
Sample records for epitopes tipo grupo

  1. Tipos de parafasias que presentan un grupo de pacientes afásicos fluentes que acuden a un centro hospitalario


    Aguilar, Angelica; Panaifo, Erika; Paredes, José Alberto


    El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer los tipos de parafasias en un grupo de pacientes adultos afásicos fluentes que acuden a un Centro Hospitalario, a través del Test de Boston. La metodología que se utilizó fue descriptivo simple, y el estudio tuvo una duración de 5 meses contando con la participación de 6 pacientes. A través de la presente investigación se logró conocer el tipo de parafasia que presenta cada paciente, encontrando en los resultados que existe una relación entre ...

  2. Divergência genética entre genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

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    R. C. Veloso


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivou-se com este trabalho verificar a divergência genética entre sete genótipos de frangos tipo caipira da linhagem Redbro utilizando as características de desempenho por meio de técnicas de análise multivariada. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Após a consistência dos dados, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: ganho em peso médio diário, consumo de ração médio diário e conversão alimentar, para os períodos: 1 a 28, 1 a 56, 1 a 70 e 1 a 84 dias de idade; peso corporal ao nascimento, aos 28, 56, 70 e aos 84 dias de idade. O desempenho dos genótipos foi avaliado por meio da análise de variância multivariada e da função discriminante linear de Fisher, usando os testes do maior autovalor de Roy e da união-interseção de Roy para as comparações múltiplas. O estudo da divergência genética foi feito por meio da análise por variáveis canônicas e pelo método de otimização de Tocher. Os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram médias canônicas diferentes dos demais genótipos. As duas primeiras variáveis canônicas explicaram 97,41% da variação entre os genótipos. A divergência genética entre os genótipos avaliados permitiu a formação de quatro grupos com os seguintes genótipos: grupo 1 - Colorpak; grupo 2 - Pesadão Vermelho e Pescoço Pelado; grupo 3 - Carijó e Tricolor; e grupo 4 - Caboclo e Gigante Negro.


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    César Rey


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio descriptivo realizado con un grupo de 59 hombres que habían ejercido violencia contra su pareja y un grupo de 38 mujeres que habían sido víctima de este tipo de violencia. Las variables analizadas fueron: promedio y rango de edades, grupos de edad, número de hijos, estado civil, escolaridad, ocupación, tipo de violencia auto informada, frecuencia auto informada de violencia, tiempo de convivencia, motivos de la violencia e historia de maltrato en la familia de origen. Los datos que sirvieron de base para este estudio fueron recolectados de nueve informes pertenecientes al Programa Psicojurídico de Prevención de la Violencia en el Contexto Familiar del Servicio de Atención Psicológica de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Los resultados se discuten a la luz de estudios descriptivos previos y de los factores de riesgo de la violencia conyugal más conocidos.

  4. Rasgos sociodemográficos e historia de maltrato en la familia de origen, de un grupo de hombres que han ejercido violencia hacia su pareja y de un grupo de mujeres víctimas de este tipo de violencia

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    César Rey


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio descriptivo realizado con un grupo de 59 hombres que habían ejercido violencia contra su pareja y un grupo de 38 mujeres que habían sido víctima de este tipo de violencia. Las variables analizadas fueron: promedio y rango de edades, grupos de edad, número de hijos, estado civil, escolaridad, ocupación, tipo de violencia auto informada, frecuencia auto informada de violencia, tiempo de convivencia, motivos de la violencia e historia de maltrato en la familia de origen. Los datos que sirvieron de base para este estudio fueron recolectados de nueve informes pertenecientes al Programa Psicojurídico de Prevención de la Violencia en el Contexto Familiar del Servicio de Atención Psicológica de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Los resultados se discuten a la luz de estudios descriptivos previos y de los factores de riesgo de la violencia conyugal más conocidos

  5. App para promoción de artistas y grupos musicales


    Pazos Buceta, José Ángel


    La idea general inicial se basa en desarrollar una app para dispositivos Android que permita promocionar a artistas y grupos musicales. Lo que se pretende es crear una red social especializada tipo consumidor/productor donde los artistas o grupos podrán publicar su proyecto musical y los fans o usuarios en general podrán seguir la trayectoria de cualquier grupo o artista. En consecuencia, esta app contemplará dos tipos de usuarios: activos, los que generan contenido, y pasivos, que sólo co...

  6. Funcionamiento psicofisiológico y susceptibilidad a la sintomatología premenstrual en mujeres Tipo A y Tipo B

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    Francesc Palmero


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se centra en explorar el papel que juega el componente emocional del Patrón de Conducta Tipo A (PCTA en diversas áreas relacionadas con la salud. En este contexto nuestra investigación desarrolla dos objetivos diferenciados. El primero trata de constatar la relación entre determinadas características del PCTA y el mecanismo psicofisiológico en una tarea experimental de estrés real (situación de examen, considerando si existen diferencias entre los dos grupos de personas, Tipo A y Tipo B, tanto en la dimensión tónica como en la dimensión fásica de la tasa cardiaca. El segundo de nuestros objetivos trata de establecer la relación existente entre determinadas características del PCTA y la experiencia de sintomatología relacionada con el ciclo menstrual, considerando tanto la sintomatología premenstrual global, como la sintomatología premenstrual específica, diferenciando tres grandes grupos de síntomas: fisiológicos, psicológicos y conductuales. La muestra final estuvo conformada por 28 mujeres Tipo A y 29 mujeres Tipo B. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el inventario de Actividad de Jenkins (JAS, el calendario menstrual de síntomas de registro diario (CMSRD y un polígrafo que permitió registrar la tasa cardiaca. En cuanto a nuestro primer objetivo, los datos hacen pensar en la existencia de distintos perfiles psicofisiológicos en ambos grupos de mujeres; en el segundo objetivo, parece que las mujeres Tipo A experimentan de forma clara más síntomas psicológicos que las mujeres Tipo B.

  7. Los grupos de crecimiento: camino hacia la autorrealización


    Sierra, Gabriela; Quiroz, Lourdes


    Se profundiza en el conocimiento de las acciones facilitadoras de los procesos de autorrealización y desarrollo humano a través del trabajo realizado durante dos años con un grupo de crecimiento. Se abordan los grupos de crecimiento a través del existencialismo, el psicoanálisis y la psicología social y humanista. Se examina el concepto de crecimiento, las distintas etapas de un grupo de crecimiento, y se presentan conclusiones sobre el desarrollo personal en este tipo de grupos. Se incluye o...

  8. Caracterização de genótipos de cebola com a utilização de marcadores moleculares RAPD

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    Gerson Henrique Wamser

    Full Text Available A divergência genética foi avaliada entre quinze genótipos de cebola cultivados em Santa Catarina, com a utilização de marcadores moleculares RAPD. Onze oligonucleotídeos iniciadores da série Operon Technologies foram utilizados e produziram 35 marcadores, destes, 28 foram polimórficos. Os produtos da amplificação foram visualizados em gel de agarose 1,4%, corado com brometo de etídeo. Uma matriz de similaridade utilizando-se o coeficiente de Jaccard foi construída a partir dos dados moleculares. Um dendrograma foi gerado para melhor visualização da similaridade genética através do método de agrupamento UPGMA. Três grupos foram formados utilizando o coeficiente de similaridade 0,6 como ponto de corte. O primeiro grupo reuniu os genótipos Super Superprecoce e Gauchinha. O segundo grupo reuniu doze genótipos. Dentro desse grupo, os genótipos Bella Vista e Bella Dura foram os que apresentaram o maior coeficiente de similaridade, em torno de 0,89. Bela Vista e Superprecoce, Catarina e o híbrido Bella Vista, com coeficiente de similaridade de 0,88 entre os pares. O terceiro grupo apresentou apenas o genótipo Crioula Roxa, que obteve o menor valor (0,31 para o coeficiente de similaridade. Tendo em vista os resultados obtidos, cruzamentos entre os genótipos do primeiro e segundo grupo e destes com o genótipo Crioula Roxa, podem ser melhores por apresentarem maior divergência entre si. A técnica de RAPD mostrou-se eficaz na caracterização molecular dos genótipos de cebola, evidenciando que existe variabilidade entre os genótipos estudados.


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    Regina Maria Fernandes Lopes


    Full Text Available El avance en las condiciones de salud propicia el progresivo aumento de la esperanza de vida. Estudios han identificado la existencia de una conexión entre la Diabetes Mellitus (DM y demencia. La hiperglicemia podría ser un factor importante en la incidencia de la enfermedad de Azheimer, la cual puede ser una causa secundaria de demencia. La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2 está asociada con déficits cognitivos y funcionales, y el WCST es una de las herramientas que puede ser utilizada para evaluar funcionamiento ejecutivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los déficits cognitivos de ancianos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Los participantes fueron 254 ancianos de ambos sexos, mayores de 60 años; 44 de ellos diagnosticados de DM2 y 210 en un grupo control de población general. El diseño fue un estudio cuantitativo transversal. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: datos sociodemográficos, WCST, MMSE, BDI, BAI, GD, junto a las Sub pruebas de: Vocabulario, códigos, números y Cubos del WAIS-III. Los resultados mostraron una diferencia significativa en el desempeño de los ancianos con diabetes tipo 2 en comparación con el grupo control en cuatro descriptores de WCST que indicaban un deterioro. Igualmente los ancianos con diabetes tipo 2 mostraron una intensidad de síntomas depresivos y de ansiedad estadísticamente mayor que el grupo control

  10. Seleção de genótipos parentais de acerola com base na divergência genética multivariada

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    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar e selecionar genótipos parentais de acerola (Malpighia emarginata L. adequadas a programas de melhoramento genético. Nove caracteres quantitativos de maior importância agronômica foram usados para determinação da distância genética e formação de grupos similares de acessos. O agrupamento pelo método de Tocher, a partir das distâncias generalizadas de Mahalanobis, possibilitou a divisão de 14 genótipos em três grupos. Com base na divergência genética e no caráter agronômico-chave (teor de vitamina C, destacaram-se como mais promissores os cruzamentos dos genótipos: AM Mole pertencente ao grupo III, com os genótipos PR AM, N° 18, PR 17, PR 16, Eclipse, AM 22 e Dominga, todos pertencentes ao grupo I.

  11. Influencia do tempo de exposicao a obesidade induzida por dieta hiperlipidica sobre os colagenos tipo I e III miocardico

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    Danielle Cristina Tomaz da Silva


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A obesidade é um fator de risco para muitas complicações médicas; a pesquisa médica demonstrou que as alterações hemodinâmicas, morfológicas e funcionais estão correlacionadas com a duração e gravidade da obesidade. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo determinou a influência do tempo de exposição à obesidade induzida por dieta com alto teor de gordura no colágenos tipo I e III miocárdico. MÉTODOS: Ratos machos com trinta dias de idade, da raça Wistar, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: um grupo de controle (C alimentado com ração padrão e um grupo de ratos obesos (Ob alternadamente alimentados com uma de quatro dietas palatáveis ricas em gordura. Cada dieta foi mudada diariamente, e os ratos foram mantidos em suas respectivas dietas por 15 (C15 e Ob15 e 30 (C30 e Ob30 semanas consecutivas. A obesidade foi determinada pelo índice de adiposidade. RESULTADOS: O grupo Ob15 foi similar ao grupo C15 em relação à expressão de colágeno miocárdico tipo I; contudo, a expressão no grupo Ob30 foi menor do que no grupo C30. O tempo de exposição à obesidade foi associado com uma redução de colágeno do tipo I no grupo Ob30, quando comparado com o Ob15. A obesidade não afetou a expressão do colágeno tipo III. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo mostrou que o tempo de exposição à obesidade por 30 semanas induzida por uma dieta rica em gordura insaturada causou uma redução na expressão do colágeno miocárdico tipo I em ratos obesos. No entanto, nenhum efeito foi observado em relação à expressão do colágeno miocárdico tipo III

  12. Precisão na montagem em articulador em função do tipo de gesso e tratamento do modelo


    Lopes, Luis Artur; Cezero, Leonardo; Mezzomo, Élio; Suzuki, Roberto


    O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a influência do tipo de gesso na precisão da montagem de modelos superiores secos e hidratados em articulador semi-ajustável. Neste estudo, 36 modelos de gesso pedra foram confeccionados e montados em articulador segundo as condições de seis grupos experimentais e de acordo com o tipo de gesso e o tempo de hidratação dos modelos: Grupo 1: modelos secos fixados com gesso pedra; Grupo 2: modelos secos f...

  13. Psicoterapia de grupo en las crisis esquizofrénicas.


    Manuel González de Chávez


    En los últimos años, crece la evidencia de que es la combinación de farmacoterapia con psicoterapia de grupo la que mejores perspectivas ofrece en el pronóstico de las psicosis esquizofrénicas. Sin embargo, este tipo de terapia de grupo está aún muy lejos de practicarse de forma habitual en las instituciones psiquiátricas. A pesar de tener tras de sí una historia de más de medio siglo, sigue siendo un campo joven, lleno de enfoques, estilos y técnicas diferentes, que está necesitando un ampli...

  14. Desenvolvimento de cultivares de soja em função do grupo de maturação e tipo de crescimento em terras altas e terras baixas

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    Alencar Junior Zanon


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o desenvolvimento de cultivares de soja com diferentes grupos de maturação e tipos de crescimento em terras altas e terras baixas no Rio Grande do Sul. Foram conduzidas nove épocas de semeadura em Santa Maria (ambiente de terras altas e uma época de semeadura em Capão do Leão (ambiente de terras baixas durante os anos agrícolas 2010/2011, 2011/2012 e 2012/2013, com 11 cultivares de soja. O delineamento experimental em todos os experimentos foi blocos ao acaso, em parcelas subdivididas. Foi quantificada a duração, em ºC dia, do ciclo de desenvolvimento, da fase vegetativa e reprodutiva, e do período entre a data que ocorreu o início do florescimento e o número final de nós para todas as épocas e locais de semeadura. Houve redução da duração da fase reprodutiva, do ciclo total de desenvolvimento (exceto algumas cultivares semeadas em setembro, com o atraso da data de semeadura independentemente do grupo de maturação e tipo de crescimento. As semeaduras de setembro, janeiro e fevereiro promovem uma redução da fase vegetativa na maioria das cultivares quando comparadas com a época recomendada (novembro e dezembro. Cultivares indeterminadas apresentam um maior período de sobreposição das fases vegetativa e reprodutiva do que as cultivares determinadas em todas as épocas e locais de cultivo. O desenvolvimento da soja é similar quando cultivada em terras altas e terras baixas.

  15. Ictiosis congénita tipo laminar, reporte de un caso.


    Joaquín Saavedra D.; María José Sierralta S.; Cristian Saavedra D; Vanesa Rivera C; Francisco Cerda C.


    RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: La ictiosis tipo laminar es una enfermedad dermatológica infrecuente perteneciente al grupo de las llamadas genodermatosis. Es una forma de ictiosis congénita que es evidente desde el nacimiento. PRESENTACIÓN DEL CASO: Recién nacido por cesárea, sexo masculino, de 36 semanas de gestación, adecuado para la edad gestacional y con APGAR 8. Antecedentes familiares: padres no consanguíneos y hermano con ictiosis tipo laminar. Luego de nacer es hospital...

  16. Epitope mapping: the first step in developing epitope-based vaccines. (United States)

    Gershoni, Jonathan M; Roitburd-Berman, Anna; Siman-Tov, Dror D; Tarnovitski Freund, Natalia; Weiss, Yael


    Antibodies are an effective line of defense in preventing infectious diseases. Highly potent neutralizing antibodies can intercept a virus before it attaches to its target cell and, thus, inactivate it. This ability is based on the antibodies' specific recognition of epitopes, the sites of the antigen to which antibodies bind. Thus, understanding the antibody/epitope interaction provides a basis for the rational design of preventive vaccines. It is assumed that immunization with the precise epitope, corresponding to an effective neutralizing antibody, would elicit the generation of similarly potent antibodies in the vaccinee. Such a vaccine would be a 'B-cell epitope-based vaccine', the implementation of which requires the ability to backtrack from a desired antibody to its corresponding epitope. In this article we discuss a range of methods that enable epitope discovery based on a specific antibody. Such a reversed immunological approach is the first step in the rational design of an epitope-based vaccine. Undoubtedly, the gold standard for epitope definition is x-ray analyses of crystals of antigen:antibody complexes. This method provides atomic resolution of the epitope; however, it is not readily applicable to many antigens and antibodies, and requires a very high degree of sophistication and expertise. Most other methods rely on the ability to monitor the binding of the antibody to antigen fragments or mutated variations. In mutagenesis of the antigen, loss of binding due to point modification of an amino acid residue is often considered an indication of an epitope component. In addition, computational combinatorial methods for epitope mapping are also useful. These methods rely on the ability of the antibody of interest to affinity isolate specific short peptides from combinatorial phage display peptide libraries. The peptides are then regarded as leads for the definition of the epitope corresponding to the antibody used to screen the peptide library. For



    Tainara Milbradt Weich


    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a condição auditiva de frequentadores de grupos de apoio a ex-usuários de drogas. Foram avaliados 17 indivíduos ex-usuários de drogas, estando entre as mais usadas a maconha, o crack e a cocaína. Os indivíduos foram divididos em dois grupos, conforme o tipo de droga mais consumida: Grupo 1 (G1) 10 ex-usuários de maconha; Grupo 2 (G2) sete ex-usuários de crack/cocaína. Para a análise dos resultados, houve uma subdivisão confor...

  18. Morfología de las especies de Hyphessobrycon (Characiformes: Characidae, grupo heterorhabdus, en Colombia

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    Carlos A. García-Alzate


    Full Text Available El género Hyphessobrycon incluye dieciocho especies reportadas para Colombia de las cuales 13 son miembros del grupo heterorhabdus; con las mismas, se realizó un análisis morfogeométrico por medio del Método de Cerchas (Box Truss y Láminas Delgadas (TPS. Se usaron 13 hitos homólogos tipo I y tres tipo II. El resultado del análisis cluster, llevado a cabo con cada una de las metodologías indicó que estas especies están representadas en dos grandes grupos: robustas y delgadas. Las deformaciones parciales, los componentes uniformes, no uniformes, Warps principales y Warps parciales describieron cambios de la forma relacionados con la profundidad del cuerpo e involucraron desplazamientos relativos del esqueleto apendicular y de la región cefálica. Todas las especies se caracterizan por presentar crecimiento alométrico excepto Hyphessobrycon mavro con isometría entre los hitos 6-7. Se plantean dos nuevas medidas discriminantes (hocico-supraoccipital y supraoccipital-aleta pélvica para las especies del grupo.

  19. Diagnóstico del estado nutricional de los pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer registrados en el Grupo de Neurociencias, Medellín, 2004.

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    Angélica María Muñoz


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer presentan riesgo de deterioro del estado nutricional por cambios fisiológicos, socioeconómicos y psicológicos relacionados con la enfermedad, lo que se suma al proceso de envejecimiento. Objetivo. Describir el estado nutricional de los pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer del Grupo de Neurociencias de la Universidad de Antioquia según el estadio de evolución. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal. Cada paciente fue evaluado para obtener información general, de salud, composición corporal, alimentaria, signos clínicos y aspectos psicosociales. Resultados. Se evaluaron 77 pacientes con edad promedio de 65,5±12,8 años, 48 de ellos con antecedentes familiares de la enfermedad y 39 con más de 60 meses de diagnóstico; el estadio más frecuente fue el moderado y el tipo de demencia más común, la familiar precoz; la enfermedad se diagnosticó antes de los 50 años en 26 pacientes. Hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el índice de masa corporal, el área grasa braquial y el área magra braquial por estadio, y mayor compromiso en el estadio grave (p=0,001, p=0,000 y p=0,000; en todos los estadios se presentó compromiso de la reserva energética y muscular. El calcio y los folatos fueron los nutrientes más comprometidos en el consumo. Conclusión. Aun en el estadio inicial, los pacientes presentaron compromiso del estado nutricional, evidenciado por déficit en la reserva energética y muscular, signos clínicos y consumo inadecuado de calcio y folatos. A medida que avanza la enfermedad, el compromiso de los indicadores nutricionales es mayor. Lo anterior evidencia la necesidad del cuidado nutricional individual de acuerdo con el estadio de la enfermedad.

  20. Identidades sociales en jóvenes de sectores populares aproximaciones a un grupo de raperos

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    James Cuenca


    Full Text Available Este estudio se enfoca en la manera en que un grupo de jóvenes de sectores populares de Cali, Colombia, ha construido sus identidades sociales en relación con el rap. Los datos que se presentan como evidencia se apoyan en una investigación etnográfica hecha en 1998 y 2000 con grupos de raperos que tienen una fuerte ascendencia en esta ciudad. La discusión que se propone se centra, básicamente, en dos aspectos. Uno, caracterizar el tipo de identidad que los jóvenes construyen alrededor de esta oferta cultural y, dos, analizar estas identidades como un tipo de productividad simbólica que los jóvenes realizan para resistir y luchar contra las condiciones de pobreza y exclusión social en que viven.

  1. Colostomia tipo hartmann em ratos: alterações morfológicas e dosagem de hidroxiprolina

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    João Carlos Simões

    Full Text Available A colostomia tem sido um procedimento cirúrgico freqüentemente empregado nas doenças colônicas, lesões traumáticas e neoplásicas. Este trabalho experimental, em ratos, visou estudar as progressivas mudanças morfológicas no cólon proximal e distal , após uma laparotomia e colostomia terminal, tipo Hartmann, que foram estudadas histologicamente e através da dosagem tecidual de hidroxiprolina. Utilizaram-se 40 ratos, machos, raça Wistar, com peso médio de 200 gramas, alocados em dois grupos (grupo I ou experimento e grupo II ou controle, subdivididos em quatro subgrupos: A,B,C e D com 10 animais em cada subgrupo. Os animais do grupo I (subgrupos A e B foram submetidos à colostomia tipo Hartmann, no cólon distal, a 7,5cm do canal anal. Nos ratos do grupo II foi praticada apenas uma laparotomia mediana. Os animais dos subgrupo A e C foram sacrificados no 30º dia de P.O., enquanto que os animais dos subgrupos B e D o sacrifício foi no 60º dia de P.O. A análise histológica dos segmentos colônicos permitiu observar infiltrado inflamatório agudo e crônico na lâmina própria, achatamento pronunciado das criptas, diminuição do número de criptas e da celularidade epitelial, redução das células caliciformes e da mucossecreção, adelgaçamento da muscular da mucosa, mais intensos no coto colônico distal dos animais submetidos à colostomia terminal tipo Hartmann (subgrupos A e B. Os segmentos proximais apresentavam estas alterações, porém mais discretas. A dosagem de hidroxiprolina nos tecidos colônicos não revelou alterações estatisticamente significativas quanto ao conteúdo de colágeno ou do peso desidratado. Estes achados permitem demonstrar alterações morfológicas inflamatórias e hipotróficas mais pronunciadas no cólon distal de ratos submetidos à colostomia tipo Hartmann.

  2. Possível associação entre tipos de hemoglobina e problemas reprodutivos em éguas Mangalarga brasileiras

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    Rejane de Lima e Silva


    Full Text Available Foram estudadas as hemoglobinas de 100 éguas da raça Mangalarga, em idade de reprodução, provenientes da Fazenda Santa Fé, situada na região de Botucatu. Esses animais foram divididos em 2 grupos, de acordo com o histórico reprodutivo de cada animal, sendo um formado por éguas reprodutivamente normais e o segundo por éguas portadoras de problemas reprodutivos. Foram colhidas amostras de 15 ml de sangue com anticoagulante. As hemoglobinas foram identificadas por meio de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida em placa vertical, a 7% em pH 8.6, segundo Davis11 (1964. Quanto ao sistema de hemoglobinas, foram encontrados os seguintes fenótipos para o grupo de éguas reprodutivamente normais:A¹--- (2,0%, A¹, A²m+m+ (21,0% e A¹A² m+m (27,0%; para o grupo de éguas com problemas reprodutivos: A¹--- (10,0%, A¹A² m+m+ (12,0% e A¹A²m+m+ (28,0%. A diferença na freqüência do fenótipo A¹--- entre os grupos pode ter ocorrido devido ã existência da ligação do loco hemoglobina a outro que controlaria características de produção. Além disso, pode estar ocorrendo influência do tipo de clima existente nos trópicos.


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    Full Text Available En el contexto de evaluación de praxias, los gestos pueden clasificarse en tres categorías: transitivos, intransitivos y no familiares. Si bien ha sido reportada la disociación entre los distintos tipos de gestos, es usual que en la evaluación de praxias o en el análisis del desempeño de los pacientes no se consideren por separado estas tres categorías de gestos, o se varíe la definición de ellas. El objetivo del estudio que se informa fue eva luar si en un mismo grupo de pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer se encuentran disociaciones entre gestos transitivos, intransitivos y no familiares, previamente descriptas en el rendimiento práxico de pacientes con lesiones focales (González Rothi, Mack, Verfaellie, Brown & Heilman, 1988; Negri et al., 2007. Se evaluaron 50 pacientes con diagnóstico de demencia tipo Alzheimer probable en imitación de praxias (gestos transitivos, gestos intransitivos y gestos no familiares y uso de objetos. Los estímulos fueron tomados de la batería cognitiva de evaluación de praxias (Politis, 2003. Los gestos eran inicialmente realizados por el examinador, quien mantenía su ejecución durante la imitación del paciente. El grupo con diagnóstico de demencia tipo Alzheimer rindió significativamente peor que el grupo de los controles sanos. En el grupo de pacientes, las cuatro pruebas de praxias correlacionaron entre si. Sin embargo, se hallaron disociaciones en el rendimiento individual de cada paciente en esas mismas pruebas. La disociación entre gestos transitivos, intransitivos y no familiares apoya la posibilidad de que estos diferentes tipos de gestos involucren sistemas de procesamiento distintos.

  4. Caracterização Agronômica E Fenológica De Genótipos De Arroz Irrigado Para Determinação De Mistura Varietal

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    Jaiza Francisca Ribeiro Chagas


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou identificar genótipos semelhantes quanto à características agronômicas e fenológicas para a formação de uma mistura varietal. O experimento foi realizado no campus de Gurupi, Universidade Federal do Tocantins. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado (DIC com três repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de 37 genótipos de arroz irrigado. As características avaliadas foram germinação, floração, altura da planta, peso das panículas, comprimento das panículas, peso de 100 grãos, forma do grão, classe do grão, presença da arista e cor das glumelas. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias avaliadas pelo teste de agrupamento de Scott-Knott, ao nível de 5 % de probabilidade e análise multivariada. Evidenciou-se diferença significativa para a maioria das características estudadas, indicando variabilidade entre os genótipos. O genótipo Irri 344 chegou a floração aos 74 dias após o plantio, seguido dos cultivares Javaé e Irga 417 com 79 dias. O genótipo Eloni e o Mutante Multiespigueta da Embrapa foram os que apresentaram o ciclo mais tardio. Os genótipos com maior altura foram: Tetep com 131,3 cm e o Basmati com 128,3 cm. Para a classe do grão a maioria dos genótipos foi classificada como longo fino. Na análise multivariada houve a formação de 7 grupos. A floração foi à característica que mais influenciou na determinação dos grupos, exceto para o grupo 1 composto pelos genótipos Tetep e Basmati, que se distanciaram também em relação à altura. Os genótipos CNAI 5287, CNAI 9930 e Irri 344 não foram incluídos em nenhuma dos grupos, sendo a característica classe de grãos que determinou a maior dissimilaridade em relação aos demais grupos.  Palavras-chave: Oryza sativa, descritores morfológicos, brusone, mistura de cultivares.

  5. Análisis de grupos de pilotes sometidos a cargas de sismo

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    Carlos Javier Sainea Vargas


    Full Text Available Se presentan los análisis de los resultados obtenidos al emplear la metodología p-y en el análisis de un amplio número de modelos de grupos de pilotes, en los que se aplicaron modificaciones a las curvas p-y para la inclusión de los efectos de grupo y carga sísmica; dichos modelos han sido elaborados incluyendo diferentes configuraciones geométricas de los grupos, y varios tipos de suelos de cimentación. Para el análisis de los modelos se ha empleado el software especializado FB-Multipier, que, además de incluir la metodología elegida, permite la aplicación de cargas sísmicas reales, como las dadas por señales acelerográficas. A partir de los resultados de deflexiones y momentos obtenidos en el análisis de losmodelos, se presentan algunas observaciones sobre el comportamiento de los grupos de pilotes sometidos a carga sísmica y se incluyen consideraciones referentes a su diseño.

  6. Epitope prediction methods

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karosiene, Edita

    Analysis. The chapter provides detailed explanations on how to use different methods for T cell epitope discovery research, explaining how input should be given as well as how to interpret the output. In the last chapter, I present the results of a bioinformatics analysis of epitopes from the yellow fever...... peptide-MHC interactions. Furthermore, using yellow fever virus epitopes, we demonstrated the power of the %Rank score when compared with the binding affinity score of MHC prediction methods, suggesting that this score should be considered to be used for selecting potential T cell epitopes. In summary...... immune responses. Therefore, it is of great importance to be able to identify peptides that bind to MHC molecules, in order to understand the nature of immune responses and discover T cell epitopes useful for designing new vaccines and immunotherapies. MHC molecules in humans, referred to as human...

  7. Malformação de Chiari do tipo II sintomática

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    Full Text Available Os autores analisam uma série de 17 crianças portadoras de mielodisplasias que desenvolveram sinais e sintomas da malformação de Chiari do tipo II. De acordo com a idade, dois grupos ficaram bem definidos: Grupo I, crianças no primeiro ano de vida, em que predominaram sinais e sintomas de comprometimento do tronco encefálico e nervos cranianos bulbares (n=13; Grupo II, composto por crianças com idade superior a um ano, em que as principais manifestações foram dor cervical e sinais cerebelares (n=4. O resultado do tratamento cirúrgico nos dois grupos foi distinto: enquanto a mortalidade no Grupo I atingiu 46,1%, nenhum paciente do Grupo II veio a falecer. O tratamento inicial consistiu na instalação ou revisão de derivação ventricular, sendo a descompressão crânio-vertebral reservada àqueles que não se beneficiaram com esses procedimentos. Os autores enfatizam a necessidade do imediato reconhecimento e tratamento do quadro, de modo a se obter resultados satisfatórios.

  8. viver de um grupo de mulheres de classes populares

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    Kleyde Ventura de Souza


    Full Text Available Para la realización del presente estudio hicimos una encuesta a través de la cual conformamos un tipo especial de grupo llamado “Círculo de Ciudadanía”, con el objetivo de presentar los hechos & actos que han influenciado en la conquista de los derechos sexuales y reproductores de un grupo formado por 16 mujeres de clases populares. La encuesta fue desarrollada en 15 encuentros, en el período de diciembre de 2003 hasta julio de 2004. Los temas generadores fueron discutidos a la luz de los conceptos de Paulo Freire: “el cuerpo” y “derecho a tener derechos”. Las discusiones hechas en estos encuentros, originaron unidades temáticas que evidenciaron las desigualdades sociales, económicas y culturales, reforzando con ello, la condición de subordinación de las mujeres de clases populares, así como los dilemas y desafíos originados de la condición de ser mujer en el (difícil ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductores, como integrantes del proceso de vivir del grupo estudiado.

  9. Exploring consumer perception about the different types of chocolate Explorando a percepção do consumidor sobre diferentes tipos de chocolate

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    Adriana Gámbaro


    Full Text Available The Word Association technique was used to analyze the perception of 120 Uruguayan consumers concerning the different types of chocolate. Similarly, it was estimated how healthy consumers perceived dark, white and milk chocolate to be. As a generic product, chocolate was associated with good taste, positive feelings, sweetness, feelings of warmth and calories/energy. White, dark and milk chocolate were significantly associated with other concepts (creaminess, bitterness, intense taste, etc.. A cluster analysis was performed on the scores regarding the perceived healthiness as reported by the consumers. 3 clusters were identified: Cluster 1 did not perceive any of the three types of chocolate to be very healthy, Cluster 2 considered dark chocolate to be very healthy but white chocolate to be less healthy and Cluster 3 perceived the three types of chocolate as very healthy. The Word Association technique enabled us to identify the differences between the associations made by each cluster.A técnica de Associação de Palavras foi utilizada para analisar a percepção que 120 consumidores uruguaios tinham em relação a diferentes tipos de chocolate. Da mesma forma, estimou-se o quão saudável os consumidores percebiam cada tipo de chocolate: escuro, branco e ao leite. Como um produto genérico, o chocolate foi associado com bom gosto, sentimentos positivos, doçura, sensação de calor e calorias/energia. Chocolates dos tipos branco, escuro e ao leite foram significativamente associados com outros conceitos (cremosidade, amargura, sabor intenso, etc.. Uma análise de agrupamento foi realizada na pontuação em relação à saudabilidade percebida, reportada pelos consumidores. Três grupos foram identificados: Grupo 1 - não percebem qualquer um dos três tipos de chocolate como sendo muito saudável; Grupo 2 - consideram o chocolate escuro como muito saudável e o chocolate branco foi considerado como menos saudável; Grupo 3 - percebem os tr

  10. Avaliação agronômica de genótipos de bananeiras em condições subtropicais, Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo - Brasil

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    Edson Shigueaki Nomura


    Full Text Available Existe grande número de cultivares de bananeira no Brasil, porém quando se consideram aspectos como preferência dos consumidores, produtividade, tolerância às pragas e doenças, porte adequado e resistência à seca e ao frio, restam poucas com potencial agronômico para serem usadas comercialmente. Objetivando avaliar o desenvolvimento vegetativo de genótipos de bananeiras nas condições edafoclimáticas do Vale do Ribeira (Brasil, foram testados os seguintes materiais, separados em dois grupos genômicos: AAAA (Bucaneiro, FHIA 02 e FHIA 17; e AAAB, sendo este subdividido de acordo com a genitora utilizada no melhoramento: Prata (BRS Garantida, FHIA 18, BRS FHIA Maravilha, BRS Platina e PA94-01; Pacovan (BRS Japira, BRS Pacovan Ken, PV79-34, PV94-01 e BRS Vitória; e Yangambi n.2 (BRS Tropical, BRS Princesa e YB42-03. As cultivares Grande Naine (AAA, Pacovan (AAB, Prata-anã (AAB e Yangambi ou Caipira (AAA apresentam desenvolvimento e produção semelhantes aos genótipos avaliados, portanto foram utilizadas como padrão comparativo. Durante dois ciclos, foram avaliadas as seguintes características de desenvolvimento: altura, diâmetro do pseudocaule, número de folhas ativas (florescimento e colheita, intervalo entre plantio e florescimento, e entre plantio e colheita (dias. Calcularam-se os intervalos de confiança (média ± erro-padrão nos diferentes grupos e tipos de banana. Diante dos resultados obtidos conclui-se que os genótipos do grupo AAAB e genitora 'Pacovan' não são adequados para o cultivo na região devido ao porte alto das plantas, e os genótipos de bananeiras que possuem potencial de cultivo na região do Vale do Ribeira são: grupo AAAA (FHIA 02 e FHIA 17; grupo AAAB: genitora 'Prata' (FHIA 18, BRS Garantida e PA94-01 e genitora 'Yangambi n.2' (BRS Tropical, BRS Princesa e Yangambi.

  11. Análisis de grupos de pilotes sometidos a cargas de sismo

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    Carlos Javier Sainea Vargas


    Full Text Available Se presentan los análisis de los resultados obtenidos al emplear la metodología p-y en el análisis de un amplio número de modelos de grupos de pilotes, en los que se aplicaron modificaciones a las curvas p-y para la inclusión de los efectos de grupo y carga sísmica; dichos modelos han sido elaborados incluyendo diferentes configuraciones geométricas de los grupos, y varios tipos de suelos de cimentación. Para el análisis de los modelos se ha empleado el software especializado FB-Multipier, que, además de incluir la metodología elegida, permite la aplicación de cargas sísmicas reales, como las dadas por señales acelerográficas. A partir de los resultados de deflexiones y momentos obtenidos en el análisis de losmodelos, se presentan algunas observaciones sobre el comportamiento de los grupos de pilotes sometidos a carga sísmica y se incluyen consideraciones referentes a su diseño.

  12. Diabetes tipo 2 en niños: Serie de casos

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    Helard Manrique-Hurtado


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir las características clínicas y bioquímicas de un grupo de niños y adolescentes con diagnóstico reciente de diabetes tipo 2. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, tipo de serie de casos. Se definió caso al niño o adolescente con glucosa plasmática en ayunas mayor a 126 mg/dl, ausencia de antiGAD y péptido C mayor a 1,5 ng/dl. Se excluyeron a los pacientes con diagnóstico previo de diabetes mellitus tipo 1, diabetes tipo MODY o diabetes secundaria a uso de fármacos. Resultados: La edad media fue 14,3 años, 59% fueron mujeres y 43% tenía por lo menos un padre con diabetes tipo 2. Al momento del diagnóstico, el índice de masa corporal fue 32,8 kg/m2, 85% tenía acantosis nigricans y 68% estaba en estadio Tanner IV y V. El tratamiento inicial incluyó el uso de hipoglicemiantes orales en 75% de los casos, siendo más frecuente el uso de metformina (64,3%. Solamente el 41% de los pacientes recibía algún tipo de insulina. Conclusiones: Los niños y adolescentes con diabetes tipo 2, tienen una frecuencia aumentada de obesidad/sobrepeso, acantosis nigricans y antecedente familiar de DM2. En general, tienen mal control metabólico y reciben metformina como tratamiento inicial.

  13. Microbiota epitope similarity either dampens or enhances the immunogenicity of disease-associated antigenic epitopes.

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    Sebastian Carrasco Pro

    Full Text Available The microbiome influences adaptive immunity and molecular mimicry influences T cell reactivity. Here, we evaluated whether the sequence similarity of various antigens to the microbiota dampens or increases immunogenicity of T cell epitopes. Sets of epitopes and control sequences derived from 38 antigenic categories (infectious pathogens, allergens, autoantigens were retrieved from the Immune Epitope Database (IEDB. Their similarity to microbiome sequences was calculated using the BLOSUM62 matrix. We found that sequence similarity was associated with either dampened (tolerogenic; e.g. most allergens or increased (inflammatory; e.g. Dengue and West Nile viruses likelihood of a peptide being immunogenic as a function of epitope source category. Ten-fold cross-validation and validation using sets of manually curated epitopes and non-epitopes derived from allergens were used to confirm these initial observations. Furthermore, the genus from which the microbiome homologous sequences were derived influenced whether a tolerogenic versus inflammatory modulatory effect was observed, with Fusobacterium most associated with inflammatory influences and Bacteroides most associated with tolerogenic influences. We validated these effects using PBMCs stimulated with various sets of microbiome peptides. "Tolerogenic" microbiome peptides elicited IL-10 production, "inflammatory" peptides elicited mixed IL-10/IFNγ production, while microbiome epitopes homologous to self were completely unreactive for both cytokines. We also tested the sequence similarity of cockroach epitopes to specific microbiome sequences derived from households of cockroach allergic individuals and non-allergic controls. Microbiomes from cockroach allergic households were less likely to contain sequences homologous to previously defined cockroach allergens. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that microbiome sequences may contribute to the tolerization of T cells for allergen

  14. Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos de milho em diferentes condições ambientais

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    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os fatores de adaptabilidade e estabilidade de 20 genótipos de milho (Zea mays L., divididos em quatro grupos genéticos (híbridos simples, duplos e triplos e cultivares de polinização livre, em diferentes níveis de fertilidade, épocas de semeadura e locais do Estado de Minas Gerais. Entre os genótipos avaliadas, o que apresentou maior adaptabilidade foi o híbrido triplo Hatã 3012. Observou-se que a produtividade média dos híbridos triplos foi superior à dos demais grupos. Entre os fatores ambientais estudados, verificou-se que ausência de adubação e semeaduras tardias foram os que mais contribuíram para a diminuição do índice ambiental. As diferentes metodologias usadas para estimar os parâmetros de adaptabilidade e estabilidade, apesar de apresentarem resultados semelhantes, forneceram respostas diferenciadas com relação à inclinação das retas de regressão de alguns genótipos. O nível de fertilizantes e a época de semeadura foram os dois fatores de maior influência na determinação da qualidade dos ambientes.

  15. Aplicación de los instrumentos de reincidencia en violencia HCR-20 y SVR-20 en dos grupos de delincuentes colombianos

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    Ángela Tapias Saldaña


    Full Text Available Esta investigación, de tipo exploratorio, cuenta con un diseño no experimental y transversal o transeccional; tuvo por objeto determinar si los instrumentos de evaluación psicológica forense HCR-20 y SVR-20 discriminan entre un grupo de reincidentes en delitos de acceso carnal violento y un grupo de sujetos judicializados por delitos menores. Hubo presencia de los indicadores, tanto del HCR-20 como del SVR-20, en los grupos. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en los puntajes de los grupos para el SVR- 20, pero no para el HCR-20. Finalmente, se observaron nuevos factores de riesgo, que podrían incluirse en instrumentos forenses.

  16. Captación de Talio-201 en pulmón y corazón con diferentes tipos de estrés. Estudio en voluntarios sanos


    Maceira, A.M. (Alicia M.); Cabrera, A. (A.); Albaladejo, V.J. (V.J.); Garcia-Velloso, M.J. (María José); Richter, J.A. (José Ángel); Coma-Canella, I. (Isabel)


    Para comprobar si existen diferencias en la captación pulmonar y miocárdica de Talio-201 entre distintos tipos de estrés se estudiaron 40 voluntarios varones de edad 21,7 ± 0,9 años. A todos se les practicó una gammagrafía de perfusión miocárdica con Talio-201 mediante SPECT. Los 40 individuos fueron aleatorizados en 4 grupos de 10 sujetos cada uno, siendo cada grupo sometido a un tipo de estrés: ejercicio físico, dobutamina, dipiridamol y adenosina trifosfato (ATP). Se observaron diferencias...





    El linfoma de células B del tipo de la pierna, es una neoplasia rara y agresiva, con características clínicas, morfológicas e inmunofenotípicas distintivas. Está clasificada dentro del grupo de linfomas cutáneos primarios de células B y se presenta en edades avanzadas, con predominio en mujeres y altas tasas de recurrencia. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 63 años de edad, con diagnóstico clínico e inmunofenotípico de linfoma cutáneo de células B del tipo de la pierna. Primary cutaneous...

  18. profesionales que laboran en el Grupo de Acción Unificada por la Libertad Personal, GAULA, Cundinamarca

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    Martha G. Duarte Mendoza


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene por objetivo conocer las características del sometimiento en el secuestro extorsivo cometido por grupos al margen de la ley, a partir de encuestas aplicadas a los profesionales que laboran en los grupos de acción unificada por la libertad personal, GAULA, militar y de la Policía Nacional. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo de tipo no experimental, transaccional. La hipótesis del estudio busca comprobar la existencia de diferencias en las estrategias empleadas por los diferentes grupos ilegales para someter a sus víctimas. Los resultados permitieron establecer que la existencia de diferencias en las características del sometimiento presentes en secuestros extorsivos no depende de la organización a la que pertenece el grupo captor, sino del lugar de operaciones de éste, independientemente de su pertenencia a una organización para el caso de la subversión y las autodefensas.

  19. Metodología y clasificación de tipos de paisaje en Galicia

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    Augusto Pérez-Alberti


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se exponen los resultados de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo con el fin de caracterizar los diferentes tipos de paisaje existentes en Galicia (Noroeste de España. Se ha considerado el paisaje como resultado de un sistema dinámico en que interaccionan elementos estructurales y texturales. El resultado ha sido la caracterización de 6 grupos de paisaje, en función del dominio de la dinámica natural o antrópica y 28 tipos de paisaje sobre los que incidir de forma directa de cara a su protección, gestión y ordenación.

  20. Obesidad y factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico en jóvenes con diabetes tipo 1

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    Mariana Prieto


    Full Text Available Los cambios en la forma de presentación de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1(DM T1 en la infancia y adolescencia asociados a la obesidad, determinaron una superposición entre los dos tipos de diabetes, con mayor heterogeneidad en su presentación clínica. Con el objetivo de caracterizar el tipo de diabetes mellitus (DM, comienzo de la diabetes, independientemente de las clasificaciones disponibles y evaluar el impacto de la obesidad en la forma de presentación, se estudiaron cincuenta niños diabéticos agrupados según su condición nutricional. Se evaluó la reserva de insulina pancreática por medición de péptido C basal, índice glucemia/péptido C y en respuesta a comida mixta (MMTT, se determinó el genotipo HLA-DQB1 y los anticuerpos GADA, ICA 512, IAA y se evaluó la presencia de factores de riesgo para enfermedad metabólica como obesidad, hipertensión, diabetes y dislipidemia en el grupo familiar. El 38% de la población presentó sobrepeso/obesidad (SP/OB. Un 82% tuvo anticuerpos positivos GADA, ICA 512, IAA sin diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos, el 100% fue positivo para genotipo HLA-DQB1 de riesgo. El 84% de los familiares presentó factores de riesgo positivo para síndrome metabólico. Se dividió a la población en dos grupos (sobrepeso/obesidad vs. normopeso. No hubo diferencias en los valores de péptido C en ayunas o en el índice glucemia/péptido C entre los dos grupos El péptido C en el MMTT mostró mayor área bajo la curva (1.77 ng/ml vs. 5.5 ng/ml, p = 0.0007 y valores más altos a los 60 y 120 minutos (p: 0.02 y 0.03 en el grupo con SP/OB. En conclusión, los pacientes con diabetes tipo 1A con SP/OB tienen mayor capacidad de respuesta pancreática medida por péptido C, sugiriendo que el estado nutricional podría actuar como acelerador del comienzo clínico de la enfermedad.

  1. Design and characterization of epitope-scaffold immunogens that present the motavizumab epitope from respiratory syncytial virus. (United States)

    McLellan, Jason S; Correia, Bruno E; Chen, Man; Yang, Yongping; Graham, Barney S; Schief, William R; Kwong, Peter D


    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of respiratory tract infections in infants, but an effective vaccine has not yet been developed. An ideal vaccine would elicit protective antibodies while avoiding virus-specific T-cell responses, which have been implicated in vaccine-enhanced disease with previous RSV vaccines. We propose that heterologous proteins designed to present RSV-neutralizing antibody epitopes and to elicit cognate antibodies have the potential to fulfill these vaccine requirements, as they can be fashioned to be free of viral T-cell epitopes. Here we present the design and characterization of three epitope-scaffolds that present the epitope of motavizumab, a potent neutralizing antibody that binds to a helix-loop-helix motif in the RSV fusion glycoprotein. Two of the epitope-scaffolds could be purified, and one epitope-scaffold based on a Staphylococcus aureus protein A domain bound motavizumab with kinetic and thermodynamic properties consistent with the free epitope-scaffold being stabilized in a conformation that closely resembled the motavizumab-bound state. This epitope-scaffold was well folded as assessed by circular dichroism and isothermal titration calorimetry, and its crystal structure (determined in complex with motavizumab to 1.9 Å resolution) was similar to the computationally designed model, with all hydrogen-bond interactions critical for binding to motavizumab preserved. Immunization of mice with this epitope-scaffold failed to elicit neutralizing antibodies but did elicit sera with F binding activity. The elicitation of F binding antibodies suggests that some of the design criteria for eliciting protective antibodies without virus-specific T-cell responses are being met, but additional optimization of these novel immunogens is required. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  2. Búsquedas de epitopes conformacionales en la proteína HPV16-E7 del virus de papiloma humano

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    Julio C. Calvo


    Full Text Available El virus de papiloma humano tipo 16 (HPV-16 es la principal causa de cáncer entre las mujeres en Colombia. Es importante desarrollar pruebas de bajo costo y confiables para detectar la presencia de este virus en las primeras etapas de la enfermedad. Los péptidos pueden ser usados para detectar anticuerpos en sueros, pero a menudo no son activos. Sin embargo, péptidos restringidos que imiten epitopes conformacionales pueden ser más efectivos.

  3. grupos virtuales de aprendizaje colaborativo

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    Ángel Torres Velandia


    Full Text Available Diversas experiencias de educación superior, virtual y a distancia, en las que hemos participado demuestran que la revolución tecnológica, en el contexto de la sociedad de la información, propicia cambios comunicacionales y educativos que favorecen la preparación profesional de cientos de jóvenes y adultos que, de otra manera, difícilmente llegarían a desarrollar autonomía e iniciativa propias para emprender y autodirigir procesos de aprendizaje personales, así como para trabajar en entornos virtuales colaborativos, mediante el uso racional y crítico de una variedad de herramientas y recursos técnicos y pedagógicos. Por lo que pretendemos: a analizar la naturaleza y aspectos básicos de las comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje (CVA y los grupos virtuales de aprendizaje colaborativo (GVAC, y b registrar los avances y las limitaciones de tres proyectos de investigación y desarrollo de la UAM-Xochimilco: 1 Red electrónica de la UAM para la formación virtual de tutores e investigadores de los sistemas de educación superior a distancia (SESAD. 2 Formación de docentes-tutores para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en ambientes presenciales, virtuales y a distancia. 3 La experiencia de interacción y cooperación de dos tipos diferentes de grupos de aprendizaje: los del sistema modular de la UAM-Xochimilco y los de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC.

  4. The Immune Epitope Database 2.0

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoof, Ilka; Vita, R; Zarebski, L


    The Immune Epitope Database (IEDB, provides a catalog of experimentally characterized B and T cell epitopes, as well as data on Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) binding and MHC ligand elution experiments. The database represents the molecular structures recognized by adaptive...... immune receptors and the experimental contexts in which these molecules were determined to be immune epitopes. Epitopes recognized in humans, nonhuman primates, rodents, pigs, cats and all other tested species are included. Both positive and negative experimental results are captured. Over the course...

  5. Familias en el trabajo: Estrategias de afrontamiento de grupos microempresarios familiares

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    María Amarís


    Full Text Available Las microempresas colombianas ocupan un segmento importante de la economía del país, siendo fundamentalmente de tipo familiar. En estas microempresas se manifiesta una dinámica caracterizada por ser punto de encuentro entre el ámbito laboral y el familiar, lo que permite diferenciarlas de otro tipo de negocios no parentales. Este estudio, de tipo cualitativo, tuvo como propósito comprender cómo se enfrentan las situaciones adversas en el contexto familiar y organizacional de las familias microempresarias. Por esta razón, se analizan las estrategias de afrontamiento de dos grupos microempresarios familiares ubicados en la ciudad de Barranquilla (Caribe colombiano por medio del método de estudio de casos, usando la entrevista abierta y a profundidad como instrumento de recolección de datos. Para analizar la experiencia subjetiva de la persona se empleó el método del análisis de discurso de Giorgi y Giorgi (2003, donde ésta se analiza desde una perspectiva gadameriana (Gadamer, 1960;1989. Como principal resultado se destaca que, ante situaciones adversas en los ámbitos familiar y empresarial, las estrategias de afrontamiento familiares mayormente empleadas por ambas familias microempresarias son el apoyo social y la reestructuración.

  6. Intervenciones Farmaceuticas en pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2

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    Gladys Mabel Maidana

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción: La Atención Farmacêutica es la provision responsable de la farmacoterapia con el propósito de alcanzar resultados concretos que mejoren la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de las intervenciones farmacéuticas en pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. Metodologia: Ensayo Clínico Aleatorizado, con medición de variables antes y después. No probabilísti-co. De conveniencia. Participaron 32 pacientes del grupo intervenido y 32 en grupo control. Se realizaron entrevistas mensuales en un periodo de intervención farmacéutica de 6 meses (desde octubre 2011 hasta junio 2012. Se registraron solo 3 abandonos. Resultados: La edad de los pacientes fue 55,6±10,6 anos. Los pacientes del grupo intervenido mejoraron la glicemia en 34%, donde 24 pacientes tenian el valor (< 130 mg/dL; la hemoglobina glicosilada mejoró 1,9%, donde 15 pacientes lograron los parámetros deseados (< 6,5%. La calidad de vida del grupo inter-venido aumentó de (56,3 a 71,3 % y fue medido con el cuestionario SF-36. En el grupo intervenido se encontraron 80 problemas relacionados con medicamentos, en 27 pacientes, se resolvieron 59; al final del estudio 12 pacientes resolvieron todos los problemas relacionados con medicamentos; se realizaron 254 intervenciones farmacêuticas, el nivel de conocimiento de los pacientes sobre la enfermedad mejoró en 41%, el conocimiento sobre sus medicamentos mejoró en 53%. Conclusión: Las intervenciones farmacêuticas mejoraron los parámetros clínicos de glicemia, hemoglobina glicosilada, optimizaron el uso de medicamentos, disminuyeron los problemas relacionados con medicamentos, mejoraron la calidad de vida de los pacientes.

  7. Divergência entre genótipos de soja, cultivados em várzea irrigada

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    Elonha Rodrigues dos Santos


    Full Text Available A divergência genética é um dos mais importantes parâmetros avaliados por melhoristas de plantas, na fase inicial de um programa de melhoramento genético. Diante disso, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar, por meio de técnicas multivariadas, a divergência genética entre 48 genótipos de soja, cultivados em várzea irrigada no Estado do Tocantins, com o intuito de identificar as combinações mais promissoras para produzir recombinações superiores, tanto destinados a produção de óleo e farelo, como do grupo especial, destinados ao consumo humano. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Formoso do Araguaia, TO, em cultivo de várzea irrigada na entressafra de 2010. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Verificou-se variabilidade entre os genótipos testados. Os resultados dos métodos de agrupamento de Tocher, UPGMA e Variáveis Canônicas foram concordantes entre si e detectaram quatro grupos distintos. As seguintes hibridações são promissoras para produção de grãos de soja destinados a óleo e farelo: M-Soy 8766, M-Soy 9144, A 7002 e M-Soy 9056 com Amaralina e cruzamentos entre M-Soy 8766, M-Soy 9144 e Amaralina com BRSMG 790A, BRS 257, BRS 216 e BRS 213 e são indicados visando a genótipos de soja especiais para alimentação humana.

  8. Diferencias en la calciuria, estimada mediante el índice Ca/Cr en función del tipo de lactancia


    Trigo López, Javier


    Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo transversal sobre el comportamiento de la calciuria, estimada mediante el índice calcio/creatinina (ICC), en lactantes menores de 6 meses, analizando su posible relación con el tipo de alimentación (leche de fórmula o leche materna). Los resultados se obtuvieron a partir de muestras de orina de 44 lactantes sanos en los que se recoge el tipo de lactancia. El grupo alimentado mediante leche de fórmula presentó un ICC medio expresado en mg/mg de 0,59, mien...

  9. Empatía: diferencias entre abusadores sexuales, delincuentes violentos y un grupo control


    Cepeda Rodríguez, Zulma Yadira; Ruiz Pérez, José Ignacio


    El objetivo fue explorar, describir y comparar la variable empatía en tres grupos: agresores sexuales de menores de edad, delincuentes violentos no sexuales y personas sin historia de reclusión en establecimientos carcelarios, por medio de una investigación transeccional de tipo descriptivo- comparativo. Para evaluar la variable de estudio se tradujo y adaptó al español el instrumento de medición The Child Molester Empathy Measure. Posteriormente esta escala se aplicó a una muestra de conveni...

  10. BepiPred-2.0: improving sequence-based B-cell epitope prediction using conformational epitopes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jespersen, Martin Closter; Peters, Bjoern; Nielsen, Morten


    Antibodies have become an indispensable tool for many biotechnological and clinical applications. They bind their molecular target (antigen) by recognizing a portion of its structure (epitope) in a highly specific manner. The ability to predict epitopes from antigen sequences alone is a complex t...

  11. Análisis del riesgo preconcepcional en un grupo básico de trabajo

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    Miguel Lugones Botell


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio en 669 pacientes dispensarizados con riesgo PRECONCEPCIONAL, en el grupo básico de trabajo No.4 del Policlínico Docente "26 de Julio" en el municipio Playa, y se analiza el trabajo realizado con estas pacientes durante 1990 y 1991. Se valoran diferentes parámetros tales como: edad, principales factores de riesgo, tipos de anticonceptivos utilizados, así como los resultados referentes a la mortalidad infantil, la muerte fetal tardía y el bajo peso al nacer. Se concluye que las adolescentes con actividad sexual y el riesgo social fueron los grupos más numerosos en las pacientes dispensarizadas y que hubo un buen control de la natalidad en las pacientes de riesgo en cuanto a la prenaturidad y/o bajo peso, y la mortalidad infantil, que fueron íntimos.

  12. 'Multi-epitope-targeted' immune-specific therapy for a multiple sclerosis-like disease via engineered multi-epitope protein is superior to peptides.

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    Nathali Kaushansky

    Full Text Available Antigen-induced peripheral tolerance is potentially one of the most efficient and specific therapeutic approaches for autoimmune diseases. Although highly effective in animal models, antigen-based strategies have not yet been translated into practicable human therapy, and several clinical trials using a single antigen or peptidic-epitope in multiple sclerosis (MS yielded disappointing results. In these clinical trials, however, the apparent complexity and dynamics of the pathogenic autoimmunity associated with MS, which result from the multiplicity of potential target antigens and "epitope spread", have not been sufficiently considered. Thus, targeting pathogenic T-cells reactive against a single antigen/epitope is unlikely to be sufficient; to be effective, immunospecific therapy to MS should logically neutralize concomitantly T-cells reactive against as many major target antigens/epitopes as possible. We investigated such "multi-epitope-targeting" approach in murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE associated with a single ("classical" or multiple ("complex" anti-myelin autoreactivities, using cocktail of different encephalitogenic peptides vis-a-vis artificial multi-epitope-protein (designated Y-MSPc encompassing rationally selected MS-relevant epitopes of five major myelin antigens, as "multi-epitope-targeting" agents. Y-MSPc was superior to peptide(s in concomitantly downregulating pathogenic T-cells reactive against multiple myelin antigens/epitopes, via inducing more effective, longer lasting peripheral regulatory mechanisms (cytokine shift, anergy, and Foxp3+ CTLA4+ regulatory T-cells. Y-MSPc was also consistently more effective than the disease-inducing single peptide or peptide cocktail, not only in suppressing the development of "classical" or "complex EAE" or ameliorating ongoing disease, but most importantly, in reversing chronic EAE. Overall, our data emphasize that a "multi-epitope-targeting" strategy is required for

  13. Trayectoria de los tornillos pediculares lumbares y sacros: Comparación entre el abordaje por linea media versus el abordaje posterolateral tipo wiltse (United States)

    Gagliardi, Martín; Guiroy, Alfredo; Molina, Federico Fernández; Fasano, Francisco; Ciancio, Alejandro Morales; Mezzadri, Juan José; Jalón, Pablo


    Resumen Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar, en fusiones lumbosacras cortas, el ángulo de convergencia de los tornillos pediculares entre el abordaje posterolateral tipo Wiltse y el abordaje mediano convencional. Método: Se revisaron en forma retrospectiva los controles en tomografía axial computada (TAC) de 76 tornillos pediculares lumbares y sacros colocados por vía posterior, mediante un abordaje mediano convencional (n: 38) o por vía posterolateral transmuscular tipo Wiltse (n: 38). Se incluyeron fusiones lumbosacras cortas desde L3 a S1, en pacientes adultos, con patología degenerativa. Se excluyeron los tornillos con una brecha ósea >4 mm en cualquier dirección, los casos con instrumentaciones pediculares previas y aquellos con curvas en el plano coronal mayores de 20°. Resultados: Considerando la totalidad de los implantes, el ángulo de convergencia fue de 23,3° (+/- 15,82). La angulación promedio, en el grupo AW, fue de 29,3° (+/- 9,72). En el grupo AC, el grado de convergencia de los implantes fue de 17,2° (+/- 10,58). Esta diferencia fue estadísticamente significativa (P < 0,0001). Para el grupo AW, el grado de convergencia según nivel fue el siguiente: L3: 31,2° (+/- 1,9); L4: 31,4° (+/- 2,76); L5: 31,1° (+/- 5,62); S1: 24,2° (+/- 12,16). El promedio del ángulo del tornillo según nivel para el grupo AC fue: L3: 16° (+/- 7,16); L4: 20,3° (+/- 6,9) L5: 15,9° (+/- 13,38); S1: 15,2° (+/- 14,32). Los implantes del grupo AW tuvieron ángulos significativamente más convergentes que el grupo AC en todos los segmentos explorados. Conclusión: En las fusiones lumbosacras cortas, la utilización del abordaje tipo Wiltse permitió la colocación de tornillos pediculares con más convergencia que en el abordaje mediano convencional. La relevancia clínica de este hecho es desconocida y se requerirían trabajos prospectivos randomizados para determinar la misma. PMID:29142777

  14. Aumento na sobrevida de crianças de grupos de peso baixo ao nascer em Santa Catarina Aumento en la sobrevida de niños de grupos de peso bajo al nacer en Santa Catarina, Sur de Brasil Increased survival among lower-birthweight children in Southern Brazil

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    Carlos Eduardo Andrade Pinheiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados à sobrevida no primeiro ano de vida. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte histórica foi realizado com dados dos sistemas de informação de nascimento e mortalidade sobre 90.153 registros de nascidos vivos e 1.053 registros de óbitos de menores de um ano em hospitais de Florianópolis e São José, SC, entre 1999 e 2006. Foram estimadas curvas de sobrevida (Kaplan-Meier para grupos de peso ao nascer, período (quadriênios e tipo de maternidade. Foram calculadas razões de riscos proporcionais para óbitos utilizando regressão de Cox. RESULTADOS: A sobrevida (98,8% não se modificou entre os grupos de peso, mas aumentou nos grupos de menos de 2.000 g (77,7% para 81,2%, p = 0,029 entre os quadriênios de 1999 a 2002 e 2003 a 2006. Houve aumento de menores de 2.000 g no segundo quadriênio estudado. O tipo de hospital foi associado significativamente à probabilidade de sobrevida. CONCLUSÕES: Há maior probabilidade de sobrevida entre nascidos em hospitais privados e no hospital de ensino para todos os grupos de peso e para o grupo de menos de 2000 g. A sobrevida dos grupos de peso abaixo de 2000 g aumentou no quadriênio mais recente. Entretanto, o coeficiente de mortalidade infantil não diminuiu nesse período, pois a prevalência dos nascidos em grupos de menor peso também aumentou.OBJETIVO: Analizar factores asociados con la sobrevida en el primer año de vida. MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte histórica realizado con datos de los sistemas de información de nacimiento y mortalidad sobre 90.153 registros de nacidos vivos y 1.053 registros de óbitos de menores de un año en hospitales de Florianópolis y Sao José, Sur de Brasil, entre 1999 y 2006. Fueron estimadas curvas de sobrevida (Kaplan-Meier para grupos de peso al nacer, período (cuatrienios y tipo de maternidad. Se calcularon tasas de riesgos proporcionales para óbitos utilizando regresión de Cox. RESULTADOS: La sobrevida (98,8% no se modificó entre

  15. Automatic Generation of Validated Specific Epitope Sets

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    Sebastian Carrasco Pro


    Full Text Available Accurate measurement of B and T cell responses is a valuable tool to study autoimmunity, allergies, immunity to pathogens, and host-pathogen interactions and assist in the design and evaluation of T cell vaccines and immunotherapies. In this context, it is desirable to elucidate a method to select validated reference sets of epitopes to allow detection of T and B cells. However, the ever-growing information contained in the Immune Epitope Database (IEDB and the differences in quality and subjects studied between epitope assays make this task complicated. In this study, we develop a novel method to automatically select reference epitope sets according to a categorization system employed by the IEDB. From the sets generated, three epitope sets (EBV, mycobacteria and dengue were experimentally validated by detection of T cell reactivity ex vivo from human donors. Furthermore, a web application that will potentially be implemented in the IEDB was created to allow users the capacity to generate customized epitope sets.

  16. Immune epitope database analysis resource

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kim, Yohan; Ponomarenko, Julia; Zhu, Zhanyang


    The immune epitope database analysis resource (IEDB-AR: is a collection of tools for prediction and analysis of molecular targets of T- and B-cell immune responses (i.e. epitopes). Since its last publication in the NAR webserver issue in 2008, a new generation of peptide......, and the homology mapping tool was updated to enable mapping of discontinuous epitopes onto 3D structures. Furthermore, to serve a wider range of users, the number of ways in which IEDB-AR can be accessed has been expanded. Specifically, the predictive tools can be programmatically accessed using a web interface...

  17. Identification, characterization, and synthesis of peptide epitopes and a recombinant six-epitope protein for Trichomonas vaginalis serodiagnosis

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    Alderete JF


    Full Text Available J F Alderete, Calvin J NeaceSchool of Molecular Biosciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USAAbstract: There is a need for a rapid, accurate serodiagnostic test useful for both women and men infected by Trichomonas vaginalis, which causes the number one sexually transmitted infection (STI. Women and men exposed to T. vaginalis make serum antibody to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (ALD, α-enolase (ENO, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAP. We identified, by epitope mapping, the common and distinct epitopes of each protein detected by the sera of women patients with trichomonosis and by the sera of men highly seropositive to the immunogenic protein α-actinin (positive control sera. We analyzed the amino acid sequences to determine the extent of identity of the epitopes of each protein with other proteins in the databanks. This approach identified epitopes unique to T. vaginalis, indicating these peptide-epitopes as possible targets for a serodiagnostic test. Individual or combinations of 15-mer peptide epitopes with low to no identity with other proteins were reactive with positive control sera from both women and men but were unreactive with negative control sera. These analyses permitted the synthesis of a recombinant His6 fusion protein of 111 amino acids with an Mr of ~13.4 kDa, which consisted of 15-mer peptides of two distinct epitopes each for ALD, ENO, and GAP. This recombinant protein was purified by affinity chromatography. This composite protein was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA, dot blots, and immunoblots, using positive control sera from women and men. These data indicate that it is possible to identify epitopes and that either singly, in combination, or as a composite protein represent targets for a point-of-care serodiagnostic test for T. vaginalis.Keywords: diagnostics, point-of-care, targets, trichomonosis

  18. Grupos de Lie


    Rubio Martí, Vicente


    En el presente proyecto definimos lo que es un grupo de Lie, así como su respectiva álgebra de Lie canónica como aproximación lineal a dicho grupo de Lie. El proceso de linealización, que es hallar el algebra de Lie de un grupo de Lie dado, tiene su

  19. Epitope discovery with phylogenetic hidden Markov models.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Lacerda, Miguel


    Existing methods for the prediction of immunologically active T-cell epitopes are based on the amino acid sequence or structure of pathogen proteins. Additional information regarding the locations of epitopes may be acquired by considering the evolution of viruses in hosts with different immune backgrounds. In particular, immune-dependent evolutionary patterns at sites within or near T-cell epitopes can be used to enhance epitope identification. We have developed a mutation-selection model of T-cell epitope evolution that allows the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotype of the host to influence the evolutionary process. This is one of the first examples of the incorporation of environmental parameters into a phylogenetic model and has many other potential applications where the selection pressures exerted on an organism can be related directly to environmental factors. We combine this novel evolutionary model with a hidden Markov model to identify contiguous amino acid positions that appear to evolve under immune pressure in the presence of specific host immune alleles and that therefore represent potential epitopes. This phylogenetic hidden Markov model provides a rigorous probabilistic framework that can be combined with sequence or structural information to improve epitope prediction. As a demonstration, we apply the model to a data set of HIV-1 protein-coding sequences and host HLA genotypes.

  20. Efeito da incorporação de hipoclorito de cálcio em gesso tipo III sobre a estabilidade dimensional, resistência à tração diametral e a compressão


    Lucas, Matheus Guilherme; Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - UNESP; Ribeiro, João Augusto Rabelo; Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - UNESP; Butignon, Luis Eduardo; Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - UNESP; Arioli Filho, João Neudenir; Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - UNESP


    Neste trabalho foram analisadas as possíveis alterações promovidas pela incorporação de agentes desinfetantes na resistência à compressão, estabilidade dimensional linear e resistência à tração diametral de modelos em gesso. As amostras foram confeccionadas em gesso pedra tipo III e divididas nos seguintes grupos: Grupo 1- controle (espatulado de acordo com as recomendações do fabricante); Grupo 2-...

  1. High-Throughput Tools for Characterization of Antibody Epitopes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Anders

    mapping. In Chapter 1, it was examined whether combining phage display, a traditional epitope mapping approach, with HTS would improve the method. The developed approach was successfully used to map Ara h 1 epitopes in sera from patients with peanut allergy. Notably, the sera represented difficult...... proliferation advantages. Finally, in Chapter 4, a different emerging technology, next-generation peptide microarrays, was applied for epitope mapping of major peanut allergens using sera from allergic patients. New developments in the peptide microarray have enabled a greatly increased throughput....... In this study, these improvements were utilized to characterize epitopes at high resolution, i.e. determine the importance of each residue for antibody binding, for all major peanut allergens. Epitope reactivity among patients often converged on known epitope hotspots, however the binding patterns were somewhat...


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    Luis Causil -Vargas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la frecuencia y distribución de grupos sanguíneos ABO y factor Rh en los estudiantes en la Universidad de Córdo­ba, Colombia, sede Berástegui. Metodología: Mediante la realización de un estudio descriptivo, transversal, en una población total de 1.112, de la cual se obtuvo una muestra de 127 personas entre las edades de 17-27 años. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que el fenotipo A es el fenotipo más común con 51,18%, seguido de tipo fenotipo O con 37%, B con el 8,66% y AB con 3, 14%. Un total de 91,33%, voluntarios son Rh positivo, mientras que el resto son Rh negativo. Conclusión: El grupo sanguíneo A y factor Rh positivo son dominantes en ambos sexos. Palabras claves: Grupo Sanguí¬neo, factor Rh, sistema ABO, fenotipo.

  3. Resultados del recambio valvular pulmonar según el tipo de prótesis implantada

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    María García Vieites


    Conclusiones: El RVP en nuestra serie se ha asociado a una baja tasa de mortalidad perioperatoria. Cuando comparamos según el tipo de prótesis, la prótesis Medtronic Freestyle presentó un mayor gradiente inicial y en el grupo Sorin Soprano se observa una degeneración protésica superior a la esperada. Sin embargo, será necesario más seguimiento para definir el comportamiento de la prótesis Carpentier Edwards.

  4. Localization of functional receptor epitopes on the structure of ciliary neurotrophic factor indicates a conserved, function-related epitope topography among helical cytokines. (United States)

    Panayotatos, N; Radziejewska, E; Acheson, A; Somogyi, R; Thadani, A; Hendrickson, W A; McDonald, N Q


    By rational mutagenesis, receptor-specific functional analysis, and visualization of complex formation in solution, we identified individual amino acid side chains involved specifically in the interaction of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) with CNTFR alpha and not with the beta-components, gp130 and LIFR. In the crystal structure, the side chains of these residues, which are located in helix A, the AB loop, helix B, and helix D, are surface accessible and are clustered in space, thus constituting an epitope for CNTFR alpha. By the same analysis, a partial epitope for gp130 was also identified on the surface of helix A that faces away from the alpha-epitope. Superposition of the CNTF and growth hormone structures showed that the location of these epitopes on CNTF is analogous to the location of the first and second receptor epitopes on the surface of growth hormone. Further comparison with proposed binding sites for alpha- and beta-receptors on interleukin-6 and leukemia inhibitory factor indicated that this epitope topology is conserved among helical cytokines. In each case, epitope I is utilized by the specificity-conferring component, whereas epitopes II and III are used by accessory components. Thus, in addition to a common fold, helical cytokines share a conserved order of receptor epitopes that is function related.

  5. Fatores terapêuticos em um grupo de apoio para pacientes psiquiátricos ambulatoriais

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    Guanaes Carla


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO/OBJETIVOS: O emprego da psicoterapia de grupo no atendimento em saúde mental, sobretudo em contextos institucionais, tem se expandido aceleradamente, não havendo uma expansão correlata de pesquisas na área, conforme aponta a literatura especializada. Objetivou-se compreender algumas possibilidades e alguns limites de um grupo de apoio de curta duração (16 sessões para pacientes psiquiátricos ambulatoriais, investigando os fatores terapêuticos que operam nesse grupo, segundo a percepção de seus participantes. MÉTODOS: Questionários do Incidente Crítico (QIC, observação e registro do grupo, consultas aos prontuários dos pacientes e notas de campo constituíram as fontes de dados. A análise das respostas dos pacientes ao QIC foi realizada por procedimentos de avaliação categorial de conteúdo, tendo como base um sistema descritivo dos fatores terapêuticos proposto na literatura. As demais fontes foram tomadas como dados de contexto dos sentidos produzidos pelos pacientes em suas respostas ao QIC. RESULTADOS: Os resultados remetem a dez categorias derivadas da percepção dos pacientes, indicativas de vivências terapêuticas e não-terapêuticas no grupo. DISCUSSÃO/CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo possibilita uma compreensão sobre o modo como os pacientes vivenciaram o processo desse grupo, tendo em vista os sentidos que produziram a partir de sua participação neste, e, em conjunção com a compreensão de seus quadros clínicos, situa algumas possibilidades e alguns limites desse tipo de tratamento em saúde mental, considerando o contexto em que ocorre e a clientela que usualmente o integra.

  6. Seroprevalencia de la infección por el virus herpes simplex tipo 2 en tres grupos poblacionales de la Ciudad de México Herpes simplex virus type 2 seroprevalence among three female population groups from Mexico City

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    Carlos J Conde-González


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la seroprevalencia de infección por el virus herpes simplex tipo 2 y los factores epidemiológicos asociados a ella, en tres grupos de población femenina de la Ciudad de México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal efectuado en el año 2000, que incluyó mujeres de la Ciudad de México diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama, cáncer cervical , y mujeres de población general negativas al Papanicolaou. Todas las participantes proporcionaron su consentimiento informado para responder un cuestionario sociodemográfico y de vida sexual, y permitir la toma de una muestra sanguínea. La presencia de anticuerpos contra el virus herpes simplex tipo 2 entre las mujeres se realizó por la técnica de "Western blot"específica para el virus herpes simplex tipo 2; las asociaciones entre estos resultados y los datos de la encuesta se analizaron estadísticamente, de manera cruda y ajustada. RESULTADOS: Las mujeres concáncer cervical tuvieron una seroprevalencia de infección por el virus herpes simplex tipo 2 de 46.8% (191/408; las de población general negativas al Papanicolaou de 29.3% (214/730, y aquellas con cáncer de mama de 22.6% (29/128. Las variables asociadas significativamente a la seropositividad contra este virus fueron la edad creciente, el aumento en el número de parejas sexuales, tener cáncer cervical, y entre las mujeres con esa patología, el inicio antes de los 21 años de edad de la actividad sexual y el estar divorciadas o separadas. CONCLUSIONES: Los hallazgos observados revelaron diferencias estadísticas en la seroprevalencia del virus herpes, de acuerdo con los grupos poblacionales estudiados. La frecuencia global de la infección viral entre las participantes las sitúa en un riesgo intermedio, en comparación con otros grupos poblacionales que en México son de alto y bajo riesgo (trabajadoras sexuales y estudiantes universitarias, respectivamente, analizados en años recientes. Las principales caracter

  7. High epitope expression levels increase competition between T cells.

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    Almut Scherer


    Full Text Available Both theoretical predictions and experimental findings suggest that T cell populations can compete with each other. There is some debate on whether T cells compete for aspecific stimuli, such as access to the surface on antigen-presenting cells (APCs or for specific stimuli, such as their cognate epitope ligand. We have developed an individual-based computer simulation model to study T cell competition. Our model shows that the expression level of foreign epitopes per APC determines whether T cell competition is mainly for specific or aspecific stimuli. Under low epitope expression, competition is mainly for the specific epitope stimuli, and, hence, different epitope-specific T cell populations coexist readily. However, if epitope expression levels are high, aspecific competition becomes more important. Such between-specificity competition can lead to competitive exclusion between different epitope-specific T cell populations. Our model allows us to delineate the circumstances that facilitate coexistence of T cells of different epitope specificity. Understanding mechanisms of T cell coexistence has important practical implications for immune therapies that require a broad immune response.

  8. Modelos psicológicos y antropológicos de la comunicación en los pequeños grupos

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    Full Text Available Se revisan conceptos teóricos relativos a la comunicación interpersonal y a la comunicación en pequeños grupos., y las diferencias entre estos dos tipos de comunicación son sometidas a discusión. Se elabora un modelo general que asume la comunicación interpersonal como parte de la comunicación de grupo, habida cuenta de que toda comunicación entre dos o más personas tiene siempre como referencia el contexto grupal (sistema de valores, estructura de poder, normas, etc.. Se discuten algunos modelos de comunicación interpersonal y de comunicación entre pequeños grupos, entre los que se incluyen los enfoques interaccionistas, sistémicos y antropológico-culturales. Se evalúan los posibles efectos de las innovaciones en tecnología de las comunicaciones sobre la interacción en pequeños grupos. Se revisan las consideraciones de R. E. Rice relativas al empleo de canales artificiales y naturales en la comunicación entre pequeños grupos (por ejemplo, véase Rice, R. E., Williams, F., "Theories Old and New: The Study of New Media", in The New Media: Communication Research and Technologie, Beverly Hills: Sage, 1984.

  9. El trabajo a turnos como factor de riesgo para lumbago en un grupo de trabajadores peruanos.

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    Juan Carlos Palomino Baldeon


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar la asociación entre trabajo a turnos y lumbago en un grupo de trabajadores mineros. Materiales y métodos: Estudio Caso Control realizado el año 2003 en un grupo de trabajadores mineros. Se revisaron las historias electrónicas de los trabajadores con lumbago, en quienes se obtuvo la edad, sexo, estado civil, grado de instrucción, tiempo de trabajo, índice masa corporal (IMC, trabajo a turnos (8 horas y puesto de trabajo, éste último, se dividió en "white collar" (trabajo de oficina y "blue collar"(trabajo no oficina. Se calculó el Odds Ratio para trabajo a turnos y puesto de trabajo versus lumbago. Resultados: De 1 240 trabajadores, 149 (72% tuvieron lumbago sin ciática y 56 (28% con ciática. No se encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas para las variables demográficas descritas entre los grupos de estudio. Se encontró que los trabajadores de trabajo por turnos tuvieron un OR para lumbago sin ciática de 1,28 (IC de 0,89 - 1,82 y lumbago con ciática un OR de 2,12 (CI 1,4- 3,93. En relación al puesto de trabajo tipo blue collar se encontró que para lumbago sin ciática tuvo un OR de 1,63 (IC 1,05-2,51 y para lumbago con ciática se tiene OR de 1,48 (IC 0,76-2,9. Conclusión: Existe un riesgo mayor en trabajadores de turnos de trabajo para lumbago con ciática y mayor riesgo en trabajadores con puestos de trabajo tipo blue collar para lumbago sin ciática. (Rev Med Hered 2005;16:184-189.

  10. Proof of principle for epitope-focused vaccine design (United States)

    Correia, Bruno E.; Bates, John T.; Loomis, Rebecca J.; Baneyx, Gretchen; Carrico, Chris; Jardine, Joseph G.; Rupert, Peter; Correnti, Colin; Kalyuzhniy, Oleksandr; Vittal, Vinayak; Connell, Mary J.; Stevens, Eric; Schroeter, Alexandria; Chen, Man; MacPherson, Skye; Serra, Andreia M.; Adachi, Yumiko; Holmes, Margaret A.; Li, Yuxing; Klevit, Rachel E.; Graham, Barney S.; Wyatt, Richard T.; Baker, David; Strong, Roland K.; Crowe, James E.; Johnson, Philip R.; Schief, William R.


    Vaccines prevent infectious disease largely by inducing protective neutralizing antibodies against vulnerable epitopes. Several major pathogens have resisted traditional vaccine development, although vulnerable epitopes targeted by neutralizing antibodies have been identified for several such cases. Hence, new vaccine design methods to induce epitope-specific neutralizing antibodies are needed. Here we show, with a neutralization epitope from respiratory syncytial virus, that computational protein design can generate small, thermally and conformationally stable protein scaffolds that accurately mimic the viral epitope structure and induce potent neutralizing antibodies. These scaffolds represent promising leads for the research and development of a human respiratory syncytial virus vaccine needed to protect infants, young children and the elderly. More generally, the results provide proof of principle for epitope-focused and scaffold-based vaccine design, and encourage the evaluation and further development of these strategies for a variety of other vaccine targets, including antigenically highly variable pathogens such as human immunodeficiency virus and influenza.

  11. O imaginário de um grupo de cuidadores de idosos institucionalizados no cotidiano asilar

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    Elman Moreira Coelho Grison


    Full Text Available Trata-se de estudo realizado com cuidadores de idosos institucioinalizados. Objetivou-se conhecer o imaginário de um grupo de cuidadores em relação a seu cotidiano. O imaginário é entendido  a partir da antropologia de Gilbert Durand focada nas imagens e nos símbolos culturais. Os dados foram coletados por meio do instrumento denominado Arquétipo Teste de Nove Elementos – o AT-9, de Yves Durand e por meio da “Pedagogia da Escuta”. As teorias gerontológicas do envelhecimento também fundamentaram a análise. Evidenciou-se nesse grupo a predominância de representações mítico-simbólicas com estrutura sintética, ou seja, que pretende harmonizar os contrários, com uma tendência mística que signifca busca de união.  

  12. Intervenção em grupo: experiência com mães de crianças com câncer Intervención en grupo: experiencia con madres de niños con cáncer Group intervention: experience with mothers of children with cancer

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    Elisa Maria Parahyba Campos


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho tentamos demonstrar a possibilidade de uma intervenção que, mesmo sem ter objetivos psicoterapêuticos em uma concepção mais estrita, produziu efeitos equivalentes aos da psicoterapia, uma vez que propiciou aos participantes a possibilidade de entrar em contacto com seu mundo interno e de lançar mão de recursos até então desconhecidos para eles. Este tipo de percepção deu aos participantes mais instrumentos para lidar com a situação difícil que representa uma criança portadora de câncer. Ao relatar experiência realizada com um grupo de mães de crianças submetidas a transplante de medula óssea, além da apresentação de uma forma peculiar de intervenção que se mostrou efetiva, e do aprendizado resultante da experiência, propomos ao leitor a possibilidade de reproduzir este modelo em outros tipos de grupos e instituições.En este trabajo buscamos demostrar la posibilidad de una intervención que, aunque sin objetivos psicoterapéuticos en una concepción más estricta, produjo efectos equivalentes a los de la psicoterapia, una vez que propició a los participantes la posibilidad de entrar en contacto con su mundo interno y de lanzar mano de recursos desconocidos hasta entonteces para ellos. Este tipo de percepción les dio a los participantes más instrumentos para manejar la situación difícil que representa un niño con cáncer. Al relatar la experiencia realizada con un grupo de madres de niños sometidos a trasplante de médula ósea, además de la presentación de una forma peculiar de intervención que se mostró efectiva y del aprendizaje resultante de la experiencia, proponemos al lector la posibilidad de reproducir este modelo en otros tipos de grupos e instituciones.The possibility of a psychosocial intervention, without any strict psychotherapeutic goals, albeit with similar results as those from Psychotherapy, is presented. It has actually given participants the possibility of contacting their

  13. DRREP: deep ridge regressed epitope predictor. (United States)

    Sher, Gene; Zhi, Degui; Zhang, Shaojie


    The ability to predict epitopes plays an enormous role in vaccine development in terms of our ability to zero in on where to do a more thorough in-vivo analysis of the protein in question. Though for the past decade there have been numerous advancements and improvements in epitope prediction, on average the best benchmark prediction accuracies are still only around 60%. New machine learning algorithms have arisen within the domain of deep learning, text mining, and convolutional networks. This paper presents a novel analytically trained and string kernel using deep neural network, which is tailored for continuous epitope prediction, called: Deep Ridge Regressed Epitope Predictor (DRREP). DRREP was tested on long protein sequences from the following datasets: SARS, Pellequer, HIV, AntiJen, and SEQ194. DRREP was compared to numerous state of the art epitope predictors, including the most recently published predictors called LBtope and DMNLBE. Using area under ROC curve (AUC), DRREP achieved a performance improvement over the best performing predictors on SARS (13.7%), HIV (8.9%), Pellequer (1.5%), and SEQ194 (3.1%), with its performance being matched only on the AntiJen dataset, by the LBtope predictor, where both DRREP and LBtope achieved an AUC of 0.702. DRREP is an analytically trained deep neural network, thus capable of learning in a single step through regression. By combining the features of deep learning, string kernels, and convolutional networks, the system is able to perform residue-by-residue prediction of continues epitopes with higher accuracy than the current state of the art predictors.

  14. Avaliação eletromiográfica da deglutição dos diferentes tipos clínicos da doença de Parkinson nas fases on e off

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    Douglas Monteiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:avaliar os parâmetros eletromiográficos da deglutição dos diferentes tipos clínicos da doença de Parkinson idiopática nas fases on e off.MÉTODOS:foram estudados 20 pacientes com doença de Parkinson, divididos através da Escala Unificada de Avaliação da Doença de Parkinson em três grupos: tremulantes, rígido-acinético e misto. O exame de eletromiografia de superfície foi coletado sobre a musculatura supra-hióidea durante a deglutição de 3 ml e 10 ml de água e iogurte, que foi repetida 5 vezes para cada volume e consistência. Este protocolo foi realizado no antes e após a medicação, período offe on.RESULTADOS:verificou-se que na fase off, o grupo rígido-acinético apresentou as maiores médias de deglutições em partes e duração das eletromiografias de superfície, enquanto que o grupo misto apresentou as menores médias de amplitude. Na fase on, os três grupos tenderam a melhorar ou manter as médias das variáveis estudadas, porém não houve diferença significante entre os tipos clínicos, antes ou depois da Levodopa.CONCLUSÃO:a terapia medicamentosa através da Levodopa não apresenta diferenças consistentes nas eletromiografias de superfície da deglutição dos tipos clínicos da doença de Parkinson.

  15. IgE epitopes of intact and digested Ara h 1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøgh, Katrine Lindholm; Nielsen, H.; Madsen, Charlotte Bernhard


    epitopes have been suggested to be of great importance. ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to identify IgE specific epitopes of intact and digested Ara h 1, and to compare epitope patterns between humans and rats. MethodsSera from five peanut allergic patients and five Brown Norway rats were used...... to identify intact and digested Ara h 1-specific IgE epitopes by competitive immunoscreening of a phage-displayed random hepta-mer peptide library using polyclonal IgE from the individual sera. The resulting peptide sequences were mapped on the surface of a three-dimensional structure of the Ara h 1 molecule...... to mimic epitopes using a computer-based algorithm. ResultsPatients as well as rats were shown to have individual IgE epitope patterns. All epitope mimics were conformational and found to cluster into three different areas of the Ara h 1 molecule. Five epitope motifs were identified by patient IgE, which...

  16. Significado do epitope spreading na patogênese dos pênfigos vulgar e foliáceo Significance of epitope spreading in the pathogenesis of pemphigus vulgaris and foliaceus

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    Valéria Aoki


    Full Text Available Os pênfigos são dermatoses bolhosas auto-imunes, em que há a produção de auto-anticorpos direcionados contra moléculas de adesão dos epitélios, levando à perda da coesão celular. A produção de auto-anticorpos ocorre quando os pacientes desenvolvem um desequilíbrio da resposta imune (quebra da tolerância imunológica, passando a reconhecer antígenos próprios. A resposta é geralmente direcionada contra um único epítopo alvo; entretanto, como conseqüência da resposta inflamatória do processo primário e do extenso dano tecidual ocasionado, pode haver exposição de componentes protéicos ocultos, levando à produção de diferentes auto-anticorpos. Assim, é possível que surja uma nova doença cutânea auto-imune, em decorrência do fenômeno intra ou intermolecular de epitope spreading. São revistos os principais conceitos desse fenômeno e sua ocorrência nas dermatoses bolhosas auto-imunes, com ênfase nos pênfigos, grupo de dermatoses bolhosas autoimunes mais prevalente no Brasil.Pemphigus comprises autoimmune blistering skin diseases in which autoantibodies directed against antigens (epithelial adhesion molecules are found, leading to loss of cell cohesion. The production of autoantibodies occurs due to an immune imbalance (break of immune tolerance driving to recognition of self- antigens. The response is usually directed against an exclusive target epitope; however, due to the inflammatory response and to the extensive tissue damage, it is possible that the exposure of hidden protein components leads to distinct autoantibody production. Hence, a new autoimmune disease may occur in consequence of an intra- or intermolecular epitope spreading phenomenon. The authors review the main concepts of this phenomenon, and its occurrence in autoimmune blistering diseases, with emphasis on pemphigus, the most prevalent disease of this group in our country.

  17. Diferencias en el apoyo social percibido entre cuidadores informales y formales de pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer

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    Daysy Katherine Pabón Poches


    Full Text Available Este estudio de tipo no experimental transversal comparativo tuvo como objetivo identificar las diferencias de apoyo social percibido entre cuidadores informales y formales de la ciudad de Bucaramanga (Colombia y su área metropolitana. Se evaluaron 53 informales y 62 cuidadores formales de pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer por medio del cuestionario MOS de apoyo social percibido. Se logró determinar que existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre interacción social (p=0,03; apoyo afectivo (p=0,032 y apoyo global (p=0,037 de los grupos de cuidadores formales e informarles; los cuidadores formales presentan mayor puntuación, lo que denota una mejor percepción del apoyo social que reciben.

  18. Efecto hipoglicemiante coadyuvante del extracto etanólico de hojas de Annona muricata L (guanábana, en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 bajo tratamiento de glibenclamida

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    Jorge Arroyo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia y seguridad de cápsulas de extracto etanólico de hojas de Annona muricata L (guanábana más glibenclamida para un mejor control de los niveles glicemia comparado con la administración de glibenclamida sola, en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Diseño: Estudio clínico, aleatorio, grupo paralelo, doble ciego. Lugar: Servicio de Medicina Interna, Hospital I EsSalud, ciudad de Tingo María, Departamento de Huánuco. Pacientes: Pacientes con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2, tratados con glibenclamida. Intervenciones: Entre mayo y setiembre de 2007, 60 pacientes fueron asignados a 6 grupos de manera aleatoria; 3 grupos recibieron cápsulas conteniendo 180 mg de extracto etanólico de hojas de Annona muricata L [CEAM] más 5 mg de glibenclamida y los otros 3 grupos continuaron solo con glibenclamida. Principales medidas de resultados: Evaluación de los niveles de glicemia. Resultados: El rango de edad de los pacientes estuvo entre 38 y 54 años de edad. Se encontró disminución del nivel de glicemia, siendo mayor el efecto en aquellos que recibieron guanábana más glibenclamida. Se presentó efectos adversos en 5 pacientes; dos de ellos refirieron dolor urente en epigastrio asociado en uno a náuseas, y en otros 3 solo náuseas. No se observó alteración de los exámenes de laboratorio. Conclusiones: El uso de las cápsulas conteniendo extracto etanólico de Annona muricata L más glibenclamida durante 30 días produjo una mayor disminución de los niveles de glicemia en diabéticos tipo 2.





    Los linfomas cutáneos primarios de células B constituyen cerca del 2025% de todos los linfomas. El linfoma cutáneo primario de células B tipo centro folicular es el subtipo más frecuente y se manifiesta principalmente en pacientes adultos con una edad media de 58 años (1), la diseminación extracutánea es muy rara y se presenta con nódulos, tumores o placas solitarios o en grupo usualmente localizados en cabeza o tronco. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con un linfoma primario cutáneo tipo ...

  20. Immune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource (IEDB) (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — This repository contains antibody/B cell and T cell epitope information and epitope prediction and analysis tools for use by the research community worldwide. Immune...

  1. Distorsiones cognitivas: diferencias entre abusadores sexuales, delincuentes violentos y un grupo control

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    José Ignacio Ruiz Pérez


    Full Text Available A través de una investigación transeccional de tipo descriptivo- comparativo, se propuso como objetivo realizar la exploración, descripción y comparación de la variable distorsiones cognitivas en tres grupos diferentes: hombres condenados por delitos sexuales a menores de edad, delincuentes violentos no sexuales y personas sin historia de privación de la libertad en establecimientos carcelarios. Para la evaluación de la variable de estudio se tradujo y adaptó al español la Cognitive Scale, y posteriormente se aplicó a 149 personas del género masculino, en edades entre los 18 y 57 años. Los principales resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que aun cuando no existen diferencias significativas a nivel general en la variable, el grupo de agresores sexuales presentó distorsiones asociadas a la justificación y minimización del hecho delictivo. Y considerándose un resultado sorprendente, el grupo de comparación mostró mayor presencia de distorsiones cognitivas que los conjuntos de personas reclusas. Finalmente, se sugiere recurrir a otros métodos de evaluación que permitan, por medio del relato hablado, la identificación de distorsiones cognitivas en población penitenciaria, las cuales podrían solaparse en técnicas de medición convencionales que son contestadas en términos de aquiescencia.

  2. High-throughput epitope identification for snakebite antivenom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engmark, Mikael; De Masi, Federico; Laustsen, Andreas Hougaard

    Insight into the epitopic recognition pattern for polyclonal antivenoms is a strong tool for accurate prediction of antivenom cross-reactivity and provides a basis for design of novel antivenoms. In this work, a high-throughput approach was applied to characterize linear epitopes in 966 individua...... toxins from pit vipers (Crotalidae) using the ICP Crotalidae antivenom. Due to an abundance of snake venom metalloproteinases and phospholipase A2s in the venoms used for production of the investigated antivenom, this study focuses on these toxin families.......Insight into the epitopic recognition pattern for polyclonal antivenoms is a strong tool for accurate prediction of antivenom cross-reactivity and provides a basis for design of novel antivenoms. In this work, a high-throughput approach was applied to characterize linear epitopes in 966 individual...

  3. Immunotherapy for Alzheimer's disease: DNA- and protein-based epitope vaccines. (United States)

    Davtyan, Hayk; Petrushina, Irina; Ghochikyan, Anahit


    Active immunotherapy for Alzheimer's disease (AD) is aimed to induce antibodies specific to amyloid-beta (Aβ) that are capable to reduce the level of Aβ in the CNS of Alzheimer's disease patients. First clinical trial AN-1792 that was based on vaccination with full-length Aβ42 showed that safe and effective AD vaccine should induce high titers of anti-Aβ antibodies without activation of harmful autoreactive T cells. Replacement of self-T cell epitope with foreign epitope, keeping self-B cell epitope intact, may allow to induce high titers of anti-Aβ antibodies while avoiding the activation of T cells specific to Aβ. Here we describe the protocols for evaluation of AD DNA- or multiple antigenic peptide (MAP)-based epitope vaccines composed of Aβ(1-11) B cell epitope fused to synthetic T cell epitope PADRE (Aβ(1-11)-PADRE). All protocols could be used for testing any epitope vaccine constructed in your lab and composed of other T cell epitopes using the appropriate peptides in tests for evaluation of humoral and cellular immune responses.


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    Rondán Cataluña, F.J.


    Full Text Available La preocupación por considerar la heterogeneidad en los comportamientos empresariales dentro de un sector de actividad, ha sido uno de los principales motivos para la búsqueda e identificación de grupos estratégicos, generando un debate inagotable en el ámbito de la estrategia empresarial. Sin embargo, esta preocupación no se ha limitado a identificar arquetipos o configuraciones empresariales, sino que también se ha extendido al estudio de posibles diferencias en el rendimiento entre los grupos identificados. En el presente trabajo, intentamos dar respuesta a esta doble preocupación y todo ello centrándonos en el ámbito de la franquicia. Para ello, se ha elaborado una base de datos con el total de cadenas franquiciadoras (664 que en el año 2005 operaban en España. Los resultados obtenidos revelan la existencia de cinco grupos estratégicos (tipos de franquiciadores perfectamente diferenciados, los cuales son descritos a partir de las variables estratégicas que los definen. Igualmente, se demuestra la existencia de diferencias en los resultados inter-grupales a partir de determinados indicadores de desempeño (ingresos, resultados ordinarios y rentabilidad.

  5. Niveles de actividad física, beneficios, barreras y autoeficacia en un grupo de empleados oficiales




    Objetivo: determinar la relación entre el nivel de actividad física y la percepción de los beneficios, las barreras y la autoeficacia en un grupo de empleados de 18 a 65 años con factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Método: estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo, correlacional. Para evaluar la actividad física se utilizó el Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física (IPAQ) versión larga y para la evaluación de la escala de barreras, beneficios y autoeficacia se empleó el cuestionario de ...

  6. Reflexiones sobre un grupo de adolescentes no pacientes. Comparación con pacientes anoréxicas y deprimidas

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    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los hallazgos relativos a un grupo de no pacientes que participó como grupo de control en una Tesis Doctoral sobre Anorexia Nerviosa y Depresión. La hipótesis sometida a verificación postulaba que la Depresión es, frecuentemente, una patología comórbida con la Anorexia Nerviosa. A tal fin se diseñó un estudio comparativo con 50 pacientes anoréxicas, tipo restrictivo (PAN, 50 deprimidas (DP y 50 no pacientes (NP, de 13 a 16 años. Se utilizó el Test de Rorschach y el Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI, comparándose sus resultados con las observaciones de los padres, recogidas de forma estandarizada a través del Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL. Estos resultados ya han sido publicados (García Alba, 2003 a, b; 2004; en prensa. En el grupo de no pacientes, como era de esperar, se constata la ausencia de psicopatología depresiva. No obstante, los datos obtenidos permiten reflexionar sobre el alto grado de vulnerabilidad psicológica detectado en este grupo y sus posibles repercusiones, aunque para poder generalizar estos resultados sería necesario ampliar la muestra. Se subraya la importancia de lograr diagnósticos diferenciales para evitar intervenciones iatrogénicas. Finalmente se enfatiza la necesidad de utilizar en investigación diversos tests y grupos de control para minimizar sesgos en resultados y conclusiones.

  7. Educación emocional y satisfacción con la vida percibida en un grupo de adultos mayores

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    Adriana del Pilar Perugache Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto de un Programa en Educación Emocional sobre la percepción de la satisfacción con la vida en un grupo de Adultos Mayores. Materiales y método: el trabajo realizado fue de tipo explicativo y empleó un diseño experimental. Se evaluó inicialmente el nivel de la variable dependiente, en los grupos experimental y control a través de la prueba Índice de Satisfacción Vital (ISV –A adaptación de la escala original validada por Zegers, Rojas y Förstein (2009; con una consistencia interna de 0, 80, y una validez de 0.84. Posteriormente se implementó el Programa de Educación Emocional en el grupo experimental y finalmente, se aplicó el pos-test en los dos grupos. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el paquete estadístico SPSS versión 0.20. Debido a que no se cumplió con el supuesto de normalidad se aplicó la prueba de Wilcoxon para muestras relacionadas y la U de Mann Whitney para las muestras independientes. Resultados: el programa mejoró los niveles de satisfacción con la vida percibida en el grupo experimental, obteniendo un p0,05. Conclusiones: El programa incrementa los niveles de satisfacción con la vida percibida en adultos mayores.

  8. EpiJen: a server for multistep T cell epitope prediction

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    Guan Pingping


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The main processing pathway for MHC class I ligands involves degradation of proteins by the proteasome, followed by transport of products by the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER, where peptides are bound by MHC class I molecules, and then presented on the cell surface by MHCs. The whole process is modeled here using an integrated approach, which we call EpiJen. EpiJen is based on quantitative matrices, derived by the additive method, and applied successively to select epitopes. EpiJen is available free online. Results To identify epitopes, a source protein is passed through four steps: proteasome cleavage, TAP transport, MHC binding and epitope selection. At each stage, different proportions of non-epitopes are eliminated. The final set of peptides represents no more than 5% of the whole protein sequence and will contain 85% of the true epitopes, as indicated by external validation. Compared to other integrated methods (NetCTL, WAPP and SMM, EpiJen performs best, predicting 61 of the 99 HIV epitopes used in this study. Conclusion EpiJen is a reliable multi-step algorithm for T cell epitope prediction, which belongs to the next generation of in silico T cell epitope identification methods. These methods aim to reduce subsequent experimental work by improving the success rate of epitope prediction.

  9. Epitope diversification driven by non-tumor epitope-specific Th1 and Th17 mediates potent antitumor reactivity. (United States)

    Ichikawa, Kosuke; Kagamu, Hiroshi; Koyama, Kenichi; Miyabayashi, Takao; Koshio, Jun; Miura, Satoru; Watanabe, Satoshi; Yoshizawa, Hirohisa; Narita, Ichiei


    MHC class I-restricted peptide-based vaccination therapies have been conducted to treat cancer patients, because CD8⁺ CTL can efficiently induce apoptosis of tumor cells in an MHC class I-restricted epitope-specific manner. Interestingly, clinical responders are known to demonstrate reactivity to epitopes other than those used for vaccination; however, the mechanism underlying how antitumor T cells with diverse specificity are induced is unclear. In this study, we demonstrated that dendritic cells (DCs) that engulfed apoptotic tumor cells in the presence of non-tumor MHC class II-restricted epitope peptides, OVA(323-339), efficiently presented tumor-associated antigens upon effector-dominant CD4⁺ T cell balance against regulatory T cells (Treg) for the OVA(323-339) epitope. Th1 and Th17 induced tumor-associated antigens presentation of DC, while Th2 ameliorated tumor-antigen presentation for CD8⁺ T cells. Blocking experiments with anti-IL-23p19 antibody and anti-IL-23 receptor indicated that an autocrine mechanism of IL-23 likely mediated the diverted tumor-associated antigens presentation of DC. Tumor-associated antigens presentation of DC induced by OVA(323-339) epitope-specific CD4⁺ T cells resulted in facilitated antitumor immunity in both priming and effector phase in vivo. Notably, this immunotherapy did not require pretreatment to reduce Treg induced by tumor. This strategy may have clinical implications for designing effective antitumor immunotherapies. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Machine learning-based methods for prediction of linear B-cell epitopes. (United States)

    Wang, Hsin-Wei; Pai, Tun-Wen


    B-cell epitope prediction facilitates immunologists in designing peptide-based vaccine, diagnostic test, disease prevention, treatment, and antibody production. In comparison with T-cell epitope prediction, the performance of variable length B-cell epitope prediction is still yet to be satisfied. Fortunately, due to increasingly available verified epitope databases, bioinformaticians could adopt machine learning-based algorithms on all curated data to design an improved prediction tool for biomedical researchers. Here, we have reviewed related epitope prediction papers, especially those for linear B-cell epitope prediction. It should be noticed that a combination of selected propensity scales and statistics of epitope residues with machine learning-based tools formulated a general way for constructing linear B-cell epitope prediction systems. It is also observed from most of the comparison results that the kernel method of support vector machine (SVM) classifier outperformed other machine learning-based approaches. Hence, in this chapter, except reviewing recently published papers, we have introduced the fundamentals of B-cell epitope and SVM techniques. In addition, an example of linear B-cell prediction system based on physicochemical features and amino acid combinations is illustrated in details.

  11. Comunicación vocal de dos grupos de Tití gris (Saguinus leucopus en Mariquita, Colombia

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    Luz Elena Rueda-C.


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio del repertorio vocal y su significado, de dos grupos de tití gris (Saguinus leucopus en San Sebastián de Mariquita, departamento del Tolima. Uno de los grupos habita una zona urbana, la casa de la Fundación Segunda Expedición Botánica (Funbotánica y el otro se encuentra en el Bosque del Municipio (José Celestino Mutis. Se identificaron 27 tipos de sonidos, de los cuales se registraron 21 en el grupo Funbotánica y 13 en el grupo Bosque. Se caracterizaron cada una de las señales y en particular se hizo énfasis en la asociación entre las vocalizaciones y los patrones de comportamiento que exhibe la especie. Los titíes emitieron señales específicas en contextos como alimentación, alarma, amenaza y establecimiento de contacto con individuos que se encuentran fuera de vista (señales de llamada. Igualmente, se encontró relación entre las señales y algunos mensajes no conductuales (sexo, edad y posición jerárquica; esto demuestra que las vocalizaciones brindan gran cantidad de información sobre la identidad del emisor, acontecimientos en el ambiente y conductas específicas de los individuos. No se logró establecer diferencias estadísticas entre las señales emitidas en cada grupo, sin embargo, los titíes produjeron vocalizaciones similares en los dos ambientes, con algunas variaciones en frecuencia y duración; aspectos que podrían estar influenciados por las características propias del hábitat.

  12. Explorando a resolução de problemas de estruturaaditiva usando diferentes tipos de representações :reta numérica e material manipulativo


    de Souza Ventura, Luciana


    Este estudo avaliou o uso de diferentes tipos de recursos representacionais (reta numérica, material manipulativo) na resolução de problemas de estrutura aditiva, em 39 crianças com idade média de 09 anos e 04 meses, estudantes do ensino fundamental. O estudo constituiu-se de pré-teste, intervenção, pós-teste imediato e pós-teste posterior. As crianças foram distribuídas em três grupos de 13 sujeitos, que participaram de intervenções distintas, em que cada grupo dispunha de recursos represent...

  13. Localization of immunodominant linear B-cell epitopes of Vibrio ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Outer membrane protein U (OmpU), an adhesion protein of Vibrio mimicus, is a good antigen, but its epitopes are still unclear. In order to locate the epitopes of OmpU protein, epitope prediction was performed using the amino acid sequence of OmpU protein of V. mimicus HX4 strain that was isolated from the diseased ...

  14. Immune epitope database analysis resource (IEDB-AR)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Qing; Wang, Peng; Kim, Yohan


    We present a new release of the immune epitope database analysis resource (IEDB-AR,, a repository of web-based tools for the prediction and analysis of immune epitopes. New functionalities have been added to most of the previously implemented tools, and a total...

  15. Morfología de las especies de Hyphessobrycon (Characiformes: Characidae, grupo heterorhabdus, en Colombia

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    Carlos A. García-Alzate


    Full Text Available El género Hyphessobrycon incluye dieciocho especies reportadas para Colombia de las cuales 13 son miembros del grupo heterorhabdus; con las mismas, se realizó un análisis morfogeométrico por medio del Método de Cerchas (Box Truss y Láminas Delgadas (TPS. Se usaron 13 hitos homólogos tipo I y tres tipo II. El resultado del análisis cluster, llevado a cabo con cada una de las metodologías indicó que estas especies están representadas en dos grandes grupos: robustas y delgadas. Las deformaciones parciales, los componentes uniformes, no uniformes, Warps principales y Warps parciales describieron cambios de la forma relacionados con la profundidad del cuerpo e involucraron desplazamientos relativos del esqueleto apendicular y de la región cefálica. Todas las especies se caracterizan por presentar crecimiento alométrico excepto Hyphessobrycon mavro con isometría entre los hitos 6-7. Se plantean dos nuevas medidas discriminantes (hocico-supraoccipital y supraoccipital-aleta pélvica para las especies del grupo.Morphology of the species Hyphessobrycon, heterorhabdus group (Characiformes: Characidae in Colombia. Hyphessobrycon is the most numerous and morphologically complex genus of Characidae, and includes 18 species reported for Colombia, from which thirteen belong to the heterorhabdus-group different methods have been proposed for species identification within this genus. This study used these species to undertake a morphogeometric analysis by the Box Truss and Thin Plate Splin (TPS methods; 13 homologous landmarks type I and three type II were used. The result of cluster analysis indicated that these species are represented by two big groups: robust and thin. The uniform and non uniform components, and the principal warps (WP and partial warps (Wparc, described the shape changes related to body depth, involving relative displacements of the appendicular skeleton and the cephalic region. All species were characterized by allometric

  16. An assessment on epitope prediction methods for protozoa genomes

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    Resende Daniela M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Epitope prediction using computational methods represents one of the most promising approaches to vaccine development. Reduction of time, cost, and the availability of completely sequenced genomes are key points and highly motivating regarding the use of reverse vaccinology. Parasites of genus Leishmania are widely spread and they are the etiologic agents of leishmaniasis. Currently, there is no efficient vaccine against this pathogen and the drug treatment is highly toxic. The lack of sufficiently large datasets of experimentally validated parasites epitopes represents a serious limitation, especially for trypanomatids genomes. In this work we highlight the predictive performances of several algorithms that were evaluated through the development of a MySQL database built with the purpose of: a evaluating individual algorithms prediction performances and their combination for CD8+ T cell epitopes, B-cell epitopes and subcellular localization by means of AUC (Area Under Curve performance and a threshold dependent method that employs a confusion matrix; b integrating data from experimentally validated and in silico predicted epitopes; and c integrating the subcellular localization predictions and experimental data. NetCTL, NetMHC, BepiPred, BCPred12, and AAP12 algorithms were used for in silico epitope prediction and WoLF PSORT, Sigcleave and TargetP for in silico subcellular localization prediction against trypanosomatid genomes. Results A database-driven epitope prediction method was developed with built-in functions that were capable of: a removing experimental data redundancy; b parsing algorithms predictions and storage experimental validated and predict data; and c evaluating algorithm performances. Results show that a better performance is achieved when the combined prediction is considered. This is particularly true for B cell epitope predictors, where the combined prediction of AAP12 and BCPred12 reached an AUC value

  17. Escolha de genitores quanto à precocidade e produtividade de feijão tipo carioca

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    Naine Martins do Vale


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar linhagens de feijoeiro promissoras para a seleção de genitores com características de feijão tipo carioca, precoces e de alto potencial produtivo. Avaliaram-se 35 linhagens de feijoeiro, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Quatro destas linhagens - Goiano Precoce, XAN112, Carioca1070 e Rosinha Precoce - foram selecionadas para compor o grupo 1 do dialelo parcial 4×5, e três - RP1, VC15 e VC33, de ciclo normal, grãos tipo carioca e elevado potencial produtivo - foram utilizadas para compor o grupo 2 do dialelo, juntamente com as cultivares BRSMG Madrepérola e BRS Estilo. Obtiveram-se 20 híbridos que, com seus genitores, foram avaliados na safra da seca de 2013, em Coimbra e Viçosa, MG, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. A linhagem Goiano Precoce destacou-se quanto à precocidade, com valores de capacidade geral de combinação (CGC negativos e significativos em Viçosa (-3,15 e Coimbra (-3,44. A linhagem RP1 destacou-se quanto ao rendimento de grãos, com valores positivos e significativos de CGC em Viçosa (115 e Coimbra (260. Com base na CGC, a linhagem Goiano Precoce é promissora para utilização como genitora quanto à precocidade, e a RP1, quanto ao aumento no rendimento de grãos.

  18. Equipes de trabalho ou grupos de cooperativos na Semana Acadêmica Integrada do IFRS - Campus Osório

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    Aline Silva De Bona


    Full Text Available O trabalho é uma reflexão sobre a ação de uma comissão organizadora de um evento do tipo semana acadêmica integrada de ensino superior de três cursos do IFRS - Campus Osório, que aconteceu em maio de 2016. Tal reflexão tem o objetivo de discutir o que são equipes de trabalho ou grupos cooperativos segundo as teorias da administração que diferenciam grupos de equipes, e da educação que delineiam as ações de cooperar e colaborar como distintas, enquanto para a área da informática são similares. A metodologia é um estudo de caso ancorado em um relato de experiência sobre este evento, e que descreve como resultado a importância profissional de se distinguir termos conceituais tanto na teoria como na prática, pois tais podem se tornam um diferencial profissional para qualquer área atualmente, além das percepções e responsabilizações dos estudantes da comissão organizadora quanto as diferentes formas de atuar e trabalhar sejam em grupos ou equipes.

  19. O enfermeiro como coordenador de grupos: contribuições da Dinâmica de Grupo

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    Carla Natalina da Silva Fernandes


    Full Text Available Na enfermagem a utilização do recurso grupal tem sido utilizada para trabalhar com pessoas o que exige dos profissionais um conhecimento específico, para atender aos objetivos do grupo sem causar danos aos envolvidos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi discutir à luz do referencial teórico da Dinâmica de Grupo os atributos desejáveis para o enfermeiro como coordenador de grupos, suas possibilidades e limitações. Trata-se de uma investigação teórica, de natureza descritiva e analítica desenvolvida por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica. Consideramos como fontes bibliográficas, inicialmente, os livros clássicos de Lewin (1948, Mailhiot (1981 e Cartwright e Zander (1975 por serem as primeiras referências na construção da ciência da dinâmica de grupo e, ainda, para a discussão teórica, a contribuição de outros autores da literatura contemporânea nacional e internacional, de acordo com sua adequação ao objetivo proposto nesse trabalho. A análise das obras foi direcionada pelo interesse na busca de elementos para o alcance do objetivo proposto. Estruturamos os resultados do trabalho em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo Dinâmica e Funcionamento de Grupo: perspectiva histórica, conceito e fundamentos, traz conceitos fundamentais sobre a origem da dinâmica de grupo e os pressupostos iniciais. Discutimos as diferentes e complementares concepções de grupo, sendo que a fundamentação teórica e filosófica do coordenador norteará o caminho da satisfação dos objetivos propostos pelo grupo. No segundo capítulo Coordenação de Grupos: fundamentos da Ciência da Dinâmica de Grupo, abordamos os aspectos da coordenação de grupo, incluindo o planejamento e várias fases que o grupo percorre no seu desenvolvimento. Discutimos ainda os fundamentos para a sistematização da atividade grupal. No último capítulo: O enfermeiro como coordenador de grupos: discutindo caminhos para a atuação na assistência, formação de

  20. Estudo randômico da correção cirúrgica do prolapso uterino através de tela sintética de polipropileno tipo I comparando histerectomia versus preservação uterina

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    Silvia Carramão

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados anatômicos pós-operatórios de pacientes portadoras de prolapso uterino tratadas utilizando tela de polipropileno para correção dos defeitos do assoalho pélvico, comparando histerectomia vaginal com a preservação do útero. MÉTODO: Estudo randomizado com 31 mulheres portadoras de prolapso uterino estádio III ou IV (POP-Q divididas em dois grupos: Grupo HV- 15 mulheres submetidas à histerectomia vaginal e reconstrução da anatomia do assoalho pélvico com tela de polipropileno tipo I (Nazca R-Promedon e Grupo HP- 16 mulheres mulheres submetidas à reconstrução da anatomia do assoalho pélvico com tela de polipropileno tipo I (Nazca R-Promedon preservando o útero. Raça, urgência miccional, constipação intestinal, dor sacral, sangramento e tempo de operação foram os parâmetros analisados. RESULTADOS: O tempo de seguimento médio foi de nove meses. Não se observou diferença entre os grupos nas complicações funcionais. O tempo cirúrgico foi 120 minutos para grupo HV versus 58.9 minutos para grupo HP ( p < 0.001 e o volume de perda sanguínea intraoperatória foi 120 mL no grupo HV versus 20 mL para grupo HP ( p < 0.001*. A taxa de sucesso objetivo foi 86.67% para grupo HV e 75% para grupo HP (p = 0,667. A taxa de erosão de tela foi 20% (3/15 de extrusão no grupo HV versus 18,75% (3/16 no grupo HP (p = 1,000. CONCLUSÃO: A correção cirúrgica do assoalho pélvico com telas nas portadoras de prolapso uterino apresentaram similaridade quer sendo ela feita com histeropexia quer com histerectomia. Contudo, o tempo cirúrgico e o volume da perda sanguínea foram significantemente maiores no grupo com histerectromia (HV. Operações vaginais com telas são procedimentos efetivos para a correção do prolapso.

  1. Os grupos-nome: efeitos da substituição do imaginário pelo virtual na constituição dos grupos sociais Name-groups: the substitution of virtual for imaginary in social groups constitution and its effects

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    João Eduardo Coin de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Os grupos sociais categoriais são alvo, desde o pós-guerra, de uma intenso esforço de compreensão e demarcação conceitual, principalmente por parte dos psicólogos sociais europeus. A ampliação desta importância na pauta dos pesquisadores se deve ao aumento da presença relativa deste tipo de grupo no cenário das relações sociais e de suas conseqüências na produção das identidades sociais. Neste trabalho indicamos como o crescimento da importância dada aos grupos categoriais acompanha o esvaziamento progressivo do imaginário dos grupos, que passam a operar socialmente menos a partir das relações efetivas entre os indivíduos que os compõem e mais pela sua borda, isto é, o nome do grupo. Chamamos de grupos-nome a esses grupos virtualizados, que não têm presença material mas apenas imagética. Os grupos-nome tendem a ser mais freqüentes do que os grupos "vivos" na medida em que facilitam um relacionamento mais descompromissado entre os indivíduos e portanto mais confortável pela facilidade com a qual os indivíduos poderiam "trocar" de grupo social. Como efeitos da incidência dos grupos-nome destacam-se a transformação dos grupos face a face, a ampliação de mecanismos de controle e manipulação social e o incremento da violência.Categorial social groups have been studied with more interest by the European social psychologists after Second World War. This research has been supported on the increase of this kind of group in the reality of social relations and in its effects on production of social identities. In this work we indicated how the importance of the categorial social groups goes along with the imaginary group fainting. Groups have become outline presences than organizations based on relations. We nominated name-group these virtual groups, which doesn't have organic but only imagetic existence. Nowadays, name-groups are more common than "live" groups and this contributes to unreliable individual

  2. Prediction of antigenic epitopes on protein surfaces by consensus scoring

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    Zhang Chi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Prediction of antigenic epitopes on protein surfaces is important for vaccine design. Most existing epitope prediction methods focus on protein sequences to predict continuous epitopes linear in sequence. Only a few structure-based epitope prediction algorithms are available and they have not yet shown satisfying performance. Results We present a new antigen Epitope Prediction method, which uses ConsEnsus Scoring (EPCES from six different scoring functions - residue epitope propensity, conservation score, side-chain energy score, contact number, surface planarity score, and secondary structure composition. Applied to unbounded antigen structures from an independent test set, EPCES was able to predict antigenic eptitopes with 47.8% sensitivity, 69.5% specificity and an AUC value of 0.632. The performance of the method is statistically similar to other published methods. The AUC value of EPCES is slightly higher compared to the best results of existing algorithms by about 0.034. Conclusion Our work shows consensus scoring of multiple features has a better performance than any single term. The successful prediction is also due to the new score of residue epitope propensity based on atomic solvent accessibility.

  3. Variantes polimórficas Ala513Pro y Gly972Arg del gen IRS-1 no se asocian a la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en un grupo de la población cubana The Ala513Pro and Gly972ARg polymorphous variants of IRS-1 gen are not associated with type diabetes mellitus in a group of the Cuban population

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    Luis Miguel Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es una enfermedad heterogénea y multifactorial, que está determinada por factores genéticos y no genéticos. El sustrato 1 del receptor de la insulina (IRS-1 cumple una función fundamental en la transmisión de la señal insulínica, por tanto sus variantes génicas constituyen blancos importantes en el estudio de la susceptibilidad genética a esta enfermedad en las diferentes poblaciones. Objetivo: explorar el papel de las variantes polimórficas Gly972Arg y Ala513Pro del gen IRS-1 en la susceptibilidad genética de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en un grupo de la población cubana. Métodos: se determinó la frecuencia de los polimorfismos Gly972Arg y Ala513Pro del IRS-1 en 499 ciudadanos cubanos, con un índice de masa corporal entre 22-30, con edades comprendidas entre los 40 y 70 años: de ellos 272 (54,5 % diabéticos y 227 (45,5 % no diabéticos. Resultados: la frecuencia del alelo Pro513 fue baja (1,2 % y similar para ambos grupos (1,1 % vs. 1,3 % para el grupo de diabéticos y el grupo control, respectivamente. La frecuencia del polimorfismo Gly972Arg fue de 16,2%, superior a la reportada para la mayoría de las poblaciones estudiadas. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la frecuencia del alelo Arg972 entre el grupo de diabéticos y el grupo control (15,4 % vs. 17,3 %, ni cambios en los niveles de glucemia e insulinemia asociados a la presencia del alelo polimórfico Arg972. Conclusiones: en este grupo de sujetos de la población cubana, las variantes polimórficas Ala513Pro y Gly972Arg del gen IRS-1 no participan en la etiología de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2.Introduction: the type 2 diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous and multifactor disease determined by genetic and no-genetic factors. The substrate 1 of insulin receptor (IRS-1 has a fundamental function in transmission of insulin signal, thus its genic variants are significant targets in study of genetic susceptibility to

  4. Catalase epitopes vaccine design for Helicobacter pylori: A ...

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    Aug 15, 2011 ... colored region and P1 anchor or the starting residue of each ..... score of MVNKDVKQTT; * 1, MVNKDVKQTT is a composition of two epitopes: MVNKDVKQT and .... Therapeutic efficacy of a multi-epitope vaccine against.

  5. Genetic diversity among proso millet (Panicum miliaceum biotypes assessed by AFLP technique Diversidade genética entre biótipos de proso millet (Panicum miliaceum revelada pela técnica de AFLP

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    D. Karam


    Full Text Available The Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP technique was used to access genetic diversity between three domestic and nine wild proso millet biotypes from the United States and Canada. Eight primer combinations detected 39 polymorphic DNA fragments, with the genetic distance estimates among biotypes ranging from 0.02 to 0.04. Colorado-Weld County black seeded and Wyoming-Platte County were the most distinct biotypes according to the dissimilarity level. A UPGMA cluster analysis revealed two distinct groups of proso millet without any geographic association. Six weed biotypes exhibiting some characters of cultivated plants were grouped together with domesticated biotypes of proso millet while the three typical wild phenotypes were clearly clustered into another group according to AFLP markers.A técnica de AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism foi empregada para acessar a diversidade genética entre três biótipos domesticados e nove biótipos selvagens de proso millet dos Estados Unidos e do Canadá. Oito combinações de primers detectaram 39 fragmentos polimórficos de DNA, e a estimativa da distância genética entre os biótipos variou de 0,02 a 0,04. Colorado-Weld County de sementes pretas e Wyoming-Platte County foram os biótipos mais distintos de acordo com o índice de dissimilaridade. A análise de cluster por UPGMA revelou dois grupos distintos de proso millet mas sem nenhuma relação geográfica. Seis biótipos selvagens que exibiam algumas características de plantas cultivadas foram agrupados juntamente com os biótipos domesticados de proso millet, enquanto os três fenótipos tipicamente selvagens formaram outro grupo distinto por marcadores AFLP.

  6. Computer-Aided Design of an Epitope-Based Vaccine against Epstein-Barr Virus

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    Julio Alonso-Padilla


    Full Text Available Epstein-Barr virus is a very common human virus that infects 90% of human adults. EBV replicates in epithelial and B cells and causes infectious mononucleosis. EBV infection is also linked to various cancers, including Burkitt’s lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinomas, and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Currently, there are no effective drugs or vaccines to treat or prevent EBV infection. Herein, we applied a computer-aided strategy to design a prophylactic epitope vaccine ensemble from experimentally defined T and B cell epitopes. Such strategy relies on identifying conserved epitopes in conjunction with predictions of HLA presentation for T cell epitope selection and calculations of accessibility and flexibility for B cell epitope selection. The T cell component includes 14 CD8 T cell epitopes from early antigens and 4 CD4 T cell epitopes, targeted during the course of a natural infection and providing a population protection coverage of over 95% and 81.8%, respectively. The B cell component consists of 3 experimentally defined B cell epitopes from gp350 plus 4 predicted B cell epitopes from other EBV envelope glycoproteins, all mapping in flexible and solvent accessible regions. We discuss the rationale for the formulation and possible deployment of this epitope vaccine ensemble.

  7. Public epitopes and the antigenic structure of the HLA molecules. (United States)

    Rodey, G E; Fuller, T C


    Simplified procedures for determining amino acid sequences in proteins and nucleotide sequences in DNA have rapidly expanded the number of MHC molecules for which primary amino acid structure is known. These molecules will be especially valuable as tools to study the structure-function relationships of globular proteins because of the extensive polymorphism of genes coding the MHC genes products. The general three-dimensional structure of class I MHC molecules was recently deduced, but the more subtle topographical microconformations are still undefined. Definition and topographical mapping of epitopes, defined by serological or cellular immune effector products, will be critical probes for these three-dimensional studies. Comparative studies of amino acid sequences among various MHC and molecules have revealed distinct regions of hypervariability in the alpha-1 and -2 domains of class I heavy chains and the alpha-1 and beta-1 domains of most class II molecules. Mutant MHC molecules that differ from each other by no more than one to three amino acids can have structural changes which may result in a loss of the private epitopes that defined the allelic gene product. On the basis of these studies, the private epitopes are thought to be determined by one or more of the hypervariable regions. Similar studies of the relationships between specific regions of the molecule and public epitopes are not fully explored. Because public epitopes are partially conserved structures, one might expect that their structure is not principally determined by hypervariable region. In fact, however, some public epitopes, such as A2/B17 and BW4/Bw6, do map to diversity regions. Epitope mapping as a means of identifying specific topographic sites and relating these sites to specific functional regions of the molecule will be difficult unless the epitopes themselves are better defined. Thus, the capacity to distinguish spatially distinct public epitopes from cross-reactive homologous

  8. Resistência de genótipos de caupi ao caruncho

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    Full Text Available A utilização de resistência genética ao ataque de Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabr. tem sido alvo de investigação científica, especialmente no que diz respeito à identificação de fontes de resistência. O presente trabalho objetivou incorporar, ao grupo de caracteres desejáveis para o cultivo de caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L. Walp., resistência genética ao caruncho (C. maculatus. Foram realizadas hibridações dos genótipos IT81D-1045 e IT81D-1064 (portadores de resistência ao inseto com CNCx 252-1E/FB, CNCx 187-22D-1 e BR 1-Poty (capazes de transferir resistência a viroses, tolerância à seca, formação de grãos com padrão comercial, elevado potencial de produção e adaptabilidade a diferentes condições ambientais. Populações segregantes obtidas destes cruzamentos foram conduzidas pelo método SPD (descendência de uma única vagem, e na geração F5 foram realizadas seleções individuais. As linhagens obtidas foram avaliadas em conjunto com materiais de origens diferentes, utilizando-se parâmetros associados à infestação da praga. Foi constatado que os genótipos avaliados apresentaram variabilidade quanto à preferência à postura, número de insetos emergidos e número de sementes danificadas; as linhas EVx 37-15E e EVx 37-2E foram as que sofreram menor dano causado pelo caruncho; as variáveis número de ovos, número de insetos emergidos e número de sementes danificadas mostraram-se positiva e significativamente correlacionadas entre si; o grupo das linhagens que descendem de genitores resistentes apresenta valores significativamente inferiores aos obtidos pelas demais, o que indica que a resistência ao inseto se transmite geneticamente.

  9. Disfunción diastólica asintomática en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2


    Blanco Anesto, Jorge; Vázquez Vigoa, Alfredo; Bazán Milán, Manuel; Matilde Socarrás, María


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, a un grupo de 38 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, para determinar la frecuencia de disfunción diastólica asintomática y evaluar su posible asociación con otras variables. A todos se les realizó electrocardiograma, ecocardiograma, prueba ergométrica y ecocardiograma bidimensional y doppler pulsado para determinar la presencia de disfunción diastólica asintomática. Se les tomó una muestra de sangre para los indicadores de control metabólico. ...

  10. Análise multivariada dos componentes da resistência à ferrugem-asiática em genótipos de soja Multivariate analysis of resistance components to Asian rust in soybean genotypes

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    Lucimara Junko Koga


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi detalhar os ciclos de infecção da Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd. em genótipos de soja, para o estabelecimento de grupos de genótipos mais promissores para o uso como fontes de resistência à ferrugem. Os componentes do ciclo de infecção foram quantificados em 48 genótipos. Foram avaliados: tipo de lesão, intensidade de esporulação, severidade, número de lesões e de urédias e produtividade de urediniósporos. Pela análise de agrupamentos, formaram-se quatro grupos: A - desenvolveu a maior quantidade de doença; B - desenvolveu a menor quantidade de doença; C - baixa resistência inicial e D - alta resistência inicial. Os genótipos dos grupos B, C e D apresentaram lesões RB ("redish-brown" e variaram quanto à resistência inicial, resistência tardia, intensidade de esporulação, estabilidade da resposta qualitativa, produtividade de urediniósporos e número de dias para atingir 50% da severidade máxima. Entre as variáveis analisadas, as que apresentaram importância prática foram as avaliações das respostas qualitativas e as de severidade. Esta última reflete os efeitos combinados de resistência sobre todos os componentes da infecção e apresentam importância prática na diferenciação de genótipos, quanto à resistência à doença. Os genótipos dos grupos B, C e D manifestaram resistência qualitativa e quantitativa, em diferentes graus, e promissores para serem utilizados como fontes de genes de resistência à ferrugem-asiática-da-soja.The objective of this study was to detail the infection cycles of Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd. in soybean genotypes, in order to establish a group of the most promising genotypes for use as sources of resistance to Asian soybean rust. The infection cycle components were quantified in 48 genotypes. The assessments consisted of: type of lesion, intensity of sporulation, severity, number of lesions and uredinias, and productivity of

  11. Caracterización del inicio de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en menores de 18 años

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    Yan González Ramos


    Full Text Available Fundamento: la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es la enfermedad crónico endocrinológica más frecuente en la edad pediátrica y la segunda enfermedad crónica en la infancia después del asma bronquial, en los países desarrollados. Objetivo: identificar los aspectos epidemiológicos en el inicio de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en menores de 18 años en la provincia de Cienfuegos en el periodo 1997- octubre 2015. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en los pacientes menores de 18 años, diagnosticados con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en el periodo mencionado. Las variables utilizadas fueron: año y edad del inicio, sexo, color de la piel y municipio de procedencia. Los resultados se presentaron en tablas de frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: el porcentaje de pacientes del sexo masculino y femenino fue bastante similar con un leve predominio del masculino (53,5 %. El grupo 5-9 años presentó el mayor número de pacientes (35 casos pero sin diferencias significativas con el de 10-14 años (34 casos. El color de piel blanca predominó con el 75,7 %. El mayor número de casos se mostraron en los meses de otoño con 30. Los municipios de mayor incidencia fueron Cienfuegos con 40 y Cumanayagua con 16 casos respectivamente. Conclusiones: se ha producido un aumento de la incidencia en los últimos años con un leve predominio del sexo masculino y el grupo de 5-9 años. Predominó la raza blanca. El mayor número del inicio ocurrió en otoño y en el municipio de Cienfuegos.

  12. Some epitopes conservation in non structural 3 protein dengue virus serotype 4

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    Tegar A. P. Siregar


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Protein Non Struktural 3 (NS3 virus dengue menginduksi respon antibodi netralisasidan respon sel T CD4+ dan CD8+, serta berperan dalam replikasi virus. Protein NS3 memiliki epitopepitopsel T dan B yang terdapat perbedaan kelestarian pada berbagai strain virus dengue serotipe 4(DENV-4. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelestarian epitop sel T dan B pada protein NS3DENV-4 strain-strain dunia dan keempat serotipe virus dengue strain Indonesia.Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan di Departemen Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran UI sejak Juni 2013 - April2014. Sekuens asam amino NS3 DENV-4 strain 081 didapatkan setelah produk PCR gen NS3 DENV-4 081disekuensing. Epitop-epitop sel T dan sel B protein NS3 DENV-4 081 dianalisis dan dibandingkan dengansekuens asam amino protein NS3 dari 124 strain DENV-4 di dunia dan keempat serotipe DENV strain Indonesia.Strain-strain dunia merupakan strain yang ada di benua Amerika (Venezuela, Colombia, dll dan Asia (Cina,Singapura, dll. Referensi posisi epitop sel T dan B protein NS3 diperoleh dari laporan penelitian terdahulu.Hasil: Delapan epitop sel T dan 2 epitop sel B dari protein NS3 DENV-4 081 ternyata identik dan lestaripada protein NS3 dari 124 strain DENV-4 dunia. Epitop sel B di posisi asam amino 537-544 pada proteinNS3 DENV-4 081 ternyata identik dan lestari dengan epitop sel B protein NS3 dari keempat serotipeDENV strain Indonesia.Kesimpulan: Kelestarian yang luas dari epitop sel T dan B pada hampir seluruh strain DENV-4 dunia danserotipe-serotipe DENV strain Indonesia. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:126-31Kata kunci: virus dengue, protein NS3, epitop sel T, epitop sel B AbstractBackground: Non Structural 3 (NS3 protein of dengue virus (DENV is known to induce antibody, CD4+and CD8+ T cell responses, and playing role in viral replication. NS3 protein has T and B cell epitopes,which has conservation difference between DENV-4 strains. This study aimed to identify

  13. Caracterização de genótipos de mirtilo utilizando marcadores moleculares Characterization of blueberry genotypes using molecular markers

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    Sergio Delmar dos Anjos e Silva


    Full Text Available O cultivo do mirtilo está em expansão no Brasil, em especial em regiões de clima temperado, onde há grande demanda em relação a cultivares adaptadas às condições edafoclimáticas regionais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar genótipos de mirtilo do programa de melhoramento da Embrapa Clima Temperado, utilizando marcadores moleculares do tipo RAPD e SSR. Foram caracterizados 40 genótipos de mirtilo por RAPD e oito cultivares por microssatélites. Os nove primers utilizados na técnica de RAPD geraram 89 marcadores. A similaridade genética entre os genótipos variou de 64 a 89%. Utilizando a similaridade média (66%, foram obtidos quatro grupos. Foram gerados 11 marcadores a partir de três pares de primers de microssatélites. A similaridade genética entre as cultivares variou de 25 a 75%. Com similaridade média (42,4%, foram obtidos três grupos. Com apenas três pares de primers de SSR, foi possível definir o padrão das oito cultivares de mirtilo, revelando a eficiência da técnica de microssatélite na caracterização de genótipos dessa espécie. Esses resultados revelam a eficiência dos marcadores tipo RAPD e SSR na caracterização de genótipos de mirtilo. Entretanto, os marcadores tipo microssatélites geram resultados mais precisos, sendo os mais recomendados para uso em programas de melhoramento e identificação de cultivares.The blueberry crop planting area is increasing in Brazil, especially in Temperate Climate Zones, generating demands relating to suitable cultivars adapted to regional climate and soil conditions. This work aimed to characterize blueberry genotypes from Embrapa Clima Temperado breeding program, using RAPD and SSR molecular markers. There were characterized 40 blueberry genotypes using RAPD and 8 cultivars using SSR molecular markers. The 9 RAPD primers generated 89 markers. The genetic similarity ranged from 64 to 89%. Through the average similarity (66%, it was possible to identify four

  14. High Throughput T Epitope Mapping and Vaccine Development

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    Giuseppina Li Pira


    Full Text Available Mapping of antigenic peptide sequences from proteins of relevant pathogens recognized by T helper (Th and by cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL is crucial for vaccine development. In fact, mapping of T-cell epitopes provides useful information for the design of peptide-based vaccines and of peptide libraries to monitor specific cellular immunity in protected individuals, patients and vaccinees. Nevertheless, epitope mapping is a challenging task. In fact, large panels of overlapping peptides need to be tested with lymphocytes to identify the sequences that induce a T-cell response. Since numerous peptide panels from antigenic proteins are to be screened, lymphocytes available from human subjects are a limiting factor. To overcome this limitation, high throughput (HTP approaches based on miniaturization and automation of T-cell assays are needed. Here we consider the most recent applications of the HTP approach to T epitope mapping. The alternative or complementary use of in silico prediction and experimental epitope definition is discussed in the context of the recent literature. The currently used methods are described with special reference to the possibility of applying the HTP concept to make epitope mapping an easier procedure in terms of time, workload, reagents, cells and overall cost.

  15. Caracterización computacional de los epitopes B de la quitinasa clase I de la Ananas comosus (Piña

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    César Muñoz Mejía


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar el potencial alergénico de la quitinasa de piña y proponer un modelo computacional de la estructura de esta proteína para la predicción de posibles sitios de unión a la IgE, a los Epitopes E, los que se encuentran implicados en las reacciones alérgicas de esta fruta. Métodos: A partir de una secuencia de bases de ADN de piña, previamente reportada, que traduce para una proteína con homología a diferentes quitinasas de otras frutas, y mediante el uso de herramientas bioinformáticas y bases de datos disponibles en la red, se obtuvo un modelo computacional de quitinasa de piña y se analizaron su estructura y características fisicoquímicas para la predicción de epítopes dentro de la misma. Resultados: Se generó un modelo computacional de una proteína de 204 aminoácidos, que pertenece al grupo de las quitinasas I. La predicción y posterior análisis de Epitopes obtenidos a partir de varios servidores bioinformáticos mostró que estos tienen características (Área de Superficie Relativa, RSA que los hacen aptos para pertenecer a un sitio de unión a IgE. Conclusiones: La quitinasa de piña estudiada posee homología con uno de los grupos de alérgenos de alimentos que está implicado en el síndrome látexfruta, y podría ser la responsable de reacciones alérgicas a este alimento. Por otro lado, poder predecir estos epítopes es de utilidad también en el diseño de alimentos transgénicos.

  16. Estresse em mulheres com Diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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    Juliana Cristina Lessmann


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a relação entre estresse e Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 em mulheres. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal prospectivo, desenvolvido com 147 mulheres, utilizando a Escala de Estresse Percebido (PSS. RESULTADOS: Houve associação entre as variáveis testadas, sendo possível inferir que as mulheres com estresse elevado são as que vivenciaram sofrimento e apresentam controle glicêmico alterado, ou seja, com valores superiores a 180 mg/dL. A maioria relatou sofrimento decorrente de problemas nas relações interpessoais, óbito, doença de familiares e solidão. CONCLUSÃO: Mulheres com DM2 que convivem com estresse e/ou sofrimento constituem grupo vulnerável ao desenvolvimento de agravos à saúde demandando aos serviços de saúde o desenvolvimento de estratégias que modifiquem esta situação.


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    M. Guerra


    Full Text Available Es importante determinar y monitorear el mantenimiento del control metabólico en los pacientes diabéticos. Dado que las concentraciones de hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1c y de proteínas glicadas diferentes a la hemoglobina, conocidas colectivamente como “fructosamina”, son indicadores del aumento sostenido de la glicemia durante un período de tiempo, se decidió estudiar estos parámetros sanguíneos en un grupo de pacientes diabéticos tipo I en Bogotá, y compararlos con un grupo de individuos saludables.El grupo control estuvo conformado por 25 estudiantes saludables de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, DC, seleccionados al azar, y el experimental, por 25 pacientes diabéticos tipo I contactados a través de la Asociación Colombiana de Diabetes, con edades comprendidas entre 15 a 25 años. Con los datos obtenidos se realizaron análisis de regresión y análisis de correlación lineal múltiple. Los resultados mostraron correlación alta (r=0,9 entre HbA1c y “fructosamina”. Se encontró diferencias significantes (p<0,05 entre los controles y los pacientes para ambos parámetros. Los valores de HbA1c y de “fructosamina” fueron independientes de la concentración de glucosa sanguínea durante el estudio.

  18. A high-throughput shotgun mutagenesis approach to mapping B-cell antibody epitopes. (United States)

    Davidson, Edgar; Doranz, Benjamin J


    Characterizing the binding sites of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) on protein targets, their 'epitopes', can aid in the discovery and development of new therapeutics, diagnostics and vaccines. However, the speed of epitope mapping techniques has not kept pace with the increasingly large numbers of mAbs being isolated. Obtaining detailed epitope maps for functionally relevant antibodies can be challenging, particularly for conformational epitopes on structurally complex proteins. To enable rapid epitope mapping, we developed a high-throughput strategy, shotgun mutagenesis, that enables the identification of both linear and conformational epitopes in a fraction of the time required by conventional approaches. Shotgun mutagenesis epitope mapping is based on large-scale mutagenesis and rapid cellular testing of natively folded proteins. Hundreds of mutant plasmids are individually cloned, arrayed in 384-well microplates, expressed within human cells, and tested for mAb reactivity. Residues are identified as a component of a mAb epitope if their mutation (e.g. to alanine) does not support candidate mAb binding but does support that of other conformational mAbs or allows full protein function. Shotgun mutagenesis is particularly suited for studying structurally complex proteins because targets are expressed in their native form directly within human cells. Shotgun mutagenesis has been used to delineate hundreds of epitopes on a variety of proteins, including G protein-coupled receptor and viral envelope proteins. The epitopes mapped on dengue virus prM/E represent one of the largest collections of epitope information for any viral protein, and results are being used to design better vaccines and drugs. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Evaluación de los grupos interactivos desde el paradigma de la educación inclusiva

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    Joan Jordi Muntaner


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar las sesiones de aula cuya organización se basa en los Grupos Interactivos (GI, para determinar las variables que aseguran que sean prácticas inclusivas. A partir del estudio de caso único, centrado en el CEIP Pintor Joan Miró (Palma de Mallorca, se llevan a cabo cuatro grupos focales, análisis documental y debate posterior con el claustro de profesores para analizar la programación, implementación y evaluación de los GI en las etapas de Infantil y Primaria. Se presentan los materiales, estrategias, recursos, obstáculos, dudas y también alternativas que permiten establecer propuestas de mejora a nivel de centro. A partir de los resultados más relevantes se concluye que las altas expectativas y los actos dialógicos en los GI son variables determinantes para la inclusión educativa y, por lo tanto, , las prácticas que se desarrollan en este tipo de organización aumentan la participación y el aprendizaje de todos.

  20. Localization of immunodominant linear B-cell epitopes of Vibrio ...

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    May 1, 2012 ... In order to locate the epitopes of OmpU protein, epitope prediction was performed ... enzyme linked immunosorbent assay; OmpU, outer membrane protein U .... recombinant plasmids were extracted and identified by PCR,.

  1. Crescimento de genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

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    R. C. Veloso


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivou-se com este trabalho comparar o padrão de crescimento, mediante ajustes das respectivas curvas de crescimento por modelos não lineares, bem como estudar o desenvolvimento de cortes de carcaça em relação ao peso da carcaça em diferentes genótipos de frangos tipo caipira. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos da linhagem Redbro: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. As aves foram alojadas em 28 boxes, sendo 30 aves/boxe, em galpão de alvenaria com acesso a um piquete de 45m², com quatro repetições. O peso corporal individual dos frangos foi medido ao nascer, aos 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 e 84 dias de idade. Para a determinação das curvas de crescimento do peso corporal das aves, os dados coletados foram avaliados por meio dos modelos não lineares: Brody, Gompertz, Logístico, Richards e von Bertalanffy. Foi empregado o PROC NLIN do SAS, utilizando-se o método interativo de Gauss-Newton. Os critérios usados para escolha do modelo de melhor ajuste da curva de crescimento foram o coeficiente de determinação, o desvio padrão assintótico, o desvio médio absoluto dos resíduos e o índice assintótico. As análises para obtenção dos coeficientes alométricos foram realizadas por meio do PROC GLM do SAS para os genótipos Carijó, Colorpak, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Foram avaliados os pesos da carcaça, do peito, das coxas, das sobrecoxas, das pernas e das asas das aves abatidas aos 85 dias de idade. Apenas as equações propostas por Gompertz, von Bertalanffy e Logístico atingiram a convergência, e o modelo proposto por von Bertalanffy foi o mais adequado para descrever o crescimento dos genótipos de frangos caipiras. Todos os cortes avaliados apresentaram crescimento tardio em relação ao peso da carcaça em genótipos de frangos tipo caipira.

  2. Multiple linear B-cell epitopes of classical swine fever virus glycoprotein E2 expressed in E.coli as multiple epitope vaccine induces a protective immune response

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    Wei Jian-Chao


    Full Text Available Abstract Classical swine fever is a highly contagious disease of swine caused by classical swine fever virus, an OIE list A pathogen. Epitope-based vaccines is one of the current focuses in the development of new vaccines against classical swine fever virus (CSFV. Two B-cell linear epitopes rE2-ba from the E2 glycoprotein of CSFV, rE2-a (CFRREKPFPHRMDCVTTTVENED, aa844-865 and rE2-b (CKEDYRYAISSTNEIGLLGAGGLT, aa693-716, were constructed and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli as multiple epitope vaccine. Fifteen 6-week-old specified-pathogen-free (SPF piglets were intramuscularly immunized with epitopes twice at 2-week intervals. All epitope-vaccinated pigs could mount an anamnestic response after booster vaccination with neutralizing antibody titers ranging from 1:16 to 1:256. At this time, the pigs were subjected to challenge infection with a dose of 1 × 106 TCID50 virulent CSFV strain. After challenge infection, all of the rE2-ba-immunized pigs were alive and without symptoms or signs of CSF. In contrast, the control pigs continuously exhibited signs of CSF and had to be euthanized because of severe clinical symptoms at 5 days post challenge infection. The data from in vivo experiments shown that the multiple epitope rE2-ba shown a greater protection (similar to that of HCLV vaccine than that of mono-epitope peptide(rE2-a or rE2-b. Therefore, The results demonstrated that this multiple epitope peptide expressed in a prokaryotic system can be used as a potential DIVA (differentiating infected from vaccinated animals vaccine. The E.coli-expressed E2 multiple B-cell linear epitopes retains correct immunogenicity and is able to induce a protective immune response against CSFV infection.

  3. Selection of SARS-Coronavirus-specific B cell epitopes by phage peptide library screening and evaluation of the immunological effect of epitope-based peptides on mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Hua; Jiang Lifang; Fang Danyun; Yan Huijun; Zhou Jingjiao; Zhou Junmei; Liang Yu; Gao Yang; Zhao, Wei; Long Beiguo


    Antibodies to SARS-Coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-specific B cell epitopes might recognize the pathogen and interrupt its adherence to and penetration of host cells. Hence, these epitopes could be useful for diagnosis and as vaccine constituents. Using the phage-displayed peptide library screening method and purified Fab fragments of immunoglobulin G (IgG Fab) from normal human sera and convalescent sera from SARS-CoV-infected patients as targets, 11 B cell epitopes of SARS-CoV spike glycoprotein (S protein) and membrane protein (M protein) were screened. After a bioinformatics tool was used to analyze these epitopes, four epitope-based S protein dodecapeptides corresponding to the predominant epitopes were chosen for synthesis. Their antigenic specificities and immunogenicities were studied in vitro and in vivo. Flow cytometry and ELISPOT analysis of lymphocytes as well as a serologic analysis of antibody showed that these peptides could trigger a rapid, highly effective, and relatively safe immune response in BALB/c mice. These findings might aid development of SARS diagnostics and vaccines. Moreover, the role of S and M proteins as important surface antigens is confirmed

  4. Epitope-dependent functional effects of celiac disease autoantibodies on transglutaminase 2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hnida, Kathrin; Stamnaes, Jorunn; du Pré, M Fleur


    Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) is a Ca(2+)-dependent cross-linking enzyme involved in the pathogenesis of CD. We have previously characterized a panel of anti-TG2 mAbs generated from gut plasma cells of celiac patients and identified four epitopes (epitopes 1-4) located in the N-terminal part of TG2...... of epitope 1-targeting B cells to keep TG2 active and protected from oxidation might explain why generation of epitope 1-targeting plasma cells seems to be favored in celiac patients....

  5. Levels of HIV1 gp120 3D B-cell epitopes mutability and variability: searching for possible vaccine epitopes. (United States)

    Khrustalev, Vladislav Victorovich


    We used a DiscoTope 1.2 (, Epitopia ( and EPCES ( algorithms to map discontinuous B-cell epitopes in HIV1 gp120. The most mutable nucleotides in HIV genes are guanine (because of G to A hypermutagenesis) and cytosine (because of C to U and C to A mutations). The higher is the level of guanine and cytosine usage in third (neutral) codon positions and the lower is their level in first and second codon positions of the coding region, the more stable should be an epitope encoded by this region. We compared guanine and cytosine usage in regions coding for five predicted 3D B-cell epitopes of gp120. To make this comparison we used GenBank resource: 385 sequences of env gene obtained from ten HIV1-infected individuals were studied ( The most protected from nonsynonymous nucleotide mutations of guanine and cytosine 3D B-cell epitope is situated in the first conserved region of gp120 (it is mapped from 66th to 86th amino acid residue). We applied a test of variability to confirm this finding. Indeed, the less mutable predicted B-cell epitope is the less variable one. MEGA4 (standard PAM matrix) was used for the alignments and "VVK Consensus" algorithm ( was used for the calculations.

  6. HIV-1 subtype A gag variability and epitope evolution. (United States)

    Abidi, Syed Hani; Kalish, Marcia L; Abbas, Farhat; Rowland-Jones, Sarah; Ali, Syed


    The aim of this study was to examine the course of time-dependent evolution of HIV-1 subtype A on a global level, especially with respect to the dynamics of immunogenic HIV gag epitopes. We used a total of 1,893 HIV-1 subtype A gag sequences representing a timeline from 1985 through 2010, and 19 different countries in Africa, Europe and Asia. The phylogenetic relationship of subtype A gag and its epidemic dynamics was analysed through a Maximum Likelihood tree and Bayesian Skyline plot, genomic variability was measured in terms of G → A substitutions and Shannon entropy, and the time-dependent evolution of HIV subtype A gag epitopes was examined. Finally, to confirm observations on globally reported HIV subtype A sequences, we analysed the gag epitope data from our Kenyan, Pakistani, and Afghan cohorts, where both cohort-specific gene epitope variability and HLA restriction profiles of gag epitopes were examined. The most recent common ancestor of the HIV subtype A epidemic was estimated to be 1956 ± 1. A period of exponential growth began about 1980 and lasted for approximately 7 years, stabilized for 15 years, declined for 2-3 years, then stabilized again from about 2004. During the course of evolution, a gradual increase in genomic variability was observed that peaked in 2005-2010. We observed that the number of point mutations and novel epitopes in gag also peaked concurrently during 2005-2010. It appears that as the HIV subtype A epidemic spread globally, changing population immunogenetic pressures may have played a role in steering immune-evolution of this subtype in new directions. This trend is apparent in the genomic variability and epitope diversity of HIV-1 subtype A gag sequences.

  7. HIV-1 subtype A gag variability and epitope evolution.

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    Syed Hani Abidi

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the course of time-dependent evolution of HIV-1 subtype A on a global level, especially with respect to the dynamics of immunogenic HIV gag epitopes. METHODS: We used a total of 1,893 HIV-1 subtype A gag sequences representing a timeline from 1985 through 2010, and 19 different countries in Africa, Europe and Asia. The phylogenetic relationship of subtype A gag and its epidemic dynamics was analysed through a Maximum Likelihood tree and Bayesian Skyline plot, genomic variability was measured in terms of G → A substitutions and Shannon entropy, and the time-dependent evolution of HIV subtype A gag epitopes was examined. Finally, to confirm observations on globally reported HIV subtype A sequences, we analysed the gag epitope data from our Kenyan, Pakistani, and Afghan cohorts, where both cohort-specific gene epitope variability and HLA restriction profiles of gag epitopes were examined. RESULTS: The most recent common ancestor of the HIV subtype A epidemic was estimated to be 1956 ± 1. A period of exponential growth began about 1980 and lasted for approximately 7 years, stabilized for 15 years, declined for 2-3 years, then stabilized again from about 2004. During the course of evolution, a gradual increase in genomic variability was observed that peaked in 2005-2010. We observed that the number of point mutations and novel epitopes in gag also peaked concurrently during 2005-2010. CONCLUSION: It appears that as the HIV subtype A epidemic spread globally, changing population immunogenetic pressures may have played a role in steering immune-evolution of this subtype in new directions. This trend is apparent in the genomic variability and epitope diversity of HIV-1 subtype A gag sequences.

  8. Adaptability and stability for the trait grain yield for the color and black commercial groups in common bean / Adaptabilidade e estabilidade da característica produtividade de grãos dos grupos comerciais carioca e preto de feijão

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    Nelson da Silva Fonseca Júnior


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate grain yield stability and adaptability from the fixed lines and cultivars of common bean of color and black comercial groups from IAPAR’s common bean breeding program, as well as to compare the methods of Wrick, Eberhart & Russell, Cruz et al. and AMMI. Three trials using the carioca group and two using the black group were conducted during the 2006/2007 water crop season and the 2007 dry crop season, in 27 environments in the State of Paraná. Each trial included 20 genotypes. The following genotypes were selected: LP 06 22 (G13 (carioca 1, LP 06 04 (G7 (carioca 2, LP 06 52 (G5, LP 06 54 (G7 e LP 06 65 (G18 (preto 1 e LP 06 73G9 (preto 2. All genotypes showed high grain yield potential with wide adaptability and stability. The environment more stable and more productive was Ponta Grossa – dry season for the all studied groups. As for the method comparisons, the Eberhart & Russell and Cruz et al. showed significant and positive correlation in 80% of the studied groups for genotypes stability and adaptability.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estabilidade e adaptabilidade de produtividade de grãos das linhagens fixadas e cultivares de feijão do grupo comercial carioca e do grupo comercial preto, oriundas do programa de melhoramento genético do IAPAR e comparar os métodos de Wrick, Eberhart & Russell, Cruz et al. e AMMI. Na safra das águas 2006/2007 e seca 2007 foram conduzidos três ensaios do grupo carioca e dois do grupo preto, num total de 27 ambientes no estado do Paraná. Cada ensaio foi constituído por 20 genótipos. Os genótipos indicados foram LP 06 22 (G13 (carioca 1; LP 06 04 (G7 (carioca 2; LP 06 52 (G5, LP 06 54 (G7 e LP 06 65 (G18 (preto 1; e LP 06 73G9 (preto 2. Todos esses genótipos apresentaram alto potencial de produtividade de grãos com ampla adaptação e estabilidade. O ambiente mais estável e mais produtivo foi Ponta Grossa - seca para todos os grupos comerciais

  9. Epitope finding in Zika virus molecule:The first world report

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Somsri Wiwanitkit; Viroj Wiwanitkit


    Zika virus infection is a new problematic virus infection that becomes the present public health problem. Now this mosquito borne infectious disease can be seen worldwide and can cause dengue-like infection. In addition, it can also induce trans-placental infection and result in congenital neurological defect. To prevent this infec-tion, there is still no specific vaccine. To find a new vaccine, finding epitope is the first step. Here, the authors report the study to find epitope within Zika virus molecule. According to this study, the appropriate epitopes can be seen. This is the first world report on epitope finding for Zika virus. The data can be useful for further vaccine development.

  10. Identification of murine T-cell epitopes in Ebola virus nucleoprotein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simmons, Graham; Lee, Anee; Rennekamp, Andrew J.; Fan Xin; Bates, Paul; Shen Hao


    CD8 T cells play an important role in controlling Ebola infection and in mediating vaccine-induced protective immunity, yet little is known about antigenic targets in Ebola that are recognized by CD8 T cells. Overlapping peptides were used to identify major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted epitopes in mice immunized with vectors encoding Ebola nucleoprotein (NP). CD8 T-cell responses were mapped to a H-2 d -restricted epitope (NP279-288) and two H-2 b -restricted epitopes (NP44-52 and NP288-296). The identification of these epitopes will facilitate studies of immune correlates of protection and the evaluation of vaccine strategies in murine models of Ebola infection

  11. File list: Oth.Adl.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Adl.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell dm3 TFs and others Epitope tags Adult SRX181419,SRX...ttp:// ...

  12. File list: Oth.Myo.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Myo.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Muscle SRX344965,SR... ...

  13. File list: Oth.Adl.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Adl.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell dm3 TFs and others Epitope tags Adult SRX181427,SRX...ttp:// ...

  14. File list: Oth.Dig.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Dig.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Digestive tract SRX...365692 ...

  15. File list: Oth.Dig.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Dig.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Digestive tract SRX...365692 ...

  16. File list: Oth.CDV.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.CDV.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Cardiovascular SRX1...304813 ...

  17. File list: Oth.Unc.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Unc.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell sacCer3 TFs and others Epitope tags Unclassified ...

  18. File list: Oth.Brs.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Brs.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Breast SRX667411,S...p:// ...

  19. File list: Oth.Adl.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Adl.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell dm3 TFs and others Epitope tags Adult SRX181427,SRX...ttp:// ...

  20. File list: Oth.CDV.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.CDV.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Cardiovascular SRX1...304813 ...

  1. File list: Oth.Myo.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Myo.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Muscle SRX039346,SR... ...

  2. File list: Oth.CDV.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.CDV.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Cardiovascular SRX1...304813 ...

  3. File list: Oth.Unc.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Unc.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell sacCer3 TFs and others Epitope tags Unclassified ...

  4. File list: Oth.Myo.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Myo.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Muscle SRX039346,SR... ...

  5. Computational elucidation of potential antigenic CTL epitopes in Ebola virus. (United States)

    Dikhit, Manas R; Kumar, Santosh; Vijaymahantesh; Sahoo, Bikash R; Mansuri, Rani; Amit, Ajay; Yousuf Ansari, Md; Sahoo, Ganesh C; Bimal, Sanjiva; Das, Pradeep


    Cell-mediated immunity is important for the control of Ebola virus infection. We hypothesized that those HLA A0201 and HLA B40 restricted epitopes derived from Ebola virus proteins, would mount a good antigenic response. Here we employed an immunoinformatics approach to identify specific 9mer amino acid which may be capable of inducing a robust cell-mediated immune response in humans. We identified a set of 28 epitopes that had no homologs in humans. Specifically, the epitopes derived from NP, RdRp, GP and VP40 share population coverage of 93.40%, 84.15%, 74.94% and 77.12%, respectively. Based on the other HLA binding specificity and population coverage, seven novel promiscuous epitopes were identified. These 7 promiscuous epitopes from NP, RdRp and GP were found to have world-wide population coverage of more than 95% indicating their potential significance as useful candidates for vaccine design. Epitope conservancy analysis also suggested that most of the peptides are highly conserved (100%) in other virulent Ebola strain (Mayinga-76, Kikwit-95 and Makona-G3816- 2014) and can therefore be further investigated for their immunological relevance and usefulness as vaccine candidates. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



    Luis Causil -Vargas; Luis Gómez -Mercado; Daniel Otero- Díaz; Luisa Moscote- Blanco; Luis Monterrosa- Mestra; Dallana Burgos –Flórez; Yonairo Herrera- Benavides


    Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la frecuencia y distribución de grupos sanguíneos ABO y factor Rh en los estudiantes en la Universidad de Córdo­ba, Colombia, sede Berástegui. Metodología: Mediante la realización de un estudio descriptivo, transversal, en una población total de 1.112, de la cual se obtuvo una muestra de 127 personas entre las edades de 17-27 años. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que el fenotipo A es el fenotipo más común con 51,18%, seguido de tipo fenoti...

  7. File list: Oth.Myo.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Myo.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Muscle SRX1470542,...SRX1470544 ...

  8. File list: Oth.CDV.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.CDV.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Cardiovascular SRX...096360,SRX096362 ...

  9. File list: Oth.CDV.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.CDV.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Cardiovascular SRX...096360,SRX096362 ...

  10. Los niños del Cauca. I. Descripción de un foco de raquitismo dependiente de la vitamina D, Tipo II.

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    Alejandro Giraldo


    Full Text Available Al norte del departamento del Cauca se detectó un numeroso grupo de pacientes con deformidades en miembros inferiores (genu varo, genu valgo o ambos que correspondían clínica y radiológicamente a un cuadro de raquitismo. Ninguno de los pacientes presentaban alopecia, miopatia, tetania o aminoaciduria. La mayoría deellos proceden de un grupo poblacional semiaislado de ancestro afromestizo, en el corregimiento de La Toma, del municipio de Suárez. Los estudios bioquímicos comparativos entre 64 pacientes y 109 individuos no afectados, parientes en primer grado, mostraron en los pacientes una ligera hipocalcemia, niveles normales altos de fósforo sérico, un sustancial incremento de la fosfatasa alcalina,valores normales de proteínas y albúminas y niveles séricos de paratohormona aumentados. Estudios en orina de 24 horas mostraron hipocalciuria e hipofosfaturia. A un subgrupo de 8 pacientes se les determino niveles séricos de la 25 (OHD, y ltipo de raquitismo pertenecían nuestros pacientes. Se observó un marcado incremento de lcr, 25(OH,A3, por lo que esta patología corresponde al raquitismo dependiente de la vitamina D, tipo II. Se trata de un tipo de raquitismo genético transmitido en forma autocómica recesiva, cuyas manifestaciones clínicas y de laboratorio se presentan por un defecto en la acción del receptor para la vitamina D. A 115 pacientes se les inició tratamiento con 1a,25(OH,A3 hig 0,50/día, calcio 1.840 mg/día y fósforo 1.424 mg/día, administrados en dos dosis diarias. En un grupo de 21 pacientes, se analizaron los datos de laboratorio en suero, pre y posttratamiento un ano después y todos los valores tendieron a normalizarse. Estudios moleculares, del mRNA y cDNA del gen del receptor de la vitamina D, obtenidos de cultivo de fibroblastos de dos de los pacientes más severamente afectados, mostraron una secuencia normal de nucleótidos. Se hace una comparación entre los

  11. ¿Cómo se organizan los grupos criminales según su actividad delictiva principal? Descripción desde una muestra española

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    Carmen Jordá Sanz


    Full Text Available El artículo expone, en un análisis descriptivo, los resultados obtenidos sobre la actividad ilegal de 67 grupos del crimen organizado, según las características de la organización delictiva. Los grupos analizados corresponden a operaciones policiales desarrolladas por la Unidad Central Operativa (UCO de la Guardia Civil, realizadas entre 1990 y el 2010. En estas agrupaciones criminales se han identificado 17 actividades delictivas diferentes, aunque los datos solo permiten establecer conclusiones de aquellas que presentan una mayor prevalencia, esto es: robos con fuerza (N = 24, tráfico de hachís (N = 9 y tráfico de cocaína (N = 8. Los datos obtenidos muestran que la actividad ilegal principal por la cual los grupos organizados estudiados obtienen la mayor proporción de sus beneficios discrimina variables relacionadas con la organización delictiva y la dinámica interna, como estructura, criterios en la división de tareas, tipos de medios complejos empleados y países que traspasan, de cara al desarrollo de sus actividades.

  12. File list: Oth.Gon.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Gon.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Gonad SRX153152,SRX...153153,SRX153151 ...

  13. File list: Oth.Prs.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Prs.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Prostate SRX084527...,SRX084528,SRX084524 ...

  14. File list: Oth.Neu.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Neu.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Neural SRX367452,S...RX367451 ...

  15. File list: Oth.YSt.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.YSt.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell sacCer3 TFs and others Epitope tags Yeast strain SR...3939 ...

  16. File list: Oth.PSC.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.PSC.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Pluripotent stem c...ell SRX555489 ...

  17. File list: Oth.Prs.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Prs.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Prostate SRX084527...,SRX084528,SRX084524 ...

  18. File list: Oth.Gon.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Gon.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Gonad SRX204898,SR...X204899 ...

  19. Overlapping CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell epitopes identification for the progression of epitope-based peptide vaccine from nucleocapsid and glycoprotein of emerging Rift Valley fever virus using immunoinformatics approach. (United States)

    Adhikari, Utpal Kumar; Rahman, M Mizanur


    Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is an emergent arthropod-borne zoonotic infectious viral pathogen which causes fatal diseases in the humans and ruminants. Currently, no effective and licensed vaccine is available for the prevention of RVFV infection in endemic as well as in non-endemic regions. So, an immunoinformatics-driven genome-wide screening approach was performed for the identification of overlapping CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell epitopes and also linear B-cell epitopes from the conserved sequences of the nucleocapsid (N) and glycoprotein (G) of RVFV. We identified overlapping 99.39% conserved 1 CD8+ T-cell epitope (MMHPSFAGM) from N protein and 100% conserved 7 epitopes (AVFALAPVV, LAVFALAPV, FALAPVVFA, VFALAPVVF, IAMTVLPAL, FFDWFSGLM, and FLLIYLGRT) from G protein and also identified IL-4 and IFN-γ induced (99.39% conserved) 1 N protein CD4+ T-cell epitope (HMMHPSFAGMVDPSL) and 100% conserved 5 G protein CD4+ T-cell epitopes (LPALAVFALAPVVFA, PALAVFALAPVVFAE, GIAMTVLPALAVFAL, GSWNFFDWFSGLMSW, and FFLLIYLGRTGLSKM). The overlapping CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell epitopes were bound with most conserved HLA-C*12:03 and HLA-DRB1*01:01, respectively with the high binding affinity (kcal/mol). The combined population coverage analysis revealed that the allele frequencies of these epitopes are high in endemic and non-endemic regions. Besides, we found 100% conserved and non-allergenic 2 decamer B-cell epitopes, GVCEVGVQAL and RVFNCIDWVH of G protein had the sequence similarity with the nonamer CD8+ T-cell epitopes, VCEVGVQAL and RVFNCIDWV, respectively. Consequently, these epitopes may be used for the development of epitope-based peptide vaccine against emerging RVFV. However, in vivo and in vitro experiments are required for their efficient use as a vaccine. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Synthetic B-Cell Epitopes Eliciting Cross-Neutralizing Antibodies: Strategies for Future Dengue Vaccine.

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    Babu Ramanathan

    Full Text Available Dengue virus (DENV is a major public health threat worldwide. A key element in protection from dengue fever is the neutralising antibody response. Anti-dengue IgG purified from DENV-2 infected human sera showed reactivity against several peptides when evaluated by ELISA and epitope extraction techniques. A multi-step computational approach predicted six antigenic regions within the E protein of DENV-2 that concur with the 6 epitopes identified by the combined ELISA and epitope extraction approach. The selected peptides representing B-cell epitopes were attached to a known dengue T-helper epitope and evaluated for their vaccine potency. Immunization of mice revealed two novel synthetic vaccine constructs that elicited good humoral immune responses and produced cross-reactive neutralising antibodies against DENV-1, 2 and 3. The findings indicate new directions for epitope mapping and contribute towards the future development of multi-epitope based synthetic peptide vaccine.

  1. File list: Oth.Emb.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Emb.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Embryo SRX663359,SR...SRX967653,SRX139878 ...

  2. Prediction of linear B-cell epitopes of hepatitis C virus for vaccine development (United States)


    Background High genetic heterogeneity in the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the major challenge of the development of an effective vaccine. Existing studies for developing HCV vaccines have mainly focused on T-cell immune response. However, identification of linear B-cell epitopes that can stimulate B-cell response is one of the major tasks of peptide-based vaccine development. Owing to the variability in B-cell epitope length, the prediction of B-cell epitopes is much more complex than that of T-cell epitopes. Furthermore, the motifs of linear B-cell epitopes in different pathogens are quite different (e. g. HCV and hepatitis B virus). To cope with this challenge, this work aims to propose an HCV-customized sequence-based prediction method to identify B-cell epitopes of HCV. Results This work establishes an experimentally verified dataset comprising the B-cell response of HCV dataset consisting of 774 linear B-cell epitopes and 774 non B-cell epitopes from the Immune Epitope Database. An interpretable rule mining system of B-cell epitopes (IRMS-BE) is proposed to select informative physicochemical properties (PCPs) and then extracts several if-then rule-based knowledge for identifying B-cell epitopes. A web server Bcell-HCV was implemented using an SVM with the 34 informative PCPs, which achieved a training accuracy of 79.7% and test accuracy of 70.7% better than the SVM-based methods for identifying B-cell epitopes of HCV and the two general-purpose methods. This work performs advanced analysis of the 34 informative properties, and the results indicate that the most effective property is the alpha-helix structure of epitopes, which influences the connection between host cells and the E2 proteins of HCV. Furthermore, 12 interpretable rules are acquired from top-five PCPs and achieve a sensitivity of 75.6% and specificity of 71.3%. Finally, a conserved promising vaccine candidate, PDREMVLYQE, is identified for inclusion in a vaccine against HCV. Conclusions This work

  3. Seleção preliminar de genótipos de pinheira em Bom Jesus-PI Preliminary selection of sugar apple genotypes in Bom Jesus county, Piauí state, Brazil

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    Ítalo Herbert Lucena Cavalcante


    Full Text Available A pinheira (Annona squamosa L. ocorre espontaneamente no Nordeste Brasileiro, onde é explorada de forma extrativista, caracterizando-se pela falta de manejo adequado e material genético selecionado. Nesse sentido, foi realizado um experimento com objetivo de avaliar a produtividade, as características físicas e químicas de frutos de dez genótipos de pinheira no município de Bom Jesus, PI. Adotou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com tratamentos representados por dez genótipos de pinheira e três repetições. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: vitamina C, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, relação SS/AT "ratio", diâmetros longitudinal e transversal, relação DL/DT, número se sementes por fruto, massa dos frutos e produção por planta. Os genótipos apresentam diferenças quanto às características químicas, físicas e produtivas dos frutos. Os genótipos foram agrupados em sete grupos, com destaque para o grupo III (Gen-02 e grupo IV (Gen-05, fato que explicitou as diferenças entre os genótipos de pinheira quanto às características produtivas e químicas e físicas dos frutos. Genótipos Gen-01 e Gen-02 apresentam potencial para instalação em plantios comerciais, pela produtividade, formato do fruto ou por caracterizarem fontes naturais de vitamina C.The sugar apple (Annona squamosa L. is native to tropical America, occurring spontaneously in Northeastern Brazil, where it is exploited mainly as subsistence without adequate management and without genetic material selection. An experiment was developed aiming to evaluate yield, physical and chemical characteristics of the fruits of ten sugar apple genotypes in Bom Jesus, Piauí State, Brazil. A completely randomized design with treatments represented by ten genotypes and three replications was adopted. The following variables were evaluated: vitamin C, titratable acidity, soluble solids, SS/TA ratio, longitudinal diameter and transverse, LD/TD, number of

  4. Implicações de um grupo de Psicoeducação no cotidiano de portadores de Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar

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    Sarita Lopes Menezes


    Full Text Available Há evidências crescentes de que o curso Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB pode ser modificado por abordagens psicoterápicas, tais como a Psicoeducação. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as implicações do grupo de Psicoeducação no cotidiano dos portadores. Para tanto, optou-se pelo estudo qualitativo, do tipo Estudo de Caso. Foram incluídos doze portadores de TAB que tiveram pelo menos seis participações no Grupo de Psicoeducação desenvolvido na Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas, transcritas e trabalhadas por meio da Análise Temática. Este estudo demonstrou que tal experiência grupal favoreceu a aquisição de conhecimento; a conscientização da doença e adesão ao tratamento; a realização de mudanças positivas na vida; a possibilidade de ajudar outros portadores a se beneficiarem do aprendizado construído no grupo; a descoberta de outras realidades e estratégias de enfrentamento, obtidas por meio da troca de experiências entre os participantes.

  5. Ejercicio de resistencia muscular en adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Exercício de resistência muscular em adultos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Endurance training in adults with diabetes mellitus type 2

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    Karina Asunción Muñoz Canché


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Probar la efectividad del ejercicio de resistencia muscular en las cifras de hemoglobina glucosilada (HbA1c, en la fuerza muscular y en la fortaleza muscular percibida; explorar la influencia de la dieta, otros ejercicios, hipoglucemiantes y manifestaciones asociadas a episodios de hipoglucemia o hiperglucemia sobre el control glucémico de adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 provenientes de los consultorios de endocrinología de dos hospitales públicos de la Ciudad de Monterrey, México. Procedimientos básicos. Se usó un diseño de 12 semanas de grupo control no equivalente con dos grupos, experimental (n1 = 14 y control (n2 = 11. Los participantes contaron con la recomendación de su médico para participar. Las sesiones de ejercicio fueron de una hora, dos veces por semana. Resultados. El grupo experimental mostró decremento significativo en el porcentaje de HbA1c, e incremento en la fuerza muscular y fortaleza muscular percibida (p Objetivos: Provar a efetividade do exercício de resistência muscular nas taxas de hemoglobina A glicosilada (HbA1c, na força muscular e no fortalecimento muscular percebido, explorar a influência da dieta, outros exercícios, hipoglicemiantes e manifestações associadas a episódios de hipoglicemia ou hiperglicemia sobre o controle glicêmico de adultos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2, provenientes dos consultórios de endocrinologia de dois hospitales públicos da Cidade de Monterrey, México. Procedimentos básicos: Foi utilizado um desenho de 12 semanas de grupo controle não equivalente com dois grupos, experimental (n1=14 e controle (n2=11. Os participantes tiveram recomendação de seu médico para participar. As sessões de exercício foram de uma hora, duas vezes por semana. Resultados: O grupo experimental apresentou decréscimo significativo nas taxas de HbA1c, incremento na força muscular e fortalecimento muscular percebido (pObjectives. Test the effects of an endurance training

  6. File list: Oth.Oth.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Oth.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Others SRX228677,SR...X228676,SRX228679,SRX228678 ...

  7. File list: Oth.ALL.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.ALL.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags All cell types SRX1...995,SRX275809,SRX275811 ...

  8. File list: Oth.Kid.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Kid.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Kidney SRX065541,S...RX644719,SRX170375,SRX644723 ...

  9. File list: Oth.Kid.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.Kid.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Kidney SRX065541,S...RX170376,SRX065542,SRX065543 ...

  10. File list: Oth.ALL.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

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    Full Text Available Oth.ALL.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags All cell types SRX1...460,ERX320411,SRX695808 ...

  11. Confirmation of a new conserved linear epitope of Lyssavirus nucleoprotein. (United States)

    Xinjun, Lv; Xuejun, Ma; Lihua, Wang; Hao, Li; Xinxin, Shen; Pengcheng, Yu; Qing, Tang; Guodong, Liang


    Bioinformatics analysis was used to predict potential epitopes of Lyssavirus nucleoprotein and highlighted some distinct differences in the quantity and localization of the epitopes disclosed by epitope analysis of monoclonal antibodies against Lyssavirus nucleoprotein. Bioinformatics analysis showed that the domain containing residues 152-164 of Lyssavirus nucleoprotein was a conserved linear epitope that had not been reported previously. Immunization of two rabbits with the corresponding synthetic peptide conjugated to the Keyhole Limpe hemocyanin (KLH) macromolecule resulted in a titer of anti-peptide antibody above 1:200,000 in rabbit sera as detected by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Western blot analysis demonstrated that the anti-peptide antibody recognized denatured Lyssavirus nucleoprotein in sodium dodecylsulfonate-polyacrylate gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Affinity chromatography purification and FITC-labeling of the anti-peptide antibody in rabbit sera was performed. FITC-labeled anti-peptide antibody could recognize Lyssavirus nucleoprotein in BSR cells and canine brain tissues even at a 1:200 dilution. Residues 152-164 of Lyssavirus nucleoprotein were verified as a conserved linear epitope in Lyssavirus. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. File list: Oth.PSC.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.PSC.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Pluripotent stem ce...822,SRX266828,SRX352996,ERX320411,SRX204802 ...

  13. File list: Oth.PSC.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.PSC.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Pluripotent stem ce...821,ERX320410,SRX266822,SRX352996,ERX320411 ...

  14. File list: Oth.ALL.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.ALL.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags All cell types SRX...644715,SRX555489,SRX644719,SRX527876,SRX644723 ...

  15. Identification and characterization of survivin-derived H-2Kb-restricted CTL epitopes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hofmann, Uta B; Voigt, Heike; Andersen, Mads H


    for potential binding K(b)-restricted octamer peptide epitopes. Two epitopes, which bind strongly to K(b), were selected to test their immunogenicity in vivo. Spleen cells from mice vaccinated by intradermal injection of mature DC pulsed with these peptides displayed reactivity to the respective epitopes...

  16. Confirmation of antibodies against L-tryptophan-like epitope in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Confirmation of antibodies against L-tryptophan-like epitope in human African trypanosomosis serological diagnostic. ... number of patients in Congo. A diagnostic test based on this synthetic epitope, especially in combination with other tests, might improve the HAT diagnostic test in field conditions. Key words: Tryptophan ...

  17. Prediction of residues in discontinuous B-cell epitopes using protein 3D structures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, P.H.; Nielsen, Morten; Lund, Ole


    . We show that the new structure-based method has a better performance for predicting residues of discontinuous epitopes than methods based solely on sequence information, and that it can successfully predict epitope residues that have been identified by different techniques. DiscoTope detects 15...... experimental epitope mapping in both rational vaccine design and development of diagnostic tools, and may lead to more efficient epitope identification....

  18. Mast Cells Produce a Unique Chondroitin Sulfate Epitope. (United States)

    Farrugia, Brooke L; Whitelock, John M; O'Grady, Robert; Caterson, Bruce; Lord, Megan S


    The granules of mast cells contain a myriad of mediators that are stored and protected by the sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains that decorate proteoglycans. Whereas heparin is the GAG predominantly associated with mast cells, mast cell proteoglycans are also decorated with heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate (CS). This study investigated a unique CS structure produced by mast cells that was detected with the antibody clone 2B6 in the absence of chondroitinase ABC digestion. Mast cells in rodent tissue sections were characterized using toluidine blue, Leder stain and the presence of mast cell tryptase. The novel CS epitope was identified in rodent tissue sections and localized to cells that were morphologically similar to cells chemically identified as mast cells. The rodent mast cell-like line RBL-2H3 was also shown to express the novel CS epitope. This epitope co-localized with multiple CS proteoglycans in both rodent tissue and RBL-2H3 cultured cells. These findings suggest that the novel CS epitope that decorates mast cell proteoglycans may play a role in the way these chains are structured in mast cells. © 2016 The Histochemical Society.

  19. Bioinformatics Tools for the Prediction of T-Cell Epitopes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreatta, Massimo; Nielsen, Morten


    T-cell responses are activated by specific peptides, called epitopes, presented on the cell surface by MHC molecules. Binding of peptides to the MHC is the most selective step in T-cell antigen presentation and therefore an essential factor in the selection of potential epitopes. Several in-vitro...

  20. El proceso de Toma de Decisiones en pacientes con Demencia tipo Alzheimer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jose R. Alameda


    Full Text Available Tomar decisiones es algo común en nuestra vida y contribuye a la adaptación al medio en que vivimos, por ello es relevante conocer cómo es el proceso de toma de decisiones y las posibles disfunciones que puedan darse a causa de su deterioro. En el caso de los pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer, los problemas en la toma de decisiones parecen incluso ya en fases leves, lo que dificulta la correcta interacción con el entorno, especialmente en situaciones de incertidumbre. Este proceso ha sido analizado desde varios enfoques, siendo la hipótesis del marcador somático y la tarea de la Iowa Gambling Task (IGT uno de los más utilizados. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de analizar la toma de decisiones en pacientes con DTA frente a un grupo de sujetos control, y analizar el tipo de elecciones de ambos grupos en situaciones de incertidumbre mediante la una versión modificada de la IGT, observar si son tendentes al riesgo o no, y la relación que guarda su ejecución con el status cognitivo en cada una de las áreas evaluadas por los tests. Además de la IGT, utilizaremos como test de cribado en demencias el Miniexamen Cognoscitivo de Lobo, Test del Reloj a la Orden y Copia y Test de Fluidez Verbal de Isaacs. En nuestros resultados, los sujetos con DTA presentan una ejecución deficitaria en la IGT, tanto en el cómputo global como en su análisis por bloques, con una estrategia de elección de cartas aleatoria, por lo que podríamos considerar ciertas tendencias al riesgo, si bien su ejecución muestra cierta capacidad de aprendizaje a lo largo de los bloques. Por último, el deterioro cognitivo y el grado de afectación en las distintas áreas analizadas se relacionan con la forma en que toman decisiones los pacientes con DTA.

  1. File list: Oth.Utr.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Utr.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Uterus SRX248763,S...,SRX735140,SRX735139,SRX210703,SRX210702,SRX095386,SRX968127 ...

  2. File list: Oth.Utr.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Utr.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Uterus SRX188854,S...,SRX210703,SRX968127,SRX610673,SRX610674,SRX610672,SRX095386 ...

  3. Genótipos de feijoeiro comum sob deficiência hídrica Common bean genotypes under water stress

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    Cleber M. Guimarães


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar a adaptação de genótipos de fejoeiro comum à deficiência hídrica. Avaliaram-se 49 genótipos no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, em experimentos com e sem deficiência hídrica, na Estação Experimental da SEAGRO, em Porangatu, GO, em 2006 e 2007. Aplicou-se a análise multivariada através do método de Ward e se classificaram os genótipos em quatro grupos, considerando-se os valores médios das produtividades observadas em cada ambiente hídrico, nos dois anos de condução dos experimentos. Verificou-se que as produtividades médias dos grupos diferiram significativamente entre si tanto no ambiente com como naquele sem deficiência hídrica. Os genótipos BRA 130583 CIAT G 6490 e FT 84 - 292 foram classificados como mais produtivos tanto na ausência como na presença de deficiência hídrica enquanto os genótipos BRA 283983 CIAT G 6492, BRA 129721 CIAT G 6896 e G 983 foram classificados como produtivos na ausência de deficiência hídrica porém foram mais sensíveis a esse estresse. Verificou-se, dentre os componentes primários da produção do feijoeiro comum, que o número de vagens por planta foi o componente agronômico mais sensível à deficiência hídrica.The objective of the work was to study the adaptation of common bean genotypes to water deficit. Forty-nine genotypes were evaluated in a randomized block design, with three replications, in experiments with and without water deficit, conducted at the Experimental Station of SEAGRO, in Porangatu-GO during 2006 and 2007. Multivariable analysis was applied using de Ward's method and the genotypes were divided in four groups based on the average grain yield of each water treatment, during the two years of the experimentation. The genotypes BRA 130583 CIAT G 6490 and FT 84 - 292 were classified as the most productive in the absence or under water deficit, while the genotypes BRA 283983 CIAT G 6492, BRA 129721

  4. Conformational Occlusion of Blockade Antibody Epitopes, a Novel Mechanism of GII.4 Human Norovirus Immune Evasion. (United States)

    Lindesmith, Lisa C; Mallory, Michael L; Debbink, Kari; Donaldson, Eric F; Brewer-Jensen, Paul D; Swann, Excel W; Sheahan, Timothy P; Graham, Rachel L; Beltramello, Martina; Corti, Davide; Lanzavecchia, Antonio; Baric, Ralph S


    Extensive antigenic diversity within the GII.4 genotype of human norovirus is a major driver of pandemic emergence and a significant obstacle to development of cross-protective immunity after natural infection and vaccination. However, human and mouse monoclonal antibody studies indicate that, although rare, antibodies to conserved GII.4 blockade epitopes are generated. The mechanisms by which these epitopes evade immune surveillance are uncertain. Here, we developed a new approach for identifying conserved GII.4 norovirus epitopes. Utilizing a unique set of virus-like particles (VLPs) representing the in vivo -evolved sequence diversity within an immunocompromised person, we identify key residues within epitope F, a conserved GII.4 blockade antibody epitope. The residues critical for antibody binding are proximal to evolving blockade epitope E. Like epitope F, antibody blockade of epitope E was temperature sensitive, indicating that particle conformation regulates antibody access not only to the conserved GII.4 blockade epitope F but also to the evolving epitope E. These data highlight novel GII.4 mechanisms to protect blockade antibody epitopes, map essential residues of a GII.4 conserved epitope, and expand our understanding of how viral particle dynamics may drive antigenicity and antibody-mediated protection by effectively shielding blockade epitopes. Our data support the notion that GII.4 particle breathing may well represent a major mechanism of humoral immune evasion supporting cyclic pandemic virus persistence and spread in human populations. IMPORTANCE In this study, we use norovirus virus-like particles to identify key residues of a conserved GII.4 blockade antibody epitope. Further, we identify an additional GII.4 blockade antibody epitope to be occluded, with antibody access governed by temperature and particle dynamics. These findings provide additional support for particle conformation-based presentation of binding residues mediated by a particle

  5. Grado de control metabólico y de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 con y sin enfermedad cardiovascular

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    Gerardo Garzón


    Conclusiones: En torno a la mitad de los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 tienen medido cada factor de riesgo cardiovascular. El porcentaje de pacientes con factores controlados es similar a lo publicado y es mayor en los pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular, pero mejorable. Esto sugiere priorizar las intervenciones en este grupo de pacientes de muy alto riesgo, mejorando la implementación de guías y la adherencia de los pacientes.

  6. A novel multi-variant epitope ensemble vaccine against avian leukosis virus subgroup J. (United States)

    Wang, Xiaoyu; Zhou, Defang; Wang, Guihua; Huang, Libo; Zheng, Qiankun; Li, Chengui; Cheng, Ziqiang


    The hypervariable antigenicity and immunosuppressive features of avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) has led to great challenges to develop effective vaccines. Epitope vaccine will be a perspective trend. Previously, we identified a variant antigenic neutralizing epitope in hypervariable region 1 (hr1) of ALV-J, N-LRDFIA/E/TKWKS/GDDL/HLIRPYVNQS-C. BLAST analysis showed that the mutation of A, E, T and H in this epitope cover 79% of all ALV-J strains. Base on this data, we designed a multi-variant epitope ensemble vaccine comprising the four mutation variants linked with glycine and serine. The recombinant multi-variant epitope gene was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21. The expressed protein of the variant multi-variant epitope gene can react with positive sera and monoclonal antibodies of ALV-J, while cannot react with ALV-J negative sera. The multi-variant epitope vaccine that conjugated Freund's adjuvant complete/incomplete showed high immunogenicity that reached the titer of 1:64,000 at 42 days post immunization and maintained the immune period for at least 126 days in SPF chickens. Further, we demonstrated that the antibody induced by the variant multi-variant ensemble epitope vaccine recognized and neutralized different ALV-J strains (NX0101, TA1, WS1, BZ1224 and BZ4). Protection experiment that was evaluated by clinical symptom, viral shedding, weight gain, gross and histopathology showed 100% chickens that inoculated the multi-epitope vaccine were well protected against ALV-J challenge. The result shows a promising multi-variant epitope ensemble vaccine against hypervariable viruses in animals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. File list: Oth.Epd.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Epd.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Epidermis SRX51236...8,SRX512367,SRX718420,SRX512372,SRX512366,SRX512373,SRX807621,SRX807620 ...

  8. File list: Oth.Epd.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Epd.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Epidermis SRX71842...0,SRX512368,SRX512366,SRX807621,SRX512367,SRX512372,SRX512373,SRX807620 ...

  9. Enterovirus 71 viral capsid protein linear epitopes: Identification and characterization

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    Gao Fan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background To characterize the human humoral immune response against enterovirus 71 (EV71 infection and map human epitopes on the viral capsid proteins. Methods A series of 256 peptides spanning the capsid proteins (VP1, VP2, VP3 of BJ08 strain (genomic C4 were synthesized. An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA was carried out to detect anti-EV71 IgM and IgG in sera of infected children in acute or recovery phase. The partially overlapped peptides contained 12 amino acids and were coated in the plate as antigen (0.1 μg/μl. Sera from rabbits immunized with inactivated BJ08 virus were also used to screen the peptide panel. Results A total of 10 human anti-EV71 IgM epitopes (vp1-14 in VP1; vp2-6, 21, 40 and 50 in VP2 and vp3-10, 12, 15, 24 and 75 in VP3 were identified in acute phase sera. In contrast, only one anti-EV71 IgG epitope in VP1 (vp1-15 was identified in sera of recovery stage. Four rabbit anti-EV71 IgG epitopes (vp1-14, 31, 54 and 71 were identified and mapped to VP1. Conclusion These data suggested that human IgM epitopes were mainly mapped to VP2 and VP3 with multi-epitope responses occurred at acute infection, while the only IgG epitope located on protein VP1 was activated in recovery phase sera. The dynamic changes of humoral immune response at different stages of infection may have public health significance in evaluation of EV71 vaccine immunogenicity and the clinical application of diagnostic reagents.

  10. Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus types I and II (HTLV-I/II in French Guiana: clinical and molecular epidemiology Os Vírus T-Linfotrópicos Humanos tipo I (HTLV-I e tipo II (HTLV-II na Guiana Francesa: epidemiologia clínica e molecular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirdad Kazanji


    Full Text Available We review here the epidemiological studies performed by our group on human retrovirus HTLV-I and HTLV-II infections and the associated diseases in French Guiana since 1984. French Guiana is an overseas French administrative district located between Brazil and Surinam. Its population is characterized by a large variety of ethnic groups, including several populations of African origin and various populations of Amerindian origin. Several epidemiological studies of large samples of pregnant women and in remote villages showed that HTLV-I is highly endemic in this area but is restricted to groups of African origin, especially the Noir-Marrons. In this endemic population, the results of segregation analysis in a genetic epidemiological study were consistent with the presence of a dominant major gene predisposing to HTLV-I infection, especially in children. In contrast, HTLV-II infection appears to be rare in French Guiana, having been found in only a few individuals of Brazilian origin. From a molecular point of view, the HTLV-I strains present in the Noir-Marrons, Creoles and Amerindians appear to originate from Africa, as they belong to the large cosmopolitan molecular subtype A.Os autores apresentam uma revisão dos estudos epidemiológicos realizados pelo seu grupo de pesquisa sobre a infecção pelos vírus T-linfotrópicos humanos tipo I (HTLV-I e tipo II (HTLV-II e doenças associadas na Guiana Francesa, desde 1984. A Guiana Francesa é um Departamento de Ultramar da França, situado entre o Brasil e o Suriname. A população é caracterizada por uma grande variedade de grupos étnicos, incluindo diversas comunidades de origem africana e outras de origem indígena. Diversos inquéritos epidemiológicos sobre gestantes e em aldeias remotas mostraram que o HTLV-I é altamente endêmico nessas áreas, mas que o vírus é restrito a grupos de origem africana, particularmente os Noir-Marrons. Nessa população endêmica, os resultados de uma an

  11. File list: Oth.NoD.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.NoD.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags No description htt...p:// ...

  12. File list: Oth.NoD.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.NoD.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags No description htt...p:// ...

  13. File list: Oth.NoD.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.NoD.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags No description htt...p:// ...

  14. File list: Oth.NoD.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.NoD.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags No description htt...p:// ...

  15. Anaplasma marginale major surface protein 2 CD4+-T-cell epitopes are evenly distributed in conserved and hypervariable regions (HVR), whereas linear B-cell epitopes are predominantly located in the HVR. (United States)

    Abbott, Jeffrey R; Palmer, Guy H; Howard, Chris J; Hope, Jayne C; Brown, Wendy C


    Organisms in the genus Anaplasma express an immunodominant major surface protein 2 (MSP2), composed of a central hypervariable region (HVR) flanked by highly conserved regions. Throughout Anaplasma marginale infection, recombination results in the sequential appearance of novel MSP2 variants and subsequent control of rickettsemia by the immune response, leading to persistent infection. To determine whether immune evasion and selection for variant organisms is associated with a predominant response against HVR epitopes, T-cell and linear B-cell epitopes were localized by measuring peripheral blood gamma interferon-secreting cells, proliferation, and antibody binding to 27 overlapping peptides spanning MSP2 in 16 cattle. Similar numbers of MSP2-specific CD4(+) T-cell epitopes eliciting responses of similar magnitude were found in conserved and hypervariable regions. T-cell epitope clusters recognized by the majority of animals were identified in the HVR (amino acids [aa] 171 to 229) and conserved regions (aa 101 to 170 and 272 to 361). In contrast, linear B-cell epitopes were concentrated in the HVR, residing within hydrophilic sequences. The pattern of recognition of epitope clusters by T cells and of HVR epitopes by B cells is consistent with the influence of protein structure on epitope recognition.

  16. File list: Oth.Liv.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Liv.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Liver SRX1165095,S...RX1165103,SRX1165100,SRX1165096,SRX1165104,SRX1165101,SRX1165090,SRX1165102,SRX1165091 ...

  17. File list: Oth.Liv.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Liv.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Liver SRX1165103,S...RX1165095,SRX1165100,SRX1165101,SRX1165104,SRX1165102,SRX1165090,SRX1165091,SRX1165096 ...

  18. File list: Oth.Liv.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Liv.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Liver SRX1165095,S...RX1165103,SRX1165096,SRX1165104,SRX1165100,SRX1165101,SRX1165102,SRX1165090,SRX1165091 ...

  19. File list: Oth.Liv.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Liv.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell hg19 TFs and others Epitope tags Liver SRX1165103,S...RX1165095,SRX1165100,SRX1165101,SRX1165090,SRX1165104,SRX1165102,SRX1165096,SRX1165091 ...

  20. File list: Oth.NoD.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.NoD.10.Epitope_tags.AllCell sacCer3 TFs and others Epitope tags No description ... ...

  1. File list: Oth.CeL.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.CeL.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell dm3 TFs and others Epitope tags Cell line SRX099638...099636 ...

  2. File list: Oth.NoD.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.NoD.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell sacCer3 TFs and others Epitope tags No description ... ...

  3. File list: Oth.CeL.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.CeL.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell dm3 TFs and others Epitope tags Cell line SRX099638...099636 ...

  4. In silico-accelerated identification of conserved and immunogenic variola/vaccinia T-cell epitopes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moise, Leonard; McMurry, Julie A; Buus, Søren


    Epitopes shared by the vaccinia and variola viruses underlie the protective effect of vaccinia immunization against variola infection. We set out to identify a subset of cross-reactive epitopes using bioinformatics and immunological methods. Putative T-cell epitopes were computationally predicted...

  5. File list: Oth.Neu.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Neu.20.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Neural SRX275807,SR...SRX691799,SRX691794,SRX759286,SRX691798,SRX691797,SRX275809,SRX275811,SRX691795,SRX022866 ...

  6. Plasticity and Epitope Exposure of the HIV-1 Envelope Trimer. (United States)

    Powell, Rebecca L R; Totrov, Maxim; Itri, Vincenza; Liu, Xiaomei; Fox, Alisa; Zolla-Pazner, Susan


    We recently showed that mutations in the HIV-1 envelope (Env) destabilize the V3 loop, rendering neutralization-resistant viruses sensitive to V3-directed monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Here, we investigated the propagation of this effect on other Env epitopes, with special emphasis on V2 loop exposure. Wild-type JR-FL and 19 mutant JR-FL pseudoviruses were tested for neutralization sensitivity to 21 MAbs specific for epitopes in V2, the CD4 binding site (CD4bs), and the CD4-induced (CD4i) region. Certain glycan mutants, mutations in the gp120 hydrophobic core, and mutations in residues involved in intraprotomer interactions exposed epitopes in the V2i region (which overlies the α4β7 integrin binding site) and the V3 crown, suggesting general destabilization of the distal region of the trimer apex. In contrast, other glycan mutants, mutations affecting interprotomer interactions, and mutations affecting the CD4bs exposed V3 but not V2i epitopes. These data indicate for the first time that V3 can move independently of V2, with V3 pivoting out from its "tucked" position in the trimer while apparently leaving the V2 apex intact. Notably, none of the mutations exposed V2 epitopes without also exposing V3, suggesting that movement of V2 releases V3. Most mutations increased sensitivity to CD4bs-directed MAbs without exposure of the CD4i epitope, implying these mutations facilitate the trimers' maintenance of an intermediate energy state between open and closed conformations. Taken together, these data indicate that several transient Env epitopes can be rendered more accessible to antibodies (Abs) via specific mutations, and this may facilitate the design of V1V2-targeting immunogens. IMPORTANCE Many epitopes of the HIV envelope (Env) spike are relatively inaccessible to antibodies (Abs) compared to their exposure in the open Env conformation induced by receptor binding. However, the reduced infection rate that resulted from the vaccine used in the RV144 HIV-1 vaccine

  7. Níveis de atividade física, benefícios, barreiras e auto-eficácia em um grupo de empregados oficiais




    Objetivo: determinar la relación entre el nivel de actividad física y la percepción de los beneficios, las barreras y la autoeficacia en un grupo de empleados de 18 a 65 años con factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Método: estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo, correlacional. Para evaluar la actividad física se utilizó el Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física (IPAQ) versión larga y para la evaluación de la escala de barreras, beneficios y autoeficacia se empleó el cuestionari...



    Luis Alvaro Cadena Monroy


    Darwin pensaba que la cooperación entre los seres humanos podía ir en contra de su idea de selección natural. Para enfrentar este problema, introdujo la selección de grupos: se seleccionan grupos de seres humanos cooperadores por sobre los grupos de no cooperadores, No obstante, con el advenimiento del neodarwinismo, la selección de grupos cayó en el desprestigio. Poco a poco, y recientemente, fueron apareciendo varias propuestas para la selección de grupos. Aquí se miran algunas de estas pro...

  9. A xylogalacturonan epitope is specifically associated with plant cell detachment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Willats, William George Tycho; McCartney, L.; Steele-King, C.G.


    A monoclonal antibody (LM8) was generated with specificity for xyloglacturonan (XGA) isolated from pea (Pisum sativum L.) testae. Characterization of the LM8 epitope indicates that it is a region of XGA that is highly substituted with xylose. Immunocytochemical analysis indicates that this epitop...

  10. Multiple epitopes in a dodecapeptide of myelin basic protein determined bymonoclonal antibodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Price, J.O.; Whitaker, J.N.; Vasu, R.I.; Metzger, D.W.


    Three custom synthesized myelin basic protein (MBP) peptides, bovine peptide 79-88, human peptide 80-89, and human peptide 82-91, were used to produce four murine monoclonal antibodies (MAb) that were selected on the basis of reaction in a solid phase radioimmunoassay (SRIA) with human MBP. The MAb were compared with respect to antigen specificity against intact MBP and 10 overlapping MBP peptides. One MAb recognized an epitope near the amino-terminus of bovine MBP peptide 79-88. A second MAb was directed towards an epitope that is more reactive in human MBP peptide 45-89 than in intact MBP, but is not recognized in any of the small MBP peptides examined. The third MAb detected an epitope near the middle of human MBP peptide 80-89, whereas the fourth MAb reacted with the carboxyl-terminal portion of human MBP peptide 82-91. Epitopes recognized in SRIA were sometimes not detected by the same MAb in a fluid phase double antibody radioimmunoassay. These results demonstrate the multiplicity of potential epitopes in a dodecapeptide of MBP and do not support the concept of a single, dominant epitope in the region of MBP peptide 80-89

  11. File list: Oth.EmF.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.EmF.05.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Embryonic fibroblas...RX542102,SRX204644,SRX204643,SRX255462,SRX255460 ...

  12. File list: Oth.EmF.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.EmF.50.Epitope_tags.AllCell mm9 TFs and others Epitope tags Embryonic fibroblas...RX255460,SRX204644,SRX542102,SRX204643,SRX204642 ...

  13. Epitope Identification and Application for Diagnosis of Duck Tembusu Virus Infections in Ducks

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    Chenxi Li


    Full Text Available Duck Tembusu virus (DTMUV causes substantial egg drop disease. DTMUV was first identified in China and rapidly spread to Malaysia and Thailand. The antigenicity of the DTMUV E protein has not yet been characterized. Here, we investigated antigenic sites on the E protein using the non-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs 1F3 and 1A5. Two minimal epitopes were mapped to 221LD/NLPW225 and 87YAEYI91 by using phage display and mutagenesis. DTMUV-positive duck sera reacted with the epitopes, thus indicating the importance of the minimal amino acids of the epitopes for antibody-epitope binding. The performance of the dot blotting assay with the corresponding positive sera indicated that YAEYI was DTMUV type-specific, whereas 221LD/NLPW225 was a cross-reactive epitope for West Nile virus (WNV, dengue virus (DENV, and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV and corresponded to conserved and variable amino acid sequences among these strains. The structure model of the E protein revealed that YAEYI and LD/NLPW were located on domain (D II, which confirmed that DII might contain a type-specific non-neutralizing epitope. The YAEYI epitope-based antigen demonstrated its diagnostic potential by reacting with high specificity to serum samples obtained from DTMUV-infected ducks. Based on these observations, a YAEYI-based serological test could be used for DTMUV surveillance and could differentiate DTMUV infections from JEV or WNV infections. These findings provide new insights into the organization of epitopes on flavivirus E proteins that might be valuable for the development of epitope-based serological diagnostic tests for DTMUV.

  14. Posibilidades educativas de las redes sociales y el trabajo en grupo. Percepciones de los alumnos universitarios

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    Julio Cabero Almenara


    Full Text Available El cambio en las metodologías de aula viene de la mano, en muchos casos, de Internet y de las herramientas de la Web 2.0. Por otra parte, el desarrollo de una perspectiva de corte constructivista apoyado en el trabajo en grupo, suponen que la formación de los estudiantes puede ser alimentada a través de este tipo de recursos, dado que potencia, entre otros aspectos la socialización, la búsqueda de información, el logro de una meta común, etc. La investigación que aquí se presenta versa sobre la realidad de los procesos de aprendizaje universitario con TIC y las preferencias para trabajar dentro y fuera del aula de los estudiantes de las universidades de Córdoba, Huelva, Sevilla y País Vasco. Los objetivos se centran en conocer las percepciones que los alumnos tienen sobre el software social y el trabajo en grupo y colaborativo, cuáles son las herramientas de software social que emplean y si hay diferencias en función de la universidad de procedencia. Se empleó como instrumento de recogida de datos un cuestionario conformado por cuatro dimensiones. Se concluye que el alumnado está interesado en el empleo del trabajo en grupo como metodología de aula, así como su escaso conocimiento de las herramientas tecnológicas, salvo de las redes sociales. Al mismo tiempo, estos resultados aportan un instrumento fiable para el diagnóstico de las variables que lo conforman.

  15. Desarrollo de un grupo de tensoactivos aniónicos especiales a escala de laboratorio para ser utilizados en procesos de polimerización en la empresa Amtex S.A.


    González, Juan Manuel; Vallejo, Sara


    La iniciativa de AMTEX S.A. en desarrollar agentes de superficie es promovida por el alto costo de importación y el crecimiento de la demanda de este tipo de productos. Por esta razón, en este proyecto se desarrollan un grupo de tensoactivos aniónicos a partir del nonil fenol etoxilado de 6 y 10 moles y de octil fenol de 25 y 30 moles.

  16. Impacto de la vacunación contra Haemophilus influenzae tipo b en Cuba

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    Dickinson Félix O.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar el impacto de la vacunación de menores de 2 años en Cuba contra Haemophilus influenzae tipo b (Hib, principal agente causal de la meningitis bacteriana en ese país. Métodos. La disponibilidad de vacunas conjugadas eficaces contra Hib motivó la vacunación nacional en 1999 de niños menores de 2 años, que alcanzó una cobertura de 97%. El impacto se evaluó mediante el Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia de Meningoencefalitis Bacterianas (SNVMEB. Resultados. La eficacia global de la vacunación se estimó en 99% y la incidencia general de la meningoencefalitis por Hib disminuyó de 1,3 a 0,6 por 100 000 habitantes (46,1%, observándose la mayor reducción en niños menores de 5 años (56,1%. En los menores de 1 año se redujo 70,5% y en el resto de los grupos de menores de 5 años disminuyó entre 25,9 y 49,6%. En el grupo diana para la vacunación, la incidencia se redujo 61,1%; entre los niños de este grupo que contrajeron la meningoencefalitis por Hib, solamente 8 (24,2% estaban vacunados, 7 de ellos con una sola dosis, aplicada 1 mes antes de enfermar. Conclusiones. Se ha demostrado que la vacunación a gran escala de los niños menores de 2 años contra Hib en Cuba a través del SNVMEB ha logrado disminuir notablemente la incidencia de meningoencefalitis por Hib.

  17. Designing Probes for Immunodiagnostics: Structural Insights into an Epitope Targeting Burkholderia Infections. (United States)

    Capelli, Riccardo; Matterazzo, Elena; Amabili, Marco; Peri, Claudio; Gori, Alessandro; Gagni, Paola; Chiari, Marcella; Lertmemongkolchai, Ganjana; Cretich, Marina; Bolognesi, Martino; Colombo, Giorgio; Gourlay, Louise J


    Structure-based epitope prediction drives the design of diagnostic peptidic probes to reveal specific antibodies elicited in response to infections. We previously identified a highly immunoreactive epitope from the peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein (Pal) antigen from Burkholderia pseudomallei, which could also diagnose Burkholderia cepacia infections. Here, considering the high phylogenetic conservation within Burkholderia species, we ask whether cross-reactivity can be reciprocally displayed by the synthetic epitope from B. cenocepacia. We perform comparative analyses of the conformational preferences and diagnostic performances of the corresponding epitopes from the two Burkholderia species when presented in the context of the full-length proteins or as isolated peptides. The effects of conformation on the diagnostic potential and cross-reactivity of Pal peptide epitopes are rationalized on the basis of the 1.8 Å crystal structure of B. cenocepacia Pal and through computational analyses. Our results are discussed in the context of designing new diagnostic molecules for the early detection of infectious diseases.

  18. Identification and fine mapping of a linear B cell epitope of human vimentin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dam, Catharina Essendrup; Houen, Gunnar; Hansen, Paul R.


    Knowledge about antibody-antigen interactions is important for the understanding of the immune system mechanisms and for supporting development of drugs and biomarkers. A tool for identification of these antigenic epitopes of specific antibodies is epitope mapping. In this study, a modified enzyme......-linked immunosorbent assay was applied for epitope mapping of a mouse monoclonal vimentin antibody using overlapping resin-bound peptides covering the entire vimentin protein. The minimal epitope required for binding was identified as the LDSLPLVD sequence using N- and C-terminally truncated peptides. The peptide...... sequence LDSLPLVDTH was identified as the complete epitope, corresponding to amino acids 428-437 in the C-terminal end of the human vimentin protein. Alanine scanning and functionality scanning applying substituted peptides were used to identify amino acids essential for antibody reactivity. In particular...

  19. Avaliação estratégica de educação em grupo e individual no programa educativo em diabetes Evaluación estratégica de educación en grupo e individual en el programa educativo en diabetes Evaluation of group and individual strategies in a diabetes education program

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    Heloisa de Carvalho Torres


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a efetividade de estratégias, em grupo e individual, de programa educativo em diabetes. MÉTODOS: Cento e quatro pacientes com diabetes tipo 2, atendidos no ambulatório e com seguimento em programa educativo de hospital de Belo Horizonte (MG, foram aleatoriamente recrutados e alocados em dois grupos: educação em grupo (n=54 e individual (n=50. A educação em grupo consistia de três encontros mensais, nos quais eram desenvolvidas dinâmicas lúdicas e interativas. Simultaneamente, o outro grupo era acompanhado individualmente. O acompanhamento ocorreu por seis meses durante o ano de 2006, sendo avaliados por questionários específicos: conhecimentos em diabetes, atitudes psicológicas, mudança de comportamento, qualidade de vida. Foi realizada avaliação clínica no tempo inicial, depois de três e seis meses da intervenção. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos pacientes era de 60,6 anos. Os resultados da educação em grupo e individual foram semelhantes no teste de atitudes, mudança de comportamento e qualidade de vida. Observou-se redução nos níveis de HbA1c nos dois grupos, entretanto apenas no de educação em grupo a diferença apresentou significância estatística (p= 0,012. CONCLUSÕES: As duas estratégias do programa educativo em diabetes foram efetivas, porém a educação em grupo apresentou melhores resultados de controle glicêmico do que a individual.OBJETIVO: Comparar la efectividad de estrategias, en grupo e individual, de programa educativo en diabetes. MÉTODOS: Ciento y cuatro pacientes con diabetes tipo 2, atendidos en el ambulatorio y con seguimiento en programa educativo de hospital de Belo Horizonte (Sureste de Brasil, fueron reclutados al azar y distribuidos en dos grupos: educación en grupo (n=54 e individual (n=50. La educación en grupo consistía de tres encuentros mensuales, en los cuales se desarrollaban dinámicas lúdicas e interactivas. Simultáneamente, el otro grupo era acompa

  20. Efectividad del programa “Yatichiri” en el discipulado de los líderes de grupos pequeños de la zona metropolitana de la Misión del Lago Titicaca, Puno, Perú, 2016.


    Tula Llanos, Javier Cesar


    Problema: ¿Cuál es la efectividad del programa “Yatichiri” en el discipulado de los líderes de grupos pequeños de la zona metropolitana de la Misión del Lago Titicaca, Puno, Perú, 2016? Propósito: Determinar la efectividad del programa “Yatichiri” en el discipulado de los líderes de grupos pequeños de la zona metropolitana de la Misión del Lago Titicaca, Puno, Perú, 2016. Metodología: El presente estudio es de tipo experimental; explicativa y el diseño de la investigación fue pre experimental...

  1. High-resolution mapping of linear antibody epitopes using ultrahigh-density peptide microarrays

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buus, Søren; Rockberg, Johan; Forsström, Björn


    Antibodies empower numerous important scientific, clinical, diagnostic, and industrial applications. Ideally, the epitope(s) targeted by an antibody should be identified and characterized, thereby establishing antibody reactivity, highlighting possible cross-reactivities, and perhaps even warning...... against unwanted (e.g. autoimmune) reactivities. Antibodies target proteins as either conformational or linear epitopes. The latter are typically probed with peptides, but the cost of peptide screening programs tends to prohibit comprehensive specificity analysis. To perform high-throughput, high......-resolution mapping of linear antibody epitopes, we have used ultrahigh-density peptide microarrays generating several hundred thousand different peptides per array. Using exhaustive length and substitution analysis, we have successfully examined the specificity of a panel of polyclonal antibodies raised against...

  2. EPMLR: sequence-based linear B-cell epitope prediction method using multiple linear regression. (United States)

    Lian, Yao; Ge, Meng; Pan, Xian-Ming


    B-cell epitopes have been studied extensively due to their immunological applications, such as peptide-based vaccine development, antibody production, and disease diagnosis and therapy. Despite several decades of research, the accurate prediction of linear B-cell epitopes has remained a challenging task. In this work, based on the antigen's primary sequence information, a novel linear B-cell epitope prediction model was developed using the multiple linear regression (MLR). A 10-fold cross-validation test on a large non-redundant dataset was performed to evaluate the performance of our model. To alleviate the problem caused by the noise of negative dataset, 300 experiments utilizing 300 sub-datasets were performed. We achieved overall sensitivity of 81.8%, precision of 64.1% and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.728. We have presented a reliable method for the identification of linear B cell epitope using antigen's primary sequence information. Moreover, a web server EPMLR has been developed for linear B-cell epitope prediction: .

  3. Reação de genótipos de meloeiro a Myrothecium Reaction of melon genotypes to Myrothecium roridum

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    Marissônia A Noronha


    Full Text Available A expansão da cultura do meloeiro (Cucumis melo L. no Nordeste brasileiro tem favorecido a ocorrência de doenças como o cancro-de-mirotécio, causado pelo fungo Myrothecium roridum. Visando selecionar genótipos com potencial de utilização nos programas de melhoramento e/ou no manejo integrado da doença, foram avaliados 150 genótipos de meloeiro. Plantas com 22 dias de idade, desenvolvidas em casa de vegetação, foram feridas no colo e inoculadas com uma suspensão do patógeno (3x10(6 conídios/ml. As avaliações foram realizadas diariamente, até seis dias após a retirada da câmara úmida, com o auxílio de uma escala descritiva de notas de 0 a 4. Com os dados da última avaliação, os genótipos foram distribuídos em cinco classes de reação à doença. Nenhum genótipo foi imune ou altamente resistente ao patógeno, enquanto 26,7% foram medianamente resistentes (MR e 73,3% foram suscetíveis (S ou altamente suscetíveis (AS. Esses resultados evidenciam a dificuldade na obtenção de fontes com elevados níveis de resistência a M. roridum. Os grupos Cantaloupe, Charentais, Gália e 'Indefinido' apresentaram a maior freqüência de genótipos com a reação MR e a menor freqüência de genótipos AS. A maioria dos genótipos dos grupos Valenciano Verde (66,7%, Cantaloupe (57,4%, Gália (60,0% e 'Indefinido' (53,8% foram S. Os genótipos 'PI 420149', 'Caroline', 'A3', 'Chilton' e 'PS-1 Pele de Sapo' apresentaram os menores valores de severidade final da doença e mostraram-se promissoras fontes de resistência ao patógeno e devem ser preferidos sob condições favoráveis à doença.The expansion of the melon (Cucumis melo L. fields in the Brazilian Northeast favored the occurrence of diseases such as the Myrothecium stem canker caused by the fungus Myrothecium roridum. In order to select genotypes with potential use in genetic breeding programs and in integrated disease management, 150 melon genotypes were evaluated. Twenty

  4. CD4+ T cells targeting dominant and cryptic epitopes from Bacillus anthracis Lethal Factor

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    Stephanie eAscough


    Full Text Available Anthrax is an endemic infection in many countries, particularly in the developing world. The causative agent, Bacillus anthracis, mediates disease through the secretion of binary exotoxins. Until recently, research into adaptive immunity targeting this bacterial pathogen has largely focused on the humoral response to these toxins. There is, however, growing recognition that cellular immune responses involving IFNγ producing CD4+ T cells also contribute significantly to a protective memory response. An established concept in adaptive immunity to infection is that during infection of host cells, new microbial epitopes may be revealed, leading to immune recognition of so called ‘cryptic’ or ‘subdominant’ epitopes. We analysed the response to both cryptic and immunodominant T cell epitopes derived from the toxin component lethal factor and presented by a range of HLA-DR alleles. Using IFNγ-ELISPOT assays we characterised epitopes that elicited a response following immunisation with synthetic peptide and the whole protein and tested their capacities to bind purified HLA-DR molecules in vitro. We found that DR1 transgenics demonstrated T cell responses to a greater number of domain III cryptic epitopes than other HLA-DR transgenics, and that this pattern was repeated with the immunodominant epitopes, a greater proportion of these epitopes induced a T cell response when presented within the context of the whole protein. Immunodominant epitopes LF457-476 and LF467-487 were found to induce a T cell response to the peptide, as well as to the whole native LF protein in DR1 and DR15, but not in DR4 trangenics. The analysis of Domain I revealed the presence of several unique cryptic epitopes all of which showed a strong to moderate relative binding affinity to HLA-DR4 molecules. However, none of the cryptic epitopes from either domain III or I displayed notably high binding affinities across all HLA-DR alleles assayed. These responses were

  5. Ab-initio conformational epitope structure prediction using genetic algorithm and SVM for vaccine design. (United States)

    Moghram, Basem Ameen; Nabil, Emad; Badr, Amr


    T-cell epitope structure identification is a significant challenging immunoinformatic problem within epitope-based vaccine design. Epitopes or antigenic peptides are a set of amino acids that bind with the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules. The aim of this process is presented by Antigen Presenting Cells to be inspected by T-cells. MHC-molecule-binding epitopes are responsible for triggering the immune response to antigens. The epitope's three-dimensional (3D) molecular structure (i.e., tertiary structure) reflects its proper function. Therefore, the identification of MHC class-II epitopes structure is a significant step towards epitope-based vaccine design and understanding of the immune system. In this paper, we propose a new technique using a Genetic Algorithm for Predicting the Epitope Structure (GAPES), to predict the structure of MHC class-II epitopes based on their sequence. The proposed Elitist-based genetic algorithm for predicting the epitope's tertiary structure is based on Ab-Initio Empirical Conformational Energy Program for Peptides (ECEPP) Force Field Model. The developed secondary structure prediction technique relies on Ramachandran Plot. We used two alignment algorithms: the ROSS alignment and TM-Score alignment. We applied four different alignment approaches to calculate the similarity scores of the dataset under test. We utilized the support vector machine (SVM) classifier as an evaluation of the prediction performance. The prediction accuracy and the Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve (AUC) were calculated as measures of performance. The calculations are performed on twelve similarity-reduced datasets of the Immune Epitope Data Base (IEDB) and a large dataset of peptide-binding affinities to HLA-DRB1*0101. The results showed that GAPES was reliable and very accurate. We achieved an average prediction accuracy of 93.50% and an average AUC of 0.974 in the IEDB dataset. Also, we achieved an accuracy of 95

  6. Analysis of potato virus Y coat protein epitopes recognized by three commercial monoclonal antibodies. (United States)

    Tian, Yan-Ping; Hepojoki, Jussi; Ranki, Harri; Lankinen, Hilkka; Valkonen, Jari P T


    Potato virus Y (PVY, genus Potyvirus) causes substantial economic losses in solanaceous plants. Routine screening for PVY is an essential part of seed potato certification, and serological assays are often used. The commercial, commonly used monoclonal antibodies, MAb1128, MAb1129, and MAb1130, recognize the viral coat protein (CP) of PVY and distinguish PVYN strains from PVYO and PVYC strains, or detect all PVY strains, respectively. However, the minimal epitopes recognized by these antibodies have not been identified. SPOT peptide array was used to map the epitopes in CP recognized by MAb1128, MAb1129, and MAb1130. Then alanine replacement as well as N- and C-terminal deletion analysis of the identified peptide epitopes was done to determine critical amino acids for antibody recognition and the respective minimal epitopes. The epitopes of all antibodies were located within the 30 N-terminal-most residues. The minimal epitope of MAb1128 was 25NLNKEK30. Replacement of 25N or 27N with alanine weakened the recognition by MAb1128, and replacement of 26L, 29E, or 30K nearly precluded recognition. The minimal epitope for MAb1129 was 16RPEQGSIQSNP26 and the most critical residues for recognition were 22I and 23Q. The epitope of MAb1130 was defined by residues 5IDAGGS10. Mutation of residue 6D abrogated and mutation of 9G strongly reduced recognition of the peptide by MAb1130. Amino acid sequence alignment demonstrated that these epitopes are relatively conserved among PVY strains. Finally, recombinant CPs were produced to demonstrate that mutations in the variable positions of the epitope regions can affect detection with the MAbs. The epitope data acquired can be compared with data on PVY CP-encoding sequences produced by laboratories worldwide and utilized to monitor how widely the new variants of PVY can be detected with current seed potato certification schemes or during the inspection of imported seed potatoes as conducted with these MAbs.

  7. Programa de cribaje de la retinopatía diabética en el Vallès Oriental mediante cámara no midriática. Estudio de 5228 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2


    Hernecki, Jaroslaw


    Descripció del recurs: 4 novembre 2010 La presente tesis doctoral recoge los resultados del programa de cribaje de la retinopatía diabética mediante la cámara no midriática en la comarca de Vallès Oriental (Barcelona). Es un estudio de 5228 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 no cribados previamente. Se analizan las características demográficas del grupo estudiado, los datos de la diabetes (el tipo de tratamiento, tiempo de evolución de la diabetes y el control metabólico) y la prevalencia de la r...

  8. ¿Una tarea del tipo “jigsaw” puede desarrollar la competencia gramatical en estudiantes de ELE? Una experiencia con alumnos italófonos

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    Morretta, Marco


    Full Text Available Suplemento del número 15 de marcoELE (julio - diciembre de 2015 Este trabajo se propone investigar en qué medida una actividad colaborativa como el jigsaw, nacido como instrumento para fomentar la interacción, la fluidez y la competencia social de los alumnos, se puede utilizar asimismo para razonar sobre aspectos formales de la lengua mediante la reflexión metalingüística utilizando un paradigma deductivo explícito. Se ha llevado al cabo un experimento de cinco horas en una clase de diecinueve alumnos italófonos de secundaria en un instituto de la provincia de Milán. Utilizando dinámicas de grupo distintas en cada fase, se han seguido varios pasos con el objetivo de enseñar la morfología verbal del pretérito indefinido: 1. creación en grupos de una historia en el pasado partiendo de cinco verbos dados; 2. deducción de las reglas de un tipo de verbo en varios grupos de “expertos”; 3. sistematización de los contenidos aprendidos y repetición de la primera prueba; 4. prueba gramatical individual y cuestionario final individual. Comparando los datos de la primera producción colaborativa con los de la segunda, hay una evidente mejora en todas las categorías verbales analizadas. Las pruebas gramaticales individuales, además, demuestran que todos los alumnos han progresado, y no sólo en la categoría de verbos que han trabajado como “expertos”. Partiendo de estos datos y de los cuestionarios cualitativos, se reflexionará finalmente sobre las ventajas y los inconvenientes de este tipo de tarea.

  9. HERBASPIRILLUM-LIKE BACTERIA IN BANANA PLANTS Bactérias do tipo Herbaspirillum em bananeira

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    Olmar B. Weber


    Full Text Available Diazotrophic bacteria isolated from banana plants were characterized by morphological and physiological aspects. Three different groups of these plant-bacteria could be established. Two of them showed similarity to species of the Herbaspirillum genus. The third one was different because used only a few carbon substrates and produced water diffusible compounds that fluoresced under UV light. All three bacterial groups were thin rods with mono or bipolar flagella, presented negative reaction in Gram stain, showed catalase activity, were able to reduce nitrate and grew better in semi-solid JNFb medium at 31ºC. The nitrogenase activity was detected in semi-solid N-free JNFb medium and expressed higher values when pH ranged from 6.5 to 7.0 (groups I and II and 6.0 to 6.5 (group III. The diazotrophs isolated from banana plants were distinct from species of Herbaspirillum previously identified in gramineous plants.Bactérias diazotróficas do tipo Herbaspirillum isoladas de bananeiras foram avaliadas pelas características morfológicas e fisiológicas de crescimento. Três grupos de bactérias foram estabelecidos, sendo dois relacionados às espécies de Herbaspirillum e diferentemente o terceiro grupo apresentou habilidade em crescer com poucos substratos orgânicos e produziu substância fluorescente em meio B de King. As bactérias dos três grupos eram bastonetes com flagelos mono ou bipolares, apresentaram reação negativa na coloração de Gram, expressaram atividade de catalase e oxidade, foram capazes de reduzir o nitrato e cresceram melhor em meio JNFb semi-sólido incubado a 31ºC. A atividade da nitrogenase, medida através da atividade de redução de acetileno, foi máxima em meio JNFb semi-sólido, após o ajuste de pH na faixa de 6,0 a 7,0 (grupos I e II e 5,5 a 6,5 (grupo III. As bactérias diazotróficas associadas às bananeiras são diferentes das espécies de Herbaspirillum anteriormente identificadas em gramíneas.

  10. Large-scale validation of methods for cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitope prediction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Mette Voldby; Lundegaard, Claus; Lamberth, K.


    BACKGROUND: Reliable predictions of Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes are essential for rational vaccine design. Most importantly, they can minimize the experimental effort needed to identify epitopes. NetCTL is a web-based tool designed for predicting human CTL epitopes in any given protein....... of the other methods achieved a sensitivity of 0.64. The NetCTL-1.2 method is available at used datasets are available at

  11. Antibody specific epitope prediction-emergence of a new paradigm. (United States)

    Sela-Culang, Inbal; Ofran, Yanay; Peters, Bjoern


    The development of accurate tools for predicting B-cell epitopes is important but difficult. Traditional methods have examined which regions in an antigen are likely binding sites of an antibody. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that most antigen surface residues will be able to bind one or more of the myriad of possible antibodies. In recent years, new approaches have emerged for predicting an epitope for a specific antibody, utilizing information encoded in antibody sequence or structure. Applying such antibody-specific predictions to groups of antibodies in combination with easily obtainable experimental data improves the performance of epitope predictions. We expect that further advances of such tools will be possible with the integration of immunoglobulin repertoire sequencing data. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Identification of a variant antigenic neutralizing epitope in hypervariable region 1 of avian leukosis virus subgroup J. (United States)

    Hou, Minbo; Zhou, Defang; Li, Gen; Guo, Huijun; Liu, Jianzhu; Wang, Guihua; Zheng, Qiankun; Cheng, Ziqiang


    Avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) is a hypervariable oncogenic retrovirus that causes great economic loss in poultry. Antigenic variations in the variable regions make the development of an effective vaccine a challenging task. In the present study, we identified a variant antigenic neutralizing epitope using reverse vaccinology methods. First, we predicted the B-cell epitopes in gp85 gene of ALV-J strains by DNAman and bioinformatics. Fourteen candidate epitopes were selected and linked in tandem with glycines or serines as a multi-epitope gene. The expressed protein of multi-epitope gene can induce high-titer antibody that can recognize nature ALV-J and neutralize the infectivity of ALV-J strains. Next, we identified a high effective epitope using eight overlapping fragments of gp85 gene reacting with mAb 2D5 and anti-multi-epitope sera. The identified epitope contained one of the predicted epitopes and localized in hyervariable region 1 (hr1), indicating a variant epitope. To better understand if the variants of the epitope have a good antigenicity, we synthesized four variants to react with mAb 2D5 and anti-ALV-J sera. The result showed that all variants could react with the two kinds of antibodies though they showed different antigenicity, while could not react with ALV-J negative sera. Thus, the variant antigenic neutralizing epitope was determined as 137-LRDFIA/E/TKWKS/GDDL/HLIRPYVNQS-158. The result shows a potential use of this variant epitopes as a novel multi-epitope vaccine against ALV-J in poultry. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    M. Guerra


    Full Text Available Los diabéticos tipo 2 (DM 2 pobremente controlados (HbA1c = 7% exhiben disminución del estado antioxidante total y dislipidemia en comparación con los metabólicamente controlados, lo cual puede ser reflejo de incrementos de radicales libres de oxígeno, alteraciones del metabolismo de las lipoproteínas lo que contribuye a desarrollar fenómenos que conducen a complicaciones micro y macrovasculares. Se estudiaron 60 individuos (40-80 años no controlados (n=20, controlados (n=20 y sanos (n=20. El criterio del buen control de la diabetes fue % HbA1c < 7%. Mediante la prueba t de diferencia de medias suponiendo varianzas desiguales se compararon los grupos. Los niveles de Col T, LDL-C, VLDL-C, TG y apo B-100 fueron significativamente más altos (p<0.05 y los de HDL-C y apo A-I más bajos en los DM 2 no controlados comparados con los niveles de los grupos de sujetos con DM 2 controlados y los controles sanos. Los pacientes con regular o pobre control glicémico presentan un perfíl lipídico anormal. Estos resultados son similares al de otros investigadores de diversas latitudes.

  14. PepMapper: a collaborative web tool for mapping epitopes from affinity-selected peptides.

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    Wenhan Chen

    Full Text Available Epitope mapping from affinity-selected peptides has become popular in epitope prediction, and correspondingly many Web-based tools have been developed in recent years. However, the performance of these tools varies in different circumstances. To address this problem, we employed an ensemble approach to incorporate two popular Web tools, MimoPro and Pep-3D-Search, together for taking advantages offered by both methods so as to give users more options for their specific purposes of epitope-peptide mapping. The combined operation of Union finds as many associated peptides as possible from both methods, which increases sensitivity in finding potential epitopic regions on a given antigen surface. The combined operation of Intersection achieves to some extent the mutual verification by the two methods and hence increases the likelihood of locating the genuine epitopic region on a given antigen in relation to the interacting peptides. The Consistency between Intersection and Union is an indirect sufficient condition to assess the likelihood of successful peptide-epitope mapping. On average from 27 tests, the combined operations of PepMapper outperformed either MimoPro or Pep-3D-Search alone. Therefore, PepMapper is another multipurpose mapping tool for epitope prediction from affinity-selected peptides. The Web server can be freely accessed at:

  15. Modelo de manejo de casos en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Case management model in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    María Guadalupe Martínez de Dávila


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Implementar el modelo de manejo de casos y evaluar su efectividad en pacientes hospitalizados con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Metodología: Muestra de 17 pacientes hospitalizados con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 para dos grupos, experimental y control. Etapas del estudio: a selección de pacientes y capacitación del equipo multidisciplinario, b intervención multidisciplinaria y c seguimiento en el hogar. Resultados: Grupo experimental: media de días estancia hospitalaria de 4.88. Sólo 11.8% de los pacientes tuvo un reingreso hospitalario en los seis meses posteriores al egreso. Media de hemoglobina glucosilada al ingreso al hospital 11.45%; al finalizar la intervención 8.84%, la prueba de comparación de medias t de Student reportó diferencia significativa (p=.001. Grupo control: media de días estancia de 6.24. En los siguientes seis meses 35.3% tuvieron de uno a dos reingresos. Conclusiones: El grupo experimental reportó menores días estancia y reingresos hospitalarios, mayor conocimiento y acciones de autocuidado para el tratamiento de la enfermedad, mayor involucramiento de la familia en el cuidado y mejor control glucémico a través de la hemoglobina glucosilada.Aim: To implement the Case Management Model and to assess its effectiveness in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitas. Methodology: Two seveenteen patients groups were sampled. One was experimental and the second was a control group Study stages: a selection of patients and training of the multi-disciplinary team, b multi-disciplinary intervention, c follow-up at home. Results: Experimental group: mean days of hospital stay were 4.88. Only 11.8% of patients had one hospital readmission within the six months after the discharge. Mean of glycosilated hemoglobin at hospital admission: 11.45%.At the end of intervention: 8.84%. The t student comparison of means showed a significant difference (p= 001. Control group: mean days of stay was 6.24. In the following six months 35

  16. Convergencia de los grupos armados organizados al margen de la ley en la minería aurífera aluvial en la subregión del Bajo Cauca antioqueño

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    Isabel Esther Maldonado Sarmiento


    Full Text Available Se tuvo como propósito describir la minería aurífera aluvial y la convergencia de los grupos armados organizados al margen de la ley en la subregión del Bajo Cauca antioqueño. Los resultados obtenidos se centran en identificar el marco teórico, proponer un concepto y describir los rasgos característicos de esta actividad desde la perspectiva criminal. Lo anterior se logró a partir de una aproximación conceptual y la representación fáctica de la información obtenida, a través de la revisión teórica, la consulta bibliográfica y el trabajo de campo, en el que se aplicaron diferentes técnicas de recolección, como la entrevista semiestructurada, el grupo focal y la observación no participante. El precedente para comenzar la indagación se centró en la ausencia de un concepto que delimite los tipos de minería y la confusión que existe al colocar a todos los mineros ilegales, informales y criminales dentro una misma categoría. Además, se busca suscitar una reflexión crítica respecto a los posibles riesgos y amenazas que genera la convergencia de estos grupos en los tipos de minería, con el control social y territorial, el poder, la coacción y la institucionalización de actividades económicas criminales.

  17. The use of HPLC-MS in T-cell epitope identification. (United States)

    Lemmel, Claudia; Stevanović, Stefan


    The hunt for T-cell epitopes is going on because hopes are set on such peptide sequences for diagnosis and vaccine development in the fight against infectious and tumor diseases. In addition to a variety of other techniques used in T-cell epitope identification, mass spectrometers coupled to microcapillary liquid chromatography have now become an important and sensitive tool in separation, detection, and sequence analysis of highly complex natural major histocompatibility complex (MHC) ligand mixtures. In this article, we review the basics of mass spectrometric techniques and their on-line coupling to microcapillary liquid chromatography (microcap-LC). Furthermore, we introduce current strategies for the identification of new T-cell epitopes using microcapillary liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (microcap-LC-MS).

  18. Perfis Diferenciais de Perda de Memória entre a Demência Frontotemporal e a do Tipo Alzheimer

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    Allegri Ricardo F.


    Full Text Available Os estados iniciais da demência tipo Alzheimer (DTA caracterizam-se classicamente por deterioração da memória enquanto que as mudanças de conduta e de personalidade aparecem nas etapas iniciais da demência frontotemporal (DFT. Entretanto, na prática clínica, o diagnóstico diferencial é difícil. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar o rendimento da memória de pacientes com DTA (n= 20 e com DFT (n= 20 comparando-o com um grupo de controles (n = 20. Os pacientes, emparelhados por idade e escolaridade, foram avaliados com uma bateria neuropsicológica exaustiva. Para a avaliação da memória, examinou-se a "queixa subjetiva" de perda de memória (memória subjetiva, a aprendizagem de uma lista de palavras (memória episódica e o desempenho no teste de denominação de Boston (memória semântica. As pontuações de ambos os grupos de pacientes, na grande maioria das provas, foram significativamente inferiores às dos controles. Os pacientes com DTA mostraram uma deterioração global da memória episódica (tipo amnésia e semântica com um alto nível de queixa subjetiva. Os sujeitos com DFT, por outro lado, apresentaram um déficit de memória importante na recuperação da informação, mas com melhores capacidades de registro da informação, apesar das dificuldades de reconhecimento do seu distúrbio.

  19. Discovery of novel targets for multi-epitope vaccines: Screening of HIV-1 genomes using association rule mining

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    Piontkivska Helen


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Studies have shown that in the genome of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1 regions responsible for interactions with the host's immune system, namely, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL epitopes tend to cluster together in relatively conserved regions. On the other hand, "epitope-less" regions or regions with relatively low density of epitopes tend to be more variable. However, very little is known about relationships among epitopes from different genes, in other words, whether particular epitopes from different genes would occur together in the same viral genome. To identify CTL epitopes in different genes that co-occur in HIV genomes, association rule mining was used. Results Using a set of 189 best-defined HIV-1 CTL/CD8+ epitopes from 9 different protein-coding genes, as described by Frahm, Linde & Brander (2007, we examined the complete genomic sequences of 62 reference HIV sequences (including 13 subtypes and sub-subtypes with approximately 4 representative sequences for each subtype or sub-subtype, and 18 circulating recombinant forms. The results showed that despite inclusion of recombinant sequences that would be expected to break-up associations of epitopes in different genes when two different genomes are recombined, there exist particular combinations of epitopes (epitope associations that occur repeatedly across the world-wide population of HIV-1. For example, Pol epitope LFLDGIDKA is found to be significantly associated with epitopes GHQAAMQML and FLKEKGGL from Gag and Nef, respectively, and this association rule is observed even among circulating recombinant forms. Conclusion We have identified CTL epitope combinations co-occurring in HIV-1 genomes including different subtypes and recombinant forms. Such co-occurrence has important implications for design of complex vaccines (multi-epitope vaccines and/or drugs that would target multiple HIV-1 regions at once and, thus, may be expected to overcome challenges

  20. Intervención farmacéutica sobre el uso de antiagregantes plaquetarios en diabéticos tipo 2

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    Sendra Lillo J


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS Medir la prevalencia de pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 que utilizan terapia antiagregante plaquetaria como profilaxis cardiovascular y evaluar el efecto de una intervención farmacéutica sobre su uso. MÉTODOS Estudio cuasiexperimental en una farmacia comunitaria en Palmera (Valencia, España. El estudio fue realizado desde noviembre de 2007 a enero de 2008. RESULTADOS Participaron veintinueve de los 58 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 seleccionados, quince (51,7% usaban terapia antiagregante al principio. Sólo un paciente (11,1% no recibía antiagregante como prevención secundaria, mientras que en prevención primaria usaban siete (35%. En cuanto a los que no usaban, diez cumplían con los criterios establecidos en las guías de práctica clínica para iniciar su uso y fueron intervenidos. Tras dicha intervención, tres pacientes comenzaron a usar antiagregante. CONCLUSIONES En este reducido grupo de diabéticos, el uso de antiagregantes plaquetarios no se encuentra excesivamente extendido, tras la intervención un mayor


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    Luis Alvaro Cadena Monroy


    Full Text Available Darwin pensaba que la cooperación entre los seres humanos podía ir en contra de su idea de selección natural. Para enfrentar este problema, introdujo la selección de grupos: se seleccionan grupos de seres humanos cooperadores por sobre los grupos de no cooperadores, No obstante, con el advenimiento del neodarwinismo, la selección de grupos cayó en el desprestigio. Poco a poco, y recientemente, fueron apareciendo varias propuestas para la selección de grupos. Aquí se miran algunas de estas propuestas y se las critica. El autor se inclina por una propuesta de L. A. Cadena para la selección de grupos, y la aplica al caso del crecimiento poblacional inusual y al patrullaje de los chimpancés de Ngogo, a los cazadores y recolectores y a la extinción de los neandertales por manos del Homo sapiens.

  2. Designing and overproducing a tandem epitope of gp350/220 that shows a potential to become an EBV vaccine

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    Full Text Available Background: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV can cause cancer in people from around the world. There is no EBV vaccine available for use on a global scale. However, emerging evidence suggests that the epitope on the gp350/220 capsid protein may be developed into an EBV vaccine. Nevertheless, the production of small, single epitope is challenging of stability issues and possible alteration of peptide structure. In this study, a tandem epitope was developed consisting of three single epitopes, aimed to improve stability, antigenicity and preserve epitope structure. Materials and methods: A tandem epitope was designed using bioinformatics based on the epitope structure of the gp350/220 protein. The tandem epitope structure was analyzed using a protein folding method with Abalone software, which was further refined via YASARA force field and molecular repairing using a FoldX method. Immunogenicity was examined with Epitopia software, whereas allergen properties were tested using AlgPred. The pattern of the tandem epitope binding with anti-gp350/220 antibodies was performed using Z-dock and snugDock. The tandem epitope was then overproduced in E. coli strain BL21 as a host cell. Result: Our model demonstrated a successfully designed and overproduced tandem epitope. The tandem epitope demonstrated a similar structure compared with the epitope of whole protein gp350/220. Our epitope also demonstrated non-allergen and antigenicity properties, and possessed antibody binding patterns consistent with whole protein gp350/220. Conclusion and recommendation: These data suggest a novel tandem epitope composed of three similar epitopes demonstrates antigenicity, structure, and binding properties consistent with whole protein gp350/220. We also demonstrate successful production of the tandem epitope using E. coli strain BL21 as a host. Future in vivo experimental animal research is necessary to test the ability of this tandem epitope to stimulate antibody production

  3. [Immunoreactivity of chimeric proteins carrying poliovirus epitopes on the VP6 of rotavirus as a vector]. (United States)

    Pan, X-X; Zhao, B-X; Teng, Y-M; Xia, W-Y; Wang, J; Li, X-F; Liao, G-Y; Yang, С; Chen, Y-D


    Rotavirus and poliovirus continue to present significant risks and burden of disease to children in developing countries. Developing a combined vaccine may effectively prevent both illnesses and may be advantageous in terms of maximizing compliance and vaccine coverage at the same visit. Recently, we sought to generate a vaccine vector by incorporating multiple epitopes into the rotavirus group antigenic protein, VP6. In the present study, a foreign epitope presenting a system using VP6 as a vector was created with six sites on the outer surface of the vector that could be used for insertion of foreign epitopes, and three VP6-based PV1 epitope chimeric proteins were constructed. The chimeric proteins were confirmed by immunoblot, immunofluorescence assay, and injected into guinea pigs to analyze the epitope-specific humoral response. Results showed that these chimeric proteins reacted with anti-VP6F and -PV1 antibodies, and elicited antibodies against both proteins in guinea pigs. Antibodies against the chimeric proteins carrying PV1 epitopes neutralized rotavirus Wa and PV1 infection in vitro. Our study contributes to a better understanding of the use of VP6-based vectors as multiple-epitope delivery vehicles and the epitopes displayed in this form could be considered for development of epitope-based vaccines against rotavirus and poliovirus.

  4. Caracterização físico-química dos frutos de genótipos de bananeira produzidos em Botucatu-SP Fruit physicochemical characterization of banana genotypes produced in Botucatu-SP

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    Dayana Portes Ramos


    Full Text Available O conhecimento dos atributos pós-colheita dos frutos de novos genótipos é uma importante informação que auxilia o melhorista em sua tomada de decisão. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar as características físico-químicas de frutos de genótipos de 3 grupos genômicos de bananeira: 'Nanicão-IAC-2001', 'Grande Naine', 'Caipira' e 'Nam' (AAA; 'Maçã', 'Thap Maeo', 'Prata Anã' e 'Prata Zulu' (AAB; 'Fhia 01', 'Fhia 18', 'Prata Graúda' e 'Tropical' (AAAB, no município de Botucatu-SP. As características avaliadas foram: textura, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, açúcares solúveis totais, teores de amido e potássio. Foi adotado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com 12 tratamentos (genótipos, cinco repetições, sendo que em cada repetição utilizaram-se cinco frutos. Utilizou-se o teste de tukey (Pd" 0,05 para a comparação entre médias de genótipos, dentro de cada grupo genômico. Os resultados mostraram que no grupo AAA, Nam se destacou apresentando frutos mais firmes, com maior teor de sólidos solúveis e amido. Do grupo AAB, 'Prata Zulu' apresentou frutos mais firmes, com maior teor de açúcares solúveis totais e amido e menor acidez. No grupo dos híbridos AAAB, 'Tropical' apresentou maior teor de potássio e amido, no entanto, menor teor de sólidos solúveis e açúcares solúveis totais.The knowledge of the post-harvest characteristics of new banana genotypes is important an information that helps the breeder in making a decision. This work had the objective of evaluating the fruit physical and chemical characteristics of genotypes of three banana genomic groups: 'Nanicão-IAC-2001', 'Grande Naine', 'Caipira', and 'Nam' (AAA; 'Maçã', 'Thap Maeo', 'Prata Anã', and 'Prata Zulu' (AAB; 'Fhia 01', 'Fhia 18', 'Prata Graúda', and 'Tropical' (AAAB in Botucatu region, São Paulo state, Brazil. The evaluated characteristics were: firmness, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, total soluble

  5. Analysis of Conformational B-Cell Epitopes in the Antibody-Antigen Complex Using the Depth Function and the Convex Hull.

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    Wei Zheng

    Full Text Available The prediction of conformational b-cell epitopes plays an important role in immunoinformatics. Several computational methods are proposed on the basis of discrimination determined by the solvent-accessible surface between epitopes and non-epitopes, but the performance of existing methods is far from satisfying. In this paper, depth functions and the k-th surface convex hull are used to analyze epitopes and exposed non-epitopes. On each layer of the protein, we compute relative solvent accessibility and four different types of depth functions, i.e., Chakravarty depth, DPX, half-sphere exposure and half space depth, to analyze the location of epitopes on different layers of the proteins. We found that conformational b-cell epitopes are rich in charged residues Asp, Glu, Lys, Arg, His; aliphatic residues Gly, Pro; non-charged residues Asn, Gln; and aromatic residue Tyr. Conformational b-cell epitopes are rich in coils. Conservation of epitopes is not significantly lower than that of exposed non-epitopes. The average depths (obtained by four methods for epitopes are significantly lower than that of non-epitopes on the surface using the Wilcoxon rank sum test. Epitopes are more likely to be located in the outer layer of the convex hull of a protein. On the benchmark dataset, the cumulate 10th convex hull covers 84.6% of exposed residues on the protein surface area, and nearly 95% of epitope sites. These findings may be helpful in building a predictor for epitopes.

  6. ArrayPitope: Automated Analysis of Amino Acid Substitutions for Peptide Microarray-Based Antibody Epitope Mapping

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Christian Skjødt; Østerbye, Thomas; Marcatili, Paolo


    -reactivity. B cell epitopes are typically classified as either linear epitopes, i.e. short consecutive segments from the protein sequence or conformational epitopes adapted through native protein folding. Recent advances in high-density peptide microarrays enable high-throughput, high-resolution identification...

  7. Identification of novel HLA-A(*)0201-restricted CTL epitopes from Pokemon. (United States)

    Yuan, Bangqing; Zhao, Lin; Xian, Ronghua; Zhao, Gang


    Pokemon is a member of the POK family of transcriptional repressors and aberrant overexpressed in various human cancers. Therefore, the related peptide epitopes derived from Pokemon is essential for the development of specific immunotherapy of malignant tumors. In this study, we predicted and identified HLA-A(*)0201-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes derived from Pokemon with computer-based epitope prediction, peptide-binding assay and testing of the induced CTLs toward different kinds of carcinoma cells. The results demonstrated that effectors induced by peptides of Pokemon containing residues 32-40, 61-69, 87-95, and 319-327 could specifically secrete IFN-γ and lyse tumor cell lines of Pokemon-positive and HLA-A2-matched. The results suggest that Pokemon32, Pokemon61, Pokemon87, and Pokemon319 peptides are novel HLA-A(*)0201-restricted restricted CTL epitopes, and could be utilized in the cancer immunotherapy against a broad spectrum of tumors. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Análisis de asociación de polimorfismos en DNA mitocondrial y diabetes Mellitus tipo 2

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    Andrés Ruiz


    Full Text Available

    La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2 es una enfermedad con herencia compleja, poligénica con heterogenidad genética de locus, cuya susceptibilidad se ha evaluado para más de 250 genes potencialmente involucrados, y se ha encontrado ligamiento a diferentes cromosomas dependiendo de la etnia; además, se han identificado mutaciones en el DNA mitocondrial (mtDNA responsables de DM2, que explican menos del 2% de los casos de DM2 con patrón de herencia materna; se ha tratado de explicar los demás casos con polimorfismos en mtDNA que estén en desequilibrio de ligamiento con cambios en la región
    control (D-Loop que impliquen variación en la eficiencia de la replicación y la transcripción del mtDNA; estos polimorfismos se han utilizado para caracterizar poblaciones humanas; es así como en las poblaciones fundadoras del continente americano se han encontrado haplotipos polimórficos asociados ampliamente a DM2 y obesidad.
    La alta frecuencia de haplotipos mitocondriales amerindios en la
    población antioqueña, nos condujo a hipotetizar que la incidencia de DM2 en nuestro medio se podría explicar por la interacción entre polimorfismos en genes nucleares con haplotipos mitocondriales ancestrales, que conduce a DM2 y obesidad.
    Este trabajo pretende evaluar el grado de asociación entre la
    diabetes tipo 2 y los polimorfismos del mtDNA mediante un estudio de casos y controles.
    Comparar estadísticamente las frecuencias alélicas y haplotípicas
    de loci polimórficos en el mtDNA entre el grupo de casos y el grupo control.


  9. Screening and identification of novel B cell epitopes of Toxoplasma gondii SAG1. (United States)

    Wang, Yanhua; Wang, Guangxiang; Zhang, Delin; Yin, Hong; Wang, Meng


    The identification of protein epitopes is useful for diagnostic purposes and for the development of peptide vaccines. In this study, the epitopes of Toxoplasma gondii SAG1 were identified using synthetic peptide techniques with the aid of bioinformatics. Eleven peptides derived from T. gondii SAG1 were assessed by ELISA using pig sera from different time points after infection. Four (PS4, PS6, PS10 and PS11), out of the eleven peptides tested were recognized by all sera. Then, shorter peptides that were derived from PS4, PS6, PS10 and PS11 were predicted using bioinformatics and tested by experimentation. Four out of nine shorter peptides were identified successfully (amino acids 106-120, 166-180, 289-300 and 313-332). We have precisely located the epitopes of T. gondii SAG1 using pig sera collected at different time points after infection. The identified epitopes may be useful for the further study of epitope-based vaccines and diagnostic reagents.

  10. Representaciones sociales hacia la cultura del metal de un grupo de "metaleros" de Bogotá

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    Lady Vanessa Maldonado


    Full Text Available Esta es una investigación empírico-analítica de tipo descriptivo, con un diseño transversal, cuyo propósito es determinar las representaciones sociales hacia la cultura del metal de un grupo de metaleros de Bogotá. Para ello se trabajó con una muestra de 111 metaleros con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 30 años, de Bogotá, a los cuales se les aplicó una prueba de asociación libre de palabras. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación mostraron que las representaciones sociales que tienen los metaleros con respecto a su propia cultura se relacionan con una posición de inconformidad ante las normas de la sociedad, así como con la energía y poder, generado por la música metal.

  11. Construction and characterization of 3A-epitope-tagged foot-and-mouth disease virus. (United States)

    Ma, Xueqing; Li, Pinghua; Sun, Pu; Bai, Xingwen; Bao, Huifang; Lu, Zengjun; Fu, Yuanfang; Cao, Yimei; Li, Dong; Chen, Yingli; Qiao, Zilin; Liu, Zaixin


    Nonstructural protein 3A of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is a partially conserved protein of 153 amino acids (aa) in most FMDVs examined to date. Specific deletion in the FMDV 3A protein has been associated with the inability of FMDV to grow in primary bovine cells and cause disease in cattle. However, the aa residues playing key roles in these processes are poorly understood. In this study, we constructed epitope-tagged FMDVs containing an 8 aa FLAG epitope, a 9 aa haemagglutinin (HA) epitope, and a 10 aa c-Myc epitope to substitute residues 94-101, 93-101, and 93-102 of 3A protein, respectively, using a recently developed O/SEA/Mya-98 FMDV infectious cDNA clone. Immunofluorescence assay (IFA), Western blot and sequence analysis showed that the epitope-tagged viruses stably maintained and expressed the foreign epitopes even after 10 serial passages in BHK-21 cells. The epitope-tagged viruses displayed growth properties and plaque phenotypes similar to those of the parental virus in BHK-21 cells. However, the epitope-tagged viruses exhibited lower growth rates and smaller plaque size phenotypes than those of the parental virus in primary fetal bovine kidney (FBK) cells, but similar growth properties and plaque phenotypes to those of the recombinant viruses harboring 93-102 deletion in 3A. These results demonstrate that the decreased ability of FMDV to replicate in primary bovine cells was not associated with the length of 3A, and the genetic determinant thought to play key role in decreased ability to replicate in primary bovine cells could be reduced from 93-102 residues to 8 aa residues at positions 94-101 in 3A protein. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Reliable B cell epitope predictions: impacts of method development and improved benchmarking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kringelum, Jens Vindahl; Lundegaard, Claus; Lund, Ole


    biomedical applications such as; rational vaccine design, development of disease diagnostics and immunotherapeutics. However, experimental mapping of epitopes is resource intensive making in silico methods an appealing complementary approach. To date, the reported performance of methods for in silico mapping...... evaluation data set improved from 0.712 to 0.727. Our results thus demonstrate that given proper benchmark definitions, B-cell epitope prediction methods achieve highly significant predictive performances suggesting these tools to be a powerful asset in rational epitope discovery. The updated version...

  13. Docking of B-cell epitope antigen to specific hepatitis B antibody

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The interaction of pres1 region of hepatitis B virus B-cell epitope antigen with specific hepatitis B neutralizing monoclonal antibody was examined by docking study. We modelled the 3D complex structure of B-cell epitope antigen residues CTTPAQGNSMFPSCCCTKPTDGNCY by homology modelling and docked it with the ...

  14. Impacto de la educación participativa en el índice de masa corporal y glicemia en individuos obesos con diabetes tipo 2

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    Cabrera-Pivaral Carlos Enrique


    Full Text Available La obesidad eleva el riesgo de morbilidad y mortalidad y se ha relacionado con los hábitos alimentarios y estos con la educación en salud. Esta última tiene como propósito promover la participación de los enfermos en mejorar los comportamientos humanos y estilos de vida saludables y mostrar las ventajas de la educación participativa en la modificación del Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC en el diabético obeso tipo 2. Se realizó un estudio cuasi experimental con asignación aleatoria de dos grupos de pacientes diabéticos obesos. La intervención educativa-participativa se organizó mediante el proceso de reflexión-acción. Se efectuaron mediciones del IMC basal y mensuales durante los 9 meses de la intervención educativa. Los grupos fueron controlados tomando en cuenta edad y sexo. El análisis estadístico se efectuó con el estadígrafo de t de students con diferencia de media para grupos relacionados. El grupo control logra un valor promedio de IMC basal de 33.89 ± 1.96 y al final de 33.2 ± 2.15 (t: 22.4; p: 0.16, el grupo de experimento con valor inicial de 33.63 ± 2.12 y final de 31.54 ± 1.71 (t: 11.55; p = 0.003. La intervención educativa participativa contribuye a mejorar el nivel de IMC en los diabéticos obesos 2.

  15. Positive-unlabeled learning for the prediction of conformational B-cell epitopes (United States)


    Background The incomplete ground truth of training data of B-cell epitopes is a demanding issue in computational epitope prediction. The challenge is that only a small fraction of the surface residues of an antigen are confirmed as antigenic residues (positive training data); the remaining residues are unlabeled. As some of these uncertain residues can possibly be grouped to form novel but currently unknown epitopes, it is misguided to unanimously classify all the unlabeled residues as negative training data following the traditional supervised learning scheme. Results We propose a positive-unlabeled learning algorithm to address this problem. The key idea is to distinguish between epitope-likely residues and reliable negative residues in unlabeled data. The method has two steps: (1) identify reliable negative residues using a weighted SVM with a high recall; and (2) construct a classification model on the positive residues and the reliable negative residues. Complex-based 10-fold cross-validation was conducted to show that this method outperforms those commonly used predictors DiscoTope 2.0, ElliPro and SEPPA 2.0 in every aspect. We conducted four case studies, in which the approach was tested on antigens of West Nile virus, dihydrofolate reductase, beta-lactamase, and two Ebola antigens whose epitopes are currently unknown. All the results were assessed on a newly-established data set of antigen structures not bound by antibodies, instead of on antibody-bound antigen structures. These bound structures may contain unfair binding information such as bound-state B-factors and protrusion index which could exaggerate the epitope prediction performance. Source codes are available on request. PMID:26681157

  16. Comparative characteristic of the methods of protein antigens epitope mapping

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    O. Yu. Galkin


    Full Text Available Comparative analysis of experimental methods of epitope mapping of protein antigens has been carried out. The vast majority of known techniques are involved in immunochemical study of the interaction of protein molecules or peptides with antibodies of corresponding specifici­ty. The most effective and widely applicable metho­dological techniques are those that use synthetic and genetically engineered peptides. Over the past 30 years, these groups of methods have travelled a notable evolutionary path up to the maximum automation and the detection of antigenic determinants of various types (linear and conformational epitopes, and mimotopes. Most of epitope searching algorithms were integrated into a computer program, which greatly facilitates the analysis of experimental data and makes it possible to create spatial models. It is possible to use comparative epitope mapping for solving the applied problems; this less time-consuming method is based on the analysis of competition between different antibodies interactions with the same antigen. The physical method of antigenic structure study is X-ray analysis of antigen-antibody complexes, which may be applied only to crystallizing­ proteins, and nuclear magnetic resonance.

  17. Glutamic acid decarboxylase-derived epitopes with specific domains expand CD4(+CD25(+ regulatory T cells.

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    Guojiang Chen

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: CD4(+CD25(+ regulatory T cell (Treg-based immunotherapy is considered a promising regimen for controlling the progression of autoimmune diabetes. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the therapeutic effects of Tregs in response to the antigenic epitope stimulation depend on the structural properties of the epitopes used. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Splenic lymphocytes from nonobese diabetic (NOD mice were stimulated with different glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD-derived epitopes for 7-10 days and the frequency and function of Tregs was analyzed. We found that, although all expanded Tregs showed suppressive functions in vitro, only p524 (GAD524-538-expanded CD4(+CD25(+ T cells inhibited diabetes development in the co-transfer models, while p509 (GAD509-528- or p530 (GAD530-543-expanded CD4(+CD25(+ T cells had no such effects. Using computer-guided molecular modeling and docking methods, the differences in structural characteristics of these epitopes and the interaction mode (including binding energy and identified domains in the epitopes between the above-mentioned epitopes and MHC class II I-A(g7 were analyzed. The theoretical results showed that the epitope p524, which induced protective Tregs, possessed negative surface-electrostatic potential and bound two chains of MHC class II I-A(g7, while the epitopes p509 and p530 which had no such ability exhibited positive surface-electrostatic potential and bound one chain of I-A(g7. Furthermore, p524 bound to I-A(g7 more stably than p509 and p530. Of importance, we hypothesized and subsequently confirmed experimentally that the epitope (GAD570-585, p570, which displayed similar characteristics to p524, was a protective epitope by showing that p570-expanded CD4(+CD25(+ T cells suppressed the onset of diabetes in NOD mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data suggest that molecular modeling-based structural analysis of epitopes may be an instrumental tool for prediction of

  18. A novel monoclonal antibody to a defined peptide epitope in MUC16

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marcos-Silva, Lara; Ricardo, Sara; Chen, Kowa


    with the tandem-repeat region, their epitopes appear to be conformational dependent and not definable by a short peptide. Aberrant glycoforms of MUC16 may constitute promising targets for diagnostic and immunotherapeutic intervention, and it is important to develop well-defined immunogens for induction of potent...... immunodominant linear peptide epitopes within the tandem repeat. We developed one monoclonal antibody, 5E11, reactive with a minimum epitope with the sequence FNTTER. This sequence contains potential N- and O-glycosylation sites and, interestingly, glycosylation blocked binding of 5E11. In immunochemistry...

  19. Analysis of the epitope structure of Plum pox virus coat protein. (United States)

    Candresse, Thierry; Saenz, Pilar; García, Juan Antonio; Boscia, Donato; Navratil, Milan; Gorris, Maria Teresa; Cambra, Mariano


    Typing of the particular Plum pox virus (PPV) strain responsible in an outbreak has important practical implications and is frequently performed using strain-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Analysis in Western blots of the reactivity of 24 MAbs to a 112-amino-acid N-terminal fragment of the PPV coat protein (CP) expressed in Escherichia coli showed that 21 of the 24 MAbs recognized linear or denaturation-insensitive epitopes. A series of eight C-truncated CP fragments allowed the mapping of the epitopes recognized by the MAbs. In all, 14 of them reacted to the N-terminal hypervariable region, defining a minimum of six epitopes, while 7 reacted to the beginning of the core region, defining a minimum of three epitopes. Sequence comparisons allowed the more precise positioning of regions recognized by several MAbs, including those recognized by the 5B-IVIA universal MAb (amino acids 94 to 100) and by the 4DG5 and 4DG11 D serogroup-specific MAbs (amino acids 43 to 64). A similar approach coupled with infectious cDNA clone mutagenesis showed that a V74T mutation in the N-terminus of the CP abolished the binding of the M serogroup-specific AL MAb. Taken together, these results provide a detailed positioning of the epitopes recognized by the most widely used PPV detection and typing MAbs.

  20. Grupos operativos de aprendizagem nos serviços de saúde: sistematização de fundamentos e metodologias Los grupos operativos de aprendizaje en los servicios de salud: sistematización de fundamentos y metodologías Operative groups of learning in the health services: basis and methodologies systematization

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    Sônia Maria Soares


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa, modalidade estudo de caso, que teve como objetivo analisar a aplicação da teoria e da metodologia dos grupos operativos, proposta por Pichon-Rivière em grupos de portadores de doenças crônico-degenerativas. Foi desenvolvida em um hospital universitário da cidade de Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais/Brasil, por meio de entrevistas e observação direta de um grupo de sete adultos com diabetes tipo 1, com idade entre 18 e 45 anos, durante os encontros no grupo operativo. A análise dos dados fundamentou-se no referencial dos indicadores do processo grupal, propostos por Pichon-Rivière (1998: afiliação e pertença, cooperação, comunicação, aprendizagem e pertinência. A aplicação da teoria e da metodologia proposta por Pichon-Rivière permitiu ao coordenador do grupo operativo e às pesquisadoras ampliar o olhar em relação à dinâmica grupal, o que contribuiu para que os conteúdos subjetivos, implícitos nas interações dos participantes fossem trabalhados, mas não verbalizados. Além disso, os indicadores do processo grupal permitiram reavaliar e adaptar o desenvolvimento do grupo operativo, norteando as ações desenvolvidas a cada encontro. Fundamentadas nos achados deste estudo, as autoras acreditam que esta pode ser uma estratégia eficaz para os profissionais de saúde, na construção de modelos que envolvam trabalhos com grupos.Tratase de una investigación con abordaje cualitativa, modalidad estudio de caso, que tubo como objetivo analizar la aplicación de la teoría y de la metodología de los grupos operativos, propuesta por Pichon-Rivière en grupos de portadores de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas. Fue desarrollada en un hospital universitario de la ciudad de Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais/Brasil, por medio de entrevistas y observación directa de un grupo de siete adultos con diabetes tipo 1, con edad entre 18 y 45 años, durante el encuentro en el grupo operativo. El

  1. Epitope Mapping of Monoclonal Antibody PMab-48 Against Dog Podoplanin. (United States)

    Yamada, Shinji; Kaneko, Mika K; Itai, Shunsuke; Chang, Yao-Wen; Nakamura, Takuro; Yanaka, Miyuki; Ogasawara, Satoshi; Murata, Takeshi; Uchida, Hiroaki; Tahara, Hideaki; Harada, Hiroyuki; Kato, Yukinari


    Podoplanin (PDPN), a type I transmembrane sialoglycoprotein, is expressed on normal renal podocytes, pulmonary type I alveolar cells, and lymphatic endothelial cells. Increased expression of PDPN in cancers is associated with poor prognosis and hematogenous metastasis through interactions with C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC-2) on platelets. We previously reported a novel PMab-48 antibody, which is an anti-dog PDPN (dPDPN) monoclonal antibody (mAb) recognizing PDPN expressed in lymphatic endothelial cells. However, the binding epitope of PMab-48 is yet to be clarified. In this study, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and flow cytometry were used to investigate epitopes of PMab-48. The results revealed that the critical epitope of PMab-48 comprises Asp29, Asp30, Ile31, Ile32, and Pro33 of dPDPN.



    Taborda, Cristina; da Costa, Greice Quelle; Monteiro, Mariliane Adriana


    Este trabalho versa sobre atividades terapêuticas no contexto do grupo operativo familiar realizado no Centro Missioneiro de Equoterapia Santo Ângelo Custódio, no período de 2009 a 2010, totalizando 40 sessões com 64 participantes. Apresentamos questões acerca do grupo operativo que tem como finalidade a psicoterapia focal, por meio de textos, brincadeiras, dinâmicas, cujos temas são planejados e sistematizados atendendo as necessidades dos pais e/ou cuidadores. A Equoterapia é um método tera...

  3. Avaliação das ações educativas na promoção do autogerenciamento dos cuidados em diabetes mellitus tipo 2


    Torres, Heloísa de Carvalho; Pereira, Flávia Rodrigues Lobo; Alexandre, Luciana Rodrigues


    O estudo visa avaliar as ações educativas na promoção do autogerenciamento dos cuidados em diabetes mellitus. Vinte e sete indivíduos com diabetes tipo 2, atendidos no programa educativo do hospital-escola de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, foram acompanhados durante quatro meses no ano de 2008. As ações educativas nos grupos consistiam de três encontros mensais, nos quais eram desenvolvidas dinâmicas lúdicas e interativas, e o atendimento individual realizado por meio da educação dialógica. A ...

  4. Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Locus de Control de la Salud en Dios en una muestra de mexicanos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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    Vianey Guadalupe Argüelles Nava


    Full Text Available En este estudio se obtuvo evidencia de validez y confiabilidad de la escala de Locus de Control de la Salud en Dios (GLHC en una muestra de 539 adultos mexicanos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. El análisis de validez se basó en el análisis del contenido de los ítems y de la estructura interna del GLHC. El primer procedimiento estuvo a cargo de seis expertos, quienes evaluaron la pertinencia de la adaptación de los ítems. El segundo procedimiento fue un análisis factorial confirmatorio de grupo múltiple, de acuerdo al sexo y edad, a fin de evaluar la invarianza de medición del GLHC. Finalmente, la confiabilidad fue calculada mediante los coeficientes ω y H. El análisis factorial confirmatorio demostró una estructura de un solo factor con seis ítems, interpretable para la población de estudio con invarianza de medición por sexo, aunque deben tomarse precauciones al interpretar comparaciones por grupos de edad. La confiabilidad del constructo obtuvo magnitudes elevadas (>.90. Los resultados indican que la GLHC puede brindar información válida y confiable para valorar el locus de control de la salud en Dios para mexicanos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2.

  5. The first human epitope map of the alphaviral E1 and E2 proteins reveals a new E2 epitope with significant virus neutralizing activity.

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    Ann R Hunt


    Full Text Available Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV is responsible for VEE epidemics that occur in South and Central America and the U.S. The VEEV envelope contains two glycoproteins E1 (mediates cell membrane fusion and E2 (binds receptor and elicits virus neutralizing antibodies. Previously we constructed E1 and E2 epitope maps using murine monoclonal antibodies (mMAbs. Six E2 epitopes (E2(c,d,e,f,g,h bound VEEV-neutralizing antibody and mapped to amino acids (aa 182-207. Nothing is known about the human antibody repertoire to VEEV or epitopes that engage human virus-neutralizing antibodies. There is no specific treatment for VEE; however virus-neutralizing mMAbs are potent protective and therapeutic agents for mice challenged with VEEV by either peripheral or aerosol routes. Therefore, fully human MAbs (hMAbs with virus-neutralizing activity should be useful for prevention or clinical treatment of human VEE.We used phage-display to isolate VEEV-specific hFabs from human bone marrow donors. These hFabs were characterized by sequencing, specificity testing, VEEV subtype cross-reactivity using indirect ELISA, and in vitro virus neutralization capacity. One E2-specific neutralizing hFAb, F5n, was converted into IgG, and its binding site was identified using competitive ELISA with mMAbs and by preparing and sequencing antibody neutralization-escape variants.Using 11 VEEV-reactive hFabs we constructed the first human epitope map for the alphaviral surface proteins E1 and E2. We identified an important neutralization-associated epitope unique to the human immune response, E2 aa115-119. Using a 9 A resolution cryo-electron microscopy map of the Sindbis virus E2 protein, we showed the probable surface location of this human VEEV epitope.The VEEV-neutralizing capacity of the hMAb F5 nIgG is similar to that exhibited by the humanized mMAb Hy4 IgG. The Hy4 IgG has been shown to limit VEEV infection in mice both prophylactically and therapeutically. Administration

  6. A Novel Multi-Epitope Vaccine For Cross Protection Against Hepatitis C Virus (HCV: An Immunoinformatics Approach

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    Mokhtar Nosrati


    Full Text Available Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV causes acute and chronic human hepatitis infections. Due to the high genetic diversity and high rates of mutations in the genetic material so far there is no approved vaccine against HCV. Materials and Methods: The aim of this study was to determination B and T cell conserved epitopes of E1 and E2 proteins from HCV and construction of a chimeric peptide as a novel epitope based vaccine for cross-protection against the virus. For this, one B and T-cell epitope from both E1 and E2 which was predicted by EPMLR and Propred-1 server and had the highest score and antigenicity in VaxiJen 2.0 and PAP servers were selected for construction of chimeric protein as a multi-epitope vaccine. Results: The results of this study showed that the chimeric peptide had high antigenicity score and stability.Results also showed that most epitopes of E1 were located in two spectra consist of (45-65,88-107 and 148-182 while the results about B-cell epitopes of E2 showed that this protein had much less epitope than E1. The most epitope predicted for E2 were located in (12-24 and 35-54 spectra Conclusion:  In conclusion, epitope based vaccine which was designed by immunoinformatics methods could be considered as a novel and effective vaccine for cross-protection against HCV infection.

  7. Depigmented allergoids reveal new epitopes with capacity to induce IgG blocking antibodies. (United States)

    López-Matas, M Angeles; Gallego, Mayte; Iraola, Víctor; Robinson, Douglas; Carnés, Jerónimo


    The synthesis of allergen-specific blocking IgGs that interact with IgE after allergen immunotherapy (SIT) has been related to clinical efficacy. The objectives were to investigate the epitope specificity of IgG-antibodies induced by depigmented-polymerized (Dpg-Pol) allergoids and unmodified allergen extracts, and examine IgE-blocking activity of induced IgG-antibodies. Rabbits were immunized with native and Dpg-Pol extracts of birch pollen, and serum samples were obtained. Recognition of linear IgG-epitopes of Bet v 1 and Bet v 2 and the capacity of these IgG-antibodies to block binding of human-IgE was determined. Serum from rabbits immunized with native extracts recognised 11 linear epitopes from Bet v 1, while that from Dpg-Pol-immunized animals recognised 8. For Bet v 2, 8 epitopes were recognized by IgG from native immunized animals, and 9 from Dpg-Pol immunized one. Dpg-Pol and native immunized serum did not always recognise the same epitopes, but specific-IgG from both could block human-IgE binding sites for native extract. Depigmented-polymerized birch extract stimulates the synthesis of specific IgG-antibodies which recognize common but also novel epitopes compared with native extracts. IgG-antibodies induced by Dpg-Pol effectively inhibit human-IgE binding to allergens which may be part of the mechanism of action of SIT.

  8. Los jóvenes y la salud. Construcción de grupos en función de representaciones sobre salud y enfermedad

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    Weller Silvana Inés


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue indagar la existencia de diferentes "grupos" de jóvenes en función de sus representaciones alrededor de la salud y la enfermedad. En la construcción de estos "grupos" se busca incorporar conceptos tradicionalmente relegados al estudio de la subjetividad. Se trabajó con una encuesta cerrada que se aplicó sobre 400 jóvenes escolarizados. El procesamiento de los datos se realizó con el análisis de correspondencias múltiples, una técnica de análisis multivariado especialmente diseñada para trabajar con un alto número de variables cualitativas. El estudio permitió despejar ocho "tipos" de jóvenes ­ los asustados, los que cierran los ojos, los hipocondríacos, los sensuales, los felices, los amargados, los que miran al mundo y los que miran su ombligo. Estos resultados indicarían la necesidad de diversificar las estrategias de indagación e intervención en terreno dirigidas a esta población.

  9. A influência do genótipo da ECA sobre a aptidão cardiovascular de jovens do sexo masculino moderadamente ativos

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    Jeeser Alves Almeida


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O gene da enzima conversora de angiotensina (gene ECA tem sido amplamente estudado em relação a fenótipos de aptidão cardiorrespiratória, contudo a associação do genótipo da ECA com corridas de meia-distância tem sido pouco investigada. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo investigou a possível influência da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA (I/D sobre a aptidão cardiovascular e o desempenho em corridas de meia-distância por parte de brasileiros jovens do sexo masculino. A validade da previsão de VO2max em relação ao genótipo da ECA também foi analisada. MÉTODOS: Um grupo homogêneo de homens jovens moderadamente ativos foi avaliado em um teste de corrida (V1600 m; m.min-1 e em um teste adicional em esteira ergométrica para a determinação de VO2max. Posteriormente, o [(0,177*V1600m + 8.101] VO2max real e previsto foi comparado com os genótipos da ECA. RESULTADOS: O VO2max e V1600m registrados para os genótipos DD, ID e II foram 45,6 (1,8; 51,9 (0,8 e 54,4 (1,0 e 211,2 (8,3; 249,1 (4,3 e 258,6 (5,4 m.min-1, respectivamente e foram significativamente mais baixos para os genótipos DD (p < 0,05. O VO2max real e previsto não diferiram entre si, apesar do genótipo da ECA, mas o nível de concordância entre os métodos de VO2max real e estimado foi menor para o genótipo DD. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que existe uma possível associação entre o genótipo da ECA, a aptidão cardiovascular e o desempenho em corridas de média distância de jovens do sexo masculino moderadamente ativos e que a precisão da previsão do VO2max também pode ser dependente do genótipo da ECA dos participantes.

  10. Seven new species of Lachesilla (Psocodea: 'Psocoptera': Lachesillidae, in the group forcepeta from the Amazon Basin Sete espécies novas de Lachesilla Westwood (Psocodea:'Psocoptera': Lachesillidae do grupo forcepeta da Bacia Amazônica

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    Alfonso N. García Aldrete


    Full Text Available Seven new species of Lachesilla in the group forcepeta, from the Amazon Basin in Brazil, Colombia and Peru, are here described and illustrated: L. amacayacuensis sp. n. (type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia, Amacayacú; L.bulbosiforceps sp. n. (type locality: Peru, Cuzco; L. cuzcoensis sp. n. (type locality: Peru, Cuzco; L. marabaensis sp. n. (type locality: Brasil, Pará, Marabá, Serra Norte; L. pilosiforceps sp. n. (type locality: Brasil, Pará, Oriximiná, Rio Trombetas; L. pilosipenna sp. n. (type locality: Peru, Cuzco; L. squamiforceps sp. n. (type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia. The Amazon Basin is the second most rich world area for species of Lachesilla.São descritas e ilustradas sete espécies de Lachesilla do grupo forcepeta, provenientes da bacia amazônica do Brasil, Colômbia e Peru: L. amacayacuensis sp. n. (localidade-tipo: Colômbia, Amazonas, Leticia, Amacayacú; L. bulbosiforceps sp. n. (localidade-tipo: Peru, Cuzco; L. cuzcoensis sp. n. (localidade-tipo: Peru, Cuzco; L. marabaensis sp. n. (localidade-tipo: Brasil, Pará, Marabá, Serra Norte; L. pilosiforceps sp. n. (localidade-tipo: Brasil, Pará, Oriximiná, Rio Trombetas; L. pilosipenna sp. n. (localidade-tipo: Peru, Cuzco; L. squamiforceps sp. n. (localidade-tipo: Colômbia, Amazonas, Letícia. A região amazônica é a segunda mais rica em número de espécies de Lachesilla.

  11. MHC class I epitope binding prediction trained on small data sets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundegaard, Claus; Nielsen, Morten; Lamberth, K.


    The identification of potential T-cell epitopes is important for development of new human or vetenary vaccines, both considering single protein/subunit vaccines, and for epitope/peptide vaccines as such. The highly diverse MHC class I alleles bind very different peptides, and accurate binding pre...... in situations where only very limited data are available for training....

  12. The immune epitope database: a historical retrospective of the first decade. (United States)

    Salimi, Nima; Fleri, Ward; Peters, Bjoern; Sette, Alessandro


    As the amount of biomedical information available in the literature continues to increase, databases that aggregate this information continue to grow in importance and scope. The population of databases can occur either through fully automated text mining approaches or through manual curation by human subject experts. We here report our experiences in populating the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases sponsored Immune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource (IEDB,, which was created in 2003, and as of 2012 captures the epitope information from approximately 99% of all papers published to date that describe immune epitopes (with the exception of cancer and HIV data). This was achieved using a hybrid model based on automated document categorization and extensive human expert involvement. This task required automated scanning of over 22 million PubMed abstracts followed by classification and curation of over 13 000 references, including over 7000 infectious disease-related manuscripts, over 1000 allergy-related manuscripts, roughly 4000 related to autoimmunity, and 1000 transplant/alloantigen-related manuscripts. The IEDB curation involves an unprecedented level of detail, capturing for each paper the actual experiments performed for each different epitope structure. Key to enabling this process was the extensive use of ontologies to ensure rigorous and consistent data representation as well as interoperability with other bioinformatics resources, including the Protein Data Bank, Chemical Entities of Biological Interest, and the NIAID Bioinformatics Resource Centers. A growing fraction of the IEDB data derives from direct submissions by research groups engaged in epitope discovery, and is being facilitated by the implementation of novel data submission tools. The present explosion of information contained in biological databases demands effective query and display capabilities to optimize the user experience. Accordingly, the

  13. Differential Recognition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Specific Epitopes as a Function of Tuberculosis Disease History. (United States)

    Scriba, Thomas J; Carpenter, Chelsea; Pro, Sebastian Carrasco; Sidney, John; Musvosvi, Munyaradzi; Rozot, Virginie; Seumois, Grégory; Rosales, Sandy L; Vijayanand, Pandurangan; Goletti, Delia; Makgotlho, Edward; Hanekom, Willem; Hatherill, Mark; Peters, Bjoern; Sette, Alessandro; Arlehamn, Cecilia S Lindestam


    Individuals with a history of tuberculosis (TB) disease are at elevated risk of disease recurrence. The underlying cause is not known, but one explanation is that previous disease results in less-effective immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). We hypothesized that the repertoire of Mtb-derived epitopes recognized by T cells from individuals with latent Mtb infection differs as a function of previous diagnosis of active TB disease. T-cell responses to peptide pools in samples collected from an adult screening and an adolescent validation cohort were measured by IFN-γ enzyme-linked immunospot assay or intracellular cytokine staining. We identified a set of "type 2" T-cell epitopes that were recognized at 10-fold-lower levels in Mtb-infected individuals with a history of TB disease less than 6 years ago than in those without previous TB. By contrast, "type 1" epitopes were recognized equally well in individuals with or without previous TB. The differential epitope recognition was not due to differences in HLA class II binding, memory phenotypes, or gene expression in the responding T cells. Instead, "TB disease history-sensitive" type 2 epitopes were significantly (P < 0.0001) more homologous to sequences from bacteria found in the human microbiome than type 1 epitopes. Preferential loss of T-cell reactivity to Mtb epitopes that are homologous to bacteria in the microbiome in persons with previous TB disease may reflect long-term effects of antibiotic TB treatment on the microbiome.

  14. Conservation and diversity of influenza A H1N1 HLA-restricted T cell epitope candidates for epitope-based vaccines.

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    Paul Thiamjoo Tan


    Full Text Available The immune-related evolution of influenza viruses is exceedingly complex and current vaccines against influenza must be reformulated for each influenza season because of the high degree of antigenic drift among circulating influenza strains. Delay in vaccine production is a serious problem in responding to a pandemic situation, such as that of the current H1N1 strain. Immune escape is generally attributed to reduced antibody recognition of the viral hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins whose rate of mutation is much greater than that of the internal non-structural proteins. As a possible alternative, vaccines directed at T cell epitope domains of internal influenza proteins, that are less susceptible to antigenic variation, have been investigated.HLA transgenic mouse strains expressing HLA class I A*0201, A*2402, and B*0702, and class II DRB1*1501, DRB1*0301 and DRB1*0401 were immunized with 196 influenza H1N1 peptides that contained residues of highly conserved proteome sequences of the human H1N1, H3N2, H1N2, H5N1, and avian influenza A strains. Fifty-four (54 peptides that elicited 63 HLA-restricted peptide-specific T cell epitope responses were identified by IFN-gamma ELISpot assay. The 54 peptides were compared to the 2007-2009 human H1N1 sequences for selection of sequences in the design of a new candidate H1N1 vaccine, specifically targeted to highly-conserved HLA-restricted T cell epitopes.Seventeen (17 T cell epitopes in PB1, PB2, and M1 were selected as vaccine targets based on sequence conservation over the past 30 years, high functional avidity, non-identity to human peptides, clustered localization, and promiscuity to multiple HLA alleles. These candidate vaccine antigen sequences may be applicable to any avian or human influenza A virus.

  15. Automated identification of complementarity determining regions (CDRs) reveals peculiar characteristics of CDRs and B cell epitopes. (United States)

    Ofran, Yanay; Schlessinger, Avner; Rost, Burkhard


    Exact identification of complementarity determining regions (CDRs) is crucial for understanding and manipulating antigenic interactions. One way to do this is by marking residues on the antibody that interact with B cell epitopes on the antigen. This, of course, requires identification of B cell epitopes, which could be done by marking residues on the antigen that bind to CDRs, thus requiring identification of CDRs. To circumvent this vicious circle, existing tools for identifying CDRs are based on sequence analysis or general biophysical principles. Often, these tools, which are based on partial data, fail to agree on the boundaries of the CDRs. Herein we present an automated procedure for identifying CDRs and B cell epitopes using consensus structural regions that interact with the antigens in all known antibody-protein complexes. Consequently, we provide the first comprehensive analysis of all CDR-epitope complexes of known three-dimensional structure. The CDRs we identify only partially overlap with the regions suggested by existing methods. We found that the general physicochemical properties of both CDRs and B cell epitopes are rather peculiar. In particular, only four amino acids account for most of the sequence of CDRs, and several types of amino acids almost never appear in them. The secondary structure content and the conservation of B cell epitopes are found to be different than previously thought. These characteristics of CDRs and epitopes may be instrumental in choosing which residues to mutate in experimental search for epitopes. They may also assist in computational design of antibodies and in predicting B cell epitopes.

  16. Structure-Based Design of Hepatitis C Virus Vaccines That Elicit Neutralizing Antibody Responses to a Conserved Epitope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pierce, Brian G.; Boucher, Elisabeth N.; Piepenbrink, Kurt H.; Ejemel, Monir; Rapp, Chelsea A.; Thomas, William D.; Sundberg, Eric J.; Weng, Zhiping; Wang, Yang; Diamond, Michael S.


    Despite recent advances in therapeutic options, hepatitis C virus (HCV) remains a severe global disease burden, and a vaccine can substantially reduce its incidence. Due to its extremely high sequence variability, HCV can readily escape the immune response; thus, an effective vaccine must target conserved, functionally important epitopes. Using the structure of a broadly neutralizing antibody in complex with a conserved linear epitope from the HCV E2 envelope glycoprotein (residues 412 to 423; epitope I), we performed structure-based design of immunogens to induce antibody responses to this epitope. This resulted in epitope-based immunogens based on a cyclic defensin protein, as well as a bivalent immunogen with two copies of the epitope on the E2 surface. We solved the X-ray structure of a cyclic immunogen in complex with the HCV1 antibody and confirmed preservation of the epitope conformation and the HCV1 interface. Mice vaccinated with our designed immunogens produced robust antibody responses to epitope I, and their serum could neutralize HCV. Notably, the cyclic designs induced greater epitope-specific responses and neutralization than the native peptide epitope. Beyond successfully designing several novel HCV immunogens, this study demonstrates the principle that neutralizing anti-HCV antibodies can be induced by epitope-based, engineered vaccines and provides the basis for further efforts in structure-based design of HCV vaccines.

    IMPORTANCEHepatitis C virus is a leading cause of liver disease and liver cancer, with approximately 3% of the world's population infected. To combat this virus, an effective vaccine would have distinct advantages over current therapeutic options, yet experimental vaccines have not been successful to date, due in part to the virus's high sequence variability leading to immune escape. In this study, we rationally designed several vaccine immunogens based on the structure of a conserved epitope that

  17. Blood group genotyping Genotipagem de grupos sangüíneos

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    Lilian Castilho


    üenciados. Assim, os problemas que ainda não são resolvidos por testes sorológicos podem ser agora solucionados por técnicas moleculares. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar os mecanismos moleculares responsáveis pelo aparecimento dos antígenos associados aos fenótipos de grupos sangüíneos; mostrar a aplicação da técnica de PCR na medicina transfusional e materno-fetal, e discutir os problemas clínicos que potencialmente podem ser resolvidos pelas técnicas moleculares. A possibilidade de realizar genotipagem de grupos sanguíneos em conjunto com hemaglutinação muda a gama de possibilidades nos procedimentos transfusionais aumentando assim a segurança dos pacientes transfundidos. No entanto, é importante lembrar que a detecção de um gene através das técnicas de genotipagem molecular não significa necessariamente que a proteína carreando o antígeno será expressa. Assim, resultados falso-negativos e falso-positivos podem ocorrer. Embora seja pouco provável que a genotipagem molecular venha a substituir a hemaglutinação nos próximos anos, estas técnicas utilizadas em conjunto têm um valor potencial importante na segurança transfusional e materno-fetal.

  18. Characterization of a linear epitope on Chlamydia trachomatis serovar L2 DnaK-like protein

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ozkokmen, D; Birkelund, Svend; Christiansen, Gunna


    A cytoplasmic 75-kDa immunogen from Chlamydia trachomatis serovar L2 has previously been characterized as being similar to the Escherichia coli heat shock protein DnaK. We have localized a linear epitope for one monoclonal antibody specific for C. trachomatis DnaK. By use of a recombinant DNA...... technique, the epitope was limited to 14 amino acids. With synthetic peptides, the epitope was further limited to eight amino acids. Six of these amino acids are conserved in bovine HSP70, which has a known three-dimensional structure. The amino acid sequence homologous to the epitope is located in a linear...


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    J. P. Núñez Roca


    Full Text Available


    El objetivo de nuestro estudio es comprobar la influencia de un programa de actividad física en la condición física de mujeres adultas (fuerza del tren superior e inferior, equilibrio estático, consumo máximo de oxígeno y la movilidad articular de tronco y ver si el tipo de programa condiciona la mejora de las variables analizadas. La muestra la componen 20
    mujeres de 30-50 años, formando un grupo de n =10 para la actividad de natación y un grupo de n =10 para la actividad de mantenimiento. Los programas de actividad física de mantenimiento y natación de 2 sesiones semanales, son suficientes para mantener la condición física general, pero no para mejorarla significativamente. El programa de actividad física de natación, produce incrementos significativos en el consumo máximo de oxigeno en
    las mujeres de mediana edad (30-50 años.
    PALABRAS CLAVES: natación, mantenimiento, adultos, condición física.

  20. Chimeric peptide constructs comprising linear B-cell epitopes: application to the serodiagnosis of infectious diseases. (United States)

    Lu, Yudong; Li, Zhong; Teng, Huan; Xu, Hongke; Qi, Songnan; He, Jian'an; Gu, Dayong; Chen, Qijun; Ma, Hongwei


    Linear B-cell epitopes are ideal biomarkers for the serodiagnosis of infectious diseases. However, the long-predicted diagnostic value of epitopes has not been realized. Here, we demonstrated a method, diagnostic epitopes in four steps (DEIFS), that delivers a combination of epitopes for the serodiagnosis of infectious diseases with a high success rate. Using DEIFS for malaria, we identified 6 epitopes from 8 peptides and combined them into 3 chimeric peptide constructs. Along with 4 other peptides, we developed a rapid diagnostic test (RDT), which is able to differentiate Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) from Plasmodium vivax (P. vivax) infections with 95.6% overall sensitivity and 99.1% overall specificity. In addition to applications in diagnosis, DEIFS could also be used in the diagnosis of virus and bacterium infections, discovery of vaccine candidates, evaluation of vaccine potency, and study of disease progression.

  1. Depigmented Allergoids Reveal New Epitopes with Capacity to Induce IgG Blocking Antibodies

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    M. Angeles López-Matas


    Full Text Available Background. The synthesis of allergen-specific blocking IgGs that interact with IgE after allergen immunotherapy (SIT has been related to clinical efficacy. The objectives were to investigate the epitope specificity of IgG-antibodies induced by depigmented-polymerized (Dpg-Pol allergoids and unmodified allergen extracts, and examine IgE-blocking activity of induced IgG-antibodies. Methods. Rabbits were immunized with native and Dpg-Pol extracts of birch pollen, and serum samples were obtained. Recognition of linear IgG-epitopes of Bet v 1 and Bet v 2 and the capacity of these IgG-antibodies to block binding of human-IgE was determined. Results. Serum from rabbits immunized with native extracts recognised 11 linear epitopes from Bet v 1, while that from Dpg-Pol-immunized animals recognised 8. For Bet v 2, 8 epitopes were recognized by IgG from native immunized animals, and 9 from Dpg-Pol immunized one. Dpg-Pol and native immunized serum did not always recognise the same epitopes, but specific-IgG from both could block human-IgE binding sites for native extract. Conclusions. Depigmented-polymerized birch extract stimulates the synthesis of specific IgG-antibodies which recognize common but also novel epitopes compared with native extracts. IgG-antibodies induced by Dpg-Pol effectively inhibit human-IgE binding to allergens which may be part of the mechanism of action of SIT.

  2. Identification of a novel linear B-cell epitope using a monoclonal antibody against the carboxy terminus of the canine distemper virus nucleoprotein and sequence analysis of the identified epitope in different CDV isolates. (United States)

    Yi, Li; Cao, Zhigang; Tong, Mingwei; Cheng, Yuening; Yang, Yong; Li, Shuang; Wang, Jianke; Lin, Peng; Sun, Yaru; Zhang, Miao; Cheng, Shipeng


    The Nucleoprotein (NP) is the most abundant and highly immunogenic protein in canine distemper virus (CDV), playing an important role in CDV viral replication and assembly. In this study, a specific monoclonal antibody, named C8, was produced against the NP protein C terminal (amino acids 401-523). A linear N protein epitope was identified by subjecting a series of partially overlapping synthesized peptides to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis.The results indicated that 444 GDKYPIHFNDER 455 was the minimal linear epitope that could be recognized by mAb C8. Sequence alignments demonstrated that this linear epitope is less conserved among three CDV genotypes. We next analyzed the level of conservation of the defined epitope in19 Chinese CDV clinical isolates, and it has one site variation in amino acid among these CDV isolations. 2 isolates have the amino acid mutations F451L, while one has P448Ssubstitution.Phylogenetic analysis showed the two isolates with F451Lsubstitution had a closer relationship in a virulent strain ZJ-7, so the epitope may be a significant tag associated with virus virulence. This collection of mAb along with defined linear epitope may provide useful reagents for investigations of NP protein function and the development of CDV specific diagnostics.

  3. Epitope-Specific Tolerance Modes Differentially Specify Susceptibility to Proteolipid Protein-Induced Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

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    Lei Wang


    Full Text Available Immunization with myelin components can elicit experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE. EAE susceptibility varies between mouse strains, depending on the antigen employed. BL/6 mice are largely resistant to EAE induction with proteolipid protein (PLP, probably a reflection of antigen-specific tolerance. However, the extent and mechanism(s of tolerance to PLP remain unclear. Here, we identified three PLP epitopes in PLP-deficient BL/6 mice. PLP-sufficient mice did not respond against two of these, whereas tolerance was “leaky” for an epitope with weak predicted MHCII binding, and only this epitope was encephalitogenic. In TCR transgenic mice, the “EAE-susceptibility-associated” epitope was “ignored” by specific CD4 T cells, whereas the “resistance-associated” epitope induced clonal deletion and Treg induction in the thymus. Central tolerance was autoimmune regulator dependent and required expression and presentation of PLP by thymic epithelial cells (TECs. TEC-specific ablation of PLP revealed that peripheral tolerance, mediated by dendritic cells through recessive tolerance mechanisms (deletion and anergy, could largely compensate for a lack of central tolerance. However, adoptive EAE was exacerbated in mice lacking PLP in TECs, pointing toward a non-redundant role of the thymus in dominant tolerance to PLP. Our findings reveal multiple layers of tolerance to a central nervous system autoantigen that vary among epitopes and thereby specify disease susceptibility. Understanding how different modalities of tolerance apply to distinct T cell epitopes of a target in autoimmunity has implications for antigen-specific strategies to therapeutically interfere with unwanted immune reactions against self.

  4. Viral O-GalNAc peptide epitopes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olofsson, Sigvard; Blixt, Klas Ola; Bergström, Tomas


    Viral envelope glycoproteins are major targets for antibodies that bind to and inactivate viral particles. The capacity of a viral vaccine to induce virus-neutralizing antibodies is often used as a marker for vaccine efficacy. Yet the number of known neutralization target epitopes is restricted o...

  5. CD4+ T-cell epitope prediction using antigen processing constraints. (United States)

    Mettu, Ramgopal R; Charles, Tysheena; Landry, Samuel J


    T-cell CD4+ epitopes are important targets of immunity against infectious diseases and cancer. State-of-the-art methods for MHC class II epitope prediction rely on supervised learning methods in which an implicit or explicit model of sequence specificity is constructed using a training set of peptides with experimentally tested MHC class II binding affinity. In this paper we present a novel method for CD4+ T-cell eptitope prediction based on modeling antigen-processing constraints. Previous work indicates that dominant CD4+ T-cell epitopes tend to occur adjacent to sites of initial proteolytic cleavage. Given an antigen with known three-dimensional structure, our algorithm first aggregates four types of conformational stability data in order to construct a profile of stability that allows us to identify regions of the protein that are most accessible to proteolysis. Using this profile, we then construct a profile of epitope likelihood based on the pattern of transitions from unstable to stable regions. We validate our method using 35 datasets of experimentally measured CD4+ T cell responses of mice bearing I-Ab or HLA-DR4 alleles as well as of human subjects. Overall, our results show that antigen processing constraints provide a significant source of predictive power. For epitope prediction in single-allele systems, our approach can be combined with sequence-based methods, or used in instances where little or no training data is available. In multiple-allele systems, sequence-based methods can only be used if the allele distribution of a population is known. In contrast, our approach does not make use of MHC binding prediction, and is thus agnostic to MHC class II genotypes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    David Stark


    Full Text Available Os grupos empresariais enfrentam um desafio duplo: reconhecer e implementar novas ideias. O presente artigo sugere que oempreendedorismo está mais relacionado com a geração de novos conhecimentos, por meio da recombinação de recursos, doque com a importação de ideias. Em contraste com a perspectiva “intermediação mais fechamento”, enfocamos a sobreposiçãode estruturas coesas de grupos. Ao analisar processos de intercoesão de redes, identificamos uma topologia de rede distinta:a dobra estrutural. Os atores de uma dobra estrutural são membros de múltiplos grupos, o que facilita o acesso familiar a diversosrecursos. Nosso conjunto de dados permite observar laços pessoais entre as 1.696 maiores empresas húngaras de 1987a 2001. Primeiro, testamos se dobras estruturais contribuem para o desempenho de grupos. Segundo, como o empreendedorismoé um processo de ruptura generativa, testamos a contribuição das dobras estruturais para a instabilidade do grupo.Terceiro, passamos de métodos dinâmicos à análise histórica de redes, e demonstramos que a coerência é uma propriedadede genealogias entrelaçadas de coesão, construídas por meio de repetidas separações e reunificações.

  7. Diferencias conductuales y cognitivas en dos grupos de escolares con TDAH intervenidos con Arteterapia -vsMetilfenidato y un grupo control

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    M. Aurora G. Gallardo Saavedra


    el WISC-IV. Resultados. Se encontraron diferencias conductuales al inicio inter grupos en 4 subescalas y después del tratamiento en 5, en “hiperactividad” para el grupo “A” y funciones ejecutivas en el “B”, los cambios cognitivos en el índice de comprensión verbal entre “B” y ”C” e Índice de velocidad de procesamiento para el grupo “A”. Discusión y conclusiones los resultados sugieren que el arteterapia podría mejorar la conducta pero no la cognición.

  8. Isolation of monoclonal antibodies with predetermined conformational epitope specificity.

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    Anton M Sholukh

    Full Text Available Existing technologies allow isolating antigen-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs from B cells. We devised a direct approach to isolate mAbs with predetermined conformational epitope specificity, using epitope mimetics (mimotopes that reflect the three-dimensional structure of given antigen subdomains. We performed differential biopanning using bacteriophages encoding random peptide libraries and polyclonal antibodies (Abs that had been affinity-purified with either native or denatured antigen. This strategy yielded conformational mimotopes. We then generated mimotope-fluorescent protein fusions, which were used as baits to isolate single memory B cells from rhesus monkeys (RMs. To amplify RM immunoglobulin variable regions, we developed RM-specific PCR primers and generated chimeric simian-human mAbs with predicted epitope specificity. We established proof-of-concept of our strategy by isolating mAbs targeting the conformational V3 loop crown of HIV Env; the new mAbs cross-neutralized viruses of different clades. The novel technology allows isolating mAbs from RMs or other hosts given experimental immunogens or infectious agents.

  9. Substantial gaps in knowledge of Bordetella pertussis antibody and T cell epitopes relevant for natural immunity and vaccine efficacy (United States)

    Vaughan, Kerrie; Seymour, Emily; Peters, Bjoern; Sette, Alessandro


    The recent increase in whooping cough in vaccinated populations has been attributed to waning immunity associated with the acellular vaccine. The Immune Epitope Database (IEDB) is a repository of immune epitope data from the published literature and includes T cell and antibody epitopes for human pathogens. The IEDB conducted a review of the epitope literature, which revealed 300 Bordetella pertussis-related epitopes from 39 references. Epitope data are currently available for six virulence factors of B. pertussis: pertussis toxin, pertactin, fimbrial 2, fimbrial 3, adenylate cyclase and filamentous hemagglutinin. The majority of epitopes were defined for antibody reactivity; fewer T cell determinants were reported. Analysis of available protective correlates data revealed a number of candidate epitopes; however few are defined in humans and few have been shown to be protective. Moreover, there are a limited number of studies defining epitopes from natural infection versus whole cell or acellular/subunit vaccines. The relationship between epitope location and structural features, as well as antigenic drift (SNP analysis) was also investigated. We conclude that the cumulative data is yet insufficient to address many fundamental questions related to vaccine failure and this underscores the need for further investigation of B. pertussis immunity at the molecular level. PMID:24530743

  10. The burden of gestational diabetes mellitus in Jamaican women with a family history of autosomal dominant type 2 diabetes La carga de la diabetes mellitus gestacional en mujeres de Jamaica con antecedentes familiares de diabetes autosómica dominante tipo 2

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    Rachael R. Irving


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To determine if Jamaican women of African descent with a family history of early onset autosomal dominant type 2 diabetes have greater odds of developing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM than those without a family history of the disease. METHODS: A comparative study was conducted of two groups of pregnant Jamaican women: the first with a family history of early onset autosomal dominant type 2 diabetes; the second with no history of the disease. Incidence, odds for developing GDM, and metabolic profiles in first and second trimesters were assessed using SPSS 11.5 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, United States. RESULTS: The incidence of GDM was 12.0 % in women with a family history of early onset autosomal dominant type 2 diabetes and 1.5% in women without a family history of the disease (P OBJETIVOS: Determinar si las mujeres jamaicanas de ascendencia africana con antecedentes familiares de inicio temprano de diabetes autosómica dominante tipo 2 tienen mayor probabilidad de desarrollar diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG que las que no tienen esos antecedentes familiares. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio comparativo con dos grupos de mujeres jamaicanas embarazadas: el primero con mujeres que tenían antecedentes familiares de inicio temprano de diabetes autosómica dominante tipo 2 y el segundo con mujeres sin antecedentes familiares de esa enfermedad. Se empleó el programa SPSS v. 11.5 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, Estados Unidos de América para analizar los resultados y calcular la incidencia, la probabilidad de desarrollar DMG y los perfiles metabólicos en el primer y el segundo trimestres de gestación. RESULTADOS: La incidencia de DMG fue de 12,0% en las mujeres con antecedentes familiares de inicio temprano de diabetes autosómica dominante tipo 2 y de 1,5% en las mujeres sin antecedentes familiares de esa enfermedad (P < 0,05. Las mujeres del primer grupo tuvieron nueve veces más probabilidades de desarrollar DMG que las

  11. O trabalho em redes e grupos de colaboração em pesquisa: desafios contemporâneos

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    Ruth Bernardes Sant'Ana


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre colaboração interuniversitária em redes e grupos nacionais e internacionais de pesquisa na contemporaneidade, com ênfase no seu valor, nos seus impasses e nos desafios impostos às pessoas e aos grupos participantes. O trabalho parte do suposto de que cenário acadêmico brasileiro exige do professor pesquisador o ajuste dos interesses pessoais aos coletivos de pesquisadores e, ao mesmo tempo, a resposta às exigências advindas do modelo concorrencial que orienta a produção científica na contemporaneidade. Tomando isso em consideração, busca-se subsidiar os interessados na escolha das modalidades de pesquisa colaborativa e dos tipos de projetos, contribuir para a organização da divisão do trabalho no interior das equipes de pesquisa e, quem sabe, no encorajamento de coletivos de pesquisadores a empreenderem projetos colaborativos. Tendo como referencial metodológico a análise de redes sociais, a pesquisa valeu-se de estudos bibliográficos e de reflexões sobre a prática cotidiana da pesquisa em grupo no âmbito da produção científica universitária, inclusive a partir da inserção do autor deste artigo em um coletivo voltado à constituição de uma rede interuniversitária de investigação em educação.   The work in networks and groups of research collaboration: contemporary challenges  Abstract The paper represents a reflection about inter-university collaboration in national and international networks and research groups in contemporary society, with emphasis on their value, their dilemmas and challenges posed to people and groups participating in it. The work stems from the assumption that Brazilian academic scenario requires the teacher researcher the adjustment of personal interest to the collective of researchers and at the same time the answer to the requirements arising from the competitive model that guides the scientific production nowadays. Taking this into

  12. Características sociodemográficas y clínicas de los pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 con infecciones adquiridas en la comunidad admitidos en los servicios de Medicina del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia

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    Gino Guillermo Tapia Zegarra


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar las características sociodemográficas y clínicas propias de los diabéticos tipo 2 con infecciones adquiridas en la comunidad admitidos en los servicios de medicina del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de serie de casos en el que se evaluaron 105 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, sin alguna comorbilidad hiperglicemiante, inmunosupresora o que altere las barreras normales a la infección, elegidos aleatoriamente de los registros de alta y epicrisis entre 1991 y 1998 de los servicios de medicina del HNCH. Resultados: El nivel de instrucción predominantemente fue el analfabeto y primaria (60%. El 72.4% de los pacientes recibían algún tipo de tratamiento, de ellos el 89.5% lo seguían en forma irregular. La neuropatía periférica (87.5% y nefropatía grado III-V (87.3% son las complicaciones más frecuentes. Los principales focos de infección son los de partes blandas y tracto urinario. El tiempo promedio de hospitalización fue de 17.33 días, siendo significativamente mayor en el grupo con sepsis (p=0.036. Según resultados disponibles, la mitad tuvo inversión de la relación albúmino/globulina y más de la mitad tuvo dislipidemia. Conclusiones: Los diabéticos tipo 2 con infección adquirida en la comunidad admitidos en salas de medicina del HNCH presentan mayormente un bajo nivel de instrucción. Encontramos frecuentes complicaciones micro y macrovasculares, inversión de la relación albúmino/globulina y dislipidemia. La estancia hospitalaria fué prolongada, sobretodo en el grupo que desarrolló sepsis. ( Rev Med Hered 2000; 11:89-96.

  13. Definition of natural T cell antigens with mimicry epitopes obtained from dedicated synthetic peptide libraries. (United States)

    Hiemstra, H S; van Veelen, P A; Schloot, N C; Geluk, A; van Meijgaarden, K E; Willemen, S J; Leunissen, J A; Benckhuijsen, W E; Amons, R; de Vries, R R; Roep, B O; Ottenhoff, T H; Drijfhout, J W


    Progress has recently been made in the use of synthetic peptide libraries for the identification of T cell-stimulating ligands. T cell epitopes identified from synthetic libraries are mimics of natural epitopes. Here we show how the mimicry epitopes obtained from synthetic peptide libraries enable unambiguous identification of natural T cell Ags. Synthetic peptide libraries were screened with Mycobacterium tuberculosis-reactive and -autoreactive T cell clones. In two cases, database homology searches with mimicry epitopes isolated from a dedicated synthetic peptide library allowed immediate identification of the natural antigenic protein. In two other cases, an amino acid pattern that reflected the epitope requirements of the T cell was determined by substitution and omission mixture analysis. Subsequently, the natural Ag was identified from databases using this refined pattern. This approach opens new perspectives for rapid and reliable Ag definition, representing a feasible alternative to the biochemical and genetic approaches described thus far.

  14. Asociación entre el precio de los alimentos y la glucemia en adultos estadounidenses con diabetes de tipo 2

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    Tobenna D. Anekwé


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Calculamos la asociación entre el precio de diversas categorías de alimentos saludables y menos saludables y la glucemia en adultos estadounidenses con diabetes de tipo 2. MÉTODOS: Vinculamos la información de salud contenida en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 1999-2006 y el precio de los alimentos a partir de la base trimestral de datos de precios de los alimentos. Aplicamos una regresión de los valores de glucemia con respecto al precio de los alimentos en el trimestre anterior, con control de la región del mercado y otras covariables. Examinamos asimismo si la asociación entre el precio de los alimentos y la glucemia variaba entre distintos grupos de ingresos. RESULTADOS: Tanto el precio de las frutas y verduras como el precio de los productos lácteos magros se asocian a la glucemia en las personas con diabetes de tipo 2. En concreto, un precio mayor de las frutas y verduras y de los productos lácteos se asocia a valores más altos de glu-cohemoglobina y de glucemia en ayunas tres meses después. La asociación entre el precio de los alimentos y la glucemia es mayor en las personas de ingresos bajos que en las de ingresos elevados, en la dirección esperada. CONCLUSIONES: Un precio mayor de los alimentos saludables se asocia a cifras más elevadas de glucemia en las personas con diabetes de tipo 2. Esta asociación fue especialmente pronunciada en las personas con diabetes de tipo 2 con ingresos bajos.

  15. Developmental Localization and Methylesterification of Pectin Epitopes during Somatic Embryogenesis of Banana (Musa spp. AAA) (United States)

    Xu, Chunxiang; Zhao, Lu; Pan, Xiao; Šamaj, Jozef


    Background The plant cell walls play an important role in somatic embryogenesis and plant development. Pectins are major chemical components of primary cell walls while homogalacturonan (HG) is the most abundant pectin polysaccharide. Developmental regulation of HG methyl-esterification degree is important for cell adhesion, division and expansion, and in general for proper organ and plant development. Methodology/Principal Findings Developmental localization of pectic homogalacturonan (HG) epitopes and the (1→4)-β-D-galactan epitope of rhamnogalacturonan I (RG-I) and degree of pectin methyl-esterification (DM) were studied during somatic embryogenesis of banana (Musa spp. AAA). Histological analysis documented all major developmental stages including embryogenic cells (ECs), pre-globular, globular, pear-shaped and cotyledonary somatic embryos. Histochemical staining of extracellularly secreted pectins with ruthenium red showed the most intense staining at the surface of pre-globular, globular and pear-shaped somatic embryos. Biochemical analysis revealed developmental regulation of galacturonic acid content and DM in diverse embryogenic stages. Immunodots and immunolabeling on tissue sections revealed developmental regulation of highly methyl-esterified HG epitopes recognized by JIM7 and LM20 antibodies during somatic embryogenesis. Cell walls of pre-globular/globular and late-stage embryos contained both low methyl-esterified HG epitopes as well as partially and highly methyl-esterified ones. Extracellular matrix which covered surface of early developing embryos contained pectin epitopes recognized by 2F4, LM18, JIM5, JIM7 and LM5 antibodies. De-esterification of cell wall pectins by NaOH caused a decrease or an elimination of immunolabeling in the case of highly methyl-esterified HG epitopes. However, immunolabeling of some low methyl-esterified epitopes appeared stronger after this base treatment. Conclusions/Significance These data suggest that both low

  16. Relación entre el herpes simple tipo 2 y las lesiones preinvasivas de cuello uterino

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    Yenddy Carrero


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la presencia y relación del virus herpes simple tipo 2 (VHS-2 en mujeres con diferentes grados de lesiones preinvasivas de cuello uterino. Materiales y métodos: Se estudiaron 176 mujeres con lesiones preinvasivas de cuello uterino y 40 mujeres como grupo control con cuello uterino sano, que asistieron a la consulta ginecológica en diferentes centros de salud, durante los años 2002-2005 en Maracaibo-Venezuela. A las pacientes se les tomó un hisopado del exocervix y una biopsia dirigida del sitio de la lesión por colposcopía. La determinación de VHS-2 se realizó a través de inmunofluorescencia directa. Resultados: La presencia de infección por VHS-2 fue 44 /176 (25%. El mayor número de VHS-2 se obtuvo en las pacientes con grado de lesión tipo NIC II (66,7%. El mayor porcentaje de infección por VHS-2 se determinó en las pacientes que iniciaron sus relaciones sexuales entre los 15 y 20 años (34,5%, las relaciones sexuales diarias (50%, así como relaciones de tipo orogenital fueron consideradas las conductas de mayor riesgo para adquirir la infección. Conclusiones: No se evidenció una relación directa entre VHS-2 y la presencia de cáncer. Los factores de riesgo asociados con la infección son similares a otras ITS, y están ligados con la conducta sexual y hábitos propios del individuo.

  17. Identification and characterization of two linear epitope motifs in hepatitis E virus ORF2 protein.

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    Heng Wang

    Full Text Available Hepatitis E virus (HEV is responsible for hepatitis E, which represents a global public health problem. HEV genotypes 3 and 4 are reported to be zoonotic, and animals are monitored for HEV infection in the interests of public hygiene and food safety. The development of novel diagnostic methods and vaccines for HEV in humans is thus important topics of research. Opening reading frame (ORF 2 of HEV includes both linear and conformational epitopes and is regarded as the primary candidate for vaccines and diagnostic tests. We investigated the precise location of the HEV epitopes in the ORF2 protein. We prepared four monoclonal antibodies (mAbs against genotype 4 ORF2 protein and identified two linear epitopes, G438IVIPHD444 and Y457DNQH461, corresponding to two of these mAbs using phage display biopanning technology. Both these epitopes were speculated to be universal to genotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, and avian HEVs. We also used two 12-mer fragments of ORF2 protein including these two epitopes to develop a peptide-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA to detect HEV in serum. This assay demonstrated good specificity but low sensitivity compared with the commercial method, indicating that these two epitopes could serve as potential candidate targets for diagnosis. Overall, these results further our understanding of the epitope distribution of HEV ORF2, and provide important information for the development of peptide-based immunodiagnostic tests to detect HEV in serum.

  18. Temporal Formation and Immunolocalization of an Endospore Surface Epitope During Pasteuria penetrans Sporogenesis. (United States)

    Brito, J A; Preston, J F; Dickson, D W; Giblin-Davis, R M; Williams, D S; Aldrich, H C; Rice, J D


    The synthesis and localization of an endospore surface epitope associated with the development of Pasteuria penetrans was determined using a monoclonal antibody (MAb) as a probe. Nematodes, uninfected or infected with P. penetrans, were harvested at 12, 16, 24, and 38 days after inoculation (DAI) and then examined to determine the developmental stage of the bacterium. Vegetative growth of P. penetrans was observed only in infected nematodes harvested at 12 and 16 DAI, whereas cells at different stages of sporulation and mature endospores were observed at 24 and 38 DAI. ELISA and immunoblot analysis revealed that the adhesin-associated epitope was first detected at 24 DAI, and increased in the later stages of sporogenesis. These results indicate that the synthesis of adhesin-related proteins occurred at a certain developmental stage relative to the sporulation process, and was associated with endospore maturation. Immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that the distribution of the epitope is nearly uniform on the periphery of each spore, as defined by parasporal fibers. Immunocytochemistry at the ultrastructural level indicated a distribution of the epitope over the parasporal fibers. The epitope also was detected over other structures such as sporangium and exosporium during the sporogenesis process, but it was not observed over the cortex, inner-spore coat, outer-spore coat, or protoplasm. The appearance of the adhesin epitope first at stage III of sporogenesis and its presence on the parasporal fibers are consistent with an adhesin-related role in the attachment of the mature endospore to the cuticle of the nematode host.

  19. GPS-MBA: computational analysis of MHC class II epitopes in type 1 diabetes. (United States)

    Cai, Ruikun; Liu, Zexian; Ren, Jian; Ma, Chuang; Gao, Tianshun; Zhou, Yanhong; Yang, Qing; Xue, Yu


    As a severe chronic metabolic disease and autoimmune disorder, type 1 diabetes (T1D) affects millions of people world-wide. Recent advances in antigen-based immunotherapy have provided a great opportunity for further treating T1D with a high degree of selectivity. It is reported that MHC class II I-A(g7) in the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse and human HLA-DQ8 are strongly linked to susceptibility to T1D. Thus, the identification of new I-A(g7) and HLA-DQ8 epitopes would be of great help to further experimental and biomedical manipulation efforts. In this study, a novel GPS-MBA (MHC Binding Analyzer) software package was developed for the prediction of I-A(g7) and HLA-DQ8 epitopes. Using experimentally identified epitopes as the training data sets, a previously developed GPS (Group-based Prediction System) algorithm was adopted and improved. By extensive evaluation and comparison, the GPS-MBA performance was found to be much better than other tools of this type. With this powerful tool, we predicted a number of potentially new I-A(g7) and HLA-DQ8 epitopes. Furthermore, we designed a T1D epitope database (TEDB) for all of the experimentally identified and predicted T1D-associated epitopes. Taken together, this computational prediction result and analysis provides a starting point for further experimental considerations, and GPS-MBA is demonstrated to be a useful tool for generating starting information for experimentalists. The GPS-MBA is freely accessible for academic researchers at:

  20. Empatía: diferencias entre abusadores sexuales, delincuentes violentos y un grupo control

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    Zulma Yadira Cepeda Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue explorar, describir y comparar la variable empatía en tres grupos: agresores sexuales de menores de edad, delincuentes violentos no sexuales y personas sin historia de reclusión en establecimientos carcelarios, por medio de una investigación transeccional de tipo descriptivo- comparativo. Para evaluar la variable de estudio se tradujo y adaptó al español el instrumento de medición The Child Molester Empathy Measure. Posteriormente esta escala se aplicó a una muestra de conveniencia de 149 hombres, en edades entre los 18 y 57 años. Los principales resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que existen diferencias significativas en el factor afectivo y cognitivo de la empatía entre agresores sexuales y delincuentes violentos, y que los primeros reportan menor empatía cuando la situación evalúa a sus propias víctimas. Finalmente, se resalta la importancia de evaluar en futuros estudios otras variables psicológicas asociadas a la empatía, como las distorsiones cognitivas, la autoestima, entre otras.

  1. Efectividad de un programa en la carga de cuidado para cuidadores familiares en tres grupos culturalmente diversos

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    Yenny Marcela Barreto Zorza


    Full Text Available Introducción: El envejecimiento poblacional dado por la transición demográfica y epidemiológica, repercute en la dependencia de las actividades de la vida diaria de los adultos mayores, requiriendo de manera constante los cuidados de personas denominadas “cuidadores”, en quienes se genera una carga que afecta su salud física y mental. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de un programa en la carga de cuidado para cuidadores familiares en tres grupos culturalmente diversos. Metodología: Investigación cuantitativa, de tipo analítico, a partir de los resultados de tres estudios cuasiexperimentales de grupos de cuidadores familiares de personas ancianas dependientes funcionalmente. Participaron 88 cuidadores de tres municipios: Bogotá, Cáqueza y Guapi, en un Programa educativo con acciones de cuidado adaptadas culturalmente. La información se recolectó con la Escala de carga de Zarit, antes y después de la implementación del programa, se realizó un análisis con prueba de rango signado de Wilcoxon en cada uno de los tres grupos. Se consideró aspectos éticos. Resultados: El programa educativo para cuidadoras familiares tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo en la carga de cuidado de los cuidadores de Cáqueza (valor p 0.014, posiblemente porque el programa responde a una de las necesidades prioritarias de estos cuidadores que es el cuidado de sí mismos, contrario al encontrado en Bogotá y Guapi. Lo que sugiere continuar estudios con programas a cuidadores con perspectiva cultural. Conclusión: El logro de resultados estadísticamente significativos en las cuidadoras de Cáqueza sugiere que ellas cuentan con una mejor red de apoyo familiar y vecinal, por eso asumen la asistencia al programa con mayor dedicación, integralidad y disposición de tiempo.

  2. Can mutational GC-pressure create new linear B-cell epitopes in herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein B? (United States)

    Khrustalev, Vladislav Victorovich


    We showed that GC-content of nucleotide sequences coding for linear B-cell epitopes of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) glycoprotein B (gB) is higher than GC-content of sequences coding for epitope-free regions of this glycoprotein (G + C = 73 and 64%, respectively). Linear B-cell epitopes have been predicted in HSV1 gB by BepiPred algorithm ( ). Proline is an acrophilic amino acid residue (it is usually situated on the surface of protein globules, and so included in linear B-cell epitopes). Indeed, the level of proline is much higher in predicted epitopes of gB than in epitope-free regions (17.8% versus 1.8%). This amino acid is coded by GC-rich codons (CCX) that can be produced due to nucleotide substitutions caused by mutational GC-pressure. GC-pressure will also lead to disappearance of acrophobic phenylalanine, isoleucine, methionine and tyrosine coded by GC-poor codons. Results of our "in-silico directed mutagenesis" showed that single nonsynonymous substitutions in AT to GC direction in two long epitope-free regions of gB will cause formation of new linear epitopes or elongation of previously existing epitopes flanking these regions in 25% of 539 possible cases. The calculations of GC-content and amino acid content have been performed by CodonChanges algorithm ( ).

  3. Virus-Like Particles of Chimeric Recombinant Porcine Circovirus Type 2 as Antigen Vehicle Carrying Foreign Epitopes

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    Huawei Zhang


    Full Text Available Virus-like particles (VLPs of chimeric porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2 were generated by replacing the nuclear localization signal (NLS; at 1–39 aa of PCV2 capsid protein (Cap with classical swine fever virus (CSFV T-cell epitope (1446–1460 aa, CSFV B-cell epitope (693–716 aa and CSFV T-cell epitope conjugated with B-cell epitope. The recombinant proteins were expressed using the baculovirus expression system and detected by immunoblotting and indirect immunofluorescence assay. The abilities to form PCV2 VLPs were confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. Immunogenicities of the three recombinant proteins were evaluated in mice. Our Results indicated that Cap protein NLS deletion or substitution with CSFV epitopes did not affect the VLPs assembly. Three chimeric Cap proteins could form VLPs and induce efficient humoral and cellular immunity against PCV2 and CSFV in mice. Results show that PCV2 VLPs can be used as an efficient antigen carrier for delivery of foreign epitopes, and a potential novel vaccine.

  4. Familia: un estado del arte en grupos de investigación de Colciencias en psicología entre 2010-2015

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    Nidia Bonilla-Cruz


    Full Text Available Esta investigación describe la producción científica realizada por los 126 grupos de investigación en psicología reconocidos por Colciencias entre enero del 2010 hasta septiembre del 2015 en familia o que contribuyan con esta línea. Teniendo en cuenta que uno de los criterios fundamentales fue que dicha producción sea únicamente por artículos científicos publicado en revistas indexadas, para su posterior análisis hermenéutico desde un enfoque metodológico cualitativo de tipo documental que como resultados significativos se identificó las tendencias investigativas entre las categorías teóricas  previamente establecida  desde el modelo sistémico de acuerdo con la recolección realizada a 30 grupos de investigación que cumplieron con los criterios establecidos. De la misma manera se determinaron los enfoques teóricos y metodológico relevantes en dichos artículos científicos mediante técnicas de análisis hermenéutico como lo es la triangulación metodológica y teórica, así mismo la categorización por medio del Software Atlas ti 6.0, mediante dos instrumentos documentales. Concluyendo con la preocupación por la baja producción científica en estos cinco años, puesto que solo se identificaron 82 artículos científicos por parte de estos grupos.

  5. Resistência de união de compósitos do tipo Bulk Fill: análise in vitro

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    Caroline de Farias CHARAMBA


    Full Text Available Resumo Introdução A classe dos compósitos Bulk-Fill tem obtido popularidade com a promessa de ser fotopolimerizado efetivamente em camadas de até quatro milímetros, fato que contrasta com os dois milímetros requisitados para os compósitos convencionais para manutenção da adesividade da restauração. Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a resistência de união à dentina de restaurações confeccionadas com compósitos do tipo Bulk-Fill. Material e método Foram utilizados 15 terceiros molares humanos, cuja superfície oclusal foi cortada e a dentina foi exposta. Esses elementos dentários foram divididos em três grupos conforme o material restaurador utilizado. O sistema adesivo usado foi o mesmo para todos os grupos. Posteriormente, os dentes restaurados foram cortados para originar palitos de aproximadamente 1 mm de largura, 1 mm de profundidade e 8 mm de altura, que foram fixados às garras do dispositivo de microtração. Foram utilizados dez palitos de cada dente, totalizando 50 palitos por grupo. Os dados de resistência de união à microtração foram expressos em megapascal (MPa. As fraturas foram analisadas em microscópio óptico. Os dados foram analisados através dos testes ANOVA e Tukey (p<0,05. Resultado Os três compósitos estudados diferiram estatisticamente entre si (p<0,000. Os compósitos Bulk-Fill apresentaram resistências de união semelhantes e superiores ao convencional (p<0,000. A fratura mais encontrada foi a mista, em todos os grupos. Conclusão Os compósitos Bulk-Fill apresentaram maiores valores de resistência de união com a técnica restauradora utilizada.

  6. Epitope Mapping of Monoclonal Antibody PMab-38 Against Dog Podoplanin. (United States)

    Chang, Yao-Wen; Yamada, Shinji; Kaneko, Mika K; Kato, Yukinari


    Podoplanin (PDPN), a type I transmembrane sialoglycoprotein, is extensively expressed by normal lymphatic endothelial cells, renal podocytes, and pulmonary type I alveolar cells. Nevertheless, increased expression of PDPN in malignant tumors not only associates with poor prognosis but also facilitates hematogenous metastasis through interaction with C-type lectin-like receptor-2 presented on platelets, followed by PDPN-mediated platelet activation. We previously reported a novel PMab-38 antibody, an anti-dog PDPN (dPDPN) monoclonal antibody, which specifically recognizes PDPN in squamous cell carcinomas melanomas and cancer-associated fibroblasts in canine cancer tissues. However, the specific binding with the epitope of PMab-38 remains undefined. In this study, flow cytometry was utilized to investigate the epitope of PMab-38, which was determined using a series of deletion or point mutants of dPDPN. The results revealed that the critical epitope of PMab-38 is Tyr67 and Glu68 of dPDPN.

  7. Application of phage peptide display technology for the study of food allergen epitopes. (United States)

    Chen, Xueni; Dreskin, Stephen C


    Phage peptide display technology has been used to identify IgE-binding mimotopes (mimics of natural epitopes) that mimic conformational epitopes. This approach is effective in the characterization of those epitopes that are important for eliciting IgE-mediated allergic responses by food allergens and those that are responsible for cross-reactivity among allergenic food proteins. Application of this technology will increase our understanding of the mechanisms whereby food allergens elicit allergic reactions, will facilitate the discovery of diagnostic reagents and may lead to mimotope-based immunotherapy. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. A synthetic glycan microarray enables epitope mapping of plant cell wall glycan-directed antibodies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ruprecht, Colin; Bartetzko, Max P; Senf, Deborah


    In the last three decades, more than 200 monoclonal antibodies have been raised against most classes of plant cell wall polysaccharides by different laboratories world-wide. These antibodies are widely used to identify differences in plant cell wall components in mutants, organ and tissue types......, and developmental stages. Despite their importance and broad use, the precise binding epitope for only a few of these antibodies has been determined. Here, we use a plant glycan microarray equipped with 88 synthetic oligosaccharides to comprehensively map the epitopes of plant cell wall glycan-directed antibodies....... Our results reveal the binding epitopes for 78 arabinogalactan-, rhamnogalacturonan-, xylan-, and xyloglucan-directed antibodies. We demonstrate that, with knowledge of the exact epitopes recognized by individual antibodies, specific glycosyl hydrolases can be implemented into immunological cell wall...

  9. Aspectos técnicos da psicoterapia de grupo

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    Bernardo Blay Neto


    Full Text Available São estudados os mecanismos psíquicos que se desenvolvem em agrupamentos humanos e a sua utilização para fins terapêuticos, sendo focalizado o fenômeno da interação como o dinamismo básico dessas reações. O autor compara a forma pela qual encara o grupo com as idéias de Bion, Moreno e Sullivan, encarando a hipótese de que os sentimentos de amor e hostilidade se manifestem em função do bom ou do mau funcionamento dos contactos primários que caracterizam a dependência. O autor comenta resultados que obteve usando o psicodrama, mediante o qual estudou reações emocionais de inveja, ódio, agressividade e amor. O autor analisa as técnicas de Slavson e Pratt baseando-se nos dinamismos inerentes ao grupo e refere os estudos de Beukemkamp para a compreensão do fenômeno transferenciai que, no grupo, tem características próprias. As diferenças entre a terapia de grupo e a individual são apontadas, sendo a contra-transferência considerada como elemento construtivo. Pensa o autor que o aspecto dramático vivenciado pelo grupo ou por um dos seus componentes tem alto valor, pois engloba a verbalização, os componentes emocionais e os componentes posturais. O tono emocional vivenciado pelo grupo é mais intenso e opressivo que o que é despertado na terapêutica individual, o que é explicável pela somação de efeitos provocada pela reação circular. Segundo o autor, a Psicoterapia de Grupo e a Psicoterapia Individual não se opõem, mas se completam.

  10. Identification of a serotype-independent linear epitope of foot-and-mouth disease virus. (United States)

    Yang, Baolin; Wang, Mingxia; Liu, Wenming; Xu, Zhiqiang; Wang, Haiwei; Yang, Decheng; Ma, Wenge; Zhou, Guohui; Yu, Li


    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), caused by foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), is a highly contagious infectious disease that affects domestic and wild cloven-hoofed animals worldwide. VP2 is a structural protein of FMDV. In this study, an FMDV serotype-independent monoclonal antibody (MAb), 10B10, against the viral capsid protein VP2 was generated, and a series of GST fusion proteins expressing a truncated peptide of VP2 was subjected to Western blot analysis using MAb 10B10. Their results indicated that the peptide 8 TLLEDRILT 16 of VP2 is the minimal requirement of the epitope recognized by MAb 10B10. Importantly, this linear epitope was highly conserved among all seven serotypes of FMDV in a sequence alignment analysis. Subsequent alanine-scanning mutagenesis analysis revealed that the residues Thr 8 and Asp 12 of the epitope were crucial for MAb-10B10 binding. Furthermore, Western blot analysis also revealed that the MAb 10B10-directed epitope could be recognized by positive sera from FMDV-infected cattle. The discovery that MAb 10B10 recognizes a serotype-independent linear epitope of FMDV suggests potential applications for this MAb in the development of serotype-independent tests for FMDV.

  11. CTL escape mediated by proteasomal destruction of an HIV-1 cryptic epitope.

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    Sylvain Cardinaud


    Full Text Available Cytotoxic CD8+ T cells (CTLs play a critical role in controlling viral infections. HIV-infected individuals develop CTL responses against epitopes derived from viral proteins, but also against cryptic epitopes encoded by viral alternative reading frames (ARF. We studied here the mechanisms of HIV-1 escape from CTLs targeting one such cryptic epitope, Q9VF, encoded by an HIVgag ARF and presented by HLA-B*07. Using PBMCs of HIV-infected patients, we first cloned and sequenced proviral DNA encoding for Q9VF. We identified several polymorphisms with a minority of proviruses encoding at position 5 an aspartic acid (Q9VF/5D and a majority encoding an asparagine (Q9VF/5N. We compared the prevalence of each variant in PBMCs of HLA-B*07+ and HLA-B*07- patients. Proviruses encoding Q9VF/5D were significantly less represented in HLA-B*07+ than in HLA-B*07- patients, suggesting that Q9FV/5D encoding viruses might be under selective pressure in HLA-B*07+ individuals. We thus analyzed ex vivo CTL responses directed against Q9VF/5D and Q9VF/5N. Around 16% of HLA-B*07+ patients exhibited CTL responses targeting Q9VF epitopes. The frequency and the magnitude of CTL responses induced with Q9VF/5D or Q9VF/5N peptides were almost equal indicating a possible cross-reactivity of the same CTLs on the two peptides. We then dissected the cellular mechanisms involved in the presentation of Q9VF variants. As expected, cells infected with HIV strains encoding for Q9VF/5D were recognized by Q9VF/5D-specific CTLs. In contrast, Q9VF/5N-encoding strains were neither recognized by Q9VF/5N- nor by Q9VF/5D-specific CTLs. Using in vitro proteasomal digestions and MS/MS analysis, we demonstrate that the 5N variation introduces a strong proteasomal cleavage site within the epitope, leading to a dramatic reduction of Q9VF epitope production. Our results strongly suggest that HIV-1 escapes CTL surveillance by introducing mutations leading to HIV ARF-epitope destruction by proteasomes.

  12. Indirect detection of an epitope-specific response to HIV-1 gp120 immunization in human subjects.

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    Evgeny Shmelkov

    Full Text Available A specific response of human serum neutralizing antibodies (nAb to a conformational epitope as a result of vaccination of human subjects with the surface envelope glycoprotein (gp120 of HIV-1 has not previously been documented. Here, we used computational analysis to assess the epitope-specific responses of human subjects, which were immunized with recombinant gp120 immunogens in the VAX003 and VAX004 clinical trials. Our computational methodology--a variation of sieve analysis--compares the occurrence of specific nAb targeted conformational 3D epitopes on viruses from infected individuals who received vaccination to the occurrence of matched epitopes in the viruses infecting placebo subjects. We specifically studied seven crystallographically defined nAb targeted conformational epitopes in the V3 loop, an immunogenic region of gp120. Of the six epitopes present in the immunogens and targeted by known monoclonal neutralizing antibodies, only the one targeted by the anti-V3 nAb 2219 exhibited a significant reduction in occurrence in vaccinated subjects compared to the placebo group. This difference occurred only in the VAX003 Thailand cohort. No difference was seen between vaccinated and placebo groups for the occurrence of an epitope that was not present in the immunogen. Thus, it can be theorized that a specific 2219-like human neutralizing antibody immune response to AIDSVAX immunization occurred in the VAX003 cohort, and that this response protected subjects from a narrow subset of HIV-1 viruses circulating in Thailand in the 1990s and bearing the conformational epitope targeted by the neutralizing antibody 2219.

  13. Conservadurismo político, homofobia y prejuicio hacia grupos transgénero en una muestra de estudiantes y egresados universitarios de Lima

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    Jan Marc Rottenbacher de Rojas


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Este estudio describe y analiza la relación entre la ideología política, la intolerancia a la ambigüedad, la homofobia y el prejuicio hacia los grupos transgénero en una muestra de estudiantes y egresados universitarios de la ciudad de Lima (N = 144. Método. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo-correlacional en el cual se utilizaron versiones adaptadas al español de las escalas RWA, SDO, Mstat-II (Escala de Tolerancia a la Ambigüedad, y una versión de la escala de Homofobia Moderna (MHS validada en población universitaria de Lima. Resultados. Se encontró una relación directa entre el RWA, la SDO, la intolerancia a la ambigüedad, la homofobia y el prejuicio hacia determinados grupos transgénero (travestis y transexuales. Un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple propone que determinados niveles en RWA y en intolerancia a la ambigüedad pueden ser buenos predictores de actitudes homofóbicas. Conclusión. Se ha podido constatar que existe una relación entre las variables psicológicas que expresan una ideología política conservadora y el prejuicio hacia los homosexuales y hacia los grupos transgénero, en la medida en que son considerados por las personas más conservadoras como estímulos sociales muy ambiguos.

  14. Grupos sanguíneos e lúpus eritematoso crônico discoide Blood groups and discoid lupus erythematosus

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    Andréia de Almeida Tamega


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: Lesão discoide é a manifestação cutânea mais comum do lúpus eritematoso, e formas cutâneas crônicas apresentam características imunológicas próprias, direcionadas ao polo Th1. Diversas doenças possuem associação com grupos sanguíneos, o que não foi ainda estudado no lúpus discoide. OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre tipos sanguíneos (ABO e Rh e lúpus eritematoso discoide. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo tipo transversal envolvendo tipagem sanguínea ABO e Rh, inquérito de dados clínicos e dosagem de FAN e C4 de portadores de lúpus discoide sem critérios de doença sistêmica, atendidos em hospital universitário. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 69 pacientes, sendo 71,0% do sexo feminino (p 1:160, em 31,9%; e níveis baixos de C4, em 8,7%. Não houve diferença significativa entre as frequências dos grupos sanguíneos dos pacientes e da população local; entretanto, o grupo A foi associado às formas disseminadas da doença (OR 4,1 e p Background: Discoid lesion is the commonest cutaneous finding in lupus erythematosus and chronic types have their own immunological features, with Th1 inflammation profile. Although many diseases have association with blood-group systems, this fact was not enlightened in discoid lupus erythematosus. Objective: To investigate the association between blood groups (ABO and Rh and discoid lupus erythematosus. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study assessing clinical information, blood group systems (ABO and Rh, FAN and C4 serum levels from discoid lupus patients without characteristics of systemic disease, was carried out at a clinic from a Brazilian university hospital. Results: Sixty-nine patients were enrolled in the study, 71.0% were females (p1:160 in 31.9%, and low levels of C4 in 8.7%. There was no significant difference between the frequency of blood groups from discoid lupus patients and local population, however, blood group A was associated to

  15. Estereótipos e mulheres na cultura marroquina




    Estereótipos sobre as mulheres no Marrocos podem ser caracterizados como crenças culturais incompletas e inexatas mantidas por algumas pessoas e que se encontram inscritos em expressões lingüísticas ou em discursos subliminares. A cultura popular marroquina emprega representações poderosas para transmitir e sustentar tais estereótipos. Embora existam alguns estereótipos positivos, a maioria dos estereótipos sobre as mulheres no Marrocos é negativa e reflete ditames patriarcais subliminares qu...

  16. Thyroid Autoantibodies Display both “Original Antigenic Sin” and Epitope Spreading

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    Sandra M. McLachlan


    Full Text Available Evidence for original antigenic sin in spontaneous thyroid autoimmunity is revealed by autoantibody interactions with immunodominant regions on thyroid autoantigens, thyroglobulin (Tg, thyroid peroxidase (TPO, and the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR A-subunit. In contrast, antibodies induced by immunization of rabbits or mice recognize diverse epitopes. Recognition of immunodominant regions persists despite fluctuations in autoantibody levels following treatment or over time. The enhancement of spontaneously arising pathogenic TSHR antibodies in transgenic human thyrotropin receptor/NOD.H2h4 mice by injecting a non-pathogenic form of TSHR A-subunit protein also provides evidence for original antigenic sin. From other studies, antigen presentation by B cells, not dendritic cells, is likely responsible for original antigenic sin. Recognition of restricted epitopes on the large glycosylated thyroid autoantigens (60-kDa A-subunit, 100-kDa TPO, and 600-kDa Tg facilitates exploring the amino acid locations in the immunodominant regions. Epitope spreading has also been revealed by autoantibodies in thyroid autoimmunity. In humans, and in mice that spontaneously develop autoimmunity to all three thyroid autoantigens, autoantibodies develop first to Tg and later to TPO and the TSHR A-subunit. The pattern of intermolecular epitope spreading is related in part to the thyroidal content of Tg, TPO and TSHR A-subunit and to the molecular sizes of these proteins. Importantly, the epitope spreading pattern provides a rationale for future antigen-specific manipulation to block the development of all thyroid autoantibodies by inducing tolerance to Tg, first in the autoantigen cascade. Because of its abundance, Tg may be the autoantigen of choice to explore antigen-specific treatment, preventing the development of pathogenic TSHR antibodies.

  17. Identification of a conserved B-cell epitope on the GapC protein of Streptococcus dysgalactiae. (United States)

    Zhang, Limeng; Zhou, Xue; Fan, Ziyao; Tang, Wei; Chen, Liang; Dai, Jian; Wei, Yuhua; Zhang, Jianxin; Yang, Xuan; Yang, Xijing; Liu, Daolong; Yu, Liquan; Zhang, Hua; Wu, Zhijun; Yu, Yongzhong; Sun, Hunan; Cui, Yudong


    Streptococcus dysgalactiae (S. dysgalactia) GapC is a highly conserved surface dehydrogenase among the streptococcus spp., which is responsible for inducing protective antibody immune responses in animals. However, the B-cell epitope of S. dysgalactia GapC have not been well characterized. In this study, a monoclonal antibody 1F2 (mAb1F2) against S. dysgalactiae GapC was generated by the hybridoma technique and used to screen a phage-displayed 12-mer random peptide library (Ph.D.-12) for mapping the linear B-cell epitope. The mAb1F2 recognized phages displaying peptides with the consensus motif TRINDLT. Amino acid sequence of the motif exactly matched (30)TRINDLT(36) of the S. dysgalactia GapC. Subsequently, site-directed mutagenic analysis further demonstrated that residues R31, I32, N33, D34 and L35 formed the core of (30)TRINDLT(36), and this core motif was the minimal determinant of the B-cell epitope recognized by the mAb1F2. The epitope (30)TRINDLT(36) showed high homology among different streptococcus species. Overall, our findings characterized a conserved B-cell epitope, which will be useful for the further study of epitope-based vaccines. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Full Text Available RESUMO O norte de Minas Gerais é grande produtor de banana ‘Prata-Anã’ irrigada, cultura altamente suscetível ao Mal-do-Panamá. O uso de genótipos resistentes é uma alternativa, mas os frutos devem apresentar características pós-colheita o mais próximo possível da ‘Prata-Anã’, para melhor aceitação pelos consumidores. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar frutos em pós-colheita, identificar a preferência e a intenção de compra de diferentes genótipos de bananeira tipo Prata. Os genótipos Prata-Anã, BRS Platina e Fhia-18. foram caracterizados no ponto de colheita (verdes e maduros (estádio seis de maturação, por avaliações químicas, físicas e sensoriais. Quando verde, ‘BRS Platina’ apresentou maior massa fresca e tamanho que ‘Fhia-18’ e ‘Prata-Anã’. ‘Fhia-18.’ teve a tonalidade verde da casca mais intensa que a dos demais genótipos. Madura, ‘BRS Platina’ foi mais firme, mas com a mesma resistência ao despencamento que ‘Fhia-18’ e superior à ‘Prata-Anã’. ‘Fhia-18’ apresentou cor da casca com amarelo mais clara e tão brilhante quanto da ‘Prata-Anã’, mas ‘BRS Platina’ teve a tonalidade de amarelo mais intensa. Bananas ‘Fhia-18’ foram mais ácidas, ‘BRS Platina’, com menor acidez titulável, e ‘Prata-Anã’, o maior teor de sólidos solúveis. Os genótipos Prata-Anã e BRS Platina tiveram maior preferência e intenção de compra pelos consumidores, sendo as bananas ‘Prata-Anã’ em dedos e ‘BRS Platina’ e ‘Fhia-18’ em dedos, buquê e penca, as mais preferidas. Entretanto, a maioria compraria bananas ‘Prata-Anã’ em buquê e ‘BRS Platina’ e ‘Fhia-18’ em penca. Enquanto verdes, os genótipos foram semelhantes à ‘Prata-Anã’, e maiores diferenças químicas e físicas ocorreram quando maduros.

  19. Prevalencia de neuropatía autonómica cardiovascular en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de un hospital general.

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    Ray Ticse Aguirre


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de la neuropatía autonómica cardiovascular (NACV en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2, que acuden de manera regular al consultorio del servicio de Endocrinología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH y los factores que se asocian a su presentación. Material y Métodos: Ingresaron 81 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se aplicaron cuatro pruebas para el diagnóstico de NACV, según el consenso de San Antonio sobre Neuropatía Diabética: Test de Valsalva, razón 30/15, hipotensión ortostática y variación de la frecuencia cardiaca. Además se tomaron datos demográficos, metabólicos, patológicos y de complicaciones por la diabetes. Se aplicó el test MDNS (Michigan Diabetic Neuropatic Score y electromiografía para el diagnóstico de neuropatía periférica. Se dividió en dos grupos según la presencia o no de NACV y se buscó diferencias. Resultados: El grupo de pacientes con NACV presentó mayor tiempo de enfermedad (10,36 ± 6,88 vs 6,32 ± 6,75; p=0,008, mayores niveles de glicemia en ayunas (160,55 ± 54,78 vs 120,63 ± 43,68; p=0,001 y de hemoglobina glicosilada (10,47 ± 2,06 vs 9,30 ± 2,14; p=0,013. No se halló diferencias significativas en las demás variables. Conclusiones: La frecuencia de de NACV en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 del HNCH es de 41,47%. Se asocia a niveles altos de glucosa en ayunas, hemoglobina glicosilada.y mayor tiempo de enfermedad. (Rev Med Hered 2007;18:129-135.

  20. Caracterização física, físico-química e química de frutos de genótipos de cajazeiras

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    Pinto Wilza da Silveira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar frutos de genótipos de cajazeira (Spondias mombin L. visando identificar materiais de interesse industrial e para trabalhos de melhoramento. Frutos de 30 genótipos foram caracterizados avaliando-se: pH, sólidos solúveis totais (SST, acidez total titulável (ATT, vitamina C, relação sólidos solúveis total/acidez total titulável, açúcares totais, rendimento industrial, massa total do fruto, massa da semente, massa da casca, massa da polpa e porcentual de rendimento de polpa. Os resultados (médias de três amostras foram avaliados por estatística descritiva utilizando-se medida de tendência central (média e de variabilidade de dados (desvio-padrão e coeficiente de variação. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas multivariadas, utilizando-se as técnicas de análise de agrupamento e análise de componentes principais. Os frutos que apresentaram melhores características para o processamento foram os provenientes dos genótipos AJ04UB, VS07UB, TF25TN, TF26TN, TF29TN, TF30TN e TF31TN. A análise de agrupamento mostrou a formação de quatro grupos de genótipos, o que demonstra a variabilidade genética existente na espécie.

  1. Elucidation of the TMab-6 Monoclonal Antibody Epitope Against Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase. (United States)

    Kaneko, Mika K; Yamada, Shinji; Itai, Shunsuke; Chang, Yao-Wen; Nakamura, Takuro; Yanaka, Miyuki; Harada, Hiroyuki; Suzuki, Hiroyoshi; Kato, Yukinari


    Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and mutations of the TERT promoter are significant in the pathogenesis of 1p/19q-codeleted oligodendrogliomas and isocitrate dehydrogenase gene wild-type glioblastomas, as well as melanomas and squamous cell carcinomas. We previously developed an antihuman TERT monoclonal antibody (mAb), TMab-6, which is applicable in immunohistochemistry for human tissues. However, the binding epitope of TMab-6 against TERT is yet to be elucidated. In this study, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunohistochemistry were utilized for investigating the epitope of TMab-6. The findings revealed that the critical epitope of TMab-6 is the TERT sequence PSTSRPPRPWD; Thr310 and Ser311 of TERT are especially significant amino acids for TMab-6 recognition.

  2. Grupos áulicos: aprendendo com os pares

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    Nair Cristina da Silva Tuboiti

    Full Text Available Resumo:Este estudo visa evidenciar as contribuições dos grupos áulicos no processo de aprendizagem entre pares. Pressupõe-se que grupos áulicos garantem o espaço relacional na perspectiva multidirecional. A coleta de dados foi realizada em uma turma de 1º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública de Samambaia, Distrito Federal, por meio de observação participante, entrevista não estruturada e análise documental. Os dados foram analisados na perspectiva sociocultural em diálogo com a teoria interpretativa de Geertz. Os resultados indicam que os grupos áulicos permitem reorganizar o pensamento fazendo diferença no campo do ensino e aprendizagem, na perspectiva de um espaço que possibilite a diversidade de relações, rompendo com as profecias de fracasso e instaurando um lugar real do aluno nessa relação de construção de conhecimentos. A interlocução entre os pares ocorre no grupo heterogêneo que possibilita que se aprendam conceitos com os diferentes saberes, afinal aprende-se em meio à diversidade.

  3. IgE versus IgG4 epitopes of the peanut allergen Ara h 1 in patients with severe allergy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøgh, Katrine Lindholm; Nielsen, H.; Eiwegger, T.


    epitopes. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare Ara h 1-specific IgE and IgG4 epitope recognition patterns in patients with severe peanut allergy, applying a method allowing for identification of both linear and conformational epitopes. Methods: Polyclonal sera from three individual patients......, suffering from severe allergic reaction to peanuts, including anaphylaxis, were used to analyse the IgE and IgG4 epitope recognition patterns of the major peanut allergen Ara h 1. Epitope identification was conducted by competitive immuno-screening of a phage-displayed random heptamer peptide library...

  4. O grupo operativo intervindo na Síndrome de Burnout

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    Vivien Rose Böck

    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a alteração do nível de Burnout em professores por intermédio da intervenção da técnica de grupos operativos. A amostra foi composta por professores de 5ª a 8ª série de uma escola particular de Porto Alegre, subdividindo-se em dois grupos, o de controle e o experimental, com 12 professores em cada grupo. Para medir a Síndrome de Burnout foi utilizado o MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory. Após a primeira aplicação do teste em todos os professores, realizaram-se 9 encontros sob a técnica de grupos operativos com o grupo experimental e posteriormente, todos responderam novamente ao teste. Os resultados demonstraram aumento do nível de Burnout, bem como nas suas dimensões: esgotamento emocional, realização profissional e despersonalização para o grupo experimental. Na análise da intervenção constatou-se a importância tanto da sensibilização profissional do trabalho docente como do apoio social entre os professores como estratégias para a prevenção e o enfrentamento da Síndrome de Burnout.

  5. Estereótipos da Migração Produzidos pelo Discurso da Mídia Impressa Nacional - 10.5102/uri.v3i2.280

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    Irmã Eléia Scariot


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho analisa o discurso jornalístico da mídia impressa nacional em relação à migração, demonstrando a influência da globalização no crescente fluxo migratório forçado. No desenvolver deste artigo, tenta-se mostrar que o discurso dos mass media é resultado do pensamento da elite dominante que contribui na criação de estereótipos pejorativos acerca do migrante, sobretudo quando pertence ao grupo dos excluídos pelo sistema hegemônico vigente.

  6. IgE vs IgG4 epitopes of the peanut allergen Ara h 1 in patients with severe allergy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøgh, Katrine Lindholm; Nielsen, H.; Eiwegger, T.


    to the allergen. However, recent studies have demonstrated the very importance of the IgG4-epitope affinity for the blocking ability. Studies comparing IgE and IgG4 binding epitopes mainly focus on the identification of linear epitopes. Peanut allergy is one of the most severe and persistent forms of food allergy....... The importance of conformational epitopes, of the major peanut allergen Ara h 1, has been demonstrated. The aim of this study was to compare Ara h 1-specific epitope patterns for IgE and IgG4 in patients with severe peanut allergy applying a method suitable to identify both linear and conformational epitopes....... Methods: Ara h 1-specific IgE and IgG4 epitope patterns were examined by competitive immunoscreening of a phage-displayed random 7-mer peptide library using polyclonal IgE and IgG4 from three individual patients suffering from severe peanut allergy. The resulting peptide sequences were mapped...



    Garcia, Afrânio; UERJ


    O professor Adilson Citelli, em seu excelente livro Linguageme persuasão, apresenta cinco tipos de discurso:§ discurso dominante§ discurso autorizado§ discurso polêmico,§ discurso lúdico§ discurso autoritário.


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    Thalita Andrade Oliveira


    Full Text Available El estudio objetivó verificar la relación entre el indice de masa corporal y el rendimiento motor de ancianos que participan de un grupo de convivencia. Se trata de una investigación de tipo analítica con diseño transversal y enfoque cuantitativo. El contexto de estudio fue un grupo de convivencia de ancianos, en la ciudad de Vitória da Conquista-BA, (Brasil con una muestra de 82 ancianos. Con la aplicación de la prueba de Chi-cuadrado, se constató una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las variables indice de masa corporal (más de 27 kg/m2 y limitación de equilibrio (p-valor= 0,008, y entre indice de masa corporal (más de 27 kg/m2 y limitación de la actividad de agacharse y recoger un lápiz del suelo (p-valor=0,004. En esta perspectiva, en el presente estudio, se verificó que el indice de masa corporal (más de 27 kg/m2 afecta negativamente las actividades de equilibrio y de agacharse y recoger un lápiz en el suelo entre los ancianos evaluados.

  9. Greater epitope recognition of shrimp allergens by children than by adults suggests that shrimp sensitization decreases with age. (United States)

    Ayuso, Rosalía; Sánchez-Garcia, Silvia; Lin, Jing; Fu, Zhiyan; Ibáñez, María Dolores; Carrillo, Teresa; Blanco, Carlos; Goldis, Marina; Bardina, Ludmila; Sastre, Joaquín; Sampson, Hugh A


    Shellfish allergy is a long-lasting disorder typically affecting adults. Despite its high prevalence, there is limited information about allergenic shrimp proteins and the epitopes implicated in such allergic reactions. We sought to identify the IgE-binding epitopes of the 4 shrimp allergens and to characterize epitope recognition profiles of children and adults with shrimp allergy. Fifty-three subjects, 34 children and 19 adults, were selected with immediate allergic reactions to shrimp, increased shrimp-specific serum IgE levels, and positive immunoblot binding to shrimp. Study subjects and 7 nonatopic control subjects were tested by means of peptide microarray for IgE binding with synthetic overlapping peptides spanning the sequences of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp tropomyosin, arginine kinase (AK), myosin light chain (MLC), and sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein (SCP). The Wilcoxon test was used to determine significant differences in z scores between patients and control subjects. The median shrimp IgE level was 4-fold higher in children than in adults (47 vs 12.5 kU(A)/L). The frequency of allergen recognition was higher in children (tropomyosin, 81% [94% for children and 61% for adults]; MLC, 57% [70% for children and 31% for adults]; AK, 51% [67% for children and 21% for adults]; and SCP, 45% [59% for children and 21% for adults]), whereas control subjects showed negligible binding. Seven IgE-binding regions were identified in tropomyosin by means of peptide microarray, confirming previously identified shrimp epitopes. In addition, 3 new epitopes were identified in tropomyosin (epitopes 1, 3, and 5b-c), 5 epitopes were identified in MLC, 3 epitopes were identified in SCP, and 7 epitopes were identified in AK. Interestingly, frequency of individual epitope recognition, as well as intensity of IgE binding, was significantly greater in children than in adults for all 4 proteins. Children with shrimp allergy have greater shrimp-specific IgE antibody levels and

  10. Development of a multi-epitope peptide vaccine inducing robust T cell responses against brucellosis using immunoinformatics based approaches. (United States)

    Saadi, Mahdiye; Karkhah, Ahmad; Nouri, Hamid Reza


    Current investigations have demonstrated that a multi-epitope peptide vaccine targeting multiple antigens could be considered as an ideal approach for prevention and treatment of brucellosis. According to the latest findings, the most effective immunogenic antigens of brucella to induce immune responses are included Omp31, BP26, BLS, DnaK and L7-L12. Therefore, in the present study, an in silico approach was used to design a novel multi-epitope vaccine to elicit a desirable immune response against brucellosis. First, five novel T-cell epitopes were selected from Omp31, BP26, BLS, DnaK and L7-L12 proteins using different servers. In addition, helper epitopes selected from Tetanus toxin fragment C (TTFrC) were applied to induce CD4+ helper T lymphocytes (HTLs) responses. Selected epitopes were fused together by GPGPG linkers to facilitate the immune processing and epitope presentation. Moreover, cholera toxin B (CTB) was linked to N terminal of vaccine construct as an adjuvant by using EAAAK linker. A multi-epitope vaccine was designed based on predicted epitopes which was 377 amino acid residues in length. Then, the physico-chemical properties, secondary and tertiary structures, stability, intrinsic protein disorder, solubility and allergenicity of this multi-epitope vaccine were assessed using immunoinformatics tools and servers. Based on obtained results, a soluble, and non-allergic protein with 40.59kDa molecular weight was constructed. Expasy ProtParam classified this chimeric protein as a stable protein and also 89.8% residues of constructed vaccine were located in favored regions of the Ramachandran plot. Furthermore, this multi-epitope peptide vaccine was able to strongly induce T cell and B-cell mediated immune responses. In conclusion, immunoinformatics analysis indicated that this multi-epitope peptide vaccine can be effectively expressed and potentially be used for prophylactic or therapeutic usages against brucellosis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All

  11. Nanoallergens: A multivalent platform for studying and evaluating potency of allergen epitopes in cellular degranulation (United States)

    Deak, Peter E; Vrabel, Maura R; Pizzuti, Vincenzo J; Kiziltepe, Tanyel


    Degranulation caused by type I hypersensitivity (allergies) is a complex biophysical process, and available experimental models for studying relevant immunoglobulin E binding epitopes on allergen proteins lack the ability to adequately evaluate, rank, and associate these epitopes individually and with each other. In this study, we propose a new allergy model system for studying potential allergen epitopes using nanoallergens, liposomes modified to effectively display IgE binding epitopes/haptens. By utilizing the covalently conjugated lipid tails on two hapten molecules (dinitrophenol and dansyl), hapten molecules were successfully incorporated into liposomes with high precision to form nanoallergens. Nanoallergens, with precisely controlled high-particle valency, can trigger degranulation with much greater sensitivity than commonly used bovine serum albumin conjugates. In rat basophil leukemia cell experiments, nanoallergens with only 2% hapten loading were able to trigger degranulation in vitro at concentrations as low as 10 pM. Additionally, unlike bovine serum albumin-hapten conjugates, nanoallergens allow exact control over particle size and valency. By varying the nanoallergen parameters such as size, valency, monovalent affinity of hapten, and specific IgE ratios, we exposed the importance of these variables on degranulation intensity while demonstrating nanoallergens’ potential for evaluating both high- and low-affinity epitopes. The data presented in this article establish nanoallergen platform as a reliable and versatile allergy model to study and evaluate allergen epitopes in mast cell degranulation. PMID:27188517

  12. Specific immunotherapy modifies allergen-specific CD4+ T cell responses in an epitope-dependent manner (United States)

    Wambre, Erik; DeLong, Jonathan H.; James, Eddie A.; Torres-Chinn, Nadia; Pfützner, Wolfgang; Möbs, Christian; Durham, Stephen R.; Till, Stephen J.; Robinson, David; Kwok, William W.


    Background Understanding the mechanisms by which the immune system induces and controls allergic inflammation at the T cell epitope level is critical for the design of new allergy vaccine strategies. Objective To characterize allergen-specific T cell responses linked with allergy or peripheral tolerance and to determine how CD4+ T cell responses to individual allergen-derived epitopes change over allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). Methods Timothy grass pollen (TGP) allergy was used as a model for studying grass pollen allergies. The breadth, magnitude, epitope hierarchy and phenotype of the DR04:01-restricted TGP-specific T cell responses in ten grass pollen allergic, five non-atopic and six allergy vaccine-treated individuals was determined using an ex vivo pMHCII-tetramer approach. Results CD4+ T cells in allergic individuals are directed to a broad range of TGP epitopes characterized by defined immunodominance hierarchy patterns and with distinct functional profiles that depend on the epitope recognized. Epitopes that are restricted specifically to either TH2 or TH1/TR1 responses were identified. ASIT was associated with preferential deletion of allergen-specific TH2 cells and without significant change in frequency of TH1/TR1 cells. Conclusions Preferential allergen-specific TH2-cells deletion after repeated high doses antigen stimulation can be another independent mechanism to restore tolerance to allergen during immunotherapy. PMID:24373351

  13. Trabalho em grupo com enlutados Trabajo en grupo con enlutados Work group with bereaved

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    Melissa Pascoal


    Full Text Available A cada dia temos mais famílias vivenciando o luto gerado por homicídios, acidentes e violência, e isso tem causado alguns problemas psicológicos para as pessoas que estão nesta situação. Este artigo é um relato da experiência profissional vivida no Hospital e Maternidade Mauá com um grupo de autoajuda para pacientes em processo de luto, e seu objetivo é compartilhar a experiência e difundir este trabalho. Em 15 encontros pré-estruturados de acordo com a demanda apresentada pelo próprio grupo, foi possível trabalhar diversos temas relacionados à perda que influenciaram as participantes e ao mesmo tempo proporcionaram, além de conforto, uma possibilidade de identificação e troca, e consequentemente o ressurgimento da autoconfiança. Por meio da articulação da teoria com a prática, é evidenciado que o atendimento em grupo para enlutados é uma alternativa viável que trouxe resultados positivos e inspiradores e sua divulgação é importante para ampliar horizontes e criar novas possibilidades.Cada día tenemos más familias que experimentan el luto generado por homicidios, accidentes y violencia, esto ha causado algunos problemas psicológicos para las personas que se encuentran en esta situación. Este artículo es un relato de la experiencia profesional vivida en el Hospital de Mauá con un grupo de autoayuda para pacientes en el proceso de luto, y su objetivo es compartir la experiencia y difundir este trabajo. A través de quince reuniones preestructuradas de acuerdo con la demanda presentada por el propio grupo, fue posible trabajar diversos temas relacionados a la pérdida que influyeron a las participantes y al mismo tiempo proporcionaron, además de confort, una posibilidad de identificación y cambio, y consecuentemente el resurgimiento de autoconfianza. A través de la articulación de la teoría con la práctica, es evidenciado que la atención en grupo para enlutados es una alternativa viable que trajo resultados

  14. Conserved B-cell epitopes among human bocavirus species indicate potential diagnostic targets.

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    Zhuo Zhou

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Human bocavirus species 1-4 (HBoV1-4 have been associated with respiratory and enteric infections in children. However, the immunological mechanisms in response to HBoV infections are not fully understood. Though previous studies have shown cross-reactivities between HBoV species, the epitopes responsible for this phenomenon remain unknown. In this study, we used genomic and immunologic approaches to identify the reactive epitopes conserved across multiple HBoV species and explored their potential as the basis of a novel diagnostic test for HBoVs. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We generated HBoV1-3 VP2 gene fragment phage display libraries (GFPDLs and used these libraries to analyze mouse antisera against VP2 protein of HBoV1, 2, and 3, and human sera positive for HBoVs. Using this approach, we mapped four epitope clusters of HBoVs and identified two immunodominant peptides--P1 (¹MSDTDIQDQQPDTVDAPQNT²⁰, and P2 (¹⁶²EHAYPNASHPWDEDVMPDL¹⁸⁰--that are conserved among HBoV1-4. To confirm epitope immunogenicity, we immunized mice with the immunodominant P1 and P2 peptides identified in our screen and found that they elicited high titer antibodies in mice. These two antibodies could only recognize the VP2 of HBoV 1-4 in Western blot assays, rather than those of the two other parvoviruses human parvovirus B19 and human parvovirus 4 (PARV4. Based on our findings, we evaluated epitope-based peptide-IgM ELISAs as potential diagnostic tools for HBoVs IgM antibodies. We found that the P1+P2-IgM ELISA showed a higher sensitivity and specificity in HBoVs IgM detection than the assays using a single peptide. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The identification of the conserved B-cell epitopes among human bocavirus species contributes to our understanding of immunological cross-reactivities of HBoVs, and provides important insights for the development of HBoV diagnostic tools.

  15. Epitope Mapping of Monoclonal Antibody PMab-52 Against Cat Podoplanin. (United States)

    Chang, Yao-Wen; Kaneko, Mika K; Yamada, Shinji; Kato, Yukinari


    The mucin-type membrane glycoprotein podoplanin (PDPN) is frequently overexpressed in numerous malignant cancers, including squamous cell carcinoma, germinal neoplasia, mesothelioma, lung cancer, oral cancer, and brain tumor. PDPN expression is strongly associated with cancer progression and poor prognosis. Furthermore, PDPN binds to C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC-2) on platelets, followed by PDPN-mediated platelet aggregation to facilitate tumor metastasis. We have previously reported a novel anti-cat PDPN (cPDPN) monoclonal antibody (mAb), PMab-52, which specifically detects cPDPN using flow cytometry analysis and successfully identifies cPDPN in feline squamous cell carcinomas. However, the specific binding epitope of cPDPN for PMab-52 remains unelucidated. In this study, a series of deletion or point mutants of cPDPN were utilized for investigating the binding epitopes of PMab-52 using flow cytometry and Western blotting. The findings of this study revealed that the critical epitopes of platelet aggregation-stimulating domain 4 (PLAG4) of cPDPN are responsible for the binding of PMab-52 to cPDPN.

  16. Efeito do uso da farinha desengordurada do Sesamum indicum L nos níveis glicêmicos em diabéticas tipo 2

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    Angela Siqueira Figueiredo

    Full Text Available Existe um incremento nas pesquisas de plantas e grãos com atividades hipoglicemiantes para prevenção e terapêutica do Diabetes Mellitus, que aumenta em grandes proporções mundialmente. Este estudo avalia o efeito do uso da farinha desengordurada do Sesamum indicum L. nos níveis glicêmicos de diabéticas tipo II submetidas a tratamento dietoterápico. Ensaio clínico controlado e aberto, em dois grupos, experimental (GE e controle (GC com avaliação na linha de base (AB, aos 30 (A-30 e 60 dias (A-60. As características gerais não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos. Observou-se diferença estatística significativa na glicemia de jejum (GJ (p = 0,004 na AB, na GJ (p = 0,002 e peso (p = 0,020 na A30, e apenas no peso (p = 0,011 na A60. Nas glicemias pós-prandiais (GP e hemoglobinas glicosiladas não houve diferença estatística em nenhuma das avaliações entre os grupos. Evidenciou-se diferença estatística entre a AB - A30 em relação ao peso nos dois grupos, e na AB - A60 na GP (p = 0,04 e peso (p = 0,01 no GE, mas apenas no peso (p = 0,03 no GC. A farinha de gergelim contribuiu no controle glicêmico e no peso em pacientes diabéticas, de forma econômica, saborosa e saudável.

  17. La financiarización de los grupos de comunicación en España: el caso del grupo PRISA


    Almiron, Núria


    La presente comunicación tiene por objeto describir la creciente financiarización de los grupos de comunicación en España a través del caso del grupo PRISA, financiarización que se constituye en rasgo definitorio de la evolución reciente de los sistemas de medios en los sistemas capitalistas avanzados.

  18. Las huellas de tortuga del Grupo Oncala (Berriasiense, Cuenca de Cameros, España

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    Pascual-Arribas, C.


    Full Text Available Although the dinosaur footprints are very frequent in the Oncala Group (Cameros Basin, it does not happen with the tracks of other reptiles, especially in the case of crocodiles and turtles. Up to now, only one ichnogenus freshwater turtle track morphotype (Emydhipus is known in this group, and it is possible the existence of other terrestrial tortoises tracks. The finding of new tracks and the general review of the known material, suggest that the turtle tracks are more variable and widespread than we previously thought, which corresponds with the existence of a large representation of a recently recognized turtle genus from the Lower Cretaceous of Cameros Basin and also from the whole the Iberian Peninsula.Aunque las huellas de dinosaurios son muy frecuentes en el Grupo Oncala (Berriasiense, Cuenca de Cameros, España, no sucede lo mismo con las de otros reptiles, sobre todo en el caso de cocodrilos y tortugas. Hasta ahora, en este Grupo, solo se conoce un icnogénero de tortuga de medios dulceacuícolas (Emydhipus y se ha planteado la posibilidad de la existencia de otro ocasionado por tortugas terrestres. El hallazgo de nuevas huellas y la revisión general de las ya conocidas ha permitido saber que la variedad de este tipo de icnitas es mucho más amplia de lo que se creía, lo cual concuerda con la existencia de una extensa representación de géneros de tortugas, reconocidos últimamente en el Cretácico inferior de la Cuenca de Cameros y en el resto de la Península Ibérica.

  19. Percepção do paciente portador de glaucoma e os diferentes tipos de tratamento (clínico versus cirúrgico

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    Augusto Alves Pinho Vieira


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar a percepção dos pacientes sobre o significado de ser portador de glaucoma e a percepção que tem sobre o tratamento clínico ou cirúrgico. Métodos: Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se a pesquisa qualitativa através da estratégia de grupos focais realizados com pacientes em tratamento clínico (grupo 1 e pacientes submetidos à cirurgia antiglaucomatosa (grupo 2. A análise e a interpretação dos resultados foram feitas pela técnica da análise de conteúdo. Resultados: O medo da cegueira e a desinformação sobre a doença foram os aspectos negativos mais encontrados com relação a ser portador de glaucoma. O grupo cirúrgico preferiu a situação atual quando comparada à necessidade do uso de medicação. Verificou-se que tanto o glaucoma quanto o seu tratamento impactaram profundamente esses pacientes e que, embora a preocupação com a doença ainda persista, os pacientes operados demonstraram apresentar menos impacto no seu cotidiano. Foram determinantes para a aceitação da indicação da cirurgia a falta de controle da doença e a confiança no médico, sendo esta última considerada um fator primordial nos dois grupos pesquisados, o que aponta para sua importância, independente da decisão tomada pelo paciente na convivência com sua doença. Conclusão: Identificaram-se os aspectos negativos mais relevantes com relação ao glaucoma e ao seu tratamento. A confiança na correta indicação do tipo de tratamento, clínico ou cirúrgico, e uma relação sólida entre o paciente e o médico são os fatores determinantes para uma maior tranquilidade dos pacientes em tratamento de glaucoma (clínico ou cirúrgico.

  20. Clinical Control of HIV-1 by Cytotoxic T Cells Specific for Multiple Conserved Epitopes. (United States)

    Murakoshi, Hayato; Akahoshi, Tomohiro; Koyanagi, Madoka; Chikata, Takayuki; Naruto, Takuya; Maruyama, Rie; Tamura, Yoshiko; Ishizuka, Naoki; Gatanaga, Hiroyuki; Oka, Shinichi; Takiguchi, Masafumi


    Identification and characterization of CD8(+) T cells effectively controlling HIV-1 variants are necessary for the development of AIDS vaccines and for studies of AIDS pathogenesis, although such CD8(+) T cells have been only partially identified. In this study, we sought to identify CD8(+) T cells controlling HIV-1 variants in 401 Japanese individuals chronically infected with HIV-1 subtype B, in which protective alleles HLA-B*57 and HLA-B*27 are very rare, by using comprehensive and exhaustive methods. We identified 13 epitope-specific CD8(+) T cells controlling HIV-1 in Japanese individuals, though 9 of these epitopes were not previously reported. The breadths of the T cell responses to the 13 epitopes were inversely associated with plasma viral load (P = 2.2 × 10(-11)) and positively associated with CD4 count (P = 1.2 × 10(-11)), indicating strong synergistic effects of these T cells on HIV-1 control in vivo. Nine of these epitopes were conserved among HIV-1 subtype B-infected individuals, whereas three out of four nonconserved epitopes were cross-recognized by the specific T cells. These findings indicate that these 12 epitopes are strong candidates for antigens for an AIDS vaccine. The present study highlighted a strategy to identify CD8(+) T cells controlling HIV-1 and demonstrated effective control of HIV-1 by those specific for 12 conserved or cross-reactive epitopes. HLA-B*27-restricted and HLA-B*57-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play a key role in controlling HIV-1 in Caucasians and Africans, whereas it is unclear which CTLs control HIV-1 in Asian countries, where HLA-B*57 and HLA-B*27 are very rare. A recent study showed that HLA-B*67:01 and HLA-B*52:01-C*12:02 haplotypes were protective alleles in Japanese individuals, but it is unknown whether CTLs restricted by these alleles control HIV-1. In this study, we identified 13 CTLs controlling HIV-1 in Japan by using comprehensive and exhaustive methods. They included 5 HLA-B*52:01-restricted

  1. Interação genótipo-ambiente em cruzamentos de bovinos de corte Genotype by environment interaction on crossbreed beef cattle

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    Rodrigo de Almeida Teixeira


    Full Text Available Dados de rebanhos bovinos comerciais foram analisados com o objetivo de estimar as interações dos efeitos genéticos com o ambiente que podem influenciar a avaliação de características de crescimento em rebanhos de animais puros e cruzados. O conjunto de dados analisado foi obtido a partir de animais das raças Hereford, Nelore e seus cruzamentos. As características em estudo foram os pesos à desmama e ao sobreano dos animais. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas pelo método dos quadrados mínimos e o modelo proposto incluiu os efeitos de região, grupo de contemporâneos dentro de região, mês de nascimento e sexo do bezerro, os efeitos lineares e quadráticos para a idade do bezerro e idade da vaca ao parto, ambas analisadas dentro de sexo, e os efeitos de grupo genético e da interação grupo genético × região. De modo geral, o desempenho de todos os grupos genéticos foi influenciado pelo efeito de região. Além disso, observou-se tendência de que o aumento da proporção de genes zebuínos promoveu diminuição na diferença de desempenho entre as regiões. Todos os genótipos foram beneficiados no ambiente menos restritivo, o que indica a existência de interação genótipo-ambiente e comprova a importância de que sistemas de cruzamento sejam realizados de forma a manter a adaptação das matrizes e de seus produtos.Data from Hereford and Nelore breeds and their crosses were used to estimate the effect of genotype and environment interaction on weaning and yearling weights. The statistical analyses were performed by the least-squares method using models that included region, contemporary group within region, month of birth and sex of the calf, linear and quadratic effects of age of the calf and age of the cow, both nested within sex, and the genetic group and genetic group × region interaction effects. In general, genetic groups were influenced by the region effect. Differences in performance between regions

  2. Microarray glycan profiling reveals algal fucoidan epitopes in diverse marine metazoans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Asunción Salmeán, Armando; Hervé, Cécile; Jørgensen, Bodil


    Despite the biological importance and pharmacological potential of glycans from marine organisms, there are many unanswered questions regarding their distribution, function, and evolution. Here we describe microarray-based glycan profiling of a diverse selection of marine animals using antibodies...... raised against fucoidan isolated from a brown alga. We demonstrate the presence of two fucoidan epitopes in six animals belonging to three phyla including Porifera, Molusca, and Chordata. We studied the spatial distribution of these epitopes in Cliona celata ("boring sponge") and identified...

  3. Lesao óssea em leucemias agudas linfoblásticas tipo T e TIPO nao T / nao B


    Martins, Fernando Lopes



  4. Efeito de soluções fluoretadas contendo xilitol e sorbitol no número de estreptococos do grupo mutans na saliva de seres humanos

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    Gonçalves Nilza Cristina Lopes Afonso de Valor


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito de soluções de fluoreto de sódio a 0,05% contendo 2,5% ou 12,5% de xilitol no número de estreptococos do grupo mutans presentes na saliva. Participaram do estudo duplo cego, do tipo cruzado, 50 meninos entre 8 e 16 anos, distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos. Destes, 33 finalizaram o estudo. As soluções utilizadas foram: solução placebo; solução de fluoreto de sódio a 0,05%; solução de fluoreto de sódio a 0,05% + 2,5% xilitol + 2% sorbitol; solução de fluoreto de sódio a 0,05% + 12,5% xilitol + 2% sorbitol. Os indivíduos utilizaram 20 mL de uma das soluções, duas vezes ao dia. Cada solução foi utilizada por um período experimental de 28 dias. Os períodos experimentais foram intercalados por períodos de descanso de 10 dias. As soluções contendo xilitol a 2,5% e 12,5% não apresentaram diferença significativa (P = 0,32 em termos do logaritmo do número de estreptococos do grupo mutans. No entanto, a diferença foi significativa quando essas soluções foram comparadas às soluções de fluoreto de sódio e placebo (P < 0,001. Os resultados sugerem que a solução de fluoreto de sódio a 0,05% com adição de xilitol a 2,5% ou 12,5% reduziu significativamente o número de estreptococos do grupo mutans.

  5. ArrayPitope: Automated Analysis of Amino Acid Substitutions for Peptide Microarray-Based Antibody Epitope Mapping

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Christian Skjødt; Østerbye, Thomas; Marcatili, Paolo


    and characterization of linear B cell epitopes. Using exhaustive amino acid substitution analysis of peptides originating from target antigens, these microarrays can be used to address the specificity of polyclonal antibodies raised against such antigens containing hundreds of epitopes. However, the interpretation....... The application takes as input quantitative peptide data of fully or partially substituted overlapping peptides from a given antigen sequence and identifies epitope residues (residues that are significantly affected by substitutions) and visualize the selectivity towards each residue by sequence logo plots...

  6. El carácter híbrido de las dinámicas grupales online: del grupo de discusión al grupo focal

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    Francisco Javier Parada Dueñas


    Full Text Available Este artículo reflexiona sobre formas de acceder a la realidad social a través del uso de metodologías de investigación online que tienen características híbridas. Primero se dan algunas claves para la construcción y ejecución de grupos de discusión en un contexto online. Una de las características centrales de esta técnica es su composición híbrida, moviéndose entre lo que sería un grupo de discusión y un grupo focal. El paso de la mediación a la conducción marca fuertemente la transición de una fase de grupos de discusión a una fase de grupo focal. Segundo, se reflexiona sobre Facebook y algunos posibles usos que se le puede dar a esta red social digital con la finalidad de llevar a cabo de mejor manera técnicas de investigación aplicadas al contexto online. En este sentido, se reflexiona sobre el avatar o perfil de Facebook en dos direcciones: para efectos de la composición muestral de un grupo de discusión online y como material que ayuda al análisis de las posiciones discursivas que tienen los sujetos estudiados.

  7. Determination of critical epitope of PcMab-47 against human podocalyxin

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    Shunsuke Itai


    Full Text Available Podocalyxin (PODXL is a type I transmembrane protein, which is highly glycosylated. PODXL is expressed in some types of human cancer tissues including oral, breast, and lung cancer tissues and may promote tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. We previously produced PcMab-47, a novel anti-PODXL monoclonal antibody (mAb which reacts with endogenous PODXL-expressing cancer cell lines and normal cells independently of glycosylation in Western blot, flow cytometry, and immunohistochemical analysis. In this study, we used enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA, flow cytometry, and immunohistochemical analysis to determine the epitope of PcMab-47. The minimum epitope of PcMab-47 was found to be Asp207, His208, Leu209, and Met210. A blocking peptide containing this minimum epitope completely neutralized PcMab-47 reaction against oral cancer cells by flow cytometry and immunohistochemical analysis. These findings could lead to the production of more functional anti-PODXL mAbs, which are advantageous for antitumor activities.

  8. Determination of critical epitope of PcMab-47 against human podocalyxin. (United States)

    Itai, Shunsuke; Yamada, Shinji; Kaneko, Mika K; Kato, Yukinari


    Podocalyxin (PODXL) is a type I transmembrane protein, which is highly glycosylated. PODXL is expressed in some types of human cancer tissues including oral, breast, and lung cancer tissues and may promote tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. We previously produced PcMab-47, a novel anti-PODXL monoclonal antibody (mAb) which reacts with endogenous PODXL-expressing cancer cell lines and normal cells independently of glycosylation in Western blot, flow cytometry, and immunohistochemical analysis. In this study, we used enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), flow cytometry, and immunohistochemical analysis to determine the epitope of PcMab-47. The minimum epitope of PcMab-47 was found to be Asp207, His208, Leu209, and Met210. A blocking peptide containing this minimum epitope completely neutralized PcMab-47 reaction against oral cancer cells by flow cytometry and immunohistochemical analysis. These findings could lead to the production of more functional anti-PODXL mAbs, which are advantageous for antitumor activities.

  9. Observaciones sobre algunos caracteres de valor taxonómico en el grupo de los carófitos

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    Pedrola, J.


    Full Text Available The variability of the microstructurals characters and mineralogical composition of the oogonia of some charophytes extant and fossils is described. Two types of microstructures (W & V are find. These are conservative into populations and are not able to change by the environmental factors. Moreover, these structures are quite constant in some of the phylogenetics groups studied. Consequently it is proposed its utilization in taxonomy. The apparition of original compounds in the Charophyta (vaterite. whewelite, aragonite, etc. is important because it supports an old idea that considerates the Charophyta as an autonomous class between the Clorophyta and the Traqueophyta.

    Se describe la variabilidad de los caracteres microestructurales y la composición mineralógica de las células espirales del oogonio en diversas especies actuales y fósiles del grupo de los carófitos. Se encuentran así, dos tipos de microestructuras diferentes (W y V que se muestran conservativas en el seno de las poblaciones, no moldeables por el ambiente y relativamente constantes dentro de los distintos grupos filogenéticos. En consecuencia, se propone su utilización con fines taxonómicos. La aparición de ciertos elementos mineralógicos (vaterita, whewelita, aragonito etc. resulta remarcable por su originalidad y su apoyo al viejo criterio que consideraba los carófitos como una clase autónoma y quizás de "enlace" entre clorófitos y traqueófitos.

  10. Grupo de Nutrición Animal


    Grupo de Nutrición Animal


    El grupo de Nutrición Animal nace hace dos años de la iniciativa de un estudiante de participar en los proyectos de investigación que se realizaban en el Laboratorio de Nutrición Animal. Desde ese momento el grupo de nutrición bajo la dirección de Juan Carulla y Martha Pabón les ha dado cabida a los estudiantes de pregrado que se muestran interesados en la investigación y en la participación en proyectos relacionados con la nutrición de rumiantes, especialmente c...

  11. Optimum design of a self-supported power transmission tower type 2M2 for 230 kW; Diseno optimo de una torre de transmision autosoportada tipo 2M2, para 230 kW

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Espejel Valdez, Eduardo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico); Millan Monje, Alejandro; Honk Hernandez, Wenceslao [Comision Federal de Electricidad, (CFE), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    A group of specialists from the Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) and of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) analyzes the design of various types of power transmission towers in their application stage, in order to enhance them. In this article the structural characteristics of the self-supported tower type 2M2 for 230 kV of two circuits and of suspension, are presented. [Espanol] Un grupo de especialistas de la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) y del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) analiza el diseno de diversos tipos de torres de transmision en su etapa de aplicacion, con el fin de mejorarlos. En este articulo se presentan las caracteristicas estructurales de la torre autosoportada tipo 2M2 para 230 kV, de dos circuitos y de suspension.

  12. Optimum design of a self-supported power transmission tower type 2M2 for 230 kW; Diseno optimo de una torre de transmision autosoportada tipo 2M2, para 230 kW

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Espejel Valdez, Eduardo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico); Millan Monje, Alejandro; Honk Hernandez, Wenceslao [Comision Federal de Electricidad, (CFE), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    A group of specialists from the Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) and of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) analyzes the design of various types of power transmission towers in their application stage, in order to enhance them. In this article the structural characteristics of the self-supported tower type 2M2 for 230 kV of two circuits and of suspension, are presented. [Espanol] Un grupo de especialistas de la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) y del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) analiza el diseno de diversos tipos de torres de transmision en su etapa de aplicacion, con el fin de mejorarlos. En este articulo se presentan las caracteristicas estructurales de la torre autosoportada tipo 2M2 para 230 kV, de dos circuitos y de suspension.

  13. Epitope Mapping of Metuximab on CD147 Using Phage Display and Molecular Docking

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    Bifang He


    Full Text Available Metuximab is the generic name of Licartin, a new drug for radioimmunotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Although it is known to be a mouse monoclonal antibody against CD147, the complete epitope mediating the binding of metuximab to CD147 remains unknown. We panned the Ph.D.-12 phage display peptide library against metuximab and got six mimotopes. The following bioinformatics analysis based on mimotopes suggested that metuximab recognizes a conformational epitope composed of more than 20 residues. The residues of its epitope may include T28, V30, K36, L38, K57, F74, D77, S78, D79, D80, Q81, G83, S86, N98, Q100, L101, H102, G103, P104, V131, P132, and K191. The homology modeling of metuximab and the docking of CD147 to metuximab were also performed. Based on the top one docking model, the epitope was predicted to contain 28 residues: AGTVFTTV (23–30, I37, D45, E84, V88, EPMGTANIQLH (92–102, VPP (131–133, Q164, and K191. Almost half of the residues predicted on the basis of mimotope analysis also appear in the docking result, indicating that both results are reliable. As the predicted epitopes of metuximab largely overlap with interfaces of CD147-CD147 interactions, a structural mechanism of metuximab is proposed as blocking the formation of CD147 dimer.

  14. Optimal selection of epitopes for TXP-immunoaffinity mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Planatscher, Hannes; Supper, Jochen; Poetz, Oliver; Stoll, Dieter; Joos, Thomas; Templin, Markus F; Zell, Andreas


    Mass spectrometry (MS) based protein profiling has become one of the key technologies in biomedical research and biomarker discovery. One bottleneck in MS-based protein analysis is sample preparation and an efficient fractionation step to reduce the complexity of the biological samples, which are too complex to be analyzed directly with MS. Sample preparation strategies that reduce the complexity of tryptic digests by using immunoaffinity based methods have shown to lead to a substantial increase in throughput and sensitivity in the proteomic mass spectrometry approach. The limitation of using such immunoaffinity-based approaches is the availability of the appropriate peptide specific capture antibodies. Recent developments in these approaches, where subsets of peptides with short identical terminal sequences can be enriched using antibodies directed against short terminal epitopes, promise a significant gain in efficiency. We show that the minimal set of terminal epitopes for the coverage of a target protein list can be found by the formulation as a set cover problem, preceded by a filtering pipeline for the exclusion of peptides and target epitopes with undesirable properties. For small datasets (a few hundred proteins) it is possible to solve the problem to optimality with moderate computational effort using commercial or free solvers. Larger datasets, like full proteomes require the use of heuristics.

  15. Función Ejecutiva y Electroencefalografía en tres grupos de pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de epilepsia

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    Francisco Cabrera-Portieles


    Full Text Available Introducción: En niños con epilepsia, las alteraciones de las funciones ejecutivas están relacionadas con variables propias de la enfermedad como son la edad de inicio de las crisis, la frecuencia de las mismas y la duración evolutiva del cuadro asociado al uso de fármacos. Objetivos: Comparar los hallazgos en la actividad electroencefalográfíca y alteraciones de las funciones ejecutivas en 3 grupos de pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de epilepsia. Métodos: Se evaluaron trazados EEG y funciones ejecutivas con (Trail Making Test parte B, FAS fonológico y Prueba de Wisconsin, en 29 pacientes entre 8 y 14 años con diagnóstico de epilepsia divididos en 3 subgrupos (No medicados, Monoterapia y Politerapia. Resultados: De 29 pacientes estudiados, 8 masculinos (62.1% y 11 femeninos (37.9%, edad promedio de inicio de crisis fue 6.59 años, duración promedio de la enfermedad de 4.59 años; se encontraron hallazgos patológicos de tipo focal en los registros EEG de 21 pacientes de los 3 subgrupos (72.4%, con área paroxística frontal en 11 pacientes (37.9% y temporal en 6 pacientes (20.7%. En 16 pacientes encontramos pobre organización de la actividad de base (55.2%. La media total para el FAS fonológico fue de 15.7 ± 6.96 al comparar los grupos con la población general (P= 0.003*.En los grupos de pacientes la media en tiempo para el TMT parte B fue de 92.90 (DE ± 28.91 vs 77.70 (DE ± 23.8 de la población general, encontrándose dentro de los límites normales. En el Test de Wisconsin existen alteraciones a nivel de ejecución en diferentes categorías en niños con epilepsia al ser comparados con la población general (Fallas para mantener el principio p=0.045*. Conclusiones: Las alteraciones de las funciones ejecutivas en pacientes con diagnóstico de epilepsia sugieren la necesidad de realizar estudios neuropsicológicos y electroencefalografícos de manera periódica; con el fi n de evaluar actividad interictal epileptiforme

  16. Monoclonal antibodies to molluskan hemocyanin from Concholepas concholepas demonstrate common and specific epitopes among subunits. (United States)

    Oliva, Harold; Moltedo, Bruno; De Ioannes, Pablo; Faunes, Fernando; De Ioannes, Alfredo E; Becker, María Inés


    We studied the reactivity of mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the hemocyanin from the Chilean marine gastropod Concholepas concholepas (CCH). This protein has been successfully used as a carrier to produce antibodies to haptens and peptides. All MAbs (13) belonging to IgG subclass exhibit dissociation constants (K(d)) from 1 x 10(-7) M to 1 x 10(-9) M. MAbs were characterized by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) using CCH treated with different procedures, including dissociation into CCH-A and CCH-B subunits, Western blot, enzymatic digestion, chemical deglycosylation, and thermal denaturation. MAbs were classified into three categories, according to subunit specificity by ELISA. The epitope distribution shows that CCH subunits display common epitopes (group I, 5 MAbs, 1H5, 2A8, 3A5, 3B3, and 3E3), as well as specific epitopes for CCH-A subunits (group II, 3 MAbs, 1B8, 4D8, and 8E5) and for CCH-B subunits (group III, 5 MAbs, 1A4, 1E4, 2H10, 3B7, and 7B4). The results can be summarized as follows: (1). six antibodies react with thermal denatured CCH, suggesting that they recognize linear epitopes, whereas seven recognize conformational epitopes; (2). oxidation of carbohydrate moieties does not affect the binding of the MAbs; (3). enzymatic digestion of CCH decreases the reactivity of all antibodies irrespective of the protease used (elastase or trypsin); (4). bringing together the above data, in addition to epitopic complementarity analysis, we identified 12 different epitopes on the CCH molecule recognized by these MAbs. The anti-CCH MAbs presented here can be useful tools to understand the subunit organization of the CCH and its complex structure, which can explain its immunogenic and immunostimulating properties in mammals.

  17. Molecular fingerprinting of complex grass allergoids: size assessments reveal new insights in epitope repertoires and functional capacities. (United States)

    Starchenka, S; Bell, A J; Mwange, J; Skinner, M A; Heath, M D


    Subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy (SCIT) is a well-documented treatment for allergic disease which involves injections of native allergen or modified (allergoid) extracts. The use of allergoid vaccines is a growing sector of the allergy immunotherapy market, associated with shorter-course therapy. The aim of this study was the structural and immunological characterisation of group 1 (Lol p 1) IgG-binding epitopes within a complex mix grass allergoid formulation containing rye grass. HP-SEC was used to resolve a mix grass allergoid preparation of high molecular weight into several distinct fractions with defined molecular weight and elution profiles. Allergen verification of the HP-SEC allergoid fractions was confirmed by mass spectrometry analysis. IgE and IgG immunoreactivity of the allergoid preparations was explored and Lol p 1 specific IgG-binding epitopes mapped by SPOT synthesis technology (PepSpot™) with structural analysis based on a Lol p 1 homology model. Grass specific IgE reactivity of the mix grass modified extract (allergoid) was diminished in comparison with the mix grass native extract. A difference in IgG profiles was observed between an intact mix grass allergoid preparation and HP-SEC allergoid fractions, which indicated enhancement of accessible reactive IgG epitopes across size distribution profiles of the mix grass allergoid formulation. Detailed analysis of the epitope specificity showed retention of six Lol p 1 IgG-binding epitopes in the mix grass modified extract. The structural and immunological changes which take place following the grass allergen modification process was further unravelled revealing distinct IgG immunological profiles. All epitopes were mapped on the solvent exposed area of Lol p 1 homology model accessible for IgG binding. One of the epitopes was identified as an 'immunodominant' Lol p 1 IgG-binding epitope (62-IFKDGRGCGSCFEIK-76) and classified as a novel epitope. The results from this study support the concept

  18. Broadly reactive human CD8 T cells that recognize an epitope conserved between VZV, HSV and EBV.

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    Christopher Chiu


    Full Text Available Human herpesviruses are important causes of potentially severe chronic infections for which T cells are believed to be necessary for control. In order to examine the role of virus-specific CD8 T cells against Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV, we generated a comprehensive panel of potential epitopes predicted in silico and screened for T cell responses in healthy VZV seropositive donors. We identified a dominant HLA-A*0201-restricted epitope in the VZV ribonucleotide reductase subunit 2 and used a tetramer to analyze the phenotype and function of epitope-specific CD8 T cells. Interestingly, CD8 T cells responding to this VZV epitope also recognized homologous epitopes, not only in the other α-herpesviruses, HSV-1 and HSV-2, but also the γ-herpesvirus, EBV. Responses against these epitopes did not depend on previous infection with the originating virus, thus indicating the cross-reactive nature of this T cell population. Between individuals, the cells demonstrated marked phenotypic heterogeneity. This was associated with differences in functional capacity related to increased inhibitory receptor expression (including PD-1 along with decreased expression of co-stimulatory molecules that potentially reflected their stimulation history. Vaccination with the live attenuated Zostavax vaccine did not efficiently stimulate a proliferative response in this epitope-specific population. Thus, we identified a human CD8 T cell epitope that is conserved in four clinically important herpesviruses but that was poorly boosted by the current adult VZV vaccine. We discuss the concept of a "pan-herpesvirus" vaccine that this discovery raises and the hurdles that may need to be overcome in order to achieve this.

  19. Características fenotípicas dos pacientes com anemia falciforme de acordo com os haplótipos do gene da βS-globina em Fortaleza, Ceará

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    Lilianne B. Silva


    Full Text Available Foram analisados 47 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico, laboratorial e molecular de anemia falciforme, residentes em Fortaleza, Ceará, com a finalidade de fornecer informações sobre a influência dos haplótipos do gene da βS- globina nas características fenotípicas desta doença. A determinação dos valores hematológicos foi realizada em contador automático de células sanguíneas, e os níveis de HbF foram determinados pela técnica da desnaturação alcalina. O DNA foi isolado de leucócitos, a partir de amostras de sangue total. A análise dos haplótipos da mutação βS foi realizada por PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Lenght Polymorphism, sendo analisados seis sítios polimórficos de restrição. Os pacientes foram divididos em cinco grupos, de acordo com o tipo de haplótipo: Bantu/Bantu, Benin/Benin, Bantu/Benin, Bantu/Atípico e Benin/Atípico. O nível de significância considerado nas análises foi p<0,05. Na comparação entre os haplótipos e as características hematológicas estudadas, apenas os valores de HbF e Ht apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa. Os níveis de HbF foram maiores no haplótipo Benin, seguido do haplótipo Bantu, o que está em conformidade com os dados da literatura. Foram demonstrados maior presença de crises vaso-oclusivas e episódios de pneumonia no haplótipo Benin/Atípico do que no haplótipo Bantu/Atípico; e maior presença de crises de infecção urinária no haplótipo Benin/Atípico do que no haplótipo Benin/Benin. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os haplótipos Bantu/Bantu e Benin/Benin em relação às complicações clínicas; entretanto, foi observado que o haplótipo Bantu/Bantu tem uma maior frequência em todos os eventos clínicos estudados quando comparado ao Benin/Benin. Os resultados demonstram que o tipo de haplótipo do gene da βS-globina influencia as características fenotípicas dos pacientes com

  20. The POM monoclonals: a comprehensive set of antibodies to non-overlapping prion protein epitopes.

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    Magdalini Polymenidou

    Full Text Available PrP(Sc, a misfolded and aggregated form of the cellular prion protein PrP(C, is the only defined constituent of the transmissible agent causing prion diseases. Expression of PrP(C in the host organism is necessary for prion replication and for prion neurotoxicity. Understanding prion diseases necessitates detailed structural insights into PrP(C and PrP(Sc. Towards this goal, we have developed a comprehensive collection of monoclonal antibodies denoted POM1 to POM19 and directed against many different epitopes of mouse PrP(C. Three epitopes are located within the N-terminal octarepeat region, one is situated within the central unstructured region, and four epitopes are discontinuous within the globular C-proximal domain of PrP(C. Some of these antibodies recognize epitopes that are resilient to protease digestion in PrP(Sc. Other antibodies immunoprecipitate PrP(C, but not PrP(Sc. A third group was found to immunoprecipitate both PrP isoforms. Some of the latter antibodies could be blocked with epitope-mimicking peptides, and incubation with an excess of these peptides allowed for immunochromatography of PrP(C and PrP(Sc. Amino-proximal antibodies were found to react with repetitive PrP(C epitopes, thereby vastly increasing their avidity. We have also created functional single-chain miniantibodies from selected POMs, which retained the binding characteristics despite their low molecular mass. The POM collection, thus, represents a unique set of reagents allowing for studies with a variety of techniques, including western blotting, ELISA, immunoprecipitation, conformation-dependent immunoassays, and plasmon surface plasmon resonance-based assays.

  1. Allergen and Epitope Targets of Mouse-Specific T Cell Responses in Allergy and Asthma

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    Véronique Schulten


    Full Text Available Mouse allergy has become increasingly common, mainly affecting laboratory workers and inner-city households. To date, only one major allergen, namely Mus m 1, has been described. We sought to identify T cell targets in mouse allergic patients. PBMC from allergic donors were expanded with either murine urine or epithelial extract and subsequently screened for cytokine production (IL-5 and IFNγ in response to overlapping peptides spanning the entire Mus m 1 sequence, peptides from various Mus m 1 isoforms [major urinary proteins (MUPs], peptides from mouse orthologs of known allergens from other mammalian species and peptides from proteins identified by immunoproteomic analysis of IgE/IgG immunoblots of mouse urine and epithelial extracts. This approach let to the identification of 106 non-redundant T cell epitopes derived from 35 antigens. Three major T cell-activating regions were defined in Mus m 1 alone. Moreover, our data show that immunodominant epitopes were largely shared between Mus m 1 and other MUPs even from different species, suggesting that sequence conservation in different allergens is a determinant for immunodominance. We further identified several novel mouse T cell antigens based on their homology to known mammalian allergens. Analysis of cohort-specific T cell responses revealed that rhinitis and asthmatic patients recognized different epitope repertoires. Epitopes defined herein can be formulated into an epitope “megapool” used to diagnose mouse allergy and study mouse-specific T cell responses directly ex vivo. This analysis of T cell epitopes provides a good basis for future studies to increase our understanding of the immunopathology associated with MO-allergy and asthma.

  2. T-cell recognition is shaped by epitope sequence conservation in the host proteome and microbiome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bresciani, Anne Gøther; Paul, Sinu; Schommer, Nina


    or allergen with the conservation of its sequence in the human proteome or the healthy human microbiome. Indeed, performing such comparisons on large sets of validated T-cell epitopes, we found that epitopes that are similar with self-antigens above a certain threshold showed lower immunogenicity, presumably...... as a result of negative selection of T cells capable of recognizing such peptides. Moreover, we also found a reduced level of immune recognition for epitopes conserved in the commensal microbiome, presumably as a result of peripheral tolerance. These findings indicate that the existence (and potentially...

  3. Reação de resistência tipo I e tipo II a Giberela em cultivares de trigo

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    Rafael Hansen Alves


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as reações de resistência tipo I e tipo II à giberela em 28 cultivares de trigo em casa de vegetação. A inoculação de Fusarium graminearum foi realizada no estádio de florescimento. Para a resistência tipo I, a avaliação foi feita 21 dias após a inoculação. Foi determinada a severidade no estádio de espiga seca e a porcentagem de grãos giberelados. A avaliação da severidade foi feita pela porcentagem de espiguetas infectadas, no estádio de espiga verde atribuindo-se uma nota em uma escala linear de zero (nenhuma infecção a 100 (100% de espiguetas infectadas. Para a resistência tipo II, as avaliações foram realizadas aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após a inoculação, contando-se as espiguetas com sintomas da doença, excluindo as duas espiguetas que foram inoculadas. As cultivares Frontana, BRS 177, BRS 179, BRS Umbu, BRS Camboim, Abalone, Ônix, Pampeano e Fundacep 30 apresentaram menor severidade da doença e menor porcentagem de grãos giberelados, demonstrando serem fontes de resistência tipo I. As cultivares BRS Guamirim, CD 120, Onix, Rubi, Fundacep 50, BRS 179, Pampeano, Abalone, CD 114, IPR 85, Safira, BRS Louro, CD 117, CDF 2002116, CD 115, BRS 177, CD 0529 e BRS Camboim apresentaram a menor área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença, demonstrando a presença da resistência do tipo II.

  4. Usefulness of the nonself-self algorithm of HLA epitope immunogenicity in the specificity analysis of monospecific antibodies induced during pregnancy

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    Rene J Duquesnoy


    Full Text Available Background HLAMatchmaker is a program to analyze the epitope specificities of HLA antibodies. It considers each HLA allele as a string of eplets. Intralocus and interlocus comparisons between donor and recipient alleles offer a structural assessment of compatibility and an analysis of allele panel reactivity patterns can generate information about epitope specificities of HLA antibodies. However, HLAMatchmaker cannot always generate conclusive interpretations of reactivity patterns of all monospecific antibodies which by definition recognize single epitopes. Hypothesis We have therefore developed a new antibody analysis approach that utilizes the nonself-self algorithm of HLA epitope immunogenicity. It is based in the concept that HLA antibodies originate from B-cells with immunoglobulin receptors to self HLA epitopes on one given allele and which can be activated by epitopes defined by a few nonself residue differences whereas the remainder of the structural epitope of the immunizing allele consists of self residues. Methods Three human monoclonal class I antibodies from HLA typed women sensitized during pregnancy were tested in Ig-binding assays with single alleles on a Luminex platformFindings Three new HLA epitopes were identified; they are defined by combinations of nonself and self residues for one allele of the antibody producer. Conclusion The nonself-self paradigm of HLA epitope immunogenicity offers a second approach to analyze HLA antibody specificities.

  5. Efeito do treinamento combinado e aeróbio no controle glicêmico no diabetes tipo 2

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    Antônio Renato Pereira Moro

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O diabetes tipo 2 é um grupo heterogêneo de doença metabólica causada por uma disfunção na secreção da insulina e/ou ação desta. OBJETIVOS: Comparar o efeito de duas modalidades de treinamento, o combinado (aeróbio e resistido e o aeróbio, no controle glicêmico no diabetes tipo 2. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A pesquisa caracteriza-se por ser um estudo quase-experimental. Após aprovação do CEP, com registro III, deu-se início ao programa de treinamento combinado e aeróbio. Foram selecionados 24 participantes, de ambos os gêneros, sedentários, com média de idade de 60,41 ± 7,87. Os participantes foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: treinamento combinado (n = 12 e treinamento aeróbio (n = 12; ambos foram avaliados no início e final do estudo. A concentração sérica de glicose foi determinada pelo sistema Vitros e a hemoglobina glicosilada foi determinada pelo método Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Performance. O treinamento foi realizado três vezes por semana, com duração total de 20 semanas. Os dados são expressos em média e desvio-padrão. Foi aplicado o teste t pareado (p < 0,05 para comparar a média basal e após 20 semanas de treinamento. RESULTADOS: A média da glicose em jejum do treinamento combinado reduziu significativamente, de 167,41 ± 38,13 para 119,83 ± 20,91, sendo que o mesmo ocorreu com o treinamento aeróbio de 189,83 ± 63,57 para 139,91 ± 34,04. Os valores da hemoglobina glicosilada no treinamento combinado e treinamento aeróbio reduziram significativamente, de 8,61 ± 1,17 para 7,25 ± 1,24 e de 9,52 ± 2,46 para 8,37 ± 1,50, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: O treinamento combinado foi mais eficaz em relação à hemoglobina glicosilada e o treinamento aeróbio, na glicose plasmática.

  6. Método predictivo de volatilidad tipo cambio

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    Jeffrey Viales Abellán


    Full Text Available Las series temporales descritas por precios de ciertos activos financieros tales como el de las acciones y divisas presentan dos principales características, excesos de kurtosis y clustering de volatilidad. Para recoger estas características se han utilizado modelos no lineales tales como los modelos Garch o Volatilidad Condicionada y los modelos de Volatilidad Estocástica, ambos tipos de modelo son empleados para la gestión del riesgo cambiario a corto plazo; el primer tipo de modelos definen la volatilidad en función de la misma volatilidad rezagada y de los shocks (innovaciones de volatilidad; el segundo tipo de modelos son similares a los modelos Garch con la variante de que la volatilidad incluye por si misma un término aleatorio de tipo proceso Wienner2; estos modelos son empleados para simular caminatas aleatorias del tipo de cambio con volatilidades simuladas por las ecuación estocásticas de volatilidad.En el presente trabajo se analizará el desempeño del modelo Garch en comparación a las medidas de volatilidad utilizadas actualmente para la gestión del riesgo cambiario; sus implicaciones para la gestión de riesgos.

  7. Prediction and identification of mouse cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes in Ebola virus glycoproteins

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    Wu Shipo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Ebola viruses (EBOVs cause severe hemorrhagic fever with a high mortality rate. At present, there are no licensed vaccines or efficient therapies to combat EBOV infection. Previous studies have shown that both humoral and cellular immune responses are crucial for controlling Ebola infection. CD8+ T cells play an important role in mediating vaccine-induced protective immunity. The objective of this study was to identify H-2d-specific T cell epitopes in EBOV glycoproteins (GPs. Results Computer-assisted algorithms were used to predict H-2d-specific T cell epitopes in two species of EBOV (Sudan and Zaire GP. The predicted peptides were synthesized and identified in BALB/c mice immunized with replication-deficient adenovirus vectors expressing the EBOV GP. Enzyme-linked immunospot assays and intracellular cytokine staining showed that the peptides RPHTPQFLF (Sudan EBOV, GPCAGDFAF and LYDRLASTV (Zaire EBOV could stimulate splenoctyes in immunized mice to produce large amounts of interferon-gamma. Conclusion Three peptides within the GPs of two EBOV strains were identified as T cell epitopes. The identification of these epitopes should facilitate the evaluation of vaccines based on the Ebola virus glycoprotein in a BALB/c mouse model.

  8. MuPeXI: prediction of neo-epitopes from tumor sequencing data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerregaard, Anne-Mette; Nielsen, Morten; Hadrup, Sine Reker


    Personalization of immunotherapies such as cancer vaccines and adoptive T cell therapy depends on identification of patient-specific neo-epitopes that can be specifically targeted. MuPeXI, the mutant peptide extractor and informer, is a program to identify tumor-specific peptides and assess...... their potential to be neo-epitopes. The program input is a file with somatic mutation calls, a list of HLA types, and optionally a gene expression profile. The output is a table with all tumor-specific peptides derived from nucleotide substitutions, insertions, and deletions, along with comprehensive annotation...

  9. Arriscar ao brincar: análise das perceções de risco em relação ao brincar num grupo de educadoras de infância

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    Maria Gabriela Portugal Bento


    Full Text Available Reconociendo que el juego arriesgado tiene beneficios para el aprendizaje y desarrollo de los niños, esta investigación tiene como objetivo explorar las percepciones de riesgo en un grupo de 13 educadores de la primera infancia portugueses. Este grupo profesional tiene una gran influencia en el tipo de experiencias que se ofrecen a los niños en una etapa de la vida en que se reconoce que el juego es muy importante para el desarrollo. A través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas, articuladas con imágenes que representan las diferentes experiencias de juego arriesgado (Sandseter, 2007, 2009a, hemos tratado de entender cómo se interpretan las situaciones de riesgo y qué ganancias pueden llevar al desarrollo. Llegamos a la conclusión de que, entre los profesores entrevistados, el riesgo en el juego casi no se aceptó, con un peso de hasta diferentes dimensiones para evaluar la situación. A pesar de juego arriesgado no ser promovido, los educadores reconocen la existencia de ganancias para el desarrollo.

  10. Epitope-based peptide vaccine design and target site depiction against Ebola viruses: an immunoinformatics study. (United States)

    Khan, M A; Hossain, M U; Rakib-Uz-Zaman, S M; Morshed, M N


    Ebola viruses (EBOVs) have been identified as an emerging threat in recent year as it causes severe haemorrhagic fever in human. Epitope-based vaccine design for EBOVs remains a top priority because a mere progress has been made in this regard. Another reason is the lack of antiviral drug and licensed vaccine although there is a severe outbreak in Central Africa. In this study, we aimed to design an epitope-based vaccine that can trigger a significant immune response as well as to prognosticate inhibitor that can bind with potential drug target sites using various immunoinformatics and docking simulation tools. The capacity to induce both humoral and cell-mediated immunity by T cell and B cell was checked for the selected protein. The peptide region spanning 9 amino acids from 42 to 50 and the sequence TLASIGTAF were found as the most potential B and T cell epitopes, respectively. This peptide could interact with 12 HLAs and showed high population coverage up to 80.99%. Using molecular docking, the epitope was further appraised for binding against HLA molecules to verify the binding cleft interaction. In addition with this, the allergenicity of the epitopes was also evaluated. In the post-therapeutic strategy, docking study of predicted 3D structure identified suitable therapeutic inhibitor against targeted protein. However, this computational epitope-based peptide vaccine designing and target site prediction against EBOVs open up a new horizon which may be the prospective way in Ebola viruses research; the results require validation by in vitro and in vivo experiments. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. A Prevenção do HIV / AIDS segundo o olhar das mulheres: o caso do Grupo de Direitos Reprodutivos em Juiz de Fora / MGª La prevencíon del HIV/SIDA según el punto de vista de las mujeres: el caso del grupo de derechos reproductivos en Juiz de Fora / MG, Brasil HIV/AIDS prevention according to womens view: the reproductive rights group case in Juiz de Fora / MG, Brazil

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    Elenir Pereira de Paiva


    Full Text Available El estudio tuvo como objetivo lás prácticas del HIV según la visión de mujeres participantes del Grupo de Derechos Reproductivos, pues, a pesar de las diversas campãnas dirigidas a la prevención, las estadísticas indican un aumento significativo de mujeres infectadas por el HIV. Los objetivos fueron: identificar las informaciones que las participantes del Grupo de Derechos Reproductivos poseen sobre las formas de prevención contra el HIV; identificarestratégias de prevención contra el HIV que las mujeres del Grupo de Derechos Reproductivos adoptan en su práctica sexual; Analisar las formas de prevención contra el HIV adoptadas por las mujeres del Grupo de Derechos Reproductivos en el Departamento de Urgencia y Emergencia Norte (DUEN en Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Metodología: se dio prioridad a la investigación cualitativa, bajo la forma de estudio de caso originarias del grupo de discusión mencionado. Para la colección de los datos, se usó la entrevista semi-estructurada, junto con la observación participante com registro en diario de campo. Los resultados sugieren que las participantes todavía se mantienen perplejas en lo referente a las formas de transmisión del HIV, continuan representando al SIDA como una enfermedad peligrosa e incurable y, a despecho de valorizar el preservativo como mecanismo de prevención, encuentran resistencia de sus parejas en lo que concierne al uso de los mismos. El grupo refiere no adoptar métodos preventivos de forma contínua. Teorías de aprendizado fueron analizadas con el objetivo de conocer com qué tipo de aprendiz estamos trabajando. Al final se presentan algunas consideraciones y sugerencias, teniendo en cuenta hacer más efectivas las acciones educativas en esta área de la salud pública.O estudo teve como objeto as práticas de prevenção do HIV na visão de mulheres participantes do Grupo de Direitos Reprodutivos¹ pois, apesar das diversas campanhas dirigidas à preven

  12. Parâmetros de desempenho e carcaça de genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

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    R.C. Veloso


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar as características de desempenho e de carcaça de sete genótipos de frangos tipo caipira da linhagem Redbro. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Os frangos foram alojados em 28 boxes, sendo 30 frangos por boxe, em galpão de alvenaria com acesso a um piquete de 45m², em quatro repetições. As características de desempenho (conversão alimentar, ganho em peso médio diário, consumo de ração médio diário foram avaliadas nos períodos: um a 28, um a 56, um a 70 e um a 84 dias de idade. O peso corporal foi avaliado aos 28, 56, 70 e 84 dias de idade. As características de carcaça (peso e rendimento de carcaça, peito e pernas foram obtidas a partir do abate de dois frangos por boxe, aos 85 dias de idade. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se o "proc glm" do SAS. Verificou-se que, em todos os períodos, os frangos do genótipo Colorpak apresentaram maior peso corporal, consumo de ração médio diário, ganho em peso médio diário e melhor conversão alimentar. Entretanto, os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram menores consumo de ração médio diário, ganho de peso médio diário e pior conversão alimentar. Quanto ao rendimento de cortes, observou-se que os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram os menores valores, e o Carijó, Colorpak, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor obtiveram os melhores rendimentos de pernas. Para o rendimento de peito, o Carijó e o Pesadão Vermelho obtiveram os maiores valores. A escolha do genótipo deve ser feita de acordo com o interesse do mercado, pois há diferenças no desempenho e no rendimento de carcaça e dos cortes.

  13. La centralidad en las comunicaciones y la influencia percibida en los pequeños grupos

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    Nancy Noemi Terroni

    Full Text Available Este trabajo reporta los resultados de medidas del análisis de redes en la comunicación de pequeños grupos que resuelven una tarea de recuperación de memoria y su asociación con la influencia percibida. El reactivo empleado es una historia y los 65 participantes, alumnos de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, debieron reconstruir la misma primero en forma individual, luego grupal colaborativa y nuevamente en forma individual. Se registraron las interacciones grupales con comunicación cara a cara y mediada por computadora; se analizaron las medidas de prominencia, la centralidad y el prestigio de la comunicación y el tipo de alocución, orientado a la gestión grupal o hacia la tarea. Se observaron asociaciones significativas entre las medidas reticulares y la influencia percibida para ambos medios de comunicación y se hallaron diferencias en la comunicación de gestión grupal. Se discuten estos resultados con relación a las restricciones que imponen los canales de comunicación mediados.

  14. Characterization of CD4 T Cell Epitopes of Infliximab and Rituximab Identified from Healthy Donors

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    Moustafa Hamze


    Full Text Available The chimeric antibodies anti-CD20 rituximab (Rtx and anti-TNFα infliximab (Ifx induce antidrug antibodies (ADAs in many patients with inflammatory diseases. Because of the key role of CD4 T lymphocytes in the initiation of antibody responses, we localized the CD4 T cell epitopes of Rtx and Ifx. With the perspective to anticipate immunogenicity of therapeutic antibodies, identification of the CD4 T cell epitopes was performed using cells collected in healthy donors. Nine T cell epitopes were identified in the variable chains of both antibodies by deriving CD4 T cell lines raised against either Rtx or Ifx. The T cell epitopes often exhibited a good affinity for human leukocyte antigen (HLA-DR molecules and were part of the peptides identified by MHC-associated peptide proteomics assay from HLA-DR molecules of dendritic cells (DCs loaded with the antibodies. Two-third of the T cell epitopes identified from the healthy donors stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients having developed ADAs against Rtx or Ifx and promoted the secretion of a diversity of cytokines. These data emphasize the predictive value of evaluating the T cell repertoire of healthy donors and the composition of peptides bound to HLA-DR of DCs to anticipate and prevent immunogenicity of therapeutic antibodies.

  15. Geologia e quimioestratigrafia do Grupo Vazante em Lagamar (Minas Gerais, Brasil)


    Carla Sofia de Sousa Marques


    Este trabalho tem como base um mapeamento geologico na escala 1:50.000 de uma area de 400km2 nos arredores da cidade de Lagamar (MG) e um estudo de perfis quimioestratigraficos com isotopos estaveis de 13C, 18O e 87Sr/86Sr nas formacoes Lagamar e Rocinha do Grupo Vazante. Na regiao afloram rochas da porcao basal do Grupo Vazante, em contato tectonico com o Grupo Bambui. Foram identificadas as formacoes Santo Antonio do Bonito, Rocinha, Lagamar e Serra do Garrote no Grupo Vazante, e no Grup...

  16. Erythrocyte diameter of zebu Nelore cattle: influence of age factors, sex factors and Nelore breed lines Diâmetro eritrocitário de zebuínos da raça Nelore: influência de fatores etários, sexual e do tipo racial

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    Ivan Roque de Barros Filho


    Full Text Available The erythrocyte diameter of zebu Nelore cattle raised in the State of São Paulo were determined with aim of the analyzing the influence of age factors, sex factors and breed lines factors. In order to get up the subject, blood samples from 170 healthy animals free of blood parasites were collected and submitted to standard hematological techniques and mensuration of the erythrocyte diameter by blood smears glass with Rosenfeld color. To evaluate the influence of age, 140 Nelore Standard were divided into seven age groups, from birth to over 72 month, including 20 animals for each groups. The influence of sex factors, were evaluated using 80 adult animals: 40 male and 40 female. The influence of the breed lines factors, were evaluated using 60 zebus, 15 animals of different varieties or strain, the Nelore: Standard, Lemgruber, “Mocho” and Kuleia. The results demonstrated significant differences (p< 0,05 into the age group: the erythrocyte diameter increase, from the group of calves neonates up to three months (4,72 ± 0,29µm to the group formed by adult animal above of 72 months (5,45 ± 0,17µm. No had influence of the sex and breed lines factors in this study. The average standard values of the erythrocyte diameter of the Nelore cattle were 5,24 ± 0,62µm and the range from 3,5 to 7,5µm. The results demonstrated the influence of age on the erythrocyte diameter of zebu Nelore cattle.O diâmetro eritrocitário (DME de zebuínos da raça Nelore, criados no Estado de São Paulo, foi determinado avaliando-se a influência de fatores relacionados à idade, ao sexo e ao tipo racial. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 170 animais sadios, livre de hemoparasitas, realizando-se o eritrograma e os esfregaços corados com o corante Rosenfeld. A influência de fatores etários foi realizada utilizando-se 140 esfregaços de Nelore do tipo Padrão, distribuídos em sete grupos etários, compostos cada um deles por 20 animais, incluindo-se esfrega

  17. Optimal selection of epitopes for TXP-immunoaffinity mass spectrometry

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    Joos Thomas


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Mass spectrometry (MS based protein profiling has become one of the key technologies in biomedical research and biomarker discovery. One bottleneck in MS-based protein analysis is sample preparation and an efficient fractionation step to reduce the complexity of the biological samples, which are too complex to be analyzed directly with MS. Sample preparation strategies that reduce the complexity of tryptic digests by using immunoaffinity based methods have shown to lead to a substantial increase in throughput and sensitivity in the proteomic mass spectrometry approach. The limitation of using such immunoaffinity-based approaches is the availability of the appropriate peptide specific capture antibodies. Recent developments in these approaches, where subsets of peptides with short identical terminal sequences can be enriched using antibodies directed against short terminal epitopes, promise a significant gain in efficiency. Results We show that the minimal set of terminal epitopes for the coverage of a target protein list can be found by the formulation as a set cover problem, preceded by a filtering pipeline for the exclusion of peptides and target epitopes with undesirable properties. Conclusions For small datasets (a few hundred proteins it is possible to solve the problem to optimality with moderate computational effort using commercial or free solvers. Larger datasets, like full proteomes require the use of heuristics.


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    Rafael Tuesca-Molina


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La depresión en personas ancianas es un problema de salud pública dada su prevalencia y comorbilidad. Los objetivos de este trabajo son determinar el papel de los grupos de socialización como factor protector para depresión; determinar otros factores socioculturales asociados; estimar la prevalencia y determinar la concordancia de las pruebas de cribado para depresión - criterios de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría y el test de Hamilton. Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Participaron 602 personas ancianas de entre 60 y 94 años (223 varones y 379 mujeres, muestra representativa para la población residente del sur-occidente de Barranquilla, Colombia. Previo consentimiento, se aplicó una encuesta de administración directa. Se estudiaron las variables demográficas, socioeconómicas, limitación física, enfermedades degenerativas, disfunción familiar y dos tests de depresión para determinar la concordancia. Se realizó análisis bivariado entre la depresión y la pertinencia a grupos de socialización al igual que la depresión y otras variables. Se determinó análisis de cribado e índice de Kappa para la concordancia de pruebas. Resultados: La participación en grupos de socialización fue un factor protector de presentar depresión. (OR: 0,5, IC 95%: 0,34- 0,73. La prevalencia de depresión fue de 29,9% (IC95%: 21,4%- 39,4%, siendo en los varones 32,7%. La concordancia con el test de Kappa fue 0,63. (moderada a buena La sensibilidad fue del 56,1%, (48,5% a 63,4%; la especificidad de 99,3%, (IC95%: 97,8%-99,8% y el valor predictivo positivo del 97,1% ( IC95%: 97,2%-99,3%. Conclusiones: Esta investigación determina factores de riesgo para padecer depresión en ancianos potencialmente modificables. La participación en grupos de socialización es un factor protector. La disfunción familiar de tipo moderado y severo, las limitaciones sensoriales como ceguera y sordera, la soledad, ausencia de vivienda y

  19. Pneumonite intersticial não específica: entidade clínico-patológica, padrão histológico ou apenas grupo heterogéneo de pneumonites intersticiais não classificadas?

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    António Morais


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A pneumonite intersticial não específica (NSIP, descrita pela primeira vez em 1994 por Katzenstein e Fiorelli, apresenta-se como uma eventual entidade clínico-patológica individualizável dentro do grupo das pneumonites intersticiais idiopáticas (IIP. Aliada a alterações histológicas distintas, apresentauma evolução clínica mais favorável, com consequente melhor prognóstico do que a fibrose pulmonar idiopática (IPF, grupo onde geralmente estas alterações eram incluídas. Estas diferenças levam a que, apesar das dúvidas que ainda envolvem a NSIP, o seu reconhecimento seja importante, uma vez que as atitudes clínicas e terapêuticas se diferenciam da IPF. A NSIP engloba padrões histológicos diferentes, dividindo-se nomeadamente em casos de predomínio inflamatório (tipo celular ou de predomínio fibroso (tipo fibrosante, com os últimos a evidenciarem uma maior gravidade e pior prognóstico do que os primeiros. Os autores descrevem dois casos de NSIP, seguidos de uma revisão e discussão do tema.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (4: 331-345 ABSTRACT: Nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis (NSIP initially described by Katzenstein and Fiorelli in 1994, seems to be a distinct clinicopathologic entity among idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis (IIP. Besides different histologic features from other IIP, NSIP is characterized by a better long-term outcome, associated with a better steroids responsiveness than idiopathic pulmonar fibrosis (IPF, where usually were included. Thus, differentiating NSIP from other IIP, namely IPF is very significant, since it has important therapeutic and prognostic implications. NSIP encloses different pathologies, namely those with inflammatory predominance (cellular subtype or fibrous predominance (fibrosing subtype. NSIP is reviewed and discussed by the authors, after two clinical cases description.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (4: 331-345 Palavras chave: pneumonites intersticiais idiopáticas, pneumonite

  20. RB4CD12 epitope expression and heparan sulfate disaccharide composition in brain vasculature. (United States)

    Hosono-Fukao, Tomomi; Ohtake-Niimi, Shiori; Nishitsuji, Kazuchika; Hossain, Md Motarab; van Kuppevelt, Toin H; Michikawa, Makoto; Uchimura, Kenji


    RB4CD12 is a phage display antibody that recognizes a heparan sulfate (HS) glycosaminoglycan epitope. The epitope structure is proposed to contain a trisulfated disaccharide, [-IdoA(2-OSO(3))-GlcNSO(3) (6-OSO(3))-], which supports HS binding to various macromolecules such as growth factors and cytokines in central nervous tissues. Chemically modified heparins that lack the trisulfated disaccharides failed to inhibit the RB4CD12 recognition of HS chains. To determine the localization of the RB4CD12 anti-HS epitope in the brain, we performed an immunohistochemical analysis for cryocut sections of mouse brain. The RB4CD12 staining signals were colocalized with laminin and were detected abundantly in the vascular basement membrane. Bacterial heparinases eliminated the RB4CD12 staining signals. The RB4CD12 epitope localization was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy. Western blotting analysis revealed that the size of a major RB4CD12-positive molecule is ∼460 kDa in a vessel-enriched fraction of the mouse brain. Disaccharide analysis with reversed-phase ion-pair HPLC showed that [-IdoA(2-OSO(3))-GlcNSO(3) (6-OSO(3))-] trisulfated disaccharide residues are present in HS purified from the vessel-enriched brain fraction. These results indicated that the RB4CD12 anti-HS epitope exists in large quantities in the brain vascular basement membrane. Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  1. Acerca del trabajo en grupos o equipos


    Gómez Mujica, Aleida; Acosta Rodríguez, Heriberto


    Se definen, caracterizan y comparan los grupos y equipos de trabajo. Se señalan las características y funciones que convierten gradual y paulatinamente un grupo en un equipo de trabajo. Se señalan las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno de ellos, tanto para los individuos como para las organizaciones. Se analizan algunas variables estructurales, las normas para la formación de los equipos, las características esenciales y las funciones que desempeñan sus miembros. Se anexa una lista con las ca...

  2. Aspectos emocionais de crianças diabéticas: experiência de atendimento em grupo Aspectos emocionales de los niños diabéticos: un experimento del atendimiento en grupo Emotional aspects of diabetic children: experience of group attendance

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    Daniela Botti Marcelino


    Full Text Available O diabetes mellitus tipo 1 é uma doença crônica que atinge crianças, adolescentes e adultos jovens e que tem aumentado no mundo todo. Seu tratamento exige controle glicêmico intenso para prevenir complicações. Pelo fato de a doença ser crônica e exigir muitos cuidados em nome da vida, o diabético tipo 1 sofre repercussões emocionais importantes. O acompanhamento psicológico possibilita ao paciente obter aceitação psíquica de sua condição de doente e a elaboração do luto pelo corpo perfeito, contribuindo para motivar o paciente nos cuidados em relação à doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os aspectos emocionais de crianças diabéticas através de teste e técnicas projetivas. Foram sujeitos desta pesquisa 6 crianças diabéticas atendidas pelo Projeto DOCE (Diabetes Objetivando Controle e Educação. O resultado mostrou que várias projeções estavam relacionadas aos sentimentos de medo, preocupação e dor trazidos pela doença. Conclui-se que o acompanhamento psicológico em grupo contribuiu para a elaboração destes sentimentos.El Diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es una enfermedad crónica que aflige niños, adolescentes y jóvenes adultos y que tiene crecido en todo el mundo. Su tratamiento exige el control de la glicemia intensa para la evitación de complicaciones futuras. Como es una enfermedad crónica y exige muchos cuidados en la manutención de la vida, el sujeto diabético tipo 1 tiene repercusiones emocionales importantes. El acompañamiento psicológico ayuda al paciente el acepte psíquico de su enfermedad y a hacer el luto por un cuerpo perfecto, contribuyendo para motivarlo en los cuidados para mantener la salud y la vida. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los aspectos emocionales de los niños diabéticos a través de un teste y técnicas protectivas. Esta investigación incluyó 6 niños diabéticos que fueron atendidos pelo Proyecto DOCE (Diabetes Objetivando el Control y la Educación. Los

  3. Identification of linear B-cell epitopes on goose parvovirus non-structural protein. (United States)

    Yu, Tian-Fei; Ma, Bo; Wang, Jun-Wei


    Goose parvovirus (GPV) infection can cause a highly contagious and lethal disease in goslings and muscovy ducklings which is widespread in all major goose (Anser anser) and Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) farming countries, leading to a huge economic loss. Humoral immune responses play a major role in GPV immune protection during GPV infection. However, it is still unknown for the localization and immunological characteristics of B-cell epitopes on GPV non-structural protein (NSP). Therefore, in this study, the epitopes on the NSP of GPV were identified by means of overlapping peptides expressed in Escherichia coli in combination with Western blot. The results showed that the antigenic epitopes on the GPV NSP were predominantly localized in the C-terminal (aa 485-627), and especially, the fragment NS (498-532) was strongly positive. These results may facilitate future investigations on the function of NSP of GPV and the development of immunoassays for the diagnosis of GPV infection. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  4. Identification of two novel rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) B cell epitopes and evaluation of its immunoprotection against RHDV. (United States)

    DeSheng, Kong; HuaiRan, Liu; JiaSen, Liu; Zuo, Yu; Qian, Jiang; DongChun, Guo; XiaoLiang, Hu; FengJie, Wang; QianQian, Huang; LianDong, Qu


    The VP60 protein of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) is a structural protein with important roles in viral replication and assembly. In this study, we immunized BALB/c mice with the RHDV-TP strain. Six monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were selected and characterized by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Western blotting, and indirectly immunofluorescence analysis (IFA). All six mAbs (AD4, AG10, BC9, BE8, BH3, and DE2) had positive reactions with recombinant VP60 as analyzed by IFA, but only two (AG10 and DE2) reacted with denatured RHDV by Western blotting. Fifty-four partially overlapping fragments of the VP60 gene were expressed with His or Glutathione S-transferase (GST) tags to identify the epitopes recognized by AG10 and DE2. These two epitopes were located at the C-terminal of VP60 and were longer (64 and 53 amino acids, respectively) than normal B cell epitopes. However, both AG10 and DE2 also interacted with RHDV2 VP60 expressed in insect cells. Amino acid alignments of the AG10 and DE2 epitope regions between RHDV and RHDV2 VP60 indicated several mutations, suggesting that the epitopes recognized by the mAbs AG10 and DE2 were discontinuous. Epitope immunogenicity was evaluated by inoculating specific pathogen-free rabbits with saline, purified DE2 epitope, or RHDV inactive vaccine. Rabbits immunized with the DE2 epitope developed high levels of RHDV-specific antibodies but no cellular immune response and died after challenge with RHDV-HYD isolate. Despite their lack of neutralizing activity, these mAb reagents and epitopes may have useful clinical applications and will be valuable tools in further studies of the structure and function of the RHDV VP60 protein.

  5. Identification of broadly reactive epitopes targeting major glycoproteins of Herpes simplex virus (HSV) 1 and 2 - An immunoinformatics analysis. (United States)

    Chauhan, Varun; Goyal, Kapil; Singh, Mini P


    Infections due to both HSV-1 and HSV-2 constitute an enormous health burden worldwide. Development of vaccine against herpes infections is a WHO supported public health priority. The viral glycoproteins have always been the major hotspots for vaccine designing. The present study was aimed to identify the conserved T and B cell epitopes in the major glycoproteins of both HSV-1 and HSV-2 via rigorous computational approaches. Identification of promiscuous T cell epitopes is of utmost importance in vaccine designing as such epitopes are capable of binding to several allelic forms of HLA and could generate effective immune response in the host. The criteria designed for identification of T and B cell epitopes was that it should be conserved in both HSV-1 and 2, promiscuous, have high affinity towards HLA alleles, should be located on the surface of glycoproteins and not be present in the glycosylation sites. This study led to the identification of 17 HLA Class II and 26 HLA Class I T cell epitopes, 9 linear and some conformational B cell epitopes. The identified T cell epitopes were further subjected to molecular docking analysis to analyze their binding patterns. Altogether we have identified 4 most promising regions in glycoproteins (2-gB, 1-gD, 1-gH) of HSV-1 and 2 which are promiscuous to HLA Class II alleles and have overlapping HLA Class I and B cell epitopes, which could be very useful in generating both arms of immune response in the host i.e. adaptive as well as humoral immunity. Further the authors propose the cross-validation of the identified epitopes in experimental settings for confirming their immunogenicity to support the present findings. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Transferência e psicoterapia de grupo Transferencia y psicoterapia de grupo Transference and group psychotherapy

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    Luiz Paulo de C. Bechelli


    Full Text Available No presente estudo, examinamos o conceito de transferência, focalizando suas peculiaridades no contexto grupal. A natureza da situação terapêutica e a ampla liberdade proporcionada ao paciente para abordar o material inconsciente, de acordo com seu próprio ritmo e dentro de um ambiente seguro e sem censura, estimula o estabelecimento gradual da transferência. Devido ao mecanismo de deslocamento, o psicoterapeuta e os participantes do grupo são percebidos não como são, com seus atributos reais, mas como objetos que suscitam emoções oriundas do mundo infantil, mais precisamente do acervo de influências afetivas profundas. Uma peculiaridade da situação de grupo em comparação com a psicoterapia individual é que, naquela modalidade, coexistem múltiplas transferências que os membros do grupo estabelecem entre si, potencializando uma gama de possibilidades de sentimentos. Ambas as modalidades guardam em comum o pressuposto de que os conflitos psíquicos que impeliram o paciente à busca de ajuda podem ser reduzidos ou mesmo suprimidos mediante a interpretação e a elaboração da transferência, que funcionam como procedimentos para a mudança no decorrer do processo terapêutico.En este estudio investigamos el concepto de la transferencia, enfocando sus peculiaridades en el contexto grupal. La naturaleza de la situación terapéutica y la amplia libertad proporcionada al paciente para abordar el material inconciente según su propio ritmo y dentro de un ambiente seguro y sin censura estimula el establecimiento gradual de la transferencia. Debido al mecanismo de desplazamiento, el psicoterapeuta y los participantes del grupo son percibidos no como son, con sus atributos reales, pero como objetos que suscitan emociones oriundas del mundo infantil, más precisamente del acervo de influencias afectivas profundas. Una peculiaridad de la situación de grupo en comparación con la psicoterapia individual es que, en aquella modalidad

  7. Identifikasi epitop dari Streptococcus mutans terhadap sekretori Imunoglobulin A saliva (The identification of Streptococcus mutans epitopes to secretory Immunoglobulin A saliva

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    Anita Yuliati


    Full Text Available S. mutans is one of the etiology agent of dental caries, these bacteria have a surface protein of about 185 kDa named Ag I/II. The secretory of sIgA saliva to Ag I/II of S.mutans has shown to be able to prevent colonization in human oral cavity. Peptides derived from the 824 to 853 residues of the P region of antigen I/II S. mutans related to the pathogenesis of dental caries. The aim of this study was to identify the overlapping sequence of amino acids (epitope derived from the 624 to 853 residues of P of antigen I/II S. mutans to sIgA saliva on caries and caries-free subject in a observational cross sectional study. The P region of antigen I/II S.mutans was cut into 22 peptides of 9 mer sequences with an overlapping of 8 mer and an offset of 1 mer, synthesized on polyethylene pins and tested for the reactivity with an ELISA indirect method to sIgA saliva on caries and caries-free subject. The results of this study showed that amino acid sequences with TPPVKP (832–837 and TAPTKPTY (838–845 were reactive to sIgA saliva on caries and caries-free subject. The conclusion of this study was that the overlapping common sequence of amino acid (epitopes corresponding to TPPVKP (832–837 and TAPTKPTY (838–845 was identified as caries marker epitopes in human.

  8. [Chemical modification of allergen leading to changes in its epitopic activity]. (United States)

    Babakhin, A A; Gushchin, I S; Andreev, S M; Petrukhina, A I; Viler, A V; Stokinger, B; Nolte, G; Dubuske, L M; Khaitov, R M; Petrpv, R V


    Modification of a model allergen ovalbumin (OA) with succinylation led to a decrease of its allergenicity measured by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction, RAST inhibition assay and basophil histamine release. Modified OA stimulated OA-specific T-cell hybrid 3DO-548 to produce IL-2 at the same level as in case of non-modified OA. Modified OA did not induce anti-OA IgE, but did induce anti-OA IgG antibodies. This approach to chemical modification of allergen-selective blockade of B-cell epitopes while not affecting T-cell epitopes suggests new opportunities in creation of safe and effective allergovaccines.

  9. Promiscuous prediction and conservancy analysis of CTL binding epitopes of HCV 3a viral proteome from Punjab Pakistan: an In Silico Approach

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    Idrees Muhammad


    Full Text Available Abstract Background HCV is a positive sense RNA virus affecting approximately 180 million people world wide and about 10 million Pakistani populations. HCV genotype 3a is the major cause of infection in Pakistani population. One of the major problems of HCV infection especially in the developing countries that limits the limits the antiviral therapy is the long term treatment, high dosage and side effects. Studies of antigenic epitopes of viral sequences of a specific origin can provide an effective way to overcome the mutation rate and to determine the promiscuous binders to be used for epitope based subunit vaccine design. An in silico approach was applied for the analysis of entire HCV proteome of Pakistani origin, aimed to identify the viral epitopes and their conservancy in HCV genotypes 1, 2 and 3 of diverse origin. Results Immunoinformatic tools were applied for the predictive analysis of HCV 3a antigenic epitopes of Pakistani origin. All the predicted epitopes were then subjected for their conservancy analysis in HCV genotypes 1, 2 and 3 of diverse origin (worldwide. Using freely available web servers, 150 MHC II epitopes were predicted as promiscuous binders against 51 subjected alleles. E2 protein represented the 20% of all the predicted MHC II epitopes. 75.33% of the predicted MHC II epitopes were (77-100% conserve in genotype 3; 47.33% and 40.66% in genotype 1 and 2 respectively. 69 MHC I epitopes were predicted as promiscuous binders against 47 subjected alleles. NS4b represented 26% of all the MHC I predicted epitopes. Significantly higher epitope conservancy was represented by genotype 3 i.e. 78.26% and 21.05% for genotype 1 and 2. Conclusions The study revealed comprehensive catalogue of potential HCV derived CTL epitopes from viral proteome of Pakistan origin. A considerable number of predicted epitopes were found to be conserved in different HCV genotype. However, the number of conserved epitopes in HCV genotype 3 was

  10. O oraloma da diabetes melitos tipo 1 vs diabetes melitos tipo 2 - um estudo comparativo


    Brás, Vítor Daniel Moreira


    A Diabetes Melitos é uma doença de grande prevalência a nível mundial e os seus mecanismos fisiopatológicos não são ainda totalmente conhecidos. Actualmente, a terapêutica seguida em casos de Diabetes Melitos é eminentemente sintomática consistindo na administração de insulina nos casos de Diabetes Melitos tipo 1 ou quando se verifica a falência das células beta do pâncreas de pacientes com Diabetes Melitos tipo 2, ou no controlo da glicemia nos casos de Diabetes Melitos ...

  11. Expression of Hemagglutinin–Neuraminidase and fusion epitopes of Newcastle Disease Virus in transgenic tobacco

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    Amir Ghaffar Shahriari


    Conclusion: Developments in genetic engineering have led to plant-based systems for recombinant vaccine production. In this research, tobacco plant was used to express F and HN epitopes of NDV. Our results indicate that for the production of recombinant vaccine, it is a novel strategy to use concatenated epitopes without their genetic fusion onto larger scaffold structure such as viral coat protein.

  12. Salud bucal de un grupo de cazadores recolectores prehistóricos

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    Solomita Banfi, Fátima


    Full Text Available La patología dental es particularmente interesante por su asociación con la ingesta de alimentos, brinda valiosa información para la reconstrucción de dietas, modos de preparación de alimentos y la utilización de la boca como instrumento. Como parte de las investigaciones realizadas sobre la colección esqueletal procedente del sitio Isla Barranquita I (Dpto. Garay, Santa Fe se relevaron macroscópicamente las patologías dentales más frecuentes: perdida de piezas dentales antemortem, absceso dental, caries, periodontitis, hipoplasia y cálculo. La muestra está compuesta por los restos de 17 individuos de entre 0 y 55 años de edad que fueron exhumados de un enterratorio de tipo secundario. Se observó un elevado índice de caries por boca, especialmente entre individuos juveniles, y calculo dental en grado medio a avanzado entre juveniles y adultos. No se detectó la presencia de periodontitis ni abscesos. La presencia de hipoplasia no fue relevante para la muestra analizada. Se puede concluir un estado de salud bucal regular por la presencia de caries, sin embargo no se hallaron enfermedades infecciosas ni nutricionales para el grupo de cazadores recolectores que habitó el sitio hace unos 1200 años.

  13. Identification of one B-cell epitope from NS1 protein of duck Tembusu virus with monoclonal antibodies.

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    Jinfeng Ti

    Full Text Available This study describes the identification of one linear B-cell epitope on TMUV NS1 protein with monoclonal antibody (mAb 3G2 by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. In this study, NS1 protein was expressed in prokaryotic expression system and purified. One mAb against NS1 protein was generated from Balb/c mice immunized with recombinant protein NS1. A set of 35 partially-overlapping polypeptides covering the entire NS1 protein was expressed with PGEX-6P-1 vector and screened with mAb 3G2. One polypeptide against the mAb was acquired and identified by indirect ELISA and western-blot. To map the epitope accurately, one or two amino acid residues were removed from the carboxy and amino terminal of polypeptide sequentially. A series of truncated oligopeptides were expressed and purified. The minimal determinant of the linear B cell epitope was recognized and identified with mAb 3G2. The accurate linear B-cell epitope was 269DEKEIV274 located in NS1 protein. Furthermore, sequence alignment showed that the epitope was highly conserved and specific among TMUV strains and other flavivirus respectively. The linear B-cell epitope of TMUV NS1 protein could benefit the development of new vaccines and diagnostic assays.


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    Full Text Available Coordinar grupos es una actividad cada vez más frecuente para los enfermeros, que deben tener conocimiento especí- fico para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos y para aprovechar el potencial de las personas implicadas. Se trata de una investigación teórica que tiene como objetivo discutir y reflexionar sobre algunos atributos deseables en los enfermeros como coordinadores de grupos, basado en el estudio de Godoy, literatura clásica de la Dinámica de Grupo y estudios contemporáneos publicados en periódicos especializados nacionales e internacionales. El artículo está organizado en dos momentos; en el primero se presentan algunas bases teóricas de la coordinación de grupos y, en el segundo, las cualidades deseadas en un coordinador. Estos elementos son discutidos como herramientas aprovechadas por los enfermeros en la conducción de los grupos con el propósito de realizar actividades de asistencia, formación de recursos humanos o para el desarrollo de investigaciones. La praxis de la coordinación implica un sistema de capacidades técnicas y científicas; amplio conocimiento de las relaciones interpersonales, auto conocimiento, sensibilidad y creatividad para que, en efecto, el desempeño del enfermero promueva una mayor atención de las demandas en el área de la salud.

  15. Epitope mapping of the domains of human angiotensin converting enzyme. (United States)

    Kugaevskaya, Elena V; Kolesanova, Ekaterina F; Kozin, Sergey A; Veselovsky, Alexander V; Dedinsky, Ilya R; Elisseeva, Yulia E


    Somatic angiotensin converting enzyme (sACE), contains in its single chain two homologous domains (called N- and C-domains), each bearing a functional zinc-dependent active site. The present study aims to define the differences between two sACE domains and to localize experimentally revealed antigenic determinants (B-epitopes) in the recently determined three-dimensional structure of testicular tACE. The predicted linear antigenic determinants of human sACE were determined by peptide scanning ("PEPSCAN") approach. Essential difference was demonstrated between locations of the epitopes in the N- and C-domains. Comparison of arrangement of epitopes in the human domains with the corresponding sequences of some mammalian sACEs enabled to classify the revealed antigenic determinants as variable or conserved areas. The location of antigenic determinants with respect to various structural elements and to functionally important sites of the human sACE C-domain was estimated. The majority of antigenic sites of the C-domain were located at the irregular elements and at the boundaries of secondary structure elements. The data show structural differences between the sACE domains. The experimentally revealed antigenic determinants were in agreement with the recently determined crystal tACE structure. New potential applications are open to successfully produce mono-specific and group-specific antipeptide antibodies.

  16. Multi-level Strategy for Identifying Proteasome-Catalyzed Spliced Epitopes Targeted by CD8+ T Cells during Bacterial Infection

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    Anouk C.M. Platteel


    Full Text Available Proteasome-catalyzed peptide splicing (PCPS generates peptides that are presented by MHC class I molecules, but because their identification is challenging, the immunological relevance of spliced peptides remains unclear. Here, we developed a reverse immunology-based multi-level approach to identify proteasome-generated spliced epitopes. Applying this strategy to a murine Listeria monocytogenes infection model, we identified two spliced epitopes within the secreted bacterial phospholipase PlcB that primed antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in L. monocytogenes-infected mice. While reacting to the spliced epitopes, these CD8+ T cells failed to recognize the non-spliced peptide parts in the context of their natural flanking sequences. Thus, we here show that PCPS expands the CD8+ T cell response against L. monocytogenes by exposing spliced epitopes on the cell surface. Moreover, our multi-level strategy opens up opportunities to systematically investigate proteins for spliced epitope candidates and thus strategies for immunotherapies or vaccine design.

  17. Los taxones como tipos: Buffon, Cuvier y Lamarck Taxa as types: Buffon, Cuvier and Lamarck

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    Gustavo Caponi


    Full Text Available Darwinianamente, los grupos taxonómicos son entendidos como entidades históricas que surgen en un momento de la evolución y que siempre pueden desaparecer. Pero esos grupos también fueron entendidos por muchos naturalistas como clases naturales; es decir, como tipos permanentes, a-históricos. Es mi interés señalar algunas de las formas que ese pensamiento tipológico de hecho ha tomado, subrayando que la adopción de esa perspectiva tipológica, además de no responder a compromisos teológicos, tampoco tiene porqué obedecer a la adopción de una ontología que pueda estar en conflicto con la ciencia natural. Analizaré así el modo en el que Buffon entendió las especies y el modo en los que Cuvier y Lamarck entendieron los órdenes taxonómicos superiores.From a Darwinian point of view, taxonomic groups are understood as historical entities that arise at an evolutionary moment and that can always disappear. But these groups were also understood by many naturalists as natural kinds; in other words, as permanent, ahistorical types. I will explore some of the forms that this typological thought took, showing that this typological perspective neither depends on theological beliefs, nor obeys the adoption of an ontology that might contradict natural science. Thus I shall analyze Buffon's understanding of species and the ways in which Cuvier and Lamarck understood the higher taxonomic orders.

  18. Generation and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies against a Cyclic Variant of Hepatitis C Virus E2 Epitope 412-422 (United States)

    Sandomenico, Annamaria; Leonardi, Antonio; Berisio, Rita; Sanguigno, Luca; Focà, Giuseppina; Focà, Annalia; Ruggiero, Alessia; Doti, Nunzianna; Muscariello, Livio; Barone, Daniela; Farina, Claudio; Owsianka, Ania; Vitagliano, Luigi


    ABSTRACT The hepatitis C virus (HCV) E2 envelope glycoprotein is crucial for virus entry into hepatocytes. A conserved region of E2 encompassing amino acids 412 to 423 (epitope I) and containing Trp420, a residue critical for virus entry, is recognized by several broadly neutralizing antibodies. Peptides embodying this epitope I sequence adopt a β-hairpin conformation when bound to neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) AP33 and HCV1. We therefore generated new mouse MAbs that were able to bind to a cyclic peptide containing E2 residues 412 to 422 (C-epitope I) but not to the linear counterpart. These MAbs bound to purified E2 with affinities of about 50 nM, but they were unable to neutralize virus infection. Structural analysis of the complex between C-epitope I and one of our MAbs (C2) showed that the Trp420 side chain is largely buried in the combining site and that the Asn417 side chain, which is glycosylated in E2 and solvent exposed in other complexes, is slightly buried upon C2 binding. Also, the orientation of the cyclic peptide in the antibody-combining site is rotated by 180° compared to the orientations of the other complexes. All these structural features, however, do not explain the lack of neutralization activity. This is instead ascribed to the high degree of selectivity of the new MAbs for the cyclic epitope and to their inability to interact with the epitope in more flexible and extended conformations, which recent data suggest play a role in the mechanisms of neutralization escape. IMPORTANCE Hepatitis C virus (HCV) remains a major health care burden, affecting almost 3% of the global population. The conserved epitope comprising residues 412 to 423 of the viral E2 glycoprotein is a valid vaccine candidate because antibodies recognizing this region exhibit potent neutralizing activity. This epitope adopts a β-hairpin conformation when bound to neutralizing MAbs. We explored the potential of cyclic peptides mimicking this structure to elicit

  19. Fenótipos clínicos de asma grave Clinical phenotypes of severe asthma

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    Roseliane de Souza Araújo Alves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estabelecer os fenótipos clínicos em portadores de asma grave. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados, retrospectivamente, 111 pacientes em um ambulatório especializado. Os pacientes foram avaliados e acompanhados de maneira sistemática, estabelecendo-se ao final do acompanhamento a adesão e o controle ou não da doença por dados clínicos e funcionais. A resistência ao tratamento foi definida como o não preenchimento, ao final do acompanhamento, por pelo menos seis meses, dos critérios de controle de asma, apesar do uso correto e adesão à medicação. Os fenótipos foram determinados por análise fatorial e comparados por testes diversos. RESULTADOS: Ao final, 88 pacientes foram considerados aderentes e 23 não aderentes. Por análise fatorial do grupo aderente, quatro fenótipos foram determinados: o fenótipo 1 (28 pacientes, formado pelos pacientes resistentes ao tratamento, com maior freqüência de sintomas noturnos, maior número de exacerbações e uso mais freqüente de broncodilatador de resgate; o fenótipo 2 (48 pacientes, formado pelos pacientes com obstrução persistente, com menores valores de relação volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo/capacidade vital forçada na avaliação inicial, idade mais avançada e maior tempo de doença; o fenótipo 3 (42 pacientes, representa os pacientes com rinossinusite alérgica, sendo constituído de não fumantes com obstrução predominantemente reversível; e o fenótipo 4 (15 pacientes, formado por casos com história de intolerância à aspirina associado à asma quase fatal. CONCLUSÕES: Um número significativo de portadores de ama grave não adere ao tratamento. Muitos pacientes com asma grave têm obstrução irreversível, mas o fenótipo clínico mais relevante é constituído pelos pacientes resistentes ao tratamento habitual.OBJECTIVE: To characterize clinical phenotypes of severe asthma. METHODS: A total of 111 patients were retrospectively evaluated at a

  20. Genótipos de haptoglobina e hipertensão refratária em pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2

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    Vânia Pereira Albuquerque Wobeto


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Tem sido sugerido que o polimorfismo da haptoglobina pode influenciar na patogênese das complicações microvasculares e macrovasculares em pacientes diabéticos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo principal deste estudo transversal foi de realizar uma investigação da existência ou não de uma associação entre os genótipos de haptoglobina e a prevalência de eventos isquêmicos cardiovasculares (angina estável, angina instável e infarto agudo do miocárdio, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, hipertensão refratária, obesidade e dislipidemia em 120 pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2, seguidos no Hospital Universitário da Unicamp, em Campinas, Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: A genotipagem da haptoglobina foi realizada por reações em cadeia da polimerase alelo-específicas. As frequências dos genótipos de haptoglobina foram comparadas com a presença/ausência de doença cardiovascular, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, hipertensão refratária, obesidade e dislipidemia; medições de pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica; glicemia, colesterol (total, lipoproteínas de alta densidade - HDL e lipoproteínas de baixa densidade - LDL e triglicerídeos; assim como níveis de creatinina sérica. RESULTADOS: Embora nenhuma associação entre o genótipo de haptoglobina e a presença de doença cardiovascular tenha sido identificada, encontramos um excesso significativo de pacientes com o genótipo Hp2-1 entre as pessoas com hipertensão refratária, que também apresentavam uma maior pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica e níveis de colesterol total e LDL. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados sugerem que os pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2 com o genótipo Hp2-1 podem apresentar uma maior chance de desenvolver hipertensão refratária. Estudos adicionais em populações diabéticas são necessários para confirmar esses achados.

  1. Interaction of an immunodominant epitope with Ia molecules in T-cell activation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adorini, L; Sette, A; Buus, S


    The amino acid sequence corresponding to residues 107-116 of hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL) has been identified as containing an immunodominant T-cell epitope recognized in association with the I-Ed molecule. The immunodominance of this epitope in HEL-primed H-2d mice was demonstrated by analysis o......-120)-peptide was found to be immunogenic in H-2d mice. Thus, a single semiconservative substitution drastically reduces binding capacity and abolishes immunogenicity, suggesting that a strict correlation exists between binding of a peptide to Ia molecules and its immunogenicity....

  2. Identification of NY-BR-1-specific CD4(+) T cell epitopes using HLA-transgenic mice. (United States)

    Gardyan, Adriane; Osen, Wolfram; Zörnig, Inka; Podola, Lilli; Agarwal, Maria; Aulmann, Sebastian; Ruggiero, Eliana; Schmidt, Manfred; Halama, Niels; Leuchs, Barbara; von Kalle, Christof; Beckhove, Philipp; Schneeweiss, Andreas; Jäger, Dirk; Eichmüller, Stefan B


    Breast cancer represents the second most common cancer type worldwide and has remained the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. The differentiation antigen NY-BR-1 appears overexpressed in invasive mammary carcinomas compared to healthy breast tissue, thus representing a promising target antigen for T cell based tumor immunotherapy approaches. Since efficient immune attack of tumors depends on the activity of tumor antigen-specific CD4(+) effector T cells, NY-BR-1 was screened for the presence of HLA-restricted CD4(+) T cell epitopes that could be included in immunological treatment approaches. Upon NY-BR-1-specific DNA immunization of HLA-transgenic mice and functional ex vivo analysis, a panel of NY-BR-1-derived library peptides was determined that specifically stimulated IFNγ secretion among splenocytes of immunized mice. Following in silico analyses, four candidate epitopes were determined which were successfully used for peptide immunization to establish NY-BR-1-specific, HLA-DRB1*0301- or HLA-DRB1*0401-restricted CD4(+) T cell lines from splenocytes of peptide immunized HLA-transgenic mice. Notably, all four CD4(+) T cell lines recognized human HLA-DR-matched dendritic cells (DC) pulsed with lysates of NY-BR-1 expressing human tumor cells, demonstrating natural processing of these epitopes also within the human system. Finally, CD4(+) T cells specific for all four CD4(+) T cell epitopes were detectable among PBMC of breast cancer patients, showing that CD4(+) T cell responses against the new epitopes are not deleted nor inactivated by self-tolerance mechanisms. Our results present the first NY-BR-1-specific HLA-DRB1*0301- and HLA-DRB1*0401-restricted T cell epitopes that could be exploited for therapeutic intervention against breast cancer. © 2014 UICC.

  3. Epitope Dampening Monotypic Measles Virus Hemagglutinin Glycoprotein Results in Resistance to Cocktail of Monoclonal Antibodies (United States)

    Lech, Patrycja J.; Tobin, Gregory J.; Bushnell, Ruth; Gutschenritter, Emily; Pham, Linh D.; Nace, Rebecca; Verhoeyen, Els; Cosset, François-Loïc; Muller, Claude P.; Russell, Stephen J.; Nara, Peter L.


    The measles virus (MV) is serologically monotypic. Life-long immunity is conferred by a single attack of measles or following vaccination with the MV vaccine. This is contrary to viruses such as influenza, which readily develop resistance to the immune system and recur. A better understanding of factors that restrain MV to one serotype may allow us to predict if MV will remain monotypic in the future and influence the design of novel MV vaccines and therapeutics. MV hemagglutinin (H) glycoprotein, binds to cellular receptors and subsequently triggers the fusion (F) glycoprotein to fuse the virus into the cell. H is also the major target for neutralizing antibodies. To explore if MV remains monotypic due to a lack of plasticity of the H glycoprotein, we used the technology of Immune Dampening to generate viruses with rationally designed N-linked glycosylation sites and mutations in different epitopes and screened for viruses that escaped monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). We then combined rationally designed mutations with naturally selected mutations to generate a virus resistant to a cocktail of neutralizing mAbs targeting four different epitopes simultaneously. Two epitopes were protected by engineered N-linked glycosylations and two epitopes acquired escape mutations via two consecutive rounds of artificial selection in the presence of mAbs. Three of these epitopes were targeted by mAbs known to interfere with receptor binding. Results demonstrate that, within the epitopes analyzed, H can tolerate mutations in different residues and additional N-linked glycosylations to escape mAbs. Understanding the degree of change that H can tolerate is important as we follow its evolution in a host whose immunity is vaccine induced by genotype A strains instead of multiple genetically distinct wild-type MVs. PMID:23300970

  4. Comparação do uso de rastreabilidade para suínos em grupo e individual

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    Késia Oliveira da Silva


    Full Text Available Com o acréscimo da demanda do mercado consumidor nacional e internacional por produtos rastreados, urge o desenvolvimento de conhecimento sobre processos de identificação e rastreamento de informações na produção animal. Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar dois tipos de rastreabilidade em suínos: individual e de grupo, utilizando o sistema de identificação e registro de dados eletronicamente. Os 50 leitões foram identificados ao nascer e as variáveis peso e conversão alimentar serviram de base para comparação entre os dois sistemas. Uma amostra foi considerada a partir do erro admissível, estabelecido pelo produtor. Foi desenvolvida uma função e validada a partir da escolha de uma amostra. Foi constatado que, para maior rapidez na obtenção de dados pode-se utilizar uma amostra de leitões identificados e rastreados, em função do erro desejado e este erro será inversamente proporcional ao tamanho da amostra.

  5. Availability of the B beta(15-21) epitope on cross-linked human fibrin and its plasmic degradation products (United States)

    Chen, F.; Haber, E.; Matsueda, G. R.


    The binding of radiolabeled monoclonal antifibrin antibody 59D8 (specific for fibrin but not fibrinogen) to a series of degraded fibrin clots showed that the availability of the B beta(15-21) epitope (against which 59D8 had been raised) was inversely proportional to the extent of clot lysis. Examination of digest supernatants revealed that the B beta(15-21) epitope was released from clots as a high molecular weight degradation product in the presence of calcium ions but that the generation of low molecular weight peptides occurred in the absence of calcium ions. To address the question of epitope accessibility, we compared levels of fibrin clot binding among four radioactively labeled antibodies: antifibrin monoclonal antibody 59D8, two antifibrinogen monoclonal antibodies that cross-reacted with fibrin, and an affinity-purified polyclonal antifibrinogen antibody. We expected that the antifibrinogen antibodies would show enhanced binding to clots in comparison with the antifibrin antibody. However, the epitope accessibility experiments showed that all four antibody preparations bound fibrin clots at comparable levels. Taken together, these studies demonstrated that one fibrin-specific epitope, B beta(15-21), remains available on clots as they undergo degradation by plasmin and, importantly, that the epitope is not solubilized at a rate faster than the rate at which the clot is itself solubilized. The availability of the B beta(15-21) epitope during the course of plasminolysis assures the potential utility of antifibrin antibodies such as 59D8 for detecting thrombi and targeting plasminogen activators.

  6. In Silico Perspectives on the Prediction of the PLP's Epitopes involved in Multiple Sclerosis. (United States)

    Zamanzadeh, Zahra; Ataei, Mitra; Nabavi, Seyed Massood; Ahangari, Ghasem; Sadeghi, Mehdi; Sanati, Mohammad Hosein


    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The main cause of the MS is yet to be revealed, but the most probable theory is based on the molecular mimicry that concludes some infections in the activation of T cells against brain auto-antigens that initiate the disease cascade. The Purpose of this research is the prediction of the auto-antigen potency of the myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) in multiple sclerosis. As there wasn't any tertiary structure of PLP available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and in order to characterize the structural properties of the protein, we modeled this protein using prediction servers. Meta prediction method, as a new perspective in silico , was performed to fi nd PLPs epitopes. For this purpose, several T cell epitope prediction web servers were used to predict PLPs epitopes against Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA). The overlap regions, as were predicted by most web servers were selected as immunogenic epitopes and were subjected to the BLASTP against microorganisms. Three common regions, AA 58-74 , AA 161-177 , and AA 238-254 were detected as immunodominant regions through meta-prediction. Investigating peptides with more than 50% similarity to that of candidate epitope AA 58-74 in bacteria showed a similar peptide in bacteria (mainly consistent with that of clostridium and mycobacterium) and spike protein of Alphacoronavirus 1, Canine coronavirus, and Feline coronavirus. These results suggest that cross reaction of the immune system to PLP may have originated from a bacteria or viral infection, and therefore molecular mimicry might have an important role in the progression of MS. Through reliable and accurate prediction of the consensus epitopes, it is not necessary to synthesize all PLP fragments and examine their immunogenicity experimentally ( in vitro ). In this study, the best encephalitogenic antigens were predicted based on bioinformatics tools that may provide reliable

  7. [Construction and characterization of an epitope-mutated Asia 1 type foot-and-mouth disease virus]. (United States)

    Zhang, Yan; Hu, Yonghao; Yang, Fan; Yang, Bo; Wang, Songhao; Zhu, Zixiang; Zheng, Haixue


    To generate an epitope-mutated foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) as a marker vaccine, the infectious clone pAsia 1-FMDV containing the complete genomic cDNA of Asia 1 type FMDV was used as backbone, the residues at positions 27 and 31 in the 3D gene were mutated (H27Y and N31R). The resulting plasmid pAsia 1-FMDV-3DM encoding a mutated epitope was transfected into BHK-21 cells and the recombinant virus rAsia 1-3DM was rescued. The recombinant virus showed similar biological characteristics comparable with the parental virus. In serological neutralization test the antisera against recombine virus have a good reactivity with parental virus. The antisera against the mutant virus were shown to be reactive with the mutated epitope but not the wild-type one. The results indicated that the two virus strains could be distinguished by western blotting using synthetic peptides. This epitope-mutated FMDV strain will be evaluated as a potential marker vaccine against FMDV infections.

  8. New insights into non-conventional epitopes as T cell targets: The missing link for breaking immune tolerance in autoimmune disease? (United States)

    Harbige, James; Eichmann, Martin; Peakman, Mark


    The mechanism by which immune tolerance is breached in autoimmune disease is poorly understood. One possibility is that post-translational modification of self-antigens leads to peripheral recognition of neo-epitopes against which central and peripheral tolerance is inadequate. Accumulating evidence points to multiple mechanisms through which non-germline encoded sequences can give rise to these non-conventional epitopes which in turn engage the immune system as T cell targets. In particular, where these modifications alter the rules of epitope engagement with MHC molecules, such non-conventional epitopes offer a persuasive explanation for associations between specific HLA alleles and autoimmune diseases. In this review article, we discuss current understanding of mechanisms through which non-conventional epitopes may be generated, focusing on several recently described pathways that can transpose germline-encoded sequences. We contextualise these discoveries around type 1 diabetes, the prototypic organ-specific autoimmune disease in which specific HLA-DQ molecules confer high risk. Non-conventional epitopes have the potential to act as tolerance breakers or disease drivers in type 1 diabetes, prompting a timely re-evaluation of models of a etiopathogenesis. Future studies are required to elucidate the disease-relevance of a range of potential non-germline epitopes and their relationship to the natural peptide repertoire. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Associação entre dois diferentes tipos de estrangulamento com a variação da pressão intraocular em atletas de jiu-jitsu


    Scarpi,Marinho Jorge; Conte,Marcelo; Rossin,Reginaldo Alexandre; Skubs,Renato; Lenk,Rudolf Eberhard; Brant,Rodrigo


    OBJETIVO: Verificar a associação entre dois diferentes tipos de estrangulamento com a variação da pressão intraocular em atletas de jiu-jitsu. MÉTODO: Estudo observacional em grupo de 9 atletas de jiu-jitsu, com mínimo 6 meses de treinamento, sexo masculino, idades entre 20 e 30 anos, sem presença de lesões físicas e do bulbo ocular. Buscou-se associação entre a variação da pressão intraocular e os estrangulamentos Frontal da Guarda (E1) e Frontal da Montada (E2). A pressão intraocular foi de...


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    Full Text Available Los grupos económicos son una estructura corporativa muy importante en Chile y al igual que toda organización, éstos tienen una variedad de decisiones estratégicas que deben adoptar, entre las que resaltan las estrategias de crecimiento (composición de portafolio, por lo que en este artículo se profundizará en ellas, particularmente en sus estrategias de diversificación o concentración. Para el desarrollo de la investigación, se partió del total de grupos económicos registrados en la Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros de Chile y, mediante muestreo aleatorio simple, se obtuvo una muestra de 42 grupos, en donde uno de los principales hallazgos fue que la mayoría de los grupos económicos adoptan estrategias de concentración en un sector con un activo recambio de grupos económicos.

  11. Antecedentes Psicosociales que Influyen en la Ocurrencia del Embarazo en las Adolescentes Antecedentes Psicosociales que Influyen en la Ocurrencia del Embarazo en las Adolescentes

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    Ana-María Chávez-Hernández


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identifi car determinantes personales, familiares y sociales que pueden intervenir en el embarazo en adolescentes de la ciudad de San Francisco del Rincón, Gto. Fue un estudio de campo, con un diseño transversal, comparativo y correlacional. Se realizaron entrevistas cualitativas para obtener datos (historia personal, familiar, embarazo. Muestra: 61 adolescentes; 30 con historia de embarazo (grupo tipo, 31 sin historia de embarazo (grupo control. Resultados.- Del total de la muestra, el 60% vive en zona urbana y el 40% en zona rural. Todas las del grupo control son solteras, del grupo tipo todas viven en pareja. El 52 % del grupo control estudia y solo el 10% del grupo tipo lo hace. Se encontró que el 85% del grupo tipo dejó de estudiar durante la infancia y solo el 39% del grupo control lo hizo. El 26% del grupo control trabaja; del grupo tipo el 10%. El grupo tipo reportó haber tenido mayor maltrato, actividades laborales y tristeza durante la infancia; menor escolaridad y peor relación con la familia en comparación con el grupo control. Más del 90% (grupo tipo manifestó que el primer embarazo fue deseado y planeado por ellas y por sus parejas; poco más del 50% manifestó que les hubiera gustado esperar más tiempo para embarazarse por primera vez. Los resultados obtenidos indican que en el fenómeno del embarazo adolescente cobra un papel fundamental la familia y las oportunidades reales (económicas, educativas, laborales, culturales que tienen las adolescentes en su medio para poder ampliar su abanico de posibilidades en cuanto a su proyecto de vida. This study had the purpose of identifying personal, family and social determinants that can intervene in the pregnancy of teenagers of the city of San Francisco del Rincón, Gto. (Mexico. It was a field study, with a traverse, comparative and correlating design. Qualitative interviews were carried out in order to obtain data (personal, family and


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    Ana Roberta Vilarouca da Silva


    Full Text Available La educación en salud posibilita capacitación y acciones transformadoras que favorecen el cambio de pensamientos y ac- ciones, bien aprovechado en las enfermedades crónicas, entre las cuales se destaca la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (DM2. Así, el objetivo fue identificar las estrategias de educación en salud con énfasis en los portadores de DM2 implícitas en artículos dis- ponibles en los bancos de datos MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF y SciELO, en el período de 1997 a 2007. Se utilizaron los descriptores “educación en salud” y “diabetes mellitus tipo2”, siendo seleccionados artículos disponibles por completo. Los datos fueron sintetizados en planilla y analizados según la literatura específica. Las estrategias utilizadas fueron: Educación interactiva, intervención educativa comunitaria, juegos en grupos operativos, seminarios educativos, acompañamiento periódico de los parámetros clínicos y bioquímicos, visitas domiciliarias, conferencias educativas, actividades prácticas sobre alimentación y ejercicio físico, exámenes médicos oftálmicos, relato de casos y colonia educativa. Se enfocó la adquisición de conocimien- to y auto-cuidado. Se sugiere la realización de estudios longitudinales apoyados en la concepción positiva de la salud.

  13. High-throughput sequencing enhanced phage display enables the identification of patient-specific epitope motifs in serum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Anders; Kringelum, Jens Vindahl; Hansen, Christian Skjødt


    of the bioinformatic approach was demonstrated by identifying epitopes of a prominent peanut allergen, Ara h 1, in sera from patients with severe peanut allergy. The identified epitopes were confirmed by high-density peptide micro-arrays. The present study demonstrates that high-throughput sequencing can empower phage...

  14. Comportamento do Consumidor Soteropolitano: Uma Abordagem Quantitativa para Análise dos Grupos de Referência e Atributos Decisivos na Compra de Refrigerantes

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    Erica Ferreira Marques


    Full Text Available Em levantamento realizado pelo IBGE (2010, a região Nordeste configurou como o menor consumo per capita de refrigerante se comparado as demais regiões do país; e o estado da Bahia ficou em 6º lugar dentre os estados nordestinos. Assim, Salvador (BA está no ranking das capitais que menos consome esse tipo de bebida. Segundo Souki; Christino e Pereira (2005, apesar da importância econômica da indústria de refrigerantes no Brasil, a revisão da literatura mostra que são raras as incursões científicas sobre o comportamento dos consumidores de tais produtos, fazendo com que tal tema ainda permaneça pouco conhecido. A partir disso, o presente estudo desenvolveu-se com o objetivo de conhecer e caracterizar o comportamento de compra do consumidor soteropolitano de refrigerantes, identificando seus hábitos de consumo e decisões que são tomadas no momento da compra do produto, os grupos de referência, e os atributos considerados importantes para a sua decisão de compra. Para tanto, foi realizado um levantamento do tipo survey, de natureza descritiva, com variáveis quantitativas, totalizando 429 entrevistas pessoais em diferentes bairros de Salvador, em locais com grande fluxo de pessoas, como instituições de ensino e espaços públicos. Verificou-se que a maior parte dos entrevistados escolhe qual refrigerante comprar com base em suas experiências. No entanto, observou-se a influência de alguns grupos de referência no processo de compra do produto ao relacionar com algumas variáveis de segmentação. Em relação aos atributos do refrigerante, constatou-se que o sabor, a marca e o preço são os atributos considerados mais decisivos pelos entrevistados em sua decisão de compra. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v11i3.2383

  15. A dominant EV71-specific CD4+ T cell epitope is highly conserved among human enteroviruses.

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    Ruicheng Wei

    Full Text Available CD4+ T cell-mediated immunity plays a central role in determining the immunopathogenesis of viral infections. However, the role of CD4+ T cells in EV71 infection, which causes hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD, has yet to be elucidated. We applied a sophisticated method to identify promiscuous CD4+ T cell epitopes contained within the sequence of the EV71 polyprotein. Fifteen epitopes were identified, and three of them are dominant ones. The most dominant epitope is highly conserved among enterovirus species, including HFMD-related coxsackieviruses, HFMD-unrelated echoviruses and polioviruses. Furthermore, the CD4+ T cells specific to the epitope indeed cross-reacted with the homolog of poliovirus 3 Sabin. Our findings imply that CD4+ T cell responses to poliovirus following vaccination, or to other enteroviruses to which individuals may be exposed in early childhood, may have a modulating effect on subsequent CD4+ T cell response to EV71 infection or vaccine.

  16. Fratura toracolombar tipo explosão: comparação do tratamento conservador em pacientes com e sem fratura do arco vertebral posterior Thoracolumbar burst fracture: comparing conservative treatment in patients with and without fracture of the posterior vertebral arch

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    Osmar Avanzi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar clínica e radiologicamente os resultados a longo prazo do tratamento conservador da fratura explosão toracolombar, em pacientes com e sem fratura do arco vertebral posterior, com o propósito de avaliar eventuais diferenças na evolução destes dois tipos de lesão. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, os prontuários e exames de imagem (radiografias e tomografias computadorizadas de 25 pacientes sem déficit neurológico, com fratura toracolombar tipo explosão tratados não cirurgicamente e comparados o grau de progressão da cifose entre os casos com fratura da lâmina (grupo 1 e sem fratura posterior (grupo 2. Desses, 13 pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação comparativa por meio da escala visual analógica de dor (VAS, da escala de dor e trabalho de Denis e do questionário de qualidade de vida SF-36. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 25 pacientes (36% do grupo A e 74% do grupo B com tempo médio de seguimento de 111,64 meses. Não houve diferença em relação ao grau de progressão da cifose durante o seguimento entre os grupos A e B (5,22º x 4,63º - p = 0,650. Dos 13 pacientes analisados funcionalmente, 46% eram do grupo A e 54% do grupo B. Nesta avaliação, apesar da VAS pior (1,83 x 5,00 - p = 0,015 nos pacientes sem fratura posterior (grupo B, não houve diferença em relação à escala de Denis (4,00 x 5,71 - p > 0,05 e SF-36 (98,60 x 90,83 - p = 0,168 entre os dois grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A fratura do arco posterior, isoladamente, parece não ser indicativo de instabilidade ou de mau prognóstico nas fraturas toracolombares tipo explosão.OBJECTIVE: To make a clinical and radiological comparison of long term results of the conservative treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures, in patients with and without fracture in the posterior vertebral arch, in order to assess possible differences in the evolution of the two types of lesion. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was made of the clinical records and

  17. Epitope design of L1 protein for vaccine production against Human Papilloma Virus types 16 and 18. (United States)

    Baidya, Sunanda; Das, Rasel; Kabir, Md Golam; Arifuzzaman, Md


    Cervical cancer accounts for about two-thirds of all cancer cases linked etiologically to Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). 15 oncogenic HPV types can cause cervical cancer, of which HPV16 and HPV18 combinedly account for about 70% of it. So, effective epitope design for the clinically relevant HPV types 16 and 18 would be of major medical benefit. Here, a comprehensive analysis is carried out to predict the epitopes against HPV types 16 and 18 through "reverse vaccinology" approach. We attempted to identify the evolutionarily conserved regions of major capsid protein (L1) as well as minor capsid protein (L2) of HPV and designed epitopes within these regions. In this study, we analyzed about 49 and 27 sequences of HPV L2 and L1 proteins respectively. Since we found that the intertype variability of L2 is higher than for L1 proteins, our analysis was emphasized on epitopes of L1 of HPV types 16 and 18. We had selected HLA-A*0201, DRB1*1501, DQB1*0602, DRB1*0401 and DQB1*0301 alleles for the prediction of T cell epitopes of L1 of HPV 16 and 18. Finally, we reported that predicted epitope sequences EEYDLQFIFQLCKITLTA, and RHGEEYDLQFIFQLCKITLTA of L1 protein of HPV 16, and LPDPNKF, PETQRLVWAC, PVPGQYDA, YNPETQRLVWAC, DTGYGAMD, PVPGQYDATK, KQDIPKVSAYQYRVFRV, RDNVSVDYKQTQLCI and YSRHVEEYDLQFIF of L1 protein of HPV 18 could be therapeutic tools for vaccine design against HPV.

  18. Recognition of Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipain epitopes by natural IgM binding to malondialdehyde modified low-density lipoprotein.

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    S Pauliina Turunen

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Increased risk for atherosclerosis is associated with infectious diseases including periodontitis. Natural IgM antibodies recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns on bacteria, and oxidized lipid and protein epitopes on low-density lipoprotein (LDL and apoptotic cells. We aimed to identify epitopes on periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis recognized by natural IgM binding to malondialdehyde (MDA modified LDL. METHODS AND RESULTS: Mouse monoclonal IgM (MDmAb specific for MDA-LDL recognized epitopes on P. gingivalis on flow cytometry and chemiluminescence immunoassays. Immunization of C57BL/6 mice with P. gingivalis induced IgM, but not IgG, immune response to MDA-LDL and apoptotic cells. Immunization of LDLR(-/- mice with P. gingivalis induced IgM, but not IgG, immune response to MDA-LDL and diminished aortic lipid deposition. On Western blot MDmAb bound to P. gingivalis fragments identified as arginine-specific gingipain (Rgp by mass spectrometry. Recombinant domains of Rgp produced in E. coli were devoid of phosphocholine epitopes but contained epitopes recognized by MDmAb and human serum IgM. Serum IgM levels to P. gingivalis were associated with anti-MDA-LDL levels in humans. CONCLUSION: Gingipain of P. gingivalis is recognized by natural IgM and shares molecular identity with epitopes on MDA-LDL. These findings suggest a role for natural antibodies in the pathogenesis of two related inflammatory diseases, atherosclerosis and periodontitis.

  19. Análise multivariada da divergência genética de genótipos de arroz sob estresse salino durante a fase vegetativa Multivariate analysis of genetic divergence of genotypes of rice under salt stress during the vegetative phase

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    Letícia Carvalho Benitez


    Full Text Available A salinidade, dos solos e da água de irrigação, constitui fator limitante para o cultivo do arroz, principalmente nos estágios iniciais do desenvolvimento e no período de floração. A utilização de fontes de água de má qualidade para irrigação resulta no acúmulo de sais no solo, causando toxicidade importante na cultura. Uma solução para o problema seria a introdução de variedades com tolerância à salinidade elevada. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a divergência genética entre genótipos de arroz visando à seleção de genótipos tolerantes à salinidade durante a fase vegetativa. Sementes de 10 genótipos de arroz foram cultivadas in vitro, em meio MS acrescido de 0 e 136 mM de NaCl. Após 21 dias, foram avaliados seis caracteres morfológicos e os resultados submetidos a análises multivariadas. Os métodos de otimização de Tocher, baseado na distância de Mahalanobis, e a dispersão gráfica das variáveis canônicas seguiram a mesma tendência de agrupamento dos genótipos, formando seis grupos distintos. A característica massa fresca da parte aérea foi a que mais contribuiu para a dissimilaridade genética entre os genótipos, pelo método de Singh, enquanto as duas primeiras variáveis canônicas foram suficientes para explicar 91,27% da variação observada. Nas condições experimentais testadas, os genótipos apresentaram graus distintos de tolerância à salinidade, sendo BRS Colosso, BRS Bojuru e BR IRGA 410, pertencentes aos grupos três e quatro, os que se mostraram mais tolerantes ao estresse salino e o genótipo Moti, pertencente ao grupo dois, o que se mostrou mais sensível.Soil salinity is a limiting factor for rice cultivation, especially in the early stages of development and the flowering period. The use of sources of poor quality water for irrigation results in the accumulation of salts in the soil, causing major toxicity in culture. A solution to the problem would be the introduction

  20. Epitope structure and binding affinity of single chain llama anti-β-amyloid antibodies revealed by proteolytic excision affinity-mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Paraschiv, Gabriela; Vincke, Cécile; Czaplewska, Paulina; Manea, Marilena; Muyldermans, Serge; Przybylski, Michael


    ß-Amyloid (Aß) immunotherapy has become a promising strategy for reducing the level of Aß in brain. New immunological approaches have been recently proposed for rapid, early diagnosis, and molecular treatment of neurodegenerative diseases related to Alzheimer's Disease (AD). The combination of proteolytic epitope excision and extraction and mass spectrometry using digestion with various proteases has been shown to be an efficient tool for the identification and molecular characterization of antigenic determinants. Here, we report the identification of the Aβ epitope recognized by the variable domain of single chain llama anti-Aβ-antibodies, termed Aβ-nanobodies, that have been discovered in the blood of camelids and found to be promising candidates for immunotherapy of AD. The epitope recognized by two Aβ-specific nanobodies was identified by proteolytic epitope extraction- and excision-mass spectrometry using a series of proteases (trypsin, chymotrypsin, GluC-protease, and LysC-protease). Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization--mass spectrometric analysis of the affinity--elution fraction provided the epitope, Aβ(17-28), in the mid- to carboxy-terminal domain of Aβ, which has been shown to exert an Aß-fibril inhibiting effect. Affinity studies of the synthetic epitope confirmed that the Aβ(17-28) peptide is the minimal fragment that binds to the nanobodies. The interactions between the nanobodies and full length Aβ(1-40) or Aβ-peptides containing or lacking the epitope sequence were further characterized by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and bioaffinity analysis. Determinations of binding affinities between the Aβ-nanobodies and Aβ(1-40) and the Aβ(17-28) epitope provided K(D) values of approximately 150 and 700 nmol, respectively. Thus, the knowledge of the epitope may be highly useful for future studies of Aβ-aggregation (oligomerization and fibril formation) and for designing new aggregation inhibitors. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley

  1. Distribution of some pectic and arabinogalactan protein epitopes during Solanum lycopersicum (L.) adventitious root development. (United States)

    Sala, Katarzyna; Malarz, Katarzyna; Barlow, Peter W; Kurczyńska, Ewa U


    The adventitious roots (AR) of plants share the same function as primary and lateral roots (LR), although their development is mainly an adaptive reaction to stress conditions. Regeneration of grafted plants is often accompanied by AR formation thus making the grafting technique a good model for studying AR initiation and development and their means of emergence. Pectins and arabinogalactan proteins (AGP) are helpful markers of particular cellular events, such as programmed cell death (PCD), elongation, proliferation or other differentiation events that accompany AR development. However, little is known about the distribution of pectins and AGPs during AR ontogeny, either in the primordium or stem tissues from which AR arise or their correspondence with these events during LR formation. AR were developed from different stem tissues such as parenchyma, xylem rays and the cambium, depending on the stem age and treatment (grafting versus cutting) of the parental tissue. Immunochemical analysis of the presence of pectic (LM8, LM19, LM20) and AGP (JIM8, JIM13, JIM16) epitopes in AR and AR-associated tissues showed differential, tissue-specific distributions of these epitopes. Two pectic epitopes (LM19, LM20) were developmentally regulated and the occurrence of the LM8 xylogalacturonan epitope in the root cap of the AR differed from other species described so far. AGP epitopes were abundantly present in the cytoplasmic compartments (mainly the tonoplast) and were correlated with the degree of cell vacuolisation. JIM8 and JIM13 epitopes were detected in the more advanced stages of primordium development, whereas the JIM16 epitope was present from the earliest division events of the initial AR cells. The comparison between AR and LR showed quantitative (AGP,) and qualitative (pectins) differences. The chemical compositions of adventitious and lateral root cells show differences that correlate with the different origins of these cells. In AR, developmental changes in the

  2. Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV), a versatile platform for polyvalent display of antigenic epitopes and vaccine design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, Shantanu; Ochoa, Wendy; Singh, Pratik; Hsu, Catherine; Schneemann, Anette; Manchester, Marianne; Olson, Mark; Reddy, Vijay


    Viruses-like particles (VLPs) are frequently being used as platforms for polyvalent display of foreign epitopes of interest on their capsid surface to improve their presentation enhancing the antigenicity and host immune response. In the present study, we used the VLPs of Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV), an icosahedral plant virus, as a platform to display 180 copies of 16 amino acid epitopes of ricin toxin fused to the C-terminal end of a modified TBSV capsid protein (NΔ52). Expression of the chimeric recombinant protein in insect cells resulted in spontaneous assembly of VLPs displaying the ricin epitope. Cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction of the chimeric VLPs at 22 A resolution revealed the locations and orientation of the ricin epitope exposed on the TBSV capsid surface. Furthermore, injection of chimeric VLPs into mice generated antisera that detected the native ricin toxin. The ease of fusing of short peptides of 15-20 residues and their ability to form two kinds (T = 1, T = 3) of bio-nanoparticles that result in the display of 60 or 180 copies of less constrained and highly exposed antigenic epitopes makes TBSV an attractive and versatile display platform for vaccine design.

  3. Identification of a novel canine distemper virus B-cell epitope using a monoclonal antibody against nucleocapsid protein. (United States)

    Yi, Li; Cheng, Yuening; Zhang, Miao; Cao, Zhigang; Tong, Mingwei; Wang, Jianke; Zhao, Hang; Lin, Peng; Cheng, Shipeng


    Canine distemper virus (CDV) is a member of the genus Morbillivirus within the family Paramyxoviridae and has caused severe economic losses in China. Nucleocapsid protein (N) is the major structural viral protein and can be used to diagnose CDV and other morbilliviruses. In this study, a specific monoclonal antibody, 1N8, was produced against the CDV N protein (amino acids 277-471). A linear N protein epitope was identified by subjecting a series of partially overlapping synthesized peptides to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis. The results indicated that (350)LNFGRSYFDPA(360) was the minimal linear epitope that could be recognized by mAb 1N8. ELISA assays revealed that mouse anti-CDV sera could also recognize the minimal linear epitope. Alignment analysis of the amino acid sequences indicated that the epitope was highly conserved among CDV strains. Furthermore, the epitope was conserved among other morbilliviruses, which was confirmed with PRRV using western blotting. Taken together, the results of this study may have potential applications in the development of suitable diagnostic techniques for CDV or other morbilliviruses. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Evaluation and use of in-silico structure-based epitope prediction with foot-and-mouth disease virus.

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    Daryl W Borley

    Full Text Available Understanding virus antigenicity is of fundamental importance for the development of better, more cross-reactive vaccines. However, as far as we are aware, no systematic work has yet been conducted using the 3D structure of a virus to identify novel epitopes. Therefore we have extended several existing structural prediction algorithms to build a method for identifying epitopes on the appropriate outer surface of intact virus capsids (which are structurally different from globular proteins in both shape and arrangement of multiple repeated elements and applied it here as a proof of principle concept to the capsid of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV. We have analysed how reliably several freely available structure-based B cell epitope prediction programs can identify already known viral epitopes of FMDV in the context of the viral capsid. To do this we constructed a simple objective metric to measure the sensitivity and discrimination of such algorithms. After optimising the parameters for five methods using an independent training set we used this measure to evaluate the methods. Individually any one algorithm performed rather poorly (three performing better than the other two suggesting that there may be value in developing virus-specific software. Taking a very conservative approach requiring a consensus between all three top methods predicts a number of previously described antigenic residues as potential epitopes on more than one serotype of FMDV, consistent with experimental results. The consensus results identified novel residues as potential epitopes on more than one serotype. These include residues 190-192 of VP2 (not previously determined to be antigenic, residues 69-71 and 193-197 of VP3 spanning the pentamer-pentamer interface, and another region incorporating residues 83, 84 and 169-174 of VP1 (all only previously experimentally defined on serotype A. The computer programs needed to create a semi-automated procedure for carrying out

  5. Leptina e aldosterona na atividade simpática na hipertensão resistente, com ou sem Diabetes Tipo 2

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    Leandro Boer-Martins


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A descoberta da leptina como um estimulador da atividade simpática trouxe uma nova perspectiva para os mecanismos fisiopatológicos da obesidade-hipertensão. OBJETIVO: Avaliamos a relação entre a atividade simpática aumentada e as concentrações plasmáticas de leptina e aldosterona em Hipertensos Resistentes (HR, comparando os grupos com e sem Diabetes Tipo 2 (DT2. MÉTODOS: Vinte e cinco pacientes HR foram avaliados por eletrocardiografia ambulatorial para análise da Variabilidade da Frequência Cardíaca (VFC nos domínios do tempo e frequência, os quais foram estratificados em dois períodos: 24 horas e período Diurno (D, compreendendo as medidas entre 14 e 18h (domínio do tempo e uma hora às 15h (domínio da frequência. RESULTADOS: O grupo DT2 (n = 10 apresentou maiores concentrações de aldosterona e leptina que o grupo não DT2 (n = 15 (26,0 ± 11,5 vs. 16,9 ± 7,0 ng/dL - p = 0,021; 81,368.7 ± 47,086.1 vs. 41,228.1 ± 24,523.1 pg/mL - p = 0,048, respectivamente. Houve correlação entre aldosterona e VFC no domínio da frequência em ambos os grupos. Não-DT2 apresentaram a aldosterona correlacionada com D baixa frequência em unidades normalizadas (BFnu (r = 0,6 [0,12 - 0,85] p = 0,018 e D alta frequência em unidades normalizadas (AFnu (r = -0,6 [-0,85 - -0,12] p = 0,018. No grupo com diabetes, a aldosterona correlacionou-se com DBFnu (r = 0,72 [0,16 - 0,93] p = 0,019 e DAFnu (r = -0,72 [-0,93 - -0,16] p = 0,019. Apesar da importância da leptina na atividade simpática aumentada na hipertensão, não houve correlação com VFC. CONCLUSÃO: A aldosterona parece estimular a atividade simpática em HR com ou sem DT2. Essa informação combinada com a eficácia clínica dos bloqueadores de receptor mineralocorticoide em HR pode reforçar a aldosterona como alvo terapêutico relevantes em HR. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0

  6. The Occurrence of Sequences Identical with Epitopes from the Allergen Pen a 1.0102 Among Food and Non-Food Proteins

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    Minkiewicz Piotr


    Full Text Available The presence of common epitopes among tropomyosins of invertebrates, including arthropods, e.g. edible ones, may help to explain the molecular basis of cross-reactivity between allergens. The work presented is the first survey concerning global distribution of epitopes from Pen a 1.0102 in universal proteome. In the group of known tropomyosin epitopes, the fragment with the sequence ESKIVELEEEL was found in the sequence of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus tropomyosin. To date, this is the first result suggesting the presence of a complete sequential epitope interacting with gE in vertebrate tropomyosin. Another fragment with the sequence VAALNRRIQL, a major part of the epitope, was found in 11 fish, 8 amphibians, 3 birds, 19 mammalians and 4 human tropomyosin sequences. Identical epitopes are common in sequences of invertebrate tropomyosins, including food and non-food allergens annotated in the Allergome database. The rare pentapeptide with the DEERM sequence occurs in proteins not sharing homology with tropomyosins. Pathogenic microorganisms are the most abundant category of organisms synthesizing such proteins.

  7. Indirect recognition of HLA epitopes in solid organ transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geneugelijk, C.C.A.


    Alloreactivity due to HLA mismatches between donor and recipient remains the major limiting factor in successful graft outcome after solid organ transplantation. However, the immunogenicity of individual HLA mismatches is highly variable. Therefore, epitope-based HLA matching may be a sophisticated

  8. Higher-level bee classifications (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Apidae sensu lato Classificação dos grandes grupos de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Apidae sensu lato

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    Gabriel A. R. Melo


    Full Text Available A higher-level classification of bees, in which the entire group is treated as a single family - the Apidae - is advocated here. A total of seven subfamilies, 51 tribes and 27 subtribes are recognized. These subfamilies correspond to the families adopted in the traditional classification. Although the proposed changes do not involve any major rearrangement, basically only changing the rank given to the main groups, the new system makes the classification of bees more consistent with that adopted for other major groups of aculeate Hymenoptera. It also departs from the 19th century practice, perpetuated in the traditional classification, of giving family-status to the main groups of bees. A correspondence table associating the taxon names used in the current traditional classification with those of the revised classification is presented. Scrapterini new tribe (type-genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville is proposed to accommodate the southern African genus Scrapter.Apresenta-se uma classificação para as abelhas em que o todo o grupo é tratado como uma única família - Apidae. São reconhecidas sete subfamílias, 51 tribos e 27 subtribos. As subfamílias correspondem às famílias da classificação tradicional. Apesar das mudanças propostas afetarem apenas o status dos grupos, o novo sistema torna a classificação das abelhas mais consistente com aquela adotada para os grandes grupos de Hymenoptera aculeados. Além disso, distancia-se da tradição de dar status de família aos grupos principais de abelhas, uma prática do século 19 perpetuada na classificação tradicional. É apresentada uma tabela de correspondência associando os nomes dos táxons usados na classificação tradicional corrente com aquelas da classificação sendo proposta aqui. Scrapterini tribo nova (gênero-tipo Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville é proposta para acomodar Scrapter, um gênero restrito à porção sul do continente africano.

  9. Estimación de la prevalencia de trastornos bipolares tipo I en España a través del consumo de carbonato de litio (1996-1998

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    Juan J Criado Álvarez


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Los estudios sobre la prevalencia de Trastornos Bipolares Tipo 1 son escasos y están realizados con metodologías diferentes, lo que impide conocer el impacto de los mismos como problema de salud pública en España. Se determina la prevalencia de Trastornos Bipolares tipo 1 en España a través del consumo de carbonato de litio. Métodos: Se estima la prevalencia a través del calculo de las dosis diarias definidas por 100.000 habitantes y día de carbonato de litio (Grupo terapéutico, NOSAN, durante los anos 19961998, para cada una de las provincias españolas. Se ha dispuesto de los datos de las prescripciones indicadas por la Subdirección General de Planifrcaci6n Farmacéutica del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Resultados: Se estima una prevalencia de 70 casos por 100.000 habitantes y día para el conjunto de la población española. Conclusiones: El consumo de carbonato de litio por provincias y años permite estimar la distribución de los Trastornos Bipolares tipo 1 en España. Las cifras obtenidas sitúan a España en una prevalencia baja- media; aunque las diferencias metodológicas no permiten conclusiones definitivas.

  10. Endoplasmic reticulum targeting sequence enhances HBV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes induced by a CTL epitope-based DNA vaccine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Wei; Chu Yiwei; Zhang Ruihua; Xu Huanbin; Wang Ying; Xiong Sidong


    CD8 + T cells play a critical role in protective immunity against Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). Epitope-based DNA vaccines expressing HBV-dominant CTL epitopes can be used as candidate vaccines capable of inducing cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTL) responses. A plasmid DNA encoding a CTL epitope of HBV core antigen, HBc 18-27 , was constructed. Intramuscular immunization of C57BL/6 mice with this DNA vaccine resulted in successful induction of HBV-specific CTL responses. In order to promote transportation of the peptide into endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to bind to MHC class I molecules for optimal class I antigen presentation, an ER targeting sequence (ERTS) was fused with the C 18-27 encoding gene. ERTS fusion significantly enhanced specific CD8 + T cell responses in terms of CTL cytolysis as well as IFN-γ secretion. This enhancement was correlated with promoted epitope presentation on target cell surface. We report here an enhanced immunogenicity of an epitope-based DNA vaccine using an ER targeting signal sequence, which has significant implications for future design of therapeutic HBV vaccine

  11. Screening and identification of novel B cell epitopes of Toxoplasma gondii SAG1


    Wang, Yanhua; Wang, Guangxiang; Zhang, Delin; Yin, Hong; Wang, Meng


    Background The identification of protein epitopes is useful for diagnostic purposes and for the development of peptide vaccines. In this study, the epitopes of Toxoplasma gondii SAG1 were identified using synthetic peptide techniques with the aid of bioinformatics. Findings Eleven peptides derived from T. gondii SAG1 were assessed by ELISA using pig sera from different time points after infection. Four (PS4, PS6, PS10 and PS11), out of the eleven peptides tested were recognized by all sera. T...

  12. 76 FR 51374 - Direct Discovery of HLA Associated Influenza Epitopes Isolated From Human Cells for Vaccine and... (United States)


    ... direct-discovery technology for use in FDA laboratories. C. Eligibility Information The technology...] Direct Discovery of HLA Associated Influenza Epitopes Isolated From Human Cells for Vaccine and... technology to molecularly characterize peptide epitopes that are processed and presented on soluble HLA...

  13. Avaliação agronômica de genótipos de bananeiras em condições subtropicais, Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo - Brasil Agronomic evaluation of banana plants genotypes in subtropical conditions, Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo - Brazil

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    Edson Shigueaki Nomura


    Full Text Available Existe grande número de cultivares de bananeira no Brasil, porém quando se consideram aspectos como preferência dos consumidores, produtividade, tolerância às pragas e doenças, porte adequado e resistência à seca e ao frio, restam poucas com potencial agronômico para serem usadas comercialmente. Objetivando avaliar o desenvolvimento vegetativo de genótipos de bananeiras nas condições edafoclimáticas do Vale do Ribeira (Brasil, foram testados os seguintes materiais, separados em dois grupos genômicos: AAAA (Bucaneiro, FHIA 02 e FHIA 17; e AAAB, sendo este subdividido de acordo com a genitora utilizada no melhoramento: Prata (BRS Garantida, FHIA 18, BRS FHIA Maravilha, BRS Platina e PA94-01; Pacovan (BRS Japira, BRS Pacovan Ken, PV79-34, PV94-01 e BRS Vitória; e Yangambi n.2 (BRS Tropical, BRS Princesa e YB42-03. As cultivares Grande Naine (AAA, Pacovan (AAB, Prata-anã (AAB e Yangambi ou Caipira (AAA apresentam desenvolvimento e produção semelhantes aos genótipos avaliados, portanto foram utilizadas como padrão comparativo. Durante dois ciclos, foram avaliadas as seguintes características de desenvolvimento: altura, diâmetro do pseudocaule, número de folhas ativas (florescimento e colheita, intervalo entre plantio e florescimento, e entre plantio e colheita (dias. Calcularam-se os intervalos de confiança (média ± erro-padrão nos diferentes grupos e tipos de banana. Diante dos resultados obtidos conclui-se que os genótipos do grupo AAAB e genitora 'Pacovan' não são adequados para o cultivo na região devido ao porte alto das plantas, e os genótipos de bananeiras que possuem potencial de cultivo na região do Vale do Ribeira são: grupo AAAA (FHIA 02 e FHIA 17; grupo AAAB: genitora 'Prata' (FHIA 18, BRS Garantida e PA94-01 e genitora 'Yangambi n.2' (BRS Tropical, BRS Princesa e Yangambi.There is a large number of banana cultivars in Brazil, but considering consumer preference, productivity, tolerance to pests and

  14. Prediction of CD8+ Epitopes in Leishmania braziliensis Proteins Using EPIBOT: In Silico Search and In Vivo Validation.

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    Angelo Duarte

    Full Text Available Leishmaniasis is caused by intracellular Leishmania parasites that induce a T-cell mediated response associated with recognition of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell Line 1Lineepitopes. Identification of CD8+ antigenic determinants is crucial for vaccine and therapy development. Herein, we developed an open-source software dedicated to search and compile data obtained from currently available on line prediction algorithms.We developed a two-phase algorithm and implemented in an open source software called EPIBOT, that consolidates the results obtained with single prediction algorithms, generating a final output in which epitopes are ranked. EPIBOT was initially trained using a set of 831 known epitopes from 397 proteins from IEDB. We then screened 63 Leishmania braziliensis vaccine candidates with the EPIBOT trained tool to search for CD8+ T cell epitopes. A proof-of-concept experiment was conducted with the top eight CD8+ epitopes, elected by EPIBOT. To do this, the elected peptides were synthesized and validated for their in vivo cytotoxicity. Among the tested epitopes, three were able to induce lysis of pulsed-target cells.Our results show that EPIBOT can successfully search across existing prediction tools, generating a compiled list of candidate CD8+ epitopes. This software is fast and a simple search engine that can be customized to search over different MHC alleles or HLA haplotypes.

  15. Completamentos Pro-p de grupos de dualidade de Poincaré


    Igor dos Santos Lima


    Resumo: Neste trabalho, nos Teoremas Principais, damos condições suficientes para que o completamento pro-p de um grupo abstrato PDn seja virtualmente um grupo pro-p PDs para algum s ? n - 2 com n ? 4. Esse resultado é uma generalização do Teorema 3 em [K-2009]. Nossa prova é baseada em [K-2009] e nos resultados de A. A. Korenev [Ko-2004] e [Ko-2005]. Além disso, damos alguns exemplos de grupos que satisfazem as condições dos Teoremas Principais. ;;Abstract:In this work we give in the Main T...

  16. Pep-3D-Search: a method for B-cell epitope prediction based on mimotope analysis. (United States)

    Huang, Yan Xin; Bao, Yong Li; Guo, Shu Yan; Wang, Yan; Zhou, Chun Guang; Li, Yu Xin


    The prediction of conformational B-cell epitopes is one of the most important goals in immunoinformatics. The solution to this problem, even if approximate, would help in designing experiments to precisely map the residues of interaction between an antigen and an antibody. Consequently, this area of research has received considerable attention from immunologists, structural biologists and computational biologists. Phage-displayed random peptide libraries are powerful tools used to obtain mimotopes that are selected by binding to a given monoclonal antibody (mAb) in a similar way to the native epitope. These mimotopes can be considered as functional epitope mimics. Mimotope analysis based methods can predict not only linear but also conformational epitopes and this has been the focus of much research in recent years. Though some algorithms based on mimotope analysis have been proposed, the precise localization of the interaction site mimicked by the mimotopes is still a challenging task. In this study, we propose a method for B-cell epitope prediction based on mimotope analysis called Pep-3D-Search. Given the 3D structure of an antigen and a set of mimotopes (or a motif sequence derived from the set of mimotopes), Pep-3D-Search can be used in two modes: mimotope or motif. To evaluate the performance of Pep-3D-Search to predict epitopes from a set of mimotopes, 10 epitopes defined by crystallography were compared with the predicted results from a Pep-3D-Search: the average Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC), sensitivity and precision were 0.1758, 0.3642 and 0.6948. Compared with other available prediction algorithms, Pep-3D-Search showed comparable MCC, specificity and precision, and could provide novel, rational results. To verify the capability of Pep-3D-Search to align a motif sequence to a 3D structure for predicting epitopes, 6 test cases were used. The predictive performance of Pep-3D-Search was demonstrated to be superior to that of other similar programs

  17. The Neutralizing Linear Epitope of Human Herpesvirus 6A Glycoprotein B Does Not Affect Virus Infectivity. (United States)

    Wakata, Aika; Kanemoto, Satoshi; Tang, Huamin; Kawabata, Akiko; Nishimura, Mitsuhiro; Jasirwan, Chyntia; Mahmoud, Nora Fahmy; Mori, Yasuko


    Human herpesvirus 6A (HHV-6A) glycoprotein B (gB) is a glycoprotein consisting of 830 amino acids and is essential for the growth of the virus. Previously, we reported that a neutralizing monoclonal antibody (MAb) called 87-y-13 specifically reacts with HHV-6A gB, and we identified its epitope residue at asparagine (Asn) 347 on gB. In this study, we examined whether the epitope recognized by the neutralizing MAb is essential for HHV-6A infection. We constructed HHV-6A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) genomes harboring substitutions at Asn347, namely, HHV-6A BACgB(N347K) and HHV-6A BACgB(N347A). These mutant viruses could be reconstituted and propagated in the same manner as the wild type and their revertants, and MAb 87-y-13 could not inhibit infection by either mutant. In a cell-cell fusion assay, Asn at position 347 on gB was found to be nonessential for cell-cell fusion. In addition, in building an HHV-6A gB homology model, we found that the epitope of the neutralizing MAb is located on domain II of gB and is accessible to solvents. These results indicate that Asn at position 347, the linear epitope of the neutralizing MAb, does not affect HHV-6A infectivity. IMPORTANCE Glycoprotein B (gB) is one of the most conserved glycoproteins among all herpesviruses and is a key factor for virus entry. Therefore, antibodies targeted to gB may neutralize virus entry. Human herpesvirus 6A (HHV-6A) encodes gB, which is translated to a protein of about 830 amino acids (aa). Using a monoclonal antibody (MAb) for HHV-6A gB, which has a neutralizing linear epitope, we analyzed the role of its epitope residue, N347, in HHV-6A infectivity. Interestingly, this gB linear epitope residue, N347, was not essential for HHV-6A growth. By constructing a homology model of HHV-6A gB, we found that N347 was located in the region corresponding to domain II. Therefore, with regard to its neutralizing activity against HHV-6A infection, the epitope on gB might be exposed to solvents

  18. Avaliação de genótipos de cafeeiros Arabica e Robusta no estado do Acre Evaluation of Arabica and Robusta coffee genotypes in the state of Acre

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    Celso Luis Bergo


    Full Text Available Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de introduzir e avaliar 40 genótipos de cafeeiros das espécies Coffea arabica e Coffea canephora nas condições edafoclimáticas do Estado do Acre, visando disponibilizar aos cafeicultores acreanos, cultivares com melhor potencial produtivo. Da espécie C. arabica foram avaliados genótipos das cultivares Icatu, Bourbon, Mundo Novo, Catuaí, Obatã e Catimor. Da espécie C. canephora foram avaliadas as cultivares Conilon e Robusta, caracterizadas como Grupo Robusta. Os genótipos utilizados foram provenientes do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC e da Embrapa Rondônia. O experimento foi conduzido no Campo Experimental da Embrapa Acre, Rio Branco, AC, no período de 1995 a 2004. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com cinco repetições. As características avaliadas foram: produtividade, altura, diâmetro da copa e vigor. Da espécie C. arabica, grupo Icatu, destacou-se Icatu-PR-182039-1(IAC H 4782-7-788 com produtividade média de café beneficiado de 34 sc/ ha, Icatu IAC-4041; Icatu IAC-2945; Icatu IAC-2944-MT; Icatu IAC-4040 e Icatu IAC-4046 com produtividade variando de 20 a 26 sacas. Para o grupo Catuaí os melhores genótipos foram Obatã IAC 4275, Obatã IAC 1169 e Catimor IAC 4466 com produtividade média de café beneficiado de 49, 45 e 37 sacas por hectare respectivamente. Na espécie C. canephora foram avaliados 8 genótipos das cultivares Conilon e Robusta e quanto à produtividade não houve diferença estatística, observou-se incremento de 7 sacas/ha para a variedade Conilon IAC 66-3 quando comparado ao Conilon plantado na região. Nesta espécie os genótipos apresentaram sintomas de deficiência hídrica na época seca (julho/agosto.This work aimed to introduce and evaluate 40 coffee genotypes of Coffea arabica e Coffea canephora species in soil and weather conditions of Acre and had as main goal to provide cultivars to coffee producers with better potential of

  19. Epitope analysis of anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis.

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    Shen-Ju Gou

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Increasing evidences have suggested the pathogenic role of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA directing myeloperoxidase (MPO in ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV. The current study aimed to analyze the association between the linear epitopes of MPO-ANCA and clinicopathological features of patients with AAV. METHODS: Six recombinant linear fragments, covering the whole length amino acid sequence of a single chain of MPO, were produced from E.coli. Sera from 77 patients with AAV were collected at presentation. 13 out of the 77 patients had co-existence of serum anti-GBM antibodies. Ten patients also had sequential sera during follow up. The epitope specificities were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using the recombinant fragments as solid phase ligands. RESULTS: Sera from 45 of the 77 (58.4% patients with AAV showed a positive reaction to one or more linear fragments of the MPO chain. The Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Scores and the sera creatinine were significantly higher in patients with positive binding to the light chain fragment than that in patients without the binding. The epitopes recognized by MPO-ANCA from patients with co-existence of serum anti-GBM antibodies were mainly located in the N-terminus of the heavy chain. In 5 out of the 6 patients, whose sera in relapse recognize linear fragments, the reactivity to linear fragments in relapse was similar to that of initial onset. CONCLUSION: The epitope specificities of MPO-ANCA were associated with disease activity and some clinicopathological features in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis.

  20. Homology building as a means to define antigenic epitopes on dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) from Plasmodium falciparum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alifrangis, Michael; Christensen, Inge T; Jørgensen, Flemming S


    in the gene coding for Pf-DHFR. Furthermore, we wanted to study the potential use of homology models in general and of Pf-DHFR in particular in predicting antigenic malarial surface epitopes. METHODS: A homology model of Pf-DHFR domain was employed to define an epitope for the development of site...

  1. Fine-mapping of immunodominant linear B-cell epitopes of the Staphylococcus aureus SEB antigen using short overlapping peptides.

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    Zhuo Zhao

    Full Text Available Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB is one of the most potent Staphylococcus aureus exotoxins (SEs. Due to its conserved sequence and stable structure, SEB might be a good candidate antigen for MRSA vaccines. Although cellular immune responses to SEB are well-characterized, much less is known regarding SEB-specific humoral immune responses, particularly regarding detailed epitope mapping. In this study, we utilized a recombinant nontoxic mutant of SEB (rSEB and an AlPO4 adjuvant to immunize BALB/c mice and confirmed that rSEB can induce a high antibody level and effective immune protection against MRSA infection. Next, the antisera of immunized mice were collected, and linear B cell epitopes within SEB were finely mapped using a series of overlapping synthetic peptides. Three immunodominant B cell epitopes of SEB were screened by ELISA, including a novel epitope, SEB205-222, and two known epitopes, SEB97-114 and SEB247-261. Using truncated peptides, an ELISA was performed with peptide-KLH antisera, and the core sequence of the three immunodominant B cell epitopes were verified as SEB97-112, SEB207-222, and SEB247-257. In vitro, all of the immunodominant epitope-specific antisera (anti-SEB97-112, anti-SEB207-222 and anti-SEB247-257 were observed to inhibit SEB-induced T cell mitogenesis and cytokine production from splenic lymphocytes of BALB/c mice. The homology analysis indicated that SEB97-112 and SEB207-222 were well-conserved among different Staphylococcus aureus strains. The 3D crystal structure of SEB indicated that SEB97-112 was in the loop region inside SEB, whereas SEB207-222 and SEB247-257 were in the β-slice region outside SEB. In summary, the fine-mapping of linear B-cell epitopes of the SEB antigen in this study will be useful to understand anti-SEB immunity against MRSA infection further and will be helpful to optimize MRSA vaccine designs that are based on the SEB antigen.

  2. Characterization of an immunodominant cancer-specific O-glycopeptide epitope in murine podoplanin (OTS8)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steentoft, Catharina; Schjoldager, Katrine T; Cló, Emiliano


    antibody 237, developed to a spontaneous murine fibrosarcoma, was shown to be directed to murine podoplanin (OTS8) with truncated Tn O-glycans. Our understanding of such cancer-specific auto-antibodies to truncated glycoforms of glycoproteins is limited. Here we have investigated immunogenicity...... of a chemoenzymatically produced Tn-glycopeptide derived from the putative murine podoplanin O-glycopeptide epitope. We found that the Tn O-glycopeptide was highly immunogenic in mice and produced a Tn-glycoform specific response with no reactivity against unglycosylated peptides or the O-glycopeptide with extended O......-glycan (STn and T glycoforms). The immunodominant epitope was strictly dependent on the peptide sequence, required Tn at a specific single Thr residue (Thr(77)), and antibodies to the epitope were not found in naive mice. We further tested a Tn O-glycopeptide library derived from human podoplanin...

  3. In Silico Prediction of T and B Cell Epitopes of Der f 25 in Dermatophagoides farinae

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    Xiaohong Li


    Full Text Available The house dust mites are major sources of indoor allergens for humans, which induce asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis, and other allergic diseases. Der f 25 is a triosephosphate isomerase, representing the major allergen identified in Dermatophagoides farinae. The objective of this study was to predict the B and T cell epitopes of Der f 25. In the present study, we analyzed the physiochemical properties, function motifs and domains, and structural-based detailed features of Der f 25 and predicted the B cell linear epitopes of Der f 25 by DNAStar protean system, BPAP, and BepiPred 1.0 server and the T cell epitopes by NetMHCIIpan-3.0 and NetMHCII-2.2. As a result, the sequence and structure analysis identified that Der f 25 belongs to the triosephosphate isomerase family and exhibited a triosephosphate isomerase pattern (PS001371. Eight B cell epitopes (11–18, 30–35, 71–77, 99–107, 132–138, 173–187, 193–197, and 211–224 and five T cell epitopes including 26–34, 38–54, 66–74, 142–151, and 239–247 were predicted in this study. These results can be used to benefit allergen immunotherapies and reduce the frequency of mite allergic reactions.

  4. Affinity study on bovine serum albumin's peptides to amphiphilic gold nanoparticles: A test of epitopes and non-epitopes (United States)

    Yuan, Ming; Li, Wanrong; Yang, Mingming; Huang, Xiufeng; Bai, Zhijun; Liu, Yushuang; Cai, Weijun; Wang, Yuqin; Zhang, Feng


    It is an inevitable event that nanoparticles (NPs) will encounter proteins/peptides in nano-medicine, so it has been significant to know their interaction mechanism before in vivo applications. Previously, a 105-amino-acid sequence had been reported as the binding site between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and amphiphilic polymer coated gold nanoparticles (AP-AuNPs) along with a mortise-tenon joint hypothesis. This article tested the affinity difference between two epitope peptide sequences such as: LGEYGFQNALIVR (S1), DAFLGSFLYEYSR (S2) and one non-epitope peptide sequence as: FDEHVKLVNELTEF (S3). With the photoluminescent amino acid residues, the fluorescence quenching method based on the nanometal surface energy transfer (NSET) principle was able to study the thermodynamics of the current binding system. The binding constants (Ka) were determined and followed the order as: Ka-S1 > Ka-S2 >> Ka-S3. Moreover, Hill constants indicated that cooperativity only presented in the interactions of AP-AuNP with either S1 or S2, but not for S3. Moreover, gel electrophoresis, surface plasmon resonance, atomic force microscopy and three dimensional fluorescence microscopy were all also used to comprehensively analyse the binding interaction mechanism. These results further provided useful information to better understand the mortise-tenon joint, which might find applications to nanofabrication and biomedicine.

  5. IMMUNOCAT—A Data Management System for Epitope Mapping Studies

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    Jo L. Chung


    Full Text Available To enable rationale vaccine design, studies of molecular and cellular mechanisms of immune recognition need to be linked with clinical studies in humans. A major challenge in conducting such translational research studies lies in the management and integration of large amounts and various types of data collected from multiple sources. For this purpose, we have established “IMMUNOCAT”, an interactive data management system for the epitope discovery research projects conducted by our group. The system provides functions to store, query, and analyze clinical and experimental data, enabling efficient, systematic, and integrative data management. We demonstrate how IMMUNOCAT is utilized in a large-scale research contract that aims to identify epitopes in common allergens recognized by T cells from human donors, in order to facilitate the rational design of allergy vaccines. At clinical sites, demographic information and disease history of each enrolled donor are captured, followed by results of an allergen skin test and blood draw. At the laboratory site, T cells derived from blood samples are tested for reactivity against a panel of peptides derived from common human allergens. IMMUNOCAT stores results from these T cell assays along with MHC:peptide binding data, results from RAST tests for antibody titers in donor serum, and the respective donor HLA typing results. Through this system, we are able to perform queries and integrated analyses of the various types of data. This provides a case study for the use of bioinformatics and information management techniques to track and analyze data produced in a translational research study aimed at epitope identification.

  6. IMMUNOCAT-a data management system for epitope mapping studies. (United States)

    Chung, Jo L; Sun, Jian; Sidney, John; Sette, Alessandro; Peters, Bjoern


    To enable rationale vaccine design, studies of molecular and cellular mechanisms of immune recognition need to be linked with clinical studies in humans. A major challenge in conducting such translational research studies lies in the management and integration of large amounts and various types of data collected from multiple sources. For this purpose, we have established "IMMUNOCAT", an interactive data management system for the epitope discovery research projects conducted by our group. The system provides functions to store, query, and analyze clinical and experimental data, enabling efficient, systematic, and integrative data management. We demonstrate how IMMUNOCAT is utilized in a large-scale research contract that aims to identify epitopes in common allergens recognized by T cells from human donors, in order to facilitate the rational design of allergy vaccines. At clinical sites, demographic information and disease history of each enrolled donor are captured, followed by results of an allergen skin test and blood draw. At the laboratory site, T cells derived from blood samples are tested for reactivity against a panel of peptides derived from common human allergens. IMMUNOCAT stores results from these T cell assays along with MHC:peptide binding data, results from RAST tests for antibody titers in donor serum, and the respective donor HLA typing results. Through this system, we are able to perform queries and integrated analyses of the various types of data. This provides a case study for the use of bioinformatics and information management techniques to track and analyze data produced in a translational research study aimed at epitope identification.

  7. Bioinformatics Analysis of Envelope Glycoprotein E epitopes of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The E glycoprotein of dengue virus is responsible for the viral binding to the receptor. The crystal structure of envelope glycoprotein has already been determined. However, where the well-defined Bcell and T-cell epitopes are located is still a question. Because of the large variations among the four dengue genotypes, it is ...

  8. Um olhar para a dinâmica do Coordenador de Grupos

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    Kátya Alexandrina Matos Barreto Mota


    Full Text Available No mundo contemporâneo a utilização de grupos enquanto estratégia na atenção em saúde e em atividades do ensino é cada vez mais utilizado, considerando inclusive as propostas oficiais do Ministério da Saúde e da Educação. Assim, o domínio dessa tecnologia pelos profissionais como fundamento para guiar suas ações assistenciais e gerenciais, torna-se, a cada dia de maior importância. Neste artigo de atualização propomos desenvolver alguns aspectos sobre os pressupostos teóricos e dilemas do coordenador de grupos, assim como apontar elementos que possam ajudar os profissionais que têm no grupo seu campo de trabalho. O texto aborda também a organização do setting grupal, o manejo das situações previsíveis, a administração do tempo, manejo de conflitos do grupo e o poder do contrato grupal. A essência do texto é ancorada no principal dilema do coordenador de grupo, que é encontrar a medida adequada, ou seja, equilíbrio para fazer intervenções sobre os conteúdos que emergem na dinâmica grupal, centradas no contexto científico e no emocional que surgem do contato com o grupo. Neste intervalo entre a prática e a teoria, entre o profissional e o pessoal é que acreditamos encontrar o equilíbrio. Nesse sentido, é fundamental ao coordenador a noção da complexidade grupal, para que diante de sua singularidade possa viver o grupo e tudo o que dele emana.

  9. Use of two predictive algorithms of the world wide web for the identification of tumor-reactive T-cell epitopes. (United States)

    Lu, J; Celis, E


    Tumor cells can be effectively recognized and eliminated by CTLs. One approach for the development of CTL-based cancer immunotherapy for solid tumors requires the use of the appropriate immunogenic peptide epitopes that are derived from defined tumor-associated antigens. Because CTL peptide epitopes are restricted to specific MHC alleles, to design immune therapies for the general population it is necessary to identify epitopes for the most commonly found human MHC alleles. The identification of such epitopes has been based on MHC-peptide-binding assays that are costly and labor-intensive. We report here the use of two computer-based prediction algorithms, which are readily available in the public domain (Internet), to identify HL4-B7-restricted CTL epitopes for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). These algorithms identified three candidate peptides that we studied for their capacity to induce CTL responses in vitro using lymphocytes from HLA-B7+ normal blood donors. The results show that one of these peptides, CEA9(632) (IPQQHTQVL) was efficient in the induction of primary CTL responses when dendritic cells were used as antigen-presenting cells. These CTLs were efficient in killing tumor cells that express HLA-B7 and produce CEA. The identification of this HLA-B7-restricted CTL epitope will be useful for the design of ethnically unbiased, widely applicable immunotherapies for common solid epithelial tumors expressing CEA. Moreover, our strategy of identifying MHC class I-restricted CTL epitopes without the need of peptide/HLA-binding assays provides a convenient and cost-saving alternative approach to previous methods.

  10. Fíbulas de codo “tipo Huelva” en la Península Ibérica: nuevos datos y comentarios historiográficos

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    Carrasco Rus, Javier


    Full Text Available In this paper, a new find of an elbow fibula, the socalled Huelva type located in the Galicia region will be discussed. In order to carry out the study of this piece, we have analyzed other fibulae documented at Cerro de los Infantes (Pinos Puente, Granada, Spain, which make up one of the most important fibulae assemblages of the Iberian Peninsula. Several aspects, such us their typology and their chronology, as well as their relationship with other types of fibulae from the Mediterranean area, confirm the native origin of this new fibula.

    Una nueva fíbula de codo “tipo Huelva” localizada en la región gallega será nuestro objeto de discusión en este trabajo. Para su estudio, analizaremos otras piezas similares localizadas en el entorno del Cerro de los Infantes (Pinos Puente, Granada que, junto a las ya conocidas, conforman uno de los grupos fibulares más importantes de la Península Ibérica. Discutiremos su tipología y cronología, así como su relación con otros tipos similares del ámbito mediterráneo, comprobándose nuevamente su carácter autóctono.

  11. Neutralization epitopes on HIV pseudotyped with HTLV-I: Conservation of carbohydrate Epitopes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, A M; Nielsen, C; Arendrup, M


    One mechanism for expanding the cellular tropism of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in vitro is through formation of phenotypically mixed particles (pseudotypes) with human T lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I). In this study we found that pseudotypes allow penetration of HIV particles into CD4......-negative cells, previously nonsusceptible to HIV infection. The infection of CD4-negative cells with pseudotypes could be blocked with anti-HTLV-I serum but failed to be significantly inhibited with anti-HIV serum or a V3-neutralizing anti-gp120 monoclonal antibody. This may represent a possibility...... by cell-free pseudotypes in CD4-negative cells. We suggest that although viral cofactors might expand the tropism of HIV in vivo, HIV and HTLV-I seem to induce common carbohydrate neutralization epitopes....

  12. Neutralization epitopes on HIV pseudotyped with HTLV-I: conservation of carbohydrate epitopes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, A M; Nielsen, C; Arendrup, M


    One mechanism for expanding the cellular tropism of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in vitro is through formation of phenotypically mixed particles (pseudotypes) with human T lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I). In this study we found that pseudotypes allow penetration of HIV particles into CD4......-negative cells, previously nonsusceptible to HIV infection. The infection of CD4-negative cells with pseudotypes could be blocked with anti-HTLV-I serum but failed to be significantly inhibited with anti-HIV serum or a V3-neutralizing anti-gp120 monoclonal antibody. This may represent a possibility...... by cell-free pseudotypes in CD4-negative cells. We suggest that although viral cofactors might expand the tropism of HIV in vivo, HIV and HTLV-I seem to induce common carbohydrate neutralization epitopes....


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    DRA. M. Gabriela Sanzana G.


    En las “Diabetes Atípicas” (no incluidas en la clasificación ADA, se mencionan la DM tipo 2 en niños y adolescentes, favorecida por el aumento de la obesidad y del sedentarismo; la diabetes propensa a la cetosis, que debutan en cetoacidosis, con etiopatogenia y evolución de DM2; los Latent Autoinmune Diabetes of Adults (LADA, DM tipo 1 de lenta aparición y la diabetes postrasplante.

  14. Identification of an adeno-associated virus binding epitope for AVB sepharose affinity resin

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    Qiang Wang

    Full Text Available Recent successes of adeno-associated virus (AAV–based gene therapy have created a demand for large-scale AAV vector manufacturing and purification techniques for use in clinical trials and beyond. During the development of purification protocols for rh.10, hu.37, AAV8, rh.64R1, AAV3B, and AAV9 vectors, based on a widely used affinity resin, AVB sepharose (GE, we found that, under the same conditions, different serotypes have different affinities to the resin, with AAV3B binding the best and AAV9 the poorest. Further analysis revealed a surface-exposed residue (amino acid number 665 in AAV8 VP1 numbering differs between the high-affinity AAV serotypes (serine in AAV3B, rh.10, and hu.37 and the low-affinity ones (asparagine in AAV8, rh.64R1, and AAV9. The residue locates within a surface-exposed, variable epitope flanked by highly conserved residues. The substitution of the epitope in AAV8, rh.64R1, and AAV9 with the corresponding epitope of AAV3B (SPAKFA resulted in greatly increased affinity to AVB sepharose with no reduction in the vectors’ in vitro potency. The presence of the newly identified AVB-binding epitope will be useful for affinity resin selection for the purification of novel AAV serotypes. It also suggests the possibility of vector engineering to yield a universal affinity chromatography purification method for multiple AAV serotypes.

  15. La perspectiva de la minoría: estereotipos y emociones entre grupos inmigrantes

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    Isabel Cuadrado

    Full Text Available Este trabajo se centra en la perspectiva de la minoría, y analiza las evaluaciones que los tres grupos inmigrantes más representativos en España mantienen entre sí a partir de las variables contempladas en el modelo del contenido de los estereotipos (MCE. Participaron 409 inmigrantes, que evaluaron a los otros dos grupos: los inmigrantes marroquíes fueron evaluados por ecuatorianos (grupo EM, N = 66 y rumanos (RM, N = 76; los inmigrantes rumanos por ecuatorianos (ER, N = 65 y marroquíes (MR, N = 62; y los inmigrantes ecuatorianos por rumanos (RE, N = 80 y marroquíes (ME, N = 60. Todos ellos indicaron cómo percibían al grupo correspondiente en moralidad, sociabilidad y competencia, en qué grado experimentaban las emociones de admiración, desprecio, envidia y compasión, así como su percepción de estatus y competición exogrupal. Los resultados con grupos minoritarios apoyan, en general, las predicciones del MCE ya confirmadas con miembros de grupos mayoritarios. El grupo más valorado en estatus y estereotipos fue el ecuatoriano (coincidiendo con las valoraciones de la mayoría, el cual también despertaba más admiración. Los resultados se discuten abordando la aplicabilidad del MCE para analizar las relaciones entre grupos minoritarios.

  16. High-throughput epitope profiling of snake venom toxins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engmark, Mikael; Andersen, Mikael Rørdam; Laustsen, Andreas Hougaard

    Insight into the molecular details of polyclonal antivenom antibody specificity is a prerequisite for accurate prediction of cross-reactivity and can provide a basis for design of novel antivenoms. In this work, a highthroughput approach was applied to characterize linear elements in epitopes in ...... toxins from four African mamba and three neurotoxic cobra snakes obtained from public databases....

  17. Catalase epitopes vaccine design for Helicobacter pylori : A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Catalase, an important enzyme in the virulence of H. pylori, could be a suitable candidate for vaccine design because it is highly conserved, which is important for the survival of H. pylori; it is expressed in high level and it is exposed on the surface of the bacteria. In this study, we designed epitope-based vaccine for catalase ...

  18. Structural and Dynamic Insight into Hirudin Epitopes-HLA- DRB1 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    It is produced in the salivary glands of the leech Hirudo .... for epitope selection has a specific algorithm and was developed in ..... from Plasmodium falciparum pre-erythrocytic-stage antigens ... Comar M. Identification of a vaccine against.

  19. Poetry in transitional space (reflections about the Cacaso's grupo escolar A poesia passada a limbo (reflexões sobre grupo escolar de Cacaso

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    Debora Racy Soares


    Full Text Available The main purpose of this work is to think about two poems of the book Grupo Escolar (1974 by Antônio Carlos de Brito (1944-1987, known inside the Brazilian cultural universe as Cacaso. Despite being the second book by Cacaso, Grupo Escolar was the fi rst to be published independently, in the traditional editorial system, through Frenesi, a poetry collection pro Rio de Janeiro. It is interesting to realize that this book demands from the author a new poetical lettering, in agreement with the “alchemist days”. By the analysis of the poems chosen – “O futuro já chegou” and “Aquarela” – it’s possible to see how they dialogue with the production moment, in different ways. Both can be read as symptoms of a traumatic reality. Although, if in the fi rst poem we face a reference poetry based on extreme literality and on “reality excess”, in the second we face the sense mixtures modulations of allegory. Keywords: Cacaso. Grupo Escolar. 1974. O futuro já chegou. Aquarela. Dictatorship. O objetivo deste trabalho é refl etir sobre dois poemas do livro Grupo Escolar (1974, de Antônio Carlos de Brito (1944-1987, mais conhecido pelo pseudônimo Cacaso no universo cultural brasileiro. Apesar de ter sido o segundo livro de Cacaso, Grupo Escolar foi o primeiro a ser publicado de forma independente, à margem do sistema editorial tradicional, através da Frenesi, uma coleção carioca de poesia. É interessante perceber que este livro exige do autor uma nova alfabetização poética, mais condizente com os “tempos de alquimia”. Demonstraremos, por meio da análise dos poemas escolhidos – “O futuro já chegou” e “Aquarela” – como dialogam com o momento de produção, de diferentes formas. Ambos podem ser lidos como sintomas de uma realidade traumática. No entanto, se no primeiro poema estamos diante de uma poesia referencial, ancorada na literalidade extrema e no “excesso de realidade”, no segundo nos deparamos com

  20. Recombinant and epitope-based vaccines on the road to the market and implications for vaccine design and production. (United States)

    Oyarzún, Patricio; Kobe, Bostjan


    Novel vaccination approaches based on rational design of B- and T-cell epitopes - epitope-based vaccines - are making progress in the clinical trial pipeline. The epitope-focused recombinant protein-based malaria vaccine (termed RTS,S) is a next-generation approach that successfully reached phase-III trials, and will potentially become the first commercial vaccine against a human parasitic disease. Progress made on methods such as recombinant DNA technology, advanced cell-culture techniques, immunoinformatics and rational design of immunogens are driving the development of these novel concepts. Synthetic recombinant proteins comprising both B- and T-cell epitopes can be efficiently produced through modern biotechnology and bioprocessing methods, and can enable the induction of large repertoires of immune specificities. In particular, the inclusion of appropriate CD4+ T-cell epitopes is increasingly considered a key vaccine component to elicit robust immune responses, as suggested by results coming from HIV-1 clinical trials. In silico strategies for vaccine design are under active development to address genetic variation in pathogens and several broadly protective "universal" influenza and HIV-1 vaccines are currently at different stages of clinical trials. Other methods focus on improving population coverage in target populations by rationally considering specificity and prevalence of the HLA proteins, though a proof-of-concept in humans has not been demonstrated yet. Overall, we expect immunoinformatics and bioprocessing methods to become a central part of the next-generation epitope-based vaccine development and production process.

  1. Specificity Characterization of SLA Class I Molecules Binding to Swine-Origin Viral Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Epitope Peptides in Vitro

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    Caixia Gao


    Full Text Available Swine leukocyte antigen (SLA class I molecules play a crucial role in generating specific cellular immune responses against viruses and other intracellular pathogens. They mainly bind and present antigens of intracellular origin to circulating MHC I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs. Binding of an appropriate epitope to an SLA class I molecule is the single most selective event in antigen presentation and the first step in the killing of infected cells by CD8+ CTLs. Moreover, the antigen epitopes are strictly restricted to specific SLA molecules. In this study, we constructed SLA class I complexes in vitro comprising viral epitope peptides, the extracellular region of the SLA-1 molecules, and β2-microglobulin (β2m using splicing overlap extension polymerase chain reaction (SOE-PCR. The protein complexes were induced and expressed in an Escherichia coli prokaryotic expression system and subsequently purified and refolded. Specific binding of seven SLA-1 proteins to one classical swine fever virus (CSFV and four porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV epitope peptides was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA-based method. The SLA-1∗13:01, SLA-1∗11:10, and SLA-1∗11:01:02 proteins were able to bind specifically to different CTL epitopes of CSFV and PRRSV and the MHC restrictions of the five epitopes were identified. The fixed combination of Asn151Val152 residues was identified as the potentially key amino acid residues influencing the binding of viral several CTL epitope peptides to SLA-1∗13:01 and SLA-1∗04:01:01 proteins. The more flexible pocket E in the SLA-1∗13:01 protein might have fewer steric limitations and therefore be able to accommodate more residues of viral CTL epitope peptides, and may thus play a critical biochemical role in determining the peptide-binding motif of SLA-1∗13:01. Characterization of the binding specificity of peptides to SLA class I molecules provides an

  2. Una alternativa para el diseño de experimentos con grupos intactos

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    Raúl Hernández-Heredia


    Full Text Available Se ofrece una variante de la proyección del trabajo experimental con grupos docentes intactos. Sobre la base de seis grupos intactos no equivalentes, se conforma un grupo experimental y otro de control, a partir de la técnica de pareamiento grupal. El pareamiento se desarrolló tomando como punto de partida un diagnóstico inicial de tres capacidades físicas básicas de trascendencia para el entrenamiento deportivo. Como resultado se obtuvieron dos grupos equivalentes (experimental y control y se garantizó el control de variables ajenas, imprescindible para minimizar el nivel de incertidumbre en el trabajo experimental.

  3. Expression and stability of foreign epitopes introduced into 3A nonstructural protein of foot-and-mouth disease virus.

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    Pinghua Li

    Full Text Available Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV is an aphthovirus that belongs to the Picornaviridae family and causes one of the most important animal diseases worldwide. The capacity of other picornaviruses to express foreign antigens has been extensively reported, however, little is known about FMDV. To explore the potential of FMDV as a viral vector, an 11-amino-acid (aa HSV epitope and an 8 aa FLAG epitope were introduced into the C-terminal different regions of 3A protein of FMDV full-length infectious cDNA clone. Recombinant viruses expressing the HSV or FLAG epitope were successfully rescued after transfection of both modified constructs. Immunofluorescence assay, Western blot and sequence analysis showed that the recombinant viruses stably maintained the foreign epitopes even after 11 serial passages in BHK-21 cells. The 3A-tagged viruses shared similar plaque phenotypes and replication kinetics to those of the parental virus. In addition, mice experimentally infected with the epitope-tagged viruses could induce tag-specific antibodies. Our results demonstrate that FMDV can be used effectively as a viral vector for the delivery of foreign tags.

  4. Expression and Stability of Foreign Epitopes Introduced into 3A Nonstructural Protein of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (United States)

    Li, Pinghua; Bai, Xingwen; Cao, Yimei; Han, Chenghao; Lu, Zengjun; Sun, Pu; Yin, Hong; Liu, Zaixin


    Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is an aphthovirus that belongs to the Picornaviridae family and causes one of the most important animal diseases worldwide. The capacity of other picornaviruses to express foreign antigens has been extensively reported, however, little is known about FMDV. To explore the potential of FMDV as a viral vector, an 11-amino-acid (aa) HSV epitope and an 8 aa FLAG epitope were introduced into the C-terminal different regions of 3A protein of FMDV full-length infectious cDNA clone. Recombinant viruses expressing the HSV or FLAG epitope were successfully rescued after transfection of both modified constructs. Immunofluorescence assay, Western blot and sequence analysis showed that the recombinant viruses stably maintained the foreign epitopes even after 11 serial passages in BHK-21 cells. The 3A-tagged viruses shared similar plaque phenotypes and replication kinetics to those of the parental virus. In addition, mice experimentally infected with the epitope-tagged viruses could induce tag-specific antibodies. Our results demonstrate that FMDV can be used effectively as a viral vector for the delivery of foreign tags. PMID:22848509

  5. Production of mouse monoclonal antibody against Streptococcus dysgalactiae GapC protein and mapping its conserved B-cell epitope. (United States)

    Zhang, Limeng; Zhang, Hua; Fan, Ziyao; Zhou, Xue; Yu, Liquan; Sun, Hunan; Wu, Zhijun; Yu, Yongzhong; Song, Baifen; Ma, Jinzhu; Tong, Chunyu; Zhu, Zhanbo; Cui, Yudong


    Streptococcus dysgalactiae (S. dysgalactiae) GapC protein is a protective antigen that induces partial immunity against S. dysgalactiae infection in animals. To identify the conserved B-cell epitope of S. dysgalactiae GapC, a mouse monoclonal antibody 1E11 (mAb1E11) against GapC was generated and used to screen a phage-displayed 12-mer random peptide library (Ph.D.-12). Eleven positive clones recognized by mAb1E11 were identified, most of which matched the consensus motif TGFFAKK. Sequence of the motif exactly matched amino acids 97-103 of the S. dysgalactiae GapC. In addition, the epitope (97)TGFFAKK(103) showed high homology among different streptococcus species. Site-directed mutagenic analysis further confirmed that residues G98, F99, F100 and K103 formed the core of (97)TGFFAKK(103), and this core motif was the minimal determinant of the B-cell epitope recognized by the mAb1E11. Collectively, the identification of conserved B-cell epitope within S. dysgalactiae GapC highlights the possibility of developing the epitope-based vaccine. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Desempenho neuropsicológico de tipos de transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH em tarefas de atenção visual Neuropsychological performance of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD subtypes in visual attention tasks

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    Gabriel Coutinho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar o desempenho dos tipos de TDAH em tarefas de seletividade, sustentação e atenção alternada, considerando tempo médio de reação, número de erros por ação e número de erros por omissão em teste computadorizado de atenção visual (TAVIS-III. MÉTODOS: Cento e duas crianças e adolescentes de duas escolas particulares e uma escola pública da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com idades entre 6 e 17 anos com diagnóstico de TDAH, segundo DSM-IV, foram submetidas ao TAVIS-III. A separação por grupos respeitou os tipos determinados por entrevista semi-estruturada (P-CHIPS, e os resultados foram comparados levando-se em consideração o fator grupo. RESULTADOS: O tipo combinado (C revelou-se o mais comum (n = 65; 63,7%, seguido pelo predominantemente desatento (D (n = 32; 31,4%. O tipo predominantemente hiperativo-impulsivo (HI foi excluído das análises estatísticas em virtude da baixa freqüência. O desempenho do grupo C revelou-se inferior apenas em tarefa de atenção sustentada, no que tange ao número de erros por ação e tempo médio de reação (p OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of ADHD subtypes in tasks of focused, shifted and sustained attention in a visual attention test (TAVIS-III. Indexes of hit reaction time, omission errors and commission errors were considered for each task. METHODS: One hundred two children and adolescents aged from 6 to 17 years old recruited from one public and two private schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro with ADHD diagnosis, according to DSM-IV criteria, were evaluated. Three groups were created following the subtypes determined by the semi-structured interview (P-CHIPS. Group performances were compared in order to determine subtype effects. RESULTS: The combined subtype (C was the most common group (n = 65; 63.7%, followed by the inattentive subtype (I (n = 32; 31.4%. Hyperactive-impulsive (HI group was excluded from statistical analysis due to its low frequency. The performance

  7. Filogenia e filogeografia do grupo Bothrops neuwiedi (Serpentes, Squamata)


    Tais Machado


    O grupo Bothrops neuwiedi é composto por serpentes neotropicais que desempenham grande impacto na saúde pública, em decorrência de acidentes ofídicos. O grupo apresenta ampla distribuição ao longo da diagonal seca de formações abertas, desde o nordeste do Brasil até o noroeste da Argentina. A taxonomia atual, baseada principalmente em dados morfológicos qualitativos, não recupera as linhagens evolutivas apontadas pelas abordagens moleculares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o grupo B...

  8. Catarata e diabetes mellitus tipo 1


    Pizzol,Melissa Manfroi Dal; Esteves,Jorge Freita; Sccoco,Caio Augusto; Roggia,Murilo Felix; Rosa,Carolina Maurente da; Lambert,José Humberto Franco; Canani,Luís Henrique


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de catarata e seus fatores de risco em uma população portadora de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1). MÉTODOS: Estudo de casos e controles de um banco de dados de 181 pacientes (362 olhos) com diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Os pacientes foram classificados como casos quando apresentavam diagnóstico de catarata. As variáveis estudadas foram a presença ou não de retinopatia diabética, tratamento com panfotocoagulação, presença de hipertensão arterial sistêm...

  9. Production of IFN-γ and IL-4 Against Intact Catalase and Constructed Catalase Epitopes of Helicobacter pylori From T-Cells. (United States)

    Ghasemian Safaei, Hajieh; Faghri, Jamshid; Moghim, Sharareh; Nasr Esfahani, Bahram; Fazeli, Hossein; Makvandi, Manoochehr; Adib, Minoo; Rashidi, Niloufar


    Helicobacter pylori infection is highly prevalent in the developing countries. It causes gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastrocarcinoma. Treatment with drugs and antibiotics is problematic due to the following reasons: cost, resistance to antibiotics, prolonged treatment and using multiple drugs. Catalase is highly conserved among the Helicobacter species and is important to the survival of the organism. It is expressed in high amounts and is exposed to the surface of this bacterium; therefore it represents a suitable candidate vaccine antigen. A suitable approach in H. pylori vaccinology is the administration of epitope based vaccines. Therefore the responses of T-cells (IFN-γ and IL-4 production) against the catalase of H. pylori were determined. Then the quality of the immune responses against intact catalase and three epitopes of catalase were compared. In this study, a composition of three epitopes of the H. pylori catalase was selected based on Propred software. The effect of catalase epitopes on T-cells were assayed and immune responses identified. The results of IFN-γ, IL-4 production against antigens, epitopes, and recombinant catalase by T-cells were compared for better understanding of epitope efficiency. The current research demonstrated that epitope sequence stimulates cellular immune responses effectively. In addition, increased safety and potency as well as a reduction in time and cost were advantages of this method. Authors are going to use this sequence as a suitable vaccine candidate for further research on animal models and humans in future.

  10. Identification and validation of a linear protective neutralizing epitope in the β-pore domain of alpha toxin. (United States)

    Oscherwitz, Jon; Cease, Kemp B


    The plethora of virulence factors associated with Staphylococcus aureus make this bacterium an attractive candidate for a molecularly-designed epitope-focused vaccine. This approach, which necessitates the identification of neutralizing epitopes for incorporation into a vaccine construct, is being evaluated for pathogens where conventional approaches have failed to elicit protective humoral responses, like HIV-1 and malaria, but may also hold promise for pathogens like S. aureus, where the elicitation of humoral immunity against multiple virulence factors may be required for development of an effective vaccine. Among the virulence factors employed by S. aureus, animal model and epidemiological data suggest that alpha toxin, a multimeric β-pore forming toxin like protective antigen from Bacillus anthracis, is particularly critical, yet no candidate neutralizing epitopes have been delineated in alpha toxin to date. We have previously shown that a linear determinant in the 2β2-2β3 loop of the pore forming domain of B. anthracis protective antigen is a linear neutralizing epitope. Antibody against this site is highly potent for neutralizing anthrax lethal toxin in vitro and for protection of rabbits in vivo from virulent B. anthracis. We hypothesized that sequences in the β-pore of S. aureus alpha toxin that share structural and functional homology to β-pore sequences in protective antigen would contain a similarly critical neutralizing epitope. Using an in vivo mapping strategy employing peptide immunogens, an optimized in vitro toxin neutralization assay, and an in vivo dermonecrosis model, we have now confirmed the presence of this epitope in alpha toxin, termed the pore neutralizing determinant. Antibody specific for this determinant neutralizes alpha toxin in vitro, and is highly effective for mitigating dermonecrosis and bacterial growth in a mouse model of S. aureus USA300 skin infection. The delineation of this linear neutralizing determinant in alpha

  11. Identification and validation of a linear protective neutralizing epitope in the β-pore domain of alpha toxin.

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    Jon Oscherwitz

    Full Text Available The plethora of virulence factors associated with Staphylococcus aureus make this bacterium an attractive candidate for a molecularly-designed epitope-focused vaccine. This approach, which necessitates the identification of neutralizing epitopes for incorporation into a vaccine construct, is being evaluated for pathogens where conventional approaches have failed to elicit protective humoral responses, like HIV-1 and malaria, but may also hold promise for pathogens like S. aureus, where the elicitation of humoral immunity against multiple virulence factors may be required for development of an effective vaccine. Among the virulence factors employed by S. aureus, animal model and epidemiological data suggest that alpha toxin, a multimeric β-pore forming toxin like protective antigen from Bacillus anthracis, is particularly critical, yet no candidate neutralizing epitopes have been delineated in alpha toxin to date. We have previously shown that a linear determinant in the 2β2-2β3 loop of the pore forming domain of B. anthracis protective antigen is a linear neutralizing epitope. Antibody against this site is highly potent for neutralizing anthrax lethal toxin in vitro and for protection of rabbits in vivo from virulent B. anthracis. We hypothesized that sequences in the β-pore of S. aureus alpha toxin that share structural and functional homology to β-pore sequences in protective antigen would contain a similarly critical neutralizing epitope. Using an in vivo mapping strategy employing peptide immunogens, an optimized in vitro toxin neutralization assay, and an in vivo dermonecrosis model, we have now confirmed the presence of this epitope in alpha toxin, termed the pore neutralizing determinant. Antibody specific for this determinant neutralizes alpha toxin in vitro, and is highly effective for mitigating dermonecrosis and bacterial growth in a mouse model of S. aureus USA300 skin infection. The delineation of this linear neutralizing

  12. Mature Epitope Density - A strategy for target selection based on immunoinformatics and exported prokaryotic proteins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Santos, Anderson R; Pereira, Vanessa Bastos; Barbosa, Eudes


    . However, currently available tools do not account for the concentration of epitope products in the mature protein product and its relation to the reliability of target selection. RESULTS: We developed a computational strategy based on measuring the epitope's concentration in the mature protein, called...... Mature Epitope Density (MED). Our method, though simple, is capable of identifying promising vaccine targets. Our online software implementation provides a computationally light and reliable analysis of bacterial exoproteins and their potential for vaccines or diagnosis projects against pathogenic...... proteins were confirmed as related. There was no experimental evidence of antigenic or pathogenic contributions for three of the highest MED-scored Mtb proteins. Hence, these three proteins could represent novel putative vaccine and drug targets for Mtb. A web version of MED is publicly available online...



    Cyndia Mara Bezerra dos Santos


    O herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BoHV-5) é o agente de doença neurológica grave em bovinos. A utilização de vacinas recombinantes tem sido preconizada para o controle da infecção pelo BoHV-5. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar a patogenia, em bezerros, de três recombinantes do BoHV-5, com deleções nos genes da glicoproteína E (BoHV-5gEΔ), da enzima timidina quinase (BoHV-5TKΔ) ou ambos (BoHV-5gETKΔ) para uso potencial em vacinas. Para isso, quatro grupos de bezerros com...

  14. Diferencias de género en el patrón de conducta tipo a en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana

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    Ramón León


    Full Text Available El Inventario de Autoreporte de Conducta Tipo A de Blurnenthal y cols., que consta de ítemes en forma de adjetivos, fue respondido por 1145 estudiantes universitarios de ambos géneros, cuyo promedio de edad era 20 años. Los resultados ofrecen una visión singular acerca de los estereotipos que las mujeres y los hombres se asignan a sí mismos. Entre los hombres, los adjetivos guardan mayor concordancia con los estereotipos masculinos, mientras que entre las mujeres si bien predominan adjetivos femeninos, también aparecen otros masculinos, en contraposición con lo habitual en una sociedad como la peruana. La explicación más plausible es que se ha trabajado con una muestra de clase media. Las mujeres conservan algunos estereotipos femeninos, pero también asumen estereotipos masculinos.

  15. Mapping of Minimal Motifs of B-Cell Epitopes on Human Zona Pellucida Glycoprotein-3

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    Wan-Xiang Xu


    Full Text Available The human zona pellucida glycoprotein-3 (hZP3 by virtue of its critical role during fertilization has been proposed as a promising candidate antigen to develop a contraceptive vaccine. In this direction, it is imperative to map minimal motifs of the B cell epitopes (BCEs so as to avoid ZP-specific oophoritogenic T cell epitopes (TCEs in the ZP3-based immunogens. In this study, based on known results of mapping marmoset and bonnet monkey ZP3 (mstZP3 and bmZP3, two predictable epitopes23–30  and  301–320 on hZP3 were first confirmed and five minimal motifs within four epitopes on hZP3 were defined using serum to recombinant hZP3a22–176 or hZP3b177–348 as well as a biosynthetic peptide strategy. These defined minimal motifs were QPLWLL23–28 for hZP323–30, MQVTDD103–108 for hZP393–110, EENW178–181 for hZP3172–190, as well as SNSWF306–310 and EGP313–315 for hZP3301–320, respectively. Furthermore, the antigenicity of two peptides for hZP3172–187 and hZP3301–315 and specificity of the antibody response to these peptides were also evaluated, which produced high-titer antibodies in immunized animals that were capable of reacting to ZP on human oocytes, r-hZP3b177–348 protein, as well as r-hZP3172–190, r-hZP3303–310, and r-hZP3313–320 epitope peptides fused with truncated GST188 protein.

  16. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Epitope-Specific CD4+ T Cells Are Inflated in HIV+ CMV+ Subjects. (United States)

    Abana, Chike O; Pilkinton, Mark A; Gaudieri, Silvana; Chopra, Abha; McDonnell, Wyatt J; Wanjalla, Celestine; Barnett, Louise; Gangula, Rama; Hager, Cindy; Jung, Dae K; Engelhardt, Brian G; Jagasia, Madan H; Klenerman, Paul; Phillips, Elizabeth J; Koelle, David M; Kalams, Spyros A; Mallal, Simon A


    Select CMV epitopes drive life-long CD8 + T cell memory inflation, but the extent of CD4 memory inflation is poorly studied. CD4 + T cells specific for human CMV (HCMV) are elevated in HIV + HCMV + subjects. To determine whether HCMV epitope-specific CD4 + T cell memory inflation occurs during HIV infection, we used HLA-DR7 (DRB1*07:01) tetramers loaded with the glycoprotein B DYSNTHSTRYV (DYS) epitope to characterize circulating CD4 + T cells in coinfected HLA-DR7 + long-term nonprogressor HIV subjects with undetectable HCMV plasma viremia. DYS-specific CD4 + T cells were inflated among these HIV + subjects compared with those from an HIV - HCMV + HLA-DR7 + cohort or with HLA-DR7-restricted CD4 + T cells from the HIV-coinfected cohort that were specific for epitopes of HCMV phosphoprotein-65, tetanus toxoid precursor, EBV nuclear Ag 2, or HIV gag protein. Inflated DYS-specific CD4 + T cells consisted of effector memory or effector memory-RA + subsets with restricted TCRβ usage and nearly monoclonal CDR3 containing novel conserved amino acids. Expression of this near-monoclonal TCR in a Jurkat cell-transfection system validated fine DYS specificity. Inflated cells were polyfunctional, not senescent, and displayed high ex vivo levels of granzyme B, CX 3 CR1, CD38, or HLA-DR but less often coexpressed CD38 + and HLA-DR + The inflation mechanism did not involve apoptosis suppression, increased proliferation, or HIV gag cross-reactivity. Instead, the findings suggest that intermittent or chronic expression of epitopes, such as DYS, drive inflation of activated CD4 + T cells that home to endothelial cells and have the potential to mediate cytotoxicity and vascular disease. Copyright © 2017 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  17. Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Broadly-Reactive HLA Class II Restricted Epitopes Eliciting HIV-Specific CD4+T Cell Responses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buggert, M.; Norström, M.; Lundegaard, Claus


    , the functional and immunodominant discrepancies of CD4+ T cell responses targeting promiscuous MHC II restricted HIV epitopes remains poorly defined. Thus, utilization of interdisciplinary approaches might aid revealing broadly- reactive peptides eliciting CD4 + T cell responses. Methods: We utilized the novel...... bioinformatic prediction program NetMHCIIpan to select 64 optimized MHC II restricted epitopes located in the HIV Gag, Pol, Env, Nef and Tat regions. The epitopes were selected to cover the global diversity of the virus (multiple subtypes) and the human immune system(diverse MHC II types). Optimized...

  18. Obesidad y factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico en jóvenes con diabetes tipo 1 Obesity and risk factors for metabolic syndrome in young people with type 1 diabetes

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    Mariana Prieto


    Full Text Available Los cambios en la forma de presentación de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1(DM T1 en la infancia y adolescencia asociados a la obesidad, determinaron una superposición entre los dos tipos de diabetes, con mayor heterogeneidad en su presentación clínica. Con el objetivo de caracterizar el tipo de diabetes mellitus (DM, comienzo de la diabetes, independientemente de las clasificaciones disponibles y evaluar el impacto de la obesidad en la forma de presentación, se estudiaron cincuenta niños diabéticos agrupados según su condición nutricional. Se evaluó la reserva de insulina pancreática por medición de péptido C basal, índice glucemia/péptido C y en respuesta a comida mixta (MMTT, se determinó el genotipo HLA-DQB1 y los anticuerpos GADA, ICA 512, IAA y se evaluó la presencia de factores de riesgo para enfermedad metabólica como obesidad, hipertensión, diabetes y dislipidemia en el grupo familiar. El 38% de la población presentó sobrepeso/obesidad (SP/OB. Un 82% tuvo anticuerpos positivos GADA, ICA 512, IAA sin diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos, el 100% fue positivo para genotipo HLA-DQB1 de riesgo. El 84% de los familiares presentó factores de riesgo positivo para síndrome metabólico. Se dividió a la población en dos grupos (sobrepeso/obesidad vs. normopeso. No hubo diferencias en los valores de péptido C en ayunas o en el índice glucemia/péptido C entre los dos grupos El péptido C en el MMTT mostró mayor área bajo la curva (1.77 ng/ml vs. 5.5 ng/ml, p = 0.0007 y valores más altos a los 60 y 120 minutos (p: 0.02 y 0.03 en el grupo con SP/OB. En conclusión, los pacientes con diabetes tipo 1A con SP/OB tienen mayor capacidad de respuesta pancreática medida por péptido C, sugiriendo que el estado nutricional podría actuar como acelerador del comienzo clínico de la enfermedad.Changes in the clinical presentation of diabetes mellitus in childhood and adolescence associated with obesity have resulted in an

  19. Epidemiología de la infección y detección de tipos oncogenéticos del VPH por tecnología de captura de híbridos en mujeres sin aparentes factores de riesgo


    Fuente Villarreal, David de la


    Introducción: El virus del papiloma humano (VPH) pertenece al grupo de virus con tropismo por los epitelios, infecta predominantemente la piel y las membranas mucosas produciendo proliferaciones epiteliales benignas o papilomas, que bajo ciertas circunstancias (las cuales si bien aún no han sido definidas a satisfacción, se estima que se relacionan con el estado inmunológico de la paciente, su carga genética, la presencia de ciertos receptores, así como la continua infección por diversos tipo...

  20. MHC-I-restricted epitopes conserved among variola and other related orthopoxviruses are recognized by T cells 30 years after vaccination

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tang, Sheila Tuyet; Wang, M.; Lamberth, K.


    It is many years since the general population has been vaccinated against smallpox virus. Here, we report that human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I restricted T cell epitopes can be recognized more than 30 years after vaccination. Using bioinformatic methods, we predicted 177 potential cytotoxic T...... lymphocyte epitopes. Eight epitopes were confirmed to stimulate IFN-gamma release by T cells in smallpox-vaccinated subjects. The epitopes were restricted by five supertypes (HLA-A1, -A2, -A24 -A26 and -B44). Significant T cell responses were detected against 8 of 45 peptides with an HLA class I affinity...... of K(D) less than or equal to 5 nM, whereas no T cell responses were detected against 60 peptides with an HLA affinity of K(D) more than 5 nM. All epitopes were fully conserved in seven variola, vaccinia and cowpox strains. Knowledge of the long-term response to smallpox vaccination may lead...

  1. Identification and characterization of nematode specific protective epitopes of Brugia malayi TRX towards development of synthetic vaccine construct for lymphatic filariasis. (United States)

    Madhumathi, Jayaprakasam; Prince, Prabhu Rajaiah; Anugraha, Gandhirajan; Kiran, Pote; Rao, Donthamsetty Nageswara; Reddy, Maryada Venkata Rami; Kaliraj, Perumal


    Although multi-epitope vaccines have been evaluated for various diseases, they have not yet been investigated for lymphatic filariasis. Here, we report for the first time identification of two immunodominant B epitopes (TRXP1 and TRXP2) from the antioxidant Brugia malayi thioredoxin by studying their immune responses in mice model and human subjects. TRXP1 was also found to harbor a T epitope recognized by human PBMCs and mice splenocytes. Further, the epitopic peptides were synthesized as a single peptide conjugate (PC1) and their prophylactic efficacy was tested in a murine model of filariasis with L3 larvae. PC1 conferred a significantly high protection (75.14%) (P TRX (63.03%) (P < 0.018) in experimental filariasis. Our results suggest that multi-epitope vaccines could be a promising strategy in the control of lymphatic filariasis.

  2. Progreso técnico: una aproximación desde la Teoría de Grupos de Transformaciones de Lie || Technical progress: an aproach from Lie Transformation Group Theory

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    Fedriani Martel, Eugenio M.


    Full Text Available En la presente comunicación explicamos algunas de las herramientas de la Geometría Diferencial y, en concreto, de la Teoría de Lie con las que se trabaja actualmente en Economía. Se indican las condiciones que se exigen a las funciones de producción y la definición de un tipo de progreso técnico denominado de tipo Lie, consistente en exigir las tres propiedades que han de verificar los grupos de Lie. También se expone el uso del operador de Lie en interpretaciones económicas y en la cuantificación del impacto del progreso técnico. Dicho operador permite dar una respuesta a la Controversia Solow-Stigler. Por último, se indican varias aplicaciones de la Teoría de Lie en los estudios económicos, que permiten abrir futuras líneas de investigación,de las que se apuntan algunas. De este modo, nuestro objetivo principal es mostrar el uso, actual y futuro, de la Teoría de Lie en el campo de la Economía.

  3. Epitope Sequences in Dengue Virus NS1 Protein Identified by Monoclonal Antibodies

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    Leticia Barboza Rocha


    Full Text Available Dengue nonstructural protein 1 (NS1 is a multi-functional glycoprotein with essential functions both in viral replication and modulation of host innate immune responses. NS1 has been established as a good surrogate marker for infection. In the present study, we generated four anti-NS1 monoclonal antibodies against recombinant NS1 protein from dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV2, which were used to map three NS1 epitopes. The sequence 193AVHADMGYWIESALNDT209 was recognized by monoclonal antibodies 2H5 and 4H1BC, which also cross-reacted with Zika virus (ZIKV protein. On the other hand, the sequence 25VHTWTEQYKFQPES38 was recognized by mAb 4F6 that did not cross react with ZIKV. Lastly, a previously unidentified DENV2 NS1-specific epitope, represented by the sequence 127ELHNQTFLIDGPETAEC143, is described in the present study after reaction with mAb 4H2, which also did not cross react with ZIKV. The selection and characterization of the epitope, specificity of anti-NS1 mAbs, may contribute to the development of diagnostic tools able to differentiate DENV and ZIKV infections.

  4. SVMTriP: a method to predict antigenic epitopes using support vector machine to integrate tri-peptide similarity and propensity.

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    Bo Yao

    Full Text Available Identifying protein surface regions preferentially recognizable by antibodies (antigenic epitopes is at the heart of new immuno-diagnostic reagent discovery and vaccine design, and computational methods for antigenic epitope prediction provide crucial means to serve this purpose. Many linear B-cell epitope prediction methods were developed, such as BepiPred, ABCPred, AAP, BCPred, BayesB, BEOracle/BROracle, and BEST, towards this goal. However, effective immunological research demands more robust performance of the prediction method than what the current algorithms could provide. In this work, a new method to predict linear antigenic epitopes is developed; Support Vector Machine has been utilized by combining the Tri-peptide similarity and Propensity scores (SVMTriP. Applied to non-redundant B-cell linear epitopes extracted from IEDB, SVMTriP achieves a sensitivity of 80.1% and a precision of 55.2% with a five-fold cross-validation. The AUC value is 0.702. The combination of similarity and propensity of tri-peptide subsequences can improve the prediction performance for linear B-cell epitopes. Moreover, SVMTriP is capable of recognizing viral peptides from a human protein sequence background. A web server based on our method is constructed for public use. The server and all datasets used in the current study are available at

  5. Excavating the surface-associated and secretory proteome of Mycobacterium leprae for identifying vaccines and diagnostic markers relevant immunodominant epitopes. (United States)

    Rana, Aarti; Thakur, Shweta; Bhardwaj, Nupur; Kumar, Devender; Akhter, Yusuf


    For centuries, Mycobacterium leprae, etiological agent of leprosy, has been afflicting mankind regardless of extensive use of live-attenuated vaccines and antibiotics. Surface-associated and secretory proteins (SASPs) are attractive targets against bacteria. We have integrated biological knowledge with computational approaches and present a proteome-wide identification of SASPs. We also performed computational assignment of immunodominant epitopes as coordinates of prospective antigenic candidates in most important class of SASPs, the outer membrane proteins (OMPs). Exploiting the known protein sequence and structural characteristics shared by the SASPs from bacteria, 17 lipoproteins, 11 secretory and 19 novel OMPs (including 4 essential proteins) were identified in M. leprae As OMPs represent the most exposed antigens on the cell surface, their immunoinformatics analysis showed that the identified 19 OMPs harbor T-cell MHC class I epitopes and class II epitopes against HLA-DR alleles (54), while 15 OMPs present potential T-cell class II epitopes against HLA-DQ alleles (6) and 7 OMPs possess T-cell class II epitopes against HLA-DP alleles (5) of humans. Additionally, 11 M. leprae OMPs were found to have B-cell epitopes and these may be considered as prime candidates for the development of new immunotherapeutics against M. leprae. © FEMS 2016. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  6. Extra-epitopic hepatitis C virus polymorphisms confer resistance to broadly neutralizing antibodies by modulating binding to scavenger receptor B1. (United States)

    El-Diwany, Ramy; Cohen, Valerie J; Mankowski, Madeleine C; Wasilewski, Lisa N; Brady, Jillian K; Snider, Anna E; Osburn, William O; Murrell, Ben; Ray, Stuart C; Bailey, Justin R


    Broadly-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (bNAbs) may guide vaccine development for highly variable viruses including hepatitis C virus (HCV), since they target conserved viral epitopes that could serve as vaccine antigens. However, HCV resistance to bNAbs could reduce the efficacy of a vaccine. HC33.4 and AR4A are two of the most potent anti-HCV human bNAbs characterized to date, binding to highly conserved epitopes near the amino- and carboxy-terminus of HCV envelope (E2) protein, respectively. Given their distinct epitopes, it was surprising that these bNAbs showed similar neutralization profiles across a panel of natural HCV isolates, suggesting that some viral polymorphisms may confer resistance to both bNAbs. To investigate this resistance, we developed a large, diverse panel of natural HCV envelope variants and a novel computational method to identify bNAb resistance polymorphisms in envelope proteins (E1 and E2). By measuring neutralization of a panel of HCV pseudoparticles by 10 μg/mL of each bNAb, we identified E1E2 variants with resistance to one or both bNAbs, despite 100% conservation of the AR4A binding epitope across the panel. We discovered polymorphisms outside of either binding epitope that modulate resistance to both bNAbs by altering E2 binding to the HCV co-receptor, scavenger receptor B1 (SR-B1). This study is focused on a mode of neutralization escape not addressed by conventional analysis of epitope conservation, highlighting the contribution of extra-epitopic polymorphisms to bNAb resistance and presenting a novel mechanism by which HCV might persist even in the face of an antibody response targeting multiple conserved epitopes.

  7. Fatores terapêuticos em grupo de suporte na perspectiva da coordenação e dos membros do grupo Factores terapéuticos en un grupo de soporte en la perspectiva de la coordinación y de los miembros del grupo Therapeutic factors in group support from the perspective of the coordinators and group members

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    Leidiene Ferreira Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores terapêuticos presentes nas sessões de um Grupo de Apoio a Pais e Familiares de crianças hospitalizadas, na perspectiva dos participantes e da coordenação do grupo. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa descritiva, exploratória. Os dados foram obtidos por intermédio de um check list preenchido pelos familiares e pela identificação de fatores terapêuticos das coordenadoras do grupo. RESULTADOS: Os familiares indicaram a presença dos seguintes fatores terapêuticos no grupo: coesão, compartilhamento de informações, universalidade, fatores existenciais, desenvolvimento de técnicas de socialização, instilação de esperança, altruísmo, aprendizagem interpessoal e comportamento imitativo; as coordenadoras identificaram: coesão, compartilhamento de informações, universalidade e fatores existenciais. CONCLUSÃO: A identificação dos fatores terapêuticos é uma importante ferramenta que pode ser usada para avaliar se os membros estão se beneficiando de sua participação no grupo.OBJETIVO: Identificar los factores terapéuticos presentes en las sesiones de un Grupo de Apoyo a Padres y Familiares de niños hospitalizados, en la perspectiva de los participantes y de la coordinación del grupo. MÉTODOS: Investigación descriptiva, exploratoria. Los datos fueron obtenidos por medio de un check list llenando por los familiares y por la identificación de factores terapéuticos de las coordinadoras del grupo. RESULTADOS: Los familiares indicaron la presencia de los siguientes factores terapéuticos en el grupo: cohesión, intercambio de informaciones, universalidad, factores existenciales, desarrollo de técnicas de socialización, infunsión de esperanza, altruismo, aprendizaje interpersonal y comportamiento imitativo; las coordinadoras identificaron: cohesión, intercambio de informaciones, universalidad y factores existenciales. CONCLUSIÓN: La identificación de los factores terapéuticos es una herramienta

  8. Ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6: relato de caso

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    Bianca Simone Zeigelboim


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as alterações vestibulococleares observadas em um caso de ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6. O caso foi encaminhado do Hospital de Clínicas para o Laboratório de Otoneurologia de uma Instituição de Ensino e foi submetido aos seguintes procedimentos: anamnese, inspeção otológica, avaliações audiológica e vestibular. O caso retrata uma paciente com diagnóstico genético de ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6, do sexo feminino, com 57 anos de idade, que referiu desequilíbrio à marcha com tendência a queda para a esquerda, disartria e disfonia. Na avaliação audiológica apresentou configuração audiométrica descendente a partir da frequência de 4kHz e curva timpanométrica do tipo "A" com presença dos reflexos estapedianos bilateralmente. No exame vestibular observou-se na pesquisa da vertigem posicional presença de nistagmo vertical inferior e oblíquo, espontâneo e semiespontâneo múltiplo com características centrais (ausência de latência, paroxismo, fatigabilidade e vertigem, nistagmooptocinético abolido e hiporreflexia à prova calórica. Constataram-se alterações labirínticas que indicaram afecção do sistema vestibular central evidenciando-se a importância dessa avaliação. A existência da possível relação entre os achados com os sintomas vestibulares apresentados pela paciente apontou a relevância do exame labiríntico neste tipo de ataxia uma vez que a presença do nistagmo vertical inferior demonstrou ser frequente neste tipo de patologia.

  9. Abordagem do enfermeiro no grupo educativo com gestantes candidatas à laqueadura

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    Arlete de Souza Barros


    Full Text Available Enfocamos neste trabalho a abordagem do enfermeiro enquanto coordenador de grupo educativo com gestantes candidatas à laqueadura. Enfatizamos a necessidade de um referencial teórico específico para trabalharmos com grupos de pacientes. Queremos evidenciar também o papel de educador inerente ao enfermeiro e a importância da sua atuação na equipe multiprofissional da área de saúde. A metodologia do grupo educativo é suscintamente descrita, na forma de um protocolo, que apresentamos como sugestão para o desenvolvimento de atividades semelhantes.

  10. Nivel de satisfacción de un grupo de ancianos de Madrid con los cuidados enfermeros recibidos en urgencias

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    Rafael Muñoz Cruz

    Full Text Available La población actual está envejeciendo debido a que las personas cada vez son más longevas. Este hecho, unido a las pluripatologías de los ancianos y a los frecuentes casos de polimedicación, hace de este grupo de edad un grupo con características especiales. El objetivo de este artículo es conocer el nivel de satisfacción que los ancianos tienen sobre los cuidados enfermeros recibidos en un servicio de urgencias. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal sobre 200 personas mayores de 65 años que acudieron al servicio de urgencias de un hospital público, mediante un cuestionario validado al español y ya utilizado en estudios previos. La media de edad fue de 77,5 años; la valoración media de los hombres fue de 56,42 sobre 75 puntos, mientras que la de las mujeres fue de 54,9. Los ítems mejor valorados fueron los referidos a la comprensión y al conocimiento de la enfermedad por parte de la enfermera. Se puede afirmar que existen factores muy positivamente valorados, como el conocimiento de la enfermedad por parte de los profesionales y el nivel de comprensión; sin embargo, aspectos como la atención personal o el tiempo dedicado a los pacientes son aspectos que, según los ancianos, pueden ser mejorables para que el nivel de satisfacción de este tipo de pacientes sea mayor.

  11. Quantitative Analysis of the Association Angle between T-cell Receptor Vα/Vβ Domains Reveals Important Features for Epitope Recognition.

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    Thomas Hoffmann


    Full Text Available T-cell receptors (TCR play an important role in the adaptive immune system as they recognize pathogen- or cancer-based epitopes and thus initiate the cell-mediated immune response. Therefore there exists a growing interest in the optimization of TCRs for medical purposes like adoptive T-cell therapy. However, the molecular mechanisms behind T-cell signaling are still predominantly unknown. For small sets of TCRs it was observed that the angle between their Vα- and Vβ-domains, which bind the epitope, can vary and might be important for epitope recognition. Here we present a comprehensive, quantitative study of the variation in the Vα/Vβ interdomain-angle and its influence on epitope recognition, performing a systematic bioinformatics analysis based on a representative set of experimental TCR structures. For this purpose we developed a new, cuboid-based superpositioning method, which allows a unique, quantitative analysis of the Vα/Vβ-angles. Angle-based clustering led to six significantly different clusters. Analysis of these clusters revealed the unexpected result that the angle is predominantly influenced by the TCR-clonotype, whereas the bound epitope has only a minor influence. Furthermore we could identify a previously unknown center of rotation (CoR, which is shared by all TCRs. All TCR geometries can be obtained by rotation around this center, rendering it a new, common TCR feature with the potential of improving the accuracy of TCR structure prediction considerably. The importance of Vα/Vβ rotation for signaling was confirmed as we observed larger variances in the Vα/Vβ-angles in unbound TCRs compared to epitope-bound TCRs. Our results strongly support a two-step mechanism for TCR-epitope: First, preformation of a flexible TCR geometry in the unbound state and second, locking of the Vα/Vβ-angle in a TCR-type specific geometry upon epitope-MHC association, the latter being driven by rotation around the unique center of rotation.

  12. Superior control of HIV-1 replication by CD8+ T cells targeting conserved epitopes: implications for HIV vaccine design.

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    Pratima Kunwar

    Full Text Available A successful HIV vaccine will likely induce both humoral and cell-mediated immunity, however, the enormous diversity of HIV has hampered the development of a vaccine that effectively elicits both arms of the adaptive immune response. To tackle the problem of viral diversity, T cell-based vaccine approaches have focused on two main strategies (i increasing the breadth of vaccine-induced responses or (ii increasing vaccine-induced responses targeting only conserved regions of the virus. The relative extent to which set-point viremia is impacted by epitope-conservation of CD8(+ T cell responses elicited during early HIV-infection is unknown but has important implications for vaccine design. To address this question, we comprehensively mapped HIV-1 CD8(+ T cell epitope-specificities in 23 ART-naïve individuals during early infection and computed their conservation score (CS by three different methods (prevalence, entropy and conseq on clade-B and group-M sequence alignments. The majority of CD8(+ T cell responses were directed against variable epitopes (p<0.01. Interestingly, increasing breadth of CD8(+ T cell responses specifically recognizing conserved epitopes was associated with lower set-point viremia (r = - 0.65, p = 0.009. Moreover, subjects possessing CD8(+ T cells recognizing at least one conserved epitope had 1.4 log10 lower set-point viremia compared to those recognizing only variable epitopes (p = 0.021. The association between viral control and the breadth of conserved CD8(+ T cell responses may be influenced by the method of CS definition and sequences used to determine conservation levels. Strikingly, targeting variable versus conserved epitopes was independent of HLA type (p = 0.215. The associations with viral control were independent of functional avidity of CD8(+ T cell responses elicited during early infection. Taken together, these data suggest that the next-generation of T-cell based HIV-1 vaccines should focus

  13. Immune Control of Burkholderia pseudomallei––Common, High-Frequency T-Cell Responses to a Broad Repertoire of Immunoprevalent Epitopes

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    Arnone Nithichanon


    Full Text Available Burkholderia pseudomallei (Bp is an environmental bacterial pathogen that causes potentially lethal sepsis in susceptible individuals and is considered a Category B, Tier-1 biothreat agent. As such, it is crucial to gain an improved understanding of protective immunity and potential vaccine candidates. The nature of immune correlates dictating why most exposed individuals in endemic regions undergo asymptomatic seroconversion while others succumb to life-threatening sepsis is largely uncharted. Bp seroreactive, immunogenic proteins have previously been identified by antigen microarray. We here set out to conduct an analysis of T-cell recognition of the Bp immunome using serodominant antigens represented in the original antigen microarray, examining immune correlates of disease in healthy seropositive individuals and those with acute disease or in convalescence. By screening a library of 739 overlapping peptides representing the sequences of 20 different Bp antigens, we aimed to define immune correlates of protection at the level of immunoprevalent T-cell epitopes. Responses to a large number of epitopes were common in healthy seropositive individuals: we found remarkably broad responsiveness to Bp epitopes, with 235 of 739 peptides recognized by ≥80% of all tested donors. The cumulative response to Bp epitopes in healthy, seropositive, donors from this endemic region were of the order of thousands of spot forming cells per million cells, making Bp recognition a significant component of the T-cell repertoire. Noteworthy among our findings, analysis revealed 10 highly immunoprevalent T-cell epitopes, able to induce Bp-specific IFNγ responses that were high in responding T-cell frequency within the repertoire, and also common across individuals with different human leukocyte antigen types. Acute melioidosis patients showed poor T-cell responses to the immunoprevalent epitopes, but acquired responsiveness following recovery from infection. Our

  14. Microarray Glycan Profiling Reveals Algal Fucoidan Epitopes in Diverse Marine Metazoans

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    Armando A. Salmeán


    Full Text Available Despite the biological importance and pharmacological potential of glycans from marine organisms, there are many unanswered questions regarding their distribution, function, and evolution. Here we describe microarray-based glycan profiling of a diverse selection of marine animals using antibodies raised against fucoidan isolated from a brown alga. We demonstrate the presence of two fucoidan epitopes in six animals belonging to three phyla including Porifera, Molusca, and Chordata. We studied the spatial distribution of these epitopes in Cliona celata (“boring sponge” and identified their restricted localization on the surface of internal chambers. Our results show the potential of high-throughput screening and probes commonly used in plant and algal cell wall biology to study the diversity and distribution of glycan structures in metazoans.

  15. Activity budget patterns in family-group and solitary territorial male guanacos Patrones de presupuesto de actividad de guanacos machos territoriales en grupos familiares y solitarios

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    Full Text Available We observed behavioral patterns of territorial male guanacos (Lama guanicoe in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. Both solo territorial males and family-group territorial males were observed to compare the activity time budgets of males (n = 23 in different social groups and habitats. We found no difference in the activity time budgets of males based on social group type, total number of females or all guanacos present, or age of territorial males. Males, in all categories, spent most of their time foraging (65 % of overall time budget. There was a significant difference in time spent in aggressive and in miscellaneous (defecation, alertness to observer, scratching activities based on habitat type; most aggressive encounters and miscellaneous activity occurred on hilltops of areas dominated by mata barrosa shrubs (Mulinum spinosum. It is likely that territorial male guanaco behaviors are related to the resources defended rather than to any direct ability to attract potential mates.Observamos patrones de comportamiento de guanacos machos territoriales (Lama guanicoe en el Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, Chile. Comparamos el presupuesto de actividad de machos solos y en grupos familiares (n = 23 en diferentes hábitat. No encontramos diferencias en los presupuestos de actividad de machos basados en el tipo de grupo social, número total de hembras o número total de guanacos presentes, o la edad de los machos territoriales. Guanacos macho en todas las categorías asignaron alrededor de 65 % de su actividad a forrajeo. Por otra parte, detectamos una influencia del tipo de hábitat sobre el tiempo asignado a interacciones agresivas y misceláneas (defecación, vigilancia al observador, rasguñando; las interacciones agresivas y conductas misceláneas fueron más frecuentes en cimas de colinas de áreas dominadas por el arbusto mata barrosa (Mulinum spinosum. Es probable que el comportamiento de los machos territoriales del guanaco est

  16. Recognition of oxidized albumin and thyroid antigens by psoriasis autoantibodies. A possible role of reactive-oxygen-species induced epitopes in chronic plaque psoriasis

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    Hani A. Al-Shobaili


    Full Text Available Objectives: To investigate the role of reactive-oxygen-species (ROS induced epitopes on human-serum-albumin (HSA and thyroid antigens in psoriasis autoimmunity. Methods: This study was performed in the College of Medicine, Qassim University, Buraidah, Saudi Arabia between May 2014 and February 2015. The study was designed to explore the role of ROS-induced epitopes in psoriasis autoimmunity. Singlet-oxygen (or ROS-induced epitopes on protein (ROS-epitopes-albumin was characterized by in-vitro and in-vivo. Thyroid antigens were prepared from rabbit thyroid, and thyroglobulin was isolated from thyroid extract. Immunocross-reactions of protein-A purified anti-ROS-epitopes-HSA-immunoglobulin G (IgGs with thyroid antigen, thyroglobulin, and their oxidized forms were determined. Binding characteristics of autoantibodies in chronic plaque psoriasis patients (n=26 against ROS-epitopes-HSA and also with native and oxidized thyroid antigens were screened, and the results were compared with age-matched controls (n=22. Results: The anti-ROS-epitopes-HSA-IgGs showed cross-reactions with thyroid antigen, thyroglobulin and with their oxidized forms. High degree of specific binding by psoriasis IgGs to ROS-epitopes-HSA, ROS-thyroid antigen and ROS-thyroglobulin was observed. Immunoglobulin G from normal-human-controls showed negligible binding with all tested antigens. Moreover, sera from psoriasis patients had higher levels of carbonyl contents compared with control sera. Conclusion: Structural alterations in albumin, thyroid antigens by ROS, generate unique neo-epitopes that might be one of the factors for the induction of autoantibodies in psoriasis.

  17. Effects of Surface Epitope Coverage on the Sensitivity of Displacement Assays that Employ Modified Nanoparticles: Using Bisphenol A as a Model Analyte

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    Yang Lu


    Full Text Available With the ever-increasing use of nanoparticles in immunosensors, a fundamental study on the effect of epitope density is presented herein, with a small molecule epitope, on the performance of the displacement assay format in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. Thiolated bisphenol A (BPA functionalized gold nanoparticles (cysBPAv-AuNPs and specific anti-BPA antibodies are employed for this purpose. It is shown that the displacement of cysBPAv-AuNPs bound to the immobilized antibodies was influenced by both the avidity of bound cysBPAv-AuNPs and the concentration of free BPA to displace it. The importance of surface epitope density was that it changed the number of epitopes in close proximity to the antibody-binding site. This then influenced the avidity of cysBPAv-AuNPs bound to the immobilized antibody. Furthermore, the molar epitope concentration in an assay appears to affect the degree of antibody binding site saturation. Controlling surface epitope density of the functionalized nanoparticles and molar epitope concentration in an assay leads to a decrease of the concentration of free BPA required to displace the bound cysBPAv-AuNP, and hence better assay performance with regards to the D50 value and dynamic range in the displacement assay.

  18. Characterization of an Immunodominant Epitope in the Endodomain of the Coronavirus Membrane Protein

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    Hui Dong


    Full Text Available The coronavirus membrane (M protein acts as a dominant immunogen and is a major player in virus assembly. In this study, we prepared two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs; 1C3 and 4C7 directed against the transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV M protein. The 1C3 and 4C7 mAbs both reacted with the native TGEV M protein in western blotting and immunofluorescence (IFA assays. Two linear epitopes, 243YSTEART249 (1C3 and 243YSTEARTDNLSEQEKLLHMV262 (4C7, were identified in the endodomain of the TGEV M protein. The 1C3 mAb can be used for the detection of the TGEV M protein in different assays. An IFA method for the detection of TGEV M protein was optimized using mAb 1C3. Furthermore, the ability of the epitope identified in this study to stimulate antibody production was also evaluated. An immunodominant epitope in the TGEV membrane protein endodomain was identified. The results of this study have implications for further research on TGEV replication.

  19. Modelo para calculo estimación del carbono en Tipo Forestal Roble-Raulí-Coigüe en la Reserva Nacional Malleco: Chile

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    Norman Moreno Garcia


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es la selección de un modelo para estimación de carbono en Tipo Forestal Roble-Raulí y Coigüe. La recolección de datos se realizo en la Reserva Nacional Malleco. Cada sitio fue representado por un grupo de 5 parcelas (cuadradas, de lado 35m, superficie 1225m2, ubicadas en un transecto según la pendiente más fuerte. Fueron estimados los volúmenes de madera con y sin corteza de la totalidad de los individuos por medio de funciones para cada especie del tipo forestal en estudio. La cantidad de carbono almacenado a nivel de fuste de las parcelas fue estimada aplicando la función universal de carbono. En cada parcela se contabilizaron los árboles por clase diamétrico de DAP, siendo definidas las clases a partir del DAP mínimo de 3 cm y con una amplitud de 5 cm. Fueron ajustados los modelos de Spurr, Meyer, Stoate, Naslund y Schumacher-Hall. El modelo Schumacher-Hall presento el mejor ajuste de acuerdo a los indicadores estadísticos considerados, además de una mejor distribución de residuales.

  20. Seguimiento a la dinámica competitiva de dos grupos económicos colombianos

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    Carlos Rodríguez Romero


    Full Text Available Diferentes tipos de trabajos describen la importancia de la dinámica de multimercados para explicar cómo compiten las empresas que coinciden en diferentes sectores de su actividad. En este artículo se busca presentar inicialmente el cuerpo teórico que soporta la dinámica competitiva, para luego ejemplificar su aplicación en un estudio analítico que identifique las acciones competitivas, no sólo de los dos conglomerados colombianos más importantes, sino también de los individuos que se encuentran al mando de estas organizaciones. La investigación utiliza el análisis estructurado de contenido a través fuentes secundarias para identificar las acciones competitivas de las organizaciones estudiadas en el periodo de 1986-2002. De tal manera, se expondrá la lógica que utilizaron durante los últimos años esos dos grupos económicos en diversos mercados y cómo han aplicado sus estrategias competitivas, para rivalizar en sectores tan heterogéneos como la radio, la televisión, las gaseosas, las cervezas e incluso en el patrocinio de estrellas del deporte y la farándula nacional.