantly increased in floral nectar immediately following simulated nectar robbing. These findings suggest that nectar robbers could be ingesting greater amounts of PSMs than they would if they visit flowers legitimately. As a consequence, increased consumption of neurotoxic nectar alkaloids or other PSMs could have negative effects on the nectar robber.

  14. Nitrogen Supply Influences Herbivore-Induced Direct and Indirect Defenses and Transcriptional Responses in Nicotiana attenuata[w (United States)

    Lou, Yonggen; Baldwin, Ian T.


    Although nitrogen (N) availability is known to alter constitutive resistance against herbivores, its influence on herbivore-induced responses, including signaling pathways, transcriptional signatures, and the subsequently elicited chemical defenses is poorly understood. We used the native tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata, which germinates in the postfire environment and copes with large changes in soil N during postfire succession, to compare a suite of Manduca sexta- and elicitor-induced responses in plants grown under high- and low-N (LN) supply rates. LN supply decreased relative growth rates and biomass by 35% at 40 d compared to high-N plants; furthermore, it also attenuated (by 39 and 60%) the elicitor-induced jasmonate and salicylate bursts, two N-intensive direct defenses (nicotine and trypsin proteinase inhibitors, albeit by different mechanisms), and carbon-containing nonvolatile defenses (rutin, chlorogenic acid, and diterpene glycosides), but did not affect the induced release of volatiles (cis-α-bergamotene and germacrene A), which function as indirect defenses. M. sexta and methyl jasmonate-induced transcriptional responses measured with a microarray enriched in herbivore-induced genes were also substantially reduced in plants grown under LN supply rates. In M. sexta-attacked LN plants, only 36 (45%) up-regulated and 46 (58%) down-regulated genes showed the same regulation as those in attacked high-N plants. However, transcriptional responses frequently directly countered the observed metabolic changes. Changes in a leaf's sensitivity to elicitation, an attacked leaf's waning ability to export oxylipin wound signals, and/or resource limitations in LN plants can account for the observed results, underscoring the conclusion that defense activation is a resource-intensive response. PMID:15133153

  15. Resistance-related gene transcription and antioxidant enzyme ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The two tobacco relatives of Nicotiana alata and Nicotiana longiflora display a high level of resistance against Colletotrichum nicotianae and the two genes NTF6 and NtPAL related to pathogen defense transcription were higher in N. alata and N. longiflora than the commercial cv. K326. Inoculation with C. nicotianae ...

  16. Selective Somatic Elimination of NICOTIANA GLUTINOSA Chromosomes in the F(1) Hybrids of N. SUAVEOLENS and N. GLUTINOSA. (United States)

    Gupta, S B; Gupta, P


    The F(1) hybrids of Nicotiana suaveolens (subgenus Petunioides, 2n = 32) and N. glutinosa (subgenus Tabacum, 2n = 24), were examined during their development, from seedlings to mature plants. It was observed that in the hybrids, there was a progressive change of dominant N. glutinosa morphological characteristics towards those of N. suaveolens, in leaf shape, stem, flower color and branching pattern. A study of mitotic chromosomes in the root-tips and in very young anthers of the mature plants indicated a significantly high average frequency of aberrant mitotic anaphases (bridges and fragments, 12% and 11% respectively). As a consequence of this phenomenon, variability in the number and size of chromosomes was observed in the PMC's and in mitotic metaphases (29-24 chromosomes). In order to establish whether the N. glutinosa chromosomes were preferentially lost, a karyological study of the parents and their F(1) hybrids was carried out and it was established that the F(1) hybrids were losing N. glutinosa chromosomes preferentially. A mechanism was suggested for the loss of these chromosomes by means of a chromatid type of breakage-fusion-bridge cycle (b-f-b cycle) and initiation of the b-f-b cycle in the hybrid due to an interaction of the regulatory mechanism of DNA replication in the haploid genomes of the parental species. However, loss of these chromosomes owing to interaction of certain genes from the two parental species cannot be ruled out.


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    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio taxonómico de las especies colombianas del géneroSchwartzia de la familia neotropical Marcgraviaceae. Se analizan diversos aspectosrelativos a la clasificación, la nomenclatura, las afinidades genéricas y la variaciónmorfológica de los caracteres. El género Schwartzia está representado en Colombiapor seis especies, cinco de las cuales son endémicas de este país. De las seisespecies consideradas, dos se describen como nuevas: Schwartzia andina Giraldo-Cañas y Schwartzia antioquensis Giraldo-Cañas. Se presentan las claves para reconocerlos géneros afines a Schwartzia y para separar las especies del género presentesen Colombia, así como también las descripciones de las especies, sus sinónimos,su distribución geográfica y se comentan algunas observaciones morfológicasy ecológicas. Todas las especies están ilustradas.

  18. Salicylic acid and jasmonic acid are essential for systemic resistance against tobacco mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana. (United States)

    Zhu, Feng; Xi, De-Hui; Yuan, Shu; Xu, Fei; Zhang, Da-Wei; Lin, Hong-Hui


    Systemic resistance is induced by pathogens and confers protection against a broad range of pathogens. Recent studies have indicated that salicylic acid (SA) derivative methyl salicylate (MeSA) serves as a long-distance phloem-mobile systemic resistance signal in tobacco, Arabidopsis, and potato. However, other experiments indicate that jasmonic acid (JA) is a critical mobile signal. Here, we present evidence suggesting both MeSA and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) are essential for systemic resistance against Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), possibly acting as the initiating signals for systemic resistance. Foliar application of JA followed by SA triggered the strongest systemic resistance against TMV. Furthermore, we use a virus-induced gene-silencing-based genetics approach to investigate the function of JA and SA biosynthesis or signaling genes in systemic response against TMV infection. Silencing of SA or JA biosynthetic and signaling genes in Nicotiana benthamiana plants increased susceptibility to TMV. Genetic experiments also proved the irreplaceable roles of MeSA and MeJA in systemic resistance response. Systemic resistance was compromised when SA methyl transferase or JA carboxyl methyltransferase, which are required for MeSA and MeJA formation, respectively, were silenced. Moreover, high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis indicated that JA and MeJA accumulated in phloem exudates of leaves at early stages and SA and MeSA accumulated at later stages, after TMV infection. Our data also indicated that JA and MeJA could regulate MeSA and SA production. Taken together, our results demonstrate that (Me)JA and (Me)SA are required for systemic resistance response against TMV.

  19. GhWRKY25, a group I WRKY gene from cotton, confers differential tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana. (United States)

    Liu, Xiufang; Song, Yunzhi; Xing, Fangyu; Wang, Ning; Wen, Fujiang; Zhu, Changxiang


    WRKY transcription factors are involved in various processes, ranging from plant growth to abiotic and biotic stress responses. Group I WRKY members have been rarely reported compared with group II or III members, particularly in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). In this study, a group I WRKY gene, namely, GhWRKY25, was cloned from cotton and characterized. Expression analysis revealed that GhWRKY25 can be induced or deduced by the treatments of abiotic stresses and multiple defense-related signaling molecules. Overexpression of GhWRKY25 in Nicotiana benthamiana reduced plant tolerance to drought stress but enhanced tolerance to salt stress. Moreover, more MDA and ROS accumulated in transgenic plants after drought treatment with lower activities of SOD, POD, and CAT. Our study further demonstrated that GhWRKY25 overexpression in plants enhanced sensitivity to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea by reducing the expression of SA or ET signaling related genes and inducing the expression of genes involved in the JA signaling pathway. These results indicated that GhWRKY25 plays negative or positive roles in response to abiotic stresses, and the reduced pathogen resistance may be related to the crosstalk of the SA and JA/ET signaling pathways.

  20. N-Glycosylation of an IgG antibody secreted by Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 cells can be modulated through co-expression of human β-1,4-galactosyltransferase. (United States)

    Navarre, Catherine; Smargiasso, Nicolas; Duvivier, Laurent; Nader, Joseph; Far, Johann; De Pauw, Edwin; Boutry, Marc


    Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 suspension cells have several advantages that make them suitable for the production of full-size monoclonal antibodies which can be purified directly from the culture medium. Carbohydrate characterization of an antibody (Lo-BM2) expressed in N. tabacum BY-2 cells showed that the purified Lo-BM2 displays N-glycan homogeneity with a high proportion (>70%) of the complex GnGnXF glycoform. The stable co-expression of a human β-1,4-galactosyltransferase targeted to different Golgi sub-compartments altered Lo-BM2N-glycosylation and resulted in the production of an antibody that exhibited either hybrid structures containing a low abundance of the plant epitopes (α-1,3-fucose and β-1,2-xylose), or a large amount of galactose-extended N-glycan structures. These results demonstrate the suitability of stable N-glycoengineered N. tabacum BY-2 cell lines for the production of human-like antibodies.